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Peralta v. Abalon

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Sps. Peralta v.

Heirs of Abalon (2014)  Contrary to what the Abalons would like to impress on us, Fule and Torres do not present
PETITIONERS: Spouses Dominador and Ofelia Peralta clashing views.
RESPONDENTS: Heirs of Bernardina Abalon, represented by Mansueto Abalon  In Fule, the original owner relinquished physical possession of her title and thus enabled
SUMMARY: the perpetrator to commit the fraud, which resulted in the cancellation of her title and
The case involves a parcel of land registered under the name of Bernardina Abalon and the issuance of a new one.
fraudulently transferred to Restituto Rellama and who, in turn, subdivided the subject property  The forged instrument eventually became the root of a valid title in the hands of an
and sold it separately to the Spouses Dominador and Ofelia Peralta; and Marissa, Leonil and innocent purchaser for value.
Arnel, all surnamed Andal. Thereafter, Spouses Peralta and the Andals individually registered
 Simply put, while the forger or the person who acquired the property through forgery
the respective portions of the land they had bought under their names. The heirs of Bernardina
acquires no right or title over the same, if he has successfully registered the property
were claiming back the land, alleging that since it was sold under fraudulent circumstances, no
under his name, his subsequent transfer or encumbrance of the property in favor of an
valid title passed to the buyers. On the other hand, the buyers, who were now title holders of
innocent third person who had relied on the correctness of the issued certificate of title
the subject parcel of land, averred that they were buyers in good faith and sought the protection
grants the latter the right over the property and the court cannot disregard the same. This
accorded to them under the law. The Court in affirming the decision of the Court of Appeals,
is a well-recognized rule that a forged deed or even a void title may still be a source of a
held that despite the fraud, it may still give rise to valid title of transferred to IPV.
valid title.
A fraudulent or forged document of sale may still give rise to a valid title if the certificate of title
 However, this doctrine has no application where the owner still holds a valid and existing
has already been transferred from the name of the true owner to the name of the forger or to
certificate of title covering the same interest in a realty; i.e., when the original owner
the name indicated by the forger and remained as such, the land is considered to have been
retained possession of the title, but through fraud, another person secured a court order
subsequently sold to an innocent purchaser, whose title is thus considered valid.
for the issuance of a copy thereof. The proper application of the exception is where the
forger, thru insidious means, obtains the owner’s duplicate certificate of title, converts it
in his name, and subsequently sells or otherwise encumbers it to an innocent holder for
value, for in such a case the new certificate is binding upon the owner (Sec.55, Act 496;
 The instant case before the RTC Legazpi City involved a parcel of land described as Lot Sec. 53, P.D. No. 1529). So if the owner holds a valid and existing certificate of title, his
1679 consisting of 8,571 square meters covered by OCT No. (O) 16 and registered under would be indefeasible as against the whole world, and not that of the innocent holder’s
the name of Bernardina Abalon. – prior tempore potior jure(earlier in time, priority in right).[18]
 It was fraudulently transferred to Restituto Rellama by executing a Deed of Sale and who,
in turn, subdivided the subject property and sold it separately to the other parties –
o Spouses Dominador and Ofelia Peralta (TCT No. 42252);  The new title under the name of the forger was registered and relied upon by the innocent
o and Marissa, Leonil and Arnel, all surnamed Andal (TCT No. 42482 and TCT purchaser for value. Hence, it was clear that there was a complete chain of registered
No. 42821). titles.
 Thereafter, Spouses Peralta and the Andals individually registered the respective portions o “The established rule is that a forged deed is generally null and cannot convey
of the land they had bought under their names. title, the exception thereto, pursuant to Section 55 of the Land Registration
 The heirs of Bernardina were claiming back the land, alleging that since it was sold under Act, denotes the registration of titles from the forger to the innocent purchaser
fraudulent circumstances, no valid title passed to the buyers. for value. Thus, the qualifying point here is that there must be a complete
 On the other hand, the buyers, who were now title holders of the subject parcel of land, chain of registered titles. This means that all the transfers starting from the
averred that they were buyers in good faith and sought the protection accorded to them original rightful owner to the innocent holder for value – and that includes the
under the law. transfer to the forger – must be duly registered, and the title must be properly
issued to the transferee. x x x.”
ISSUE: WN a forged instrument may become the root of a valid title in the hands of an innocent  In the instant case, there is no evidence that the chain of registered titles was broken in
purchaser for value, even if the true owner thereof has been in possession of the genuine title, which the case of the Andals. Neither were they proven to have knowledge of anything that
is valid and has not been cancelled.  YES! would make them suspicious of the nature of Rellama’s ownership over the subject parcel
of land.
HELD:  Hence, we sustain the CA’s ruling that the Andals were buyers in good faith.
 The established rule is that a forged deed is generally null and cannot convey title, the Consequently, the validity of their title to the parcel of the land bought from Rellama
exception thereto, pursuant to Section 55 of the Land Registration Act, denotes the must be upheld.
registration of titles from the forger to the innocent purchaser for value.
 Thus, the qualifying point here is that there must be a complete chain of registered titles.
 This means that all the transfers starting from the original rightful owner to the innocent
holder for value – and that includes the transfer to the forger – must be duly registered,
and the title must be properly issued to the transferee.
G.R. No. 183448 June 30, 2014 Absolute Sale was executed over the subject property in favor of Restituto M. Rellama
(Rellama) on June 10, 1975. By virtue of such conveyance OCT No. (O) 16 was cancelled and
SPOUSES DOMINADOR PERALTA AND OFELIA PERALTA, Petitioners, in lieu thereof Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 42108 was issued in the name of
vs. Rellama. The subject property was then subdivided into three (3) portions: Lot 1679-A, Lot
HEIRS OF BERNARDINA ABALON, represented by MANSUETO 1679-B, Lot 1679-C. Lot 1679-A was sold to Spouses Dominador P. Peralta, Jr. and Ofelia M.
ABALON, Respondents. Peralta (Spouses Peralta) for which reason TCT No. 42254 was issued in their names. Lot
1679-B, on the other hand, was first sold to Eduardo Lotivio (Lotivio) who thereafter
transferred his ownership thereto to Marissa Andal, Arnel Andal, and Leonil Andal (the
G.R. No. 183464 Andals) through a Deed of Absolute Sale dated October 9, 1995. On even date, TCT No.
42482 was issued in the name of the Andals. The Andals likewise acquired Lot 1679-C as
HEIRS OF BERNARDINA ABALON, represented by MANSUETO evidenced by the issuance of TCT No. 42821 in their favor on December 27, 1995.
ABALON, Petitioners,
vs. Claiming that the Deed of Absolute Sale executed by Abalon in favor of Rellama was a forged
MARISSA ANDAL, LEONIL AND AL, ARNEL AND AL, SPOUSES DOMINDOR document, and claiming further that they acquired the subject property by succession, they
PERALTA AND OFELIA PERALTA, and HEIRS of RESTITUTO RELLAMA, being the nephew and niece of Abalon who died without issue, plaintiff-appellees Mansueta
represented by his children ALEX, IMMANUEL, JULIUS and SYLVIA, all surnamed Abalon and Amelia Abalon filed the case below against Rellama, Spouses Peralta, and the
RELLAMA. Andals, the herein defendants-appellants and the Bank of the Philippines [sic] Islands which
was later dropped as a party defendant.
It was alleged in their Complaint and subsequent Amended Complaint, under five separate
SERENO, CJ: causes of action, that Rellama was able to cause the cancellation of OCT No. (O) 16, and in
lieu thereof the issuance of TCT No. 42108 in his own name from which the defendants-
Before us are the consolidated Petitions for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules appellants derived their own titles, upon presentation of a xerox copy of the alleged forged
of Court assailing the 30 May 2007 Decision1 of the Court of Appeals (CA) Seventeenth deed of absolute sale and the order granting the issuance of a second owner’s duplicate copy
Division in CA-G.R. CV No. 85542. The CA had reversed the 14 April 2005 Decision2 of the of OCT No. (O) 16 in his favor in Miscellaneous Cadastral Case No. 10648, which he had
Regional Trial Court (RTC), Fifth Judicial Region of Legaspi City, Branch 5, in Civil Case No. filed on the pretext that Lot 1679 covered by OCT No. (O) 16 was sold to him and that the
9243. owner’s duplicate copy of the said title got lost in 1976 after the same was delivered to him.
They averred that the owner’s duplicate copy of Oct NO. (O) 16 had always been with Abalon
and that upon her death, it was delivered to them. Likewise, they alleged that Abalon had
The civil case before the RTC of Legaspi City involved a parcel of land registered under the
always been in possession of the subject property through her tenant Pedro Bellen who was
name of Bernardina Abalon and fraudulently transferred to Restituto Rellama and who, in
thereafter succeeded by his wife, Ruperta Bellen, and then his son, Godofredo Bellen. On the
turn, subdivided the subject property and sold it separately to the other parties to this case –
other hand, they said that Rellama had never set foot on the land he was claiming. They further
Spouses Dominador and Ofelia Peralta; and Marissa, Leonil and Arnel, all surnamed Andal.
alleged that after the ownership over the subject property was transferred to them upon the
Thereafter, Spouses Peralta and the Andals individually registered the respective portions of
death of Abalon, they took possession thereof and retained Godofredo as their own tenant.
the land they had bought under their names. The heirs of Bernardina were claiming back the
However, they averred that in 1995 the defendants-appellants were able to wrest possession
land, alleging that since it was sold under fraudulent circumstances, no valid title passed to the
of the subject property from Godofredo Bellen. They alleged that the defendants-appellants
buyers. On the other hand, the buyers, who were now title holders of the subject parcel of
are not buyers in good faith as they were aware that the subject land was in the possession of
land, averred that they were buyers in good faith and sought the protection accorded to them
the plaintiffs-appellees at the time they made the purchase. They thus claim that the titles
under the law.
issued to the defendants-appellants are null and void.

In his answer, Rellama alleged that the deed of absolute sale executed by Abalon is genuine
and that the duplicate copy of OCT No. (O) 16 had been delivered to him upon the execution
The RTC and the CA have the same findings of fact, but differ in their legal conclusions. of the said deed of transfer.
There being no factual issues raised in the Petitions, we adopt the findings of fact of the CA
in CA-G.R. No. 85542, as follows:
As for Spouses Peralta and the Andals, who filed their separate answers to the complaint, they
mainly alleged that they are buyers in good faith and for value.
The subject parcel of land, described as Lot 1679 of the Cadastral Survey of Legaspi, consisting
of 8,571 square meters, was originally covered by Original Certificate of Title (OCT) No. (O) During the trial, Rellama passed away. He was substituted by his heirs.
16 and registered in the name of Bernardina Abalon (Abalon). It appears that a Deed of
After the plaintiffs-appellees rested their case, instead of presenting their own evidence, the 1. Whether the Deed of Absolute Sale executed by Abalon in favor of Rellama was
defendants-appellants and the Heirs of Restituto Rellama, on different occasions, filed a spurious
demurrer to evidence.
2. Whether the Andals and Spouses Peralta were buyers in good faith and for value
On April 14, 2005, the court a quo rendered judgment in favor of the plaintiffs-appellees and
ordered the restoration of OCT No. (O) 16 in the name of Abalon and the cancellation of the 3. Who among the parties were entitled to their claims for damages.4
titles issued to the defendants-appellants. The fact that only a xerox copy of the purported
deed of sale between Rellama and Abalon was presented before the Register of Deeds for
registration and the absence of such xerox copy on the official files of the said Office made THE RULING OF THE COURT OF APPEALS
the court a quo conclude that the said document was a mere forgery. On the other hand, the
court a quo noted that the duplicate copy of OCT No. (O) 16 in the hands of the plaintiffs- On 30 May 2007, the Seventeenth Division of the Court of Appeals promulgated its assailed
appellees bears [sic] the perforated serial number B 221377, which it held is a convincing proof judgment setting aside the RTC Decision. The CA ruled that the circumstances surrounding
of its authenticity and genuineness. It thus stated that "Miscellaneous Cadastral Case No. the sale of the subject property showed badges of fraud or forgery against Rellama. It found
10648 is a (mere) strategem [sic] fraudulently concocted ... for the issuance of a fabricated that Abalon had not parted with her ownership over the subject property despite the claim of
(second) owner’s duplicate certificate of Oct No. (O) 16" since the owner’s duplicate copy of Rellama that they both executed a Deed of Absolute Sale. As proof, the CA pointed out the
OCT No. (O) 16 has not been lost at all. It said that any subsequent registration procured by existence of a notarized contract of leasehold executed by Abalon with Ruperta Bellen on 11
the presentation of such forged instrument is null and void. The dispositive portion of the June 1976. The genuineness and due execution of the said leasehold agreement was
court a quo’s decision reads: WHEREFORE, [p]remises [c]onsidered, judgment is rendered uncontroverted by the parties. On this basis, the appellate court concluded that Abalon could
as follows, to wit: not have leased the subject parcel of land to Bellen if the former had parted with her ownership
1. Ordering the restoration of Original Certificate of Title No. (O) 16 embracing Lot
1679 in the name of Bernardina Abalon into the official files of the Registry of Deeds The CA also found no evidence to show that Rellama exercised dominion over the subject
of Legaspi City – a copy of the owner’s duplicate certificate embodying the technical property, because he had not introduced improvements on the property, despite claiming to
description of Lot 1679 forming official part of the record as Exhibit "D" – as well have acquired it in 1975.6 Further, the CA noted that he did not cause the annotation of the
as ordering the cancellation of any and all transfer certificates of title succeeding Deed of Sale, which he had executed with Abalon, on OCT No. (O) 16. It observed that when
Original Certificate of title No. (O) 16 – including Transfer Certificates (sic) of Title the original copy of OCT No. (O) 16 was allegedly lost in 1976, while Rellama was on his way
Nos. 42108, 42254, 42255, 42256, 42821 [,] and 42482; to Legaspi City to register the title to his name, it took him almost 20 years to take steps to
judicially reconstitute a copy thereof. To the appellate court, these circumstances cast doubt
2. Ordering the defendants Marissa Andal, Leonil Andal, Arnel Andal[,] and the on the veracity of Rellama’s claim of ownership over such a significant property, which was
spouses Dominador and Ofelia Peralta to vacate Lot 1679 and to peacefully almost a hectare.7
surrender such lot to the plaintiffs;
The CA also ruled that the heirs of Bernardina Abalon had the legal standing to question the
sale transaction between Rellama and their predecessor-in-interest. It concluded that the heirs
3. Ordering the defendants to pay the plaintiffs the amount of ₱50,000.00 as
of Abalon had acquired the subject property by ordinary acquisitive prescription and thus had
litigation expenses; and
every right to attack every document that intended to divest them of ownership
thereof,8 which in this case was the Deed of Sale that Bernardina executed in favor of Rellama.
4. Ordering the defendants to pay the costs of suit. Lastly, the appellate court considered the Spouses Peralta as buyers in bad faith for relying on
a mere photocopy of TCT No. 42108 when they bought the property from Rellama. 9 On the
The counterclaims by [sic] the defendants are all dismissed. other hand, it accorded the Andals the presumption of good faith, finding no evidence that
would rebut this presumption.10
The dispositive portion of the assailed CA Decision in CA-G.R. CV No. 85542 is as follows:
Spouses Peralta and the Andals filed their separate Notices of Appeal and thereafter, upon
approval, filed their respective Defendants-Appellants’ Briefs. The Heirs of Rellama, on the WHEREFORE, the assailed decision is SET ASIDE and a new judgment is rendered as
other hand, opted not to challenge the ruling of the lower court.3 follows:

The Andals and Spouses Peralta – appellants in CA-G.R. CV No. 85542 – raised several issues, 1. Transfer Certificate of Title No. 42482 and Transfer Certificate of Title No.
which the CA summarized as follows: 42821, both in the names of Andals, are held legal and valid.
2. Transfer Certificate of Title No. 42254 registered in the names of Spouses Peralta for value, because Abalon never parted with her possession of the valid and
is cancelled for being null and void. Hence, they are ordered to vacate the land uncancelled title over the subject property
covered thereby and to surrender possession thereof in favor of the plaintiffs-
appellees. c) The CA erred in declaring the validity of the title issued in the names of the Andals,
because Rellama was bereft of any transmissible right over the portion of the
SO ORDERED.11 property he had sold to them.16

The heirs of Abalon filed a Motion for Reconsideration of the 30 May 2007 Decision, insofar THE COURT’S RULING
as the CA declared the Andals to be buyers in good faith of the subject property and, thus,
that the land title issued in their favor was valid. Spouses Peralta, for their part, filed a Motion We deny the Petitions and affirm the ruling of the CA.
for Partial Reconsideration of the said CA Decision pertaining to the portion that declared
them as buyers in bad faith which accordingly nullified the title issued to them.
The main issue to be resolved in this case is whether a forged instrument may become the
root of a valid title in the hands of an innocent purchaser for value, even if the true
On 10 June 2008, the CA denied the Motions for Partial Reconsideration of the movants for owner thereof has been in possession of the genuine title, which is valid and has not
lack of merit.12 been cancelled.

On 11 August 2008, Spouses Peralta filed with this Court a Petition for Review under Rule 45 It is well-settled that "a certificate of title serves as evidence of an indefeasible and
of the Rules of Court assailing the 30 May 2007 Decision in CA-G.R. CV No. 85542.13 On the incontrovertible title to the property in favor of the person whose name appears therein. The
same day, the heirs of Bernardina Abalon, represented by Mansueto Abalon, filed a similar real purpose of the Torrens system of land registration is to quiet title to land and put a stop
Petition questioning the portion of the mentioned CA Decision declaring the validity of the forever to any question as to the legality of the title."17
title issued to the Andals, who were adjudged by the appellate court as buyers in good faith.14
In Tenio-Obsequio v. Court of Appeals,18 we explained the purpose of the Torrens system
THE ISSUES and its legal implications to third persons dealing with registered land, as follows:

The Petition filed by Spouses Peralta, docketed as G.R. No. 183448, lists the following issues: The main purpose of the Torrens system is to avoid possible conflicts of title to real estate
and to facilitate transactions relative thereto by giving the public the right to rely upon the face
a) The case for annulment should have been dismissed because the purported Deed of a Torrens certificate of title and to dispense with the need of inquiring further, except when
of Sale executed by Abalon and Rellama was not introduced in evidence and thus, the party concerned has actual knowledge of facts and circumstances that should impel a
forgery was not proven. reasonably cautious man to make such further inquiry. Where innocent third persons,
relying on the correctness of the certificate of title thus issued, acquire rights over the
b) The heirs of Abalon are notforced heirs of Bernardina Abalon; hence, they do property, the court cannot disregard such rights and order the total cancellation of the
not have the legal personality to file the action to annul the subject Deed of Sale. certificate. The effect of such an outright cancellation would be to impair public confidence
in the certificate of title, for everyone dealing with property registered under the Torrens
system would have to inquire in every instance as to whether the title has been regularly or
c) The heirs of Abalon failed to prove that they had inherited the subject property. irregularly issued by the court. Every person dealing with registered land may safely rely on the
correctness of the certificate of title issued therefor and the law will in no way oblige him to
d) Spouses Peralta are buyers in good faith and, thus title to their portion of the go beyond the certificate to determine the condition of the property.
subject property must be upheld15
The Torrens system was adopted in this country because it was believed to be the most
As for the heirs of Abalon, their Petition, docketed as G.R. No. 183464, raises the following effective measure to guarantee the integrity of land titles and to protect their indefeasibility
issues: once the claim of ownership is established and recognized. If a person purchases a piece of
land on the assurance that the seller's title thereto is valid, he should not run the risk of being
a) The Andals cannot be considered as buyers in good faith by simply applying the told later that his acquisition was ineffectual after all. This would not only be unfair to him.
ordinary presumption in the absence of evidence showing the contrary. What is worse is that if this were permitted, public confidence in the system would be eroded
and land transactions would have to be attended by complicated and not necessarily conclusive
investigations and proof of ownership. The further consequence would be that land conflicts
b) The CA erred in applying in favor of the Andals, the doctrine that a forged
could be even more numerous and complex than they are now and possibly also more abrasive,
instrument may become the root of a valid title in the hands of an innocent purchaser
if not even violent. The Government, recognizing the worthy purposes of the Torrens system,
should be the first to accept the validity of titles issued thereunder once the conditions laid title to the property. Such buyers do not close their eyes to facts that should put a reasonable
down by the law are satisfied. person on guard and still claim that they are acting in good faith.24

The Torrens system was intended to guarantee the integrity and conclusiveness of the The assailed Decision of the CA held that the Andals were buyers in good faith, while Spouses
certificate of registration, but the system cannot be used for the perpetration of fraud against Peralta were not. Despite its determination that fraud marred the sale between Bernardina
the real owner of the registered land. The system merely confirms ownership and does not Abalon and Rellama, a fraudulent or forged document of sale may still give rise to a valid title.
create it. It cannot be used to divest lawful owners of their title for the purpose of transferring The appellate court reasoned that if the certificate of title had already been transferred from
it to another one who has not acquired it by any of the modes allowed or recognized by law. the name of the true owner to that which was indicated by the forger and remained as such,
Thus, the Torrens system cannot be used to protect a usurper from the true owner or to shield the land is considered to have been subsequently sold to an innocent purchaser, whose title is
the commission of fraud or to enrich oneself at the expense of another.19 thus considered valid.25 The CA concluded that this was the case for the Andals.

It is well-established in our laws and jurisprudence that a person who is dealing with a The appellate court cited Fule v. Legare26 as basis for its ruling. In the said case, the Court
registered parcel of land need not go beyond the face of the title. A person is only charged made an exception to the general rule that a forged or fraudulent deed is a nullity and conveys
with notice of the burdens and claims that are annotated on the title.20 This rule, however, no title. A fraudulent document may then become the root of a valid title, as it held in Fule:
admits of exceptions, which we explained in Clemente v. Razo:21
Although the deed of sale in favor of John W. Legare was fraudulent, the fact remains that he
Any buyer or mortgagee of realty covered by a Torrens certificate of title, in the absence of was able to secure a registered title to the house and lot. It was this title which he subsequently
any suspicion, is not obligated to look beyond the certificate to investigate the titles of the conveyed to the herein petitioners. We have indeed ruled that a forged or fraudulent deed is a
seller appearing on the face of the certificate. And, he is charged with notice only of such nullity and conveys no title (Director of Lands vs. Addison, 49 Phil., 19). However, we have
burdens and claims as are annotated on the title. also laid down the doctrine that there are instances when such a fraudulent document may
become the root of a valid title. One such instance is where the certificate of title was already
We do acknowledge that the rule thus enunciated is not cast in stone. For, indeed, there are transferred from the name of the true owner to the forger, and while it remained that way, the
exceptions thereto. Thus, in Sandoval vs. CA, we made clear the following: land was subsequently sold to an innocent purchaser. For then, the vendee had the right to
rely upon what appeared in the certificate (Inquimboy vs. Cruz, G.R. No. L-13953, July 28,
The aforesaid principle admits of an unchallenged exception: that a person dealing with
registered land has a right to rely on the Torrens certificate of title and to dispense with the
need of inquiring further except when the party has actual knowledge of facts and We have been constrained to adopt the conclusion here set forth because under the Torrens
circumstances that would impel a reasonably cautious man to make such inquiry or when the system, "registration is the operative act that gives validity to the transfer or creates a lien upon
purchaser has knowledge ofa defect or the lack of title in his vendor or of sufficient facts to the land (Secs. 50 and 51, Land Registration Act). Consequently, where there was nothing in
induce a reasonably prudent man to inquire into the status of the title of the property in the certificate of title to indicate any cloud or vice in the ownership of the property, or any
litigation. The presence of anything which excites or arouses suspicion should then prompt encumbrance thereon, the purchaser is not required to explore farther than what the Torrens
the vendee to look beyond the certificate and investigate the title of the vendor appearing on title upon its face indicates in quest for any hidden defect or inchoate right that may
the face of said certificate. One who falls within the exception can neither be denominated an subsequently defeat his right thereto. If the rule were otherwise, the efficacy and
innocent purchaser for value nor a purchaser in good faith; and hence does not merit the conclusiveness of the certificate of title which the Torrens system seeks to insure would
protection of the law.22 entirely be futile and nugatory. (Reynes vs. Barrera, 68 Phil., 656; De Lara and De Guzman vs.
Ayroso, 50 O.G. No 10, 4838). The public shall then be denied of its foremost motivation for
respecting and observing the Land Registration Act. In the end, the business community
Thus, the determination whether one is a buyer in good faith or can be considered an innocent stands to be inconvenienced and prejudiced immeasurably.
purchaser for value becomes imperative. Section 55 of the Land Registration Act provides
protection to an innocent purchaser for value 23 by allowing him to retain the parcel of land
bought and his title is considered valid. Otherwise, the title would be cancelled and the original Furthermore, when the Register of Deeds issued a certificate of title in the name of John W.
owner of the parcel of land is allowed to repossess it. Legare, and thereafter registered the same, John W. Legare, insofar as third parties were
concerned, acquired valid title to the house and lot here disputed. When, therefore, he
transferred this title to the herein petitioners, third persons, the entire transaction fell within
Jurisprudence has defined an innocent purchaser for value as one who buys the property of the purview of Article 1434 of the Civil Code. The registration in John W. Legare's name
another without notice that some other person has a right to or interest therein and who then effectively operated to convey the properties to him.
pays a full and fair price for it at the time of the purchase or before receiving a notice of the
claim or interest of some other persons in the property. Buyers in good faith buy a property
with the belief that the person from whom they receive the thing is the owner who can convey After executing the Deed of Sale with Bernardina Abalon under fraudulent circumstances,
Rellama succeeded in obtaining a title in his name and selling a portion of the property to the
Andals, who had no knowledge of the fraudulent circumstances involving the transfer from shown that Mariano had annotated an adverse claim on the title procured by Fernandez prior
Abalon to Rellama. In fact, the Decisions of the RTC and the CA show no factual findings or to the execution sale, in which Mota was the highest bidder. This Court declared her as a
proof that would rebut the presumption in favor of the Andals as buyers in good faith. Thus, mortgagee in bad faith because, at the back of Fernandez’s title, Torres made an annotation
the CA correctly considered them as buyers in good faith and upheld their title. of the adverse claim and the notice of lis pendens. The annotation of the adverse claim was
made while the forged document was still in the name of the forger, who in this case is
The Abalons counter this ruling and allege that the CA erred in relying on Fuleto justify its Fernandez. That situation does not obtain in the instant case.
assailed Decision. They argue that Torres v. Court of Appeals 27 is the applicable ruling,
because the facts therein are on all fours with the instant case.28 The records of the RTC and the CA have a finding that when Rellama sold the properties to
the Andals, it was still in his name; and there was no annotation that would blight his clean
In Torres, the subject property was covered by TCT No. 53628 registered in the name of title. To the Andals, there was no doubt that Rellama was the owner of the property being sold
Mariano Torres. His brother-in-law Francisco Fernandez, misrepresenting that the copy of the to them, and that he had transmissible rights of ownership over the said property. Thus, they
title had been lost, succeeded in obtaining a court Order for the issuance of another copy of had every right to rely on the face of his title alone.
TCT No. 53628. He then forged a simulated deed of sale purportedly showing that Torres had
sold the property to him and caused the cancellation of TCT No. 53628, as well as the issuance The established rule is that a forged deed is generally null and cannot convey title, the exception
of TCT No. 86018 in his name. Soon, Fernandez mortgaged the property to Mota. Upon thereto, pursuant to Section 55 of the Land Registration Act, denotes the registration of titles
learning of the fraud committed by Fernandez, Torres caused the annotation of an adverse from the forger to the innocent purchaser for value. Thus, the qualifying point here is that
claim on the former’s copy and succeeded in having Fernandez’s title declared null and void. there must be a complete chain of registered titles.30 This means that all the transfers starting
Meanwhile, Mota was able to foreclose on Fernandez’s real estate mortgage, as well as to cause from the original rightful owner to the innocent holder for value – and that includes the
the cancellation of TCT No. 86018 and the issuance of a new one– TCT No. 105953 – in her transfer to the forger – must be duly registered, and the title must be properly issued to the
name. The issue to be resolved in Torres was whether Mota can be considered an innocent transferee. Contrary to what the Abalons would like to impress on us, Fuleand Torresdo not
mortgagee for value, and whether her title can be deemed valid. Ruling in the negative, the present clashing views. In Fule, the original owner relinquished physical possession of her title
Court explained: and thus enabled the perpetrator to commit the fraud, which resulted in the cancellation of
her title and the issuance of a new one. The forged instrument eventually became the root of
There is nothing on the records which shows that Torres performed any act or omission which a valid title in the hands of an innocent purchaser for value. The new title under the name of
could have jeopardized his peaceful dominion over his realties. The decision under review, the forger was registered and relied upon by the innocent purchaser for value. Hence, it was
however, in considering Mota an innocent mortgagee protected under Section 65 of the Land clear that there was a complete chain of registered titles.
Registration Law, held that Torres was bound by the mortgage. Inevitably, it pronounced that
the foreclosure sale, where Mota was the highest bidder, also bound Torres and concluded On the other hand in Torres, the original owner retained possession of the title, but through
that the certificate of title issued in the name of Mota prevails over that of Torres'. As correctly fraud, his brother-in-law secured a court order for the issuance of a copy thereof. While the
pointed out by Torres, however, his properties were sold on execution, and not on foreclosure title was in the name of the forger, the original owner annotated the adverse claim on the
sale, and hence, the purchaser thereof was bound by his notice of adverse claim and lis pendens forged instrument. Thus, before the new title in the name of the forger could be transferred
annotated at the back of Fernandez' TCT. Moreover, even if We grant Mota the status of an to a third person, a lien had already been annotated on its back. The chain of registered titles
innocent mortgagee, the doctrine relied upon by the appellate court that a forged instrument was broken and sullied by the original owner’s annotation of the adverse claim. By this act, the
may become the root of a valid title, cannot be applied where the owner still holds a valid and mortgagee was shown to be in bad faith.
existing certificate of title covering the same interest in a realty. The doctrine would apply
rather when, as in the cases for example of De la Cruz v. Fabie, 35 Phil. 144 [1916], Fule v. In the instant case, there is no evidence that the chain of registered titles was broken in the
De Legare, No. L-17951, February 28, 1963, 7 SCRA 351, and Republic v. Umali, G.R. No. case of the Andals. Neither were they proven to have knowledge of anything that would make
80687, April 10, 1989, the forger thru insidious means obtains the owner’s duplicate certificate them suspicious of the nature of Rellama’s ownership over the subject parcel of land. Hence,
of title, converts it in his name, and subsequently sells or otherwise encumbers it to an innocent we sustain the CA’s ruling that the Andals were buyers in good faith. Consequently, the validity
holder for value, for in such a case the new certificate is binding upon the owner (Sec.55, Act of their title to the parcel of the land bought from Rellama must be upheld.
496; Sec. 53, P.D. No. 1529). But if the owner holds a valid and existing certificate of title, his
would be indefeasible as against the whole world, and not that of the innocent holder's. "Prior
tempore potior jure" as We have said in Register of Deeds v. Philippine National Bank, No. As for Spouses Peralta, we sustain the ruling of the CA that they are indeed buyers in bad faith.
L-17641, January 30, 1965, 13 SCRA 46, citing Legarda v. Saleeby, 31 Phil.590, Roman The appellate court made a factual finding that in purchasing the subject property, they merely
Catholic Bishop v. Philippine Railway, 49 Phil. 546, Reyes v. Borbon, 50 Phil. 791.29(Emphasis relied on the photocopy of the title provided by Rellama. The CA concluded that a mere
and underscoring supplied) photocopy of the title should have made Spouses Peralta suspicious that there was some flaw
in the title of Rellama, because he was not in possession of the original copy. This factual
finding was supported by evidence.
We do not agree with the contention of the Abalons that the ruling in Torresis controlling in
this case. They quoted a portion in the said case that is clearly an obiter. In Torres, it was
The CA pointed out Spouses Peralta’s Answer to the Complaint of the Abalons in Case No. property through ordinary acquisitive prescription. The subject parcel of land is a titled
9243 in the RTC of Legaspi City, Branch 5. In their Answer, they specifically alleged as follows: property; thus, acquisitive prescription is not applicable.39 Upon the death of Bernardina,
Mansueto and Amelia, being her legal heirs, acquired the subject property by virtue of
2- These defendants [Spouses Peralta] acquired lot No. 1679-A by purchase in good succession, and not by ordinary acquisitive prescription.
faith and for value from Restituto Rellama under Doc. No. 11212, page No. 26,
Book No. 60, Series of 1996 of Notary Public Atty. Otilio Bongon, Legaspi City on WHEREFORE, the petitions in G.R. Nos. 183448 and 183464 are DENIED for lack of merit.
March 2, 1995 copy of which is attached as and made part of this answer as Exhibit The Decision in CA-G.R. CV No. 85542 is hereby AFFIRMED.
3- That these defendants were handed over by Rellama xerox [sic] copy of the
Transfer Certificate of Title No. 42103 issued by the Register of Deed of Legaspi
City on the 2nd day of August 1995 copy attached and made integral part as Exhibit
"1-A" and also Original Certificate of Title No. (O) 16 as Exhibit "1-B"31

We have no reason to disturb this factual finding of the CA because it is supported by the
evidence on record. Spouses Peralta filed a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45,
which allows only questions of law to be raised. It is a settled rule that questions of fact are
not reviewable in this kind of appeal. Under Rule 45, Section 1, "petitions for review on
certiorari shall raise only questions of law which must be distinctly set forth."32 A question of
fact arises when there is "as to the truth or falsehood of facts or when there is a need to
calibrate the whole evidence considering mainly the credibility of the witnesses, the existence
and relevancy of specific surrounding circumstances, as well as their relation to each other and
to the whole, and the probability of the situation." 33 It is further pointed out that "the
determination of whether one is a buyer in good faith is a factual issue, which generally is
outside the province of this Court to determine in a petition for review."34

Whether or not Spouses Peralta are buyers in good faith, is without a doubt, a factual issue.
Although this rule admits of exceptions,35 none of these applies to their case. There is no
conflict between the factual findings and legal conclusions of the RTC and those of the CA,
both of which found them to be buyers in bad faith. The fact that they did not participate in
the proceedings before the lower court does not help their case either.

On the issue of the legal standing of the Abalons to file this case, we find that the CA correctly
upheld their standing as heirs of the deceased Bernardina Abalon. The appellate court ruled
that during her lifetime, Bernardina Abalon had promised her heirs - siblings Mansueto and
Amelia - that she would give them the subject property. A duplicate copy of OCT No. (0) 16
was delivered to them upon her death. Thus, the CA concluded that the two siblings acquired
the subject property by ordinary prescription. Further, it deduced that the mode of
transmission of the property from Bernardina to her nephew and niece was a form of donation
mortis causa, though without the benefit of a will.36 Despite this omission, it still held that
Mansueto and Amelia acquired the subject property through ordinary acquisitive prescription
because, since the death of their aunt Bernardina, they had been in possession of the property
for more than 10 years that ripened into full ownership.37

Under Article 97538 of the Civil Code, siblings Mansueto and Amelia Abalon are the legal heirs
of Bernardina, the latter having had no issue during her marriage. As such, they succeeded to
her estate when she passed away. While we agree with the CA that the donation mortis causa
was invalid in the absence of a will, it erred in concluding that the heirs acquired the subject

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