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Earth Sci

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- The word universe is derived

from an old French word
universe which finds its roots in
the Latin word universes which
translates to combine into one.
- space, people, energy, time, and
all the matter. However, the universe size is
continuously expanding since its birth
The universe is thought to be made (in phenomenon known as inflation).
of Edwin Hubble
3 types of substances:  He discovered the universe was
 5% normal matter ( consists not static( 1920’s)
of: stars, meteorites, planets, Milky Way
animals, humans and everything  Contains 100 billion stars.
else we can see) Observable universe
 27% dark matter  Consists 100 billion galaxies.
 68% dark energy
On March 21, 2022, scientists
The universe is believed to began confirmed that more than 5,000 planets
nearly 13.7 billion years ago with a exist beyond our solar system.
massive explosion (big bang) and after
the explosion the universe that we How did the Solar System form?
know today was born.  When a cloud of dust and gas
was disturbed by an explosion
Observable universe/ the ball shaped of a nearby star called the
region is estimated to be around 93 Supernova the star exploded
billion light years in diameter. with a Bang and its effect
travelled in waves all around.
 The waves squeezed the cloud
of dust and gas resulting in its
 All the little pieces of matter
that started out running away
from each other and got pulled
back together by gravity.
 Soon the cloud began spinning
A team of scientists in oxford estimates
at a tremendous speed. And
that our universe is at least 250 times
there it was, a beautiful Solar
larger/ 7 trillion light years across.
Nebula in the making.
 When the spinning slowed b) The sun has spots
down, the centre of the Solar c) Stars of the milky
Nebula became hotter and way(million).
denser, which was surrounded d) Moons of Jupiter: io,
by a disc of gas and dust that europa, Ganymede,
was cool at the edges. callisto.
 At the heart of the Nebula, there Isaac Newton
was a ball of Hydrogen gas  An English scientist who made
who's pressure and temperature more advanced
became quite huge and the telescope( collects more light
particles began to fuse together. using curve mirror)which is the
 There it was, a new, powerful world’s first reflecting
star coming into being (Sun) telescope.
and then there were infinite Georges Lemaitre
number of particles that began  A Belgian priest who suggested
to stick together and form the big bang theory(1920’)
clumps. Some clumps got states how the universe began
bigger and bigger, forming with a big explosion.
planets and moons. Is a large Big bang theory
cloud of gas and dust  According to this theory, about
10-20 billion years
Solar Nebula ago, extremely high pressure
and temperature caused
 Is a large cloud of gas and dust
the explosion and eventually
 from which the sun, planets, propelled the contents of
and other solar system bodies the universe that were originally
like asteroids, meteors and compressed in small
moons were formed. volume. Billion of years after,
--------------------------------------------- expansion continued very
 Sun takes up 99% of the Solar slowly.
Systems mass.  Cosmic Microwave
 The rocks that belong to Mars Background Radiation- remnant
have been found on Earth of Big Bang.
Claudius Ptolemy
 Helium and hydrogen makes
 Proposed Geocentric model
the illusion off the spikes on a
(means that the earth is the
centre of universe).
Hans Lippershey  Geo= earth. Centric= centre.
Ptolemic model
 Discovered the first telescope.
Galileo Galilei  accepted model of the universe
for more than thousand years.
 First person to discover:
a) The craters of the moon.
 The small circle where a planet Radiative zone
moves .  2nd layer 7000 000 degree
Nicolaus Copernicus Celsius 3000 000 km thickness
 Proposed Heliocentric make up the 45% of the sun.
model(sun centered). Convective zone
 Helio= sun. Centric= centre.  2000 000 km thick
Johannes Kepler  Fluid
 Polished/corrected the Cosmologists
heliocentric model(elliptical  Star people.
White dwarf
 Oldest stars.
 12 billion years.
HD 140283 Layers of the sun
 is a metal-poor sub giant star - Corona
 190 light years away from the - Radiative layer
Earth. - Solar core
- Phtospshere
Howard Bond and his team - Chromospheres
 Estimated HD 140283’s age to - Solar wind
be 14.4 billion years. Photospshere
 Consists of convection cells
EXPLORING HE SOLAR SYSTEM gives the sun its shiny
Sun appearance its temperature is
 Source of power in solar approximately 4400 degree
system, which may look solid celcius to 900%.
but is usually made of gases Chromospheres
held together by the gravity.  This layer is about 2000km
Protostar thick which is very thick part of
 Early stage in the evolution of the atmosphere of the sun that
stars. turn red as it receive heat from
Nuclear Fusion the atmosphere. Temp: 4000+
 Is a reaction by which lighter 10,000 degree celcius.
atomic nuclei fuse to form a Corona
heavier nucleus.  Sun’s halo or corona.
Temperature is 2000 000 to
STRUCTURE OF THE SUN 5000 000 celcius. It reaches
Core millions of km in space.
 Innermost layer of the sun. Sur face of the sun
 Consists of plasma 27000 000
degree Celsius.
 The surface of the sun birth in the phenomenon
sometimes has dark spots called of inflation.
Solar flare Other theories on the formation of
 An enormous explosion ins the the universe
sun’s atmoephere that is 1. Steady State Universe
capable of emitting electrical Theory- New matters is quietly but
particles to the entire solar continually appearing out of nothing
from the spaces in the galaxies.
2. Oscillating Universe
Theory- another big bang will occur
when the universe starts to run down.
Solar prominence 3. Nebular
 Large gaseous feature of the Hypothesis/Planetismal Theory- as
sun’s surface. gas swirled around, eddies of gas
caused the formation of the sun and
Process questions: planets.
1. What is universe? 4. Fission theory – bursting of the
sun sent out the planets and moons
 The word universe is derived
5. 5. Capture Theory- planets
and moons were wondering around
old French word “univers” and were captured by the sun.
which finds its root in the Latin 6. 6. Accretion Theory- small
word “universus”, which chunks of materials gradually
translates to combined into one. combined and formed Earth, then
2.What exactly the universe made more chunks formed the moon.
of? 7. Planetary Collision
 5% normal matter, 27% dark Theory- Earth collided with a small
matter and 68% dark energy. planet, producing the moon.
3. What are the objects that consists 8. Stellar Collision Theory- two
the normal matter? stars collided and formed the planets
and moons.
 Stars, meteorites, planets,
Gas Cloud Theory- gas clouds
humans, animals, and
were pulled by sun’s gravity, then
everything else we can see. formed into planets and moons.
4. When did the universe begin?
 13.7 billion years ago THE PLANETS
5. What is the spatial size of the Terrestrial planets
universe?  These are the first four planets
 93 billion light years in nearest to the sun( Mercury,
diameter and 7 trillion light
Venus, Earth, Mars)
years in across
 They are similar to planet earth.
6. Is universe static? Why?
 These planets are solid, dense,
 No because the universe
and rocky. They have a lesser
continuously expanding since
number of (or no) moons and
do not possess any rings. Earth: our planet
 only planet can support life
 Rotation: 24 hrs. on its axis
Mercury: the innermost planet  Revolution: 365.25 Earth
 Named after the Roman god of days and 6 hrs. or one year
Merchandise and Merchants  Temperature: 15 °C
 Ozone layer
 Innermost and smallest planet
 Moon revolves around Earth for
 Revolves around the sun in 88
29.5 Earth days.
Mars: the red planet
 Rotates on its axis once
every 59 days  Red planet/ Roman god of War

 Its temperature is extreme (427  2 satellites: Phobos and

°C at noontime and -173 °C Deimos named after Roman
at nighttime) god’s 2 sons
 Life is impossible  One-half of the diameter
 No seasons, no atmosphere, of Earth
no natural satellites, second  Revolution: 687 Earth days
densest planet  Rotation: 24 hrs. and 37 mins
 46 million km away when it  Temperature: -140 degrees
closest to the sun (perihelion) Celsius (poles during winter)
 70 million km away when it is and 20 degrees Celsius at its
in its farthest orbit from the sun equator during summer
(aphelion)  Atmosphere consists of 95%
Venus: earth’s twin carbon dioxide with small
 named after the Roman amount of nitrogen, oxygen,
goddess of Love and Beauty and water vapor.
 Only planet named after a  White polar caps appear
female and disappear
 Veiled  Can also support life
 Densest planet consisting of  Mariner flybys in 1960’s,
97% carbon dioxide showed no
 Its surface is high enough to vegetation and canals
melt lead  Inactive volcanoes, canyons
 Evening star and morning star (Valles Marineris), plateaus, cra
 Mass, size, and density similar ters
to Earth  Olympus Mons
 Sixth biggest planet  Rust and iron oxide
 Diameter: 12,100 km,
approximately 644 km smaller
than that of Earth
 revolution: 225 Earth days
Jovian planets
 rotation: clockwise (224 Earth
 Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and  Second largest planet
Neptune  Named after the Roman God
 Gas Giant (liquids and gases) of Agriculture who was the
 H and He Father of Jupiter
 Several natural satellites  Revolution: 29 Earth years
and planetary rings.  62 satellites with 9 of which
Jupiter: the biggest of the gas giant still to be named
 Roman God of Mythology  Titan is the largest
(largest planet) Saturn’s moon and the second
 Mass: 2.5 times greater than largest satellite in the solar
that of all the planets and other system
object in the solar system
 Saturn’s rings consists of
 Circles the sun once every 12 countless dust and ice particles
Earth years
 Christian Huygens confirmed
 Rotation: 10 hours the earlier discovery by Galilei
 Helium, hydrogen,
 The rings were designated
methane, ammonia, carbon,
from A to G. these rings were
hydrogen sulfide, and water
named based on their time of
discovery; hence, they are
 Faint, Thin ring as seen
called rings D, C, B, A, F,
by spacecraft Voyager 1 in
G, and E from innermost
its mission 1970’s
to outermost.
 The coldest part is found
in its cloudy layer (-  Their thickness is less than
1 km and their diameter is
143 degrees Celsius)
around 250 000 km.
 Middle part before reaching the
 Cassini Division is found
core (9700 degrees Celsius)
between rings A and B.
 Core 30 000 degrees Celsius
 Roche Division is situated
 Dark colored
between A and F.
belts(cool materials that sink
 Mass : 95 times more massive
and become warm) than Earth
and light colored zones (warm
 Saturn is less dense than water,
materials that rise then become which means that it can float in
cool) a body of water.
 Shrinking 2 cm every year. Uranus: the sideways planet
 Robert Hooke observed the  Named after the Greek god of
large storm located in the the sky
equator known as the Great  Called sideways planet because
Red Spot its axis is 97.77 degree tilted on its
 67 moons. side, which almost parallel to
IO, Europa, Ganymede and C the orbit.
alisto (Galilean Moons)  It has 13 rings and 27
Saturn: the planet with prominent moons around it.
 Oberon and Titania are moons are cosmic objects that are like
named after the characters of in the miniature terrestrial planets because of
plays written by William Shakespeare. their rocky and metallic composition.
 Coldest planet with -197 Comets are heavenly bodies that
degree Celsius. are composed mainly of ice, dust and a
Neptune: the windy planet little of rocky materials.
 Roman god of sea
 Windiest places in the Asteroids
solar system  Are small, which are
 2400 km/hr and are stronger usually more than 100 m
than that in any other places in diameter
 13 satellites, Triton(retrograde)  Rocky heavenly bodies that are
is the largest and the only one located between the orbits of
that is spherical while the Mars and Jupiter, in an area
remaining 12 are called asteroid belt.
irregular shape.  It was formed 4.6 billion
years ago
 Five named rings and the
 Orbit around the sun
two appear red which indication
 Estimate of at least 1 to
of the presence of organic
2 million asteroids in the solar
 Uranus and Neptune are twin
 Close approaches the Earth
planets (2013 UV3, 367943 Duende,
 same diameter, appear bluish and 2012 TC4
because of the presence of
 Most of them have
methane in their atmosphere. no gravitational force to make
 very low surface temperatures them spherical
 Rotation: 84 Earth years Comets
(Uranus) 165 Earth years Comets are celestial bodies

(Neptune) that are remnants of the
formation of the solar system
 it orbits the sun within
In 2006, IAU came up with a hundreds or thousands of years
classification of objects that are  Halley’s comet is the most
not identified as planets or moons in famous comets
the solar system.  it takes 200 years for Halley’s
These objects are categorized as comet to revolve around the sun
small solar system bodies, .
which include asteroids, comets, and
 It is debris and remnants of
meteoroids and dwarf planets.
dust from comets and asteroids.
The minor objects in the solar  Glow brightly when
their movement causes friction
system include asteroids, comets, and
meteoroids. Asteroids and meteoroids
with the atmosphere as they the outer parts of the solar
heated up. system.
 The trail formed by the
burning meteoroid in the EARTH AS SYSTEM
atmosphere is called a meteor or Planet Earth is divided into
shooting star. different spheres that interact with
 Meteor display or meteor
each other to achieve a common goal,
shower happens when Earth that is, to support life on the planet.
comes across a group of This relationship that connects
the whole of Earth is known as
meteoroids travelling alongside
the Earth System
it or in the same direction as
Spheres of the earth
 Earth, being the only planet to
 It occurs at the same time every support life, depends on its
year. four major spheres containing
 When a meteor does not different elements that
completely burn, it falls on the interact to give off the suitable
surface of Earth. The environment for every
unburned meteor that touches living organism to exist.
the surface of Earth is called a The four major spheres are the
1. hydrosphere,
 Types of Meteorites according
2. atmosphere,
to its composition:
3. geosphere,
1. iron with nickel
4. biosphere.
2. stony or chondrite
These different spheres got their names
3. stony-iron
from the Greek words that symbolize
Dwarf planets
what they are made of:
 According to the IAU dwarf
planets as objects that orbit the  hydro for water,
 atmo for air,
sun and have enough gravity
 geo for ground,
to maintain a spherical shape
 bio for life.
but not capable of clearing
smaller objects in the area of its
own orbit.  Made up of all the water
 Pluto once recognized as the found on Earth(surface, ground
ninth planet from the sun, was and in air)
reclassified as a dwarf  Rivers, lakes, streams,
planet because it was not able to oceans, ground water, polar ice
meet the definition of a true caps, glaciers, water vapor,
planet. clouds, and any form of
 Other dwarf planets include precipitation like rain and snow.
Eris, Haumea, Makemake,  96% oceans and 4%
and Ceres, the largest asteroid. glaciers, ice caps and
New horizons the first liquid freshwater
ever spacecraft built to explore Biosphere
 Made up of all the
living organisms on the planet
 Plants, animals, bacteria,
and fungi
 From the Greek word
ground, composed of rocks,
minerals, and soil on the Earth.
 Mountains, continents, ocean
floor, sand in the deserts, and
bedrock but its also includes
Earth’s interior layers.
 Lithosphere- refers to the
solid and rigid outer layer that
includes the crust and
uppermost part of the mantle.
 Asthenosphere- consists of
the solid but mobile part of the
mantle that can flow depending
on the heat deep within Earth.
 Is the body of
gas envelops Earth.
 79% nitrogen and less than
21% oxygen; the rest is carbon
dioxide and other
gaseous elements that surround

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