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Office of City Mayor v. Ebio Digest

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101 Office of City Mayor of Paranaque v.

GR. No. 178411 (2010)
J. Vilarrama Jr. / Tita K

Subject Matter: Rule 3; necessary and indispensable parties

Case Summary: Respondents owned a parcel of land that was formed from alluvial deposits. The petitioner
City Government wanted to construct a road that would traverse the subject property. Respondent applied for a
writ of preliminary injunction before the RTC. The RTC denied the application for failure to implead the
Republic of the Philippines as an indispensable party. The CA reversed the RTC decision, ruling that the
respondents have acquired the property through acquisitive prescription. WON the Republic is an
indispensable party, the SC ruled in the negative. It held that the alluvial deposit is not part of the public
domain therefore the Republic is not an indispensable nor a necessary party in respondents’ action for
preliminary injunction.


The State is not a necessary party to an action where no positive act shall be required from it or where no
obligation shall be imposed upon it, and neither would it be an indispensable party if none of its properties shall
be divested nor any of its rights infringed.

Action Before SC: “This is a petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court”

Office of the City Mayor of Parañaque City,
Office of the City Administrator of Parañaque City,
Office of the City Engineer of Parañaque City,
Office of the City Planning and Development Coordinator,
Petitioner Office of the Barangay Captain and Sangguniang Pambarangay of Barangay
Vitalez, Parañaque City,
Teresita A. Gatchalian, Enrico R. Esguerra, Ernesto T. Pracale, Jr., Manuel M.
Argote, Conrado M. Canlas, Josephine S. Dauigoy, Allan L. Gonzales, Ester C.
Asehan, Manuel A. Fuentes, and Myrna P. Rosales

Mario D. Ebio and

Respondent his children/heirs namely, Arturo V. Ebio, Eduardo V. Ebio, Renato V. Ebio,
Lourdes E. Magtangob, Mila V. Ebio, And Arnel V. Ebio

Antecedent Facts:
1. Respondents claim to be the absolute owners of a parcel of land (406 square meters) located in
Barangay Vitalez, Parañaque City and covered by Tax Declaration Nos. 01027 and 01472 in the name
of respondent Mario D. Ebio.
Respondents’ great grandfather, Jose Vitalez (Jose) was alleged to be the original owner and
possessor of the said parcel of land. Jose then gave the land to his son Pedro. Eventually,
respondent Mario Ebio married Pedro’s daughter, Zenaida, so Pedro executed a notarized
Transfer of Rights ceding his claim over the entire parcel of land in favor of Mario Ebio.
Respondents have been religiously paying real property taxes for the said property since 1966.
Respondents also built their house on the said lot.
2. This subject land was formed from the alluvial deposits that have gradually settled along the banks of
Cut-cut creek
3. The Office of the Sangguniang Barangay of Vitalez wanted to construct an access road along
Cut-cut Creek located in the said barangay.
4. The proposed road will traverse the lot occupied by the respondents.
5. The Office of the Sangguniang Barangay of Vitalez sought assistance from the City Government of
Parañaque for the construction. The city government then advised all the affected residents to vacate
the said area.
6. Respondents immediately registered their opposition thereto. As a result, the road project was
temporarily suspended.
7. However, the officials from the barangay and the city planning office proceeded to cut 8 coconut trees
planted on the said lot. The city administrator also sent a letter to the respondents ordering them to
vacate the area within thirty (30) days, or be physically evicted from the said property.

1st Level Court Proceedings

1. Action: Threatened of being evicted, respondents went to the RTC of Parañaque City and applied
for a writ of preliminary injunction against petitioners.
Respondents admitted before the trial court that they have a pending application for the issuance of a
sales patent before the DENR.
2. Ruling: RTC denied the petition for lack of merit.
The trial court held that respondents were not able to prove successfully their right to the
property since they have not instituted an action for confirmation of title and their application for sales
patent has not yet been granted. Additionally, they failed to implead the Republic of the Philippines,
which is an indispensable party.
3. MR: Respondents moved for reconsideration, but was likewise denied.
Appellate Court Proceedings
1. Action: Respondents elevated the matter to the Court of Appeals.
2. Ruling: CA ruled in favor of the respondents and held that the respondents have amply proven
their right over the property.
CA found that the subject land is an accreted property owned by Guaranteed Homes Inc. (who had the
land registered in its name in 1966), and that Guaranteed Homes Inc. donated the said land to the City
Government. Nonetheless, the CA also found it clear that the said accreted property has been in
exclusive possession of the respondents and their predecessor-in-interest (Pedro Vitalez) since 1930
and that property taxes has been paid by them since 1966. Therefore, respondents have acquired
ownership of the property through acquisitive prescription.
3. MR: CA denied the MR.

1. WON the State is an indispensable party to respondents’ action for prohibitory injunction. – NO

Petitioners argue that since the creek, being a tributary of the river, is classified as part of the public
domain, any land that may have formed along its banks through time should also be considered as
part of the public domain. And respondents should have included the State as it is an indispensable
party to the action.


NO – The State is NOT an indispensable party to respondents’ action for prohibitory injunction.
 Alluvial deposits along the banks of a creek do not form part of the public domain as the alluvial
property automatically belongs to the owner of the estate to which it may have been added.
 However, the law provides that the owner of the adjoining property must register the same under the
Torrens system; otherwise, the alluvial property may be subject to acquisition through prescription by
third persons.

o The estate, to which the alluvial deposits were added, is owned by Guaranteed Homes Inc.
However, Guaranteed Homes Inc. was only able to register the accreted property in 1966 which
was already too late because the respondents have already acquired ownership over the
said land through acquisitive prescription. The respondents and their predecessor-in-
interest have possessed the said property since 1930. (See NOTES for more details)

Considering that the land is not a public domain and that the respondents’ have property right over it,
the SC further ruled that the State is neither an indispensable nor necessary party in this case.

 An indispensable party is one whose interest in the controversy is such that a final decree would
necessarily affect his/her right, so that the court cannot proceed without their presence.
 In contrast, a necessary party is one whose presence in the proceedings is necessary to
adjudicate the whole controversy but whose interest is separable such that a final decree can
be made in their absence without affecting them.
o The State in this case is neither a necessary nor an indispensable party to respondents’
action because no positive act is to be required from it or where no obligation shall be
imposed upon it.
o Neither would it be an indispensable party because none of its properties shall be
divested nor any of its rights infringed.

o The action for prohibition merely seeks to enjoin the city government of Parañaque from
proceeding with its implementation of the road construction project.

Dispositive: Wherefore, the petition is DENIED for lack of merit. The January 31, 2007
Decision, as well as the July 8, 2007 Resolution, of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 91350 are hereby

Other issue:

2. WON the character of respondents’ possession and occupation of the subject property entitles them to
avail of the relief of prohibitory injunction. – YES

 A right in esse means a clear and unmistakable right. A party seeking to avail of an injunctive relief
must prove that he or she possesses a right in esse or one that is actual or existing.

 It should not be contingent, abstract, or future rights, or one which may never arise.

o In the case at bar, respondents assert that their predecessor-in-interest, Pedro Vitalez, had
occupied and possessed the subject lot as early as 1930. In 1964, respondent Mario Ebio
secured a permit from the local government of Parañaque for the construction of their family
dwelling on the said lot. In 1966, Pedro executed an affidavit of possession and occupancy
allowing him to declare the property in his name for taxation purposes. Curiously, it was also in
1966 when Guaranteed Homes, Inc., the registered owner of the accreted property which
adjoins the land occupied by the respondents, donated the said property to the local
government of Parañaque.
o The SC concludes that for more than thirty (30) years, neither Guaranteed Homes, Inc. nor the
local government of Parañaque in its corporate or private capacity sought to register the
accreted portion.
o Undoubtedly, respondents are deemed to have acquired ownership over the subject property
through prescription.
o Respondents can assert such right despite the fact that they have yet to register their title over
the said lot.
An action for injunction is brought specifically to restrain or command the performance of an act. It is distinct
from the ancillary remedy of preliminary injunction, which cannot exist except only as part or as an incident to
an independent action or proceeding. Moreover, in an action for injunction, the auxiliary remedy of a
preliminary prohibitory or mandatory injunction may issue.

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