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Sample Assessment Matrix - Music Grade 7 (Version2)

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Philippine Music (Vocal) – Grade 7

Performance Standard: The learner performs examples of Philippine music, alone and with others in appropriate tone, pitch, rhythm, expression and style
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of musical elements and processes of Philippine music, particularly the music of Luzon highlands and lowlands.

Levels of What will I

How will I assess? How will I score?
Assessment assess?

Pen & Paper Test 1 point will be given for every correct classification according to
The learners will give the background information for Philippine songs by
comparing and contrasting. Answers will be written in a table following the The highest score of the first table is 15 points.
listening guide.

e.g. song table

L.C.*: Song Title Classification according

Classifies to function
Philippine Pamulinawen (Ilocano) Love or Courtship Song
Knowledge (15%) Atin Cu Pung Singsing Ballad or Narrative Song
folk songs
according to (Kapampangan) (Song-Story)
their function. Salidummay (Western Bontoc) Friendship Song
Doon Po Sa Amin (Tagalog) Song of Conviviality /
Humorous Song
Si Nanay, Si Tatay Di Co Love (Parental) Song
Babayaan (Bicolano)
Sitsiritsit (Tagalog) Song of Conviviality /
Humorous Song
Manang Biday (Ilocano) Love or Courtship Song
Aking Bituin (Tagalog) Love or Courtship Song
Ako’y Kampupot (Tagalog) Love Song

LC = Learning Competency

Computation for the 15% Knowledge will be TOTAL SCORE x 100 x 0.15 = ____________

The total score of the student is equivalent to the 15% of the total percentage of the Knowledge assessment.
Table will be filled up with:

1. Song Title
2. Classification according to function:
Ballad/Narrative Songs Love and Courtship songs Friendship and Conviviality Ritual Songs
Lullabies Friendship and Conviviality Work Songs
Listening Test

The learners will describe the Philippine folk songs by analyzing the musical
elements and tabulating them accordingly. Five (5) of these folk songs may be
selected for analysis.

Song Title Timbre Rhythm Meter Melody Harmony Texture Form

Atin Cu Pung
L.C.*: (Kapampangan)
Analyzes Salidummay
examples of (Western
Philippine Bontoc)
Music by Doon Po Sa
describing Amin
Process/ Skills (Tagalog) Please see attached rubrics.
each of the
song’s musical Si Nanay, Si
elements. Tatay Di Co
Appreciates (Bicolano)
Philippine Sitsiritsit
Culture (Tagalog)
Manang Biday
Aking Bituin

Song Description in terms of the Musical Elements:

 Timbre: head voice/falsetto (light), chest/speaking voice (throaty),
guttural voice (raspy/growl)
 Rhythm: fast (4 beats/second), moderate (2 beats/second) or slow tempo
(1 beat/second)
 Meter: Regular Meter in 2 (1-2), in 3 (1-2-3), in 4 (1-2-3-4), Irregular
 Melody: Narrow Range (1-3 tones), Moderate (5 tones), Wide (8 tones
and above)
 Harmony: Major Tonality (do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do), Minor Tonality (la-
ti-do-re-mi-fa-so-la), Pentatonic (do-re-mi-so-la), Modal (combination of
different tonal patterns)
 Texture: Monophony (melody alone), Homophony (melody with
instrumental accompaniment), Polyphony (two or more different
melodies sung at the same time), Heterophony (similar melodies sung at
the same time)
 Form: Syllabic phrasing (one tone per syllable), Melismatic phrasing
(many tones per syllable.
NOTE: Explain how they will analyze the songs according to the musical elements. Give an example for the analysis.
Big Idea:
that folk songs
cultural ideas,
emotions and
beliefs of

Big Idea: Folk

Understanding songs reflect
Assess the musicianship and stage presence of the performers. Please see attached rubrics.
(30%) the historical
experience of
the people.

that the folk
songs reflect
the history and
culture of the

NOTE: Singing Philippine Folk songs following the musical elements & using the proper singing style will show understanding of the cultural ideas, emotions, and beliefs.
examples of
Philippine Performance Task : Individual or Group Singing
Folk songs in Directions:
Product/Performance Please see attached rubrics.
clear tone,  Sing a chosen Philippine Folk song
correct pitch,  Use the appropriate costumes, musical elements & vocal techniques
rhythm,  Creativity
and style.

NOTE: Performance may be solo or in an ensemble. (Songs to be performed are based on musical sheets or music sources such as mp3, music video, CD, PDF files of music sheets, etc.)

Each song will be given the following number of points

5 = Was able to correctly describe all 7 musical elements
4 = Was able to correctly describe most of the musical elements
3 = Was able to correctly describe some musical elements
2 = Was able to correctly describe only a few musical elements
1 = Was able to correctly describe none of the musical elements.


5 = Dynamic levels are obvious, consistent, and phrasing is always consistent and sensitive to the style of music being sung. Performs with creative nuance and style in
response to the score without coaching

4 = Dynamic levels and phrasing is usually consistent and sensitive to the style of music being sung. Typically performs with nuance and style that is indicated in the score
or which is suggested by instructor or peer.

3 = Dynamic levels fluctuate but can be discerned. Phrasing is usually consistent and occasionally sensitive to the style of music being sung. Sometimes performs with
nuance and style that is indicated in the score or which is suggested by the instructor or peer.

2 = Attention to dynamic levels is not obvious. Phrasing is rarely consistent and/or rarely sensitive to musical style. Just sings the note.

1 = No sense of dynamics or phrasing and a low degree of independent musicianship; severe technical flaws overshadow the expression.


5 = Shows an excellent command of the stage in all styles and literature

4 = shows great potential on stage with an occasional lapse in commitment to text/character; there’s room for improvement
3 = Has potential on stage but lacks consistency in commitment to text/character in some styles;
Could use more work on interpretation and stage deportment
2 = Shows lack of comfort on stage; rarely demonstrates an understanding of text/character
1 = No connection to text/character and no stage presence to speak of

Category 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

Melody Able to sing the songs in Able to sing the songs in the correct Able to sing the songs in the correct Able to sing a few parts of the Could not follow
the correct pitch without pitch with only a few mistakes. pitch with several mistakes. songs in the correct pitch but the melodic lines
any mistakes with a lot of wrong notes.
Rhythm Able to interpret all the Able to interpret the notes and rests Able to interpret the notes and rests Had a lot of difficulty in Rhythmic
notes and rests correctly but with 1-3 mistakes. but with difficulty. following the rhythmic patterns were not
or without mistake patterns. followed.
Timbre Can sing the whole piece Sound quality is inconsistent in Sound quality is inconsistent in most Sound quality is airy and Weak tone
in the prescribed sound some parts of the song. parts of the song but is clear and breathy. production
quality beginning to be focused in some
Dynamics Dynamics was properly Improper use of dynamics in 1-2 Improper use of dynamics in 3-4 Improper use of dynamics in Dynamics was
used in all parts of the parts of the songs. Dynamics was parts of the songs. Dynamics was most parts of the songs. not used properly
song. properly used in the rest of the song. properly used in the rest of the song. at all.

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