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1892] The Hebrew New Testament, Etc. I45



By Rev. DR. GUSTAF DALMAN, of Leipzig.

Translated by Prof. A. S. Carrier, Chicago.

Since there were numerous errors in the translation of the

New Testament, published by the (London Society for
Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews," in 18I7, and
afterwards often revised, Franz Delitzsch as early as 1838
asked for a new translation, in "Wissenschaft, Kunst, Juden-
thum." But it was not until the year 1864 that the work
was actually put in operation, as appears from an appeal of
Delitzsch in his Zeitschrift " Saat und Hoffnung" for Christ-
mas, 1864. By June, I865, the translation of Matthew,
James, Hebrews and Revelation was provisionally completed
(S. u. H. III 7, 91). The first proof of Romans, with a
Rabbinical commentary, appeared in the summer of 1870,
together with an appendix containing a critique of that
which had already been accomplished, and explanations of
the principles which underlay the enterprise. At the same
time (S. u. H. VIII. 75) Delitzsch announced that he wished
thoroughly to revise Matthew. In May, 1874, he was able
to announce (S. u. H. XI. I29) that the translation of the
entire New Testament was ready for the press. Certain
Jewish friends of Delitzsch, who were indemnified for their
trouble by the munificence of the "Gesellschaft fur Juden
Mission in Baiern und Norwegen," had given important
assistance to this work by forwarding proposed translations.
After several useless efforts by various publishers the "(Brit-
ish and Foreign Bible Society," in the summer of 1875,
undertook the publication, so that the composition could
begin in Sept., I875. (S. u. H. XIV 80ff).
In the spring of I877 the work was completed (S. u. H. XIV
242ff); but now began the more difficult work of revision and
criticism. Men like Prof. Levey in Breslau, Prof. Kaufmann
in Budapest, Prof. Kautzsch in Basel, and Dr. Biesenthal in
Leipzig, made suggestions for correction. Delitzsch himself
146 The Hebrew New Testament [Sept.-Oct.,
had come to the conclusion that the text of the Sinaitic
Codex, which was originally adopted as the basis for transla-
tion, was not suitable for this purpose, and he decided, in
accordance with the wish of the Bible Society, to make use
of the Textus Receptus, and to add only the most important
variants of the Sinaitic Codex in brackets. (S. u. H. XV
222ff). In the late autumn of I878, the second edition,
translated on this new principle, apppeared. (S. u. H. XVI
55ff). In February, 1880, the third edition was issued
(S. u. H. XVII I86f) and in the autumn of I88I, the fourth
(S. u. H. XVIII 20If), to which Dr. Baer in Biebrich and
Prof. Driver in Oxford had made most important contribu-
tions. The text of this fourth edition was electrotyped and
is repeated in five other editions, with slight alterations.
In an article written in English, "The Hebrew New
Testament" Leipzig, 1883, Delitzsch presented a number of
important corrections, which, however, received but partial
recognition in the stereotyped edition; though they were
fully recognized in the new octavo edition of 1885, which,
therefore, until the eleventh edition, which has just appeared,
represented the most advanced form of the text.
Afterwards, and especially in consequence of proposed cor-
rections by the Jewish scholars J. Kahan and J. Lichten-
stein in Leipzig, and A. B. Ehrlich in New York, Delitzsch
was convinced of the necessity of an extensive revision of his
work. This he undertook in spite of increasing weakness
and so comprehensive was his plan that he could entitle the
present text a new translation. The thorough revision of
the entire New Testament was provisionally completed when
paralysis compelled the old man of seventy-six to lay down
the pen and entrust the completion of the work to younger
In the early part of February, 1890, he committed the
work to the writer of this article, who had been closely con-
nected with him for twenty years by a common interest in
the evangelization of the Jews, hoping, however, to oversee
the work until its completion. But God took the weary
warrior home before more than the first half sheet could be
placed in his dying hands. The review of this half sheet
was the last work which was granted to my old friend, a
1892] of Franz Delitzsch. I47

work in which he had been employed almost uninterruptedly

for twenty-five years.*
The increased work given to me as editor, in which, by the
request of Delitzsch, the Jewish scholar J. Kahan assisted
me, consisted, (I) in the completion of the revision of the
translation upon the basis of materials collected by Delitzsch,
with the closest adaptation to the guiding principles. (2) In
the furtherance of arrangements for the new printing; and
(3) in the oversight of the press work. In the beginning of
August, 189i, the work was completed; in February, 1892,
the new eleventh edition was bound and on the market.
The text which underlies the new edition differs from that
of earlier editions in that the Textus Receptus is discarded,
and the more important and better readings of the older
Codices find a place in it, while the less worthy readings of
the Receptus, if they represented additions to the original
text, remained in brackets, but if they were real variants
they were placed at the foot of the page.
An effort was thus made to obviate the annoyances of the
reader, on finding alternative readings standing in the text.
Prof. Delitzsch declared that a thorough revision of the text
in this particular was necessary, and he committed it to me,
but this was delayed by the veto of the Bible Society.
Unfortunately, on this account, the present text lacks in
complete unity. In reality it is only the critical apparatus
which has already appeared in the different editions which I
revised, and gave a new form, according to the principles
just stated.
At this point I wish to remark that I have replaced the
superscription of the Apocalypse, from which Delitzsch had
stricken the name of John, in the last edition supervised by
him. Since he wished, by this alteration, only to remove
the apparent contradiction between the superscription and
the opening of the book (Apocalypsis Iesou Xriston), I do not
doubt that he would have agreed with me on renewed con-
sideration. An Appendix to contain practical notes, which
* An article which appeared after the death of Dr. Delitzsch entitled " Eine
ubersetzungs arbeit Von 52 Jahren " containing some utterances of Delitzsch
that had been printed before, gives an excessive reckoning, viz., from 1838,
although nothing was done from I838 to 1864.
148 The Hebrew New Testament [Sept.-Oct.,
should correct misapprehensions of Jewish readers, had been
long planned by Delitzsch, but in his last remarks concern-
ing the new edition (S. u. H. XXVII 74), which only
appeared after his death, they were given up.
For the orthography of the Hebrew, the edition of Old
Testament texts by Baer was adopted as a model. Ortho-
graphic peculiarities, like defective writing of vowels, are
merely accidental. But the eye of the Old Testament reader
ought not to be disturbed by a new writing.
By far the most difficult portion of my editorial work lay,
as a matter of course, in the realm of the language. Delitzsch
had laid it down as his principle that the text should be
reproduced as if thought and written in Hebrew. But even
if one should admit, which the writer can not do, that some
of the New Testament writers really thought in Hebrew and
not in Aramaic, it would still remain an impossibility to de-
termine how the written Hebrew of the time of Jesus and the
Apostles was constructed. What has been presented by
Margoliouth, in The Expositor for I880, regarding the
language of the book of Sirach; by Kyle and James in
Psalmoi Salmonion, 189 , regarding the original of the Songs
of Solomon, and by Resch in "Agrapha Ausser Canonische
Evangelien Fragmenti" I889, regarding an original Hebrew
Gospel, is by no means entirely admissible, and even if it
were, could not satisfactorily give a picture of the written
Hebrew of that time. Therefore, there remain as the
nearest accessible witnesses, the Book of David and the
Mishna, which are sundered by three or four hundred years.
But Delitzsch has endeavored to construct out of the Hebrew,
of all periods of its history, down to the close of the Mishna,
a dialect which would be fitted to become the instrument for
the New Testament world of thought.
But toward the last, he appeared to have felt that a greater
unity of linguistic character was desirable for the transla-
tion, and that the new Hebrew of Mishna and of the older
Midrash was the idiom which stood nearest the New Testa-
ment style. He moved, therefore, in this direction chiefly,
in his revision of the translation, without, however, entirely
obliterating the older Hebraic basis. This two-fold linguistic
892] of Franz Delitzsch. I49

form of the translation; in consequence of which, the oldest

and newest elements often stand close together, embarassed
the editor not a little, as one can readily understand. But it
must be admitted that the linguistic compromise adopted by
Delitzsch, after much thought, was the only way out of a
difficult dilemma. It is only too evident, from the Hebrew
New Testament of Salkinson published as an example of
classic Hebrew, that the New Testament revelation cannot
be accurately reproduced in Old Testament Hebrew. On the
other hand, a holy book completing the Old Testament reve-
lation could not properly adopt the Rabbinic idiom of the
Talmud and the Midrash. From such considerations as
these arose that combination of idioms which may prove dis-
turbing to scholars. There is yet another consideration,
which led to the compromise.
The Hebrew New Testament was not intended to proclaim
Christianity to the Jews of Talmudic times, but to those of
the present day. The modern written Hebrew is, however,
inter-penetrated with German colloquialisms, and even when
there is an effort after the classic idiom, the result is often
such an arbitrary hodge-podge of Old Testament phrases,
used in utterly absurd senses, that the language seemed bet-
ter fitted for a playground of wit and humors, than for a
dignified medium of thought for scholars and sober, simple
readers. No concessions whatever could be made to such
poor linguistic taste, especially when it is remembered that
ever since the time of Luzzato many profound thinkers among
the Jews themselves had raised a bitter lament concerning
this abuse of their language. Yet the Hebrew New Testa-
ment must contain nothing which the Jewish readers of the
present time could fail to rightly understand. Hence it was
necessary to employ a great number of expressions for
which a Jew of the time of the Apostles would have used
Greek terms. We discover from the Targums, less Midrash
and Talmud that the Hebrew had no words of its own for
certain post-biblical ideas, and that foreign words were
adopted even when Hebrew equivalents existed. Since to
the Jews of the present day, the exact meaning of the foreign
words, is for the most part unknown, it was necessary to
choose Hebrew expressions in some measure equivalent.
I50 The Hebrew New Testament,Etc. [Sept.-Oct.,

For the printing of the new edition, which consists of 469

pages in small 8.?, new type was prepared after a Jewish
pattern, by the famous printing house of W. Drugulin, of
Leipzig, and these were made in Russia for this special pur-
pose. The vowels were for the first time cast as a part of
the letters, and thereby the injury to many of the types,
during printing, otherwise unavoidable, was prevented.
Unfortunately the type for the Superscription was not of this
pattern, which explains the fact that the presses caused
serious injury in some places. I have called attention to this
in the Preface to the reader.
A translation of the Scriptures for practical purpose, if it is
not a mere paraphrase, remains always somewhat imperfect.
It was not an accident, but a divine Providence, that the
completed revelation in Christ entered the world, not in
Aramaic nor Hebrew dress, but in Greek, and it is also not
an accident, but a consequence of the judgment denounced
by Israel upon herself, that the word of the fulfilled new
covenant returns to her, not as a Hebrew original, but as a
translation out of the Greek. But would that this new offer
of Salvation, in the Hebrew tongue by which Christ "who
was born from the seed of David according to the flesh," for
the second time appears among his people, might prove to be
to them not a savor of death, but of life and salvation.
I append a tabular statement of all the past editions of
Delitzsch's Hebrew New Testament, according to the eighty-
seventh report of the British and Foreign Bible Society
(189I) p. 440.

Ist 2500 32mo Leipzig 1877 type

2nd 2500 .1878
3rd 2500 i6mo 188o
4th 5000 32mo Berlin I88I plates
5th 5170 . . 1883
6th 4810 " " 885
7th 5850 . . 1886
*8th 5000 8vo 1885 type
9th 6000 32mo " 1888 plates
ioth 4900 . . 1889 "
zith 5000 i6mo Leipzig 1892 type
Total 49,230 copies.
* This edition was originally not numbered at all, but was subsequently in-
serted after the edition of i886, as the eighth edition.

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