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Introduction to the AgileIQ™ PC Software Tools . . . . 2 Un-Commissioning a Number of Devices

in a Configured Mesh 17
How to Install the AgileIQ™ PC Tool Software
and USB Interface (Dongle) 3 How to Replace a Device in an Existing Network 17
Using the AgileIQ™ Application 3 Replacing an Existing Gateway 18
The Site Tab 3 Moving a Device in an Existing Network 18
Starting a New Project 3 Modifying an Installed Network 18
The Area Survey Tab 4 Reference Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
RF Signal Measurements 4 List of Guiding Tools and Wizards Available in AgileIQ™ 19
How to do an RF Energy Scan 4 Device Status Icons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
How to Take a Link Quality Measurement 5 Identity of (Main) Buttons Available in AgileIQ™ . . . 19
How to do a Link Survey Test for a Link Mesh Design 7 AgileIQ™ Main Button Functions 19
Measuring Wall Attenuation 7 Glossary of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Summary of Basic RF Site Survey Principles 7
System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
The Configuration Management Tab 8 Appendix A: Quick Start Guide available in AgileIQ™
Using the Configuration Management – Design Window 8 A-(i) Gateway LED Blinking Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A5
RF Barriers - Walls and Floors 10 A-(ii) Radio Device LED Blinking Scheme . . . . . . . . . . A6
Adding Links to Create a Mesh Network 11 Appendix B: Troubleshooting - Solutions to Error Messages
Using the Mesh Creation Wizard in AgileIQ™
- Mesh Management Window 11 Appendix C: Help Pages Available in AgileIQ™
Unable to Create a Network 12 1 Site tab – General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C1
Modifying a Mesh Design 12 2 Site Tab – Areas information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C2
Exporting Links 12 3 Site Tab – Configurations information . . . . . . . . . . . . C2
Saving and Locking a Mesh Network Design 13 4 Area Survey tab – Energy Scan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C3
System Commissioning and Installation . . . . . . . . . 13 5 Area Survey tab – Link Q Scan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C3
Associating a Configuration with a Gateway 13 6 Configuration Management tab – Design . . . . . . . . . C4
Pre-Commissioning and Commissioning the RF Network 13 7 Configuration Management tab – Commissioning . . C8
Saving the Project File in the Gateway 13 8 Configuration Management tab – Diagnostics . . . . . C9
Accessing Network Activity Information 15 Appendix D: Dongle (USB Interface) Firmware Upgrade
Creating a Site Report 15
Handing Over the Installation 15
The Device Direct Command Tab 16
System Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Switching Off a Gateway 17
Powering Down a System 17
Un-Commissioning a Device 17

Warning: The AgileIQ™ Software is a System Sensor proprietary

product and is covered by Copyright Law and International
Treaties. Unauthorised reproduction or distribution of this program,
or any part of it, is strictly forbidden.
©System Sensor 2017

D200-306-00 I56-3909-010


AgileIQ™ is a powerful software
  application that provides a user with The sequence of steps begins with the SITE tab screen at start-up.
all the functionality necessary to create, commission and maintain When a project is defined and site information added, two new tabs
an RF Fire Detection Network.
  Specifically designed to be used CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT and AREA SURVEY appear.
with a System Sensor 200 Series Commercial RF Fire Detection These allow the user to develop a network layout design and carry
System, the AgileIQ™ PC   software tools allow easy system design out a site RF survey. When the design is complete and ‘frozen’ two
and development, RF site surveying and commissioning, as well new sub-tabs appear in the CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT
as system maintenance  and diagnostic operation for the complete tab; namely, COMMISSIONING and DIAGNOSTICS. These allow
wireless system. the user to complete the installation of the RF system on the site
  and run checks on the running RF network.
The AgileIQ™ software runs on a Windows based PC and
communicates with the   loop powered gateway and wireless Informative HELP pages are available at each screen, providing
detector devices through an RF interface. This interface is the user with a quick and simple way to find out what the main
connected to the Laptop/PC  using a standard USB connector and buttons in that screen do and when to use them.
talks with the wireless devices using RF communication. System Requirements
The software tools present the user with a number of menu driven The minimum requirements for a PC to run AgileIQ™ are:
interactive screen options to implement and maintain an RF ●● Operating system: Windows 10; 8; 7; Vista and XP (with service
system. These include: pack 3)
●● Site information and layout planning ●● Hard disc: 32MB free
●● Site RF survey aids ●● RAM: 64MB
●● Network configuration management ●● Screen resolution: 1024x768 or greater
●● RF device programming
●● System checks and diagnostics
The software interface is designed for simplicity of operation and
ease of use especially with touch screens, typically used on tablets.
It is structured to lead the user through the basic steps necessary
to set up and operate an RF network. A series of informative guides
(‘wizards’) are available to help with specific tasks, using a step-by-
step approach with on-screen instructions.
A Quick Start Guide is provided, showing the user how the software
is organised and how to generate a basic working radio system.
D200-306-00 2 I56-3909-010
How to Install the AgileIQ™ PC Tool Software and USB AgileIQ™ buttons:
Interface (Dongle) The different buttons available in AgileIQ™ are listed and defined
Before connecting and using the USB RF interface, the correct in the Reference section at the end of this manual. Hovering over
drivers and interface software must be installed on the target PC. a button with the mouse pointer will reveal the button name for a
few seconds.
AgileIQ™ operates on a PC running Microsoft Windows 10, 8, 7,
Vista or XP. Ensure that Administrator Rights are enabled on the Left clicking with a mouse on a button activates the function. Some
user account. (If not, the install and setup processes will not work.) of the buttons are ‘hidden’ in some fields. Double (left) clicking
on an active field on the screen will reveal any additional buttons
1) Download the latest file from a allowing an extended range of options in that area. In some screen
trusted source and save it. Decompress the file. (This manual views an arrow button will enable/disable a drop-down panel,
is included in the file.) allowing access to extra functions.
2) Find the setup file (setup_agileiq_v.XXX.exe) and run it (Start Note: AgileIQ™ is intended to be tablet friendly, hence the use of
> Run > [Browse: save folder] > Open: setup_agileiq_v. large buttons and icons. Double tapping into a field or icon on a
XXX.exe). This will automatically install the application onto touch screen, or double left clicking on a mouse will perform the
the PC (the default installation folder is C:\ Program Files\Agile same operation and this is equivalent to a single right click with a
IQ_<version>). mouse. For brevity in this manual, the words click and double-
At the same time the drivers for the USB interface will be click will be synonymous with tap and double-tap, and right click
installed and an AgileIQ™ icon will be placed on the PC is not referred to.
desktop. An uninstall option is also included, should removal of - THE SITE TAB
the application be required.
Starting a New Project
3) Double left click on the AgileIQ™ application icon. It
  will ask for the USB interface (Dongle) to be connected. When the AgileIQ™ application starts up, it opens in the SITE tab
and the user must define the project to work on first. This can be a
Plug the interface into a spare USB port.
new project or a previously created and saved one.
5) Depending on the Windows version being used on the PC:
Windows XP will ask for a driver. Accept the default action; XP
  will find the driver automatically.
For Windows 10/8/7/Vista, the program starts with no other
  action required.
  Note: when the USB interface is attached, Windows may take  

  a few seconds to recognize the new hardware correctly; always   1) To generate a new project in the SITE tab, click on the Create
wait a short period (the LED on the USB interface should New Project button at the top left of the Site Information window,
change colour from amber to green) before proceeding with enter a filename and path and save the new file. Two new
any other operation.   windows are created - Site Areas and Area Configurations;
  the programme automatically creates a default Site Area and a
When the USB interface is found, the AgileIQ™ application will  
default Area Configuration. The titles can be changed/edited by
start and open a blank site information window.   double clicking on the name. The program asks if a plan image
6) At this window, it is now possible to start a new project or open   is to be saved (this can be added at any time).
  an existing one.
  2) To recall an existing project, click on the Open Saved Project
  In the unlikely event that the USB interface is not recognised button and follow the search path to the correct file, then click Open.
or requires an upgrade, see the Dongle Firmware Upgrade  
3) Use the Create New button to open and define more Site Areas
appendix later in this manual.
    or Area Configurations.
 Dongle Manager  
The Dongle Manager window allows the current USB interface
to be restarted in situ or to have its firmware upgraded if required.
Click on this button (bottom left corner of the AgileIQ™
screen) to open the Dongle Manager and click on  
    Restart Dongle.
 Note:If the PC goes into power-down or sleep mode for a period, it  
 may be necessary to restart the dongle as described above.
  4) Double click in the Notes box to open the Edit Notes/Surveyors
   window; insert or edit in a free text format. Double-click on the
 Using the AgileIQ™ Application Area Name to enable the edit/delete options and to add an
AgileIQ™ has integrated Help features to provide assistance to image to the area.
the user at any time. A Quick Start Guide is available immediately   
the application loads; it is recommended that new users read this   
short introduction to AgileIQ™ before continuing.
Click on the blue Help button with the yellow flash, at
the bottom left edge of the window to open the Quick   
  Start Guide.    

  Help pages are available for every AgileIQ™ screen    

or tab. These provide a brief pictorial description of the 5) When a Site Area is added, a new tab Area Survey appears.
  main buttons and operations available in that particular
  tab. Click on the blue Help button in the bottom corner    
  of the tab window to open the respective Help page.
D200-306-00 3 I56-3909-010
This allows RF Energy and Links Quality measurements to be this automatically from the data that is entered into AgileIQ® during
carried out (See relevant sections in this manual). the project; it is possible to include additional information, photos,
screen-shots and images into a report. At any time, the report can
A new window Area Configurations will have appeared in the be saved as a PDF or printed out in hard copy if required. The
Site tab. report information is stored for reference and review in the site
project file.
It is recommended that this report should be part of the overall
fire system document set provided at system hand-over to the end
  user for reference and future site maintenance.
6) Use the Create New button to open and specify one or more
  area configurations; an area configuration will comprise a Order of Working
network with one gateway. Again, double click on the Notes field
  There may be several factors which dictate the specific order in
to reveal the Edit button, which allows free text configuration
which the different tasks in an RF system project should be carried
  information to be added.
out. Depending on the site information that is available and how
  7) Double-click on the configuration name to enable additional the installer wishes to proceed, the next step in the process may
editing options: be either to run a check on the site’s RF characteristics or to start
a draft design. In this manual, for example, it has been set out as
  if a preliminary RF site survey will be carried out first to check on
  the suitability of an RF solution before the detailed RF layout is
attempted. In this case the user may now wish to go to the Area
Survey tab where Links Quality and RF Energy Scans can be
  However this order of working may not always be appropriate. If the
site layout and conditions are reasonably well documented, it may
be pertinent to start with the initial system design in order to plan
  See: Other Options Available in the Site Tab section below for the job and identify any critical areas that require specific checks
more details. before completing the design phase. Subsequent installation and
  commissioning work may also be carried out at different times, as
  8) When an area configuration
is added, a new tab Configuration is common in new electrical installations.
Manager appears. This enables the field and functions
    And for some installations there may be a good case for doing the
necessary to create the mesh network design.
  site survey at the same time as the system components are fitted
    and commissioned. Small projects and extensions to existing RF
systems could benefit from such a combined approach.
9) Having created a project, it is now possible to either map out a
  draft network design
  in the Configuration Management – Design - RF Signal Measurements
tab, or to take a  series of site survey measurements first, using As discussed earlier, a set of hardware equipment is available from
the tools available
in the Area Survey tab. For information on how System Sensor to help perform an RF survey. In addition to this
  to proceed, see the Order of Working section later in this manual.
  equipment, a PC Laptop or Tablet with the AgileIQ™ application
Other Options Available in the Site Tab installed will be required.
Additional function  buttons will be revealed on the screen by How to do an RF Energy Scan
the following places: The RF energy scan should be carried out on a site to identify

  ● On any of the notes
  areas enables text to be added and edited. if any frequency channels should be avoided. This RF energy
● measurement should be carried out close to where the gateway
  ● On an area name  enables the Edit, Delete and Add Area
Image buttons.  The Add Area Image button allows a plan to be will be situated and at other points around the site where the radio
  system will be operating. In particular, scans should be carried out
included as a background
to the design area (must be in JPEG
  format). Another button is available (Open CAD converter) to in the vicinity of other RF systems and where there are any link
allow CAD files to be changed to JPEGs. The following formats quality issues.
can be converted: To run the scan:
●● DWG/DXF/DWF CAD formats up to 2012 version 1) Select an area in the Site tab, then go to the Area Survey tab
●● Hewlett-Packard PLT, HPGL, HGL, HG, PRN, SPL, HPGL-2 and select RF Energy Scan; the top line of a channel table
  will be displayed. Channels to be scanned can be de-selected/
●● Scalable Vector Graphics: SVG selected by clicking on the channel number (0 – 17).
●● Computer Graphics Metafile: CGM

● On an area configuration enables the following actions to be
carried out on that configuration: Edit, Delete, Copy, Lock,
  Open the Configuration Report and Open the Images Manager.
  Open the Configuration Report gives access to the current
configuration information; the Configuration Image Manager  
allows picture files to be added, organised and deleted.
  2) Click on Create New and reference the location of the scan in
Producing a Configuration Report   the new window. All channels selected will be tested; the scan
The AgileIQ™ software has the facility to generate a complete can be stopped/aborted at any time.
configuration report containing all the information relating to the
design layout, area surveys and device configuration data. It does  

D200-306-00 4  I56-3909-010

5) Choose a suitable main channel and a suitable back-up channel
for the gateway to run at this location (refer to the following
section before doing this step).
6) Double left click on a record name to Edit or Delete the record.
Channel Selection
For a reliable, stable RF system, the following recommendations
should be implemented wherever possible when selecting the
main and back-up RF communication channels.
1) Do not use any channels that are categorised as Unsuitable in
the RF energy scan table.
2) Avoid using channels that are categorised as Marginal unless
this is unavoidable, and then preferably only use them for the
back-up channel.
3) Channel 0 is used by the RF fire System for commissioning and
diagnostics purposes. Whilst CH0 can be used in a configured
network system, it is not recommended when there is more
than one gateway operating in an area, as its use may interfere
with the commissioning and maintaining activities on the other
Note: The time allowed for each channel test can be selected systems nearby.
by the user, so if 60 seconds is chosen it will take 18 minutes 4) When using multiple gateways, ensure that the main
to complete one scan of all 18 channels. The longer the scan communication channels for the different networks are not on
time, the more likely it will be to pick up infrequent events. adjacent channel numbers. It is recommended that they are
3)  Click on the Start button
  and the RF energy scan will begin. When
separated by at least one channel to avoid any possible cross-
completed all the channels will be rated for signal suitability. The talk in the primary signalling paths. Always leave a minimum
three categories are:     of one channel between each main channel as in the example
table above. The quality of any separating channels is not
Acceptable Marginal
  important in this respect.
 An example is shown  below:   5) When communication on a primary channel is blocked, the
      RF device switches to its back-up channel to transmit and
receive messages. Therefore it is prudent to ensure that the
main channel and back-up channel frequencies are kept some
      distance apart in an attempt to avoid the effects of the blocking
      signal. It is recommended that the main channel and backup
channel for a gateway network are not less than 4 channels
apart, for example: CH1 and CH5, CH2 and CH6 etc.
6) Table 2 below shows how 8 gateway networks could be
      configured across the available channels to satisfy the above
recommendations for main to main and main to back-up
channel selection, avoiding the default channel CH0. Of course,
      there are other possible configurations that could be devised,
      and the table assumes that all channels have adequate signal
How to Take a Link Quality Measurement
A pair of RF devices (set up as a Ping-Pong pair) are used to
perform a link quality measurement. A wizard button is available
      in AgileIQ™ to help create a site Ping-Pong pair. (See the section:
Guiding ‘wizards’ available in AgileIQ™ later in this manual.)
4) Click OK and the results will be copied as a line into the Area
  Survey – RF Energy table.
For each new site survey, always use fresh batteries in the
Ping-Pong pair.
1) Place each powered device into a cup on the top of the poles
  and physically position the poles on the site at the two ends
      of the link to be measured. The poles are telescopic and the

  Channel  0   1  2  3    4  5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12  13  14  15 16 17
Default  #8  #7  #6 #5 #4 #3  #2  #1
  Default  #4   #3 #2 #1 #8 #7  #6 #5
Table 2: Typical RF Channel Configuration

  D200-306-00 5 I56-3909-010

length is adjusted and fixed by means of a locking clamp. (If
the site survey poles and accessories are not available, the
ping-pong pair can be placed conveniently close to the points
for the measurement, but the reading obtained may not be
as accurate as positioning the measuring points at the ceiling
2) Always use the Laptop/Tablet with the Dongle RF Interface
near to the device set to address #1 (a few metres).
3) Whilst devices are designed to generally be omni-directional
in performance, note any signal strength variations with
device rotation, using the markings on the detector base as a
A) Before a Design Has Been Created
4) Open the Area Survey tab and click on the Create New button;
the Link Quality record box will appear. Select the main channel
number chosen from the RF Energy measurement (described
above). Enter the From/To locations of the two nodes on the
link to be measured for future reference.

7) To accept the measurement, click OK. It is possible to add or
edit any required notes to the record; then click OK and the
record  will be added to the project Area Survey Links Quality

B) If a Design Exists
5) Click on the Survey button and then on the Start button in
  Open   the Area Survey tab. If the links have been exported
the graph window that appears. The signal strength reading is
from the design layout (See Exporting Links), the links table will
updated and displayed in the graph.  
already contain the From/To locations of the system link nodes.
  To measure one of these links, click on the Edit button to open
  the Link Quality Record box.


  5) Ensure that the main channel number chosen from the RF

Energy measurements is selected, and proceed as described
6) Double left click on a link in the link table to Edit or Delete the
  link record.
  If a design layout exists, it is also possible to carry out the Link
  Quality measurements from the Configuration Management tab
– see the section below.
6) When satisfied that the measurement is stable, Stop the
D200-306-00 6 I56-3909-010

How to do a Link Survey Test for a Linked Mesh Design Verification of the link quality can also be achieved using the
When a system design layout exists and the network links have diagnostic tool, where it is recorded in the diagnostic log. (See:
been created, some or all of the network links can be exported into Accessing Network Activity Information section.
a table in the Area Survey – Links Quality tab. There are three Measuring Wall Attenuation
different export options: The following method can be used to check and record the RF
(i) List all the Links signal attenuation caused by a wall.
(ii) List the Primary Links 1) Using a Ping-Pong pair (two un-commissioned devices, set to
(iii) List Only the Critical Links addresses #1 and #2), as used for Link Quality checks, start
The installer can choose which link export option to use, based on by recording the signal quality across an open part of a room,
the level of confidence in the overall design data. Measuring only setting up the two devices with device #2 nearest the wall to be
the (theoretical) Critical Links will represent the shortest practical checked. The dongle should be within range (a few metres) of
survey, whilst recording All the Links quality measurements will device #1. Note the orientation of device #2 (e.g. use the line
give the most thorough RF representation of the site, but will be on the device base, with respect to compass North)
much more time consuming. Note that a full mesh with 32 devices 2) To take the measurement, open the Area Survey tab and click
could have in excess of 60 links to be measured, which will require on the Create New button; the Link Quality record box will
several hours of work to complete. appear. It is not necessary to enter the From/To locations of the
It is possible to revise the Link Quality table by deleting/adding two nodes on the link.
links (double left click on a link to reveal the options to Edit or 3) Click on the Survey button and then on the Start button in
Delete), or by clearing all links from the table and then exporting a the graph window that appears. The signal strength reading is
different set to it. updated and displayed in the graph.
As discussed in an earlier section, it is possible to perform Link 4) When satisfied that the measurement is stable, Stop the
Quality measurements from the Links table. It is also possible to recording and make a note of the attenuation value.
call up the Link Quality Record box, in order to carry out Link
Quality measurements directly from the design layout diagram in  
the Configuration Management tab. This may be more helpful 5) It is not necessary   to accept the measurement – this would
when carrying out a large survey. record it in the Links Quality table; click Cancel.
Use the following method: 6) Move device #2 to the other side of the wall, ensure it is in the
same orientation as  before and take a second measurement,
1) In the Site tab, run the project file and select the area location
again noting the attenuation
to be surveyed.
7) Subtract the first attenuation
  value from the second attenuation
2) Open the Configuration Management tab to show the system
value; the result is the attenuation in signal strength resulting
design layout. The links prioritised for measurement will be  
from the wall.
identified in the design diagram, depending on which link export
8) This figure can be used for the wall attenuation in the design
option has been accepted for the link table.
simulation and should
  be entered into the Edit Wall information
3) Double click on a link in the diagram to open the Link Quality
box as a Custom value.
Record box.  
Producing a Survey Report
4) Physically position the poles with the ping-pong pair positioned  
at the two ends of the link to be measured. The AgileIQ™ software has the facility to generate a complete
configuration report containing all the information relating to the
5) Use the Laptop/Tablet with the USB interface connected close
design layout, area surveys
  and device configuration data. The
to the device set to address #1. Click on the Survey button and
report is generated automatically and exported to a PDF or printed
then on the Start button in the graph window that appears.  
out in hard copy if required. (See Creating a Site Report section of
6) When satisfied that the reading is stable, Stop the recording. this manual.)  
7) To accept the measurement click OK. It is possible to add or Summary of Basic RF  Site Survey Principles
edit any notes to the record; then click OK and the record will
1) Site diagram: Obtain
  or create a facility diagram or floor plan
be added to the Area Survey – Links Quality table.
drawing that depicts the location of walls, walkways, etc.
8) Continue with the measurements for all the links identified  
2) Visual inspection: Walk through the facility to verify the
in the layout. At the end, the Area Survey – Links Quality  
accuracy of the facility diagram. Add any potential barriers that
table will have all the RF signal strength values (RSSI) filled
may affect the propagation
  of RF signals such as metal racks,
in and the link quality indicated as Acceptable, Marginal or
water tanks, cabinets and partitions, items that are not shown
Unsuitable. It is recommended that, for a reliable RF system,  
on the floor plan.
all the primary links should be in the Acceptable category.
Reconsider the design if this is not the case, or revise if any of 3) Device positions: Determine the preliminary location of devices;
the links (primary or secondary) are Unsuitable. be certain to consider
  mounting options. Make sure all doors
and windows etc are closed when the survey measurements
IMPORTANT NOTE: To comply with EN54:25 requirements for
are taken.
the effects of site attenuation, it is necessary for each link in the
network to be set-up with an adequate signal strength (RSSI 4) Verify RF link quality: Take note of signal readings at the
value). The link quality measurement tool in AgileIQ™ is designed different device locations, moving through the site. (In a multi-
to provide the required signal strength margins for compliance. level facility, perform signal checks on the floors above and
  the Acceptable and  Marginal quality measurements provide
Both below.) Note any signal strength variations with device rotation.
adequate allowance for possible local attenuation on a link. Never Based on the results of the testing, it may be necessary to
use  a link when the quality has been assessed  as Unsuitable. relocate some devices and redo any affected tests. Where
appropriate, introduce an additional device or a repeater to
Acceptable Marginal
  form a bridge between two locations with a weak link. Never
D200-306-00 7 I56-3909-010


use a link that has been categorised by AgileIQ™ as having Adding a Scale to the Plan
Unsuitable quality. A ruler tool is provided to calibrate the planning area in metres.
5) Document the findings: Once satisfied that the planned location A scale must be added to the plan before mesh attenuation
of devices will have adequate link quality, identify them clearly calculations can be performed.
on the facility diagrams and add all relevant notes to the project;
the installers will need this information. Also, provide a log of
signal readings for reference and as support for any future 1) In the Configuration Management – Design
network additions or redesign. (See: Creating a Site Report tab, click on the scale (Set metric reference)
section.) button.

Recording Site Information  

2) With the scale button highlighted, click on the plan at the
1) In the Site tab, create a new project window, as described in   start of a known dimension, then click at the other end of the
the section: Starting a New Project. Alternatively, open a saved   dimension. A measurement box will appear and a value in
project with the Open Saved button.  
metres between 1 and 100 can be typed in; click OK to accept.
2) When the area location and area configuration are defined, a A dimensioned scale line will appear on the plan.
new tab: Configuration Management appears. The system  
layout and design work for the mesh network will be done in
this tab.
Using the Configuration Management – Design Window
Click on the Configuration Management tab to enter the Design
How to Include a Site Plan?
As a default, the planning area shown in the right hand pane of the
Configuration Manager – Design tab is clear of any background.
To help with the design layout, a square grid can be added as a
background or a plan of the site can be included.
Including grid lines is a standard option in the design area window;
see the section More Design Area Options below.
In addition, or as an alternative, a more detailed site area drawing
can be included as an image. This image can be used to place
the RF devices at the desired locations in the site as the area
configuration network is developed. The site plan image must be
in JPEG format.
To add a site area plan into the design area:  
1) Open the Site tab and double-click on the relevant Site Areas   3) Delete the ruler with the delete button or re-calibrate the plan
name; a new menu of options will appear: by clicking on the scale button and inserting a new ruler; the old
2) Click on Choose Image for the Area one will be overwritten and disappear.
and a Windows search box will appear.  
Positioning and Moving Devices
Select the required JPEG image file and  
click OPEN. The plan will be displayed Using a grid or an area plan diagram, RF sensors and devices can
in the layout area of the Configuration   be positioned in a network according to site requirements and local
Management – Design tab. A zoom in/ fire regulations.
out slider is available (bottom right of the Note that the AgileIQ™ software uses a left click on a mouse
screen) to change the size of the view.    
(or a single tap on a touch screen) to select a device and a
second click to position or move the device. It does not use a
Drag-and-Drop technique.

  The gateway for the area location always

  appears at the top left of the Configuration
  Management – Design diagram by default.

1) Move the gateway to its proposed position,
  where it will be connected with the analogue
loop. Left click on the Move arrow in the LH
pane, left click on the centre of the gateway
  symbol and then left click the point where it
    should be relocated.
D200-306-00 8   I56-3909-010
2) A range of RF devices are available for accomplish this by recommending the device to be used as the
selection; they are shown in groups of four backup node.
at the top of the LH pane of the Configuration The backup node must have a direct (primary) link, with suitable
Management – Design tab. An arrow button signal strength, to the gateway.
scrolls through to other device types. A count
of the number of devices in a configuration is 1) Open the device information window for the device to be
  shown, up to the maximum of 33. recommended as backup node (see point 7 above).
  2) Type * as the first characters in the Location Field. The mesh
  generation wizard will try to use this device as the backup
3) Left click on the required icon in the LH pane and then left click node, if possible. (Note: this feature tends to work best in the
at a point in the layout; the device will appear. mesh Optimise Battery option; see Using the Mesh Creation

4) With the device icon highlighted, continue to click where new Wizard section.)
devices are required. More Design Area Options.

5) To change the device selection, click on a new icon. There are several sets of options available in the Configuration
  6) To deselect a button, click in the grey area of the LH pane Management – Design tab. Two of these can be revealed by the
  outside the buttons (or use the ESC key). two up-arrow buttons at the bottom left side of the screen.
  7) To delete a device, select the Delete button and Additional Design Icons
  click on the centre of the unwanted device. The left most button, at the bottom of the device
  icon pane, will enable the additional icons: Add
  8) To move a device, highlight the Move arrow in the Floors, Add Primary Links, Add Secondary
LH pane, click on the centre of the device to be Links and Focus on Links at a specific node.
  moved and then left click at a point in the layout to The arrow button will toggle in operation,
   reposition the device; the device will move to this   providing a reveal/hide facility.
new position. The specific actions performed by these extra icon options are:

   9) Double click in the centre of the device to open a window to edit  
Add Floors: different floor levels can be incorporated into the
the device information:  layout of a location if required. See RF Barriers – Walls and Floors
   section for instructions on using this option.
Add Primary or Secondary Links: provides a manual method
  to add links between nodes. Click on the icon, and then click on a
  start and an end node to add a directional link.
Focus on Links: by clicking on this icon, then clicking on a node, it
   is possible to view only the links to that node in the design window.
   Clicking a second time on the node will restore visibility of all the
  Show/Hide Options
  The second up-arrow at the bottom left of the design area window
  will enable the following additional options: Show Walls, Auto
  Align Walls, Enable Distance Meter, Show Survey Links
Quality, Show Device Information, Show Picture, Show
Configuration Links, Show Grid. The arrow button will toggle in
operation, providing a reveal/hide facility:

Ensure  that the device addresses are correct according to the

panel requirements
  and that the information associated with
each device is inserted as necessary.
The position of these information panels can be changed
(from within the device information window) or the panels can
be hidden (See: Other Options available in the Configuration
  Tab section).
Defining the
  Back-up Node
As discussed  in the RF Basics section, a special node is required  
in the mesh to take over the network synchronisation role should The specific actions performed by these extra functions are:
the gateway be powered off. The mesh creation wizard defines this Show Walls: set as default, un-ticking this box will hide all added
device in the network, but the designer can suggest a preference walls in the  layout.
for its position.
Auto Align  Walls: set as default, when walls are added to a layout
When making alterations on site to an installed mesh network, it they will align
  with the layout outline.
is useful to be able to gain access to the gateway and backup
Enable Distance
  Meter: allows a distance measurement to be
node. Therefore it is worth ensuring that both the gateway and
made in the Design window; can only be used when a ruler scale
the backup node are physically easy to reach. The designer can  
has been added. When the box is ticked, the cursor can be used to
D200-306-00 9 I56-3909-010

define two points and the distance between them is displayed. This floors are considered side by side in the plan diagram, either
measurement will disappear from the screen on the next action. on a simple grid or an imported JPEG drawing. Be sure to have
Show Survey Links Quality: set as default, un-ticking this box will provided a 2D layout with all the relevant floors shown in the JPEG
hide all the link information in the layout that is listed in the Links image used. A floor outline must be a rectangular shape.
Survey table. Adding Walls
Show Device Information: set as default, un-ticking this box will To insert a wall:
hide all the device information in the layout.
Show Picture: set as default, un-ticking this box will hide the plan 1) Click on the Add wall icon.
image in the layout.  

Show Configuration Links: set as default, un-ticking this box will Left click where the wall will start and then click again where the
hide the links and links information in the layout, (links exported   wall will finish. A numbered wall will be inserted on the diagram.
into the Link Quality table will remain shown as dotted lines).  3) Double left click on the wall and the Wall Edit screen will
Show Grid: ticking this box will add a grid to the layout diagram.   appear.
Mesh Wizard, Link and Lock options  

To access the Mesh Wizard and associated options, double-  

click in a clear area of the layout diagram in the Configuration  
Management – Design tab; a new set of options will appear
on the screen. These are the Mesh Generator Tool, Clear All
Configuration Links, Survey Links Generator Tool, Lock  

Configuration, Edit Map and Add Current Screen to Images.  

4) Change the material type as required, this will automatically set
the attenuation
5) Insert any  notes relating to the wall as appropriate.
Consider  how to handle door openings in the design. In normal
  use doors  will probably be shut, so a simple starting point
The Mesh Generator
  Tool is a powerful tool that will automatically would be  to make them part of the wall.
create (when possible)
an optimised mesh network for a given 6) It is possible
  to set the wall attenuation to ‘infinite’ to simulate the
layout of devices. effects of   metal walls, metal racking and large water tanks etc.
The Clear All Configuration Links option will do just that – 7) Add further
  walls to the layout as necessary.
remove all the  links from the network layout. (Individual links can
Adding Floors 
be removed using  the Erase button.) Note that any links that have
been exported   to the Survey Link table are not deleted from the 1) To add an  extra floor, first reveal the Floor icon by clicking on
table; that has to be done separately. the arrow  at the bottom of the device icon pane.
The Survey Links Generator Tool provides the option to export 2) Select the Floor icon.
links to the Area Survey – Links Quality table. The user can choose  
what links are included in the list (All Links, Only Primary Links  
or Only Critical  Links) and put them into the links data table. This  3) Left click on one corner of the floor and then click on the floor
table is where links quality survey data will be saved.  
corner diagonally opposite. A box appears which represents
the floor area. Define additional floors in the same way.
When a network
design is complete, this is confirmed using the  

Lock Configuration option.  

The Edit Map option is used to change the brightness of the plan  
The Add Current Screen to Images option will take a snapshot  
of the network  design as it appears on the screen (with links,  
information etc.)
  and add it to the project report.
 4) When a floor
  is created, a small blue cross is shown positioned
RF Barriers - Walls
  and Floors at the top left corner of each floor. The blue cross represents a
reference  point to align the floors, one above the other. It can
It is possible to draw solid entities such as walls and floors onto
the design diagram. The wall and floor icons are available in the
  be moved  around the floor box as required by highlighting the
left pane of the Configuration Management – Design tab (click   Move icon, selecting the blue cross and clicking on its new
on the arrow button at the bottom of the device icon pane to reveal  
the floor icon).   Although the  rectangles do not move on the plan, the floors
Walls are drawn as straight sections and different wall materials  
are aligned  
and related to one another by the blue crosses.
can be selected. They are considered to be vertically above one another in the
diagram. Position
  the cross on other floors to define the correct
Normally, separate floors would be handled as different locations   vertical alignment between all floors.
within a site area. However different floor levels can be incorporated  
into the layout of a single location if required. To achieve this, the
  By default the floors are numbered as they are created, starting
  at 0, this   must be the lowest floor. Subsequent floors are
D200-306-00 10   I56-3909-010

numbered 1, 2 etc. The increasing number indicates a higher 5) To view links associated with a specific device use the Show
floor. The floor numbering can be changed manually, but the Device Links Only button. Highlight this button then click on
lowest floor is always 0, and the numbers must be contiguous the centre of required device in the layout diagram. Only the
upwards. specific device links will be shown. To return all links, click on
5) The default value for floor/ceiling height is 3m and the default the device again.
floor attenuation is set at 9dB. Changing floor information is 6) To delete a link, select the Delete button and click on
achieved by double left clicking on the small blue cross to the line of the unwanted link in the layout diagram.
open the Edit Floor Information window; make the necessary  

alterations and close the window. Completing

  a design
  finalise a design it has to be locked. At this point the AgileIQ™
Note: When positioning RF devices in a layout with floors, all
tool will check the authenticity of the hand-crafted design. If the
the RF devices must be placed within the floor outline, indicated  
layout satisfies all the mesh protocol criteria in terms of hierarchy
by the blue rectangle.  
and timings, and there are no duplicate addresses, the AgileIQ™
6) Floors and walls are considered as part of the layout picture software
  will continue and lock the file. (See Saving and Locking
and can be hidden, along with any JPEG image, by un-ticking a
  Mesh Network)
the Show Picture check box.   the mesh design is unacceptable, then the message Invalid
When all the devices have been positioned in the network and configuration
  layout appears and the file will not lock. In this case
relevant site characteristics (walls, floors etc.) have been added, the
  layout will have to be revised, paying attention to the mesh
the mesh links can be added. rules
and the Network Hierarchy description in the RF Basics
Other Options Available in the Configuration Management – section of this manual. Alternatively, delete all the links and use
Design Tab the Mesh Creation Wizard described below. (Be sure to delete any
exported links from the Links Quality table as well, see Exporting
Device information Links
Double clicking on a device will open its information window, which  
Link Quality Recording
Double clicking on a link will open the Link Quality Record window The AgileIQ™ software tool contains an adaptive mesh generation
for any link recorded in the Link Quality table. The link information algorithm
  (Wizard) to simplify the creation of an RF network. In
can be edited or updated and a new link quality measurement can order
  to generate a network, the Mesh Creation Wizard uses
be done directly from this screen. Use the Survey Tool button to go information
about the site, distances, wall types, floor thicknesses
directly to the measurement window, or the Survey Wizard button etc. to estimate signal attenuations and develop a suitable mesh
for step-by-step instructions. layout. The algorithm can be set by the user to optimize the mesh
calculations towards either lowest power consumption or best
If the link has not been exported to the Link Quality table, double communications
clicking on it will present the message Do you want to create a
survey record? Selecting Yes will create a new record window; use
1) To run the Mesh Creation Wizard, double-click in the area of the
the Survey Tool button to go to the measurement window, or the layout diagram in the Configuration Management – Design
Survey Wizard button for step-by-step instructions. tab, a new set of options will appear.

Remember, never use a link that has been categorised by AgileIQ™ 2) Click on the Mesh Generation Tool and the Mesh Management
as having Unsuitable quality. window appears:

Hiding Device Information

Design information on the screen can become cluttered. Use the
Device Edit window to move the positions of the device information,
or turn the device information display off by un-ticking the Show
Device Information box; see also More Design Area Options
Adding Links to Create a Mesh Network
Linking devices to create a mesh can be done manually or by using
the Mesh Creation Wizard (recommended - see next section). To
do it manually:
1) Read the section The Concept of Mesh Hierarchy in the RF
Basics chapter to understand how the links in the network must 3) Select the required optimization criterion (links reliability or
be organised.  battery consumption; see below for details) and click on the
GENERATE MESH button. The wizard will compute the best
possible theoretical mesh network for the data provided and
2) Reveal a new set of function buttons by  display the result on the layout diagram.
clicking on the arrow button at the bottom of
the Device Icon pane. Optimization
There are two primary optimization settings to bias the mesh
  generating algorithm towards the user’s preference.
 3) Choose the type of link by highlighting the primary (#1- Blue) or Optimize for Battery Consumption: Choosing a mesh with
  secondary (#2 - Pink) link button. optimum battery consumption will bias the algorithm towards a
 4) Click on the device in the layout to link from and then click on star type network, where the links are likely to be longer than with
  the device to link to; the link between the two nodes will be the links reliability optimization. Chain links are only used when
created with a directional arrow. a single link’s quality would be marginal with respect to the site
11 I56-3909-010

design data. A network topology based predominantly on a star Unable to Create a Network
configuration will have the lowest battery consumption overall. Based on the data provided in the layout diagram and the Mesh
Optimize for Links Reliability: Choosing the links reliability Management table, the mesh wizard tries to find a suitable set of
option causes the algorithm to propose a network where robust links to create a reliable RF network. If it is unable to do so, the
communications is paramount. The network integrity is enhanced Not possible to create a mesh message appears, together with
by using short links whenever possible, tending to create a mainly possible reasons for the problem, where relevant.
chain type topology. Beginning with a simulation of a ‘noisy’ Based on the problem(s) reported the design layout and/or RF
environment, it tries to make a mesh. If no reliable mesh is found, criteria will need amending to realise an acceptable system.
the algorithm continues to reduce the background noise and tries Possible alterations or variations that may be effective in finding a
again until it finds the first acceptable mesh within the site design suitable network include:
data. This should have the most robust link communication.
●● Move the gateway to provide wider connectivity with RF devices
Other Options Available in the Mesh Management Window
●● Re-arrange RF devices to minimise link lengths
There are additional advanced mesh generation features available
to experienced users to vary and constrain the design conditions ●● Allow longer links or repeaters to be used
further. In the Mesh Management window these additional options ●● Add a repeater (or another RF device) to a marginal or poor link
can be found by clicking on the Down Arrow on the right-hand
●● Consider if the wall attenuation is set too high and can be reduced
side. A drop down menu allows the choice of a number of different
scenarios: How to Resolve a Poor Link Quality in General
If possible, re-position RF devices to improve the line-of-sight
between two linked devices which have a poor link signal. If this is
not possible consider the use of a repeater.
How to Resolve a Poor Link Quality in a Long Corridor
To enable a resilient RF system the mesh is designed to have
multiple communication paths back to the gateway. Each device
must have at least two links to other devices. In a long corridor this
is sometimes difficult to achieve and some long links may suffer
from poor signal strength. The solution may be to include one or
more repeaters (or extra devices) in the corridor.
How to Resolve a Poor Link Quality Through Walls
Walls can significantly reduce RF signal strength and hence the
link quality between nodes. If the link quality through a wall is poor,
the solution may be to include one or two repeaters on either or
both sides of the wall between the nodes in question. (See also
Measuring Wall Attenuation.)
In all these examples, any RF device could be substituted to act
as a repeater.
Modifying a Mesh Design
To change a design after a mesh has been generated (to add,
move or delete a device, for example) it is necessary to delete
These can be enabled/disabled using the tick boxes. all the links and recreate the mesh. Consider making a copy of
the design before deleting the mesh links permanently. (See Other
Quick Search: – speeds up the mesh generation process by
Options Available in the Site Tab section.)
the ‘tries’. Useful with large networks or when many walls are
present, but may not create a network or find the best optimization. To remove the links, see: Other Options Available in the
  Configuration Management Tab section. Make any changes
Maintain Existing Primary Links: – this will keep all manually
to the layout as required. When complete, return to the Mesh
entered links if possible.
Management window, set the optimisation and link constraints as
Give Priority to a Design Without Repeaters: – the wizard tries necessary, and click the GENERATE MESH button to create a
not to add repeaters. new mesh.
Allow Chain with Critical/Longer Links: – this will let the wizard Exporting links
create a chain even if one or more links might appear marginal or
When a suitable mesh network has been created, it is possible to
record the link information in a link table in the Area Survey tab.
Walls Attenuation Correction: – this allows the current wall This is useful to check predicted RF power against known data, or
attenuations to be varied by a correction factor for design to form the basis of a site survey.
modification and stress testing. All walls are subject to the same
Use the Links Generator Tool to transfer links data from the
correction factor. A positive factor will shorten acceptable links; a
mesh diagram to the Link Quality table in the Area Survey tab.
negative factor will lengthen them. Using the Auto setting when
(see: Other Options Available in the Configuration Management
a negative attenuation correction factor has been set enables a
Tab section). There are three transfer options available: Export
series of progressive tests at -1dB intervals to be performed, up to
All Links, Export Primary Links Only or Export Critical Links
the actual value set. This is useful to find the smallest attenuation
Only. The choice will depend on what use the designer intends to
change that will give an acceptable mesh design.
make of the information in the table.
Store in Report: - clicking on this button shows the Mesh
Management settings; clicking OK will save the settings in the
project report.
D200-306-00 12 I56-3909-010
Never commission more than one gateway at a time in an area.
Do not run the site survey tool in the area while commissioning
is in progress.
Associating a Configuration with a Gateway
At commissioning time the network data is downloaded into the
  gateway using the RF USB interface. During the commissioning
  process, the unique serial number of the gateway will be associated
Saving and Locking
  a Mesh Network Design with the area configuration file. At the start of the download, the
gateway serial number is read and combined with the configuration
When the mesh  design is complete, with suitable site fire coverage
data. The configuration file thus becomes associated with that
and acceptable  RF link values, the design can be permanently
gateway. (A copy of the original configuration file can still be
frozen. When this
  is done no further changes are possible. Make
associated with another gateway.)
sure that all site
  information is up to date and any pictures and
images (including
  a copy of the layout screen) that may be When the gateway association has happened, a flag will be set in
required in the  site report have been inserted prior to locking. the Syn column of the respective file location in the Site tab, Area
Configuration window.
  on the Lock Configuration option and click
  The configuration will be shown as locked in
the Site-Area Configurations window, indicated by
padlock against it.
  to save  the project before exiting the AgileIQ™ application.
Be sure
An area configuration
  is related to a specific gateway network. The  
locked   file will be used to create the parameter data
to set up the gateway
  and commission its associated RF system Pre-Commissioning and Commissioning the RF Network
on site.
When the network design is complete and the area configuration
When an area  configuration file has been locked, the design is file   has been created and locked, there are two further stages to
  The design facility in the Configuration Management tab is the  set-up process to enable the operation of the complete network,
removed and replaced by two new options: Commissioning and namely pre-commissioning (the gateway) followed by downloading
Diagnostics, which will be used when the RF system is installed  
and  put into operation.
parameters into the RF devices and commissioning (the network).
In the
  Configuration Management - Commissioning tab, the
  AgileIQ™ application has two buttons available at the top left corner
of the screen to facilitate the gateway pre-commission process.
  pre-commissioning can be done by the direct manual
  pre-commissioning command or by invoking the aid of a pre-
commissioning wizard (recommended for first time use). Gateway
  is where all the network data is downloaded
from a PC via the USB interface (dongle) into the gateway, and
  then distributed to the network devices by the gateway itself.
Saving the Project File in the Gateway
  actually running the pre-commissioning process, AgileIQ™
will ask the user if a copy of the configuration file should be stored
in the gateway. This is a precaution in the event that the original
  configuration file on the PC is lost. Without a configuration file,
it will not be possible to maintain or alter a system in the future.
Depending on the size of the file, it will take several minutes to
  and save the file into the gateway, prior to starting the
  pre-commissioning process. Note also that any images in the
  configuration file will not be saved in the gateway version,
to help limit the file size.
Reading back a configuration stored in the gateway is achieved
using the Retrieve Log From Gateway Wizard, available in the
Device Direct Command tab; double click in the main window to
reveal the command button.
  Pre-Commissioning Wizard Method
The wizard route provides two possible scenarios:
(A) where all the devices to be commissioned are new (factory
default state), or:
(B) where one or more of the devices has been previously used
or configured. If more than one of the devices are configured, they
  must have been in the same network.

D200-306-00 13 I56-3909-010

To use option (B) it is necessary to know the original configuration While the network is running the Interface sends the un-
codes for the previously used devices; these should be available commission command to the gateway (a check is run to see
in the original project file or site report. Without this information, or that the gateway is indeed un-commissioned).
if the configured devices are from more than one different network, The program waits for 2 minutes and the interface then sends
it will not be possible to complete the new commissioning without the un-commission command to the backup node (again, the
additional work and powering off all the previously configured operation is checked).
If the interface cannot communicate with the back-up node, a
Typically, but not necessarily, all the bases and devices will have message is displayed requesting that the user gets nearer to
been fitted around the site at their final positions prior to pre- the back-up node. The user has 5 minutes to un-commission
commissioning: the back-up node. If after this 5 minute period, the back-up
1) Make sure that all the batteries have been inserted into the RF node has not been un-commissioned, the mesh devices go
devices, each device is fitted into an RF base with the correct into Idle mode and it will no longer be possible to communicate
loop address set, and the gateway is powered on. with it through the interface.
2) Ensure that the USB Interface is no more than a few metres At this point it will be necessary to use the manual recovery
from the gateway. method to un-commission the back-up node.
3) Select the correct area configuration file in the Site Having successfully un-commissioned the gateway and backup
tab, move to the Configuration Management- node, the Wizard will prompt the user to un-commission the
Commissioning tab and click on the Wizard button other mesh devices using the un-commission tool. This may
  at the top of the left pane. require several iterations with the user moving around the
building to ensure that the interface gets to communicate with
 4) Choose the correct option (A or B) for the situation and follow each device directly.
the instructions on the screen carefully to completion.
When all devices have been un-commissioned, the final step,
  gateway pre-commissioning, can start to configure the new

Option (A)
This option is the shortest because the devices are already un-  
commissioned. The un-commissioning tool is made available to
check this. There is also an option to check link communication The wizard will initially associate the configuration file with

prior to starting the gateway pre-commissioning.  

the gateway (see Associating a Configuration with a Gateway
above)  and then send the configuration data into the gateway.
Option (B) The progress of the commissioning operation is displayed in
This option can re-configure a running network without ever the left  window of the screen. Following a successful upload,
powering it off. It is possible to un-commission the gateway and the gateway will take over and send the relevant data to each
the backup node without removing them from their bases and RF device in turn and then orchestrate the synchronisation of
changing addresses. the network to form the working RF mesh.
The channel sync word and addresses of gateway and backup 5) The final synchronisation phase of a large network will take
node will be required (AgileIQ™ will propose the information several minutes to complete; the gateway will then start to blink
from the current selected configuration). It will be necessary with a single blue flash every 14s when the mesh is set-up and
for the USB Interface to be in the range of the gateway and the running.
backup node.

D200-306-00 14 I56-3909-010
Using the Gateway Pre-Commissioning Command
The gateway pre-commissioning command requires that the
installer has prepared the network devices correctly prior to the
commissioning process.
Typically, but not necessarily, all the bases and devices will have
been fitted around the site at their final positions prior to pre-
1) Make sure that all the batteries have been inserted into the
RF devices, each device is un-commissioned, fitted into an
RF base with the correct loop address set and the gateway is
powered on.
2) Ensure that the USB interface is no more than a few metres
from the gateway.  

3) Select the correct area configuration file in the Site 4) To download the gateway log, tick the Retrieve Log box. The
tab, move to the Configuration Management-  
results in the log can be inspected on the screen or in the
  Commissioning tab and click on the Gateway Pre-  
diagnostic report.
Commissioning button at the top of the left pane to
  open the Gateway Pre-Commissioning window. 5) Double  click on the report time/date field to reveal the open,
edit or delete
4) The progress of the commissioning operation is displayed in
  the left pane. Following a successful download from the USB

interface, the gateway will send the relevant data to each RF  

  device in turn and then orchestrate the synchronisation of the  

network to form the working RF mesh.  

 5) The final synchronisation phase of a large network will take  

several minutes to complete; the gateway will then start to blink  
  with a single blue flash every 14s when the mesh is set-up and

 Accessing Network Activity Information  

6) From Open Diagnostic Report it is possible to print the record
Obtaining ‘live’ network data can be achieved using the AgileIQ™ or create a PDF. 
 application. There are two sets of information that can be obtained 7) The gateway logs   and the diagnostic reports will be saved in
from a running mesh network. the project file (when that is saved).
 These are accessed by:  
Creating a Site Report
●● Downloading the gateway log from the Device Direct Command tab  
  The AgileIQ™ software has the facility to automatically generate a
●● Running a diagnostic report from the Configuration Management complete configuration
  report containing all the information relating
– Diagnostic tab to the design layout, area surveys and device configuration data. It
is possible to include additional information, photos, screen-shots
The Gateway Log runs automatically and records lost link events
and images into the  report, which can be exported as a PDF or
 with a time and date stamp. The time and date will have been set printed out in hard copy if required. The report information is saved
into the gateway at commissioning time using the PC time/date  
for reference and review in the site project file.
values. There can be up to 1000 possible events going back in
 time; when the log is full the oldest log events will be overwritten  
The Open Configuration Report
with new ones. The gateway log can be downloaded and saved    
button can be accessed from
 as a text file. several views.
A Diagnostic Report will give link, device and gateway status This report should form part of the overall fire system documentation
 information relating to link Quality/RSSI, battery condition, faults  
 set provided at system hand-over to the end user for reference and
etc. This is a snap-shot of the running system containing the  
future site maintenance.
 latest information that the gateway has collected. For a newly Handing Over the Installation
commissioned system it will take a short while for the gateway to    
assemble all the data. Wait for at least 20 minutes after the end of Before leaving a site, it is recommended that an installer checks
commissioning before trying to download a diagnostic report. both Fire and Fault signals are communicated back to
 the fire panel correctly,
  by carrying out relevant tests (see RF
To run a diagnostic report: device installation manuals for information on possible alarm test
 methods). A fault message
1) Ensure the dongle is in range of the gateway. can be signalled by removing a working
 device from its RF  
base (tamper fault).
2) Having opened the site project, select the required area
configuration in the Site - Area Configurations tab. It is advisable to print
  off a copy of the final site report and
store it safely with other relevant documents for future system
3) In the Configuration Management – Diagnostics tab,  
 maintenance. (An option to generate a PDF is also available.)
download the network information from the radio gateway by
It is recommended to save an electronic copy of the project file
clicking on the Start arrow at the top left corner of the screen.  
on a convenient form of storage media for archiving and future
The progress of the diagnostic operation is displayed in the
left window of the screen and the completed log is listed in the
table below this pane, annotated by time and date.  

D200-306-00 15 I56-3909-010
THE DEVICE DIRECT COMMAND TAB Save a Log: - Opens a Windows Save screen; data saved as a
.TXT file.
The Device Direct Command tab is available to the user when the
AgileIQ™ application starts running on a PC. It allows a number of Receive Mode (Rx) and the Role of Address 00
direct operations to be carried out on individual RF devices for test A new device starts out as un-commissioned (factory default) and
and maintenance purposes. moves to the commissioned state when it has been programmed.
1) Click on the Device Direct Command tab; the main window To check the state of a device, insert a battery (into any position,
will be empty. address not 00) and watch the LED blinks (1 long green for un-
2) Double click in the main window to reveal the command options. commissioned; 3 short blinks for commissioned).
These include functions to: ping and restart devices, clone a Address 00 in the radio product has a special function. Setting
device, un-commission devices, retrieve logs and project data, address 00 in any device and inserting a battery in position #2
save a log and start an RF survey. will force it to power on in constant Rx mode, using the default
channel (0) and sync word 11 22 33. In this mode AgileIQ™ can
communicate with the device using the Direct Commands.
Once a device has been commissioned, it powers on in Rx mode
using its proper address, configured channel and configured
sync word. In this mode, and when not part of a working network,
AgileIQ™ must use the configured channel, sync word and the
correct address to communicate with the device using the Direct
The Direct Commands cannot be used with a running network.
To interrogate a working mesh it is necessary to use the diagnostic
Changing a Working Installation
Should it ever be necessary to change or modify the final RF system
configuration IN ANY WAY, the project file used to commission the
system will be required. Therefore an electronic copy of the ‘as-
  built’ project file should be made by the installer and stored in a
safe place for use in the future. Without a project file it will be
The specific actions performed by these functions are: impossible to make any alterations to the network. If the file
Ping a Device*: - To check that an RF device is communicating is lost, the whole system will have to be un-commissioned
properly. Typically used to check device to USB Interface and a new project will have to be redesigned again from the
communication prior to a download/upload. (With un-commissioned beginning.
devices, use the default channel and sync word). It is possible to save a back-up project file in the gateway to enable
Restart a Device*: - The same effect as powering a device off and changes to be made. This back-up will have all the necessary
on. Typically used after a USB Interface upload. commissioning data, but will not contain the images, pictures and
long notes that were stored in the original project file. (See: Save/
Un-Commission a Device*: - Returns a device to its factory Retrieve Project From Gateway section).
default (un-programmed) state.
Instructions on making such changes can be found in the System
* The operation requires the device type and address to be set, Maintenance section of this manual.
plus correct RF channel and sync word. Cannot be used on a
device in a network that is running under the control of a gateway
(or back-up node).
Un-Commissioning Tool: - A wizard to aid returning a number of
devices to their factory default (un-programmed) state; follow the
onscreen instructions.
Clone a Device: - A wizard to guide the user when replacing a
device like-for-like in a running mesh system; follow the onscreen
Retrieve a Project From a Gateway: - A help sequence to get
the stored project information back from the gateway; follow the
onscreen instructions.
Retrieve a Log From a Gateway: - A help sequence to get the
stored network history log back from the gateway; follow the
onscreen instructions.
Open Survey Tool: - Opens the link quality measurement window
to run a link survey with a ping-pong pair. (See: How to Take a
Link Quality Measurement in Area Survey Tab section for detailed
Open Survey Wizard: - Helps to prepare a Ping-Pong pair
before running a link quality measurement; follow the onscreen
D200-306-00 16 I56-3909-010
SYSTEM MAINTENANCE Un-Commissioning a Number of Devices in a Configured Mesh
Monitoring the System Devices with Known Configuration Coding
See Accessing Network Activity Information in the System To un-commission a series of powered devices where the
Commissioning and Installation section to download the gateway log. configuration information is known (and the same for all):

Switching Off a Gateway 1) Select the Device Direct Command tab, double left click in the
main area of the tab and open the Un-Commission Tool. It is
When carrying out work on the fire system it may be necessary best to be running the relevant configuration file because then
to disconnect or power off the RF gateway. When a gateway is all the necessary device information is available.
removed from the loop, connection between the fire panel and the
RF network will be lost. To prevent excessive battery usage by 2) Ensure that the gateway and backup node are powered off.
the RF devices, control of the RF network is handed over to the 3) Enter the device scan information (sync word and RF channel)
special back-up node device, identified in the mesh diagram by in the settings box on the left; if using the relevant configuration
a Red device information box. This special node is important and file, set as current configuration.
should not be powered off unless all the RF devices are to have all 4) Click on the Scan Addresses button. The tool will determine
their batteries removed. It can take up to 12 minutes for a backup the status of all the devices within range. Because the RF
node to assume control of the network, after the gateway has been devices need to be within range of the USB interface, it may be
switched off. necessary to move around the building to communicate with all
It is recommended that both the gateway and the back-up the unknown devices, using several scans.
node device should be located in easily accessible postions 5) To un-commission the devices, click on the Un-Commission
to help with maintenance activities. All Configured Devices button. It may be necessary to move
At the time the gateway is re-powered on the loop, it takes around the building again to communicate with all the devices,
back control of the RF devices from the back-up node and re- using several scans to un-program them. When complete, all the
synchronises the mesh network. The fire panel will then be able to devices will be un-commissioned, ready for re-programming.
access all the RF devices again and poll them to read their status. Using the Un-Commissioning Tool, it is possible to scan and
Powering down a system then un-commission just one device at a time by double clicking on
When decommissioning a system, there should be no significant a specific address value in the table.
drain on the batteries of RF devices operating on a particular Note: Using the Pre-commissioning Wizard, it is possible to start to
gateway, provided all the batteries are removed from devices un-commission a system without removing the gateway and back-up
within an hour or so. However, to minimise battery power usage node (See SYSTEM COMMISSIONING AND INSTALLATION, Pre-
when powering down a system, start with the devices farthest from Commissioning Wizard Method, and use steps 1 to 3 of Option B.)
the gateway and work back to the back-up node; this should be the Devices with Unknown Configuration Coding
last battery operated device to be powered off.
To un-commission any devices where the configuration
Un-Commissioning a Device information is not known, it will be necessary to power them off
Device with Known Configuration Coding and un-commission them individually (use the Recovery Method
To un-commission a device where the configuration information is described above).
known: How to Replace a Device in an Existing Network
1) Select the Device Direct Command tab and enter the device To replace a device (like for like, but not a gateway) running in an
information (sync word, channel, address and type) in the existing mesh network, use one of the following methods.
settings box on the left.(This device information can be found Clone Mesh Device Tool
in the configuration report.) The RF device should be within
If the RF function of the device to be changed is operational, use
range of the USB interface, probably in the same room.
this tool available in the Device Direct Command tab. This tool
2) Click on the Un- Commission button to un-program the device. will replicate a device without the need for a project file.
3) When complete, power the device off (or restart it). 1) Double left click in the main area of the Device Direct
Device with Unknown Configuration Coding [Recovery method] Command tab and open the clone tool.
To un-commission a device where the configuration information is
not known:
1) Power off the device.
2) Select the Device Direct Command tab and enter the default
device information (sync word = 11-22-33, channel = 0, address
= 0 and device type = sensor/module) in the settings box.
3) Remove all batteries from the device and wait 10s.
4) Set the address switches to 00.
5) Place one battery in position 2 and check for a long green blink.
The RF device should be within range of the USB interface,
6) Click on the Un-Commission button to un-program the device.
7) When complete, power the device off again.

D200-306-00 17   I56-3909-010

2) Follow the series of steps to download the old device
parameters and then upload them into a new device.
Dongle (USB Interface) Direct Upload
Alternatively, if the RF communications with the device to be
changed has been lost, use the Dongle Direct Upload command;
the original project file will be required. To replicate a device,
proceed as follows:
1) Remove the old device from its base and remove the batteries.
2) Take a new (or un-commissioned) device, set the loop address
to the same number as the original one and power on the
device with all batteries.
3) In the AgileIQ™ application, load the project file of the current  

network, choose the correct area and configuration.  

4) Go to the Commissioning Management - Commissioning  5) Check the communication between the USB Interface and the
tab, double click on the centre of the device that is being gateway using the Test Dongle – Device Communication
replaced and the Manual Upload window appears: button (status is reported in the left pane). If there is poor
  communication, try repositioning the interface.
 6) Send the configuration to the new gateway using the Upload
button. The following message will appear:
The gateway serial number does not match with the
configuration sync word!
Do you want to reuse the current configuration sync word?
Answer Yes.
At the end of operation the gateway will start to look for the
    network devices to connect to the mesh. This will take some
5) Check that the USB Interface (dongle) can communicate
with the device by running the TEST DONGLE – DEVICE
  COMMUNICATION (status is reported in the left pane). If there  Ifthe upload was performed off-site, take the new gateway to site,
is poor communication, try repositioning the USB Interface. remove the old gateway and install the new one; the gateway will
start automatically and search for the network.
6) Default settings for communication will be set automatically  
and the device will be restarted at the end of the process, so Moving a Device in an Existing Network
  that it can be used immediately after the upload.  
Should it be necessary to move one or more devices in a working
  7) Click on the UPLOAD button to send the correct configuration  network, this should be done with some care. If the required new
to the new device. When complete it should sync with the position is a few metres from the original location, this may be
network. possible without any other changes, but check the resulting RSSI
  readings are acceptable using a diagnostic scan, and that they
8) If not already installed, fit the new device into its base.
  compare favourably with the original survey readings. If the new
Replacing an Existing Gateway position of any device is more than a few metres away, or involves
To substitute a gateway with a new one, it is not necessary to re- a change of room or a radical alteration to the layout, then a new
commission the entire network; simply reprogram a new gateway network should be designed and the procedure detailed in How to
using the manual download option as follows: Add or Delete a Device from an Existing Network (above) should
be carried out.
1) Run the relevant project and select the correct configuration
(i.e. gateway) in the Site tab. Modifying an Installed Network

2) When working on site, remove the old gateway from its base, How to Add or Delete a Device from an Existing Network
if not already unplugged (the backup node will orchestrate the To add new devices, or remove existing devices from a
network in Idle mode). Set the address of the new gateway to commissioned and working mesh network, the following procedure
same address as the old one (as defined in the configuration should be used:
file). 1) Print a report of the current configuration or make a note of
3) Power up the gateway. the current configuration file sync word, channels and back-up
node. These will be required later during the re-commissioning
4) In the Configuration Management – Commissioning tab, step.
double click on the centre of the gateway symbol and the
Manual Upload window will appear (see overleaf): 2) The configuration file for the working network will be locked, so
it cannot be modified. Make a copy of the current configuration
file; this copy will appear unlocked so that changes can be
made to the network design.
3) Make the changes that are required to the copy of the design
(for example add/delete/move devices).
4) Recreate the mesh links (the existing environmental parameters
can be found in the original configuration file)
5) Export links as required (All/Primary/Critical) to allow adequate
checking of the new design in a site survey. When satisfied

D200-306-00 18 I56-3909-010
with the redesigned network performance, lock the new DEVICE STATUS ICONS
Device symbols and status definitions shown in the Configuration
6) On the site, physically add or remove the devices relevant to Management pane:
the changes that have been made.
Device Configured
7) In the AgileIQ™ application, with the new design configuration
selected in the Site tab, go to the Commissioning
Management – Commissioning tab, select the Gateway Pre-
Commissioning Wizard and choose option (B) (for an already Device Type in Configuration
commissioned system) and follow all the steps.
Note: in order to use the un-commissioning tool on a commissioned
working system, the gateway and the back-up node must be turned Correct Incorrect Unknown
off/un-commissioned first. The Wizard helps the user to do this.
Device Alarm Status

List of Guiding Tools and Wizards Available in AgileIQ™ Normal Alarm Pre-Alarm Alarm Test Unknown
The following step-by-step Wizards and tool aids can be found in
the AgileIQ™ application software: Device Fault Status
Mesh Generator Tool
In Configuration Management – Design tab. Enables the
optimization and automatic creation of a mesh network. No Faults Warning Fault Unknown
Un-Commissioning Tool
In Device Direct Command tab. Helps to identify and un- Battery Status
commission a number of powered devices.
Clone RF Device Tool
In Device Direct Command tab. Gives instructions to replace a OK Low Warning Unknown
device in a working mesh with a new one.
Retrieve Project From Gateway Wizard Tamper Status (Device in Base)
In Device Direct Command tab. Assists with the retrieval of a
project file that has been stored in a gateway.
Retrieve Log From Gateway Wizard OK Tamper Unknown
In Device Direct Command tab. Helps retrieve the network activity
log that has been created in a working gateway.
In Device Direct Command tab. Activates the link quality
AgileIQ™ Main Button Functions
measurement function. This command button is also available in
the Link Quality Record box. General Buttons
Link Q Survey Wizard
In Device Direct Command tab. Gives sequential instructions to AgileIQ™ Desktop Icon
create a Ping-Pong pair to carry out a link quality survey. This
command button is also available in the Link Quality Record box.

Quick Start Guide
    Dongle (USB Interface) Manager
   Save As ...
D200-306-00 19   I56-3909-010
Edit Add Wall

Clear... Add Scale Reference
Delete All... Add Floor
Delete Selection   Links Focus
Add Primary Link
    Add Secondary Link

Other Icons
   Undo Last Action     

  Error Rate Unacceptable

  Open Configuration Report   

Error Rate Marginal

    Start Gateway Pre-Commissioning  

  Error Rate Low
  Start Gateway Pre-Commissioning Wizard
     Quality Unsuitable
    Open Survey Wizard    
       Quality Marginal
         Quality Acceptable
  Design   Buttons       
   Gateway        Configuration Locked
      Configuration Associated with Gateway
      Photo-Optical Sensor   
Photo-Thermal Sensor  
Thermal Sensor - Fixed Temperature   
   Thermal Sensor - Rate-of-Rise   
         Start  Manual Call Point  
    DKM Call Point     
    20   I56-3909-010
  Photo‐optical sensor     


Basic Network  Minimum data necessary to define a mesh network topology; i.e. a set of network 
Parameters  parameters with no link redundancy 
Chain Network  A number of nodes connected in a series of concatenated RF links communicating with 
a gateway 
Channel  Narrow frequency range used for network communication

Commissioned  State of a device when loaded with mesh parameters

Configured  State of a device which has been loaded with mesh parameters and integrated into a 

working RF network 
Dongle  USB interface allowing PC communications with System Sensor RF devices 

Full Network  All the data necessary to completely define the mesh network topology (including any 
Parameters  link redundancy) 
Link  An RF connection between two nodes

Link Redundancy  RF connection between 2 nodes which has (at least) one alternative RF path 

Mesh Network  A number of nodes with combined RF links and some link redundancy communicating 
with a gateway. 
Network  A collection of linked nodes communicating together

Network  Process whereby the gateway uses the network parameters and communicates with 
Commissioning  each of the nodes to enrol all the devices and create the network map 
Network Configuring  Process whereby a mesh network is created (or modified).

Network Hierarchy  Organisation or order of the nodes running out from the gateway 

Network Map  Data set that describes the network topology together with link performance 
Network  Process whereby the gateway orchestrates the network communication timings 
Synchronisation (Sync) 
Network Topology  Specific layout of nodes and links

Node  A RF device at the end of a link

Ping‐Pong Pair  Two un‐commissioned devices, set at addresses 1 and 2 respectively and used for link 
quality measurements 
Primary Link   RF connection between 2 nodes which is the main communications path 

Restart    Software command, equivalent to powering on a device

RF  Radio frequency 

RSSI  Received signal strength indication

Secondary Link   RF connection between 2 nodes which provides an alternative communications path 

Star Network  A number of nodes with all RF links direct to a gateway

Sync Word  Unique system number generated by the AgileIQ™ application software when a 
configuration is assigned to a gateway 
Un‐Commissioned  State of a device without RF network parameters (factory default) 

D200-306-00 21 I56-3909-010
A radio network comprises one gateway (GW) and a maximum of 32 radio devices. The GW is the interface 
with the wired fire system and is the master for the radio communication. All the RF devices have rotary 
address switches and are seen by the control panel as if they were wired. Like wired devices, modules and 
detectors can have the same address number because they are seen as different at the control panel. It is 
important  to  set  the  correct  loop  addresses  on  each  device  because  these  are  used  during  the  radio 
network configuration phase. 
Multiple networks can coexist in the same area, depending on the availability of RF channels.   
To build a working system, it is necessary to configure the devices and the GW into a mesh network. Each 
device has to be programmed with its own network parameters, defining how it will communicate with the 
other network devices. This configuration data are automatically generated by the AgileIQ software. The 
user creates a model of the installation site with the software, starting from a plan of the area and adding 
information about RF device type and position, dimensions, wall thicknesses etc. The better the model, the 
better the simulation, increasing the likelihood that the network will work reliably in the real environment. 
Before  uploading  the  configuration  into  the  RF  devices,  a  site  survey  is  recommended  to  verify  that  the 
simulated results correspond to reality. After the configuration is downloaded into the GW from AgileIQ, 
the GW forms the mesh network and the system starts to work. It is possible to check the real time status 
of the working network at any time, by running diagnostic procedures. 

Planning Survey Commissioning Maintenance

• Create project • RF Energy Scan • Install devices • Diagnostic
• Model Area • Link quality • Upload device  • Automatically 
• Automatically  • Lock configuration configurations generate report
generate a valid  • Network 
network commissioning

To build an RF network model, open the SITE tab. 
Start a new project, using    in the SITE INFORMATION box space and give the project 
a name; to open a saved project use  .   
In the SITE AREAS box, use   to create an area. Adding a plan drawing to the area is 
possible; double‐click on the area name to reveal the command menu and choose an image for the area.   

When an area has been created, a new tab AREA SURVEY appears. This allows RF Energy and Links Quality 
measurements to be carried out. 

On  a  site,  there  can  be  more  than  one  area  where  an  RF  GW  will  be  installed.  For  each  gateway  it  is 
necessary to define a new area and an area configuration. 
To start a new GW configuration, use    in the Area Configuration box. When a 
configuration  is  defined,  a  new  tab CONFIGURATION  MANAGEMENT  appears.  This 
provides  the  functions  needed  to  generate  an  area  model  and  the  mesh  network 
design.  For  each  area  (GW)  it  is  possible  to  try  out  several  different  area 
To show additional commands in the area or configuration boxes, double –click on a specific name field.  
Start modelling the RF environment in the CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT tab. 
(Note: the software uses a click‐point‐click method to move and position items, not drag and drop.) 
By default, the area GW appears at the top left of the planning map.  Move the GW to its required position 

on the plan. To move, highlight  , select the GW symbol and then click again at the point where it is to 
be relocated.  
Place all the RF devices, selecting the type from the device menu and then clicking the desired position on 
the planning area. They can be moved as previously described for the gateway. Any object in the planning 
area can be deleted using   and clicking on the object. 
Define a scale dimension on the plan: use the ruler  , click on the start 
point and then click the dimension end point; add a value in metres to the 
measurement box. 

Include walls, if required, by using   and proceeding like adding a ruler. 
Double click on the wall to open the Wall Edit Screen. 
When  the  layout  is  complete,  reveal  more  configuration  tools  by  double‐clicking  on  a  clear  part  of  the 
planning  area,  then  open  the  Mesh  Generator  Tool.    The  program 
algorithm  can  be  set  to  optimize  the 
mesh calculation for either best power 
consumption  or  strongest  links 
communications  (recommended). 
Click  Generate  Mesh  to  auto‐create 
the mesh network.  
When the network links have been generated, the Survey links generator tool provides options to export 
link information to a data table in the AREA SURVEY/ LINKS QUALITY tab. This table is where survey data on 
links quality will be saved.  A2
Before  locking  the  network  and  configuring  devices,  a  survey  in  the  real  environment  is  recommended. 
Tools to conduct a survey are available in the SURVEY tab. There are two possible measurements. 
An  RF  energy  scan  will  identify  if  any  RF  channels  should  be  avoided. 
This  measurement  is  done  in  the  area  where  the  radio  system  will  be 
operating. To run a scan use   and reference the scan location; start 
the  scan  with  .  Set  the  scan  period  for  each  channel  from  the 
drop‐down    menu  “seconds/ch”.  When  complete,  all  the  channels  are 
rated as acceptable, marginal or unsuitable. Click    to record the 
results in the Area Survey‐RF Energy table. 
A pair of un‐commissioned devices (set to addresses 1 and 2) is 
used  to  perform  a  link  quality  measurement.  A  wizard  button 
 is available in the Link Quality Record Box to help to create 
the link measurement pair.  
The Link Quality Record Box can be opened in 3 different ways: 
Double‐click on an existing link in the LINKS QUALITY table then 
click Edit; or click on new . 
Double‐click on a link in the planning area. 

To conduct a link survey: 
Position the devices on the site at each end of the link to be measured. 
Use the Dongle close to the address #1 device. 
In the Link Quality Record Box select   and then click    in the Graphs 
window.  The  signal  strength  reading  is  updated  and  displayed  as  a  graph  against 
time, together with the error rate and the link quality. 
When the measurement is stable, Stop the recording.  
To accept the measurement, use  . 
DO NOT USE a link in a configuration that Agile IQ categorises as Unsuitable quality  . 

The  Energy  Scan  results  can  be  used  to  select  suitable  communications 
channels for the network.  
Before  using  the  network 
configuration,  it  must  be  locked; 
after  this  step  the  file  cannot  be 
changed.  (Use  ‘Copy  configuration’ 
in SITE tab to create a new, unlocked version.)   
Now  the  DESIGN  facility  in  the  Configuration  Management  tab  is 
removed  and  replaced  by  two  new  options:  Commissioning  and 
Diagnostic A3
The network data must be uploaded to all the devices using the RF Dongle. The 
simplest way to do this is to run the complete commissioning process through the 
gateway.  This  procedure  is  called  gateway  based  pre  commission  and  is 
particularly helpful when the devices are ready and installed in their final position 
on the site. Only the gateway needs to be in the range of the USB dongle. 

To  run  gateway  based  pre  commissioning,  either  use  the  wizard   

(recommended for first time use), or  , the direct command.  
While  a  network  is  running,  it  is  possible  to  download  data  about  the  RF  links  and  the  devices  from  the 
GW. Ensure the correct area configuration file is selected in the SITE tab and the dongle is in range of the 
gateway.  Use  start      to  download  the  network  information.  It  is  possible  to 
download a events history log by ticking the box near the start arrow. Download 
progress is reported in the left‐hand panel and the complete log files, annotated 
with date and time, will be listed in a table below this panel. Double‐click a record 
to show the options menu. From an open report it is possible to print the record 
or create a PDF. 

Appendix A‐(i):  Gateway LED blinking scheme
Depending  on  the  parameters  stored  and  to  the  network  condition,  the  gateway  can  be  in  one  of  the 
following states: 
 Uncommissioned: network parameters not downloaded; waiting to be programmed. 
 Pre‐commissioned:  network  parameters  downloaded;  network  not  yet  commissioned,  waiting  to 
receive the command to start network commissioning. 
 Commissioning:  after  receiving  the  start  commissioning  command  or  after  power  up  (if  the  gateway 
detects  that  it  has  already  formed  a  network),  the  gateway  starts  commissioning  the  network 
(download network parameters to each device and synchronization). 
 Normal: normal communication within the established network 
 Internal Fault: wireless/internal circuit initialization troubles. 
 Network Fault: missing node 
 Synch: network parameters downloaded, trying to re synchronize with the network when in Idle status. 
 Recovery: network in normal mode but missing one or more links, trying to re configure the network. 
To each status a different LED blinking mode corresponds: 

Appendix A‐(ii): Radio Node LED blinking scheme
Depending  on  the  parameters  stored  and  to  the  network  condition,  the  RF  device  can  be  in  one  of  the 
following states: 
 Uncommissioned: network parameters not downloaded; waiting to be programmed. 
 Sync: network parameters downloaded, trying to synchronize with the network and join it. 
 Idle:  this  status  is  entered  when  the  gateway  is  disconnected  from  the  loop  for  maintenance  or  for 
troubles. The RF device will stay in sync with the neighbours. 
 Normal: normal communication within the established network 
 Internal Fault: wireless/internal circuit initialization troubles. 
To each status, a different LED blinking mode corresponds: 

Fault Transceiver check fail Network parameters

Power Up 1 long green blink
Amber blink Internal Error not downloaded

Network parameters

Network parameters Uncomm
3 fast green blink Green/Amber
downloaded Red/Green blink

Synchronization lost
Synchronization ok with Node 1

Synchronization ok with GW

GW re join network Controlled by


APPENDIX B TROUBLESHOOTING Error messages explained together with suggested
solutions to try.


...Missing link information: The data recevied from the gateway are invalid or the configuration is not the one 
used to commission the system. Wrong configuration file or Dongle may be too 
far from , or too close to the gateway. Check and retry the operation. 
...Missing slot information: The data recevied from the gateway are invalid or the configuration is not the one 
used to commission the system. Wrong configuration file or Dongle may be too 
far from , or too close to the gateway. Check and retry the operation. 
A device is outside all floors: device One or more devices have been positioned outside the floor boundaries
A wall is outside all floors: wall One or more walls have been positioned outside the floor boundaries
All channels are disabled. Select 1 or more channels for an RF energy scan
CADImage.dll not loaded! The installed AGILE IQ software is not complete. Re‐install the software 
application from the beginning.
Calculation stopped by user! The operation to generate a mesh has been aborted
Cannot have two links between the same two nodes! Only one link allowed between 2 nodes.
Channel and backup channel should be different. Choosing different main and back‐up channels will give a more reliable system
COM Error USB communications error. Try 'restart dongle' from Dongle Manager
Data not written correctly. The data was not written correctly into a device. Check that the Dongle is not too 
close or too far from the device and retry operation
Database error! Project file is not accessible or corrupted. There may be a file system problem, 
perhaps a protection issue. Try to copy the project file to the desktop, re‐open the 
project from there and retry.
Devices are not descendants of the gateway: Mesh hierachy rules require all devices to be linked back to the gateway.
Devices have different OEM code or are not the same  Not possible to clone a device with a different device type, or a different branded 
type. product. Use correct device.
Diagnostic stopped by user. Operation stopped
Do you want to choose them anyway? Answer Yes/No
Dongle disconnected... Dongle has been removed from the USB socket
Dongle is not connected Plug dongle into USB socket or use 'restart dongle' from Dongle Manager. (After 
clicking “restart dongle” the software may ask unplug/plug‐in dongle)
Dongle is not found! Please attach the dongle to any  AGILE IQ will not run on a PC without a Dongle connected to its USB port
USB port and click OK.
Duplicated device address: Two similar device types (modules or sensors) have the same loop address
Error compressing project file into gateway EEPROM! Copy of project file not saved into the gateway. Retry the operation.
Error decoding information. Retry operation or  Dongle is not able to uncomission the gateway or backup node. Retry with dongle 
proceed with manual un‐commissioning. closer (but not >1 m), or use manual uncommissioning (recovery method).
Error during operation. Please see log for details. Not possible to complete the operation; refer to the log. Retry the operation.
Error reading dongle data! Unable to read data from the Dongle during a firmware upgrade. Retry operation
Error retrieving log from gateway: Operation failed. Retry operation with dongle nearer gateway (but >1m).
Error retrieving project from gateway: Operation failed. Retry operation with dongle nearer gateway (but >1m).
Error saving log file! Operation failed
Error saving project file! Operation failed
Error saving project file. Unable to complete the save operation, or the disc is full.
Error setting gateway time! Unable to set the date/time into the gateway at commissioning.  Retry operation 
with dongle nearer gateway (but >1m).
Error writing dongle data! Unable to write data to the dongle during a firmware upgrade. Retry operation
ERROR! Slot not present in configuration: The data recevied from the gateway are invalid or the configuration is not the one 
used to commissioning the system. Check configuration and retry operation.
ERROR! The project configuration doesn't match with  The configuration is not the one used to originally commission the system.
the gateway configuration!
Failed to erase reset vector Dongle upgrade problem ‐ retry operation.
Failed to read data from RAM BSL Dongle upgrade problem ‐ retry operation.
Failed to unlock info memory! Dongle upgrade problem ‐ retry operation.
File BLANK._DIS not found! Installation of Agile IQ is incomplete. Repeat the software installation from the 
File not found! During Dongle upgrade, the new firmware file was not available. Repeat the 
AGILE IQ software installation from the beginning, selecting an installation folder 
on the desktop.
Floors cannot have common areas in the map! The floor boundaries cannot overlap in a 2D plan.
Floors cannot have common areas! The floor boundaries cannot overlap in a 2D plan.
Gateway cannot be a child in a link! Mesh hierachy rules do not allow this attempted link
Gateway cannot be a parent of a secondary link! All gateway links must be primary links
Gateway cannot be deleted! There must be a gateway in a configuration

Gateway has problems configuring a device Not possible to complete the gateway pre‐commissioning operation. Possible 
reasons are: a device is off or was powered on with the wrong address; it has a 
weak signal (long link or attenuation issue) or it is a different brand of the 
product. Check and retry.
Help file not available! Installation of AGILE IQ is incomplete. Repeat the software installation from the 
Help is not available! Installation of AGILE IQ is incomplete. Repeat the software installation from the 
INI file error: file not found or bad parameters Installation of AGILE IQ is incomplete. Repeat the software installation from the 
INI file not found! Installation of AGILE IQ is incomplete. Repeat the software installation from the 
Invalid area name! Specify a valid area name using alpha‐numeric characters
Invalid attenuation! Select attenuation in the correct range (0 ‐ 99).
Invalid configuration layout: The mesh is not valid and will not be locked.  Mesh hierachy rules have been 
violated in a manual design.
Invalid data checksum. Error reading logs from gateway.  Retry operation with dongle nearer gateway 
Invalid data. Data retrieved from device are not valid; possible communications problem. Retry 
operation with dongle nearer gateway (but >1m).
Invalid floor number! Must be in the range 0 ‐ 9, and contiguous atarting at 0.
Invalid height! Must be in the range 0.1m ‐ 99m
Invalid image Image must be a JPG
Invalid image dimensions! JPG image can have a maximum size of 4096 x 4096 pixels.
Invalid link: the selected child already has a parent that  Mesh hierachy rules do not allow this attempted link connection.
is descendant of the selected parent.
Invalid location name! Specify a valid location name using alpha‐numeric characters
Invalid mesh! Mesh design rules do not allow this attempted configuration.
Invalid mesh: backup node is not present! Mesh design rules do not allow a configuration without a back‐up node.
Invalid name! Specify a valid configuration name using alpha‐numeric characters
Invalid sync word and channel! Sync word and channel should be the ones used in the device configuration
Invalid Sync word! Specify a valid sync word
Invalid value! Insert a value in the correct range.
It is possible that some parts of the report are not  The report has become fragmented. Try reducing the number of images.
Link already exists! Mesh hierachy rules do not allow this attempted link. Only one primary link and 
one secondary link allowed to a node's "parents".
Log information not available. Gateway has no log information inside; the commissioned radio system has not 
been running for long enough.
Maximum number of images reached! Up to 64 images are allowed to be stored.
Missing floor information: floor Specify all the parameters of this floor.
Missing nodes! At least one node (plus the gateway) should be present to perform this operation.
Missing primary parent! Mesh hierachy rules require all nodes to have 2 'parents' (the exception is the 
special back‐up node)
must be a secondary link. Mesh hierachy rules do not allow this attempted link connection.
Network information not available. Retry with dongle closer (but not >1 m)
No attenuation or quality data available! If the survey was not completed properly it is not possible to stote the result. 
Retry the survey.
No project is stored in gateway EEPROM. Trying to retrieve a stored project from a gateway which does not have one.
Nodes without primary and secondary parent: Mesh design rules do not allow this attempted configuration. All nodes require 2 
'parents' (the exception is the special back‐up node)
Not possible to copy (file etc) AGILE IQ installation has an issue with administration rights. Repeat the software 
installation from the beginning, selecting an installation folder on the desktop.
Not possible to create a mesh. Some devices are not  One or more links are too long or have too much attenuation for a reliable mesh 
reachable. design. Try to shorten the link (or add a repeater), or reduce the attenuation.
Not possible to create a primary path. A device is not  One or more primary links are too long or have too much attenuation for a 
reachable. reliable mesh design. Try to shorten the link (or add a repeater), or reduce the 
Not possible to create a secondary path. Secondary  One or more secondary links are too long or have too much attenuation for a 
parent not found for one or more devices. reliable mesh design. Try to shorten the link (or add a repeater), or reduce the 
Not possible to find (file etc) Installation of AGILE IQ is incomplete. Repeat the software installation from the 
Not possible to have a parent as the descendant of a  Mesh hierachy rules do not allow this attempted link connection.
Not possible to have another child for the node! A parent node can have up to 4 links to chidren.


Not possible to make device un‐commissioned! Dongle cannot communicate with the device.  Possible causes: device is OFF, 
device is configured with a different sync/channel than specified, or Dongle may 
be too far away. Check and retry operation.
Not possible to restart device: Dongle is unable to restart a device. Retry operation with dongle nearer the 
device to be re‐started (but >1m).
Not possible to retrieve device state! When using the Uncommissioning tool, the Dongle cannot communicate with a 
device. Possible causes: device is OFF, device is configured with a different 
sync/channel than specified, or Dongle may be too far away. Check and retry 
Not possible to save sync word to the project file. Unable to update project file on the PC. There is a problem of file system, perhaps 
a protection issue. Try to copy the project file to the desktop, re‐open the project 
from there and retry.
OEM check failed! The Dongle does not match with the gateway brand. Use correct brand of Dongle 
or contact supplier.
Operation failed or terminated by user! Operation stopped or failed
Operation failed! Please see log on the left for details. Not possible to complete the operation; refer to the log
Operation failed! Please see log on the left for more  Not possible to complete the operation
Operation failed: Last operation was unsuccessful for the reason stated in the comment:
Operation failed: not possible to calculate a mesh. Unexpected error during mesh generation. Try to repeat the last operation.
Operation interrupted by user Operation stopped
Operation interrupted by user! Please see log on the  Operation stopped
left for details.
Operation interrupted by user! Please see log on the  Operation stopped
left for more details.
Operation interrupted by user. Operation stopped
Password FAILED after sending RAM BSL! Dongle upgrade problem ‐ retry operation.
Please check the device! Ensure that the device is powered on with the correct address
Please set the metric reference! A scale dimension (in metres) is required
Pre‐commissioning failed. Please see log on the left for  Not possible to complete the operation; refer to the log.
Process stopped by user! Operation stopped
Project has a version higher than AgileIQ version. Trying to use an old version of Agile IQ to open a newer project file.

REMOVE BATTERIES FROM DEVICES TO STOP  Dongle is unable to stop the survey process. Retry operation with dongle nearer 
SURVEYING! device address #1 (but >1m), or batteries should be removed from the devices to 
stop the survey process.
Start the program with administrator rights. Set Windows permissions to Administrator before installing the AGILE IQ 
Switch the two links. Wizard offers help to maintain mesh rules.
Sync word and channel must be different from the  Do not use CH0 and/or 11‐22‐33. Sync word and channel should be the ones used 
default ones! in the device configuration
Sync word not assigned to configuration! The configuration has not been associated with a gateway at the start of the 
upload process.
The configuration is already locked! Cannot lock a previously locked configuration.
The gateway serial number does not match with the  The configuration file has already been associated with another gateway.
configuration sync word!
The link between devices:
The maximum number of floors is Maximum number of floors is 10 (numbered 0 ‐ 9).
The maximum number of nodes is 32! Trying to add too many devices into a configuration.
The maximum number of walls is Maximum number of walls is 256. 
The network is in IDLE state. Proceed with manual un‐ Dongle is not able to uncomission the gateway or backup node. Use use manual 
commissioning. uncommissioning (recovery method).
The network is in pre‐commissioning state. Proceed  Dongle is not able to uncomission the gateway or backup node. Use use manual 
with manual un‐commissioning. uncommissioning (recovery method).
The network is in scanning state. Proceed with manual  Dongle is not able to uncomission the gateway or backup node. Use use manual 
un‐commissioning. uncommissioning (recovery method).
The network is not running. Retry operation or proceed  Dongle is not able to uncomission the gateway. Retry with dongle closer (but not 
with manual un‐commissioning. >1 m), or use manual uncommissioning (recovery method).
The report requires more memory than is available. Report store has reached its limit; try reducing the number of images.
The screenshot is too big for the report. Please reduce  Reduce the size of the screen image (zoom out).
the zoom and retry.
The selected backup channel is already used in another  Using the same RF channel on two gateways in the same project may cause 
area. communication errors and make the system unreliable.


The selected channel is already used in another area. Using the same RF channel on two gateways in the same project may cause 
communication errors and make the system unreliable.
The sync word is not assigned yet. The configuration has not been associated with a gateway at start of upload. To 
associate it, upload a configuration to the gateway.
There are no links to export! Either no mesh has been created or there are no critical links to copy from the 
mesh design.
This version is not supported. Please upgrade the  Dongle firmware too old. Open Dongle Manager and run dongle firmware 
firmware of the dongle. upgrade.
This version of software is expired. The software is time limited. Obtain a new version.
Timeout COM The Dongle is not working. Try 'restart dongle' from Dongle Manager
Unable to start commissioning sensing. Not possible to start commissioning the system. Retry operation with dongle 
nearer gateway (but >1m).
Un‐commissioning of backup node failed: Dongle is not able to uncomission the backup node. Retry with dongle closer (but 
not >1 m) or use manual uncommissioning (recovery method).
Un‐commissioning of gateway failed: Dongle is not able to uncomission the gateway. Retry with dongle closer (but not 
>1 m) or use manual uncommissioning (recovery method).
Unknown error Unexpected error. Try to repeat last operation.
Unknown error: operation failed! Unexpected error. Try to repeat last operation.
Unsuccessful in starting the BSL. Dongle upgrade problem ‐ retry operation.
WARNING! Error decoding information. Retry  The data recevied from the gateway are invalid. May be too far from , or too close 
diagnostic. to the gateway. Check and retry the operation.
Warning! Gateway is looking for wrong address! The gateway is trying to communicate with an invalid address. Try reconfiguring 
the system; or the gateway may be faulty.
Warning! Gateway is looking for wrong slot! Gateway is trying to communicate with an invalid address. Try reconfiguring the 
system; or the gateway may be faulty.
WARNING! Missing information, retry diagnostic! The data recevied from the gateway are invalid or the configuration is not the one 
used to commission the system. Wrong configuration file or Dongle may be too 
far from , or too close to the gateway. Check and retry the operation. 
WARNING: Memory verification error! This message can be ignored.
WARNING: missing OEM dongle code! Dongle is obsolete; it should be replaced by a newer one.
WARNING: Power OFF and ON devices to exit survey! Dongle is unable to stop the survey process. Retry operation with dongle nearer 
device address #1 (but >1m), or batteries should be removed from the devices to 
stop the survey process.
WARNING: pre‐commissioning sensing incomplete! The Dongle cannot sense all the pre‐commissioning messages being sent to the 
network by the gateway. Retry operation with dongle nearer gateway (but >1m).
WARNING: THIS LINK IS NOT PRESENT IN THE  May occur during diagnostic for example. The installed set‐up does not match the 
CURRENT DESIGN! selected configuration.  Check the configuration file and retry.
Without walls the links attenuation simulation will be  A warning: always include realistic obstructions unless the configuration is 'open 
not realistic. plan' or in free‐air
Wrong data received Data from the device are invalid. Retry operation
Wrong dongle OEM code! The Dongle is the wrong brand for this version of AGILE IQ. Retry the connection 
with the correct dongle or contact the supplier.



1 Site Tab – General Information

SITE and main window commands 

Create new project: choose

project file name. Blank site area
tab, blank area configuration tab
and a pop up asking for the map
image appear

Open existing project  

“Save As” command

Quick Start Guide

“About” window  

dongle Edit Notes
manager ”In progress” bar

“Save” command  

2 Site Tab – Areas Information

Create new area   
Indicates that there is a plan 
associated with the area

AREA commands  

Select  Load CAD file Save  file as JPG


Show commands 

     Associate a JPG image 
(the plan) with  the area

 Delete the  selected area 

3 Site Tab – Configurations Information

Indicates that the Indicates that a gateway has been Indicates that there are one or more
Create new
configuration is locked associated with the configuration pictures associated with the configuration
and stored in the configuration report

Show commands for
selected configuration
Add, delete, manage
  pictures loaded in the
configuration report

Open the report

generated) that
contains all the info
about area and
configuration (survey
    results included)

Select channels, if configuration not locked,

Delete selected configuration Create an unlocked copy of a configuration. Useful to modify an existing network
based on the results of RF Energy Scan

4 Area Survey Tab – Energy Scan

Select/Skip channel to Acceptable

be scanned channel Marginal
channel Unsuitable channel
Energy scan commands 

Generate new scan
Select scan
record and edit
Set location on map
where the scan  
has been done


Start scan
(black line)

Average Current
(yellow line) (magenta line)
Set scan Store
  scan result
record name
Set single scan
channel scan time
Elapsed time

5 Area Survey tab – Link Q Scan

Link quality commands Simulated attenuation Measured attenuation Measured link quality

Graph of
                                                                                                                                   over time


Create new link Select link quality Levels of acceptance

quality record Magnify box
record and edit (good, marginal, poor)

  Select location and   Current attenuation

map into picture
and signal strength

Current error rate

Elapsed time

  Set survey channel

Abc  Current link quality
Name locations Simulated attenuation
Delete locations Start survey Stop
Measured attenuation configuration survey
Open survey tool Enable survey log file

  Open wizard to
prepare detectors Measured link quality Save survey Save
for survey and exit

6 Configuration Management Tab – Design (x6)

Device menu Configuration info Planning area Edit device info

Planning area overview
Number of
placed devices Edit

Show more

Selection tool  
Change position of
Change displayed info
Delete tool device
Select wall
  Edit wall info  
Resize area  
Wall tool Show planning
area commands

Ruler tool

Undo last action

“ESC” to un- Manually set wall Abc
select tool attenuation
Show advanced options
Set infinite attenuation for selected wall:
useful to stop a link going through it Edit notes

Selection tool
Activate Select
Selection Device
tool to move

Ruler tool

Enter dimension of

Set first  
reference in metres Abc
point of
Activate reference
ruler tool dimension

Set second
point of  


Set first
edge of wall

Wall Tool Set second  
edge of wall

Delete tool  Delete Object  


Show map using   Increase/Decrease Generate the network trying to

grey scale map brightness
  maximize battery life (star like solution)

Generate mesh 
  Generate the network trying to maximize
link strength (chain like solution)

  Open network
Open edit map image tool generation tool



Automatically generate valid network


Add the image of the current planning

Increase/Decrease wall
screen to the configuration report
  attenuation by a common
Activate this option in
complex models to save time
Automatically decrease the
wall attenuation till the limit
  specified by the correction
Use existing primary links factor, trying to generate a
in network generation valid network

    Store options in the

Try to find valid network Relax constraints in
configuration report
without repeaters network generation

Edit configuration


Use suggested pairs Lock the

of communication configuration.
  The LOCK
operation is Append desired links to
mandatory prior links quality survey tool
to configuring
the system.  

  Lock configuration and export 

Manually select
communication Open survey links
channels generator tool
Show advanced
Display Lock
configuration tool

Delete unmeasured
links in survey file Overwrite
unmeasured links
in survey file

Show only
links of a
floors tool
Advanced commands


Enable/Disable   tools
When the distance metre option is enabled auto align function
it is possible to evaluate the real distance
of two points in the map. Click on desired
points with no tools selected
Enable/Disable distance meter tool
Hide/Show link quality survey  
Hide/Show modeled walls
Hide/Show device info box

Hide/Show map    
Hide/Show communication links Hide/Show planning area grid

Manually draw link 


Child Link points from
Parent to Child

Enable manual
link drawing  

Define floor  Select floor  

first corner

Enable Select floor

floor   opposite corner

Abc Edit floor label

Move first reference

Abc Edit floor height
  point for floor alignment

Set ceiling

Edit floor info

Align floors and edit floor options


Move second
reference point
for floor

7 Configuration Management Tab – Commissioning (x2)

Option to store a copy

of the configuration in
  the GW

  Start the gateway based pre commissioning.

Use when the devices are UN-
  Activate wizard COMMISSIONED and already installed in
  for step-by- their final position with correct loop address.
  step gateway This operation is divided in 3 phases:
  based pre  
‐ The network configuration is
commissioning downloaded to GW
procedures ‐ The GW uploads the network
  information to each device
‐ The GW commissions the network and
starts working

    Cancel LOG
  Gateway based pre commissioning
Open current
report to look Step-by-step Step-by-step
at installation procedure to procedure to be
information be followed followed when
when installing modifying an
a new system existing system Show planning area
  image commands

LOG window: all the run time operations

are reported here in real time

Test communication
between USB dongle and
GW only/all devices
Upload network
Option to store a copy of the configuration into the GW configuration to GW
  Select Upload and
only/all devices
Test to be GW only
or for all devices

Send command to
Activate manual GW to start network
pre-commissioning commissioning:
commands for gateway necessary after
manually uploading
configuration to all
Manual pre commissioning 

Activate/Deactivate advanced Start monitoring commissioning messages

options window (useful after commissioning command)

Send restart device

Necessary after data
Activate manual  
upload. Equivalent to
pre- commissioning
power off/ on
commands for radio

Option to automatically
  send a restart message
Set communication parameters for test/restart messages from the dongle: Set device as after upload operation
Use default for new /un-commissioned devices, custom for already   configured in (note: NOT GW)
programmed devices where the communication parameters are known device info box Decide info box position

8 Configuration Management Tab – Diagnostics

Retrieve event log (the diagnostic will

take more time to run)
Activate diagnostic  
Link strength
Device info
  Diagnostic commands

LOG window: all the

run time operations
are reported here in
real time
Edit diagnostic notes

Open diagnostic Configuration

report status Tamper status

Alarm status
Fault Battery status


The Dongle Management screen allows the current dongle (USB 3) Select this file and click Open to start the upgrade. The current
Interface) to be upgraded if necessary: dongle status and data will be read.
1) Click on the button at the bottom left corner of the
screen to open the Dongle Manager.
Note that AgileIQ™ v3.x (or above) requires a dongle with
firmware version of at least v1.0.0.3 in order to work. If an
older version of the dongle is used, the following message will
appear and the dongle will need to be upgraded:

Click OK, and then open the Dongle Management screen as After about   a minute this message will appear:
described above.  
  4) Following the
  instructions, remove and then reattach the dongle
  and click  OK.
  After another
minute, the new firmware will be written to the
2) Select Firmware Upgrade and click Yes.  
A Windows  screen will show the available upgrade file in the  

5) The upgrade completes with the message:

6) Click OK and  restart the dongle using the Restart Dongle
button in the
  Dongle Management screen.

Pittway Tecnologica S.r.l.
Via Caboto 19/3

D200-306-00 22 I56-3909-010

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