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Rocket Stove Mass Heater PDF

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rocket stove mass heater


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rocket mass heaters in a nutshell rocket stuff

mass PNW
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Mass I wanna
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Plans ANDPaul's
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Heater world
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heat your home with 80% to 90%
Next Week
less wood
Only! World
exhaust is nearly pure steam and Domination
My Recent
CO2 (a little smoke at the beginning) Gardening
the heat from one fire can last for 3-DVD set

1 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

days About
you can build one in a day or two Rocket
folks have built them spending less Mass
than $20 Heaters in
less CO2 than natural gas or electric Documentary
a Webinar!
heat Tons of featuring
if you buy the wood, it costs less to Images Hugelkultur,
operate than natural gas BeautifulEarthworks and
Rocket the Bad Boy of
Mass Permaculture.

HeatersWith a pond, a
swale and a
Top Rocket
hugelkultur bed
on a terrace.
Get them here
Here! Permaculture

Heater in a

52 regular
playing cards,
plus two jokers,
plus a bonus
Wood Box
each card has
an interesting
tidbit about
26 cards have
Heater in
a name hidden
My Office!
on them and

2 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

8" Batch one card has a

hidden needle
Box Rocket
Mass special
Heater markings for

The Woodthe suicide king

Burning and the one

eyed jacks
Stoves 2.0
DVDs areBicycle quality
ready andcards, made in
available the USA
here! Get them here
We even
created aFree Rocket
whole Mass Heater
Design Plans
to rocket

Get free access

the verbose details on rocket mass
heaters to the most
popular rocket
This could be the cleanest and most
mass heater
sustainable way to heat a conventional home.
design plans on
Some people have reported that they heat their
the market, the
home with nothing more than the dead
6" Annex
branches that fall off the trees in their yard. And
Variation. Ernie
they burn so clean, that a lot of sneaky people
and Erica
are using them illegally, in cities, without
Wisner usually
sell these bad
boys for 15
When somebody first told me about rocket
bucks but we
mass heaters, none of it made sense. The fire
are special so
burns sideways? No smoke? If a conventional
they are givin' us
wood stove is 75% efficient, doesn't that mean
this nifty deal! All
the most wood you could possibly save is

3 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

something like 25%? How do you have a big you have to do

hole right over the fire and not have the house is sign up for the
fill with smoke? I was skeptical. dailyish email!

Get the free

And then I saw one in action. The fire really
plans here
does burn sideways. The exhaust is near room
temperature - and very clean. The smoke
doesn't come back up because a huge amount
of air is getting sucked into the wood hole. Stoves 2.0
Neat! I sat on one that had not had a fire in it for 4-DVD Set
24 hours - it was still hot!

how it works:

Covering rocket
mass heaters,
rocket stoves,
hot water and a
collection of
techniques to

The sticks stand straight up. Only the bottom make wood

ends of the sticks burn. The fire burns burning stoves

sideways. Since the heat riser is insulated, it about ten times

gets freaky hot. This causes a strong more efficient.

convective current. When the hot gasses hit the Some

barrel, it gives off a lot of heat, which cools the commentary and

gasses which get much smaller and easier to animation have

push around. The gasses that exit are usually been added to

just carbon dioxide and steam. clarify some of

the workshop
The real magic happens with the heat riser. The points, but
strong convective current is what makes the air overall, this is
get sucked in through the wood feed so that the still just a video
fire burns sideways and the smoke doesn't of a workshop

4 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

come out. It is also the place where it gets so made with a

hot that all of the smoke is burned. handheld

Get them here

Cards Ebook

Above is a much better image showing the

mighty power of the insulated heat riser, This is the brand
reburning the smoke and powering the whole new
system. Permaculture
Playing Cards
The first picture below represents the most
Ebook. It
thorough rocket mass heater design I have ever
features all 52
seen. Followed by the rocket mass heater that
cards but in a
was created from that design. These are both
digital format
the products of the leaders in rocket mass
that you can
heater innovation, Ernie and Erica Wisner, who
look at and
have built more than 700 rocket mass heaters.
enjoy the art and
information on a
large screen!

Get the ebook


Wild Edibles

5 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

This is a
package full of
super valuable
wild edible
goodies! It was
created by wild
crafting guru
Sergei Boutenko
and it includes
10 ebooks along
with the movie
Common Weeds
and Wild Edibles
of the World!

Get the package

get free rocket mass heater goodies

If you sign up for the dailyish

email right now, you will get
by Thomas J.
the most popular Rocket Elpel
Mass Heater design plans on the market, The
6" Annex Variation! Ernie and Erica usually sell
these bad boys for 15 dollars but they are
sharing this info with you in hopes of building
support for their upcoming kickstarter which will
bring rocket mass heater knowledge to millions
of people!

Click Here To Get Instant Quest is a truly

Access! unique

6 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

book that
rocket mass heater vs. conventional
wood stove presents
I've now given concepts and
presentations and plant
taught people how to identification
make these. The skills in an easy
question I am most and fun
often asked is: "If my metaphorical
a conventional format for
current wood stove is
wood stove uses children as well
75% efficient, it seems
a lot of the heat as adults who
the most room for
to push the are young at
improvement is about
smoke out of the heart.
25%. But you say you
can heat a home with a Get the ebook
tenth of the wood. Isn't here
that claiming that a
rocket mass heater is The Permies
750% efficient? Jump Drive
Wouldn't 100% efficient
a rocket mass
be the maximum?"
heater extracts
There are two ways to
as much heat as
answer this.
possible before

1. Measure the releasing the

This contains all
temperature and exhaust
of my podcasts
volume of the smoke
and videos, 70
leaving a conventional wood stove (very hot
of Jack's
and a large volume) and compare that to the
podcasts and a
exhaust of a rocket mass heater (a little more
gigabyte sized
than room temperature and a trickle). Far
video, plus all of
more heat stays inside with a rocket mass
tall paul's
2. Let's do the math.
A rating of "75% efficient" does not account Get the jump

7 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

for some of the heat that goes up the drive here

chimney to remove the smoke. The testing
labs will use a number of either 14% or 16% All Da
for smoke going up the chimney. So the 75% Moichendize
number is actually 59%. Saying 75% is
allowed and sells more wood stoves.
The rating of 75% was the most efficient
result experienced in a laboratory with
experts trying to get the most efficient
numbers. So while a wood stove might be DVDs, cards,
able to achieve 75% efficiency in a lab, it massive podcast
rarely does in a home. An experienced wood gobs, micro
stove operator will probably experience documentaries,
something more like 35%. Somebody using books, plans
wet/green wood and shutting the dampers and even a
down a lot for a "slow burn" will probably teeny tiny jar
experience something more like 5% with cork that is
efficiency (or less!) with a 75% efficient really a jump
wood stove. Thus leaving a lot of room for drive.
improvement. Rocket mass heaters have no
Get it all here
way to reduce the air flow for a slow,
inefficient burn. An inexperienced wood
burner will probably have a 90% efficient
burn every time.

Another question is about creosote. In a

conventional wood stove, under inefficient
conditions, creosote can build up in the
chimney and start a chimney fire. The
"chimney" in the rocket stove is the same thing
as the heat riser. The rocket stove is designed
to have a controlled chimney fire every burn.

Here is Ernie talking about how replacing a

conventional wood stove with a rocket mass

8 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

heater and how he now uses 1/8 of the wood

he used to use:

wood stove vs. rocket ...

Wood Burning Stoves 2.0 4-DVD set

After years of polishing this article, giving

presentations and teaching workshops ....
Ernie, Erica and I set up a special workshop to
mash in everything about rocket mass heaters,
rocket stoves, etc. just so that we could video it
and put it all into this 4-DVD set.

Trailer for the 4-DVD rocket mass heater set:

9 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

wood burning stoves 2....

Find out more here

rocket mass heaters in action

When I first learned about rocket mass heaters,

I desperately needed to see a video because
what I was told was so .... different. There was
nothing! So I now have lots of videos so people
can see for themselves, the things that seem so
new. This is just a few of the videos.

A short video making the rocket mass heater

exhaust aspect really clear:

10 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

clean, sustainable woo...

A general tour of 12 rocket mass heaters:

12 rocket stove mass h...

This second video is a day and a half workshop

on building rocket mass heaters compressed
into ten minutes:

rocket stove mass heat...

My first attempt at building a rocket mass

heater without somebody to guide me. This is

11 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

an attempt at a semi-portable rocket mass

heater. Plus a nice burn demo.

rocket mass heater bui...

The latest from Ernie and Erica - complete with

some innovations. This video focuses on how
efficient a wood burning stove can be.

wood burning stoves - ...

Building Plans

If these rocket stoves are of interest of you, the

smartest next step is probably to get a set of
plans that closely resembles what you are
thinking of designing. These plans are proven
designs that Ernie and Erica Wisner, the
leading rocket stove innovators, have
developed and tested.

6 Inch Rocket Mass Heater

12 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater




These have been the all time most popular

plans up to date.They are for an L-shaped
heated bench. The '6' refers to diameter of
heat-exchange ducting. This design
provided the sole heat for an older
Portland cottage/apartment of about 800

Click here for more details!

Daybed with Bypass

These plans are for a duct-heated, small

heater that warms an 11 x 11 (120 sf)
guest cottage in Portland, OR. A bypass
from manifold to chimney allows priming
the heater more easily for cold starts.
Instead of a bench, the mass makes up a
platform for a bed!

13 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

Click here for more details!

8 Inch Rocket Mass Heater


Bonny Convection Bench

This is for an 8" duct diameter with

room-air circulation channels over
reinforced wood flow. This large system
currently heats a 3-story, multi-family
house in a cool coastal valley.
Reinforcement and built-in air channels
protect the existing hardwood floor while
providing passive circulation of warm air to
the rest of the house.

Click here for more details!

Cabin Variation

This plan is for a duct-heated compact 8"

diameter rocket mass heater, with a 3.5' x

14 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

9' footprint on concrete slab floor. The

original installation heats a 840-sf cottage
in alpine/high-desert climate near the
Canadian border (snow Oct to April) on
about one to 1.5 cords of wood per winter.

Click here for more details!

Rocket Mass
Operation and

This manual
includes sample
drawings, fill-in-
the-blank areas
for site-specific
details, operation and maintenance logs,
and standard instructions for how to light,
clean, and maintain the heater. There is
also a troubleshooting section that
addresses problems that may come up
due to design, maintenance, or operational
oversights. The total length is about 20
pages (updates will be substituted from
time to time).

Click here for more details!

The Art of Fire

by Ernie and
Erica Wisner

This 40-page

15 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

booklet is
intended as a
introduction for
anyone who wants to learn about fire. It
will be entertaining for those who've
heated with wood for years, and especially
useful for those who are just starting.
Offers many insights for campfire cooking,
fire safety, and other survival skills.

Click here for more details!

Rocket Mass
Guide - DRAFT

This is a
of our complete,
technical guide
to building rocket
mass heaters. Our Builder's Guide offers
specific, step-by-step building instructions
and dimensions for our most popular type
of rocket mass heater (an 8" design with
J-type firebox), and detailed technical
appendices covering various design and
materials options.

Click here for more details!


16 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater



With this combo you get huge savings in

the ol' money column by getting ALL of the
plans above
PLUS chapter 4 of Rocket Mass Heater
Builder's Guide
PLUS The Art of Fire
PLUS Simple Shelter ideas
PLUS Double-Chamber Earthen Oven

Click here for more details!

free rocket mass heater podcasts

Quick! For
the next
week you
can get 17
heaters for
FREE! Click here to get 'em!
image: batch box innovation built at the rocket

17 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

mass heater innovator's event, discussed in 3

podcasts in the gob

Building Ideas

Several people have been able to scrounge

parts over several months so that the
construction cost ends up near zero. Here are
some of the materials you might want to look
for, complete with links to be able to purchase
them in case you cannot find them otherwise:

fire brick
55 gallon barrel
55 gallon stainless steel barrel (Ooooo -
30 gallon barrel
high temp thermometer

Here is another rocket mass heater workshop.

This one is building the rocket mass heater into
a greenhouse

greenhouse constructi...

18 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

Discussion thread at permies: greenhouse with

a rocket mass heater

And this one shows the rocket mass heater

barrel prep. Complete with an excellent
demonstration of the rockety stuff - check out
that smoke reburn!

rocket (ames - rocket ...

Here is Ernie's conventional wood stove /

rocket mass heater hybrid, which gives a lot of
info on how a rocket mass heater can heat a
space with 90% less wood than a conventional
wood stove:

wood stove + rocket m...

This is my grand video on my portable rocket

mass heater. This features four huge
innovations: a wood frame aesthetic (a bit
rough, but the trail is now blazed for better

19 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

wood workers); portable (can be taken apart

and put on truck in less than an hour; can be
taken off of a truck and built in a little over an
hour); a heat riser that goes all the way to the
ground instead of sitting on bricks; the thermal
mass is a collection of pea gravel and river rock
(that allows air to pass through) instead of cob.
This video has a lot of details of construction.

portable rocket mass h...

rocket mass heater podcasts

As I was designing my portable rocket mass

heater innovations, I called Ernie and Erica
several times. After all, they know far more than
I do. After the great Earth Day success I
recorded a podcast with them. Not only to have
a podcast loaded with rocket mass heater /
rocket stove info, but to gloat a bit about the
success of my innovation. This was my very
first podcast about rocket mass heaters!

podcast 019 - rocket mass heaters

Since then, I have recorded over a dozen

podcasts about rocket mass heaters and you
can get them in a giant bundle here:

20 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

Click here to get 17 podcasts

about rocket mass heaters!

more on rocket mass heaters

underfloor heating and hot water with a rocket

mass heater:

portable rocket mass heaters:

21 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

underfloor heating with a rocket mass heater -

22 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

plus an exhaust bypass:

the original rocket stove and butt warmer thread

at permies

pretty rocket mass heaters:

23 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

rocket stove water heaters:

24 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

rocket mass heater in a tipi:

rocket mass heater innovators event 2014:

25 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

Come on out to the rocket stoves forum to talk

about rocket mass heaters, wood heat, heating
water, and gobs more stuff.


26 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM
rocket stove mass heater

The good artwork here is done by Daniel Van

Tassell although Daniel insists that I credit
Adriana Stagnaro for a collaborative effort in
the permies forums.


If you like this article, please link to me. Click on

one (or many) of the social network links below.
Linking to this article from a forum is nice. Or
even better, mention this article in a blog!

Many thanks!


paul wheaton permaculture

COPYRIGHT © 1986-2016 paul wheaton permaculture (g+)

27 of 27 1/11/16, 1:49 AM

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