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Music Lesson Plan Author(s) : Jenna Reagan Subject: Class/Period: Date: Learner Outcomes: Language Objective: National Standards

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Author(s): Jenna Reagan

Subject: Class/Period: Date:

4th /5th Orchestra Comets at Borton 11/18/2016

Learner Outcomes: Students will be able to perform the first 2 lines of Silent Night as well as clap
and count the rhythms
Language Objective: Students will be able to identify a quarter, dotted quarter, half, and dotted
half note.
National Standards: 1, 2, 5
1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
5. Reading and notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7. Evaluating music and music performances.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
State Standards:
Strand 1 Con 1 PO101 singing their own instrument parts
Strand 1 Con 2 PO104 utilizing the proper left and right hand holding posture for their instrument.

Elements of Music & Experiences of Music:

Dynamics Tempo Rhythm Pitch Texture Form Style

Speaking Singing Moving Creating Playing Listening Reading Writing

Resources: Start Bell: 11:00

Silent Night and Bile em Cabbage sheet music
Rhythms on board: End Bell: 11:30

Time: Introduction:
2 min What must every member of the orchestra do to stay together? (count)
What is the speed of the music called? (tempo)

5 min Tuning: review the rhythms on the board in your head while we
2 min tune
3 min With your fingers show me how many beats in a quarter, half
5 min clap each type
1 min What does the dot do to a half? Quarter? Show math on board
5 min Clap and count each rhythm then play on open strings with
5 min perfect playing position
Clap and say letters to the first 2 lines of Silent Night- How do
2 min you play low B?
Play first 2 lines of Silent Night
Play the lines in small groups- Those not playing clap and say the
letters softly
-Give feedback on each small group

Run Bile Em Cabbage down

How will you keep track of the rhythm while playing? (counting)

Assessment: Small group playing of Silent night, answers with hands and clapping to rhythm

Extension: Math in music: fractions with time signatures

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