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High Performance Is Not Always Directly Proportional To Service Quality: A Case of One-Stop Service of Sragen

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International Journal of Administrative Science & Organization, May 2017 Volume 24, Number 2

Bisnis & Birokrasi: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi

High Performance is Not Always Directly Proportional to

Service Quality: A Case of One-Stop Service of Sragen
Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,
Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia;;

Abstract. One-Stop Service (OSS) of public, investment and business permits (Badan Perizinan Terpadu dan Penanaman Modal/
BPTPM) Regency (Kabupaten) of Sragen is considered to have high performance, as evidenced by having received many awards
in the field of public services, including four times received the award as the best regency of investment or Investment Award
from Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal. This research is to test whether high performance can always give satisfactory service
quality, and to analyze the cause using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method, in terms of six dimensions: tangibles,
reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and accessible, by comparing the expectation of the customers to the actual service
performance. Collecting data with randomly questionnaires to 100 customers during period October 24 - November 18, 2016.
BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen customers highly expect the best service on reliability dimension, but service performance score on
reliability dimension is not good enough, and still less than tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness dimensions score, thereby
reducing the level of customer satisfaction. This is what causes the quality of service is not satisfactory, although overall is
considered to have a high level of service performance. From this research, it is proven that high service performance, does not
always result in satisfactory quality of service, because it is also influenced by the level of customer expectation on each service
factors. Thus, service providers should give priority to improve service performance on the aspect most desired by the customers
first, to improve the quality of service..

Keywords: service quality, service performance, customer expectation, one-stop service

Abstrak. Badan Perizinan Terpadu dan Penanaman Modal (BPTPM) Kabupaten Sragen dinilai memiliki kinerja tinggi, dibuktikan
dengan telah menerima banyak penghargaan di bidang pelayanan publik, termasuk empat kali menerima penghargaan sebagai
kabupaten terbaik I bidang investasi atau Investment Award dari Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal. Penelitian ini untuk menguji
apakah kinerja yang tinggi dapat selalu menghasilkan kualitas pelayanan yang memuaskan pelanggan, serta untuk menganalisa
penyebabnya menggunakan metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), ditinjau dari enam dimensi, yaitu: tangibles, reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, empathy, dan accessible, dengan membandingkan antara harapan pelanggan terhadap kinerja
pelayanan yang sebenarnya. Pengumpulan data dengan kuesioner secara acak kepada 100 pelanggan, selama periode 24 Oktober
– 18 November 2016. Pelanggan BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen sangat mengharapkan pelayanan yang terbaik pada dimensi reliability,
tetapi skor kinerja pelayanan pada dimensi reliability tidak terlalu bagus, dan masih kalah dari skor dimensi tangibles, emphaty,
dan responsiveness, sehingga mengurangi tingkat kepuasan pelanggan. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan kualitas pelayanan tidak
memuaskan, walaupun secara keseluruhan dinilai mempunyai tingkat kinerja pelayanan yang tinggi. Dari penelitian ini, terbukti
bahwa kinerja pelayanan yang tinggi, tidak selalu menghasilkan kualitas pelayanan yang memuaskan, karena juga dipengaruhi
oleh tingkat harapan pelanggan pada massing-masing faktor pelayanan. Dengan demikian, penyedia layanan harus memberikan
prioritas untuk meningkatkan kinerja pelayanan pada aspek yang paling diinginkan oleh pelanggan terlebih dahulu, untuk
meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan.

Kata kunci: kualitas pelayanan, kinerja pelayanan, harapan pelanggan, pelayanan terpadu

INTRODUCTION (NPS), which public services must be responsive to an

interests and values of the existing public (Denhardt and
Assessment and public expectation about the quality Denhardt, 2003). Communities need to be involved to
of public services, today is an important thing to be provide input and determine the form of government
considered by the government as a provider of public services according to their ideal. And the government,
services, in order to achieve satisfaction of the people. as a service provider should also be pro-active reading
Due to the dynamic nature of society, character of the public will.
public services must also be constantly changed to People in the world require a short service process
follow the progress of society (Dwiyanto, 2006: 145). and straightforward, making it faster, cheaper, easier,
This is consistent with the development paradigm of transparent, certain, and affordable. For that, many
public administration, where the ideal of public services countries have taken innovation by merge several
according to the paradigm of New Public Service related services in one place, which is called integrated

service system/ One-Stop Service (OSS). Examples of study reference from local government or another public
integrated service system that has been implemented services agency. BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen has also
by some countries, among others: integrated services received many awards in the field of public service,
health care and social services in Quebec, Canada; one- even up to 2014 BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen has four
stop service for passport affairs in Dhaka, Bangladesh; times received an award as the best regency I field of
integrated behavioral health services in Tennessee, investment or Investment Award from Badan Koordinasi
USA; integrated one-stop service in BPPMD Provinsi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) (Basuni, 2014).
Kalimantan Timur; integrated one-stop service in BPPT These awards prove the high performance appraisal of
Malang; as well as an integrated licensing services in BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen. But does high performance
BPMP2T Siak. Of the five sites, obtained values the always produce a satisfactory quality of service? For
benefits of the implementation of integrated service this reason the authors want to test and analyze whether
system, among other things: efficiency, effectiveness, the high performance of BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen will
community empowerment, decentralized, accessible, also produce quality service that satisfy customers.
community satisfaction, and accountable. But on the According to Oliver (in Marknesis 2009), “Consumer
other hand, in practice, there are still any shortcomings satisfaction is feeling happy or disappointed that someone
that exist, such as: physical facilities are inadequate, obtained from comparing the performance (or outcome)
unpreparedness of Human Resources (HR), the systems products that are perceived with expectations”. Quality
and procedures that have not been good, as well as the of service is realized through the fulfillment of customer
lack of public education about the service procedure needs and desires, as well as the accuracy of delivery in
(Bravo et al., 2008; Haque, 2010; Wodarski, 2000; offset or exceed of customer expectations (Tjiptono et
Febliany et al., 2014; Ismayanti, 2015; Putra and Sahuri, al., 2008). Opinions are almost the same also reflected in
2013). terms of service quality according to Ahmad & Ainaini
Besides the implementation of integrated service (2006), namely “The circumstances in which the service
system, another innovation in order to improve the quality provider is able to meet the customer’s specifications
of public services is an implementation of electronic or requirements in accordance with expectations, so
government or e-government. This system has been the actual performance or the performance of services
tested in several countries, among others, the tax service delivered exactly the same in accordance with customer
in Malaysia, e-government in the United Kingdom, a expectations”. Based on the three views on the quality of
system payment of medical expenses by the insurance service above, it appears that the value of a service quality
company in France, the customs administration in the is a comparison between the actual service performance
Netherlands, as well as the maintenance of a residence against expectations of customers / community.
permit, identity card, driving license, passport, and To know the quality of service in BPTPM Kabupaten
others online in Germany. In general, a lot of the benefits Sragen, the author examines it through the main factors
of e-government implementation, among others: provide that affect the quality of service. Parasuraman, Zeithaml,
shortcuts communications and transactions between the and Berry (in Tjiptono, 2011:196) who conduct special
government and it’s people, or between government research on some types of services, identifies 10 (ten)
and industry; empowerment of people in accessing main factors that determine the quality of services,
information; makes communication and dealings with namely: (1) Reliability, covers two main topics, namely
the public and business to become more effective and consistency (performance) and the ability to be trusted
efficient; as well as providing comfort, transparency, (dependability). In this case, the institution providing the
cost, and convenience to the public. But in practice, there right services since the beginning (right the first time)
are still some problems, such as the people’s concern to fulfill his pledge. For example, deliver their services
about the technology, the limited technical capabilities, in accordance with the agreement on schedule; (2)
or lack of confidence in online transactions (Hussein et Responsiveness, namely the willingness or readiness of
al., 2010; Sarikas et al., 2007). employees to provide services required by the customer;
To give satisfaction as well as accommodate the (3) Competence, meaning that every employee in
expectations of society, since 2002 the Government the service companies have the skills and knowledge
of Sragen has implemented licensing and investment needed to provide these services. (4) Access, which
services in an integrated manner in one place, which is includes ease of contact and encounter. This means that
now called Badan Perizinan Terpadu dan Penanaman the location, facilities services that are easily accessible,
Modal (BPTPM) Kabupaten Sragen with the aim waiting times are not too long, easy communication
to provide protection and legal certainty to society, channel to be contacted; (5) Courtesy, which includes
shortening the service process, making it faster, cheaper, the attitude of courtesy, respect, caring and friendliness
easier, transparent, certain, and affordable, also makes of the contact person (such as receptionists, telephone
closer and provide wider services to the community. operators, etc.); (6) Communication, means providing
Sragen has been rated as excellent in applying pattern information to customers in a language that can be
One Stop Services (OSS), even known as a pioneer understood, and always listen to suggestions and
regency of One-Stop Service (OSS) in Indonesia complaints; (7) Credibility, namely the nature of honest
(Andien, 2009), so it is often a destination of comparative and trustworthy, credibility include the company name,
80 International Journal of Administrative Science & Organization, May 2017 Volume 24, Number 2
Bisnis & Birokrasi: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi

company reputation, characteristics of the contact responsiveness, empathy, and assurance. From this
person, and interaction with customers; (8) Security, research obtained the gap between perception with
which is safe from danger, risk, hesitations. These service expectation is equal to -0,0284. Therefore, to the
aspects include physical security, financial security insurance company Jasa Raharja is advised to improve
and confidentiality; (9) Understanding knowing the the services to the casualties, especially the service
customer, which is the effort to understand customer quality dimension that is considered unsatisfactory
needs; and (10) Tangible, ie physical evidence of for the casualties. While the dimensions of tangibles,
services that can include physical facilities, equipment assessed satisfactory by the respondents.
used, and physical representativeness of services. While from the research of Sarjono & Natalia (2014),
But in subsequent developments, Zeithaml, it is concluded that the level of service quality provided
Parasuraman, and Berry (in Tjiptono, 2011:198) came in the class Lab. Quantitative Business Analysis to the
to the conclusion that the ten dimensions of service students as a whole has not been satisfactory. With the
quality is summarized into five key dimensions, results of a large enough gap, of course the University
consisting of: (1) Tangibles (physical evidence), the needs to give special attention to the dimensions that
ability of a company to demonstrate its existence have the highest gap. The order of the least satisfactory
to external parties. Appearance and abilities of the dimensions, reliability, tangible, responsiveness,
company physical infrastructure and the surrounding assurance, and emphaty.
neighborhood circumstances is a tangible proof of a From both research, was obtained data that service
service which provided by the service providers, which quality/ level of customers satisfaction in each
include physical facilities (buildings, warehouses, dimension of service factor are different. And from
etc.), equipment and used tools (technology), as well these two studies, it can be concluded that the dimension
as the appearance of the employees; (2) Reliability of reliability is the most unsatisfactory dimension of
(reliability) is the company’s ability to provide services service.
as promised are accurate and reliable. Performance must In general, research on service quality as the author
be in accordance with customer expectations, it means mention in the previous research references, more simply
timeliness, the same service to all customers without to know the level of customer satisfaction in each service
error, sympathetic attitude, and with high accuracy; (3) provider using servqual method. While in this research
Responsiveness (responsiveness), namely a willingness that the author do, examine the relationship between high
to help and provide fast service and right to the service performance in BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen with
customer, with clear information delivery; (4) Assurance the quality of service, using Importance Performance
(guarantees and certainty), that knowledge, politeness, Analysis (IPA) method. The author also wants to test
and the ability of an organization’s employees to gain whether the performance of service is always directly
confidence of customers to the company. Consists of proportional to the quality of service, based on customer
several components, among others: communication, expectation level on each service factor.
credibility, security, competence and courtesy; and (5)
Empathy (empathy), that provide a genuine concern and RESEARCH METHOD
a private individual or given to customers by striving to
understand the desires of consumers. Where a company Selection of research location is deliberately
is expected to have an understanding and knowledge of determined because BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen has
the customer, understanding customers’ specific needs, received numerous awards, including four times as a
as well as having time for an operation that is convenient first winner of the National Investment Award, national
for the customer. award in the areas of services and investment, so with
Based on some previous research, to know the quality such a high performance appraisal it will be interesting
of service an agency is by servqual method, among to test whether the level of service quality is also high.
This research began on October 10, 2016 for 11 (eleven)
others (Hindarwati & Jayasari, 2014) who examines
the quality of service PT. Jasa Raharja, and (Sarjono & This research is descriptive research type with
Natalia, 2014) who examine the quality of class services quantitative approach, which is data processing by using
at the School of Business Management Laboratory Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The population
(SoBM), Bina Nusantara University. Both of these in this research is the customers/ business licensing
studies yield conclusions about the level of satisfaction and investment services users that has been completed
of each service provider, and determine what service to get service in BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen when the
factors need to be improved to improve service quality. author conducted a collecting data. And the samples in
From the research of Hindarwati & Jayasari (2014), this research is an insidential sampling method, which
obtained research results indicate that the overall level is a sampling technique by accident, or anyone who
of casualties satisfaction to service insurance company happened (insidential) met with researcher who are
Jasa Raharja is not satisfied level. This is evident from the considered suitable to the characteristics of the samples,
gap value between perception and negative expectations. used as a data source. Then the customers/ applicant
The order of service quality dimension that is felt least a business permission and investment in BPTPM
satisfactory by casualties is the dimension of reliability, Kabupaten Sragen who have received the permission

that has been completed, can be sampled. The results variable is composed of 22 (twenty two) service factors/
of this study did not represent the customer population questionnaire questions, which is a translation of the 6
of BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen as a whole since it was (six) dimensions of service quality. Each question in the
formed in 2002 until now, but at least represent the questionnaire have been accompanied by answer choices
customers of BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen at the time of using a Likert scale. An example of the questionnaire
research done in October - December 2016. Therefore question is :
the number of population is tentative, then the amount of 1) For the actual service performance variable:
sampling done using Lemeshow formula, namely: How is your assessment about the waiting room
n = Z2 x P (1 – P) facility at BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen? (Xi)

d2 1 2 3 4 5
(Lwanga and Lemeshow,1991)
Very Not Good Satisfy Very
Where : Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Enough Satisfactory
n = The required minimum number of samples
Z = Level of confidence. Z score at 95% = 1,96 2) For the customer expectation variable:
P = Estimates of the population proportion, the In your opinion, how important is the availability of
maximum estimated = 0,5 waiting room facilities at BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen?
d = alpha (0,10) or sampling error = 10 % (Yi)

So based on this equation, was obtained the minimum 1 2 3 4 5

required number of samples is 96 people. The author Very Not Quite Important Very
made up the sample size to 100 people. Unimportant Important Important Important
To measure the quality of service, by compare between
the two variables, i.e. the actual service performance The service factors were asked in the questionnaire as
variable, and the customer expectations variable. Each a data source, are:
Table 1. The Number of Service Factors/ Questionnaire Instrument

Service Factors Dimension
Availability of the lounge Tangibles 1
Availability of parking facilities Tangibles 2
Availability of the ticket/ card parking signs Tangibles 3
Availability of queue sequence facility Tangibles 4
Availability of suggestions and criticisms box to the complaint Tangibles 5
Availability of a brochure or bulletin board Tangibles 6
Timeliness of Service Hours (open, breaks, closed); Reliability 7
Speed of service and timeliness of completion of licensing Reliability 8
Knowledge and skills of the officer about a licensing which handled Reliability 9
Presence of the officers in place when needed by a customers Reliability 10
officers’ understanding about the customers needs Responsiveness 11
Speed and responsiveness of the officers in handling complaints from customers Responsiveness 12
Willingness of the officers to always help the customers Responsiveness 13
Guarantee of confidentiality of every transaction that a customers do Assurance 14
Guarantee of confidentiality of customers data Assurance 15
Conformity of the promised services Assurance 16
Fair services and without discrimination Empathy 17
The willingness of officers to listen the stories of customers Empathy 18
Ease to intimate the officers with customers Empathy 19
The ability of officers to identify customers Empathy 20
Affordability of the location Accessible 21
Ease to be contacted Accessible 22
82 International Journal of Administrative Science & Organization, May 2017 Volume 24, Number 2
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The Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) by filled by the customer expectation score. In simplifying
calculating a conformity level of the respondents, namely the formula, then for each of the service factors that
the comparison of service performance assessment influence customer satisfaction can be determined by
score with an actual score of the customer expectations the formula:
by using the formula:
∑Xi ∑Yi
Xi X= Y=
TKi = x 100% n n
Yi (Supranto, 2006: 241)

(John Martila and John C. James wich was cited by Cartesian diagram is used to determine the service
Supranto,2006:241) factors of high-performance according to the customers,
as well as the service factors that are expected by the
Where: best performance by the customers. The formula used is:
Tki = conformity level of respondent
Xi = actual service performance assessment score N N
Yi = customer expectation score ∑ i = 1 Xi ∑ i = 1 Yi
X= Y=
So with the calculation of conformity level, can K K
be known whether in general the quality of service in (Supranto, 2006: 242)
BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen satisfactory or not
The calculation results of conformity level for Where is, K = number of service factors that could
each service factors, then diagrammed cartesius. The affect the customer satisfaction.Cartesian diagram is used
horizontal axis (X) will be filled by the actual service to maps instruments of the service quality that have been
performance score, while the vertical axis (Y) will be analyzed, with the following picture:

4,5 Quadrant A Quadrant B

High Importance/Low High Importance/High
4 Satisfaction Satisfaction


2,5 Quadrant C Quadrant D

Low Importance/Low High Importance/High
2 Satisfaction Satisfaction
“Low Priority“ “Superflous“

1 1,5 2 3 3,5 4 5
Figure 1. Cartesian Diagram
Source: Matzler et al. (2003:115)

Where: Considered to be less important and less satisfying.

A : Indicates service factors that are deemed to affect D : Indicates factors that affect customer is less important,
customer satisfaction, including elements of the services but the implementation is excessive. Considered less
that are considered very important, but management has important but very satisfying. (Supranto, 2006).
not done in accordance with a wishes of the customers From the clustering of service factors in each quadrant
yet, so disappointing/ not satisfied. of Cartesian Diagram, it can be determined the subsequent
B : Shows the basic service elements that have been treatment of these service factors, so that it can be used
successfully implemented. For it shall be retained. to improve the quality of service, for example: what
Considered very important and very satisfying. are the service factors that should be priority enhanced
C : Shows some factors that less importance for the performance, or what factors must be maintained its
customer. Implementation by companies is mediocre. achievement.

With the Cartesian Diagram, we can also find out the Table 4. Validity Test Results of The Instruments for The
high performing service factors (to the right of the average Actual Service Performance Variable
performance line) and low-performing service factors (to
No r count r table Result No r count r table Result
the left of the average performance line). So in general can
be determined whether the service performance in BPTPM 1 0.545 0.1966 VALID 12 0.768 0.1966 VALID

Kabupaten Sragen is good or not. 2 0.440 0.1966 VALID 13 0.775 0.1966 VALID

3 0.469 0.1966 VALID 14 0.728 0.1966 VALID

4 0.552 0.1966 VALID 15 0.714 0.1966 VALID

Sample data from this study were taken from 5 0.645 0.1966 VALID 16 0.773 0.1966 VALID
100 respondents who are customers BPTPM Sragen 6 0.620 0.1966 VALID 17 0.784 0.1966 VALID
on October 24th – November 18th 2016, which has
7 0.708 0.1966 VALID 18 0.751 0.1966 VALID
8 0.729 0.1966 VALID 19 0.723 0.1966 VALID
Table 2. Age of Respondents
9 0.777 0.1966 VALID 20 0.652 0.1966 VALID
Age (y.o) Number of Age (y.o) Number of
10 0.781 0.1966 VALID 21 0.455 0.1966 VALID
Respondens Respondens
(person) (person) 11 0.734 0.1966 VALID 22 0.679 0.1966 VALID

17 - 20 1 22 Source: The results of data processing with IBM SPSS Statistics 23

41 - 45
21 - 25 9 46 - 50 6 Table 5. Validity Test Results of The Instruments for The
Customer Expectations Variable
26 - 30 19 51 - 55 6
31 - 35 16 > 55 0 No r count r table Result No r count r table Result
1 0.447 0.1966 VALID 12 0.782 0.1966 VALID
36 - 40 21 TOTAL 100
Source: Questionnaire 2 0.346 0.1966 VALID 13 0.735 0.1966 VALID

3 0.409 0.1966 VALID 14 0.668 0.1966 VALID

Table 3. Gender of Respondents
4 0.447 0.1966 VALID 15 0.639 0.1966 VALID
Sex Jumlah Respoden (Orang)
5 0.436 0.1966 VALID 16 0.611 0.1966 VALID
Male 65 6 0.510 0.1966 VALID 17 0.676 0.1966 VALID
Female 35 7 0.671 0.1966 VALID 18 0.663 0.1966 VALID
TOTAL 100 8 0.721 0.1966 VALID 19 0.708 0.1966 VALID
Source: Questionnaire
9 0.703 0.1966 VALID 20 0.742 0.1966 VALID
Before performing data processing, questionnaire
instruments/ service factors that is used as the data 10 0.666 0.1966 VALID 21 0.638 0.1966 VALID

source, it should be tested first. The Tests are: 11 0.748 0.1966 VALID 22 0.600 0.1966 VALID
Validity test is done for each variable, the actual Source: The results of data processing with IBM SPSS Statistics 23
service performance variable and customer expectations
variable, using a Product Moment Correlation Formula though the research is done repeatedly with the same
with the criteria is using the r critical on significance questionnaire. By using the test reliability system
level of 0.05 (5% significance or 0.05 is the standard Cronbach’s Alpha, so from a SPSS output of the reliability
measure often used in research), to ensure that the test of the actual service performance variables, alpha
instruments are used in the study were able to measure value obtained for 0.942. Then matched with product
the research variables properly. From the Simple moment r table value is 0.1966. Apparently, the alpha
Correlation Coefficient table, obtained value of the table value is greater than r table, it means a significant /
r for the number of respondents 100 people i.e. 0.1966. reliable. As for the customer expectations variables,
If r count ≥ r table (2 sides test with sig. 0.05), alpha value obtained for 0.921. Then matched with
the instruments or the service factors correlated product moment r table value is 0.1966. And it turns
significantly to the total score (declared valid). out, the alpha value is greater than r table, it means a
If r count r < r table (2 sides test with sig. 0.05), significant/ reliable.
the instruments or servica factors did not correlate After all instruments declared valid and reliable, it
significantly to the total score (declared invalid). can be used in this study as a data source, and can be
Table 4 & Table 5 showed that all of indicators/ resumed at the data analysis phase using Importance
questionnaire instruments are valid, both for the Performance Analysis (IPA) method. The First step
actual service performance variable, and customer to determine whether the actual performance of
expectations variable, so can be used to measure the each service factors as a test instruments, have been
research variable well. accordance with customer expectations or not, it needs
Reliability test be used to find out the level of to be calculated conformity level to each item (Tki).
consistency of the questionnaire that is used by Testing criteria :
researchers. So, the questionnaire can be reliable, - If Tki <100 %, it means the service is not satisfactory;
84 International Journal of Administrative Science & Organization, May 2017 Volume 24, Number 2
Bisnis & Birokrasi: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi

Table 6. Recapitulation of The Conformity Level Calculation of Each Test Instruments/ Service
Factors (Tki)
Indicator Conformity Level of Indicator Level of
Result Result
Number each items (Tki) Number each items
1 96,81 % not 12 88,68 % not satisfactory
2 80,55 % not 13 89,52 % not satisfactory
3 83,89 % not 14 90,00 % not satisfactory
4 91,02 % not 15 88,22 % not satisfactory
5 92,50 % not 16 85,97 % not satisfactory
6 89,98 % not 17 89,20 % not satisfactory
7 89,43 % not 18 90,60 % not satisfactory
8 85,91 % not 19 93,63 % not satisfactory
9 86,43 % not 20 93,72 % not satisfactory
10 85,10 % not 21 90,82 % not satisfactory
11 87,13 % not 22 87,16 % not satisfactory
Source: The results of data processing

- If Tki =100 %, it means the service has been of service improvement priorities, using Cartesian
satisfactory; Diagram. Score of the following calculation was used
- And if Tki >100 %, it means the service is very to determine the position of a service quality of BPTPM
satisfactory. Kabupaten Sragen per-instrument on the Cartesian
Table 6 shows that none of the test instruments, Diagram. First, we must find the point of intersection
whose conformity values are greater than or equal to X axis towards the point 0. To illustrate the limits of
100%, which means that all the service factors, their each quadrants, it must be calculated the average value
performance have not met customer expectations of actual service performance, which is also the point of
yet/ not satisfactory. Then calculated the level of total intersection X axis towards the point 0, the formula is:
conformity, by the formula:
∑ Xi ∑ i = 1 Xi N
Tki Total = x 100% X= , Where ∑ i = 1 Xi
∑ Yi K

= 88,89 % = 3,81
It was found that Tki Total < 100 % While the average value of customer expectations,
It can be concluded that none of the service factors which is also the intersection point of the Y axis to the
in BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen was satisfactory. And point 0, can be searched by the formula:
overall, the services in BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen at this
study does not meet an expectations of the customers, or N
can be said unsatisfactory. ∑ i = 1 Yi N
Because based on calculation of the conformity Y= , Where ∑ i = 1 Yi
level, quality of service in BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen K
generally not satisfactory, so it can be analyzed for
each instruments of service quality, to find out a level = 4,29

factors, that are number 2, 10, 11, 16, and 22.

From calculations of the conformity level of each Quadrant B, indicating that a high expectations
items, obtained performance-expectation coordinates of the customers to the service factors and an actual
performance of the service factors is also high, thus
Table 7. Performance-Expectation Coordinates on the achievement of these services factors must be
Cartesian Diagram maintained. Consists of 9 (nine) service factors, that are
Question Coordinate Question Coordinate number 1, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 17.
Number Xi Yi Number Xi Yi Quadrant C, indicating that an expectations of
customers are low to the service factors, while an
1 4,25 4,39 12 3,84 4,33 actual performance of the service factors is also low,
2 3,52 4,37 13 3,93 4,39 although it is not a priority, but should still be improved
3 3,28 3,91 14 3,87 4,30 performance. Consists of 5 (five) sevice factors, that are
number 3, 4, 5, 6, and 18.
4 3,75 4,12 15 3,82 4,33 Quadrant D, showed that customers’ expectations are
5 3,70 4,00 16 3,80 4,42 low on the service factors, but an actual performance
of the service factors is high, then a performance of the
6 3,77 4,19 17 3,88 4,35
service indicators were excessive, and no longer need
7 3,89 4,35 18 3,76 4,15 to get attention to be improved. Consists of 3 (three)
8 3,84 4,47 19 3,97 4,24 service factors, that are number 19, 20, and 21.
Instruments of service performance that are located
9 3,82 4,42 20 3,88 4,14
on the right side of average performance line ( ) or in
10 3,77 4,43 21 3,86 4,25 quadrant B and quadrant D, can be categorized service
11 3,79 4,35 22 3,80 4,36 factors with a good performance because the value
Source: The results of data processing
is above average performance, are accounted for 12
factors out of 22 service factors, or 54.55%, that are
of each instruments (Xi,Yi) are showed by Table 7. showed in Table 8. Because the number of service
Then, the Cartesian Diagram depiction of service performance instruments which above the average are
quality in BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen, are showed by more than half (> 50%), it can be concluded that the
Figure 2. Service factors scattered in each quadrant, performance of services in BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen
which each indicates the enhancement priority of the is generally good. The performance assessment of
BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen from customer perception,
strengthens the appraisal of service performance which
is also considered good before with various awards that
have been received.
From the depiction of Cartesian Diagram, also was
found the level of customer expectations about a high
quality of the services performance of each instruments/
service factors. More and more upper the position of
instruments on Cartesian Diagram (parallel to the
Y axis), indicating that a service performance of the
instruments are getting expected to get attention from
the service provider, because is considered important,
so the service performance getting satisfactory.
Instruments that is above of the average expectation
line ( ), or in quadrant A and B, considered as an
instruments with a high expectations of the customers
will be the performance of services, since exceeded
of the average expectations. These instruments are as
listed in Table 9.
From table 9, shows that there are 14 (fourteen)
Figure 2. Depiction of Indicators on Cartesian Diagram factors of a total of 22 (twenty two) service factors
Source: The results of data processing were tested, which is above the level of the average
customer’s expectations, or service factors with a high
services performance in BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen expectation of the customers. Of the fourteen service
Members of each quadrants on the Cartesian factors where are above the average expectation level,
Diagram, are as follows: the most is in the reliability dimension, where 4 (four) of
Quadrant A indicating that a high expectations 4 (four) instruments tested in this dimension, all of those
of customers to the service factors, but an actual are above an average expectations.
performance of the service factors is low, then the In addition, all service factors of the responsiveness
service factors should be a top priority that must be and assurance dimensions (3 of 3 instruments from each
repaired and improved. Consists of 5 (five) service dimension), all of those are above the average customer
expectations. This proves that customers consider it
86 International Journal of Administrative Science & Organization, May 2017 Volume 24, Number 2
Bisnis & Birokrasi: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi

important and put great expectations on all service dimension with score 3,87 (highest of other dimension
factors of the reliability, responsiveness and assurance score). This is because customers feel BPTPM
dimensions, in order to provide satisfactory service employees Sragen regency able to understand their
performance to them. needs, and serve with sympathetic. But they also rated
If the calculated average score of customer perception the poorest service performance on the dimensions
service performance in BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen of tangibles, with a score of 3.72 (the lowest of the
from table 7, and classified according to service quality other dimensions score). This is because there are
dimension, it will be obtained: still many lack of facilities at the BPTPM Kabupaten
From table 10, according to customer ratings, Sragen office, such as the absence of vehicle parking
the best service performance in BPTPM of Sragen card, the absence of queue order facilities, as well as
Regency at the time of the research was on emphaty less parking lot and no roofs that protect the vehicle
Table 8. Service Factors That Have a Good Performance/ Above Average

Indicators Dimensions
1 Availability of the lounge Tangibles
7 Timeliness of Service Hours (open, breaks, closed)
8 Speed of service and timeliness of completion of licensing
9 Knowledge and skills of the officer about a licensing which handled
12 Speed and responsiveness of the officers in handling complaints from
customers Responsiveness
13 Willingness of the officers to always help the customers
14 Guarantee of confidentiality of every transaction that a customers do
15 Guarantee of confidentiality of customers data
17 Fair services and without discrimination
19 Ease to intimate the officers with customers Empathy
20 The ability of officers to identify customers
21 Affordability of the location Accessible
Source: The results of data processing

Table 9. Service Factors With a High Expectation of The Customers/ Above Average
Service Factor Dimension
1 Availability of the lounge
2 Availability of parking facilities
7 Timeliness of Service Hours (open, breaks, closed)
8 Speed of service and timeliness of completion of licensing
9 Knowledge and skills of the officer about a licensing which handled
10 Presence of the officers in place when needed by a customers
11 officers’ understanding about the customers needs
12 Speed and responsiveness of the officers in handling complaints from customers Responsiveness
13 Willingness of the officers to always help the customers
14 Guarantee of confidentiality of every transaction that a customers do
15 Guarantee of confidentiality of customers data
16 Conformity of the promised services
17 Fair services and without discrimination Empathy
22 Ease to be contacted Accessible
Source: The results of data processing

Table 10. Average Score of Service Performance per-Dimension

Amount of per-
Instrument Performance Dimensional Number of per-
Dimension Performance Average
Number Score (Xi) Dimensional Instrument
1 4,25
2 3,52
3 3,28
Tangibles 22,27 6 3,72
4 3,75
5 3,70
6 3,77
7 3,89
8 3,84
Reliability 15,32 4 3,83
9 3,82
10 3,77
11 3,79
12 Responsiveness 3,84 11,56 3 3,85
13 3,93
14 3,87
15 Assurance 3,82 11,49 3 3,83
16 3,80
17 3,88
18 3,76
Emphaty 15,49 4 3,87
19 3,97
20 3,88
21 3,86
Accessible 7,66 2 3,83
22 3,80
Source: The results of data processing

from heat or rain. From the previous research on the analysis of the
From table 11 above, it is possible to rank per- effect of product quality and service quality on customer
dimensional customer expectation scores from highest satisfaction of case study at Perumahan Puri Mediterania
to lowest: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, Semarang, it is concluded that the instruments of
accessible, empathy, and tangibles dimensions. The service quality variables affecting consumer satisfaction
sequence describes the level of customer expectations include: communication quality, informant quality,
of service factors in each dimension. The higher the timeliness quality , quality of conformity of results,
expectation score, the more satisfactory service quality quality of reliability, quality of responsiveness, and
is expected in these service factors. Customers expect the quality of security systems (Mulyono et al., 2007).
best service on the reliability dimension, which contains Quality of communication, quality of information,
the timeliness of service hours factor; speed of service quality of timeliness, and quality of reliability aspects
and timeliness of permit completion factor; knowledge are included in the dimensions of reliability. While the
and skill of the officers to the licenses handled factor; quality of responsiveness included in the dimension
as well as the presence of officers in place when the of responsiveness. And the quality of conformity of
customer needs factor. But if seen in table 10, the score the results and the quality of the security system are
of service performance on the dimensions of reliability, included in the assurance dimension. So that service
still less than the dimensions of tangibles, empathy, and quality variable that influence to consumer satisfaction
responsiveness. So when the expectation of the customer according to research Mulyono et al. (2007), is in the
is too high on a service factor, but it turns out the service dimensions of reliability, responsiveness, and assurance.
performance on the factor is not good enough, it will It is also evident in this study, where the dimensions of
reduce the level of customer satisfaction. This is the reliability, responsiveness, and assurance are 3 (three)
cause that the quality of service in BPTPM Kabupaten dimensions that have the highest customer expectation
Sragen is not satisfactory, although overall is considered score (see table 11). In this research also obtained the
to have high service performance level. result that customer expectation toward service factors
88 International Journal of Administrative Science & Organization, May 2017 Volume 24, Number 2
Bisnis & Birokrasi: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi

at 3 (three) dimensions is entirely above average responsiveness, are all above the average customer
customer expectation level (see table 9). This means that expectation level (see table 9), and also the 2 (two)
customers consider important service factors in these dimensions that have the highest customer expectation
three dimensions, and consider them to be the most score (see table 11). This means that customers consider
influential to their satisfaction, ahead of the other three important to the service factors in both dimensions, and
dimensions of the total 6 (six) dimensions tested. assume those dimensions have a noticeable effect on
While from previous research about the influence their satisfaction. While in the Erlando (2009) study,
of excellent service to customer satisfaction in gas also obtained the result that the dimension of empathy
station Pertamina 34-12708, got result that respectively, has no significant effect on customer satisfaction. It is
variables of ability, appearance, action, responsibility, also proven in this study that 3 (three) of 4 (four) service
and accuracy, have influence significantly to customer factors on the dimension of empathy, are below the
satisfaction, While variables of attitude, attention and average customer expectations line, which proves that
comfort have no significant effect to customer satisfaction the customers does not consider important and does not
of gas station Pertamina 34-12708 Jl. Captain Tendean expect more on most service factors in the dimension
no. 38 (Erlando, 2009). Variables of capabilities and of empathy, also assume it has no significant effect on
accuracy are included in the dimension of reliability. customer satisfaction.
The variables of action is included in the dimension of The same results are also obtained from research of
responsiveness. While the variables of attitude, attention Hindarwati & Jayasari (2014), on Analysis of Service
and comfort included in the dimension of empathy. Quality PT. Jasa Raharja with Servqual Method, where
So in the Erlando (2009) research, it was found that the customer expectation score for the reliability
the dimensions of reliability and responsiveness have dimension is the highest compared to 4 (four) other
a significant effect on customer satisfaction. It is also dimensions tested. Again, customers consider that
evident in this study, in which costumer expectation of service factors on the dimension of reliability are the
the service factors on the dimensions of reliability and most important in influencing their satisfaction.

Table 11. Average Score of Customers Expectation per-Dimension

Instrument Amount of per-

Expectation Number of per-
Dimension Dimensional Average
Number Score (Xi)
Expectation Score
Dimensional Instrument

1 4,39
2 4,37
3 3,91
Tangibles 24,98 6 4,16
4 4,12
5 4,00
6 4,19
7 4,35
8 4,47
Reliability 17,67 4 4,42
9 4,42
10 4,43
11 4,35
12 Responsiveness 4,33 13,07 3 4,36
13 4,39
14 4,30
15 Assurance 4,33 13,05 3 4,35
16 4,42
17 4,35
18 4,15
Emphaty 16,88 4 4,22
19 4,24
20 4,14
21 4,25
Accessible 8,61 2 4,31
22 4,36
Source: The results of data processing

factors of the dimensions of reliability, responsiveness,

CONCLUSION and assurance are above the customer expectations
average line. These three dimensions also have the
In general, service quality of Badan Perizinan highest customer expectation scores compared to the
Terpadu dan Penanaman Modal (BPTPM) Kabupaten other three dimensions. This means that people consider
Sragen can be concluded not satisfactory. It is based on that the important service factors are in these three
calculation of the total conformity level (Tki Total), that dimensions, and considers these dimensions is the most
was calculated by comparing the performance against influence on their satisfaction, ahead of the three other
customer expectations, so we get a yield of 88.89%, or dimensions of a total of six dimensions tested. And it is
can be said that Tki Total <100%. Which means that in also similar to the result of 3 (three) previous research
general, the service performance of BPTPM Kabupaten about the influence of product quality and service
Sragen has not meet the customer expectations, or quality to customer satisfaction of Puri Mediterania
unsatisfactory. Nonetheless, the performance of Semarang (Mulyono et al., 2007); influence of service
services in BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen generally in a excellence to customer satisfaction at Pertamina gas
good category. It is based on the Cartesian Diagram, station 34-12708 (Erlando, 2009); and the research of
where more than half (54.55%) factors of services, or Hindarwati & Jayasari (2014), on Analysis of Service
as many as 12 of the total 22 service factors, are located Quality PT. Jasa Raharja with Servqual Method.
on the right side of average performance line ( ), or Thus, service providers should give priority to
in quadrant B and quadrant D, which means that the improve service performance in the most desired
performance is above average. Thus, from both of the aspects of the customers, ie service factors on reliability,
above analysis, it was concluded that the service quality responsiveness, and assurance dimensions first, to
of BPTPM Kabupaten Sragen is not satisfactory, despite improve service quality.
in general having a good service performance.
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