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Blueridge Covenants

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This Instrument Prepared By ''7/I(/Y9

BROWN, TODD & HEYBURN 12c-64-m7)02

1600 Citizens Plaza
Louisville, Kentucky 40202
177 East Main Street
Hendersonville, Tennessee 37077-1045





is made on June 17, 1988, by Blueridge Development Partners, a general partner-
ship ("Developer").

WHEREAS, Developer owns certain real property in Sumner County,

Tennessee, more particularly described in the deed referred to in Article I,
Section 1, below, and known as Blueridge Subdivision, which is to be developed
as a residential subdivision;

WHEREAS, Developer has previously placed of record a certain Declaration

of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Blueridge Subdivision affecting a
portion of that real property, which prior Declaration is of record in Book 3,
Page 466, in the Register's Office of Sumner County, Tennessee; and

WHEREAS, Developer desires to amend and restate in its entirety the

provisions of that prior Declaration;

NOW, THEREFORE, Developer hereby amends and restates in its entirety

the prior Declaration and declares that all of the property described in Article I,
Section 1, and such additions, as may be made pursuant to Article I, Section 2
(the "Property"), shall be held, sold and conveyed subject to the following ease-
ments, restrictions, covenants and conditions, which are for the purpose of pro-
tecting the value and desirability of the Property. The easements, restrictions,
covenants and conditions shall run with the Property and be binding on . all par-
ties having any right, title or interest in it, their heirs, successors and. assigns,
and shall inure to the benefit of each owner.



Section 1. Existing Property. The real property which is and shall be

held, transferred, sold, conveyed, used, occupied, mortgaged and/or otherwise
encumbered subject to this Declaration is located in Sumner County, Tennessee
and is more particularly described as follows:

BEING Lots 1 through 104 inclusive, Lots 106 through

108 inclusive, and Lots 192 through 203 inclusive, and
all open areas as shown on the plat of Blueridge
Subdivision, Section 1, of record in Book 12, Page 155,
in the office of the Register of Sumner County,

BEING part of the property acquired by Developer by

deed dated June 6, 1988, of record in Book 25,
Page 234, in the office of the Register of Sumner
County, Tennessee.

Section 2. Additions to Existing Property.Additional real property may

become subject to this Declaration in either of the following manners:

(a) Additions in Accordance with a General Plan of Development.

As the owner thereof, or if not the owner, with the consent of the owner
thereof, Developer shall have the unilateral right, privilege and option, without
the approval of the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association (defined in
Article III), from time to time and at any time until twenty years from the
date of this Declaration, to subject to the provisions of this Declaration all or
any portion of the property described in the deed referred to in Section 1 of
this Article by filing in the Sumner County, Tennessee Register's Office an
amendment annexing such real property. Any such annexation shall be effective
upon the filing for record of such amendment unless otherwise provided in the
amendment. Developer may assign this right of annexation to any person or

(b) Other Additions. Subject to the consent of the owner

thereof, additional real property other than that described in the deed referred
to in Section 1 of this Article may be made subject to this Declaration by
filing an amendment to this Declaration in the Sumner County, Tennessee
Register's Office. An amendment adding such additional property shall require
the written consent or affirmative vote of Developer, as long as it owns any
part of the property described in the deed referred to in Section 1 of this
Article or, if Developer no longer owns any part of that property, the written
consent or affirmative vote of a majority of the authorized voting members of
the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association, Any such amendment, shall be
signed by Developer, if Developer has adopted the amendment, or by the
President and the Secretary of the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association,
if Developer no longer owns any part of property described in the deed referred
to in Section 1 of this Article and the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners'
Association has adopted the amendment, and in either case, by the owner of the
real property being added, and any such amendment shall be effective upon fil-
ing, unless otherwise provided in the amendment.

Section 3. Amendment.This Article shall not be amended without the

written consent of Developer, as long as Developer owns any property described
in Exhibit A.

Section 1. Owners' Easements of Enjoyment; Exceptions.Every lot owner

shall have a right and easement of enjoyment including, without limitation, the
right of vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress, in and to the common areas
which shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with the title to every lot. This
right and easement shall also be deemed granted to the Blueridge Subdivision
Homeowners' Association and the lot owners' families, guests, invitees, servants,
employees, tenants and contract purchasers. The term "common areas" means
and refers to all areas not contained in numbered lots and dedicated roadways
on the plat of Blueridge Subdivision, and includes any tracts designated "open
space" on any plat of Blueridge Subdivision recorded in the Register's Office for
Sumner County, Tennessee. Developer releases and quitclaims to the Blueridge
Subdivision Homeowners' Association its right and title to the common areas. The
right of enjoyment is subject to the following provisions:

(a) The right of the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association

to suspend the voting rights and the accompanying rights of use to such common
areas (except dedicated roadways) of an owner for any period during which any
assessment against his lot remains unpaid, and for a period of time for any
infraction of its published rules and regulations;

(b) The right of the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association

to dedicate or transfer all or any part of the common areas to any public
agency, authority or utility for such purposes and subject to such conditions as
may be agreed to by of the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association, and
as may be otherwise permitted under existing law and/or governmental
regulations; provided, however, that the lot owners' easements of ingress and
egress and any public utility easements previously established shall not be
affected. Developer may dedicate utility, service or drainage (storm water or
otherwise) or water retention pond easements upon, through or under the common
areas at its sole discretion po long as there is in existence the Class B mem-
bership in accordance with Article III, Section 2. When Class B membership
ceases, this right of Developer shall automatically pass to the board of directors
of the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association; and

(c) No motorized vehicles, including motorcycles, 3-wheel or

4-wheel-type recreational vehicles are permitted on the common areas, except
authorized maintenance vehicles and except in areas designated for parking or
other vehicular use.

(d) The Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association is

authorized to adopt rules and regulations fpr the use of the common areas.

Section 2. Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association's Right of Entry.

The authorized representative of the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Associa-
tion or its board of directors shall be entitled to reasonable access to the indi-
vidual lots as may be required in connection with the preservation of property
on an individual lot in the event of an emergency or in connection with the
maintenance of, repairs or replacements within the common areas, or any equip-
ment, facilities or fixtures affecting or serving other lots or the common areas
or to make any alteration required by any governmental authority; provided, after
any such entry the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association shall restore
the lot to its former condition.

Section 3. No Partition. Except as is permitted in this Declaration or

amendments thereto, there shall be no physical partition of the common areas or
any part thereof, nor shall any person acquiring any interest in the Property
have the right of judicial partition. This Section does not prohibit the board of
directors of the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association from acquiring and
disposing of tangible personal property nor from acquiring title to real property
which may or may not be subject to this Declaration.



Section 1.Membership. Developer and every owner of a lot which is

subject to an assessment shall be a member of a maintenance association called
the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association (the "Blueridge Subdivision
Homeowners' Association"). Such owner and member shall abide by the Blueridge
Subdivision Homeowners' Association's Bylaws, Charter recorded in the Sumner
County, Tennessee Register's Office, rules and regulations, shall pay the assess-
ments provided for in this Declaration, when due, and shall comply with decisions
of the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association's board of directors. Con-
veyance of a lot (except a conveyance to a trustee under a deed of trust or to
a mortgagee) automatically transfers membership in the Blueridge Subdivision
Homeowners' Association without necessity of further documentation. Membership
shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from ownership of any lot
which is subject to assessment.

Section 2. Classes of Membership. The Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners'

Association shall have two classes of voting membership:

(a) Class A. Class A members shall be all lot owners, with the
exception of Developer, and for. so long as there is Class B membership, shall
not be entitled to vote. Upon termination of Class B membership, • Class A
members shall be all lot owners, including Developer for so long as Developer is
a lot owner. Each lot owner, at that time, shall be entitled to one • vote for
each lot owned. Should more than one person own an interest in any lot, all
such persons are members; but there may be only one vote cast with respect to
such lot. Such vote may be exercised as the lot owners determine among them-
selves; hoWever, no split vote is permitted. ,

(b) Class B. The Class B member shall be Developer, and as

long as there is a Class B voting membership, Developer shall have the sole
voting power. The Class B membership shall cease and be converted to Class A
membership on the happening of any of the following events, whichever occurs

(i) When all the lots in Blueridge, whether in the original

real property subject to this Declaration and/or any and all additions hereafter
added pursuant to this Declaration, have been fully developed, permanent
improvements constructed thereon, and sold to permanent residents;

(ii) December 31, 1999; or

(iii) When, in its sole discretion, Developer so determines.

Section 3. Rights and Obligations of the Blueridge Subdivision Homeown-

ers' Association.The Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association shall
maintain, operate and keep in good repair, unless such obligations are assumed by
any municipal or governmental agency having jurisdiction thereof, the common
areas, including, without limitation, open spaces, entranceways, streets, medians,
streetlights, walls, crosswalks, sidewalks, storm drains, basins, landscaping and any
recreational facilities located therein. Further, the Blueridge Subdivision Home-
owners' Association shall have the authority to make and enforce rules and regu-
lations governing the conduct, use and enjoyment of the common areas and the
lots and to impose reasonable fines for a violation of those rules and regulations,
which fines shall constitute a lien upon the violating owners' lot. All rights
reserved by Developer in this Declaration shall automatically pass to the
Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association when Class B membership ceases
pursuant to Article III, Section 2. The Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Associ-
ation shall further:

(a) acquire and be responsible for maintaining liability insurance

adequate to insure against all risk to persons and/or property within the common
area, together with all risk of loss(es) to improvements therein or thereon;

(b) be responsible and liable for the prompt payment of any and
all taxes by any government agency related to the Blueridge Subdivision Home-
owners' Association and/or the common areas;

(c) be responsiible for the maintenance and upkeep of the common

areas; and

(d) be responsible and liable for such other obligations and/or

duties which may be required by appropriate governmental bodies and/or


Section 1. Assessments; Creation of the Lien and Personal Obligation.

Each lot owner, except Developer, by acceptance of a deed for the lot, whether
or not it shall be so expressed in such deed, covenants and agrees to pay to the
Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association (i) monthly and/or annual
assessments or charges, and (ii) special assessments for capital improvements,
such assessments to be established and collected as provided in this Article IV.
Developer shall be responsible for the maintenance costs of the Blueridge Subdi-
vision Homeowners' Association, incurred over and above assessed amounts payable
to the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association by the lot owners, until
Class B membership is converted to Class A membership pursuant to Article III,

Section 2(b). When Class B membership in the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners'
Association is converted to Class A membership, Developer shall pay assessments
to the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association for each lot Developer owns
in the same manner and amount as every other lot owner pays assessments, and
shall thereafter no longer be responsible for maintenance costs incurred over and
above assessed amounts payable to the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners'
Association by the lot owners. The annual and special assessments, together
with interest, costs and reasonable attorney fees, shall be a charge on the land
and shall be a continuing lien upon the property against which each such assess-
ment is made. Each such assessment, together with interest, costs and rea-
sonable attorney fees, shall also be the personal obligation of the person who
was the owner of such property at the time when the assessment fell due. The
personal obligation for delinquent assessments shall not pass to his successors in
title unless expressly assumed by them.

Section 2. Purpose of Assessments.

(a) The assessments levied by the Blueridge Subdivision Home-

owners' Association shall be used exclusively to promote the recreation, health,
safety and welfare of the residents and in particular for the acquisition,
improvement and maintenance of properties, services and facilities devoted to
this purpose, or for the use and enjoyment of the common areas, including but
not limited to, the cost of repairs, replacements and additions, the cost of labor,
equipment, materials, management and supervision, payment of taxes assessed
against the common areas, the procurement and maintenance of insurance in
accordance with the Bylaws, the employment of attorneys to represent the
Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association when necessary, and such other
needs as may arise, and for the improvement and maintenance of the common
areas and lots.

(b) Until Class B membership ceases and is converted to Class A

membership pursuant to Article III, Section 2(b), Developer or its nominee shall
administer the assessments' and receipts therefrom, which may only be used for
purposes generally benefiting the Property, as permitted in this Declaration.

Section 3. Maximum Assessment.

(a) Until January 1, 1989, the maximum annual assessment shall

be set at a rate not to exceed $20.00 per month per lot. From and after
January 1, 1989, the maximum annual assessment may not be increased each
year by more than 10% of the maximum assessment for the previous year with-
out an affirmative vote of two-thirds of each class of members pursuant to the

(b) The board of directors of the Blueridge Subdivision

Homeowners' Association may fix the annual assessment at an amount not in
excess of the maximum. The board of directors shall determine when the
assessments shall be paid.

Section 4. Special Assessments for Capital Improvements. In addition to

the annual assessments authorized above, the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners'

Association may levy, in any assessment year, a special assessment applicable to
that year only for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of
any construction, reconstruction, repair or replacement of a capital improvement
upon the common areas, including fixtures and personal property related thereto.
Any such assessment shall have the assent of the majority of each class of
members of the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association . that are authorized
to vote in accordance with this Declaration or by the Bylaws.
Section 5, Uniform Rate of Assessment.Both annual and special assess-
ments shall be fixed at a uniform rate for all lots except those owned by
Developer during the period when Class B membership exists in the Blueridge
Subdivision Homeowners' Association, as provided in Section 1 of this Article.
The board of directors may at its discretion waive the assessment for any year
or part of. a year, for any lot not occupied as a residence.
Section 6, Date of Commencement of Annual Assessments; Due Dates.
The annual assessments provided for herein shall begin as to any lot subject to
the assessment on the first day' of the month next following the date on which
title to the lot is conveyed to the owner, subject to the waiver provided in
Section 5 of this Article. The first annual assessment shall be adjusted accord-
ing to the number of months remaining in the calendar year when title to the
lot is transferred.
Section 7, Reserves. Upon closing of the conveyance of a lot to a
purchaser for occupancy as a residence, such purchaser shall pay to the Blueridge
Subdivision Homeowners' Association an amount equal to two months' assessment,
to be placed in the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association's capital
replacement reserve account. This reserve assessment shall not be applied
Against the annual assessment provided for in Section 1 of this Article.
Section 8. Effect of Nonpayment of Assessment; Remedies of the
Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association.Any assessment not paid within
fifteen days of the due date shall be subject to a late charge as determined by
the board of directors of the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association. The
Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association may bring an action at law against
the owner personally obligated to pay the assessment, or foreclose the lien
against the property, and interest, costs and reasonable attorney fees' of such
action or foreclosure shall be added to the amount of such assessments. No
owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assessments provided for
herein by non-use of the common areas or abandonment of his Lot. Assessments
shall continue to accrue until paid in full, whether or not the member(s) are
suspended from use pursuant to this Declaration.'
For the purpose of rendering unnecessary court proceedings for the
enforcement of said lien in the event of the nonpayment of the assessments, and
for the consideration of one dollar paid in cash, receipt of which is
acknowledged, the lot owners, their heirs, successors, administrators and assigns,
hereinafter in this Section 7 referred to as Trustor, hereby transfer and convey
unto Ronald B. Buchanan, as Trustee, his successors and assigns, their respective
lot with the appurtenances, estate, title and interest thereto belonging upon the
use and trusts set forth in this paragraph.

To have and to hold the property to the Trustee, his successor and
assigns, and his successors in trust, forever.

If the Trustor pays the assessments when due, then this trust conveyance
shall be of no further force or effect with respect to the Trustor's lot. If the
assessments with respect to any lot are not paid promptly when due, this trust
conveyance shall remain in full force and effect, and the Trustee, or his suc-
cessor in trust, is hereby authorized and empowered, upon giving twenty days
notice by three publications in any newspaper, daily or weekly, published in
Sumner County, Tennessee to sell the lot at the front door of the Court House
in said County to the highest bidder for cash, at public outcry, free from the
right of redemption, • statutory or otherwise, homestead, dower and all exemptions
of every kind, which are hereby expressly waived; and the Trustee, or his
successor in trust, is authorized and empowered to execute and deliver a deed to
the purchaser. The Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association may bid at
any sale under this trust conveyance. The Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners'
Association may, at any time after default in the payment of any assessment,
enter and take possession of said property, and shall only account for the net
rents actually received by it. It is further agreed that, in the event the
Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association fails, before instructing the Trustee
to sell the lot, as herein provided, to enter and take possession thereof, the
purchaser shall be entitled to immediate possession thereof upon the delivery to
him by the Trustee of a deed for said property. In the case of sale hereunder,
the proceeds will be applied by the Trustee as follows:

(i) First, to the payment of all costs, charges and expense

of executing this conveyance and enforcing said lien as herein provided, including
reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses incurred for instituting or defending any
litigation which may arise on account of the execution of this conveyance, or
the enforcement of the lien;

(ii) Secqnd, to the payment of all taxes which may be

unpaid with respect to such lot;

(iii) Third, to the payment of all unpaid assessments with

respect to such lot;

(iv) Fourth, the residue, if any, will be paid to the owner(s)

of such lot, his order, representatives or assigns;

In the case of the death, absence, inability, or refusal to act of the

Trustee at any time when action under the foregoing power and trusts may be
required or for any other reason, the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Associa-
tion is hereby authorized and empowered to name and appoint a successor to the
Trustee by an instrument in writing to be recorded in the Sumner County, Ten-
nessee Register's Office and the title herein conveyed to the Trustee shall be
vested in its successor.

The Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association acting on behalf of its

members, shall have the power to bid for the lot at foreclosure sale and to
acquire and hold, lease, mortgage, and convey the same. The Blueridge

Subdivision Homeowners' Association may purchase the lot subject to a first
mortgage or first deed of trust. Where the purchase of a foreclosure lot will
result in a ten percent or greater increase in annual assessments, the purchase
shall require the vote or written consent of a majority of the total voting power
of the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association, including a majority of
members of each class of membership. During the period owned by the
Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association, following foreclosure: (i) no right
to vote shall be exercised on its behalf, and (ii) no assessment shall be assessed
or levied on it. Suit to recover a money judgment for unpaid assessments and
attorneys' fees shall be maintainable without foreclosing or waiving the lien
securing the same,. The Board may temporarily suspend the voting rights and
any and all other rights of a member who is in default of payment of any
assepment after notice.

Section 9.Subordination of the Lien to Mortgages and Deeds of Trust.
The ' lien of the assessments provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien
of any first mortgage or first deed of trust. Sale or transfer of any lot shall
not affect the assessment lien or liens provided for in the preceding sections.
However, the sale or transfer of any lot pursuant to a first mortgage foreclosure
or any proceeding in lieu thereof shall extinguish the lien of such assessments as
to payments which became due prior to such sale or transfer. No sale or
transfer shall relieve such lot owner from liability for any assessments thereafter
becoming due or relieve such lot from the lien for any assessments thereafter
becoming due after such sale or transfer.


Section 1. Primary Use Restrictions. No lot shall be used except for

private single family residential purposes. No structure shall be erected, placed
or altered or permitted to remain on any lot except one single family dwelling
designed for the occupancy 9f one family (including any domestic servants living
on the premises), not to exceed two and one-half stories in height and containing
a garage for the sole use of the owner and occupants of the lot.

Section 2. Nuisances. No noxious or offensive trade or activity, shall be

conducted on any lot, nor shall anything be done which may be or become an
annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.

Section 3. Use of Other Structures and Vehicles.

(a) No structure of a temporary character including, without limi-

tation, an outbuilding, trailer, basement, .tent, shack, garage, barn or structure
other than the main residence erected on a lot shall be permitted on any lot
except temporary tool sheds or field offices used by a builder or Developer,
which shall be removed when construction or development is completed and no
such structure shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or

(b) No trailer, truck, motorcycle, commercial vehicle, camper

trailer, camping vehicle or boat shall be parked or kept on any lot at any time
unless housed in a garage or basement. No automobile which is inoperable shall
be habitually or repeatedly parked or kept on any lot (except in the garage) or
on any street in the subdivision. No trailer, boat, truck, or other vehicle,
except an automobile, shall be parked on any street in the subdivision for a
period in excess of twenty-four hours in any one calendar year. No repairs of
any vehicle shall be performed on any lot or in the common areas, except as
permitted by the rules and regulations of the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners'
Association and any local law or regulation.

(c) No automobile shall be continuously or habitually parked on

any street or in the common areas in the Property.

(d) No flagpoles shall be erected on any lot.

'Section 4. Animals. No animals, including reptiles, livestock or poultry

of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats or
other household pets (meaning the domestic pets traditionally recognized as
household pets in this geographic area) may be kept, provided they are not kept,
bred or maintained for any commercial or breeding purposes, and, provided fur-
ther, that all local laws, ordinances, and/or regulations are complied with by the
owners of the lots and/or pets.

Section 5. Clothes Lines; Fences and Walls; Swimming Pools; Antennae

and Receivers/Transmitters.

(a) No outside clothes lines shall be erected or placed on any lot.

(b) No fence or wall of any nature may be extended toward the

front or street side property line beyond the front or side wall of the resi-
dences. As a "structure" no fence or wall of any nature may be erected,
placed or altered on any lot until construction plans are approved in writing by
the Developer pursuant to Acticle VI, Section 1.

(C) No swimming pools shall be erected or placed on any lot

from the date hereof unless its design and placement are approved in writing by

(d) No antennae or microwave and other receivers and trans-

mitters (including those currently called "satellite dishes") shall be erected or
placed on any lot unless its design and placement are approved by Developer.

Section 6. Duty to Repair and Rebuild.

(a) Each owner of a lot shall, at its sole cost and expense,
repair all portions of his residence and lot, keeping the same in condition com-
parable to the condition of such residence at the time of its initial construction,
excepting only normal wear and tear.

(b) If all or any portion of a residence is damaged or destroyed

by fire, or other casualty, then the owner shall, with all due diligence, promptly
rebuild, repair, or reconstruct such residence in a manner which will substantially
restore it to its condition immediately prior to the casualty. Alternatively, the
lot owner shall completely raze the residence and sod or seed the entire lot
until such time as construction of a new residence is begun.

(c) Any failure by a lot owner to comply with the provisions of

this Section 6 may be remedied by the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Associ-
ation and the cost thereof charged to the lot owner. The Blueridge Subdivision
Homeowners' Association shall have a lien on the owner's lot to secure the
repayment of such coats, which lien may be enforced as the lien for assessments
is enforced.

Section 7. Businessi Home Occupations. No trade or business of any kind

(and no practice of medicine, dentistry, chiropody, osteopathy and other like en-
deavors) shall be conducted on any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which
may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood or be in violation of
local laws, ordinances or regulations. Notwithstanding the provisions hereof or of
Section 1 of this Article, a new house may be used by the builder thereof for
the builder's own office provided said use terminates within eighteen months from
completion of the house or upon such additional period of time as may be
expressly agreed to in writing by Developer.

Section 8. Signs. No sign for advertising or for any other purpose shall
be displayed on any lot or on a building or a structure on any lot, except one
sign for advertising the sale thereof, which shall not be greater in area than
twelve square feet; provided, however, Developer shall have the right to (i) erect
larger signs when advertising the Property; (ii) place signs on lots designating the
lot number of the lots, and (iii) following the sale of a lot, place signs on such
lot indicating the name of the purchaser of that lot. No "model home" signs
shall be permitted on the Property. This restriction shall not prohibit placement
of occupant name signs and lot numbers as allowed by applicable zoning regula-
tions. Further, any such sign shall comply with all local laws, ordinances and/or

Section 9. Drainage. Drainage of each lot shall conform to the general

drainage plans of Developer for the Property. ' No storm water drains, roof
downspouts or ground water shall be introduced into the sanitary sewage system.
Connections on each lot shall be made with watertight joints in accordance . with
all applicable plumbing code requirements.

Section 10. Obligation to Construct or Reconvey. Every lot owner shall,

if a builder within 12 months after the date of conveyance of a lot without a
dwelling thereon, and if a purchaser who intends' to reside in the dwelling con-
structed within 3 years after the date of . conveyance of a lot without a dwelling
thereon, commence in good faith the construction and diligent pursuit of comple-
tion of a single family dwelling approved according to Article VI, Section 1,
upon each lot conveyed. if construction does not commence and promptly pro-
ceed toward completion within the applicable specified period of time, Developer
may elect to repurchase any and all lots on which construction has not com-
menced for 100% of the purchase price, without interest, of said lot or lots
hereunder sold by Developer, in which event the lot owner shall immediately
reconvey and deliver possession of said lot or lots to Developer by deed of
special warranty. If Developer has not exercised this right to repurchase within
three years from the date such right vests in Developer, the Developer's right to
repurchase shall cease.

Section 11. Disposal of Trash.No lot shall be used or maintained as a

dumping ground for rubbish, trash, or garbage. Trash, garbage or other waste
shall not be kept except in sanitary containers and out of view from any street
or other lot or the common area. The restriction shall not apply during the
period of construction of a residence on the lot or adjoining lots.

Section 12. Oil and Mining Operations. No oil drilling, oil development
operations, oil refining, quarrying or mining operations of any kind shall be per-
mitted upon, in or under any lot, nor shall oil wells, tanks, tunnels, mineral
excavations or shafts be permitted upon, under or in any lot. No derrick or
other structure designed for use in boring for oil or natural gas shall be erected,
maintained or permitted upon any lot.

Section 13. Natural Gas Use. All original lot owners shall use natural
gas for heating and heating of hot water unless a payment of $500.00 is made
to Developer for partial remittance to the Nashville Gas Company.


Section 1. Approval of Construction and Landscape Plans.

(a) No structure may be erected, placed or altered on any lot

until the construction plans and building specifications and a plan showing (i) the
location of all improvements on the lot; (ii) the grade elevation (including rear,
front and side elevations); (iii) the type of exterior material (including delivery
of a sample thereof); and (iv) the location and size of the driveway (which shall
be of exposed aggregate coperete), shall have been approved in writing by the
Developer. No house or residence shall be permitted to be moved into Blueridge
Subdivision and placed or erected on any lot.

(b) In addition to the plans referred to in the previous paragraph,

a landscape plan shall be submitted to the Developer for its approval in writing,
which plan shall show the trees, shrubs and other plantings. Thereafter, no addi-
tional trees, shrubs or other plantings may be placed on any lot's yard area
bordering on the common areas until a supplementary landscape plan has been
submitted' to Developer for its approval in writing.

(c) References to "Developer" shall include any entity, person or

association to whom Developer may assign the right of approval. References to
"structure" in this paragraph shall include any building (including a garage), fence,
wall, antennae and microwave and other receivers and transmitters (including
those currently called "satellite dishes"), swimming pools, decks, headwalls, and,
in fact, any and all improvements upon such lot(s).

Section 2. Building Materials. The exterior building material of all struc-

tures shall extend to ground level and shall be either brick, stone, brick veneer
or stone veneer, a combination of same or other material expressly approved in
writing by Developer. All dwellings shall have full masonry foundations, and no
exposed block or concrete foundation shall be visible above ground level.

Section 3. Minimum Floor Areas.The following shall be the minimum

floor areas for homes to be constructed after this instrument is recorded:

(a) The total floor area of a one story house shall be a minimum
of 1,650 square feet.
(b) The total floor area of a two story house shall be a minimum
of 2,200 square feet, with a minimum of 1,100 square feet on the ground floor.

(c) The total floor area of any other house shall be a minimum
of 2,200 square feet.

(d) Garages, basements (whether or not finished) and open porches

shall not be included in calculating minimum square footages.

Section 4. Setbacks.No structure shall be located on any . lot nearer to

the front lot line or the side street line than the minimum building setback lines
shown on the recorded plat, except bay windows and steps may project into said
areas, and open porches may project into said areas not more than six feet:.
Developer may vary the established building lines or permit encroachments into.
said areas, in its sole discretion, where not in conflict with applicable zoning
ordinances and/or regulations.

Section 5. Garages; Carports.

(a) Garages, as structures, are subject to prior plan approval

under Section 1 hereof. Garages shall either be attached to or connected by a
breezeway to the main dwelling unit.

(b) No carport shall be constructed on any lot.

Section 6. Landscaping; Driveways; Sidewalks.

(a) After the construction of a residence, the lot owner shall

grade and sod that portion of the lot between the front and street side walls of
the residence and the pavement of any abutting streets. All other portions of
the lot shall be seeded. The lot owner shall also plant at least two three inch
diameter trees.

(b) Each lot owner shall promptly finish the driveway with
exposed aggregate concrete at completion of a single family dwelling.

(c) After construction of a residence, each lot owner shall, unless

waived in writing by Developer, install a gas light at a location approved by
(d) Upon construction of a residence, each lot owner shall cause
an exposed aggregate concrete sidewalk having a width of 4 feet to be con-
structed on the lot. The sidewalk shall run from boundary line to boundary line
of the lot, with the front edge of the sidewalk being approximately 2 feet from
the back edge of the curb of the street. The exact location and the plans for
the sidewalk and its site preparation shall be approved by Developer before con-
struction begins.

(e) Upon an owner's failure to comply with the provisions of this

Section 6, Developer may take such action as necessary to comply therewith, and
the owner shall immediately, upon demand, reimburse Developer or other
performing party for all expenses incurred in so doing, including reasonable
attorney fees, together with allowable statutory interest, and Developer shall
have a lien on that lot and the improvements thereon to secure the repayment
of such amounts. Such lien may be enforced in the same manner and with the
same priority that the lien for annual and special assessments may be enforced.

Section 7. Mail and Paper Boxes. The only mail box and/or paper holder
authorized or permitted shall be that standard unit approved by Developer and
all such units shall be purchased from and installed by Developer. No other
mail box or paper holder shall be placed on any lot.


Section 1. Enforcement. Enforcement of these restrictions shall be by

proceeding of law or in equity, brought by any owner, by the Blueridge Subdivi-
sion Homeowners' Association, or by Developer against any party violating or at-
tempting to violate any covenant or restriction, either to restrain violation, to
' direct restoration and/or to recover damages. Failure of any owner, the
Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association, or Developer to demand or insist
upon observance of any of these restrictions, or to proceed for restraint of
violations, shall not be deemed a waiver of the violation, or the right to seek
enforcement of these restrictions.

Section 2. Severability. Invalidation of any one of these covenants by

judgment or court order shall in no way affect any of the other provisions which
shall remain in full force and effect.

Section 3. Restrictions Run With Land. Unless cancelled, altered or

amended under the provisions of this paragraph, these covenants and restrictions
are to run with the land and shall be binding on all parties claiming under them
for a period of at least forty (40) years from the date this document is record-
ed, after which time they shall be extended automatically for successive periods
of ten years, unless an instrument signed by a majority of the then owners of
all lots subject to this Declaration has been recorded agreeing to change these
restrictions and covenants in whole or in part. These restrictions may be can-
celled, altered or amended at any time, if permitted by local law, ordinance
and/or regulation, by a written instrument signed by the owners of the lots with
75% of the votes in the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association and
recorded in the Sumner County, Tennessee Register's Office.
Section 4. Amendments to Articles and Bylaws. Nothing contained in this
Declaration shall limit the right of the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners'
Association to amend, from time to time, its Charter and Bylaws.

Section 5. Non-Liability of the Directors and Officers. Neither Developer

nor the directors nor officers of the Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Associa-
tion shall be personally liable to the owners for any mistake or judgment or for
any other acts or omissions of any nature whatsoever while acting in their
official capacity, except for any acts or omissions found by a court to constitute
gross negligence or actual fraud. The owners shall indemnify and hold harmless
Developer and each of the directors and officers and their respective heirs,
executors, administrators, successors and assigns in accordance with the Bylaws.
This indemnification shall include, without limitation, indemnification against all
costs .nd . expenses (including attorney fees, amounts of judgments paid and
amounts paid in settlement) incurred in connection with any claim, action, suit
or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or other. The Blueridge
Subdivision Homeowners' Association may provide insurance to cover such risks.

Section 6. Subject to Local Laws, Ordinances and/or Regulations. The,

Blueridge Subdivision Homeowners' Association, or any successor organization, shall.
own and maintain the common open space in accordance with the officially
recorded development plat and subject to local laws, ordinances and/or regulations
related to Open Space Residential Developments and be responsible for any and
all costs and/or sanctions from deviation from the same and shall indemnify and
hold harmless Developer from such deviations and consequences of deviation.

Section 7. Board's Determination Binding. In the event of any dispute or

disagreement between any owners relating to the Property, or any questions of
interpretation or application of the provisions of this Declaration or the Bylaws,
the determination thereof by the Board of Directors of the Blueridge Subdivision
Homeowners' Association shall be final and binding on each and all such owners,
except Developer, for so long as it owns a lot or lots, may veto such determi-
nations relating to lot(s) owned by it or adversely affecting the lot(s) owned by
it, in Developer's sole discretion.


Metropolitan Federal Savings and Loan Association, a corporation organized

and existing under the laws of the United States of America, holds liens affect-
ing the property described in the foregoing Declaration pursuant to (i) Deed of
Trust of ' record in Book 537, Page 119, (ii) Deed of Trust of record in
Book 559, Page 95, (iii) Deed of Trust of record in Book 563, Page 308, and re-
recorded in Book 11, Page 740, (iv) Deed of Trust of record in Book 25,
Page 245, and (v) Modification and Assumption Agreement Without Release, of
record in Book 25, Page 239, all in the office of the Register of Sumner
County, Tennessee (collectively, the "Liens"). Metropolitan Federal Savings and
Loan Association joins in this Declaration for the purpose of consenting to and
subordinating the Liens to the terms and provisions of this Declaration,. provided (a) no
ssessments upon the property' subject to this instrument shall have a priority over
ny Deed of Trust or other security document now or hereafter held by said institu-
ion, its successors and assigns, securing any indebtedness of Developer, its
uccessors and assigns, whether such Deed of Trust or other security document is a
first or subordinate encumbrance and (b Developer shall have no right to extend
his Declaration to any additional prop Pty encumbered by a Deed of Trust held by

uch institution, its successors and assigns, without the prior written consent of
uch institution, or its successors or assigns.
WITNESS the signature of Developer by its duly authorized partner and
Metropolitan Federal Savings and Loan Association by its authorized officer as of
the date first set forth above, but actually on the dates set forth in the notar-
ial certificates below.




By i-)
Robert H. Marrett, President





Before me, LtdiGf , a Notary Public in and for

said State and County, duly commissioned and qualified, personally appeared
Robert H. Marrett, with whom I am personally acquainted, or proved to me on
the basis of satisfactory evidence, and who, upon oath, acknowledged himself to
be president of STM/Blueridge, Inc., a general partner of Blueridge Development
Partners, a general partnership, the within named bargainor, a general part-
nership, and that he as the authorized president of the general partner, being
authorized to do so, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein
contained by signing the name of the general partnership by himself as president
of the authorized general partner.

WITNESS my hand and seal, at office in Z__OcV3v/A_. , this
/7 "1 day of rt e_. , 1988.

otary Publi

My Commission expires: Heg

- 16 -
COUNTY OF Ott u ck4,c)
Before me, VLPNin C., F. Fry r- , a Notary Public in and
for said State and County, duly commissioned and qualified, personally appeared
R ri IAe1,cjI Tr , with whom I am personally acquainted, or proved
to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence and who, upon oath, acknowledged
himself to be the ex, c.V;(1) Pre , of Metropolitan Federal Savings and Loan
Association, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the United
States of America, the withinnamed bargainor, a corporation, and that he as the
authorized izile.c V;(0 Pre •of the corporation, being authorized to do so, exe-
cuted the 'foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing the
name .of the corporation by himself as Pxx, ll.ta Pre s. of the corporation.
Witness my hand and seal at office in IV p‘ v I le , Tennessee,
this 4 day of -Thyle 1988.

Commission expires: nri lc I) 1930_

This instrument prepared by
1600 Citizens Plaza
Louisville, Kentucky 40202 RECORDING o
16192 REG. FEE

This First Amendment to the Amended and Restated Declara-

tion of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Blueridge
Subdivision is made on oor , 1988, by Blueridge
Development Partners, a general partnership ("Developer") and
by Thomas H. Cherry, Jr. and Sandra H. Cherry (collectively,
A. Developer owns _certain real property in Sumner County,
Tennessee, which is being developed as a residential subdivi-
sion known as Blueridge. That property is subject to an
Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and
Restrictions dated June 17, 1988, of record in Book 32, Page
806, in the office of the Register of Sumner County, Tennessee
(the "Declaration").
B, Developer owns all lots now subject to the Declaration,
except Lot 75 and Lot 84, both of which are owned by Cherry.
C. Developer desires to amend the Declaration to increase
the minimum floor areas for homes constructed in Blueridge
subdivision, and Cherry agrees with such amendment.
NOW, THEREFORE, Developer and Cherry amend the Declaration
as follows:
1. Amendment. Article VI, Section 3, of the Declaration
is amended to read in its entirety as follows:
Section 3. Minimum Floor Areas. The follow-
ing shall be the minimum floor areas for homes to .v.11-a g
be constructed after this instrument is recorded: CE
(a) The total floor area of a one story
house shall be a minimum of 1,800 square feet. C=7:1
(b) The total floor area of a two story
house shall be a minimum of 2,400 square feet, with
a minimum of 1,100 square feet on the ground floor.

41Ca 4_14988._ AT .
(c) The total floor area of any other
house shall be a minimum of 2,400 square feet.
(d) Garages, basements (whether or not
finished) and open porches shall not be included
in calculating minimum square footages.
2. Ratification.In all other respects, Developer and
Cherry ratify and affirm all of the covenants, conditions
and restrictions contained in the Declaration.
3. Joinder by Lienholder. Metropolitan Federal Savings
and Loan Association, a corporation organized and existing
under the laws of the United States of America, holds liens
affecting the property described in the Declaration pursuant
to (i) Deed of Trust of record in Book 537, Page 119, (ii)
Deed of Trust of record in Book 559, Page 95, (iii) Deed of
Trust of record in Book 563, Page 308, and re-recorded in Book
11, Page 740, (iv) Deed of Trust of record in Book 25, Page
245, and (v) Modification and Assumption Agreement Without
Release of record in Book 25, Page 239, all in the office of
the Register of Sumner County, Tennessee (collectively, the
"Liens"). Metropolitan Federal Savings and Loan Association
joins in this Amendment for the purpose of consenting to
the foregoing amendment. This consent shall not be deemed to
be a consent to any other amendment and shall be subject to
the same limitations provided in Metropolitan Federal Savings
and Loan Association's initial consent set forth in Article
VIII of the Declaration.
Witness the signatures of Developer, Cherry and Metropolitan
Federal Savings and Loan Association as of the date first set
forth above but actually on the dates set forth in the notarial
certificates below.
General Partner


Thomas H. C erry, Jr.

Sandra H. Cherry 499

- 2 -


Title: Senior Executive Vice President

COUNTY OF Je eK5on )
Before me, cc 5,34 --Z'ci , a Notary Public
in. and for said State and County, duly commissioned and qualified,
personally appeared Robert H. Marrett, with whom I am personally
acquainted, or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence,
and who, upon oath, acknowledged himself to be president of STM/
Blueridge, Inc., a general partner of Blueridge Development
Partners, a general partnership, the within named bargainor, a
general partnership, and that he as the authorized president of
the general nartner, being authorized to do so, executed the
foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by sign-
ing the name of the general partnership by himself as prps4sleai
of the authorized general partner.
,,,,,ll 111111 , ,,11.

/Jp my hand and seal, at of i
WESS T ce n /,..6 (//;V' ' •
this / Aday of 6c 19 8'811
'1. 1■••••
•••• !:
j•••• • •
r) • CI) ••J

otary Public t •

. ,,,,,
My Commission expires:
l" 5-71
Before me, a Notary Public
in and for said •tate an Cou ty, duly commissioned and qualified,
personallylappeared Thomas H. Cherry, Jr. and Sandra H. Cherry,
with whom I am personally acquainted, or proved to me on the
basis of satisfactory evidence and who, upon oath, acknowledged
themselves to be the withinnamed bargainor, and that-they executed
the foregoing instrument for the purposes thee9i.n contained:
Witness my,har0 ,,,,,,,,,,,, at office
lf/" day o
,.• ., .
'• ,
"' kS4
C .
" 1!.
OW • .10
' Notary
o ry is

My Commission eXpire0 : •
•• .02/- 9/
STATE OF 17,,m e.,:._ )
COUNTY OF •(fiti,,rv,,,,,,, )
Before me, 1111,‘Iilet_ S. - Fro,er. ,'a Notary Public
in and for said State-4tnd County, duly commissioned and quali-
fied, personally appeared D • I i 1 , with
whom I am personally acquainte•, or proved to me on t e basis of
satisfactory evidence and who, upon oath, acknowledged himself to
be the '_ 1,, Eve . Vro Pre,,:doitof Metropolitan Federal Savings and
Loan Association, a corporation organized and existing under the
laws of the United States of America, the withinnamed bargainor,
a corporation, and that he as the authorized .Sr F,(ec. Vec. Prve,:dc,,i
of the corporation, being authorized to do so, executed the
foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by ,
signing the name of the.corporation by himself as &Exec. V:(e1V-s4v,1 1
of the corporation.
Witness my hand and seal at office in Klikv,ile
TA] , this 1; 4'1 day of 0-16,(,1 _ , 1988.
,„,pe .. . ; .

Notary Ptiblic • •

`r te 1•.
<, 9 ...•
My Commission expires: 0"Vrldh II ) /096 • 1:= ..ti)l
, O .4'
, •
. .

••■... ..............


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