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Chapter 1


The research titled The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary

Shows as Perceived by Communication Students discusses about the
truthfulness of videography and the reality of GMA 7 documentary shows based
on the perceptions of communication students. This study aimed to raise the
awareness of everyone, especially the communication students in every
documentary show they are watching, particularly in GMA 7 News TV. This is
also because these documentaries focus on the social issues in our country.
These documentaries show the significance of our society today with the veracity
of GMA7’s documentary shows.

Background of the Study

Documentary began with Nanook of The North, a silent documentary film

created by Robert Flaherty in 1922. The documentary follows the lives of an Inuit,
Nanook, and his family as they travel, search for food, and trade in northern
Quebec, Canada. In fact the word ‘documentary’ was coined by John Grierson to
describe this film. He was a pioneering Scottish documentary maker, often
considered the father of British and Canadian documentary film. Nanook was the
first feature length factual film and the first to use what Grierson described.

Sub-genre springs an endless list of variations and styles unique to each and
every film. It’s up to the documentary filmmakers to craft their narrative (or non-
narrative) for their desired audience. There are various types of documentary
films like Poetic Documentaries, Observational Documentaries, Expository
Documentaries, Participatory Documentaries, Reflexive Documentaries, and
Performative Documentaries. (Aldrege, 2016)

Documentary shows are intended to document, primarily for the objectives of

instructions and maintaining a vague historical record. The only medium
The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

available in doing documentary is by film stock. Documentary began when the

first films are invented utilized camera that could hold a 50 sheet of film stock and
their films were short and edited clips capturing the life around them. This was
created by Lumiere brothers in 1895. In practice, actuality films preceded the
emergence of the documentary.

Today’s generation is more advanced in making documentaries. One of the

most substantial parts in doing documentary is videography. To highlight the
importance of documentary shows to the respondents of this research,
emphasizing the communication students relating to videography, because this
has a great part to their course. This is because the documentary shows expose
the reality behind the different aspects of life. Through this research, we can
show them the sincerity of videography in documentary shows.

Several communication students don’t have the enough knowledge about the
veracity of videography. This research wants to improve the respondents’
knowledge more about Philippine documentary shows that’s why this study
wants to point out the significance of videography, culturally.

The value of documentaries shown on televisions can never

underestimate. To mention a few in GMA 7 News TV are, Kara David’s iWitness,
Jiggy Manicad’s Motorcycle Diaries, and Maki Pulido’s Reporter’s Notebook.
These TV shows give a life informative to the viewers in every documentary
show they are airing, that is why the researchers conducted this study to find out
the truth behind these documentary shows. This is also to find out what is the
veracity of videography in order to finish a documentary show to be able to
witness the uniqueness and validity in a documentary show’s videography.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students


This includes legal basis, literature and studies that are relevant to this
research. It also supplements the thought that there was no study like this
present research. In order to extrapolate the veracity of videography in
documentary shows, here are the related literature and studies we have gathered
to develop a clear solution related to this topic.


The Researchers herein provide selected provisions of REPUBLIC ACT

NO. 9167, the title of which provides as follows: “AN ACT CREATING THE FILM
PURPOSES”. The substance within the scope and limitations of this law are
subject to great relevance as to the veracity of videography in documentary films.
The provisions under R.A No. 9167 that are relevant to this study are as follows:

“Section 2. Creation of the Film Development Council of the Philippines. To

carry out the provisions of this Act, there is hereby created a Film Development
Council of the Philippines, hereinafter referred to as the Council, under the Office
of the President. The Film Development Foundation of the Philippines, Inc.,
(FDFPI) and the Film Rating Board (FRB), created under Executive Order No.
811, are hereby abolished.”

Under this section, the vested power as to the implementation and

execution of the provisions of this law are hereby entitled to the councils
expressly created and organized in pursuant to the general subject matter of this
law, all of which are subservient and under the Office of the President or the
executive branch.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Section 3. Powers and Functions. - The Council shall have the following
powers and functions:

1. To establish and implement a Cinema Evaluation System in accordance

with the criteria set forth in this Act;

2. To develop and implement an incentive and reward system for the

producers based on merit to encourage the production of quality films;

3. To establish, organize, operate and maintain local and international film

festivals, exhibitions and similar activities;

4. To encourage and undertake activities that will promote the growth and
development of the local film industry and promote its participation in both
domestic and foreign markets;

5. To develop and promote programs to enhance the skills and expertise

of Filipino talents necessary for quality film production;

6. To prescribe the procedures for the exercise of its powers and functions
as well as the performance of its duties and responsibilities;

7. To determine the Council's organizational structure and staffing pattern

and appoint officers and employees of the Council in accordance with Civil
Service laws, rules and regulations;

8. To acquire, manage and hold such real and personal property as may
be necessary to carry out the purposes and objectives of this Act;

9. To invest funds and other assets in such activities or undertakings that

shall directly and indirectly promote development of the film industry,
including the production of films and other terms and conditions as it may
deem wise and desirable;

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

10. To ensure the establishment of a film archive in order to conserve and

protect film negatives and/or prints as part of the nation's historical,
cultural, and artistic heritage; and

11. To perform such other functions as may be necessary to carry out the
provisions of this Act.

In coherence with the previously cited article, this subsequent provision

specifies the particular jurisdiction and primary obligation of the appointed
officials. Care should be taken that all parts and provisions under this law be
given effect because the lawmakers does not intend to enact a law consisted of
conflicting and uncomplimentary provisions. Hence, all the functions of the
specified officers are all touched down to the limitations and procedures that are
also provided under this law.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students


Television Documentary

We all know that television is a very popular medium with wide array of
genres; television serves viewers a variant of entertainment and information.
With choices provided by watching different programs, viewers nowadays may
select or choose what TV programs they easily relate to. Television always
leaves a mark and influence people by just watching certain shows or television

A lot of people expect so much from television as a reliable source of

information. Television is the best media to noted that this makers television as
the best media to convey these kinds of messages of knowledge and facts. As
creators of the show they have to impart values to younger generation and create

Documentary television is a genre of television programming that

broadcast documentaries. A documentary television film is a documentary
film made especially for television stations or for specialty documentary
channels, or in case of political and historical documentary subjects in news
channels, without the intention of showing it in movie theatres. This film is include
in television movies and distinguished with theatrical feature films.

Defining Documentary Shows

Defining Documentary comes from the French word “documentaire”,

which means “travelogue”. Indeed, travelogues abound in the documentary
landscape and have left an indelible mark on straight documentaries where the
viewer is taken on a journey and lacking a good definition of its essence, it could

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

be an idea to look at the etymology and history of the term. The word
documentary has its root in the Latin word “docere” which meant to teach or
instruct, more often than not, is bounced about from one image to the next
without a cohesive theme or a solid premise to hold on to.

Documentary films are intended to document, primarily for the objectives

of instructions and maintaining a vague historical record. The only medium
available in doing documentary is by film stock. Documentary began when the
first films are invented utilized camera that could hold a 50 sheet of film stock and
their films were short and edited clips capturing the life around them. This was
created by Lumiere brothers in 1895. And were called ‘actualities’, actuality film is
a non-fiction genre that, like the documentary film, uses footage of real events,
places, and things, yet unlike the documentary is not structured into a larger
argument, picture of the phenomenon or coherent whole. In practice, actuality
films preceded the emergence of the documentary.

Documentary began with Nanook of The North, a silent documentary film

created by Robert Flaherty in 1992. The word ‘documentary’ was coined by John
Grierson to describe this film. He was pioneering Scottish documentary maker,
often considered the father of British and Canadian documentary film. Nanook
was the first feature length factual film and the first to use what Grierson
described. (Aldrege, 2016)

Documentary shows form serves as an indicator of the station’s dedication

to news as a barometer of economic, political and social dynamics. Every “real
story” has the same objective as the fictional ones-to satisfy an audience. Each
documentary show is made for an audience and every story presented in these
kinds of programs is chosen to serve that specific audience.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Late Night Documentaries

A study designed to acquire the perception of viewers towards the late-

night documentary programs. It includes documentary programs of GMA 7
iWitness and Jessica Soho Reports and ABS-CBN 2 The Correspondents and
Special Assignments which are aired between the timeslot 11pm-1am. The result
of the study will be a basis for suggestion to the two networks to make necessary
changes and adjustments in their programming order to meet the viewing needs
of the public and at the same time, fulfill their social responsibility. (College of
Masscommunication PLM, 2012)

This research study by the students from College of Mass Communication

in Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila is related, somehow, in our study
because its objective is to obtain perception of the viewer-respondents as
represented by 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year mass communication.

Analysis of Iwitness Documentaries 2008-2012

This study aims to know the content of each documentaries of iWitness

presented by different documentarians from the year 2008-2012. The objectives
of this study is to know the further theme, tone, treatment and social issues does
the program entails in five years. Majority of the documentaries of iWitness aired
for the last five years under the theme Social. Straightforward has been the most
numbered tone used in iWitness to present their documentaries. Most of the
documentaries fall under Neutral because iWitness featured documentary
program that showcase two sides and most of the documentaries of iWitness
fall on the issue of poverty. (Bonifacio, Brown, Gamposilao & Natividad 2012)

This research can help and contribute a lot in the study of the veracity of

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

videography in GMA 7 documentary shows. This study is conducted to the media

industry for them to take consideration of their strategy in presenting their
programs. It relates to the veracity of every GMA7 documentary shows because
it has a preview on the effects, implications and impact of their program to the
viewers. The study can also be a source of improvement of the standards set in
each category and challenge to come up with a content analysis research of all
the documentaries of iWitness since its first airing in 1999. This study relates to
the researcher’s research study because this documentary show is part of

Finnish History Documentaries as History Culture

A documentary research published as an article that tackles current

history and culture using three approaches - Finnish documentary films as part of
current history culture and ‘sense of history’. Through three examples of Finnish
documentary films, it examines the relationship between history documentaries
and academic history with reference to the modes of documentary filmmaking
and to history theories. In analysing the films, the ‘orientation’ of the films as well
as their ‘organization’ is of interest. The article is particularly interested in national
history representations and media memory. (Kortti, 2016)

It emphasizes the production context of the films. The article suggests that
in order to understand history documentaries as a part of history culture means
taking into consideration the particular history culture in question, the
documentary tradition of a country, and, first of all, the production context of a

Studies in Documentary Film

Studies in documentary film are the first refereed scholarly journal devoted
to the history, theory, criticism and practice of documentary film. In recent years
we have witnessed an increased visibility for documentary film though

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

conferences, the success of general theatrical release of documentary films and

re-emergence of scholarship in documentary film studies. This journal will
provide a home for the considered approach to international documentary film
history, theory, criticism and practice serving a vibrant and growing international
community of documentary film scholars. A study in documentary film is
committed to serving this community through the publication of articles from
interdisciplinary, international and cross-cultural perspectives. It invites articles,
interviews, reviews, and reports covering a range topics and styles pertinent to
documentary film. the journal has engaged a high profile international Editorial
Board to oversee a contributions and journal directions. The journal invites
contributions, in English, from researchers throughout the world seeking to
broaden the field of documentary film scholarship. (Druick, 2015)

Documentary films or shows contribute a lot to our society today. It helps

us to be aware with our surroundings. It informs us because making
documentaries is one effective way to inform and update us on what’s new and
what’s happening around us. This study shows us the success of every
documentary shows because as they have said in this research study,
documentary film is committed to serve this community

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students



Qualities of Documentary Shows

The documentary shows that most respect don't come to closure and don't
produce audiences of compassionate spectators of the dilemmas of others. They
don't produce identification with heroics or sympathy for victims, both of which
are dominant strains in the American documentary tradition. The welfare mother,
the native American, and the family with the Down’s syndrome child - these are
the typical subjects of films that produce caring audiences, audiences who feel
they're somehow part of the solution, because they have watched and cared. The
filmmakers admire, who might approach those same subjects, would be doing so
in order to deconstruct the subject, to take apart that exact relationship with the
audience. They would have a much more complex set of intentions and would
resist closure. (Godmillow, 2012)

Documentary films portray events and situations that involve real people.
These people share their real life stories and experiences in order to convey
plausible proposals or perspectives on the situations, lives and events that have
been portrayed. The distinct perception of the filmmakers shapes these stories in
a way of directly seeing the historical world and not on a fictional allegory.

Veracity of Documentary Shows

The surveillance camera indicates that recording reality is too vague and
criterion, and not just because reality sooner or later becomes a very difficult
concept to narrow down just think about reality-TV programs in which almost
everything is a construction. This is among other things revealed through the
camerawork, i.e. all the intentional changes such as camera moves, cuts,
composition, all sorts of adjustments that come from human intervention, and
through the post-production process of organizing various sound tracks and

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

visual tracks into a whole that was not there before. Time may be condensed and
the chronology changed, music, subtitles, or voice-over added, shots may be
interlaced or interrupted by wipes, etc. As a rule of thumb, a film is hardly a film
without camera work, cuts or editing, and it is neither a fiction film nor a
documentary if it is nothing more than a re-presentation of what happened to be
in front of a lens and a microphone.

A film is not a mere representation, but a willed presentation of something

made by someone in a specific way and for someone. Representation of reality is
utterly mistaken as a definition of documentary, because the idea of film as
mirroring is a false one and a very misleading ideal. Also the term, reality is
confusing: it may have the straightforward positive connotations of facing reality
and seeing things as they really are, but often enough it is interpreted by
students in theoretical discussions as just filming normally in an objective way
without being creative or manipulative.

Just the facts, but trying to make a correspondence with actual facts and
objective and neutral reproduction the core characteristics of documentary is
naive in the sense that it has the same weaknesses as philosophical positivism.
To believe that reality is made up first by objective facts and secondly by
subjective or personal sentiment is to make you blind and deaf to the prevailing
power structures and ideologies of this world. Let us stick to the facts and not be
subjective and emotional that is the anxious mantra of those not wanting or
daring to work for any change or a proper overview and perspective on things.

Truth and Creativity

This however does not mean that it is all right to disregard facts or to tell
a lie in a non-fiction film. But it must be noted that the truth of a film can be
understood in other ways. A lot of facts or statements about facts that can be
verified may be present even in a fiction film. The whole story may be pure
fantasy, the characters fictitious and the behavior of the actors may consist of

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

incredible stunts but still the film may be striving for truth in another sense of the
word, true emotions and perhaps even to illustrate some more general truths
about human life. (Juel, 2010)

Documentaries are non-fiction films. This focus on actualities should not

be confused with a focus on facts and information. Directors and writers help
structure the film, rather than creating characters or taking liberties with the facts
of the story. Documentaries can take on social, political and economic issues, or
profile a person, place or thing. No matter how you may want to look at it, you
have got to understand that the documentary is a powerful tool for storytelling.
And it is up to you to offer your audience depth insight and meaning which
would uplift them and, perhaps, even inspire them to better their lives and the
world they live in.

The Right Way for Documentaries to tell Real Stories with Fake Footage

Every once in a while, a documentarian stumbles on a dream project: an

unpredictable and gripping story unfolding in the present, in front of the lens.
These films are a thrill to watch, as the sense of discovery that must have
washed over the filmmaker at every unexpected turn is condensed and
heightened for the viewer.

The knock against staging documentary footage is that it's manipulative

and lessens the impact of the truth in a documentary's primary sources. That's an
awfully naive notion, though. One need only watch Orson Welles's final
masterpiece, F for Fake, a slyly provocative documentary essay about the nature
of truth in art, to be reminded that film is inherently a manipulation. There is no
truth beyond what the filmmakers decide to create in the editing suite, and given
that "real" footage is just as easily distorted by a good editor as "fake" scenes,
saying that the latter doesn't belong in a documentary is an arbitrary call at best.
(Buckwalter, 2012)

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

A Documentary is the creative treatment of actuality. Actuality this case is

footage of real events, places, people and things. That’s it. There is no creative
treatment of the footage; no creative editing, no creative use of sound, no
creative use of the camera, no staging and no directions just a simple raw
recording of reality, if that is possible.

The Rhetoric of Evidence in Recent Documentary Film and Video

This study tells that a documentary is a genre of film that portrays real
events using depictions that connote the objectivity and facticity implied by the
processes of photorealism. Many contemporary documentary theorists and critics
observe a constitutive problem in this ethos: despite the apparent constructions
and agendas of documentary filmmaking, the framing and assumption of
documentary as a window on the world tend to naturalize its own constructions
as real. Critics who engage documentary trace the multitude of ways this
problem plays out in particular films. These projects yield many important
insights, but they most often approach documentary as a form of inherently
deficient representation fraught with ethical questions created by the frame and
ethos of objectivity it fails to achieve.

In this study he sought to show that a rhetorical approach to documentary

shifts the critical focus to instead examine how documentary constructions and
images work as evidence in the claims and rhetorical agendas of documentary.
These study recent film texts (2000-2012) that explicitly and primarily structure
their documentary materials as evidence for the truth of an argument or
interpretation, and argue that documentaries, when they work as documentary,
establish and verify their depictions as evidence by drawing on the elements of
their scene. In the films, study documentary "scene" interacts at key moments
and particular ways to locate the events of films in the "real world," not just as
evidence that something is real, but also as meaningful for particular arguments
and rhetorical moves. (Schoen, 2012)

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

This study reveals the often extremely subtle ways that documentaries
wield the influence of truth and also offers filmmakers an understanding of how
evidence might be deployed more deliberately to present a social world that is
open for transformation. The researchers understand that the dramatism of
documentary helps to characterize what they call a "rhetoric of evidence" that
may be particular to documentary expression.

The Spectacle of Documentary and Reality

The documentary film nevertheless continues to involve more

disreputable features of cinema usually associated with the entertainment film,
namely the pleasures and fascination of film as spectacle. Thus at the same time
that photography and cinematography opened up new vistas for visionary
pleasures, they also posed the dilemma of vision for spectacle or for knowledge,
a division between a subjective and experiential engagement with the seen and
an objective and intellectual appraisal.

In recording actuality the documentary film seems to address two distinct

and apparently contradictory desires. On the one hand, there is a desire for
reality held and reviewable for analysis as a world of materiality available to
scientific and rational knowledge, a world of evidence confirmed through
observation and logical interpretation. It is a desire for a symbolic or social reality
ordered and produced as signification. The camera-eye functions here as a
mastering all-seeing view, as well as a prosthesis, an aid and supplement to
vision whereby we are shown a reality which our own human perceptual
apparatus cannot perceive. On the other hand, there is a desire for the real
imaged in film, a real not as knowledge but as spectacle mastered by the
camera-eye which brings to our view the extraordinary, the hidden, the never-
before seen. The desire for a reality held and reviewable had been articulated
within science as well as the arts well before cinematography. The impetus which
led him to develop a method of chemically recording the image of the world

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

provided in the camera obscura, rather than reproducing it by a painted scene,

centered on a desire to produce a realistic view of reality which would reproduce
the spectacle and sensation of views in the real world, as his earlier dioramas
had done. (Cowie, E., 2014)

This research supports our study to shows the attraction and attention of
every documentary show because of its bizarre. There is an attraction in seeing
ourselves which sustains our belief over and above any knowledge of the falsity
of our sights to put it in its properly confusing way, seeing is more real than
knowing. What arises here as well is, it suggest, the desire for the evidence of
our own eyes. In the following, researchers want to explore some aspects of this
desire for seeing and consider its role for contemporary documentary and reality

How Real is Documentary?

The basic epistemological conundrum of cinema has been there from

the start. What has changed, though, is how cinema makes its inherent
contradictions apparent. Reality in movies used to resemble the medium
commonly taken as the most reliable sign of truth: the newspaper photograph.
Reality was black and white. Reality was grainy. Reality was the awkward
opacity of the nonprofessional actor rather than the expressive polish of the pro.
Reality, once the equipment became available, was shoulder-mounted or
handheld cameras and portable sound-recording units. (Scott. A.O, 2010)

Documentary is not concerned with the objective reality of a given

situation or people and instead, it aims at grasping an inner truth. It does not use
continuity editing and sacrifices sense of time and location. It explores
association and rhythm, and does not concentrate on specific/main ‘social
actors’. Its codes emphasize visual associations, tonal or rhythmic qualities. Its
formal organization favors mood, tone and texture. By presenting a set of images

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

with a specific soundtrack the filmmakers attempt to reveal a hidden truth about
the presented media.

Do Documentaries Have to Tell the Truth?

The documentary raises important questions that shouldn’t be put to rest

just because the film has been. The episode invites us to consider how directors
can and should choose to represent a point of view, and challenges us to re-
evaluate preconceptions (and misconceptions) about what the word
“documentary” means as a form of nonfiction storytelling. This story has
presumably captured public attention not only because it involved a famous film
festival flip-flopping, but because it speaks to ethical dilemmas that aren’t so
easy to unpack.

Filmmakers and ethicists generally agree that filmmakers have an

obligation to present information that, if not objectively true, is at least honest in
intent. But this, too, is a complicated notion. “The responsibility that the filmmaker
has is to be truthful to their vision of the world and not to intentionally
misrepresent,” said Justin Schein, director and co-founder of Shadowbox Films.
But intent is the operative word here, because, even if somebody’s film misleads
people, it’s not clear that means to mislead. (Hastings, 2016)

The use of re-enactment in documentary is as old as the form itself, yet it

remains persistently controversial, and there is nothing else that better illustrates
the ontological knottiness of our relationship with the media. To label a film a
"documentary" is in one sense to burden it with the responsibility of veracity. The
documentarian's challenge is thus not only one of communicating actuality
through images and sound, but of anticipating an audience that will assume
authenticity, unless told otherwise. This speaks to a common issue in
documentary production namely, that what occurs when the cameras are rolling,
and then what comprises usable footage, does not necessarily align with a
subject's essence. "It's like a source in a newspaper that isn't named, or the

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

classic news doc trope where you shoot someone in front of a light and their face
goes into shadow, and you then metallically alter their voice. In both cases,
there's no guarantee that the person is telling you the truth. There's only the trust
you have in the journalist or the filmmaker.

In some respects, this trust extends beyond the individual filmmaker to

include prevalent conventions that have become synonymous with documentary
itself. "There's always going to be a gap between reality and representation, and
it's useful to be reminded of that," says Barnard. "There's also the idea that,
within documentary, there are always subjects and those subjects are always
performing. Anybody who's interviewed will present him or herself in a particular
way, the layers of performance are quite complex.” (Lanthier, J.J., 2016)

Documentary Films and the Problem of Truth

As traditionally discussed in relation to documentary films, the problem of

truth is closely associated with the problem of objectivity: how can a film most
closely show events as they “actually” occurred. This latter problem, I believe, is
a false one. In any medium in which selection or manipulation is done, strict
objectivity is not possible. Yet, in motions pictures, whether in fact a scene or
even a shot gives a feeling of the emotions of an event or action, there is a scene
of “authenticity” that is frequently confused with objectivity. Since objectivity – by
the very nature of the medium – is impossible to achieve in cinema, authenticity
may be desirable as a critical criterion for films that purport to show “truth”
Authenticity is achieved by the two qualities of (1) legitimacy, and (2)
significance. Legitimacy shows by means of cinematography that events or
actions actually happened. The problem of truth in documentary films, perhaps
best rests in the following questions; is there a direct, undeniable, critical
relationship between image/ sound constructs projected and the visual-audio
shape of the events photographed and recorded? Any investigation of this
question requires ethical as well as aesthetic considerations. In trying to answer

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

this question, we would identify those critical criteria that apply to the
documentary film. (Blumenberg, R.M., 2016)

These criteria are not only those that describe the techniques and
structures of filmmaking, they also become the bases for ethical judgments the
observer/critic is required to make. The experience of satisfaction, partly
aesthetic, partly conceptual, partly more personally psychological, which seems
from the conviction that one can rationally defend his life and justify it as a
coherent structure.

Why Documentary Films Are So Important?

The quality of the documentaries available in much of Europe is relatively

high. In France, investigative documentaries have a high rate of success and
have not fallen into a kind of reality-tv format to trick viewers into watching. Docs
focusing on serious subjects which affect all of our lives, attracting a large
audience for subjects ranging from the disappearance of honeybees to the
effects of Monsanto’s forceful presence and poison in our drinking water. As
journalism has been hard hit, especially in the US, with many hundreds and
thousands of salaried professionals losing their jobs, documentaries are filling a
vacant space and supplying much needed information which not only keeps us
informed but even allows us to organize and take action. (Norris, 2011)

The importance of documentary films

According to Schimansky (2012), filmmaking is a powerful medium and it’s

important that documentary filmmakers continue to use it to talk about social
issues, push their agendas, and more. As long as they entertain and inform us
they’re doing a service, even if you happen to disagree with what the
documentarian is saying. What’s important is that he or she is saying it and
hopefully saying it well so that anyone can understand and get behind the point
of the film.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Documentary film is one of the most important mediums for change available.
The makers of television are too concerned with profit to be able to do anything
of that nature and Hollywood films are all about the money over the art.
Documentary films can be made cheaply so there’s less concern about turning a
huge profit, thus the ability to address important issues.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students



How Documentary Films Benefit the World

Viewing documentaries together on television at home, gives a family to

voice out their opinions, not only strengthening family bonds but also giving a
platform to learn about everyone’s views in the families. Documentaries can also
teach good common sense and great values to children through the reality
lesson it conveys. It gives a chance to every interested party to broach a
discussion to test the waters to see how each one reacts.

Documentaries also encourage critical thinking about the world, and

seeing facts, can eliminate many myths and superstitions about issues. Watching
documentaries about a certain country or region in the world can educate those
people who cannot afford travel. They can still learn and enjoy the many benefits
of travelling, by watching documentaries.

Documentaries can also open up history in a very interesting manner.

Whereas most of us frown to study history, when the same facts are presented in
the form of motion picture, we get interested and we learn quickly and more
effectively. History can also include the history of art, music or motion picture or
various abstract things.

Documentaries can educate and inspire people into taking certain steps
which would not have been possible otherwise. Lives are changed when people
watch brave deeds or selfless serving of humanity and then decide to emulate
the examples shown in the documentary. Many people get a new direction in life
when they are positively influenced by these films. (Dunlop, 2015)

A visually recorded fact is invincible evidence and therefore has a greater

power to move minds more than the written or the spoken word. This is where

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

the society benefits from watching documentary shows. It helps them to be more
aware with our surroundings.

Does Watching A Documentary Have Similar Benefits As Reading A Book?

A video documentary generally gives a quick introduction about the

subject. Coupled with multi-sensory outputs, it’s quite fun to watch while a book
often take a deep probe into a given subject (Lee, 2015). This means that
reading books gives a better understanding of it, but watching documentary
shows gives a broad brush of the given subject.

According to Marjolin (2016), “no two persons ever read the same book.”
It’s about what is more beneficial for you. It’s better to learn something by
watching documentary, because people learn differently and most of them were
visual or auditory learner. It is easier to watch a documentary and simply learn
from it.

Character Engagement

One of the main sources of emotion in the spectator, they argue that in a
nonfiction context, it is the filmmaker, who first engages with her subject, with
whom she maintains long-standing everyday relations. Thus, their paper aims to
explore how the filmmaker engages with real people in the process of filmmaking
and how it is reflected on the screen. To this end, they consider the notion of the
‘structure of sympathy’ posited by Murray Smith in his book Engaging
Characters (1995, reprinted in 2004), which encompasses three concepts:
recognition, alignment and allegiance. They also take into account Smith’s
updating of this structure in ‘Engaging Characters: Further Reflections’ (2010). In
particular, they attempt to apply Smith’s theoretical paradigm to a case study of a
contemporary documentary: the film En construcción (Work in Progress, 2001),
directed by Spanish director José Luis Guerin. (Canet & Perez, 2015)

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

In short, the main goal of their essay is to extend Smith’s approach,

initially intended to explain the relationship between a fictional character and a
spectator, to a non-fiction context, with the purpose of defining the relationship
between the filmmaker and the subject.

This research relates with our study to know what are the process and
how the filmmakers of documentary shows engages with the reality, as they
produce a documentary that shows the reality in our surroundings and how it
reflected to the audience when they are watching.

A Pilot Study on Integrating Videography and Environmental Microbial

Sampling to Model Fecal Bacteria Exposures in Peri-Urban Tanzania

A research studies about Diarrheal diseases are a leading cause of under-

five mortality and morbidity in sub-Saharan Africa. Quantitative exposure
modeling provides opportunities to investigate the relative importance of fecal-
oral transmission routes (e.g. hands, water, food) responsible for diarrheal
disease. Modeling, however, requires accurate descriptions of individuals’
interactions with the environment (i.e., activity data). Such activity data are
largely lacking for people in low-income settings. In the present study, we
collected activity data and microbiological sampling data to develop a quantitative
microbial exposure model for two female caretakers in peri-urban Tanzania.
Activity data were combined with microbiological data of contacted surfaces and
fomites (e.g. broom handle, soil, clothing) to develop example exposure profiles
describing second-by-second estimates of fecal indicator bacteria (E. coli and
enterococci) concentrations on the caretaker’s hands. The study demonstrates
the application and utility of video activity data to quantify exposure factors for
people in low-income countries and apply these factors to understand fecal
contamination exposure pathways. This study provides both a methodological
approach for the design and implementation of larger studies, and preliminary
data suggesting contacts with dirt and sand may be important mechanisms of
hand contamination. Increasing the scale of activity data collection and modeling

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

to investigate individual-level exposure profiles within target populations for

specific exposure scenarios would provide opportunities to identify the relative
importance of fecal-oral disease transmission routes. (Julian & Pickering, 2015)

In terms of videography, in this study the researchers used video cameras

like GoPro Digital Hero 5 and Woodman Labs. Today’s technology is more
advance because of the different tools and gadgets invented. This would help a
lot in our generation because today’s generation is more updated and always
relay on the internet and technology.

Being advance with the gadgets or using high technologies in making

documentaries would help a lot of people. This is because airing these
documentaries that tackles about the problems and issues with our society would
raise awareness regarding the social issues around us as it shows the reality by
using these high technologies in videography.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Analyzing Written Documents for the

Purposes of Research

One of the key advantages in conducting documentary research is that

you can get access to information that would be difficult to get in any other way,
such as people or cases who might not be willing to talk in a formal research
interview or might be difficult to track down. By using documents you eliminate
the effect that you, as an individual, have on a person or situation when you
conduct research ('the researcher effect'). The effect you have on a situation or
subject may be partly due to the knowledge that you are there as a researcher.
People will also be affected by how you conduct yourself and how they perceive
you. Issues of sex, age, race and other characteristics are likely to have an
impact on what people tell you or do when they know they are being researched.

Documents are often particularly useful for tracking change over time; that
is, doing longitudinal research. Longitudinal research may be done either

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

prospectively (forward) or retrospectively (back over time). Documents often

make possible the collection of data over a longer period of time as well as larger
samples than might be collected from questionnaires or interviews. Some
documents may contain spontaneous data, such as feelings, and refer to actions
that are recorded in a specific context, not with a view to answering a particular
research question. Confessional documents may give us an insight into how
people see things or how they want to present things. Either way, they provide a
very particular account of reality whatever the confessor's motivation behind their
account. (University of Portsmouth, 2012)

Further advantages with this study, using documents in research include

the facts that such research is relatively low cost, particularly when the
documents are easily accessible. It varies a great deal in quality, and perceived
importance of recording certain information. In making documentary shows, we
must know how to gather the relevant information about the topic you are going
to cover. It is important to record certain information and have to be extremely

Documentary Shows Benefits of Conservation for Humans

According to Byrne (2015), one important point of bringing nature back

into our consciousness is the idea that people and nature should be reconnected
by changing our attitudes towards wilderness; we should no longer think of
nature and people as separate.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students




Videography is an attempt to discover the conditions which it is possible to

speak, write and teach about the electronic media. It provides a materialist
account of video and computer media as they are practiced and used today.
(Cubitt, 2014)

Videography is defined as a process in which live movement is captured

on electronic media; videography has evolved immensely since the advent of
video production. Now used for multiple functions such as television programmes
and commercials, corporate video production and event video production to
name a few, it’s amazing to glance back at these important mile stones and see
how history has been changed.

Thomas Edison’s invention of the Kinetoscope in 1891 marked the dawn

of photographic production and the first building block of videography. A few
years later, the Kinetograph allowed still photographs to be positioned in rapid
sequence to produce the first video productions and by the 1920s these were
being shown to the public in picture houses worldwide. In the decades that
followed this new novelty, video productions had sound and were then shot on
Super 8 film so the images looked larger on screen. It wasn’t until the invention of
the Internet that video production really traversed the realms of tirelessly fusing
together film footage for viewing towards digital videography. Footage could now
be stored and shown via the internet, making it more efficient and have a longer
shelf life. Videography started to evolve away from the cinema and was now
used for a whole variety of uses like it is today. (Tomlinson, 2015)

In the present year, people no longer need to be a professional

videographer to capture great shots. Phones and digital cameras have again

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

revolutionised video production and there is no doubt that technological

advancements will play a big part in the next chapter of videography history.

Eight Elements of Videography

According to Frechette (2012), video stories, whether features, spot news or

documentaries, tend to rely on the same set of elements to inform and engage
viewers. These building blocks separate video from other storytelling formats, and the
more you're aware of them, the more efficiently you can create videos that have an

There are eight elements that can help journalists to be better video
storytellers. By these elements you can determine a story’s video potential, plan a
video story from overall structure to specific shot selections and evaluate the
effectiveness of the video stories or the documentary shows airing in GMA 7. These
elements are;

Emotion. Emotion is a powerful storytelling tool. It gives audiences a

reason to care and a way to connect to a story, sometimes in a very personal
way. And emotion gives storytellers a larger palette, making it possible to show
not just concrete facts but the abstract reality of the human experience.

Visual appeal. Naturally, video stories need visual appeal. And, let's face
it: Some places, people and things are inherently more visually interesting. So,
focusing on these high-impact elements makes good sense.

Action & movement. Processes, sequences and motions are made for
video. Whether it's someone using, operating, creating or destroying something,
video can reveal exactly what the process looks like and precisely how it works.

Audio. It’s easy to overlook sound, but it matters as much as -- if not

more than -- images in a video story. That’s because audio conveys so much
meaning. Interview soundbites tell us what the people in our stories are thinking

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

and feeling. Ambient, or location, sound creates a sense of place. Natural sound
punctuates actions and important moments. And narration ties everything

Events & moments. Video offers an unrivaled way to document unique

moments in time, and video storytellers are always looking for ways to capture
the things that only happen once.

Characters. The most interesting stories involve people. The most

interesting video stories show people in conflict with each other, themselves or
some force in their worlds. For eons, storytellers have used characters to
advance plot lines, provide a point of view and gives audiences someone to
cheer or jeer. Through interviews and live shots, video stories can achieve these
same ends.

Newsworthiness. Journalistic video stories need to show something new,

noteworthy, unusual or timely. The same factors that make something news in
any other formats play out in video, too. Amid the dazzle of high definition
resolutions, omnidirectional stereo sound and post-production color correction,
it's important to keep sight of the newsworthiness of our journalistic videos.

Settings & locations. We can quickly establish a sense of place with

video. Wide shots -- the sweeping views that establish a scene -- can tell us
where a story takes place and convey the size and purpose of a location.
Medium shots and closeups can reveal detail and texture, providing a sense of a
location’s age, condition, energy and character.

What is a True Documentary?

The documentary as a form has been evolving, as technology and TV

programming have developed. In the first decade of the twenty-first century, we
are seeing quite a leap in its transformation. The availability of lower-cost digital

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

video technology has practically given anyone with a story to tell the opportunity
to do so.

According to the book of Making Documentaries in the Philippines by

Kenny (2010), an important characteristic is its independence of spirit. Its primary
concern is to explore humanity through a particular prism-usually, the
documentary maker’s and, hopefully, as we have never seen it before.

The Downside of Measuring the Social Impact of Documentary Films

According to Fields (2014), True/False is a well-regarded documentary

film festival, particularly among filmmakers who often talk about how well the
festival organizers treat them and the obvious regard the organizers have for the
art of storytelling. The goal of the survey was to understand how these
filmmakers felt about their films’ potential contribution to social change, any
intentions they had to capitalize on that potential, as well as their views regarding
measuring the social impact the films could have. While True/False is not
specifically a social change documentary film festival, of those who responded to
the survey, 72 percent believed that the film they screened at the 2014 Fest
could contribute to social change.

This literature relates with our study because one of the goals of our
research is to know impact of every documentary shows in our society. Having a
survey on how each documentary show contributes to social change is a big help
especially in the industry of media production and those who produces different
kinds of documentary shows. This is for them to produce more films that tackle
about the social issue in our society, in return, these films will help promote and
gives awareness to the people on what is happening around us.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Center for Media and Social Impact

The resources available to assess the social impact of issues-focused

documentaries have increased during the digital era. And yet, making the
decision about which research methods (and tools) to use to examine the
social impact of storytelling may be a challenge within the ecosystem of
creators and strategists working in the pursuit of storytelling for social
change. At the same time, research methods from social science – in the
fields of communication/media studies, social psychology, political science
and sociology – have been tested in decades of published studies. This white
paper provides a breakdown of social science and market research methods
to clearly explain the benefits and limitations of using each one to understand
issue-focused documentaries in particular. Examining a group of branded
media-impact tools now available, dissecting their underlying research
approaches and the ways in which they work optimally to help tell a story
about the social impact of storytelling. (Clark, Aufderheide & Schneider,

This report provides a mapping of research methods in service of a

particular position. This relates with our study because it also tackles about
the social impact of documentary shows and what are the research methods
or tools used to examine the social impact of storytelling for social change.

Reel to Real: Can Documentaries Change the World?

According to Jones (2011), movie people are forever telling the rest of us
that movies can change the world – but they would say that, wouldn't they? It
justifies the outrageous salaries, the decadent lifestyles and the grandiose
awards acceptance speeches. Yet for every agenda-changing film of the kind the
award recognizes, there are a hundred smaller documentaries on equally worthy
issues that barely register with audiences – let alone leave a lasting impression
on society. In recent years, campaigning documentaries have done a lot to rid

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

themselves of the reputation for dingy worthiness. "To honour the documentary
film creating the most significant impact in the world." As the
documentarist Morgan Spurlock, a juror for the award, says: "There's real power
in a documentary, and there's real power in movies to begin with. Movies
transcend culture; they transcend countries, and to be able to have something
that can create global awareness is necessary today."

All these studies and literature about documentary shows is an ability to

raise awareness among the society and in some cases that is enough. It helps in
different ways on how we should live in our society with enough awareness in our
surrounding. These documentary shows can also help us not only by being
aware with our social issues but by giving us knowledge about the rare disease
that some of us may encounter.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Relevance of the Literature/Studies Reviewed to the Present Study

The literature and studies presented the history and origin of documentary
shows that serves as the researchers’ platform in conducting the present study.
The contents of the literature and studies also showed how documentary shows
are created based on facts and reality, presented in a believable manner that
encourages viewers to patronize the documentary shows. Therefore, the related
literature and studies presented greatly support the current research in finding
the veracity of videography in GMA 7 documentary shows.

Documentary shows play important role in the life of the viewers. They are
beneficial as well to the people patronizing the shows as stated by Dunlop (2015)
in his article How Documentary Films Benefit the World. According to him,
documentaries encourage critical thinking about the present world and seeing
facts can eliminate many myths and superstitions about issues. It can also
educate and inspire people into taking certain steps which will not have been
possible otherwise. Moreover, other benefits stated in the article were
documentaries can open up history in a very interesting manner and can also
teach good common sense and great values to children through the reality
lesson it conveys. Thus, documentary shows are truly beneficial to the audience.

Another aspect to recognize the veracity of a documentary show is

through the elements that revolve around it. Those elements were stated in the
article made by Frechette (2012) entitled the Eight Elements of Videography.
These elements are Emotion, Visual Appeal, Action and Movement, Audio,
Events and Moments, Characters, Newsworthiness, Settings and Locations.
These elements of videography serve as the basis of the viewers in identifying
the truthfulness of the documentary being shown. Furthermore, these elements
as well guided the researchers to conduct the current study on the Veracity of
Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows as Perceived by Communication

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Theoretical Framework

The Cultivation Theory developed by George Gerbner and Larry Gross,

suggest that the television is responsible for shaping conceptions of reality
(Laughey, 2007). It states that television can create and maintain a very basic
set of beliefs about the world and that these influences are cumulative and long
lived-ones. The combine effect of massive television exposure by viewers over
time subtly shapes the perception of social reality for individuals and, ultimately,
for our culture as a whole. People who watch a lot of television are likely to be
more influenced by the ways in which the world is framed by television programs
than are individuals who watch less, especially regarding topics of which the
viewer has a little first-hand experience.

Model of Cultivation Theory

Figure 1

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Conceptual Framework

Figure 2

Reality of GMA 7
Documentary Shows

Elements of

Audience or
Communication Students
(age, gender, year level)


This conceptual framework is based on the reality of GMA 7 Documentary

Shows such as iWitness, Reporter’s Notebook, Investigative Documentaries, and
others. These documentary shows are anchored on the elements of videography
such as emotion, visual appeal, action & movement, audio, events & moments,
characters, newsworthiness, and settings & location (Frechette, 2012), which the
viewers used as basis in identifying the truthfulness of the documentary shows
they are watching. The respondents which are composed of communication
students of different age, gender, and year levels will decide on the veracity of
videography in documentary shows and how they would benefit from watching
them. Such benefits may include improvement of one’s critical thinking, teache
good common sense and great value, and help in understanding the present
world. (Dunlop, 2015)

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to find out the Veracity of Videography in GMA 7

Documentary Shows as Perceived by Communication Students. Specifically, this
research sought to answer the following questions:

1. What GMA 7 documentary shows do the respondents frequently watch?

2. What factors help determine the veracity of GMA 7 documentary shows as
perceived by communication students?
3. What benefits do the respondents obtain from watching GMA 7
documentary shows?
4. What elements of Videography have impact on the veracity of GMA 7
documentary shows as perceived by the respondents?
5. What is the extent of impact of the elements of videography on the
veracity of GMA 7 documentary shows as perceived by the respondents?
6. Is there a significant difference between the elements of videography that
have impact on the veracity of GMA 7 documentary shows as perceived
by the respondents and the benefits the respondents obtain from watching
GMA 7 documentary shows when they are grouped based on their:

a. age;

b. sex; and

c. year level?

HYPOTHESIS: There is no significant difference between the elements of

videography that have impact on the veracity of GMA 7 documentary shows as
perceived by the respondents and the benefits obtained by the respondents from
watching when they are grouped according to their profile.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Significance of the Study

This research would be beneficial to the following:

Students: This study would help them to gather information relevant to

their course, which is Communication.

Teachers: This study would help them to encourage their students to

make documentaries which are informative and relevant to the society.

Administrators: This study would help them to support the endeavours

and research projects which will give the students first-hand information and
tools to support theoretical learning in school.

Parents: This study would help them to be aware of videography,

especially those parents whose children are studying communication.

Producers: This study would help them to have ample knowledge to

support the whole production, because videography is one of the main part of
their work.

Directors: This study would them to learn more about videography that
will help their creative minds to do impressive ideas.

Endorsers: This study would help them to know the accuracy of

videography in terms of endorsing different products which will, in turn, help
them do an effective endorsement.

Artist: This study would help them to have knowledge on videography.

As an artist it is vital to know the different ways on how videography works.

Fellow More Researchers: This study would help them to make further
studies not covered in this research.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Scope and Limitation

This study involved communication students on year levels 2nd, 3rd and
4th at New Era University as participants. The study is mostly conducted at
The Barn Studio, Communication Building and ERA1 also known as COC1.

The parameters and limitations of the study evolved within the issue on
how veracious the videography in GMA 7’s Documentary shows is, more
specifically, the research is within the corners and boundaries of the reality of
the videography of documentary shows and the step-by-step process of
creating documentary shows that has for its content great relevance and
germane to issues of the society and of the pertinent to the viewers.

This research also dealt with the effects of documentary films on certain
audiences uncustomarily to mass communication students involved as
participants in this study. Observation, interview, and questionnaire are the
instruments used to gather data for this paper.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Definition of Terms

The following terms used relevant to this research are defined to give
readers an easier means to understand the contents:

Complexity – a part of something that is complicated or hard to


Documentary film– a nonfictional motion picture intended

to document some aspect of reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction or
maintaining a historical record.

Expository Documentaries - are probably closest to what most people

consider “documentaries.” A sharp contrast to poetic, expository documentaries.

Communication students – randomly selected 2nd year- 4th year

students at New Era University.

Observational Documentaries - they aim to simply observe the world

around them. The style attempts to give voice to all sides of an issue by giving
audiences first hand access to some of the subject’s most important (and often
private) moments.

Participatory Documentaries - having elements of Observational and

Expository, include the filmmaker within the narrative. This could be as minor as
the filmmaker’s voice being heard behind the camera, prodding subjects with
questions or cues — all the way to the filmmaker directly influencing the major
actions of the narrative.

Performative Documentaries – are an experimental combination of

styles used to stress subject experience and share an emotional response to the

Real Life Situations - educative experience

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Reflexive Documentaries - they make no attempts to explore an outside

subject. Rather, they focus solely on themselves and the act of them making the
Social Problem – also known as ‘social issue’, a problem that influences
a considerable number of individuals within a society.

Unique – not typical or unusual

Values – good traits

Veracity – the quality of being truthful or honest.

Videography – refers to the process of capturing

moving images on electronic media (videotape, direct to disk recording, or solid
state storage) and even streaming media.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Chapter 2


This chapter is composed of all the methods and approaches that the
researchers employed to conduct the study. In this chapter, it includes the
research design, sources of data, data gathering procedures, instrument used
and the appropriate statistical treatment employed by the researchers.

Research Design

The researchers used descriptive research design in this study. It clarified,

analyzed and determined the instruments used in this research study. It finds out
the real life phenomena using surveys and interviews.

Descriptive research is a study designed to depict the participants in an

accurate way. More simply put, descriptive research is all about describing
people who take part in the study (Kowalczyk, 2015). The researchers used
descriptive research to know the veracity of videography in documentary shows
by the perceptions of communication students.

Descriptive Research Design attempts to describe existing conditions by

using research instruments to obtain information concerning the current status of
phenomena. (Alceso, 2011) It also helps to provide answers to questions who,
what, when, where, and how.

This method suits the research since the study is designed to identify the
veracity of videography in GMA 7 documentary shows to the chosen
respondents, which are the communication students. This involves the collection
of data from the respondents through survey and observation in order to further
understand the research study.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Population and Sampling

The researchers used purposive sampling. It is a sampling technique in

which researcher relies on his/her own judgement in choosing the respondents.

The researchers used this method because they often believe that they
can obtain a representative sample by using a sound judgement, which will result
in saving time and money. The researchers also chose the respondents, which
are the communication students, because they believe that these students can
answer and support the questions or problems in the veracity of videography in
GMA 7 documentary shows.

Sources of Data

The researchers’ primary sources of data were the 262 BA

Communication students from New Era University, College of Communication
Academic Year 2016-2017. The researchers gathered information from the
respondents themselves through the use of survey questionnaires.

Survey questionnaires are used to obtain data on how the respondent’s

awareness increases regarding the veracity of videography in GMA 7
documentary shows. The main goal of survey is to gather information to come up
with the statistical characterization of the chosen respondents needed for

The researchers used the whole population in Slovin’s formula of 2 nd, 3rd
and 4th year BA Communication because the number is still manageable by the
researchers. They were selected incidentally according to their year level and
availability during the time of survey. They serve as the primary source to provide
vital information on the veracity of videography in GMA 7 documentary shows.
Upon all the colleges in the university, the researchers focused on the College of
Communication, Bachelor of Arts in Communication or formerly known as Mass
Communication students because they are the most related in the field of study
being researched and expected to respond accordingly and accurately.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Description of Respondents

The researchers’ respondents are the communication students.

Whereas, they have more knowledge and ideas about videography and
GMA 7 documentary shows. The respondents are in 2 nd, 3rd, and 4th year
students from College of Communication in New Era University. Each
researcher need to make sure that every survey questionnaire that will be
handed out was retrieved from them by guiding each respondent.


The researchers particularly found respondents in COC 1 formerly

known as Era 1, The Barn Studio, and Communication Building located at
No. 9 Central Ave. New Era, Quezon City. This is where students answer
the query and the researchers also roam to different classes who are

Sampling Method

The researchers used random sampling where the respondents were

chosen randomly from a larger set of population. The researchers also used
random sampling when it came to the survey. The questionnaires were
distributed to 262 students from College of Communication of New Era
University. 262 was the found number of the respondents after the researchers
calculated it, using Slovin’s formula to identify the sample size number from a
population of 751.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers use the common types of descriptive research tools,

namely, survey and observation.

Survey is a useful descriptive research tool to gather information from a

particular person or group of persons. It may focus on the factual information or
the opinions of the survey takers. (FluidSurveys Team, 2014)

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

This descriptive research tool is chosen because it can collect large

amounts of data easily in a short period of time. This particular tool can also
evaluate the results more effective.

Preliminary Steps

The survey aims to know the awareness of the respondents in GMA 7

documentary shows and also, to know the veracity of videography in GMA 7
documentary shows.

Observation is also essential in this research study. Observations let the

researchers to use their five senses to further understand their research study
(Jamshed, 2014). This descriptive research tool is the easiest and simplest way
to collect data from the environment regarding the research study.

The researchers had a chance to visit different shootings or tapings on

INCTV which help them to determine the different camera effects and angles in
videography for them to have a background about videography. They also
watched different documentary shows particularly on GMA News TV to observe
their documentary shows and how they convinced and influenced the people
watching it.

Administration and Retrieval

Without further ado, after the approval of the survey questionnaire, the
researchers conducted the survey at the available time of the respondents.
Keeping up with the validity of the responses, the researchers asked to fill up the
Part 1 of the survey form which it does not require a checklist to determine the
year, gender and age of the respondents. The respondents briefed
simultaneously to avoid any misunderstanding about the instructions given. Most
of the questions were easy, understandable and needed no further explanation.

However, like any other processes there were respondents who hesitated
to answer the forms insisting that they are busy and caught up to do some other

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

things and also minimal number of the respondents who are not in the mood of
answer our several pages of our survey. In the end, the researchers were still be
able to complete the survey questionnaires needed.

The questionnaires retrieved after the respondents at a given time, the

questionnaires were inspected to make sure that no questions were left
unanswered by the respondents for more accurate and reliable tabulation of
data. The researchers double-checked the questionnaires if any of those are
missing and improperly answered. Then, the responses were tallied in
preparation of constructing the statistical tables and based from the statistical
tables the researchers prompted the generalizations based on the results of
statistical analysis. A total of 262 survey questionnaires were given and

Instruments and Techniques Utilized

The researchers asked questions to the respondents through the use of

survey questionnaires to obtain the data they have gathered. The researchers
also conducted observation to know if the study was appropriate by observing
several communication students in the College of Communication in New Era
University who involve themselves in modern innovations, as they are the target

Observation – The researchers examined the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year
Communication Students in the College of Communication in New Era University
by roaming around the rooms in COC1 formerly known as Era1, few days before
the actual survey; they observed the surroundings inside each room needed for
the research. Observational studies allow researchers to record behaviour in a
natural setting and witness events that could not be produced in a laboratory.
The importance of this observation is to determine of the study that the
researchers want to conduct to find appropriate sample.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Interview – The researchers also conducted interviews to several students

to help and support the data that the researcher’s need to gather in regards to
the study.

The interview as instrument in gathering data will help the researchers

determine the importance of their study. Interviews provide a method of gathering
evidence; data or information. (Open University, 2013)

Survey Questionnaire – This method makes data collection a lot easier for
the researchers since it is time-saving and more efficient to their study. It is
defined as the measure of opinions or experiences of a group of people through
the asking of questions. The practically of the said instrument made the
researchers choose questionnaire over other possible instruments that should
use in this research.

Preparation of Instrument/s

The researchers prepared cash in order to produce duplicates of the

survey questionnaires. The actual survey happened in the COC1 formerly known
as ERA1 and Communication Building in the College of Communication of New
Era University. The researchers produced duplicated survey questionnaires
based on the number of respondents that was determined through the use of
Slovin’s Formula. The researchers also conducted pilot testing and will prepare
the duplicated versions which will distribute to the 30 Communication students
around New Era University before the researchers decide to change the sample.

Validation of Instrument/s

The instrument use was presented to Dr. Rosalie Cervantes, research

professor of New Era University. She checks the researcher’s questionnaires
based on how parallel it is to the statement of the problem and on the following

1. Concepts used and precision in the words.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

2. Adequate for the problem intended to measure.

3. Simplicity and viability.
4. Choice of the right respondents.
5. Capable of measuring change.

The first drafts of questionnaire lack a lot of things in the criteria such as
the choices are too complicated, the grammar is not right, dirty formatting of the
tables and a lot more.

The problems met by the researchers were making the parts of the
questionnaire slightly off with each other and having no experience on making a
research paper. Those problems overall caused the delay of the questionnaire’s
validation and therefore, causing also the delay of scheduled survey.

Pilot Testing of Instrument/s

Questions raised on the questionnaire were mainly patterned after the

statement of the problem that were formulated, its scope and specific sub-
problems such as:

1. the respondent’s profile;

2. the GMA 7 documentary shows the respondents frequently watch;
3. factors that the respondents consider to help determine the veracity
of GMA 7 documentary shows;
4. benefits obtain of the respondents from watching GMA 7
documentary shows;
5. different elements of videography that have impact on the veracity
of GMA 7 documentary shows as perceived by the respondents.
6. the extent of impact of the elements of videography on the veracity
of GMA 7 documentary shows as perceived by the respondents.

Types of Questions Used:

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

The types of questions used in this action research are the following:

1. Likert Scale – where the answers has corresponding number of

point indicating the degree in which the respondents’ express their
opinions and thoughts
2. Checklist – the respondent’ choose one or more answer among the
given choices in response to the questions.

The questionnaire has two (2) parts:

Part 1 – this part contains the demographic profile of the


Part 2 – this is where the survey questions are patterned after the
statement of the problems through checklist and likert scale types of

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data collected is tabulated and analyzed using statistical treatment.

This is to provide answers to the problems raised in this research. The frequency
or the total number of respondents and percentage are used in the analysis of
the initial survey. The descriptive method used to present the profile of the
respondents. These are the following formulas used:

Slovin’s Formula

Slovin's formula is used in statistical analysis as a tool to determine the

sample size of a population that must be taken for a specific study. This formula
is only used when the sample size is unknown. Using the formula, the
researchers can come up with a reliable sample size to study a given population
without having to study the entire population individually. To get the number of

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

samples needed, the researchers solved the total population is divided to the
sum of 1 and the total population multiplied by 0.05 squared.

Slovin's formula is written as:

n = N/(1+Ne^2)

Where: n = the number of samples needed

N = total population

e = error tolerance

Weighted mean

A kind of average instead of each data point contributing equally to the

final mean, some data points contribute more “weight” than others. If all the
weights are equal, then the weighted mean equals the arithmetic mean (the
regular “average” you’re used to). Weighted means are very common in
statistics, especially when studying populations. (Andale, 2014) The researchers
get the weighted mean by multiplying the number of votes on each weight for
column, and the researchers add the results on each row and divided it to the
number of respondents.

X = x / N


X is the weighted mean

x is sum of all data

N is number of respondents


The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

A portion of a whole expressed as a number between 0 and 100 rather

than as a fraction. (, 2012) The frequency is divided to the total
number of the respondents and multiplied to 100.

% = 𝐧 x 100


% is the percentage

F is the frequency

N is the total number of the respondents


The weighted average is interpreted by the use of frequency. It is

referred as total respondents per variable on the given choices of respondents
that reaches to determine the condition of a variable.


Ranking method was also utilized in this study. It is ranking the degree
of answer by 1, 2, 3... and so on by the respondents.

The Mean

The “mean” score is an average score, often denoted by X. It is the sum

of individual scores divided by the number of individuals. It is one of the most
useful and widely used techniques in scientific and other social related studies.
(Stat Trek, 2011)

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)

The researchers used this method to test the differences between more
than two groups which is the benefits obtained by the respondents and the
elements that have impact on the veracity of GMA 7 documentary shows as
perceived by the respondents when grouped according to their demographic

In one-way analysis of variance, the same principle is used, with

variances rather than standard deviations being used to measure variability.
The variance of a set of n values (x1, x2 ... xn) is given by the following (i.e.
sum of squares divided by the degrees of freedom):

Where the sum of squares = and the degrees of

freedom = n – 1

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students


This chapter includes the findings of the date collected from the instrument
used in this study. The conduct of this study entails a detailed account of the
demographic profile of the respondents.

The interpretation of the result from the conducted survey among the
respondents on the most frequently watched GMA 7 documentary shows and
elements of videography that affects the veracity of GMA 7 documentary shows
is also discussed. The researchers provided tables that summarize the collective
reactions of the respondents.

Table 1

Documentary Shows that frequently watched by the Respondents

n = 262

Documentary Shows 𝐖𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧 VI Rank

Iwitness 3.87 Very Often 2
Reporter’s Notebook 3.67 Very Often 3
Motorcycle Diaries 3.17 Very Often 5
Reel Time 3.24 Very Often 4
Investigative 4.74 Very Often 1
Front Row 3.12 Very Often 6
Brigada 2.79 Very Often 7
Average Weighted Mean 3.51 Very Often

Table 1 shows the documentary shows that frequently watched by the

respondents. The majority of the respondents are often watching the GMA 7
Documentary shows with the average weighted mean of 3.51. Investigative

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Documentaries got the highest rank with the weighted mean of 4.74 and a verbal
interpretation of “Very Often” while the lowest rank is Brigada that has only 2.79
weighted mean and a verbal interpretation of “Very Often”.

According to OMICS International (2014), GMA NEWS TV, the Philippines'

No. 1 News Channel, takes Philippine news and public affairs broadcasting to
greater heights with its ground breaking documentaries and continues to be the
home as well to a number of the country’s most awarded documentary programs
such as Iwitness, Reel Time, Brigada and Investigative Documentaries based on
the articles on And as we can see on the table 1, majority of
the respondents answered that one the documentary shows they frequently
watched is Investigative Documentaries. From the survey results, the
researchers identified the top 3 answers from the respondents' surveys:

Based on the article in OMICS International (2014), investigative

documentaries or simply referred as ID is a show that produces in-depth reports
about the country’s current issues. The show is hosted by Philippine Center for
Investigative Journalism head Malou Mangahas. The list conforms in 2016
Gawad Tanglaw, Best Documentary Program was awarded to Investigative
Documentaries due to it features some of the different issues of the country is
facing and as the table 1 shows got the first rank and highest weighted mean
with 4.74 and a verbal interpretation “Very Often”.

The second rank on the table is Iwitness with the weighted mean of 3.87
and verbal interpretation is “Very Often”. On the 7th USTV student’s choice award
(Quadricentennial Edition), Best Documentary Program was also awarded to
Iwitness by Kara David and according to, Jay Taruc's documentary
"Batang Langoy (Child Swimmers)" won for I-Witness a Certificate for Creative
Excellence also in the Social Issues category.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Lastly, the third rank is Reporter's Notebook with a weighted mean of

“3.67” and a verbal interpretation of “Very Often”. Reporter's Notebook's "Lunok-
Droga (Filipino Drug Mules)" won the Silver Screen Award in the Social Issues
Production-Documentary Category. And on the 12th USTV Students’ Choice
Awards, Investigative Documentaries, Iwitness and Reporter’s Notebook are
nominated as the Students Choice Public Affairs Program.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Table 2

Factors considered by the Respondents to help determine the Veracity of

Documentary Shows.

n = 262

Factors f % Rank
Concept or story 228 14.32 % 1
Timely Issues 174 10.93 % 3
Values Integrated 152 9.55% 7
Characters/Real people involved 158 9.92% 5
Interview with expert/s 144 9.05 % 8
Testimonies of the characters 140 8.79 % 9
Materials presented as evidences 175 10.99% 2
Location or setting of the documentary 155 9.74% 6
Credibility of the journalist/s 165 10.36% 4
Credibility of the network 101 6.34% 10

Total 1,592

Displayed in Table 2 are the percentage distributions and ranking of 10

possible factors considered by the respondents to help determine the Veracity of
Videography of GMA 7 Documentary Shows. The highest rank among the 10
factors is the Concept or Story with the total number of 228 or 14.32% and the
lowest rank is the Credibility of the network with 101 or 6.34%.

According to Sheila Curran Bernard (2015), story helps define

documentary and separate it from visual material that simply documents an
actual person, place, or event. A concept is the presence of something
conceptual at the heart of the story’s essence. A concept is a central idea or

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

notion that creates context for a story. A concept becomes a contextual

framework for a story, without defining the story itself. It is an arena, a landscape,
a stage upon which a story will unfold. It can be a proposition, a notion, a
situation or a condition. Concepts are a matter of degree. Every story has a

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Table 3

Benefits obtained by the Respondents from watching Documentary Shows

n = 262

Benefits f % Rank
Encourages critical thinking 220 14.63% 1
Helps in understanding the present world. 208 13.83% 2
Projects educational value 145 9.64% 7
Informs the viewers about social 203 13.50% 3
Gives a new direction in life when you are 154 10.24% 6
positively influenced by these shows.
Finds a deep probe and a broad brush 116 7.71% 9
about the given subject.
Learns about different people and places 157 10.44% 5
regarding our social problems.
Helps you conceptualizing and visualizing 170 11.30% 4
information in our society.
Teaches good common sense and 131 8.71% 8
Total 1,504 100%

Table 3 shows the benefits obtained by the respondents from watching

GMA 7 documentary shows. From the survey result, researchers determined the
top 3 answers of respondents.

The highest rank among the 9 benefits given is Encourages critical

thinking with the total number of 219 or 14.64%, second rank is Helps in
understanding the present world and the benefit who got the third rank is, Informs
the viewers about social problems with the total number of 203 or 13.50%.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

According to Stewart Dunlop (2015), documentaries also encourage

critical thinking about the world, and seeing facts, can eliminate many myths and
superstitions about issues. Documentaries can educate and inspire people into
taking certain steps which would not have been possible otherwise. Lives are
changed when people watch brave deeds or selfless serving of humanity and
then decide to emulate the examples shown in the documentary. Many people
get a new direction in life when they are positively influenced by these films.

Documentary films assist in understanding the current world because

many of the available documentaries film the past events that happened and
affected the whole world. The documentary films depict the different perspectives
of the world hence help in the changing of the policies in some countries. The
documentary films give a better understanding of the present news cycle
because they give a debatable view of the world which will spark great research.
Film documentaries encourage creative and critical thinking concerning the world
and give facts that help in the elimination of any superstitions and myths that are
still in existence.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Table 4

Elements of Videography that have Impact on the Veracity of GMA 7

Documentary Shows

n = 262

Elements F % Rank
Emotion 230 16.05% 1
Visual Appeal 189 13.19% 3
Action and Movement 174 12.14% 4
Audio 157 10.96% 7
Events and Moments 165 11.51% 6
Characters 169 11.79% 5
Newsworthiness 205 14.31% 2
Settings and Location 144 10.05% 8
Total 1,433 100%

Table 4 presents the elements of videography that have impact on the

veracity of GMA 7 Documentary shows by the respondents. The highest rank
among the 8 elements given is Emotion with 229 or 16.15% and got the last rank
is the Settings and Location with the total number of 147 or 10.37%

There are major theories of motivation can be grouped into three main
categories and one of those is physiological. Physiological theories suggest that
responses within the body are responsible for emotions. One of the theories of
emotion posted by Kendra Cherry (2016) an article says that Facial-Feedback
Theory of Emotion suggests that facial expressions are connected to
experiencing emotions and sometimes physiological responses often had a direct
impact on emotion. In documentary shows, natural and true emotions are
inherent by featuring real experience and social issues.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

According to Frechette (2012), we can quickly establish a sense of place

with video. Wide shots the sweeping views that establish a scene can tell us
where a story takes place and convey the size and purpose of a location.
Medium shots and close ups can reveal detail and texture, providing a sense of a
location’s age, condition, energy and character.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Table 5

Extensive of the different elements of Videography that affect the Veracity

of Documentary Show

n = 262

Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Rank

Emotion 3.81 Highly Extensive 1
Visual Appeal 3.26 Moderately Extensive 4
Action and Movement 3.18 Moderately Extensive 6
Audio 3.32 Moderately Extensive 3
Events and Moments 3.17 Moderately Extensive 7
Characters 3.12 Moderately Extensive 8
Newsworthiness 3.38 Moderately Extensive 2
Setting and Location 3.22 Moderately Extensive 5
Average Weighted 3.31 Moderately Extensive 4

Table 5 shows the extensive of the different elements of videography that

affect the veracity of GMA 7 documentary shows. The majority of the
respondents answered highly extensive with the average weighted mean of 3.81
which is Emotion however, answered moderately extensive with the lowest
average weighted mean of 3.12 is Characters. Despite the fact, both of these
elements of videography are important to make a great documentary and how it
can really affect the veracity of documentary shows.

As stated by Frechette (2012), emotion is a powerful storytelling tool. It

gives audiences a reason to care and a way to connect to a story, sometimes in
a very personal way. And emotion gives storytellers a larger palette, making it
possible to show not just concrete facts but the abstract reality of the human

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Audio is often the backbone of a video story, setting the tempo and, in
many cases, informing how and when shots are edited together. It’s easy to
overlook sound, but it matters as much as if not more than images in a
documentary shows. That’s because audio conveys so much meaning. Interview
sound bites tell us what the people in our stories are thinking and feeling.
Ambient, or location, sound creates a sense of place. Natural sound punctuates
actions and important moments. And narration ties everything together.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Table 6

Benefits obtained by the Respondents from watching Documentary Shows

based on their age

n = 262

Benefits 16-18 19-21 22 and Total Rank

Encourages critical thinking 97 118 5 220 1
Helps in understanding the 83 118 7 208 2
present world.
Projects educational value 68 74 3 145 7
Informs the viewers about 83 116 4 203 3
social problems.
Gives a new direction in life 63 87 4 154 6
when you are positively
influenced by these shows.
Finds a deep probe and a 52 63 1 116 9
broad brush about the given
Learns about different people 70 84 3 157 5
and places regarding our
social problems.
Helps you conceptualizing 74 92 4 170 4
and visualizing information in
our society.
Teaches good common 65 65 1 131 8
sense and values.

Table 6 indicates the benefits obtained by the respondents from watching

Documentary shows based on the age of the respondents.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

From the survey results, the researchers identified the top 3 answers
from the respondents' surveys: “Encourages critical thinking” ranked first place
with the total of 220 tallies from respondents with 118 tallies coming from
respondents aged 19-21 to be follow by “Helps in understanding the present
world” with the total of 208 tallies from respondents also with 118 tallies coming
from respondents aged 19-21. And got the third rank is “Informs the viewers
about social problems” with the total of 203 tallies from respondents, majority of
the tallies coming from aged 19-21 years old.

According to the article of Aufderheide (2010), as documentaries have

become increasingly popular, they have also become more significant voices in
the media. Students in many fields not only film and video students, but students
in sociology, political science, international affairs and law now aspire to make
documentaries. They intend to build these documentaries into websites, use
them in campaigns, exhibit them at film festivals and attach them to research
projects. Documentaries also encourage critical thinking about the world, and
seeing facts, can eliminate many myths and superstitions about issues.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Table 7

The Anova test of Benefits obtained by the Respondents from watching

GMA 7 Documentary Shows based on their age

n = 262

Profile Degree of F F-Critical Decision Interpretation

Category Freedom Value


2/24 120.6587 4.625016 Ho: Significant

Table 7 reveals the F-test significant difference of the benefits obtained by

the respondents from watching documentary shows based on their age. The F
value is 120.6587, which is higher than the F critical value, which is 4.625016
and that leads to an interpretation that there is a significant difference between
the benefits obtained by the respondents from watching GMA 7 documentary
shows based on their age.

The F-test result proves that when based on age, there is a significant
difference between the benefits obtained by the respondents from watching GMA
7 documentary shows.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Table 8

Benefits obtained by the Respondents from watching Documentary Shows

based on their gender

n = 262

Benefits Male Female Total

Encourages critical thinking 70 150 220
Helps in understanding the present 67 141 208
Projects educational value 43 102 145
Informs the viewers about social 65 138 203
Gives a new direction in life when you 45 109 154
are positively influenced by these
Finds a deep probe and a broad brush 33 83 116
about the given subject.
Learns about different people and 49 108 157
places regarding our social problems.
Helps you conceptualizing and 55 115 170
visualizing information in our society.
Teaches good common sense and 37 94 131

Table 8 indicates the frequency of the respondents' benefits obtained from

watching Documentary Shows when grouped according to their gender.

Both male and female respondents voted the Encourages Critical Thinking
as their benefits obtained from watching Documentary Shows with the total tallies

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

of 220 while the lowest votes on both gender of respondents is Finds a deep
probe and a broad brush about the given subject.

Same as table 3, Stewart Dunlop (2015) says that documentaries also

encourage critical thinking about the world, and seeing facts, can eliminate many
myths and superstitions about issues. Documentaries can also educate and
inspire people into taking certain steps which would not have been possible
otherwise. Documentaries are not just a means of entertainment. They are an
effective medium to propagate your ideology, bring awareness in the society and
take your cause before a wider audience.

Another way to say, documentaries can arm audiences with information,

imagination or an opportunity to engage with the real world in a new way. In this
diverse medium, documentarians have different intentions for their work. Some
are most interested in the creative journey. Others act as investigative journalists
or advocates, revealing information and creating opportunities for an audience to
engage with an issue. (Honoroff and Brenner, 2016)

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Table 9
The Anova test of Benefits obtained by the Respondents from watching
GMA 7 Documentary Shows based on their gender

n = 262

Profile Degree of F F- Decision Interpretation

Category Freedom Critical
Within Groups

1/14 55.49472 6.887969 Ho: Significant

Table 9 indicates the F-test significant difference of the benefits obtained

by the respondents from watching documentary shows based on their gender.
The F value is 55.49472, which is higher than the F critical value, which is
6.887969 and that leads to an interpretation that there is a significant difference
between the benefits obtained by the respondents from watching GMA 7
documentary shows based on their gender.

The F-test result proves that when based on gender, there is a significant
difference between the benefits obtained by the respondents from watching GMA
7 documentary shows.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Table 10
Benefits obtained by the Respondents from watching Documentary Shows
based on their year level

n= 262

Benefits 2nd yr 3rd yr 4th yr Total

Encourages critical thinking 64 92 66 222
Helps in understanding the 54 86 67 207
present world.
Projects educational value 48 56 40 144
Informs the viewers about 56 90 62 208
social problems.
Gives a new direction in life 44 57 45 146
when you are positively
influenced by these shows.
Finds a deep probe and a 30 53 35 118
broad brush about the given
Learns about different 53 57 47 157
people and places regarding
our social problems.
Helps you conceptualizing 50 74 42 166
and visualizing information
in our society.
Teaches good common 52 53 31 136
sense and values.

Table 10 specifies the benefits obtained by the Respondents from

watching GMA 7 Documentary Shows based on their year level. From the survey

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

results, the researchers identified the highest and the lowest answers from the
respondents' surveys:

The “Encourages critical thinking” got the highest rank and gathered a
total of 222 tallies from respondents with 64 tallies coming from the 2 nd year
respondents, 92 tallies is recorded from the survey of 3 rd year respondents, and
66 tallies is the 4th year respondents. However, the “Finds a deep probe and a
broad brush about the given subject.” is ranked the lowest, with a total of 118
tallies with 30 tallies coming from the 2nd year respondents, 3rd year respondents
has a total of 53, and lastly the 4th year has a total of 35 recorded by the

Documentaries also encourage critical thinking about the world, and

seeing facts, can eliminate many myths and superstitions about issues. Watching
documentaries about a certain country or region in the world can educate those
people who cannot afford travel. They can still learn and enjoy the many benefits
of travelling, by watching documentaries. (Dunlop, 2015)

Based on the data, 3rd year communication students has the highest
votes of the “Encourages critical thinking” which means the 3 rd year respondents
believe that the audience of a certain documentary show emboldened critical

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Table 11
The Anova test of Benefits obtained by the Respondents from watching
GMA 7 Documentary Shows based on their year level


Profile Degree of F F-Critical Decision Interpretation

Category Freedom Value

Within Groups

2/24 Ho: Significant
6.22439 4.625016 Rejected

Table 11 indicates the F-test significant difference of the benefits obtained

by the respondents from watching documentary shows based on their year level.
The F value is 6.224399, which is higher than the F critical value, which is
4.625016 and that leads to an interpretation that there is a significant difference
between the benefits obtained by the respondents from watching GMA 7
documentary shows based on their year level.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

The F-test result proves that when based on year level, there is a
significant difference between the benefits obtained by the respondents from
watching GMA 7 document

Table 12

Elements of Videography that have Impact on the Veracity of GMA 7

Documentary Shows based on their age

n = 262

Elements 16-18 19-21 22 and Total Rank

Emotion 93 133 4 230 1
Visual Appeal 78 105 4 187 3
Action and Movement 79 92 4 175 4
Audio 69 85 3 157 7
Events and Moments 73 85 7 165 6
Characters 71 95 4 170 5
Newsworthiness 92 111 2 205 2
Settings and Location 53 89 2 144 8

Table 12 indicates the Elements of Videography that have Impact on the

Veracity of GMA 7 Documentary Shows based on the related information based
on the age of the respondents. From the survey results, the researchers
identified the 2 highest votes or answers from the respondents' surveys:

"Emotion" ranked first place, garnering a total of 230 tallies from respondents
with 133 tallies coming from respondents aged 19-21. Ranked second place was
"Newsworthiness", with a total of 205 tallies with 111 tallies coming from
respondents’ aged 19-21.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Casey Frechette (2012) says, emotion is a powerful storytelling tool. It gives

audiences a reason to care and a way to connect to a story, sometimes in a very
personal way. And emotion gives storytellers a larger palette, making it possible to
show not just concrete facts but the abstract reality of the human experience.
Table 13
The ANOVA test of Elements of Videography that have Impact on the
Veracity of GMA 7 Documentary Shows based on their age


Profile Degree of F F- Decision Interpretation

Category Freedom Critical
Groups/ Within

2/21 135.5784 4.740386 Rejected Significant

Table 13 indicates the F-test significant difference of the benefits obtained

by the respondents from watching documentary shows based on their age. The F
value is 135.5784, which is higher than the F critical value, which is 4.740386
and that leads to an interpretation that there is a significant difference between
the benefits obtained by the respondents from watching GMA 7 documentary
shows based on their age.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

The F-test result proves that when based on age, there is a significant
difference between the benefits obtained by the respondents from watching GMA
7 documentary shows.

Table 14

Elements of Videography that have Impact on the Veracity of GMA 7

Documentary Shows based on their gender

n = 262

Elements Male Female Total

Emotion 72 159 231
Visual Appeal 57 132 189
Action and Movement 54 120 174
Audio 53 105 158
Events and Moments 43 122 165
Characters 57 109 166
Newsworthiness 66 143 206
Settings and Location 37 107 144

Table 14 indicates the Elements of Videography that have Impact on the

Veracity of GMA 7 Documentary Shows based on their gender related information
when grouped according to their gender.

Majority of the female respondents perceived that Emotion have the impact
on the veracity of GMA 7 Documentary Shows. It has the total of 159 votes on the
votes of the female respondents while the male respondents have the 72 votes in
the elements of videography, emotion.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Emotions affect actions because actions allow feelings to be expressed. Most

people do express their feelings by engaging in certain actions – having a good cry
when feeling sad, frowning when frustrated and giving a “high five” to someone when
feeling confident are all examples of how people express their emotions. The
documentary shows allow expressing the feelings of the subject, to make natural
and typical. (Bernard, 2015)

Table 15

The Anova test of Elements of Videography that have Impact on the

Veracity of GMA 7 Documentary Shows based on their gender

n = 262

Profile Degree of F F-Critical Decision Interpretation

Category Freedom Value

Within Groups

1/12 108.8345 7.18775 Rejected Significant

Table 15 indicates the F-test significant difference of the benefits obtained

by the respondents from watching documentary shows based on their gender.
The F value is 108.8345, which is higher than the F critical value, which is
7.18775 and that leads to an interpretation that there is a significant difference
between the benefits obtained by the respondents from watching GMA 7
documentary shows based on their gender.
The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

The F-test result proves that when based on gender, there is a significant
difference between the benefits obtained by the respondents from watching GMA
7 documentary shows.

Table 16
Elements of Videography that have Impact on the Veracity of GMA 7
Documentary Shows based on their year level

n = 262

Elements 2nd yr 3rd yr 4th yr Total

Emotion 60 100 71 231
Visual Appeal 51 78 60 189
Action and 56 79 46 181
Audio 46 68 45 159
Events and 46 78 33 157
Characters 49 67 35 151
Newsworthiness 63 86 61 210
Settings and 47 64 44 155

Table 16 exhibits the Elements of Videography that have Impact on the

Veracity of GMA 7 Documentary Shows based on their year level.

The “Emotion” got the highest rank and gathered a total of 231 tallies from
respondents with 100 tallies coming from the 3rd year respondents. However, the
The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

“Characters” is ranked the lowest, with a total of 151 tallies with 67 tallies coming
from the 3rd year communication students, 4th year respondents has a total of
35, and lastly the 2nd year has a total of 49 tallied by the researchers.

The most interesting stories involve people. The most interesting

documentary stories show people in conflict, with each other, themselves or
some force in their worlds and show the emotion and experience naturally.
Filmmakers have used characters to advance plot lines, provide a point of view
and give audiences someone to cheer or jeer. Through interviews and live shots,
documentary stories can achieve these same ends. (Bernard, 2015)

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

Table 17

The Anova test of Elements of Videography that have Impact on the

Veracity of GMA 7 Documentary Shows based on their year level


Profile Degree of F F-Critical Decision Interpretation

Category Freedom Value


15.95622 4.740386 Ho: Significant

2/21 Rejected

Table 17 indicates the F-test significant difference of the benefits obtained

by the respondents from watching documentary shows based on their year level.
The F value is 15.95622, which is higher than the F critical value, which is
4.740386 and that leads to an interpretation that there is a significant difference
between the benefits obtained by the respondents from watching GMA 7
documentary shows based on their year level.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

The F-test result proves that when based on year level, there is a
significant difference between the benefits obtained by the respondents from
watching GMA 7 documentary shows.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions drawn

from the findings, and the corresponding recommendations and proposed output.


The following are the summary of findings based on the research


1. GMA 7 has a wide variety of documentary shows. However,

Investigative Documentaries ranked first as most frequently watched
by the respondents and with a weighted mean of 4.74. On the other
hand, Brigada ranked seven with a weighted mean of 2.79.
2. There are several factors that the respondents consider to determine
the veracity of documentary shows. Concept or the story got the
highest percentage which is 14.32%. On the contrary, Credibility of the
network ranked last with 6.34%
3. As per benefits that the respondents obtain from watching
documentary shows, Encourages critical thinking is on rank 1 with
14.63% and Finds a deep probe and a broad brush about the given
subject got 7.71% which ranked the least.
4. Emotion ranked first with 16.05% as the element of videography that
has the most impact on the veracity of GMA 7 documentary shows,
while Settings and Locations ranked last with 10.05%.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

5. Emotion is highly extensive element of videography as it ranked first

and has a weighted mean of 3.81. However, Characters is considered
moderately extensive element of videography as it ranked last with

6. The study involved 262 male and female respondents from College of
Communication who are 16-23 years old, from 2nd-4th year level.

7. The highest among the benefits from watching GMA 7 documentary

shows was it encourages critical thinking, confirmed by 220 of the
respondents or 14.63% of the sample size. This was followed by Helps
in understanding the present world, confirmed by 208 or 13.83% of the
respondents respectively. The total votes of the benefits obtained by
the respondents in GMA 7 documentary shows is 1, 504.

8. The most common elements of videography are emotion with 229 of

the respondents or 16.15% and the lowest is settings and location with
the total number of 147 of the respondents or 10.37%. Overall, an
average weighted mean of 3.31 the respondents found that elements
of videography are important to make a great documentary and how it
can really affect the veracity of documentary shows.


The researchers have drawn the following conclusions based on the

summary of finding in this study:

1. GMA 7 provides a wide choice of documentaries that are based on real

life situation in which the audience can choose from. The study proved
that Investigative Documentaries is the most frequently watched among
other documentaries.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

2. The audience determines the truthfulness of documentaries based on

several factors. However, the Concept or the Story of documentary greatly
affects the respondent’s judgment in determining the veracity of the
3. Watching documentaries is beneficial to the audience. Aside from its
entertainment benefits, it could greatly encourage people to develop their
critical thinking skills and help them understand the real happenings of the
present world.
4. The elements of videography such as emotion, newsworthiness, visual
appeal and the others have enormous impact on the viewers in
determining the veracity of documentary shows.
5. The above mentioned elements of videography have high and moderate
extent of impact to the truthfulness of videography in some documentary
6. The Communication students of different year levels from New Era
University involved themselves in watching worthy documentaries, which
will add knowledge that they can use in their future field.
7. The Documentary shows are truly beneficial in all aspects to the viewing
8. The viewers mostly based their judgment through the emotions or visual
representations of the people involved in the documentary being shown.

Recommendations based on Conclusions

1. Produce more documentaries that will deal with more current issues such
as government’s war on drugs, corruption, and promoting tourism in the
2. The audience should be more cautious or observant with the
documentaries they are watching and be more eager in finding facts that
will support its truthfulness.

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

3. Producers should encourage the watching audience to be more involved

in the issues being documented through social media interactions or
discussions and may give incentives to the viewers. Incentives may be in
the form of gift vouchers, meet and greet with the stars or news
correspondents opportunities.
4. The audience should also consider the other elements of videography in
considering the veracity of the documentaries and not to focus on emotion

Proposed Output

The researchers propose the following based on the made Significance of

the Study:


They should be more aware in different documentary shows

because this would help them to gather information relevant to their
course, which is Communication. They should also know the veracity of
videography in every documentary show they are watching for them to
witness the validity of every documentary shows airing.


They should help and be able to teach their students the good ways
and good traits that can adopt from watching documentary shows. They
should also encourage their students to make documentaries which are
informative and relevant to the society.


The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

They should help and support the endeavours and research

projects which will give the students first-hand information and tools to
support theoretical learning in school.


This should be aware of videography and the different documentary

shows they are watching, especially those parents whose children are
studying communication. They should realize that these documentary
shows are one of the tools for facilitating information about our society
especially that these documentary shows tackle about social issues in our


They should have ample knowledge to support the whole

production, because videography is one of the main parts of their work
and knowing the veracity of veracity of videography will help a lot with the
uniqueness and validity of what they are producing.


They should learn more about the veracity of videography and

documentary shows because that will help their creative minds to do
impressive ideas. They should also know the accuracy of videography that
will help directing an effective informative show.


They should have knowledge on videography and on its veracity.

As an artist it is vital to know the different ways on how videography works
and how it functions in different media works.

Future Researchers

The Veracity of Videography in GMA 7 Documentary Shows
As Perceived by Communication Students

They should make further studies not covered in this research.

They should also look for different angle when studying about the veracity
of videography in documentary shows.


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