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Maza Ortega Et Al., 2016b

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DOI: 10.5433/1679-0359.


Quantities of supplements for grazing beef heifers in the dry-rainy

transition season

Quantidades de suplementos para novilhas de corte sob pastejo

durante o período de transição seca - águas

Román Maza Ortega1*; Mário Fonseca Paulino2; Edenio Detmann2;

Luciana Navajas Rennó2; Aline Gomes da Silva1; David Contreras Marquez1;
Deilen Sotelo Moreno1; Felipe Henrique Moura3; Jéssika Almeida Bitencourt3

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of supplying different quantities of multiple
supplements on the nutritional characteristics and productive performance of heifers during the post-
weaning phase on Urochloa decumbens pastures during the dry-rainy transition season. Twenty-
four heifers (average initial age and weight of 11 mo and 243±6 kg, respectively) were used. The
experimental design was completely randomized, with four treatments and six replicates. A supplement
containing 25% CP was used, and treatments consisted of the following four levels of supplements:
0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 kg. The animals in the different treatments received a mineral mixture ad libitum.
A positive linear effect (P<0.10) was observed on ADG and final body weight with the quantities of
supplements. An increasing linear effect (P<0.10) was found on the intakes of DM, OM, CP, EE, NFC
and TDN with the elevation in the amount of the supplement provided, which was not observed for
NDFap intake. A cubic effect was observed (P<0.10) on the apparent digestibility of OM, CP, NDFap,
NFC and concentration of TDN among the quantities of multiple supplements. Supplement levels
increased (P<0.10) the digestibility coefficient of EE. An increasing linear response was detected
(P<0.10) in urine urea nitrogen excretion, serum urea nitrogen (SUN) and flow of microbial nitrogen
(MICN) compounds with the quantities of supplement. No difference was observed (P<0.10) in the
efficiency of microbial synthesis between the supplementation levels. The quantities of supplement had
a decreasing linear effect (P<0.10) on the relative MICN. In conclusion, supplying higher amounts of
multiple supplements during the dry-rainy transition season improves the productive performance and
nutritional characteristics of beef heifers reared on pasture.
Key words: Digestibility, intake, supplementation, post-weaning, Urochloa decumbens

O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do fornecimento de diferentes quantidades de suplementos
múltiplos sobre as características nutricionais e desempenho produtivo de novilhas durante a fase de
recria em pastagens com Urochloa decumbens no período de transição seca-águas. Foram utilizadas
24 novilhas com idade e peso médio inicial de 11 meses e 243±3 kg, respectivamente. O delineamento
foi inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos e seis repetições. Utilizou-se um suplemento
com 25% de PB. Os tratamentos consistiam em quatro quantidades de suplementos: 0; 0,5; 1,0 e 1,5
Discentes do Curso de Doutorado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, UFV, Viçosa,
MG, Brasil. E-mail:;;;
Profs., UFV, Viçosa, MG, Brasil. E-mail:;;
Discentes do Curso de Graduação em Zootecnia, UFV, Viçosa, MG, Brasil. E-mail:;
Author for correspondence
Recebido para publicação 14/03/15 Aprovado em 25/09/15
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 37, n. 1, p. 461-472, jan./fev. 2016
Ortega, R. M. et al.

kg respectivamente. Os animais dos diferentes tratamentos receberam mistura mineral ad libitum.

Observou-se efeito linear positivo (P<0,10) no GMD e peso corporal final (PCF) com as quantidades
de suplementos. Foi verificado efeito linear crescente (P<0,10) no consumo de MS, MO, PB, EE,
CNF e NDT com o fornecimento de maiores quantidades de suplemento; efeito não apresentado no
consumo de FDNcp. Evidenciou-se efeito cúbico (P<0,10) sobre a digestibilidade aparente da MO, PB,
FDNcp, CNF e concentração de NDT entre as quantidades de suplementos múltiplos. As quantidades de
suplementos aumentaram (P<0,10) o coeficiente de digestibilidade do EE. Verificou-se comportamento
linear crescente (P<0,10) sobre a excreção urinária de nitrogênio uréico (NUU), nitrogênio uréico no soro
(NUS) e fluxo de compostos nitrogenados microbianos (NMIC) com as quantidades de suplementos.
Não foi observada diferença (P<0,10) das quantidades de suplementação sobre a eficiência de síntese
microbiana. As quantidades de suplementos afetaram de forma linear decrescente (P<0,10) o NMICR.
Conclui-se que o fornecimento de maiores quantidades de suplementos múltiplos durante a época de
transição seca-águas melhora o desempenho produtivo e características nutricionais de novilhas de
corte criadas em pastagens.
Palavras-chave: Consumo, digestibilidade, recria, suplementação, Urochloa decumbens

Introduction The nutritional management of heifers

influences the variability of the age and weight
The pasture model, characterized by the
at puberty. Thus, negative correlations have been
collection in situ, represents over 90% of the cattle
reported between feed intake and pubertal ages,
diet and stands out among the feeding methods
and positive responses between feed intake and
due to its low production cost and high practicality
body weight (SÁ FILHO et al., 2008; EMERICK
(PAULINO et al., 2012). Tropical pastures are
et al., 2009). Therefore, the growth rate at which
characterized by having a high neutral detergent
animals approach adult weight is highly sensitive
fiber (NDF) content, which can account for more
to variations in the nutritional aspect.
than 60% of the dry matter (DM) (PAULINO et al.,
2012), and are a low-cost source of digestible energy The objective of the present study was thus to
for cattle-farming in the tropics (DETMANN et al., evaluate the effect of supplying different amounts of
2008). Therefore, actions should be promoted so multiple supplements on nutritional characteristics,
as to increase the production and use of forage for efficiency of microbial synthesis, and productive
conversion into animal product. performance of beef heifers in their post-weaning
phase on Urochloa decumbens pastures during the
Supplementing grazing cattle has been one of
dry-rainy transition season.
the main strategies to intensify production systems,
and it has become essential for the competitiveness
and sustainability of the animal husbandry sector Material and Methods
(VALADARES FILHO et al., 2006). Consequently,
the use of multiple supplementation is a practice All procedures performed on the animals were
that can be adopted in the management of grazing approved by the Brazilian Committee of Ethics in
cattle aiming to increase the carrying capacity of Animal Use and Experimentation, under filing no.
the forage and promote balance in the tropical- 28∕2013.
pasture-based diet, allowing an increase in the
weight gain rates and continuous growth of animals
Location, animals, experimental design and diets.
(PAULINO et al., 2004), which leads to an increase
in the weight-gain rates and consequently better The experiment was conducted at Universidade
reproductive responses at younger ages (VIEIRA et Federal de Viçosa, located in the city of Viçosa,
al., 2006). MG, Brazil (20°45’45” S latitude and 42°52’04” W

Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 37, n. 1, p. 461-472, jan./fev. 2016
Quantities of supplements for grazing beef heifers in the dry-rainy transition season

longitude; 657 m de altitude), between October and eliminate possible effects of the paddocks on the
January 2013, which corresponded to the dry-rainy treatments.
transition season, divided into three 28-day periods.
Average temperature and precipitation values of
22.4 ºC and 144.9 mm were observed during the Measurements and sampling
experimental period. To evaluate performance, the animals were
Twenty-four Nellore beef heifers with an initial weighed at the beginning and end of the experiment,
average age and weight of 11 mo and 243±6 kg, both after a water- and feed-deprivation period of
respectively, were used. The animals were tested on 14 h, and the resulting value was divided by the
an 8-ha experimental area, resulting in a stocking number of days in the experiment (112 days).
rate o 1.6 AU/ha. The area consisted of four 2-ha The pasture was collected on the fourteenth day
paddocks uniformly covered with Urochloa of each experimental period to quantify the total
decumbens grass, provided with drinkers ad availability of dry matter (DM) and potentially
troughs, which were covered and had access from digestible dry matter (pdDM). The area to be
both sides. sampled was delimited by a 0.5 × 0.5 m metal frame
The experimental design completely was in four sites chosen randomly in each experimental
randomized, with four treatments and six replicates. paddock, and cut at approximately 1 cm above the
A supplement was provided to four treatments, at soil. After collection, each sample was weighed and
different quantities: 0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 kg, containing homogenized, and a composite sample was made
25% CP (as is) (centesimal composition of the from the samples of each paddock. The samples
supplement, as is: ground corn, 25.60; sorghum for qualitative evaluation of the forage consumed
grain, 25.40; soybean meal, 22.20; and cottonseed by the animals were obtained via hand-plucking
meal, 26.80). Animals received a mineral mixture (grazing simulation) on the fourteenth day of each
ad libitum (centesimal composition of the mineral experimental period. All samples were weighed,
mix: dicalcium phosphate, 50.00; sodium chloride, dried in a forced air-circulation oven at 60 ºC for 72
47.15; zinc sulfate, 1.50; copper sulfate, 0.75; h, and ground in a 1- and 2-mm-sieve knife mill. Dry
cobalt sulfate, 0.05; potassium iodate, 0.05; and matter (DM) contents were quantified according to
manganese sulfate, 0.05). INCT-Detmann et al. (2012); neutral detergent fiber
(NDF), as recommended by Mertens (2002), using
All animals were subjected to the control of
thermostable α-amylase and without using sodium
ecto- and endoparasites at the beginning of the
sulfide; and indigestible neutral detergent fiber
experiment and over its course.
(iNDF), after incubation in F57 bags (Ankom®) in
Animals were weighed at the beginning of the situ for 288 h, according to Valente et al. (2011).
experiment after a water- and feed-deprivation
The pdDM was estimated according to the
period of 14 hours aiming to reduce the difference
equation described by Paulino et al. (2008):
in the filling of the digestive tract. Next, treatments
were distributed at random to the experimental units pdDM = 0.98 × (100 - NDF) + (NDF - iNDF)
(animals). Four lots were formed, by grouping the A nine-day trial was conducted from the 43rd
animals that received the same treatment. day of the experimental period to evaluate the intake
The supplement was given daily at 10h00 during and digestibility of the animals, with six of these
the experimental period. Water was supplied ad days used for the animals to adapt to the markers.
libitum throughout the experiment. Animals were To estimate fecal output, 10 g of chromium oxide
rotated across the paddocks every seven days to (Cr2O3) were supplied daily per animal, conditioned

Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 37, n. 1, p. 461-472, jan./fev. 2016
Ortega, R. M. et al.

in paper cartridges, and applied using a metal probe accelerator (BD Vacutainer® SST II Advance). The
via the esophagus, always at 10h00. Titanium blood was centrifuged immediately at 3600 × g for
dioxide (TiO2) was given to estimate the individual 20 min, and the serum was stored (-20 ºC).
supplement intake, mixed in the supplement at the
proportion of 10 g/kg of supplement. To estimate
pasture intake, indigestible neutral detergent fiber Chemical analyses
(iNDF) was used as internal marker. The dry matter (DM) (INCT-CA G-003/1),
On the last three days of the trial, feces were mineral matter (MM) (INCT-CA N-001/1), crude
collected at different times - 15h00, 11h00 and 06h00 protein (CP) (INCT-CA M-001/1) ether extract (EE)
- aiming to obtain representative fecal samples of (INCT-CA G-005/1), neutral detergent fiber (NDF)
each animal. These samples were identified, dried (INCT-CA F-002/1) with corrections for ash (NDIA)
in a forced air-air oven (60 ºC/72 h), and ground in (INCT-CA M-002/1) and protein (NDIP) (INCT-CA
a knife mill with 1- and 2-mm sieves. N-004/1), and indigestible neutral detergent fiber
(iNDF) contents were quantified in the samples of
On the fifth day of the trial, the grazing simulation
forage, feces and supplement according to Detmann
was performed in each paddock separately, and
et al. (2012). The DM, NDFap, and iNDF contents
these samples were used to estimate the intake and
in the forage samples intended for the calculation of
digestibility coefficients.
the availability of DM and pdDM were determined
To evaluate the microbial protein production, as described previously.
spot urine samples were collected on the last
Samples of feces were analyzed for the
day of the trial, during spontaneous urination,
concentration of chromium and titanium dioxide
approximately four hours after the supplement was
using nitric-perchloric digestion and atomic
given. After the collection, 10 mL of urine were
absorption spectrometry (SOUZA et al., 2013) and
diluted in 40 mL H2SO4 (0.036 N) and frozen at -20
colorimetry, respectively (DETMANN et al., 2012).
ºC to later quantify the contents of creatinine, urea
and purine derivatives. After collecting the urine, Fecal DM excretion was estimated using the
blood samples were drawn by jugular venipuncture chromic oxide marker, based on the ratio between
in vacuum tubes containing separator gel and clot the amount of marker supplied and its concentration
in the feces:

Fecal dry matter (g/day) = Amount of Marker Supplied (g) x 100

Concentration of Marker in Feces (%)

The individual supplement intake was estimated Forage dry matter intake (DMI) was determined
as the ratio between excretion of TiO2 in the feces by employing iNDF as an internal marker, by the
and concentration of marker in the supplement: following equation:
ISI = ((FE × CMFe)/MSG) × SSG, DMI (kg/day) = {[(FE×CMF)-MS]/CMFo} + SDMI,
where: ISI = individual supplement intake (kg/ where: FE = fecal excretion (kg/day); CMF =
day); CMFe = concentration of marker in the feces concentration of marker in the feces (kg/kg); MS
(kg/kg); MSG = marker present in the supplement = intake of marker from supplement (kg); CMFo =
supplied to the group (kg/day); and SSG = concentration of marker in the forage (kg/kg); and
supplement supplied to the group (kg/day). SDMI = supplement dry matter intake (kg/day).

Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 37, n. 1, p. 461-472, jan./fev. 2016
Quantities of supplements for grazing beef heifers in the dry-rainy transition season

Creatinine, uric acid and urea were quantified by ratio; and 0.83 is the digestibility of the bacterial
the kinetic colorimetric, enzymatic colorimetric and purines.
fixed-time kinetic methods, respectively, using an
Microbial efficiency was expressed as g
automatic device for biochemistry (Mindray® model
microbial CP/kg of total digested organic matter (g
BS200E) and kits. The daily urinary volume was
micCP/kg DOM).
calculated by employing the ratio between the day
excretion of creatinine (EC), adopting the equation
proposed by Silva et al. (2012) and its concentration Statistical analysis
in the spot samples as reference:
Results were subjected to analysis of variance,
ECU (g/day) = 0.0345 x BW0.9491 adopting initial body weight as co-variable. The
where: BW= body weight. linear, quadratic and cubic effects of the amount
of multiple supplements were evaluated by
Allantoin in the urine was analyzed as described
decomposing the sum of squares of treatments
by George et al. (2006). The total excretion of
using orthogonal contrasts (STEEL et al., 1997).
purine derivatives was calculated as the sum of the
All procedures were conducted using the PROC
amounts of allantoin and uric acid excreted in the
MIXED procedure of SAS (version 9.2) software.
For all statistical procedures, 0.10 was adopted as
Absorbed purines (Y, mmol/day) were calculated critical level of type-I error probability.
from the excretion of purine derivatives (X, mmol/
day), by the following equation:
Results and Discussion
Y = (X - 0.385 LW0.75)/ 0.85
Mean values of DM and pdDM were 5,275
where 0.85 is the recovery of absorbed purines
and 3,766 kg/ha, respectively, with a proportion
as purine derivatives and 0.385LW0.75 is the
of potential forage digestibility of 71.17%,
endogenous contribution to the excretion of purines
representing a supply of 32 g pdDM/kg body
(BARBOSA et al., 2011).
weight, which is below the 40 to 60 g pdDM/kg
The ruminal synthesis of nitrogen compounds body weight recommended by Paulino et al. (2004)
(Y, g MICN/day) was calculated as a function of the for satisfactory performance of grazing animals.
absorbed purines (X, mmol/day), using the equation
The average CP content in the forage obtained
described by Chen and Gomes (1992), except for the
by the hand-plucking method was 9.86 g/kg
purine N:total bacterial N ratio of 0.134, according
(dry matter basis) (Table 1), which is above the
to Valadares et al. (1999):
minimum necessary to stimulate microbial growth
Y = 70X/0.83x0.134x1000 and promote an appropriate degradation of the
fibrous substrates of the forage (LAZZARINI et
where 70 is the N content in the purines (mgN/
al., 2009; SAMPAIO et al., 2010).
mol); 0.134 is the purine N:total bacterial N

Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 37, n. 1, p. 461-472, jan./fev. 2016
Ortega, R. M. et al.

Table 1. Chemical composition of supplement and Urochloa decumbens.

Item1 Multiple supplement U. Decumbens4

DM (g/kg) 88.82 25.46±0.52
OM2 96.28 92.07 ±0.46
CP2 24.77 10.71 ±0.43
NPN3 5.58 19.21 ±2.54
EE2 3.07 2.01 ±010
NDFap2 21.36 54.80 ±2.13
NIDN3 25.33 44.7±1.42
NCF2 47.07 24.46 ±1.83
iNDFi2 5.10 10.25 ±0.62
/DM - dry matter; OM - organic matter; CP - crude protein; EE - ether extract; NDFap - neutral detergent fiber corrected for ash
and protein; NDIN - neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen; NFC - non-fibrous carbohydrates; iNDF - indigestible neutral detergent
fiber. 2/In g/kg DM. 3/In g/kg total nitrogen. 4/Mean values for samples obtained by hand-plucking.

However, although the forage obtained by hand- In this study a positive linear effect (P<0.10) was
plucking had a higher CP value than the minimum for detected on average daily gain (ADG) as the amount
the rumen microorganisms to enable the proper use of supplement was raised, which could be verified
of the neutral detergent fiber (NDF) from the basal by the final body weight, which also increased
resource, 44.7% and 19.21% of the CP were available linearly (P<0.10; Table 2). The increasing linear
as neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen (NDIN) and response in the performance of the animals may
non-protein nitrogen (NPN), respectively (Table 2). stem from the increase in the amount of (digestible)
Neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen is considered multiple supplements. Maximum performance was
to have a slow and incomplete degradation observed in the animals that received the amount
(SNIFFEN et al., 1992). This situation might lead of supplement of 1.5 kg/animal/day, which were
to a metabolic imbalance regarding the MP/ME also the ones that showed the highest CP intake.
ratio, which would prevent the maximization of the This reinforces the idea of prioritizing protein
use of the basal substrate, requiring the application supplementation even under conditions in which
of supplementation with nitrogen compounds forage does not show an apparent deficiency. These
(DETMANN et al., 2010), which may explain the results are similar to those reported by Cabral et al.
animal performance responses. (2014).

Table 2. Adjusted means, standard error (SEM) and indicators of significance for performance of heifers fed the
different treatments.

Supplement (kg/day) P-value1

Item SEM
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 L Q C
ADG (kg) 0.166 0.281 0.349 0.435 0.0398 <0.001 0.720 0.723
FBW (kg) 261.4 274.2 281.9 291.5 4.45 <0.001 0.722 0.719
ADG - average daily gain; FBW - final body weight.
L, Q and C - linear-, quadratic- and cubic-order effects referring to supplement quantities.

Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 37, n. 1, p. 461-472, jan./fev. 2016
Quantities of supplements for grazing beef heifers in the dry-rainy transition season

A positive linear effect (P<0.10) of the amounts different treatments; however, there was no effect
of multiple supplement was observed on the intakes on the intakes of pasture DM (PDM) or DNDF (kg/
of DM, OM, CP, EE, NFC and DOM (kg/day) in the day) (Table 3).

Table 3. Adjusted means, standard error (SEM) and indicators of significance for nutrient intake with the different

Supplement (kg/day) P-value1

Item SEM
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 L Q C
DM 5.194 4.818 6.477 6.969 0.4815 0.004 0.379 0.154
FDM 5.194 4.374 5.589 5.636 0.4815 0.252 0.379 0.154
SDM - 0.444 0.888 1.333 - - - -
OM 4.784 4.478 6.004 6.438 0.4443 0.004 0.415 0.158
CP 0.523 0.577 0.835 0.953 0.0516 <0.001 0.526 0.151
EE 0.108 0.107 0.135 0.149 0.0099 0.003 0.439 0.349
NDFap 3.008 2.474 3.197 3.279 0.2623 0.207 0.255 0.122
NFC 1.142 1.321 1.837 2.057 0.1207 <0.001 0.866 0.255
iNDF 0.561 0.485 0.618 0.597 0.0498 0.295 0.590 0.122
DOM 3.038 2.977 3.864 4.778 0.2956 <0.001 0.115 0.494
DNDF 2.103 2.114 2.126 2.371 0.1821 0.152 0.198 0.250
TDN 2.987 2.964 3.878 4.83 0.2049 <0.001 0.115 0.503
g/kg body weight
DM 19.9 18.0 24.4 25.3 1.88 0.016 0.451 0.111
OM 18.4 16.7 22.6 23.4 1.74 0.015 0.490 0.114
NDFap 11.6 9.2 12.1 11.9 1.00 0.405 0.284 0.083
iNDF 2.2 1.8 2.3 2.2 0.19 0.527 0.631 0.082
DM dry matter, FDM forage drymatter, SDM supplement dry matter, OM organic matter, CP crude protein, EE ether extract,
NDFap neutral detergent fibre corrected for ash and protein, NFC non-fibrous carbohydrates, iNDF indigestible neutral detergent
fibre, DOM digerible organic matter, DFDN digerible neutral detergent fibre, TDN total digestible nutrients.
L, Q and C - linear-, quadratic- and cubic-order effects referring to supplement quantities.

The positive linear effect on the intakes of DM nitrogen in the rumen (SOUZA et al., 2010).
and OM and the absence of effect on pasture DM
As a complete diet, during the dry-rainy
intake demonstrate that there was no substitution
transition and rainy seasons, the pasture has a
or additive effect on forage intake with any of
relatively excessive energy in relation to protein;
the supplement levels evaluated (Table 3), which
thus, energy supplementation would further
shows that the association of energy sources
force an imbalance in the DOM/CP ratio by the
of rapid ruminal degradation and supplemental
metabolizable energy surplus (DETMANN et
nitrogen compounds, at levels at which there
al., 2010). On this basis, supplementation should
are no significant restrictions in the voluntary
be focused on protein, so as to maintain the
forage intake, can increase animal performance
energy:protein balance in the forage aiming at to
by promoting a higher amount of metabolizable
maintain pasture intake and digestibility (COSTA
protein resulting from the higher assimilation of

Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 37, n. 1, p. 461-472, jan./fev. 2016
Ortega, R. M. et al.

et al., 2009), with an expected consequent increase by the fibrolytic microorganisms (RUSSELL et al.,
in animal performance. 1992).
The linear increase in the intakes of CP, EE and A cubic effect was detected (P<0.10; Table 4)
NFC was a result of the higher content of these on the digestibility of OM, CP and NFC with the
components in the supplement (Table 1) and the supplement levels, which is associated with the
increased supply of multiple supplements. The higher inclusion of concentrate (easy digestion)
increase in CP, EE and NFC intakes (Table 3) supplements in the diet. The cubic effect of the
provided a greater intake of DOM, and consequently levels of supplement on CP digestibility may be
of TDN. due to the greater content of nitrogen compounds
and lower participation of endogenous protein,
In this study, it was found that the average CP
which reduces the representativeness of the fecal
content of the forage consumed by the animals
metabolic fraction of the nitrogen compounds.
was above the minimum level for proper use o
The digestibility coefficient of NDFap was
the fibrous carbohydrates from the basal substrate
higher (P<0.10; Table 4) because of the greater
(Table 1) (LAZZARINI et al., 2009; SAMPAIO
consumption of supplement and consequently
et al., 2009), which can explain the lack of a
of CP (Table 3), which reinforces the benefits of
significant effect (P>0.10) on the intakes of
supplementation with nitrogen compounds on the
PDM and NDFap expressed in kg/day with
fiber degradation by the rumen microorganisms.
supplementation (Table 3).
A positive linear effect of the amounts of multiple
A cubic effect (P<0.10) of the levels of
supplement supplied was found on the apparent
supplement was observed on the intakes of NDF
digestibility coefficient of EE (P<0.10; Table 4),
and iNDF in g/kg BW (Table 3). The increased
which may be associated with the greater intake
intake of iNDF is often associated with an increase
of this component with the increasing quantities of
in the rates of passage and digestion of the fibrous
supplement; this intake is above the fecal metabolic
particles, with acceleration in the removal of the
rumen NDF indigestible components, resulting in
a greater rumen turnover (PAULINO et al., 2008; The higher dietary TDN level (P<0.10; Table
DETMANN et al., 2009). The cubic effect of the 4) with the increased supplementation is explained
quantities of supplement on the intakes of NDFap by the greater concentrations of CP, EE and NFC,
and iNDF seems to be related to the physiological which leads to a higher intake of these components
mechanisms that regulate intake, since the NDFap by the animals. These components are characterized
and iNDF intake values expressed in g/kg BW were by having better and faster degradation as compared
low, indicating a low rumen fill. with the forage components. On the other hand, it
should be stressed that the range of interference of
One of the aspects involved in the better
the fecal metabolic fractions of CP, EE and NFC
adequacy of the growth medium to the production
as the intake of these components is elevated may
of microbial enzymes is the availability of ammonia
also reflect in the estimate of the dietary TDN (VAN
nitrogen (DETMANN et al., 2009), which is used
SOEST, 1994).
preferably as a precursor for the synthesis of protein

Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 37, n. 1, p. 461-472, jan./fev. 2016
Quantities of supplements for grazing beef heifers in the dry-rainy transition season

Table 4. Adjusted means, standard error (SEM) and indicators of significance for nutrient digestibility with the
different treatments.

Supplement (kg/day) P-value1

Item SEM
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 L Q C
DOM 0.633 0.668 0.646 0.743 0.0098 <0.001 0.005 <0.001
DCP 0.453 0.543 0.518 0.688 0.0226 <0.001 0.091 0.006
DEE -0.385 -0.075 0.089 0.280 0.0724 <0.001 0.419 0.594
DNDFap 0.697 0.697 0.667 0.723 0.0072 0.149 <0.001 0.002
DNFC 0.645 0.731 0.708 0.833 0.0128 <0.001 0.134 <0.001
g/kg dry matter
TDN 573 619 600 694 11.0 <0.001 0.043 0.002
OM organic matter, CP crude protein, EE ether extract, NDFap neutral detergent fibre corrected for ash and protein, NFC non-
fibrous carbohydrates, TDN total digestible nutrients
L, Q and C - linear-, quadratic- and cubic-order effects referring to supplement quantities.

Urine urea nitrogen excretion (UUN), serum (P<0.10; Table 5). Supplement levels did not have a
urea nitrogen (SUN) and microbial nitrogen significant effect (P>0.10; Table 5) on the efficiency
(MICN) increased linearly (P<0.10; Table 5). The of microbial protein synthesis (EMPS) with the
relative microbial nitrogen (RMICN) decreased different treatments, averaging 124.7 g CP/kg
linearly as the multiple supplement was increased DOM.

Table 5. Adjusted means, standard error (SEM) and indicators of significance for nitrogen levels with the different
Suplemento (kg/day) P-value1
Item SEM
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 L Q C
MICN (g/day) 63.0 56.2 74.9 84.2 7.71 0.032 0.317 0.317
RMICN (g/g) 0.752 0.654 0.559 0.556 0.0857 0.097 0.585 0.815
EMPS (g/kg DOM) 134.3 134.3 119.9 110.6 16.86 0.315 0.920 0.982
SUN (mg/dL) 9.89 12.22 14.80 17.47 0.976 <0.001 0.859 0.974
UUN (g/day) 39.2 47.0 54.4 60.6 2.65 <0.001 0.780 0.945
MICN production of microbial nitrogen compounds grams per day, RMICN, relative microbial nitrogen grms per grams, EMPS
efficiency of microbial protein synthesis (microbial CP synthesis/DOM intake grams per kilogram), SUN serum urea nitrogen in
milligrams per deciliter, UUN urea nitrogen excretion in the urine grams per day.
L, Q and C - linear-, quadratic- and cubic-order effects referring to supplement quantities.

The concentration of urine urea nitrogen (UUN) ruminal availability of nitrogen compounds caused
is positively related to the serum urea nitrogen by the increasing amounts of supplement that
(SUN) and the CP intake (VAN SOEST, 1994). possibly reduced the use efficiency of the ruminal
ammonia, indicating that a large amount of nitrogen
The linear increase in urine urea nitrogen
is not utilized efficiently by the animal. These
(UUN), serum urea nitrogen (SUN) and microbial
results are similar to those reported by Figueiras et
nitrogen (MICN) with the increase in the quantities
al. (2010) and Cabral (2014).
of multiple supplements may be due to a higher
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