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Why Is The Solar System: Cosmically Aligned?

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Why is the
solar system
The solar system seems to line up
with the largest cosmic features. Is
this mere coincidence or a signpost
to deeper insights? ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ BY dragan huterer

magine visiting a Museum of Cos- a good distance away from the display to
mology, where the signature display get a better perspective, you notice the
is a giant case that contains a realistic larger structures: star clusters and galaxies,
model of the observable universe. each containing a sea of suns. Stepping
Herein lie all the stars and galaxies back farther, you start to discern a web of
we can see from Earth — the parts of the filaments in the vastness, and notice that
universe from which light has had enough clusters of galaxies lie at the intersections of
time to reach us in the 13.7 billion years the largest filaments. At this distance from
since the Big Bang. The museum curators the display, you can see patterns that extend
have done an excellent job, and the model 45 billion light-years, all the way out to the
is complete with planets, stars, and galaxies. edge of the observable universe.
As you stand in front of the display and Intrigued by this zoo of structures on
squint, you can barely discern the smallest- different scales, you walk over to the oppo-
scale features: billions of individual stars, site end of the huge Main Hall to get a
many with planets and moons. As you step sense of the big picture. And you are

38 astronomy ⁄⁄⁄ December 07

Cool lobe

Ecliptic plane

the cosmic microwave back-

ground (CMB) is a relic from the
early universe. Scientists represent
it as a complex pattern of warm
and cool spots, or “lobes,” pro-
jected onto the celestial sphere
Warm lobe around Earth. The patterns, which
reflect large-scale structures pres-
ent in the early universe, line up
with the solar system in strange
and as-yet-unexplained ways.
Astronomy: Roen Kelly; multipole map: Dragan

The CMB in cosmic history
view, we could only see galaxies that are no
First stars farther than 45 billion light-years from us.
appear Dark energy accelerates Light from the more distant objects simply
380,000 years universe’s expansion
after Big Bang has not had time to reach us yet.
To map the universe’s structure we
sters evolve
Galaxies, galaxy clu would need something like a fossil record
preserving information about conditions in
the early universe, when the seeds were
planted that grew into structures we
Big WMAP observe 13.7 billion years later.
Bang Universe expands Fortunately, we have such a fossil. It’s
called the cosmic microwave background
(CMB). Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson of
Bell Laboratories discovered it in 1965.
In the early universe, photons (particles
of light with zero mass) and protons and
electrons (particles found in atoms)
swarmed in a dense mass, like a vast num-
ber of bees trapped in a box. Around
CMB map by 380,000 years after the Big Bang, however,
Wilkinson Microwave
Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) an important transition occurred: The
expanding universe became transparent to
radiation, and the photons were free to
travel. Today we observe the CMB as a fog
of microwave photons coming at us from
all directions, filling the entire universe.
IN THE FIRST moments after the Big Bang, the universe underwent a period of rapid
expansion. About 380,000 years later, the universe expanded enough to become trans­
parent to radiation. From that time forward, particles of light (photons) traveled freely
Cosmic snapshot
throughout the cosmos. The cosmic microwave background (CMB) is a record of the
The CMB is a snapshot of the early uni-
universe’s state at that moment. As the universe expanded, stars and galaxies evolved. verse. After the Big Bang, gravity drew the
Later, large-scale structures such as galaxy clusters emerged. The Wilkinson Microwave densest regions together. These concentra-
Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) mapped the cosmic microwave background. NASA/WMAP Science Team tions of matter evolved over eons of time
into galaxies, galaxy clusters, and all the
shocked to see vast patterns within all those how could the early universe possibly have other cosmic structures we observe today.
stars and galaxies that seem to line up with “known” about the solar system’s geometry The less-dense, rarefied regions evolved
the direction of the Sun’s motion through when it developed 4.5 billion years ago? into vast expanses of cosmic emptiness,
the universe. Even stranger, some aspects of Could such a bizarre alignment have arisen filling the space between galaxies. You can
the cosmic geometry seem more flattened in the early universe, or is the answer in the see the results of gravitational collapse in
than spherical, and line up nearly perpen- solar system itself — some as-yet-unknown the night sky as a seemingly random pat-
dicular to the plane along which the planets factor that skews our observations? tern of stars and galaxies.
race around the Sun. The quest for an answer has whetted the The CMB’s temperature is nearly uni-
In reality, you would need a very special appetites of cosmologists to understand the form across the sky, measuring just 2.73
kind of vision to see the alignments cos- structure of the universe on its largest Kelvin, or 2.73° Celsius above absolute zero.
mologists have begun to find in the geo­ scales. Moreover, solving the mystery of But the CMB is not completely uniform; it
metry of the universe. Seeing them requires cosmic alignments may ultimately require contains many small patches where the
sophisticated mathematical analysis that us to revise some bedrock assumptions of background temperature is warmer or
enables us to explore the finest details of modern cosmology and what happened in cooler, varying slightly above and below
how the universe is put together. the first moments after the Big Bang. 2.73 K. These variations in the sea of radia-
Careful analyses have confirmed these tion are small, about one part in 100,000, or
alignments exist. But we don’t know A look in the microwave equivalent to the roughness of dust on a
whether they are bizarre coincidences or if With modern telescopes and sensitive billiard ball’s surface.
something more fundamental is at work. instruments, we can observe distant galax- The CMB’s rough spots, called anisotro-
The origins of the universe’s structure lie ies and clusters of galaxies, and accurately pies, reflect inhomogeneity in the early uni-
in the first moments after the Big Bang. But map their distribution. Unfortunately, it’s verse — ripples, if you will, on the surface
not possible to “zoom out” from our pres- of the vast photon sea that existed after the
Dragan Huterer is a theoretical cosmologist ent moment in time and space to observe Big Bang. Unlike stars, anisotropies in the
and a professor in the department of physics at the entire universe. Moreover, even with a CMB are extremely faint, invisible to the
the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. perfect telescope and nothing blocking our naked eye and even to most telescopes.

40 astronomy ⁄⁄⁄ December 07

In 1992, the Cosmic Background astronomers to more Mapping the CMB:
Explorer (COBE) satellite famously accurately measure the
mapped the anisotropies for the first time. abundance of dark
our evolving view
Seeing COBE’s map of the CMB, cosmolo- matter, the stuff in
gist Stephen Hawking proclaimed it “the and around galaxies The CMB mapped onto the
discovery of the millennium, if not all that we can’t see celestial sphere.
time,” precisely because COBE had detected with conventional
the seeds of all cosmic structure today. telescopes but still
Later, scientists mapped out the CMB at has gravity.
much higher resolution with another space Finally, with WMAP Penzias & Wilson
telescope, the Wilkinson Microwave we can also study dark 1965
Anisotropy Probe (WMAP). Its remarkable energy, the mysterious component
findings — first published in 2003 and still causing the universe to expand at
continually refined as WMAP continues its an ever-faster rate.
observations — have revolutionized our
understanding of the universe. The cosmic orchestra
Within each square degree of sky, Just looking at the WMAP
WMAP revealed many finer variations in picture of the universe reveals only
the CMB’s temperature. It was like switch- so much information. More valuable
ing from a handheld magnifying glass to a insights await discovery in the underlying
microscope. Cosmologists use WMAP data patterns of warm and cool spots in the COBE
to measure the distribution of anisotropies microwave map. Mathematics allows 1992
and compare it to what current theories us to break down the speckles
predict. WMAP’s observations also enable into more fundamental patterns
and probe the underlying pro-
cesses that produced the CMB’s
complexity. We do this by
describing the pattern of warm
and cool spots in terms of math-
ematical functions called multipoles.
To understand the multipoles, think of
the microwave background as a cosmic WMAP
orchestra with a large number of 2003
instruments, each playing a sim-
ple musical part. The simultane-
ous performance of all these
individual parts adds up to a
symphony. But what if you
wanted to focus on a particular
portion of the whole, like the string

section, or even a single violin?

For analyzing music, you would per-
WE OBSERVE the CMB on the sky, so it
form a Fourier analysis. When a violinist
UPON SEEING bows a string to make a high C note, the
can be mapped onto a sphere. But to
make the entire CMB visible on the page,
sound actually contains many individual
anisotropies in the subcomponents called harmonics. Each
scientists map it onto an oval. Upon its
discovery in 1965 by Arno Penzias and
cosmic microwave harmonic is a pure, wavering tone — like Robert Wilson, the CMB’s temperature
that of a tuning fork. Hypothetically, you appeared largely uniform. With the launch
background revealed could use a computer to synthesize a large of the COBE satellite, followed by WMAP, a
by COBE, cosmologist number of harmonics, add them back far more detailed picture of the CMB has
emerged. Astronomy: Roen Kelly; CMB maps: NASA/WMAP
together, and reproduce a sound similar to
Stephen Hawking that of the bowed violin string. Science Team

proclaimed it “the You could also perform a Fourier analy-

sis of the whole orchestra. It, too, can be
discovery of the represented as a sum of a large number of
pure harmonics. A computer synthesizer
millennium, if could easily reproduce a symphony or an
not all time.” opera as a complicated sum of many 41
From multipoles to WMAP
Monopole Dipole Quadrupole

TO PROBE WMAP’s temperature varia-

tions, scientists decompose them into sets
of simpler patterns called multipoles.
Combining all the multipoles reproduces
the original speckle pattern of warm and
cool regions in the microwave back-
ground radiation. Only three multipoles
are shown here, but it takes hundreds to
reproduce WMAP’s complexities. Astronomy:
Roen Kelly; multipole maps: Dragan Huterer

individual, pure harmonics. Scientists use a Multipoles, unlike musical harmonics,

similar approach to study the CMB. are somewhat hard to translate into normal
experience — except for the dipole. You
Magnificent multipoles experience a dipole while riding a motor-
Using mathematical objects called spherical cycle; your face feels cooler in the direction
harmonics, we can decompose WMAP’s of motion. Similarly, the CMB dipole pro-
complex speckle pattern into an infinite vides information about our motion
series of warm and cool regions, or lobes, through space: Much like the motorcyclist,
arranged in increasingly complex patterns the orientation of the warm and cool lobes
on a sphere. These basic patterns are called of the dipole tells us the solar system’s Strange alignments
multipoles. They have taught us a lot. direction of motion through the CMB. Soon after WMAP returned its first data,
The simplest multipole in the CMB is The orientation of the multipoles is researchers began to see odd features of the
called the monopole. It corresponds to the important, because they describe a pattern CMB multipoles. For example, Max Teg-
CMB’s average temperature, 2.73 K. of temperature variations on the observable mark and Angelica de Oliveira-Costa of the
The next-highest multipole is the dipole. universe all around us. So imagine yourself Massachusetts Institute of Technology and
It tells us the overall direction in which the looking out on the sky; you are surrounded Andrew Hamilton from the University of
CMB is cooler or warmer, and by how by a spherical surface painted with the cos- Colorado looked at individual multipoles of
much. The dipole is described by three dif- mic microwave background as measured by CMB anisotropies at large scales.
ferent modes. In each mode, the CMB tem- COBE and WMAP. The pattern can be Tegmark and de Oliveira-Costa found
perature is warmer in one hemisphere and recreated by combining the hot-and-cool the warm and cool lobes of the octopole lie
cooler in the opposite hemisphere. patterns on a series of multipoles arranged in a single plane. Furthermore, the quadru-
Next comes the quadrupole (5 modes) the right way in relation to each other. pole lies nearly in the same plane. This
and the octopole (7 modes). Each higher
multipole has modes with more complex What are multipole vectors?
combinations of warm and cool lobes. Each
multipole is associated with a number spec- Quadrupole Octopole Hexadecapole
ifying its overall contribution to the whole. Cool lobe
Warm lobe
In principle, an infinite number of mul-
tipoles are needed to describe a tempera- Vector
ture map. However, because all maps based
on actual observations and measurements
have a finite resolution, a limited number
of multipoles can fully describe a map.
For example, COBE’s map of the CMB
has an angular resolution of 7° and requires
THE TEARDROP-SHAPED lobes in these figures, called multipole vectors, represent
about 20 multipoles to describe it. In con- large-scale patterns in the CMB temperature. The vectors (little “sticks” sprouting between
trast, WMAP’s observations have a resolu- the lobes) encode information about how the warm and cool lobes are oriented in space
tion of about ¼ of a degree and require and to each other. Studies employing multipole vectors have revealed the various ways
several hundred multipoles to create a full our solar system is parallel or perpendicular to large-scale temperature patterns in the
description of its complexities. CMB and, therefore, to the biggest structures in the universe. Dragan Huterer/Craig Copi

42 astronomy ⁄⁄⁄ December 07

alignments with large-scale structures lege in London found that temperature
WMAP sky such as the Local Group of nearby anisotropies in multipoles 4 through 7 also
galaxies and the Milky Way itself. align with a particular axis close to the
CMB dipole, and to the Sun’s motion
Ecliptic oddities through space. They have humorously
Armed with multipole vectors, dubbed this odd alignment — apparently
and joined by Dominik J. the same one we found — the “axis of evil.”
Schwarz of the European Orga-
nization for Nuclear Research The elusive explanation
(CERN), we have discovered unex- Many cosmologists find the various CMB
could happen by chance only about pected patterns in the CMB. Not only alignments extremely unlikely to have
0.1 percent of the time. are the quadrupole and octopole planar, but occurred by chance. Moreover, nearly all
Around the same time, I and two other their planes are nearly perpendicular to the the alignments point to the solar system’s
physicists at Case Western Reserve Univer- ecliptic. Moreover, we found that the eclip- motion or the orientation of the ecliptic
sity, Craig Copi and Glenn D. Starkman, tic plane lies precisely between the warmest plane. Is there a deeper explanation?
developed a novel method to represent and coolest lobes of the combined quadru- Researchers have considered a variety of
CMB temperature anisotropies. Our new pole plus octopole map. possibilities. One might be some kind of
method reduced the warm and cool lobes The likelihood of these alignments hap- imperfection in WMAP’s detector that
in the multipoles to a set of “sticks” with pening by chance is less than 0.1 percent. introduces the patterns, but there’s no evi-
directions encoding the lobes’ physical Finally, the quadrupole and octopole planes dence for this. It is also possible that some
orientation in space. are also perpendicular with the CMB as-yet-undiscovered signal — a huge cloud
Multipole vectors naturally define dipole, which points to the direction of of dust in the solar system, for example —
directions and planes, making it easier to motion of the solar system. Why CMB pat- is masquerading as a cosmological CMB.
identify alignments. Developing the multi- terns are oriented to the solar system is not Another speculation is that a preferred
pole vectors allowed us to examine how the at all understood at this time. direction of the CMB arose early in the uni-
CMB’s large-scale features align with each Other researchers found similarly verse and has persisted. In each case, the
other and the ecliptic — the plane of Earth’s unlikely alignments. For example, Kate explanation either introduces more coinci-
orbit around the Sun. We also looked for Land and João Magueijo of Imperial Col- dences than it solves, or else is simply not
consistent with our knowledge of the solar
system or the universe’s structure.
Ecliptic The search for explanations is ongoing.
We also eagerly expect new data, such as
alignments Cool lobe additional temperature maps from WMAP.
In a few years, we will also have data from
the European Space Agency’s Planck satel-
lite. Like WMAP, Planck is a space tele-
Ecliptic plane scope that scans the whole sky. But Planck’s
observational technique is different from
that of WMAP and it will, therefore, pro-
vide a crucial complement and cross-check
Warm lobe to WMAP’s measurements. Finally, planned
wide-field telescope surveys at optical
wavelengths — covering large chunks of the
sky and looking at nearby galaxies and oth-
Direction of the ers billions of light-years away — might be
10° Sun’s motion able to shed light on the distribution of the
largest structures.
In the meantime, we can appreciate
WMAP’s gift to cosmology. It has provided
exciting data to test theories of the uni-
verse’s origin and evolution and posed new
conundrums that will only deepen our
appreciation for the cosmic symphony that
ODD ALIGNMENTS hide within the multipoles of the cosmic microwave background.
In this combination of the quadrupole and octopole, a plane bisects the sphere between
plays in the sky.
the largest warm and cool lobes. The ecliptic — the plane of Earth’s orbit projected onto
the celestial sphere — is aligned parallel to the plane between the lobes. In addition, the See a video about WMAP and the
WEB cosmic microwave background at
Sun’s direction of motion through the universe is only 10° from lying in the same plane. EXTRA
Astronomy: Roen Kelly; multipole map: Dragan Huterer 43

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