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Integration of Quality Function Deployment and Kano Model in Service Business

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Prasetyo and Harsanto: Integration of Quality Function Deployment and...

Integration of Quality Function Deployment and

Kano Model in Service Business

Shafira Chaerunnisa Prasetyo and Budi Harsanto

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the priority of customer requirements
and technical responses for restaurants using the Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
with the integration of the Kano Model. The data is collected through direct observations,
interviews, and surveying of 150 respondents who are customers of restaurant B in
Bandung. The data is analyzed by combining Kano Model with QFD in helping to build
the first matrix in the House of Quality, namely the customer input matrix. This matrix
together with other matrices forms a complete building of House of Quality. The findings
show that there are six service attributes in a 'must-be' category. The two technical
responses that should be prioritized for improvement because their importance level is
above average are improvement of the facilities and maintenance of the facilities for the
consumers. The two most highlighted facilities include a place of worship that is
comfortable and clean, and a larger parking area.

Keywords: Quality function deployment, Kano model, service quality.

Quality is extremely important for a product or service produced by a company.
Quality is the company’s answer to the consumer needs (Heo, 2016; Maier, 2016; Nguyen,
Nisar, Knox and Prabhakar, 2018; Shin et al., 2019), by increasing competitiveness and
positioning their products superior in market share. Although important, quality is often
forgotten and not the main focus of the company itself. For example, companies focus
more on the marketing side such as the brand image or aesthetics of the product to attract
more consumers (Mun and Jang, 2018). Meanwhile, the quality development is important
to be done by the company as a beginning for the improvement of the business itself,
because if the quality continues to improve, it will affect performance and profitability
(Llach et al., 2016; Menicucci, 2018; Mun and Jang, 2018).
One form of quality from service industry is service quality. Two factors influence
service quality, namely the expected service and perceived service, or in other words the
expected service quality and quality of services received (Chang, 2018). Whether or not a
quality service depends on the ability of the service provider to meet customer
expectations. In the service industry, especially restaurants, there are service quality
standards that must be in accordance with the expected and perceived service of
customers, such as fast and responsive waiter service, high-taste food menus, and facilities

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that meet consumer expectations (Cho et all., 2016; Sweeney et all., 2016). If a restaurant
can realize this, then there will be no gap or gap between what is expected and what is
obtained by consumers.
One form of quality from service industry is service quality. Two factors influence
service quality, the expected service, and perceived service, or in other words the expected
service quality and quality of services received (Chang, 2018). Service quality is good or
not depends on the ability of the service provider to meet customer expectations. In the
service industry, especially restaurants, there are service quality standards that must be in
accordance with the expected and perceived service of customers, such as fast and
responsive waiter service, high-taste food menus, and facilities that meet consumer
expectations (Cho et al., 2016; Sweeney et al., 2016). If a restaurant can realize this, then
there will be no gap or gap between what is expected and what is obtained by consumers.
In Indonesia, being a consumer of a restaurant is commonly done by most people.
Seeing this every potential opportunity, the restaurant business is growing from time to
time. Along with the level of community welfare, the restaurant business is increasingly
differentiated, ranging from traditional food stalls, coffee shops, fast food outlets that are
franchises from foreign restaurants, to restaurants that offer classy concepts as well as a
clear atmosphere with luxury. Bandung, as one of the capital city West Java province in
Indonesia, is a city famous for its attractive tourism destinations with easy access so that it
becomes a pleasure for the people. The city of Bandung was also chosen as one of the
favorite tourist destinations in the Asian region, occupying the 4th position after Bangkok,
Seoul, and Mumbai (Wahyuni, 2015). Seeing this phenomenon, the development of the
tourism business, including culinary and restaurants in the city of Bandung is very rapid
and increasingly mushrooming to produce creative and interesting culinary destinations
for local people and tourists alike.
One of the pioneers of culinary destinations in Bandung is restaurant B. Before
becoming a restaurant, it first formed as a cooperative body that became the association of
milk collectors and cattle breeders in the city of Bandung in the early 20th century.
Restaurant B is famous for its processed foods and drinks made from milk. The
atmosphere that is thick with old-fashioned nuances is owned by restaurant B so it is
perfect to be enjoyed with family and old friends to liven up memories of the past.
Integration with the Kano model discussed in the study by (Beheshtinia and
Farzaneh, 2017); (Chen et al., 2018); (Kuo et al., 2016) are also very helpful in finding
attributes that restaurant B must prioritize in improving its services. By looking at the
problems faced by restaurant B, it can be shown that the QFD method is suitable to be
implemented to evaluate and improve the quality of services to produce improvements for
restaurant B in the eyes of consumers. Based on the subject matter faced by Restaurant B
in Bandung, several problems are identified in the form of research questions as follows:
1) What are the main needs and desires (customer requirements) of Restaurant B
consumers? 2) Technical characteristics and what service attributes should be Restaurant
B's priority so that they are ready to improve the quality of their services? 3) How is the
implementation of Quality Function Deployment integrated with Kano's Model in setting
new service quality standards for Restaurant B?

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Quality is something that is very closely related to meeting consumer needs of (Heo,
2016); (Ilyasa et al., 2016); (Nguyen et al., 2018); (Shin et al., 2019). According to
(Heizer and Render, 2014) quality is the product's ability to meet consumer needs. Service
quality according to (Zeithaml et al., 2009) is the main element in consumer perception
because it is a given evaluation and focuses on service dimensions. Consumers also assess
certain things as a component of service quality, such as the outcome technique given, the
process of how the outcome is delivered, and the quality of the surrounding conditions and
physical appearance where the service is delivered, and are concluded into three main
aspects, there are Outcome, Interaction, and Physical Environment Quality. Two main
factors have a large influence on service quality, expected service and perceived service
(Chang, 2018). Expected service is a service that is expected to be obtained by consumers
while the perceived service is a service that is perceived and received tangible and
concretely by the consumer. If the perceived service provided by the company exceeds the
expected service of consumers, it is concluded that the quality of service is good and
satisfying. Whereas if the perceived service provided by the company does not exceed or
even less than the expectations of consumers, it means that the quality of the service will
be perceived poorly and disappoint consumers so that it can be concluded that these two
factors are related to customer satisfaction.
In service quality, there is an instrument that becomes a benchmark for aspects of
service quality, namely the dimensions of service quality. The dimensions of service
quality are divided into five basic dimensions (Dedeoğlu and Demirer, 2015; Parasuraman
et al., 1985; Rauch et al., 2015) which are: Tangibles, physical appearance or tangible
evidence of service representatives provided such as facilities, technology, and human
resources (HR); Reliability, is the ability to deliver promised services in a reliable,
consistent, accurate, alert, and timely manner; Responsiveness is the readiness and ability
to provide the services needed right for consumers; Assurance, is a guarantee of
friendliness and knowledge of employees and the ability to take consumer trust, there are
several components such as communication, credibility, competence, security, and
courtesy; Empathy, is an understanding of customer needs in the form of caring and
attention aspects applied in dealing with and communicating with consumers.
Integrated quality management (Total Quality Management-TQM) is one of the
quality concepts whose scope is more specific, as stated by (Goetsch and Davis, 2010) that
total quality is an approach in doing business in order to try to maximize the competitive
aspects of the organization, through improvements in product quality, services, human
resources, processes, and environment continuously. Also, (Reid and Sanders, 2005) and
(Swink et al., 2013) explain that integrated quality management (TQM) is an integrated
form of business to improve quality performance at every level of the organization. Total
Quality Management is essentially how the company is oriented and instills awareness of
the importance of quality at every level of the organization. TQM requires continuous
improvement, both in terms of human resources, raw materials, and operations because
TQM has the principle that improvements can be made to every aspect that is closely
related to the company. Implementation of TQM within the company is very important to

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support the achievement of quality standards and maintain consistency of product quality
and service. According to (Swink, 2014), there are several factors that influence the
success of Total Quality Management, namely: strong and charismatic leadership, trust
between management and workers, the emergence of a crisis situation that encourages
reasons to make changes, training with adequate resources and always an increase in
projects undertaken, good and open communication, undoubted success from the hard
work that has been done. Total Quality Management has tools to control the quality and
processes that occur in the company, such as The Seven Basic Tools, namely 1. Check
Sheet, 2. Scatter Diagram 3. Fishbone Diagram 4. Pareto Charts; 5. Flow Charts; 6.
Histogram; 7. Control Charts. From several tools that have been mentioned, one method is
adapted to facilitate product design for consumers, namely Quality Function Deployment.
Quality Function Deployment or QFD is a product development method to interpret
consumer needs and desires as technical characteristics that can be provided by the
company (Bolar et al., 2017); (Cordeiro et al., 2016); (Harsanto, 2009). By using QFD,
the company can identify all the most important consumer needs of the product that has
been given and also evaluate how well the product meets or exceeds the needs of the
consumers themselves so that it will have a significant cost reduction due to irrelevant
cutting processes.
According to (Heizer and Render, 2014), QFD is a process to determine the needs
and desires of consumers and translate them into attributes to be produced from various
aspects of the company that is responsible and acts on it. (Goetsch and Davis, 2010)
suggested that QFD is a system that allows designers and planners to focus on various
product attributes in terms of consumer views. This involves (1) identifying consumer
needs (better known as The Voice of the Customer or VOC), (2) identifying what
attributes will meet consumer or VOC needs, and (3) making product development and
testing it according to targets and priorities. QFD has four matrices or devices, namely
House of Quality (HOQ), Design Matrix Subsystem, Piece Part Design Matrix, and
Process Design Matrix. The main matrix in QFD is the first matrix, House of Quality. So
the author decided to choose the House of Quality instrument in exploring this research
The House of Quality matrix or quality house is the main QFD instrument and is
commonly used by practitioners. According to (Heizer and Render, 2014), HOQ is part of
the QFD process that utilizes the planning matrix to connect consumer desires and how the
company makes it happen. HOQ is also an example of a guide template for identifying and
translating consumer needs or Voice of Customer into product attributes. According to
(Chase et al., 2011) by building a matrix of House of Quality, the process of translating
customer requirements will encourage the human resources involved in the company to
work together more effectively and better know the characteristics of each individual in
achieving the main goal of creating customer satisfaction.
(Anwar et al., 2013) explained the application of Quality Function Deployment to a
café, namely Ngodoe Cafe, which has problems in meeting customer needs. Ngodoe Cafe
is fondly oriented to the market share of teenagers and students so that other people who
visit the cafe are less able to enjoy the services provided. Connected to the research study
conducted, this Anwar, Mulyati, and Amelia study discuss the application of Quality

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Function Development in the service industry, more specific in the restaurants. This has to
do with the topic of thesis research and aims similarly to improve service quality
(Andronikidis et al., 2009) explained the application of QFD in the service industry
by using House of Quality but integrating with quantitative methods Analytic Hierarchy
Process or AHP and Analytic Network Process or ANP. The use of AHP and ANP is
intended to facilitate in determining the relationship of strength between consumer needs
and service attributes. AHP and ANP are tools for multi-criteria decision-making methods
that use hierarchy or levels to represent existing problems. Linked to this research study,
(Andronikidis et al., 2009) have to do with the implementation of Quality Function
Deployment in the service sector. The design of QFD is well proven by how the
relationship between consumer needs, service specifications, target values, and
competitive performance are translated into the visual planning matrix. The addition of
AHP and ANP methods is also an added value to make it easier with the Super Decisions
application to calculate the Relationship Matrix with the Roof Matrix.
(Irawati et al., 2016) explained the application of Quality Function Deployment and
integrate it with Conjoint Analysis. The phenomenon of the problem is that the researcher
explains that there are some shortcomings in the implementation of Quality Function
Deployment (QFD), it is difficult to distinguish between various consumer needs that are
conflicting and difficult to meet the needs of different groups or segments of consumers.
The purpose of using Conjoint Analysis is to find out how consumers are willing to
sacrifice the attributes and levels of a product against other product attributes. Connected
to the research study conducted, the research of (Irawati et al., 2016) has to do with the
implementation of Quality Function Deployment and with the integration with Conjoint
Analysis; it can be an input for the execution of customer needs. This integration model
also helps to obtain technical responses according to existing market share and consumer
The Kano Model is a method developed by (Noriaki Kano, 1984), which is a series
of concepts, ideas, and techniques to help determine customer satisfaction from the
product attributes offered. There have been many studies involving Kano, such as the
results of the (Sauerwein et al., 1996) and (Xu et al., 2009) which highlighted the use of
canoes to delight consumers and customer needs analysis. Or research that integrates with
other tools such as those conducted by (Basfirinci and Mitra, 2015), (Kuo et al., 2016), or
(Lin et al., 2018). The Kano model proposes a dimension of satisfaction consisting of 5
aspects: Frustrated - Dissatisfied - Neutral - Satisfied - Delighted. Frustrated shows the
condition of dissatisfaction at all while delighted showed very satisfied conditions. There
are also dimensions of the existence of product specifications consisting of 5 aspects,
namely None - Some - Basic - Good - Best. Where none showed absolutely no product
specifications while Best shows the best product specifications. The dimensions of
satisfaction and the existence of product specifications are integrated to create the basis of
the Kano Model and determine how consumers feel about the attributes of the products
they have.
The Kano Model classifies features or attributes of a product into three One-
dimensional categories, Must Be, Attractive. One-dimensional categories or Performance

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are product features that are directly proportional to customer satisfaction. The more
features offered, the higher the level of satisfaction felt by consumers. In other words, the
One-dimensional category provides an opportunity for organizations or companies to
continue to maintain their presence in certain markets. Must Be category is a product
feature that is expected by consumers. If the product does not have the expected features,
consumers will feel very dissatisfied with what we provide. Attractive categories are
product features that are not required to exist and are not expected by consumers.
Attractive product features are unexpected, but these features cause positive reactions
from consumers because, with Attractive product attributes, the opportunity to increase
customer satisfaction is very high.

The study was conducted with the following steps: (Heizer and Render, 2014). First,
collect data to conduct observations and conduct structured interviews with representatives
from Restaurant B. Second, collect data by reviewing directly on consumers or visitors to
Restaurant B. This stage includes: making a direct review design or survey on issues
related to the research hypothesis, determine samples, collect data, process and analyze,
interpret data, and make conclusions. Third, process the overall data that has been
obtained (observation, interview, and direct review) to have the result of the data and
problems. Fourth, classify each problem and each technical data obtained from Restaurant
B. Fifth, identify the result of data that have been obtained with a questionnaire using the
Kano model evaluation table which consists of several categories namely Q =
Questionable, O = One-dimensional, R = Reverse , A = Attractive, I = Indifference and M
= Must Be. The population in this study was restaurant consumers B Bandung. The sample
selection method in this study used a non-probability purposive technique. Sixth,
redesigning service quality standards for Restaurant B by using the House of Quality
Matrix 1 is Customer Input which contains information about what things are
desired by consumers to give satisfaction. This information is usually obtained through
surveys or research result because with this the company can understand firsthand the
main priorities of this consumer needs. Matrix 2 is Technical Characteristics, which
contains information that is useful for the needs of the company in fulfilling the Customer
Input on the matrix 1. Information on matrix 2 must contain what technical characteristics
and technologies related to meeting customer needs. Matrix 3 is in the form of Planning
Matrix, which contains information about the comparison of companies with other
competitors in dealing with aspects that become customer requirements. This matrix aims
to provide information about what the company has advantages over other competitors or
even information about what is the company's weaknesses compared to other competitors
so that it can be a reference for improvement.
Matrix 4 is a Relationship Matrix that contains information about the relationship
between the matrix 1 Customer Input and Matrix 2 which is Technical Characteristics. The
purpose of this relationship is how strong the technical characteristics have been set by the
company to support customer satisfaction. This relationship is symbolized by 3 symbols

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that describe the Strong, Medium, and Weak relationship. Matrix 5 is a Technical Matrix
that contains the performance targets of Technical Characteristics set by the company to
meet consumer needs. This matrix is also an indicator of the company's success if it can
reach or even exceed the target. Matrix 6 is Technical Correlations which contains
information about the relationship between Technical Characteristics on matrix 2. This
relationship is also symbolized by a positive symbol if there is a correlation between 2
technical characteristics that have been determined by the company.

The research variables in the questionnaire were further evaluated with the Kano
model using five dimensions of service quality or SERVQUAL (Dedeoğlu and Demirer,
2015; Parasuraman et al., 1985; Rauch et al., 2015) obtained from 150 respondents. The
result of the validity test (Table 1) showed that the value of the corrected item-total
correlation of all statement items in each research variable is greater than the r-table value
of 0, 134. It can be concluded that all statements of each SERVQUAL five-dimensional
variable are declared valid. While the reliability coefficients produced are 0.895 and 0.919
so it can be concluded that the questionnaire used to assess restaurant B service quality has
a sufficient or sufficient level of reliability and fulfills the requirements so that it can
produce consistent and accountable answers and it can be concluded that all instruments
used in this study reliable.
The description of the research subjects showed that the respondents consisted of
150 people with a composition of female sex of 58%; over 25 years old at 56.67%; the
majority work as Civil Servant / Police / Army at 26%; has an income of between
Rp.3,000,000 and Rp.7,000,000 for 42%; and the frequency of visiting restaurant B is
more than 1 time at 76%.

Table 1. Test of Validity of Variable Interest & Reality Instruments

Pearson Pearson
No. Item r-table Explanation r-table Explanation
Correlation Correlation
T1 0.394 0.134 Valid 0.343 0.134 Valid
T2 0.390 0.134 Valid 0.521 0.134 Valid
T3 0.399 0.134 Valid 0.317 0.134 Valid
T4 0.563 0.134 Valid 0.573 0.134 Valid
T5 0.570 0.134 Valid 0.433 0.134 Valid
T6 0.721 0.134 Valid 0.530 0.134 Valid
T7 0.739 0.134 Valid 0.685 0.134 Valid
T8 0.615 0.134 Valid 0.648 0.134 Valid
T9 0.727 0.134 Valid 0.645 0.134 Valid
R1 0.593 0.134 Valid 0.490 0.134 Valid
R2 0.671 0.134 Valid 0.564 0.134 Valid
R3 0.708 0.134 Valid 0.620 0.134 Valid
A1 0.766 0.134 Valid 0.506 0.134 Valid
A2 0.727 0.134 Valid 0.676 0.134 Valid
A3 0.759 0.134 Valid 0.699 0.134 Valid

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Pearson Pearson
No. Item r-table Explanation r-table Explanation
Correlation Correlation
A4 0.552 0.134 Valid 0.622 0.134 Valid
RS1 0.676 0.134 Valid 0.646 0.134 Valid
RS2 0.671 0.134 Valid 0.567 0.134 Valid
E1 0.681 0.134 Valid 0.607 0.134 Valid
E2 0.487 0.134 Valid 0.548 0.134 Valid
E3 0.482 0.134 Valid 0.556 0.134 Valid
E4 0.610 0.134 Valid 0.484 0.134 Valid
E5 0.642 0.134 Valid 0.553 0.134 Valid
Source: (Primary data processed, 2016)

Based on the identification of the voice of the customer (VOC), there are 23
attributes of restaurant B service based on five SERVQUAL dimensions (Table 2). The
process of collecting voice of customer data is done by distributing questionnaires to 150
respondents who visited restaurant B. The questionnaire was formed by integrating two
methods, namely the SERVQUAL approach and the Kano model as previous studies that
integrated Kano with other methods (Basfirinci and Mitra, 2015); (Kuo et al., 2016); (Lin
et al., 2018). Attributes that have a negative value of satisfaction indicate that consumers
of restaurant B are not satisfied with the service provided. The satisfaction value of each
attribute can be shown in table 3.

Table 2. Restaurant B Customer Satisfaction Level

Item Attribute Perceived Expected Satisfaction

T1 Restaurant comfort 2.69 3.80 -1.11
T2 Attractive restaurant design 3.80 3.80 0
T3 Additional facilities available (Television, Free 3.80 3.56 0.24
Wi-Fi, Smoking Area)
T4 Clear representation of the food and beverage 3.80 2.78 1.02
T5 Courteous employee appearance 3.80 3.80 0
T6 Clean eating and drinking equipment 3.56 3.15 0.41
T7 Comfortable and clean toilet 2.85 3.56 -0.71
T8 A comfortable and clean place of worship 2.98 3.80 -0.82
T9 Large parking area 2.14 3.80 -1.66
R1 Food and drinks come quickly 3.31 2.49 0.82
R2 Guaranteed quality of food and drinks 2.98 3.31 -0.33
R3 The restaurant is easily contacted by consumers 2.98 2.36 0.62
A1 Employees understand the menu offered 3.31 3.80 -0.49
A2 Employees are friendly and polite 3.56 2.82 0.74
A3 Employees can be trusted 3.80 2.75 1.05
A4 Careful employees in calculating payments 3.80 2.82 0.98
RS1 Employees are quick to respond to help consumers 2.94 3.09 -0.15
RS2 Suggestions and criticisms are easy to convey 3.04 3.42 -0.38
E1 Payment systems vary 3.80 3.56 0.24
E2 Discount facility 3.42 3.42 0
E3 Entertainment for consumers 3.80 3.56 0.24

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Item Attribute Perceived Expected Satisfaction

E4 Operating hours according to the wishes of 3.23 3.80 -0.57
E5 Complete restaurant facilities 3,80 3,80 0
Source: (Primary data processed, 2016)

After searching for restaurant B customer satisfaction values, the next is to

categorize each attribute which has a negative satisfaction value with the Kano model
(Sauerwein et al., 1996; Xu et al., 2009). By finding the frequency of each answer in the
functional and dysfunctional attributes, canoe categories can be obtained as in table 3.

Table 3. Categorizing Attributes to Canoe Categories

Item Attribute Categories Weight

T1 Restaurant comfort I 0
T2 Attractive restaurant design I 0
Additional facilities available (Television, Free Wi-Fi, Smoking
T3 M 1
T4 Clear representation of the food and beverage menu I 0
T5 Courteous employee appearance I 0
T6 Clean eating and drinking equipment M 1
T7 Comfortable and clean toilet M 1
T8 A comfortable and clean place of worship M 1
T9 Large parking area M 1
R1 Food and drinks come quickly I 0
R2 Guaranteed quality of food and drinks M 1
R3 The restaurant is easily contacted by consumers I 0
A1 Employees understand the menu offered M 1
A2 Employees are friendly and polite M 1
A3 Employees can be trusted M 1
A4 Careful employees in calculating payments M 1
RS1 Employees are quick to respond to help consumers M 1
RS2 Suggestions and criticisms are easy to convey I 0
E1 Payment systems vary I 0
E2 Discount facility I 0
E3 Entertainment for consumers I 0
E4 Operating hours according to the wishes of consumers I 0
E5 Complete restaurant facilities M 1
Source: (Primary data processed, 2016)

The next step is to calculate the adjusted importance value, which is an absolute
value for the multiplication of each weight of the canoe category with a gap value and
level of importance. Adjusted Importance = (Gap Score x Expected Score) x Canoe score.
Referring to (Tan and Pawitra, 2001), stated that true customer needs are obtained by
removing attributes that have an indifference category. In this study there are three
attributes with indifference categories of nine attributes that have negative satisfaction
values, so that true customer needs are as many as six attributes.

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Table 4. Priority Customer Requirements

Import % of
Item Attribute ance Gap Category Weight Adjusted Rank
Level Importance
Comfortable and clean
T7 3.56 0.71 M 1 2.53 16.46% 3
A comfortable and
T8 3.80 0.82 M 1 3.12 20.29% 2
clean place of worship
T9 Large parking area 3.80 1.66 M 1 6.31 41.05% 1
Guaranteed quality of
R2 3.31 0.33 M 1 1.09 7.09% 5
food and drinks
Employees understand
A1 3.80 0.49 M 1 1.86 12.1% 4
the menu offered
Employees are quick
RS1 to respond to help 3.09 0.15 M 1 0.46 2.99% 6
Total Average
15,37 16.67%
Source: (Primary data processed, 2016)

Two service attributes have a percentage of adjusted importance above average

(Table 4). The attribute that has the highest percentage of 41.05% is "Large parking area".
This is suitable to be the priority because based on the current condition of restaurant B,
the parking area that is owned is less able to meet the demands of consumers. If
consumers who are willing to visit restaurant B do not get parking space, especially car
vehicles, the stand-by security guard does not find alternative parking spaces for
consumers who want to visit the restaurant. Valet services are not provided so that when
faced with a situation like that consumers will feel confused, whether consumers have to
wait to get a parking or change their dining destination. If restaurant B loses consumers
simply because parking is not enough, of course, it is very detrimental.
The second attribute which has a percentage above the average of 20.29% is
"Comfortable and clean place of worship". At present, there are 300 restaurant B
consumers per day. Of course, consumers have high expectations of all facilities owned by
restaurant B, especially places of worship or prayer rooms. But in reality, the place of
worship owned by restaurant B cannot meet consumer expectations, because it is less
clean and less comfortable. It is undeniable that the location of restaurant B is adjacent to
one of the large mosques in the city of Bandung. Even so, restaurant B itself should fix the
prayer room to be comfortable for consumers who want to worship in the restaurant.
Technical Response or Technical Characteristics (Table 5) are aspects of how the
company responds and meets customer needs and desires (customer requirements). Based
on the results of interviews with representatives from restaurant B, eight aspects of
technical responses were formulated related to true customer needs. Then each of these
technical characteristics is given the target value of an improvement. The following is the
determination of the target direction of improvement for each technical characteristic of
restaurant B.

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Table 5. Technical Responses and target direction

No. Technical Responses Target

1 Employee competency ▲
2 Maintenance of restaurant facilities ▲
3 Restaurant design concept ▲
4 Additions and reviews of food and beverage menus ▲
5 Improved facilities for consumers ▲
Development of Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) for the kitchen, pantry, and
6 ▲
bakery section
Development of Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) for the restaurant service
7 ▲
8 Accuracy of service to consumers ▲
Source: (Results of the interview, 2016)

After that, a relationship matrix was built. Relationships Matrix is the 4th matrix of
the House of Quality (HOQ) matrix which contains the relationship between customer
needs or customer requirements in the 1st matrix with technical characteristics in the 2nd
matrix. In its application, there is an identification of the value of relationships or
Relationships Value as follows: strong = 9, medium = 3, weak = 1. Then the technical
matrix is calculated which is the 5th matrix in HOQ (Table 6).

Table 6. The priority of Technical Responses

Absolute Relative
No. Technical Responses
Importance Importance
1 Employee competency 28.47 9.9%
2 Maintenance of restaurant facilities 50.85 17.68%
3 Restaurant design concept 35.88 12.48%
4 Additions and reviews of food and beverage menus 9.81 3.41%
5 Improved facilities for consumers 107.64 37.44%
Development of Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) for the
6 9.81 3.41%
kitchen, pantry, and bakery section
Development of Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) for the
7 20.88 7.26%
restaurant service section
8 Accuracy of service to consumers 24.15 8.4%
Total Average
Source: (Primary data processed, 2016)
287.49 12.5%

There are two technical characteristics of restaurant B which have relative

importance above the average. The first technical characteristic that has the highest
percentage of 36.64% is an increase in facilities for consumers. And the second character
with a percentage of 19.45% is the maintenance of facilities for restaurants. By giving
special attention to these two characteristics, it will provide a direct influence on service
attributes, especially on tangible dimensions such as maintenance of toilets and places of
worship, maintenance of Wi-Fi facilities, and increased parking available. These efforts
are expected to better meet the needs of consumer consumers (Heo, 2016; Ilyasa et al.,

Jurnal Manajemen/Volume XXIII, No. 03, October 2019: 411-426 421

Prasetyo and Harsanto: Integration of Quality Function Deployment and...

2016; Nguyen et al., 2018; Shin et al., 2019) and can further improve overall company
profitability and performance (Llach et al., 2016; Menicucci, 2018; Mun and Jang, 2018).

Figure 1. Technical Correlations Source: (Primary data processed, 2016)


+ +
Additions and reviews of F&B

Development of SOP for the

Development of SOP for the

Maintenance of restaurant

Restaurant design concept

Employee competency

Improved facilities for

Accuracy of service to
restaurant service

kitchen etc


Technical Correlations (Figure 1) are the 6th matrix of the House of Quality
(HOQ) matrix that is shown the relationship or interaction between each Technical
Responses (technical characteristics). The form of the relationship is a matrix that
resembles a roof. Also, the form of the relationship often referred to as a roof matrix so
that this matrix is the last matrix that complements the House of Quality (HOQ) matrix
(Figure 2).

Jurnal Manajemen/Volume XXIII, No. 03, October 2019: 411-426 422

Prasetyo and Harsanto: Integration of Quality Function Deployment and...

Figure 2. House of Quality Matrix. (Primary data processed, 2016)


+ +

Relationship matrix

Additions and reviews of F&B

Development of SOP for the

Development of SOP for the

Maintenance of restaurant

Restaurant design concept

Percent importance of the Whats

Percent importance of the Whats

Employee competency

Improved facilities for

Accuracy of service to
Strong = 9
Importance of the What’s

restaurant service

(Max=41.05, Min 2.99)

Adjusted importance
Moderate = 3


kitchen etc
Kano category

Weak = 1

Direction of improvement ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

Comfortable and clean toilet 3.56 M 2.53 3.56 16.46

A comfortable and clean place of

3.80 M 3.12 3.80 20.29

Large parking area 3.80 M 6.31 3.80 41.05

Guaranteed quality of food and

3.31 M 1.09 3.31 7.09
Employees understand the menu
3.80 M 1.86 3.80 12.10
Employees are quick to respond to
3.09 M 0.46 3.09 2.99
help consumers

Importance of the Hows 28.47 50.85 35.88 9.81 107.64 9.81 20.88 24.15

Percent importance of the Hows 9.90 17.68 12.48 3.41 37.44 3.41 7.26 8.40

Percent importance fothe Hows (Max=37.44, Min=3.41)

The following are some conclusions from the results of the analysis. First, the
priority of customer requirements is identified from six service attributes that have a must-
be category. There are two attributes with a percentage above the average, which is the top
priority for the redesign, namely: a place of worship that is comfortable and clean and a
large parking area. Second, technical characteristics priorities are identified by calculating
the adjusted importance of each characteristic. There are two characteristics that restaurant
B must prioritize to be ready to improve the quality of services, namely: improvement of
facilities for consumers and maintenance of restaurant facilities. Third, in this study, the
Kano Model was integrated with QFD in helping to build the first matrix in the House of
Quality, namely the customer input matrix. This matrix together with other matrices then
forms an intact building of House of Quality which is the hallmark of QFD.

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