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IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager

Wireline Component
April 2014
Document Revision R2E1

Pack Installation and Configuration


Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 165.

© Copyright IBM Corporation 1997, 2014.

US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
About this information . . . . . . . . v Devices and services . . . . . . . . . . 35
Intended audience . . . . . . . . . . . . v Setting up the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC . . . . 46
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireline Load Balancer Adapter . . . . . . . . . 55
Component. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack . . . . 60
What this information contains . . . . . . . . vi Devices and services . . . . . . . . . . 60
Service Management Connect . . . . . . . . vii Setting up the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM servers 69
Tivoli technical training . . . . . . . . . . vii Configure the technology pack . . . . . . . 75
Support information . . . . . . . . . . . vii Modifying the collection strategy . . . . . . 82
Conventions used in this publication . . . . . viii Troubleshooting Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM
Typeface conventions . . . . . . . . . . viii Technology Pack configuration . . . . . . 109
Alcatel-Lucent 5670 RAM Technology Pack . . . 122
Chapter 1. Installing technology packs . 1 Overview of Alcatel-Lucent 5670 RAM
Technology Pack . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Types of technology packs . . . . . . . . . . 1
Bulk input file formats in Alcatel-Lucent 5670
Backing up inventory files . . . . . . . . . . 2
RAM Technology Pack . . . . . . . . . 124
Prerequisite software . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Configuring the RAM server . . . . . . . 124
Prerequisite software for technology pack
samInventory . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
ramAdaptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Additional information . . . . . . . . . . 3
Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack . . . . . 137
Preinstallation setup tasks . . . . . . . . . . 4
Running the adaptor script and configuring the
Preparing to install technology pack patches. . . . 5 file . . . . . . . . . . 137
Preparing the pack installation directory . . . . . 5
GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch Technology
Installing a technology pack . . . . . . . . . 6
Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Installing technology packs by using the
New bulk input file formats introduced in
launchpad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch
UBA collectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Technology Pack . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Configuring certain scripts for Genband C20
devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Chapter 2. Configuring technology Activating percentile requests . . . . . . . 145
packs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 NetFlow IPFIX Technology Pack . . . . . . . 145
Configuring SNMP technology packs . . . . . . 15 Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Configuring UBA technology packs . . . . . . 17 Deployment considerations . . . . . . . . 146
Configuring technology packs for enabling common TNPMFLOW installation . . . . . . . . 147
reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 TNPMFLOW configuration . . . . . . . . 149
UBA PVLine Format Technology Pack . . . . . 154
Chapter 3. Additional configuration PVLine input file formats . . . . . . . . 154
steps for certain SNMP technology Additional Topology Editor parameters. . . . 159
packs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Arris CMTS DOCSIS 3.0 Technology Pack . . . . 27 Chapter 5. Importing and publishing
Updating the script . . . . 27 common packs . . . . . . . . . . 161
Enabling CSE feature . . . . . . . . . . 28
Cisco CBQoS Technology Pack . . . . . . . . 30 Appendix. Installing technology packs
Losing indexes after device reboots . . . . . 30 by using the command line . . . . . 163
Customizing Discovery results . . . . . . . 30
MIB-II Technology Pack . . . . . . . . . . 32
Install Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Uninstall Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Additional copyright notices . . . . . . . . 168

Chapter 4. Additional configuration

steps for certain UBA Technology
Packs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC Technology Pack . . . . 35

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2014 iii

iv IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
About this information
Describes how to install and configure Tivoli® Netcool® Performance Manager
technology packs and common packs.

Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4 supports both Oracle and DB2® databases.

Attention: DB2 is supported on Linux only. Whereas, Oracle is supported on

Solaris, AIX®, and Linux systems.

Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager rolled out the ability to report on the
performance data by using the Cognos® reporting capability of Tivoli Common
Reporting, included as standard in Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager.

Intended audience
The audience for this guide.
v Network administrators or operations specialists responsible for installing and
configuring technology packs and common packs on an IBM Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager system on an enterprise network.
v Common pack modelers who want to publish data models for Common
Reporting in Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager.

Readers must be familiar with the following topics:

v Basic principles of TCP/IP networks and network management
v SNMP concepts
v Administration of the Oracle database management system
v Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager
v Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager technology pack and common pack
v Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager reporting concepts
v Jazz for Service Management
v IBM Cognos
v IBM Cognos Framework Manager

Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireline Component

IBM® Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager consists of a wireline component
(formerly Netcool/Proviso) and a wireless component (formerly Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager for Wireless).

Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireline Component consists of the

following subcomponents:
v DataMart is a set of management, configuration, and troubleshooting GUIs. The
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager System Administrator uses the GUIs to
define policies and configuration, and to verify and troubleshoot operations.
v DataLoad provides flexible, distributed data collection and data import of SNMP
and non-SNMP data to a centralized database.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2014 v

v DataChannel aggregates the data collected through Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager DataLoad for use by the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager
DataView reporting functions. It also processes online calculations and detects
real-time threshold violations.
v DataView is a reliable application server for on-demand, web-based network
v Technology Packs extend the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager system with
service-ready reports for network operations, business development, and
customer viewing.

The following figure shows the different Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager

Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager documentation consists of the following:

v Release notes
v Configuration recommendations
v Installation and upgrade information
v User guides
v Technical notes
v Online help

The documentation is available for viewing and downloading on the information

center at

What this information contains

This publication contains the following sections:
v Chapter 1, “Installing technology packs,” on page 1
Describes how to install and manage technology packs.
v Chapter 2, “Configuring technology packs,” on page 15
Describes how to configure the technology packs.
v Chapter 3, “Additional configuration steps for certain SNMP technology packs,”
on page 27

vi IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Describes additional configuration steps required for certain SNMP technology
v Chapter 4, “Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs,”
on page 35
Describes additional configuration steps required for certain UBA technology
v Importing and publishing common packs
Describes how to import and publish common packs.
v “Installing technology packs by using the command line,” on page 163
Describes how to install technology packs by using command line.

Service Management Connect

Connect, learn, and share with Service Management professionals: product support
technical experts who provide their perspectives and expertise.

Access Network and Service Assurance community at

developerworks/servicemanagement/nsa/index.html. Use Service Management
Connect in the following ways:
v Become involved with transparent development, an ongoing, open engagement
between other users and IBM developers of Tivoli products. You can access early
designs, sprint demonstrations, product roadmaps, and prerelease code.
v Connect one-on-one with the experts to collaborate and network about Tivoli
and the Network and Service Assurance community.
v Read blogs to benefit from the expertise and experience of others.
v Use wikis and forums to collaborate with the broader user community.
Related information:

Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Wiki on developerWorks

Tivoli technical training

For Tivoli technical training information, see the following Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager Training website at

Support information
If you have a problem with your IBM software, you want to resolve it quickly. IBM
provides the following ways for you to obtain the support you need:
Access the IBM Software Support site at
support/probsub.html .
IBM Support Assistant
The IBM Support Assistant is a free local software serviceability workbench
that helps you resolve questions and problems with IBM software
products. The Support Assistant provides quick access to support-related
information and serviceability tools for problem determination. To install
the Support Assistant software, go to

About this information vii

Troubleshooting Guide
For more information about resolving problems, see the problem
determination information for this product.

Conventions used in this publication

Several conventions are used in this publication for special terms, actions,
commands, and paths that are dependent on your operating system.

Typeface conventions
This publication uses the following typeface conventions:
v Lowercase commands and mixed case commands that are otherwise
difficult to distinguish from surrounding text
v Interface controls (check boxes, push buttons, radio buttons, spin
buttons, fields, folders, icons, list boxes, items inside list boxes,
multicolumn lists, containers, menu choices, menu names, tabs, property
sheets), labels (such as Tip:, and Operating system considerations:)
v Keywords and parameters in text
v Citations (examples: titles of publications, diskettes, and CDs)
v Words defined in text (example: a nonswitched line is called a
point-to-point line)
v Emphasis of words and letters (words as words example: "Use the word
that to introduce a restrictive clause."; letters as letters example: "The
LUN address must start with the letter L.")
v New terms in text (except in a definition list): a view is a frame in a
workspace that contains data.
v Variables and values you must provide: ... where myname represents....
v Examples and code examples
v File names, programming keywords, and other elements that are difficult
to distinguish from surrounding text
v Message text and prompts addressed to the user
v Text that the user must type
v Values for arguments or command options
Bold monospace
v Command names, and names of macros and utilities that you can type
as commands
v Environment variable names in text
v Keywords
v Parameter names in text: API structure parameters, command
parameters and arguments, and configuration parameters
v Process names
v Registry variable names in text
v Script names

viii IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 1. Installing technology packs
The Topology Editor was introduced at the same time as the 4.3-U technology pack
release. All 4.3-U or higher UBA technology pack installations require the Topology
Editor to configure the technology pack. Configuration details are described in this

Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager supports the 4.3-U or higher technology pack
installation procedures.

All technology packs, both legacy bundle and stand-alone packs, require the
Technology Pack Installer. Always use the latest Technology Pack Installer,
regardless of the version of the technology pack.

Important: A new Technology Pack Installer is released in 1.3-G release with the
version This version has no feature enhancements but is released for license
text changes.

Note: The latest Technology Pack Installer (ProvisoPackInstaller.jar file) version

is It works on both Oracle and IBM DB2®.

Note: The Technology Pack Installer that was released in November 2013
was purely for DB2 installation.

Note: Since the release of 4.3-W technology packs, the former Starter Kit was
renamed to Pack Bundle Prerequisite pack. It is contained in the legacy bundle and
is only required to be installed with a legacy pack that is also contained in a legacy

All technology packs require that the Starter Kit or the Pack Bundle Prerequisite
Pack to be installed.

Types of technology packs

Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager supports these types of technology packs.
Multiple technology packs that are contained in a single, bundled JAR file.
Individual technology packs that are contained in separate JAR files, one
for each stand-alone technology pack.

Both bundled and stand-alone packs are installed with a common installer with
slightly different screens that depends on the type of pack you are installing.
Typically, you might install a combination of bundled and stand-alone packs. The
installation instructions cover the following installation scenarios:
v Bundled only
v Stand-alone only
v Bundled and stand-alone

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2014 1

Backing up inventory files
These backup steps are not required for an SNMP stand-alone technology pack.

About this task

For specific information about managing the inventory control files for an SNMP
technology pack, see Chapter 2, “Configuring technology packs,” on page 15.
Before you install a new technology pack from the technology pack bundle, or
from a stand-alone pack, you must perform the following actions:

1. Change your working directory to the conf directory by using the following
cd $PVMHOME/conf
2. Make backup copies of the inventory control files by entering the following
cp inventory_elements.txt inventory_elements.txt.ORIG
cp inventory_subelements.txt inventory_subelements.txt.ORIG
3. After the installation of the technology pack is complete, you must follow the
configuration steps Chapter 2, “Configuring technology packs,” on page 15.
4. After the configuration of the technology pack is complete, you must perform a
diff between the inventory control files and the .ORIG versions of the files, and
merge back any differences.

Prerequisite software
Ensure that you fulfill these prerequisites before you install and configure a
technology pack.

Prerequisite software for technology pack installation

You must have all the prerequisite software and required information before you
install and configure a technology pack.
v IBM Tivoli/Netcool Proviso 4.4.3 or IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager.
v An SNMP collector. You can add an SNMP collector as described in Add a
Collector in the IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Installation Guide.

Note: For UBA technology packs, you add a UBA collector and associate it with
a UBA pack as part of this technology pack installation.
v Ensure that you have access to the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager
DataMart server that is running an X Window System server.

Note: If there is no graphics card on the DataMart server, the Xvfb virtual frame
buffer package that provides X Window System services is automatically
installed. For more information, see Setting Up a Remote X Window Display in the
Installing Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireline Component.
v Ensure that you have access to the SilverStream server (Tivoli Netcool/Proviso
v Ensure that you have access to the Tivoli Integrated Portal (Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager v1.3.0 or later)
v Ensure that you have access to the DataChannel server

2 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
v Ensure that you have access to the technology pack installation files on one of
the following locations:
– Product distribution site:
softwareandservices. On the product distribution sites are the
ProvisoPackInstaller.jar file, and technology pack JAR files.
– Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager CD distribution, which contains the
ProvisoPackInstaller.jar file, technology pack JAR files, and the JAR files
for the Starter Kit components.
For more information about the Starter Kit, see “Preinstallation setup tasks”
on page 4.
For more information about obtaining software, see your IBM customer
v The correct version of Java. For more information, see Configuration

Additional information
An SNMP technology pack is MIB-based and its configuration is relatively
straightforward. UBA Technology Packs collect data against non-SNMP devices,
and rely on the UBA of the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataChannel to
process the data.

Before you configure a technology pack, ensure that you:

v Have the following documentation for your version of Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager:
– IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Release Notes for the current
technology pack release
– IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Installation Guide
– IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Upgrade Guide (if you are upgrading
the core software)
– IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Upgrade Guide (if you are
upgrading the technology-pack software)
– IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: DataMart Configuration and Operations

Note: Refer to this guide to create an inventory profile and initiate a

v Have access to the following site to check for interim fixes or fix packs that
might apply to your technology pack:
v Have the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager documentation and the IBM Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Release Notes, which are available on the
following website:
Always check the Release Notes before you install a technology pack to
– If the pack is bundled or stand-alone pack.
– If the pack has any dependencies. For example, some packs require that the
MIB-II Technology Pack to be installed.
– If the pack is an SNMP or a UBA pack. UBA packs must be associated with a
UBA collector as part of the pack installation.

Chapter 1. Installing technology packs 3

– If the pack is upgradeable.
v The Oracle TNS name of the server on which you installed Oracle server with
the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager database configuration. For more
information, see Specifying a Basename for DB_USER_ROOT topic in the Installing
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireline Component.

Preinstallation setup tasks

Ensure that all necessary configuration steps are completed on the prerequisite
v Determine the technology packs you want to install, and then see the release
notes to determine whether the pack is bundled or stand-alone pack.

Note: If you are installing multiple packs, plan to download all the JAR files
and install all the packs at the same time.
v Completed the following tasks:
– Reviewed the release notes for the current technology pack.

Note: Release notes contain important information that you must consider
before you install a technology pack. They also contain information about
specific patches that must be installed before you configure a technology pack
– Installed the current version of the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager
components, as described in the IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager:
Installation Guide.
– Installed the MIB-II Technology Pack.

Note: The MIB-II Technology Pack is a stand-alone technology pack that is

contained in its own JAR file. The MIB-II Technology Pack must be installed
for those technology packs that have a dependency on this pack.
– Configured at least one DataChannel.
– Configured an SNMP collector subchannel for an SNMP pack.
– Configured a UBA bulk collector subchannel for a UBA pack.
– Created a user on the server with permission to FTP and delete files.
v Open a terminal emulator and log on to the DataMart server as pvuser.
v Change your working directory to the DataMart home directory (/opt/datamart,
by default).
v Load the shell with the DataMart environment by sourcing the dataMart.env
file, as follows:
. /opt/datamart/dataMart.env

Note: After you load the DataMart environment into the shell, the PVMHOME
variable is set to the DataMart home directory, /opt/datamart, by default. These
instructions assume that this variable is set.
v Set and export the DISPLAY environment variable (see Setting Up a Remote X
Window Display in the Installing Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireline
Component) so that the Technology Pack Installer GUI displays back on your
v Installed the Technology Pack.

Note: Localization is done automatically during installation of the technology


4 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Preparing to install technology pack patches
Describes how to install technology pack patches.

Before you begin

v For the latest patch information for Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager, see
Installing an interim fix in the Installing Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager -
Wireline Component.
v For the latest patch information for technology packs, download the Release
Notes of the required technology pack release from the information center.
Review the appendix that deals with interim fixes and fix packs in the release
notes. Note the patches that are required for the technology packs you intend to

1. Download the required patches for each technology pack that you intend to
2. Install the required patches for each technology pack that you intend to install.

Preparing the pack installation directory

You can obtain technology pack installation files from the IBM product distribution
website, or from the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager technology pack CD.

Before you begin

If you are installing the packs by using an instance of the Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager launchpad on the local file system, you can install directly
from the CD. Otherwise, you must create a temporary directory and copy the
technology pack files to the local system before you begin the installation. You
cannot run the launchpad from the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DVD, and
then install technology packs directly from the CD distribution.

Note: If you are using a local instance of the launchpad and you want to install
directly from the technology pack CD, you can skip this step and proceed to
“Installing a technology pack” on page 6.

1. On the system where DataMart is located, use the mkdir command to create
app-packs directory to hold the technology pack JAR files and the
ProvisoPackInstaller.jar file. For example:
mkdir -p $PVMHOME/version/app-packs
2. If you want to use technology packs from the IBM product distribution
website, download the JAR files by following these steps:
a. Use the cd command to change your working directory to the app-packs
directory that you created in Step 1. For example:
cd $PVMHOME/version/app-packs
b. Download the following from this website:
v ProvisoPackInstaller.jar file
v JAR files for technology packs you want to install (the bundled JAR file
for bundled packs or individual JAR files for stand-alone packs)

Chapter 1. Installing technology packs 5

3. If you want to use technology packs from the Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager technology pack CD, browse to the /Proviso/AP/jar location on the
CD and copy the following files to the temporary directory:
v ProvisoPackInstaller.jar file
v JAR files for technology packs you want to install (the bundled JAR file for
bundled packs or individual JAR files for stand-alone packs)
4. Unmount the CD.

Installing a technology pack

You can install a Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager technology pack either from
a launchpad or by using the command line.

Installing technology packs by using the launchpad

Use this information to install a technology pack by using the launchpad.

Before you begin

Check the version of Java running on your system by entering the following
java -version

You must upgrade your version of Java depending on the technology pack release.

Important: For 4.3-U and higher technology packs, the launchpad requires you to
enter the path to supported Java runtime binary files. Only version 1.5.0_b(14+) is
supported. The Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager topology editor provides a
supported version of the Java binary files. Using the older Java version might
result in an error detailing that it is not possible to proceed with the installation.

About this task

To install a Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager technology pack, follow these


1. Start the installer as follows:
a. If it is not already open, open the launchpad (see Starting the Launchpad in
the Installing Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireline Component).

Note: Open a terminal emulator and log on to the DataMart server as

pvuser. You must su to root. Otherwise, the launchpad fails to start.
b. On the launchpad, click Install Technology Pack.
c. On the Install Technology Pack window, enter the following information:
v The DataMart home directory (for example,/opt/datamart, by default).
v The Java run time environment home directory (for example,

Note: For information about supported JRE versions, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager: Configuration Recommendations.
v The Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager user (for example, pvuser).

6 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
d. Click the Install Technology Pack link.
A window prompts you to select the technology pack installation setup
e. Click Browse to locate the temporary directory ($PVMHOME/version/app-
packs) that you created in “Preparing the pack installation directory” on
page 5, or the directory on the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager CD
where the pack JAR files are located (by default, /Proviso/AP/jar).
The technology pack can be loaded to the server where the Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager database is installed.
f. Click the directory, and then click Select to display the specified directory in
the window.
g. Click OK.
When the Technology Pack Installer starts, it displays a Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager Technology Packs Welcome window.
2. Click Next.
3. Accept the license agreement, and then click Next.
The Technology Pack Installer displays the Database Access Parameters
window with the parameter values that you specified when installing and
configuring Oracle, the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager database, and
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataMart. For more information, see
Installing and configuring the prerequisite software and Installing in a distributed
environment in the Installing Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireline
4. Reenter the password of the database user, which is PV by default.
5. Click Next to continue.
The Technology Pack Installer displays the Dashboard Application Services
Hub or Tivoli Integrated Portal access parameter values that you specified
when installing and configuring Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataView
as described in Installing in a distributed environment in the Installing Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager - Wireline Component.

Note: The Technology Pack Installer GUI always displays 16710 as the default
port number for Tivoli Integrated Portal or Dashboard Application Services
Hub. If you want to use a different port number, you must give the port
number at the time of Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager installation.
Otherwise, the Technology Pack Installer displays an error message and you
cannot proceed with the installation.
6. Reenter the password of the Dashboard Application Services Hub or Tivoli
Integrated Portal user, which is smadmin by default, or tipadmin for the Tivoli
Integrated Portal user.
The Technology Pack Installer displays a Feature Selection window, which lists
all the packs you downloaded to the directory created in “Preparing the pack
installation directory” on page 5 in the left panel. All the packs are
automatically selected for installation.
7. Clear any technology packs in the list that you do not want to install, and then
click Next.

Note: The prerequisites for technology packs item in the Feature Selection
window is always installed. You cannot clear this item. The Starter Kit is not
included in this item.
Depending on the type of packs you install, you might be presented with
slightly different windows.
Stand-alone packs only:

Chapter 1. Installing technology packs 7

a. Click Next to start the installation.
As the stand-alone packs are installed, the Technology Pack Installer
displays the name of each pack and indicates the progress. When
the installation completes, the Technology Pack Install Complete
window is displayed.
b. Click Finish to exit the Technology Pack Installer.
c. Go to What to do next section to perform post-installation tasks.
Bundled and stand-alone packs:
The Technology Pack Installer installs all of the stand-alone technology
packs and displays the name of each pack and indicates progress.
When the installation of the stand-alone packs completes, the Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager Technology Packs screen opens, and the
installation of bundled packs begins.
Bundled packs:
To install the bundle packs, follow these steps:

For 4.3-Y or higher Technology Packs Only. Before you install
bundled packs, the Installer looks for an environment variable
named PROVISO_JAVA. This points to the directory that contains the
approved 1.5 (or above) IBM Java virtual machine. If PROVISO_JAVA
environment variable is not set, the installer attempts to use the
default system Java and causes an issue when you install bundled
a. An Update Proviso Database message box displays briefly, followed
by a Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Technology Packs screen.
Click Next to continue.
The Technology Pack Installer displays the Database Details screen
with the parameter values that you specified when installing and
configuring Oracle, the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager
database, and Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataMart as
described in previous chapters of this installation guide. For more
information, see Installing and configuring the prerequisite software and
Installing in a distributed environment in the IBM Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager: Installation Guide.
b. Reenter the password of the database user, which is PV by default.
c. Click Next to continue. The Select Packages screen opens.
d. On the Select Packages screen, do the following:
v If not previously installed, select the Pack Bundle Prerequisites.
v Select individual bundled technology packs that you want to
e. Click Next to continue.
f. Confirm your bundled pack selections on the Install Options
Selected screen or click Back to return to the Select Packages screen
to remove or add technology packs to the list.
g. When you are satisfied with your selections, click Next.
The Technology Pack Installer begins copying files that are
associated with the bundled packs, displaying several status

Note: If it detects existing files, the Technology Pack Installer might

display Replace File window, for example, inventory_elements.txt

8 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
and inventory_subelements.txt. For more information about
backing up these files, see “Backing up inventory files” on page 2.
When the Technology Pack Installer finishes copying all the
necessary files for the bundled packs and updates the database, it
displays the ReadMe File screen. By default, the check box for
reviewing the README file is selected. The README file tells you to
download the Pack Release Notes from the information center.
h. Click Finish.
The Technology Pack Installer displays a series of messages in the
terminal emulator as it uploads style sheets and other pack-related
files to the database. Upon completion, the Technology Pack
Installer displays a Technology Pack Install Complete screen.
i. Click Finish to exit the Technology Pack Installer.

What to do next

After the installation completes, do the following, depending upon the types of
packs (bundled or stand-alone packs, SNMP or UBA packs) you installed:

Note: See IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Release Notes to determine
the pack type (SNMP or UBA).

Important: A technology pack does not work until it is configured. After you
configure the technology pack, data is collected and reports are populated.
SNMP packs
Configure the technology pack, as described in Chapter 2, “Configuring
technology packs,” on page 15.
UBA packs
Add a UBA collector, as follows:
v All UBA packs except the Nortel CS2000 Technology Pack, see “Adding
a UBA collector for a UBA pack” on page 10

Note: Since the release of 4.3-G technology packs, the Nortel CS2000
Technology Pack was renamed to Genband C20 Technology Pack.
v The Nortel CS2000 Technology Pack, see “Adding UBA collectors for the
Nortel CS2000 Technology Pack” on page 11
v Configure the technology pack, as described in Chapter 2, “Configuring
technology packs,” on page 15.

UBA collectors
The UBA collector is associated with two DataChannel components:
Complex Metric Engine (CME)x.x
Performs calculations on the collected data.
File Transfer Engine (FTE)x.x
Transfers files from the collector output directories and places them in the
input directory of the CME.

Note: Topology Editor includes the channel and collector numbers in the
component names. For example, Data Channel 1 might have Collector
UBA 1.1, with Complex Metric Engine 1.1 and File Transfer Engine 1.1.
The FTE writes data to the file /var/adm/wtmpx on each system that hosts a
collector. As part of routine maintenance, check the size of this file to

Chapter 1. Installing technology packs 9

prevent it from growing too large. For more information about Disk Quota
Management, see Installing Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireline

Note: The Solaris version can be configured with strict access default
settings for secure environments. Strict FTP access settings might interfere
with automatic transfers between a DataChannel subchannel and the
DataLoad server. Check for FTP lockouts in /etc/ftpd/ftpusers, and check
for strict FTP rules in /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess.

For all UBA technology packs except for the Nortel CS2000 Technology Pack,
follow the instructions in “Adding a UBA collector for a UBA pack.”

For the Nortel CS2000 Technology Pack, follow the instructions in “Adding UBA
collectors for the Nortel CS2000 Technology Pack” on page 11. This technology
pack has some specific requirements beyond the typical UBA pack and requires
some additional steps.

Adding a UBA collector for a UBA pack

Use this information to add a UBA collector for a UBA Pack.

1. Load the pack XSD file into an existing topology, as follows:
a. If it is not already open, open the Topology Editor (see Starting the Topology
Editor in the Installing Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireline
b. Open a deployed topology (a topology.xml file) (see Opening an Existing
Topology File in the Installing Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireline
c. In the Technology Pack view, right-click the Technology Packs folder and
select Load Technology Pack from the menu.
The Load the technology pack configuration metadata window displays.
There are two radio buttons: XSD file and JAR file.
d. Click the JAR file radio button and select Browse.
There is a known issue and a workaround for opening an XSD file from a
UBA pack. For more information, see UBA pack XSD file inside a JAR file
cannot be loaded into the Topology Editor section in IBM Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager: Pack Release Notes.
e. Using the Directory: field, the up and down arrows, and the Folders pane
on the configuration metadata window, go to the directory where the
technology pack JAR files exist. For example, $PVMHOME/APFiles or a
directory on the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager CD.
f. For bundled UBA packs:
v Select the bundled JAR file, then click OK. The bundled JAR file displays
in the Load the technology pack configuration metadata window.
v Click Next. The Topology Editor displays the list of XSD files for the
Bundled packs you installed.
v Select one or more XSD files to import into the topology. Click Select all
to select all of the XSD files.

Note: You can also click a single XSD file and press the CTRL key to select
any number of other XSD files.

10 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
v Click Finish. The Topology Editor adds the selected Bundled Technology
Pack or packs to the list of technology packs displayed in the Technology
Packs view.
g. For stand-alone UBA packs:
v Select a technology pack JAR file, and then click OK. The pack JAR file is
displayed in the configuration metadata window.
v Click Finish. The Topology Editor adds the selected stand-alone
technology pack to the list of technology packs displayed in the
Technology Packs view.
2. After you load a UBA pack XSD file, you must add a UBA collector and
associate it with a UBA technology pack as follows:
a. In the Logical view, right-click the DataChannel x folder and select from the
Add collector UBA menu.
The Configure Collector window opens.
b. Select the appropriate technology pack (for example, Alcatel Lucent 5529
SDC) from the list of technology packs, and then click Next.
c. Using the list of available hosts on the Configure Collector window, select
the workstation that hosts the collector. For example, corinth).
d. Accept the default collector number. For example, 2.
e. Click Finish.
The Topology Editor displays the new collector under the DataChannelx
folder in the Logical view.
f. Highlight the collector to view its properties. The Topology Editor displays
both the UBA collector core parameters and the UBA technology
pack-specific parameters. The core parameters are configured with all UBA
technology packs. Review the values for the parameters to make sure that
they are valid. For information about the core parameters, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager: Properties Reference Guide. For information about
the pack-specific parameters, see the Topology Editor Help.
g. To add extra UBA collectors for a UBA technology pack, repeat Step 2-a
through Step 2-f.
h. Redeploy the updated topology (see Starting the Deployer in the Installing
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireline Component).
3. Configure the UBA technology packs.

Adding UBA collectors for the Nortel CS2000 Technology Pack

Use this information to add UBA collectors for the Nortel CS2000 Technology Pack.

About this task

The Nortel CS2000 Technology Pack requires you to add one UBA collector for
each of the following devices that run in the network:
v Passport Packet Voice Gateway (PVG) – The UBA executing on this subchannel
retrieves bulk input files that are generated by the PVG device.
v Universal Signaling Point (USP) – The UBA executing on this subchannel
retrieves bulk input files that are generated by the USP device.
v Nortel CS2K Performance – The UBA executing on this subchannel retrieves
bulk input files that are generated by the Nortel CS2K Performance device.
v Nortel Integrated Element Management System (IEMS) – The UBA executing on
this subchannel retrieves bulk input files that are generated by the Nortel CS2K
IEMS system.

Chapter 1. Installing technology packs 11

v Nortel Server Session Lines (SSL) – The UBA executing on this subchannel
retrieves bulk input files that are generated by a Nortel CS2K SSL device.
Attention: The following two UBA collectors, SST and CPR, are only applicable
for 4.3-X and higher technology packs.
v Nortel Session Server Trunk (SST) – The UBA executing on this subchannel
retrieves bulk input files that are generated by a Nortel CS2K SST device.
v Nortel Common Performance Reporting (CPR) – CPR is a log format. The bulk
input files that are generated by the PVG device are manipulated by the IEMS
system and converted into CPR format. Nortel recommends that the CPR log
format is manipulated by using the IEMS system, instead of directly from the
MDM. So this is facilitated by the CPR Adaptor.
The CPR Adaptor is also somewhat of a generic adaptor as it can be used to
support SST data in CPR format. One instance of the CPR Adaptor can
simultaneously support both CPR and SST formats.
For example, if there are two PVG devices you would add two UBA collectors,
one for each PVG device operating in the network. If there are two USP devices
you would add two UBA collectors, one for each USP device operating in the
network, and so forth.
v The Nortel CS2000 Technology Pack also requires you to add multiple UBA
collectors for the following call records:
Nortel Succession Communication Server 2000 (CS2K) CDR call records – The
UBAs executing on this subchannel retrieve bulk input files that are generated
by the pre-processor.
For example, if you expect the UBA to process a large amount of CS2K CDR call
records you would add multiple (for example, three) UBA collectors, each with a
unique collector number. Each of these UBA collectors is then mapped to a
Master UBA. The Topology Editor displays the appropriate windows for you to
add multiple UBA collectors and add the Master UBA.
The Topology Editor simplifies the task of adding UBA collectors for each of
these devices and the CS2K CDR call records by associating each with a
technology pack that displays in the Technology Packs view after you load the
XSD file. The following table maps each device to its associated technology pack.

CS2000 Device/System/Calls Records Pack Displayed in Technology Packs view

PVG Nortel CS2K - PVG
Nortel CS2K CDR Nortel CS2K - CDR
USP Nortel CS2K - USP
Nortel CS2K Performance Nortel CS2K - CS2K Performance
SSL Nortel CS2K - SSL
SST Nortel CS2K - SST
CPR Nortel CS2K - CPR

12 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Log files
The Technology Pack Installer writes log files to the /usr/tmp directory.

Log files in this directory contain a detailed history of the tasks the Technology
Pack Installer performs as it installs technology packs. You can check this log file
to help solve any issues that might occur during technology pack installation. For
example, a log file might contain a message that indicates that the Technology Pack
Installer GUI cannot display back on your system because the DISPLAY
environment variable was not set. For more information, see Setting Up a Remote X
Window Display in the Installing Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireline

Log files for bulk technology packs are named installer<timestamp>.log, where
timestamp is the time that the file was created in seconds since the UNIX epoch.
Log files for stand-alone packs are named APInstall<timestamp>.log.

For technology packs, log file names have the format APInstall<number>.log. For
example: APInstall1311248677586.log.

Chapter 1. Installing technology packs 13

14 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 2. Configuring technology packs
Typical configuration steps for SNMP and UBA technology packs and also for
Cognos-enabled technology packs.

Configuring SNMP technology packs

Typical configuration steps for an SNMP technology pack.

1. Load the DataMart environment.
To load the shell with the DataMart environment, follow these steps:
a. Log in to the DataMart server as pvuser.
b. Change your working directory to the DataMart home directory
(/opt/datamart, by default), by using the following command:
cd /opt/datamart
c. Load the shell with the DataMart environment, by sourcing the
dataMart.env file, as follows:
. /opt/datamart/dataMart.env

Note: After you load the DataMart environment into the shell, the
PVMHOME variable is set to the DataMart home directory /opt/datamart
by default. These instructions assume that this variable is set.
2. Activate data collection requests.
During installation of the technology pack, all predefined data collection
requests are promoted to the database and set to inactive (that is, idle displays
in the Active column of the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataMart
Request Editor). You must activate these predefined data collection requests by
using the Request Editor.
To set data collection requests to active, follow these steps:
a. Change your working directory to $<PVMHOME>/bin (/opt/datamart/bin, by
default) on the DataMart server.
b. Enter the following command, and then press Enter to open the DataMart
c. Click the Configuration tab, and then click Request Editor to open the
Request Editor.
d. Click the Collection tab.
e. Click Refresh. The predefined data collection requests are loaded into the
Request Editor from the database.
f. Click the Inactive button in the Filter group box to display only idle
g. In the Sub-Element Groups pane, select all idle data collection requests in
the following group or groups:
Root > Sub-Element Collect > <tech_pack>
h. Click the Active box under Details. The Request Editor toggles the idle
setting for these data collection requests from idle to active in the Active

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2014 15

i. Click Save.
3. Merge the technology pack subelement inventory text files.
Subelement inventory control rules for the technology pack are contained in the
file <tech_pack>_inventory_subelements.txt, which is installed in the
following directory on the DataMart server:
You must merge the contents of this file with the file
inventory_subelements.txt located in <$PVMHOME>/conf (by default,
/opt/datamart/conf) on the DataMart server.

Important: You must perform the following steps on the MIB-II Technology
Pack before you perform them on the SNMP technology pack that has a
dependency on the MIB-II Technology Pack.
To merge the subelement inventory control rules for the Technology Pack,
follow these steps:
a. Enter the following command to change your working directory to
cd <$PVMHOME>/conf
b. Copy <tech_pack>_inventory_subelements.txt to the <$PVMHOME>/conf
directory, by entering the following command:
cp $<$PVMHOME>/APFiles/<tech_pack>/datamart/
c. Enter the following command to make a backup copy of the
inventory_subelements.txt file:
cp inventory_subelements.txt inventory_subelements.txt.ORIG
d. Enter the following command to append the contents of
<tech_pack>_inventory_subelements.txt to inventory_subelements.txt:

Important: Ensure that you use two forward brackets (>>); otherwise, the
original content of inventory_subelements.txt is overwritten.
cat <tech_pack>_inventory_subelements.txt >>
e. Perform diff on the backed-up file and the appended file to ensure that the
merge succeeded, as shown in the following example:
diff inventory_subelements.txt inventory_subelements.txt.ORIG
4. Run the initial SNMP inventory and initiate a discovery.
An inventory collects data about the network resources that the technology
pack monitors. After you install an SNMP technology pack, you must create an
inventory profile by using the Inventory Tool Wizard. You must then initiate a
discovery by running the inventory profile by using the Inventory Tool.
Running the initial inventory against SNMP objects is an intricate task and
unfortunately beyond the scope of this configuration chapter. For instructions
on using the Inventory Tool Wizard to create an inventory profile, and the
Inventory tool to run the inventory profile, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager: DataMart Configuration Guide.
5. Deploy reports.
After the technology pack installation completes, the rules for the new device
are automatically loaded into the database. The inventory process uses these
rules to group elements and subelements. You must manually deploy
(auto-group) the reports by associating them with groups in the NOC
Reporting tree in the DataMart Resource Editor.

16 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
To deploy the Technology Pack reports, follow these steps:
a. Open the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataMart Resource Editor.
b. Click the Report SE Group tab.
c. Move the cursor to the left pane and scroll up to select any group under the
SUB-ELEMENTS > NOC Reporting tree.
d. Right-click and select the AutoGrouping option from the menu. The
AutoGrouping option places the reports in dynamically generated groups
that are created during inventory.
e. Click Yes to continue.
f. Click Close to exit the message box. Or, click Details to view a description
of any errors.
g. Optional: Create an entry cron that uses the inventory CLI command and
the -reportGrouping option to deploy reports regularly. The following
example shows an entrycron that periodically deploys the report operation:
0 * * * * . /opt/datamart/dataMart.env && inventory -noX -reportGrouping
This option instructs the inventory command to run the report grouping
rules and update the deployed reports that are stored in the database.
Report grouping rules must be created before this option can be used.
For more information about creating report grouping rules, see the IBM
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: DataMart Configuration Guide.
For more information about the inventory command, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager: Command Line Interface Guide

What to do next
Verifying resources
Use the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataMart Resource Editor to
determine whether the following technology pack resources (elements,
subelements, properties, and so on) are successfully discovered and created
in the database during inventory.

For more information about Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataMart

Resource Editor, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: DataMart
Configuration Guide.

Configuring UBA technology packs

Typical configuration steps for a UBA technology pack.

1. Load the DataMart environment.
To load the shell with the DataMart environment, follow these steps:
a. Log in to the DataMart server as pvuser.
b. Change your working directory to the DataMart home directory
(/opt/datamart, by default), by using the following command:
cd /opt/datamart
c. Load the shell with the DataMart environment, by sourcing the
dataMart.env file, as follows:
. /opt/datamart/dataMart.env

Chapter 2. Configuring technology packs 17

Note: After you load the DataMart environment into the shell, the
<PVMHOME> variable is set to the DataMart home directory,
/opt/datamart by default. These instructions assume that this variable is set.
2. Copy technology-specific files from the DataMart server to the DataChannel
Technology-specific files are used to associate a UBA technology pack with a
specific instance of the UBA.

Note: While it is possible to install DataMart and DataChannel on the same

server, in a typical installation these modules are installed on separate servers.
If so, use FTP to copy the technology-specific files. Otherwise, if DataMart and
DataChannel are on the same server, use the cp command to copy the files to
the appropriate DataChannel directory.
To copy technology-specific files to the DataChannel server, follow these steps:
a. Log in to the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataChannel server by
entering the user name and password that you specified when you install
and configure a DataChannel. The default user name and password are
pvuser and PV.
b. Change your working directory to the <DATA_CHANNEL_HOME>/scripts
directory by entering the following command, replacing
<DATA_CHANNEL_HOME> with the DataChannel home directory
(/opt/datachannel, by default):
$ cd <DATA_CHANNEL_HOME>/scripts
c. Copy the <tech_pack> directory from <$PVMHOME>/APFiles/<tech_pack>/
datachannel/scripts to <DATA_CHANNEL_HOME>/scripts.
d. Verify that the technology-specific files are now in the target directory as
follows: Verify that the bulk adapter design files (*.js), scripts (if any), other
files (if any) are now in the <DATA_CHANNEL_HOME>/scripts/<tech_pack>
3. Activate data collection requests.
During installation of the technology pack, all predefined data collection
requests are promoted to the database and set to inactive (that is, idle displays
in the Active column of the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataMart
Request Editor). You must activate these predefined data collection requests by
using the Request Editor.
To set data collection requests to active, follow these steps:
a. Change your working directory to <$PVMHOME>/bin (/opt/datamart/bin, by
default) on the DataMart server.
b. Enter the following command, and then press Enter to invoke the DataMart
c. Click the Configuration tab, and then click Request Editor to open the
Request Editor.
d. Click the Collection tab.
e. Click Refresh. The predefined data collection requests are loaded into the
Request Editor from the database.
f. Click the Inactive button in the Filter group box to display only idle
g. In the Sub-Element Groups pane, select all idle data collection requests in
the following group or groups:
Root > Sub-Element Collect > <tech_pack>

18 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
h. Click the Active box under Details. The Request Editor toggles the idle
setting for these data collection requests from idle to active in the Active
i. Click Save.
4. Edit pack-specific UBA parameters, which are based on Tivoli Netcool/Proviso
v4.4.3 and Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager platforms:
In this release of Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager, you are instructed to
modify the technology pack-specific UBA parameters when you install the
technology pack by using the Topology Editor. If you did not modify the UBA
parameters with site-specific values or you want to make more edits, you can
do so now. Otherwise, you can go to the next step.
5. Load the DataChannel environment. In subsequent steps, you execute dccmd
commands. To ensure that you can run these commands, load the shell with
the DataChannel environment by following these steps:
a. Log in to the DataChannel server as pvuser.
b. Change your working directory to the DataChannel home directory
(/opt/datachannel, by default), by using the following command:
cd /opt/datachannel
c. Load the shell with the DataChannel environment, by sourcing the
dataChannel.env file, as follows:
. /opt/datachannel/dataChannel.env
6. Restart the DataChannel to activate the UBA and read in changes to the
deployed topology.
a. Open a terminal emulator on the DataChannel server.
b. Use the dccmd command to stop all DataChannel applications:
dccmd stop all
c. Use the dccmd command to release all daemons that run in the DataChannel:
dccmd forget all
d. Use the following command to find the process identifiers (pids) associated
with the DataChannel visual processes:

<DATA_CHANNEL_HOME> is /opt/datachannel, by default.
e. Use the following commands to stop each DataChannel visual process:
kill -9 <cnsw_pid>
kill -9 <logw_pid>
kill -9 <amgrw_pid>
kill -9 <cmgrw_pid>

Note: The logw is a Java process and must to be killed by using ps -ef
|grep LOG, and then kill the logw process ID.
f. Use the following commands to restart each DataChannel visual process:
g. Use the dccmd command to start all DataChannel applications:
dccmd start all
h. Use the dccmd command to verify that all of the DataChannel applications
started properly:

Chapter 2. Configuring technology packs 19

dccmd status all

Note: More specifically, make sure that the UBA application associated with
the DataChannel that is configured for the technology pack is running.
i. Watch the output of the status switch to verify that all the necessary
processes are running. If these processes are running, run the tail utility on
the log file for the UBA by issuing a command similar to the following
tail -f DATA_CHANNEL_HOME/log/proviso.log | grep
UBA.<channel_number>.<collector_number>- | more

Variable Description
<DATA_CHANNEL_HOME> By default, /opt/datachannel
<channel_number> Specifies the channel number (for
example, 1) you specified when you
configured this DataChannel.
The trailing dash (–) after Removes extraneous log messages from
<collector_number> your view. That is, the trailing dash
guarantees that the command displays
only those messages that are generated
by your application. The first set of
messages relates to syntax checks.

The following table identifies some events to watch for during the syntax

Event Description
The UBA application starts successfully, Typically, this event occurs because of a
but then stops executing. licensing issue.
The bulk adapter design file might be This event causes a syntax error before
corrupted. the UBA application connects to the
The UBA application connects to the This event causes a message similar to
database. the following example to display:
DB_CONNECT Connecting to <sid> as <user>

If you see this database connection

message without prior errors, the UBA
application passed the syntax check.

7. Ensure that the bulk input files can be read. To verify that the UBA application
can read the bulk input files, follow these steps:
a. Place a bulk input file at the source input location. The source input
location for bulk input files is specified by using the URI parameter from
the pack XSD file, which you can view by using the Topology Editor.
Within the configured file retrieval interval (typically, 5 minutes), the UBA
application retrieves the bulk input file and copies it to the following


20 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Variable Description
<DATA_CHANNEL_HOME> By default, /opt/datachannel
<channel_number> Specifies the channel number (for
example, 1) that you specified when
you configured this DataChannel.
<collector_number> Specifies the collector number (for
example, 100) that you specified when
you configured this UBA bulk collector.
<instance> Specifies the string for the INSTANCES
parameter in the pack XSD file.
Typically, this string represents the
name of the pack and is read-only. You
can view the string that is specified for
INSTANCES by using the Topology Editor.

The UBA application then processes the bulk input file according to the
instructions in the bulk adapter design file.

Note: The first time that the UBA processes a bulk input file, it passes a
metric to the CME. The CME rejects the metric as a BAD_METRIC metric does
not have an associated grouped subelement before this metric is recorded.
This is an expected behavior. The CME accepts metrics from the bulk input
files after the inventory is run.
b. Ensure that the UBA application can successfully read the bulk input file
that you copied into the source input location, by issuing a tail command.
For example,
tail -f <DATA_CHANNEL_HOME>/log/proviso.log | grep
UBA.<channel_number>.<collector_number>- | more

The following table identifies the success messages that you must look for.

Success message Description

PERF_INPUT_PROCESSING Processed Specifies a bulk adapter design file
<integer> records in <float> seconds completion message. A bulk adapter design
(<float> records/minute): <int> records file successfully completes when a similar
informational message displays in the log
Success occurs when <int> records equals 0.
METRIC_STREAM_INFO completed writing Specifies a metric creation success message.
metric output: The UBA application successfully creates
DATA_CHANNEL_HOME/UBA metrics when a similar debug 2 message
.<channel_number>.<collector_number>/ displays in the log file.
streaming/state/temp/output/ For some technology packs, the metric
<time>.<instance>.NRAW.BOF; wrote <int> creation might be done across different
metrics; <int> bad resource IDs; <int> instances of UBA applications. Success
bad formula names (#()) occurs when <int> metric is greater than
one, <int> bad resource IDs equals 0, and
<int> bad formula names equals 0.

Chapter 2. Configuring technology packs 21

Success message Description
PERF_INVFLUSH Inserted/updated <int> Specifies an inventory success message. The
inventory objects in <float> seconds inventory successfully completes when a
similar informational message displays in
the log file.
If <int> is greater than one, the UBA
application created or updated at least one
subelement, and the inventory process is
successful. The log file might record further
details (if necessary) in the messages that are
associated with the PERF_INVFLUSHPV
subelement message category.

8. Run the bulk inventory profile.

The UBA application handles the inventory and metrics according to the
instructions provided in the technology pack design file or files. The UBA
application inserts the created elements, subelements, and metrics into the
database. However, the UBA application does not handle the grouping of these
elements and subelements.
To handle the grouping of the elements and subelements that were inserted
into the database, UBA technology packs supply a bulk inventory profile. This
bulk inventory profile is automatically created when the pack is installed. Bulk
inventory profiles use the following name syntax:


Syntax item Description

bulk_ Identifies as a bulk inventory profile for
a UBA technology pack.
N Specifies the collector number (for
example, 100) that the user specified
when configuring this UBA bulk

You must use the Inventory Tool to run a bulk inventory profile.
To run the bulk inventory profile for this technology pack, perform the
following steps:
a. At the command prompt where you loaded the DataMart environment,
change your working directory to <$PVMHOME>/bin (/opt/datamart/bin, by
default) on the DataMart server.
b. Invoke the DataMart GUI by entering the following command and pressing
c. Click Inventory Tool in the Resource tab. The Inventory Tool window
This window displays a list of the existing inventory profiles on the
Configuration tab. The name of the inventory profile to run is bulk_N,
where N is the collector number that is configured for this pack.
d. On the Configuration tab, click the bulk inventory profile for this
technology pack, and then select Run Profile from the Action menu. The
Live Information tab displays messages about the status of the profile. For

22 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
more information about running an inventory profile, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager: DataMart Configuration and Operation Guide.
e. Optional: Every time the UBA technology pack design file creates new
elements, subelements, and metrics, you must perform the previous steps to
group the elements and subelements. One way to accomplish this task
regularly is to create an entry cron that uses the inventory CLI command.
The following example shows an entry cron that periodically performs the
grouping operation for a bulk inventory profile called bulk_100:
0 * * * * . /opt/datamart/dataMart.env && inventory -name bulk_100 -action
pregrouping -reload
0 * * * * . /opt/datamart/dataMart.env && inventory -name bulk_100 -action
grouping -reload -noX

For more information about the inventory command, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager: Command Line Interface Guide.
9. Deploy reports.
After the technology pack installation completes, the rules for the new device
are automatically loaded into the database. The inventory process uses these
rules to group elements and subelements. You must manually deploy
(auto-group) the reports by associating them with groups in the NOC
Reporting tree in the DataMart Resource Editor.
To deploy the Technology Pack reports, follow these steps:
a. Open the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataMart Resource Editor.
b. Click the Report SE Group tab.
c. Move the cursor to the left pane and scroll up to select any group under the
SUB-ELEMENTS > NOC Reporting tree.
d. Right-click and select the AutoGrouping option from the menu. The
AutoGrouping option places the reports in dynamically generated groups
that are created during inventory.
e. Click Yes to continue.
f. Click Close to exit the message box. Or, click Details to view a description
of any errors.
g. Optional: Create an entrycron that uses the inventory CLI command and
the -reportGrouping option to deploy reports regularly. The following
example shows an entrycron that periodically deploys report operation:
0 * * * * . /opt/datamart/dataMart.env && inventory -noX -reportGrouping
This option instructs the inventory command to run the report grouping
rules and update the deployed reports that are stored in the database.
Report grouping rules must be created before this option can be used. For
more information about creating report grouping rules, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager: DataMart Configuration Guide.
For more information about the inventory command, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager: Command Line Interface Guide.

What to do next
Verifying resources
Use the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataMart Resource Editor to
determine whether the following technology pack resources (such as,
elements, subelements, and properties) are successfully discovered and
created in the database during inventory.

Chapter 2. Configuring technology packs 23

For more information about Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataMart
Resource Editor, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: DataMart
Configuration and Operation Guide.
Changing predefined threshold requests
If a technology pack supplies predefined threshold requests. The setup
program automatically loads these predefined threshold requests into the
database and configures them for you. You do not need to activate them,
but you can use Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager to change them.
For information about working with predefined threshold requests, see the
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: DataMart Configuration and
Operation Guide.

Configuring technology packs for enabling common reporting

Typical configuration steps for technology packs for enabling common reporting.

About this task

After installing the technology pack, perform the following setups before running
the common pack reports:
v Enable user access to Cognos Reporting tree in DataView.
v Link a time zone to Cognos Reporting tree.

To enable user access to Cognos Reporting tree in DataView, follow these steps:
1. Log in to Dashboard Application Services Hub portal.
2. Select User Preferences Management from Administration menu.
a. Select the user profile to access Cognos reports. For example, smadmin.
b. Select the Access tab to edit the user access.
c. Select Cognos Reporting tree.
d. Save the changes.

To link a time zone to Cognos Reporting tree, follow these steps:

1. As pvuser, open a terminal.
2. Create a file linkGroupTZ.txt. File content format must be as follows:
<Sub-element group>|_|<Calendar type>|_|<Timezone>|_|

For example:
Cognos Reporting|_|CME Permanent|_|Greenwich Mean Time|_|
3. Source the DataMart environment by using the following command:
source /opt/datamart/dataMart.env
4. Run the resmgr command to set the time zone to Cognos Reporting tree as
resmgr –import segp –colNames “name” -file linkGroupTZ.txt
5. Run the export command to verify the content of the file, as follows:
resmgr –export segp –colNames “name”

Example of output is as follows:

24 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
# type = segp
# col = name
# filter =
# order =
# sep = |_|
# sepRec =
# rule =
# filterRule =
# cmdLine = -export segp -colNames "name"
NOC Reporting|_|CME Permanent|_|Greenwich Mean Time|_|
Cognos Reporting|_|CME Permanent|_|Greenwich Mean Time|_|

For more information, see the Linking DataView Groups to timezone section in
Configuring and Operating DataMart.

What to do next

Follow these steps:

1. As root user, export JAVA_HOME by using the following command:
Export JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/java/jre/
2. Launch the IBM Cognos Configuration window by using the following
cd /opt/ibm/cognos/c10_64/bin64
3. Click the Restart icon and ensure that the restart process is completed.

Chapter 2. Configuring technology packs 25

26 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 3. Additional configuration steps for certain SNMP
technology packs
Additional configuration steps are required for certain SNMP technology packs.

Arris CMTS DOCSIS 3.0 Technology Pack

Additional configuration steps required for Arris CMTS DOCSIS 3.0 Technology

Updating the script

You can update the script.

About this task

The script is implemented in Arris CMTS DOCSIS 3.0
Technology Pack to perform correlations that cannot be accomplished by using the
standard SNMP formula language. This enriches the properties of DOCSIS 3.0
interfaces with ChannelSet and Fibernode property values.

To update the script, follow these steps:

1. Log in as pvuser (or the user name that you specified during installation) on
the system where DataMart is installed.
2. Change your working directory to the DataMart home directory by using the
following command:
cd /opt/datamart
By default, the $DATAMARTHOME is /opt/datamart.
3. Source the DataMart environment by using the following command:
. /opt/datamart/dataMart.env
4. Enter the following command to open the DataMart GUI:
5. Create an inventory profile for Arris CMTS DOCSIS 3.0 Technology Pack with
the name “DOCSIS”.
6. Run the inventory profile. For more information, see Configuring and Operating
7. Back up a copy of file to file if it
already exists in the $DATAMARTHOME/bin/ directory.
8. Copy all the scripts from $DATAMARTHOME/APFiles/<Pack_Name>/datamart/bin/
9. Modify the execution mode for all the files that are copied in the previous
step to 755 by using the following command:
#chmod 755 <>
10. In the file, edit the following:
a. Modify $DATAMARTHOME with the DataMart home directory.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2014 27

b. Change the profile name at the beginning of the script
(Arris_CMTS_DOCSIS3_PROFILENAME) to the given inventory profile name
c. Modify the nclIdx value. You can retrieve this value from the database by
using the following command:
. /opt/datamart/dataMart.env
# resmgr -export se -colNames "name nclIdx"
d. Replace the nclIdx value for with the
nclIdx value in the second column of <Interface>_DSChset.
e. Replace the nclIdx value for with the
nclIdx value in the second column of <Interface>_If.
11. Save the file, and then run the inventory profile again. You
can see the execution of the scripts in Inventory Profile GUI in the
afterdiscovery section.

Enabling CSE feature

Before you proceed to the next steps, ensure that the inventory profile for Arris
CMTS DOCSIS 3.0 is named as “DOCSIS”.

1. Create inventory profile for composite resources as follows:
a. In the Inventory Tool Wizard, enter the Profile Name as CSE and click Next.
b. Select the Automatic Grouping option and click Finish.

Note: Do not select Discovery and Synchronization options.

c. Click the Configuration tab and ensure that the CSE profile is created.
2. Run the CSE Engine as follows:
a. Run the CSE Engine from Inventory Tool > Actions option.
b. In the Resource Editor, click the Sub-Element tab to ensure that the
composite subelement is created.
c. Click the Sub-Element Group tab and select SUB-ELEMENTS > NOC
Reporting > Composite Docsis 3.0 in the left navigation pane. Verify the
d. In the left navigation pane, select the composite subelement from the
Composite Docsis 3.0 folder to ensure that relations are created between the
composite and the interfaces.
3. Run the inventory profile CSE as follows:
a. Click the Run icon to run the profile.
b. In the Resource Editor, click the Sub-Element Group tab and select
SUB-ELEMENTS > Sub-Element Collect > Composite Docsis 3.0 in the left
navigation pane. Verify the grouping.
c. In the left navigation pane, select the composite subelement from the
Composite Docsis 3.0 folder to ensure that relations are created between the
composite and the interface.
d. Next, click Action > Report Grouping for relations between the composite
and the interfaces.
4. Update ECMA formulas as follows:
a. Log in as pvuser.
b. Change the directory by using the following command:
cd /$PVMHOME/APFiles/arris_cmts_docsis/datachannel/scripts

28 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
c. Copy the files by using the following command:
cp -r arris_cmts_docsis/ /$DC_HOME/scripts/
d. Change the directory by using the following command:
cd /$DC_HOME/scripts/arris_cmts_docsis/cse
e. Source the datachannel.env by using the following command:
source /$DC_HOME/datachannel/dataChannel.env
f. Load the formulas and labels with frmi tool by using the following
frmi -doc /$DC_HOME/scripts/arris_cmts_docsis/cse/docsis.js -labels
5. Install Cross Collector CME (CME.1.2000) if it is not installed.
a. Add Cross-Collector CME to topology and run Deployer to update
b. Stop all DataChannel components as follows:
1) Open a terminal emulator on the DataChannel server.
2) Use the dccmd command to stop all DataChannel applications:
dccmd stop all
3) Use the dccmd command to release all daemons that run in the
dccmd forget all
4) Use the following command to find the process identifiers (pids)
associated with the DataChannel visual processes:

<DATA_CHANNEL_HOME> is /opt/datachannel, by default.
5) Use the following commands to stop each DataChannel visual process:
kill -9 <cnsw_pid>
kill -9 <logw_pid>
kill -9 <amgrw_pid>
kill -9 <cmgrw_pid>

Note: The logw is a Java process and must to be killed by using ps -ef
|grep LOG, and then kill the logw process ID.
6) Use the following commands to restart each DataChannel visual
7) Remove the PBL folder by using the following command:
mv PBL PBL_backup
8) Use the dccmd command to start all DataChannel applications:
dccmd start all
9) Use the dccmd command to verify that all of the DataChannel
applications started properly:
dccmd status all
10) PBL restarts the Cross-Collector CME, when needed.

Chapter 3. Additional configuration steps for certain SNMP technology packs 29

Cisco CBQoS Technology Pack
Additional configuration steps required for Cisco CBQoS Technology Pack.

Losing indexes after device reboots

After a network device reboot, repolling is required.

After a network device reboot, the CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB must be

repolled to re-establish the following indexes:
v cbQosConfigIndex
v cbQosPolicyIndex
v cbQosObjectsIndex

Repolling is required because a reboot can cause the order of the Modular Quality
of Service (QoS) Command-Line Interface (CLI) (MQC) configuration to differ from
the actual configuration order, which is user-driven and unpredictable.

Traditionally, MIB persistence is handled by Cisco IOS APIs, which save the index
and key information to NVRAM. The data is then retrieved and repopulated after
reloading. However, this approach does not work well for the current
implementation of the cbQosObjectsIndex because of the large amount of
information that needs to be saved.

An index encoding scheme that is based on configuration entries instead of

operational sequence is implemented to provide persistent indexes on router reload
so that MIB information retains the same set of object values each time a
networking device reboots.

You might want to configure networking devices to use the QoS: CBQoS MIB
Index Enhancements feature.

Customizing Discovery results

You can customize the results of the Discovery formulas.

The properties of the following subelements are merged with and display as
properties of the CB QoS Class Map subelement:
v CB QoS Queueing Action
v CB QoS Police Action
v CB QoS Traffic Shaping Action

By modifying the script, it is possible to customize the

results of the Discovery formulas and to fill the indexes that are associated with
the QueueID, PoliceID, and ShapeID properties.

Attention: Edits to the scripts described in the following sections must be done
under the guidance of IBM Professional Services.

The script is configured to perform Cisco QoS-related steps.

30 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
About this task

The script is a generic script. It resides in the

<$PVMHOME>/conf directory. It contains processing logic for a number of technology
packs and is configured to perform Cisco QoS-related steps as follows:

1. Determines whether the ProfileName, CollectorNumber, and DirProfile
parameters are passed to it by If so, it assigns the parameter
values to internal variables. If not, it generates a failure message and exits.
2. Determines whether the TaskName parameter evaluates to AfterDiscovery. If
not, it generates a failure message and exits.
3. Determines whether the ProfileName parameter evaluates to Cisco_QoS. If not,
it generates a failure message and exits.
4. Passes the following files to
a. $DirProfile/inventory/subelement_invariant.dat – An input file that
contains index values, which are associated with the QueueID,PoliceID, and
ShapeID properties.
b. $DirProfile/inventory/subelement_invariant.dat_mod – An output file to
which writes the results of its index substitution
5. Waits for to process the files and generates an
appropriate message if returns successfully. Otherwise,
it generates a failure message and exits.
6. Copies subelement_invariant.dat to a backup file called
7. Moves subelement_invariant.dat_mod to a file named
subelement_invariant.dat. This overwrites the input file that was backed up in
the previous step.

How to customize the script.

About this task

The script is in the <$PVMHOME>/bin directory. It reads the

input file, performs a substitution procedure, and writes the results to the output
file. The substitution procedure assigns index values to the QueueID, PoliceID, and
ShapeID properties so that these properties are assigned to the CB_QoS Class Map
It uses the following steps:

v Determines whether the input (subelement_invariant.dat) and output
(subelement_invariant.dat_mod) files were passed to it by
If not, it generates a failure message and exits. Otherwise, it opens both files for
v Searches the input file for the strings QueueID, PoliceID, and ShapeID, and then
stores their associated index values in three internal variables. It then searches
for the strings <P1>, <S1>, and <Q1> and replaces them with the stored index
v Prints the results to the output file (subelement_invariant.dat_mod). (If no
substitution is performed, it prints no results to the output file).

Chapter 3. Additional configuration steps for certain SNMP technology packs 31

v Closes both files and returns the results to
v Configure the script by giving the following commands:
/opt/datamart/APFiles/cisco_cbqos/datamart/bin/ > /tmp/temp
mv /tmp/temp /opt/datamart/bin/
v To change the file permissions for the script files, run these commands:
chmod 777 /opt/datamart/bin/
chmod 777 /opt/datamart/conf/

Note: If the ProfileName parameter evaluates to Cisco_QoS, you must use these

MIB-II Technology Pack

Additional configuration steps required for MIB-II Technology Pack.

Install Steps
After the installation of technology pack, the following installation steps are to be
performed for improved UI consistency with Netcool in a Tivoli Integrated Portal
console. These steps are applicable for installation on Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager 1.3.1 and above.

About this task

To update the stylesheet and corporate logo, follow these steps:

1. Export the existing Dataview content
v Location
– <tip_location>/products/tnpm/dataview/legacy/bin
v Syntax
– -tipuser <tip_username> -tippassword <tip_password>
v Parameters
– <tip_username>
A Tivoli Integrated Portal admin user name for the local Tivoli Integrated
– <tip_password>
The Tivoli Integrated Portal admin user password for the local Tivoli
Integrated Portal.
2. Back up the existing files, which are modified by this procedure
v Stylesheet
– Location
- <tip_location>/products/tnpm/dataview/legacy/content/SilverStream/
– Syntax
- mv DVAppPacks.css
v Logo
– Location
- <tip_location>/products/tnpm/dataview/legacy/content/SilverStream/
– Syntax
- mv logo_yournamehere.gif

32 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
3. Copy the updated artifacts
v Stylesheet
– Source
- <$PVMHOME>/APFiles/<techpack>/tip/DVAppPacks.css
– Destination
- <tip_location>/products/tnpm/dataview/legacy/content/SilverStream/
– Syntax
- cp <$PVMHOME>/APFiles/rfc_mib2/tip/DVAppPacks.css
v Logo
– Source
- <$PVMHOME>/APFiles/<techpack>/tip/logo_yournamehere.gif
– Destination
- <tip_location>/products/tnpm/dataview/legacy/content/SilverStream/
– Syntax
- cp <$PVMHOME>/APFiles/rfc_mib2/tip/logo_yournamehere.gif
4. Import the updated artifacts
v Location
– <tip_location>/products/tnpm/dataview/legacy/bin
v Syntax
– -tipuser <tip_username> -tippassword <tip_password>
v Parameters
– <tip_username>
A Tivoli Integrated Portal admin user name for the local Tivoli Integrated
– <tip_password>
The Tivoli Integrated Portal admin user password for the local Tivoli
Integrated Portal.

Note: Though CSS files are dynamically downloaded and applied by the
browser, you must clear the browser cache to enable these changes.

Uninstall Steps
Follow the uninstall steps to revert the stylesheet and corporate logo to the default

1. Restore the original files from backup
v Stylesheet
– Location
- <tip_location>/products/tnpm/dataview/legacy/content/SilverStream/
– Syntax
- mv DVAppPacks.css
v Logo
– Location

Chapter 3. Additional configuration steps for certain SNMP technology packs 33

- <tip_location>/products/tnpm/dataview/legacy/content/SilverStream/
– Syntax
- mv logo_yournamehere.gif
2. Import the original artifacts
v Location
– <tip_location>/products/tnpm/dataview/legacy/bin
v Syntax
– -tipuser <tip_username> -tippassword <tip_password>
v Parameters
– <tip_username>
A Tivoli Integrated Portal admin user name for the local Tivoli Integrated
– <tip_password>
The Tivoli Integrated Portal admin user password for the local Tivoli
Integrated Portal.

Note: Though CSS files are dynamically downloaded and applied by the
browser, you must clear the browser cache to enable these changes.

34 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA
Technology Packs
Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs.

Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC Technology Pack

Additional configuration steps required for Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC Technology

Devices and services

This topic provides a summary of the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC device technology,
and the associated bulk input file format, that the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC
Technology Pack is designed to support.

Summary of device technology

The Alcatel-Lucent 5529 Statistics and Data Collector (SDC) is a high-performance
application that collects data, statistics, and performance information from
Alcatel-Lucent access network devices – in this case, Alcatel-Lucent 7302/7330
DSLAM and Alcatel-Lucent 7340.

The Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC receives network inventory from an Enhanced

Messaging Service (EMS) – in this case, the Alcatel-Lucent 5523 ADSL Work Station
(AWS). The Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC has a northbound interface for integration
with Performance Management products such as Tivoli Netcool Performance

The Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC Technology Pack operates with the following
Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC versions:
v Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC version 5.2
v Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC version 6.1
v Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC version 6.2
v Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC version 7.0
v Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC version 7.1
v Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC version 7.2
v Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC version 8.0
v Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC version 8.2

The Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC supports two types of metrics collection:

v Bulk collection – Specifies long term, periodic collection of performance data.
v On-demand details collection – Specifies short term, ad hoc collection of
high-resolution data.

The Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC Technology Pack is only concerned with bulk

Typically, the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC is configured with a collection strategy that
specifies which parameters to collect and how often. An administrator must
configure this collection strategy by using the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC graphical

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2014 35

user interface (GUI) provided by the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC. For more
information, see “Setting up the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC” on page 46.

Bulk input file formats

The Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC devices gather performance data and other statistics
from multiple network elements. This data is referred to collectively as network
health metrics. Each Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC device produces, on a specified
regular basis, a bulk input file that contains the network health metrics and other

The Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC Technology Pack supports multiple input files per
UBA, where each input file contains data for one polling period only.

The syntax for these bulk input files is discussed in “Bulk input file name.”

The Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC Technology Pack provides a file that interprets these
bulk input files. For more information, see “Bulk adapter design files” on page 45.

Bulk input file name:

Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC devices produce Comma-Separated Values (CSV) files

that are named using the following syntax:


v DeviceName specifies the name of the device from which the data was collected.
v Date specifies the date on which the data was collected. The date format is as
– yyyy specifies a four-digit integer (for example, 2007) that identifies the year
in which the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC produced the CSV file.
– MM specifies a two-digit integer (for example, 10) that identifies the month in
which the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC produced the CSV file.
– dd specifies a two-digit integer (for example, 13) that identifies the day in
which the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC produced the CSV file.
– HH specifies a two-digit integer (for example, 13) that identifies the metric
hour in which the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC produced the CSV file.
– mm specifies a two-digit integer (for example, 13) that identifies the minutes
after the metric hour in which the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC produced the CSV
v csv specifies a file extension of csv, which indicates this is a CSV file type.

The following list shows examples of the CSV file names:

v EOWYN_2007-11-17-10-12.csv
v ISAM178_2011-08-03-17-16.csv
v GPON02_2009-10-21-09-46.csv

Bulk input file schema:

The Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC produces CSV files with the following fields:

36 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
v Timestamp specifies the difference, which is measured in milliseconds, between
the current time and midnight on 1 January 1970 UTC.
v ObjectID specifies the address on which the parameter is collected. The format
of the address depends on the type of object and the parameter to be collected.
See Table 1.
v CounterID specifies the SDC parameter ID. See “Mapping between formulas and
input file fields” on page 40 for the mappings between the CounterID fields and
their associated bulk collection formulas.
v Value specifies the value that is associated with the CounterID field.
Table 1. ObjectID address formats
Object Type Address Format Example
Port rack-shelf-slot-port In the following example, the
Port object has a rack value
of 1, a shelf value of 1, a slot
value of 2, and a port value
of 43:
ATM TP rack-shelf-slot- This object type specifies the
port.VPI.VCI ATM termination point that
is associated with the
VPI/VCI on the specified
DSL port. In the following
example, the ATM TP object
has a rack value of 1, a shelf
value of 1, a slot value of 1,
a port value of 1, a VPI value
of 8, and a VCI value of 35:
Bridge port rack-shelf-slot- In the following example, the
port.VPI.VCI Bridge port object has a rack
value of 1, a shelf value of 1,
a slot value of 1, a port value
of 1, a VPI value of 8, and a
VCI value of 35:
Bridge port – VLAN VlanIndex BridgeIndex In the following example, the
Association Bridge port VLAN
Association object has a
VLAN index of 500 and a
Bridge index of 40:
500 40
ONT Rack-Shelf-Slot-PON-ONT In the following example, the
ONT object has a rack value
of 1, a shelf value of 1, a slot
value of 2, a PON id of 1
and an ONT id of 1.
PON Rack-Shelf-Slot-PON In the following example, the
PON object has a rack value
of 1, a shelf value of 1, a slot
value of 2 and a PON id of

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 37

Table 1. ObjectID address formats (continued)
Object Type Address Format Example
SAP Statistics svcId PortType-PortNumber In the following example, the
VlanID SAP Statistics object has an
SVC id of 1, a port type of
PORT, a port number of 12,
and a VLAN id of 500.
3 PORT-12 500
Voice Rack-Shelf-Slot-PON-ONT- In the following example, the
VOIP Service ID Voice object has a rack value
of 1, a shelf value of 1, a slot
value of 2, a PON id of 1, an
ONT id of 2, and a VOIP
service id of 1.
1-1-2-1-2 1
Daily ONT Supervision Rack-Shelf-Slot-PON-ONT In the following example, the
Daily ONT Supervision
object has a rack value of 1,
a shelf value of 1, a slot
value of 11, a PON id of 4,
and an ONT id of 1.
UNI Port Rack-Shelf-Slot-PON-ONT- In the following example, the
ONT Slot-ONT Port UNI Port object has a rack
value of 1, a shelf value of 1,
a slot value of 5, a PON id of
1, an ONT id of 1, an ONT
slot of 1, and an ONT port of
ONT Ethernet Port Rack-Shelf-Slot-PON-ONT- In the following example, the
ONT Slot-ONT Port ONT Ethernet Port object has
a rack value of 1, a shelf
value of 1, a slot value of 1,
a PON id of 1, an ONT id of
3, an ONT slot of 1, and an
ONT port of 1.

38 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 1. ObjectID address formats (continued)
Object Type Address Format Example
Node Node This object type provides
Node Name and Node IP
values, which can be used to
populate the properties
DeviceName” and
for all the sub elements
under that particular node.

Format: timestamp,object

v 1342196160365,Node,370,
When Counter ID = 370,
populate the property as
v 1342196160365,Node,371,
When Counter ID = 371,
populate the property as

Note: The Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC Technology Pack collects metrics that are
related to the Port object.

The following example shows the fields for a number of Port objects in a CSV file
that is generated by the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC:
v 11115732020921, 1-1-1-1,17,0.0
v 11115732020921, 1-1-1-2,17,0.0
v 11115732020921, 1-1-1-3,17,0.0
v 11115732020921, 1-1-1-4,17,0.0
v 11115732020921, 1-1-2-1,17,0.0
v 11115732020921, 1-1-2-2,17,0.0
v 11115732020921, 1-1-2-3,17,0.0
v 11115732020921, 1-1-2-4,17,0.0

In this example:
v The first field specifies the timestamp, for example, 11115732020921.
v The second field specifies the address of the Port object, for example, 1-1-2-4.
v The third field specifies the SDC parameter ID, for example, 17.
v The fourth field specifies the counter value, for example, 0.0.

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 39

Mapping between formulas and input file fields:

The CounterID field in the CSV file specifies the SDC parameter ID.

Table 2 maps each bulk collection formula (and some properties, indicated by the
Alcatel5529SDC_prefix) to the associated SDC parameter ID and SDC parameter
name. For more information about bulk collection formulas and properties, see the
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC Technology
Pack Reference.
Table 2. Bulk collection formulas and properties mapped to SDC parameter ID
Formula or property SDC parameter ID SDC parameter name
Header Header Header
ATM Incoming octets 90101 ATM Incoming octets
ATM Incoming packet errors 90105 ATM Incoming packet errors
ATM Outgoing octets 90102 ATM Outgoing octets
ATM Outgoing packet errors 90106 ATM Outgoing packet errors
ATM Unknown protocol ATM Unknown protocol
errors errors
A count of received GEM
Bad received GEM headers 11095
headers that are bad
A count of received GEM
Blocks received US 11079
A count of transmitted GEM
Blocks transmitted DS 11077
BP-VLAN DS Discarded VLAN current day port vlan
Bytes discarded byte counter DS
BP-VLAN DS Discarded VLAN current day port vlan
Frames discarded frame counter DS
BP-VLAN DS Forwarded VLAN current day port vlan
Bytes forwarded byte counter DS
BP-VLAN DS Forwarded VLAN current day port vlan
Frames forwarded frame counter DS
BP-VLAN US Discarded VLAN current day port vlan
Bytes discarded byte counter US
BP-VLAN US Discarded VLAN current day port vlan
Frames discarded frame counter US
BP-VLAN US Forwarded VLAN current day port vlan
Bytes forwarded byte counter US
BP-VLAN US Forwarded VLAN current day port vlan
Frames forwarded frame counter US
Connects peak time per Connects peak time per
second second
CPU Utilization 111191 The CPU load percent value
VLAN current day port total
DS Discarded Bytes 1483
discarded byte counter DS
VLAN current day port total
DS Discarded Frames 1475
discarded frame counter DS
VLAN current day port total
DS Forwarded Bytes 1467
forwarded byte counter DS

40 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 2. Bulk collection formulas and properties mapped to SDC parameter ID (continued)
Formula or property SDC parameter ID SDC parameter name
Header Header Header
VLAN current day port total
DS Forwarded Frames 1459
forwarded frame counter DS
A count of errored GEM
Errored GEM Fragments 11070
A count of errored GEM
Errored GEM fragments 11071
fragments (upstream)
Errored Seconds Current day errored seconds
Downstream DS
Current day errored seconds
Errored Seconds Upstream 88
A count of received GEM
Frames received US 11080
A count of transmitted GEM
Frames transmitted US 11078
Incoming broadcast packets 80003 Incoming broadcast packets
Incoming discarded packets 90003 Incoming discarded packets
Incoming multicast packets 80001 Incoming multicast packets
Incoming non-unicast Incoming non-unicast
packets packets
Incoming octets 90001 Incoming octets
Incoming packet errors 90005 Incoming packet errors
Incoming unicast packets 90007 Incoming unicast packets
Loss of Framing Failures
1244 Current day loss of frame DS
Loss of Framing Failures
1245 Current day loss of frame US
Loss of Link seconds 1249 Current day loss of link
Loss of Power Failures Current day loss of power
Downstream DS
Loss of Power Failures Current day loss of power
Upstream US
Loss of Signal Failures
1236 Current day loss of signal DS
Loss of Signal Failures
1237 Current day loss of signal US
A count of lost GEM
Lost frames US 11081
fragments (upstream)
A count of lost GEM
Lost GEM fragments DS 11089
fragments (downstream)
A count of lost GEM
Lost GEM fragments US 11090
fragments (upstream)
The used memory size in
Memory Used 111195
absolute value
Outgoing broadcast packets 80004 Outgoing broadcast packets

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 41

Table 2. Bulk collection formulas and properties mapped to SDC parameter ID (continued)
Formula or property SDC parameter ID SDC parameter name
Header Header Header
Outgoing discarded packets 90004 Outgoing discarded packets
Outgoing multicast packets 80002 Outgoing multicast packets
Outgoing non-unicast Outgoing non-unicast
packets packets
Outgoing octets 90002 Outgoing octets
Outgoing packet errors 90006 Outgoing packet errors
Outgoing unicast packets 90008 Outgoing unicast packets
A count of received GEM
Received GEM blocks 11092
A count of received GEM
Received GEM fragments 11091
Severely Errored Seconds Current day severely errored
(SES) Downstream seconds DS
Severely Errored Seconds Current day severely errored
(SES) Upstream seconds US
Total failed join requests Total failed join requests
received received
Total IGMP messages Total IGMP messages
received received
Total join requests received 11154 Total join requests received
The total memory size on
Total Memory 111194
Total multicast group counter 11166 Total multicast group counter
Total successful join requests Total successful join requests
received received
A count of transmitted GEM
Transmitted GEM blocks 11093
A count of transmitted GEM
Transmitted GEM fragments 11094
Unavailable Seconds Current day unavailable
Downstream seconds DS
Unavailable Seconds Current day unavailable
Upstream seconds US
Unknown protocol errors 90010 Unknown protocol errors
VLAN current day port total
US Discarded Bytes 1479
discarded byte counter US
VLAN current day port total
US Discarded Frames 1471
discarded frame counter US
VLAN current day port total
US Forwarded Bytes 1463
forwarded byte counter US
VLAN current day port total
US Forwarded Frames 1455
forwarded frame counter US
Current interval ingress
Ingress Packet Per SAP 1602 packets per SAP

42 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 2. Bulk collection formulas and properties mapped to SDC parameter ID (continued)
Formula or property SDC parameter ID SDC parameter name
Header Header Header
Current interval egress octets
Egress Packet Per SAP 1610 per SAP
Current interval ingress
Ingress Octets Per SAP 1609 octets per SAP
Current interval egress
Egress Octets Per SAP 1615 packets per SAP
Transmit Optical Signal at OLT side transmitted signal
1490 nm at OLT Side 121254 level
Receive Optical Signal at OLT side received signal
1310 nm at OLT Side 121253 level
Laser Bias Current at OLT 121257 OLT side laser bias current
Transmit Optical Signal at ONT side transmitted signal
1310 nm at ONT Side 121250 level
Laser Bias Current at ONT 121251 ONT side laser bias current
Receive Optical Signal at ONT side received signal
1490 nm at ONT Side 121248 level
OLT Temperature 121255 OLT side temperature
ONT Temperature 121252 ONT side temperature
Current interval bursty
Total Bursty Errored Seconds 14003 errored seconds
Total Severely Errored Current interval severely
Seconds 14002 errored seconds
Current interval unavailable
Total Unavailable Seconds 14004 seconds
Current interval controlled
Total Controlled Slip Seconds 14005 slip seconds
Current interval errored
Total Errored Seconds 14001 seconds
Total Call Setup Failures 11614 Call set up failures
Total RTP Packet Errors 11615 RTP Errors
RTP Packet Loss 11616 RTP Packet loss
Transmitted Multicast Current interval transmitted
Ethernet Frame 11708 multicast frames
Total Unsuccessfully
Received Frames Due To Current interval number of
Internal MAC Receive Error 11108 IMRE
Total Frames Having Current interval number of
Alignment Errors 11107 alignment errors
Successfully Transmitted Current interval number of
Single Collision Frames 11102 SCF
Total Frames That Are Too Current interval number of
Long 11099 FTL
Current interval number of
Total Carrier Sense Error 11106 CS errors

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 43

Table 2. Bulk collection formulas and properties mapped to SDC parameter ID (continued)
Formula or property SDC parameter ID SDC parameter name
Header Header Header
Current interval number of
Total Late Collision 11097 late collisions
Successfully Transmitted Current interval number of
Multiple Collision Frames 11103 MCF
Current interval transmitted
Transmitted Ethernet Bytes 11703 bytes
Current interval received
Received Ethernet Bytes 11704 bytes
Current interval transmitted
Transmitted Ethernet Frames 11701 frames
Dropped Ethernet Frames Current interval dropped
Upstream 11705 frames US
Received Multicast Ethernet Current interval received
Frame 11709 multicast frames
Current interval number of
Total Excessive Collision 11096 excessive collisions
Dropped Ethernet Frames Current interval dropped
Downstream 11707 frames DS
Total Unsuccessfully
Transmitted Frames Due To Current interval number of
Internal MAC Transmit Error 11105 IMTE
Total Frame Check Sequence Current interval number of
Errors 11098 FCS errors
Total Frames Delayed Due To Current interval number of
Deferred Transmission 11104 DT frames
Ethernet_Label 121286 Label
Ethernet_Operational_State 121270 Operational state
Current interval received
Received Ethernet Frames 11702 frames
Received Voice GEM Blocks Current interval number of
OLT side 11311 received GEM blocks
Transmitted Voice GEM Current interval number of
Fragments ONT side 11301 transmitted GEM fragments
Lost Voice GEM Fragments Current interval number of
Upstream ONT side 11297 lost GEM fragments US
Transmitted Voice GEM Current interval number of
Blocks ONT side 11300 transmitted GEM blocks
Lost Voice GEM Fragments Current interval number of
Upstream OLT side 11309 lost GEM fragments US
Received Voice GEM Current interval number of
Fragments ONT side 11298 received GEM fragments
Transmitted Voice GEM Current interval number of
Blocks OLT side 11312 transmitted GEM blocks

44 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 2. Bulk collection formulas and properties mapped to SDC parameter ID (continued)
Formula or property SDC parameter ID SDC parameter name
Header Header Header
Transmitted Voice GEM Current interval number of
Fragments OLT side 11313 transmitted GEM fragments
Lost Voice GEM Fragments Current interval number of
DownstreamONT side 11296 lost GEM fragments DS
Received Voice GEM Blocks Current interval number of
ONT side 11299 received GEM blocks
Received Voice GEM Current interval number of
Fragments OLT side 11310 received GEM fragments
PON BER Upstream 151515 PON BER stats US
PON AGG Upstream Error Current Interval PON AGG
Count 11286 upstream error count
PON AGG Downstream Current Interval PON AGG
Error Count 11285 downstream error count
PON BER Downstream 151516 PON BER stats DS
OLT Temperature 21009 OLT temperature
OLT Laser Bias Current 21007 OLT bias current
ONT Laser Bias Current 151520 ONT laser bias current
OLT Transmit Optical Signal OLT transmit optical signal
Level at 1310nm 21008 level
ONT Receive Optical Signal ONT receive optical signal
Level at 1310nm 151523 level (at 1310nm)
ONT Receive Optical Signal ONT current optical signal
Level at 1490 nm 151521 level (at 1490 nm)
OLT Transmit Optical Signal
Level at 1490 nm 21010 OLT voltage
ONT Temperature 151519 ONT temperature
13133 Operational interface speed
13133 Operational interface speed
Alcatel5529SDC_DeviceName 371 Node name
Alcatel5529SDC_DeviceIP 370 Node IP

Bulk adapter design files

Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager bulk adapters can support several data
formats for bulk input files, for example CSV, XML, and binary. The Alcatel-Lucent
5529 SDC produces data in CSV format.

Each UBA technology pack provides at least one bulk adapter design file to define
the data format supported by that technology pack. Technology pack developers
implement bulk adapter design files using JavaScript. Some technology packs
provide several bulk adapter design files, each of which handles a specific bulk
input file format.

A bulk adapter design file typically can process both inventory and metrics data
from the same bulk input file, and provides a function that creates the bulk

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 45

collection formula names. When the inventory and metrics are located in separate
bulk input files, a technology pack developer typically implements several types of
bulk adapter design files.

The Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC Technology Pack provides the following bulk adapter
design files:
v aggregatorDefinition.js
v APModeler.js
v AppLogger.js
v common.js
v func.js
v inventory.js
v lagAggregatorDefinition.js
v metrics.js
v operatorDefinition.js
v schemaDefinition.js
v SubElementClasses.js
v UBAAdaptor.js

Setting up the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC

The Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC system administrator must set up the environment so
that the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC Technology Pack operates correctly.

This topic reviews the tasks associated with setting up such an environment.

Installing the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC software

The Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC system administrator must install the Alcatel-Lucent
5529 SDC software.

Understanding the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC system

administration tasks
The Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC system administrator must have performed at least
the following administrative tasks:
v Applied the appropriate security measures
v Configured system-wide settings
v Created account profiles and accounts
v Added and synchronized DSLAM providers with the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC
v Configured a collection strategy for the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC Technology

Configuring a collection strategy for the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC

Technology Pack
When configuring the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC, the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC
system administrator must establish a collection strategy for DSLAM providers. In
this case, the DSLAM provider is an EMS/NMS. To establish the collection strategy
for the EMS/NMS, the system administrator uses the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC

The SDC gets inventory from the EMS/NMS, and the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC
Technology Pack gets performance data from the SDC.

46 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
To create a collection strategy for the EMS/NMS, follow these steps:
1. Create a collection template that specifies the parameters to be collected. When
the Collection templates editor window is displayed, specify the parameters to
be collected for the EMS/NMS. Table 3 identifies the parameters to specify for
Ethernet type and XDSL type ports.
2. Create a collection template group to link the collection templates with data
handlers and specify the frequency of the collection.
3. Create a collection strategy that consists of multiple collection template groups.
4. Configure the data handler on the SDC with the following specific values:
a. Set the bulk input file name pattern to DeviceName_Date.csv. This is the
default syntax. See “Bulk input file formats” on page 36 for a description of
this syntax.
b. Set the date pattern to yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm. See “Bulk input file formats” on
page 36 for a description of this syntax.
c. Name the files by using the local time zone.
d. Configure all DSLAMs with the same time and time zone as the SDC. This
is required to correctly calculate or reset deltas for XDSL port daily
performance management counters.
Table 3. Collection strategy parameters for EMS/NMS
Port type SDC parameters SDC ID
CPU Utilization 111191
Board Memory Used 111195
Total Memory 111194
VLAN current day port vlan
discarded byte counter DS
VLAN current day port vlan
discarded byte counter US
VLAN current day port vlan
discarded frame counter DS
VLAN current day port vlan
discarded frame counter US
Bridge Port VLANs VLAN current day port vlan
forwarded byte counter DS
VLAN current day port vlan
forwarded byte counter US
VLAN current day port vlan
forwarded frame counter DS
VLAN current day port vlan
forwarded frame counter US
VLAN name 1402

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 47

Table 3. Collection strategy parameters for EMS/NMS (continued)
Port type SDC parameters SDC ID
Laser Bias Current at OLT 121257
Laser Bias Current at ONT 121251
OLT Temperature 121255
ONT Temperature 121252
Receive Optical Signal at
Daily ONT Supervision 1310 nm at OLT Side
Receive Optical Signal at
1490 nm at ONT Side
Transmit Optical Signal at
1310 nm at ONT Side
Transmit Optical Signal at
1490 nm at OLT Side
DSL management type 58
Incoming broadcast packets 80003
Incoming discarded packets 90003
Incoming multicast packets 80001
Incoming non-unicast
Incoming octets 90001
Incoming packet errors 90005
Incoming unicast packets 90007
Outgoing broadcast packets 80004
Ethernet Outgoing discarded packets 90004
Outgoing multicast packets 80002
Outgoing non-unicast
Outgoing octets 90002
Outgoing packet errors 90006
Outgoing unicast packets 90008
The desired state of the
Unknown protocol errors 90010
Operational interface speed 13133

48 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 3. Collection strategy parameters for EMS/NMS (continued)
Port type SDC parameters SDC ID
Actor admin key for
Incoming broadcast packets 80003
Incoming discarded packets 90003
Incoming multicast packets 80001
Incoming non-unicast
Incoming octets 90001
Incoming packet errors 90005
Incoming unicast packets 90007

Ethernet LAG Interface description 121212

Interface speed 90011
Outgoing broadcast packets 80004
Outgoing discarded packets 90004
Outgoing multicast packets 80002
Outgoing non-unicast
Outgoing octets 90002
Outgoing packet errors 90006
Outgoing unicast packets 90008
Unknown protocol errors 90010
Connects peak time per
Total failed join requests
Total IGMP messages
IGMP Cards 11151
Total join requests received 11154
Total multicast group counter 11166
Total successful join requests

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 49

Table 3. Collection strategy parameters for EMS/NMS (continued)
Port type SDC parameters SDC ID
Circuit 1485
VLAN current day port total
discarded byte counter DS
VLAN current day port total
discarded byte counter US
VLAN current day port total
discarded frame counter DS
VLAN current day port total
VLANs discarded frame counter US
VLAN current day port total
forwarded byte counter DS
VLAN current day port total
forwarded byte counter US
VLAN current day port total
forwarded frame counter DS
VLAN current day port total
forwarded frame counter US
ATM Incoming octets 90101
ATM Incoming packet errors 90105
ATM Outgoing octets 90102
ATM Outgoing packet errors 90106
ATM Unknown protocol
Current day errored seconds
Current day errored seconds
Current day loss of frame DS 1244
Current day loss of frame US 1245
Current day loss of link 1249
XDSL Current day loss of power
Current day loss of power
Current day loss of signal DS 1236
Current day loss of signal US 1237
Current day severely errored
seconds DS
Current day severely errored
seconds US
Current day unavailable
seconds DS
Current day unavailable
seconds US
DSL management type 58

50 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 3. Collection strategy parameters for EMS/NMS (continued)
Port type SDC parameters SDC ID
Blocks transmitted DS 11077
Blocks received US 11079
Frames received US 11080
Frames transmitted US 11078
Lost frames US 11081
Received GEM fragments 11091
Received GEM blocks 11092
Transmitted GEM blocks 11093
Transmitted GEM fragments 11094
Errored GEM fragments 11071
Lost GEM fragments DS 11089
Lost GEM fragments US 11090
Bad received GEM headers 11095
PON BER Upstream 151515
ONT PON AGG Upstream Error
Count 11286
PON AGG Downstream
Error Count 11285
PON BER Downstream 151516
OLT Temperature 21009
OLT Laser Bias Current 21007
ONT Laser Bias Current 151520
OLT Transmit Optical Signal
Level at 1310nm 21008
ONT Receive Optical Signal
Level at 1310nm 151523
ONT Receive Optical Signal
Level at 1490 nm 151521
OLT Transmit Optical Signal
Level at 1490 nm 21010
ONT Temperature 151519

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 51

Table 3. Collection strategy parameters for EMS/NMS (continued)
Port type SDC parameters SDC ID
Transmitted Multicast
Ethernet Frame 11708
Total Unsuccessfully
Received Frames Due To
Internal MAC Receive Error 11108
Total Frames Having
Alignment Errors 11107
Successfully Transmitted
Single Collision Frames 11102
Total Frames That Are Too
Long 11099
Total Carrier Sense Error 11106
Total Late Collision 11097
Successfully Transmitted
Multiple Collision Frames 11103
Transmitted Ethernet Bytes 11703
Received Ethernet Bytes 11704
Transmitted Ethernet Frames 11701
ONT Ethernet Port Dropped Ethernet Frames
Upstream 11705
Received Multicast Ethernet
Frame 11709
Total Excessive Collision 11096
Dropped Ethernet Frames
Downstream 11707
Total Unsuccessfully
Transmitted Frames Due To
Internal MAC Transmit Error 11105
Total Frame Check Sequence
Errors 11098
Total Frames Delayed Due To
Deferred Transmission 11104
This is a textual string that
can be used to label the
Ethernet port 121286
Operational state of the
Ethernet port 121270
Received Ethernet Frames 11702
PON Errored GEM Fragments 11070
Ingress Packet Per SAP 1602
Egress Packet Per SAP 1610
SAP Statistics
Ingress Octets Per SAP 1609
Egress Octets Per SAP 1615

52 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 3. Collection strategy parameters for EMS/NMS (continued)
Port type SDC parameters SDC ID
Total Bursty Errored Seconds 14003
Total Severely Errored
Seconds 14002
Total Unavailable Seconds 14004

UNI Port Total Controlled Slip Seconds 14005

Total Errored Seconds 14001
Total Call Setup Failures 11614
Total RTP Packet Errors 11615
RTP Packet Loss 11616
Received Voice GEM Blocks
OLT side 11311
Transmitted Voice GEM
Fragments ONT side 11301
Lost Voice GEM Fragments
Upstream ONT side 11297
Transmitted Voice GEM
Blocks ONT side 11300
Lost Voice GEM Fragments
Upstream OLT side 11309
Received Voice GEM
Fragments ONT side 11298
Transmitted Voice GEM
Blocks OLT side 11312
Transmitted Voice GEM
Fragments OLT side 11313
Lost Voice GEM Fragments
DownstreamONT side 11296
Received Voice GEM Blocks
ONT side 11299
Received Voice GEM
Fragments OLT side 11310
Node name 371
Node IP 370

Installing the Load Balancer Adapter

After you install the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC Technology Pack on the Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager DataMart server, install the Load Balancer Adapter
on the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC server as follows:

1. Log in to the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC server.
2. Create the <adapter_home>/alcatel_5529_sdc/LoadBalancer directory.
3. Change your working directory to the <adapter_home>/alcatel_5529_sdc/
LoadBalancer directory by using the following command:
$ cd <adapter_home>/alcatel_5529_sdc/LoadBalancer

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 53

4. Using the ftp utility in text mode, log in to the DataMart server by using the
appropriate user name and password (pvuser and PV, by default).
5. Using the cd subcommand, change your working directory to the
$PVMHOME/APFiles/alcatel_5529_sdc/LoadBalancer directory.
6. Using the get subcommand, copy the SdcAdaptor.tar file from the DataMart
server to the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC server.
7. Exit the ftp utility by entering the bye subcommand.
8. Use the tar command to extract the contents of the tar file:
tar xvf SdcAdaptor.tar

The <adapter_home>/alcatel_5529_sdc/LoadBalancer directory now contains

the following files and directories:
log reload SdcAdaptor.tar
bin lib overload

Configuring the Load Balancer Adapter

To configure the Load Balancer Adapter, use the file that is
provided in the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC Technology Pack.

To configure the Load Balancer Adapter, use the file that is
provided in the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC Technology Pack.
Table 4. Settings
Parameter Description
Comma-separated list of UBA instances that
are available to process the data files.
UBA.<channel_number>.<collector_number>. Input directory for the UBA instance. Specify
INPUT_DIRECTORY an input directory for each UBA instance.
Maximum number of elements to be
processed by the UBA instance. Specify an
element limit for each UBA instance.
Comma-separated list of input directories for
the Load Balancer Adapter. This list must
include all of the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC
Do not include the reload directory in this
list; the Load Balancer Adapter searches
the reload directory by default.
File period (expressed in minutes) for the
collection of each set of files.
Maximum size of the Load Balancer Adapter
ADAPTOR_LOG_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT log file. When the log file size reaches this
limit, the log file is backed up.
Number of backup log files to retain. If an
ADAPTOR_LOG_FILE_BACKUP_LIMIT extra backup log file is created, the oldest
log file is deleted.

For more information about the Load Balancer Adapter, see “Load Balancer
Adapter” on page 55.

54 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Load Balancer Adapter
To improve performance for configurations that produce large numbers of data
files and require multiple UBAs, the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC Technology Pack
provides a Load Balancer Adapter.

The Load Balancer Adapter runs on the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC server.

The Load Balancer Adapter improves performance in two ways:
v Reduces the number of files to be transferred from the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC
server to the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataChannel server.
The Load Balancer Adapter creates jumbo files on the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC
server; that is, files that contain the combined content of a large number of CSV
data files.
v Ensures that the processing load is balanced.
The Load Balancer Adapter evenly distributes the jumbo files across all of the

Location of Load Balancer Adapter

The Load Balancer Adapter must be installed on the same file system as the
Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC server, and must have access to the data files generated
by the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC.

For the purposes of this guide, the Load Balancer Adapter is installed in the
<adapter_home>/alcatel_5529_sdc/LoadBalancer directory.

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 55

Starting or stopping the Load Balancer Adapter
Before you begin
v Ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set. The minimum supported
Java version is listed in the IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Technology
Pack Release Summary for the current technology pack release.
v Review the contents of the file, as described in “Configuring
the Load Balancer Adapter” on page 54.
v Previous versions of the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC Technology Pack that did not
include Load Balancer Adapter functionality, require an adaptor.sync file. For
more information, see “Synchronizing with the Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager database” on page 59.


To start or stop the Load Balancer Adapter, use the script that is
provided in the <adapter_home>/alcatel_5529_sdc/LoadBalancer directory.

Action Command
Start the Load Balancer Adapter start
Stop the Load Balancer Adapter stop

v When started, the Load Balancer Adapter creates a .lock file. To remove the
.lock file, stop the Load Balancer Adapter.
v After sending the stop command, the Load Balancer Adapter must first
complete processing its incomplete tasks before it stops. If the Load Balancer
Adapter is in the middle of reading, moving, or writing files, it does not stop.
Only when all tasks are complete, will the Load Balancer Adapter stop.

Log files
Load Balancer Adapter messages are stored in the following log file:
v <adapter_home>/alcatel_5529_sdc/LoadBalancer/log/adaptor.log
The format of the log file entries is as follows:
[date timestamp, thread] class message_priority message

date timestamp is the date of the logging event.
thread is the thread that generated the logging event.
class is the fully-qualified class name.
message_priority is the pirority of the logging event and can be one of the
following values: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL.
message is the application-suppied message.

[2010-11-03 13:02:30,470] main AbstractAdaptor INFO - Starting the


The adaptor.log file stores the load status of each UBA; that is, the number of
elements being processed by the UBA. The format of the load-status messages is as
UBA.<channel_number>.<collector_number> <elements_processed>/
<UBA_element_limit elements>, <element_percentage>

56 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
[2010-11-05 10:36:02,226] main SdcUbaManager INFO - UBA.1.200: 40/80
elements, 50%

The Load Balancer Adapter issues a load-status message in the following

v When an <element_percentage> value reaches another 5% threshold (that is, at
5%, 10%, 15%, and so on) during file processing.
v On startup, when state is recovered from the adaptor.sync file.
v Every hour, independent of load increase, even if no 5% threshold is crossed.
If the overload state is triggered, the Load Balancer Adapter logs an error message
in the adaptor.log file. For more information, see “overload” on page 58.

Generating data files occur in 15-minute cycles. Load Balancer Adapter processing
also occurs in 15-minute cycles, but always begins 15 minutes after the current
Data generation timestamp; or when there is a second cycle of data files generated.
So the number of data files might be different when the Load Balancer Adapter
processing cycle occurs after a data generation cycle.

Data generation timestamp is 13:01; Load Balancer Adaptor processing

interval is 13:02

At 13:31 two cycles of data files are generated. The next expected Load Balancer
Adapter processing cycle time is 13:32. So the number of data files might increase
as the data generated in the data input directory increases.

Note: The smallest unit in the Load Balancer Adapter timer is in seconds.

You can specify the maximum size of the log file, and the number of backup log
files to save after this limit is reached. For example, if two backup log files are
specified then it is 3 log files in total, one current log file and two backup log files,
as detailed:
-rw-r--r-- 1 pvuser staff 247 Nov 4 14:43 adaptor.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 pvuser staff 1036 Nov 4 14:43 adaptor.log.1
-rw-r--r-- 1 pvuser staff 1099 Nov 4 14:43 adaptor.log.2

For more information about these settings, see “Configuring the Load Balancer
Adapter” on page 54.

Processing the files

About this task

At the end of each time period that is specified by the ADAPTOR_FILE_PERIOD

parameter, the Load Balancer Adapter processes the files as follows:
1. Identifies all new data files in the locations that are specified by the
ADAPTOR_INPUT_DIRECTORY_LIST parameter, and all files in the
<adapter_home>/alcatel_5529_sdc/LoadBalancer/reload directory.
2. Sorts all files that are found in Step 1, and processes them in chronological
3. Identifies the element that is associated with each file.
4. Assigns each element to a UBA, based on the current UBA load status.
5. Creates a jumbo file for each UBA by using the following naming convention:

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 57

The jumbo file is generated by combining the content of all new CSV files for
that UBA, and is stored in the <adapter_home>/alcatel_5529_sdc/
LoadBalancer/done/tmp directory during jumbo-file generation.
6. Moves the completed jumbo file to the UBA input directory specified in the file.
The size of the jumbo file depends on the number of files per period and the
number of UBAs available.

For more information about Load Balancer Adapter configuration parameters and
the file, see “Configuring the Load Balancer Adapter” on page
54. For more information about the reload directory, see “reload” on page 59.

The Load Balancer Adapter keeps the processed files in the following
subdirectories under the <adapter_home>/alcatel_5529_sdc/LoadBalancer
v done
v overload
v reload


Data files are moved from the SDC Server directory to the done directory for
processing. The data files are stored in the done directory for 1 hour before being
deleted. After a data file is processed, it is then added to the appropriate jumbo

Jumbo files are generated and compressed in the done/tmp directory. When all of
the data files for the period are processed, the jumbo files are moved to the

For more information about the INPUT_DIRECTORY, see “Configuring the Load
Balancer Adapter” on page 54.


Data files that cannot be processed are stored in the overload directory.

When all of the UBAs reach their element limits, the Load Balancer Adapter is in
an overload state. No new elements can be processed. Instead, the new element
files are placed in the overload directory, and an error message is recorded in the
adaptor.log file. The metrics for existing elements are processed as normal.
However, new elements are not inventoried until the capacity of the system is

To increase the capacity of the system, edit the file to either
increase the element limit for an existing UBA, or add a UBA. After the system
capacity is increased, move the files from the overload directory to the reload
directory so that the Load Balancer Adapter can reprocess the files.

Note: Take care to move the files, do not copy them. Use the UNIX mv command
to preserve the original datestamp so that the files are processed in the correct
chronological order.

58 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide

Data files that must be reprocessed are placed in the reload directory.

For example, after you increase the system capacity, all files from the overload
directory must be moved (not copied) to the reload directory so that the Load
Balancer Adapter can reprocess the files.

It is not necessary to include the reload directory in the list that is specified by the
ADAPTOR_INPUT_DIRECTORY_LIST parameter; the Load Balancer Adapter searches the
reload directory by default.

moving files:

The Load Balancer Adapter uses the Java renameTo method to move files.

This method requires that the source and destination directories be on the same file

Synchronizing with the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager

The Load Balancer Adapter does not maintain state: if the Load Balancer Adapter
is stopped, or dies or is killed, all of its information in memory is lost. To
repopulate the memory model, the Load Balancer Adapter must load a
synchronization file.

About this task

To synchronize the Load Balancer Adapter with the database content, do the
following steps:

1. Copy the shell script from the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC
server to the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataMart server.
The shell script is in the <adapter_home>/alcatel_5529_sdc/LoadBalancer/bin
2. Run the shell script to generate the adaptor.sync file from
the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager database.
3. Transfer the adaptor.sync file to the Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC server, and place
the file in the directory where the Load Balancer Adapter is installed.
4. Start the Load Balancer Adapter. The adaptor.sync file creates a memory model
that is consistent with the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager database.
5. The Load Balancer Adapter starts to process files.

Adding nodes after the initial configuration

About this task

If you add nodes after the initial configuration of the Load Balancer Adapter, do
the following steps:

1. Stop the Load Balancer Adapter.
2. Update the configuration parameters in the file to add any
new UBAs needed to handle the additional nodes.

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 59

3. Wait for the UBAs to process the existing Alcatel-Lucent 5529 SDC data, and to
create any new inventory.
4. Synchronize the Load Balancer Adapter with the Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager database, as described in “Synchronizing with the Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager database” on page 59.
5. Restart the Load Balancer Adapter.

Removing nodes after the initial configuration

If you remove nodes after the initial configuration of the Load Balancer Adapter,
the nodes are still assigned to a UBA, but do not create any load.

About this task

If you determine that the nodes are unnecessary and will not be used again,
update the configuration as follows:

1. Stop the Load Balancer Adapter.
2. Delete the obsolete elements by using the DataMart Resource Editor.
3. Wait for a safe period.

Note: There might be files in the DataChannel that the UBA still needs to
process. Errors might be seen in the DataChannel until these files are processed.
The time to wait depends on the number of files that are waiting to be
processed. In this case, synchronize the Load Balancer Adapter with the Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager database, as described in “Synchronizing with
the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager database” on page 59.
4. Restart the Load Balancer Adapter.

Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack

Additional configuration steps required for Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology

Devices and services

This topic provides details about Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM server compatibility,
supported devices, Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM services, data collection model, bulk
input file formats, and bulk adapter design files.

Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM server compatibility

The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack currently runs on the following
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM servers:
v Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Server Release 7
v Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Server Release 8
v Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Server Release 9
v Alcatel-lucent 5620 SAM Server Release 10
v Alcatel-lucent 5620 SAM Server Release 11

Supported devices
The list of devices that are supported by the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology
Pack depends on the version of the technology pack.

60 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Devices that are supported in this release
This version of the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack supports the
following devices:
v Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MPR
v Alcatel-Lucent 7750 Service Router
v Alcatel-Lucent 7710 Service Router
v Alcatel-Lucent 7705 Service Aggregation Router
v Alcatel-Lucent 7450 Ethernet Service Switch
v Alcatel-Lucent 7210 Service Access Switch
v Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch 6850
v Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch 6250
For more information about these devices, see http://www.alcatel-
How the devices are supported
The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack supports these devices in
the following ways:
Defines data generation, data storage, and data collection methods
The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack communicates with
the device through the Simple Object Access Protocol/Extensible
Markup Language (SOAP/XML) interface, and uses JMS for
notification of inventory changes. For more information about the
SOAP/XML interface and other components that are associated
with the data collection model, see Data collection model.
Defines Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager properties
The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM defines and manages all of the
relevant objects that are associated with the device in the
Alcatel-Lucent XML-based equipment package. The Alcatel-Lucent
5620 SAM Technology Pack maps the appropriate set of SAM
object properties that are defined in the equipment package to
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager properties. In general, the
Netcool Performance Manager property name is the same as the
SAM object property name, except that the Netcool Performance
Manager property name also has the prefix “sam”. For information
about the properties that are currently supported by the
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager: Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM
Technology Pack Reference.

Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM services

Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM users can configure services, such as VPRN, VPLS, and
customer or subscriber sites to the core network at the SAPs.

A user might also configure a set of policies to manage different classes of traffic at
the SAPs. An SAP can have one policy that is applied for ingress traffic, and
another for egress (to the customer site). The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM has a
predefined set of eight traffic classes:

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 61

In addition, the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM supports unicast, multicast, and
broadcast IP traffic.

A user can define a policy to manage each combination of traffic classes and cast
types uniquely. With eight classes and four types, 32 different combinations are
possible. On an SAP, each unique combination is supported by a separate queue,
which means up to 32 queues to be managed. On ingress, the SAPs support
separate queues for the different casts of traffic. However, on egress, the SAPs do
not support separate queues. Therefore, on egress, there is a maximum of eight

The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM represents these entities in the following objects:
SAPs SAP object represents an SAP. The SAP object has a PolicyId property.
The Policy object represents the policy.
A ForwardingClass object represents one of the eight possible classes of
traffic. This object has a PolicyId property that indicates the policy to
which it belongs. If the object is an ingress ForwardingClass, it has four
queue IDs, one each for Unicast, Multicast, Broadcast, and Other. If the
object is an egress ForwardingClass, it has one queue ID.
Service queues
An Egress Service Queue object or an Ingress Service Queue object
represents a service queue on an SAP.

Data collection model

The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack integrates with the Alcatel-Lucent
5620 SAM, collecting and reporting performance metrics for the networking
infrastructure and services that the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM manages.

62 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Figure 1. Data collection model for the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack

Communication between Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager components and

Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM is through the SOAP/XML interface and XML files.
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a lightweight XML-based messaging
protocol. SOAP is used to encode the information in web service request and
response messages before sending them over a network. SOAP messages are
independent of any operating system or protocol. SOAP messages can be
transported by using various Internet protocols, including Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol (SMTP), Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME), and HyperText
Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

When the technology pack is operating, Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager

periodically commands the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM, through SOAP/XML, to
generate XML files that contain metrics for a number of the managed resources.
These XML files are then collected and processed, with the results presented in a
set of web-based reports, which are listed and described in Alcatel-Lucent 5620
SAM Technology Pack Reference.
The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM contains an object database that represents
the network resources and their relationships to other network resources. It
also represents some abstract resources and relationships. Services and
their owners (called Subscribers) are represented, along with their
relationships to each other and to the Service Access Point Queues.
The Bulk Load Balancer (BLB) periodically makes requests to the
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM server to retrieve SAM statistics for one period.
The SAM statistics are then passed to the UBA for parsing and processing
into Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager metrics.

Figure shows that the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack manages the
inventory of the resources, real and abstract, in two ways:
v Complete inventory

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 63

v Event-driven inventory
Complete inventory
Figure shows that in the complete inventory, the SAM Inventory File
(SAMIF) adapter application uses the instructions that are contained in the
SAMIF design files. These instructions are used to send a single
SOAP/XML request to the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM for each SAM object
type, which is needed to execute the inventory. Specifically, the request is
for an XML file that contains information about all instances of that object
type. The requests from the SAMIF adapter application filters the set of
property values that are returned for each SAM object type. This filter
operation limits the set of property values to those that matter to the
technology pack inventory.
The SAMIF adapter application reads each XML file and does the
following actions:
v Collects inventory for Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager-monitored
objects that the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack manages, and
stores this object information in its memory.
v Creates the appropriate subelements. Maps Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager properties to their associated SAM object properties.
v Assigns these Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager properties to their
associated subelements.
v Stores these resources in the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager
Furthermore, the SAMIF adapter application creates an ID Map file whose
purpose is to provide inventory-related information to the Bulk Load
Balancer (BLB) adapter. The ID Map file maps foreign keys of the external
system to the Resource ID and Collector ID used within Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager.
When the inventory and metrics are in separate bulk input files (as is the
case in the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM environment), a technology pack
developer typically implements several types of bulk adapter design files
as described in Bulk adapter design files.
Event-driven inventory
The Java™ Message Service (JMS) API is a messaging standard. It enables
application components that are based on the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise
Edition (J2EE) to create, send, receive, and read messages. The JMS API
enables distributed communication that is loosely coupled, reliable, and
asynchronous. The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM uses the JMS API to view
real-time events and alarm feed information from the managed network.
For more information, see the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM-O OSS Interface
Developer Guide.

Note: Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM-O is an open interface on the Alcatel-Lucent 5620

SAM. An OSS client application can access information through the Alcatel-Lucent
5620 SAM-O.
Figure shows that in the event-driven inventory, the SAMIF adapter application
uses the instructions, which are contained in the SAMIF design files to process JMS
create, delete, and update messages. For more information about SAMIF design
files, see Bulk adapter design files.

Bulk input file formats

The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM devices gather performance data and other SAM
statistics from multiple network elements, in XML format. This data is referred to
64 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
collectively as network health metrics. Each Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM device
produces, on an hourly basis, bulk input files that contain the network health
metrics and other information.

The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack supports multiple input files per
UBA, where each input file contains data for one polling period only. The syntax
for these bulk input files is explained in Bulk input file name. The Alcatel-Lucent
5620 SAM Technology Pack provides several files that interpret these bulk input
files. For more information, see Bulk adapter design files.

Bulk input file name

In the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM environment, the inventory and metrics are in
separate bulk input files.
Inventory bulk input file name
The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack uses the following syntax
for inventory file names:
proviso-inventoryType-dateRequested-timeRequested-* Here are some
example inventory file names:
v proviso-physicalPort-2010.02.16-21.52.38-3443809958133862-26361
v proviso-mplsInterface-2010.02.16-21.53.52-3443810032485722-14952
v proviso-iesL3AccessInterface-2010.02.16-22.34.46-3443812486323659-

Bulk adapter design files

Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager bulk adapters can support several data
formats for bulk input files, for example CSV, XML, and binary. The Alcatel-Lucent
5620 SAM server produces data in XML format, and uses JMS for notification of
inventory changes.

Each UBA technology pack provides at least one bulk adapter design file to define
the data format supported by that technology pack. Technology pack developers
implement bulk adapter design files by using JavaScript®. Some technology packs
provide several bulk adapter design files, each of which handles a specific bulk
input file format.

A bulk adapter design file typically can process both inventory and metrics data
from the same bulk input file, and provides a function that creates the bulk
collection formula names. When the inventory and metrics are in separate bulk
input files (as is the case in the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM environment), a
technology pack developer typically implements several types of bulk adapter
design files. The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack provides the following
types of bulk adapter design files:
v SAMIF design files
v UBA design files
v BLB design files
SAMIF design files
The SAM Inventory File (SAMIF) adapter is a DataChannel application that
interprets and parses bulk input files that contain inventory data. A
technology pack developer implements SAMIF design files that tell the
SAMIF adapter application how to interpret and parse these bulk input

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 65

files. The main SAMIF design file, SAMIFAdaptor.js, contains global
variable declarations and statements that import the other SAMIF design
The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack provides the following
SAMIF design files:
v SAMIF_aingr_aengr_forwarding_class.js
v SAMIF_aingr_aengr_policy.js
v SAMIF_aingr_aengr_queue.js
v SAMIF_aosqos_policy.js
v SAMIF_cfm_ethernet.js
v SAMIF_cfm_loopback.js
v SAMIF_cfm_oneway_delay.js
v SAMIF_cfm_twoway_delay.js
v SAMIF_dhcp_Dhcp6AdressPrefix.js
v SAMIF_dhcp_subnet.js
v SAMIF_equipment_BaseCard.js
v SAMIF_equipment_cardSlot.js
v SAMIF_equipment_channel.js
v SAMIF_equipment_ControlProcessor.js
v SAMIF_equipment_DaughterCard.js
v SAMIF_equipment_hw_environment.js
v SAMIF_equipment_physical_port.js
v SAMIF_equipment_IMA_Link.js
v SAMIF_equipment_MCMCard.js
v SAMIF_equipment_shelf.js
v SAMIF_icmp_ping.js
v SAMIF_lag_interface.js
v SAMIF_mpls_dynamic_lsp.js
v SAMIF_mpls_interface.js
v SAMIF_mpls_ping.js
v SAMIF_mpls_site.js
v SAMIF_nat_IsaMda.js
v SAMIF_nat_IsaMember.js
v SAMIF_ppp_control_protocol.js
v SAMIF_ppp_interface.js
v SAMIF_rtr_virtual_router.js
v SAMIF_selectJmsVersion.js
v SAMIF_service_access_interface.js
v SAMIF_service_access_point.js
v SAMIF_service_site_ping.js
v SAMIF_svq_aggregation_scheduler.js
v SAMIF_svt_sdp_binding.js
v SAMIF_svt_tunnel_ping.js
v SAMIF_svt_vccv_ping.js
v SAMIF_tdmequipment_DS1_E1_PortSpecific.js

66 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
v SAMIFAdaptor.js
v SAMIF_cfm_single_ended_loss.js
v SAMIF_ethernetoam_mep.js
UBA design files
The Universal Bulk Adaptor (UBA) is a DataChannel application that
interprets and parses bulk input files that contain inventory and metrics
data, or (as is the case in the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM environment)
metrics data only. A technology pack developer implements UBA design
files that tell the UBA application how to interpret and parse these bulk
input files.
The current version of the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack
supports two UBA Bulk Collectors. Therefore, the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM
Technology Pack provides two main UBA design files:
v The SAMUBAAdaptor_polled.js file is used by the first UBA Bulk
Collector and handles most of the metrics.
v The SAMUBAAdaptor_accounting.js file is used by the second
(accounting) UBA Bulk Collector and handles the accounting metrics.
These metrics are service-oriented metrics.
The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack provides the following
UBA design files:
v SAMUBA_aosqos_policy.js
v SAMUBA_avail_aggregator.js
v SAMUBA_avail_extensions.js
v SAMUBA_avail_operator.js
v SAMUBA_avail_schema.js
v SAMUBA_cfm_ethernet.js
v SAMUBA_cfm_oneway_delay.js
v SAMUBA_cfm_single_ended_loss.js
v SAMUBA_dhcp_LocalDhcp6ServerPrefixStats.js
v SAMUBA_dhcp_LocalDhcpServerSubnetStats.js
v SAMUBA_equipment_allocated_memory.js
v SAMUBA_equipment_available_memory.js
v SAMUBA_equipment_cardSlot.js
v SAMUBA_equipment_digital_diagnostic_monitoring.js
v SAMUBA_equipment_interface.js
v SAMUBA_equipment_interface_additional.js
v SAMUBA_equipment_media_independent.js
v SAMUBA_equipment_system_cpu.js
v SAMUBA_equipment_system_memory.js
v SAMUBA_ethernet_equipment_dot3_stats.js
v SAMUBA_ethernetequipment_AggrMainRxStats.js
v SAMUBA_ethernetequipment_AggrMainTxStats.js
v SAMUBA_hw_environment.js
v SAMUBA_hw_temperature.js
v SAMUBA_IsaMemberUsageStats.js
v SAMUBA_metrics.js
v SAMUBA_mpls_interface.js

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 67

v SAMUBA_mpls_site.js
v SAMUBA_mpr_IMALinkCurrentStats.js
v SAMUBA_mss.js
v SAMUBA_nqueue_combined_network_egress.js
v SAMUBA_nqueue_combined_network_ingress.js
v SAMUBA_OAM_ping_results.js
v SAMUBA_ppp_control_protocol.js
v SAMUBA_ppp_interface.js
v SAMUBA_radioequipment_PdhFrameHopHistoryDataStats.js
v SAMUBA_radioequipment_PdhFrameLinkHistoryDataStats.js
v SAMUBA_radioequipment_RadioAnalogueMeasure.js
v SAMUBA_rtr_route_stats.js
v SAMUBA_schema.js
v SAMUBA_sdp_binding_base_stats.js
v SAMUBA_svc_complete_service_egress.js
v SAMUBA_svc_complete_service_ingress.js
v SAMUBA_svc_pppoe.js
v SAMUBA_tdmequipment_DS1HistoryStats15minInLogRecord.js
v SAMUBA_tdmequipment_DS1HistoryStats15minOutLogRecord.js
v SAMUBA_tdmequipment_E1HistoryStats15minInLogRecord.js
v SAMUBA_tdmequipment_E1HistoryStats15minOutLogRecord.js
v SAMUBAAdaptor_accounting.js
v SAMUBAAdaptor_polled.js
BLB design files
The Bulk Load Balancer (BLB) adapter is a DataChannel application that
requests bulk data files from the SAM server. The BLB then passes the bulk
data files to the UBA for processing. The BLB also parses ID map files that
are received from the SAMIF, to understand what inventory exists. The
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack provides the following BLB
design file:
v SAMBLBAdaptor.js
Other JavaScript files
The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack also provides the following
JavaScript files, which are used internally:
v AppLogger.js
v jms_2_0.js
v jms_2_1.js
v jms_3_0.js
v SAM_app_config.js
v SAM_hash_array.js
v SAM_property_mapping.js
v SAM_property_storage.js
v SAM_soap_filter.js
v SAMCommon.js
v SAMDomainModel.js

68 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Setting up the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM servers
The SAM server administrator must set up the appropriate SAM servers
environment so that the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack operates

About this task

Setting up the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM servers includes the following tasks:

Install SAM on the primary and redundant servers

The SAM server administrator must have installed SAM on primary and
redundant servers. The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack accesses the
SAM servers to request the inventory and metrics.

Synchronize the clocks

Use the appropriate tool to ensure that the clocks on the SAM server and the
server on which the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataChannel is installed
are identical.

For example, make sure the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) on the server on
which Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataChannel is operating matches the
UTC time on the server on which Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM is operating.

Install the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Client GUI

The SAM server administrator must have installed the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM
Client GUI on some client computer or server.

During the installation, the SAM server administrator configured the IP addresses
of the SAM primary and redundant servers.

Configure an OSS user account

The SAM server administrator uses the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Client GUI to
configure an operational support system (OSS) user account from the client
computer or server.

This user account consists of a user name and password that allows the user to
access the SAM primary and redundant servers. This OSS user account must not
have administrative privileges. The SAM server administrator must record the user
name and password for this OSS user account and keep it in a secure place.

The DataChannel BLB application needs access to this OSS account. The
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack supplies the following parameters in
which the previously listed OSS user account information can be specified:

The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack supplies these parameters for Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager version 4.4.3 and later. These parameters are in the
pack XSD file. You specify values for these parameters as part of adding a UBA
Bulk Collector and associating it with the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology
Pack. For more information about adding a bulk collector, see the section on
adding a UBA bulk collector in the IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager:
Installation Guide.

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 69

Configure the SAM accounting and polling statistics
Accounting policies are relevant to the Access Interfaces and the metrics that they
report. The type of accounting policy on an Access Interface determines the metrics
that are reported.

When inventory is collected, Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager learns the

accounting policy for each Access Interface. From these accounting policies, the
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack can determine the accounting policy

The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM defines and manages accounting policies, which
determine how SAM accounting statistics are collected. The Alcatel-Lucent 5620
SAM Technology Pack currently supports two types of SAM accounting statistic:
access-port statistics and network-port statistics. The accounting package provides
a maximum of 13 active accounting policies, one for each type of record for the
eight access-port statistics types and for the five network-port statistics types.

The SAM server administrator uses the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Client GUI to
configure SAM accounting statistics on the primary and redundant SAM servers.

The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack supports the accounting policies
that are listed in the table, depending on the type of nodes that are monitored.
Table 5. Supported accounting policies
Accounting policy Description
CombinedNetworkEgressOctetsLogRecord Manages the collection of octet activity for
egress network queues.
CombinedNetworkIngressOctetsLogRecord Manages the collection of octet activity for
ingress network queues.
CompleteServiceEgressPacketOctets Manages the collection of packet and octet
LogRecord activity for egress service queues.
CompleteServiceIngressPacketOctets Manages the collection of packet and octet
LogRecord activity for ingress service queues.
ServiceEgressOctetsLogRecord Manages the collection of octet activity for
egress service queues.
ServiceEgressPacketsLogRecord Manages the collection of packet activity for
egress service queues.
ServiceIngressOctetsLogRecord Manages the collection of octet activity for
ingress service queues.
ServiceIngressPacketsLogRecord Manages the collection of packet activity for
ingress service queues.


The service.ServiceEgressOctetsLogRecord class and the

service.ServiceEgressPacketsLogRecord class are mutually exclusive. You cannot
collect metrics for both classes at the same time.

Similarly, the service.ServiceIngressOctetsLogRecord class and the

service.ServiceIngressPacketsLogRecord class are mutually exclusive. You cannot
collect metrics for both classes at the same time.

70 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
The SAM server administrator uses the appropriate utility to configure polling
statistics for SAM statistics classes. To configure polling statistics for these SAM
statistics classes, enable the appropriate MIBs on the primary and redundant SAM

The default Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager collection period for all types of
SAM statistics is set to every 15 minutes, so the SAM server policies must be
configured to match this default value.

Note: The collection period for any type of SAM statistics must be set to the same
value as the collection period for the corresponding Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager requests.

For information about how to change the collection period for SAM statistics, see
“Changing the collection period for SAM accounting statistics” on page 105.

Enable the MIBs for the SAM statistics classes:

SAM server administrator must enable all of the MIBs listed in the table for the
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack.

The first column of the table identifies the SAM statistics class on which to enable
polling statistics; the second column identifies the MIBs to enable for the SAM
statistics classes; and the third column identifies the object types to enable. The
SAM server administrator can enable more object types, but the Alcatel-Lucent
5620 SAM Technology Pack expects at a minimum the ones that are listed in the
third column.
Table 6. MIBs to enable for SAM statistics classes
SAM statistics class MIB Object types
equipment.AllocatedMemory TIMETRA-SYSTEMMIB sgiMemoryPoolAllocat ed
equipment.AvailableMemory TIMETRA-SYSTEMMIB sgiMemoryAvailable
equipment.Interface IF-MIB ifXEntry
equipment.InterfaceStats IF-MIB (in the file named ifEntry
LogRecord rfc2233-IF-MIB)
equipment.MediaIndependent HC-RMON-MIB mediaIndependentEntry
equipment.SystemCpuStats TIMETRA-SYSTEMMIB sgiCpuUsage
equipment.SystemMemory TIMETRA-SYSTEMMIB sgiMemoryUsed
mpls.MplsInterfaceStats TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB vRtrMplsIfStatEntry
ppp.PppStatsLogRecord and TIMETRA-PPP-MIB tmnxPppEntry
svt.SdpBindingBaseStats TIMETRA-SERV-MIB sdpBindBaseStatsEntr y
ethernetequipment.Dot3 EtherLike-MIB dot3StatsEntry
mpls.SiteStatsLogRecord TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB vRtrMplsGeneralStatEntry
service.PppoeSapStats TIMETRA-PPPOEMIB tmnxPppoeSapStatsEntry

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 71

Table 6. MIBs to enable for SAM statistics classes (continued)
SAM statistics class MIB Object types
svq.CustMultiSvcSiteIng TIMETRA-SERV-MIB custMultiSvcSiteIngS
SchedPlcyPortStatsLogRecord chedPlcyPortStatsEntry
svq.CustMultiSvcSiteEgr TIMETRA-SERV-MIB custMultiSvcSiteEgrS
SchedPlcyPortStatsLogRecord chedPlcyPortStatsEntry
aosqos.QoSIngressPolicy ALCATEL-IND1- QOS-MIB alaQoSRuleEntry
equipment.CardHealth ALCATEL-IND1- HEALTH-MIB healthModuleEntry

Configure FTP accounts on the primary and redundant SAM

The SAM server administrator uses the ftp utility to configure FTP user accounts
on the primary and redundant SAM servers

The FTP users must have access to the SAM XML output directory, which by
default is /opt/5620sam/server/xml_output. The FTP users must also have
permission to delete files.

Important: You must set the permissions for the SAM XML output directory and
the parent directories so that the DataChannel BLB and SAMIF applications can
successfully retrieve the XML source input files.

The SAM server administrator must record the following information about the
FTP user accounts and keep this information in a secure place:
v User names for the FTP accounts on SAM server 1 and SAM server 2
v Encrypted passwords for the FTP accounts on SAM server 1 and SAM server 2
v Host names of SAM server 1 and SAM server 2
v The name of the server on which the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack
was installed

The DataChannel BLB and SAMIF applications need to retrieve the XML source
input files from the two FTP accounts. The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology
Pack supplies the following URI-related parameters in which the previously listed
FTP account information can be specified:

The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack supplies these parameters. These
parameters are supplied in the pack’s XSD file. You specify values for these
parameters as part of adding a UBA Bulk Collector and associating it with the
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack. For more information about adding a
UBA Bulk Collector, see the section on adding a UBA Bulk Collector in the IBM
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Installation Guide. For convenience, the
descriptions for these parameters are provided in Appendix A, UBA parameters
(Tivoli Netcool/Proviso v4.4.3 and Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager).

Configure the HTTP SOAP and JMS accounts

The SAM server administrator uses the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Client GUI to
configure HTTP SOAP and JMS accounts on the primary and redundant SAM

72 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
The SAM server administrator must record the following information about the
HTTP SOAP and JMS user accounts and keep it in a secure place:
v Host name of SAM server 1 that hosts HTTP SOAP and JMS accounts
v Host name of SAM server 2 that hosts HTTP SOAP and JMS accounts

The DataChannel BLB and SAMIF applications need to know about these HTTP
SOAP accounts and the SAMIF needs to know about the JMS accounts. The
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack supplies the following parameters in
which the previously listed HTTP SOAP and JMS account information can be

The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack supplies these parameters. These
parameters are supplied in the pack’s XSD file. You specified values for these
parameters as part of adding a UBA Bulk Collector and associating it with the
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack. For more information about adding a
UBA Bulk Collector, see the section on adding a UBA Bulk Collector in the IBM
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Installation Guide.

Specify the JMS port

The DataChannel SAMIF application must have access to the JMS accounts that the
SAM server administrator created on the primary and redundant SAM servers.

The SAM.JMS_PORT parameter specifies the JMS port number for the SAM primary
server. Two related parameters (SAM.JMS_URI and SAM.JMS_URI_2) identify, by using
http URLs, the JMS account locations on the primary and redundant SAM servers.
These URI-related parameters use the JMS port number that is specified for the
SAM.JMS_PORT parameter.

You configure the JMS port number on the SAM server when you install or
reconfigure the SAM server. The value of the JMS port number depends on the
number of SAM servers in your configuration, as follows:
v If your configuration has two SAM servers, set the SAM.JMS_PORT parameter to
port number 1100 for both the primary server and the redundant server.
v If your configuration is a stand-alone SAM server, set the SAM.JMS_PORT
parameter to port number 1099.

Note: Ensure that you configure the SAM.JMS_PORT parameter to have the same
value as the corresponding value on the SAM server.

The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack supplies this parameter. This
parameter is supplied in the pack’s XSD file. You specified a value for this
parameter as part of adding a UBA Bulk Collector and associating it with the
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack. For more information about adding a
UBA Bulk Collector, see the section on adding a UBA Bulk Collector in the IBM
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Installation Guide.

Install the JRE 1.6 or later Environment

The SAMIF application expects that the server on which the Alcatel-Lucent 5620
SAM Technology Pack was installed is running the Java Runtime Environment
(JRE) 1.6 or later.

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 73

More specifically, the SAMIF application looks for the JRE 1.6 in the standard
location, which is /usr/java/jre. If the JRE 1.6 is installed in a nonstandard
location, the SAMIF needs a way to locate it. The SAM.JAVA_PATH parameter
identifies the nonstandard location of the JRE 1.6.

The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack supplies this parameter. This
parameter is supplied in the pack’s XSD file. You specified a value for this
parameter as part of adding a UBA Bulk Collector and associating it with the
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack. For more information about adding a
UBA Bulk Collector, see the section on adding a UBA Bulk Collector in the IBM
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Installation Guide.

Set up ping tests

The SAM server enables SAM server administrators to run ping tests to receive
information about traffic latency and jitter.

The results from the tests can include SAM statistics such as round-trip time,
one-way trip time, jitter. These test results can be collected as metrics against OAM
Test object subelements that represent the tests.

Note: This section describes one method of creating OAM (ping) tests. This
method uses the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Client GUI to set up the OAM test to
run periodically by using the scheduler on the SAM server. To run the OAM test
on the SAM server, you must set the NE NE schedulable to off. This is only one
method for running OAM tests and is provided for users who have no knowledge
about how to run OAM tests. In other methods for running OAM tests, the NE
schedulable setting can be set to on. In any method that is employed to run the
OAM tests, the period of the tests must be set to the same value as the period for
the metric requests. The default value is 15 minutes.

A SAM server administrator can create ping tests in two ways:

Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Client GUI
The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Client GUI allows a SAM server
administrator to set up a ping test, specifying the period of the test, the
type of test, and so on.
OSS requests
The SAM server administrator might also establish OSS requests that create
ping tests on the SAM server.

Although the two methods are available, the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology
Pack expects that a SAM server administrator manually sets up ping tests by using
the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Client GUI. For more information about setting up
these ping tests, see the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 Service Aware Manager Release 7.0 User

To collect ping-related SAM statistics that are meaningful within Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager, multiple consecutive data points need to be collected for
any particular OAM Test object subelement. Thus, it is recommended that ping
tests be set up to run on a schedule that lasts for a significant duration (minimum
three hours).

This section summarizes the steps to follow. For more information, see the
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 Service Aware Manager Release 7.0 User Guide.
v Create a test suite. Make sure the NE Schedulable option is not selected so that
the test schedule runs on the SAM server and not the routers themselves.

74 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
v Create one or more ping tests. The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack
supports several types of ping tests. Remember not to select the NE Schedulable
option. Make sure the tests run without errors.
v Add the ping tests to the test suite.
v Create a schedule to run the test suite. Set the schedule to run at the same
frequency as the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager collection requests for
jitter and latency. For example, if Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager collection
requests occur every 15 minutes, then set the schedule to run the ping test suite
every 15 minutes.

Note: Ensure that you set the frequency to a value that is consistent with the
other collection periods. See “Changing the collection period for SAM
accounting statistics” on page 105 for guidelines about setting this schedule.
v Apply the schedule to the test suite and run the tests that are contained in the
suite. Each time a test completes, Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager collects a
set of metrics.

SAM server administrators can run several types of ping tests to measure traffic
characteristics at different levels of the network stack. Each ping test is represented
by its own SAM class and associated ping result class. For more information about
these classes, see the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM XML Reference - Release 7.0

Configure the technology pack

How to configure the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology pack.

Before you begin

Ensure that you:

v Have the following software and documentation for your version of Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager:
– IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Technology Pack Release Notes for the
current technology pack release
– IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Installation Guide.
– IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration
– IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Upgrade Guide (if you are upgrading
the core software).
– IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Technology Pack Upgrade Guide (if you
are upgrading the technology pack software).
– IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: DataMart Configuration and Operation

Important: Refer to this guide to run a bulk inventory profile.

– Access to the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataMart server
– An X Window server on the DataMart server.

Note: (Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager pre-v4.4.3) If there is no graphics

card on the DataMart server, you can install the Xvfb virtual frame buffer
package to provide X Window services, as described in the IBM Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager: Installation Guide.
– Access to the SilverStream server.

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 75

– Access to the Tivoli Integrated Portal
– Access to the DataChannel server.
v Completed the following tasks:
– Reviewed the release notes for the current technology pack.

Note: Release notes contain important information that you must consider
before you install a technology pack. They also contain information on
specific patches that must be installed before you configure a technology
– Installed the current version of the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager
components, as described in the IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager:
Installation Guide.
– Installed the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack.

Note: Installation instructions for a technology pack can be found in the IBM
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide.
Upgrade instructions for a technology pack can be found in the IBM Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager: Technology Pack Upgrade Guide. Localization is
done automatically during installation of the technology pack.
– Configured at least one DataChannel.
– Configured two UBA Bulk Collector subchannels.
– Created a user on the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM server with permission to FTP
and delete files.
v Configured the technology-specific components.
The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack requires that you configure the
following technology-specific components:
– Bulk Load Balancer (BLB)
– DataSync 5620 SAM (also referred to as SAMIF or SAM Inventory File)
You configured these components as follows:
– Tivoli Netcool/Proviso V4.4.3 and Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager
As part of the DataChannel installation, you:
1. Loaded the pack XSD file into an existing topology.
2. Added two UBA Bulk Collectors and associated them with the
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack.
3. Modified the technology pack-specific parameters for the BLB and SAMIF.

Note: Now, you also modified technology pack-specific parameters for the
4. Redeployed the updated topology. See the IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide for more information.

Note: You have another opportunity to modify the pack-specific UBA, BLB,
and SAMIF parameters during pack configuration, as described in this

To configure the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack, follow these steps:

1. Load the DataMart environment. To load the shell with the DataMart
environment, follow these steps:
a. Log in to the DataMart server as pvuser.

76 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
b. Change your working directory to the DataMart home directory
(/opt/datamart, by default), by using the following command:
$ cd /opt/datamart
c. Load the shell with the DataMart environment, by sourcing the
dataMart.env file, as follows:
$ . /opt/datamart/dataMart.env

Note: After you load the DataMart environment into the shell, the
PVMHOME variable is set to the DataMart home directory, /opt/datamart
by default. These instructions assume that this variable is set.
2. Copy technology-specific files from the DataMart server to the DataChannel
server. Technology-specific files are used to associate a UBA technology pack
with a specific instance of the UBA.

Note: While it is possible to install DataMart and DataChannel on the same

server, in a typical installation these modules are installed on separate servers.
If so, use FTP to copy the technology-specific files. Otherwise, if DataMart and
DataChannel are on the same server, use the cp command to copy the files to
the appropriate DataChannel directory.
To copy technology-specific files to the DataChannel server, follow these steps:
a. Log in to the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataChannel server by
entering the user name and password that you specified when you
installed and configured a DataChannel. The default user name and
password are pvuser and PV.
b. Change your working directory to the DATA_CHANNEL_HOME/scripts/
alcatel_5620_sam directory by entering the following command, replacing
DATA_CHANNEL_HOME with the DataChannel home directory
(/opt/datachannel, by default):
$ cd DATA_CHANNEL_HOME/scripts/alcatel_5620_sam
c. Using the FTP utility in text mode, log in to the DataMart server by using
the appropriate user name and password (pvuser and PV, by default).
d. Using the cd subcommand, change your working directory to the
alcatel_5620_sam directory.
e. Using the get subcommand, copy the bulk adapter design files (*.js),
scripts (if any), and other files (if any) from the DataMart server to the
DataChannel server.
f. Exit the FTP utility by entering the bye subcommand.
g. Verify that the technology-specific files are now in the target directory as
v (Tivoli Netcool/Proviso v4.4.3 and Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager)
Verify that the bulk adapter design files (*.js), scripts (if any), other files
(if any) are now in the DATA_CHANNEL_HOME/scripts/alcatel_5620_sam
3. Copy the samOss.jar file to the DataChannel server.
In the previous step, you copied technology-specific files from the DataMart
server to the DATA_CHANNEL_HOME/scripts/alcatel_5620_sam directory on the
DataChannel server. The technology-specific files included SamJms.jar, the
JAR file that is required by the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Server. The
SamJms.jar file requires that the samOss.jar file is also in the
DATA_CHANNEL_HOME/scripts/alcatel_5620_sam directory. The samOss.jar file is
distributed on a SAM distribution DVD referred to as the 5620 SAM software
DVD-ROM, and is in the following directory: <SAM_ROOT_RELEASE_DIR>/nms/

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 77

You must copy the samOss.jar file from the directory on the DVD to the
DATA_CHANNEL_HOME/scripts/alcatel_5620_sam directory (/opt/datachannel/
scripts/alcatel_5620_sam, by default) on the DataChannel server.
After you complete the copy operation, the DATA_CHANNEL_HOME/scripts/
alcatel_5620_sam directory contains the samOss.jar file, the Bulk Adaptor
Design files, the alcatel_5620_sam_sample_dc.cfg template file (Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager pre-v4.4.3 only), SamJms.jar, and any other
technology-specific files.
4. Activate data collection requests. During installation of the technology pack,
all predefined data collection requests are promoted to the database and set to
inactive (that is, idle displays in the Active column of the Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager DataMart Request Editor). You must activate these
predefined data collection requests by using the Request Editor. To set data
collection requests to active, follow these steps:
a. Change your working directory to $PVMHOME/bin (/opt/datamart/bin, by
default) on the DataMart server.
b. Start the DataMart GUI by entering the following command and pressing
$ pvm
c. Click the Configuration tab, then click Request Editor to open the Request
d. Click the Collection tab.
e. Click Refresh. The predefined data collection requests are loaded into the
Request Editor from the database.
f. Click the Inactive button in the Filter group box to display only idle
g. In the Sub-Element Groups pane, select all idle data collection requests in
the following group or groups: Root->Sub-Element Collect->Alcatel-
Lucent 5620 SAM
h. Click the Active box under Details. The Request Editor toggles the idle
setting for these data collection requests from idle to active in the Active
i. Click Save.
5. Edit pack-specific SAMIF, UBA, and BLB parameters, which are based on the
following Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager platforms: Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager v4.4.3 and Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager
In this release of Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager, you were instructed to
modify the technology pack-specific SAMIF, UBA, and BLB parameters when
you installed the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack, by using the
Topology Editor. If you did not modify the SAMIF, UBA, and BLB parameters
with site-specific values or you want to make more edits, you can do so now.
Otherwise, you can go to the next step. See the IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide for more information.
6. Load the DataChannel environment. In subsequent steps, you run dccmd
commands. To ensure that you can run these commands, load the shell with
the DataChannel environment by following these steps:
a. Log in to the DataChannel server as pvuser.
b. Change your working directory to the DataChannel home directory
(/opt/datachannel, by default), by using the following command:
$ cd /opt/datachannel

78 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
c. Load the shell with the DataChannel environment, by sourcing the
dataChannel.env file, as follows:
$ . /opt/datachannel/dataChannel.env
7. Restart the DataChannel to activate the UBA and read in changes to the
deployed topology (v4.4.3 and Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager).
a. Open a terminal emulator on the DataChannel server.
b. Use the dccmd command to stop all DataChannel applications:
$ dccmd stop all
c. Use the dccmd command to release all daemons that are running in the
$ dccmd forget all
d. Use the following command to find the process identifiers (pids)
associated with the DataChannel visual processes:
$ findvisual
e. Use the following commands to stop each DataChannel visual process:
$ kill -9 <cnsw_pid>
$ kill -9 <logw_pid>
$ kill -9 <amgrw_pid>
$ kill -9 <cmgrw_pid>
f. Use the following commands to restart each DataChannel visual process:
$ cnsw
$ logw
$ amgrw
$ cmgrw
g. Use the dccmd command to start all DataChannel applications:
$ dccmd start all
h. Use the dccmd command to verify that all of the DataChannel applications
started properly:
$ dccmd status all

More specifically, make sure that the UBA application associated with the
DataChannel that you configured for the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM
Technology Pack is running.
i. Watch the output of the status switch to verify that all the necessary
processes are running. If these processes are running, run the tail utility on
the log file for the UBA by issuing a command similar to the following:
$ tail -f DATA_CHANNEL_HOME/log/proviso.log | grep
UBA.<channel><collector>- | more


Variable Meaning
<channel_number> Is /opt/datachannel, by default.
<collector_number> Specifies the collector number (for example,
100) that you specified when you configure
this UBA Bulk Collector.
The trailing dash (–) after <collector_number> Removes extraneous log messages from your
view. That is, the trailing dash guarantees
that the command displays only those
messages that are generated by your
application. The first set of messages relate
to syntax checks.

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 79

The following table identifies some events to watch for during the syntax

Event Meaning
The UBA application starts successfully, but Typically, this event occurs because of a
then stops running. licensing issue.
The bulk adapter design file might be This event causes a syntax error before the
corrupted. UBA application connects to the database.
The UBA application connects to the This event causes a message similar to the
database. following example to display: DB_CONNECT
Connecting to <sid> as <user> If you see
this database connection message without
prior errors, the UBA application passed the
syntax check.

8. Run the initial inventory. The initial inventory of elements and subelements
runs automatically when you start the SAMIf component. This activity can be
time-consuming, depending on the size of the network that the Alcatel-Lucent
5620 SAM manages. In a large network, the initial inventory can take 6 - 12
hours. To run a subsequent inventory for the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM
Technology Pack, follow these steps:
a. Log in as pvuser on the server that hosts the BLB process for the
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack.
b. Verify that all Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack components are
$ /opt/datachannel/bin/dccmd status -channel channel#

where channel# is the number of the DataChannel, which you specified

when you configured the DataChannel for the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM
Technology Pack.
c. Run the inventory utility.

Note: In previous releases of the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack

samifDump was used to run the initial inventory utility. This is no longer
necessary, and might not even work, so it must not be used. Use of
samifDump might mask JMS problems.
To initiate an inventory full dump, restart the SAMIF, and it automatically
performs an inventory dump and collection after it successfully connects to
the JMS. If the full dump does not start, the JMS connection might need
9. Run the bulk inventory profile. The UBA application handles the inventory
and metrics according to the instructions provided in the technology pack
design file or files. The UBA application inserts the created elements,
subelements, and metrics into the database. However, the UBA application
does not handle the grouping of these elements and subelements. To handle
the grouping of the elements and subelements that were inserted into the
database, UBA technology packs supply a bulk inventory profile. This bulk
inventory profile is automatically created when the pack is installed. Bulk
inventory profiles use the following name syntax: bulk_N where:

Syntax item Meaning

bulk_ Identifies it as a bulk inventory profile for a
UBA technology pack.

80 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Syntax item Meaning
N Specifies the collector number (for example,
100) that the user specified when
configuring this UBA Bulk Collector.

You must use the Inventory Tool to run a bulk inventory profile. To run the
bulk inventory profiles for this technology pack, perform the following steps:
a. In the command window where you loaded the DataMart environment,
change your working directory to $PVMHOME/bin (/opt/datamart/bin, by
default) on the DataMart server.
b. Start the DataMart GUI:
$ pvm
c. Click Inventory Tool in the Resource tab. The Inventory Tool window
appears. This window displays a list of the existing inventory profiles on
the Configuration tab. The names of the inventory profiles to run are
bulk_N1 and bulk_N2, where N1 and N2 are the collector numbers that are
configured for this pack.
d. On the Configuration tab, click the bulk inventory profiles for this
technology pack and then select Run Profile from the Action menu. The
Live Information tab displays messages about the status of the profiles.
See the IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: DataMart Configuration and
Operation Guide for more information about running an inventory profile.
e. Every time the UBA technology pack design file creates new elements,
subelements, and metrics, you must perform the previous steps to group
the elements and subelements. One way to accomplish this task regularly
is to create a cron entry that uses the inventory command. The following
example shows the cron entries that periodically perform the grouping
operation for the bulk inventory profiles that are called bulk_100 and
0 * * * * . /opt/datamart/dataMart.env && inventory -name bulk_100
-action pregrouping -reload -noX
0 * * * * . /opt/datamart/dataMart.env && inventory -name bulk_100
-action grouping -reload -noX
0 * * * * . /opt/datamart/dataMart.env && inventory -name bulk_101
-action pregrouping -reload -noX
0 * * * * . /opt/datamart/dataMart.env && inventory -name bulk_101
-action grouping -reload -noX

For more information about the inventory command, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager: Command Line Interface Guide.
10. Deploy reports. After the technology pack installation completes, the rules for
the new device are automatically loaded into the database. The inventory
process uses those rules to group elements and subelements. You must
manually deploy (auto-group) the reports by associating them with groups in
the NOC Reporting tree in the DataMart Resource Editor.To deploy the
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack reports, follow these steps:
a. Open the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataMart Resource Editor.
b. Click the ReportSEGroup tab.
c. Move the cursor to the left pane and scroll up to select any group under
the SUB-ELEMENTS->NOC Reporting tree.
d. Right-click and select the AutoGrouping option from the menu. The
AutoGrouping option places the reports in dynamically generated groups
that are created during inventory.
e. Click Yes to continue.

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 81

f. Click Close to exit the message box, or click Details to view a description
of any errors.
g. You can also deploy reports regularly by creating a cron entry that uses
the inventory CLI command and the -reportGrouping option. This option
instructs the inventory command to run the report grouping rules and
update the deployed reports that are stored in the database. Report
grouping rules must first be created before this option can be used. For
information on creating report grouping rules, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager: DataMart Configuration and Operation Guide. The
following example shows a cron entry that periodically performs the
deployment report operation:
0 * * * * . /opt/datamart/dataMart.env && inventory -noX -reportGrouping

For more information about the inventory command, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager: Command Line Interface Guide.

Verifying resources
Use the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataMart Resource Editor to
determine whether the technology pack resources (elements, subelements, and
properties) were successfully discovered and created in the database during

For information about using the DataMart Resource Editor, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager: DataMart Configuration and Operation Guide.

Modifying the collection strategy

Describes how to modify the amount of data that is managed by the Alcatel-Lucent
5620 SAM Technology Pack. You can modify by changing the types of data that are
collected, or by changing the collection period for the SAM statistics, or both.

Specifying what inventory and metrics to collect

Use the include and exclude filter parameters to specify what inventory and
metrics to collect.

About this task

These parameters are supplied in the pack XSD file. Use the Topology Editor to
specify a value for the include and exclude filter parameters when you configure
the technology-specific components (BLB and SAMIF) as part of adding a UBA
Bulk Collector and associating it with the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology

For more information about adding this type of collector, see the section on adding
a UBA Bulk Collector in the IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Installation

For information about how the filtering mechanism changed in recent versions of
the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack, see Changes in the filtering
mechanism for inventory and metric section in IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager:
Pack Upgrade Guide.

82 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Guidelines for using filter parameters:

Use the following guidelines when you use the include and exclude filter
parameters to filter specific categories of inventory and metrics. These guidelines
assume that you configured one instance of the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM
Technology Pack.

About this task

See Issues when configuring multiple Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack
instances for issues that are related to using the include and exclude filter
parameters when you configure more than one instance of the Alcatel-Lucent 5620
SAM Technology Pack.

Note: If you want to collect all categories of inventory and metrics, accept the
default value for the include and exclude filter parameters. (The default value for
the include and exclude filter parameters is no value.) You do not need to do
anything further. You can skip this and subsequent sections that are related to the
include and exclude filter parameters.

1. The inventory filters apply to the SAMIF, and the metrics filters apply to the
2. Use the first column of Table 3 to determine the subelement type for which
you want to include and exclude inventory and metrics. In this example, the
subelement type is Physical Port objects.
3. Use the second column of Table 3 to identify the include and exclude inventory
and metrics filter parameters that are associated with this subelement type. In
this example, the inventory filter parameters are:
In this example, the metrics filter parameters are:
4. Specify the values for the include and exclude filter parameters according to
the information provided in Valid values for include and exclude filter
parameters. To include the metrics and associated inventory for a subelement,
assign the appropriate value to the include filter parameters for the inventory
and metrics. Assign the same value to all of the include filter parameters for
that subelement.
In this example, set the values for the following parameters:

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 83

Do not assign a value for the exclude filter parameters.
Conversely, to exclude the metrics and associated inventory for a subelement,
assign the appropriate value to the exclude filter parameters for the inventory
and metrics. Assign the same value to all of the exclude filter parameters for
that subelement.
In this example, set the values for the following parameters:
Do not assign a value for the include filter parameters.

Supported filter parameters:

The table provides the following information:

v First column – Specifies the subelement type.
v Second column – Specifies the names of the filter parameters, for the categories
of inventory and metrics that are available for the specified subelement type.
These filter parameters control the inclusion or exclusion of the different
categories of inventory and metrics.
v Third column – Specifies the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM-O XML package
inventory and metrics classes that are associated with the parameters listed in
the second column. It also specifies the name of the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM
property that contains the IP address for an object, which is the default value
that is used to filter the inventory and metrics. See the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM
XML Reference - Release 7.0 documentation for descriptions of these classes.
Table 7. Include and exclude filter parameters and associated XML packages and classes
Subelement Include and exclude filter parameters Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM-O XML package class
Base Card
object Inventory: Inventory:
Daughter EXC_FILTER_EQUIPMENT_BASE_CARD equipment.DaughterCard
EXC_FILTER_EQUIPMENT_MCM_CARD Default filter property:
object Metrics: INC_FILTER_HW_TEMP_STATS Metrics: equipment.HardwareTemperature
Default filter property
MDA object Inventory: Inventory:
EXC_FILTER_NAT_ISA_MEMBER Default filter property:
object siteName

Metrics: INC_ISA_MEM_USG_STATS Metrics: nat.IsaMemberUsageStats

Default filter property

84 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 7. Include and exclude filter parameters and associated XML packages and classes (continued)
Subelement Include and exclude filter parameters Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM-O XML package class
Address Inventory: Inventory:
object INC_DHCP_ADD_PREFIX dhcp.Dhcp6AddressPrefix
EXC_DHCP_SUBNET Default filter property:
Address nodeId
Metrics: INC_LOCAL_DHCP_SERSUBSTATS Metrics: dhcp.LocalDhcp6ServerPrefixStats
EXC_LOCAL_DHCP_SERSUBSTATS dhcp.LocalDhcpServerSubnetStats
EXC_LOCAL_DHCP6_SERPRESTATS Default filter property
Link object Inventory: Inventory:
Default filter property:

Metrics: INC_IMA_LINK_CUR_STATS Metrics: mpr.IMALinkCurrentStatsLogRecord

Default filter property
DS1_E1 object
Inventory: Inventory:
INC_FILTER_CHANNEL_DS1E1 tdmequipment.DS1E1PortSpecifics
INC_FILTER_CHANNEL_DS1E1_PORT Default filter property:

Metrics: INC_DS1_HIS_IN Metrics: tdmequipment.DS1HistoryStats15minIn

EXC_DS1_HIS_IN LogRecord
INC_DS1_HIS_OUT tdmequipment.DS1HistoryStats15minOut
INC_E1_HIS_IN tdmequipment.E1HistoryStats15minIn
EXC_E1_HIS_IN LogRecord
INC_E1_HIS_OUT tdmequipment.E1HistoryStats15minOut
EXC_E1_HIS_OUT LogRecord
INC_AGR_MAINT_RX_STATS ethernetequipment.AggrMaintRxStats
INC_AGR_MAINT_TX_STATS ethernetequipment.AggrMaintTxStats
INC_PDH_FRM_HOP_HIS_STATS radioequipment.PdhFrameHopHistoryDataStats
INC_PDH_FRM_LIN_HIS_STATS radioequipment.PdhFrameLinkHistoryDataStats
INC_RAD_ANALOG_MEAS radioequipment.RadioAnalogueMeasure
Default filter property

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 85

Table 7. Include and exclude filter parameters and associated XML packages and classes (continued)
Subelement Include and exclude filter parameters Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM-O XML package class
Interface Inventory: Inventory:
object INC_FILTER_IES_L3_ACCESS_INTERFACE service.L2AccessInterface
INC_FILTER_MIRROR_L2_ACCESS_ ies.L3AccessInterface
INTERFACE mirror.L2AccessInterface
EXC_FILTER_MIRROR_L2_ACCESS_ vll.L2AccessInterface
INTERFACE vpls.L2AccessInterface
Default filter property:

Metrics: N/A Metrics: Availability

Default filter property
Object Inventory: Inventory:
Default filter property

Metrics: INC_FILTER_AOSQOS_POLICY Metrics: aosqos.QoSIngressPolicyStatsLogRecord

Default filter property

Egress Service Inventory: Inventory:

Queue object INC_FILTER_IES_L3_ACCESS_INTERFACE ies.L3AccessInterface
Ingress INC_FILTER_MIRROR_L2_ACCESS_ vll.L2AccessInterface
Service Queue INTERFACE vll.L2AccessInterface
object EXC_FILTER_MIRROR_L2_ACCESS_ vpls.L2AccessInterface
INTERFACE vprn.L3AccessInterface
Lucent 7750 Default filter property
Service nodeId
Switch) Metrics: INC_FILTER_COMPLETE_SERVICE_EGRESS Metrics: service.CompleteServiceEgressPacket
INC_FILTER_COMPLETE_SERVICE_INGRESS service.CompleteServiceEgressPacket

Default filter property


86 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 7. Include and exclude filter parameters and associated XML packages and classes (continued)
Subelement Include and exclude filter parameters Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM-O XML package class

Channel Inventory: Inventory:

object INC_FILTER_CHANNEL_DS0_GROUP tdmequipment.DS0ChannelGroup
EXC_FILTER_CHANNEL_DS0_GROUP tdmequipment.DS1E1Channel
INC_FILTER_CHANNEL_DS1E1 tdmequipment.DS3E3Channel
EXC_FILTER_CHANNEL_DS1E1 sonetequipment.Sts1Channel
INC_FILTER_CHANNEL_DS3E3 sonetequipment.Sts12Channel
EXC_FILTER_CHANNEL_DS3E3 sonetequipment.Sts192Channel
INC_FILTER_CHANNEL_STS1 sonetequipment.Sts3Channel
EXC_FILTER_CHANNEL_STS1 sonetequipment.Sts48Channel
INC_FILTER_CHANNEL_STS12 sonetequipment.TributaryChannel
EXC_FILTER_CHANNEL_STS12 sonetequipment.TributaryGroup
INC_FILTER_CHANNEL_STS192 sonetequipment.Tu3Channel
EXC_FILTER_CHANNEL_STS192 sonetequipment.Tug3Group
Default filter property

Metrics: INC_FILTER_EQUIPMENT_INTERFACE Metrics: equipment.InterfaceStatsLogRecord

EXC_FILTER_EQUIPMENT_INTERFACE equipment.InterfaceAdditionalStatsLogRecord
Object Inventory: Inventory:
Default filter property:

Metrics: INC_FILTER_EQUIPMENT_CARD_SLOT Metrics: equipment.CardHealthStatsLogRecord

Default filter property:

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 87

Table 7. Include and exclude filter parameters and associated XML packages and classes (continued)
Subelement Include and exclude filter parameters Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM-O XML package class

Egress Service Inventory: Inventory:

Queue object INC_FILTER_IES_L3_ACCESS_INTERFACE ies.L3AccessInterface
Ingress INC_FILTER_MIRROR_L2_ACCESS_ vll.L2AccessInterface
Service Queue INTERFACE vpls.L2AccessInterface
object EXC_FILTER_MIRROR_L2_ACCESS_ vprn.L3AccessInterface
(Alcatel- Default filter property:
Lucent 7705 nodeId
7210 Service
Access Metrics: INC_FILTER_SERVICE_EGRESS Metrics: service.ServiceEgressOctetsLogRecord
EXC_FILTER_SERVICE_INGRESS service.ServiceEgressPacketsLogRecord

Default filter property:

Egress Service Inventory: Inventory:

Queue object INC_FILTER_IES_L3_ACCESS_INTERFACE ies.L3AccessInterface
Service Queue EXC_FILTER_MIRROR_L2_ACCESS_INTERFACE vpls.L2AccessInterface
object INC_FILTER_VLL_L2_ACCESS_INTERFACE vprn.L3AccessInterface
(Alcatel- INC_FILTER_VPLS_L2_ACCESS_INTERFACE Default filter property:
7450 Ethernet Metrics: INC_FILTER_COMPLETE_SERVICE_EGRESS Metrics: service.CompleteServiceEgressPacketOctets
Switch) INC_FILTER_COMPLETE_SERVICE_INGRESS service.CompleteServiceIngressPacketOctets
Default filter property:

Ethernet CFM Inventory: Metrics: ethernetoam.CfmEthTest

Object INC_FILTER_CFM_ONEWAY_DELAY ethernetoam.CfmSingleEndedLossTest
INC_FILTER_CFM_ETHERNET Default filter property:

Metrics: INC_FILTER_CFM_ONEWAY_DELAY Metrics: ethernetoam.CfmOneWayDelayTestResult

EXC_FILTER_CFM_ONEWAY_DELAY ethernetoam.CfmEthTestResult
INC_FILTER_CFM_ETHERNET ethernetoam.CfmSingleEndedLossTestResult
INC_FILTER_CFM_SINGLE_ENDED_LOSS Default filter property:

88 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 7. Include and exclude filter parameters and associated XML packages and classes (continued)
Subelement Include and exclude filter parameters Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM-O XML package class
Environment Inventory: Inventory:
object INC_FILTER_EQUIPMENT_HW_ equipment.HwEnvironment
Default filter property:

Metrics: INC_FILTER_EQUIPMENT_HW_ Metrics: equipment.HwEnvironment

Default filter property:

LAG Interface
object Inventory: Inventory:
Default filter property:

Metrics: INC_FILTER_EQUIPMENT_INTERFACE Metrics: equipment.InterfaceStatsLogRecord

EXC_FILTER_EQUIPMENT_INTERFACE equipment.InterfaceAdditionalStatsLogRecord
Default filter property:
Interface Inventory: Inventory:
object INC_FILTER_MPLS_INTERFACE mpls.Interface
Default filter property:

Metrics: INC_FILTER_MPLS_INTERFACE Metrics: mpls.MplsInterfaceStatsLogRecord

Default filter property:
MPLS Object
Inventory: Inventory:
Default filter property:

Metrics: INC_FILTER_MPLS_SITE Metrics: mpls.SiteStatsLogRecord

Default filter property:
Queue object Inventory: Inventory:
EXC_FILTER_NETWORK_QUEUE nqueue.ForwardingClass
Default filter property:

Metrics: INC_FILTER_COMBINED_NETWORK_EGRESS Metrics: service.CombinedNetworkEgressOctets

INC_FILTER_COMBINED_NETWORK_INGRESS service.CombinedNetworkIngressOctets
INC_FILTER_NETWORK_EGRESS service.NetworkEgressPacketsLogRecord
EXC_FILTER_NETWORK_EGRESS service.NetworkIngressPacketsLogRecord
Default filter property:

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 89

Table 7. Include and exclude filter parameters and associated XML packages and classes (continued)
Subelement Include and exclude filter parameters Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM-O XML package class
OAM Test
object Inventory: Inventory:
EXC_FILTER_SERVICE_SITE_PING ethernetoam.CfmLoopback
INC_FILTER_TUNNEL_PING ethernetoam.CfmOneWayDelayTest
EXC_FILTER_TUNNEL_PING ethernetoam.CfmTwoWayDelayTest
EXC_FILTER_VCCV_PING Default filter property:

Metrics: INC_FILTER_ICMP_PING Metrics: icmp.IcmpPingResult

INC_FILTER_MPLS_PING service.SitePingResult
EXC_FILTER_MPLS_PING svt.TunnelPingResult
EXC_FILTER_SERVICE_SITE_PING ethernetoam.CfmLoopbackResult
INC_FILTER_TUNNEL_PING ethernetoam.CfmOneWayDelayTest
EXC_FILTER_TUNNEL_PING ethernetoam.CfmTwoWayDelayTest
EXC_FILTER_VCCV_PING Default filter property:
Physical Port
object Inventory: Inventory:
Default filter property:

Metrics: INC_FILTER_EQUIPMENT_INTERFACE Metrics: equipment.InterfaceStatsLogRecord

EXC_FILTER_EQUIPMENT_INTERFACE equipment.InterfaceAdditionalStatsLogRecord
INC_FILTER_EQUIPMENT_INTERFACE_ADD equipment.MediaIndependentStatsLogRecord
EXC_FILTER_EQUIPMENT_INTERFACE_ADD ethernetequipment.Dot3StatsLogRecord
INC_FILTER_EQUIPMENT_MEDIA_ equipment.DigitalDiagnosticMonitoring
Default filter property:
INDEPENDENT monitoredObjectSiteId

90 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 7. Include and exclude filter parameters and associated XML packages and classes (continued)
Subelement Include and exclude filter parameters Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM-O XML package class
PPP Control
Protocol Inventory: Inventory:
object It is not currently possible to filter the inventory ppp.PppControlProtocol
for PPP Control Protocol objects. However, each
Default filter property:
PPP Control Protocol object requires an associated
PPP Interface object. Therefore, the filtering that Not applicable
is applied to the PPP Interface object is also
applied to the associated PPP Control Protocol

Metrics: INC_FILTER_PPP_CONTROL_PROTOCOL Metrics: ppp.PppControlProtocol

Default filter property:
PPP Interface
object Inventory: Inventory:
Default filter property:

Metrics: INC_FILTER_PPP_INTERFACE Metrics: ppp.PppStatsLogRecord

Default filter property:
SDP Binding
object Inventory: Inventory:
INC_FILTER_SVT_SPOKE_SDP_BINDING Default filter property:

Metrics: INC_FILTER_SVT_SDP_BINDING_BASE Metrics: svt.SdpBindingBaseStatsLogRecord

Default filter property:
Shelf object
Inventory: Inventory:
Default filter property:

Metrics: INC_FILTER_EQUIPMENT_CPU Metrics: equipment.SystemCpuStatsLogRecord

EXC_FILTER_EQUIPMENT_CPU equipment.SystemMemoryStatsLogRecord
Default filter property:
Service Access
Point Object Inventory: Inventory:
Default filter property:

Metrics: INC_FILTER_SVC_PPPOE Metrics: service.PppoeSapStatsLogRecord

Default filter property:

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 91

Table 7. Include and exclude filter parameters and associated XML packages and classes (continued)
Subelement Include and exclude filter parameters Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM-O XML package class
Multi Service
Site object Inventory: Inventory:
INC_FILTER_SVQ_AGGREGATION_ svq.AggregationScheduler
Default filter property:

Metrics: INC_FILTER_MSS_INGRESS Metrics: svq.CustMultiSvcSiteIngSchedPlcyPortStats

INC_FILTER_MSS_EGRESS svq.CustMultiSvcSiteEgrSchedPlcyPortStats

Default filter property:

Virtual Router
Inventory: Inventory:
Default filter property:

Metrics: INC_FILTER_ROUTE_STATS Metrics: rtr.RouteStatsLogRecord

Default filter property:

Filter parameters that apply to several subelement types:

Some metrics apply to several subelement types. Take care before you exclude the
metrics for a particular subelement type, in case those metrics are also associated
with other subelement types. In such cases, you might prefer to edit the filter to
exclude the particular subelement, rather than exclude the metrics for all

The table lists the metrics, and the subelement types that are associated with each
Table 8. Metrics filter parameters and associated subelement types
Include and exclude filter parameters Subelement
Network Queue object

Network Queue object




(Alcatel-Lucent 7750 Service Router and

Alcatel-Lucent 7450 Ethernet Service Switch)

92 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 8. Metrics filter parameters and associated subelement types (continued)
Include and exclude filter parameters Subelement



(Alcatel-Lucent 7750 Service Router and

Alcatel-Lucent 7450 Ethernet Service Switch)
Shelf object

Hardware Environment object




Physical Port object



Physical Port object

Physical Port object





Shelf object

OAM Test object

MPLS Interface object

OAM Test object


Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 93

Table 8. Metrics filter parameters and associated subelement types (continued)
Include and exclude filter parameters Subelement
PPP Control Protocol object

PPP Interface object

Network Queue object

Network Queue object


INC_FILTER_SERVICE_EGRESS Egress Service Queue object

EXC_FILTER_SERVICE_EGRESS Ingress Service Queue object

(Alcatel-Lucent 7705 Service Aggregation

Router and Alcatel-Lucent 7210 Service Access

INC_FILTER_SERVICE_INGRESS Egress Service Queue object

EXC_FILTER_SERVICE_INGRESS Ingress Service Queue object

(Alcatel-Lucent 7705 Service Aggregation

Router and Alcatel-Lucent 7210 Service Access
Virtual Router

OAM Test object

SDP Binding object

OAM Test object

OAM Test object

Access Interface object


94 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 8. Metrics filter parameters and associated subelement types (continued)
Include and exclude filter parameters Subelement









CardSlot Object

MplsSite Object

Multi-Service Site object





Service Access Point Object






Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 95

Valid values for include and exclude filter parameters:

The include and exclude filter parameters for inventory and metrics enable you to
specify the inventory and metrics objects to include or exclude during a specified

The table summarizes the valid values for these filter parameters. The subsequent
sections provide examples.

It is impractical and beyond the scope of the guide to provide exhaustive

descriptions and explanations of the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM technology.
Table 9. Valid values for include and exclude filter parameters
Value Meaning
No value
For INC_ parameters: Includes all of the available
inventory and metrics for this Alcatel-Lucent 5620
SAM-O class.

For EXC_ parameters: Excludes none of the

available inventory and metrics for this
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM-O class.
* (asterisk character for exclude inventory
parameters) For INC_ parameters: Includes all of the available
inventory and metrics for this Alcatel-Lucent 5620
SAM-O class.

For EXC_ parameters: Excludes all (that is, does

not collect any) inventory for this Alcatel-Lucent
5620 SAM-O class.
Single property and associated value
Includes or excludes the inventory and metrics for
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM-O classes that are
generated for the specified property.
Property that uses the UNIX ? (question mark) file
name specification Includes or excludes the inventory and metrics for
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM-O classes that are
generated for the specified property range. In this
case, the range was specified by using the UNIX ?
file name specification.

The UNIX ? specification matches any single

Property that uses the UNIX * (asterisk) file name
specification Includes or excludes the inventory and metrics for
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM-O classes that are
generated for the specified property range. In this
case, the range was specified by using the UNIX *
file name specification.

The UNIX * specification matches any number of


96 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 9. Valid values for include and exclude filter parameters (continued)
Value Meaning
Single IP address Includes or excludes the inventory and metrics for
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM-O classes that are
generated for the specified IP address.
IP address that uses the UNIX ? (question mark)
file name specification Includes or excludes the inventory and metrics for
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM-O classes that are
generated for the specified IP address range. In this
case, the range was specified by using the UNIX ?
file name specification.

The UNIX ? specification matches any single

IP address that uses the UNIX * (asterisk) file name
specification Includes or excludes the inventory and metrics for
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM-O classes that are
generated for the specified IP address range. In this
case, the range was specified by using the UNIX *
file name specification.

The UNIX * specification matches any number of

Supports metric filtering on integers that use
numeric ranges. The range supports the logic of
'greater than or equal to AND less than or equal
to'. There is a logical AND between the upper and
lower bound of the range. The range() functionality
can be used on properties that are purely integer

Rules for specifying filter values:

The following list defines the rules for specifying parameter values:
v Use a space to separate multiple values for a property.
v Use a semicolon to separate multiple property specifications in one filter
v Note the exclude specifications override the include specifications.
v Specify the same value for a metrics filter parameter and its associated inventory
filter parameters, for a given subelement. See “Supported filter parameters” on
page 84 for the include and exclude filter parameter mappings for metrics and
Use the following syntax to specify parameter values:
FilterParameter=Prop1:val1 val2; Prop2: val3 val4 val5; Prop3: val6 val7
Prop1 matches val1 OR val2
Prop2 matches val3 OR val4 OR val5
Prop3 matches val6 OR val7

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 97

For the INC_ filter parameters, "matches" means that the filter includes the
items that match the specified values.
For the EXC_ filter parameters, "matches" means that the filter excludes the
items that match the specified values.
Specifying the properties
Specify the names of the properties as defined on the SAM server, not the
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager names. For example, you can filter on
the property siteName, but not on the property samSiteName.
The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM XML Reference - Release 7.0 documentation
contains details about all of the packages and their associated objects and
Specifying the values
Some values can come from the SAM server in two different ways:
v As a text string, which usually occurs during the full dump
v As a numerical value, which comes from the JMS object creation
v You must include both of these values in the filter specification, as
shown in the following example:
EXC_FILTER=operationalState:portInService 2
v In this example, the text version of the operationalState property is
portInService, but the numerical value that is passed through JMS is 2.
Specifying properties in a filter
In older versions of the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack, the
only type of values that you might specify for the filter parameters were IP
Starting with Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack Version, the
filtering mechanism is even more granular. You can now filter on other
properties, not just IP addresses, and you can provide several values for
each property.
Specifying an IP address in a filter
In older versions of the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack, you
did not explicitly specify a property with the IP address because the
filtering mechanism automatically handled the property specification.
Starting with Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack Version,
you can specify several other kinds of properties in addition to IP
addresses. Therefore, you must also specify the corresponding property
name. However, property names are not consistent across the different
objects. For some inventory objects, the IP address is stored in the siteId
property. For other objects, the IP address is stored in the nodeId property.
You must ensure that you have the correct property for each object. To
identify the name of the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM property that contains
the IP address for an object (that is, the default value that is used to filter
the inventory and metrics for that object), see Table 7 on page 84 table.

Note: IP address filtering is a special case. IP address filtering

automatically maps the property specifications, so that you do not have to
specify the different IP-address-containing property for each object type.
The old filtering syntax still works. If you have filters that use the old
syntax, and you do not want to change the filter (for example, by filtering
on more properties), you can still use the existing filters. You can also use

98 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
the old filtering syntax in one clause of a filter, and have other clauses that
use the new syntax for other properties.
Matching patterns in filter syntax: strings and numbers
In earlier releases, you might use only IP addresses to filter the inventory
and metrics. IP addresses are defined on the SAM server as strings.
Starting with Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Version, you can
use many other properties to specify what inventory and metrics to collect.
Some of these filtering properties are defined on the Alcatel-Lucent 5620
SAM server as strings, and some are defined as numbers.
Pattern matching in filter syntax is performed by a pure string match only.
The UNIX ? and * characters can be applied to string-type properties
(including IP addresses). They cannot be applied to ranges of numbers.
With the addition of the range () filter it is now possible to specify a range
of numbers in a filter. See “Examples that use the range() specification” on
page 102.
The following example shows a filter specification that contains a number
but is treated as a string – in this example, the text version of the
operationalState property is portInService, but the numerical value that
is passed through JMS is 2.
PHYSICAL_PORT=operationalState: portInService 2

The following example shows an invalid specification because the svcId

property is defined on the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM server as a number,
and the UNIX ? and * specifications cannot be applied to numbers:
INTERFACE=svcId: 1100*

For valid examples of filter specifications that use the UNIX ? and *
characters, see “Examples that use the UNIX "?" file name specification” on
page 101 and “Examples that use the UNIX "*" file name specification” on
page 101.
Maximum filter parameter length
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager does not impose a limit on how many
characters can be included in a filter parameter specification.
Although there is no defined limit for filter parameter length, excessively
long filter settings can affect performance.

Example filter parameter specifications:

Provides several different examples to show how to use the filter parameters.

The following examples show how to use the old-style simple IP filtering:
v “Example that shows how to include all values” on page 100
v “Example that shows how to exclude all values” on page 100
v “Examples that use a single IP address” on page 100
v “Examples that use the UNIX "?" file name specification” on page 101
v “Examples that use the UNIX "*" file name specification” on page 101
v “Examples that use the range() specification” on page 102

The following examples show the new, more complex, property filtering:

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 99

v “Examples that use multiple properties and values” on page 102
v “Example that includes and excludes specific inventory and metrics” on page

Example that shows how to include all values:

The following example shows how to include all available inventory and metrics
that are associated with the Physical Port object.
v V4.4.3 and later
Use the Topology Editor to ensure that no value is set for these SAMIF
Use the Topology Editor to ensure that no value is set for these BLB parameters:

Example that shows how to exclude all values:

The following example shows how to exclude all (that is, do not collect any)
available inventory that is associated with the Physical Port object.
v V4.4.3 and later
Use the Topology Editor to set this SAMIF parameter to * (that is, asterisk):

Note: Take care before you turn off the metrics for a particular subelement type, in
case those metrics are also associated with other subelement types. In such cases,
you might prefer to edit the filter to exclude the particular subelement, rather than
turn off the metrics for all subelements. For more information about the
subelement types that are associated with each metric, see Table.

Examples that use a single IP address:

The following examples show how to include, at a specified IP address, all

available inventory and metrics that are associated with the Physical Port object.
v V4.4.3 and later
Use the Topology Editor to supply an IP address to these SAMIF parameters:
Use the Topology Editor to supply an IP address to these BLB parameters:
v All available metrics that are generated at address are collected for
the equipment.InterfaceStatsLogRecord,
equipment.InterfaceAdditionalStatsLogRecord, and
equipment.MediaIndependentStatsLogRecord classes that are defined in the
equipment package.

100 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Examples that use the UNIX "?" file name specification:

The following examples show how to include, at a specified range of IP addresses,

all available inventory and metrics that are associated with the Physical Port object.
The range specification uses the UNIX ? (question mark) file name specification.
v V4.4.3 and later
Use the Topology Editor to supply an IP address range to this SAMIF parameter:
Use the Topology Editor to supply an IP address range to these BLB parameters:
v All available metrics that are generated at addresses through inclusive are collected for the equipment.InterfaceStatsLogRecord,
equipment.InterfaceAdditionalStatsLogRecord, and
equipment.MediaIndependentStatsLogRecord classes that are defined in the
equipment package.
You can also specify the range as This range specification matches through inclusive.

Examples that use the UNIX "*" file name specification:

The following examples show how to include, at a specified range of IP addresses,

all available inventory and metrics that are associated with the Physical Port object.
The range specification uses the UNIX * (asterisk) file name specification.
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager v4.4.3 and later
Use the Topology Editor to supply an IP address range to this SAMIF

Use the Topology Editor to supply an IP address range to these BLB

v All available inventory that is generated at addresses from, through inclusive, and through inclusive are collected for the equipment.PhysicalPort class
that is defined in the equipment package.
v All available metrics that are generated at addresses, through inclusive, and through inclusive are collected for the
equipment.InterfaceAdditionalStatsLogRecord, and
equipment.MediaIndependentStatsLogRecord classes that are defined in
the equipment package.
Another example, 192.1.*.*, would match any inventory and metrics for
these classes in the 192.1.X.X subnet.
You can also specify the range as This range specification
matches through inclusive.

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 101
Examples that use the range() specification:

The following examples show how to include metric filtering on integers by using
numeric ranges.
Syntax: range(n..m)

The range supports the logic of 'greater than or equal to AND less than or equal

Note: There is a logical AND between the upper and lower bound of the range.

The range() functionality can be used on properties that are purely integer values.
The * and ? can be used on strings. The * and ? can be used on IP addresses that
are strings, but you cannot use the range() on IP addresses.
Example - svcId: range(1010..1050)

In the preceding example, numbers greater than or equal to 1010 AND less than or
equal to 1050 match the filter.

Also, multiple ranges that are used together are supported.

Example - svcId: range(1..10) range(100..200)

In the preceding example, numbers greater than or equal to 1 AND less than or
equal to 10 OR numbers greater than or equal to 100 AND less than or equal to
200 match the filter.

Note: There is a logical OR between ranges when there is more than one range.

Examples that use multiple properties and values:

lagMembershipId: 0
SAMIF.1.100.ALCATEL_5620_SAM.INC_FILTER_PHYSICAL_PORT=192.0.3.* 192.0.4.*
SAMIF.1.100.ALCATEL_5620_SAM.INC_FILTER_PHYSICAL_PORT=192.0.3.*; cardSlotId:10 11;
lagMembershipId: 0

Note: The last example shows how to combine the old filter style with the new
filter style.

Example that includes and excludes specific inventory and metrics:

The following example shows how to include, at a specified IP address, all

available inventory and metrics that are associated with the
equipment.PhysicalPort class defined in the equipment package and to exclude all
available inventory from the lag.Interface class that is defined in the lag
V4.4.3 and later
Use the Topology Editor to supply an IP address to this SAMIF parameter:

Use the Topology Editor to supply an asterisk (collect no inventory) to this

SAMIF parameter:

Use the Topology Editor to supply an IP address to this BLB parameter:

102 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide

Issues when configuring multiple Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack


Specifying values for the include and exclude filter parameters when there is only
one instance of the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack is relatively
straightforward. All of the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager resources
(elements and subelements) are on the same instance. However, when your
environment requires two or more instances, then you need to understand the
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager elements and the instances on which they are
located. It is necessary because you want to specify the correct value for the
include and exclude filter parameters.

Table 10 table has the following columns:

v First column – Specifies the instance of the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology
Pack. In this example, there are two instances - instance 1 and instance 2.
v Second column – Specifies the element type.
v Third column – Specifies the family names of the subelements that are associated
with this element.
Table 10 table shows that the subelements for the MPLS Service object, Router
object, and Network Queue object are on one instance, and the subelements for
the remaining objects are on another instance.

Do not split the subelements that are associated with the same element across two
collectors. This causes SQL errors. Your inventory or metrics or both are not
collected properly, and you lose data. Also, the Network Queue object must not be
split from the physical ports. They must reside in the same instance.
Table 10. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager elements on multiple Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack
Instance Element type Subelement family
MPLS Service object 5620_SAM_MPLSInterface
Router object
BLB.1.100 5620_SAM_Channel
UBA.1.100 5620_SAM_LAGInterface
Network Queue object 5620_SAM_NQueue
Service object
SAMIF.2.100 5620_SAM_ServiceAccessInterface
Service Tunnel object 5620_SAM_SdpBinding


Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 103
Changing the collection period for SAM statistics
This section provides general guidelines on how to change the collection period for
SAM statistics, and describes how to change the collection periods for various
types of SAM statistics:
v “General guidelines on changing the collection period for SAM statistics”
v “Changing the collection period for SAM accounting statistics” on page 105
v “Changing the collection period for SAM polling statistics” on page 105
v “Changing the collection period for SAM OAM test statistics” on page 105
v “Changing the collection period for SAM availability statistics” on page 106
v “Example to show how to change the collection period for SAM statistics” on
page 106

General guidelines on changing the collection period for SAM statistics:

The default collection period for all SAM statistics is 15 minutes.

If you change any collection period, ensure that you follow these guidelines:
1. You must set the APP.FILE_PERIOD parameter (on each UBA component) and
the SAM.EXPORT_SCHEDULE parameter (on the BLB component) to equivalent
For example, if you set the APP.FILE_PERIOD parameter to 600 (that is, 600
seconds, or 10 minutes), then you must set the SAM.EXPORT_SCHEDULE parameter
to 0,10,20,30 * * * *.

Note: The APP.FILE_PERIOD parameter is specified in seconds, and the

SAM.EXPORT_SCHEDULE parameter is specified as a series of values that are
expressed in minutes.
2. Both the APP.FILE_PERIOD and SAM.EXPORT_SCHEDULE parameters must be set to
the minimum value of the following collection periods:
v Collection period for SAM accounting statistics (see “Changing the collection
period for SAM accounting statistics” on page 105)
v Collection period for SAM polling statistics (see “Changing the collection
period for SAM polling statistics” on page 105)
v Collection period for SAM OAM Test statistics (see “Changing the collection
period for SAM OAM test statistics” on page 105)
v Collection period for SAM availability statistics (see “Changing the collection
period for SAM availability statistics” on page 106)
See also the “Example to show how to change the collection period for SAM
statistics” on page 106.
3. The collection period for any type of SAM statistics must be set to the same
value as the collection period for the corresponding Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager requests.

The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack supplies these parameters that are
based on the following Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager platforms:
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager v4.4.3 and later
These parameters are supplied in the pack XSD file. You specified values
for these parameters as part of adding a UBA Bulk Collector and
associating it with the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack. For more
information, see the section on adding a UBA Bulk Collector in the IBM
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Installation Guide.

104 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Changing the collection period for SAM accounting statistics:

To change the collection period for the SAM accounting statistics, do the following
1. Change the accounting period on the SAM server, as described in the SAM
Server documentation.
2. Change the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager request period for the
subelements in the following folders in the Sub-Element Collect
tree:Sub-Element Collect > Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM > Services >
Sub-Element Collect > Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM > Router > NetworkQueues
3. Change the file period on the SAM server, as described in the SAM Server
This value must be the same as, or greater than, the accounting period that you
specified in Step 1.
4. Change the value of the APP.FILE_POLICY_PERIOD parameter (on the BLB
5. Review the value of the APP.FILE_PERIOD and SAM.EXPORT_SCHEDULE parameters,
as described in “General guidelines on changing the collection period for SAM
statistics” on page 104.
See also the “Example to show how to change the collection period for SAM
statistics” on page 106.

Changing the collection period for SAM polling statistics:

To change the collection period for the SAM polling statistics, do the following
1. Change the collection period for the MIBs listed in “Enable the MIBs for the
SAM statistics classes” on page 71.
2. Change the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager request period for the
subelements in the following folders in the Sub-Element Collect tree:
Sub-Element Collect > Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM > Router
Sub-Element Collect > Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM > Services > SdpBinding
3. Review the value of the APP.FILE_PERIOD and SAM.EXPORT_SCHEDULE parameters,
as described in “General guidelines on changing the collection period for SAM
statistics” on page 104.
See also the “Example to show how to change the collection period for SAM
statistics” on page 106.

Changing the collection period for SAM OAM test statistics:

To change the collection period for the SAM OAM Test statistics, do the following
1. Perform the steps that are described in “Set up ping tests” on page 74.
2. Change the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager request period for the
subelements in the following folder in the Sub-Element Collect tree:
Sub-Element Collect > Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM > Router > OAM Tests
3. Review the value of the APP.FILE_PERIOD and SAM.EXPORT_SCHEDULE parameters,
as described in “General guidelines on changing the collection period for SAM
statistics” on page 104
See also the “Example to show how to change the collection period for SAM
statistics” on page 106.

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 105
Changing the collection period for SAM availability statistics:

To change the collection period for the SAM availability statistics, do the following
1. Change the value of the JMS_FILE_OUTPUT.ACCESS_INTERFACE.PERIOD and
JMS_FILE_OUTPUT.PHYSICAL_PORT.PERIOD parameters (on the SAMIF component).
2. Change the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager request period for the
subelements in the following folders in the Sub-Element Collect
tree:Sub-Element Collect > Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM > Router > Interface
Sub-Element Collect > Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM > Services >
3. Review the value of the APP.FILE_PERIOD and SAM.EXPORT_SCHEDULE parameters,
as described in “General guidelines on changing the collection period for SAM
statistics” on page 104.
See also the “Example to show how to change the collection period for SAM

Example to show how to change the collection period for SAM statistics:

The following table shows how to set several parameters to change the collection
period for various SAM statistics from the default value of 15 minutes to a new
value of 10 minutes, based on the guidelines.

The guidelines are provided in “General guidelines on changing the collection

period for SAM statistics” on page 104, where UBA1 is the polling UBA and UBA2
is the accounting UBA.
Table 11. Example Parameter Values to Change the Collection Period for SAM Statistics
Parameter Component Default Value New Value
SAM.EXPORT_SCHEDULE BLB 0,15,30,45 * * * * 0,10,20,30 * * * *

The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack supplies these parameters in one of
the following ways:
Tivoli Netcool Proviso v4.4.3 and Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.3.0 or
later These parameters are supplied in the pack XSD file. You specified values
for these parameters as part of adding a UBA Bulk Collector and
associating it with the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack. For more
information about adding a UBA Bulk Collector, see the section in the IBM
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Installation Guide.

Changing the collection strategy for availability metrics

The UBAs calculate the availability of physical ports (calculated by UBA1) and
services (calculated by UBA2) by using operational status information that is
received through JMS.

106 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
The JMS data is received by the SAMIF. The SAMIF puts intermediate files in the
DATA_CHANNEL_HOME /jms_xml directory to be picked up by the UBAs.
DATA_CHANNEL_HOME is the DataChannel home directory (/opt/datachannel,
by default).

Several steps in this section explain to ensure that the correct values are specified
for parameters in the deployed topology (V4.4.3 and later). You specify the values
for these parameters in one of the following ways:
Tivoli Netcool/Proviso v4.4.3 and Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.3.0 or
later These parameters are supplied in the pack XSD file. You used the Topology
Editor to specify a value for these parameters as part of adding a UBA
Bulk Collector and associating it with the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM
Technology Pack. For more information about adding a UBA Bulk
Collector, see the section in the IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager:
Installation Guide.

Stopping the collection of availability metrics:

To stop collecting availability metrics for Access Interface objects and Physical Port
objects, do the following steps:
1. Stop each UBA:
$ dccmd stop UBA.<channel_number>. <collector_number1>
$ dccmd stop UBA.<channel_number>. <collector_number2>
2. Set the AVAIL_NAME_SPACE parameter for each collector to a null value:
UBA. <channel_number> . <collector_number1> .ALCATEL_5620_SAM.AVAIL_NAME_SPACE=
UBA. <channel_number> . <collector_number2> .ALCATEL_5620_SAM.AVAIL_NAME_SPACE=
3. Set the JMS_FILE_OUTPUT.<object_type>.ACTIVE parameters to the value FALSE.
The following example shows how to set these parameters for Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager in the Topology Editor help XSD file:
4. Remove the following folders:
DATA_CHANNEL_HOME /UBA. <channel_number> .
<collector_number1> /ALCATEL_5620_SAM/state
DATA_CHANNEL_HOME /UBA. <channel_number> .
<collector_number2> /ALCATEL_5620_SAM/state
where DATA_CHANNEL_HOME is the DataChannel home directory
(/opt/datachannel , by default).
5. Stop and restart the SAMIF.
$ dccmd stop SAMIF.<channel_number>.<collector_number1>
$ dccmd start SAMIF.<channel_number>.<collector_number1>
6. Restart each UBA:
$ dccmd start UBA.<channel_number>.<collector_number1>
$ dccmd start UBA.<channel_number>.<collector_number2>
7. Wait to ensure that the UBAs stop to produce the availability data, but continue
to produce other data.
For example:
v Wait to see whether the UBAs continue to produce output BOF files in the
following directories:
v Check to see whether any files exist in the following directories:

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 107
DATA_CHANNEL_HOME /jms_xml/PORT/* (for Physical Port objects)
DATA_CHANNEL_HOME /jms_xml/ACCESS/* (for Access Interface objects)
These directories contain the input files that the UBAs use to produce the
availability data. If the UBAs do not move the input files from these
directories, the UBAs are probably not producing the availability data.

Starting the collection of availability metrics:

To start collecting availability metrics for Access Interface objects and Physical Port
objects, do the following steps:
1. Stop the BLB:
$ dccmd stop BLB.<channel_number>. <collector_number1>
2. Stop each UBA
$ dccmd stop UBA.<channel_number>. <collector_number1>
$ dccmd stop UBA.<channel_number>. <collector_number2>
3. Set the AVAIL_NAME_SPACE parameter for each collector to the appropriate
value. The following example shows how to set these parameters for Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager in the Topology Editor XSD file:
UBA. <channel_number> . <collector_number1> .ALCATEL_5620_SAM.
UBA. <channel_number> . <collector_number1> .ALCATEL_5620_SAM.
4. Remove the following folders:
DATA_CHANNEL_HOME /UBA. <channel_number> .
<collector_number1> /ALCATEL_5620_SAM/state
DATA_CHANNEL_HOME /UBA. <channel_number> .
<collector_number2> /ALCATEL_5620_SAM/state
where DATA_CHANNEL_HOME is the DataChannel home directory
( /opt/datachannel , by default).
5. Set the JMS_FILE_OUTPUT.<object_type>.ACTIVE parameters to the value TRUE.
The following example shows how to set these parameters for Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager pre-v4.4.3 in the dc.cfg file:
SAMIF. <channel_number> . <collector_number1> .
SAMIF. <channel_number> . <collector_number1> .
6. Stop and restart the SAMIF:
$ dccmd stop SAMIF.<channel_number>. <collector_number1>
$ dccmd start SAMIF.<channel_number>. <collector_number1>
7. Start each UBA:
$ dccmd start UBA.<channel_number>. <collector_number1>
$ dccmd start UBA.<channel_number>. <collector_number2>
8. Start the BLB:
$ dccmd start BLB.<channel_number>. <collector_number1>

108 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Troubleshooting Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack
Troubleshooting tips for issues related to the SAM Inventory File (SAMIF), Bulk
Load Balancer (BLB), and Universal Bulk Adaptors (UBAs).

Specifying parameter values

Several tips for you to ensure that the correct values were specified for parameters
in the deployed topology (Tivoli/Netcool Proviso v4.4.3 and later).

You specify the values for these parameters in one of the following ways,
depending on the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager platform:
Tivoli Netcool/Proviso v4.4.3 and Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.3.0 or
later These parameters are supplied in the pack XSD file. You used the Topology
Editor to specify a value for these parameters as part of adding a UBA
Bulk Collector and associating it with the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM
Technology Pack. For more information, see the section on adding a UBA
Bulk Collector in the IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Installation

Inventory issues
If you do not see the expected inventory in your Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager instance, use the information in this section. Complete the steps in each
subsection to verify that you configured your instance correctly.

Overview of inventory:

The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack creates inventory through two
Full dump mechanism
Requests bulk files of inventory data from the SAM server.
JMS mechanism
Provides incremental inventory updates through an event-notification

Note: The full dump does not run unless the JMS is working correctly.

The inventory files from a full dump are in a directory on the SAM server. The
default location is the /opt/5620sam/server/xml_output directory. The SAM server
administrator sets this location during SAM server configuration.

The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack uses the following syntax for
inventory file names:

When you are diagnosing an inventory problem, you can use the inventoryType
information from the inventory file name to identify which type of object has the
inventory problem.

Here are some example inventory file names:


Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 109
JMS is not working:

If JMS is not working, complete the following troubleshooting steps:

1. Ensure that the DATA_CHANNEL_HOME/scripts/alcatel_5620_sam directory
contains the SamJms.jar and samOss.jar files.
2. Ensure that you are using the samOss.jar file that comes with the SAM server
version that you are running. Do not use an older version of the samOss.jar
3. Make sure that the correct value was specified for the SAM.JAR_PATH parameter,
as described in “Specifying parameter values” on page 109 based on the Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager platform:

Platform Parameter
V4.4.3 and later ALCATEL_5620_SAM.SAM.JAR_PATH

The SAM.JAR_PATH parameter specifies the location of the SamJms.jar and

samOss.jar files.
4. Make sure that the correct value was specified for the SAM.JAVA_PATH parameter,
as described in “Specifying parameter values” on page 109, based on the Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager platform:

Platform Parameter
V4.4.3 and later ALCATEL_5620_SAM.SAM.JAVA_PATH

The SAM.JAVA_PATH parameter identifies the full path of the JRE 1.6 executable.
The default value is /usr/bin/java. If Java is installed in any other location,
you must set the SAM.JAVA_PATH parameter.
5. Verify that Java is available and can be run, by running the following
$ java -version

If Java is installed in a nondefault location, specify the full path for the Java
executable. For example, if Java is installed in the /export/home/pvuser/java1.6
a. Set the SAM.JAVA_PATH parameter to /export/home/pvuser/java1.6/java.
b. Run the following command:
$ /export/home/pvuser/java1.6/java -version
6. Ensure that you are using JRE Version 1.6 or later. To identify the JRE version,
use the java -version command as described in Step 5.
7. Make sure that the correct value was specified for the JMS port number, as
described in “Specifying parameter values” on page 109, based on the Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager platform:

Platform Parameter
V4.4.3 and later ALCATEL_5620_SAM.SAM.JMS_PORT

The value of the JMS port number depends on the number of SAM servers in
your configuration, as described in “Specifying parameter values” on page 109.
8. To test whether the JMS port is active, run the following command:
$ telnet <sam_server> <JMS_port>

110 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
JMS Filter is not updated in the Topology Editor:

When you try to upgrade the 4.3Y/1.3A/1.3B Alcatel-Lucent SAM Technology

Pack that is running on Tivoli Netcool/Proviso to 1.3D (v2.10.0.0), the JMS
filter is not updated in the Topology Editor.

To work around this issue, follow these steps:

1. Extract the XSD file from Alcatel-Lucent SAM Technology Pack.
2. Launch Topology Editor.
3. Right-click Application Packs in the Application Packs pane, and then click
Load Application Pack.
4. Select XSD file, and then click Browse to navigate to the path where the
current XSD file is stored.
5. Click OK to overwrite the existing file.
6. In the Logical View pane, navigate to SAMIF under the UBA primary collector
to see the Advanced Properties tab.
7. Select the ALCATEL_5620_SAM.SAM_JMS_FILTER property under Advanced
Properties to find the current updates to this property. The value must be as
ALA_clientId in (’proviso-KLPRO01Z5-1-2’,’’) and MTOSI_objectType in
’ethernetoam.Mep’ ) and ALA_category not in (’STATISTICS’,’ACCOUNTING’)
8. If any of the filters are missing, you must add them manually by using the
preceding information. Or, you can take the updated filters from the XSD file
for Alcatel-Lucent SAM Technology Pack.

SAM inventory fails and does not start the full dump:

During the full dump, the SAMIF application requests inventory data files from
the SAM server and retrieves them to process and create the inventory. If one of
the files it requests is not able to be retrieved, it does not start the full dump. If
this failure condition persists, then this full dump failure situation loops

In this case, complete the following troubleshooting steps:

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 111
1. User configuration or file/directory permissions do not allow the full dump
files to be seen or retrieved by the SAMIF. Check the permissions as specified
in “Setting up the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM servers” on page 69, and in
particular in the section “Configure FTP accounts on the primary and
redundant SAM servers” on page 72.
2. Check user-specified filters. If there is a problem with user-specified filters, it
might result in files not being written to and the full dump might loop.
If the user specifies a filter of the type property: value and the filter
specification is not valid for the SAM server, it fails to write a file, thus causing
the full dump to fail. There is no log indication for this failure case, but it
causes a "file not found" during the full dump.
There are two cases where it might happen:
a. The property that is specified in the filter is not available in the inventory
class, which is being requested. For example, if there is a typographical
error in the property name, or specified a property that is not applicable to
that class. It causes the file request to fail, and the full dump loops.

Note: Information about the properties that are valid for each class are
outside of the scope of this user guide.
b. The filter specification uses the wrong matching syntax for the property
specified. As described in the section Matching patterns in filter syntax:
strings and numbers, the * and ? are only applicable to string properties,
and the range() match is only applicable to numerical properties. Using
these matching constructs on the wrong type of property results in failure to
retrieve a file, and the full dump loops.

Note: Information about the types of properties (whether they are

numerical or string) is outside the scope of this guide.

SAM inventory does not exist in the SAM server:

If inventory does not exist in the SAM server, make sure that discovery is turned
on in the SAM server. Use the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Client GUI to check
whether discovery is turned on.

SAM inventory does not exist in Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager:

If inventory does not exist in Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager, complete the
following troubleshooting steps:
1. Make sure that the Java Message Service (JMS) is working.
To verify that JMS is working, search for the "JMS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED"
message. The following example shows the expected output when JMS is
2010.03.05-04.41.19 UTC SAMIF.2.100-2823 I SAM_CONNECT
Attempting connection to sam server:
2010.03.05-04.41.19 UTC SAMIF.2.100-2823 1
EXSTATUSCHANGE SAM JMS communication process listening for events since:
2010.03.05-04.41.19 UTC SAMIF.2.100-2823 3 [DL39218] JMS_PROCESS_STARTED
The SAM JMS communication process has started (pid: 2849)
2010.03.05-04.41.20 UTC SAMIF.2.100-2823 I SAM_CONNECTED
Connection established with
2010.03.05-04.41.41 UTC SAMIF.2.100-2823 I [DL39222]
established (a keep-alive message was received)

112 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
If the "JMS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED" message is not displayed, the JMS is not
working. Review the $DC_HOME/log/proviso.log file for errors. Complete the
steps in “JMS is not working” on page 110 to verify that you configured your
instance correctly.
2. Make sure that the SAMIF full dump is working.
To verify that the full dump is working, search for the Full Dump Complete
message. The following example shows the expected output when the full
dump is working.
2009.12.18-15.34.32 UTC SAMIF.2.100-26288 I
[SAMIF] onFullDump **** Full Dump Started ****.
2009.12.18-15.49.42 UTC SAMIF.2.100-26288 I
[SAMIF] onFullDump **** Full Dump Complete ****.
If the "Full Dump Started" message is repeated, there is a problem with the
inventory. Stop the SAMIF and review the $DC_HOME/log/proviso.log file for
errors with the SAMIF.

SAM inventory does not complete:

If the customer inventory is large, a full dump might take too long to complete. In
this situation, the SAMIF times out, and a new full dump is requested because the
original full dump is assumed to have failed.

To fix this problem, increase the value that is specified for the SAM.SOAP_TIMEOUT
parameter, as described in “Specifying parameter values” on page 109, based on
the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager platform:

Platform Parameter
V4.4.3 and later ALCATEL_5620_SAM.SAM.SOAP_TIMEOUT

The default value for the SAM.SOAP_TIMEOUT parameter is 900 (900 seconds).

Loading metadata takes a long time to complete on SAMIF component restart or

reestablish connection to SAM server:

This issue occurs most often when you have many subelements with numerous
properties. It can happen with any component that reads metadata, for example
the SAMIF or CME. You can optimize the Oracle queries for the specific data in
your database by running the following command in the DataMart environment:

'dbMgr analyzeMetaDataTables A Y'

This command must be run if numerous objects are inventoried or if the inventory
is changed significantly. For example, if a new property is added to the
subelements. Typically, this command must be cron'd to run at least one time a day
in active networks.

SAMIF files do not exist in the SAM server directory:

Troubleshooting steps when SAMIF files do not exist in the SAM server directory.

If the inventory files are not transferred to the default directory on the SAM server,
as described in the “Overview of inventory” on page 109, complete the following
troubleshooting steps:
1. Make sure that an OSS user account is configured on the SAM server. For more
information, see “Configure an OSS user account” on page 69.
Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 113
2. Make sure that the correct values were specified for the SAM.USERNAME and
SAM.PASSWORD parameters, as described in “Specifying parameter values” on
page 109, based on the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager platform:

Platform Parameter
V4.4.3 and later ALCATEL_5620_SAM.SAM.USERNAME

3. Make sure that the correct value was specified for the SAM.SAM_VERSION
parameter, as described in “Specifying parameter values” on page 109, based
on the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager platform:

Platform Parameter
V4.4.3 and later ALCATEL_5620_SAM.SAM.SAM_VERSION

The SAM.SAM_VERSION parameter refers to the JMS protocol version, not the
SAM server version.
4. Make sure that the correct values were specified for the SAM.SOAP_URI and
SAM.SOAP_URI_2 parameters, as described in “Specifying parameter values” on
page 109, based on the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager platform:

Platform Parameter
V4.4.3 and later ALCATEL_5620_SAM.SAM.SOAP_URI

SAMIF files do not exist in the SAMIF temp directory:

Typically, the DataChannel File Transfer Engine (FTE) application transfers

inventory files to the DataChannel SAMIF application temp and done directories.

If the inventory files are not transferred to the SAMIF application temp and output
directories, complete the following troubleshooting steps:
1. Make sure that an FTP user account is configured on the primary and
redundant SAM servers. For more information, see “Configure FTP accounts on
the primary and redundant SAM servers” on page 72.
2. Make sure that the correct values were specified for the SAM.EXPORT_URI and
SAM.EXPORT_URI_2 parameters, as described in “Specifying parameter values” on
page 109, based on the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager platform:

Platform Parameter
V4.4.3 and later ALCATEL_5620_SAM.SAM.EXPORT_URI

3. Check the UNIX file permissions on the SAM server. Ensure that the
permissions on the xml_output directory are set to allow read, write, and
execute by the SAM FTP user.
4. If files in the temp directory are 60 bytes in size, one of the following conditions
v The SAM server has no inventory of that type.
v The SAM server is not configured to discover inventory of that type.
v The inventory filter parameters might be set such that they do not match any
inventory on the SAM server. For more information about filter parameters,
see “Specifying what inventory and metrics to collect” on page 82.

114 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
You can use the inventoryType information from the inventory file name to
identify which type of object has the inventory problem, as described in “Overview
of inventory” on page 109. If you think that you must have inventory of that type,
make sure that the discovery polling for that type is configured on the SAM server.

BLB does not put files in its output directory:

Typically, the DataChannel File Transfer Engine (FTE) application transfers idmap
files to the DataChannel SAMIF application output and done directories, and then
to the DataChannel BLB application output and done directories.

If the BLB is processing files, but does not put files in the output directory, the BLB
might not receive notification of the inventory from SAMIF through the idmap

If the idmap files do not exist in the BLB application output directory, complete the
following troubleshooting steps:
1. Regenerate the idmap files, as follows:
$ dccmd debug SAMIF.2.100 "self server firstAdaptor modelInterface

Replace 2.100 with the channel and collector number for your installation.
2. Check the $DC_HOME/log/proviso.log file. If the proviso-*.xml files appear in
the SAMIF temp directory and no SAMIF idmap files ever appear in the output
directory, the SAMIF DataChannel application might be failing with an error.
3. Determine whether the inventory ran one time and is now being rerun. In this
case, no new idmap files appear in the SAMIF output directory because none of
the inventory is new. This scenario is unlikely to occur.

If the idmap files do not exist in the BLB application done directory, complete the
following troubleshooting steps:
1. Make sure that the BLB application is configured correctly.
2. Make sure that the BLB application is running.
3. Make sure that the correct value was specified for the IDMAP.URI parameter, as
described in “Specifying parameter values” on page 109, based on the Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager platform:

Platform Parameter
Tivoli Netcool/Proviso v4.4.3 and Tivoli ALCATEL_5620_SAM.IDMAP.URI
Netcool Performance Manager 1.3.0 or later

UBA idmap files are no longer supported:

Starting with Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack Version, idmap files
are no longer used by the UBA.

Metric data collection issues:

If you do not see the expected metrics in your Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager instance, use this information. Complete the steps in each subsection to
verify that you configured your instance correctly.

The following sections provide an overview of metric data, and describe

troubleshooting tips for issues that are related to the metric data collection:

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 115
Overview of metric data:

The SAM server supports the following types of metric data:

Polled metric data is collected by the SAM server from the routers by
using SNMP. To collect the data, MIBs must be enabled on the SAM server,
and polling periods must be set. For more information about the MIBs that
are needed, see “Enable the MIBs for the SAM statistics classes” on page
Exception to the Rule: The exception is the HwEnvironmentTemperature files.
These files are in effect inventory files in which the temperature properties
are read in as metrics. For various reasons that are related to the data not
being real metrics, the temperature data is only available for a subelement
under the following conditions:
v The CPU utilization metric for that subelement is available.
v The data that is processed is “current”: the BLB and UBA caught up to
the wall-clock time as much as is possible and no backlog of data is
being processed.
Accounting metric data is collected by the routers into files. These files are
retrieved by the SAM server, and read into its database. To get the data,
the accounting and file policies must be configured on the SAM server and
distributed to the routers. Accounting data is the data that is collected for
services. For more information about accounting data, see “Configure the
SAM accounting and polling statistics” on page 70.
Availability data from the JMS
The UBA calculates the availability of physical ports and services by using
operational status information that is received through JMS. The JMS data
is received by the SAMIF. Therefore, for the availability calculations to
work, the SAMIF must be running. The SAMIF puts intermediate files in
the datachannel/jms_xml directory to be picked up by the UBA. If the
SAMIF is not running, and the UBA is expecting availability data, all data
output of the UBA blocks until this data is received.

The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack uses the following syntax for
metric-data file names:

Here is an example file name for a metric-data file:


SAM metrics do not display in the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Client GUI:

The SAM server administrator uses the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Client GUI to
display metrics for the different objects (for example, services and network
elements) in a SAM network environment.

If SAM metrics do not display in the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Client GUI,
complete the following troubleshooting steps:
1. Enable the appropriate MIBs for the polled data.
2. Enable an accounting policy for the service data.

116 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
SAM metric files are empty or do not exist in the SAM server:

Typically, SAM metric files are transferred to a directory, such as

/opt/5620sam/nms/server/xml_output, on the SAM server.

If the SAM metric files are empty (that is, the XML file has left and right angle
brackets with no data, and is 60 bytes or less), complete the following
troubleshooting steps:
1. Determine whether the absence of data is because there are no inventory
elements and subelements from which to receive metrics.
2. Ensure that you enabled the appropriate MIBs for polled data.
3. Ensure that you enabled an accounting policy for service data.
4. Ensure that you set your filter parameters correctly. For more information about
filter parameters, see “Specifying what inventory and metrics to collect” on
page 82.

If SAM metric files do not exist in the SAM server, complete the following
troubleshooting steps:
1. Make sure that an OSS user account is configured. For more information, see
“Configure an OSS user account” on page 69.
2. Make sure that the correct values were specified for the SAM.USERNAME and
SAM.PASSWORD parameters, as described in “Specifying parameter values” on
page 109, based on the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager platform:

Platform Parameter
Tivoli Netcool/Proviso v4.4.3 and Tivoli ALCATEL_5620_SAM.SAM.USERNAME
Netcool Performance Manager 1.3.0 or later ALCATEL_5620_SAM.SAM.PASSWORD

3. Make sure that the correct value was specified for the SAM.SAM_VERSION
parameter, as described in “Specifying parameter values” on page 109 based on
the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager platform:

Platform Parameter
V4.4.3 and later ALCATEL_5620_SAM.SAM.SAM_VERSION

The SAM.SAM_VERSION parameter refers to the JMS protocol version, not the
SAM server version.
4. Make sure that the correct values were specified for the SAM.SOAP_URI and
SAM.SOAP_URI_2 parameters, as described in “Specifying parameter values” on
page 109, based on the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager platform:

Platform Parameter
V4.4.3 and later ALCATEL_5620_SAM.SAM.SOAP_URI

5. Check the UNIX file permissions. Ensure that the permissions on the
xml_output directory are set to allow read, write, and execute by the SAM FTP
6. Ensure that you have enough disk space. For more information, see “Metrics
collection fails due to lack of disk space” on page 121.

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 117
SAM metric files do not exist in BLB directories:

Typically, the DataChannel File Transfer Engine (FTE) application transfers SAM
metric files to the DataChannel BLB application do, done, and output directories.

If SAM metric files are not transferred to the BLB application do, done, and output
directories, complete the following troubleshooting steps:
1. Make sure that an FTP user account is configured on the primary and
redundant SAM servers. For more information, see “Configure FTP accounts on
the primary and redundant SAM servers” on page 72.
2. Make sure that the correct values were specified for the SAM.EXPORT_URI and
SAM.EXPORT_URI_2 parameters, as described in “Specifying parameter values” on
page 109, based on the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager platform:

Platform Parameter
V4.4.3 and later ALCATEL_5620_SAM.SAM.EXPORT_URI

3. Check the UNIX file permissions. Ensure that the permissions on the do, done,
and output directories are set to allow read, write, and execute by the SAM
FTP user.
4. Ensure that the BLB received notification of the inventory from SAMIF through
the idmap files. If the idmap files do not exist in the BLB application output
directory, regenerate the idmap files, as follows:
$ dccmd debug SAMIF.2.100 "self server firstAdaptor modelInterface

Replace 2.100 with the channel and collector number for your installation.
5. Ensure that you have enough disk space. For more information, see “Metrics
collection fails due to lack of disk space” on page 121.

SAM metric files do not exist in UBA directories:

Typically, the DataChannel File Transfer Engine (FTE) application transfers SAM
metric files to the DataChannel Universal Bulk Adaptor (UBA) application do, done,
and output directories.

If the SAM metric files do not exist in the UBA application do, done, and output
directories, complete the following troubleshooting steps:
1. Make sure that an OSS user account is configured. For more information, see
“Configure an OSS user account” on page 69.
2. Make sure that the correct values were specified for the following parameters,
as described in “Specifying parameter values” on page 109, based on the Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager platform.
3. Check UNIX file permissions.
4. Ensure that the SAMIF is running.
The UBA must get files from all of its inputs to produce any BOF files in the
output directory. If one of the inputs is blocked, all BOF production is blocked.
One of these inputs is the datachannel/jms_xml directory, which contains
availability data. This data is generated by the SAMIF. Therefore, if the SAMIF
is not running, UBA data generation is blocked.
5. Ensure that you have enough disk space. For more information, see “Metrics
collection fails due to lack of disk space” on page 121.

118 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Files do not exist in UBA output directory:

Typically, the DataChannel File Transfer Engine (FTE) application transfers files to
the DataChannel Universal Bulk Adaptor (UBA) application output directory.

Make sure that the UBA receives all the expected input files. If the UBA does not
receive these files, it blocks the creation of BOFs (Binary Object Files) until they are

If the files do not exist in the UBA application output directory, complete the
following troubleshooting steps:
1. Check the Bulk Load Balancer (BLB) output directory to make sure that the
UBAs are picking up the files.
2. Check the UBA and SAMIF settings. The creation of BOF files is blocked when,
v Availability data in the SAMIF is disabled, for either the physical port or
access interfaces, and
v The UBA is configured to expect this availability data. In this case, make sure
that the SAMIF settings are configured as follows:
it collects the availability xml files and inventory for AccessInterface.
does not collect the availability xml files and inventory for AccessInterface.

Note: The above TRUE and FALSE settings apply to AccessInterface and
not to PhysicalPort.
However, if the intention is to not collect the availability data, then make
sure that the UBA has a blank value that is assigned as follows:

Note: If the preceding UBA setting is changed to either a blank value or an

actual value, then the UBA state might need to be removed and restarted
(when the change is not effective by just changing the configuration and
3. Check that the SAMIF is running. When you collect availability metrics, the
SAMIF needs to be running as it provides raw data that is used for availability
calculations to the UBAs. If the SAMIF is stopped, and therefore not producing
the data, the UBA(s) do not produce any BOF output.
4. Make sure that the BLB requests to the SAM server are successfully creating all
the expected input files. BLB files might not be correctly written by the SAM
server if they have erroneous metric filter specifications configured. For more
information, see “BLB requests metric files but they are not created” on page
5. If the UBA is not producing files because it is not receiving input, then it is
possible to issue a debug command to help determine the schema that is not
receiving input. The command:
dccmd debug UBA.1.100 "(self server firstAdaptor rootOperator sources collect:
[:each | each source -> each peek])"

It displays the timestamp and records the status of each schema. "nil" can
indicate a schema did not see any data, but it might also show “nil” while the
pack is processing.
Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 119
dccmd debug UBA.1.100 "(self server firstAdaptor rootOperator sources collect:
[:each | each source -> each peek notNil])"

It displays the schema inputs, and if any are false, then they do have no input.
Alternatively, they are between inputs. It can be useful for debugging stream
merge blockage issues.

BOF files exist with no meaningful data in the UBA output directory:

Typically, the DataChannel File Transfer Engine (FTE) application transfers BOFs
(Binary Object Files) to the DataChannel Universal Bulk Adaptor (UBA) application
output directory.

If the BOF files exist in the UBA application output directory with no meaningful
data (that is, there are no metric IDs in the files), complete the following
troubleshooting steps:
1. Make sure that you correctly installed the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology
2. Try to rerun the inventory
3. Perform the following actions as a last resort:
a. Stop the SAMIF application.
b. Delete all of the inventory.
c. Remove the SAMIF directory (including all subdirectories).
d. Restart the SAMIF application.

These actions re-create the inventory with new IDs. In general, do not use this
troubleshooting tip except during initial installation of the Alcatel-Lucent 5620
SAM Technology Pack.

BOF files do not exist in the FTE output directory:

Typically, the DataChannel File Transfer Engine (FTE) application transfers BOFs
(Binary Object Files) to the DataChannel FTE application output directory.

If the BOF files are not transferred to the FTE application output directory,
complete the following troubleshooting steps:
1. Make sure that an FTP user account is configured on the primary and
redundant SAM servers. For more information, see “Configure FTP accounts on
the primary and redundant SAM servers” on page 72.
2. Make sure that the user exists on the SAM server. Also, make sure that the
correct FTP user name and password values were specified for the
SAM.EXPORT_URI and SAM.EXPORT_URI_2 parameters, as described in “Specifying
parameter values” on page 109, based on the Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager platform:

Platform Parameter
Tivoli Netcool/Proviso v4.4.3 and Tivoli ALCATEL_5620_SAM.SAM.EXPORT_URI
Netcool Performance Manager 1.3.0 or later ALCATEL_5620_SAM.SAM.EXPORT_URI_2

3. Check the UNIX permissions.

4. Ensure that you have enough disk space. For more information, see “Metrics
collection fails due to lack of disk space” on page 121

120 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
BOF files do not exist in the CME output directory:

Typically, the DataChannel File Transfer Engine (FTE) application transfers Binary
Object Files (BOFs) to the DataChannel Complex Metric Engine (CME) application
output directory.

If the BOF files are not transferred to the CME application output directory,
complete the following troubleshooting steps:
1. Make sure that you imported the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack
predefined collection requests. For more information, see the “Activate data
collection requests” step in “Configuring UBA technology packs” on page 17.
2. Check the UNIX permissions.
3. Ensure that you have enough disk space. For more information, see “Metrics
collection fails due to lack of disk space.”

BLB requests metric files but they are not created:

The BLB application requests metric data files from the SAM server each period,
and retrieves them to process and create the metric.

If one of the files it requests is not created, then that file is missing for a period. If
BLB metric files are missing, complete the following steps:
1. Check user-specified filters. If there is a problem with user-specified filters, it
might result in files not being written to and the full dump might loop.
If the user specifies a filter of the type property: value and the filter
specification is not valid for the SAM server, it fails to write a file. There is no
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager log indication for this failure case, but the
file is not written to the XML output directory on the SAM server. If SOAP
request logging is enabled on the SAM server, the error is logged by the SAM
server in the response to the request.
There are two cases where it might happen:
a. The property that is specified in the filter is not available in the metric class,
which is being requested. For example, if there is a typographical error in
the property name, or specified a property that is not applicable to that
class. It causes the file request to fail, and no metric file is written.

Note: Information about the properties that are valid for each class are
outside of the scope of this user guide.
b. The filter specification uses the wrong matching syntax for the property
specified. As described in the section Matching patterns in filter syntax:
strings and numbers, the * and ? are only applicable to string properties,
and the range() match is only applicable to numerical properties. Using
these matching constructs on the wrong type of property results in failure to
retrieve a file, and no metric file is written.

Note: Information about the types of properties (whether they are

numerical or string) is outside the scope of the guide.

Metrics collection fails due to lack of disk space:

If the metric-collection operation fails on the SAM server, make sure that you have
enough disk space on the computer or server on which Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager is installed.

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 121
The amount of space that is required depends on the following:
v Size of the SAM network
v Values that are set for the following retention parameters in the dc.cfg file:

Platform Parameter
Tivoli Netcool/Proviso v4.4.3 and Tivoli FC_RETENTION_HOURS
Netcool Performance Manager 1.3.0 or later

It is possible, in a SAM networking environment, that several gigabytes worth of

data files might be collected and transferred to the UBA application done
directory each day. These data files accumulate according to the values specified
for the retention parameters. Therefore, it is possible to use the maximum disk
space before the retention period expires and the DataChannel deletes the data
files from the done directory.
You must monitor the size of the data files that are transferred to the done
directory during metric collection, and determine whether adjustments must be
made to the retention parameters.

SAM server software hangs:

When the SAM server software hangs, no inventory files are transferred to the
default directory on the SAM server.

If the SAM server software hangs, make sure that you imported the Alcatel-Lucent
5620 SAM Technology Pack predefined collection requests. For more information,
see the “Active data collection requests” step in “Configuring UBA technology
packs” on page 17.

Binary files acquired instead of text files:

If a BLB or UBA application that is expecting text input acquires binary files, there
is a risk of corrupting the persistent state of the BLB or UBA application. This
corruption might cause errors to occur when the BLB or UBA application restarts,
or later when it runs.

Although such a BLB or UBA application is unlikely to acquire binary files instead
of text files, this situation might happen in either of the following circumstances:
v The URIs are inadvertently altered to pick up bad files.
v The file becomes corrupted.
To avoid the risk of corrupting the persistent state of the BLB or UBA application,
make sure that the BLB or UBA application that is expecting text input is never
allowed to acquire binary files. There is no workaround to this issue. If this
situation occurs, contact IBM Professional Services.

Alcatel-Lucent 5670 RAM Technology Pack

Additional configuration steps that are required for Alcatel-Lucent 5670 RAM
Technology Pack.

122 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Overview of Alcatel-Lucent 5670 RAM Technology Pack
Alcatel-Lucent 5670 RAM Technology Pack is bundled with ramAdaptor and
samInventory tools.

You must configure the “samInventory” on page 128 and “ramAdaptor” on page

Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack version or later is the

dependent pack and this pack must be installed and the SAM inventory is

The Alcatel-Lucent 5670 RAM Technology Pack data flow is as shown in the
following diagram:

1. ramAdaptor SFTP xdr files from the RAM server.

2. ramAdaptor converts the xdr file from binary format to text format.
3. ramAdaptor distributes the xdr text files to multiple directories.
4. UBA collectors pick up the xdr text files from ramAdaptor directory and
process the files.
5. UBA collectors pick up the csv file that is generated by samInventory. The
content of the csv file is obtained from the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM
Technology Pack resource properties during inventory and the values are
assigned to the Alcatel-Lucent 5670 RAM Technology Pack resource properties.

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 123
Bulk input file formats in Alcatel-Lucent 5670 RAM Technology
There are many formats associated with Bulk input files, for example CSV, XML,
and binary. Typically, a technology pack provides a Bulk Adaptor Design File
(implemented as a JavaScript file) that defines the format or formats of the Bulk
input files for which it is responsible for processing. This Bulk Adaptor Design File
processes both inventory and statistics from the same Bulk input file. More
specifically, this Bulk Adaptor Design File provides a function that creates the Bulk
collection formula names. Some technology packs might provide several Bulk
Adaptor Design Files each of which handles a specific Bulk input file format.

Alcatel-Lucent 5670 RAM devices produce xdr files that are named by using the
following syntax:
<statistics types>_N<IP>_D<file_inteval>_T<unix_timestamp>_V<version>.xdr

For example: AA_AP__N192.168.0.1__D15__T1325394000000__V2.xdr

Configuring the RAM server

RAM server must be configured.

1. Configure an SFTP user account for Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager
Wireline to access RAM server at the operating system level.
2. Follow steps 6 - 16 in RAM Administration Guide to run the Convert Stats
Files Operation.
3. Configure the following parameters:

Configuration Parameter Value Description

Output File Location <XDR file output directory> This directory must exist in
RAM server. It must be
accessible by both the RAM
user and also the SFTP user
account that is used by Tivoli
Netcool Performance
Manager Wireline.
Compress File (zip) Disabled Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager wireline only work
with uncompress IPDR files
(with xdr extension).
File Retention (Hour) <The file retention hours> The retention duration in

4. Select the following statistics types that are currently supported by Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager technology pack

Grouping in Tivoli Netcool

Statistics type Performance Manager Filename pattern
Router/Application Group By Router AA_AG__*.xdr
Router/Protocol AA_PR__*.xdr
Router/Application AA_AP__*.xdr

124 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Grouping in Tivoli Netcool
Statistics type Performance Manager Filename pattern
Subscriber/Application By Subscriber AA_SUBAG__*.xdr
Subscriber/Protocol AA_SUBPR__*.xdr
Special Study - AA_SUBPRS__*.xdr
Subscriber/Application AA_SUBAP__*.xdr
Special Study - AA_SUBAPS__*.xdr
TCP/Subscriber/AppGroup AA_TSUBAG__*.xdr
TCP/Subscriber/App AA_TSUBAP__*.xdr
TCP Special AA_TSUBAPS__*.xdr
Volume/Subscriber/ AA_VSUBAG__*.xdr
Volume/Subscriber/App AA_VSUBAP__*.xdr
Voice/Subscriber/App AA_VOSUBAP__*.xdr
Audio/Subscriber/App AA_AUSUBAP__*.xdr
Video/Subscriber/App AA_VISUBAP__*.xdr
Unknown/Subscriber/App AA_USUBAP__*.xdr
Aggregation/Subscriber AA_SUBGR__*.xdr
Charging Group/Subscriber AA_SUBCG__*.xdr
SAP/Application Group By SAP AA_SAPAG__*.xdr
SAP/Protocol AA_SAPPR__*.xdr
Special Study - SAP/Protocol AA_SAPPRS__*.xdr
SAP/Application AA_SAPAP__*.xdr
Special Study - AA_SAPAPS__*.xdr
TCP/SAP/AppGroup AA_TSAPAG__*.xdr
TCP Special AA_TSAPAPS__*.xdr
Volume/SAP/AppGroup AA_VSAPAG__*.xdr
Volume/SAP/App AA_VSAPAP__*.xdr
Voice/SAP/App AA_VOSAPAP__*.xdr
Audio/SAP/App AA_AUSAPAP__*.xdr
Video/SAP/App AA_VISAPAP__*.xdr
Unknown/SAP/App AA_USAPAP__*.xdr
Aggregation/SAP AA_SAPGR__*.xdr
Charging Group/SAP AA_SAPCG__*.xdr

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 125
Grouping in Tivoli Netcool
Statistics type Performance Manager Filename pattern
SDP Binding/Application By SDP Binding AA_SBAG__*.xdr
SDP Binding/Protocol AA_SBPR__*.xdr
Special Study - SDP AA_SBPRS__*.xdr
SDP Binding/Application AA_SBAP__*.xdr
Special Study - SDP AA_SBAPS__*.xdr
TCP/SDP Binding/App AA_TSBAP__*.xdr
TCP Special Study/SDP AA_TSBAPS__*.xdr
Volume/SDP AA_VSBAG__*.xdr
Volume/SDP Binding/App AA_VSBAP__*.xdr
Voice/SDP Binding/App AA_VOSBAP__*.xdr
Audio/SDP Binding/App AA_AUSBAP__*.xdr
Video/SDP Binding/App AA_VISBAP__*.xdr
Unknown/SDP AA_USBAP__*.xdr
Aggregation/SDP Binding AA_SBGR__*.xdr
Charging Group/SDP AA_SBCG__*.xdr

126 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Grouping in Tivoli Netcool
Statistics type Performance Manager Filename pattern
Transit Sub/Application By Transit Sub AA_TRAG__*.xdr
Transit Sub/Protocol AA_TRPR__*.xdr
Special Study - Transit AA_TRPRS__*.xdr
Transit Sub/Application AA_TRAP__*.xdr
Special Study - Transit AA_TRAPS__*.xdr
TCP/Transit Sub/AppGroup AA_TTRAG__*.xdr
TCP/Transit Sub/App AA_TTRAP__*.xdr
TCP Special Study/Transit AA_TTRAPS__*.xdr
Volume/Transit AA_VTRAG__*.xdr
Volume/Transit Sub/App AA_VTRAP__*.xdr
Voice/Transit Sub/App AA_VOTRAP__*.xdr
Audio/Transit Sub/App AA_AUTRAP__*.xdr
Video/Transit Sub/App AA_VITRAP__*.xdr
Unknown/Transit Sub/App AA_UTRAP__*.xdr
Aggregation/Transit Sub AA_TRGR__*.xdr
Charging Group/Transit Sub AA_TRCG__*.xdr

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 127
Grouping in Tivoli Netcool
Statistics type Performance Manager Filename pattern
Business Transit By Business Transit Sub AA_TBAG__*.xdr
Sub/Application Group
Business Transit AA_TBPR__*.xdr
Special Study - Business AA_TBPRS__*.xdr
Transit Sub/Protocol
Business Transit AA_TBAP__*.xdr
Special Study - Business AA_TBAPS__*.xdr
Transit Sub/Application
TCP/Business Transit AA_TTBAG__*.xdr
TCP/Business Transit AA_TTBAP__*.xdr
TCP Special Study/Business AA_TTBAPS__*.xdr
Transit Sub/App
Volume/Business Transit AA_VTBAG__*.xdr
Volume/Business Transit AA_VTBAP__*.xdr
Voice/Business Transit AA_VOTBAP__*.xdr
Audio/Business Transit AA_AUTBAP__*.xdr
Video/Business Transit AA_VITBAP__*.xdr
Unknown/Business Transit AA_UTBAP__*.xdr
Aggregation/Business Transit AA_TBGR__*.xdr
Charging Group/Business AA_TBCG__*.xdr
Transit Sub

5. Set the SAM server to generate the xdr file in 15-minute interval, which is the
default interval that is used in Alcatel-Lucent 5670 RAM Technology Pack.

The script is developed to export SAP inventories that are
discovered by Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack into a SAM inventory
csv file by using resmgr command. The exported SAP inventory in SAM inventory
csv file is then consumed by Alcatel-Lucent 5670 RAM Technology Pack UBA to
populate values for ramSubscriberName, ramServiceName, and ramServiceType
properties for SAP-related inventories that are discovered in Alcatel-Lucent 5670
RAM Technology Pack.

The SAM inventory csv file has the following naming convention:

128 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
The interval to trigger the script must be same as interval for the
generated RAM raw files.

Configuring samInventory
Before you begin

Ensure that you do the following:

1. The script must be deployed on the server where DataMart
is installed.
2. Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology Pack version or above is installed
and running.
3. All SAP inventories are discovered by Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM Technology

1. Untar the samInventory.tar file on the server that is running DataMart by
using the following command:

Note: The samInventory.tar file is included in the technology pack JAR file.
After the pack is installed, you can find the samInventory.tar file in the
following directory:
tar -xvf samInventory.tar
2. Edit the and update the OUTPUT_DIR value to the directory
where the generated SAM inventory file is placed.
3. The script outputs the inventory by using the resmgr
command into a csv file and append the timestamp as part of the filename.
This timestamp must have the same interval as the RAM raw file timestamp.
By default, the generated timestamp follows the timezone that is configured in
the server (TZ parameter. To overwrite the server timezone, follow these steps:
a. Uncomment the following lines in the script.
#export TZ
b. Update the TZ parameter value to the desired timezone.

Note: It is recommended to set to the same timezone that RAM server used
to generate the xdr file timestamp.
4. Configure the crontab to execute the script in interval. This
interval must be the same interval as for the generated RAM raw files. For
15-minutes interval, the crontab entry is as follows:
0,15,30,45 * * * * . /opt/datamart/dataMart.env &&
# Make sure to create a crontab entry to cleanup the output dir
59 * * * * rm <Directory to put the csv files>/*.csv

Note: If the incoming RAM raw data files are of different time intervals, then
each different time interval must have a corresponding sam_inventory.csv file
of the same interval.

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 129
The ramAdaptor is developed as a pre-mediation tool to handle xdr file format
that is generated by the Alcatel-Lucent 5670 Reporting and Analysis Manager
(RAM) Technology Pack.

Before passing the converted xdr file to Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager
Wireline UBA collector, the ramAdaptor performs the following tasks:
1. SFTP the binary xdr files from Alcatel-Lucent 5670 Reporting and Analysis
Manager (RAM).
2. Converts the xdr file, which is in binary format into text file. The text file is the
output of the ramAdaptor with the filename that ends with xdr.txt.
3. Load balances all the text files that are converted from xdr files to the
respective directory to be picked up by multiple UBAs.
4. UBA collectors pick up the xdr text file from the ramAdaptor directory and
process the file.

ramAdaptor directory layout

Table 12. Directory layout
Directory/File Description The main scripts to start and stop the ramAdaptor. Configuration file for the ramAdaptor.
history/ Directory to store the processed binary xdr file for
troubleshooting purpose. In normal scenario, it must be empty.
unmatched/ Directory to store the converted xdr text file that does not
match any of the file name pattern in
UBA.X.X.FILENAME_REGEX. In normal scenario, it must be
lib/ Library folder that contains all the Java libraries that the
ramAdaptor needed.
log/adaptor.log Log file for the ramAdaptor.
temp/ Working directory for the ramAdaptor.
temp/do/ Directory to store the binary xdr sftp from the RAM server.
temp/done/ Directory to store the converted xdr files.
uba/ Input directory for different UBA, user must create the
respective directory that is based on the UBA created.
.registry Directory that is created by the ramAdaptor to store
ramAdaptor related data when running. Do not delete this
.lock An empty file that is created by the ramAdaptor to ensure
only 1 instance of the ramAdaptor is running. This file is
removed when the ramAdaptor is stopped.
.hist A file that is created by the ramAdaptor to store all the
processed file name so that the ramAdaptor does not pick up
the same file again. Any file name with timestamp older than
the configured
from this file to maintain the file size.

130 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Starting and stopping the ramAdaptor
The script is used to start and stop the ramAdaptor. The
ramAdaptor creates a .lock file when it starts. To remove the .lock file, stop the

Before you begin

Ensure that you performed the following tasks:

v The JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set. The supported Java versions
are 1.5 and greater.
v Untar the ramAdaptor.tar file on the server that is running DataMart by using
the following command:
tar -xvf ramAdaptor.tar

Note: The ramAdaptor.tar file is included in the technology pack JAR file. After
the pack is installed, you can find the samInventory.tar file in the following
v These configuration parameters that are found in the file
must be reviewed and configured before you start the ramAdaptor:

Note: Manually create all the directories that are defined in the

For more information, see “The file” on page 132

v To start the ramAdaptor, follow these steps:
1. Export the JAVA_HOME by giving the following command:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java

Note: If JAVA_HOME is not set correctly, you must run this step.
2. Locate the file.
3. Start the ramAdaptor by starting the script by using the
following command: start
v To stop the ramAdaptor, follow these steps:
1. Export the JAVA_HOME by using the following command:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java

Note: If JAVA_HOME is not set correctly, you must run this step.
2. Locate the file.

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 131
3. Stop the ramAdaptor by stopping the script by using the
following command: stop

The file

The file is the ramAdaptor configuration file. This file must be
reviewed and edited before you start the ramAdaptor.

Property Default value Description

ADAPTOR_SLEEP_INTERVAL_SECONDS 120 How frequently the ramAdaptor
to poll the RAM server for new
files. Value is in seconds.
ADAPTOR_BACKLOG_RETENTION_MINUTES 60 The backlog retention period in
minutes. The ramAdaptor does
not pick up files that are older
than the (current time -
retention). Try not to set this
value too large because it causes
the .hist file size to grow.
ADAPTOR_LOG_FILE_LEVEL Info The logging level. Possible values
are (in descending order, starting
from highest log level): ALL,
ADAPTOR_LOG_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT 100 KB The maximum file size for the
log file.
ADAPTOR_LOG_FILE_BACKUP_LIMIT 2 Number of back up log files to
keep when the original log file
exceeds the
ADAPTOR_WORKING_DIRECTORY ./temp/ The working directory for the
ramAdaptor, there must be a do
and done directories inside this
ADAPTOR_RAM_SERVER x.x.x.x The IP address or host name for
the RAM server.
ADAPTOR_RAM_PORT 22 The SFTP port for RAM server.
Default SFTP port is 22.
ADAPTOR_RAM_USERNAME xxx The SFTP user name use for
RAM server.
ADAPTOR_RAM_PASSWORD xxx The SFTP password use for RAM
ADAPTOR_RAM_REMOTE_DIR /export/home/pvuser/xdr/ The directory in the RAM server
where the xdr files are stored.

132 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Property Default value Description
ADAPTOR_RAM_FILENAME_REGEX ^AA_(AG|AP|PR|SUBAG|SUBAP| The file name pattern for the xdr
SUBCG|SUBGR|SUBAPS|SUBPR| files. It is in Java regular
ADAPTOR_RAM_DELETE_ON_ACQUIRED True Flag to indicate whether to
remove the xdr files in RAM
server after SFTP to local Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager
ADAPTOR_RAM_KEEP_XDR_FILE False Flag to indicate whether to keep
a copy of the binary XDR file in
folder specified in
sure that there is proper
housekeeping when this flag is
turned on.
ADAPTOR_RAM_KEEP_XDR_DIR ./history/ Directory to store the binary xdr
files after acquired from RAM
server when
set to true.
ADAPTOR_RAM_UNMATCHED_DIR ./unmatched/ Directory to store the converted
xdr text file that does not match
any of the file name pattern in
normal scenario, it must be

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 133
Property Default value Description
ADAPTOR_RAM_SFTP_FILESIZE_CHECK_ 500 If the XDR file is still being
INTERVAL_MS processed by the RAM server,
the file size of the respective
XDR file size is increasing. When
the ramAdaptor detects such an
event, it waits for a certain
duration and revalidate the file
size. If there is no longer any
increasing of the file size, it
transfers the XDR file. This
configuration allows user to
define the duration wait before
revalidate the file size in
ADAPTOR_RAM_SFTP_FILESIZE_CHECK_ 10 If the XDR file is still being
RETRY_COUNT processed by the RAM server,
the file size of the respective
XDR file size is increasing. When
the ramAdaptor detects such
event, it waits for a certain
duration and revalidate the file
size. If there is no longer any
increasing of the file size, it
transfers the XDR file. This
configuration allows you to
define the number of maximum
retries that ramAdaptor
revalidates the file size before it
transfers the XDR file.
UBA_LIST UBA.1.10, UBA.1.20, UBA.1.30, UBA.1.40, List of UBA collectors that are
UBA.1.50, UBA.1.60 configured for RAM separated
by comma.
Restriction: In the Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager 1.3.1, in
the Topology Editor, a new CME
Collector must be numbered 1 -

134 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Property Default value Description
UBA.X.X.INPUT_DIRECTORY ./uba/10 (For UBA.1.10) The directory where the output
- OR - text files are going to be placed
./uba/20 (For UBA.1.20) for the respective UBA to pick up
- OR - from. These output text files are
./uba/30 (For UBA.1.30) converted from xdr files, as
- OR - mention in the overview. Ensure
./uba/40 (For UBA.1.40) that you have the same number
- OR - of key-value pairs that
./uba/50 (For UBA.1.50) correspond to the number of
- OR - UBAs defined in the UBA_LIST.
./uba/60 (For UBA.1.60) The format of the key-value pair
is as follows:

For example:


Note: You must manually create

directory that is specified in this
Restriction: In the Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager 1.3.1, in
the Topology Editor, a new CME
Collector must be numbered 1 -

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 135
Property Default value Description
UBA.X.X.FILENAME_REGEX # for By Router Group The file name pattern in Java
(AA_AG, AA_AP, AA_PR) regular expression to identify the
UBA.1.10.INPUT_DIRECTORY=./uba/10/ text files that the respective UBA
UBA.1.10.FILENAME_REGEX= is processed. Ensure that you
^AA_(AG|AP|PR)__.*\\.xdr\\.txt have the same number of
key-value pairs that correspond
# for By Subscriber Group to the number of UBAs defined
(AA_SUBAG, AA_SUBAP, AA_SUBCG, in the UBA_LIST. The format of
AA_SUBGR, AA_SUBAPS, AA_SUBPR, the key-value pair is as follows:
AA_VSUBAG, AA_VSUBAP, For example:
AA_VSAPAP, AA_VOSAPAP, VOSBAP)__.*\\.xdr\\.txt
^AA_(SAPAG|SAPCG|SAPGR| VOTRAP)__.*\\.xdr\\.txt
VISAPAP|USAPAP)__.*\\.xdr\\.txt VOTBAP)__.*\\.xdr\\.txt

# for By SDP Binding Group


136 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Property Default value Description
# for By Transit Sub Group

# for By Business Transit Sub Group


Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack

In this section, you will learn about the additional configuration steps that are
required for the Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack.

Running the adaptor script and configuring the file
After you install the Cisco IP Telephony technology pack, you run the
remaining script files that also include the adaptor script file.

When you run the adaptor script file, the following message is displayed:
Do you want to override the systime to UTC? (y/n).

If you press N, the adaptor starts in the default time zone. The default time zone
uses the current system time zone.

In the Cisco IP Telephony technology pack, the log4j functionality is added.
You can use this functionality to configure log settings in the
file. You can direct log messages to a log file and specify the size of a log file.
During the installation, you must modify the log4j.appender.file.File parameter
in file to specify the location of the adaptor log file. It is
recommended to specify the location where the adaptor JAR file is stored.
Depending upon the requirements, you can modify other parameters or keep them

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 137
GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch Technology Pack
Additional configuration steps that are required for GenBand C20 Converged IP
Softswitch Technology Pack.

New bulk input file formats introduced in GenBand C20

Converged IP Softswitch Technology Pack
The GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch devices gather performance data and
other statistics from multiple network elements. This data is referred to collectively
as network health metrics. Each GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch device
produces, on a specified regular basis, a bulk input file that contains the network
health metrics and other information.

Many formats are associated with Bulk input files, for example CSV, XML, and
binary. Typically, a technology pack provides a Bulk Adaptor Design File
(implemented as a JavaScript file) that defines the format or formats of the Bulk
input files for which it is responsible for processing. This Bulk Adaptor Design File
processes both inventory and statistics from the same Bulk input file. More
specifically, this Bulk Adaptor Design File provides a function that creates the Bulk
collection formula names. Some technology packs might provide several Bulk
Adaptor Design Files each of which handles a specific Bulk input file format.

This bulk input file is a comma-separated values (csv) file. All the input files are
collected for a time interval and all the records within the files are sorted and
processed every minute.

The GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch Technology Pack supports multiple

input files per UBA, where each input file contains data for one polling period

The syntax for these bulk input files is explained in “New bulk input file schema”
on page 139.

The GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch Technology Pack provides files that
interpret these bulk input files. For more information, see Bulk Adaptor Design Files
in GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch Technology Pack Reference.

New bulk input file names

The two new bulk input files that are introduced in GenBand C20 Converged IP
Softswitch Technology Pack are for MAS and A2 devices.

GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch devices produce csv files that are named by
using the following syntax:

v <hostname>: specifies the name of the device from which the data was collected.
v The date format is as follows: yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss-msmsms
– yyyy: specifies a four-digit integer (for example, 2012) that identifies the year
in which the GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch Technology Pack
produced the csv file.

138 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
– MM: specifies a two-digit integer (for example, 10) that identifies the month
in which the GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch Technology Pack
produced the csv file.
– dd: specifies a two-digit integer (for example, 13) that identifies the day in
which the GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch Technology Pack produced
the csv file.
– HH: specifies a two-digit integer (for example, 13) that identifies the metric
hour in which the GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch Technology Pack
produced the csv file.
– mm: specifies a two-digit integer (for example, 13) that identifies the minutes
after the metric hour in which the GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch
Technology Pack produced the csv file.
– ss: specifies a two-digit integer (for example, 13) that identifies the seconds
after the metric hour in which the GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch
Technology Pack produced the csv file.
– msmsms: specifies a three-digit integer (for example, 133) that identifies the
milliseconds after the metric hour in which the GenBand C20 Converged IP
Softswitch Technology Pack produced the csv file.
– <File_collection_type>: specifies the file collection type.
v csv specifies a file extension of csv, which indicates it is a csv file type.
The following list shows examples of the csv file names:
v EMS1_2012-03-14-04-00-00-000_OTP_csv.closed
v SESS2_2012-03-14-04-00-00-000_OTP_csv.closed

Note: For MAS device, the input file naming structure is different. For example:
v <hostname>: specifies the name of the device from which the data was collected.
v yyyy: specifies a four-digit integer (for example, 2012) that identifies the year in
which the GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch Technology Pack produced the
csv file.
v MM: specifies a two-digit integer (for example, 10) that identifies the month in
which the GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch Technology Pack produced the
csv file.
v dd: specifies a two-digit integer (for example, 13) that identifies the day in which
the GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch Technology Pack produced the csv
v HH: specifies a two-digit integer (for example, 13) that identifies the metric hour
in which the GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch Technology Pack produced
the csv file.
v mm: specifies a two-digit integer (for example, 13) that identifies the minutes
after the metric hour in which the GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch
Technology Pack produced the csv file.
v ss: specifies a two-digit integer (for example, 13) that identifies the seconds after
the metric hour in which the GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch Technology
Pack produced the csv file.
v <File_collection_type>: specifies the file collection type.

New bulk input file schema

Bulk input file schema for Genband C20 MAS and Genband C20 A2 devices are
described here.

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 139
The syntax of a csv file that is produced by GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch
Technology Pack MAS device is as follows:
2012-03-14 04:00:00,HT1ANNMOH,edtnab02ca2,InboundCalls,282,65,773,1800

The CSV file contains the following fields:

v Timestamp: specifies UTC timestamp.
v Hostname: specifies the hostname.
v OM group: specifies the Operational Management (OM) group. An OM group
collects performance data that is exported to the input files.
v Value: specifies the average value for the metric.
v Low: specifies the minimum value for the metric.
v High: specifies the maximum value for the metric
v IntervalSec: specifies the number of seconds between two generated input files.

The syntax of a csv file that is produced by GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch
Technology Pack A2 device is as follows:
03-14-2012,04:00:09,EMS1,ServerCpuAndMemory,Summary Row,minCpuOccupancyValue,5,
v Timestamp: specifies UTC timestamp.
v Subelement: specifies subelement names (EMS, SESS, or SESM device).
v OM group: specifies the Operational Management group. An OM group collects
performance data that is exported to the input files.
v Instances: specifies instances of the OM group.
v Metric names: specifies all the metric names.
v Metric values: specifies the values that are used for the metrics.

Note: The directory path of input files for MAS and A2 device must be as follows:

Configuring certain scripts for Genband C20 devices

Describes the configuration steps that are required for certain Genband C20 scripts.

You must configure the following script files for Genband C20 devices:
v PVGConfig.js
v CS2KPERFConfig.js
v USPConfig.js

These scripts must be configured after 3i on page 19 of “Configuring UBA

technology packs” on page 17

Configuring the PVGConfig.js script

Describes the steps required for the PVGConfig.js script for Genband C20 PVG

140 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide

Set the Element Name Source for the Genband C20 PVG device in the
PVGConfig.js file.
Before the Technology Pack can create the Element name for the Genband C20
PVG device, the source for the element name must be identified in the
PVGConfig.js file. To configure the PVGConfig.js design file, follow these steps:
1. On the DataChannel server, change your working directory to the
DATA_CHANNEL_HOME/scripts directory by entering the following command,
replacing DATA_CHANNEL_HOME with the DataChannel home directory
(/opt/datachannel, by default):
2. Make a backup copy of the PVGConfig.js design file, by entering the following
cp PVGConfig.js PVGConfig.js.ORIG
3. In a text editor, open the PVGConfig.js design file for editing.
4. Specify the source of the element name for the Passport Packet Voice Gateway
(PVG) by uncommenting one of the following options:
v FILE - Specifies that the source for the element name is a PVG Bulk input
file. The default option is to specify the filename by using the FILE option.
See Genband C20 PVG Performance Data on page 152 for an explanation of
the syntax that the PVG Bulk input files use.
v LINKID - Specifies that the source for the element name is the LINKID
record that resides in a PVG Bulk input file.
v OFFICEID - Specifies that the source for the element name is the OFFICEID
record that resides in a PVG Bulk input file.
The following example shows the selection of the FILE option:
// $Id: PVGConfig.js 1346 2007-07-11 23:23:26Z wmartin $
// setPVGElementName("LINKID")
// setPVGElementName("OFFICEID")

Configuring the CS2KPERFConfig.js script

Describes the steps required for the CS2KPERFConfig.js script for Genband C20
CS2K Performance device.

About this task

Set the Location for the Genband C20 CS2K Performance device in the
CS2KPERFConfig.js file. Before the GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch
Technology Pack can create the Location name for the Nortel CS2000 Performance
device, the location names must be identified in the CS2KPERFConfig.js file.
To configure the CS2KPERFConfig.js design file, follow these steps:

1. On the DataChannel server, change your working directory to the
DATA_CHANNEL_HOME/scripts directory by entering the following command,
replacing DATA_CHANNEL_HOME with the DataChannel home directory
(/opt/datachannel, by default):

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 141
2. Make a backup copy of the CS2KPERFConfig.js design file, by entering the
following command:
cp CS2KPERFConfig.js CS2KPERFConfig.js.ORIG
3. In a text editor, open the CS2KPERFConfig.js design file for editing.
4. Specify the location name for the Genband C20 CS2K Performance device as
v switchN - Specifies the name of the switch.
v locationN - Specifies the location of the switch.

Configuring the USPConfig.js script

Describes the steps required for the USPConfig.js script for Genband C20 USP

About this task

Set the Location for the Genband C20 USP device in the USPConfig.js file. Before
the Genband C20 Converged IP Softswitch Technology Pack can create the
Location name for the Genband C20 USP device, the location names must be
identified in the USPConfig.js file. To configure the USPConfig.js design file,
follow these steps:

1. On the DataChannel server, change your working directory to the
DATA_CHANNEL_HOME/scripts directory by entering the following command,
replacing DATA_CHANNEL_HOME with the DataChannel home directory
(/opt/datachannel, by default):
2. Make a backup copy of the USPConfig.js design file, by entering the following
cp USPConfig.js USPConfig.js.ORIG
3. In a text editor, open the USPConfig.js design file for editing.
4. Specify the location name for the Genband C20 USP device as follows:
v switchN - Specifies the name of the switch.
v locationN - Specifies the location of the switch.
5. You can edit existing error messages or add new error messages for the
Genband C20 USP device as follows:
v messageErrors [N] - Specifies the error condition.
v text - Specifies the error message for the corresponding error condition.

Configuring script execution

Explains how to configure and run the script that is delivered as part
of the GenBand C20 Converged IP Softswitch Technology Pack.

About this task

The script runs as a daemon, so it will fork when it is run in

stand-alone mode. The script requires the following Perl modules available from
Net::FTP Date::Manip

The daemon retrieves files by using Net::FTP. If your environment

requires SFTP access, you can optionally download the module by using CPAN, and

142 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
change the to call Net::SFTP instead of Net::FTP. The Net::SFTP
module is also available from

The can run on multiple platforms, provided perl and the appropriate
modules are installed, and that the systems running the UBA collectors have FTP
(or file) access to the output CSV from the script.

Note: Some of the directories specified in the configuration section of the file may need to be created by hand.
The is configured by editing the script.

Do not edit the script.

Editing the script

About this task

To edit the script, follow these steps:

1. Log in to the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataChannel server by
entering the username and password that you specified when installing and
configuring a DataChannel. The default username and password are pvuser
and PV, respectively.
2. Change your working directory to the <DATA_CHANNEL_HOME>/scripts directory
by entering the following command, replacing <DATA_CHANNEL_HOME >
with the DataChannel home directory (/opt/datachannel, by default):
$ cd DATA_CHANNEL_HOME/scripts

The and scripts were copied to the this

directory as part of the configuration tasks performed in Chapter 2,
“Configuring technology packs,” on page 15.
3. Using the text editor of your choice open the script.
4. Locate the values of the script shown in the following
table and edit the parameters according to the requirements of your

Option Description
$logDir = Specifies the location of the
daemon log file.
$NNI = Specifies the sensor ID number for the
$maxFilesPerRun = Specifies the number of IPDR and AMA files
that are processed in a single run.
$runInterval = Specifies how often to run and collect input
$globalAggrInterval = Specifies the aggregation period for metrics.
$amapath = Specifies the path of the AMA output files.
$amadir = Specifies the location of the AMA output

5. In the script locate the values found in the table below and
edit the parameters according to the requirements of your environment:

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 143
Option Description
$ipdrpath = Specifies the path of the temporary data
store for IPDR files.
$ipdrdir = Specifies the location of the temporary data
store for IPDR files.
$numberOfOutputs = Specifies the number of separate output
streams that will be created for processing
by separate UBA collectors.
$outputDir = Specifies the location of the CSV output
files. The CSV files use the suffix n.csv,
where n is the number of the stream of CSV
files so the appropriate UBA can locate its
input files via the Input URI filter.
$exceptDir = Specifies the location of the exception output
$storeExceptionDetail = Specifies which termination codes are to be
written to a separate output file for
$terminationCodeHash = Specifies the list of termination codes.

6. In the script locate the values for our $cdrConfig and edit
the parameters according to the requirements of your environment. The
following table provides descriptions of the our $cdrConfig parameters:

Option Description
name Specifies a string that represents the
identifier for the remote GenBand C20
servers. This string should match the
<SOFTSWITCH_NAME> value that is
part of the Universal Resource Identifier
(URI) associated with the data source.
GenBand C20 binary Automatic
Message Accounting (AMA) file names
are something like:
location Specifies a string that represents the
location for where the remote GenBand
C20 servers are installed.
zone Specifies a string that represents the
H.323 Zone for the remote GenBand
C20 servers.

7. Locate the our $trunkConfig section of the script and edit
the parameters according to the requirements of your environment. The
following table provides a description of the parameter:

Option Description
name Specifies a string that represents the
identifier for the remote GenBand C20
Communication Server 2000 (CS2K)
Softswitch Trunks.

144 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
8. Locate the our $locationMap section of the script and edit
the parameters according to the requirements of your environment. The
following table provides descriptions of the our $locationMap parameters:

Option Description
extensionPattern Specifies the extension pattern for a CDR
extensionRange Specifies an extension range for a CDR

9. For IPDR Processing the following section must be configured:

our $xmlHosts = {
"" => {
user => "pvuser",
pass => "pv",
path => "/opt/uba/cs2k/ipdr"
10. Once you are finished with your edits, write and quit the
11. Run the script.

Activating percentile requests

During installation of the technology pack, all predefined percentile requests are
promoted to the database and set to inactive (that is, idle displays in the Active
column of the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager DataMart Request Editor). You
need to activate these predefined percentile requests by using the Request Editor.

About this task

To set percentile requests to active, follow these steps:

1. Click the Aggregation tab on the Request Editor.
2. In the Sub-Element Groups pane, select all percentile requests in the following
Root > NOC Reporting > Carrier VOIP
3. Click the Active box under Details. The Request Editor toggles the idle setting
for these percentile requests from idle to active in the Active column.
4. Click Save.

NetFlow IPFIX Technology Pack

Additional configuration steps that are required for NetFlow IPFIX Technology

Note: The NetFlow IPFIX Technology Pack operates with routers running NetFlow,
versions 1, 5 - 9, and IETF IPFIX.

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 145
The following sections describe how to install, configure, and run the TNPMFLOW
Collector that is used to obtain and process NetFlow datagrams.

Deployment considerations
There are various deployment considerations, such as topology, duplication, and

In high volume environments, the TNPMFLOW Collector can be installed on
multiple machines by using a one-to-one relationship between a TNPMFLOW
Collector and the technology pack. For example, in a deployment of 500 routers,
five instances of the technology pack/TNPMFLOW Collector combination can be
used, each to monitor 100 routers.

The TNPMFLOW Collector does not prevent packets, which pass through two
NetFlow-enabled interfaces, from being counted twice.

To avoid it, configure your network so that duplication never occurs, for example,
by enabling NetFlow export on edge interfaces only. The following diagram depicts
such a configuration:

Figure 2. Example of a configuration that avoids duplication

146 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Deployment of this technology pack can be scaled to meet local requirements by
adding more installations of the technology pack and TNPMFLOW Collector,
where required.

Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager is optimized to track devices and their

characteristics for a long time. To use this modeling scheme to track IP addresses
(whose information and characteristics are not useful for more than a few hours or
days), would be resource-intensive. The Network-host and Host-network reports
do this, but because they are resource-intensive, it is disabled by default during the
installation process. If you choose to enable these report sets, you must use them
in a small environment with a limited number of hosts.

TNPMFLOW installation
Install the TNPMFLOW Collector after you install the NetFlow IPFIX Technology
Pack, but before you perform the pack configuration steps.

Note: If Aurora NetFlow Collector is already installed, uninstall it by using the

following command:
aurora deinstall

TNPMFLOW uses the RPM (Red Hat RHEL, Suse SLES) installation mechanism.
The following sections show the specific commands for this mechanism. Version,
release and architecture specifications might vary between distributions.

Note: The NetFlow IPFIX Technology Pack stores the TNPMFLOW installation
packages in the following directory:

Use this information to install TNPMFLOW on Solaris 9 or 10 platform.

1. Log in as a user with root administration rights.
2. Install TNPMFLOW on Solaris 9 or 10 platform by using the following
#> gunzip tnpmflow-
#> tar xf tnpmflow-
#> cd tnpmflow

The installation directories are /opt/tnpmflow, /var/lib/tnpmflow, and

/etc/tnpmflow. Files are written into /etc/init.d.
3. Add the root user by using the following command:
tnpmflow addroot

You are prompted to enter a user ID. Enter the user ID as admin. A message
similar to the following is displayed:
User ’admin’ successfully created in file ’users/admin’
The password for this account is ’/7n5e7e08a9UCRs’

Note the password that is indicated in the message.

4. Start the TNPMFLOW Collector by using the following command:
tnpmflow start

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 147
RPM installation (RHEL, SLES)
Use this information to install TNPMFLOW on RHEL and SLES platforms.

1. Log on as a user with root administration rights.
2. Install TNPMFLOW on RHEL and SLES platforms by using the following
#> rpm -Uhv tnpmflow-

The installation directories are /opt/tnpmflow, /var/lib/tnpmflow, and

/etc/tnpmflow. Files are written into /etc/rc.d, /var/www/html, and
/var/www/cgi-bin for RHEL and /srv/www/cgi-bin and /srv/www/htdocs for
3. Add the root user by using the following command:
tnpmflow addroot

You are prompted to enter a user ID. Enter the user ID as admin. A message
similar to the following is displayed:
User ’admin’ successfully created in file ’users/admin’
The password for this account is ’/7n5e7e08a9UCRs’

Note the password that is indicated in the message.

4. Start the TNPMFLOW Collector by using the following command:
tnpmflow start

Pre-configured aspects are NetMatrix, NetApp, Network, NetToS, and AsNum.

Note these aspect names must be the same as the values provided for
CISCO_NETFLOW.TOPIC_FILTER in the Topology Editor. The aspect FlowState is also
pre-configured but not used. All aspect configurations are done in
/opt/tnpmflow/var/sites/proviso/etc/site.conf. /etc/tnpmflow/
site_proviso.conf is a link to it.
NetHost tva_counter exporter_ip domain_src ip_dst application
HostNet tva_counter exporter_ip ip_src domain_dst application
Default System Users
The following table shows default system users for running TNPMFLOW
on different platforms.
Table 13. Default system users
Platform Default system user:group
Solaris pvuser:staff
Linux tnpmflow:tnpmflow

During the installation, the default system user and group are added to the
operating system if it does not exist yet. Installation files and variable data
files are owned by the tnpmflow system user.

148 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
TNPMFLOW configuration
TNPMFLOW uses the main configuration file /etc/tnpmflow/tnpmflow.conf, which
contains settings valid for all sites.

The receiving port is configured here. The default port is set to 2055. To change the
default port, the parameter flow_url must be changed.. The simulations and
previous versions of the NetFlow IPFIX pack use UDP port 9996, so it is
recommended that you change or add udp://any:9996 to the following flow_url:

### -----------------------------------------------------------------------
### Collector port numbers (NetFlow: 2055/UDP and IPFIX: 4739/SCTP)
### -----------------------------------------------------------------------
flow_url udp://any:2055
#flow_url udp://any:2055 any://any:4739 udp://any:9005

Site-specific configuration issues are maintained in individual site configuration

files, for example /etc/tnpmflow/site_proviso.conf, for the default Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager site. The most important configuration options are:
### -----------------------------------------------------------------------
### NetFlow/IPFIX accepted from these exporters (for ports see tnpmflow.conf)
### -----------------------------------------------------------------------
set routers
#set routers

### ---------------------------------------------------------------
### Create custom aspects
### ---------------------------------------------------------------
new NetworkHost counter multiple ip_router domain_src ip_dst application
new NetworkMatrix counter multiple ip_router domain_src domain_dst application
new NetApp counter multiple ip_router domain_src protocol application tos
new Network counter multiple ip_router domain
new AsNum counter multiple ip_router asn_src asn_dst
new NetHost tva_counter exporter_ip domain_src ip_dst application
set name "Src Network - Dst Host"
new HostNet tva_counter exporter_ip ip_src domain_dst application
set name "Src Host - Dst Network"

### ---------------------------------------------------------------
### Domain reporting (domain id: 0 < ID < 2048)
### ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Global domain reporting
set aspects AsNum Network NetApp NetworkMatrix NetworkHost
set periods hour

# Private Address Space (RFC1918 + RFC4193)

new 1 "Private"
set local yes
set subnet fc00::/7

# Link Local Address Space (RFC3330 + RFC3513)

new 2 "Link Local"
set local yes
set subnet fe80::/10

# Documentation Address Space (RFC3330 + RFC3849)

new 3 "Documentation"
set local yes
set subnet 2001:db8::/32

# Domain definiton with autonomous system number

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 149
new 4 "Swisscom"
set flag /tnpmflow/flags/ch.gif
set asn 3303

# Domain definiton with autonomous system number

new 5 "DTAG"
set flag /tnpmflow/flags/de.gif
set asn 3320

select NetHost octets

set itemsmax 200000
set itemslim 400000
set periods hour

select NetHost packets

set itemsmax 200000
set itemslim 400000
set periods hour

select HostNet octets

set itemsmax 200000
set itemslim 400000
set periods hour

select HostNet packets

set itemsmax 200000
set itemslim 400000
set periods hour

### -----------------------------------------------------------------------
### Compress (ZIP=bzip2) or delete (ZIP=REMOVE) flow file after...
### Day = 86400s
### Month = 2592000s
### Never = 0s
### -----------------------------------------------------------------------
set flowflushcommand REMOVE
set flowflushperiod 86400

### -----------------------------------------------------------------------
### Size of NetFlow/IPFIX receive buffer (10MB min and 100MB max)
### -----------------------------------------------------------------------
set flowbuffersize 100
### -----------------------------------------------------------------------
### Enable/Disable DNS reverse lookup
### -----------------------------------------------------------------------
set dnsresolving yes

TNPMFLOW can be customized with respect to the grouping of TCP/UDP ports

into applications and naming of protocols, autonomous systems, services,
interfaces, and traffic service classes (for example, quality of service types). The
configuration files are:

Sites are used to separate traffic information between administrative domains. A

single TNPMFLOW installation can be used for many administrative domains with
potentially overlapping (private) address spaces and individual configurations. A
separate database is maintained for every site. It is recommended to start an

150 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
installation with a single default site. The default site in the Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager installation is named Proviso.

Certain router interfaces can be explicitly excluded, for example, to avoid duplicate
NetFlow reporting.

Configuring with TNPMFLOW script

Use a script called tnpmflow to start and stop the TNPMFLOW engine, and to add,
remove, or list topics and aspects.

This script automatically updates the report_site.ash when it is used to add

Usage: tnpmflow OPTIONS

The following table shows possible values for options.

Table 14. Possible values for options
Option Description
start [verbose|confirm] Start
restart [verbose] Restart
stop [verbose|confirm] Stop
reset [<site_name>] Reset interactively
connect Connect to system CLI
showsites Show all sites
addsite [<site>] Add new site
delsite [<site>] Delete site
showusers Show all user accounts
showuser [<id>] Show single user account
addroot [<id>] Add new root user account
deluser [<id>] Delete user account
setflowurl [<flowurl>] Set the flow URL
import [<site>[<dir>]] Import flow files in a directory
status [mail|sms] Show runtime status
updatehttpd Update the web server configuration
rmhttpd Remove the web server configuration
deinstall Deinstall the system
version Version
help Help

User-defined aspects:

TNPMFLOW provides a list of basic aspects and makes it possible to define new
composed aspects.

The basic aspects are:

<basic aspect> :=
host | port | tos | domain | direction |
type | proto | appl | flow | interface |
asn | icmp

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 151
User-defined aspects are defined in the individual site configuration files, for
example /etc/tnpmflow/site_proviso.conf for the default Proviso site.
<user-defined aspect> :=
aspect new <aspect name> counter multiple <component>+

The parameter counter means that only total counters are stored in the database.
The parameter multiple means that multiple units are recorded in the database, for
example, in/out octets, in/out packets and in/out flows. For configuration with
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager, user-defined aspects must always use
counter and multiple. The components of a user-defined aspect can be:
<component> :=
domain | domain_src | domain_dst | direction |
ip | ip_src | ip_dst | ip_nexthop | ip_version |
ip_router | ip_router_port |
interface | interface_in | interface_out |
port | port_src | port_dst |
protocol | service | application |
as | as_src | as_dst |
type | tos | tcp_flags | flowlabel |
icmp | flow_version |
duration | packets | octets

Following are four examples of user-defined aspects:

aspect new MyTopic1 counter multiple ip_router domain protocol application tos
aspect new MyTopic2 counter multiple asn_dst ip_dst
aspect new MyTopic3 counter multiple application ip_src ip_dst
aspect new MyTopic4 counter multiple ip ip_version

Following are aspect definitions for AS Matrix and Protocol/Port Matrix

aspect new ASPortMatrix counter multiple as_src as_dst interface_in interface_out
aspect new ProtocolPortMatrix counter multiple protocol port_src port_dst
Adding networks and domains
Configure network and domain names by editing the site configuration
file. The following shows an example of a domain definition.
# Global domain reporting
set aspects AsNum Network NetApp NetworkMatrix
set periods hour
# Private Address Space (RFC1918 + RFC4193)
new 1 "Private"
set local yes
set subnet fc00::/7
# Link Local Address Space (RFC3330 + RFC3513)
new 2 "Link Local"
set local yes
set subnet fe80::/10
# Documentation Address Space (RFC3330 + RFC3849)
new 3 "Documentation"
set local yes
set subnet 2001:db8::/32
# Domain definiton with autonomous system number
new 4 "Swisscom"
set flag /tnpmflow/flags/ch.gif
set asn 3303
# Domain definiton with autonomous system number
new 5 "DTAG"
set flag /tnpmflow/flags/de.gif
set asn 3320

152 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
TNPMFLOW configuration and load balancing
The normal load balancing mechanism performs well when there are many
NetFlow-enabled routers that send data to the same database. In these conditions,
you can configure multiple TNPMFLOW/UBA instances to balance the load.

This approach to load balancing is not helped if one large router can generate
enough flow data to overload a single TNPMFLOW/UBA instance by itself. To
deal with this situation, the following modifications to the TNPMFLOW
configuration are required:

This file is delivered in <DATACHANNEL_HOME>/APFiles/cisco_netflow/adaptor and

must be copied to /opt/tnpmflow/bin.

As delivered, it is set up to split the TNPMFLOW output based on the input

interface (line 15, “my $split_key = ‘in’;”).

If the router is configured to collect flows from the output side of its interfaces,
change it to ‘out’.


In the aspect section, change the topic definitions by adding interface_in

interface_out at the end of each, as follows:
new NetMatrix tva_counter exporter_ip domain_src domain_dst application
interface_in interface_out

Do this for all topic definitions, except for FlowState, which is not used.


interface_in=%flow:interface_in#name%,interface_out=%flow:interface_ out#name%,

between the SE and UE markers in the same line as follows:

site aspect printf
$bytes_recv$\n" @@keys:$i$@@

Do this for all topic definitions, except for FlowState, which is not used.

Restart TNPMFLOW. TNPMFLOW continues to put all its output (.csv) files in

It also creates two directories in reports that are called 0 and 1.

Change your existing UBA to take its input from


and configure a second UBA to take input from


Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 153
Both UBAs must direct output to the same CME. Stop and restart the channel.

Note: Enable pvuser to access the reports folder by using the following command:
chmod -R 777 /opt/tnpmflow/var/sites/proviso/reports

UBA PVLine Format Technology Pack

Additional configuration steps required for UBA PVLine Format Technology Pack.

PVLine input file formats

The UBA PVLine Format devices gather performance data and other statistics from
multiple network elements. This data is referred to collectively as network health
metrics . Each UBA PVLine Format device produces, on a specified regular basis, a
bulk input file that contains the network health metrics and other information.

This bulk input file is a PvLine format file. These input files are acquired by the
Universal Bulk adapter (UBA) script through an FTP process, and then each record
in those files is processed. All the input files are collected for a time interval and
all the records within the files are sorted and processed as per the time interval set
in the APP_FILE_PERIOD parameter.

The UBA PVLine Format Technology Pack supports multiple input files per UBA,
where each input file contains data for one polling period only.

The filename format for these bulk input files is discussed in “Bulk input file

The UBA PVLine Format Technology Pack provides a file that interprets these bulk
input files. See Bulk adaptor design files in UBA PVLine Format Technology Pack
User Guide for more information.

Bulk input file name

The implementation plan is to collect performance data by pulling the PvLine files
from Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager by using the ftp protocol.

The file name format is defined as below:


<YYYY.MM.DD>-<HH.MM.SS> - This indicates the timestamp value.


PVLine file format values

Table 15. PVLine file format values
Format Default value
Format name Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager
Format abbreviation PVLINE
File Typically, specified as .pvline
File version 3.0
Vendor IBM
Format parser type Resource block parser

154 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 15. PVLine file format values (continued)
Format Default value
Default formula path empty string
Default family 'bulk'
Default profile ` bulk_<nn>' Where: <nn> is the Bulk
Collector number

Header line format

Summarizes the header lines format and syntax in PVLine files.
Table 16. Header line format
Option Syntax Description
OPTION:TYPE=Line This Option Syntax is used by Bulk
Collector (BCOL). Specifies the file format
associated with PvLine. The value Line
indicates that this file format is the complete
ASCII format.
OPTION:PVMVersion=3.0 This Option Syntax is used by BCOL.
Specifies the import file version to be
recognized. Version 3.0 is the only version
that works.
OPTION:Element=<element_name> Sets the default formula path. This option
provides a space saving mechanism for
setting the default formula path. The Bulk
Collector prepends the specified path to all
metric names, for metric type data lines. If
you do not specify this option, the default
formula path is the empty string.
OPTION:TimeOffset=<time_offset> Sets the local timezone in which PvLine files
are generated. By default, the offset is 0
(zero), which means timestamps are in
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Note: OPTION:TYPE=Line and OPTION:PVMVersion=3.0 are compulsory for

BCOL. These are not required by the UBA Collector to process the data file. If
found, UBA is still able to process the data file.

Data line format

Summarizes the Data line format and syntax in PVLine files.

The PvLine file consists of multiple data lines where each line consists of seven
fields. The line syntax is as follows:

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 155
Table 17. Data line format
Field Position Field Item Description
Field1 date yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
Eg: G2011/01/03 21:50:00

The UBA outputs timestamps in

GMT. More specifically, the UBA
converts the timestamp to GMT by
adding the time offset.

Example: OPTION:TimeOffset = 3600


Record timestamp need to be set to

GMT + 1
Field2 metric/ propertyname Specifies the metric or property name
to use when the import routine
processes the value supplied in the
value field (field7).

If a metric name is supplied:

The metric name maps to the fully

qualified bulk collection formula
name, which includes its parent
group name. A leading ~ does not
work. Example:
~Inbound Errors

You can use the

OPTION:FormulaPath PvLine file
header option to set a PvLine
file-based default for this formula

The valuetype field (field6) must be

set to type float or type string

String is supported by BCOL but not


If a property name is supplied: The

valuetype field (field6) must be set to
type property or type inventory.

If the valuetype field (field 6) is set to

type inventory , then field 2 must be
set to one of the following string:
v Invariant
v Instance
v Label
v State
v Family
v NodeType
Note: NodeType is supported by
BCOL but not UBA.

156 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 17. Data line format (continued)
Field Position Field Item Description
Field3 targettype Specifies one of the following string:
v alias – Indicates that the target
type is a subelement. If targettype
is a subelement, then targetname
(field4) specifies the name of this
v host – Indicates that the target type
is an element. If targettype is an
element, then targetname (field4)
specifies the name of this element.
Note: The element name can also be
set by using the OPTION:Element
PvLine file header line option. In case
of conflict between these two
methods, the priority will be given to
OPTION:Element feature.
Field4 targetname Specifies the name used to uniquely
identify the resource. The import
program will use this name as the
subelement and will associate it with
the element identified in the
OPTION:Element PvLine file header
line option.
Field5 Instance This field is not used but must be
specified with a blank entry.
| |field6|field7

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 157
Table 17. Data line format (continued)
Field Position Field Item Description
Field6 valuetype Specifies one of the following ASCII
v float - Used to specify a numeric
value: floating point, short integer,
long integer, exponents, and rolling
counters. Specifying float in this
field tells the import program to
use the name specified in the
metric/propertyname field (field 2)
as the metric name.
Note: Specific formulas can be
used in the CME to identify
metrics that need to be treated as
rolling counters. The CME will
handle all processing required to
accurately calculate delta values
for these metrics.
v string - Used in BCOL to specify a
string metric that is passed to the
CME. The string metric can be
used in CME formulas as part of a
calculation to output either a
metric or a property.
v property - Used to specify a
character string that tells the
import program to use the name
specified in the
metric/propertyname field (field 2)
as the property name. Properties
are typically used to group
resources into logical groups for
reporting purposes. Examples of
properties include linkSpeed ,
location , customer , and so on.
v inventory - Used to identify special
properties that must be handled
differently from other properties by
the inventory process. If this field
is set to inventory, then the
metric/propertyname field (field 2)
must be set to one of these values:
Invariant, Instance, Label, State,
Family, or NodeType.
Field7 value Specifies a numeric or string value
that is associated with the metric or
property name specified in the
metric/propertyname field (field 2)
and the valuetype field (field 6).

Sample of PVLine data content

# Type Both
# #
# #
# # Setting Options
# OPTION:Type=Line
# OPTION:PVMVersion=3.0

158 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
# OPTION:TimeOffset=0
# OPTION:FormulaPath= AP~Specific~Bulk~(device)
# # Collection Interval for the following resources = 15 minutes
# OPTION:Element=BigRouter
# G1998/08/12 23:30:00 | Family | alias | Abcd | | inventory | {device}
# G1998/08/12 23:30:00 | Customer | alias | Abcd | | property | Acme
# G1998/08/12 23:30:00 | Continent | alias | Abcd | | property | Europe
# G1998/08/12 23:30:00 | Country | alias | Abcd | | property | France
# G1998/08/12 23:30:00 | City | alias | Abcd | | property | Paris
# G1998/08/12 23:30:00 | CIR | alias | Abcd | | property | 128
# G1998/08/12 23:30:00 | IP Traffic Percentage | alias | Abcd | | float |
# G1998/08/12 23:30:00 | Power Level | alias | Abcd | | float | 1.672e-23
# G1998/08/12 23:30:00 | Inbound Packets | alias | Abcd | | float | 749999999

Additional Topology Editor parameters

There are certain additional topology editor parameter.

Auto-create options

There are two toggle options:

Automatically create the formulas after acquisition of bulk input files.
Set this parameter to TRUE to instruct the UBA collector to create the
formulas on the fly. If this parameter is set to FALSE, formulas must be
imported manually into the database using resmgr utility before UBA can
continue to process them.
Automatically create the properties after acquisition of bulk input files.
Set this to TRUE to instruct the UBA collector to create the properties on
the fly. If this parameter is set to FALSE, properties need to be imported
manually into the database using resmgr utility before UBA can continue
to process them.

Logging level option

Currently, the UBA PVLine Format Technology Pack has logging levels inside the
adaptor script.You can set the logging level inside the Topology Editor. Supported
logging levels are as follows:
# FATAL = 0
# ERROR = 1
# INFO = 3
# DEBUG = 4
# TRACE = 5

For example:
# dccmd debug UBA.2.201 "self configuration" | grep "’APP.L"
# ’APP.LEVEL’->’5’

Note: There are two parameters: APP_LOGGING and APP_LEVEL used to control
AppLogger debug messages. The APP_LOGGING parameter enables the

Chapter 4. Additional configuration steps for certain UBA Technology Packs 159
AppLogger facility. The purpose of AppLogger is to provide a minimal level of
control over the log messages used for debugging by IBM technology pack

Interval between two generated input files option

The APP_FILE_PERIOD parameter helps to set the time interval in seconds

between two generated input files. Set the number of seconds between two
generated input files. If first input file is generated at T1 timestamp and second
input file is generated at T2 timestamp, then the file period is equal to the
difference between T2 and T1. Typically, the collection requests for the pack match
the value specified for the APP_FILE_PERIOD parameter.

Note: You must configure APP_FILE_PERIOD inside the Topology Editor since
OPTION:Interval= is not supported in the datafile.

160 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 5. Importing and publishing common packs
Describes importing and publishing of common packs on Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager, Version 1.4.

For prerequisite software and instructions on how to install a common pack, see
Chapter 3. Installing the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager JDBC Driver software and
Chapter 6. Getting started with common reporting of the Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager JDBC Driver Installation and User Guide.

To create a new time zone/calendar, see the Aggregation Sets section in Configuring
and Operating DataMart. Then, proceed with linking the Cognos Reporting group to
time zone. For more information, see the Linking DataView Groups to timezone
section in Configuring and Operating DataMart.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2014 161

162 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix. Installing technology packs by using the command
You can install a Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Technology Pack by using
the command line. The preferred method for installing a technology packs is from
the launchpad.

About this task

To install a Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager technology pack from the

command line, follow these steps:

1. Use the cd command to change your working directory to the temporary
directory ($PVMHOME/version/app-packs) that you created in “Preparing the
pack installation directory” on page 5, or to the directory on the Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager CD where the pack JAR files are located (by

Note: The Technology Pack Installer and pack jar files need to be owned by
pvuser. Else, change the file ownership before starting the installation.
2. To start the Technology Pack Installer, enter the following command:
java -Xmx256M -jar ProvisoPackInstaller.jar

Note: The -Xmx256M option is required to allocate sufficient memory for the
Technology Pack Installer to successfully install multiple bundled and
stand-alone technology packs.
Attention: The following command is only applicable for 4.3-X and higher
Technology Packs.
3. To start the Technology Pack Installer for Alcatel Lucent 5620 SAM technology
pack, enter the following command:
java -Xmx512M -jar ProvisoPackInstaller.jar
When the Technology Pack Installer starts, it displays a Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager Technology Packs Welcome window.
4. Click Next.
5. Click accept the terms to accept the license agreement.
6. Click Next.
7. Use Step 4 through Step 7 in “Installing technology packs by using the
launchpad” on page 6.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2014 163

164 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
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166 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
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Additional copyright notices

The following copyright information is for software used by Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager Wireline Component.

Tcl 8.3.3, Combat/TCL 0.7.3, Combat/TCL 0.7.5, TclX 8.3, TK 8.3.3

This software is copyrighted by the Regents of the University of California, Sun

Microsystems, Inc., Scriptics Corporation, and other parties. The following terms
apply to all files associated with the software unless explicitly disclaimed in
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The authors hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and license
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GOVERNMENT USE: If you are acquiring this software on behalf of the U.S.
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and related documentation as defined in the Federal Acquisition Regulations
(FARs) in Clause 52.227.19 (c) (2). If you are acquiring the software on behalf of the
Department of Defense, the software shall be classified as "Commercial Computer
Software" and the Government shall have only "Restricted Rights" as defined in
Clause 252.227-7013 (c) (1) of DFARs. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the authors
grant the U.S. Government and others acting in its behalf permission to use and
distribute the software in accordance with the terms specified in this license.

168 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide

This software is copyrighted by Juergen Schoenwaelder, the Technical University of

Braunschweig, the University of Twente, and other parties. The following terms
apply to all files associated with the software unless explicitly disclaimed in
individual files.

The authors hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and license
this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that existing
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their authors and need not follow the licensing terms described here, provided that
the new terms are clearly indicated on the first page of each file where they apply.





Various copyrights apply to this package, listed in 3 separate parts below. Please
make sure that you include all the parts. Up until 2001, the project was based at
UC Davis, and the first part covers all code written during this time. From 2001
onwards, the project has been based at SourceForge, and Networks Associates
Technology, Inc hold the copyright on behalf of the wider Net-SNMP community,
covering all derivative work done since then. An additional copyright section has
been added as Part 3 below also under a BSD license for the work contributed by
Cambridge Broadband Ltd. to the project since 2001.

Part 1: CMU/UCD copyright notice: (BSD like)

Copyright © 1989, 1991, 1992 by Carnegie Mellon University

Derivative Work - 1996, 1998-2000

Copyright © 1996, 1998-2000 The Regents of the University of California

All Rights Reserved

Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation
for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this
permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of CMU
and The Regents of the University of California not be used in advertising or
publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific written

Notices 169

Part 2: Networks Associates Technology, Inc copyright notice (BSD)

Copyright © 2001, Networks Associates Technology, Inc

All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
v Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer.
v Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
other materials provided with the distribution.
v Neither the name of the NAI Labs nor the names of its contributors may be used
to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
prior written permission.



Part 3: Cambridge Broadband Ltd. copyright notice (BSD)

Portions of this code are copyright © 2001, Cambridge Broadband Ltd.

All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
v Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer.
v Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
other materials provided with the distribution.

170 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
v The name of Cambridge Broadband Ltd. may not be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.



BLT 2.4u

Portions (c) 1993 AT&T, (c) 1993 - 1998 Lucent Technologies, (c) 1994-1998 Sun
Microsystems, Inc., and (c) 1987-1993 The Regents of the University of California.

Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation
for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this
permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of
AT&T, Lucent Technologies Inc., Sun Microsystems, Inc. and The Regents of the
University of California not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
distribution of the software without specific written permission.




CMU/UCD copyright notice: (BSD like)

Copyright 1989, 1991, 1992 by Carnegie Mellon University

Derivative Work - 1996, 1998-2000 Copyright 1996, 1998-2000 The Regents of the
University of California

All Rights Reserved

Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation
for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this
permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of CMU

Notices 171
and The Regents of the University of California not be used in advertising or
publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific written



Scotty 2.8, incrTCL 3.0, [incr TCL] 3.2

Portions Copyright (c) 1987-1994 The Regents of the University of California.

Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.

This software is copyrighted by the Regents of the University of California, Sun

Microsystems, Inc., and other parties. The following terms apply to all files
associated with the software unless explicitly disclaimed in individual files.

The authors hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and license
this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that existing
copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this notice is included verbatim
in any distributions. No written agreement, license, or royalty fee is required for
any of the authorized uses. Modifications to this software may be copyrighted by
their authors and need not follow the licensing terms described here, provided that
the new terms are clearly indicated on the first page of each file where they apply.





RESTRICTED RIGHTS: Use, duplication or disclosure by the government is subject

to the restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical
Data and Computer Software Clause as DFARS 252.227-7013 and FAR 52.227-19.

Portions Copyright (c) 1993-1998 Lucent Technologies, Inc.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation
for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that the copyright notice and
warranty disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of

172 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide
Lucent Technologies any of their entities not be used in advertising or publicity
pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior

Lucent disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall Lucent be liable for any
special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting
from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or
other tortuous action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance
of this software.

UCD SNMP 4.2.5

Portions Copyright 1989, 1991, 1992 by Carnegie Mellon University. Derivative

Work - 1996, 1998-2000, Copyright 1996, 1998-2000 The Regents of the University of
California All Rights Reserved

Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation
for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this
permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of CMU
and The Regents of the University of California not be used in advertising or
publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific written



Portions Copyright: (c) 2001-2003, Networks Associates Technology, Inc, (c)

2001-2003, Cambridge Broadband Ltd, (c) 2003-2005, Sparta, Inc., (c) 2004, Cisco,
Inc and Information Network Center of Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications, (c) Fabasoft R&D Software GmbH & Co KG, 2003

All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer.

2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
materials provided with the distribution.

3. Neither the names of Networks Associates Technology, Inc, Cambridge

Broadband Ltd., Sparta, Inc., Cisco, Inc, Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications, Fabasoft R&D Software GmbH & Co KG or any of its

Notices 173
subsidiaries, brand or product names, nor the names of their contributors may be
used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
prior written permission.



JDOM 1.0

Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Jason Hunter & Brett McLaughlin. All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions, and the following disclaimer.

2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions, and the disclaimer that follows these conditions in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

3. The name "JDOM" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please
contact <request_AT_jdom_DOT_org>.

4. Products derived from this software may not be called "JDOM", nor may
"JDOM" appear in their name, without prior written permission from the JDOM
Project Management <request_AT_jdom_DOT_org>.

In addition, we request (but do not require) that you include in the end-user
documentation provided with the redistribution and/or in the software itself an
acknowledgement equivalent to the following:

"This product includes software developed by the JDOM Project

(" Alternatively, the acknowledgment may be graphical
using the logos available at



174 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide

This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals on

behalf of the JDOM Project and was originally created by Jason Hunter
<jhunter_AT_jdom_DOT_org> and Brett McLaughlin <brett_AT_jdom_DOT_org>.
For more information on the JDOM Project, please see <>.

Regex 1.1a

Copyright (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov. It is provided to the Smalltalk community
in hope it will be useful.

1. This license applies to the package as a whole, as well as to any component of it.
By performing any of the activities described below, you accept the terms of this

2. The software is provided free of charge, and ``as is'', in hope that it will be
useful, with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. The entire risk and all responsibility
for the use of the software is with you. Under no circumstances the author may be
held responsible for loss of data, loss of profit, or any other damage resulting
directly or indirectly from the use of the software, even if the damage is caused by
defects in the software.

3. You may use this software in any applications you build.

4. You may distribute this software provided that the software documentation and
copyright notices are included and intact.

5. You may create and distribute modified versions of the software, such as ports
to other Smalltalk dialects or derived work, provided that:

a. any modified version is expressly marked as such and is not misrepresented as

the original software;

b. credit is given to the original software in the source code and documentation of
the derived work;

c. the copyright notice at the top of this document accompanies copyright notices
of any modified version.

Notices 175
176 IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager: Pack Installation and Configuration Guide

Printed in USA

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