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The Emphatic Diaglott

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(According to the Recension of Dr. J. J. Griesoach)




No. 1209 in the Vatican Library


Brooklyn, New York, U. S. A.
Also: London, Sydney, Cape Town, Berne, Stockholm, etc.
Made in the United States of America
1942 Edition
To trouble the reader with any lengthy remarks on the important
advantages to be derived from a new translation of the Sacred
Writings is deemed altogether unnecessary. Much information on
this point has been given by others who have published modern
versions of the New Testament, with the reasons which have in-
duced them to do so. Those reasons wall serve in a great measure
also for this. It is generally admitted by all critics that the
Authorized or Common version of the Scriptures absolutely needs
revision. Obsolete words, uncouth phrases, bad grammar and
punctuation, etc., all require alteration. But this is not all. There
are errors ci a more serious nature which need correction. The
translators of the Common version were circumscribed and tram-
meled by roya mandate; they were required to retain certain old
ecclesiastical words which, accordingly, were left untranslated»
Thus the minds of many who had no means of knowing the mean-
ing of the original words have been misled and confused. Biblical
criticism, however, during the last two hundred years, has done
much to open up Rnd elucidate the Word of God, by discovering
many things which were unknown to the old translators, making
great improvements in the text, detecting numerous interpolations
and errors, and suggesting far better renderings of many passages.
Many modern versions have availed themselves of this valuable as-
sistance, and it is believed they have thereby been enabled to give
the English reader a better understanding of what was originally
Without presuming to claim any superiority for this, as a trans-
lation ot the New Testament, over any other modern version, it is
thought that the present Work presents certain valuable features
not to be found elsewhere, and which will be of real practical
utility to every one who wishes to read the books of the evangelists
and apostles as they were written under the guidance and inspira-
tion of the Holy Spirit. These features are:—An approved Greek
text, with the various Readings of the Vatican Manuscript. No.
1209 ; an Interlineary literal Word for Word English translation ;
a New Version, with the Signs of Emphasis ; a copious selection of
References; many appropriate, illustrative, and exegetical Foot-
notes ; and a valuable' Alnhabetical Appendix. This combination of
important items cannot be *ound in any other book. The reader
will find further remarks on this subject, on the page headed,
"Plan of th i Work" and he is also invited to read the pages with
the respective captions ;—"To the Reader" ; "History of the Greek
Tc*.:t" ; and "History of English Versions." Also, on another page
will be found the "Letters and Pronunciation of the Greek Alpha-
bet," for the special benefit of those who may wish to obtain a
rudimentary knowledge of that language.
The intelligent reader will at once perceive the utility and impor-
tance of this arrangement. Readers who are familiar with th<»
original tongue obtain in this Work one of the best Greek Testa-
ments, with important ancient Readings, well worthy of their at-
tention ; and, it is presumed, there are even few Greek scholars who
are so far advanced but may derive some help from the translation
given. Those who have only a little or no knowledge of the Greek
may, by careful reading and a little attention to the Interlineary
translation, soon become familiar with it. This Work, in fact, places
in the hands of the intelligent English reader the means of knowing
and appropriating for his own benefit, with but little labor on his
part, what has cost others years of study and severe toil to acquire.
Scrupulous fidelity has been maintained throughout this version
in giving the true rendering of the original text into English ; no
regard whatever being paid to the prevailing doctrines or prejudices
of sects, or the peculiar tenets of theologians. To the Divine
authority of the original Scriptures alone has there been the most
humble and unbiased submission.
In the preparation of this Work for the press, all available help
to be derived from the labors of great and learned men has been
obtained and appropriated. Lexicons, Grammars, ancient and mod-
ern Versions, Commentaries, critical and explanatory, Cyclopedias,
Bible and other Dictionaries, etc., have been consulted and culled
from. Also, the suggestions, opinions and criticism of friends, on
words, phrases and passages, have been duly considered, and some-
times adopted It is not presumed that this Work is free froir*
faults or errors. Infallibility is left for others to claim. Great care,
however, has been exercised to make it as correct as possible.
The Work is now sent forth to the public, to stand or fall on itii
own merits. True, it cannot boast of being the production of a coun-
cil of learned men, as King James' version ; but let it be remembered
that TYNDALE alone, under very disadvantageous circumstances, did
far more for the "English Bible than that learned body, for they
only followed in the wake of his labors. ι
This Volume, principally designed for the instruction and ad-1
vantage of others, is now reverently committed to the blersing of
our Father in the heavens, with an earnest and sincere desire that ι
many of those who peruse its pages may be led by the knowledge,
faith and obedience inculcated therein to obtain an inheritance in ι
the aionian kingdom of Jesus the Anointed One.
H E following condensed ac- known. I t differs little from
T count of the different editions
of the Greek New Testament
will introduce the reader to
the history of the Greek Text,
Stephens' folio edition. The print-
ers gave to this Text the name of
"Textus Receptus."
and the various steps taken by the Greek New Testament was
learned men for the purpose of given according to the Text of
editing it with greater critical ac- Stephens : and in the last volume
curacy. The history will commence there was a collection of various
with the first printed editions. Readings from such MSS. as were
The first printed edition of the then known. These various Read-
whole of the Greek New Testa- ings, with some additions, were
ment was that contained in the given in the Greek Testament, pub-
Complutensian Polyglot; published lished by Bishop Fell, at Oxford,
by Francis XIMENES de CISNEROS. in 1675.
The principal editor of the' work In 1707, Dr. MILL'S Greek
was Lopez de Stunica. It was Testament appeared. His Text is
printed in Greek and Latin, and simply taken from Stephens' as
completed January 10, 1514. In given in Walton's Polyglot; his
consequence of the delay as to the collection of various Readings was
publication of this edition (from extensive, and these were made
1514 to 1520) that of ERASMUS the ground for a critical amend-
was commenced and completed, ment of the Text.
and was published in 1516, being Dr. EDWARD WELLS published
the first edition published of the the first critical revision in parts
Greek New Testament. Like the at Oxford, between 1709 and 1719,
Complutensian edition, this was with a translation and paraphrase.
also in Greek and Latin. The lat- BENGEL followed on in the same
ter part of the book of Revelation work and published his edition in
being wanting in his MS. he sup- 1734, and in his "Apparatus Criti-
plied the same by translating the cus" he enlarged the stock of
Latin Vulgate into Greek. various Readings.
The Greek Manuscripts used for WETSTEIN published his Greek
these two editions were few in Testament in 1751-2, but only in-
number, of little critical value, dicates, in his inner margin, the
and therefore do not possess much few Readings which he preferred
real authority. In 1535, Erasmus to those of the Elzevir edition.
published his fifth edition, which But in the collection of critical
is the basis of the common Text.* materials he did more than all his
In 1546, and afirain* in 1549, predecessors put together.
R O B E R T S T E P H E N S printed, at GRIESBACH, in critical labors,
Paris, two beautiful small editions excels by far any who preceded
of the Greek New Testament; and him. He used the materials others
in 1550 his folio edition with had gathered. His first edition was
various readings from several commenced in 1775; his last was
Manuscripts—he collated some 15 completed in 1806. He combined
MSS., but chiefly followed the the results of the collations of
Complutensian copy. Birch, Matthsei and others, with
BEZA published five editions of those of Wetstein. In his Revi-
the Greek Testament; the first in sion he often preferred the testi-
1565, the last in 1598. mony of the older MMS. to the
In 1624, the ELZEVIR, printers mass of modern copies.
at Leyden, published a small and Since the publication of Gries-
beautiful Greek Testament, the bach's Text, three or four other
editor of which is wholly un- critical editions have been pub-
*Erasmus, in his third edition of 1523, lished, and have received the ex-
inserted the text, 1 John v. 7, on the au- amination and approval of schol-
thority of a MS. now in Dublin. Tyndale ars. Of these, the edition of
used this edition to revise his English Scholz has passed through numer-
version. ous editions. His fundamental
principle of criticism was, that &c, have given to the world the
the great majority of copies de- result of their critical labors, and
cide as to the correctness of the which are acknowledged to be of
Text; hence, those who prefer the the highest authority.
more ancient documents will con-
sider the Text of Griesbach pref- The n u m b e r of MSS. now
erable; while those whose judg- known, and which have been ex-
ment would favor the mass of amined, is nearly 700; thus af-
testimonies would prefer that of fording now a far better chance
Scholz. to obtain a correct Greek Text
In addition to Scholz's collation, than when the authorized version
Lachmann, Tischendorf, Tregelles, was at first published.


HE first English version of that it was only a revision of
the New Testament was that Matthew's, with a few small al-
JL made by JOHN WICLIF, or terations. It was named "the
WYCLIFFE, about the year Great Bible," because of its large
1367. It was translated from the size.
Latin Bible, verbatim, without any CRANMER'S BIBLE, published in
regard to the idiom of the lan- 1540, was essentially the same as
guages. Though this version was the Great Bible, but took his
first in point of time, no part of it name on account of a few correc-
was primed before the year 1731. tions which he made in it.
TYNDALE'S translation was pub- THE GENEVA BIBLE was pub-
lished in 1526, either at Antwerp lished at Geneva in 1560. The
or Hamburg. It is commonly said New Testament in 1557. Cover-
that Tyndale translated from the dale was one of the Geneva breth-
Greek, but he never published it to ren who issued it.
be so on any title page of his THE BISHOPS' BIBLE was a re-
Testament. One edition, not pub-visal of the English Bible, made
lished by him, has this title— by the bishops, and compared
"The Newe Testament, dylygently with the originals. It was pub-
corrected and compared with the lished in 1568.
Greke, by Willyam Tyndale, and THE DOUAY BIBLE appeared in
fynesshed in the yere of oure 1609, and was translated from
Lorde God, A. M. D. and xxxiiij. the authentical Latin, or Vulgate.
in the moneth of Nouember." It K I N G J A M E S ' B I B L E , or the
is evident he only translated from Authorized Version, was published
the Vulgate Latin. in 1611. In the year 1604, forty-
COVERDALE published the whole seven persons learned in the lan-
Bible in English, in the year 1535. guages were appointed to revise
He "followed his interpreters," the translation then in use. They
and adopted Tyndale's version, were ordered to use the Bishops'
with the exception of a few alter- Bible as the basis of the new ver-
ations. sion, and to alter it as little as
MATTHEW'S BIBLE was only the original would allow; but if
Tyndale and Coverdale's published the prior translations of Tyndale,
under the feigned name of Thomas Coverdale, Matthew, Cranmer or
Matthew. Whitchurch, and the Geneva edi-
HOLLYBUSHE'S NEW TESTAMENT tors agreed better with the textt
was printed in 1538, "both in to adopt the same. This transla-
Latin and English, after the Vul- tion was perhaps the best that
gate text," to which Coverdale could be made at the time, and
prefixed a dedication to Henry if it had not been published by
VIIL kingly authority, it would not now
T H E GREAT BIBLE, published in be venerated by English and Amer-
ican protestants, as though it had
1539, purported to be "translated come
after the veryte of the Hebrue and been direct from God. It has.
Greke textes," but it is certain convicted of containing over
20,000 errors. Nearly 700 Greek the English upon the basis of the fourth
MSS. are now known, and some ι London edition of the. Improved Version.
of them very ancient; whereas with an attempt to further improvement
from the translations of Campbell, Wake-
the translators of the common field, Scarlett, Macknight. and Thomson.
version had only the advantage of By Abner Kneeland. 1822.
some 8 MSS. none of which was A New Family Bible, and improved
earlier than the tenth century. Version, from corrected Texts of the
Since 1611, many translations of both Originals, with Notes Critical, &C. By
Old and New Testaments, and portions of B. Boothroyd. 1823.
the same, have been published. The fol- The Sacred Writings of the Apostles and
lowing are some of the most noted. Evangelists, translated from the original,
The Family Expositor: or a Paraphrase by Campbell, Macknight, and Doddridge.
and Version of the New Testament, with with various Emendations by A. Campbell.
Critical Notes. By Philip Doddridge. 17 55. 1833.
The four Gospels translated from the A New and Corrected Version of the
Greek. By George Campbell. 1790. New Testament. By R. Dickinson. 1833.
A New Literal Translation, from the The Book of the New Covenant, a Criti-
Original Greek of the Apostolical Epistles. cal Revision of the Text and Translat'on
By James Macknight. • 1795. of Common Vers'on, with the aid of most
A Translation of the New Testament. ancient MSS. By Granville Penn. 183G.
By Gilbert Wakefleld. 1795. The Holy Bible, with 2 0,0 00 emenda-
A Transition of the New Testament, tions. By J. T. Conquest. 1841.
from the original Greek. Humbly attempted The Good News of our Lord Jesus, the
by Nathaniel Scarlett, assisted by men of Anointed; from the Critical Greek of
piety and literature. 179$. Tittman. By Ν. Ν. Whiting. 1849.
The New Testament in an Improved A Translation of the New Testament,
Version, upon the basis of Archbishop from the Syriac. By James Murdock. 1852.
Nevvcome's New Translation, with a cor- Translation of Paul's Epistles. By Joseph
rected Text. 1808. Turnbull. 1854.
The New Testament, in Greek and En- The New Testament, translated from
glish; the Greek according to Griesbach; Griesbach's Text. By Samuel Sharpe. 1856.

*~pHAT "All Scripture, divinely therefore, a testimony upon which
1 i n s p i r e d , is profitable for to repose our faith and hope, free
Teaching, for Conviction, for Cor from all error, immutable, and
rection, for THAT Instruction which harmonious in all its details—
is in Righteousness," is the truth- something to tell us how to escape
ful testimony of the Sacred Writ- from the evils of the present, and
ings about themselves. We rejoice attain to a glorious future. With
to express our conviction that the reverence and joy we acknowledge
Word of God was perfect and in- the Sacred Writings to be such,
fallible as it emanated from those as they were origmally dictated
holy men of old, the prophets and by the Holy Spirit. How im-
apostles, who "spoke, being moved portant, then, that they should be
by the Holy Spirit." As a revela- correctly read and understood !
tion of Jehovah's will to the hu- But can it be fairly said that
man race, it was requisite that it such is the case with our present
should be an unerring guide. English Version? We opine not.
Amid the ever conflicting strife of Though freely acknowledging that
human opinions, and the endless it is sufficiently
diversity of thought, we needed men the social and plain to teach
religious duties
such a standard, to lead us safely of life, and the path to immor-
through the perplexing problems tality, yet it is a notable fact
of life, to counsel us under all King James' Translation is that far
circumstances, to reveal the will
of our Heavenly Parent, and to. from the
being a faithful reflection of
mind of the Spirit, as con-
lift on high a celestial light, which, tained in the Original Greek in
streaming through the thick dark- which the books of the New Testa-
ness that broods around, shall
guide the feet of his erring and ment thousandswere written. There are
bewildered children to their lov- some are either
of words which
mistranslated, or too
ing Father's home. We needed, obscurely rendered; besides others
which are now obsolete, through lows that the authorized version is simply
improvement in the language. Be- a revision of the Vulgate. And the Greek
sides this, it has been too highly Text, with which it was compared, was com-
piled from Eight MSS. only, all of which
colored in many places with the were written s ! nce the tenth century, and
party ideas and opinions of those are now considered of comparatively slight
who made it, to be worthy of full authority. The "Textus Receptus," or Re-
and implicit confidence being ceived Greek Text, was made from these
placed in it as a genuine record. MSS., and is now proved to be the very
In the words of Dr. Macknight, worst Greek Text extant, In a printed form.
And there was only one MS. for the Book of
"it was made a little too com- Revelation, and part of that wanting, wh'ch
"plaisant to the King, in favoring was supplied by translating the Latin οΓ the
"his notions of predestination, Vulgate into Greek! Since the publication
"election, witchcraft, familiar of the "Textus Iieceptus," and the Common
"spirits, and kingly rights, and Version, some 600 MSS. have been dis-
covered, some of which are very ancient, and
" is probable wrere also the very valuable. The best and oldest of these
"translators' opinions. That their is one marked Β., Cod. Vat'canus, No. 1209
"translation is partial, speaking of the fourth and fifth centuries. The second
"the language of, and giving marked Α.. Cod. Alemndrinus, of the fifth
century. The third marked C , Cod.
"authority to one sect." And ac- Ephrem., about the fifth century, and the
cording to Dr. Gell, it was wrested fourth, marked D.. Cod. Cantabujiensis,
and partial, "and only adapted to of the seventh century.
"one sect;" but he imputes this, Besides valuable assistance from ancient
not to the translators, but to MSS., the DIAGLOTT has obtained material
those who employed them, for aid from the labors of many eminent Bib-
even some of the translators com- lical critics and translators. Among these
plained that they could not fol- may be mentioned,—Mill, Wetstein, Gries-
low their own judgment in the bach, Scholz, Lachmann, Tischendorf, Titt-
matter, but were restrained by man, Tregelles, Doddridge, Macknight,
"reasons of state." Campbell, Home, Middieton, Clark, Wake-
field, Bloomfleld, Thompson, Murdock,
The Version in common use will appear Kneeland, Boothroyd, Conquest, Sharpe,
more imperfect still when the fact is
known that it was not a translation from Gaussen, Turnbull, Trench, &c, &c.
the Original, but merely a revision of the Should any person doubt the propriety of
Versions then in use. This is evident the Translation, in any particular part, let
from the following directions given by him not hastily censure or condemn till he
King James to the translators, viz. : "The
"Bishops' Bible to be followed, and altered has compared it carefully with the various
"as little as the Original will permit. And authorities on which it is based; and even
"these translations to be used when they should he see reason to differ in some re-
"agree better with the text than the Bishops' spects, a correct Greek Text is given, so
"Bible-—namely, Tyndale's, Matthew's that the Original may be always appealed
"Coverdale's, Whitchurch's, Geneva." Xone
of these were made from the Original Greek, to in cases of doubt. However imperfect
but only compare to'th it—being all trans- the Translation may be considered by the
lated from the Vulgate Latin. Hence it fol- Critic it cannot adulterate the Original.


1. Greek Text and Interlineary while the unlearned have almost an equal
Translation.—The left-hand col- chance with those acqua'nted with the Origi-
umn contains the GREEK TEXT ac- nal, by having the meaning and grammatical
cording to Dr. J. J. Griesbach, and construction given to each word. This part
interlined with it a LITERAL WORD- of the work will be a desideratum by many,
FOR-WORD TRANSLATION, wherein but more adapted for criticism than for
the corresponding English is placed reading. Although by adhering to the ar-
directly under each Greek word. rangement of the Original, the Translation
The Sectional Divisions are those of the may appear uncouth, yet the strength and
Vatican and Alexandrian MSS. Greek Words beauty of many passages are thereby pre-
enclosed in brackets [thus], though author- served.
ized by Griesbach, are omitted by the The frequent recurrence of the Greek arti-
Vatican MS. cle of emphasis, and an occasional ellipsis,
The advantages to be derived from such an often interfere with the sense and elegance
arrangement must be apparent to the Bible of a sentence, but this cannot well be
student. The learned have a Greek Text ac- avoided in a word-for-word Translation. The
knowledged to be one of the best extant, advantages, however, accruing to the diligent
investigator of the Divine Word by pursu- arbitrary divisions. Chapters and Versee
ing this plan are many, and will be were not introduced till the middle of the
duly appreciated. 16 th century.
2. New Version.—The column 3. Foot Notes and References.
on the right-hand side of the page —The various Readings of the Vat-
is a NEW VERSION for general read- ican MS., Notes for the elucidation
ing. This rendering is based upon of the text, and References, are in-
that in the left-hand column, and troduced at the bottom of the page.
the labors of many talented critics The Notes are critical, illustrative,
and translators of the Scriptures. explanatory, and suggestive. Old
The Readings of the oldest Manu- Testament quotations are always
scripts now known are sometimes referred to, and copious parallel
incorporated, and always referred passages in the New.
to. In this column the EMPHATIC 4. Appendix.—It is intended to
SIGNS are introduced, by which the add an Appendix to the Work, con-
Greek Words of Emphasis are des- taining all the Geographical and
ignated. For the use and beauty of Proper Names found in the New
this arrangement, the reader is re- Testament, with Words and
quested to examine the annexed Phrases intimately connected with
remarks on Signs of Emphasis. doctrinal subjects, alphabetically
The Chapters and Verses of the Common arranged. These will be critically
Version have been retained, principally for examined, and the light of Biblical
convenience of reference. The reader, how- science thrown upon such as have
ever, by following the paragraphs in the op- given rise to sectarian disputes,
posite column, need not be governed by these and the cavils of infidels.

The Greek article often finds its equiva- 3rd. To those Adjectives and Pronouns
lent in the English definite article the, but which obtain a comparative importance, by
in the majority of cases it is evidently only reason of the position which they occupy in
a mark of emphasis. It frequently precedes the Greek Text, with reference to some
a substantive, an adjective, a verb, an ad- other words.
verb, a participle or a particle, thus point- To remedy these deficiencies, the follow-
ing out the emphatic words. The Greek ar- ing System of Notation is employed in the
ticle and Emphatic Pronouns exercise a most English column of the DIAGLOTT.
important influence on the meaning of words,
and sometimes throw light on doctrines of 1. Those Words rendered positively em-
the highest interest. The sacred penmen of phatic by the presence of the Greek Article
the New Testament were, in the opinion of are printed in Small Capitals: as, "The
many eminent persons, guided by Divine in- L I F E was the L I G H T of M E N . "
spiration in the choice of their words: and 2. Those Pronouns Substantive which, in
in the use of the Greek article there was the Greek, are intended to be positively em-
clearly a remarkable discretion displayed. phatic are printed in Black Letter: as,
In fact, the Signs of Emphasis are incorpo- " H e must increase, but I must decrease."
rated with the words in such a manner that 3. Those Adjectives and Pronouns which
the latter cannot be stated without convey- in the Greek are comparatively emphatic, as
ing at the same time to the intelligent mind indicated by their position, are printed with
an idea of the very intonation with which
the sentence was spoken when it was written an Initial Capital Letter: as, "One Body,
down. This peculiarity of the Greek lan- and One Spirit, even as ye are called in
guage cannot be properly expressed in One Hope of your CALLING."
English except by the use of typographical 4. All Greek Substantives, as being of
signs; such as, Initial Capital letters, more importance than other wordsr are also
italics, SMALL CAPITALS, and CAPITALS. commenced with a Capital Letter.
The Common Version of the New Testa- By adopting these Signs of Emphasis, it
ment fails to give the reader a full concep- is believed certainty and intensity are given
tion of the meaning designed to be con- to passages where they occur, as well as
veyed by the Greek original, in regard— vivacity and earnestness to the discourses in
1st. To those Words which are con- which they are found; thus rendering the
nected with the Greek Article; reader a hearer, as it were, of the life-
2nd. To those Pronouns Substantive words of Him "who spoke as never man
which are intended to carry in themselves spoke," or which were enunciated by His
a peculiar emphasis, and, inspired apostles.


A α Alpha a In the Greek there
Β 6 Beta b are three different ac-
Γ γ Gamma g hard, as in begun cents: acute ('), grave
(I) and circumflex (i).
Δ δ Delta d Almost every Greek
Ε 8 Epsilon e short, as in met word takes an accent;
Ζ ζ Zeta z and when the word is
Η η Eta e long, as in keen pronounced, the empha-
θ θ Theta th sis is placed on the ac-
Ι ι i cented syllable.
Κ κ Kappa k The acute accent is
Λ λ 1
placed over every short
Lambda syllable, and when the
Μ μ Mu (Mi) m emphasis is placed on
Ν ν Nu (Ni) n the penult or on the
Ξ ξ. Xi X antepenult, also on the
Ο ο Omicron ο short, as in lot last syllable of the
Π η Pi Ρ
word when a comma, a
semicolon, a period or
Ρ Q Rho r an unaccented word fol-
Σ a, final ς Sigma β lows, as γυνή τις (a wo-
Τ τ Tau t man), παιδίον (a hoy).
Υ υ Upsilon u The grave accent is
φ Φ Phi Ph always placed on the
χ χ Chi ch hard, asincftord last syllable of the
ψ Psi ps word, as καλός (good),
Ω ω Omega ο long, as in throne. ερυθρός (red).
The circumflex is placed over a long penultimate syllable and when
the last syllable is short, as σώμα (body), κήπος (garden) ; and on
every contracted word which is accented on .the last syllable, as
γαλή (cat), συκή (fig-tree).
The LETTERS are divided into seven vowels and seventeen con-
The VOWELS are ε, ο, short; η, ω, long; and α, ι, υ, doubtful.
DIPHTHONGS are formed of two vowels joined together, and are
twelve in number ; six proper, αι, αυ, ει, ευ, οι, ου; and six improper,
α» ΤΙ» Φ, ηυ, ωυ, υι. The little stroke under α, η, ω, standing for Iota,
called Iota subscript, is not sounded, but merely serves to show the
The LABIALS, (π, 6, φ,) the PALATALS, (κ, γ, χ,) and the DENTALS,
(τ, δ, Φ,) are named according to the organs of articulation employed
in pronouncing them. To each of these classes belongs a double letter,
so called because combining the sound of ς with that of another con-
sonant ; thus, the Labials, πς, 6ς, φς, are equal to ψ, the Palatals,
κς, γς, χς. to ξ, and the Dentals, τς, δς, to ζ.
The letter ν can stand only before Dentals ; before Labials it be-
comes μ ; before the liquids, (λ, μ, ν, ρ,) assimilation takes place, so
that before λ it becomes λ, before ρ it becomes ρ, &c. Before Palatals
y is converted into γ ; but observe, that whenever γ is found before
another γ, or either of the other Palatals, it is always pronounced
like n ; thus άγγελος (angel) is pronounced angelos, not aggelos.
Every word having a vowel or diphthong for the first letter is,
in most printed books, marked at the beginning either with an
aspirate, or rough breathing, ('), as ίίλιος (sun), pronounced as
if written helios; or with a smooth one ('), as έπΐ (upon), simply
read epi. The former one of these breathings is only of necessary
use, and may be considered as having the force of the English
letter h. The aspirate is placed over ρ and υ when they stand at
the beginning of a word; thus Λόδον (α rose), pronounced rhodon.
In diphthongs the breathing is placed over the second vowel;
thus υΙός (a son), pronounced why-os. When ρ is doubled, the last
one takes the aspirate.
Words in Greek are of ten kinds, called parts of speech; viz.,
Article, Noun, Adjective, Pronoun, Verb, Participle, Adverb, Prep-
osition, Conjunction, and Interjection.
The Article, Noun, Pronoun, and Participle, are declined with Gen-
der, Number, and Case.
There are three Genders ; the Masculine, Feminine and Neuter.
There are two Numbers ; the Singular, which speaks of one, as λό-
γος, a word; and the Plural, which speaks of more than one, as
λόγοι, words.
To these the Greeks added a third number, called the dual, which
only speaks of two, but this number was not much used, and is not
found either in the Septuagint or the New Testament.
There are five Cases : the Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative,
and Vocative.
The Article ό, ή, τό, generally answers to the definite article the
in English. When no article is expressed in Greek, the English in-
definite article a is signified. Thus άνθρωπος means a man, or man in
general; and ό άνθρωπος, the man. It is thus declined.

Masc. Fem. Neut. Masc. Fem. Neut.
Nora. ό, ή, τό, the Nom. ol, at, τά, the
Gen. του, της» του, of the Gen. των, των, ιών, of the
Dat. τφ, τη, τφ, to the Dat. τοίς, ταίς, χοίς, to the
Ace. τόν, τήν, τό, the Ace. τους, τάς, τά, the

The Article has no vocative; ώ, which sometimes precedes a noun

in the vocative, is an Interjection.
The Article takes the consonant τ in every Case, except in the nom.
sing. masc. and fem. 6, ή, and in the nom. pi. masc. and fem. ol, at,
where the τ is superseded by the aspirate (').
The Gen. pi. in all genders and in every declension ends in ων.
The Personal or Primitive Pronouns are three; έγώ, /, plural ημείς,
we, of the first person ; σύ, thou, plural ΰμείς, you, of the second;
Gen. οδ, he, or she, plural σφείς, they, of the third.
The Relative Pronouns are δς, fi, δ, who, which, and αυτός, αυτή,
αυτό, he, she, it, &c, &c.
To those wholly unacquainted with Greek, the foregoing remarks will give some,
though perhaps but little satisfaction. If a further knowledge is desired, the reader
had better procure a Grammar. A very good book to commence with has been published
by Bagster & Sons, London, entitled, "A practical Guide to the first Study of the
Greek Testament," designed for those who have no knowledge of the Greek language.

ιΒίβλοζ γενέσεως Ίησοϋ Χρίστου, υΐοΰ 1A Register of the
Lineage of Jesus Christ,
A record of descent of 2Jesus Christ, son or
Δανΐδ, υΐοΰ 'Αβραάμ. Άβραάμ έγέννησε 5on of David, Son of
David, son of Abraam. Abraam begot
Τον 'Ισαάκ, 'Ισαάκ δέ έγέννησε τόν 'Ιακώβ,
the Isaac, Isaac and begot the Jacob,
2 From ^Abraham pro-
'Ιακώβ δέ έγέννησε τόν Ίούδαν καΐ τους ceeded I S A A C ; from
αδελφούς αύτοϋ. 3»Ιούδας δέ έγέννησε τόν $Isaac, JACOB ; from §Ja-
cob, J U D A H and his
Φαρές καΐ τόν Ζαρά έκ της Θάμαρ. Φαρές BROTHERS J
Pharos and the Zara by the Thamar. Phares
δέ έγέννησε τόν Έσρώμ· Έσρώμ δέ έγέν- 3 from Judah. PIIAREZ
and begot the Esrora; Esrom and t»e- and ZARAII, by TAMAR;
νησε τόν Άράμ· Άράμ δέ έγέννησε τόν from Piiarez, HEZRON ;

got the Aram; Aram and begot the from Hezron, RAM ;
Άμιναδάβ· Άμιναδάβ δέ έγέννησε τόν Να-
Aminadab; Aminadab and begot the Na- 4 from Ram, AM Μ IN A-
ασσών Ναασσών δέ έγέννησε τόν Σαλμών DAB ; from Amminadab,
asson; Naasson and begot the Salmon; NASHON ; from Nah-
δΣαλμών δέ έγέννησε τόν Βοόζ έκ της Ρα- slion, SALMON ;
Balmon and begot the Booz by the Ka-
χάβ· Βοόζ δέ έγέννησε τόν Ώβήδ έκ της 5 from Salmon, BOAZ,
chab; Booz and begot the Obed by the by RAHAB ; from Boaz,
Ρουθ· Ώ6ήδ δέ έγέννησε τόν ΊεσσαΙ. OBED, by RUTH ; from
Kuth; Obed and begot the Jesse.
Obed, JESSE ;
ΊεσσαΙ δέ έγέννησε τόν Δαυίδ τόν βασιλέα.
Jesse and begot the David the king. 6 and from $ Jesse,
Δαυίδ δέ *[6 βασιλεύς] έγέννησε τόν Σο- DAVID the KING. David
David and [the king} begot the Sol- had § SOLOMON by the
[widow] of URIAH ;
λομώνα έκ της τοϋ Ούριου· 7Σολομών δέ
OUIUQ by the of the Urias; 7Soloinoa and 7 Solomon had §RE-
έγέννησε τόν Ροβοάμ* Ροβοάμ δέ έγέννηοε HOBOAM ; Rehoboam had
begot the Boboam; Koboam and begot
τόν Άβιά* Άβια δέ έγέννησε τόν Άσά· ABIJAH ; Abijah had ASA ;
the Abia; Abia and begot the Asa;
'Ασά δέ έγέννησε τόν Ίωσαφάτ· Ίωσαφάτ 8 Asa had JEIIOSHA-
Asa and begot the Josaphat; Josaphat PHAT ; Jehoshaphat had
δέ έγέννησε τόν Ίωράμ* Ίωράμ δέ έγέννη- ±JEHORAM ; Jehoram had
and begot the
σε τόν Όξίαν ^ Joram; ιέJoram and
έγέννησε be-
τόν UZZIAH ;
got' the Ozias; and begot the
Ίωάθαμ· Ίωάθαμ δέ έγέννησε τόν "Αχαζ* 9 Uzziah had JOTHAM ;
Jotham; Jotham and begot the Achaz; Jotham had AIIAZ ; Ahaz
"Αχαζ δέ έγέννησε τόν Έζεκ'ιαν Έξεκίας had HEZEKIAII ;
Achaz and begot the Ezekias; Ezekias
δέ έγέννησε τόν Μανασσή· Μανασσής δέ lOHezekiah had MA-
and begot the Manasses; Manasses and NASSEH ; Manesnah had
έγέννησε τόν Άμών· Άμών δέ έγέννησε τόν AMON ; Amon had Josi-
b«got the Amon; Amon and begot the AH ;
Ίωσίαν 115Ιωσίας δέ έγέννησε τόν Ίεχο-
Josias; Josias and begot the Jechon- 11 and ± Josiah had J E -
t ^VATICAN MANTTSCRIPT—Title—^According to Matthew. 6. the KING—ο»ιίί.
± 8. By reference to 2 Chron. xxii., and following chapters, it will be seen that the
name3 of Ahaziah, Joash, and Amaziah, the immediate dascendmts of Jehoram are
omitted in the text. ± 11. Some MSS. read, "Josiah begot Jehoiakim, and Jehoiakim be-
KOt Jechoniah," probably inserted to make up fourteen generations, as mentioned in verse
17. Doddridge, Macknight, Clarke, and some others, adopt this reading. It is not found
in the oldest MSS.
$ 1. Luke iii. 23. $ 2. Gen. xxi. 2; xxv. 26; xxix. 35. $ 6. 1 Sam. xvi. 1; reii.
12; 2 Sam. xii. 24. t 1. 1 Chron. iii. 10.
CHap, 1:12.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 1:20.
νίαν καΐ τους αδελφούς αύτοΰ, επί της με- CIIONIAH and his BRO-
las and the brothers of him, near the re- THERS, near the time of
ΐίοικεσίας Βαβυλώνος. the CARRYING-AWAY tO
ω Babylon.
Μετά δέ την μετοικεσίαν Βαβυλώνος,
12 And after the CAR-
After and the removal Babylonian,
*Ιεχονίας έγέννησε τόν Σαλαθιήλ. Σα- RYING-AWAY to Babylon,
Jechonias begot the Salathiel. Sa- from Jeconiah descended
λαθιήλ δέ έγέννησε τόν Ζοροβάβελ· 13 Ζο- SALATHIEL ; from Sala-
lathiel and begot the Zorobabel; Zo- thiel, ZERUBBABEL;
ροβάβελ δέ έγέννησε τόν Άβιουδ· Άδιούδ
robabel and begot the Abiud; Abiud 13 from Zerubbabel, A-
BIUD; from Abiud, ELIA-
δέ έγέννησε τόν Έλιακείμ· Έλι,ακεΙμ δέ KIM ; fromEliakim, AZOR ;
έγέννησε τόν Άζώρ· 1 4 Άζώρ δέ έγέννησε τόν 14 from Azor, ZADOC ;
Σαδώκ* Σαδώκ δέ έγέννησε τόν Άχείμ· Ά- from Zadoc, ACHIM ; from
Sadok; Sadok and begot the Achlm; A- Achim, ELIUD ;
χ«1μ δέ έγέννησε τόν Έλιούδ· ^Έλιούδ δέ
chim and begot the Bllud; Eliud and 15 from Eliud, ELEA-
έγέννησε τόν 'Ελεάζαρ· Ελεάζαρ δέ έγέν. ZAR; from Eleazar, MAT-
begot the Eleazar; Eleazar and be- THAN ; from Matthan, JA-
•νησε τόν Ματθάν Ματθάν δέ έγέννησε τόν COB ;
got the Mat than; Mat than and begot the 16 and from Jacob, JO-
'Ιακώβ· 1 β Ίακώβ δέ έγέννησε τόν 'Ιωσήφ, SEPH, the HUSBAND of
Jacob; Jacob and begot the Joseph, Mary, of whom was born
τόν άνδρα Μαρίας, έξ ής έγεννήθη Ί η - THAT Jesus, who is NA-
the husband of Mary, of whom was born Je- MED Christ.
σοΰς, ό λεγόμενος Χριστός.
17 ± [All the GENERA-
" Π α σ α ι οΰν αϊ γενεαΐ άπό 'Αβραάμ έ*ως TIONS, then, from Abra-
ΑΙ1 then the generAtions from Abrfmxn. t i l l ham to David, are four-
Δαυΐδ, γενεαΐ δεκατέσσαρες· καΐ άπό Δα- teen Generations; from
Davld, generations fourteen; and from Da- David till the CARRYING-
61δ εΌος της μετοικεσίας Βαβυλώνος, γενεαΐ AWAY to Babylon, four-
vld t i l l the removal Babylonian, generations teen Generations; and
δεκατέσσαρες· καΐ άπό της μετοικεσίας Βα- from the CARRYING-AWAY
f our teen; and from the removal Ba- to Babylon till the MES-
βυλώνος δως τού Χρίστου, γενεαΐ δεκατέσ- SIAH, fourteen Genera-
bylonian t i l l the Christ, generations four- tions.]
18 Now the ^NATIVITY
18 of the * CHRIST Jesus was
Τοΰ δέ ΊηϋοΟ Χρίστου ή γένεσις οδ^ως t h u s : Mary his MOTHER
Of the n o w Jesus Christ the birth thus had been pledged to JO-
Ijv. ΜνηστευθεΙσης γάρ της μητρός αύτοϋ SEPH ; but before they
was. Being espoused for the mother 1
of him united, she was discov-
Μαρίας τφ 'Ιωσήφ, πρίν η συνελθείν
Mary to the Joseph, before either came together ered to be pregnant by
the holy Spirit. ·
αυτούς, ευρέθη έν γαστρί Εχουσα έκ πνεύ-
them, she was found in womb having by a splr- 19 Then Joseph, her af-
ματος άγιου. 1 β Ίωσήφ δέ δ άνήρ αύτης, δΐ- fianced HUSBAND, being a
lt holy. Joseph and the husband of her, just man, and unwilling
καιος &ν καΐ μή θέλων αυτήν παραδειγμα- to expose her, purposed to
ajust man being and not w i l l i n g her topublic- ^divorce her privately.
τίσαι, έβουλήθη λάθρα άπολϋσαι αυτήν,
ly expose, was inclined secretly to release her. 20 But while he was
Ταΰτα δέ αύτοΰ ένθυμηθέντος, Ιδού, reflecting on these things,
These but of him thinking on, lo a m
±17. Penn omits this verse; Newcome, Pearce, and others regard it as a marginal gloss.
t 18. Fifth year before the common Anno Domini.
% 18. Luke 1, 27. % 19. Deut. xxir. 1.
Chap. 1:21.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 2:2.
γελος Κυρίου κατ' δναρ έφάνη αύτφ, behold! an Angel of the
Lord appeared to him in
λέγων 'Ιωσήφ, υΙός Δαυίδ, μή φοβη- a Dream, saying, "Joseph,
saying; Joseph, son of David, not thou shouldst Son of David, fear not to
take Mary, thy affianced
θης παραλαβείν Μαριάμ την γυναικά σου· τό WIFE ; for THAT BEING
γάρ έν αύτχί γεννηθέν, έκ πνεύματος έστιν FORMED in her is by the
for In her being formed, by a spirit Is holy Spirit:
αγίου· 21τέξεται δέ υΐόν, καΐ καλέ-
lioly; she shall bear and a son, and thou shalt 21 she will bear a Son,
and thou shalt §call his
σεις τό δνομα αύτοΰ Ίησοΰν αυτός γάρ σώ-NAME ±Jesus ; for he will
σει τόν λαόν αύτοΰ άπό των αμαρτιών αυ- $save his PEOPLE from
τών 22(Τοΰτο δέ δλον γέγονεν ίνα πλη- their SINS."
tboxu* (This And ft 11 WES done» so th&t might 1)6
22 (All this occurred
O(odft τό ρηθέν ύπό του Κυρίου δια
fulfilled the word spoken by the Lord through that the WORD SPOKEN by
the Lord through the
του προφήτου, λέγοντος* ^«Ίδού, ή παρθένος PROPHET, might be veri-
the prophet, saying; "Lo, the virgin
fied, saying:
έν γαστρί §ξει, καΐ τέξεται εται υΐόν, καΐ
In womb shall have, and shi shallί bear a son, 23 § "Behold ! t h e V I R -
καλέσουσι τό δνομα αυτοί) Εμμανουήλ·» δ "GIN shall conceive, and
tliey slift 11 cull the .Q A me of hi m Ε in xii&iiuo 1 j ^WPII 1 cii "bear a Son, and his
έστι μεθερμηνευόμενον, μεθ' ημών * [δ] "NAME shall be called
Is being translated, with us Lthe] "Imma-nu-el;" which sig-
Θεός). fies, God with us.)
ΔιεγερθεΙς δέ ό 'Ιωσήφ άπό του ΰπνου, 24 And JOSEPH, being
Being aroused and the Joseph from the sleep, raised from SLEEP did as
έποίησεν ώς προσέταξεν αύτφ ό δγγελος Κυ- the ANGEL of the Lord
ρίου, καΐ παρέλαβε την γυναίκα αύτου, 2δκα1
had commanded him, and
took his WIFE ;
Lord, and took the wife of him, but
ούκ έγίνωσκεν αυτήν έΌος οΰ δτεκε * [τόν] 25 but he knew her not,
not he knew her t i l l she brought forth CtlieJ
till §she brought forth a
υΐόν * [αυτής τόν πρωτότοκο ν ] καΐ έκάλεσε Son, and called his NAME
son [of her the first born;] and called Jesus.
τό δνομα αύτοΰ Ίησοΰν.
the name of him Jesus. CHAPTER I I .
α ΚΕΦ. 6'. 2. 1 And JESUS being born
Τοΰ δέ Ίησοΰ γεννηθέντος έν Βηθλεέμ της in Bethlehem of JUD;EA,
The and Jesus being born in Bethleem of the
in the Days of Herod, the
'Ιουδαίας, έν ήμέραις Ήρώδου του βασιλέως, KING, behold, ±Magians
from the East, came into
Ιδού, μάγοι άπό
'Ιεροσόλυμα, ανατολών
λέγοντες· 2
Ποΰ παρεγένοντο εις Jerusalem; saying:
έστιν ό τεχθείς
Jerusalem, saying: Where is the new-born 2 "Where is the NEW-
βασιλεύς των 'Ιουδαίων; ειδομεν γάρ αύτοΰ BORN KING of the J E W S ?
king of the Jews? we saw for of him
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—23, a God. 25. a Son. 25. of her the first-born.—omit; se
Lachmann and Tischendorf. 3. the KING Herod.
± 2 1 . Jesus—Heb. YCHVC-SHUA, i, e., Yak-shua, or Joshua. YAU, or JAH, I shall
he; and SHUA, Powerful—hence the name signifies, I shall he the Powerful. "Thou
shalt call his name JESUS" for this reason, "Because HE will save his PEOPLE from
their SINS." See Acts vii. 45; Heb. iv. 8, and Appendix, word Jesus.
± 2 3 . Heb. IMMA, with NU, us; and EL, God—the future name of Jesus; showing that
he will be " a God with us." It is not emphatically "GOD ; - who will be with his people
under the name of Immanuel; but "God," in the same sense in which it is said "The
WORD was God."—John i. 1. (See Dr. Middleton on the Greek Article.) 1, A Sect of
t 21. Luke i. 8 1 ; ii. 21. t 21. Isa. lix. 20; Bom. xi. 26,27. t 23. Isa. vii.
14. ί 25. Luke ii. 7.
. 2:3.] MATTHEW. lOhap. 2:12.
τόν αστέρα έν τχί ανατολή, καΐ ήλθομεν for we saw his STAR at
the star In the rising, and are come its RISING/and are come
προσκυνήσαι αύτφ. 8 Άκούσας δε Ηρώδης δ to do him homage."
3 Now * Herod, the
βασιλεύς έταράχφη, καΐ πάσα *Ιεροσόλυμα KING, having heard, was
was alarmed, and all Jerusalem alarmed, and All Jerusa-
μετ' αότοϋ κα1 συναγαγών πάντας χονς lem with him.
with him; a n d h a v i n g c a l l e d t o g e t h e r all the 4 And having assembled
αρχιερείς καΐ γραμματείς τοΰ λαοΰ, έπυνθά- All the CHIEF-PRIESTS and
νετο παρ' αυτών, που ό Χριστός γεννα-
Scribes of the PEOPLE, he
inquired of them where the
quired of them where the Anointed should be MESSIAH should be born.
ται. 5Ol δέ είπον αΰτψ· Έν Βηθλεέμ της
born. They and said to him; In Bethleem of the 5 And THEY answered,
'Ιουδαίας* οΰτω γάρ γέγραπται δια τοΰ προ- "In Bethlehem, of Ju-
Judea; thus for is written by the proph- DJEA ;" for thus it is writ-
«ρήτου· β «ΚαΙ σύ Βηθλεέμ, γη 'Ιούδα, ούδα- ten by the PROPHET :
et; "And thou Bethleem, land of Juda; by no 6 $"And thou Bethlehem,
μώς ελαχίστη εΐ έν τοις ήγεμόσιν 'Ιούδα* "Land of JUDAH, art by
"no means least as to the
έκ αοϋ γάρ έξελεύσεται ηγούμενος, δστις "PRINCES of Judah; for
Out of th66 for shall come forth ft prince, who "out of thee shall come
ποιμανεί τόν λαόν μου, τόν Ισραήλ.» 7 Τότε "forth a Prince,who shall
shall govern the people of me, the Israel." Then "rule my PEOPLE ISRAEL."
'Ηρώδης λάθρα καλέσας τους μάγους, 7 Then Herod, having
secretly called the MAGI-
ήκρί,βωσε παρ' αυτών τόν χρόνον τοΰ φαινο- ANS, ascertained exactly
αστέρος, 8κα1, πέμψας αυτούς είς from them the TIME of
ng- . a star, and- sending them into
λεέμ, είπε· Πορευθέντες, ακριβώς εξετάσατε 8 and sending them to
Bethlehem, he said, "Go,
περί τοΰ παιδιού· έπάν δέ εΰρητε, search strictly for the
A I) out tho inf ftntj &s soon &8 &iid you hftve f ouiiuy CHILD ; and as lT
Απαγγείλατε μοι, δπως κάγώ έλθών προσκυ-
brlng word to me, that I also going pay
you have found him, bring
me Word, that I also may
•νήσω αύτφ. Ol δέ άκούσαντες τοΰ βασιλέως go and pay him reverence."
homage to him. They and having heard of the king 9 And THEY, having
έπορεύθησαν. ΚαΙ Ιδού, ό Αστήρ, δν είδον heard the KING, departed ;
departed. And lo, the star, which they saw
and behold! the STAR
£v rfi ανατολή, προήγεν αυτούς, έΌος έλθών which they saw at its RIS-
in the rising, went before them, till going
ING, preceded them, till it
£στη επάνω οδ fjv τό παιδίον. 1 0 Ίδόντες came and stood over the
I t stood over where was the infant. Seeing
place where the CIITLD was.
δέ τόν αστέρα, έχάρησαν χαράν μεγάλην 10 And seeing the STAR,
and the star, they rejoiced a Joy very
σφόδρα* u xal έλθόντες είς τήν οΐκίαν, el- they rejoiced with very
great; and being come into the house, they great Joy.
δον τό παιδίον μετά Μαρίας της μητρός αύ-
11 And coming into the
saw the infant with Mary the mother of HOUSE, they saw the
τοΰ, καΐ πεσόντες ^ροσεκύνησαν αύτω, καΐ CHILD with Mary his MO-
it, and falling down did homage to It, and THER ; and prostrating,
άνοίξαντες τους θησαυρούς αυτών, προσή- they honored him. Then
opening their CASKETS,
opening the treflsuries of them, they of— they offered, as Presents
νεγκαν αύτφ δώρα, χρυσόν καΐ λίβανον καΐ to him, Gold, Frankin-
tered to it g i f t s , gold and frankincense and
«τμύρναν. ΚαΙ χρηματισθέντες κάτ' δναρ μή
cense, and Myrrh.
myrrh. And being warned In a dream not 12 And being warned in
• VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 . the KINO Herod.
± 1 1 . The homage of prostration, which is signified by this Greek word, in sacred
authors as well as in profane, was throughout all Asia, commonly paid to kings and other
εunpriors, both by Jews and by Pagans. It was paid by Moses to Me father-in-law, Exod.
xviii. 7. called in the Ε. Τ. "obeisance."—Campbell.
X 6. Micah v. 2.
Chap. 2:13.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 2:18.
άνακάμψαι προς Ήρώδην, δι' άλλης όδοΰ a Dream not to return to
to return to Herod, by another way Herod, they went HOME
άνεχώρησαν είς τήν χώραν αυτών. by Another Way.
tliey withdrew into the country of them.
^Άναχωρησάντων δέ αυτών, Ιδού, όίγγε- 13 But they having •re-
Having withdrawn but of them, lo, a mes- tired into their own COUN-
TRY, behold! an Angel of
λοζ Κυρίου φαίνεται κατ* δναρ τφ Ίωσηφ, the Lord *appeared to JO-
SEPH in a Dream, saying :
λ έ γ ω ν Ε γ ε ρ θ ε ί ς παράλαβε τό παιδίον καΐ "Arise, take the CHILD
τήν μητέρα αΰτοΰ, καΐ φεΰγε είς Αιγυπτον, and his MOTHER, and fly to
tlio mother o£ it» And f l e o Into Egyptj
Egypt; and remain there,
καΐ ΙσΗ εκεί, ε"ως &ν εϊπω σοι· μέλλει γαρ till I speak to thee; for
Herod is about to seek the
and b e t h o u there, t i l l I speak t o t h e e ; i s about f o r
•Ηρώδης ζητείν τό παιδίον, του άπολέσαι CHILD to DESTROY him."
Herod to seek the infant, to kill
αυτό. 1 4 *Ο δέ εγερθείς παρέλαβε τό παιδίον 14 Then HE, arising,
It. He then arising took the infant took the CHILD and his
καΐ τήν μητέρα αύτοΰ νυκτός, καΐ άνεχώρη- MOTHER, by night, and
and the mother of i t by night, and went withdrew to Egypt;
cev είς Αϊγυπτον ^καΐ fjv εκεί έ'ως της
i n t o Egypt; and h e w a s t h e r e t i l l t h e 15 and remained there
τελευτής *Ηρώδου· tva πληρωθχί τό till the DECEASE of Herod ;
death of Herod; that might be fulfilled the so that the WORD SPOKEN
ρηθέν ύπό του Κυρίου δια του προςρήτου, by the *Lord through the
word spoken by the Lord through the prophet, PROPHET might be verified,
λέγοντος* « Έ ξ ΑΙγΰπτου έκάλεσα τον υΐόν saying: §"From Egypt I
saying; "Out of Egypt I called the son have called back my SON."
of me." 16 Then Herod, perceiv-

Τότε Ηρώδης Ιδών δτι ένεπαίχθη ύπό ing That he had been de-
Φΐιο Herod seeing that lie w s mocked by ceived by the MAGIANS,
τών μάγων, έθυμώθη λ ί α ν καΐ άποστεί- was greatly enraged ; and
the wise-men, was enraged much; and sending despatching emissaries he
λας άνείλε πάντας τους ^αίδας τους έν slew all ±the MALE CHIL-
forth he slew all the boys the In DREN in Bethlehem and in
Βηθλεέμ καΐ έν παΌα τοις όρίοις αυτής, άπό All its VICINITY, from the
Bethleem and In a l l the borders of her, from age of Two-years and
διετοΰς καΐ κατωτέρω, κατά τόν χρόνον δν under, according to the
TIME which he accurately
two years and under, according to the time which learnt from the MAGIANS.
ήκρίδωσε παρά των μάγων. Τότέ
be exactly learnt from the wise-men. Then 17 Then was verified the
έπληρώθη τό ©ηθέν ύπό *ΙερεμΙου του
Was f u l f i l l e d the word spoken by Jeremiah the WORD SPOKEN * through
προφήτου, λέγοντος· ^«Φωνή έν Ραμςι ήκού- Jeremiah the PROPHET,
prophet, saying; "Λ voice in Rama was saying,
βθη, *[θρήνος καΐ] κλαυθμός καΐ όδυρμός
heard, ClKmentatlon and] weeping and mourning 18 t"A Voice was heard
Λολΰς· Ραχήλ κλαίουσα τά τέκνα αυτής· "±in Ramah, Weeping and
great; Rachel bewailing the children of her; "great Mourning; Rachel
seal ουκ ήθελε παρακληθήναι, δτι ούκ "bemoaning her CHILDREN,
and not i s w i l l i n g to be comforted because not "and unwilling to be com-
elaiv.» "forted, Because they are
they are." "no more."

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—13. retired into their own COUNTRY. 13. appeared. 15. Lord.
* 17. through Jeremiah—Lachmann & Tischendorf. VATICAN MANUSCBIPT—18. lam-
entation and—omit.
± 1 6 . THE MALB-CHILDEBN. The Greek article being defines the sex. In
nine other places in this chapter, infant isHbrthe neuter gender. 18. in Bamah. A city
not far from Bethlehem in Judea, on the confines of Mtt territory of Benjamin. Origen
and Jerome say that the Hebrew term rendered in Ramah, by the LXX, should be trans-
la ted. on high. Matthew, or his translator, followed the Septuagint.
t 15. Hoshea xi. 1. t 18. Jer. xxxir 15.
Chap. 2:19.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 3:3.
Τελευτήσαντος δέ του Ήρώδου, Ιδού,
19 When Herod was
Having died and of the Herod, 10, dead, behold! an Angel
δγγελος Κυρίου κατ' δναρ φαίνεται τφ of the Lord appears in a
a messenger of a Lord in a dream appears to tlio Dream to JOSEPH in E-
'Ιωσήφ έν ΑΙγύπτω, λέγων 20 ΈγερθεΙς gypt, saying:
20 "Arise, take the
παράλαβε τό παιδίον καΐ τήν μητέρα αύτοΰ, CHILD and his MOTHER»
take the infant and the mother of It, and go into the Land of
seal πορεύου εις γήν 'Ισραήλ· τεθνήκασι Israel; for THEY are dead
and go thou into land Israel; they are dead who SOUGHT the CHILD'S
V&Q ol ξητοΰντες τήν ψυχήν του παιδίου. 21 Then HE, arising,
*O δέ εγερθείς παρέλαβε τό παιδίον και took the CHILD and his
MOTHER, and *entered in-
Ho And iirisiiiij took trie iniiLut &ix(X to the Land of Israel;
τήν μητέρα αύτοΰ, καΐ ήλθεν είς γήν Ίσρα- 22 but hearing that Ar-
TUO mother of *t· find cflmο Into 1 &nd Isrii™ chelaus was reigning over
ήλ. ^Άκουσας δέ, δτι 'Αρχέλαος βασιλεύει JUD^A instead of his FA-
el. Hearing and, that Archelaus was reigning THER Herod, he was afraid
to return there; and be-
επί της 'Ιουδαίας αντί Ήρώδου τοΰ πατρός ing warned in a Dream,
over the Judea instead of Herod the father retired into the DISTRICT
αύτοΰ, έφοβή&η εκεί άπελθείν χρηματιστείς of GALILEE ;
of him, he^was afraid there to go; being warned 23 and coming into a
δέ κατ* δναρ, άνεχώρησεν είς τά μέρη City named ±Nazareth, he
and in a dream, he withdrew Into the regions
abode; that the WORD
της Γαλιλαίας. ^ΚαΙ έλθών κατώκησεν είς PHETS SPOKEN through the PRO-
Of the Galilee. And coming he dwelt into might be verified,
πδλιν λεγομένην Ναζαρέτ· δπως πληρωθη "That he will be called
Λ city named Nazareth; that might be fulfil led
τά ρηθέν διά τών προφητών, δτι Να- "±a Nazarite."
the words spoken through the prophets, that a Naz-
ξωραϊος κληθήσεται. CHAPTER Ι Π .
a r i t e he w i l l be c a l l e d . 1 Now in those DAYS
ΚΕΦ. γ ' . 3. appeared John the IM-
*'Ev δέ ταίς ήμέραις έκείναις παραγίνεται of MERSER, in the ±DESERT
In now the days those comes
JUD;EA, publicly an-
'Χωάννης ό βαπτιστής, κηρύσσων έν τη έρήμω nouncing,
John the dipper, proclaiming in the desert 2 ± "Reform ! because
της 'Ιουδαίας, [καΐ] λέγων 2ΜετανοεΙτε· the ROYAL MAJESTY of the
Of the Judea, [and] saying; Reform ye; HEAVENS has approached***
ήγγικε γάρ ή t βασιλεία, τών * ουρανών, 3 For this is HE of
8 come nigh for the majesty of the heavens.
Οΰτος γάρ έστιν 6 ρηθείς ΰπό Ήσαΐου του whom Isaiah the PROPHET
This for is he spoken of by Esalas the SPOKE, saying: $"A voice
προφήτου, λέγοντος· «Φωνή βοώντος έν τη
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 1 . entered into.
f 23. Nazareth—a small city of the Zebulonites, in Galilee, about 75 miles north of
Jerusalem. 23. a Nazarite. Matthew evidently understood this the same as Nazarene,
or a native of Nazareth. A Nazarite was one under a vow of self-denial. In Judges xiii.
5, Samson is called a Nazarite. The apostle Paul was accused by Tertullus, before Felix,
as being " a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarites," Acts xxiv. 5. Some derive the name
from Isa. xi. 1, where the promised Messiah is called a Nazar, or branch.
± 1. DESERT. This does not always mean an uninhabited region, but one comparatively
barren, with a spare population. See Joshua xv. 61, 62, where mention is made of "six
cities with their villages," in the wilderness. 2. Beform. The word " r e p e n t " does not
express the force of the original; which siknfles a change of character, a permanent alter-
ation of the dispositions and habits. The same remark may be applied to the noun of the
same meaning in verse 8.—Gannett. 2. Basilia means kingly power, authority, royal
dignity, majesty, &c.r as well as kingdom, realm, or reign. The prophet Daniel uses
kings and kingdoms synonymously, (Dan. ii. 44) ; so also the evangelists. See Matt. xxi.
5 9 ; Mark xi. 9, 1 0 ; Luke xix. 3 8 ; and Zech. ix. 9. John's mission was " t o go before
the face of the Lord, to prepare his ways," (Luke i. 76) ; and to point out the Messiah.
See John i. 6-8, 2 9 - 3 1 , 3 4 ; Acts xiii. 24, 25. Therefore he'called on the people to
"Beform, because the Majesty of the heavens (God's Anointed) has come."
% 3. Isa. xi. 3.
Chap. 3:4.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 3:11.
έοήμω· ετοιμάσατε την όδόν Κυρίου, ευθείας "proclaiming in the DES-
desert; make you ready tho way of α Lord, straight "EKT, 'Prepare the WAY
Λοιείτε τάς τρίβους αύτοΰ.» " 'for the Lord, make the
make ye the beateu tracks of him." " 'HIGHWAYS straight for
Αύτός δέ 6 'Ιωάννης είχε τό ένδυμα " 'him.' "
He and the John had the outer garment
αύτοΰ άπό τριχών καμήλου, καΐ ζώνην δερμα- MANTLE 4 Now JOHN wore a
af him from hairs of a camel, and a belt made of Camel's Hair,
τίνην περί την όσφύν αύτοΰ· ή δέ τροφή circling with a leathern Girdle en-
his WAIST ; and
αύτοΰ ήν ακρίδες καΐ μέλι δγριον. 6Τότε wild his FOOD was Locusts and
έξεπορεύετο προς αυτόν *Ιεροσόλυμα, καΐ 5 Then resorted to him
went out to him Jerusalem, and Jerusalem, and All JUD-
πασά ή Ιουδαία, καΐ πασά ή περίχωρος τοΰ MA, and All the COUN-
all t h e Judea, and a l l t h e c o u n t r y about of t h e
TRY along the JORDAN ;
'Ιορδανού* βκα1 έβαπτίζοντο έν τφ 'Ιορδάνη
6 and wereimmersed by
ύπ' αύτοΰ, έξομολογούμενοι τάς αμαρτίας him in the * River JORDAN,
by him, confessing the sins
confessing their SINS.
of them. 7 But seeing many of
Ίδών δέ πολλούς τών Φαρισαίων καΐ Σαδ- the PHARISEES and Sad-
Seeing and many of the Pharisees and Sad-
ducees coming to *the
δουκαίων ερχόμενους επί τό βάπτισμα αύτοΰ, IMMERSION, he said to
ducees coming to the dipping of him, them; §"O Progeny of
είπεν αύτοίς· Γεννήματα έχιδνών, Vipers! who has admon-
he said to them; θ broods of venomous serpents,
ished you to fly from the
χίζ ;6πέδειξεν ύμϊν φυγείν άπό της μελλούσης
Who pointed out to you to flee from the coming 8 Produce, then, Fruit
οργής; * Ποιήσατε οδν καρπόν δξιον της worthy of REFORMATION :
wrath? Bringβ forth then fruit worthy of the 9 and presume not to
μετανοίας, κα1 μή δόξητε λέγειν έν έαυτοίς· say to yourselves, 'We
reformation, and not think to say In yourselves;
have a Father,—ABRA-
Πατέρα δχομεν τόν 'Αβραάμ· λέγω γάρ HAM ;' for I assure you,
A fiithΡrδτι «a
δύναται ό Θεός έκ των
I say λίθων
to you, that is able the God out of the stones That GOD is able out of
have the Abraam: for
10 these STONES to raise up
τούτων έγείραι τέκνα τφ 'Αβραάμ. "Ηδη Children to ABRAHAM.
these to rflise up children to the Abraam. Now
δέ * [καΐ] ή άξίνη προς την ρίζαν τών 10 Even now the AXE
lies at the ROOT of the
δένδρων κείται* πάν οδν δένδρον μή
trees lies; every therefore tree not TREES ; Every Tree, there-
fore, not producing good
ποιούν καρπόν καλόν, έκκόπτεται, καΐ είς Fruit, is cut down, and
bearing fruit good, Is cut down, and Into
η cast into a Fire.
πΰρ βάλλεται. Έ γ ώ μέν βαπτίζω ύμδς έν
a fire is cast. I Indeed dip you In 11 I, indeed, ±immerse
ΰδατι, είς μ»ετάνοιαν· ό δέ οπίσω μον έρχό- you in Water in order to
Reformation ; but HE who
water, into reformation; he but after of me is COMING after me, is
μενός Ισχυρότερος μού έστιν, οί ούκ είμΐ more powerful than I,
coming, mightier of me is, of whom not I am
Ικανός τά υποδήματα βαστάσαι· αυτός υμάς worthy ±Whose SANDALS I am not
to carry ; §he will
worthy the sandals to carry; he 12 you immerse you in h o l y
βαπτίσει έν πνεύματι άγίω καΐ πυρί. Οδ
w i l l dip in spirit holy and fire. Of whom Spirit and in Fire.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—6. the Biver JORDAN. 7. the IMMERSION. 10. even—omit.
± 1 1 . immerse you in Water. Baptizo. and its root Bapto, signify to dip, to plunge, to
immerse, and was rendered by Tertullian, tingere, the term used for dyeing cloth, which
was by immersion. I t is always construed suitably to this meaning. Thus it is en
hudates en to Iordanee.—Campbell. 11. Whose SANDALS. &C. The office alluded to,
though of a servile description, was performed by disciples for their instructors, as it
appears from the Talmudists and Eusebius.
t 7.Luke iii. 7-9. t 11. Acts i. 5; ii. 2-4; xi. 16.
Chap. 3:12.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 4 : 4
τό πτύον έν τχί χεδρΐ αύτοΰ, καΐ 12 Whose WINNOWING·
tl»e wlnuowIng shovel in the hand of him, and SHOVEL is in his HAND,
διακαθαριεί την άλωνα and he will effectually
he w i l l thoroughly cleanse the threshing Iloor cleanse his THRESHING-
αύτου* καΐ συνάξει τόν σϊτον αύτοΰ WHEAT FLOOR ; ho will gather his
into *his GRANARY,
εΐζ την άποθήκην, τό δέ δχυρον καύσει but the CHAFF he will
into the storehouse, the but chaff he w i l l burn up consume with Fire inex-
πυρί άσδέστφ. tinguishable."
in fir© inextinguishable. 13 Then comes JESUS
^Τότε παραγίνεται ό Ίησοΰς άπό τηςfrom GALILEE to the JOR-
Then comes the Jesus from the
DAN, to be IMMERSED by
Γαλιλαίας επί τ< ' Ίορδάνην προς τόν JOHN.
Galilee to l..e Jordan to the 14 But * H E refused
Ίωάννην, του βαπτισθήναι ύπ' αΰτοΰ. 1 4 t O him, saying; " I have
John, of the to be dipped by him. The Need to be immersed by
δέ 'Ιωάννης διεκώλυεν αυτόν, λέγων Έγώ thee, and thou comest to
but John refused him saying; I me!"
χρειαν έ"χω υπό σου βαπτισθηναι, καΐ συ
need to have by thoe to be dipped, and thou 15 But JESUS answer-
έρχη προς με; Άποκρι0εΙς δέ ό Ίησοΰς ing, said to him ; "Permit

comest to me? Answering and tho Jesus

it now; for thus it is be-
είπε προς αυτόν "Αφες ά*ρτι· οΰτο» γάρ πρέπον coming us to establish
srid to him; Permit now; thus for bocoming Every Ordinance." Then
εστίν ήμΐν, πληρωσαι πασαν δικαιοσύνην. Τότε John suffered him.
it i s to us, to fulfil a l l righteousness. Then
άφίησιν αυτόν. 1βΚαΙ βαπτισθείς mersed, 16 And JESUS being im-
went up from the
he suffered him. And having been dipped WATER ; and, behold ! in-
ό Ίησοΰς άνέβη ευθύς άπό του ύδατος·
the Jesus went up immediately from tho water; stantly the HEAVENS were
καΐ Ιδού, άνεώχθησαν * [αύτφ] ot ουρανοί, of opened, and *the Spirit
and lo, were opened [to him] the heavens, God appeared, descend-
«αϊ είδε τό πνεύμα του. Θεοί) καταβαίνον ^resting ing, like a Dove, and
AIICI *\yflft seen txio s p i r i x of xlio Qod do s c ©nd i n jj
on him.
ώσεί περιστεράν, [καΐ] έρχόμενον έπ' αυτόν, 17 And, behold ! a Voice
like a dove, Land] coming on him.
ΚαΙ Ιδού, φωνή έκ των ουρανών, λέγουσα· from the HEAVENS, say-

Ami lo, a voice out of the heavens, saying; ing; §"This is my SON,
Οίτός έστιν ό υΙός μου 6 αγαπητός, έν ώ the BELOVED, in whom I
This i s the son of me the beloved, in whom delight.'"
ευδόκησα. CHAP. IV.
I delight.
ΚΕΦ. δ ' . 4. 1 Then JESUS was con-^
Χ ducted by the SPIRIT into
Τότε ό Ίησοΰς άνήχθη είς την βρημον the DESERT, to be tempt-
ed by the ENEMY.
ύπό του πνεύματος, πειρασθηναι ύπό τοΰ
2 2 And after fasting for-
διαβόλου. ΚαΙ νηστεύσας ημέρας τεσσαράκον- ty Days and forty Nights,
accuser. And fasting days forty
he was hungry.
τα καΐ νύκτας τεσσαράκοντα, ύστερον έπείνα-
and nights forty, after he was 3 Then the TEMPTER
σε. 3Και προσελθών αύτφ ό πειράζων, είπεν approaching him, said;
hungry. And coming to him "the tempter, said; "If thou be a Son of
El υΙός εΐ τοΰ Θεού, είπε, ίνα ol λίθοι GOD, command that these
If a son thou bo of the God, speak, that the stones STONES become Loaves.'*-
οίτοι άρτοι γένονται. Ό δέ αποκριθείς είπε·
these loaves may become. He but answering said; 4 But HE answering,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. his GRANARY 14. HE refused. 16. to him—omit.
16. the Spirit of God. 16. and—omit.
t 12. The allusion in this passage is to an ancient process in agriculture, by whic'i the
chaff was driven towards a fire prepared for burning it, in order that i t might not be
blown back and mixed again with th© wheat.
t 16. Isa. xi. 2 ; lxi. J . $ 17, lea. xlii. 1 ; Luke ix. 35.
Chap. 4:5.] MATTHEW. [C/ιαρ. 4:13.
Γέγραπται· «Ούκ έπ' άρτφ μόνοι ζήσεται said; " I t is written,
It ia w r i t t e n : "Not by bread alone shall live $*'MAN shall not live by
άνθρωπος* άλλ' έπΐ παντί ρήματι έκπορευομέ- 'Bread only, but by Every
a man; but by every word proceeding 'Word proceeding from
νφ δια στόματος Θεοϋ.» 'the Mouth of God.' "
from mouth of God." 5 Then the ENEMY con-
Τότε παραλαμβάνει αυτόν ό διάβολος εις ducts him into the HOLY
Then takes him the accuser into City, and places him on
the BATTLEMENT of the
την άγ'ιαν πόλιν, καΐ βϊστησιν αυτόν επί το TEMPLE,
πτερύγιον του Ιεροΰ, κα1 λέγει αύτφ
τφ· Ει
of the temple, and says to him; If 6 and says to him, "If
im; If thou be a Son of God,
υΙός εΐ του θεοΰ, βάλε σεαυτόν κάτω· γέ- cast thyself down ; for it
a son thou be of the God, τοις
cast άγγέλοις αύτοϋ
thyself down; It is written, §'He will give
γραπται γάρ· "That to the messengers of him
Is written for; 'his ANGELS charge of
έντελείται περί σοΰ· καΐ επί χειρών 'thee; they shall uphold
he w i l l give charge of thee; and on hands
'thee on their Hands, lest
'thou strike thy FOOT a-
άροΰσί σε, μήποτε προσκόψης προς 'gainst a Stone.' "
they shall raise thee, lest 7thou strike against
λΙΦον τόν πόδα σου.» "Εφη αύτφ ό 7 JESUS answered:
a stone the foot of thee." Said to him the "Again, it is written,
Ίησοΰς· Πάλιν γέγραπται· «Ούκ έκ- §'Thou shalt not try the
Jesus; Again It is written: "Not thou shalt 'Lord thy GOD."·'
πειράστις Κύριον τόν θεόν σου.» 8 Again, the ENEMY
put 8 to the proof Lord the God of thee."
takes him to a very high
Πάλιν παραλαμβάνει αυτόν ό διάβολος Mountain, and shows him
Again takes him the accuser All the KINGDOMS of the
είς δρος ύψηλόν ±WORLD, and the GLORY
λίαν, καΐ δείκνυσιν αΰ- of
Into α- mountain high exceedingly, and shows to
τφ πάσας τάς βασιλείας τοϋ κόσμου καΐ τήν "All 9 and says to him;
these will I give thee,
him all the kingdoms of the world and the if prostrating thou wilt
δόξαν αυτών, 8κα1 λέγει αύτφ· Ταΰτα πάντα worship me."
glory of them, and says to him: These all
σοι δώσω, έάν πεσών προσκυ- 10 Then Jesus says to
to thee I w i l l 10
give, if falling down thou w i l t do him; "Get thee behind
νήσης μοι. Τότε λέγει αύτφ 6 'Ιησούς· me, Adversary ; for it is
homage tome. Then says to him the Jesus: written, §'Thou s h a l t
*Ύπαγε οπίσω μου, Σατανα* γέγραπται 'worship the Lord thy
καΐ thou
Go μόνω of me, λατρεύσεις.»
αύτφbehind adversary; it Is written 'GOD, and him only shalt
and to him only th ou shalt render service." 'thou serve.' "
γάρ· «Κύριον τόν θεόν σου προσκυνήσεις,
άφίησιν αυτόν δ διάβολος* καΐ Ιδού, άγγελοι 11 Then the E N E M Y
leaves him ; and behold !
προσηλθον καΐ διηκόνουν αύτφ. Angels came and minis-
came and ministered to him.
tered to him.
^Άκουσας δέ ό *Ιησοΰς, δτι Ιωάννης 12 Now JESUS, hearing
Hearing now the Jesus, that John That John was imprison-
παρεδόθη, άνεχώρησεν είς τήν Γαλιλαίαν. ed, retired into GALILEE ;
was delivered up, he withdrew into the Galilee.
ΚαΙ καταλιπών τήν Ναζαρέτ, έλθών κατώκη-
And having left the Nazareth, coming dwelt 13 and, having left NA-
σεν είς Καπερναούμ τήν παραθαλασσίαν, έν ZARETH, resided at THAT
at Capernaum the by the sea-side, In Capernaum, by the lake,
Ζαβουλών καΐ Νεφθαλείμ* ΐνα πλη- in the Confines of Zebulon
borders o.f Zabulon and Nephthalim; that might and Naphtali;
± 8. WORLD. Kosmos, here translated world, may be restricted to the Land of Palestine,
aa i t Is in Rom. iv. 1 3 : though in Luke iv. 5. hee oikoumenee is found, which may pos-
sibly include the Roman empire, in which acceptation it is frequently used.
t 4. Deut. viii. 3. t 6. Psa. x c i . l l , 12. % 7. Deut. vi. 10. % 10. Deut. vi. 13.
Chap. 4:14.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 4:23.
τό οηθέν διά Ήσαΐου τοϋ 14 so that the WORD
bo fulfilled the word spoken through Esuias the SPOKEN through Isaiah
Λροφήτου, λέγοντος· ^«Γη Ζαβουλών καΐ γη the PROPHET, might be
prophet, saying: "Land of Zabulon and land verified, saying;
Νεφθαλείμ όδόν θαλάσσης πέραν του Ίορ- 15 $"Land of Zebulon
Nephthalim way of the sea by the Jor-
δάνου, ΓαλιλαΙα τ<δν εθνών. 1β*Ο λαός ό "and Land of Naphtali,
"situate near the lake, on
dan, Galilee of the nations. The people who "the JORDAN, Galilee of
καθήμενος έν σκότει είδε φως μέγα· καΐ "the NATIONS ;
are sitting in darkness saw a light great; and
τοίς καθημένοις έν χώρα καΐ σκιςί θα- 16 "THAT PEOPLE, dwell-
to those sitting in a region even a shade of i n g in Darkness, saw
νάτου, φώς άνέτειλεν αΰτοίς.» "a great Light; and to
death, a light has arisen to them." "THOSE INHABITING a Re-
Απ5 τότε ήρξατο ό Ίησοϋς κηρύσσειν, "gion, even a Shadow of

From that time began th

"Death, a Light arose."
the Jesus to proclaim,
«αϊ λέγειν Μετανοείτε· Ιίγγικε γάρ ή 6ασι- 17 From that time J E -
and to say; Reform; has come nigh for the
λεία των ουρανών, SUS began to proclaim,
royal dignity of the heavens. and to say ; "Reform ; for
18 the ROYAL MAJESTY of the
Περίπατων δέ παρά τήν θάλασσαν της HEAVENS has approached."
Walking and by the sea of the
ΓαλιλαΙας, είδε δύο αδελφούς, Σίμωνα τόν 18 And walking by the
Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon the
λεγόμενον Π έτρον, καΐ Άνδρέαν τόν άδελ- Two Brothers, THAT Si-
called Peter, and Andrew the brother mon Who is SURNAMED
q>5v αύτοΰ, βάλλοντας άμφίδληστρον είς τήν Peter, and Andrew his
of him, casting a fishing-net Into the
θάλασσαν ?ίσαν γαρ αλιείς. ΚαΙ λέγει αύ- into the LAKEBROTHER, casting a Drag
sea; they were for fishers. And he says to ; for they
τοίς· Δεΰτε οπίσω μου, καΐ ποιήσω υμάς were Fishermen.
them; Come behind of me, and I w i l l make you 19 And he says to them,
αλιείς ανθρώπων. 20Ot δέ ευθέως αφέντες "Follow me; and I will
fishers of men. They and Immediately leaving make you Fishers of Men."
τά δίκτυα, ήκολούθησαν αύτφ. ^ΚαΙ προβάς 20 And THEY, immedi-
the nets, followed him. And going on ately leaving the NETS,
εκείθεν, είδεν δλλους δύο αδελφούς, Ί ά - followed him.
from thence, he saw other two brothers, James
κωδον τόν του Ζεβεδαίου καΐ Ίωάννην τόν 21 And going forward
the of the Zebedee and John the from thence, he saw Other
άδελφόν αύτοΰ, έν τφ πλοίφ μετά Ζεβε- Two Brothers, James the
brother of him tn the ship with Zebe- son of ZEBEDEE, and John
βαίου τοδ πατρός αυτών, καταρτίζοντας his BROTHER, in the BOAT
dee of the father of them, mending with Zebedee their FA-
τά δίκτυα αυτών καΐ έκάλεσεν αυτούς. ^Ot NETS THER, repairing t h e i r
; and he called them,
the nets of them; and he called them. They
6έ ευθέως αφέντες τό πλοίον καΐ τόν πα- 22 And THEY, instantly
and forthwith leaving the ship and the fa-
τέρα αυτών, ήκολούθησαν αΰτφ. leaving the BOAT and their
ther of them, followed him. FATHER, followed him.
α περιήγεν
ρήγ δλην τήν Γαλιλαίαν 6 23 And * JESUS jour-
And went about all the
Galilee the neyed throughout All GA-
Ίησοΰς, διδάσκων έν ταϊς συναγωγαίς αυ- LILEE, teaching in their
SYNAGOGUES, and pro-
τών, καΐ κηρύσσων
τό εύαγγέλιον της claiming the GLAD TIDINGS
them, and preaching the
glad tidings of the
of the KINGDOM, and
βασιλείας, καΐ θεραπεύων πάσαν νόσον καΐ ing Every kind of Dis- heal-
kingdom, and curing every disease and ease and Infirmity among
πασαν μαλακίαν έν τφ λαώ. the PEOPLE.
every malady among the people.

• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—23. he went about throughout All.

$ 1 5 . Isa. ix. 1, 2.
Chap. 4:24.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 5:10.
Kcd άπήλ#εν ή ακοή αύτοΰ'είς δλην την 24 And his FAME spread
Aud * went the report of i i i m into nil the through All SYRIA ; and
Συρίαν καΐ προσήνεγκαν αύτώ πάντας τους they brought him All the
Syria; and they brought to him all the SICK, having Various Dis-
κακώς έ'χοντας, ποικίλαις χόοοις καΐ 6α- orders, and arrested by
Severe Complaints ;—de-
σάνοις συνεχόμενους, * [καΐ] δαιμονιζομένους, moniacs, and lunatics, and
seized with, [and] παραλυτικούς·
demoniacs, καΐ ed them.
;—and he heal-
καΐ καΐ
and lunatics, and paralytics; and 25 And great Crowds
έθεράπευσεν αύτοΰς. ^Κ ήκολούθησαν αύτφ followed him from GALI-
he cured them. And followed to him LEE, and Decapolis, and
Jerusalem, and Judaea,
δχλοι πολλοί άπό της Γαλιλαίας, καΐ Δεκα- and from the vicinity of
the Jordan.
πόλεως, καΐ *Ιεροσολυμων, καΐ 'Ιουδαίας,
polis, and from Jerusalem, and Judea, CHAPTER V.
καΐ πέραν τοΰ 'Ιορδανού,
ami beyond of the Jordan. 1 And beholding the
ΚΕΦ. ε ' 5. CROWDS, he ascended the
I6c>v δέ τους όχλους, άνέβη είς το ±MOUNTAIN, and having
Seeing and the multitudes, he went up to the sat down, his DISCIPLES
δρος* καΐ καθίσαντος αύτοΰ, προσήλθον * [αύ- *came u p : .
mountain; and having seated himself, came [to 2 And opening his
τφ] ol μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ· 2κα1 άνοίξας τό στόμα MOUTH, he taught them,
himj the disciples of him; and opening the mouth saying :
αυτοί», έδίδασκεν αυτούς, λέγων 3Μακάριοι 3 "Happy the §POOR
of him, he taught them, saying; Blessed (in SPIRIT) ; for theirs is
ot πτωχοί τφ πνεύματι· δτι αυτών έστιν ή the KINGDOM of the HEA-
the poor to the spirit; because of them is the VENS !
βασιλεία των ουρανών. ^Μακάριοι ol πεν- ERS4 ;Happy the ίMOURN-
seeing that they will
kingdom of the heavens· XSlossed the mourn"- be consoled!
θοΰντες, δτι αυτοί παρακληθήσονται. 6Μακά- 5 Happy the JMEEK ;
QIOI ol πραείς,
ers, δτι αυτοίbe κληρονομήσουσι την because they will possess
ed the for
for shall
they comforted.
shall inherit Bless-
the the LAND !
γήν. Μακάριοι ol πεινώντες καΐ διψώντες 6 Happy $they w h o
earth. Blessed the hungering and thirsting
την δικαιοσύνην, δτι αυτοί χορτασθήσονται. righteousness) ; since they
the righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
7 will be satisfied!
Μακάριοι ol ελεήμονες, δτι αυτοί έλεηθή- 7 Happy the MERCI-
Blessed the merciful, for they shall
σονται. FUL ; because they will
obtain mercy. receive mercies!
8 Happy the $PURE (in
Μακά<?ιοι ol καθαροί xfi καρδία, δτι αυτοί heart) ; for they will be-
Blessed the clean to the heart, for they hold God!
τόν Θεόν δψονται. 9Μακάριοι ol είρηνοποιοί, 9 Happy the PEACEMAK-
the God shall see. Blessed the peace-makers, ERS ; because they will
δτι αυτοί υΙοΙ θεοΰ κληθήσονται. 10Μακάριοι be called Sons of God!
for they sons of God shall bo called. Blessed
10 Happy the $PERSE-
ol δεδιωγμένοι έ'νεκεν δικαιοσύνης, CUTED on account of
those beiag persecuted on account of righteousness,
* VATICAN MANUSCEIPT—24. and—omit. 1. came up. 1. to him—omit.
± 1 . Some particular mountain in the neighborhood of Capernaum is generally supposed
to be here intended, probably Mount Tabor, or an elevation well known in that vicinity.
± 3. Wetstein thinks this phrase ought to be constrrfed—"Happy in the Spirit's account
are the poor;" and Geo. Campbell renders it—"Happy the poor who repine not." Both do
violence to the original. The former interferes with the arrangement of the words and the
Jatter paraphrases rather than translates. In Luke vL 20, we have the sentence just as ouf
Lord uttered i t ; but here it seems Matthew explains the metaphor, parenthetically, by
adding "in spirit." So in verses 6 and 8. For a further illustration, see Janie; ii. 5. The
article and noun are in the dative case, and convey the same meaning as our preposition *n.
t 3. Luke vi* 20; James ii, 5. % 4. Isa, lxi. 2, 3. t 5. Psa. xxxvii. 11, 20.
t 6. Isa. lv. 1. $ 8. 1 John iii. 2, 3.
Chap. 5:11.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 5:19.
δτι αυτών έστιν ή βασιλεία των ουρανών. Righteousness; for theirs
for of thorn i s the kingdom of the heavens. is the KINGDOM of the
^Μακάριοι έστέ, δταν όνειδίσοοσιν υμάς καΐ HEAVENS !
Bies 11 Happy are you, when
διώξωσι, καΐ εΐπωσι atov πονηρόν ρΐϊμα κ α θ ' they revile and persecute
persecute, and say every evil word against you, and, on my account,
υμών, ·ψε\)δόμενοι, ένεκεν έμοΰ. 1 2 Χαίρετε falsely allege, Every kind
you, speaking falsely, because of me. Rejoice ye
of Evil against you.
καΐ άγαλλιάσθε, δτι 6 μισθός υμών πολύς
12 Rejoice and exult,
έν τοίς ούρανοίς· ούτω γαρ έδιωξαν Because your ^REWARD
in the heavens; In this way for they persecuted will be great in the HEA-
τους προφήτας τους πρό υμών. ^ Ύ μ ε ί ς έστέ VENS ; for thus THOSE
PROPHETS who preceded
τό δίλας της γης. Έ ά ν δέ τό άλας μωραν- you were persecuted.
13 You are the $SALT
θχί, έν τίνι άλισΦήσεται; είς of the EARTH. But if the
f SALT become insipid, how
ουδέν Ισχύει 6τι, εΐ μή βληθή- shall it recover its savor?
It is then worthless, ex-
ναι £ξα>, καΐ καταπατείσθαι υπό τών cept to be cast out and
cast out, and trodden under foot by thetrodden down by MEN.
men. 14 You a r e the FLIGHT
Ύ μ ε ί ς "έστέ τό φως του κόσμου. Ούof the world. A city be-
ing situated on a hill can-
You are the light of the world. Not
δύναται πόλις κρυβήναι επάνω δρους κειμένη· not be concealed :
possible a c i t y to hide upon a h i l l being situated; 15 nor is a Lamp light-
ούδέ καίουσι λύχνον, καΐ τιθέασιν αυτόν ed to be placed under the
nor they light A lamp, &nd place him±CORN MEASURE ; but on
ύπό τόν μόδιον, άλλ' επί τήν λυχνίαν καΐ the LAMP-STAND; and i t
under the measure, but on the lamp-stand; and gives light to ALL the FA-
λάμπει πασι τοις έν ττί οικία. Ουτω 1β
it gives light to a l l those In the housed Thus 16 Thus, let your LIGHT
λαμψάτω τό φώς υμών έ'μποοσθεν τών
shine before MEN, t r a t
let i t shine the light of you in the presence of the they may see your GOOD
ανθρώπων, δπως ϊδωσιν υμών τα καλά works, and glorify THAT
men, that they may sue of you the good FATHER of yours in the
δργα, καΐ δοξάσωσι τόν Πατέρα υμών τόν HEAVENS.
works, and may praise the Father of you that
έν τοίς ούρανοίς. 17 Think not, That I
have come to subvert the
in 1 7 tlve heavens. LAW, or the PROPHETS : I
Μή νομ'ισητε, δτι ?ϊλθον καταλΰσαι τόν
Not think ye, that I hay» c^me to destroy the have come not to subvert,
νόμον η τους προφήτας· οΰκ ήλθον καταλΰ- but to establish.
σαι, αλλά πληρώσαι. 1 8 Ά μ ή ν γάρ λέγω ύμίν, 18 For, indeed, I say
to you, Till HEAVEN and
stroy, but to f u l f i l . Indeed for I say to you, EARTH pass away, one
'έως αν παρέλθτ) 6 ουρανός καΐ ή γ η , Ιώτα Iota or One Tip of a let-
t i l l pass away the heaven and the earth, iota ter shall by no means pass
6v § μία κεραία ού μή παρέλθχι άπό του from the LAW, till all be
one or one fine point in no w i s e pass from the accomplished.
νόμου, εΌας &ν πάντα γένηται. " Ο ς έάν ofiv
19 Therefore, whoever
law, till a l l be fulfilled. Whoever therefore
± 1 3 . Perhaps allusion is here made to a bituminous and fragrant species of salt, found
at the Lake Asphaltites; great quantities of which were thrown by the priests over the
sacrifices, to counteract the smell of the burning flesh, and to hasten its consumption. This
substance, however, was easily damaged by exposure to the atmosphere; and the portion of
it thus rendered unfit for the purpose to which i t was ordinarily applied was strewed upon
the pavement of the temple, to prevent slipping in wet weather. Maundrell, in his travels,
states that he tasted some that had entirely lost its savor.—Trollope. ± 15. The modim
was a measure, both among the Greeks and Bomans, containing a little less than a pec/c;
but i t is clear that nothing here depends upon the capacity of the measure.
t 10. 2 Tim. i i . 1 2 ; Acts xiv. 22 ; Hev. iii. 2 1 . $ 12. Rom. viii. 18. $ 13. Luke
xiv. 34, 35. % 14. Phil. ii. 15.
Chap. 5:20.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 5:20.
λύση μίαν των εντολών τούτων των έλαχί- shall violate one of the.
breaks one of the commandments of these of the LEAST of these COM-
στων, καΐ διδάξη οΰτω τους άνθρα>πους, MANDS, and shall teach
MEN so, will be called
leAst, &ud te&cii thus tiic in©n,
ίλάχι-στος κληθήσεται εν τχί βασίλειο; little in the KINGDOM of
least he shall be called In the kingdom the HEAVENS, but who-
των ουρανών δς δ ' α"ν ποιήσχι καΐ διδά- ever shall practise and
of the heavens; who but ever shall do and teach, teach them, will be call-
ed great in the KINGDOM
ξχ), οΰτος Μ-έγας κληθήσεται έν τη βασιλεία of the HEAVENS.
the same great shall be called in the kingdom
των ουρανών. ^Λέγω γάρ ύμίν, δτι έάν μη 20 For I tell you, t h a t
περισσεύση ή δικαιοσύνη υμών, πλείον των unless your RIGHTEOUS-
abound ' the righteousness of you more of the NESS excel that of the
γραμματέων καΐ Φαρισαίων, ού μή είσέλφητε SCRIBES and Pharisees,
scribes and Pharisees, by no means you may you shall never enter into
εις την δασιλε'ιαν τών ουρανών, the KINGDOM of the HEA-
enter into the kingdom of the heavens. VENS.
Ή κ ο ύ σ α τ ε , δτι έρρέθη τοις άρχα'ιοις· 21 You have heard that
You have heard, that i t was said to the ancients;
it was said to the AN-
«Ού φονεύσεις· δς δ ' αν φονεύσ-n, CIENTS, §'Thou shalt not
"Not thou s h a l t k i l l ; w h o and ever shall kill,
'kill; and whoever shall
ένοχος €σται τχ\ κρίσει.» 2 2 Έ γ ώ δε λέγω 'kill, will be ±amen'able
liable shall be to the. tribunal." I but say
'to the JUDGES/
ύμΐν, δτι πάς ό όργιζόμενος τ φ άδελφώ αύ-
to you, that a l l the being angry to the brother of 22 But I say to yon,
That every one BEING
του, *[εΙκη,] Ινοχος εσται xr\ κρί-
ANGRY W i t h h i s BROTHER,
σει* [without
8ς δcause,]
' civ liable
to the αύ-
trl- shall be amenable to the
btmal; who and ever shall say t o the brother of JUDGES : and whoever shall
τοΰ, Ρακά, ένοχος έ'σται τώ συνε- say to his BROTHER, FOOL !
Vile fello , liable shall be to tfie Sanhe- will be subject to the
δρίφ· 8ς δ* δ ν εϊπτ)· Μωρέ, ένοχος εσται HIGH conNCiL; but who-
d i i r a ; w h o and e v e r s h a l l s a y ; O f o o l , l i a b l e s h a l l be ever shall say, Apostate
εις τήν γέενναν τοϋ πυρός. ^ Έ ά ν οΰν προσφέ- wretch ! will be obnoxious
to the Gehenna ofthe nre. If therefore thou to the BURNING of GEHEN-
ρχις τό δώρόν σου επί τό θυσιαστήριον, κάκεί NA.
23 If therefore, thout
μνησθής, δτι ό αδελφός σον έ'χει τι bring thy GIFT to the AL-
remember, that the brother of thee has somewhat TAR, and there recollect
κατά σοΰ, δ φ ε ς εκεί τό δώρόν σου ¥μποοσΰεν That thy BROTHER has
ought against thee,
τοϋ θυσιαστηρίου, καΐ υπάγε, πρώτον διαλ^
24 leave there thy GIFT
λάγηΦι τω άδελφφ σου, καΐ τότε έλθών before the altar, and go,
first be reconciled to thy
πρόσφερε τό δώρόν σου. ^ " Ι σ θ ι εύνοών BROTHER, then come, and
present thy GIFT.
τώ άντιδίκφ σου ταχύ, εΌος δτου εΐ 25 Agree quickly with
with the opponent of thee quickly, while thou art thy PROSECUTOR, while
έν τη όδφ μ ε τ ' αύτου· μήποτε σέ παραδώ thou art on the ROAD with
in the way with him; lest thee deliver up him ; lest the PROSECUTOR
ό αντίδικος τφ κριτή, καΐ ό κριτής [σέ παρα- deliver thee to the JUDGE,
the opponent to the judge, and the judge [thee de~ and the JUDGE to the OF-
ΰπηρέττ), καΐ εις ςρυλακήν FICER, and thou be cast
liver up] to the officer, and into prison into Prison.
. ... 26
Ά μ ή ν λέγω σοι, ού μή 26 Indeed, I say to thee,
thou shalt be cast. Indeed I say to thee, by no
.* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T — 2 2 . without cause—omit. 2 5. deliver thee—omit.
± 2 1 . The Jews had a Common Court consisting of twenty-three men, which had power
to sentence criminals to death, by beheading or strangling; this was called the Judgment,
or Court of Judges. The Sanhedrim or High Council consisted of ncventy-two men, being the
Court of ;he Jews, before which the highest crimes were tried. This Court alone had power
to punish with death by stoning. This was thought a more terrible death than the former.
Chap, 5:27.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 5:38.
έξέλθης εκείθεν, Ιως civ άπο- Thou wilt by no means
m e a n s thou w i l t c o m e out t h e n c e , t i l l t h o u h a s t be released, till thou hast
δώς τόν Ισχατον κοδράντην. paid the LAST Farthing.
paid the last farthing.
Ήκουσατε, δτι έρρέθη· «Ου μοιχεύ- 27 You have heard That
it was said, §'Thou shalt
Tou have heard, that it was said: "Not thou 'not commit adultery;'
σεις.» Εγώ δέ λέγω ύμίν, δτι πάς
s h a l t c o m m i t a d u l t e r y . " I b u t s a y t o you, t h a t all 28 but I say to you,
δ βλέπων γυναίκα προς τό έπιθυμησαι αύ_ That every man GAZING
who looking tit & wonmn in order to lust niter AT a Woman, in order to
της, ήδη έμοίχευσεν αυτήν έν τΐί καρδία αύτοΰ.
already has debauched her In the heart of him. has already committed
El δέ ό οφθαλμός σου ό δεξιός σκανδαλίζει
If and the eye of thee the right ensnare lewdness with her in his
σε, εΊελε αυτόν, καΐ 6άλε άπδ σου· HEART.
thee, tear out it, and cast it from thee, 29 Therefore, if thy
RIGHT EYE insnare thee,
συμφέρει γάρ σοι, Ινα άπόληται 8ν pluck it out, and throw it
it Is profitable for to thee, that should perish one away : it is better for thee
των μελών σου, καΐ μή δλον τό σώμα to lose one of thy MEM-
of the members of thee, and not whole the body BERS, than that thy Whole
BODY should be cast into
σου βληθχί είς γέενναν. ^ΚαΙ εΐ Gehenna.
her, and cast from thee; it is profitable for 30 And if thy RIGHT?
ή δεξιά σου χεΙρ σκανδαλίζει σε, Ικκο-ψον Hand insnare thee, cut i t
th© rljjht ΟΙ the© A£lQCl ©HSlie.Γ0
αυτήν, καΐ 6άλε άπό σου· συμφέρει γάρ
tll60j CIXt Off off, and throw it away: it
her, and cast from thee; it Is profitable for to is better for thee to lose
σοι Ινα άπόληται Uv τών μελών one of thy MEMBERS, than
thee that should perish one of the members that thy Whole B O D Y
should *be cast into Ge-
σου, καΐ μή δλον τό σώμα σου 6λη- henna.
οί 8thee,
1 and not whole«δτι
Έρρέθη the body
δς αν of thee should
άπολύση be 31 And it was said,
Φίί είς γέενναν. §'Whoever shall dismiss
cast Into said
It was Gehenna.
and, that whoever shall release
τήν γυναίκα αΰτοϋ, δότω αΰτχί άποστάσιον.» 'his WIFE, let him give
t h e w i f e of h i mδέ,
, l e t h i m g i v e h e r a b i l l of d l - 'her a Writ of Divorce.'
Έγώ δέ ind,
λέγω ύμίν, δτι δς αν άπο-
rorce." I but say to you, that whoever may re- 32 But I say to you,
λΰσχι τήν γυναίκα αύτοΰ, παρεκτός λόγου That *EVERY-ONE Who DIS-
lease the wife of him, except on account MISSES his WIPE, except
πορνείας, ποιεί αυτήν μοιχασθαι· on account of Whoredom,
causes her to commit
of fornication, makes her to commit adultery; adultery; and * H E who
9tal δς έάν άπολελυμένην γαμήσχι, μοιχά-
ftnd whoever her being divorced, may marry, com- MARRIES the divorced wo-
Ται. man, commits adultery.
adultery. 33 ±Again, you have
Πάλιν ήκούσατε, δτι έρρέθη τοις heard That is was said to
Again you have heard, that it was said to the
t h e ANCIENTS ; $'Thou
άρχαίοις· «Ούκ έπιορκήσεις· άποδώ- 'shalt not perjure thyself,
ancients; "Not thou shalt swear falsely; shalt 'but shalt perform to the
σεις δέ τφ Κυρίφ τους δρκους σου.» 'LORD thine OATHS ;'
perform but to the Lord the oaths of thee."
±33. The morality of the Jews In regard to oaths was truly execrable. They maintained
that a man might swear with hi» lips, and annul it at the same moment in his heart. They
also held that oaths are binding only according to the nature of the thing by which a man
ewears; asserting that the law, which our Savior here cites, referred to those oaths only
which were of a binding nature. Instances of this distinction, which they made between
oaths that were and were not binding, are expressly cited and condemned by our Lord in
Matt, xxiii. 16—22; and the injunction here given against swearing by Heaven, by /ef«-
galem, &c, is in relation to a variety of frivolous adjurations which were constantly in
V 27° BTOd. xx. 14. t 31. Deut. xxiv. 1; Matt. xix. 3—9; Mark x. 2—12. t 33,
Deut. xxlii. 21-23; Num. xxx. 2.
Chap, 5:34.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 5:45.
Έγώ δέ λέγω ύμϊν μή όμόσαι δλως· μήτε 34 but I say to you,
I but say to you not swear at all; not even § Swear not a t all; neither
έν τφ ούοανω, δτι θρόνος έστι τοΰ θεοΰ* by the HEAVEN, for it is
by the heaven7 for a throne It i s of the God; GOD'S Throne;
β^μήτε έν τη γί), δτι ύποπόδιόν έστι των ποδών 35 nor by the EARTH,
nor by the earth, for a footstool it is of the feet
because it is a Footstool
αύτοϋ* μήτε είς 'Ιεροσόλυμα, δτι πόλις έστι for
of Him; neither by Jerusalem,for a city It is his FEET ; neither shalt
τοΰ μεγάλου βασιλέως· μήτε έν xfj κεφαλή for thou swear by Jerusalem,
it is the $city of the
of the great king; nor by the head GREAT KING ;
σου δμόσης, δτι ού δύνασαι μίαν 36 nor by the HEAD,
Of thee "λευκήν
τρίχα μέλαιναν
shalt thou swear, for not thou art 87able
ποιήσαι. "Εστωone because thou canst not
black to make. Let be make One Hair white or
hair white ·
δέ ό λόγος υμών ναΐ ναί· οΰ οΰ· τό δέ black.
but the word of you; yes yes; no no; that for
?εερισσόν τούτων, έκ τοΰ πονηροί» έστιν. 37 But let your Yes be
over and above of these, of the evil is. yes ; and your No, no : for
^'Ηχούσατε δτι έρρέθη* «Όφθαλμόν αντί proceeds from whatever EXCEEDS these,
You have heard, that It was said; "An eye EVIL.
Οφθαλμού, καΐ οδόντα αντί οδόντος.» 38 You have heard That
an eye, and a tooth for it was said, $'Eye for Eye,
a tooth." I
'and Tooth for Tooth;'
but λέγω ύμίν, μή άντιστήναι τφ πονηρφ· άλλ'
39 but I say to you,
δστις σέ ραπίσει επί την δεξιάν σου §oppose not the INJURI-
whoever thee shall slap upon the right of4θ thee OUS PERSON ; but if any
σιαγόνα, στρέψον αύτφ καΐ την άΤ-λην κα1 one strike thee on thy
cheek, turn to him also the other; and
RIGHT Cheek, turn to
τφ θέλοντί σοι κριθήναι, καΐ τόν χιτώνα him also the LEFT ;
to the purposing thee to sue at law, and the tunic
σου λαβείν, δφες αύτω καΐ τό Ιμάτιον sue40thee and WHOEVER WILL
for thy COAT, let
of α
to take,
σέ give up to himμίλιον
άγγαρεύσει also the
ΰπαγε him have the MANTLE also.
μετ' αύτοΰ δύο. 42 Τφ αΐτοΰντί σε δίδου· καΐ thee 41 And if a man ±press
to go one ±Mile with
With him two. To the asking thee do thou give; and him, go two.
τόν θέλοντα άπό σοΰ δανείσασθαι, μή άπο-
the wishing from thee to borrow money, not do 42 $Give to HIM who
thou repulse. SOLICITS thee; and HIM,
who WOULD borrow from
^'Ηχούσατε δτι «Άγαπή- thee, do not reject.
You have heard, It was said; "Thou shalt
σεις τόν πλησίον σου, καΐ μισήσεις τόν έχθρόν 43 You have heard That
love fhe
44 neighbor of thee, and hate the enemy it was said, $'Thou shalt
σου.» Έγώ δέ λέγω ύμίν, αγαπάτε τους 'love thy NEIGHBOR, and
of thee." I but say to you, love the
εχθρούς υμών, * [ευλογείτε τους καταρωμένους 'hate thine ENEMY ;'
enemies of you, [bless those cursing
44 but I say to you,
μ £ , καλώς ποιείτε τοις μισοΰσιν υμάς 1 καΐ Love your ENEMIES, and
you, good do to those hating you J and p r a y for THOSE who
προσεύχεσθε υπέρ τών [έπηρεαζόντων ύμδς *PERSECUTE you;
pray for those [Injuring you

καΐ] διωκόντων ύμδς· δπως γένησθε υΙοΙ 45 that you may re-
ftnd] persecuting you; that you may be sons
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—44. bless THOSE who OUBSH you, do good to THOSH who
BATE you—omit. 44. PERSECUTE you.
t 41, An allusion to the Angari, or couriers of the Persians, who had authority to
Impress into their service men, horses, and ships, or anything which came in their way, and
Which might serve to accelerate their journey. From the Persians this custom passed to
the Romans, and it is still retained in the East. ± 4 1 . The Koman milion, or mile,
measured a thousand paces.
% 34. James v. 12. % 35. Psa. xlviii. 2. % 38. Exod. xxi. 2 4 ; Deut. xix. 2 1 .
% 39. Prov. xx. 2 2 ; xxiv. 2 9 ; Rom. xii. 17-19. % 43. Deut. xv. 7-11. t 4 3 .
Lev. six. 1 8 ; Deut. xxiii 6.
Chap. 5:46.] MATTHEW. [C7iap.
του Πατρός υμών του έν ούρανοίς· δτι ι ό ν semble THAT FATHER of
yours in the HEAVENS,
ίίλιον αύτοΰ ανατέλλει επί πονηρούς καΐ άγα- who makes his SUN arise
fiua of him It rises on evil and good, on Bad and Good, and
Φούς, καΐ βρέχει επί δικαίους καΐ άδικους. sends rain on J u s t and
asd i t raius on Just and unjust. Unjust.
^ Έ ά ν γάρ άγαπήσητε τους αγαπώντας υμάς, 46 For if you love THEM
Ιΐ for you love those loving ~ you,
only who LOVE you, What
τίνα μισθόν δχετε; ουχί καΐ ol τελώναι Reward can you expect?
what reward have you? not even the tax-gatherers Do not even the TAX-
τό αυτό ποιοΰσι; 4 7 κα1 έάν άαπάσησθε τους GATHERERS the SAME?
the same do? and if you salute the
47 And if you salute
αδελφούς υμών μόνον, τΐ περισσόν ποιείτε; your BRETHREN only, in
brothers of you only, what more 4 8 do you? what do you excel? Do
ουχί καΐ ol εθνικοί ούτω ποιοΰσιν; "Εσεσθε
not even the Gentiles so do? Shall be not even the GENTILES
οδν ύμεΐς τέλειοι, ώσπερ ό Πατήρ υμών, ό *the SAME?
48 $Be You therefore
therefore you perfect, as the Father of you, who perfect, even as *your
έν τοίς ούρανοίς, τέλειος εστί.
In the heavens, perfect ts. HEAVENLY FATHER IS per-
ΚΕΦ. σ τ ' 6.
^•Προσέχετε τήν δικαιοσύνην υμών μή ποι· CHAPTER VI.
ΐ&ΐεβ heod the righteousness of you, not to 1 Beware, that you per-
ctv έμπροσθεν των ανθρώπων, προς: τό θεα- form not your RELIGIOUS
ο ο 1 ΐλ tlie presence ox the in eD| SOQS to be DUTIES before MEN, in
θήναι αύτοίς· εΐ δέ μήγε, μισθόν ούκ order to be OBSERVED by
exhibited to them; If hut otherwise, reward not them; otherwise, you will
Εχετε παρά τφ ΠατρΙ υμών, τφ έν τοίς
you have with to the Father of you, to the in the obtain no Reward from
ούρανοίς. 2 "Οταν οδν ποιχίς έλεημοσύνην, μή THAT FATHER of yours in
t h e , HEAVENS.
σαλπ'ισχις έμπροσθεν σου, <&σπερ ol 2 When, therefore, thou
sound a trumpet In the presence of thee, like the §givest Alms, proclaim Η
ύποκριταΐ ποιοΰσιν έν ταίς συναγωγαϊς καΐ έν not by ± sound of trumpet,
hypocrites do in the synagogues and inas the HYPOCRITES do, in
the ASSEMBLIES and in
ταίς ρύμαις, δπως δο£ασθώσιν ύπό των άνθρώ- the STREETS, t h a t they
the streets, that they may have praise of the may be extolled by MEN.
πων. 'Αμήν λέγω ύμίν, άπέχουσι τόν μισθόν Indeed, I say to you, They
men. Indeed I say to you, they obtain the reward
Σοΰ δέ ποιοΰντος έλεημοσύνην, μή bave their REWARD.
of them. Of thee but doing alms giving, not
3 But thou, when giv-
γνώτω ή αριστερά σου, τΐ ποιεί ή ing Alms, let not thy
l e t it know the 4
left of thee, what does the LEFT hand know what
δεξιά σου· 8πως ?ί σου ή ελεημοσύνη thy RIGHT hand does;
right of thee; that maybe of thee the almsgiving
έν τφ κρυπτφ· καΐ ό Πατήρ σου, ό βλέπων 4 so that Thine ALMS
in the secret;'and the Father of thee, who seeing m a y be PRIVATE ; and
έν τ φ κρύπτω, * [αυτός] αποδώσει σοι THAT FATHER of thine,
In the secret, "[himself] w i l l give back to thee who SEES in SECRET, will
* [έν τ φ φανερώ] . recompense thee.
tin the clear HgVtl·
ε 5 And when *you pray,
ΚαΙ δταν προσεύχχι, οΰκ έ"ση ωσπερ ol you shall not imitate t h e
And when thou prayest, not thou shalt be like the HYPOCRITES, for they are
ΰποκριταί· δτι φιλοΰσιν έν ταϊς συναγωγαίς fond of standing up in the
Jiypocrltesj IOJT they love In tlio eyn&{>o£»uos ASSEMBLIES and a t the
καΐ έν ταίς γωνίαις των πλατειών έστώτες CORNERS of the O P E N
and in the corners of the wide places standing
5. you pray, you shall not.
± 2. The phrase of sounding a trumpet hefore them seems only a figurative expression
to represent their doing It in a noisy, ostentatious way.—Doddridge. Erasmus and Beza
justly observe, that theathandi in verse 1 is a theatrical word; that Uypokritai signifies
disguised players in masks; and that sounding a trvmpet may allude to music of the stage,;
| 48. Luke vi. 3 6 ; Eph. v. 1. % 2. Bom. xii. 3.
Chap. 6:6.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 6:16.
προσεύχεσΦαι, δπως αν φανώσι τοις ο SQUARES to pray, so as to
to pray, that they may appear to the men. be OBSERVED by MEN. In-
ποις. 'Αμήν λέγω ύμίν, δτι άπέχουσι τον deed, I say to you, They
Indeed I say to you, that they have In full the have their REWARD.
μισθόν αυτών. 6Σύ δε, δταν προσευχή,
reward of them. Thou but, when thou prayest, 6 But thou, when thou
εΓσελΦε εις τό ταμεϊόν σου, καΐ κλε'ισας wouldst pray, enter into
enter into the retired place of thee, and locking thy PRIVATE ROOM, and
την θύραν σου, πρόσευξαι τφ Πατρί σου, having closed the DOOR,
tli6 door of t^liGOf pr«iy thou to the Fiither of tn66| pi-ay to THAT FATHER of
τφ έν τφ κρύπτω· καΐ ό Πατήρ σου, ό thine who is INVISIBLE ;
to* the in the* secret; "and the Father of thee, who and THAT FATHER of thine,
βλέπων έν τφ κρυπτφ, αποδώσει σοι *[έν who SEES in SECRET, will
seeing in the recompense thee.
secret place, w i l l give to thee [in
τφ φανερφ.] 7Προσευχόμενοι δε μη βαττολο-
the clear-light.3 Praying but 7 And in prayer, §use
not bab-
γήσητε, ώσπερ ol εθνικοί* δοκοϋσι γάρ not the
foolish repetitions, as
8τι έν τχ) πολυλογίςι αυτών είσακουσθήσονται. they think that by using
thtit in tlio wordiness of them tliey sh&ll bo lie*ird. MANY WORDS that they
οίδε γάρ will be accepted.
Μή οδν όμοιωθήτε αύτοίς·
Not therefore you may be like to-them; knows for
8 Therefore, do not imi-
ό Πατήρ υμών, ών χρείαν έχετε, tate them ; for *GOD your
the Father of you, of what things need you have, FATTIER knows your Ne-
προ του υμάς αίτησαι αυτόν. °Οΰτως οίν cessities, before you ASK
before of the you ask him. In this way then
ίτροσεύχεσθε ύμεΐς· Π άτερ ημών, ό έν τοις him. 9 Thus, then, pray you :
pray you; Father of us, who in the
$Our Father, THOU in the
ούρανοίς, άγιασθήτω τό 8νομά σου· HEAVENS, Revered be thy
10 NAME !
έλ#έτω ή βασιλεία σου* γενηθήτω τό 10 let thy ^KINGDOM
lot come the kingdom of thee; l e t be done come; thy WILL be done
•θέλημα σου, ώς έν ούρανφ, καΐ έπί της γης* upon EARTH, even as in
•will of thee, as in heaven, also on the earth; Heaven.
^τόν αρτον ημών τόν έπιούσιον δός ήμίν 11 Give us This-day our
σήμερον· &φες ήμΐν τα όφειλήματα NECESSARY FOOD J
£ d disdifljp^e to us tlio
ημών, ώς καΐ ημείς άφίεμεν τοις όφειλέταις DEBTS,
deists 12 and ^forgive us our
of us, as even we discharge to the debtors as *we have for-
ημών κα1 μή είσενέγκχις ημάς εις πειρασμόν, given our DEBTORS ;
ο £ U3 &Qu n o t or i ii JJ ix s i n t ο t enip t &, t i 011 j 13 and ^abandon us not
αλλά ρΰσαι ημάς άπό του πονηρού. 1 4 Έάν to from
Trial, but ^preserve us
but save us from the evil. If
γάρ άφήτε τοις άνθρώποις τά παραπτώματα 14 For if you Jforgive
for you forgive to the men the faults MEN their OFFENCES, your
αυτών, αφήσει καΐ ύμΐν ό Πατήρ HEAVENLY FATHER Will
of them, w i l l forgive15 also to you the Father also forgive you;
υμών ό ουράνιος· έάν δέ μή άφήτε τοις
of you the heavenly; if but not forgive to the 15 but if you $forgive
άνθρώποις τά παραπτώματα αυτών, ουδέ not MEN their OFFENCES,
neither will your FATHER
ό Πατήρ υμών αφήσει τά παραπτώματα υμών. forgive your OFFENCES.
the Father o fyou w i l l forgive th f a l t o f y u
"Οταν δέ νηστεύητε, μή γίνεσθε, ώσπερ ol 16 Moreover, when you
When and you fast, not tho $fast, be not as the HYPO-
be, liko
ύποκριταί, σκΐ)#ρωποί* άφανίζουσι γάρ τάCRITES, of a melancholy
hypocrites, of a sad face; they disfigure for the aspect; for they distort
have forgiven.
{ 7. Eccle. v. 2. $ 9. Luke xi. 2. t 10. Dan. ii. 44. t 12. Matt, xviii. 21-35,
ί 13. .1 Cor. x. 13. $ 13. John xvli. 15. % 14. Mark xi. 25,20. $ 15. James
ii. 13. t 16. Isa. Mil. 5.
Chap, 6:17.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 6:25.
πρόσωπα αυτών, δπως φανώσι τοίς άνθρώποις their FEATURES, that they
faces of them, so that they may seem to the men may seem fasting to MEN.
νηστεύοντες. 'Αμήν λέγω ύμΐν, δτι άπέχουσι Indeed, I say to you, They
to be fasting. Indeed I say to you, that they obtain have their REWARD.
τόν μισθόν αυτών. 17Σύ δέ νηστεύων, άλειψαί IT But thou, when fast-
the reward of them. Thou but fasting anoint
σου τήν κεφαλήν, καΐ τό πρόσωπον σου wash ing, anoint thy head, and
of the thy face;
νίψαι, 18δπως μή φανης τοίς άνθρώποις νη- 18 that thy fasting may
•wash, so that not thou mayest seem to the men
not appear to MEN, but to
στεύων, αλλά τφ Πατρί σου, τώ έν τφ κρυ-THAT FATHER of thine who
fasting, but to the Father of thee, that in the se- is INVISIBLE ; and THAT
πτφ· καΐ ό Πατήρ σον, ό βλέπων έν τφ FATHER of thine who SEES
in SECRET, will recom-
cret; and the Father of thee, who seeing in the pense thee.
κρυπτφ, αποδώσει σοι.
secret, w i l l give to thee.
Μή θησαυρίζετε ύμίν θησαυρούς επί της for19yourselves Do not accumulate

Not lay up to you treasures on the $ Treasures

γης, δπου σης καΐ βρώσις αφανίζει, καΐ δπου Moth and upon the EARTH, where
earth, where moth and rust destroys, and where Rust consume,
κλέπται διορύσσουσι καΐ κλέπτουσι· ^θησαυ- and where Thieves break
through and steal;
thieves dig through And st6&l« lay *
©ίξετε δέ ύμΐν θησαυρούς έν ούρανφ, δπου selves 20 but deposit for your-
Treasures in Heav-
οΰτε σής οΰτε βρώσις αφανίζει, καΐ δπου en where neither Mota
neither moth nor rust destroys, and where nor Rust can consume,
κλέπται ov διορύσσουσιν ουδέ κλέπτουσιν. and where Thieves break
thieves not dig through nor steal. not through, nor steal.
Whe γαρ έστιν ό θησαυρός υμών, έκεϊ 21 For where *thy
βσται καΐ ή καρδία υμών. **«Ο λύχνος HEART TREASURE is, there *thy
w i l l be also and the heart of you. The
will also be.
του σώματος έστιν ό οφθαλμός. 'Εάν οδν ό 22 §The LAMP of the
of the body is the eye. If therefore the BODY is * thine E Y E ; if,
οφθαλμός σου άπλοΰς f\, δλον τό σώμα therefore, thine EYE be
©ye of thee sound may be, whole the body clear, thy Whole BODY
σου φωτεινό ν εσται. ^'Εάν δέ 6 οφθαλμός will be enlightened;
of thee enlightened w i l l be. If but the eye
σου πονηρός ή, δλον τό σώμα σου σκο- 23 but if thine EYE be
of thee evil may be, whole the body of thee dim, thy Whole BODY will
τεινόν δσται. El ofiv τό φως, τό έν σοΙ, be darkened. If, then,
darkness w i l l be. If then the light, that in thee, THAT LIGHT which is in
σκότος εστί, τό σκότος πόσον; thee be Darkness, how
darkness is, the darkness how great?
great is that DARKNESS I
ΟύδεΙς δύναται δυσΐ κυρίοις δουλεύειν· Ψ\ 24 No man can serve
No one is able two lords to serve; either Two Masters; for either
γάρ τόν δνα μισήσει, καΐ τόν δτερον άγαπή- he will hate ONE, and love
tor the one he w i l l hate, and the other he w i l l the OTHER ; or, at least,
σει· ή ενός άνθέξεται, καΐ του ετέρου κατα- he will attend to One,
love; or one he w i l l cling to, and the other he and neglect the OTHER.
φρονήσει. Ού δύνασθε Θεφ δουλεύειν καΐ You cannot serve God
w i l l slight. Not you are able God to serve and
and ± Mammon.
μαμωνςί. ^Διά τοΰτο λέγω ύμΐν Μή μεριμνά- 25 Therefore, I charge
mammon. For this I say to you; Not be over caro-
τε τη ψυχϋ υμών, τΐ φάγητε, καΐ τΐ you, $Be not anxious a-
ful the life of you, what you may eat, and what bout your LIFE, what you
πίητε* μηδέ τφ σώματι υμών, τΐ ένδύ shall eat, or what you
shall drink; nor about
you may drink; nor to the body of you, what you
* VATICAN M A N U S C I P T . — 2 1 . thy TREASURE. 21. thy HKART. 22. thine EYB.
± 2 4 . Mammon is a Syriac word for riches, which our Lord beautifully represents as a
person whom the folly of men had deified.
t 19. Prov. xxiii. 4 1 Tim. vi. 10, 17-19. $ 22. Luke xL 34. t 24. Luke r r i .
13. $ 2 5 . Luke xii. 2 2; PhiL iv. 6ς· J Pot. y. 7.
CHap. 6:26.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 6:34.
σησθβ. ΟύχΙ ή -ψυχή πλεϊόν έστι της your BODY, what you shall
may put Not t h e l i f e more i s the wear. Is not the LIFE of
τροφής, καΐ τό σώμα του ενδύματος; Έ μ - more value than FOOD,
Xood, and the body the clothing? Look and the BODY than RAI-
βλέψατε εΙς τα πετεινά του ούρανοϋ, δτι ού MENT?
26 Observe the BIRDS
σπείρουσιν, ουδέ θερίζουσιν, ουδέ συνάγουσιν of HEAVEN ; they sow not,
they sow, nor reap, nor gather nor reap, nor gather into
εις άποθήκας· καΐ 6 Πατήρ υμών 6 ουράνιος Store-houses; $but your
Into V>itrnsi and the Father of you the heavenly HEAVENLY FATHER feeds
φει αυτά. Ούχ ύμείς μάλλον διαφέρετε them. Are not you of
greater value than they?
αυτών; ^ΤΙς δέ έξ υμών μερίμνων 27 Besides, which of
them? Which and by of you being over careful you, by being anxious,
δύναται προσθείναι επί τήν ήλικίαν αύτοΰ can prolong his LIFE one
Moment ?
ηήχυν Ινα; 28 ΚαΙ περί ενδύματος τΐ μεριμνά- 28 And why are you
span one? And about clothing why be over care-
anxious about Raiment ?
τε; Καταμάθετε τά κρίνα τοΰ άγροΰ πώς Mark the £LILIES o f the
FIELD. How do they grow ?
αυξάνει· ού κοπι$, ουδέ νήθει· 29Λέγα> δέ They neither labor nor
11 cro^vs* not i t IaborSj nor spins* I say bur spin;
ύμίν, 8τι ουδέ Σολομών έν πάσχι τη δόξη 29 yet I tell you, That
t o you, t h a t n o t even S o l o m o n i n a l l t80h e g l o r y not even Solomon in All
αύτοΰ περιεβάλετο ώς £v τούτων. Et δέ
of him was clothed like one of these. If then his SPLENDOR, was ar-
τόν χόρτον του άγρου, σήμερον δντα καΐ rayed like one of these.
30 If; then, GOD SO
the grass of the field, to-day existing and decorate the HERB of the
αΰριον είς κλί,βανον βαλλόμενον, ό θεός FIELD, (which flourishes
to ΪΏΟΓΓΟΎ^ Into an oven Is bein&r cast· the GOUTo-day, and To-morrow
οδτως άμφιέννυσιν, ού πολλώ μάλλον υμάς, will be cast into a Fur-
so clothes, not much more you, nace,) how much more
όλιγόπιστοι; ^Μή οδν μεριμνή- you, Ο you distrustful!
31 Therefore, be not
Ο you of weak faith? Not therefore you may be over anxious, saying, What
0ητε, λέγοντες* ΤΙ φάγωμεν, $\ τΐ
careful, saying: What may we eat, or what shall we eat? or, What
πίωμεν, ή τΐ περιβαλλώμεθα; shall we drink? or, With
may we drink, or what may we put on? All what shall we be clothed ?
γάρ ταΰτα τά £θνη επιζητεί· οίδε γάρ ό 32 for all the nations
require these things ; and
Πατήρ υμών ό ουράνιος, δτι χρήζετε τού- y o u r HEAVENLY FATHER
Father of you the heavenly, that you have need of
knows That you have need
των απάντων. ^Ζητείτε δέ πρώτον τήν θασι- of all these things.
theee all. Seek you but first the king-
33 But §seek you first
λείαν τοΰ θεοΰ καΐ τήν δικαιοσύνην αύτοΰ, his RIGHTEOUSNESS and
dom of the God and the righteousness of him,
KINGDOM ; and all these
καΐ ταΰτα πάντα προστεθήσεται ύμίν. Μή things shall be superadd-
and these all shall be superadded to you. Not ed to you.
οΰν μεριμνήσητε είς τήν αΰριον ή γάρ 34 Be not anxious, then,
therefore be over careful for the morrow; the for about the MORROW ; for
αΰριον μεριμνήσει * [τά] εαυτής, the MORROW will claim
morrow w i l l be over careful [the] of herself. anxiety for itself. Suffi-
Άρκετόν xf[ ήμερα ή κακία αυτής. cient for each DAY is its
Enough to the day the trouble of her. own TROUBLE.
± 2S. Syriac—wild lilies, or lilies of the desert. Supposed by Kitto and Sir J. E.
Smith to be the amaryllis lutea, a golden lilaceous flower, which grows wild in the
Levant, and blooms in Autumn. Dr. Bowring thinks it is the Martagnon lily, which
grows profusely in Galilee, and is of a brilliant red color.
% 2&. Job. xxxviii. 4 1 ; Psa. cxlvii. 9. % 33. Luke xii. 31.
Chap. 7:1.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 7:11.
ΚΕΦ. ζ ' . 7. CHAPTER VII.
*Μή κρίνετε, ίνα μη κριθήτε. 1 §Judge not, that you
Not do you Judge, that not you may be judged. may not be judged;
Έν ω γαρ κρίματι κρίνετε, κρί/θή- 2 for as you Judge, you
will be judged; and |by
In what ior Judgment you Judge, you shall be the Measure you dis-
σεσθε· καΐ έν φ μέτρω μετρείτε, μετρη- pense, it will be measured
Judged; and in what measure you measure, it shall
θήσεται ύμίν. s Ti δέ βλέπεις τό κάρφος, to you.
measured to you. Why and seest thou the splinter, 3 §And why observest
τό έν τφ όφθαλμφ τοΰ άδελφοΰ σου, την
that in the eye of the brother of thee, that tllOU THAT SPLINTER 1H
δέ έν τφ σφ όφθαλμφ δοκό ν ου κατά- thy BROTHER'S EYE, and
t>ut in tliinG—own ©ye beam not percelv— perceivest not the THORN
νοείς; 4ή πώς έρεις τφ άδελφφ σου· 4 or, how wilt thou say
"Αφες έκβάλω τό κάρφος άπό τοΰ to thy BROTHER, Let me
όφθαλμοΰ σου* καΐ Ιδού, ή δοκός έν τφ thine take the SPLINTER from
eye of thee; and lo, the beam In the EYE; and, behold, a
5 THORN in thine-own EYE?
ύφθαλμφ σου; Ύποκριτά, έ'κδαλε πρώτον την
5 Hypocrite] first ex-
δοκόν έκ τοΰ οφθαλμού σου, καΐ τότε δια- tract the THORN from
beam out of the eye ' of thee, and then thou thine-own EYE, and then
βλέψεις έκβαλείν τό κάρφος έκ τοΰ thou wilt see clearly, to
ehalt see clearly to pull the splinter out of the take the SPLINTER from
ύφθαλμοΰ τοΰ άδελφοϋ σου. 6 §Give not SACRED
9Μή δώτε " τό &γιον
γ τοιςς κυσί,, μηδέ
may give the holy to the dogs, either THINGS to DOGS, nor
Not you may give the holy to the dogs, neither throw your PEARTiS before
βάλητε τους μαργαρίτας ΐμών έμπροσθεν των them under their FEET, lest they tread
C8st the pGnrls of you befor© til©
χοίρΐον μήποτε καταπατήσωσιν αυτούς έν τοις or turning again they
swine; lest they should trample them under the tear you.
«οσίν αυτών, καΐ στραφέντες ρήξωσιν υμάς. 7 $Ask, and it will be
feet of them, and turning they should rend you.
ΑΙτεϊτε, καΐ δοθήσεται ύμίν ζητείτε καΐ given you; seek, and you

Ask, and i t shall be given to you; seek and will find; knock, and it
εύρήσετε· κρούετε καΐ άνοιγήσεται ύ- will be opened to you:
you shall find; knock and i t shall be opened to 8 for §EVERY-ONE who
μίν. 8 Πας γάρ 6 αϊτών λαμβάνει· καΐ ό ASKS, receives f and every
you. All for the asking receives; one who SEEKS, finds;
and the
ζητών ευρίσκει· καΐ τφ κρούοντι άνοιγή- and to HIM who KNOCKS,
the door* is opened.
οεται. °'Ή τΙς *[8στιν] έξ ύμ.Τ5ν άνθρωπος, 9 Indeed, §What Man
δν έάν αΐτήσχι ό υΙό| αύτοΰ άρτον, μή λίθον among you, who, if his
opened. Or what CIs therej of you a man,
who if ask the son of him bread, not a stone SON request Bread, will
1ο offer him a Stone?
επιδώσει αύτώ; κα1 έάν Ιχθύν αίτηση, μ ή 10 or, if he ask for a
w i l l give to him? or if a fish he asks, not
δφιν επιδώσει αύτφ; u Ei οδν ύμείς, πονηροί pent? Fish, will give him a Ser-
ft serpent w i l l give to him? If then you, bad ones
δντες, οίδατε δόματα αγαθά διδόναι τοις evil, 11 If you, then, being
being, know gifts good to give to the know how to impart
τέκνοις υμών, πόσω μάλλον ό Πατήρ ΰ- DREN, Giftsgood to your CHIL-
how much more
cbildren οί you, how much more the Father of
μών, ό έν τοις ούρανοίς, δώσει αγαθά τοις Will THAT FATHER of
you, that in the heavens, give good to those yours in the HEAVENS give
αΐτοϋσιν αυτόν; ^Πάντά οδν, δσα δν Good things to THOSE
asking him? All therefore, as much so ever who ASK him?
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T — 8 . is opened. 9. Is there—omit.
t 1. Luke vi. 3 7 ; Rom. ii. 1 ; xiv. 4 : 1 Cor. iv. 5 ; James iv. 11, 12. t 2. Mark
iv. 24. $ 3. Luke vi. 61. t 6. P r o * ix.7, 8 ; xxiii. 9. $ 7. Matt. xxi. 2 2 ; Marlt
xi. 2 4 ; Luke xi 9 ; John xv. 2 4 ; James i. 5. % 8. Prov. viii. 1 7 ; Jer. xxix. 12, 13.
% 9. Luke xi. 11-13.
Chap, 7:12.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 7:22.
θέλητε ϊνα ποιώσιν ύμίν ol άνθρωποι, 12 ^Whatever you wish
you may w i l l that should do to you the men, that MEN should do to
οΰτω καΐ ύμείς ποιείτε αύτοίς· οδτος γάρ you, do you the same to
even so also you do to them; t h i s for them ; for this is the LAW
έοτιν ό νόμος καΐ ot προφήται. and the PROPHETS.
is the law and the prophets.
13 §Enter in through
^Εισέλθετε διά της στενής πύλης· δτιthe NARROW Gate; for
Enter you in through the strait gate; for wide is the GATE of DE-
πλατεία ή πΰλη, καΐ ευρύχωρος ή οδός ή STRUCTION, and broad
wide the gate, and broad the road that THAT WAY LEADING thi-
άπάγουσα είς την άπώλειαν καΐ πολλοί είσιν who ther ; and MANY are they
enter through it.
leading into the perdition; and many are
ol είσερχόμενοι δι* αυτής. 14
ΤΙ στενή 14 How narrow is the
those entering through her. How s t r a i t GATE of LIFE ! how diffi-
ή πύλη, καΐ τεθλιμμένη ή οδός ή άπάγουσα cult THAT WAY LEADING
the gate, and difficult the road that leading
thither! and how FEW
είς την ξωήν· καΐ ολίγοι είσΐν ot εύρίσκοντες are they who FIND it.
Into the l i f e ; and few: are they finding
αυτήν, 15 §Beware of FALSE
her. TEACHERS, who come to
Προσέχετε δέ άπά τών ψευδοπροφητών, you in the Garb of Sheep,
Beware ye and of the false prophets, while inwardly they are
ravenous Wolves.
οίτινες άρχονται προς υμάς έν ένδύμασι προ- 16 §By their FRUITS
who come to you in clothing of you will discover them.
βάτων, Εσωθεν δέ είσιν λύκοι άρπαγες. 1 β Άπό Are Grapes gathered from
sheep, w i t h i n but they are wolves ravenous. By Thorns, or Figs from
τών καρπών αυτών έπιγνώσεσθε αυτούς. Μήτι Thistles?
the fruits of them you shall know them. What
«τυλλέγουσιν άπό ακανθών σταφυλήν, η1 yields 17 $Every good Tree
good F r u i t ; b u t
c&o they §21 tliΘr from thoirixs ft cluster of £»r&pos· or the BAD tree produces
άπό τριβόλων σΰκα; Οΰτω παν δένδρον bad Fruit.
αγαθόν καρπούς καλούς ποιεί* τό δέ σαπρόν yield bad F r u i t ; cannot
18 A good Tree
from thistles figs? So every tree
good fruits good bears; the 18 but corrupt
nor a
δένδρον καρπούς
καρπούςποιεί. Ού δύναται
Α ποιείν, bad Tree, good Fruit.
t; " - **"-
19 t (EJvery Tree n o t
ουδέ δένδρον σαπρόν καρπούς καλούς ποιείν. producing good Fruit, is
neither tree corrupt fruits good to bear.
cut down, and cast into
19 a Fire.)
Παν δένδρον, μή ποιούν καρπόν καλόν, έκ-
Bvery tree, not bearing fruit good, is
20 Therefore, by their
κόπτεται καΐ είς πυρ βάλλεται. 20*Άραγε άπό FRUITS you will discover
cut down and Into a fire i s cast. Therefore by them.
τών καρπών αυτών έπιγνώσεσθε αυτούς, 21 Not EVERY-ONE who
the fruits of them you shall know them. SAYS to me, ^Master,
^Οΰ πάς ό λέγων μοι· Κύριε, κύριε, είσε- Master, will enter into
Not a l l who saying to me; θ Lord, θ Lord, shall the KINGDOM of t h e HEA-
λεύσεται είς τήν βασιλείαν τών ουρανών άλλ' VENS ; but HE Who PER-
enter into the kingdom of the heavens; but FORMS t h e WILL of THAT
ό ποιών τό θέλημα του Πατρός μου, του FATHER of mine in *the
he doing the w i l l of the Father of me, of that HEAVENS.
έν ούρανοίς. ^Πολλοί έέροΰσΐ μοι έν έκείνχι 22 Many will say to me
in heavens. Many shall
shall say to me l a that
xfj ήμερα· Κύριε, Κύριε , ού τώ σώ ονόματι in That DAY, Master,
Master, have we not
the day; θ Lord, O Lord, not to the thy name
προεφητεύσαμεν, καΐ τω σώ ονόματι δαιμόνια taught in THY Name?
have we prophesied, and to the thy name demons and in THY Name expelled

t 12. Luke vi. 31. t 13. Luke xiii. 24. t 15.2 Pet. ii. 1-3; 1 John iv. 1;
Acts xx. 28-30. $ 16. Luke vi. 43. t 17. Matt. xii. 33. $ 19. Matt. iii. 10.
t 21. Matt. xxv. 11; Luke vi. 46, xiii. 2 5 ; Bom. U. 13; James i. 22.
Chap. 7:23.] MATTHEW· [Chap. 8:3.
έξεδάλομεν, καΐ τφ σφ ονόματι δυνάμεις Demons? and in THY
have we cast out, and to the thy name wonders Name performed many
ηολλάς έποιήσαμεν; ^ΚαΙ τότε ομολογήσω Wonders ?
many have we done? 23 And then I will
And then I w i l l declare
αύτοίς· "Οτι ουδέποτε βγνων υμάς· άποχω- plainly declare to them,
to them; Because never I knew you; depart §1 never approved of you.
©είτε άπ' έμοΰ ot εργαζόμενοι τήν άνομίαν. Depart from me, YOU who
from me those working the lawlessness. PRACTISE INIQUITY.
^Πας οδν δστις άκοΰει μου τους λόγους 24 §Therefore, whoever
All therefore whoever hears oi me the words hears these PRECEPTS of
τούτους, καΐ ποιεί αυτούς, ομοιώσω αυτόν άν- Mine, and obeys them, *he
these, and does them, I w i l l compare him to a
δρΐ φρον'ιμφ, δστις ώκοδόμησε τήν οΐκίαν will be compared to a
zuaq prudent, who built the house prudent Man, who built
αύτοΰ έπΙ τήν πέτραν ^καΐ κατέβη ή βροχή, * H I S House on the ROCK ;
of him upon the rock; and fell down the rain,
25 for though the RAIN
καΐ ήλθον ot ποταμοί, καΐ δπνευσαν ot άνεμοι, fell, and the TORRENTS
and came the floods, and blew the winds,
came, and the WINDS
καΐ προσέπεσον τχί οίκία έκείνχι* καΐ ούκ blew, and rushed upon
and beat against the house that; and not
that HOUSE, it fell not,
£πεσε· τεθεμελ'ιωτο γάρ έπΙ τήν πέτραν. because it was founded
2β on the ROCK.
ΚαΙ πας ό άκούων μου τους λόγους τού-
And all who hearing of me the words these 26 But EVERY-ONE who
«ους, καΐ μή ποιών αυτούς, δμοιωθήσεται HEARS these PRECEPTS of
and not
doing them, shall be compared Mine, and disobeys them,
άνδρΐ φ, δστις ώκοδόμησε τήν οίκ'ιαν will be compared to a
to a man
ish, who 27
foolish Man, who built
αύτοΰ έπΙ τήν δμμον· κα1built κατέβη the house •HIS House on the SAND;
ή βροχή,
Of him upon the sand; and fell down the rain, 27 for when the RAIN
καΐ ήλθον ot ποταμοί, καΐ ϊπνενοαν ot άνεμοι, fell, and the TORRENTS
and came the
" floods,
•*- • •-' the winds, came, and the WINDS
«αϊ προσέκοψαν . rft οΙκία εκείνη, καΐ ε"πεσβ· blew, and dashed against
and dashed against the house that, and it fell; that HOUSE, it fell, and
καΐ ήν ή πτώσις αυτής μεγάλη, great was its RUIN."
and was the fall her great.
ΚαΙ έγένετο, δτε συνετέλεσεν ό 28 And it happened,
And it came to pass, when had finished the when JESUS had finished
*Ιησοΰς τους λόγους τούτους, έξεπλήσσοντο this DISCOURSE, that §the
Jesus the words these, were PEOPLE were struck with
2 9 Τ astounded
ol δχλοι έπΙ τη διδαχή αύτοΰ. Ην γάρ awe a t his mode of IN-
the crowds at the teaching of him. He was for STRUCTION.
διδάσκων αυτούς ώς έξουσίαν §χων, καΐ ούχ 29 for he taught them
teaching them as authority having, and not as possessing Authority,
ώς ol γραμματείς. and not as *their SCRIBES.
as the scribes.


Καταβάντι δέ αύτφ άπδ του δρους, 1 Being come down
Coming down and to him from the2 mountain,
from the MOUNTAIN, fol-
Ακολούθησαν αύτφ δχλοι πολλοί. ΚαΙ Ιδού, lowed by great Crowds,
followed after him crowds great. And lo, 2 behold, §a Leper com-
λεπρός έλθών προσεκύνει αύτφ, λέγων Κύριε, ing, prostrated himself,
a leper coming prostrated to him, saying; θ sir, saying, "Sir, if thou wilt,
έάν θέλης δύνασαί με καθαρίσαι. 3ΚαΙ thou canst cleanse me."
if thou w i l t , thou art able me to cleanse. And 3 And JESUS extending
έκτείνας τήν χείρα, ΙΊψατο αύτοΰ ό his HAND, touched him,
putting forth the hand, he touched him the saying, " I will; be thou
Ίησοΰς, λέγων Θέλω, καθαρίσθητι. ΚαΙ clean:" and instantly he
Jesus, saying; I w i l l , be thou cleansed. And
* VATK3A.N MANUSCRIPT.—24. he will be compared 24. m a House. 26. Hia
House. 29. their SCRIBKS.
t 23. Luke xiii. 27. $ 24. Luke vi. 47-49. 28. Mark i. 22; Luke iv. 32.
t 2. Mark i. 40-44; Luke v. 12-14.
Chap. 8:4.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 8 : 1 1 .
was ±purified from His
ευθέως έκαθαρίσθη αύτοΰ ή λέπρα. ΚαΙ
Immediately was cleansed of him the leprosy. And LEPROSY.
λέγει αύτφ ό Ίησοΰς· "Ορά μηδενΐ είπης* 4 Then JESUS says to
says to him the Jesus; See no one thou tell;
him, "See that thou tell
αλλά υ*παγε, σεαυτόν δείξον τφ Ιερεί, καΐ no one; but go, $show
but go, thyself show to the priest, and thyself to the PRIEST, and
προσένεγκε τό δώρον, δ προσέταξε Μωϋ- present the ± OBLATION
offer the gift, which commanded Moses,
enjoined by Moses, for
σης είς μαρτύριον αύτοίς. ±Notifying [the cure] to
for a witness to them. the people."
ΕΙσελθόντι δέ αύτφ είς Καπερναούμ, 5 §And having entered
Having entered and to him Into Capernaum, Capernaum, a ±Centurion
προσήλθεν αύτφ έκατόνταρχος, παρακαλών came to him, earnestly
came to him α centurion, addressing accosting him,
αυτόν, βκα1 λέγων Κύριε, ό παις μου βέβλη- 6 and saying, "Sir, my
hlm, and saying; O sir, the boy of me i s laid
SERVANT is laid in the
ται έν τη οίκία παραλυτικός, δεινώς βασανι- HOUSE, seized with palsy,
in the house a paralytic, greatly being
ξόμενος. 7ΚαΙ λέγει αύτφ ό Ίησοΰς· 'Εγώ
being greatly afflicted."
afflicted. And says to him the Jesus; I 7 *He says to him, " I
έλθών θεραπεύσω αυτόν· 8ΚαΙ αποκριθείς ό
am coming, and will cure
coming w i l l heal him. And answering the 8 *And the CENTURION
έκατόνταρχος εφη· Κύριε, ουκ είμΐ Ικανός answered, "Sir, I am not
centurion said; Ο sir, not I am fit
Ινα μου ύπό τήν στέγην είσέλθης·
worthy that thou shouldst
come under my ROOF;
αλλά μόνον είπε λόγφ, «αϊ Ιαθήσεται ό παις but only command by
that of me under the the roof thou shouldst enter;
but only speak a word, and w i l l be healed the boy word, and my SERVANT
μου. 9ΚαΙ γάρ έγώ άνθρωπος είμι ύπό έξου- will be cured:
of me. Even for I a man 9 for even I am a man
am under autho-
σίαν, βχων ύπ' έμαυτόν στρατιώτας· καΐ λέ- •appointed under Author-
rity, having under myself rity, havingsoldiers under
soldiers; And I
γω τούτω· Πορεύθητι, καΐ πορεύεται* καΐ me, say to this one, *Go'
say to this; Go, and he goes; and and he goes; to another,
δλλω· "Ερχου, καΐ άρχεται· «αϊ τφ δούλω 'Come,' and he comes:
to another; Come, and he comes; and to the slave and to my SERVANT, 'DO*
μου· ΠοΙησον τοΰτο, καΐ ποιεί. 1ΟίΑκουσας this,' and he does it."
of me; Do this, and he does. Hearing
10 And JESUS listen-
δέ ό Ίησοΰς, έθαύμασε, καΐ είπε τοις ing, was astonished, and
and the Jesus, was astonished, and said to those said to THOSE WALKING
άκολουθοΰσιν· 'Αμήν λέγω ύμΐν, ουδέ έν with him, "Indeed, I say
following; Indeed I say to you, not even in to you, I have not found
τφ Ισραήλ τοσαύτην πίστιν "Λέ- So-great Faith *among
the Israel so great faith I have found. I any in ISRAEL:
γω δέ ύμΐν, δτι πολλοί άπό ανατολών καΐ 11 and I assure you,
say but to you, that many from east and
δυσμών ή*ξουσι, καΐ άνακλιθήσονται μετά $That many will come
west w i l l come, and w i l l l i e down with from the East and from
• VATICAN MANUSGBIPT—7. He says. 8. And the CBNTUBION. 9. appointed
under. 10. among any in.
t 3. By such a sign did Moses convince the house of Israel that God had sent him; and
the Jews themselves confess that leprosy is the finger of God, a disease peculiarly of his
sending and removing; and that i t is not lawful for the physician, or any but the priest
directly appointed in bis course, so much as to attempt the cure of it.—Townson. t
4. A sin-offering, and a burnt-offering with the meat-offering, and the priest shall make
atonement for him.—Lev. xiv. 31. ±4. for notifying [the cure] to the people—so
Oeo. Camplell translates. The oblation could not be an evidence to the priest, as he had
the privilege to inspect the man in private, before he was permitted to enter the temple
to make an oblation. The ceremony consequent upon obtaining this permission, was the
testimony of the priest to the people, that the man's leprosy was removed, and that he
was no longer excluded from society. ± 5. A Roman officer, who had the command of
one hundred soldiers.
* 4. Lev. xiv. 9-32. ί 5. Luke vii. 1-10. * 11. Luke xiii. 20.
Chap. 8:12.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 8:20·
'Αβραάμ καΐ 'Ισαάκ καΐ 'Ιακώβ έν τχί 6ασι- the West, and will recline
Abraam and Isaac and Jacob in the king- with Abraham and Isaac
λεία των ουρανών. "Ot δέ viol της βασιλείας and Jacob, in the KINQ-
dom of the heavens. The but sons of the kingdom DOM of the HEAVENS ;
ίσονται είς τό σκότος τό εξώτερον 12 $but the SONS of
εκεί έ'σται ό κλαυθμός καΐ ό δρυγμός των the KINGDOM will be
there w i l l be the weeping and the gnashing of the driven into the $OUTER
οδόντων. ΜΚαΙ είπεν ό Ίησοΰς τφ έκατον- DARKNESS, where will be
teeth. And said the Jesus to the centurion; WEEPING and GNASHING
τάρχη* "Υπάγε * [καΐ] ώς έπίστευσας γενη- Of TEETH."
Go [and] as thouhastbelieved let it 13 Then JESUS said to
Φήτω σοι. ΚαΙ Ιάθη ό παις αύτοΰ έν the CENTURION, "Go; be
be done to thee. And was healed the boy of him in it done to thee as thou
τχί ωρα εκείνη, hast believed." And *the
the hour that. SERVANT Was IMMEDI-
ΚαΙ έλθών ό Ίησοϋς είς τήν οΐκίαν Πέ- ATELY r e s t o r e d .

A IEC[ coming tho Jesus Into tho IIOUSG oi i*o
τρου, είδε τήν πενΦεράν αύτοΰ 6ε6λη- ing14 into
§Then JESUS enter-
Peter's HOUSE,
ter, saw the mother-in-law of him
being laid
μένην καΐ πυρέσσουσαν. ^ΚαΙ ί^ψατο της lying sick of a fever:
down and burning w i t h fever. And he touched the
χειρός αυτής, καΐ άφήκεν αυτήν ό πυρετός· 15 and he touched her
hand of her, and left her the 1β fever;
HAND, and the FEVER left
καΐ ήγέρθη, καΐ διηκόνει αύτοΐς. 'Οψίας her; and she arose, and
and arose, and ministered to them. Evening entertained *him.
δέ γενομένης, προσήνεγκαν αύτφ δαιμονιζο- 16 §Now, in the even-
now being come, they brought to him being pos-
ing, they brought to him
μένους πολλούς· καΐ έξέβαλε τά πνεύματα many demoniacs ; and he
sessed many; and he cast out the s p i r i t s
λόγω, καΐ πάντας τους κακώς Εχοντας έθε- expelled the SPIRITS with
by a word, and all those sickness having he a Word, and cured ALL·
17 the SICK,·
ράπευσεν δπως πληρωθη τό ρηθέν
healed; that might be fulfilled the words spoken 17 that the WORD SPO-
δια Ήσαΐου τοΰ" προφήτου, λέγοντος· «Αΰ- KEN through Isaiah the
through Esaias the prophet, saying;
PROPHET might be veri-
"Hlm- fied, saying, §±"He has
τός τάς ασθενείας ημών Ελαβε, καΐ τάς
self the weakness of us lie took away, and the "himself carried off our
νόσους έβάστασεν.» "INFIRMITIES, and borne
diseases he removed." "OUr DISTRESSES."
Ίδών δέ ό Ίησοΰς πολλούς δχλους περί 18 And JESUS seeing
Seeing and the Jesus great multitudes about •a Crowd about him, gave
αυτόν, έκέλευσεν άπελθείν είς τό πέραν. orders to pass to the ±OP-
him, he gave orders to depart to the other side. POSITE-SIDE.
19 19 And a certain Scribe
ΚαΙ προσελθών είς γραμματεύς, είπεν αΰ- approaching, said to him,
And coming one scribe, said to § "Rabbi, I will follow thee
τω* Διδάσκαλε, ακολουθήσω σοι, δπου έάν
him; θ teacher, I w i l l follow thee, where ever wherever thou goest."
άπέρχχι. ΚαΙ λέγει αύτφ ό Ίησους· ΑΙ 20 And JESUS says to
thou goest. And says to h i m the Jesus; The him, "The FOXES have
Holes, and the BIRDS of
αλωπεκές φωλεούς δχουσι, καΐ τά πετεινά του
• VATICANdens they have, andand—omit.
MANUSCBIPT.—13. the birds of13.thethe SEBVANT. 15. him. 18. a
± 1 2 . Our Lord continues the image of a feast; the banqueting room was in the night
illuminated with many lamps. He who is driven out of it and the house, is in darkness,
and the further he is removed, the grosser the darkness.—Wetstein. ± 1 7 . "This
man beareth away our sins, and for us he is in sorrow."—Thomson's Beptuagint trans-
lation of Isa. liii. 4. ± 1 8 . Opposite side or shore of the Lake Gennesareth. Crossing
this lake does not always denote sailing from the east side to the west, or inversely; though
the river Jordan, both above and below the lake, ran southwards. The lake was of such
a form, that, without any impropriety, it might be said to be crossed in other directions,
even by those who kept on the same side of the Jordan.—Campbell.
t 12. Matt. xxi. 43. * 14. Mark i. 2 9 - 3 1 ; Luke iv. 38. % 16. Mark i. 3 2 ;
Luke iv. 40. t 17. Isa. liii. 4. % 19. Luke ix. 57.
Chap. 8:21.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 8:30.
ούρανοΰ κατασκηνώσεις· δ δέ υΙός του άνθρώ- HEAVEN places of shelter,
heavea nests; the but son of the m a n but the SON of MAN has
που ούκ £χει, που τήν κεφαλήν κλί,νη. not where he may recline
not he has, where the head he may rest. his HEAD.·"
^'Έτερος δέ των μαθητών αύτοΰ είπιεν αύτω· 21 And another, one of
Another and of the disciples of him said to him; *the DISCIPLES said to
Κύριε, έπίτρεψόν μοι πρώτον άπελθείν, καΐ him, §"Master, permit me
\j xtk&s t β ι*) perixiit» tlion m β first - t ο £> o^ And first to go and bury my
θά'ψαι τόν πατέρα μου. ^ Ο δέ Ίησοΰς είπεν FATHER."
to bury the father of me. The but Jesus said
22 But JESUS *says to
αύτφ· 'Ακολουθεί μοι, καΐ αφες τους νεκρούς him, "Follow me; and
to him; Follow me, and leave the dead ones leave the DEAD ONES to
θάψαι τους εαυτών νεκρούς, inter THEIR own Dead."
to bury the of themselves dead ones.
23 Then going on board
Κ έμβάντι αύτφ είς τό πλοίον, ήκο- *a Boat, his DISCIPLES
And entering to h i m into the ship, fol- followed him.
λούθησαν αύτφ ol μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ. ΚαΙ Ιδού, 24
24 $And behold, there
lowed to him the disciples of him. And lo, arose a violent Tempest
in the LAKE, SO that the
σεισμός μέγας έγένετο έν τη θαλασσή, ώστε BOAT was being covered
a commotion great arose in the sea, so as by the BILLOWS ; but he
τό πλοίον καλύπτεσθαι ύπό των κυμάτων was asleep.
tli Θ ship to cover by tlio wtivesj 25 And *they came and
awoke him, saying, "Save,
αυτός δέ έκάθευδε. 25ΚαΙ προσελθόντες ol Master; we perish !"
ho but was asleep. And coming the
μαθηταΐ ήγειραν αυτόν, λέγοντες· Κύριε, σώ- 26 And he says to them,
disciples awoke him, saying; O master, do "Why are you afraid, Ο
crov *[ήμας,1 άπολλύμεθα. «ΚαΙ λέγει αύ- you distrustful?" Then
thou save [us] we perish. And he says to arising, he rebuked the
WINDS and the SEA, and
τοίς· ΤΙ δειλοί έστε, όλιγόπιστοι; there was a great Calm.
them; How timid you are, Ο you of weak faith? 27 And the MEN were
Τότε εγερθείς έπετίμησε τοίς άνέμοις «αϊ astonished, saying, "How
Then arising he rebuked the winds and great is this m a n ! for
even the WINDS and the
xn θαλάσσχ)· καΐ έγένετο γαλήνη μεγάλη. SEA obey him."
27 28 §And coming to the
ΟΙ δέ άνθρωποι έθαύμασαν, λέγοντες· OPPOSITE-SIDE, into the
The and men were astonished, saying; REGION of the *GADA-
ΪΙοταπός έστιν οΰτος, δτι καΐ ol δνεμοι RENES, there met him two
What is this, that even the winds Demoniacs, coming forth
from the MONUMENTS, SO
καΐ ή θάλασσα ύπακούουσιν αύτφ; very furious, that no one
and the sea hearken to him? was able to pass along by
^ΚαΙ έλθόντι αύτφ εις τό πέραν, είς τήν that ROAD.
And coming to him to the other side, into the
29 And, behold they
χώραν των Γεργεσηνών, ύπήντησαν αύτφ δύο cried out, saying, "What
country of the Gergesenes, met him two hast thou to do with us,
έκ των μνημείων έξερχόμε- Ο Son of GOD? Comest
being λέγοντες·
demonized, ΤΙthe ήμίν
out of καΐ coming
sepulchres σοί,
they cried out saying: What and to thee, thou hither before the
νοι, χαλεποί λίαν, ώστε μή Ισχύειν
τινά appointed Time, to tor-
υΙέ του Θεοΰ; Ηλθες ώδε πρό και-
forth, fierce very, so that not to be able any one ment us?"
Ο son of the God? Comest thou here before a des-
παρελθείν διά της όδοΰ εκείνης. ^ΚαΙ Ιδού,
30 Now there was at
Οου βασανίσαι ήμας; H v δέ μα- some distance from them
tlned time to torment us? There was now at some a great Herd of Swine
κράν άπ' αυτών αγέλη χοίρων πολλών feeding.
distance from them a herd of swine many
* VATICAN MANUSCEIPT.—21. the DISCIPLES. 22. says. 23. a Boat—so Lachmann
and Tischendorf. 25. they came. 25. us—omit. 28. GADAEHNHS—so Tischendorf;
but Lachmann reads GBRASENBS.
1 2 1 . Luke ix. 59. $ 24. Mark iv. 37; Luke viii. 23. t 28. Mark v. I; Luke
vlil. 26·
Chap, 8:31.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 9 :
βοσκομένη. ΟΙ δέ δαίμονες παρεκάλουν αΰ- 31 And the DEMONS
feeding. The and demons Implored him, implored him, saying, "If
τον, λέγοντες* ΕΙ έκβάλλεις ημάς, άπόστειλον thou dismiss us, send us
saying; If thou cast out us, 82 send away to the HERD of
ημάς είς τήν άγέλην των χοίρων. ΚαΙ είπεν SWINE/'
us to the herd of the swine. And be said
αύτοίς· * Υπάγετε. ΟΙ δέ εξελθόντες άπήλθον 'Go." 32 And he said to them,
And THEY, going
to them; Go. They and coming out they went forth, went away to the
etc τους χοίρους. ΚαΙ Ιδού. δόμησε πάσα ή SWINE ; and behold, the
to the swine. And lo, rushed whole the Whole HERD rushed down
αγέλη κατά του κρημνού είς τήν θάλασσαν, ±the PRECIPICE into the
herd down the steep place into the lake,
ΚαΙ άπέθανον έν τοις ΰδασιν. ^01 δέ δόσκοντες LAKE, and perished in the
and died in the waters. They and feeding them WATERS.
Ιφυγον, καΐ απελθόντες είς τήν πόλιν, άπήγ- 33 Then the SWINE-
fled, and arriving at the city, re- HERDS fled, and reaching
νειλαν πάντα, καΐ τά τών δαιμονιζομένων. the CITY, related all this,
fated all, and that of those being demonlzed. and the THINGS concern-
**ΚαΙ Ιδού, πάσα ή πόλις έξηλθεν είς συνάν- ing the DEMONIACS.
And lo, whole the city went out to a meet- 34 And presently the
τησιν τφ Ίησου* καΐ Ιδόντες αυτόν, παρεκά- Whole CITY came forth to
ing to the Jesus; and seeing him, they entreat- meet JESUS, and seeing
λεσαν, δπως μεταδη άπό των ορίων αυτών, him, they entreated that
ed, that he would depart from the coast of them. he would retire from
ΚΕΦ. θ ' . 9. CHAPTER IX.
*ΚαΙ έμβάς είς τό πλοΐον, διεπέρασε, καΐ 1 Then stepping on
And stepping into the boat, he passed over, and board *a Boat, he crossed
$λθεν είς τήν Ιδίαν πόλιν. Kat Ιδού, προσέ- the lake, and came to his

came to the own city. And lo, they $OWN City.

«ρερον αύτφ, παραλυτικόν, επί κλίνης 6ε6λη- 2 And they brought to
brought to him, a paralytic, upon a bed lying.
μένον. Kai Ιδών 6 Ίησοΰς τήν πίστιν αυτών, him a
a paralytic, lying on
Bed: and JESUS per-
And seeing the Jesus the faith of them,
είπε τφ παραλυτικφ· Θάρσει, τέκνον άφέ- ceiving their FAITH, said
he- said to the paralytic; Take courage, son; are to the PARALYTIC, "Son,
take courage; Thy SINS
ωνταί * Γσοι] αϊ άμαρτίαι σου. 8ΚαΙ Ιδού, τινές are forgiven."
forgiven Cthee] the sins of thee. And lo, some
τών γραμματέων είπον iv έαυτοίς· Οΰτος the3 And behold, some of
SCRIBES said among
of the scribes said among themselves; This
βλασφημεί. ΚαΙ Ιδών 6 Ίησοΰς τάς ένθυμή-
themselves, "This man
blasphemes. And knowing the Jesus the thoughts blasphemes."
οεις αυτών, εΐπεν *Ίνα τΐ ΰμεΐς ένθυμεΐσθε their 4 But JESUS discerning
of them, says; Why you think
* VATICAN MANUSOBIPT—1. a Boat. 2. thee—omit.
± 3 2 . The following extract from "Haekett's Tour in the Holy Land," will serve as an
Illustration:—"COUNTBT OP THE GADARBNES.—I spent a night, and part of two days,
in the vicinity of the Lake of Tiberias. My tent was pitched near the Hot Baths, about a
mile south of the town of Tiberias, and, consequently, near the south end of the lake. In
looking across the water to the other side. I had before me the country of the Gadarenes,
where the swine, impelled by an evil «pirit, plunged into the sea. I was struck with a
mark of accuracy in the sacred writers, which had never occurred to me till then. They
state that 'the swine ran violently down the steep place or precipice/ (the article being
required by the Greek,) 'and were choked in the waters.' It is implied here, first the hills
in that region approach near the water; and, secondly, that they fall off so abruptly along
the shore, that it would be natural for a writer, familiar with that fact, to refer to it as
well known. Both these implications are correct. A mass of rocky hills overlook the sea
on that side, so near the water, that one sees their dark outline reflected from its sur-
face, while their sides» in general, are so steep, that a person familiar with the scenery
would hardly think of speaking of α steep place or precipice, where so much of the coast
forms but one continuous predpiee. Our translators omit the definite article, and show,
by this Inadvertence, how naturally the more exact knowledge of the Evangelists in-
fluenced their language."
% 1. Matt. iv. 13. t 2. Mark ii. 3 ; Luke v. 18.
Chap. 9:5.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 9 : i a
πονηρά έν ταίς καρδίαις υμών; e Tl γάρ έστιν "Why do you think evil
evils in the hearts of you? Which for is [things] in your HEARTS?
εύκοπώτερον; είπεϊν ΆφέωνταΙ σου αϊ άμαρ- 5 For, which is easier?
to say, *Thy SINS are for-
τίαι; fl εΙπείν "Εγειραι καΐ περιπατεί; β "Ινα given; or to say, [with
sins? or to say; Arise and walk? That effect,] Arise, and walk?
δέ είθητε δτι έξουσίαν 8χει ό υΙός του
but you may know that authority has the son of the 6 But that you may
ανθρώπου επί της γης άφιέναι αμαρτίας· (τότε know that the SON of MAN
man on the earth to forgive sins; (then has Authority on EARTH
λέγει τφ παραλυτικφ·) 'Εγερθείς άρον σου to forgive Sins," (then he
he says to the paralytic;) Arising take up of thee says to the PARALYTIC,)
τήν κλίνην, καΐ δπαγε είς τόν οίκον σου. "Arise, take up Thy BED,
7the bed· And %Q into tho house of toe©· and go to thy HOUSE."
ΚαΙ εγερθείς άπήλθεν εις τόν οίκον αύτοΰ. 7 And arising, he went
And arising he went to the house of him.
8 to his HOUSE.
Ίδόντες δέ ol δχλοι έθαύμασαν, καΐ έδόξα- 8 And the PEOPLE see-
Beeing and the crowds wondered, and glorified ing it, *tfeared and praised
σαν τόν Θεόν, τόν δόντα έξουσίαν τοιαύτην THAT GOD who had GIVEN
the God, that having given authority so great such Authority to MEN.
τοις άνθρώποις. 9 $And JESUS, passing
to 9 the men.
ΚαΙ παράγων ό Ίησοΰς εκείθεν, είδεν on from thence, saw a
And passing on the Jesus from thence, he saw Man, named Matthew,
δνθρωπον καθήμενον επί τό τελώνιον, Ματ- sitting at the ±TAX OF-
a man sitting at the custom-house, Mat- FICE ; and he says to him,
θαίον λεγόμενον καΐ λέγει αύτφ· 'Ακολουθεί "Follow me." And he
thew being named; and he says to him; Follow
arose, and followed him.
μοι. ΚαΙ άναστάς ήκολούθησεν αύτφ. 10ΚαΙ 10 And it came to pass,
me. And rising up he followed him. And as he was reclining at ta-
έγένετο, αύτοΰ άνακειμένου έν τχί οικία, ble in his HOUSE, behold,
it happened, of him reclining at table In the house,
καΐ Ιδού, πολλοί τελώναι καΐ αμαρτωλοί § Μ a n y Tribute-takers
and lo, many publicans and sinners and ± Sinners coming, re-
έλθόντες συνανέκειντο τφ Ίησοΰ καΐ τοίς clined with JESUS and
coming reclined with the Jesus and the
μαθηταΐς αύτοΰ. Kal Ιδόντες ol Φαρισαίοι 11 And the PHARISEES
disciples of him. And seeing the Pharisees observing it, said to his
είπον τοίς μαθηταίς αύτοΰ· ΔιατΙ μετά τών DISCIPLES, §"Why does
said to the disciples of him; Why with the your TEACHER eat with
τελωνών καΐ αμαρτωλών έσθίει ό διδάσκαλος TRIBUTE TAKERS and Sin-
publicans and sinners eats the teacher
Μ ners ?"
υμών; Ό δέ Ίησοΰς άκουσας, είπεν *[αύ- 12 But *HE hearing it,
of you? The and Jesus hearing, says Cto them;] says, "THEY who are in
τοίς·] Ού χρείαν ε*χουσιν ot Ισχύοντες ta- HEALTH have no need of
Νο need have those being well of a phy-
a Physician, but THEY
τροΰ, άλλ' ol κακώς έ'χοντες. ^Πορευθέντες who are SICK.
slcian, but those sick being. You are going 13 But go, and learn
δέ μάθετε, τί έστιν «"Έλεον θέλω, καΐ ού what that is, $'1 desire
but learn, what is; "Mercy I wish, and not
θυσίαν.» Ού γάρ ηΊΙθον καλέ σαι δικαίους, 'Compassion, ±and not a
a sacrifice." Not for I am come to call Just per- 'Sacrifice;' for I came not
άλλ' αμαρτωλούς, to call Righteous men,
sons, but sinners. but Sinners."
* VATICAN MANUSOEIPT.—5. Thy SINS 8. feared—so Lach. and Tisch. 12.
HB hearing. 12. to them—omit.
± 9. Probably an office erected on the side of the lake for collecting toll of passengers,
and receiving the customs for goods carried by water. ± 1 0 . the word hamartoolos,
sinner, is generally used in the Gospels» and indeed throughout the Ν. Τ., either to
signify Gentile, or such of the Jews who, from their illicit practices, were looked upon
in the same light with the Gentiles. See Gal. ii. 15.
± 13. " I desire mercy, rather than sacrince."—Scptuagint.

«Λ9· f il'LlVf ϊ£·*. i " · M a r k a 1 5 ! Luke

"· "· * "· ω ·
Chap. 9:14.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 9:21.
Τότε προσέρχονται αύτφ ol μαθηταΐ 14 Then John's DISCI-
Then came to him the disciples PLES accosting him, said,
'Ιωάννου, λέγοντες· ΔιατΙ ημείς καΐ ol Φα- i"We and the PHARI-
οί John, saying: Why we and the Pha- SEES fast, why not also
ρισαίοι. νηστεύομεν * [πολλά,] ol δέ μαθηταί thy DISCIPLES?"
rlsees fast [much,] the but disciples
σου ού νηστεύουσι; ΚαΙ είπεν αύτοίς ό 15 And JESUS says t o
of thee not fast? And says to them the them, $"Can the BRIDE-
Ίησοΰς· Μή δύνανται ol υΐοΐ τοΰ νυμφώ- MEN mourn, while the
Jesus; Not are able the sons of the bridal BRIDEGROOM is with them ?
νος πενθείν, έφ' δσον μετ' αύτων έστιν ό But the Time will come,
chamber to mourn, in as much with them is the when the BRIDEGROOM will
ννμφίος; Έλεύσονται δέ ήμέραι, δταν be taken from them, ±and
bridegroom? Shall come but days, when then they will fast.
άπαρθη άπ' αυτών ό νυμφίος, καΐ τότε
may be taken from them the bridegroom, and then 16 No one puts a Piece
νηστεύσουσιν. 1βΟύδεΙς δέ επιβάλλει έπίδλημα of undressed Cloth on an
they shall fast. No one now puts a patch old Garment; because the
ράκους άγνάφου επί ΙματΙφ παλαιφ· αίρει PATCH itself would tear
of cloth unfulled on to a mantle old; takes away the GARMENT, and a worse
γαρ τό πλήρωμα αύτοΰ από τοΰ Ιματίου, καΐ Rent be made.
for tliο pfttch of i t from tho m&iitlO) &IXQ
χείρον σχίσμα γίνεται. 17Ούδέ βάλλουσιν ot- 17 Neither do persons
worse a rent becomes. Nor do they put wine put new Wine into old
νον νέον είς ασκούς παλαιούς· εΐ δέ μήγε ±S?kins; for if they do,
new into bottles old; if but not, the SKINS burst, and the
©ήγνυνται ol ασκοί, καΐ ό οίνος έκχείται, WINE is spilled, and the
burst th© bottles^ fiuci th© \trluo IS spllledj SKINS are destroyed : but
καΐ ol ασκοί άπολοΰνται· αλλά δάλλουσιν οίνο ν new they put new Wine into
Skins, and both are
νέον είς ασκούς καινούς, καΐ αμφότεροι συν- preserved."
new into bottles new, and both are
τηρούνται, 18 §While he was thus
preserved together. speaking to them, a cer-
αύτοίς, Ιδού, tain Ruler coming, pros-
Ταΰτα αύτοΰ λαλουντος,
trated to him, saying,
άρχων είς έλθών προσεκύνει αύτώ, λέγων "My DAUGHTER is by this
a ruler certain coming prostrated to him, saying; time dead; but come, lay
"Οτι ή θυγάτηρ μου Λρτι έτελεύτησεν αλλά thy HAND on her, ana
That the daughter o>f me now is dead; but she will revive."
έλθών έπίΟες τήν χείρα σου in' αυτήν, 19 And JESUS arising,
with his DISCIPLES, fol-
καΐ ζήσεται. 19ΚαΙ εγερθείς ό Ίησοΰς ήκο- lowed him.
and she shall live. And arising the Jesus went
λούθησεν αύτω, καΐ ol μαθηταί αύτοΰ. ^ΚαΙ 20 $And, behold, a Wo-
after him, and the disciples of him. And man, having been afflicted
Ιδού, γυνή αίμορροοΰσα δώδεκα δτη,
Ιο, a woman having a flow of blood twelve years, with an hemorrhage for
προσελθοΰσα δπισθεν, ήψατο τοΰ κρασπέδου τοΰ Twelve Years, coming be-
approaching behind, touched the tuft of the hind, touched the TUFT
Ιματίου αύτοΰ. ^Ελεγε γάρ έν έαυτ|ί· Έάν of his MANTLE;
mantle of him. She said for within herself; If
μόνον δψωμαι τοΰ Ιματίου αύτοΰ, σωθήσο- herself, 21 for she said within
only I can touch the mantle of him, X shall be "If I can only
touch his MANTLE, I shall
be cured."
VATICAN MANUSCBIPT.—14. much.—omit.
± 1 5 . The force of our Lord's answer will appear more appropriate from the fact that
John was now in prison, so that his followers were fasting in consequence of their master's
removal from them. ± 17. Skins of the kid were very much used by the ancients for their
wine. They were used whole, and the openings for the legs and head were tied up with
strings. They were not strong enough to be used a second time for the same purpose.—
Samuel Sharpe.
t 14. Mark i t 18; Luke v. 33. t 15. John iil. 29. t 18. Mark V. 2 2 ;
Luke viii. 41. t 20. Mark v. 25; Luke viii. 43.
Chap. 9:22.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 9:33.
Ό δέ Ίησοΰς επιστραφείς καΐ Ιδών αυτήν, 22 JESUS turning, and
The but Jesus turning and seeing her, seeing her, said, "Take
είπε* θάρσει, θύγατερ· ή πίστις σου courage, Daughter; thy
said: Take courage, daughter; the faith of thee FAITH has cured thee.'*
σέσωκέ σε. Kai έσώθη ή γυνή άπό της And the WOMAN was well
from that HOUR.
has saved thee. And was w e l l the woman from the
&ρας εκείνης. ^ΚαΙ έλθών ό Ίησοΰς είς την 23 $JESUS being come
hour of that. And coining the Jesus into the into the RULER'S HOUSE,
οίκίαν του άρχοντος, καΐ Ιδών τους αύλητάς and seeing the ±FLUTE-
house of the ruler, and seeing the flute-players, PLAYERS and the CROWD
καΐ τόν δχλον θορυβούμενον, 24λέγει * [αύ- making lamentation,
ftiicl the'Αναχωρείτε·
crowd ού γαρ
milking ι απέθανεs&ys
& noise* τό κορά-
C^o 24 says to them, "Leave
them;] Withdraw; not for 1ls dead the
the place; for the GIRL
girl, is not dead, but sleeps."
Οίον, αλλά καθεύδει. ΚαΙ κατεγέλων αύτοΰ. And they derided him.
but sleeps. And they derided him. 25 But when the COM-
δέ έξεβλήθη ό δχλος, είσελθών έκρά- PANY was excluded, he
When but they put out the crowd, he entering took entering in, grasped her
τησε της χειρός αυτής· καΐ ήγέρθη τό κορά-
hold of the hand of her; and was raised the g i r l . HAND, and the GIRL was
Οίον. ^ΚαΙ έξήλθεν ή φήμη αίίτη εις δλην raised.
And went forth the report t h i s into all 26 And the REPORT of
τήν γήν έκεΐνην. this [miracle] went forth
the land that. through All that REGION.
παράγοντι εκείθεν τφ Ίησοΰ, ήκολού- 27 And JESUS passing
And passing on from there the Jesus, went from thence, Two Blind
θησαν *Γαύτω] δύο τυφλοί, κράζοντες καΐ "O Son men followed, exclaiming,
of David, have
after [him] two blind men, crying out and compassion on us !"
λέγοντες· Έλέησον ήμας, υΙέ Δαυίδ. ^Έλθόν- 28 And being come into
saying: Have pity on us, θ son of David. Being
χι δέ είς τήν οίκίαν, προσήλθον αύτφ ol the HOUSE, the BLIND
come and into the house, came to him the men came to him; and
τυφλοί, καΐ λέγει αύτοίς ό Ίησοΰς· JESUS says to them, "Do
blind men, and says to them the Jesus:
you believe That I can do
Πιστεύετε, δτι δύναμαι τοΰτο ποιήσαι; Λέ- this ?" They reply to him,
D o you believe, that I a m able this to do? They "Yes, Master."
γουσιν αύτφ* ΝαΙ κύριε. 29Τότε ήψατο τών 29 Then he touched
say to him: Yes O master. Then he touched the their EYES, saying, "Be it
οφθαλμών αυτών, λέγων Κατά τήν πίστιν done to you according to
eyes of them, saying: According to the faith
ύμων γενηθήτω ύμϊν. 30ΚαΙ άνεώχθησαν αΰ- your FAITH."
30 And Their EYES
of you be i t done to you. And were opened of
τών ol οφθαλμοί. ΚαΙ ένεβριμήσατο αύτοίς strictly charged were opened; and JESUS
them the eyes. And strictly charged them them,
saying, "See that you in-
ό Ίησοΰς, λέγων *0ρατε, μηδείς γινωσκέτω. form no one."
the Jesus, saying: See, no one knows. 31 But THEY, having
^01 δέ εξελθόντες διεφήμισαν αυτόν έν δλ·η departed, spread his fame
They but having gone
published him in a l l through All that LAND.
Tfi Yfi έκείνχι. Αύτών δέ εξερχόμενων, Ιδού,
the land that. These and going away, lo, 32 Now, as these men
προσήνεγκαν αύτώ όίνθρωπον κωφόν, δαιμονι- were going out, behold,
they brought to him a man dumb, being de- $there was brought to
ξόμενον. ^ΚαΙ έκβληθέντος του δαιμονίου, him a Dumb man, being
monized. And having cast out the demon, demonized.
33 And the DEMON hav-
έλάλησεν ό κωφός. ΚαΙ έθαύμασαν ol δχλοι, ing been expelled, the
spoke the dumb. And were astonished the crowds, DUMB man spoke, and the
λέγοντες· Ουδέποτε έφάνη οϋτως έν τφ Ίσρα- PEOPLE were astonished,
saylng: NeverMANUSCRIPT—24.
•VATICAN was It seen thus toin them—omit.
to the Israel. 27. him—omit.
± 2 3 . 8erviu8 on Virgil says, "The funerals of the elder sort with the trumpet, and
those of the younger with the flute." Lightfoot remarks, "On the death of his wife even
the poorest Jew will afford not less than two pipes (or flutes,) and one woman to make
lamentation." See 2 Chron. xxxv. 2 5 : Eccles. xii. 5 ; Jer. ix. 17; xlviii. 36.
t 2 3 . Mark v. 3 8 ; Luke viii. 51. i 32. Matt. xii. 2 2 ; Luke xi. 14.
Chap. 9:34.] [Chap. 10:5.
ήλ. ^ΟΙ δέ Φαρισαίοι Φλέγον Έν τφ άρχοντι saying, "Never was it
The but Pharisees said: By the prince thus seen in ISRAEL!"
X&M δαιμονίων έκδάλλει τά δαιμόνια. 34 But t h e PHARISEES
said, $"He expels the DE-
ΚαΙ περιηγεν ό Ίησοϋς τάς πόλεις πάσας MONS by the PRINCE of
the DEMONS."
και τάς κώμας, διδάσκων έν ταίς συναγωγαίς
and the Tillages, teaching tn the synagogues
35 $And JESUS went
through all the CITIES
αυτών, καΐ κηρύσσων τό εύαγγέλιον της
of them, and publishing the glad tidings of the
and VILLAGES teaching in
their SYNAGOGUES, a n d
βασιλείας, καΐ θεραπεύων πασαν νόσον καΐ announcing the GLAD T I -
kingdom, and healing every disease and DINGS of the KINGDOM,
πασαν μαλακίαν. and curing Every Disease
every malady. and Every Malady.

Ίδών δέ τους δχλους, έσπλαγχνίσθη 36 $And beholding the
Seeing and the crowds, he was moved with pity CROWDS, he deeply pitied
περί αυτών, δτι ήσαν έσκυλμένοι καΐ έρριμ- being Because them, they were
μένοι, ώσεί πρόβατα μη έχοντα ποιμένα. persed,harassed and dis-
as Sheep having
tered, like sheep not having a shepherd.
Τότε λέγει τοίς μαθηταίς αύτοΰ· Ό μέν no Shepherd.
Then he says to the disciples of him: The indeed 37 Then he says to his
Φερισμός πολύς, ol δέ έργάται ολίγοι. 88Δεή- DISCIPLES, $"The HAR-
harvest plenteous, the but laborers few. Im- VEST indeed is great, but
θητε οΰν τουέργάτας
έκβάλχι κυρίου είςτουτόν θερισμοΰ,
αύ- the REAPERS are few;
plore then the* Lord
"-*- of the harvest, that
*nto the harvest of
be would send out laborers 38 beseech, therefore,
του. the LORD of the HAR-
VEST, that he would send
ΚΕΦ. ι' 10. Laborers to REAP i t . "
ΚαΙ προσκαλεσάμενος τους δώδεκα μαθητάς
And having called the twelve disciples
αύτοΰ, Ιδωκεν αύτοίς έξουσίαν πνευμάτων
1 And having summon-
ακαθάρτων, ώστε έκβάλλειν αυτά, καΐ θερα- ed his TWELVE Disciples,
tmcle&n, so AS to c&et out thexn· &ncl to §he gave them Authority
πευειν πάσαν νόσον καΐ πδσαν μαλακίαν. to expel impure Spirits,
2 every disease and every malady. and to cure Diseases and
Τών δέ δώδεκα αποστόλων τά δνόματα Maladies of Every kind.
Of the now twelve apostles the names
έστι ταΰτα· Πρώτος, Σίμων ό λεγόμενος 2 Now these are the
are these: First, Simon that being called NAMES of the TWELVE
Πέτρος, καΐ 'Ανδρέας ό αδελφός αύτοΰ· Apostles ; The first, THAT
Peter, and Andrew the brother of him; Simon, NAMED Peter, and
'Ιάκωβος ό του Ζεβεδαίου, καΐ 'Ιωάννης ό Andrew his BROTHER ;
James that of the Zebedee, and John the THAT James, son of ZEBE-
αδελφός αυτοί)· Φίλιππος, καΐ Βαρθολο- THER DEE, and John his BRO-
brother of him; Philip, and Bartholo-
μαίος· Θωμάς, καΐ Ματθαίος ό τελώνης· 3 Philip and Bartholo-
mew; Thomas, and Matthew the tax-gatherer; mew; Thomas, and Mat-
'Ιάκωβος ό του Άλφαίου, καΐ *[Λεββαίος ό thew the TRIBUTE TAK-
James that of the Alpheus, and [Lebbeus the
έπικληθείς] Θαδδαίος· 42ίμων ό ΚανανΙτης, E R ; THAT James, son of
ALPHiEus ; and Thaddeus;
somamed] Thaddeus; Simon the Canaan ite,
καΐ 'Ιούδας ό 'Ισκαριώτης, ό καΐ παραδούς 4 Simon the Canaanite;
and Judas that Iscariot, who even delivered up
and THAT Judas Iscariot,
αυτόν, who even delivered him
6 up.
Τούτους τους δώδεκα άπέστειλεν 6 Ίησοΰς,
These the twelve sent forth the Jesus, 5 These TWELVE JESUS
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT·—3. THAT Lebbseus, surnamed—omit,
t 34. Mark iii. 22; t 35. Mark vi. 6; Luke xiii. 22. t 36. Maik vL 34;
EzelL xzxiv. 5; Jer. zxziL 1-4. * 37. Luke x. 2; Johnft.3. 11. Mark 111. 13; ix. 1.
Chap. 10:6.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 10.:•!&.
παραγγείλας αύτοίς, λέγων· Είς όδόν έθνων commissioned, instructing
commanding them, saying; Into a road of Gentiles them, saying, "Go not
μή άπέλθητε, καΐ εις πόλιν Σαμαρειτών μή Away to the Gentiles, and
not you may go, and into a city of Samaritans notenter not any city of the
είσέλθητε. βΠορεύεσθε δέ μάλλον προς τά πρό- Samaritans ;
you m a y enter. G o you but rather to the sheep
6 $But go rather to the
βατά τά άπολωλότα οίκου 'Ισραήλ. Πο©ευόμε- PERISHING SHEEP Of t h e
the perishing house of Israel. Passing on your Stock of Israel.
•voi δέ κηρύσσετε, λέγοντες· "Οτι ήγγικεν 7 $And as you go, pro-
claim, saying, 'The KINO-
way and preach you, saying: That
8 has come nigh DOM of the HEAVENS has
ή βασιλεία των ουρανών. Άσθενοΰντας
the kingdom of the heavens. Those being sick
θεραπεύετε, νεκρούς εγείρετε, λεπρούς κα&α- 8 Heal the Sick, ± [raise
heal, dead ones raise up, lepers cleanse,
the Dead,] cleanse Lepers,
φΐζετε, δαιμόνια έκβάλλετε* δωρεάν έλάβετε, expel Demons; freely you
demons cast out; freely you have received, have received, freely give.
δωρεάν δότε. 9 Provide neither Gold,
freely give.
Μή κτήσησθε χρυσόν, μηδέ δργυρον, μηδέ nor Silver, nor Copper, in
Not provide gold, nor silver, nor your ±GIRDLES ;
χαλκόν είς τάς ζώνας υμών 10
μή πήραν είς 10 carry no Traveling
copper in the belts of you; not a bag for Bag, no spare Clothes,
όδόν, μηδέ δύο χιτώνας, μηδέ υποδήματα, Shoes, or Staff; $for the
a journey nor two tunics, nor sandals, WORKMAN is worttoy of
μηδέ ράβδον. "Αξιος γάρ ό εργάτης της h i s MAINTENANCE.
nor a staff. Worthy for the laborer of the
11 And whatever City
τροφής αύτου έστιν. ^ΕΙς η*ν δ* δν πόλιν or Village you enter, in-
food of him Is. Into quire what worthy person
what and ever city
ti κώμην είσέλθητε, εξετάσετε, τΙς resides there; and remain
or «ountry-town you may entex, search out, who with him till you leave
έν αΰττί ϋξιός έστι* κάκεί μείνατε, ε*ως αν the place.
in her worthy is; and there abide,
*ξέλ#ητβ. ^ΕΙσερχόμενοι δέ etg τήν οΐκίαν,
12 When you enter the
you go thence. Entering and Into the house, HOUSE, salute the family.
άσπάσασθε αυτήν. ^ΚαΙ έάν μέν %\ ή οΙκία 13 And if the FAMILY
salute her. And if indeed may be the house be worthy, let the PEACE
Αξία, έλθέτω ή εΙρήνη υμών έπ' αυτήν έάν you wish come upon
worthy, l e t come the peace of you on her; them; but if unworthy,If
δέ μή fj αξία, ή εΙρήνη υμών προς νμ&ς let
your PEACE return
but not may be worthy, the peace of you to you
•upon yourselves.
έπιστραφήτω. ΚαΙ 8ς έάν μή δέξηται. υμάς, 14 And whoever will
let it turn. And who if not may receive you,
μηδέ άκούσχι τους λόγους υμών, εξερχόμενοι
not receive you, nor hear
. nor hear the words of you, coming out your WORDS, in departing
τη"ς οΙκίας fl της πόλεως εκείνης, εκτινάξατε from that HOUSE or CITY,
shake the DUST off your
of the house or of the city that, shake oil
τόν «ονιορτόν τών ποδών υμών. ^Άμήν λέγω FEET.
the dust of the feet 15 Indeed, I say to you,
of you. Indeed I say
δμίν, άνεκτότερον iaxax γίί Σοδόμων «αϊ $it will be more endurable
for the Land of Sodom
to you, more tolerable w i l l DO land of Sodom and
Γομόρρων έν ήμερα κρίσεως, ή τ$ πόλει and Gomorrah, in a Day
Gomorrah in a day of trial, than the city of Judgment, than for
εκείνη. ω
1δού, έγ& αποστέλλω ύμ6ς ώς that CITY.
that. Lo, I send you as 16 $Behold ! I send you
πρόβατα έν μέ , λύκων. Γίνεσθβ οδν forth as Sheep *into the
sheep in midst of wolves. Be ye therefore Midst of Wolves; be,

• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—13. upon you. 16. into»

f 8. [Raise the Dead.] This clause, though found in the Vatican, is wanting in a
great number of MSS. Grlesbach excluded it from his first edition of the Greek text, but
inserted it in subsequent editions, marked as doubtful. Campbell, Wetstein, and Wake-
fleld reject it. Macknight, Whitney, and Doddridge think it better to retain the clause,
as it is evident some passages in this discourse refer to events which did not immediately
take place. See verses 18, 21, 23. ± 9. Their purses were commonly in their girdles.
t 6. Isa. liii. 6 ; Acts xiii. 46. t 7. Mark vi. 8 ; Luke ix. 3 ; x. 7. * 10.
1 Tim. v. 18. $15. Matt. xi. 23, 24. $ 16. Luke v. 3.
Chap. 10:17.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 10:25.
φρόνιμοι ώς ol δφεις, καΐ ακέραιοι ώς αϊ therefore, sagacious as
wise as the serpents, and artless as the SERPENTS, and innocent
περιστεραΐ. as DOVES.
doves. 17 But beware of these
17 MEN ; §for they will de-
Π ροσέχετε δέ άπό των ανθρώπων. Παρα- liver you up to High
Take heed and of the men. They will Councils, and scourge you
δώσουσι γαρ ύμας είς συνέδρια, καΐ έν ταΐς in their SYNAGOGUES ;
hand over for you to sanhedrims, and In the
18 and they will bring
you before Governors and
συναγωγαίς αυτών μαστιγώσουσιν ύμας· 18κα1 Kings, on my account, to
synagogues of them they shall scourge you; and bear Testimony to them
έπΙ ηγεμόνας δέ καΐ βασιλείς άχθήσεσθε and the GENTILES.
before governors and also kings you shall be led liver 19 $But when they de-
ένεκεν έμοΰ, είς μαρτύριον αύτοίς καΐ τοίς you up, be not anx-
on account 19of me, for a witness to them and to the ious how, or what you
ίίθνεσιν. "Οταν δέ παραδίδωσιν ύμας, μή shall speak, because what
nations. When but they shall deliver up you, not you should say shall be*
μεριμνήσητε, πώς ^ τΙ λαλησητε· suggested to you in That
δοθήσεται γάρ ύμίν έν εκείνη τη ωρα, τΐ
it shall be given for to you in that the hour, what MOMENT. 20 For it is not you
λαλήσετε. 20Ού γάρ ύμείς έστε ol λαλοΰντες, that shall SPEAK ; but the
you shall speak. Not for you are the speaking, SPIRIT of your FATHER is
αλλά τό πνεύμα του Πατρός υμών, τό λαλούν THAT which SPEAKS by
but the spirit of the Father of you, that is speak- you. 21 §Then Brother will
έν ύμίν. 2 1 Παραδώσει δέ αδελφός άδελφόν
ing in you. Will give up and a brother a brother deliver up Brother to
είς θάνατον, καΐ πατήρ τέκνον καΐ έπαναστή- Child ; and Death, and a Father his
rls death them; and you will be being hated by Children will
σονται αυτούς·τέκνα ^καΐ έπΙ £σεσθε γονείς,μισούμενοι
καΐ θανατώ- ύπό and causeagainst
rise up Parents,
them to die.
to death them; a n d you w i l l be b e i n g h a t e d by
πάντων δια τό δνομά μου. *Ο δέ ύπομεί,νας 22 And you will be
all for the name of me. The but persevering hated by all on account of
είς τέλος, οΰτος σωθήσεται. my NAME. But HE who
Οταν the same shall be saved.
δέ διώκωσιν ύμας έν τη πόλει the End, will be saved.
When btut they persecute you In the city
ταύτη φεύγετε είς τήν έτέραν κδΐν έκ 23 But when they per-
this, secute you in this CITY,
and If out of fly to the OTHER; ±[and
ταύτης flee διώκωσιν into the other;
ύμας, φεύγετε είς τήν ά"λ-
this they persecute you, flee Into the oth- from that, if they perse-
λην. 'Αμήν γάρ λέγω ύμίν, ού μή τελέση- cute you, take refuge in
er. Indeed for I say to you, in no wise you may ANOTHER;] for indeed I
τε τάς πόλεις του 'Ισραήλ, έΌος ctv δλθη declare to you, you will
finish t h e c i t i e s of t h e I s r a e l , till m a y c o m e not have gone through
ό υΙός του ανθρώπου. 24Ούκ ε*στι μαθητής the CITIES of *Israel, till
the son of the man. Not Is a disciple the SON of MAN be come.
υπέρ τόν διδάσκαλον, ουδέ δούλος υπέρ τόν 24 §A Disciple is not
above the teacher, nor a slave above the above his TEACHER, nor
κύριον αύτοΰ. Άρκετόν τω μαθητή Ινα a Servant above his MAS-
lord of him. Sufficient to the disciple that TER.
γένηται ώς 6 διδάσκαλος αύτοΰ, καΐ 6 δούλος 25 I t is sufficient for
he be as the teacher of him, and the slave the DISCIPLE that he be
ώς ό κύριος αΰτοΰ. ΕΙ τόν οίκοδεσπότην as his TEACHER, and the
as the lord of him. If the master of the house SERVANT as his MASTER.
±23. This sentence is not found in the Vatican MS., though it is approved by Griesbach.
Clarke says—"The clause is found in MSS D L, and eight others; the Armenian, Saxon,
all the Itala except three; Athan., Theodor., Tertul., August., Ambr., and Juveneus.
Bengel in his Gnomen, approves of this reading. On the above authorities, Griesbach has
Inserted it in his text. It probably made a portion of this gospel as written by Matthew."
t 17. Matt. xxiv. 9. % 19. Mark xiii. 11; Luke xii. 11. t 21. Luke xxl. 16.
% 24. Luke vi. 40; John xiii. 16; xv.20.
Chap. 10:26.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 10:35.
Βεελζεβούλ έπεκάλεσαν, πόσω μάλλον If they have called the
Beelzebul they have named, how much more HOUSEHOLDER Beelzebul,
τους οικιακούς αύτοΰ; 2 β Μή οδν φοβη- how much more THOSE of
the domestics of him? Not therefore you may his HOUSEHOLD?
(Η}τε αυτούς. Ουδέν γαρ έστι κεκαλυμμένον, 26 $ Therefore, fear
lear them. Nothing for i s having been covered,
them n o t ; for there is
8 ούκ άποκαλυφθήσεται· καΐ κρυπτόν nothing concealed, which
-Which not shall be uncovered; and secret, will not be discovered;
θ ού γνωσθήσεται. 27
"Ο λέγω ύμίν and hid, which will not
Which not shall be known. What I say to you be made known.
27 What I tell you in
έν Tfi σκοτία, είπατε έν τφ φωτί· καΐ δ είς the DARK, publish in the
In the darkness, speak in the light; and what in LIGHT ; and what is whis-
to οδς άκούετε, κηρύξατε επί των δωμάτων. pered in your EAR, pro-
^ΚαΙ μή φοβείστε άπό των άποκτεννόντων claim from the ±HOUSE-
And not be afraid of those killing
to σώμα, τήν δέ ψυχήν μή δυναμένων άπο- TOPS.
the body, the but l i f e not being able to 28 Be not afraid of
κτειναι* φοβήθητε δέ μάλλον τόν δυνάμενον THOSE who KILL the
kill; be afraid but rather that being able BODY, but cannot destroy
«ai ψυχήν καΐ σώμα άπολέσαι έν γεένντι. the [future] ±LIFE ; but
both life and body to destroy in Gehenna. rather fear HIM who CAN
ΟύχΙ δύο στρουθία άσσαρίου πωλείται; και utterly destroy both Life

Not two sparrows an assarius are sold? and and Body in ± Gehenna.
Uv έδ αυτών ού πεσείται επί τήν γήν άνευ 29 Are not Two Spar-
one of them not shall f a l l upon the earth with- rows sold for an ±Assa-
τοΰ Πατρός υμών. ^'Υμών δέ καΐ at rius? Yet neither of them
out the Father of you. Of you and even the
shall fall on the GROUND
τρίχες της κεφαλής πάσαι ήριθμημέναι είσΐ. without ±your FATHER.
hairs of the head all being numbered are.
Μή οδν φοβηθήτε· πολλών στρουθί,ων 30 And even the HAIBS
of Your HEAD are all
διαφέρετε ύμεΐς. numbered.
are better you. 31 Fear not, then; you
οδν δστις ομολογήσει έν έμοί are of more value than
Π ας
All therefore whoever shall confess to me Many Sparrows.
έμπροσθεν των ανθρώπων, ομολογήσω κάγώ 32 § Whoever, therefore,
shall acknowledge me be-
έν αύτω έμπροσθεν του Πατρός μου, του έν fore MEN, I also will ac-
to him in presence of the Father of me, of that in knowledge him before
ούρανοίς. ^"Οστις δ' αν άρνήσηταί με THAT FATHER of mine in
heavens. Whoever but if may deny me •the HEAVENS.
έμπροσθεν των ανθρώπων, άρνήσομαι αυτόν 33 But whoever shall
in presence of the men, I w i l l deny him
κάγώ έμπροσθεν του Πατρός μου, του έν
renounce me before MEN,
even I in presence of the Father of me, of that in I also will renounce him
ούρανοίς. before THAT FATHER of
beavens. mine in *the HEAVENS.
^Μή νομίσητε, δτι ^λθον βαλείν am34 come
§Think not That I
to send forth
Not must you suppose that I am come to send Peace on this LAND ; I
είρήνην επί τήν γ ή ν ούκ ήλθον βαλείν εί-
peace upon the earth; not I am come to send am come not to send
Οήνην, αλλά μάχαιραν. ^Ηλθον γάρ διχάσαι Peace, but War.
peace, but a sword. I am come for to set 35 For my coming will
Λνθρωπον κατά του πατρός αύτοΰ, καΐ θυγα- set §a Man against his
FATHER, and a Daughter
± 2 7. The houses were flat-roofed. Compare Deut. xxii. 8. Josh. ii. 6, Neh. viii. 16.
Isa. xy. 3. Jer. xxxii. 29, Acts x. 9. ± 2 8 . See Appendix and verse 38. ±29.
Assarion— in value about one cent and five mills, or three farthings sterling. Τ 29.
some Greek copies read in this place tees houlees—the will of.
t 26. Mark iv. 2 2 ; Luke viii. 1 7 ; xii. 2. t 32. Luke xii. 8 ; ix. 2 6 ; Mark viii.
Z%; Bom. x. 9 ; 2 Tim. i i . 12. t 34. Luke xii. 5 1 . % 35. Micah vii. 6.
CHep. 10:36.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 11:4.
τερα κατά της μητρός αυτής, καΐ νύμ- against her MOTHER, and
ter against a Daughter-in-law against
<ρην κατά theτηςmother of her, and
πενθεράς a daughter-
αυτής· καΐ her Mother-in-law;
in-law against the mother-in-law of her; and 36 so that a MAN'S En-
εχθροί τοΰ άνθρωπου, ol οικιακοί αύτοΰ. emies will be found in his
enemies of the man, the household of him. own FAMILY.
3 7
Ό φιλών πατέρα ή4 μητέρα υπέρ έμέ, 37 § H E who LOVES Fa-
He loving father or mother above me,
ther or Mother more than
ούκ £στι μου άξιος· καΐ 6 φιλών υΐόν η* me, is not worthy of m e ;
not is of me worthy; and he loving son or
and HE who LOVES Son
θυγατέρα υπέρ έμέ, ούκ δστι μου δξιος· or Daughter more than
daughter above me, not is of me worthy;
88 me, is not worthy of me.
κα1 δς ού λαμβάνει τόν σταυρόν αύτοΰ, καΐ 38 § And he who does not
and who not takes the cross of himself, and
ακολουθεί οπίσω μου, ούκ έ'στι μου άξιος, take his CROSS, and follow
follows after me, not is of me worthy. me, is not worthy of me.
' O εύρων την ψυχήν αυτοί), απολέσει αυτήν 39 H E who PRESERVES
his LIFE shall lose i t ; but
Be finding the life of himself, shall lose her; HE Who LOSES h i s LIFE,
καΐ δ άπολέσας τήν ψυχήν αύτοΰ ένεκεν on my account, will pre-
and he having lost the life of himself on account serve it.
έμοΰ, εύρήσει αυτήν. 4 0 Ό δεχόμενος, ύμας, 40 $He who RECEIVES
of me, shall find her. He receiving- you, you, receives me, and H E
έμέ δέχεται· καΐ ό έμέ δεχόμενος, δέχε-
xne receives; and he me receiving, re- who RECEIVES me, re-
ται τόν άποστείλαντά με. ^ Ό δεχόμενος προ- ceives HIM who SENT me.
41 H E who ENTER-
celves him sending me. He receiving a proph- TAINS a Prophet, because
<ρήτην είς δνομα προφήτου, μισθόν προφήτου
et in a name of a prophet, a reward of a prophet he is a Prophet, will ob-
λήψεται· και ό δεχόμενος δίκαιον είς δ- tain a Prophet's Reward;
shall obtain; and he receiving a just man in a and H E who ENTERTAINS
νομα δικαίου μισθόν δικαίου λήψε- a Righteous man, because
name of a just man, a reward of a just man shall he is a Righteous man,
ται. ^ΚαΙ δς έάν ποτίση gva των will obtain a Righteous
man's Reward.
μικρών τούτων ποτήριον ψυχρού μόνον, είς 42 $And whoever shall
little-ones these a cup of cold only, in give a single Cup of Cold
δνομα μαθητού, αμήν λέγω ύμΐν, ού μη water, to refresh one of
a name of a disciple, indeed I say to you, not not these LOWLY ONES, be*
άπολέσχ) τόν μισθόν αύτοΰ. cause he is my Disciple,
may lose the reward of himself. I assure you, that by no
ΚΕΦ. ι α ' . 11. means will he lose his
*ΚαΙ έγένετο, δτε έτέλεσεν ό Ίησοΰς REWARD/''
And It happened, when has finished the Jesus CHAPTER XI.
διατάσσων τοις δώδεκα μαθηταις αύτοΰ, με- l A n d it occurred when
charging to the twelve disciples of himself, he JESUS had concluded in-
τ£6η εκείθεν, τοΰ διδάσκειν καΐ κηρύσσειν structing his TWELVE Dis-
departed thence, of the to teach and to preach
ciples he departed thence
έν ταίς πόλεσιν αυτών. 2'·Ο δέ 'Ιωάννης to TEACH and to proclaim
in the cities of them. The and John
άκουσας έν τ φ δεσμωτηρίω τά Εργα τοΰ in their CITIES.
having heard In the prison the works of the 2 §Now JOHN, having
Χρίστου, πέμψας δυο τών μαθητών αύ_ heard in PRISON of the
Anointed, having sent two of the disciples of him- WORKS Of t h e MESSIAH;
τοΰ, 3 ε1πεν αύτώ· Σύ εΐ δ ερχόμενος, η1 sending *by his DISCI-
self, said to him: Thou art the coming one, or PLES,
έτερον προσδοκώμεν; ΚαΙ αποκριθείς δ 3 said to him, $"Art
another are we to look for? And answering the thou the COMING ONE, or
Ίησοΰς είπεν αύτοϊς* Πορευθέντες άπαγγεί- are we to expect another V
4 And JESUS answering,
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 . by hie DISCIPLES.
$ 37. Luke xiv. 26. $ 3 8 . Matt. xvi. 2 4 ; Mark viii. 3 4 ; Luke ir. 2 3 ; xvil. 3 3 ;
John xii. 25. $ 40. Luke x. 1 6 ; John xiii. 20. * 42. Mark xi. 4.1... $ 2, Luke ¥ U
18. t 3. Gen. xlix. 1 9 ; Dan. ix. 24.
Chap. 11: 5.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 11:14.
λατε Ίωάννχι & άκούετε καΐ βλέπετε· said to them, "Go, tell
to John what you hear and see; John what you have heard
τυφλο1 άναβλέπουσι, καΐ χωλοί περιπα- and seen;
blind ones see again, and lame ones are walk- 5 $the Blind are made
τοϋσι, λεπροί καθαρίζονται, καΐ κωφοί άκού- to see, and the Lame to
Ing about, lepers are cleansed, and deaf ones are walk; Lepers are cleans-
ονσι, νεκροί εγείρονται, καΐ πτωχοί ed ; the Deaf hear; the
hearing, dead ones are raised up, and poor ones Dead are raised ; and glad
6 tidings are announced to
ευαγγελίζονται· κα1 μακάριος έστιν, the Poor;
are addressed with Joyful news; and blessed is, 6 And happy is he, who
δς έάν μή σκανδαλισθώ έν έμοί. shall not stumble a t me."
Whoever not may be offended in me. 7 And as they were
'Τούτων δέ πορευομένων, ήρξατο ό Ίησοΰς departing, §JESUS pro-
These and going away, began the Jesus ceeded to say to the
λέγειν τοις δχλοις περί 'Ιωάννου· ΤΙ έξήλ- CROWDS concerning John,
to say to the crowds concerning John; What went *"Why went you out into
θετέ είς τήν Ιρημον θεάσασθαι; κάλαμον ύπ6 the DESERT? To see a
you out in the desert to see? a reed by Reed shaken by the Wind ?
ανέμου σαλευόμενον; 8 Άλλά τΐ έξήλθετε 8 But why went you
Wind being shaken? But what went you out out? To see a man robed
Ιδεϊν; άνθρωπον έν μαλακοϊς Ιματίοις ήμφιε- in Soft Raiment? Behold!
σμένον; 'Ιδού, ol τά μαλακά φοροΰντες, T H O S E W E A R I N G F I N E
clothed? Lo, those the soft (garments) wearing, 9 clothing are in ROYAL·
έν τοις οΐκοις τών βασιλέων είσίν. Άλλά PALACES.
in the houses of the kings are. But 9 But why went you
τΐ έξήλθετε Ιδείν; προφήτην; ΝαΙ, λέγω ύ-
what went you out to see? a prophet? Yes, I say to out? Yes,
To see a Prophet?
I tell you, and one
μίν καΐ περισσότερον προφήτου. 10Οδτος * [γάρ] more excellent than a
you, and much more of a prophet. This [for] Prophet.
έστι, περί ol· γέγραπται· «*Ιδού, έγώ άπο- 10 This is he concern-
ls, concerning whom it is written: "Lo, I send ing whom it is Written,
οτέλλω τδν δγγελόν μου πρό προσώπου $'Behold ! I send my MES-
the messenger of me before the face 'SENGER before thy Face»
cov, δς κατασκευάσει τήν όδόν σου £μπροσ- 'who will prepare thy
thee, who shall prepare the way of thee in pre- 'WAY before thee!'
θέν σου.» ^Άμήν λέγω ύμίν, ούκ έγήγερται 11 Indeed, I say to you,
sence of thee.'» Indeed I say to you, not has risen Among those born of Wo-
men, there has not arisen
έν γεννητοίς γυναικών μείζων, 'Ιωάννου του a greater than John the
βαπτιστούν ό δέ μικρότερος έν rrj βασιλεία in the KINGDOM of t h e
dipper; the but less in the kingdom HEAVENS is superior to
των ουρανών» μείζων αΰτου έστιν. ^Άπό δέ him.
Of the heavens, greater of him is. From and 12 $And from the DAYS
των ήμερων 'Ιωάννου του βαπτιστοΰ ε*ως άρτι, of John the IMMERSER
the days o f John t h e d i p p e r till n o w , till now, the KINGDOM of
Α βασιλεία τών οΰ<?ανών βιάζεται, καΐ
the kingdom of the heavens has been invaded, and the HEAVENS has been
&ασταΙ ά^πάζουσίΛΤ αυτήν. ^Πάντες γάρ ol violent forcibly assailed, and the
seize it.
invaders seize on her. Ail for the 13 ±For All the PRO-
προφηται καΐ ό νόμος εχας 'Ιωάννου, προε- PHETS and the LAW in-
p r o p b e t s and t h e l a w t i l l John* prophe-
φήτευσαν. 14ΚαΙ εΐ θέλετε δέξασθαι, αυτός structed till John.
sled. And if you are willing to receive, this 14 And if you are dis-
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—7. Why went you out into the DBSEBT? TO see a Beetf
shaken by the Wind? 8. But why went you out? To see a Man, &c 9. But why went you
out? To see a Prophet? 10. For—omit.
± 13. It was a common saying with the Jews before the birth of Christ, that the
prophets prophesied only till the times of the Messiah.
t 5. Isa. xxxv. 5; lxi. 1. t 7. Luke vii. 24. t 10. Mai. iii. 1; Mark i. 2; Luke
L 76. t 12. Luke xvi. 16.

Chap. 11:15.] MATTHEW. • [Chap. 11:23.
έστιν Ηλίας, ό μέλλων £ρχεσθαι. ^ Ό δχων posed to receive it, he is
i s Ellas, that being about to come. He having THAT ^Elijah who is to
3>τα *[άκούειν] άκουέτω. Ι come.
ears Cto hear] l e t him hear. 15 He HAVING Ears,
τήν γενεάν ταύτην; let16him hear.

Τίνι δέ ομοιώσω But to what shall I
To what but shall 1 compare the generation this?
*Ομοία εστί παιδίοις έν άγοροάς καθημένοις, TION? I tthis compare GENERA-
is like Boys
Like it is boys in markets sitting,
17 sitting in Public Places,
jeal προσφωνοΰσι τοις έταίροις αυτών, * [καΐ] and calling to *OTHERS ;
and calling to the companions of them, Land]
17 saying, We have
λέγουσιν Ηύλήσαμεν ύμίν, καΐ ουκplayed to you on the flute,
eaying: We have played on the flute to you, and not but you have not danced ;
Λρχήσασθε· έθρηνήσαμεν • ·• ύμιν, κ α ΐ ούκ
yoq have danced; we have mourned to you, and not we have sung mournful
18ϊ songs to you, but you
έκόψασθε. Ηλθε γάρ 'Ιωάννης, μήτε have not lamented.
you have lamented. Came for John, neither 18 For John came ab-
έσθίων μήτε πίνων καΐ λέγουσι· Δαιμόνιον staining from meat and
eating 18Τnor drinking; and they say; A demon
δχει. Ηλθεν ό υΙός του ανθρώπου, έσθίων drink, and they say, 1ΙΘ
be has. Game the son of the man, eating has a Demon;
seal πίνων καΐ λέγουσιν 'Ιδού, άνθρωπος 19 the SON of MAN came
and drinking; and they say; Lo, a man partaking of meat and
φάγος καΐ οίνοπότης, τελωνών drink, and they say, Be-
glutton and a wine drinker, of tax-gatherers hold, a Glutton and a Wine
φίλος καΐ αμαρτωλών. ΚαΙ έδικαιώθη ή drinker! an Associate of
A friend and sinners. But i s justified the Tribute-takers and Sin-
σοφία άπό των τέκνων αΰτης. ners. But WISDOM is vin-
wisdom by the children of her. dicated by her CHILDREN,
20 20 §Then he began to
Τότε ήρξατο όνειδίζειν τάς πόλεις, έν αίς censure the CITIES in
Then he began to reproach the c i t i e s , in which which MOST of his MIRA-
έγένοντο at πλείσται δυνάμειςαύτου, CLES had been performed,
were done the most mighty works of him,
Because they did not re-
δτι ού μετενόησαν. ^Ούαί σοι, Χοραξίν, form.
because not they reformed; Woe to thee, Chorazin, 21 Woe to thee, Chora-
ΟύαΙ σοι, Βηθσαϊδάν 8τι εΐ έν Τΰρω καΐ zin ! woe to thee, Beth-
Woe to thee, Bethsaida; for i f in Tyre and saida ! For if THOSE
Σιδώνι έγένοντο αϊ δυνάμεις, αϊ MIRACLES which are BE-
61 don had been done the mighty works, those ING PERFORMED in you,
γενόμεναι έν ΰμΐν, πάλαι αν έν σάκ- had been done in Tyre
being performed in you, long ago would in sack- and Sidon, they would
χω καΐ σποδφ μετενόησαν. ^Πλήν λέγω long since have reformed
cloth and ashes they have reformed. But I say in Sackcloth and Ashes.
ύμΐν Τύρω καΐ Σιδώνι άνεκτότερον εσται 22 Therefore, I say to
to you; Tyre and Sidon more tolerable w i l l be you, it will be more endu-
έν ήμερα κρίσεως, η" ΰμίν. ]£αι σ υ Καπερ- in a for rable Tyre and Sidon,
Day of Judgment,
in a day of t r i a l , than you.
And thou, Caper- than for you.
ναούμ, ή δως του οΰρανον ύψωθείσα, 23 And thou, Caperna-
naum, which even to the heaven art being exalted,
um, THOU which a r t BE-
έΌος αδου καταβιβασθήσ^· δτι εΐ έν ING EXALTED to HEAVEN,
to invisibility shalt be brought down; for if in $wilt be brought down to
Χοδόμοις έγένοντο αϊ δυνάμεις, αϊ ±Hades; for if THOSE
Sodom had been done the mighty works, those
MIRACLES which are BE-
γενόμεναι έν σοί, έμειναν α*ν μέχρι της ING PERFORMED in thee,
b e i n g done i n thee, i t had r e m a i n e d t i l l t h i s had been done in Sodom,

• VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 5 . to hear—omit. 16. OTHERS. 17. And—omit.

± 23. Hades—from a, not, and idein, to see; and literally means hidden, obscure, in-
visible. I t is found eleven times i n the New Testament. I n the Common Version, i t is
rendered grave i n 1 Cor. xv. 55, and i n all other places hell; but the latter is now unl*
Tersally admitted to be an incorrect translation. See Appendix—word hades.
t 14. Mai. iv. 5 ; Matt. xvii. 1 1 . $ 16. Luke vii. 3 1 . $ 20. Luke x. 1 3 . t 23*
Isa. siv. 1 5 ; Ezek. xxviii. 8.
Chap. 11:24.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 12:3.
σήμερον. Πλην λέγω ύμίν, δτι Σο- it had remained till THIS-
But I say to you, that ffid of DAY.
δόμων άνεκτότερον ε*σται έν ήμερα κρίσεως, 24 But I say to you,
Sodom more tolerable w i l l be In a day of trial, That it will be more
σοι. endurable for the Land
m thee. of Sodom, in a Day of
ν έκείν τφ καιρφ αποκριθείς δ Ίησοΰς Judgment, than for thee."
On that ΙΘ occasion answering the Jesus 25§On That OCCASION,
είπεν Εξομολογούμαι, σοι, Πάτερ, κύριε του JESUS said, " I adore thee
said: I adore thee, θ Father, O Lord the Ο Father, Lord of HEAV-
ούρανοΰ καΐ της γης, δτι άπέκρυψας EN and EARTH, Because,
uC&VOQ &I1U Ο Ι txlO O£tl*tll* DOCftUSO t h O U ll&Sti l l l c l having concealed these
ταΰτα άπό σοφών καΐ συνετών, καΐ άπε-things from the Wise and
these from w i s e men and discerning men, and thou Intelligent, thou hast re-
κάλυψας αυτά νηπίοις. 2 β Ναί, ό Πατήρ, δτι vealed them to Babes.
bast revealed them to babes. Yes, the Father, for
οί$τως έγένετο ευδοκία έμπροσθεν σου. 26 Yes, FATHER, For
even so i t was good in presence of thee. thus it was well pleasing
^Πάντα μοι παρεδόθη ύπό του Πατρός μου in thy sight."
ΔΗ t o m e are given by the Father of me; 27 $A11 things are im-
seal ουδείς έπιγινώσκει τόν υΐόν, el μή δ parted to me by my FA-
and no one knows the son, if not the THER; and no one, but
Πατήρ· ουδέ τόν Πατέρα τις έπιγινώσκει, the FATHER, knows the
Father; neither the Father any one knows, SON ; nor does any one
εΐ μή ό νΐός, καΐ φ έάν βούληται ό know the FATHER, except
if not the son, and to whom may be w i l l i n g the the SON, and he to whom
υΙός άποκαλύψαι. ^Δεΰτε προς με πάντες ot the SON is pleased to re-
son to reveal. Come to me all the veal him.
κοπιώντεί καΐ πεφορτισμένοι, κάγώ άναπαύ- 28 Come to me, All YOU
tolling and being burdened, and I w i l l LABORING and burdened
αω υμάς. ^ Α ρ α τ ε τόν ζυγόν μου έφ' ones, and I will cause
cause to rest you. Take the yoke of me upon you to rest.
ΰμας, καΐ μάθετε άπ' έμοΰ· δτι πρφός 29 Take my YOKE on
you, and be informed by me; for meek you, and be taught by me ;
είμι, καΐ ταπεινός xft καρδία· καΐ εύρήσετε For I am meek and lowly
I am, and humble to the heart and you shall find in HEART ; and your LIVES
wlli find §a Resting-place.
άνάπαυσιν ταίς ψυχαίς υμών. 3 0 Ό γάρ ζυγός 30 §For my YOKE is
a rest to the lives of you. The for yoke easy, and my BURDEN is
μου χρηστός, καΐ τό φορτίον μου έλαφρόν light.
of me easy, and the burden of me
έστι. light
ΚΕΦ. ι 6 ' . 12. 1 At That TIME§JESUS
i'Ev έκείνω τφ καιρφ έπορεύθη ό Ίησοΰς on the ± SABBATH went
At that the season passed the Jesus through the FIELDS OF
τοις σάββασι διά των σπορίμων ol δέ GRAIN ; and his DISCI-
to the sabbaths through the corn-fields; the and PLES were hungry, and
μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ έπείνασαν, καΐ ήρξαντο τίλ- began to pluck off Ears of
d i s c l p l e s of him were hungry, and began to Grain, and to eat.
λειν στάχυας, καΐ έσθίειν. 2ΟΙ δέ Φαρισαίοι 2 Now the PHARISEES,
pluck ears of corn, and to eat. The and Pharisees
observing, said to him,
Ιδόντες, είπον αΰτφ· 'Ιδού, ol μαθηταί σου "Behold, thy DISCIPLES
seeing, said to him: Lo, the disciples of thee
are doing what is not law-
ποιοϋσιν, δ ούκ έΊεστιν ποιείν έν σαββάτω.
are doing, that i s not lawful to do in a sabbath. ful to do on a Sabbath."
*O δέ είπεν αύτοίς· Οΰκ άνέγνωτε, τΐ 3 But HE said to them,
He but said to them: Not have you known, what §"Have you not read what
t 1. SABBATH—with us, Saturday, or rather Friday at sun-set to Saturday at sun-set,
for so the Jews reckoned.
$ 25. Luke x. 2 1 . f 27. Matt, xxviii. 1 8 ; John iii. 2 5 ; vi. 4 6 ; x. 15. % 29.
John xiv. 3 ; Heb. iv. 9-11. $ 30. 1 John v. 3. % 1. Mark ii. 2 3 ; Luke vi. 1 ; Deut.
xxiii. 25. | 3 . 1 Sam.xxi. 1-6.
Chap. 12:4.] MATTHEW. iCfiap. 12:14.
ίποίησε Δανΐδ, δτε έπείνασε, καΐ ol David did, when *he was
did David, when he was hungry, and those hungry, and THOSE who
μβτ' αύτοΰ; 4πώς είσήλθεν είς τόν οίκον του were with him?
With him? how he entered in the house of the 4 how he ±entered into
θεοΰ, καΐ τους δοτούς της προθέσεως δφα- t h e TABERNACLE of GOD,
God, and the loaves of the presence did and ate the LOAVES of the
γεν, οΰς οΰκ εξόν fjv αΰτφ φαγείν, ουδέ PRESENCE, which were
eat, not lawful for him to eat,
which not lawful was to him to eat, neither
nor for THOSE who were
τοίς μετ' αύτοΟ, εΐ μή τοις Ιερεϋσι μόνοις·, with him, but for the
6to those with him, except the priests alone? PRIESTS alone?
' Ή ούκ άνέγνωτε έν τφ νόμω, δτι τοίς 5 §Or, have you not
Or not have you read In the law, that to the
σάββασιν ol Ιερείς έν τφ Ιερφ τό σάββατον read in the LAW, that
sabbaths the priests in the temple the sabbath ±the PRIESTS in the TEM-
βεβηλοΰσι, καΐ άναΐτιοί είσΐ: β Λέγω δέ ύμίν, PLE profane the REST to
violate, and blameless are? I say but to you,
be observed on the SAB-
δτι του Ιεροΰ μείζων έστιν ώδε. TOt δέ BATHS and are blameless ?
that of the temple greater is here. If but
έγνώκειτε, τΐ έστιν «*Έλεον θέλω, καΐ That 6 But I say to you,
you had known, what is; "Mercy I desire, and one greater than
the TEMPLE is here.
ού θυσίαν» ούκ civ «ατεδικάσατε 7 If, then, you had
not a sacrifice;" not would you have condemned
τούς άναιτίους. 8Κύριος γάρ έστι του σα6- known what this i s ; $'I
the blameless. A lord for Is of the sab- 'desire Compassion, and
βάτου δ υΙος του ανθρώπου, 'not a Sacrifice,' you
bath the son of the man. would not have con-
demned the INNOCENT;
®ΚαΙ μεταβάς εκείθεν, Ι^λθεν είς τήν 8 for the SON of MAN is
And passing on from thence, he came into the
10 Master of the SABBATH."
ουναγωγήν αυτών. ΚαΙ Ιδού, άνθρωπος 9 $And having left that
synagogue of them. And lo, a man
place, he went into their
^v τήν χείρα δχων ξηράν. ΚαΙ έπηρώ-
there was the hand having withered. And they SYNAGOGUE;
10 and behold, there
τησαν αυτόν, λέγοντες· Et Ιξεστι
τοίς was a Man who had *a
asked him, withered Hand.
saying: If i t i s lawful to the They
<τό66ασι θεραπεύειν; ίνα κατηγορήσωσιν αύ- asked JESUS, with a de-
sabbaths to heal? that they might accuse him.
του. ^ Ό δέ είπεν αύτοίς· Τίς έσται έξ it sign to accuse him, $"Is
He but said to them; What shall be among lawful to heal on the
υμών δνθρωπος, δς 8ξει πρόβατον ifv, SABBATH V
you a man, who shall have sheep one, 11 And HE answered
καΐ έάν έμπέσ-η τοΰτο τοίς σάββασιν είς 6ό- them, "What Man is there
amd if should fall this to the sabbath into a among you, who, having
θυνον, ουχί κρατήσει αυτό, καΐ έγερεϊ; one Sheep, §if i t fall into
pit, not seize It, and raise it up? a pit on the SABBATH,
Πόσω ουν διαφέρει άνθρωπος προβάτου; will not lay hold on it,
Bow much then is superior a man of a sheep? and lift it out?
"Ωστε δξεστι τοις σάββασι καλώς ποιείν. 12 Does not a Man
So that it is lawful to the sabbath good to do. greatly surpass a Sheep?
38 Therefore, it is lawful to
Τότε λέγει τφ άνθρώπω· "Εκτεινον τ*ν do good on the SABBATH."
Then he says to the man; Stretch out
the 13 Then he says to the
χείρα σου. ΚαΙ έξ έτεινε· καΐ άπο- MAN, "Stretch out Thine
faand of thee. And he stretched i t out; and it was HAND." And he stretched
«ατεστάθη υγιής, ώς ή &λλη. it o u t ; and it was restor-
lestored whole, as the other. ed to soundness, like the
Ol δέ Φαρισαίοι συμβούλιον ^λαβον κατ' other.

The then Pharisees a council held against 14 Then the PHARI-

• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. he was. 10. a withered Hand.
f 4. By comparing 1 Sam. xxt 1-6, and Ler. xxiv. 5-9, it will appear that this also
transpired on a Sabbath. ± 5. From Num. xxviii. 9, it appears that two additional
lambs were sacrificed on the Sabbath, by which the ordinary work of the week was
doubled. Compare Exod. xxix. 38.
t 5. Lev. xxiv. 5; Num. xxviii. 9. t T. Hos. vi. 6; Matt lx. 13. t 9. Mark iiL
1; Luke vi. 6. $ 10. Luke xiii. 1 4 ; xiv. 3 ; John lx. 16. t 11. Exod. xxtll. 4, 5 ;
Deut. xxii. 1-4. 48
Chap. 12:15.] MATTHEW. [CH<zp. 12:25·
αύτοΰ εξελθόντες, δπως αυτόν άπολέσωσιν. SEES, departing, held a
him going out, how him they might destroy. Council concerning him,
ιε*Ο δέ Ίησοΰς γνούς άνεχώρησεν εκείθεν how they might destroy
The but Jesus knowing withdrew from thenee; him.
καϊ ήκολούθησαν αύτφ δχλοι πολλοί* καΐ έθε- 15 But JESUS knowing
and followed him crowds great; and he it, withdrew from them,
ράπευσεν αυτούς πάντας, 1βκα1 έπετίμησεν αύ- and *many followed him,
bealed them all, and charged
and he healed them all;
toiις, Ινα μή φανερόν αυτόν ποιήσωσιν* δπως 16 and charged them
th<em that not known him they should make; so that not to make him known:
πληρωθτί τό ρηθέν 17 so that the WORD
It might be fulfilled the ward spoken through the PROPHET might be
through Isaiah
Ήσαΐου του προφήτου λέγοντος· «Ίδού, ό verified, saying;
Esaias the prophet, saying; "Lo, the 18 §± "Behold, my SER-
παίς μου, δν ήρέτισα, ό αγαπητός VANT, whom I have cho-
servant of me, whom I have chosen, the beloved
μου, είς δν εύδόκησεν ή ψυχή μου· "sen, my BELOVED, in
of me, in whom takes delight the soul of me: "whom I take delight: I
θήσω τό πνεΰμά μου έπ' αυτόν, καΐ κρίσιν "him, and he shall pro- "will put my SPIRIT upon
I w i l l put the spirit of me upon him,19 and judg- c l a i m Justice to the NA-
τοίς Ιθνεσιν άπαγγελεί. Ούκ έρί-
ment to the nations he shall declare. Not he shall "TIONS.
crei, ουδέ κραυγάσει, ουδέ ακούσει τις έν 10 "He will not strive
strive, nor cry out, nor shall hear anyone in
"nor cry out, nor will any
ταϊς πλατείαις τήν φωνήν αύτοΰ· ^κάλαμον "one hear his VOICE in
the wide places the voice of him; a reed "the OPEN SQUARES.
συντετριμμένον ού κατεάξει, καΐ λίνον 20 "He will not break
having been bruised not he shall break, and flax
τυφόμενον ού σβέσει· έ'ως αν έκβάλτ) "a bruised Reed, and a
smoking not he shall quench; 21 t i l l he bring forth "dimly burning Taper he
νίκος την κρίσιν. ΚαΙ τφ ονόματι "will not extinguish, till
a victory the judgment. And to tho name "he send forth the JUDG-
αυτοί) έθνη έλπιουσιν.» EMENT to victory.
of him nations w i l l hope." 21 "The nations also
^Τότε προσηνέχθη αύτφ δαιμονιζόμενος, "will hope in his name."
Then was brought to him a demoniac, 22 §Then *they brought
τυφλός καΐ κωφός* καΐ έθεράπευσεν αυτόν, to him a demoniac, blind
blind and dumb; and he healed him, and dumb; and he cured
<δστε τόν τυφλόν καΐ κωφόν καΐ λαλείν καΐ him, so that *the DUMB
so that the blind and dumb both to speak and man spake and saw.
βλέπειν. ^ΚαΙ έξίσταντο πάντες ol δχλοι, 23 And All the PEOPLE
with amazement, asked,
καΐ Ιλεγον Μήτι οδτός έστιν ό υΙός Δαυίδ; "Is this the SON of Da-
and said: Not this is the son of David? vid?"
^01 δέ Φαρισαίοι άκούσαντες, είπον Οδτος 24 But the PHARISEES
The and Pharisees hearing, said: This
hearing them said, "This
ουκ έκβάλλει τά δαιμόνια, εΐ μή έν τφ Βεελ- man could not expel DE-
not casts out the demons, if not by the Beel- MONS, except through
ξεβοΰλ, δρχοντι τών δαιμονίων. ^ΕΙδώς δέ Beelzebul, the Prince of
zebul, a prince of the demons. Knowing but the DEMONS/'
ό 'Ιησούς τάς ενθυμήσεις αυτών, είπε ν αΰ- 25 And *he knowing
the Jesus the thoughts of them, said to
their thoughts, said unto
τοις· Πασά βασιλεία μερισθείσα καθ' εαυτής, them, "Every Kingdom
them:Every kingdom being divided against Itself, being divided against it-

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 5 . many followed. 22. they brought. 22. the DUMB

man spake and saw. 25. he knowing.
± 18. The following is from the Septuagint version of Isa. xlii. 1. translated by Thom-
son:—"Jacob is my servant, I will uphold him; Israel ie my chosen one, my soul hath
embraced him. I have put my spirit upon him; he will publish judgment to the nations;
ha will not cry aloud, nor urge with vehemence, nor will his voice be heard abroad. A
bruised reed he will not break, nor will he quench smoking flax, but will bring forth judg-
ment unto truth,—and in his name shall the nations trust (or h o p e ) . " The words
Jacob and Israel, added by the authors of the Septuagint, have obscured this prophecy.
$ 18. Isa. xlii. 1. t 22. Luke xi. 1 4 , 2 4 ; Mark iii. 22.
ΟΠαρ. 12:26.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 12:33.
έρημοΰται* καΐ πασά πόλις ή οίκ'ια μερισθεισα self, is desolated; and No
i s l a i d w a s t e ; and e v e r y c i t y or house b e i n g d i v i d e d City or House being di-
καθ* εαυτής, ού σταθήσεται. 26Και εΐ δ Σα- vided against itself, can
against Itself, not w i l l stand. And If the ad- stand.
τανας τόν σαταναν έκβάλλει, έφ' εαυτόν 26 Now if the ADVER-
versary the adversary casts out, with himself SARY expel the ADVER-
έμερίσθη· πώς οΰν σταθήσεται ή βασι- SARY, he is at variance
he is at variance; how then w i l l stand the king- with himself; how then
λεία αύτοΰ; 27ΚαΙ εΐ έγώ έν Βεελζεβούλ έκ- will his KINGDOM stand?
dom of him? And if I by Beelzebul cast 27 Besides, if I through
βάλλω τά δαιμόνια, ol υΙοΙ υμών έν τ'ινι Beelzebul expel DEMONS,
through whom do your
the demons» the sons of you by whom SONS expel them? There-
έκβάλλουσι; Διά τούτο αυτοί υμών έσονται fore, they will be Your
do they cast out? In this they of you shall be
κριταί. 28Εί δέ έν πνεύματι Θεοΰ έγώ έκβάλ- Judges. 28 But, if it be by Di-
Judges. If but by spirit of God I cast out
λω τά δαιμόνια, αρα ^φθασεν έφ' vine co-operation that I
cast out DEMONS, then
the demons, then has suddenly 9 come among tGOD'S ROYAL MAJESTY
ύμας ή βασιλεία του Θεού. 2 'Ή π&ς δύναται has unexpectedly appear-
you the majesty of the God. Or how is able
τις είσελθείν ε'ις τήν οΐκίαν του Ισχυρού, ed 29 among you.
Moreover, how can
any one to enter into the house of the strong man, any one enter the STRONG
καΐ τά σκεύη αύτοΰ διαρπάσαι, έάν one's HOUSE, and plunder
and the household stuff of him to plunder, if his GOODS, unless he first
μη πρώτον δήο*ϊ) τ ό ν Ι σ χ υ ρ ό ν ; καΐ bind the STRONG one?
not f i r s t he should bind the strong man? and and then indeed he may
τότε την οΐκίαν αύτοΰ διαρπάσει. 3 0 Ό μή plunder his HOUSE.
then the house of him he shall plunder. He not 30 H E who is not with
&v μετ' έμοΰ, κατ' έμοΰ έστι· καΐ δ μή me, is against me; and HE
being with me, against me is; and he not
δ1 who GATHERS not with
συνάγων μετ' έμοΰ, σκορπίζει. Διά τοΰτο me, scatters.
κ& tlie r i τι$ζ w i th HI © · s c & t t e r s · The τ Θ for© t h i s 31 $ Therefore, I say to
λέγω ύμίν Πάσα αμαρτία καΐ βλασφημία you, Though every other
I say to you; All sin and evil-speaking
άφεθήσεται τοις άνθρώποις* ή δέ τοΰ πνεύ- gin and Blasphemy will
shall be forgiven to the men; the but of the spir-
ματος βλασφημία ούκ άφεθήσεται * [τοις άν- be forgiven *to YOU MEN ;
it evii-speaking not shall be forgiven Cto the yet the BLASPHEMY of
θρώποις·] ^καΐ δς αν εϊπχι
λόγον κατά the SPIRIT will not be
men;] and who ever may speak a word against forgiven.
τοΰ υΐοΰ τοΰ ανθρώπου, άφεθήσβται αύτφ* 32 For whoever may
of the son of the man, i t shall be forgiven to him;
δς δ' αν εϊπτι κατά τοΰ πνεύματος speak SON
a Word against the
of MAN, it * twill be
who but ever may speak against of the spirit
forgiven him ; but he who
τοΰ άγιου, ούκ άφεθήσεται αύτφ, οΰτε may speak against the
HOLY SPIRIT, *it will in
έν τούτω τφ αΐώνι, οΰτε έν τφ μέλλοντι. no wise be forgiven him,
ιτχ t h i s tho tt££6y ΛΟΓ χτχ the • coming» neither in this nor in the
^ ' Ή ποιήσατε τό δένδρον καλόν, καΐ τόν coming AGE.
Either make you the tree good, and the 33 §Either call the TREE
καρπό ν αύτοΰ καλόν ή ποιήσατε τό δένδρον good, and its FRUIT good ;
or call the TREE bad, and
fruits of him good; or make you the tree its FRUIT bad; for we
σαπρόν, καΐ τόν καρπόν αύτοΰ σαπρόν έκ
corrupt, and the fruits of him corrupt; by
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 1 . to YOU MEN. 3 1 . to M E N — o m i t . 32. not be for-
given him. 32. in no wise be forgiven him.
± 2 8 . See note on BasUeia, Matt. ill. 2. I t is not according to fact, to make Jesus say
that " t h e kingdom of God has come unto you," as rendered in the Common Version, and
followed by modern translators. The context shows that our Lord is speaking of himself.
These miracles were proofs of his Messiahship. See John iii. 2 ; v. 3 6 : vii. 31.
± 32. The Vat. MS. here reads, " I t shall not be forgiven him," which is contrary to
what is stated in verse 31, and the parallel passage in Luke xii. 10. Probably it is an
error of the transcriber. For this reason it has not been inserted in the text.
$ 3 1 . Marklii. 2 8 ; Luke xii. 1 0 ; 1 John v. 16. % 33. Matt. vii. 1 7 ; Luke vi. 43, 44.
Chap. 12:34.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 12:41.
γάρ του καρπού τό δένδρον γινώσκεται. 34Γεν- know the TREE by the
fer the fruit the tree is known. θ
νήματα έχιδνών, πως δύνασθε
34 Ο Progeny of Vipers !
broods οι venomous sefpoucs^ iio^r ΛΓΟ you UDXO §how can you, being evil,
αγαθά λαλείν, πονηροί οντες; έκ γάρ speak good things? for
good (things) to speak, evil (men) being? out of for
του" περισσεύματος της καρδίας τό στόμα Out Of t h e EXUBERANCE
the fulness of the heart the mouth of the HEART the mouth
λαλεί. S5 'O αγαθός άνθρωπος έκ του άγα-
speaks. The good man out of the good
35 §The GOOD Man out
Φοΰ θησαυρού έκβάλλει τά αγαθά· καΐ of his GOOD Treasure pro-
treasure brings forth the good (things); and duces *good things ; and
ό πονηρός άνθρωπος έκ του πονηρού θησαυρού the EVIL Man out of his
the evil man out of the evil treasure BAD Treasure produces
έκβάλλει πονηρά. 36
Λέγα> δέ ύμίν, δτι evil things.
brings forth evil (things). I say but to you, that 36 But I say to you,
παν ρήμα άργόν, δ έάν λαλήσωσιν ol δνθρω- That for Every pernicious
Word which MEN may
ποι, άποδώσουσι, περί αύτοΰ λόγον utter, they shall be Re-
t l l © y SXlft 1 * § i V© &CCOUR ty COQC6I*UlIl^ tilX S "WΟΓΟ sponsible, on a Day of
dv ήμερα κρίσεως. 3 7 Έκ γάρ τών λόγων σου Judgment.
In a day of trial. By for the words of thee
δικαιωθήσχι, καΐ έκ τών λόγων σου 37 For by thy WORDS
thou shalt be acquitted, and by the words of thee thou wilt be acquitted;
and by thy WORDS thou
καταδικασθήσχι. wilt be condemned."
thou shalt be condemned. 38 §Then some of the
Τότε άπεκρίθησαν τινές τών γραμματέων SCRIBES *answered him,
Then answered some of the scribes saying, "Teacher, we de-
*ΓκαΙ Φαρισαίων,] λέγοντες· Διδάσκαλε, θέ- sire to witness ±a Sign
Cand Pharisees,] saying; O teacher, we from thee."
λομεν άπό σου σημεϊον Ιδείν. 8 9 Ό δέ άπο-
wish from thee a sign to see. He but an- 39 But HE answering,
κριθείς είπεν αύτοϊς· Γενεά πονηρά καΐ said to them, $"A wicked
swering said to them: A generation evil and
μοιχαλίς σημείον επιζητεί· καΐ σημεϊον ού and faithless Generation
adulterous a sign demands; and a sign not demands a Sign; but no
δοθήσεται αύτη, εΐ μη τό σημείον Ίωνα του Sign will be given it, ex-
shall be given to her, if not the sign of Jonas the cept the SIGN of Jonah
40 the PROPHET.
προφήτου. "Ωσπερ γάρ η*ν Ίωνας έν τχί
prophet. Like as for was 40 §For as Jonah was
Jonas in the
κοιλία τοίί κήτους τρείς ημέρας καΐ τρεις Three Days and Three
belly of the fish three days and three Nights in the STOMACH
•νύκτας· ου"τως έ'σται ό υΙός του ανθρώπου Of t h e GREAT F I S H J SO
bights; so shall be the son of the man will the SON of MAN be
έν τη καρδία της γης τρείς ημέρας καΐ τρείς Three Days and Three
In the heart of the earth three days and three Nights ±in the HEART of
νύκτας. ^"Ανδρες Νινευίται άναστήσονται έν t h e EARTH.
nights. Men Nlnevites shall stand up in
41 The Ninevites will
tfi κρίσςι μετά της γενεάς ταύτης, καΐ stand up in the JUDG-
the Judgment against the generation of this, and MENT against this GENER-
κατακρινοΰσιν αυτήν· δτι μετενόησαν ATION, and cause it to
shall give Judgment against her; for they reformed be condemned; $For they
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—35. of the HEABT.—^mii. 35. good things. 38. and
Pharisees—omit. 38. answering him, saying.
±38. This was a demand often made—see Matt. xvi. 1; Mark viii. 1 1 ; Luke xi. 16—and
probably founded on the prophecy of Dan. vii. 13, which describes the Son of Man as com-
ing in the clouds of heaven. It was almost a characteristic of the Jews to ask a sign. See
1 Cor. i. 2 2. They demanded one from heaven—some celestial phenomenon—which would
be the strongest test of Jesus' pretensions.—Bloomfield. ± 4 0 . That is, simply» in the
earth. So Tyre is said to be in the heart of the sea, Ezek. xxviii. 2, although it was so
near the continent, that, when Alexander besieged it, he carried a causeway from the
land to the city.— Trollope.
% 34. Matt. iii. 7; xxiii. 33. ί 35. Luke vi. 45, % 38. Luke xi. 29. ? 39. Matt,
mri. 4. t 40. Jonah i. 17. $ 41. Jonah iii. 5.
Chap. 12:42.] MATTHEW. {Chap. 12:49.
είς τό κήρυγμα 'Ιωνδ· καΐ Ιδού πλείον Ίωνα reformed at the WARNING!
at "the preaching of Jonas; and lo a greater of Jonas of Jonah; and behold,
something greater than
ώδε. ^Βασίλισσα νότου έγερθήσεται έν τ% Jonah is here.
here. Queen of south shall rise up in the 42 §The Queen of the
κρίσει μετά της γενεάς ταύτης, καΐ κατα-
judgment against the generation of thijs, and shall ± South will rise up a t
the JUDGMENT against this
αυτήν δτι ήλθεν έκ των GENERATION, and cause
give Judgment against her; for she came from the it to be condemned; for
Αεράτων της γης άκουσαι την σοφίαν Σο-
ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of she came from a DISTANT
λομώνος* καΐ Ιδού, πλείον Σολομώνος ώδε. LAND to hear the WIS-
DOM of Solomon; and be-
Solomon; and lo, agreater of Solomon here. hold, something greater
^"Οταν δέ τό άκάθαρτον πνεύμα έξέλθχι
When but the unclean spirit may come out than Solomon is here.
άπό του ανθρώπου, διέρχεται δι' άνύ- 43 $When the IMPURE
from the man, It wanders about through dry
δρων τόπων ζητούν άνάπαυσιν, καΐ οΰχ εύ-
Spirit is gone out of the
places seeking a resting-place, and not i t MAN, it roves through
ρίσκει. ^Τότε λέγει· Επιστρέψω είς τόνa Place ofDeserts,
Parched seeking
Rest, and finds
finds. Then i t says; I w i l l return into the it not.
οίκον μου, δθεν έξήλθον. ΚαΙ έλθόν ευρίσκει 44 Then i t says, I will
house of me, whence I came. And coming i t finds return to my HOUSE,
σχολάζοντα, σεσαρωμένον, καΐ κεκοσμη- whence I came. And
i t being empty, having been swept, and having been coming, i t finds it empty,
μένον. 4Β Τότε πορεύεται, καΐ παραλαμβάνει swept, and furnished.
set in order. Then i t goes, and takes 45 I t then departs, and
μεθ' έαυτοΰ επτά Ιτερα πνεύματα, πονηρό- takes with itself Seven
With i t s e l f seven other s p i r i t s , more wick- Other Spirits, more wicked
τερα έαυτοΰ, καΐ είσελθόντα κατοικεί than itself, and entering,
they abide there; and
of i t s e l f , and they entering finds an abode §the LAST state of that
εκεί· καΐ γίνεται τά δσχατα του ανθρώπου
there; and becomes the l a s t (state) of the man MAN is worse than the
εκείνου χείρονα τών πρώτων. Οίίτως Ισται FIRST. Thus will it also
that worse of the first. Thus w i l l be be with this EVIL GEN-
«al xft γ ε ν ε § ταύτη τη πονηρά,
find the generation this the wicked. ERATION.
^"Έτι δέ αύτοΰ λαλοΰντος τοίς δχλοις, Ιδού, 46 While he was yet
While and he i s talking to the crowds, lo, tarlking to the CROWDS,
ή μήτηρ καΐ ol αδελφοί αύτοΰ είστήκεισαν §behold, his MOTHER and
the mother and the brothers of him his BROTHERS stood with^
47 out, desiring to speak to
δξο>, ζητοΰντες αύτφ λαλησαι * Γ ΕΙπε δέ τις
without, seeking to him to speak ISaid then one
47 *[And one said to
αΰτφ· 'Ιδού, ή μήτηρ σου καΐ ol αδελφοί him, "Behold, thy MOTH-
to him; Lo, the mother of thee and the brothers
ER and thy BROTHERS are
σου έΊω έστήκασι, ζητοΰντες σοι λαλησαι.] standing without, wish-
of thee without stand, seeking tothee to speak.]
ing to speak to thee."]
^ O δέ αποκριθείς «Ιπε τφ είπόντι αΰτφ· 48 But HE answering,
He but answering said to the man informing him; said to the PERSON INT
ΤΙς έστιν ή μήτηρ μου; καΐ τίνες είσΐν ot FORMING him, ±"Who is
Who i s the mother of me? and who are the my MOTHER? and who
αδελφοί μου; ΚαΙ έκτεΐνας τήν are my BROTHERS?"
brothers of me? And stretching out the 49 And extending his
αΰτοΰ έπ! τους μαθητάς αΰτοΰ. είπεν* 'Ιδού, HAND towards his DISCI-
of him towards the d i s c i p l e s of him, said: Lo, PLES, he said, "Behold
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT,—47. And one said to him, "Behold, thy MOTHER and thy
BEOTHBRS are standing without wishing to speak to thee"—omit.
± 42. In the Old Testament—Sbebo. ± 48. To suppose that our Lord here intends
to put any slight on his mother would be very absurd; he only took the opportunity of
expressing his affection to his obedient disciples in a peculiarly endearing manner; which
could not be but a great comfort to them. It appears from Luke viii. 2, Susanna, Joanna,
Mary Madalene, and others were then with him.
$ 42. 1 Kings x. 1; 2 Chron, ix. 1. $ 43. Luke xi. 24. t 45. Heb. vi. 4 ; x. 2 6 ;
2 Pet. il. 20-22. t 46. Mark iii. 3 1 ; Luke viii. 19,
CHap. 12:50.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 13:10.
^ μήτηρ μου, «al ot αδελφοί μου. ^"Οστις my MOTHER, and my
the mother of me, and the brothers of me. Whoever
γάρ &ν ποιήση τό θέλημα του Πατρός μου, 50 §For whoever shall
for m a y do the will of t h e F a t h e r of m e ,
του έν ουρανοί ς, αυτός μου αδελφός καΐ do the WILL of THAT
FATHER of mine in the
that in heavens, the same of me a brother and HEAVENS, that one is my
αδελφή καΐ μήτηρ έστιν. Brother, or Sister, or
a sister and a mother is.
ΚΕΦ. ι γ \ 13. CHAPTER XIII.
Ev δέ τΐί ήμερα εκείνη έξελθών ό Ίησοΰς 1 On that DAY, JESUS,
In but the day that departing the Jesus having gone out of the
άπό της οικίας, έκάθητο παρά τήν θάλασσαν HOUSE, $sat by the SIDE
of the LAKE ·
from the house, he sat by the sea;
κα1 συνήχθησαν προς αυτόν δχλοι πολλοί, 2 but so many People
and were gathered to him crowds great, gathered around him, that
ώστε αυτόν εις τό πλοΐον έμβάντα καθησθαι· he entered *a Boat, and
so that he into the ship entering tobe seated; sat down;; and All the PEO-
PLE stood on the SHORE.
καΐ πας ό δχλος επί τόν αίγιαλόν είστήκει. 3 Then he discoursed
3 much to them in Para-
ΚαΙ έλάλησεν αύτοίς πολλά έν παραβόλους, bles, saying; $ "Behold,
λέγων 'Ιδού, έξήλθεν 6 σπείρων του σπείρειν. the SOWER went forth to
JJ^UQ ΔΘ spfllco t o txiom ZUU-CJI JLu pur&foles·

saying: Lo, went out the sower of the (seed) to sow.

ΚαΙ έν τφ σπείρειν αυτόν, 4 And in SOWING, some
μέν seeds ά"
fell ±by the ROAD;
sow. And in the sowing it, some Indeed and the BIRDS came and
έπεσε παρά τήν όδόν καΐ ήλθε τά πετεινά picked them up.
fell on the path; and came the birds,
καΐ κατέφαγεν αυτά. δ"Αλλα δέ Ζπεαεν ROCKY 5 And others fell on
GROUND, where
and ate them. Others and fell they had not much Soil;
επί τά πετρώδη δπου ούκ είχε γήν πολλήν and immediately vegeta-
on the rocky ground where not It had earth much; ted, through not HAVING
καΐ ευθέως έξανέτειλε, διά τό μή έ*χειν a Depth of *EARTH ;
and Immediatelyβ sprung up, through the not to have 6 fand when the Sun
βάθος γης· ήλίου δέ άνατείλαντος, έκαυ- had risen, they were
a depth of earth; sun and having arisen, l t w a s
ματίσθή· καΐ διά τό μή §χειν ρίζαν, έξη- scorched, and HAVING no
scorched; and through the not to have a root, was Root, they withered.
ράνθη. 7>Άλλα δέ έ*πεσεν επί τάς άκανθας 7 And others fell among
dried up. Others and fell among the thorns; ±THORNS ; and the THORNS
καΐ άνέβησαν αϊ ά"κανθαι, καΐ άπέπνιξαν choked them.
and sprung up the thorns, and choked 8 But others
fell on
GOOD GROUND, and yield-
αυτά. 8"Αλλα δέ §πεσεν επί τήν γήν τήν ed Increase; ONE a hun-
them. Others and fell on the ground the dred, ONE sixty, and ONE
καλήν καΐ έΰίδου καρπόν, ό μέν εκατόν thirty.
good; and bore fruit, the one a hundred,
9 H E HAVING Ears to
6 δέ έξήκοντα, ό δέ τριάκοντα. 9*Ο δχων hear, let him hear.
the other sixty, the other thirty. He having 10 §Then the DISCI-
&τα άκούειν, άκουέτω. 10ΚαΙ προσελθόντες PLES approaching, said to
ears to hear, l e t him hear. And coming him, "Why dost thou
ol μαθηταΐ είπον αύτφ· ΔιατΙ έν παραβολαίς
the disciples said to him: Why in parables
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 . a Boat. 5. EARTH.
t 4. The ordinary roads or paths in the East lead often along the edge of the field,
which are unenclosed. Hence, as the sower scatters his seed, some of it is liable to fall be-
yond the ploughed portion.on the hard beaten ground, which forms the way-side.—Hackett.
± 6. I n Palestine, during the seed time, (which is in November,) the sky is generally
overspread with clouds. The seed then springs up even in stony ground; but when the sun
dissioates the clouds, having outgrown its strength, i t is quickly dried away.—Rosen-
muller. ± 7. among T H O R N S — o r rather, "upon thorny ground." The field sown may
be considered to consist of the different varieties of soil specified; viz., the rocky, the
thorny, and the good ground.
% 50. John xv. 14; Gal. iii. 2 8 ; Heb. ii. 11. t 1. Mark iv. 1. % 3 . Luke v i i i . 5 .
$ 10. Mark iv. 10; Luke viii. 9.
Chap. 18:11.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 13:19.
λαλείς αύτοίς;

Ό δέ αποκριθείς είπεν speak to them in Para-
speakest thou to them? He and answering said bles?"
αύτοίς· "Οτι ύμίν δέδοται γνωναι τά 11 HE answering, said
to them, "Because You
μυστήρια της βασιλείας των ουρανών έκεί- are permitted to know the
secrets of the kingdom of the heavens; to SECRETS Of t h e KINGDOM
νοις δέ ού δέδοται. ^"Οστις γάρ 8χει, δο- of the HEAVENS ; but to
them but not it is given. Whoever for has, it them this privilege is not
θήσεται αΰτώ, καΐ περισσευθή- given.
12 For whoever has, to
shall be given to him, and he w i l l be gifted with him more will be given,
σεται· δστις δέ ούκ ^χει, καΐ δ δχει, and he shall abound; but
abundance; Whoever but not has, even what he has, whoever has not, from
άρθήσεται άπ* αύτοϋ. ^Διά τοΰτο έν πα- him will be taken even
shall be taken from him. Therefore this in par- that which he has.
ραβολαίς αύτοίς λαλώ, δτι βλέποντες ού βλέ- 13 For this reason 1
ables to them I speak, for seeing not they bles speak to them in Para-
πούσι, καΐ άκούοντες ούκ άκούουσιν, ουδέ ; Because seeing, they
see, and hearing not they hear, neither do not perceive; and hear-
ΚαΙ άναπληροΰται αύτοίς ή ing, they do not under-
do they understand. And i s fulfilled to them the stand ; nor do they regard.
προφητεία Ήσαΐου, ή λέγουσα· 14 And in them is ful-
«Άκοχί filled THAT PROPHECY Of
prophecy of Esaias, that saying: «'Byhearing Isaiah, which says ; §'By
ακούσετε, καΐ ού μή συνητε· καΐ 'Hearing you will hear,
you shall hear, and not not may you understand; and 'though you may not un-
Έ - 'derstand ; and seeing, you
βλέποντες βλέψετε, καΐ ού μή ίδητε.
παχύνθη γάρ ή καρδία του λαοΰ τούτου, καΐ 'will see, though you may
grown fat for the heart of the people this, and 'not perceive.
τοις ώσΐ βαρέως ηχούσαν, καΐ τους οφθαλμούς 15 'For the UNDER-
with the ears heavily they hear, and the eyes STANDING of this PEo-
'PLE is stupified; they
αυτών έκάμμυσαν, μήποτε ΐδωσι τοις
of them they shut, lest they should see with the 'hear heavily with their
'EARS, and their EYES
όφθαλμοΐς, καΐ τοις ώσΐν άκούσωσι, 'they close; lest, seeing
eyes, and with the ears they should hear, V i t h their EYES, and
καΐ τη καρδία συνώσι, καΐ έπι- 'hearing with their EARS,
and with the heart
should understand, and they 'and comprehending with
στρέψωσι, καΐ Ιάσομαι αυτούς.» 1β*Υμών 'their MIND, they should
'retrace their steps, and
should turn, and I should heal them." Of you
δέ μακάριοι ol οφθαλμοί δτι βλέπουσι* καΐ Ί should restore them.'
but blessed the eyes for they see; and 16 §But blessed are
τά ώτα *[ύμών,] δτι ακούει. Άμήν γάρ Your EYES, because they

the ears [of you,] for they hear. Indeed for see; and EARS, because
λέγω ύμίν, δτι πολλοί προφήται καΐ δίκαιοι they hear.
I say to you, that many prophets and righteous men 17 For indeed I say to
έπεθύμησαν Ιδείν, & βλέπετε, καΐ ούκ είδον you, §That Many Pro-
have desired to see, what you see, and not saw; phets and Righteous men
καΐ άκοϋσαι, & άκούετε, καΐ ούκ ήκουσαν. have desired to see what
you behold, but have not
and to hear, what you hear, and not heard.
seen; and to hear what
*Υμείς οδν ακούσατε τήν παραβολήν heard. you hear, but have not
You therefore 19
hear the parable 18 ^Understand you,
του σπείροντος. Παντός άκούοντος τόν λόγον therefore the PARABLE of
of the sower. Any one hearing the word
the SOWER.
της βασιλείας, καΐ μή συνιέντος, άρχεται ό 19 When any one hears
of the kingdom, and not understanding, comes the the $WORD of the KING-

• VATICAN MANUSOBIPT.—16. your—omit.

t 14. Isa. vi. 9; John xli. 39; Acts xxviii. 26; Bom. xi. 8. t 16. Luke x. ί
t 17. 1 Peter i. 10, 11. $ 18. Mark iv. 14; Luke viii. 11, 19. Matt. iv. 23.
Chap. 13:20.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 13:26.
πονηρός, καΐ αρπάζει τό έσπαρμένον DOM, but considers it not,
wicked (one), and the EVIL one comes and
snatches ' that having been sown
έν vn καρδία αύτοΰ· οΰτός έστιν, ό παρά τήν snatches
away THAT hay-
been, sown in his
in the heart of him; this is, that on the HEART. This explains
όδόν σπαρείς. Ό δέ επί τά πετρώδη THAT which was SOWN
path being sown. That but on the rocky ground by the ROAD.
σπαρείζ, οΰτός έστιν, ό τόν λόγον άκούων 20 THAT which was
being sown, this is, who the word hearing sown on ROCKY GROUND, ευθύς μετά χαράς λαμβάνων αυτόν denotes him, WHO HEAR-
and forthwith with joy receiving
£χει δέ ρίζαν έν έαυτφ, αλλά πρόσκαιρος it
it; ING the WORD, receives
he has but a root in himself, but transient immediately with J o y ;
21 yet, it having no
έστι* γενομένης δέ θλίψεως fi διωγμού διά Root in his mind, he re-
is; arising and t r i a l or persecution through
tains it only a short time;
τόν λόγον, ευθύς σκανδαλίζεται. ^ Ό for when Affliction or Per-
the word, immediately he i s offended. That secution arises, on ac-
δέ είς τάς άκανθας σπαρείς, οδτός έστιν, ό count of the WORD, he
but into the thorns being sown, this is, who instantly stumbles.
τόν λόγον άκούων, καΐ ή μέριμνα του αιώνος 22 THAT which was
the word hearing, and the care of the age sown among THORNS, de-
τούτου, καΐ ή απάτη του πλούτου συμπνίγει notes THAT HEARER, in
this, and the delusion of the riches chokes
whom the CARES of *the
τόν λόγον «αϊ δκαρπος γίνεται. *Ο δέ επί AGE and the DECEPTIVE-
the word; and unfruitful becomes. That but on NESS of RICHES, choke
τήν γήν τήν καλήν σπαρείς, οδτός έστιν, 6 the WORD, and render i t
the ground the good being sown, this is, who
τόν λόγον άκούων, καΐ συνιών 8ς δή sown 23 But THAT which was
the word hearing, and understanding; who really on GOOD SOIL, and
καρποφορεί, καΐ ποιεί, ό μέν εκατόν, ό hundred, ONE produced fruit, ONE a
sixty, and
bears fruit, and yields, the one a hundred, the ONE thirty, denotes HIM,
δέ έξήκοντα, ό δέ τριάκοντα, who not only hears and
pther sixty, the other thirty.
considers, but obeys the
*"Αλλην παραθολήν παρέθηκεν αΰτοίς, λέ- WORD.
. Another parable he proposed to them, say- 24 H e proposed t o
γων Ώμοιώθη ή βασιλεία τών ουρανών them another Parable,
ing: May be compared the kingdom of the heavens saying, The KINGDOM of
άνθρώπω σπείροντι καλόν σπέρμα έν τφ άγρφ the HEAVENS may be
to a man sowing good seed in the f i e l d compared to the FIELD in
αύτου. Λ Έν δέ τφ καθεύδειν τους ανθρώπους, which the Owner sowed
of him. In and the to sleep the men, Good Grain:
$λθεν αύτοΰ ό εχθρός, καΐ έσπειρε ζιζάνια SLEPT, 25 but while the MEN
came of him the enemy, and sowed darnel His ENEMY came
άνά μέσον του σίτου· καΐ άπήλθεν. Οτε mong sowed and ± Darnel a-
the WHEAT, and
through midst of the wheat; and went forth. When went away.
δέ έβλάστησεν ό χόρτος καΐ καρπόν έποίη- 26 When the BLADE
and was spring up the blade and fruit yield- shot up, and put forth
σε, τότε έφάνη καΐ τά ζιζάνια. 27Προσελ· the Ear, then appeared
ed, then appeared a l s o the darnel. Coming also the DARNEL.

• VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 2 . the AGE.

t 25. A plant which bears a striking resemblance to wheat. The following remarks by
H. B. Hackett, will fully illustrate t h i s : — " I n passing through the fertile country of tho
ancient Philistines, on the south of Palestine, I asked the guide, one day, a native Syrian,
if he knew of a plant which was apt to make its appearance among the wheat, and which
resembled it so much that it could hardly be distinguished from it. He replied that it
was very common, and that he would soon show me a specimen of it. Soon after this he
pointed out to me some of this grass, growing near our path; and afterwards, having once
seen it, I found it in almost every fi"eld where I searched for it. Except that the stalk was
not so high, it appeared otherwise precisely like wheat, just as the eare begin to show
themselves, and the kernels are swelling out into shape. I collected some specimens of
this deceitful weed, and have found, on showing them to friends, that they have mis-
taken them quite invariably for some species of grain, such as wheat or barley."
Chap. 13:27.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 13:33.
θόντες δέ ol δοϋλοι του οίκοδεσπότου, είπον .27 And the SERVANTS
and the slaves of the householder, said
αύτω* Κύριε, ουχί καλόν σπέρμα έ'σπειρας coming said to him,
to him; θ lord, not good seed didst thou sow
έν τω ο*ώ άγρω; πόθεν οΰν έ'χει ζιζάνια; Good Seed in THY thou didst sow
in the thy field? whence then has i t darnel? whence, then, has it Dar-
^ Ό δέ £φη αύτοϊς* 'Εχθρός άνθρωπος τοΰτο nel?
He and said t o them: An enemy a man this 28 He replied, An Ene-
έποίησεν. ΟΙ δέ δούλοι είπον αύτφ· Θέλεις my has done this. *And
has done. The and slaves said to him: Dost thou THEY say to him, Dost
οΐν απελθόντες συλλέξωμεν αυτά;
wish then going forth we should gather them? thou wish then, that we
'O δέ £ορη· Ού· μήποτε, συλλέγοντες τά should weed them out?

He and said: No; lest, gathering the 29 And HE said, N o ;

ζιζάνια, έκριζώσητε αμα αύτοίς τόν lest in weeding out the
darnel, you should root up with them the
σίτον. ^"Αφετε συναυξάνεσθαι αμφότερα up the WHEAT.DARNEL, you also tear
wheat. Leave them to grow together both
μέχρι του θερισμοΰ· καΐ έν καιρφ του θερι- 30 Let both grow to-
gether till the HARVEST ;
αμον έ ω τοις θερισταίς· Συλλέξατε and in the TIME of HAR-
vest I will ay to the harvesters: Gather you VEST, I will say to the
πρώτον τά ζιζάνια, καΐ δήσατε αυτά είς REAPERS, First gather
first the darnel, and bindyou them into the DARNEL, and bind it
δέσμας, προς τό κατακαυσαι αυτά* τόν in Bundles for BURNING ;
bundles, for the to burn them; the §then bring together the
σϊτον συναγάγετε είς τήν άποθήκην μου. wheat into my GRANARY/'
wheat bring together into the barn of me.
Αλλην παραβολήν παρέθηκεν αύτοίς, λέ- 31 $ Another Parable
Another parable he proposed to them, say- he proposed to them,
γων *Ομοία έστιν ή βασιλεία τών
έ τ ι ν ή ασιλεία τών ουρανών ουρανών saying; The KINGDOM
ing: Like is
is the
the kingdom
kingdom of the heavens of the HEAVENS is like
κόκκψ ς, ώof νthe heavens to a Grain of Mustard,
ν λ λαβών
to a grain σινάπεως,
of mustard, δν
which taking δνθρωπος
of m u s t d which 32
taking a man which a Man planted in
Εσπειρεν έν τω άγρώ αύτου. "Ο μικρότερον his FIELD ;
sowed in the field of him. Which less
μέν έστι πάντων τών σπερμάτων δταν δέ 32 which indeed is one
Indeed is of a l l of the seeds; of the ±least of All
when but
αυξηθώ, μείζον τών λάχανων έστι, καΐ SEEDS ; but when grown
It ratty toe gTown* & greater of the herbs is, &.nd it is larger than any
HERB, ±and becomes a
γίνεται δένδρον, ώστε έλθείν τά πετεινά του Tree, so that the BIRDS
I) e comes ft tree» so tiiiit to coin Θ tho biros of the of HEAVEN come and
ούρανοΟ, καΐ κατασκηνοΰν έν τοις κλάδοις build their nests on its
heaven, and to make nests in the branches
αύτοΰ. BRANCHES.
of it.
33 $ Another Parable
Αλλη παραβολήν έλάλησεν αύτοίς· *ΟμοΙα he sake to them; "The
Another parable he spake to them; Like KINGDOM of the HEAVENS
έστιν ή βασιλεία τών ουρανών ζΰμη, fjv
i s the kingdom of the heavens to leaven, which resembles Leaven, which
λαβοΰσα γυνή ένέκρυψεν είς άλεΰρου <?άτα ain Woman taking, mingled
three ± Measures of
taking a woman mixed in of meal measures
τρία, έΌ>ς οδ έζυμώθη δλον. ^Ταΰτα πάντα mented." the whole fer-
Meal, till
three, t i l l of It was leavened whole. These all

• VATICAN M A N U S O E I P T . — 2 8 . And T H E Y say to him.

± 3 2 . That is, of all those seeds with which the people of Judea were then acquainted.
Our Lord's words are to be interpreted by popular use. And we learn from Matt. xvil. 20,
that like a grain of mustard seed was become proverbial for expressing a very small quan-
tity.—Geo. Campbell. ± 3 2 . And becomes a tree. I t attains a large size in Judea.
Lightfoot says, R. Simeon Ben Chalaphta mentions one "into which he was wont to
«limb, as men are wont to climb into a fig-tree." Trench quotes a traveler in Chili who
had ridden under one. ± 3 3 . A measure containing about a peck and a half, wanting
a little more than a pint. Three of them made an ephah.
t 30. Matt. ill. 12. % 31. Mark iv. 3 0 ; Luke xiii. 18. t 3 3 . laike xiii. 20.
Chap. 13:34.1 MATTHEW. [Chap. 13:42.
έλάλησεν δ Ίησοΰς έν παραβολαίς τοις δχλοις, 34 All these things J E -
spake the Jesus In parables to the crowds, SUS communicated to the
καΐ χωρίς παραβολής ούκ έλάλει αύτοίς· ^δ- CROWDS in Parables, and
and without a parable not he spake to them; so without a Comparison he
3ί(ύζ πληρωθχί τό ρηθέν δια taught them not;
that i t might be fulfilled the word spoken through
35 so that the WORD
the προφήτου, λέγοντος· «'Ανοίξω έν πα- S P O K E N through the
ραβολαϊς τό στόμα μου* έρεύξομαι PROPHET might be ver-
ables the mouth of me; I w i l l openly declare ified, saying; ± §"I will
κεκρυμμένα άπό καταβολής * [κό- "open my mouth in para-
things having been hid from a beginning Lot the b l e s , I will openly de-
σμου.]» "clare things having been
world.}" "hid from the beginning.'1

Τότε άφείς τους δχλους, ήλθεν είς τήν 36 Then *JESUS leav-
ing the PEOPLE, retired
οΐκίαν 6 Ίησοΰς. ΚαΙ προσήλθον αύτψ ol to the HOUSE ; and his
house the Jesus. And came to him the disciples approached him,
μαθηταΐ αύτοϋ, λέγοντες· Φράσον ήμίν τήν saying, "Explain to us
the PARABLE of the DAR-
παραβολήν των ζιζανίων του άγροΰ. 3 7 Ό δέ NEL in the FIELD."
parable of the darnels of the field. He and
37 He answering, said,
αποκριθείς είπεν *[αΰτοίς·]*Ο σπείρων τό "He who sows the GOOD
answering said Eto them:] He sowing the Seed is the SON of MAN ;
καλόν σπέρμα, έστιν δ υΙός του ανθρώπου* 38 the FIELD is the
good seed, Is the son of the man; WORLD; the GOOD Seed
6 δέ αγρός, έστιν δ κόσμος· τό δέ καλόν
the and field, is t h · world; the and good are the SONS of the
σπέρμα, σΐτοί είσιν ol υΙοΙ της βασιλείας· τά KINGDOM ; the DARNEL
are the SONS of the EVIL
seed, they are the sons of the kingdom; the one;
δέ ζιζάνια, είσΐν ol υΙοΙ του πονηροί)· ό 39 THAT ENEMY who
and darnel, are the sons of the wicked (one); the SOWED them is the AD-
δέ εχθρός δ σπείρας αυτά, έστητ δ διάβολος* VERSARY ; the HARVEST is
and enemy, he haying sown them, Is the adver- the End of the *Age; and
δ δέ θερισμός, συντέλεια του αΙώνός έστιν the REAPERS are Messen-
sary; the and harvest, end of the age is;
ol δέ θερισταί, δγγελοί είσιν. "Ωσπερ 40 As therefore the
DARNEL is gathered and
καίεται* ούτως
oihf Ι'σται τάέν ζιζάνια,
συλλέγεται τη συντελεία
καΐ του burned in a Fire, so will
are burned; so w i l l i t be In the end of the it be in the END of *the
οίωνος τούτου. ^Άποστελεί δ υΙός τοϋ άνθρώ- AGE.
age this. Will send the son of the man
•ίου τους αγγέλους αύτοΰ, καΐ συλλέξουσιν 41 The SON of MAN will
the messengers of him, and they w i l l gather $send forth his MESSEN-
έκ της βασιλείας αύτοΰ πάντα τά σκάνδαλα GERS, who will gather out
oat of the kingdom of him a l l the seducers Of his KINGDOM All SE-
καΐ τους ποιοΰντας τήν άνομίαν, ^καΐ 6α- DUCERS and INIQUITOUS
and those working the lawlessness, and they PERSONS ;
λοΰσιν αυτούς είς τήν κάμινον του πυρός· 42 $and will throw
Will cast them Into the furnace of the fire; them into the FURNACE

* VATICAN MANUSOBIPT.—35. of the World—omiU 36. he left. 37. to them

—omit. 39. Age. 40. the AGB.
± 3 5 . " I will open my mouth in parables: I will utter dark sayings which have been
from the beginning."—Sir. L. 0. L. Brent on'8 Septuagint translation of Psa. lxxviii. 2.
± 40. To translate aioon, by the word world, has a tendency to lead the reader astray.
No less than thirteen different meanings are attached to this word, in the Common Version.
The meaning is age, and this rendering can always be understood. The context will deter-
mine, generally, what age is referred to—the Jewish, Christian, Messianic, or the end-
lesa succession of ages. For fUTther remarks, see Appendix.
| 35. Psa. lxxvlii. 2. % 41. Matt. xxii. 7. t 42. Matt. iii. 12.
Chap. 13:43.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 13:52.
εκεί £σται ό κλαυθμός καΐ ό βρυγμός τών of FIRE ; there will be the
there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of the WEEPING and the GNASH-
οδόντων. ^Τότε ot δίκαιοι έκλάμψουσιν, ώς ό ING Of TEETH.
teeth. Then the righteous shall shine, as the 43 $Then will the RIGH-
η*λιος, έν τη βασιλεία του πατρός αυτών. TEOUS be resplendent as
sun, in the kingdom of the father of them. the SUN in the KINGDOM
*O δχων ώτα *[άκούειν,] άκουέτω. of their FATHER. H E who
He having ears [to hear,] let him hear. HAS ears, let him hear.
*[Πάλιν] όμοία έστιν ή βασιλεία τών 44 The KINGDOM of the
[Again] like is the kingdom of the HEAVENS is like a hidden
ουρανών θησαυρώ κεκρυμμένω έν τ φ άγρφ, Treasure in a FIELD,
heaven to a treasure having been hid in the field,
which, a Man finding, he
δν εύρων άνθρωπος έκρυψε, καΐ άπό της covers up, and, from his
^yfa. 1 exx finding ti ixifiu ΪΙΘ liicles· find from tlio
JOY, he goes and sells all
χαράς αύτοΰ υπάγει, καΐ πάντα δσα ε*χει t h a t he has, and buys
Joy of him he goes, and a l l as much he has
t h a t FIELD.
πωλεί, καΐ αγοράζει τόν άγρόν εκείνον,
sells, and buys the field that. 45 Again, the KING-
Π,>άλιν όμοία έστιν ή βασιλεία τών ούρα- DOM of the HEAVENS is
like a Pearl of Great
Again like Is the kingdom of the heav-
*νών *[άνθρώπω] έμπόρφ, ξητοΰντι καλούς value;
en Lto a man] a merchant, seeking choice 46 which ±a Merchant,
μαργαρίτας. 46 Εύρών δέ δνα πολύτιμον μαρ- who was seeking Choice
pearls. Finding and one costly pearl, Pearls, having found,
γαρίτην, άπελθών πέπρακε πάντα δσα είχε, went and sold all that he
going he sold a l l as much as he had, had, and bought it.
καΐ ήγόρασεν αυτόν. 47 Again, the KING-
and bought it. DOM of the HEAVENS re-
Π ά λ ι ν όμοία έστιν ή βασιλεία τών ούρα- sembles a Drag-net, being
Again like is the kingdom of the heav- cast into the SEA, and en-
νών, σαγήνη, βληθείση είς τήν θάλασσαν, closing fishes of Every
en, to a drag-net, being cast into the sea, Kind;
καΐ έκ παντός γένους συναγαγούση· 48η*ν δτε 48 which, when it is
and of every kind bringing together; which when
full, they draw to the
έπληρώθη, άναβιβάσαντες επί τόν αίγιαλόν, SHORE, and sitting down,
it is full, drawing to the shore,
gather the GOOD into ves-
καΐ καθίσαντες συνέλεξαν τά καλά είς άγ- sels, but throw the USE-
and sitting down they collected the4£>good Into ves- LESS away.
γεία, τά δέ σαπρά εξω εβαλον. Οΰτως ^σται
eels, the but bad away they cast. So i t w i l l be 49 So will it be a t the
έν τη συντέλεια του αιώνος. Έξελεΰσονται ot END of the AGE. The
in the end of the age. Shall go forth the MESSENGERS Will go forth,
Αγγελοι, καΐ άφοριοΰσι τους πονηρούς έκ and will separate the
messengers, and shall separate the wicked from WICKED from among the
μέσου τών δικαίων, κα1 βαλοΰσιν αυτούς RIGHTEOUS ;
among the just, and shall cast them 50 a n d will throw
είς τήν κάμινον του πυρός· έκεΐ &σται ό them into the FURNACE
of FIRE ; there will be
κλαυθμός καΐ ό βρυγμός τών οδόντων. * [Λέ- the WEEPING and the
weeping and the gnashing of the teeth. [Says
γει αύτοίς ό Ίησοΰς.] Συνήκατε ταΰτα
to them the Jesus.] Have you understood these 51 Have you under-
stood all these things?"
πάντα; Λέγουσιν αύτώ· Nat [κύριε.] They answered, "Yes/*
things all? They say to him": Yes t θ lord.]
W< 52 Then HE said to
' O δέ είπεν αύτοίς· Διά τοΐ5το πας them, "Every Scribe
He then said to them: Therefore this every therefore, being instruc-
γραμματεύς, μαθητευθείς τη βασιλεία τών
scribe, being Instructed to the kingdom of the ted *in the KINGDOM of
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—43. to hear—omit. 44. Again—omit 45. Man—omit.
51. JESUS says to them-—omit. 51. Lord—omit. 52. in.
± 4 6 . Such as those found in the East, who travel about buying or exchanging jewels,
or other valuables.
% 43. Dan. xii. 3.
Chap. 13:53.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 14; 3.
ουρανών, δμοιός έστι άνθρώπφ οίκοδεσπότχι, the HEAVENS, is like a
heavens, like is to a man an householder, Householder, who pro-
δο-τις έκβάλλει έκ του θησαυρού αύτοΰ καινά duces from his TREASURY,
who brings out of the treasury of him new new things and old."
καΐ παλαιά, 53 And it occurred
and old. when JESUS had con-
^ΚαΙ έγένετο, δτε έτέλεσεν ό cluded these PARABLES,
And it came to pass, when had concluded the he departed thence.
Ίησοΰς τάς παραβολάς ταύτας, μετήρεν έκεΐ- 54 $And coming into
J6SUS tllO J)AI*&blQS t h e S © j xlO d c ])& I* 16€l tllGUCe» this OWN CITY he so
θεν. ΚαΙ έλθών εις τήν πατρίδα αύτου, έδί- their the taught inhabitants in

And coming into the country of him, he they were astonished, and
δασκεν αυτούς έν χχ\ συναγωγή αυτών, &στε said, "Whence has this
taught them in the synagogue of them, so as man, this WISDOM, and
τφ ή σοφία αυτούς, αδτη, καΐκαΐ αϊ λέγειν.
δυνάμεις;Πόθεν ^Ούχτού- these MIRACULOUS POW-
wisdom them, and these
this, and to say,powers?
Whence Not t h i s ERS?
55 $ I s not this t h e
οδτός έστιν ό του τέκτονος υΙός; ουχί ή μήτηρ CARPENTER'S SON? IS n o t
this i s the of the carpenter son? Not the mother
αύτοΰ λέγεται Μαριάμ; καΐ ol αδελφοί αύτοΰ his MOTHER called Mary?
and do not his BROTHERS,
of him i s called Mary? and the brothers of him
'Ιάκωβος, καΐ Ίωσης, καΐ Σίμων, καΐ Ίού- James, and ±Joses, and
James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? Simon, and Judas,
δας; κα1 αϊ άδελφαΐ αύτοΰ ουχί πασαι προς 56 and all his ±sis-
and the sisters of him not all
TERS, live with us?
with Whence, then, has he
ήμας είσι; πόθεν οδν τούτω ταΰτα πάντα; all these things?"
us are? w h e n c e then this these all 57 And they $ stum-
ΚαΙ έσκανδαλίξοντο έν αύτφ. Ό δέ Ίησοΰς bled at him. But JESUS

And they found a difficulty in him. The and Jesus said to them, "A Prophet
is not without honor, ex-
είπεν αύτοίς* Ούκ Ιστι προφήτης άτιμος, εΐ cept in his OWN COUNTRY,
said to them: Not i s a prophet unhonored, if and in his own FAMILY/'
μή έν tf\ πατρίδι αύτοΰ, καΐ έν τχ\ οΐκίςι 58 §And he did not
not in the country of him, and in the house
αύτοΰ. 58ΚαΙ ούκ έποίησεν εκεί δυνάμεις πολ- perform many Miracles
of him. And not he did do there mighty works
λάς, δια τήν άπιστίαν αυτών, there, because of their
many, because of the unbelief of them. UNBELIEF.
ΚΕΦ. ι δ ' . 1 4 . CHAPTER XIV.
Ev έκείνω τ φ καιρώ η*κουσεν 'Ηρώδης 1 At That TIME, $Her-
At that the time heard Herod od the ±TETRARCH, hear-
ό τετράρχης τήν άκοήν Ίησοΰ, 2κα1 είπε ing of the FAME of Jesus,
the tetrarch the fame of Jesus, and said 2 said to his SERVANTS,
τοίς παισίν αύτοΰ· Οδτός έστιν Ιωάννης 6 "This is John the IM-
to the servants of him: This i s the John the MERSER ; he is raised from
βαπτιστής* αυτός ήγέρθη άπό τών νεκρών, καΐ
dipper; he i s raised from the dead, and the DEAD ; and therefore
δια τοΰτο at δυνάμεις ένεργοΰσιν έν MIRACLES are performed
therefore this the mighty powers work In by him."
αύτφ. 3 Ό γάρ 'Ηρώδης, κρατήσας τόν Ίωάν- 3 For $HEROD *then
blin. The for Herod, seizing the John, had caused JOHN to be
νην, δδησεν αυτόν, andκαΐ ^θετο έν seized, bound, and put in
put in φυλακή,
prison, •PRISON, on account of
had bound him, —» —* — Τ __._-»
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 . then had. 3. PRISON.
± 54. That Is, Nazareth, where he had been brought u p ; Luke iv. 16, 23. ± 55.
Joseph—so read Lachmann, Tischendorf, and Tittman. ± 5 6 . According to Theophy-
lact, the names of the sisters of Jesus were Mary and Salome. ± 1. Properly, the gover-
nor of the fourth part of a country; commonly used as a title inferior to a KING, and
denoting chief ruler. The person here spoken of was Antipas, a son of Herod the Great.
The name KINO is sometimes given to tetrarchs. See verse 9.—Qeo. Campbell.
X 54. Matt. i i . 2 3 ; Mark vi. 1. % 55. John vi. 42. % 57. Matt. xi. 6 ; Isa.
Tiii 1 4 ; Horn. Ix. 32, 3 3 ; 1 Peter i i . 8. % 58. Mark vi. 5, 6.
% 1. Mark vi. 1 4 ; Luke ix. 7. { 3. Mark vi. 1 7 ; Luke i i i . 19, 20.
Chap. 14:4.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 14:14
διά Ήρωδιάδα τήν γυναίκα Φιλίππου ±Herouias, his BROTHEB
on account of Herodias 4 the wife of Philip Philip's WIFE;
του άδελφοϋ αύτοϋ. "Ελεγε γάρ αύτφ ό 4 for John had said to
the brother of him. He said for to him the him, $ " I t is not lawful
'Ιωάννης· Ούκ Ι|εστί σοι έ*χειν αυτήν. for thee to have her."
Β John: Not i t i s lawful to the β to have her. 5 And wishing to kill
ΚαΙ θέλων αυτόν άποκτείναί, έφοβήθη τόν him, he feared the PEO-
And wishing him to destroy, he feared the
β PLE, §Because they es-
δχλον, δτι ώς προφήτην αυτόν είχον. Γε- teemed him as a Prophet.
people, for as a prophet him they esteemed. Blrth-
6 But when HEROD'S
νεσίων δέ αγομένων του Ήρώδου, ώρχή- Birth-day was kept, the
day of but was being held of the Herod, danced ±DAUGHTER o f HERODIAS
σατο ή θυγάτηρ της Ήρωδιάδος έν τφ danced in the MIDST, and
the daughter of the Herodias In the pleased HEROD ;
μέσω· καΐ η"ρεσε τ φ Ήρώδχ)· δθεν μεθ'
midst; and pleased the Herod; whereupon w i t h 7 whereon he promised
δρκου ώμολόγησεν αύτη δούναι, δ έάν with an Oath to give her
an oath he promised to her to give, what soever
αΐτήσηται. Ή δέ, προβιβασϋείσα ύπό της quest. whatever she might re-
she might ask. She and, being incited by the
μητρός αυτής, Δός μοι, φησίν, ώδε επί 8 And SHE, being insti-
mother of her, Give to me, she said, here upon gated by her MOTHER,
πίνακι τήν κεφαλήν Ιωάννου του δαπτιστοΰ. said, "Give me here, on a
a plate the head of John the dipper. Platter, the HEAD of JOHN
Kal έλυπήθη 6 βασιλεύς· διά δέ τους δρκους t h e IMMERSER."
And was sorry the king; because of but the oaths 9 And the *KING, be-
καΐ τους συνανακειμένους, έκέλευσε
δοθη- ing sorry on account of
and those reclining at table, he commandedit tobe the OATHS and the GUESTS,
ναι. ΚαΙ πέμψας άπεκεςράλισε
τόν Ίωάν- commanded that it should
given. And sending he cut oil the head of the John be given her.
νην έν τχί φυλακή. Kal ήνέχθη ή κεφαλή 10 Accordingly, by his
in the prison. And was brought the head
order, JOHN was behead-
αύτοΟ επί πίνακι, καΐ εδόθη τφ κορασίω· ed in the PRISON.
of h i m on a p l a t e , and i t w a s g i v e n to the little
καΐ η*νεγκε τχί μητρί αύτης. 1 2 ΚαΙ 11 And his HEAD was
girl; and she brought i t to the mother of her. And brought on a Platter, and
προσελθόντες ol μαθηταΐ αύτου ήραν τό σώ- presented to the GIRL;
comlng the d i s c i p l e s of him took the body, and she carried it to her
μα, καΐ έθαψαν αυτό· καΐ έλθόντες άπήγγει- MOTHER.
and they buried
buri It; and departing they told 12 And his DISCIPLES
λαν τφ ΊησοΟ coming, carried off *the
i t to the Jesus. DEAD-BODY, and buried
ΚαΙ άκουσας 6 ΊησοΟς, άνεχώρησεν i t ; and departing, told

And having heard the Jesus, withdrew JESUS.

εκείθεν έν πλοΐω είς £ρημον τόπον κατ' heard, 13 |And JESUS having
from thence In a ship Into a desert place by privately withdrew
Ιδίαν καΐ άκούσαντες ol δχλοι ήκολού- from thence, by Boat, into
hlmself; and having heard the crowds, they fol- a Desert Place; of which
θησαν αύτφ πεζή άπό τών πόλεων. 14ΚαΙ the PEOPLE being inform-
lowed him by land from the cities. And ed, followed him by Land
έξελθών ό Ίησοΰς είδε πολύν δχλον καΐ from the CITIES.
coming out the Jesus saw great a crowd; and 14 And*coming out, he
έσπλαγχνίσθη έπ' αύτοΐς, καΐ έθεράπευσε saw a Great Crowd; and
he was moved w i t h pity towards them, and healed he had compassion on
τούς αρρώστους αυτών, them, and healed their
the sick of them. SICK.
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. PBISON. 9. KINO, being sorry on account of the
OATHS and the QUESTS, commanded. 12. the DEAD-BODY 14. he went.
t 3. He had married a daughter of Aretas, an Arabian prince, whom he put away,
after he induced Herodias to quit her husband; this occasioned a war between Heroa
and Aretas. 6. Named Salome, daughter of Herodias by her former husband.—Josephw,
°t ?LeV. V xviii. 1 6 ; xx. 21. t 5. Matt. xxi. 2 6 ; Luke xx. 6. * 13. Mark vi. 3 2 ;
Luke ix. 1 0 ; John vi. 1, 2.
Chap. 14:15.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 14:24.
^'Οψίας δέ γενομένης, προσήλθον αύτφ ol 15 §And ±Evening hav-
livening and having come, came to him the ing arrived, *the DISCI-
μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ, λέγοντες· "Ερημος έστιν ό PLES came to him, saying,
disciples of him, saying: A desert is the "The PLACE is a Desert,
τόπος» καΐ ή ώρα ήδη παρηλθεν· άπόλυσον and the HOUR is now
place, and the hour has passed by; dismiss past; dismiss the crowds,
τούς δχλους, Ινα απελθόντες είς τάς κώμας that they may go to the
the crowds, that going into the villages, VILLAGES, and buy them-
άγοράσωσιν έαυτοίς βρώματα. 1 β Ό δέ Ίησοΰς selves Provisions."
they may buy themselves victuals. The but Jesus 16 But JESUS said to
είπεν αύτοίς· Ού χρείαν εχουσιν άπελθείν them, "They need not de-
said to them; No need they have to go away; p a r t ; you supply them."
δότε αύτοίς ύμείς φαγείν. 17ΟΙ δέ λέγουσιν 17 THEY, however, re-
give to them you to eat. They and say plied to him, "We have
αύτφ· Ουκ έχομεν ώδε, εΐ μη πέντε άρτους here only Five Loaves and
to him: Not we have here, except five loaves
seal δύο Ιχθύας. Ό δέ είπε* Φέρετε μοι Two Fishes."
18 And HE said, "Bring
and two fishes, He and said: Bring to me them here to me."
αυτούς ώδε. 19ΚαΙ κελεύσας τούς δχλους άνα- 19 And commanding the
them here. And directing the crowds to re- PEOPLE to recline on the
grass, he took the FIVE
κλιθήναι επί τούς χόρτους, λαβών τούς πέντε Loaves and the TWO
cllne upon the grass, taking the five Fishes, and looking tow-
βρτους seal τούς δύο Ιχθύας, άναδλέψας είς ards HEAVEN, Upraised
loaves, and the two fishes, looking up to God; then ±breaking the
LOAVES, he gave them to
τον ούρανόν, ευλόγησε* καΐ κλάσας, έδωκε the DISCIPLES, and the
the heaven, he gave praise; and breaking, he gave disciples distributed to
τοις μαθηταίς τούς άρτους, ol δέ μαθηταΐ the CROWDS.
to the disciples the loaves, the and disciples 20 And they all ate and
τοις δχλοις. ^ΚαΙ £φαγον πάντες, καΐ έχορτά-
to the crowds. And they ate all, and were were satisfied ; and of the
τάσθησαν καΐ ήραν τό περισσεΰον REMAINING FRAGMENTS
filled; and they took up the over and above they gathered ±Twelve
x&v κλασμάτων, δώδεκα κοφίνους πλήρεις, Baskets full.
aof the fragments, twelve baskets full. 21 Now THEY who had
O l δέ έσθίοντες ήσαν άνδρες ώσεί πεντα- EATEN, were about five
Those and eating were men about five- thousand men, besides wo-
κισχίλιοι, χωρίς γυναικών καΐ παιδίων. ^ΚαΙ
thousand, besides women and children. And men and children.
ευθέως ήνάγκασεν τούς μαθητάς έμβήναι είς 22 And immediately*he
immediately he urged the disciples to enter into constrained the DISCIPLES
τό πλοΐον, καΐ προαγειν αυτόν είς τό πέραν, to enter *a Boat, and
the ship,
Ιως οΰ andάπολύστ)
to go before him
τούςto δχλους.
the other side,
ΚαΙ precede him to the OTHER
while he should dismiss the crowds. And SIDE, while he dismissed
άπολύσας τούς δχλους, άνέβη είς τό the CROWDS.
having sent away the crowds, be went up Into the 23 $And having dis-
κατ Ιδίαν προσευξασθαι. ΌψΙας δέ missed the CROWDS, he
mountain by himself to pray. Evening and privately ascended the
MOUNTAIN to pray; and
γενομένης, μόνος ήν εκεί. 24Τό δέ πλοΐον ήδη remained there alone till
having come, «lone he was there. The and ship now it was late.
μέσον %Ψίς θαλάσσης ήν, βασανιζόμενον 24 By this time the
In the midst of the sea was, having been tossed BOAT *was many Fur-
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—15. the DISCIPLES. 22. he constrained. 22 a Boat. 24.
many Furlongs distant from the LAND, tossed.
± 1 5 . The first evening, which commenced at three o'clock. The second evening, which
began at sunset, is that mentioned in verse 23. ± 1 9 . The Jewish loaves were broad,
thin, and brittle; so that a knife was not required for dividing them. ± 2 0 . These
were small wicker baskets, which the Jews carried victuals In, when from home; and
by the number here particularized, it would seem that each apostle filled his own bas-
t 15. Mark vi. 35; Luke is. 12; John vi. 5. t 19. Matt. xv. 36. t 23. Mark vi.
36; John vi. 16.
Chap. 14:25.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 14:35.
ύπό τών κυμάτων ήν γάρ έναντΙος ό δνεμος. longs distant from the
by the waves; was for contrary the wind. LAND, tossed by the
^Τετάρτη δέ φυλακή της νυκτός απήλθε προς WAVES ; for the WIND
In fourth ana watch of the night he went to was contrary.
αυτούς, περίπατων επί της θαλάσσης. 2βΚαΙ 25 And in the ±Fourth
them, walking upon the sea. And Watch of the NIGHT, he
Ιδόντες αυτόν ol μαθηταΐ επί τήν θάλασσαν went towards them, walk-
seeing him the disciples upon the sea ing on the LAKE.
περιπατοΰντα, έταράχθησαν, λέγοντες· "Οτι 26 And when the DIS-
walking, they were terrified, saying: That CIPLES saw him ±walk-
φάντασμα έστι· καΐ άπό του φόβου δκρα- were onterrified,
ing the LAKE, they
and ex-
an apparition
27 is; and from the fear they cried claimed, " I t is an Ap-
ξαν. Εΰθέως θέ έλάλησεν αύτοίς ό parition !" and they cried
aloud. Immediately but spake to them the
Ίησοΰς, λέγων Θαρσειτε, έγώ είμι· μή aloud, through fear.
Jesus, saying: Take courage, I am; not 27 But Jesus immedi-
φοδείσθε. ^'Αποκριθείς δέ αύτφ ό Πέτρος ately spoke to them, say-
be afraid. Answering and him the Peter ing, "Take courage, it is
είπε· Κύριε, el σύ εί, κέλευσόν με προς σέ I ; be not afraid."
said: O lord, if thou art, bid me to thee 28 And PETER answer-
έλθείν επί τά «δατα. *><Ο δέ είπε ν Έλθέ.ing, said to him, "Mas-
to come upon ΐΖιο wfltor» nΦ find sciiu· Conie» ter, if it be thou, bid me
ΚαΙ καταβάς άπό του πλοίου ό Πέτρος, πε- come to thee on the WA-
And descending from the boat the Peter, he 29 And JESUS said,
ριεπάτησεν επί τά ύδατα, έλθείν προς τόν
walked upon the water, to come to the "Come." Then * Peter de-
Ίησοΰν. ^Βλέπων δέ τόν όννεμον Ισχυρόν, scending from the BOAT,
Jesus. Seeing but the wind strong,
walked on the WATER,
έφοβήθη· καΐ άρξάμενος καταποντίζεσθαι, •and came to JESUS.
he was afraid; and beginning to sink,
81 30 But perceiving the
Ικραξε, λέγων Κύριε, σώσόν με. Εύθέ-
he cried, saying: θ lord, save me. Immediate- WIND strong, he was
ως δέ ό Ίησοΰς έκτείνας τήν χείρα, έπε- afraid; sink, he
and beginning to
exclaimed, "Mas-
ly and the Jesus stretching out the hand, took
ter, save m e ! "
λάβετο αύτοΰ, καΐ λέγει αΰτφ· Όλιγόπιστε, 31 And JESUS instantly
hold of him, and says to82him: θ distrustful man, extending his HAND, took
είς τΐ έδίστασας; ΚαΙ έμβάντων αυτών hold of him, and said to
for why didst thou doubt? And entering of them him, "O distrustful m a n !
είς τό πλοίον, έκόπασεν 6 άνεμος. ^Ol δέ why didst thou doubt?"
Into the ship, ceased the wind. They and 32 And *going up into
έν τφ πλοίω, *[έλθόντες] προσεκύνησαν αύ- the BOAT, the WIND sub-
in the ship, [coming] prostrated to sided.
33 Then THOSE in the
τφ, λέγοντες· 'Αληθώς Θεοΰ υΙός el. 84Kal BOAT, did homage to him,
him saying: Certainly of a God a son thou art. And saying, $"Assuredly, thou
διαπεράσαντες, ήλθον είς τήν γην Γεν- art God's Son."
having passed over, they came to the land Gen- 34 §And having passed
νησαρέτ. 85ΚαΙ έπιγνόντες αυτόν ol δνδρες over they came *to LAND
nesaret. And knowing him the men at Gennesaret.
του τόπου εκείνου, απέστειλαν etc δλην τήν 35 And the MEN of that
of the place that, they send Into a l l the PLACE recognizing him,
περίχωρον έκείνην, καΐ προσήνεγκον αύ- sent through All that
country round aboui it that, and they brought to COUNTRY, and brought to

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 9 . Peter. 29. and came to. 32. going up Into. 34. t o
LAND at Gennesaret.
± 2 5 . Between the hours of three and six in the morning. Grotius observes, that this
was the Ronnn division of the night, taken by them from the Greeks; and that the Jews
from the time of Pompey, after they were become a dependent people, had adopted this
mode of reckoning, instead of their own; which originally consisted of three watches only.
± 2 6 . In Job ix. 8. this is a prerogative ascribed to God, and which is freely rendered by
the LXX, thus: "Walking upon the sea, as upon a pavement." An Egyptian hieroglyphic
for expressing impossibility was, a picture of two feet walking on the sea.
t 33. Matt, xxvii. 54. t 34. Mark vi. 53.
Chap. 14:36.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 15:9.
τφ πάντας τους κακώς έχοντας, 36κα1 παρε- him ALL the diseased ;
him all those disease having, and be- 36 and implored him,
κάλουν αυτόν Ενα μόνον αψωνται τοϋ that they might only
sought him that only they might touch the touch the TUFT of his
κρασπέδου τοΰ Ιματίου αύτοϋ· καΐ δσοι MANTLE ; and as many
tuft of the mantle of him; and as many as as touched, were cured.
^ψαντο, διεσώθησαν,
touched, were made whole. CHAPTER XV.
ΚΕΦ. ι ε \ 15. 1 $Then came to JESUS
Χ *Pharisees and Scribes
Τότε προσέρχονται τφ Ίησοΰ ol άπό from Jerusalem, saying,
Then came to the Jesus those from
'Ιεροσολύμων γραμματείς καΐ Φαρισαίοι, λέ- 2 "Why do thy DISCI-
Jerusalem scribes and Pharisees, say- PLES violate the ±TRADI-
γοντες· 2ΔιατΙ ot μαθηταΐ σου παραβαίνουσι TIONARY PRECEPT of t h e
ing: Why the disciples of thee transgress ELDERS? for they do not
τήν παράδοσιν των πρεσβυτέρων; ου γαρ wash * their HANDS be-
fore Meals."
•νίπτονται τάς χείρας αυτών, δταν αρτον 3 But HE answering,
they wash the hands of them, whenever bread said to them, "Why do
έσθίωσιν. 3 Ό δέ αποκριθείς είπεν αύτοΐς· YOU also violate the COM-
they m a y eat. H e but answering said to them: MANDMENT of GOD by
ΔιατΙ καΐ ύμείς παραβαίνετε τήν έντολήν your TRADITION ?
ift^fay ti I s ο you tΓ&ΪΙs£^ι*Θ s s th© comms-xidiTioiit 4 For GOD *said, §Hon-
τοΰ θεοΰ, διά τήν παράδοσιν υμών; 4 Ό 'or FATHER and MOTH-
of the God, through the tradition of you? He
'ER ;' and $'HE who RE-
γαρ Θεός ένετείλατο, λέγων «Τίμα τόν πατέ- 'VILES Father or Mother,
for God he commanded, saying: "Honor the fa- 'shall be punished with
ρα καΐ τήν μητέρα»· κα'ι* « Ό κακολογών •Death.'
ther and the mother"; and: "He reviling
πατέρα ή μητέρα, θανάτφ τελευτάτω». 5*Υμεΐς 5 But you assert, 'If
any one say to FATHER
δέ λέγετε· "Ος οίν ειπη τφ πατρί Ψ\ τη or MOTHER, An Offering
but say: Whoever may say to the father or the is that by which thou
μητρ'ι, Δώρον, 8 έάν έξ έμοΰ ώςρελη- mightest derive assist-
mother, A gift, whatever out of me thou mlghtest ance from me;
θης· β
καί ού μή τίμηση τόν πατέρα 6 then *he shall by no
means honor his FATHER/
1)Ο profiteoj tli©ιι not not imiy honor tiie fftther Thus, by your TRADITION,
αΰτου * [ή τήν μητέρα αύτοϋ.] ΚαΙ ήκυ-
of him Cor the mother of him.] And you you annul the *WORD of
ρώσατε τήν έντολήν τοϋ Θεοΰ διά τήν GOD.
annul the commandment of the God through the 7 §Hypocrites ! well did
παράδοσιν υμών. Ύποκριταί, καλώς προεφή- Isaiah prophesy concern-
traditioa of you. θ hypocrites, well prophe- ing you, saying,
τευσε περί υμών 'Ησαΐας, λέγων « Ό 8 §'This people ±[draw
Bled concerning you Esaias, saying: "The 'nigh to ME with their
λαός ούτος τοις χείλεσι μέ τιμά· ή δέ 'MOUTH, and] honor Me
p e o p l e t h i s w i t h the l i p s m e honor; t h e but 'with their LIPS ; but
καρδία αυτών πόρρω απέχει άπ' έμοΰ. 'their heart is far remov-
heart of them far off is removed from me. 'ed from me.
Μάτην δέ σέβονται με, διδάσκοντες 9 'But in vain do they
"Without profit but they reverence me, teaching 'worship me, teaching as
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. Pharisees and Scribes from Jerusalem. 2. the HANDS.
4. said, 'Honor FATHER/ 6. He shall by no means honor his FATHER. Thus. 6. or his
MOTHER—omit. 6. WORD.
± 2. He that eateth with unwashed hands is guilty of death.—Rabbi AUba. ± 8.
The words in brackets are found in the prophecy from which they are taken, both in the
Hebrew and Septuagint. They are omitted by the Vatican and several other excellent MSS.,
and by some ancient versions. Erasmus, Mill, Drusius, and Bengel, approve of the omis-
sion; and Griesbach has left it out of the text. But as they are found in the place from
which they are quoted, it has been thought best to insert them in the text.
t 1. Mark vii. 1. $ 4. Exod. xx. 12; Dept. v. 16; Eph. vi. 2 . ί 4. Exod. xxi.
17; Lev. xx. 9 ; Deut. xxvii. 16; Prov. xx. 20. % Ί. Mark vii. 6. % 8. Isa. xxix. 13.
Chap. 15:10.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 15:22.
διδασκαλίας, εντάλματα ανθρώπων.» Καί
'Doctrines, the Precepts
doctrines, commandments of men." And 'of Men.' "
προσκαλεσάμενος τον δχλον, είπεν αύτοΐς· 10 $And having called
having called the crowd, he said to them; the CROWD, he said to
Άκούετε καΐ συνίετε. u Ou τό είσερχόμενον them, "Hear, and be in-
Hear you and be instructed. Not that entering structed :
είς τό στόμα κοινοί τόν δνθρωπον άλλα τό 11 Not THAT ENTER-
Into the mouth pollutes the man; but that ING the MOUTH, pollutes
έκπορευόμενον έκ του στόματος τούτο κοι- the MAN, but THAT PRO-
proceeding out of the mouth this pol- CEEDING from the MOUTH,
•νοϊ τόν άνθρωπον. ^Τότε προσελθόντες ot pollutes the MAN."
12 Then *the DISCIPLES
μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ, είπον αύτώ* Οίδας, δτι
disciples of him, said to him; Knowest thou, that approaching, say to him,
"Didst thou observe That
ot Φαρισαίοι, άκούσαντες τόν λόγον, έσκαν- the PHARISEES were of-
fended, when they heard
δαλίσθησαν; ω Ό δέ αποκριθείς είπε* Πάσα that SAYING?"
a difficulty? He but answering said: Every 13 But HE answering,
φυτεία, fyv ούκ έφύτευσεν ό Πατήρ said, "Every Plantation,
Uantation, which' not has planted the Father which my HEAVENLY FA-
μου ό ουράνιος, έκριζωθήσεται. 14
t alo THER has not planted,
αυτούς· όδηγοι είσι τυφλοί * [τυφλών.] Τυφλός shall be extirpated.
them; guides they are blind [of blind.] Blind 14 Leave them; §they
δέ τυφλόν έάν όδηγΐ), αμφότεροι ε'ις βόθυνον are blind Guides ; and if
and blind if may lead, both into a pit the Blind lead the Blind,
πεσοΰνται. 15ΆποκριθεΙς δέ ό Πέτρος είπεν bothwill fall into the Pit."
•Will fall. Answering and the Peter said 15 §Then PETER reply-
«ύτω· Φράσον ήμίν τήν παραβολήν ταύτην. ing, said to him, "Explain
to him: Kxplain to us the comparison this. to us *that SAYING."
ie«O δέ Ίησοΰς είπεν Άκμήν καΐ ύμείς 16 And *HE said, "Are
Tho and Jesus said: Yet also you you also yet without un-
ασύνετοι έστε; 17Ού * [πω] νοείτε, δτι derstanding?
\\ΎΪintelligent ΛΓ©? IS'o t [y®^3 perceive yoiij th&t
17 Do you not perceive,
παν τό είσπορευόμενον είς τό στόμα, είς τήν That WHATEVER ENTERS
& 11 th&t entering into tlio mouthy into tho the MOUTH, passes into
«οιλίαν χωρεί, καΐ είς άφεδρώνα έκβάλλεται; the BELLY, and is ejected ?
18 belly passes, Hud into 8. privy is cast? 18 But §those THINGS
Τά δέ έκπορευόμενα έκ του στόματος, έκ PROCEEDING OUt of the
Those but proceeding out of the mouth, from
της καρδίας εξέρχεται, κάκείνα κοινοί τόν MOUTH, issue from the
tho he ΣΙ ι* t issues fOF th· stud they pollute the
HEART ; and they pollute
άνθρωπον. 1 9 Έκ γάρ της καρδίας εξέρχονται the MAN.
man. From for the heart comes forth 19 $For out of the
διαλογισμοί πονηροί· φόνοι, μοιχείαι, πορ- HEART proceed iniqui-
tous Designs;—Murders
•νείαι, κλοπαί, ψευδομαρτυρίαι, βλασφημίαι. Adulteries, Fornications,
cations, thefts, false testimonies, evil speakings. Thefts, false Testimonies,
Ταΰτα έστι τά κοινοΰντα τόν ανθρωπον τό Calumnies.
These is the (things) polluting, the man; that 20 These are the THINGS
δέ άνίπτοις χερσί φαγείν ού κοινοί τόν which POLLUTE the MAN ;
but with unwushed h finds to ©at not pollutes tho but to EAT with Unwash-
άνθρωποv. ed Hands pollutes not the
man. MAN."
Καί έξελθών εκείθεν δ Ίησοΰς άνεχώρη- 21 §And JESUS depart-
22 ing thence, withdrew into
σεν είς τά μέρη Τύρου καΐ Σιδώνος. ΚαΙ the CONFINES of Tyre
into the confines of Tyre and Sidon. And and Sidon.
Ιδού, γυνή Χανανα'ια άπό των ορίων έκείνω·ν 22 And behold, a Ca-
Ιο» ίΐ Avoxiian Oauamiitishy οι the p a r t s those naanitish Woman coming
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—12. the DISCIPLES approaching, say. 14. of tha Blind.
omit 15. that SAYING. 16. HE said. 17. yet—omit.
t 10. Mark vii. 14. % 14. Isa. ix. 16; Mai. ii. 8; Matt, xxiii. 16; Luke vi. 39.
15. Mark vii. 17. $ 18. James iii. 6. t 19. Mark vii. 21. $ 21. Mark vii. -24.
Chap. 15:23.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 15:31.
έξελθοΰσα, έκραύγασεν αύτφ, λέγουσα· Έλέη- from those PARTS, cried
comiajj out, cried out to him, saying: Pity out to him, saying, "Have
σον με, κύριε, υΙέ Δαυΐδ· ή θυγάτηρ μου compassion on me, Ο Mas-
me, θ lord, Ο son David; the daughter of me ter, Son of David! my
κακώς δαιμονίζεται. satO δέ ούκ άπεκρ'ιθη DAUGHTER is sadly de-
sadly is demonized. He but not answered monized."
αύτχί λόγον. ΚαΙ προσελθόντες ol μαθηταΐ 23 But he answered her
her a word. And coming the disciples
not a Word. And his dis-
αΰτοΰ, ήρώτων αυτόν, λέγοντες· Άπόλυσον ciples coming, entreated
of him, besought him, saying: Send away him, saying, "Dismiss her ;
αυτήν, δτι κράζει δπισθεν ημών. 24*Ο δέ άπο- For she cries after us."
her, for she cries at the back of us. He but an-
κριφείς είπεν Ούκ άπεστάλην, εΐ μή είς τά 24 But HE answering,
swering said: Not I am sent, except to the said, §"I am only sent to
πρόβατα τά άπολωλότα οίκου 'Ισραήλ. 2 Β *Η the PERISHING SHEEP Of
sheep the perishing house of Israel. She
δέ έλθοΰσα προσεκύνει αΰτφ, λέγουσα· Κύριε, the Stock of Israel."
then coming prostrated to him, saying: θ lord, 25 Yet advancing, SHB
βοήθει μοι. 2 β Ό δέ αποκριθείς είπεν Ούκ prostrated to him, saying,
give aid to me. He but answering said: Not "O Master, help m e ! "
£στι καλόν λαβείν τόν δρτον των τέκνων, 26 But HE answering,
It Is right to take the bread of the children, said, " I t is not proper
καΐ βαλείν τοις κυναρίοις. Ή δέ είπε· BREAD, to take the CHILDREN'S
and to throw to the dogs. She but said:
and throw it to
± $the DOGS/'
Ναί, κύριε· καΐ γάρ τά κυνάρια έσθίει άπό 27 But she said, " Γ be-
True, O Lord: even for the dogs eatest of seech thee, Sir; for even
των ψιχίων τών πιπτόντων άπό της τραπέ- t h e DOGS eat THOSE
the crumbs of the falling 28 from the table
ζης τών κυρίων αυτών. Τότε αποκριθείς CRUMBS which FALL from
of the masters of them. Then answering
ό Ίησοΰς είπεν αύτη· ΤΩ γύναι, μεγάλη their MASTERS' TABLE/'
the Jesus said to her: O woman, great 28 Then Jesus answer-
σου ή πίστις· γενηθήτω σοι, ώς θέλεις, ing, said to her, "O Wo-
of thee the faith; let it be to thee, as thou wilt.
, ΚαΙ Ιάθη ή θυγάτηρ αύτης άπό της ώρας be it! to man great is Thy FAITH ;
thee as thou de-
And was healed the daughter of her from the hour
εκείνης, sirest." And her DAUGH-
that. TER was cured from that
^ΚαΙ μεταθάς εκείθεν ό 'Ιησούς, ήλθε very MOMENT.
29 §And Jesus, having
And departing thence the Jesus, came left that place, came to
παρά τήν θάλασσαν της Γαλιλαίος· καΐ άναβάς the LAKE of GALILEE ;
near the sea the Galilee; and ascending and ascending the MOUN-
είς τό δρος, έκάθητο έκεϊ. 30ΚαΙ προσήλθον TAIN sat down there.
into the mountain, he sat down there. And came
αύτφ όχλοι πολλοί, έχοντες μεθ' εαυτών χω- SO And great Crowds
to him crowds great, having with them lame, came to him, bringing
λούς, τυφλούς, κωφούς, κυλλούς, καΐ ετέρους with them the lame, *the
blind, deaf, maimed, and others tcrippled, the blind, the
πολλούς* καΐ Ερριψαν αυτούς παρά τους πόδας deaf, and many others,
many; and they laid them at the feet and laid them at *his
του Ίησου, καΐ έθεράπευσεν αυτούς· 81ώστε FEET, and he cured them;
of the Jesus, and he healed them; so that 31 BO that the CROWDS
τούς δχλους θαυμάσαι, βλέποντας κωφούς beheld, with wonder, §the
the crowds to wonder, beholding deaf Deaf *hearing, the Crip-
λαλοΰντας, κυλλούς υγιείς, χωλούς περιπατοΰν- walking, pled restored, the Lame
and the Blind
speaking, maimed sound, lame walking
• VATICAN MANUSCEIPT.—3 0. crippled, blind, deaf, and. 3 O.his FEET. 31.hearing.
±26. The Jews likened the heathen nations to dogs.—Lightfoot. 30. The original
word Jcullos, properly signifies, one whose hand or arm has been cut off; (see Mark ix.
43.) But it is sometimes applied to those who were only disabled in those parts. To sup-
ply a lost limb was a creation, and therefore an astonishing miracle.
$ 24. Matt. x. 6; Acts iii. 26; Rom. xv. 8. % 26. Matt. vii. 6, 29; Mark vii. 31.
$ 31. Isa. xxxv. 5, 6.
Chap. 15:32.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 1 6 : 1 .
τας, καΐ τυφλούς βλέποντας· καΐ έδόξασαν s.eeing; and they glorified
And blind SGG liisri And they Kloritied the GOD of Israel.
τ6ν Θεόν 'Ισραήλ. 3 2
Ό δέ Ίησοΰς, προσκαλε- 32 $Then JESUS having
the God of Israel. The then Jesus, having :alled his DISCIPLES, said,
σάμενος τους μαθητάς αύτοϋ, είπε* ΣπλαγχνΙ- •I have compassion on
called the disciples of him, said: I have the CROWD, because they
ζομαι επί τον δχλον, δτι *[ήδη] ήμέραι τρεις, have continued with me
c i n o tl c V d f o [ l f l d ] diys t e e three Days, and have no-
προσμένουσί μοι, καΐ ουκ εχουσι thing to e a t ; and I do
they have remained with me, and not they have not wish to dismiss them
τΐ φάγωσι· καΐ άπολΰσαι αυτούς fasting, lest they should
any thing they may eat; and to send away them faint on the ROAD."
astin ού θέλω, μήποτε έκλυΦώσιν έν τχ\ 33 And his DISCIPLES
&3 say to him, $"How can
όδφ. ΚαΙ λέγουσιν αύτω ol μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ*
way. And they say to him the disciples of him; we get so many Loaves in
Πόθεν ήμϊν έν έρημία άρτοι τοσούτοι,
a Desert-place, to satisfy
Whence to us in a desert place loaves so many, such a Crowd?"
34 And JESUS says to
&ατε χορτάσαι δχλον τοσούτον; 34ΚαΙ λέγει them, "How many Loaves
have you?" And THEY
αύτοϊς δ Ίησοϋς· Πόσους άρτους έχετε; ΟΙ said, "Seven, and a Few
to them the Jesus; How many loaves- have you? They Small fishes."
δέ είπον Επτά, καΐ ολίγα Ιχθΰδια. 35ΚαΙ έκέ- 35 Then he commanded
and said: Seven, and a few small fishes. And he the PEOPLE to recline on
λευσε τοις δχλοις άναπεσείν επί τήν γήν. the GROUND;
8β the crowds to recline upon the ground·
ΚαΙ λαθών τους επτά άρτους καΐ τους Ιχθύας 36 and taking the SEV-
And taking the seven loaves and the fishes, EN Loaves and the FISH-
εύχαριστήσας έκλασε καΐ έδωκε τοις μάθη- ES, §he offered thanks,
giving thunks he broke And he gave to the disci — and broke them, and gave
ταίς αύτοϋ, ol δέ μαθηταΐ τφ δχλω. S 7 Kal to his DISCIPLES, and the
pies of him, the And disciples to the crowd. .And DISCIPLES distributed to
έ'φαγον πάντες, καΐ έχορτάσθησαν καΐ fj- the CROWD.
they a t e all, were filled; and they
37 And they all ate and
ραν τό περισσεΰον των κλασμάτων, επτά were satisfied ; and of the
σπυρίδας πλήρεις. 38ΟΙ δέ έσθίοντες ήσαν they gathered Seven large
ven large baskets full.
τετρακισχίλιβι They and eating were ±Baskets full.
άνδρες, χωρίς γυναικών καΐ
four thousand men, besides women and 38 Now THEY who had
EATEN were *about Four
children. thousand Men, besides
Women and Children.
ΚαΙ άπολύσας τους όχλους*. άνέ&η εις 39 $And having dis-
And having· sent aWay the crowds, he went into missed the CROWDS, he
xb πλοίον, καΐ ήλθεν εις τά δρια Μαγδαλά. went into the BOAT, and
the ship, and came to the coasts of Magdala. came to the ±COAST of
ΚΕΦ. ιστ\ 16.
ΚαΙ προσελθόντες ol Φαρισαίοι καΐ Σαδ- CHAPTER XVI.
And coming the Pharisees and Sad- 1 §Then the PHARI-
δουκαίοι, πειράζοντες έπηρώτησαν αυτόν, ση- SEES and SADDUCEES drew
ducees, tempting they asked him, a near, and tempting asked
μείον έκ τοϋ ούρανοΰ έπιδείξαι αύτοΐς. Ό him to show them a

sign from the Jbe&von to show to them· So Sign from HEAVEN.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—32. already—omit. 38. about. 39. Magadan
also Lachmann and Tischendorf.
± 3 7. Baskets of larger capacity than the wicker baskets mentioned in Chap. xiv. 2 0 —
large enough to contain a man's body. See Acts ix. 25. ± 3 9 . The modern name is
Ard el-Mejdel, field or coast of Mejdel, from which the plain takes its name, is a
paltry village, about an hour from Tiberias, near where a line of high rocks overhangs
the lake. This was the ancient Magdala, called in Mark viii. 10, Dalmanutha; the
birth place of that Mary, out of whom were expelled seven demons.
ί 32. Mark viii. 1. $ 33. 2 Kings iv. 43. t Matt. xiv. 1 9 ; Luke xxii. 19.
$ 39. Mark viii. 10. $ 1. Matt. xii. 38.
Chap. 16:2.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 16:12.
δέ αποκριθείς είπεν αύτοϊς* *['Οψ'ιας γενομέ- 2 But he answering,
but answering said to them: [livening com- said to them, * [ " I n the
νης, λέγετε· Ευδία* πυρράζει γαρ ό Evening, you say, 'It will
ing, you say: Fair weather; reddens for the be Fair weather, for the
ουρανός. Kai πρωΐ· Σήμερον χειμών SKY is red ;'
heaven. And in the morning; To day a stornij 3 and in the Morning,
ζει γαρ στυγνάξων ό ουρανός. Ύποκρι- There will be a Storm
To-day, for the SKY is
τα'ι, τό μεν πρόσωπον τοΰ ούρανοΰ γινώσκετε red and lowering.' Hy-
Hi6 t r u l y f&cβ of tliβ Ιΐθίΐνβΐι you know pocrites ! you can cor-
διακρίνειν, τά δέ σημεία των καιρών ού δύνα- rectly judge as to the
σθε;] Γενεά πονηρά καΐ μοιχαλ'ις σημείον but cannot discern the

SIGNS of the TIMES.]

επιζητεί· καΐ σημεί ν ού δοθήσεται αύτχί, 4 $A wicked and faith-
seeks; and a sign not shall be given to her, less Generation demands
εί μη τό σημείον Ίωνά *[τοϋ προφήτου], a Sign; but no Sign will
except the sign of Jonas Lthe prophet]. be given it except the
Kai καταλιπών αυτούς, απήλθε. Kal SIGN of Jonah." And leav-
And leaving them, he went away. And ing them, he went away.
έλθόντες ol μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ εις τό πέραν, 5 §Now, *the DISCI-
PLES passing to the OTH-
έπελάθοντο άρτους λαβείν. 'Ο δέ Ίησοΰς ER SIDE, had forgotten to
take Loaves with them.
ϊι&οΐ forgotten lojives to tiilte* ΪΙΙΘ dud Jesus 6 And Jesus said to
είπεν αύτοίς· 'Οράτε και προσέχετε άπό τηςthem, ^'Observe, and be-
said to them: Look and take heed of the ware of the LEAVEN of the
ζύμης των Φαρισα'ιων καΐ Σαδδουκαίων. 7ΟΙ PHARISEES and Saducees."
leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees. They 7 And THEY reasoned
δέ διελογίζοντο έν έαυτοίς, λέγοντες· among themselves, say-
and reasoned among themselves saying: ing, "Because we have
"Οτι άρτους ούκ έλάβομεν. Γνούς δέ brought no Loaves."
Because loaves not we have brought. Knowing and 8 But Jesus knowing
όthe Ίησοΰς είπε* ΤΙ διαλογίζεσθε έν έαυτοίς, it, said, "O you distrust-
ful ! Why do you reason
δλιγόπιστοι, δτι άρτους ούκ *[έλά- among yourselves, Be-
because loaves not [youhave cause you have no Bread?
Ο you of weak faith,
βετε;] °Οΰπω νοείτε, ουδέ μνημονεύετε 9 Do you not yet per-
brought?] Not yet erceive you, nor remember you ceive, or recollect §the
τους πέντε δρτους τών πεντακισχιλίων, καΐ FIVE Loaves of the FIVE-
the five loaves of tli© five thousand· and THOUSAND, and How many
Baskets you took up?
πόσους κοφίνους έλάβετε; 10Ούδέ τους επτά 10 nor §the S E V E N
δρτους τών τετρακισχιλίων, καΐ πόσας σπυρί- Loaves of the FOUR THOU-
loaves of the four thousand, and how many large SAND, and How many
δας έλάβετε; " Π ώ ς ού νοείτε, δτι large Baskets you took up ?
baskets youtookup? Why not do you perceive, that 11 How is it that you
ού περί άρτου είπον ύμϊν προσέχειν άπό της do I
not comprehend, That
spoke not to you about
not about bread I spoke to you to take heed of the
ζύμης τών Φαρισαίων καΐ Σαδδουκαίων; ^Τότε Bread, *but beware you of
leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees? Then the LEAVEN of th£ PHARI-
SEES and Sadducees?"
συνήκαν, δτι ούκ είπε προσέχειν άπό της 12 Then they under-
they understood, that not he did say beware of the
stood That he did not
ζύμης του άρτου, άλλ' άπό της διδαχής τών tell them to beware of
leaven of the bread, but of the doctrine of the
the LEAVEN of BREAD, but
Φαρισαίων καΐ Σαδδουκαίων. of the DOCTRINE of the
Pharisees and Sadducees. * SADDUCEES and Pharisees.
* VATICAN MANUSCKIPT.—2 and 3—omit. 4. the PROPHET—omit. 5. the
DISCIPLES. 8. brought—omit. 11. but beware you of. 12. SADDUCEES and Pharisees.
Matt 55 MMa r k v i i i 14
* i7 j * $ * k tt
J gg44
· · * 6- I**· *& 1· * 9. Matt.
Chap. 16:13.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 16:20.
"Έλθών δέ ό Ίησοΰς εις τά μέρη Και- 13 And JESUS coming
Goming and the Jesus into the parts of into the PARTS of ±Csesa-
σαρειας της Φιλίππου, ήρώτα τους μαθητάς rea P H I L I P P I , questioned
Caesarea of the Philip, asked the disciples his DISCIPLES, saying,
αύτου, λ έ γ ω ν Τίνα με λέγουσιν ol άνθρωποι $"Who do MEN say that
of him, saying: Who me . say the men *the SON of MAN is?"
είναι, τον υΐόν τοϋ άνθρωπου; 14Ot δέ είπον 14 And THEY replied,
to be, the son of the man? They and said: "Some, John the IMMEE-
ΟΙ μεν Ίωάννην τον Βαπτιστήν δλλοι δέ, SER ; *SOMB, Elijah ; and
Some, John the dipper; others and, others, Jeremiah, or one
Ή λ ' ι α ν ετέρου δ έ , *Ιερεμ'ιαν, ή ενα τωνof the PROPHETS/'
Elias; others and, Jeremias, or one of the
15 He says to them,
προφητών. 1 5 Λέγει αύτοίς· *Υμείς δέ τίνα με "But who do you say
prophets. He says to them: You but who me
that I am?"
λέγετε είναι; 1βΆποκριθεΙς δέ Σίμων Πέτρος 16 Simon Peter answer-
say to be? Answering and Simon Peter
ing, said, §"Thou art the
είπε· Σύ εί ό Χριστός, ό υίός του θεοϋ τον CHRIST, the SON of t h e
Stt 1U * j ? h o i l i i r t LI16 .Δ.ΙΧΟ 1D. 16 U} t i l Θ SOU o f til θ GrQCl til©
17 LIVING God."
ζώντος. ΚαΙ αποκριθείς ό Ίησοϋς είπεν 17 And Jesus answer-
living. And answering the Jesus said
αύτφ* Μακάριος εί, Σίμων Βαριωνα· δτι ing, said to him, "Happy
art thou, Simon, son of
to him: Blessed art thou, Simon son of Jonas; for
σαρξ καΐ αίμα ούκ απεκάλυψε σοι, άλλ' ό Jonah; for Flesh and
flesh and blood not i t has revealed to thee, but theBlood has not revealed
Πατήρ μου ό έν τοίς ούρανοίς. Κάγώ δέ
this to thee,
18 but THAT
Pather of me, that in the heavens. Also I and FATHER of mine in t h e
σοι λέγω, δτι σύ εί Πέτρος, καΐ επί ταύτη *Heavens.
tothee say, that thou art a rock, and upon this 18 Moreover, I also say
τη πέτρα οίκοδομησω μου την έκκλησίαν, καΐ to thee, That thou art §a
ill ο rock Ι *w ι111)ΐχί1(ΐ of in θ tli o church.· Anil Rock, and on $this ROCK
πΰλαι αδου ού κατισχύσουσιν αυτής, I will build My CHURCH,
gates of hades not shall prevail against her. and ±the Gates of Hades
Kcd δώσω σοι τάς κλείς της βασιλείας shall not triumph over it.
And I w i l l give to thee the keys of the kingdom
19 And I will give thee
±the KEYS of the KING-
τών ουρανών καΐ δ έάν δήσης επί DOM of the HEAVENS ;
of the heavens; and whatever thoumayest bind upon §and whatever thou shalt
της γης, £σται δεδεμένον έν τοις ούρανοίς· bind on the EARTH, shall
be bound in the HEAV-
the earth, shall be bound in the heavens;
ENS ; and whatever thou
καΐ δ έάν λύσης
επί της γης,shalt loose on the EARTH,
and whatever thou mayest loose upon the earth, shall be loosed in the
έΌται λελυμένον έν τοις ούρανοίς. 20Τότε HEAVENS/'
20 §Then he command-
shall be loosed in the heavens. Then
διεστείλατο τοίς μαθηταίς αύτοΰ, Ινα μηδενΐ ed *the DISCIPLES that
he charged the disciples of him, that no one they should tell no one,
ε'ίπωσιν δτι αυτός έστιν ό Χριστός. that he is the MESSIAH.
they should tellM Athat
R I P T .is
— 1 3 . the
the Anointed.
SON of MAN i s ? 14. SOME. 17. Heavens.
20. the D I S C I P L E S .
± 1 3 . This town was near to the spring-head of the Jordan, and was built by Philip,
tetrarch of Galilee in honor of Tiberius Caesar; and to distinguish i t from the sea-port
town CaeArea, mentioned frequently in the Acts of the Apostles, i t was called Caesarea
Philippi. See Josephus. Ant. xviii. 2, 1 and &xxi. 8, 4. ± 18. Parthurst says,, " T h i s
expression seems allusive to the form of the Jewish sepulchres, which were large subter-
raneous caves, with a narrow mouth or entrance, many of which are to be found in Judea, to
this day. The LXX render the corresponding phrase from the Heb. of Isa. xxxviii. 10, the
gates of the sepulchre. The full meaning of our Lord's promise seems to be, that his
church on earth, however persecuted and distressed, should never fall till the consumation
of all things, and should then, at the resurrection of the just, finally triumph over death
and the grave." Compare 1 Cor. xv. 54, 55. ± 19. I t is said, that the Jews made a
man a doctor of the law, they used to put into his hands the key of the closet in the
temple, where the sacred books were deposited, and also tablets to write upon; signifying
that they gave him authority to teach and to explain the scriptures and law of God to the
° t P l 1 3 . Mark viii. 2 7 ; Luke i s . 18. $ 16. Mark viii. 2 9 ; Luke ix. 2 0 ; John i. 4 9 ;
vi. 6 9 ; xi. 27. $ 18. John i. 42. % 18. Eph. ii. 20. t 19. Matt, xviii. 1 8 ;
John xx. 23. $ 20. Matt. xvii. 9 ; Mark viii. 3 0 ; Luke ix. 2 1 .
Chap. 16:21.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 16:28.
Άπό τότε ήρξατο ό Ίησοΰς δεικνύειν 21 From that time, J E -
From that time began the Jesus to show SUS began to disclose to
his DISCIPLES, $That he
τοις μαθηταΐς αύτοΰ, δτι δει αυτόν άπελθείν must go to Jerusalem, and
to the disciples of him, that must he to go suffer much from the EL-
είς 'Ιεροσόλυμα, καΐ πολλά παθείν άπό DERS, and High-priests,
to Jerusalem, and many (things) to suffer from and Scribes, and be killed,
τών πρεσβυτέρων και αρχιερέων καΐ γραμμα- and that on the THIRD
the elders and high-priests and scribes, Day he must be raised up.
τέων, καΐ άποκτανθήναι, καΐ τη τρίτη ήμερα
and to be killed, and the third day 22 And PETER taking
έγερθήναι. 22Και προσλαβόμενος αυτόν δ Πέ- him aside, and *rebuking
t3 be raised. And taking aside him the Pe- him, said, "Be this far
τρος, ήρξατο έπιτιμφν αύτφ, λέγων "Ιλε- from thee, Master; this
ως σοι, κύριε· ου μη εσται σοι τοΰτο. shall not be to thee."
^Ό δέ στραφείς είπε τφ Πέτρφ· "Υπάγε 23 But HE turning, said
He but turning said to the Peter: Go thou to PETER, "Get thee be-
οπίσω μου, Σατανα* σκάνδαλόν μου hind me, Adversary; thou
behind of me, adversary; a stumbl ing block of me art a Stumbling-block to
me; for thou regardest
εΙ· δτι ού φρονείς τά τοϋ not the THINGS of GOD,
thou art; for not thou regar.dest the (things) of the
ό but THOSE Of MEN/'
Θεού, αλλά τά τών ανθρώπων. Τότε
God, but those of the men. Then the
24 Then JESUS said to
Ίησοΰς είπε τοις μαϋηταίς αύτοΰ· Ει τις his DISCIPLES, $"If any
θέλει οπίσω μου έλεθεΐν, άπαρνησάσθω εαυτόν,
wish after me to come, let him deny himself, one wish to come after
καΐ άράτω τον σταυρόν αύτοΰ, καΐ άκο- me, let him renounce
and let h i m bear the cross of him, and fol- himself, and take up his
CROSS, and follow me.
λουθείτω μοι. 25"Ος γάρ αν θέλη την ψυχήν
low m e . Whoever for m a y w i s h the l i f e 25 §For whoever would
αύτοΰ σώσαι, απολέσει αυτήν ος δ' δν save his LIFE, shall lose
of i\im. to s&vCf sliftl 1 lose liei*j ΛνΙιοβνβΓ
lo ρή LIFEand
stud i t ; whoever loses his
on my account, shall
άπολέσχι τήν ψυχήν αύτοΰ ένεκεν έμοΰ, εύρή- fi 11
fiind it.
σει αυτήν.
nmy l o e tl ^Tl γάρ ωφελείται άνθρωπος,
1 1 1 6 ο ϊι i xtx Ο & C OU t f έάν
h 11
find her. What for is profited a mai
όσμον δλον κερδήστ], τήν δέ -ψυχήν αΰτοΰ 26 For what is a Man
τόν κόσι
orld whole hemaywln, the and l i f e ofhlm profited, if he should gain
the wor; the whole WORLD, and
ζημιωθη; η* τΐ δώσει άνθρωπος άν- forfeit his LIFE? or what
he may forfeit? or what shall give a man in ex- will $a man give in Ran-
som for his LIFE ?
τάλλαγμα της ψυχής αυτοί); 27Μέλλει γάρ ό
change f o r t h e l i f e of h i m ? I s about f o r the 27 §For the SON of MAN
υΙός αύτοΰ, μετά
τοΰof ανθρώπου τών αγγέλων αύτοϋ,
τοΰ is about to come in the
Father him, with£ρχεσθαι έν χχ\ δόξτ)
the messengers of him,
καΐ τότε αποδώσει έκάστω κατά with his ANGELS ; and
and then he w i l l render to each one according to then he will recompense
τήν πραξιν αύτοΰ. to each one according to
^'Αμήν λέγω ύμίν, είσί τίνες τών
Indeed I say to you, there are some 28 §Indeed I say to you,
of those
ώδε έστώτων, οϊτινες ού μή γεύσωνται θα- those *That there are SOME of
STANDING here, who
here having stood, who not not shall taste of will not taste of Death,
νάτου, έΌος δίν ΐδωσι τόν υΐόν τοΰ άν-
death, till they may see the son of the till they see the SON of
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 2 . rebuking him, said. 28. That there are.
t 21. Matt. xvii. 2 2 ; xx. 17; Mark viii. 3 1 ; ix. 3 1 ; x. 3 3 ; Luke ix. 22, 4 4 ; xviil.
3 1 ; xxiv. 6, 7. $ 24. Matt. x. 3 8 ; Mark viii. 3 4 ; Luke ix. 2 3 ; xiv. 27. $ 2 5 .
Luke xvii. 3 3 ; John xii. 25. t 26. Psa. xlix. 7 , 8 . % 2 7. Matt. xxv. 31-46; M a r t
viii. 3 8 ; Luke ix. 26. $ 28. Mark ix. 1; Luke ix. 2 7.
Chap. 17:1.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 17:10.
θρώπου έρχόμενον έν τβ βασιλεία αύτ<;οΰ. MAN coming in his ROYAL
man coming in tiie royal majesty off hi
ΚΕΦ. ι ζ \ 17. CHAPTER XVII.
ΚαΙ μεθ' ημέρας έ"ξ παραλαμβάνει ό 1 §And after six days,
And after days si : takes the JESUS took PETER, James
Ίησοΰς τόν Π έτρον, καΐ Ίάκωβον, καΐ and John the BROTHER of
James, and privately con-
Ίωάννην τόν αδελφό ν αύτου · καΐ αναφέρει ducted them up a lofty
αυτούς είς δρος ύψηλόν κατ* Ιδίαν. 2ΚαΙ Mountain;
them into a mountain high privately. And 2 and he was trans-
μετεμορφώθη Ιμπροσθεν αυτών, καΐ formed in their presence;
he was transfigured in the presence of them, and his FACE shone as the
έλαμψε τό πρόσωπον αύτοΰ ώς ό ήλιος* became white as the
τά δε Ιμάτια αύτου έγένετο λευκά ώς τό 3 And behold, Moses
tli e &iiu
ε ft ΓΙΧΪ c u t s o f h i xtx D O C O I U β Λν*ι i t © &s the
and Elijah appeared to
j ight ΚαΙ Ιδού, ώφθησαν αύτοίς Μωσης 4
καΐ them, conversing with
'Ηλίας,^ dμετ' Ιοαύτοϋ eσυλλαλοΰντες. e d t o thorn Άποκρι-
loes flp him.
Elias with him talking. Answer-
θείς δέ ό Πέτρος είπε τφ Ίησοΰ· Κύριε, 4 Then PETER address-
ing and the Peter said to the Jesus: θ lord, ing JESUS, said, "Master,
καλόν έστιν ήμας ώδε είναι· εΐ θέλεις, ποι- it is good for us to be
good it is us here to be; if thou wilt, we here; if thou wilt, $1 will
ήσωμεν ώδε τρεις σκηνάς, σοΙ μίαν, καΐ make here three Booths;
may ΏΙΑΚ© hero three tents» to thee one, and one for thee, one for Mo-
Μωσχί μίαν, καΐ μίαν 'Ηλία. δ "Ετι αύτοΰ ses, ami one for Elijah."
Moses one, and one Ellas. Still of him
λαλοΰντος, Ιδού, νεφέλη φωτός έπεσκίασεν 5 While he was speak-
speaking, lo, a cloud of light overshadowed ing, behold, §a Cloud of
αυτούς* καΐ Ιδού, φωνή έκ της νεφέλης, light covered them; and
them; and lo, a voice out of the cloud, behold, a Voice from the
λέγουσα* «Οδτός έστιν ό υΙός μου ό αγαπητός, CLOUD, declaring, "This
saying: "This is the son of me the beloved, is my SON, the BELOVED,
έν φ ευδόκησα* αύτοΰ άκούετε.» ΚαΙ άκού- in whom I delight; hear

ln whom I delight; of him hear you." And having h i m ! "

σαντες ol μαθηταί, δπεσον επί πρόσωπον αύ- 6 And the DISCIPLES
heard the disciples, they fell upon face of
7 having heard it, fell on
των, καΐ έφοβήθησαν σφόδρα. ΚαΙ προσελ- their Faces, and were
them, and were frightened greatly. And coming greatly frightened.
θών ό Ίησοΰς, η**ψατα .αυτών* καΐ. είπεν 7 And JESUS approach-
near the Jesus, touched them, 8 and said: ing, § touched them, and
Έγέρθητε, καΐ μή φοβείσθε. Έπάραντες said, "Arise, and be not
Be you raised, and not be afraid. Lifting up
δέ τους οφθαλμούς αυτών, ούδένα είδον, εΐ μή afraid."
then the eyes of them, no one they saw, except 8 Then raising their
τόν Ίησοΰν μόνον.· ΚαΙ καταβαινόντων αύ- EYES, they saw no one,
the Jesus alone. And descending of except JESUS.
των, έκ του δρους, ένετείλατο αύτοίς ό 9 $And as they were
Ίησοΰς, λέγων ΜηδενΙ είπητε τό δράμα, descending the MOUN-
Jesus, saying: To no one you may tell the vision, TAIN, JESUS commanded
1{ως ού" ό υΙός τοΰ ανθρώπου έκ νεκρών them, saying, "Tell the VI-
till the son of the man from dead (ones) SION to no one, till the
άναστβ. SON of MAN be risen from
should be raised. the Dead."
ΚαΙ έπηρώτησαν αυτόν ot μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ. 10 And the DISCIPLES
And asked him the disciples of him, asked him saying, §"Why
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—4. I will make here three Booths.
ί 1. Mark ix. 2 ; Luke ix. 28. $ 5. 2 Peter i. 17; Matt. iii. 17; Mark i. 1 1 ;
Luke iii. 22. % 7. Dan. viii. 18; x. 9 , 1 0 , 1 8 ; Bev. i. 17. $ 9. Mark ix. 9,
% 10. Mai. iv. 5.
Chap. 17:11.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 17:20.
λέγοντες· ΤΙ οΰν οί γραμματείς λέγουσιν, δτι then do the SCRIBES say
saying: Why then the scribes say, that
U That Elijah must first
Ήλίαν δεί έλθεϊν πρώτον; ' O δέ Ίησοΰς come?"
Ellas must to come first? The but Jesus
11 *HB answering, said,
αποκριθείς είπεν *[αύτοΐς·] 'Ηλίας μέν ερχε- 'Elijah indeed * comes,
answering said Cto them;] Elias truly comes and will restore ail things.
ται πρώτον, καΐ αποκαταστήσει πάντα* λέγω 12 But I say to you,
δέ ύμίν, δτι 'Ηλίας ήδη ήλθε, και ούκ έπέ- §That Elijah has already
but to you, that Elias Just now came, and not they come, and they did not
γνωσαν αυτόν, αλλ' εποίησαν έν αύτφ δσα recognize him, but have
knew him, but have done to him as much as done to him whatever
ηθέλησαν οί$τω καΐ ό υΙός τοΰ άνθρωπου they wished. Thus also
they wished; thus also the son of the man the SON of MAN is about
μέλλει πάσχειν ύπ' αυτών. Τότε συνηκαν ol to suffer by them."
is about to suffer by them. Then understood the 13 Then the DISCIPLES
μαθηταί, δτι περί 'Ιωάννου τοΰ βαπτιστοΰ understood That he spoke
disciples, that concerning John the dipper
είπεν αύτοΐς. to them concerning John
be spoke to them. the IMMERSER.
14 14 $And they having
ΚαΙ έλθόντων αυτών προς τόν δχλον,come to the CROWD, a
j^^tj faiiviii^ cow© of thoyn to th© crowd Man came to him, kneel-
προσήλθεν αύτφ άνθρωπος, γονηπετών αυτόν, ing and saying,
came to him a man, knee-falling him,
^καΐ λέγων Κύριε, έλέησόν μου τόν υΐόν 15 "O Sir, have com-
and saying: O lord, have pity on of m e the son;passion on My SON ; for
δτι σεληνιάζεται, καΐ κακώς πάσχει· πολλάκις he is a lunatic, and •sick-
ly ; for he frequently falls
for he is moon-struck, and sadly suffers; often
γάρ πίπτει είς τό πΰρ, καΐ πολλάκις είς τό quently into the FIRE, and fre-
for he falls into the fire, and often into the into the WATER.

ΰδωρ. ΚαΙ προσήνεγκα αυτόν τοις μαθηταΐς 16 And I brought him
Water. And I brought him to
to the disciples thy DISCIPLKS, but
σου, καΐ ούκ ήδυνήθησαν αυτόν θεραπεΰσαι. they could not cure Jlim."
of thee, and not they were able him Τ to heal.
*ΑποκριθεΙς δέ ό Ίησοΰς είπεν Ω γενεά 17 Then JESUS answer-
Answering and the Jesus said: θ generation ing said, "O unbeliev-
άπιστος καΐ διεστραμμένη· εΌος πότε ing and perverse Genera-
u n f a i t h f u l and having been perverted: t i l l when
tion ! how long must I be
έσομαι μεθ' υμών; £ως πότε άνέξομαι υμών; with you ? how long must
s h a l l I be w i t h you? t i l l when s h a l l I bear you?
I endure you? bring him
φέρετε μοι αυτόν ώδε. ω ΚαΙ έπετίμησεν αύτφ here to me."
bring you tome him here.- And rebuked him 18 And JESUS rebuked
6 Ίησοΰζ, κάΙ έξηλθβν άπ* αύτοΰ τό δαιμσ- him, and the DEMON came
the Jesus, and came out of him the de-
νιον καΐ έθεραπεύθη ό παις άπό της ώρας out of him ; and the BOY
mon; and was cured the boy from the hour was restored from that
εκείνης. 19Τότε προσελθόντες ol μαθηταί τφ HOUR.
that. Then coming the disciples to the 19 Then the DISCIPLES
Ίησοΰ κατ' Ιδίαν, είπον ΔιατΙ ημείς ούκ coming to JESUS private-
Jesus by himself, said: Why we not ly, said, "Why were we
ήδυνήθημεν έκβαλείν αυτό; 2°Ό δέ Ίησοΰς not able to cast it out?"
were able to cast out It? The and Jesus
είπεν αυτοί ς · Διά τήν άπιστίαν υμών, 20 And *HE says to
said to them: On account of the unbelief of you. them, "On account of
'Αμήν γάρ λέγω ύμίν, έάν δχητε πίστιν ώς your * LITTLE-FAITH ; For
Indeed for I say to you, if you have faith as indeed I say to you, $If
κόκκον σινάπεως, έρείτε τφ δρει τού- you have Faith, as a Grain
α grain of mustard, you w i l l say to the mountain of Mustard, you might
τφ. Μετάβηθι έντεΰθεν έκεΐ, καΐ μεταβή- say to this MOUNTAIN,
this. Be thou removed from here there, and it Remove there from here,

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—11. H E answering, 11. comes, and will restore, lg.

sickly. 20. HK says. 20. LITTLE-FAITH.
t 12. Matt. xi. 14; Mark ix. 12, 13. t 14. Mark ix. 14; Luke ix. 37. $ 20.
Matt. xxi. 2 1 ; Mark xi. 2 3 ; Luke xvii.6; 1 Cor. xiii. 2.
Chap. 17: 21.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 17:27.
σεται· καΐ ουδέν άδυνατήσει ΰ- and i t would remove ; and
w i l l remove: and nothing "Will be impossible to nothing would be impos-
μίν. 21
* [Τοΰτο δέ τό γένος ούκ εκπορεύεται, sible to you.
you. [This but the kind not goes out, 21 *±[This KIND, how-
εΐ μη έν προσευχή καΐ νηστεία.] ever, goes not out but by
If not in prayer and fasting.] Prayer and Fasting."]
Άναστρεφομένων δέ αυτών έν τη Γαλι-
22 §Now while they
Were traveling 8,nd of thorn in the Gftli — were traveling in GALI-
λα'ια, είπεν αύτοίς ό Ίησοΰς* Μέλλει ό υΙός LEE, J E S U S said to them,
"The SON of MAN is about
τοϋ ανθρώπου παραδίδοσθαι είς χείρας αν- to be delivered up into
the Hands of Men;
θρώπων, ^καΐ άποκτενοΰσιν αυτόν καΐ τη
23 and they will kill
men, and they w i l l k i l l h i m ; and the him, and the THIRD Day
τρίτη ήμερα έγερθήσεται. ΚαΙ έλυπήθη- he will *rise. And they
third day he wi 11 be raised. And they were were exceedingly grieved.
σαν σφόδρα,
grieved exceedingly.
24 §And having arrived
^Έλθόντων δέ αυτών είς Καπερναούμ, a t Capernaum, the COL-
Having arrived and of them at Capernaum, LECTORS Of ±DIDRACHMS
προσηλθον ot τά δίδραχμα λαμβάνοντες τω
came those the didrachmas receiving to the came to PETER, and said,
"Does not your TEACHER
Πέτρω, καΐ είπον *Ο διδάσκαλος υμών οΰ pay the DIDRACHMS?"
Peter, and said: The teacher of you not
τελεϊ τά δίδραχμα; ^Λέγει· Ναί. ΚαΙ δτε 25 He says, "Yes." And
pays the didrachmas? He says: Yes. And when when *they were come
είσηλθεν είς την οίκίαν, προέφθασεν αυτόν into the HOUSE, J E S U S
ho WHS como into the liouse^ Anticipated him anticipated him, saying,
ό Ίησοΰς, λέγων* ΤΙ σοι δοκεί, Σί- "What is thy opinion, Si-
the Jesus» saying1; Which to theo seems right, Si~ mon? From whom do the
μων; ΟΙ βασιλείς της γης άπό τίνων λαμβά- KINGS of the EARTH take
mon? 7he Icings of tho ©ftrth from Tvhom do they Tax or Census? from
their own SONS, or from
νουσι τέλη ή κήνσον; άπό τών υΙών αυτών,
take taxes or census? from the sons of them,
η* άπό τών άλλοτρίων; 26 Λέγει αΰτφ ό Πέ- 26 *And when he said,
ΟΓ from the aliens? Says to him the Pe- "Of OTHERS," Jesus says,
τρος* Άπό τών άλλοτρίων. "Εςρη αύτφ ό "The SONS then are ex-
t er· ITrom. the Aliens· Sftys t o h i m the empt.
Ίησους* "Αραγε έλεύθεροί είσιν ol υΙοί. 27 But lest we should
Then exempt are the sons. offend them, go to t h e
"Ινα δέ μή σκανδαλίσωμεν αυτούς, πορευ- LAKE, throw a Hook, and
That but not we may offend them, going
take the first P I S H COM-
θείς είς τήν θάλασσαν, βάλε δγκιστρον, καΐ ING U P , and opening its
to the se&9 cast thou & hooky And
τον* άναβάντα πρώτον Ιχθύν δρον
VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. —omit.καΐ άνοίξας
23. rise. 25. they were come. 26. And
he said, "of OTHERS/'
first fish Jesus says.and opening
take up;
± 2 1 . This verse is wanting in the Coptic, Ethiopic, Syriac Meros, and in one ItalaMSS.
± 24. A half shekel, in value about 30 cents, or Is. 3d. It appears from Exodus xxx.
13, 14, that every male among the Jews, of twenty years old and upwards, was com-
manded to give a certain sum every year, as an offering to the Lord, for the services of the
temple at Jerusalem. Scott refers to Jos. Ant. xviii. 9, 1, to show that the Jews continued
to send the same sum every year, wherever they lived; which Philo too particularly men-
tions, de Monarch, ii. 635, ed. col. "Sums of money, on account of the Jews, were carried
every year out of Italy and all your provinces to Jerusalem. "Cic. pro. Flac. 8. "Every Jew,
despising the religion of the country in which he lived, sent his donations and tribute to
Jerusalem and the temple." Tac. Hist. lib. 5. Josephus (B.J. vii. 27) says. "The Roman
emperor Vespasian imposed upon every Jew the same contribution for the Capitol, as they
had before paid to the Temple." "Titus imposed on them a yearly tribute of a didrachm
toCapiloline Jupiter." Xiphil. Dion. lib. lxvi. These tribute gatherers must have been sent
by the superintendents of the Temple, and have acted by the authority of the high priest;
for the force of our Lord's argument depends upon this particular.—Wakefield.
ί 22. Matt. xvi. 2 1 ; xx. 18; Mark ix. 30, 3 1 ; Luke ix. 44. $ 24. Mark ix. 33.
Chap. 18:1.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 18:8.
τό στόμα αύτοϋ, εύρήσεις στατηρα· εκείνον MOUTH, thou wilt find ±a
the mouth of him, thou w i l t find α stater; that Stater; take That, and
λαβών, δός αύτοίς αντί έμοΰ καΐ σοΰ. give it to them, for me
taking, give to them for m e and thee. and thee."
ΚΕΦ. ι η ' . 18. CHAPTER XVIII.
*Έν εκείνη τχί ώρα προσήλθον ol μαθηταΐ 1 *And at That TIM>3
In that the hour came the disciples the DISCIPLES came to
τφ Ίησοϋ, λέγοντες* Τις άρα μείζων έστιν JESUS, saying, §"Who
then is greatest in the
έν το βασιλεία τών ουρανών; ΚαΙ προσκα- 2 KINGDOM Of t h e HEAV-
λεσάμενος ό Ίησοΰς παιδίον εστησεν αυτό E N S ? "
called the Jesus a l i t t l e c h i l d placed it 2 And *he having called
έν μέσω αυτών, 3 κα1 ε ί π ε ν 'Αμήν λέγω ύμίν, a Little child, placed him
in mids"t of them, and said: Indeed I say to you, in the Midst of them,
έάν μη στραφήτε καΐ γένησθε ώς τα παι- 3 and said, "Indeed I
if n o t you be changed and become as the l i t t l e say to you, § Unless you
δια, ου μή είσέλθητε ε'ις τήν βασιλείαν be changed, and become
cli i Idirczi} not not* 4you inflyoutoir into the kingdom a s LITTLE CHILDREN, yOU.
τών ουρανών. "Οστις οΰν ταπεινώσχ] will never enter the KING-
of the heavens. Whoever therefore mayhumble DOM of the HEAVENS.
εαυτόν ώς τό παιδίον τοϋτο, οδτός έστιν ό 4 Whoever, therefore,
himself as the l i t t l e child this, he i s the may humble himself like
μείζων έν τη βασιλεία τών ουρανών. 5 ΚαΙ this LITTLE CHILD, he
greater In the kingdom of the heavens. And will be the GREATEST in
δς έάν δέξηται παιδίον τοιούτον εν επί the KINGDOM of the HEA-
whoever may r e c e i v e a l i t t l e c h i l d such one on VENS.
τω ονόματι μου, έμέ δέχεται. 6 " Ο ς δ ' civ 5 $And whoever may
the name of me, me receives. Who but ever receive one such Little
σκανδαλίσχι δνα τών μικρών τούτων, τών child in my NAME re-
ceives Me.
πιστευόντων είς έμέ, συμφέρει αύτφ, 6 $But whoever shall
insnare one of the LEAST
ϊνα κρεμαστή μύλος όνικός επί τον of THESE who BELIEVE in
that should be hung a m i l l s t o n e upper on the me, it would be better for
τράχηλον αύτοΰ, καΐ καταποντισθώ έν τω him that an ±upper Mill-
πελάγει of him,
της and he should be sunk in the stone were hanged about
his NECK, and that he
depth of the sea.
ΟύαΙ τ φ κόσμω άπό τών σκανδάλων. 'Ανάγ- were sunk in the DEPTH
of the SEA.
κη γάρ έστιν έλθεϊν τα σκάνδαλα· πλην οΰαΐ 7 Alas for the WORLD,
sary for i t i s to come the snares; but woe because of SNARES ! for
τφ άνθρώπω έκε'ινω δ ι ' ol· τό σκάνδαλον it must be that SNARES
to the man to that through whom the snare come; but alas for that
άρχεται. 8 ΕΙ δέ ή χείρ σου § ό πους MAN through whom the
SNARE comes.
σου σκανί3αλίζει σε, έ'κκο-ψον αυτά, και βάλε 8 $If, then, thy HAND
or thy FOOT insnare thee,
άπό σοΰ· καλόν σοί έστιν είσελθείν εις τήν cut it off, and throw it
from thee; good to thee i t i s to enter into the away ; it is better for thee
ξωήν χωλόν ή κυλλόν, ή" δύο χείρας ή δύο to enter LIFE * crippled or
l i f e lame or a cripple, than two hands or t w o lame, than having Two

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 . And at. 2. he having called. 8. crippled or lame.

± A shekel, or half an ounce of silver, in value about 60 cents or 2 s. 6d., at 5s.
per ounce.
± 6. A mill-stone turned by an ass, and consequently much larger than one turned by the
hand. The punishment of death by drowning, though not in use by the Jews, was so
among the surrounding nations. I t seems to have grown into a proverb for dreadful and
inevitable ruin.
% 1. Mark ix. 3 3 ; Luke ix. 4 6 ; xxii. 24. % 3. Matt. xix. 1 4 ; Mark x. 1 5 ;
Luke xviii, 1 7 ; 1 Cor. xiv. 2 0 ; 1 Peter ii. 2. % 5. Matt. x. 4 2 ; Luke ix. 48.
% 6 . Mark i x . 4 2 ; Luke xvii. 1, 2. % 8. Matt. v. 29, 3 0 ; Mark ix. 43, 45.
Chap. 18: 9. ] MATTHEW. [Chap. 18:16.
πόδας έχοντα βληθήναι ε'ις τό πΰρ τό Hands or Two Feet, to be
cast into the ±AIONIAN
αίώνιον. 9ΚαΙ εΐ ό οφθαλμός σου σκανδαλίζει FIRE.
9 And if thine EYE in-
σε, έ'ξελε αυτόν, καΐ βάλε άπό σοΰ· καλόν snare thee, pluck it out,
0οί έστιν μονόφθαλμον είς την ζωήν εΐ-
and throw it away; it is
to thee it is one-eyed into the l i f e to better to enter LIFE one-
eyed, than having Two
σελθείν, η* δύο οφθαλμούς έχοντα βληθήναι Eyes to be cast into the
είς την γέενναν τοΰ πυρός. 1 0 Ό ρ ά τ ε , μή κα-
10 Take care, that you
into tli© Gehenna of the fii'e» See^ not you do not despise one of the
ταφρονήσητε ενός των μικρών τούτων λέγω
LEAST of these; for I as-
sure you, that ttheir AN-
γάρ ύμίν, δτι ol άγγελοι αυτών έν ούρανοίς
continually behold the
foi* toyou· that tlie messentrers of them in heavens FACE Of THAT FATHER Of
διαπαντός βλέπουσι τό πρόσωπον του Πατρός
perpetually see the face of the Father
mine i n t h e Heavens.
μου, τοΰ έν ούρανοίς. * [^-Ήλθε γάρ ό υίός 11 * ± § [ F o r t h e SON of
of me, that in heavens, u s come for the son MAN is come t o s a v e T H A T
τοΰ ανθρώπου σώσαι τό άπολωλός.] 12
ΤΙ which was LOST.]
ύμίν δοκεί; έάν γένηταί τινι άνθρώπφ 12 W h a t do you t h i n k ?
to you seems right? if should have any man
$If a m a n have a H u n d r e d
εκατόν πρόβατα, καΐ πλανηθχί έ*ν εξ Sheep, and one of them go
astray, *will h e n o t leave
αυτών ούχΙ άφείς τά ένενήκοντα εννέα επί the NINETY-NINE Sheep
them; not leaving tlio ninety—nino upon on t h e MOUNTAINS, a n d go
a n d seek t h e STRAY O N E ?
τά δρη, πορευθείς ζητεί τό πλανώμενον;
the mountains, going ho S66ks that having strayed?
^Kai έάν γένηται εύρείν αυτό, αμήν 13 And if he happen t o
^Lnd if he should happen to xind *t· indeed find it, indeed I say t o
λέγω ΰμίν, δτι χαίρει έπ' αύτφ μάλλον, ή you, t h a t he rejoices more
I say to you, that he rejoices over it more, than over it, t h a n over THOSE
έπί τοις ένενήκοντα εννέα, τοίς μή πεπλανη- NINETY-NINE which WENT
over the ninety-nine, those not having been led NOT ASTRAY.
μένοις. 14Ουτως ούκ εστί θέλημα έμπροσθεν 14 Thus it is not the
astray. Thus not It is will in the presence W i l l *Of THAT FATHER Of
τοΰ Πατρός υμών τοΰ έν τοίς ούρανοίς, ϊνα mine in the Heavens, that
άπόληται είς τών μικρών τούτων. Έάν 15
in his presence one of the
should perish one of the little-ones of them. If LEAST of these should be
δέ άμαρτήσχι *[εΙς σέ] ό αδελφός lost.
and should be in error [against thee] the- brother 15 §Now, if thy BROTH-
σου, ΰπαγε, £λεγξον αυτόν μεταξύ σοΰ καΐ ER be in error, go, con-
of thee, go, test him between thee ι vict him, between thee
αύτοΰ μόνου. Έάν σοΰ άκούστ] έκέρδησας and him alone. §If he
him alone. If thee he may hear thou hast won hear thee, thou hast gain-
τόν άδελφόν σου· 1β
έάν δέ μή άκούσχ], ed thy BROTHER.
the brother of thee; if but not he may he 16 But if he hear thee
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—10. the HEAVENS. 11.—omit. See also Lachmann
and Tischendorf. 12. will he not leave the NINETY-NINE Sheep on the MOUNTAINS,
and go and seek. 14. of THAT FATHER of mine. 15. against thee—omit.
± 8. Awonion. This word is the adjective of aioon, age, and as we have no word in
English which exactly conveys the idea attached to it in the original, it has been left
untranslated. The adjective form of the word, however, cannot rise higher in meaning
than the noun from which it is derived and must always be governed by it. See
note on Matt. xiii. 40, and Appendix. ± 1 1 . This verse is omitted in the Vatican and
several other MSS., and marked as doubtful by Griesbach. In Boothroyd's translation it is
appended to the fourteenth verse, as making a better connection.
% 10. Psa. xxxiv. 7; Luke i. 19; Deut. xix. 15; John viii. 17; 2 Cor. xiii. 1.
I 1 1 . Luke ix. 6; xix. 10; John iii. 17; xii. 47. % 12. Luke xv. 4. % 15.
Lev. xix. 17; Luke xvii. 3 . % 15. James v. 19, 20.
Chap. 18:17.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 18:25.
παράλαβε μετά σοΰ έ'τι έ'να f\ δύο· Ινα έπΙ not, take with thee one or
tk ith the beids one or two; that by two more; $that by the
στόματος δύο μαρτύρων ¥\ στα- Testimony of Two or three
mouth two of witnesses o may be
17 Witnesses, Every Thing
θχί πάν ρήμα. Έάν έ παράκουση may be proved.
d e y w r d If and he shoulddisregard 17 But if he disregard
αυτών, _ευιέ rft εκκλησία· έάν δέ καΐ them, inform the CON-
GREGATION ; and if he
της εκκλησίας παράκουση, έ'στω disregard the CONGREGA-
of the cougregatioi ihould disregard, let him be TION also, $let him be to
σοι ίδσπερ 6 εθνικός καΐ ό τελώνης. thee as a PAGAN and a
Άμήν λέγω ύμίν, δσα έάν δήσητε έπί TRIBUTE-TAKER.
Indeed I say to you, whatever you may bind on 18 Indeed, I say to you
της γης, έσται δεδεμένα έν τω ούρανφ· 3:Whatever you may bind
on EARTH, will be as hav-
the earth, shall be having been bound in the heaven; ing been bound in •Heav-
καΐ δσα έάν λύσητε έπΙ της γης, εσται
and whatever you may loose on the earth, shall be en ; and w h a t e v e r you
λελυμένα έν τφ ούρανφ. may loose on EARTH, will
be as having been loosed
having been loosed in the heaven. in *Heaven.
Πάλιν λέγω ύμίν, δτι έάν δύο υμών συμ- 19 * Again, indeed, I say
Again I say to you, that if two of you may to you, That if two of
φωνήσωσιν έπΙ της γης, περί παντός πράγ- you on EARTH may agree,
ματος, οδ έάν αΐτήσωνται, γενήσεται αύ- about any thing Ayliich
they may ask, it will be
ter, whatever they may ask, i t shall be to done for them, by THAT
τοις παρά του Πατρός μου, του έν ούρανοίς. FATHER of mine in th«
them from the Father of me, of that in heavens. Heavens.
γάρ είσι δύο f\ τρεις συνηγμένοι 20 For where two or
wi ether three are assembled in
εις τό έμόν δνομα, εκεί είμι έν μέσω MY Name, I am there in
the Midst of them."
αυτών. ^Τότε προσελθών αύτφ ό Πέτρος, 21 Then Peter coming
of them. Then coming to him the Peter, •said to him. §"Lord,
είπε· Κύριε, ^ποσάκις αμαρτήσει είς έμέ ό how often shall I forgive
αδελφός μου, καΐ αφήσω αύτφ; δως έπτά- my BROTHER, if he re-
brother of m e , and I s h a l l f o r g i v e h i m ? t i l l seven peatedly trespass against
κις; ^Λγει αύτω ό Ίησοΰς· Ού λέγω σοι, me? till seven times?*'
22 JESUS says to him,
έΌος έπτάκις, άλλ* έως έβδομηκοντάκις επτά. " I say to thee, Not till
t i l l seven times, but t i l l seventy times seven. seven times only, but till
^Διά τοΰτο ώμόιώθη ή βασιλεία seventy times seven.
Therefore this has been compared the kingdom 23 In this, the KING-
τών ουρανών άνθρώπω όασιλεί, δς ηθέλησε DOM of the HEAVENS has
of the heavens to a man king, who wished been compared to a King,
συνάραι λόγον μετά τών δούλων αύτοΰ. who determined to settle
to settle an account with the slaves of him. Accounts with his SERV-
^Άρξαμένου δέ αύτοΰ συναίρειν, προσηνέχθη ANTS.
Having begun and of him to settle, they brought 24 And having begun
αύτφ εϊς οφειλέτης μυρίων ταλάντων. ^Μή to settle, they brought to
to him OQO A dobtor of ton tuousftud t&lGixts· iiot him one Debtor of Ten
έχοντος δέ αύτοΰ άποδοΰναι, έκέλευσεν αύτοΰ thousand ±Talents.
having but of him to pay, ordered him 25 But he not having
ό κύριος αύτοΰ πραθήναι, καΐ τήν γυναίκα means to refund, *the
the lord of him to be sold, and the wife MASTER, to obtain ±pay-
* VATICAN MANUSOBIPT.—18. Heaven. 18. Heaven. 19. Again, indeed I say.
21. said to him, "Lord," 2 5. the MASTBE.
± 24. Of silver; gold is never to be supposed, unless mentioned.—Sloomfleld. ±25.
It was usual among the Jews for the family of the debtor to be sold for the benefit of the
creditor. See 2 Kings iv. 1; Neh. v. 8. This bondage, however, only extended to six
% 17. Rom. xvi. 17; 2 Thess. iii. 6, 14. X 18. Matt xvi. 19; John xx. 23. $ 21.
Luke xvii. 3, 4.
Chap. 18:26.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 18:35.
αύτοϋ, καΐ τά τέκνα, καΐ πάντα δσα εί- ment, ordered that he,
of h i m , and t h e c h i l d r e n , and a l l a s much a s he and his WIFE and CHIL-

νε, καΐ άποδοϋήναι. Πεσών οδν DREN, and all that he
had, and payment to be made. Falling down there-
ό δοΰλος προσεκύνει αύτφ, λέγων * [Κύ-
had should be sold.
26 The SERVANT then
ριε,] μακροθύμησον έπ' έμο'ι, καΐ πάντα σοΙ falling down, prostrated
lord,] have p a t i e n c e w i t h m e , and a l l to thee to him, saying, 'Have pa-
αποδώσω. 27
Σπλαγχνισθείς δέ ό κύριος tience with me, and I
I w i l l pay. i>i>ing moved with pity then the lord will pay thee all.'
του δούλου εκείνου, άπέλυσεν αυτόν, καΐ τό 27 And the MASTER of
of the slave oi that, loosed him, and the *the SERVANT, being com-
δάνειον άφήκεν αύτφ. 2 8 Έξελ#ών δέ ό δοΰλος passionate, loosed him,
debt remitted to him. Going out but the slave and remitted the DEBT.
* [εκείνος,] εΰρεν 8να των συνδούλων αύτου, 28 But the SERVANT go-
[that,] found one of the fellow-slaves of him, ing out, found one of his
8ς ώφειλεν αύτώ εκατόν δηνάρια· καΐ κρατή- FELLOW-SERVANTS, W hΟ
who owed to him a hundred denarii; and seiz-
owed him a Hundred ±De-
σας αυτόν έ'πνιγε, λέγων* Άπόδος μοι narii; and seizing him he
ing him he choked him, saying: Pay tome choked him, saying, 'Pay
ει τι οφείλεις. ^Πεσών ofrv •whatever thou owest.'
if any thing thou owest. Falling down therefore 29 And his FELLOW-
ό σύνδουλος αυτοί), παρεκάλει αυτόν, λέγων SERVANT falling down,
the fellow-slave of him, besought him, saying: entreated him, saying,
Μακροθύμησον έπ' έμοί, καΐ * [πάντα] άποδώ- 'Have patience with me
Have patience with me, and Call] I will and I will pay thee.'
σω σοι. 30*Ο δέ ουκ Ϋΐθκλεν· άλλ* άπελθών 30 But HE would n o t ;
δβαλεν αυτόν είς φυλακήν, εως οδ άποδφ and departing, committed
he c a s t him into prison, till h e s h o u l d pay him to Prison, till he
τό όφειλόμενον. 3 1 Ίδόντες δέ ol σύνδου- should pay the DEBT.
that he was owing. Seeing and the fel 31 * When, therefore,
λοι αύτου τά ._ γενόμενα, ._..._.. His FELLOW-SERVANTS see-
slaves of him that having been done, were grieved ing WHAT was DONE, they
σφόδρα· καΐ έλθόντες διεσάφησαν τφ κυρίφ were indignant; a n d
much; and going they related to the lord going to their MASTER,
αυτών πάντα τά γενόμενα. Τότε προσκα- they related ALL that had

of them all that having been done. Then having OCCURRED.

λεσάμενος αυτόν 6 κύριος αύτοΰ, λέγει αΰτφ· 32 Then his MASTER
called him the lord of him, says to him: having called him, said to
Δοΰλε πονηρέ, πασαν την δφειλήν έκείνην ά-
Ο slave wicked, all the debt that
him, Ό wicked SERVANT !
All that DEBT I forgave
<ρηκά σοι, έπεί παρεκάλεσάς με
remitted to thee, because thou besought me; not
thee, because thou didst
entreat me;
Ιίδει καΐ σέ έλεησαι τόν σύνδου- 33 was it not binding
on thee also to have had
was it binding also thee to have pitied the fellow
λόν σου, ώς καΐ έγώ σέ ήλέησα; ΚαΙ pity on thy FELLOW-SER-

slave of thee, as also I thee pitied? And

VANT, as I also had pity
όργισθείς ό κύριος αυτοί) παρέδωκεν αυτόν on thee?'
being provoked the lord of h i m delivered h i m
34 And his MASTER be-
τοις βασανισταΐς, έ'ως οδ άποδφ παν τό ing provoked, delivered
to the Jailors, till he may pay all that
όφειλόμενον *[αύτώ.] ^Ουτω καΐ ό Πατήρ him to the JAILORS, till
owing [to him*.] So also the Father he should discharge the
μου ό επουράνιος ποιήσει ύμίν, έάν μή DEBT. 35 Thus also will my
of me the heavenly w i l l do to you if not
άφήτε έκαστος τφ άδελφφ αύτοΰ άπό τώνHEAVENLY FATHER t r e a t
you, unless you from your
you forgive each one the brother of him from the
καρδιών υμών. HEART, each one §forgive
hearts of you. his BROTHER."
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—26. Ο lord—omit. 27. the SERVANT. 28. that—omit.
28. whatever thou owest. 29. all—omit. 31. When, therefore, His IELLOW-SBRVANTS.
34. to him—omit.
± 2 8 . This was a Roman coin worth about 14 cents, or 7d.
t 35. Prov. xxi. 1 3 ; Matt. vii. 1,2.
Chap. 19:1.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 19:10.
ΚΕΦ. ι θ \ 19. CHAPTER XIX.
ΚαΙ έγένετο, δτε έτέλεσεν ό Ίησοΰς 1 $And it happened,
And i t came to pass, when ended the Jesus When JESUS ended these
τους λόγους τούτους, μετηρεν άπό της Γα-WORDS, he departed from
the words from the Ga- Galilee, and came into the
λιλαίας, καΐthese,
ήλθεν he είςdeparted
τα δρια της Ίου- CONFINES Of JUDEA, be-
lilee, and came into the
:onfines of the Ju-
δαίας, πέραν τοϋ 'Ιορδανού. 2ΚαΙ ήκολούΦη- yond the JORDAN.
doii l)eyoiici the JOI*CL&II· ^.iid f ol lowed 2 And great Crowds
σαν αύτφ δχλοι πολλοί* καΐ έθεράπευσεν followed him, and he
him crowds great; and he healed cured their sick.
αυτούς έκεΕ. 3 And the *Pharisees
them there. came to him, trying him,
Kal προσήλθον αύτφ ol Φαρισαίοι, πειρά- and saying, §"Is it law-

And came to him the Pharisees, try- ful for a man to dismiss
ζοντες αυτόν, καΐ λέγοντες *[αύτφ·] Ει £ξε-his WIFE for Any Cause ?"
ing him, and saying Cto him;] If i t Is 4 And He answering,
στιν άνθρώπφ άπολυσαι την γυναίκα αύτοϋ said to them, "Have you
lawful to a man to release 4 the wife of him
κατά πασαν αίτ'ιαν; Ό δε αποκριθείς είπεν not read, That the CREA-
upon every cause? He and answering said TOR., a t the first, §mad© a
αύτοίς* Ούκ άνέγνωτε, δτι ό ποιήσας απ'male and a female;
to them: Not have you read, that the Creator from
αρχής άρσεν καΐ Φήλυ έποίησεν αυτούς; 5 and said, §On ac-
a beginning α male and a female he made them? count of this a man shall
Β leave FATHER and MOTH-
κα1 είπεν «"Ενεκεν τούτου καταλείψει αν- ER, and adhere to his
and said: "On account of this shall leave a
θρωπος τόν πατέρα καΐ την μητέρα, καΐ become WIFE ; and they TWO shall
m&u tli© x si £ii ο ι* siiid ill β mother ι AIIQ
one Flesh?'
προσκολληθήσεται xfj γυναικί αύτοΰ· καΐ 6 So that they are no
shall be closely united to the wife of him; and
longer Two, but one Flesh.
έσονται ol δύο είς σάρκα μίαν.» 6"Ωστε ού- What GOD, then, has uni-
shall be the two into flesh one." So that no
ted, let no man sever."
«έτι είσΐ δύο, αλλά σαρξ μία. "Ο οΰν ό
longer they are two, but flesh one. What then the 7 They say to him,
Θεός συνέζευξεν, άνθρωπος μή χωρι- §"Why then did Moses
God has joined together, a man not dis- command to give a Writ
ζέτω. 7Λέγουσιν αύτφ· ΤΙ ούν Μωσης ένε- of Divorce, and dismiss
unites. They say to him; Why then Moses did her?"
τείλατο δούναι βιβλίον άποστασίου, καΐ άπο- 8 He says to them,
λΰσαι αυτήν; 8Λέγει αύτοίς· "Οτι Μωσης προς ted "Moses, indeed, permit-
you to divorce your
την σκληροκαρδίαν υμών έπέτρεψεν ύμϊν άπο- WIVES, on account of your
λΰσαι τάς γυναίκας υμών* άπ' αρχής δέ but from the Beginning
it was not so.
ού γέγονεν οΰτω. Λέγω δέ ύμίν, οτι 8ς civ 9 £But I say to you,
not i t was so. I say but to you, that whoever Whoever dismisses his
άπολύση την γυναίκα αύτοΰ, μή επί πορ- WIFE, except *on Account
j j j j y Γθ1©ί13Θ til© TST i £ G Ol llilXlf 63CCGDt ΪΟΓ fOTIliCii™ of Whoredom, causes her
•νεία, καΐ γαμήστ) αλλην, μοιχαται* to commit adultery; and
tion, and may marry another, commits adultery; HE who MARRIES the di-
seal 6 άπολελυμένην γαμήσας,
and he her being released marrying, μοιχα- vorced woman, commits
commits adul-
ται. 10Λέγουσιν αύτφ ol μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ· ΕΙ 10 *The DISCIPLES say
tery. They say to him the disciples of him; If
to him, "If the CASE of
ούτως εστίν ή αίτία του ανθρώπου μετά της the HUSBAND with .his
thus is the case of the man with the
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 . Pharisees. 3. to him—omit. 9. on Account of
Whoredom, causes her to commit adultery; and H E who MARRIES. 10. The D I S C I P L E S .
t 1. Mark x. 1. $ 3. Mark x. 2. t 4. Gen. i. 2 7 ; Mai. i i . 1 5 . $ 5 . Gen.
II. 2 4 ; 1 Cor. vi. 1 6 ; Eph. v. 3 1 . ί 7. Deut. xxiv. 1. % 8. Matt. v. 3 2 ; Mark x.
1 1 ; Luke xvi. 1 8 ; 1 Cor. vii. 10.
Chap. 19:11.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 19:18.
γυναικός, ού συμφέρει γαμησαι. η
Ό δέ WIFE be thus, it is not
woman, not it is profitable to marry. He but good to marry."
είπεν αύτοίς· Ού πάντες χωροΰσι τόν λόγον 11 But HE answered,
saidl to them: Not all admit the word §"None can admit *the
τοΰτον, άλλ' οίς δέδοται. ΕΙσΙ γάρ WORD, but those to whom
tHis, but to whom it has been given. There are for it is given.
εύνοϋχοι, οίτινες έκ κοιλίας μητρός έγεννή- 12 For there are some
eunuchs, who from womb of mother were Eunuchs, by natural con-
θησαν οίίτω· καΐ είσΐν ευνούχοι, οϊτινες stitution ; others have
born so; and there are eunuchs, who been made Eunuchs by
ευνουχίσθηκαν ύπό των άνθροόπων καΐ ε'ισίν MEN ; and ftothers have
were made eunuchs by the men; and there are made themselves Eunuch3
εύνοϋχοι, οϊτινες εύνο\')χισαν εαυτούς διά on account of the KING-
TiVllQ 111 Λ d© OUllUCJlS t i l ΘΙΏ S © 1V β S OH ftCCOUn t DOM of the HEAVENS.
την βασιλε'ιαν των ουρανών. *Ο δυνάμενος HE who is ABLE to do
of the kingdom of the heavens. He being able
this, let him do it."
χωρείν, χωρείτω. 13 §Then they brought
to admit, let him admit.
^Τότε προσηνέχθη αύτω παιδία, ϊνα to
him Little children,
he might place his
Then were brought to him* l i t t l e chi ldren that
HANDS on them, and pray ;
τάς χείρας έπιθτί αύτοίς, καΐ προσεύξη- and the DISCIPLES rebu-
the hands he might lay on them, ond he might ked them.
•tfai* ot δε μαθηταΐ έπετίμησαν αύτοίς. 14*Ο 14 But Jesus said, "Let
pray; the but disciples rebuked them. The the LITTLE CHILDREN a-
δέ Ίησοϋς εΐπεν "Αφετε τά παιδία καΐ lone, and forbid them not
and J e s u s s a i d : Suffer the l i t t l e c h i l d r e n and
μη κωλύετε αυτά έλθείν προς με· τών γάρ to come to me; ^because
not hinder them to come to me; of the for to SUCH as THESE be-
τοιούτων εστίν ή βασιλεία τών ουρανών. ΚαΙ 15 longs the KINGDOM of the
επιζείς αύτοίς τάς χείρας, έπορεύθη 15 And having laid his
liiyliitf on them the liitucls» h© deleft.ι*ted hands on them, he depar-
εκείθεν. ted thence.
thence. 16 §And behold, one
1β approaching, said * to him.
ΚαΙ Ιδού, είς προσελθών, είπεν αύτφ· Δι- "Good Teacher! what good
And Ιο, one coming, said to him: O thing must I do, that I
δάσκαλε αγαθέ, τΐ αγαθόν ποιήσω, ϊνα εχω may obtain aionian Life ?'*
teacher good, what good must I do, that I may have
ζωήν αίώνιον; 17*Ο δέ εΐπεν αύτφ· Τί με 17 And HE said to him,
l i f e agelasting? He and he said to him"; Why me *±"Why dost thou call Me
έρωτας περί του άγαθοΰ; είς έστιν δ αγαθός. GOOD? GOD alone is good.
askest thou concerning the good? one Is the good. If, however, thou desirest
to enter that LIFE, keep
Εί δέ θέλεις είσελθεϊν είς τήν ζωήν, the COMMANDMENTS.**
18 He says to him,
Λέγει αύτώ· "Which?" JESUS an-
τήρησον τάς έντολάς.
keep s t r i c t l y the commandments. He says to him: swered, "These; §'Thou
Ποίας; *Ο δέ Ίησοΰς είπε· Τό «Ού φονεύ- 'shalt n$t commit murder;
Which? The and Jesus said: This; "Not thoushalt
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 1 . the WORD. 16. to him said, " 0 Teacher?" 17.
"Why askest thou Me concerning THAT which is GOOD? One is the GOOD; but if thou
± 12. A highly figurative mode of expression, similar to what is found in Matt. v. 29, 3 0 ;
xviii. 8, 9. The amputation of the desire, not of the member, is here intended, as is evi-
dent from the two species of eunuchism previously mentioned. It was so understood by
Justin Martyr, Chrysostom, Tertullian, &c, except Origen, who not only interpreted the
words literally, but is said to have exemplified them upon himself.—See Anelecta TJieologica.
Τ 17. The Common reading has been preferred to either Griesbach's text, or the Vatican
MS. George Campbell regards the evidence for i t from the majority of MSS., to be vastly
eupe"rior. The versions on both sides nearly balance each other; but the internal evidence
arising from the connection of the thoughts, is decisive on the point. Besides it corres-
ponds with both Mark and Luke, who record the same conversation, in nearly the same
words, and no different reading is noted.
X 1 1 . 1 Cor. vii. 2 , 7 , 9 , 1 7 . $ 1 2 . 1 Cor. vii. 32-34. $ 13. Mark x. 1 3 .
% 14. Matt. v. 3 ; X 16. Mark x. 1 7 ; Luke xviii. 18. $ 18. Exod. xx. 1 3 ; Deut.
V. 17.
Chap. 19:19.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 19:28.
σεις· Ού μοιχεύσεις· Ού κλέ- 'Thou shalt not commit
k i l l ; Not thou shalt commit adultery; Not thou 'adultery ; Thou shalt not
ψεις· Ού 1ΰ
ψευδομαρτυρήσεις* ΎΊ- 'steal; Thou shalt not
slialt steal; Not thou shal t testify fal sely; Ho- 'testify falsely;
μα τον πατέρα καΐ τήν μητέρα·» και· «Άγα- 19 'Honor thy FATHER
nor the father and the mother;" and "Thou 'and thy MOTHER ;' and
't'Thou shalt love thy
πήσεις τον πλησίον σου ώς σεαυτόν.» 20Λέ- 'NEIGHBOR as thyself.'"
shaltlovo the neighbor ofthee as thyself." Says 20 The YOUNG MAN says
γει αύτώ ό νεανίσκος· Πάντα ταΰτα έφυ- to him, "All these have
to him the young man; All these 1 I kept; what want I
λαξάμην *[έκ νεότητός μου·] τΐ £τι more?"
kept Lfrom childhood ofme;] what more 21 JESUS replied, "If
21 thou desirest to be perfect,
υστερώ; "Εφη αΰτφ ό Ίησοΰς* Ει θέλεις go, sell thy POSSESSIONS,
do I want? Said to him the Jesus: If thou wishest and give to the *POOR ;
τέλειος είναι, ΰπαγε, πώλησαν σου τά υπάρ- and thou shalt have Trea-
χοντα, καΐ δός πτωχοίς* καΐ έ'ξεις sure in Heaven; and
come, follow me."
sessions, and give to poor; and thou shalt have
22 But the YOUNG MAN
θησαυρόν έν ούρανφ· καΐ δεΰρο, ακολουθεί having heard this WORD,
went away sorrowing ; for
μοι. 2 2 Άκούσας δέ ό νεανίσκος τόν λόγον, he had great *Riches.
me. Having heard and the young man the word, 23 Then JESUS said to
άπηλθε λυποΰμενος* fjv γαρ εχονν κτήμα- his DISCIPLES, §"lndeed
went away sorrowing; he was for having posses- I say to you, That it will
τα πολλά. S I O δέ Ίησοΰς είπε τοίς μαθηταίς
sions many. The and Jesus said to the disciples be difficult for a Rich man
αύτοΰ· 'Αμήν λέγω ΰμίν, δτι δυσκό- to enter the KINGDOM of
of himself: Indeed I say to you, that with diffl-
λως πλούσιος είσελεΰσεται εις τήν βασιλείαν
24 And again I say to
you, ±It is easier for a
των ουρανών. Π ά λ ι ν δέ λέγω ύμίν, Camel to pass through a
of the be&voiis· ^ΔβίΐίΠι nod X sfty t o yoii> Needle's Eye than for a
εύκοπώτερόν έστι κάμηλον διά τρυπήματος Rich man to enter the
easier it is a camel through a hole KINGDOM ±of GOD/'
ραφίδος είσελθείν, r\ πλουσιον είς τήν 25 And the DISCIPLES
hearing, were greatly as-
δασιλείαν τοΰ Θεοΰ είσελθείν.
Άκούσαντες tonished, saying, "Who
then can be saved?"
^c ι η ρ" el ο ΙΊΊ of the God TO enter» ίΐ&νΐΐι^ h6s,i*d 2G JESUS looking at
δέ ol μαθηταΐ, έξεπλήσσοντο σφόδρα, λέγον- them, answered, "With
Men this is impossible;
τες* ΤΙς δρα δύναται σωθήναι; Έμ6λέψας but with God everything
Ing; Who then is able to be saved? Looking is possible."
δέ 6 Ίησοΰς είπεν αύτοϊς· Παρά άνθρώποις
but the Jesus said to him: With man 27 §Then PETER reply-
τοΰτο αδύνατον έστι· παρά δέ Θεφ πάντα ing, said to him, "Behold,
this Impossible is; w i t h but God all $we have forsaken all,
possible. and followed thee; what,
^Τότε αποκριθείς ό Πέτρος είπεν αύτφ· therefore, shall we ob-
jThen answering the Peter ssild to him ι tain?"
*Ιδού, ημείς άφήκαμεν πάντα, καΐ ήκολουθή-
Lo, we left all, and followed 28 And JESUS said to
σαμέν σοι* τΐ δρα &σται ήμίν; 2 8 Ό δέ them, "Indeed, I say to
thee; what then shall be to us? The and
Ίησοΰς είπεν αύτοίς· 'Αμήν λέγω ύμίν, δτι
• V A T I Csaid
Jesus A N to
M Athem:
N U S O BIndeed
I P T . — 2 0I. say
from tomy
that 2 1 . POOR 22. this
WORD. 22. Riches.
± 2 4 . Rabbins, as, well as Arabs, were accustomed in describing an impossibility, or
a high degree of improbability, to say, " I t will not happen before a camel or an elephant
has crept through the eye of a needle."—Mar she's Translation of MicluBlis. ± 24. of
HEAVEN.—Lachmann & Tischendorf.
t 19. Lev. xix. 18. $ 23. Mark x. 2 4 ; Luke xviii. 2 4 ; 1 Tim. vi. 9, 10. % 27.
Mark x. 2 8 ; Luke xviii. 28. X 27. Matt. iv. 2 0 ; Luke v. 11.
Chap. 19:29.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 20:7.
ύμείς ot άκολουθήσαντές μοι, έν τη παλλιγ- you, That in the RENOVA-
you the having followed me, in the new birth TION, ±when the SON of
γενεσία δταν καθίσχι ό υΙός του άνθρωπου MAN shall sit on the
day when may s i t the son of the man
επί θρόνου δόξης αΰτοϋ, καθίσεσθε καΐ ύμείς
throne of his Glory,
upon a throne of g l o r y of h i m , s h a l l s i t a l s o you $yOU, my FOLLOWERS,
επί δώδεκα θρόνους, κρίνοντες τάς δώδεκα shall also sit on Twelve
Upon twelve thrones ι judging the twelve Thrones, j u d g i n g t h e
φυλάς του 'Ισραήλ. ^ΚαΙ πας ος άφηκεν
tribes of t h e I s r a e l . And a l l w h o left 29 $And whoever has
οικίας, ή αδελφούς, η άδελφάς, ή πατέρα, forsaken, *on account of
houses* o r brothers» o r s i s t e r s or f&thoPa MY Name, Houses, or
Brothers, or Sisters, or
^ μητέρα, *[$[ γυναίκα,] ή τέκνα, ή αγρούς, Father, or Mother, or
Wife, or Children, or
ένεκεν του ονόματος μου, έκατονταπλασίονα Lands, shall receive
On iiccount καΐ
λήψεται, of the
αιώνιονof iri©« si hundred fold
κληρονομήσει. * Manifold, and shall in-
Shall receive, and l i f e a g e l a s t i n g shall inherit. herit aionian Life.
ΠολλοΙ δέ έσονται πρώτοι έσχατοι καΐ 30 $But many shall be
Many but shall be first, last and first, that are last; and
έσχατοι πρώτοι. last, that are first.
last first.
ΚΕΦ. « ' . 20. 1 For the KINGDOM of
*θμο1α γάρ έστιν ή βασιλεία των ουρανών the HEAVENS resembles a
Householder, who went
άνθρώπω οικοδεσπότη, δστις έξήλθεν αμα out early iii the Morning,
to a man a householder, who went out with to hire Laborers for his
πρωΐ μισθώσασθαι έργάτας εις τόν αμπελώνα VINEYARD.
morning to hire laborers into the vineyard 2 And having agreed
αύτοΰ. 2Συμφωνήσας δέ μετά τών εργατών with some LABORERS for
of him. Having agreed and with the laborers a tDenarius a DAY, he
έκ δηναρίου τήν ήμέραν, άπέστειλεν αυτούς
sent them into his VINE-
for a denarius the day, he sent them YARD.
3 And going out about
είς τόν αμπελώνα αύτοΰ. 3 ΚαΙ έξελθών περί the ±Third Hour, lie saw
Into the vineyard of him. And going out about
others s t a n d i n g unem-
τρίτην ωραν, εΐδεν άλλους έστώτας έν τη
third hour, he saw others standing In the
ployed in the market-
place ;
άγορφ αργούς· 4κάκείνοις είπεν *Υπάγετε 4 and he said to THEM,
market-place idle; and to them he said: Qo 'Go YOU also into the
καΐ ύμείς είς τόν αμπελώνα· καΐ δ έάν f\ VINEYARD, and whatever
and you into the vineyard; and whatever may be is reasonable, I will give
δίκαιον, δώσω ύμίν. ΟΙ δέ άπηλθον. you.' And THEY went.
just, I w i l l give to you. They and went away. 5 Again having gone
Πάλιν έξελθών περί έ'κτην καΐ ένάτην out about the f sixth hour,

Again going out about sixth and ninth and about the fninth, he
&Qav, έποίησεν ωσαύτως. β ΠερΙ δέ τήν did in like manner.
hour, he did i n l i k e manner. About and the 6 And about the ±ELEV-
ένδεκάτην *[ωραν] έξελθών, εΰρεν άλλους ENTII, going out, he found
eleventh [hour] going out, he found others others standing, and says
έστώτας, καΐ λέγει αΰτοίς· ΤΙ ώδε έστήκατε here to them, 'Why stood you
standing, and he says to them: Why here stood you All the day unem-
δλην τήν ήμέραν αργοί; Λέγουσιν αύτώ· 7 ployed ?'
all the day idle? They say 7 They say to him, 'Be-
to him:
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 9 . on account of M I Name. 29. or Wife—omit.
29. Manifold. 6. hour—omit.
± 2 8 . That glorious moral, social, political, religious, and physical change which will be
introduced by the Messiah, who says, "Behold, I make all things new," Rev. xxi.5 ± 2.A
denarius is the eighth part of an ounce—value 14 cents, or 7d. ± 3 . Nine in the morning.
± 5. Noon. ± 5. Three o'clock in the afternoon. ± 6. Five o'clock in the afternoon.
% 28. Luke xxii. 30. % 29. Mark x. 2 9 , 3 0 ; Luke xviii. 2 9 , 3 0 . $ 30. Matt.
xx. 1 6 ; Luke xiii. 3 0 .
Chap. 20:8.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 20: IS.
"Οτι ουδείς ήμας έμισθώσατο. Λέγει αύ- cause no one has hired
Because no one us hired. He says to us.' He says to them,
'Go you also into the
τοις* 'Υπάγετε καΐ ύμείς εις τόν αμπελώνα· VINEYARD/
* [καΐ δ εάν fj δίκαιον, λήψεσθε.] 8 And Evening having
[and whatever may be just, you shall receive.] come on, the OWNER of
Όψίας δε γενομένης, λέγει ό κύριος τοϋ the VINEYARD says to his
Evening and having come on, says the lord of the STEWARD, 'Call the LA-
BORERS, and give them
άμπελώνος τω έπιτρόπω αύτου· Κάλεσον τους their WAGES, beginning
vineyard to the steward of him; Call the with the LAST, and end-
έργάτας, καΐ άπόδος αύτοϊς τόν μισθόν, ing with the FIRST/
laborers, and give to them the hire,
9 And THOSE who came
άρξάμενος άπό των εσχάτων, έΌος των πρώτων. about the ELEVENTH hour,
9b e g i n n i n g from the last, t i l l the first.
ΚαΙ έλθόντες ol περί την ένδεκάτην ώραν, received, each one, a
And having come those about the eleventh hour, Denarius.
Ιλαβον άνά δηνάριον. 10Έλθόντες Inge δέ ol came 10 Then THOSE who
FIRST, expected that
πρώτοι, ένόμισαν, δτι πλείονα λήψονται· they should receive more;
first, supposed, that more they shallη receive; and they also received,
καΐ έ'λαβον καΐ αυτοί άνά δηνάριον. Λα6όν- each one, a Denarius.
and received also they each a denarius. Having
τες δέ έγόγγυζον κατά του οίκοδεσπό- 11 But having received
received but they murmured against the house- it, they murmured against
του, ^λέγοντες* "Οτι οδτοι ol έσχατοι μίαν t h e HOUSEHOLDER,
holder, saying: That these the last one 12 saying, 'These LAST
βραν εποίησαν, καΐ ϊσους ήμίν αυτούς έποίη- and have worked One Hour,
thou hast made them
lioixr ^vorked) ftud GQU&1 to us thorn thou hxist equal to us, who have EN-
σας, τοίς βαστάσασι τό βάρος της ημέρας, DURED the BURDEN and
made, to the having endured the burden of the day, the SCORCHING HEAT Of
καΐ τόν καύσωνα.
αυτών. Εταίρε ούκΌαδικώ
δέ αποκριθείς
σε* ουχί είπεν ένΐ
δηνα- the DAY/
of them; Friend, not I wrong thee; not ofadena- 13 H E answering said
ρίου συνεφώνησάς μοι; 14Τ
Αρον το σόν καΐ to one of them, 'Friend,
rlus didst thou agree to me? Take thee thine and I do not injure thee ; didst
ίίπαγε. Θέλω δέ τούτω τφ έσχάτω δοΰναι ώς not thou agree with me
go. I wish and to this the last to give as for a Denarius?
καΐ 15
σοί. "Η οΰκ δξεστί μοι ποιήσαι δ 14 Take THAT which is
also to thee. Or not is It lawful to me to do what THINE, and go thy way;
θέλω έν τοίς έμ,οίς; η* ό οφθαλμός σου *I will give to This LAST,
I w i l l with the my own? or the eye of thee even as to thee.
πονηρός έστιν, 8τι έγώ αγαθός είμι; 16Ου- 15 Is it not lawful for
evil is, because I good am? Thus me to do what I please
τως έσονται ol εΌχατοι, πρώτοι· καΐ ol πρώτοι, with MY OWN? Is thine
shall be the last, first; and the first, EYE envious, Because I
δσχατοι. *[Πολλοί γάρ είσι κλητοί, ολίγοι am liberal?'
last. CMany for are called, few 16 Thus the LAST shall
δέ εκλεκτοί.] be $first; and the FIRST,
but17 chosen.J last."
ΚαΙ άναθαίνων ό Ίησοΰς είς 'Ιεροσόλυμα, 17 $And *when Jesus
And going up the Jesus to Jerusalem, was about to go up to
παρέλαβε τους δώδεκα μαθητάς κατ' Ιδίαν έν TWELVE Jerusalem, he took the
he took the twelve disciples privately In Disciples private-
ly, *and said to them on
afj δδω, καΐ είπεν αύτοίς· 1 8 Ίδού, άναβαίνο- the WAY,
the way, and said to them: Lo, we go
18 $ "Behold, we go up
μεν είς 'Ιεροσόλυμα, καΐ ό υΙός του ανθρώπου to Jerusalem; and the
up to Jerusalem, and the son of the man SON of MAN will be de-
• VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 7 . and whatever may be right, you shall receive.—omit.
16. For many are called, but few chosen—omit. 17. when Jesus was about to go up
to Jerusalem, he took. 17. and said to them on the WAY.
ί 16. Matt. xix. 30. % 17. Matt. xvi. 2 1 ; Mark x. 3 2 ; Luke xvlil 3 1 ; John xii. 12.

C7iap. 20:19.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 20:27.
παραδοθήσεται τοις άρχιερεΰσι καΐ livered up to the HIGH-
Will be delivered up to tlie high-priests a.nd PRIESTS and Scribes, and
γραμματεϋσι* καΐ κατακρινοΰσιν αυτόν * [θα- they will condemn him;
scribes; and they w i l l condemn him [to
19 and will deliver him
νάτφ,] 19κα1 παραδώσουσιν αυτόν τοίς έθνε- to the GENTILES, to be
death,] and t h e y w i l l d e l i v e r up h i m t o the Gen- MOCKED, and scourged,
οιν εις τό έμπαίξαι, καΐ μαστιγώσαι, καΐ and crucified, and on the
οταυρώσαι* καΐ τη τρίτχι ήμερα άναστήσεται. THIED Day he will rise."
tocrucify; and in the third day he wi 11 standup.
20 $Then the MOTHER
Τότε προσήλθεν αύτφ ή μήτηρ των υΙών of Zebedee's CHILDREN
Then came to him the mother of the sons came to him with her
Ζεβεδα'ιου, μετά των υΙών αυτής, προσκυνοϋ- SONS, prostrating, and re-
of Zebedee, with the sons of her, prostrat- questing something from
σα, καΐ αΐτοΰσά τι παρ' αΰτοϋ. 2 1 Ό δέ είπεν him.
ing, and asking something from him. He and said 21 And HE said to her,
αύτη· ΤΙ θέλεις; Λέγει *[αύτώ·] Είπε "What dost thou wish?"
to her; What w i l t t h o u ? She says Ctohim:] Say *And SHE said, "Com-
ίνα καθίσωσιν αυτοί ot δύο υιοί μου, είς mand, that in thy KING-
tl^cit miiy s i t t h e s e the t^yo sous of xtie· one DOM, one of These my
hi δεξιών σου, καΐ είς έξ ευωνύμων σου, TWO Sons may sit at thy
at right of thee, and one at left of thee,
Right hand, and the oth-
έν τη βασιλεία σου. 22ΆποκριθεΙς δέ ό Ίησοΰς er at thy Left."
είπεν Ούκ οϊδατε, τΐ αΐτεΐσθε. Δύνασθε πι- ing, 22 But Jesus answer-
eaid: Not you know, what you ask. Are you able to said, "You know not
είν τό ποτήριον, 8 έγώ μέλλω πίνειν; Λέ- what you
you request. Can
drink of §the CUP,
drink the cup, which I am about to drink? They
γουσιν αύτφ· Δυνάμεθα. 23 *[ΚαΙ] λέγει αύ- of which I am about to
say to him: We are able. [And] he says to drink?" They say to him,
τοίς* Τό μέν ποτήριον μου π'ιεσθε· τό "We can."
23 He says to them,
them: The indeed cup of me you shall drink; the
δέ καθ'ισαι έκ δεξιών μου καΐ έξ ευωνύμων of my CUP $"You will, indeed, drink
but to s i t at right of me and at left ; but to sit at
my Right hand, and a t
μου, ούκ Ιστιν έμόν δούναι-, αλλ' οίς *the Left, is not mine to
of me, not is mine to give, but to whom
give, except for whom it
ήτοίμασται ύπό του Πατρός μου. 24ΚαΙ has been prepared by my
It has been prepared by the Father of me. And B'ATHER."
άκούσαντες ol δέκα, ήγανάκτησαν περί 24 §And the TEN, hav-
having heard the ten, were angry on account of ing heard, were indignant
των δύο αδελφών. O δέ Ίησοΰς, προσκαλε- against the TWO Brothers-,
the two brothers. The but , Jesus, . having 25 But JESUS, having
σάμενος αυτούς, είπε ν Οϊδατε, δτι ol δρχον- called them, said, "You
know That the PRINCES
called them, said: You know, that the ru- of the NATIONS rule im-
τες των εθνών κατακυριεύουσιν αυτών, καΐ ol periously over them; and
lers of the nations domineer over them. Not thus
μεγάλοι κατεξουσιάξουσιν αυτών. 2βΟύχ οΰτοις the GREAT exercise au-
great exercise authority over them. Not thus thority over them.
δσται έν ύμίν άλλ' δς έάν θέλη 26 §It *is not so among
it shall be among you; but whoever may wish you; but whoever may
έν ύμίν μέγας γενέσθαι, έστω υμών desire to become great
among you great to become, let him be of you among you, let him be
διάκονος· ^καΐ δς έάν θέλη έν ύμίν εΐ- Your Servant;
Servant; and whoever may wish among you to 27 §and whoever may
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 8 . to Death—omit. 2 1 . And S H E said. 2 1 . to h i m —
omit. 23. And—omit. 23. the Left. 26. is not so.
± 2 3 . This was fulfilled, when "Herod killed James, the BROTHER of John, with a
sword." Acts xii. 2 ; and when John was banished to " T H A T ISLE which is OAT.T/BD
Patmos, for the WORD of GOD and for the TESTIMONY of Jesus Christ." Rev. i. 9.
ί 20. Matt. iv. 2 1 ; Mark x. 35. $ 2 2 . Matt. xxvi. 39, 4 2 ; Mark xiv. 3 6 ; Luke
xxii. 4 2 ; John xviii. 11. t 23. Acts xii. 2 ; Rom. viii. 1 7 ; 2 Cor. i. 7; Rev. i. 9.
% 24. Mark x. 4 1 ; Lnke xxii. 24. $ 26. Matt, xxiii. 1 1 ; 1 Pet. v. 3. ί 2 7. Matt,
xviii. 4 ; Mark ix. 3 5 ; x. 43.
Chap. 20:28.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 21:4.
ναι π ρ ώ τ ο ς , έστω υμών δοΰλος· 28 ώσπερ desire to be chief, let him
be first, let him be of you aslave; even as be Your Slave;
ό υιός τοΰ άνθρωπου ούκ ^λθε διακονηθήναι 28 Seven a s the SON
of MAN came not to be
αλλά διακονησαι, και δοϋναι την ψυχήν αύτοΰ served, but to serve, and
but t os e r v e , andt o g i v e t h e l i f e of him
$to give his LIFE a Ran-
λύτρον αντί πολλών. som for many."
a ransom for many. 29 $ And departing from
ΚαΙ έκπορευομένων αυτών άπό 'Ιεριχώ, Jericho, a great Crowd
.And d© p£i Γ t i Ώ ^p o f tliQixi f r o m JericliOj followed him.
ήκολούθησεν αύτφ δχλος πολύς. 8 0 ΚαΙ Ιδού, 30 And behold, Two
followed him a crowd great. And lo, blind men sitting by the
δύο τυφλοί, καθήμενοι παρά την δδόν, άκού- ROAD, hearing That Jesus
two blind men,) sitting by the way, hear- passed by, cried out, say-
σαντες δτι Ίησοΰς παράγει, Ικραξαν, λέγον- ing, "O Master, Son of
ing that Jesus passes by, cried out, say- David, have pity on u s ! "
τες· Έλέησον ήμας, κύριε, υΙός Δαυίδ. 3 1 Ό 31 And the PEOPLE re-
ing: Pity us, O lord, son of David. The proved them, that they
might be silent; but THEY
δέ δχλος ΟΙ δέ μείζον εκραζον,
έπετίμησεν λέγοντες*
αύτοΐς, Έλέησον cried the louder, saying,
ϊνα σιωπήσω-
s i l e n t . They but more did cry out, saying: Pity
32 "O Master, Son of David,
ήμας, κύριε, υΙός Δαυίδ. ΚαΙ στάς ό
us, O lord, son of David. And having stopped the have pity on us !"
Ίησοΰς έφώνησεν αυτούς, και είπε* Τι 32 And JESUS stopping,
Jesus he called them, and said: What called them, and said,
θέλετε ποιήσω 3
ύμίν; "Λέγουσιν αύτφ. "What do you wish I
do you wish I should do to you? They say to him: should do for you?"
Κύριε, ϊνα άνοιχθώσιν ημών ol οφθαλμοί. 33 They say to him,
Ο lord, that may be opened of us the eyes. "Sir, that *our EYES may
ΣπλαγχνισθεΙς δέ ό Ίησοΰς, ήψατο be opened."
Being moved with pity and the Jesus, he touched 34 And Jesus being
των οφθαλμών αυτών καΐ ευθέως άνέβλεψαν moved with compassion,
the eyes of them; and immediately saw again touched *Their EYES ; and
αυτών ol οφθαλμοί· καΐ ήκολούθησαν αύτώ. *they received sight, and
of them the eyes; and they followed him.
followed him.
ΚΕΦ. κ α \ 21. CHAPTER XXI.
ΚαΙ δτε άγγισαν είς Ιεροσόλυμα, καΐ 1 §And when they were
nigh to Jerusalem, and
^λθον είς Βηθφαγή προς τό δρος των had come to Bethphage,
had come to Bethphage by the mountain of the
near to the MOUNT of
έλαιών, τότε ό Ίησοΰς απέστειλε δύο μα-OLIVES, then JESUS sent
olive-trees, then the Jesus sent away two d i s -
θητάς, λέγων αύτοίς* 2Πορεύθητε είς τήν κώ- Two them,
Disciples, saying to
ciples, saying t o them: You m a ygo to the v i l -
2 "Go to THAT VIL-
μ/ην τήν απέναντι υμών, καΐ ευθέως εύρή-
lage the over against you, and immediately you LAGE which is OVER-A-
GAINST you, and you will
σετε δνον δεδεμένην, καΐ πωλον μετ'
w i l l find an ass having been bound, and a foal with immediately find an Ass
αυτής· λύσαντες άγάγετέ μοι.3ΚαΙ έάν loose tied, and a Colt with her ;
them, and bring
her; having loosed bring to me. And if them to me.
τις ύμίν είπη τι, έρεί- 3 And if any one ques-
any (one) to you should say any (thing,) you shall tions you, reply, 'That
τε· "Οτι ό κύριος αυτών χρείαν δχει· εύ- the MASTER wants them ;'
say; That the lord of them need has; im-
δέ αποστέλλει αυτούς. Τοΰτο δέ δλον and he will send them
mediately and hew i l l send them. This and a l l promptly."
γέγονεν, ϊνα πληρωθη τό ρη- 4 Now all this was per-
bas been done, that might be fulfilled the word formed, that the WORD
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 2 . our EYES. 34. they received sight.
t 28. Luke xxii. 2 7 ; John xiii. 4, 1 4 ; Phil. ii. 7. t 28. Isa. liii. 10, 1 1 ; Dan.
ix. 24, 2 6 ; Matt. xxvi. 2 8 ; 1 Tim. I. 6 ; Titus i i . 1 4 ; Heb ix. 28. | 1. Mark. xi.
1; Luke xix. 29.
C7iap. 21:5.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 21:12.
θέν διά τοΰ προφήτου, λέγοντος· δ«Εϊπα- SFOKEN through the PROPH-
spoken through the prophet, saying: Say ET might be verified, say-
τε τχί Φυγατρί Σιών 'Ιδού, ό βασιλεύς σου 5 $"Say to the DAUGH-
δρχεταί σοι πραΰς, καΐ έπιβεβηκώς επί δνον, T E R of Zion, Behold thy
"KING comes to thee,
COIXlGS t o tliGe IU6ek) A lid XlilvillJJ bGGU 566 ^ OH AH 21SSf
καΐ πώλον υΐόν υποζυγίου.» Πορευθέν- "lowly, ±being seated on
even a foal a son of a beast of burden." Having "an Ass, even *on a Colt
τες δέ ol μονΟηταί, καΐ ποιήσαντες καθώς "of a Laboring Beast."
iron© &ncl tli© oisciolGs* &ucl li & ν i mr done fls 6 §And the DISCIPLES
προσέταξεν αύτοίς ό Ίησοΰς, 'ήγαγον τήν went, and having done as
commanded to them the Jesus, they led the JESUS directed them,
Svov και τόν πώλον, καΐ έπέθηκαν επάνω
ass and the foal, and they placed upon 7 they led the ASS, and
αυτών τά Ιμάτια αυτών* καΐ έπεκάθισεν the COLT, and $put their
t h e m t h e m a n t l e s of t h e m ; a n d t h e y c a u s e d t o s i t MANTLES over them, and
επάνω αυτών. 8 Ό δέ πλείστος δχλος έ'στρωσαν made him ride.
8 And a GREAT PART of
ΟΓΙ (on.©) o f xxiGXXi· JCXI© stud ^Γ6ο.ΐ©ΐ* cro\^d sprG&d
the Crowd spread * Their
εαυτών τά Ιμάτια έν τχί όδφ· άλλοι δέ own GARMENTS on the
βκοπτον κλάδουΓ άπό τών δένδρων, καΐ έστρών- ROAD ; and others cut
Branches from the TREES,
•νυον έν τη όδφ. °ΟΙ δέ δχλοι ol προάγον- and scattered them on
tered in the way. The and crowds those going the ROAD.
τες καΐ ol άκολουθοΰντες ε"κραζον, λέγοντες* 9 And THOSE CROWDS
before sod those xol \o^yiτι^ζ did cry· snyinir* ^PRECEDING him, and
*Ωσαννά τφ υΐφ Δαυίδ* ευλογημένος THOSE t h a t FOLLOWED,
Hosanna to the son of David; worthy of blessing shouted, saying, ± "Ho-
ό ερχόμενος έν ονόματι Κυρίου* ωσαννά έν sanna to the SON of Da-
he coming In name of Lord; hosanna in v*d! ^'Blessed be HE who
τοις ύψίστοις. 10ΚαΙ ε'ισελθόντος αύτοϋ είς 'COMES in the Name of
•Ιεροσόλυμα, έσείσθη πασά ή πόλις, λέγου- •Jehovah.' Hosanna ID
Jerusalem, was moved all the city, say- the HIGHEST heaven!"
σα* Τις έστιν οδτος; u O l δέ δχλοι έ'λεγον 10 §And having enter-
ed Jerusalem, the Whole
jugj ^Vho is this? UDh© stud cro^^ds ssiid· CITY was in commotion,
Οδτός έστιν 'Ιησούς ό προφήτης, ό άπό Να- asking, "Who is this?"
This is Jesus the prophet, that from Na- 11 And the CROWDS
ζαρέτ της Γαλιλαίας. 32ΚαΙ είσηλθεν 6 Ίησους answered, "This is Je-
zareth of the Galilee. And entered the Jesus sus, THAT PROPHET who
είς τό Ιερόν *[του Θεού,] καΐ έξέβαλε πάντας i s from Nazareth i nGALILEE."
into the temple [of the God,] and cast out all
τους πωλοΰντας καΐ αγοράζοντας έν τφ Ιερφ, 12 $And JESUS went
into ±the TEMPLE, and
tho selling and buying in the temple, expelled All THOSE SELL-
«αϊ τάς τράπεζας τών κολλυβιστών κατέστρε- ING and buying, and over-
and the tables of the money changers overturn-
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 5 . on a Colt. 8. Their-own GARMENTS. 9. PBH-
CEDING him, and. 12. of GOD—omit.
± 5. Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem riding on an ass, has been objected to as
mean and ridiculous, but it ought to be remembered that this circumstance was an exact
fulfillment of Zech. is. 9, and exemplified at the same time his strict observance of the di-
vine law. Eastern asses are much larger and more beautiful than ours, and kings and
patriarchs did not disdain to ride on them. Compare Gen. xxii. 3 ; Exod. iv.20; Num.xxil.
2 1 ; Judges v. 1 0 ; x. 4 ; 2 Sam. xvi. 2 ; xvii. 2 3 ; xix. 2 6 ; 1 Kings i. 3 3 , 34. When Sol-
omon and succeeding princes multiplied horses they were rebuked by the prophets, and chas-
tised by God for it. See Isa. i i . 6, 7 ; xxxi. 1 ; Hos. xiv. 3. Compare also Hos. 1. 7 ; Miean
V. 10, 1 1 ; Zech. ix. 10. ± 9. Hosanna, is a Hebrew word, signifying, "Save, we beseech
t h e e ! " and in this place is similar to the French "vive le roi" or the English 'God save
the king. " " H o s a n n a to the SON of David, " i s equivalent to "God preserve the SON of David.
± 1 2 The T E M P L E — t o Meron. This was not the naos, house or Temple strictly so
called, including only the vestibule the sanctuary and the holy of holies. To this our
Lord himself had not access, because not of the posterity of Aaron. The traffic was
carried on in the outer courts. These courts the Pharisees did not account holy.
± 5 Isa. lxii; Zech. ix. 9 ; John xii. 15. $ 6. Mark xi. 4. $ 7. 2 Kings ix.
13. % 9. Psa. cxviii. 26. t 10. Mark xi. 15. 12. Luke xix. 4 5 ; John ii. 15.
Chap, 21:13.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 21:21.
ψε, καΐ τάς καθέδρας των πωλούντων τάς turned the TABLES of the
ed, and the seats of the selling the BANKERS, and the SEATS
καί λέγει αύτοίς· Γέγραπται* Of t h e SELLERS Of DOVES J
13 and said to them,
«Ό οίκος μου, οίκος προσευχής κληθήσε-
"The house of me, a house of prayer shall bo
"It is written, $'My
'HOUSE shall be called a
ται· ύμείς δε αυτόν έποιήσατε σπήλαιον λη- 'House of Prayer,' but
called; you but it have made a den of
14 you *make it a Den of
στων.» ΚαΙ προσήλθον αύτω τυφλοί καΐ Robbers."
robbers." And came to him blind and 14 And the Blind and
χωλοί έν τώ Ιερω, καΐ έθεράπευσεν αυτούς, Lame came to him in
lame in the temple, and he healed them.
Ίδόντες δέ ol αρχιερείς καΐ ol γράμμα-
the TEMPLE, and he healed
Having seen but the high-priests and the scribes them.
τεΐς τά θαυμάσια, α* έποίησε, καΐ τους 15 But when the HIGH-
the wonders, which he did, and the
the WONDERS which he
παΐδας κράζοντας έν τφ Ιερφ, καΐ λέγοντας· BOYS performed, and * THOSE
who were CRYING in
*Ωσαννά τφ υΐφ Δαυίδ· ήγανάκτησαν, 1βκα1 the the TEMPLE, "Hosanna to
SON of David!" they
Hosanna to the son of David; they were angry, and were exasperated,
είπον αύτφ· Άκούεις τΐ ούτοι λέγουσιν; 16 and said to him,
Sciicl to liiΤΏ · UGArest tliou \^litxt tlic s Θ A 1*0 s&yΐu§?
*O δέ Ίησοΰς λέγει αύτοίς· Ναί· ουδέποτε "Dost thou hear what
The and Jesus says to them: Yes; Never these are saying?" And
άνέγνωτε* «"Οτι έκ στόματος νηπίων καΐ
have you read: "That out of mouth of babes and JESUS says to them,
"Yes; have you never
θηλαζόντων κατηρτίσω αίνον;» 17ΚαΙ read, §Out of the Mouth
ο ί suckling (ones) thouliiis perfected priiise?** A TI J of Infants and Nurse-
καταλιπών αυτούς, έξήλθεν έ'ξω της πόλεως lings thou has perfected
having l e f t them, h e w e n t o u t of t h e city Praise' ?"
εις Βηθανίαν, καΐ ηύλίσθη εκεί. 17 And having left
Into Bethany, and he lodged there. them, he went out of the
Πρωΐας δέ, έπανάγων είς τήν πόλιν, CITY, §to Bethany; and
Early but, returning Into the city, passed the night there.
18 ^Returning to the
μίαν έπΙ της CITY, in the Morning, he
έπείνασε. Kat Ιδών συκην
was hungry;
όδοΰ, ή"λθεν έπ' αυτήν, καΐ ουδέν εδρεν έν 19 and seeing a single
'^Viiy> lio cflwe to ΙΙΘΓ^ &ud nothing found In
Fig-tree by the ROAD, he
went to i t ; but finding
αύτη εΐ μή φύλλα μόνον καΐ λέγει αύτη· nothing on it, except
Μηκέτι έκ σου καρπός γένηται είς τόν Leaves, he said, "May no
No more ^y thee f rui t ΤΏfty be produced to the fruit grow on thee to the
αιώνα. ΚαΙ έξηράνθη παραχρήμα ή συκή. AGE ! " And the FIG-TREE
age. And withered immediately the fig-tree. instantly withered.
^ΚαΙ Ιδόντες ol μαθηταΐ έθαύμασαν, λέγον- 20 JAnd the DISCIPLES
And seeing the disciples wondered, say-
seeing it, were astonish-
τες. Πώς παραχρήμα έξηράνθη ή συκή; ed, sayinir, "How soon is
ing: How soon withered the fig-tree?
21 the FIG-TREE withered!"
ΆποκριθεΙς δέ ό Ίησοΰς είπεν αύτοίς· Ά- 21 J e s u s answering,
Answering and the Jesus said to them: In-
said to them, "Indeed, I
μήν λέγω ύμϊν, έάν ίίχητε πίστιν, καΐ say to you, §If you have
deed I say to you, If you may have faith, and
an unshaken Faith, you
μή διακριθήτε, ού μόνον τό τής will not only do THIS
not should doubt, not only the (miracle) of the miracle of the FIG-TREE,
συκής ποιήσετε, αλλά κδν τφ δρει but also, if you should
fig-tree you shall do, but also if to the mountain
say to this MOUNTAIN,
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 3 . make It. 15. THOJ Β BOTS who were CRYING.
$ 13. Isa. lvi. 7. t 16. Psa. viii. 2. $ John xi. 18. ί 18. Mark ix. 12.
$ 20. Mark xi. 20. ί 2 1 . Matt. xvii. 2 0 ; Luke xvii. 6; James i. 6; 1 Cor. xiii. 2 .

Chap. 21:22.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 21:30.
τούτω ε'ιπητε· "Αρθητι, καΐ βλή- 'Be thou lifted up, and
tills you should say: Be thou lifted up, and be thrown into the SEA/ it
θητι εις τήν θάλασσαν γενήσεται. ^ΚαΙ πάν- will be done."
cast Into tho sea; i t s h a l l be done. And a l l ,
22 $And whatever you
τα, δσα αν αΐτήσητε έν τη προσευχή, πι- shall ask in PRAYER, be-
lieving, you will receive."
στεύοντες, λήψεσθε.
lievlng, you shall receive. 23 $And having en-
tered the TEMPLE, the
ΚαΙ έλθόντι αύτφ είς τό Ιερόν, προσήλ- HIGH-PRIESTS a n d ELDERS
And having come to him into the temple, came of the PEOPLE, came near,
θον αύτφ διδάσκοντι ol αρχιερείς καΐ ol as he was teaching, and
said, "By What Author-
to him teaching the high-priests and the
πρεσβύτεροι του λαοΰ, λέγοντες* Έν ποία ity dost thou perform
elders of the people, saying: By what these things? and who
εξουσία ταΰτα ποιείς; καΐ τίς EMPOWERED thee?"
authority these (things) do.est thou? 24and who 24 Jesus replying, said
σοι Ιδωκε την έξουσίαν ταύτην; 'Αποκρι- to them, " I will also ask
to thee gave the authority this? Answer- you one Question, which
θείς δέ ό Ίησοΰ; είπεν αύτοίς· 'Ερωτήσω if you answer me, Ϊ also
ing and the Jesus said to them: I w i l l ask
υμάς κάγώ λόγον §να· 8ν έάν εϊπητέ μοι, will inform Iyoudo by What
you also I woru one; which if you may say to me, Authority these
κάγώ ύμίν έρώ, έν ποία εξουσία ταϋ- things.
also I to you w i l l tell, by what authority these 25 Whence was *THAT
τα ποίαί* ^τό βάπτισμα 'Ιωάννου πόθεν ήν; IMMERSION which was of
(things) I do; the dipping of John whence was? John? From Heaven, or
έξ ούρανοΰ, η4 έξ ανθρώπων; ΟΙ δέ διελογί- from Men?" And THEY
from heaven, or from men? They and reason- reasoned thus among
ξοντο παρ' έαυτοίς, λέγοντες· Έάν εϊπωμεν, themselves, "If we say,
e<i among themselves, saying: If we should say, From Heaven, he will re-
έξ ούρανοΰ· έρεϊ ύμίν ΔιατΙ οδν ούκ tort, Why then did you
from heaven; he w i l l say to us: Why then not not believe him?

έπιστεύσατε αύτφ; Έάν δέ εϊπωμεν έξ 26 And if we say, From
did you believe to him? if but we should say from Men, we dread t h e
ανθρώπων φοβούμεθα τόν δχλον πάντες γαρ CROWD ; for they all re-
Εχουσι τόν Ίωάννην ώς προφήτην. ΚαΙ άπο- 27 gard JOHN as a Prophet."
hold the John as a prophet. And they 27 They, therefore, said
κριθέντες τφ Ίησου είπον Ούκ οϊδαμεν. "Εφη to JESUS, in reply, "We
answering to the Jesus said: Not we know. Said cannot tell." And he said
αύτοίς καΐ αυτός· Ουδέ έγώ λέγω ύμίν έν to them, "Neither do I
to them and he: Neither I say to you by tell you by What Author-
ποία εξουσία ταΰτα 28
ποιώ. ΤΙ δέ ύ- things.ity I perform t h ese
wbat authority these (things) I do. What but to
28 But what is your
μΐν δοκεί; "Άνθρωπος είχε τέκνα δύο· καΐ opinion of this? A Man
you seems right? A m a n had children two; andhad *Two Sons ; and com-
προσελθών τφ πρώτω, είπε* Τέκνον, ΰπαγε, ing to the FIRST, he said,
coming to the first, he said: Son, go, 'Son, go work To-day in
σήμερον έργάζου έν τφ άμπελώνι μόυ. ^ Ό my VINEYARD/
to-day work in the vineyard of me. He
δέ αποκριθείς είπεν Ού θέλω* ΰστερον δέ 29 H E answered, *'l
and answering said: Not I w i l l ; afterward but will, sir,' but went not.
μεταμεληθείς, απήλθε. 80ΚαΙ προσελθών 30 And coming to the
haying changed his mind, he went. And coming SECOND, he said the same.
And HE answering, said,
τφ έτέρω, είπεν ωσαύτως. Ό δέ ά- Ί will not;' but after-
wards repenting, he went.
ποκριθείς είπεν Έγώ κύριε, καΐ ούκ απήλθε.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—25. THAT IMMERSION which was of John. 28. Two
Sons. said:
29. '/ willI sir;' lord, andnot.not 30.
but went went.
And coming to the SECOND, he said the
same. And HE answering, said, *I will not;' but afterwards he repented and went.
$ 22. Matt. vii. 8; Mark xi. 2 4 ; James v. 16; 1 John iii. 2 2 ; v. 14. t 23.
Mark xi. 2 7 ; Luke xx. 1.
Chap. 21:31.] MATTHEW. {Chap. 21:38.
Tlc έκ των δύο έποίησε 31 Which of the TWO
τό θέλημα τοΰ πα-
Who of the t w o did the w i l l of the fa-
performed the FATHER'S
τρός; Λέγουσιν *[αύτφ·] Ό πρώτος. Λέγει WILL?" They say, "The
thor? They say [to him:] The first. Says •LATTER." JESUS said to
αύτοΐς ό Ίησοΰς· 'Αμήν λέγω ήμίν, δτι ol them, $"Indeed, I say
to them the Jesus: Indeed I say to you, that the to you, That the TRIB-
τελώναι καΐ αϊ πόρναι προάγουσιν υμάς εις BUTE-TAKERS and the
tax-ga HARLOTS precede you in-
τήν βασιλείαν τοΰ Θεοΰ. Ηλθε γάρ προς to the KINGDOM of GOD.
the kingdom of the God. Came for to
32 For §John came to
υμάς 'Ιωάννης έν όδφ δικαιοσύνης, καΐ ούκyou in a Way of Right-
eousness, and you be-
έπιστεύσατε αύτφ· ot δέ τελώναι καΐ atlieved him n o t ; but the
you believed him; the but tax-gatherers and the TRIBUTE-TAKERS and the
πόρναι έπίστευσαν αύτφ· ύμείς δέ ιδόντες HARLOTS believed h i m ;
οΰ μετεμελήθητε ύστερον, τοΰ πιστεΰσαι αύτφ. yet you, having seen it,
not repented afterwards, of the to believe him. did not afterwards repent,
^"Αλλην παραβολήν ακούσατε· * [άνθρωπος] so as TO BELIEVE him.
Another parable hear you; [a man]
fjv οίκοδεσπότης, όστις έφύτευσεν αμπελώνα, 33 Hear Another Para-
Was a householder, who planted a vineyard, ble. There was a House-
καΐ φραγμόν αύτφ περιέθηκε, καΐ ωρυξεν holder, $who planted a
and a hedge to i t placed around, and digged Vineyard, and enclosed it
έν αύτφ ληνόν, καΐ ώκοδόμησε πύργον with a Hedge, and digged
in It a wlno-press, and built a tower; ±a Wine-press in it, and
seal έξέδοτο αυτόν γεωργοίς, καΐ άπεδή- built a Tower, and leased
and let out it to husbandmen, and went it to Cultivators, and left
the country.
μησεν. 84"Οτε δέ ήγγισεν ό καιρός των
abroad. When and drew near the time of the 34 And when the VIN-
καρπών, απέστειλε τους δούλους αύτοΰ, προς TAGE approached, he sent
his SERVANTS to the CUL-
τους γεωργούς, λαβείν τους καρπούς αύτοΰ. TIVATORS, to receive the
tho husbandmen, to receive the fruits of it.
ΚαΙ λαβόντες ot γεωργοί τους δούλους 35 But the tcuLTivA-
αύτοΰ, δν μέν έδειραν, δν δέ άπέ- TORS having seized his
of him, him indeed they flayed, him and they SERVANTS, severely beat
κτειναν, δν δέ έλιθοδόλησαν. Μ Πάλιν other, one, and murdered an-
killed, him and they pelted with stones. Again and stoned another.
άπέστειλεν δλλους δούλους, πλείονας των 36 Again, he sent Other
ho sent other slaves, greater the Servants, more honorable
πρώτων· καΐ εποίησαν αύτσίς ώσαύτωςν than the FIRST, and they
first; and they did to them In like manner. treated them in a similar
"Υστερον δέ απέστειλε προς αυτούς τόν manner.

«a* 11 ©Γ ΤΙ^β FQS AQQ Λβ S6QC to th^ITl tll0 37 Finally, §he sent
υΐόν αύτοΰ, λέγων Έντραπήσονται τόν υΐόν his SON to them, saying,
son of him, saying: They will regard the son'They will respect my
Ιδόντες τόν υΐόν, SON/
μου. Ot δέ γεωργοί,
of m e . The but husbandmen, seeing the son, 38 But the CULTIVA-
εΐπον έν έ αυτοίς· Οδτός έστιν ό κληρο- among TORS seeing the SON, said
said among themselves: This le the heir;
themselves, 'This
νόμος· δεΰτε, άποκτείνωμεν αυτόν, καΐ κατά- is the HEIR; $come, let
come, w e may k i l l h i m , a n d m a yus kill him, and forcibly

• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—31. to him—omit. 31. LATTER 33. A man—omit.

± 3 3 . Leenon, wine-press, is the word used by Matthew, while hupoleenion, wine-vat
Is used by Mark, ch. xii. 1. Dr. Robinson saw a wine-press at Hebieh, which was hewn
out of a rock, and divided into two parts. The upper and more shallow part was the
place where the grapes were put, the lower and deeper one was the place for receiving the
liquid pressed out of them. These two places served for both wine-press and wine-vat.
This fact will serve to illustrate the words of Jesus as recorded by the two historians.
t 31. Lukevii.29. t 32. Mattxi. 1 8 ; Lukevii. 33. $ 33. Cant. viii. 1 1 ; Isa. v. 1.
Mark i l l . 1; Luke xx. 9. $35. Heb. xt. 36, 37. $37. Heb. i. 2 ; 1 John iv. 9
t 38. Matt. xxvi. 2-4; John xl. 53.
Chap. 21:39.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 22:2.
σχωμεν τήν κληρονομίαν αΰτοϋ. 3e
K a l λαβόν- hold the INHERITANCE/
39 Then seizing him,
τές αυτόν, έξέβαλον §ξω τοΰ άμπελώνος, they $ thrust him out of
the VINEYARD and killed
καΐ άπέκτειναν. 40
"Οταν οϋν ελθχ) him.
40 When, therefore, the
ό κύριος τοΰ άμπελώνος, τΐ ποιήσει τοις OWNER Of the VINEYARD
comes, what will he do to
γεωργοΐς έκείνοις; Λέγουσιν αύτφ* Κακούς those OCCUPANTS?"
husbandmen to those? They say to him: Wretches 41 They reply to him,
κακώς απολέσει αυτούς· και τον αμπελώνα $"He will put those
wretchedly destroy them; and the vineyard wretches to a wretched
έκδώσεται άλλοις γεωργοΐς, οϊτινες αποδώ- death, and will lease the
VINEYARD to Other Cul-
W i l l l o tαύτφ
σουσιν out tτους
o o t h e καρπούς
r h u s b a n d mέν
e n , τοίς
w h o καιροίς
tivators, who will render
X6nclci* to xiιm tlio 11*1x1 t s in tlio sGiisons him the FRUITS in their
αυτών. ^Λέγει αύτοίς 6 Ίησοΰς* Ουδέποτε SEASONS."
42 JESUS says to them,
άνέγνωτε έν ταΐς Γραφαΐς· «Λίθον δν "Have you never read
in the SCRIPTURES, ±$'A
άπεδοκίμασαν ot οίκοδομοΰντες, ούτος έγε- 'Stone, which the BUILD-
rejected they building, the same was
νήθη εις κεφαλήν γωνίας· παρά Κυρίου έγέ- ERS rejected, the same
'is made the Head-stone
niade into a head of a corner; from
*νετο αυτή, καΐ ίίστι θαυμαστή έν όφθαλμοΐς
Lord was 'of the Corner; this Je-
this, and it is wonderful in eyes hovah has effected, and
ημών;». ^Διά τοΰτο λέγω ύμίν, δτι 'it is wonderful in our
άρθήσεται άφ' υμών ή βασιλεία τοϋ Θεοί), 43 Because of this, I
shall be taken from you the kingdom of the God, tell you, §That the KING-
καΐ δοθήσεται ίΦνει ποιοΰντι τους DOM of GOD will be taken
and shall be given to a nation making the
from you, and given to a
44 People who will produce
καρπούς αυτής. ΚαΙ 6 πεσών επί τον λίθον its proper FRUITS.
τοΰτον, συνθλασθήσεται· έφ' δν δ' civ 44 $And HE who FALLS
this, snail be broken; on whom but on this STONE, will be
ηέσγ\, λικμήσει αυτόν, bruised; and him, on
it shall fall, it w i l l crush to pieces him. whom it shall fall, it will
ΚαΙ άκούσαντες ol αρχιερείς καΐ ol crush to pieces."
And having heard the high-priests and the 45 And the HIGH-
Φαρισαίοι τάς παραβολάς αύτου, έγνωσαν, PRIESTS and PHARISEES
Pharisees the parables of him, knew,having heard his PARA-
δτι περί αυτών λέγει. 4 6 ΚαΙ ξητοΰντες αυτόν BLES, knew that he was
that about them he says. And seeking speaking about them.
κρατήσαι, έφοβήθησαν τους όχλους· επειδή 4G And seeking to ap-
to seize» they feared the crowds? since prehend him, they feared
ώζ προφήτην αυτόν είχον. the CROWDS, for they es-
as a prophet him they held. teemed him as a Prophet.
ΚαΙ αποκριθείς ό 'Ιησούς πάλιν είπεν αύ- 1 And JESUS contin-
uing to discourse to them
τοΐς έν παραβολαΐς, λέγων 2Ώμοιώθη ή in Parables, said,
2 "The KINGDOM of the
βασιλεία τών ουρανών άνθρώπω δασιλεί, δστις HEAVENS may be com-
Icin^dorxi ox t h e hea.\^exxs t o & τηΗΤΙ & Icintr "who pared to a Royal Person,
± 42. "A Stone, which the BUILDERS rejected." An expression borrowed from masons,
who, finding a stone, which being tried in a particular place, and appearing improper
for it, is thrown aside, and another taken: however, at last, it may happen that the very
stone which had been before rejected, may be found the most suitable as the head stone of
the corner.—Clarke.
% 39. John xix. 17, 18; Heb. xiii. 11—13. % U. Mark xii. 9; Luke xx. 16.
% 42. Psa. cxvJii. 22; Acts iv. 11; 1 Pet. ii. 7. % 43. Matt. viii. 12; Luke xiii. 28, 29.
$ 44. Isa. viii. 14, 15; Dan. ii 3 4, 44, 45.
Chap. 22:3.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 22:13.
έποίησε γάμους τφ υΐφ αύτοΰ, 3κα1 who prepared a Marriage
made marriage-ieasti to the sou of him, and festival for his SON,
απέστειλε τους δούλους αύτοΰ, καλέσαι τους 3 and he sent his SER-
Ιΐθ sent th© s 1 five s of ο i τη * tο cti 11 the VANTS to call THOSE who
had been INVITED to the
κεκλημένους εις τους γάμους· και FESTIVITIES ; and they
οΰκ ήθελον έλθείν. 4 Πάλιν άπέστειλεν άλλους refused to come.
not they would to come. Again he sent other 4 Again, he sent Other
δούλους, λέγων* Είπατε τοίς κεκλημένοις* Servants, saying, 'Inform
slaves, saying: Say to the having been cal led; THOSE who are INVITED,
'Ιδού, τό άριστον μου ήτοΐμασα· ol ταΰροι ^Behold, I have prepared
Lo, the dinner of me I prepared; the bullocks my ENTERTAINMENT ; my
μου καΐ τά σιτιστά τεθυμένα, καΐ πάν- OXEN and FATLINGS are
of m e a n d t h e f a t l i n g s h a v i n g b e e n k i l l e d , a n d a l l
τα έτοιμα· δεΰτε εις τους γάμους. killed, and all is ready;
come to the :FESTIVAL.'
6(things) ready, come to the marriage-feasts. 5 But THEY, disregard-
Ol δέ άμελήσαντες, άπήλθον ό μέν είς
They but neglecting, went away; he indeed to ing it, went away, ONE to
τόν ίδιον άγρόν, ό δέ είς την έμπορ'ιαν his OWN Farm, and ONE
the own field, he and to the traffic to his MERCHANDISE ;
αΰτου. βΟΙ δέ λοιποί κρατήσαντες τους 6 and the REST seizing
of him. The and remainder having seized the
δούλους αΰτοΰ, ύβρισαν καΐ άπέκτειναν. Ά- and killed 7 his SERVANTS, insulted,
slaves of him, insulted and killed. Hav- 7 *And the KING was
mgi δέ ό βασιλεύς, ώργίσθη· καΐ πέμ- indignant; and having
:ς τά στρατεύματα αύτοΰ, απώλεσε τους sent $his MILITARY FOR-
<ρονείς εκείνους, καΐ την πόλιν αυτών ένέπρη- DERERS, and burned their
CES, destroyed those MUR-
zuurderers those, and the city of them burned. CITY.
0ε. 8Τότε λέγει τοίς δούλοις αύτοΰ· Ό μέν 8 He then says to his
GDIIGU 2ΐθ ssiys to tliο slfl.v©s ο* Jiim.^ tuo indeed SERVANTS, 'The ENTER-
γάμος Ετοιμος έστιν, ol δέ κεκλη- TAINMENT indeed is rea-
marriage-feast ready is, they but having been dy, but THOSE who have
INVITED, were §un-
μένοι ούκ> ήσαν άξιοι. °Πορεύεσθε worthy.
DG6H cjii loo not T^ere wοrt*iy# Go you 9 Go, therefore into
δσους δν επί ευρητε,
ούν τάς διεξόδους καλέσατε των οδών, είς τους the PUBLIC ROADS, and
καΐ whoever
therefore you may find,
Whoever to you the
may find, outlets callofyou the Wiiys to &ndthe invite to the NUPTIAL-
γάμους. 10
ΚαΙ εξελθόντες ol δοϋλοι FEASTS/
10 And those SERVANTS
marriage-feasts. And having gone forth the slaves went out into the ROADS,
εκείνοι είς τάς οδούς, συνήγαγον πάν- and brought together all
those into the ways, they brought together all, that they met, Good and
τας, δσους εδρον, πονηρούς τε καΐ άγα-Bad; and the FEAST was
as many as they found, bad ones both and good well supplied with guests.
11 Now the KING hav-
Φούς· καΐ έπλήσθη ό γάμος άνακειμέ- ing entered to view the
ones; and was filled the marriage-feast of reclin- GUESTS, saw there a Man
vcov. αι
Είσελθών 6έ ό βασιλεύς θεάσα- ding $not clothed with a Wed-
Ing ones. Having entered and the king to 12 and he says to him,
'Friend, how earnest thou
σασθαι τους άνακειμένους, είδεν εκεί δνθρω- here, not having a Wed-
ding Garment?' And HE
πον ούκ ένδεδυμένον δνδυμα γά- was struck speechless.
μου· 12κα1 λέγει αύτφ· Εταίρε, πώς είσηλ-
rlage; and he says to him: Friend, how didst thou to 13theTheSERVANTS, KING then said
θες ώδε μή έχων έ'νδυμα γάμου: *Ο his Hands and Feet; take
enter here, not having
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—7. a garment of marriage? He
And the KINO was indignant.
δέ t 4. Prov. ix. 2. %ω7.
έφιμώθη. Τότε Dan.είπενix. 26.ό βασιλεύςJ8. Acts xlii. 46. $ 11. 2 Cor. v. 3 ;
Bev. was
but iii. struck
4; xvi. speechless.
15; six. 8. Then said the king
Chap. 22:14.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 22:23.
τοις διακόνοις· Δήσαντες αύτοΰ πόδας καΐ hiin, and thrust *him in-
to the servants: Having bound of him feet and to the OUTER DARKNESS J*
χείρας, άρατε αυτόν, καΐ έκόάλετε εις τό there will be the WEEP-
bands, take him, and cast into the ING and the GNASHING of
σκότος τό εξώτερον εκεί εσται ό κλαυθμός TEETH.
14 For there are Many-
καΐ ό βρυγμός των οδόντων. 14ΠολλοΙ γαρ invited, but Few selected.
and the gnashing ofthe teeth. Many for 15 $Then the PHARI-
είσΐ κλητοί, ολίγοι δέ εκλεκτοί. SEES having withdrawn,
Τότε πορευθέντες ot Φαρισαίοι συμβούλι- consulted how they might

U^liCix Imv 1 ΓΙΕ ε ο ο. ο th.6 X^lis. r i see s c ouuse 1 entrap him in Conversa-
ov ελαβον, δπως αυτόν παγιδεΰσωσιν έν λόγω. 16 And they sent to
him their DISCIPLES with
K a l άποστέλλουσιν αύτφ τους μαθητάς αύ- the HERODIANS, saying,
τών μετά
^Locl των
t lie y soiit Ήρωδιανών,
&wey to hiixi tlio λέγοντες* of "Teacher, we know That
disciolcs Δι-
thou art sincere, and
δάσκαλε, οϊδαμεν, δτι αληθής καΐ teachest the WAY of GOD
teacher, w e know, that true thou art, and in Truth, neither carest
thou for any one; for
τήν δδόν τοϋ Θεοΰ έν άληθεία διδάσκεις, καΐ thou lookest not to the
ού h μέλει i
σοι περί ούδενός* ού γαρ Appearance of Men.
not th 17 17 Tell us, therefore,
βλέπεις εις πρόσωπον ανθρώπων. ΕΙπέ οΰν thy opinion; Is it lawful
th.ou lookest into face of men. Say therefore
ήμϊν, τ'ι δοκεί; §ξεστι to pay Tax to Caesar, or
to us, what seems right? is it lawful
δούναι κήνσον Καίσαρι, ή ου; 1 8 Γνούς δέ 18 But JESUS knowing
to §iv© tvil)iit© to 0<x6s&i'i or not? Knowing l)iit their WICKEDNESS, said,
"Hypocrites! why do you
ό Ίησοΰς τήν πονηρίαν αυτών, είπε· Τί με try me?
the JGSUS tlio ΤΛ^ i ckccln©ss of tliouiy SSL i d · ^vhy me 19 Show me the TAX-
πειράζετε ύποκριταΐ; Έπιδείξατέ μοι τό COIN." And THEY handed
tempt you hypocrites? Show you to me the him a Denarius.
νόμισμα του κήνσου. ΟΙ δέ προσήνεγκαν αΰ-
coin of the tribute. They and brought to
20 And he says to them,
±"Whose LIKENESS and
τφ δηνάριον. 20ΚαΙ λέγει αύτοΐς· Τίνος ή INSCRIPTION is this ?"
him a denarius. And he says to them:
21 Of whom the 21 They say, "Caesar's."
εΐκών αΰτη καΐ ή επιγραφή; Λέγουσιν * [αύ- Then he replies to them,
llkeness this and the Inscription? They say [to
§ "Render,
τφ·] Καίσαρος. Τότε λέγει αύτοίς· Άπόδο- THINGS of Caesar, therefore, the
to Cae-
χι 1 τχι y j Ο ι CftGSftr» Then ho s&y s t o them. · Cr i v© yoxi
sar ; and the THINGS of
τε οΰν τά Καίσαρος Καίσαρι· καΐ GOD, to GOD/'
back then the (things) of Caesar to Caesar; and 22 And having heard
τά του Θεοΰ τφ Θεφ. ^Kcd άκοΰσαν- this, they wondered; and
the (things) of the God to the God. And having leaving him, they went
τες έθαι''μασαν· καΐ αφέντες αυτόν άπήλθον. away. 23 §On that day, *Sad-
Α6& rd tli©y τν oil do r ©dj &nd Ιβΐΐ^ΐΐχ^ h 1 rn tli©y*de{)Art6d·
^ Έ ν εκείνη τη ήμερα προσήλθον αύτφ ducees came to him, who
In that the day" came to him say there is no ±Resur-
Σαδδουκαίοι, ol λέγοντες, μή είναι άνάστα-
Sadducees, they saying, not to be a resurrec-
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—13. him. 21. to him. 23. Sadducees came to him, who
± 2 0 . Dr. Lightfoot tells us that the Jews have a tradition among them, that to admit
of the title of any prince on their current coin, was an acknowledgment of subjection to
him. Their acceptance of this coin when offered to them in payment, was in effect a
confession that they were conquered by the Romans, and that the emperor had a right to
their tribute. ± 23. This is rendered future life by some modern translators; which is,
as Dr. Bloomfleld very justly observes, "no version at all, but merely an explanation."
AnastaHs can only mean future life, by implication; its primary significance being a
standing or rising up. If a future life be understood by the term, then it evidently
depends upon, and follows a resurrection.
t 15. Mark xii. 1 3 ; Luke xx. 20. $ 2 1 . Bom. xiii. 7. $ 23. Mark xii. 18.
Luke xx. 2 7 ; Acts xxiii. 8.
Chap. 22:24.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 22:35.
σιν και έπηρώτηοαν αυτόν, λέγοντες· Δι- rection, and asked him,
ti-on; and they asked him, saying,
24 saying, "Teacher,
δάσκαλε, Μωσής είπε ν «'Εάν τις άποθάνη μή tMoses said, ±If a man
Ο teacher, Moses said: "If any one should die not
die, having no Children,
έχων τέκνα, έπιγαμβρεύσει ό αδελφός αύ- his BROTHER shall marry
having children, shall marry the brother of his WIDOW, and raise up
του την γυναίκα αύτοΰ, και αναστήσει σπέρμα Offspring to his BROTHER.
him the wife of him, and shall raise seed 25 Now, there were
άδελφφ αΰτοΰ.» Ήσαν δέ παρ' ήμίν with us Seven Brothers ;
to the brother of him." There were now with us and the FIRST, having
married, died; and hav-
επτά αδελφοί· καΐ ό πρώτος, γαμή- ing no issue, left his WIFE
σας, έτελεύτησε· καΐ μή έ'χων σπέρμα, άφηκε 26 Thus also the SEC-
Γ j. © Q ^ d i e (J j ftHu not OND, and the--THIRD, even
xi ίΐ ν ι n ^ s c Θd * left

την γυναίκα αύτοϋ τφ άδελφφ

αύτοΰ. to the SEVENTH.
2β Tn^iie of hΐΙΏ to the ΟΡΌtli©i* οι Υιiixi· 27 And last of all, the
Όμοίως καΐ 6 δεύτερος, καΐ ό τρίτος, εΌ>ς WOMAN also died.
L i k e w i s e a l27
so the second, and the third till
των επτά. "Υστερον δέ πάντων απέθανε καΐ 28 At the RESURREC-
t h e seven. After and of a l l died also
TION, therefore, To which
ή γυνή. ss'Ev τχί οΰν όναστάσει, τί- of the SEVEN will she be
tho woman. In the therefore resurrection, of
νος των επτά £σται γυνή; πάντες γάρ aried WIFE ? for they all mar-
Whom of the seven s h a l l be a w i f e ? all for
£σχον αυτήν. ^'Αποκριθείς δέ ό Ίησοΰς 29 J E S U S answering,
had her. Answering and the
said to them, "You err,
Jesus not knowing the SCRIP-
είπεν αύτοίς· Πλανάσθε, μή είδότες3 0τάς Γρα- TURES, nor the POWER of
«ράς, μηδέ τήν δύναμιν τοϋ Θεοΰ· Έν γάρ GOD;
ings, neither the power of the God. In for
30 for in the RESUR-
Tfi άναστάσει οΰτε γαμοΰσιν, οΰτε έκγα- RECTION [state], they nei-
ther marry, nor are given
μίζονται, άλλ' &ς δγγελοι *[τοΰ Θεοΰ] in marriage, but are as
Ix) niflrrlfl^©! but ΐιsi τχιΘ3s©uJJ6rs to«C th© GociJ ANGELS i n *HEAVEN.
έν ού©ανφ είσι. ΠερΙ δέ της αναστάσεως
31 But concerning the
in heaven ΑΓΘ* About but the resurrection RESURRECTION 0 f the
των νεκρών ούκ άνέγνωτε το ρη- DEAD, Have you not read
the deadείμι(ones)
ό Θεόςnot have you read«αϊ
'Αβραάμ, thatό having
Θεός the WORD SPOKEN to you
Ood by GOD, saying,
θέν *Ί am the God of Abra&m, and the
ύμίν ύπό τοΰ Θεοΰ, λέγοντος· 32 §Ί am the GOD of
been spokenκαΐto ό.youΘεόςby Ίαί^ώβ^»
the God, Οώκ saying:
Ιίστιν ό 'Abraham, and the Gor>
'of Isaac, and the GOD of
Θεός, Θεός νεκρών, αλλά ζώντων. 'Jacob'? *He is not the
God, a God of dead (ones,) but of living (ones). GOD of the Dead, but of
ΚαΙ άκούσαντες ol δχλοι έξεπλήσσοντο έπί the Living."
33 And the CROWDS
τη διδαχϋ αύτοΰ. hearing this, were amazed
the teaching of him. at his TEACHING.
Ol δέ Φαρισαίοι, άκούσαντες δτι έφίμωσε 34 §Now the PHARI-
The and Pharisees, hearing that he silenced SEES hearing That he had
τους Σαδδουκαίους, συνήχθησαν έπΙ τό αυτό· silenced the SADDUCEES,
the Sadducees, were assembled on the same; flocked about Him.
^καΐ έπηρώτησεν είς έξ αυτών, νομικός, πει- 35 And one of them,
and asked one out of them, a lawyer, tempt- §a Lawyer, trying him,
± VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—30. of GOD—omit. 30. HEAVEN. 32. Ho is not the GOD.
± 2 4 . The words of the Law are not quoted verbatim, but according to their sense.
The intention was thatchildren by the second marriage should be reckoned in the genealogy
of the deceased brother» and inherit his property.
t Deut. xxv. 5. $ 32. Exod. iii. 6; Mark xii. 26; Luke xx. 3 7 ; Acts vii.
32; Hcb. xi.16. ί 34. Mark xii. 28. ί 35. Luke x. 25.
Chap. 22:36.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 23:3.
οάζων αυτόν * [καΐ λέγων] 3βΔιδάσκαλε, ποίο; proposed this question;
ing him [and say ing :] 0 teacher, which 36 "Teacher, which is
εντολή μεγάλη έν τφ νόμφ; 3 7 Ό δέ the great Commandment
commandment great in the law? The and in the LAW?"
Ίησοΰς εφη αύτφ· «'Αγαπήσεις Κύριον τόν 37 *And HE said to
Jesus said to him: "Thou shalt love Lord the him, $" 'Thou shalt love
Θεόν σου έν ολχι τχι καρδία σου, καΐ έν 'Jehovah thy GOD with
God of thee, in whole the heart of thee, and in
"All thy HEART, and with
δλη xf[ ψυχή σου, καΐ έν δλχι χχ[ διανοία 'All thy SOUL, and with
whole the soul of thee, and in whole the mind 'All thy MIND/
σου». 38Αΰτη έστι πρώτη καΐ μεγάλη εντο- 38 This is *the GREAT
λή. 39Δευτέρα δέ όμοια αύτη* «'Αγαπήσεις τόν and First Commandment.
znent. Second and like to it; "Thou shalt love the 39 *The Second is simi-
lar : §'Thou shalt love
πλησίον σου, ώς σεαυτόν.» 4 0 Έ ν ταύταις 'thy NEIGHBOR as thyself.'
ταϊς δυσίν έντολαίς όλος ό νόμος καΐ ol 40 $On These T W O
the two commandments whole the law and the Commandments *depend
προφηται κρέμανται. the Whole LAW and the
prophets are hung. PROPHETS."
^Συνηγμένων δέ των ΦαρισαΙων, 41 | A n d while the
Having been assembled and of the Pharisees, PHARISEES were assem-
bled, JESUS asked them,
έπηρώτησεν αυτούς ό Ίησοΰς, 42 λέγων· ΤΙ
42 saying, "What is
asked them the Jesus, saying: What your opinion about the
ύμϊν δοκεί περί του Χρίστου; τίνος
to you thinks about the Anointed? of whom MESSIAH? Whose Son is
υΙός έστι; Λέγουσιν αύτφ· Του Δαυίδ. 43 Λέγει he?" They say to him,
a son is he? They say to him: Of the David. He says "DAVID'S."
αύτοίς* Πώς οΰν Δαυίδ έν πνεύματι Κύριον 43 He says to them,
to them: How then David in spirit Lord
"How then does David,
αυτόν καλεί; λέγων ^«ΕΙπεν ό Κύριος τφ by Inspiration, call him
of him calls? saying: "Said the Lord to the his Lord? saying,
κυρίω μου· Κάθου έκ δεξιών μου, έΌ>ς όΐν
lord of ine; Sit thou at right of me, t i l l 44 §'JEHOVAH said to
dto τους εχθρούς σου ύποπόδιον τών 'my LORD, Sit thou at my
'Right hand, till I *put
ποδών σου.» Et οίν Δαυίδ καλεί αυτόν 'thine ENEMIES under-
feet of thee." If then David 4βcalls him 'neath thy FEET?'
κύριον, πώς υΙός αύτοΰ έστι; ΚαΙ ουδείς 45 If, therefore, David
lord, how a son of h i m is he? And no one called him Lord, how is
έδύνατο αύτφ άποκριθήναι λόγον ουδέ έτόλ- he his Son?"
46 And no one was
μησέ τις άπ' εκείνης της ημέρας έπερωτήσαι able to answer him a
any one from that the day to ask
αυτόν ούκέτι. Word; nor did any one
him any more. from That DAY presume
to question him any more.
ΚΕΦ. κ γ \ 23.
Τότε ό Ίησοΰς έλάλησε τοις δχλοις καΐ
1 Then JESUS spoke to
τοίς μαθηταίς αύτου, λέγων ΈπΙ της Μωσέως the CROWDS, and to his
to the disciples of him, saying: Upon the Moses DISCIPLES,
καθέδρας έκάθισαν ot γραμματείς καΐ ol Φα- 2 saying, "The SCRIBES
seat sit the scribes and the Pha- and PHARISEES sit in the
ρισαίοι. s Π ά ν τ α οΰν, δσα α4ν εΐπωσιν Chair of MOSES ;
rlsees. All therefore, whatever they say 3 therefore All things
ύμίν *[τηρείν] τηρείτε καΐ ποιείτε· whatever they command
to you Eto observe] observe you and do you; you, *do and observe;
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—35. and saying—omit. 37. And HE said. 38. the
GREAT and First Commandment. 39. The Second is similar. 40. depends. 44. put
thine ENEMIES underneath thy FEET. 3. observe—omit. 3. do and observe.
t 3 7. Deut. vi. 5; Luke x. 27. 39. Lev. xix. 18; Mark xii. 3 1 ; Luke x. 2 7 ; Eom.
xlii. 9; Gal. v. 14; Jas. ii. 8. $ 40. Matt. vii. 12; 1 Tim. i. 5. $ 41. Mark xii.
35; Luke xx. 41. t 44. Psa. ex. 1; Acts ii. 34; Heb. i. 13.
Chap. 23:4.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 23:13.
κατά τά δέ τά δργα αυτών μή ποιείτε· but do not according to
according to but the works of 6 them not do you; their WORKS ; for they
λέγουσι γάρ, καΐ ού ποιοΰσι. Δεσμεύουσι γάρ say and do not perform.
They say for, and not they do. They bind for
τία βαρέα καΐ δυσβάστακτα, καΐ έπιτιθέα- heavy 4 *And they prepare
and oppressive,Bur-
leiis heavy and oppressive, and place dens, for other MEN'S
οιν επί τους ώμους των άνθρά>πων· τφ δέ SHOULDERS, b u t *t h e y
upon the shoulders of the men; of the and
δακτύλω αυτών ού θέλουσι κινησαι αυτά. will not move them with
their FINGER.
β finger of them not they w i l l to move them.
Πάντα δέ· τά έργα αυτών ποιοΰσι προς τό 5 And they perform all
All but the works of them they do to the their WORKS to be OBSER-
θεαθήναι τοις άνθρώποις. Πλατύνουσι δέ VED by MEN ; *for this
to be seen to the men. They widen and they widen § their ± PHY-
τά φυλακτήρια αυτών, καΐ μεγαλύνουσι τά LACTERIES, and enlarge
the phylacteries of them, and they enlarge the their TUFTS,
κράσπεδα * [τών Ιματίων αυτών] 6φιλοϋσι δέ G $and love the UPPER
tufts Cof the mantles of them;] they love and
τήν πρωτοκλισιαν έν τοις δείπνοις, καΐ τάς tllQ PRINCIPAL SEATS i n
πρωτοκαθεδρίας έν ταΐς συναγωγαϊς, 7κα1 the SYNAGOGUES,
first seats in the synagogues, and 7 and SALUTATIONS in
τούς ασπασμούς έν ταϊς άγοραϊς, καΐ καλεί- the PUBLIC PLACES; and
the salutations In the markets, and to be to be called by MEN,
σθαι ύπό τών ανθρώπων ραβδί, * [ραβδί.] 'Rabbi.'
called by the men rabbi, [rabbi;.] 8 §But you should not
ραββί· είς γάρ be called Rabbi; because
*Υμείς δέ μή κληθητε
You but not may be called rabbi; one for one is Your *TEACHER,
έστιν υμών ό καθηγητής· πάντες δέ ύμείς and all YOU are Brethren.
Is of you the leader; all but you 9 And style no man on
αδελφοί έστε. 8ΚαΙ πατέρα μή καλέσητε the EARTH your Father;
brethren are. And father not you may call for one *is Your HEA-
υμών επί της γης* είς γάρ έστιν ό Πατήρ VENLY FATHER.
Οΐ yOU
υμών, όOH ένT G τοις
©firtfaj ΟΏΟ
ούρανοίς. 10
Μηδέ 1 £f tllQ lETiltllCI*
κληθητε 10 Nor assume the title
of you, he In the heavens. Neither be ye called of Leaders; because one
χαθηγηταί· εϊς γάρ υμών έστιν ό καθηγητής, SIAH. is Your LEADER, the MES-
leaders; one for of you is the leader,
ό Χριστός. *O δέ μείζων υμών, εσται ν- EST of§But 11 let the GREAT-
you, become Your
μών διάκονος. ^"Οστις δέ υψώσει εαυτόν, Servant.
you a servant. Who and shall exalt himself, 12 §And he who shall
ταπεινωθήσεται· καΐ όστις ταπεινώσει έαυ- exalt himself, will be
shall be humbled; and who shall humble him- humbled; and he who
τόν, ύψωθήσεται. 13ΟύαΙ δέ ύμίν, γραμματείς shall humble himself, will
self, shall be exalted. Woe but to you, scribes be exalted.
καΐ Φαρισαϊοι, -ύποκριταί· δτι κατεσθίετε 13 ±Woe to you, Scribes
and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you devour a n d Pharisees, Hypo-
τάς οικίας τών χηρών, καΐ προφάσει μακρ§ crites ! Because you plun-
the houses of the widows, and for a show long der the FAMILIES Of WID-
προσευχόμενοι* διά τοΰτο λήψεσθε OWS, and for a Disguise
are praying; through this you shall receive make long Prayers ; there-
περισσότερον κρίμα, fore, you will receive a
heavier judgment. Heavier Judgment.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—4. And they. 4. they will not move them with their
FINGER. 5. for thpy. 5. of their MANTLES—ornnt. 7. Rabbi—omit. 8. TEACHES.
± 5. These were small siips of parchment or vellnm, on which certain portions of the
law were written. The Jews tied them about their foreheads and arms, for three
purposes.— 1. To put them in mind of those precepts which they should constantly
observe. 2. To procure them reverence and respect in the sight of the heathen. And 3.
To act as amulets or charms to drive away evil spirits.—Clarke. ± 1 3 . Lachmann
and Tischendorf omit this verse.
t 4. Luke xi. 46; Acts xv. 10. $ 5. Num. xv. 3 8 ; Deut. vi. 8; xxii. 12. ί 6.
Mark xii. 38, 3 9 ; Luke xi. 4 3 ; xx. 46. $ 8. James iii. 1. $ 11. Matt. xx. 26, 27.
t 12. Luke xiv. 1 1 ; xviii. 14; James iv. 6; 1 Peter v. 5.
Chap. 23:14.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 23:23.
* [ΟύαΙ ύμίν, γραμματείς καΐ Φαρισαΐοι, 14 *[ Woe to you, Scribes*
[Woe to you, scribes, and Pharisees, and Pharisees, Hypo-
ΰποκριταί· δτι κλείετε την βασιλείαν τών crites ! Because you shut
the KINGDOM of the HEAV-
ουρανών έμπροσθεν τών ανθρώπων ύμείς γάρ ENS against MEN ; you
neither enter yourselves,
οΰκ ε'ισέρχεσθε, ουδέ τους εισερχόμενους άφίε- nor permit THOSE AP-;
15 PROACHING to enter.]
τε είσελθείν.] ΟύαΙ ύμίν, γραμματείς καΐ
permit to cntor.3 Woo to yoiij 15 Woe to you, Scribes
scriL)©s «iud
Φαρισαίοι ύποκριταΐ· οτι περιάγετε την a n d Pharisees, Hypo-
I*liurisces hypocrites* because you go About the*
crites ! Because you trav-
θάλασσαν και την ξηράν, ποιησαι ενα προσή- erse SEA and LAND to
sea and the dry, to make one prose- make One ±Proselyte, and
λυτον καΐ δταν γένηται, ποιείτε αυτόν when he is gained, you
lyte; and when he becomes, you make him make him a Son of Ge-
υΐόν γεέννης διπλότερον υμών. 1βΟύαΙ ύμίν, henna doubly more than
a sou of Gehenna double of you. Woe to you yourselves.
οδηγοί τυφλοί, ol λέγοντες· "Ος civ όμόστ) 16 Woe to you, §blind
guides blind, the saying: Whoever may swear Guides! you who SAY, TO
έν τφ ναω, ουδέν έστιν δς δ' αν όμό- swear by the TEMPLE, i t
by the temple^ nothing it ISJ T^ho but ever lxiziy is nothing; but to swear
en έν τφ χρυσφ του ναοϋ, οφείλει. 17Μω- by the GOLD of the TEM-
swear by the gold of the temple, he is bound, θ PLE, it is binding.
Qol καΐ τυφλοί· τΙς γάρ μείζων έστιν; ό 17 Foolish and Blind!
fools and blind; which for . greater is? the
for which is more sacred,
χρυσός, ή ό ναός, ό άγιάζων τόν χρυσόν; — t h e GOLD, $or THAT
gold, or the temple, that sanctifying the gold?
ΚαΙ "Ος έάν όμόση έν τφ θυσιαστήρια», CRATED the GOLD?
18 And, to swear by the
ουδέν έστιν δς δ' αν όμόση έν τφ δώρω ALTAR, it is n o t h i n g ; but
n o t h i n g i t i s ; w h o b u t e v e r m a ys w e a r b y t h e g i f t
19 to swear by THAT OFFER-
τφ επάνω αύτου, οφείλει. ΜωροΙ καΐ ING which is upon it is
thai upon it, he is bound. θ fools and
τυφλοί* τΐ γάρ μείζον; τό δώρον, ή τό 19 Foolish and Blind!
Φυσιαστήριον, τό άγιάζον τό δώρον; 2 0 Ό for which is more sacred,
altar, that sanctifying the gift? He the OFFERING, $ΟΓ THAT
οδν όμόσας έν τω θυσιαστηρίω, ομνύει έν tALTAR Which CONSECRATES
tlien swearing by the altar, * swears by
20 H E therefore, who
αύτφ καΐ έν πασι τοις επάνω αύτοΰ· SWEARS by the ALTAR,
It* όand
καΐ by
όμόσας all
έν τφtheναφ,
(things) uponέν αύτφ
ομνύει it; makes oath by it, and by
and the swearing by the temple, swears by it all things on i t ;
21 and HE who SWEARS
καΐ έν τφ κατοικήσαντι αυτόν* ^καΐ ό
S,n.ui by th© (on©) h&vin^ inhsibited ι ^! iiiicl he by the TEMPLE, makes
oath by it, and by HIM
όμόσας έν τφ ούρανφ, ομνύει έν τφ θρόνω who DWELT in i t ;
swearing by the heaven, swears by the throne
22 and HE who SWEARS
του Θεοΰ καΐ έν τφ καθημένω επάνω αύτοΰ. by HEAVEN, makes oath
of the God and by the (one) sittingupon it.
by $the THRONE of GOD,
ύμίν, γραμματείς καΐ Φαρισαίοι ύπο- and by HIM who sits on it.
o you scribes fine Phstrisees hypo 23 Woe to you, Scribes
«ριταί* 8τι άποδεκατοΰτε τό ήδύοσμον, καΐ τό a n d Pharisees, Hypo-
crites; because you tithe the mint, and the crites ! §Because you pay
δνηθον, καΐ τό κύμινον καΐ άφήκατε τα tithe of MINT, and DILL
dill, and the cummin; and pass by the and CUMMIN, but neg-
βαρύτερα του νόμου, τήν κρίσιν καΐ lect the MORE IMPORT-
ANT matters of the LAW,
weightier (things) of the law, the Justice, and
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—14. —omit. 17. which CONSBCKATBD. '
± 15. A convert to Judaism.
t 16. Matt. xv. 14. ί 17. Exod. xxx. 29. t 19. Exod. xxix. 37. t 22. Matt.
V. 34. t 23. Luke xi. 42. $ 23. 1 Sam. xv. 22; Micah vi. 8; Matt. xii. 7.
Chap. 23:24.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 23:33.
£λεον, καΐ την π'ιστιν. Ταΰτα δέ έδει JUSTICE, COMPASSION,
mercy, and the faith. These but and FAITH. These things
it24 is binding
ποιήσαι, κάκείνα μη άφιέναι. ΌδηγοΙ
you ought to practise and
to do, and those not to omit. Guides not to omit those.
τυφλοί* ot διϋλίζοντες τον κώνωπα τήν δέ 24 Blind Guides ! ±who
blind; the straining out the gnat the but filter out the GNAT, yet
Οίάμηλον καταπίνοντες. swallow the CAMEL.
25 25 Woe to you, Scribes
Ούαί ύμίν, γραμματείς καΐ Φαρισαϊοι, a n d Pharisees, Hypo-
crites ! ^Because you pu-
ύποκριταΐ* δτι καθαρίζετε τό έ'ξωθεν τοΰ rify the OUTSIDE of the
hypocrites; because you cleanse the outside of the CUP and the DISH, but
Λοτηρίου καΐ της παρο-ψίδος, £σα>θεν δέ within, they are full of
cup and of the dish, within but Rapine and Injustice.
γέμουσιν έξ αρπαγής καΐ αδικίας.26Φαρισαίε 26 Blind Pharisee ! first
they are full of rapine and injustice. 0 Pharisee
τνφλέ, καθάρισον πρώτον τό εντός purify the INSIDE of the
τοΰ CUP
blind, cleanse first the Inside of the and the DISH, that
ποτηριού καΐ της παροψίδος, ίνα γένηται the also
outside of them may
become clean.
CUI) &DCI Of til© uish· til AC ypfly oeCOUl©
9«al τό εκτός αυτών καθαρόν. 27 Woe to you, Scribes
also the outside of them clean. a n d Pharisees, Hypo-
ΟΰαΙ ύμΐν, γραμματείς καΐ Φαρισαϊοι ύπο- crites ! ^Because you re-

Woe to you, scribes

semble whitened Sepul-
and Pharisees, hypo- chres, which indeed, out-
κριταί* δτι παρομοιάζετε τάφοις κεκονια- wardly, appear beautiful;
crltes; because you are like to tombs having been
μένοις, οΐτινες έ'ξωθεν μεν φαίνονται ωραίοι, but within, are full of the
whitened, which without indeed appear beautiful, Bones of the Dead, and of
έΌωθεν δέ γέμουσιν όστέων νεκρών καΐ πά- All Impurity.
wlthin but are full of bones of dead and of 28 Thus also you, in-
deed, outwardly appear
σης ακαθαρσίας. 28Οΰτω καΐ ύμείς έ'ξωθεν righteous to MEN ; but
all uncleanness. So and you without inwardly you are full of
μέ.ν φαίνεσθε τοις άνθρώποις δίκαιοι, έ'σωθεν Hypocrisy and Iniquity.
Indeed appear to the men Just, within
δέ μεστοί έστέ ύποκρίσεως καΐ ανομίας. 29 Woe to you, Scribes
a n d Pharisees, Hypo-
but full ar» of hypocrisy and of lawlessness. crites ! ^Because you
^ΟύαΙ ύμίν, γραμματείς καΐ Φαρισαίοι,
Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees,
build the SEPULCHRES of
•ύποκριταί· 8τι οίκοδομείτε τους τάφους τών the PROPHETS, and orna-
hypocrites; because you build the tombs of the ment the MONUMENTS of
προφητών, καΐ κοσμείτε τά μνημεία τών the JUST,
30 and say, If we had
lived in the DAYS of our
δικαίων, 8οκα1 λέγετε* ΕΙ ήμεθα έν ταΐς FATHERS, we would not
ήμέραις τών πατέρων ημών, ουκ αν η*μεθα have been Participators
with them in the MUR-
days of the fathers of us, not we had been
κοινωνοί αυτών έν τφ αΐματι τών προφητών. 31 Thus you testify
against yourselves, $That
•^"Ωστε μαρτυρείτε έαυτοίς, δτι υΙοί you are the SONS of
έστε τών φονευσάντων τους προφήτας. 32ΚαΙ PROPHETS.
32 $You also wiJJ fill
ύμείς πληρώσατε τό μέτρον τών πατέρων up the MEASURE of your
you f i l l you the measure of the fathers
υμών. 33"Οφεις, γεννήματα έχιδνών* πώς φύ- 33 Serpents, ^Progeny
of you* Ο serpents· Ο broods of vipers* J3o\^ Cflii of vipers! how can you
± 24. An allusion to the custom of the Jews (also Greeks and Romans) of passing
their wines through a strainer. The Jews did it from religious scruples, the Gentiles
from cleanliness.
% 25. Mark vii. 4 ; Luke xi. 39. % 2 7. Luke xi. 4 4 ; Acts xxiii. 3. % 29. Luke
x i . 47. $ 3 1 . Acts vii. 5 1 , 5 2 ; 1 Thess. ii. 15. % 32. 1 These, ii. 16. % 33.
Matt. iii. Ί; xii. 34.
ΡΗαρ. 23:34.} MATTHEW. [Chap. 23:39.
γητε άπό της κρίσεως τής γεέννης; Διά escape the JUDGMENT of
you flee from the judgment of the Gehenna? Because the GEHENNA.
τοΰτο, Ιδού, έγώ αποστέλλω προς ύμάο προ- 34 On account of this,
of this, lo, 1 send to you "proph- §Behold, I send to you
φήτας, καΐ σοφούς, καΐ γραμματείς* καΐ έξ Prophets, and Wise men,
and Instructors ; and some
αυτών άποκτενείτε καΐ σταυρώσετε, καΐ έξ of them you will kill and
of them y o u w i l l k i l l and w i l l c r u c i f y , and outof
crucify; and others you
αυτών μαστιγώσετε έν ταίς συναγωγαϊς υμών will scourge in your SYN-
them y°u will scourge In the synagogues of you
AGOGUES, and persecute
καΐ διώξετε άπό πόλεως είς πόλιν 8 5 δπως from City to City;
and pursue from city to city; so that
35 so that All the in-
£λθχΐ έφ* ύμας παν αίμα δίκαιον, nocent Blood being shed
may come upon, you a l l blood Tighteous, upon the LAND, may come
έκχυνόμενον επί της γης άπό του αίματος upon you, from the BLOOD
being shed upon the earth from the blood
of Abel the JUST,
*Ά6ελ τοΰ δικαίου δως τοΰ αίματος Ζαχαρίου to the BLOOD of $Zecha-
Of Abel the Just to the blood of Zecharias riah, ±Son of Barachiah,
υΐοΰ Βαραχίου, δν έφονεύσατε μεταξύ
ft son of Barachias, -whom you k i l l e d between whom you will murder
τον ναοΰ καΐ τοΰ θυσιαστηρίου. 3 6 Άμήν between the SANCTUARY
and the ALTAR.
the temple and the altar. Indeed
λέγω ύμίν, δτι η*ξει ταΰτα πάντα 36 Indeed, I say to you,
That all these things will
I say to you, that shall come these (things) all come upon this GENERA-
έπΐ την γενεάν ταύτην. 37 Ίερουσαλήμ, *Ιερου- TION.
^ipon tiio s©n©rtitloxi this· Je rus{t 1 Gin s «Jenisfl~" 37 $O Jerusalem, Jeru-
salem ! DESTROYING the
οαλήμ, ή άποκτείνουσα τους προφήτας, καΐ PROPHETS, and stoning
THOSE SENT to thee,
λιθοβολούσα τους απεσταλμένους προς αυτήν how often have I desired
ποσάκις ηθέλησα έπισυναγαγείν τά τέκνα to assemble thy CHILD-
how often I desired to gather the children
REN, as a Bird collects
οου, δν τρόπον έπισυνάγει δρνις τά νοσσία her YOUNG under her
Of thee, what manner gathers a bird the brood WINGS ! but you would
έαυτης ύπό τάς πτέρυγας; καΐ ούκ ήθελή- not.
Of herself3 8 under the wings? and not you were
σατε. Ί δ ο ύ , άφίεται ύμίν ό οίκος υμών 38 Behold, your HABI-
grilling. Lo, i s left to you the house of you TATION is left to you;
,*[δρημος.] Λέγω γαρ ύμίν Ού μη μέ 39 for I tell you, You
Ca desert.] I say for to you; Hot not me shall not see me from this
Ιδητε άπ' δρτι, εως By εΐπητε: time, till you shall say,
you may see from now, till you may say: t'Blessed be HE who
Ευλογημένος ό ερχόμενος έν ονόματι Κυρίου. 'COMES in the Name of
Having been blessed he coming in name of Lord. 'Jehovah.' "

* VATICAN M A N U S O B I P T . — 3 8 . a desert.—omit.
± 3 5 . There are a variety of opinions among critics, as to who Is here meant. Some think
i t is the Zechariah, son of Jehoiadah, mentioned in 2 Chron. xxiv. 20, 2 1 ; but this leaves
the Jews innocent of the blood shed during nearly nine centuries of th© most scandalous
years of their history. Others think reference is here made to "Zechariah, tne son of Bere-
chiah and the grandson of I d d o . " Zech. i, 1 ; of whose murder mention is made in the Tar-
gum, or Chaldee paraphrase of Jonathan Ben-Uziel, (said to be a contemporary of Jesus
Christ.) I n reply to this complaint of Jeremiah, (Lam. ii. 20,) "Shall the priest and the
prophet be ,,he sanctuary of the L o r d ? " he says, "Was i t well in you to slay a pro-
phet as you did Zechariah, the son of Hiddo, in the House of the Lord's sanctuary, because
he endeavored to withdraw you from your evil ways?" This Zechariah lived some 320 years
after the one previously mentioned; yet a period of over 500 years of Jewish history is left
out. Were not the Jews more responsible for innocent blood shed during the last preceding
five-centuries of their history, than they could be for blood shed before the deluge ? Others
are of opinon that Jesus spoke this prophetically of that Zechariah who was massacred " i n
the middle of the holy place," three years before the final destruction of Jerusalem. Of him,
Josophus says he was a just man. Thus Abel was the first, and this Zechariah the last just
person, whose blood being spilt upon the land, should be required of that generation. This
view agrees with, the context, and recorded facts; and in agreement With< the same, ephoneusate,
a word in the first aorist tense, has been thrown into the future, instead of the past.
t 34. Matt. xxi. 3 4 , 3 5 ; Luke xi. 49. * 35. 1 Chron. xxiv. 2 0 , 2 1 . $ 37. Luke
Siii. 3 4 . $ 3 9 . P s a . cxviii. 2 6 ; Matt. xxi. 9 .
Chap. 24:1.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 24:10.
ΚΕΦ. κ δ \ 24. CHAPTER XXIV.
ΚαΙ έξελθών ό Ίησοΰς έπορεύετο άπό 1 §And JESUS being
And being come out the Jesus was going from come out was going from
του Ιεροΰ* καΐ προσήλθον ol μαθηταΐ αΰτοΰ the TEMPLE ; and his DIS-
the temple; and came the disciples of him
CIPLES came to show him
έπιδείξαι αύτω τάς οίκοδομάς τοΰ Ιεροΰ. the BUILDINGS of the
to point out to him
the buildings of the temple. TEMPLE.
Ό δέ 'Ιησούς είπεν αύτοίς* Ού βλέπετε 2 And * H E answering,
The and Jesus said to them; Not you see
said to them, "Do you
πάντα ταΰτα; αμήν λέγω ύμίν, ού μή άφε- not see all these things?
all these? Indeed I say to you, not not should
I assure you, §There shall
dfj ώδε λίθος επί λίθον δς ού κατα- not be left here a Stone
be left here a stone upon a stone, which not shall upon a Stone; all will be
λυθήσεται. overthrown."
be thrown down. 3 And as he was sitting
8 on the MOUNT of OLIVES,
Καθημένου δέ αύτου επί τοΰ βρους the DISCIPLES came to
him privately, saying,
των έλαιών, προσήλθον αύτφ ol μαθηταΐ "Tell us, when these
f fcΙδίαν
liv tλέγοντες·
e© Είπεtοήμίν,
c&ie πότε
lΪixx tli6 ταϋ-things will be?" and
"What will be the SIGN
δσται:, καΐ τΐ τό σημείον της σηςof THY presence, and of
(things)> shall
s h a l l be? and what the
be? ai sign of the thy the CONSUMMATION of
παρουσίας καΐ της συντελείας τοΰ αΙώνος; the AGE?"
presence and of the end of the age? 4 And JESUS replying
ΚαΙ αποκριθείς ό Ίησοΰς είπεν 5αύτοΐς* Βλέ- to them, said, §"Beware,

πετε, μή τις the

And answering υμάςJesus
said to Πολλοί
them; γάρTake
that no one deceive you;
5 for many will assume
έλεύσονται επί τφ ονόματι μου, λέγοντες· my NAME, saying, Ί am
the MESSIAH ;' and will
Έγώ είμι ό Χριστός· καΐ πολλούς πλανή- deceive many.
I am the Anointed; and many they shall 6 And you will soon
σουσι. βΜελλήσετε δέ άκούειν πολέμους, hear of Conflicts, and Re-
deceive. You shall be about and to hear wars,
ports of Battles ; but take
καΐ ακοάς πολέμων οράτε, μή θροείσθε· care that you be not
and reports of wars; see, not you be disturbed; alarmed ; for these things
δεί γάρ * [πάντα] γενέσθαι· άλλ' οΰ-must occur; but the END
it behooves for Call] to take place; but not is not yet.
πω εστί τό τέλος. 7>Εγερθήσεται γάρ έ'θνος 7 For Nation will rise
yet is the end. Shall be raised up for nation against Nation, and King-
επί §θνος, καΐ βασιλεία επί βασιλείαν dom against Kingdom;
against nation, and kingdom against kingdom;
καΐ Εσονται λιμοί, *[καΙ λοιμοί,] καΐ ous and there will be in vari-
and there shall be famines, fand plagues,] and places, Famines and
σεισμοί κατά τόπους. 8 Πάντα δέ ταΰτα
earthquakes In places. All but these 8 Yet these are only a
Beginning of Sorrows.
αρχή ώδίνων. ΒΤότε παραδώσουσιν
α beginning of sorrows. Then they shall deliver up 9 §Then they will de-
υμάς είς θλίψιν, καΐ άποκτενοΰσιν ύμδς· liver you up to affliction,
you to affliction, and shall kill you; and will destroy you ;and
καΐ έ"σεσθε μισούμενοι ύπό πάντων τών you will be detested by
and you shall be being hated by all of the All the NATIONS, on ac-
εθνών διά τό δνομά μου. 10ΚαΙ τότε count of my NAME.
nations on account of the name of me. And then
10 And then $Many
σκανδαλισθήσονται πολλοί* καΐ αλλήλους will be insnared, and will
and each other betray
ehall be caused tQ stumblo many; their associates,
παραδώσουσι, καΐ μισήσουσιν αλλήλους. u Kal and abhor them.
shall deliver up, and shall hate each other. And
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. HB answering said. 6. all—omit. Ί. and plagues
t 1. Mark xlii. 1; Luke xxi. 5. ί 2. Luke xix. 44. t 4. Eph. v. 6; 1 John lr. 1.
t 9. Mark xiii. 9; Luke xxi. 12; John xv. 20. ί 10. 2 Tim. 1. 15.
Chap, 24:11.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 24:22.
πολλοί ψευδοπροφήται έγερθήσονται, καΐ πλα- 11 And $Many False
many false-prophets shall be raised up, and shall Prophets will arise, and
•νήσουσι πολλούς* ^καΐ διά τό πληθυνθη- will deceive Many;
deceive nmnyj eud because of the to be in—
12 and because VICE
•ναι την άνομίαν, -ψυγήσεται ή αγάπη will abound, the LOVE of
creased the lawlessness, shall be cooled the love
των πολλών. Β Ό δέ ύπομεΐνας είς τέλος, the MANY will cool.
of the many. He but holding out the end, 13 $But HE Who PA-
ούτος σωθήσεται. 14
ΚαΙ κηρυχθήσεται TIENTLY ENDURES tO t h e
the same shall be saved. And shall be published End, will be saved.
τοϋτο τό εύαγγέλιον της βασιλείας έν δλη τχ\
this the glad tidings of the kingdom in whole the 14 And These §GLAD
οΙκουμένη., είς μαρτύριον πασι τοις έ'θνεσι· TIDINGS Of t h e KINGDOM
will be published in the
καΐ τότε ίίξει τό τέλος. 15 "Οταν οδν Whole HABITABLE, for a
and then shall c ome the end. When therefore testimony to all the NA-
ΐδητε τό δδέλυγμα της έρημώσεως, τδ TIONS ; and then will the
you may see the abomination of the desolation, the END come.
15 When, therefore, you
ρηθέν διά Δανιήλ του προ- shall see, stationed on
•vvord having been spoken through Daniel the proph- holy Ground, THAT DE-
φήτου, έστώς έν τόπφ άγίφ· (6 άνα- STRUCTIVE ^ABOMINATION,
phet, having stood ι place holy; (he read-
w h i c h is SPOKEN of
γινώσκων νοείτω·) 1β τότε ol έν xr\ 'Ιουδαία, through Daniel the PROPH-
ing let him think;) then they in the Judea, ET," (Reader attend !)
φευγέτωσαν έπΙ τά ορη· δ έπΙ του 16 ±"then let THOSE
le upon in JUDAEA escape to the
δώματος, μή καταβαινέτω, <£ραι τά έκ MOUNTAINS ;
roof, not l e t him go down, to take the out of IT let not HIM who is
της οΙκίας αύτοΰ* 18κα1 ό έν τφ άγρώ, μή on the ROOF descend to
the house of him; and he In the field, not take the things from his
έπιστρεψάτω οπίσω, <ϊραι τά Ιμάτια αύτου. HOUSE;
18 and let not HIM who

ΟύαΙ δέ ταίς έν γαστρί έχούσαις καΐ ταίς is in the FIELD, return to
Woe and to the in womb having and to the take his MANTLE.
θηλαζούσαις έν έκείναις ταίς ήμέραις. 2 0 Προσ- 19 §But alas for the
giving suck in those the days. Pray PREGNANT and the NURS-
εύχεσθε δέ, Ινα μή γένηται ή φυγή υμών ING WOMEN in Those
you and, that not maybe the flight of you DAYS !
20 Pray, therefore, t h a t
χειμώνος, μηδέ σαββάτω. ^"Εσται γάρ τότε your FLIGHT be not in
the Winter, nor on a Sab-
θλίψί^ μεγάλη-, οία off γέγονεν άπ* άρ- bath;
afflictlon great, such as not has been from a begln-
21 for §then there will
χής κόσμου ?ως του νυν, οΰδ' οΰ μή γένηται. be great Distress, such as
ning of world t i l l the now, nor not not maybe. never happened from the
Kat εΐ μή έκολοδώθησαν al ήμέραι έκείναι, beginning of the world till
And except were shortened the days those, NOW, no, nor ever will be.
ουκ αν έσώθη πάσα σαρξ· διά δέ 22 §And unless those
not s h o u l d be s a v e d all flesh; on a c c o u n t of but DAYS were cut short, No
τούς εκλεκτούς κολοβωθήσονται at ήμέραι One could survive; but
the chosen shall be shortened the days on account of· the CHO-
± 16. Not only the temple, and the mountain on which it stood, but the whole city of
Jerusalem, and the several furlongs of land round about it, were accounted holy. $ 16.
Josephus and Eusebius inform us that when the Romans under Costius Gallus made their
first advance towards Jerusalem, they suddenly withdrew again, In a most unexpected and
indeed impolitic manner; at which Josephus testifies his surprise, since the city might
then have been easily taken. By this means they gave as it were a signal to the Christians
to retire; which, in regard to this admonition, they did, some to Pella, and others to
Mount Libanus, and thereby preserved their lives.—Doddridge.
$ 11. Acts xx. 29; 2 Pet. ii. 1. % 13. Matt. x. 22. t 14. Matt. iv. 23; Bom.
X. 18; ix. 35; Col. i. 6-23. t 15. Dan. ix. 27; xii. 11. X 19. Luke xxiii. 29.
t 21. Dan. ix. 26. t 22. Isa. lxvi. 8.9.
Chap. 24:23.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 24:31.
εϊπχ)· Ιδού, SEN, those DAYS will be
έκείναι. Τότε έάν τις ύμίν
ώδε ό Χριστός, ή* ώδε· μή πιστεύσητε. 2 4 Έ - 23 $If any one should
hero the Anointed, or here; not you believe. Shall say to you then, 'Behold!
γερθήσονται γάρ ψευδόχριστοι και ψευδοπρο- here is the MESSIAH,' or
b* raised for false anointed ones and false proph-
there;' believe it not;
24 because False Mes-
φήται, καΐ δώσουσι σημεία μεγάλα καΐ τέρα- siahs and False Prophets
τα, ώστε πλανήσαι, εΐ δυνατόν καΐ τους will arise, who will pro-
ders, so as to deceive, if possible even the pose great Signs and
εκλεκτούς. ^'Ιδού, προείρηκα ύμίν. Έάν Prodigies; so as to de-

chosen. Lo, I have foretold to you. If lude, if possible, even the

οδν ειπωσιν ύμίν 'Ιδού, έν τη έρήμφ
then they should say to you; Lo, in the desert CHOSEN.
εστί· μή έξέλθητε* 'Ιδού, έν τοις ταμεί- 25 Remember, I have
he is; not you should go out; Lo, in the retired forewarned you.
οις· μή πιστεύσητε. 'Ώσπερ γάρ ή
26 If, therefore, they

say to you, 'Behold, he is

jj 2 tic © s j not* you sliou 1 ci believej J%. s for the
in the DESERT !' go not
αστραπή εξέρχεται άπό ανατολών, καΐ φαίνε- forth; or, 'Behold, he is
ται εως δυσμών, οΰτως εσται καΐ ή παρουσία believe it not.
to west, so shall be also the presence 27 §For as the LIGHT-
του υιού του ανθρώπου. ^"Οπου *[γάρ] έάν NING emerges from the
of the son of the man. Where [for] ever East, and shines to the
fj τό πτώμα, εκεί συναχθήσονται ol West; so will be the
maybe the carcass, there will be gathered the PRESENCE Of t h e SON Of
αετοί. ^Ευθέως δε μετά τήν θλί,ψιν των 28 Wherever the DEAD
eagles. Immediately but after the affliction of the CARCASS may be, there
ήμερων εκείνων, ό ήλιος σκοτισθήσεται, καΐ the $EAGLES will be col-
days those, the sun shall be darkened, and
29 And speedily after
ή σελήνη οΰ δώσει τό φέγγος αυτής, καΐ the AFFLICTION of those
the moon not shall give the light of her, and DAYS, $the SUN will be
obscured, and the MOON
ol αστέρες πεσοΰνται άπό του will withhold her LIGHT,
ούρανοΰ, καΐ
τότε φανήσεται τό σημείον τοΰ υΐοΰ τοϋ and the STARS will fall
αϊ δυνάμεις των ουρανών σαλευθήσονται. ΚαΙ from HEAVEN, and the
then shall appear the sign of the son of the
the poAvers
έν of τφtb© ούρανφ*
καΐ τότε κόψονται
sli&l 1 bo sh&kcu ATHI POWERS Of the HEAVENS
man in the heaven; and then shall lament will be shaken.
πασαι αϊ φυλαΐ της γης, καΐ δψονται SON 30 And the SIGN of the
all the tribes of the earth, and they shall see
of MAN will then ap-
pear in *Heaven; §and
τόν υΐόν του ανθρώπου έρχόμενον επί των then All the TRIBES of
νεφελών τοΰ ούρανοΰ, μετά δυνάμεως καΐ and the LAND will lament;
clouds of the heaven, with power and they will see the SON
31 of MAN coming on the
δόξης πολλής· κα1 άποστελεΐ τους αγγέλους CLOUDS Of HEAVEN, With
glory much; and he w i l l send the messengers
αύτοΰ μετά σάλπιγγος φωνής μεγάλης· καΐ great Majesty and Power.
θ£ hi Μ *W 2 t h θ £ t Γ11Ώΐρ61 fl VO i C β Kl*€& t * Alicl 31 $And he will send
έπισυνάξουσι τους εκλεκτούς αύτοΰ έκ his MESSENGERS With a
they shall gather the th chosen (ones) of him from
loud-sounding Trumpet,
τών τεσσάρων ανέμων, άπ' δκρων ούρα- and they will assemble
the four winds, from extremities of hear- his CHOSEN from the
y&v έΌος δκρων αυτών. 3 2 Ά π ό δέ της συ- FOUR Winds,—from one
ens to extremities of them. From but the fig- Extremity of Heaven to
the other.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—28. for—omit. 30. Heaven.
t 23. Mark xiii. 2 1 ; Luke xvii. 2 3 ; xxi. 8. ί 2 7. Luke xvii. 24.
t 28.Deut. xxviii. 49. t 29. Mark xiii. 24; Luke xxi. 2 5 ; Acts i t 20. ί 30.
Bev. i. 7. $ 31. Matt. xiii. 4 1 ; 1 Cor. xv. 52; 1 Thess. Iv. 16.
Chap. 24:32.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 24:43.
κής μάθετε τήν παραδολήν δταν ίίδη ό 32 Now learn a PARA-
tree learn you the parable; when already the BLE from the FIG-TREE.
κλάδος αυτής γένηται απαλός, καΐ τα φύλλα When its BRANCH is yet
branch of her may be tender, and the leaves tender, and puts forth
έκφύχι, γινώσκετε, δτι εγγύς τό θέρος· leaves, you know that
may put forth, you know, that near thesuramer; SUMMER is near.
Οί5τω καΐ ύμεις, δταν ίδητε πάντα ταΰτα, 33 Thus also, when you
So also you, when you m a y see all these,
shall see All these things,
Μ know, That $he is nigh
νινώσκετε, δτι εγγύς έστιν επί θύραις. Ά- at the Doors.
know you, that near it is at doors. In
34 Indeed, I say to you,
μήν λέγω ύμίν, ου μή παρέλθχι ή γε- •That this §GENERATION
νεά αΰτη, £ως δν πάντα ταΰτα γένηται. 35<Ο will not pass away, till
eration this, till all these may be done. The
All these things be ac-
«ύρανός καΐ ή γη παρελεύσεται· ol δέ complished.
heaven and the earth shall pass away; the but 35 The HEAVEN and
λόγοι μου ού μή παρέλθωσι. the EARTH will fail; but
"Words of me not not may pass away. my WORDS cannot fail.
^ΠερΙ δέ της ημέρας εκείνης καΐ ώρας 36 §But no one knows
About and the day that and hour
ουδείς οίδεν, ουδέ ol άγγελοι των ουρανών, concerning *Hour;
that DAY and
no, not the AN-
J1O Ο11Θ kllO^VSj βΟΓ til Θ 1I16SS6I1££G1*S ΟΙ t h e ht3&Y©IlS)
«t μή ό Πατήρ μόνος. 87"Ωσπερ δέ αϊ ήμέραι GELS of the HEAVENS,
*nor the SON, but the
except the Father alone. As and the days
τοΰ Νώε, οΰτως έΌται * [καΐ] ή παρουσία FATHER only.
of the Noe, even so w i l l be [also] the presence 37 *For as the DAYS
τοΰ υΐοΰ τοΰ ανθρώπου. 38"Ωσπερ γαρ ήσαν of NOAH, thus will be the
£ν ταίς ήμέραις ταΐς πρό τοΰ κατακλυσμοΰ MAN.
38 §For as in those .
τρώγοντες καΐ πίνοντες, γαμοΰντες καΐ έκγα- DAYS, THOSE before the
eating and drinking, marrying and giving DELUGE, they were eating
•μί,ζοντες, δχρι ής ημέρας εισήλθε Νώε and drinking, marrying,
In marriage, t i l l of which day entered Noe and pledging in marriage,
είς τήν κιβωτόν, 89κα1 ούκ έ'γνωσαν, ?ως till the Day that Noah
Into the ark, and not they knew, t i l l
entered the ARK,
^λθεν ό κατακλυσμός καΐ ήρεν απαντάς· 39 and understood not,
came the flood and took away all; till the DELUGE came,
οδτως £σται * [καΐ] ή παρουσία τοΰ υΐοΰ and swept them all away ;
even so w i l l be [also] the presence of the son thus will be the PRES-
τοΰ ανθρώπου. 40Τότε δύο έσονται έν τώ ENCE of the SON of MAN.
of the man. Then two shall be in the 40 §Two men shall then
άγρφ* ό είς παραλαμβάνεται, καΐ 6 είς άφίε- be in the FIELD ; *one
fleld; 41the one Is taken away and the one is will be taken, and the
ται. Δύο άλήθουσαι έν τφ μυλώνι· μία πα- •other left.
41 Two women shall
l e f t . Two grinding In the mill; one is
ραλαμβάνεται, καΐ μία άφίεται. Γρηγορείτε one will be taken, be grinding at the MILL ;
taken away, and one Is left. Watch you and the
other left.
οδν, δτι ούκ οΐδατε ποία ωρα ό 42 §Watch, therefore,
therefore, because not you know, In what hour the Because, you do not know
κύριος υμών άρχεται. ^'Εκείνο δέ γινώσκετε, at what *Day your MAS-
lord of you comes. This but know you, TER will come.
δτι εΐ ήδει ό οίκοδεσπότης, ποία 43 But you know this,
that if had known the householder In what that if the HOUSEHOLDER
φυλακή ό κλέπτης άρχεται, έγρηγόρησεν άν, knew at What Hour of
watch the thief comes, he would have watched, the night $the THIEF
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 4 . That this. 36. Hour. 36. nor the SON but the
FATHER only. 37. For as. 3 7. also—omit. 39. also—omit. 40. one. 40. other.
42. Day.
t 33. James v. 9. t 34. Matt, xxiii. 3 6 ; Mark xiii. 3 0 ; Luke xxi. 32. $ 36.
Acts i. 7. $ 3 8 . Gen. vi. 3-5; vii. 5 ; Luke xvii. 2 6 ; 1 Pet. iii. 20. % 42. Matt.
xxv. 1 3 ; Mark xiii. 3 3 ; Luke xxi. 36. % 43. Luke xii. 3 9 ; 1 Thess. v. 2 ; 2 Pet.
iii. 10; Kev. i i i . 3 ; xvi. 1 5 .
Chap. 24:44.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 2 5 : 1 .
καΐ ουκ αν εϊασε διορυγήναι would come, he would
and to be dug-through watch, and not suffer him
not he would have allowed
την οΐκίαν αύτοΰ. 44
Διά τοΰτο καΐ ύμεϊς to break into his HOUSE.
the house of him. On account of this also you
γίνεσθε έτοιμοι* δτι, ϋ &ρα ού δο- 44 Therefore, be you
bo ready; because, In which hour not you also prepared; Because
κείτε, ό υΙός του ανθρώπου έ'ρχεται. the SON of MAN will come
think, the son of the man comes. at an Hour, when you do
not expect him.

c δρα εστίν ό πιστός δούλος καΐ 45 §Who then is the

Who then Is the faithful slave and FAITHFUL and prudent
φρόνιμος, δν κατέστησεν ό κύριος αύτου Servant, whom his MAS-
prudent» whom placed. the lord. of him TER has placed over his
HOUSEHOLD, to give them
επί της θεραπείας αύτου, του δοΰναι αύτοίς
FOOD in due Season?
over the domestics of him, 46 of the to give to them
την τροφήν έν καιρφ; Μακάριος ό δούλος
tho food In season? Blessed the slave 46 Happy t h a t SER-
VANT, whom his MASTER,
εκείνος, 8ν έλθών ό κύριος αύτοί5 εύρήσει on coming, shall find thus
that, whom coming the lord of him shall find
ποιουντα οΰτως. 4 7 Άμήν λέγω ύμίν, δτι έπί
4T §Indeed, I say to
πάσι τοις ύπάρχουοιν αυτοί) καταστήσει αυτόν, you, That he will appoint
all the possessions of him he w i l l place him. him over All his POSSES-
Έ ά ν δέ είπχι ό κακός δοΰλος εκείνος
If but should say the bad slave that 48 But if that Servant
έν τη καρδία αύτοΰ· Χρονίζει ό κύριος μου should WICKEDLY say in
In the heart of him; Delays the lord of me his HEART, 'My MASTEB
"[έλθείνΐ 49κα1 δρξηται τύπτειν τους delays;
[to come;] and should begin to strike the 49 and should begin to
συνδούλους, έσφίτΐ δέ καΐ πίνχι μετά beat his FELLOW-SER-
fellow-slaves, may eat and also may drink with VANTS, and should eat
των μεθυόντων 60
ή •ει ό κύριος του and drink with the I N -
those getting drunk; shall come the lord of the TEMPERATE ;
δούλου εκείνου έν ήμερα, fi ού προδοκα, 50 the MASTER of t h a t
slave that In a day, in which not he expects, SERVANT will come in a
καΐ έν ώρα, fi ού γινώσκει· Β1 κα1 Day when he does not
and in an hour, expect him, and a t an
In which not he knows; and
διχοτομήσει αυτόν, καΐ τό μέρος αύτοΰ μετά Hour of which he is not
shall cut asunder him, and the part of him with aware,
τών υποκριτών θήσει· εκεί £σται ό 51 and will cut him
the hypocrites w i l l place; there w i l l be the off, and will appoint his
κλαυθμός καΐ ό βρυγμός τών οδόντων, PORTION with the HYPO-
weeping and the gnashing of the teeth. CRITES ; $there will be
the WEEPING and the
ΚΕΦ. κ ε ' . 25.
Τότε όμοιωθήσεται ή βασιλεία τών ούρα-
Then w i l l be compared the kingdom of the hear-
1 The KINGDOM of the
νών δέκα παρθένοις, αϊτινες, λαθοΰσαι τάς HEAVENS, a t that time,
may be compared to Ten
λαμπάδας αυτών, έξηλθον είς άπάντησιν τοΟ ± Virgins, who, having
lamps of them, went out to a meeting of the taken their LAMPS, went

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—48. to come—omit.

± 1. Virgin signifies a chaste or pure person, and is applied to both sexes in the sacred
writings. See Rev. xiv. It has been thought best to retain the word here.
t 47. Matt. xxv. 21, 2 3 ; Luke xxii. 29. ί 51. Matt. viii. 12; xiii. 4 2 ; xxv. 3 0 ,

Chap. 25:2.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 25:12.
ννμφ'ιου. 2 Π έ ν τ ε δέ ήσαν έξ αυτών φρόνιμοι, out ±to meet §the BRIDE-
bridegroom. Five and were of them prudent, GROOM.
καΐ πέντε μωραί. 3 Αιτινες μωραί, λαβοϋσαι 2 Now five of them
and five foolish. Who foolish, having taken were * foolish, and five
τάς λαμπάδας αυτών, ούκ ελαβον μ ε θ ' εαυτών were prudent.
3 *For the FOOLISH
ελαιον. 4ΑΙ δέ φρόνιμοι Ιλαβον ελαιον έν τοις took their LAMPS, but
oil. T h e but prudent took oil in the carried no Oil with them.
άγγείοις * [αυτών] μετά τών λαμπάδων αύ- 4 The PRUDENT, how-
vessels [of them] with the lamps of er, besides * their own
τών. εΧρον'ιζοντος δέ του νυμφίου, ένύσταξαν LAMPS, took Oil in the
them. Delaying and the bridegroom, nodded VESSELS.
πασαι, καΐ έκάθευδον. β Μέσης δέ νυκτός κραυ- 5 While the BRIDE-
all, and did sleep. Of middle and night a
GROOM delayed, $they all
γή γέγονεν 'Ιδού, δ νυμφίος * [έρχεται·] became drowsy, and fell
cry was raised; Lo, the bridegroom [comes;] asleep.
έξέρχεσθε εις άπάντησιν αύτοΰ. 7 Τότε ήγέρ- 6 And at Midnight a
Cry was raised, 'Behold,
θησαν πασαι αϊ παρθένοι έκείναι, καΐ έκό- the BRIDEGROOM ; go out
all the virgins those, and put in
and *meet him!'
ομησαν τάς λαμπάδας αυτών. 8ΑΙ δέ μωραΐ
order the lamps of them. The but foolish 7 Then All those VIR-
ταίς φρον'ιμοις είπον Δότε ύμίν έκ του ελαίου GINS arose, $and put
to the prudent s a i d : G i v e t o u s o u t of t h e oil their LAMPS in order.
υμών, δτι a t λαμπάδες ημών σβέννυν- 8 And the FOOLISH
said to the PRUDENT,
ται. 9 ΆπεκρΙθησαν * [ δ έ ] αϊ φρόνιμοι, λέγου- 'Give us of your OIL ; for
guished. Answered [but] the prudent, say- our LAMPS are going out.
9 But the PRUDENT re-
σαι· Μήποτε ούκ άρκέστ) ήμίν καΐ ύμίν· plied, saying, 'Lest there
be not enough for us and
πορεύεσθε μάλλον προς τους πωλοΰντας, καΐ you, go rather to THOSE
αγοράσατε έαυταίς. 1 0 Άπερχομένων δέ αύ- who SELL, and buy for
buy to yourselves. Going away and of yourselves!'
νυμφίος· καΐ αϊ 10 And while they were
τών άγοράσαι, ήλθεν ό
bridegroom; and th going away to buy, the
them to buy, came the BRIDEGROOM came; and
έτοιμοι είσήλθον μ ε τ ' αύτοΰ είς τους γα- THEY who were PRE-
prepftreci ones entered iv i t h liiΧΆ 1 XLto tlie uupt·SL 1 *~
PARED, entered with him
μους· καΐ έκλείσθη ή θύρα. ^Υστερον to the NUPTIAL-FEASTS ;
feasts; and was closed the door. Afterwards and
$and the DOOR was shut.
έ'ρχονται καΐ αϊ λοιπαΐ παρθένοι, λέγουσαι 11 Afterwards came
came also the remainingω virgins, saying: also the OTHER Virgins,
Κύριε, κύριε, δνοιξον ήμίν. *Ο δέ αποκριθείς saying, §'Master, Master,
Ο lord, O lord, open to us. The but answering open it for u s ! '
είπεν 'Αμήν λέγω ύμίν, ούκ οίδα ύμας. ^Γρη 12 But HE answering,
said; Indeed I say to you, not know you. Watcl said, 'Indeed, I say §ΐσ

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. foolish, and five were prudent. 3. For the FOOLISH.
4. their own. 6. comes.—omit. 6. to the Meeting. 9. but—omit.
t 1. An eye-witness of a Hindoo marriage, gives the following striking illustration
of this custom:—"The bride lived at Serampore to which place the bridegroom was to
come by water. After waiting two or three hours, at length, near midnight, it was
announced in the very words of Scripture, 'Behold, the bridgroom cometh; go ye out to
meet him.' All the persons employed now lighted their lamps, and ran with them in
their hands to fill up their stations in the prcession; some of them hod lost their lights
and were unprepared, but it was then too late to seek them, and the cavalcade moved
forward to the house of the bride; at which place the company entered a large and
splendidly illuminated area, before the house, covered with an awning where a great
multitude of friends, dressed in their best apparel, were seated upon mats. The bride-
groom was carried in the arms of a friend, and placed in a superb seat in the midst
of the company where he sat a short time, and then went into the house, the door of
which was immediately shut and guarded by sepoys. I and others expostulated with the
door-keepers, but in vain. Never was I so struck with our Lord's beautiful parable as
at this moment—'And the door was shut.' "
t 1. Eph. v. 2 9 , 3 0 ; Rev. xix. 7; xxi. 2 , 9 . t 5. 1 Thess. v. 6. t 7. Luke
xii. 35. t 10. Luke xiii. 25. % 12. Matt. vii. 21. 22.
Chap. 25:13.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 25:23.
γορεϊτε οδν, δτι οΰκ οϊδατε την you, I recognize you not.'
you therefore, because not you know 13 $ Watch, therefore,
because you know neither
ήμέραν, ουδέ την έ'^ραν. "Ωσπερ γαρ άνθρω- the DAY nor the HOUR.
14 $Again, [it is] like
πος αποδήμων έκάλεσε τους Ιδίους δούλους, a Man. who, intending to
going abroad called the o w n slaves, travel, called his OWN
καΐ παρέδωκεν αύτοΐς τα υπάρχοντα αύτοΰ. Servants, and delivered to
and delivered to them the goods of him. them his GOODS.
^καΐ ω μεν έ'δωκε πέντε τάλαντα, φ δέ Five 15 And to ONE he gave
f Talents, to ANO-
and to him indeed he gave five talents, to him and THER two, and to ANO-
δύο, <£> δέ §ν· έκάστω κατά τήν Ιδίαν THER one; §to each ac-
t\sro· t o \tίΐϊΐ fiiicl on©* t o o^t^^ &ccorcliii^ t16o tlie OT^D
cording tO his RESPEC-
δύναμιν καΐ άπεδήμησεν ευθέως. Πορευ- TIVE Capacity; and im-
power; and went abroad immediately. Going
θείς *[δέ] ό τά πέντε τάλαντα λαβών, mediately departed.
16 He who had RE-
[and] he the five talents having received, CEIVED the FIVE Talents,
went and traded with
είργάσατο έν αύτοίς, καΐ έποίησεν άλλα πέντε them, and* gained Other
17 five.
* [τάλαντα.] Ώσαύτως ΓκαΙ ό] τά δύο, 17 And in like manner
[talents.] άπελθών[fclso ώρυξεν
Likewise he] *[έν]
the %r\
two, HE who had received the
having havingάλλα
καΐ αυτός
received retired
Ό δέ[in]τ6 the
gv TWO, gained Other twro.
Yfi, he
απέκρυψε other two. He but
τό άργύριον τοΰ the one
earth, and hid the silver of the lord
18 But HE who nad re-
19 ceived the ONE, went and
αΰτοΰ. Μετά δέ χρόνον πολύν έ'ρχεται ό digged the EARTH, and
of him. After but time n.iuch comes the hid his MASTER'S MONEY.
κύριος τών δούλων εκείνων, καΐ συναιρεί μετ' 19 After a long Time
lord of the slaves those, and adjusts with
the MASTER of those SER-
αυτών λόγον. 2°ΚαΙ προσελθών ό τά πέντε v Α Ν Τ s returned, and
them an accoun reckoned with them.
And coming he the five
τάλαντα λαβών, προσήνεγκεν άλλα πέντε 20 Then HE, who had
talents having received, brought other five RECEIVED the FIVE Tal-
τάλαντα, λέγων Κύριε, πέντε τάλαντα μοί ents, came and presented
talents, saying: O lord, five talents to me
Five Talents more, say-
παρέδωκας- ΐδε, άλλα πέντε τάλαντα έκέρ- ing, 'Sir, thou gavest over
thou deliveredst; see, other five talents I to me Five Talents; see,
δησα *[έπ* αΰτοίς.] ^" φη αύτω ό κύριος I have gained Five other
gained [upon them.] Said to him the lord Talents.'
αυτού1· Εΰ, δοΰλε αγαθέ καΐ πιστέ· έπι 21 His MASTER said to
of him; Well, θ slave good and faithful; over him, 'Well done, good and
ολίγα η"ς πιστός, επί πολλών σε κα- faithful Servant! thou
hast been faithful in a
afew (things) thou wast faithful, over many thee I Few things, $1 will ap-
ταστήσω· εϊσελθε είς τήν χαράν τοΰ κυρίου point thee over Many;
*ΪΙ^i 1Χ plftCGi 6H.tOF i n t o tlie J^y of tho l o r d partake of thy MASTER'S
σου. ^Προσελθών δέ καΐ ό τά δύο τάλαντα JOY.'
of thee. Coming and also he the two talents
22 H E also who had
•[λαβών,] είπε· Κύριε, δύο τάλαντα the TWO Talents, coming,
[having received,] said: O lord, two talents said, 'Sir, thou gavest
μοί παρέδωκας· ίδε, άλλα δύο τάλαντα over to me Two Talents;
see, I have gained Two
έκέρδησα *[έπ' αύτοίς·] ^"Εφη αΰτφ ό Other Talents.'
I gained [upon them;] Said to him the 23 His MASTER said to
•VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—16.—omit. 16. gained Other five. 16. Talents—
omit. 17. he also—omit. 18. in—omit. 20. upon them—omit. 22. having received
—omit. 22. upon them—omit.
± 15. A talent is estimated by different writers to be in value somewhere between
700 and 2,250 dollars, or £140 and £560.
t 13. Matt. xxiv. 42, 4 4 ; Mark xiii. 2 3 , 3 5 . % 14. Luke xix. 12. $ 15. Bom.
xii. 6 ; 1 Cor. xii. 7, 1 1 , 2 9 ; Eph. iv. 11. $ 2 1 . Matt. xxiv. 4 7 ; Luke xii. 4 4 ; xix.
1 7 ; xxii. 29, 3 0 .
Chap. 25:24.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 25:32.
κύριος αύτοϋ· Et5, δοϋλε αγαθέ κάΙ πιστέ* him, 'Well done, Rood and
lord of him: Well, 0 slave good and faithful; faithful Servant! thou
hast been faithful in a
επί ολίγα ής πιστός, επί πολλών
Few things, I will ap-
over a few (things) thou wast faithful, over many point thee over Many ·
σέ καταστήσω· εΐσελθε είς την χαράν του partake of thy MASTER'S
thee I will place; enter into the joy of the JOY.'
κυρίου σου. 2*Προσελθών δέ καΐ 6 τά §ν
lord of thee. Coming and also he the one 24 Then HE who had
tale είληφώς, είπε· Κύριε, εγνων σε, RECEIVED the S I N G L E
Talent, approaching, said,
δτι σκληρός εΐ άνθρωπος, θερίζων δπου 'Sir, I knew thee that
that hard thou art a man, thou art a Severe Man,
reaping where
ούκ δσπειρας, καΐ συνάγων reaping where thou hast
δθεν ού
not sown, and gathering
not thou sowed, and α being
διεσκόρπισας φοβηθείς,
φ ς , whence
ηafraid, άπελθών
λ not
where thou hast not scat-
thou scatteredst; and being afraid, going away tered ;
25 and being afraid, I
έκρυψα τό τάλαντον σου έν τχί γη* ϊδε, went and hid thy TALENT
thou ς τό σόν. 2βΆποκριθεΙς δέ ό κύριος αύ- in the EARTH ; see, thou
του είπεν αύτφ* hast THINE own.'
o 1Ι1β· ΠονηρέΤΛΓβ Γ δοΰλε
JLUCf SIHUκαΐ οκνηρέ,
him l lsaid to thim:
£ t S t vJlO
OxLUS slave and til Θ
26 His MASTER answer-
lOFCl 01

?ίδεις, δτι θερίζω δπου ούκ έσπειρα, ing, said to him, 'Wicked
and indolent Servant,
didst thou know, that I reap where not I sowed, didst thou know That I
καΐ συνάγω δθεν ού διεσκόρπισα; reap where I have not
and gather whence not I scattered? It behooved sown, and gather where I
οδν σε βαλείν τό άργΰριόν μου τοις τρα- have not scattered?
then thee to cast the silver of me to the bank- 27 Thou oughtest then
πεζίταις· καΐ έλθών έγώ to have given my MONEY
έκομισάμην δν
τό έμόν σύν τόκω. 2 8 "Αρατε to the BANKERS, that at
οδν άπ*
the mine with Interest. Take you therefore from my return I might have
received mine OWN with
αύτοΰ τό τάλαντον, καΐ δότε τφ έ"χοντι τά Interest.
28 Take from him,
δέκα τάλαντα. Τφ γάρ δχοντι παντί δοθή- therefore, the TALENT,
o the for having all shall and give it to HIM who
ten talents. To
σεται, καΐ περισσευθήσεται· άπό δέ του has the TEN Talents;
be given, and he shall abound; from but the 29 §for to EVERY ONE
μή έχοντος, καΐ δ δχει, άρθήσε- who HAS, more shall be
not having, even what he has, shall be taken given, and he shall a*
ται άπ αΰτοΰ. 80 ΚαΙ τόν άχρείο bound; but from HIM
άπ' αύτοΰ.
from him. And ΚαΙ the
τόν useless
άχρείον δοϋλον
slave who HAS not, even that
away which he has shall be
έκθάλετε είς τό σκότος τό εξώτερον εκεί taken away.
κλαυθμός καΐ ό
cast you Into the darkness the outer; δρυγμός των 30 And thrust the UN-
Uaxai ό weeping and the gnashing of the PROFITABLE Servant into
shall be tho t h e OUTER DARKNESS \
οδόντων, §there shall be the WEEP-
^Όταν δέ δ ING
ό υΙός του ανθρώπου of TEETH. and the GNASHING
When and may c the son of the man
έν vfi δόξχι αύτοΰ, καΐ πάντες ol δγγελοι of 31 §Now when the SON
MAN shall come in his
in the glory of him, and all the messengers
μετ* αύτοΰ, τότε καθίσει επί θρόνου δόξης GELS with GLORY, and All the AN-
with him, then shall be sit on a throne of glory him, then will
he sit upon his Glorious
αύτοΰ, ^καΐ συναχθήσεται έμπροσθεν αύτοΰ Throne;
of him, and will be gathered in presence of him 32 $and All the NA-
πάντα τά ε*θνη· καΐ άφοριεί αυτούς TIONS will be assembled
all the nations; and he will separate them before him; and he will
X 29. Matt. xiii. 12; Markiv. 25; Luke viii. 18; xix. 26. t 31.'Zech. xiv. 5; Matt.
xvi. 27; xix. 28; Mark viii. 38; 1 Thess. iv. 16; 2 Thess. i. 7; Jude 14; Bev. i. 7.
$ 32. Rom. xiv. 10; 2 Cor. v. 1 0 ; Rev. xx. 12.
Chap. 25:33.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 25:43.
an* αλλήλων, ώσπερ 6 ποιμήν αφορίζει τά separate them from each
each other, as the shepherd separates the other, as a SHEPHERD
πρόβατα άπό τών έριφων ^καΐ στήσει τά separates the SHEEP from
the GOATS;
μέν πρόβατα έκ δεξιών αύτοΰ, τά δέ 33 and he will place the
indeed sheep by right of him, the and SHEEP at his Right hand,
ερίφια έξ ευωνύμων. 34Τότε έρεί ό βασιλεύς but the GOATS at his Left.
goats by left. Then w i l l s a y t h e k i n g 34 Then will the KING
τοίς έκ δεξιών αύτοϋ· Δεΰτε ol εΰλογημέ- say to THOSE at his Right
to the by right of him; Gome the having been
νοι τοϋ πατρός μου, κληρονομήσατε τήν hand, 'Come, you BLES-
blessed of the Father of me, Inherit the SED ones of my FATHER,
ήτοιμασμένην inherit
ύμίν βασιλείαν άπό κατα- pared for you the KINGDOM $pre-
from the
βολής κόσμου. Έπείνασα γάρ, καΐ έδώκατέ Formation of the World ;
35 for I was hungry
μοι φαγείν έδίψησα καΐ έποτ'ισατέ με· and you gave me food ; I
to me to eat; I thirsted, and you gave drink to me; was thirsty, and you gave
ξένος ήμην, καΐ συνηγάγετέ με* 3βγυμνός, me drink; I was a Stran-
a stranger I was, and you entertained me; naked, ger, and you entertained
«αϊ περιεβάλετέ με· ήσθένησα, καΐ έπεσκέ- me;
and you clothed me; I was sick, and you 36 I was naked, and
ψασθέ με· έν φυλακή η*μην, καΐ η"λθετε προς you clothed m e ; I was
visited me; in prison I was, and you came to sick, and you assisted
με. 37Τότε άποκριθήσονται αύτφ ot δίκαιοι, me; I was in Prison, and
me. Then shall answer to him the just ones, you visited me.'
λέγοντες· Κύριε, πότε σέ εϊδομεν πεινώντα, then 37 The RIGHTEOUS will
saying: O lord, when thee w e saw hungering, reply, saying, 'Lord,
1 when did we see thee
καΐ έθρέψαμεν; ή διψώντα καΐ έποτίσαμεν; hungry, and feed thee?
and nourished? or thirsting, and we gave drink? or thirsty, and give thee
^Πότε δέ σέ εϊδομεν ξένον καΐ συνηγά- drink? 38 And when did we
γομεν; η"d γυμνόν,
the w saw καΐ aπεριεβάλομεν;
st d 30
Πό t τε
talned? or naked, and we clothed? When see thee a Stranger, and
entertain thee? or naked,
δέ σέ εϊδομεν ασθενή, ή έν φυλακή, καΐ η*λ- and clothe thee?
and thee we saw sick, or in prison, and we
39 And when did we
θομεν προς σέ; 40Kai αποκριθείς ό βασιλεύς see thee sick, or in Prison,
and come to thee?'
έρεί αύτοίς· 'Αμήν λέγω ΰμΐν, έφ' 8- 40 And the KING an-
Will say to them; Indeed I say to you, in what- swering, will say to them,
σον έποιήσατε ένΐ τούτων τών αδελφών That §'Indeed, I say to you,
since you have done
you did, to one of these of the brothers it to one of These the
μου τών ελαχίστων, έμοί έποιήσατε. LEAST Of m y BRETHREN,
ο£ m© of tliο *©&st| t o me you did·
^Τότε έρεί καΐ τοις έξ ευωνύμων you have done it to me.'
Then he w i l l say also to the of left: 41 He will then also
Πορεύεσθε άπ' έμοΰ ol κατηραμένοι είς hand, say to THOSE at his Left
Go from me the having been cursed into §'Depart from me,
τό πυρ τό αΐώνιον, τό ήτοιμασμένον THAT you CURSED ones, into
the fire the everlasting, that having been prepared is PREPARED for the AD-
τφ διαβόλω καΐ τοις άγγέλοις αύτοΰ. VERSARY and his MES-
to* the accuser and to the messengers of him. SENGERS ;
^ Έ π ε Ι ν α σ α γ ά ρ , καΐ ούκ έδώκατέ μοι φα- 42 for I was hungry,
ΐ hungered for, and not you gave to me to but you gave me no food ;
γείν έδίψησα, καΐ ούκ έποτίσατέ με· I was thirsty, but you
eat; I thirsted, and not you gave drink to me;
gave me no drink;
άξενος η>ην, καΐ ού συνηγάγετέ με· 43 I was a Stranger,
a stranger I was, and not you entertained me;
but you did not entertain
t 34. Matt. xx. 2 3 ; Mark x. 40;_ 1 Cor. ii. 9 ; Heb. xi. 16. % 40. Mark ix. 4 1 .
, Matt. v i i . 2 3 ; Luke xiii. 2 7 .
Chap. 25:44.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 26:7·
γυμνός, καΐ ού περιεβάλετέ με* ασθενής, καΐ me; naked, but you did
naked, and not you clothed me; sick, and not clothe me; sick, and
έν φυλακή, καΐ ουκ έπεσκέψασϋέ με. 44Τότε in Prison, but you did not
in prison, and not you v i s i t e d me. Then relieve me.'
άποκοιθήσονται καΐ αυτοί,, λέγοντες* Κύριε, 44 Then will THEY also
w i l l answer and they, saying: θ lord, answer, saying, 'Lord,
πότε σε εϊδομεν πεινώντα, ή διψώντα, ή ξέ- when did we see thee
hungering, or thirsting,
νον, ή γυμνόν, ή ασθενή, ^ έν φυλακή, καΐ or a Stranger, or naked,
or sick, or in Prison, and
ού διηκονήσαμέν σοι; ^Τότε άποκριθήσεται did not assist thee?'
45 Then he will reply
αύτοΐς, λέγων 'Αμήν λέγω ύμίν, έφ' δσον
them, saying: Indeed I say to you, in as much to them, saying, 'Indeed,
I say to you, That since
ούκ έποιήσατε ένΐ τούτων τών ελαχίστων, you did it not to one of
the LEAST of These, you
ουδέ έμοί έποιήσατε. 4βΚαΙ άπελεύσονται οΰτοι did it not to me.'
neither t o m e you did. And shall go away these
εις κόλασιν αΐώνιον· ol δέ δίκαιοι 46 §And these shall go
into a cut ting-off agelasting; the and Just ones forth to the aionian ±cut-
είς ζωή ν αιώνιο ν. ting-off ; but the RIGH-
into l i f e agelasting. TEOUS to aionian Life."
ΚΕΦ. κστ'. 26. CHAPTER XXVI.
^al έγένετο, δτε έτέλεσεν ό Ίησοΰς 1 §And it happened,
And it happened, when had finished the Jesus when JESUS had finished
πάντας τους λόγους τούτους, είπε τοις μαθη- this DISCOURSE, he said
all the words these, he said to the dis- to his DISCIPLES,
ταίς αΰτοΰ· 2Οϊδατε, δτι μετά δύο ημέρας 2 "You know That Two
cIj) 1 6s of him# You knovt^y th&£ & £ t c r t w o d£iy s Days hence comes the
*r6 πάσχα γίνεται* καΐ 6 υΙός τοΰ ανθρώπου of MAN willthenPASSOVER; the SON
be delivered
ill ο passover comes o 115 find tlie son, of the man. up to be CRUCIFIED/'
Λαραδιδοται είς τό σταυρωθήναι. 3Τότε συνή- 3 §About this time, the
13 delivered into the to be crucified· Then ^y©re HIGH-PRIESTS, and the
χθησαν ot αρχιερείς, καΐ ol γραμματείς, of the PEOPLE, were con-
«al ol πρεσβύτεροι του λαού, είς την αύλήν 0vened in the PALACE
assembled the high-priests, and the scribes,
and the elders of the people, into the court f THAT HIGH-PRIEST
τοΰ άρχιερέοις, τοΰ λεγομένου Καϊάφα* 4κα1 NAMED Caiaphas,
οι the high-priest, that being called Caiaphas; and 4 where they consulted
συνεβουλεύσαντο, ίνα τόν Ίησοΰν δόλω how they might seize J E -
they consulted, that the Jesus with deceit
κρατήσωσι καΐ άποκτείνωσιν. 5"Ελεγον δέ· destroy SUS by Stratagem and
t h e y m i g h t s e i z e and m i g h t k i l l . They s a i d but;
Μή έν τη έορτχί, ίνα μη θόρυβος γένηται 5 But they said, "Not
Not in the feast, that not a tumult there should be during the FEAST, lest
έν τφ λαφ. there should be a Tumult
among the people. among the PEOPLE.·"
Τοΰ δέ Ίησοΰ γενομένου έν Βηθανία, 6 $Now while JESUS
The and Jesus having arrived in Bethany, was at Bethany, in the
έν οίκία Σίμωνος τοΰ λεπροϋ, 7προσήλθεν αύ- House of Simon the LEPER,
in a house of Simon the leper, came to 7 a Woman came to
± 4 6 . That is, in the fire mentioned in verse 41. The Common Version, and many
modern ones, render kolasin aionioon, everlasting punishment, conveying the idea, as gener-
ally interpreted, of lasinos, torment. Kolasin in its various forms only occurs in three other
places in the New Testament,—Acts iv. 2 1 ; 2 Peter ii. 9 ; 1 John iv. 18. I t is derived
from kolazoo, which signifies, 1. To cut off; as lopping off branches of trees, to prune. 2.
To restrain, to repress. The Greeks write—"The charioteer [kalazei] restrains his fiery
steeds." 3. To chastise, to punish. To cut off an individual from life, or society, or even to
restrain, is esteemed as punishment;—hence has arisen this thud metaphorical use of the
word. The primary signification has been adopted, because it agrees better with the
second member of the sentence, thus preserving the force and beauty of the antithesis..
The righteous go to life, the wicked to the cutting off from life, or death. See 2 Thess. 1.9.
t 46. Dan. xii. 2 ; John v. 2 9 ; Rom. ii. 7, 8. % 1. Mark xiv. 1; Luke xxii. . 1 ;
John xiii. 1. $ 3.John xi. 4 7 ; Acts iv. 25. $ 6. Mark xiv. 8 ; John xL 1, 9 ; xii.
1-3. 106
Chap. 26:8.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 26:18.
τφ γυνή, άλάβαστρον μύρου έχουσα him, having an Alabaster
him a woman, an alabaster box of balsam having box of Balsam, very val-
βαρύτιμου, καΐ κατέχεεν έπΐ τήν κεφαλήν uable, which she poured
great value, and she poured upon the head on his HEAD while re-
αύτοΰ άνακειμένου. 8 Ίδόντες δέ ol μαθη- clining at table.
of him being reclined. Seeing and the disci-
8 $And *the DISCI-
ταΐ αύτοΰ, ήγανάκτησαν, λέγοντες· Είς PLES seeing it, were dis-
pies οί him, were displeased, saying: On account pleased, saying, "Why
τΐ ή απώλεια αΰτη; 9Ήδύνατο γάρ τοΰτο this EXTRAVAGANCE?
of what the loss this? She was able for this 9 For This might have
αιραθήναι πολλοΰ, καΐ δοθήναι πτω- been sold at a great price,
χοϊς. 10 Γνούς δέ 6 Ίησοΰς είπεν αύτοίς· ΤΙ and given to the POOR."
poor. Knowing and the Jesus said to them: Why
10 JESUS knowing it,
κόπους παρέχετε τχ\ γυναικί; έ'ργον γάρ said to them, "Why do
you trouble the WOMAN?
καλόν είργάσατο είς έμέ. ^^Πάντοτε γάρ She has rendered me a
good she has wrought for me. Always for
kind Office.
τους πτωχούς έχετε μεΟ' εαυτών έμέ 11 For you have the
the poor you have with yourselves; me POOR always among you;
δέ ού πάντοτε Ιχετε. Βαλοΰσα γάρ αυτή but Me you have not al-
out not Λ1ΎΙ^&3^3 you hftv©· H«uviu£ c&st for she ways.
τό μύρον τοΰτο επί του σώματος μου, προς το
the balsam this upon the body13 of me, to the 12 For in pouring this
ένταφιάσαι με έποίησεν. Άμήν λέγω ύ- BALSAM on my BODY, she
to prepare for burial me she did. Indeed I say to did it to EMBALM me.
μίν, δπου έάν κηρυχθτ) τό εύαγγέλιον 13 Indeed, I say to
you, wherever may be pub 1 ished the glad tidings
you, WTherever these GLAD
τοΰτο, έν δλω τώ κόσμω, λαληθήσεται καΐ TIDINGS may be pro-
this, in whofe the world," shall be spoken also
claimed in the whole
8 έποίησεν αΰτη εις μνημόσυνον αΰτης. WORLD, what she has done
What did she, for a memorial of her. will also be spoken of to
Τότε πορευθείς είς τών δώδεκα ό λεγό- γ
her Remembrance."
μενος 'Ιούδας 'Ισκαριώτης, προς τους άρχιε-
14 §Then THAT one of
named Judas
Iscariot, to the high- das Iscariot, proceeding
(?είς, είπε· ΤΙθέλετέ μοι δοΰναι, to the HIGH-PRIESTS,
priests, said: What reyou wi I l i n g tome togive, 15 said, "What are you
κάγώ ύμίν παραδώσω αυτόν; ΟΙ δέ Εστησαν willing to give me, and I
and I to you w i l l deliver up him? They and paid will deliver him up to
αύτφ τριάκοντα αργύρια. 1βΚαΙ άπό τότε him you?" And THEY paid
έζήτει εύκαιρίαν, ΐνα αυτόν παρα- Thirty Shekels.
he did seek opportunity, that him he might deliv- 16 And from that time
he sought a fit Occasion
to deliver him up.
"Tfi πρώτη τών άζύ- 17 $Now on the FIRST
The rened day of the UNLEAVENED
μων προσήλθον ol μαΦηταΙ τ φ Ίησοΰ, λέγον- BREAD, t h e DISCIPLES
bread came the disciples of the Jesus, say-
came to JESUS, saying,
τες *[αΰτω·] Που θέλεις έτοιμάσωμέν "Where dost thou wish
ing [to him;! that we prepare for thee
σοι φαγεΐν τό Πάσχα; 1 8 Ό δέ είπεν
to thee to eat the passover? H e and said: 18 H E answered, "Go
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—8. the DISCIPLES. 17. to him—omit.
± 1 7 . The Passover feast began yearly on the fourteenth day of the first moon In the
Jewish month Nisan, and it lasted only one day; but it was immediately followed by the
days of unleavened bread, which were peven. See J,osephus, Ant. iii. 10, 5. So that the
whole lasted eight daya, and all the eight days are sometimes called, "the feast of the
passover," and sometimes "the feast (or days) of unleavened bread." See Luke xxii. 1, 7.
t 8. John xii. 4. t H.Mark xiv. 10; Luke xxii. 3 ; John xiii. 2,30. J 17.
Exod. xii. 6, 18; Mark xiv 12; Luke xxii. 7.
Chap. 26:19.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 26:28,
«άγετε εις την πόλιν προς τόν δείνα, καΐ into the CITY to a CER-
you into tlio c i t y to the certtiiri ouo^ ttud TAIN person, and say to
είπατε αύτφ· Ό διδάσκαλος λέγει· Ό καιρός him, The TEACHER says,
μου εγγύς έστι· προς σέ ποιώ τό πά- 'My TIME is near ; I will
of me nigh Is; to thee I w i l l make the pass- celebrate the PASSOVER
19 at thy house, with my
σχα μετά των μαθητών μου. ΚαΙ εποίησαν DISCIPLES.' "
over with the disciples of me. And did
ot μαθηταΐ ώς συνέταξεν αύτοίς ό Ίησοΰς· did19asAnd the DISCIPLES
JESUS had ordered
the disciples as commanded to them the Jesus;
καΐ ήτοίμασαν τό πάσχα. them; and they prepared
^'Οψ'ιας δέ γενομένης άνέκειτο μετά των 20 | N o w Evening be-
Of evening and being come he reclined with the ing come, he reclined at
δώδεκα. 21ΚαΙ έσθιόντων αυτών, είπεν 'Αμήν table with the TWELVE ;
twelve. And of eating of them, he said: Indeed 21 and as they were
λέγω ύμΐν, δτι εις έξ υμών παραδώσει με. eating, he said, "Indeed,
I say to you, that one of you w i l l deliver up me. I tell you, That one of
^ΚαΙ λυπούμενοι σφόδρα ήρξαντο λέγειν you will deliver me up."
And being grieved exceedingly, they began to say
22 And being extreme-
αύτφ έκαστος * [αυτών] Μήτι έγώ είμι, ly sorrowful, they began,
to him 2 each one [of them;] Not I am, each one, to ask him,
Κύριε; 3 Ό δέ αποκριθείς είπεν Ό έμβόνψας "Master, is it I ? "
Ο lord? He but answering said: He dipping
μετ' έμοΰ έν τώ τρυβλίω τήν χείρα, οδτός με 23 And HE answering,
With me in the bowl the hand, this me, said, §"He who has been
Λαραδώσει. 2 4 *Ο μέν υΙός του ανθρώπου ύπά- DIPPING his HAND With
w l l l deliver up. The indeed son of the man goes mine in the DISH, this
γει, καθώς γέγραπται περί αύτοΰ· ούαΐ one will deliver me up.
as i t has been w r i t t e n about him; Woe 24 The SON of MAN
δέ τφ άνθρώπω έκείνω, δι* οδ ό υΙός indeed goes away [to
but to the man that," through whom the son death], §as it has been
του ανθρώπου παραδ'ιδοται· καλόν fjv αύτφ, written concerning him;
l up; >him, but alas for that MAN
εΐ ούκ έγεννήθη ό άνθρωπος εκείνος. ^'Απο- through whom the SON
of MAN is delivered up!
κριθείς δέ 'Ιούδας, ό παραδιδούς αυτόν, είπε* §Good were it for that
ing and Judas, he delivering up him, said; MAN if he were not born."
Μήτι έγώ είμι, ραβδί; Λέγει αύτφ· Σύ εΐ- 25 Then THAT Judas
Not I am, rabbi? He Bays to him: Thou hast who delivered him up,
inquired, "Rabbi, is i t
I?" He says to him,
^'Εσθιδντων δέ αυτών, λαβών ό Ίησοΰς "Thou hast said."
Eating and of them, having taken the Jesus 26 §And as they were
eating, JESUS taking *a
τόν άρτον, καΐ εύλογήσας, έκλασε, καΐ έδίδου Loaf, and giving praise,
the loaf and having blessed, broke, and did give he broke, and gave it to
τοις μαθηταίς, καΐ είπε· Λάβετε, φάγετε· the DISCIPLES, and said,
to the disciples, and said: Take you, eat you; "Take, eat; $this is my
τοΰτό έστι τό σώμα μου. 27ΚαΙ λαβών τό BODY."
This i s the body of me. And having taken the
ποτήριον, καΐ εύχαριστήσας, 8δωκεν αύ- and27 giving
Then taking *a Cup,
t h a n k s , he
cup, and having given thanks, he gave to
gave It to them, saying,
τοίς, λέγων ΓΓίετε έξ αύτοΰ πάντες· | "Drink all of you out
them, saying: Drink you out of It all; of i t ;
γάρ έστι τό αίμα μου, τό της 28 for * t h i s is my
this --
for i*s the blood of me, that of the
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 2 . of them—omit. 26. a Loaf. 27. a Cup. 28. this
is my BLOOD of the COVENANT, T H A T which is POURED OUT.
t 20. Mark xiv. 17-21; Luke xxii. 1 4 ; John xiii. 2 1 . $ 23. Psa. xli. 9 ; Luke
xxil. 2 1 ; John xlii. 1 8 . % 2 4 . P s a . xxii. I s a . l i i i ; Dan. ix. 2 6 ; Mark ix. 1 2 ;
Luke xxiv. 25, 26, 4 6 ; Acts xvii. 3 ; xxvi. 22, 2 3 ; 1 Cor. xv. 3. % 24. John xvii. 12.
% 26. Mark xiv. 2 2 ; Luke xxii. 1 9 . X 26. 1 Cor. x. 16. ; 27. Mark xiv. 2 3 .
t 28. Exod. xxiv. 8 ; Lev. xvii. 1 7 ; Matt. xx. 2 8 ; Heb. ix. 22.
Chap. 26:29.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 26:37.
καινής διαθήκης, τό περί πολλών έκχυνόμενον THAT which is POURED
new covenant, that about many being shed OUT $for Many, for For-
είς δφεσιν αμαρτιών. ^Λέγω 6έ ύμίν, δτι giveness of Sins.
29 §But I tell you,
ού μή πίω άπ' δρτι έκ τούτου τοΰ That I will not hence-
not not I w i l l drink from now of this the forth drink of This PRO-
γεννήματος της αμπέλου, Εως της ημέρας DUCT of the VINE, till
product of t h e vine, till the day that DAY when I drink
εκείνης, δταν αυτό πίνω μεθ' υμών καινόν it new with you in my
£ν τχί βασιλεία τοΰ Πατρός μου. 80ΚαΙ ύμνή- 30 And having sung,
Ιχι the kingdom of the Father of me. And having they departed to the
σαντες, έξήλθον είς τό δρος τών MOUNT Of OLIVES.
31 Then JESUS says
sung a hymn, they departed to the mountain of the
έλαιών. to them, "You will All
olive-trees. stumble on my account,
Τότε λέγει αύτοίς δ Ίησοΰς· Πάντες this NIGHT; for it is
Then he says to them the Jesus: All written, § Ί will smite
ύμείς σκανδαλίσθήσεσθε έν έμοί έν τη νυκτΐ 'the SHEPHERD, and the
you w i l l be stumbled at me in the night 'SHEEP of the FLOCK will
'be dispersed.'
ταύτη* γέγραπται γάρι «Πατάξω
32 But after I am τόν
RAISED, §1 will precede
ποιμένα, καΙ διασκορπισθήσεται τά πρόβατα you to GALILEE.·"
shepherd, and w i l l be scattered the sheep
της ποίμνης.» ^Μετά δε τό έγερΦήναί με, 33 And Peter answer-
of the fold." After but the to be raised me,
ing, said to him, "If all
προάξω ύμας είς τήν Γαλιλαίαν. ^Άπο- should stumble with re-
I w i l l go before you to the Galilee. Answer- spect to thee, I never will
κριθείς δέ ό Πέτρος είπεν αύτω* ΕΙ πάντες be made to stumble."
Ing and the Peter said to him: If all
σκανδαλισθήσονται έν σοί, έγώ ουδέποτε 34 JESUS said to him,
shall be stumbled at thee, I never $ "Indeed, I say to thee,
σκανδαλισθήσομαι. *Έφη αύτώ 84
ό Ίησοΰς· That This NIGHT, before
w i l l be stumbled. Said to him the Jesus: ±the Cock crow, thou wilt
Αμήν λέγω σοι, 8τι έν ταύτη τη νυκτί, thrice disown me."
35 PETER says to him,
πρίν αλέκτορα φωνησαι, τρίς άπαρνήση "Though doomed to die
before a cock t o have crowed, t h r i c e thou w i l t deny with thee, I will not dis-
με. ^Λέγει αύτώ ό Πέτρος· Κόΐν δέη own Thee." And All the
me. Says to him the Peter; And if i t may behoove
DISCIPLES said the same.
με σύν σοΙ άποθανείν, ού μή σέ άπαρνή- 36 §Then comes JESUJ3
me with thee to die, not not thee I w i l l with them into a Place
σομαι. *Ομοίως καΐ πάντες ol μαθηταΐ called Gethsemane, and
deny. In like manner also

all the disciples says to his DISCIPLES,
είπον. Τότε άρχεται μετ' αυτών ό Ίησοΰς "Remain here, while I go
8ft iu· ΐΐιβο, comes with them. the Jesus there and pray."
είς χωρίον λεγόμενον Γεθσημανή, καΐ λέγει 37 And taking with
into a place being called Gethsemane, and .says
τοις μαθηταίς· Καθίσατε αύτοϋ, έ'ως οϋ άπελ-
to ±the
3 4 . disciples:
That is, "before a 37watch
Sit you trumpet
here, will going
while sound," etc. I t is well known that no
cocks προσεύξωμαι
were allowed toέκεΐ.
remainΚαΙ παραλαβών
in Jerusalem τόνthe passover feast. The Romans,
who had I ashall pray
strong guardthere. And
in the having
castle taken the
of Antonia, which overlooked the temple, divided
the night into four watches, beginning at six, nine, twelve, and three. Mark xiii. 35,
alludes to this division of time. The last two watches were both called cock-crowings. The
Bomans relieved guard at each watch by sound of trumpet: the trumpet of the third
watch was called the first, and that of the fourth the second cock. And when it was
eaid the cock crew, the meaning is, that the trumpet of the third watch sounded; which
always happened at midnight.
t 29. Mark xiv. 2 5 ; Luke xxii. 18. $ 3 1 . Matt. xi. 6 ; Mark xiv. 2 7 ; John xvi.
32. $ 3 1 . Zech. xiii. 7. t 32. Matt, xxviii. 7, 10; Mark xiv. 2 8 ; xvi. 7. t 3 4 .
Mark xiv. 3 0 ; Luke xxii. 3 4 ; John xiii. 38. $ 36. Mark xiv. 32-35; Luke xxii. 3 9 ;
John xviii. 1.
Chap. 26:38.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 26:46.
Π έτρον καΐ τους δύο υΙούς Ζεόεδαίου, him PETER, and the §TWO
Sons of Zebedee, he be-
ξατο λυπείσθαι καΐ άδημονείν. Τότε
gan to be filled with sor-
began to be sorrowful and to be in anguish. Then row and anguish.
λέγει αύτοίς· Περίλυπος έστιν ή 38 Then he says to
ψυχή μου £ως θανάτου· μείνατε ώδε καΐ them, $"My SOUL is
soul of me to death; remain you here and surrounded with a deadly
γρηγορείτε μετ' έμοϋ. 39ΚαΙ προελθών μι- anguish; stay here, and
watch you with me. And going forward a watch with me."
κρόν, επεσεν έπΙ πρόσωπον αύτοϋ, προσευ- 39 And going forward
little, h ef e l l on face of him, pray-
a little, he fell on his
χόμενος, και λέγων Πάτερ μου, εΐ δυνατόν Face, ^supplicating and
saying, "O my Father,
εστί, παρελθέτω άπ' έμοϋ τό ποτήριον τοϋτο· if i t be possible, $let this
it is, let pass from me the cup this;
πλην ούχ' ως έγώ θέλω, Αλλ' ώς συ. 4 0 ΚαΙ
CUP be removed from me!
but not as I will, but as thou. And
yet not as I will, but as
thou wilt."
Ερχεται προς τους μαθητάς, καΐ ευρίσκει 40 And he returns to
he comes to the disciples, and finds
αυτούς καθεύδοντας, καΐ λέγει τφ Π έτρφ· the DISCIPLES, and finds
them sleeping, and he says to the P e t e r : them sleeping, and says
Ου"τως ουκ Ισχύσατε μίαν ωραν γρηγορήσαι to PETER, " I t is so, then,
So not could you one hour to watch that you coul(f not keep
μετ' έμοϋ; 41
Γρηγορείτε καΐ προσεύχεσθε, awake with me a Single
v.-ith me? Watch you and pray you, Hour ?
ϊνα μή ε'ισέλθητε είς πειρασμόν τό μέν 41 $ Watch and pray,
Hint not you nrifiy enter into teiriptittiont txio lixdeGcx
πνεΰμα πρόθυμον, ή δέ σαρξ ασθενής, that you enter not into
spirit ready, the but flesh weak. Trial; the SPIRIT indeed
^Πάλιν, έκ δευτέρου άπελθών, προσηύξατο, is willing, but the FLESII
Again, a second time going away, he prayed, is weak."
* [λέγων] Πάτερ μου, εΐ οΰ δύναται 42 A second time re-
£saying;D Ο Father of me, if not it is possible tiring, he supplicated, "O
τοΰτο, *[τό ποτήριον] παρελθείν *[άπ* έμοΰ,] my Father, if it cannot
this, [the cup] to pass Cfrom me,]
be that This be removed ·
£άν μή αυτό πίω, γενηθήτω τό θ έλιγμα σου. if I must drink it,—thy
except it I drink, be done the w i l l of thee. WILL be done."
^ΚαΙ έλθών ευρίσκει αυτούς πάλιν καθεύδον- 43 And returning, he
And coming he finds them again sleep- finds them still sleeping;
τας· (ήσαν γάρ αυτών ol οφθαλμοί βεβαρη- (for Their EYES were
μένοι· ) 44καί άφείς αυτούς, άπελθών πάλιν, overpowered.)
down;) and leaving them, going away again, 44 Again, leaving them,
he went and prayed a
προσηύξατο έκ τρίτου, τόν αυτόν λόγον εΐ- third time, using *again
he pr&ycci A third timej tlio so.m.6 Tyord sp©ftlc~
πών. ^Τότε έρχεται προς τους μαθητάς αύ- the SAME Words.
ing. Then he comes to the disciples of 45 He then comes to
του, καΐ λέγει αύτοίς· Καθεύδετε τό λοιπόν *the DISCIPLES, and says
to them, "Do you Sleep
καΐ άναπαύεσθε; ιδού, Ϋΐγγικεν ή ώρα, NOW, and take your rest?
And rest you? lo, has come nigh the hour, *for behold, the HOUR is
atal 6 υΙός του άνθρωπου παραδ'ιδοται είς arrived, and the SON of
MAN is delivered into the
χείρας αμαρτωλών. 4β
Έγείρεσθε, αγωμεν Hands of Sinners.
hands of sinners. Arise, let us go; lo,
46 Arise, let us go ; be-
ήγγικεν δ παραδιδούς με. hold ! HE, Who BETRAYS
has come nigh he delivering up me.
me, has come."
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 2 . saying—omit. 42. C U P — o m i t . 42. from me—omit.
44. again t'T3 SAME Words. 45. the D I S C I P L E S . 45. for behold.
t 3 7. Matt. iv. 2 1 . % 38. John xii. 27. % 39. Mark xiv. 3 6 ; Luke xxii. 4 2 ;
Heb. v . 7. $ 3 9 . John v. 3 0 ; vi. 3 8 ; Phil. i i . 7 , 8 . t 4 1 . Mark xiii. 3 3 ; xiv.
3 8 ; Luke xxii. 4 0 , 4 6 ; Eph. vi. 18.
C/tap. 26:47.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 26:56.
ΚαΙ ετι αύτοΰ λαλοΰντος, Ιδού, 'Ιούδας, 47 Now $while Jesus
And while of him speaking, lo, Judas, was speaking behold, Ju-
είς τών δώδεκα, ήλθε, καΐ μετ' αύτοϋ das, one of the TWELVE,
one of the twelve, came, and with him came, accompanied with
δχλος πολύς μετά μαχαιρών και ξύλων, άπό a great Crowd, armed
a crowd great with swords and clubs, from with Swords and Clubs,
τών αρχιερέων καΐ πρεσβυτέρων του λαοΰ. from the HIGH-PRIESTS
the high-priests and elders of the people. and Elders of the PEOPLE.
^ Ό δέ παραδιδούς αυτόν, ί-δωκεν αύτοίς 48 And HE, who DE-
He and delivering up him, gave to them LIVERED him up, had
σημείον, λέγων "Ov αν φιλήσω, αυτός έστι· given them a Sign, say-
a sign, saying: Who ever I may kiss, he it is;
κρατήσατε αυτόν. ΚαΙ 4Β
ευθέως προσελ- ing, "He it is, whom I
seize him. And Immediately approach-
may kiss; hold him fast."
Φών τφ Ίησοΰ είπε· Χαίρε ραββΐ· καΐ 49 And immediately ap-
ing to the Jesus, he said to him; Hail rabbi; and proaching JESUS, he said,
κατεφίλησεν αυτόν. 6 0 Ό δέ Ίησοΰς είπεν "Hail, Rabbi!" and re-
kissed him. The but Jesus said peatedly kissed him.
αύτφ· 'Εταίρε έφ* 8 πάρει; him, 50 But JESUS said to
to him: Companion, for what art thou present? what purpose art thou
"Companion, for
Τότε προσελθόντες έπέβαλον τάς χείρας επί
Then coming they laid the hands on present?" Then coming,
τόν Ίησοΰν, και έκράτησαν αυτόν. 61ΚαΙ they laid HANDS on J E -
Ιδού, είς τών μετά Ιησοΰ, έκτείνας τήν SUS, and secured him.
lo, one of the with Jesus, stretching the 51 And behold, §one of
χείρα, απέσπασε τήν μάχαιραν αύτοΰ· καΐ THOSE who were *with
hand, drew out the sword of him; and him, laying his HAND on
πατάξας τόν δοΰλον του άρχιερέως, άφείλεν his SWORD, drew it, and
striking the slave of the high-priest, cut off striking the SERVANT of
αΰτοΰ τό ώτίον. 52Τότε λέγει αύτφ 6 Ίησοΰς· the HIGH-PRIEST, cut off
Of him the ear. Then says to him the Jesus: HiS EAR.
Άπόστρεψόν σου τήν μάχαιραν είς τόν τόπον 52 Then JESUS says to
αυτής· πάντες γαρ ol λαδόντες μάχαιραν, him, "Return Thy SWORD
to its PLACE ; |for All
of her; all for the taking a sword, WHO have RECOURSE to
έν μαχαίρα άπολοΰνται. ^ ' Ή δοκείς, δτι the Sword, shall perish
by a sword shall perish. Or thinkest thou, that by the Sword.
ού δύναμαι *[άρτι] παρακαλέσαι τόν Πατέρα 53 Or, dost thou think
not I am able [now] to entreat the Father That I cannot entreat my
μου, καΐ παραστήσειδ 4 μοι πλείους η1 δώδεκα FATHER, and he will send
λεγεώνας αγγέλων; Πώς οϋν πληρωθώ- to my relief more than
legions of messengers? How then should bo ful — Twelve Legions of Angels ?
σιν αϊ γραφαί, δτι οΰτω δει γενέσθαι, 54 But, in that case,
filled the writings, that thus it must be done. how could the SCRIP-
TURES be verified, $That
εκείνη rfj ωρα είπεν ό Ίησοϋς τοίς thus it must be?"
that the hour said the Jesus to the 55 JESUS at the same
δχλοις· Ώ ς επί ληστήν έξήλθετε μετά μαχαι- TIME said to the CROWDS,
crowds: As upon a robber came you out with swords "As in pursuit of a Rob-
©ών καΐ ξύλων, συλλαβείν με· καθ' ήμέραν ber, have you come with
*[πρός ύμας] έκαθεζόμην διδάσκων έν τώ Swords and Clubs to take
[with you] I did s i t teaching In the me? I sat teaching in
Ιερω, καΐ ουκ έκρατήσατέ με· 56Τουτο δέ the TEMPLE every day,
temple, and not you seized me. This but and you did not arrest me.
δλον γέγονεν, ίνα πληρωθώσιν αϊ 56 All this, however,
all h a s been done, t h a t m i g h t be f u l f i l l e d t h e has been done, that the
γραφαί τών προφητών. Τότε ot μαθηταΐ πάντες, WRITINGS Of the PROPH-
w r i t i n g s of the prophets. Then t h e d i s c i p l e s a l l , ETS might be verified."

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—51. with him. 53. now—omit.

t 47. Mark xiv. 4 3 ; Luke xxii. 4 7 ; John xviii. 3 ; Acts i. 16. ί 51. John xviii. 10.
t 52. Gen. ix. 6; Rev. xiii. 10. $ 54. Isa. liii. 7; Luke xxiv. 25, 44, 46.
26:57.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 26:65.
αφέντες αυτόν, έΊρυγον. Β7ΟΙ δέ κρατήσαντες Then all *his DISCIPLES
leaving him, they fled. They and seizing deserting him, fled.
τόν Ίησοΰν, άπήγαγον προς Καϊάφαν τόν 57 $And THOSE who AP-
the Jesus, they led to Caiaphas the
αρχιερέα, δπου ol γραμματείς καΐ ol πρεσβύ- ducted him to Caiaphas
the HIGH-PRIEST, where
τεροι συνήχθησαν. Β 8 Ό δέ Πέτρος ήκολούθει the SCRIBES and ELDERS
were assembled. The but Peter followed
were assembled.
αύτφ άπό μακρόθεν, ΙΌος της αυλής του άρχιε-
bim at a distance, to the palace of the high- 58 But PETER followed
<>έως· καΐ είσελθών δσω, έκάθητο μετά him a t a distance, to the
priest; and having gone in, sat with PALACE Of t h e HIGH-
PRIEST ; and having en-
τών υπηρετών, Ιδείν τό τέλος.
tered, sat with the AT-
the attendants, to see the end. TENDANTS to see the RE-
Ot δέ αρχιερείς * [καΐ ol πρεσβύτεροι] καΐ SULT.
The and high-priests Cand the elders! and 59 Now the HIGH-
τό συνέδριον δλον έζήτουν ψευδομαρτυρίαν PRIESTS and the whole
the high-council whole sought false testimony
SANHEDRIM sought False-
«ατά του Ίησοΰ, δπως αυτόν θανατώ- testimony against JESUS,
eo so that they might de-
σωσι. Kai ούχ εΰρον, πολλών -ψευδό- liver him to death;
CL61 XVGr TO OGfttll· .Allu QOt tllGy fOUud* IX1AI17 fftlse*~
μαρτύρων προσελθόντων. "Υστερον δέ προσελ- 60 and they did not find
TVitnesses having come. Afterwards but com- it, though $Many False-
θόντες δύο * [ψευδομάρτυρες,] 61 εΙπον· Οδτος witnesses came. But a t
last, Two approaching,
ing two [false-witnesses] said: This
61 said, "This man de-
§ς?η· Δύναμαι καταλϋσαι τόν ναόν του clared, § Ί can destroy the
affirmed; I am able to destroy the temple of the TEMPLE of GOD, and in
Θεοΰ, καΐ δια τριών ήμερων οίκοδομήσαι αΰ- Three Days rebuild it.' "
VrOQj siriu iix t h r e e ufiys t ο t)u i 1 cl it» 62 And the HIGH-PRIEST
τόν. 62 ΚαΙ άναστάς 6 άρχιερεύς είπεν αύτω· answering, said to him,
Δ. lid ι* i s ι Rtr up the hisrli™priest ssiicL to hi m * "Answerest thou nothing
Ουδέν to what these testify a-
τυροΰσιν;άποκρίντι; τΐ οδτοι έσιώπα.
σου καταμαρ-
Ό δέ Ίησοΰς ΚαΙ gainst thee?"
against? answerestthouV
The but Jesus was silent.
what these ofthee testify And
* [αποκριθείς] ό άρχιερεύς είπεν αύτφ· Έ - 63 §But Jesus was si-
Canswering] the high-priest said to him: I lent. And the HIGH-
PRIEST said to him, ±"I
ξορκίζω σε κατά του Θεοΰ του ζώντος, Ινα adjure thee by the LIVING
adjure thee by the God of the living, that
GOD, that thou inform us,
ήμΧν εΐπης, εΐ συ εί ό Χριστός, ό υΙός
to us thou tell, if thou art the Anointed, the son whether thou a r t the MES-
β4 SIAH, the SON of GOD."
του θεοΰ. Λέγει αύτώ ό Ίησοΰς· Σύ
of the God. Says to him the Jesus: Thou 64 JESUS says to him,
εΐπας. Πλην λέγω ύμίν, άπ' δρτι 6ψε- "Thou hast said; more-
hast said. Besides I say to you, from now you over I declare to you,
σθε τόν υΐόν του ανθρώπου καθήμενον έκ §Hereafter you shall see
shall see the son of the man sitting at the SON of MAN sitting on
δεξιών της δυνάμεως, καΐ έρχόμενον επί των the Right hand of POWER,
right of the power, and coming upon the and coming on the CLOUDS
Τότε ό άρχιερεύς Of HEAVEN."
νεφελών τοΰ ούρανοΰ.
clouds of the heaven. Then the high-priest 65 Then the HIGH-
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—56. his DISCIPLES deserting. 59. and the elders—omit»
80 Lachmann and Titschendorf. 60. false-witnesses—omit. 63. answering—omit.
± 63. A solemn adjuration, which a Jew was bound to answer. Lev. v. 1. After such an'
adjuration by magistrate or superior, the answer returned was an answer upon oath; a
false answer was perjury and even the silence of the person adjured was not deemed inno-
cent. Hence it was that the high-priest had recourse to this measure upon our Lord's
disdaining to answer the unfounded accusations which were brought against him, from
the conviction that his judges were predetermined, and that every thing he could say
would be of no avail.
$ 57. Mark xiv. 5 3 ; Luke xxii. 54; John xviii. 12, 13, 24. ί 60. Mark xiv. 56-59.
% 61. Matt.xxvii. 40; Johnii. 19-22. % 63. Isa. liii. 7; Matt, xxvii. 12, 14. % 64. Dan.
vii. 1 3 ; Matt. xvi. 2 7 ; xxiy. 3 0 ; xxv. 3 1 ; Luke xxi. 2 7 ; John i. 5 1 ; 1 Thesa. iv.16;
Bev. 1. 7.
Chap. 26:66.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 26:75.
διέρρηξε τά Ιμάτια αύτοΰ, λέγων "Οτι έ6λα- PRIEST rent his CLOTHES,
rent the clothes of him, saying: That lie saying, "He has spoken
σφήμησε· τΐ £τι χρείαν δχομεν μαρτύ- blasphemy; what further
blasphemes; what further need have we of w i t - Need have we of Wit-
ρων; ΐδε, νυν ήκούσατε την βλασφημίαν αυ- nesses? behold, now you
have heard *the BLAS-
τοί). e e Tl ύμίν δοκεί; ol δέ άποκριθέντες PHEMY.
him. What to you thinks? they and answering 66 What is your opin-
είπον "Ενοχος θανάτου εστί. β7Τότε ένέπτυ- ion?" And THEY answer-
said: Liable to death he i s . Then they ing, said, "He deserves to
σαν είς τό πρόσωπον αύτοΰ, καΐ έκολά- Die."
: with 67 §Then they spat in
φισαν αυτόν ol έρράπι- his FACE, and beat him
him; they and struck with palms of their
the fist " " with their fists ; and SOME
σαν, β8λέγοντες· Προφήτευσον ήμίν, Χριστέ, struck him on the cheek
hands, saying: Prophesy to us, θ Anointed, with the open hand,
τίς έστιν ό παίσας σε; 68 saying, ± "Divine to
who i s he striking thee? us, Ο Messiah, Who is HE
O δέ Π έτρος g|co έκάθητο έν τχί αύ- STRIKING thee?"
ΦΙΙΘ find Peter without SQ,t in tlie court— 69 $Now PETER sat
λη. ΚαΙ προσήλθεν αύτφ μία παιδίσκη, λέ- without in the COURT-
yard. And came to him one maid-servant, say- YARD ; and a Maid-ser-
γουσα* ΚαΙ σύ ήσθα μετά * Ιησού τοΰ Γαλι- vant came to him, saying,
ing: Also thou wast with Jesus of the Gall- "Thou also wast with J E -
λαίου. 7 0 Ό δέ ήρνήσατο έμπροσθεν αυτών SUS the GALILEAN."
lee. He but denied in presence of them 70 But HE denied it be-
πάντων, λέγων Ούκ οίδα τΐ λέγεις, fore them all, saying, " I
all, saying: Not I know what thou sayest. know not what thou say-
^'Εξελθόντα δέ αυτόν είς τόν πυλώνα, είδεν est."
Going out and he into the portico, saw 71 And passing out into
αυτόν άλλη, καΐ λέγει τοις εκεί· ΚαΙ οδτος the PORTICO, another saw
him another, and says to those there; Also this him, and says to THEM,
fjv μετά *Ιησοΰ τοΰ Ναζωραίου. ΚαΙ πάλιν "This person was also
was with Jesus of the Nazareth. And again there with Jesus the NA-
ήρνήσατο μεθ' δρκου· "Οτι ούκ οίδα τόν ZARITE/·*
he denied with an oath; That not I know the 72 And again he denied
δνθρωπον. 7 3 Μετά μικρόν δέ προσελθόντες with an Oath, " I know
man. After a l i t t l e and approaching not the MAN."
ol έστώτες είπον τφ Πέτρω· 'Αληθώς THOSE 73 And after a while,
who STOOD BY, ap-
those having stood by, said to the Peter: Certainly
καΐ σύ έξ αυτών εΙ· καΐ γάρ ή λαλιά σου proaching, said to PETER,
also thou of them art; even for the speech of thee "Certainly, thou also a r t
δηλον σέ ποιεί. 7 4 Τότε ήρξατο καταθεμα- one of them; for even
manifest thee makes. . Then he began to thy DIALECT makes Thee
τίζειν, καΐ όμνύειν "Οτι ούκ οίδα τόν δνθρω- known." 74 Then he began to
curse, and to swear. That not I know the nan. curse and to swear, " I
πον. ΚαΙ ευθέως αλέκτωρ έφώνησε. TOKal know not the MAN/' And
And Instantly a cock crew. And
instantly ±a Cock crew.
έμνήσθη ό Πέτρος τοΰ ρήματος τοΰ Ίησοΰ, 75 And Peter recollected
remembered the Peter of the word of the Jesus,
βίρηκότος * [αύτφ* ] "Οτι πρίν αλέκτορα φωνή- sus, $"That before a Cock
declaring [to him;] That before acock crows,
crows, thou wilt thrice
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—65. the BLASPHEMY. 75. to him—omit.
± 68. In this insulting taunt there seems to be an indirect sneer at the popular belief
our Lord's Messiahship; which is rendered still more apparent by the sarcastic use of t h ·
word propheeteuein. This word is sometimes used generally in relation to things unknown,
so as to correspond with the English guess. I t should be remembered that Christ was now
blindfolded, as appears from Mark xiv. 6 5 ; Luke xxii. 64.—Kuinoel. ± 74. See
Note on verse 34.
$ 66. Mark xiv. 64. t 67. Isa. 1. 6 ; liii. 3 ; Luke xxii. 63, 64. | 69. Mark x i r .
66; Luke xxii. 5 5 ; John xviii. 16-18, 25-27. $ 75. See verse 3 4 ; Mark xiv. 3 6 ;
Luke xxii. 61, 6 2 ; John xiii. 38.
Chap. 27:1.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 27:8.
σαι, τρίς άπαρνήση με. ΚαΙ έξελθών έ'ξω, disown me." And going
thrice thou wi 11 deny me. And going out, out, he wept bitterly.
έκλαυσε πικρώς.
he wept bitterly. CHAPTER XXVII.
ΚΕΦ. κ ζ \ 27. 1 $Now, at the Dawn of
^^Πρωΐας δέ γενομένης, συμβούλιον £λαβον day» All the HIGH-PRIESTS
Morning and having come, a council hold
and the ELDERS of the
πάντες ol αρχιερείς καΐ ot πρεσβύτεροι του PEOPLE, held a Council
all the high-priests and the elders of the
against JESUS, in order to
λαου κατά τοΰ Ίησοΰ, ώστε Φανατώσαι deliver him to death.
people against the Jesus, so us to deliver to death
2 2 A nd binding him, they
αυτόν. Καί δήσαντες αυτόν, άπήγαγον, καΐ led and delivered him up
him. And binding him, they led, and to Pilate, the GOVERNOR.
Λαρέδωκαν αυτόν *[Ποντίφ] Πιλάτφ τφ 3 $Then THAT Judas
delivered up him Eto Pontius] Pilate the
who DELIVERED him up,
ήγεμόνι. perceiving That he was
governor. condemned, repented ; and
Τότε Ιδών Ίοΰδας, ό παραδιδούς αυτόν, returned the THIRTY She-
kels to the HIGH-PRIESTS
Then seeing Judas, that betraying him, and the ELDERS,
δτι κατεκρίθη, μεταμεληθείς άπέστρεψε 4 saying, " I have sin-
that he was condemned, repenting he returned ned in betraying innocent
τά τριάκοντα άργΰρια τοις άρχιερεΰσι "What is Blood." But THEY said,
that to us?
παραδοΰς thirty pieces of silver
αίμα άΦώον. to the high-priests
ΟΙ δέ είπον Thou wilt see to that."
καΐ τοις πρεσδυτέροις,
having delivered up blood Innocent. λέγων· "Ημαρτον,
They but said: 5 And hurling the SHE-
Tt προς ημάς; Σύ δ·ψει. εΚαΙ ρίψας τά KELS in the TEMPLE, he
What to us? Thou wilt see. And hurling the withdrew, §and having
αργύρια έν τφ ναφ, άνεχώρησε· καΐ gone away, strangled him-
pieces of silver In the temple, he withdrew; and self.
άπελθών άπήγξατο. Ol δέ άρχιε- taking the MONEY, said,
Jiaving gone forth strangled himself. The and high- " I t is not lawful to put i t
ρεΐς, λαβόντες τά αργύρια, είπον Ουκ it into the f CORBANAN, seeing
priests, taking the pieces of silver, said: Not
is the Price of Blood."
τιμή αίματος έστι. 72υμβούλιον δέ λαβόντες, 7 And taking Counsel
έ'ξεστιof blood
price βαλεΐν it αυτά
is. είς τόν κορβανάν,
Counsel and έπεί they bought with i t t h e
i t i s 1 ϊ \ Ϊ Γ Ι Ι t o put txXGUl QtO t 6 t O ^ I C O ± POTTER'S FIELD, as a
Αγόρασαν έξ αυτών τόν αγρό ν τοΰ κεραμέως,
^Ιχβ^Γ boti^ftt *w* tli thfixn tlio 8 field o^f tli© p o t t e r ^ burial-place for ± STRAN-
είς ταφήν τοις ξένοις. Διό εκλήθη 6 GERS.
to bury the strangers. Therefore Is called the 8 Therefore that FIELD
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. Pontius—omit.
± 6. The sacred treasury for the gifts which had been vowed to the temple. It was so
named form Corban, a gift. See Mark vii. 11. It was a large chest with a hole in the lid,
and it stood in the court of the altar, on the right side as you face the house of the Lord.
See 2 Kings xii. 9. This chest was out Of the reach of those who brought their money to it.
They delivered their money to the priest, who placed it in the chest. Hence Judos, when
his money was refused, had to throw it on to the ground. The Corbanan, or chest in the
court of the altar must be distinguished from the gazophulakion, the treasury, mentioned
in Mark xii. 41, and John viii. 20. This was a name given to the court of the women, be-
cause therein were placed chests for voluntary gifts to the temple. They were there placed
because the crowd was greatest in that court; and it was into these chests that a Jew could
drop a gift so privately that his left hand should not know what his right did.-—8. Bharpe.
± 7. It was just without the wall of Jerusalem, south of mount Zion, and was originally
called the potter's field, because it furnished a sort of clay suitable for potter's ware. Aeel-
dama, as late as the seventeenth century, was used as a burying-place by the Armenian
Christians in Jerusalem. But according to Kobinson, it has long been abandoned for sepul-
chral purposes. It is not fenced in, and the charnel house, now a ruin, is all that remains
to point out the site. ± 7. The article is significant in the original, though our lan-
guage will not bear it. For it shows that strangers in general, people of a digerent country
and religion, are not meant; but strange Jews only; Jews who were not natives of Jeru-
salem, but might come there to worship at the temple, or on other business. Where no
such specification is intended, the article is omitted; Eph. i. 12 ; Heb. xi. 13.—Wakefield.
t 1. Mark xv. 1; Luke xxli. 66; John xviii. 28. t 3. Matt. xxvi. 15; Acts i. 18.
Chap. 27:9.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 27:16.
αγρός εκείνος, αγρός αίματος, έ'ως της σήμε- is called, $The field of
fleld that, a f i e l d of blood, to the day. Blood, even to TIIIS-DAY.
ρον. 0 Τότε έπληρώθη τό ρηφέν δια 9 Then was verified the
Then was fulfilled the word spoken through
'Ιερεμίου τοΰ προφήτου, λέγοντος* «ΚαΙ ε- fJereraiah the PROPHET,
saying, §"And I took
λαβον τά τριάκοντα αργύρια, την τιμήν
took the thirty pieces of silver, the price "the THIRTY Shekels, (the
"price at which they val-
τοΰ τετιμημενου, δν έτιμήσαντο άπό "ued the PRECIOUS ONE,)
"from the Sons of Israel,
υΙών 'Ισραήλ, 1οκα1 έδωκαν αυτά ε'ις τον 10 "and gave them for
άγρόν τοΰ κ^ραμέως· καθά συνέταξε μοι Κύ- "the POTTER'S FIELD, even
field of tli© pottery ©v©n &s dii*Gctod roe & "as the Lord directed me."
οίος.» 11 And JESUS stood be-
Lord." fore the GOVERNOR; and
' O δέ Ίησοϋς £στη έμπροσθεν τοΰ ήγε- HE asked him, saying,
The and Jesus stood in presence of the gov- $"Art thou the KING of
μόνος* καΐ έπηρώτησεν αυτόν ό ήγεμών, λέ- the J E W S ? " And JESUS
ernor; and asked him the governor, say- replied, "Thou sayest."
γων Σύ εΐ ό βασιλεύς τών 'Ιουδαίων; Ό 12 But he made no re-
Ing: Thou a r t the king of the Jews? The ply to the accusations of
δέ Ίησοΰς έ'φη αυτόν Σύ λέγεις. ^ΚαΙ έν the HIGH-PRIESTS and the
and Jesus said to him: Thou sayest. And In ELDERS.
τφ κατηγορεΐσθαι αυτόν ύπό τών αρχιερέων 13 Then PILATE says to
the to be accused him by the high-priests
him, "Dost thou not hear
καΐ τών πρεσβυτέρων, ουδέν άπεκρίνατο.
and the elders, nothing he answered. how many things they
testify against thee?"
^Τότε λέγει αύτω ό Πιλάτος· Ουκ άκούεις, 14 And he gave him
Ihen says to him the Pilate; Not thou nearest,
no answer, not even one
πόσα σοΰ καταμαρτυροΰσι; Word; so that the GOV-
how many things of thee they bear witness against? ERNOR was greatly sur-
·*·4ΚαΙ ουκ άπεκρίθη αύτω προς ουδέ 8ν ρήμα· prised.
^Lixd not he misAverecl h i Tin to not even on ο "wrorilj 15 §And at each Feast
ώστε θαυμάζειν τόν ηγεμόνα λίαν. the GOVERNOR was ac-
Μ customed to release to
Κατά δέ έορτήν είώθει ό ήγεμών the CROWD one Prisoner,
j^t ftiiii A fe&st w&s Accustomed the governor whom they wished.
άπολύειν Ινα τφ δχλω δέσμιον, δν ήθε- 16 And they had then
to r&lc&so one to the crowd prisoner· wJiom tliey
λον. 1βΕΙχον δέ τότε δέσμιον έπίσημον, λεγό- a well-known Prisoner,
Wished. They had and then a prisoner noted, being named ±Barabbas.
± 9. This quotation from the prophet has greatly puzzled the critics. The passage is
not found in Jeremiah; and only something very like it in Zochariah. Several solutions of
the difficulty have been offered. 1. A corruption of the names arising from. MS. abbrevia-
tions; e. g., some copyist mistakeing Zou, Zechariah, for Iou, Jeremiah. 2. That Matthew
simply wrote, through the prophet, omitting, as he often did, the name of the prophet.
The ancient Syrian and Persian versions omit the name, and some Greek MSS., but a
large majority of MSS. insert it. 3. Mede and Kidder suppose that Jeremiah in the
first instance wrote the chapter from which these words are taken, as well as the two for-
mer, and that the Evangelist was influenced by this opinion. 4. Whitby says, "We know
from Jerome, that there was still extant in his time, an apocryphal book of the prophet
Jeremiah, in which was found every letter of the words quoted by Matthew." Dr. Gaussen
remarks on this:—"We know also that the Second Book of Maccabees (ii. 1—9) relates
many of the actions and words of Jeremiah, which are taken from another book than that
of his canonical prophets. Why, then, might not the words quoted by the Evangelist have
been pronounced really by Jeremiah, and have remained in the memory of the Church to
the days of Zechariah, who might have again given, them a place theopneustically in holy
Scripture, (as in the case with the unwritten words of Enoch, quoted in the Epistle of
Jude, (verse 14 and 15,) or the unwritten words of Jesus Christ, quoted by St. Paul in
the Book of Acts? (xx. 35.) What confirms this supposition is, that part of the words
quoted by St. Matthew are found in Zechariah. Besides it is known that this prophet
was fond of recalling the words of Jeremiah. (See Zech. i. 4, and Jer. xviii. 1 1 ; Zech.
iii. 8, and Jer. xxiii. 5.) ± 1 6 . Some very ancient authorities cited by Origen, read,
"Jesus, the son of Abbas;" which Michaeli says is undoubtedly the original reading. The
Word "Jesus" was omitted in later copies, in honor to the name.
t 8. Acts i. 19. t 9. Zech. xi. 12, 13. t 11. Mark xv. 2 ; Luke xxiii. 3 ; John
XViii. 3 3 . t 1 5 . Mark xv. 6; Luke xxiii. 17; John xviii. 39.
Chap, 27:17.] MATTHEW. [CHap. 27:26.
μ,ενον Βαραββαν.
Συνηγμένων οΰν αύ- 17 Therefore, being as-
called Barabbas. Haying being assembled then of sembled, PILATE said to
των, είπεν αύτοίς ό Πιλάτος· Τίνα θέλετε them, "Which do you wish
them, said to them the Pilate; Which wish you that I release to you?
απολύσω ύμϊν; Βαραββάν fi Ίησοΰν τδν λεγό- Barabbas? or THAT Jesus
Χ release to you? Barabbas or Jesus» the being
who is named Christ?"
μενον Χριστόν; 8>Ήιδει γάρ, δτι διά φθόνον 18 For he knew That
called Christ? He knew for, that through envy they had delivered him
αυτόν. Καθημένου δέ αύ- up through Envy.
they had delivered up him. Being seated and of 19 And while he was
του επί τοΰ βήματος, απέστειλε προς αυτόν sitting on the TRIBUNAL,
him upon the tribunal, sent to him his WIFE sent to him, say-
ή γυνή αΰτοΰ, λέγουσα· Μηδέν σοΙ καΐ τφ ing, "Have nothing to do
the wife of him, saying; Nothing tothee and to the
with that JUST person;
for I have suffered much
δικαίω έκείνω* πολλά γάρ £παθον ±this-day, in a Dream, be-
just one that; many things for I20suffered cause of him."
σήμερον κατ' δναρ δι' αυτόν. Ot δέ 20 § B u t the HIGH-
this day in a dream because of him. The but
αρχιερείς καΐ ol πρεσβύτεροι έπεισαν τους persuaded the CROWDS to
high-priests and the elders persuaded the ask for BARABBAS, and to
δχλους, tva αΐτήσωνται τον Βαραββαν, τόν destroy JESUS.
crowds, that they should ask the Barabbas, the 21 And the GOVERNOR
t h Ίησοΰν άπολέσωσιν. 21ΆποκριθεΙς δέ answering, said to them,
and Jesus they might destroy. Answering and
δύο απολύσω ύμίν; ΟΙ δέ θέλετε
είπον άπό
Βαραβ- "Which of the TWO do
6 ήγεμών είπεν αύτοίς· Τίνα των you wish me to release
two I 22
shall release to you? They and said; Barab-
6αν. Λέγει αύτοίς ό Πιλάτος· ΤΙ ουν to you?" And they said, •"BARABBAS/'
bas. He says to them the Pilate; What then
ποιήσω Ίησοΰν, τόν λεγόμενον Χριστόν; 22 PILATE says to them,
shall I do Jesus, the being called "What then shall I do to
Λέγουσιν * Γαύτω] πάντες* Σταυρωθήτω. THAT Jesus who is named
They say Cto him] all; Let him be crucified. Christ?" They all say,
*O δέ ήγεμών §φη· ΤΙ γάρ κακόν έπο'ιη- "Let him be crucified."

The and governor said* W^hat for evil has lie 23 And *HE said, (No ;)
σεν; ΟΙ δέ περισσώς δκραζον, λέγοντες· 2ταυ- done?" "for what Evil has he
But THEY vehe-
done? They but vehemently cried, saying: Let mently cried, saying, "Let
im be crucified. him be crucified."
*Ίδών δέ ό Πιλάτος δτι ουδέν ωφελεί, 24 And Pilate, perceiv-
Seeing and the Pilate that nothing profits, ing that he had no influ-
αλλά μάλλον θόρυβος γίνεται, λαβών ΰδωρ, ence, but rather a Tumult
but rather a tumult is made, taking water, was made, staking Water,
6πενί"ψατο τάς χείρας απέναντι τοΰ δχλου, he washed his hands be-
he washed the hands before the crowd, fore the CROWD, saying,
λέγων Άθώός είμι άπό τοΰ αίματος *[τοΰ "I am innocent of *this BLOOD ; see you to it."
saying: Innocent I am from the blood [of the
25 And All the PEOPLE
δικαίου] τούτου· ύμείς δψεσθε. ^ΚαΙ αποκρι- answering, said, §"His
θείς πάς ό λαός είπε· Τό αίμα αύτοΰ έφ' BLOOD rest on us, and on
ing all the people said: The blood of him upon Our CHILDREN/'
ήμας, καΐ επί τά τέκνα ήμων. 2βΤότε άπέλυσεν 26 He then released to
Us, • and
upon the BARABBAS.
children of us. Then 22. to him—omit.
he released 23. HE said.
24. JUST—omit. 24. this BLOOD; see.
± 19. It is to be observed, that by this day is meant tMs night. This may seem a
Strange interpretation, till it is considered, that the day, according to the reckoning in
Judea, began on the evening before Pilate's wife sent this message to her husband; and
therefore the night in which she had her dream, was a constituent part of what she
meant by this day. This is agreeable to what we read in Gen. i. 5; "the evening and the
morning were the first day".—Bishop Pearce.
$ 20. Mark xv. 1 1 ; Luke xxiii. 18; John xviii. 4 0 ; Acts iii. 14. % 24. Deut.xxi.
0. t 2 5. Deut. xix. 10; Acts v. 28.
Chap. 27:27.] MATTHEW. [Chap, 27:35.
άύτοίζ τόν Βαραββάν, τόν δέ Ίησοϋν φραγελ- t h e m BARABBAS ; and
to them the Barabbas, the and Jesus having having scourged JESUS,
λώσας παρέδωκεν, ίνα σταυρωθή. he delivered him up to be
scourged he del iveredup, that hemnight bee rue ifte'd. crucified.

^Τότε ol στρατιώται του ήγεμόνος παραλα- 27 Then the SOLDIERS

Then the soldiers of the governor taking
of the GOVERNOR having
led JESUS into the ±PR^B-
βόντεζ τόν Ίησοΰν εις τό πραιτώριον, συνή- TORIUM, gathered together
the Jesus into the Judgment hall, they against him the Whole
γαγον in' αυτόν δλην τήν σπείραν. COMPANY.
gathered together to him whole the company. 28 And *clothing him,
§they put on him a sol-
^ΚαΙ έίίδύσαντες αυτόν, περιέθηκαν αύτφ dier's ±scarlet Cloak.
And having stripped him, they put on to him
29 §And wreathing a
χλαμΰδα κοκκίνην. ^ΚαΙ πλέξαντες στέ- Crown of Acanthus, they
a soldier's cloak scarlet. And braiding a placed it on his HEAD, and
ipevov έξ ακανθών, έπέθηκαν επί τήν κεφαλήν put a Reed in his RIGHT
crown of thorns, placed upon the head
αύτοΰ, wed κάλαμον επί τήν δεξιάν αύτοΰ· hand ; and kneeling before
of him, and a reed on the right of him; him, they mocked him,
καΐ γονυπετήσαντες έ'μπ©οσθεν αύτοΰ, ένέπαι- saying, "Hail, *King of
and bending the knee in presence of him, mocked the JEWS ! "
ξον αύτφ, λέγοντες* Χαίρε, ό βασιλεύς των 30 $ And spitting on him
him, saying: Hail, the king of the they took the REED, and
S0 struck him on the HEAD.
'Ιουδαίων. Kal έμπτύσαντες εις αυτόν, ελα- 31 And when they had
Jews. And spitting on him, they
6ov τόν κάλαμον, καΐ Ετυπτον είς τήν κεφαλήν insulted him, they divest-
ed him of the SOLDIER'S
took the reed, and struck on the head
αύτοΰ. ΚαΙ δτε ένέπαιξαν χλαμύδα, καΐ
αΰτφ, ένέΰυ-
έξέ- CLOAK, and clothed him
oldier's cloak, and
oi him. And when they had mocked him, they with his own RAIMENT, put
δυσαν αυτόν τήν and led him away to be
took off him the so
σαν αυτόν τά Ιμάτια αΰτοΰ· «αϊ άπήγαγον CRUCIFIED.
on him the garments of him; and led away 32 §And going out, they
αυτόν είς τό σταυρωσαι. 32Έξερχόμενοι δέ, met a Cyrenian, named
him Into the to be crucified. Going out and, Simon ; him they compel-
εδρον δνθρωπον Κυρηναίον, ονόματι Σίμωνα· led to carry his CROSS.
they met a man a Cyrenian, by name Simon;
τούτον ήγγάρευσαν, tva δρη τόν 33 And having arrived
at a Place called Golgo-
they compelled, that he might carry the tha, which is called a
σταυρόν αύτοΰ.
λεγόμενον Γολγοθά, ^ΚαΙ έλθόντες
8 COUli
έστι είς τόπον
λεγόμενον κρα- Place of a Skull,
Cl*OSS ΟΙ u i XXI · Jilld DC ixitO & ΡI ft C 6
being called Golgotha, «vhlch Is being called of 34 §they gave h i m
νίου τόπος, έδωκαν αύτφ πιείν δξος *Wine to drink, mixed
with Gall; which, hav-
μετά χολής μεμιγμένον καΐ γευσάμενος ing tasted, he would not
ούκ ήθελε πιείν. 35Σταυρώσαντες δέ αυτόν, 35 §And after nailing
not he would drink. Crucifying and him, him to the cross, they

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 8 . clothing him, they put on him. 29. King of the

JBWS. 34. Wine.
± 2 7. The palace of the Roman governor was so called. But here the court yard i n front
of the Praetorium seems meant. The Roman Prsetorium had been Herod's palace. I t stood
to the west of the temple. The road from the Prcetorium entered the temple by a bridge
over the valley at the south-west corner. ± 2 8 . The color distinguished it as suitable for
a man of high rank in the army; but i n shape the clamps was the same for the emperor
and for the common soldier. This was put on him to ridicule his pretensions to the title of
a king. ± 29. I t does not appear, that this crown was intended to torture his head, but
rather to mock his claim to royalty. Dr. Clarke says, "Mark, chap. xv. 1 7 ; and John,
chap. xix. 5, term it stephanonaJcanthinon, which may very well be translated an acantHne
crown, or wreath formed out of the branches of the herb acanthus, or dear's foot. This, how-
ever, is a prickly plant, though nothing like thorns, i n the common meaning of that word."
t 27. Mark xv. 1 6 ; John x?x. 2. ± 28. Luke xxiii. 11. t 29. Psa. lxix. 19.
t 30. Isa. 1. 6. t 32. Mark xv. 2 1 . ; Luke xxiii. 26. ί 34. Psa. lxix. 2 1 . ± 3 5 .
Psa. xxii. 1 8 ; John xix. 2 3 .
Chap. 27:36.] MATTHEW. [C7iap. 27:47.
διεμερ'ισαντο τα Ιμάτια αύτοΰ, βάλλοντες distributed his GARMENTS
they divided the garments of him, by Lot.±
Kal καθήμενοι έτήρουν αυτόν εκεί. 36 And sitting down,
a lot. And beingseated theywatched him there. they watched him there.
Kai έπέθηκαν επάνω της κεφαλής αύτοΰ 37 And over his H E \ D
And they placed above the head oi him $they placed his ACCUSA*
την αίτίαν αΰτοΰ γεγραμμένην «Οδτός TION in writing, "This is
the accusation of him having been written: "This
Jesus, t h e KING of the
έστιν Ίησοϋς 6 βασιλεύς των Ιουδαίων.»
is Jesus the king of the Jews." JEWS."
δ8 38 §At t h e same timej
Τότε σταυροΰνται σύν αύτφ δύο λησταί· Two Robbers were cruci-
Then were crucified with him two robbers;
fied with him, one a t his
είς έκ δεξιών, καΐ είς έξ ευωνύμων. 39 Oi Right hand, and the other
one by right, and one by left. Those at his Left.
δέ παραπορευόμενοι έβλασφήμουν αυτόν, 39 §Now those passing
and passing along reviled him,
κινοΰντες τάς κεφάλας αυτών, 4θκα1 λέγον- by, their
reviled him, shaking
shaking the heads of them, and say-
τες· *Ο καταλύων τόν ναό ν, καΐ έν τρισ'ιν 40 and saying, " D E S -
ing; He overthrowing the temple, and in three TROYER of the TEMPLE !
ήμέραις οικοδομών, σώσον σεαυτόν εΐ υίός and Builder of it in Three
days building, save thyself; If a son Days, save thyself. If thou
ει τοΰ Θεοΰ, κατάβηθι άπό του σταυροΰ. a r t a Son of *God come
41 art of the God, come down from the cross. down from t h e CROSS/·'
Όμοίως δέ καΐ ol αρχιερείς, έμπαίζοντες 41 I n like manner al-
Likewise undl Also the high—priests, mocking
so, t h e HIGH-PRIESTS with
μετά. των γραμματέων καΐ πρεσβυτέρων, t h e SCRIBES and Elders,
With the scribes and elders,
deriding, said,
δλεγον 42"Αλλους έΌωσεν, εαυτόν ού δύναται
said: Others he saved, himself not i s able 42 " H e saved Others j
σώσαι· ει βασιλεύς 'Ισραήλ έστι, κατά- Himself he cannot save.
to sttv©* i f & kins of Is rfte l he i^y X©t him *Is he the King of Is-
rael ? let him now descend
βάτω νΰν άπό του σταυροΰ, καΐ πιστεύσο- from t h e CROSS, and we
c o u i © c l o \ v n n o vsf f r Ο Ϊ Ϊ Ι t h e c r o s s · n u d ΤΛΓe w i l l
will believe *on him.
μεν αύτφ. 4 3 Πέποιθεν επί τόν θ ε ό ν
give credit to him. He trusted in the God;
43 He confided in GOD ;
let him rescue now, if h e
ρυσάσθω νΰν αυτόν, εΐ θέλει αυτόν είπε delights in h i m ; for he
γάρ· "Οτι Θεοΰ είμι υΙός. Τό δ' αυτό said, Ί am God's Son.' "
for; That of God I am a son. That through it
44 T H O S E ROBBERS also,
καΐ ol λησταί, ot συσταυρωθέντες αύτώ,
«lso the robbers, those being crucified with him, who were CRUCIFIED with
ώνε'ιδιζον αυτόν, him, reproached him.
reproached him. 45 $Now from the Sixth

Άπό δέ έκτης ώρας σκότος έγένετο επί Hour there was ± Darkness
From now sixth hour darkness was on on All the LAND till t h e
πασαν την γήν, £ως ώρας ενάτης. 4 β ΠερΙ δέ ninth Hour.
all t h e land, t i l l hour ninth. About and
46 And about theNiNTH
την ένάτην ωραν άνεβόησεν ό Ίησοΰς φω- Hour, JESUS exclaimed,
the ninth hour cried out the Jesus with
with a loud Voice, saying,
vfi μεγάλχι, λέγων Ήλί, ήλί· λαμά σαβα-
a voice great, saying; Eli, Eli; lama sabach- "Eli, Eli, lama sabach-
thani ?" t h a t is, "My God !
χΦανί; τοΰτ' δστι· θεέ μου, θεέ μου* ίνα τΐ my God! why hast thou
thani? that is; θ God of me, θ God of me; why
47 forsaken m e ? "
με έγκατέλιπες; Τινές δέ τών εκεί
me hast thou forsaken? Some and of those there 47 And some of THOSE

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—40. God. 42. Is he the King of Israel? 42. on him.

± 35. The clause found in the Common Version, "that it might be fulfilled which was spo-
ken by the prophet, 'They parted my garments among them; upon my vesture did they
cast lots,' is found in comparatively few MSS., and has no place in the ancient versions.
± 45. The darkness which occurred at this time was noticed as a prodigy by the heathens
themselves. Tertullian appeals in Apol. c. 21, to the record of it in the Boman archives.
It is highly improbable that it extended any further than the land of Judea.
t 37. Mark xv. 26; Luke xxiii. 38; John xix. 19. % 38. Isa. liii. 12. *39. Psa.
xxii. 7; cix. 25. $ 45. Mark xv. 33; Luke xxiii. 44.
Chap. 27:48.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 27:56.
έστώτων, άκούσαντες, ελεγον "Οτι Ήλίαν STANDING there, hearing
standiug, having heard, said: For E l i a s him, said, "He calls for
φωνεί ούτος. ΚαΙ ευθέως δραμών εις έξ Elijah."
48 £And immediately
αυτών, καΐ λαβών σπόγγον, πλήσας τε οξους, one of them ran, and tak-
them, and taking a sponge, filling and of vinegar, ing a Sponge filled it with
Vinegar, and putting it
καΐ περιθείς καλάμφ, έπότιζεν αυτόν. 4ϋΟί on a Reed, gave him to
δε λοιποί ελεγον "Αφες* ϊδωμεν, εΐ 49 But OTHERS said,
δρχεται 'Ηλίας, σώσων Β0
αυτόν. Ό δε whether "Let him alone ; let us see
comes Elias, w i l l be s a v i n g h i m . The then
Elijah will come
Ίησοΰς, πάλιν κράξας φωνχί μεγάλη, to save *him."
Jesus, again crying with a voice great, 50 $Then JESUS crying
άφήκε τό πνεί5μα. out again with a loud
ΚαΙ Ιδού, τό καταπέτασμα του ναοΰ έσχί- Voice, expired.

And lo, the curtain of the temple was 51 $And, behold, ±the
0θη είς δύο, άπό άνωθεν εως κάτω· καΐ ή γη VEIL of the TEMPLE was
rent into two, from above to below; and the earth rent in Two from top to
έοείσθη, καΐ αί πέτραι έσχίσθησαν, 52κα1 τά bottom; and the EARTH
trembled, and the ROCKS
μνημεία άνεώχθησαν καΐ πολλά σώματα των were rent;
tombs were opened; and many bodies of the 52 and the TOMBS were;
κεκοιμημένων αγίων ήγέρθη, δ3κα1 έξελ- opened ; and Many Bodies
having been asleep holy ones were raised, and com-
#όντες έκ των μνημείων, μετά την £γερσιν
ing forth from the tombs, were raised;
after the resurrection
αύτοΰ είσηλθον είς τήν άγίαν πόλιν, καΐ 53 and coming forth
of him went into the holy city, and from the TOMBS, after his
ενεφανίσθησαν πολλοίς. the HOLY City, and ap-
5 4 appeared to many. peared to Many.
Ό δέ έκατόνταρχος καΐ ol μετ' αΰτοΰ 54 §Now the CENTU-
The and centurion and those w i t h him RION and THOSE with
τηροΰντες τόν Ίησοΰν, Ιδόντες τόν σεισμόν him WATCHING JESUS,
seeing the EARTHQUAKE,
καΐ τά γενόμενα, έφοβήθησαν σφόδρα, and the EVENTS occurring,
and the things being done, they were afraid much,
were greatly afraid, say-
λέγοντες* 'Αληθώς Θεοΰ νΙός ήν οδτος. ing, "This was certainly
^^Ησαν δέ εκεί γυναίκες πολλαΐ άπό μακρό- a Son of God."
Were and there women many from a dls- 55 And many Women
were there, ±behotdingat
θεν ·&εωροΰσαι· αιτινες ήκολούθησαν τφ a distance; these had fol-
lowed JESUS from GALI-
Ίησοΰ άπό της Γαλιλαίας, διακονοΰσαι αύτφ· LEE, ministering to him;
Jesus from
αίς the was
fjv Galilee,
Μαρία ήministering
Μαγδαληνή, to him;
καΐ 56 among them were
among whom Mary the Magdalene, and Mary of MAGDALA, and
Μαρία ή του 'Ιακώβου καΐ Ίωση μήτηρ, καΐ Mary the MOTHER of
Mary the of the James and Joses mother, and JAMES and Joses, and the
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 9 . him. And another took a spear, and pierced his SIDE,
and there came out Blood and Water.
± 51. In Solomon's Temple the sanctuary was divided from the holy of holies by a
wall, beyond which the veil fell; but in Herod's Temple, as Maimonides relates, a second
veil, at the distance of a cubit from the first, supplied the place of the wall. That it was
the interior veil, belonging to the holy of holies, which was rent at the crucifixion is
clearly intimated in Heb. ix. 8 ; x. 19, as well as by the term which the Evangelist has
employed to designate it. ± 55. So Mark and Luke; nor are they inconsistent with
John xix. 25, where our Lord's mother and the other two women are said to have stood
beside the cross. They kept at a distance for a while; and afterwards as the darkness
came over, gathered courage, and came so near that Jesus had an opportunity to speak to
them before he expired.—Macknight.
t 48. Psa. lxix. 21. t 50. Mark xv. 3 7 ; Luke xxiii. 47. t 51. Exod. xxvi. 3 1 ;
2 Chron. iii. 14. $ 54. Mark xv. 4 2 ; Luke xxiii. 5 0 ; John xix. 38.
Chap. 27:57.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 27:65.
ή μήτηρ τ ω ν υΙών Ζεβεδαίου. MOTHER of the SONS of
the mother of the sons of Zebedee. Zebedee.
^Όψίας δέ γενομένης, ήλθεν άνθρωπος
Evening and being come, came a man 57 And Evening being
πλούσιος; άπό Άριμαθαίας, τοΰνομα 'Ιωσήφ, come, a rich Man came
rich from Arlmathea, by name Joseph, from Arimathea, named
δς καΐ αυτός έμαθήτευσε τφ Ίησοΰ. 58Οδτος $Joseph, who also himself
-who also himself was diecipled to the Jesus. He was discipled to JESUS.
προσελθών τφ Πιλάτω ήτήσατο τό σώμα 58 He going to PILATE
coming to the Pilate requested the body requested the BODY of J E -
τοϋ Ίησου. Τότε ό Πιλάτος έκέλευσεν άπο- SUS. Then PILATE or-
of the Jesus. Then the Pilate ordered to be dered *it to be given.
δοθήναι τό σώμα. 59ΚαΙ λαβών τό σώμα ό
given the body. And taking the body the 59 And JOSEPH, taking
Ιωσήφ, ένετύλιξεν αυτό σινδόνι καθαρςί· the BODY, wrapped it in
Joseph, wrapped It fine linen cloth clean;
βο pure, fine Linen,
κα1 εθηκεν αυτό έν τφ καινφ αύτοΰ μνημείω,
and laid it in the new of himself tomb, 60 §and laid it in his
8 έλατόμησεν έν τη πέτρα· καΐ προσκυλίσας own NEW Tomb, which
which he had hewn in the rock; and having rolled he had excavated in the
λίθον μέγαν έν τχ\ θύρα του μνημείου, άπήλ- ROCK ; and having rolled
α stone great of the door of the tomb he went a great Stone to the DOOR
#εν. e i r Hv δέ εκεί Μαρία ή Μαγδαληνή, καΐ of the TOMB, he departed.
away. Was and there Mary the Magdalene, and
ή ά*λλη Μαρία, καθήμεναι απέναντι τοΰ 61 And MARY of MAG-
the other Mary, sitting over against the DALA was there, and the
τάφου. OTHER Mary, sitting op-
sepulchre. posite the TOMB.
Tfj δέ επαύριον, ^τις εστί μετά τήν 62 Now on the MOR-
The now next day, which is after the ROW, which is after ± the
καΐ ol Φαρισαϊοισυνήχθησαν ol
προς τόν Πιλατον,αρχιερείς
and the Pharisees to the Pilate say- convened before Pilate,
τες· Κύριε, έμνήσθημεν, δτι εκείνος ό πλά- 63 saying, "Sir, we rec-
ing; Ο sir, we remember, that that the deceiv-
ollect that that imposter
•voc είπεν ε*τι ζών Μετά τρεις ημέρας said, while living, $'Af-
er said while living; After three days
β4 ter Three Days I will
εγείρομαι. Κέλευσον ουν άσςραλι- arise.'
I w i l l arise. Bo thou command therefore to be
σθίΊναι τόν τάφον εΌος της τρίτης ημέρας, 63 Command, therefore,
made fast the tomb t i l l the third day the TOMB be made secure
μήποτε έλθόντες ol μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ, κλέψω- till the THIRD Day, lest
lest coming the disciples of him, might •the DISCIPLES come and
σιν αυτόν, καΐ ε'ίπωσι τφ λαφ· Ή - steal him, and say to the
steal him, and might say to the people. He PEOPLE, 'He is raised
γέρθη άπό τών νεκρών καΐ £σται from the dead;' and so
has been raised from the dead; and w i l l be the LAST Error would be
ή εσχάτη πλάνη χείρων της πρώτης. β5"Εφη worse than the FIRST."
the last fraud worse of the first. Said
65 PILATE said to them,
αύτοϊς ό Πιλάτος·. "Εχετε κουστωδίαν ύπά- ±"You have a Guard; go,
to them the Pilate; You have a guard; go make it as secure as you
γετε, άσφαλίσασθε δς οΐδατε. eeOt δέ
you, make fast ; you know. They and know how."
•VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—58. it to be given. 64. the DISCIPLES.
± 62. ParasTceuee denoted the day preceding any saohath or festival, as being that on
which the preparation for its celebration was to be made. ± 65. The Jews had a Roman
guard appointed them for the security of the temple. It was usually stationed in the castle
of Antonia, but removed during festivals to the outer court of the temple, to quell any tu-
mult that might arise in the city. Pilate gave them leave to employ this guard for their
present purpose.
t 57. Mark xv 4 2 ; Luke xxiii. 50; John xix. 38. $ 60. Isa. liii. 9. % 63. Matt,
xvi. 2 1 ; xvii. 2 3 ; xx. 19; xxvi. 6 1 ; Mark viii. 3 1 ; x. 3 4 ; Luke ix. 2 2 ; xviii. 3 3 ;
xxiv. 6, 7; John 11. 19.
Chap. 27:66.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 28:9.
πορευθέντες ήσφαλίσαντο τόν τάφον, σφρα- 66 And departing, THEY
going made fast the tomb, having secured the TOMB with the
γΐσαντες τόν λίθον, μετά της κουστωδίας, GUARD, §having sealed the
sealed the stone, with the guard. STONE.
ΚΕΦ. κ η \ 2 8 . CHAPTER XXVIII.
^Οψέ δέ σαββάτων, το έπιφωσκούσχι είς 1 §Now after the Sab-
After cow sabbath, to the dawning into bath, as it was DAWNING
μίαν σαββάτων, ήλθε Μαρία ή Μαγδαληνή, to the first day of the
Week, Mary of MAGDALA,
καΐ ή άλλη Μαρία, θεωρήσαι τόν τάφον. and the OTHER Mary,
a went to see the TOMB.
K a i Ιδού, σεισμός έγένετο μέγας· άγγελος
And lo, a shaking occurred great; a messenger 2 And, behold, a great
γάρ Κυρίου, καταβάς έξ ουρανού, προσελθών Shaking, occurred ; for an
Angel of the Lord descend-
for of a Lord, descending from heaven, approaching
άπεκύλισε τόν λίθον *[άπό της θύρας,] καΐ ing from Heaven, came
rolled away the stone [from the door,] and and rolled back the STONE ;
έκάθητο επάνω αύτοϋ. Η ν δέ ή Ιδέα αύτοΰ and sat upon it.

8ft~t upon it· Wiis &nd t h e iisp&ct of h i m

ώς αστραπή, καΐ τό έΎδυμα αύτοΰ λευκόν 3 §And his APPEAR-
like lightning, and the garments of him white ANCE was like Lightning,
ώσεί χιών. Ά π ό δέ τοΰ φόβου αύτοϋ έσεί- and his VESTMENTS white
&S SQO\ST. Ε* Γ Ο HI AIlu tuO f Gftl* OI h • TT1 SxlOOxC as Snow;
σθησαν ot τηροΰντες, καΐ έγένοντο ώσεί νε- 4 and from FEAR of him
the keepers, and became as dead the GUARDS trembled, and
κροί. Αποκριθείς δέ ό άγγελος είπε ταίς became as Dead men.
(men). Answering and the messenger said to the 5 And the ANGEL an-
γυναιξί* Μή φοβεΐσθε ύμείς· οίδα γ ά ρ , οτι swering, said to the WO-
Ίησοΰν τόν έσταυρωμένον ζητείτε. Ούκ MEN, "Be not you afraid;
Jesus that having been crucified you seek. Not for I know That you seek
£στιν ώδε· ήγέρθη γάρ, καθώς είπε. THAT Jesus who was CRU-
ϊι© i s lierej ho 1ms been rftisGd for, ©von &s lie said. CIFIED. ·
Δεΰτε, Ιδέτε τόν τόπον, οπού εκείτο 6 Κύριος. 6 He is not here; for he
Come, see the place, where lay the Lord.
ΚαΙ ταχύ πορευθείσαι είπατε τοις μαθηταϊς has been raised, even as

he said. Come, see the

And quickly going tell the disciples PLACE where *he lay.
αύτοΰ, δτι ήγέρθη άπό τών νεκρών
7 And immediately go
of him, that he has been raised from the dead;
and tell his DISCIPLES
καΐ Ιδού, προάγει υμάς είς την Γαλι- That he has been raised
λ α ί α ν εκεί αυτόν δψεσθε· Ιδού, είπον from the DEAD ; and, be-
hold, §he precedes you to
ύμίν. GALILEE ; there you will
8 see Him; behold, I have
ΚαΙ έξελθοΰσαι ταχύ άπό του μνημείου told you."
And coming out quickly from the tomb
μετά φόβου καΐ χαράς μεγάλης, έ'δραμον 8 And coming out im-
"with fear and joy great, they ran mediately from the TOMB,
άπαγγείλαι τοις μαθηταις αύτοϋ. Β *[*Ως δέ with Fear and great Joy,
to inform the disciples of him. [As and they ran to tell his DIS-
έπορεύοντο άπαγγείλαι τοίς μαθηταίς αύτοΰ,] CIPLES.
they went to inform the disciples of him, 1 9 §And, behold, JESUS
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 . from the DOOR—omit. 6. he lay; so Tischendorf.
9. as they were going to tell his disciples—omit; so Lachmann and Tischendorf.
± 66. A mode of security in use from the earliest times, and which supplied the
place of locks. See Dan. vi. 17. I t was usual to affix the seal to the extremities of a
cord or leathern band, passing over the stone. But futile were the machinations of his
enemies i n order to prove him to be an imposter. Let it be remembered that the tomb
was new, and excavated out of the rock—was contiguous to Jerusalem—a great stone
was placed at the entrance, and was sealed to prevent deception—and a guard to pro-
tect the body. All these facts are strong presumptive proofs of the reality of the resurrection,
$ 66. Dan. vi. 17. $ 1. Mark xvi. 1 ; Luke xxiv. 1 ; John xx. 1. t 3. Dan. x . 6 .
t 7 . Matt. xxvi. 3 2 ; Mark xvi. 7 . ί 9. Mark xvi. 9 ; John xx. 14.
Chap. 28:10.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 28:19.
καΐ ιδού, ό Ίησοΰς, άπήντησεν αύταΐς, λέ- met them, saying, "Re-
and Ιο, the Jesus met them, say- joice!" And THEY having
γ ω ν Χαίρετε. ΑΙ δέ προσελθοΰσαι έκρά- approached, clasped his
ing; Hail you. They and having approached laid FEET, and prostrated to
τησαν αύτοΰ τους πόδας, καΐ προσεκύνησα\ him.
hold of him the feet, and prostrated
10 10 Then JESUS says to
αύτω. Τότε λέγει αύταίς ό Ίησοΰς· Μη φο- them, "Be not afraid; go
tn him. Then says to them the Jesus: Not be
βείσϋε· υπάγετε, απαγγείλατε τοις άδελφοΐς that they may go to GALI-
my brethren, so
afraid; go you, inform to the brethren
LEE, and there they will
μου, ίνα άπέλθωσιν εις τήν Γαλιλαίαν, see Me."
11 And as they were
κάκεί με δψονται. going away, some of the
Πορευομένων δέ αυτών, Ιδού, τινές της GUARD, entering the CITY,
G o i i ftT^iiy ftud of t t f i i x i l o some of the told to the HIGH-PRIESTS
κουστωδίας, έλθόντες εις τήν πόλιν, άπήγγει- All the THINGS which had
λαν τοις άρχιερεΰσιν άπαντα τά γενό-
to the high-priests all the (things) having 12 And being assembled
νόμενα. 12 ΚαΙ συναχθέντες μετά τών πρεσβυ- with the ELDERS, and tak-
been done. And being assembled with the elders, ing Counsel, they gave a
τέρων, συμβούλιόν τε λαβόντες, αργύρια good many Shekels to the
counsel and taking, pieces of silver SOLDIERS,
Ικανά έ'δωκαν τοίς στρατιώταις, λέγοντες* 13 saying, "Say you,
sufficient they gave to the soldiers» saying;
^Είπατε, "Οτι ol μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ, νυκτός
that 'His DISCIPLES came
Say you, That the disciples of him, by night by Night, and stole him,
έλθόντες, Ικλεψαν αυτόν, ημών κοιμωμένων. while we slept';
coming, stole him, of us being asleep.
ΚαΙ έάν άκουσθχί 14 and if this should be
τοϋτο επί τοΰ ήγε- reported
And if should be reported this to the Gov-
to the GOVERNOR,
μόνος, ημείς πείσομεν αυτόν, καΐ ΰμας άμε- we will persuade him, and
make you safe."
, ernor, we w i l l persuade him, and you free
ρίμνους ποιήσομεν. ΟΙ δέ λαβόντες
15 And they having re-
from care we w i l l make. They and having received
τά αργύρια, εποίησαν ώς έδιδάχθησαν. ceived the SHEKELS, did
the pieces of silver, did as they were taught. as they were instructed;
ΚαΙ διεφημίσθη ό λόγος οδτος παρά Ίουδαί- and this SAYING is cur-
And is spread abroad the word this among Jews rently reported among the
οις μέχρι της σήμερον. Jews to *THIS day.
tin the day.
16 16 And the ELEVEN Dis-
Ot δέ ένδεκα μαθηταΐ έπορεύθησαν είς τήν ciples went to GALILEE,
Γαλιλαίαν, είς τό 8ρος, to
οδ έτάξατο JESUS the MOUNTAIN where
had ordered them.
αϋτοίς ό Ίησοΰς. 17ΚαΙ ίδόντες αυτόν, προσε- 17 And seeing him, they
them the Jesus. And seeing him, they
18 (indeed) prostrated to
κύνησαν αύτω· ol δέ έδίστασαν. Kai him; but SOME doubted.
prostrated to him; they but doubted. And
προσελθών ό Ίησοΰς, έλάλησεν αύτοίς, λέγων 18 And JESUS approach-
approaching the Jesus, spoke to them, saying: ing, spoke to them, saying,
'Εδόθη μοι πασά εξουσία έν ούρανω $"A11 Authority has been
imparted to me, in Heav-
καΐ επί γης. 10Πορευθέντες μαθητεύσατε en and on Earth.
and on earth. Going forth disciple you
πάντα τά εθνη^ βαπτ'ιζοντες αυτούς είς τό 19 §Go, disciple All the
NATIONS, immersing them
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 5 . T H I S Day.
t 10. John xx. 1 7 ; Rom. viii. 29. t 18. Matt. xi. 2 7 ; John iii. 3 5 ; v. 2 2 ; xiii.
3 ; xvii. 2 ; Rom. xiv. 9 ; 1 Cor. xv. 2 7. Eph. i. 10, 2 1 ; Phil. ii. 9, 1 0 ; 1 P e t . i i i .
22. t 19. Marfc xvi. 1 5 ; Luke xxvi. 4 7 ; Rom, x. 1 8 ; Col. i. 2 3 .
Chap. 28:20.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 28:20.
δνομα τοϋ Π ατρ ς καΐ του ΥΙοϋ καΐ τοϋinto the NAME of the FA-
name of the Fath r20 and of the Son and of the THER, and of the SON, and
άγιου πνεύματος* διδάσκοντες αυτούς τη-of the HOLY Spirit;
spirit; teaching them to 20 $ teaching them to
observe all things which
ρείν πάντα, δσα ένετειλάμην ύμίν. I have enjoined upon
Και ιδού, εγώ μεθ' υμών είμι πάσας τάς you; and, behold, I am
And Ιο, I with you am all t h e with you all the DAYS,
ημέρας εως της συντελείας τοΰ αιώνος, till the CONSUMMATION oi
days, t i l l the end of t h e a g e . the AGE."

$ 20. Acts ii. 42,


ΚΕΦ. α ' . 1. CHAPTER I.
Άρχή του ευαγγελίου ΊησοΟ Χρίστου, 1 The Beginning of the
υΐοΰ τοϋ Θεοΰ. 2 Ώ ς γέγραπται έν *Ησαΐα
Christ, the Son of *God;
a son of the God. As i t i s written in Bsaias
τφ προφήτη· «'Ιδού, έγώ αποστέλλω τόν άγ- the2 PROPHETS,
as it is written *±in
tho prophet: "Lo, I send the ines- " * I send my MESSENGER
γελόν μου πρό προσώπου σου, δς κατα- "before thy Face, who
senger of me before face of thee, who w i l l
σκευάσει τήν δδόν σου. 8Φωνή βοώντος "will prepare thy WAY.
prepare the way of thee. A voice crying out 3 §"A Voice proclaim-
έν τη έρήμφ· Ετοιμάσατε τήν όδόν Κυρίου, i n g in the DESERT, Pre-
in the desert; Make you ready the way of a lord, "pare the WAY for the
ευθείας ποιείτε τάς τρίδους αύτοΰ.» 4 Έγέ- "Lord, make the HIGH-
straight make you the beaten ways of him." W a s "WAYS straight for him."
νετο 'Ιωάννης όαπτίζων έν τχ\ έρήμφ, καΐ 4 § John was immersing
John dipping in the desert, and in the DESERT, and pub-
κηρύττων βάπτισμα μετανοίας
είς άφε-lishing an Immersion of
publishing a dipping of reformation into for-
Reformation for Forgive-
σιν αμαρτιών. 6ΚαΙ έξεπορεύετο προς αυτόν ness of Sins.
πασά ή Ίοΐίδαία χώρα, καΐ ol Ίεροσολυμίται 5 $And resorted to him
nil tlie Ju(i©ft country» &ud tlio Jerusftlem. All the COUNTRY of Ju-
πάντες· καΐ έβαπτίζοντο έν τφ Ίορδάνχι ποτα- DEA, and all THOSE of
all; and were dipped in the Jordan river Jerusalem, and were im-
μφ ύπ' αύτου, έξομολογούμενοι τάς αμαρτίας RIVER mersed by him in the
JORDAN, confessing
αυτών. e r Hv δε 'Ιωάννης ένδεδυμένος τρίχας their SINS.
of them. Was now John having been clothed hairs 6 $Now John was cloth-
καμήλου, καΐ ζώνην δερματίνην περί τήν ed in Camel's Hair, with
of a camel, and a belt made of skin around the a Leathern Girdle encir-
όσφύν αύτοΰ, καΐ έσθίων ακρίδας καΐ μέλι cling his WAIST; and
l o i n s of Λ 1 in· AULU C2i£ijifir l o c u s t s And honey eating Locusts and Wild
ά'γριον. 7ΚαΙ έοίήρυσσε λέγων "Ερχεται δ Honey.
wild. And he cried out saying: Comes the
7 And he proclaimed,
Ισχυρότερος μου οπίσω *[μου,] οδ ούκ
mightier of me after [me,] of whom not saying, §"The POWERFUL
ONE comes after me; for
είμΐ Ικανός κύψας λυσαι τόν Ιμάντα των
I am worthy bowed down to loose the string of the whom I am not worthy
to stoop down and untie
υποδημάτων αύτοΰ. 8 Έγώ * [μέν] έβάπτισα the STRINGS of his SAN-
sandals of him. I [indeed] dipped DALS.
υμάς έν ί$δατι· αυτός δέ βαπτίσει ύμας έν 8 §1 immerse you in
Water, but he will im-
πνεύματι άγίω. merse you in holy Spirit."
9spirit holy." 9 $And it occurred, in
* [ΚαΙ] έγένετο έν έκείναις ταίς ήμέραις, Those DAYS, that Jesus
[And] It came to pass in those the days, came from Nazareth, of
fjXdev Ίησοΰς άπό Ναζαρέτ της Γαλιλαίας, GALILEE, and was im-
came Jesus from Nazareth of the Galilee,
PKOPHET. 2. I send. 7. me—omit. 8. indeed—omit. 9. And—omit.
± 2. As the common reading has an immense majority in its favor, and some noted ver-
sions; as the quotation is from two different prophecies, Mai iii. 1, and lisa, xl. 2, 3, of which
the nearest is not from3 Isaiah, but from Malachi; and as the Jews often say, "As it is writ-
ten in the Prophets/ yet it is never said in the Ν. Τ. written in a prophet, but ty him;
there seems to be no just ground for departing from the received text.—Campbell,
WMtbv, Lightfoot.
% 2. Mai. iii. 1 ; Matt. xl. 1 0 ; Luke vii. 27. $ 3 . Isa. xl. 3 ; Matt. iii. 3 ; Luke i i i .
4 ; John i. 2 3 . t 4. Matt. i i i . 1 ; Luke iii. 3 ; John iii. 23. $ 5. Matt. i i i . 5. $ 6.
Matt. iii. 4. t 7. Matt. iii. 1 1 ; John i. 2 7 ; Acts xiii. 25. I Acts i. 5 ; i i . 2-4.
xi. 1 0 ; six. 4 ; 1 Cor. xii. 13. t 9. Matt. iii. 1 3 ; Luke i i i . 2 1 .
Chap. 1:10.] MARK. [Chap. 1:20.
καΐ έβαπτίσθη υπό 'Ιωάννου είς τον Ίορδάνην. mersed by John in the
10 was clipped by John into the Jordan, JORDAN.
ΚαΙ ευθέως άναβαίνων άπό τοΰ ύδατος, 10 $And ascending from
And Immediately ascending from the water, the WATER, instantly he
είδε σχιζομένους τους ουρανούς, καΐ το saw the HEAVENS open-
ho saw rending the heavens, and the ing, and the SPIRIT, like
πνεϋμα, ώς περιστεράν καταβαίνον έπ' αυτόν. a Dove, descending upon
spirit, as a dove, descending upon him. him.
"ΚαΙ φωνή έγένετο έκ των ουρανών «Σύ εΐ 11 And a Voice came
And a voice came out of the heavens; "Thou art from the HEAVENS, say-
δ υΙός μου ό αγαπητός έν φ ευδόκησα.» ing, $"Thou art my SON,
the son of me the beloved In whom I delight."
the BELOVED ; in thee I
ΚαΙ ευθύς τό πνεύμα αυτόν έκβάλλει delight."
And immediately the s p i r i t him casts 12 §And immediately
είς την δρημον. 13ΚαΙ ήν έν rfi έρήμω the SPIRIT sent him forth
into the desert. And he was in the desert into the DESERT.
ημέρας τεσσαράκοντα, πειραζόμενος ύπό τοΰ 13 And he was in the
days forty, being tempted by the DESERT forty Days, being
σατανά, καΐ fjv μετά των θηρίων καΐ ol tempted by the ADVER-
adversary, and was with the w i l d beasts; and the SARY ; and was among
άγγελοι διηκόνουν αύτφ. the WILD BEASTS ; and
messengers ministered to him. the ANGELS served him.
Μετά δέ τό παραδοθήναι τόν Ίωάννην, 14 §Now after JOHN
After now the to be del ivered up the John, was imprisoned, JESUS
ίΐλθεν ό 'Ιησούς είς την ΓαλιλαΙαν, κηρύσσων came into GALILEE, pub-
came the Jesus into the Galilee, preaching
lishing the GLAD TIDINGS
τό εύαγγέλιον * [της βασιλείας] τοΰ Θεοΰ, of GOD,
the glad tidings [of the kingdom] of the God, 15 and saying, §"The
καΐ λέγων "Οτι πεπλήρωται ό καιρός, καΐ TIME has been accom-
and saying: That has been fulfilled the season, and
^γγικεν ή βασιλεία τοΰ θεοΰ· μετανοείτε, plished, and GOD'S ROYAL
MAJESTY has approached;
has come nigh the majesty of the God; reform you, § Reform, and believe in
καΐ πιστεύετε έν τφ εύαγγελίω. 1βΠερίπατων t h e GOOD MESSAGE."
and believe you In the good message. Walking 16 §*And as he was
δέ παρά τήν θάλασσαν της Γαλιλαίας, είδε passing along by the LAKE
ad by the sea of the Galilee he saw
Σίμωνα καΐ Άνδρέαν τόν άδελφόν αύτοΰ, of GALILEE, he saw Si-
Simon and brother of him, mon, and Andrew *the
αμφιβάλλοντας Andrew άμφίβληστρον the
έν vfi θαλάσσχι* BROTHER of Simon, cast-
casting a fishing net in the sea; ing a Drag into the LAKE ;
fjoav γάρ αλιείς. 17Kal είπεν αύτοίς ό for they were Fishermen.
17 And JESUS said to
Ίησοΰς· Δεΰτε οπίσω μου, καΐ ποιήσω υμάς them, "Come, follow me,
Jesus; Gome after me, and I w i l l make you
and I will make you Fish-
ers of Men."
γενέσθαι αλιείς ανθρώπων. 18ΚαΙ ευθέως 18 And instantly §leav-
to bo fishers of men. And immediately ing *the NETS, they fol-
αφέντες τά δίκτυα αυτών, ήκολούθησαν αύτφ. lowed him.
leaving the nets of them, they fol lowed him.
«Και προβάς * [εκείθεν] ολίγον, είδεν Ίάκω- a 19 §And going forward
little, he saw THAT
And going [thence] a l i t t l e » he saw James James who is the son of
6ov τόν τοΰ Ζεβεδαίου, καΐ Ίωάννην τόν ZEBEDEE, and John his
the of the Zebedee, and John the BROTHER ; they also were
άδελφόν αύτοΰ, καΐ αυτούς έν τφ πλοίω in the BOAT repairing the
brother of him, and themselves in the ship NETS ;
καταρτίζοντας τά δίκτυα· 2°καΙ ευθέως έ- 20 and he immediately
were mending the nets; and immediately he
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 1 . thee I delight. 14. of the KINGDOM.—omit. 16.
And as he was passing along by. 16. the BROTHER of Simon, casting. 18. The NETS.
19. thence—omit.
t 10. Matt. ill. 16; John i. 32. $ 11. Mark ix. 7. t 12. Matt. iv. 1; Luke iv. 1.
t 14. Matt. iv. 12, 23. $ 15. Dan. ix. 25;Gal. iv. 4 : Eph. i, 10: ί 15. Matt. iv. 17.
t 16. Matt. iv. 1 8 ; Luke v. 4. $ 18. Matt. xix. 2 7 ; Luke v. 11. $ 19. Matt. iv. 2 1 .
Vhop. 1:21.] MARK [Chap. 1:30.
κάλεσεν αυτούς. ΚαΙ αφέντες τον πατέρα αυ- called them; and leaving
τών Ζεβεδαΐον έν τώ πλοίω μετά των μισθω- their FATHER Zebedee in
the BOAT with the HIRED
them Zebedee in the ship with the hire- SERVANTS, they followed
τών, άπήλϋον όπί,σω αύτοΰ. him.
lings, they went after him. 21 §And they went to
Kai είσπορεύονται είς Καπερναούμ· καΐ !apernaum; and on the

SABBATH, entering the

ευθέως τοις σάββασιν είσελθών είς τήν συ- SYNAGOGUE, he taught the
immediately to the sabbath going into the syn- people;
ναγωγήν, έδ'ιδασκε. 22ΚαΙ έξεπλήσσοντο επί 22 §and they w e r e
agogue, he taught. And they were amazed at struck with awe at his
xr\ διδαχή αύτοΰ· ήν γαρ διδάσκων αυτούς mode of INSTRUCTION ;
the touching of hinii he w a s for teaching them for he taught them, as
possessing Authority, and
ώζ έξουσίαν έχων, καΐ ούχ ώς ol γραμματείς. not as the SCRIBES.
ΚαΙ fjv έν ττ| συναγωγή αυτών άνθρωπος έν
And was in the synagogue of them a man in 23 $Now there was in
πνεύματι άκαθάρτω, και άνέκραξε, 24λέγων· their with
an impure Spirit;
spirit uncleniif &nd ho cried oufc ι stiy i njj> and he exclaimed,
*["Εα,] τΐ ήμϊν καΐ σοι, Ίησοΰ Να- 24 saying, "What hast
[Let alone,], what to us and to theo, Jesus θ thou to do with us, Jesus
ξαρηνέ, ήλθες άπολέσαι ημάς; οΐδά Nazarene? Comest thou
Nazarene, comest thou to destroy us?
to destroy us? I know
I know thee who thou art, the
σε τις εΐ, 6 άγιος τοΰ Θεοΰ. ^ΚαΙ
έπετίμησεν αύτφ ό Ίησοΰς, λέγων Φιμώθητι, HOLY ONE of GOD."
25 And JESUS rebuked
καΐ Ιξελθε έξ αΰτοΰ. 2βΚαΙ σπάραξαν αυτόν it, saying, §"Be silent
anfl come out of him. And convulsing him
and come out of him."
τό πνεΰμα τό άκάθαρτον, καΐ κραξαν epeovfj 26 And the IMPURE
μεγάλη, έ|ηλθεν έξ αύτοΰ. ^ΚαΙ έθαμβή- SPIRIT, §having convulsed
him, and having cried
Φησαν πάντες, ώστε συζητείν προς αυτούς, with a loud Voice, came
great, came out o him. And they were
out of him.
λέγοντες· Τί έστι τοΰτο; ΤΙς ή διδαχή 27 And they were all so
saying; What Is this? what the teachi astonished, as to reason
ή καινή αίίτη; δτι κατ' έξουσίαν καΐ τοις •with themselves, saying,
the new this? that with authority even to the "What is this? *A new
«νεύμασι τοις άκαθάρτοις επιτάσσει καΐ ύπα- Doctrine? With Author-
s p i r i t s to the unclean he enjoins and they ity he commands even the
κούουσιν αύτφ. ^'Εξήλθε δέ ή ακοή αύτοϋ IMPURE SPIRITS, and they
obey him."
ευθύς είς δλην τήν περίχωρον της Γαλι- 28 And his FAME soon
forthwith into whole the country of the Gali-
spread abroad *every-
λαίας. where throughout the En-
lee. tire REGION of GALILEE.
Ι ευθέως, έκ της συναγωγής έξελ- 29 yAnd being come
And instantly, out of the synagogue being OUt Of t h e SYNAGOGUE/
θόντες, ήλθον είς τήν οίκ'ιαν Σίμωνος καΐ he immediately went into
come, he went into the house of Simon and
the HOUSE of Simon and
'Ανδρέου, μετά 'Ιακώβου κάΙ 'Ιωάννου. 30*Η Andrew with James and
Andrew, with James and John. John.
δέ πενθερά Σίμωνος κατέκειτο πυρέσ- 30 Now Simon's MOTH-
and mother-in-law of S i m o n w a s l a i d d o w n h a v i n g -ER-IN-LAW lay sick of a
σουσα· καΐ ευθέως λέγουσιν αύτφ περί fever, and forthwith they
a fever; and immediately they spoke to him about spoke to him about her.

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 4 . Let alone.—omit. 27. with themselves. 27. A new

Doctrine? With Authority. 28. everywhere throughout.
ί 21.Matt. iv. 1 3 . ; Luke iv. 31. % 22. Matt. vii. 28. % 23. Luke i7. 33. % 24.
Matt. viii. 29. ί 25. ver. 3 4 ; Mark iii. 12. % 26. Mark ix. 20. ί 29. Matt. viil.
1 4 ; Luke. iy. 38.
Chap. 1:31.] MARK. [Chap. 1:43.
αυτής. ΚαΙ προσελβών ήγειρεν αυτήν, κρατή- 31 And approaching, he
her. And coining he raised her, having took hold of her HAND,
σας της χειρός αυτής· καΐ εν αυτήν raised her up, and the
l a i d hold of the hand of her; and it her FEVER left her, and she
6 Λυρετός * [εύϋέως·] και διηκόνει αύτοϊς. served them.
the fever [immediately;] and ministered to them. 32 §And Evening being
Οψίας δέ γενομένης, δτε £δυ ό ήλιος, come, when the SUN was
Evening and being come, when set the sun, set, they brought to him
δφερον προς αυτόν πάντας τους κακώς δχον- ALL the SICK, and the
they brought to h i m all those sickness hav- DEMONIACS J
τας, καΐ τους δαιμονιζομένους· ^καΐ ή πόλις 33 and the whole CITY
ήν προς την Φύραν. assembled a t the DOOR.
J 1 tllOe IjJ 11X1iZO &2X ti θ City
δλη έπισυνηγμένη
Whole having been assembled was
at the door. 31 And he cured Many-
ΚαΙ έθεράπευσε πολλούς κακώς έχοντας sick of Various Disorders,
And he healed many sick having
and expelled many De-
ποικίλαις νόσοις· καΐ δαιμόνια πολλά έξέβαλε, mons ; §and permitted not
Various diseases; and demons many he cast out, the DEMONS to speak, be-
xal ούκ ήφιε λαλεϊν τα δαιμόνια, δτι cause they knew *him to
and not allowed 3 5 to speak the demons, because be the Christ.
$ίδεισαν αυτόν. ΚαΙ πρωί, εννυχα λίαν, άνα-
they knew him. And early, night much, having 35 §And having arisen
στάς εξήλθε, * [καΐ άπήλθεν] εις ερημον very early in the Morning,
«risen he went out, Land departed] into a desert he went out into a Desert
τόπον, κάκεί προσηύχετο. s e K a l κατεδίω- Place, and there prayed.
pla 36 And *Simon and
ξαν αυτόν ό Σίμων καΐ ol μ ε τ ' αΰτοΰ. THOSE with him eagerly
followed him the Simon, ftnd. those with him.
87 followed him.
ΚαΙ εύρόντες αυτόν, λέγουσιν αύτφ· "Οτι 37 And having found
And having found him, they say to him; That
him, they say to him,
πάντες ζητουσί σε. "All seek thee."
all seek thee.
Kai λέγει αύτοίς· "Αγωμεν εις τάς§We 38 And he says to them,
And he says to them; We must go into the must go *elsewhere,
έχομένας κωμοπόλεις, Ινα καΐ εκεί κηρύξω* that the
into ADJACENT Towns,
I may proclaim there
neighboring towns, that also there Ι ma.y preaohj
είς τοΰτο γαρ έξελήλυθα. 30
ΚαΙ ήν come forth."this I have
also; for
for this because I have come out. And he was
κηρύσσων είς τάς συναγωγάς αυτών, είς δλην 39 §And *he went and
proclaiming in the synagogues of them, in whole proclaimed to them in
τήν Γαλιλαίαν, καΐ τά δαιμόνια έκόάλλων. their SYNAGOGUES through-
out All GALILEE, and
*°ΚαΙ έρχεται προς αυτόν λεπρός, παρακαλών cast out the DEMONS.
αυτόν * [καΐ γονυπετών αυτόν, καΐ] λέγων αύ- 40 §And a Leper comes
Jiim [and kneeling him, and] 3aying to to him, beseeching him,
τω· "Οτι εάν θέλχις, δύνασαΐ με κα- saying, "If thou wilt, thou
him; That if t h o u w i l t , thou art able me to canst cleanse Me."
4 1
θαρίσαι. Ό δέ Ίησοϋς σπλαγχνισθείς, 41 And *he, beingmoved
cleanse. The and Jesus being moved with pity, with pity, extending *his
έκτείνας τήν χείρα, ηψατο αύτοΰ, καΐ λέγει HAND, touched him, and
stretching out the hand, touched of him, and says says to him, " I will; be
αύτω· Θέλω, καθαρ'ισθητι. 4 2 ΚαΙ * [είπόντος thou cleansed."
to him; I w i l l , be thou cleansed. And [having said 42 And immediately the
αύτοϋ,] ευθέως άπήλθεν α π ' αύτοΰ ή λέ- LEPROSY departed from
of him,] immediately departed from him the lep- him, and he was cleansed.
πρα, καΐ έκαθαρίσθη. ^ Κ α Ι έμβριμησά-
rosy, and he w a scleansed And having s t r i c t l y 43 And having strictly
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 1 . immediately.—omit. 34. him to be the Christ. 3 5. and
departed.—omit. 36. Simon. 38. elsewhere, into. 39. he went and proclaimed to them
in. 40. and kneeling down to him, and—omit. 4 1 . he, being moved. 4 1 . his HAND.
t 32. Mattviii. 16 ;Lukeiv. 40. t 34. Markiii. 1 2 ; Luke iv. 4 1 ; Acts xvi. 17, 18.
t 35. Luke iv. 42. $ 3 8. Luke iv. 43. $ 39. Matt. iv. 2 3 ; Luke iv. 4 1 . $ 4 0 .
Matt. viii. 2 ; Luke v. 12.
Chap. 1:44] MARK [Chap. 2:7.
μένος αύτφ, ευθέως έξέβαλεν αυτόν, charged him, he forth-
charged him' Immediately he sent forth him, with sent him away,
**καΙ λέγει αύτφ· "Ορα μηδενΐ μηδέν εϊ- 44 and says to him,
and says to him: Bee, to no one anything thou $<(See, that thou say no-
πης· άλλ' ΰπαγε, σεαυτόν δείξον τφ Ιερεί, thing to any one; but
t e l l ; but go, thyself show to the priest, go, show Thyself to the
καΐ προσένεγκε περί του καθαρισμού σου ά PRIEST, and present for
A net of ΧΘΙ* for txio pur 1 ncE t χ ο ix of til 60 ^vhflt thy PURIFICATION, those
προσέταξε Μωσης, είς μαρτύριον αύτοίς. Ό 45
things which Moses com-
manded, ±for Notifying
δέ έξελθών ήρξατο κηρύσσειν πολλά καΐ (the cure) to the people."
but going out began to publish many (things) and
45 §But HE going out,
διαφημίζειν τόν λόγον, ώστε μηκέτι αυτόν began to publicly pro-
spread abroad the word, so as no longer him claim and divulge the
δύνασθαι φανερώς εις πόλιν είσελθείν άλλ' THING, so that he could
£ξω έν έρήμοις τόποις η*ν, καΐ Ιίρχοντο no longer openly enter a
Without in desert place he was, and they went City, but was without in
προς αυτόν πανταχόθεν, Desert Places; and they
to him from a l l parts. resorted to him from all
ΚαΙ πάλιν είσήλθεν είς Καπερναούμ δι' 1 And after some Days,
the again entered Caper-
ήμερων καΐ ήκούσθη, δτι είς οίκον naum ; and it was re-
2 ported That he was in a
έστι. ΚαΙ * [ευθέως] συνήχθησαν House.
he is. And [immediately] were gathered together 2 And Many were gath-
πολλοί, ώστε μηκέτι χωρείν μηδέ τά ered together ; so that (the
many, so as no longer to contain not even the house) could not contain
προς την θύραν καΐ έλάλει αύτοίς τόν them, nor the PARTS a t the
λόγον. ?ΚαΙ άρχονται προς αυτόν παραλυτικόν DOOR; and he spake the
word. And they come to him a paralytic WORD to them.
φέροντες, α'ιρόμενον ύπό τεσσάρων. 4ΚαΙ μη 3 And they came "bring-
bringing. being carried by four. And not
ing to hinf a Paralytic,
carried by Four.
δυνάμενοι προσεγγίσαι αύτφ διά τόν δχλον, 4 And being unable to
being able to come nigh to him through the crowd, approach him, because of
άπεστέγασαν τήν στέγην, δπου ήν καΐ the CROWD, they uncov-
they uncovered the roof, where he was; and ered the ROOF where he
έξορύξαντες χαλώσι τόν κράββατον έφ' was; and having dug
Jitivln^ ilu^f tlirou^li ϋΐΘ]^ l o t oiOTyii tliο6 ued upoii through, they lowered the
& ό παραλυτικός κατέκειτο. Ίδών δέ ό ±COUCH on which the
Which the paralytic was laid. Seeing and the PARALYTIC was laid.
Ίησοΰς την π'ιστιν αύτων, λέγει τφ παραλυ- 5 Now JESUS perceiv-
Jesus the ifaith of them, says to the paraly-
ing their FAITH, says to
τικφ· Τέκνον, άφέωνταί σου αϊ άμαρτίαι. the PARALYTIC, "Son, thy
11 ο ·
Soiiy A 1*0 forgiven SINS are forgiven."
of thee ill Θ sins»
Ησαν δέ τίνες των γραμματέων εκεί καθή- 6 But there were some
Were but some of the scxibes there s i t -
of the SCRIBES sitting,
μενοι καΐ διαλογιζόμενοι έν ταίς καρδίαις αύ- and reasoning in their
ting and reasoning in the hearts of HEARTS,
των Ti οδτος οΰτο) λαλεί βλασφημίας; τΙς δύ- 7 *"Why thus speaks
them; Why this thus speaks blasphemy? Who is this man?He blasphemes !
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 . immediately—omit. 3. bringing to him. 7. That
this man thus speaks? He blasphemes I Who can.
± 4 4 . See Notes on Matt. viii. 3, 4. ± 4. Eastern beds are light and movable, con-
sisting of a mattrass and two quilts. Dr. Kussell tell3 us, that their bode consist of a
mattrass laid on the floor, and over this a sheet, (in winter a carpet, or some such woolen
covering,) the other sheet being sewed to the quilt. A divan cushion often serves for
a pillow.
$ 44. Lev. xiv. 3, 4, 1 0 ; Matt. viii. 4 ; Luke v. 14. % 45. Luke v. 15. ί 1. Matt,
ix. 1; Luke v. 18.
Chap. 2:8.] MARK. [CJiap. 2:16.
ναται άφιέναι αμαρτίας, εΐ μή είς 6 θεός; Who can forgive Sins,
able to forgive sins, If not one the God? but the One GOD?"
$Kai ευθέως έπιγνούς ό Ίησοΰς τφ πνεύματι 8 And JESUS, immedi-
ately perceiving in his
αύτοΰ, οτι * [οΰτως] αυτοί διαλογίζ»,ονται έν SPIRIT, that they reason-
of himself, that [thus] they reason'
od among ed among themselves, *he
έαυτοίς, είπεν αύτοΐς· says to them, "Why do
themselves, said to them: ΤΙ ταΰτα
Why these (things) you reason thus in your
διαλογίζεστε έν ταίς καρδ'ιαις υμών; ΤΙ 9 § Which is easier? to
reason you in the hearts of you? Which say to the PARALYTIC,
'Thy SINS are forgiven;'
έστιν εύκοπώτερον; ειπείν τφ παραλυτικφ· or to say (with effect,)
Άφέωνταί σου αϊ αμαρτ'ιαι; ^ ειπείν Έγειρε, and 'Arise, take thy COUCH.,
δρόν σου τόν κράββατον, καΐ περιπατεί; "Ινα know 10 10 But that you may
that the SON of
take up of thee the bed, and walk? That MAN has Authority on
δέ είδητε, δτι έξουσίαν £χει ό υΙός τοΰ EARTH to forgive Sins,"
out youixifiyΙΕΏΟΤΪΓ· tliftt t m t h o r l t y I10, s tlie sou o* the (he says to the PARA-
άνθρωπου επί της γης άφιέναι αμαρτίας· (λέ- LTTIC,)
man on the earth to forgive sins; (ho
γει τφ παραλυτικφ·) Χ1ΣοΙ λέγω· Έγειρε, 11 " I say to thee, Arise,
says to" the paralytic") To thee I say; Arise, take up thy COUCH, and
&QOV τόν κράββατον σου, καΐ ί5παγε είς τόνgo to thy HOUSE."
take up the bed of thee, and go 12 And he was raised
into the
οίκον σου. ^ΚαΙ ήγέρθηευθέως, immediately, and taking
up the COUCH, went out
house of thee. And he was raised immediately, in presence of a l l ; so that
καΐ δρας τόν κράββατον, εξήλθε ν εναντίον they were all amazed, and
and taking up the bed, went out in presence of glorified GOD, saying, "We
πάντων ώστε έξίστασθαι πάντας, καΐ δο-never saw anything like
all; soa s t oastonish all, and t o this ! "
ξάξειν τόν Θεόν, λέγοντας· "Οτι ουδέποτε 13 And he went out
glorify the God, saying: That never again by the LAKE ; and
ούτως εϊδομεν.
thus we saw. All the CROWD resorted
ΚαΙ έξηλθεν πάλιν παρά τήν θάλασσαν him, and he taught
And he went out again by the sea;.
«αϊ πας ό δχλος ή"ρχετο προς αυτόν, xal έδί- 14 §And passing along,
nnd a l l the crowd came to him, and he he saw THAT Levi who is
δασκεν αυτούς. 14ΚαΙ παράγων είδε Λευΐν τόν the son of ALPHEUS, sit-
taught them. And passing on be saw Levi the ting a t the TAX-OFFICE,
του Άλφαί,ου, καθήμενον επί τό τελώνιον, καΐ
of the Alpheus, s i t t i n g at the custom house, and and says to him, "Follow
λέγει-αύτφ* 'Ακολουθεί μοι. ΚαΙ άναστάς ήκο- me." And arising, he fol-
says to him: Follow me. And arising up he lowed him.
λούθησεν αύτω. 15 $And i t occurred,
followed him.* while he RECLINED AT

ΚαΙ έγένετο έν τφ κατακείσθαι αυτόν TABLE in his HOUSE,
And it happened in the to recline at table h i m Many Tribute-takers and
έν τχ\ ο'ικία αύτου, καΐ πολλοί τελώναι καΐ JESUS Sinners also reclined with
and his DISCIPLES ;
in the house of him, and many publicans and for they were Many, and
αμαρτωλοί συνανέκειντο τφ Ίησοΰ καΐ τοις
sinners reclined w i t h the Jesus and the they followed him.
μαθηταίς αύτοΰ· ήσαν γάρ πολλοί, καΐ ήκο- 16 And the SCRIBES *of
d i s c i p l e s of him; 16they were for many, and they
λούθησαν αύτφ. Kal ot γραμματείς καΐ ot the PHARISEES observing
Φαρισαίοι Ιδόντες αυτόν έσθίοντα μετά των him eating with the TRIB-
followed him. And the scribes and the
Pharisees seeing him eating with the UTE-TAKERS and ±Sin-
τελωνών καΐ τών αμαρτωλών, Φλέγον τοΕς ners, said to his DISCI-
* VATICAN and E I P T . — 3 . thus—-omit.
M A N U S Osinners, said 8. he says to them.
to the 16. of the
PHARISEES saw him eat.
t 16. By amartooloi, sinners, the Gentiles or heathen are generally understood in the
Gospels, for this was a term the Jews never applied to any of thpm^elves.—Clarke.
% 9. Matt. ix. 5. % 14. Matt. ix. 9 ; Luke v. 27. $ 15. Matt. ix. 10.
Chap. 2:17.] MARK. [Chap. 2:23.
μαθηταίς αύτοϋ* * [ T l ] δτι μετά των τελωνών PLES, "He eats with
disciples of him: [WliyJ that with of the publicans TRIBUTE-TAKERS and Sin-
καΐ αμαρτωλών έσίΚει * ΓκαΙ πίνει;] 1 7 ΚαΙ ners 1"
and sinners he eats Cand drinks?] And
άκουσας ό 'Ιησούς λέγει αύτοίς· Ού χρείαν 17 And JESUS having
heard it, says to them,
έχουσιν oi Ισχύοντες Ιατροϋ, άλλ' $"THEY being in HEALTH
have no Need of a Physi-
have those being well of a physician, but cian, but THEY who are
ot κακώς έχοντες. Ουκ Ιίλθον καλέσαι δι- SICK. I came not to call
those sick being. Not I came to call just the Righteous, but sin-
καίους αλλά αμαρτωλούς. ners."
(ones) but sinners. 18 $Now the DISCIPLES
Kai ήσαν ol μαθηταΐ 'Ιωάννου καΐ ol Φα- of John and the PHARI-
And were the disciples of John and the Phar- SEES were fasting; and
ρισαίοι νηστεύοντες· καΐ έρχονται, καΐ λέγου- they come and say to
isees fasting; and they come, and they him, "Why do the DIS-
σιν αύτ'φ· ΔιατΙ ol μαθηταΐ 'Ιωάννου καΐ ol CIFLES of John, *and the
των Φαρισα'ιων νηστεύουσιν, ol δέ σοΙ μα- DISCIPLES of the PHAR-
ISEES fast, but THINE fast
ΦηταΙ ού νηστεύουσι; 1 9 ΚαΙ είπεν αύτοίς ό not?"
ciples not fast? And said to them the
Ίησοΰς· Μη δύνανται ol υΙοΙ τοϋ νυμφώνος, "Can 19 And JESUS replied,
the BRIDEMEN fast,
£ν ω 6 νυμφ'ιος μετ' αυτών έστι, νη- while the BRIDEGROOM is
in which the bridegroom with them is, to with them? During the
στεύειν; όσον χρόνον μ ε θ ' εαυτών εχουσι time they have theBRiDB-
fust? so long & time with themselves they have GROOM with them, they
τόν νυμφίον, ού δύνανται νηστεύειν. 2 0 Έλεύ- cannot fast.
Hie bridejfroom^ not ΕΓΘ AD 10 to x&st· iVi 11 20 But the Days will
σονται δέ ήμέραι, δταν άπαρθη άπ' come, when the BRIDE-
come but days, when may be taken away from groom will be taken from
αυτών ό νυμφίος, 2 1 καΐ τότε νηστεύσουσιν them, and then they will
έν mκείνη
t h eέκι ττ\
b r ήμερα.
thatt h ethe ^ r o o i u t ΟύδεΙς
i d eday. d t h έπί,βλημα
a none.
No ean patch ράκους
t h e y T Vof f a s t fast in That DAY.
i l l cloth
αγνάφου έπιρράπτει επί Ιματίφ παλαιφ· εί
unfulled sews on to a mantle old; if of 21 No one sews a Piece
undressed Cloth on to
δε μή, αίρει τό πλήρωμα αύτοΰ τό καινόν an old Garment; if so, the
but not, takes away the patch of itself the new
NEW PIECE of itself takes
τοϋ παλαιοΰ, καΐ χείρον σχίσμα γίνεται. 2 2 ΚαΙ away from the OLD, and a
of the old, and worse a rent becomes. And worse Rent is made.
ουδείς βάλλει olvov νέον εις ασκούς παλαιούς*
no one puts wine new into bottles old;
22 And no one puts new
ει δέ μή, ρήσσει ό οίνος ό * [νέος] τους Wine into ±old Skins; if
if but not, bursts the wine the [new] the so, the WINE *wnll burst
ασκούς, καΐ ό οίνος έκχείται, καΐ ol ασκοί the SKINS ; and the WINE
bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be lost, and the
SKINS ; but new Wine
άπολοΰνται· αλλά olvov νέον εις ασκούς into new Skins.'
καινούς βλητέον. 23 $And it happened,
new must be put. that he *was passing
ΚαΙ έγένετο παραπορεύεσθαι αυτόν έν through the FIELDS of
And it came to pass to go him In GRAIN on the SABBATH,
τοις σάββασι διά τών σπορίμων, καΐ ¥\Q- and his DISCIPLES began,
as they *made their way,
the sabbath through the corn-fields, and be-
ξαντο ol μαθηταΐ MANUSCRIPT.—16. Why—omit.
αύτοΰ όδόν ποιεΐν πάλλοντες 16. and drink—omit. 18. and the
gap t h e d iof
s c ithe
of h i m a fast,
w a y tbut THINEp lfast
o make u c k i nnot?
g 22. NEW—om't. 22. will
burst the SKINS and the WINE will be lost, and the SKINS; but new Wine ino new skins.
23. was passing through. 23. mnde their way, to pluck.
± 22. See Note in Msitt. ix. 17.
$ 17. Matt. ix. 12, 13; Luke v. 31, 32. t 18. Matt. ix. 14; Luke v. 23. $ 23.
Matt. xii. 1; Luke vi. 1.
Chap. 2:24.] MARK. [Chap. 3:5.
τους στάχυας. 24 ΚαΙ ol Φαρισαίοι ελεγον αύ- to pluck the HEADS of
the ears of corn. Aud the Pharisees said to ΪΚΑ1Ν.
τφ· "Ιδε, τΐ ποιοΰσιν έν τοίς σάββασιν, δ 24 And the PHARISEES
him: See, why do they in the sabbath, what
said to him, "See, why do
ούκ εξεστι; ^ΚαΙ αυτός ελεγεν αύτοϊς· Ούδέ- they on the SABBATH what
not is lawful? And he said to them: Nev-
is not lawful?"
Λοτε άνέγνωτε, τΐ έποιτίίτε Δαυίδ, 8τε 25 And *he said to
er have you known, what did David, when
χρείαν ?σχε καί έπε'ινασεν, αυτός και ot them, read
§"Have you never
what David did, when
need he had, and was hungry, he and those
26 he had Need, and was
μετ' αύτοΰ; * [ Π ώ ς ] είσήλΟεν είς τόν οίκον hungry, he, and THOSE
with him? [Howl he went into the house
τον θεοΰ, έπί Άβιάθαρ τοΰ άρχιερέως, nth him?
26 How ±he went into
of the God, to Abiathar of the high-priest, the TABERNACLE Of GOD,
καί τους άρτους της προθέσεως έ'φαγεν, ους
and the loaves of the presence did eat, which to Abiathar (son) of the
ούκ εξεστι φαγείν ει μη τοίς ί«ϊρεϋσι, καί HIGH-PRIEST, and ate ±the
Ιδωκε καΐ τοίς συν αυτί ρ ούσι; 27
ΚαΙ ελε- twhich. none but the
TRIESTS could lawfully
γεν αύτοίς* Τό σάββατον διά *τόν ρ eat; and he gave also to
eaid to them: The sabbath because of the man THOSE with him."
jtov έγένετο, οί)χ ό δνθρωπος διά τό 27 He also said to them,
was made, not the man because o 'The SABBATH was made
σσββατον. ^"Ωστε κι'ριος εστίν ό υίός τοΰ for MAN, and not MAN for
sabbath. So that a lord is the son of the
άνθρωπου καί τοΰ σαδβάτου. 28 $so that the SON of
man even of the sabbath. MAN is Lord even of the
ΚΕΦ. γ ' . 3. CHAPTER I I I .
ΚαΙ εισήλθε πάλιν είς την συναγωγήν 1 $And again he enter-
And he entered again into the synagogue; ed into the SYNAGOGUE,
καί ή*ν έκεΐ άνθρωπος έξηραμμένην where was a Man who
Α 11(1 "tt^Jl 3 t i l βΙ* Θ
HI£111 „ Il£lV^ I Q ^ l)C £11 Λν i til© Γ β(1 had a Withered HAND.
£χων την χείρα* κα1 παρετήρουν αυτόν, 2 And they watched him
having the hand, and they closely watched him,
εΐ τοις σάββασι
closely, (to see) if he
θεραπεύσει αυτόν, 'ίνα would cure him on the
if t o t h e sabbath he w i l l heal him, that
SABBATH ; that they miglit
κατηγορήσωσιν αύτοΰ. 3ΚαΙ λέγει τφ accuse him.
άνθρώπω τφ έξηραμμένην εχοντι την MAN 3 And he says to THAT
man to that having been withered having the ered HAND, "Arise in the
HAVING the With-
χείρα* "Εγειρε είς τό μέσον. 4ΚαΙ λέγει αύ- MIDST/·

4 And he says to them,

τοίς· "Εξεστι τοις σάββασιν άγαθοποιήσαι "Is it lawful to do good
η* κακοποιήσαι; ψυχήν σώσαι, ή άποκτείναι; on the SABBATH, or to do
or t o do e v i l ? a l i f e t o save, or t o destroy? evil? to save Life, or to
ΟΙ δε έσιώπων. ΚαΙ περιβλεψάμενος αυτούς destroy?" But THEY were

^Cliey but \srere s i l e n t · ja-xiu looking roimd tliein silent.

μετ' οργής, συλλυποι')μενος επί τχ) πωρώσει 5 And surveying them
\^Γi tli SXH$IQr* beiri^^i*iGVGcl flt tlio hiirdiiesf with Indignation, being
της καρδίας αυτών, λέγει τφ άνθρώπω grieved at the HARDNESS
of their HEARTS, he says
"Εκτεινον την χείρα σον. Καί έξέτεινε to the MAN, "Stretch out
Stretch out the hand of thee. And he stretched i t * thine HAND/·' And he

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—25. he said. 26. How—omit. 5. the HAND.

f 2 6. David went to the house of Ahimelech at Nob, with whom the tabernacle then
was «and the ephod, and the other holy things. See 1 Sam. xxi. ± 2 6. These loaves were
placed on a table on the north side, and at the right hand of him who entered the taberna-
cle. Exod. xxv. 30; Lev. xxiv. 6, 8.
$ 2 5. 1 Sam. xxi. 6. $ 26. Exod. xxix. 32, 33. $ 28. Matt. xii. 8. $ 1. Matt,
xii. 9; Luke vi. 6.
Chap. 3:6.J MARK. [CHap. 3:15.
καΐ άπεκατεστάθη ή χεΙρ αυτοί). ΚαΙ stretched it out, and his
out; and was restored the hand of him And HAND was restored.
εξελθόντες ot Φαρισαίοι, ευθέως μετά των 6 §And the PHARISEES
5 ;oing out, immediately
Ηρωδιανών συμβούλιον έποίουν κατ αύτοϋ,
Herodians a council beld against him, •held a Council with ±the
δπως αυτόν άπολέσωσι. Herodians, against him,
how they might destroy
how him they might destroy. him.
Kal 6 Ίησοΰς μετά των μαθητών αύτοΰ 7 But JESUS with his
And he Jesus with the disciples of him DISCIPLES retired to the
άνεχώρησεν εις τήν θάλασσαν και πολύ πλή- LAKE ; and a Great Mul-
withdrew to the sea; and a great mul- titude followed him from
θος άπό της Γαλιλαιας ήκολούθησαν αύτφ· GALILEE, $and from Ju-
tiiude from the Galilee 'followed him; DEA,
8 and from Jerusalem,
καΐ άπό τής 'Ιουδαίας, καΐ άπό Ιεροσολύ- and from IDUMEA, and
μων, 8κα1 άπό τής Ίδουμαίας, καΐ πέραν του from beyond the JORDAN ;
lem, and from the Idumea, and beyond the also a great Company
Ιορδανού, καΐ * [ol] περί Τύρον καΐ Σιδώνα, from about Tyre and
Jordan, and [those] about Tyre and Sidon, Sidon, having heard what
πλήθος πολύ, άκούσαντες οσα έ- *he had done, came to him.
a multitude great, having heard what things he
9 And he spake to his
ποίει, ήλθον προς αυτόν. °ΚαΙ είπε τοις DISCIPLES, that *a Small
did, came to him. And he spake to the boat should attend him
μαθηταίς αύτοΰ, Ινα πλοιάριον προσκαρ-
disciples of him, that a small vessel should because of the CROWD,
τερη αύτφ, διά τόν δχλον, Ινα μη θλί- that they might not press
attend him, because of the crowd, that not they upon him.
6ωσιν αυτόν. 10 Πολλούς γάρ έθεράπευσεν, 10 For he had cured
might throng him. Many for he cured, Many; so that as many
ώστε έπιπίπτειν αύτφ, ίνα αύτοΰ όνψωνται, as had Diseases rushed to-
so as to rush to him, that him they might touch,
wards him in order to
δσοι είχον μάστιγας. u K a l τά πνεύματα touch him.
τά ακάθαρτα, δταν αυτόν έθεώρει, προσέ- 11 $And the IMPURE
the unclean, when him gazing on, fell SPIRITS, when they be-
πιπτεν αύτφ, καΐ έκραζε, λέγοντα* "Οτι σύ held him, fell before him,
before him, and cried, saying: That thou
έπετ'ιμα and cried, saying, "Thou
εΐ 6 υΙός τοΰ Θεοΰ. ΚαΙ πολλά
art the SON of GOD/'
αύτοίς, ίνα μή φανερόν αυτόν ποιήσωσι. 12 And he repeatedly
them, that not known him they should make. charged them, that they
καΐ προσκα- should not make Him
ΚαΙ αναβαίνει είς τό ορός,
And h e goes up into t h e m o u n t a i n , a n d c a l l s known.
λεΐται ους ήθελεν αυτός· καΐ άπήλθον προς 13 §And he ascended
whom would he; and they came the MOUNTAIN, and called
αυτόν, whom he would ; and they
him. went to him.
ΚαΙ έποίησε δώδεκα, Ινα ώσι 14 And he appointed
μετ' And αύτοΰ,
he appointed twelve, άποστέλλη
καΐ *[ΐνα] that they should αυτούςbe * twelve, that they should
with him, and [that] he might send them accompany him, and that
κηρύσσειν, ^καΐ έχειν έξουσίαν * [θεραπεύ- he might send them forth
to pro&cliy And to Imve ftuthority [to cure to proclaim,
ειν τάς νόσους, καΐ] έκβάλλειν τά δαιμόνια 15 and to have Author-
the diseases, and] to cast out the demons. ity to expel DEMONS.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—6. gave Counsel. 8. THOSE—omit 8. he does. 9.
Small vessels. 14. twelve, whom also he named Apostles, that. 14. that—omit. 15.
to cure DISEASES, and—omit.
± 6. The Herodians were a political party who began to become eminent In the davs
of Herod the Great, as favoring his claims, and those of his patrons, the Romans, to
the sovereignty of Judea.
t 6. Matt. xii. 14. t 7. Luke vi. 17. $ 11. Mark i. 3 2 . 3 4 ; Luke iv. 4 1 .
t 1 3 . Matt. x. 1; Luke vi. 12; ix. 1.
Chap. 3:16.] MARK. [Chap. 3:26.
Kai έπέθηκε τφ Σίμωνι δνομα Πέτρον 16 *Now the TWELVE
And he ι ut on to the Simon a name Peter; he appointed, were $Si-
κα1 Ίάκωβον τόν τοΰ Ζεβεδαίου, καΐ Ίωάν- MON, to whom he gave
anu James that of the Zebedee, and John the Name of PETER ;
νην τόν άδελφόν τοΰ 'Ιακώβου· καΐ έπέθηκεν 17 and THAT James, son
of ZEBEDEE, and John
αύτοϊς ονόματα Βοανεργές, δ έστιν, vtol the brother of JAMES ; to
whom he gave the Names
βροντής· κα1 Άνδρέαν, καΐ Φίλιππον, καΐ of Boanerges, that is,
οι thunder; and Andrew, and Philip, and Sons of Thunder;
Βαρθολομαϊον καΐ Ματθαίον, καΐ Θωμάν, καΐ 18 and Andrew, and
Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and Philip, and Bartholomew
Ίάκωβον τόν τοΰ Άλφαίου, καΐ Θαδδαίον, and Matthew, and Tho-
James that of the Alpheus, and Thaddeus, mas, and THAT James, son
«αϊ Σίμωνα τόν Κανανίτην, 10κα1 Ίούδαν of ALPHEUS, and Thad-
and the Simon the Canaanlte, and Judas
Ίσκαριώτην, ος καΐ παρέδωκεν αυτόν. 20ΚαΙ deus, and Simon, the CA-
Iscariot, who even delivered up him. And NAAN ITE,
Ερχονται είς οίκον. ΚαΙ συνέρχεται πάλιν 19 and Judas Iscariot,
who even delivered him up.
&σχε μή δύνασθαι αυτούς μήτε a 20 §And they went into
House. And the Crowd
δ,οχον φαγείν. 21ΚαΙ άκούσαντες ol παρ, αύ- assembled again, so that
bread to eat. And having heard those with him, they could not even eat
τοΰ, έξήλθον κρατησαι αυτόν Φλέγον γάρ* Bread.
21 And THOSE with him
"Οτι έξέστη, ^ αΙ ot γραμματείς, ol having heard, went out to
That he is out of place And the scribes, those restrain him; for they
άπό Ιεροσολύμων καταβάντες, δλεγον "Ο- said. $"He is transported
from Jerusalem having come down, said; That too far."
τι Βεελζεβούλ Ιχει· κα'ι· "Οτι έν τφ δρχοντι who had COME DOWN from
Beelzebul he has; also; That by the chief Jerusalem said, §"Hehas
τών δαιμονίων έκβάλλει τά δαιμόνια. ^ΚαΙ Beelzebul," and, "By the
of fch© demons lie custs out the demons· AQQ
RULER of the DEMONS, he
προσκαλεσάμενος αυτούς, έν παραβολαίς expels the DEMONS/-'
having called them, in parables 23 §And having called
γεν αύτοίς* Πώς δύναται σατανάς σαταναν them, he said to them,
said to them; How is able an adversary an adver- "How can an Adversary
24 expel an Adversary?
,. μερισθη,ΚαΙ έάν
__ βασιλεία έφ' 24 And if a Kingdom is
sary to should
herself cast out? And
be divided, ifnot αIskingdom
able against divided against itself, that
βασιλεία μερισθη,
εκείνη· ^καΐου έάν οίκίασταθήναι
δύναται έφ' KINGDOM cannot stand;
tliο kinscloJH
έαυτήν'- - -
thft t*
" μερισθη,
Hud i f
Λ lions© flffft l u s t
ού δύναται σταθήναι
σ τΪ αs tθa ή
n dι 25 and if a House is
herself should be divided,
dividd nott iis able
bl tto stand
td divided against itself, that
ή οικία εκείνη· 2βκα1 εΐ 6 σατανάς άνέ- HOUSE cannot stand;
the house that; and if the adversary has 26 and if the ADVER-
th SARY rises up against him-
στη έφ' εαυτόν καΐ
μεμέρισται, self, and is divided, he
risen up against himself and has been divided,
27 cannot stand, but has an
ού δύναται σταθήναι, αλλά τέλος δχει. Ού- end.
not is able to stand, but an end he has. No
* VATICAN MANUSCKIPT.—16. And appointed TWELVE; both SIMON whom he sur-
named PETER.
± 2 1 . Doddridge remarks, "Our manner of rendering these words. He is "beside
himself, or he is mad, is very offensive. One can hardly think Christ's friends would
speak so contemptibly and impiously of him; and if that sense must necessarily be
retained, it would be much more decent to render the clause;It (that is, the multitude
is mad, thus unseasonably to break in upon him." Sschontengen contends, that th«
multitude, and not Christ is here intended. Christ was in the house; and the multitudo,
ochlos, verse 20, went out Jcrateenai avion, to restrain it, (viz. ochlon, the multitudo.)
to prevent them from rushing into the house and disturbing their Master, who was
taking some refreshment. This conjecture should not be lightly regarded.—Clarke.
t 16. John i. 42. ί 20. Mark vi. 31. t 22. Matt. ix. 34; x. 2 5 ; Luke xi. 15;
John vii. 20; viii. 48, 52; x. 22. % 23. Matt. xii. 25.
Chap. 3:27.] MARK. [Chap. 4 : 1 .
δεις δύναται τα σ-κεύη τοϋ ίσχυ- 27 *But no one can
one is a->ie the household goods of the strong enter the STRONG man's
QOV, ε'σελθών ε'ς την οΐκίαν αύτοΰ, διαρ- HOUSE, and plunder his
maii, oxiteriug iuto the house of him, to GOODS, unless he first
bind the STRONG man;
πάσαι, εάν μη προτον τόν ίσχυρόν δήστ]· and then he may plunder
his HOUSE.
καΐ τότε την ο'ικίαν αύτοΰ διαρπάσει. 28 Indeed, I say to you

Άμήν λέγω ύμΐν, δτι πάντα άφεθήσε- That All SINS will be for-
given the SONS of MEN,
ται τοις υίοϊς των ανθρώπων τά άμαρτή- and the BLASPHEMIES
given to the sous of the men the sins,
with which they may re-
ματα, κ α! αϊ όλασφημ'αι, δσας αν βλασφημή- vile ;
and the evil speakings, whatever they may
σωσιν* 20ος δ ' civ βλασφημήστ] είς τό 29 §but whoever may
revile; who but ever may speak evil to the blaspheme against the
πνεΰμα τό αγιον, ουκ έχει άφεσιν είς τόν HOLY SPIRIT, has no For-
spirit the holy, not has forgiveness to the giveness to the AGE, but
αιώνα αλλ' ένοχος έστιν αΐων'ιου κρίσεως. is exposed to Aionian
*f Judgment."
aye, but liable is of age-last ing judgment. 30 Because they said,
"Οτι ελεγον Πνεΰμα άκάθαρτον έχει. "He has an impure Spir-
Because they said; A s p i r i t unclean hehas.
"Ερχονται οδν ή μήτηρ αύτοΰ καί ol αδελφοί 31 His MOTHER and
αΰτοΰ* καΐ έστωτες απέστειλαν προς BROTHERS then came, and
t standing they sent to standing without, sent to
αυτόν, φωνοϋντες αυτόν. 3 2 ΚαΙ έκάθητο δχλος him, calling him.
him, calling him. And sat a crowd 32 And a Crowd sat
περί αυτόν είπον δέ αύτφ· 'Ιδού, ή μήτηρ round him, and they said
about him; said and to him: Lo, the mother to him, "Behold, thy MO-
σου καΐ ol αδελφοί σου £ξω ζητοΰσί THER and thy BROTHERS
82 are without seeking thee."
σε. ΚαΙ άπεκρίθη αύτοϊς, λ έ γ ω ν Τις
i n g t h Γ - ' -•" *-- " "•- " ' * ' 33 And he answered
έστιν ή μήτηρ μου, ή ol αδελφοί μου; them, saying, "Who is
Is the mother of me, or the brothers of me? my MOTHER, or my BRO-
*[Kai] περιβλεψάμενος κύκλω τους περί THERS?"
£AnclJ looking uuout pound those About 34 And looking about
ούτόν καθήμενους, λέγει* "Ιδε ή μήτηρ μου, on THOSE sitting round
him sitting, he says; Lo the mother of mo, him, he said, "Behold my
καί. ot αδελφοί μου. ^"Ος * [ γ ά ρ ] dv ποίηση MOTHER, and my BRO-
and the brothers of me. Who tforj ever may do THERS.
35 Whoever shall do
τό θέλημα του Θεοΰ, οδτος αδελφός μου, the WILL of GOD, this is
καί αδελφή *[μου,] καί μήτηρ εστί. My Brother, and Sister,
and a sister tof me] and a mother is. and Mother."

ΚΕΦ. δ ' . 4. CHAPTER IV.
ΚαΙ πάλιν ίίρξατο διδάσκειν παρά τήν 1 §And again he began
And again he began to teach by the
θάλασσαν καί συνήχθη προς αυτόν δχλος to teach by the LAKE ;
sea; and was assembled to him a crowd and so *very great a
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—27. but no one. 29. Transgression. 34. And—omit.
35. Tor—omit. 35. my—omit. 1. Very
±29. The Vat. MS. reads Transgression, and Griesbach has placed the word amar-
teematos, sin, or transgression, in the margin, with his mark of strong probability.
Grotius, Mill, and Bengel prefer this reading. It is also the reading of the Coptia,
Armenian, Gothic, Vulgate, and all the Itala but two. It is a Hebraism for punishment,
the effect of sin. The sin against the Holy Spirit is plainly stated to be, ascribing the
miracles of Christ and his apostles to demoniacal agency. Th?y who acted thus, could
r.ot be converted to the Christian faith, because they resisted the strongest possible evi-
dence. Thoy remained therefore in the same forlorn state in which Christianity found
them; which is expressed by the phrase, "he has not forgiveness."
t 29. M-tt. xii. 31, 32. Luke x1i. 10; 1 John v. 16. ί 31. Matt. xii. 46; Luke
Viii. 21; t 1. Matt. xiii. 1; Luke viii. 4.
Chap. 4:2.] MARK. [Chap. 4:12.
ποΧός, &6ΧΒ αυτόν έμδάντα εις τό πλοίον, Crowd gathered about
great, so as h i m entering into the ship, him, that entering ihe
«αθήσθαι έν τη Φαλάσσχι· καΐ πάς ό βχλος BOAT, he sat on the
to s i t in the sea; and all the crowd LAKE ; and All the CROWD
προς την θάλασσαν επί της γης ήν. 2ΚαΙ έδί- was by the LAKE on the
by the sea on the land was. And he LAND.
δασκεν αυτούς έν παραβολαίς πολλά, καΐ 2 And he taught them
taught them in parables many, and
many things in Parables,
£λεγεν αύτοϊς έν xr\ διδαχή αύτοΰ· 3Άκούε- and said to them, in his
said to them in the teaching of him; Hear
τε· 'Ιδού, έξήλθεν ό σπείρων του σπείραι. TEACHING; 3 "Hearken! Behold,
you: Lo, went out the sower of the (seed) to sow.
μέν the SOWER went forth to
ΚαΙ έγένετο έν τώ σπείρειν, 6
And it happened in the* sowing, this indeed *sow.
£πεσε παρά τήν όδόν καΐ ήλθε τα πετεινά, SOWING, 4 And it happened, in
fell on the path; and came the birds, some seed fell
by the ROAD and the
καΐ κατέφαγεν αυτό. ε"Αλλο δέ Ιπεσεν επί τό BIRDS came and picked
and ate i t . Another and fell on the it up.
πετρώδες, δπου ούκ είχε γήν πολλήν καΐ 5 And some fell on the
rocky ground, where not it had earth much; and ROCKY GROUND, where it
had not much Soil; and
ευθέως έξανέτειλε, διά τό μή
£χειν immediately it vegetated,
immediately it sprung up, through the not to have because it had no Depru
6ά0ος γης. e Ηλίου δέ άνατε'ιλαντος, έκαυ- of Soil;
a depth of earth. Sun and having arisen, it w a s 6 *and the SUN having
έξηράνθη. 7καΐ
ΚαΙ διά
άλλο τόεπεσεν εις άκανθας· arisen, it was scorched;
ματίσθη, μή ^χειν ρίζαν, and because it HAD no
was dried up. And another fell into thorns;
Root, it withered.
κάΙ άνέβησαν αϊ δκανθαι, καΐ συνέπνιξαν 7 And some fell among
QQ(| siinimff up th© thoriiSi ΛΙΚΖ choked Thorns; and the THORNS
αυτό, καΐ καρπόν ούκ Ιδωκε. 8 ΚαΙ άλλο grew up, and choked it,
έπεσεν είς τήν γην τήν καλήν καΐ έδ'ιδου and it bore no Fruit.
fell into the ground the good; and it bore
8 And some fell on
καρπόν άναβαίνοντα καΐ αυξάνοντα· καΐ GOOD GROUND, and yielded
fruit springing up and increasing; and
Fruit, springing up and
έ'φερεν iv τριάκοντα, καΐ εν έξήκοντα, καΐ increasing ; and one bore
bore one thirty, and one sixty, and
έ'ν εκατόν. °Kat έ'λεγεν O Ιχων ώτα άκούειν, thirty, and one sixty, and

one a hundred. And he said; Be having ears to hear, one a hundred."

ακούεται, 9 And he said, *"He
let him hear. HAVING Ears to hear, let
10 him hear."
"Οτε δέ έγένετο καταμόνας, ήρώτησαν 10 $And when he had
When and he was alone, asked
retired, THOSE about him,
αυτόν ot περί αυτόν, σύν τοις δώδεκα, τήν with the TWELVE, asked
him those about him, with the twelve, the
him concerning the •PAR-
παρΛβολήν. 1ΧΚαΙ Ιλεγεν αύτοϊς· *Υμίν δέδο- ABLE.
parables. And he said to them: To you it is
ται γνώναι τό μυστήριον της βασιλείας
11 And he said to them,
τοϋ *"To you is given the
jjjiven to it ο. ο Ύί til Θ secret of tlie kingdom of tli9
Θεοΰ· έκείνοις δέ τοις εξω έν παραβολαΐς SECRET of t h e KINGDOM
of GOD ; but to §THOSB
God; to them but 1 hose without In parables
WITHOUT, ALL things are
ϊνα βλέποντες 6λέ- done in Parables ;
τά πάντα γίνεται·
the all (things) are done;
that seeing they 12 Jthat seeing, they
πωσι, καΐ μή Ιδωσι· καΐ άκοΰοντες άκού- may see, and not perceive ;
may see, and not they may see; and hearing they and hearing, they may
ωσι, καΐ μή συνιώσι· μήποτε έπιστρέ- hear, and not understand ;
nmy hear, and not they may hear; l e s t they should
lest they should turn, and
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. sow. 6. and the SUN having arisen. 9. Who has ears.
10. PARABLES. 11. is given the SECRET.
t 10. Matt. xiii. 10; Luke viii. 9. $ 11. 1 Cor. v.
v 12: Col. iv. 3 ; 1 Th?ss iv
12; 1 Tim. iii. 7. ί 12. Isa. vi. 9; Matt. xiii. 14;
4; Luke viii. 10; John xii. 40;
Acts xxviii. 26; Rom. xi. 8.
Chap. 4:13.] MARK. [Chap. 4:22.
ψωσι, καΐ άφεϋχ> αύτοίς τά άμαρτή- *it should be forgiven
turn, ftndl should be forgiven to tiierci the sins· them."
ματα. ^ΚαΙ λέγει αύτοίς· Ούκ οϊδατε την πα- 13 And he says to them,
And he says to them: Nat know you the par-
'Do you not understand
this PARABLE? How then
ραβολήν ταύτην; καΐ πώς πάσας τάς παραβο- will you know All the
ablo this? and h o w all the parables
1 4 'ARABLES ?
λάς γνώσεσθε; Ό σπείρων, τον λόγον
14 §The SOWER sows
w i l l you know? He sowing, the word the WORD.
σπείρει. ιηΟδτοι. δέ είσΐν ol παρά την δδόν, 15 And these a r e THOSE
where the WORD is sown
οπού σπείρεται ό λόγος, καΐ δταν άκούσωσιν, by the ROAD ; and when
tliey have heard, the AD-
εύθέοις έρχεται ό σατανάς, καΐ αϊρει τόν VERSARY comes immedi-
ately, and takes away
i in m Θ d i SL £ © 1 y comes tho ftdvers&ryj {mcl t&lces tho
λόγον τόν έσπαρμένον έν ταίς καρδίαις αύ- THAT WORD which was
word 1θ that having been sown in the hearts of ίοwΝ *upon them.
των. ΚαΙ ούτοι είσιν ομοίως ot επί τά 16 And these in like
mem. And these are like those on the
πετρώδη σπειρόμενοι, οι, όταν άκοΰσωσι manner a r e THOSE SOWN
rocky ground being sown, who, when they may hear on t h e ROCKY GROUND;
τόν λόγον, ευθέως μετά χαράς λαμβάνουσιν who, when they hear the
the word, immediately with joy they receive
WORD, receive i t immedi-
αυτόν* 17κα1 οΰκ εχουσι ρίζαν έν έαυτοΐς,
ately with Joy ;
it: and not they have a root in themselves, 17 And having no Root
αλλά πρόσκαιροι είσιν είτα γενομένης in themselves, they a r e
θλίψεως ή διωγμού διά τόν λόγον, εύθέ- but temporary ; then Trial
tri£iI or persecution through the ΛνοΓίϊ^ imme*™ or Persecution occurring
ως σκανδαλίζονται. ^ αΙ άλλοι είσίν ol on account of the WORD,
diately they are offended. nd others are those they instantly fall away.
εις τάς άκανθας σπειρόμενοι· ούτοι είσιν ol 18 And others are THOSE
into the thorns being sown; these are those who are SOWN among t h e
τόν λόγον άκούοντες κα1 αϊ μέριμναι του THORNS ; * these are THEY
who have HEARD the
αιώνος, καΐ ή απάτη του πλούτου, καΐ αϊ WORD ;
ίΐ £Γ © * <ι ti oi t h e d e l u s i on of t h e "w 6 & 11 h * & n d t h e 19 and the CARES of t h e

περί τά λοιπά έπιθυμίαι είσπορευόμεναι AGE, §and t h e DECEIT-

ring in FULNESS of RICHES, and
συμπνίγουσι τόν λόγον καΐ άκαρπος γίνε νεται. the STRONG DESIRES for
choke icomes. OTHER things entering in,
οίτοί the word;
ot and unfruitful
την γήν iτήνt becoi
Kai είσιν έπί καλήν choke the WORD, and ren-
And these are those upon the ground the good
der it unproductive.
σπαρέντες, οιτινες άκουουσι τόν λόγον, καΐ 20 And * those are THEY,
who are SOWN on the GOOD
παραδέχονται· καΐ καρποφοροΰσιν, εν τριάκον-
GROUND, who hear the
WORD, and accept it, and
τα, καΐ δν έξήκοντα, και εν εκατόν. 21 ΚαΙ
and one sixty, and one a hundred. And bear f r u i t ; one thirty, one
sixty, and one a hundred."
έ'λεγεν αύτοίς· Μήτι ό λύχνος έ'ρχεται, ίνα 21 And he said to them,
he said to them; Neither the lamp comes, that
§"Is a lamp brought, t o
υπό τόν μόδιον τεθη, f\ ύπό τήν be p u t under t h e CORN-
under the measure i t may be placed, or under the MEASURE, or under t h e
κλίνην; ούχ' ϊνα έπί τήν λυχνίαν έπιτε- COUCH? so t h a t i t may
couch.' not that on the lamp-stand i t may bo not be placed on t h e
flf5; Ού γάρ εστί τι κρυπτόν, δ LAMP-STAND?
placed? Not for is any thing hidden, which 22 §For *nothing was
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. it should be. 15. upon them. 18. these are THEY
who have HEARD the WORD. 20. those are THEY.
± 21. By klineen must be understood the couch, (like our sofa,) which, as Grotius
observes, had such a cavity as to admit of a candelabrum being put under i t ; may, it
seems, anything much larger; indeed, by the citations adduced by Wetstein, it appears
to have been used by the ancients as a common hiding place.—Bloomfteld.
t 14. Matt. xiii. 19. t 19. 1 Tim. vi. 9, 17. t 21. Matt. ν. Ι ό ; Luke viil. 16;
xl. 33.
Chap. 4:23.] MARK. [Chap. 4:32.
έάν μή φανερωθώ* ουδέ έγένετο απόκρυ- hidden, except that it
should be manifested ; nor
φον, άλλ' tva εις φανερόν ϋλθχι. ^Εί was it concealed, but that
away, but that into light it may come. If it should come to light.
τις £χει <5τα άκούειν, άκουέτω. ΚαΙ
any one has ears to hear, let him hear. And 23 If any one has Ears
Ιλεγεν αύτοίς· Βλέπετε, τΐ άκούετε. to hear, let him hear."
he said to them: Consider you, what you hear. 24 And he said to them,
>Ev μέτρω μετρείτε,,j. ghaji μετρηθήσεται § "Consider what you hear;
b measured by the Measure you dis-
In what measure you measure, i t
„ . , xtlf
pense, it will be measured
δοθήσεται to *you, and shall be ad-
ύμίν. ^ΙΡς
Who γάρ civ may have, It shall be given ded
for ever to you;
αύτφ· καΐ δς ούκ έ'χει, καΐ δ £χει άρθή- 25 §for whoever has, to
him will be given; and
σεται άπ* αΰτοΰ. 2βΚαΙ έ"λεγεν· Ούτως he who has not even what
bo taken from him. And he said; Thus he has will be taken
εστίν ή βασιλεία του θεοΰ, ώς έάν δνθρω- from him."
26 And he said, $"The
ηος\ΰ> tδάλχι
h o k i n g dτόν
o m σπόρον
o f t b o GOQ.^ &S γης,
επί της if tx
27 xxtftτχ
κα1 KINGDOM of GOD is, as
should cast the seed on the earth, and
though a Man should cast
καθεύδη καΐ έγείρηται νύκτα καΐ ήμέραν, SEED on the GROUND ;
should sleep and wake night and day,
27 and should sleep by
«eat 6 σπόρος δλαστάνη καΐ μηκύνηται, Night, and wake by Day,
and the seed should germinate and grow up, and the SEED should ger-
ώς ούκ οίδεν αυτός. * Γγάρ] ή minate, and grow up, he
as not knows he. Of i t s own accord Lfor3 the
knows not how.
γη καρποφορεί, πρώτον, χόρτον, είτα στά- 28 The EARTH produces
earth bears fruit, first, a plant, then an spontaneously; first the
χυν, είτα πλήρη σίτον έν τφ στάχυϊ. 29"Οταν Plant, then the Ear, after-
ear, then full grain in the ear. When wards the Perfect Grain
δέ παραδω 6 καρπός, ευθέως άποστέλ- in the EAR.
but may be ripe the fruit, Immediately he sends 29 But when the GRAIN-
λει τό δρέπανον, δτι παρέστηκεν ό Οερισμός. IS matured, immediately
the sickle, for is ready the harvest. he sends the SICKLE, Be-
3°ΚαΙ έ'λεγε· Τίνι όμοιώσωμεν τήν cause the HARVEST is
And he said: To what may we compare the ready."
30 And he said, $"To
βασιλείαν του θεοΰ; fi έν ποία παραβολή what
kingdom of the God? or by what parable may we compare the
KINGDOM of GOD? or *by
παραβάλωμεν αυτήν; δ1*Ως κόκκον σινάπεως, What Parable may we il-
may we compare her? As a grain of mustard, lustrate it?
8ς, όταν σπαρη επί της γης, μικρότερος 31 I t resembles a Grain
which, when i t may be sown on the earth, less
of Mustard, which, when
πάντων των σπερμάτων εστί των επί της SOWN on the EARTH, ±is
of all of the seeds i t i s of those on the
82 the least of All THOSE
γης· κα1 δταν σπαρχί,
αναβαίνει καΐ SEEDS that are on the
eaith; and when i t may be shown, It springs up and EARTH ;
γίνεται πάντων λάχανων μείζων, καΐ ποιεί 32 but when it is sown,
becomes of a l l herbs greater, and produces
it grows up, and becomes
κλάδους μεγάλους ώστε δύνασθαι ύπό τήν greater than All other
HERBS, and produces great
σκιάν αύτου τά πετεινά του ουρανού κατα- BRANCHES ; so that the
ehadow of i t the birds of the heaven to build BIRDS Of HEAVEN Can

• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—22. nothing was hidden except that it should be mani-

fested; nor was it concealed, but that it should come to light. 24. you, and shall be
added to you. 28. For—omit. 30. in What Comparison shall we place It?
± 3 1 . See Note on Matt. xiil. 32,
t 22. Matt.x. 2 6 ; Luke xii. 2. $ 24. Matt. vii. 2 ; Luke vi. 38. $ 25. Matt,
xiii. 12; xxv. 2 9 ; Luke viii. 19; xix. 26. $ 26. Matt. xiii. 24. $ 30. Matt. xiii.
3 1 ; Luke xiii. 18.
13 Τ
Chap. 4:33.] MARK. [Chap. 5:2.
σκηνοϋν. ^ΚαΙ τοιαΰταις παραβολαΐς πολλαίς build their nests under
nests. And such like parables many the SHADOW of it."
έλάλει αύτοίς τόν λόγον, καθώς ήδύναν- 33 ±And with many
he spoke to them the word, even they were
το άκούειν. ΧωρΙς δέ παραβολής ούκ έλάλει Such Parables he spoke
able to hear. Without but a parable not he spoke the WORD to them, even,
αύτοίς· κατ' Ιδίαν δέ τοις μαθηταίς αύ- as they were able to
tu them; privately but to the disciples of understand.
του έπέλυε πάντα. 34 * And without a
himself he expl Parable he did not ad-
ιβ explained all. dress them ; but privately
λέγει αύτοίς έν εκείνη τη ημέρα, he explained all things to
.&.1Κ4 ιχβ &&ys t o thdxx xix th&t» tho d^yf
his OWN Disciples.
ύψίας3β γενομένης* Διέλθωμεν είς τό πέ- 35 $And on That DAT,
ραν. ΚαΙ αφέντες τόν δχλον παραλαμβά- Evening having come, he
side. And having left the crowd they took says to them, "Let us pass
νουσιν αυτόν, ώς ήν έν τφ πλοίφ· *ΓκαΙ] over to the OTHER SIDE.·"
him, as he was in the ship; talsoj
&λλα δέ πλοία fjv μετ' αύτοΰ. 37ΚαΙ γίνεται 36 And having left the
other and ships was with him. And arose CROWD, they took him as
λαϊλαψ α ν έ μ ο υ μ ε γ ά λ η · τ ά δέ κύματα επέβαλ- he was in the BOAT. And
α squall of wind great; the and waves dashed Other boats were with
λεν εις τό πλοίον, ώστε αυτό ήδη γεμίζεσθαι. him.
into the ship, so as i t now to n i l . 37 And there arose a
Kal fjv αυτός έν τη πρύμνη, επί τό προσκε- great Gale of Wind, and
And was he in the stern, on the p i l l o w the WAVES dashed into the
«ράλαιον καθεύδων καΐ διεγείρουσιν αυτόν, BOAT, so that *the BOAT
sleeping; and they awoke him, was now full.
«αϊ λέγουσιν αύτφ· Διδάσκαλε, ου μέλλει 33 And he was in the
STERN, asleep on the PIL-
σοι, δτι άπολλύμεθα; S9 Kal διεγερθείς έπε- and LOW ; and they awokehim,
said to him, "Teach-
τίμησε τφ άνέμφ, καΐ είπε τη θαλασσή· er, does it not concern
rebuked the wind, and said to the sea; thee That we perish?"
Σιώπα, πεφίμωσο. ΚαΙ έκόπασεν ό άνεμος 39 And arising, he re-
Be silent, be s t i l l . And ceased the wind, buked the WIND, and said
καΐ έγένετο γαλήνη μεγάλη. ΚαΙ είπεν αύ- to the SEA, "Be silent! be
and was a calm great. And he said to still!" And the WIND
τοίς· Ti δειλοί έστέ *[ουτω;] πώς ούκ ceased, and there was a
them; Why t i m i d are you Cso?] how not great Calm.
έχετε πίστιν; 41ΚαΙ έφοδήθησαν φόβον μέγαν, 40 And he said to them,
you have faith? And they feared a fear great, "Why are ' you afraid ?
stal έ'λεγον προς αλλήλους· Τις αρα οδτός How distrustful you a r e ! "
and said to one another; Who then this
έστιν, δτι κα! ό δνεμος καΐ ή θάλασσα ύπακού- ceedingly 41 And they were ex-
is, for even tho wind and the eea hearken afraid, and said
to one another, "Who then
ουσιν αύτφ. is this, That even the WIND
to him. and the SEA obey him?"
ΚΕΦ. ε \ 5. CHAPTER V.
^al ήλθον είς τό πέραν της θαλάσσης, 1 $And they came to
And they came to the other side of the sea, the other side of the LAKE,
είς τήν χώραν των Γαδαρηνών. 2Kai έξελ- into the REGION of the
into the country of the Gadarenes. And *GERASENES.
ίίόντι αύτφ έκ του πλοίου, * [ευθέως] 2 And having come out
come to him out of the ship, Eimmediately] of the BOAT, there met
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 4 . And without. 36. also—omit. 3 7. the BOAT was.
40. so—omit. 1. GERASENES. 2. immediately—omit.
$ 33. Matt. xiii. 3 4 ; John xvi. 18. $ 3 5. Matt. viii. 18, 2 3 ; Luke viii. 27.
| 1. Matt. viii. 2 8 ; Luke viii. 26.
Cliap. 5:3.] MARK. [Chap 5:12.
άπήντησεν αύτφ έκ των μνημείων άνθρωπος him out of the ±MOND-
MENTS, a Man with an
έν πνεύματι άκαθάρτω, 8 δς τήν κατοίκησιν impure Spirit,
in spirit unclean, who the dwelling 3 who had his HABITA-
είχεν έν τοις μνήμασι* καΐ ούτε άλύσεσιν TION in the TOMBS ; and
had In the tombs; and not even with chains no one could bind *him
ουδείς ήδύνατο αυτόν δήσαι, διά τό αυτόν any longer with Chains;
no one was able him to bind, for the him 4 for many times he had
πολλάκις πέδαις καΐ άλύσεσι δεδέ- been BOUND with Fetters
many times with fetters and chains to have been and Chains, and the
σθαι, καΐ διεσπάσθαι ύπ* αύτόΰ τάς CHAINS ed off
had been wrench-
by him, and the
bound, and to have been burst by him the FETTERS broken; and no
άλύσεις, καΐ τάς πέδας συντετρΐφθαι· και
chains, and the fetters to have been broken; and one was able to subdue
ουδείς αυτόν Ισχυε δαμάσαι· Βκαί διαπαντός, him.
no one him was able to tame; and always,
•νυκτός καΐ ημέρας, έν τοις μνήμασι καΐ έν τοίς 5 And he was always,
night and day, in the tombs and in Night and Day, in the
δρεσιν fjv κράζων, καΐ κατακόπτων έαυ- SEPULCHRES and in the
anountains he was crying out, and cutting him-
MOUNTAINS, crying out,
τόν λίθοις. β3Ιδών δέ τόν Ίησοΰν άπό
self with stones. Seeing and the Jesus from and cutting himself with
μακρόθεν, έδραμε, καΐ προσεκύνησεν αύτφ· 6 And seeing JESUS a t
7A dist&nce he r&n. And, prostrated to Ixiixii a distance, he ran and
κα1 κράξας y
φωνή μεγάλτ], είπε· τΐ έμοί
and crying out with voice great, said: what to me prostrated to him,
5tal σοί, Ίησοΰ, υΙέ τοϋ Θεού του υψίστου; 7 and crying out with a
and to thee, Jesus, θ βοα of the God of the highest? loud Voice, *said, "What
ορκίζω σε τόν θεόν, μή με βασανί- hast thou to do with me,
I w i l l adjure thee the God, not me thou mayst Jesus,—Ο Son of G O D —
8 the HIGHEST? I implore
«της. ( ' Έ λ ε γ ε γάρ αύτφ· "Εξελθε τό thee—GOD,—torment Me
to'rment. (He had said for to him; Come out the not."
Λνεΰμα τό άκάθαρτον έκ του ανθρώπου.) 9ΚαΙ 8 (For he had said to
έπηρώτα αυτόν· ΤΙ σοι δνομα; καΐ λέγει him, "IMPURE SPIRIT,
ho asked him; What thy name? and he says
Come out of the MAN.")
αΰτω· Λεγεών όνομα μοι· δτι πολλοί έσμεν.
to him: Legion name tome; for many we are. 9 And he asked him,
ΚαΙ παοεκάλει αυτόν πολλά, Ινα μή αύτοι'^ς And "What is thy Name?"
^.ud ho l)©sou§Iifc liiHX mflnty t l i n e s * 1 1 Τ
tli&fc n o t tlicm
he says to him, "My
άποστείλχι £ξω της χώρας. Ην δέ έκεϊ Name is Legion; For we
he would send out of the country. Was and there are Many."
προς τφ δ*ρ.ει αγέλη χοίρων μεγάλη 10 And he earnestly
near to the 12mountain a herd of swine great entreated him that he
ύοσκομένη. ΚαΙ παρεκάλεσαν αυτόν ol δαί- would not send them out
feeding. And besought him the de- of the COUNTRY.
μονες, λέγοντες· Πέμψον ήμας είς τους
11 Now there was by
mons, saying: Dismiss us Into the the MOUNTAIN, a great
χοίρους, Ινα είς αυτούς εισέλθωμεν. 13ΚαΙ Herd of Swine feeding.
swine, that into them we may go. And
12 And * the DEMON she-
έπέτρεψεν αύτοίς ευθέως
ό Ίησοΰς. ΚαΙ sought him, saying, "Dis-
gave leave to them Immediately the Jesus. And miss us to the SWINE, that
εξελθόντα τά πνεύματα τά ακάθαρτα είσήλ- we may go into them."
hiiving come out the spirits the unclean en-
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. him any longer with. 7. says. 12. they besought.
± 2. The sepulchres of the Jews were formerly amongst rocks, mountains, and other
unfrequented places, in order that there might be as little danger as possible of that
pollution which touching any thing dead produced. They were often as large as a
commodious room, and are now often resorted to as places of shelter for the night. Some-
times the wandering Arabs, during the winter season, take up their permanent abode in
them. It appears that at a very early period, some of these tombs were used for such a
purpose; a3 Isaiah speaks of some, "who remain among the graves, and lodge in the
monuments." chap. Ixv. 4. Burchhardt reports, that he found many sepulchres in the
rocks, at Um Keis. (supposed to be the ancient Gadara.) showing how naturally the
conditions of this narrative could have been fulfilled in that rtg.on.
Chap. 5:13.] MARK. [Chap. 5:23.
θον είς τους χοίρους· καΐ βρμησεν ή αγέλη 13 And *he gave them
tered into the swine; and rushed the herd leave. And the IMPURE
κατά τοϋ κρημνοΰ είς την θάλασσαν * [ήσαν SPIRITS having come out
down the precipice into the sea; Cthey were went into the SWINE ;
δέ ώς δισχίλιοι·] καΐ έπνίγοντο έν τ?ί and the HERD rushed down
and about two thousand;] and were choked in tho±the PRECIPICE into the
Ol δέ βόσκοντες αυτούς εφυγον, LAKE, and were drowned
in t h e LAKE.
sea. Those and feeding them fled,
14 Then the SWINE-
καΐ άπήγγειλαν είς την πόλιν, καΐ είς τους HERDS fled, and reported
and reported to tho city, and to tho it in the CITY, and in the
αγρούς. ΚαΙ έξηλθον Ιδείν τΐ έστι τό villages. And they came
villages. And they came out to see, what is that out to see what THAT was
ΚαΙ έρχονται προς τον Ίησοϋν, which had been DONE.
hstvΐrifg Ijeen done* And they come t o the Jesus^ 15 And they came to
J E S U S , and beheld the DE-
και θεωροΰσι τον δαιμονιζόμενον καθήμενον MONIAC, HIM H/VVING HAD
the LEGION, sitting down,
* [και] Ιματισμένον, καΐ σωφρονοϋντα, clothed, and in his right
£&η(13 Ιΐίΐνi XIJJ \)θβτχΚαΙ
clotliodj niicl DO iii£ αύτοίς ol mind; and thy were a-
of sAne to indj
έφοόήθησαν. διηγήσαντο
they were afraid.
τον έσχηκότα And related καΐ fraid.
to them those
τόν λεγεώνα·
Ιδόντες, πώς έγένετο τω δαιμονιζο-— 16 And THOSE SEEING-
llttV ΐ Il£>> SCGHj ΟΟΛν i t IlO.pJ3GllCd t o tllO OIlO OOlQ^ tl€ it, related to them what
μένφ, καΐ περί των χοίρων. 17 Kai Ϋίρξαντο had happened to the DE-
jnoiiizGQ. 21 nd About tlio sΛνinG· A.uu t Ii © y b G f? <i nMONIAC, and concerning
παρακαλείν αυτόν άπελθεΐν άπό των ορίων the SWINE.
17 §And they began t o
αυτών. 18ΚαΙ έμβάντος αύτοϋ είς τό πλοίον, entreat him to depart
ο£ them» And cntoi*iii0 of liixu into tlio ship» from their BORDERS.
παρεκάλει αυτόν ό δαιμονισθείς, tva 18 And he having en-
tered t h e BOAT, § H E who
fj μετ' αύτοΰ. ω ΚαΙ ούκ άφήκεν αυτόν, had been a DEMONIAC, en-
uO ΙΪΙi{£iit I)© ^νitil liim· treated him that he might
A.iid n o t he suff©r©d h i m ^
άλλα λέγει αύτω* "Υπάγε είς τόν οίκον σου be with him f
but he says to him; Go Into the houso of thee 19 And yet he did n o t
προς τους σους, καΐ άνάγγειλον αύτοίς, δ- permit him, but says to
to the friends, and relate ' to them, how him, "Go HOME to thy
σά σοι ό Κύριος πεποίηκε καΐ ήλέησέ FRIENDS, and tell them
much t o theo t h e Lord h a s done, and h a s p i t i e d
20 how much the LORD has
σε. ΚαΙ άπηλθε, καΐ ίίρξατο κηρύσσειν έν done for thee, and has
thee. And he went, and began to publish in had pity on thee."
Tft Δεκαπόλει, δσα έποίησεν αύτω ό 20 And he went away,
tho Decapolis, how much had done to him the and began to proclaim in
Ίησοϋς* καΐ πάντες έθαύμαζον. DECAPOLIS, how much J E -
SUS had done for h i m ;
ΚαΙ διαπεράσαντος τοϋ Ίησοΰ έν τφ πλοίω and all were astonished. ·
And having passed over the Jesus in the ship 21 $And JESUS having
πάλιν είς τό πέραν, συνήχθη again passed over in *a
Boat to the OTHER SIDE,
πολύς έπ' αυτόν καΐ ή*ν παρά την θάλασσαν. a great Crowd gathered
22 to him, and he was by
ΚαΙ *[ίδού,] έρχεται είς τών άρχισυναγώ- the LAKE,
And [Ιο,] comes one of the synagogue-rul-
22 § And one of the s YN-
γων, ονόματι Ίάειρος· καΐ Ιδών αυτόν πίπτει AGOGUE-RULERS, n a m e d
e by Ji d i hi h f l l Jairus, came, and seeing
προς τους πόδας αύτοΰ, ^καΐ παρεκάλει αυτόν him, he fell a t his FEET,
to the feet of him, and besought him 23 and earnestly en-
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—13. he gave them leave. 13. and they were about Two
Thousand—omit. 15. and—omit. 21. a Boat—omit. 22. lo—omit.
± 13. See Note on Matt. viii. 32.
t 17. Matt. viii. 34; Acts xvi. 39. t 18. Luke viii. 38. $ 21. Matt. ix. 1 ;
Luke viii. 40. $ 22. Matt. ix. 18; Luke viii. 41.
Chap. 5:24.] MARK. [Chap. 5:34.
κολλά, λέγων "Οτι τό θυγάτριόν μου treated him, saying, "My
much, saying; That the little-daughter of me LITTLE DAUGHTER IS at
εσχάτως έχει· ϊνα έλθών έπιθης αύτη the point of death ; come,
last end Is; that coming thou mayest put to her and put thy HANDS on her
that she may be restored,
τάς χείρας, δπως σωθη· καΐ ζήσε- and she will live."
the hands,
24 so that she may be saved; and she shall 24 And he went with
ται. ΚαΙ απήλθε μετ* αύτοϋ· καΐ ήκολούθει him, and a great Crowd
live. And he went with him; and followed
followed him, and pressed
αύτφ δχλος πολύς, καΐ συνέθλιβον αυτόν. on him.
him a crowd great, and pressed on him. 25 And a Woman §hav-
*ΚαΙ γυνή * [τις] ούσα έν ρύσει αίματος ing had a Hemorrhage
And a woman [certain] being in a flow of blood for twelve Years,
£τη δώδεκα, ^καΐ πολλά παθοΰσα much 26 and having suffered
under Many Physi-
years twelve, and many things having suffered cians, and having ex-
ύπό πολλών Ιατρών, καΐ δαπανήσασα τα pended ALL her property,
under many physicians, and having spent the things and not being benefited,
παρ' αυτής πάντα, καΐ μηδέν ώφεληθεί- but had rather become
of her all, and nothing having seen WORSE,
σα, αλλά μάλλον είς τό χείρον έλθοΰσα, things27 having heard *the
concerning JESUS,
benefited, but rather into the worse state having came in the CROWD be-
άκοΰσασα περί του Ίησοΰ έλθοϋσα hind, and touched his
come, having heard about the Jesus, having come MANTLE.
έν τφ δχλω δπισθεν, ήψατο του Ιματίου αύτοΰ. 28 For she said, "If I
in the crowd behind, touched the mantle of him. can but touch his GAR-
("Ελεγε γάρ· "Οτι κδν τφν Ιματίων αύτοΰ MENTS, I shall be cured."
(She said for; That even if the 29 clothos of him 29 And immediately her
δψωμαι σωθήσομαι.) ΚαΙ ευθέως FLOW of BLOOD was dried
I may touch, I shall be saved.) And immediately
up; and she felt in her
έξηράνθη 30ήΚαΙ
μάστιγος. πηγή ευθέωςτου αίματος
ό Ίησοΰς αυτής· καΐ Body That she was cured
was dried upAnd
the Immediately
source of the theblood her; and of that SCOURGE.
Jesus of knowing
έν έαυτφτφ
έ*γνω τήν σώματι,
έξ αύτοΰ δτιδύναμιν
ΐαται έξελθοΰ-
άπό της 30 A n d immediately,
in himself the out of himself power having gone JESUS knowing in himself
§the POWER proceeding
from him, having turned
ΤΙς μου ήψατο τών Ιματίων; ^ΚαΙ Φλέγον round in the CROWD, said,
\vlio of m o touched, the clothes? And s&id "Who touched My GAR-
αύτφ ol μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ· Βλέπεις τόν δχλον MENTS?"
to him the disciples of him; Thou seest the crowd 31 And his DISCIPLES
συνθλ'ιβοντά σε* καΐ λέγεις· ΤίWho said to him, "Thou seest
the CROWD pressing on
η*ψατο; 32ΚαΙ περιεδλέπετο Ιδείν τήν thee, and dost thou say,
touched? And he was looking round to see the(wo~ 'Who touched Me V "
32 And he was looking
τοΰτο ποιήσασαν. Ή δέ γυνή, φοβηθείσα round to see HER who
man) this having done. The but woman, fearing had DONE this.
o<al τρέμουσα, είδυία δ γέγονεν in* 33 Then the WOMAN,
being conscious of what
αύτη, ήλθε καΐ προσέπεσεν αύτφ, καΐ είπεν was wrought upon her,
her, came and f e l l down to h i m , and t o l d fearing and trembling,
αύτφ πάσαν τήν άλήθειαν. 3 * Ό δέ είπεν αύτη* came and fell down before
to him all the truth. He but said to her;
him, and told him All the
Θύγατερ, ή πίστις σου σέσωκέ σε· ΰπαγε TRUTH.
Daughter, the faith of thee has saved thee; go
34 And HE said to her,
είς είρήνην, καΐ Γσθι υγιής άπό της μάστι- §"Daughter, thy FAITH
ln peace, and be thou well from the scourge has cured thee; go in

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—25. certain—omit, the things concerning JESUS.

t 25. Lev. xv. 2 5 ; Matt. ix. 20. t 30. Luke vi. 19; viii. 46. $ 3 4 . Matt. Ix.
2 2 ; Mark x. 5 2 ; Acts xiv. 9.
Chap. 5:35.] MARK. [Chap. 5:43.
voc σου. ^ " Ε τ ι αύτοΰ λαλοΰντος έρχονται peace, and be entirely free
of thee. While of him speaking, they came from thy DISEASE/'
άπό τοϋ άρχισυναγώγου, λέγοντες· "Οτι ή 35 While he was still
speaking, some came from
θυγάτηρ σου απέθανε· τΐ ετι σκΰλλεις t h e SYNAGOGUE-RULER'S
house, who said, "Thy
τόν διδάσκοώον; *Ο δε Ίησοϋς ευθέως, DAUGHTER is d e a d ; why
the teacher? The but Jesus immediately, trouble t h e T E A C H E R ? "
36 * B u t J E S U S , having
άκουσας τόν λόγον λαλούμενον, λέγει heard t h e WORD t h a t was
spoken, immediately said
τφ άρχισυναγώγφ* Μη φοβοΰ, μόνον πί-
to the synagogue-ruler: Not fear, only believe
" F e a r n o t ; only believe."
οτευε. 3 7 Kai ούκ άφήκεν ούδένα αύτφ συνα- 37 And he permitted no
thou. And not he suffered no one him to one to accompany *him,
κολουθήσαι, ει μη Πέτρον, καΐ Ίάκωβον, και except Peter, a n d J a m e s ,
Ίωάννην τόν άδελφόν 'Ιακώβου. Και έρ- and J o h n t h e BROTHER of
χεται εις τόν οίκον τοΰ άρχισυναγώγου, καΐ J a m e s .
38 And *they come t o
θεωρεί θόρυβον, καΐ κλαίοντας καΐ άλαλάζον- the HOUSE of t h e SYNA-
he sees a tumult, and weeping and wailing GOGUE-RULER, and he sees
τας πολλά. 3 9 ΚαΙ ε'ισελθών λέγει αύτοίς· the Confusion, and much
muchi ,Δ,ΐιοΙ li&viii.^) entered he s&ys to them ι weeping and lamenting.
Τι θορυβεϊσθε καΐ κλαίετε; τό παιδίον he 39 And having entered,
s a y s to them, "Why do
Why A r© you troubled And do you wcep ? the child
you weep a n d make confu-
©ύκ άπέθανεν, αλλά καθεύδει. 40 ΚαΙ κατε- sion? t h e CHILD is n o t
γέλων αύτοΰ. Ό δέ, έκβαλών πάντας dead, b u t §sleeps."
derided h i m . H e b u t , having sent out all 40 And they derided
παραλαμβάνει τόν πατέρα τοΰ παιδιού, καΐ him. $But p u t t i n g ±them
he t&k©s the f£ither of the child &nd all out, *he takes t h e FA-
την μητέρα καΐ τους μετ' αύτοϋ, καΐ είσ- THER a n d t h e MOTHER of
the C H I L D , and THOSE
πορεύεται, δπου ϊ\ν τό παιδίον. ΚαΙ κρατή- w i t h him, and goes i n

in, where was the child. And having where t h e CHILD was.
σας της χειρός τοΰ παιδιού, λέγει αύτη· 4 1 And having grasped
grasped the hand of the child, he says to her: the HAND of t h e CHILD,
Ταλιθά, κοΰμι· δ έστι μεθερμηνευόμενον he says to her, " T a l i t h a -
Talitha, cumi; which is being translated: cumi," which, being t r a n s -
42 lated, signifies, 'YOUNG
To κοράσιον, σοΙ λέγω, εγείρε. ΚαΙ εύ- MAIDEN, I say to thee,
The girl, to thee I say, arise. And l m -
θέως ανέστη τό κοράσιον, καΐ περιεπάτει* 42 And immediately t h e
YOUNG MAIDEN arose and
walked about, for she w a s
fjv γάρ ετών δώδεκα. ΚαΙ έξέστη- twelve years old. And
they were exceedingly as-
οαν έκστάσει μεγάλη. ^ Κ α Ι διε-tonished.
ifthed with an astonishment great. And he 43 And §he strictly
οτείλατο αύτοίς πολλά, ίνα μηδείς γνώ charged them t h a t no one
charged them much, that no one might know
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—36. But JESUS, neglecting to hear the WOUD which was
spoken, says. 37. with him. 38. they come to. 40. he takes.
±40. The persons or crowd here spoken of, were probably a set of people usually
hired on these occasions to attend the funeral, and follow the procession with their lamen-
tations. This custom prevailed East. These are the mourning women mentioned by Jere-
miah, chapter ix. 17-21; and by Amos, chapter v. 16. They wore called Pracficce by the
Romans, because they presided over, and began, the funeral dirge. But men ?eem to have
attended amongst them, as well as women. Dr. Shaw n
ment'ons thi? custom to be still con-
tinued in the East; and observes, that the wora n employed on these occasions, perform
their parts with such proper sounds, gestures, and motions, that they rarely fail to worli
up the assembly to an extraordinary pitch of thoughtfulness and sorrow.—Wake field.
t 39. John xi. 11. $40. Acts ix. 40. $ 43. Matt. viii. 4; is. 30; xii. 16; xvii.
9; Mark iii. 12; Luke v. 14.
Chap. 6:1.] MARK. [Chap. 6:8.
καΐ είπε
τοΰτο and δοθήναι αύτη φαγείν.
should know this thing;
spaketo have given to her to eat. and directed to give her
ΚΕΦ. στ'. 6. food.
ΚαΙ έξήλθεν εκείθεν, καΐ ήλθεν εις την CHAPTER VI.
1 And §he departed
πατρίδα αύτοΰ· καΐ άκολουθοΰσιν αύτφ ol thence, and * comes into
country of himself; and follow him the his OWN COUNTRY ; and
μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ. 2ΚαΙ γενομένου σαββάτου, his DISCIPLES follow him.
d i s c i p l e s of h i m . And being come sabbath, 2 And the Sabbath hav-
ing come, he began to
η"ρξατο έν τη συναγωγή διδάσκειν. ΚαΙ teach in the SYNAGOGUE
2ΙΗ kicti&n in the syii3.iro§U-© t o 168.cli· And and *MANY hearing, were
πολλοί άκούοντες έξεπλήσσοντο, λέγοντες· astonished, and s a i d ,
many hearing were astonished, saying: § "Whence has this man
Πόθεν τούτω ταΰτα; καΐ τΙς ή σοφία these things? and What
Whence to this these things? &nd what the wisdom is THAT WISDOM which is
ή δοθείσα αύτφ;
αύτοϋκαΐ δυνάμεις οΰτός imparted *to him? and
διά των χειρών γίνονται. Ούχ'
through the hands of him are done. Not this how are such MIRACLES
έστιν ό τέκτων, ό υΙός Μαρίας, αδελφός performed through his
s the carpenter the son of Mury brother HANDS ?
δε 'Ιακώβου, καΐ Ίωση, καΐ 'Ιούδα, καΐ 3 Is not this the CAR- PENTER? the SON of
and of James, and Joses, and Juda, and
*Mary, and ^Brother of
Σίμωνος; καΐ ούκ είσΐν αϊ άδελφαΐ αύτοΰ ωδε James, and Joses, and Ju-
Simon? and not are the s i s t e r s of ihim here das, and Simon? and are
προς ήμας; ΚαΙ έσκανδαλίζοντο έν αύτφ. not his SISTERS herewith
4with us? And they wore stumbled in him.
*Έλεγε δέ αύτοίς ό Ίησοΰς· "Οτι ούκ £στι us?" And they were per-
Said but to them the Jesus: That not is plexed with him.
προφήτης δτιμος, εΐ μη έν τη πατρ'ιδι 4 But JESUS said to
a prophet without honor, except in the country them, $"A Prophet is not
αύτοΰ, καΐ έν τοίς συγγενεΰσι, καΐ έν without honor, except in
of himself, and among the relatives, and In his OWN COUNTRY, and
τη οικία αύτοΰ. 5Kai ούκ ήδύνατο εκεί ού- among his RELATIVES, and
the house of himself· A.ncl not wns ftble thero no
in his OWN FAMILY."
δεμίαν δύναμιν ποιήσαι εΐ μη ολίγοις άρρώ- 5 §And he was unwil-
ling to do any MIRACLES
στοις έπιθείς τάς χείρας, έθεράπευσε. there, except a Few Sick
having put on the hands, were cured. persons he cured by lay-
Kal έθαΰμαζε διά την άπιστίαν αύ- ing his HANDS on them.
And he wondered because of vne unbelief of 6 And he was surprised
των. on account of their UN-
them. BELIEF. $And he went
round the VILLAGES teach-
ΚαΙ περιηγε τάς κώμας κύκλω, ing.
And he went out round the villages round about, 7 §And he called the
διδάσκων. 7ΚαΙ προσκαλείται τους δώδεκα, TWELVE, and sent Them
forth in pairs ; and gave
και ήρξατο αυτούς άποστέλλειν δύο δύο καΐ IMPURE SPIRITS ; them Authority over the
mi elhe be^an them t o send tTP*o t\^Oj and
έδίδου αύτοίς έξουσίαν επί των πνευμάτων that 8 and he charged them,
ha gave to them authority of the spirits they should take Noth-
των ακαθάρτων, κα1 παρήγγειλεν αύτοίς, ϊνα cept for ing the Journey, ex-

of tho unclean^ and he cliarsed them that

a single Staff; *no
Bread, no Traveling Bag,
μηδέν αϊρωσιν εις δδόν, εΐ μη ράβδον no Copper in the GIRDLE ;
nothing they should take for a way, except a staff
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 .μη
μή πήραν, μη αρτον, είς into.
comes την ξοόνην
2. MANY. 2. to him? and such MIRA-
CLES. no bag,
3. MARY., no bread, of.
and Brother not , into
8 . no the
no traveling Bag.
$ 1. Matt. xiii. 5 4 ; Luke iv. 16. % 2. John vi. 42. t 2. Matt. xii. 4 6 ; G a l .
i. 1 9 . % 4 . Matt. x i i i . 5 7 ; John iv. 4 4 . t 5. Matt. xiii. 5 8 ; Mark ix. 2 3 .
t 6. Matt. ix. 3 5 ; Luke xiii. 22. % 1. Matt. xi. 1 ; Mark i i i . 13, 1 4 ; Luke ix. 1.

Chap. 6:9.] MARK. [Chap. 6:19.
χαλκόν 9
άλλ' ύποδεδεμένους σανδάλια* 9 but to wear SANDALS,
copper m Ley; but having been shod sandals;
and not put on Two Coats.
καΐ μή ένδύσησθε δύο χιτώνας. 10ΚαΙ
and not you may put on two coats. And
10 And he said to them,
βλεγεν αΰτοίς· "Οπου έάν είσέλθητε εις "Whatever house you en-
he said to them: Where if you may enter into
ter, there remain, till you
οΐκίαν, έκεΐ μένετε ίξως άν έξέλθητε leave the place.
α house, there remain till y o u m a y go a w a y
n 11 And* whatever Place
εκείθεν. Kal δσοι ctv μή δέξωνται will not receive you, nor
ύμας, μηδέ άκούσωσιν υμών, έκπορευόμενοι hear you, in departing
you, nor hear you, going away thence, ±$shake off that
εκείθεν, εκτινάξατε τόν χουν τόν ύποκάτω DUST which is UNDER
from thence, shake out the dust that under your FEET, for a Testi-
τών ποδών υμών, είς μαρτύριον αύτοίς. 12ΚαΙ mony to them.
the feet of you, for a witness to them. And
12 And having gone
εξελθόντες έκήρυσσον, ίνα μετανοή-
having gone out they published, that they should forth, they proclaimed
that men should reform.
σωσι· ^καΐ δαιμόνια πολλά έξέβαλλον, καΐ
13 And they expelled
ήλειφον έλαΐφ πολλούς αρρώστους, καΐ έθε- many Demons, and § an-
anoluted with oil many sick ones, and they ointed many sick persons
ράπευον. with Oil, and cured them.
ΚαΙ ίίκουσεν 6 βασιλεύς Ηρώδης,, (ςρανε- 14 §And Herod t h e
And heard the king Herod, (well-
ρόν γάρ έγένετο τό δνομα αύτοΰ,) καΐ ελε- had KING heard, (for JESUS
known for was the name of him,) and he become well-known,)
γεν "Οτι 'Ιωάννης ό βαπτίζων έκ νεκρών and *he said, "John the
said; That John he baptizing out of dead IMMERSER *has risen from
ήγέρθη, καΐ δια τοϋτο ένεργοϋσιν αϊ MIRACLES the Dead, and therefore
has been raised, and through this work the by him."
are performed
δυνάμεις έν αύτφ. 15*Άλλοι έΤ,εγον "Οτι 15 Others said, §"He is
mighty powers in liim. Others s&ici: That Elijah;" and others said,
'Ηλίας έστιν "Αλλοι δέ έ'λεγον "Οτι
1β προ- "He is a prophet, like one
φήτης εστίν, ώς είς τών προφητών. Άκού- of the PROPHETS/'
prophet he is, like one of the prophets. Having
σας δέ 6 'Ηρώδης είπεν "Οτι 8ν έγώ heard, 16 §But HEROD having
said, "That John,
heard for the Herod, said; That whom I whom I beheaded; he is
άπεκεφάλισα Ίωάννην, οδτος ήγέρθη *[έκ raised."
beheaded John, he is raised [from
νεκρών.] 17Αύτός γάρ ό Ηρώδης άποστε'ιλας 17 For HEROD himself
dead. 3 Himself for the Herod, sending had sent and seized JOHN,
έκράτησε τόν Ίωάννην, καΐ Εδησεν αυτόν έν and bound him in Prison,
seized the John, and bound him in on account of Herodias,
φυλακή, διά Ήρωδιάδα, τήν γυναίκα Φι- the WIFE of Philip his
ι for he had
λίππου του άδελφοΰ αύτοΰ, δτι αυτήν έγά- BROTHER ried Her.
Philip of the brother of himself, for her he 18 For JOHN had said
μησεν. 18"Ελεγε γάρ ό 'Ιωάννης τφ Ήρ< to HEROD, $"It is not
had married. Said for the John to the Η
lawful for thee to have
"Οτι ούκ δξεστί σοι εχειν τήν γυναίκα thy BROTHER'S WIFE/'
του άδελφοΰ σου. 1 8 Ή δέ Ήρωδιάς ένεί- 19 Therefore HERODIAS
of the brother of thee. The and Herodias had a was incensed against him,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—11. whatever Place will not. 14. they said. 14. has
arisen 16. from the dead—omit.
± 11. An emblematical action, signifying a renunciation of all further concern with
them. It was very usual among the people of the East to express their intentions by ex-
ternal signs. Many singular examples of this species of language occur both in Old
and New Testaments. See 1 Kings xi. 29; xxii. 11; 2 Kings xiii. 15.
$ 11. Acts xiii. 5 1 ; xviii. 6. % 13. James v. 14. $ 14. Matt. xiv. 1; Luke x. 18.
t 15. Matt. xvi. 14; Mark viii. 28. % 16. Matt. xiv. 2; Luke iii. 19. % 18.
Lev. xviii. 16; xx. 2 1 .
Chap. 6:20.] MARK. [Chap. 6:27.
χεν αύτφ καΐ ήθελεν αυτόν άποκτείναι· and wished to kill him,
grudge against him and wished him to destroy; and could not.
καΐ ούκ ήδύνατο. 20<Ο γαρ Ηρώδης έφοβείτο 20 For HEROD § feared
JOHN, knowing that he
τόν Ίωάννην, ε'ιδώς αυτόν έίνδρα δίκαιοι was a just and holy Man ;
and protected him; and
the John, knowing him a man Just having heard him, he *did
καΐ αγιον και συνετήρει αυτόν καΐ άκουσας many things, and heard
fine} xio 1 yj 8.ncl protected himj And jicfl.rin§ Him gladly.
αύτοΰ πολλά έποίει, καΐ ήδέως αύτοϋ
him, many things he did, and gladly him 21 And a convenient
ήκουε. ^ΚαΙ γενομένης ημέρας εύκαιρου, Day having come, when
δτε 'Ηρώδης τοις γενεσίοις αύτοΰ δεΐπνον Herod, on his BIRTH-DAY,
when Herod to the birthday of himself a feast made a Feast for his NO-
έποίει τοις μεγιστασιν αύτοΰ, καΐ τοις BLES, and for the COM-
χιλιάρχοις, καΐ τοις πρώτοις της ΓαλιλαΙας· of GALILEE ;
commanders, and to the chiefs of the Galilee;
^καΐ είσελθούσης της Ουγατρός αυτής της 22 *the DAUGHTER of
and having entered of the daughter of her of the this HERODIAS having en-
Ήρωδιάδος, καΐ ορχησαμένης, καΐ άρεσά- tered, and danced, *she
Herodias, and dancing, and having pleased HEROD and the
σης τφ Ηρώδη καΐ τοις συνανακειμένοις, GUESTS, *and the KING
pleased the Herod and those reclining at table, said to the girl, "Ask me
είπεν ό βασιλεύς τω κορασίω* ΑΕτησόν με, whatever thou wilt, and I
snld the king t o the l i t t l e ' g i r l : A s k m e , will give it to thee."
δ έάν θέλχις, καΐ δώσω σοι. ^ΚαΙ 23 And he swore to her,
whatever thou w i l t , and I w i l l give to thee. And
ώμοσεν αύτη· "Οτι δ έάν με αΐτή- $ask
"Whatever thou mayst
Me, I will give to thee,
he swore to her; That whatever me thou mayst even to the Half of my
σης, δώσω σοι, έΌος ήμίσους της 6ασι- KINGDOM."
λείαςI w μου.
i l l g i v e 2 4tΉ
o thee,
δέ tέ!ελ#ουσα,
i l l h a l f o είπε
f t h e k i nτχί
24 And SHE going out,
dom of me. The and going out, said to the
said to her MOTHER, "What
μητρί αύτης· ΤΙ αίτήσομαι; *Η δέ είπε· shall I ask?" And she said,
mother of herself; What shall I ask? She and said: "The HEAD of John the
Την κεφαλήν 'Ιωάννου τοΰ βαπτιστοΰ. ^ΚαΙ IMMERSES."
25 And coming in im-
είσελθοϋσα ευθέως μετά σπουδής προς mediately with Haste to
τόν βασιλέα, ήτήσατο, λέγουσα· θέλω ίνα ing KING,
coming in the she asked, say-
" I desire that tliou
the king, she asked, saying: I w i l l that
μοι δφς wouldst
έξαυτης επί πινάκι τήν on a Platter, give me instantly,
the HEAD
to me thou wouldst give instantly on26 A plat© the of John the IMMESSES."
κεφαλήν 'Ιωάννου τοΰ βαπτιστοΰ. ΚαΙ περί-
head of John the dipper. And very 26 §And the KING, be-
λυπος γενόμενος ό βασιλεύς, διά τους ing extremely sorry on
sorry having become the king, because of the
account of the OATHS and
δρκους καΐ τους συνανακειμένους ούκ ήθέ- the GUESTS, would not re-
oaths and those reclining at table not he fuse her.
λησεν αυτήν άθετήσαι. 27ΚαΙ ευθέως άπο- 27 And the KING, im-
would her reject. And immediately send- modiately sending one of
στείλας ό βασιλεύς σπεκουλάτορα, έπέταξεν ±his Guards, ordered his
ing the king a guardsman, he ordered
* VATICAN MANUSCKIPT.—20. was much perplexed, and heard. 22. his DAUGHTEB
Herodius. 22. she pleased. 22. and the KING.
± 2 1 . The custom of celebrating stated solemnities, and the anniversary of the
birth-day in particular, was very general in the East, and might be transferred from
them to the Greeks and Romans. The solemnization of the birth-day by a festival Is
frequently mentioned, or alluded to, in ancient authors.—Waicefield.
± 2 7. The term, spekoulatoora from the Latin speculator, denotes one of the body-
guards, who were so-called, because their principal duty was that of sentinels. They had
however, other confidential duties, and among these that of acting, like Turkish soldiers
of the present day, as executioners.
$ 20. Matt. xiv. 5 ; xxi. 6. $ 23. Esther v. 3 , 6 ; vii. 2. t 26. Matt. xiv. 9.
Chap. 6:28.] MARK. [Chap. 6:35.
ένεχθήναι την κεφαλήν αΰτοΰ. Ό δέ άπελ- ί HEAD to be brought. And
to be brought the head of him. He and going HE having gone forth be-
ftibv άπεκεφάλισεν αυτόν έν xf[ φυλακϋ* headed him in the PRISON ;
forth cut art the head of him in the prison;
28 ± and brought his
κα1 Ιίνεγκε τήν κεφαλήν αύτου επί πίνακι, HEAD on a Platter, and
gave it to the GIRL ; and
καΐ εδωκεν αυτήν τω κορασίω· καΐ το κορά- the GIRL gave it to her
and gave h e r to the*1ittle giri; and the l i t t l e MOTHER.
criov εδωκεν αυτήν xr\ μητρί αύτης. 2 0 Και
girl gave lier to tlie mother of herself· And 29 And h i s disciples
h a v i n g heard, came a n d
άκούσαντες ot μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ, -^λθον, καΐ carried off t h e DEAD BODY,
a n d placed i t i n a Tomb.
flQav τό πτώμα αύτοΰ, καΐ έτηκαν αυτό
took the dead body of him, and placed it 30 §And t h e APOSTLES
έν μνημεί^ϊ. w e r e assembled t o Jesus,
in a tomb. a n d related t o him a l l
ΚαΙ συνάγονται ol απόστολοι προς τόν things, both w h a t they
And were assembled the apostles to the h a d done, a n d w h a t they
Ίησοΰν, καΐ άπήγγειλαν αύτφ πάντα, και h a d t a u g h t .
Jesus, and reported tohim a l l , and
δσα εποίησαν, καΐ δσα έδίδαξαν. 3 1 ΚαΙ εί- 31 And h e * s a i d t o t h e m ,
what they did» And what they taught» And he $"Come you, r e t i r e by
yourselves i n t o a Desert
πεν αύτοίς* Δεύτε ύμείς αυτοί κ α τ ' Ιδίαν Place, a n d r e s t a w h i l e ; "
$for m a n y w e r e T H O S E
ε! ς £ρημον τόπον, καΐ άναπαύεσθε ολίγον. who w e r e COMING a n d GO-
Τ ING, a n d they h a d no lei-
Ησαν γαρ ol ερχόμενοι καΐ ol ύπάγοντες sure, n o t even t o e a t .

πολλοί* καΐ ουδέ φαγείν ηύκαίρουν. 3 2 ΚαΙ 32 And they w e n t away,

inmiyj find not even to e&t theyh&d leisure» And by t h e BOAT, into a
D e s e r t Place, $ t o b e b y
άπηλθον εις £ρημον τόπον τφ πλοίω κ α τ ' themselves.
33 B u t t h e y s a w them
Ιδίαν. ^ Κ α Ι εΐδον αυτούς υπάγοντας· καΐ d e p a r t i n g , and m a n y knew
vately. And they saw them going away; and them ; a n d they r a n toge-
έπέγνωσαν πολλοί· καΐ πεζχί άπό πασών t h e r t h e r e on foot from
knew many; and on foot from all
των πόλεων συνέδραμον εκεί.
Kcd All t h e C I T I E S .
έξελ#ών είδε πολύν δχλον, καΐ έσπλαγχνί- 34 $And coming out, h e
coxnin^ out ho SJI^V ^re&t VL cro^wrd· siucl Tiviis moved
saw a G r e a t Crowd ; a n d
σθη έπ* αύτοίς, δτι ήσαν ώς h e deeply pitied them, Be-
with pity towards them, for they were as cause they w e r e like Sheep
πρόβατα, μή έχοντα ποιμένα· καΐ ήρξατο δι- h a v i n g no Shepherd ; a n d
sheep, not having a shepherd; and he began to % he taught them many
δάσκειν αυτούς πολλά.

ΚαΙ ήδη ώρας things.
teach them many things. And already time 35 $And m u c h Time
± 2 8 . Note here that very remarkable seems the providence of God in avenging the
death of this holy man upon Herod, Herodius, and her daughter For 1st. As the war
brtwixt Herod and Aretis king of Petrea was caused by Herod's wicked contract with
Herodias to reject the daughter of Aretas, his lawful wife, and to marry with Herodias
his brother Philip's wife; Josephus declares that the Jews looked upon the putting John
to death, as the cause of the miscarriage of Herod's army; "God being angry with him
for the death of John the Baptist." 2diy. Herodias envying the glory of king Agrippa,
who had that honour given him by Cains, prevailing with her husband to go to Borne,
and accuse Agrippa; whereupon Caius deprived Herod of his government, and her of her
money; and gave them both to Agrippa, banishing Herod and Herodias to Lyons in
France: "which (says Josephus) was done in punishment of h«r envy, and of his readi-
ngs to hearken to her solicitations." And 3dly, of her daughter it is related, that, she
going over the ice in winter, the ice broke, and she sl^np^d in to th<> he^d which at last
was severed from her body by the sharpness of the ice, Ood requiring hpr head for that of
the Bantist's she desired; which if true, was a wonderful prov'dsnee.—Whitby.
t 30. Luke ix. 10. % 31. Matt. xiv. 13; John vi. 1,2. $ 31. Mark iii. 20.
t 32. Matt. xiv. 13. $ 34. Matt. ix. 36; xiv. 14. $ 34. Luke ix. 11. t 35.
Matt. xiv. 15; Luko ix. 12.
Chap. 6:36.] MARK. [Chap. 6:46.
πολλής γενομένης, προσελθόντες αύτφ ol having already gone, his
DISCIPLES coming to him,
μαθηταΐ αύτου, λέγουσιν "Οτι έρημος έοτιν say, * " The PLACE is a
disciples of him, they say; That a desert is Desert, and now much
δ τόπος, καΐ ήδη ώρα πολλή· 36άπόλυσον Time has passed ;
the place, and already time much; dismiss
αυτούς, Ινα απελθόντες εις τους κύκλφ 36 dismiss them, that
them, that going into the surrounding they may go to the adja-
cent FARMS and Villages,
αγρούς καΐ κώμας, άγοράσωσιν έαυτοίς and buy themselves *what
country and villages, they may buy themselves they should eat."
δρτους* τΐ γάρ φάγωσιν ούκ έ'χουσιν. 3 7 Ό
loaves; any for they might eat not they have. He 37 But HE answering
δε αποκριθείς είπεν αύτοΐς· Δότε αύτοίς said to them, "You sup-
but answering said to them; Give to them ply them." And they say
ΰμείς φαγεΐν. ΚαΙ λέγουσιν αΰτφ· Απελθόν- to him, "Should we go and
you to Gflt· A.UU they sny to nιJY\* Croln§ for Two hundred Denarii
τες άγοράσωμεν δηναρίων διακοσίων άρτους, buy Loaves, and give
may we buy denarii two hundred loaves, them to eat?"
?cal δώμεν αύτοίς ςραγεΙ/ν; 3 8 Ό δέ λέγει αύ- 38 And HE says to them,
and give to them to eat? He but says to
"How Many Loaves have
τοις· Πόσους άρτους Ιχετε; υπάγετε καΐ you? Go and see." And
tliem* H o w ΤΏflTty lo&ves htive you? f£Q you fl.iid having ascertained, they
Ιδετε. ΚαΙ γνόντες, λέγουσι* Πέντε, καΐ say, t " Five, and Two
see you. And having ascertained, they say: Five and
δύο Ιχθύας. 30 ΚαΙ έπέτάξεν αύτοίς άνακλίναι
tTR^O f 1 SI1Q S · A ^l Ο Ι1Θ OTClGI* GU txlOHl t Ο ΧΏ&&β I*6C 1 1 HO 39 And he commanded
πάντας, συμπόσια συμπόσια, επί τφχλωρφ χόρτφ. them to make all recline
in Companies on the
all, company company, on tho greengrass. GREEN Grass.
*°ΚαΙ άνέπεσον πρασιαΐ πρασιαί, άνά εκατόν 40 And they lay down
^Lud they rec 1 iued SQUELFQS sciii&rGSj J-^y ft II\HICIT©(J> in Squares, by Hundreds
καΐ άνά πεντήκοντα. 41 ΚαΙ λαβών τους πέντε and by Fifties.
and by fifty. And taking the five
δρτους καΐ τους δύο Ιχθύας, άναβλέψας είς 41 And taking the FIVE
1 Οίΐν©s ftnd tliΘ tT^o fisliosj looking up ^0 Loaves and the TWO Fishr
es, and looking towards
τόν ούρανόν, ευλόγησε, καΐ κατέκλασε τους HEAVEN, he praised God,
δρτους, καΐ έδίδου τοις μαθηταίς αύτου, ϊνα and broke the LOAVES,
loaves, and gave t o the d i s c i p l e s of h i m , that and gave to * the DISCI-
παραθώσιν αύτοίς· καΐ τους δύο Ιχθύας PLES to set before them;
they might set before them; and the two fishes and the TWO Fishes he
έμέρισε πασι. 42 Καί £φαγον πάντες, καΐ distributed to all.
he divided to all. And they ate all, and 42 And they all ate and
έχορτάσθησαν. ΚαΙ ήραν κλασμάτων were satisfied.
\^©re fiI led· A.xid titoy took up of f Tii^rnents 43 And they took up
δώδεκα κοφίνους πλήρεις, καΐ άπό τών Ιχθύων, Twelve Baskets full of
twelve baskets full, and of the fishes.
Fragments [of the Bread,
^ΚαΙ ήσαν ol φαγόντες τους άρτους, πεν- and of the FISHES.]
44 Now THOSE who ATE
τακισχίλιοι άνδρες, of the LOAVES were Five
thousand men.
thousand Men.
ΚαΙ ευθέως ηνάγκασε τους μαθητάς 45$And immediately he
And immediately he urged the disciples constrained his DISCIPLES
αύτου έμβηναι είς τό πλοΐον, καΐ προά- to go into the BOAT, and
of uixxisoX£ to step into tlio - slilpy And to £>o precede him to the OTHER
γειν είς τό πέραν προς Βηθσαϊδάν, εως αυτός SIDE, towards Bethsaida,
I) c f ο Γ © t o 11ι © ο t xi Θ Γ s ι u Θ t o C ©tlisii ldAy w li ί 1 β li Qwhile he should send away
απόλυση τόν δχλον. 4δ ΚαΙ άποταξάμενος the CROWD.
46 And having dismis-
Should dismiss the crowd. And having sent away sed them, he retired to
αύτοίς, άπήλθεν είς τό δρος προσεύξα- the MOUNTAIN to pray.
them, he went into the mountain to pray.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—35. The PLACE is a Desert. 36. what they should eat
But HB. 41. the DISCIPLES.
% 38. Matt. xiv. 17; Luke ix. 1 3 ; John vi. 9. $ 45. Matt. xiv. 2 0 ; John vi. 17.
Chap. 6:47.] MAItK. [Chap. 6:56.
σθαι. 4τΚαΙ δψίας γενομένης, fjv τό πλοίον 47 And Evening having
And evening having come, was the ship come, the BOAT was in the
έν μέσφ της θαλάσσης· καΐ αυτός μόνος Midst of the LAKE, and he
in middle of the sea; and he alone was alone on the LAND.
επί της γης. 48ΚαΙ είθεν αυτούς βασανιζομέ-
upon the land. And he saw them tormented 48 And he saw them
νους έν τφ έλαύνειν fjv γάρ 6 άνεμος toiling a t the OAR ; for the
in the* rowing; was for the wind WIND was against them;
and about the ± Fourth
έναντίος αύτοις. ΚαΙ περί τετάρτην φυλακήν Watch
opposite to them. And about fourth watch
of the NIGHT, he
της νυκτός Ιρχεται προς αυτούς, περίπατων comes towards them walk-
ing on the LAKE, and
of the night comes towards them, walking
επί της θαλάσσης* καΐ ήθελε παρελθεΕν αυτούς. wished to pass by them.
on the sea; and wished to pass them.
49 49 But seeing him walk-
Ol δέ, Ιδόντες αυτόν περιπατοΰντα επί τηςing on the LAKE, they
They but, seeing him walking on the thought it was an Appari-
ι phai
άνέκραξαν. 5 0εδοξανΠάντες γάρ φάντασμα καΐ tion, and they cried o u t ;
είναι, καΐ
αυτόν είδον,
they cried out. All for him saw, and 50 for they all saw him,
έταράχθησαν. ΚαΙ ευθέως έλάλησε μετ' and were terrified. And
αυτών, καΐ λέγει αύτοίς* Θαρσείτε* έγώ them, saying,he"Take immediately spoke with
tbem. and s&ys Β1t o t h e m ι Τ8.Κ.Θ courugej X
είμι, μη φοδείσθε. ΚαΙ άνέβη προς αυτούς age, it is I ; be not afraid."
&m> not be tifr&icl· .iVxicl lie ^yeiit up to them
είς τό πλοίον καΐ έκόπασεν ό δνεμος. ΚαΙ 51 And he went up to
into the boat; and ceased
them into the BOAT; and
the wind. And the WIND ceased ; and they
λίαν *[έκ περισσού] έν έαυτοίς έξίσταντο, were exceedingly amazed
* [καΐ έθαύμαζον.] 52Ού γάρ συνήκαν in themselves.
Am&zo(i C&nd. "Wondered.] Wot for they understood
επί τοις άρτοις· fiv γάρ ή καρδία αυτών 52 For§theyunderstood
about the loaves; was for the heart of them not about the LOAVES ;
because their HEART was
πεπωρωμένη. stupified.
having been stupifled.
ΚαΙ διαπεράσαντες ^λθον είς τήν γην 53 And having passed

And having passed over they came to the land over, they came to t h e
Γεννησαρέτ* καΐ προσωρμίσθησαν. ΚαΙ έξελ- LAND of Gennessaret, and

Gennesaret; and drew to the shore. And coming put to the shore.
θόντων αυτών έκ του πλοίου, ευθέως
54 And coming out of
έπιγνόντες αυτόν, ^περιδραμόντες δλην τήν the BOAT, immediately
knowing him, running about whole the they recognized him,
περίχωρον έκείνην, ήρξαντο επί τοίς 55 and running through
κραββάτοις τους κακώς έχοντας περιφέρειν, REGION, that Whole SURROUNDING
couches those sickness having to carry about, carried about the
δπου ήκουον, 6τι εκεί έστι. ΚαΙ δπου where they heard he was.
4 1
fiv ώίσεπορεύετο είς κώμας, η πόλεις, η 56 And wherever he en-
αγρούς, έν ταίς άγοραίς έτιθουν τους άσθε- tered, into Towns, or Cit-
Villages, in the markets they placed those being ies, or Villages, they
placed the SICK in the
•νοΰντας, καΐ παρεκάλουν αυτόν, ϊνα καν τουMARKETS,
sick, and they besought him, that If even the and implored
κρασπέδου τοϋ Ιματίου αύτοΰ δψωνται· him, $that they might but
touch the TUFT of his
tuft of the mantle of him they might touch; MANTLE ; and as many as
καΐ όσοι αν ίίπτοντο αύτοΰ, έσώζοντο. touched him were cured.
and whoever touched him, were saved.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—51. out of measure—omit. 51. and wondered—omit.
± 4 8 . See Notes on Matt. xiv. 25, 26.
t 4 5. Matt. xiv. 2 2 ; John vi. 17. $ 52. Mark vili. 17,18. t 56. Matt. ix.
2 0 ; Mark v. 27, 2 8 ; Acts xix. 12.
Chap. 7:1-1 MARK. [Chap. 7:9.
ΚΕΦ. %'. 7.
*ΚαΙ συνάγονται προς αυτόν ot Φαρισαίοι, CHAPTER VII.
And were gathered to him the Pharisees, 1 §And the PHARISEES,
καί τίνες τών γραμματέων, έλθόντες άπό and some of the SCRIBES,
having come from Jerusa-
*Ιεροσολχ'<μων· 2κα1 ίδόντες τινάς τών μαθη- lem, resorted to him.
τών αυτοί; κοιναϊς χερσί, τοϋτ' £στιν 2 And observing some
pics ofliim with coniniOIL litmus y txifit *s of his DISCIPLES eating
BREAD with common, that
άν'ιπτοις, έσθίοντας άρτους· 3 (ol γάρ Φαρι- is,with Unwashed Hands;
unwashed, eating loaves; (the for Pbarl-
σαίοι καΐ πάντες ol 'Ιουδαίοι, έάν μή πυγμή 3 (for the PHARISEES,
sees and all the Jews, if not with fist and All the Jews holding
νίψωνται τάς χείρας, ουκ έσθίουσι, κρα- the TRADITION of the ELD-
they may wash the hands, not they eat, hold- ERS, eat not, unless they
τοΰντες την παράδοσιν τών πρεσβυτέρων 4κα1 wash their HANDS with
ing the tradition of the elders; and the Fist;
άπό αγοράς, έάν μή βαπτίσωνται, ούκ έσθί-
f rom a market, if not they might dip, not they 4 and coming from a
ουσι· καΐ &λλα πολλά έστιν, α παρέ- Market, unless they •im-
©atj And other many things is, which t l i e y merse themselves, they eat
λαδον κρατείν, βαπτίΓμούς ποτηριών, καΐ Ι,ε- not. And many other
received to hold, dippings of cups, and of things there are which
στων, καΐ χαλκίων, *[καΙ κλινών·]) 6επει- they have received to
pots, and of copper vessels,' [and of couches;:) then maintain,—Immersions of
τα έπερο>τώσιν αυτόν ol Φαρισαίοι καΐ ol Gups and of Pots, and of
asked him the Pharisees and the Copper vessels ;)
γραμματείς· ΔιατΙ ol μαθηταί σου ού περίπα- 5 *both the PHARISEES
scribes; Why the disciples of thee not walk
and the SCRIBES asked
τουσι κατά την παράδοσιν τών πρεσβυτέ- him, "Why do not thy
DISCIPLES walk according
ρων, αλλά κοιναίς χερσίν έσθίουσι τόν ά*ρτον; to the TRADITION of the
e but with common hands they eat the loaf? ELDERS, but eat BREAD
*O * [δέ αποκριθείς] είπεν αΰτοίς· "Οτι with common Hands?"
He Cbut answer Ing ] said to them: That
«αλώς προεφήτευσεν Ησαΐας περί υμών τών 6 He said to them, "Well
well prophesied Esaias about you tho did Isaiah prophesy con-
υποκριτών, ώς γέγραπται· «Οδτος ό λαός cerning you, HYPOCRITES,
hypocrites, as it is written: "This the people
as it is written, §'This
τοις χείλεσι μέ τιμφ, ή δέ καρδία αυτών 'PEOPLE honor me with
with the lips me honor, the but heart of them
7 'their LIPS, but their
πόρρω απέχει άπ' έμου. Μάτην δέ σέ- 'HEART is far removed
βονται με, διδάσκοντες διδασκαλίας, εντάλ- 'from me.
ματα ανθρώπων.» 8 Άφέντες *[γάρ] την έντο- 'worship 7 'But in vain do they
me, teaching as
mandments of men." Leaving [for] the com- 'Doctrines, the Precepts
λήν του Θεοΰ, κρατείτε τήν παράδοσιν 'of Men.»
mandment of the God, you hold the tradition 8 Laying aside the
νών ανθρώπων, *[6απτισμούς ξεστών καΐ πο- COMMANDMENT Of GOD,
of the men, [dippings of pots and of you retain the TRADITION
τηρί,ων καΐ δλλα παρόμοια τοιαύτα πολ- Of M E N . "
cups; and other similar such like many
λά ποιείτε.] 9ΚαΙ £λεγεν αΰτοίς. Καλώς άθε- 9 And he said to them,
things you do.] And he said to them. Well you set "Well do you annul the
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 . besprinkle themselves, they eat not. 4. and of couches
-—omit. 5. both the PHARISEES. 6. but answering—omit. 8. For—omit. 8. dip-
pings of Pots and of Cups; and many other such like things you do—omit.
± 3. The Pharisees, (says Josephus.) delivered many doctrines of the people es belong-
ing to the law, which were handed the fathers, but not written in the law of
Moses; and for this reason, the sect of the Sadducees rejects them; maintaining that
those things which are written, ought to be accounted parts of the law. and that such as
are only received by tradition from the fathers ought not to be observed.—Ant. xiii. 18.
* 1. Matt. xv. 1. t 6. Isa. xxix. 13.
Chap. 7:10.] MARK. [Chap. 7:18.
τεϊτε την έντολήν του ©εου, Ινα την ΟΟΤνϊΐΙΑ'ΝϋΙίΓΕΙΤΡ o f GTH5,
aside the commandment of the God, that the that you may keep your
παράδοσιν υμών τηρήσητε. Μωσης γάρ OWn TRADITION.
tradition of you you may keep. Moses for 10 For Moses said, $'Hon~
εΙπε «Τίμα τόν πατέρα σου καΐ την μητέρα or thy FATHER and thy
said: "Honor the father of thee and the mother MOTHER, and §He who
σου·» και' «*Ο κακολογών πατέρα ή μητέρα, 'REVILES Father or Mo-
' ther, let him be punished
θανάτω τελευτάτω.» Υμείς δέ λέγετε· Έάν 'with Death.'
a death l e t him d i e . " You but say: If
11 But you assert, 'If a
εϊπχι άνθρωπος τφ πατρί η1 τη μητρί, man say to FATHER or MO-
should say a man to the father or the mother,
THER, $Be that Corban,
Κορβάν (8 έστι, δώρον), δ έάν έξ έμοΰ that is, an Offering, ±by
m which thou mightest de-
ώφεληθης· [καΐ] ούκέτι άφίετε
rive assistance from m e ;
thou mightest be profited; [and] no more you suffer
αυτόν ουδέν ποιήσαι τω πατρί * Γαύ- 12 you no more permit
him any thing to do for the father tof him to do any thing for
του,] ή τη μητρί *[αύτοΰ,] άκυροΰν- FATHER ΟΓ MOTHER :
himself,] or for the mother [of himself] making 13 making void the
τες τόν λόγον του Θεοΰ ττ\ παραδόσει WORD of GOD by your TRA-
Vo i cl til ο Λν ord of to,© God for th© t r a d i t i o n DITION, which you h a ve
delivered ; and many such
υμών, $ παρεδώκατε· καΐ παρόμοια τοιαΰ_
like Things you d o . "
τα πολλά ποιείτε. 1 4 ΚαΙ προσκαλεσάμενος 14 §And having *again
called All of the CROWD,
πάντα τόν δχλον, ελεγεν αύτοΐς· Άκούετέ he said to them, " L e t all
listen to me, and be in-
μου πάντες, καΐ συν'ιετε. ^Ούδέν έστιν structed.
mo all, and be instructed. Nothing is
15 There n o t h i n g from
έξωθεν του άνθρωπου, είσπορευόμενον εις without t h e MAN, which
outside of the man, entering into
entering in * POLLUTES
αυτόν, 8 δύναται αυτόν κοινώσαι· him ; b u t the THINGS pro-
him, which Is able him to make common; ceeding from * t h e MAN,
αλλά τά έκπορευόμενα άπ' αύτοΰ, έκείνά έστι are the T H I N G S which
but the things proceeding from him, those is
τά κοινοΰντα τόν δνθρωπον. 1 β * [Έ£
16 *$[If any one h a s
the things making common the man. 1 7 Elf E a r s to hear, let him
τις έχει ωτα άκούειν, άκουέτω.] ΚαΙ
any one has ears to hear, let him hear.] And h e a r . " ]
δτε είσηλθεν εις τόν οίκον άπό του δχλου, 17 §And when he w e n t
•wrhei owd, from t h e CROWD into a
House, his DISCIPLES
έπηρώτων αυτόν ol μαθηταΐ αι'του περί
asked him concerning t h e
asked him the diseiplesr of him concerning
της παραβολής. 1 8 ΚαΙ λέγει αύτοϊς* Οΰτω καΐ PARABLE.
the parable. And he says to them; Thus also 18 And he says to them,
νμείζ άσύνετοί έστε, Ου νοείτε, 8τι "Are you also so destitute
you without understanding are? Not know you, that of understanding? Do you
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. And—omit. 12. his—omit. 12. his—omit. K.
again called. 15. POLLUTES him. 15. the MAN, are the THINGS which POLLUTE him.
16. If any one has Ears to hear let him hear—omit.
t 11. A Piece of history, delivered in the Talmud, will illustrate this subject, and at
the same time exhibit in a clear light the profligacy, superstition, and casuistry of the
Jews. A man of Beth-Horon had made a vow, and declared that his father should reap no
benefit from his property. Afterwards, on the occasion of his son's marriage, he wished to
invite his father to the entertainment; and, to evade the obligation of his vow, he trans-
ferred his right and property in the room and feast to a friend, who was engaged to invite
his father. This, however, was judged to be unlawful, unless he had transferred entirely
and truly this part of his property to his friend, without interposing any condition with
respect to the invitation of his father, whom he was bound by all means not to profit.
How can wo be surprised at the severity with which our Savior rebuked such vile casuistry,
such want of natural affection, and such abominable hypocrisy?—Wo^eHeld.
$ 10. Exod. xx. 12; Deut. v. 16; Matt. xv. 4. % 10. Exod. xxi. 17; Lev. xx. 9; Prov.
xx. 20. i l l . Matt. xv. 5 ; xxiii. 18. $ 14. Matt. xv. 10. % 16. Matt. xi. 15.
$ 17. Matt. xv. 15.

Chap. 7:19.] MARK. [Chap. 7:28.
πάν τό Εξωθεν, είσπορευόμενον ε'ις τόν not perceive, that nothing
all that without, entering- into the from without, ENTERING
INTO the MAN, can pollute·
βνθρωπον, ού δύναται αυτόν κοινώσαι; Him?
ϊβ8τι ούκ είσπορεύεται αύτοΰ εις την καρδίαν, 19 because it enters not
into the HEART, but into
άλλ' είς την κοιλίαν* καΐ είς τόν άφεδρώνα the BELLY, and passes in-
to the SINK, purifying All
but into the belly; and into the privy the FOOD/
εκπορεύεται, καθαρίζον πάντα τά βρώματα.
20"Ελεγε δέ· "Οτι τό έκ τοϋ άνθρωπου 20 And he said, " T H A T
He said and; That the out of the man, which PROCEEDS OUT OP
έκπορευόμενον, εκείνο κοινοί τόν the MAN, t h a t pollutes
proceeding forth, that makes common the the MAN.
βνθρωπον · "Εσωθεν γάρ έκ της καρδίας 21 $For from within,
man; Within for out of the heart OUt Of t h e HEART Of MEN,
τών ανθρώπων ol διαλογισμοί ol κακοί εκπο- —Adulteries, Fornica-
22 tions, Murders,
ρεύονται· μοιχείαι, πορνείαι, φόνοι, κλοπαί,
22 Thefts, Covetousness,
πλεονεξίαι, πονηρίαι, δόλος, ασέλγεια, Villainies, Deceit, Intem-
perance, Envy, Calumnies,
οφθαλμός πονηρός, βλασφημία, ύπερηφανία, Pride, and Folly.

αφροσύνη· ^πάντα ταΰτα τά πονηρά 23 All These EVIL things

folly; all these the things evil emanate from within, and
pollute the MAN."
£σωθεν εκπορεύεται, καΐ κοινοί τόν
within comes forth, and makes common the 24 §And arising thence,
έίνθρωπον. he retired into the CON-
man. FINES of Tyre and Sidon ;
Kal εκείθεν άναστάς, άπήλθεν είς τά and having entered into
And thence arising, he went into the the HOUSE, he desired no
μεθόρια Τύρου καΐ Σιδώνος· καΐ είσελθών είς one to know i t ; but he
borders of Tyre and Sidon; and entering into could not be concealed.
τήν οΐκίαν, ούδένα
ήδυνήθη λαθείν. ήθελε γνώναι· γάρ
^Άκούσασα καΐ ούκ
he was able to be concealed. Having heard for a 25 For a Woman, whose
•νή περί αύτοΰ, ής είχε τό θυγάτριον LITTLE DAUGHTER had an
w o m a n about h i m , of w h o m had t h e l i t t l e d a u g h t e r
unclean Spirit, •immedi-
αύτης πνεΰμα άκάθαρτον, έλθοΰσα προσ- ately heard of him; and
of h e r s e l f a s p i r i t unclean, having come f e l l having come fell down at
έπεσε προς τους πόδας αύτου· ^(ήν δέ ή his FEET ;
down to the feet of him; (was now the
γυνή ΈλληνΙς, Συροφοινίκισσα τφ γένει·) 26 (now the WOMAN
woman a Greek, a Syrophenician to the birth;) was ±an Hellenist, a NA-
«ai ήρώτα αυτόν, ίνα τό δαιμόνιον έκ_ TIVE of Syrophenicia.)
and she besought him, that the demon he and she entreated him to
Ό expel the DEMON from her
2 7
βάλχι έκ της θυγατρός αυτής.
Would cast out of the daughter of herself. The DAUGHTER.
δέ Ίησοΰς είπεν αύτη· "Αφες πρώτον χορ- 27 * And he said to her,
fout Jesus said to her; Let alone first to be
"Let the CHILDREN first
τασθήναι τά τέκνα* ού γάρ καλόν έστι, λα- be satisfied ; for it is not
filled the children; not for good i t is, to proper to take the CHIL-
6εϊν τόν αρτον τών τέκνων, καΐ βαλείν τοις DREN'S BREAD, and throw
take the bread of the children, and to cast to the
it to the DOGS.·"
«υναρίοις. 2 8 Ή δέ άπεκρίθη, καΐ λέγει αύτω*
dogs. She but answered, and says to him; 28 But she answered,
Nat, κύριε* καΐ γάρ τά κυνάρια ύπακάτω της and says to him, "True,
Yes, sir; even for the dogs under the Sir; yet even the DOGS

VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—25. immediately heard. 27. And he said.

26. One who spoke the Greek language.
21. Gen. vi. 5 ; viii. 2 1 ; Matt. xv. 19. ί 24. Matt. xv. 2 1 .
Chap. 7:29.] MARK. [Chap. 7:37.
τραπέζης έσθίει άπό των ψιχίων των παιδιών, under the TABLE eat of the
table eatest from of the crumbs of the children.
ΚαΙ είπεν αύτη* Διά τοϋτον τόν λόγον
And he said to her; Through 29 And he said to her,
this the word
{ίπαγε· έξελήλυθε της "For This REMARK, go;
τό δαιμόνιον έκ
go: has come out the demon from
the the DEMON has departed
θυγατρός σου. 30 Kai απελθούσα είς τόν form thy DAUGHTER."
daughter of thee. And having gone Into the
οίκον αυτής, εδρε τό δαιμόνιον έξελη- 30 And departing to her
house of her, she found the «lemon having HOUSE, she found * her
λυθός, καΐ την θυγατέρα βεβλημένην επί DAUGHTER laid upon the
gone out, and the daughter having been laid upon BED, and the DEMON ex-
της κλίνης, pelled.
the bed.
31 $And again leaving
Kal πάλιν έξελθών έκ τών ορίων Τύρου the CONFINES of Tyre, *he
And again coming out fram the borders of Tyre came by Sidon to the LAKE
of GALILEE, through the
«αϊ Σιδώνος, ίίλθεν είς την θάλασσαν της Midst of the BORDERS of
Γαλιλαίας, άνά μέσον τών ορίων Δεκαπό- 32 $And they bring to
Gill i le©j
32 tjiroui^ft midst of ttio borders of D©c£i— him a deaf man who stam-
λεως. Kal φέρουσιν αύτφ κωφόν μογιλά- mered, and they entreat
polis. And they bring to him a deaf man a stam-
him to place his HAND
λον, καΐ παρακαλοΰσιν αυτόν ίνα έπιθχί on him.
merer, and they entreat
33 him that he might place 33 And having privately
αύτφ τήν χείρα. ΚαΙ άπολαβόμενος αυτόν taken him from the CROWD,
to him the hand. And having taken him
t he put his FINGERS into
άπό του δχλου κατ' Ιδίαν, ^βαλε τους δα- his EARS, and spitting,
touched his TONGUE ;
πτύσας αύτοΰ
ήψατο καΐείς
κα1 τα ώτα
γλώσσης αύτου,
αύτοϋ· 84

spitting he touched the tongue of him and 34 and looking up to

άναβλέψας είς τόν ούρανόν, έστέναξε, καΐ HEAVEN, he groaned, and
says to him, "Ephphatha,"
λέγει, αύτφ· Έφφαθά, δ έστι, διανοίχθητι. that is, Be opened.
says to him: Ephphatha, that is, be opened.
8B 35 And His EARS were
Kal * [ευθέως] διηνοίχθησαν αύτου al άκοαί· opened, and the CORD of
And CimmediatelyH were opened of him the ears; his TONGUE was loosed,
wxl έλύθη ό δεσμός της γλώσσης αύτοϋ, and he spoke plainly.
and was loosed the bond of the tongue of him,
«αϊ έλάλει ορθώς. s e Kal διεστείλατο αύτοίς, 36 $And he charged
and he spoke plainly. And he charged them, them that they should tell
ίνα μηδενΐ εΕπχοσιν 8σον δέ αυτός αύτοίς no one; but the more *he
that no. one they should t e l l ; what but he to them charged them, the more
διεστέλλετο, μάλλον περισσότερον έκήρυσσον. abundantly *they pub-
charged, more abundantly they published.
lished it.
ΚαΙ ύπερπερισσώς έξεπλήσσοντο, λέγοντες· 37 And they were as-
And beyond measure they were astonished, saying; tonished beyond measure,
Καλώς πάντα πεποίηκε· καΐ τους κωφούς saying, " H e has done all
Well all (things) he has done; and the deaf ones things well; he makes both
ποιεί άκούειν, καΐ τους άλαλους λαλείν. the DEAF to hear, and the
be makes to hear, and the dumb ones to speak. *Dumb to speak."
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 0 . her DAUGHTER laid upon the BED, and the DEMON
expelled. 31. he came by Sidon to. 35. immediately—omit. 36. he charged. 36.
t h e y published. 37. Dumb.
± 3 3 . Doddridge well observes about this miracle, " I f any should ask Why our Lord
used these actions, when a word alone would have been sufficient; and such means (if they
can be called means) could in themselves do nothing at all to answer the e n d , — I frankly
confess I cannot tell, nor am I at all concerned to know. * * * * Had Christ's patients-,
like Naaman, (2 Kings v. 11, 12.) been too nice in their exceptions on these occasions,
I fear they would have lost their cure and the indulgence of a curious, or petulant mind,
would have been but a poor equivalent for such a loss."
$ 31. Matt. xv. 20. $ 3 2 . Matt. ix. 3 2 ; Luke xi. 14. $36. Mark v. 4 ; vlli. 26.
Chap. 8:1.] MARK. [Chap. 8:11.

Έν έκείναις ταίς ήμέραις, παμπόλλου δχλου 1 § In Those DAYS the
In those the days, very great crowd
Crowd * again being great,
δντος, καΐ μη εχόντων τΐ φάγωσι and having nothing to
eat, calling his DISCIPLES,
προσκαλεσάμενος τους μαθητάς αύτοΰ λέγει he says to them,
having called the disciples of himself he says
αύτοΐς· 2Σπλαγχνίζομαι επί τον δχλον δτι 2 " I have compassion
on the CROWD, Because
ήδη ήμέραι τρεις προσμένουσί *[μοι,] καΐ now they have continued
aow days three, they continue [with me] and three Days, and have
οΰκ εχουσι τΐ φάγωσι. 3
ΚαΙ έάν ά- nothing to eat;
not theV have any thing they can eat. And if I 3 and if I dismiss them
Λολΰσω αυτούς νήστεις εις οίκον αυτών, fasting to their Homes,
they will faint on the
dismiss them fasting into house of themselves, ROAD ; for some of them
έκλυθήσονται έν xf[ όδώ· τινές γαρ αυτών have come from a great
they w i l l faint on the way; some for of them
μακρόθεν ή*κουσι. 4ΚαΙ άπεκρίθησαν αύτφ distance."
ft fit^*®^^ clistftnc© bfive come» .Autl &nsw©r©ci t o ΙΙΙΙΏ 4 And his DISCIPLES
ol μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ· Πόθεν τούτους δυνήσεταί answered him, "Whence
the disciples of him; Whence these w i l l bo able will any one be able to
τις ώδε χορτάσαι δρτων έπ' έρημ'ι- satisfy These with Bread
Any one here to satisfy of loaves In a desert here in a Desert place?"
ας; Β
ΚαΙ έπηρώτα αυτούς· Πόσους έχετε 5 §And he asked them,
place? And he asked them; How many have you " How Many Loaves have
δρτους; ΟΙ δέ είπον Επτά. ΚαΙ παρήγγειλε β
you?" And THEY said,
loaves? They and say: Seven. And he gave orders "Seven."
φ the δχλωχ άναπεσεϊν επί της γης* καΐ 6 And he commanded
crowd to recline ground; and the CROWD to recline on
to the crowd to recline upon the the GROUND ; *and taking
λαβών τους επτά άρτους, εύχαριστήσας έκλα- the SEVEN Loaves, §and
σε, καΐ έδίδου τοις μαθηταίς αύτοΰ, Ενα having given thanks, he
broke, and gave to the disciples of himself, that broke them, and gave them
παρέθηκαν τφ tribution, to his DISCIPLES for dis-
παραθώσι· καΐ they set before the and they placed
they might set before: and them before the CROWD.
δχλφ. ΚαΙ είχον
7 Ιχθύδια ολίγα· καΐ 7 And they had a few
crowd. And they had email fishes a few; and Small fishes ; and having
εύλογήσας, είπε παραθήναι καΐ αυτά. said, " praise offered for them, he
Place * These also
giving prftise» he sftid ι JPlace before Also them· before them."
*Έφαγον δέ, καΐ έχορτάσθησαν καΐ ήραν 8 Thus they ate, and
Thy t f t d κλασμάτων,
& i "WΘΓΘ fii 1 e dεπτά h e y t o k u p were satisfied; and they
&OOL t σπυρίδας.
took up of the remaining
«ΤΗσ«ν δέ ol φαγόντ«ς, Fragments Seven large
Were and those having eaten, Baskets full.
κισχίλιοι* καΐ άπέλυσεν αυτούς, 9 And * they were about
thousand; and he dismissed them. Four thousand; and he
ΚαΙ ευθέως έμβάς εις τό πλοΐον μετά dismissed them.
10 % And immediately
And immediately entering into the ship with *he entered into the BOAT
των μαθητών αύτοΰ, ή"λθεν είς τά μέρη
tli ο disciples of lii mse 11 $ ϊι ο c ΑΙΩ Θ into tli6 i)& ι* t s with his DISCIPLES, and
came into the REGION of
Δαλμανουθά. ^ΚαΙ έξηλθον ol Φαρισαΐοι ± Dalmanutha.
of Dalmanutha. And came forth the Pharisees,
11 §And the PHARISEES
καΐ ίίρίαντο συζητείν αύτφ, ξητοΰντες παρ* came forth, and began to
and began to argue with him, seeking of argue with him, seeking

* VATICAN M A N U S C E I P T . — 1 . again being great. 7. These. 9. And they were about.

10. h e entered.
± 1 0 . The same as Magdala; see Matt. xv. 39.
ί 1. Matt. xv. 32. t 5. Matt. xv. 3 4 ; Mark vi. 38. t 6. Matt. xiv. 1 9 ; Mark
Ti. 41. $ 10. Matt. xv. 39. t i l . Matt. xii. 3 8 ; xyi. 1 ; John vi. 80.
Chap. 8:12.] MARK. [CHap. 8:21.
αύτοΰ σημείον άπό του ούρανοΰ, πειράζοντες of him a Sign from HEA-
VEN, trying him.
αυτόν. 12 ΚαΙ
And groaning deeply to the
τφ πνεύματι
12 And groaning deeply
in his SPIRIT, he says,
αύτου, λέγει* ΤΙ ή γενεά αυτή ση- "Why does this GENERA-
of himself, he says: Why the generation this a
TION seek a Sign ? Indeed,
μείον επιζητεί; 'Αμήν λέγω *[ύμίν,] εΐ
I say to you, no Sign shall
gign seeks? Indeed I say Cto you,] If
δοθήσεται ΎΎ\ γενεά ταύτχ] σημείον.
be given to this GENERA-
slisill l)o κiv©u to tlio ccnerfttioix t h i s A s i £»u· 13 And leaving them,
ΚαΙ άφείς αυτούς, έμβάς πάλιν *[είς τό re-embarking, he passed
And leaving them, entering again [into the to the OTHER SIDE.
πλοίον,] άπηλθεν είς τό πέραν. Και 14 $Now they forgot to
ship,3 he departed to tlie other side* And
έπελάθοντο λαβείν δρτους, καΐ ει μη §να One Loaf with them in
take Bread, and had but
they iorcot to title ο lo&ves· And except ο Tie the BOAT.
βρτον ουκ είχον μεθ' εαυτών έν τω
loaf not they had with themselves in the 15 §And he charged
πλοίο). 15 ΚαΙ διεστέλλετο αύτοίς, λέγων *Ορά- them, saying, " Observe!
ehip! And he charged them, saying; Look Beware of the ± LEAVEN of
τε, βλέπετε άπό της ζύμης των Φαρισα'ιων, the PHARISEES and of the
you, beware you of the leaven of the Pharisees, LEAVEN of Herod."
xai της ζύμης Ήρώδου. 1 6 Kal διελογίζοντο 16 And they reasoned
Λρός αλλήλους, * [λέγοντες·] "Οτι άρτους
with one another, * Be-
with one another, [saying:] Because loaves cause they had no Bread.
ούκ εχομεν. 17 ΚαΙ γνούς ό Ίησοΰς, λέγει 17 And he knew it,
and says to them, " Why
αύτοίς· ΤΙ διαλογίζεστε, δτι άρτους ούκ do you reason, Because
to them; Why reason you, because loaves not you have no Bread? §Do
Ιχετε; Ού*πω νοείτε, ουδέ συνίε- you not yet perceive, nor
you have? Not yet perceive you, neither under- understand ? Is your
τε; *[ετι] πεπωρωμένην &χετε τήν HEART stupified ?
stand you? [Yet] having been stupifled have you the 18 Having Eyes, do you
καρδ'ιαν υμών; 18 Όφβαλμούς έχοντες ού βλέ- not see? and having Ears,
πετε; καΐ ώτα έχοντες ούκ άκούετε; καΐ ού
do you not hear ? and do
you not recollect?
μνημονεύετε; 19 "Οτε τους πέντε άρτους εκλα- 19 §When I broke the
remember you? When the five loaves I FIVE Loaves among the
σα είς τους πεντακισχιλίους, πόσους κοφί- FIVE THOUSAND, HOW
broke to the five thousand, how many bas- many Baskets full of Frag-
•νους πλήρεις κλασμάτων Ϋίρατε; Λέγουσιν ments took you up ?" They
say to him, "Twelve."
αύτώ* Δώδεκα. 2 0 "Οτε δέ τους επτά εις τους 20 i "And when the
to him; Twelve. When and the seven to the SEVEN among the FOUR
four thousand,
πόσων σπυρίδων πληρώ-
how many large baskets full
THOUSAND, How many
large Baskets full of Frag-
ματα κλασμάτων ήρατε; Ot δέ είπον ments took you up ?" And
of fragments took you up? They and said: *they say to him," Seven.'*
'Επτά. 21 ΚαΙ ελεγεν αύτοίς· Πώς ού συ-
Seven. And he said to them; How is it not you 21 And he said to them
νίετε; "How is it you do not
understand? understand?"
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 2 . to you—omit. 13. into the BOAT—omit. 16. say-
ing—omit. 16. Because they had no Bread. 17. he knew it, and says. 17. yet—omit.
20. they say to him. 20. they come.
± 1 5 . Matthew joins the Badducees with the Pharisees, and makes no mention of Herod.
But there is no real discrepancy, since Herod and the Herodiam (i. e. his adherents and
courtiers) were, no doubt, Sadducees, and there is every reason to think that their doc-
trines and morals were such as to justify the caution of our Lord. Zumee, by a striking
metaphor, denotes the infection of false doctrines, (so Matt. xvi. 12,) as well as corrupt
% 14. Matt. xvi. 5. t 15. Matt. xvi. 6; Luke xii. 1. t 17. Mark vi. 52. 19.
Matt.xiv. 2 0 ; M a r k v i . 4 3 ; Lukeix. 1 7 ; John vi. 13. % 20. Matt. xv. 3 7 ; Mark viii. 8.
Chap. 8:22.] MARK. [Chap. 8:31.
Kai Ερχεται εις Βηθσαϊδάν. Kal φέρουσιν 22 And *they come to
.And he comes to Bethsaida. And they bring Bethsaida and they bring
αύτφ τυφλον καΐ παρακαλοϋσιν αυτόν, ίνα a Blind man to him, and
to him a b l i n d man and beseech him, that
beseech him to touch Him.
αΰτοΰ αψηται. ^ΚαΙ έπιλαβομενος της
23 And taking the HAND
χειρός τοΰ τυφλοΰ, έξήγαγεν αυτόν εξω of the BLIND man, he con-
hand of the blind man, he led h i m outside
ducted him out of the VIL-
LAGE; $and having spit
της κώμης· καΐ πτύσας εις τά δμματα αύ- on his EYES, and placed
τοΰ, έπιθείς τάς χείρας αύτφ, έπηρώτα his HANDS on him, he
him, having pi&cecL t h e bunds t o him» he &.sked
asked him whether he saw
αυτόν, εί τι βλέπει. 24Καί άναβλέψας any thing.
him, if any thing he sees. And looking up
24 And looking up, he
£λεγε· Βλέπω τους ανθρώπους, ώς δένδρα, said, " I see MEN as Trees,
25 walking."
περιπατοΰντας. ΕΙτα πάλιν έπέθηκε τάς
walking. Then again he placed the 25 Then he placed his
χείρας επί τους οφθαλμούς αύτοΰ, καΐ έποΐη- HANDS and
on his EYES again,
*he saw plainly, and
upon άναβλέψαι·
the καΐ άπεκατεστάθη,
©yes of him, &nd καΐ he
jxi&de him. look up &iid he w^iis restored} mid was restored, and saw
ένέδλεψε τηλαυγώς απαντάς. 26ΚαΙ άπέστειλεν every object clearly.
αυτόν είς τόν obtov αύτοΰ, λέγων Μηδέ εις away 26 And he sent him
him to house of him, saying; Neither Into
to his *House, say-
ing, "Go not into the VIL-
την κώμην είσέλθης, * [μηδέ εΐπης LAGE."
the village mayest thou enter, [nor mayest thou
τινί έν τχ\ κώμη ] . 27 $And JESUS and his
toll anyone in the Tillage]. DISCIPLES went out to the
ΚαΙ έξηλθεν ό Ίησοΰς καΐ ol μαθηταΐ VILLAGES of Cesarea P H I -
And είς
departed the Καισαρείας
Jesus and the LIPPI; and, on the ROAD,
αύτοΰ τάς κώμας της disciples
he asked his DISCIPLES,
of him into the villages of Caesarea of the Philip.
Λου. Kai έν τη όδφ έπηρώτα τους μαθητάς saying to them, "Who do
MEN say that I am?"
And on the way he asked the disciples
αύτοΰ, λέγων αύτοίς· Τίνα με λέγουσιν ol 28 And THEY u *spoke to
άνθρωποι είναι; 28ΟΙ δέ άπεκρ'ιθησαν Ίωάν- him, saying, § John the
of himself, saying to them: Who me they say the
men to be? They and answered; John IMMERSER; and others,
*νην τόν βαπτιστήν καΐ άλλοι, Ήλίαν άλλοι Elijah ; and others, One of
the dipper; and others Ellas; others
δέ, gva των προφητών. ^Kal αυτός λέγ€ΐ αύ- 29 And he * asked them,
"Who say you that I am V*
τοϊς· Ύμείς δέ τίνα με λέγετε είναι; Άπο- and PETER answering,
them; You but who me you say to be? Answer-
says to him, $"Thou a r t
χριθείς δέ ό Πέτρος λέγει αύτφ' Σύ εΐ ό the CHRIST/·'
Ing and the Peter says to him': Thou a r t the
Χριστός. ΚαΙ έπετ'ιμησεν αύτοϊς, Ινα
30 §And he strictly
charged them that they
μηδενΐ λέγωσι περί αύτοϋ.
ΚαΙ ήρ- should tell no one con-
po one they should t e l l about him. And he cerning him.
ato διδάσκειν αυτούς, δτι δει τόν υΐόν τοΰ
f ££t t txch theixi t h t m t t h f th 31 And § he began to
άνθρωπου πολλά παθείν, καΐ άποδοκιμα- inform them That the SON
man many things to suffer, and to be re- of MAN must suffer many
ο>θηναι άπό τών πρεσβυτέρων καΐ τών άρχιε- things, and be rejected by
jected of the elders and of the high- the ELDERS, and the HIGH-

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2 5. he saw plainly, and was restored, and saw ev;ry obj.ct
clearly. 26. House, saying, "Go not into." 26. nor mayest t h o u tell any one in the
VILLAGE—omit. 28. spoke to him, saying, "John the I M M E U S E B . " 2 9. asked them
eaying. "Who say."
t 23. Mark viii. 33. $ 2 7. Matt. xvi. 1 3 ; Luke ix. 18. t 28. Matt. xiv. 2.
$ 29. Matt. xvi. 6 ; John vi. 6 0 ; xi. 37. $ 30. Matt. xvi. 20. % 31. Matt. xvi.
2 1 ; xvii. 2 2 ; Luke ix. 22.
Chap. 8:32.] MARK. [Chap. 9:1·
ρέων καΐ των γραμματέων, καΐ άποκτανθήναι, PRIESTS, and the SCRIBES,
priests and of the scribes, and to be killed, and be put to death, and af-
«αϊ μετά τρεις ημέρας άναστήναι· κα1 παρ- ter Three Days to rise up.
stiifj iixtQi* tliree cltiys to stftud upj fiiicL plitixi"·
<?ησία τόν λόγον έλάλει. ΚαΙ προσλαβόμενος 32 And he spoke this
ly tli6 %voi*cl lie spoko· .And t&lviii^ inside
WORD so plainly, that PE-
αυτόν ό Πέτρος, ήρξατο έπιτιμαν αύτφ. TER, taking him aside, be-
him the Peter, he began to rebuke him. gan to remonstrate with
8 3
Ό δέ επιστραφείς, καΐ Ιδών τους μαθητάς him.
He but turning round, and seeing the disciples
33 But HE, turning
αΰτοϋ, έπετίμησε τω Πέτρω, λ έ γ ω ν "Υπάγε round and looking on his
of himself, he rebuked the Peter, saying: Go them
DISCIPLES, rebuked * Pe-
οπίσω μου, σατανά· δτι ού φρονείς ter, and says, " Get be-
behind me, adversary; because not thou thlnkest hind me, Adversary ; for
τά τοΰ Θεοΰ, αλλά τα τών άνθρώ- .thou regardest not the
the things of the God, but the things of the men. THINGS of GOD but THOSE
ΚαΙ προσκαλεσάμενος τόν δχλον σύν Of M E N . "
And having called the crowd with 34 And having called
τοίς μαθηταϊς αύτοϋ, είπε ν αύτοΐς* "Οστις the CROWD with his DISCI-
the disciples of himself, he said to them; Who- PLES, he said, * $ " I f any
θέλει οπίσω μου άκολουθεΐν, άπαρνησάσθω one wish to come after
εαυτόν, καΐ άράτω τίν σταυρόν αΰτοϋ, me, let him renounce him-
himself, and l e t him bear the cross of himself, self and take up his
•καΙ άκολουθείτω μοι. 3 5 " Ο ς γαρ αν θ έλη CROSS, and follow me.
and l e t him follow me. Who for ever may wish
την ψυχήν αύτου σώσαι, απολέσει α υ τ ή ν 35 For ^whoever would
the l i f e of himself to save, shall loose her; save his LIFE shall lose it ;
*Ός δ 1 αν άπολέσχι τήν έαυτοΰ ψυχήν έΎε_ but whoever may lose his
Who b u t e v e r m a y l o s e t h e o f h i m s e l f l i f e on LIFE on my account, and
κεν έμοΰ καΐ τοϋ ευαγγελίου, σώσει that of the GLAD TIDINGS.
account of me and of the glad tidings shall save shall save it.
αυτήν. S 0 ( T l γάρ ωφελήσει άνθρωπον, έάν 36 For what *does it
her. (What f o r w i l l i t profit a man, if
profit a Man to gain the
κερδήστι τόν κόσμον δλον, καΐ ξημι,ω- whole WORLD, and forfeit
he should win the world whole, and he should his LIFE?
ftfi τήν ψυχήν αύτοΰ; 37ή" τΐ δώ- 37 *For what could a
forfeit the l i f e of himself? or what shall MAN give to Redeem his
Ο'ει άνθρωπος αντάλλαγμα της ψυχής αύτοΰ;)
give a man in exchange for the life of himself?) LIFE?
"Ος γάρ α"ν έπαισχυνθή με καΐ τους έμούς 38 §If, therefore, any
Who for ever may be ashamed me and the my one shall be ashamed of
λόγους έν τχί γενεφ ταύτη τχϊ μοιχαλίδι me, and of these MY
words in the generation this the adulterous Words, among this ADUL-
μ ρ τ φ , κα' ό υΙός τοΰ ανθρώπου TEROUS and sinful GENE-
and sinful,
sinful, also the
also the son of the man RATION ; the SON of MAN
έπαισχυνθήσεται αυτόν, δταν ελθχι έν
w i l l be ashamed him, when he may come in will also be ashamed of
τ him, when he comes in the
ΐί δόξχι τοϋ Πατρός αύτοΰ μετά τών
the glory of the Father of himself w i t h the GLORY Of h i s FATHER,
αγγέλων τών αγίων, with the HOLY ANGELS/'
messengers of the holy ones.
ΚΕΦ. θ ' . 9. 1 And he said to them,
*ΚαΙ δλεγεν αύτοίς· *Αμήν λέγω ύμΐν, t"Indeed I say to you,
And he said to them; Indeed I say to you, That there are some of
δτι είσΐ τινές τών ώδε έστηκότων, οϊτινες THOSE STANDING here, who
iliilt some of those lie? o χι&νίΐι^ stoou^ w^ho will not taste of Death,
till they see GOD'S ROYAL
ού μή γεύσωνται θανάτου, έ'ως δ,ν ϊδωσι
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 3 . Peter, and says. 34. If any one wish. 36. does i t
profit a Man to gain. 37. For what could a MAN give.
$ 34. Matt. x. 3 8. xvi. 2 4 ; Luke ix. 2 3 ; xiv. 27. $ 35. John xil. 2 5. t 1 8 . Matt.
X. 3 3 ; Luke ix. 2 6 ; xii. 9 ; Rom. 1. 1 6 ; 2 Tim. i. 8 ; ii. 12. t 1. Mutt. xvi. 2 8 ;
Luke ix. 27.
Chap. 9:2.] MARK. [Chap. 9:12.
τήν βασιλεί,αν του θεοΰ έληλυθυίαν έν MAJESTY having come
the royal majesty of the God having come in with power.
δυνάμει, 2 §And after six Days,
power. JESUS takes PETER, and
ΚαΙ μεθ' ημέρας g | παραλαμβάνει δ Ίησοΰς JAMES, and John, and pri-
And after days six takes the Jesus vately conducts them, by
themselves, to a lofty
ιόν Πέτρον, καΐ τόν Ίάκωοον καΐ Ίωάννην, Mountain; and he was
i'AQ Pet6I*« ft II (Ζ tllO Jflin6S flZlv Jo*m> transformed in their pres-
ocal αναφέρει εις δρος ύψηλόν κατ' Ιδίαν ence.
and leads up them into a mountain high privately 3 And his GARMENTS
became glittering, exceed-
μόνους· καΐ μετεμορφώθη Ιμπροσθεν αυ- ingly white; such as no
τών. s Kal τά Ιμάτια αύτοΰ έγένετο στίλβοντα, Fuller on the EARTH is
able *thus to make white.
them. And the garments of him became glittering, 4 And there appeared to
λευκά λίαν * [ώς χιών,] οία γναφεύς them Elijah, with Moses ;
white extremely [as snow,] such as a fuller 4
and they were conversing
έπΐ της γης ού δύναται λευκά ναι. Καί with JESUS.
upon the earth not i s able to make white. And
5 And PETER answer-
ώφΟη αύτοΐς 'Ηλίας συν Μωσεί· καΐ ήσαν ing says to JESUS, "Rab-
appeared to them Ellas with Moses; and were
bi, it is good for us to be
συλλαλοΰντες τφ Ίησου. c Kal αποκριθείς ό here; and let us make
talking with the Jesus. And answering the * Three Booths; one for
Πέτρος λέγει τφ Ίησοΰ* Ραβδί, καλόν thee, and one for Moses,
Peter says to tho Jesus: Eabbi, good
έστιν ήμδς ώδε είναι· καΐ ποιήσωμεν σκηνάς and one for Elijah."
6 For he knew not what
it i s us here to be; and we may make tents to *say; for they were
τρείς, σοΙ μίαν, καΐ Μωσεί μίαν, καΐ 'Ηλία terrified.
three, to thee one, and Moses one, and Ellas 7 And there came a
μίαν. βΟύ γάρ ήδει τΐ λαλήσχι* Cloud, covering them ; and
one. Not for he knew any thing he might say; * there was a Voice came
7 out of the CLOUD, "This
ίσαν γάρ Ικφοβοι. ΚαΙ έγένετο νεφέλη
is my BELOVED SON : hear
they were for terrified. And there came a cloud
έπισκιάζουσα αύτοΐς· και ήλΦε φωνή έκ της him.»
overshadowing them; and came a voice out of the 8 And suddenly looking
νεφέλης* Οδτός έστιν ό υΙός μου ό αγαπητός· round, they saw no one
cloud; This 8i s the son of me the beloved; •any longer with them-
αΰτοΰ άκούετε. ΚαΙ έξάπινα περιβλεψάμενοι,
him hear you. And suddenly looking round, selves, except Jesus only.
ούκέτι ούδένα είδον, αλλά τόν Ίησοϋν μόνον 9 t And as they were
no longer no OQO8 tu©y 8&Λ^^ out the Jesus ft\OTIO descending from the
μεΦ' εαυτών. Κατα6αινόντων δέ αυτών άπό MOUNTAIN, he commanded
With themselves. Coming down and of them from them that they should re-
του δρους, διεστείλατο αύτοίς, ϊνα μηδενΐ
the mountain, he charged them, that to no one late to no one what they
διηγήσωνται & είδον, εΐ μή δταν ό had seen, till the SON of
they should relate what they saw, except when the MAN should have risen
υΙός του ανθρώπου έκ νεκρών άναστη. from the Dead.
of the man out of dead ones should be raised. 10 And they kept the
ΚαΙ τόν λόγον έκράτησαν προς έαυτοίς, MATTER to themselves,
And the word they kept to themselves,
συξητοΰντες, τΐ εστί τό έκ νεκρών anxiously inquiring, what
arguing, what i s that out of dead ones THE RISING FROM T H E
άναστηναι. ^ΚαΙ έπηρώτων αυτόν, λέγοντες· DEAD could mean.
to be raised. And they asked him, saying; 11 And they asked him,
·$·"Οτι λέγουσιν ol γραμματείς, 8τι 'Ηλίαν δεί saying, "Why do the
That say the scribes, that Ellas must SCRIBES say, That Elijah
έλθείν πρώτον; Μ Ό δέ αποκριθείς είπεν αΰ- must first come?"
12 And HE *said to
* VATICAN M A N U S O E I P T . — 3 . as snow—omit. 3. thus to make white. 5. Three
Booths. 6. answer; for. 7. there was a Voice. 8. any longer with themselves, except
Jesus only. 12. said to them.
t 11. I t is conjectured by Bloomfleld that hoti ought to be separated, and to read ho ti.
He has thus edited his text.
t 2 . Matt. xvii. 1 ; Luke i x . 2 8 . t 9. Matt. xyii. 9.
Chap. 9:13.] MARK. [Chap. 9:21»
τοις· 'Ηλίας μεν έλθών πρώτον, άποκαθιστςί them, "Elijah, indeed, is
them; Elias indeed coming iirst, restores coining first*to restore all
πάντα* καΐ πώς γέγραπται επί τον νΐόν things; ± and (as it is
a l l things; and how it is written about the son written of the SON of
τοΰ άνθρωπου, Ινα πολλά πάθη, MAN,) that he must suffer
much, and be despised.
καΐ εξουθενωθεί. 1ΰΆλλά λέγω ύμίν, δτι 13 But I say to you,
and should be despised. But I say to you, that $ That Elijah has even
9<al Ή λ ι ο ς έλήλυθε, καΐ εποίησαν αύτω come, (as it is written of
both Elias has come, and they have done to him him,) and they have done
to him whatever they
δσα ηθέλησαν, καθώς γέγραπται έπ' pleased."
•whatever they wished, even as it is written, about 14 § And * coming to the
αυτόν, 14ΚαΙ έλθών προς τους μαθητάς, είδεν DISCIPLES, * they saw a
δχλον πολύν περί αυτούς, καΐ γραμματείς great Crowd about them,
a crowd great about them, and scribes and the Scribes disputing
σ\)ζητοΰντας 1Β
αύτοίς. ΚαΙ ευθέως πας with them.
disputing w i t h them. And i m m e d i a t e l y a l l 15 And immediately All
the CROWD seeing him,
ό δχλος, Ιδών αυτόν, έξεθαμβήθη, καΐ προσ- were struck with awe, and
running to him, saluted
τρέχοντες ήσπάζοντο αυτόν. ΚαΙ έπηρώτησεν him.

jaiQ& t o s&lufced hiΤΧΪ» ^ . Q Q h© ftskcoi 16 And he asked them,

αυτούς· ΤΙ συζητείτε προς αυτούς; 17ΚαΙ "About what are you dis-
them; What dispute you with them? And puting with them?"
αποκριθείς είς έκ τοΰ δχλου είπε· Διδάσκαλε, 17 And one of the
answering one out of the crowd said: Ο teacher, CROWD * answered him,
Ιΐνεγκα τόν υΐόν μου προς σε, έχοντα πνεύμα "Teacher, I have brought
I brought the son of me to thee, having a s p i r i t
dumb 18 to thee my SON, who has
έίλαλον. ΚαΙ δπου δν αυτόν καταλάθη, ρήσ- ±a dumb Spirit.
σει αυτόν καΐ αφρίζει, καΐ τρίζει τους 18 And wherever it seiz-
convulses him; and he foams, and grinds
οδόντας αύτοΰ, καΐ ξηραίνεται. ΚαΙ είπον es
the Him it convulses him ;
teeth of him, and pines away. And I spoke and he foams, and grinds
τοις μαθηταΐς σου, ίνα αυτά *his TEETH, and becomes
έκδάλωσι, emaciated. And I spoke to
to the disciples of thee, that it they might cast thy DISCIPLES to expel it,
out, καΐ ουκ ίσχυσαν. 1 8 Ό δέ αποκριθείς and they could not."
αύτοίς λέγει· · ' · - - *Ω
" • « γενεά — άπιστος, - εΌ)ς
ring 19 And HE answering,
says to them, " Ο unbe-
πότε προς υμάς εσομαι; έΌις πότε. άνέξομαι lieving Generation ! how
When w i t h you s h a l l I be? t i l l w h e n s h a l l I b e a r long must I be with you?
υμών; Φέρετε αυτόν προς με. 20ΚαΙ ήνεγκαν how long must I endure
you? bring him to me."
yJa? B r i n g you h i m t o m e . And they brought
αυτόν προς αυτόν. Kal Ιδών αυτόν, εύθέω,ς 20 And they brought
him to him. Arid seeing him, Immediately him to him; and seeing
το πνεϋμα έσπάρο:ξεν αυτόν καΐ πεσών επί him, $the SPIRIT immedi-
the s p i r i t convulsed him; and falling upon ately convulsed him ; and
της γης, έκυλίετο, αφρίζων. 21ΚαΙ έπη- falling on the GROUND, he
the ground, he rolled, foaming. And he rolled about, foaming.
ρώτησε τόν πατέρα αύτοΰ· Πόσος χρόνος 21 And he asked his
asked the father of him; How long a time FATHER, "How long a time
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 2 . t o restore. 14. they came. 14. they saw. 17. an-
swering him, Teacher." 18. the TEETH.
t 12. There is considerable ambiguity about the reading of this and following verse,
as it stands in the Greek. The critics have been puzzled and some have suggested an
amendment of the text. If read however with the parenthetical clauses, and the transposi-
tion of the last clause of verse 18, the passage makes sense, and agrees with the
account in M;itthew xvii.
t l 7 . The child was subject to epileptic fits, which were supposed to be brought on by
the power of demons.—See Farmer on Demonology, p. 107. The particulars described in
verses 18, 2 0 and 22, are, indeed, all symptoms of epilepsy. But if we even should
suppose the man was an epileptic; it would not follow that the disorder was not induced
by demoniacal influence.—Bloom field.
$ 14. Mutt. xvii. 14; Luke ix. 3 7. X 20. Luke ix. 42.
Chap. 9:22.] MARK. [Chap. 9: ·°,
εστίν, ώζ τοΰτο γέγονεν αύτώ; Ό δε είπε is it since this befell
is it, since this happened to him? He and said: him?" And HE said,
" From childhood.
Παιδιόθεν καΐ πολλάκις αυτόν καΐ εις πυρ
From a child; and often him both into ."--•
22 And often it has
έ'βαλε καΐ εΙς ΰδατα, Ινα άπολέστι thrown Him into Fire and
has cast and into waters, that it might destroy into Waters to destroy
αυτόν άλλ' εϊ τι δύνασαι, 6οήϋη- him ; but if thou canst do
him; but if any thing thou canst do, give any thing, have pity on
σόν ήμίν, σπλαγχνισθείς έφ' ημάς. *O δέ
us, and help us."
aid to us, having pity on us. The and
Ίησοΰς είπεν αύτφ· Τό, ει δύνασαι πι- 23 And JESUS said to
Jesus said to him*: That, ii thou art able to him, * " I F THOU CANST?
στεΰσαι· πάντα δυνατά τφ πιστεύοντι.
believe; all things are possible to the believing.
$A11 things can for the
* ΓΚαΙ] ευθέως κράξας 6 πατήρ τοΰ BELIEVING.·"
[And] immediately crying out the father of the
παιδιού, *[μετά δακρύων] έλεγε* Πιστεύω· 24 The FATHER of the
child, [with tears! he said; I believe CHILD immediately ex-
βοήθει μου τη απιστία. 2 5 Ί δ ώ ν δέ ό Ίησοΰς, claiming, said, " I do be-
help thou of me the unbelief. Seeing and the Jesus, lieve ; help My UNBELIEF."
δτι έπισυντρέχει δχλος, έπετίμησε τω πνεύματι
that runs together a crowd, he rebuked the spirit 25 And JESUS perceiv-
τφ άκαθάρτω, λέγων αύτφ· Τό πνεΰμα τό ing That the Crowd was
the unclean,* saying to it; The spirit the running together, he re-
άλαλον καΐ κωςρόν, έγώ σοι επιτάσσω· "Εξελ- buked the IMPURE SPIRIT,
dumb and deaf, I to thee command; Come saying to it, "DUMB and
*DEAF SPIRIT, I command
$ε έξ αύτοΰ, καΐ μηκέτι είσέλθης είς αυτόν. thee; come out of him, and
out of him» And no more enter into him· enter him no more."
^Kai κράξαν, καΐ πολλά σπάραξαν, έξηλ-
And crying out, and many times convulsing, it
0ε. ΚαΙ έγένετο ώσεί νεκρός, ώστε πολλούς 26 And crying out, and
came out. And he became as dead, so that many greatly convulsing him, it
λέγειν, δτι άπέθανεν. 2 7 Ό δέ Ίησοΰς κρατή- came out; and he became
to say, that he is dead. The but Jesus taking like one dead, so t h a t
σας αυτόν της χειρός, ήγειρεν αυτόν καΐ many said, "He is dead."
him of the hand, raised up him; and
ανέστη, 27 But JESUS taking
he stood up. •his HAND, raised him,
and he stood up.
^ΚαΙ είσελθόντα αυτόν είς οίκον, ol μα-
And having come him into a house, the dis- 28 §And having entered
ΦηταΙ αύτοΰ έπηρώτων αυτόν κατ' ιδίαν "Οτι a House, his DISCIPLES
cijples of bint &sked him privfttely* Ti?hflt asked him privately,"Why
ημείς ούκ ήδυνήθημεν έκβαλείν αυτό; ^ΚαΙ could not we cast it out V
we not were able to cast out it? And
είπεν αύτοίς· Τοΰτο τό γένος έν ούδενΐ δύ- 29 And he said to them,
he said to them; This the kind by nothing is " T h i s KIND can go out
ναται έξελθείν, el μή έν προσευχή *ΓκαΙ by nothing, except by
able to go out, if not ia prayer Land Prayer."
fasting. • 30 And departing from
80 that place, they passed
ΚαΙ εκείθεν εξελθόντες, παρεπορεύοντο through GALILEE, and he
desired that no one should
διά της Γαλιλαίας* καΐ ούκ ήθελεν, ίνα know i t ;
through the Galilee; and not was willing, that
τις γνώ. Έδίδασκε γάρ τους μαθη- 31 for he taught his
should know . He taught for the dis- DISCIPLES ; and he said
any one
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—23. " I F THOU OANST? All things." 24. And—omit,
24. with tears—omit. 25. and DEAF. 27. his HAND. 20. and Fasting.—omit.
X 23. Matt. xvii. 20; Mark xi. 2 3 ; Luke xvii. 6; John xi. 40. $ 28. Matt. xvii.

Chap, 9:32.] MARK. [Chap, 9:41.
τάς αύτοΰ, καΐ Ιλεγεν *[αύτοίς·] "Οτι to them, §"The SON of
c i p l e s of himself, and said Cto them;] That MAN is ±being delivered
into the Hands of Men,
ό υΙός του ανθρώπου παραδίδοται είς χείρας and they will kill him;
ανθρώπων, καΐ άποκτενοΰσιν αυτόν καΐ άπο- and having been put to
of men, and they w i l l k i l l him; and having death, * after Three Days
κτανθείς, τχ\ τρίτη ήμερα άναστήσεται. S2Ol he will rise."
been killed, the third day he w i l l rise. They 32 But THEY did not
δέ ήγνόουν τό ρήμα, καΐ έφοδοϋντο understand the WORD and
but did not understand the word, and were afraid were afraid to ask Him.
αυτόν έπερωτήσαι. 33 And he came to Ca-
him to ask.
pernaum ; and being in the
HOUSE, he asked them,
^ΚαΙ ήλθεν είς Καπερναούμ· καΐ έν τχ) §"What did you dispute
And he came to Capernaum; and In the about on the ROAD?"
οΙκία γενόμενος, έπηρώτα αύτοΰς· ΤΙ έν 34 But THEY were si-
house being, he asked them; What in lent ; for they had disputed
3ί with each other, on the
τη όδώ *[πρός εαυτούς] διελογ'ιζεσθε; ΟΙ ROAD, as to who would be
tho way [among yourselves! were you disputing? greatest.
δέ έσιώπων προς αλλήλους γαρ διελέ- 35 And sitting down, he
but were silent; with one another for they
χθησαν έν τη όδφ, τΙς μείζων. 8ΒΚαΙ κα- called the TWELVE, and
had d i s p u t e d on t h e way, w h o g r e a t e r . And s i t - says to them ; §If any one
θίσας, έφώνησε τους δώδεκα, καΐ λέγει αύ- desires to be first, he will
tlng down, he called the twelve, and says to be last of all, and a Ser-
τοις· ΕΙ τις θέλει πρώτος είναι, εΌται vant of all." .
them; If any one desires f i r s t to be, he w i l l be 36 And Staking a little
πάντων δσχατος, καΐ πάντων διάκονος. 8βΚαΙ Child, he placed it in the
of all last, and of a l l a servant. And Midst of them, and em-
λαβών παιδίον, δστησεν αυτό έν μέσω αΰ- bracing it in his arms, he
taking a l i t t l e child, he placed i t in midst of said to them,
τών, καΐ έναγκαλισάμενος αυτό, είπεν 37 " Whoever may re-
them, and embracing In his arms It, he said
ceive one SUCH little Child
αύτοίς* 37"Ος έάν Ιν τών τοιούτων παιδίων in my NAME, receives Me;
t o t h e m ; W h o e v e r one of t h e such l i t t l e c h i l d r e n $ and whoever * receives
δέξηται έπΙ τφ δνόματί μου, έμέ δέχεται· καΐ Me, receives not Me, but
XKXftV Γ ^ Ο β Ι ν β ill l.xl© U 21X11Θ
Ο Ι XXIΘ y 1X10 reC©lV©SJ &I1Q HIM who SENT me."
αλλά τονέμέ
8ς έάν άποστείλαντά
δέξηται,με. ούκ
Άπεκρίθη δέ αύ-
έμέ δέχεται, 38 $ And John *spoke
out the hfivin^C sent m0i Answered &ixu to to him, saying, " Teacher,
τφ 'Ιωάννης, λέγων· Διδάσκαλε, είδομέν τίνα we saw one expelling De-
him John, saying: θ teacher, I saw one
τφ όνόματί σου έκβάλλοντα δαιμόνια· καΐ mons in thy NAME, and
to the name of thee casting out demons; and we forbad him, Because
έκωλύσαμεν αυτόν, δτι οΰκ ακολουθεί he does not follow us."
we forbade him, because not he f o l l o w s 39 But JESUS said, "Do
ήμίν. 89*Ο δέ Ίησοΰς είπε· Μή κωλύετε αΰ- not forbid him ; $for there
us. He but Jesus said: Not do you forbid him. is no one who will do a
τόν. Ουδείς γάρ έστιν, 8ς ποιήσει δύναμιν Miracle in my NAME, and
No one for Is, who w i l l do a mighty work be able rashly to reproach
έπΙ τφ όνόματί μου, καΐ δυνήσεται ταχύ κα- me.
ln the name of me, and w i l l be able readily to 40 For he who is not
κολογησαί με. Ός γάρ ούκ δστι καθ' υμών, against you, is for you.
speak evil of me. Who for not is against you, 41 $ For whoever may
υπέρ υμών έστιν. ^ Ο ς γάρ δν ποτίση give you a Cup of Water
for you Is. Who for ever may give drink to
to drink in *the NAME,
* VATICAN M A N U S C B I P T . — 3 1 . to him—omit. 31. after Three Days he will ri^e.
33. among themselves—omit. 3 7. receives Me. 38. spoke to him. 41. the N A M E ,
That you are CHRIST'S.
± 3 1 . The parallel passage in Matt. xvii. 22, reads—"The SON of MAN is about to
be delivered into the Hands of. Men."
$ 31. Matt. xvii. 2 2 ; Luke ix. 44. t 33. Matt, xviii. 1; Luke ix. 4 6 ; xxii. 24.
t 3 5 . Matt. xx. 2 6 , 2 7 ; Mark x. 43. t 36. Matt, xviii. 2 ; M-irk x. 16. t 3 7.
Matt. x. 4 0 ; Luke i x . 48. $ 38. Luke ix. 49. t 39. 1 Cor. xii. 3. $ 41. Mutt.
Matt. x. 4 2 .
Chap. 9:42.] MARK. [Chap. 9:50.
υμάς ποτήριον ΰδατος, έν ονόματι, δτι That you are CHRIST'S,
you a cup of water, in name, indeed I say to you, He
Χρίστου έστέ, αμήν λέγω ύμίν, ού μηshall by no means lose
of Anointed you are, indeed I eay to you, not not his REWARD.
άπολέσχι τόν μισθό ν αύτοΰ. ΚαΙ δς αν
42 §And whoever may
he may lose the reward of himself. And whoever
σκανδαλίση ενα των μικρών, των πιστευ- insnare one of * THESE
may i n s n a r e one o f t h e l i t t l e ones, of t h e b e - LITTLE-ONES BELIEVING i n
όντων είς έμέ, καλόν έστιν αΰτφ μάλλον, me, it would be better for
lieving Into m e , good It Is to h i m rather, him if a Millstone should
be fastened to his NECK,
ct περίκειται λίθος μυλικός περί τόν and he should be thrown
if hangs a stone of a mill around the
into the SEA.
τράχηλον αύτοΰ, καΐ βέβληται είς τήν 43 §And if thy HAND
neck of him, and has been cast into the insnare thee, cut it off ; it
θάλασσαν. ΚαΙ έάν σκανδαλίζω σε ή χειρ is better for thee to enter

sea. And if may insnare thee the hand LIFE crippled, than having
σου, άπόκοψον αυτήν καλόν σοΙ έστι TWO Hands to depart to
of thee, cut thou oft her; good to thee it is ±GEHENNA, into THAT I N -
κυλλόν είς τήν ζωήν είσελθεΐν, ή τάς δύο EXTINGUISHABLE FIRE.,"
crippled into the life to enter, than the two
44 ± [where the WORM
χείρας έχοντα άπελθείν είς τήν γέενναν, είς dies not, and the FIRE is
hands having to go into the Gehenna, into not quenched.]
τό πυρ τό ά*σβεστον, * [δπου ό σκώληξ
45 And if thy FOOT in-
the fire the inextinguishable, [where the worm snare thee, cut it off; i t is
αύτων ού τελευτα, καΐ τό πΰρ ού σβέννυται.1 better for thee to enter
of them not dies, ond the fire not i s quenched.]
άπόκοψον αυτόν καλόν εστί σοι είσελθείν
^ΚαΙ έάν ό πους σου σκανδαλίζη σε, ing TWO lame into LIFE, than hav-
cut thou off him; good It is to thee to enter Feet, to be cast
into GEHENNA ±[into the
είς τήν ζωήν χωλόν, fi τους δύο πόδας ίχον- UNQUENCHABLE FIRE.,*
into the l i f e lame, than the two feet hav-
τα βληθηναι είς τήν γέενναν, *[εΙς τό πΰρ 46 where the WORM dies
ing to be cast into the Gehenna, [into the fire
4β not, and the FIRE is not
τό δσβεστον, δπου 6 σκώληξ αυτών quenched.]
the inextinguishable, where the worm of them
7 47 And if thine EYE in-
οΰ τελευτα, καΐ τό πΰρ ού σβέννυται.] * ΚαΙ snare thee,.pluck i t out;
&οt dios* And the fii*o &ot Is Quenched· 3 A.iid it is better for thee to
έάν ό οφθαλμός
βαλε σουσοί
αυτόν καλόν σκανδαλίζω σε, £κ-enter
έστι μονόφθαλμον
one-eyed into the
KINGDOM of GOD, than
thou out him; good to thee i t i s one-eyed having Two Eyes to be
είσελθείν είς τήν βασιλείαν του Θεοΰ, η δύο cast into * Gehenna;

to enter into the kingdom of the God, than two

οφθαλμούς έχοντα βληθήναι εις τήν γέενναν 48 §where their WORM
eyes having to be cast into the Gehenna
dies not, and the FIRE is
* [του πυρός,] ^δπου ό σκώληξ αυτών ού not quenched.
Cof the fire,] where the worm of them not
τελευτά, καΐ τό πΰρ ού σβέννυται. 9
* Πάς 49 For every one shall
dies, and the fire not i s quenched. Every one
be salted with fire ; ±[and
every Sacrifice shall be
γάρ πυρί άλισθήσεται· *[καΙ πάσα θυσία seasoned with Salt.]
for w i t h fire shall be salted; [and every sacrifice
άλΐ άλισθήσεται.] 60Καλόν τό άλας- έάν δέ 50 §Salt is good; but
With s a l t shall be salted.] Good the salt; i f but if the SALT becomes taste-
τό άλας δναλον γένήται, έν τίνι αυτό
the s a l t without taste may become, w i t h what i t less, how will you restore
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 2 . T H E S E LITTLE-ONES. 44. where the WORM dies
not the F I R E is not quenched—omit. 45 & 46. into the INEXTINGUISHABLE F I R E ;
where their WORM dies not, and the F I R E is not quenched—omit. 4 7. Gehenna. 47. of
FIRE—omit. 49. and every Sacrifice shall be seasoned with Salt—omit.
± 43. A Hebrew terra, meaning the valley of the son of Hinnom. For further remarks
see Appendix. ± 44, 45, 46, 49. The clauses bracketed in these verses are not found i n
the Vatican. They are marked as doubtful by Griesbach, and are expunged by Tischendorf.
% 42. Matt, xviii. 6 ; Luke xvii. 1. % 43. Deut. xii. 6 ; Matt. v. 2 9 ; xviii. 8.
% 4 8 . Isa. lxvi. 2 4 . $ 50. Matt. v. 1 3 ; Luke xvi. 34.
Chap. 10:1.] MARK. [Chap. 10:12.
άρτύσετε; "Εχετε έν έαυτοϊς δλας, Its saltness? Have Salt in
•will you season? Have you in yourselves salt, yourselves, and be a t
«αϊ ειρηνεύετε έν άλλήλοις. peace with one another.'*
and be you at peace with one another.
ΚΕΦ. ι'. 10. CHAPTER X.
Kai εκείθεν άναστάς έρχεται είς τά 1 % And arising from
thence, he comes into the
δρια τής 'Ιουδαίας, δια του πέραν τοϋ CONFINES of JUDEA, *even
beyond the JORDAN/ and
'Ιορδανού* καΐ συμπορεύονται πάλιν δχλοι again Crowds come toge-
ther to him, and again, as
προς αυτόν και, ώς είώθει, πάλιν he had been accustomed,
to hinij and as he had been accustomed, again he taught them.
έδίδασκεν αυτούς. ΚαΙ προσελθόντες Φαρι- roaching, 2 % And Pharisees ap-
he taught them. And approaching Phari-
asked him, to
try him, "Is it lawful for
σαϊοι έπηρώτησαν αυτόν ΕΙ δξεστιν άνδρΐ a Man to dismiss his
γυναίκα άπολΰσαι; πειράζοντες αυτόν. 3
Ό δε 3 And HE answering
αποκριθείς είπεν αΰτοίς· ΤΙ ύμίν ένετείλατο said to them, " What did
answering said to them: What to you did enjoin Moses command You?"
Μωσης; 4Oi δέ είπον Μωσής επέτρεψε βιβλίον 4 And THEY said, § "Mo-
MosesT They and said: Moses allowed a scroll ses permitted a Writ of
άποστασίου γράψαι, καΐ άπολϋσαι. Kcd to dismiss B Divorce to be written, and
of scptirftti on t o be *w r i 11 ©n» mid to re lefts©* A nxi
5 And JESUS said to
* [αποκριθείς] ό Ίησοΰς είπεν αύτοίς* Προς them, " Because of your
την σκληροκαρδίαν ΰμων >μων εγρονψεν._ . ύμϊν την
έντολήν ταύτην. 6 Άπό δέ αρχής κτί- wrote you this COMMAND.
commandment this. From but a beginning of 6 But from the Begin-
σεως δρσεν καΐ θήλυ έποίησεν αυτούς ό ning of Creation, *he made
creation a male and a female he made them the them Male and Female.
Θεός. 7«"Ενεκεν τούτου καταλείψει άνθρωπος 7 $On account of this
{xO(J, *' O n &C C OUD t ΟΙ t i l l s Sh£l 1 1 1 ©ft V Ο SL IXiHH a Man shall leave his
τον πατέρα αύτοΰ καΐ την μητέρα, * [καΐ FATHER and MOTHER, *and
the father of himself and the mother, Land adhere to his WIFE ;
προσκολληθήσεται προς την γυναίκα αΰτοΰ.] 8 and the TWO shall be-
8shall be closely united to the wife of himself.] come one Flesh; so that
Κ.αΙ έσονται ol δύο είς σάρκα μίαν». "Ωστε they are no longer Two,
And shall be the two into flesh one." ~ " ' but One Flesh.
ύο, άλλα μία σαρξ. °"Ο 9 What GOD, then, has
ουκέτι είσΐ two, but one flesh. What
οΰν ό Θεός συνέζευξεν, άνθρωπος μή united, let no Man sever."
10 And, in the HOUSE,
then the God has joined together, a man not
* the DISCIPLES again
χωριζέτω. 10ΚαΙ έν τη οΙκία πάλιν ot μαθηταΐ asked him * concerning
αύτοΰ περί του αΰτοΰ έπηρώτησαν 11 And he says to them,
of him concerning
" - of the him asked $" Whoever shall dismiss
αυτόν. η ΚαΙ λέγει αύτοΐς* "Ος εάν άπολύστι his WIFE,., and marry
him. And he says to them: Whoever may release
την γυναίκα αύτοΰ, καΐ γαμήση αλλην, another, with
commits adultery
the wife of himself, and may marry another,
μοιχαται 12 And
έπ' αυτήν. ^ΚαΙ έάν γυνή ± dismisses her if * she who
commits adultery with her. And if a woman
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 . even beyond the JORDAN. 5. answering—omit. 6.
he made them. 7. and adhere to his W I F E — o m i t . 10. the DISCIPLES. 10. concerning
this. 12. s h e who dismisses her HUSBAND, shall marry another.
f 12. Strictly speaking, a Jewish wife could not divorce her husband, theretc-e.apolusee
may be considered as used with some license, and perhaps, too, with reference to the cus-
toms of the Gentiles rather than the Jews, and intended as a rule to the Apostles for
general application, and which should put both sexes on the same footing.
$ 1. Matt. xix. 1 ; John x. 4 0 ; xi. 7. t 2. Matt. xix. 13. $ 4. Deut. xxiv. 1 ;
Matt. v. 3 1 ; xix. 7. * 7. Gen. ii. 2 4 ; 1 Cor. vi. 1 6 ; Eph. v. 3 1 . $ 11. Matt.
V. 3 2 ; xix. 9 ; Luke xvi. 1 8 ; Bom. v i i . 3 ; 1 Cor. vii. 10, 11.
Chap. 10:13.] MARK. [CHap. 10:21.
απόλυση τον άνδρα αυτής, καΐ γα shall marry another, she
may release the husband of herself, and ma; commits adultery.
άλλω, μοιχάται. ^Καί
13 §And they brought
led to another, commits adultery. And
προσέφερον αύτφ παιδία, ίνα αψη_ little Children to him,
t h e y brought t o h i m 1 i t t l e c h i l d r e n , t h a t h e m i g h t t h a t he might touch
ται αυτών ol δέ μαθηταΓ έπετίμων τοις προσ- them ; and the DISCIPLES
touch them; the but disciples rebuked those bring- rebuked * them.
φέρουσιν. Ί δ ώ ν δέ ό Ίησοΰς ήγανάκτησε,
ing. Seeing but the Jesus was displeased, 14 But JESUS seeing it,
καΐ είπεν αύτοϊς· "Αφετε τά παιδία £ρ· was displeased, and said to
and s a i d t o them; A l l o w t h e l i t t l e c h i l d r e n t o them, "Allow the LITTLE
χεσθαι προς με, μή κωλύετε αυτά· τών γαρ CHILDREN to come to me,
ccme to me, not hinder them; of the for and forbid them n o t ; for
τοιούτων εστίν ή βασιλεία του θεοΰ. to SUCH LIKE belongs the
such like is the kingdom of the God. KINGDOM of GOD.
Άμήν λέγω ύμίν, δ'ς έάν μή δέξηται τήν
jEiicleccl Χ sfl.y t o yoii| wlioever n o t iriiiy r e c e i v e ~ ~ 15 Indeed I say to you,
6ασιλείαν του Θεοΰ ώς παιδίον, ού μή Whoever does not receive
k i n g d o m of the G o d like a little chi Id, n o t r ~" the KINGDOM of GOD, like
είσέλθη είς αυτήν. 1βΚαΙ έναγκαλισάμενος a little Child, he will by
no means enter i t . "
may enter into her. And embracing in h i s arms
αυτά, τιθείς τάς χείρας έπ* αυτά, 16 And taking them in
them, having placed the hands upon them, his arms, and placing his
ηύλόγει αυτά. HANDS on them, he blessed
he blessed them. them.
ΚαΙ έκπορευομένου αύτοΰ είς όδόν, προσ- 17 §And going out into
And going out of him Into a way, run- the Road, one running up,
δραμών είς, καΐ γονυπετήσας αυτόν, έπηρώτα and kneeling before him,
ning up one, and kneel Ing before him, he asked asked him, "Good Teach-
αυτόν Διδάσκαλε αγαθέ, τΐ ποιήσω, ίνα er ! what must I do, that I
him; θ teacher good, what 1 8
must I do, that may inherit aionian Life ?''
ζωήν αΐώνιον κληρονομήσω; Ό δέ Ίησοΰς
l i f e age-lasting I may inherit? The and Jesus 18 And JESUS said to
είπεν αύτφ· τΐ μέ λέγεις αγαθόν; ού- him, Why dost thou call
said to him; W h y m e callest thou good? no Me good ? No one is good,
δείς αγαθός, εΐ μή είς, ό Θεός. 1 9 Τάς έν- except one, GOD.
one good, if not one, the God. The com- 19 Thou knowest the
τολάς οίδας· «Μή μοιχεύσεις· COMMANDEMENTS *, § * D o
znandments thou knowest; "Not thou must commit not commit murder; Do
Μή φονεύσεις· Μή κλέψης· not commit adultery; Do
adultery; Not thou must k i l l ; Not thou must steal; not steal; Do not testify
Μή ψευδομαρτυρήσης· * [Μή άποστερή- falsely; Honor thy FA-
Not thou must t e s t i f y falsely; [Not thou must THER and MOTHER."
<*Ώς·] Τίμα τόν πατέρα σου, καΐ τήν
defraud;! Honor the father of thee, and the 20 And HE said to him,
μητέρα.» *°Ό δέ * [αποκριθείς] είπεν αύτω·
mother." He but [answering] said to him; 'Teacher, all these have
Διδάσκαλε, ταΰτα πάντα έφυλαξάμην έκ I kept from my Child-
θ teacher, these all I kept from
νεότητός μου. Ό δέ Ίησοΰς έμβλέψας αύτφ, hood."
2 1

childhood of me. He but Jesus looking on him, 21 And JESUS looking

Λγάπησεν αυτόν, καΐ είπεν αύτφ· "Εν σοΙ on him, loved him, and
loved him, and said to him; One to thee said to him, "One thing
υστερεί· {>παγε, δσα εις πώλησον, thou lackest; go, sell
lacks; go, whatever last sell, whatever thou hast, and
καΐ δός τοις πτωχοίς· καΐ δξεις θησαυ- give to t h e * Poor, and thou
and give to the poor; and thou shalt have treas- shalt have ^Treasure in

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 3 . them. But. 19. Do not commit murder; Do not

commit adultry. 12. Do not defraud—omit. 20. answering—omit. 2 1 . Poor. 2 1 .
taking up the CBOSS—omit.
t 13. Matt. xix. 1 3 ; Luke xviii. 15. $ 17. Matt. xlx. 1 6 ; Luke xviii. 18. t .
Exod. xx. 1 3 ; Bom. xiii. 9. % 2 1 . Matt. vi. 19, 2 0 ; xlx. 2 1 ; Luke xii. 3 3 ; xvi.
CHap. 10:22.] MARK. [Chap. 10:30,
<?όν έν οϋρανφ· καΐ δεΰρο, ακολουθεί μοι, Heaven; and come, follow
ure In heaven;; and hither, follow me, me."
*[δρας τόν σταυρόν.] ^ Ό δέ στυγνάσας επί 22 But HE was grieved
[taking up the cross.] He but looking sad at
τφ λόγφ, απήλθε λυποΰμενος· at the WORD, and went
fjv γάρ away
the -word, went away sorrowing; he was for sorrowing; for he
8χων κτήματα πολλά. ^ΚαΙ περιβλεψάμενος had great Possessions.
having possessions many. And looking round 23 Then JESUS looking
6 Ίησοΰς, λέγει τοις μαθηταίς αύτοΰ* Πώς round, says to his DISCI-
the Jesus, says to the disciples of himself; How
δυσκόλως ot τά χρήματα έχοντες είς τήν culty WillPLES, §"With what diffi-
hardly those the riches having THOSE HAVING
Into the
24 RICHES enter the KING-
βασιλε'ιαν του Θεοΰ είσελεύσονται. ΟΙ δέ DOM of GOD."
kingdom of the God shall enter. They and
μαθηταΐ έθαμβουντο επί τοίς λόγοις αύτοΰ. 24 And the DISCIPLES
disciples were astonished at the words of him. were astonished a t his
Ό δέ Ίησοΰς πάλιν αποκριθείς λέγει αύτοίς· WORDS. But JESUS again
The but Jesus again answering says to them; answering, says to them,
Τέκνα, πώς δύσκολον εστί * [τους πεποι- t' 'Children, how difficult
νϊΐι* 1 dron* ho^y Q\ f^\oxi 1 y it is [those fifty ιmy it is to enter the KING-
θότας επί τοις χρήμασιν,] είς τήν βασιλείαν DOM of GOD.
confidence in the riches,] Into the kingdom
του Θεοΰ είσελθείν. ^Εύκοπώτερόν έστι κά- 25 I t is easier for a
©f the God to enter. Easier it is a Camel to pass through the
μήλον διά τρυμαλιας της ραφίδος διελ- NEEDLE'S EYE, than for a
camol through the hole of the needle to Rich man to enter the
Φείν, η4 πλούσιον είς τήν βασιλείαν τοΰ KINGDOM of GOD/'
pass, than a rich man Into the kingdom of the
26 And they were ex-
Θεοΰ είσελθεΐν. ^ΟΙ δέ περισσώς έξεπλήσ- ceedingly astonished, say-
σοντο, λέγοντες προς εαυτούς· ΚαΙ τΙς ing *to him, "Who then
amazed, saying among themselves; And who can be saved?"
δύναται σωθήναι; 27Έμ6λέψας δέ αύτοίς ό 27 And JESUS looking
i s able to be saved? Looking on and to them the
Ίησοΰς, λέγει· Παρά άνθρώποις αδύνατον άλλ' on them, says, "With Men
Jesus, says; With men impossible but it may be impossible, but
οΰ παρά τω Θεώ· πάντα γάρ δυνατά έστι παρά not with GOD; for with
*God everything is possi-
not with the God; all for possible is with
τω Θεώ. ^"Ηρξατο ό Πέτρος λέγειν αύτφ· ble."
the God. Began the Peter to say to him;
Ιδού ημείς άφήκαμεν πάντα, καΐ ήκολουθήσα- to 28 $PETER began to say-
him, "Behold, we have
Lo, we left all, and followed
μέν σοι. * [Αποκριθείς] ό Ίησοΰς είπεν αμήν thee." forsaken all, and followed
thee. CAnswering] the Jesus said: Indeed
λέγω ύμίν, ουδείς έστιν, δς άφήκεν οΐκίαν, 29 JESUS said, "Indeed
I say to you, no one is, who has left houses, I say to you, There is no
fl αδελφούς, η* άδελφάς, ή πατέρα, ή μητέρα, one who has left House, or
or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, Brothers, or Sisters, or Fa-
*[ή* γυναίκα,] ή τέκνα, ή αγρούς, Ενεκεν ther, or Mother, *or Wife,
for wife,] or children, or fields, on account or Children, or Lands, on
έμοΰ καΐ Ενεκεν τοΰ ευαγγελίου, ^έάν my account,and on account
of me and on account of the glad tidings, if Of the GLAD TIDINGS,
μή λάβχι έκατονταπλασίονα, νΰν έν τω 30 who will not receive
not he may receive a hundred fold, now in the
$a hundred-fold, now, in
καιρώ τούτω, οΙκίας, καΐ αδελφούς, καΐ άδελ- this TIME,—Houses, and
season this, houses, and brothers, and s i s -
Brothers, and Sisters, and
φάς, καΐ μητέρας, καΐ τέκνα, καΐ αγρούς, μετά Mothers,and Children, and
ters, and mothers, and children, and fields, with Lands,—but with Perse-
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—24. those having confidence in BICHBS—omit. 26. to
him "Who." 27. God. 29. answering—omit. 29. or wife—omit.
t 23. Matt. xix. 23; Luke xviii. 24. $ 24. Job. xxxi. 24, 25; Psa. lii. 7; lxii.
10; 1 Tim. vL 17. $ 28. Matt. xix. 27; Luke xviii. 28. t 30. Luke xviii. 30.
Chap. 10:31.] MARK. [Chap. 10:39.
διωγμών, καΐ έν τφ αΐώνι τφ έρχομένφ ξωήν cutions; and in the AGE
persecutions, and In the age to c o m e life to COME, aionian Life.
αίώνιον. 31ΠολλοΙ δε έσονται πρώτοι, έΌχατοι* first, 31 |But many will be
who are last; and
age-lasting. Many but shall be first, last; last, who are first."
καΐ έσχατοι, πρώτοι. Ησαν δέ έν τη 32 §And they were on
and last, first. They were and In the the ROAD going up to Je-
όδφ άναβαίνοντες είς 'Ιεροσόλυμα* καΐ ήν preceding rusalem ; and JESUS was
them ; and they
way going up to Jerusalem; and was were *amazed. And THEY
προάγων αυτούς ό Ίησοϋς* καΐ έθαμβοΰντο, who FOLLOWED him were
going before them the Jesus; and they were amazed, afraid as $he took aside
καΐ άκολουθοΰντες έφοδοΰντο. ΚαΙ παραλα- again the TWELVE, and be-
and following they were afraid. And taking gan to tell them the
βών πάλιν τους δώδεκα, ήρξατο αύτοίς λέγειν befall him.
aside again the twelve, he began to them to t e l l 33 " Behold, we are go-
τά μέλλοντα αΰτφ συμβαΐνειν ^"Οτι ing up to Jerusalem, and
the things being about to him to happen; For the SON of MAN will be
Ιδού, άναβαίνομεν είς Ιεροσόλυμα, καΐ 6 υΙός delivered up to tbe HIGH-
Ιο, we go up to Jerusalem, and the son
του άνθρωπου παραδοθήσεται τοίς άρχιε- PRIETSTS, and to the
of the man w i l l be delivered up to the high- SCRIBES ; and they will
ρεΰσι καΐ τοίς γραμματευσι· καΐ κατακρινοΰσιν condemn him to death,
priests And to tlio scribes^ And they will condemn and will deliver him up
to the GENTILES ;
αυτόν θανάτφ, καΐ παραδώσουσιν αυτόν 34 and they will mock
him to death, and they w i l l deliver up him him, and *spit on him,
τοίς Ιθνεσι, 34κα1 έμπαίξουσιν αύτφ, καΐ μα- and scourge him, and put
to the Gentiles, and they will mock him, and they him to death, and *after
στιγώσουσιν αυτόν, καΐ έμπτύσουσιν αύτφ, Three Days he will rise."
w i l l scourge him, and they w i l l spit upon him, 35 And James and John,
καΐ άποκτενοϋσιν αυτόν καΐ τη τρίτη ημέρα the *TWO Sons of Zebedee,
and they w i l l k i l l him; and the third day come to him, * saying to
λέγοντες· ^ΚαΙ θέλομεν,
Διδάσκαλε, προσπορεύονται
tva δ έάναύτφ al- him, "O Teacher, we wish
lie saying:
w i l l stand O up.
teacher, Andwe wish, comethat whatever we that thou wouldst do for
to him
δέ είπεν us whatever we may *ask

'Ιάκωβος καΐποίησης
τήσωμεν, 'Ιωάννης,ήμίν. ol viol ΌΖεβεδαί,ου,
may James
ask, thou and mayst John,
do for the us. sons He of butZebedee,
said thee."
αύτοίς· ΤΙ θέλετε ποιησαΐ με ύμίν; S7Ol 36 And HE said to them,
to them; What do you wish to do me for you? They "What do you desire me
δέ είπον αύτφ· Δός ήμίν, Ινα είς έκ δεξιών to do for you?"
and said to him; Give to us, that one at right 37 And THEY said to him,
σου, καΐ είς έξ ευωνύμων σου καθίσωμεν sit, oneto at "Grant us that we may
*thy Right
of t h e e , a n d o n e a t left of t h e e w e m a y s i t hand, and the other at
έν τη δόξη σου. *Ο δέ Ίησοΰς είπεν αύ- *thy Left, in thy GLORY."
in the glory of thee. The and Jesus said to
38 But JESUS said to
τοίς· Ούκ οϊδατε, τΐ αΐτείσθε. Δύνασθε them. " You know not
them; Not you know what you ask. Are you able what you ask. Can you
πιεϊν τό ποτήριον, δ έγώ πίνω, καΐ τό drink the CUP which I
to drink the cup, which I drink, and the drink? *or undergo the
IMMERSION with which I
βάπτισμα, 8 έγώ βαπτίζομαι, βαπτισθήναι; am being overwhelmed?"
δέ είπον whichαύτφ· I Δυνάμεθα.
am dipped, Ό toδέbe 'IX. dipped?, 39 And THEY said to
They and said to him; We are able. The and Jesus him, "We can." And J E -
είπεν αύτοίς· Τό * . . . t r ποτήριον, δ έγώ SUS said to them, You will
said to them: The [indeei cup, which I •drink the CUP which I
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—32. amazed. And THEY who FOLLOWED him were afraid,
as he took. 34. spit on him, and scourge him. 34. after Three Days he. 35. TWO
sayig to him/'O
Sons. 35. saying / Teacher." 35. ask thee. 37. the Right. 37. the Left.
38 or. 39.
38. 9 indeed—omit.
i d d i t
t 81. Matt. xix. 30; Luke xiii. 30. 30. t 32. Matt. xx. 17;
17; Luke xviii.
xvii 30. $ 32.
Markk viii.
iii 3311 ; ix.
i 3311 ; Luke
Lk i
ix. 22 xviii
22; xviii. 31
31. 3535. Matt
Matt. xx
xx. 20
Chap. 10:40.] MARK. [Chap. 10:49.
πίνω, πίεσθε· καΐ τό βάπτισμα, δ έγώ drink, and undergo the IM-
οι*ιο&φ y o u τν i l l d r I U K ^ A Q U t h © dipj^iii^f T?(rli4ch X MERSION with which I
βαπτίζομαι, βαπτισθήσεσθε· ^τό δέ καϋίσαι am being overwhelmed;
nm dipped, you w i l l be dipped; t h e b u t t os i t
έκ δεξιών μου καΐ έξ ευωνύμων, ούκ δστιν 40 but to SIT at my
at right of me and at left, not Is Right hand, *or at the
έμόν δοϋναι, άλλ' οίς ήτοίμασται. Left, is not mine to give,
mine to give, but to whom it has been prepared.
except for whom it is
41 prepared."
ΚαΙ άκούσαντες ol δέκα, ήρξαντο άγα- 41 §And the TEN, hav-
And having heard the ten, they began to be ing heard, were indignant
νακτείν περί 'Ιακώβου καΐ 'Ιωάννου. 4 2 Ό δέ against James and John.
angry about James and John. The but 42 *An-d JESUS, having
Ίησοΰς προσκαλεσάμενος αυτούς, λέγει αύτοΐς* called them, he says to
Jesus having called them, he says to them:
Οϊδατε, δτι ol δοκοΰντες αρχειν τών them, $"You know That
εθνών, κατακυριεύουσιν αυτών, καΐ ol μεγάλοι THOSE presuming to rule
nations, lord it over them, and the great the NATIONS domineer over
αυτών κατεξουσιάζουσιν αυτών. ^Ούχ οΰτω ones them, and their GREAT
of them exercise authority over them. Not so exercise authority
δέ εΌται έν ύμίν άλλ' 8ς έάν θέλχι over them.
but It shall be among you; but whoever may wish 43 §But *it is not so
γενέσθαι μέγας έν ύμίν, εστοα υμών among you; but whoever
to become great among you, shall be of you may desire to become
διάκονος· 44κα1 ος έάν θέλη υμών γενέσθαι great among you, shall
Λ servant; and whoever may wish o.f you to become be Your Servant;
πρώτος, &σται πάντων δοΰλος· ^καΐ γάρ ό 44 and whoever * among
you may desire to become
υΙός του ανθρώπου οΰκ ήλθε διακονηθηναι, Chief, shall be the Slave
of All.
αλλά διακονησαι, καΐ δοΰναι την ψυχήν αύ- 45 §For even the SON of
τοΰ λύτρον αντί πολλών, MAN came not to be served,
himself a ransom for many. but to serve, and to give
^Kai κρχονίαι είς *Ιεριχώ· καΐ έκπορευο- many."
his LIFE a Ransom for
And they come Into Jericho; and going out
μ,ενου αύτοϋ άπό *Ιεριχώ, καΐ τών μαθητών Jericho. 46 And they came to
And as he was de-
αύτοΰ, ν,αί δχλου Ικανοΰ, υΙός Τιμαίου, Βαρτι- parting from Jericho with
of him. and a crowd great, a son of Timeus, Bar- his DISCIPLES, and a great
μαίος 6 τυφλός, έκάθητο παρά τήν όδόν Crowd, * a Blind Beggar,
timeus the blind, sat by the way ± Bartimeus, (the SON of
προσαιτών. 47ΚαΙ άκουσας, δτι Ίησοΰς ό Timeus,) sat by the ROAD.
begging. And hearing, that Jesus the 47 And hearing That i t
Ναζοραίός έστιν, η"ρξατο κράξειν καΐ λέ- was Jesus the Nazarite, he
Naiarite i t is, he began to cry out and to
began to cry out, and say,
γειν Ό υΙός Δαυΐδ, Ίησου, έλέησόν με.48Και * "Jesus, SON of David,
say; The son of David, Jesus, have pity me. And
have pity on m e ! "
έπετίμων αύτω πολλοί, ίνα σιωπήση·
rebuked him many, so that he might be silent; 48 And many charged
ό 6έ πολλώ μάλλον εκραζεν ΥΙέ Δαυΐδ, him to be silent; but HE
he but much more cried out; θ son ofDavid, cried out much more, "Son
έλέησόν με. 49ΚαΙ στάς 6 'Ιησούς, είπεν of David, have pity on
have pity on me. And stopping the Jesus, said m e ! "
αυτόν φωνηθήναι· καΐ φωνοΰσι τόν τυφλόν, 49 And JESUS stopping,
him to be called; and they called tho blind, •said, "Call him." And
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—4*. or at the Left. 42. And JESTTS. 43. it is not so
among you. 44. among you. 46. Bartimeus, a Blind Beggar, the SON of Timeus, sat by
the EOAD. And. 47. Son of David, Jesus, have. 49. said, "Call him." And.
± 4 6 . Bartimeus, is considered by many to be a real name, and not an explication of
"ho whyos Timaion.
t 4 1 . Matt. xx. 24. t 42. Luke xxii. 2 5 . t 4 3 . Matt. xv. 2 6 . 2 8 ; Mark ix. 3 5 ;
Luke ix. 4 8 . % 4 5 . Matt. xx. 2 8 . % 4 6 . Matt. xx. 2 9 ; Luke xviii. 3 5 .
Chap. 10:50.] MARK. [Chap. 11:7.
λέγοντες αύτφ· θάρσει, δγειρε· φωνεί they called the BLIND man,
saying; to h i m ; T a k e c o u r a g e , r i s e up; h e c a l l s saying to him, "Take cour-
αύτοϋ, age, arise; he calls thee."
σε. Ό δέ άποβαλών τό Ιμάτιον
thee. He and throwing oil the mantle of himself, 50 And HE, throwing
51 off his ± MANTLE, * leaping
άναστάς ήλθε προς τόν Ίησοΰν. ΚαΙ άποκρι- up, came to JESUS.
aristng came to the Jesus. And answer- 51 And JESUS address-
θεί,ς λέγει αύτφ ό Ίησοϋς· ΤΙ θέλεις ing him, said, "What dost
ing says to him the Jesus: What dost thou wish thou wish I may do for
thee?" The BLIND man
ποιήσω σοι; Ό δέ τυφλός είπεν αύτφ· said to him, ±" Rabboni!
I may do to thee? The and blind 52 said to him; that I may receive my
Ραβδουνί, Ινα άναβλέψω. *Ο δέ Ίησοΰς sight."
Itabboni, that I may see again. The and Jesus
52 And JESUS said to
είπεν αΰτώ· "Υπάγε· ή πιστις σου σέ- him, § " G o ; thy FAITH
said to him; Go; the faith of thee has has restored thee." And
σο>κέ σε. ΚαΙ ευθέως άνέβλεψε, καΐ he immediately received
saved thee. And immediately he saw again, and
ήκολούθει αύτω έν τη όδφ. sight, and followed *him
followed him in the way. on the ROAD.
ΚΕΦ. ι α \ 11.
*ΚαΙ δτε έγγίζουσιν είς Ιερουσαλήμ, CHAPTER XI.
And when they drew ne&r to Jerusalem, 1 And §when they drew
είς Βηθφαγή καΐ ΒηθανΙαν, προς τό δρος near to Jerusalem, to
to Bethphage and Bethany, to the mountain
Bethphage, and Bethany,
των έλαιών, αποστέλλει δύο των μαθητών near *theMOUNT ot'OLivES,
of the olive trees» lie sends two of tlie disciples he sends Two of his
Ύπάγετε είς DISCIPLES,
αύτοΰ, καΐ λέγει αύτοίς·
2 and says to them, "Go
την κώμην την κατέναντι υμών καΐ ευθέως to THAT VILLAGE which is
tli ο to wn tliftt opposite you^ &ud i m ΙΪΙ ediftte ly
είσπορευόμενοι είς αυτήν, εύρήσετε πώλον as soon as you enter it,
entering into her, you w i l l find a colt you will find a Colt tied,
δεδεμένον, έφ' δν ουδείς ανθρώπων on which no Man has
*yet s a t : loose him, and
κεκάθικε· λύσαντες αυτόν άγάγετε. 3ΚαΙ bring him.
IIAS efltj h&vizi£ loo*sed # lilm lend you· And 3 And if any one should
έάν τις ύμΐν είπχι ΤΙ ποιείτε τοΰτο; say to you, 'Why do you
if any one to you should say; Why do you this? this?' say, The MASTER
είπατε· *["Οτι] ό κύριος αύτοΰ χρείαν έχει· needs i t ; and he will in-
say you; [That] the master of him need has; stantly send it hither."
καΐ ευθέως αυτόν αποστέλλει ώδε· 4Άπηλ- 4 And they went and
and immediately him he w i l l send here. They found a Colt fastened at
θον δέ, καΐ εΰρον πώλον δεδεμένον προς
went and, and found u colt having been tied near the DOOR outside, in the
STREET ; and they loosed
τήν θύραν £ξο> επί του άμφόδου· καΐ λύου- it.
5 And some of THOSE
mv αυτόν. ΒΚα'ι τίνες των εκεί έστηκότων STANDING there, said to
loose him. And some of those there standing them, "Why do you untie
Ιλεγον αύτοίς· Τι ποιείτε λύοντες τόν the COLT!"'
said to them; What do you loosing the 6 And THEY said to them
πώλον; eOl δέ είπον αύτοίς καθώς ένε- as JESUS had *directed;
colt? They and said to them even as com- and they allowed them.
τε'ιλατο ό Ίησοΰς· καΐ άφήκαν αυτούς. 7 And they * led the
manded the Jesus; and they suffered them. COLT to JESUS, and threw
ΚαΙ ήγαγον τόν πώλον προς τόν Ίησοϋν,
And they led the colt to the Jesus,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—50.leaping up came. 52. him on the EOAD. 1. THAT
MOUNT which is. 2. yet sat. t. 2. T That—omit. bring.
h a t o m i t . 6. said; and 7. bring.
t 50. Or upp
upper ggarment.
. This was of considerable
considerable dimensions,
dimensions, and enveloped
enveloped the tne
whole body.
body. In ttho'.e
h e e hot countries,
countries, they threw
threw it aside
aside when th^y were at work, or
ploughing in the field.—Wakefield.
Trl Wnlr.p.-β.ρ.ΊΛ± 5 1 + . Κ1
Rahhoni, an an
T?nhhn<ni. intensified signification
intpnoifloH of r\f
ci vnifinntinn
Rabbi, meaning My Master; the highest title of honor in the Jewish schools. It is only
used in one other passage in the New Testament—John xx. 16.
$ 52. Mitt. ix. 2 2 ; Mark y. 34. t 1. Matt. xxi. 1; Luke xix. 2 9 ; John xii. 14.
Chap. 11:8]" MARK [Chap. 11:14.
καΐ έπιβάλλουσιν αύτφ τά Ιμάτια αυτών on it their MANTLES ; and
&ucj th©y tQι*o^v upon uiixi t h e ttiflTit11 ο3 of t l i e m · he sat on it.
καΐ έκάθισεν έπ' αύτφ. 8Πολλοί δέ τά 8 $And many spread
selvesj And ho sfit upon hizzi· ftfsoy stud tlio their GARMENTS on the
Ιμάτια αυτών έστρωσαν etg την όδόν ROAD ; and others cut
mantles of themselves spread in the way;
* Branches, from the
άλλοι δέ στοιβάδας δκοπτον έκ των δέν- TREES, and scattered them
δρων, *ΓκαΙ έστρώννυον είς την όδόν.1 ΚαΙ on the ROAD.
[and scattered in the way.] And 9 And THOSE PRECED-
ol προάγοντες καΐ ol άκολουθουντες £κρα_ ING and THOSE FOLLOW-
those going before and those following did
ING, shouted, "Hosanna!"
ζον, * [λέγοντες.] *Ωσαννά· ευλογημένος $" 'Blessed be HE who
cry, [saying.] Hosanna; worthy of10 blessing COMES in the Name of
ό ερχόμενος *[έν ονόματι Κυρίου·] εύλογη_ ' Jehovah!' "
he coming [in name of Lord;] worthy of
μένη ή ερχόμενη βασιλεία τοϋ πατρός ημών 10 " Blessed be the com·*
blessing the coming kingdom of the father of us ing KINGDOM of our FA-
Δαυίδ· ωσαννά έν τοις ύψίστοις. u Kal είσήλ- THER David!" $"Hosanna
David; Hosanna in the highest. And en- in the HIGHEST heaven!"
θεν είς *Ιεροσόλυμα ό Ίησους, * [κάΙ] είς
tered into Jerusalem the Jesus, [and] into 11 $And *JESUS went
τό Ιερόν καΐ περιβλεψάμενος πάντα, into Jerusalem, and into
the TEMPLE. And having
the temple; and having looked round on all, looked round on all things,
όψίας ήδη οΐ5σης της ώρας, έξήλθεν είς it now being Evening, he
Βηθανίαν μετά τών δώδεκα. went out to Bethany, with
Bethany with the twelve. the TWELVE.
^ΚαΙ τχί επαύριον εξελθόντων αυτών άπό 12 $And the NEXT DAY,
as they were coming from
Α.ΐιΐΑ the next d&y coming out ox thenx from Bethany, he was hungry;
Βηθανίας, έπείνασε· ω κα1 Ιδών συκην μα-
κρόθεν, Αχούσαν φύλλα, η"λθεν, ει δρα εύ- 13 and observing a Fig-
tree, at a distance, having
a distance, having leaves, he went, if perhaps he Leaves, he went to search
©ήσει τι έν αύτη· καΐ έλθών έπ' αυτήν, for ±fruit on it, (for it
w i l l find any thing on her; and coming to her, was not yet ±the * SEASON
οιϊδέν εδρεν εΐ μή φύλλα· ού γάρ fjv for Figs.) And having
nothing he found except leaves; not for it was come to it, he found noth-
καιρός σύκων. 14ΚαΙ αποκριθείς είπεν αύτη· ing but Leaves.
season of figs. And answering he said to her:
Μηκέτι έκ σου είς τόν αΙώνα μηδείς καρπόν 14 Then he said to it,
p4o more of the© to the SL£Q zxo one f rtxit f"Let no one eat Fruit
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—8. Branches, cut down out of the FIELDS. And THEY. 8.
and scattered in the WAY—omit. 9. saying—omit. 9. in the name of the Lord—omit.
11. he entered. 11. and—omit. 13. SEASON.
± 1 3 . That Jesus had a right to gather figs from this tree, if there had been any upon
it, appears from the law of Moses, mentioned in Deut. xxiii. 24, 25. Josephus alluding to
this law, mentions ripe fruits in general, not grapes and corn only. His words are— Let
not passengers, (whether natives or strangers.) be hindered from touching the ripe fruits.
Let them be permitted to fill themselves with them, but not to carry any away." That some ripe
figs might be expected on flg trees at that time of the year will appear, says Pearce, from the
following considerations;—"Jesus went up to this fig-tree on the 11th day of the month
Nisan, i, e. three days before the Passover, which was always on the 14th day of it. 'On the
morrow after the Sabbath' which followed the Passover, the first-fruits were to be offered
to God in the temple." Lev. xxiii. 11. The leaves on the tree indicated that summer was
nigh. Matt. xxiv. 32, and that fruit might be reasonably expected, especially as the fig-tree
shoots forth its fruit before the leaves. If, therefore, the tree bore figs, now was the period
to find and eat them. ± 13. That is, the season for gathering them, t 14. Some cavillers
object to this miracle of our Savior, and ask, What right had he to destroy this fig-tree? In
answer, observe, that the tree was evidently barren, and therefore of no use to any one;
that it could hardly be private property, for it was on the public road; and that it was
made the means of inculcating a great moral truth on the minds of his disciples.
ί 8. Matt. xxi. 8. t 9. Psa. cxviii. 56. $ 10. Psa. cxlviii. 1. $ 1 1 . Matt, xxl·
12. $12. Matt. xxi. 18. t 13. Matt. xxi. 19.
Chap. 11:15;] MARK. [Chap. 11:24.
φάγοι. ΚαΙ ήκουον ol μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ. 15ΚαΙ of thee to the AGE V* And
may eat. And heard the d i s c i p l e s of him. And his DISCIPLES heard him.
δρχονται εις *Ιεροσόλυμα· καΐ είσελθών ε'ις
15 $And they came to
τό Ιερόν ήρξατο έκβάλλειν τους πωλοΰντας Jerusalem ; and going into
t©mjp 1 Θ bo be^&Q to cAst out those soiling the TEMPLE> he drove out
καΐ αγοράζοντας έν τφ Ιερφ· καΐ τάς τραπέ- ing, and overturned the
find buying' in the templej end. the t&bles TABLES Of t h e BANKERS,
ζας των κολλυβιστών, καΐ τάς καθέδρας των and the SEATS of THOSE
the money-changers, and the seats of those SELLING DOVES ;
πωλουντων τάς περιστεράς κατέστρεψε· 1βκα1 16 and would not permit
selling the doves he overturned; and anyone to carry an Article
ούκ ήφιεν, ϊνα τις διενέγκχι σκεΰος through the TEMPLE.
ROC suffGrod| tb&t Any one snouId curry An Article 17 He also taught *and
διά του Ιεροΰ. 17ΚαΙ έδίδασκε, λέγων *[αΰ- said (
"Is it not written,
through the temple. And he taught, saying [to % My HOUSE shall be
τοις·] Ού γέγραπται· «"Οτι ό οίκος μου, called a House of Prayer
them;] Not i s it w r i t t e n : "That the house of me, for All NATIONS'? but you
οίκος προσευχής κληθήσεται πάσι τοΐς £θνε- have made it a Den of
a house of prayer shall be called for a l l the na- Robbers."
σιν;» ύμείς δέ έποιήσατε αυτόν σπήλαιον λτ)- 18 $And the *HIGH-
tions?" you but have made it a den of
στων. ω ΚαΙ ήκουσαν ol γραματείς καΐ ol PRIESTS and the SCRIBES
robbers. And heard the scribes and the heard, and sought how
αρχιερείς, καΐ έζήτουν πώς αυτόν άπολέ- they might destroy him;
high-priests, and they sought how him they for they feared him, Be-
σουσιν έφοβοΰντο γάρ αυτόν, διότι πάς cause All the CROWD was
m i g h t d e s t r o y ; t h e y f e a r e d f o r h i m , b e c a u s e a l l astonished at his TEACH-
ό δχλος έξεπλήσσετο επί xf\ διδαχή αύτοϋ. ING.
tho crowd was amazed at the teaching of him. 19 And when it was

ΚαΙ δτε όψέ έγένετο, έξεπορεύετο έ'ξω Evening, he went out of
And when evening i t became, he went out the CITY.
της πόλεως, 20 §And passing along
of the city.
^ΚαΙ πρωΐ παραπορευόμενοι, είδον την in the Morning, they saw
And in the morning passing along, they saw the the FIG-TREE withered
συκήν έξηραμμένην έκ ριζών 21ΚαΙ άνα- away from the Roots.
fig-tre< having been withered from roots; And re-
μνησθείς ό Πέτρος, λέγει αύτφ· Ρα66ί, ϊδε, bering, 21 And PETER remem-
says to him, "Rab-
memberlng the Peter, says to him; Rabbi, lo, bi, behold, the FIG-TREE
ή συκη, f\v κατηράσω, έξήρανται. which thou didst curse, is
the fig-tree, which thou didst curse, has been with- withered away."
^ΚαΙ αποκριθείς ό Ίησοΰς λέγει αύτοίς· 22 And JESUS answering
ered. And answering the Jesus says to them:
"Εχετε πίστιν Θεού. ^'Αμήν γάρ λέγω ΰμίν, says to them, "Have Faith
Have you faith of God. Indeed for I say to you, in God.
δτι δς αν εϊπχΐ τφ δρει τούτφ· "Αρθη- 23 For indeed I say to
that whoever may say to the mountain this; Be you, §That whoever should
τι, καΐ βλήθητι είς την θάλασσαν καΐ μή say to this MOUNTAIN, 'Be
raised up, and thrown into
διακριθχί έν τή καρδία αύτοΰ, αλλά the SEA ;' and should not
Should doubt in the* heart of himself, but doubt in his HEART, but
πιστεΰση δτι ά* λέγει γίνεται· believe that *what he says
is being done; he shall
should believe that what he says comes to pass; have it.
Ισται αύτφ 8 έάν εΐπτ], Διά 24

i t shall be to him whatever he may say. Through 24 For this reason I

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 7 . and said. " I s it n o t . " 17. to them—omit. 18.
HIGH-PEIBSTS and the SCRIBES 23. what he says is being done; he shall have it. For
$ 15. Matt. xxi. 1 2 ; Luke xix. 4 5 ; John ii. 14. t 17. Isa. lvi. 7. $ 18. Matt. xxi.
45, 4 6 ; Luke xix. 4 7 . $ 20. Matt. xxi. 19. t 23. Matt. xvii. 2 0 ; xxi. 2 1 ; Luke
zvii. 6.
Chap. 11:25.] MARK. [Chap. 11:33.
τοϋτο λέγω ύμίν, πάντα 8<τα &ν προσευχό- say to you, §A11 things
thls I say t o you, a l l things whatever praying whatever you *pray for,
μενοι αΐτείσθε, πιστεύετε δτι λαμβάνετε, καΐ and desire, believe That
you will receive* and you
εσται ύμίν. ^Kai όταν στήκητε προσευχό- shall have them.
μενοι, άφίετε ει τι έχετε κατά τίνος·
25 §And when you stand
praying, forgive, if you
forgive, if any thing you have against any one; have any thing against
ί ν α κ α ΐ ό Π α τ ή ρ υμών, ό έ ν τ ο ί ς ούρανοΐς, anyone; that also THAT
aq:>fj ύμίν τ α π α ρ α π τ ώ μ α τ α υ μ ώ ν . 2 β Ε ί δ έ FATHER of yours in the
HEAVENS may forgive you
may forgive you the faults of you. If but your OFFENCES.
ύμεϊς ούκ άφίετε, ουδέ ό Πατήρ υμών, ό
26 ±[But§if you do not
έν τοίς ούρανοίς, αφήσει τά παραπτώματα forgive, neither will THAT
ia the heavens, w i l l forgive the faults FATHER of yours in the
υμών. 27ΚαΙ έρχονται πάλιν εις 'Ιεροσόλυμα. HEAVENS forgive your OF-
of you. And they come again to Jerusalem. FENCES.-"]
ΚαΙ έν τω Ιερώ περιπατοϋντος αύτοΰ, ερχον- 27 §And they came
And in the temple walking of him, come again to Jerusalem. And
ται προς αυτόν ot αρχιερείς καΐ ol γραμα as he was walking about
to him the high-priests and the scribes in the TEMPLE, the HIGH-
τείς καΐ ol πρεσβύτεροι, κα1 λέγουσιν αύτω· PRIESTS, and the SCRIBES,
find the elders» And they say to him: and the ELDERS, came to
Έ ν ποία εξουσία ταύτα ποιείς; καΐ him,
I$y what authority those things doest thou? and 28 and * they said to
τίς σοι την έξουσίαν ταύτην δδωκεν, ίνα him, " By What Authority
ταϋτα ποιχίς; a i
O δέ Ίησοϋς * [άπο-
doest thou these things?
*or who EMPOWERED thee
these things thou mayest do? The but Jesus [an- to do them ?"
κριθείς] είπεν αύτοίς· 'Επερωτήσω ύμας * [κά-
swering: said to them: I w i l l ask you [also 29 And JESUS said to
γώ] gva λόγον καΐ άποκρίθητέ μοι, καΐ them, " I will ask you One
13 one word; and answer you to me, and Question ; and if you an-
έρώ ύμίν, έν ποία εξουσία ταΰτα swer me, I also will inform
Χ w i l l tell to you, by what authority these things
you by What Authority I
do these things.
Τό βάπτισμα 'Ιωάννου έξ ούρανοΰ 30 Was the IMMERSION
of * John from Heaven,
fjv, ή έξ ανθρώπων; άποκρίθητέ μοι. 31 ΚαΙ or from Men? Answer
έλογ'ιζοντο προς εαυτούς, λέγοντες· 'Εάν me."
31 And they reasoned
εΐπωμεν 'Εξ ούρανοΰ, έρεί· ΔιατΙ among themselves, saying,
•wo should say; From heaven, he w i l l say; Why " If we should say, From
ot5v ούκ έπιστεύσατε αύτώ; 32 Άλλ* έάν Heaven ; he will say, Why
then not did you bel ieve him? But if
then did you not believe
εΐπωμεν· 'Εξ ανθρώπων έφοβοΰντο τδν 32 But * should we say,
We should say; From men; they feared the From Men·;"—they feared
λαόν άπαντες γάρ είχον τον Ίωάννην, δτι
people; all for held the John, that the PEOPLE ; for all main-
δντως προφήτης ήν. 33 ΚαΙ άποκριθέντες λέ- tain that § JOHN was real-
ly a Prophet.
γουσι τφ Ίησοΰ. Ούκ οϊδαμεν. ΚαΙ ό 33 And answering they
8ay to the Jesus. Not we know. And the say to JESUS, " We do not
*Ιησοΰς * [αποκριθείς] λέγει αύτοίς· Ουδέ know." And JESUS says
Jesus [answering] says to them: Neither to them, "Neither do I tell
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—24. pray for, and desire, believe you That you did receive.
28. they said. 28. or who. 29. answering—omit. 29. also I—omit. 30. J O H N .
32. should we say. 3 3 . answering—omit.
± 2 6 . This verse is wanting in Dr. Birch's collation of the Vat. MS., and is omitted
by several MSS. and Versions.
t 24. Matt. vii. 7; Luke xi. 9 ; John xiv. 1 3 ; James i. 5, 6. ί 25. Matt. vi. 1 4 :
Col. i i i . 13, ί 26. Matt, xviii. 35. t 2 7. Matt. xxi. 2 3 ; Luke xx. 1. % 32.
Matt. i i i . 5 ; xiv. 5 ; Mark vi. 20.
Chop. 12:1] MABK. [Chap. 12:10.
έγώ λέγω ΰμίν, έν ποία εξουσία ταΰτα you by what Authority
I say to you, by what authority these things I do these things."
ΚΕΦ. ι 6 \ 12. 1 §And he began to ad-
ΚαΙ ήρ|ατο αύτοίς έν παραβολαίς λέγειν dress them in Parables.
And he began to them in parables to talk; "A Man planted a Vine-
'Αμπελώνα έφύτευσεν άνθρωπος, καΐ περιέ- yard, and placed a Hedge
Α vineyard planted a man, and placed about it, and dug a ±Wine-
θηκε φραγμόν, καΐ ώρυξεν ύπολήνιον, καΐ vat, and built a Tower, and
around a hedge, and dug a wine-vat, and
leased it to CULTIVATORS,
ώκοδόμησε πύργον καΐ έξέδοτο αυτόν γε- and left the country.
built a tower; and let out it to
ωργοίς, καΐ άπεδήμησε. ΚαΙ απέστειλε 2 And he sent a Servant
husbandmen, and went abroad. And he sent to the CULTIVATORS, at
προς τους γεωργούς τω καιρώ δουλον, ϊνα the SEASON, that he might
to the husbandmen in the season a slave, that
receive from the CULTIVA-
παρά τών γεωργών, λάβη άπό του TORS of the * FRUITS of
from the husbandmen, he might receive of the the VINEYARD.
καρποΰ του άμπελώνος. 3ΟΙ δέ λαβόντες 3 But * seizing him, they
fruit of the vineyard. They but taking
αυτόν, έδειραν, καΐ άπέστπλαν κενόν. beat Him, and sent him
him, they flayed, and sent away empty.
away empty.
4 4 And again he sent to
ΚαΙ πάλιν απέστειλε προς αυτούς άλλον them another Servant;
and *him they wounded
δοΰλον κάκείνον λιθοβολήσαντες έκεφαλαίω- in the head, and disgrace-
σαν, καΐ * [απέστειλαν] ήτιμωμένον. fully treated.
OTJ tliO Iieficl &ucl [soot ftyrfly] h&vliis^ di sfaouoreci* 5 And he sent Another,
and him they killed ; and
ΚαΙ δλλον απέστειλε· κάκείνον άπέκτειναν Many Others, beating
*some, and killing *some.
καΐ πολλούς δλλους, τους μέν δέροντες, τους
6 * Having yet One be-
δέ άποκτέννοντες. 6
"Ετι *[οδν] έ'να υΐόν loved Son, he sent him
but killing. Yet [therefore] ono son
last to them, saying, 'They
will respect my SON.'
£χων, άγαπητόν *Γαύτοϋ,] απέστειλε *ΓκαΙ]
having, beloved [of himself] he sent [and] 7 But Those CULTIVA-
TORS said among them-
αυτόν προς αυτούς ^σχατον, λέγων "Οτι selves ; 'This is the HEIR ;
him to them last, 7
saying: That come, let us kill him, and
έντραπήσονται τόν υΐόν μου. Έκείνοι δέ ol the INHERITANCE will be
they w i l l regard the son of me. Those but the
γεωργοί είπον προς εαυτούς· "Οτι οδτος ours.'
husbandmen said to themselves; That this
έστιν ό κληρονόμος· δεϋτε, άποκτείνωμεν 8 Then seizing him, they
is the heir; come, w e may k8 i l l killed him, and cast him
αυτόν, καΐ ημών Ισται ή κληρονομιά. ΚαΙ out of the VINEYARD.
him, and of us shall be the inheritance. And
λαβόντες αυτόν, άπέκτειναν, καΐ έξέβαλον
having taken him, they killed, and cast 9 What will the LORD
βξω τοϋ άμπελώνος. 9 Tl * [οδν] ποιήσει of the VINEYARD do ? He
out o f t h e vineyard. What [therefore] w i l l do will come and destroy
ό κύριος του άμπελώνος; Έλεύσεται καί those CULTIVATORS, and
the lord o f t h e v i n e y a r d ? H e w i l l c o m e a n d give the VINEYARD to
απολέσει τους γεωργούς, καί. δώσει τόν άμπε- others.
destroy the husbandmen, and w i l l give the vine- 10 Have you not even
λώνα άλλοις. Ούδέ 10
την γραφήν ταύτην read this SCRIPTURE ?—
yard to others. Not even the writing this $'A Stone, which the
άνέγνωτε· «Λίθον 8ν άπεδοκίμασαν ol
«ave you read; "A stone which rejected those
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPTL—2. FRUITS of. 4. h i m they wounded in the head,
sent away—omit. 5. some. 5. some. 6. He had yet one Son beloved; he sent,
therefore—omit. 6. of himself—omit. 6. also—omit. 9. therefore—omit.
± 1. See Note on Matt. xxi. 33.
% 1. Matt. xxi. 2 3 ; Luke xxii. 9; See Isa. vi. 1-7. t 10. Psa. cxviii. 2 2 .
Chap. 12:11.] MARK. [Chap. 12:18.
οίκοδομοΰντες, οδτος έγενήθη εις κεφαλήν BUILDERS rejected, has be-
building, this was made into ahead come the Head of the
γωνίας· Χ1παρά Κυρίου έγένετο αυτή, καΐ Corner; 11 this was performed
έστι θαυμαστή έν όφθαλμοϊς ημών.» "ΚαΙ by Jehovah, and it is won-
it is wonderful in eyes of us?" And derful in our Eyes.'"
έζήτουν αυτόν κρατησαι, καΐ έφοβήθησαν
12 §And they sought to
τον δχλον έγνωσαν γάρ, δτι προς αυτούς apprehend Him, but they
the crowd; they knew for, that to them feared the CROWD ; for they
τήν παραβολήν είπε. ΚαΙ αφέντες αυτόν, knew that he had spoken
the parable he spoke. And leaving him, the PARABLE respecting
άπηλθον. them; and leaving him,
they went away. they went away.
^ΚαΙ άποστέλλουσι προς αυτόν τινάς των 13 §Then they send to
And they send to niΧΪΧ sonio οι tno him some of the PHARI-
Φαρισαίων καΐ των Ήρωδιανών, Ινα αυτόν SEES, and of the Herodi-
άγρεΰσωσι λόγω. MOt δέ έλθόντες ans, that they might en-
snare Himin Conversation.
they might catch in word. They and having come
λέγουσιν αΰτφ* Διδάσκαλε, οϊδαμεν, δτι αλη- 14 And having come,
θής εί, καΐ ού μέλλει σοι περί ούδενός· ού we THEY say to him, "Teacher,
know that thou art sin-
thou art, and not cares thee about no one; not cere, and carest for no one;
γάρ βλέπεις εις πρόσωπον ανθρώπων, for thou lookest not to the
άλλ' έπ' αληθείας τήν όδόν του Θεοΰ διδά- Appearance of Men, but
but in truth the way of the God thou teachest the WAY of GOD
σκεις· εξ εστί κήνσον Καίσαρι δοΰναι, ^ in Truth. ±Is it lawful to
pay Tax to Caesar, or not ?
ού; δώμεν, fl μη δώμεν; ™*Ο δε
not? sxioulci ΤΛ^© civ©· or not should wβ ειν©? S G but 15 Should we pay, or
είδώς αυτών τήν ύπόκρισιν, είπεν αύτοίς· should we not pay?" But
knowing of them the hypocrisy, said to them; HE, knowing their HYPOC-
Τί με πειράζετε; φέρετε μοι δηνάριον, RISY, said to them, "Why
Why me do you tempt? bring you to me a denarius, do you try Me? Bring me
Ενα ΐδω. 1βΟΙ δέ ήνεγκαν. ΚαΙ λέγει αύ- a Denarius, that I may
that I may see. They and brought. And he says to see it."
τοις* Τίνος ή είκών αυτή, καΐ ή επιγρα- 16 And THEY brought
φή; ΟΙ δέ είπον αύτ<ρ· Καίσαρος. 17ΚαΙ one. And he says to them,
"Whose LIKENESS and IN-
tion? , They and said to him; Of Caesar. And SCRIPTION is this?" And
* [αποκριθείς] δ Ίησοΰς είπεν * [αύτοίς·] THEY said to him, "Cse-
answering the Jesus said [to them;]
17 And JESUS said,
Άπόδοτε τά Καίσαρος Καίσαρι, "Render the THINGS of Cae-
Give you back the things of Caesar to Caesar, sar, to Caesar; and the
καΐ τα του Θεού τφ Θεφ. ΚαΙ έθαύ- THINGS of GOD, to God."
and the things of the God, to the God. And they And they * wondered at
μασαν έπ' αύτφ. 18ΚαΙ άρχονται Σαδδουκαίοι him.
wondered at him. And come Sadducees
18$Then the Sadducees,
προς αυτόν, οϊτινες λέγουσιν άνάστασιν μή who say there is no Resur-
to him, who say a resurrection not
* VATICAN MANUSCEIPT.—17. answering—omit. 17. to them—omit. 17. greatly
wondered at him.
± 1 4 . The Jews, whose religious system was theocracy, were of opinions, that they
could not, consistently with their allegiance to God their king, comply with paying an
acknowledgement of subordination to an earthly sovereign. Judas of Galilee was the first
who endeavored to persuade the Jews of the unlawfulness of paying tribute to a foreign
potentate See Josephus Ant. xviii. 1. and B. J. 12. The primitive Christians also
held a similar opinion and fondly thonght, that their subjection to Jesus Christ exempted
them from all allegiance to the power of the magistrate. This idea is the proper clue to
lead us to a right understanding of all those passages in the epistolary writings of the
New Testament, which relate to civil government.—Wakefield.
12. Matt. xxi. 45, 46; Mark xi. 18; John vii. 25, 30, 44. t 13. Matt. xxii. 15;
Luko xx. 20. $ 18. Matt. xxii. 2 3 ; Luke xx. 27.
Chap. 12:19.] MARK. [Chap. 12:28.
είναι· καΐ έπηρώτησαν αυτόν, λέγοντες* 18Δι- rection, came to him, and
to be; and they asked him, saying; θ asked him saying,
δάσκαλε, Μωσής έγραψε ν ήμίν, «δτι έάν τίνος 19 " Teacher, Moses
teacher, Moses wrote for us, "that if any wrote for us, 'That if one's
'Brother should die, and
αδελφός άποθάνχι, καΐ καταλίππ γυναίκα, 1 leave a Wife behind, and
brother should die, and should leave behind a wife, 'leave no Children, that his
ocal τέκνα μή άφί), Ινα λάβχι 6
and children not should leave, that should take the 'BROTHER should take his
'WIFE, and raise up Off-
αδελφός αύτοίί την γυναίκα αΰτοΰ, καΐ έ|ανα- ' spring for his BROTHER.'
brother of him the wife of him, and should
στήση σπέρμα, τφ άδελφφ αΰτοΰ». 20 There were Seven
raise up seed, to the brother of himself." Brothers; and the FIRST
2°Έπτά αδελφοί ήσαν καΐ ό πρώτος Ελαβε took a Wife, and dying,
left no Child.
Seven brothers were; and the first took
21 And the SECOND took
γυναίκα, καΐ αποθνήσκων ούκ άφήκε σπέρμα. her, and died, * leaving no
a wife, and dying not left seed. Child; and the THIRD in
^Και ό δεύτερος Ιλαβεν αυτήν, καΐ απέθανε, like manner.
καΐ ουδέ αυτός άφήκε σπέρμα· καΐ ό τρίτος 22 And the SEVEN left
and neither he left seed; and the third no Offspring. Last of all
ωσαύτως. ^ΚαΙ *[£λαβον αυτήν] ot επτά, the WOMAN also died.
καΐ ούκ άφήκαν σπέρμα. 'Εσχάτη πάντων 23 At the RESURREC-
and not left seed. Last TION, Whose Wife will she
of a l l
απέθανε καΐ ή γυνή. *[οδν] be of them ? for the SEVEN
33'Εν τχ\
died also the woman. In the [therefore:! had her for a Wife."
άναστάσει, *[8ταν άναστώσι,] τίνος αύ- 24 And JESUS answering
resurrection [when they shall rise,] of whom of said to them, "Do you not
τών £σται γυνή; ol γάρ επτά έ'σχον αυτήν err through this,—not
them shall be a wife? the for seven had her knowing the SCRIPTURES,
γυναίκα. 24ΚαΙ αποκριθείς ό Ίησοΰς είπεν αύ- nor the POWER of GOD?
a wife. And answering the Jesus said to 25 For when they shall
τοίς· Ού διά τοΰτο πλανασθε, μή είδότες rise from the Dead, they
them: Not through this do you err, not knowing
τάς Γραφάς, μηδέ τήν δύναμιν τοΰ Θεοΰ; will neither marry, nor be
the writings, neither the power of the God? given in marriage; $but
^"Οταν γάρ έκ νεκρών άναστώσιν, ο8τε be as *THOSE ANGELS in
γαμοΰσιν, οΰτε γαμίσκονται, άλλ' είσίν 26 But concerning the
tiiey marry» nor ftr© ^1Λ^6ΙΙ ΙΙΙ ΙΏ&ΙΤΙΑ^Θ^ t)ut ΛΓ© DEAD, that they will rise,
ώς δγγελοι έν τοίς ούρανοίς. 20
ΠερΙ δε have you not read in the
BOOK of Moses, at the
τών νεκρών, δτι εγείρονται, ούκ άνέγνωτε BUSH, how GOD spoke to
him, saying, §'I am the
the dead, -(ones)t that they rise, not Jhav© you read 'GOD of Abraham, and the
έν τη βίβλω Μωσέως, επί της βάτου ώς είπεν *'God of Isaac, and the
in the book of Moses, at the bush as said
αύτφ ό θεός, λέγων «Έγώ ό θεός 'Αβραάμ, *'God of Jacob?'
to him the God, saying: "I the God of Abraham,
Ούκ6 £στιν
καΐ ό 'Ισαάκ,
θεόςthe θεός καΐ νεκρών,
ό θεός αλλάΙακώβ;»
ζών- 27 He is not the *God
Not the
God of dead (ones,) but of living
God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?"
of the dead, but of the
των. Ύμεΐς *[οΰν] πολύ πλανασθε. 28ΚαΙ Living; *you do greatly
(ones). You [therefore] greatly err. And err."
προσελθων είς τών γραμματέων, άκουσας 28 §And one of the
SCRIBES, having heard
αυτών συζητούντων, είδώς δτι καλώς αυτοί ς them disputing, and per-
them disputing, knowing that well to them ceiving That he had ably
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—21. leaving no child. 2 2. took her—omit. 23. there-
for^—omit. 23. when they shall rise—omit. 25. THOSE ANGKLS. 26. God. 26. God.
27. God. 2 7. therefore—omit. 2 7. you do greatly err,
t 25. 1 Cor. xv. 4 2 , 4 9 , 5 2 . $ 26. Exod. ill. 6. t 28. Matt. xxii. 3 5 .

Chap. 12:29.] MARE. [Chap. 12:36.
άπεκρ'ιθη, έπηρώτησεν αυτόν· Ποία εΌτι answered them, asked him,
he answered, asked him; Which is "Which is the Chief Com-
Ίησοΰς mandment of all?"
2 9
πρώτη πάντων εντολή; Ό *[δέ]
first ο ι fl. 11 c om man dm en t * The j_andj Jesus
άπεκρίθη αύτφ· "Οτι πρώτη * [πάντων έντο- 29JESUS replied to him,
replied to h i m ; That first [of a l l c o m m a n d - "The first *is.—t'Heark-
λή·] «"Ακουε 'Ισραήλ, Κύριος, ό θεός 'en, Israel; Jehovah our
ment;] "Hear you Israel, a Lord, the God GOD is one Jehovah;
ημών, Κύριος είς έστι· 3οκα1 αγαπήσεις Κύ-
of us, Lord one is; and thou shalt love a 30 'and thou shalt love
ριον τόν Θεόν σου έξ δλης της καρδίας 'Jehovah thy God with All
Lord the God ofthee out of whole of the heart 'thy * Heart, and with All
'thy *SouI, and with All
σου, καΐ έξ δλης της ψυχής σου, 'thy *Mind, and with All
'thy STRENGTH.·*
«αϊ έ£ δλης της διανοίας σου, καΐ
έξ δλης της Ισχύος σου.» * [Αΰτη πρώτη 31 And the second, this,
out of whole of the strength of thee." £This first
Kai δευτέρα *[όμοία,] αύτη· —i'Thou shalt love thy
commandment.] And second LI ike,] thi"s: 'NEIGHBOR as thyself.»
«'Αγαπήσεις τόν πλησίον σου ώς σεαυτόν».
There is no Other Com-
"Thou shalt lore the neighbor of thee as thyself." mandment greater than
Μείζων τούτων άλλη εντολή ουκ εστί.
Greater of these another commandment not is. 32 The SCRIBE said to
είπεν αύτφ ό γραμματεύς· Καλώς, him, "Of a truth, Teacher,
* [ΚαΙ]
[And] said to him" the scribe: Well, thou hast spoken well:
διδάσκαλε, έπ' αληθείας είπας, for he is One, X and be-
δτι είς sides
Ο teacher, in truth
him there is no other;
thou spea&est· that one
έστιν καΐ ούκ έ'στιν δλλος πλην αύτοΰ· 33κα1 33 and to LOVE him
lie is and not is another besides hixn^ and with All the UNDERSTAND-
το αγαπάν αυτόν έξ δλης της καρδίας ING, and with All tne
the to love him out of whole of the heart,
ecai έξ δλης της συνέσεως, * [καΐ έξ STRENGTH, and to LOVE
and out of whole of the understanding, [and out of one's NEIGHBOR as one's
δλης της -ψυχής,] καΐ έξ δλης της self §is *abundantly more
•whole of the soul,] and out of whole of the
Ισχύος, καΐ τό άγαπαν τόν πλησίον ώς εαυτόν, than All the WHOLE BURNT
strength, and the to love the neighbor as himself, OFFERINGS and •Sacri-
πλεΐόν έστι πάντων τών ολοκαυτωμάτων fices."
χχχ or© is of a 11 of tiio Tsrho 1 e burn t o£f e r i ntrs
34 And JESUS perceiving
«αί θυσιών. 84Kal ό Ίησοΰς, ίδών αυτόν, That he had answered
»nd sacrifices. And the Jesus, seeing him, wisely, said to him, "Thou
δτι νούνεχώς άπεκρίθη, είπεν αύτφ· Ου μακράν art not far from the KING-
that discreetly he answered, said to him: Not far
DOM of GOD." $And no
el άπό της βασιλείας του Θεοϋ. Kai one presumed to question
thou art from the kingdom of the God. And him any further.
ουδείς ούκέτι έτόλμα αυτόν έπερωτησαι.
no one' no longer presumed him to ask.
^ΚαΙ αποκριθείς ό 'Ιησούς έλεγε, διδάσκων 35 §And JESUS said,
And answering the Jesus said, teaching while teaching in the TEM-
έν τω Ιερφ· Πώς λέγουσιν ol γραμματείς PLE, "Why do the SCRIBES
in the temple: How say the scribes say, That the MESSIAH is
δτι ό Χριστός υΙός έστι Δαυίδ; 36Αΰτός a Son of David?
vh&t the .Anointed a son is of X3avid? SLimselx
γαρ ό Δαυίδ είπεν έν πνεύματι άγίω· «Λέγει 36 For David himself
for the David said by spirit holy: "Says said, by the Holy Spirit,
VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 9 . And—omit. 29. Commandment of all—om't. 29. is.
30. Heart. 30. Soul. 30. Mind. 30. This the First Commandment—omit. 31.
like.—omit. 32. and— -omit. 33. and with All the SOUL—omit. 33. abundantly more.
3 3 . Sacrifices.
t 29. Deut. vi. 4 ; Luke x. 27. $ 31. Lev. xix. 1 8 ; M a t t . xxii. 3 9 ; Rom. x i i i .
9 ; Gal. v. 14; James i i . 8. ί 32. Deut. iv. 3 9 ; Isa. xlv. 6, 1 4 ; xlvi. 9. ί 33.
1 Sam. xv. 2 2 ; Hoshea vi. 6 ; Micah vi. 6-8. $ 34. Matt. xxii. 46. t 35. Matt,
xxii. 4 1 ; Luke xx. 4 1 .
Chap. 12:37.] MARK. [Chap. 12:44.
δ Κύριος τω κυρ'ιω μου· Κάθου έκ δεξι- $f'Jehovah said to my
tho Lord t o the lord* of m e ; S i t thou a t r i g h t 'LORD, Sit thou at my
&v μου, εως αν #ώ τους εχθρούς σου 'Right hand, till I put
of me, t i l l I in&y pl&co the e u e m i e s of the© 'thine ENEMIES under-
ΰποπόδιον των ποδών σου.>> 37Αύτός οΰν 'neath thy FEET/
Δαυΐδ λέγει αυτόν κύριον καΐ πόθεν υΙός 37 David himself, there-
David c a l l s him lord; and whence a son fore, calls him Lord, and
αύτοΰ εστί; ΚαΙ ό πολύς δχλος ήκουεν αύτου how then is he *His Son?"
is he? And the great crowd heard him And the GREAT Crowd
ήδέως. Kai δλεγεν * [αύτοίς] έν tfi διδαχϋ heard him with pleasure.
crl&dly· .Axicl he s&id [to tocixij in the tc&cliiii^ 38 And he said in his
αύτοΰ· Βλέπετε άπό των γραμματέων, TEACHING, §"Beware of
τών θελόντων έν στολαίς περιπατείν, καΐ SIRE to walk about in
±Long robes, and §love
ασπασμούς έν ταίς άγοραίς, δ9κα1 πρωτοκαθε- Salutations in the MAR-
δρίας έν ταίς συναγωγαϊς, καΐ πρωτοκλισίας 39 and the Principal
in the syu&fit ο ε ue s· iincl upper couches seats in the SYNAGOGUES,
έν τοις δείπνοις· ol 40
κατεσθίοντες τάς and the Upper couch at
οικίας τών χηρών, καΐ προφάσει μακρςί προσ- BREASTS ;
houses of the widows, and for a show long are 40 §those PLUNDERING
ευχόμενοι* οδτοι λήψονται περισσότερον κρίμα, t h e FAMILIES Of WIDOWS,
praying; these will receive heavier judgment.
and for a Show make long
^Καί καθίσας *[6 Ίησους] κατέναντι τοΰ Prayers ; these will receive
And sitting [the Jesus] over against the a Heavier Judgment."
ναζοφυλακίου, έθεώρει πώς ό δχλος βάλλει
treasury, he beheld how the crowd casts 41 $ And sitting opposite
χαλκόν είς τό γαζοφυλάκιον. ΚαΙ πολλοί to the TREASURY, he be-
held how the CROWD cast
πλούσιοι £6αλλον πολλά. ^ΚαΙ έλθουσα μία Money into §the TREAS-
rich cast much. And coming one URY/ and Many Rich men
χήρα πτωχή, έβαλε λεπτά δύο, 8 έστι κο- cast in much.
widow poor, cast mites two, which is a 42 And a poor Widow
δράντης. ^ΚαΙ προσκαλεσαμενος τους μαθητάς approaching, cast in two
αύτοΰ, είπεν αύτοίς· 'Αμήν λέγω ύμίν, Lepta,thatis, a ±Farthing.
of h i m s e l f · ho 8Siid to tliem^ Indeed I sjiy to you, 43 And having called to
δτι ή χήρα αί5τη ή πτωχή πλείον πάντων him his DISCIPLES, he said
t h a t t h e w i d o w t h i s the poor m o r e of a l l
to them," "Indeed I say to
you, §That this POOR WID-
βέδληκε τών βαλόντων είς τό γαζοφυλάκιον. OW has cast in more than
Πάντες γαρ έκ τοΰ περισσεύοντος αύτοίς All of THOSE CASTING in-
Α. 11 for out of tli6 &oouiidin^} fulness to them to the TREASURY ;
£6αλον· αΰτη δέ έκ της ύστερήσεως αύ- 44 for they All cast in
have cast; this but out of the poverty of
της πάντα δσα είχεν εβαλεν, δλον τόν out of their SUPERFLUITY,
herself all as much as she had cast, whole the but SHE out of her POV-
6ίον αυτής, ERTY cast in all that she
living of herself. had,—her Whole LIVING."
•VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—37. His Son. 38. to them—omit. 41. JESUS—omit.
± 36. In the original (Psa. ex. 1) it is Jehovah. But the Evangelist has adopted the
version of the LXX, who I suppose, could not venture to translate that word which every
Jew regarded with the profoundest reverence, and could pronounce it without danger of
forfeiting his claim to a future state.—W akefteld. ± 3 8 . The stolee was an Oriental
garment descending to the ancles, and worn by persons of distinction, as Kings
Priests and honorable persons, and was affected by the Jurists of the Pharisaical sect.-—>
Bloomfield, 42. Or rather ihree-fourths of a farthing, or four mills. A kodrantees (Lat.
quadrans,) was a Roman copper coin, equivalent to the fourth part of an assarion, or two
% 36. Psa. ex. 1. t 38. Matt, xxiii. 1; Luke xx. 46. t 38. Luke xi. 43. t 46.
Matt, xxiii. 14. t 41. Luke xxi. 1. $ 41. 2 Kings xii. 9. *43. 2 Cor. viil. 12.
Chap. 13:1.] MAEK. [Chap. 13:8.
ΚΕΦ. ι γ ' . 18. CHAPTER XIII.
*ΚαΙ έκπορευομένου αύτοΰ έκ του Ιεροΰ, 1 §And as he was going
And departing of him out of the temple, out of the TEMPLE, one of
λέγει αύτφ είς των μαθητών αύτοΰ· Δι- his DISCIPLES says to him,
says to him one of the d i s c i p l e s of him: θ "Teacher, see; ±What
δάσκαλε, ΐδε, ποταποί λίθοι καΐ ποταπαΐ ο'ικο- Stones! and What Build-
ieacher,2 see, what stones and what build-
δομα'ι. ΚαΙ ό Ίησοϋς * [αποκριθείς] είπεν αύ-
ings. And the Jesus [answering] said to 2 And JESUS said to
τφ· Βλέπεις ταύτας τάς μεγάλας οίκοδομάς; him, "Seest thou These
him; Seest thou these the great buildings? GREAT Buildings? § there
ού μη άφεθη λίθος επί λίθφ, δς shall not be *left here a
not not may be left a stone upon a stone, which Stone upon a Stone: ±all
ού μή καταλυθη. 3
ΚαΙ καθήμενου αύ- will be overthrown."
not not may be thrown down. And s i t t i n g of
3 And as he was sitting
του είς τό δρος των έλαιών, κατέ- on ±the MOUNT of OLIVES
opposite the TEMPLE, Pe-
va ντι του Ιεροΰ, έπηρώτων αυτόν κατ' Ιδίαν ter, and James, and John,
and Andrew asked him
Πέτρος, καΐ 'Ιάκωβος, καΐ 'Ιωάννης, καΐ privately,
Peter, and James, and John, and
'Ανδρέας· 4Είπέ ύμίν, πότε ταΰτα εΌται 4 "Tell us, when these
καΐ τΐ τό σημείον, δταν μέλλη πάντα ταΰ- things will be?" and
and what the sign, when are about all these "What will be the SIGN
τα συντελεΐσθαι; 5
*Ο δέ Ίησοΰς *[άποκρι- when all these things are
things to be ended? The and Jesus [answer-
about to be accomplished?"
θείς αΰτοίς,] ήρξατο λέγειν Βλέπετε μή 5 And JESUS began to
Ing them,] began to say; Take heed not
τις υμάς πλανήση. β
Πολλοί *[γάρ] *say to them. ± "Beware
any one you may deceive. Many [for]
that no one deceive You.
6 Many will come in my
έλεύσονται επί τφ όνόματί μου, λέγοντες· NAME, saying, Ί am h e ;
"Οτι έγώ ειμί* καΐ πολλούς πλανήσουσιν. and will deceive Many.
That I am; and many they w i l l deceive.
7 And when you shall
'"Οταν δέ άκοΰσητε πολέμους καΐ άκοάς πο- hear of Conflicts, and Re-
λέμων, μή θροεΐσθε· δεί *[γάρ] γε- ports of Battles, be not
"Wars, not be disturbed; i t behooves [for] to alarmed ; for these things»
must occur: but the END
νέσθαι· άλλ' ουπω τό τέλος. 8Έγερθήσεται is not yet.
take place; but not yet the end. Shall be raised
γάρ Ιθνος επί δθνος, καΐ βασιλεία 8 For Nation will rise
Up for ΐΐ &t ion «i^ftinst nation.· &iicl kiufirdom against Nation, and King-
επί βασιλείαν * [καΐ] έσονται σεισμοί dom against Kingdom;
&g8 i n s t kingdom; C&ncO s h a l l foe o & r t t l o s there will be Earthquakes

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 . answering—omit. 2. left here. 5. answering t h e m —

'—omit. 5. say to them, "Beware." 6. for—omit. 7. for—omit. 8. and—omit.
± 1. Josephus says that the stones which Herod built the temple, were "of a white
and firm substance," and that "every one of them was about twenty-five cubits in length,
eight in height, and twelve in breadth." A cubit was nearly twenty-two inches of our mea-
sure. ± 2. How exactly this prediction was fulfilled may be known from Josephus—He
says Caesar ordered the soldiers to dig up the whole city and the temple; but to leave three
of the highest turrets standing; and a part of the wall, as a security to the garrison. But
they so entirely dug up the levelled all the rest of the city that none who saw i t would
think i t to have ever been inhabited." Eleazar, i n his animated speech to his countrymen,
thus exclaims; "Where is that great city, the metropolis of the Jewish people, defended by
such walls and such mighty towers ? Where is that city, which was thought to be inhabited
by GOD ? I t is torn up frim its foundations; and the only memorial that remains of it, is
the camp of its destroyers, which is stationed i n the r u i n s . " I t is also related in the
Taanith of Maimonides that according to Roman custom, the very foundations of the
temple were dug up, and that T. Rufus, a Roman commander, carried a plough over them,
t 8. From this spot the whole of Jerusalem was spread before the eye; and its situation,
form, buildings, boundaries, and different parts, distinctly and individually seen; more
especially Mount Moriah and Solomon's Temple, together with its spacious area.
t 1. Matt. xxiv. 1 ; Luke xxi. 5. $ 2. Luke xix. 44. $ 5. Jer. xxix. 8.
Chap. 13:9.] MARK. [Chap. 13:15.
κατά τόπους, *[καΙ] δσονται λιμοί * [καΐ in various places, and there
in places, Land] shall be famines [and will be Famines ; these are
the *Beginnings of Sor-
ταραχαί.] ΆρχαΙ ώδίνων ταΰτα. 8Βλέ- rows.
commotions.] Beginnings of sorrows these. Take
9 But §take heed to
πετε δέ ύμεϊς εαυτούς* παραδώσουσι *[γάρ] yourselves. They will de-
heed but you y o u r s e l v e s ; t h e y w i l l d e l i v e r up [ f o r j liver you up to High Coun-
ύμας ε'ις συνέδρια, καΐ είς συναγωγάς δαρή- cils and to Synagogues;
you to sanhedrims, and to synagogues you w i l l
and you will be beaten,
σεσθε, καΐ επί ηγεμόνων καΐ βασιλέων and will stand before Gov-
be beaten, and beiore governors and kings
σταθήσεσθε, Ινεκεν έμοΰ, είς μαρτύριον ernors and Kings on my
you w i l l stand, on account of me, for a testimony account, for a Testimony
to them.
αύτοίς. 10ΚαΙ εις πάντα τά £θνη δει,
t o t h e m . And among a l l the n a t i o n s i t behooves, 10 $And the GLAD TI-
πρώτον, κηρυχθήναι το εύαγγέλιον. η "Οταν DINGS must first be pub-
first, to be published the glad tidings. When lished among All the NA-
δέ ά*γωσιν ύμας παραδίδοντες, μή προ- TIONS.
but they may lead you delivering up, not be
μεριμνάτε τΐ λαλήσετε, *[μηδέ duct 11 §But when they con-
anxious beforehand what you should speak,
you to deliver you up-
[nor be not anxious beforehand
μελετάτε·] άλλ' 8 έάν δοθτί ύμίν έν
be concerned;] but whatever may be given to you in what you should speak;
έκείνχι τη ώρα, τοΰτο λαλείτε· οΰ γάρ έστέ but whatever may be given
that the hour, this speak you; not for are
you in That HOUR, this
ύμείς ol λαλοΰντες, αλλά τό πνεϋμα τό αγιον. speak; for it is not YOU
you the speaking, but the spirit the holy. who will SPEAK, but the
^Παραδώσει δέ αδελφός άδελφόν είς θάνα- 12 And §Brother will
τον, καΐ πατήρ τέκνον καΐ έπαναστήσονται deliver up Brother to
τέκνα επί γονείς, καΐ θανατώσουσιν Death, and a Father his
Child; and Children will
αύτοΰς. ΚαΙ δσεσθε μισούμενοι ύπό πάν- rise up against Parents,
them. And you w i l l be b e i n g h a t e d by a l l and cause them to die.
των, διά τό ονομά μου. Ό δέ ύπομείνας 13 §And you will be
through the name of m e . H e but persevering hated by all on account of
14 my NAME ; but HE, who
είς τέλος, οΰτος σωθήσεται. "Οταν δέ PATIENTLY ENDURES t o
to end, this w i l l be saved. When but
ΐδητε τό βδέλυγμα της έρημώσεως the14End, he will be saved.
§But when you shall
you may see the abomination of the desolation see THAT DESTRUCTIVE
έστώς δπου ού δεί· (ό άναγινώσκων νο- ABOMINATION, standing
having stood where not it ought; (he reading let where it ought n o t " —
είτω· J τότε ol έν τη 'Ιουδαία, φευγέτωσαν (READER, attend !)—"then
him think;) then those15 in the Judea, let them flee let THOSE in Judea ESCAPE
είς τά δρη· δ *[δέ] επί του δώματος, to the MOUNTAINS ;
to the mountains; he [and] on the roof,
μη καταβάτω *[είς τήν οΐκίαν,] μηδέ 15 ±let not HIM who is
not let him go down [into the house,] nor on the ROOF descend, nor
είσελθέτω, <£ραι τι έκ της οΙκίας αΰ- enter his HOUSE, to take
enter, to take any thing out of the house of Anything out of i t ;

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 8 . and—omit. 8. and commotions—omit. 8. a Begin-

ning of. 9. for—omit. 11. nor be concerned—omit. 15. and—omit. 15. into the
± 1 5 . The peculiar construction of Eastern houses is here referred to. They were all of
the same height, so that a person could walk at the top of a range of buildings, without
inconvenience, from one end to the other. In Palestine they are still built on this plan. A
staircase is carried on the outside from the top of the house to the bottom. The injunction
in this verse is delivered in a figure, expressive of great eagerness and expedition; so that
if a man was walking on the roof, he was directed to go straight forwards, till he got out
of the city; and not to delay even to go down into the house to take the most necessary
articles of food and raiment for his flight.
$ 9. Matt. x. 17, 1 8 ; xxiv. 9 ; Rev. ii. 10. % 10. Luke xxiv. 14. ί 11. Matt. x.
1 9 ; Luke xii. 1 1 ; xxi. 14. % 12. Matt. x. 2 1 ; xxiv. 1 0 ; Luke xxi. 16. t 13. Matt.
xxir. 9 ; Luke xxi. 17. % 14. Dan. ix. 2 7 ; Matt. xxiv. 12; Luke xxi. 20.
Chap. 13:16.] MARK. [Chap. 13:26.

του· κα1 6 είς τον άγρίτν ων, μη έπι- 16 and let not HIM who
h i If d h i th ί ΐ 1 l b i f n t l e t is in the FIELD return
στρεψάτω εις τά οπίσω, δραι το Ιμάτιον αύ- BACK to take his MANTLE.
hlm turn into the back, to take the mantle of
του. 17 ΟΰαΙ δέ ταίς έν γαστρί έχούσαις καΐ 17 £But alas for the
him. Woe but to the in womb having and PREGNANT a n d NURSING
ταίς θηλαζούσαις έν έκείναις ταίς ήμέραις. WOMEN in Those DAYS !
to the giving suck in those the days.
Προσει>χεσθε δέ, ίνα μη γένηται ή φυγή 18 But pray that *it
Pray you but, that not may be the flight may not be in Winter ;
υμών χειμώνος. "Εσονται γαρ a t ήμέραι 19 For in those DAYS
will be Distress, $such as
έκείναι θλΊψις, οία ού γέγονε τοιαύτη has not been from the Be-
those affliction, such as not has been so great ginning of the Creation,
an* αρχής κτίσεως, ής εκτισεν ό which GOD created, till
Θεός, εως τοΰ νυν, καΐ ού μη γένηται. NOW, nor ever will be.
God, till the now, and not not maybe.
ΚαΙ ει μή Κύριος έκολόβωσε τάς ημέρας 20 And except the Lord
cut short the DAYS, NO
And if not a Lo.d shortened the days,
ουκ 8.v έσώθη πασά σ ρζ· αλλά δια Person could survive ; but
not should be saved a l l on account of the CHOSEN,
flesh; but on account whom he has selected, lie
τους εκλεκτούς, οί5ς έξελέξατο, έκο-
οί the chosen (ones,) whom he has chosen, he has has cut short the DAYS.
λόβωσε τάς ημέρας. 21 ΚαΙ τότε έάν τις
21 And then if any one
•ύμΐν ειπη* 'Ιδού, ώδε ό Χριστός· ή*· should say to you, 'Behold,
to you should say; Lo, here the Anointed; or; the MESSIAH is here!' or
'Ιδού, εκεί· μή πιστεύετε. 2 2 Έγερθήσονται 'Behold,—there V believe
Lo, there; not believe you. Shall be raised it n o t ;
γαρ ψευδόχριστοι καΐ ψευδοπροφήται, 22 because False Mes-
for false anointed ones and false prophets, siahs and False Prophets
?mi δώσουσι σημεία καΐ τέρατα, προς το άπο- will arise, and exhibit
5ii\cl So til 1 β Ι νβ s i^ns find \sroiidersj to ttio to de~ Signs and Wonders, to DE-
πλαναν, εΐ δυνατόν, *[καΙ] τους εκλεκτούς. CEIVE, if possible, the CHO-
^Ύμεϊς δέ βλέπετε· *[1δού,] προε'ιρηκα
You but take heed; Po,} I have foretold 23 $But be you on your
ύμίν πάντα. Αλλ* έν έκείναις ταίς ήμέραις, guard ; I have forewarned

to you a l l . But in those the days, you.

μετά την θλίψιν έκείνην, ό ήλιος σκοτι- 24 $But in Those DAYS,
after the affliction that, the sun shall be after t h a t AFFLICTION, the
σθήσεται, καΐ ή σελήνη ού δώσει τό φέγγος ±the SUN will be obscured,
darkened, and the moon not shall give the light and the MOON will with-
κα1 ot αστέρες τοΰ ούρανοΰ εσον- hold her LIGHT,
of herself; and the stars of the heaven shall
25 and *the STARS will
ται έκπίπτοντες, καΐ at δυνάμεις, a t έν τοις fall out of HEAVEN, and
bo falling, and the powers, those in the THOSE POWERS in the
ούρανοίς, σαλευθήσονται. ΚαΙ τότε δψονται HEAVENS will be shaken.
heavens, shall be shaken. And then they shall see
τόν υΐόν τοΰ ανθρώπου έρχόμενον έν νεφέ- 26 $And then they will
th.6 son of the man coming on, clouds see t h e SON of MAN coming

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 8 . it may not be. 22. even—omit. 23. lo—omit,

25. the STARS will fall out of HEAVEN, and THOSE POWERS.
± 24. I n Isaiah xiii. 9, 10, 13, when the destruction of Babylon is threatened, i t i s
thus expressed, " t h e stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their
light; the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her
light to shine. I will shake the heavens, &c." And the reader may find the same eastern
manner of speaking in the following places of scripture:—Job xxx. 2 8 : Eccl. xii. 1, 2*
Isa. xxiv. 2 3 ; xxxiv. 4 ; lx. 2 0 ; Jer. iv. 2 3 ; xv. 9 ; Kzek. xxxii. 7, 8 ; Dan. viii. 10?
Joel ii. 10, 30, 3 1 ; i i i . 1 5 ; Amos v. 2 0 ; viii. 9 ; 2 Pet. iii. 10, 1 2 ; Bev. vi. 12-14.
t 1 7 . Luke xxiii. 2 0 . $ 19. Dan. vji. j ; Matt. xxiv. 2 1 . $ 23. 2 Pet. iii. 1 7 .
t 2 4 . Matt. xxiv. 2 9 ; Luke \ x i . 2 5 . ί 25. Dan. vii. 13, 1 4 ; Matt. xxvi. 6 4 ; Mark
adv. 6 2 ; Rev. i. 7 .
Chap. 13:27.] MARK. [Chap. 13:36.
λαις μετά δυνάμεως πολλής'καΐ δόξης. ΚαΙ in Clouds, with great Pow-
with power much and glory. And er and Glory.
τόχε άποστελεί τους αγγέλους αύτοΰ, καΐ
then he w i l l send the messengers of himself, and 27 And then he will send
έπισυνάξει τους εκλεκτούς αυτοί), έκ forth *the MESSENGERS,
h o ΛΝΓill ^ 3 . 1 1 ) t l c h o e ( o e )of liimsol fr and assemble his CHOSEN
των τεσσάρων άνεμων, άπ* άκρου γης from the FOUR Winds, from
the four winds, from an e remity of earth the Extremity of Earth to
ουρανοί). Άπό δέ της συκής the utmost bound of Hea-
ί-ως άκρου
to an extremity of heaven. From but the fig-tree ven.
μάθετε την παραβολήν δταν αυτής ό κλάδος 28 Now learn a PARABLE
learn you the parable; when of her now the branch from the FIG-TREE, When
απαλός γένηται, καΐ έκφύη τά φΰλλα, its BRANCHES now becomes
tender may become, and may put forth the leaves, tender, and puts forth
γινώσκετε, δτι εγγύς τό θέρος έστιν. Οΰ-
LEAVES, *it is known That
you know, that near the summer is. So SUMMER is near.
τω καΐ ύμείς, δταν ταύτα ϊδητε
also you, when these things you may see 29 Thus also, when you
shall see these things tran-
γινόμενα, γινώσκετε, δτι εγγύς έστιν επί
spiring, know That he is
coming to pass, know you, that near he i s at
θύραις. 3 0 Άμήν λέγω ύμίν, δτι ού μή πα- near at the Doors.
doors. Indeed I say to you, that not not may
ρέλθη ή γενεά αΰτη, μέχρις οδ πάντα 30 Indeed, I say to you,
p a s s a w a y t h e g e n e r a t3 i 1o n t h i s , t i l l o f w h o m a l l That this GENERATION
ταΰτα γένηται. Ό ουρανός καΐ ή γή will not pass away, till All
these may be done. The heaven and the earth these things be accom-
πάρελεύσεται· ol δέ λόγοι μου ού μή πα- plished.
shall pass away; the but words of me not not may 31 The HEAVEN and
ρέλθωσι. EARTH will fail; but $my
pass away. WORDS cannot fail.
ΠερΙ δέ της ημέρας εκείνης η* της 32 But concerning t h a t
Concerning but the day that or the DAY, *or HOUR, knows no
ώρας ουδείς οίδεν, ουδέ ot άγγελοι, ol man; not even an Angel
hour no one knows» nor the messengers· those in Heaven, nor the SON,
έν ούρανφ, ουδέ 6 υΙός, εΐ μή ό Πατήρ. but the FATHER.

^Βλέπετε, αγρυπνείτε * [καΐ προσεύχεσθε·] 33 §Take heed, w a t c h ;

Take heed, watch you [and pray you;] for you know not when
ούκ οϊδατε γάρ πότε ό καιρός έστιν.
Ώς the SEASON is.
not you know for when the season Is. As
34 §As a Man going
άνθρωπος απόδημος άφείς τήν οίκίαν αύ- abroad, leaving his HOUSE,
and having given the AU-
τοΰ, καΐ δούς τοίς δούλοις αύτοΰ
himself, and having given to the slaves of himself THORITY tO his SERVANTS,
to each his WORK, he also
τήν έξουσίαν, * [καΐ] έκάστω τό £ργον commanded the PORTER to
the authority, [and] to each one the work
αύτοΰ καΐ τφ θυρωρφ ένετείλατο tva 35 Watch, therefore; for
ot himself and to the porter he commanded that you know not when the
γρήγορη. Γρηγορείτε ουν· ούκ οϊδατε MASTER Of the HOUSE
be should watch. Watch you therefore; not you know
comes ; *whether at Even-
γάρ, πότε 6 κύριος της οΙκίας άρχεται, ing, or at Midnight, or a t
for, when the lord of the house comes,
Cock-crowing, or in the
όψέ, ή μεσονυκτίου, άλεκτοροφωνίας, fl Morning;
evening, or midnight, or cock-crowing, or 36 lest coming unex-
πρωΐ· ^μή έλθών εξαίφνης, ευρχ) ύμας pectedly he should find
morning; lest coming suddenly, he may find you you sleeping.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2 7. the MESSENGERS. 28. it is known That. 32. or HOUB

knows no man; not even an Angel in Heaven. 3 3 . and pray—omit. 34. and—omit.
35. whether at Evening.
t 3 1 . Isa. xl. 8. t 33. Matt. xxiv. 4 2 ; xxv. 1 3 ; Luke xii. 4 0 ; xxi. 3 1 ; Bom. xiii.
1 1 ; 1 Thess. v. 6. t 34. Matt. xxiv. 4 5 ; xxv. 14.
Chap. 13:37.] MARK. [Chap. 14:9.
κανεύδοντας. 8 7 "Α δέ ύμίν λέγω, πασι λέγω· '• 37 And what I say to
sleeping. What and to you I say, to all I say; you, I say to all, Watch."
ΚΕΦ. ι δ \ 14. 1 §Now after Two Days
* Τ Ην δέ τό Πάσχα
Π άσχα καΐ τά &ζυμα was the PASSOVER and
Was now the passover and the unleavened cakes the feast of UNLEAVENED
BREAD ; and the HIGH-
μετά δύο ημέρας· καΐ έζήτουν ol αρχιερείς PRIESTS and SCRIBES
after two days; and sought the high-priests sought him how they might
καΐ ol γραμματείς, πώς αυτόν έν δόλω
and the scribes, how him by deceit take him by Deception,
«ρατήσαντες άποκτείνωσιν. 2 "Ελεγον δέ· Μή and kill him.
seizing they m i g h t k i l l . They s a i d but; Not 2 *For they said, "Not
έν τη έορτη, μήποτε θόρυδος εσται του during the FEAST, lest there
in the feast, lest a tumult shall be of the should be a Tumult of the
λαοΰ. PEOPLE."
people. 3 $And he being a t
Kal δντος αύτοΰ έν Βηθανία έν τη οΙκία Bethany, in the HOUSE of
And being of him in Bethany in the house Simon the LEPER, while he
Σίμωνος του λεπρού, κατακειμένου αύτοΰ, was reclining at table, a
of Simon the leper, reclining of him, woman came, having an
$λθε γυνή δχουσα άλάβαστρον, μύρου, Alabaster box of Balsam
came a woman having an alabaster box of balsam,
of genuine Spikenard, very
νάρδου πιστικής πολυτελούς· *[καΙ] συν- costly; and breaking the
of spikenard genuine very costly; Land] BOX, she poured it on his
τρί,ψασα τό άλάβαστρον, κατέχεεν αύτοΰ κα-
breaking the alabaster box, she poured of i t down HEAD.

τά της κεφσΛής. Ησαν δέ τίνες άγανακτοΰν- 4 And some were dis-
on the head. Were and some being angry pleased, saying among
τες προς εαυτούς, *ΓκαΙ λέγοντες·] Εις τΐ themselves, "Why has this
LOSS of the BALSAM taken
to themselves, Land saying;] For what place?
ή απώλεια αΰτη του μύρου γέγονεν;
the loss this of the balsam has been made? 5 For *This BALSAM
Ήδύνατο γάρ τοΰτο τό μύρον .
πραθήναι could have been sold for
Could for this of the balsam to be sold more than ±Three hundred
επάνω τριακοσίων δηναρίων, καΐ δοθηναι Denarii, and given to the
more throe hundred . denttrii» &nd to be given POOR/' And they censured
τοίς πτωχοίς. ΚαΙ ένεβριμώντο αύτη. β Ό δέ her.
to the poor. And they censured her. The but 6 But JESUS said, "Let
'Ιησούς είπεν "Αφετε αυτήν τΐ αύτη her alone; why do you
Jesus said; Let alone her; why to her trouble the WOMAN? She
κόπους παρέχετε; καλόν §ργον είργά- has done a Good Work
troubles present 7you? good a work she has for me.
σατο έν έμοί. Πάντοτε γάρ τους πτωχούς 7 § For you have the
wrought In me. Always for the poor POOR always among you,
δχετε μεθ' εαυτών, καί, δταν θέλητε, and when you will, you
you have with yourselves, and, whan you w i l l , can *do Them good; but
δύνασ&3 αυτούς εδ ποίησα^· έμέ δέ ού Me you have not always.
you can them good to do; me bur not
Λάντοτε &χετε. 8 "Ο Ισχεν αίίτη, έποίησε· sam,) she has done it, t o
always you have. The having this, she has done;
anoint my BODY before-
προέλαβε μυρίσαι μου τό σώμα ε'ις τόν hand for the BURIAL.
beforehand to anoint of me the body for the
Αμήν λέγω ύμίν, δπου αν 9 *And indeed I say to
burial. Indeed I say to you, wherever you, Wherever these GLAD
κηρυχθη τό εύαγγέλιον τοΰτο εις δλον TIDINGS may be pro-
claimed in the Whole
may be published the glad tidings this in whole
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. For they said. 3. and—omit, and saying—omit.
6. This BALSAM could. 7. always do them. 9. And indeed.
± 5. A Denarius being in value about 14 cents, or 7d. English, the value of the box of
balsam would be forty-two dollars, or £8. 15s.
ί 1. Matt. xxvi. 2 ; Luke xxli. 1; John xi. 5 5 ; xiii. 1. Ζ 3. Matt. xxvi. 6 ;
John xii. 1 , 3 ; See Luke vii. 3 7 . % 7. Deut. xv. 11.
Chap. 14:10.] MARK. [Chap. 14:18.
τόν κόσμον, καΐ δ έΛοΙησεν α(5τη λαληθή- WORLD, this also which she
the world, also what she did this shall be has done shall be spoken
σεται, εις μνημόσυνον αυτής. of in Memory of her."
spoken, for a memorial of her. 10 $And *TIIAT Judas
ΚαΙ ό 'Ιούδας ό 'Ισκαριώτης, είς τών Iscariot, who was one of
And the Judas the Iscariot, one of the the TWELVE, went to the
HIGH-PRIESTS, to deliver
δώδεκα, απήλθε προς τους αρχιερείς, Ινα Him up to them.
11 And hearing it they
παραδφ αυτόν αύτοίς· n Ol δέ άκούσαν- rejoiced, and promised to
he might deliver up him to them; They and hear- soughthim give Money. And he
how he might con-
τες έχάρησαν καΐ έπηγγείλαντο αύτω άργύ-
ing were glad; and promised him silver veniently deliver Him up.
QIOV δούναι. ΚαΙ έζήτει, πώς εΰκαίρως αυτόν
to give. And he sought, how conveniently him 12 $Now on the FIRST
Kai xfj πρώτη ήμερα τών Day Of UNLEAVENED
he might deliver up. And the first day of the BREAD, when the PAS-
CHAL LAMBS were sacri-
άζύμων, δτε τό πάσχα εθυ- ficed, his DISCIPLES say to
unleavened cakes, when the paschal lamb was htm, "Where dost thou
ov, λέγουσιν αύτφ ol μαθηταΐ αύτοϋ· wish that we go and pre-
pare that thou mayest eat
sacrificed, they say to him the disciples of him; the PASSOVER?"
Που θέλεις απελθόντες έτοιμάσωμεν, ϊνα 13 And he sends two of
his DISCIPLES, and says to
φάγ'ϊΐζ τό πάσχα; ^ΚαΙ αποστέλλει δύο them, "Go into the CITY:,
tliou ixinyest ©&t th© j)tissov©r* ,Δ-uci lie sends twο and a Man carrying a
τών μαθητών αύτοΰ, καΐ λέγει αύτοίς· Pitcher of Water will meet
of tiio cLiscip 1 ©s of iiiuisolf· &iid ΙΙΘ s*iys to tliGixij you ; follow him ;
14 and wherever he may
Υπάγετε είς την πόλιν καΐ απαντήσει ύμίν enter, say to the HOUSE-
Go you into the city; and w i l l m e e t you HOLDER, The TEACHER
άνθρωπος κεράμιον ΰδατος βαστάζων άκο- says, Where is *the GUEST-
a man a pitcher of water carrying; fol-
CHAMBER, where I may
λουθήσατε αύτφ* κα1 δπου έάν είσέλθχι, eat the PASSOVER with my
είπατε τφ οίκοδεσπότχτ "Οτι ό διδάσκαλος 15 And he will show
λέγει· Ποΰ έστι τό κατάλυμα, δπου τό you a large Upper-room
says; Where is the guest-chamber, where the ±furnished ready; *there
πάσχα μετά τών μαθητών μου φάγω; prepare for us."
passover with the disciples of me I may eat? 16 And *the DISCIPLES
^ΚαΙ αυτός ύμίν δείξει άνώγαιον μέγα went forth, and came into
And he to you will show an upper room large the CITY, and found every
έστρωμένον έ*τοιμον· έκεΐ ετοιμάσατε ή- thing even as he had said
jjiivιnff16 been furnished re&dyi tlicrc prou&re you foi* to them: and they pre-
μίν ΚαΙ έξήλθον ot μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ, καΐ pared the PASSOVER.
for us. And went forth the disciples of him, and 17 §And Evening being
ήλθον είς την πόλιν, καΐ εδρον καθώς είπεν
CAIQO into the cityj &ud found ©v©n us he ssiid come, he comes with the
αύτοίς· καΐ ήτοίμασαν τό πάσχα. 17ΚαΙ TWELVE.
18 And as they were re-
to them; and they prepared the passover. And clining at table, and eat-
όψίας γενομένης, έρχεται μετά τών δώδεκα, ing, JESUS said, "Indeed I
evening being come, he comes with the twelve.
^ΚαΙ άνακειμένων αυτών καΐ έσθιόντων, say YOU
to you, That *one of
who are EATING with
είπεν ό Ίησοΰς* 'Αμήν λέγω ύμϊν, δτι είς έξ
said the Jesus: Indeed I say to you, that one of me will deliver me up."
υμών παραδώσει με, ό έσθίων μετ' έμου.
will deliver
you* VATICAN eating Judas
up me, who is THAT
MANUSOKIPT.—10. with me.Iscariot. 14. my GUEST-CHAMBER.
15. and there prepare. 16. the DISCIPLES. 18. one of YOU who are BATING with me.
± 15. Furnished ready, probably alludes to the manner of making the room ready for
the celebration of the passover; which was examined in every hole and corner by the
light of wax candles, and cleared from the smallest crumb of leaven with a scrupulous
nicety.— Ainsworth.
% 10. Matt. xxvi. 14; Luke xxii. 3, 4. % 12. Matt. xxvi. 1 4 ; Luke xxii. 7. % 1 7 .
Matt. xxvi. 2 0 .
Chap. 14:19.] MARK. [Chap. 14:29.
Ol *Γδέ] ήρξαντο λυπείσθαι, 19 And *they began to
καΐ λέγειν
They tana] began to be sorrowful, and to say be sorrowful, and to say to
αύτφ εΙς καθ' είς· Μήτι έγώ; * [καΐ άλλος· him, one by one, "Is it I ?"
Μήτι έγώ;] 2°*Ο δέ * [αποκριθείς] είπεν αύ- 20 And HE said to them,
Not 13? He but [answering] said to " I t is THAT ONE of the
τοίς* Είς έκ των δώδεκα, ό έμβαπτόμενος
them; One of the twelve, that dipping in me into the DISH.
μετ' έμοΰ βίς τό τρυβλ'ιον. 2 1 Ό μεν υιός 21 *The SON of MAN
τοϋ ανθρώπου υπάγει, καθώς γέγραπται indeed ?goes away [to
of the man goes away, even as it has been writ- death,] even as it has been
περί αύτοΰ· ούαΐ δέ τφ άνθρώπφ έκείνω, written concerning him;
ten concerning him; woe but to the man that, but woe to that MAN
δι' of» δ υΙός τοΰ ανθρώπου παραδίδοται· through whom the SON of
through whom the son of the man is delivered up; MAN is delivered up ! Good
καλόν ΐ\ν αύτφ, εΐ ούκ έγεννήθη ό άνθρω- were it for that MAN if he
good it was to him, if not was born the man had not been born."
πος εκείνος. ΚαΙ έσθιόντων αυτών, λαβών
22 §And as they were
ό Ίησοΰς ά"ρτον, εύλογήσας ε'κλασε, eating, *he took a Loaf,
the Jesus a loaf, having blessed he broke and
and having given praise,
έ'δωκεν αύτοίς, καΐ είπε* Λάβετε· τοΰιό έστι he broke it, and gave to
gave to them, and said: Take; this is them, and said, "Take;
τό σώμα μου. ^ΚαΙ λαβών τό ποτήριον, εύχα- this is my BODY."
the body of me. And taking the cup, having
ριστήσας έ'δωκεν αύτοίς· καΐ επιον 23 And taking *a Cup,
given thanks he gave to them;; and theyy drankk out
u o:
having given thanks, he
αύτοΰ πάντες. 24ΚαΙ είπεν
Ιπεν *[αύτοϊς.] Τοϋτό gave it to them ; and they
it all. And he> said tto them:] This all drank out of it.
τό αίμα μου, τό ς καινής
is the blood of me, that e new 24 And he said, §"This
διαθήκης, τό περί πολλών έκχυνόμενον. is THAT BLOOD of mine
covenant, tha.t concerning many being shed. which is of the COVENANT,
λέγω ύμϊν, δτι ούκέτι ου μή πίω THAT which is POURED
'. say to you, that no more not not I w i l l OUT for many.
έκ τοΰ γεννήματος της αμπέλου, εως της
drink of the product the vine t i l l the 25 Indeed I say to you,
ημέρας εκείνης, δταν αυτό πίνω καινόν *That I will drink of the
day that, when it I drink new PRODUCT of the VINE no
έν τχί βασιλεία τοΰ Θεοΰ. ΚαΙ ύμνή- more, till thatDAY when

in the kingdom of the God. And having I drink It new in the KING-
σαντες, έξήλθον είς τό δρος των DOM of GOD."
sung a hymn, they departed to the mountain of the 26 §And having sung,
έλαιών. they went out to the
olive trees.
ΚαΙ λέγει αύτοίς 6 Ίησοΰς· "Οτι πάντες 27 And JESUS says
And s a y s t o t h e m t h e J e s u s ; T h a t all
σκανδαλίσθήσεσθε *[έν έμοί έν τχ\ νυκτΐ them, "You will all be
w i l l be stumbled Cat me in the nigut stumbled; because
it is
ταύτη·] δτι γέγραπται· «Πατάξω τόν ποιμέ- written, fl w ill smite the 'SHEPHERD, and the
this;] forit is written: "I will smite the shep-
w, και διασκορπισθήσεται τά πρόβατα.» 'SHEEP will be dispersed.*
herd, andw i l l be scattered the sheep."
28 28 $But after I am
Άλλά μετά τό έγερθήναί με, προάξω RAISED, I will precede you
But after the to be raised 2 9 me, I w i l l go before tO GALILEE."
ύμας είς τήν Γαλιλαίαν. Ό δέ Πέτρος ε*φη
you into the Galilee. The hut Peter said 29 §And PETER said to
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—19. and—omit. 19. they. 19. and another; not I ? —
omit. 20. answe-ring—omit. 21 Because the SON. 22. he took. 22. a Cup. 24. to
them—omit. 24. THAT BLOOD of mine, which of the COVENANT, THAT which is
POURED OUT. 27. at me in this NIGHT—omit. n
$ 21. Matt. xxvi. 24; Luke xxii. 2 2 ; John vii. 33. $ 24. Luke xxii. 2 0 ; 1 Cor.
xi. 2 5 . $ 26. Matt» xxvl. 30. % 2 7 . Zech. xiii. 7. 2 8 . Matt. xvi. 7 . % 2 9 .
M a t t . xxvi. 3 3 , 3 4 ; Luke xxii. 33» 3 4 ; John x i i i . 37, 38,.
Chap. 14:30.] MARK. [Chap. 14:40.
αύτφ' ΚαΙ εί πάντες σκανδαλισθήσονται, άλλ1 him, "Even if all shall be
to h i m ; Even if all s h a l l be s t u m b l e d , yei stumbled, yet I will not."
ούκ έγώ. 3 0 ΚαΙ λέγει αύτφ ό Ίησοϋς· 'Αμήν
not I. And says to him the Jesus; Indeed 30 And JESUS says to
λέγω σοι, δτι συ σήμερον έν χτ\ νυκτΐ him, "Indeed I say to thee,
I say to thee, that thou this-day in the night That thou This-day, in
ταύτχι πρίν ή δις αλέκτορα φωνήσαι, This NIGHT, before a
this, before twice a cock to have crowed, Cock crows twice, wilt dis-
τρις άπαρνήση με. 3 1 Ό δέ εκ περισσού own Me thrice."
t h r i c e thou w i l t deny m e . He but w i t h vehemence
31 But HE spoke with
ίίλεγε μάλλον Έάν με δέη συναποθανείν more vehemence, "If I
spoke more; If me must to die
must die with thee, I will
σοι, ού μή σε άπαρνήσομαι. 'Ωσαύτως by no means disown Thee.'*
W i t h t h e e , n o t n o t t h e e I w i l l deny. I n l i k e m a n n e r And they all said the same.
δέ καΐ πάντες ελεγον. ^ΚαΙ έρχονται ε'ις
32 $And they came to
χωρίον, οδ τό δνομα Γεθσημανή· και λέ- a Place named Gethsemane,
a place, of which the name Gethsemane; and he and he says to his DISCI-
γει τοις μαθηταίς αύτοΰ· Καθίσατε ώδε, PLES, "Sit here, while I
says t o the d i s c i p l e s of h i m s e l f ; S i t you here, *go away and pray."
ΙΌος προσεύξωμαι. 3 3 ΚαΙ παραλαμβάνει τόν 33 And he takes with
till I shall pray. And he takes the
him PETER, and * JAMES,
Π έτρον καΐ Ίάκωβον καΐ Ίωάννην μεθ' and JOHN, and began to
Peter and James and John with be greatly amazed and full
έαυτοΰ· καΐ ήρξατο έκθαμβείσθαι καΐ άδη-
himself; and began to be greatly amazed and to be of Anguish.
μονειν. 34
ΚαΙ λέγει αύτοϊς· Π ερίλυ- 34 And he says to them,
iu anguish. And he says to them; Extremely sor- §"My SOUL is encom-
πος έστιν ή ψυχή μου εΊος θανάτου passed with a deadly An-
rowful is the soul of me even to death; guish ; stay here and
μείνατε ώδε, καΐ γρηγορείτε. 3 5 ΚαΙ προελθών watch."
remain you here, and watch. And going forward 35 And going forward
μικρόν, επεσεν επί της γης, καΐ προσηύχε- a little, he fell on the
a l i t t l e , he fell on the ground; and prayed, GROUND, and prayed, t h a t
το, ϊνα, εΐ δυνατόν έστι, παρέλθτ] ά π ' if possible the HOUR might
that, if possible i t is, might pa'ss from pass from him.
αύτοΰ ή ώρα. 36ΚαΙ έ'λεγεν Άββά ό Πατήρ, 36 And he said, "Abba,
§ιiill t h e hour» A-nd ho s&idj A\y\y«x t h e IPsithor·
FATHER, all things are
πάντα δυνατά σοι· παρένεγκε τό possible with thee ; remove
all (things) possible to thee; take the this CUP from me; $yet
ποτήριον ά π ' έμοΰ τοΰτο. 'Αλλ' ού, τΐ έγώ not what I will, but what
cup from me this. But not, what I thou wilt."
θέλω, αλλά τΐ σύ.
Καί 37 And he comes and
έρχεται, καΐ
finds them sleeping ; and
ευρίσκει αυτούς καθεύδοντας· καΐ λέγει τφ he says to PETER, "Simon,
finds them sleeping; and he says to the sleepest thou ? couldst thou
Πέτρω· Σίμων, καθεύδεις; ούκ ίσχυσας not keep awake a Single
Peter;" Simon, sleepest thou? not couldst thou Hour?
μίαν ώραν γρηγορήσαι; 3 8 Γρηγορείτε καΐ 38 Watch and pray, t h a t
one hour to watch? Watch you and you *enter not into T r i a l ;
προσεύχεσθε, ίνα μή εισέλθητε εις πειρασμόν the SPIRIT indeed is will-
pray you, that not you enter into temptation;
to μεν πνεύμα πρόθυμον, ή δέ σαρξ ασθενής, ing, but the FLESH is
the indeed spirit ready, the but flesh weak.
Kal πάλιν άπελθών προσηύξατο, τόν αυτόν weak."
And again going away he prayed, the same 39 And going again, he
λόγον εΙπών. 40
ΚαΙ ί»ποστρέ\μας, εδρεν prayed, speaking the SAME
"word s&ying· And having returned, he found Words.
40 And * again he came
αυτούς πάλιν καθεύδοντας· ήσαν γάρ ot
and found them sleeping;
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—32. go away and pray, 33. JAMES and JOHN. 38.
come into. 40. again he came.
t 32. Matt. xxvi. 36; Luke xxii. 39; John xviii. 1. Ζ 34. John xii. 27. ? 3 6 .
John v. 30; vi. 38.
Chap. 14:41.] MARK. [CHap. 14:51.
οφθαλμοί αυτών βεβαρημένοι καΐ ουκ ήδεισαν, (for Their EYES were over-
eyes of them weighed down and not they knew, powered;) and they knew
τΐ αύτφ άποκριθώσι. ΚαΙ έρχεται τό not what to answer him.

what to him they might answer. And he comes the

τρίτον, καΐ λέγει αύτοίς· Καθεύδετε τό λοιπόν 41 And he comes the
third, and he says to them: Do you sleep the now THIRD time and says to
καΐ άναπαύεσθε; απέχει, ήλθεν ή ωρα· them, "Do you sleep NOW,
and rest you? i t i s enough, is come the hour; and take your rest ? I t is
Ιδού, παραδίδοται ό υΙός του
enough, §the HOUR is
άνθρωπου come; behold the SON of

ε'ις τάς χείρας των αμαρτωλών. Έγε'ιρεσθε, 42 MAN is delivered up into

into the hands of the sinners. Arise,
άγωμεν Ιδού, ό παραδιδούς με ήγγικε. 42 §Arise, let us go ; be-
let us go: lo, he delivering up me has come near. hold ! HE, Who DELIVERS
ΚαΙ ευθέως, Ιτι αύτοϋ me up, has come."
And immediately, while of him 43 t And immediately,
παραγίνεται 'Ιούδας, είς ων των δώδεκα, καΐ while he was yet speaking,
comes •JUDAS, being one
μετ' coinos Jud&s· one beiii^ of tlie tTs^elve· &
αύτοΰ δχλος * [πολύς] μετά μαχαιρών of the TWELVE, and with
with him crowd [greatD with swords him a Crowd, armed with
καΐ ξύλων, παρά των αρχιερέων καΐ των Swords and Clubs, from
A net clubs» καΐ
γραμματέων fromτών tho liit?li~priests
πρεσβυτέρων. 44 &uu txi© the HIGH-PRIESTS, and the
Δεδώκει SCRIBES, and the ELDERS.
scribes and the elders. Had given
δέ ό παραδιδούς αυτόν σύσσημον αΰτοίς, 44 And the BETRAYER
and he delivering up him a signal to them, had given them a Signal,
λέγων "Ον α"ν φιλήσω, αυτός έστι· κρατή- saying, "He it is, whom I
saying: Whoever I may kiss, he i t is; 45seize may kiss ; seize him, and
σατε αυτόν καΐ απαγάγετε ασφαλώς. ΚαΙ lead him away safely."
him and lead away safely. And
έλθών, ευθέως προσελθών αύτφ, λέγει·
45 And coming, and
coming, Immediately approaching to him, he says: immediately approaching
Ραββί, *Γραβ6Ί·] καΐ κατεφίλησεν αυτόν. him, he says, Rabbi,"
Eabbi, [rabbi;] and kissed him.
and repeatedly kissed him.
* Ol δέ έπέβαλον έπ' αυτόν τάς χείρας * [αύ- 46 Then THEY laid
They then laid on him the hands [of
HANDS on him, and seized
τών,] καΐ έκράτησαν αυτόν. ΕΙς δέ τις him.
them,] and seized him. One and a certain 47 And one of THOSE
of those
παρεστηκότων, σπασάμενος τήν μάχαι-
standing, drawing the sword,
STANDING by drew a
SWORD, and struck a SER-
ραν, £παισε τόν δοΰλον του άρχιερέως, καΐ VANT of the HIGH-PRIEST,
struck the slave of the high-priest, and and cut off His * EAR-TIP.
άφείλεν αύτοΰ τό ώτίον. Kai αποκριθείς ό
48 $And JESUS answer-
cut off of him the ear. And answering the
Ίησοΰς είπεν αΰτοίς· Ώς επί ληστήν έξήλ- ing said to them, "As in
pursuit of a Robber, have
Jesus s&id to themj As upon A robber came you come with Swords and
θετέ μετά μαχαιρών καΐ ξύλων, συλλαβείν με.
you out with swords and clubs, to take me. Clubs to take me?
Καθ* ήμέραν η*μην προς ύμας έν τφ Ιερφ 49 I was with you every
Every day I was with you in the temple
day in the TEMPLE teach-
διδάσκων, καΐ ούκ έκρατήσατέ με· άλλ' Ινα ing, and you did not arrest
teaching, and not you seized me; but that me. §But the SCRIPTURES
πληρωθώσιν αϊ γραφαί. ΚαΙ αφέντες must be verified."

must be fulfilled the writings. And leaving

αυτόν πάντες £φυγον. Β1ΚαΙ είς τις νεανί- they 50 And leaving him,
all fled.
him all they fled. And one a certain young
σκος ήκολούθει αύτφ, περιβεβλημένος σινδόνα 51 And a certain Youth
man followed him, wrapped about a linen cloth followed him, with a Linen
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 3 . JUDAS, being one of the twelve. 43. great—omit.
45. rabbi—omit. 46. of them—omit. 47. BAR-TIP.
$ 41. John xiii. 1. $ 42. Matt. xxvi. 4 6 ; John xviii. 1,2. ? 43. Matt. xxvi.
47; Luke xxii. 4 7 ; John xviii. 3. t 48. Matt. xxvi. 5 5 ; Luke xxii. 52. * 49. Psa.
xxii. 6 ; Isa. l i i i . 7 ; Luke xxii. 3 7 ; xxiv. 44.
Chap. 14:52.] MARK. [Chap. 14:62.
επί γυμνού· καΐ κρατοΰσιν αυτόν * [ol νεα- cloth wrapped about his
οη naked; and they seized him [the young men.] naked body; and they
νίσκοι.] 5 2 Ό δέ καταλυτών την σινδόνα, seized him ;
He but leaving the linen cloth, 52 but leaving the LINEN
γυμνός εφυγεν * [άπ' αυτών.] CLOTH, he fled naked.
naked he fled [from them.] 53 χ And they conducted
^ΚαΙ άπήγαγον τόν Ίησοΰν προς τόν άρχιε- JESUS to the HIGH-
And they led the Jesus to the high- PRIEST ; and the HIGH-
ρέα* καΐ συνέρχονται αύτφ πάντες ol αρχιε- and the SCRIBES, came to-
gether to him.
ρείς, καΐ ol πρεσβύτεροι, καΐ ol γραμματείς. 54 And PETER followed
ΚαΙ ό Πέτρος άπό μακρόθεν ήκολούθησεν him at a distance, even
And the Peter at a distance followed into the PALACE of the
αΰτφ έ'ως δσω είς την αύλήν του άρχιερέως· HIGH-PRIEST ; and sat in
him even to into the palace of the high-priest; company with the ATTEN-
καΐ ήν συγκαθήμενος μετά των υπηρετών, DANTS, warming himself
and was sitting in company with the attendants, before the FIRE.
55 §And the HIGH-
καΐ θερμαινόμενος προς τό φως. ^01 δέ PRIESTS and the Whole
and warming himself to the light. The and SANHEDRIM sought testi-
αρχιερείς καΐ δλον τό συνέδριον έζήτουν mony against JESUS, in
high-priests and whole the high council sought order TO KILL h i m ; but
κατά τοΰ Ίησοΰ μαρτυρίαν είς τό θανατώσαι they found none.
against the Jesus testimony for the to putto death
56 For many testified
αυτόν καΐ ούχ εΰρισκον. Β6Πολλοί γάρ έψευ- falsely against him, but
him; and not they found. Many for t e s t i - their TESTIMONIES were
δομαρτύρουν κατ' αύτοΰ, καΐ Εσαι αϊ
fled falsely against him, but consistent the insufficient.
μαρτυρίαι ουκ ήσαν. Β7ΚαΙ τίνες άναστάντες, up, 57testified And some standing
falsely against
testimonies not were. And some having stood up,
έψευδομαρτύρουν κατ' αύτοΰ λέγοντες* 68"Οτι him, saying,
testified falsely against him, saying: That 58 "We heard him de-
ημείς ήκούσαμεν αύτοΰ λέγοντος* "Οτι έγώ clare, §1 will destroy
we heard him saying: That I
καταλύσω τόν ναόν τοΰτον τόν χειροποί,η- THIS TEMPLE MADE WITH
w i l l destroy the temple this the made with HANDS, and in Three Days,
τον, καΐ διά τριών ήμερων α*λλον άχειροποίη- I will build Another made
hands, and in three days another made without
without hands."
τον οικοδομήσω. 50ΚαΙ ουδέ οΰτως Ιση 59 But not even thus
hands I w i l l build. And not even thus consistent was their TESTIMONY suf-
fjv ή μαρτυρία αυτών. e0Kal άναστάς ό ficient.
άρχιερεύς είς μέσον, έπηρώτησε τόν Ίησοΰν, standing 60 And the HIGH-PRIEST
high-priest in midst, he asked the Jesus, up in tvhe MIDST,
λέγων Ούκ άποκρίνη ουδέν; τΐ οδτοί asked JESUS, saying, "An-
saying: Not answerest thou nothing? what these swerest thou nothing *to
what these testify against
σου καταμαρτυροΰσιν; β 1 Ό δέ έσιώπα, καΐ thee?"
of thee testify against? He but was silent and
61 $But HE was silent,
ουδέν άπεκρίνατο. Πάλιν ό άρχιερεύς έπηρώ-
nothing he answered. Again the high-priest asked and answered nothing.
τα αυτόν καΐ λέγει αύτφ* Σύ εΐ
ό asked him, and says to
him and says to him: him; "Art thou the MES-
Thou βart
Χριστός, ό υΙός τοΰ Εύλογητοΰ; Ό δέ SIAH, the SON of the
Anointed, the son of the Blessed? The and BLESSED One?"
Ίησοΰς είπεν Έγώ είμι· καΐ δψεσθε τόν 62 And JESUS said, " I
Jesus said: I am; and you shall see the am ; and you shall see the
υΐόν τοΰ ανθρώπου έκ δεξιών καθήμενον της SON of MAN sitting at the
son of the man at right sitting of the Right hand of the MIGHTY

* VATICAN MANUSCEIPT.—51. the young men—omit. 52. from them—omit. 60.

Because these.
$ 53. Matt. xxvi. 57; Luke xxii. 54; John xviii. 13. ί 5 5 Matt. xxvi. 59. t 58.
Mark xv. 2 9 ; John ii. 19. $ 60. Matt. xxvi. 62. tt 61. Matt. xxiv. 30; Matt.
xxvi. 64; Luke xxll. 69.
Chap. 14:63.] MARK. [Chap. 14:72.
δυνάμεως, καΐ έρχόμενον μετά των νεφελών One, and coming with the
τοϋ ούρανοΰ. * Ο δε άρχιερεύς, διαρρήξας 63 And the HIGH-PRIEST
©τ t h e Ιιβίΐνβΐΐ· The £tiiui χιi§h.~priΘSt^ hiiviiiij x*6ut having rent his GARMENTS,
says, "What further need
τους χιτώνας αύτοΰ, λέγει· ΤΙ ετι have we of Witnesses?
χρε'ιαν εχομεν μαρτύρων;
Ήκουσατε της 64 You have heard the
BLASPHEMY. What is your
βλασφημίας* τΐ ύμίν φαίνεται; Οι δέ πάντες opinion?" And they ALL
blasphemy; what to you appears? They but all condemned him as worthy
of Death.
κατέκριναν αυτόν είναι ενοχον θανάτου.
condemned h i m to be deserving of death. 65 And some began to
βδ spit upon him, and to
Και Ιϊρξαντο
«α?νύπτειν τινές έμπτύειν
τό πρόσωπον αύτώ,
αύτοΰ, καΐκαΐ περί-
κολαφί- cover His FACE, and to
^\Ύ\(^ UG^&II some to s p i t upon hini} &nci to beat him with the fist, and
er the fftce of him., itud to oes,t with
ζε ν αυτόν, καΐ λέγειν αύτώ, Προφήτευσον. to say to him, "Divine to
us ; " and the ATTENDANTS
fist iximf ftnd to ssy to liimj Prophesy· struck Him on the cheek
Kal ot ΰπηρέται ραπ'ισμασιν αυτόν εβαλλον. with the Open Hand.
And the attendants with open hands him beat. 66 $And PETER being
^ K a i δντος τοΰ Π έτρου έν τη αύλη κάτω,
And being the Peter in the court-yard below, below in the COURT-YARD,
there comes one of the
§ρχεται μία τών παιδισκών τοΰ άρχιερέως· MAID-SERVANTS Of the
κα1 ίδοΰσα τόν ΓΓ έτρον Φερμαινόμενον, 67 and seeing PETER
and seeing the Peter warming himself, warming himself, earnestly
έμβλέψασα αύτφ λέγει· ΚαΙ συ μετά τοΰ looking at him, she says,
she looking to him says: And thou with the "Thou also wast with the
Καζαρηνοΰ Ίησοΰ ήσΦα. 6 8 Ό δέ ήρνήσατο, NAZARENE, * J E S U S . "
Nazarene Jesus wast. He but denied,
68 But HE denied, say-
λ έ γ ω ν Ούκ οίδα, ουδέ έπίσταμαι τΐ σύ
saying: Not I know, nor comprehend what thou ing, " I *neither know nor
λέγεις. ΚαΙ έξήλθεν ί;ξω εις τό προαΰλιονunderstand what thou
*ΓκαΙ αλέκτωρ έφώνησεν.] 6 δ ΚαΙ ή παιδίσκη sayest." And he went out
Land a cock crew.] And the maid-servant into the OUTER COURT ;
Ιδοΰσα αΰνόν * [πάλιν] Ιίρξατο λέγειν τοις
69 §and the MAID-SER-
seeing him [again] began to say to the VANT seeing him, *said
παρεστηκόσιν "Οτι οδτος έξ αυτών έστιν. tO THOSE STANDING BY,
having stood by; That this of them is.
O δέ πάλιν ήρνείτο. Kctl μετά μικρόν πάλιν "This is one of them."
70 And HE denied i t
H e a n d a g a i n d e n i e d . And a f t e r a l i t t l e a g a i n
ol παρεστώτες έ'λεγον τω Πέτρω· Αληθώς again. And after a little,
those having stood by snid to the Peterj Truly THOSE STANDING BY Said
έξ αυτών εΙ· καΐ γάρ Γαλιλαίος again to PETER, "Cer-
of them thou art; also for a Galilean thou a r t , tainly, thou a r t one of
* Γ αΙ λαλιά σου ομοιάζει.]
them; for thou a r t also a
*Ο δέ
[and speech of thee Is like.] He then
Ιίρξατο άναθεματίζειν καΐ όμνύναι· "Οτι οΰκ 71 Then H E began to
began to curse and swear; That not
curse and swear, " I know
οίδα τόν ά*ν&ρωπον τοΰτον, δν not this MAN of whom you
Χ know t h e m&n this9 of whom you say· speak."
ΚαΙ έκ δευτέρου αλέκτωρ έφώνησε. Kal 72 §And *immediately
^Lnd of second ooclc cr©Tiv· for a second time ±a Cock
crew. And PETER recol-
άνεμνήσθη 6 Πέτρος τοΰ ρήματος, oft
lected the WORD which
remembered the Peter the word, of which
JESUS spoke to him, "That
είπεν αύτω δ Ίησοΰς· "Οτι πρίν αλέκτορα before a Cock crows twice,
said to him the Jesus; That before a cock
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 6 7 . JESUS. 67. neither know nor understand. 68. and
a Cock crew—omit. 69. again—omit. 69. said to THOSE. 70. and thy SPEECH i s
like it—omit. 72. immediately for a second.
± 72. or a watch-trumpet sounded. See Note on Matt. xxvi. 34.
t 66. Matt. xxvi. 5 8 , 6 9 ; Luke xxii. 5 5 ; John xviii. 10. t 69. Matt. xxvi. 7 1 ,
7 3 ; Luke xxii. 5 8 , 5 9 ; John xviii. 2 5 , 2 6 . % 72. Matt. xxvi. 75.
CJiap. 15:1.] MARK. [Chap. 15:11.
φωνήσαι δις, άπαρνήση με τρις. thou wilt disown me
thou w i l t deny me thrice. thrice." And reflecting on
to have crowed twice,
it, he wept.
Kai έπιβαλών έ'κλαιε.
ΚΕΦ. t e \ 15.
Γ §And immediately in
Kat ευθέως έπΐ τδ πρωΐ συμβούλιον the *Morning, the HIGH-
And immediately on the morning a council PRIESTS, with the ELDERS
ποιήσαντες ot αρχιερείς μετά των πρεσβυ- and Scribes, even the
having been held the high-priests with the elders Whole SANHEDRIM, held
τερων καΐ γραμματέων, καΐ όλον τό συνέ- a Council; and having
and scribes, even whole the san- bound JESUS, they carried
δριον, δήσαντες τόν Ίησοϋν, άπήνεγκαν καΐ and delivered him up to
παρέδωκαν τφ Ιϊιλάτφ. 2ΚαΙ έπηρώτησεν 2 §And PILATE asked
αυτόν ό Πιλάτος· Σύ εΐ ό βασιλεύς των him, "Art thou the KING of the JEWS?" And HB
him the Pilate; Thou art the king of the
answering, *says to him,
'Ιουδαίων; Ό δέ αποκριθείς είπεν αύτφ· Σύ "Thou sayest it."
Jews? He and answering said to him; Thou 3 And the HIGH-PRIESTS
λέγεις. 3ΚαΙ κατηγορούν αυτοί) ot αρχιερείς accused him of many
Ό δέ Πιλάτος πάλιν έπηρώτησεν things.
many things. The and P i l a t e again asked
4 $Then PILATE asked
him again saying, "An-
αυτόν, λέγων Ούκ άποκρίντ) ουδέν; ϊδε, swerest thou nothing ? See
how many things they *ac-
πόσα σου καταμαρτυροΰσιν. 6*Ο cuse thee of."
5 $But JESUS answered
how many things of thee they t e s t i f y against. The no more, so that PILATB
δέ Ίησοΰς ούκέτι ουδέν άπεκρίθη· ώστε was astonished.
but Jesus no longer nothing answered; so as 6 §Now at each Feast
he used to release to them
θαυμάζειν τόν Πιλάτον. βΚατά δέ έορτήν ά- One Prisoner, whoever
πέλυεν αΰτοϊς ενα δέσμιον δνπερ ήτοΰν- they asked.
το. 7 r Hv δέ ό λεγόμενος Βαραββάς μετά 7 And there was H E
asked. Was and he being named Barabbas with who was NAMED Barabbas,
των συστασιαστών δεδεμένος, οιτινες έν having been imprisoned
with the INSURGENTS,
TTJ στάσει φόνον πεποιήκεισαν. 8ΚαΙ άναβοή- who had committed Mur-
the sedition murder had committed. And crying
der in the INSURRECTION.
σας ό δχλος ήρξατο αΐτείσθαι, καθώς άεΐ 8 And the CROWD *go-
out the crowd began,
9 ing up began to demand
to demand» &s ft 1 ways
έποίει αύτοίς. Ό δέ Πιλάτος άπεκρίθη what he was accustomed to
he did to them. The but Pilate answered
grant them.
αύτοίς, λέγων Θέλετε απολύσω ύμίν 9 But PILATE answered
them, saying, "Do you
τόν Βασιλέα τών 'Ιουδαίων; 10Έγίνωσκε γάρ wish me to release to you
the King of the Jews? He knew for; the KING of the JEWS?"
δτι διά φθόνον παραδεδώκεισαν αυτόν ol 10 For he knew That
that through envy had del ivered up him the •they had delivered him
up from Envy.
Αρχιερείς. u Ol δέ αρχιερείς άνέσεισαν τόν 11 $But the HIGH-
high-priests. The and high-priests
δχλον, ίνα μάλλον τόν Βαραββάν stirred up the PRIESTS
άπολύ- CROWD, thatstirred up the
lie should
he should rather release BARABBAS
1 2
αχ\ αύτοίς. Ό δέ Πιλάτος αποκριθείς
release to them. The but Pilate answering
to them.
VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 . Morning. 1.Pilate. 2. says to him. 4. accuse thee
of. 8. going up began. 10. they had.
t 1. Psa. ii. 2 ; Matt, xxvii. 1; Luke xxii. 6 6 ; xxiii. 1; John xviii. 2 8 ; Acts iii.
?.3; iv. 2 6. t 2. Matt, xxvii. 11. $ 4. Matt, xxvii. 13. $ 5. Isa. Hi. 7; John xix.
9. $ 6. Matt, xxvii. 1 5 ; Luke xxiii. 17; John xviii. 39. $ 11. Mat. xxvi 20;
Acts iii. 14.
Chap. 15:12.] MARK. [Chap. 15:23.
πάλιν είπεν αύτοίς· ΤΙ ofrv θέλετε 12 And PILATE answer-
again said to them; What then do you wish I shall ing again, said to them,
ο*ω 8ν λέγετε βασιλέα των 'Ιουδαίων; ^ΟΙ "What *then shall I do to
do whom you call a king of the Jews? They him you call the KING of
δέ πάλιν έκραξαν Σταύρωσον αυτόν. 1 4 Ό δέ the J E W S ? "
but again cried out; Crucify him. The and
13 And THEY again
Πιλάτος ελεγεν αύτοίς·* ΤΙ γαρ κακόν έποί- cried out, "Crucify him."
ησεν; ΟΙ δέ περισσώς ε'κραξαν Σταύρωσον 14 And PILATE said to
done? They but vehemently cried out; Crucify them, "For what? Has he
15 done Evil?" But they
αυτόν. Ό δέ Πιλάτος, βουλόμενος τφ vehemently cried out, say-
him. The then Pilate, being w i l l i n g to the ing, "Crucify him."
δχλω τό Ικανόν ποιήσαι, άπέλυ<τεν αύ- 15 §Then PILATE, being
τοίς τον Βαραββάν, καΐ παρέδωκε τόν willing to GRATIFY the
delivered up the
them the Barabbas, and CROWD, released BARAB-
Ίησοΰν, φραγελλώσας, ίνα σταυρωθώ· BAS to them; and having
scourged JESUS, delivered
Jesus, having scourged, that he might be crucified. him up to be crucified.
Ot δέ στρατιώται άπήγαγον αυτόν &σω της 16 §And the SOLDIERS
The and soldiers led away him within the
αυλής, δ έστι πραιτώριον καΐ συγκα- led him away into the
COURT, which is the Prsv
court, which i s a judgment hall; and they call
λοΰσιν δλην τήν σπείραν. ΚαΙ ένδύουσιν together and torium; they called
the Whole COM-
αυτόν πορφύραν, καΐ περιτιθέασιν αύτφ 17 And they arrayed him
χι i ixi j)iirpl©> And pl&ced i t si pound * h i m in a Purple garment, and
πλέξαντες άκάνθινον στέφανον. 18ΚαΙ ήρξαν- intertwining an Acanthine
braiding an acanthine wreath. And they-
το άσπάζεσθαι αυτόν Χαίρε ό βασιλεύς Wreath, his head.
placed it around
began to salute him ; Hail the king
των 'Ιουδαίων. 19ΚαΙ δτυπτον αύτοΰ τήν him,—"Hail, 18 and began to salute
of the Jews. And they struck of him the KING of the
JEWS ! "
κεφαλήν καλάμω, καΐ ένέπτυον αύτφ, καΐ 19 And they struck his
Ii6iid "writo fl. i*OGd) find s p i t upon 2iim^ find HEAD with a Reed, and
τεθέντες τά γόνατα προσεκύνουν αύτφ. 20ΚαΙ spit on him, and KNEEL-
placing the knees did homage to him. And
ING, did homage to him.
δτε ένέπαιξαν αύτφ, έξέδυσαν αυτόν τήν 20 And when they had
when they mocked him, they took off him the
mocked him, they stripped
προφύραν, καΐ ένέδυσαν αυτόν τά Ιμάτια τά him of the PURPLE gar-
purple, and put on him the clothes the
ment, and put on him *his
Ιδια· καΐ έξάγουσιν αυτόν, * [ίνα σταυρώ- own CLOTHES, and led him
own; and they led out him, [that they might out.
σωσιν αυτόν.] ^ΚαΙ άγγαρεύουσι παράγοντα 21 §And One Simon, a
crucify him.] And they compel passing by
Cyrenian, the FATHER of
τίνα Σίμωνα Κυρηναίον, έρχόμενον άπ' άγροΰ, ± Alexander and Rufus,
one Simon a Cyrenian, coming from country, coming from the Country,
(τόν πατέρα Αλεξάνδρου καΐ Ρούφου,) tva was passing by, and they
(the father of Alexander and Rufus,) that compel him to carry his
δρτ| τόν σταυρόν αύτου. ^ΚαΙ φέρουσιν CROSS.
he might bear the cross of him. And they bring
22 §And they bring him
αυτόν επί Γολγοθά τόπον δ έστι μεθερμη- to * GOLGOTHA, which be-
him to Golgotha place; whi?h is being trans- ing translated, is, a Place
νευόμενον, κρανίου τόπος. ^ΚαΙ έδίδουν αύτφ of a Skull.
lated, of a skull a place. And they gave him 23 And they presented
* VATICAN M A N U S C B I P T . — 1 2 . then shall I do to him you call K I N G of the J E W S ?
20. his CLOTHES. 20. that they might crucify him—omit. 22. GOLGOTHA.
± 2 1 . Persons probably well known, and then living at Borne; since Paul, Bom. xvi.
13. salutes Rufus there.
t 15. Matt, xxvii. 2 6 ; John xix. 1,16. $ 16. Matt, xxvii. 27. $ 2 1 . Matt,
xxvii. 3 2 ; Luke xxiii. 26. $ 22. John xix. 17.
Chap. 15:24.] MARK. [Chap. 15:34.
* [πιείν] έσμυρνισμένον olvov 6 him Wine mingled with
Ct ο drink] having been mixed with myrrh wine; he Myrrh; but *HB did not
δέ ουκ έλαβε, receive it.
but not received. 24 And *they nail him
ΚαΙ σταυρώσαντες αυτόν, διαμερίζονται to the Cross, $and part his
And crucifying him, they divide GARMENTS, casting Lots
τά Ιμάτια αύτοΰ, βάλλοντες κλήρον έπ' αυτά, for them, w h a t e a c h
the clothes of him, casting lots on them, should take.
τίς τι άρχι. ''Ην δέ ώρα τρίτη, καΐ 25 And it was the third
who what should take. It was and hour third, and
Hour when they nailed
έσταύρωσαν αυτόν. 2 6 ΚαΙ ήν ή επιγραφή him to the Cross.
της αίτιας αύτοΰ έπιγεγραμμένη. « Ό of his ACCUSATION was
27 written over him, "The
βασιλεύς των Ιουδαίων.» ΚαΙ συν αύτω KING of the J E W S . "
king of the Jews." And with him" 27 And with him they
σταυροϋσι δύο λχιστάς· gva έκ δεξιών, καΐ * crucified Two Robbers;
they crucify two robbers; ones at right, and one one at his Right hand,
gva έξ ευωνύμων αύτοΰ. 2 * [Kal έπληρώθη ή and the other at his Left.
one at left of him. [And was fulfilled the 28 *[And THAT SCRIP-
γραφή ή λέγουσα· «Kai μετά ανόμων έλο- TURE was verified, which
writing that saying: "And with lawless ones he
29 SAYS, §"He was numbered
γίσθη.»] Kal ol παραπορευόμενοι
was numbered."] And those passing along 29 And THOSE PASSING
έβλασφήμουν αυτόν, κινοΰντες τάς κεφάλας ALONG reviled him, $shak-
reviled him, shaking the heads ing their H E A D S , and
θυτών, καΐ λέγοντες· Ούά ό καταλύων τόν saying, "Ah! THOU DE-
o f tli β Hi· &ΩΟ s&<yiii£>· ^Lh| lie ci© s t r oy i ΙΙΪΓ tli ο STROYER of the TEMPLE,
ναόν, καΐ έν τρισίν ήμέραις οίκοδομών 3 0 σώ- and Builder of it in Three
temple, and in three days building; save 30 save thyself, and
σον σεαυτόν, καΐ κατάβα άπό τοΰ σταυροΰ. come d o w n f r o m t h e
thyself, and come down from the cross. CROSS ! "
^Ομοίως καΐ ot αρχιερείς, έμπαΐζοντες 31 In like manner also,
In like manner also the high-priests, mocking the HIGH-PRIESTS deriding
προς αλλήλους μετά των γραμματέων, έ'λεγον him, with the Scribes, said
το one imother ^y * to tho scr i OGS^ s&iuj to each other, "He saved
others; cannot he save
*Άλλους έΌωσεν, εαυτόν ού δύναται σώσαι; himself?
Others he saved, himself not i s able to save? 32 The MESSIAH ! the
^ ' O Χριστός, ό βασιλεύς τοΰ 'Ισραήλ, κατα- KING of *Israel! Let him
The Anointed, the king of the Israel, let him
come down now from the
βάτω νυν άπό τοΰ σταυροΰ, Ινα ϊδωμεν CROSS, that we may see
OGSCOUU no\y from, too crossj tout Tisr© me.y soo and believe." Even those.
καΐ πιστεύσωμεν. Kal ol συνεσταυρωμένοι Jwho were crucified with
line! may believe· And those ha, ν ing been crucified him, reproached him.
αύτφ ώνείδιζον αυτόν. ^Γενομένης δέ ώρας 33 And the sixth Hour
"With him reproached him. Being come and hour
έ*κτης, σκότος έγένετο έ φ ' δλην τήν γήν, έΌ)ς being come, there was
sixth, d a r k n e s s 34 w a s on w h o l e t h e land, till Darkness over the Whole
ώρας ενάτης. ΚαΙ τχί ώρα τη ενάτη έβόησεν LAND, till the ninth Hour.
hour ninth. And the hour the ninth cried 34 And at the *NINTH
ό Ίησοΰς φωνή μεγάλη, * [λέγων]
the Jesus with a voice loud, [saying;j Hour JESUS cried with
'Ελωΐ, έλωί* λαμμά σαβαχθανί; δ έστι a l o u d Voice, § " E l o i ,
Eloi, Eloi; lamma sabachthani? which is Eloi, lamma sabachthani ?"
which, being translatfd.
μεθερμηνευόμενον *Ο θεός μου, *[ό θεός
* VATICANtranslated; The God to
MANUSCRIPT.—23. ofdrink—omit.
m e , [the God 23. HE. 24. they nail him to the
Cross, and part his GARMENTS. 2 7. crucified. 8.—omit. 32. Israel. 34. NINTH
HOUR. 34. saying—omit. 3 4. my GOD—omit.
4 28. Fritz and Tischendorf cancel this verse, and Griesbach marks it for omission;
yet Bloomfleld thinks injudiciously, as it a remarkable fulfilment of prophecy, and is
omitted only by few MSS.
t 24. Psa. xxii. 1 8 ; Luke xxiii. 3 4 ; John xix. 23. ί 28. Isa. liii. 12; Luke
<xxii. 3 7 . t 29. Psa. xxii. 7. t 32. Matt, xxvii. 4 4 ; Luke xxiii. 39. t 34.
Psa. xxii. 1; Matt, xxvii. 46.
Chap. 15:35.] MARK. [Chap. 15:45.
μου·] εις τί με έγκατέλιπες; ^Καί τίνες is, "My GOD ! to what hast
of me;] to what me hast thou left? And some thou surrendered me?"
των παρεστηκότων άκούσαντες, ε'λεγον 'Ιδού, 35 And some of THOSE
of those stsmcLiri^3β*^y lieitriiijj) sitid· LO| STANDING BY, hearing
Ήλίαν φωνεί. Δραμών δέ είς, καΐ γεμίσας this, said, "Behold, he
El ias he calls. Running and one, and filling calls Elijah."
σπόγγον δξους, περιθείς τε 36 |And one ran, and
si sponge of vinegaTi attaching and filled a Sponge with Vine-
έπότιζεν αυτόν, λέγων "Αφετε* ϊδωμεν, gar, and putting it on a
gave to drink him, saying: Let alone; we may see, Keed, gave him to drink,
εΐ έρχεται 'Ηλίας καθελείν αυτόν. 3 7 Ό δέ saying, "Let him alone;
if let us see whether Elijah
*Γησοΰς, άφείς φωνήν μεγάλην, εξέπνευσε. will come to take him
Jesus, uttering a voice loud, breathed out. down."
Kai τ6 καταπέτασμα τοΰ ναοΰ έσχίσθη 37 Then JESUS uttering
And the curtain of the temple was rent a loud Voice, expired.
είς δύο, άπό άνωθεν εως κάτω. 3 9 Ίδών δέ δ 38 $And the VEIL of the
into two, from above to below. Seeing but the TEMPLE was rent in Two
κεντυρίων, ό παρεσττικώς έξ εναντίας from top to bottom.
Φ on tur i oiiy tli9>if hiiviii§ stood by over «x^&inst 39 And THAT CENTO-
«tVcoO, δτι οΰτω * [κράξας] RION who STOOD BY over
έξέπνευσεν, against
him, seeing that
that thus [having cried] he breathed out, thus he expired, said, "Cer-
είπεν 'Αληθώς ό δνθρωπος οδτος υΙός fjv
said: Truly 40Τ the man this a son was tainly, *This MAN was a
θεοί). Ησαν δέ καΐ γυναίκες άπό μακρόθεν Son of God."
of a god. Were and also women from a distance 40 $And Women also
•θεωροΰσαι· έν αίς fjv καΐ Μαρία ή were beholding from a dis-
beholding; among whom was also Mary the
tance ; among whom was
Μαγδαληνή, καΐ Μαρία ή τοΰ 'Ιακώβου τοΰ Mary of MAGDALA, and
μικρού καΐ Ίωση μήτηρ, καΐ Σαλώμη· ^αϊ Mary the MOTHER of
little and Joses mother, and Salome; who JAMES the YOUNGER, and
*ΓκαΙ,] δτε ήν έν τη Γαλιλαία, ήκολούθουν *of Joses, and Salome;
Calso,] when he was in the Galilee, followed 41 who when he was in
αύτφ, καΐ διηκόνουν αύτω· καΐ αλλαι πολλαί, and ministered to him; ^followed him,
jiui & d served h ι in &nd ο t i r s uifty
αϊ συναναβασαι αύτφ είς *Ιεροσόλυμα. and MANY Others, who
those having come up with him to Jerusalem. CAME UP with him to
ήδη ό-ψίας γενομένης, (έπεί η"ν πα- 42 $And Evening being
j^Ύ\(^ ΤΠΟw evenίΐικ toeing come (siu.ce i t TiVfis prep·™
now come, (since it was
ρασκευή, 8 έστι προσάββατον,) ^ήλθεν the Preparation, that is,
the Day before the Sab-
'Ιωσήφ ό άπό Άριμαθαίας, εύσχημων βου- bath,
Joseph that from Arlmathea, of rank α sen- 43 THAT Joseph came,
λευτής, δς καΐ αυτός fiv προσδεχόμενος who was of Arimathea, an
ator, who also himself was expecting honorable Senator, who
την βασιλείαν τοΰ Θεοΰ, τολμήσας είσήλ- himself also was $ expect-
the kingdom of the God, assuming courage went ing the KINGDOM of GOD,
Φε προς Πιλάτον, καΐ ήτήσατο τό σώμα τοΰ taking courage, went to
in to Pilate, and asked for the body of the * PILATE, and asked for
Ίησοΰ. « Ό δέ Πιλάτος έθαύμασεν, εΐ ήδη the BODY of JESUS.
Jesus. The and Pilate wondered, if already
44 And PILATE won-
τέθνηκε* καΐ προσκαλεσάμενος τόν κεντυ- dered that he was already
he was dead; and having called the centu- dead; and having called
ρίωνα, έπηρώτησεν αυτόν, εΐ πάλαι απέθανε, the CENTURION, he in-
rion, he asked him, If already he had died. quired of him *if he was
*5ΚαΙ γνούς άπό τοΰ Κεντυρίωνος, έδωρήσατο already dead.
And knowing from the centurion, he gavo 45 And having ascer-
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—39. having cried—omit. 39. This MAN. 40. the mother
of. 41. also—omit. 43. Pilate. 41. If he was already dead.
t 36. Psa. lxix. 21. J 38. Matt, xxvii. 5 1 ; Luke xxiii. 45. t 40. Psa. xxxviii.
11. t 4 1 . Luke vii. 2, 3 . t 42. Matt, xxvii. 5 7 ; Luke xxiii. 5 0 ; John xix. 38,
% 43. Luke ii. 25. 38.
Chap. 15:46.] MARK. [Chap. 16:3,
τό σώμα τφ 'Ιωσήφ. 46ΚαΙ άγοράσας σινδό- tained from the CENTU-
the body "to Joseph. And having bought linen, RION, he gave the •DEAD-
να, * [καΐ] κασελών αυτόν, ένείλησε 46 And having bought
[and] having taken down him, he wrapped Linen, taking him down,
τη σινδόνι· και κατέθηκεν αυτόν εν μνημείω, he wrapped him in the
the linen; and laid him in a tomb, LINEN, and *put him in a
δ fyv λελατομημένον εκ πέτρας· καΐ προσε- Tomb which was hewn out
^v^li I ch w'fts h&vin^j been heivii out of & rockj &XIQ of the Rock, and rolled a
Stone to the ENTRANCE of
κΰλισε λίθον επί την θύραν τοΰ μνημείου.
Ή δε Μαρία ή Μαγδαληνή καΐ Μαρία Ίω- the47TOMB.

The but Mary the Magdalene and Mary of And Mary of MAG-
ση έθεώρουν, ποϋ τίθεται. DALA, and *THAT Mary
Jcses beheld, where he was laid. the mother of Joses, saw
where he was laid.
ΚΕΦ. ιστ'. 16.
*ΚαΙ διαγενομένου τοΰ σαββάτου, Μαρία ή CHAPTER XVI.
Μαγδαληνή, καΐ Μαρία ή τοΰ 'Ιακώβου, being §And 1 the SABBATH
And being past the sabbath, Mary the
Magdalene, and Mary that of the James, past, Mary of MAG-
DALA, and THAT Mary the
καΐ Σαλώμη ήγόρασαν αρώματα, ίνα έλΦοΰσαι mother of JAMES, and Sa-
and Salome bought aromatics, that coming lome, ^bought Aromatics,
άλείψωσιν αυτόν. 2Καί λίαν πρωΐ της μιας that they might come and
they might anoint him. And very early of the first anoint him.
2 And very early on the
σαββάτων έρχονται επί τό μνημείον, άνατεί- •first day of the WEEK,
of week they came
3 to the tomb, having (aboutsunrise,) they came
λαντος τοΰ ηλίου. ΚαΙ ελεγον προς έαυτάς· to the TOMB.
risen the sun. And they said to themselves;
ΤΙς άποκυλίσει ήμ,ίν τόν λίθον έκ της 3 And they said to them-
Who w i l l roll away for us the stone from the selves, "Who will roll
θύρας τοΰ μνημείου; 4ΚαΙ άναβλέψασαι θεω- away the STONE for us
door of the tomb? And looking up they from the ENTRANCE of the
©οΰσιν, δτι άποκεκύλισται ό λίθος· ήν TOMB ?"
saw, that had been rolled
5 away the stone; i t was 4
γαρ μέγας σφόδρα. ΚαΙ ε'ισελθοΰσαι είς τό And looking up, they saw (for it was very large.)
for great very. And having entered into the
that the STONE had been
μνημείον, είδον νεανίσκον καθήμενον έν rolled away.
5 §And •coming to the
τοις δεξιοίς, περιβεβλημένον στολήν λευκήν TOMB, they saw a Youth
sitting a t the RIGHT side,
καΐ έξεθαμβήθησαν. «Ό δέ λέγει αύταίς- clothed with a white Robe;
and they were awe-struck.
Μη έκθαμβεϊσθε* Ίησοΰν ζητείτε τόν Να- 6 §And HE says to them^
Not be you amaz-d; Jesus you seek the Na- "Be not alarmed; you
ζαρηνόν, τόν έσταυρωμένον ήγέρθη seek Jesus, THAT NAZA-
garene, the having been crucified; he has been RENE Who Was CRUCIFIED.
ούκ έ'στιν ώδε· ιδε ό τόπος, δπου He has been raised; he is
not here. See the PLACE
raised, not ho i7s here; see the place, where where they laid him!
£θηκαν αυτόν. Άλλ' υπάγετε, είπατε τοις 7 But go, say to his
they laid him. But go, say to the
μαθηταίς αΰτοΰ, καΐ τφ Πέτρφ, δτι προά- That he precedes you to
GALILEE ; there you will
γει υμάς είς την Γαλιλαίαν εκεί αυτόν see Him, §as he said to
before you into the Galilee; there him you."
δψεσθε, καθώς είπεν ύμίν. 8ΚαΙ έξελ- 8 And coming out, they
you w i l l see, as he said to you. And having fled from the TOMB ; for
θοΰσαι, £φυγον άπό τοΰ μνημείου· είχε
gone M A Nfrom
out, they fled U S C R Ithe
P T . — 4 tomb;
5 . DEAD had
BOAT. 46. and—omit.
seized 46. put him. 47.
THAT Mary the mother. 2 . first day of the WEEK,
t 1 Matt, xxviii. 1 ; Luke xxiv. 1; John xx. 1. t 1. Luke xxiii. 56. $ 5. Luko
xxiv. 3 4 ; John xx 11, 12. $ 6. Matt, xxviii. 5-7. $ 7. Matt. xxvi. 3 2 ; Mark xiv. 2 8 .
Chap. 16:9.] MARK. [Chap, 16:17.
δέ αύτάς τρόμος καΐ δκστασις, καΐ ου.trembling and astonish-
and them trembling and astonishment, and to ment had seized them ; and
they said nothing to any
δενΐ ουδέν είπον έφοβοΰντο γάρ. one, for they were afraid.
*[Άναστάς δέ πρωΐ πρώτη σαβδάτου έ- 9 *[And having risen
[Having risen and early first of week he
early on the first day of
φάνη πρώτον Μαρία τη Μαγδαληνή, άφ' the Week, $he appeared
appeared first to Mary the Magdalene, from first to Mary of MAGDALA,
ή"ς έκδεβλήκει επτά δαιμόνια. 1 0 Έκείνη from whom he had expell-
who he had cast seven demons. She ed Seven Demons.
πορευθεϊσα άπήγγειλε τοίς μετ' αύτοΰ 10 $She went and told
THOSE who had BEEN with
γενομένοις, πενθοΰσι καΐ κλαίουσι. 11Κάκείνοι him, as they were mourn-
having been, mourning and weeping. And those ing and weeping.
άκούσαντες δτι ζη καΐ εθεάθη 11 And they, having
having heard that he was alive and had been seen heard that he was alive,
12 and had been seen by her,
ύπ' αυτής, ήπί,στησαν. Μετά δέ ταΰ-
by her, they did not bel ieve. After but these did not believe it.
12 And after THESE
τα δυσίν έξ αυτών περιπατοΰσιν έφανερώθη things, he appeared in An-
things to two of them walking he appeared other Aspect $to two of
έν ετέρα μορφή, πορευόμενοι είς άγρόν. 13Κά- them, as they were walk-
In &no*tli©i* iisi}QCt· fi^oiu^ i n t o country* A.iid ing, going into the country.
κείνοι απελθόντες άπήγγειλαν τοίς λοι- 13 And they returning
those having gone brought back word to the rest;
ποίς* ουδέ έκείνοις έπίστευσαν. ι**Ύ- announced it to the OTHER
neither to them did they give credit. After- disciples ; neither to THEM
στερον, άνακειμένοις αΰτοίς τοίς ένδεκα did they give credit.
wards, reclining with them to the eleven 14 $Afterwards he ap-
έφανερώθη· καΐ ώνείδισε τήν άπιστίαν αυτών peared to the ELEVEN, as
he appeared; and reproached the unbelief of them they were reclining, and
καΐ σκληροκαρδίαν, δτι τοις θεασαμέ- censured their UNBELIEF
and hardness of heart, because to those having and OBSTINACY, Because
νοις αυτόν έγηγερμένον ούκ έπίστευσαν. who they believed not THOSE
had SEEN him after
1Β his resurrection.
ΚαΙ είπεν αύτοίς· Πορευθέντες εις τόν
And said to them: Having gone into the 15 $And he said to
them, "Go into all t h e
κόσμον απαντά, κηρύξατε τό εύαγγέλιον πάση WORLD, and proclaim t h e
world all, publish the glad tidings to all
τη κτίσει. 1 β Ό πιστεύσας καΐ βαπτι-
the creation. H e having believed and having been whole CREATION.
σθείς, σωθήσεται· ό δέ άπιστήσας, 16 He who BELIEVES
and is immersed will be
dipped, shall be saved; he but not having believed, saved; but H E who BE-
κατακριθήσεται. 17Σημεία δέ τοίς πιστεύ- LIEVES NOT will be con-
slm 11 ΟΘ condemned· Sij^ns &ud t o thosG hn-yjY\Q demned.
σασί ταϋτα παρακολουθήσει· Έν τφ ονόματι 17 And these Signs will
believed these shall attend; In "the name accompany the BELIEV-
E R S ; §In my NAME they
μ,ου δαιμόνια έκβαλοΰσι· γλώσσαις will expel Demons ; $they
of me demons they shall cast out; with tongues will speak in new Lan-
λαλήσουσι καιναϊς* 18 δφεις άροϋσι· guages ;
± 9. From this verse to the end of the chapter is wanting in the Vat. MS., and in
many other ancient copies. Grisbach marks the whole passage of very doubtful authenti-
city, but retains it in the text. Tischendorf rejects the whole clause. But judging from
the evidence with regard to this passage, it is probably an authentic fragment, placed as
a completion of the Gospel in very early times; and therefore coming to us with strong
claims on our rejection and reverence.
t 9. John xx. 14. t 10. Luke xxiv. 10; John xx. 18. t 12. Luke xxiv. 13.
t 14. Luke xxiv. 3 6 ; John xx. 19; 1 Cor. xv. 5. t 15. Matt, xxviii. 1 9 ; Kom.
x. 15-18; Col. i . 2 3 . t 16 Acts ii. 3 8 ; viii. 12; xvi. 31-33. $ 17. Acts v. 1 6 ;
viii. 7 ; xvi. 18. ί 17. Acts ii. 4 ; x. 46; xix. 6.
Chap. 16:18,] MARK. [Chap. 16:20.
καν Φανάσιμόν τι πίωσιν, ού μή 18 if: they will take up
and if deadly thing they may drink, not not Serpents; and if they
αΰτοΐς βλάψει· επί αρρώστους χείρας έπι- should poison,
drink any deadly
it will not injure
them it m a y hurt; upon sick ones hands they
Them; $they will lay
Φήσουσι, καΐ καλώς έ'ξουσιν. 1 9 Ό μέν Hands on Sick persons,
shall place, a n d w e l l they w i l l be. T h e indeed and they will be well."
οδν Κύριος, μετά τό λαλησαι αύτοίς, άνε- 19 Then, indeed, after
then Lord, after the to have spoken to them, he the LORD had SPOKEN to
λήφθη εΙς τόν οΰρανόν, καΐ έκάθισεν έκ them, $he was taken up
δεξιών του θεοΰ* 20έκείνοι δε εξελθόντες
into HEAVEN, and sat
right of the God; those and having gone forth down at the Right hand of
έκήρυξαν πανταχού, τοϋ Κυρίου συνεργοΰντος 20. And THOSE having
published everywhere, the Lord working with gone forth, proclaimed
καΐ τόν λόγον βεβαιοΰντος διά τών έπακο- everywhere, $the Lord
co-operating, and ratify-
λουθούντων σημείων.] ing the WORD through the
panying signs.] ACCOMPANYING Signs.

$ 18. Acts xxviii. 5. $ 18. Acts xxviii. 8 ; James v. 14, 15. % 19. Luke xxiv. 5 1 ;
Acts 1. 9 ; ii. 34, 35. % 20. Acts v. 1 2 ; xiy. 3 ; 1 Cor. i. 4, 5 ; Heb. ii. 4.


ΚΕΦ. α ' . 1. CHAPTER I.
Επειδήπε£ πολλοί επεχείρησαν άνατάξασθαι 1 Since many have un-
Since many have undertaken to prepare dertaken to prepare a His-
διήγησιν περί των πεπληροφορημέ- tory of those FACTS, which
have been FULLY ESTAB-
a narrative about those having been lully estab- LISHED among us,
νων έν ήμίν πραγμάτων, 2καθώς παρέδο- 2 $even as THOSE, who
lished among us facts, even as d^liv- WERE from the Beginning
crav ήμίν ol άπ' αρχής αύτόπται Eye-witnesses and Dispen-
sers of the WORD, delivered
ered to us those from a beginning eye-witnesses
8 them to us ;
καΐ ύπηρέται γενόμενοι τοΐ5 λόγου* εδοξε
i g ministers having been of the word; it seemed 3 it seemed proper for
πασιν κάμοί,
ακριβώς, παρηκολουθηκότι
καθεξής σοι γρά-
άνωθεν me also, having accurately
traced all things from the
ψαι, κράτιστε Θεόφιλε, ΐνα έπι- first, to write to Thee in
write, θ most excellent Theophilus, that thou consecutive order, §±Most
γνως περί ων κατηχή- excellent Theophilus,
mayest know concerning which thou hast been 4 that thou mayest know
Φης λόγων την άσφάλειαν. §the CERTAINTY of the
taught of words the certainty. Words, concerning which
Έγένετο έν ταίς ήμέραις Ήρώδου, του thou hast been taught.
βασιλέως της 'Ιουδαίας, Ιερεύς τις ονόματι 5 §In the DAYS of
king of the Judea, a priest certain name Herod, *King of JUDEA,
Ζαχαρίας, έξ εφημερίας Άβια* κα! ή γυνή there was a certain Priest
Zacharias, of course of AM a; and the wife named Zachariah, $of the
αύτοΰ έκ τών θυγατέρων 'Ααρών, καΐ τό Course of Abijah ; and his
ο£ l i i m of t l i e citmcr l i t e r s of jfk.&i*oxi» mxd th© *Wife was of the DAUGH-
δνομα αυτής 'Ελισάβετ. erHcrav δέ δίκαιοι TERS of Aaron, and her
name other Elisabeth. They were and righteous NAME was Elizabeth.
αμφότεροι ενώπιον τοΰ Θεοΰ, πορευόμε- 6 And they were both
both In presence of the God, walking righteous in the sight of
•νοι έν πάσαις ταίς έντολαϊς καΐ δικαι- GOD, walking in all the
ill ill λ tlie c ο HI xxi Aiiuin o u t s &ixd ordi™ COMMANDMENTS and In-
ώμασι τοΰ Κυρίου δμεμπτοι. 7 ΚαΙ ουκ fyv
nances of the Lord blameless. And not was stitution's of the LORD
αΰτοΐς τέκνον, καθότι ή 'Ελισάβετ fjv στεί- 7 And they had no Child,
to them a child, because the Elisabeth was bar-
because "Elizabeth was
Qa, καΐ ότεροι προβεβηκότες έν ταίς
ren, and toth having been advanced in the barren, and both were far
advanced in YEARS.
ήμέρ.αις αυτών ήσαν. 8 Έγένετο έν τφ
days ~ of them 'were. It happened n o w In the 8 Now it occurred, while
Ιερατεΰειν αυτόν έν τχ\ τάξει της he was PERFORMING THE
to perform sacred rites him in the order of the GOD, in the ORDER of his
εφημερίας αύτοΰ έναντι τοΰ Θεοΰ, κατά CLASS,

noon, ana lert it at me same nine on tne saooacn-uay IUHUW

first settled by David, continued to his own days.—Pearce.
% 2. Heb. ii. 3 ; 1 Pet. v. 1; 2 Pet. i. 1 6 ; 1 John i . 1; Mark i . 1; John xv. 2 7 .
% 3 . Acts i . 1. t 4. John xx. 31. $ 5. Matt. 11. 1. $ 5. 1 Chron. xxiv. 10, 1 9 ;
Neh. xii. 4, 17.
Chap. 1:10.] LUKE. [Chap. 1:18.
τό εθος της Ιερατείας έ'λαχε 9 ±that it fell to him by
to t h e c u s t o m o f t h e p r i e s t h o o d it f e l l to h i s lot lot, according to the CUS-
τοΰ θυμιασαι, είσελθών εΙς τόν ναόν TOM of the PRIESTHOOD,
of the to burn incense» entering into the temple §to go into the ±SANCTU-
ήν ARY of the LORD to burn
τοΰ Κυρίου* κα1 πάν τό πλήθος
of the Lord; and whole the multitude was INCENSE.
τοΰ λαοΰ προσευχόμενον εξω τχ\ &gq. 10 $And theWliole MUL-
of the people praying1Χ
without to the hour TITUDE of the PEOPLE was
τοΰ θυμιάματος. "Ωφθη δέ αύτφ άγ- praying without, at the
of the incense burning. Appeared ond to him a HOUR Of t h e INCENSE
γελος Κυρίου, έστώς έκ δεξιών τοϋ BURNING.
messenger of a Lord, standing at right of the
11 And there appeared
θυσιαστηρίου τοΰ θυμιάματος. ΚαΙ έτα- to him an Angel of the
Lord, standing a t the right
φάχθη Ζαχαρίας Ιδών, καΐ φόβος έπέπεσεν side of the ALTAR of IN-
troubled # Zaeharias seeing, and fear fell
έΛ* αυτόν. ΕΙπε δέ προς αυτόν ό δγγελος· 12 And Zachariah see-
upon him. Said but to him the messenger;
ing him, §was agitated,
Μή φοβοΰ, Ζαχαρία· διότι ε'ισηκούσθη ή
Not fear, Zaeharias; because has been heard the and Fear fell on him.
13 But the ANGEL said
δέησίς σου, καΐ ή γυνή σου 'Ελισάβετ
to him, "Fear not, Zacha-
prtiyer of thee* mid the w11 ο of tnee xu11SS.DOtii riah ; because thy PRAYER
γεννήσει υΐόν σοι* καΐ καλέσεις τό
shall bear a son to thee; and thou shalt call the has been heard; and thy
χαρά WIFE Elizabeth will bear
δνομα αύτοΰ Ίωάννην. ΚαΙ έ'σται
thee a son, $and thou shalt
σοι καΐ άγαλλίασις, καΐ πολλοί επί τχι γενέ- call his NAME John.
to thee and exultation, and many at the birth 14 And he will be to
γάρ μέγας thee a Joy and Exultation ;
οει αύτοΰ χαρήσονται. Εσται
of him shall be glad. He shall be for great and many will rejoice on
ενώπιον Κυρίου· καΐ olvov καΐ σίκερα account of his BIRTH.
iq sight of a Lord; and wine and strong drink 15 For he will be great
κ in the sight of the LORD ;
ού μή πίτ)* α 1 πνεύματος αγίου πλη-
and $will not partake of
not n o t he m a y drink; and a s p i r i t of h o l y s h a l l
σθήσεται ετι έκ κοιλίας μητρός αύτοΰ. Wino and ± Strong drink ;
be filled yet out of womb of mother of himself. but he will be filled with
K a l πολλούς των ύΐών 'Ισραήλ επιστρέψει holy Spirit, even from his

A.nd m&ny o£ the sons of Xsro.c 1 shall he turn Birth.

επί Κύριον τόν Θεόν αυτών. 1 7 Kal αυτός προε- 16 And many of the
to a Lord the God of them. And he shall SONS of Israel will he turn
λεύσεται ενώπιον αύτοΰ έν πνεύματι καΐ to the Lord their GOD.
precede in the sight of him in spirit and
17 $And he will come
δυνάμει Ήλιου, έπιστρέψαι καρδίας πατέρων first into his sight in the
power of Ellas, to turn hearts of fathers
Spirit and Power of Elijah,
επί τέκνα, καΐ άπειθεΐς έν φρονήσει δι- to turn the Hearts of Fa-
thers to Children, and the
καίων, έτοιμάσαι Κυρίφ λαόν κα-
just (ones,) to make ready f a Lord a people hav- Disobedient, by the Wis-
ω dom of the Righteous ; to
τεσκευασμένον. Κ α Ι είπε Ζαχαρίας προς τόν make ready for the Lord a
Ing been prepared. And said Zaeharias to the
prepared People.
δγγελον Κατά τΐ γνώσομαι τοΰτο; έγώ
messenger; By what shall I kne 18 And Zachariah said
' this? I
γάρ είμι πρεσβύτης, καΐ ή γυνή μου προ- to the ANGEL, $"Bywhat
for am an old man, and the wifo of me far shall I know this? for I
am old, and my WIPE is
βεβηκυία έν ταίς ήμέραις αυτής. ΚαΙ far advanced in YEARS."
advanced In the days of herself. And
± 9 . The holy places where the alter of incense stood, before the veil. Exod. xxx. 1, 6-
8; xl. 26. ± 15. The original word is derived from a root which signifies to inebriate;
and denotes wine made from fruits and particularly from the palm. John was to be a
Nazarite. Jerome says, "Any inebriate liquor is called sicera, whether made of corn,
apples, honey, dates, or any other fruits." The English word cider comes from the same
ί 9. Exod. xxx. 7, 8 ; 1 Sam. ii. 2 8 ; 1 Chron. xxiii. 1 3 ; 2 Chron. xxix. 1 1 . ί 10.
Lev. xvi. 17. ί 11. Dan. x. 8; Luke i. 2 9 ; ii. 9; Acts x. 4 ; Rev. i. 17. t 13. ver.
60, 63. ί 15. 3 ; Judges xiii. 4 ; Mark vii. 3 3 . $ 17. Mai. iv. 5 ; Matt,
xi. 14; Mark ix. 12. ί 1 8 . Gen. xvii. 17.
Chap. 1:19.] LUKE. {Chap. 1:28.
αποκριθείς ό άγγελος είπεν αύτφ· 'Εγώ είμι 19 And the ANGEL an-
answering the messenger am swering, said to him, $"I
said to him; I
Γαβριήλ, ό παρεστηκώς ενώπιον
τοΰ am THAT Gabriel, ATTEND-
Gabriel, the having attended in presence of the ING in the presence of
GOD; and I am sent to
Θεου· καΐ άπεστάλην λαλήσαι προς σε, καΐ speak with thee, and to

εύάγγελίσασθαι σοι ταΰτα. ΚαΙ Ιδού,

20 these glad tidings.
20 And behold, thou
£σχι σιωπών, καΐ μή δυνάμενος shalt be silent, and unable
tbou shalt be having been dumb, and not being ableto speak, till the Day when
λαλήσαι, άχρι ής ημέρας γένηται ταΰτα·
to speak, t i l l of which day may be done these; these things are accom-
plished ; because thou hast
άνθ' ών ούκ έπ'ιστευσας τοις λόγοις not believed my WORDS,
because of which not thou hast believed the words which will be fulfilled in
μου, οϊτινες πληρωθήσονται είς τόν καιρόν their SEASON/'
of me, which shall be fulfilled into the season
21 And the PEOPLE
αυτών. 21ΚαΙ
Ζαχαρίαν 6 λαός ένπροσδοκών
καΐ f\vέθαύμαζον τόν were waiting for ZACHA-
τώ χρονίζειν
Zacharias; and wondering In the to delay
RIAH, and wondered at
22 his CONTINUING so long
αυτόν έν τω ναω. Έξελθών δέ ούκ ήδύ- in the SANCTUARY.
him in the temple. Coming out but not he
νατο λαλήσαι αύτοΐς· καΐ έπέγνωσαν, δτι 22 And coming out, he
was able to speak to them; and they perceived, that
could not speak to them ;
όπτασίαν έώρακεν έν τω ναφ· καΐ αυτός and they perceived That
a vision he has seen in the temple; and he
f\v διανεύων αύτοίς, καΐ διέμενε κωφός, he had seen a Vision in
was making signs to them, and remained dumb. the SANCTUARY; for he
^ΚαΙ έγένετο ώς έπλήσθησαν αϊ ήμέραι made Signs to them, and
And it happened as were filled the days continued ± speechless.
τής λειτουργίας αύτοΰ, άπήλθεν είς τόν οίκον
of the ministration of him, he went to the house 23 And it occurred, when
αύτου. 24Μετά δέ ταύτας τάς ημέρας συνέ- §the DAYS of his PUBLIC
of himself. After and these the days con- SERVICE were completed,
λαβεν 'Ελισάβετ ή γυνή αύτοΰ* καΐ περιέ- he returned to his own
c'eived Elisabeth the wife of him; and hid HOUSE.
κρυβεν έαυτήν μήνας πέντε, λέγουσα· ^"Οτι 24 And after These DAYS
herself months five, Elizabeth his WIFE con-
saying: That
ούτω μοι πεποίηκεν 6 Κύριος έν ήμέραις, self fiveand
ceived, concealed her-
Months, saying,
thus to me has done the Lord in days,
αίς έπεΐδεν άφελεΐν τό δνειδός μου 25 "Thus has the LORD
Which he looked on to take away the reproach of me done for me, in. the Days
when he regarded me, $to
έν άνθρώποις. take away my REPROACH
among men. among Men."
se'Ev δέ τφ μηνΐ τφ Ικτω απεστάλη ό 26 Now, in the SIXTH
άγγελος Γαβριήλ ύπό τοΰ Θεου είς πόλιν τής MONTH, the ANGEL Gabriel
messenger Gabriel by the God to a27c i t y of the
Γαλιλαίας, \[ όνομα Ναζαρέτ, πρός παρ- was sent by GOD to a City
Galilee, to which a name Nazareth, to a of GALILEE, named Naza-
θένον μεμνηστευμένην άνδρί, φ reth,
Virgin having been betrothed to a man, to whom 27 to a Virgin §betrothed
δνομα 'Ιωσήφ, έξ οίκου Δαυίδ* καΐ τό δνομα to a Man whose name was
a name Joseph, of house of David; and the name Joseph, of the House of
τής παρθένου, Μαριάμ. ^ΚαΙ είσελθών ό άγ- David; and the VIRGIN'S
of the virgin, Mary. And coming the mes- NAME was Mary.
γελος προς αυτήν, είπε· Χαίρε, κεχαριτω- 28 And coming in to her,
senger to her, said: Hail, having been he said, §"Hail, favored

± 22. Or deaf and dumb, for the original word has this double meaning. That Zachariah
was deprived for a time of both these senses is evident from verse 62, where it is said,
"they made signs to the father."
$ 19. Dan. viii. 16; ix. 21-23; Matt, xviii. 10. X 23. 2 Kings xi. 5; 1 Chron.
ix. 25. % 25. Gen. xxx. 2 3 ; Isa. iv. 1; liv. 1, 4. % 27. Matt. i . 18; Mark i i . 4, 5 .
Chap. 1:29.] LUKE. [Chap. 1:38.
μένη· ό Κύριος μετά σου* * [ευλογημένη one! the LORD is with
favored; the Lord with thee. [having been blessed thee!"
αύ έν γυναιξίν.] 2 9 Ή δέ επί τφ λόγφ 29 But SHE was greatly
thou among women.] She but at the word agitated a t the WORD; and
διεταράχθη, καΐ διελογίζετο, ποταπός she pondered what this
w a s greatly agitated, and pondered, what SALUTATION could mean.
είη ό ασπασμός οδτος. ΚαΙ είπεν ό 30 And the ANGEL said
could be the salutation this. And said the to her, "Fear not, Mary;
άγγελος αύτη· Μή φοδοϋ, Μαριάμ· εδ- for thou hast found Favor
messenger to her; Not fear, Mary; thou hast
ρε ς γάρ χάριν παρά τω θεφ. ΚαΙ Ιδού, with GOD.

found for 'favor

favor with the God.
God And
And lo
lo, 31 $And behold, thou
σύλληψη έν γαστρί, καΐ τέξτ) υΐόν, wilt conceive, and bear a
nceive in womb, and shalt bear a son, Son, and §thou shalt call
thou sbalt con»
καΐ καλέσεις τό δνομα αύτοΰ Ίησοΰν. his NAME ± Jesus.
and thou sbalt call the name of him Jesus.
Οδτος £σται μέγας, καΐ υΙός υψίστου will 32 He will be great, and
This shall be great, and a son of highest be called a Son of the
κληθήσεται· καΐ δώσει αύτφ Κύριος Most High ; and §the Lord
GOD will give him the
bo shall be called; and shall give to him a Lord THRONE of David his FA-
ό θεός τόν θρόνον Δαυίδ του πατρός αύτοΰ* THER ;
ωthe God the throne of David the father of him;
κα1 βασιλεύσει έπΐ τόν οίκον 'Ιακώβ εις τους 33 and $he will reign
and he shall reign over the house of Jacob to the over the HOUSE of Jacob to
the AGES/ and of his KING-
αΙώνας, καΐ τής βασιλείαξ αύτοΰ ούκ DOM there will be no End."
ages, and of the kingdom of h i m not
iaxai τέλος.^ΕΙπε δέ Μαριάμ προς τόν the34ANGEL,
Then Mary said to
"How can this
shall be an end. Said but Mary to the
be, since I know not a
δγγελον Πώς δσται τούτο, έπεί άνδρα Man?"
messenger; How shall be this, since a man 35 And the ANGEL an-
οΰ γινώσκω; ^ΚαΙ αποκριθείς ό δγγελος swering, said to her,
not I know? And answering the $"Holy Spirit will come
εΐπεν αύτχί· IT νεύμα δγιον έπελεύσεται επί upon the
thee, and Power from
Most High will over-
said to her: A s p i r i t holy shall come upon
shadow thee; and there-
σέ, καΐ δύναμις υψίστου επισκιάσει fore that BEGOTTEN, BEING
thee, and a power of highest shall overshadow HOLY, will be called a Son
σοι* διό καΐ τό γεννώμενον αγιον, of God.
thee; therefore and the being
, se
η 36 And behold, Eliza-
κληθήσεται υΙός Θεού. K a l Ιδού, Έλισά- beth, thy KINSWOMAN,
shall be called a son of God. e, even
And lo, she
Elisa- having
βετ ή συγγενής σου, καΐ αδτη συνειλη- even she has conceived a
beth the υΐόν έν γήρει
kinswoman of thee, αύτης*
even καΐ
she οδτος Son in her Old age; and
φυία δκτος εστίν αύτίί xfk καλούμενη this is the sixth Month
month sixth is to lier the being called with HER who is CALLED
στείρα. 8 7 < Ό τ ι οΰκ άδυνατήσει παρά τφ barren.
barren. For not shall be impossible with the 37 $For *No Declara-
Θεφ every word. ρήμα. ΕΙπε δέ Μαριάμ* Ιδού, tion is impossible with
Said and Mary: Lo, GOD/'
Goi γένοιτο μοι
L δούλη
of a Lord;
38 And Mary said, "Be-
may i t be done to me hold, the HANDMAID of
κατά τό ρήμα σου. ΚαΙ άπήλΦεν ά π ' the Lord ! May it be done
according to the word of thee. And went from to me according to thy
αυτής ό άγγελος. WORD.·" And the ANGEL
departed from her.
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—28. blessed art thou among women—omit. 37. of God
No Declaration is.
± 31. See Note on Matt. i . 21.
t 31. Isa. vii. 14; Matt. i. 21. t 31. Luke 11. SI. t 32. 2 Sam. vii. 11, 1 2 ;
Psa. cxxxii. 1 1 ; Isa. lx. 6 ; xvi. 5 ; Jer. xxiii. 5 ; Acts li. 30. $ 33. Isa. xxiv. 2 3 :
Ban. ii. 4 4 ; vii. 14, 2 7 ; Micah iv. 7 ; Heb. i. 8. t 35. Matt. i. 20.J 3 7. Gen. XYM.
1 4 ; Jer. xxxii. 17; Matt. xix. 2 6 ; Mark x. 2 7 ; Luke xviii. 2 7 ; Bom. iv. 21.
Chap. 1:39.] LUKE. [Chap. 1:51.
·*Αναστάσα δέ Μαριάμ έν ταϊς ήμέραις 39 And Mary arising in
those DAYS, went to $ the
ταύταις, έπορεύθη εις την όρεινήν μετά MOUNTAINOUS COUNTRY
with haste, to a City of Ju-
σπουδής, εις πόλιν 'Ιούδα. *°ΚαΙ είσήλθεν dah;
haste, into a city of Juda. And entered 40 and entered into the
εις τον οίκον Ζαχαρίου, καΐ ήσπάσατο HOUSE of Zachariah, and
saluted ELIZABETH.
τήν 'Ελισάβετ. ΚαΙ έγένετο, ώς ήκουσεν
the Elisabeth. And it happened, aa heard 41 And when ELIZA-
ή 'Ελισάβετ τόν άσπασμόν της Μαρίας, BETH heard the SALUTA-
the Elisabeth the salutation of the Mary, TION of MARY the BABE
έσκίρτησε τό βρέφος έν rrj κοιλία αύτης* καΐ leaped in her WOMB ; and
ELIZABETH was filled with
έπλήσθη πνεύματος άγιου ή Ελισάβετ, και holy Spirit.
was filled a spirit of holy the Elisabeth, and
42 And she exclaimed
άνεφώνησε φωνή μεγάλη καΐ είπεν with a loud * Voice, and
she cried out with a voice great and said: said, "Blessed art thou
Εΰλογημένη σύ έν γυναιξί· καΐ among Women ! and bless-
Having been blessed thou among women; and ed is the FRUIT of thy
ευλογημένος ό καρπός της κοιλίας σου.
43 But how happens
been blessed the fruit of the womb of thee. this to me, that the MO-
ΚαΙ πόθεν μοι τοΰτο, Ινα έλθτ) ή
And whence to me this, that should come the THER of my LORD should
μήτηρ τοΰ Κυρίου μου προς με; 4 4 > Ιδού come to me?
γάρ, ώς έγένετο ή φωνή τοΰ ασπασμού σου 44 For behold, when the
for, as came the voice of the salutation of thee VOICE of thy SALUTATION
είς τα ώτά μου, έσκίρτησε τό βρέφος έν came to my EARS, the
into the ©firs of mo, leaped tlie b&be in BABE leaped in my WOMB
for Joy.
αγαλλιάσει έν τη κοιλία μου. 45 ΚαΙ μακαριά 45 And happy SHE HAV-
ή ING BELIEVED that there
Sh πιστεύσασα, δτι Ισται τελείωσις will be a Fulfillment of the
τοις havingλελαλημένοις
believed, that αύτη
shall παρά
be a fulfillment
Κυρίου. WORDS SPOKEN to her by
the Lord."
ΚαΙ είπε Μαριάμ· Μεγαλύνει. ή ψυχή 46And Mary said, §"My
And said Mary; Magnifies the soul SOUL extols the LORD,
μου τόν Κύριον, 47κα1 ήγαλλίασε τό πνεΰμά 47 and my SPIRIT ex-
of me the Lord, and has exulted the spirit ults in GOD my SAVIOR ;
μου επί τφ Θεφ τφ σωτήρ'ι μου* 4 8 δτι
of me In the God the savior of me; for 48 because he kindly
έπέβλεψεν επί τήν ταπείνωσιν της δούλης viewed the HUMBLE CON-
he looked upon the . low state · of th· handmaid DITION of his HANDMAID:
αύτοΰ. 'Ιδού γάρ, άπό τοΰ νΰν μακαρι- for, behold! from THIS
of himself. Lo for, from the now w i l l -"11 TIME %A\\ GENERATIONS
οΰσΐ με πασαι at γενεαί· δτι έποίησέ will pronounce me happy ;
happy me a l l the generations; for has done 49 for the MIGHTY One
μοι μεγαλεία 6 δυνατός· καΐ αγιον has done Wonders for me :
to me gre&t things the mighty one, cmd holy land holy is his NAME ;
τό δνομα αύτοΰ, 5θκα1 τό έλεος αύτοΰ είς 50 $and his MERCY ex-
the name of him, and the mercy of him to
tends to Generations of
γενεάς γενεών τοίς φοβονμένοις Generations of THOSE who
61 FEAR him.
αυτόν. Έποίησε κράτος έν βραχίονι 51 $He shows Strength
him. He has showed strength with arm
αΐ>τοΰ· διεσκόρπισεν υπερήφανους δια- ±with his Arm; he dis-
perses those Proud in the
of himself; he has dispersed arrogant ones in
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 2 . Cry.
± 5 1 . Grotius observes, that God's efficacy is represented by his finger, his great power
by his hand, and his omnipotence by his arm. The plague of lice was the -finger of God,
Exod, vii. 18. The plagues in general were wrought by his hand, Exod. iii. 30. And the
destruction of Pharaoh's host in the Red Sea. is called the act of his arm, Exod. xv. 16.
% 39. John xx. 7 ; xxi. 9-11. ί 46. 1 Sam. ii. 1. % 48. Luke xi. 2 7 . % 4 9 .
Psa. cxi. 9 . $ 50. Psa. ciii. 1 7 , 1 8 . t 51. Psa. xcviii. 1.
Chap. 1:52.] LUKE. [Chap. 1:63.
νοία καρδίας αυτών. * 2 Καθείλε δυνά-
thought of hearts of them. He has cast down mighty
Thoughts of their Hearts.
52 $He casts down Po-
στας άπό θρόνων, καΐ φψωσε ταπεινούς. tentates from Thrones,
οΐιΘs frΟΙΏ tliroii©Sf And lilted up Ιιιικιu 1 β o n e s ·
and raises up the lowly.
Πεινώντας ένέπλησεν αγαθών, καΐ 53 He fills the Hungry
with good things, and the
πλουτοΰντας έξαπέστειλε κενούς. Άντελά- Rich he sends away empty.
belng rich he sent away empty. He 54 He supports Israel,
βετο 'Ισραήλ παιδός αύτοϋ, μνησθήναι
aided Israel a child of h i m s e l i , to remember his own Child, remember-
ελέους, (καθώς έλάλησε προς τους πατέρας ing Mercy,
ημών,) τφ 'Αβραάμ καΐ τφ σπέρματι αΰ_ 55 ($as he spoke to our
of us,) to the AbraaYn and to the seed of FATHERS,) to ABRAHAM,
του δως αιώνος. Β β ν Εμεινε δέ Μαριάμ συν and to his POSTERITY,
him even to an age. Abode and Mary with even to the Age."
αύτίί ώσεί μήνας τρεις* καΐ ύπέστρεψεν εις 56 And Mary remained
her about months three; and returned to with her about three
τόν οίκον αυτής, Months, and returned to
the house of her. her HOUSE.
Tfi δέ 'Ελισάβετ έπλήσθη δ χρόνος 57 Now ELIZABETH'S
To the now Elisabeth was fulfilled the time TIME to be DELIVERED
τοΰ τεκεΐν αυτήν καΐ έγέννησεν υΐόν. was fulfilled; and she
of the t o be&i* *ΐ6ΐ*ΐ And SuO Drought fortli & sou* brought forth a Son.
K a l η*κουσαν ot περίοικοι καΐ ol συγγενείς 58 And her NEIGHBORS
And heard the neighbors and the kindred and RELATIVES heard That
αυτής, δτι έμεγάλυνε Κύριος τό έλεος the- Lord had magnified
of her, that had magnified a Lord the mercy his MERCY towards h e r ;
and they rejoiced with her.
αύτοΰ μετ' αυτής· καΐ συνέχαιρον
of himself towards her; and they rejoiced with 59 And, on ±the EIGHTH
αυτή. ΚαΙ ε0
έγένετο, έν τβ όγδότ) ήμερα Day, $when the.v^ came to
her. And It came to pass, in the eighth day circumcise the ctiiLD, they
were about to call him
ήλ^ον περιτεμείν τό παιδίον καΐ Zachariah, after the NAME
they came to circumcise t h e l i t t l e c h i l d ; and of his FATHER ;
έκάλουν αυτό, επί τω ονόματι τοΰ πατρός
called It, after " the name of the father
60 but his MOTHER in-
αΰτοΰ, Ζαχαρίαν. Kal άποκριθεϊσα ή μήτηρ terposing, said, "No; but
of him, Zacharias. And answering the mother §he shall be called John."
αύτοΰ είπε ν Ουχί· αλλά κληθήσεται 61 And they said to her,
of him said: No; but he shall be cal led
'Ιωάννης. 61ΚαΙ είπον προς αυτήν "Οτι "There is no one among thy RELATIVES, who is
Jahn. And they said to her; That
ουδείς έστιν έν τχ\ συγγενεία σου, 8ς κα-called by this NAME/'
ηο one i s among the kindred 62 of thee, who i s 62 Then they asked his
λεϊται τφ ονόματι τούτω. Ένένευον δέ FATHER, by Signs, WHAT
called to the name this. They made signs then HE WISHED H I M TO BE
τφ πατρί αι'^οΰ, τό τΐ δν θέλοι κα-
to the father of him, the what he would desire to CALLED.
λείσθαι αυτόν. ^ΚαΙ αίτήσας πινακίδι,ον, 63 And requesting ±a
bo called him. And having requested a tablet,
± 59. Not before that day, because the mother was unclean seven days, Lev. xii. 1, 2 ;
and so was the child, by touching her, and therefore he was not then fit to be admitted
into covenant. The law appointed no certain place in which circumcision was to be done,
nor any certain person to perform it, and therefore it was sometimes done by women,
Exod. iv. 25, and here in the house of Elizabeth, as appears by her presence at it, verse
60. The Jews did i t sometimes in their schools, for the sake of the number of the Wit-
nesses. Then also they named the infant; because, when GOD instituted circumcision, he
changed the names of Abraham and Sarah.—Whithy. Among the Jews, the child was
named when i t was circumcised, and ordinarily the name of the father was siven to the
first-born son.—A. Clarke. ± 63. A thin board, made out of the pine-tree, smeared over
with wax, was used among the ancients, as a writing-tablet.
t 52. 1 Sam. i i . 8 ; Psa. cxiii. 7. t 55. Gen. xvii. 1 9 ; Psa. exxxii. 1 1 . ί 5 9 .
Gen. xvii. 1 2 ; Ley. x i i . 3 . $ 6 0 . ver. 1 3 .

Chap, 1:64.] LUKE. [Chap. 1:75.
Εγραψε, λέγων 'Ιωάννης έστι τό δνομα αύ- TABLET, he wrote, saying,
he wrote, saying: John is the name of §"His NAME is John."
And they all wondered,
him.ΚαΙ έθαύμασαν πάντες. β4>Ανεώχθη δέ 64 §for his MOUTH was
τό στόμα αύτοΰ παραχρήμα, καΐ ή γλώσσα instantly opened, and his
the mouth of him immediately, and the tongue TONGUE loosed; and he
αύτοϋ· και έλάλει εύλογων τόν θεόν. ^ΚαΙ spoke, praising GOD.
of him and he spoke blessing the God. And
65 And Fear came on
έγένετο επί πάντας φόβος τους περιοικοΰντας on ALL their NEIGHBORS.
came on all a f e a r t h o s e d w e l 1 ing around And All these THINGS were
αυτούς· καΐ έν δλχι τχ\ ορεινή της talked of through All the
them; and iole the hilly-country
in who of the
'Ιουδαίας διελαλείτο πάντα τά ρήματα Of JUDEA.
Judea ee talked of through out all the things 66 And All THOSE
ταΰτα. Kal 8θεντο πάντες ol άκούσαντες HEARING, pondered them
these. And p l a c e d all t h o s e h a v i n g heard
in their HEARTS, saying,
έν τη καρδία αυτών, λέγοντες* ΤΙ άρα "What then will this
CHILD be?" *And the
τό παιδίον τοΰτο έ'σται; ΚαΙ χεΙρ Κυ- Hand of the Lord was
tbe child this w i l l be? And hand of with him.
οίου ή μετ' αύτοΰ.
Lord was with him. 67 And Zachariah, his
β7 FATHER, was filled with
ΚαΙ Ζαχαρίας ό πατήρ αύτοΰ έπλήσθη holy Spirit, and proph-
And Zacharlas the father of him was filled esied, saying,
πνεύματος άγιου, καΐ προεφήτευσε, λέγων 68 "Blessed be the
a spirit of holy, and prophesied, saying: Lord, the GOD of ISRAEL,
Εύλογητός Κύριος, ό θεός τοΰ 'Ισραήλ· because he has visited and
Blessed Lord, the God of the Israel;
wrought Redemption for
8τι έπεσκέψατο καΐ έποίησε λύτρωσιν τφ
for he has visited and wrought redemption to the his PEOPLE ;
κα1 ήγειρε κέρας σωτη- ±a 69 and $has raised up
λαφ αύτοϋ, Horn of Salvation for
people of himself, and raised up a horn of sal-
ρίας ήμίν έν τώ οίκω Δαυίδ τοΰ παιδός vid, histhe us, in * House of Da-
vation to us in the house of David the servant
αύτοϋ' (καθώς έλάλησε διά στόματος 70 (§even as he spoke
of himself (even as he spoke through mouth by the Mouth of THOSE
HOLY ones, his Prophets
τών αγίων, τών άπ' αΙώνος, προ- of the Age;)
of tt)6 h o l y oiiGSy of t h o s e f ΓΟΜ &£>6ρ ο ι proj)h··
φητών αύτοΰ·) ^σωτηρίαν έξ έχθρων ή- 71 a Salvation from our
ets of himself;) a salvation from enemies of Enemies, and from the
μών, καΐ έκ χειρός πάντων τών μισούντων Hand of ALL who HATE
us, and from hand of all those hating
72 us;
ήμας· ποιήσαι Ιλεος μετά τών πατέρων 72 to perform his Mercy
with our FATHERS ; and to
ημών, καΐ μνησθήναι διαθήκης αγίας αύτοΰ, remember his holy Cove-
of us, and to remember covenant holy of himself,
73 nant;
δρκον, δν ώμοσε προς 'Αβραάμ τόν 73 the Oath which he
74 swore to Abraham, our
πατέρα ημών, τοΰ δοΰναι ήμίν, άφό- FATHER,
father of us, of the to give to us, without
74 to permit us, being
βως, έκ χειρός τών εχθρών ημών
ρυ- rescued from the Hand oi
fear, from hand of the enemies of us having
our ENEMIES, fearlessly to
σθέντας, λατρεύειν αύτώ 7Βέν όσιότητι καΐ worship him,
been rescued, to worship him In holiness and
75 by Holiness and
δικαιοσύνη ενώπιον αύτοΰ, πάσας τάς ήμέ- Righteousness in his sight,
righteousness in presence of him, all the days All our DAYS.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—66. For also the Hand. 69. the House of David.
t 69. A horn in Scripture is frequently a symbol of power or principality, and hence
this expression will signify, a migMv Savior, or Prince of Salvation.
t 63. ver. 13. t 64. ver. 20. t 65. ver. 39. t 69. Psa. xviii. 2 ; cxxxii. 17.
t 70. Acts ill. 2 1 ; Bom. i. 12. t 73. Gen. xii. 3 ; xyiii. 4 : xxli. 1 6 , 1 7 : Heb.
vi. 13, 17.

Chap. 1:76.] LUKE. [Chap. 2:6.

ρας ημών. ΚαΙ συ, παιδίον, προφήτης
of u s . And thou, l i t t l e c h i l d , a prophet 76 And t h o u , C h i l d ,
υψίστου κληθήσχτ προπορεύσχι γάρ προ wilt be called a Prophet of
of highest shalt be called; thou shalt go for before the Most High ; for thou
shalt go Jbefore the Lord
* [προσώπου] Κυρίου, έτοιμάσαι δδοΰς αύτοΰ, to prepare his Ways;
τοΰ δοϋναι γνώσιν σωτηρίας τφ λαφ edge 77 to impart a Knowl-
of Salvation to his
ο ft ho to ffiv© kiiowlods© of sfllv&tioii to tlie p©opl© PEOPLE in the forgiveness
αυτοί), έν άφέσει αμαρτιών αυτών, διά of their Sins,
of him, in forgiveness of sins of them, on account 78 on account of the
σπλάγχνα ελέους θεοΰ ημών, έν οίς
Of tender mercies of God of us, by which tender Compassions of our
79 God, by which he has
έπεσκέψατο ήμας ανατολή · έξ ί$ψους, έπι- visited u s ; a Day-dawn
φδναι τοις έν σκότει καΐ σκιφ da- from on high,
shine to those In darkness and shade of
νάτου καθημένοις, του κατευθΰναι τους 79 to Illuminate THOSE
SITTING in Darkness and
πόδας ημών είς όδόν ειρήνης. 80Τό δέ Death-shade; to D I R E C T
feet of us into a way of peace. The now our FEET into the Way of
παιδίον ηΰξανε, καΐ έκραταιοΰτο πνεύματι· Peace."
littl© child grew» And became strong in spirit» 80 Now the CHILD grew,
καΐ fjv έν ταίς έρήμοις, εως ημέρας άνα- and acquired strength of
and w a s i n the d e s e r t s , t i l l day of Mind; and he was in the
δείξεως αύτοΰ προς τον 'Ισραήλ. DESERTS till the Day of
XIXAQi f O S t f l t iOQ ΟΙ Ά iIXX to til© Xs!*&©!· his public appearance to
ΚΕΦ. 6'. 2.
Έγένετο δέ έν ταίς ήμέραις έκείναις, CHAPTER I I .
It came to pass and In the days those,
έξ-ηλΟε δόγμα παρά Καίσαρος Αύγουστου, those DAYS,itthat 1 Now occurred in
an Edict
άπογράφεσθαι πασαν τήν οίκουμένην. 2 (Αΰτη went forth from Caesar
to register all the habitable. (This Augustus, to register All
ή απογραφή πρώτη έγένετο ηγεμονεύοντος the ± HABITABLE.
2 (§This *was the first
της Συρίας Κυρηνίου.) 3ΚαΙ έπορεύοντο R e g i s t r y of Q u i r i n u s ,
Governor of SYRIA.)
of the άπογράφεσθαι,
πάντες Syria Gyrenius.)δκαστοςAnd είς they τήν went
All to be registered» each into the his own 3 And they all went to
πόλιν. 4 Άνέ6η δέ καΐ 'Ιωσήφ άπό της Γαλι- be registered, each into
city* ^yftTit". up and also Joseph from the Cral*™ his OWN City.
λαίας, έκ πόλεως Ναζαρέτ, είς τήν Ίουδαί- up4 from And Joseph also went
GALILEE, out of
αν, είς πόλιν Δαυίδ, ήτις καλείται the City of Nazareth, into
into a city of David, which i s called JUDEA, into the §City of
Βηθλεέμ, (διά τό είναι αυτόν έξ οϊκου Bethlehem, David, which is called
Bethleem, (because the to be him of house ($because he
WAS of the House and
καΐ πάτριας Δαυΐδ, J ^πογράψασθαι συν Family of David,)
and family of David,) to be registered with
Μαριάμ τη μεμνηστευμένχι αύτφ * [γυναι- 5 to be registered with
Mary the having been espoused to him Ca wife,] Mary, $his BETROTHED,
jet,] οΰση έγκύω. β Έγένετο δέ έν τφ είναι being pregnant.
being with child. It happened but in the to be 6 And it came to pass
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—76. face—omit. 2. This was the first Registry. 5.
t 1. Oikoumenee literally means the inhabited earth, and is applied in this place, by
iome recent translators, to the Roman Empire. But as no historian mentions a general
census at this time, the meaning of the word must be restricted to the land of Judea, where
this enrollment took place. Oikoumenee is used by Luke in chap, xxi. 26, and Acts xi.
28, and applied in this restricted sense.
t 76. Isa. xL 3 ; Mai. iii. 1; iv. 5 ; Matt. xi. 1 0 ; ver. 17. $ 2 . Acts ν. 3Ί.
% 4. 1 Sam. xvi. 1, 4 ; John vii. 4 2 . t 4. Matt. i. 1 6 ; Luke i. 27. % 5. Matt.
i. 1 8 ; Luke i. 27.
Cha,p. 2:7.] LUKE. [Chap. 2:15.
αυτούς εκεί, έπλήσθησαν at ήμέραι τοϋ τε- while they WERE there,
them there, were fulfilled the days of the to the DAYS of her DELIVERY
scciv αυτήν. 7ΚαΙ ετεκε
τον υίόν αυτής were accomplished.
7 $And she brought
τόν πρωτότοκον, καΐ έσπαργάνωσεν αυτόν, forth her FIRST-BORN SON,
and swathed him, and laid
atod άνέκλινεν αυτόν έν τη φάτνη· διότι him in *fa Manger; be-
and laid him in the manger; because
ούκ ?jv αύτοϊς τόπος έν τφ καταλύματι. cause there was no Place
not was to them a place in the guest-chamber. for them in the GUEST-
ΚαΙ ποιμένες fjoav έν τη χώρα tfj αύτη 8 And there were Shep-
,Δ,ΧΙΟΙ SllCpJlGrciS W β ΓΟ ίΤΧ. t i l Θ C OUQ t Γ y til θ tlllS herds in THAT COUNTRY,
άγραυλοΰντες, καΐ φυλάσσοντες φύλακας residing in the fields, and
abiding in the fields, and keeping watches keeping over their FLOCK
της νυκτός επί τήν ποίμνην αυτών. 9ΚαΙ the Watches of the NIGHT.
of ΐι·θ night over the flock of them. And
*[ίδοΰ,] άγγελος Κυρίου επέστη αύτοίς, 9 And an Angel of the
Clo,] a messenger of a Lord stood near to them, Lord stood by them, and
«αϊ δόξα Κυρίου περιέλαμψεν αυτούς· καΐ theGlory of the Lord shone
and glory of a Lord shone round them; and round them; and they
έφοβήθησαν φόβον μέγαν. 10ΚαΙ είπεν αύτοίς were greatly afraid.
they feared a fear great. And said to them 10 And the ANGEL said
ό άγγελος· Μή φοβείστε* Ιδού γάρ, ευαγ- to them, "Fear not; for
γελίζομαι ύμίν χαράν μεγάλην, ?\τις 8στοα behold, I bring you glad
glad tidings to you a joy great, which shall be tidings, $ which will be a
παντι τφ λαφ· ^οτι έτέχθη ύμΐν σήμερον great Joy to All the PEO-
to all the people: that was born to you to-day PLE ;
σωτήρ, δς έστι Χριστός, Κύριος, έν πόλει 11 §because To-day was
ft savior, who is Anointed. Lord in & city born for you, in David's
Δαυίδ. 12ΚαΙ τούτο ύμϊν τό σημείον Εύρήσετε City, a Savior, who is the
Of David. And this to you the sign; Yott shall find Lord Messiah.
6ρέφος έσπαργανωμένον κείμενον έν φάτνη. 12 And this will be a
In Α ttiiiiijj®^*· •Sign to you; you will
A bftbe iiftvin^ b e e n s^ynthficl lyiu^
^ΚαΙ εξαίφνης έγένετο σύν τφ άγγέλφ πλή- find a Babe swathed, lying
And suuuenly was with the messenger a mul-
in a Manger."
13 And suddenly there
θος στρατιάς ουρανίου, αΐνούντίον τόν θεόν, was with the ANGEL a
titude of host of heaven, praising the God, Multitude of the heavenly
καΐ 14
Host, praising GOD, and
καΐ λεγόντων
επί γης ειρήνη· «Δόξα έν ύ·ψίστοις
έν άνθρώποις θεω, εύδο- saying,
and on earth peace; men good
among 14 "Glory to God in the
κία». highest heavens, on Earth
Wi'll." Peace, and among Men
έγένετο, ώς άπηλθον άπ* αυτών Good will."

And it came to pass, when went from them 15 Now it occurred,
είς τόν ουρανό ν ot δγγελοι, καΐ ol δνθρω- when the ANGELS departed
into the heaven the messengers, and the men, from them to HEAVEN, the

* VATICAN MANUSCBIPT.—7. a Manger. 9. lo—omit. 12. Sign.

± 7. Wetstein has shown from a multitude of instances, that phatnee means not merely
the manager, but the whole stable. The room for guests being already full, Joseph and
Mary retired to a more homely receptacle, called a stabulum, the middle of which afforded
room for cattle, and the sides accommodation for persons. It was not properly a stable,
but was formed for the convenient lodging of both men and cattle. Bishop Pearce, how-
ever, has a note on this verse, which is worthy of consideration. He says, "Upon the
whole, it seems to me probable, that Mary was delivered in a guest-chamber, or lodging-
room, (whether it were in a public house, or that of some friend, is not said) in some
chamber of a house, and not of a stable; and that then, for want of a bed in that
guest-chamber, wherein to lay her Son JESUS, she made use of one of the Eastern
mangers, made of coarse cloth, and fastened, like our seamen's hammocks, to some part
of the chamber where she was; and there laid him, as having ho other place for him.
This afforded a circumstance by which the shepherds were directed to find him out,
anti distinguish this holy babe from all others. See verses 12. 16."
% 7. Matt. i. 25. % 10. Gen. x i t 3 ; Psa. lxxii. 17; Jer. iv. 2. % 1 1 . Isa. ix. 6.
Chap. 2:16.] LUKE. [Chap. 2:24.
ποι, ol ποιμένες, είπον προς αλλήλους· Διέλ- MEN, the SHEPHERDS, said
to one another, "Let us
θωμεν δη έ'ως Βηθλεέμ, καΐ ϊδωμεν τό ρήμα go now to Bethlehem, and
should go now to Bethleem, and see the thing see this THING which has
τοΰτο τό γεγονός, δ ό Καίριος έγνώρι- transpired, which the LORD
this the having been done, which the Lord lias has made known to us.*'
οεν ήμίν. Kai ήλθον σπεΰσαντες,
ϊΐΐίκΐβ know^n to us* ^^iid tlicy c&mc linvintr m&cle lmstv> 16 And they came in
καΐ άνεΰρον την τε Μαριάμ καΐ τόν haste, and found both
and they iound the both Mary and the MART and JOSEPH, and
'Ιωσήφ, καΐ τό βρέφος κείμενον έν τχί φάτνη. the BABE lying in the
And tlie l)iibe 1 yinff i n tlie ΙΪΙ&ΙΙΙΓΘΙ*· MANGER.
Ίδόντες δέ, διεγνώρισαν *[περί] τοϋ IT And having seen it,
Ho.νiii^ sΘ©β dud) tliey j)ul)lisli6u [itrouuclj tlie
they published THAT DEC-
ρήματος του λαληθέντος αύτοίς LARATION which had been
περί του παιδ'ιου τούτου. 1 8 ΚαΙ πάντες SPOKEN to them about
concerning t h e l i t t l e c h i l d t h i s . A n d a l l this CHILD.
ot άκούσαντες έθαύμασαν περί των 18 And All THOSE HAV-
those having heard wondered about those ING HEARD, wondered a t
λαληθέντων ύπό τών ποιμένων προς αυτούς, t h e THINGS RELATED tO
having been told by the shepherds to them.
Ή δέ Μαριάμ πάντα συνετήρει τά ρήματα them by the SHEPHERDS.

;The but Mary all kept the words 19 But MART kept All
*Γταΰτα,] συμβάλλουσα έν τη καρδία αυτής. these words, pondering
Cthese.j pondering in the heart of herself. them in her HEART.
ΚαΙ ύπέστρεψαν ol ποιμένες δοξάξοντες καΐ 20 And the SHEPHERDS
And returned the shepherds glorifying and returned, glorifying and
α'ινοΰντες τόν θεόν επί πάσιν οίς ήκουσαν praising GOD for all which
praising the God for a l l which they had heard they had heard and seen, είδον, καθώς έλαλήθη προς αυτούς. even as it had been de-
and2 1 seen, even as i t had been told to them. clared to them.
ΚαΙ δτε έπλήσθησαν ήμέραι οκτώ τοϋ 21 $And when eight
And when were fulfilled days eight of the Days were ended, the
περιτεμείν αυτόν, καΐ εκλήθη τό δνομα
to c i r c u m c i s e h i m , and he w a s c a l l e d t h e name [time] to CIRCUMCISE him,
αύτοΰ Ίησοΰς, τό κληθέν ύπό τοΰ άγ- his NAME was called Jesus,
of h i m J e s u s , that b e i n g c a l l e d by t h e m e s - THAT NAME given him by
γέλου προ τοϋ συλληφθήναι αυτόν έν the ANGEL before his CON-
τη κοιλία. 22 §And when ±the
11: e womb. *Days of her Purification
ΚαΙ δτε έπλήσθησαν at ήμέραι τοΰ κα- were completed, according
And when were fulfilled the days of the pu- to the LAW of- Moses, they
carried him up to Jerusa-
ΰαρισμοΰ αυτών, κατά τόν νόμον Μω- lem, to present him to the
σέως, άνήγαγον αυτόν είς ^Ιεροσόλυμα, πα- LORD ; —
23 (even as it is written
ραστήσαι τ φ Κυρ'ιω, 2 "(καθώς γέγραπται έν in the Law of the Lord,
iresent to the Lord, (as it is written in
that $"Ever,y Mate, being
νόμω Κυρίου· «"Οτι παν αρσεν διανοϊγον μή- a iirst-born, shall be called
law of Lord; "That every male opening a
holy to the Lord ;")
τραν, δγιον τω Κυρίω κληθήσεται·») 24 κα1
womb, holy to the Lord "shal 1 be called;") and 24 and to OFFER a Sac-
του δοΰναι θυσίαν, κατά τό ε!ρη- rifice, according to what is
enjoined in *the LAW of

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T — 1 7 . around—omit. 19. these—omit. 22. Days of her

Purification. 24. the LAW of.
± 2 2 . That is, thirty-three days after what was termed the seven days of her unclean-
ness—forty days in a l l ; the time appointed by the law, after the birth of a male child.
See Lev. xil. 2. 6.
t 21. Luke i. 59. t 21. Matt. i. 2 5 ; Luke t. 31. t 22. Lev. x i i . 2-G. t 2 3 .
Exod. xiii. 2 ; xxii. 29^ xxxiv. 19. Num. iii. 1 3 ; viii. 1 7 ; xviii. 15.
Chap. 2:25.] LUKE. [Chap. 2:35.
μένον έν νόμορ Κυρίου· «Ζεϋγος τρυ- the Lord,—$t"A Pair of
lng been said in law of Lord; "A pair of Turtle-doves, or Two
γόνων, ή δύο νεοσσούς περιστερών.» Young Pigeons."
25 25 And behold, there
ΚαΙ Ιδού, ήν δνθρωπος έν *Ιερουσαλήμ, was a Man in Jerusalem,
whose Name'was Simeon ;
φ δνομα Συμεών* καΐ ό άνθρωπος οδτος and he was a righteous
to whom a name of Simeon; and the man this and pious MAN, expecting
δίκαιος καΐ ευλαβής, προσδεχόμενος παράκλη- the Consolation of I S -
just and pious, waiting for consola- RAEL ; and the holy Spirit
σιν του 'Ισραήλ. ΚαΙ πνεΰμα ήν δγιον was on him.
tlon of the Israel. And a spirit was holy
έπ' αυτόν* 2 6 κα1 ήν αύτφ κεχρηματι- 26 And he was divinely
upon him. and i t was to him having been informed by the HOLY
σμένον ύπό του πνεύματος του άγιου, μή SPIRIT, that he would not
informed by the spirit of the holy, not die, till he should see the
Ιδείν θάνατον, πρίν ή ϊδη τόν Χριστόν Lord's MESSIAH.
tj see death, before he should see the Anointed
Κυρίου. 2 7 ΚαΙ ήλθεν έν τφ πνεύματι είς τό 27 And he came by the
of Lord. And he came by the spirit into the SFIRIT into the TEMPLE ;
Ιερόν καΐ έν τφ είσαγαγείν τους γονείς τό and when the PARENTS
temple; and in the to bring the parents the BROUGHT IN t h e CHILD
παιδίον Ίησοΰν, του ποιήσαι αυτούς κα- Jesus, §to DO according to
l i t t l e child Jesus, of the to do them ac- the CUSTOM of the LAW
τά τό είθισμένον του •μου concerning him,
law 28 he also took him in
περί αύτοΰ καΐ αυτός έδέξατο αυτό his ARMS, and praised GOD,
concerning him; also he took it and said,
είς τάς άγκάλας αΰτοΰ, καΐ ευλόγησε ι ό ν 29 "Now, Ο sovereign
into the arms of himself, and blessed the Lord, dismiss thy SERVANT
Θεόν, καΐ είπε· ^ Ν ΰ ν απολύεις τόν according to thy WORD, in
God, and said: N o w dost thou dismiss the Peace;
δοΰλόν σου, δέσποτα, κατά τό ρήμα 30 because my EYES have
servant of thee, OSovereign, according to the word seen thy SALVATION.
σου, έν είρήνπ*

δτι είδον ol οφθαλμοί 31 which thou hast made
ready in the Presence of
μου τό σωτήριόν σου, ^δ ήτοίμα- All the PEOPLE ;
32 §a Light of Nations
σας κατά πρόσωπον πάντων τών λ α ώ ν for enlightenment, and a
pared before face of a l l the people; Glory of thy People Israel."
ς είς άποκάλυψιν εθνών, καΐ δόξαν 33 And his FATHER and
ight καΐ
αύτοΰ for aή revelation of nations, and
μήτηρ θαυμάζοντες επίa glory
τοίς MOTHER were wondering
λαοΰhim and
σου Ι σ ρ α ή λ . ^ Κ α Ι ήν όat πατήρ
the mother wondering those at the WORDS SPOKEN con-
λαλουμένοις περί αύτοΰ. ΚαΙ εύλόγησεν cerning him.
being spoken about him. And blessed 34 And Simeon blessed
αυτούς Συμεών, καΐ είπε προς Μαριάμ τήν them, and said to Mary his
them Simeon, and said to Mary the
MOTHER, "Behold, this
μητέρα αύτοΰ· 'Ιδού, οίτος κείται είς πτώσιν child is destined for the
mother of him; Lo, this is placed for a fall $Fall and Rising of many
seal άνάστασιν πολλών έν τώ 'Ισραήλ, καΐ είς in ISRAEL; and for $a
and rising of many in the Israel, and for Mark of contradiction;
σημείον άντιλεγόμενον ^(καΐ σοΰ δέ
a sign being spoken against; (also of thee and 35 (and indeed, a Sword
άύτής τήν «ψυχήν διελεύσεται ρομφαία*) will pierce through the
of thyself the soul shall pierce through a sword;) SOUL of Thee Thyself,) that

± 2 4 . One for a burnt-offering and the other for a sin-offering; See Lev. xii. 8.
These were the offerings of the poorer Jewish mothers. ± 27. To present him to the
Lord and then redeem him by paying five shekels. Num. xviii. 15, 16.
t 2 4 . Lev. xii. 8 . t 32. Isa. xlii. 6 ; xlix. 6 ; Ix. 1 ; Acts xiii. 4 7 ; xxviii. 28.
t 3 4 . Isa. viii. 1 4 ; Matt. zxl. 4 4 ; Bom. x. 3 2 ; 1 Cor. i. 2 3 , 2 4 ; 1 Pet. ii. 7 , 8 .
X 34. Heb. x i i . 3 .
Chap, 2:36.] LUKE. [Chap. 2:44.
δπως αν άποκαλυφΰώοαν έκ πολλών καρδιών the Reasonings of Many
Hearts may be disclosed."
reasonings. 36 There was also a
ΚαΙ ήν "Αννα προφήτις, θυγάτηρ Φα- ter Prophetess, Anna, Daugh-
of Phanuel, of the tribe
And was Anna a prophetess, a daughter of of Asher ; she was far ad-
νουήλ, έκ φυλής Άσήρ· αυτή προβεβηκυία
Phanuel, of tribe of Aser; she having been advanced vanced in A ire, having lived
έν ήμέραις πολλούς, ζήσασα Ιτη μετά with *a Husband seven
Years from her VIRGINITY :
in days many, having lived years with
ανδρός επτά άπό της παρθ«νίας αυτής·
a husband seven from the virginity of herself; 37 she was also a Widow
ετών όγδοήκοντα •about eighty-four Years,
κα1 αυτή χήρα ώς
also she a widow about years eighty-
who departed not from the
TEMPLE, but serving God
τεσσάρων, ή ούκ άφίστατο άπό του Ιεροΰ, §Night and Day with
four, who not withdrew from the temple, Fastings and Prayers.
νηστείαις καΐ δεήσεσι λατρεύουσα νύκτα καΐ
x&stlu£s And prtiyers s©rviiiff uishtr &iid 38 And she standing by
at THAT very time, praised
ήμεραν. 88ΚαΙ αΰτη, αύτη τχί ώρα έπιστασα, *GOD, and spoke of him to
day. And she, this the hour standing by, THOSE
άνφωμολογείτο τώ Κυρ'ιφ, καΐ έλάλει περί All EXPECTING
acknowledged the Lord, and spoke about §Deliverance in Jerusalem.
αΰτου πάσι τοις προσδεχομένοις λύτρωσιν έν
him to a l l those looking for redemption in 39 And when they had
'Ιερουσαλήμ. finished all things accord-
ing to the LAW of the Lord,
^ΚαΙ ώς έτέλεσαν άπαντα τά they returned to GALILEE,
And when they finished all the things to their own City Nazareth.
κατά τόν νόμον Κυρίου, ύπέστρεψαν είς
according to the law of Lord, they returned into 40 $And the CHILD
grew, and became strong,
τήν ΓαλιλαΙαν, είς τήν πόλιν αυτών, Να- filled with Wisdom, and
the G a l i l e e * i n t o t h o c i t y o f t h e m s e l v e s » Na— the Favor of God was on
ξαρέτ. 40Τό δέ παιδ'ιον ηΰξανε, καΐ έκρα- him.
zareth. The and l i t t l e child grew, and w a s
ταιουτο *[πνεύματι,] πληροΰμενον σο- 41 And his PARENTS
strengthened [in spirit] being filled with went yearly to Jerusalem
φίας* καΐ χάρις θεοΰ ¥\ν έπ' αυτό. to the §FEAST of the
wisdom; and favor of God was on it. PASSOVER.
ΚαΙ έπορεύοντο ot γονείς αύτοΰ κατ' £τος 42 And when he was
And went the parents of him every year
είς *Ιερουσαλήμ τη έορτη του Πάσχα, twelve Years old, ±they
to Jerusalem of the feast of the passover. went up according to the
^Kai δτε έγένετο ετών
των αυτών *[εΙς *Ιεροσόλυμα] δώδεκα, άναβάν-
κατά τό CUSTOM of the FEAST.
And when he was years twelve, having gone
up of them [to Jerusalem] according to the
ίΦος της εορτής* ^καΐ τελειωσάντων τάς 43 And having ±com-
custom of the feast; and having ended the pleted the DAYS, on their
ημέρας, έν τώ ύποστρέφειν αυτούς, ύπέμεινεν RETURN, Jesus, the YOUTH,
days, In the to return them, remained remained in Jerusalem.
Ίησοΰς ό παις έν 'Ιερουσαλήμ· καΐ ούκAnd *his PARENTS knew
Jesus the boy in Jerusalem; and not it not.
§γνω 'Ιωσήφ καΐ ή μήτηρ αύτοΰ. 44ΝομΙ-
knew Joseph and the mother of him. Having 44 And supposing him
± VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—36. a HUSBAND. 37. till eighty-four. 38. GOD, and
spoke. 40. in Spirit—omit. 42. to Jerusalem—omit. 43. his PAEENTS knew.
± 4 2 . All the males were required to attend at the three festivals at Jerusalem; and
females, though not commanded yet used often to attend, especially at the Passover.
Children were excused; but the Rabbinical writers say, that the above obligation was
thought binding at twelve years of age. ± 4 3 . That is, been there eight days, of which
the feast of the Passover was one, and the rest were the seven days of unleavened bread.
$ 3 7. Acts xxvi. 7; 1 Tim. v. 5. t 38. Luke xxiv. 21. % 40. Luke i. 8 0 ; ver.
52. t 4 1 . Exod. xxiii. 15, 1 7 ; xxxiv. 2 3 ; Deut. xvi. 1, 16.
Chap. 2:45.] LUKE. [Chap. 3 : 1 .
σαντες δέ αυτόν έν τχ\ συνοδ'ια είναι, ήλ-
Euppussecl and him in the company to be,, they to be in the COMPANY, they
went a Day's Journey;
Gov ημέρας όδόν, καΐ άνεζήτουν αυτόν έν and t h e y s o u g h t him,
among their R E L A T I V E S
τοις συγγενέσι καΐ τοις γνωστοίς. ^ΚαΙ μη and ACQUAINTANCES.
εΰρόντες, ύπέστρεψαν είς 'Ιερουσαλήμ, ζη- 45 But not finding him,
nudinp:, they returned to Jerusalem, seek- they returned to Jerusa-
τοΰντες αυτόν. 4βΚαί έγένετο, μεθ' ημέρας lem, seeking him.
Ing him. And it happened, after days
τρεις εδρον αυτόν έν τω Ιερφ καθεζό- 46 And it happened,
three they found him in the temple s i t t i n g after three Days they
μενον έν μέσω τών διδασκάλων, καΐ άκούοντα found him in the TEMPLE,
An middle of tlie te&chois, &nd hearing sitting in fthe Midst of
the TEACHERS, both hear-
αυτών, καΐ επερωτώντα αυτούς. 47Έξίσταντο ing them, and asking them
δέ πάντες * [oi άκούοντες αύτοΰ,] επί τχ\ questions.
and all tthose hearing him,] upon the
47 And ALL were as-
συνέσει καΐ ταίς άποκρ'ισεσιν αύτοΰ. tonished at his INTELLI-
8 and the answers of him. GENCE and REPLIES.
* Kcd ίδόντες αυτόν, έξεπλάγησαν καΐ 48 And seeing him, they
And seeing him, they were amazed; and
προς αυτόν ή μήτηρ αύτοΰ είπε· Τέκνον, τΐ were amazed; and his
Μ ο τ Η Ε R said to hi m,
to him the mother of him said: 0 child, why "Child, why hast thou
έποίησας ήμίν οΰτως; Ιδού, ό πατήρ σου done thus to us? behold
κάγώ όδυνώμενοι έζητοΰμέν σε. 49Καί thy FATHER and I *seek
thee sorrowing."
&D.Q I b© I HIT i IX d i s t r e s s hflVO SOUSut tllQO* ^QQ
είπε προς αυτούς· ΤΙ 8τι έζητεΐτέ με; 49 And he said to them,
he said to them; Why for did you seek me? "Why did you seek me?
ουκ η*δειτε, δτι έν τοις τοΰ πατρός μου Did you not know that I
not know you, that in the of the father of me must be in fthe [COURTS]
δεί είναι με; 60ΚαΙ αυτοί ού συνηκαν τό of my FATHER?"
must to 1)6 τχχ©? .A.xidl they not 51understood tlio 50 And they did not
βήμα, δ έλάλησεν αύτοΐς. ΚαΙ κατέβη understand t h e WORD
which he spoke to them.
μετ' αυτών, καΐ ήλθεν είς Ναζαρέτ· καΐ $\\ 51 And he went down
ύποτασσόμενος αύτοίς. ΚαΙ ή μήτηρ αύτοΰ Nazareth, with them, find came to
b G i Οι £Γ s u I) j 6 c t t o t π © in · A nu the in ο t li © i* o i hi ui
and was subject
to them. And his MOTHER
διετήρει πάντα τα ρήματα ταΰτα έν χχ\ kept All *these THINGS in
καρδία αυτής. 52ΚαΙ Ίησοΰς προέκοπτε σο- her HEART.
52 $And Jesus advanced
φία, και ηλικία, καΐ χάριτι παρά θεφ καΐ *in WISDOM, and in Man-
wisdom, and in vigor, and in favor w i t h God and liness, and in Favor with
άνθρώποις. God and Men.
ΚΕΦ. γ ' . 3. CHAPTER III.
Έν ετει δέ πεντεκαιδεκάτω της ήγε- 1 Now in the fifteenth
In year now fifteenth of the gov-
Year of the GOVERNMENT
μονίας Τιβερίου Καίσαρος, ηγεμονεύοντος of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius
ernment of Tiberius Caesar, being governor
Ποντίου Πιλάτου της 'Ιουδαίας, καΐ Pilate being Governor of
τε- J u D Ε A,
Pontius P i l a t e of the Judea,
a n d H e r o d te-
and being trarch of GALILEE, and
τραρχοϋντος της Γαλιλαίας Ήρώδου, Φιλίπ- Philip his BROTHER te-
tetrarch of the Galilee Herod, Philip

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 7 . those hearing him—omit. 48. seek thee. 51. tha

SAYINGS. 52. in WISDOM and.
± 46. They sat on benches in a half circle, and their scholars at their feet, Acts xxii. 3.
t 49. In the courts or house of my Father, is now generally admitted as correct. A
similar ellipsis occurs in Mark v. 3 5, and Acts xvi. 40
t 52. 1 Sam. ii. 2 6 ; ver. 40.
Chap. 3:2.] LUKE. [Chop. 3:9.
που δέ τοϋ άδελφοΰ αύτοΰ τετραρχοΰντος της trarch of ITUREA, and the
Province of Trachoni tis,
Ίτουραίας και Τραχωνιτιδος χώρας, καΐ Λυ- and Lysanias, the tetrarch
Ituria and Trachonitis region, and Ly-
σανίου της Άβιλήνης τετραρχοΰντος, έπ1
2 Jin the •High-priest-
άρχιερέως "Αννα καΐ Καϊάφα, έγένετο ρήμα hood of ±Annas, and Cai-
- — Ί aphas, a Command from
1 1 Λ
high-Γ '- -"- ' -"•' " - - - -
Θεοΰ επί Ίωάννην, τον Ζαχαρίου υίόν, έν God came to John, the
SON of Zachariah, in the
τη έρήμω. ΚαΙ ήλθεν είς πάσαν την περ'ιχοο- DESERT.
t h e d e s e r t . And h e w e n t i n t o all t h ecountry 3 JAnd he went into All
QOV τον 'Ιορδανού, κηρύσσων βάπτισμα με- the adjacent «Country of
about the Jordan, preaching a dipping of the JORDAN, publishing an
τανοίας είς οίφεσιν αμαρτιών
ώς γε- Immersion of Reformation
$for Forgiveness of Sins.
γραπται έν 6Ίβλφ λόγων Ήσαίου του προ- 4 As it is written in the
Book of the Words of
φήτου, * [λέγοντος·] «Φωνή βοώντος έν rfi Isaiah, the PROPHET ; §A
I»hct, [saying;] " A voice crying in the "Voice proclaiming in the
έρήμω· Ετοιμάσατε την όδόν Κυρίου, "DESERT : Prepare the WAY
ευθείας ποιείτε τάς τρίβους αύτοΰ· Πασα "for the Lord, make the
"HIGHWAYS straight for
straight make you the beaten tracks of him, Every "him.
φάραγξ πληρωθήσεται, καΐ πάν δρος 5 "Every Ravine shall
ravine shall be fllled up, and every mountain "be filled up, and Every
καΐ βουνός ταπεινωθήσεται· καΐ έ'σται τα
and hill shall be made low; and shall be the "Mountain and Hill shall
σκόλια είς ευθείαν, καΐ αϊ τραχείαι είς όδοι>ς "be made low; and the
"CROOKED roads shall be-
λείας· κα1
δψεται πάσα σαρξ το σωτήριον "come straight, and the
"ROUGH Ways smooth;
τοΰ θεοΰ.» ''Έλεγεν οΰν τοις έκπορευομένοις 6 $"and All Flesh shall
"see the S A L V A T I O N of
δχλοις βαπτισθήναι ύπ' αύτοϋ* Γεννήματα "GOD."
7 Then he said to the
crowds to be dipped by him; Ο broods
έχιδνών, τΙς ύπέδειξεν ύμίν φυ- to be immersed by him :
of venomous serpents, who pointed out to you to $"O Progeny of Vipers,
γείν άπό της μελ?>.ούσης οργής; 8 Ποιήσατε who admonished you to fly
flee from the coming wrath? Bring forth
from the A P P R O A C H I N G
οΰν καρπούς άξιους της μετανοίας· καΐ μη
δρξησθε λέγειν έν έαυτοίς* Πατέρα εχο- 8 Produce, t h e r e f o r e ,
you should begin to say in yourselves; A father we Fruits worthy of REFOR-
MATION ; and begin not to
μεν τόν 'Αβραάμ. Λέγω γαρ ύμΐν, δτι say among yourselves, 'We
δύναται ό Θεός έκ των λίθων τούτων h a v e a • F a t h e r—A BRA-
is able the God out of the stones of these HAM' ; for I assure you,
That GOD is able from
έγείραι τέκνα τφ 'Αβραάμ. 9>/Ηδη δέ these STONES to raise up
καΐ ή άξίνη προς την ρίζαν των δένδρων 9 And even now the AXE
©ven the uxo to tho root of the trees
lies at the ROOT of the
κείται· παν oSv δένδρον μή ποιοΰν T R E E S ; §Every Tree,
is placed; every therefore tree not bearing therefore, not bearing good
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. High-priest. 3. Country. 4. saying—omit.
± 2. Doddridge says, " I cannot suppose, as some have done, that Annas was high-
priest the former part of this year, and Caiaphas the latter; much less that Luke knew so
little of the Jewish'constitution, as to suppose there could be two high-priests properly so-
called. The easiest solution is, that one was the high-priest, and the other his sagan
or deputy, so that 1he title might, with a very pardonable liberty, be applied to both.
t 2. John xi. 49, 51; xviii. 13; Acts iv. 6. t 3. Matt. iii. 1; Mark i. 4. ί 3.
Luke i. 77. ί 4. Isa. xi. 3"; Matt. iii. 3; Mark i. 3; John i. 23. ί 6. Psa. xcviii.
3; Isa. Iii. 10; Luke ii. 10. $ 7. Matt. iii. 7. t 9. Matt. vii. 19.
Chap. 3:10.] LUKE. [Chap. 3:18.
καρπόν καλόν, έκκόπτεται, καΐ είς πΰρ 6άλ- Fruit is cut down, and
fruit good, i s cut down, and into a fire is cast into the Fire."
λεται. 10 ΚαΙ έπηρώτων αυτόν ol δχλοι, λέγον-
cast. And asked him the crowds, say- 10 And the CROWDS
τες· Ti οδν ποιήσομεν; ^Αποκριθείς asked him, saying, "What
ing: What then should we do? Answering then should we do?"
δέ λέγει αύτοίς* *Ο έχων δύο χιτώνας, με-
and he says to them; He having two tunics, l e t 11 He * answered and
ταδότω τφ μη Ιχοντι· καΐ 6 Ιχων said to them, §"Let HIM
him share w ith the not having; and he having who HAS Two Coats give to
βρώματα, ομοίως ποιείτω. HIM who HAS none; and
meats, In like manner l e t him do. let HIM who HAS Food do
12ν the same."
Ηλθον δέ καΐ τελώναι βαπτισθήναι,
Came and also tax-gatherers to be dipped, 12 §And Tribute-takers,
καΐ είπον προς αυτόν Διδάσκαλε, τΐ ποιή- also, came to be immersed,
and said to him; O teacher, what should and said to him, "Teacher,
σομεν; ω Ό δέ είπε προς αυτούς· Μηδέν πλέον what should we do?"
we do? He and said to them; Nothing more 13 And HE said to ihcm,
παρά τό διατεταγμένον ύμίν πράσσε-
from that having been appointed to you collect "Collect nothingmore than
τε. Έπηρώτων δέ αυτόν καΐ στρατευόμενοι, WHAT i s APPOINTED f o r
λέγοντες· ΚαΙ ημείς τΐ ποιήσομεν; ΚαΙ εί- you."
saying: And we what should we do? And he
πε προς αυτούς· Μηδένα διασείσητε, 14 And Soldiers, also
asked him, *"What also
μηδέ συκοφαντήσητε* καΐ άρκεί- should we do?" And he
neither may you accuse wrongfully; and be you said to them, "Oppress,
and falsely accuse, No o n e :
σθε τοις όψωνίοις υμών. and be satisfied with your
content with the wages of you. WAGES."
Προσδοκώντος δέ του λαοΰ, καΐ διαλο-
Expecting and of the people, and reason- 15 And the PEOPLE were
;νων πάντων έν ταίς καρδίαις αυτών waiting, and all were rea-
all in the hearts of them soning in their HEARTS
about του 'Ιωάννου, μήποτε αυτός εϊη ό concerning JOHN, whether
Χριστός, the 1βάπεκρίνατο
John, whether
ό 'Ιωάννηςhe οίπασι, the he were not the MESSIAH ;
were λέ-
^Liioiut©dj ίΐΐΐ3ΛνΘΓ©(Λ the Joliu t o & X X s&y~"
γων Έγώ μεν ΰδατι βαπτίζω υμάς· 16 JOHN answered all,
indeed in water dip you; saying, $"I indeed im-
ing: merse you in Water; but
άρχεται δέ ό Ισχυρότερος μου, οΰ ούκ
comes but the mightier of me, of whom not a MIGHTIER than I is com-
είμΐ Ικανός λΰσαι τόν Ιμάντα των ing, for whom I am not fit
I am worthy to loose the strap of the to untie the STRAP of his
υποδημάτων αύτοΰ· αυτός υμάς βαπτίσει έν SANDALS ; he will immerse
sandals of him; he 1 7 you w i l l dip in you in holy Spirit andFire.
πνεύματι άγίω καΐ πυρί. Οδ τό πτύ-
spirit holy and flre. Of whom the winnow- 17 Whose WINNOWING
ov έν rn χειρί αύτοΰ, καΐ διακα- SHOVEL in his HAND will
ing shovel in the hand of him, and he w i l l thor- effectually cleanse his
ριεί την άλωνα αύτοΰ· καΐ συνά- *THRESHING-FLOOR J § h e
oughly cleanse the floor of him; and he w i l l will gather the WHEAT into
ξει τόν σίτον είς τήν άποθήκην αύτοΰ, his GRANARY, but the
gather the wheat into the storehouse of himself, CHAFF he will consume
τό δέ αχυρον κατακαύσει πυρί άσβέ- with an inextinguishable
the but chaff he w i l l burn up in fire inextin-
στω. Πολλά μέν οΰν καΐ Ετερα
18 And exhorting many
guishable. Many indeed then also other things
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 1 . answered and said. 14. What also should w e d°?
17. to theoroughly cleanse his THRESHING-FLOOR, and to gather.
$ 11. Luke xi. 4 1 ; 2 Cor. viii. 1 4 ; James ii. 1 5 , 1 6 ; 1 John iii. 17. iv. 20.
t 1 2 . Matt. xxi. 3 2 ; Luke vii. 29. X 16. Matt. i i i . 1 1 ; Mark i. 7 , 8 . $ 1 7 .
Micah vi. 1 2 ; Matt. xiii. 3 0 .
Chap. 3:19.] LUKE. [Chap. 3:29.
παρακαλών εύηγγελίζετο τον λαόν. other things, he proclaimed

exhorting he preached glad tidings the people. glad tidings to the PEOPLE.
Ό δέ Ηρώδης ό τετράρχης, ελεγχόμενος 19 §But HEROD the
Tho but Herod the tetrarch, being reproved
TETRARCH being reproved
ύπ' αύτοΰ περί Ήρωδιάδος της γυναικός by him on account of He-
by him about Herodlas of the wife
rodias, his BROTHER'S
τοϋ άδελφοΰ αύτοΰ, καΐ περί πάντων ών WIFE, and about all the
of the brother of him, and about all of which Crimes which Herod had
^ποίησε πονηρών
had done evils
Ηρώδης, 20προσέθηκε
Herod, added
20 added also this to all,
καΐ τοϋτο επί πασι, καΐ κατέκλυσε τόν Ίωάν-
also this to a l l , and shut up the John
—he shut up John in
«νην έ ν χχ\ φυλακή, 21 And it occurred, when
in the prison. All the PEOPLE were IM-
^Έγένετο δέ έν τφ βαπτισθήναι MERSED, $Jesus also hav-
It occurred and In the to have been dipped ing been immersed, and
βπαντα τόν λαόν, καΐ Ίησοΰ βαπτισθέν-
praying, the HEAVEN was
22 and the HOLT SPIRIT,
τος καΐ προσευχομένου, άνεφχθήναι τόν in a Bodily Form like a
ped and praying, to have been opened the
Dove, descended upon him,
ούρανόν, ^καΐ καταβήναι τό πνεΰμα τό άγιον and there came a Voice
2ΐθ&ΛΓύΐΐ| And t o UQSCOIIU tile sp-i r i t the ho I y from Heaven, saying,
σωματικφ εϊδει, ώσεί περιστεράν, έπ' αυτόν, "Thou art my SON, the
in a bodily form, like a dove, upon him, BELOVED; in thee I de-
καΐ ςρωνήν έξ ουρανού γενέσθαι, *[λέ- light."
23 And he, JESUS, was
γουσαν] «Σύ εΐ ό υΙός μου ό άγα- about $thirty years old,
ing] "Thou art the son of me the be- when he began [his
πητός, έν σοΙ ηύδόκησα.» work,]being, $as was al-
loved, in thee Γ delight." lowed, a *Son of JOSEPH,
the §son of E L I .
^ΚαΙ αυτός ήν ό 'Ιησούς ώσεί έτων 24 the son of MATTHAT,
the son of LEVI, the son of
τριάκοντα, αρχόμενος, &ν, ώς ένομίζετο, MELCHI, the son of JAN-
NAI, the son of JOSEPH,
υΙός 'Ιωσήφ, τοΰ Ήλί, τοΰ Ματθάτ, 25 the son of MATTA-
a e o n of Joseph, of the Hell, of the Mat that,
THIAH, the son of AMOS
τοΰ Λευΐ, τοΰ ΜελχΙ, τοΰ Ίαννά, τοΰ the son of NAHUM, the son
of the Levi, of the Melchi, of the Janna, of the of E S L I , the son of NAG-
'Ιωσήφ, ^τοΰ Ματταθίου, τοΰ Άμώς, τοΰ GAI,
26 the son of MAATH,
Ναοΰμ, τοΰ ΈσλΙ, τοΰ ΝαγγαΙ, ^τοΰ the son of MATTATHIAH,
Naoum, of the Esli, of the Naggai, of the the son of SHIMEI, the son
Μαάθ, τοΰ Ματταθίου, τοΰ Σεμεΐ, τοΰ of JOSEPH, the son of
'Ιωσήφ, τοΰ 'Ιούδα, ^τοΰ Ίωννα, τοΰ 27 the son of JOHANAH,
Joseph, of the Juda, of the Joanna, of the the son of RESA, the son
of ZERUBBABEL, the son
Ρησδ, τοΰ Ζοροδάόελ, of SALATHIEL, the son of
Bhesa, of the Zorobabel, NERI,
τοΰ Σαλαθιήλ, τοΰ ΝηρΙ, 2«τοΰ ΜελχΙ, 28 the son of MALCHI,
of the Salathiel, of the Neri, of the Melchi, the son of ADDI, the son of
τοΰ Άδδί, τοΰ Κωσάμ, τοΰ Έλμωδάμ, KOSAM, the son of ALMO-
of the Addi, of the Cosam, of the Blmodam, DAM, the son of ER,
τοΰ "Ηρ, ^τοΰ Ίωση, τοΰ Έλιέζερ, τοΰ 29 the son of JOSES, the
son of ELIEZER, the <$on
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—20. Prison. 22. saying—omit. 23. a Son (as was
Allowed) of JOSEPH.
± 23. or son-in-law of Eli, the father of Mary. Luke gives Mary's ancestry, and Mat-
thew that of Joseph. See Appendix.
t 19. Matt. xiv. 3 ; Mark vi. 17. t 21. Matt, i l l 1 3 ; Mark 1. . 9 ; John i . 3 2 .
t 2 3 . See Num. iv. 3, 35, 39, 43, 47. X 23. Matt. xiii. 5 5 ; John vi. 42.
Chap. 3:30.] LUKE. [Chap. 4:4.
Ίωρείμ, του ΜατΟάτ, τοΰ Λευΐ, of JORAM, the son of MAT-
TATH, the son of LEVI,
2ι«μεών, τοΰ 'Ιούδα, του 'Ιωσήφ, τοΰ 30 the son of SIMEON,
Him eon, of the Judo., of the Joseph) of the the son of JUDAH, the sou
Ίωνάν, τοΰ Έλιακείμ, τοΰ Μελεα, τοΰ of JOSEPH, the son of J o
joutiiij o f t h e Έί 1 iΗk,i 111 ^ o f the Μc 1 β & > o f t h eNAN, the son of ELIAKIM,
Μαινάν, τοΰ Ματταθά, 31 the son of MELIAH,
Mai nan, of the Mattatha, the son of HAINAN, the
τοΰ Ναθάν, τοΰ Δαυΐδ, τοΰ ΊεσσαΙ,
32 son of MATTATHAH, the
of the Nathan, of the Da/id, of the Jesse, son of NATHAN, the son
τοΰ Ώ6ήδ, τοΰ Βοόζ, τοΰ Σαλμών, τοΰ 32 the son of JESSE, the
of the Obed, of the Booz, of the Salmon, of the
son of OBED, the son of
Ναασσών, 33 τοΰ Άμιναδάβ, τοΰ Άράμ, τοΰ BOAZ, the son of SALMON,
Naasson, of the Aminadab, of the Aram, of the
the son of NAHSIION,
Έσρφμ, τοΰ Φαρές, τοΰ 'Ιούδα, τοΰ 33 the son of AMMINA-
ISsrom, of the Phares, of the Juda, of the
DAB, the son of RAM, the
'Ιακώβ, τοΰ 'Ισαάκ, son of HEZRON, the son
of PHAREZ, the son of J u r
τοΰ 'Αβραάμ, τοΰ θάρα, τοΰ Ναχώρ, DAH,
34 the son of JACOB, t h e
τοΰ Σερούχ, τοΰ Ραγαΰ, τοΰ Φάλεκ, τον son of ISAAC, the son of
of the Serouch, of the Kagau, of the Phalec, of the ABRAHAM, the son of T E -
"Εβερ, τοΰ Σαλά, 3 β τοΰ Καϊνάν, τοΰ Ά ρ -RAH, the son of NAIIOR,
Eber, of the Sala, of the Cainan, of the Ar- 35 the son of SERUG, the
<ραξάδ, τοΰ Σήμ, τοΰ Νωε, τοΰ Λάμεχ,
son of REU, the son of P E -
t)Ii£i3C{id| o f t h e SoiHj o f t h e ΐΝοβ^ o f t h e LiiixiGchj LEO, the son of EBER, the
7 son of SALAH,
& τοΰ Μαφουσάλα, τοΰ Ένώχ, τοΰ Ί ά ρ ε δ , 36 the son of CAINAN,
Of the Mathusala, of the Enoch, of the Jared, the son of ARPHAXAD, the
τοΰ Μαλελεήλ, τοΰ Καϊλ'άν, τοΰ 'Ενώ ς, son of SHBM, the son of
of th© Aliiliileel^ of the Cfiiiiftii) of the JS&os» NOAH, the son of LAMECH,
τοΰ Σ ή θ , τοΰ 'Αδάμ, τοΰ θεοΰ. 37 the son of METHUSIS-
of the Seth, of the Adam, of the God.
LAH, the son of ENOCH,
the son of JARED, the son
of MAHALALEEL, the son
ΚΕΦ. δ ' . 4 . of CAINAN,
ΛΊησοΰς δέ πνεύματος αγίου πλήρης ύπέ- son38oftheSETH, son of ENOS, the
the son of
Jesus and spirit of holy full re-
ADAM, the son of GOD.
στρεψεν άπό τοΰ 'Ιορδανού· καΐ ήγετο
turned from the Jordan; and was led abi '
έν τ φ πνεύματι εις την Ερημον, ήμέρας
l>y the spirit into the desert, day 1 And $ Jesus, full of
holy Spirit, returned from
τεσσαράκοντα πειραζόμενος ύπό τοΰ διαβόλου. the JORDAN, and was car-
ried about by the SPIRIT
ΚαΙ ούκ ^φαγεν ουδέν έν ταϊς ημέραις έκεί- •in the DESERT
2 forty days, being
•ναις· καΐ συντελεσΰεισών αύτων, * [ύστερον] tempted by the ENEMY.
s $And he ate nothing in
έπείνασε. K a i είπεν αύτφ 6 διάβολος those DAYS ; and when
ho was hungry. And said to him the accuser: they were completed, he
Εί υΙός εΐ τοΰ θεοΰ, είπε τω λίθω was hungry.
If a son thou a r t of the God, say to the stone
3 And the ENEMY said
τούτω, ίνα γένηται δρτος. 4 ΚαΙ άπε-
to him, "If thou art a Son
this, that i t may become of GOD, command this
a loaf. And an-
9ΐρ^θη Ίησοΰς προς αυτόν, *[λέγο>ν·] Γέγρα- STONE to become Bread."
swered Jesus to him, Claying:] It i 4 And * JESUS answered

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. in the DESERT. 2. afterwards—omit. 4. JESUS.

4. saying—omit.
t 1. Matt. iv. 1; Mark i. 12. t 2. Exod. xxxiv. 28; 1 Kings xix. 8.
Chap. 4:5.] LUKE. [Chap, 4:14.
πται· «'Ότι ούκ έπ' άρτφ μόνω ζήσεται 6 him, " I t is written, $'MAN-
Written: 'That nut on bread alone"shall live the '.shall not live on Bread
άνθρωπος, *[άλλ' έπΙ παντί ρήματι Θεοΰ.]» 'only.' "
man, tuut οα every word of God.' J 5 And * taking him up
ΚαΙ άναγαγών αυτόν ό διάβολος είς he showed him All the
And having led up him the accuser into KINGDOMS of the HAB-
δρος ΰψηλόν, δδειξεν αύτφ πάσας τάς ITABLE in a Moment of
mountain high, he s h o w e d t o h i m all the
βασιλείας της οίκουμένης έν στιγμή χρό- Time.
kingdom of the habitable in a moment of 6 And the ENEMY said
\ου. °ΚαΙ είπεν αύτφ ό διάβολος· ΣοΙ to him, " I will give Thee
time. And said to him the accuser; To thee All this AUTHORITY, and
δώσω την έξουσίαν ταύτην άπασαν, καΐ την the GLORY of these; §For
I w i l l give the authority t h i s all, and the it has been delivered tome,
δόξαν αυτών οτι έμοί παραδέδοται, and I give it to whom I
glory of them; that to me i t has been prepared,
and φ έάν θέλω δ'ιδωμι αυτήν σύ ούν
7 If, then, thou wilt
έάν προσκυνήσχις ενώπιον μου, εσται all render homage before me,
if thou w i l t do homage before me, s h a l l be shall be thine."
σου πάσα. ΚαΙ αποκριθείς αύτφ είπεν 8 And * Jesus answer-
to thee all. And answering to him said the ing said, to him, $ It is
Ίησοΰς· Γέγραπται· «Προσκυνήσεις Κύριον written, 'Thou shalt wor-
'ship the Lord thy GOD,
Jesus; It Is written: "Thou shalt worship a Lord
τόν Θεόν σου, καΐ αύτφ μόνω λατρεύ- 'and Him only shalt thou
the God of thee, and to him alone thou shalt 'serve.' "
σεις.» 9 $And he brought
render service." him to Jerusalem, and
ΚαΙ ίίγαγεν αυτόν είς ^Ιερουσαλήμ, καΐ placed him on the ±BAT-
And he brought him to Jerusalem, and TLEMENTS Of t h e TEMPLE,
Ρ la
Εστησεν nple
αυτόν έπΙ τό πτερύγιον τοΰ Ιεροΰ* and said to him, "If thou
καΐ είπεν αύτφ· ΕΙ υΙός εΐ τοί5 θεοΰ, art a Son of GOD, cast thy-
self down from this place;
βάλε σεαυτόν έντεΰθεν κάτω· γέγρα-
cast thyself from this place down; It is 10 for it is written, § Ή Θ
πται γάρ* «"Οτι τοις άγγέλοις αύτοΰ 'will give his ANGELS
written for; ' "That to the messengers of himself 'charge concerning thee,
έντελείται περί σοΰ, τοΰ διαφυ- 'to PROTECT thee;
λάξαι σε* Μ κα1 οτι έπΙ χειρών άροΰσΐ 11 'and they will up-
guard thee; and that on hands they ihall bear 'hold thee on their Hands,
σε, μήποτε προσκόψτις προς 'lest thou strike thy FOOT
λ'ιθον 'against a Stone.' "
thee, lest thou shouldst strike against a stone
τόν πόδα aov». ^ΚαΙ αποκριθείς είπεν αύτω 12 And JESUS answer-
ό Ίησοΰς· Ότι εΐρηται* «Ούκ έκπειράσεις said, ing, said to him, " I t is
the Jesus; Tlhat i t Is said: "Not thou shalt tempt t'Thou shalt not
Κύριον τόν Θεόν σου», 'try the Lord thy God.'"
a Lord the God of thee."
13 And the ENEMY hav-
^Kai συντελέσας πάντα πειρασμόν ό διά-e ing finished every Tempta-
<&ucl fa&vixi^ ©ncLed ©very t^inptftt\οτί t h e ttccu tion, departed from him.
βόλος, άπέστη άπ' αύτοΰ άχρι καιροϋ. 14 ΚαΙ for a Season.
sor, departed from him for a season. And
ύπέστρεψεν ό Ίησοΰς έν τη δυνάμει τοΰ 14 $And JESUS returned
returned the Jesus In the power of the in the POWER of the SPIRIT

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 . but on every word of God—omit. 5. bringing him

onward, he showed. 8. Jesus.
± 9. Probably the middle part of the royal portico, the highest part of the temple, and
which could be seen at a distance of many furlongs. Josephus says. " T h a t the pillars of
that portico were a hundred cubits high, and the valley below four hundred deep."
t 4. Deut. viii. 3. t 6. John xii. 3 1 ; xiv. 30. t 8. Deut. vi. 1 3 ; x. 2 0 . $ 9 .
Matt. iv. 5. t 10. Psa. xci. 11. $ 12. Deut. vi. 16. t 14. Matt. iv. 1 2 ; John iv.
4 3 ; Acts x. 37.
Chap. 4:15.] LUKE. [Chap. 4:23.
πνειματος εις την Γαλιλαίαν καΐ φήμη εξήλ- into GALILEE ; and a Re-
port concerning him went
θε καθ' δλης της περιχώρου περί out through the Whole
out through whole the surrounding region about ADJACENT COUNTRY.
αύτου. ΚαΙ αυτός έδίδασκεν έν ταίς συναγω- 15 And he taught in
hlm. And he taught in the synagogues their SYNAGOGUES, being
γαίς αυτών, δοξαζόμενος ύπό πάντων, applauded by all.
of them, being glorified by a l ll . 16 And he came to
Kal ήλθεν εις τήν Ναζαρέτ, οδ ήν §NAZARETH, where he had
been brought u p ; and ac-
τεθραμμένος· καΐ εισήλθε, κατά cording to his CUSTOM on
the SABBATH-DAY, §he
τό εΐωθός αΰτφ έν χχ\ ημέρα των σαββάτων,
entered the SYNAGOGUE,
εις τήν συναγωγήν καΐ ανέστη άναγνώναι. and ± stood up to read.
17 And the Book of
i Kal έπεδόθη αύτφ βιβλίον Ήσαΐου του Isaiah the PROPHET was
And was delivered to him a roll of Esaias the given to him; ±and hav-
προφήτου· καΐ άναπτύξας τό βιβλίον, ing unrolled the BOOK, he
prophet: and having unrolled the roll, found the PLACE where it
είρε τον τόπον, οδ fiv γεγραμμέ- was written,
2ιο found the JJIHC©· T^rlier© 11* \yfl8§ T&eeu 18 $"The Spirit of the
vov «Πνεΰμα Κυρίου έπ* έμέ· οί "Lord is on me, because
written: "A spir "he has anointed me to
t of a Lord upon me; of which
είνεκεν £χρισέ με εΰαγγελίσα- "proclaim glad tidings to
on account of he has anointed me to publish glad "the Poor; he has sent
σθαι. πτωχοίς, άπέσταλκέ με κηρϋξαι "me ±to publish a Release
tidings to pi he has sent me to publish
"to the Captives, and Re-
αίχμαλώτοις δφεσιν, καΐ τυφλοίς ά- c o v e r y of sight to the
"Blind ; to dispense Free-
νάβλεψιν, άποστείλαι τεθραυσμέ- "dom to the oppressed;
to send away those having been
covery of sight, 19 "to proclaim an Era
νους έν άφέσει, 19κηρΰξαι ένιαυτόν Κυ- "of acceptance with the
crushed in freedom, to publish a year of a
ρίου δεκτόν.» 2°ΚαΙ2°ΚαΙ πτύξας τό βιβλίον,
ig rolled up the roll, 20 And having rolled up
Lord acceptable." And havl the BOOK, he returned it to
άποδούς τφ -υπηρέτη, έκάθισε· καΐ
the ATTENDANT, and sat
having given back to the attendant, he sat down; and down. And the EYES of
πάντων έν xr\ συναγωγή ol οφθαλμοί ήσαν all who were in the SYNA-
GOGUE were attentively
ατενίζοντες αύτφ. 2 1 "Ηρξατο δέ λέγειν προς
looking steadily to him. He began and to say to fixed on him.
αυτούς1 "Οτι σήμερον πεπλήρωται ή γραφή 21 And he began to
say to them, "To-day, this
them; That to-day is fulfilled that writing SCRIPTURE, which is now
αΰτη έν τοις ώσΐν υμών. 22 ΚαΙ πάντες έμαρ-
this in to the ears of you. And all bore in your EARS, is fulfilled."
XVQOVV αύτφ, καΐ έθαι>μαζον επί τοις λόγοις 22 And all bore testi-
mony to him, and wondered
τηςς χάριτος, τοις έκπορευομένοις έκ του at §THOSE WORDS of
f tthe graciousness, those proceeding out of the GRACE PROCEEDING f r o m
his MOUTH. And they
στόματος αύτοΰ, καΐ έΤ,εγον· Ούχ οδτός έστιν
said, "Is not this the SON
mouth of him, and said: Not this is of Joseph?"
ό υΙός 'Ιωσήφ; 2 3 ΚαΙ είπε προς αυτούς·
the son Joseph? And he said to them; 23 And he said to them,
± 1 6 . The Jewish doctors, in honor of the law and the prophets, invariably stood up
while they read them; but sat down while they taught or commented on them. This was pur
Lord's custom, as we learn from Matt. xxvi. 5 5 — " I sat teaching in the TEMPLE every
day." ± 1 7 . The Sacred Writings used to this day, in all Jewish Synagogues, are written
on skins of basil, parchment or vellum pasted end to end and rolled on two rollers beginning
at each end; so that in reading from right to left, they roll off with the left, while they roll
on with the right. The place that he opened was probably the section for the day.—-Clarke.
± 18. "To heal the broken in heart," is omitted both by the Vatican MS., and
Griesbach, but Bloomfleld thinks without sufficient warrant, as it is found in Isa. ixL 1.
% 16. Matt. ii. 2 3 ; xlii. 54; Mark vi. 1. t 16. Acts xiti. 14; xvii. 2. t 18, Isa.
lxi. 1. t 22. Psa.xiv. 2. $ 22. John vi. 42.
Chap. 4:24.] LUKE. [Chap. 4:32.
Πάντως έρείτέ μοι
τήν παραβολήν "You will certainly refer
Surely you w i l l say to me the illustration me to this PROVERB, 'Phy-
ταύτην «'Ιατρέ, θεράπευσον σεαυτόν» sician, cure thyself; what
things we have heard has
this; "Physician, heal thyself;" been done in CAPERNAUM,
δσα ήκούσαμεν γενόμενα εις Κα- do also here in thy own
what things we have heard having been done in Ca- COUNTRY.' "
περναούμ, ποίησον καΐ ώδε έν τη πατρ'ιδι 24 But he said, "Indeed
pernaum, 24 do thou also here in the country I say to you, $That no
σου. ΕΙπε δέ· 'Αμήν λέγω ύμίν, δτι Prophet is acceptable in
of thee. He said and; Indeed I say to you, that
ουδείς προφήτης δεκτός έστιν έν τη πατρίδι his OWN COUNTRY.
no one a prophet acceptable is in the country 25 But in Truth I say to
αύτοΰ. ^ Έ π ' αληθείας δέ λέγω ύμίν, πολ- you, §There were Many
o-f himself. In truth but I say to you, ma- Widows in ISRAEL, in the
λαΐ χήραι ήσαν έν ταίς ήμέραις Ήλιου έν days of Elijah, when the
ny widows were in the days of Elias in HEAVEN was closed three
τω 'Ισραήλ, δτε έκλείσθη ό ουρανός έπΙ Years and six Months, so
the Israel, when was shut up the heaven for
£τη τρία καΐ μήνας δξ, ώς έγένετο λι- that there came a great
years three and months six, so that 26came a Famine over All the LAND ;
μός μέγας έπΙ πασαν τήν γήν κα1 προς
f a m i n e g r e a t over all the land; and to 26 and yet to no one of
©ύδεμίαν αυτών έπέμφθη 'Ηλίας, εΐ μή εις them was Elijah sent, but
no one of them was sent Bl las, if not into to a Widow Woman, a t
Σάρεπτα της Σιδώνος προς γυναίκα χήραν. Sarepta, of SIDON.
Sarepta of the Sidon to a woman a widow.
27 $And there were
^ΚαΙ πολλοί λεπροί ήσαν έπΙ Έλισσαίού του Many Lepers in ISRAEL,
in [the days] of Elisha the
προφήτου έν τφ 'Ισραήλ· καΐ ουδείς αυτών PROPHET, and yet no one
prophet in the Israel; and no one of them of them was cleansed, but
έκαθαρίσθη, εΐ μή Νεεμάν ό Σύρος. 28ΚαΙ NAAMAN, the SYRIAN."
Ttrer© C l e « l I X S e d ) ix Hot P^flRTTlΠ.Ώ t i l Θ S y i * l & Q ·
έπλήσθησαν πάντες θυμοΰ έν τχ\ συναγωγή, AGOGUE
JATlO 28 And all in the SYN-
they were filled all of wrath in the synagogue, hearing these
άκούοντες ταΰτα. ^ΚαΙ άναστάντες Wrath; were filled with
having heard these things. And rising up
έξέβαλον αυτόν Ιξω της πόλεως· καΐ drove 29 and rising up, they
they cast out h i m outside of the city; and and led him even to the
him out of the CITY,
ήγαγον αυτόν 2ως οφρύος του" δρους, ±Brow of the MOUNTAIN
they led him even to a brow of the mountain, on which their CITY was
έφ' οδ ή πόλις αυτών ώκοδόμητο, ώστε built, to throw him down ;
on which the city of them was built, so as
κατακρημνίσαι αυτόν ^αύτός δέ διελθών 30 but HE, ^passing
to cast down him; he but passing
διά μέσου αυτών, έπορεύετο. through the Midst of them,
through midst of them, went away.
went away.
Kai κατήλθεν είς Καπερναούμ;, πόλιν 31 $And he came down
And he came down into Capernaum, a city to Capernaum, a City of
της Γαλιλαίας· καΐ ήν διδάσκων αυτούς GALILEE, and taught them
of the Galilee; and he was teaching them on the SABBATH.
έν τοις σάδβασι. 32ΚαΙ έξεπλήσσοντο 32 And they were struck
In the sabbaths. And they were astonished
± 2 9 . Behind the Maronite church is a steep precipice, forty or fifty feet high, "on the
brow of the h i l l ; " the very one, it may be, over which the people of Nazareth attempted to
thrust the Savior, on the Sabbath when they took such offence at his preaching in the syna-
gogue. I observed other rocky ledges, on other parts of the hill, so precipitous that a person
could not be thrown over them without almost certain destruction. Δ worthless tradition has
transferred this event to a hill about two miles to the south-east of the town. But there is no
evidence that Nazareth ever occupied a different site from the present one; and that a mob
so exasperated, whose object was to put to death the object of their rage, should have
repaired to so distant a place for that purpose, is entirely incredible.-—Hackett.
t 24. Matt. xiii. 57; Matt. vi. 4; John iv. 44. t 25. 1 tflngs xvii. 9; xyiii. 1;
James v. 17. t 27. 2 Kings v. 14. t 30. John vlii. 5 9 ; x. 39. X 31. Matt. iv.
13; M a r k i . 21. m
Chap. 4:33.] LUKE. [Chap. 4:41..
£πΙ tf} διδαχή αΰτοϋ* 75τι tv έξουσίςι fjv with awe at his mode -of
on the teaching of him; for with authority was INSTRUCTION; §For his
ό λόγος αύτοΰ. Kal έν τη συναγωγή ή" ν WORD was with Authority.
33 $Now there was a
άνθρωπος £χων πνεϋμα δαιμονίου ακαθάρτου, having Man in the SYNAGOGUE,
a man having a s p i r i t of a demon unclean,
a Spirit of an ±im-
34 pure Demon; and he ex-
καΐ άνέκραξε φωνή μεγάλη, * [λέ- claimed with a loud Voice,
aud he cried out with a voice loud,» [say- 34 "Ah ! what hast thou
γ ω ν ] "Εα, τΐ ήμίν καΐ σοί, Ί η σ ο ΰ Na-
irn,';] Ah, what to us and to thee, Jesus θ to do with us, Jesus Naza-
ξαρηνέ; ήλθες άπολέσαι ήμας· οίδα σε destroy Comest rene? thou to
us? I know thee
Nazarene? comest thou to destroy us; I know thee who thou a r t ; $the HOLY
τΙς εΐ, ό άγιος του Θεοϋ. ^ΚαΙ έπετίμησεν ONE of GOD."
who thou art, the holy of the God. And rebuked
αύτω ό Ίησοΰς, λέγων* Φιμώθητι, καΐ έ'ξελθε 35 And JESUS rebuked
him the Jesus, saying: Be silent, and come out
έξ αύτοΰ. ΚαΙ ρΓψαν αυτόν τό δαιμόνιον him, saying, "Be silent,
out of him. And having thrown him the demon and come out of him." And
εις μέσον, έξήλθεν άπ' αύτοΰ, μηδέν βλάψαν the DEMON having thrown
Into midst, came out of him, nothing hurting him into the Midst, de-
αυτόν. 36ΚαΙ έγένετο θάμβος επί πάντας* parted from him, without
him. Aud came amazement on a l l ; hurting him.
καΐ συνελάλουν προς αλλήλους, λέγοντες* Τις on36all, And amazement came
and they spoke to
And tftllc©d t o on© Axiotli6x*f e n y i u ^ · Wliftt
one another, "What WORD
ό λόγος οδτος, δτι έν έξουσίςι καΐ δυνάμει is this ! For with Autho-
the word this, for with authority and power rity and Power he com-
επιτάσσει τοις άκαθάρτοις πνεύμασι, καΐ έξέρ- mands the IMPURE Spirits,
and they come out."
he commands the unclean spirits, and they
χονται; 37ΚαΙ έξεπορεύετο ήχος περί 37 And a Report con-
αύτοΰ είς πάντα τόπον της περιχώρου. cerning him went forth
him into every place of the country around. into Every Part of the
Άναστάς δέ έκ της συναγωγής, ε'ισ- SURROUNDING COUNTRY.
Ι* ΤflΥ i in fa r i s e n up fliid out of the sjruA^o^txO) lio 38 §And rising up out
ηλθεν είς την οίκίαν ΣΊμωνος* πενθερά of the SYNAGOGUE, he
entered the HOUSE of Si-
entered Into the house of Simon; mother-in-law mon. And SIMON'S Mo-
δέ Σίμωνος ήν συνεχόμενη πυρετφ ther-in-law was confined
and of the Simon was seized with fever with a violent Fever ; and
they asked him concern-
μεγάλω· καΐ ήρώτησαν αυτόν περί αύτης. 3οΚαΙ ing her.
έπιστάς επάνω αύτης, έπετίμησε τφ πυρετφ·
standing above her, he rebuked the fever; 39 And standing over
καΐ άφηκεν αυτήν. Παραχρήμα δέ άναστασα her, he rebuked the FEVER,
and i t left her. Forthwith and rising-up
and it left her; and in-
διηκόνει αύτοΐς. stantly rising up, she
she served them. served them.
Δύοντος δέ του ήλιου, πάντες δσοι 40 $Now as the SUN was
S e t t i n g and of t h e s u n , a l l a s m a n y a s setting, all who had any
είχον άοθενοΰντας νόσοις ποικίλαις, sick with various Diseases,
had being afflicted with disease various, brought them to him ; and
HE, placing his HANDS on
ήγαγον αυτούς προς αυτόν ό δέ ένΐ έκά- each one of them, cured
στφ αυτών τάς χείρας έπιθείς, έθερά- them.
eeparately of them the hands having placed, he
πευσεν αυτούς. 41Έξήρχετο δέ καΐ δαιμόνια departed 41 And Demons also
zioiiled tlieiii* O&xxie out
from many cry-
&QU AISO demons ing out and saying, "Thou
άπό πολλών, κράζοντα καΐ λέγοντα* "Οτι

Liu Wi/iu KM 'mutt xu α |/t/i/t* o c i i a c . - ΐ/«ί/Μ:·,

$ 32. Matt. vii. 2 8 , 2 9 . t 33. Mirk i. 23. $ 34. Psa. xvi. 10; Dan. ix. 24.
$ 38. Matt. viii. 1 4 ; Mark i. 29. % 40. Matt. viii. 16; Mark i. 32.
Chap. 4:42.] LUKE. {Chap. 5:6.
σύ εί ό υΙός τ?©6 βεοΰ. Keti επίτιμων art the SON of Goi}/ And
thou art the son of the God. And rebuking rebuking them, he per-
mitted them not to say
ουκ εϊα αυτά λαλείν, δτι η"δεισαν τον That they knew him to be
Χριστόν αυτόν είναι. 42 And Day having come,
Anointed him to be. δέ ημέρας, έξελθών έπο- he retired to a Desert
Being c o e day, coming out Place; and the CROWDS
ρεύθη είς έ'ρημον τόπον καΐ ot δχλοι έπεζή- sought him, and came to
him, and urged him not to
τουν αυτόν, καΐ ·?ίλθον £ως αύτοϋ, καΐ κατείχον ieave them.
him, and came to him, and urged 43 But HE said to them.,
αυτόν μη πορεύεσθαι άπ' αυτών. 4 3 Ό δέ είπε " I must proclaim the glad
tidings of the KINGDOM of
προς αυτούς· "Οτι καΐ ταίς έτέραις πόλεσιν GOD to OTHER Cities also ;
to them; That also to the other cities
because for this I have
εύαγγελίσασθαί με δει την βασιλείαν been sent."
to publish glad tidings me must the kingdom 44 |And he was preach-
τοΰ Θεοϋ· 8τι εις τοΰτο άπέσταλμαι. ing *in the SYNAGOGUES
of 4the
God; because for this I have been sent forth. of GALILEE.
Kal f\v κηρύσσων έν ταϊς συναγωγαϊς
And he was preaching in the synagogue CHAPTER V.
της Γαλιλαίας. ΚΕΦ. ε ' . 5. Εγέ-
of the Galilee. It hap- 1 §Now it occurred, as
νετο δέ έν τφ τόν δχλον έπικείσθαι αύτφ the CROWD PRESSED on
pened but i n t o the t h e c r o w d t o p r e s s h i m him to HEAR the WORD of
ταυ άκούειν τόν λόγον τοΰ Θεοϋ, και αυτός GOD, he was standing by
of the to hear the word of the God, and he the LAKE Gennesaret;
ήν έστώς παρά την λίμνην Γεννησαρέτ·
was standing by the lake Gennesaret; 2 and he saw *two
κα1 είδε δύο πλοία έστώτα παρά την λίμνην Boats stationed near the
SHORE ; but the FISHER-
ot δέ αλιείς άποβάντες άπ' · αυτών, άπέ- MEN having left them,
the but fishermen having gone from them, were were washing their NETS.
πλυναν τά δίκτυα. Έμ6άς δέ είς εν των 3 And having gone into
washing the nets. Entering and into one of the one of the BOATS, wrhich
πλοίων, δ f\v τοΰ Σίμωνος* ήρώτησεν was SIMON'S, he asked
ships, which was of the Simon; he asked him to put off a little from
αυτόν άπό της γης έπαναγαγείν ολίγον καΐ the LAND ; and sitting
hin down, he instructed the
καθίσας έδίδασκεν εκ τοΰ πλοίου τους CROWDS out of the BOAT.
sitting down he taught out the ship the 4 And when he ceased
δχλους. 4 Ώ ς δέ έπαύσατο λαλών, είπε speaking, he said to SIMON,
crowds. When and he ceased · speaking; he said, $"Put out into the DEEP,
προς τόν Σίμωνα· Έπανάγαγε είς τό βάθος, and let down your NETS
for a Draught."
καΐ χαλάσατε τά δίκτυα υμών εις δγραν. 5 And * Simon answer-
ing, said: "Master, we
ΚαΙ αποκριθείς ό Σιμων είπεν *[αύτφ·] Έ - have labored through the
And answering the Simon said [to him;] θ Whole NIGHT, and have
πιστάτα, δι' δλης της νυκτός κοπιά- caught nothing; yet, a t
master, through whole of the night having thy WORD, I will let down
σαντες, ουδέν έλάβομεν επί δέ τφ ρήματί
toiled, nothing we have taken; at but the word the *NETS.
σου χαλάσω τό δίκτί'ον. 6ΚαΙ τοϋτο 6 And having done this,
of thee I w i l l l e t down the n e t . And t h i s they enclosed a great Mul-
ποιήσαντες, συνέκλεισαν πλήθος ιχθύων titude of Fishes ; and their
having done, they enclosed a multitude of fishes *NETS were rending.
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—44. to the SYNAGOGUES. 2. two Boats. 5. Simon. 5.
to him—omit. 5. NETS. 6. NETS.
± 1. Callocl also the sea or lake of Galilee, and the sea of Tiberias. It was anciently
called the sea of Chinnereth. It is about five miles wide, and some sixteen or seventeen
miles long.
$ 44. Mark i. 39. $ 1. Matt. iv. 18; Mirk i. 16. $ 4. John xxi. 6.
Chap. 5:7.] LUKE. [Chap. 5:14.
πολύ· διερρήγνυτο δέ τό δίκτυον αυτών. 7ΚαΙ 7 And they beckoned to
great; was rending and the net of them. And their PARTNERS in the
κατένευσαν τοίς μετόχοις τοις έν τφ ASSIST Boat, OTHER to come and
them. And they
έτέρω πλοίω, του έλθόντας συλλαβέσθαι BOATS, so that they came, and filled Both the
other ship, of the coining to help sinking.
αύτοίς* καΐ ήλθον, καΐ δπλησαν αμφότερα
them; and they came, and filled both
8 And Simon Peter see-
τά πλοία, <5στε δυθίζεσθαι αυτά. 8 Ίδών δέ ing it, fell down at the
KNEES of *Jesus, saying,
Σίμων Π έτρος, προσέπεσε τοίς γόνασι του "Depart from me, Ο Lord,
Simon Peter, fell down . to the knees to the For I am a sinful Man."
Ίησου, λέγων "Εξελθε άπ' έμοΰ, δτι άνήρ 9 For amazement seized
JcsuS) sstyizi^· DGp&rt fpoixi JQQ f o r ft ttiftiii
αμαρτωλός είμι, κύριε. βθάμ6ος γάρ περιέ- him, and ALL who were
a sinner I am, O lord. Amazement for seized with him, at the DRAUGHT
σχεν αυτόν καΐ πάντας τους συν αύτφ, έπΐ τχί of FISHES which they had
him and all those with him, at the
δγρα των Ιχθύων, fi συνέλαδον 10 and in like manner
draught of the fishes, which they had taken; also, James and John, Sons
10 of Zebedee, who were Part-
όμοίως δέ καΐ Ίάκωβον καΐ *Ιωάννην, υΙούς ners with SIMON. And
In like manner and also James and John, sons * Jesus said to SIMON,
Ζεβεδαίου, οϊ ήσαν κοινωνοί τφ Σίμωνι. "Fear not; §HENCEFORTH
of Zebedee, who were partners with the Simon. thou wilt catch Men."
ΚαΙ είπε προς τόν Σίμωνα ό Ίησοΰς* Μή 11 And having brought
φοβοΰ· άπό του νυν ανθρώπους Ιση the BOATS to the LAND,
fear; from of the now men thou w i l l be §leaving all,they followed
u him.
ζωγρών. Kal καταγαγόντες τά πλοία επί
catching. And having brought the ships to 12 §And it occurred,
την γην, αφέντες άπαντα, ήκολούθησαν αύτω. when he WAS in one of the
the land, having l e f t all, they followed him.
12 CITIES, behold, a Man full
ΚαΙ έγένετο έν τφ είναι αυτόν έν μιφ of Leprosy, seeing JESUS,
And it happened in to the to be him In one fell on his Face, and be-
των πόλεων, καΐ Ιδού, άνήρ πλήρης λέπρας· sought him, saying, "Sir,
of the cities, and lo, a man full of leprosy; if thou wilt, thou canst
καΐ ίδών τόν Ίησοΰν, πεσών επί πρόσω-
and seeing the Jesus, having fallen on face, cleanse Me."
πον, έδεήθη αύτοΰ, λέγων κύριε, έάν θέ-
©utreftteci Λ 1 HI ι Sftyi&£i · ^) loi*d If thou 13 And extending his
HAND, he touched him,
λχις, δύνασα'ι με καθαρίσαι. Κ ΚαΙ έκτεί- saying, " I will; be thou
wilt» tlion Art 8.1)1 Θ mo to clenzise· And stretching cleansed." And instantly
νας τήν χείρα, ή*ψατο αυτοί), εΙπών the LEPROSY departed
out the hand, he touched him, saying: from him.
Θέλω, καθαρίσθητι. ΚαΙ ευθέως ή 14 $And he commanded
I w i l l , be thou cleansed. And Immediately the him to tell no one; "but
λέπρα άπήλθεν άπ' αύτοΰ. 14ΚαΙ αυτός go, [said he] show thyself
leprosy departed from him. And he
παρήγγειλεν αύτφ μηδενΐ είπείν αλλά άπελ- to the PRIEST, and present
commanded him no one to t e l l : but going an offering on account of
thy CLEANSING, §as Moses
Φών δείξον σεαυτόν τφ Ιερεί, καΐ προσέ-
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—8. Jesus. 10. Jesus.
νεγκε περί του καθαρισμού
± 1 4 . This injunction of our Lord upon the
man to show himself to the priest, might
have had a further meaning than merely a compliance with the direction of the Mosaic
law in this case. The Jewish Rabbins thought that the curing of the leprosy would be
characteristic of the Messiah. This makes the obstinacy and unbelief o{ the Jewish
rulers and people appear still more inexcusable.
t 10. Matt. iv. 19; Mark i. 17. t 11. Matt. iv. 19; xix. 27; Mark i. 18; Lnke
xviii. 28. t 12. Matt. viii. 2 ; Mark i. 40. t 14. Matt. viii. 4. $ 14. Ley. xiv.
4, 10, 21, 22.
Chap. 5:15.] LUKE. [Chap. 5:22.
«αθώς προσέταξε Μωσής, εις μαρτύριον αύ- commanded, for Notifying
[the cure] to the people."
them. 15 But the REPORT con-
^Διήρχετο δέ μάλλον δ λόγος περί cerning him spread abroad
Spread abroad but more the word concerning the more; and great
αύτοΰ· και συνήρχοντο δχλοι πολλοί άκού- Crowds came together to
him; and came together crowds great to
hear, and be cured of their
ειν, καΐ θεραπεύεσθαι *[ύπ' αύτοΰ] άπό των
hear, and to be healed Cby him] from the 16 $And he retired into
solitary places, and prayed.
ασθενειών αυτών 1βΑύτός δέ ήν ύποχωρών
weaknesses of them; He but was retiring 17 And it occurred on
έν ταίς έρήμοις, καΐ προσευχόμενος. one of the DAYS, he was
in the deserts, and praying. teaching, and the ^PHARI-
Kai έγένετο έν μιφ των ημερών, καΐ SEES and Teachers of the
And i t happened in one of the
days, and Law were sitting near,
having come out of Every
αυτός ήν διδάσκων καΐ ήσαν καθήμενοι Village of Galilee, and of
he was teaching; and were sitting Judea, and from Jerusa-
φαρισαίοι καΐ νομοδιδάσκαλοι, οι ήσαν lem ; and the Mighty
έληλυθότες έκ πάσης κώμης της Γα- Power of the Lord was on
baving come out o f all villages o f the G a - •him to CURE.
λιλαίας καΐ 'Ιουδαίας, και ^Ιερουσαλήμ· καΐ
lilee and Judea, and Jerusalem: and 18 fAnd, behold, Men
δύναμις Κυρίου ήν είς τό Ιάσθαι αυτούς. Man, bringing on a Bed a palsied
and they sought to
ροτν^βΓ of XiOrd Tyfl-S i n t o t h e t o I1&3.I tfa Φrn» bring him in, and place
WKal Ιδού, άνδρες φέροντες επί κλίνης fiv- him in his presence.
And lo, man bringing on a couch a
Φρωπον, 8ς ήν παραλελυμένος· καΐ 19 And not finding how
man, who was having been palsied; and
they could bring him in,
έξήτουν αυτόν είσενεγκείν, καΐ θεϊναι ένώ- on account of the CROWD,
sought him to bring in, and to place in having ascended to the
jtiov αύτοΰ. 1 β ΚαΙ μή εύρόντες ποίας είσενέγ- ROOF, they lowered him,
presence of him. And not finding how they might with the LITTLE BED,
κωσιν αυτόν, διά τον δχλον, ±through the TILES, into
άναβάν- the MIDST before *them
bring in him, through the crowd, having gone all.
τες επί τό δώμα, διά τών κεράμων κα-
up to t h e roof, through t h e tiles they
20 And perceiving their
θηκαν αυτόν συν τω κλινιδίω είς τό μέσον FAITH, he said, "Man,thy
l o t cLo^^u h i m \V 1 th t h e l i t t2 0l e OGU i n t o t h e m i d s t
SINS are forgiven thee."
έμπροσθεν τοΰ Ίησοΰ. ΚαΙ Ιδών την πίστιν
in presence of the Jesus. And seeing the faith
αυτών, είπεν "Ανθρωπε, άφέωνταί 21 $And the SCRIBES
and the PHARISEES began
σοι at άμαρτίαι σου. 21ΚαΙ ήρξαντο δια- to reason, saying, "Who
to thee the sins of thee. And began to is this that utters Blas-
λογίζεσθαι ol γραμματείς καΐ ol Φαρισαίοι, phemies? §Who can for-
reason the scribes and the Pharisees, give Sins, except God
λέγοντες· ΤΙς έστιν ούτος δς λαλεί βλασφημί- only ?"
saying; Who is this who speaks blasphe-
ας; τις δύναται άφιέναι αμαρτίας, εΐ μή 22 But JESUS knowing
sales? who i s able to forgive sins, If not their THOUGHTS, answer-
ing, said to them, "Why
μόνος δ Θεός; ^Έπιγνούς δέ δ Ίησοΰς τους
alone the God?
* VATICAN Knowing but by
MANUSCRIPT.—15. thehim—omit.
Jesus the17. PHARISEES. 17. him to CURB.
And. 19. them all.
± 1 9 . Probablyαυτών,
through αποκριθείς
the door in the είπε
roof, προς
which being fastened, was forced open.
See Mark ii. 4. Because all the roof, except the door, was covered with tiles, it is said,
"they lowered him through the t i l e s ; " of course, by means of the stairs leading down into
the area or court of the house, where the people were assembled.
t 16. Matt. xiv. 2 3 ; Mark vi. 46. ί 18. Matt. ix. 2 ; Mark ii. 3. f 21. Matt. ix.
3 ; Mark ii. 6, 7. t 21. Psa. xxxii. 5 ; Isa. xliii. 25.
Chap, 5:23.] LUKE. [Chap. 5:32.
αυτούς. Τι διαλογίζεσθε έν ταΐς καρδίαις ύ- do you reason in your
them; W h y do you reason in the hearts of HEARTS ?
μών; 23 Τί έστιν εύκοπώτερον; ειπείν Ά- 23 Which is easier? to
say, 'Thy SINS are forgiven
«ρέωνταί σοι at άμαρτίαι σου; ή εΐ- thee;' or to say, [with
Ι) β ο n for^ivon to 11ι © Θ 11ι β sins of 11ι β θ ? OF to effect, ] 'Arise, and walk V
π ε ϊ ν "Εγειρε καΐ περιπατεί; 2 4 "Ινα δε εΐ-
to say: Arise and walk? That but you 24 But that you may
δητε, δτι έξουσίαν &χει ό υΙός του know that the SON of MAN
άνθρωπου έπί της γης άφιέναι αμαρτίας, (εί- to forgive Sins," (he says
πε τφ παραλελυμένφ·) ΣοΙ λέγω· "Ε- to the PALSIED MAN,) "J
said to the having been palsied;) To thee I say; say to thee, 'Arise, and
γείρε, καΐ ώρας τό κλινίδιόν σου, taking up thy LITTLE
A r i s e , and having taken Up t h e l i t t l e bed of thee, BED, go to thy H O U S E / "
πορεΰου είς τόν οίκον σου. ^ΚαΙ παραχρή- in 25 And instantly arising
their presence, and tak-
μα άναστάς ενώπιον αυτών, ing
αράς had been up that on which he
lying, he pro-
on whic κατέκειτο, ceeded
άπήλθεν είς τόν praising GOD. to his own HOUSE,
οίκον αΰτοΰ, δοξάζων τόν Θεόν. Καί
26 And astonishment
δκστασις Ιλαβεν απαντάς, καΐ έδόξαζον seized all, and they praised
Amazement took nil, and they glorified Fear, and
GOD, were filled with
saying, "We have
τόν θ ε ό ν καΐ έπλήσθησαν φόβου, λέγοντες· seen wonderful things to-
"Ότι εΐδομεν παράδοξα σήμερον. day."
27 27 §And after this, he
ΚαΙ μετά ταύτα εξήλθε, καΐ έθεά- went out, and saw a Trib-
And after these he went out, and saw ute-taker, named Levi,
<Τατο τελώνην, ονόματι Λευίν, καθήμενον επί sitting at the TAX-OFFICE ;
publican, with a name Levi, sitting at and he said to him, "Fol-
τό τελώνιον καΐ είπεν αΰτφ· 'Ακολουθεί low me."
til ο cus t om ~house j and ho s&id to hi m * Fo 11 ΟΛΥ 28 And forsaking all, he
μοι. καταλυτών απαντά, άναστάς ήκο- arose, and followed him.
λούθησεν αύτφ. ΚαΙ έποίησε δοχήν μεγάλην 29 §And *Levi made a
followed him. And made a feast great
great Feast for him, in his
Λευΐς αύτφ έν τη οΙκία αυτοί)· καΐ fjv own HOUSE; and there
Lev! to him in the house of himself; and was
was a great Crown of Trib-
δχλος τελωνών πολύς, καΐ άλλων, οί ute-takers, and of others,
Λ crowd of publicans great and of others
who who were reclining with
ίΐσαν μετ' αυτών κατακείμενοι. ^ΚαΙ έγόγγυ- them.
ζον ol γραμματείς αυτών καΐ ot Φαρισαίοι 30 And *the PHARISEES
m u e d the scribes ο ιthem d t h P h i e and their SCRIBES com-
προς τους μαθητάς αύτοΰ, λέγοντες* ΔιατΙ plained to his DISCIPLES,
saying, "Why do you eat
μετά τών τελωνών καΐ αμαρτωλών έσθίετε and drink with TRIBUTE-
•with the publicans and sinners do you oat TAKERS and Sinners?"
9tal πίνετε; Kai αποκριθείς ό Ίησοΰς είπε
and drink? And answering the Jesus said 31 And • Jesus answer-
προς αυτούς. Ού χρείαν δχουσιν ot ύγιαί- ing, said to them, "THOSE
to them: No need have those being in who are in HEALTH have
νοντες Ιατροί), άλλ' ot κακώς έχοντες· no need of a Physician,
health of a physician, but those sick being; but THOSE who are SICK.
^ούκ έλήλυθα καλέσαι δικαίους, αλλά άμαρ-
not I have come to call Just (ones,) but sin- 32 §1 have not come to
τωλούς είς μετάνοιαν. call the Righteous, but
Sinners to Repentance."
V 2 7 i S k a t t . ix. 9; Mark ii. 13,14. % 29. Matt. ix. 10; Mark ii. 15. % 32.
Matt. 9. 13; 1 Tim. i. 15. 218
Chap. 5:33.] LUKE. [Chap. 6:2.
^01 δέ είπον προς αυτόν *[ΔιατΙ] ol 33 And THEY said to
They and said to him; [Why] the him, | " T h e DISCIPLES of
'Ιωάννου νηστεν>ουσι πυκνά, καΐ
of John fast often, and
John frequently fast and
Pray; and in like manner
δεήσεις ποιούνται, ομοίως καΐ ol των THOSE of the PHARISEES
prayers make in 1 ike manner and those of the but THINE eat and drink?"*
Φαρισαίων ol δέ σοΙ έσθίουσι και
34 And he said to them,
πίνουσιν; ^ ' 0 δέ είπε προς αυτούς* Μη δύ- "Can the BRIDEMEN fast,
while the BRIDEGROOM is
drink? He and said to them; Not you with them?
νασθε τους υΙούς τοΰ νυμφώνος, έν
35 But Days will come,
φ δ νυμφίος μετ' αυτών έστι, ποιησαι when the BRIDEGROOM
which the bridegroom with them is» to make will be taken from them,
and then they will fast in
νηστεύειν; 35
Έλεύσονται δέ ήμέραι, καΐ δταν Those DAYS/'

άπαρθχί άπ' αυτών ό νυμφίος, τότε νη- 36 $And he also spoke a

may be taken from them the bridegroom, then they Parable to them ; "No one
στεύσουσιν έν έκείναις ταϊς ήμέραις. 3 β 'Έλεγε puts a Piece T e n t from a
w i l l fast in those the days. He spoke new Garment on an old;
δέ και παραβολήν προς αυτούς· "Οτι ουδείς else the NEW also *will
έπίβλημα Ιματίου καινού επιβάλλει έπι Ιμά- make a rent, and THAT
a patch of a mantle new sews on to a Piece from the NEW *will
τιον παιλαιόν εΐ δέ μήγε, καΐ τό καινόν σχί- not agree with the OLD.
mantle old; if but not, and the new it
ζει, καΐ τω παλαίω ού συμφωνεί έπίβλημα τό
rends and the old not agrees a patch that 37 And no one puts new
άπό τοΰ καινού. ΚαΙ ουδείς βάλλει olvov Wine into ±old Skins;

from the new. And no one puts wine else the *NEW WINE will
νέον εις ασκούς παλαιούς· ε'ι δέ μήγε, ρήξει burst the SKINS, and itself
new into skins old; i f b u t n o t , w i l l b u r s t be spilt, and the SKINS be
6 νέος οίνος τους ασκούς, καΐ αυτός έκχυθή-

σεται, καΐ ol ασκοί άπολοϋνται· -^άλλά 38 But new Wine m u s t

be put into new Skins.
olvov νέον ε'ις ασκούς καινούς βλητέον
wine new into skins new requires to be put; 39 No one having drunk
* [καΐ αμφότεροι συντηροΰνται.] 3 9 *[ΚαΙ] ού- old wine desires new ; for
[and both are preserved.] [And] no he says, 'The OLD is
δείς πιών παλαιόν, * [ευθέως] θέλει
one haying drink old, [immediately] desires •good.' "
νέον λέγει γάρ· Ό παλαιός χρηστότερος
new: lie says for; The old , . better
εστίν, CHAPTER VI.
1 $And It occurred on
ΚΕΦ. σ τ ' . 6. the Sabbath, that he went
Έγένετο δέ έν σαββάτω * [δευτεροπρώ- through the * Grain-fields,
and his DISCIPLES plucked
It happened and in sabbath [second- the HEADS of GRAIN, and
Tip] διαπορεύεσθαι αυτόν δια των σπορί-
tirst] to pass him through the grain- ate, rubbing them in their
μων καΐ ετιλλον ol μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ τους στά- HANDS.
fields; and plucked
χυας, ήσθιον, the disciples
ψώχοντες of him Τι.νές
ταΐς χερσί. the ears
of grain, and ate, rubbing the hands. Some and the

_ fob
Xxxii. 19.
t 33. Matt. ix. 14; Mark ii. 18. t 36. Matt. ix. 16» 17; Mark ii. 2 1 , 22. $ 1.
Matt. xii. 1; Mark i i . 2 3 .
Chap. 6:3.] LUKE. [Chap. 6 : 1 1 .
των Φαρισαίων είπον *[αύτοΐς·] ΤΙ ποιείτε, PHARISEES said, "Why
of the Pharisees said Cto them;] Why do you,
do you $what is not law-
8 ουκ έΊ^εστι * [ποιείν] έν τοις σάββασι; ful on the SABBATH?"
which not i t i s lawful [to do] in the sabbaths?
Kal αποκριθείς προς αυτούς είπεν ό Ίησοΰς· 3 And * Jesus answer-
ing them, said, "Have you
Ουδέ τοΰτο άνέγνωτε, 8 έποίησε Δαβίδ, not even read this, $ which
Not even this have you read, what did David,
David did, when hungry,
οπότε έπείνασεν αυτός καΐ ol μ ε τ ' αύτοΰ he and THOSE who *were
when he was hungry he and those with him
4 with him?
δντες; ώς είσηλθεν εις τόν οίκον του Θεοΰ,
being? h o w he entered Into the house of the God, 4 He went into the TAB-
καΐ τους όίρτους της προθέσεως 8λα6ε, καΐ ERNACLE of GOD, and took
and the loaves of the presence he took, and the LOAVES of the PRES-
δφαγε, καΐ έδωκε * [καΐ] τοις μ ε τ ' αύτοΰ· ENCE, and ate, and gave to
ate, and gave [also]
to those with him; THOSE with him ; $which
ους φαγείν, εί μή μόνους τους none but the PRIESTS could
ούκ ^ξεστι
to eat, if not alone the lawfully eat."
which not i t is lawful
Ιερείς; ΚαΙ Ελεγεν αύτοίς· *["Οτι] κύριος
priests? And he said to them: LThat] a lord 5 And he said to them,
εστίν ό υΙός τοϋ άνθρωπου seal του σα6- "The SON of MAN is Lord
is the son of the man also of the sab- even of the SABBATH."
bath. 6 And it occurred on
Έ γ έ ν ε τ ο δέ ΓκαΙ] έν έτέρω σαββάτω είσελ- Another Sabbath, that he

It happened and [also] in another sabbath to en- entered the SYNAGOGUE,

6είν εις την συναγωγήν, καΐ διδάσκειν καΐ and taught. And a Man
ter him into the synagogue, and to teach; and was there whose R I G H T
fjv εκεί άνθρωπος, καΐ ή χεΙρ αύτοΰ ή HAND was withered.
was there a man, and the hand of him the
δεξιά fjv ξηρά. Παρετήρουν δέ αυτόν 7 And the SCRIBES and
right was withered. Watched and him PHARISEES watched him
ol γραμματείς καΐ ot Φαρισαϊοι εΐ έν τ φ σαβ- closely [to see] if he would
cure on the SABBATH ;
6άχφ θεραπεύσει, ΐνα εΰρωσι κατη- that they might find an
bath he w i l l heal, so that they might find an ac- Accusation against him.
γορίαν αύτοΰ. 8 Αύτός δέ η*δει τους διαλογι- 8 But he knew their
PURPOSES, and said to
σμούς αυτών, καΐ είπε τ φ άνθρώπω τ φ THAT MAN HAVING t h e
ο ι thfiyn^ dud s&id t o t h o ixi&ix tli© withered H A N D , "Arise,
| η ρ ά ν εχοντι την χείρα· "Εγειρε, καΐ στήθι a n d s t a n d in t h e M I D S T . "
withered having the hand; Arise, and stand
είς το μέσον. Ό δέ άναστάς £στη. °ΕΙπεν And H E arose a n d stood.
Into the midst. H e and having arisen stood. Said 9 Then J E S U S said t o
ούν ό Ίησοΰς προς αυτούς· Επερωτήσω them, " I ask you, if i t i s
then the Jesus to them; lawful t o do good on t h e
I w i l l ask
υμάς· ΤΙ έ'ξεστι τοίς σάβδασιν; άγα- SABBATH or t o d o e v i l ?
you; What Is i t lawful to the sabbath? to do to save Life, or t o k i l l ? "
θοποιήσαι η1 κακοποιήσαι; ψυχήν σώσαι, ή*
good o r t o do e v i l ? a life t o save, or 10 And looking round
άποκτείναι; 1 0 ΚαΙ περιβλεψάμενος πάντας on them all, h e said t o
to kill? A n d looking around on all him, " S t r e t c h o u t t h i n e
αυτούς, είπεν αύτφ· "Εκτεινον τήν χείρα H A N D . " A n d H E d i d s o ;
them, he said to him; Stretch out the hand and his HAND w a s re-
σου. Ό δέ έποίησε· καΐ άπεκατεστάθη ή stored.
of thee. He and did; and was restored the
χείρ αύτοΰ *[&ς ή δλλη.] "ΑύτοΙ δέ έπλή- 11 And they were filled
hand of him [as the other.] They and were

• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. to them—omit. 2. to do—omit. 3. Jesus. 3. were.

4. how—omit. 4. also—omit. 5. That—vmU. 6. also—omit. 9. I ask you, if it is
lawful. 10. as the other—omit.
t 2. Exod. xx. 10. $ 3. 1 Sam. xxi. 6. ί 4. Lev. xxiv. 0. t 6. Matt. xii. 9 ;
Mark Hi. 1; Luke xiii. 14; xiv. 3 ; John ix. 16.
Chap. 6:12.] LUKE. [Chap. 6:20.
σθησαν άνοιας, καΐ διελάλουν προς αλλήλους, with madness,and consult-
filled madness, and they talked to one another, ed with one another, what
τΐ δν ποιήσειαν τφ Ίησοΰ. they should do to JESUS.
what they should do to the Jesus.
12 $And it came to pass
^Έγένετο δέ έν ταίς ήμέραις ταύταις, in those DAYS, that he
went out to the MOUNTAIN
έξήλθεν είς τό δρος προσεύξασθαι· και to pray ; and he remained,
IIQ w^eixt out into tlie txiouut&iix to j)rftyi ftiid through the night, in ±the
?jv διανυκτερεύων έν τη προσευχή τοϋ ORATORY of GOD.
WAS puss 13 Ing the night in the pl&ce of pr&yer of the
Θεοΰ. ΚαΙ δτε έγένετο ήμερα, προσεφώνησε 13 And when it was
God. And when It became day, he called Day he summoned his
τους μαθητάς αύτοΰ* καΐ έκλεξάμενος DISCIPLES ; $and having
to the disciples of himself; and having chosen selected from them twelve,
an* αυτών δώδεκα, ους καΐ αποστόλους ώνό- whom he a l s o named
from them twelve, whom also apostles he Apostles;—
μάσε· 14(Σίμωνα, δν καΐ ώνόμασε Πέ- 14 Simon, $whom he
named; (Simon, whom also he named Pe- also named Peter, and
τρον, καΐ Άνδρέαν τόν άδελφόν αΰτοΰ, Andrew h i s BROTHER,
tei*· ίΐΐιο 4^ΐΐ(1ΐ*β\ϊ^ the brother of him^ James and John, Philip
Ίάκωβον καΐ Ίωάννην, ΦΊλιππον καΐ Βαρθο- and Bartholomew,
James and John, Philip and Bartho- 15 Matthew and Thom-
λομαίον, ^Ματθαίον καΐ Θωμάν, Ίάκωβον τόν as, THAT James, son of
lomew, Matthew and Thomas, James the *Alpheus, and THAT Si-
του Άλφαίου, καΐ Σίμωνα τόν καλούμενον mon who was CALLED the
of the Alpheus, and Simon the being called Zealot.
16 Judas §the brother
ξηλωτήν, 1β Ίούδαν 'Ιακώβου καΐ Ίούδαν of James, and Judas Iscar-
iot, who became a Trai-
Ίσκαριώτην, δς *[καΙ] έγένετο προδότης·) tor ;—
κα1 καταδάς μετ' αυτών, Ιστη επί τόπου 17 and coming down
with them, he stood on a
and descending with them, he stood on a place level Place, with a * Crowd
πεδινού, καΐ δχλος μαθητών αΰτοΰ, καΐ πλη- of his Disciples, $and a
level, and a crowd of disciples of him, and a
θος πολύ του λαοΰ άπό πάσης της great Multitude of PEOPLE
from All JUDEA and Jeru-
m u l t i t u d e g r e a t of the p e o p l e f r o m a l l of the
'Ιουδαίας, καΐ 'Ιερουσαλήμ, καΐ της παραλίου salem, and the SEA-COAST
Judea, and Jerusalem, and of the sea-coast of Tyre and Sidon, who
Τύρου καΐ Σιδώνος, ot ήλθον άκοΰσαι αύτοΰ, came to hear him, and to
of Tyre and Sidon, who came to hear him, be restored from their
καΐ Ιαθήναι άπό τών νόσων αυτών
18 and THOSE who were
and to be healed from the diseases of themselves; *distressed by u n c l e a n
^cd ol όχλούμενοι άπό πνευμάτων άκα- Spirits were cured.
and those being troubled from spirits un- 19 And All the CROWD
Φάρτων καΐ έθεραπεύοντο. α9ΚαΙ πας ό sought to touch him, $For
clean; and they w e r e h e a l e d . And a l l the
8χλος έζήτει απτεσθαι αύτοϋ* δτι δύναμις a Power went out from
crowd sought to touch him; for a power him, and healed all.
παρ' αύτοΰ έξήρχετο, καΐ Ιατο πάντας.
from h i m w e n t out, and h e a l e d all. 20 And he, having lifted
2°ΚαΙ αυτός έπάρας τους οφθαλμούς up his eyes on his DISCI-
And he having l i f t e d up the eyes
αύτοΰ, εις τους μαθητάς αύτοΰ, £λεγε· PLES, s a i d ; § " H a p p y ,
Of himself on the disciples of himself, he said: POOR ones! For your< is
Μακάριοι ot πτωχοί* δτι υμετέρα έστιν ή the KINGDOM of Goi»
Blessed the poor; for yours is the

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—15. Alpheus. 16. also—omit. 17. a great Crowd. 18.

distressed by unclean Spirits were cured.
± 12. Or the place of prayer to God. Nearly all modern critics translate prosukee in
this passage and Acts xvi. 13, in this manner. A prosukee was a large uncovered build-
ing, with seats as in an amphitheatre, and used for worship where there is no synagogue.
ί 12. Matt. xiv. 23. % 13. Matt. x. 1. t 14. John i. 42. % 16. Jude 1.
X 17. Matt. iv. 2 5 ; Mark ill. 7. t 19. Mark v. 30; Luke viii. 46. ί 20. Matt.
T. 3 ; xi. 5; James ii. 5.
Chap, 6:21.] LUKE. [Chap, 6:30,
βασιλεία τοϋ θεού. ^Μακάριοι ol πεινώντες 21 $Happy now, HUN-
kingdom of the God. Blessed the hungering GERING ones! Since yoit
•νϋν δτι χορτασθήσεσθε. Μακάριοι ol will be satisfied. §Happy
now; for you shall be satisfied. Blessed, the now, WEEPING ones! Be-
κλαίοντες νϋν δτι γελάσετε. cause you will laugh.
weeping now; for you shall laugh.
22 $Happy are yon,
Μακάριοι έστέ, δταν μισήσωσιν υμάς when MEN may hate your
Blessed are you, when may hate you and separate you, and may
ol άνθρωποι, καΐ δταν άφορίσωσιν υμάς, revile and cast out you?
the men, and when they may separate you,
jcal όνειδίσωσι, καΐ έκβάλωσι το δνομα NAMES as evil, on account
of the Son of Man.
υμών ώς πονηρόν, ένεκα του υΐοΰ τοϋ
the son of the 23 §Re.joice in That
of you as evil, on account
23 έν εκείνη τη ήμερα, DAY, and leap for joy;
άνθρωπου. χάρητε in that the* day. for behold, your RE WARE»
Rejoice you
Ιδού γ ά ρ , ό μισθός υμών will be great in HEAVEN ;
and leap you for joy; lo for, the reward of you $for thus their FATHERS
πολύς έν τω ούρανφ* κατά ταΰτα γάρ did to the PROPHETS.
έποίουν τοις προφήταις ol πατέρες αυτών, 24 $But Woe to YOU,
did to the prophets the fathers of them. RICH ones ; for you have
Π λ η ν ούαΐ ύμϊν τοις πλουσίοις· δτι απέ- your CONSOLATION.

χετε τήν παράκλησιν υμών. ^ΟύαΙ ύμίν, ot 25 Woe to YOU who are
\χχ ful 1 tliβ comfort of you· Woe to you^ those •FULL now ! Because you
£μπεπλησμένοι· δτι πεινάσετε* ούαΐ ύμίν, will hunger. *Woe to
haying been filled; for you shall hunger; Woe to YOU who LAUGH now ! Foi*
ol γελώντες νυν δτι πενθήσετε καΐ you will mourn and weep.
you, those laughing now; for you shall mourn and
κλαύσετε. 26
Ούαί, δταν καλώς υμάς είπωσιν 26 Woe, when» MEN may
you ©Ιι& 11 weep· Woe^ when w e l l you may spjeuk. speak well of you! foi·
*thus their FATHERS did
ol άνθρωποι· κατά ταΰτα γάρ έποίουν tO t h e FALSE-PROPHETS.
the ϊχι Θ ιι ί jxccordiiifijio these for old
τοις ψευδοπροςρήταις ol πατέρες αυτών, 27 §But I say to rou,
to the false-prophets the fathers of them.
who HEAR me, Dove your
Άλλ' ύμίν λέγω τοίς άκούουσιν Άγα-
ENEMIES ; do good tO
But to you I say to those hearing; Love
THOSE who HATE you,
you τους εχθρούς υμών καλώς ποιείτε τοίς
μισοΰσιν υμάς* εύλογείτε τους καταρωμένους 28 $bless THOSE who
CURSE you, pray for THOSE
bating you; bless you those cursing who INJURE you.
υμάς* προσεύχεσθε υπέρ των έπηρεαζόντων
υμάς. ΤίΤ)
τύπτοντί σε επί τήν σιαγόνα, 29 §Τθ HIM STRIKING*
thee on the CHEEK, present
you. To the striking thee on the cheek, the OTHER also; $an<J
πάρεχε καΐ τήν αλλήν καΐ άπό τοϋ αϊροντός
offer also the other» and from the taking from HIM who TAKE3
σου τό Ιμάτιον, καΐ τόν χιτώνα μη κω- AWAY thy MANTLE, with-
hold not even thy covr.
of thce the mantle^ also the tunic not thou
mayest hinder. 30 JGive to EVERY one
Π α ν τ Ι δέ τφ αίτουντί σε δ'ιδου* ASKING thee^ and from
To all and those asking thee give thou; HIM Who TAKES AWAY
καΐ άπό τοϋ αϊροντός τά σά, μή άπαί- what is THINE demand
*nd from the taking what is thine, not demand it not.

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 5 . FULL now. 25. Woe, YOU who LAUGH now. 26.
the SAME did they to the FALSE-PROPHETS.
% 21. Matt. v. 6. $ 2 1 . Matt. v. 4. % 22. Matt.v. 1 1 ; 1 P e t . i i . 1 9 ; i i i . 1 4 ; iv. 1 4 .
% 23. Matt. y. 1 2 ; Acts v. 4 1 ; Col. i. 2 4 ; James i. 2. t 23. Acts vii. 5 1 . t 2 4 .
James ν. Ι . ί 2 7 . Exod. xxiii. 4 ; Pro?, xxv. 2 1 ; Matt. v. 4 4 ; Bom. xii. 2 0. t 28.
Matt. v . 4 4 ; Luke xxiii. 3 4 ; Acts v i i . 6 0 . t 29. M«tt. v. 39. t 29. 1 Cor. vi. 7.
t 3 0 . Deut. xv, 7. 8, 1 0 ; Prov. χχί. 2 6 ; Matt. v. 42.
Chap. 6:31.] LUKE. [Chap. 6:39.
τει. ΚαΙ καθώς θέλετε, ίνα ποιώσιν ύμΐν 31 $And as you would
back. And all you wish, that may do to you that MEN should do to you,
ol άνθρωποι, *[καΙ ύμείς] ποιείτε αύτοίς do in like manner to them.
the men, Lai so you] do you to them
ομοίως. ΚαΙ εΐ αγαπάτε τους αγαπώντας 32 $And if you love
in like manner. And if you love those loving THOSE who LOVE you,
ΰμας, ποία ύμίν χάρις εστί; καΐ γαρ What Thanks are due to
you, what to you thanks i s it? and for you? for even SINNERS
αμαρτωλοί τους αγαπώντας αυτούς άγαπώσι. love THOSE who LOVE
sinners those loving them love. them.
^ΚαΙ έάν άγαθοποιητε τους άγαθοποιοϋν-
And if you should do good those doing good 33 *And if you do good
τας υμάς, ποία ύμίν χάρις εστί; καΐ *[γάρ] t o THOSE DOING GOOD t o
you, w h a t t o you t h a n k s i s i t ? a l s o [ f o r ] you, What thanks are due
ot αμαρτωλοί τό αυτά ποιοΰσι. 84ΚαΙ έάν to you? SINNERS even do the SAME.
the sinners the same do. And if
δανείζητε παρ' ών ελπίζετε άπολαβείν,
34 *And if you lend to
you should lend from whom you hope to receive,
thosef rom -whom you hope
ποία ύμίν χά^ις εστί, καΐ *[γάρ] ot άμαρ- to receive, What Thanks
what to you thanks is it? also [for] the sin- are due to you? SINNERS
τωλοί αμαρτωλοί? 8Βδανείζουσιν, tva άπολά- even lend to Sinners, that
6ωσι τά ίσα. Πλήν αγαπάτε τους έχ- they may receive an EQUIV-
receive the like things. But love you the ene- ALENT.
θρούς υμών, καΐ άγαθοποιεϊτε καΐ δανεί- 35 But love your ENE-
mles of you, and do you good and lend
ζετε μηδέν άπελπίζοντες· καΐ MIES, and do good and
ό lend, in Nothing despair-
you nothing despairing; and shall be the ing; and your REWARD
μισθός υμών πολύς* καΐ δσεσθε viol will be great, and §you
reward of you great, and you shall be sons
υψίστου* δτι αυτός χρηστός έστιν επί τους will be Sons of the Most
Hiph : for he is kind to the
of highest; for he kind is to the
αχάριστους καΐ π;ανηρούς. UNTHANKFUL and Evil.
unthankful and evil.
30 36 $Be you compas-
Γίνεσθε *[ούν] οίκτίρμονες, καθώς sionate, as your FATHER
Be you - - - - - - . . is compassionate.
*[καΙ] ό Πατήρ υμών οίκτίρμων εστί. 87ΚαΙ
[also] the Father of you compassionate is. And 37 §And judge not, and
μή κρίνετε, καΐ ού μτι κριθήτε· μή
not judge you, and not not you may be Judged; not you will not be judged;
καταδικάζετε, καΐ ού μή καταδικασθήτε· condemn not, and you will
condemn you, and not not you may be condemned; not be condemned; for-
απολύετε, καΐ άπολυθήσεσθε. Δίδοτε, καΐ given ; give, and you will be for-
release you, and you shall be released. Give you,
καΐ δοθήσεται ύμΐν· μέτρον καλόν πεπιε-
and it shall be given to you; measure good having 38 $give, and it will be
σμένον *£καΙ] σεσαλευμένον giren to you; good Meas-
*[καΙ] ure, pressed down, shaken
been pressed down [and] having been shaken [and] together, and overflowing,
ύπερεκχυνόμενον δώσουσιν εις τόν κόλπον will be given into your
running over shall be given into the bosom
LAP. For by the SAME
υμών τώ γάρ αύτω μέτρφ, <δ με- Measure with which you
of you; by the for same measure, with which you measure, it will be dis·*
τρείτε, άντιμετρηθήσεται ύμίν. ΕΙπε
measure, It shall be measuredagain to you. He spoke pensed to you again."
δέ παραβολήν αύτοίς· Μήτι δύναται τυφλός
and a parable to them; Not is able a blind 39 And he spoke a Para-»
τυφλόν δδηγείν; ουχί αμφότεροι etc 6όθυνον ble to them; $"Can a
blind to lead? not both into a Ipit Blind man lead a Blind
πεσοΰνται; man? Will not both fall
will fall?
into a Pit?
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—31. you also—omit. 33. For if al*o you do good. 33.
for—omit. 34. for—omit. 36. therefore—omit. 36. also—omit. 38. and—omit.
38. and—-omit.
t 31. Matt. vii. 12. $ 32. Matt. v. 46. * 34. Matt. v. 42. $ 35. Matt. V.
45. t 36. Matt. ?. 48. $ 37. Matt. vii. 1. X 38. Prov. six. 17. % 39. Matt.*"
XT. 14. 223
Chap. 6:40.] LUKE. [Chap. 6:47.
Ούκ έστι μαθητής υπέρ τόν διδάσκαλον 40 $A disciple is not
Not Is a disciple over the teacher above his TEACHER; but
αύτοΰ· κατηρτισμένος δέ πάς every one fully qualified
of himself; having been fully qua 1 ified but every will be as his TEACHER.
εΌται ώς ό διδάσκαλος αύτοΰ. ^Tl δέ
41 §But why observest
βλέπεις τό κόρφος τό έν τφ όφθαλμφ τοΰ t h o u THAT SPLINTER i n
seest thou the splinter that in the eye of the ±thy BROTHER'S EYE, and
άδελφοΰ σου, την δέ δοκόν την έν τφ Ιδίφ perceivest not THAT THORN
brother of thee, the but beam that in thine own
4Ζ in thine OWN EYE?
όφϋαλμφ ού κατανοείς; * [ή] πώς δύνασαι
eye not perceivest? 42 How wilt thou say to
Lor] how art them able
λέγειν τφ άδελφφ σου* 'Αδελφέ, thy BROTHER, 'Brother,
δφες, έκβάλω τό κάρφος τό έν τφ SPLINTERlet me take out THAT
in thine EYE :'
allow me, I can cast out the splinter that in the thyself not seeing the
όφθαλμφ σου· αυτός την έν τώ όφθαλμφ THORN in thine own EYE?
eye of thee; thyself the in the eye
σου δοκόν ού βλέπων; *Υποκριτά, έ'κβαλε Hypocrite! «first extract
of thee beam not beholding? θ hypocrite, cast out the THORN from thine own
πρώτον την δοκόν έκ τοΰ οφθαλμού σου, EYE, and then thou wilt
first the beam out of the eye of thee, see clearly to extract THAT
καΐ τότε διαβλέψεις έκβαλεΐν τό SPLINTER in thy BRO-
and then thou w i l t see clearly to cast out the
κάρφος τό έν τφ όφθαλμφ τοΰ άδελφοΰ 43 $For there is no good
σου. Ού γάρ έστι δένδρον καλόν, ποιοΰν Tree which yields bad
Fruit, nor *again a bad
καρπόν σαπρόν ουδέ δένδρον σαπρόν, ποιοΰν Tree which yields good
fruit corrupt; nor a tree corrupt, bearing Fruit.
«αρπόν καλόν. 44"Εκαστον γάρ δένδρον έκ
fruit good. Every for tree from 44 For §Every Tree is
τοΰ Ιδίου καρπού γινώσκεται· ού γάρ έξ known by its OWN Fruit.
For they do not gather
ακανθών συλλέγουσι σΰκα, ουδέ έκ βάτου Figs from Thorns, nor do
they pick Grapes from
thorns do they gather figs,4 5 nor from a bramble Brambles.
τρυγώσι σταφυλήν. Ό αγαθός δνθρω-
ύο they pick a cluster of grapes. The good . man
πος έκ τοΰ άγαθοΰ θησαυροΰ της καρδίας 45 The GOOD Man out
out of the good treasure of the heart of the GOOD Treasure of
αύτοΰ προφέρει τό α γ α θ ό ν καΐ ό πονηρός *the H E A R T produces
of himself brings forth the good; and the evil GOOD; and the BAD Man
* [άνθρωπος] έκ τοΰ πονηροΰ * [θησαυροΰ της out of the EVIL produces
[man] out of the evil [treasure of the EVIL ; for out of *an Over-
καρδίας αύτοΰ] προφέρει τό πονηρόν flowing Heart his MOUTH
heart of himself] brings forth the evil;
έκ γάρ τοϋ περισσεύματος της καρδίας
out of for the fulness of the heart 46 §AIKI why do you
λαλεί τό στόμα αύτοΰ. 4βΤΙ δέ με καλείτε, call Me 'Master, Master,*
speaks the mouth of him. Why and me do you call, and obey not my com-
κύριε, κύριε· κα! ού ποιείτε & λέγω; mands ?
Ο lord, θ lord; and not do what I say?
Π ας ό ερχόμενος προς με, καΐ άκούων 47 §Every ONE COM-
ΑΠ the coming to me, and hearing ING to me, and hearing
• VATICAN MANUSCBIPT.—42. or—omit. 43. again. 44. the HBAET. 45. Man
—omit. 45. Treasure of his HEART—omit. 45. an Overflowing Heart.
± 41. In the Talmud are the following proverbs:—"They who say to others, take
the small piece of wood out of thy teeth, are answered by, 'take the beam out of thine
own eyes.' "—Hammand and Light foot.
t 40. Matt. x. 2 4 ; John xiii. 16; xv. 20. t 41. Matt. vii. 3. t 43. Matt. vii.
16.17. t 44. Matt. xii. 3 3 . | 46. Matt. vii. 2 1 , 2 5 ; Luke xiii. 25. $ 47.
Matt. vii. 24.
Chap. 6:48.] LUKE. [CHap. 7:6.
μου των λόγων, καΐ ποιών αυτούς, υποδείξω My WORDS, and obeying
of m e the w o r d s , and doing them, I w i l l show them, I will show you
ύμίν, τίνι £στιν δμοιος. 48"Ομοιός έστιν whom he is like;
to you, to whom he is like. Like he Is
άνθρώπω οίκοδομοϋντι οίκίαν, 8ς 48 he resembles a Man
to a man* building a house, who building a House, who
καΐ έβάθυνε, καΐ £θηκε θεμέλιον επί τήν dation dug deep, and laid a foun-
and w e n t deep, and l a i d a f o u n d a t i o n on t h e
on the ROCK ; and
a Flood having come, the
πέτραν πλημμύρας δέ γενομένης, προσέρ- STREAM dashed against
rock; of a flood and having come, dashed that HOUSE, but could not
<?ηξεν ό ποταμός τχί οικία έκείνχι, καΐ ούκ shake i t ; *because it was
against the stream the house that, and not WELL-BUILT on the ROCK.
ίσχυσε σαλεΰσαι αυτήν τεθεμελίωτο γαρ επί 49 But HE Who HEARS
Wfts &blo to shake her» it was founded for upon. and obeys not, resembles
τήν πέτραν. 4 9 *Ο δέ άκουσας, καΐ μή ποιή- a Man building a Hous.e
the rock. H e but having heard, and not haying on the EARTH, without a
σας, δμοιος έστιν άνθρώπω οίκοδομήσαντι Foundation; against
done, like he is to a man" having built which the STREAM dashed,
οίκίαν ε π ί τ ή ν γ ή ν χ ω ρ ί ς θεμελίου· -ft and it fell immediately,
a house on the earth without a foundation;to which and great was RUIN of
ίροσέρρηξεν δ ποταμός· καΐ ευθέως g- that HOUSE/'
dashed against the stream; and immediately It
πέσε, καΐ έγένετο τό ρήγμα της οικίας έκεί- CHAPTER VII.
fell, and became the ruin of the house that 1 Now when he had
νης μέγα. finished All his SAYINGS
in the HEARING of the
ΚΕΦ. ζ \ 7. PEOPLE, $he entered Ca-
ΈπεΙ δέ έπλήρωσε πάντα τά ρήματα pernaum.
When and he had ended all the words
αύτοΰ είς τάς άκοάς του λαού, είσήλθεν Servant, 2 And a Centurion's
who was valuable
of him in the ears of the people, he entered to him, being sick, was
είς Καπερναούμ. Έκατοντάρχου δέ τίνος
into Capernaum. ' Of a centarion and certain about to die.
δούλος κακώς ε^χων, ήμελλε τελευτάν, δς
slave sick being, was about to die, who 3 And having heard con-
fjv αύτφ έντιμος. 3Άκούσας δέ περί τοΰ cerning JESUS, ±he sent
was to him valuable. Having heard and about the
Ίησου, απέστειλε προς αυτόν πρεσβυτέρους Elders of the JEWS to him,
Jesus, he sent to him elders soliciting him, that he
των *Ιουδαίων, ερωτών αυτόν, δπως έλθών would
come and save his
διάσωση τόν δοΰλον αύτου. ΟΙ δέ SERVANT.
lie would save the slave of himself. They and
παραγενόμενοι προς τόν Ίησουν, παρεκάλουν 4 And having come to
having come to the Jesus, they besought JESUS, THEY earnestly be*
αυτόν σπουδαίος, λέγοντες* "Οτι δξιός έστιν, sought him, saying, "He
him earnestly, s a y i n g ; That w o r t h y he I s , is worthy for whom thou
ξει τοΰτο· 6άγαπςί γάρ τό shouldst do this;
Εθνος ημών, καΐ τήν συναγωγήν αυτός ώκοδό- 5 for he loves our NA-
nation of us, and the synagogue he built TION, and he built our
μησεν ήμίν. β Ό δέ Ίησοΰς έπορεύετο σύν SYNAGOGUE.""
for us. The and Jesus went with
6 Then JESUS went with
αύτοίς. νΗδη δέ αύτου ού μακράν απέχοντος them; and being not far
them.της οικίας,
Already andέπεμψε
of him not far being
*[προς 6 from the HOUSE, the CEN-
άπό the house, sent [to him] the TURION sent Friends, say-
• VATICAN MANUSCBIPT.—48. because it was WELL-BUILT on. 6. to him—omit.
± 3. Either magistrates of the place, or elders of the synagogue which the centurion
had built. In the parallel place in Matthew, he is represented as coming to Jesus
himself; but it is a usual form of speech in all nations, to attribute the act to a
person, which is done, not by himself, but by his authority.—Clarke,
$ 1. Matt. viii. 5.
Chap. 7: Τ.] LUKE. [Chap, 7:14.
φίλους,/λέ-γων* αύτφ· Κύριε, .ing to him, "Sir, trouble
not thyself ; for I am not
σκΰλλου· ού γάρ είμι Ικανός, Ινα ύπό worthy that thou shouldst
Ι)ο tiiou troubledj not for I ΑΙΪΙ uvortliyi tbisit under come under my ROOF ;
την στέγην μου εΐοέλθης* διό ού- 7 therefore, I did not
tliθ rooi of me tiiou sbouldst enter* therefor© not think myself even worthy
δέ έμαυτόν ήξ'ιωσα προς σε έλΦείν αλλά to come to thee; but com-
even m y s e l f I deemed f i t t o thee to come; but mand by Word, and *my
είπε λόγφ, καΐ Ιαθήσεται ό παις μου. SERVANT will be cured.
8speak a word, and w i l l be h e a l e d t h e boy of m e .
Kcd γάρ έγώ άνθρωπος είμι ύπό έξουσίαν 8 For even I am a Man
Even for I a man am under authority appointed under Authority,
τασσόμενος, Ιχων ύπ' έμαυτόν στρατιώτας· having Soldiers under me,
even I say to this one,
καΐ λέγω τούτω· Πορεύβητι καΐ πορεύεται· 'Go,' and he goes ; and to
another, 'Come,' and he
«αϊ #λλω· "Ερχου, καΐ Ερχεται* καΐ τφ comes; and to my SER-
VANT, 'Do this,' and he
δούλφ μου* Ποίησον τούτο, καΐ ποιεί. 9Άκού- does it."
slave of me; Do this, and he does. Hear-
σας δέ ταύτα ό 'Ιησούς, έθαύμασεν αυτόν 9 And JESUS hearing
Ing and these the Jesus, admired him; these things, admired
him, and turning, said to
καΐ στραφείς, τφ άκολουθοϋντι αύτφ δχλω the CROWD following him,
and turning,
είπε* Λέγω ύμίν
to the following
ουδέ έν τφ 'Ισραήλ
him* crowd " I tell you, I have not
he said: I say to you, not even in the Israel found, even in ISRAEL,
τοσαύτην πίστιν είρον. 10ΚαΙ ύποστρέψαν- such great Faith."
so great faith I have found. And having
10 And THOSE who had
τβς olπεμφΦέντες εις τόν οίκον, εδ- been SENT, having re-
reti turned to the HOUSE,
ρον τόν *[άσθενοΰντα] δοΰλον ύγιαίνοντα. found the SERVANT re-
found the [being sick] slave being well. stored to health.
^ΚαΙ έγένετο έν τη έξης, έπορεύετο εις 11 And it occurred on
And it happened in the next, he was going to
πόλιν καλουμένην Ναΐν καΐ συνεπορεύοντο the going
NEXT day, that he was
to a City called
a city being called Nain; and were going
αύτφ ol μαθηταΐ αύτοϋ * [Ικανοί,] καΐ δχλος were going ±Nain ; and his DISCIPLES
With him the d i s c i p l e s of him [many] and a crowd with him, and
πολύς. 1 2 Ώς δέ ήγγισε τη πύλη της a great Crowd.
great. As and he drew near to the gate of the 12 And as he approached
πόλεως, καΐ Ιδού, έξεκομίζετο τεθνηκώς, the GATE of the CITY, he-
city, and lo, was being carriedout a dead man, hold, a dead man was being
υΙός μονογενής τη μητρί α.ύτοΰ, καΐ carried outyan Only Sonrof
his MOTHER, and she was
a son only born to the mother of himself, a Widow; and a great
4χύτή χήρα* καΐ δχλος της πόλεως Ικανός fyv Crowd from the CITY was
she a w i d o w ; and a c r o w d of the c i t y g r e a t w a s with her.
συν αύτη. 13ΚαΙ Ιδών αυτήν ό Κύριος, έσπλαγ- 13 And seeing her, the
"ΧΫ Χ tli lie ι*· ^Lnd s e e iu^ lie ι* the Lordy lie li&d LORD had pity on her, and
χνίσθη έπ' αύτη, καΐ είπεν αύτη* Μή κλαίε, said to her, "Weep not."
compassion on her, and said to her; Not weep.
ΚαΙ προσελθών ή*ψατο της σοροΰ· ot δέ 14 And approaching, he
And coming up he touched the bier; those and touched the ±BIER, and the

* VATICAN MANUSOEIPT.—7. let my SERVANT be healed. 10. being sick—omit.

11. many—omit.
± 1 1 . Nain, was a small city of Galilee, in the tribe of Issachar. According to
Eusebius, it was two miles from Mount Tabor, southward, and near to Endor.
± 14. The people of the East bury the dead without coffins; but they carry them to
the grave on a bier which is shaped like one.—Harmer. 'Presently a funeral procession,
consisting of men and women, came rapidly from the city, (the cemetery is outside of
the present Jerusalem,), and halted at a newly-made grave sunk three or four feet only
below the ground. The body was not enclosed in a coffin, but wrapped in a loose gar-
ment and laid on a bier carried by hand. My impression is that even the face was
partially exposed to view. It was und-?r similar circumstances that the son of the
widow at Nain was borne to the grave."—Hackett.
Chap. 7:15.] LUKE. _ [Chap. 7:24.
βαστάζοντες Ιστησαν. ΚαΙ είπε· Νεανίσκε, BEARERS stood still. And
he said, "Young man,
σοΙ λέγω, έγέρθητι. άνεκόνίΚσεν ό I say to thee, Arise."
to thee I say, rise. sat up
νεκρός, καΐ η*ρξατο λαλεϊν καΐ εδωκεν αυτόν 15 Then HE who had
dead, and began 16to speak; and he gave him been DEAD sat up, and be-
τη μητρί αΰτοΰ. "Ελα6ε δε φόβος πάντας, gan to speak ; and he gave
t o the m o t h e r of h i m . S e i z e d and a f e a r all,
him to his MOTHER.
έδόξαζον τον θεόν, λέγοντες* "Οτι
hey glorified the God, saying; That 16 And fear seized all;
προφήτης μέγας έγήγερται έν ήμΐν, καΐ and they praised GOD, say-
ing, §"A great Prophet
δτι έπεσκέψατο ό Θεός τόν λαόν αύτοΰ. has risen among us," and,
that has visited the God the people of himself. §"GOD has visited his
ΚαΙ έξήλθεν ό λόγος οδτος έν δλτι τί| PEOPLE."
ΊουδαΙςι περί αύτοΰ, καΐ *[έν] πάσχι 17 And this REPORT
cl in ft 11 concerning him pervaded
τρ περί; All JUDEA, and All the
the ω sur ountry. SURROUNDING COUNTRY.
ΚαΙ άπήγγειλαν 'Ιωάννη ol μαθηταΐ αύ- 18 §And John's DISCI-
And told John *19the disciples of PLES told him of all these
τοΰ περί πάντων τούτων. ΚαΙ προσκαλε- things.
him about all these. And having
σάμενος δύο τινάς τών μαθητών αύτοΰ ό
19 And summoning two
culled two certain of the disciples of himself the
*Ιωάννης, Ιπεμψε προς τόν Ίησοΰν, λέγων sent to *the LORD, saying,
"Art thou the COMING
Σύ εΐ ό ερχόμενος, ή άλλον προσδοκώ- ONE? or are we to expect
Thou ι Another?"
μεν; ΙΙαραγενόμενοι δέ προς αυτόν ol άνδρες
for? Having come and to him the men 20 And having come to
είπον* 'Ιωάννης 6 βαπτιστής άπέσταλκεν him, the MEN said, "John,
they said; John the dipper has sent the IMMERSER, *sent us
ημάς προς σε, λέγοιν Σύ εί ό ερχόμενος to thee, saying, 'Art thou
the COMING ONE? or are
fi δλλον προσδοκώμεν; 21
Έ ν αύτη δέ we to expect Another?' "
τη ωρα έθεράπευσε πολλούς άπό νόσων και 21 And in That HOUR he
the hour he delivered m&ny «Γχoin diseases iind delivered many from Dis-
μαστιγών καΐ πνευμάτων πονηρών, καΐ ττ>- eases, and Plagues, and
platrues and spirits evil, and to blind evil Spirits; and he gave
φλοϊς πολλοίς έχαρίσατο τό βλέπειν. 22ΚαΙ *sight to many Blind per-
oxi*^s ΤΠftny he £^&<ν6 the t o see* ^\.iid sons.
αποκριθείς ό Ίησοΰς είπεν αύτοίς· Πορευ-
answering the Jesu3 said to them; Going 22 And *Jesus answer-
θέντες απαγγείλατε 'Ιωάννη α εΐδετε ing, said to them, §"Go,
away relate to John what you have seen tell John what you have
καΐ ήκούσατε· *[8τι] τυφλοί άναβλέπουσι, seen and heard ; the Blind
and heard; [that]blind ones see again, are made to see, the Lame
χωλοί περιπατοΰσι, λεπροί καθαρίζονται, to walk, the Lepers are
lameones are walking about, lepers are cleansed, cleansed, the Deaf hear,
κωφοί άκούουσι, νεκροί εγείρονται, πτω- the Dead are raised, §glad
tidings are announced to
χοί ευαγγελίζονται· κα1 μακάριος the Poor;
ones are addressed with glad tidings; and blessed
έστιν, δς έάν μή σκανδαλισθη έν έμοί. 23 and happy is he who
is, whoever not may be stumbled in me. shall not stumble at me."
^'Απελθόντων δέ τών αγγέλων 'Ιωάννου,
Having departed and the messengers of John, 24 §And John's MESSEN-
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—17. in—omit. 19. the LORD saying. 20. sent 21.
Bight. 22. he answering. 22. That—omit.
t 16. Luke xxiv. 1 9 ; John iv. 19; vi. 1 4 ; ix. 17. t 16. Luke i. 68. t 18.
Matt. x i . 2 . $ 2 2 . Matt. x i . 5 . t 22. Luke iv. 18. $ 24. Matt xi. 7.
Chap. 7:25.] LUKE. [Chap, 7:33.
ήρξατο λέγειν προς τους δχλους GERS having departed, he
περί 'Ιωάν-
began to say to the CROWDS
νου· ΤΙ έξεληλύΦατε είς την έρημον concerning John, "Why
went you out into the DES-
Φεάσασθαι; κάλαμον ΰπό ανέμου σαλευόμενον; ERT f To see a Reed shak-
to see? a reed by wind being shaken? en by the Wind?
τΐ έξεληλύθατε Ιδεΐν; δ ν θ ρ ω π ο ν
But what have you come out to see? a man
25 But why went you
έν μαλακοίς Ιματίοις ήμφιεσμένον; 'Ιδού, out ? To see a Man clothed
In soft garments having been clothed? Lo, in soft garments ? Behold,
ol έν Ιματισμφ ένδόξω καΐ τρυφη υπάρχον-
APPAREL, and living in
τες, έν τοίς βασιλείοις είσιν. 2β
Άλλά τΐ luxury, are in ROYAL PAL-
έξεληλύθατε Ιδεΐν; προφήτην; ΝαΙ λέγω 26 But why went you
out? To see a Prophet?
ύμίν, καΐ περισσότερον προφήτου. 27Οδτός Yes, I tell you, and one
to you, and much more of a prophet? This more excellent than a Pro-
έστι, περί οδ γέγραπται* «'Ιδού, έγώ phet.
is, concerning whom it is written; "Lo, I
27 This is he concerning
whom it is written, §'Be-
Αποστέλλω τόν δγγελόν μου πρά προσώπου hold! *I send my MES-
SENGER before thy Face,
σου, δς κατασκευάσει τήν όδόν σου £μ- who will prepare thy WAY
προσθέν σου».
of thee, who ^Λέγω
shall the ΰμίν
prepare[γάρ] μείζων
way of thee in
before thee.'
28 I say to you, Among
έν γεννητοϊς γυναικών * [προφήτης] Ίωάν- those born of Women,
among offspring of women [prophet] of there is not a greater
νου * [του βαπτιστοΰ] ουδείς έστιν ό δέ than John, yet the LEAST
John [the dipper] not is; the but in the KINGDOM of GOD is
μικρότερος έν τη βασιλεία του θεοΰ, μείζων superior to him.
less in the kingdom of the God, greater 29 And All the PEOPLE
αύτοΰ έστι. ^ΚαΙ πας ό λαός άκουσας, having heard, and the
of him is. And all the people having heard, TRIBUTE-TAKERS, justified
seal ol τελώναι, έδικαίωσαν τόν θεόν, βαπτι- GOD, §having been im-
mersed with the IMMER-
σΦέντες τό βάπτισμα 'Ιωάννου. 30ΟΙ δέ SION of John.
been dipped the dipping of John. The but 30 But the PHARISEES
Φαρισαίοι καΐ ot νομικοί τήν βουλήν τοΰ θεοΰ and LAWYERS set aside the
Pharisees and the lawyers the purpose of the God §PURPOSE of GOD towards
ήθέτησαν είς εαυτούς, μή βαπτισθέντες themselves, not having
set aside for themselves, not having been dipped been immersed by him.
ΰπ' αύτοϋ. 31 §To what then shall
by 81 him. I compare the MEN of this
Τίνι οΰν ομοιώσω" τους ανθρώπους της GENERATION ? and what
To what then shall I compare the men of the are they like?
γενεάς ταύτης; καΐ τίνι είσΐν δμοιοι;
generation this? and* to what are they like? 32 They are like THOSE
"Ομοιοί είσιν παιδίοις τοίς έν άγορφ καθημέ- Boys SITTING in a Public
Like they are boys those In a market sit- place, and calling to one
νοις, καΐ προσφωνοΰσιν άλλήλοις, καΐ λέγουσιν another, and saying, 'We
ting, and calling to one another, and saying: have played for you on
Ηύλήσαμεν ύμίν καΐ ούκ ώρχήσα- the flute, but you have not
We have played the flute for you and not you have danced; we have sung
σθε· έθρηνήσαμεν ύμίν, καΐ ούκ έκλαύ- mournful songs for you,
danced; we have mourned for you, and not you have but you have not la-
σατε. ^'Ελήλυθε γάρ 'Ιωάννης ό βαπτιστής, mented.'
wept. Bias come for John the dipper, 33 §For John the IM-
μήτε άρτον έσθίων, μήτε otvov πίνων καΐ MERSER has come neither
neither bread eating, nor wine drinking; and eating Bread nor drinking
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—27. I send. 28. For—emit. 28. prophet—omit. 28.
the dipper—omit.
t 27. Mai. iii. 1. 29. Matt. lii. 5; Luke Hi. 12. $ 30. Acts xx. 2 7 . t 3 1 .
Matt. xi. 16. t 33. Matt. iii. 4 ; Mark i. 6; Luke i. 15.
Chap. 7:34.] LUKE. [Chap. 7:41.
Έλήλυθεν 6 υΙός Wine, and you say, Ή Θ
λέγετε· Δαιμόνιον §χει.
you say; A demon he has. Has come the eon has a Demon.'
τοϋ άνθρωπου, έσθίων καΐ πίνων· καΐ λέγε- 34 The SON of MAN has
ο£ the man, eating and drinking; and you come eating and drinking,
and you say, 'Behold a
τε· 'Ιδού, άνθρωπος φάγος καΐ οίνοπότης, Glutton and a Wine-drink-
say; Lo, a man glutton and a wine-drinker, er ! an Associate of Trib-
φίλος τελωνών καΐ αμαρτωλών. 3δΚαΙ £$ι- ute-takers and Sinners!
a friend of tax-gatherers and sinners. And is
καιώθη ή σοφία άπό των τέκνων αυτής 35 §But WISDOM is
justified the wisdom by the children of herself vindicated by All her
πάντων, CHILDREN."
Ηρώτα δέ τις αυτόν των Φαρισαίων, 36 §And one of the
Asked and One him of the Pharisees, PHARISEES invited him to
Ινα φάγη μετ' αύτοΰ· καΐ είσελθών eat with him. And enter-
that he might eat with him; and entering ing the HOUSE of the
PHARISEE, he reclined.
είς τήν οΐκίαν του Φαρισαίου, άνεκλίθη.
ΚαΙ Ιδού, γυνή έν τχί πόλει, ήτις fiv 37 And, behold, a ±Wo-
And lo, a woman In the city, who was man *who was of the CITY,
αμαρτωλός, έπιγνοΰσα δτι άνάκειται έν τη a Sinner, knowing that he
a sinner, knowing that he reclines in the reclined in the PHARISEE'S
οΙκία του Φαρισαίου, κομίσασα άλά- HOUSE, brought an Alabas-
house of the Pharisee, having brought an ala- ter box of Balsam,
βαστρον μύρου, κα1 στβσα οπίσω παρά 38 and standing ±be-
baster box of balsam, and standing behind at hind, at his FEET, weeping,
τούς πόδας αύτοΰ, κλαίουσα, ήρξατο 6ρέ- she began to wet his FEET
the feet of him, weeping, she began
with TEARS, and wiped
to them with the HAIR of
χειν τούς πόδας αύτοϋ τοις δάκρυσι· καΐ her HEAD, and repeatedly
kissed his FEET, and an-
ταίς θριξί τίίς κεφαλής αυτής έξέμασε, ointed them with the BAL- SAM.
•With the hairs of the head of herself wiped,
καΐ κατεφίλει τούς πόδας αύτου, καΐ άλειφε 39 But THAT PHARISEE
and kissed the feet of him, and anointed who had INVITED him ob-
6 serving this, spoke within

τφ μύρφ. Ίδών δέ ό Φαρισαίος
w i t h the balsam. Seeing but the Pharisee that himself, saying, $"This
καλέσας αυτόν, είπεν έν έαυτφ, λέγων* Οΰτος man, if he were a Prophet,
baving called him, spoke in himself, saying; This would know who and what
εΐ fjv προφήτης, έγίνωσκεν δν, τΙς καΐ the, WOMAN is, that touches
If he was a prophet, would know, who and
«οταπή ή γυνή, ήτις άπτεται αύτου· δτι him ; For she is a Sinner."
what the woman, who touches him; that
αμαρτωλός έστι. 40
ΚαΙ αποκριθείς ό Ίησοΰς 40 And JESUS answer-
ft sinner she 1β· And Answering? the Jesus ing, said to him, "Simon,
I have something to say
είπε προς αυτόν Σίμων, Ιχω σοί τι to thee." And HE said,
said to him; Simon, I have to thee something "Teacher, say it."
είπείν. Ό δέ φησί· Διδάσκαλε, είπε. 41Δύο
to say. He and says: θ teacher, say. Two 41 "A certain Creditor
χρεωφειλέται ήσαν δανειστή τινι· ό είς had Two Debtors; ONE
debtors were to a creditor certain; the one
ώφειλε δηνάρια πεντακόσια, δ δέ έτερος owed five hundred ±De-
owed denarii five hundred, the and other narii, and the OTHER fifty.
• VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 7 . who was in the CITY, a Sinner.
± 3 7 . There is no good reason for concluding that this woman was a public prostitute,
as many suppose. She was probably only a Gentile, and therefore in the estimation of
the Pharisee a sinner. Hamartolos, is often used in the New Testament in this sense.
% 38. This is not intelligible without adverting to the posture in which the ancients took
their meals. They placed themselves along the couch on their sides, supported their
heads with one arm, beat at the elbow, and resting on the couch; and with the other
they took their food, and were supported at the back by cushions. Their feet of course
were accessible to one who came behind the couch.—Wakefteld.
t 41. A Roman coin worth about 14 cents, or 7d.
t 35. Matt. xi. 19. t 36. Matt, xxvi. 6 ; Mark xiv. 3 ; John xi. 2. $ 39. Luke
XT. 2 .
Chap. 7:42.] LUKE. [Chap, 8 : 1 .
πεντήκοντα. 42Μή εχόντων * [δέ] αυτών άπο- 42 But .not having [ the
flfty. Not having [and] of them to means] to pay, he forgave
δούναι, άμφοτέροις έχαρίσατο. ΤΙς οδν both. Which of them,
pay, both he forgave. Which then therefore, will love him
most ?"
αυτών, *[είπέ] πλείον αυτόν αγαπήσει;
of them, [say] more him w i l l love? 43 And SIMON answer-
ing, said, "He, I suppose,
Αποκριθείς δέ ό ΣΊμων είπεν Απολαμβά- to whom he forgave MOST."
And HE said to him, "Thou
νω δτι φ τό πλείον έχαρ'ισατο. 44
Ό has judged correctly."
δέ είπεν αύτφ· 'Ορθώς ^κρινας. ΚαΙ
and said to him: Rightly thou hast judged. And 44 And turning to the
στραφείς προς τήν γυναίκα, τω Σίμωνι WOMAN, he said to SIMON,
£φη· Βλέπεις ταύτην τήν γυναίκα; είσήλθόν "Thou seest This WOMAN ;
lie said: Seest thou this the woman? I came I came into Thy HOUSE,
<του είς τήν οΐκίαν ΰδωο επί τους πόδας thou gavest me no Water
of thee into the house; water for the feet for my FEET ; but she wet
μου ουκ εδωκας* αΰτη δέ τοις δάκρυσιν My FEET with TEARS, and
of me not thou gavest; she but with the tears wiped them with her HAIR.
έβρεξε μου τους πόδας, καΐ ταίς θριξίν
she wet of me the feet, and with the hairs 45 Thou gavest Me no
αυτής έξέμαξε. ^Φίλημα μοι ουκ έ'δω- Kiss; but she, since she
οί herself has wiped. A kiss to me not thou came in, has not ceased
«ας· αίίτη δέ ά φ ' fie είσήλθον, ού διέ-kissing My FEET.
gavest; she but from of her came in, not has
λιπε καταφιλοϋσά μου τους πόδας. 4 β Έ - 46 Thou didst not §a-
ceased kissing of me the feet. With noint My HEAD with Oil;
λα'ιω τήν κεφαλήν μου ουκ ήλειψας· αΰτη but she anointed my FEET
oil the head of me not thou didst anoint; she with Balsam.
δέ μύρω ήλειψε τους πόδας μου.
but with balsam anointed the feet of me. 47 $Therefore, I say to
47 thee, Her MANY SINS have
Οδ χάριν, λέγω σοι, άφέωνται at been forgiven ; on this ac-
Therefore, I sfty to the β, h&,vo been forgiven the count she loved much ; but
άμαρτίαι αυτής al πολλαΐ, 8τι ήγάπησε
sins of her the many, for that she loved he to whom little is for-
πολύ· <?> δέ ολίγον άφίεται, ολίγον given, *also loves little."
much; t o whom but little I s forgiven, little
48 48 And he said to her,
άγαπφ. ΕΙπε δέ αΰτχί* Άφέωνταί §"Thv SINS have been
σου αϊ άμαρται. ΚαΙ ήρξαντο ot συν-
49 And the GUESTS be-
νανακείμενοι λέγειν έν έαυτοίς· ΤΙς οΰτος gan to say among them-
clining with to say In themselves; Who fhfs even forgives selves ; $"Who is this that
Β0 Sins?"
έστιν, δς καΐ αμαρτίας άφίησιν; Είπε
Is, who even sins forgives? He said 50 And he said to the
δέ προς τήν γυναίκα· Ή πίστις σου σέσωκέ
and to the woman; The faith of thee has saved WOMAN, $"Thy FAITH has
saved thee; go in Peace."
σε· πορεύου είς είρήνην.
thee; go In peace.
ΚΕΦ. η ' . 8.
*ΚαΙ έγένετο έν τφ καθεξής, καΐ αυτός 1 And it occurred AFTER-
And i t happened in the afterwards, also he WARDS that he traveled
διώδευε κατά πόλιν καΐ κώμην, κηρύσσων through every City and
t r a v e l e d t h r o u g h e v e r y c i t y and v i l l a g e , p u b l i s h i n g Village, publishing a n l
«αϊ εύαγγελιξόμενος τήν βασιλείαν proclaiming the glad tid-
And proclaiming the glad tidings the kingdom ings of the KINGDOM of
GOD ; and the TWELVE
του Θεοΰ· καΐ ol δώδεκα συν αύτφ,2κα1 were with him,
Of the God; and the twelve with him, and
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—42. and—omit. 42. say—omit. 47. al"o loves.
$ 46. Psa. xxiii. 5. $ 47. 1 Tim. i. 14. t 48. Matt. ix. 2 ; Mark ii. 5. t 49.
Matt. ix. 3 ; Mark ii. 7. $ 50. Matt. ix. ί 2; Mark v. 3 4 ; x. 52; Luke viii. 4 8 ;
xviii. 4 2 .
Chap. 8:2.] LTJKE. {Chap. 8:12.
γυναίκες τίνες, α£ ?>σαν τεθεραπευμέναι άπδ 2 and $ certain Women,
who had been delivered
πνευμάτων πονηρών καΐ ασθενειών Μαρία ή from evil Spirits and In-
spirits evil and infirmities; Mary that firmities, THAT Mary who
καλούμενη Μαγδαληνή, άφ' ής δαιμόνια W a s CALLED Of MAGDALA,
being called Magdalene,
from whom demons Jfrom whom seven De-
επτά έξεληλύθει, κα1 'Ιωάννα, γυνή Χουζά mons had been expelled,
seven has gone out, and Joanna, a wife of Chuza
επιτρόπου Ήρώδου, καΐ Σουσάννα, καΐ δτεραι of Chuza, 3 and Joanna, the Wife
Herod's Steward,
a steward of Herod, and Susanna, and others and Susanna, and many
πολλαΐ, αΐτινες διηκόνουν αύτω άπό των υπαρ- others, who assisted him
χόντων αύταίς. from their POSSESSIONS.
4 of them. 4 §Now when a great
Συνιόντοςος δέ δχλου πολλοΰ, καΐ τωνCrowd was assembling,
Was assembling and a crowd great, ' and of the and THEY were COMING to
κατά πόλιν έπιπορευομένων προς αυτόν, είπε spoke him from every City, he
by a Parable:
διά παραβολής* 6Έξήλθεν δ σπείρων του 5 "The SOWER went
σπείραι τόν σπόρον αύτου* καΐ έν τω σπεί- forth to sow his SEED ; and
sow the seed of himself; and In the sow- in SOWING, part fell by the
ρειν αυτόν, δ μέν £πεσε παρά τήν δδόν ROAD ; and it was trodden
ing it this indeed fell by the path; down, or the BIRDS of
καΐ τά πετεινά του HEAVEN picked it up.

καΐ κατεπατήθη,
and i t was trodden down, and the birds of the 6 And another part fell
ο\»ρανοΰ κατέφαγεν αυτό. eKal Ιτερον Ιπεσεν on the ROCK ; and having
sprung up, it withered
επί τήν πέτραν καΐ φυέν έξηράνθη, away, because it HAD NO
on the rock; and haying sprung up i t dried up, Moisture.
διά τδ μή £χειν Ικμάδα. 7ΚαΙ έτερον
7 And another part fell
Επεσεν έν μέσω τών Ακανθών καΐ συμφυ- in the Midst of the THORN S ;
and the THORNS springing
είσαι αϊ δκανθαι άπέπνιξαν αυτό. 8ΚαΙ up with it, choked it.
sprung up w i t h t h e thorns they choked i t . And 8 And another part fell
δτερον £πεσεν είς τήν γήν τήν ά γ α θ ή ν καΐ into the GOOD GROUND,
another fell in the ground the good; and and having sprung up,
φυέν έποίησε καρπόν έκατονταπλασίονα. yielded Increase, a hun-
dredfold." And having said
having sprung up bore fruit a hundredfold. this, he cried, "He having
Ταΰτα λέγων, έφώνει* *Ο Ιχων ώτα Ears to hear, let him hear.'*
These things having said, he cried: He having ears 9 §And his DISCIPLES
άκούειν, αυτοί),
άκουέτω. β
* [λέγοντες,]
ΈπηρώτωνίτΙς εϊη ol
δέ αυτόν ή asked him, "What may
•This PARABLE mean ?"
1 0
παραβολή αΰτη. Ό δέ είπεν *Υμϊν δέ- 10 And HE said, "To
parable this. H e and said; To you it- you it is given to know the
δοται γνώναι τά μυστήρια της βασιλείας τοϋ SECRETS Of t h e KINGDOM
is given to know the secrets of the kingdom of the of GOD ; but to the OTHERS
θεοΰ· τοίς δέ λοιποίς έν παραβολαίς· ίνα they in Parables ; $that seeing
βλέποντες μή βλέπωσι, καΐ άκούοντες μή ing they may not see, and hear-
may not under-
συνιώσιν. "'Έστι δέ αυ*τη ή παραβολή· stand.
11 §Now the PARABLE
they may understand. Is now this the parable; is this: The SEED is the
Ό σπόρος, Βστιν ό λόγος του Θεοϋ. 12Ot WORD of GOD.
12 THOSE by the ROAD
δέ παρά τήν όδόν, είσΐν ot άκούοντες· είτα are THEY who HEAR ; then
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 9 . This PARABLE. 10. saying—omit.
t 2. Matt, xxvii. 5 5 , 5 6 . % 2. Mark xvi. 9. % 4. Matt. xiii. 2 ; Mark iv. 1 .
% 9. Matt. xiii. 1 0 ; Mark iv. 10. ! 10. Isa. vi. 9 ; Mark iv. 12. 1 1 1 . Matt.
xiii. 1 8 ; Mark iv. 14.
Chap. 8:13.] LUKE. [Chap. 8:21·
έρχεται ό διάβολος, καΐ αίρει τόν λόγο ν the ENEMY comes, and
comes the accuser, and takes away the Word takes away the WORD from
άπό της καρδίας αυτών, ϊναμη πιστεύ- their HEARTS, t h a t they
may n o t believe and be
σαντες σωθώσιν. ^01 δέ επί της πέτρας, saved.
believed they may be saved. They and on the rock,
13 T H O S E on t h e ROCK
οι, δταν άκούσωσι,
μετά χαράς δέχονται are they, who, when they
hear, receive t h e WORD
τόν λόγον καΐ οδτοι ρίζαν ούκ Ιχουσιν, ot with J o y ; and yet these
have no Root; they believe
προς καιρόν πιστεύουσι, καΐ έν *καιρφ πει- for a Time, and in a Time
ρασμού αφίστανται. 14 Τό δέ είς τάς άκανθας of Trial fall away.
temptation fall away. That and into the thorns 14 And THAT having
πεσόν, οδτοί, είσιν ol άκούσαντες, καΐ fallen among t h e THORNS
are THEY, who, HAVING
ύπό μερίμνων καΐ πλούτου καΐ ηδονών τοΰ HEARD, and going forth
by anxious cares and rIches and pleasures of the
are choked by t h e Anxie-
βίου πορευόμενοι συμπνίγονται, καΐ ού τελεσ- ties, and Riches, and Plea-
life going forth are choked, and not bear sures of LIFE, and bring no
«ρορουσι. ^Τό δέ έν τχί καλί) γη, fruit to maturity.
fruit to perfection. Thai: and in the good ground,
15 But THAT in the
οΰτοί είσιν, οϊτινες έν καρδία καλχί καΐ άγαθχί GOOD Ground a r e those,
άκούσαντες τόν λόγον, κατέχουσι, καΐ καρπο- who, having heard t h e
WORD, retain it in a good
«ροροΰσιν έν υπομονή. 1βΟύδεΙς δέ λύχνον and honest Heart, andbear
fruit with perseverance. No one and a lamp fruit with Perseverance.
&ψας καλύπτει αυτόν σκεύει, V\ 16 §Now no one having
having lighted, covers him with a vessel, or
lighted a Lamp, covers i t
ΐποκάτω κλίνης τίθησιν άλλ' επί λυχνίας
under a couch places; but upon a lamp-stand with a Vessel, or puts i t
under a Couch, b u t places
έπιτίθησιν, * [Ινα ol είσπσρευόμενοι βλέπωσι it on a Lamp-stand, * t h a t
τό φώς.] Ού γάρ Ι'στι κρυπτόν, δ ού see t h e LIGHT.
the light.] Not for is hidden, which not
«ρανερόν γενήσεται* οΐδέ άπόκρυφον, δ οΰ 17 §For there is nothing
18 hidden, which will not be
γνωσθήσεται καΐ είς φανερόν Ιλθχι. Βλέ- disclosed, nor concealed,
w i l lto©known And Into ligbt m&y como· X&ke which will n o t be known,
πετε οδν, πώς άκοΰετε· 8ς γάρ έάν £χχϊ, and come to light.
heed then, how you hear; who for ever may have,
18 Take heed, therefore,
δοθήσεται αύτώ· καΐ δς civ μή Ιχχι, how you h e a r ; §for t o
i t w i l l be given to him; and whoever not may have, him who has, more will be
καΐ δ δοκεΐ Ιχειν, άρϋήσεται άπ' given; but from him who
even what he seems to hare, w i l l be taken from
αύτοΰ. has not, will be taken
him. away even t h a t which h e
Παρεγένοντο δέ προς αυτόν ή μήτηρ has."
Came and to him the mother
19 §Now his MOTHER
9tai ol αδελφοί αυτοί), καΐ ούκ ήδύναντο συν- and BROTHERS came to-
and the brothers of him, and not was able to
wards him, but could n o t
τυχείν αύτώ διά τόν δχλον. 2°ΚαΙ get near him, on account
sretf nG&F t o h i m on Account of tno crowd» And of the CROWD.
άπηγγέλη αύτφ, *[λεγόντων] *Η μήτηρ σου
It was told to him, [saying;] The mother of thee 20 And i t was told him,
"Thy MOTHER and thy
καΐ ol αδελφοί σου έστήκασιν έξω, Ιδεΐν
BROTHERS stand without,
σε θέλοντες.
a t
O δέ αποκριθείς είπε προς desiring to see thee."
thee desiring. He and answering said to 21 B u t H E answering,
saying—om^. ^ ^ ^ i y 2 1 ; Luke xi. 33. t 17. Matt. x. 26; Luke xii. 2,
t 18. Matt. xiil. 12; xxv. 29; Luke xix. 26. % 19. Matt. xii. 46; Mark iii. 31.
Chap, 8:22.] LUKE. [Chap. 8:27.
αυτούς· Μήτηρ μου καΐ αδελφοί μου ούτοι said to them, "My Mother
them; Mother οί me and brothers of me these and my Brothers are
ε'ισιν, ol τον λόγον τοΰ θεοΰ άκούοντες THESE Who HEAR t h e WORD
are, who the word of the God hearing
καΐ ποιοΰντες. of GOD, and obey it."
and doing. 22 $And it came to pass
22 on one of the DAYS, that
Kai έγένετο έν μι$ των ήμερων, καΐ αυτός he went into a Boat with
And i t happened in one of the days, and lie
his DISCIPLES ; and he
ένέβη εις πλοίον, καΐ ol μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ· καΐ said to them, "Let us pass
he went into a ship, and the disciples of him; and
είπε προς αυτούς* Διέλθωμεν είς τό over to the OTHER SIDE of
the LAKE/·' And they set
said to them; We may pass over to the sail.
πέραν της λίμνης* καΐ άνήχθησαν. ^ Π λ ε -
other side of the lake; and they put off. SaiΙ- 23 And as they were
όντων δέ αυτών, άφύπνωσε. ΚαΙ κατέδη sailing, he fell asleep ; and
Ing but of them, he fell asleep. And came down there came down a Gale
λαΐλαψ ανέμου εί,ς την λίμνην, καΐ συνεπλη- of Wind on the LAKE ;
a squall of wind on the lake, and they were and they were deluged,
ροΰντο, καΐ έκινδύνευον. 24Προσελθόντες and were in danger.
filling, and were in danger. Coming to
24 And approaching,
δέ διήγειραν αυτόν, λέγοντες* Έπιστάτα, they awoke him, saying,
and they awoke him, saying; 0 master, "Master ! Master ! we are
έπιστάτα, άπολλΰμεθα. Ό δέ εγερθείς perishing." Then arising,
Ο master, we are perishing. He and arising
έπετίμησε τφ άνέμω καΐ τω κλύδωνι τοΰ HE rebuked the WIND and
rebuked the wind and the raging of the the RAGING of the WATER ;
ΰδατος· καΐ έπαύσαντο, καΐ έγένετο γαλήνη. and they ceased, and there
water; and they ceased, and there was a calm. was a Calm.
^ΕΙπε δέ αύτοΐς· Που έστιν ή πίστις υμών; 25 And he said to them,
"Where is your FAITH?'*
Φοβηθέντες δέ έθαύμασαν, λέγοντες προς αλ- And being afraid, they
wondered, saying to one
λήλους* ΤΙς δρα οΰτός έστιν, δτι καΐ τοις another, "Who then is this
that commands even the
άνέμοις επιτάσσει καΐ τφ ΰδατι, καΐ WINDS and the WATER,
^H^ljlds h o fi»iV©S & ChSLI*£Q And t o ίΐΐθ Λ^ΛΪΘΓ} &Zid *and they obey him?"
ύπακούουσιν αύτφ; ^ Κ α Ι κατέπλευσαν είς τήν
tliG^y he&rJceu to 1Ί i m ? ^Lud they sni led into tlie 26 $And they sailed to
χώραν τών Γαδαρηνών, ήτις Ιστιν αντίπερα the REGION of the *±GER-
country of the Gadarenes, which i s over-against ASENES, which is opposite
της Γαλιλαίας. to GALILEE.
the Galilee.
^Έξελθόντι δέ αύτφ επί τήν γήν, ύπήντη- 27 And going out on
Going out and to him on the land, met SHORE, *a Certain Man of
σεν αύτφ άνήρ τις έκ της πόλεως, δς the CITY met him, who had
him a man certain out of the city, who •Demons; and for a long
είχβ δαιμόνια έκ χρόνων Ικανών, καΐ Ιμάτιον Time he wore no Clothes,
had demons from times many, and a mantle nor remained in a House,
ούκ ένεδιδύσκετο, καΐ έν οΙκία ούκ δμενεν, but in the TOMBS.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 5 . and they obey him—omit. 26. GEBASBNES. 27. a
Certain Man. 27. Demons; and for a long Time he wore.
± 2 6 . " I was afterwards informed by Mr. Thomson of Sidon, who had recently traversed
this region, and whose knowledge both of the country and its language gave him great fa-
cilities in picking up information, that nearly opposite Mejdel (Magdala.) or just about
opposite where we turned south there is a place called by the natives Girsa, which Mr.
T. supposes to be a corruption of Gergesene. Here there is a sharp sloping precipice of
perhaps 2000 feet high. This is the 'steep place' (kreemnou) Matt. vii. 3 2 ; Mark v.
1 3 ; Luke viii. 33. Mark and Luke say it was in the country of the Gadarenes, and we
know that Gadra (eight miles from Tiberias according to Josephus, Life, 65) must have
been farther south. But the term Gadarene may be a wide one, and besides, the read'ng
to Mark and Luke is a very doubtful one; the mass of evidence preponderates in favor of
Qerasene instead of Gadarene."—Hackett.
% 22. Matt. viii. 2 3 ; Mark iv. 35. % 26. Matt. viii. 2 8 ; Mark v. 1.
Chap. 8:28.] LUKE. [Chap. 8:35.
άλλ' έν τοις μνήμασιν. ^'Ιδών δέ τον Ίησοΰν, 28 And seeing JESUS, ho
fell down before him, and
seal άνακράξας, προσέπεσεν αύτφ, καΐ φω- crying out with a loud
and crying out, be f e l l d o w n t o h i m , and w i t h Voice, said, "What hast
•vfj μεγάλχι είπε* ΤΙ έμοί καΐ σοί, thou to do with me, Jesus,
a voice loud he said; What to me and to thee, —Ο Son of GOD—the
Ίησοΰ, υΙέ τοΰ Θεού του υψίστου; HIGHEST? I bessech thee,
Jesus, Ο son of the God of the highest? torment me not."
δέομαί σου, μή μέ βασανίσχις. ^(Παρήγ-
I beseech thee, not me thoumayest torment. (He 29 (For he had com-
«νειλε γάρ τφ πνεύματι τφ άκαθάρτω manded the IMPURE SPIRI'J?
to come out of the MAN.
2Xiid coixnuQ-iiucu for tuo spiiric tiiβ uucleftix
For it had frequently
έξελθείν άπδ τοΰ ανθρώπου· πολλοίς γάρ χρό- seized him; and he was
^τοιί συνηρπάκει αυτόν καΐ έδεσμείτο άλύ- bound with Chains and
Fetters, and guarded ; and
i t had seized him; and he was bound with
breaking the BONDS, he
«Τεσι καΐ πέδαις, φυλασσόμενος· καΐ διαρρήσ- was driven by the DEMON
ichains and fetters, being guarded; and break- into the DESERTS.)
«KOV τά δεσμά, ήλάύνετο ύπό τοΰ δαίμονος
30 And JESUS asked
Ing the bonds, he was driven by the demon him, "What is thy Name?"
«Ις τάς έρημους.) ^Έπηρώτησε δέ αυτόν δ And HE said, "Legion;"
into the deserts*) Asked &η<1 liinx the Because many Demons
Ίησοΰς, * [λέγων] ΤΙ σοΙ έστιν δνομα; had entered into him.
Jesus, [saying;] What to thee is a name? 31 And he besought him
•*O δέ είπε· Λεγεών δτι δαιμόνια πολλά είσ- that he would not com-
He and said; Legion; for demons many had mand them to go out into
4)λθεν ε'ις αυτόν. ^ΚαΙ παρεκάλει αυτόν, the ABYSS.
entered into him. And he besought him,
ΐνα μή έπιτάξη αΰτοίς είς τήν ά*6υσσον 32 Now there was a
that not he3 2would command them Into the abyss
Λπελθείν. Τ Η ν δέ εκεί αγέλη χοίρων Ικανών Herd of many Swine feed-
to go. Was and there a herd of swine many ing on the MOUNTAIN ;
βοσκομένων έν τω δρει· καΐ παρεκάλουν and they besought him to
feeding in the mountain; and they besought permit them to go into
βύτόν, ΐνα έπιτρέ-ψρ αΰτοίς είς εκείνους them. And he permitted
him, that he would permit them into them them.
είσελθεΐν. ΚαΙ έπέτρεψεν αύτοίς. ^Έξελθόν-
33 Then the DEMONS
to enter. And he permitted them. Having gone
having come out of the
τα δέ τά δαιμόνια άπό τοΰ ανθρώπου, είσ- MAN, went into the SWINE ;
ίίλθεν είς τους χοίρους· καΐ ωρμησεν ή αγέλη and the HERD rushed down
entered into the swine; and rushed the herd the PRECIPICE into the
LAKE, and were ±drowned.
«ατά τοΰ κρημνού είς τήν λίμνην, καΐ άπε-
down the precipice into the lake, and were 34 And the SWINE-
πνίγη. Ίδόντες δέ ol βόσκοντες τδ γεγο- HERDS, seeing THAT HAV-
choked. Seeing and those feeding that having ING BEEN DONE, fled, and
•νός, εΌρυγον καΐ άπήγγειλαν είς τήν reported it in the CITY
been done, fled and reported in the and in the VILLAGES.
πόλιν καΐ είς τους άγροΰς. Έξηλθον δέ 35 And they went out
city and in the villages. They came out and to see THAT HAVING BEEN"
Ιδείν τδ γεγονός· καΐ ήλθον πρδς τδν DONE. And they came to
to see that having been done; and came to the JESUS, and found the MAN
Ίησοΰν, καΐ εδρον καθήμενον τδν δνθρωπον, from whom the DEMONS
Jesus, and found sitting the man, had gone out, sitting a t
Αφ* οδ τά δαιμόνια έξεληλύθει, Ιματι- the FEET of *Jesus,
Irom whom the demons had gone out, having been clothed, and in his right

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—30. saying—omit. 35. JESUS.

± 3 3 . Some sceptics have objected to this transaction, as not conformable to the charac-
ter of Jesus. Now as the Jews were prohibited by the laws of Hycanus from keeping
swine, and by the law of Moses from using them as food, th's was a just punishment
on the violators of law. The miracle itself served to manifest Christ's own regard to the
law of God. while the disposition displayed by the people, in desiring him to depart
from them, showed how well they needed correction.
u 8:3α] LUKE. [Chap. 8:44.
σμένον «at σωφρονοΰντα, παρά τους πόδας mind; and they were
clothed and being of sane mind, at the feet afraid.
xov Ίησοΰ* καΐ έφοβήθησαν. 3βΆπήγγειλαν 36 Then THOSE who
of the Jesus; and they were afraid. Reported SAW it informed them how
6έ αύτοίς καΐ ol Ιδόντες, πώς έσώθη the DEMONIAC was re-
and to them and those having
37 seen, how was saved stored.
δ δαιμονισθείς. ΚαΙ ήρώτησαν αυτόν 37 §And the Whole
ho having been demonized. And asked him
άπαν το πλήθος της περιχώρου MULTITUDE Of the SUR-
των Γαδαρηνών, άπελθεΐν άπ' αυτών δτι •GERASENES ^desired him
of the Gadarenes, to go from them; for to depart from them ; For
φό6α> μεγάλω συνείχοντο. they were seized with
y i t h a fear great they were seized. great Fear. And having
entered the *Boat he re-
Αυτός δέ έμβάς είς τό πλοίον, ύπέ- turned.
He and having gone into the ship, re- 38 Now $the MAN from
στρεψεν. 38 Έδέετο δέ αύτοΰ ό άνήρ, άφ'
turned. Begged and of h-im the man, from whom the DEMONS had
οδ έξεληλύθει τά δαιμόνια, είναι συν αΰτω. gone out, desired to be
whom had gone out the demons, to be with him. with him. But *he dis-
Απέλυσε δέ αυτόν 6 Ίησοϋς, λέγων 3β*Υπό- missed him, saying,
Sent away but him the Jesus, saying: Be- 39 "Return to thy
στρεφε είς τόν οίκον σου, καΐ διηγοΰ, HOUSE, and relate how
turn to the house of thee, and relate, much GOD has done for
δσα έποίησέ σοι ό Θεός. ΚαΙ άπήλ- thee." And he went away,
hoiv^ much lifts done to the© the Qou< ^Lud ho \yont and published through the
θε, καθ' δλην την πόλιν κηρύσσων, 8- Whole CITY how much
away, through whole the c i t y publishing, how JESUS had done for him.
σα έποίησεν αύτφ ό Ίησους. 40 And it occurred, as
much had done to him the Jesus. JESUS RETURNED, the
Έγένετο δέ έν τφ ύποστρέψαι τόν him; CIIOWD gladly received
It happened and in the to return
for they were all
the waiting for him.
*Ιησοΰν, άπεδέξατο αυτόν ό δχλος* fj-
Jesus, gladly received him the crowd; they 41 §And, behold, there
Ιδού, γαρήλθενπάντες
ι δνομα αυτόν. ΚαΙ came a Man, whose name
Ιο, came a man, tiom a name Jairus, was Jairus, and he was a
καΐ αυτός δρχων της συναγωγής υπήρχε* καΐ Fuler of the SYNAGOGUE ;
And h© & jrulcr of tli© synftjjojjjuie w&s> find and falling at the FEET of
*Jesus, entreated him t o
πεσών παρά τους πόδας τοΰ Ίησοΰ, παρεκάλει come into his HOUSE ;
αυτόν είσελθείν είς τόν οίκον αύτοΰ· δτι Daughter, 42 42 For he had an only
about twelve
him to come into the house of himself; for Years of Age, and she was
θυγάτηρ μονογενής fjv αύτφ ώς ετών dying. And as he WENT
a daughter only was to him about years
δώδεκα, καΐ αύτη άπέθνησκεν. Έν δέ τφ the CROWDS pressed on
twelve, and she was dying. In and to the him.
ύπάγειν αυτόν, ol δχλοι συνέπνιγον αυτόν. 43 §And a Woman hav-
^ΚαΙ γυνή οδσα έν ρύσει αίματος άπό ετών ing had an Hemorrhage
to £>o h 1 HIy tli© cro\^ds pressed - him·
And a woman being in a flow of blood from years for twelve Years, who *had
consumed her Whole LIV-
δώδεκα, ήτις ίατροίς προσαναλώσατο ING on Physicians, and
twelve, who with physicians having expended could not be cured by
δλον τόν 6ίον, ούκ Ι'σχυσεν υπ' ούδενός any one,
whole the living, not had strength by anyone 44 coming up behind,
θεραπευθήναι* 44προσελθοΰσα όπισθεν, τίψατο touched the TUFT of his
to be cured; coming behind, touched MANTLE ; and immediately
κρασπέδου τοΰ
MAN U S CΙματίου αύτοΰ· καΐ πα-
R I P T . — 3 7. GEEASENES. 37. Boat. 38. he dismissed him.
41. Jesus.tuft43. could
tho not mantle
of the be cured of
any one,
and coming
im- up.·
t 37. Matt. yiii. 34. $ 37. Acts xvi. 39. t 38. Mark v. I S . $ 4 1 . Matt, ix.,
1 8 ; Mark v . 2 2 . $ 43. Matt. ix. 20.
Chap. 8:45.] LUKE. [Chap. 8:54.
<?αχρημα £στη fi ρύσις του αίματος αυτής, the FLOW of her BLOOD
mediately stopped the flow af the blood o t h e r . stopped.
Kai είπεν ό Ί η ο ΰ ς ΤΙς ό άψάμενός
45 And JESUS said,
And said the Jesus; W h o the having touched WHO TOUCHED me?"
μου; 'Αρνουμένων δέ πάντων, είπεν 6 Πέτρος and all denying it, PETER
me? said the Peter and THOSE with him said,
*[καΙ Denying and
ol συν αύτφ·] all.
Έπιστάτα, ot δχλοι "Master, the CROWDS
[and those with him;] 0 master, the crowds press on and crowd thee,
and dost thou say, 'WHO
συνέχουσί σε καΐ άποθλίβουσι* καΐ λέγεις· TOUCHED m e ? ' "
ΤΙς ό άψάμενός β
μου; * Ό δέ Ίησοΰς 46 And Jesus said,
Who the having touched m e ? The and Jesus "Some one touched m e ;
§f or I know a Power went
είπεν "Η·ψατό μού τις· έγώ γάρ Ιγνων out from me."
said; Touched me some on©; I for know
47 Then the WOMAN,
δύναμιν έξελθοΰσαν άη* έμοΰ. *7Ίδοϋσα δέ seeing that she was dis-
a power went out from me. Seeing and covered, came trembling,
ή γυνή, δτι ούκ Ιλαθε, τρέμουσα and falling down, related
the woman, that not she wasunnoticed trembling
to him in presence of All
the PEOPLE, why she had
#ΐλθε, καΐ προσπεσοΰσα αύτφ, δι* η*ν touched him, and how she
came, and falling down to him, through what was immediately cured.
αίτίαν ίνψατο αύτου, άπήγγειλεν * [αύ- 48 And he said to her,
"Daughter, thy FAITH has
τφ] ενώπιον παντός του λαοΰ, καΐ ώς Ιά- cured thee; go in Peace."
h \ ιτι 3 Ι χχ PFQSGUCQ ox ttlX ox the poopX£y &ziu jno^y eh ο 49 § While he was still
•θη π α ρ α χ ρ ή μ α . *8*Ο δ έ ε ί π ε ν αύτχ]· speaking, some one came
from the SYNAGOGUE-
was cured immediately. He and said to her;
*[θάρσει,] θύγατερ· ή πίστις σου σέ- RULER'S house, who said,
[Take courage,] θ daughter; the faith of thee has "Thy DAUGHTER is dead;
σωκέ σε· πόρεύου ε£ς είρήνην. 4 9 ν Ε τ ι αύτου trouble *no more the
Sftvocl the©· go in, peace. "While of him TEACHER."
λαλοΰντος, Ιρχεται τις παρά του ^ρχ^συ- 50 But JESUS having
speaking, comes
heard it, answered him,
some one from of the syna-
"Fear not, only believe,
ναγώγου, λέγα>ν *[αύτφ·] "Οτι τέθνηκεν and she will be saved."
gogue-ruler's, saying [to him;] That i s dead 51 And coming to the
ή #υγάτηρ σου· μή σκύλλε τόν διδάσκα- HOUSE, he permitted no
the daughter of thee; not trouble thou the teach-
λον. 5 0 Ό δέ Ίησοΰς άκουσας, άπεκρίθη one *to go in with him,
er. The but Jesus having heard, answered except Peter, and John,
αύτφ, * [λέγων] Μή φο6οΰ· μόνον πίστευε, and James, and the FATHER
him, tsaying;j Not fear; only believe you, and the MOTHER of the
καΐ σωθήσεται. Β 1 Έλθών δέ είς τήν οΐκίαν, CHILD.
and she shall be saved. Coming and In to the house, 52 And all were
ούκ άφηκεν είσελθείν ούδένα, εΐ μή Πέτρον and lamenting her. But
HE said, "Weep not;
καΐ Ίωάννην καΐ Ίάκωβον, καΐ τόν πατέρα she is not dead, $but *for
and John and James, and the father
της παιδός καΐ τήν μητέρα. Β 2 "Εκλαιον δέ
of the child and the mother. Was weeping and 53 And they derided
πάντες, καΐ έκόπτοντο αυτήν. *Ο δέ είπε· Μή him, knowing That she
all, and lamenting her. He but said: Not
«λαίετε· ούκ άπέθανεν, αλλά καΦεύδει. 6 3 ΚαΙwas dead.
weep you; not she i s dead, but sleeps. And
«ατεγέλων αυτού", είδότες δτι άπέθανεν. 54 But he, grasping her
they derided him, knowing that she was dead. HAND called out, saying,
Αύτός δέ *Γέκα6λών δξω πάντας, καΐ] κρα- "MAIDEN, $arise,"
He but [having put out all, and] hav-
τήσας της MANUSCRIPT.—45.
* VATICAN χειρός αυτής, έφώνησε,
and those λέγων
with him—omit. 47. to him—omit.
48. Take courage—omit. 49. to him—omit. 49. no more the TEACHER. 50. saying
ing grasped the hand ofher, called out, saying;
—omit. 51. to go in with him, except. 52. for she. 54. having put them all out and
t 46. Mark v. 30; Luke vi. 19. t 49. Mark vr 35. $ 52. John xi. 11,13.
$ 54. Luke vii. 14; John xi. 43.
Chap. 8:55.] LUKE. [Chap. 9:9.
Ή. παις, έγείρου. ^ΚαΙ επέστρεψε τό πνεΰμα 55 And her BREATH re-
The. child, arise. And returned the breath turned, and she stood up
αυτής, καΐ ανέστη παραχρήμα· ΚαΙ διέ-immediately; and he or-
of her, and she stood upimmediately; And he dered them to give her
ταξεν αΰτρ δοθήναι φαγείν. β0ΚαΙ έξέ- food.
56 And her PARENTS
στησαν ol γονείς αυτής. Ό δέ παρήγγειλεν were astonished, but §HB
astonished the parents of her. He but charged charged them to tell no
αύτοις μηδενΐ είπείν τό γεγονός, one WHAT had been DONE.
them no one to t e l l that having been done. CHAPTER IX.
ΚΕΦ. r. 9. 1 $And having convened
^υγκαλεσάμενος δέ τους δώδεκα, δδωκεν the TWELVE, he gave them
Having called together and the twelve, he gave
Power and Authority over
αύτοις δύναμιν καΐ έξουσίαν επί πάντα τά All DEMONS, and to cure
δαιμόνια, καΐ νόσους Φεραπεύειν. 2ΚαΙ άπέ- 2 And §he sent them
doS d disGAscs to cure ^L l forth to proclaim the KING-
στειλεν αυτούς κηρύσσειν τήν βασιλεί,αν τοϋ DOM of GOD, and to cure
sent them to publish the kingdom of the •the SICK.
θεοΰ, καΐ Ιασθαι *[τούς άσθενοΰντας.1 s Kal 3 $And he said to them ;
God, and to heal [those being sick.I And
είπε προς αυτούς· Μηδέν αίρετε είς τήν "Take Nothing for the
said to them; Nothing take you for the JOURNEY, neither Staff,
όδόν, μήτε ράβδον, μήτε πήραν, μήτε nor Traveling Bag, nor
Journey, neither a staff, nor a bag, nor Bread, nor Silver, nor
δρτον, μήτε άργύριον μήτε *[άνά] δύο χιτώ- have Two Coats.
bread, nor silver; nor teach] two coats 4 §And into Whatever
νας δχειν. 4ΚαΙ είς ήν άν οΐκίαν είσέλθητε, House you may enter, there
to have. And into whatever house you may enter, remain, and thence depart.
εκεί μένετε, καΐ εκείθεν έξέρχεσθε. εΚαΙ 5 And whoever shall not
δσοι δν μή δέξωνται υμάς, εξερχόμενοι άπό receive you, when you go
whoever not may receive you, coming out from out from that CITY, $shake
της πόλεως εκείνης, καΐ τόν κονιορτόν άπό off even the DUST from
the city that, even the dust from your FEET for a Testimony
τέ&ν ποδών υμών αποτινάξατε, είς μαρτύριον to them."
the feet of you shake off, for a testimony 6,$And going forth, they
έτι' αυτούς. ^Εξερχόμενοι δέ διήρχοντο traveled through the VIL-
against them. Coming forth and they traveled LAGES, proclaiming the
κατά τάς κώμας, εύαγγελιζόμενοι καΐ glad tidings, and perform-
through the villages, publishing glad tidings and ing cures everywhere.
Φεραπεύοντες πανταχού, 7 §Now Herod, the TE-
healing everywhere.
7 TRARCH, heard of All that
*Ήκουσε δέ Ηρώδης ό τετράρχης τά γινό- was DONE ; and he was
Heard and Herod the tetrarch that being perplexed, because it was
μένα * [ύπ* αύτοΰ] πάντα* καΐ διηπόρει, SAID by some, "John has
done [by him] all; and he was perplexed, been raised rom the
6ιά τό λέγεσθαι υπό τίνων, δτι 'Ιωάννης
έγήγερται έκ νεκρών ^πό τίνων δέ, δτι 8 and by some, "Elijah
has been raised out of dead; by some and, that has appeared;" and by
'Ηλίας έφάνη* άλλων δέ, δτι προφήτης others, *"A certain Proph-
Ellas had appeared; others and, that a prophet et of the ANCIENTS has
ΚαΙ είπεν Ήρώ- risen up."
εϊζ των αρχαίων ανέστη.
one of the ancients has stood up. And said He- 9 *But HEROD said,
δης· Ίωάννην έγώ άπεκεφάλισα· τΙς δέ έστιν "John I beheaded; but
rod; John I beheaded; who but i s who is this of whom *I

* VATICAN MANUSOEIPT.—2. the SICK—omit., 3. each—omit. 7. by him—omit.

8. a certain Prophet of the ANCIENTS was. 9. But HEROD. 9. I hear
% 56. Matt. viii. 4 ; ix. 30; Mark v. 43. % 1. Matt. x. 1; Mark iii. 1 3 ; vi. 7.
* 2 . Matt. x. 7; Mark vi. 12; Luke x. 1, 9. $ 3. Matt. x. 9; Mark vi. 8; Luke
X. 4 ; xxii. 35. X 4. Matt. x. 1 1 ; Mark vi. 10. % 5. Acts xiii. 51. X 6. Matt.
Vi. 12. $ 7. Matt. xiv. 1; Mark vi. 14.
Chap. 9:10.] LUKE. [Chap. 9:17.
ούτος, περί ού έγώ ακούω τοιαύτα; hear such things?" §And
he sought to see him. -
Kai έζήτει Ιδεΐν αυτόν.
10 $And the APOSTLES,
Kal ύποστρέψαντες ot απόστολοι διηγή- having returned, related to

him what things they had

σαντο αύτώ δσα έποίίησαν καΐ παρα- done. $And taking them
aside, he withdrew pri-
λαβών αυτούς υπεχώρησε κατ' ίδίαν εις vately into *a desert Place
of a city, called Bethsaida.
*[τόπον £ρημον] πόλεως καλούμενης Βηθ-
Ca p l a c e desert] of a c i t y being c a l l e d Beth-
11 And the CROWDS
σαϊδά. ιαΟΙ δέ δχλοι γνόντες,
ήκολούθησαν knowing it, followed him
aaida. The and crowds having beard, they followed
and having *gladly re-
αύτφ. ΚαΙ δεξάμενος αυτούς, έλάλει ceived them, he spoke to
him. And having received them, he spake them concerning the KING-
αύτοίς περί της βασιλείας τοϋ θεοϋ, και DOM of GOD, and healed
to them concerning the kingdom of the God, and
THOSE who HAD need of
τους χρε'ιαν Ιχοντας θεραπείας, ίατο. Healing.
those need having of healing, he cured.
^Ή δέ ήμερα ήρξατο κλίνειν
προσελ- 12 §*The DAY already
The now day began
to decline; coming
began to decline, when the
θόντες δέ ol δώδεκα, είπον αύτφ· Άπόλυσον TWELVE came and said to
and the twelve, said to him; Dismiss him, "Dismiss the CROWD,
he δχλον, ϊνα πορευθέντες εις τάς κύκλω that they may go into the
adjacent VILLAGES and
χώμα ς καΐ τους αγρούς, καταλύσωσι, καΐ •Farms, to lodge, and find
Villages and the farms, they may lodger «»d Provisions; For we are
είίρωσιν επισιτισμών δτι ώδε έν έρήμω τόπω here in a Desert Place."
find " provisions; for here in a desert place
έσμέν. ΚΕΙπε δέ προς αυτούς· Δότε αύτοίς 13 But he said to them,
•we are. He said but to them; Give to them "You supply them." And
ύμεϊς φαγεΐν. ΟΙ δέ είπον Ούκ είσΐν ήμίν THEY said, "We have no
more than Five Loaves and
πλεΐον η πέντε δοτοί, καΐ Ιχθύες δύο, εΐ μήτι Two Fishes: unless we
XXIΟ Ζ* 6 tllflU flV© 10&Y©Sj fllld fiSOGS t^H^O§ I f HOT should go and buy Food
Λορευθέντες ημείς άγοράσωμεν είς πάντα τόν for All this PEOPLE;"
going we may 14Τ
buy for all the
λαόν τούτον βρώματα. Ήσαν γάρ ώσεί 14 for they were about
pooplo this food· They wore for iibout five thousand Men. And
ίίνδρες πεντακισχίλιοι. Είπε δέ προς τους he said to his DISCIPLES.
ΧΏ. 6 ο flvo t h o u s a n d . Η θ s&id And. "Make them recline in
to the

μαθητάς αυτοί)· Κατακλίνατε αυτούς κλι- Companies of * fifty each."

disciples of himself;
Make recline them in
15 And they did so,
σίας άνά πεντήκοντα. 1ΒΚαΙ εποίησαν οδτω, and caused them all to
companies each fifty. And they did so, recline.
«αϊ άνέκλιναν δπαντας. 1βΛα6ών δέ τους
and they made recline all. Taking and the 16 Then taking the FIVE
πέντε άρτους καΐ τους δύο Ιχθύας, άναβλέψας Loaves and the TWO Fishes,
five loaves and the two fishes, looking up and looking towards HEAV-
EN, he blessed and broke
€ΐς τόν ούρανόν, εύλόγησεν αυτούς· καΐ κατέ- them, and gave to the
9ίλασε, καΐ έδίδου τοις μαθηταίς, παρατιί DTSCIPLES to set before
the CROWD.
•ναι τώ δχλω. 17ΚαΙ ^φαγον, καΐ έχορτάσθησαν
the crowd. And they ate, and were satisfied 17 And they ate and
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—10. a desert place—omit. 11. gladly received. 12.
The DAY already began to decline, when the TWELVE came. 12. Farms. 14. as it
were by.
% 9. Luke xxiii. 8. % 10. Mark vi. 30. $ 10. Matt. xiv. 13. t 12. Matt. xiT.
15; Markvi. 35; John vi. 5.
Chap. 9:18.] LUKE. [Chap. 9:26.
πάντες· καΐ ήρθη τό περισσεϋσαν αύ- were all satisfied; and
all; and wa taken up t h a t h a v i n g been l e f t t o there were taken up of the
τοις κλασμάτων, κόφινοι δώδεκα. REMAINING FRAGMENTS,
twelve Baskets.
ΚαΙ έγένετο έν τφ είναι αυτόν προσευ- 18 $And it came to pass,
And It happened In the to be him praying as he was praying in pri-
χόμενον καταμόνας, συνήσαν αύτφ ot μαθηταί· vate, the DISCIPLES came
to him; and he asked
έπηρώτησεν αυτούς, λέγων Τίνα με them, saying, "Who do the
he asked them, saying: Who CROWDS say that I am?"
λέγουσιν ol δχλοι είναι; ie Ot δε άποκριθέντες
say the crowds to be? They and answering! 19 And THEY answering
said, f'John the IMMER-
είπον Ίωάννην τόν βαπτιστήν άλλοι δε, SES ; but others, Elijah;
and others, that a certain
Ήλ'ιαν, άλλοι δέ, 8τι προφήτης τις των Prophet of the ANCIENTS
Ellas, others and, 20that a prophet one of the has risen up."
αρχαίων ανέστη. Είπε δέ αύτοϊς* *Υμείς 20 And he said to them,
ancients has stood up. He said and to them; You
"But who do you say that
δέ τίνα με λέγετε είναι; 'Αποκριθείς δέ2 1 ό I am? §"And *Peter an-
l)ixt vt^ho είπε·
m e sstyΤόν
you Χριστόν τοϋ Θεοΰ.
t o DG? jS.nsTv*Griii^ Ό
AXIU tli© s w e r i n g said, "The
Peter said: The Anointed of the God. He CHRIST of GOD."
δέ έπιτιμήσας αύτοίς, παρήγγειλε μη- 21 §And HE having
and having s t r i c t l y charged
22 them, commanded to
strictly charged them, or-
δενΐ λέγειν τοϋτο* εΙπών· "Οτι δει τόν υΐόν dered them to tell this to
no one to t e l l this; saying: That must the son
τοϋ ανθρώπου πολλά παθεΐν, καΐ άποδο- no one;
κιμασθήναι άπό των πρεσβυτέρων καΐ άρχιε- 22 saying, $"The SON
rejected by the elders and hlgh- of MAN must suffer many
QU(ov καΐ γραμματέων, καΐ άποκτανθήναι, καΐ things, and be rejected by
the ELDERS, and High-
ττ, τρίτα ήμερα έγερθήναι. priests, and Scribes, and
tho third day to be raised. be killed, and on the
"Ελεγε δέ προς πάντας· Έϊ τις θέλει THIRD Day be raised."

οπίσω μου ερχεσθαι, άρνησάσθω εαυτόν, καΐ "If23any $And he said to all,
He said and to all; If anyone wishes
after me to come, let him deny himself, and one wish to come
after me, let him renounce
αράτω τόν σταυρόν αύτοΰ καθ' ήμέραν, himself, and take up his
CROSS daily, and follow
καΐ άκΌλουθεΙτω μοι. Ζ4·"Ος γάρ αν θέλη me.
τήν ψυχ υχήν αύτου σωσαι, απολέσει αυτήν 24 For whoever would
the l ife
i f e of himself to save, shall lose her; saveihisLiFE, shall lose i t ;
δς δ ' d.v άπολέστ] τήν ψυχήν αύτου δνε- and whoever loses his LIFE
« h o but ever may l o s e the l i f e of h i m s e l f on on my account, he shall
κεν έμοΰ, οδτος σώσει αυτήν. 25ΤΙ γάρ save it.
account of me, lie shall save her. What for 25 §For what,is a Man
ωφελείται άνθρωπος κερδησας τόν κόσμον profited, if he gain the
δλον, εαυτόν δέ άπολέσας, ή 4 whole
ζημιω- or forfeitWORLD, and destroy
vrhole, himself and having lost, or having for- Himself?
θείς; 26"Ος γάρ αν έπαισχυνθη με καΐ τους 26 §For whoever is
felted? Who for ever may be ashamed me and the ashamed of me, and MY
έμούς λόγους, τούτον ό υΙός του ανθρώπου Words, of him the SON of
MAN will be ashamed,
έπαισχυνθήσεται, 8ταν έ'λθη έν τ^ δόξη when he comes in his own
w i l l be ashamed, when he may come In the glory GLORY and that of the FA-

VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 0 . Peter.
$ 18. Matt. xvi. 12; Mark viii. 2 7. t 19. Matt. xiv. 2 ; ver. 7, 8. % 20. Matt,
xvi. 16; John vi. 6 9 . % 2 1 . Matt. xvi. 2 0 . % 22. Matt. xvi. 2 1 ; xvii. 22.
t 23. Matt. x. 3 8 ; xvi. 2 4 ; Mark viii. 3 4 ; Luke xiv. 27. t 2 5. Matt. xvi. 2 6 ;
Mark viii. 3 6 . t 2 6 . Matt. x. 3 3 ; Mark viii. 3 8 ; 2 Tim. ii. 12.
Chap. 9:27.] LUKE. [Chap. 9:36.
αύτοΰ, καΐ τοΰ Πατρός, καΐ των άγιων THER, and of the HOLY
of himself, and of the Father, and of the holy Angels.
αγγέλων. ^Λέγω δέ ύμίν αληθώς, είσί τίνες 27 But I tell you truly
messengers. I say but to you truly, are some There are SOME STANDING
τών ώδε έστώτων, ot ού μή γεύσωνται •here, who will not taste
θανάτου, δως δν ϊδωσι τήν βασιλείαν of Death, till they see
of death, till they may see the royal majesty GOD'S ROYAL MAJESTY."
του Θεοΰ. 28 And it occurred
of the God. about eight Days after
^Έγένετο δέ μετά τους λόγους τούτους, these WORDS, taking •Pe-
It happened and after the words these,
ώσεί ήμέραι οκτώ, καΐ παραλαβών Π έτρον he went
ter, and John, and James,
about days eight, and having taken Peter up into the
καΐ Ίωάννην καΐ Ίάκωβον, άνέβη είς τό MOUNTAIN to pray.
&QQ Jolm And wftixieSy • h e %^©nt up i n t o t o 29 And it happened, as
δρος προσεύξασθαι. ^ΚαΙ έγένετο, έν τφ he PRAYED, the FORM of
mountain to pray. And i t occurred, in the his FACE was changed,
προσεύχεσθαι αυτόν, τδ είδος τοΰ προσώπου and his RAIMENT became
to pray him, the form of the face white and dazzling.
αύτοΰ έτερον, καΐ ό Ιματισμός αύτοΰ λευκός 30 And behold, two Men
έξαστράπτων. ^ΚαΙ Ιδού, άνδρες δύο συνε- were conversing with him,
and these were Moses and
λάλουν αύτφ, οΐτινες ήσαν Μωσής καΐ Elijah ;
talking with him, who were Moses and
31 who appearing in
Ηλίας· 31οΐ όφθέντες έν δόξχι, Ιλεγον τήν Glory, spoke of his DEPAR-
IQli&s* they appearing in ?lory» spoko of the TURE which was about to
δξοδον αύτοΰ, ήν έμελλε πληροΰν be consummated a t Jeru-
clep&ftufO of htxt\ι which he w^&s about to fulfil salem.
έν Ιερουσαλήμ. 8 2 Ό δέ Πέτρος καΐ ol συν 32 Now PETER and
αύτφ ήσαν 6ε6αρυμένοι δπνω. Διαγρη- THOSE with him §were
him were having been heavy w i t h sleep. Having overpowered with Sleep;
γορήσαντες δέ είδον τήν δόξαν αύτοΰ, καΐ saw But having awakened, they
his GLORY, and THOSE
τους δύο άνδρας τους συνεστωτας αύτφ. him.
^ΚαΙ έγένετο έν τφ διαχωρίζεσθαι αυτούς 33 And it occurred, when
And It happened in the to depart them they were DEPARTING from
άπ' αύτοΰ, είπεν ό Π έτρος προς τόν Ίησόΰν· him, PETER said to JESUS,
"Master, it is good for us
from him, said the Peter to the Jesus; to be here; and let us
Έπιστάτα, καλόν Ιστιν ήμδς ώδε είναι· καΐ make three Booths; On-e
Ο master, good it is us here to be; and
ποιήσωμεν σκηνάς τρεις, μίαν σοΙ, καΐ for thee, and One for Moses,
we may make tents three, one for thee and and One for Elijah ;" not
μίαν Μωσεΐ, καΐ μίαν 'Ηλία· μή είδώς knowing what he said.
one for Moses, and one for Ellas; not knowing
θ λέγει. 34Ταΰτα δέ αύτοΰ λέγοντος, έγένε- 34 And as he was thus
what he says. These and of him saying, came
το νεφέλη, καΐ έπεσκίασεν αυτούς, έφοβήθη- speaking, a Cloud came and
a cloud, and overshadowed them, they feared covered them; and they
σαν δέ έν τφ εκείνους είσελθείν είς τήνwere afraid when *they
νεφέλην. ^ΚαΙ φωνή έγένετο έκ της νεφέλης, 35 And a Voice pro-
cloud. And a voice came out of the cloud,
ceeded from the CLOUD,
λέγουσα· «Οδτός έστιν ό υΙός μου ό άγα-saying, §"This ismy*S0N,
saying: "This Is the son of me the be- the BELOVED ; §hear him."
πητός· αύτοΰ άκούετε.» ae Kal έν τφ γενέσθαι 36 And when the VOICE

• VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 7 . there, who. 34. they. 35. CHOSEN SON.

% 27. Matt. xvi. 2 8 ; Mark ix. 1. $ 32. Dan. viii. 1 8 ; x. 9. X 3 5 . Matt. i i i .
17. % 3 5 . Acts i i i . 2 2 .
Chap. 9:37.] LUKE. [Chap. 9:44.
τήν φωνήν, ευρέθη ό Ίησοΰς μόνος, had ceased, *Jesus was
the voice, was found the Jesus alone. found alone. $And they
Kai αυτοί έσίγησαν, καΐ ούδενΐ άπήγγειλαν were ±silent, and told no
And they were silent, and to no one told one in Those DAYS what
έν έκείναις ταϊς ήμέραις ουδέν ών έωρά- they had seen.
37 $Now it happened
the NEXT Day, when they
came down from the MOUN-
" 3 7 Έγένετο δέ έν τρ έξης ήμερο;, κατελθόν- TAIN, a great Crowd met
It happened and in the next day, having come him.
των αυτών άπό τοΰ δρους, συνήντησεν αύτφ
oo\irQ them xrom tlio iuouut&iUy met him 38 And behold, a Man
δχλος πολύς. 3 8 ΚαΙ Ιδού, άνήρ άπό τοΰ δχλου from the CROWD, cried
loudly, saying, "Teacher,
a crowd great. And lo, a man from the crowd I beseech thee, to look on
άνεβόησε, λ έ γ ω ν Διδάσκαλε, δέομαι σου, έπΐ- my SON, for he is my
cried loudly, saying; θ teacher, I pray thee, to Only Child.
βλεψαι επί τόν υΐόν μου, δτι μονογενής εστί
look on the son of me, for only-born he is 39 And behold, a Spirit
seizes him, and he suddenly
μοι· 89κα1 Ιδού, πνεΰμα λαμβάνει αυτόν, καΐ cries out; and it so con-
καΐ σπαράσσει αυτόν
vulses him t h a t he foams ;
εξαίφνης κράζει, and convulses him
μετά άφροΰ, καΐ μάγις αποχωρεί άπ' αύτοΰ, and after bruising him,
with he cries
foam, out,
and hardly departs from him, with difficulty departs
«Τυντρίδον αυτόν. 4 0 ΚαΙ έδεήθην των μαθητών from him.
bruising him. And I besought the disciples
40 And I entreated thy
οου, ίνα έκδάλωσιν αυτό* καΐ οΰκ ήδυ-
οί thee, that they might expel i t ; and not they DISCIPLES to expel i t ; and
they could not."
νήθησαν. ^'Αποκριθείς δέ ό 'Ιησούς έίπεν ΤΩ
were able. Answering and the Jesus said: θ 41 And JESUS answer-
γενεά δπιστος καΐ διεστραμμένη* ing, said, "O unbelieving
and perverse Generation !
generation without faith and having been perverted; how long shall I be with
&ος πότε έσομαι προς ύμας, καΐ άνέξομαι
t i l l when shall I be with you, and bear with you, and endure you?
υμών;μ ; Προσάγαγε τόν υΐόν σου ώδε. Conduct thy SON here."
δέ προσερχόμενου αύτοΰ, Ιρρηξεν 42 And while he was
and coming to him, dashed down approaching, the DEMON
αυτόν τό δαιμόνιον, καΐ συνεσπάραξεν. dashed him down, and vio-
him the demon, and violently convulsed. lently convulsed him. And
Έπετίμησε δέ ό Ίησοΰς τφ πνεύματι τω JESUS rebuked the IMPURE
Rebuked and the Jesus the spirit the SPIRIT, and cured the
άκαθάρτω, καΐ Ιάσατο τόν παΐδα, καΐ άπέδω- CHILD, and delivered him
unclean, and healed the child, and deliv- to his FATHER.
κεν αυτόν τφ πατρί αΰτοΰ. ^Έξεπλήσσοντο
ered him to the father of him. Were amazed 43 And they were all
δέ πάντες επί %r\ μεγαλειότητι τοΰ Θεοΰ. struck with awe a t the MA-
and all at the majesty of the God. JESTIC POWER of GOD.
Πάντων δέ θαυμαζόντων επί πασιν οίς έποί- But while all were wonder-
Α11 and were wondering on a l l which did ing a t every thing which
ει 6 Ίησοϋς, είπε προς τους μαθητάς αύ- JESUS did, he said to his
the Jesus,
he said to the disciples of DISCIPLES ;
τοΰ· Θέσθε ύμείς είς τά ώτα υμών τους
himself; Place you Into the ears of you the 44 $Place you these
λόγους τούτους· ό γάρ υΙός τοΰ ανθρώπου WORDS in your EARS—
The SON of MAN is about


± 3 6 . Jesus enjoined silence upon the spectators of his transfiguration (See Matt. xvil.
9), till after his resurrection; and probably one principal reason of this injunction of
secrecy to the disciples might be our Lord's unwillingness to force the people into a
belief of his divine character by a degree of evidence which would control the mind, and
not leave free scope for the exercise of the moral dispositions and the ingenuous workings
of the heart. He appears to have consulted this purpose, on all occasions, with particular
t 36. Matt. xvii. 9. t 37. Matt. xvii. 14; Mark Ix. 14, 17. t 44. Matt. xvii. 2 2 .
«βλβρ. 0:45,3 LUKE. [Cliap. 9:52.
μέλλει παραδ'ιδοσθαι είς χείρας ανθρώπων. to be delivered into the
Is about to be delivered into hands of men. Hands of Men."
^Ol δέ ήγνόουν τό ρήμα τοΰτο, και 45 $But THEY did not
ijv παρακεκαλυμμένον άπ' αυτών, tva μη understand
but ' - · • - - · · - this SAYING ;
and it was so veiled from
αίσθωνται αυτό· καΐ έφοδοΰντο έρωτησαι perceive them that they might not
it; and they were
αυτόν περί του ρήματος τούτου. ΕΙσηλθε afraid to ask him concern-

him concerning the word this. Arose

ing this SAYING.
δέ διαλογισμός έν αΰτοίς, τό, τΙς αν 46 $And a Dispute arose
and α dispute among them, that, which among them, which OP
εϊη μείζων αυτών. Ό δέ Ίησοϋς
τόν διαλογισμόν της καρδίας αυτών, έπιλαδό- 47 But JESUS, perceiv-
μενος παιδιού, έστησεν αυτό παρ' έαυτφ, ing the THOUGHT of their
HEART, having taken a
taken a little child, placed it near himself, Little child, placed it near
καΐ είπεν αύτοίς· "Ος έάν δέξηται τοΰτο himself,
ftud sn I d to themj Wiioev©r xct&y receive tliis
τό παιδίον έπΐ τφ όνόματί μου, έμέ 48 and said to them,
the l i t t l e child in the name of me, me $ "Whoever may receiver
δέχεται· καΐ δς έάν έμέ δέξηται, δέχεται This LITTLE CHILD in mj
receives; and whoever me may receive, receives NAME, receives Me, and
τόν άποστείλαντά με. Ό γαρ μικρότερος έν whoever may receive Me.
the having sent me. He for less among receives HIM who SENT
πδσιν ΰμίν υπάρχων οΰτος ε*σται μέγας, me ; $for HE who is LEAST
all you being he shall be great"
40 among you all, he *shall
ΆποκριθεΙς δέ ό 'Ιωάννης είπεν Έπι- be great."
Answering and the John said; 0 mas- 49 |And * John answer-
στάτα, ειδομέν τίνα επί τφ ονόματι σου ing said, "Master, we saw
ter, we saw one in the name of the? one expelling *Demons in
έκβάλλοντα τά δαιμόνια· έκωλύσαμεν αυτόν, thy NAME ; and we forbade
him, Because he does not
CflstiDij out tli© do in ons j &QQ, ^Γ β £ οι* JDJICIG 1Ϊ Χ Hi follow us."

δτι ούκ ακολουθεί μεθ* ημών. εοΚαΙ είπε 50 But *Jesus said,
because not he follows with us. And said "Forbid him not; $for he
προς αυτόν ο Ίηαοΰς* Μη κωλύετε· δς γαρ who is not against you is
to him the Jesus; Not forbid you; who for
ούκ εστί καθ' υμών, υπέρ υμών εστίν, for you."
not61 is against you, for you is.
Έγένετο δέ έν τφ συμπληροΰσθαι τάς 51 Now it occurred,
It came to pass and intiie* to be-completed the when the. DAYS of ht«

ημέρας της αναλήψεως αύτοΰ, καΐ αυτός τό PLETED, he resolutely fRETIREMENT Were COM-
days of the withdrawing of him, and he . the set
πρόσωπον αύτοΰ έστήριξε του πορεύεσθαι είς lem. his FACE to GO to Jerusa-
face of himself firmly set of the to go to
*Ιερουσαλήμ. 52ΚαΙ άπέστειλεν αγγέλους προ 52 And he sent Mes-
J Θ rUSIl 1 Θ HI. ^QQ ΰ θ SOIlt ΓΠ © S S G 0 £Γ© Γ S ΟΘΤΟΓβ sengers before him; ana
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 8 . is great. 49. John. 49. Demons. 50. Jesus.
± 5 1 . " I Jiink the word analepsoos must signify, of Jesus's retiring or withdrawing him-
self, and not of his being received u p ; because the word surnpleerousthaihere used bfore it,
denotes a time completed, which that of his ascension was not then. The sense is, that the
timewascomewhen Jesuswasnolonger to retire from Judea and the parts about Jerusalem
as ne had hitherto done, for he had lived altogether in Galilee, 1st the Jews should have laid
holdonhim, before the work of his ministry was ended, and full proofs of his divine mission
given, and some of the prophecies concerning him accomplished. John says, chap. vii. 1.
Jesus walked in Galilee; for he would not walk in Jewry, hecause the Jews sought to kill
Mm. Let it be observed, that all which follows here in Luke to chap. xix. 45, is represent-
ed by him, as done by Jesus in his last journey from Galilee to Jerusalem."—Pearce.
% 45. Mark ix. 3 2 ; Luke ii. 50; xviii. 34. % 46. Matt, xviii. 1; Mark ix. 34.
t 48. Matt. x. 4 0 ; xviii. 5 ; Mark ix. 3 7 ; John xii. 44; xiii. 20. t 48. Ma*t-.
xxiii. 11, 12. ± 49. Mark ix. 3 9 ; see Num. xi. 28. % 50. See Matt. xi. 30; Luke
xi. 23.
Chap. 9:53.] LUKE. [Chap. 9:62.
προσώπου καΐ πορευθέντες είσήλβον having gone, they went
into a Village of the Sa-
ε'ις κώμην Σαμαρειτών, στε έτοιμάσαι αύ- maritans, in order to make
into a village of Samaritan! so as to prepare to preparation for him.
τφ. ^ΚαΙ ούκ έδέξαντο αυτόν, δτι τό
him. And not they received him, because the 53 And $they did not
receive him, Because he
πρόσωπον αύτοΰ f)v πορευόμενον εις 'Ιερου- was going towards Jeru-
σαλήμ. 54 Ίδόντες δέ ol μαθηταΐ αυτοί), Ίάκω-
leni. Seeing and the disciples of him, James 54 And *his DISCIPLES,
6og καΐ 'Ιωάννης, είπον Κύριε, θέλεις James and John, observing
and John, this, said, "Master, dost
said; θ Lord, w i l t thou
εΐπωμεν πυρ καταόήναι άπό τοΰ ούρανοΰ, και
thou wish that we com-
mand Fire to come down
Λν'θ speak to come down from the heaven, And
from HEAVEN, to consume
άναλώσαι αυτούς, *[ώς καΐ 'Ηλίας έποιησε;] them?"
to consume them, [as even Elias did? ]
^ΣτραφεΙς δέ έπετ'ιμησεν αύτοίς, [και είπεν buked 55 But turning he re-
Turning and
ΚαΙ he rebuked them, [and said;
Ούκ οϊδατε, οϊου πνεύματος έστέ ύμείς;] 56 and they went to An-
NotΒ7 you know, of what spirit are you?]
έπορεύΦησαν δέ πορευομένων αυτών έν τη other Village.
[It happened] and είςgoing
έτεραν κώμην. of them in tho
όδω, είπεt h e y τις
w e n t προς
t oαυτόν
a n o t h e r 'Ακολουθήσω
Tillge σοι, 57 $And as they were
way, s a i d one t o him; I w i l l follow thee, traveling on the ROAD, one
δπου 6Vv άπέρχη, * [κύριε.] δ8ΚαΙ είπεν αΰ- said to him, " I will follow
wherever thou inayest go, CO master.] And said to thee wherever thougoest."
τφ ύ Ίησοΰς· At αλωπεκές φωλεούς £χουσι,
him the Jesus; The foxes dens have, 58 And *Jesus said to
seal τά πετεινά του ουρανού κατασκηνώσεις* him, "The FOXES have
Holes, and the BIRDS of
end the birds of tho heaven roostsj
ό δέ υίός του ανθρώπου ούκ £χει, ποΰ την but theplaces
HEAVEN of shelter ;
SON of MAN has
the but son of the man not has, where the
not where he may recline
κεφαλήν κλίνη. ΕΙπε δέ προς έ'τερον his HEAD/'
*Ακολούθει μοι. Ό δέ είπε· Κύριε, έπίτρε- 59 §And he said to an-
other, "Follow me." But
Follow me. He but said; θ master, permit HE said, "Sir, permit me
ψόν μοι άπελθόντι πρώτον θάψαι τόν πατέρα first to go and bury my
thou mβ0e
μου. ΕΙπε δέgone
having αύτφ first
ό Ίησοΰς·
to bury"Αφες τους FATHER.'"'
the father

νεκρούς θάψαι τους εαυτών νεκρούς* συ 60 *And he said to him,

dead ones to bury the of themselves dead ones; thou "Leave the DEAD ONES to
δέ άπελθών διάγγελλε τήν βασιλείαν τον but inter THEIR own Dead;
and having gone publish
go thou and publish
the kingdom of the the KINGDOM of GOD."
Θεοΰ. ΕΙπε δέ καΐ έτερος* 'Ακολουθήσω σοι,
God. Said and also another; I w i l l follow thee,
κύριε* πρώτον δέ έπίτρεψόν μοι άποτάξα- said, 61 And another also
Ο master; f i r s t but permit thou me to bid fare- "Sir, $1 will follow
ΕΙπε δέ to setbut
thee; permit me first
σθαι τοις είς τόν οίκον μου. in order my affairs
well to those in the house of me. Said but
at HOME/'
*[πρός αυτόν] ό Ίησοΰς* Ουδείς έπιβαλών
[to him] the Jesus; No one having put 62 But JESUS said, "No
τήν χείρα αύτοΰ έπ' άροτρον, καΐ βλέπων one, having put his HAND
the band of himself on a plough, and looking on the Plough, and looking
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—54. the DISCIPLES 54. as even Elias did—omit. 55.
and said, "Know ye not of what spirit you are"- . it. 57. It happened—omit. 57.
Ο master—omit. 58. Jesus. 60. And he said. 62. to him—omit,
t 53. John iv. 4,9. | 5 7. Matt. viii. 19. ί 59. Matt. viii. 28. t 6 1 . See
1 Kings xix. 20.
Chap. 10:1.] LUKE. [Chap. 10:10.
εϊζ τ* οπίσω, εδθετός έστιν εΙς τήν BEHIND, is properly dis-
lor the things behind, well-disposed is tor the posed towards the KING-
βασιλείαν τοΰ θεοΰ. DOM of GOD."
kingdom of the God.

ΚΕΦ. ι'. 10. CHAPTER X.

^ ε τ ά δέ ταΰτα άνέδειξεν ό Κύριος 1 Now after this, the

After but these things appointed the Lord LORD appointed * Seventy
Others, and §sent them
*[καΙ] ετέρους έβδομήκοντα, καΐ άπέστειλεν two by two before him in-
to Every City and Place,
αυτούς άνά δύο πρό προσώπου αύτοΰ είς where he was about to go.
them each two before face of himself into
πασαν πόλιν καΐ τόπον, οδ Εμελλεν αυτός 2 *And he said to them,
every city and place, where was about he §"The HARVEST indeed is
ίίρχεσθαι. *Έλεγεν ουν προς αυτούς· *Ο μέν plenteous, but the REAP-
to go. He said then to them; The indeed ERS are few; beeseech,
θερισμός πολύς, ol δέ έργάται δλίγοι· δεήθητε therefore, the LORD of the
harvest great, the but laborers few; implore HARVEST, that he would
o€v τοΰ κυρίου τοΰ θερισμοΰ, δπως έκ- send out Laborers to REAP
therefore the lord of the harvest, that he it.
6άλτ) έργάτας είς τόν Φερισμόν αύ-
3 Go; §behold, *I send
would send out laborers into the harvest of him- you forth as Lambs among
τοΰ. Ύπάγετε· Ιδού, έγώ αποστέλλω ύμας Wolves.
self. Go you; Ιο, I send you
4 § Carry no Purse, nor
ώς άρνας έν μέσφ λύκων. 4Μή βαστάζετε Bag, nor Shoes, and salute
no one by the ROAD.
βαλάντιον, μή πήραν μηδέ υποδήματα* καΐ μη-
Άν οΐκίαν είσέρχησθε, πρώτον λέγετε· ΕΙρήνη 5 §And into Whatever
ever house
δένα κατά you τήνmay enter
όδόν first say6 Είς
άσπάσησθε. you ήνPeaceδ' House you enter, say first,
—- 'Peace to this HOUSE.'
τώ byοίκω-•-τούτω. ΚαΙ έάν · - 'f\- - " - ' εκεί
to* the house this. And if may be there
6 And if a Son of Peace
υΙός, ειρήνης, έπαναπαύσεται έπ' αυτόν ή is there, your PEACE shall
a son, of peace, shall rest on him the rest on him ; but if not, i t
εΙρήνη υμών εΐ δέ μήγε, έφ' ύμας άνα- shall return to you.
peace of you; If but not, on you It shall
κάμψει. 7 Έ ν αύτη δέ τη οΙκία μένετε, έσθίον- 7 §And in That HOUSE
return. In this and the house remain, eating remain, eating and drink-
τες καΐ πίνοντες τά παρ' αυτών ά*ξιος ing the THINGS with them ;
ond drinking the things with them; worthy for the LABORER is worthy
νάρ 6 εργάτης τοΰ μισθοΰ αύτοΰ έστι. of his REWARD. Go not
Tor the laborer If the reward of himself is. from House to House.
Μή μεταβαίνετε έΐ οΙκίας είς οίκίαν.
Not go you from house to house. 8 And into Whatever
ΚαΙ είς ή*ν δ» &ν πόλιν είσέρχησθε, καΐ City you enter, and they
Also into what and ever city you may enter, and receive you, eat WHAT is
δέχωνται ύμας, έσθίετε τά παρατιθέ-
they may receive you, eat you the things being set PLACED BEFORE yOU J
μένα ύμίν, βκα1 θεραπεύετε τους έν αύτη 9 and §cure the SICK in
before you, and cure you those in her it, and say to them, 'The
ασθενείς, καΐ λέγετε αύτοΐς· "Ηγγικεν KINGDOM of GOD has ap-
sick ftnd s&y you to them· Q&s come nigh proached you.'
έφ' ύμας ή βασιλεία τοΰ Θεοΰ. ω ΕΙς ήν δ'
to you the kingdom of the God. Into what but 10 But into Whatever
&v πόλιν είσέρχησθε, καΐ μή δέχωνται City you enter, and they
ever a i ty you may enter, and not they may receive receive you not, going out

• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. Seventy-two, and sent. 1. also—omit. 2. and he

eald. 3. I send.
% 1. Matt. x. 1 ; Mark vi. 7. % 2. Matt. ix. 37, 3 8 ; John iv. 3 5 . % 3. Matt.
X. 16. % 4. Matt. x. 9,10,· Mark vi. S; Luke ix. 3. % 5. Matt. x. 12. $ 7.
Matt. x. 1 1 . $ 9. Luke ix. 2.
Chap. 10:11.] LUKE. [Chap. 10:19.
υμάς, εξελθόντες είς τάς πλατείας αυτής, into its WIDE PLACES,
you, going out Into the wide places of her say,—
11 §'even THAT DUST
είπατε* n K a l τόν κονιορτόν, τόν κολληθέντα of your CITY which adheres
*to our FEET, we wipe off
ήμίν έκ της πόλεως υμών, άπομασσόμεϋα ύμίν· for you; however, know
to us from the city of you, we wipe off for you; this, That the KINGDOM of
πλην τοΰτο γινώσκετε, 8τι ήγγικεν ή GOD has approached.'
however this know you, that has approached the 12 But I tell you, J t h a t
βασιλεία του θεοΰ. 12 Λέγω ύμίν, δτι Σο- it will be more tolerable
kingdom of the God. I say to you, that for for Sodom, in t h a t DAY,
δόμοις έν τχί ήμερα εκείνη άνεκτότερον than for that CITY.
Sodom in the day that more tolerable 13 $Woe to thee, Cho-
£σται fl τχι πόλει έκείνχι. 13Ούαί σοι, rasin! woe to thee, Beth-
i t w i l l be than the c i t y that. Woe to thee, saida! For if THOSE MIRA-
CLES which are BEING
Χοραξίν, οΰαί σοι, Βηθσαΐδά* δτι εΐ έν PERFORMED in you, had
Chorazin, woe to thee, Bethsalda; for if in been done in Tyre and
Τύρφ καΐ Σιδώνι έγένοντο αϊ δυνάμεις,
Tyre" and SI don had been done the miracles, Sidon, they would have
αϊ γενόμεναι έν ύμίν, πάλαι α*ν έν reformed long ago, sitting
±in Sackcloth and Ashes.
those being done . in you, long ago would in
14 But it will be more
σάκκφ καΐ σποδω καΦήμεναι μετενόησαν. tolerable for Tyre and Si-
Πλήν Τύρφ καΐ Σιδώνι άνεκτότερον ε*σται don in the JUDGMENT,
But for Tyre and Sidon more tolerable i t w i l l be than for you.
έν τχί κρίσει, fl ύμίν. 15
ΚαΙ σύ, 15 $And thou, Caper-
in the judgment, than for you. And thou, naum, THOU *which a r t
Καπερναούμ, : ή έΌος του ουρανού ύψω BEING EXALTED to HEA-
Capernaum, which even to the heaven art VEN, wilt be brought down
θείσα, Ιως %δον καταβιδα- to f Hades.
being exalted, even to i n v i s i b i l i t y down shalt be 16 § H E who HEARS you,
Ό άκούων υμών, έμου ακούει* hears Me; and H E WHO
1 β
καΐ ό άθετων ύμας έμέ αθετεί* 6 δέ έμέ REJECTS you, rejects Me;
and he rejecting you me rejects; he and me and he who REJECTS Me,
άθετών, αθετεί, τόν άποστείλαντά με. rejects HIM who SENTme."
rejecting, rejects the one sending me.
*Υπέστρε*ψαν δέ ot έβδομήκοντα μετά 17 And the *SEVENTY
HAνing returned &nd the seventy with returned with Joy, saying,
"Lord, even the DEMONS
χαράς, λέγοντες* Κύριε, καΐ τά δαιμόνια are subject to us by thy
υποτάσσεται ήμίν έν τώ όνόματί σου. 18 ΕΙ- 18 And he said to them,
" I saw the ADVERSARY
πε δέ αύτοίς* Έθεώρουν τόν Σαταναν falling from HEAVEN like
said and to them; I beheld the adversary Lightning.
ώς άστραπήν έκ του ουρανού πεσόντα, 19 Behold, * I have given
as lightning out of the heaven having fallen.
" ' Ι δ ο ύ , δίδωμι ύμίν τήν έξουσίαν του yOU AUTHORITY t o TREAD
Lo, I give to you the authority of the on Serpents and Scorpions,
πατείν επάνω δφεων καΐ σκορπίων, καΐ επί and on All *THAT POWER
to tread on serpents and scorpions, and on
which is of the ENEMY;
πάσαν τήν δύναμιν του εχθρού"· καΐ ουδέν ami nothing shall by any
all the power of the enemy; and nothing
means injure You;
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 1 . to our F E E T , we. 15. shalt not be exalted to
HEAVEN, thou shalt go down. 17. SEVBNTT-TWO. 19. I have given. 19. THAT
POWER which is of the ENEMY.
± 1 3 . This expression of mourning and sorrow was frequent in the East. Thus Tamar
signified her distress when dishonored by Amnon, 2 Sam. xiii. 9. Thus also, "When Mor-
decai perceived all that was done, Moredecai rent his clothes, and put on sackcloth and ashes."
Esther iv. 1. Thus Job expressed his repentance, Job xiii. 6. Thus Daniel "set his face unto
the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplication, with fasting, and sackcloth and ashes,"
Dan. ix. 3. Other nations adopted the practice, and i t became a very common method,
whereby to exhibit great grief and misery.—Burder. ± 1 5 . See note on Matt. xi. 2 3 .
t 11. Matt. x. 1 4 ; Luke ix. 5 ; Acts xiii. 5 1 ; xviii. 6. t 12. Matt. x. 1 5 ;
Mark vi. 1 1 . t 1 3 . Matt. x i . 2 1 . t 1 5 . Matt. x i . 2 3 . t 16. Matt. x. 4 0 ;
Mark ix. 3 7 ; John xiii. 20.
Chap. 10:20.] LUKE. [Chap. 10:2t
υμάς ού μή άδικήση. 2°Πλην έν τούτφ 20 but rejoieenot in this,
That the SPIRITS are sub-
μή χαίρετε, δτι τά πνεύματα ύμίν ύπστάσ- ject to you; but rejoice.
not rejoice, that the s p i r i t s to you are sub- That $your NAMES *have
σεται* χαίρετε δέ, δτι τά ονόματα υμών been enrolled in the HEA-
Ject; rejoice you but, that the names of you VENS.·"
έγράφη έν ούρανοΐς.
are written in the heavens. 21 $In That HOUR *he
21 exulted in the HOLY SPIRIT,
Έν αύτη τχί ώρα ήγαλλιάσατο τω πνεύματι and said, " I adore thee, Ο
In this the hour exulted the spirit Father, Lord of HEAVEN
ό 'Ιησούς, καΐ είπεν Εξομολογούμαι σοι, and EARTH, Because hav-
the Jesus, and said; I praise thee,
Πάτερ, κύριε του ουρανού καΐ της γης,ing concealed these things
Ο father, θ lord of the heaven and the earth, from the Wise and Intelli-
δτι άπέκρυψας ταΰτα άπό σοφών καΐ gent, thou hast revealed
that thou hast hid these things from wise men and them to Babes; yes, FA-
THER ; For thus it was
συνετών, καΐ άπεκάλυψας αυτά νηπί- well-pleasing in thy sight.
discerning men, and thou hast revealed them to ba-
οις* vat, 6 Πατήρ, δτι οίίτως έγένετο ευδοκία 22 §A11 things are im-
bes; yes, the Father, for even so It was good parted to me by my FA-
THER ; and no one, knows
έμπροσθεν σου. ^Πάντα μοι παρεδόθη υπό who the SON is, except the
ii) presence of the Θ* All to me ere given by FATHER ; and who the FA-
τοΰ Πατρός μου· καΐ ουδείς γινώσκει, τΙς THER is, except the SON,
the Father of me; and no one knows, and he to whom the SON
έστιν ό υΙός εΐ μή 6 Πατήρ· καΐ τίς έστιν may be disposed to reveal
is the son if not the Father; and who i s him."
ό Πατήρ, εΐ μή ό υΙός, καΐ φ έάν 6ού- 23 And turning to his
DISCIPLES, he said pri-
ληται ό υΙός άποκαλύψαι. ^ΚαΙ στραφείς vately, § "Happy are
προς τους μαθητάς, κατ* Ιδίαν είπε* Μακά- THOSE EYES Which SEB
to the disciples, privately he said: Bless-
ριοι ol οφθαλμοί, ol βλέποντες, 8. 6λέ- what you see;
ed the eyes, those seeing, what you
πετε. 24Λέγω γάρ ύμίν, δτι πολλοί προφήται 24 For I tell you, JThat
see* I say for to you, th&t many prophets
καΐ βασιλείς ηθέλησαν Ιδείν, α ύμείς Many Prophets and Kings
and kings desired to see, what you desired to see the things
which you see, and saw
βλέπετε, καΐ ούκ είδον καΐ άκοϋσαι, δ them not; and to hear the
things which you *hear,
άκούετε, καΐ ούκ ήκουσαν. and heard them not."
^ΚαΙ Ιδού, νομικός τις ανέστη, έκπεΐ- 25 And, behold, a certain
<?άζων αυτόν, καΐ λέγων Διδάσκαλε, τΐ Lawyer,
stood up to try
saying, § "Teacher,
ing him, and saying; O teacher, what
ποιήσας ζωήν αίώνιον κληρονομήσω;
2 β what shall I do to inherit
Ό δέ aionian Life?"
shall I do l i f e agelasting I may inherit? He and
είπε προς αυτόν Έν τω νόμω τΐ γέγρα- 26 And HE said to him,
said to him; In the law what has been "What is written in tno
πται; πώς άναγινώσκεις; 27*Ο δέ αποκριθείς LAW? How dost thou
written? how readest thou? He and answering read ?"
είπεν «'Αγαπήσεις Κύριον τόν Θεόν σου 27 And HE answering,
said: "Thou shalt love Lord the God of thee said, $"Thou shalt love
έΐ δλης της καρδίας σου, καΐ έξ "Jehovah thy GOD with
out of whole of the heart of thee, and out of "All thy HEART, and with
δλης της ψυχής σου, καΐ έξ δλης της "All thy SOUL, and with
whole of the soul of thee, and out of whole of the
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 0 . have been enrolled in. 21. he exulted in the HOLY
sriRiT, and. 24. hear of me, and.
$ 20. Phil. iv. 3 ; Heb. xii. 2 3 ; Rev. i i i . 5 ; xxi. 27. I 21. Matt. xi. 27. t 2 2 .
Matt, xxviii. 1 8 ; John iii. 3 5 ; v. 2 7 ; xvii. 2. t 23. Matt. xiii. 16. ί 2 4 . 1 P e t .
i . 1 0 . $ 2 5 . Matt. xix. 1 6 ; xxii. 35. t 27. Deut. vi. 5.
Chap. 10:28.] LUKE. [Chap. 10:37.
Ισχύος σου, καΐ έξ δλης της διανοίας "All thy STRENGTH, and
strength of thee, and out of whole of tbe mind 'with All thy MIND, and
σου· καΐ τον πλησίον σου ώς σεαυτόν.» "§thy NEIGHBOR as thy-
of thee; and the neighbor "self."
of thee as thyself."
^ΕΙπε δέ αύτφ· 'Ορθώς άπεκρίθης. 28 And HE said to him,
He said and to him; Rightly thou hast answered;
2yt "Thou hast answered cor-
τοΰτο ποίει καΐ ζήσΐΐ· O δέ ϋέλων
this do, and thoushalt live. He but choosing rectly ; $do this, and thou
δικαιοΰν εαυτόν, είπε προς τόν Ίησουν ΚαΙ shalt live."
to justify himself, said to the Jesus; And 29 But HE, wishing §to
τις εστί μου πλησίον; ^Ύπολαβών *[δέ] ό justify himself, said to JE-
who. Is of me a neighbor? Replying [and] the SUS, "Who is My Neigh-
'ίησοΰς είπεν "Άνθρωπος τις κατέβαινεν
Jesus said: A man certain was going down
30 JESUS replying, said,
άπό 'Ιερουσαλήμ είς 'Ιεριχώ, καΐ λχισταϊς "A certain Man was going
from Jerusalem to Jericho, and robbers down from Jerusalem to
περιέπεσεν οϊ καΐ έκδυσαντες αυτόν καΐ Jericho, and fell among
πληγάς έπιθέντες, Robbers, who both having
άπήλθον, αφέντες stripped
blows having inflicted, they departed, leaving him, and inflicted
ήμιθανη τυγχάνοντα. Κατά συγκυρίαν δέ ing himthey blows, departed, leav-

half dead being. By

half dead.
chance end
31 And by Chance a cer-
Ιερεύς τις κατέβαινεν έν τχί όδφ εκείνη, tain Priest was going
32 down that ROAD, and see-
καΐ ίδών αυτόν, άντιπαρήλθεν. Όμοίως ing him, he passed along.
and seeing him, passed along. In like manner
δέ καΐ Λευΐτης, * [γενόμενος]
κατά τόνalso 32 And in like manner
a Levite, coming near
and also a Levite, [having come] near
the the TLACE, and seeing,
τόπον, έλθών καΐ Ιδών, άντιπαρηλθε. ^Σα- passed along.
place, coming and seeing, passed along. A 33 But a certain §Sa-
μαρείτης δέ τις όδεύων, ήλθε maritan traveling, came
Samaritan but certain traveling, came near him, and seeing him,
he was moved with pity;
κατ' αυτόν, καΐ Ιδών αυτόν, έσπλαγ-
near him, and seeing him, he was moved 34 and approaching, he
bound up his WOUNDS,
χνίσθη. 34ΚαΙ προσελθών κατέδησε pouring on Oil and Wine,
with pity. And having approached he moved and having placed him on
τά τραύματα αύτοΰ, έπιχέων Ιλαιον his OWN Beast, brought
him to an Inn, and took
the wounds of him, pouring on o i l care of him.
κάΙ olvov έπιβιβάσας δέ αυτόν έπΐ τό ϊδιον 35 And on the NEXT
DAY, having taken out Two
κτήνος ήγαγεν αυτόν είς πανδοχείον, καΐDenarii, he gave them to
beast led him to an inn, and the INNKEEPER, and said,
έπεμελήθη αύτοϋ. ^ΚαΙ ejd, τήν αυριον *[έ|- 'Take care of him, and
ho took care of him. And on the next day [having whatever thou mayest ex-
ελθών] έκβαλών δύο δηνάρια βδωκε pend more, I, a t my RE-
τφ πανδοχεί, καΐ είπεν *[αύτφ·] Έπιμε- TURN, will pay thee.'
to the Innkeeper, and said [to him:] Take
λήθητι αύτοΰ· καΐ 8, τι &ν προσδαπανή- • 36 Now which of These
CHI*O Ο Ι Π 1 ΓΏ ΐ £113.(1 W113. t GV0Γ i h O l l Ulfl.y©St GXjpODCl THREE, thinkest thou, was
σ-ης, έγώ, έν τφ έπανέρχεσθαί με, αποδώσω Neighbor to HIM who FELL,
more, 36 I, in the return me, I w i l l pay
σοι. ΤΙς *[οδν] τούτων τών τριών πλη- among the ROBBERS ?'·
to thee. Which [then] of them of the three a
37 And HE said, "He
σίον δοκεϊ σοι γεγονέναι του έμπεσόν- Who MANIFESTED PITY
jjg'jgjijjQf s e e m s t o the© to xi&ve boon t o tlio li&vlii£
towards him." And JESUS
τος εις τους ληστάς; Ό δέ είπεν *Ο
"£ &* 1 lVATICAN
e u Λ m ou{y M tA h
N UeSrobbers?
C R I P T . — 3 0 . HAnd—omit.
e &ou sst i ά.*32.U 6having come—omit. 35. having
come out—omit. 35. to him—omit. 3 6. then—omit.
t 2 7. Lev. τό18.
xix. έλεοςi 28.μετ' αύτοϋ.5 ;Είπε
Lev. xviii. δέ2 9 ; Ezek. xx. 1 1 ; x i i i . 21;
Neh. ix.
a v i n g xshown
. 5 . $the2 9 .p iLuke
t y t oxvi.
w a r d15.
s him t . 33. SJohn
a i d iv.
Chap. 10:38.] LUKE. [Chap. 1 1 : 4 .
αΰτφ 6 Ίησοΰς· Πορεύον, καΐ συ ποίει said to him, "Go, and do
to him the Jesus: Go, and thou d o j thou in like manner.'*
ομοίως. I
in like manner. 38 Now as they WENT
38 on, he entered a certain
*[Έγένετο] δέ έν τφ πορεύεσθαι αυτούς, Village; and a certain
CIt happened] and in the to go them, Woman, named §Martha,
*ΓκαΙ] αυτός βίσήλθεν εις κώμην τινά* γυ- entertained him.
[nnd] he entered into a village certain a
νή δέ τις ονόματι Μάρθα, ύπεδέξατο called 39 And SHE had a Sister
Mary, who also, §sit- &nd certain, t o ft n&mo M.&rtli&·8β received
αυτόν, *ΓεΙς τόν οίκον αυτής.] ΚαΙ τηδε LORD,atheard ting *the FEET of the
his WORD.
him, [into the house of herself.] And toner
ήν αδελφή καλούμενη Μαρία, Ι\ καΐ 40 But MARTHA was
was a sister having been cal led Mary, who and perplexed with Much Serv-
παρακαθίσασα παρά τους πόδας του Ίησοϋ, ing ; and coming near, she
having sat at the feet of the Jesus, said, "Master, dost thou
η"κουε τόν λόγον αύτοΰ. Ή δέ Μάρθα περιε- not care That my SISTER
has left Me to serve alone?
hcard the word of him. The but Martha was- Tell her, then, to assist
σπάτο περί πολλήν διακονίαν έπιστασα
over-busied about much serving; having come near me."
δέ είπε· Κύριε, ού μέλλει σοι, δτι ή αδελφή 41 And *the LORD
and said: O lord, not concerns thee, that the sister
μου μόνην με κατέλιπε διακονείν; είπε οΰν answering, said to her,
"Martha, Martha, thou
αύτχί, ίνα μοι συναντιλάβηται. ^'Αποκρι- art anxious, and troublest
to her, that to me she may give aid. Answer-
θείς δέ είπεν αύτη ό Ίησοΰς· Μάρθα, Μάρ- thyself about many things 5
ing and said to her the Jesus: Martha, Mar-
θα, μεριμνάς καΐ τυρβάΕη περί πολ- 42 but *of few things,
tha, thou art anxious and troubled about many
ένός δέέστι χρεία. Μαρία δέ τήν or of one, is there Need;
and Mary has chosen the
άγαθήν μερίδα έξελέξατό, ^τ^ςούκ άφαιρε- GOOD Part, which shall
good part has chosen, which not shall be not be taken? away from
θήσεται άπ' αύτης,.
taken away from her.
ΚΕΦ. ι α \ 11.
ΚαΙ έγένετο έν τφ είναι αυτόν έν τόπω 1 And it occurred, as he
And i t happened in the to be him In a place was PRAYING in a certain
τινί προσευχόμενον, ώς έπαύσατο, είπε τις Place, when he ceased, one
certain praying, when he ceased, said one of his DISCIPLES said to
των μαθητών αύτου προς αυτόν Κύριε, δίδα- him, "Master, teach us to
of the disciples of him to him; θ lord, teach pray, even as John taught
ξον ημάς προσεύχεσθαι, καθώς καΐ 'Ιωάννης his DISCIPLES.^
us to pray, as even John
2 And he said to them,
έδίδαξε τους μαθητάς αύτοΰ. 2ΕΙπε δέ αύ- "When you pray say, §O
taught the disciples of himself. He said and to Father, Revered be thy
τοις· "Οταν προσεύχησθε, λέγετε· Πατήρ, NAME come;
! let Thy KINGDOM
them; When you pray, say: θ Father,
άγιασθήτω τό δνομά σου· έλθέτω σου ή 3 give us DAY BY DAY
DG uft 11 ο w 6u8 tuO n&rxi β ox tbeOy l o t com © ο ι thee the O u r NECESSARY FOOD ;
βασιλεία* τόν δρτον ημών τόν έπιούσιον 61-
kingdom; the bread of us' the
necessary give4 and forgive us our
δου ήμίν τό καθ' ή μ έ ρ α ν ΚαΙ αφες ήμίν
thou to us the every day; S I N S ; for we ourselves
And forgive to us
τάς αμαρτίας ημών, καΐ γάρ αυτοί άφίε- is indebted forgive every one who
the sins of us, even for ourselves
to u s ; and
for- abandon us not to Trial."
μεν παντί όφείλοντι ήμ£ν· καΐ μή είσενέγ-
give all owing us; and not thou mayest
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—38. It happened—omit. 38. and—omit. 38. into her
house—omit. 39. the FEBT of the LORD. 41. the LORD answering. 42. of few things,
or of one, is there Need; and.
t 38. John xi. 1 ; xii. 2, 3. $ 3 9 . Luke viii. 3 5 ; Acts xxii. 3. t 2. Matt. vi. 9.
Chap. 11:5.] LUKE. [Chap. 11:14.
κχΐς ημάς ε'ις πειρασμόν. 6 ΚαΙ είπε προς 5 And he said to them,
lead us into temptation. And he said to "Which of you shall have
αυτούς* Tic έξ υμών δξει φ'ιλον, καΐ a Friend, and shall go to
them; Which of you shall have a friend, and him at Midnight, and say
πορεύσεται προς αυτόν μεσονυκτίου, καΐ ειπχι to him, 'Friend, lend me
shall go to him at midnight, and say Three Loaves;
αΰτφ* Φίλε, χρήσόν μοι τρεις άρτους* 6 for a Friend of mine
to him; O friend, lend to me three loaves;
β has come to me out of his
έπειδή φίλος μου παρεγένετο έξ όδοΰ Road, and I have nothing
because a friend of me has come from way to place before him.
προς με, καΐ ούκ 8χω δ παρατήσω αύ-
to m e , and not I have what I shall set for 7 And he answering
τφ· 7κάκείνος έ\ποθεν αποκριθείς εϊπχι* from within should say,
him; And he from within answering should say; 'Do not trouble me; the
No DOOR is now closed, and
Μή μοι κόπους πάρεχε· ήδη ή θΰρα my CHILDREN are with me
κέκλεισται, καΐ τά παιδία μου μετ' έμοϋ είς in BED; I cannot rise to
IIAS been shut» And tlio children of me with me in give thee.'
την κοίτην είσίν ού δύναμαι άναστάς δοΰ- 8 I tell you, JThough
ναΐ σοι. 8 Λέγω ύμίν, εΐ καΐ ού δώσει he will not rise and give
him because he is His
αύτφ άναστάς, διά τό είναι αύτου φίλον, Friend, yet because of his
him havlngarlsen, because the to be of him a friend, IMPORTUNITY indeed, he
διά γε την άναίδειαν αύτοΰ εγερθείς will rise and give him, as
through indeed the importunity of him arising many as he needs.
δώσει αύτφ δσων χρήζει. βΚάγώ 9 §And I say to you,
lio w i l l give to lilm AS many AS he w&nts· And I Ask, and it will be given
ύμίν λέγω· Αιτείτε, καΐ δοθήσεται ύμίν you; seek, ami you will
to you say: Ask you, and It shall be given to you; find ; knock, and it will be
ζητείτε, καΐ εύρήσετε· κρούετε,' καΐ άνοι- opened to you.
seek you, and you shall find; knock you, and it
γήσεται ύμϊν.
Π α ς γάρ ό αϊτών λαμβά- 10 For EVERY ONE who
ehall be opened to you. All for the asking re- ASKS, receives; and HE
νει· καΐ ό ζητών ευρίσκει* καΐ τφ κρουοντι who SEEKS, finds; and
άνοιγήσεται. "Τίνα δέ υμών τόν πατέρα to HIM who KNOCKS, the
It shall be op d. Which now of you the father door *is opened.
αΐτήσει ό υΙός δρτον, μή λίθον επιδώσει αύ- 11 §*And What FATHER
shall ι among you, who, if his
τφ,· fj καΐ ίχθύν, μή αντί Ιχθύος SON request Bread, will
him? or also a fish, not In place of a fish give him a Stone? or if he
δ*ςριν επιδώσει α ύ τ φ ; 3 2 ή καΐ έάν αΐτή- ask for a Fish, will in-
a serpent w i l l give to him? or also If he may stead of a Fish give him
οχ\ ώόν, μή επιδώσει αύτφ σκορπίον; a Serpent?
ωask an egg, not w i l l give to him a scorpion? 12 or also, if he should
Ε ί οίν ύμείς, πονηροί υπάρχοντες, οΐδατε
If then you, evil being, know you ask an Egg, will give him
δόματα αγαθά διδόναι τοίς τέκνοις υμών, a Scorpion?
gifts good to give to the children of you. 13 If you, then, being
πόσφ μάλλον 6 Πατήρ, ό έξ ούρανοΰ, Evil, know how to impart
how much more the Father that of heaven, good Gifts to your CHIL-
δώσει πνεύμα δγιον τοϊς αΐ,τούσιν DREN, how much more
will the FATHER, THAT of
•will give a spirit holy to those asking HEAVEN, give holy Spirit
htm? to THOSE who ASK him?"
Kal fiv έκβάλλων δαιμόνιον, καΐ αυτό 14 $And he was casting
And he was casting out a demon, and it out *a dumb Demon. And
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—10. is Opened. 11. If a SON ask a Fish of any one of
you that is a FATHEB, will he for a flsh give him a Serpent? 12. or also, if he ask
an Egg, will he give him a Scorpion? 14. dumb Demon. And it.
t S. Luk« xviii. 1. ί 9. Matt. vii. 7 ; xxi. 2 2 ; Mark xi. 2 4 ; John xv. 7; James
1. 6; 1 John iii. 22. % 11. Matt. vii. 9. % 14. Matt. ix. 3 2 ; xii. 2 2 .
Chap. 11:15.] LUKE. [Chap. l l r
1\v κωφόν έγένετο δέ τοΰ δαιμονίου ! it came to pass, when the
was dumb; It came to pass and of the demon DKMON had departed, the
εξελθόντος, έλάλησεν ό κωφός· καΐ έθαύ- DUMB man spoke, and the
linving come out, spake the dumb; and won- CROWDS wondered.
μασαν ol δχλοι. 15Τινές δέ έξ αυτών είπον 15 But some of them
dcrecl tliG cro^vds· Some but of them s&iu· said, "He expels DEMONS
Έν Βεελζεβούλ, άρχοντι των δαιμονίων, έκ- through Beelzebul, *the
15y Bcelzebul, a ruler of the demons, he PRINCE Of t h e DEMONS."
βάλλει τά δαιμόνια* έτεροι δέ πειράζοντες, 10 And others, §trying
σημείον παρ' αύτοϋ έζήτουν έξ ούρανοϋ. him, sought of him a Sign
a sign from him sought from heaven. from Heaven.
Αύτός δέ είδώς αυτών τά διανοήματα,
He but knowing of him the thoughts,
17 But §he knowing
Their THOUGHTS, said to
είπεν αύτοίς· Πασά βασιλεία, ' έφ' έαυτήν them, "Every Kingdom
being divided against itself
διαμερισθείσα, έρημοΰται, καΐ is* desolated; and House
falls against House.
οίκος έπΐ οίκον πίπτει. 18ΕΙ δέ καΐ ό Σατα- 18 And if the ADVER-
νας έφ' εαυτόν διεμερίσθη, πώς στα- SARY also is divided against
sary against himself has been divided, how shall himself, how shall his
θήσεται ή βασιλεία αύτοΰ; δτι λέγετε, έν KINGDOM stand? Because
stand the kingdom of him? for you say, by
you say that I expel DE-
Βεελξεβούλ έκβάλλειν με τά δαιμόνια. 19Et δέ MONS through Beelzebul.
J$©elz©t)iil t o c&.st out xxiΘ th© demons· If but
έγώ έν Βεελζεβούλ έκβάλλω τά δαιμόνια, ot Beelzebul 19 Besides, if I through
expel DEMONS,
vloi υμών έν τίνι έκβάλλουσι; Διά τοΰτο by cast
whom do your SONS
them out? Therefore,
sons of you by w h o m do they cast out? Through this they will be your JUDGES.
κοιταΐ υμών αυτοί Ισονται. 20Et δέ έν δακτύλω
judges of you they shall be. If but by a finger* 20 But if §by a Finger
of God I cast out the DE-
Θεοϋ έκδάλλω τά δαιμόνια, δρα Ιφθα- MONS, fthen God's ROYAL
σεν έφ' ύμας ή βασιλεία τοΰ θεοΰ. MAJESTY has unexpected-
come upon you the royal majesty of the God.
^^Οταν ό Ισχυρός καθωπλισμένος φυλάσ- ly come to you.
When the strong one having been armed should
21 §When the STRONG
σχι τήν έαυτοΰ αυλή ν, έν εΙρήνη έστι one armed guards H I S
he guard the of himself 22 a palace, in peace are Palace, his POSSESSIONS
τά υπάρχοντα αύτοΰ· έπάν δέ ό Ισχυρότε- are in Safety;
the possessions of him; as soon as but the stronger
<?ος αύτοΰ έπελθών νικήση 22 but whenever one
αυτόν, •stronger
of him having entered should overcome him,
than he, having
entered should overcome
τήν πανοπλίαν αύτοΰ αίρει, έφ* fi him, he takes away tne
the arms of him takes away, in which ARMS in which he confided,
έπεποίθει, καΐ τά σκΰλα ούτοΰ διαδίδακτιν. and distributes his SPOILS,
he had confided,, and the spoils of him distributed.
sa 23 H E who is not with
*O μη ων μετ' έμοΰ, κατ' έμοΰ έστι· me, is against me; and HE
£to not being with me» tiguiiist me is; who GATHERS not with
«αϊ ό μή συνάγων μετ' έμοΰ, σκορπίζει. me, scatters.
^"Οταν τό άκάθαρτον %-νεΰμα έξέλθχι άπό
When the unclean s p i r i t may come out from 24 §When the IMPURE
τοΰ ανθρώπου, διέρχεται δι' άνυδρων Spirit is gone out of the
the man, passes through dry MAN, it roves through
Parched Deserts, seeking a
τόπων, ζητούν άνάπαυσιν καΐ μή εύρίσκον Place of Rest; and not
finding one, *then it says,
λέγει* Υποστρέψω ε'ις τόν οίκον μου, I will return to my HOUSE,
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 5 . the PRINCE. 22. stronger.
± 20. See Note on Matt. xii. 28.
t 16. Matt. xvi. 1. t 17. Matt. xii. 2 5 ; Mark iii. 2 4 ; John ii. 25. t 20. Exod.
Vlii. 19. t 2 1 . Matt. xii. 2 9 ; Mark iii. 27. $ 24. Matt. xii. 43.
Chap. 11:25.1 LUKK [Chap. 11; 33.
δθβν έξήλθον. ^ΚαΙ έλΟόν εύοΐαχει from -whieh I came o u t .
whence I came out. And having come It finds 25 And coming, i t finds
«τρσαρωμένον καΐ κεκοσμημένον. 2β
Τότε i t *empty, swept, a n d
llVil U6QQ SWejJ HOC h V i U £ b e 6 Q &(1θΠ1φ(1 ΤίΙΦΏ
πορεύεται καΐ παραλαμβάνει επτά έ'τερα πνεύ- 26 Then i t goes, a n d
it goes and takes with seven other spir- takes with i t Seven O t h e r
ματα πονηρότερα έαυτοΰ, καΐ είσελθόν- Spirits more wicked t h a n
itself, and entering, they
τα κατοικεί εκεί· καΐ γίνεται τά έσχα- abide t h e r e ; a n d t h e LAST
entered dwell there; and becomes the last s l a t e of t h a t MAN becomes
τα τοΰ άνθρωπου εκείνου χείρονα των πρώ- worse t h a n t h e F I R S T / '
27 And i t occurred, while
Των. 2 7 Έ γ έ ν ε τ ο δέ έν τφ λέγειν αυτόν ταϋ- he w a s speaking these
It happened and In to the to speak him these
things, a Certain Woman
τα, έπάρασά τις γυνή φωνήν έκ from t h e CROWD, raising
h e r Voice, said t o him,
τοΰ όχλου, είπεν αύτφ· Μακαριά ή κοιλία ή t"Happy is THAT WOMB
which BORE thee, a n d
βαστάσασά οε, καΐ μαστοί ους έθήλα- those B r e a s t s which thou
28 hast sucked!"
σας. Αύτός δέ είπε· Μενοΰνγε μακάριοι 28 B u t he said, §"Yes,
ol άκούοντες τόν λόγον τοϋ θεού, καΐ rHEAR a t h e r , happy THOSE w h o
t h e WORD of G O D ,
those hearing the word of the God, and
φνλάσσοντες. and keep i t ! "
29 And t h e CROWDS
Τών δέ δχλων έπαθροιζομένων, ήρξατο g a t h e r i n g about him, h e
The and crowds gathering together, he began began to say, * " T h i s GEN-
λ έ γ ε ι ν Ή γενεά αΰτη πονηρά έστι· ση- ERATION is a wicked Gen-
to say; The generation this evil Is; a eration. I t demands a
μείον επιζητεί* καΐ σημείον ού δοθήσεται S i g n ; but no Sign wall be
given it, except t h e SIGN
sign i t seeks; and a sign not shall be given of J o n a h .
αύττ), εΐ μη τό σημείον Ί ω ν ά . 3 0 Καθώς γαρ 30 $For a s * J O N A H be-
έγένετο Ί ω ν ά ς σημείον τοίς Νινευΐταις ούτος came a Sign t o t h e N I N E -
VITES, t h u s also will t h e
εσται καΐ ό υΙός τοϋ άνθρωπου τη γενεςί SON of MAN be t o t h i s
*w i l l \JQ & 1 so the sou of the m Ail to the ^enerntionGENERATION.
ταύτη. 3 1 Βασίλισσα Νότου έγερθήσεται έν τη 31 §The Queen of the
South will rise up at the,
κρίσει μετά των ανδρών της γενεάς JUDGMENT With t h e MEN
ταύτης, καΐ κατακρίνει αυτούς* οτι ήλθεν of this GENERATION, and
this, and w i l l condemn them; because she came cause them to be con-
έκ των περάτων της γης άκοϋσαι τήν demned ; Because she came
from the EXTREMITIES of
σοφίαν 2ολομώνος· καΐ ιδού, πλεϊον ΣολομΦνος the LAND to hear the WIS-
Wisdom3 2 of Solomon; and lo, a greater of Solomon hold, DOM of Solomon; and be-
ώδε. "Ανδρες Νινευΐ άναστήσονται έν τη one greater than
here. Men of Nineveh w i l l stand up i n t h e Solomon is here.
κρίσει μετά της γενεάς ταύτης, καΐ κατά- 32 The Ninevites will
UQjwi © t "W^ i t l i t Θ ^θϋθΓίΐΐοΐι 11ι ι S A n d *vr i l l stand up in the JUDGMENT
κρινοΰσιν αυτήν δτι μετενόησαν εις τό With this GENERATION
and cause it to be con-
κήρυγμα Ίωνά* και Ιδού, πλεϊον Ί ω ν α ώδε. demned ; ^Because they
preaching of Jonas; and lo, agreater of Jonas here. reformed at the WARNING
^Ουδείς δέ λύχνον δψας, είς κρύ- of Jonah ; and behold, one
ίίΟ 0I1G ftQu ft 1 & ΚΙ Ο ΙΙ&ΥΙΏ^ 1 lClltOu> Into A S©CT©t greater than Jonah is here.
πτην τίθησιν, ουδέ ΰπό τόν μόδιον, άλλ' 33 No one having lighted
Τ) 1 Acο plftCGSj neither uud©r the corn—meftsure· but a LAMP, $places it in a
Secret place, neither under
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 5 . empty, and furnished. 29. This GENERATION is a
wicked Generation. 30. Jonah.
! 27. Luke i. 28, 48. $ 28. Matt. vii. 2 1 ; Lube vifi. 2 1 ; James i. 25. ί 30. Jonnh
i. 1 7 ; ii, 10. % 31. 1 Kings x. 1. $ 32. Jonah iii. 5. % 33. Matt. v. 1 5 ; Mark
iy. 2 1 ; Luke viii. 16.
CHap. 1 1 : 3 4 . J LUKE. [CHap. 11:42.
επί την λυχνίαν, tva ol είσπορευόμενοι the CORN-MEASURE, but
on the LAMP-STAND ; that
τό φέγγος βλέπωσιν. 84*Ο λύχνος του σώματος THOSE ENTERING may see
the light may see. The lamp of the body
έστιν ό οφθαλμός* δταν *[οίν] ό οφθαλμός the34LIGHT. $The LAMP of the
is the eye; when [therefore] the eye BODY is * thine EYE ; when
σου άπλοΰς ή, καΐ 8λον τό σώμα σου thine EYE is clear, thy
of thee sound may be, also whole the body of thee Whole BODY also is enlight-
«ρωτεινόν έστιν έπάν δέ35 πονηρός ή καΐ τό ened ; but when it is dim,
σώμα σου σκοτεινό ν. Σκόπει οδν, μή τό thy BODY also is darkened.
body of thee darkened. Take heed therefore, not the 35 Take heed therefore,
φως τό έν σοΙ σκότος εστίν. ^Et οδν that THAT LIGHT which is
light that In thee darkness Is. If therefore in thee be not Darkness.
τό σώμα σου όλον φωτεινό ν, μή έχον 36 If, therefore, thy
the body of thee whole i s enlightened, not having
τ', μέρος σκοτεινόν, £σται φωτεινόν δλον, whole BODY be enlight-
any part dark, w i l l be enlightened whole, ened, having no Part dark,
ώς δταν ό λύχνος τη αστραπή φωτίζη the Whole will be enlight-
as when the lamp by the brightness may enlighten ened, as when the LAMP by
its BRIGHTNESS enlightens
S7 37 And while he was
'Ev δέ τφ λαλήσαι, ήρώτα αυτόν Φα- speaking a Pharisee invi-
In and the to have spoken, asked him a ted him ± to dine with him;
ϋισαίος * [τις] δπως άριστήση παρ' αύτφ. and he went in, and re-
Pharisee [certain] that he might dine with him.
Είσελθών δέ άνέπεσεν. 38*Ο δέ Φαρισαίος 38 And §the PHARISEE
Ιδών έθαύμασεν, δτι ού πρώτον έδαπτ'ι- he did not noticing it, wondered that
first ±immerse
σθη 3β
πρό του αρίστου. ΕΙπε δέ ό Κύριος before the DINNER.
dipped before' the dinner. Said and the Lord 39 §And the LORD said
to him, "Now you PHARI-
προς αυτόν Νΰνυμέίς ql Φαρισαίοι τό Ιξω- SEES cleanse the OUTSIDE
to him; Now you the Pharisees the out- of the CUP and PLATTER;
θεν του ποτηρίου καΐ του πίνακος καθα- but §your INSIDE is full of
side of the cup and <fthe platter you Extortion and Wickedness.
ρίζετε· τό δέ δσωθεν υμών γέμει αρπαγής 40 Senseless men ! did
cleanse; the but inside of you Is full of extortion
καΐ πονηρίας. *°νΑφρονες, ούχ ό ποιήσας τό not HE who MADE the
and of evil. θ unwise, not he having made the OUTSIDE make the INSIDE
Εξωθεν, καΐ τό Ισωθεν έποίησε; ^Πλήν also?
outside» Also the Ins i do made? iBut
41 $But give in Alms
τά ενόντα δότε έλεημοσύνην καΐ behold, all things are pure
the things being w i t h i n give you alms; and to you.
Ιδού, πάντα καθαρά ύμΐν έστιν. ^Άλλ' 42 §But Woe to you,
Ιο, all things clean to you is. But PHARISEES ! Because you
οΰαΐ ύμίν τοις Φαρισαίοις, δτι άποδεκατοΰτε tithe of MINT, and RUE,
woe to you the Pharisees, for you tithe and Every Pot-herb, but
τό ήδύοσμον, καΐ τό πήγανον, καΐ παν λάχα- disregard JUSTICE and the
the mint, and the rue, and every pot-
LOVE of GOD ; these things
vov καΐ παρέρχεσθε τήν κρίσιν καΐ τήν άγά-
hcrb; and you M
• VATICAN pass
A N Uby the
SCR I P T Justice andEYE.
. — 3 4 . thine the 34.
lovetherefore—omit. 37. certain—omit.
± 3 7. Perhaps, rather, " t o breakfast with him," as ariston, signifies a morning meal.
The Jews made but two meals in the day: their ariston, may be called their breakfast or
their dinner, because it was both, and was but a slight meal. Their chief meal was their
deipnon or supper, after the heat of the day was over; and the same was the principal meal
among the Greeks and Romans. Josephus, in his life, says. sec. 54. that the legal hour of
the ariston on the Sabbath was the sixth hour, or at twelve o'clock at noon, as we call it.
What the hour was on the other day of the week, he does not say; but probably it was
much the same.—Pearce. ± 3 8 . Some critics refer this to the dipping of the hands; others
to the immersion of the whole person. From Mark vii. 3, 4, it is evident, that both were
practised, as well as various other ablutions.
t 34. Matt. vi. 22. t 38. Mark vii. 3. X 39. Matt. xxii. 2 5 . % 3 9 . Titus i . 1 5 .
% 41. Isa. M i l . 7 ; Dan. iv. 2 7 ; Luke xii. 33. % 4 1 . Matt, xxiii. 23.
Chap. 11:43.] LUKE. 11:51.
πηγ τοΰ θεοΰ. Ταϋτα έδει ποιή- you ought to practise, and
of the God. These things you ought to have not to omit those.
σαι, κάκεΐνα μη άφιέναι.
COUC £111( llOSe H t tO HI i t 43 §Woe to you, PHARI-
ύμίν τοις Φαρισαίοις, 6τι αγαπάτε SEES ! Because you love
W o e to you the Pharisees, for you love the CHIEF SEAT in the
τήν πρωτοκαθεδρίαν έν ταίς συναγωγαίς, καΐ SYNAGOGUES, a n d SALU-
the first seat in the synagogues, and TATIONS in the PUBLIC
τους ασπασμούς έν ταΐς άγοραίς. 44ΟύαΙ PLACES.

ύμίν, δτι έστέ ώς τά μνημεία τά άδηλα, 44 §Woe to you! Be-

to you, for you are like the tombs those unseen, cause you are like those
καΐ ol άνθρωποι, ol περιπατοϋντες επάνω, CONCEALED TOMBS, WhlCtl
MEN WALKING over, know
ούκ οίδασιν. 4 5 Άποκρι$εΙς δέ τις των νομικών not."
not know. Answering and one of the lawyers
45 Then one of the LAW-
λέγει αύτφ· Διδάσκαλε, ταύτα λέγων YERS, answering, says to
him, "Teacher, in saying
καΐ ήμας υβρίζεις. *>Ό δέ είπε· ΚαΙ these things thou re-
Also us thou reproachest. He and said: Also proachest Us also."
νμίν τοις νομικοίς ούαί, 6τι φορτίζετε τους
to you the lawyers woe, for you load the
46 And HE said, "Woe
ανθρώπους φορτία δυσβάστακτα, και αυτοί to you, LAWYERS ! $For
men burdens oppressive, and yourselves you. impose oppressive Bur-
ένΐ των δακτύλων υμών ού προσψαύετε dens on MEN, and yet, you
with one of the fingers of you not you touch
yourselves touch not the
τοίς φορτίοις. BURDENS with one of your
the burdens. FINGERS.
*ΌύαΙ ύμΕν, δτι οίκοδομείτε τά μνημεία
Woe to you, for you build the tombs 47 $Woe to y o u ! For
τών προφητών, ol δέ πατέρες υμών άπέκτει- you build the SEPULCHRES
of the prophets, the and fathers of you killed of the PROPHETS, and you?
ναν αυτούς. ^"Αρα μαρτυρείτε καΐ συνευ- FATHERS killed them.
them. Therefore you testify and you
δοκείτε τοϊς Ιργοις τών πατέρων υμών δτι 48 Thus you testify t h a t
you approve the ACTS ot
αυτοί μέν άπέκτειναν αυτούς, ύμεΐς δέ οίκοδο- your FATHERS ; For they,
they indeed killed them, you and build indeed, killed them, and
μείτε * [αυτών τά μνημεία.] ^Διά τοΰτο καΐ you build.
[of them the tombs.] Because of this and 49 And because of this,
σοφία τοΰ θεοΰ είπεν Άποστελώ είς
the WISDOM of GOD said,
wisdom of the God said: I w i l l send * to pi will send them Pro-
αυτούς προφήτας καΐ αποστόλους, καΐ έξ
them prophets and apostles, and out of phets and Apostles, and
αυτών άποκτενοΰσι καΐ έκδιώξουσιν ^ίνα some of them they will kill
ΦΑΟm t h e y \Ϋill kill &iiu persecute^ s o tnftt
and persecute;'
έκζητηθη τό αίμα πάντων τών προφητών,
may be required the blood of all of the prophets, 50 so t h a t the BLOOD of
All the PROPHETS being
το έκχυνόμενον άπό καταβολής κόσμου,
shed from the Formation of
that being shed from a layiag
down of a world, the World, may be required
άπό της γενεάς ταύτης* άπό τοΰ αίματος
from the generation this; from the blood Of this GENERATION ,*
"Αβελ §ως τοΰ αίματος Ζαχαρίου, τοΰ
of Abel to the blood 51 from the *Blood of
of Zecharias that
άπολομένου μεταξύ τοΰ θυσιαστηρίου καΐ τοΰ Abel to the*Blood of THAT
having perished between the altar and the Zechariah, ±who will per-
οίκου. ΝαΙ λέγω ύμΐν, έκζητηθήσεται άπό ish between the ALTAR a n i
houfle. Tee I say to you, it w i l l be required from the HOUSE. Yes, I tell
της γενεάς ταύτης, you, it will be required of
the generation this. this GENERATION.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—48. Their TOMBS—omit. 51. Blood. 51. Blood.
± 51. See Note on Matt, xxiii. 35.
t 43. Matt, xxlii. 6; Mark xii. 38. 39. t 44. Matt, xxiii. 27. t 4 6 . Matt. xiii.
4. $ 47. Matt, xxlii. 29. $ 49. Matt, xxiii. 3 4 .
Chap, 11:52.] LUKE. [Chap. 12:6.
ΟύαΙ ύμίν τοίς νομικοίς, 8τι ήρατε 52 §Woe to you, LAW-
YERS ! Because you hav«
την κλείδα ^ της γνώσεως* αυτοί ουκ taken away the KEY of
KNOWLEDGE, you entered
είσήλθετε, καΐ τους εισερχόμενους έκω- not yourselves, and THOSE
you entered, and hose entering you APPROACHING, you hin-
λύσατε. ^Λέγοντος δέ αύτοΰ ταϋτα προς dered."
hindered. Saying and of him these things to
αυτούς, ήρξαντο ol γραμματείς καΐ ol Φα- 53 And * having gone
them, began the scribes and the Pha- out thence, the SCRIBES
δεινως ένεχειν, ^ καΐ άποστοματί- and PHARISEES began to
TiS be extremely angry, and to
ξειν αυτόν περί πλειόνων Μένεδρεύοντες press him to speak un-
off-hand him about many things; trying to entrap guardedly on many things;
αυτόν, *[ξητοΰντες] θηρεϋσαι έκ 54 trying to entrap him,
him, [seeking] to catch something an-d §to catch something
τοΰ στόματος αύτοϋ, Ινα κατηγορήσωσιν αύτοΰ. out of from his MOUTH, that they
the mouth of him, that they might accuse him. might accuse him.
ΚΕΦ. ι β \ 12.
Ev οίς έπισυναχθεισών των CHAPTER XII.
In those having been assembled of the
μυριάδων τοΰ δχλου, ώστε καταπατείν Αλλή- 1 At t h a t time, the
CROWD having assembled
λους, ίίρξατο λέγειν προς τους μαθητάς by TENS OF THOUSANDS,
another, he began to say * to the disciples so that they trampled on
αύτοϋ· Πρώτον προσέχετε
of himself; First take heed
έαυτοίς άπό each other, he began to say
> yourselves to his DISCIPLES, "First,
της ζύμης των Φαρισαίων, Ϋίτις εστίν ύπό- §guard yourselves against
the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypo- the LEAVEN of the PHARI-
κρισις. 2Ουδέν δέ συγκεκαλυμμένον εστίν, δ SEES, which is Hypocrisy.
2 §And there is nothing
άποκαλυφφήσεται* καΐ κρυπτόν, 8 concealed, which will not
sh&ll bo uncoverodi
3> end secret, which be discovered; and hid,
γνωσθήσεται. Avft' ών boa. Ιγ τχί σκοτι which will not be made
, dark known.
εϊπατε, έν τφ φωτΐ άκουσθήσεται· καΐ δ
you speak, in the* light shall be heard; and what 3 Therefore, what you
προς τό οδς έλαλήσατε έν τοις ταμεί,οις, κηρυ- speak in the DARK, will be
to the ear you spoke in the closets, shall heard in the LIGHT ; and
χθήσεται επί των δωμάτων. 4Λέγω δέ ύμίν what you whispered to the
be published on the house-tops. I say and to you EAR in CLOSETS, will be
τοις φίλοις μου· Μτι φοβήθηκε άπό των proclaimed on the HOUSE-
the friends of me; Not you be afraid of those TOPS.
άποκτεινόντων τό σώμα, καΐ μετά ταΰτα μή 4 §But I say to you, my
killing the body» snd after these not FRIENDS, Be not afraid of
εχόντων περισσότερόν τι ποιήσαι. Β*Υπο- THOSE Who KILL t h e B0DY,
having more a n y t h i n g t o have done. I w i l l and after this can do no
δείξω δέ ύμίν, τίνα φοβηθήτε* φοβή- more.
point out find to you, whom you should, fe&r· you 5 But I will show you
Οητε τόν μετά τό άποκτείναι, έξουσίαν whom you should fear;
should fear the after the to have killed, authority Fear HIM, who, after hav-
έχοντα έμβαλεϊν είς τήν γέενναν ναΐ λέγω ing killed, HAS Authority
to cast into GEHENNA ;yes,
ύμίν, τούτον φοβήθητε. βΟύχΙ πέντε στρουθία I tell you, Fear him.
to yoi this fear you. Not five sparrows
Λωλείται άσσαρίων δύο; καΐ ε*ν έξ αυτών sold 6 Are not Five Sparrows
are sold assaril two? and one out of them for two ±Assarii ? and
yet not one of them is for-
ούκ έ'στιν έπιλελησμένον ενώπιον τοΰ Θεοΰ. gotten before GOD.
is being forgotten in presence of the God.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—53. having gone out thence, the SCBIBBS. 54. seeking
± 6. An a*sarion was about one cent and five mills in value, or three farthings sterling.
t 52. Matt, jcrifl. 14. t 54. Mark xii. 13. % 1. Mitt. xvi. 6; Mark vii.i. 1 5 .
t 2. Mitt. x. 10; Mark iv. 2 2 ; Luke viii. 17. t 4. Matt. x. 2 8 ; Isa. 11. 7, 8, 1 2 ;
Jsr. i. 8.
Chap. 12:7.] LUKE. [Chap. 12:17.
Ά λ λ ά καΐ αϊ τρίχες της κεφαλής υμών 7 But even the HAIRS of
But also the hairs of the bead of you your HEAD have all been
πάσαι ήρίθμηνται. Μη *[οδν] φοβείστε· numbered. Fear n o t ; you
are of more value than
all have been numbered. Not [.therefore] fear you; Many Sparrows.
πολλών στρουθίων διαφέρετε. Λέγω δέ 8 $And I say to you,
ύ μ ί ν Π ά ς δς άν όμολογήστ) εν έμοί έμπρο- Whoever may acknowledge
t o you* .Δ. 11 w^lioever niiiy coiifGbs t o mo in i)i*tiS"-
me before MEN, the SON of
σθεν των άν#ρά>πων, ό υΙός του άνθρω- MAN will also acknowledge
που ομολογήσει έν αύτφ έμπροσθεν τών άγ- him in the presence of the
w i l l confess In him in presence of the mes- ANGELS of GOD.
γέλων τοϋ Θεοϋ. 9 *Ο δέ άρνησάμενός με 9 But he who has RE-
sengerf of the God. He but having denied me NOUNCED me before MEN,
ενώπιον τών ανθρώπων, άπαρνηθήσεται ένώ- wall be renounced in the
in I in presence of the ANGELS ot
πιον τών αγγέλων του θεοΰ. ΚαΙ πάς GOD.
of t h e m e s s e n g e r s o f t h e God.
presence of the messengers of the God. And
And a l l 10 §And every one who
may speak a Word against
δς έρεί λόγον εις τόν υίόν του the SON of MAN, it will be
who shall speak a word against the son of the forgiven him ; but HE who
άνθρωπου, άφεθήσεται αύτω· τώ δέ BLASPHEMES against the
man, It w i l l be forgiven to him; to the but HOLY Spirit shall not be
είς τό αγιον πνεύμα βλασφημήσαντι ουκ forgiven.
against the holy spirit having spoken evil not
Will I Η
' Ό τ α ν δέ προσφέρωσιν υμάς 11 $And when they may
επί τάς συναγωγάς καΐ τάς αρχάς καΐ τάςbring you to the SYNA-
to the synagogues and the rulers and the GOGUES, and the RULERS,
εξουσίας, μή μεριμνάτε, πώς τι άπο- and the MAGISTRATES, be
authorities, not be you anxious, how ΟΓ what you not anxious how you may
defend yourselves, or what
λογήσησϋε, ή τΐ ε'ίπητε· ^ τ ό γαρ αγιον you may s a y ;
may answer, or what you may say; the for holy
πνεϋμα διδάξει υμάς έν αύτη τχί ωρα, α 12 for the HOLY Spirit
spirit w i l l teach you in this the hour, what will instruct you, in that
δει ειπείν. HOUR, what i t is proper to
Είπέ τις αύτφ έκ του δχλου· Διδά- 13 Then one out of the
Said and one to hiir out of the crowd; θ teach- CROWD said to him, "O
σκαλε, ειπέ τ φ άδελφφ μου μερίσασθαι Teacher, speak to my
βΐ°· ερββ-ΐε t o too urother 1 4of ΪΪΙ© to uiv ι do BROTHER to divide the IN-
μετ* έμοΰ την κληρονομίαν. *Ο δέ είπεν αύ- HERITANCE with me."
with me the inheritance. He and said to 14 But HE replied to
"Ανθρωπε, τ ι ς με κατέστησε δικαστήν him, $"Man, who ap-
jl! (^ *\YlΧΪ1© £tp^Oit©(l 2 j ©
15 pointed Me a Judge or
ή μεριστήν έφ* υμάς; Είπε δέ προς αύτοΰς· Arbiter over you?"
*Οράτε καΐ φυλάσσεσθε άπό της πλεονεξίας· 15 And he said to them,
§"See, and beware of *A11
δτι ουκ έν τ φ περισσεύειν τινί ή ζωή Covetousness; for one's
because not In the t o abound anyone the life LIFE is not in the ABUN-
αύτου έστιν έκ τών υπαρχόντων αύτοΰ. DANCE of his POSSES-
Of him Is out of the possessions of him. SIONS."
ΕΙπε δέ παραβολήν προς αΰτοΰς, λ έ γ ω ν 16 And he spoke a Par-
He spoke and a parable to them, saying; able to them, saying, "The
Άνθρωπου τινός πλουσίου εΰφόρησεν ή FARM of a certain rich Man
Δ man certain rich yielded plentiful ly the produced abundantly;
χώρα. 17
ΚαΙ διελογίζετο έν έαυτφ, λέγων* 17 and hereasoned with-
farm. And he reasoned in himseTf, saying: in himself, saying, 'What

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—7. therefore—omit. 15. All Covetousness.

ί 8. Matt. x. 3 2 ; Mark viii. 3 8 ; 2 Tim. ii. 2 ; 1 John ii. 23. $ 10. Matt. xil.
3 1 , 3 2 ; Mark lii. 2 8 ; 1 John v. 16. t 11. Matt. x. 1 9 ; Mark xiii. 1 1 ; Luke
xxi. 14. $ 14. Exod. i i . 1 4 . $ 15. 1 Tim. vi. 7-19.
Chap. 12:18.] LUKE. [Chap. 12:27.
ΤΙ ποιήσω; δτι ουκ εχω ποϋ συνά- shall I do? For I have no
W h a t s h a l l I do? b e c a u s e n o t I h a v e w h e r e I w i l l place where to deposit my
ξω τους καρπούς μου. 1 8 ΚαΙ είπε· Τοΰτο FRUITS/
gather the fruits of me. And he said: This
18 And he said, «I will
ποιήσω* καθελώ μου τάς άποθήκας, καΐ do this ; I will pull down
w i l l do; I w i l l p u l l down of m e t h e barns, and
μείζονας ο'ικοδομήσω· καΐ συνάξω εκεί πάν- build Greater; and there
g r e a t e r I w i l l b u i l d ; and I w i l l c o l l e c t t h e r e a l l
I will bring together All
τα τά γενήματά μου, καΐ τά αγαθά μου* my *WHEAT and my GOOD
the products of me, and. the fruits of me; things ;
κα1 έρώ τη ψυχή μου· Ψυχή, δχεις 19 and I will say to MY-
and I w i l l say to the soul of me; Soul, thou hast
SELF, -Life ! thou hast an
πολλά αγαθά κείμενα εις £τη πολλά* Abundance of Good things
many good things being laid up for years many;
laid up for many Years;
άναπαύου, φάγε, πίε, εύφραίνου. 2 0 ΕΙπε δε $rest, eat, drink, and en-
joy thyself.'
αύτφ 6 Θεός* "Αφρων, ταύτη τη νυκτΐ την 20 But GOD said to him,
to him the God; O unwise, this* the night the
'Foolish man ! This NIGHT
•ψυχήν άπαιτοΰσιν άπό σοΰ* α δέ they will demand $thy
life o they require from thee; what and
LIFE from thee ; $and who
ήτοίμασας, τίνι δσται; 2 1 Ουτως ό
then will possess what
thou bast prepared, for whom shall be? Thus he thou hast provided?'
θησαυρίζων έαυτφ, καΐ μή εΙς Θεόν 21 Thus is HE who
πλούτων. 22ΕΙπε δ έ προς τους μαθητάς αύ- AMASSES TREASURE f o r
being rich. He said and to the disciples of himself, and it not Jrich
του* Δια τοΰτο ύμίν λέγω, μή μεριμνα- with respect to God."
hiraself; Through t h i s to you I say, not be you 22 And he said to *the
τε •us τΐίf o rψυχή υμών, τΐ φάγητε* μηδέ
the l i f e o f you, w h a t you m a y eat; nor
DISCIPLES, "For this rea-
son I charge you, Be not
φ σώματι, τΐ ένδύσησθε. ^ Ή -ψυχή anxious about *your LIFE,
or the body, what y o u m a y p u t o n . T h e l i f e
what you shall eat, nor for
πλεΐόν έστι της τροφής· καΐ τό σώμα τοΰ *the BODY, what you shall
greater i t Is of the food; and the body of the
24 put on.
ενδύματος. Κατανοήσατε τους κόρακας, δτι 23 *For the LIFE is of
clothing. Observe you tlie ravens· that more value than FOOD, and
the BODY than RAIMENT.
ο*) σπείρουσιν, ουδέ θερίζουσιν οίς ουκ 24 Observe the RAVENS ;
For they neither sow nor
έΌ*τι ταμείον, ουδέ αποθήκη* καΐ 6 Θεός r e a p ; have no Storehouse
is a store-house, nor a barn; and the God nor Granary; but Go >
τρέφει αυτούς. Πόσω μάλλον ύμείς δια- feeds them. How much
feeds them. How much more you are more valuable are you
φέρετε των πετεινών; ^ Τ Ι ς έξ υμών μερι-
valuable of the birds? Which and of you being than the BIRDS !
μνών δύναται προσθείναι επί τήν ήλικ'ιαν 25 And which of you, by
anxious is able to add to the age being anxious can prolong
αύτου πήχυν §να; 2 e Ei οδν ούτε έλάχι- his LIFE ±one Moment?
of himself span one? If then not even least 26 If, then, you are not
exov δύνασθε, τΐ περί των λοιπών able to do the least, why
you are able w h y about the remaining ones are you anxious about the
μεριμνάτε; Κατανοήσατε τά κρίνα, πώς 27 Observe the LILIES !
aro you anxious? O b s e r v e you t h e l i l i e s , h o w How do they grow? They
αυξάνει· ού κοπιφ, ουδέ νήθει. Λέγω δέ neither labor nor spin ; and
it grows; not i t labors, nor i t spins. I say but yet I say to you, that not

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 8 . WHEAT and. 22. the DISCIPLES. 22. the L I F E .

22. your BODY. 23. For the L I F E .
± 2 3 . Literally, to add a cubit or span to one's life. The phrase of adding a cubit was
proverbial, denoting something minute. The Psalmist wrote—"Lord, let me know the
measure of my days. . . . Thou has made my days hand-breadths.'* To add a cubit to one's
stature would be an extraordinary accession of height.
t 19. Ercl. xi. 9 ; 1 Cor. xv. 3 2 ; James v. 5. i 20. Job xx. 2 2 ; xxvii. 8 ; Psa. l i i .
7; James iv. 14. t 20. Psa. xxxix 6 ; Jer. xvii. 11. t 2 1 . Matt. vi. 2 0 ; ver. 3 3 ;
1 Tim. vi. 15, 1 9 ; James ii. 5.
Chap, 12:28.] LUKE. [Chtip. 12:37.
ΰμίν, ουδέ Σολομών έν πάσχι τχ\ δόξχ] even Solomon in All his
SPLENDOR, was arrayed
αύτοΰ περιεβάλετο ώς έ*ν τούτων. Εί δε like one of these.
of himself was clothed like one of these. If and 28 If, then, GOD SO dec-
τόν χόρτον έν τφ άγρφ, σήμερον δντα και orate the HERB of the
the grass in the field, to-day existing and FIELD, (which flourishes
αυριον εις κλίβανον βαλλόμενον, ό θεός To-day, and To-morrow
tο~morrοτί^ into 210 oven Is uGiuij c&stj txie dod will be cast into a Fur-
ούτως άμφιέννυσι, πόσφ μάλλον υμάς, όλι- nace,) how much more
you, Ο you distrustful!
γόπιστοι; ΚαΙ ύμείς μη ζητείτε, τΐ φά-
of weak faith? And you not seek, what you 29 And seek you not
γητε ή τΐ π'ιητε· καΐ μη μετεωρί- what you shall eat, *and
xnayeat or what youmaydrlnk; and not be you in what you shall drink ; and
ζεσθε. Ταΰτα γαρ πάντα τά £θνη τοΰ be not in restless suspense.
anxiety. These for a l l the nations of the
κόσμου επιζητεί· υμών δέ ό Πατήρ οίδεν, 30 For all these things
world seeks; of you and the Father knows, do the NATIONS of the
δτι χρήζετε τούτων. 3 1 Πλήν ζητείτε την WORLD seek; and Your
that you have need of these. But seek you the FATHER knows That you
βασιλείαν τοϋ θεοΰ, καΐ ταΰτα * [πάντα] need them.
kigdm of tho G d &zi( these t&ll
Λροστεθήσεται ύμΐν. 31 ±But seek *his KING-
shall be superadded to you. DOM ; and these shall be
Μή φοβοΰ, τό μικρόν ποίμνιον δτι εύδό- superadded to you.

32 Fear not, LITTLE

κησεν ό Πατήρ τήρ υμών δούναι ύμίν τήν βασι- Flock ; $For it has pleased
l d t h Father
t h f t i t th ki
your FATHER to give you
λείαν. 83 Πωλήσατε τά υπάρχοντα υμών, καΐ the KINGDOM.
dom. Sell you the possessions of you, and
δότε έλεημοσύνην. Ποιήσατε έαυτοΐς βαλλάν- 33 Sell your POSSES-
SIONS, and givo Alms;
τια μή παλαιούμενα, Φησαυρόν άνέκλειπτον έν $make for yourselves Pur-
not growing old, a treasure exhaustless in
ses which grow not old, an
τοίς ούρανοίς, δπου κλέπτης ούκ εγγίζει, unfailing Treasure in the
the heavens, where a thief not approaches, HEAVENS, where no Thief
ουδέ σης διαφθείρει. 34"Οπου γάρ έστιν ό approaches, nor Moth de-
nor moth destroys. Where for Is the stroys.
θησαυρός υμών, εκεί καΐ ή καρδία υμών
treasure of you, there also the heart of you 34 For where your
έίσται. TREASURE is, there your
W i l l be. HEART will also be.
^"Εστωσαν υμών αϊ όσφύες περιεζωσμέ- 35 §Stand with Your
LOINS girded, and $the
*ναι, καΐ ot λύχνοι καιόμενοι· 3βκα1 ύμείς LAMPS burning;
girded, and the lamps burning; and you
36 and be you like Men
δμοιοι άνθρώποις προσδεχομένοις τόν κύριον waiting for their MASTER,
when he will return from
εαυτών, πότε αναλύσει έκ τών γά- the NUPTIAL FEASTS ; that
when he comes and knocks,
μων ίνα έλθόνΐος καΐ κρούσαντος, they may instantly open to
Tiage feasts; that having come and having knocked, him.
ευθέως άνο'ιξωσιν αύτφ. Μακάριοι
Immediately i t may be opened to him. Blessed 37 $Happy are those
ot δούλοι εκείνοι, ους έλθών 6 κύριος SERVANTS, whom, when
the slaves those, whom having come the lord their MASTER arrives, he
εύρήσει γρηγοροΰντας* αμήν λέγω ύμίν, δτι shall find watching ! I as-
shall find watching; indeed I say to you, that
περιζώσεται, καΐ άνακλινεί sure you, That he will gird
be w i l l gird himself, and w i l l make to recline himself, and cause them to
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 9 . and. 31. his KINGDOM; and these. 31. all—omit.
t 31. Matt. vi. 33. t 32. Matt. xi. 25, 26. 1 33. Matt. vl. 2 0 ; Luke xvi. 9 ; 1
Tim. vl. 19. t 35. Eph. vl. 1 4 ; 1 Pet. i. 13. * 35. Matt. xxi. 1, etc. * 37. Matt,
xxiv. 46.
Chap. 12? 38.] LUKE. [Chap. 12:46.
α υ τ ο ύ ς , καΐ τ α ρ ε λ θ ώ ν διακονήσει recline, and going forth he
them, and going forth he w i l l m i n i s t e r t o them. will serve inera.
Kai έάν έ'λθτι tv tfj δευτέρα * [φυλακή,] 38 And if he should
And if he may come in the second come in the SECOND, or
και έν τγ\ τρίτη φυλακή *[έ'λθτ],] in the THIRD Watch, and
and in the third watch Lmay come,] and thus find them, happy are
εδρη οΰταν μακάριοι εισιν ol δοϋλοι έκεί- they !
may*find thus; blessed are the slaves those.
νοι. '10Τοϋτο δέ γινώσκετε, δτι, ε'ι η"δει 39 $Now you know this,
This and know sou, *hat, if had known the bad known at What Hour
οίκοδεσπότης, ποία ώρα & κλέπτης έρχεται, the THIEF would come, he
έγρηγόοησεν αν, καΐ ούκ δν άφήκε διορυ- would have watched, and
ho w o u l d watch, and a o t w o u l d a l l o w t o d i g
not have permitted him to
γήναι τον οίκον αύτοΰ - 4 0 ΚαΙ ύμεις * [οδν] break into his HOUSE.
through the house of himself. And jou [theroforel
40 | B e you also pre-
γίνεσθε έτοιμοι* δτι χι δρα ού δο- pared ; For at an Hour
ΟΘ prepared; because, in the hour not you you Think not. the SON of
ίίεί,τε, ό υΙός τοΰ άνθρωπου άρχεται. MAN comes."
41 Then PETER said,
«Είπε δέ *[αύτφ] ό Πέτρος· Κύριε, προς "Master, dost thou speak
Said nnd Lto aim] the Peter: θ lord, 4 to t h i s PARABLE tO US, ΟΓ
ημάς την aaρa6oλήv ταύτην λέγεις, η καΐ even to all?"
us the parable this thou eayest, or also
προς πάντας; 42 And the LORD said.
to all? t"Who then is *the
*2ΕΙπε δέ ό Κύριος· ΤΙ ς δρα έστιν ό FAITHFUL, the WISE Stew-
Said and the Lord; Who then is the ard, whom the LORD will
πιατός οικονόμος καΐ φρόνιμος, δν κατα- appoint over his DOMES-
faithful steward, and wise, whom w i l l TICS, to DISPENSE the
στήσει ό κύριος έπΙ της θεραπείας αύτοΰ * proper allowance of food
Appoint the lord over the domestics of himself in its Season?
τοΰ διδόναι έν καιρφ τό σιτομέτριον; ^Μα- 43 Happy that SERVANT.
whom his MASTER, at his
κάριος 6 δοΰλος εκείνος, δν έλθών ό arrival, shall find thus em-
κύριος αύτοϋ εΰρήσει ποιοΰντα ούτως, ployed •
lord of him w i l l nnd thus. 44 $1 tell you truly,
4 doing
* 'Αληθώς λέγω ύμΐν, δτι έπΙ πασι τοίς That be will appoint him
over ALL his PROPERTY.
ΰπάρχουσιν αύτοΰ καταστήσει αυτόν. Έ ά ν
b e l o n g i n g of h i m s e l f he w i l l appoint h i m . I t 45 But if that SERVANT
should say in his HEART,
δέ «ιπγι ό δοΰλος εκείνος έν τη καρδία 'My MASTER delays to
αύτοΰ· Χρονίζει ό κύριος μου ερχεσθαι· καΐ come;' and shall begin
of himself; Delays the lord of me to come; and to beat the SERVANTS and
άρξηται τύπτειν τους παϊδας καΐ τάς παι- the MATDENS, and to eat
shall begin to strike the servants and the" maid- and drink and be drunk;
δίσκας, έσθίειν τε καΐ πίνειν καΐ μεθύσκε-
ens, to eat and also to drink and to be drunk- 46 the MASTER of that
ό κύριος τοΰ δούλου εκείνου SERVANT will come in a

σθαι· ηξει
en; w i l l come the lord the slave that Day when he does not
έν ήμερα, f| ού προσδοκςί, καΐ έν <?>ρα expect him, and at an
in a day, to which not he looks, and in an hour Hour of which he is not
fi ού γινώσκει* «αϊ διχοτομήσει αυτόν, aware, $and will cut him
which not he knows; and shall cut asunder him, off. and will appoint his
καΐ τδ μέρος αύτοΰ μετά των απίστων θή- PORTION with the UNBE-
and the part of h i m w i t h the unbelievers w i l l LIEVERS.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—38. t h e y . 38. Watch—omit. 38. may come—omit.

40. therefore—omit. 41. to him—omit. 42. the FAITHFUL Steward, the WISE, whom.
42. portion of food in.
t 39. Matt. xxlv. 4 3 ; 1 Thess. v. 2 ; Rev. iii. 3 ; xvi. 15. t 40. Mark xiii.
33; Luke xx\. 34. ! 42. Matt. xxiv. 4 5 : xxv. 21. % 44. Matt. xxiv. 4 7 . X 4 6 .
Num. xv. 3 0 ; Matt. xxiv. 5 1 .
Chap. 12:47.] LUKE. [Chap. 12:55.

σει. Έκείνος δε ό δοΰλος ό γνούς 47 And §THAT SER-
T)lftc0· Tliiit &iicl til θ sl*iv© ivho hjivliiu ku^^vii VANT, who knew the WILL
τ6 Φέλιιμα τοϋ κυρίου έαυτοΰ, και μη of his MASTER, and was
the will of the lord of himself, and not not prepared, nor did ac-
έτοιμάσας, μηδέ ποιήσας προς cording to his WILL, he
having prepared, neither having done according shall be beaten with many
τό θέλημα αύτοΰ, δαρήσεται πολλάς· 48 ό stripes ;
to the will of bim shall be beaten many; he
48 ihut HE who KNEW
δέ μη γνούς, ποιήσας δέ άξια πλη- not, and did things worthy
but not ii&vixtj^ known* licivini^ done mid deserving of of Stripes, shall be beaten
γών δαρήσεται ολίγας. Π αντί δέ ω with few. And from any
s t r i p e s s h a l l b e b e a t e n f e w . To a l l a n d t o w h o m one to whom much is given
εδόθη πολύ, πολύ ζητηθήσεται παρ' αΰτοϋ· much will be required;
ι *3 %ζ i ν e n
ΪΪΪ χχ c ο y
ΧΪΙ u cο ^ ν i l l b e ι* β
Q U i r c d f r oin n ι m i\
and from him with whom
καΐ φ παρέθεντο πολύ, περισσότερον much has been deposited,
And to wlioin they IJHV© entrusted muchj nxore they will exact the more.
αίτήσο^σιν αυτόν,
they w i l l ask h i m . 49 I came to throw Fire
Πϋρ ήλθον βαλείν εις την γ ή ν καΐ τΐ on the LAND ; and what
Fire I came to throw into the earth; and what do I wish,—if it were
Β0 already kindled?
θέλίο, εί ήδη άνήφθη. Βάπτισμα 50 But I have an Im-
do I wish, if already i t were kindled. A dipping mersion $to undergo; and
δέ £χω 6απτισΰηναι· καΐ πώς συνέχομαι, how am I pressed, till it
έΌος Iού li£iνe τελεσϋη.
t o t o e t l i p p e u jΒ°\
&nd ho\y I &m pressed^ may be consummated.
till may be finished. Δοκείτε, δτι ε'ιρήνην
" Do you think, that peace 51 $Do you imagine
παρεγενόμην δοϋναι έν τη γη; Ουχί, λέγω That I am come to give
I came to give in the earth? No, I say Peace in the LAND? I tell
ΰμίν, άλλ' ί^ διαμερισμόν. Β2 'Έσονται γαρ you, No ; but rather Divi-
to you, but rather division. Shall be for sion.
από του νϋν .πέντε έν ο'ίκφ ένΐ διαμεμερι- 52 For from this TIME,
from the now five in a house one having been five in *One Plouse will
σμ,ένοι, τρεις επί δυσί, καΐ δύο έπι be divided ; three against
di two, and two against
τρισί. ^Διαμερισϋήσεται πατήρ έφ' υΐφ, t h r e e ; —
three. Will be divided a father against a son, 53 §a Father against a
καΐ υΙός επί πατρί· μήτηρ επί Son, and a Son against a
And a son against a father; a mother against F a t h e r ; a Mother against
Ουγατρί, καΐ θυγάτηρ έπι μητρ'ι· *the DAUGHTER, and a
a daughter, and a daughter against a mother; Daughter against ""the
πενθερά επί την νύμφην αύ- MOTHER ; a Mother-in-law
A m Ο t ίΐ θ 1* ·~ 1D •" 1ft*VS^ ft^clinst tJtlO & OflU^llt6I***lQ^lft^C^ ΟΙ against her DAUGHTER-IN-
της, καΐ νύμφη επί την πεν- LAW, and a Daughter-in-
herself, and a daughter-in-law against the moth- law against her MOTHER-
θεράν αυτής. IN-LAW."
of herself. 54 And he said also to
"Ελεγε δέ και τοις δχλοις· "Οταν ίδητε
He said and also to the crowds: When you see the CROWDS, i"When you
τήν νεφέλην άνατέλλουσαν άπό δυσμών, εύθέ- see t * a Cloud rising from
the cloud rising from west, imme- the West, you immediate-
(ος λέγετε· "Ομβρος έρχεται* καΐ γίνεται ly say, Ά shower is com-
ing ;' and so it happens.
65 55 And when ±the South
ουτω. ΚαΙ δταν νότον πνέοντα, λέγετε·
wind is blowing, you say,
so. And when south wind Is blowing, you say:
εσται* καΐ γίνεται. Ύ - 'There will be scorching
*Ότι καύσων
That burning heat shall be; and i t happens. 0 H e a t ; ' and it occurs.
* VATICAN MANUSCKIPT.—52. One House. 53. the DAUGHTBB. 53. the MOTHER.
54. a Cloud.
± 5 4 . The westerly winds in the Holy Land are still generally attended with rain,
whilst the easterly winds are usually dry. ± 5 5 . Le Bruyn tells us, there blew when he
was at Bama, a south-east wind, which coming from the desert beyond Jordan, caused a
great heat, and that it continued some days.—Harmer.
t 4 7. Deut. xxv. 2 ; James iv. 17. ί 48. Lev. v. 1 7 ; 1 Tim. i . 1 3 . t 5 0 .
Mark x . 3 8 . % 5 1 . Matt. x . 3 4 . % 53. Micah vii. 6. % 54. Matt. xvi. 2.
Chap. 12:56.] LUKE. [Chap. 13:6.
ποκριταί, τό πρόσωπον της γης καΐ τοϋ 56 Ο Hypocrites! you
hypocrites, the face of the earth and of the know how to scan the PACE
ούρανοϋ οϊδατε δοκιμάζειν τόν δέ καιρόν of the EAitTH and of the
SKY ; but how is it, you
τοΰτον πώς ού δοκιμάζετε; Β 7 ΤΙ δέ καΐ •cannot discern this TIME ?
this how not do you discern? Why and even
άψ' kavxGiv ού κρίνετε τό δίκαιον; Β8
Ώς 57 And why do you not,
of yourselves not Judge you the right? When even of yourselves, judge
what is RIGHT?
γαρ υπάγεις μετά τοϋ αντιδίκου σου έπ'
58 $When thou goest
δρχοντα, εν τι) όδφ δός έργασίαν άπηλ- with thy LEGAL OPPONENT
to a Magistrate, on the
λάχθαι άπ' αύτοΰ* μτιποτε κατασύρχ] σε ROAD labor to be released
προς τόν κριτήν, καΐ 6 κριτής σε παραδώ from him, lest he drag
to tli© judsG Hud t h e iudsβ the© ni£iy dti 1 i v e r thee to the JUDGE, and the
JUDGE deliver Thee to the
τφ πράκτορι, καΐ ό πράκτωρ σέ βάλτ] εις OFFICER, and the OFFICER
ςρυλακήν. ε0Αέγα> σοι, ού μή έξέλ- cast Thee into Prison.
prison. I say to thee, not not thou mayest come
θτ)ς εκείθεν, έως ol· καΐ τό έΌχατον λεπτόν 59 I tell thee, thou wilt
out thence, till even the last lepton by no means be released
άποδφς. till thou hast paid even
thou hast paid.
the LAST tLepton."

ΚΕΦ. ι γ \ 1 3 . CHAPTER XIII.

Παρησαν δέ τίνες έν αύτφ τφ καιρφ, 1 And some were present
at That PERIOD, informing
άπαγγέλλοντες αύτφ περί των Γαλιλαίων, him concerning the GALI-
ών τό αίμα Πιλάτος Ιμιξε μετά των Pilate mingled with their
of whom the blood Pilate mingled with the SACRIFICES.
2 And *he answering
θυσιών αυτών. ΚαΙ αποκριθείς ό Ίησοΰς said to them, "Do you
think That those GALI-
είπεν αύτοίς* Δοκείτε, δτι ol Γαλιλαίοι LEANS were the greatest
οδτοι αμαρτωλοί παρά πάντας τους Γαλιλαίους Transgressors in all GALI-
these sinners above a l l " the Galileans LEE, Because they suffered
έγένοντο, δτι τοιαύτα πεπόνβασιν; Such things?
were. because such things they have suffered? 3 I tell you, No; but,
Ούχ'ι, λέγω ύμϊν άλλ' έάν μή μετανοήτε, unless you reform, you
No, I say to you; but except you reform,
4> will all in like manner be
πάντες ωσαύτως άπολείσθε. Ή εκείνοι destroyed.
fill in like manner y o uw i l l p e r i s h . Or those
4 Or, Those EIGHTEEN,
ol δέκα καΐ οκτώ, έ φ ' οίίς ^πεσεν ό πύργος on whom tthe TOWER in
SILOAM fell, and killed
έν τφ Σιλωάμ, καΐ άπέκτεινεν αυτούς, δοκείτε them, do you imagine they
in t h e Silο&ϊϊϊ^ .And trilled them^ suppose you( were greater Offenders
δτι ούτοι οφείλεται έγένοντο παρά πάντας than All THOSE MEN who
that they offenders were above all DWELL in Jerusalem?
ανθρώπους τους κατοικοΰντας έν Ιερουσαλήμ; 5 I tell you, No; but,
men those dwelling in Jerusalem? unless you reform, you
Ούχ'ι, λέγω ύμίν άλλ' έάν μή μετανοητε, will all in like manner be
πάντες ομοίως άπολείσθε. β "Ελεγε δέ destroyed."
all in ltl ~- 6 And he spoke This
* VATICAN MANUSCPIPT — 5 6 . cannot. 2. he answering,
Chap. 13:7.] LUKE. [Chap. 13:15.
ταύτην την παραβολήν Συκήν είχε τις έν PARABLE ; $"A certain
this the parable; A fig-tree had one in man had a Fig-tree planted
τφ άμπελώνι αύτοΰ ,πεφυτευμένην καΐ in his VINEYARD ; and he
tho vineyard of himself having been planted; and came seeking Fruit on it,
fjXfte ζητών καρπόν έν αύτη, καΐ ούκ εΰρεν. but found none.
came seeking fruit on her; and not found.
ΕΙπε δέ προς τόν άμπελουργόν 'Ιδού, τρία 7 And he said to the
He said and to the vine-dresser; Lo, three VINE-DRESSER, 'Behold, I
έτη έρχομαι ζητών καρπόν έν τχ\ συκη ταύτχι, have come Three Years
seeking Fruit on this FIG-
TREE, and find none; cut
καΐ ούχ ευρίσκω· εκκοψον αυτήν ΙνατΙ καΐ it down, why should it
& net not t o fludj c u t UOTVH faerj ^^hy AHU render the GROUND unpro-
τήν γήν καταργεί; 8*Ο δέ αποκριθείς ductive?'
the earth i t renders useless? He and answering
λέγει αύτφ· Κύριε, αφες αυτήν καΐ τοΰτο τό 8 And HE answering,
said to him, 'Sir, leave i t
έΊος, εως ότου σκάψω περί αυτήν, καΐ βάλλω This YEAR also, till I dig
year, till I m a y d i g about h e r , and I m a y put about it, and manure i t ;
κόπρια· °κδν μέν ποιήση καρπόν εΐ δέ 9 and *perhaps it may-
dung; and if Indeed It may bear fruit; If and
bear Fruit; but if not, a t
μήγε, εις τό μέλλον έκόψεις αυτήν, a future time thou mayest
x onot,
r in the future thou mayest cut down her. cut it down.' "
Hv δέ διδάσκων έν μιςί τών συναγωγών
He was and teaching In one of the synagogues 10 And he was teaching
έν τοϊς σάββασι. "ΚαΙ ίδοΰ, γυνή ήν in one of the SYNAGOGUES
on the SABBATH.
πνεϋμα δχουσα ασθενείας έτη δέκα καΐ οκτώ· 11 And behold, there
a spirit having of infirmity years ten and eight;
was a Woman who had a
καΐ ήν συγκύπτουσα, καΐ μή δυναμένη άνα- Spirit of Infirmity for
and was being bent double, and not being able to
eighteen Years, and was
κύψαι είς τό παντελές. ^Ίδών δέ αυτήν bent down, and was not
r a i s e up f o r t h e a l l t i m e . S e e i n g and her
able to raise herself up a t
ό Ίησοΰς, προσεφώνησε, καΐ είπεν αυτί)· Γύ- all.
tliο Jesus· hecfiliedtOj mid s«i i cl toiler^ Ο
12 And JESUS seeing
ναι, άπολέλυσαι της ασθενείας her, called to her and said,
σου. Μ
ΚαΙ έπέθηκεν αύτη τάς χείρας· καΐ from thine "Woman, thou art released
of thee. And ho placed to her the hands; and
παραχρήμα άνωρθώθη, καΐ έδόξαζε τόν 13 §And he placed his
Immediately she stood erect, and glorified the HANDS on h e r ; and im-
Θεόν. "'Αποκριθείς δέ ό άρχισυνάγωγος, mediately she stood erect,
Cxod* Α, Ω s vyftι* 1 TO Q &,nd t i l © i> y n fl^o^Tifi~*rul Q r > and praised UOD.
άγανακτών, δτι τφ σαββάτω έθεράπευ- 14 And the SYNAGOGUE-
being angry, because in the sabbath healed
RULER, being angry, Be-
οεν ό Ίησοΰς, έλεγε τφ δχλω* "Εξ ήμέραί cause JESUS had healed
the Jesus, he said to the crowd; Six days
on the SABBATH, answer-
είσιν, έν αίς δει έργάζεσθαι* έν ing, said to the CROWD,
§"There are Six Days in
ταύταις οΰν ερχόμενοι θεραπεύεσθε, καΐ which you ought to labor,
these therefore coming be you healed, and in these, therefore, come
μή τχ) ήμερα τοΰ σαββάτου. ^Άπεκρίθη and be cured, $and not on
not in the day of the sabbath. Answered the SABBATH."
οΰν αύτφ ό Κύριος, καΐ είπεν Ύπο- 15 *But the LORD an-
therefore to him the Lord, and said: θ hypo- swered him, and said,
κριτά, έκαστος υμών τφ σαββάτφ ού λύει 'Hypocrites! §does not
crites, each one of you In the sabbath not loose every one of you, on the
τόν βοΰν αύτοΰ ή τόν δνον άπό της φάτνης, SABBATH, loose his ox or
the ox of himself or the ass from the stall, his ASS from the STALL,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—-AFTER THAT it may bear Fruit; but if not, thou mayest.
15. But the Lord answered him, and said.
t 6. Isa. v. 2; Matt. xxi. 19. * 13. Mark xvi. 18; Acts ix. 17. t 14. Exod.
xx. 9. $ 14. Matt. xii. 10; Mark iii. 2; Luke vi. 7; xir. 3. ί 15. Luke xv. 5 .
Chap. 13:16.] LUKE. [Chap. 13:25.

καΐ άπαγαγών ποτίζω; Ταύτην δέ, θυγα- and lead him to DRINK''
and having led he drinks? This and, a duugh- 16 And was it not pro-
τέρα 'Αβραάμ οδσαν ryv εδησεν ό Σατανας per, that this woman,
$being a Daughter of Abra-
Ιδού δέκα και οκτώ έ'τη, ούκ εδει λυθη- ham, whom the ADVER-
Ιο ten and eight years, no ought to be SARY has bound, behold,
ναι άπό του δεσμοΰ τούτου τΐ| ήμερα Eighteen Years, to be re-
leased from this BOND
τοΰ σαδβάτου; 1 7 ΚαΙ ταϋτα λέγοντος αύ- on the SABBATH?"
Οχ ιοθ & Hi) D£L t li ? ^LTIU toese tilings 17 And on his saying
sityinif of
τοΰ, κατχισχύνοντο πάντες ol αντικείμενοι αύ- this, All his OPPOSERS
τώ· καΐwere πάς ό δχλος εχαιρεν were ashamed; and All
him, asitamed &I1 tli© επίopponents
πάσι τοιςto the CROWD rejoiced at All
h i m ; a n d all the c r o w d rejoiced for all the
ένδόξοις τοις γινομένοις ύπ' αύτοΰ. THOSE GLORIOUS WORKS
glorious tilings those being done by him.
which were PERFORMED
^"Ελεγε δέ· Τίνι όμοια εστίν ή βασιλεία by him.
He said and; To what like is the kingdom 18 And he said, t"What
τοΰ Θεοΰ; καΐ τ'ινι ομοιώσω αυτήν; is the KINGDOM of GOD
of the God? and to what shall I compare her? like? and to what shall I
Ό μ ο ί α εστί κόκκφ σινάπεως, δν λα- compare it?
Like i t is a grai'n of mustard, which having 19 I t is like a Grain of
6ών άνθρωπος δβαλεν είς κηπον έαυτοΰ*
"taken a man he cast into a garden of himself; Mustard, which a Man
καΐ ηυξησε, καΐ έγένετο είς δένδρον * [ μ έ γ α , ] Gardenand
took, planted in his
; and it grew, and
and i t grew, and became into a tree [great,3 became a Tree; and the
καΐ τά πετεινά τοΰ ούρανοΰ κατεσκήνωσεν
{mo the I)i rds of the hexivon lodged BIRDS Of the HEAVEN
έν τοίς κλάδοις αύτοΰ. 20
ΚαΙ πάλιν είπε· built their nests in its
in the branches of i t · And again he said: 20 And again he said,
Τίνι ομοιώσω τήν θασιλείαν τοΰ "To what shall I compare
To what shall I compare the kingdom of the the KINGDOM of GOD?
θεοΰ; Ό μ ο ί α εστί ζύμχι, ήν λαβοΰσα21 I t resembles Leaven,
of God? Like i t is to leaven, which having taken which a Woman taking,
γυνή ένέκρυψεν el ς άλεΰρου 22 σάτα τρία, mingled in three ±Mea-
w ο mοδ έζνμώθη i δλον.
n t o o f m Kai1 m e διεπορεύετο sures of Meal, till the
t i l l & n was
ΐ χ ι iχβ d
leavened whole.ο And u e s t h e
he passed whole fermented."
κατά πόλεις καΐ κώμας, διδάσκων, καΐ 22 §And he passed
throughout c i t i e s and towns, teaching, and through Cities and Vil-
πορείαν ποιούμενος είς *Ιερουσαλήμ. ^ΕΙπε lages, teaching, and travel-
went on making for Jerusalem. Said ing towards Jerusalem.
δέ τις αΰτω· Κύριε, εΐ ολίγοι ol σωζό- 23 An-d some one said
and one to him; O lord, are f e w those being to him, "Master, are those
μενοι; Ό δέ είπε προς αυτούς· 2 4 Άγωνίζεσθε few who areBEiNG saved ?"
And HE said to them,
εισελθείν δια της στενής θύρας· δτι πολλοί, 24 §"Earnestly endeav-
to enter throti^h the str&i t uoorj for niAny^ or to enter through the
λέγω ύμίν, ξητήσουσιν είσελθείν, καΐ ούκ NARROW Door ; For many,
I tell you, will seek to
Ισχύσουσιν. οδ ctv έγερθχί ό οίκο- enter in, and will not be
w l l l be able. when maybe raised the house- able.
δεσπότης, καΐ άποκλείστ] την θύραν, καΐ άρ- 25 When the HOUSE-
holder, and may have shut the door, and you HOLDER shall rise and
ξησθε εξα> έστάναι, καΐ κρούειν τήν close the DOOR, and you
may begin without to stand, and to knock the shall begin to stand with-
θύραν, λέγοντες· Κύριε, * [κύριε,] ά"νοιξον out, and to knock at the
DOOR, saying, ^'Master,
* VATICAN MANUSCUTT.—19. great—2 5. Lord—omit.
± 21. P' ; Note on M:tt. xiii. 3.1.
t 10. Lu'to xix. 9. t 13. Matt. xiii. 3 1 : Mark iv. 30. $ 22. Matt. ix. 3 5 ;
Mark vi. 6. $ 24. Matt. vii. 13. $ 2 5. Luke vi. 46.
Chap. 13:26.] LUKE. [Chap. 13:34.
ήμίν καΐ αποκριθείς έρεί ύμίν Ούκ open to us ;' and he shall
t o u s ; and a n s w e r i n g h e w i l l s a y t o y o u : N o t answer and say to you,
οίδα υμάς, πόθεν έστέ. 2(5Τότε άρξεσθε Ί do not recognize you;
I know you, w h e n c e you are. Then you w i l l begin
whence are you?'
λέγειν Έφάγομεν ενώπιον σου καΐ εν ταίς 26 you will then begin
to say, 'We have eaten and
πλατείαις ημών έδίδαξας. 27ΚαΙ έ- drank in thy presence, and
wide places of u s thou h a s t taught. And he w i l l thou hast taught in our
ρεϊ* Λέγω ύμϊν, ούκ οίδα *[ύμάς,] πόθεν OPEN SQUARES/
έστέ· άπόστητε άπ' έμοΰ πάντες ol έργάται *to27you, $But he will say
Ί do not know
της 28
αδικίας. Έκεί έ'σται ό κλαυθμός from whence you are.
Depart from me, all you
καΐ ό βρυγμός των οδόντων, δταν δ·ψη- WORKERS of Wickedness.*
and the gnashing of the teeth, when you
28 There will be the
σθε 'Αβραάμ καΐ 'Ισαάκ καΐ 'Ιακώβ καΐ WEEPING and the GNASH-
ING of TEETH, $when you
πάντας τους προφήτας έν χχ\ βασιλεία τοΰ shall see Abraham, and
all the prophets in the kingdom of the Isaac, and Jacob, and All
Θεοΰ, υμάς δέ έκβαλλομένους εξω. 29Καί the PROPHETS in the KING-
God, you and being cast outside. And DOM of GOD, and you cast
ηΊουσιν άπό ανατολών καΐ δυσμών, και out.
they w i l l come frotn o&st &nd west» And 29 And they will come
άπό βορρά καΐ νότου· καΐ άνακλιθήσονται έν from the East and West,
f r o m n o r t h a n d s o u t h ; and w i l l r e c l i n e in
rfi βασιλεία τοΰ Θεοΰ. ^ΚαΙ ιδού, είσίν South, and from the North and
and will recline in
the kingdom of the God. And lo, they are the KINGDOM of GOD.
ίσχαχοι, ot έσονται πρώτοι· καΐ είσΐ πρώ- 30 $And behold, they
are last who will be first,
τοι, οΕ έσονται έ'σχατοι. Έν αύτχϊ τχί and they are first who will
who w i l l be last. In this the be last.
ήμερα προσήλθον καΐ
Φαρι,σαϊοι, λέγοντες 31 On That DAY, certain
αύτφ· "Εξελθε, έντεϋθεν 8τι Pharisees approached, say-
to him; Come out, and go thou hence; for ing, "Go, depart hence;
'Ηρώδης θέλει σε άποκτεΐναι. 32ΚαΙ είπεν For Herod intends to kill
Herod wishes thee to k i l l . And he said
αύτοΐς* Πορευθέντες είπατε χχ\ άλώπεκι Thee."
to them; Having gone say you to the fox 32 And he said to them,
ταύτχι* 'Ιδού, έκβάλλω δαιμόνια καΐ Ιάσεις "Go, and tell that ±FOX,
this; Lo, I cast out demons and cures Behold, I expel Demons,
επιτελώ σήμερον καΙ αυριον, καΐ τχ| and perform Cures To-day
and To-morrow, and on
Πλήν δεί με the THIRD *Day I shall
But it behooves me have finished.
I shall have ended. 33 But I must go on To-
σήμερον καΐ αϋριον καΐ τη έρχομέντ)
to day and to-morrow and in the coming day, and To-morrow, and
Λορεύεσθαΐ'^ δτι_ ουκ ενδέχεται προφήτην άπο- the day FOLLOWING; For
it is not possible for a
34 Prophet
λέσθαι 6ξω *Ιερονισαλήμ. Ίερουσαλήμ, *Ιε- Jerusalem. to perish ±out or
perish out of Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Je-
ρουσαλήμ, ή άποκτείνουσα τους προφήτας, καΐ 34 %O Jerusalem, Jeru-
rusaiem, the killing the prophets, and salem ! DESTROYING the
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 7 . speaking to you, I know not. 2 7. you—omit. 32.
± 32. I t is not certain that Jesus meant Herod here; he mighthave only intended to call
that man so, from whom the advice of departing came, (whether from the speaker himself,
or from the person who sent h i m ; ) for it is probable that, the advice was given craftily,
and with a design to frighten Jesus, and make him go from that place.—Pearce. ±33.
Because he was only to be judged by the great Sanhedrim, and they were only to pass
judgment on him in that place.—Light foot.
% 27. Matt. vii. 2 3 ; xxv. 41. $ 28. Matt. viii. 11 % 30. Matt. xix. 3 0 ; XX. 1 6 ;
Mark x. 31. $ 34. Matt, xxiii. 3 7.
Chap. 13:35.] LUKE. [Chap. 14:8.
λιθοβολούσα τους απεσταλμένους προς αυτήν, PROPHETS, and stoning
Stonixij^ tllOS© ll£ivill£| bOOQ S6Ut> tO flft 1*ι THOSE SENT to t h e e ! how
ποσάκις ηθέλησα έπισυνάξαι τά τέκνα σου, often have I desired to
how often I desired to gather the children of thee, assemble thy CHILDREN,
δν τρόπον βρνις την εαυτής νοσσιάν ΰπό as a Bird collects HER
what manner a bird the of herself brood under Young under her WINGS,
τάς πτέρυγας; καΐ ούκ ήθελήσατε. 3 5 Ί δ ο ύ , but you would n o t !
the wings? and not you were willing. Lo, 35 Behold, your HABI-
άφίεται ύμΐν ό οίκος υμών. Λέγω δέ TATION is left to you ; and
I tell you, That you shall
ΰμίν, δτι ού μή μέ ίδητε, έΌ>ς * [αν not see me, till you shall
t o y o u t h & t n o t n o t m © y o u m ft y s e e » t i l l Ctt^ny
say, i'Blessed is HE who
δτε] εϊπητε* Ευλογημένος ό έοχό- COMES in the Name of Je-
when] you may say; Having been blessed he com-
hovah.' "
μενος έν ονόματι Κυρίου,
ing in name of Lord.
ΚΕΦ. ι δ \ 14.
ΚαΙ έγένετο έν τφ έλθεΐν αυτόν είς 1 And it occurred, on a
And i t happened in the to come him into Sabbath, as he WENT to
οίκον τινός των αρχόντων των Φαρισαίων eat Bread into the House
a house of one of the rulers of the Pharisees of one of the RULING PHA-
σαββάτω φαγείν δρτον, καΐ αυτοί ήσαν παρα- RISEES, that they were
iq a sabbath to eat bread, and they were watch- watching him.
τηρούμενοι αυτόν. 2ΚαΙ Ιδού, άνθρωπος τις 2 And behold, there was
ins him. And lo, a man certain a certain dropsical Person
3 in his presence.
fjv ΰδρωπικός Ιμπροσθεν αύτου. ΚαΙ αποκρι-
3 And JESUS answering,
θείς ό Ίησοΰς είπε προς τους νομικούς και spoke to the LAWYERS and
i lit? tlio Jesus s&id to txiG lnwyers 8.n(* Pharisees, saying, $ "Is i t
Φαρισαίους, λέγων ΕΙ εξεστι τω σαβ- lawful to cure on the SAB-
Pharisees, saying; If It i s lawful in the sab- BATH *Day or not?
6άτω θεραπεύειν; 4 Ot δέ ησύχασαν. ΚαΙ έπιλα- 4 But THEY were silent.
βόμενος Ιάσατο αυτόν, καΐ απέλυσε. ε ΚαΙ
taken hold he cured him, and dismissed. And And taking hold of him, he
αποκριθείς προς αυτούς είπε· Τίνος υμών cured, and dismissed him.
answering to them said; Of any on© of you 5 And *he said to them,
δνος η 6ους είς φρέαρ έμπεσεϊται, καΐ ούκ §"If a Son or an Ox of any
an a s s or an ox i n t o a p i t shall fall, and n o t of you shall fall into a Pit,
ευθέως ανασπάσει αυτόν έν τχί ημέρα του will he not immediately
^w i l l drin^r o u t h i m. i n t h e cliiy o f t h e draw him out on the SAB-
σαββάτου; Καί ούκ ίσχυσαν άνταποκριθή- BATH DAY?"
ι * Γαύτόδ προς ταΰτα. 6 And they could not
these things. reply to this.
"Ελεγε δέ προς τους κεκλημένους πα- 7 And he spoke a Para-
He spoke and to those having been invited a ble to THOSE who had been
©αβολήν, επέχων πώς τάς πρωτοκλισίας INVITED, observing how
parable, observing how the first reelining places they were choosing out
8 the CHIEF PLACES ; saying
έξελέγοντο, λέγων προς αυτούς· "Οταν to them,
they were choosing out, saying to them; When 8 "When thou art in-
κληθχίς ύπό τίνος εις γά- vited by any one to a Mar-
thou mayest be Invited by any one to marriage- riage-feast, do not recline
μους, μή κατακλιθης εις τήν πρωτοκλι- in the ± CHIEF PLACE ; lest
feasts, not thou mayest recline in the first reclin-
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 5 . may come, when—omit. 3. Day, or not? But 5. he
said to them. If- a Son or an Ox. 6. him—omit.
± 8. Rather, to lie down first: to place themselves first on the couches, whereon the Jews
were used to lie at their meals. Each couch held three, who sat or rather laid themselves
down upon i t ; and it was esteemed the greatest mark of respect to any man, when the mas-
ter of the house desired him to place himself first on the couch, in what part of it he
pleased, Josephus telling us how craftily Herod treated Hycanus, says, that he deceived
him by "calling him father, and making him take his place first at feasts."—Pearce.
t 35. Psa. cxviii. 26. * 3. Matt. xii. 10. t δ. Exod. xxiii. 5 ; Deut. xxii. 4 ;
Luke xiii. 1 5 .
V Hap. 14:9.] LUKE. [Chap. 14:16.
σ'ιαν μήποτε εντιμότερος σου ti one more honorable than
ing placej -lest 0, more honorable of thee nifty be thou may have been in-
κεκλημένος υπ' αύτοΰ· 9 κα1 έλθών ό σέ vited by him ;
having been invited by him; and coming he thee 9 and HE who INVITED
5tal αυτόν καλέσας, έρεϊ σοι* Δός Thee and Him, should
and him having invited, shall say to thee; Give come and say to thee,
τούτω τόπον καΐ τότε δρξτ] 'Give this man a Place;'
thou to this a place; and then thou shouldst begin and then with shame thou
μετ' αισχύνης τόν Ισχατον τόπον κατέχειν shouldst begin to occupy
the LOWEST Place.
Άλλ' δταν κληθης, πορευθείς 10 iBut when thou art
But when thou mayest be invited, having gone invited, go and recline in
άνάπεσε εις τόν |σχατον τόπον, ίνα δταν the LOWEST Place; that
reclin when HE who INVITED
iXfrfl ό κεκληκώς σε, εϊπχι σοι- thee comes, he may say to
may come he having invited thee, may say to thee; thee, 'Friend, go up to a
Φίλε, προσανάβηΟι άνώτερον. Τότε Ι'σται higher place;' then thou
θ friend, go thou up to a higher place. Then w i l l be
wilt have honor in the
σοΙ δόξα ενώπιον των συνανακειμένων presence of *A11 THOSE
to thee glory in presence of those reclining
U RECLINING with thee.
σοι. " O T I πάς ό υψών εαυτόν, ταπεινω- 11 $For EVERY ONE who
iriththee. For everyone the exalting himself, shall EXALTS himself will be
θήσεται· καΐ ό ταπεινών εαυτόν ύψωφή- humbled, and HE who
be humbled; and the humbling himself shall be HUMBLES himself will be
σεται. 12"Ελεγε δέ καΐ τφ κεκλη- exalted."
exalted. He said and also to the* (one) having 12 And he said also to
κότι α υ τ ό ν "Οταν Jtoifig άριστον ή* HIM who had INVITED
invited him; When thou mayest make a dinner or him, "When thou makest
δείπνον, μή φώνει τους φίλους σου, μηδέ
asupper, not call the friends of thee, nor a Dinner or a Supper, call
τους αδελφούς σου, μηδέ τους συγγενείς not thy FRIENDS, nor thy
σου, μηδέ γείτονας πλουσίους· μήποτε και TIVES, *nor rich NEIGH-
BORS ; lest they also should
αυτοί σέ άντικαλέσωσι, καΐ γένηταί σοι invite Thee again, and a
Recompense be made thee.
άνταπόδομα. ^'Αλλ' δταν ποιης δοχήν, 13 But when thou mak-
a recompense. But when thou mayest make a feast, est a Feast, invite the
κάλει πτωχούς, αναπήρους, χωλούς, τυ- Poor, the Crippled, the
invite poor ones, maimed ones, lame ones, blind
Lame, the Blind;
<ρλούς· 1 4 κα1 μακάριος Ισχι, δτι ούκ 14 and thou wilt be hap-
ones; and blessed thou w i l t be, because not py ; Because they have no
£χουσιν άνταποδοΰναί σοι* άνταποδοθήσε- means to repay thee, there-
they have to recompense to thee; i t w i l l be rec-
fore thou shalt be repaid
ται ^ γάρ σοι έν τχί άναστάσει των at the RESURRECTION of
δικαίων. 1 5 Άκούσας δε τις των συνανακει- 15 And one of THOSE
j US ν· £ί 6ΚΓ lll£ 8.U€i OH© Of tllOS Θ TQCliUlD£ RECLINING with him,
μένων ταΰτα, είπεν αύτφ· Μακάριος, δς φάγε- hearing this, said to him,
§ "Happy he who shall eat
ται δρτον έν τχ\ βασιλεία τοΰ Θεοΰ. 1 6 Ό
eat bread In the kingdom of the God. He fBread in the KINGDOM
"ΑΦρωπός τις έποίησε of GOD.»
δέ είπεν αύτφ·
and said to him: Δ man certain made 16 $And HE said to him,
* VATICAN M A N U S R I P T . — 1 0 . All THOSE. 12. not rich.
15. Instead of arton, bread, some one hundred MSS., with some Versions and Fathers,
read ariston, a dinner. This is probably the best reading, as they were not at dinner.—
Clarke. ± 2 1 . Faint traces remain of indiscriminate invitation to Oriental entertain-
ments at this day. See Matt. xxii. 9 ; Prov. ix. 23. Dr. Pococke speaks of the admission
of the poor to the tables of the great. " T h e Arabs never set by anything that is brought
to the table but in their neighbors and the poor, and finish every thing." An Arab prince
will often dine in the street before his door, and call to all that pass, even beggars,
who come and sit down.
t 10. Prov. xxv. 6, 7. % 11. Job xxii. 2 9 ; Psa. xviii. 2 7 ; Prov. xxix. 2 3 ; Matt,
xxiii. 1 2 ; Luke xviii. 1 4 ; James iv. 6 ; 1 Pet. v. 5. $ 15. Rev. xix. 9 . $ 1 6 .
Matt. xxii. 2.
Chap. 14:17.] LUKE. [Chap. 14:26.
ΚαΙ "A certain Man made a17
δείπνον μέγα, καΐ έκάλεσε πολλούς.
great SUPPER, and invited
απέστειλε τόν δοΰλον αύτοϋ ττ| όδρα τοΰ many.
he sent the slave of himself in the hour of the
δείπνου ειπείν τοις 17 And $he sent his
κεκλημένοις· "Ερχε- SERVANT,
supper to say at the HOUR of
to those having been invited; Come
the SUPPER, to say to
σθε, οτι ήδη έτοιμα έστι * [πάντα.] 18ΚαΙ THOSE who had been IN-
you, for now ready is Call.] And VITED, 'Come, for it is
ήρξαντο άπό μιας παραιτείσθαι πάντες. now ready.'
tiiey be^&ix fi* oixi ΟΙΙΘ to excuse t li 6 m selves A 11« 18 And they all began,
*O πρώτος είπεν αύτώ· Άγρόν ήγόρασα, καΐ with one accord, to excuse
The first said to him; Afield I bought, and themselves. Tho FIRST
έ'χω ανάγκην έξελθείν καΐ ίδείν αυτόν said to him, Ί have bought
I have need to go out and to see
παρχιτημένον. 19ΚαΙ aand
him; Field, and I must go out
ερωτώ σε, έ'χε με see i t ; I beseech thee
I beseech thee, have me having been excused. And
to have Me excused.'
Ετερος είπε· Ζεύγη βοών ήγόρασα πέντε, καΐ 19 And another said, *I
πορεύομαι δοκιμάσαι αυτά; 20
ερωτώ σε, £χε have Oxen,
bought five Yoke of
and I am going to
με παρχιτημένον. ΚαΙ έτερος είπε· Γυ-
xne having been excused. And another said; A
try them; I entreat thee
ναϊκα εγημα, καΐ δια τοϋτο ού δύναμαι to have Me excused.'
— •-- ι married, and because of t h i s not I am able 20 And another said, Ί
έλθείν 21ΚαΙ παοαγενόμενος ό δοΰλος εκείνος have married a Wife, and,
to come; And having come the slave that therefore, I cannot come.'
άπήγγειλε τφ κυρίω αύτοΰ ταΰτα. Τότε
reported to the lord of himself these. Then 21 And that SERVANT
όργισθείς ό οίκοδεσπότης είπε τφ δούλω having returned, related all
being angry the householder said to the slave to his MASTER. Then the
αύτοΰ· "Εξελθε ταχέως εις τάς πλατείας HOUSEHOLDER, being an-
of himself; Go out quickly into the wide places gry, said to his SERVANT,
«αϊ ρύμας της πόλεως, καΐ τους πτωχούς 'Go out quickly into the OPEN SQUARES and Streets
καΐ αναπήρους καΐ χωλούς καΐ τυφλούς of the CITY, and bring in
flue] in & i xxi e (J on© s find 1 &ΙΧ\Θ ΟΙΙΘ s ftQu D 1 iiicl o n e s
hither tthe POOR, and
είσάγαγε ώδε. Kal είπεν ό δοΰλος· Κύριε, Crippled, and *Blind, and
22 And the SERVANT
γέγονεν ώς έπέταξας, καΐ ετι τόπος said, 'Sir, *I have done
i t is clone & s tnou uidst oi*o©r· &nd s χ ι X1 r ΟΟΙΪΙ what thou didst command,
εστί. ^Kai είπεν ό κύριος προς τόν δοΰλον and yet there is Room.'
is. And said the lord to the slave; 23 And the MASTER said
•Έξελθε είς τάς οδούς καΐ φραγμούς, καΐ to the SERVANT, 'Go to the
GO out intoείσελθείν,
the ίνα e.nd
^s^ftys γεμισθχίii&cisrQS·
ό ο ί κwidο ς ROADS and Hedges, and
urge to enter, that may be filled the house constrain people to come
τ ω ν in, that *the HOUSE may
μου. Λέγιο γ α ρ ύμϊν, δτι ουδείς
of me. I say for to you, that no one of the be filled;'
ανδρών εκείνων των κεκλημένων γεύσε- 24 for I tell you, $That
men those the having been Invited shall none of THOSE MEN who
τα'ι μου τοϋ δείπνου. have been INVITED shall
tast of My SUPPER."
Συνεπορεύοντο δέ αΰτφ δχλοι πολλοί* καΐ 25 And great Crowds
Were going and him crowds great; and were going with him ; and
στραφείς είπε προς αυτούς· 2βΕΙ τις έρχεται turning he said to them,
turning he said to them; If any one comes 26 $"If any one comes
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T — 1 7 . All—omit. 2 1 . Blind and Lame. 2 2 . 1 have done
what thou didst command. 23. The HOUSE.
ί 17. Prov. ix. 2, 5. $ 24. Matt. xxi. 4 3 ; xxii. 8 ; Acts xiii. 46. $ 2 6 . P e u t .
xiii. 6 ; xxxiii. 9 ; Matt. x. 3 7 ; Rom. ix. 13.
Chap. 14:27.] LUKE. [Chap. 14:33.
προς με, καΐ ού μισεί τόν πατέρα έαυτοΰ, to me, and flmtes not his
to m e , and not hates the father of himself, FATHER, and MOTHER, an 1
καΐ την μητέρα, καΐ την γυναίκα, καΐ τα WIFE, and CHILDREN, and
&nd tiie mother, and the wifGj und the $and still more even *his
childr καΐ τους αδελφούς, καΐ τάς άδελφάς, own LIFE, he cannot be
£τι δέ και την έαυτοϋ ψυχήν, ού δύ- my DISCIPLE.
still more and even the of himself life, not is
ναταί μου μαθητής είναι. 27ΚαΙ δστις ού fore, 27 $*Whoever, there-
211) 1 θ ο ϊ ΐχιο ΪΙ d ι s c i j ) 1 β to be* .A.ixd w h o e v e r not
does not bear his own
CROSS, and come after me,
βαστάζει τόν σταυρόν αυτοί), καΐ έρχεται he cannot be My Disciple.
δπίσω μου, ού δύναται μου είναι μαθητής,
after me, not is able of m e t o be a d i s c i p l e .
ΤΙς γαρ έξ υμών, Φέλων πύργον οίκοδομήσαι, ing28toFor who of you wish-

Who for of you, wishing a tower to build, build a Tower, does

not first sit down and esti-
ουχί πρώτον καθισας ψηφίζει τήν δαπά- mate the EXPENSE, to
know whether he has the
νην, εΐ δχει εϊς άπαρτισμόν; 29ίνα μήποτε means to complete it?
if Jheh&s to finish? thAt 1©s t
Φέντος αύτου θεμέλιον, καΐ μη Ισχύον- 23 lest having laid a
Jbaving laid of him a foundation, and not being
Foundation, and not being
ablo to finish, ALL who SEE
τος έκτελέσαι, πάντες ol θεωροΰντες αρξων- it begin to deride him,
able to finish, all those beholding should
ται έμπαίζειν αύτω, 30λέγοντες· "Οτι ούτος 30 saying, 'This MAN
began to build, but was
σεν to deride 3 1 > Ή-
him,τις βασιλεύς
saying: That this not able to finish.'
δ άνθρωπος
able η"ρξατο
toflnish. Or οίκοδομεϊν,
what kingκαΐd ούκ ΐυ Λ υ-
llO 111ftII 1)θ££11 t o UU1 Id t "W 31 Or What King, going
νος συμβαλεϊν έτέρω βασιλεί εις πόλεμον, to encounter Another King
to engage with another king in battle, in Battle, *will not first
ουχί καθίσας πρώτον βουλεύεται, εΐ δυνα- whether sit down and consult
he is able with
not having sat down first consult, if able Ten Thousand, to meet
τός έστιν έν δέκα χιλιάσιν άπαντήσαι τω HIM who COMES against
he is with ten thousand to meet tho (one)
μετά είκοσι χιλιάδων έρχομένω έπ' αυτόν; him with Twenty Thou-
with twenty thousand coming against him? sand ?
Ei δέ μήγε, ετι αύτοΰ πόρρω δντος, πρε-
If but not, while of him far off being, an
σβεΧαν άποστείλας, έρωτοί * [τά] προς είρή- the32other And if not, while
is at a distance,
embassy having sent, he asks [the!] to peace.
νην. Ουτο>ς οίίν πας εξ υμών, δς ούκ αποτάσ- asks for an ho sends Embassy, and
σεται πασι τοις έαυτοϋ ύπάρχουσιν, ού 33 So, therefore, no one
of you who does not for-
δύναται μου είναι μαθητής. 34Καλόν τό άλας· sake ALL his POSSESSIONS,
can bo My Disciple.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 6. his own L I F E . 2 7. Whoever does not bear his own
CROSS. 31. will not first sit down and consult. 32. the—omit.
± 2 6 . This is one amongst many examples in the sacred writings of Oriental figurative
language, where the expression 13 hyperbolical in order to render the truth meant to bo
conveyed in it more striking and impressive. Matthew, in chap. x. 3 7, expresses the
literal meaning of this passage, when he says, "loves his father and mother more than
m e ; " and in chap. vi. 2 4, uses the word hate with similar force. So when wa read in
Rom. ix. 13, "Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated," the meaning is, I have loved
Jacob more than Esau; and that this is no arbitrary interpretation of the word hate, but
one agreeable to the Hebrew idiom, appears from what is said in Gen. xxix. 30, 3 1 ,
where Leah's being hated is explained by Rachel's being loved more than Leah; see also
Deut. xxi. 15-17. Something resembling what Jesus here teaches, is said by Philo (de
Monarch, lib. ii. p. 230) concerning the duty of a high-priest; that he was to "estrange
himself from all his relations, and not, out of love to his parents, his children, or brethren»
to omit any part of his duty, or act in any thing contrary to it."—Pearce.
% 26. Rev. xii. 11. % 2 7. Matt. xvi. 2 4 ; Mark viil. 3 4 ; Luke ix. 2 3 ; 2 Tim.
iii. 12.
Chap. 14:34.] LUKE. [CHap. 15: δ.
έάν δέ τό άλας μωρανθχί, έν τίνι άρτυ- 34 §SALT is good; ±but
if bbut
t the
th ssalt
l t should
h be tasteless, by what shall if *the SALT should be-
θήσεται; 35Ουτε εΙς γήν, οΰτε εις κοπρίαν come insipid, how shall
it be salted? Neither ior land, nor for manure it recover its savor?
εΰθετόν έστιν έ'ξω βάλλουσιν αυτό. *Ο Ιχων 35 I t is not fit for Land,
fit it is; out they cast It. He having nor for Manure; they
<&τα άκουειν, άκουέτω. throw it away. H E who
ears to hear, let him hear. HAS Ears to hear, let him
ΚΕΦ. ι ε \ 15. CHAPTER XV.
*Ησαν δέ έγγίζοντες ονύτφ πάντες ol
Were and drawing near to him all the 1 §And All the TRIBUTE-
τελώναι καΐ ol αμαρτωλοί, άκουειν αύτοΰ. were drawing near to hear
2tax-gatherers and the sinners, to liear him.
Καί διεγόγγυζον ot Φαρισαίοι καΐ ot γραμμα- him. 2 And *both the PHAR-
And murmured the Pharisees and the scribes,
τείς, λέγοντες· " θ α οΰτος αμαρτωλούς προσ- mured, saying, "This man
saying: That this sinners
3 re- receives Sinners, §and
δέχεται, καΐ συνεσθίει αύτοίς. ΕΙπε δέ προς eats with them."
ceives, and eats with them. He said and to
αυτούς την παραδολήν ταύτην, λέγων. 4ΤΙς PARABLE 3 Then he spoke this
to them, saying,
άνθρωπος έξ υμών £χων εκατόν πρόβατα, καΐ 4 $"What Man of you,
man of you having a hundred sheep, and having a Hundred Sheep,
άπολέσας ?ν έξ αυτών, ού καταλείπει τά and losing one of them,
does not leave the NINE-
ένενήκοντα εννέα έν xfi έρήμω, καΐ πορεύε- TY-NINE in the DESERT,
and go after THAT which
ται επί τό άπολωλός, Εως εΰργι αυτό; is LOST, till he finds it?
a f t e r that having been l o s t , t i l l he may find it?
5 And having found it,
Kai εύρων, έπιτίθησιν επί τους ωμούς he lays it on his SHOUL-
And having found, he lays on the shoulders DERS, rejoicing.
έαυτοϋ χαίρων βκα1 έλθών εις τόν οίκον 6 And coming to the
HOUSE, he calls together
συγκαλεί τους φίλους καΐ τους γείτονας, his FRIENDS and NEIGH-
λέγων αύτοίς· Σ υ γ χ ά ρ η τ έ μοι, δτι εΰρον
BORS, saying to them, 'Re-
saying to them; Rejoice with me, for I found joice with me, For I have
άπολωλός. Λέγω found THAT SHEEP of
τό πρόβατόν μου τό
the sheep of me that having been lost. I say mine §which was LOST.'
ύμίν, δτι οΰτω χαρά δσται έν τφ ούρανφ επί thus 7 I say to you, That
to you, that thus joy w i l l be in the heaven over there will be more
Joy in HEAVEN over One
ένΐ άμαρτωλφ μετανοοΰντι, ή επί ένενήκοντα reforming Sinner, $than
for Ninety-nine Righteous
εννέα δικαίοις, οΐτινες ού χρείαν δχουσι με- persons who need no Ref-
' Ή τΙς γυνή, δραχμάς έχουσα ormation.
τανο'ιας. 8 Or, what Woman, hav-
reformation. Or what woman, drachmas having
δέκα, έάν άπολέσχι δραχμήν μίαν, ουχί loses ing ten ±Drachmas, if she
ten, if she may lose drachma one, not one of them, does not
απτει λύχνον, καΐ σαροί την οΐκίαν, καΐ ζητεί light the
a Lamp, and sweep
HOUSE, and search
9 carefully, till she finds it?
έπιμελώς, έ'ως δτου ευρτι; ΚαΙ εύροΰσα 9 And having found it,
carefully, till she finds? And h a v i n g found
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—34. also the SALT. 2. both the.
± 3 4 . That this is possible in Palestine, is proved by what Mr. Maundrell says, in des-
cribing the Valley of Salt. He remarks, "Along on one side of the valley, towards Gibul,
there is a small precipice about two men's lengths, occasioned by the continued taking
away of the salt; and in this you may see how the veins of it lie. I broke a piece of it,
of which that part that was exposed to the rain, sun, and air, though it had the sparks
and particles of salt, YET IT HAD PERFECTLY LOST ITS SAVOR; the inner part, which
Was connected to the rock, retained its savor; as I found by proof."
t 8. The Grecian Drachma was about the same value as the Roman Denarius, i. e.
about 14 cents, or 7d.
$ 34. Matt. v. 13; Mark ix. 50. t 1. Matt. ix. 10. t 2. Acts xi. 3 ; Gal. i l .
12. t 4. Matt, xviii. 12. | 6 . 1 Pet. ii. 10, 25. % 7. Luke v. 32.
Chap. 15:10.] LUKE. [Chap. 15:19.
συγκαλείται τάς φίλας καΐ τάς γείτονας, she calls together her
she c a l l s together the friends and the neighbors, FRIENDS and NEIGHBORS
saying, 'Rejoice with me,
λέγουσα* Συγχάρητέ μοι, δτι εύρον την For I have found the
saying: Rejoice with me, for I found the DRACHMA which I had
δράχμήν, ήν απώλεσα. 10Ουτω, λέγω ύμίν, lost.'
drachma, which I lost. Thus, I say to you,
χαρά γίνεται ενώπιον των αγγέλων 10 Thus, I say to you,
there is Joy in the Pres-
τοϋ θεοϋ επί ένΐ άμαρτωλφ μετανοοΰντι. ence of the ANGELS of
Χ1 GOD over One reforming
ΕΙπε δέ· "Ανθρωπος τις είχε δύο υΙούς. Sinner."
"He said and; A man certain had two sons. 11 And he said, "A cer-
^ΚαΙ είπεν ό νεώτερος αυτών τφ πατρ'ι· tain Man had Two Sons.
And said the younger of them to the father: 12 And the YOUNGER
Πάτερ, δός μοι τό επιβάλλον μέρος της of them said to his FATHER,
'Father, give me the POR-
ουσίας. ΚαΙ διείλεν αύτοίς τόν βίον. TION Of the ESTATE FALL-
property. And he divided
13 o them the living. ING to me. And *HB
ΚαΙ μετ' ού πολλάς ημέρας havlng σgathered υναγα-
divided $his LIVING be-
And after not many days
γών άπαντα ό νεώτερος υΙός, άπεδήμησεν tween them.
13 And not Many Days
είς χώραν μακράν καΐ εκεί διεσκόρπισε after the YOUNGER Son
Into a country distant: and there wasted having gathered all to-
την ούσίαν, αΰτοΰ, ζών άσώτως. 14Δα- gether, went abroad into a
the property of himself, living dissolutely. IIav- distant Country, and there
wasted his PROPERTY in
πανήσαντος δέ αύτοΰ πάντα, έγένετο λιμός profligate living.
Ing expended and of him all, came a famine 14 And having spent all,
Ισχυρός κατά την χώραν έκείνην καΐ a great Famine occurred
mighty throughout the country that; and in that COUNTRY ; and he
αυτός ή*ρ|ατο ύστερείσθαι. 15ΚαΙ πορευθείς began to be in want.
15 Then he went and
he began to be In want. And having gone attached himself to one of
έκολλήθη ένΐ των πολιτών της χώρας
he united with one of the citizens of the country the CITIZENS of that COUN-
εκείνης· καΐ Επεμψεν αυτόν είς τους αγρούς TRY, and he sent him into
that; and he sent him Into the fields
αύτοΟ βόσκειν χοίρους. 1βΚαΙ έπεθύμει γε- his16FIELDS ±to feed Swine.
And he longed *to
of himself to feed swine. And he longed to
μίσαι τήν κοιλίαν αΰτοΰ άπό των κερατίων, be fed with the CAROB
PODS, which the SWINB
fi II too οβ 11 y ox u 1ΠΛs© 1 ί fΓΟΏΙ the pods y
were eating; but no one
ών 17
η"σθιον ot χοίροι· καΐ ουδείς έδίδου gave to him.
αΰτφ. ΕΙς εαυτόν δέ έλθών, είπε· Πόσοι 17 And coming to him-
to him. To himself and coming, he said; How many self, he said, 'How many
μί σθιοι τοΰ πατρός μου περισσεύ- of my FATHER'S Hired ser-
vants have an abundance
ουσιν δρτων; έγώ δέ ώδε λιμφ άπόλ- of Bread, and I am perish-
dance of bread? I and here with hunger am per- ing here with Hunger!
λυμαι. Άναστάς πορεύσομαι προς τόν 18 I will arise and go to
ishing. Having arisen I w i l l go to the my FATHER, and will say
πατέρα μου, καΐ έρώ αύτφ· Πάτερ, ή- to him, Father, I have sin-
father of me, and w i l l say to him; θ father, I
μαρτον είς τόν οΰρανόν καΐ ενώπιον σου· before ned against HEAVEN, and
sinned against the heaven and in presence of thee;
ούκέτι είμΐ δξιος κληθήναι υΙός σου* thy19toI am no longer wor-

no longer I am fit to be called a son of thee; be called thy Son ;

ποίησόν με ώς gva τών μισθίων σου. make me as one of thy
make m e as one of the hired servants of thee. HIRED SERVANTS/
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 2 . H E divided. 16. to be fed with the.
± 1 5 . This prodigal is supposed to be a Jew; and (if so) as the Jews were forbidden
by their law to eat swine's flesh, the care of swine in that distant and heathen country
must have been an employment as inconsistent with his religion as he could possibly
have had. This circumstance serves to show us to what a very low condition he was
t 12. Mark xii. 44.
Chap. 15:20.] LUKE. [Chap. 15:29.
ΚαΙ άναστάς fjXfte προς τόν πατέρα 20 And he arose, and
And having arisen he went to the father went to his FATHER. But
έαυτοϋ. "Ετι δέ αύτοΰ μακράν απέχοντος, while he was yet at some
of himself. While but of him at a distance being, distance, his FATHER saw
είδεν αυτόν ό πατήρ αύτοΰ, καΐ έσπλαγχν'ι- him, and was moved with
pity ; and running, he fell
σΰη· και δραμών έπέπεσεν επί τόν τράχη- on his neck, and repeated-
w i t h p i t y ; and r u n n i n g he f e l l on t h e neck ly kissed him.
λον αύτοϋ, καΐ κατεφίληοεν αυτόν. 2 1 Είπε δέ 21 And the SON said to
of hi in {Hud I'cpiiittci.lly k i s s e d hi txx · &><x i d niid him, 'Father, I have sinned
αύτφ ό υΙός* Πάτερ, ήμαρτον εις τόν against HEAVEN, and be-
fore *thee. I am no longer
OVQCLVOV καΐ έν(όπιόν σου* καΐ ούκέτι worthy to be called thy
ειμί άξιος κληθηναι υΙός σου. 2 2 Είπε Son ; make me as one of
fit t h y HIRED SERVANTS.'
δέ ό πατήρ προς τους δούλους αύτοΰ. 22 But the FATHER said
but the father to the slaves of himself; to his SERVANTS, 'Bring
Έξενέγκατε την στολήν την πρώτην, και *out quickly that CHIEF
Bring you out the robe the chief, and ROBE, and clothe him ; ami
ένδυοατε αυτόν, καΐ δότε δακτύλιον εις attach a Ring to his HAND,
c 1 οt.hΘ you liim &nd ε i ν© you Ά iiiifjer — rinjf i n t o and Sandals to his FEET;
την χείρα αι'τοϋ, καΐ υποδήματα είς τοι>ς 23 and bring the FATTED
CALF, and kill i t ; and let
πόδας. ^ΚαΙ ένέγκαντες τόν μόσχον τόν us eat, and be joyful;
σιτευτόν Φυσάτε· καΐ φαγόντες εύφραν- 24 For This my SON was
fatted do you sacrifice; and eating we may
dead, but is restored to
θόίμεν 2 4 δτι ούτος ό υΙός μου νεκρός ήν, life ; he was even lost, but
be joyful: for this the son of me dead was,
is found.' And they be-
και * [άν] έζησε* καΐ άπολωλώς fjv, gan to be joyful.
and [ a g a i n ] i s a l i v e ; a n d h a v i n g been l o s t h e w a s ,
καΐ ευρέθη. Και ήρξαντο εύφραίνεσθαι. 2 5 Τ Η ν 25 Now his OLDER SON
was in the Field, and as he
and is found. And they began to be merry. Was was coming a n d ap-
δέ ό υΙός αύτοΰ ό πρεσβύτερος έν άγρφ* καΐ
and the son of him the elder in a field; and proached the HOUSE, he
ώς ερχόμενος ήγγισε τχ\ οικία, ήκουσε heard Music and fDancing.
as he was coming near to the house, he heard 26 And summoning one
ονμφοονίας καΐ χορών. ΚαΙ προοκαλεσά- of the SERVANTS, he asked
the reason of this.
μενος ενα των παίδίον, έπυνθάνετο τ!
27 And HE said to him,
εϊη ταΰτα; 2 7 Ό δέ είπεν αύτφ· "Οτι 'Thy BROTHER is come;
and thy FATHER has killed
may be these things? fee and said to him; That the FATTED CALF, Because
6 αδελφός σου ή*κει· καΐ έ'θυσεν ό he has received him in
παττ>ο σου τόν μόσχον τόν σιτευτόν, δτι health.'
father of ihee the calf the fatted, because
28 And he was enraged,
ύγιαίνοντα αι'τόν άπέλαβεν. ^ΏργίσΌ'η δέ, and refused to enter.
safe him he received. He was angry and,
•And his FATHER going
xal ουκ ηΌελεν εισελθείν. *Ο ofiv out, entreated him.
and not was disposed to enter. The therefore
29 And HE answering,
πατήρ αύτοΰ έξελθών παρεκάλει αυτόν. 2 Θ Ό said to his FATHER, 'Be-
ΧΐΙΐΧΐϋΙ* Οΐ ίΐ 1 ΚΙ C o i n s ' Out) DGSOUST-tltf IllIXl· ϋ©
δέ αποκριθείς είπε τώ πατρί* 'Ιδού, το- hold, SO many years have I
and answering said to the father; Lo, so slaved for thee, and never
σαΰτα ετη δουλεύω σοι, καΐ ουδέποτε disobeyed thy command;
ΏΊΗi^y yo&rs do X SIJIVG for the© ttud never and yet thou never gavest
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. thee. I am no longer worthy to be called thy Son;
make me as one of thy HIRED SERVANTS. But. 22. out quickly. 24. again—omit.
28. And his FATHER.
± 2 5. Charon, probably ought to be rendered a choir of singers. Le Clere denies that
the word means dancing at all. Symphonia, translated music, may mean the musical
instruments, which accompanied the choir of singers.
Chap. 15:30.] LUKE. [Chap. 16:6.
έντολήν σου παρήλθον καΐ έμοί ουδέποτε Me a Kid, that I might be
a command of thee I passed by; and to me never joyful with my FRIENDS ;
έδωκας έ'ριφον, ίνα μετά των φίλων μου
thou gavest a kid, that with the friends of me 30 but when THIS SON
ευφρανθώ. ^"Οτε δε ό υιός σου οδτος, of thine came, who has
1 might be joyful. When and the son of the this, CONSUMED T h y LIVING
ό καταφαγών σου τόν βίον μετά πορ- with PROSTITUTES, thou
the having devoured of thee the living with har- hast killed for him the
νών, ήλθεν, έθυσ'ιασας αύτω τόν * FATTED Calf.'
31 And HE said to him,
μόσχον τόν σιτευτόν. 3 1 Ό δέ είπεν αΰτφ· 'Child, thou art always
calf the fatted. He and said to him; with me, and ALL that is
Τέκνον, συ πάντοτε μετ' έμοΰ εί, καΐ πάντα
Ο c h i l d , thou a l w a y s w i t h m e a r t , a n d a l l MINE is thine.
τά έμά σά εστίν- 32Εύψρανθί)ναι δέ καΐ 32 I t was proper to be
the mine thine is. To be joyful but and joyful and be# glad ; For
χαρήναι έδει, 8τι ό αδελφός σου THIS BROTHER of thine
was dead, but is restored
οδτος νεκρός καΐ άν]έζησε· καΐ
this dead and D njis alive; and to life; he was even lost,
but is found.' "
άπολωλώς fjv, καΐ ευρέθη,
having been lost was, and is found.
ΚΕΦ. ι σ τ \ 16.
ιν 1 And he said also to
Ελεγε δέ καΐ προς τους μαθητάς αΰτοΰ·
He s a i d and a l s o t o t h e d i s c i p l e s of h i m s e l f ; •the Disciples, "There
was a certain rich Man,
"Ανθρωπος τις fjv πλούσιος, δς είχεν οί- who had a Steward ; and he
Α man certain was rich, who had a was accused to him of
κονόμον· καΐ οδτος διεβλήθη αΰτφ ώς wasting his POSSESSIONS.
διασκορπίζων τά υπάρχοντα αύτοϋ. 2ΚαΙ φωνή- 2 And having called him,
he said to him, 'What is
0ας αυτόν, είπεν αύτφ· ΤΙ τοΰτο άκοΰω this that I hear of thee?
called him, he said to him; What this 1 hear render an ACCOUNT of thy
περί σου; άπόδος τόν λόγο ν της οίκονο- STEWARDSHIP ; for thou
canst be a Steward no
μ'ιας σου· ού γαρ δυνήση ετι longer.'
οίκονομεΐν. 3 Εϊπε δέ έν έαυτφ ό οικονόμος· 3 And the STEWARD
to be steward. Said and in himself the steward; said within himself, 'What
ΤΙ ποιήσω, δτι ό κύριος μου αφαιρείται shall I do ? For my MASTER
What shall I do, for the lord of me takes takes the STEWARDSHIP
τήν οϊκονομίαν άπ' έμοϋ; Σκάπτειν ουκ Ισχύ- away from me ; I have not
the st e? strength to dig: *and I
ω, έπαιτεϊν αίσχύνομαι. 4"Εγνων τΐ ποιή- am ashamed to beg.
strength, to beer I am ashamed. I know what I
σο), ΐνα, όταν μετασταθώ της οικονομί- 4 I know what I will do,
Will do, that, when I may be put out of the stew- that when I am deprived
α^, ^ δέξωνται με είς τους οίκους αυ- of the STEWARDSHIP, they
may receive me into their
τών. 5
ΚαΙ προσκαλεσάμενος ενα εκαστον own HOUSES.'
themselves. And having summoned one each 5 And calling each one
των χρεοφειλετών τοΰ κυρίου εαυτού,
of tlio dcbtoTs of tlio lord of liimsolf* of his MASTER'S DEBTORS,
έλεγε τφ πρώτω* Πόσον οφείλεις τφ he said to the FIRST, 'HOW
he said to the first; How much owest thou to the much dost thou owe my
«υρίω μου; e 'O δέ είπ:εν· 'Εκατόν όάτους MASTER?'
lord" of me? He and said; A hundred baths 6 And HE said, ±*A
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—30. FATTED Calf. 32. again—omit. 1. the Disciples.
3. and I am.
± 6. The hath was the largest measure of capacity among the Hebrews, except the
homer, of which it was the tenth part. See Ezek. xlv. 11, 14. It is equal to the ephah,
i. e., to seven gallons and a half of our measure.—Clarke. Josephus states that it con-
tained seventy-two sextarii, or about thirteen and a half gallons.
Chap. 16:7.] LUKE. [Chap. 16:14.
ελαίου. ΚαΙ είπεν αύτφ· Δέξαι σου τό Hundred Baths of Oil.'
of oil. And he said to him; Receive of thee the And *HE said to him,
γράμμα, καΐ καθίσας ταχέως γράψον πεν- 'Take back *Thy AC-
bill, and sitting down quickly write thou fifty. COUNT, and sit down
τήκοντα. "Επειτα έτέρφ είπε· Σύ δέ πό- quickly, and write one for

Then to another he said; Thou and how fifty.'

σον οφείλεις; *Ο δέ είπεν Εκατόν κόρους 7 Then he said to ano-
much owest thou? He and said; A hundred cors ther, 'And how much dost
σίτου. *[Kai] λέγει αύτφ· Δέξαι σου thou owe?' And HE said,
of wh ±'A Hundred Cors of
τό γράμμα, καΐ γράψον όγδοήκοντα. ΚαΙ Wheat.' He says to him,
tho bill, and write eighty. And 'Take back *Thy AC-
έπήνεσεν ό κύριος τόν οίκονόμον της άδι- COUNT, and write one for
irraised the lord the steward the un- eighty.'
κίας, οτι φρονίμως έποίησεν δτι ol υΙοΙ 8 And the MASTER ap-
just| D©c3.u.s0 prudently h© li£Lcl doiiej for tlio sous plauded the UNJUST STEW-
του αΙώνος τούτου φρονιμώτεροι υπέρ τους ARD, Because he had acted
ot the age this more prudent above the
υΙούς του φωτός είς την γενεάν την έαυ-prudently; For the SONS
sons of the light for the generation that of of this AGE are more pru-
8 dent as tO THAT GENERA-
τών είσι. Κάγώ ύμίν λέγω· Ποιήσατε TION which is their own,
themselves ?re. And I to you say; Make you than $the SONS of LIGHT.
έαυτοίς φίλους έκ του μαμμωνα της 9 And I say to you,
to yourselves friends out of the mammon of the
αδικίας* ίνα, δταν έκλίπητε, §Make
δέξων- Friends for yourselves
with the DECEIT-
unjust; that, when you may fail, they may 1 0 re-
ται ύμας είς τάς αΙωνίους σκηνάς. Ό FUL WEALTH, that when·
celve you into the age-lasting tabernacles. He *it fails, they may receive
πιστός έν ελαχίστη καΐ έν πολλφ πιστός έστι· sions. you into AIONIAN Man-
καΐ ό έν έλαχίστω δδικος, καΐ έν πολλφ 10 §HE Who iS FAITH-
and ho In least unjust, and in much FUL in a little, is also
άδίκω faithful in much ; and HE
δδικός έστιν. E l οδν έν τφ
imjiisfc Is» If therefore in £1IQ UQirisliteous who is UNJUST in a little,
is also unjust in much.
μαμωνφ πιστοί ούκ έγένεσθε, τό άληθινόν 11 If, therefore, you have
Jiunnixiοχι X&ltlixul mot you12 liuve bo0111 tho
ϊΐς ύμίν πιστεύσει; κα1 ει έν τφ άλλοτρίω DELUSIVE
truo not been faithful in the
•who to you w i l l entrust? and if in the another Riches, who will
πιστοί ούκ έγένεσθε, τό ύμέτερον τΙς confide the TRUE to you?
faithful not you have been, the yours who 12 And if you have not
ύμίν δώσει; been faithful in THAT
to you w i l l give? which is ANOTHER'S, who
ΟύδεΙς οίκέτης δύναται δυσΐ κυρίοις δου- will give you THAT which
Νο one domestic i s able two lords to 13 §No Domestic can
λεύειν η1 γαρ τόν δνα μισήσει, καΐ τόν serve Two Masters ; for he
€τερον αγαπήσει· ή ενός άνθέξεται, καΐ will either hate the ONE,
other he w i l l love; or one he w i l l cling to, and and love the OTHER ; or he
του ετέρου καταφρονήσει. Ού δύνασθε Θεφ will attend to ONE, and
the other he w i l l slight. Not you are able God neglect the OTHER. YOU
δουλεύειν καΐ μαμωνφ. ""Ηκουον δέ ταΰτα cannot serve God and
to serve and mammon. Heard and these Mammon."
πάντα καΐ ot Φαρισαίοι, φιλάργυροι υπάρχον- 14 And the PHARISEES,
all also the Pharisees, money-lovers being; Jbeing money-lovers, also
τες· καΐ έξεμυκτήριζον αυτόν. 15ΚαΙ είπεν αύ- heard all these things, and
and they mocked him. And he said to they ridiculed him.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—6. HH said. 6. Thy LETTERS, and. 7. And—omit. 7.

Thy LETTERS, and. 9. it fails. 12. OUR OWN.
t 7. the cor was the largest measure of capacity among the Hebrews, whether for
soldiers or liquids. As the bath was equal to the ephah. so the cor was equal to the
homer. It contained about seventy-five gallons and five pints English.
ί 8. John xii. 3 6 ; Eph. v. 8; 1 Thess. v. 5. t 9. Dan. iv. 2 7 ; Matt. vi. 19;
xix. 2 1 ; 1 Tim. vi. 17-19. t 10. Matt. xxv. 2 1 ; Luke xix. 27. $ 13. Matt. vi. 24.
X 14. Matt, xxiii. 14.
CHap. 16:15.] LUKE. [Chap. 16:22.
τοις* Ύμεϊς έστε ol δικαιοΰντες εαυτούς ενώ- 15 And he said to them,
"You are THOSE who
πιον των ανθρώπων ό δέ θεός γινώσκει $ JUSTIFY yourselves be-
fore MEN ; but GOD knows
τάς καρδίας υμών οτι τό έν άνθρώποις ύψη- your HEARTS; For THAT
the hearts of you; for that by men highly Which is HIGHLY PRIZED
λόν, βδέλυγμα ενώπιον τοΰ θεοΰ. among Men is an Abom-
ination before *GOD.

Ό νόμος καΐ ol προφήται έ*ως 'Ιωάννου·
The law and the prophets till John; 16 JThe LAW and the
PROPHETS were till John ;
άπό τότε ή βασιλεία τοΰ θεοΰ ευαγγελί- from that period, the
KINGDOM of GOD is pro-
ζεται, καΐ πάς εις αυτήν βιάζεται. 17 Εΰκο- claimed, and every one
and every one into her presses. Easier presses towards it.
πώτερον δέ έστι τόν ούρανόν καΐ την γήν πα-
but it is the heaven and the earth to 17 §And it is easier for
ή τοΰ νόμου μίαν κεραίαν πε- PIEAVEN and EARTH to
pass away, than for one
οεΐν. 1 8 Π ά ς ό άπολύο)ν την γυναίκα αύ- Point of the LAW to fail.
fail. Everyone who dismissing the wife of
* τοΰ, καΐ γαμών έτέραν, μοιχεύει· 18 JEVERY ONE who
marries another, commits
καΐ πάς ό άπολελυμένην άπό αν- adultery; and * H E who
δρός γαμών, μοιχεύει. MARRIES her being di-
husb&nd marrying, commits adultery. vorced from her Husband,
commits adultery.
"Ανθρωπος δέ τις ήν πλούσιος, καΐ ένε-
Α man now certain was rich, and was 19 ±Now there was a
certain rich Man, who was
βιδύσκετο πορφύραν καΐ βύσσον, εύφραινό- clothed in Purple and Fine
linen, and feasted sumptu-
μενος κ α θ ' ήμέραν λαμπρώς.
Π τ ω χ ό ς δέ ously every Day.

τις * [ήν] ονόματι Λάζαρος, * [δς] έβέβλητο 20 And a certain Poor

c e r t a i n [ w a s ] n a m e d L a z a r u s , [ w h o ] w a s l a i d man, named Lazarus, was
laid at his GATE, full of
προς τόν πυλώνα αύτοΰ ήλκωμένος, sores,
κα1 έπιθυμών χορτασθηναι άπό των ψιχίων, 21 and longing to be
and longing to be fed from the crumbs fed with *THOSB CRUMBS
των πιπτόντων άτό της τραπέζης τοΰ πλουσίου· which FELL from the RICH
those falling from the table of the rich; man's TABLE ; but even
the DOGS came and licked
αλλά και ol κύνες ερχόμενοι άπέλειχον τά his sores.
but ονθϋ the do^ s c om i ii£ licked' the
2λκη αύτοΰ. 2 2 Έγένετο δέ άποθανείν τόν 22 And it occurred, that
s o r e s o f h i m . I th a p p e n e d a n d t o d i e the the POOR man died, and
πτωχόν, καΐ άπενεχθήναι αυτόν ύπό των was carried away by the
poor, a n d t o be b o r n e a w a y h i m by t h e ANGELS to ABRAHAM'S

• VATICAN M A N U C R I P T . — 1 5 . the Lord. 18. H B who MARRIES. 20. was—omit,

20. who—omit. 21. THINGS which PELL.
± 1 9 . This parable stands in connection with a palpable confusion and interruption
of our Savior's discourse, which is broken after the fifteen verse by three verses
neither connected with each other, nor with what precedes them. Neither is it directly
said that our Savior did use the parable, but is abruptly Introduced, &c. I am unable to
learn whether a similar parable has been recognized in the rabbinical writings; but the
complexion of it certainly accords with their mode of illustration much better than it
does with that employed by our Savior.—McCulloh. Dr. Lightfoot and others have shown
that the Jews in their Gemara have a parable much to the same purpose.—Doddridge.
$ 15. Luke x. 23. % 16. Matt. iv. 1 7 ; xi. 12. 1 3 ; Luke vii. 29. J 17. M a t t
?. 18. t 18. Matt. v. 3 2 ; xix. 9 ; Mark x. 1 1 ; 1 Cor. vii. 10, 11.
Chap. 1G:23.] LUKE. [Chap. 16:29.
αγγέλων εις τόν κόλπον 'Αβραάμ. Άπέ- fBOSOM. And the RICH
messengers into the bosom Abraam. Died man also died, and was
Φανέ δέ καΐ ό πλούσιος, καΐ ετάφη. 2 3 ΚαΙ buried;
and also the rich, and was burled. And
23 and in HADES, being
έν τώ οίδη έπάρας τους οφθαλμούς αύ- in Torments, he lifted up
his EYES, aod sees *Abra-
τοΰ, υπάρχων έν βασάνοις, όρα τόν Άβρα- ham at a distance, and
himself, being in torments, sees the Abra- Lazarus in f the FOLDS of
άμ άπό μακρόθεν, καΐ Λάζαρον έν τοίς κόλ- his mantle.
ποις αΰτοΰ. 2 4 ΚαΙ αυτός φωνήσας είπε· 24 And crying out he
soms of him. And he crying out he said;
Π ά τ ε ρ 'Αβραάμ, έλέησόν με, καΐ πέμψον said, 'Father Abraham,
Ο father Abraam, do thou pity me, and bend pity me, and send Lazarus,
Λάζαρον ίνα 6άψτ| τό δκρον τοϋ δακτύλου tlmt he may dip the TIP of
L a z a r u s , t h a t h e m a y d i p t h e t i p of t h e finger his FINGER in Water, and
αύτοΰ ύδατος, καΐ κατάψυξη την γλώσοάν cool my TONGUE ; for I
of 23iΧΆs© 1 £ of wSLt©rι ctud ixiiiy cool tlio tongue am tortured in this FLAME/
μου* δτι όδυνώμαι έν τχ\ φλογΐ ταύττ],
of me; for l a m in pain in the flame this*. 25 But Abraham said,
Είπε δ$ 'Αβραάμ· ϊ έ κ ν ο ν , μνήσθητι, 'όχι 'Child, recollect That thou,
during thy LIFE, $didst re- •
άπέλαβες τα αγαθά σου έν τη ceive thy GOOD things, and
thou didst receive the things jjood of th^e in the Lazarus, in like manner,
his EVIL· things ; but now
t,(af\ σου, καΐ Λάζαρος · ομοίως τά *here he is comforted,
l i f e of t h e , a n d L a z a r u s i n l i k e m a n n e r t h e t h i n g s and thou a r t tormented.
«ακά* νϋν δέ (^δε παρακα?νεΐται, σύ δέ
bad; now but t h i s i s comforted, thou and
όδυνασαι. 2 6 Kai επί πά-"'. τούτοις, μεταξύ 26 And besides all this,
art in pain. And besides si. L these, between a great Chasm is situated
ημών καΐ υμών χάσμα μέγα έστήρικται, between us and you ; so
of us and of you a chasm great has been fixed, that THOSE WISHING to
δπως ol θέλοντες διαβήναι ένθεν πς>ός pass over hence to you aro
so that those wishing to pass over hence to unable; nor can *those
cross over thence to us/
ύμας, μή δύνωνται, μηδέ ol εκείθεν προς
27 Then he said, Ί en-
, διαπερώσιν. 2 7 Ε!πε δέ· 'Ερωτώ οΰν treat thee, then, Father, to
send him to my FATHER'S
σε, πάτερ, ίνα πέμψης αυτόν είς τόν HOUSE ;
thee, O father, that thou -vouldst send him to the
οίκον τοϋ πατρός μου· εχω γαρ πέντε 28 For I have Five Bro-
bouse of the father of me; I have for five thers ; that he may testify
fully to them, lest they
αδελφούς* όπως διαμαρτύρηται αύτοίς, ίνα μη
also como into this PLACE
καΐ αυτοί ϊίλθωσιν εις τόν τόπον τούτον της
βασάνου. °Λέγει *[αύτφ] 'Αβραάμ· »Έχουσι 29 * B u t A b r a h a m says,
torment. Says [to him] Abraam; They have ? T h e y l i a v e JMOSGS a n d
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 3 . Abraham. 2 5. here he is comforted and. 2G. those.
29. But Abraham. 29. to him—omit.
± 2 2 . The expression, "Abraham's bosom," alludes to the posture used by the Jew3
at table. This was reclining on couches after the manner of the Romans, the upper
part of the body resting upon the left elbow, and the lower lying at length upon tho
couch. When two or three reclined on the same couch, some say the worthiest or most
honorable person lay first, (Lightfoot says, in the middle;) the next in dignity lay
with his head reclining on the breast or bosom of the first, as John is said to have
done on the bosom of Jesus at supper; and hence is borrowed the phrase of Abraham's
bosom, as denoting the state of celestial happiness. Abraham being esteemed the mo?t
honorable person lay first (Lightfoot says, in the middle;) the nest in diginty lay
allusion to the order in which guests w r e plnced at an entertainment) the hifihes.,
state of felicity next to that of Abraham himself.—Bunder. ± 23. Tots kolpois, beins
plural, the idea seems to be as exm-essed in the t e n Bee. Parkhurst.
t 25. Job. xxi. 1 3 ; Luke vi. 24. $ 29. Isa. viii. 2 0 ; xsxiv. 1G; John v. 39, 4 5 ;
Acts xv. 2 1 ; xvii. 1 1 .
Chap. 16:30.] LUKE. [Chap. 17:7.
Μωσέα καΐ τους προφήτας· άκουσάτωσαν the PROPHETS ; let them
Moses and the prophets; let them hear hear them.'
αυτών. Ό δέ είπεν Ουχί, πάτερ, 'Αβραάμ· 30 And HE said, 'No,
them. He and said' No, θ father, Abraani; Father Abraham, but if
άλλ' έάν τις άπό νεκρών πορευθώ προς one should go to them from
but if one from dead ones may go to
31 the Dead, they will reform.'
αυτούς, μετανοήσουσιν. ΕΙπε δέ αύτώ* ΕΙ
them, they w i l l reform. He said but to h i m ; If 31 And he said to him,
Μωσεως καΐ των προφητών ούκ άκούουσιν, 'If they hear not Moses
Μ oses itiicl 11ι β prophets not thoylieiiri and the PROPHETS, §nei-
ther will they be con-
ουδέ έάν τις έκ νεκρών άναστη, πεισθή- vinced, though one should
HQ I t h e Γ XX OUG OUt O l Cl€&d ΟIIΘ SuOU 1 £* Γ i SC · W ill
rise from the Dead.' "
they be convinced. CHAPTER XVII.
ΚΕΦ. ιζ' 17. 1 And he said to *his
*ΕΙπε δέ προς τους μαθητάς· Άνένδεκτον DISCIPLES, $"It is impos-
Ho said and to the disciples; Impossible sible for SNARES not *to
εστί τοΰ μη έλθείν τα σκάνδαλα* ούαί δέ, come; but Woe to him
i t is of the not to come the snares; woe but,
through whom they come!
δι' οΰ έρχεται. Λυσιτελεί
αύτφ, 2 It would be better for
through whom they come. It is profitable for him him, if an upper Millstone
εΐ μύλος όνικός περ'ικειται περί τόν were hanged about his
if a millstone upper was hung about the NECK, and he be thrown
τράχηλον αύτοΰ, καΐ ερριπται εις την into the SEA, than that
neck of him and have been thrown into the
θάλασσαν, η* ίνα σκανδαλίση ενα των he should insnare one of
sea, than δhe should ensnare one of the these LITSLE ONES.
μικρών τούτων. Προσέχετε έαυτοίς. Έάν
l i t t l e ones these. Take heed to yourselves. If 3 Take heed to your-
δέ άμάρτη *[είς σέ] ό αδελφός σου, selves. §If thy BROTHER
And should sin Xagainst thee]] the brother of thee, sins, § rebuke him ; and if
he reforms, forgive him.
έπιτίμησον αΰτώ· καΐ έάν μετανοήσχι,
&φες αύτφ. 4Καί έάν έπτάκις της ημέρας 4 And if seven times in
forgive him. And if seven times of the day a DAY he sins against
άμάρτη εις σέ, και έπτάκις * [της thee, and seven times he
turns to thee again, say-
lie should sin against thee, and seven times Lot the ing, Ί reform ;' thou shalt
ημέρας] έπιστρεψϊ), λέγων Μετανοώ^ forgive him."
αφήσεις αύτφ. 5 And the APOSTLES
thou Β shalt forgive him. said to the LORD, "In-
ΚαΙ είπον οί απόστολοι τφ Κυρίω* Ηρόσ- crease our Faith."
£ ΐιΐdd ss£i£ii idd t thhoo ΆΆΐ)ΐ)οοι ιs st ti ieess t too t thh©
© IJIJοοi*i dd*
DD οο thou
6 $And the LORD said,
θες ήμϊν π'ιστιν. 6Είπε δέ ό Κύριος· Ει εϊχετε
add to us faith. Said and the Lord: If you hud "If you had Faith as a
πίστιν ώς κόκκον σινάπεως, έλέγετε Grain of Mustard, you
faith as a grain of mustard, you might say
might say to this SYCA-
Tfl συκαμίνω ταύτη· ΈκριζώΟητι,
—..,.---,—,.., καΐ MiNE-TREE, Be thou up-
to the sycamine-tree thi Be thou u p r t rooted and planted in the
Be thou uprooted, and
φυτεύθητι έν τη θαλασσή καΐ ύπήκουσεν civ SEA ; and it would obey
be thou7 planted in the sea;" and it . . would.. obey„
ΰμϊν. Τίς δέ έξ υμών δοΰλον έ'χων άροτρι- 7 But which of you hav-
you. Which but of you a slave having plough- ing a Servant ploughing
ώντα η* ποιμαίνοντα, δς ε'ισελθόντι έκ του or feeding cattle, will say
ing or to him as he comes in
άγροϋ έρεί· Ευθέως παρελθών άνά- from the FIELD, 'Come im-
field -v i l l iay; mediately going do thou mediately, and recline?'

VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 . his disciples. 1. should C O M B ; nevertheless Woe. 3.

against thee—emit. 4. of the day—omit.
t 31. John xii 10, 11. % ) . Matt, rviii. 6. 7 ; Mark ix. 4 2 ; 1 Cor. xi. 19. $ 3.
Matt, xviii. 1 5 , 2 1 . t 3. Lev. xix. 17; Prov. xvii. 1 0 ; James v. 19. ί 6. Matt,
xvii. 20. xxi. 1 1 ; Mark ix. 2 3 ; xi. 23.
Chap. 17:8.] LUKE. [Chap. 17:20.
πέσε; Ά λ λ ' ουχί έρεί αύτώ· Έτοίμασον 8 But will he not say
recline? But not will say to him; Make ready to him, 'Make ready my
supper, gird thyself, and
wh δειπνήσω, καΐ περιζωσάμενος διακονεί serve me, while I eat and
μοι, εΌις φάγω και πίω· καΐ μετά ταϋτα drink; and afterwards
me. ι ill I may eat and drink; and after these thou shalt eat and drink ?'
φάγεσαι και πίεσαι συ; 9Μή χάριν έχει τφ
shalt eat and drink thou? Not favor has the 9 Does he thank *that
δούλω εκείνα), δτι έποίησε τά διατα- SERVANT Because he did
sla what was commanded?
χθέντα; * [Ού δοκώ.1 Οΰτω και ύμείς,
been commanded? CNo I think.] So also you, 10 So also you, when
δταν ποιήσητε πάντα τά διατα- you shall have done All the
when you s h a l l have done all the things having
say, 'We are unprofitable
χθέντα ύμίν, λέγετε· "Οτι δοϋλοι
Servants; for we have
been commanded you, say you, That slaves done only what we were
αχρείοι έσμεν δτι δ ώφείλομεν bound to do.' "
11 And it occurred, as
n he was PROCEEDING to
Kai έγένετο έν τ φ πορεύεσθαι αυτόν Jerusalem, he passed
through the Interior of
εις 'Ιεροσόλυμα, καΐ αυτός διήρχετο διά Samaria and Galilee.
μέσου Σαμαρείας καΐ Γαλιλα'ιας. Kai είσερ- 12 And as he was about
midst of S a m a r i a and Galilee. And enter- ring a Certain Vil-
χομένου αύτοΰ εις τίνα κώμην, απήντησαν lage, Ten Lepers met him,
ing of him into a certain village, met who stood $at a distance ;
αύτφ δέκα λεπροί άνδρες, ot έστησαν πόρρω-
him ten leprous men, who stood far off.
13 and they lifted up
θεν. ΚαΙ αυτοί ήραν φωνήν, their Voice, saying, "Jesus
And they l i f t e d up a v o i c e ,
Master, pity us."
Ίησοϋ έπιστάτα έλέησον ήμας. ΚαΙ Ίδών 14 And seeing them, he
said to them, $"Go, show
εϊ,πεν αΰτοίς· Πορευθέντες επιδείξατε έαυ- yourselves to the PRIESTS."
lie sfl. 1 d t o tliotxi* Goin§» shoTV you your~ And it happened, as they
τους τοις Ιερεΰσι. Και έγένετο έν τφ ύπά- were GOING, they were
s e l v e s t o t h e p r i e s t s . And i t happened i n ' t h e t o
15 cleansed.
γειν αυτούς, έκαθαρίσθησαν. ΕΙς δέ έξ
15 And one of them per-
αύτων, Ιδών δτι ίάθη, επέστρεψε, μετά ceiving That he was cured,,
them, seeing that he was cured turned back, with returned, praising GOD
φωνής μεγάλης δοξάζων τον Θεόν κα1 επε- with a loud Voice;

a voice loud glorifying t h e God; and fell

16 and he fell on his
σεν επί πρόσωπον παρά τους πόδας αύτοΰ, Face at his FEET, thanking
him ; and he was a Samar-
ευχάριστων αύτφ· καΐ αυτός ήν Σαμαρείτης. itan.
giving thanks to lilm; and he was a Samaritan.
ΆποκριθεΙς δέ ό Ίησοΰς είπεν ΟύχΙ ol 17 And JESUS answer-
Answering and the Jesus said; Not the ing, said, "Were not the
δέκα έκαθαρίσθησαν; ol δέ εννέα ποΰ; TEN cleansed? but where
ten were cleansed? the but nine where? are the NINE?
Ούχ εν'ρέθησαν ύποστρέ-ψαντες δοΰναι δόξαν 18 Were none found to
Not they found having returned to give glory return to give Praise to
τφ Θεώ, ει μή ό αλλογενής ούτος; 1 0 ΚαΙ GOD, except this A L I E N ? "
είπεν αύτφ· Άναστάς πορεύου* * [ή πίστις 19 And he said to him ;
he eaid to him; Arising go thou: [the faith "Arise, go thy way ; *thy
σου σέσωκέ σε.] FAITH has saved thee."

^'Επερωτηθείς δέ ύπό των Φαρισαίων, 20 And having been

Having been asked and by the Pharisees, asked by the PHARISEES,
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 9 . the SERVANT. 9. him, I think not—omit. 19. thy
F A I T H has saved thee—omit,
t 12. Lev. xiii. 46. t 14. Lev. xiii. 2 ; xiv. 2 ; Matt. viii. 4 ; Luke v. 14.
Chap. 17:21.] LUKE. [Chap. 17:29.
πότε έ'ρχεται ή βασιλεία τοΰ
Θεοΰ, άπε- when GOD'S KINGDOM was
when comes the kingdom of the God, he an- coming, he answered them,
and said, "The KINGDOM
κρίθη αύτοίς, καΐ είπεν Ουκ έρχεται ή of GOD comes not with
outward show ;
βασιλεία τοΰ Θεοΰ μετά παρατηρήσεως·
21 nor shall they say,
οϋδέ έροΰσιν 'Ιδού ώδε, ή *[16ού] εκεί· 'Behold here ! or there V
nor w i l l they say; Lo here, or, [or] there; for, behold, ±GOD'S ROYAL
Ιδού γάρ, ή βασιλεία τοϋ θεοΰ εντός MAJESTY is among you."
lo for, the majesty of the God In the midst 22 And he said to the
υμών έστιν. 22Είπε δέ προς τους μαθητάς· DISCIPLES, $Days will
of you Is. He said and to the disciples;
come, when you will desire
Έλεύσονται ήμέραι, δτε επιθυμήσετε μίαν to see one of the DAYS of
W i l l come days, when you w i l l d e s i r e one the SON of MAN, and
τών ημερών τοϋ υΐοΰ τοΰ άνθρωπου you will not see it.
of the days of the son of the man
Ιδεϊν καΐ ούκ δψεσθε. 23
ΚαΙ έροΰσιν 23 $And they will say
to you, *'Behold, there!'
υμίν 'Ιδού ώδε, ή, Ιδού εκεί· μη άπέλθητε, or 'behold, here!' follow
to you Lo here, or, lo there; not you may go away, not.
μηδέ διώξητε. 24<ΓΏσπερ γάρ ή αστραπή, 24 $For as THAT LIGHT-
ή άστράπτουσα έκ της υπ' ούρανόν, ε'ις ONE part under Heaven
that flashing out of the under heaven, to shines to the OTHER part
την ύπ' ούρανόν λάμπει· οΰτως εσται ό under Heaven; so will
the SON of MAN be.
υΙός τοΰ άνθρωπου *[έν τχ\ ημέρα αύτοΰ.] 25 $But, first he must
son of the man [in the day of him.] suffer Much, and be re-
^Πρώτον δέ δει αυτόν πολλά πα- jected by this GENERA-
First but i t behooves h i m many t h i n g s tc TION.
θείν, καΐ άποδοκιμασθήναι άπό της γενεάς 26 $And as it was in
buffer, and to be rejected from the generation the DAYS of Noah, so will
ταύτης. 26ΚαΙ 3ίαθώς έγένετο έν ταίς ήμέραις it be also in the DAYS of
this. And as i t happened in the days
the SON of MAN.
Νώε, οΰτως Uaxai καΐ έν ταίς ήμέραις τοΰ 27 They were eating,
of Noe, so i t w i l l be a l s o in t h e days of the they were drinking, they
υΐοΰ τοΰ άνθρωπου. "Ησθιον, 27
επινον, were marying, they were
son of the tuftii· They Ate^ they rlrfliiic given in marriage, till the
DAY that Noah entered
έγάμουν, έξεγαμίζοντο, άχρι the ARK, and the DELUGE
they married, t h e y w e r e g i r e n i nm a r r i a g e , till came, and destroyed them
ή"ς ημέρας εισήλθε Νώε εις την κιβωτόν all.
of ινϊιιch uiiiy entered No© into the xtrlcj 28 In like manner also
καΐ ήλθεν ό κατακλυσμός, καΐ άπώλεσεν απαν- as it was in the DAYS of
and came the flood, and destroyed a l l . Lot; they were eating,
τας. ^'Ομοίως καΐ ώς έγένετο έν ταίς they were drinking, they
ID lik© ΪΪΙΙΪΪΙΙΙ©Γ & 1 so & s ith&ppeued in the were buying, they were
ήμέραις Λώτ· ήσθιον, επινον, ήγόραζον, selling, they were plant-
days of Lot; they ate, they drank, they bought, ing, they were building;
έπώλουν, έφύτευον, ώκοδόμουν 29ή δέ 29 but $on the DAY that
they sold, they planted, they built; in the but
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. lo—omit. 23. there!or behold here! follow not. For.
24. in his DAY—omit.
± 2 1 . In this verse it has been found necessary to depart from the usual signification
of hee lasileia tou tJieou, the KINGDOM of GOD, and render as in the text. That this
rendering is admissible and correct, see Note on Matt. iii. 2. Basileia here refers to
the person to whom the title and honor of king belonged, rather than to his territory
or kingdom, Prof. Whitings, an able Hebrew and Greek scholar, says, this clause in the
21st verse ought to be rendered "the king is among you." Dr. A. Clarke in a note on
the 21st verse evidently understood this to relating to the Christ, He says, "Perhaps those
Pharisees, thought, that Messiah was kept secret, in some private place, known only
to some of their rulers; and that by and by he should be proclaimed in a similar way
to that in which Joaeh was by Jehoiada the priest. See the account. 2 Chron. xxiii. 1-11.
ί 22. Matt. ix. 15. % 23. Matt. xxiv. 2 3 ; Mark slli. 2 1 ; Luke xxi. 8. % 24.
Matt. xxiv. 27. % 25. Mark viii. 3 1 ; ix. 3 1 ; x. 3 3 ; Luke ix. 22. % 26. Gen. Vli;
Matt. xxiv. 37. t 29. Gen. xix. 16, 24.
Chap. 17:30.] LUKE. [Chap. 18:4.
ήμερα εξήλθε Λώτ άπό Σοδόμων, έ'βρεξε πυρ Lot went out from Sodom
day "went out Lot from Sodom, It rained fire it rained Fire and Sulphur
και θείον άπ' ούρανοϋ, καΐ άπώλεσεν from Heaven and de-
ΛΙΙΟΙ ti ι* i rti sfcon© f ΓΌΪΏ h Θ& ν ΘΟ · &nd destroyed stroyed them all.
βπαντας- *°κατά ταΰτα εσται f| ήμρρα 30 Thus will it be in the
all; according to these i t w i l l be In t h e day
Η1 Day when the SON of MAN
ό υίός τοΰ άνθρώ.του αποκαλύπτεται. Έν is revealed.
the son of the man is revealed. In
εκείνη if) τ»μρρα, ο- grrxca επι τοϋ δώματος, 31 On That DAY, $let
ihat " the day, who w i 11 be on the roof, not him who shall be on
και τα σκεύη αύτοΰ έν τΐ\ οικία, μη κατά- the ROOF, and his FURNI-
& tid t ϊι t? JJOOQS of -iim in the house· not let hiITI TURE in the HOUSE, de-
βάτω δραι αυτά* καΐ ό έν τφ αγρό), όμοί- scend to take it away;
descend to take them; and he i n t h e field, in l i k e and in like manner, let
ως μη έπιστρεψάτω εις τά οπίσω. not him who shall be in
the * Field turn back.
32 33
Μνημονεόετε της γυναικός Λώτ. "Ος εάν 32 $ Remember Lot's
Remember you of the wife of Lot. Whoever
ζήτηση ττιν ι^υνήν αύτοΰ σώσαι, απολέσει 33 $ Whoever may seek
to *save his LIFE, will
αυτήν και ος έάν άπολέση αυτήν, ζωογονήσει lose i t ; and whoever may
her; a n d:14 w h o e v e r may lose' her, will preserve lose it, will preserve it.
αυτήν. Λέγο) ύμΐν TCUWTI τη νυκτί έσονται
her. . I say t o you; In t h i s ' the night w i l l be 34 %J tell you, in T h a t
δύο έπΙ κλίνης μιας· el ς παραληφθήσεται, καΐ NIGHT there will be two

on *a B e d ; One will be
ό ετεοος άφεθήσεται. Δύο έσονται άλήθου- taken, and t h e OTHER left.
the other w i l l be l e f t . T w o w i 11 b e grinding
σαι έπΙ το αυτό· ή μία παραληφθήσεται, καΐ 35 Two will be grinding
on the same; the one
w i l l be t a k e n , and together, the ONE will be
ή ετέρα άφεθήσεται. Kal άποκριθέντες λέ- taken, and the OTHER left."
γουσιν αύτώ· Ποΰ, Κύριε; Ό δέ είπεν αϋ- 36 And answering they
said to him; Where, O Lord? He and said to said to him, $"Where,
τοις* "Οπου τό σώμα, εκεί συνανθήσονται ol L o r d ? " And H E said to
them; Where the body, there w i 1 1 be gathered the them, "Where the BOI>Y
άετο'ι. is, t h e r e *also the EAGLES
eagles will be assembled."

ΚΕΦ. ι η ' . 18. C H A P T E R XVIII.

Έλεγε δέ καΐ παραΛολήν αύτοϊς, προς 1 And he also spoke a
Parable to them, to show
t h a t they OUGHT $to pray
τό δεΐν πάντοτε προσεύχεσθοιι, καΐ μη έκ- continually, and not be
weary ;
κακείν, 2λέγονν· Κριτής τις ήν έν τινι 2 saying, " T h e r e was a
be weary, saying: A Judge certain was in a certain
certain Judge in a certain
πόλει, τόν Θεόν μη φοβούμενος, καΐ ανθρο>πον City, who feared not Gon
nor respected Man.
μη έντρεπύμενος. Xrtoa δέ ήν έν τχ\ πόλει 3 And there was a Wid-
not regarding. Δ widow and w a s in the city
ow in t h a t City ; and she
εκείνη καΐ τίρνετο προς αυτόν, λέγουσα· went to him, saying, 'Ob-
tain justice for me from
Έκδ'ικησόν με άπό τοΰ αντιδίκου μου. 4 ΚαΙ 4 And he would not for
ούκ ήθέλησεν έπι γοόνον. Μετά δέ ταΰτα a t i m e ; but afterward
he said within himself,
είπεν έν έα\'τφ· Ει κα.1 τόν Θεόν οΰ φοβούμαι, 'Though I fear not GOD
he said in himself; If even the God not I fear, nor regard Man ;

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—31. Field. 33. insure his LIFE. 34. a Bed. 36. also
t 31. Matt, xxiv 17; MarU xiii. 15. $ Ά2. Gen. xix. 26 t 33. Matt, χ 3ί) ;
xvi. 25; Mark viii. 35; Luke ix. 24; John xii. 25. % 34. Matt. xxiv. 40,41;
1 Thess. iv. 17. t 36. Matt. xxiv. 28. }. 1. Luke xi. 5; Horn. xii. 12; Eph. vi. 18.
Chap 18:5.1 LUKE. [Chap. \S:
και άνΐΗκοπον ούκ έντρέπομαι* 5 διά γε το πα- 5 iyet, because this
WIDOW importunes me, I
ρέ*/ειν μ,οι κόπον την yr]Qnv ταντην, έκδι- will do her justice, lest
render t o m e trouble t h ew i d o w this, 1 will do at last her coming should
κήσω αυτήν Γνα μη εις τέλος ερχόμενη weary me V "
Justice her; that not to end coming
ύπωπιάζη με. 6 Ειπε δέ ό Κι ριος· Άκού- 6 And the LORD said,
she should pester me. Said and the Lord; Hear "Hear what the UNJUST
σατε, τι ό κριτής της αδικίας λέγει. 7<Ο JUDGE says ;
you, wha: the ludge the unjust says. The
δέ Θρ«ς οι» μή ποιήσει, την έκδ'ικησιν των 7 and $will not GOD do
and God not not w i l l do the Justice for the
justice for THOSE CHOSEN
εκλεκτών αύτοΰ των όοώντων προς αυτόν ONES of his, who are CRY
ING to him Day and Night,
ημέρας και νυκτός, και μακρο^υμών έπ' and he is compassionate
day " and night", and bearing long towards towards them?
αΰτοίς; Λέγ<ο ι'μΐν, δτι. ποιήοει την
8 I tell you, JThat he
εκδίκησιν αυτών έν τάνει. Πλην ό υΙός
Justice for them in an instai :. Hut the son
will speedily do them JUS-
TICE. But when the SON
τοΰ άνθρωπου έλθο>ν δρα εύρήσει την of MAN comes, will he find
this BELIEF on the LAND?"
πίοτιν επί της γης:
faith on the earth?
9 And he spoke this
ΕΙπε δέ προς τινας τους πεποιθότας PARAI5LE also to SOME.
He spoke and also to some those trusting
έφ' έαυτοίς δτι ε?<τΙ δίκαιοι, καΐ έξονθε-
$who TRUSTED in them-
ln th pis-
selves That they were
νοΰντας τους λοιπούς, την πο,ραβολήν ταντην
righteous, and despised
ing " the others, the parable t h i s : OTHERS.
" Α ν 0 ρ ω π ο ι δύο ά ν έ β η σ α ν ε ι ς τό Ιερόν προσεύ- 10 " T w o Men went up
Men two w n t up into the temple to pray; i n t o t h e T E M P L E to p r a y ;
ξασθαι* ό είς Φαριοαΐος καΐ ό έτερος Τελώνης. the ONE a P h a r i s e e , a n d
the one a Pharisee, and the other a tax-tjaUicrer. the OTHER a T r i b u t e - t a k e r
ϊΐ'Ο φαη>α(ά'*ζ, ατ«#ρ>ς π ρ ο ς ε α ν τ ό ν , τ α ΰ τ α
The Pharisee, standing by himself, these 11 T h e P H A R I S E E s t a n d
προσηύ- FXO· Ό θεός, εΰ/αριστώ σοι, δτι
he prayed· The God, 1 give thanks to thee, that i n g by himself, prayed
t h u s ; f'O GOD. I t h a n k
ούκ ε'μι ωσπερ ol λοιποί των ανθρώπων, thee, T h a t Τ am n o t like
OTHER MEN,—Rapacious.
δοπ«γι-ς, άδικοι, μοιγοί, Ϋ\ καΐ ώς Unjust. Dissolute, or even
Ρ 1 u n c i e ι * β r s ι u n j u s t o 12
nes, &dul t©i*ers
( or even 1Ike like T h i s TRIBUTE TAKER.
οΰτος ό τελώνης. Νηοτευο> δις τοΰ σαββά-
this the tax-gatherer. I fast twice of the weok, 12 I fast twice in t h e
του, άπ^δεκατώ πάντα δσα κτωμαι. 1ί5ΚαΙ ό WEEK, I t i t h e all t h a t I
I tithe a l l what I acquire. And the acquire.'
τελώντις μακοόθεν εοτώς ούκ
13 * B u t t h e TRIBUTE
ουδέ τ^ΰς οφθαλμούς είς τόν TAKER, s t a n d i n g a t a dis
not even the eyes to the t a n c e , would not even lift
οι'ρανόν επαοαι* <^λλ' έττπτεν * Γείςΐ τό Up his EYES tO HEAVEN,
heaven lift up; but he smote [on] the but s m o t e his BREAST, say

* VATTCAN MANTSCRTPT. —13. But. 13 ^n—omit.

±11 The following from Bereshith Ftahba, will Illustrate this Pharisaic pride.—
"Rabbi Simeon the so" ol Jochal, said; The world is not worth thirty righteous per
sons such as our father Abraham. If there were only thirty righteous persons in the
world. I and my son should make two of them; and if there were but twenty I and my
son would be of the number; and if there were ten I and my son would be of the num-
ber; and if there were buj flv<;, J and *ny son would be of the five; and if there were but
two, I and my son would be those two; and if there were but one. myself should be
that one. "
$5. Luke xl. 8. $ 7 . Eev. ri. 10. ί 8. Heb. x. 37: 2 Pet. iii. 8. 9. t 9.
Luke x. 29; xvi 15.
Chap. 18:14.] LUKE. [Chap. 18:22·
στήθος αύτοϋ, λέγων *Ο Θεός, Ιλάσθητί ing, Ό GOD, be propitious
breast of himself, saying: The God, be propitious to me a SINNER.'
μοι τφ άμαρτωλφ. 14Λέγω ΰμίν, κατέβη 14 I tell you, this man
to me the sinner. I say to you, went down
went down to his HOUSE
οδτος δεδικαιωμένος είς τόν οίκον αΰ- justified *more t h a n t h e
this having been justiaed to the house of
o t h e r ; §For EVERY ONE
τοΰ, ή γάρ εκείνος· δτι πας ό υψών who EXALTS himself will
himself, or for that; for every one the exalting
be humbled; and H E who
εαυτόν, ταπεινωθήσεται· ό δέ ταπεινών HUMBLES himself will be
himself, w i l l be humbled; he bat humbling
εαυτόν, ύψωθήσεται.
himself, w i l l be exalted. 15 $And they brought
to him their INFANTS also,
^Προσέφερον δέ αύτφ καΐ τά βρέφη, ϊνα t h a t he mighttouch them ;
They brought and to him also the infants, that
αυτών δπτηται· Ιδόντες δέ ol μαθηταΐ but the DISCIPLES seeing
them he might touch; seeing and the disciples it, rebuked them.
έπετίμησαν αύτοίς. 1 6 Ό δέ Ίησοΰς προσκαλε- 16 But J E S U S calling
rebuked them. The but Jesus calling them to him, said, "Per-
<τάμενος αυτά, είπεν* "Αφετε τά παιδία mit the LITTLE CHILDREN
to them, he said; Allow the l i t t l e children to come to me, and forbid
£ρχεσΦαι προς με, καΐ μη κωλύετε αυτά· them n o t ; for to $such
to come to me, and not forbid them; LIKE belongs the KING-
των γάρ τοιούτων εστίν ή βασιλεία τοΰ
for the because such like is the kingdom of the DOM of GOD.
€>εοΰ. Άμήν λέγω ύμΐν, ώς έάν μή δέ- 17 ^Indeed I say to you,
Crod» Indeed I s&y t o you w^ho e v e r n o t nifty Whoever does not receive
ξηται τήν βασιλείαν τοϋ Θεοΰ ώς παιδίον, the KINGDOM of GOD like
-- eive the kingdom of the God as a l i t t l e child, a Little child, he will by
ού μή είσέλθη είς αυτήν, no means enter i t . "
not not may enter into her.
Καί έπηρώτησέ τις αυτόν δρχων, λέγων 18 § And a Certain Ruler
And asked certain him ruler, saying: asked him, saying, "Good
Διδάσκαλε αγαθέ, τΐ ποιήσας ζωήν αίώνιον Teacher, what shall I do
Ο teacher good, w h a t s h a l l I do l i f e a g e - l a s t i n g to inherit aionian Life?"
κληρονομήσω: 19 ΕΙπε δέ α3τφ 6 Ίησοΰς· Τί
to inherit? Said and to him the Jesus; Why 19 And J E S U S said to
με λέγεις αγαθόν; ουδείς αγαθός, εΐ μή him, "Why dost thou call
mo callest thou good? no one good, if not Me good? There is none
είς, ό Θεός. 2°Τάς έντολάς οίδας- good, except one,—GOD.
one, the God. The commandments thou knowest:
20 Thou knowest the
«Μή μοιχεύσχις* μή φονεύ-
"Not thoumayest commit adultery not thoumayest COMMANDMENTS J $Do n o t
commit adultery, Do not
σης· μή κλέψ^ς· μή ψευδομαρ- kill, Do not steal, Do n o t
kill; not thoumryest steal; not thoumayest bear testify falsely, Honor thy
τνρήσγις· τίμα τόν πατέρα σου, καΐ FATHER and MOTHER."
false testimony; honor the father of thee, and 21 And H E said, "All
τήν μητέρα * [σου.»] ^ Ο δέ είπε· Ταΰτα these have I kept from my
the mother Cof thee·"] He and said; These Youth."
πάντα έφυλαξάμην έκ νεότητός μου. ^Άκού- 22 And J E S U S having
all I observed from youth of me. Having
σας δέ * [ταΰτα] ό Ίησοΰς, εΐπεν αύτφ· heard, said to him, "Yet
heard and [these] the Jesus, said to him; in One thing thou a r t
"Ετι δν σοΙ λείπει· πάντα 8σα £χεις w a n t i n g ; §sell all t h a t
Tot one to thee Is wanting; all what thou hast thou hast, and give to t h e
πώλησον, καΐ διάδος πτωχοίς, καΐ δ- Poor, and thou shalt have
sell, and give thou to poor ones, and thou Treasure in *HEAVEN ;
and come follow me."
ξεις θησαυρόν έν ούρανφ· καΐ δεΰρο,
* VATICAN a treasure In
MANUSCRIPT.—14. heaven;
more thanand the come, other. 20. of thee—omit. 22. these
—omit. 22. HEAVEN.
$ 14. Job xxii. 29; Matt, xxiii. 12; Luke xlv. 1 1 ; James iv. 6; 1 Pet. v. 5, 6.
X 15. Matt. xix. 13; Mark x. 13. t 16. 1 Cor. xiv. 20; 1 Pet. ii. 2. * 17. Mark
x. 15. t 18. Matt. xix. 16; Mark x. 17. t 20. Exod. xx. 12, 16; Deut. v. 16-20;
Kom. xiii. 9. $ 22. Matt. vi. 19, 20; xix. 2 1 ; 1 Tim. vi. 19.
Chap. 18:23.] LUKE. [Chap. 18:34.
ακολουθεί μοι. ^ Ό δέ άκουσας ταϋτα, περί- 23 And hearing this,
follow me. He and having heard these, greatly HE became very sorrow-
λυπος έγένετο· fjv γαρ πλούσιος σφό- ful ; for he was exceed-
grieved became; ho was for rich exceeding- ingly rich.
δρα. Ί δ ώ ν δέ αυτόν δ Ίησοΰς * [περί- 24 And *Jesus seeing
ly. Seeing and him the Jesus [greatly him, said, "With what
λυπον γενόμενον,] είπε* Πώς δυσκόλως difficulty will THOSE HAV-
grieved becoming,] said: How with difficulty ING RICHES enter the
ol τά χρήματα έχοντες είσελεύσονται ε'ις την 25 It is easier for a
βασιλείαν του Θεοΰ. 25Εΰκοπώτερον γαρ έστι, Camel to pass through a
Needle's Eye, than for a
kingdom of the God. Easier for it is, Rich man to enter the
κάμηλον δια τρυμαλιάς ραφίδος ε'ισελ- KINGDOM of GOD."
& camel through hole of a needle to
θείν, ^πλούσιο/ν εις την βασιλείαν του θεοΰ 26 And THOSE HEAR-
είσελ^είν. 26ΕΙπον δέ ol άκούσαντες; ΚαΙ ING him, said, "Who then
can be saved?"
τΙς δύναται σωθήναι: " Ό δέ είπε· Τά 27 And HE said, $"The
Who i s able to be saved? He but said: The things THINGS IMPOSSIBLE With
αδύνατα παρά άνθρώποις, δυνατά εστί παρά Men are possible with
impossible with men, possible is with GOD."
τφ θεφ. ^ΕΙπε δέ ό Πέτρος· 'Ιδού, ημείς 28 Then PETER said,
the God. Said and the Peter: Lo, we $"Behold, we have for-
άφή»ίκαμεν πάντα, καΐ ήκολουθήσαμέν σοι. saken *our OWN, and fol-
lowed thee."
^ ' Ο δέ είπεν αύτοίς· 'Αμήν λέγω ύμίν, δτι 29 And HE said to them,
He and said to them: Indeed I say to you, that
"Indeed, I say to you,
ουδείς έστιν 8ς άφήκεν οίκίαν, ή* γονείς, ή That no one has forsaken
a House, or a *Wife,
br ή* γυναίκα, ή4 τέκνα, ένεκεν or Brothers, or Parents,
or Children, on account
της βασιλείας του θεού, ^δς ον μή άπο- of the KINGDOM of GOD,
30 who will not receive
λάβχι πολλαπλασίονα έν τφ καιρφ τούτω, καΐ manifold, in this TIME,
and in the COMING AGE
έν τφ αίώνι τφ έρχομένφ ζωή ν αΐώνιον. aionian Life."
Παραλαβών δέ τους δώδεκα, είπε προς 31 §And taking the
Having taken and the twelve, he said to TWELVE aside, he said to
them, "Behold, we go up
αυτούς* 'Ιδού, άναβαίνομεν είς *Ιεροσόλυμα, to Jerusalem, and All the
καΐ τελεσθήσεται πάντα τά γεγραμμένα the PROPHETS, will be ac-
and w i l l be finished a l l the having been written complished in the SON of
δια των προφητών τφ υΐφ τοΰ άνθρωπου, MAN.
through the prophets
82 in the son of the man. 32 For §he will be de-
Παραδοθήσεται γάρ τοις Ιθνεσι, καΐ
He w i l 1 be del iveredup for to the Gentiles, and livered tO the GENTfLES,
ίμπαιχθήσεται, καΐ ύβρισθήσεται, καΐ and will be mocked, and
w i l l bederided, and w i l l be shamefully treated, and insulted, and spit upon;
£μπτυσθήσεται· κα1 μαστιγώσαντες άποκτε- 33 and having scourged
IVi 11 be spit on; and having been scourged they him, they will kill him;
νοΰσιν αυτόν καΐ τη ημέρα τη τρίτη άναστή- and the THIRD DAY he
nrlllklll him; and the day the third he w i l l will rise again."
*εται. ΚαΙ αυτοί ουδέν τούτων συνήκαν 34 $But they under-
ptand up. And they not one of these understood; stood none of these
Kal fjv τό ρήμα τοΰτο κεκρυμμένον άπ* things; and this MATTER
and was the thing this havingbeenhidden from was concealed from them,
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—24. Jesus seeing him, said. 24. becoming greatly
grieved—omit. 28. our OWN, and 29. Wife, or Brothers, or Parents, or Children.
t 2 7. Jer. xxxii. 1 7 ; Zech. viii. 6. t 28. Matt. iv. 18-22; xix. 2 7 . 3 1 . Matt,
xvi. 2 1 ; xvli. 2 2 ; xx. 1 7 ; Mark x. 3 2 . $ 3 2 . Matt, xxvii. 2 ; Luke xxiii. 1 ;
John xviii. 2 8 ; Acts iii. 13. % 34. Mark ix. 3 2 ; Luke ii. 5 0 ; ix. 4 5 ; John x. 6 ;
xii. 16.
Chap. 18:35.] LUKE. [Chap. 19:5.
αυτών, καΐ ουκ έγίνωσκον τά λεγόμενα, and they did not recog-
thorn, and not they knew the things being spoken. nize WHAT Was SPOKEN.
Έγένετο δε έν τω έγγίζειν αυτόν ε'ις 35 $And it occurred, as
It happened and in the* todrawnigh him to he APPROACHED Jericho,
Ιρχώ, τυφλός
φς τις έκάθητο παρά την a certain blind man sat
J i h blind ma certain sat by
Jericho, a blind man begging by the ROAD.
δδόν προσαιτό&ν. 2 6 Άκούσας δέ όχλου διαπο- 30 And hearing a Crowd
ρευομένου, έπυνθάνετο, τΐ εϊη τοΰι
passing along, he inquired
along, he asked, what may be this what it meant.
Άπήγγειλαν δέ αύτφ, δτι Ίησοΰς ό Να-
37 And they told him,
Theytold and him, that Jesus the Na- "Jesus the NAZARITE is
ξωραϊος παρέρχεται. ^Κα! έβόησε, λέγων
passing by."
aarene passes by. And h© shouted, saying: 38 And he shouted, say-
Ίησοΰ, υΙέ Δαυίδ, έλέησόν με. 3 e Kal oi προά-
ing, "Jesus, Son of David,
Jesus, O son of David, pity me. And those going have pity on m e ! "
γοντες έπετίμων αύτώ, ίνα σιωπήση. 39 And THOSE GOING
before rebuked h i m , " that he might be si lent. BEFORE, charged him to
Αυτός δέ πολλφ μάλλον Ικραζεν ΥΙέ Δαυίδ, be silent; but he cried
He but much more cried out: 0 son of David, out much more, "Son of
έλέησόν με. 4 0 ΣταθεΙς δέ ό Ίησοΰς έκέλευσεν David, have pity on m e ! "
pity me. Stopping and the Jesus commanded 40 And JESUS stopping,
αυτόν άχθήναι προς αυτόν. Έγγίσαντος δέ commanded him to be led
him tobeled to himself. Having come and to him. And having coma
αυτοί), έπηρώτησεν αυτόν, 4 1 * [λέγων] Ti near, he asked him,
of him, he asked him, Lsaying:3 What
σοι θέλεις ποιήσω; *Ο δέ είπε· Κύ-
41 "What dost thou
wish that I should do to
tor thee thoudesirest I should do? He and said: θ thee?" And HE said,
Qie, ίνα άνάβλέψω. 4 2 Kai ό Ίησοΰς είπεν "Master, to restore my
αύτφ· Άνάβλεψον· ή πίστις σου σέσωκέ sight."
42 And JESUS said to
σε. 43
ΚαΙ παραχρήμα άνέβλεψε, καΐ ήκο-
him, "Receive thy sight;
thee. And instantly he sawagain, $thy FAITH has cured
and fol- thee."
λούΦει αύτώ, δοξάζων τόν θ ε ό ν καΐ πας ό
lowed him/ glorifying the God; and a l l the 43 And instantly be saw
λαός Ιδών, εδωκεν αίνον τω Θεώ. again, and followed him,
people seeing, gave praise to the God. Xglorifying Gop : and all
the PEOPLE seeing it, gave
ΚΕΦ. 19. Praise to GOD.
είσελθών διήρχετο τήν
And having entered he passed through CHAPTER XIX.
'Ιεριχώ. 2ΚαΙ Ιδού, άνήρ ονόματι
Jericho. And lo, a man for a name
1 And having entered,
he was passing through
μένος Ζακχαίος· καΐ αυτός fiv άρχιτελώ- JERICHO ;
2 and behold, a Man
νης, καΐ ούτος f\w πλούσιος. Και έζήτει
3 named Zaccheus, (he was
gatherer, and this w a s rich. And he sought rich, and a Chief Tribute-
ΙδεΙν τόν Ίησοΰν, τΙς εστί* καΐ ουκ ήδύνατο
3 sought to see who J E -
από του δχλου, δτι τχ\ ηλικία μικρός SUS was, and could not on
on a c c o u n t
of t h e c r o w d , for the stature little account of the CROWD, for
?yv. ΚαΙ προδραμών έμπροσθεν, άνέβη he was of low STATURE.
was. And running before, he went up 4 And running *BEFORB,
επί συκομορέαν, ίνα lbr\ αυτόν δτι he climbed a Sycamore to
a sycamore, that he minight see him; for
εκείνης έμελλε διέρχεσθαι. ΒΚαΙ ώς η"λ$εν see him; For he was
that he was about to pass by. And as he came about to pass by it.
επί τόν τόπον, άναβλέψας ό Ίησοΰς * [ειδεν 5 And when* Jesus came
to the place, having looked the Jesus [saw to the PLACE, looking up
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—41. saying—omit. 4. BEFORE. 5. Jesus. 5. saw him,
t 35. Matt xx. 29; Mark x. 46. $ 42. Luke xvii. 19. $ 43. Luke v. 2 6 ; Acts
lv. 2 1 ; xi. 18.
Chap. 19:6.] LUKE. [Chap. 19:14.
αυτόν, και] είπε προς αυτόν Ζακχαίε, σπεύ- he said to him, "Zaccheus,
him, and! said to him; 0 Zaccheus, having hasten down, for To-day I
σας κατάβηθι· σήμερον γαρ έν τψ must abide at thy HOUSE/'
hastened descend thou; to-day for in
οϊκφ σου δει με μείναι. βΚαΙ σπεύ- 6 And hehastened down,
house of thee must me to abide. And having and received him r ej oicing.
σας κατέβη, καΐ ύπεδέξατο αυτόν
he camo down, and he received him 7 And seeing it, they all
χαίρων. 7ΚαΙ ίδόντες άπαντες διενόγγυζον, murmured, saying, $"He
rejoicing. And seeing all murmured, has gone in to lodge with
λέγοντες· "Οτι παρά άμαρτωλφ άνδρΐ είσήλ- a Sinful man."
saying: That with a sinner a man he went
Φε καταλΰσαι. 82ταθε1ς δέ Ζακχαίος είπε up,8 said But Zaccheus standing
to the LORD, "Be-
in to lodge. Standing up but Zaccheus said
προς τόν Κύριον* 'Ιδού, τά ήμί,ση των ύπαρ- hold, Master, tho HALF of
to the Lord; Lo, the half of the pos- •My POSSESSIONS I give
χόντων μου, Κύριε, δίδωμι τοις πτωχοίς· καΐ to the Poor ; and if I have
sessions of me, θ lord, I give to the poor; and extorted any thing from
έί τινός τι έσυκοφάντησα άποδίδωμι any one, $1 restore four-
If of any one anything I extorted I give back fold."
τετραπλοΰν. ΕΙπε δε προς αυτόν ό Ίησοΰς* 9 And *Jesus said to
fourfold. Said and to him the Jesus; him, "To-day has Salva-
"Οτι σήμερον σωτηρία τφ οίκω τούτω έγέ- tion come to this HOUSE,
That to-day salvation to the house this has since he also is §a Son of
νετο· καθότι καΐ αυτός υΙός 'Αβραάμ έστιν Abraham.
10 For the SON of MAN
^λθε γάρ ό υΙός τοΐί ανθρώπου ξητήσαι καΐ has come to seek and to
save THAT which was
σωσαι τό άπολωλός. LOST/·'
to save that having been lost.
'Ακουόντων δέ^ αυτών ταΰτα,
11 And as they wero
προσθείς hearing these things, pro-
είπε παραδολήν, διά τό εγγύς αυτόν είναι ceeding he spoke a Par-
he spoke a parable, because tho near him to be able, because he was near
*Ιερουσαλήμ, καΐ δοκεΐν αυτούς, δτι πα- Jerusalem, and they
ραχρήμα μέλλει ή βασιλεία του Θεού άνα- thought that the KING-
DOM of GOD was about
mediately is about the kingdom of the God to immediately to appear.
φαίνεσθαι. Είπεν οίν "Ανθρωπος τις ευ- 12 Therefore he said,
γενής έπορεύθη είς χώραν μακράν, λαβείν
t"A certain Man of noble
birth went into a distant
έαυτφ 6α<τιλείαν, καΐ ΰποστρέψαι.
Country to procure for him-
self Royalty, and to return.
Καλέσας δέ δέκα δούλους έαυτοΰ, εδωκεν
Having called and ten slaves of himself, he gave 13 And he called Ten of
αύτοίς δέκα μνάς, καΐ είπε προς αυτούς· his Servants, and gave
t o ΐ, Ιι cϊίΐ 10χι ΏΙ i i m s · ο.nd li Θ & & 1 ci t o tli6xn · them Ten ±Minas, and
Πραγματεύσασθε εως έρχομαι. Ol δέ πολί- said to them, 'Trade till I

Ι)ο you b u s i n e s s t i l l I come» Tlie t)ut c i t i · - come.'

ται αύτοϋ έμίσουν αυτόν, καΐ απέστειλαν 14 But his CITIZENS
sens of him hated him, and sent hated him, and sent an

tnina equal to £3. 23. Gd., or fifteen dollars.

t 7. Matt ix. 1 1 ; Luke v. SO. $ 8. Exod. xxii. 1; 1 Sam. xil. 3 ; 2 Sam. xii.
6. t 9. Horn. iv. 11, 12, 1 6 ; Gal. ill. 7. t 10. Matt, xviix. 1 1 .
Chap. 19:15.] LUKE. [C7iap. 19:25.
πρεσβείαν όπί,σω αύτοΰ, λέγοντες· Ου θέλο- Embassy after him, saying,
au embassy after him, saying: Not we are 'We are not willing for
μεν τοϋτον βασιλεϋσαι έφ' ήμας. ΚαΙ έγέ- this man to reign over us.'

willing this to reign over i s . And it

15 And it occurred, that
νετο έν τφ έπανελθείν αυτόν λαδόντα at his RETURN, having re-
happened in the to return him having received ceived the ROYALTY, he
την βασιλείαν, καΐ είπε φωνηθήναι αΰ- be ordered those SERVANTS to
called to him, to whom
τφ τους δούλους τούτους, οίς έδωκε τό he gave the SILVER, that
himself the slaves those, to whom he gave the
he might know what *they
άργύριον ινα γνφ, τις τι διεπραγ- had gained by traffic.
silver· that he might know, what each had
1β 16 Then the FIRST came,
ματεύσατο. Παρεγένετο δέ ό πρώτος, saying, 'Sir thy MINA has
gained by trading. Game and the first, gained Ten Minas.'
λέγων Κύριε, ή μνα σου προσειργάσατο 17 And he said to him,
saying: θ lord, the mina of thee has gained
δέκα μνάς. 17ΚαΙ είπεν αύτφ· Εδ, αγαθέ because *'Well done, good Servant!
thou hast been
ten minas. And he said tohim: Well, θ good :|faithful in a very small
δοΰλε* δτι έν έλαχίστω πιστός έγέ- matter, possess authority
elave; because in least ""faithful thouhast
νου, ΐσθι έξουσίαν Ιχων επάνω δέκα πόλεων, over Ten Cities.'
been, be thou a u t h o r i t y h a v i n g over ten cities. 18 And the SECOND,
^ΚαΙ ήλθεν ό δεύτερος, λέγων Κύριε, ή came, saying, 'Sir, thy
.And Cfixtio tli© socoudy Θ 8. y i n jj j Ο lordj t h e MINA has made Five Mi-
μνα σου έποίησε πέντε μνας. 19Είπε δέ nas.'
mlu.£t of the© htis ixindo fiv© minsts* tXe s&icL find 19 And he said also to
καΐ τούτφ· ΚαΙ συ γίνου επάνω πέντε πόλεων. this, 'Be thou also over
Five Cities.'
ΚαΙ Ετερος ήλθε, λέγων Κύριε, Ιδού ή 20 And *the OTHER
And another came, saying: O lord, lo the came, saying, 'Sir, behold
μνα σου, ήν είχον άποκειμένην έν thy MINA, which I had
m i n a of thee, which I had b e i n g l a i d up In
laid up in a Napkin;
σουδαρίω. 2ΧΈφο6ούμην γάρ σε, δτι δν- because 21 $for I feared thee,
thou art a harsh
θρωπος αυστηρός εΙ· αίρεις, δ Man ; thou takest up what
harsh thou art; thou takest up, what thou didst not lay down,
ούκ έ'θηκας, καΐ θερίζεις, δ ούκ and reapest what thou
not thou didst lay down, and thoureapest, what not didst not sow.'
22 22 And he said to him,
εσπειρας. Λέγει δέ αύτφ· Έκ του $Out of thine own MOUTH
thou didst sow. He says and tohim; Out of the I will judge thee, Wicked
στόματος σου κρινώ σε, πονηρέ δοΰλε· Servant. §Didst thou know
mouth of thee I w i l l Judge thee, O e v i l slave; that I am a harsh Man
ήδεις, δτι έγώ δνθρωπος αυστηρός είμι, taking up what I laid not
thou knowest, that I a man harsh am, down, and reaping what I
αΐρων δ ούκ ϋθηκα, καΐ θερίζων δ did not sow?
taking up what not I laid down, and reaping what
ούκ Εσπειρα· ^καΐ διατί ούκ ϊίδωκας τό not23 place Why, then, didst thou
άργύριον μου επί τήν τράπεζαν, καΐ έγώ the BANK, my MONEY in
that coming I
silver ox m β on tliΘ tftolOy &ncL X
έλθών συν τόκω όΐν δπραξα αυτό; might have exacted the
Same with Interest?'
c84o m i n g w i t h i n t e r e s t m i g h t have e x a c t e d it?
ΚαΙ τοις παρεστώσιν είπεν *Άρατε 24 And he said to THOSE
And to those having stood by he said; Take you STANDING BY, 'Take from
άπ* αύτοΰ τήν μνάν, καΐ δότε τφ τάς δέκα him the MINA, and give it
Irom him the mina, and give you to the the ten to HIM who has ±the TEN
μ,νας Ιχοντι. ^(ΚαΙ είπον αύτφ· Κύριε, Minas.'
tulnsis having. (And they s&ici to himj Ο lord» 25 (And they said to
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 5 . they had gained. 17. Well done. 20. the OTHER.
± 2 4 . Perhaps it would be well to supply the word gained here—"Give it to him who
has gained ten Minas; for I say to you, That to every one who has gained, shall be given;
and from him who has not gained, even what he has received shall be taken away."—Clarke.
t 17. Matt. xxv. 2 1 ; Luke xvi. 10. $ 21. Matt. xxv. 24. t 22. Matt. xii. 37.
$ 22. Matt. xxv. 26.
Chap. 19:26.] LUKE. [Chap. 19:36.
έχει δέκα μνας.) 2βΛέγω *[γάρ] ύμίν δτι him, 'Sir, he h a s T e n
he has tea minas.) I say [for] to you that
παντί τω εχοντι δοθήσεται· άπό δέ 26 Ί say to you, §That
τοΰ μή έχοντος, καΐ δ έχει, άρθήσε- tO EVERY ONE Who HAS,
o f tiiQ not having, even what h e has» w i l l l>©
more shall be given ; and
ται *[άπ* αύτοΰ.] 2 7 Πλήν τους εχθρούς from HIM who HAS not,
taken tfrom him.] But the enemies even what he has shall
be taken away.
μου εκείνους, τους μή θελήσαντάς με 6α-
27 But *THOSE ENE-
of me those, the not willing me to MIES of mine, who were
σιλεΰσαι έπ' αυτούς, άγάγετε ώδε, καΐ κατα- not WILLING that I should
reign over them, bring you hither and slay
reign over them, bring
σφάξατε έμπροσθεν μου. hither, a n d s l a u g h t e r
in presence of me.
them in my presence.' "
^ΚαΙ ειπών ταΰτα, έπορεύετο έμπροσθεν, 28 And having said
And having said these, he went before, these things, §he went
άναδα'ινων εις 'Ιεροσόλυμα. ^ΚαΙ έγένετο on before, going up to
going up to Jerusalem. And it happened Jerusalem.
ώζ ήγγισεν εις Βηθφαγή καΐ Βηθανίαν, προς 29 $And it occurred, as
as he drew near to Bethphage and Bethany, to he drew near to Bethphage
τό δρος τό καλούμενον έλαιών, άπέ- and B e t h a n y , at T H A T
the mountain the being called of olive-trees, he MOUNTAIN W h i c h i s CALLED
στείλε δύο των μαθητών αύτοΰ, 3θε1πών· the Mount of Olives, he
sent two of the disciples of himself, saying; sent two of *the DISCI-
Υπάγετε εις τήν κατέναντι κώμην έν η PLES,
30 saying, "Go to the
Go you into the over-against village; in which VILLAGE OVER AGAINST y o u ,
$1σπορευόμενοι εύρήσετε πώλον δεδεμένον, in which, having entered,
entering you w i l l find a c o l t h a v i n g been t i e d , you will find a Colt tied,
£φ' ' δν ουδείς πώποτε ανθρώπων έκάθισε· on which no Man ever
s a t ; loose, and bring him.
λύσαντες αυτόν άγάγετε. 31ΚαΙ έάν τις 31 And if any one asks
having loosed him bring you. And if any one
you, 'Why do you loose
ύμας έρωτφ· ΔιατΙ λύετε; οΰτως έρεί-
you may ask; Why do you loose? thus say him ?' you shall thus say,
' B e c a u s e t h e ΔΙ A S T E R
τε *[αύτφ·] "Οτι δ κύριος αύτοΰ χρείαν wants him.' "
you Cto him;] That the lord of him need 32 And THOSE wrho were
SENT, went away, and
δχει. ^'Απελθόντες δέ ol απεσταλμένοι εδρον, found it even as he had
told them.
Καθώς είπεν αύτοίς. ^Λυόντων δέ αυτών 33 And as they were
τόν πώλον, είπον ol κύριοι αύτοΰ προς αυτούς· loosing the COLT, the OWN-
the colt, said the lords of him to them; ERS of it said to them,
λύετε τόν πώλον Ol δέ είπον Ό "Why do you untie the
Why loose you the colt; They and said: The COLT?"
κύριος αύτοΰ χρείαν έχει. 35ΚαΙ ήγαγον αυτόν 34 And T H E Y s a i d ,
lord of him need has. And they led him •"Because wants him."
προς τόν Ίησοΰν καΐ έπιρρίψαντες εαυτών 35 And they led it to
to the Jesus; and having thrown of themselves
JESUS ; $and having cast
τά Ιμάτια επί τόν πώλον, έπεβίβασαν τόν Their own MANTLES on
the mantles on the colt, they set on the the COLT, they set JESUS
Ίησοΰν. 36Πορευομένου δέ αύτοΰ, ύπεστρών- on it.
Jesus. Going and of him, they spread 36 §And as he was iro-
, τά Ιμάτια αυτών έν τη όδφ. Έγγίξον- ing, they spread
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—26. For—omit. 26. from him—omit. 27. THESE. 29.
the DISCIPLES. 31. to him.—omit. 34. Because the MASTER.
t 26. Matt. xiii. 1 2 ; xxv. 29< Mark U. 2 5 ; Luke viii. 18. % 28. Mark x. 32.
* 2 9 . Matt. xxi. 1; Mark x i . 1. $ 35. 2 Kings ix. 1 3 ; Matt. xxi. 7 ; Mark xi. 7 ;
John xii. 14. % 36. Matt. xxi. 8.

Chap. 19:37.] LUKE. [Chap. 19:47.
τος 6έ αύτοΰ ί]δη προς τχί καταβάσει του 37 And when he was
near and of him now to the descent of the now approaching, at the
δρους των έλαιών, {ίρξαντο άπαν τό DESCENT Of t h e MOUNT Of
m o u n t a i n of t h e o l i v e - t r e e s , began a l l the OLIVES, all the MULTI-
πλήθος των μαθητών χαίροντες αίνείν τόν TUDE of the DISCIPLES
multitude of the disciples rejoicing to praise the
began to rejoice, and
Θεόν φωνή μεγάλη περί πασών ών εί- praise God with a loud
God w i t h a v o i c e loud* f o r a l l w h i c h t h e y
Voice, for all the Miracles
δον δυνάμεων, 3 δ λέγοντες. Ευλογημένος ό which they had seen,
saw mighty works, saying: Worthy of blessing the
ερχόμενος βασιλεύς έν ονόματι Κυρίου* ειρήνη 38 saying, $"Blessed be
coming king in name of Lord; peace the COMING KING in the
έν ούρανώ, και δόξα έν ύψ'ιστοις. 3 9 Καί τίνες Name of Jehovah ! Peace
\νκ *iefl,VGQ« 9.ucl filory i ix hi&liesfc· ^ Q Q some in Heaven, and Glory in
the highest heaven.*'
των Φαρισαίων άπό τοΰ δχλου είπον προς 39 And some of the
of the Pharisees from the crowd said to PHARISEES, among the
αυτόν* Διδάσκαλε, έπιτίμησον τοις μαθηταίς CROWD, said to him,
him; Ο teacher, rebuke the disciples
σου. 40
ΚαΙ αποκριθείς είπεν *[αύτοίς·] Λέ- "Teacher, rebuke thy DIS-
of thee. And answering he said [totliem:] I CIPLES."
γα> ύμίν, δτι έάν οδτοι σιωπήσωσιν, oi 40 But answering he
say to you, that if these should be silent, the said; " I tell you, That if
λίθοι κεκράξονται. these should be silent,
stones w i l l cry out. §the STONES would im-
mediately cry out."
^ΚαΙ &ς ηγγισεν, Ιδών τήν πόλιν, Ιίκλαυ-
And as hedrewnear, seeing the city, he wept 41 And as he drew
σεν έπ' αύτη, λέγων 4 2 "Οτι εΐ έ'γνως near, beholding the ciTr,
$he wept over it,
καϊ συ, * [καίγε] έν τή ήμερα *[σο\)] 42 saying, "O, t h a t
even thou, [at least] In 'the da> tof thee] thou hadst known, even
ταύτχι, τά προς είρήνην σου· νΰν δε thou, at this DAY, the
THINGS which are for thy
έκρύβη άπό οφθαλμών σου. ^ " Ο τ ι ^ξου- Peace! But now they are
I t · I s lllQCiGIX Ι Γ ΟΙΪ1. Gy Θ3 o f til G Ο t IT Ο Γ Λν i l l
hidden from thine Eyes.
σιν ήμρραι επί σέ, καΐ περιβαλουσιν ol 43 For the Days will
come days on this, and wll 1 throw around the come on thee, when thine
εχθροί σου χάρακα σοι, καΐ περικυκλώ- ENEMIES shall throw a
σουσί σε, καΐ συνέξουσί σε πάντοθεν* Rampart around thee, and
ΪΟΙΙΟ-Ί tlii?ο mi{l w i l l p r e s s t h o o o n o v e r y s i d e j enclose
thee in
thee and · press
on every side,
κα1 έδαφιοϋσί σε, καΐ τά
and will level with the ground thee, and the level 44 and will lay thee
with the ground, and
τέκνα σου έν σοι* καΐ ούκ άφήσουσιν thy CHILDREN in thee;
έν σοΙ λίθον επί λίθω* άνθ' ών ούκ and they will not leave a
In thee a stone on a stone; because of which not Stone upon a Ston«e in
£γνως τόν καιρόν της επισκοπής σου. tliee because thou didst
thouknowest the season of the visitation of thee. not know the SEASON of
^ΚαΙ είσελθών εις τό Ιερόν, η*ρξατο έκβάλ- 45 $And going into the
TEMPLE, he began to ex-
λειν τους πωλοΰντας *£έν αύτω καΐ άγοράξον- pel THOSE Who SOLD,
cut those selling [in "it and buy- 46 saying to them, " I t
τας,] 4 0 λέγων αύτοϊς* Γέγραπται· <<Ό οίκος is written, $*My HOUSE
μου οίκος προσευχής έστιν* ύμεΐς δέ αυτόν '*shall be a House of.
of m e a house of prayer is; you but it 'Prayer;' but you "have
έποιήσατε σπήλαιον ληστών.» 4 7 Kai ήν made it a Den of Robbers."
made a den of robbers." And he was 47 And he was teaching
διδάσκων τό κ α θ ' ήμέραν έν τω Ιερώ* ot
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 0 . to them—-omit. 4'2. at least—omit. 42. of t h e e —
omit. 4 5. in it and buying—omit. 4G. shall be a HOUSW.
$ 38. Psa. cxviii. 2 6 ; Luke xiii. 35. % 40. Hab. ii. 1 1 . $ i l . John x i , 3 5 ,
$ 45. Matt. xxi. 1 2 ; Mark xi. 11, 15. t 46. Isa. lvi. 7.
Chap. 19:48.] LUKE. [Chap. 20:10.
δέ αρχιερείς καΐ ol γραμματείς έζήτουν αυτόν a n d $ t h e HIGH-PRIESTS
And li igli—pr i es t s an (I tiie scribes sought 4 8iiim
άπολέσαι, καΐ oi πρώτοι του λαοΰ. ΚαΙ and the SCRIBES and the
to destroy, and the chief ones of the people. And CHIEFS Of the PEOPLE,
ούχ εΰρισκον τό τΐ ποιήσωσιν
ό λαός were seeking to destroy
they might do; the people
not finding that wha
γαρ άπας έξεκρέματο αύτοΰ άκούων.48 And they could not
for a l l were very attentive him hearing. find HOW to do it, for all
ΚΕΦ. κ ' . 20. the PEOPLE were very at-
Χ tentive to hear him.
ΚαΙ έγένετο έν μιφ των ήμερων εκείνων
διδάσκοντος αύτοϋ τόν λαόν έν τω Ιερφ, καΐ CHAPTER XX.
^ίνΛs tejicliiriff οf him tiie people in the tΘΙΪΙp*e> inid
εύαγγελιζομένου, επέστησαν ot αρχιερείς one1 of §And it occurred on
* those DAYS, as he
preaching glad tidings, stood by the high-priests
was teaching the PEOPLE
«at ol γραμματείς συν τοίς πρεσβυτέροις, in the TEMPLE, and pro-
claiming glad tidings, the
κα1 είπον προς αυτόν, λέγοντες· Είπε ήμίν, HIGH-PRIESTS, and the
έν ποία εξουσία ταϋτα ποιείς; η τίς came upon him,
by what* authority these thing
doestthou? >τ w h o 2 and said to him, say-
έστιν ό δούς σοι την έξουσίαν ταύτην; ing, "Tell us, §by What
is he having'given to thee the authority this?
Authority thou doest These
ΆποκριθεΙς δέ είπε προς αυτούς· Έρωτήσο) things? or who is HE that
Answering and he said to them: Will4 ask EMPOWERED thee?"
υμάς κάγώ §να λόγον, καΐ είπατε μοι· Τό 3 And answering he said
you also I one word, and say you tome; The to them, " I a l s o w i l l
βάπτισμα 'Ιωάννου έξ ούρανοϋ ήν, ή* έ | ask you *a Question; and
dipping of John from heaven WES| or from answer me;
ανθρώπων; Ot δέ συνελογισαντο προς εαυ- 4 Was the IMMERSION
τούς, λέγοντες· "Οτι έάν εϊπωμεν Έξ of John from Heaven, or
from Men?"
selves, saying: That if we should say; From 5 And THEY reasoned
ουρανού έρεΐ* ΔιατΙ * [οδν] ουκ έπιστεύ- among themselves, saying,
heaven he w i l l β say; Why Cthen] not did you
σατε αύτώ: Έάν "If we say, 'From Heav-
believe him? εΐπωμεν 'Εξ en,' he will retort, 'Why
and we should say; From did you not believe him?'
ανθρώπων πάς ό λαός καταλιθάσει ημάς· Men,' 6 But if we say, 'From
γάρ έστιν, Ίωάννην προ- all the PEOPLE will
baving been persuaded for i t is, John a STONE u s ; $for they are
baving been 7
φήτην είναι. ΚαΙ άπεκρίθησαν μη
persuaded εΐδέ- persuaded that John was
prophet to be. 8 And Ι they answered not to hare a 7Prophet." And they answered,
ναι πόθεν. ΚαΙ ό Ίησοϋς είπεν αΰτοίς·
known whence. And the Jesus said to them; that they did not know
Ουδέ έγώ λέγω ύμίν, έν ποία εξουσία ταΰτα whence it was.
Neither I t e l l to you, by what authority these 8 And JESUS said to
ποιώ them, "Neither do I tell
I do. you by What Authority I
Ήρξατο δέ προς τόν λαόν λέγειν την perform these things."
tie began and to the people to say the
9 And he began to speak
«α^αβολήν ταύτην "Ανθρωπος έφΰτευσεν this PARABLE to the PEO-
parable this: A man planted PLE : §"A Man planted a
αμπελώνα, καΐ έξέδοτο αυτόν γεωργοίς· Vineyard, and leased it to
A vineyard, &nd l e t out it to husbandmonj Cultivators, and left the
10 country for a long time.
καΐ άπεδήμησε χρόνους Ικανούς. ΚαΙ έν 10 And at the Season he
and went abroad times many. And in sent a Servant to the CUL-
καιρώ απέστειλε προς τους γεωργούς δοϋλον,
* VATICAN he sent
M A N U Sto
C R I Pthe
T . — 1husbandmen a slave,
. the DAY. 3. a Question. 5. then—omit.
t 47. Mark x i . 1 8 ; John vii. 1 9 ; viii. 37. t 1. Matt, xxi, 2 3 . $ 2. Acts iv.
7 ; v i i . 2 7 . $ 6. Matt. xvi. 9 ; xxi. 2 6 ; Luke vii. 29. t 9. Matt. xxi. 3 3 ; Mark
xii. 1 .
Chap. 20:11.1 LUKE. [Chap. 20:19.
ίνα άπό τοϋ καρποί) τοΰ άμπελώνος δώ- TI VATORS, that they should
t h a t from of t h e f r u i t of t h e v i n e y a r d they give him of the FRUIT of
σιν αύτω· ot δε γεωργοί, δείραν- the VINEYARD. But the
might give to him; the but husbandmen, having CULTIVATORS beat him,
τες αυτόν, έξαπέστειλαν κενόν. u Kal and sent him away empty.
beaten him, sent away empty. And
προσέΰετο πέμψαι έτερον δοΰλον ol δε 11 And again he sent
Another Servant; and
κάκείνον δείραντες καΐ άτιμάσαντες, THEY beat him also, and
also this having beaten and having dishonored, having shamefully treated
έξαπέστειλαν κενόν. 12 ΚαΙ προσέϋετο πέμ- him, sent him away empty.
sent away empty. And he proceeded to
ψαι τρίτον ot δε καΐ τοΰτον τραυματίσαν- 12 And again he sent a
send a third; they but also this having third ; and THEY wounded
τες έξέβαλον. 18 Είπε δε 6 κύριος τοϋ him also, and drove him
wounded cast out. Said and the lord of the out.
άμπελώνος· Ti ποιήσω; πέμψω τον 13 Then the OWNER of
υΐόν μου τον άγαπητόν ίσως τοϋτον ίδόν-
the VINEYARD said, 'What
son of me the beloved; perhaps this see- shall I do ? I will send my
BELOVED SON ; perhaps
τες έντραπήσονται. 14 Ίδόντες δέ αυτόν ol they will respect him.'
γεωργοί, διελογίζοντο προς εαυτούς, λέγον- 14 But when the CUL-
husbandmen, they reasoned with themselves, say—
TIVATORS saw him, they
τες* Ούτος έστιν ό κληρονόμος* *[δεΰτε,] reasoned among them-
ing; This is the heir; [come,]
selves, saying, 'This is the
άποκτείνοιμεν αυτόν, ίνα ημών γένηται ή HEIR ; let us kill him, that
we may k i l l him, that to us may be the the INHERITANCE may be-
κληρονομιά. ΚαΙ έκβαλόντες αυτόν εξω τοϋ come ours.'
inheritance. And casting him out of the
άμπελώνος, άπέκτειναν. Τι οΰν ποιήσει 15 And having thrust
him out of the VINEYARD,
αύτοίς ό κύριος τοϋ άμπελώνος; 16
Έλεύσε- they killed him. What,
to them the lord of the vineyard? He w i l l therefore, will the OWNER
of the VINEYARD do to
ται καΐ απολέσει τους γεωργούς τούτους, them ?
καΐ δώσει ·»όν αμπελώνα άλλοις. Άκούσαντες
16 He will come and de-
stroy those CULTIVATORS,
1 7 and give the VINEYARD to
δέ είπον Μη γένοιτο. Ό δέ, έμβλέ- others." And having heard
it, they said, "Let it not
ψας αύτοίς, είπε· ΤΙ οδν έστι τό be."
looked to them, he said; What then is that
γεγραμμένον τοΰτο· «Λίθον δν άπεδοκί- 17 And looking on them,
HE said, "What is THIS
μασαν ol οίκοδομοϋντες, ούτος έγενήθη then that is WRITTEN, $'A
jected the builders, this has been made 'Stone which the BUILD-
εις κεφαλήν γωνίας;» 18
Πάς ό πεσών έπ' 'ERS rejected, has become
into a head corner?" All the falling upon 'the Head of the Corner?'
εκείνον τόν λίθον, συνθλασθήσεται· έφ' ον
δ' αν πέση λικμήσει αυτόν. 19 ΚαΙ that STONE will be bruised ;
b u t i t m a y f a l l , w i l l g r i n d t o p o w d e r h i m . And but on whom it may fall, it
έζήτησαν ot αρχιερείς καΐ ol γραμματείς will crush him to pieces."
sough t the high~priests and tho scribes
έπιβαλεϊν έπ' αυτόν τάς χείρας έν αύτη τη 19 In that very HOUR,
to put on him the hands In this the the HIGH-PRIESTS and
ωρα* καΐ έφοβήθησαν τόν λαόν έγνωσαν SCRIBES sought to lay
hour; but they feared the people; they knew HANDS on him, but they
γαρ, δτι προς αυτούς την παραδολήν ταύτην feared the PEOPLE ; for
they knew That he had
είπε. spoken this PARABLE con-
he spoke. cerning them.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 4 . come—omit,
t 17. PSP. cxviii. 2 7 · xxi 42.
Chap. 20:20.] LUKE. [Chap. 20:30.
ΚαΙ παρατηρήσαντες απέστειλαν έγκαθέ- 20 $And watching him,
And having watched they sent spies, they sent forth Spies,
τους, ύποκρινομένους εαυτούς δικαίους είναι· feigning themselves to be
feigning themselves righteous to be; righteous men, that they
might take hold of His
ϊνα έπιλάβωνται αύτοΰ λόγου, εις Speech, in order to DE-
that theymight layhold ofliim ofaword, inorder LIVER him up to the COM-
τό παραδοϋναι αυτόν ττί άρχη καΐ τχί MAND and AUTHORITY of
to the to deliver up him to the rule and to the
21 t h e GOVERNOR.
εξουσία τοΰ ήγεμονος. Και έπηρωτησαν
fiiithority of tli© §ovemoi*· 21 And they asked him,
A.iid t li © y ASJCGU
αυτόν, λέγοντες· Διδάσκαλε, οϊδαμεν, δτι saying, §"Teacher, we
ορθώς λέγεις καΐ διδάσκεις, καΐ ού know That thou speakest
rightly thou speakest and thou teachest, and not and teachest correctly,
λαμβάνεις and dost
πρόσωπον, άλλ' έπ' άληθεί- spect personal not partially re-
thoudo uth Appear-
αζ την όδόν τοΰ Θεοΰ διδάσκεις. "Εξεσ- 22 ance, but teachest the
the way of the WAY of GOD in Truth;
God thou teachest. Is it
τιν ήμΐν Κα'ισαρι φόρον δοΰναι, ή οΰ; 22 Is it lawful for us,
lawful for us to Caesar tax or not, to pay Tribute to
to give, or not?
^Κατανοήσας δε αυτών την πανουργ'ιαν, είπε Caesar?"
Perceiving but of them the craftiness, he said 23 But perceiving Their
προς αυτούς* * [Τι με πειράζετε;] 24Δείξατέ CUNNING, he said to them,
to them; [Why me tempt you?] Show you
to me
δηνάριον τίνος έχει εΙκόνα καΐ 24 "Show me a Dena-
έπιγραφήν; 'Αποκριθέντες δέ είπον ΚαΙ- rius. Whose Likeness and
Inscription has it?" And
inscription? Answering and they said: Of
*THEY said, "Caesar's."
σαρος. &*(} δέ είπεν αύτοίς· Άπόδοτε
Caesar. He and said to them; Give you back 25 And HE said to them,
τοίνυν τά Καίσαρος, Κα'ισαρι· καΐ τά "Render, then, the THINGS
HIGQ til β Ui i n^r s ofCftesftTf toCnesfti*j it lid tliexhiii^s of Caesar, to Csesar ; and the
τοϋ θεοϋ, τφ θεφ. 2βΚαΙ ούκ ίσχυσαν THINGS of GOD, to GOD."
of the God, to the God. And not they were able
έπιλαβέσθαι αύτου ρήματος εναντίον τοΰ 26 And they were not
able to take hold of *a
λαοΰ καΐ Φαυμάσαντες επί τχί άποκρίσει αύ- WORD before the PEOPLE ;
pcopl and wondering at the answer of and they wondered at his
τοΰ, έσίγησαν. ANSWER, and were silent.
him, they were silent.
^Προσελθόντες δέ τίνες των Σαδδου- 27 $Then SOME of the
Approacning dud some of tne SadcLucoeSy SADDUCEES, *who S A T
there is no Resurrection,
«αίων, ol άντιλέγοντες άνάστασιν μή είναι, approaching, asked him,
επερώτησαν αυτόν, ^λέγοντες· Διδάσκαλε,
28 saying, "Teacher,
asked him, saying;
O teacher, $Moses wrote for us, 'If
Μωσης 8γραψεν ήμίν, «έάν τίνος άδε a man's brother should die,
Jt%ζί{^ftΆ έχωνf oγυναίκα,
r u s **I£ καΐ οΰτος
any o o aάτεκνος
tor having a Wife, and *he be
should die having a wife, and this childless without children, that his
άποθάνχι, ίνα λάβτ) δ αδελφός αύτοΰ BROTHER should take his
should die, that should take the brother of him
τήν γυναίκα, καΐ έξαναστήσχ) σπέρμα τφ spring WIFE, and raise up Off-
the wife, and should raise up to his BROTHER/
seed to the
άδελφφ αύτοΰ.» Έπτά ουν αδελφοί ήσαν
29 Now there were Sev-
brother ofhimself." Seven now brothers
καΐ ό πρώτος γυναίκα, άπέθανεν en
λαβών Brothers; and the
FIRST, having taken a
and the first having taken
a wife, died
άτεκνοζ. Kai *[ελαβεν] δ δεύτερος *[τήν Wife, died childless.

30 And the SECOND

childless* And [took!] the second Cthe
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 3 . Why tempt you me—omit. 24. THEY said, Caesar's.
26. a WORD before. 2 7. who SAT that there is no Resurrection. 2 5. he be without.
30. took—omit. 20. the wife, and this died childless—omit.
t 20. Matt. xxfl. 13. $ 21. Matt. xxii. 1 6 ; Mark xii. 14. $ 2 7. Matt. xxii. 2 3 ;
Mark xii. 18. ί 28. Deut. xxv. 9.
Chap. 20:31.] LUKE. [Chap. 20:41.
γυναίκα καΐ ούτος άπέθανεν άτεκνος.] 31 Καί 31 and the THIRD took
wife, and this died childless. ] And her; and in like manner
6 τρίτος ελαβεν αυτήν ωσαύτως δέ καΐ aiso the SEVEN ; they died,
and left no Children.
Οι επτά· ού κατέλιπον τέκνα, καΐ άπέθανον
the seven; not they left children, and died; 32 And last, the WO-
"Υστερον *[δέ πάντων] απέθανε καΐ ή MAN died also.
Last [and of a l l ] died also the
33 At the RESURREC-
γυνή. 3 3 Έ ν χχ\ οΰν άναστάσει, τίνος TION, therefore, To which
Vroman. In the therefore resurrection, of which of them does she become
αυτών γίνεται γυνή; ot γαρ επτά εσχον a Wife; for the SEVEN
had her for a Wife."
αυτήν γυναίκα. 84 ΚαΙ * [αποκριθείς] είπεν 34 And JESUS said to
her a wi'ie. And [answering] he said them, "The CHILDREN of
αύτοίς ό Ίησοϋς· ΟΙ υΙοΙ τοΰ αιώνος τούτου this AGE marry, and are
to them the Jesus: The sons of the age this
γαμοϋσι καΐ έκγαμίσκονται· 86
ol δέ κα- given in marriage;
marry and aregiven inmarriage; those but hav-
ταξιωθέντες τοΰ αιώνος εκείνου τυ- 35 b u t THOSE DEEMED
WORTHY to obtain that
χείν, καΐ της αναστάσεως της έκ AGE, and THAT RESURREC-
TION from the Dead, nei-
νεκρών, οΰτε γαμοϋσιν, ούτε έκγαμί- ther marry, nor are given
in marriage;
οκονται δβοΰτε γάρ άποθανείν Uxi δύναν- 3G for they can die no
more; Jbeeause they are
ται· Ισάγγελοι γάρ είσι, καΐ υΙοί είσι like angels ; and are Sons
of *God, being Sons of the
τοΰ Θεοΰ, της αναστάσεως υΙοΙ δντες. RESURRECTION.
of the God, of the resurrection sons being.
87 37 But That the DEAD
*Ότι δέ εγείρονται ol νεκροί, καΐ Μω-
That but rise the dead ones, even Mo- rise, even Moses has de-
σής έμήνυσεν επί της βάτου, ως λέγει clared, fat the BUSH,when
ses declared at the bush, when he c a l l s he calls Jehovah, 'the
Κύριον, τόν θεόν 'Αβραάμ, καΐ τόν θεόν 'GOD of Abraham, and
a Lord, the God of Abraham, and the God 'the *GOD of Isaac, and
'Ισαάκ, «αϊ τόν Θεόν 'Ιακώβ, ^ θ ε ό ς δέ 'the *God of Jacob.'
38 Now he is not a God
ούκ έ'στι νεκρών, αλλά ζώντοαντων πάν- of the Dead, but of the
not he is of dead ones, but of living ones; al Living; ffor to him all
τες γάρ αύτώ ζώσιν. Άποκριθέντες δέ are alive."
for to him live. Answering and
Τίνες των γραμματέων είπον Διδάσκαλε, 39 Then some of the
some of the scribes said; θ teacher, SCRIBES answering, said,
40 "Teacher, thou hast spo-
καλώς είπας. Ούκέτι δέ έτόλμων ken well."
well thouhast spoken. No longer and theypresumed
έπερωτφν αυτόν οι'δέν. 40 *And they dared not
to ask him nothing. question him any more.
Είπε δέ προς αυτούς· Πώς λέγουσι τόν 41 And he said to them,
He said and to them; How say they the §"IIow do they say, that

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 2 . And of all—omit. 34. answering—omit. 36. GocL

37. God 3 7. God. 40. For after.
± 3 7 . Many modern critics regard the phrase,—at
phrase, t the Bush,—as referring to the sec-
tion in the book of P^xodus,
P^xodus commencing at chap d d tthat
chap. iii. 2, where it is recorded h t th
the angell
of Jehovah appeared to Moses " i n a flame of fire out of a bush." In Mark xii. 28. we
read, Jesus asks, "Have you not read in the BOOK of Moses, at the BUSH, how GOD spoke oke
to h i m ? " evidently alluding to the place or section where it was to be found. So heree he
says, " T h a t the dead rise, even Moses has declared at at the [section of] The Bush when he
Jehovah." &o. Now Moses could only be said to declare this by recording what the
calls Jehovah.
angell said.
id See
S the
th accountt in
i Exodus.
E d 8 To
± 3 8. T him
hi whoho regards
r g a r d s the future resurrec-
tion of his people as though it was present:—"God, who makes alive the dead and calls
things not in being as though th^y were." Kom. iv. 17.
t 36. 1 Cor. xv. 42, 49, 5 2 ; Bom. viii. 2 3 ; 1 John iii. 7. $ 4 1 . Matt. xxii. 4 7 ;
Mark xii. 35.
Chap. 20:42.] LUKE. [Chap. 21:6.
Χριστόν υΐόν Δαυΐδ filvoa; ^ K a l αυτός the MESSIAH is to be a
Anointed a son of David to be? And yet himself Son of David?
Δαυΐδ λέγει έν β'ιβλφ -ψαλμών «Είπεν 6 42 *For David himself
David says in a book * of psalms; "Said the
says in the Book of
Κύριος τφ κυρίφ μου· ^Κάθου έκ δεξι- Psalms,$*'Jehovah said to
Lord to the lord of me; Sit thou at right
'my LORD, sit thou a t my
μου εως α ν θώ τους εχθρούς 'Right hand,
band of m e t i l l I m a y place the enemies 43 'till I put thine EN-
οου ύποπόδιον των ποδών σου.» 'EMIES underneath thy
4 * EET/
* Δαυΐδ οδν κύριον αυτόν καλεί, καΐ πώς 44 David, therefore,
David therefore a lord him calls, and how
calls him Lord, and how-
υΙός αύτοΰ έστιν; 4 5 Άκούοντος δέ παντός then is he *His Son?"
A son of him i s he? Hearing and all
45 $Then in the hearing
του λαοϋ, είπε τοις μαθηταίς αύτου· of All the PEOPLE he said
of the people, he said to the disciples of himself;
to *the DISCIPLES,
^ Π ρ ο σ έ χ ε τ ε άπό των γραμματέων, των
Beware of the scribes, those 46 "Beware of THOSE
Φελόντων περιπατεΐν έν στολαίς, καΐ φιλοΰν- SCRIBES who desire to
wlshing to walk In robes, and loving walk about in Long robes,
των ασπασμούς έν ταίς άγοραΐς, καΐ πρωτο- and §love Salutations in
salutations in the markets, and first the MARKETS, and the
Principal seats in the
καθεδρίας έν ταίς συναγωγαΐς, καΐ πρωτοκλι- SYNAGOGUES, and the Up-»
σίας έν τοις δείπνοις· 47οΕ κατεσθίουσι τάς per couch a t FEASTS ;
in the feasts; they devour the 47 §those PLUNDERING
οικίας ι ώ ν χηρών, καΐ προφάσει μακρά προσ- the FAMILIES of WIDOWS ;
houses of the widows, and for a show long they and for a Show make long
εύχονται· ούτοι λήψονται περισσότερον κρίμα, Prayers ; these will receive
pray; theso w i l l receive greater Judgment. a Heavier Judgment."
ΚΕΦ. κ α ' 2 1 . CHAPTER XXI.
Άνα6λέψας δέ είδε τους βάλλοντας τ ά 1 And looking up, $he
Looking and he saw those casting the saw the RICH CASTING
δώρα αυτών είς τό γαζοφυλάκιον πλουσίους, their GIFTS into the
gifts of them into the treasury rich ones.
Είδε δέ * [ κ α ί ] τίνα χήραν πενιχράν 2 And he saw a Certain
He saw and [also] a certain widow poor poor Widow casting in
βάλλουσαν έκεΕ δύο λεπτά· 8 κα1 είπεν
casting there two lepta; and he said: there Two ±Lepta.
'Αληθώς λέγω ύμίν, δτι ή χήρα ή πτωχή 3 And he said, " I assure
Truly I say to you, that the widow that poor you, That this POOR WIDOW
αδτη πλείον πάντων έ'δαλεν. "Απαντες γάρ 4 cast in more than a l l ;
this more of a l l has cast. All for 4 for all these have cast
οδτοι έκ του περισσεύοντος αύτοίς £6αλον among the GIFTS out of
they out of the abundance of them cast their SUPERFLUITY ; but
είς τά δώρα *[τοΰ θεοΰ·] αδτη δέ έκ του she, out of her POVERTY,
into the gifts [of the God;] she but out of the cast in All the LIVING
υστερήματος αυτής δπαντα τόν βίον, δν that she had.
want of herself all the living, -which 5 $And some speaking
περί of the TEMPLE, That i t
£Ϊχεν, έ*6αλε. Kat τίνων λεγόντων
she had, she cast. And some speaking about was adorned with beauti-
ful Stones and Offerings,
του Ιεροΰ δτι λίθοις καλοίς καΐ άνα- he said,
the temple that with stones beautiful and offer- 6 "As for these things
Φήμασι κεκόσμηται, είπε· β Ταΰτα δ which you behold, the Days
ings It was adorned, he said; These Which will come, in which $there
-θεωρείτε, έλεύσονται ήμέραι έν αίς ούκ will not be *left here a
• VATICAN w i l l come
MANUSOBIPT.—42. days ForInDavid.
which 42.
notLord. 44. His Bon. 45. his DIS-
CIPLES. 2. also—omit. \. of GOD—omit. 6. left here.
± 2. In value about four mills, or nearly half a farthing.
t 42. Psa. ex. 1; Acts ii. 34. t 45. Matt, xxiii. 1; Mark xii. 38. φ 46. Luke xi.
43. t 47. Matt, xxiii. 14. % 1. Matt. xii. 41. % 5. Matt. sxiv. 1 ; Mark xiii. 1.
% 6. Luke xix. 44*
Chap. 21:7.] LUKE. [Chap. 21:1β.
άφεθήσεται λίθος επί 8ς θύ Stone upon a Stone, that
w i l l be left a stone which
hie] not will not be thrown down."
καταλυθήσεται. 7 Έπηρώτησαν δέ αυτόν, λέ- 7 And they asked him,
wil I be thrown down. They asked and him, say- saying, "Teacher, when
γοντες· Διδάσκαλε, πότε ούν ταΰτα εσται; then will these things be?"
ing; O teacher, when t h e n t h e s e w i l l be?
and "What will be the
καΐ τι τό σημεϊον, δταν μέλλη ταΰτα SIGN when these things are
&.UCI "W^XIJIt tlie8 si£rn
t Λνΐιοη miiy be &t)oufc tlies© about to be accomplished?"
γίνεσθαι; Ό δέ είπε· Βλέπετε, μή πλανη-
to be done? He but said; Look you, not you may 8 And HE said, $"See
θήτε. Πολλοί γάρ έλεύσονται έπ! τφ that you be not deceived ;
be deceived. Many for w i l l come in the for many will come in my
NAME, saying. I am he,
όνόματί μου, λέγοντες· "Οτι εγώ είμι, καΐ and the TIME draws near ;'
name of me, saying: That I am, and go not after them.
6 καιρός ήγγικε. Μή *[ουν] πορευ- 9 And when you hear of
the season has approached. Not [therefore] go
θήτε οπίσω αυτών. 9"Οταν δέ άκούσητε πο- Battles and Insurrections,
you after them. When and you may hear of be not alarmed ; for these
λέμους καΐ ακαταστασίας, μή πτοη- things must first occur;
wars and commotions, not you may be but the END comes not im-
θήτε* δεί γάρ ταΰτα γενέσθαι πρώτον άλλ' mediately."
terrified; must for these come to pass first; but
10 |Then he said to
ουκ ευθέως τό τέλος. 10Τότε ελεγεν αύ- them, "Nation will rise
not immediately the end. Then he said to against Nation, and King-
τοίς· Έγερθήσεται έ'θνος επί έθνος, καΐ βα- dom against Kingdom ;
tJIΟΤΠΠf ^Will r i s o & n£i £ i o n o n & i m t i o n * uncl SL 11* and in various Pla-
σιλεία επί θασιλείαν ιασεισμοΊ τε μεγάλοι Earthquakes, ces there will be great
kingdom on a kingdom; earthquakes and great and Famines,
and Pestilences ; there will
κατά τόπους, και λιμοί, καΐ λοιμοί be also Fearful sights and
in many places, and famines, and pestilences great Signs from Heaven.
έσονται· φόβητρα τε καΐ σημεία άπ'
"Will be; fearful sights also and signs from 12 §But before all these
ούρανοΰ μεγάλα εσται. ^Πρό δέ τούτων things they will lay their
heaven great w i l l be- Before but this
πάντων έπιβαλοΰσιν έφ' ύμας τάς χείρας HANDS on you, and perse-
all they w i l l lay on you the hands" cute you, delivering you up
αυτών, καΐ διώξουσι, παραδίδοντες to Synagogues and $Pris-
ons, dragging you before
of them, and they w i l l persecute, delivering up Kings and Governors on
είς συναγωγάς καΐ φύλακας, αγομένους επί account of my NAME.
to synagogues and prisons, dragging to
βασιλείς καΐ ηγεμόνας, ένεκεν του όνό- to 13 And it will turn out
you for a Testimony.
ματός μου. Άπο6ήσεται δέ ύμίν είς μαρτύ- 14 $ Settle it in your
of me. It will tprnout and toyou for a t e s t i - HEARTS, therefore, not to
ριον. 14Θέσθε οδν είς τάς καρδίας υμών, premeditate on your de-
mony. Settle you therefore in the hearts of you, fence ;
μή προμελετών άπολογηθήναι. 1 5 Έγώ γάρ 15 for I will give you
δώσω ύμίν στόμα καΐ σοφίαν, f\ ού
w i l l give to you a mouth and wisdom, which not Eloquence and Wisdom,
Jwhich All your OPPO-
δυνήσονται άντειπείν ή άντιστήναι πάντες ol NENTS will not be able to
w i l l be able t o gainsay or r e s i s t a l l the

gainsay, or resist.
αντικείμενοι ύμίν. Παραδοθήσεσθε δέ 16 And you will be de-
opponents to you. You w i l l be delivered up and livered up even by Parents,
καΐ υπό γονέων, καΐ αδελφών, καΐ συγγενών, and Brothers, and Rela-
also by parents, and brothers, and relatives, tives, and Friends; and
καΐ φίλων καΐ θανατώσουσιν • υμών. some of you they will put
and friends; and they wi 11 put to death
you. to death.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—8. therefore—omit. 11. there will be great Earthquakes,
and In various Places Famines, and.
% 8. Matt. xxiv. 4; Mark xiii. 5; Eph. v. 6; 2 Thess. il. 3. $ 10. Matt. xxiv. 7.
% 12. Mark xiii. 9. t 12. Acts iv. 3; v. 18: xii. 4: xvi. 24; xxv. 23. $ 14. Matt.
X. 19; xiii. 1 1 ; xU, 11. % 15. Acts vi. 10.
Chap. 21:17.] LUKE. [C/ιαρ. 21:27.
Kai εΌεσθε μισούμενοι ύπό πάντων 17 And you will be hated
And you w i l l be being hated by all by all on account of my
δια τό δνομά μου. ΚαΙ θρίξ έκ NAME ;
19 18 But not a Hair of
της κεφαλής υμών ού μή άπόληται. Έ ν τχί your HEAD will perish.
υπομονή υμών κτήσασθε τάς ψυ- 19 By your PATIENT
patient endurance of you preserve you the ENDURANCE preserve your
χάζ υμών. LIVES.
lives of you. 20 §And when you see
"Οταν δέ ΐδητε
κυκλουμένην ύπό στρα- JERUSALEM surrounded by
When and you may see
surrounded by en- Encampments, then know
τοπέδων την *Ιερουσαλήμ, τότε γνώτε, T h a t its DESOLATION has
campments the Jerusalem, then youmayknow,
Cm η*γγικεν ή έρήμωσις αυτής. 21 Τότε 21 Then let THOSE who
that has come near the desolation of her. Then are in JUDEA, flee to t h e
th έν τη 'Ιουδαίο:, φευγέτωσαν ε'ις τά
δρη* καΐ ol έν μέσω αυτής έκχωρεί- whoout;
are in the city, depart
and let not THOSE
mountains; a n dthose in midst of h e r , l e t t h e m
who are in the COUNTRY
τωσαν καΐ ot έν ταίς χώραις,
μή PLACES enter it.
go out; and those in the country places, not
22 For these are Days of
είσερχέσθωσαν εις αυτήν. "Οτι ήμέραι έκ- Vengeance, $that All t h e
δικήσεως αΰταΐ είσι, τοί5 πλησθήναι πάντα THINGS WRITTEN may be
Vengeance t h e s e a r e , o f t h e t o be fulfil l e d a l l ACCOMPLISHED.
τά γεγραμμένα. ΟύαΙ *[δέ] ταίς 23 §But alas for the
the things havingbeen written. Woe [but] to the PREGNANT and NURSING
έν γαστρί έχούσαις καΐ ταίς θηλαζούσαις έν WOMEN in Those DAYS !
in womb holding and to the giving suck in for there will be great Dis-
έκείναις ταίς ήμέραις* έΌται γαρ ανάγκη tress on the LAND, and
those the days; w i l l be for distress
μεγάλη επί της γης, καΐ οργή τω λαφ Wrath against this PEOPLE.
great upon the land, and wrath to the people 24 And they will fall by
τούτω· κα1 πεσοΰνται στόματι μαχαίρας, the Edge of the Sword and
be led captive into All the
«αϊ αίχμαλωτισθήσονται ε'ις πάντα τά Ιθνη· NATIONS ; and Jerusalem
and they w i l l b e l e d c a p t i v e i n t o a l l t h e n a t i o n s ;
will be trodden down by
καΐ *Ιερουσαλήμ £σται πατουμένη ύπό Gentiles, §till*the Times
and Jerusalem w i l l be trodden down by
of Gentiles may be accom-
εθνών, #χρι πληρωθώσι καιροί εθνών. plished.
Gentiles, t i l l may be fulfilled seasons of Gentiles.
εΌται σημεία έν ήλΐφ καΐ σελήνη καΐ 25§And there will be
And w i l l be in Signs in the Sun and Moon
άστροις· καΐ επί της γης συνοχή εθνών and S t a r s ; and on t h e
stars; and on the earth anguish of nations EARTH Anguish of Nations
έν άπορί,α ήχους θαλάσσης καΐ σάλου· in Perplexity ; *Roarings (
in perplexity of a roar of sea and of tossing; of the Sea aed Waves ;

άπο·ψυχόντων ανθρώπων άπό φόβου καΐ 26 Men fainting from
fainting men from fear and Fear and Apprehension of
προσδοκίας των επερχομένων τχ\ οίκουμέ- the THINGS COMING on
expectation of the things coming on the habita- the HABITABLE ; §for t h e
at γάρ δυνάμεις των ουρανών σαλευ- POWERS Of t h e HEAVENS
the· for powers of the heavens w i l l be
will be shaken.
θήσονται. ^ΚαΙ τότε δέονται
27 And then they will τόν υΐόν
shaken. And then they w i l l see
see the SON of MAN $com-the son
του ανθρώπου έρχόμενον έν νεφέλτι, μετά ing in a cloud with Power
of the man coming la a cloud, with and great Glory.

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 3 . But—omit. 24. when they should be fulfilled; and

the Times shall be those of the Gentiles. And 25. Roarings of the Sea.
t 20. Matt. xxiv. 1 5 ; Mark xiii. 14. $ 22. Dan. ix. 2 6 ; Zech. xi. 1. ί 24. Dan
xii. 7 ; Rom. xi. 25. % 25. Matt. xxiv. 2 9 ; Mark xiii. 2 4 ; 2 Pet. i i i . 10, 12. $ 26.
Matt. xxiv. 29. $ 27. Matt. xxiv. 3 0 ; Rev. 1. 7.

Chap. 21:28.] LUKE. [Chap. 2 2 : 1 .
δυνάμεως καΐ δόξης πολλής.
Άρχομένων 28 When these things are
power and glory great. Beginning beginning to occur, raise
yourselves, and lift up your
δέ τούτων γίνεσθαι, ανακύψατε καΐ επά- HEADS ; for your DELIV-
ERANCE is drawing near."
ρατε τάς κεφάλας υμών διότι εγγίζει 29 And he spoke a Par-
Hit t h e lio&cls o f you*
29 drsiws ixeiii* able to them ;—"Behold
ή άπολ\'>τρο)0ΐς υμών. K a i είπε παραβολήν the FIG-TREE, and All the
tliθ deliverance of you· And, he spoke sx parable
αύτοίς· "Ιδετε την συκην καΐ πάντα τά TREES.
t o t h e m ; See you t h e fig-tree a n d a l l t h e 30 When they now put
3Ο forth, observing it, you
δένδρα· δταν προβάλωσιν ήδη, βλέποντες,
know of yourselves That
treesj when, they slioot forth now, beholding, the SUMMER already is
άφ' εαυτών γινώσκετε, δτι ήδη εγγύς
from of yourselves you know, that now near near.
τό θέρος έστιν. 31 Ουτω καΐ ύμείς, δταν 31 Thus, also when you
the summer is. So also you, when see these events occurring,
ΐδητε ταϋτα γινόμενα, γινώσκετε, δτι know That the KINGDOM
you may see these occurring, know you, that of GOD is near.
εγγύς έστιν ή βασιλεία του Θεοϋ. 3 2 Ά μ ή ν 32 Indeed I say to you,
near is the kingdom of the God. Indeed T h i s GENERATION Will n o t
λέγω ύμίν, δτι ού μή παρέλθτ] ή pass away, till all be ac-
γενεά αΰτη, εως όΐν πάντα γένηται. ^ Ό 33 The HEAVEN and the
generation this, till a l l m a y be done. T h e EARTH will fail; but my
ουρανός καΐ ή γη παρελεύσονται· ol δέ WORDS cannot fail.
λόγοι μου ού μή παρέλθωσι. 8 4 Προσέχε- 34 But $take heed to
"words of me not not may pass away. Take heed yourselves.. lest Your
τε δέ έαυτοίς, μήποτε βαρηθώσιν HEARTS be oppressed by
but to yourselves, lest should be burdened Gluttony, and Drunken-
υμών αϊ καρδίαι έν κραιπάλη, καΐ μέ- ness, and Anxieties of life,
and that DAY should come
of you the hearts with surfeiting, and drunken- unexpectedly upon you.
•&X), καΐ μερίμναις βιωτικαίς· καΐ αιφνίδιος
ness, and anxieties of l i f e ; a n d s u d d3e5 n l y 35 For it will come, like
έφ' ΰμας έπιστη ή ημέρα εκείνη. Ώς a Snare, on All THOSE
on you may come the day that. As DWELLING on the Face of
παγίς γάρ έπελεύσεται επί πάντας τους καθη- the WThole LAND.
a s n a r e f o ri t w i l l c o m e o n a l l t h o s e d w e l l - 36 $*Be you watchful,
μένους επί πρόσωπον πάσης της γης. ^'Αγρυ- therefore, at all times,
praying that you may be
ot5v έν παντί καιρώ, δεόμενοι, ίνα regarded worthy to escape
you then in every season, praying, that
«αταξιονθητε έκφυγείν ταΰτα πάντα ABOUT to occur, and to
you m a y l>e a c c o u n t e d w o r t h y t o e s c a p e t h e s e a l l stand before the SON of
τά μέλλοντα γίνεσθαι, και σταΦήναι εμ- MAN/'
tho things beln^ about to occur, and to stand In 37 Now he was teaching
προσθεν του υΐοϋ του άνθρωπου. fduring the DAYS in the
Dresenco of the son of the man TEMPLE, and going out he
* S7T m lodged at NIGHTS in THAT
Hv δέ τάς ημέρας έν τω Ιερώ διδάσκων MOUNTAIN which is called
ΗΘ was and the days in the temple teaching;
τάς δέ νύκτας εξερχόμενος ηύλ'ιζετο εις τό the Mount of Olives.
the and nights going out he lodged in the 38 And All the PEOPLE
δρος τό καλούμενον -έλαιών. Kai came early to him in the
mountain that being called of olive trees. And TEMPLE to hear him.
πάς ό λαός ώρθριζε προς αυτόν έν τω
all the people came early to him in the CHAPTER XXII.
Ιερώ άκούειν αύτοΰ. ΚΕΦ. « 6 \ 22. 1 5 Ή γ -
templo to hear him. Drew 1 NOW $THAT FEAST
γιζε δέ ή εορτή τών άζύμων, ή Of UNLEAVENED BREAD,
near now the feast of the unleavened cakes, that which is CALLED the Pass-
* VATICAN M A N U S C B I P T . — 3 6 . But watch you, and pray always, that you may prevail
to escape.
$ 34. Bora. xiii. 1 3 ; 1 Thess. v. 6 ; 1 Pet. iv. 7. % 36. Matt. xxiv. 4 2 ; xxv. 1 3 ;
Mark xiii. 33. $ 37. John viii. 1, 2 ; Luke xxii. 39. % 1. Matt. xxvi. 2 ; Mark xiv.
Chap. 22:2.] LUKE. [Chap. 22:14.
λεγομένη πάσχα· 2κα1 έζήτουν ot αρχιερείς over, was drawing near.
being called passover; and sought the high-priests 2 And the HIGH-PRIESTS
otal ol γραμματείς, τό πώς άνέλωσιν αυτόν* and SCRIBES sought HOW
and the scribes, the how theymight ki 11 him; they might kill him ; for
έφοβοΰντο γαρ τόν λαόν. 3Είσήλθε δέ σατα- they feared the PEOPLE.
they feared for the people. Entered and adver-
νας εΙς Ίούδαν τόν 3 §And the Adversary-
έπικαλούμενον entered* into THAT Judas,
*Ισκαριώτην, δντα έκ τοϋ άριθμοΰ τών of the Iscariot,
CALLED who was
NUMBER of the
Iscariot, being of the number of the TWELVE.
δώδεκα. Kai άπελθών συνελάλησε τοις 4 And he went and talked
twelve. And going he talked with the with the HIGH-PRIESTS
άρχιερεΰσι καΐ τοις στρατηγοίς, τό πώς αυτόν and OFFICERS, HOW he
high-priests and the officers, the how might deliver him up to
παραδφ αύτοίς. 5Kai έχάρησαν 5 And they were glad,
he might deliver up to them. And they were glad; and agreed to give him
και συνέθεντο αύτφ άργύριον δοϋναι. 6ΚαΙ Money.
and agreed to him silver to give. And 6 And he consented, and
εξομολόγησε· καΐ έζήτει εύκαιρίαν sought a Convenient time
του to DELIVER him up to them
he consented; and he sought opportunity of the in theabsenceof theCrowd.
παραδοΰναι αυτόν αύτοίς όίτερ δχλου.
to deliver up him to them without of a crowd. 7 $Now the DAY of UN-

Ηλθε δέ ή ήμερα τών άζύμων, LEAVENED BREAD came,
Came and the day of the unleavened cakes, on which it was necessary
to sacrifice the PASCHAL
έν fj έδει θύεσθαι τό πά- LAMB.
in which8 i t i s necessary to sacrifice the paschal 8 And he sent Peter and
<?χα· κα1 απέστειλε Πέτρον καΐ Ίωάννην, John, saying, "Go, and
lamb; and he sent Peter and John,
prepare the PASSOVER for
είπων Πορευθέντες ετοιμάσατε ήμίν τό us, that we may eat."
saying; Going prepare you for us
πάσχα, ίνα φάγωμεν. eOt δέ είπον αύτφ· "Where
the 9 And THEY said to him
passover, that we may eat. They and 1 0 said to him;
dost thou wish
Ποΰ θέλεις έτοιμάσωμεν; Ό δέ είπεν that we*prepare for thee
Where wiltthou we make ready? He and said to eat the PASSOVER?"
αύτοίς* 'Ιδού, είσελθόντων υμών είς την "Behold,10 And HE said to them,
as you enter the
CITY, a Man carrying a
πόλιν, συναντήσει ύμίν άνθρωπος κεράμιον Pitcher of Water will meet
you ; follow him into the
ί'δατος βαστάζων ακολουθήσατε αύτφ εις την HOUSE where he enters.
11 And you shall say to
οίκίαν, οΰ είσπορεύεται* καΐ έρείτε τφ the MASTER of the HOUSE,
'The TEACHER says to thee,
οίκοδεσπότχι της οικίας* -^Λέγει σοι δ Where is the GUEST-CHAM-
housemaster of the house; Says to thee the BER, where I may eat the
διδάσκαλος· Ποϋ έστι τό κατάλ*·μα, δπου PASSOVER with my DISCI-
teacher; Where is the guest-chamber, where PLES ?'
τό πάσχα μετά τών μαθητών μου φάγω;
the passover with the disciples ofme Imayeat? 12 And he will show you
^Κάκείνος ύμίν δείξει άνώγαιον μέγα a large Upper-room fur-
And he to you w i l l show an upper room large
18 nished ready ; there pre-
έστρωμένον* έκεΐ ετοιμάσατε. Άπελ- pare."
having been furnished; there prepare you.
Φόντε ς δέ εδρον καθώς εΐρηκεν αύτοίς· found
Having 13 And they went, and
gone and they found even as he had said to them; all even as he had
ital ήτοίμασαν τό πάσχα. said to them; and they
and they prepared the passover.
prepared the PASSOVER.
ΚαΙ δτε έγένετο ή ωρα, άνέπεσε, καΐ 14 JAnd when the HOUR
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 . into THAT Judas, called Iscariot. 9. prepare for thee
to eat the PASSOVER.
$ 3. Matt. xxvi. 14; Matt. xiv. 10; John xiil. 2, 27. ί 7. Mutt. xxvi. 17; Mark
Xiv. 12. t 14. Matt. xxvi. 2 0 ; Mark xiv. 17.
Chap. 22:15.] LUKE. [Chap. 22:25.
ol δώδεκα απόστολοι συν αύτφ. 15Κα). είπε came, he reclined and*the
the twelve apostles with him. And he said APOSTLES with him.
προς αυτούς· 'Επιθυμία έπεθύμησα τοϋτο 15 And he said to them,
to them; With desire Ihavedesired this I have earnestly desired
τό πάσχα ςραγείν μ ε θ ' υμών, πρό τοΰ με to eat This PASSOVER with
you before I SUFFER ;
παθεϊν. 1 β Λέγω γάρ ύμίν, 8τι
to suffer. I say for to you, that [no mo 16 for I say to you, I
μή φάγω έξ αύτοΰ, έ'ως δτου πληρωθη will not eat *of it, till i t
not Imayeat of i t , till i t maybe fulfil led shall be fulfilled in the
έν τχ\ βασιλεία του Θεοΰ. 1 7 ΚαΙ δεξάμενος KINGDOM of GOD/'
in the kingdom of the God. And having taken 17 And taking a Cup,
ποτήριον, εύχαριστήσας είπε·
Λάβετε having given thanks, he
a cup, having given thanks he said: Take you
said, "Take this, and di-
τοΰτο, και διαμερίσατε έαυτοίς. Αέ- vide it among yourselves;
this, and divide you among yourselves. I
18 for $1 say to you, I
γω γάρ ΰμίν, δτι ού μή πίω άπό will not drink *from
say for to you, that not not I m a y drink of HENCEFORTH of the PRO-
τοϋ γεννήματος της αμπέλου έως δτου ή DUCT of the VINE, till the
the product of tliΘ vine* till ill Θ KINGDOM of GOD shall
βασιλεία τοϋ Θεοΰ UX&r\. 1 9 ΚαΙ λαβών come."
kingdom of the God may come. And having taken 19 §And taking a Loaf,
αΰτοΐς, λ έ γ ω ν Τοΰτό έστι
εΰχαριστήσας τό κ
Ι'κλασε, σώμα μου, and having given thanks,
α ! έ'δωκεν
saying: This i s the body of me, he broke it, and gave to
τό υπέρ υμών διδόμενο" τουτ( them, saying, "This is
that In behalf of you being given; this do you THAT BODY of mine which
εις τήν έμήν άνάμνησιν. 20
Ώσαύτως καΐ is GIVEN for you ; do this
ixx tli θ m y jrciueixil^r&iice· Xu 1 lice m&iinci* &lso in MY Remembrance."
τό ποτήριον, μετά τό δειπνησαι, λέγων 20 I n like manner also
Τοϋτο τό ποτήριον, ή καινή διαθήκη έν τώ the CUP, after the SUPPER,
This the cup, the new covenant in the saying, "This CUP is the
αΐμ,ατί μου, τό υπέρ υμών έκχυνό- N E W Covenant i n m y
blood of me, that in behalf of you being BLOOD, THAT in your be-
μενον. ^ Π λ ή ν Ιδού, ή χεΙρ τοΰ παρά- half being POURED OUT.
pour eel out· But lOy to© lifliid of tli Θ deliver™
21 §But, behold, the
δίδοντος με μετ' έμοΰ επί της τραπέζης. HAND Of HIM WllO DELIV-
ing up me with mine on the table.
22 ERS me up is with mine on
Kai 6 μέν υΙός τοΰ ανθρώπου πορεύεται the TABLE.
And the indeed son of- the man goes away
22 *For indeed the SON
κατά τό ώρισμένον πλην ούαΐ of MAN is going away, ac-
according to that having been appointed; but woe cording to THAT which has
τω άνθρώπφ έκείνω, δι' οδ παρα- been APPOINTED ; but Woe
to the man that, through whom he i s to that MAN by whom he
is delivered u p ! "
δίδοται. ^ΚαΙ αυτοί ίίρξαντο συξητείν
delivered up. And they began to inquire 23 And they began to
inquire among themselves,
προς εαυτούς, τό, τΙς δρα εΐη έξ WHICH of them it could be
among themselves, the, which then i t could be of who was about to do this.
αυτών ό τοΰτο μέλλων πράσσειν. 24$And there was also
them the this being about to do. a Contention among them,
^'Εγένετο δέ καΐ φιλονεικία έν WHICH of them should be
There had been and also a strife among thought the greatest.
αύτοίς, τό, τΙς αυτών δοκεΐ είναι μεί- 25 tAnd HE said to
them, the, which of them thinks to be great-
tov. X*Q δέ είπεν αύτοίς· Ot βασιλείς τών them, "The KINGS of the
er. He but said to them; The kings of the
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 4 . the APOSTLES with him. 16. no more—omit. 16,
the same, till. 18. from HENCEFORTH. 22. for indeed.
% 18. Matt. xxvi. 2 9 ; Mark xiv. 25. $ 19. 1 Cor. xi. 24. t 2 1 . Psa. xli. 9 ;
Matt. xxvi. 2 1 , 2 3 ; Mark xiv. 1 8 ; John xiii. 2 1 , 26. $ 24. Mark ix. 3 4 ; Luke ix. 4 6 .
% 25. Matt. xx. 2 5 ; Mark x. 42.
Chap. 22:26.] LUKE. [Chap. 22:35.
εθνών κυριεύουσιν αυτών και ot NATIONS exercise dominion
over them; and THOSE
έξουσιάξοντες αυτών, εύεργέται καλοϋνται. HAVING AUTHORITY over
having authority of them, benefactors are called.
them are styled fBene-
Ύμείς δέ ούχ οΰτως· άλλ' ό μείζων έν f actors.
You l)ii t not so" t)ut tlie ^rejiter itixioxi^
26 But you must not be
ύμίν, γενέσθω ώς ό νεώτερος· καΐ ό so ; but let the GREATEST
yoiij l e t liiin. Ι)ΘCΟΏΙΘ &S to© youii^Grj ^nu Χ,ΧΙΘ among you become as the
ηγούμενος, ώς ό διακόνων. 27ΤΙς γαρ LEAST, and the GOVERNOR
μείζων; ό άνακείμενος, ή 6 διακόνων, ουχί as HE who SERVES.
27 For who is greater,
ό άνακείμενος; έγώ δέ ειμί έν μέσω υμών HE Who RECLINES, ΟΓ HE
bo reclining? I but am in the midst of you
who SERVES? I S not H E
ώς ό διακόνων. 28Ύμεϊς δέ έστέ ot διαμε- who RECLINES? but I am
among you as HE who
μενηκότες μετ' έμοϋ έν τοις πειρασμοίς μου. SERVES.
continued with me in the trials of m e .
Κάγώ διατίθεμαι ύμϊν, καθώς διέ- who 28And you are THEY
have CONTINUED with
θετό μοι ό Πατήρ μου βασιλείαν, me in my TRIALS.
nanted for me the Father of me a kingdom, 29 And I covenant for
^Ενα έσθίητε καΐ πίνητε επί της you, even as my FATHER
that you may eat and you may drink at the
has covenanted for me, $a
τραπέζης μου έν τη βασιλεία μου· καΐ καθί- Kingdom,
table of me in t h · kingdom of me; and you
σεσθε επί θρόνων, κρίνοντες τάς δώδεκα drink 30 that you may eat and
may s i t on thrones, judging the twelve at my TABLE in my
φυλάς του 'Ισραήλ, KINGDOM, $and sit on
tribes of the Israel. Thrones, Judging the
*[Είπε δέ ό Κύριος·] Σίμων, Σίμων, TWELVE Tribes of ISRAEL.
[Said and the Lord;] Simon, Simon, 31 Simon, Simon·, behold,
Ιδού, ό σατανάς έξητήσατο ύμας, τοϋ σι-the ADVERSARY has asked
for you, that he may SIFT
νιάσαι, ώς τον σίτον. 3 2 Έγώ δέ έδεήθην περί you like WHEAT :
eift as the wheat. I but prayed for
σοΟ, ίνα μη έκλείπη ή πίστις σου. Και 32 but I have prayed
thee, that not may f a i l the faith of thee. And for thee, that thy FAITH
σύ ποτέ έπιστρέψας, may
στήριξον τους thou hast not fail, and when
thou when having been turned, strengthen the
turned, strength-
αδελφούς σου. 8 Ό δέ είπεν αύτφ· Κύριε, en thy BRETHREN."
brethren of thee. He and said to him; θ lord, 33 And HE said to him,
μετά σου δτοιμός είμι καΐ εις φυλακήν καΐ 'Master, I am ready to go
w i t h thee ready I am both to prison and with thee both to Prison
είς θάνατον πορεύεσθαι. 8 4 Ό δέ είπε· Λέγω and to Death.'*
34 $And HE said, " I
coi, Πέτρε, ού μή φωνήσει σήμερον άλέ- tell thee, Peter, a Cock
to thee, θ Peter, not not w i l l crow to-day a will not crow To-day, *till
κτωρ, πρίν f\ τρίς άπαρνήση μή εΐ-thou shalt thricedeny that
cock, before thrice thou w i l t deny not t o thou knowest me."
δέναι με. 35ΚαΙ είπε ν αύτοίς* "Οτε άπέ- 35 And he said to them :
have known me. And he said to them; When I §"When I sent you out
στειλα υμάς ά*τερ θαλλαντίου, καΐ πήρας, without a Purse, and Bag,
sent you without a purse, and a bag,
and Sandals, did you want
καΐ υποδημάτων, μή τίνος υστερήσατε; any thing?" And THEY
said, "Nothing."
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 1 . And the Lord said—omit. 34. t i l l thou shalt.
± 2 5 . Euergetes, Benefactors, was a name borne by several kings in Egypt and Syria,
and had become proverbial for a tyrant.—Sharpe.
t 29. Matt. xxiv. 4 7 ; Luke xii. 3 2 ; 2 Cor. i. 7 ; 2 Tim. ii. 1 2 ; Rev. ii. 26, 27.
t 30. Matt. xix. 2 8 ; 1 Cor. vi. 2 ; Rev. iii. 2 1 . t 3 4. Matt. xxvi. 3 4 ; Mark xiv. 3 0 ;
John xiii. 38. t 35. Matt. x. 9 ; Luke ix. 3 ; x. 4.
Chap. 22:36.] LUKE. [Chap. 22:44.
Oi δε είπον Οΰδενός. 3β Είπεν ούν αύτοίς· 36 *And he said to
They and said; Nothing. He said then to them; them, "But now, HE who
'Αλλά νϋν, δ έχων βαλλάντιον, άράτω, HAS a Purse, let him take
But now, he having a purse, let him take, it and in like manner, a
Bag; and HE who HAS no
ομοίως καΐ πήραν· καΐ ό μή δχων, Sword, let him sell his
In like manner and a bag; and he not having, MANTLE, and buy one.
πο)λησάτω τό ίμάτιον αύτοΰ, καΐ άγορασά-
let him sell the mantle of h i m s e l f , and l e t h i m 37 For I tell you, That
τω μάχαιραν. 37Λέγω γαρ ύμίν, δτι *[ετι] THIS which has been WRIT-
buy a sword. I say for to you, that CyetJ TEN must be fully accom-
τούτο τό γεγραμμένον δει τελεσθή- plished in me, $'AND HE
this the having been written must to be 'WAS NUMBERED W I T H
ναι έν έμο'ι, τό· «ΚαΙ μετά άνομων 'LAW-BREAKERS ;' for also
finished in me, that: "And with law-breakers the THINGS concerning me
have an end."
έλογ'ισΦη.» ^ ΚαΙ γάρ τά περί έμοΰ
u6 "w & s counted· Α.ιsο Cor txiβ things tiboixt me 38 A n d THEY s a i d ,
τέλος έ'χει. S8 Ot δέ είπον Κύριε, Ιδού, μάχαι- "Master, Behold, here are
an end has. They but said: θ lord, lo, swords two Swords." And HE
QCLI ώδε δύο. *Ο δέ είπεν αύτοίς* Ίκανόν
here two. He and said to them: Enough said to them, "It is suffi-
έστι. cient."
it is.
ΚαΙ έξελθών έπορεύθη κατά τό 39 §And going out, he
went according to his cus-
And going out he went according to the tom to the MOUNT of OL-
έθος είς τό δρος των έλαιών IVES ; and his DISCIPLES
custom to the mountain of the olive-trees; also followed him.
ήκολούθησαν δέ αύτφ καΐ ol μαθηταΐ αύτου.
followed and him also the disciples ofhim. 40 And having arrived
*°Γενόμενος δέ επί τοΰ τόπου, είπεν αύ- at the PLACE, he said to
τοίς· Προσεύχεσθε μή είσελθείν ε'ις πειρα- them, "Pray that you may
σμό ν. ΚαΙ αυτός άπεσπάσθη άπ' αυτών not enter into Trial."
tut ion. And he was withdrawn from them 41 And he retired from
ώσεί λίθου βολήν, καΐ ΦεΙς τά them about a stone's throw,
about of a stone throw, and having placed the and kneeling down, he
γόνατα προσηύχετο, λέγων
Πάτερ, εΐ 6ού- prayed, saying,
knees he prayed, saying: θ Father If thou 42 "Father, if thou art
λει παρενεγκείν τό ποτήριον τοΰτο willing, take away *This
art willing to take away the cup this Cup from me; yet not my
άπ' έμοΰ· πλην μή τό θέλημα μου, αλλά WILL, but THINE be done."
from me; but not43
the w i l l of me, but
τό σόν γενέσθω. *["Ωφθη δέ αύτφ δγγε- 431 [And there appeared
tiie thine be done. [Appeared and to him ames-
44 to him an Angel from Hea-
λος άπ' ούρανοΰ, ένισχύων αυτόν. ΚαΙ ven, strengthening him.
senger from heaven, strengthening him. And
γενόμενος έν αγωνία, έκτενέστερον προσ- 44 And being in Agony,
being in agony, very earnestly he he prayed very earnestly;
ηύχετο. Έγένετο δέ 6 Ιδρώς αύτοΰ ώσεί and his SWEAT was like
prayed. Was and the sweat ofhim like
Clots of Blood falling down
θρόμβοι αίματος καταβαΐνοντες επί τήν γήν.]
clots of blood falling down to the ground.! to the GROUND.]

* VATICAN MANUSOEIPT.—36. And he said. 37. yet—omit. 42. This Cup. 43,
± 4 3 . There is no mention of this circumstance in any of the other Evangelists; and it
is worthy of remark, that among many of the ancients, the authenticity of these two
verses, the 43rd and 44th, has been doubted, and in consequence, they are omitted in
several MSS., and in some Versions and Fathers. The Codex Alexandrinus, and the Codex
Vaticanus, the two oldest MSS. in the world, omit both verses; in some very ancient MSS.
they stand with an asterisk before them, as a mark of dubiousness; and they are both
wanting in the Coptic fragments published by Dr. Ford. They are however extant in
euch a vast number of MSS., Versions and Fathers, as to leave no doubt with most critics,
of their authenticity.—Clarke. Griesbach notes them as wanting in some authorities, but
thinks that they ought not to be omitted.
t 37. Isa. liii. 12; Mark xv. 28. t 39. Matt. xxvi. 36; Mark xiv. 32; John
xviii. 1.
Chap. 22:45.] LUKE. [Chap. 22:54.
^Kai άναστάς άπό της προσευχΐίς, έλθών 45 And rising from
Ana having stoodup from the prayer, coming PRAYER, and coming to the
προς τους μαφητάς, εδρεν αυτούς κοιμωμέ- DISCIPLES, he found them
to the disciples, ho found them sleeping sleeping from GRIEF,
νους άπό της λύπης· καΐ είπεν αύτοίς· 4 β ΤΙ 46 and said to them,
from the g r i e f ; and he s a i d t o them; Why
ΐ "Why do you sleep ? Arise,
καθεύδετε; άναστάντες χ
προσεύχεοθε, ΐνα
sle having that and pray that you may
you? prayy you,
μη ε'ισέλθητε ε'ις πειρασμόν.
stood u u that not enter into Trial."
not you may enter into temptation.
^"Ετι * [ δ έ ] αύτοϋ λαλοΰντος, ιδού δχλος, 47 And while he was yet
W h i l e [and] of h i m speaking, lo a crowd, speaking^behold a Crowd,
καΐ ό λεγόμενος 'Ιούδας, είς τών δώδεκα, and HE who was CALLEI>
Judas one of the TWELVE,
and he being called Judas, one of the twelve,
ίΐροήρχετο αυτούς, καΐ ήγγισε τω Ίησοΰ preceded them, and drew
went before them, and drew near to the Jesus near to JESUS to kiss him.
φιλήσαι αυτόν. *O δέ Ίησοΰς είπεν αύτω*
to kiss him. The but Jesus said to him; 48 But *Jesus said to
'Ιούδα, φιλήματι τόν υΐόν τοΰ άνθρωπου him, "Judas, dost thou be-
Judas, w i t h a k i s s t h e son of the man tray the SON of MAN with
παραδιδως; 4 9 Ίδόντες δέ ot περί αυτόν a Kiss?"
b e t r a y e s t thou? Seeing and those about h i m
49 And THOSE about
τό έσόμενον, είπον *[αύτφ·] Κύριε, ει
the was going to be, said [to him;] θ lord, if him perceiving WHAT was
πατάξομεν έν μαχαίρα; 60 about TRANSPIRING, said,
ΚαΙ έπάταξεν
shall we strike with a'sword? And struck "Master, shall we strike
είς τις έξ αυτών τόν δοΰλον τοΰ with the Sword?"
one a certain of them the slave of the 50 And §one of them
άρχιερέως, καΐ άφεΐλεν αύτοϋ τό οδς τό struck the SERVANT of the
high-priest, a n d c u t off of h i m t h e e a r t h e HIGH-PRIEST, and cut off
δεξιόν. Β1 ΆποκριθεΙς δέ ό Ίησοΰς είπεν His RIGHT EAR.
right. Answering and the Jesus said;
51 But*Jesus answering
Έατε εως τούτου. ΚαΙ άψάμενος τοΰ said, "Let this suffice."
Let you be t i l l this. And touching
the And he touched*his EAR,
ώτ'ιου αύτοΰ, Ιάσατο αυτόν. Εϊπε δέ ό and healed him.
of" him healed' ' ' Said and the
Ίησοΰς προς τους παραγενομένους έπ' αυτόν 52 $Then J E S U » said to
Jesus to those having come on him the HIGH-PRIESTS, and Offi-
cers of the TEMPLE, and
αρχιερείς, καΐ στρατηγούς τοΰ Ιεροϋ, καΐ
Elders, who were COMING
high-priests, and officers of the temple, and against him, "As in pur-
πρεσβυτέρους· Ώ ς επί ληστήν έξεληλύ- suit of a Robber, have you
θατε μετά μαχαιρών καΐ ξύλων ^καθ' ήμε- come with Swords and
Clubs to take me?
ρα ν δντος μου μ ε θ ' υμών έν τώ Ιερώ, ούκ 53 When I was with you
being of me with you in the* temple, not
every day in the TEMPLE,
έξετε'ινατε τάς χείρας έπ' έμέ· αλλ' αΰτη
you did not stretch out
you d i d s t r e t c h o u t t h e h a n d s on m e ; b u t t h i s
υμών έστιν ή ωρα, καΐ ή εξουσία τοΰ your HANDS against m e ;
of you i t is the hour, and the authority of the ibut this is Your HOUR,
σκότους. and the POWER of DARK-
darkness. NESS.·"
Συλλαβόντες δέ αυτόν η"γαγον, κα! εισή- 54 Then having seized"
Having seized and him they led, and brought him, they led him away,
γαγον αυτόν είς τόν οίκον τοΰ άρχιερεαις. and brought him to the
liim into the house of the higb—priest. HOUSE Of the HIGH-PRIEST.
*O δέ Πέτρος ήκολούθει μακρόθεν. Β5
Ά- $But PETER followed at a
The but Peter followed at a distance. Hav- distance.
τ * VATICAN MANUSCKIPT.—-47. And—omit. 48. Jesus. 49. to him—omit. 51.
JCSUS· 5 1* txl6 Κ A It,
t 47. Matt. xxvi. 4 7 ; Mark xiv. 4 3 ; John xviii. 3. $ 50. Matt xxvi 5 1 · M-rk
!^44MattOhxxviiU58-0Johnixr)iiiMat-t' XXVi
^'' M U t k X i V
' 4 8 <
* 5 3
' J ° h n *"' 2 ?
Chap. '22:55.] LUKE. [Chap. 22:66.
ψάντων δέ μέσω της αυλής, 55 §And they having
ing kindled and of the court, kindled a Fire in the Midst
και συγκαθχσάντων αυτών, έκάθητο δ Πέτρος of the COURT, sat down
together, and PETER sat
έν μέσοϊ αυτών. Ί δ ο ΰ σ α δέ αυτόν παι-
down among them.
in midst of them. Seeing and him a maid-
56 And a certain Maid-
δ'ισκη τις καθήμενον προς τό φως, καΐ servant seeing him sitting
by the LIGHT, and looking
άτεν'ισασα αύτώ, είπε· ΚαΙ ούτος συν steadily a t him, she said,
looking steadily to hi'm, she said: Also this with "This man also was with
αύτώ ήν. 5 7
δέ ήρνήσατο * [αυτόν,] λέ- him."
him was. He but denied [him,] say-
5S 57 But HE denied, say-
γ ω ν Γΰναι, ουκ οίδα αυτόν. Kai μετά ing, "Woman, I do not
111Q' Cy W ΟΙΏ.«Χ II * H o t Χ&ΙΧΟ"W 1ΐ 1ΙΆ · Α.Η.(3. 3, f t Θ Γ
know him."
βραχύ έτερος Ιδών αυτόν, έ'φη· ΚαΙ συ εξ 58 $And after a little,
Α 1 ΐ 111 0 £111Οΐ1ΐίίΓ S C 6 ΙΏο 111 1X1 · SEliui Λ. ISO tllOU of another saw him and said,

αυτών εΐ. Ό δέ Πέτρος ε ί π ε ν "Ανθρωπε, "Thou also a r t one of

them." And PETER said,
ουκ ειμί. 5 9 ΚαΙ διάστασης ώσεί ώρας "Man, I am not."
59 And about an HOUR
not I am. And haring intervened about hour having intervened, anoth-
μιας, άλλος τις διϊσχυρίζετο, λέγων er confidently affirmed,
Έπ' αληθείας καΐ οδτος μετ' αύτοΰ fjv saying, " I n truth this
In truth also this with him was man was also with him ;
καΐ γαρ Γαλιλαίος εστίν. β 0 Είπε δέ ό Πέτρος· for he is also a Galilean."
ο ουκ οίδα 8 λέγεις. ΚαΙ πα- 60 And PETER said,
"Man, I know not what
ραχρήμα, ετι λαλοΰντος αύτοϋ, έφώνησεν thou sayest." And im-
mediately, while speaking of him, crew
β1 mediately, while he was
αλέκτωρ. ΚαΙ στραφείς δ Κύριος yet speaking, the COCK
a cock. And having turned the Lord
ένέβλεψε τω Π έτρω* καΐ ύπεμνήσθη δ 61 $And the LORD, turn-
looked to the Peter;" and was reminded the
ing, looked on PETER ; and
Π έτρος του λόγου τοϋ Κυρίου, ώς είπεν PETER was reminded of
the DECLARATION of t h e
αύτφ* "Οτι πρίν αλέκτορα φωνήσαι, άπαρ- LORD, how he said to him,
νήση με τρίς. 6 2 ΚαΙ έξελθών δξω, έκλαυσε "Before a Cock *crows
mayest deny me thrice. And going out, he wept To-day, thou shalt deny
πικρώς. Kai ol άνδρες ol συνέχοντες me thrice."
bitterly. And the men those having in custody 62 And going out, he
τόν Ίησοΰν, ένέπαιζον αύτφ, δέροντες· κα1
wept bitterly.
the Jesus» mocked hinij scours in?* &iici 63 And THOSE MEN who
περικαλύψαντες αυτόν» * [ετυπτον αύτοΰ τό had *him in CUSTODY, de-
having blindfolded him, [they struck of him the rided and beat h i m ;
πρόσωπον,] και έπηρώτων αυτόν, λέγοντες· 64 and having blind-
face,] and they asked him, saying;
folded him, they asked him,
Προφήτευσον, τίς έστιν δ παίσας σε; ΚαΙ saying, "Divine who is HE
Prophesy, who is he striking thee? And that STRUCK thee ?"
ετέρα πολλά βλασφημοϋντες έ'λεγον εις 65 And many other
other many blaspheming they spoke against
things they blasphemously
αυτόν, spoke against him.
β6 66 $And when i t was
ΚαΙ ώς έγένετο ήμερα, συνήχθη τό Day, the ELDERSHIP of t h e
And as I t became day, were assembled the
PEOPLE, both High-priests
πρεσβυτέριον του λαοΰ, αρχιερείς τε καιand Scribes, were assem-
eldership of the people, high-priests and and bled, and they led him into
γραμματείς, και άνήγαγον αυτόν είς τό συνέ- their SANHEDRIM, saying,
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 5 7 . him—omit. 6 1 . crows To-day, thou shalt. 63, him.
64. struck him on the FACK and—omit.
% 55. Matt. xxvi. 6 9 ; Mark xiv. 6 6 ; John xviii. 17, 18. % 58. Matt. xxvi. 71 j
JWTk xiv. 6 0 ; John xviii. 2 5 . % 6 1 . Matt. xxvi. 7 5 ; Mark xiv. 72. % 66. Matt.
m i L
*• SOD
Chap. 22:67.] LUKE. [Chap. 23:6.
δριον εαυτών, λέγοντες· Ει 67 "If thou art the
drim of themselves, saying; If thou an MESSIAH, tell us." And
ό Χριστός, ειπέ ήμίν. Είπε δέ αύτοίς he said to them, "If I in-
the Anointed, tell us. He said and to them; form you, you will not be-
Έάν ύμίν εϊπω, ού μη πιστεύσητε· β 8 έάν lieve ;
If to you I t e l l , not not you w i l l believe;
δέ *[καΙ] ερωτήσω, ού μή άποκριθήτε you68will and if I interrogate,
not answer.
but Calso] I ask, not not you would answe
* [μοι, η* άπολΰσητε.] 6 9 Άπό του νϋχ εσται 69 *But from this TIME
Cnie, or would loose.] From of the now shall be
the$S0N of MAN will sit
on the Right hand of the
6 υίός του άνθρωπου καθήμενος έκ δε- POWER of GOD."
the son of the man sitting at right
icov της δυνάμεως του Θεού. 70
ΕΙπον 70 And they all said,
f and of the power of the God. Said "Thou art, then, the SON
of GOD?" And HE said to
δέ πάντες* Σύ οΰν εΐ ό υΙός του Θεοϋ;
and all; Thou then art the son of the God? them, "You say; I am."
Ό δέ προς αυτούς έ'φη· Ύμείς λέγετε* δτι
He and to them said: You say; that 71 And they said, "What
έγώ ειμί. ^Ot δέ είπον ΤΙ £τι χρείαν further need have we of
I am. They and said; What further need
δχομεν μαρτυρίας; αυτοί γάρ ήκούσαμεν Testimony? since we our-
have we of testimony? Ourselves for we nave heard selves have heard this
dito τοΰ στόματος αύτοΰ. from his own MOUTH/'
XX02U ΤΧ16 Χϊ\OHth Ο Ι JlXXl
ΚΕΦ. κ γ \ 2S.
1 And|the Whole MUL-
*ΚαΙ άναστάν άπαν τό πλήθος αύ- TITUDE of them rising up,
And having stood up whole the multitude of
led him to PILATE.
των, ήγαγον αυτόν επί τόν Πιλάτον.
them, they led him to the Pilate.
2 And they began to ac-
"Ηρξαντο δέ κατηγορείν αΰτοΰ, λέγον- cuse him, saying, "We
found this man misleading
τες· Τοΰτον είίρομεν διαστρέςροντα τό έθνος, *our NATION, and forbid-
ing: This we found misleading the nation, ding to pay Tax to Caesar,
*and saying, §that he
καΙ κωλύοντα Καίσαρι φόρους διδόναι, λέ- himself is an anointed
γοντα εαυτόν Χριστόν 3 King.
ing himself an Anointed βασιλέα είναι. Ό 3 §And PILATE asked
king to be. The him, saying, "Art thou the
δέ Πιλάτος έπηρώτησεν αυτόν, λέγων Σύ KING of the J E W S ? " And
and Pilate asked him, saying: Thou HE answering him, said
εΐ ό βασιλεύς τών 'Ιουδαίων; *Ο δέ άπο- "Thou sayest."
art the king of the Jews? He and an-
κριθείς αύτω εφη* Σύ λέγεις. 4 Ό δέ 4 Then PILATE said to
swering to him said: Thou sayest. The and the HIGH-PRIESTS and the
Πιλάτος είπε προς τους άριχιερείς καΐ τους CROWDS,$"I find Nothing
Pilate said to the high-priests and the
δχλους· Ουδέν ευρίσκω αίτιον έν τω άνθρωπο» Criminal in this MAN."
crowds; Nothing I find criminal in the man*
τούτω. 5 Ot ιέ έπίσχυον, λέγοντες· "Οτι
this: They but were urgent, saying: That 5 But THEY were urgent,
άνασείει τόν λαόν, διδάσκων καθ' δλης της the saying, "He stirreth up
PEOPLE, teaching in
jio s t i r s up τΐΐθ ρθορίΘ) toiiclilu^ *u Tyliole of tli© All JUDEA, beginning from
'Ιουδαίας, άρξάμενος άπό της Γαλιλαίας δως
Judea, having begin from the Galilee to GALILEE even to this place.
ώδε. 6Πιλάτος δέ άκουσας *[Γαλιλαίαν,]
here. Pilate and having heard £of Galilee,] 6 Now Pilate hearing of
έπηρώτησεν, εΐ ό δνθρωπος Γαλιλαίος έστι. Galilee, asked if the MAN
he asked, if the man a Galilean is. was a Galilean.

* VATICAN M A N U S O B I P T . — 6 8 . also—omit. 68. me, or would loose—omit.

But from this T I M E . 2. our NATION. 2. and saying. 6. of Galilee—omit.
t 69. Matt. xxvi. 6 4 ; Mark xiv. 6 2 ; Heb. i. 3 ; viii. 1. t 1. Matt, xxvii.
Mark xr. 1 ; John xviii. 28. $ 2. John xix. 12. $ 3. Matt, xxvii. 1 1 ; 1 Tim.
13. $ 4 . 1 P e t . 11. 2 8 .
Chap. 23:7.] LUKE. [Chap. 23:16.
Kai έπιγνούς, δτι έκ της εξουσίας Ή - 7 And ascertaining That
he was of the ^PROVINCE
ρώδου εστίν, άνέπεμψεν αυτόν προς Ήρώδην, of Herod, he sent him to
* HEROD, who was also in
δντα καΐ αυτόν έν *Ιεροσολύμοις έν ταΰταις Jerusalem in Those DAYS.
being also him in Jerusalem in those
ταίς ήμέραις. 8 And HEROD §seeing
tho days. JESUS, was very glad ; for
O δέ Ηρώδης Ιδών τόν Ίησοΰν, έχάρη he had wished for a long
The and Herod seeing the Jesus, rejoiced time to see him, because he
λίαν had
fyv γαρ Φέλων έξ Ικανού Ιδεϊν and he HEARD about him;
hoped to see Some
«ΰτόν, δια τό άκούειν * [πολλά] περί Sign done by him.
Llm, because the to hear [many things] about
αυτοί)· καΐ ηλπιζέ τι 9 And he questioned
σημείο ν Ιδείν ύπ'
him; and hoped some sign
to see by him in many Words; but
«ΰτοΰ γινόμενον. Έπηρώτα δέ αυτόν έν he answered him nothing.
him being done. He asked and him in
λόγοις Ικανοίς· αυτός δέ ουδέν άπεκρίνατο 10 And the HIGH-
αύτφ. ΕΙστήκεισαν δέ ol αρχιερείς καΐ stood up, and vehemently-
him. Stood up and the high-priests and accused him.
ol γραμματείς εύτόνως κατηγοροΰντες αύτοΰ.
the scribes, vehemently accusing him. 11 And HEROD, with his
Έξουθενήσας δέ αυτόν ό Ηρώδης σύν SOLDIERS, treated him with

•τοίς στρατεύμασιν αύτοΰ, καΐ έμπαίξας, contempt; and having, in

the soldiers of himself, and haying mocked, derision, arrayed him in a
ίίεριβαλών αυτόν έσθητα λαμπράν, άνέπεμ- back to PILATE. sent him
splendid Robe,
casting around him a robe splendid, sent
ψεν αυτόν τφ Πιλάτφ. 12Έγένοντο δέ φίλοι 12 And *HEROD and
idtiiin him to the I*i 1 &te« Βec&m© find friends PILATE became Friends to
δ τε Πιλάτος καΐ 6 *Ηρώδης έν αύτη τι) each other on That DAY;
ήμερα μετ' αλλήλων προϋπηρχον γάρ έν at for before they had been
day with each other; formerly Enmity with each other.
tor in
δντες προς εαυτούς.
13 §And Pilate, having
called the HIGH-PRIESTS,
^Πιλάτος δέ συγκαλεσάμενος τους άρχιε- and the RULEKS, and the
Pilate and having summoned the hlgh-
4?είς καΐ τους άρχοντας καΐ τόν λαόν, 14εΙπε
priests &nd tlie chiefs &nd the people» s&id 14 said to them, "You
προς αυτούς* You Προσηνέγκατέ μοι τόν όίνθρω- have brought this MAN to
have brought to me the man me, as one who misleads
to them;
«ov τούτον, ώς άποστρέφοντα τόν λαόν καΐ the PEOPLE; and behold,
having examined him in
Ιδού, έγώ ενώπιον υμών άνακρίνας, your presence, I have not
of you having examinee
Ιο, I in presence • ied, found this MAN guilty of
ουδέν εΰρον
_ . _ . έν
_. τφ--^ άνθρώπφ
, ., τούτφ - . the
- „ αϊτιον,
- Crimes you bring
this a fault, against him.
nothing I found in the m a n
ών κατηγορείτε κατ' αύτοΰ. 15>Αλλ'
ουδέ 15 Nor, indeed, has Her-
od ; for *he sent him back
'Ηρώδης* ανέπεμψα γάρ υμάς προς αυτόν, again to you ; and behold,
Herod; I sent for you to him, nothing worthy of Death
•καΙ Ιδού, ουδέν δξιον θανάτου εστί πεπραγμέ- has been done by him.
and lo, nothing 1βworthy of death is having 16 having chastised him,
,ένον αύτφ. Παιδεύσας οδν αυτόν
done to him. Having scourged
MANUSCRIPT.—7. therefore
HEROD. him
8. many things—omit. 12. HEROD and
PILATE. 15. he sent him back again to you; and behold, nothing worthy of Death has
been done by him.
t 7. Luke iii. 1. t 8. Matt. xJv. 1; M-rk vi. 14; Luke ix. 9. t 13. Matt,
xxvii. 2 3 ; Mark xv. 14; John xviii. 3 8 ; xix. 4.
Chap. 23:17.] LUKE. [Chap. 23:28.
*['Ανάγκην δε είχεν άπολύειν therefore, I will release
I will release. [Necessary n o w18 it was to release him."
αύτοίς κατά έορτήν gvcu] Άνέκραξαν δέ 17 §* [For it was Neces-
sary to release one to them
Λαμπληϋε'ι, λέγοντες· Αίρε τοΰτον, άπό-at the Feast.]
all together, saying: Take away 19 this, re- 18 Then they all ex-
λυσον δέ ήμίν τον Βαραββαν "0<mg fjv claimed with one accord,
lease and to us the Barabbas; Who was saying, "Take away this
διά στάσιν τινά γενομένην έν χχι man, and release to us
through a sedition certain having occurred in the BARABBAS ; "
19 (who had been cast
πόλει, καΐ φόνον, όεβλημένος είς into *PRISON for a certain
city, and a murder, having been cast into Insurrection made in the
φυλακήν. CITY, and a Murder.)
20 PILATE, therefore,
Πάλιν οδν δ Πιλάτος προσεφώνησε, again addressed them,
wishing to release JESUS.
Φέλων άπολϋσαι τόν Ίησοΰν. ΟΙ δέ έπεφώ- 21 But THEY cried, say-
wishing to release the Jesus. They but cried, ing, "Crucify, crucify
νουν, λέγοντες· Σταύρωσον, σταύρωσον αυτόν. him."
saying; Crucify, crucify, him. 22 And HE said to them,
a Third time, "For what?
τρίτον είπε προς αυτούς· ΤΙ γαρ Has this man done Evil?
I have found No Cause of
κακόν έπο'ιησεν οδτος; ουδέν αίτιον θανάτου Death in him ; having chas-
evil has done this? nothing a cause of death tised him, therefore, I will
εδρον έν αύτφ· παιδεύσας ουν αυτόν release him."
Χ f o u n d i n liixiij h&viii^ s c o u r g e d t h e r e f o r e h i m 23 And THEY were ur-
απολύσω. ^Ol δέ έπέκειντο φωναίς μεγά- gent with loud Voices, de-
I w i l l release. They but pressed with voices loud, manding him to be cruci-
λαις, αΐτούμενοι αυτόν σταυρωθήναι· καΐ κα--
demanding him to be crucified; and pre- fied, and their CRIES pre-
τί,σχυον αϊ φωναί αυτών * [καΐ των άρχιε- vailed ;
vailed the voices of them [and of the high-
24 and *Pilate decided
@έων.] 24 .Ο δέ Πιλάτος επέκρινε γενέσθαι to satisfy their REQUEST.
priests.3 The and Pilate decided to satisfy 25 And he released HIM
τό αίτημα αυτών. ^'Απέλυσε δέ τόν διά
tlΘ καΐ
t f φόνον
t h m H o βεβλημένον
l & e l & d t l είς u l i who had been CAST into
t i * oτην
& l t i o fto m u d e r hfivi? t)© o c ι s c into tli'* * Prison for Insurrection
φυλακήν, 8ν ήτουντο· τόν δέ Ίησουν παρέ- and Murder, whom they
prison, whom they asked; the but Jesus lie de- desired ; and delivered up
δωκε τώ θελήματι αυτών, JESUS to their WILL.
livered to the will of them.
26 And as they led him
^ΚαΙ ώς άπήγαγον αυτόν, έπιλαδόμενοι away, having laid hold of
And as they led him, having laid hold Simon, a certain Cyrenian,
Σίμωνός τίνος Κυρηναίου ερχομένου άπ' coming from the Country,
of Simon A certain Oyreni&n coining from they laid the CROSS on him,
άγρο€, έπέθηκαν αΰτώ τόν σταυρόν, φέ- that he might carry it
country, they placed to him the cross, to after JESUS.
Q€iv δπισθεν του Ίησοΰ. 27Ήκολούθει δέ 27 And there followed
carry after the Jesus. Followed and
αΰτώ πολύ πλήθος του λαοΰ, καΐ γυ- the him a Great Multitude of
him a great multitude of the people, and of PEOPLE, and of Women
ναικών αϊ *[καΙ] έκόπτοντο καΐ έθρήνουν who wailed
lamented and be-
women; who [also] lamented and bewailed
28 But *Jesus, turning
αυτόν. 28ΣτραφεΙς δέ προς αύτάς ό 'Ιησούς to them, said, "Daughters
him. Turning but to them the Jesus of Jerusalem, weep not for
είπε· Θυγατέρες «Ιερουσαλήμ, μή κλαίετε έπ' me, but weep for your-
said; Daughters of Jerusalem, not weep you for selves, and for your
έμέ, πλην έφ* έαυτάς κλαίετε, καΐ επί τά CHILDREN.
me, but for yourselves weep you, and for the
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—17. —omit. 19. PRISON. 23. and of the HIGH-PEIBSTS
—omit. 24. Pilate. 25. Prison. 2 7. also—omit. 28. Jesus.
t 17. Matt, xxvii. 1 5 ; Mark xv. 6 ; John xviii. 3 9 .
Chap. 23:29.] LUKE. [Chap. 23:38.
τέκνα υμών. 29"Οτι Ιδού, άρχονται ήμέραι, 29 For behold, $Days
are approaching, in which
έν αίς έροΰσι· Μακάριαι at στείραι, they will say, 'Happy the
in which they will say; Blessed the barren ones, BARREN ! even the Wombs
καΐ κοιλ'ιαι αϊ ούκ έγεννησαν, καΐ μαστοί which never bore, and
the Breasts which never
οι ούκ έθήλασαν. 30Τότε αρξονται λέ- suckled.'
which not suckled. Then they wi 11 begin to
γειν τοις δρεσι* Πέσετε έφ' ήμας· 30 Then they will begin
say to the mountains; Fall you on
31 us; to say to the MOUNTAINS,
καΐ τοις βουνοίς· Καλύψατε ήμας. "Οτι ει 'Fall on us;' and to the
and to the h i l l s ; Cover you us. For if HILLS, 'Cover us.'
έν τφ ύγρω ξύλω ταϋτα ποιοΰσιν, έν τφ ξηρφ
in the green tree these they do, in the dry 31 For if these things
τΐ γένηται; are done while the Tree is
w h a t w i l l be done?
* Green, what will be done
Ηγοντο δέ καΐ έτεροι δύο κακούργοι σύν when it is DRY?
Were led and also others two malefactors with
αύτφ άναιρεθηναι. 33 32 $Now two others,
ΚαΙ δτε άπήλθον
who were Criminals, were
him to be put to death. And when, they came
also led with him to be
επί τόν τόπον, τόν καλούμενον Κρανίον εκεί put to death.
to the place, that being called Skull, there
έσταύρωσαν αυτόν, καΐ τους κακούργους· δν 33 And $when they came
they crucified him, and the malefactors; one
μέν εκ δεξιών, δν δέ έξ αριστερών. 3 ** [ Ό tO THAT PLACE w h i c h IS
indeed at right, one and at left. [The CALLED Skull, they there
δέ Ίησοΰς έλεγε· Πάτερ, δφες αύτοίς· nailed him to the cross,
and Jesus said; O Father, forgive them;
and the CRIMINALS ; one
οΰ γάρ οϊδασι τΐ ποιοΰσι.] Διαμερι- at his Right hand, and the
not for they know what they do Τ Having other at his Left.
ζόμενοι δέ τά Ιμάτια αύτοΰ, 86αλον κληρον. 34 *[Then JESUS said,
"Father, forgive them, for
divided and the garments of him, they cast a lot. they know not what they
Kal είστήκει ό λαός θεωρών έξεμυκτήριζον do."] And having divided
δέ καΐ ol δρχοντες * [συν αύτοίς,] λέγοντες· his GARMENTS, they cast
and also the rulers [with them,] saying: Lots.
"Αλλους £σωσε, σωσάτω εαυτόν, εΐ οΰτός 35 And the PEOPLE stood
Others he saved, let him save himself, if this gazing. And the RULERS
έστιν ό ζ Χριστός, ό του Θεοΰ εκλεκτός. also scoffed, saying, "He
Is ν έ αύτ
the Anointed, the of the God chosen. saved others ; let him save
αύτω, καΐ ol στρατιώται, himself, *if he is the Son,
8β Mocked
ρχμ δέ*[καΐ]
and him
Mocked nearand [and} also the
him soldiers, the MESSIAH, the CHOSEN
δξος of GOD."
αύτώ, 37κα1 λέγοντες· Et vinegar συ εΐπροσφέροντες
ό offering
βασιλεύς 36 And the SOLDIERS
to him, and saying. If thou art the king
also derided him, coming
των 'Ιουδαίων, σώσον σεαυτόν. 38rHv δέ και near and offering him
of the Jews, save thyself. Was and also Vinegar,
επιγραφή * [γεγραμμένη] έπ' αύτώ
[having been written] over him 37 and saying, "If thou
an inscription art the KING of the JEWS,
* [γράμμασιν Έλληνικοίς, καΐ Ρωμαϊκοίς, καΐ save thyself."
[letters in Greek, and Latin, and
38 $And there was also
Έδραϊκοίς·] «Ούτος έστιν ό βασιλεύς των an Inscription over him ;
Hebrew;] "This is the king of the —"This is the KING of
Ιουδαίων.» the J E W S . "
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—31. Green. 34. Then JESUS said. "Father, forgive them,
for they know not what they do."—omit. 35. with them—omit. 35. if he is the Son,
the MESSIAH, the CHOSEN of GOD. 36. and—omit. 38. written—omit. 38. in
Letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew—omit.
t 29. Matt. xxvi. 19; Luke xxi. 23. $ 32. Isa. liii. 12; Matt, xxvii. 38. ί 33.
Matt, xxvii. 33; Mark xv. 22; John xix. 17, 18. $ 38. Matt, xxvii. 37; Mark xv.
26; John xix. 19.
Chap. 23:39.] LUKE. [Chap. 23:48.
Είς δέ των κρεμασθέντων 39$Andoneofthe CRIM-
On© &ud of those hfiv i nj£ been lumpe INALS who were f SUS-
γων έβλασφήμει αυτόν, [λέγων] Ει σύ PENDED, reviled him, say-
factors spoke against him, Csaylng:] If thou ing, *"Art not thou the
el ό Χριστός, σώσον σεαυτόν καΐ ημάς. MESSIAH? save thyself
and us."
Άποκριθείς δέ ό 'έτερος έπετίμα αύτφ λέ- 40 But the OTHER an-
swering rebuked him, say-
A.nsw6rin£r but th© otiier retmkeel Iiim siiy~
γων Ουδέ <po6fj σύ τον Θεόν, δτι έν ing, "Dost thou not even
ing; Not even fearest tbou the God, since in fear GOD, since thou art
τω αύτφ κρ'ιματι ε ί ; 4 1 ΚαΙ ημείς under the SAME Sentence?
μέν δικαίως* άξια γάρ ών έπράξαμεν 41 And we, in-deed
indeed justly; due for which has been done justly ; for we receive what
άπολαμβ άνομε ν οδτος δέ ουδέν άτοπον έ'πρα- is due for the deeds we
we receive; this but nothing amiss has have done; but this man
42 has done nothing amiss."
|ε. ΚαΙ έ'λεγε τφ Ίησοϋ· Μνήσφητί 42 And he said to * Je-
done. And he said to the Jesus; Do thou remember sus, "Remember me when
μου, * [Κύριε,] δταν έ'λθχΐς έν τχ\ thou comest *in thy KING-
xtXQ CO l o σου.
βασιλεία r d 3 TiViien thouείπεν
com© όin the
Ίη- DOM."
jciii^doin of th©o» siiiu to him the Je~ 43 ±And *he said to
σους· 'Αμήν λέγω σοι σήμερον μ ε τ ' έμοΰ him, "Indeed I say to thee,
sus; Indeed I say to thee, to-day with me This day thou shalt be
εΌχι έν τ φ παραδείσφ. with me in ±PARADISE."
thou shalt be in the paradise. " 44 $*And it was now
Hv δέ ώσεί <5>ρα έ'κτη, καΐ σκότος about the sixth Hour, and
It was and about hour sixth, and darkness there was Darkness over
έγένετο έ φ ' δλην τήν γήν, έΌος ώρας ένά- the Whole LAND till the
came over whole t h e land, till hour ninth. ninth *Hour;
της. ΚαΙ έσκοτίσθη ό ήλιος· καΐ έσχίσθη 45 the SUN failing, *and
And was darkened the sun; and was rent §the VEIL of the TEMPLE
τό καταπέτασμα τοΰ ναοΰ μέσον. 4 6 ΚαΙ was rent in the Midst.
th vil f t h t m l i d t A
46 And JESUS exclaim-
σας μεγάλη ό Ίησοΰς, είπε· Πά- ing with aloud Voice, said,
a voice loud the Jesus, said: Ο
ing "Father, into thy Hands I
;ερ, είς χείρας σου παραθήσομαι τό πνεύμα
commit my ±SPIRIT ; " and
ather, Into hands of thee I commit the breath having said this, $he ex-
ΚαΙ ταΰτα εΙπών, έξέπνευσεν.
having said, he breathed out. pired.
And these 47 $And the CENTURION
Ί δ ώ ν δέ ό έκατόνταρχος τό γενόμενον,
seeing WHAT had OC-
Soeinja 2nd tho centurion th&t h&^riu^ occui*r©dy
CURRED, he glorified GOD,
έδόξασε τον θεόν, λέγων "Οντως ό άνθρω- saying, "Truly This MAN
glorifled the God, saying: Truly the m a n
was righteous."
πος οδτος δίκαιος fjv. Kai πάντες ol συμπα- 48 And All the CROWDS
ραγενόμενοι δχλοι επί τήν Φεωρίαν ταύτην, who had COME TOGETHER
come together crowds to the sight this, to this SPECTACLE, having

«VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—39. saying—omit. 39. Art not t h o u the MESSIAH?

save. 42. Jesus. 42. Lord—omit. 42. to. 43. he said. 44. It was now about.
44. Hour; the SUN failing. 45. and the VEIL.
± 39. I t is likely that the two robbers were not nailed to their crosses, but only tied
to them by cords, and thus they are represented in ancient paintings.—A. Clarke. 43.
This verse was wanting in the copies of Marcioi: and other reputed heretics; and in some
of the older copies in the time of Origen; nor is it cited by Justin, Irenaeus, orTertullian;
though the two former have quoted almost every text in Luke which relates to the cruci-
fixion; and Tertullian wrote concerning the intermediate state. See Evanson's Diss. p.
28. Im. Ver. note. ± 43. The word paradise is not Greek, but is of Asiatic origin.
In Arabic and Persian it signifies a garden, a vineyard. The Septuagint renders Gen. ii.
8, thus; "God planted a paradise in Eden." The word only occurs in two other places in
the New Testament—2 Cor. xii. 4 ; and Rev. ii. 7.
± 4 6 . My breath or life, Luke viii. 55.
t 39. Matt, xxvii. 44; Mark xv. 32. $ 44. Matt, xxvil. 4 5 ; Mark xv. 33.
t 45. Matt, xxvii. 5 1 ; Mark xv. 38. t 46. Matt, xxvii. 50; Mark xv. 3 7 ; John
xix. 30. $ 4 7 . Matt, xxvii. 54; Mark xv. 39.
Chap. 23:49.] LUKE, [Chap. 24:3.
θεωροΰντες τα γενόμενα,
τύπτοντες beheld the THINGS which
beholding the things having occurred, 40striking OCCURRED, returned, beat-
* [εαυτών] τα στήθη ύπέστρεφον. ΕΙστή- ing their BREASTS.
Cof themselves] the breasts returned. Stood
49 And All his ACQUAIN-
κεισαν δέ πάντες ol γνωστοί
αύτοΰ μα- TANCE, *and THOSE WO-
but all the acquaintances of him at a
κρόθεν, καΐ γυναίκες αϊ συνακολουθήσασαι him from GALILEE, stood
distance, and women those having fol lowed at a distance, beholding
αύτώ άπό της Γαλιλαίας, δρώσαι ταΰτα.
him* from the Galilee, beholding these things. these things.
50 50 §And behold, a Man
ΚαΙ ιδού, άνήρ ονόματι 'Ιωσήφ, 6ου- named Joseph, a Senator,
And lo, a man with a name Joseph, a a good and righteous Man,
λευτής υπάρχων, άνήρ αγαθός καΐ δίκαιος,
senator being, a man good and just,
51 (hehad not consented
Β1 to their DESIGNS and
(οΰτος ούκ ήν συγκατατεθειμένος τη βουλή DEEDS,) from Arimathea,
καΐ τη πράξει αυτών,) άπό Άριμαθαίας a City of the J e w s ; and
and the act of them,) from Arimathea who was waiting for t h e
πόλεως των 'Ιουδαίων, δς καΐ προσεδέχετο KINGDOM of GOD.
a city of the Jews, who and was looking for 52 This man coming t o
* [καΐ αυτός] την βασιλείαν τοΰ Θεοΰ· 52 οΰτος PILATE, asked for t h e
[also himself] the kingdom of the God; this' BODY of J E S U S .
προσελθών τω Πιλάτω, ήτήσατο τό σώμα 53 And having taken i t
having gone to the Pilate, asked the body down, he wrapped it in
τοϋ Ίησοΰ. 53ΚαΙ καθελών αυτό, ένε- Linen, and laid i t in a
Tomb cut out of a rock,
τύλιξεν αυτό σινδόνι, καΐ εθηκεν αυτό, έν in which no one had ever
wrapped it in linen, and laid it, in yet been laid.
μνήματι λαξευτώ, οδ ούκ ήν ούδέπω ού- 54 And it was the Day
δείς κείμενος. 64ΚαΙ ήμερα ήν παρασκευή, καΐ of ^Preparation, and t h e
one being laid. And day was preparation, and
οάββατον έπέφωσκε. Κατακολουθήσασαι δέ Sabbath approached.
sabbath approached. Having fol lowed after and
55 And the WOMEN fol~
*[καΙ] γυναίκες, αΐτινες ήσαν συνεληλυθυίαι lowing after, who had
[also] women, who were having been with accompanied him from
αύτω έκ της Γαλιλα'ιας, έθεάσαντο τό μνημεί- GALILEE, saw the TOMB,
him out of the Galilee, beheld the tomb,
εβ and how his BODY was
ov, καΐ ώς ετέθη τό σώμα αύτοΰ. Ύπο- laid.
and how they laid the body of him. Having
στρέψασαι δέ ήτοίμασαν αρώματα καΐ μύ- 56 And returning, they
returned and they prepared aromatics and oint- ^prepared Aromatics and
0«* και τό μέν σάβδατον ησύχασαν Ointments; and rested on
ments; and the indeed sabbath they rested the SABBATH, according to
κατά την έντολήν. the COMMANDMENT.
according to the commandment.
ΚΕΦ. κ δ \ 24.
1 $And on the F I R S T

Γη δέ μια των σαββάτων, δρθρου 6α- day of the WEEK,, very
In the and first of the weeks, of morning very early in the Morning, they
went to the TOMB, carry-
θέος, ήλθον έπι τό μνήμα, φέρουσαι Q ing the Aromatics wThich
early, came to the tomb, bringing what they had prepared.
ήτοίμασαν άρο')ματα· * [καί τίνες συν 2 And they found t h e
αύταίς.3 2 Εύρον δέ τόν λίθον άποκεκυλισμέ-
thent.] They found and the stone having been STONE rolled away from
άπό τοΰ μνημείου. K a l εΐσελθοΰσαι the TOMB ;
rolled from the tomb. And having entered 3 §and having entered,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—48. of themselves—omit. 49. and THOSH WOMEN who
51. also himself—omit. 55. also—omit. 1. and some with them—omH
% 50. Matt, xxvli. 5 7 ; Mark xv. 4 2 ; John xix. 38. % 54. Matt, xxvii. 62. $ 5 3 .
Mark xvi. 1. $ 1. Matt, xxviii. 1 ; Mark xvi. 1; John xx. 2. % 3. Mark xvi. 5.

Chap. 24:4.] LUKE. [Chap. 24:13.
ούχ εδρον τό σώμα του Κυρίου Ίησοΰ. they found not the BODT
not they found the body of the Lord Jesus. ±of the LORD Jesus.
KaX έγένετο έν τω διαπορεϊσθαι αύτάς περί
And i t happened In the to be perplexed them about 4 And it occurred, as
τούτου, καΐ Ιδού, άνδρες δύο επέστησαν αύ- they were in PERPLEXITY
this, and lo, men two stood by about this, $behold two
Men stood by them in
ταίς έν έσθήσεσιν άστραπτούσαις. 6Έμφό6ων shining Clothing.
them in clothing shining. Afraid
δέ γενομένων αυτών, καΐ κλινουσών τό πρό- 5 And the women being
and having become of them, and bowing the face afraid, and bowing their
«τωπον είς την γην, είπον προς αύτάς· ΤΙ FACES to the EARTH, these
to the earth, they said to them; Why
ζητείτε τόν ζώντα μετά των νεκρών; βΟύκ said to them, "Why do you
seek you the living among the dead ones? Not seek the LIVING one among
&mv ώδε, άλλ* ήγέρθη. Μνήσθητε the DEAD?
lie i s here, but has been raided. Eemeraber you 6 He is not here, but has
&ς έλάλησεν ΰμίν, %τι ων έν τχι Γαλιλαία, been raised. $ Remember
how bespoke to you, w h i l e being in the Galilee, how he spoke to you, whila
λέγων· "Οτι δει τόν υΐόν του ανθρώπου he was yet in GALILEE ;
saying; That i t behooves the son of the man
παραδοθήναι είς χείρας ανθρώπων άμαρτω- 7 saying, 'The SON of
to be delivered into hands of men of sinners, MAN must be delivered up
9taX σταυρωθήναι, καΐ τχί τρίτχι ημέρα άνα- into the Hands of Sinners,
and to be crucified, and the third day to and be crucified, and the
οτήναι. 8ΚαΙ έμνήσθησαν των ρημάτων αύτου· THIRD day rise again.'"
βstand up. And they remembered the words of him; 8 And they recollected
κα1 ύποστρέψασαι άπό του μνημείου, άπήγ-
and having returned from the tomb, they his WORDS ;
γειλαν ταΰτα πάντα τοις δνδεκα καΐ πδσι τοίς 9 $and returning from
related these all the TOMB, related all these
to the eleven and to a l l the
1ΟΪ things
λοιποίς. Ησαν δέ ή Μαγδαληνή Μαρία, καΙ to All the to the ELEVEN, and
others. Were and the Magdalene Mary, and
10 Now they were the
Ιωάννα, καΐ Μαρία 'Ιακώβου, καΐ at λοιπαΐ MAGDALA Mary, and Jo-
Joanna, and Mary of James, and the others anna, and*THAT Mary the
συν αύταίς, at Φλέγον προς τους αποστόλους mother of James, and the
With tliem "wlio spoko to tlio Apostles OTHERS with them, who
ταΰτα. u Kal έφάνησαν ενώπιον αυτών ώσεί told these things to the;

these. And appeared In presence of them as APOSTLES.

ληρος τά ρήματα αυτών, καΐ ήπί-
11 $And * these WORDS
an idle tale thewords of them, and they believed appeared to them like idle
στουν αύταϊς. ^ Ό δέ Π έτρος άναστάς §δρα- talk; and they believed
not them. The and Peter arising ran them not.
μεν επί τό μνημείον, καΐ παρακύψας 12 ±But PETER arising
to the tomb, and having stooped down ran to the TOMB, and stoop-
βλέπει τά δθόνια * [κείμενα] μόνα· καΐ ing down he saw only the
he sees the linen bands dying] alone; and
άπηλθε προς εαυτόν, θαυμάζων τό γεγο- LINEN BANDS ; and he
hedeparted by himself, Wondering that having went away by himself,
νός. wondering at WHAT had
^ΚαΙ Ιδού, δύο έξ αυτών ίίσαν πορευόμενοι HAPPENED.
And lo, two of them were 13 $And behold, two of
έν αύτη τβ ημέρα είς κώμη ν άπέχουσαν them were going on the
In this
the day into a v i l l a g e being distant Same DAY, to a Village
οταδίους έξήκοντα άπά 'Ιερουσαλήμ, fj called Emmaus, sixty Fur-
furlongs sixty from Jerusalem, to which longs from Jerusalem.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 0 . THAT Mary. 11. these WORDS. 12. lying—omit.
± 3 . Tischendorf omits the words "of the Lord J e s u s . " ± 12. Tischendorf omits
this verse.
t 4. John xx. 12. t 6. Matt. xvi. 2 1 ; xvii. 2 3 ; Mark viii. 3 1 ; ix. 3 1 ; Luke
Ix. 2 2 . $ 9 . Matt, xxviii. 8 ; Mark xvi. 1 0 . $ 11. Mark xvi. 11. $ 13. MarB
xvi. 12.

Chap. 24:14.] LUKE. [Chap. 24:24.
δνομα 'Εμμαούς. ΚαΙ αυτοί ώμίλουν προς 14 And they were con-
a name Emmaus. And they were talking to versing with each other
αλλήλους περί πάντων των συμβεβηκότων τού- about All these THINGS
each other about all o f t h e h a v i n g happened o f which had HAPPENED.
των. 1δΚαΙ έγένετο έν τφ δμιλείν αυτούς «αϊ 15 And it occurred, while
these. And i t occurred In" the to talk them and
συζητείν, καΐ αυτός ό 'Ιησούς έγγίσας they were conversing and
to reason, even he the Jesus having come near
reasoning, * Jesus himself
ουνεπορευετο αύτοΐς. lc Ot δε οφθαλμοί αυτών having approached, went
went w i t h them. The but eyes of them with them.
έκρατουντο, του μη έπιγνωναι αυτόν. 17
Είπε 16 But $their EYES were
*W t? Γ © LLQ 1 d» t i l Θ HO t t o kllOAV 111 III« held, so that they did not
δέ προς αυτούς· Τίνες ot λόγοι οδτοι, ους RECOGNIZE him.
and to them; What the words these, which 17 And he said to them,
άντιβάλλετε προς αλλήλους περιπατοΰντες, "What WORDS are these
yOU tllPOTiT to OHO £lXXO£llOF Wg^ 2Ιζ \Ώff. which you are exchanging
with each other, as you
καΐ έστέ σκυθρωποί; 18>Αποκριθείς δε ό είς, *walk? and why are you
and are sad? Answering · and the one, dejected ?"
Φ δνομα Κλεόπας, είπε προς αυτόν Σύ 18 And the ONE $named
μόνος παροικείς *Ιερουσαλήμ, καΐ ουκ εγνως Cleopas, answering, said
to whom a name Cleopas, said to him; Thou
alone sojournest Jerusalem, and not thou knowest to him, "Art thou the only
Sojourner in Jerusalem,
τα γενόμενα10
in αύτη
her* in έν ταίς the who is unacquainted with
the thingsταΰταις; having been ΚαΙ
donecutev — αύτοΐς·
' ~ '~ Ποία; the THINGS which have
days these? And he sa id to them, What things?
OCCURRED in i t in these
Ol δέ είπον _. αύτφ' _t Τά περί Ίησοΰ του DAYS ?"
J.ney and said t o him; The things about Jesus the
Ναζωραίου, ος έγένετο άνήρ προφήτης, δυνα- "What 19 And he said to them,
Nazarene, who was α man a prophet, power- things?" And they
τός έν έ'ργο> καΐ λόγω εναντίον τοϋ Θεοΰ said to him, "The THINGS
concerning Jesus, the NA-
ful in work Hud, word in presence of the God
ZARITE, §a Man who was
καΐ παντός του λαοΰ. 20"Οπως τε πα-a Prophet, powerful in
and all the people. How and de- Work and Word before
ρέδωκαν αυτόν ol αρχιερείς καΐ ol αρχον- GOD and All the PEOPLE ;
liveredup him the high-priests and the chiefs
τες ημών είς κρίμα θανάτου, καΐ έσταύ- 20 f and how the HIGH-
ρωσαν αυτόν. ^Ήμείς δέ ήλπίζομι εν, δτι delivered him up to a Sen-
hoped, tence of Death, and cruci-
fied him. We but that
αυτός έστιν ό μέλλων λυτροϋσθαι τόν Ίσρα- fied him.
he It is the being about to redeem the Israel;
21 But we hoped §That
ήλ, άλλάγε συν πασι τούτοις τρίτην ταύ- it was HE who WAS ABOUT
but besides
all these third this
to redeem ISRAEL ; and
την ήμέραν δγει σήμερον, άφ' οδ besides all this, *This Day
day goes away to-day, from of which is the Third since these
ταΰτα έγένετο· ^άλλά καΐ γυναίκες τινές έξ things were done.
xlios0 occurredj but ixlso "W^oiiien sooio of 22 But §some of our
ημών έξέστησαν ήμας, γενόμεναι δρθριαι Women also astonished
us astonished us, having been early
επί τό μνημείον 23κα1 μή εύρουσαι τό us ; for having been early at the TOMB,
at the tomb; and not having found the
23 and not finding his
σώμα αύτοΰ, η*λθον, λέγουσαι καΐ όπτασίανBODY, they came, saying,
that they had even seen a
αγγέλων έωρακέναι, οι λέγουσιν αυτόν Vision of Angels, who said
Of messengers tohave seen, who say him that he was alive.
tfiv. 2*ΚαΙ άπήλθον τινές των συν ήμίν 24 And some of THOSE
to be alive. And went some of those with us
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—15. Jesus. 17. walk? And they stood still and were sad.
21. This Day is the Third since.
% 16. John xx. 14; xxi. 4. % 18. John xix. 25. % 19. Matt. xxi. 1.1; Luke vii.
16; John iii. 2; iv. 19; vi. 14; Acts ii. 22; vii. 22. % 20. Luke xxiii. U
A-cts xiii. 2 7, 28. $ 21. Luko i. 68; Acts i. 6. % 22. Matt, xxviii. 8; Mark xvi.
10; John xx. 13.
Chap. 24:25.] LUKE. [Chap. 24:35.
επί το μνημεΐον, καΐ εδρον *[ουτω,] καθώς with us went to the TOMB,
•ο the tomb, and found Lthus] even as and found it as the WOMEN
καΐ αί γυναίκες είπον αυτόν δε ούκ είδον. had said ; but Him they
saw not."
^ΚαΙ αυτός είπε προς αυτούς· Τ Ω ανόητοι 25 And he said to them,
And he said to them; θ thoughtless
"O inconsiderate men, and
καΐ βραδείς τη καρδία τοϋ πιστεύειν SlOW Of HEART t o BELIEVE
επί πασιν, οίς έλάλησαν ol προφηται. ΟύχΙ all which t h e P R O P H E T S

in all , which spoke the prophets. Not have s p o k e n !

ταΰτα έδει παθείν τον Χριστόν, 26 \Vas i t n o t necessary
these it was binding to have suffered the Anointed, $for t h e M E S S I A H to h a v e
καΐ είσελΦείν εις την δόξαν αύτοΰ; 27
Καί suffered these things, a n d
and to enter into the glory of himself? And to enter h i s GLORY ?"
άρξάμενος άπό Μοοσέως καΐ άπό πάντων των 27 And beginning from
Moses, and throug-h All t h e
προφητών, διηρμήνευεν αύτοις έν πάσαις PROPHETS, h e explained t o
prophets, he explained to them in all them i n AH t h e SCRIP-
ταίς γραφαίς τά περί αύτοΰ. 2 8 Kai TURES t h e T H I N G S con-
the writings the things about himself. And cerning himself.
ηΎγισαν εις την κώμην, ού έπορεύον- 28 And they drew n e a r
t h e y d r e w n e a r t o t h e v i l l a g e , w h e r e t h e y w e r e to t h e VILLAGE where t h e y
were going ; and he seemed
το* καΐ αυτός προσεποιεΐτο πορρωτέρω as intending t o go further.
πορεύεσϋαι. 2 9 ΚαΙ παρεβιάσαντο αυτόν, λέ- 29 B u t they urged him,
to go. But they pressed him, say-
saying, " R e m a i n w i t h us,
for i t is t o w a r d s Evening,
γοντες· Μεΐνον μ ε θ ' ημών, δτι προς έσπέραν and t h e DAY h a s *already
ing: Abide with us, for toward evening
εστί, καΐ κέκλικεν ή ημέρα. ΚαΙ εισήλθε declined. And h e went i n
it is, and has declined the day. And he went in to ABIDE w i t h them.
tho 30
του μείναι συν αύτοϊς. ΚαΙ έγένετο εν τφ 30 And i t occurred, a s
κατακλιθηναι αυτόν μετ' αυτών, λαβών he RECLINED with them,
to recline him with them, having taken $taking t h e LOAF, h e bles-
τόν δρτον, ευλόγησε, καΐ κλάσας έπε- sed God,· a n d having bro-
the loaf, he blessed, and having broken he
ken it, h e gave t o them.
δίδου αύτοίς. 31 Αύτών δέ διηνοίχθησαν ol
gave to them. Of them and were opened the 31 And T h e i r EYES were
οφθαλμοί, καΐ έπέγνωσαν αυτόν καΐ αυτός opened, a n d they knew
him ; a n d he disappeared
άφαντος έγένετο ά π ' αυτών. S 2 Kai είπον from them.
disappeared from them. And they said 32 And they said t o
προς αλλήλους· ΟύχΙ ή καρδία ημών καιομένη each other, " D i d n o t o u r
to each other; Not the heart of us burning HEARTS ±burn, while h e
η"ν, * [ έ ν ήμίν,] ώς έλάλει ήμϊν έν τη όδώ, talked t o u s on t h e ROAD,
was, tin us,] as he was talking to us in the way, a n d while h e unfolded t o
* [καΐ] ώς διήνοιγεν ήμίν τάς γραφάς; u s t h e S C R I P T U R E S ?"
[andl as he was opening to us the writings?
Kai άναστάντες αύτη τη ώρα, ύπέστρε- 33 And rising u p t h e
And rising up in this the hour, they re-Same HOUR, they r e t u r n e d
ψαν εις *Ιερουσαλήμ· καΐ εΰρον συνηθροι- to Jerusalem, a n d found
turned to Jerusalem; and found having been the ELEVEN, and THOSE
ομένους τους ένδεκα καΐ τους συν αύτοίς, w i t h them, assembled.
assembled the eleven and those with them, 34 SAYING, "The LORD

λέγοντας· "Οτι ήγέρθη
ό Κύριος όντως, h a s indeed been raised,
saying: That has been raised the
Lord indeed, a n d h a s appeared t o Si-
scat ώφθη Σίμωνι. ^ K a i αυτοί έξηγοΰντο mon."
and has appeared to Simon. And they related 35 And they related
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—24. thus—omit. 29. already past. 32. in us—and—omit.
±32. The Codex Bezos has a very remarkable reading here; instead of kaiomenee,
burned, it has kekalummenee, veiled and one of the Itala> has fnit eveceatum, was
blinded. "Was not our hearts veiled (blinded) when he conversed with us on the way and
while he unfolded the Scriptures to us," seeing we did not know him.—A. Clarke.
% 22. verse 46; Acts xvii. 3 ; 1 Pet. i. 11. % 30. Matt. xiv. 19.
Chap. 24:36.] LUKE. [Chap. 24:4Γ>.
τά έν τχί όδφ, καΐ ώςέγνώσθη αύ- what THINGS happened on
the things in the way, and how he was known to the ROAD, and how he was
τοις έ\ τη κλάσει τοϋ άρτου. Ταϋτα δέ αύ- known to them in the

them In the breaking of the loaf. These and of BREAKING of the LOAF.
των λαλονντων, αυτός £στη έν μέσα» αυτών, 36 JAnd as they were
them sp0iilcinffi he stood in ixiicist of tπGin« saving these things, he
καΐ λέγει αΰτοίς· Ειρήνη ύμΐν. "Π τοη- stood in the Midst of them
you. Being fand says to them, "Peace
θέντες δέ καΐ έμφοβοι γενόμενοι έδό- be to yon."
37 But they being
κουν πνεΰμα θεωρεΐν. 38 ΚαΙ είπεν αύτοίς· * troubled and terrified,
thought a s p i r i t to see. And he said to them; thought they saw $ta
ΤΙ τεταραγμένοι έστέ; και διατί Spirit.
W h\ hftν i ο ε Dcon nsritsited £t r © you? &nd w li y 38 And he said to them,
διαλογισμοί άναβαίνουσιν έν ταΐς καρδ'ιαις 4<Why are you troubled?
reasonings rise in the hearts and why do Doubts arise
υμών; : ί 9 "Ιδετε τάς χείρας μοι>, καΐ τους in your *HEARTS?
of you? See you the hands of me and the
39 JSee my HANDS and
πόδας μου, δτι αυτός έγώ είμι· ψηλαφή-
feet of me, that he I am; handle my FEET, t h a t I am he ;
handle me, and be con-
σατέ με καΐ ϊδετε· δτι πνεϋμα σάρκα καΐ vinced ; For a Spirit has
you m e a n d s e e you; f o r a s p i r i t flesh and
not *both Flesh and Bones
οστέα ουκ έχει, καθώς έμέ θεωρείτε εχον- as you perceive me to
bones not has, as me you perceive hav-
40 have."
τα. Kai τοΰτο ειπών, έπέδειξεν αύτοίς τάς 40 $And having said
ing. And this saying, he showed to them the this, he showed them his
χείρας καΐ τους πόδας. "Ετι δέ άπιστούντων HANDS and his FEET.
hands and the feet. While and not believing 41 And while from JOY
αυτών άπό της χαράς, καΐ θαΐ'μαζόντων, εΐ- they were unbelieving, and
of them from the joy, and were wondering, he were wondering, he said to
πεν αύτοίς· "Εχετε τι βρώσιμον ένθά- them. "Have you any Food
said to them; Have you anything eatable here? h e r e ? "
δε; Ot δέ έπέδωκαν αύτώ ιχθύος όπτοΰ 42 And THEY gave him
μέρος, *[καΙ άπό μελισσίου κηρ'ιου.] 4;iKai P a r t of a broiled Fish ;
a piece, [and from a honey comb.] And 43 and taking it, $ he a t e
Είπε in their presence.
λαβών, ενώπιον αυτών ρφαγεν.
44 And he said to them,
δέ αύτοίς· Οδτοι ot λόγοι, ους έλάλησα $ "These are the WORDS
which I spoke to you, while
προς υμάς, Ιτι ών συν ύμίν,
to you, while being w i t h you, δτι δει I was yet with you, T h a t
πληρο)θηναι πάντα τά γεγραμ-
the LAW of Moses, and in
the * PROPHETS, and in the
μένα έν τω νόμο) Μωσέ(ος, καΐ προφήταις, Psalms, concerning me,
w r i t t e n in the law of Moses, and prophets,
καΐ ψαλμοϊς περί εμοΰ. 40 Τότε διήνοιξεν αυ-
must be fully accom-
τών τον νουν, τοϋ συνιέναι τάς
45 Then he opened Thei r
them the mind, of the to understand the MINDS tO UNDERSTAND
φάς· κα1 είπεν αύτοίς· "Οτι ούτω γέ-
ings; and he said to them; That thus lt is 40 and said to them,
γραπται, και οΰτως έδει η "Thus it is written, *thnt
the MESSIAH should suffer
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 7. troubled, and. 38. HEART. 3 9. both Flesh and.
42. and from a Honey comb—om* 44. PROPHETS. 46. that the Messiah should suffer,
mm rise.
and should
± 36i. Tischendoh omits, "And says to them, 'Peace be to you.' " ± 3 7. Griesbach
intasma, phantom, in the margin, which agrees with Mark vi. 40. f 40. Tisch-
«^. omits this verse
t 36. Mark xvi. 14. John xx. 1 9 ; 1 Cor. xv. 5. % 37. Mark vi. 49. $ 39. John
. 20, 27. % 43. Acts x. 41. $ 44. Matt. xvi. 2 1 ; xvii. 2 2 ; xs. 1 8 ; Mark viii. 3 1 ;
ike is.. 2 2 : xviii. 31.
Chap. 24:47.] LUKE. [Chap. 24:53.
τόν Χριστόν, καΐ άναστήναι έκ νεκρών and should rise from the
the Anointed, and to stand up out of dead ones Dead the THIRD Day;
Tfj τρίτη ήμερα, κα1 κηρυχθηναι επί τφ 47 and that in his NAME,
in the third day, * and to be proclaimed in the
ονόματι αύτοΰ μετάνοιαν καΐ αφεσιν άμαρ- Reformation *in order
name of him reformation and forgiveness of to Forgiveness of Sins
τιών είς πάντα τά εΦνη, άρξάμενον άπό should be proclaimed t o
sins to all the. nations, beginning from All the NATIONS, begin-
Μερουσαλήμ. ^'Υμείς δέ έστέ μάρτυρες τού- ning at Jerusalem.
Jerusalem. You and are witnesses of
48 And §you are Wit-
των. 49ΚαΙ Ιδού, έγώ αποστέλλω την έπαγγε- nesses of these things.
λίαν του Πατρός μου έφ' ύμας· ύμείς δέ 49 And, behold, I send
of the Father of me on you; you but forth $the PROMISE of my
καθίσατε έν TTJ πόλει, εως οδ ένδύση- FATHER upon you; but
remain you in the city, till you may bo remain you in the CITY,
σθε δύναμιν έξ ΰψους. β0 Έξήγαγε δέ till you are invested with
power from on high. He led and Power from on high."
clothed power from on big.
αυτούς δξω έΌος είς Βηθανίαν καΐ έπά- §to50Bethany; And he led them out
and lifting
them out even to Bethany; and having
τάς χείρας αύτοΰ, εύλόγησεν αυτούς. them.
his HANDS, he blessed
lifted up the hands of himself, he blessed them.
ei 51 And it occurred while
Kal έγένετο έν τφ εύλογείν αυτόν he was BLESSING them, he
And i t happened in the to bless him
αυτούς, διέστη άπ* αυτών, καΐ άνεφέρε- ±andseparated
was from them,
carried up into HEA-
them, he stood apart from them, and was carried
το είς τόν ούρανόν. β2ΚαΙ αυτοί προσκυ-
up into the heaven. And they
52 And they ±having
prostrated to him, return-
νήσαντες αυτόν, ύπέστρεψαν
Β3 είς *Ιερουσαλήμ ed to Jerusalem with
μετά χαράς μεγάλης· κα1 fjcrav διαπαντός great J o y ;
with joy great; and were continually
έν τφ Ιερφ, * [α'ινοΰντες καΐ] εύλογοΰντες 53 and were constantly
In the temple, [praising and] blessing in the TEMPLE, blessing
τόν Θεόν.
the God. GOD.
* VATICAN MANUSCHIPT.—4 7. in order to Forgiveness. 53. praising and—omit.
Subscription—ACCOBDIISG to LUKE.
± 51 & 52. Tischcndorf omits, "and carried up into HEAVEN," and "having pros-
trated to him."
$ 48. John xv. 2 7 ; Acts L 8, 2 2 ; ii. 3 2 ; iii. 15. $ 49. Acts i. 4. % 50. Acts i.

ΚΕΦ. α ' . 1. 1 In the ^Beginning
*Έν άρχτί fiv ό Λόγος, καΐ ό Λόγος was the ±LOGOS, and the
In a beginning was the Word, and the Word LOGOS was with GOD, and
the LOGOS was God.
fjv προς τόν Θεόν, καΐ θεός fyv
ό Λόγος. 2 This was in the Be-
Was with the God, and a god
was the Word.
2Οδτος ήν έν προς τόν Θεόν. ginning
αρχϋ with GOD.
3 ^Through it every
This was in abeginning with the God.
δι* αύτοΰ ±έγένετο· καΐ χωρίς thing was done ; and with-
Πάντα out it not even one thing
All through it was done; and without was done, which has been
αύτοΰ έγένετο ουδέ gv, δ γέγονεν. done.
4 it was done not even one, that has been done. 4 In it was Life; and
Έν αύτώ ζωή fiv, καΐ ή ζωή fiv τό φώς the LIFE was the LIGHT of
In it " l i f e was, and the l i f e was the light
των ανθρώπων Βκα1 τό φώς έν τχί σκοτία 5 And the $LIGHT shone
in the DARKNESS, and the
φαίνει, καΐ ή σκοτία αυτό ού κατέλαβεν. DARKNESS apprehended I t
shines, and the darkness it not apprehended.
Έγένετο άνθρωπος απεσταλμένος παρά 6 iThere was a Man,,
Was a man having been sent from named John, sent by God.
θεοΰ, δνομα αύτφ Ιωάννης· 7ο5τος ^λθεν 7 He came for a Wit-
God, a name to him John; this came ness, that he might testify
«ίς μαρτυρίαν, ϊνα μαρτυρήσχι περί του concerning the LIGHT,
that all might believe
φωτός, ίνα πάντες πιστεύσωσι αύτοΰ. δι' through him.
light, that all might believe through him. 8 He was not the LIGHT,
Ούκ fiv εκείνος τό φώς, άλλ* ϊνα μαρτυρή- but to testify concerning

the LIGHT.
Not was he the light, but that he might
9Τ 9 The TRUE LIGHT was
ση περί του φωτός.
Ην τό φώς τό that, which, coming into
testify about the light. Was the light the the WORLD , enlightens
άληθινόν, δ φωτίζει πάντα άνθρωπον έρχό- Every Man.
true, which enlightens every man com- 10 He was in the WORLD,
μενον είς τόν κόσμον. Έ ν τφ κόσμφ ήν, and ±the WORLD was (en-
ing into the world. In the world he was.
lightened) through him;
ttal ό κόσμος δι' αύτοΰ έγένετο, καΐ ό and yet the WORLD knew
ami the world through him was, and the Him not.
κόσμος αυτόν ούκ ε*γνω. η ΕΙς τά ίδια ίίλθε, καΐ 11 §He came to his OWN
domains, and yet his OWN
ol ϊδιοι αυτόν ού παρέλαβον· ^Οσοι δέ people received Him not.
the own him not received. As many as but
12 but to as many as
± 1. In this and the fourteenth verse logos, has been transferred rather than translated.
Dr. A. Clarke remarks, "This term should be left untranslated for the very same reasons
why the names Jesus and Christ are left untranslated. As every appellative of the Savior of
the world, was descriptive of some excellence in his person, nature, or work, so the epithet
logos, which signifies a word spoken, speech, eloquence, doctrine, reason, or the faculty of
reasoning, is very properly applied to him." See 1 John i. 1, for a clear and useful comment
by the apostle John on the proem to this Gospel. ± 3. Ginomai occurs upwards of seven
hundred times in the New Testament, but never in the sense of create, yet in most versions
it is translated, as though the word was ktiso. "The word occurs fifty-three times in this
Gospel, and signifies to be, to come, to become, to come to pass; also, to be done or trans-
acted. All things in the Christian dispensation were done by Christ, i. e. by his authority,
and according to his direction; and in the ministry committed to his apostles, nothing has
been done without his warrant. See John xv. 4, 5, "Without me ye can do nothing." Com-
pare ver. 7, 10, 16; John xvii. 8 ; Col. i. 16, 1 7 . " Cappe's Diss. ± 10. ho kosmos, the
order, arrangement of things, the human race; hero it evidently means that kosmos of
human beings which he came to enlighten and to save. John viii. 12; iii. 16.
t 1. Prov. viii. 22, &c.; 1 John i. 1. $ 3. Eph. iii. 9; Col. i. 16. % 5. John v i i i
12; ix. 5; xii. 35, 46. $ 6. Mai. iii. 1; Matt. iii. 1; Luke iii. 2. $ 11. Matt. xxi.
38; Mark xii. 1; Luke xix. 14; xx. 14. t 12. Bom. viii. 1 5 ; Gal. iii. 2 6 , 2 7 ; I
John iii. 1. 312
Chap. 1:13.] JOHN. [Chap. 1:21.
ελαβον αυτόν, εδωκεν έξουσίαν received him, $he gave
received him, he gave to them Authority to become Chil-
τέκνα Θεοΰ γενέσθαι, τοις πιστεύουσιν είς BELIEVING dren of God, to THOSE
into his NAME ;
Children of God to 13become, to those believing into
τό δνομα αύτοϋ· ot ούκ εξ αΙμάτων, ουδέ 13 $f who were begotten
tho name of him; who not from bloods, nor not of Blood, nor of the
έκ θελήματος σαρκός, ουδέ έκ θελήματος Will of the Flesh, nor of
from SL w i l l o f iiesli, nor from a. w i l l
ανδρός, αλλ' έκ Θεοΰ έγεννήθησαν. Kai ό the Will of Man, but of God.

of a man, but from God were begotten. And the 14 And the ± LOGOS be-
Λόγος σαρξ έγένετο, καΐ έσκήνωσεν έν ήμίν, came §Flesh, and dwelt
Word flesh became, and tabernacled among us, among us,—and $we be-
(καΐ έθεασάμεθα την δόξαν αύτοΰ, δόξαν ώς held his GLORY, a Glory as
(and we beheld the glory of him, a glory as of an Only-begotten from a
μονογενοϋς παρά πατρός,) πλήρης χάριτος Father,—full of Favor and
of an only-begotten from a father,) full of favor
καΐ αληθείας. 15 Ίωάννης μαρτυρεί περί 15 f[John testified con-
and truth. John testifies concerning cerning him, and cried,
αύτοΰ, καΐ κέκραγε, λέγων Ούτος fjv, δν saying, "This is he of
him, and cried saying: This was, of whom whom I said, §'HE who
είπον Ό οπίσω μου ερχόμενος, έμπροσθεν COMES after me is in
I said; He after me coming, before advance of me ; For he is
μου γέγονεν δτι πρώτος μου fjv. 1β"Ο- my Superior.' "]
m© has become; for first of me he was. Be-
tt έκ του πληρώματος αύτοϋ ημείς πάντες 16 For out of his FUL-
cause out of the fulness of him we a l l NESS we all received ; even
έλάβομεν, καΐ χάριν αντί χάριτος. 17"Οτι ό Favor upon Favor.
received, and favor upon favor. For the
17 For the LAW was
νόμος 5ta Μωσέως εδόθη· ή χάρις καΐ ή given through Moses; the
law through Moses was given; the favor and the
FAVOR and the TRUTH came
αλήθεια διά Ίησοΰ Χρίστου έγένετο. through Jesus Christ.
truth through Jesus Christ came. 18 No one has ever seen
^θεόν ουδείς έώρακε πώποτε* ό μονο-
God njo one has seen ever; the God ; the * Only-begotten
τοΰ Son, who is in the BOSOM
γενής υΙός, δ t&v είς τόν κόλπον of the
begotten son, that being in the bosom of the FATHER, he has
ΚαΙ αΰτη made him known.
Πατρός, εκείνος έξηγήσατο.
Father, he has made known.
And this 19 Now this is the TES-
εστίν ή μαρτυρία του 'Ιωάννου, δτε άπέστει- TIMONY of JOHN. §When
is the testimony of the John, when sent the JEWS sent *to him
λαν ol 'Ιουδαίοι έξ 'Ιεροσολύμων Ιρείς καΐ Priests and Levites to ask
the Jews from Jerusalem priests and him, "Who art thou?"
λευΐτας, ίνα έρωτήσωσιν αυτόν Σύ τΙς εΐ; 20 he acknowledged and
levites, that they might ask him; Thou who art?
2°ΚαΙ ώμολόγησ3, καΐ ούκ ήρνήσατο* καΐ ώμο- did not deny, but acknow-
ledged, " I am not the
And he confessed, and not denied; and con-
λόγησεν δτι ούκ ε'ιμί εγώ ό Χριστός. a
fessed; That not am I the Anointed. And 21 And they asked him,
• VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 8 . Only-begotten Son H E who is. 19. to him Priests.
± 13. Griesbach notes a different reading of this verse. Instead of Jioi.. .egenneetheesan,
foe has hos... egenneethee ; the singular pronoun and verb for the plural, which would make
the passage read—"Who was not begotten of Blood, nor of the Will of the Flesh nor of the
Will of a Man, but of G o d : " thus referring it directly to the physical generation of the Mes-
siah, by the Spirit of God, rather than to the moral regeneration of believers. ± 1 4 . New-
come in his Translation of the New Testament remarks, "Jesus the Son of God, is called
the Word, because God revealed himself or his word by h i m . " The following singular East-
ern custom may perhaps illustrate the phraseology of the first part of this chapter. " I n
Abyssinia, there is an officer named Kal Hatze; the word or voice of the king, who stands al-
ways upon the steps of the throne, at the side of a lattice window, where there is a hole, cov-
ered in the inside with a curtain of green taffeta. Behind this curtain the king sits; and
speaks through the aperture to the Kal Hatze, who communicates his commands to the offi-
cers, judges, and attendants.—Bruce'8 Travels. ± 15. Some put this verse after the 18th.
% 13. John iii. 5; James i. 1 8 ; 1 Pet. i. 23. % 14. Matt. i. 16, 2 0 ; Luke i. 3 1 ,
3 5 ; ii. 7; 1 Tim. iii. 16. % 14. Matt. xvii. 2 ; 2 Pet. i. 17. % 15. Matt. iii. 1 1 ;
Mark i. 7 ; Luke iii. 1 6 ; ver. 2 7, 3 0 ; John iii. 3 1 . % 19. John v. 33.
Chap. 1:22.] JOHN. [Chap. 1:32.
ήρώτησαν αυτόν Τι οδν; *Ηλίας εΐ συ; "Who *then art thou?
Art thou ^Elijah?" And
Καΐ λέγει. Ούκ ειμί. Ό προφήτης εΐ σύ; ΚαΙ i he said, " I am not." "Art
And he s&ysj Not I am. The prophet a r t thou? And thou the PROPHET?" And
άπεκρίΐϊη· Ον. 22
Είπον ούν αύτω· Τις he answered, "No."
he answered; No. They said then t o h i m ; Who 22 *They said to him,
el; ίνα άπόκρισιν δώμεν τοις πέμ- "Who art thou? that we
may give an Answer to
ψασιν ήμας* τι λέγεις περί σεαυτοϋ; THOSE who SENT us. What
Ing sent us; what sayest thou about thyself? dost thou say concerning
"Εφη· Έ γ ώ «φωνή βοώντος έν τη έρήμω* thyself?"
He said: I "A voiew^. crying in the desert;
23 He said, $"I am a
Εύθύνατε τήν όδόν κυρίου,» καθώς είπεν Voice proclaiming in the
Make you straight the way of a lord," as said DESERT, 'Make straight
'Ησαΐας ό προφήτης. Καί ot απεσταλμένοι 'the WAY for the Lord,' as
"saiss the prophet. And those having been sent Jlsaiah the PROPHET
ήσαν έκ τών Φαρισαίων ^καΐ ήρώτησαν αύ- said."
were of the Pharisees; and they asked him,
24 Now *those sent were
τόν, καΐ είπον αύτω· ΤΙ οΰν βαπτίζεις, εΐ of the PHARISEES.
25 And they asked him,
σύ ούκ εΐ ό Χριστός, οΰτε 'Ηλίας, οδτε and said to him, "Why

then dost thou immerse, if
προφήτης; Άπεκρίθη αύτοίς ό 'Ιωάννης, λέ- thou art not the MESSIAH,
nor Elijah,nor a Prophet ?"
γ ω ν Έ γ ώ βαπτίζω έν υδατι· μέσος *|"δέ] 26 John answered them,
tng; I dip In water; midst [but] saying, $"I immerse in
υμών εστηκεν, δν ΰμείς ούκ οϊδατε. 2 7 6 Water ; *in the Midst of
οπίσω μου ερχόμενος, ου έγώ ούκ ε'ιμί you, coming after me,
after ΐΏθ coming, of whom 1 not am stands one whom you do
άξιος, Ινα λύσω αύτοϋ τόν Ιμάντα του not know,
28 27 the STRAP of Whose
υποδήματος. Ταΰτα έν Βηθανία έγένετο
sandal. These in Bethany were done SANDAL I am not worthy
to untie."
πέραν τοϋ 'Ιορδανού, 8που f\v 'Ιωάννης 6α- 28 Thesethings occurred
in Bethany beyond the
πτίζων. JORDAN, where *JOHN
ping. was immersing.
^Tfj επαύριον βλέπει τόν Ίησοΰν έργο- 29 On the NEXT DAY
ΙΑ the ΗΙΟΓΓΟΙΧΓ he beholds the Jesus com*· he sees JESUS coming to
him, and says, "Behold
μενον προς αυτόν, καΐ λέγει· "Ιδε ό §the LAMB of GOD, who
αμνός του Θεοΰ, ό αΐρων τήν άμαρτίαν TAKES AWAY the SIN of
lamb of the God, he taking away the sin
του κόσμου. 30 Οΰτός έστι, περί oft έγώ the WORLD.
of the world. This is he, about whom I 30 This is he of whom
I said, 'After me comes a
είπον 'Οπίσω μου» έρχεται άνήρ, δς εμπροηθέν Man, who is in advance of
me; for he is my Supe-
μου γέγονεν δτι πρώτος μου ήν. 3 1 Κά- rior.'
me h&s toecomej bec&use first of me he AV&S. And 31 And I did not know
γώ ούκ ήδειν αυτόν άλλ' Ινα φανερω- him ; but for this purpose,
I not knew him; but that he might be that he might be mani-
(Hi to) 'Ισραήλ, δια τοϋτο ήλθον fested to ISRAEL, I am
i n & n i x e s t e « t o t h e Isr<xe 1 ^ oec&use32 of t h i s fttxi coin0 come immersing in •Wa-
έγώ έν τω υδατι βαπτίζων. ΚαΙ έμαρτύρη-
I in t h e water dipping. And bore t e s t l - ter."
σεν 'Ιωάννης, λέγων "Οτι τεθέαμαι τό πνεΰ- 32 $And John testified,
mony John, saying: That I saw the spirit saying, " I saw the SPIRIT
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. then art thou? Art thou Elijah? 22. They said to
him. 24. they who weie sent. 26. but—omit. 28. in the Midst of you, coming after me,
stands one whom you do not know, the STRAP of Whose SANDAL. 28. JOHN. 31. Water.
% 21. Mai. iv. 5; Matt. xvu. 10. t 23. Matt. iii. 3; Mark i. 3 ; Luke iii. 4;
John iii. 28. t 23. Isa. xl. 3. $ 26. Matt. iii. 11. % 29. 1 Pet. i. 19: Rev. v. 6.
t 32. Matt. iii. 16; Mark i. 10; Luke iii. 22.
Chap. 1:33.] JOHN. [Chap. 1:41.
μα καταβαΐνον ώς περιστεράν έξ coming down like a Dove
coming down like a dove from Heaven, and resting
out of heaven,
on him.
καΐ Ιμεινεν έπ' αυτόν. 33Κάγώ ουκ ήδειν 33 And I did not know
αυτόν άλλ' ό πέμψας με βαπτίξειν έν him; but HE who SENT
me to immerse in Water
him; but he having sent me to dip In he said to me, 'On whom
ί5δατι, εκείνος μοι κίπεν Έ φ ' δν δν
water, he t o m e said; On whom thou thou shalt see the SPIRIT
ΐδχις το πνεΰμα καταδαΐνον, καΐ μένον descending and resting,
this is HE who $IMMERSES
mayest see the s p i r i t coming down, and abiding in holy Spirit.'
έπ' αυτόν, οΰτός έστιν ό δαπτίζων έν πνεύμα-
oa h i m , t h i s Is he dipping in spirit
τι άγίφ. ^Κάγώ έώρακα, καΐ μεμαρτύρηκα, testified, 34 And I have seen and
holy. And I have seen, and have testified, That he is the
SON of GOD."
δτι οίηόζ έστιν ό υΙός του Θεοΰ.
tu&C t i l l s IS ill© SOU ΟΧ to© QOQ, 35 On the NEXT DAY
είστήκει ό 'Ιωάν- *Jolm was again standing,
Tf) επαύριον πάλιν and two of his DISCIPLES ;
νης, καΐ έκ των μαθητών αύτοΰ δύο. 3βΚαΙ 36 and observing JESUS
and of the disciples of him two. And walking, he says, "Behold
έμβλέ'ψας τω Ίησοΰ περιπατουντι, λέγει· the LAMB of GOD ! "
having looked on the Jesus walking, he says;
*Ίδε ό αμνός τοϋ Θεοΰ. 3 7 ΚαΙ ήκουσαν 37 The TWO Disciples
Behold the lamb of the God. And heard hearing this, followed J E -
αΰτοΰ ol δύο μαθηταΐ λαλοΰντος, καΐ ήκολού- SUS.
him the two disciples speaking, and they 38 And JESUS turning,
θησαν τφ Ίησοΰ. 88ΣτραφεΙς δέ ό Ίησοΰς,
followed'the Jesus. Having turned and the Jesus, and seeing them follow-
ing, says to them, "What
καΐ θεασάμενος αυτούς άκολοχίθοϋντας, λέγει do you seek?" And THEY
said to him, "Itabbii
αύτοίς· ΤΙ ζητείτε; ΟΙ δέ είπον αύτώ· (which signifies, being
to them; What seek you? They and said to him; translated, Teacher,)
Ραβδί, (δ λέγεται έρμηνευόμενον, διδά- where dwellest thou?"
2^8.)bu 1 ψ \Wliicfa ΙΏ6ΑΠ8 DGiiijj i n t e r p r e t e d ) Ο 39 He says to them,
Λέγει αύτοίς· "Come and see." They
σκάλε,) που μένεις;
"Ερχεσθε καΐ ϊδετε. *Ήλθον καΐ είδον, where *he went, therefore, and saw
dwelt, and con-
Come you &nd see you* They came And saw, tinued with him that DAY,
nov μένει· καΐ παρ' αύτω έμειναν την It was about the ±tenth
W h e r e h e d w e l l s ; a n d w i t h h i m abode t h e Hour.
ήμέραν έκείνην. "Ωρα fjv ώς δεκάτη,
day that. Hour It was about tenth. 40 ^Andrew, the BRO-
« r Hv 'Ανδρέας, ό αδελφός ΣΙμωνος Πέτρου, THER of Simon Peter, was
one of THOSE TWO who
είς έκ των δύο των άκουσάντων παρά 'Ιωάν- having heard from John,
νου, καΐ άκολουθησάντων αύτφ. ^Ευρίσκει followed him.
and having fol lowed him. Finds 41 He first finds his
οίτος πρώτος τόν άδελφόν τόν 'ίδιον ΣΊμωνα, OWN BROTHER Simon, and
ftrst the brother that
MANUSCRIPT.—3 own 39.Simon,
5. John. therefore, and saw.
± 39. It was the way of the ancients to divide the day into twelve hours, and the night
into as many. The first hour of the day was an hour after the sunrose, and the twelfth was
when it set. This was the way in Judea, and to this the other Evangelists adhere. But St.
John appears to have reckoned the hours as we do, from midnight to noon, and again from
noon to midnight. And it may be observed, that ho mentions the hour of the day oftener
than any other Evangelist; as if with design to give his reader an opportunity of discern-
ing his method, by comparing one passage with another. If the time here intended was that
Which we may call Jewish, (to distinguish it, not from the Greek and Roman which were
the same with the Jewish, but from the modern) the tenth hour was about four in the
afternoon, or two hours before the day ended in Jud-a; with which time neither the words
nor circumstances of the narration seem to agree. For the words, they ahode with him that
day, rather imply, that they spent a good part of the day with him. Therefore the most
reasonable account of this tenth hour is. that it was ten in the morning.—Townson.
t S3. Matt. iii. 1 1 ; Acts 1 5 ; ii. 4 ; x. 44; xi. 15. t 40. Matt. iv. 18.
Chap. 1:42.] JOHN. [Chap. 1:50,
καΐ λέγει ούτω* Εύρήκαμεν τόν Μεσσίαν (ο says to him, "We have
and be says tohim: Wehave found tbo Messiah (which found the MESSIAH."
έστι μεθερμηνευόμενον, Χριστός.) 42 *[ΚαΙ] (which is, being trans-
is being interpreted, Anointed.) [And} lated, Anointed.)
ήγαγεν αυτόν προς τόν Ίησοΰν. Έμβλέψας 42 He conducted him
ho brought 1ιίxxi t o tlio Josus· ΧΪ3.νiu^ lookocl to JESUS. JESUS looking
αύτφ ό Ίησοΰς είπε· Σύ εί ΣΙμων ό υΙός at him, said, "Thou a r t
to him the Jesus said: Thou art Simon, the son Simon, the SON of Jonas;
Ίωνα· συ κληθήση Κηφάς· δ ερμηνεύεται $thou shalt be called Ce-
of Jona; thou shaltbe called Cephas; which means phas ; (which denotes the
Πέτρος. same as Peter.)
^Tfi επαύριον ήθέλησεν έξελθείν είς τήν 43 On the NEXT DAY he
The morrow he desired to go forth into the wished to go to GALILEE,
Γαλιλαίαν καΐ ευρίσκει Φίλιππον, καΐ λέγει and finding Philip,*JEsus
Galilee; and he finds Philip, and says
says to him, "Follow me."
αύτφ· 'Ακολουθεί μοι. 4 4 r Hv δε ό Φίλιππος 44 Now $ P H I L I P was
άπό ΒηΦσαϊδά, έκ της πόλεως 'Ανδρέου καΐ from Bethsaida, the CITY
from Bethsaida, of the city of Andrew and of Andrew and Peter.
Πέτρου. ^Ευρίσκει Φίλιππος τόν Ναθανα- 45 Philip finds §NATHA^
Peter. Finds Philip the Nathanael, 4NAEL, and says to him,
ήλ, και λέγει αύτφ· "Ον έγραψε Μωσής 'We have found the person
and says to him; Whom wrote Moses described by Moses in the
έν τφ νόμω, καΐ ol προφηται, εύρήκαμεν, LAW, and by the PROPHETS,
%τ\ t h e l&Wf find t h e P^*ο p i t © t s · ΤΛΓΘ li&'sr© fouiicl* THAT JESUS, the *Son or
Ίησοΰν τόν υΐόν του Ιωσήφ, τόν άπό Να- JOSEPH, from Nazareth."
Jesus the son. of the Joseph, that from Na-
ζαρέθ. ^Kai είπεν αύτώ Ναθαναήλ· Έκ Να- 46 And Nathanael said
fcareth. And said to him" Nathanael; Out of Na-
ζαρέθ δύναται τι αγαθόν είναι; Λέγει αύτφ to him, $"Can any tgood
Z3.x*6th is &,l> 1 ο &ny good to be? S&ys to him thing proceed from Naz-
Φίλιππος· ερχου καΐ ΐδε. 47ΕΙδεν ό Ίησοΰς areth?" * P H I L I P says to
Philip; Come and see. Saw the Jesus him, "Come and see."
τόν Ναθαναήλ έρχόμενον προς αυτόν, καΐ 47 *Jesus saw NATHA-
Nathanael coming to
περί αύτοΰ* *Ίδε αληθώς Ίσρα- said
him, and NAEL coming to him, and
he says concerning him; Behold indeed an concerning him, "Be-
ηλίτης, έν φ δόλος ούκ έ'στι. 48Λέγει αύ- hold a genuine Israelite;
in whom is no deceit."
Israelite, in whom guile not is. Says to
τφ Ναθαναήλ· Πόθεν με γινώσκεις; Άπε- 48 Nathanael says to
liim Ν&th&n&e 11 "Whence xne knowest thou? An— him, "How dost thou know
Me?" Jesus answered and
κρίθη Ίησοΰς καΐ είπεν αύτφ· Πρό τουsaid to him, "Before P H I -
swered Jesus and said to him; Before the
LIP called Thee, when thou
σε Φίλιππον φωνήσαι, δντα ύπό τήν συ- wast under the FIG-TREE,
thee Philip to have
49 called, being under the fig- I saw thee."
κην είδόν σε. Άπεκρίθη Ναθαναήλ * [καΙ 49 Nathanael answered,
tree, I saw thee. Answered Nathanael Land
λέγει αύτφ·] Ραββί, συ εΐ ό υΙός του of "Rabbi, thou a r t the SON
says to himj3 Ha.bbi| thou &rt the sou of the
GOD ; thou a r t the
θεοΰ, σύ εί ό βασιλεύς του Ισραήλ. Β 0 Ά- 50 Jesus answered and
CrOU) t h o U ftrt txlQ &ixx^ OX t h e JSI*&6X· rfxll™
πεκρίθη Ίησοΰς καΐ είπεν αύτφ· "Οτι είπόν said to him; "Because I
swered Jesus and said to him; Because I said told thee *That I saw thee
<τοι* Είδόν σε ύποκάτω της συκής, πιστεύ- under the FIG-TREE, thou
to thee; I saw thee underneath the fig-tree, be- believest! Thou shalt see
εις; μείζω τούτων δ·ψχι· ^ Κ α Ι greater things, than this."
lievest thou? greater of these thou shalt see. And
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—42. And—omit. 43. JESUS says. 45. Son. 46. PHILIP.
47. Jesus. 49. and says to him—omit. 50. That I saw.
±46. Some think allusion is here made to "that good thing promised," Jer. xxxiii.
14; others think this a term of reproach.
$ 42. Matt. xvi. 18. t 44. John xii. 21. * 45. John xxi. 2. $ 46. John vii. 41,
42. 52. $ 49. Matt. xxi. 5; xxvii. 11, 42; John xviii. 37; xix. 3.
Chap. 1:51.] JOHN. [Chap. 2:9.
λέγει αύτώ· 'Αμήν αμήν λέγω ύμίν, 51 And he says to him,
he says to him; Indeed indeed I say to you, "Truly, indeed, I say to
* [άπ' άρτι] δψεσΰε τον ούρανόν άνεω- you, you shall see the
HEAVENS opened, and the
γότα, καΐ τους α γ γ έ λ ο υ ς τοΰ θ ε ο ϋ ANGELS of GOD ascending
been opened, and the messengers of the God from and descending to
αναβαίνοντας καΐ καταβαίνοντας επί τον υΐόν the SON of MAN."
ascending and descending on the son
τοϋ άνθρωπου, CHAPTER I I .
of the man. 1 And on the *THIRD
Day there was a Marriage-
ΚΕΦ. 6 ' . 2. feast in Cana of GALILEE ;
*ΚαΙ τχ\ ήμερα τχ\ τρίτγι γάμος and the MOTHER of J E S U S
And i n the day the third a marriage-feast was there;
έγένετο εν Κανά της Γαλιλαίας· καΐ ήν ή
occurred i n Cana "of t h e G a l i l e e ; and w a s t h e 2 and J E S U S also, and
his DISCIPLES, were invited
μήτηρ τοϋ Ίησοϋ εκεί. 2 Έκλή#η δέ καΐ
m o t h e r o f t h e J e s u s t h e r e . Was i n v i t e d and a l s o to the MARRIAGE-FEAST.
6 Ίησοϋς καΐ ol μαθηταΐ αύτοϋ εις τον 3 And the Wine falling
the Jesus and the d i s c i p l e s of h i m to the short, the MOTHER of J E -
ΚαΙ ύστερήσαντος οίνου, SUS says to him, "They
have no Wine."
λέγει ή μήτηρ τοϋ ' Ιησοϋ προς αυτόν Οί νον 4 JESUS says to her,.
Z"O Woman, what hast
οΰκ εχουσι.
Λέγει αύτη ό ' Ιησοΰς· ΤΙ thou to do with me? My
time has not yet arrived."
έμοί καΐ σοι, γύναι; Οΰπα> ηκει ή
to me the 5 His MOTHER says to
ώρα μου. 5Λέγει ή μήτηρ αύτοΰ τοί,ς the SERVANTS, "Do what-
hour ofme. Says themother o fh i m t o t h e ever he may bid you."
διακόνοις* "Ο, τι δν λένΐΐ ύμίν, ποιήσατε. 6 Now six stone Water-
servants; whatever he may say to you, do you. jars were there, placed $ac-
Ησαν δέ εκεί ύδρίαι λίθιναι εξ κείμε- cording to the J E W I S H
Were and t h e r e water-pots of s t o n e s i x being CUSTOM Of PURIFICATION,
la κατά τον καθαρισμόν των each containing two or
, three f Measures.
'Ιουδαίων, χωροΰσαι άνά μετρητάς δύο η" 7 JESUS says to them,
τρεις. Λέγει αύτοίς ό Ίησοΰς* Γεμίσατε τάς "Fill the 'JARS with Wa-

three. Says t ot h e m t h e J e s u s ; F i l l y o u t h e ter." And they filled them

υδρίας δδατος. Και έγέμισαν αύτάς ϊως to the top.
water-pots of water. And they filled them to 8 And he says to them,
"Draw now, and carry to
ά*νω. 8ΚαΙ λέγει αΰτοίς* 'Αντλήσατε νΰν, καΐ
φέρετε τφ άρχιτρικλίνω. ΚαΙ ήνεγκαν. FEAST." And * they carried
Ώς δέ έγεύσατο ό άρχιτρίκλινος τό ί*6ωρ 9 And when the RULER
OF THE FEAST tasted Jthe
otvov γεγενημένον (καΐ ούκ ήδει πό#εν WATER made Wine, and
knew not whence it was,
εστίν ol δέ διάκονοι ήδεισαν, ol ήντλη- (but THOSE SERVANTS
it i s ; the but servants knew, those having
knew who had DRAWN the
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—51. From now—omit. 1. THIRD Day. 8. THEY carried.
± 6. The exact capacity of this measure cannot now be determined. The LXX use the
word in the original for the bath, which contained about seven gallons; and for the seah,
which contained one-third of the bath. 2 Chron. iv. S; 1 Kings xviii. 32. ± 8. The
Greek word here is a compound denoting the president of the tridinwm, or guest cham-
ber, so-called from its containing three couches placed in the form of a crescent, on
which the guests reclined during the entertainment. It was the duty of this officer to
prepare the feast, arrange tne couches, dispose the guests, place the dishes, and taste the
wine and viands.—Stokius in Verb. Lightfoot in His Horse Heb. Talmud, adds, "That
he performed the duty of chaplain also, by saying grace, and pronouncing those benedic-
tions which were accustomed to be given upon occasion of a marriage. He blessed the
cup also prepared for the guests; and having first drunk of it himself, sent it round to
the company. In tho Book of Ecclesiasticus (xxxii. 1) we have an account of his duties.
t 4 John xix 26. + 6 . Mark vii. 3. t 9. John iv. 46.
Chap. 2:10.] JOHN. [Chap. 2:17.
κότες το ΰδωρ·) φωνεί τον νυμφ'ιον ό WATER,) t h e RULER OF
drawn the water;) c a l l s the bridegroom the THE FEAST called the
άρχιτρίκλινος, 1 0 καί λέγει αύτω· Π ά ς όίνθρω- BRIDEGROOM,
ruler of the feast, and says to him; Every man
πος πρώτον τον καλόν οΐνον τίθησι, και όταν 10 a n d s a y s t o him,
first the good wine places, and when " E v e r y Man F i r s t p r e s e n t s
μεφυσθώσι, * [τότε] τον έλασσον συ GOOD Wine, a n d w h e n they
they may have drunk freely, Cthen] the worse;1ί thou h a v e ±drunk freely, t h e
τετήρηκας τον καλόν οίνον εως άρτι. Τ«ιύ- INFERIOR ; b u t thou h a s t
has kept t h egood w i n e t i l l n o w . This' kept t h e GOOD Wine till
την έποίησε την αρχήν των σημε'κον ό now."
did the beginning of the signs the 11 T h i s * F i r s t of S I G N S
*Ιησοϋς εν Κανά της Γαλιλα'ιας, και έφανε- J E S U S performed in C a n a
Jesus i n Cana of t h e G a l i l e e , a n d man!-* of G A L I L E E , a n d displayed
ροισε την δόξαν αύτοΰ· καΐ έ:άστεν<τονν ε'ς his GLORY ; a n d h i s DISCI-
P L E S believed i n t o h i m .
αυτόν οι μαΰηταΐ αύτοΰ.
him t h e d i s c i p l e s of h i m . 12 After t h i s h e w e n t
Μετά τοΰτο κατέβη ε! ς Καπερναοι'<μ, down to Capernaum, h e
a n d his MOTHER, a n d h i s
αυτός καΐ ή μήτηρ αύτοΰ, και ol άοελφοί BROTHERS, a n d his DISCI-
he mid the TnotliGr of him. &ncl the brothers P L E S ; b u t they did n o t re-
m a i n t h e r e M a n y Days.
.* [αύτοΰ,] και ol μαθηταί αύτοϋ· και εκεί
Cof him,] and the disciples of him, and there 13 §And t h e PASSOVER
έμειναν ού πολλάς ημέρας. 1 ; ! Καί έγγ\ις ήν of t h e J E W S w a s n e a r , a n d
J E S U S went up to Jerusa-
τό πάσχα των 'Ιουδαίων, και άνέ6η εις lem.
*Ιεροσόλυμα ό Ίησοΰς. 14
Καί ει~'οεν εν τφ 14 §And h e found t h e
Ιερφ τους πωλοΰντας βόας και πρόβατα καΐ in t h e T E M P L E , a n d T H O S E
who SOLD Oxen, and Sheep,
περιστεράς, και τους κερματιστάς καθήμενους. a n d Doves.
15 ±And h a v i n g m a d e a
^Και ποιήσας φραγέλλιον έκ σχοινιών, Whip of Rushes, he d r o v e
t h e m all o u t of t h e T E M -
.τάντας έξέβαλεν έκ τοΰ Ιεροϋ, τά τε πρόβα- PLE, w i t h t h e S H E E P a n d
all he drove ou,t of the temple, the and sheep
t h e CATTLE, a n d h e poured
τα καΐ τους βόας· καΐ των κολλυβιστών out t h e COIN of t h e BANK-
ERS, a n d o v e r t u r n e d t h e
έξέχεε τό κέρμα, καΐ τάς τράπεζας άνέ- TABLES,
he poured cut the coin, and the tables over-
στρεψε· 1β κα1 τοις τάς περιστεράς πωλοΰσιν 16 and said to THOSE
turned; and to those the doves selling who SOLD DOVES, "Take
εΐ,πεν "Αρατε ταΰτα έντεΰθεν μή ποιείτε τον these things hence. Make
οίκον τοΰ Π ατρός μου οίκον εμπορίου, a House of Traffic."
house of the Father of me a house of merchandise.
Έμνήσθησαν *[δέ] ol μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ, δτι 17 And his DISCIPLES
Remembered [and] the disciples of him, that recollected That it is writ-
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—10. then—omit. 11. First of. 12. his—omit. 17. And
±10. The Greek expression here does not imply the least degree of intoxication. The
verbs methusko and metliuo, from methu, wine, which, from meta thuein, to drink after
sacrificing, signify not to inebriate, but to take wine, to drink wine, to drink enough,
and in this sense the verb is evidently used in the Septuagint. Gen. xliii. 34; Cant,
v. 1; 1 Mac. xvi 16; Ecclus. i. 16. And the prophet Isaiah, chap, iviii. 11, speaking
of the abundant blessings of the godly compares them to a well-watered garden, which
the LXX translate oos keepos methuoon, by which is certainly understood, not a garden
drowned with water but one sufficiently saturated with it, not having one drop too much,
nor too little.—Clarke, f 15. It is probable that this cleansing of the temple occurred
at the commencement of our Lord's ministry, and is not to be confounded with that
mentioned by the ether evangelists, which took place at its close.
t 13. Exod. xii 14, John ν 1; vi. 4; xi. 55. t 14. Matt. xxi. 12; Mark xi. 1 5 ;
Luke xix. 45.
Chap. 2:18.] JOHN. ['Chap. 3 : 2 .
γεγραμμένον εστίν « Ό ζήλος τοϋ οϊκου ten, $"My ZEAL for thy
having been written it is; "The zeal 18
of the house HOUSE consumes me."
σου καταφάγεται με Άπεκρίθησαν
of t h e e w i l l consume Answered IS Then the JEWS an-
ούν οι 'Ιουδαίοι καΐ είπον αύτω· ΤΙ σημείον swered and said to him,
then the Jews and said to him; What sign t"\Vhat Sign dost thou
δεικνύεις' ήμίν, δτι ταΰτα ποιείς; 1β
'Α- show us, why thou doest
ehowest thou to us, that these thou doest? An- these things?"
πεκρΧθη ό Ίησοΰς καΐ είπεν αύτοίς· Λύσατε 19 * Jesus answered and
ewered the Jesus and said t j them; Destroy said to them, $"Destroy
τον ναόν τοΰτον, καΐ εν τρισίν ήμέραις έγε- this TEMPLE, and in Three
the temple this, andin three days I will Days I will raise it."
Q(b αυτόν, 20Ε!πον ούν ot 'Ιουδαίοι* Τεσσα- 20 Then the JEWS said,
raise it. Said then the Jews; Forty
"Forty and Six Years has
ράκοντα καΐ εξ ετεσιν ώκοδομήθη ό ναός this TEMPLE been in build-
and six years was being built the temple
ing and wilt, thou erect
ούτος· και σύ έν τρισίν ήμέραις έγερείς it in Three Days?"
this; and thou in three days wilt raise
21 But he spoke of the
αυτόν; 21Έκεΐνος; δέ έλεγε περί τοΰ ναοΰ
it? He but spoke concerning the temple TEMPLE Of h i s BODY.
τοΰ σώματος αΰτοΰ. 22"Οτε ούν ήγέρ- 22 When, therefore, he
of the body of himself. When therefore he was was raised from the Dead,
#η εκ νεκρών, έμνήσθησαν ol μαθηταΐ this DISCIPLES remem-
raised out of dead ones, remembered the disciples bered That he had said
αύτοΰ, δτι τοΰτο έλεγε· καΐ έπίστευσαν τχί This; and they believed
of him, that this bespoke; and they believed the the SCRIPTURE, and the
γραφχί, καΐ χφ λόγφ είπεν ό Ίησοΰσ. WORD which JESUS had
writing, and the word hich said the ^csus. spoken.
^ Ώ ς . δέ ήν έν τοίς Ίεροσολύμοις έν τω 23 Now while he was in
When and was in the Jerusalem at the JERUSALEM at the FEAST
πάσχα έν xfj έορττ), πολλοί έπίστευσαν ε'ις τό of the PASSOVER, many
passover at the feast, many believed into the believed into his NAME,
δνομα αΰτοΰ, θεωροΰντες αύτοΰ τα σημεία α beholding His SIGNS which
name of him, beholding of him the signs which he performed.
έποίει. ^Αύτός δέ ό Ίησοΰς ουκ έπίστευεν 24 But *Jesus did not
be did. He but the Jesus not committed trust himself to them, be-
εαυτόν αύτοίς, δια τό αυτόν γινώσκειν cause he KNEW them all,
himself to them, because the him to know
πάντας· ^καΐ δτι ού χρείαν είχε ν, ίνα 25 and required not that
all; and because not need he had, that any one should testify
τις μαρτυρήση περί τοΰ άνθρωπου· αύ- concerning MAN ; for he
auy one should testify concerning the man; he knew what was in MAN.
τος γαρ έγίνωσκε, χϊ ήν έν τφ άνθρώπφ.
for knew, what was in the man. CHAPTER I I I .
1 And there was a Man
ΚΕΦ. γ ' . 3. of the PHARISEES, whowe
H v δέ άνθρωπος έκ τών Φαρισα'ιων, Νι- name was Nicodemus, a
Was and a man of the Pharisees, Ni- Ruler of the JEWS ;
κόδημος δνομα αύτφ, δρχων τών 'Ιουδαίων
codemus a name to him, a ruler of the Jews; 2 he came to him by
ούτος ήλθε προς αυτόν νυκτός, καΐ είπεν αύ- Night, and said to him,

"Rabbi, we know That

this came to him by night, and said to thou art a Teacher come
τφ· Ραββί, οΐδαμεν, δτι από Θεοΰ έλήλυθας
him; Rabbi, we know that from God thou hast come from God ; $for no one can
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 9 . Jesus. 24. Jesus.
± 19. Or, destroy this very T E M P L E ; perhaps pointing to his body at the same time.
± 2 0 . Herod began to rebuild the temple in the 18th j'ear of his reign, or sixteen years
before Jesus was born. Jesus was at this time about theirty years old, which makes the
term exactly 46 years. But although Herod finished the main work in nine years and a
half, yet Josephus tells us that the whole of the buildings were not completed till Nero'3
reign, some 80 years alter the 18th of Herod's reign.
t 17. Psa. lxix. 9. t 18. Matt. xii. 3 8 ; John vi. 30. $ 19. Matt. xxvi. 6 1 ;
xxvii. 4 0 ; Mark xiv. 5 8 ; xvi. 2 9 . $ 2 2 . Luke xxiv. 8 . $ 2. John vii. 5 0 ; xix.
the Age. 54. I should glorify.
3fl. t 2. John ix. 16,, 3 3 ; Acts ii. 2 2 ; x. 38.
Chap. 3:3,] JOHN. [Chap. 3:12.
διδάσκαλος· ουδείς γάρ ταϋτα τά σημεία δύ- work These SIGNS that
a teacher; no one for these the signs is thou workest, unless GOD
ναται ποιίϊίν, ά συ ποιείς, έάν μή ή δ be with him."
ftD 1 Θ t o do·. Ύ(Γ*ιicxi tliou cloost· e x p e c t nmy oe tlio 3 * Jesus answered and
θεός μετ' αύτοΰ. "ΆπεκρΙθη ό 'Ιησούς και said to him, "Indeed I
God with him. Answered the Jesus and
assure thee, if any one be
είπεν αύτφ· ±Άμήν αμήν λέγω σοι, έάν μή not born from above, he
SSlici t o ll 1 ΤΪ1J XH€iC6€l 1ΐ1(3.θβ(1 I S£iy t o tli©©| I I DOC
cannot see the KINGDOM
τις γεννηθη άνωθεν, ού δύναται of GOD.
Ιδείν την βασιλείαν του Θεοΰ. 4Λέγει προς him, 4 NICODEMUS says to
to see the kingdom of the God. ISays to
"How can a Man be
αυτόν ό Νικόδημος* Πώς δύναται άνθρωπος enter.abeing born, old? Can he
second time into
him the Nicodemus; How is able a man
γεννηθήναι γέρων ών; μή δύναται είς την his MOTHER'S WOMB, and
to be born old being? not is able into the be born?"
κοιλίαν της μητρός αύτοϋ δεύτερον 5 Jesus replied, "Truly
womb of the mother of himself a second time indeed I say to thee, if any
είσελθείν, καΐ γεννηθήναι; 5Άπεκρ'ιθη Ίη- one be not born of Water
to enter, and to be born? Answered Jesus;
and Spirit, he cannot enter
σους* 'Αμήν αμήν λέγω σοι, έάν μή the KINGDOM of GOD.
Indeed indeed I say to thee, if not
6 THAT which has been
τις γεννηθχί έξ ύδατος καΐ πνεύματος,
any one may be born out of water and spirit,
Flesh; and THAT which
οΰ δύναται είσελθείν εις τήν δασιλείαν τοϋ has been $BORN of the
not i s βable to enter into the kingdom of the SPIRIT, is Spirit.
θεοΰ. Τό γεγεννημένον έκ της σαρκός, 7 Do not wronder, Be-
God. That having been born out of the flesh, cause I said to thee, you
σαρξ έστι· καΐ το γεγεννημένον έκ τοϋ must be born from above.
flesh is; and that having been born out of the
8 The SPIRIT breathes
πνεύματος, πνεΰμά έστι· ^ ή θαυμάσης, where it will, and thou
spirit, a spirit is. Not thou mayest wonder, hearest its VOICE, but thou
δτι είπόν σοι· ΔεΙ υμάς γεννηθήναι δνω- knowest not whence it
that I said to theo; Must you to be born from comes, or where it goes ;
Τ ό πνεΰμα δπου θέλει πνεϊ· καΐ thus it is with EVERY ONE
above. The spirit where it w i l l s breathes; and
who has been BORN of the
τήν φωνήν αύτοΰ άκούεις, άλλ' ούκ ot- SPIRIT/'
the sound of it thou nearest, but not thou 9 Nicodemus answered
δας, πόθεν άρχεται, καΐ που υπάγει· and said to him, "How can
kno*west, whence it comes, and where i t goes; these things be?"
οί5τως εστί πάς ό γεγεννημένος έκ 10 JESUS answered and
thus i s every one the having been born out of
said to him, "Art thou the
xoS) πνεύματος. 9Άπεκρίθη Νικόδημος καΐ TEACHER of ISRAEL, and
είπεν αύτφ· Πώς δύναται ταύτα γενέσθαι; knowest not these things ?
of the spirit. Answered Nicodemus ano
said to him;
10 How is able these to be? 11 Most assuredly I tell
Άπεκρ'ιθη Ίησοΰς καΐ είπεν αύτφ· Σύ εΐ thee, That what we know,
Answered Jesus and said to him; Thou art
ό διδάσκαλος τον 'Ισραήλ, καΐ ταϋτα ού γι- we speak, $and what we
the teacher of the Israel, and these not thou have seen, we testify ; and
νώσκεις; "'Αμήν αμήν λέγω σοι, δτι 8 you receive not our TESTI-
knowest? Indeed Indeed I say to thee, that which MONY.
οϊδαμεν λαλούμε ν, καΐ δ έωράκαμεν μαρ- 12 If I told you of
we know we speak, and what we have seen we
τυροΰμεν*12Elκαΐ τήν
βάνετε. μαρτυρίαν ημών ού λαμ- EARTHLY things, and you
testify; and the τά testimony
επίγειαof είπον
us not ύμίν,
you do not believe, how will
receive. If the things earthly I told you, you believe if I tell you
«at ού πιστεύετε* πώς, έάν εϊπω ύμίν τά of HEAVENLY things ?
and not you believe; how, if I tell you the things
• VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 . Jesus.
± 3. The repetition of Ameen, among the Jewish writers, was considered of equal
Import with the most solemn oath—Clarke.
% 5. Mark xvi. 16; Acts ii. 38. % 6. 1 Cor. xv. 44-46. % 11. Matt. xi. 2 7 ; John
i . 1 8 ; vii. 16; viii. 2 8 ; xii. 4 9 ; xiv. 2 4 .
Chap. 3:13.] JOHN. [Chap. 3:22.
επουράνια, πιστεύσετε; ^ K a i ουδείς άνα- 13 JAnd no one has as-
heavenly, w i l l you b e l i e v e ? And no one has cended into HEAVEN, ex-
βέβηκεν εις τόν ούρανόν, ει μη ό έκ τοΰ cept the SON of MAN who
ούρανοΰ καταβάς, ό υΙός τοΰ άνθρωπου,
heaven having descended, the son of the man, 14 §And as Moses ele-
*[ό ών έν τω ούρανφ.] 14 ΚαΙ καθώς Μωσής vated t h e SERPENT in t h e
[the being in the heaven.] And even as Moses DESERT, so must t h e SON
of MAN be placed on high ;
ΰψωσε τόν δφιν έν τχί έρήμω, οΰτως
raised aloft the serpent in the desert, thus
ύψωθήναι δει τόν υΐόν τοΰ άνθρωπου* 15 t h a t EVERY ONE BE-
to be raised i t behooves the son of the man; LIEVING into him may

ίνα πάς ό πιστεύων εις αυτόν, * [μη άπό- $have aionian Life.

ληται, άλλ'] εχχι ζωήν α'ιώνιον. 16Οΰτω 16 $For GOD SO loved

be d e s t r o y e d , b u t ] m a y have l i f e a g e - l a s t i n g . T h u s the WORLD, t h a t he gave
γαρ ήγάπησεν ό Θεός τόν κόσμον, ώστε *his SON, t h e ONLY-BE-
for loved the God the w^orld. so timt GOTTEN, t h a t EVERY ONE
τόν υΐόν αύτοϋ τόν μονογενή έδωκεν, BELIEVING into him may
the son of himself the only—begotten he ^itve^ not p e r i s h , but o b t a i n
ίνα πάς ό πιστεύων εις αυτόν, μη άπό- aionian Life.
17 $For GOD sent not
ληται, άλλ' Ιχτι ζωήν αίώνιον. 17Ού his SON into the WORLD
that he might judge the
γαρ άπέστειλεν ό Θεός τόν υΐόν αύτοΰ WORLD, b u t t h a t t h e
for Γ hin elf WORLD through him might
εις τόν κόσμον, Ενα κρίνη τόν κόσμον, άλλ'be saved.
into the world, that he might judge the world, but
1 8 18 §HE BELIEVING into
ϊνα σωθχί ό κόσμος δ ι ' αύτοΰ. Ό him is not judged ; but H E
t h i t t Ι Ϊ Ι i srli t b e sftved t h e A V o r l d t h r o u g h h i Ϊ Ϊ Ι . Η e
not BELIEVING h a s been
πιστεύων ε ι ς αυτόν, ού κρίνεται* ό * [ δ έ ] μη judged already, Because
he has not believed into
πιστεύων, Ι]δη κέκριται, δτι μή πεπί-
the NAME of t h e ONLY-BE-
στευκεν εις τό δνομα τοΰ μονογενοϋς
19 And this is t h e JUDG-
υΐοΰ τοΰ θεοΰ. 19Αί5τη δε έστιν ή κρίσις, MENT, J T h a t t h e L I G H T
son of the God. This and is the judgment,
has come into t h e WORLD,
6τι τό φως έλήλυθεν εΙς τόν κόσμον, καΐ and MEN loved t h e DARK-
that the light has come into the world, and
NESS rather than the
ήγάπησαν ol άνθρωποι μάλλον τό σκότος, LIGHT ; for Their WORKS
loved the men rather the darkness, were evil.
η1 τό φως* fjv γαρ πονηρά αυτών τά £ργα.
than the light; was for evil of them the works.20 F o r $EVERY ONE who
does Vile things hates t h e
Πάς γαρ ό φαϋλα πράσσων, μισεί
LIGHT, and comes not to
the LIGHT, t h a t his WORKS
τό φως, καΐ ούκ Ιρχεται προς τό φως, ϊνα may not be detected.
2 1
τά £ργα αύτοΰ. Ό
21 B u t H E who DOES t h e
ποιών τήν άλήθειαν, έρχεται προς τό φως, TRUTH comes to t h e LIGHT,
doing the truth conies to the light, so t h a t H i s WORKS may
£να φανερωθώ αύτοΰ τά έργα, be manifested T h a t they
have been done in God.
δτι έν Θεφ έστιν είργασμένα.
that in God i t is having been done. 22 After this, J E S U S a n d
Μετά ταΰτα ήλθεν ό Ίησοΰς καΐ ol μα- his DISCIPLES went into

After these came the Jesus and the dis- t h e TERRITORY Of JuDEA,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—13. he being in HEAVEN—omit.
15. may not be destroyed, but—omit. 16. the SON. 18. but—omit.
± 13. John xvi. 29: Acts ii. 34; 1 Cor. xv. 47; Eph. iv. 9, 10. % 14. Num. xxi. 9.
$ 15. John vi. 4 7. $ 16. Bom. v. 8; 1 John iv. 9. j 17. Luke ix. 56; John v.
45; viii. 15; xii. 47; 1 John iv. 14. $ 18. John v. 24; vi. 40, 47; xx. 31. $ 19.
John 4, 9-11; viii. 12. $ 20. Eph. v. 13.
Chap. 3:23.] JOHN. [Chap. 3:32.
θηται αύτοΰ εις την Ίουδα'ιαν γη ν και εκεί and there he remained with
them, and was immersing.
δι έτριβε μετ' αυτών, καΐ έβάπτιζεν. 2 3 r H v
remuined w i t h them, and was dipping. Wus 23 And *John also w a s
immersing in Enon, near
δε και 'Ιωάννης βαπτίζων έν Αίνων, εγγύς SALIM, because there were
and also John dipping in Enon, near
many Waters there ; a n d
τοϋ Σαλε'ιμ, δτι ΰδατα πολλά fjv έκεΐ* και they were coming a n d be-
the Salim, because waters many was there; and ing immersed.
παρεγ'ινοντο, καΐ έβαπτ'ιζοντο. Οΰπο>
γαρ f|v βεβλημένος ε'ις την φυλακήν ό 24 $For *John h a d n o t
f o r W cL S ί ϊ il V ί ΓΙ £ί L) θ θ R C i i s t ί ΓΙ t O tllG | * Γ ί S Ο li t h θ yet been cast into PRISON.

'Ιωάννης. Έγένετο ούν ζήτησις έκ των μα- 25 A Dispute then oc-
Johiiι Ο c c u r ι* e d ΐΐΐθΐι ft d i s p u t e o f t h e dis~*
curred among * t h e DISCI-
θητών 'Ιωάννου μετά 'Ιουδαίου περί καΦα- PLES of J o h n with a Jew,
ciples of John Λν i th a Jew about cleaus- about Purification.
ρισμοΰ. 2 0 ΚαΙ ήλΦον προς τον Ίωάννην, καΐ
ing And they came to the John, and 20 And they came t o
JOHN, a n d said t o him,
είπον αύτψ· Ραβδί, δς ήν μετά σοϋ πέραν τοϋ "Rabbi, he who w a s with
thee beyond t h e JORDAN,
'Ιορδανού, φ σύ μεμαρτι'ίρηκας, ϊδε, $to whom thou h a s t testi-
fied, behold, H E immerses,
ούτος βαπτίζει καΐ πάντες έρχονται προς αύ- and all a r e coming to h i m . "
he dips, and all come to h i m .
τόν. 27
Άπεκρίθη 'Ιωάννης 27 J o h n answered a n d
και ε ί π ε ν Ού
Answeied Not said, ?"A Man can receive
John and said;
δύναται άνθρωπος λαμβάνειν ουδέν, έάν μηnothing unless it be given
fj δεδομένον αΰτφ έκ τοϋ him from HEAVEN.
ούρανοϋ. 28
ΑύτοΙ ΰμεΐς μοί μαρτυρείτε, 28 You yourselves a r e
witnesses for me, T h a t I
ότι είπον Ούκ ειμί εγώ ό Χριστός, άλλ' δτιsaid, $1 am n o t t h e M E S -
S I A H / b u t T h a t I have
that I said; Not am I the Anointed, but that been sent before him.
απεσταλμένος ειμί έμπροσθεν εκείνου. 2 υ Ό
having been sent I a m in presence of him. He 29 T h e Bridegroom i s
εχοιν την νύμφην, νυμφίος εστίν 6 δέ H E who P O S S E S S E S t h e
φ ί λ ο ς τοϋ νυμφ'ιου, ό έστηκώς κ α ΐ BRIDE ; b u t THAT FRIEND
fri(*nd of the foridej^rooinf thftt stundin^ ΐΐnd
stands and hears him, re-
άκούων αΰτου, χαρά χαίρει διά τήν joices with joy, because of
hearing him, with joy rejoices through the the BRIDEGROOM'S, VOICE ;
φωνήν τοΰ νυμφίου. ΑΙίτη οδν ή this, therefore, MY JOY
χαρά ή έμή πεπλήρωται. 30
Έκείνον has been completed.
joy that of ΙΪΙ© hue been coinp 1 eteu· H iHI 30 He must increase,
δεί αύξάνειν, έμέ δέ έλαττοΰσθαι.3 1 Ό but I must decrease.
it behooves to increase, m e but to decrease. H e
31 $ H E who COMES from
δνωθεν ερχόμενος, επάνω πάντων εστίν. above is over all. H E who
is from the EARTH, is of
Ό ών έκ της γης, έκ της γης έστι, καΐ the EARTH, and speaks of
the EARTH. HE who
έκ της γης λαλεί· 6 έκ τοϋ οΰρανοϋ COMES from HEAVEN is
ερχόμενος, επάνω πάντων εστί, 3 2 *[κα1] 8 over all.
coming, over all la, [and] what
έώρακε καΐ ήκουσε, τοΰτο μαρτυρεί· καΐ 32 And what he has seen
lie hfis seen e.nd heard, this he testifies; and and heard, this he testifies ;
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 3 . J O H N 25. THOSE DISCIPLES who were of John and
a Jew about. 32. And—omit.
%. 24. Matt, xiv 3. t 26 John i. 7, 15, 27, 34. 1 27. 1 Cor. iv. 7 ; Heb. v. 4 ;
James i. 17. % 28. Johr 1 2 0 . 2 " ί 3 1 . Matt, xxxiii. 1 8 ; John 1. 15, 2 7 ; Bom.
ix. 5.
Chap. 3:33.] JOHN. [Chap. 4:7.
την μαρτυρ'ιαν αύτοΰ ουδείς λαμβάνει. 3 3 '0 and no one receives his
the testimony ο ί h i m no one r e c e i v e s . He TESTIMONY.
λαβών αύτοΰ την μαρτυρ'ιαν, έσψράγισεν, 33 He who RECEIVES
His TESTIMONY has set his
δτι ό Θεός αληθής έοτιν. ^ " Ο ν γάρ άπέ- seal That GOD is true.
that the God true is. Whom for has 34 $For he whom GOD
στειλεν ό Θεός, τα ρήματα τοΰ Θεοΰ λαλεί· has sent speaks the WORDS
sent the God, the Avoids of the God speaks; of GOD ; for *he gives not
ού γάρ εκ μέτρου δίδωσιν ό Θεός τό πνεύμα. the SPIRIT by Measure.
n o t f o r b y m e a s u r e g i v e s t h e God" t h e s p i r i t . 35 The FATHER loves
i'fi'Q Πατήρ άγαπα τον υΐόν, και πάντα δέδω- the SON, $and has given
T h e F a t h e r l o v e s t h e s o3nC , a n d a l l h a s b e e n All things into his HAND.
κεν έν τί| χειρι αύτοΰ. 'O πιστεύο)ν εις τόν 36 $ H E BELIEVING into
g i v e n i n t h e hand of h i m . H e b e l i e v i n g i n t o t h e
υιόν, έχει ζωήν α'ιώνιον.· ό δε άπειθών the SON has aionian Life ;
son, has l i f e age-lasting; he but disobeying but HE DISOBEYING the
τω υΐω, ούκ οψεται ζωήν, άλλ' ή οργή τοΰ SON, shall not see Life;
but the Anger of GOD
θεοΰ μένει έπ' αυτόν. abides on him."
ΚΕΦ. δ ' . 4. 1 When, therefore, the
*Ως ο$ν έ'γνω ό Κύριος, δτι η"κου<ταν ol LORD knew, That the
PHARISEES had heard,
Φαρισαίοι, οτι Ίησοΰς πλείονας μαθητάς ποιεί JThat Jesus was making
and immersing More Dis-
καΐ βαπτίζει, η* 'Ιωάννης* (κα'ιτοιγε ciples than J o h n ;
and dipped, than John; (though indeed 2 (though Jesus himself
Ίησοΰς αυτός ούκ έβάπτιζεν, άλλ' ol μαϋηταΐ did not immerse, but his
Je u sh i m s e l f n o t dipped, b u t t h e d i s c i p l e s DISCIPLES ;)
αύτοΰ*) 8 άφήκε τήν Ίουδαίαν, καΐ άπήλΦε 3 he left JUDEA, and
of h i m ; ) he l e f t t h e Judea49 and went went again into GALILEE.
πάλιν είς τήν Γαλιλαίαν. "Εδει δέ αυτόν
a g a i n i n t o t h e G a l i l e e . I t b e h o o v e d a n d h i m 4 And it was necessary
διέρχεσΰαι διά της Σαμαρείας. 5 "Ερχεται for him to pass through
to pass through the Samaria. He comes 5 He comes, therefore, to
οδν είς πόλιν της Σαμαρε'ιας, λεγομέ- a City of SAMARIA called
therefore into a city of the Samaritans, being ± Sychar, near the FIELD
μένην Συχάρ, πλησίον τοΰ χωρίου, οδ έ'δω- which % Jacob gave *to
called Sychar, near by the field, of which gave JOSEPH his SON.
κεν 'Ιακώβ 'Ιωσήφ τω υίφ αύτοΰ. Ην 6 And JACOB'S Fountain
δέ εκεί πηγή τοΰ 'Ιακώβ. Ό οΰν Ίησοΰς was there. JESUS, there-
fore, having become weary
κεκοπιακώς έκ της όδοιπορίας, έκαθέζετο from the JOURNEY, sat
down over the FOUNTAIN.
ούτως επί τη πηγή· ωρα ή"ν έκτη. 7 "Ερχε- I t was about the ±sixth
thus over the spring; hour was about six. Comes Hour.
7 There comes a Woman
ται γυνή έκ της Σαμαρε'ιας, άντλήσαι ΰδωρ. of SAMARIA to draw Water.
JESUS says to her, "Give
Λέγει αύτη ό Ίησοΰς· Δός μοι πιεϊν. me to drink.'*
Say to her the Jesus; Give to m e to drinjc.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3 4. he gives not. 5. to JOSBPU his SON.
± 5. Called at first Sichem, or Shechem, and afterwards Sichar. From Judges ix. 7, it
seems to have been situated at the foot of Mount Gerizim, on which the Samaritan temple
was built, f 6. According to John's computation of time, this would be six o'clock in
the afternoon. See Note on John i. 39. The women of the East have stated times for
going to draw water—not in the heat of the day, but in the cool of either morning or
evening. It was very likely in the evening that this Samaritan woman came to draw water,
because it is said, Jesus had become weary with his journey; and because the Samaritans
when they came to sef him, invited him to remain or lodge with them.
t 34. John viii. x6. $ 35. Luke x. 2 2 ; John v. 20, 2 2 ; xiii. 3 ; xvii. 2 ; Heb.
ii. 8. X 36. John vi. 4 7 ; 1 John v. 10, 11. % 1. John iii. 2 2 , 2 6 . $ 5. Gen.
xxxiii. 1 9 ; xiviii. 2 2 ; Joshua xxvi. 32.
Chap. 4:8.] JOHN. [Chap. 4:18.
(01 γαρ μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ άπεληλύθεισαν εις 8 (For his DISCIPLES
had gone into the CITY
την πόλιν, ίνα τροφάς άγοράσωσι.) βΛέγει that they might buy Pro-
the city, that provisions they might buy.) Says visions.)
οδν αύτω ή γυνή ή Σαμαρείτις* Πώς σύ, 9 The SAMARITAN WO-
then to him the woman that Samaritan; How thou, MAN, therefore, says to
'Ιουδαίος ών, παρ' έμοϋ πιείν αιτείς, οΰσης him, "How dost thou, be-
a Jew being, from me to drink askest, being ing a Jew, ask drink of
γυναικός Σαμαρείτιδος; (Ού γαρ συγχρώνται me, who am a Samaritan
a woman a Samaritan? (Not for associate with Woman?" ($Por the Jews
'Ιουδαίοι Σαμαρε'ιταις.) 10Άπεκρίθη Ίησοΰς do not associate with
Jews Samaritans.) Answered Jesus Samaritans.)
καΐ είπεν αΰτχί· Ει η"δεις την δωρεάν 10 Jesus answered and
And s&icl to her*, If thou hadst known the gift said to her, "If thou didst
τοΰ θεοΰ, και τις έστιν ό λέγων σοι· Δός know the GIFT of GOD, and
who is HE that says to
μοι ποιείν σύ αν ή*τησας αυτόν, καΐ thee, 'Give me to drink,'
to me to drink; thou wouldst ask him, and thou wouldst ask him, and
Ιδωκεν αν σοι ΰδωρ ζών. "Λέγει αύτφ ή he would give thee Living
h e w o u l d g i v e t h e e w a t e r l i v i n g . S a y s t o h i m t h e Water."
γυνή· Κύριε, οΰτε αντλημα έχεις, 11 *She says to him,
woman; O lord, nothing to draw with thou hast, "Sir, thou hast nothing to
καΐ τό φρέαρ εστί βαθύ* πόθεν οίν £- draw with, and the WELL
is deep; whence, then,
χεις τό ΰδωρ τό ζών; Μή σύ μείζων εΐ hast thou t h e L I V I N G
τοΰ πατρός ημών 'Ιακώβ; 8ς Ιδωκεν ήμίν τό 12 Art thou greater than
our FATHER Jacob, who
φρέαρ, καΐ αυτός έξ αύτοΰ έ*πιε, καΐ ol υΙοΙ gave us the WELL, and
13 drank of it himself, and his
αύτοΰ, καΐ τα θρέμματα αύτοΰ. Άπεκρίθη SONS, and his CATTLE?"
Ίησοΰς καΐ είπεν αύτ|ί· Π ά ς 6 πίνων έκ τοΰ 13 Jesus answered and
said to her, "EVERY ONES
δδατος τούτου, δι/ψήσει πάλιν*
δς δ ' δν DRINKING Of t h i s WATER
will thirst again;
πίχι έκ τοΰ ύδατος, οΰ έγώ δώσω 14 but $he, who may
drink of the WATER which
αύτφ, ού μη δι/ψήση ε'ις τόν αΙώνα· αλλά I will give him, shall not
to him, not not may thirst to the age; but thirst to the AGE ; but the
τό ί)δωρ, δ δώσω αύτφ, γενήσεται WATER which I will give
the water, which 1 shall give him, shall be him, shall become in him
a Fountain of Water,
έν αύτφ πηγή δδατος άλλομένου ε'ις ζωήν springing up into aionian
αΐώνιον. 15
Λέγει προς αυτόν ή γυνή· Κύ- 15 §The WOMAN says
toT him, "Sir, give me This
ριε, δός μοι τοΰτο τό ύδωρ, Ινα μη δι- W ATER that I may not
lord, give to me this the water, that not I may thirst, nor *come here to
ψώ, μηδέ έρχομαι ένθάδε . άντλεϊν.1βΛέ- draw."
thirst, nor may come in this place to draw. Says 16 *He says to her,
γει αύττί ό Ίησοΰς· "Υπάγε, φώνησον τόν "Go call thy HUSBAND,
to her the Jesus; Go, call the
and come here."
άνδρα σου, καΐ έλθέ ένθάδε. 17Άπεκρίθη 17 The WOMAN answered
ή γυνή καΐ είπεν Ούκ ε*χω δνδρα. Λέγει and said, " I have no Hus-
the woman and said; Not I have a husband. Says
band." JESUS said to her,
αύτη ό Ίησοΰς· Καλώς είπας* "Οτι "Correctly thou didst say,
to her the Jesus; Bightly
18 thou didst say; That Ί have no Husband.'
δνδρα ούκ εχοι. Πέντε γάρ άνδρας g- 18 For thou hast had
a husband not I have. Five for husbands thou
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 1 . She says. 15. come over here. 16. He says.
$ 9. 2 Kings xvu. 2 4 ; Luke ix. 52, 5 3 ; Acts x. 28. t 14. John vi. 3 5 ; vii. 38.
% 15. John xvii. 2, 3 : Rom. vi. 2 3 ; 1 John v. 20.
Chap. 4:19.] JOHN. [Chap. 4:29.
σχες· καΐ νΰν δν 8χεις, ουκ εΌτι Five Husbands, and he
whom now thou hast is
σου άνήρ· τοΰτο αληθές εϊρηκας, 10
Λέγει not Thy Husband; this
thou hast truly spoken."
αΰτω ή γυνή* Κύριε, θεωρώ, δτι προφή-
19 The WOMAN says to
της ει συ. 20
Οί πατέρες ημών έν τω him, "Sir, $1 see That
art thou. The fathers of us In the thou art a Prophet.
δρει τούτω προσεκύνησαν και ύμείς λέγε- 20 Our FATHERS wor-
τε, δτι έν Ίεροσολύμοις εστίν ό τόπος, δπου shipped in this MOUN-
that in Jerusalem is the place, where TAIN ; and you say, That
21 in § Jerusalem is the PLACE
δεί προσκυνείν. Λέγει αύτχί ό where it is necessary to
it is necessary to worship. S&ys to her the worship."
Ίησοΰς' Γύναι, πίστευσόν μοι, δτι έρχεται 21 JESUS says to her,
Jesus; ο woman, believe thou me, that comes
ωρα, δτε οΰτε έν τφ δρει τούτω,
"Woman, believe me, That
an hour, when neither in the mountain this, an Hour is coming, when
οΰτε έν Ίεροσολύμοις προσκυνήσητε τω neither in this MOUNTAIN,
nor in Jerusalem you shall worship the nor in Jerusalem will you
Πατρ'ι. 2 2 Ύμείς προσκυνείτε δ ούκ οΐδατε· worship the FATHER.
Father. You worship what not you know; 22 You worship what
ημείς προσκυνονμεν δ οίδαμεν δτι ή you do not know; we
we worship what we know; because the worship what we know ;
because SALVATION is of
σωτηρία έκ τών ΊουδαΛ,ων εστίν. ^Άλλ* the JEWS.
23 But an Hour is com-
έρχεται ωρα, καΐ νΰν εστίν, δτε
ing, and now is, when the ol
αληθινοί προσκυνηταΐ προσκυνήσουσι τφ TRUE Worshippers w i l l
true worshippers shall worship the worship the FATHER §in
ΠατρΙ έν πνεύματι καΐ άληθεία· καΐ γαρ Spirit and Truth ; for the
Father in spirit and truth; and for FATHER even seeks SUCH
ό Πατήρ τοιούτους ζητεί τους προσκυνοϋντας LIKE as his Worshippers.
αυτόν. ^Πνεΰμα ό Θεός· καΐ τους προσκυ- 24 §God is Spirit; and
him. A spirit the God; and those worship- THOSE WORSHIPPING him
νοΰντας αυτόν, έν πνεύματι καΐ άληθεία δεί must worship in Spirit and
προσκυνείν. ^ Λ έ γ ε ι αύτφ ή γυνή· Οίδα 25 The WOMAN says to
him, " I know That Mes-
δτι Μεσσίας έρχεται· (ό λεγόμενος Χριστός·) siah is coming, (HE being
that M e s s i a h comes; (the b e i n g called Anointed;) CALLED Christ;) when he
δταν Ιλθγι εκείνος, άναγγελεί ήμίν comes he will tell us all
πάντα. 2β
Λέγει αύτη ό Ίησοΰς* Έγώ είμι, ό 26 JESUS says to her,
all. Says to her the Jesus: I am, he §"I, who am TALKING to
λαλών σοι. ^ΚαΙ επί τούτφ ήλθον ol μα- thee, am he."
talking to thee. And on this came the dis- 27 And upon this his
θηταΐ αύτοΰ, καΐ έθανμαζον, δτι μετά γυ- DISCIPLES came, and won-
ciples of him, and wondered, that with a dered That he was talking
ναικός έλάλει. Ουδείς μέντοι είπε* ΤΙ with a Woman; neverthe-
less no one said, "What
ζητείς; ή, τΐ λαλείς μετ' αυτής; dost thou seek?" or, "Why
art thou talking with her?"
28'Αφήκεν οδν τήν ύδρίαν αυτής ή
Left therefore the bucket of herself the 28 The WOMAN, there-
γυνή, καΐ άπήλθεν εις τήν πόλιν, καΐ λέγει fore, went into the CITY,
woman, and went into the city, and says and says to the MEN,
τοίς άνθρώποις* ^Δεΰτε, ΐδετε άνθρωπον, δς
to the men: Come you, see a man, who 29 "Come, see a Man,
§ 19. Luke rii. 16; xxiv. i9 · John vi. 14; ?ii. 40 § 2 0 . Deut. xii. 5, 11; 1 Kings
ix. 3; 2 Chron. vii. 12. % 23. Phil. iii. 3. § 24. 2 Cor. iii. 17. % 26. John ix. 37.
Chap. 4:30.] JOHN. [Chap. 4:41.
είπε μοι πάντα δσα έποίησα* μήτι οδτός έστιν who told me all things
told me all what I did; not this i s which I have done! I s
ό Χριστός; β0Έξήλθον έκ της πόλεως, και this the MESSIAH?"
the Anointed? They went out of the city, and 30 They went out of the
άρχοντα προς αυτόν. CITY, and were coming to
"Were coming to him. him.
Έν δέ τω μεταξύ ήρο^των αυτόν ol 31 And in the MEAN-
In and the" meantime "were asking him the TIME, his DISCIPLES en-
μαθηταΐ λέγοντες· Ραββί, φάγε. 8 2 Ό δέ treating him, said, "Rabbi,
disciples saying, Kabbi, eat. o but eat."
εΐπεν αΰτοϊς· Έγώ βρώσιν εχω φαγείν, ην 32 But he said to them,
said to them; I food have to eat, which "I have Food to eat, of
ΰμείς ουκ οΐδατε. ^"Ελεγον ofrv ot μαθηταΐ which you know not."
you not know. Said then thu disciples
προς αλλήλους· Μ η τις ήνεγκεν
33 Then the DISCIPLES
αύτφ said to each other, "Has
φαγείν; ays

Λέγει αύτοΐς ό Ίησοΰς. Έμόν any one brought him
to them the Jesus. (food) to eat?"
6ρώμά έστιν 'ίνα ποιώ τό θέλημα του πέμ- 34 JESUS says to them,
food i s , t h a t I m a y do t h e w i l l i"My Food is to do the
of t h e send-
"ψαντός με, καΐ τελειώσω αύτοΰ τό έ'ργον. WILL of HIM who SENT me,
8ί me, and may finish of him the v/ork. and to finish His WORK.
Όύχ ύμείς λέγετε, δτι έ'τι τετράμηνος έστι, 35 Do you not say, That
Not you say, that yet four months i t is,
it is yet four Months, an-d
καΐ ό θερισμός άρχεται; Ιδού, λέγω ύμίν, the HARVEST comes? Be-
hold, I say to you, Lift up
επάρατε τους οφθαλμούς υμών, καΐ θεάσα^ >e your EYES, and see t h e
lift up th© eyes of you* And see you FIELDS ; $That they are
already white for Harvest.
τάς χώρας, δτι λευκαί είσι προς θερισμόν
the fields,
δ0< that white they are to harvest 36 $The REAPER re-
η*δη. Ο θερίζων μισθόν λαμβάνει, καΐ ceives a Reward, and ga-
already. He reaping a reward receives, and thers Fruit for aionion
συνάγει καρπόν είς ζωήν αΐώνιον tva Life; so that the SOWER
gathers fruit for life age-lasting; so that and the REAPER may re-
joice together.
κάί δ σπείρων όμου χαίρη, καΐ ό 37 For in this is the
both he sowing together may rejoice, and he
θερίζων. ST'EV γάρ τούτφ ό λόγος εστίν ό SAYING TRUE t 'That one
reaping. In for this the word Is the is the SOWER, and another
αληθινός, δτι άλλος εστίν ό σπείρων, και is the REAPER.*
true, that one Is lie sowing, and 38 I sent you to reap
άλ>ος ό θερίξων. 3 δ Έγώ απέστειλα ύμας θε- that on which you have
another the reaping. 1 sent you to
(Ηζειν δ ούχ ύμείς; κεκοπχάχατε· α\λλοι not labored; others labor-
reap what not you have labored; others ed, and you have entered
κεκοπιάκασι, καΐ ύμείς είς τόν κόπον αυτών into their LABOR."
3 β
labored, and you into the labor of them
σελι^λνΰατε. Έκ δέ τής πόλεως εκείνης 39 Now many of the
are entered. Out of and the city that SAMARITANS from that
πολλοί έπίστευσαν είς αυτόν των Σαμαρειτών, CITY believed into him,
many believed into him of the Samaritans, because of the WORD of
διά τόν λόγον της γυναικός μαρτυρούσης· the WOMAN, testifying,
through the word of the woman, testifying; "He told me ail things
"Οτι είπε μοι πάντα δσα έποίησα. 40*Γ* which I have done."
That h e t o l d m e all what I d i d . tW 40 *Then came the
οΰν ί|λθον προς αυτόν ol Σαμαρεϊται, ήρώ- SAMARITANS to him, and
asked him to remain with
των αυτόν μείναι παρ' αΰτοίς· καΐ ε"μεινεν them; and he remained
Ing him to abide with them; and he abode
there Two Days.
έκεΐ δύο ημέρας. Λ ΚαΙ πολλώ πλείους έπί-
41 And many more be-
» VATICAN MANUSCEIPT.—40. When—omit. 40. Then came the SAMAEITANS to him,
end asked him.
t 34. Job xxiii. 12; John vi. 38; xvii. 4; xix. 30. ·
t 35. Matt. ix. 37; Luke x. 2. $36. Dan. xii. 3.
Chap. 4:42.] JOHN. [Chap. 4:50.
στενσαν διά τον λόγον αΰτου. 42Tri τε lieved on account of his
lieved through the word of him. To the and WORD ;
γυναικί ελεγον "Οτι ούκέτι διά την 42 and said to the WO-
"woman, tlioy s&id; That no longer through the
MAN, 4>We no longer be-
σήν λαλιάν πιστεύομεν αυτοί γάρ άκηκόα-
thy saying we believe; ourselves for we have lievo because of *THT
μεν, καΐ οϊδαμεν, δτι οδτός έστιν αληθώς Report; for we ourselves
have heard ; and we know
heard, and we know, that this is truly
δ σωτήρ τοϋ κόσμου *[ό Χριστός.] That this is truly the SA-
the savior of the world [the Anointed.] VIOR of the WOULD."
Μετά δέ τάς δύο ημέρας έξήλθεν εκεί- 43 Now after the TWO
Days, he went from thence
θεν, *[και άπηλθεν] εις την Γαλιλαίαν. 4ίΑύ- into GALILEE. ±
Cand went out] into the Galilee. Him- 44 For $JESUS himself
τός γάρ Ίησοί5ς έμαρτύρησεν, δτι προφήτης
Self for Jesus testified, that a prophet testified, That a Prophet
έν τη Ιδία πατρ'ιδι τιμήν ουκ έχει. 4δ
"Οτε has no Honor in his $OWN
in the own country honor not has. When Country.
©υν ήλθεν εις την Γαλιλαίαν, έδέξαν- 45 When, therefore, he
therefore he came into the Galilee, received came into GALILEE, the
το αυτόν ol Γαλιλαίοι, πάντα έωρακότες ά GALILEANS received him,
jx ι m tli ο Ga, l i l e a n s * All liavim? s Θ e n w h a t ^having seen All that he
έποίησεν έν Ίεροσολΰμοις έν τχ\ έορτη· καΐ did in Jerusalem, at the
he did in Jerusalem at the feast;" also FEAST, for they also went
αυτοί γάρ ^λθον είς τήν έορτήν. 46*Ήλθεν to the FEAST.
οδν πάλιν είς τήν Κανά της Γαλιλαίας, δπου 46 *Then he came again
then again into the Cana of the Galilee, where
towards Cana of GALILEE,
έποίησε τό ΰδωρ olvov. Kal fjv τις βασιλι- $where he made WATER
lieiaade the water wine. And was certain courtier,
Wine. And there was a
κός, ol· ό υΙός ήσθένει, έν Καπερναούμ. Certain Courtier, Whose
of whom the sou was sick, in Capernaum· SON was sick in Caper-
^Οΰτος άκουσας δτι Ίησοϋς ^κει έκ naum.
This hearing that Jesus was come out of 47 He, having heard
της 'Ιουδαίας είς τήν Γαλιλαίαν, άπηλθε προς
the Judea into the Galilee, went to That Jesus was come out
αυτόν, καΐ ήρώτα αυτόν, ϊνα κατα-
went to him, and asked
him, and was asking him, that he would come him, that he would come
6fj, καΐ ίάσηται αύτου τόν υί,όν έμελλε
down, and heal of him the son; he was about down and cure His SON ;
γάρ άποθνήσκειν. 48 Είπεν οδν ό Ίησοϋς for he was about to die.
lor to die. Said therefore the Jesus 48 JESUS,therefore, said
προς αυτόν Έάν μή σημεία καΐ τέρατα ΐοη-
to him; If not signs and prodigies you to him, $"If you f;ee not
τε, ού μή πιστεύσητε. 49Λέγει προς αυτόν Signs and Prodigies, you
may see, not not you may believe. Says to him will not believe."
ό βασιλικός· Κύριε, κατάβηθι, πρίν άπο-
the courtier; θ sir, come down, before to 49 The COURTIER says
θανείν τό παιδίον μου.
Λέγει αύτω 6 to him, "Sir, come down,
die the child of me. Says to him the before my CHILD die."
Ίησοΰς· Πορεύου· ό υΙός σου ζη· *[ΚαΙ] 50 JESUS says to him,
Jesus: Go; the son of thco lives. [And] "Go, thy SON lives." The

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—42. thy REPORT. 43. the ANOINTED—omit. 43. and

went—omit. 46. Then he came again towards Cana. 50. And—omit.
± 4 3 . Pearce thinks that some words have been lost from the end of this verse, which
may be supplied thus; "Went into Galilee, but not to Nazareth; for Jesus himself had de-
clared," etc. In Matt. xiii. 57; Mark vi. 4; andLnkeiv. 24, which are the only texts where
Jesus is said to have declared this, he spoke of Nazareth only, and not Galilee in general, a
country where he lived for the most part, and wrought the greatest number of his miracles,
and made the most converts.—Clarke. There is a probability that something to this purpose
has been very early omitted in transcribing. The casual conjunction gar, for, which introduces
the next verse, shows that it contains the reason of what had immediately preceded.—Camp.
% 44. Mark xiii. 57; Mark vi. 4; Luke iv. 24. % 45. John ii. 23; iii. 2. $ 46.
John i i . 1,11. t 48. 1 Cor. i. 32.
Ohap. 4:51.] JOHN. [Chap. 5:4.
έπίστευσεν ό άνθρωπος τφ λόγω είπεν MAN believed the WORD
believed the man the word which said which JESUS said to him,
αύτφ Ίησοΰς, καΐ έπορεύετο. 5 1 "Ηδη δέ αύ- and went.
τοϋ καταβα'ινοντος, ol δούλοι αύτοΰ απήντησαν
51 And now as he was
him was going down, the slaves of him met going down, his SERVANTS
αύτφ, * [καΐ άπήγγειλαν,] λέγοντες· "Οτι ό
met him, saying, *'Thy
him, [and reported,] saying: That the CHILD lives."
«αΐς σου ζχί. Β 2 Έπύθετο οϋν * [παρ* αύ- 52 He then inquired
cliild of thee lives. He inquired then [of them] *that HOUR in which he
τών] τήν ίδραν, έν fj κομψότερον Ιίσχε. grew better. *And they
said to him, "Yesterday, at
ΚαΙ είπον αύτφ* "Οτι χθες ωραν έβδόμην the ±seventh Hour, the
And they said to him; That yesterday hour seventh
FEVER left him."
άφηκεν αυτόν ό πυρετός. ^"Εγνω οδν ό
let the
the ffever.
eve. Knew then the
56 The FATHER, there-
πατήρ, δτι έν έκεί,νχι xfj ώρα, έν f\ είπεν
father, that in that the hour, in. which said fore, knew That it was in
That HOUR in which JESUS
αύτω ό Ίησοϋς· "Οτι ό υΙός σου %f[. Kai
to him the Jesus; That the son of thee lives. And said to him, "Thy SON
έπίστευσαν αυτός, καΐ ή οΙκία αύτοΰ δλη. lives." And he believed
he believed himself, and the house of him all. and all his HOUSE.
^Τοΰτο πάλιν δεύτερον σημείον έποίησεν ό 54 *This again, a Se-
This again a second sign did the cond Sign, did JESUS, hav-
Ίησοΰς, έλθών έκ της 'Ιουδαίας είς ing come out of JUDEA
Jesus, having come out of the Judea into into GALILEE.
τήν Γαλιλαίαν.
the Galilee. CHAPTER V.
ΚΕΦ. ε ' . 6. 1 After these things
ταΰτα fjv εορτή there was §a Feast of the
τών Ίου- JEWS ; and * Jesus went
ΑΙΙ,«Γ metjw inings was a least ox me jews, up to Jerusalem.
δαίων, καΐ άνέβη ό Ίησοΰς είς Ιεροσόλυμα.
And went up the Jesus to Jerusalem* 2 Now there is in JERU-
"Εστι δέ έν τοις Ίεροσολύμοις, επί τη προβα- SALEM §near the SHEEP-
Is now in the Jerusalem, by the sheep- GATE, a Bath, which is
τικη, κολυμβήθρα, ή επιλεγόμενη Έ - CALLED in Hebrew, *±Be-
gate, a swimming bath, that being called In thesda, having Five cov-
βραϊστί Βηθεσδά, πέντε στοάς έχουσα. Έ ν ered Walks.

Hebrew Bethesda, five porches having. In

ααύταις κατέκειτο πλήθος * [πολύ] τών 3 In these were lying a
these were lying a multitude [great] of those Multitude of the S I C K , —
Λσθενούντων, τυφλών, χωλών, ξηρών * [έκδε- Blind, Lame, Withered,—
being sick, blind, lame, withered [wait- *± [waiting the MOTION
χομένων τήν του ύδατος κίνησιν. 4ΜΑγγελος of the WATER.
Ing the of the water moving. A messenger
γάρ κατά καιρόν κατέβαινεν έν τχί κολυμβή- 4 For a Messenger at
ΙΟΓ at a season went down In the swimming- times went down into the
θρα, καΐ έτάρασσε τό ύδωρ· ό οδν πρώτος BATH, and agitated the
bath, and agitated the water; he then first WATER ; the FIRST, there*-

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—51. and reported—omit. 51. That his SON lives. 52.
of them—omit. 52. that HOUR. 52. Then said they to him. 54. And this again is the
Second Sign. 1. Jesus. 2. Bethsaida. 3. great—omit. 8, 4—omit.
± 52. According to John's computation of time this would be seven o'clock in the
evening. Macknight thinks the Homan hour is intended, i. e. seven in the evening; and
this he thinks is the reason why our Lord did not accompany the courtier: for as Cana
was a day's journey from Capernaum, had our Lord gone at that hour, he must have
traveled in the nigM, from which it might have inferred, that he could not cure the child
without personally present. Harmony, vol. i. p. 52.
± 2. Bethesda, signifies the house of mercy. ± 3, 4. This clause is without doubt the
addition of some transcriber. Five of the most ancient MSS., either reject the whole or
the principal part of the clause in brackets. Bloomfleld says, "the whole narrative savors
of Jewish fancy." Meyer calls it a legendary addition. It is omitted by Mill and Tischen-
dorf, and marked as spurious by Griesbach.
$ 1. Lev. xxiii. 2; Deut. xvi. 1; John ii. 13. X 2. Neh. iii. 1; xii. 39.
Chap. 5:5.] JOHN. [Chap. 5:15.
έμβάς μετά την ταραχήν τοΰ ύδατος, fore, stepping in after the
stepping in after the agitation of the water, AGITATION Of t h e WATER,
υγιής έγ'ινετο, φ δήποτε κατείχετο νοσή- was cured of Whatever
s οuu u occsi Hi Θ y
5T w xio x ii (1 ο e d w & s li θ 1 d *^y Disease he was held.]
μάτι.] Hv δε τις άνθρωπος εκεί, τριά 5 Now a certain Man
disease.] Was and a certain man there, thirty was there, having been
κοντά καΐ οκτώ ετη έ'χων τη ασθένεια. BLE HEATH. Years in FEE-
Τοϋτον ίδών ό Ίησοϋς κατακείμενον, καΐ lying, 6 JESUS seeing him
and knowing That
This ι λύ
seeing ή η χρόνονlying, and
the Jesus
been, he had now been thus a
knowing that
λέγει αύτφ· long already
Θέλεις time he had
υγιής γενέσθαι; Long Time, says to him,
he says to him; Do thou wish sound to become? "Dost thou wish to become
ϊ'Απεκρ'ιθη αύτφ ό ασθενών Κύριε, άνθρωπον well?"
Answered him he sick being; θ s i r , a man 7 The SICK person an-
ούκ εχω, ϊνα, δταν τό ΰδωρ, swered him, "Sir, I have
no Man, that, when the
not I have, that when may be agi tated the water,
δάλη με είς την κολυμβήθραν έν φ WATER is agitated, he may-
ho may put me into the swimming-bath; In which put me into the BATH ;
δέ έγώ, άλλος πρό έμοΰ καταδαί- but while I am coming,
but am coming I, another before me goes down. another goes down before
•νει. Λέγει αύτφ ό Ίησοΰς· "Εγειραι, άρον me."
Says to him the Jesus: Rise, take up 8 JESUS says to him,
τόν κράδδατόν σου, καΐ περιπατεί. Και $"Rise, take up thy
the bed of thee,
and walk. And COUCH, and walk."
ευθέως έγένετο υγιής ό άνθρωπος, καΐ 9 And immediately the
Immediately became sound the man, and
?ίρε τόν κράδδατον αύτοΰ, καΐ περιεπά- MAN became well, and took up his COUCH, and walked^
took up the bed of himself, and walked.
τει. Ην δέ σάδδατον έν εκείνη τχ\ ημέρα. $Now That DAY was a
It was and a sabbath in that the day.
^Ελεγον οδν ol *Ιουδαίοι τφ τεθεραπευ- 10 The J E W S , therefore,
Said then the Jews to the having been said to HIM who had been
μένω* Σάδδατόν έστιν ούκ έ'ξεστί σοι CURED, " I t is a Sabbath;
healed; A sabbath i t Is; not i t i s lawful for thee $it is not lawful for thee
<£ραι τόν κράδδατον. ^Άπεκρίθη αύτοίς· to carry the COUCH."
to caTTy the bed. He answered them;
11 *But he answered
*O ποιήσας με ύγιη, εκείνος μοι είπεν them, " H E who MADE me
Bo having made me sound, he to me said; well, he said to me, Take
*Αρον τόν κράδδατόν σου, καΐ περιπατεί. up thy COUCH, and walk."
Take up the bed of thee, and walk. 12 They asked him,
^'Ηρώτησαν *[ουν] αυτόν Τίς έστιν ό "Who is the MAN THAT
SAID to thee, *'Take up
They asked Ethen] him; Who is the thy COUCH, and walk' ?"
δνθρωπος, 6 εΙπών σοι· *Αρον τόν κράδ- 13 But HE who had been
man, he saying to thee; Take up the
CURED knew not who i t
6ατόν σον, καΐ περιπατεί; ω'*Ο δέ Ια- was ; for JESUS withdrew,
of thee, end walk? He but having a Crowd being in t h e
θείς ούκ ηΊδει τίς έστιν ό γάρ Ίησοΰς PLACE.
έ|ένευσεν, δχλου δντος έν τφ τόπφ. 14Μετά 14 After these things,
slipped out, a crowd being In the place. After *Jesus finds him in the
ταΰτα ευρίσκει αυτόν ό Ίησου£ ΕΛΤ τφ ίερφ, TEMPLE, and said to him,
these finds him the Jesus 'Behold, thou hast become
in tlie temple,
well; $sin no more, lest
καΐ είπεν αύτφ· "Ιδε, υγιής γέγονας· something worse may hap-
and eald to him; See, sound thou hast become; pen to thee."
μηκέτι άμάρτανε, ίνα μη χείρον σοι 15 The MAN went away,
no longer do thou sin, that no worse to thee
15 But he. 12. Then—Omit. 12. Take up, and. 14.
•n γένηται. Άπήλθεν ό άνθρωπος, καΐ
t 8. Matt.
anything may ix. 9; Mark
happen. ii.away
Went 11; Luke 24. and
the, * 9. John ix. 14. % 10. Exod. xx.
10; Neh. xii. 19; Jer. xvii. 2 1 ; Matt. xii. 2; Mark li. 24; ill. 4; Luke vL 2 5
xiii. 14. $ 14. Matt. xii. 45; John viii. 11.
Chap. 5:16.] JOHN. [Chap, 5:24
ανήγγειλε τοις Ίουδα'ιοις, δτι 'Ιησούς έστιν. and told the JEWS That
told to the Jews, that Jesus it is. Jesus was HE who MADE
ό ποιήσας αυτόν υγιή. 1 β ΚαΙ δια τοϋτο him well.
he having made him sound. And through this
έδίωκον τόν Ίησοΰν ol 'Ιουδαίοι, δτι 16 And on account of
this the JEWS persecuted
persecuted the Jesus the 1 7 Jews, because JESUS,, because he did
ταΰτα έπο'ιει εν σαββάτω. ' 0 δέ Ίησοΰς
these he did in a sabbath. The and Jesus These things on a S abbath.
άπεκρίνατο αύτοΐς· Ό Πατήρ μου εως άρτι 17 But * H E answered
ans\vere(J t h e m ; T h e F a t h e r of m e till n o w and said, $"My FATHER
εργάζεται, κάγώ εργάζομαι. 1 δ Διά τοΰτο •works till now, and I
works, and I work. Through this work."
οίίν μάλλον έζήτουν αυτόν ol 'Ιουδαίοι 18 For this, then, the
therefore more sought him the Jews J E W S $souglit the more to
1 kill him, because not only;
άποκτεΐναι, δτι οΰ μόνον έλυε το was he breaking the SAB*
to kill, because not only he was breaking1said the BxYTH, $but he also said,
σάββατον, άλλα καΐ Πατέρα ίδιον τφ έλεγεΘεφ. that GOD was his own Fa-
ther, making himself equal
sabbath, but also a Father his toown tho God. with GOD.
τόν Θεόν, ίσον εαυτόν ποιων
the God, equal himself making 19 Then *he answered
Άπεκρ'ινατο οΰν δ Ίησοΰς καΐ ειπεν αύ~ and said, "Indeed, I as-
Answered then the Jesus and said to sure you, The SON can da
τοις* 'Αμήν αμήν λέγω ύμίν, οϋ δύναται nothing of himself, except
them; Indeed indeed5 I say to you, not is able what he may see the FA-
δ υΙός ποιεϊν αφ έαυτοΰ ουδέν, έάν μή
the son to do of himself nothing, if not THER doing, for whatever
τι βλέιτχι τόν Π α τέρ α ποιοΰντα· he does, these things also
γάρ αν εκείνος ποιτί, ταΰτα καΐ 6 υΙόςα does the SON in like man-
lor ever he may do, these also tho son ner.
ομοίως ποιεί· 2 0 Ό γάρ Πατήρ φίλεΐ τόν 20 For $the FATHER
in like manner does; The for Father lovea the loves the SON, and shows
υίόν, καΐ πάντα δείκνυσιν αύτω, α αυτός him All what he himself
son, and all shows to him, what he does ; and Greater Works
ποιεί· καΐ μείζονα τούτων δείξει αύτφ έργα, than these will he show
does; and greater of these shows to him works,
him, that you may wonder.
ΐνα ύμείς θαυμάζητε. ^ Ω σ π ε ρ γάρ ό
so that you may wonder. As for the
21 For as the FATHER
Πατήρ εγείρει τους νεκρούς «αϊ ζωοποιεί· raises up and makes alive
Father raises the dead ones and makes alive; the DEAD, $so also the
οΰτω καΐ ό υΙός, ους θέλει, ζωοποιεί. SON makes alive Whom
thus also the son, whom he will, makes alive. he pleases.
Ούδέ γάρ ό Πατήρ κρίνει, ούδένα· αλλά 22 For the FATHER does
Not even for the Father judges any one; but not even judge any one,
την κρίσιν πασαν δέδωκε τφ υΐφ· ^ϊνα but $has given all JUDG-
the judgment all has given to the son; so that MENT to the SON ;
πάντες τιμωσι τόν υΐόν, καθώς τιμώσι 23 so that all may honor1
all may honor the son, even as they honor
τόν Πατέρα. *Ο μή τιμών τόν υΐόν, ού the SON, even as they honor
the Father, ΕΘ not honoring the son, not the FATHER. $HE Who
τιμοί τόν Πατέρα, τόν πέμψαντα αυτόν. HONORS not the SON hon-
tho Father, that having sent him.
Άμήν αμήν λέγω ύμίν, δτι ό τόν λόγον sent him.
Indeed indeed I say to you, that he the word 24 Indeed, I truly say to
μου άκούων, «αϊ πιστεύων, τφ πέμψαντί με you, HE who HEARS my
of me hearing, and believing, the having sent me WORD, and believes H I M

* VATICAN MANUSCEIPT.—17. HE answered and said My FATHBB. 19. he answered

and said.
t 17. John ix. 4; xiv. 10. % 18. John vii. 19. Φ 18. John x. 30, 33; Phil. ii. 6.
t 20. Matt. iii. 17; John iii. 35; 2 Pet. i. 17. % 21. Luke vii. 14; viii. 54; John
xi. 25, 43. % 22. Matt. xi. 27; xxviii. 18; Luke x. 22; John iii. 35; xvii. 2; Acts
xvii. 3 1 ; 1 Pet. iv. 5. % 23. 1 John ii. 23.
Chap. 5:25.] JOHN. [Chap. 5:35.
&χει ζωήν αΐώνιον, καΐ είς κρίσιν ούκ who SENT me, has aionian»
xms l i f e &£ro**~ltistiii£r· siiici I n t o j iit*^ΙΏ·GOt n o t Life, and comes not into
έ'ρχεται, άλλα μεταβέβηκεν. έκ του θανά- Judgment, but has passed
του εις την ζωήν. Άμήν αμήν λέγω ύμίν, OUt25OfIndeed. DEATH i n t o LIFE.

I assure you,
into the life. Indeed indeed I say to you, That an Hour comes, and
that έρχεται ώρα,
ρ και
and νυν έστιν,
i s οτε
whe t οί
h e now is, when the DEAD
tht n hour
ho d w i wh will hear the VOICE of the
νεκροί άκούσονται της φωνής τοΰ υΐοΰ τοΰ SON of GOD, and THOSE
Cl6£lCl Οΐΐθ S Sllii 1 1 JlCfl F til β VO1CG OX til Ο SOIX ΟI t ^1 β
Θεοί)· καΐ ot άκούσαντες ζήσονται. 2β "Ωσ- HAVING HEARD Will live.
CrOdj m i d t h o s e hii ν 1 DLJJJ xicsi r u \?ill live· .As 26 For as the FATHER
περ γαρ ό Πατήρ έχει ζωήν έν έαυτω· ούτως gave has Life in himself, so he
for the Father lms life in. himself; so also to the SON to
have Life in himself;
έ'δωκε και τφ υΐφ ζωήν έχειν έν έαυτω· 27 and he gave him
27 §& ν© fl. 1 s ο t o t h o s o n 11 £ Θ t o h£iv© i n h i m s e l f *
ΚαΙ έξουσίαν έδωκε ν αύτφ καΐ κρίσιν Authority also to execute
And authority he gave to him also judgment Judgment, Because he is a
δτι υίός άνθρωπου εστί. Μή Son of Man.
to execute, because a son of man he is. Not 28 Wonder not at this;
Because an Hour comes in
θαυμάζετε τοΰτο* δτι έρχεται ώρα, έν which ALL those in the
fj πάντες ot έν τοίς μνημείοις άκούσονται TOMBS will hear his VOICE,
Which all those in 2£> the tombs shall hear 29 and will come forth ;
της φωνής αύτοΰ, κα1 έκπορεύσονται, οί
the voice of him, and shall come forth, those §THOSE HAVING DONE
τά αγαθά ποιήσαντες, είς άνάστασιν ζω- GOOD things, to a Resurrec-
the good things having done, to a resurrection of tion of Life; and THOSE
ης* ol *[δέ] τά φαΰλα πράξαντες, HAVING DONE EVIL t i l i n g s ,
life; those [and] the evil things having done, to a Resurrection of Judg-
είς άνάστασιν κρίσεως. Ού δύναμαι έγώ ποι- ment.

ειν άπ* έμαυτοΰ ουδέν. Καθώς ακούω, κρίνω, 30 I am not able to do

do of myself nothing. Even as I hear, I judge, anything of myself; as I
«αϊ ή κρίσις ή έμή δικαία εστίν δτι JUDGMENT hear, I judge; and MY
is just, Because
ού ζητώ τό θέλημα τό έμόν, αλλά τό θέλημα I seek not §MY WILL, but
n o t I s e e k t h e w i l l t h e m i n e , b u t t h e w i l l the will of HIM SENDING
τοΰ πέμψαντός με. 3 1 Έάν έγώ μαρτυρώ me.
of the sending me. If I testify 31 $Though I testify
concerning myself, ±is not
περί έμαυτοΰ, ή μαρτυρία μου ούκ έστιν my TESTIMONY true?
32 There is ANOTHER
αληθής. 32ι*Αλλος εστίν ό μαρτύρων περί who testifies concerning
έμοΰ* καΐ οίδα, δτι αληθής έστιν ή μαρτυρία, me; and I know That the
^ν μαρτυρεί περί έμοΰ. 33 Ύμείς άπε- tifies TESTIMONY which he tes~
Which he testifies concerning me. You have of me is true.
€Ττάλκατε προς Ίωάννην, καΐ μεμαρτύρηκε John, 33 §You have sent to
sent to John, and he has testified and he has testified
τχΐ άληθεία. 3 4 Έγώ δέ ού παρά ανθρώπου to the TRUTH.
to the truth. I but not from a man 34 But I receive not
την μαρτυρίαν λαμβάνω· αλλά ταΰτα λέγω, TESTIMONY from a Man
the testimony receive; but these things I say, (only ;) but These things X
Ινα ΰμείς σωθήτε. Εκείνος fjv ό say, that you may be saved.
that you may be saved. He was the 35 He was the BURNING
λύχνος ά καιόμενος καΐ φαίνων ύμεΐς δέ ήθε- and shining LAMP ; and
lamp the burning and shining; you and were you were willing, for a
λήσατε άγαλλιαθήναι προς ώραν έν τφ φωτΐ Time, to rejoice in his
willing to rejoice for an hour in the light LIGHT.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—29. and—omit.
± 31. By translating this interrogatively, this passage is harmonized with John viii. 14.
. t 29. Dan. xii. 2; Matt. xxr. 32, 33, 46. t 30, Matt. xxvt. 39; John iv. 34;
Vi. 38. ί 31. John viii. 14; Kev. iii. 14. t 33. John i. 15, 19, 2 7, 32.
Chap. 5:36.] JOHN. [Chap. 5:47.
αύτοΰ. 3β
Έ γ ώ δέ εχω τήν μαρτυρ'ιαν με'ιζω 36 But I have TESTIMO-
of him. I but have the testimony greater NY greater than JOHN'S ;
τοϋ 'Ιωάννου· τα γαρ έργα, α έδωκε μοι for the WORKS which the
FATHER gave me, that I
ό Πατήρ, ίνα τελειώσω αυτά, αυτά τα might finish them, $These
the Father, that I might finish them, these the
WORKS which *I do, tes-
έργα, α έγώ ποιώ, μαρτυρεί περί
tify concerning me, That
works, which I do, testifies concerning
the FATHER has sent Me.
έμοϋ, δτι 6 Πατήρ με άπέσταλκε. Kai 37 And the FATHER who
me, because the Father me has sent. And SENT me, he has testified
ό πέμψας με Πατήρ αυτός μεμαρτύρηκε concerning me; $(though
he having sent me Father himself has testified
περί έμοϋ. Ούτε φωνήν αύτοϋ άκηκόα- you have not, at any time,
c o n c e r n i n g m e . N e i t h e r a v o i c e of h i m h a v e y o u either heard his Voice, or
τε πώποτε, οΰτε είδος αΰτοΰ έωράκατε. seen his Form.)
38 And his WORD you
^ΚαΙ τόν λόγον αύτοΰ ούκ έχετε μένοντα έν have not remaining in
And t h e w o r d you ; Because you believe
of h i m n o t you have a b i d i n g i n
ύμϊν δτι δν άπέστειλεν εκείνος, τού- 'not39 him whom he sent.
You search the SCRIP-
30 TURES, Because
τω ύμείς ου πιστεύετε. Έρευνάτε τάς γρα- by them to obtain you think
φάς, δτι ύμεΐς δοκείτε έν αύταϊς ζωήν Life ; $and they are THOSE
ings, because you think in them life
αιώνιον ε χ ε ι ν καΐ έκείναι είσ'ιν, αϊ μαρτυ-
40 and yet you are not
ροϋσαι περί 4θ
έμοΰ* κα1 ού θέλετε willing to come to me that
t y i n g c o n c e r n i n g m e ; a n d n o t you a r e w i l l i n g you may obtain Life.
έλθείν προς με, ίνα ζωήν ε"χητε. 41 I receive not Glory
to come
to m e , s o t h a t l i f e youm a y have. from Men ;
Δόξαν παρά ανθρώπων ού λαμβάνω· 42 άλλ' 42 but I know you, That
Glory from men not I receive; but
you have not the LOVE of
Εγνωκα υμάς, δτι τήν άνάπην τοϋ Θεοΰ GOD in yourselves.
Ι Ιϊ&νθ kno\^Ti yovij thflt the love of the God 43 I have come in the
ούκ δχετε έν έαυτοίς. ^ Έ γ ώ έλήλυθα NAME of my FATHER, and
έν τω ονόματι τοϋ Πατρός μου, καΐ ού you do not receive me ; if
another should come in his
λαμβάνετε με· έάν δλλος Ιλθχι έν τφ OWN NAME, him you will
ονόματι τω ίδ'ιω, εκείνον λήψεσθε. Πώς
44 44 $How can you be-
name t h e o w n , h i m you w i l l r e c e i v e . H o w lieve, receiving Glory one
from another; and THAT
δύνασθε ύμείς πιστεΰσαι, δόξαν παρά αλλή- GLORY from the ONLY God
you do not seek?
λων λαμβάνοντες, καΐ τήν δόξαν τήν παρά 45 Do not think That I
τοϋ μόνου Θεοϋ ού ζητείτε; 45Μή δοκείτε, will accuse you to the
the only God not you seek? Not think you, CUSES you to the FATHER
δτι έγώ κατηγορήσω υμών προς τόν Πατέρα· is Moses, in whom you
that I will accuse you to the Father;
έστιν ό κατηγορών υμών, Μωσης, είς δν ύμεΐς have hoped.
is he accusing you, Moses, into whom you
ήλπ'ικατε. El γάρ έπιστεύετε Μωση, έπι- 46 For if you believed
have hoped. If for you believe Moses, you Moses you would believe
στεύετε δν έμοί· περί γάρ έμοΰ έκεί- me. $for he wrote about
would believe me; concerning for me he
47 But if you do not
νος Ιγραψεν. 48El δέ τοις εκείνου γράμμασιν believe HIS Writings, how
* VATICAN MANUSCKIPT.—36. I do. 44. the ONLY one. 45. H E who ACCUSES
yyou to the FATHER is Moses, in whom.
$ 3 6 . John iii
iii. 2 ; x. 25 24 $ 37. Matt. iii. 1 7 ; xvii.
2 5 ; xv. 24. 5 ; John vi. 2 7 ;
viii. 18. J 39. Deut. xviii. 15, 1 8 ; Luke xxiv. 2 7 ; John i. 45. $ 44. John xii. 43.
$ 46. Gen. iii. 1 5 ; xii. 3 ; xviii. 18; xlix. 10; Deut. xviii. 15, 1 8 ; John i. 4 5 ;
Acts xxvi. 22.
Chap. 6:1.] JOHN. [CHap. 6 : 1 1 .
ού πιστεύετε, πώς τοις έμοίς ρήμασι πιστεύ- *can you believe MY
Words ?"
believe. CHAPTER VI.
ΚΕΦ. στ'. 6.
1 $After these things
^ετά ταϋτα άπήλθεν ό Ίησοϋς πέραν JESUS went across THAT
LAKE of GALILEE, the T I -
της θαλάσσης της Γαλιλαίας, της Τιβε- BERIAS.
the sea that of Galilee, of the Tibe- 2 And a great Crowd
ριάδος. 2ΚαΙ ήκολούθει αύτφ δχλος πολύς, were following him, Be-
cause they saw the SIGNS
δτι έώρων τά σημεία, α έπο'ιει which he was performing
because they saw the signs, 8 which he was doing on the SICK.
επί τών άσθενούντων. Άνήλθεν δέ εις τό
on those being sick. Went and into the 3 And *Jesus went np
δρος ό Ίησοΰς, καΐ εκεί έκάθητο into the MOUNTAIN, and
Xnoim t a i n til© Jcsus^ and t h © Γ Θ4 ϊ JIG v^a s s i t t i n g was sitting there with his
μετά τών μαθητών αύτοΰ. Ήν δέ εγγύς DISCIPLES.
with the disciples of himself. Was and near
τό πάσχα, ή εορτή τών Ιουδαίων. ΒΈπά- 4 And the PASSOVER, the
the passover, the feast of the Jews. Lifted FEAST of the J E W S , was
ρας οΰν ό Ίησοϋς τους οφθαλμούς, καΐ θεα-near.
5 Then JESUS, lifting up
σάμενος δτι πολύς δχλος έρχεται προς his EYES, and seeing that
ing that great a crowd was coming to
a great Crowd was coming
αυτόν, λέγει προς τον Φίλιππον Π όθεν άγο- to him, says to *Philip,
him, says to the Philip; Whence shall "Whence *may we buy
ράσωμεν άρτους, ίνα φάγωσιν οΰτοι; β(Τοΰτο Loaves that these may
we buy loaves, that may eat these? This
δέ δλεγε πειράζων αυτόν αυτός γάρ η*δει, 6 (But this he said,
trying him; for he knew
τΐ έμελλε ποιείν.) 7'Απε*{ρίθη αύτω what he was about to do.)
what lie was about to do.) Answered him* 7 Philip answered him,
Φίλιππος· Διακοσίων δηναρίων άρτοι ούκ "Loaves costing ±Two
Philip; Two hundred denarii of loaves not Hundred Denari are not
άρκοϋσιν αύτοίς, tva έκαστος * [αυτών] enough for them, that each
may take a little."
βραχύ τι λάβη. Λέγει αΰτώ είς έκ 8 One of his DISCIPLES,
τών μαθητών αύτοΰ, 'Ανδρέας, ό αδελφός Andrew, the BROTHER of
the disciples of him, Andrew, the brother Simon Peter, says to him,
Σίμωνος Π έτρου* "Εστι παιδάριον Uv ώδε,
of Simon Peter; Is l i t t l e boy one here, 9 "Here is a Little boy,
δ £χει πέντε άρτους κρίθινους, καΐ δύο who has Five barley Loaves
who has five loaves barley, and two
and Two Small fishes ; but
όψάρια· αλλά ταΰτα τι έστιν είς το- what are these for so
σούτους; 10ΕΙπε *[δέ] ό Ίησοΰς* Ποιήσατε 10 JESUS said, "Make
many? Bald [and] the Jesus: Make you the MEN recline." And
τους ανθρώπους άναπεσεϊν. ΤΗν δέ χόρτος there was much Grass in
the men to recline. Was and grass
the PLACE. The men,
πολύς έν τω τόπω. Άνέπεσον ού"ν ot therefore, reclined, in NUM>
much in the place. Reclined therefore the BER about five thousand.
δνδρες τόν αριθμόν ώσεί πεντακισχίλιοι.
men the number about five thousand. 11 *Then JESUS took
"Ελα6ε δέ τους άρτους 6 Ίησοΰς, καΐ εύ- the LOAVES, and having

Took and the loaves the Jesus, and hav- given thanks, he distri-
χαριστήσας διέδωκε * [τοίς μαθηταίς, ol buted tO THOSE RECLIN-
ing given thanks distributed [to the disciples, the
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T — 4 7. can you believe. 3. Jesus. 5. Philip. 5. may we
buy. 7. of them—omit. 10. and—omit. 11. thenJKSus. 11. to the DISCIPLES, and
the DISCIPLES.—omit.
± 7. I n value about thirty dollars, or about £6. 8s. sterling.
t 1. Matt. xiv. 1 5 ; Mark vi. 3 5 ; Luke ix. 10, 12.
Chap. 6:12.] JOHN. [Chap. 6:2ί.
δέ μαθηταΐ] τοις άνακειμένοις δμοί- ING; in like manner also
and disciples] ln l i k e of the FISHES* as much as
to those reclining;
καΐ εκ των όψαρ'ιων δσον ηθελον. ;ed.
they wished.
*Ως δε ένεπλήσθησαν, λέγει τοις μαθηταίς 12 And when they were
When and t h e y w e r e iil l e d , he s a y s t o t h e d i s c i p l e s filled, he says to the DISCI-
αύτοΰ* Συναγάγετε τ& περισσεύσαντα κλά- PLES, "Collect the RE-
of himself; Collect the remaining frag- MAINING FRAGMENTS, SO
that nothing may be lost."
σματα, ϊνα μή τι άπόληται. ^Συνήγαγον
13 Then they collected,
ούν, καΐ έγέμισαν δοιδεκα κοορίνους κλα- and filled Twelve Baskets
with Fragments, from the
σμάτων, εκ των Λεντε άρτων των κρίθινων, FIVE BARLEY Loaves,
δ έπερίσσευσε τοις βεβρωκόσιν. 14Οί which remained to THOSE
which remained to those having eaten. The who had EATEN.
οδν άνθρωποι Ιδόντες δ έποίησε ση- 14 The MEN, therefore,
seeing the *Sign that J E -
μείον ό Ίησοΰς, ελεγον "Οτι οδτός έστιν SUS did, said, "This is truly
sign the Jesus, said: That this Is
αληθώς ό προφήτης, 6 ερχόμενος εΙς τον |THAT PROPHET COMING-
truly the prophet, bo coming into the into the WORLD/'
κόσμοv. 15 Then Jesus seeing
World. That they were about to
Ίησους οδν γνούς δτι μέλλουσιν come and seize him, that
Jesus thei sfore knowing that they were about they might make him a
§ρχεσθαι, καΐ άρπάξειν αυτόν, ινα ποιήσω- King, retired again into
the MOUNTAIN, himself
criv αυτόν βασιλέα, άνεχοιρησε πάλιν εΙς alone.
make him a king, retired again Into
τό 1β
δρος αυτός μόνος. Ώ ς δέ όψία έγέ- 16 §And as it became
the mountain himself alone. As and evening It Evening, his DISCIPLES
•νετο, κατέβησαν ot μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ επί· την went down· to the LAKE,
became, went down the disciples of him on the 17 and having entered
θάλασσαν. 17ΚαΙ έμβάντες εις τό πλοίον, the BOAT, were crossing
sea. And stepping Into tho ship, the LAKE to Capernaum.
Ιίρχοντο πέραν της θαλάσσης εΙς Καπερ- And it had already become
dark, and JESUS had not
they were going over the sea to Caper- *yet come to them.
•ναούμ. Kai σκοτία ^δη έγεγόνει, καΐ ούκ 18 And the LAKE was
naum. And dark now it had become, and not becoming agitated by a
έληλύθει προς αυτούς ό Ίησοΰς. ^"Η τε great Wind blowing.
had come to them the Jesus. The and
θάλασσα, ανέμου μεγάλου πνέοντος διηγείρε- 19 Having, therefore,
sea, a wind great blowing was becom-
ώς thirty about
driven twenty-five or
το. Έληλαχότες ο-5ν Furlongs, they see
ing agitated. Having driven therefore about JESUS walking on the
σταδίους εικοσιπέντε ή* τριάκοντα, θεωροΰσι
furlongs twenty-five or thirty, they see LAKE, and approaching
τόν Ίησουν περιπατοΰντα έπΙ της θαλάσσης, the BOAT ; and they were
καΐ εγγύς του πλοίου γινόμενον καΐ έφοβή- afraid.
snd near the ship was coming; and they were 20 But HE says to them,
θησαν. 2 0 Ό δέ λέγει αΰτοίς· 'Εγώ είμι, μή " I t is I ; be not afraid."
afraid. He but says to them; I am, not 21 They were willing,
λαβείν therefore, to receive him
φοβείσθε. "Ηθελον οδν
fear you. They were wi 11 ing therefore to receive into the BOAT. And im-
αυτόν εις τό πλοίον καΐ ευθέως τό πλοίον mediately the BOAT was at
the LAND to which they
ίχiΙΪΙ into the shipj &iid xniixieQi&toly the ship were going.
έγένετο έπΙ της γης, είς ην ύπήγον.
was at the
* VATICAN land, to which Signs.
MANUSCRIPT.—14. they were
17. going.
yet come.
$ 14. Gen. xlix. 10; Deut. xviii. 15, 18; Matt. xi. 3; John t 21; iv. 19, 25; vil.
40. $ 18. Matt. xiv. 23; Mark vi. 4 7.

Chap. 6:22.] JOHN. [Chap. 6:31.
Tfi επαύριον ό δχλος, ό έστηκώς πέραν 22 On the NEXT DAY,
της θαλάσσης, Ιδών, δτι πλοιάριον άλλο ούκ by the side of the LAKE,
the sea, seeing, that boat other not
seeing That there was no
fjv εκεί, ε'ι μη εν, και δτι ού συνεισηλθε
Was there, if not one, and that not went with other Boat there, except
one, and That JESUS went
τοις μαΦηταΐς αύτοϋ ό Ίησοϋς εις το
'· ciple of himself the Jesus into tho not with his DISCIPLES into
the BOAT, but his DISCI-
πλοίον, άλλα μόνοι ot μαθηταί αύτοΰ άπήλ- PLES went away alone;—
boat, but alone the disciples of h i m went
θ ο ν # (αλλα δε ήλθε πλοιάρια εκ Τιβεριάδος 23 (but Other Boats
away; (other but came boats from Tiberias came from Tiberias near
εγγύς τοΰ τόπου, δπου εφαγον τόν άρτον, the PLACE where they ate
near the place, where they ate the bread, the BREAD, when the LORD
εΰχαριστήσαντος τοΰ Κυρίου·) 24 οτε ούν had given thanks ;—)
having given thanks the Lord;) when therefore
24 when, therefore, the
είδεν ό δχλος, δτι Ίησοϋς ούκ εστίν εκεί, CROWD saw That Jesus
ουδέ οί μαθηταί αύτοϋ, ένέβησαν αύ- was not there, nor his DIS-
ΐχ ο ι* t h e d i s c i p l e s ο f li i ΏΪ t h e y e n t e r e d t h e ΪΪΙ — CIPLES, they entered the
τοί είς τά πλοία, καΐ ήλθον είς Καπερ- BOATS, and came to Caper-
ναούμ, ζητοϋντες τόν Ίησοΰν. 25 ΚαΙ εύρόν- naum, seeking JESUS.
naum, seeking the Jesus. And find- 25 And finding him be-
τες αυτόν πέραν της θαλάσσης, είπον αύτφ· yond the LAKE, they said
ing him beyond the sea, theysaid to him; to him, "Rabbi, when didst
Άπεκρίθη thou arrive here?"
Ραβδί, πότε ώδε γέγονας;
Rabbi, when here didst thou come? Answered 26 JESUS answered them
αύτοίς ό Ίησοϋς και είπεν 'Αμήν αμήν λέγω and said, "Indeed, truly I
them the Jesus and said; Indeed indeed I say say to you, You do not seek
ύμίν Ζητείτε με, ούχ δτι εϊδετε σιρεϊα, me Because you saw the
to you; You seek me, not because you saw signs, Signs, but Because you ate
άλλ* δτι έφάγετε έκ των άρτων, καΐ of the LOAVES, and were
έχορτάσθητε. 2 7 Έργάζεσθε μη τήν βρώσιν
were filled. Work you not the food 27 Labor not for THAT
τήν άπολλυμένην, αλλά τήν βρώσιν τήν μένου- FOOD Which PERISHES,
that perishing, but the food that abid- but for THAT FOOD which
σαν είς ξωήν αΐώνιον, ή"ν ό υίός τοΰ abides to aionian Life,
ing into life age-lasting, which the son of the which the SON of MAN will
άνθρωπου ύμίν δώσει* τοϋτον γάρ ό give you; $for him, the
man to you w i l l give; him for the FATHER, GOD, has sealed."
Πατήρ έσφράγισεν 6 Θεός. 28Είπον ουν 28 They said to him,
ϊίΐΐΙΐΘΓ SealeCl til© GrOU· 3& 1 u tll©l*efori
αυτόν ΤΙ ποιώμεν, ίνα έργαξώμεθα τά therefore, "What shall we
him; What shall we do, that we may work the do, that we may perform
£ργα τοΰ Θεοΰ; 2 9 Άπεκρίθη ό Ίησοϋς the WORKS of God?"
works of the God? Answered the Jesus 29 JESUS answered and
seal είπεν αύτοίς· Τοΰτό έστι τό §ργον said to them, $"This is the
WORK of GOD, that you
and said to them; This is the work
του Θεοΰ, ίνα πιστεΰσητε εις δν άπέ- should believe into him
of the God, that you may bel ieve into whom sent whom he sent."
οτειλεν εκείνος. Είπον οδν αύτώ* 30 They said to him,
he. They said therefore to him; therefore, §"What Sign,
Tt οδν ποιείς συ σημείον, ίνα εδωμεν dost thou perform, that we
What then doest thou sign, that we may see
may see and believe thee ?
κάί πιστεύσωμέν σοι; τΐ έργάξτι; What dost thou work?
and we may believe thee? what doest thou work?
Ot πατέρες ημών τό μάννα εφαγον έν τχί 31 $0uR FATHERS ate
Ϊ2ΐθ fathers of us the manna Ate In the the MANNA in the DESERT,

$ 2 7. Matt. iii. 17; xvii. 5; Mark i. 1 1 ; ix. 7; Luke iii. 22; ix. 35; John i. 3 3 ;
V. 37; viii. 18; Acts ii. 22; 2 Pet. i. 17. ί 29. 1 John iii. 23. $ 30. Matt. xii. 3 8 ;
xvl. 1; Mark viii. 11; 1 Cor. i. 22. $ 31. Exod. xvi. 15; Num. xi. 7; Neh. ix.
15; 1 Cor. x. 3.
Chap. 6:32.] JOHN. [Chap. 6:42.
έρήμω, καθώς έστι γεγραμμένον «"Αρτον as it has been written,
I'He gave them Bread
έκ τοΰ ούρανοΰ ^δωκβν αύτοΐς φαγείν.» 32Είπεν from HEAVEN to eat.' "
ΖΓΟΙΩ to ο ίΐβίΐνβΐχ ε*ινβ 32 JESUS then said to
tli©m, to ©iit* Ssiid
οΰν αύτοίς ό Ίησοΰς· 'Αμήν αμήν λέγω them, "Indeed, I assure
therefore to them the Jesus; Indeed indeed I say you, Moses did not give you
the BREAD from HEAVEN ;
ύμίν, ού Μωσής δέδωκεν ύμίν τόν αρτον έκ but my FATHER gives
to you, not Moses has given to you the bread from you the TRUE BREAD from
ΐοΰ ούρανοΰ* αλλ' 6 Πατήρ μοιτ δίδωσιν ύμίν HEAVEN.
the heaven; but the Father of me gives to you
τόν έκ τοΰ ούρανοΰ τόν άληΦινόν. ^ Ό γαρ 33 For the BREA*) of
ϊχιο far end from th© Ιιβϊίνθίι the t?UG· The £ οι* GOD is THAT which DE-
άρτος τοΰ Θεοΰ έστιν ό καταβαίνων έκ τοΰ and is giving Life to the
bread of the God is he coming down from the WORLD."
οΰρανοΰ, καΐ ζωήν διδούς τω κόσμφ. 34ΕΙπον 34 They, therefore, said
heaven, and life is giving to the world*. They said to him, "Sir, always give
οΰν προς αυτόν Κύριε, πάντοτε δός ήμίν τόν us this BREAD.-"
then to him; θ sir, always give to us the
δρτον τοΰτον. 35ΕΙπε *[δέ] αύτοΐς ό Ίησοΰς· 35 JESUS said to them,
bread this. Said [but} to them the Jesus;
'Εγώ είμι ό δρτος της ζωής· 6 ερχόμενος "$IH Eam who the BREAD of LIFE.
COMES to me
I am the bread of the life; he coming
προς με, ού μη πεινάση· καΐ ό πιστεύων will be no means hunger;
to me, not not may hunger; and3θ he believing and HE who BELIEVES into
είς έμέ, ού μή διψήσχι πώποτε. Άλλ' είπον me will never thirst.
Into me, not not may thirst ever. Hut I said
ΰμίν, δ'τι καΐ έωράκατέ με καΐ ού πι- 36 But I said to you,
to you, that even you have seen me, and not you That you have even see
37 me, and yet you do not be-
στεύετε. Παν δ δ'ιδωσΐ μοι ό Πατήρ, lieve.
37 Whatever the FATHER
προς έμέ ήξει· καΐ τόν έρχόμενον προς gives me will come to me;
to me w i l l come; and the coming to and HIM, who COMES to
με, ού μή έκδάλω ^ξω· ^δτι καταβέβη- me, I will by no means re-
κα έκ τοΰ ούρανοΰ, ούχ ίνα ποιώ τό ject ;
down from the heaven, not that I may do the 38 because I have de-
θέλημα τό έμόν, αλλά τό θέλημα τοΰ πέμ- scended from HEAVEN,
§not that I may do MY
ψαντός με. 30Τοΰτο δέ έστι τό θέλημα τοΰ WILL, but the WILL of
Ing sent me. This and is the will of the HIM who SENT me.
πέμψαντός με, ίνα παν δ δ έδωκε 39 And this is the WILL
having sent me, that every which he has given of HIM who SENT me,
μοι, μή απολέσω $that I may lose nothing
έξ αύτοΰ, αλλά άνα- of all that he HAS GIVEN
to me, not I may lose out of it, but raise
στήσω αυτό έν τη εσχάτη ημέρα. 40Τοΰτο γαρ me, but may raise it up at
up it in the last day. This for the LAST Day.
έστι τό θέλημα τοΰ πέμψαντός με, ίνα 40 For this is the WILL
is the will of the having sent m e , that of HIM who SENT me, that
ίχ&ζ ό θεωρών
τόν υΐόν, καΐ πιστεύων EVERY ONE SEEING the
All who seeing the son, and believing SON, §and BELIEVING into
είς αυτόν, Ιχη ξωήν αίώνιον καΐ άνα- him, may have aionian
into him, may have l i f e a g e - l a s t i n g ; and w i l l Life; and I will raise him
στήσω αυτόν έγώ τη εσχάτη ήμερα, up at the LAST Day."
raise up him I in the last day."
^Έγόγγυζον οΰν ol 'Ιουδαίοι περί αύτοΰ, 41 Then the J E W S mur-
Were murmuring then the Jews about him, mured about him, Because
δτι είπεν 'Εγώ είμι ό δρτος ό κατα- he said, " I am THAT
because he said; I am the bread that having come BREAD Which DESCENDED
from HEAVEN/'
6άς έκ τοΰ ούρανοΰ· ^ α ΐ Φλέγον Ούχ 42 And they said, $"Is
down from the heaven; and they said; Not
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—35. but—omit.
$ 31. Psa. lxxviii. 24, 25. $ 35. John iv. 14; vii. 37. $ 38. John v. 30. $ 39.
John x. 2; xvii. 12; xviii. 9. $ 40. John iii. 15, 16; iv. 14. $ 42. Matt. xiii. 55;
Mark vi. 3; Luke iv. 22.
Chap. 6:43.] JOHN. [Chap. 6:53.
ούτος έστιν Ίησοΰς 6 υίός 'Ιωσήφ, οδ not this Jesus, the SON of
Joseph, Whose FATHER
ημείς οιδαμεν τον πατέρα και την μητέρα; and MOTHER we know?
we know the father and the mother? How, *then, does he say,
Πώς οΰν λέγει οδτος· "Οτι έκ τοϋ ούρανοΰ Ί have come down from
H o w then he says this; That from the heaven HEAVEN ?' "
καταβέβηκα; ^'Απεκρίθη ό Ίησοΰς καΐ είπεν
43 JESUS answered and
Ihave come down? Answered the Jesus and said
44 said to them, "Murmur
αύτοϊς· Μή γογγύζετε μετ' αλλήλων. Ού- not one with another.
δεις δύναται έλ^είν προς με, έάν μή ό 44 No one can come to
one is able to come me, if not t h e me, unless THAT FATHER
Πατήρ, ό πέμψας μ ε , έλκυση αυτόν, καΐ who SENT me draw h i m ;
and I will raise him up a t
έγώ αναστήσω αυτόν έν τη έσχατη ήμερα. the LAST Day.
I w i l l raise up him in the last day.
^"Εστι γεγραμμένον έν τοις προφήταις· 45 $It has been written
It is having been written In the prophets: in the PROPHETS, 'And
«ΚαΙ έσονται πάντες διδακτοί Θεοΰ.» 'they shall all be taught of
"And they shall be all taught o* God." 'God.' Every one HAVING
Πας ό άκουσας παρά του Πατρός HEARD and having learned
Every one w h o having heard from the Father of the FATHER, comes to
και μαθών, έρχεται προς με* ^Ούχ δτι me.
46 Not that any one has
τόν Πατέρα τις έώρακεν, εΐ μή ό ων seen the FATHER, texcept
the Father any one has seen, if not he being
HE who is from *God; he
παρά τοΰ Θεοΰ· ούτος έώρακε τόν Πατέρα. has seen the FATHER.
from the God: this has seen the Father.
Άμήν αμήν λέγω ύμϊν, ό πιστεύων *[είς 47 Indeed, I assure you,
Indeed indeed I say to you, he believing [into $HE BELIEVING into me
έμέ,] έχει ζωήν αΐώνιον. ^'Εγώ ε'ιμι ό άρτος has aionian Life.
me,] has life age-lasting. I am the bread
48 I am the BREAD of
της ζωής. 4 9 Ot πατέρες υμών έ'φαγον τό
μάννα έν τη έρήμω, καΐ άπέθανον οΰτός εο 49 Your FATHERS a t e
manna in the desert,* and died; This is the MANNA in the DESERT,
έστιν ό άρτος, ό έκ τοΰ ούρανοϋ καταδαίνων, and died.
jt s til© bre&dy thflt from th© ΙΙΘ&ΥΘΙΙ coin iu^ dov^rij 50 This is THAT BREAD
ίνα τις έξ αύτοΰ φάγη, καΐ μή άπο- DESCENDING from HEAVEN,
so that any one of it may cat, and not may so that any one may eat
Φάνη. 5 1 Έ γ ώ είμι ό άρτος ό ζών, ό έκ of it, and not die.
die.* I am the bread that living, that from
τοϋ ούρανοΰ καταβάς· έάν τις φάγη 51 I am THAT LIVING
£1χβ Jie&ven Imvinfir c o m e doTviii i £ tmy on6 ixm.y e&t BREAD Who $HAS DESCEND-
έκ τούτου τοΰ άρτου, ζήσεται είς τόν αΐώ- ED from HEAVEN. If a n y
of this the bread, he shall live into the age. one eat of This BREAD, he
shall live to the AGE ; and
•να. Και. ό άρτος δε, *[δν έγώ δώσω,] ή
And t h e b r e a d a l s o , [ w h i c h I w i l l give,] t h e the BREAD is my FLESH,
which I will give in behalf
σαρξ μου εστίν, ή"ν έγώ δώσω υπέρ
flesh of me is, which I w i l l give In behalf of the LIFE of the WORLD."
52 The JEWS, therefore,
της τοΰ κόσμουου ζωής. 5 2 > Εμάχοντο οδν
of the of the world life. Were contending therefore §were contending with
each other, saying, "How
προς αλλήλους ol 'Ιουδαίοι, λέγοντες· Πώς
with one another the Jews, saying: How can he give us his FLESH
to e a t ? "
δύναται οΰτος ήμίν δούναι τήν σάρκα φαγείν;
i s &b 16 tills to us tο £ 1 ν© the fl©sh tο ©ftt? 53 Then JESUS said to
^ΕΙπεν οδν αΰτοίς ό Ίησοΰς· 'Αμήν αμήν λέ- them, "Indeed, I assure
Said then to them the Jesus; Indeed Indeed I you, §if you do not eat

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—42. now then. 46. God. 47. into me—omit. 51. that
I will give—omit.
ί 45. Isa. liv. 13; Jer. xxxi. 34; Micah iv. 2; Heb. viii. 10; x. 16. t 46. John i.
18; v. 37. $ 4 7. John iii. 16,18,36. t 51. John iii. 13. $ 52. John vii. 4 3 ;
ix. 16; x. 10. t 53. Gal. ii 20.
Chap. 6:54.] JOHN. [Chap. 6:64.
γω ΰμίν, εάν μή φάγητε την σάρκα the FLESH of the SON of
MAN, and drink His BLOOD,
υΐοΰ τοϋ άνθρωπου, καΐ πίητε αύτοϋ το you have no Life in your-
son of the man, and younaydrink of him the selves.
αίμα, ούκ έχετε ζωήν έν έαυτοίς. 54 HE who EATS My
blood, n o t youhave life in yourselves. He
FLESH, and drinks My
τρώγων μου την σάρκα, καΐ πίνων μου τό BLOOD, has aionian Life,
eating of me the flesh, and drinking of me the and I will raise him up a t
αίμα, έχει ζωήν alowiov· καΐ εγώ αναστήσω the LAST Day.
55 For my FLESH is*the
αυτόν εσχάτη ήμερα. Κ Ή γαρ σαρξ True Food, and my BLOOD
him i , _, _, . ""' ^ flesh
is *the True Drink.
μου αληθώς έστι βρώσις, καΐ τό αίμα μου 56 H E who EATS My
of me truly Is food, and the blood 01 me FLESH, and DRINKS My
αληθώς έστι πόσις. 5 6 Ό τρώγων μου την
truly is drink. He eating of me the BLOOD, ^abides in me, and
σάρκα, καΐ πίνων μου τό αίμα, έν έμοί I in him.
flesh, and drinking of me the blood, in me 57 As the LIVING Father
μένει, κάνω έν αύτφ. 6 7 Καθώς απέστειλε με sent me, and I live through
the FATHER ; so HE who
abides, and I in him. As sent me
EATS me, even he shall
ό ζών Πατήρ, κάγώ ζώ διά τόν Πατέρα· live through me.
the living Father, and I live through the Father; 58 This is THAT BREAD
καΐ ό τρώγων με, κάκείνος ξήσεται δι' Which HAS DESCENDED
also he eating m e , even he shall live through
from *Heaven. Not as
έμέ. Β 8 Οΰτός έστιν δ άρτος, ό εκ τοΰ •the FATHERS ate, and
me. This Is the bread, that from the died; he who EATS This
οΰρανοϋ καταβάς· ού καθώς εφαγον ol BREAD shall live to the
πατέρες υμών, καΐ άπέθανον ό τρώγων τούτον AGE."
fathers of you, and died; he eating this
59 These things he said,
αόν δρτον, ζήσεται είς τόν αίώνα. 59 Ταΰτα teaching in a Synagogue,
the bread, shall live into the age. These things
in Capernaum.
είπεν έν συναγωγή διδάσκων έν Καπερναούμ. 60 §Many, therefore, of
his DISCIPLES, hearing,
ΠολλοΙ οδν άκούσαντες έκ των μαθητών αΰ- said, "Hard is this SAY-
Μ tiny therefore haviii^ hoardούτος of the ING ; who can hear it?'*
τοϋ, είπον Σκληρός έστιν ό disciples
λόγος· τΙςof
him, said. Hard is this the saying; who 61 But JESUS, knowing
δύναται αύτοΰ άκούειν; Είδώς δέ 6 Ίησοΰς in· himself, That his DISCI-
is able it to hear? Knowing but the Jesus PLES were murmuring
έν έαυτώ, δτι γογγύζουσι περί τούτου ol about This, he said to them,
in himself, that were murmuring about this the "Does this offend You?"
μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ, είπεν αύτοΐς· Τοΰτο υμάς 62 $What then, if you
disciples of himself, he said to them; This you should see the SON of MAN
σκανδαλίζει; 6 2 Έ ά ν ofrv θεωρήτε τόν υΐόν ascending where he was
offends? If then you should see the son BEFORE ?
τοΰ ά ν θ ρ ω π ο υ ά ν α β α ί ν ο ν τ α , δπου ή"ν 63 $The SPIRIT is THAT
which MAKES ALIVE ; the
τό πρότερον; β3Τό πνεΰμά έστι τό ζωοποιοΰν FLESH profits nothing ; the
the first? The spirit is that making alive:
WORDS which I *have
ή σαρξ ούκ ωφελεί ουδέν. Τά ρήματα, α spoken to you are Spirit
the flesh not profits nothing. The words, which
and are Life.
έγώ λαλώ ύμίν, πνεΰμά έστι καΐ ζωή έστιν.
I speak t o you, s p i r i t is and l i f e is. 64 But there are some of
Άλλ' ε'ισίν
είσΐν έξ υμών τι τινές, ol ού πιστεύου- you who do not believe."
But are of you some, who not believe; For $ JESUS knew from the
σιν η*δει γάρ έξ αρχής ό Ίησοΰς, τίνες είσΐν Beginning WHO those were
that did not BELIEVE, and
ol μή πιστειίοντες, καΐ τΙς έστιν ό παραδώ- WHO he was that was
who not believing, and who is he about betray- to BETRAY him.

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 5 5 . the True Food. 55. the True Drink. 58. Heaven.
58. the FATHERS. 63. have spoken to.
$ 56. 1 John ill. 2 4 ; iv. 15, 16. % 60. Matt. xi. 6. $ 62. John iii. 1 3 ; Mark xvi.
19; Acts i. 9 ; Eph. iv. 8. t 63. 2 Cor. iii. 6. $ 64. John ii. 2 4 , 2 5 ; xiii. 1 1 .
Chap. 6:65,] JOHN. [Chap. 7:3.
σων αυτόν. 65Kai έλεγε* Δια τοΰτο εΐρηκα 65 Andhesaid, "Because
ing him. And he s a i d ; Through t h i s Ihavesaid of this I have said to you,
ύμΐν δτι ουδείς δύναται έλθεΐν προς με, έάν That no one can come to
to you that no one is able to come to me, if me, unless it may be given
μή fj δεδομένον αύτφ έκ του him from the *FATHEE/'
not may be having been given to him from the
66 From this time many
Πατρός μου. 60
Έκ τούτου πολλοί άπηλθον of his DISCIPLES withdrew,
and walked no longer with
των μαθητών αύτοΰ εις τά Οπίσω* καΐ him.
t h e d i s c i p l e s of h i m i n t o t h e t h i n g s b e h i n d ; and 67 JESUS, therefore, said
ούκέτι μετ' αύτοΰ περιεπάτουν. Έίπεν οϋν to the TWELVE, "Do you
ό Ίησοΰς τοις δώδεκα· Μή και ύμείς Φέλε- also wish to go away?"
the Jesus to the twelve; Not and you wish
τε ύπάγειν; 68Άπεκρ'ιθη αΰτω Σίμων Πέτρος· 68 Simon Peter answered
to go? Answered him " Simon Peter; him, "Master, to whom
Κύριε, προς τίνα άπελευσόμεφα; ρήματα ζωής shall we go? Thou hast the
Ο lord, to whom s h a l l w e go? words of life
$ Words of aionian Life;
αιωνίου έχεις· 69καί ημείς πεπιστεύκαμεν
age-lasting thou hast; and we have believed 69 and we have believed
καΐ έγνώκαμεν, οτι συ εΐ δ άγιος τοΰ and known, JThat thou
and have known, that thou art the holy one of the art the HOLY one of GOD.·"
θεοΰ. ^Άπεκρί^η αύτοίς ό Ίησοΰς· Ουκ 70 JESUS answered them,
$"Did I not choose you,
έγώ υμάς τους δώδεκα έξελεξάμην; καΐ έξ the TWELVE, and of you
I you the twelve choose? and cTf one is an Accuser?"
υμών είς διάβολος εστίν. η "Ελεγε δέ τον 71 Now he spoke of
you οΐιβ &LH SLccusβr is* Ϊ3ο st)ok© ΙΙΟΛ^ t h e JUDAS, the son of Simon
Ίούδαν Σίμωνος Ίσκαριώτην οΐτος γαρ Iscariot; for he, being one
ήμελλεν αυτόν παραδιδόναι, είς ων έκ των of the TWELVE, was about
was about him to deliver up, one being of the to betray him.
^ΚαΙ περιεπάτει 6 Ίησοΰς μετά ταΰτα 1 And after these things
And was walking the Jesus after these things *Jesus walked about in
έν τή Γαλιλαία· οΰ γαρ ήϋελεν εν τη 'Ιουδαία GALILEE ; for he did not
in the Galilee; not for he wished in the Judea wish to walk in JUDEA,
περιπατεϊν, δτι έζήτουν αυτόν ol 'Ιουδαίοι ^Because the JEWS were
to walk, because were seeking h i m the Jews
άποκτεϊναι. 2Τ Ην δέ εγγύς ή εορτή τών Ίου- seeking to kill him.
tokill. Was and near the feast of the Jews, 2 § And the FEAST of
δαίων, ή σκηνοπηγ'ια. 3Είπον οδν προς the JEWS was near,—the
αυτόν ot αδελφοί αύτοΰ· ΜετάδηΦι εντεύθεν, 3 His BROTHERS, $there-
him the brothers of him; Depart hence, fore, said to him, "Remove
xal υπάγε είς την Ίουδαίαν, Ενα καΐ ol hence, and go into JUDEA,
and go into the Judea, so that also the so that thy DISCIPLES also
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 . Jesus.
± 2. The Feast of Tabernacles continued for a week, and was to commemorate the
dwelling of the Israelites in tents. It is sometimes called the feast of ingatherings. Ex.
xxiii. 16, and xxxiv. 22. The following are the principal ceremonies. (1) During the
entire week of its continuance, the people dwelt in booths or tent3, erected in the fields
or streets, or on the flat, terrace-like roofs of their houses. (2) Extraordinary offerings
were made. See Num. xxix. (3.) During the feast, branches of palm, olive, citron, myrtle,
and willow, were carriet in the hands, singing "Hosanna," that is, Save now; or Save, I
beseech thee. Psa. cxviii. 25. It was meant as a prayer for the coming of the Messiah.
Thus was Jesus conducted into Jerusalem, by the multitude, who believed him to be the
promised Savior. (4.) The libation of water upon and around the altar, which was an
emblem of the effusion of the Holy Spirit. To this Christ alluded, wh?n. in the last day
of the feast, he cried, " I f any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink." During tha
whole festival, music, feasting, rejoicing, and illuminations, gladdened the city.—Malcom.
% 68. Acts v. 20. % 69. Matt. xvi. 16; Mark viii. 2 9 ; Luke ix. 2 0 ; John i. 4 0 ;
xi. 27. t 70. Luke vi. 1 3 . ί 1. John v. 16, 18. $ 2, Lev. xxiii. 34. | 3. Matt,
x i i . 4 6 ; Mark i i i . 3 1 ; Acts i . 14.
Chap. 7:4.] JOHN. [Chap. 7:15.
μαθητού σου θεωρήσωσι τά £ργα σου, may see thy WORKS which
disciples of thee may see the works of thee, thou doest.
ποιείς. ΟύδεΙς γαρ έν κρυπτφ τι 4 For no one does Any-
which thoudoest. No one for in secret anything thing in secret, and * seeks
ποιεί, και ζητεί αυτός έν παρρησία είναι, himself to be in public. If
does, and he seeks himself in public to be. thou doest These things,
Et ταϋτα ποιείς, φανέρωσον σεαυτόν manifest thyself to the
If these things thou doest, manifest thyself WORLD."
τφ κόσμω.
Οΰδέ γάρ ot αδελφοί αύτοΰ 5 (For $not even his
+ Q tlie "world· liot even βfor tliΘ brothers ox xiim BROTHERS believed into
£πίστετ>ον εις αυτόν. Λέγει οδν αύτοίς ό him.)
believed into him. Says then to them the 6 JESUS then said to
Ίησοΰς· Ό καιρός ό έμός οΰπα> πάρεστιν them, "My . TIME is not
ό δέ καιρός ό υμέτερος πάντοτε έστιν ε*τοι- yet arrived; but YOUR
the but season the yours always is ready. TIME is always ready.
μος. 7Ού δύναται ό κόσμος μισείν υμάς· έμέ 7 $The WORLD cannot
Not i s able the world to hate you; me hate you ; but it hates Me,
^because I testify concern-
δέ μισεί, δτι έγώ μαρτυρώ περί ing it, That its WORKS are
αύτοΰ, δτι τά έργα αύτοΰ πονηρά εστίν, evil.
it, that the works of i t evil is.
β 8 Go you up to *the
*Υμείς άναβητε είς την έορτήν ταύτην· έγώ FEAST ; I am not going up
You go up to the feast this; I to this FEAST, because*MY
ούκ αναβαίνω είς την έορτήν ταύτην, δτι Time has not yet fully ar-
not go up to the feast this, because rived."
ό καιρός 6 έμός οΰπω πεπλήρωται. 9 And saying These
iho season the mine not yet lists fully come· Things to them he remain-
Ταϋτα εΙπών αύτοίς, εμεινεν έν τ$ ed in GALILEE.
These things saying to them, he remained in the 10 But when his BRO-
Γαλιλαίο:. THERS, had gone up, then
ol αδελφοί αύτοΰ, he also went up to the
Ώ ς δέ άνέβησαν
When but had gone up the brothers of him, FEAST, not openly, but ra-
τότε καΐ αυτός άνέβη είς την έορτήν, ού ther in a private manner.
then also he went up to the feast, not 11 §The JEWS therefore,
<ρανερώς, άλλ' έν κρυπτοί. ι α ΟΙ οΰν 'Ιουδαίοι kept seeking him during
openly, but as in secret. The then Jews the F E A S T , and said,
έζήτουν αυτόν έν τη έορτη, καΐ Ιλεγον Ποΰ "Where is he?"
sought him i s the feast, and said; Where 12 §And therewasnmch
έστιν εκείνος; ^ΚαΙ γογγυσμός πολύς περί murmuring about him
is he? And murmuring much about amon^ the CROWDS ; SOME
αύτοΰ η"ν έν τοίς δχλοις. ΟΙ μέν έ'λεγον said, "Heis good ; " OTHERS
him was among the crowds. The some said; said, "No, but he is mis-
*Ότι αγαθός έστιν όνλλοι έ'λεγον Ού- αλλά leading the PEOPLE."
That good he Is; others said; No; but 13 No one, however,
πλανφ τόν δχλον. ^Ουδείς μέντοι παρρη-
he deceives the crowd. No one however with spoke with freedom con-
σία έλάλει περί αύτοΰ, διά τόν φόδον cerning him, ^because of
freedom spoke about him, because of the fear the FEAR of the JEWS.
αών 'Ιουδαίων. 14 And now, the FEAST
Of 14the Jews. being advanced midway,
"Ηδ*η δέ της έορτης μεσοΰσης, άνέ- •Jesus went up into the
Now and of the feast being half out, went TEMPLE, and taught.
6η ό Ίησοΰς έίς το Ιερόν, καΐ έδίδασκε.
15 $*Then the J E W S
UP the Jesus into the temple, and taught. were astonished, saying,
^ΚαΙ έθαΰμαζον ol 'Ιουδαίοι, λέγοντες· Πώς "How does this person
And wondered the Jews, saying; How know Letters, not having
οδτος γράμματα οίδε, μή μεμαθηκώς; 1β'Α- learned ?"
this letters knows, not having learned? An-
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 . seeks that the same be known. 8. the FEAST. 8.
MY Time. 14. Jesus. 15. Then the JEWS.
% 5. Mark iii. 2 1 . % 7. John xv. 19. % 7. John iii. 19. % 11. John x i . 5 6 .
% 12. John ix. 1 6 ; x. 19. t John ix. 2 2 ; xii. 4 2 ; xix. 38. % 15. Matt. xiii. 5 4 ;
Mark vi. 2 ; Luke iv. 2 2 ; Acts i i . 7.
Chap. 7:16.] JOHN. [Chap. 7:27.
πεκρίθη αΰτοίς ό Ίησοϋς καΐ είπεν Ή έμή 16 * Jesus then answered
them, a n d said, ί " Μ γ
διδαχή ούκ εστίν έμή, άλλα τοΰ πέμψαντός με. Teaching is not mine, b u t
teaching not is mine, but of the sending m e . HIS who SENT me.
Έάν τις θέλτ] το θέλημα αύτοϋ ποι- 17 $If a n y one wish to
If any one may wish the will o fh i m t o perform his WILL, he shall
είν, γνώσεται περί της διδα χης, know of the TEACHING,
whether it is from GOD, or
πότερον έκ τοϋ Θεοΰ έστιν, ή έ γ ώ απ'
I am speaking from myself.
έμαυτοϋ λαλώ.
18 5
' Ο άφ έαυτοϋ λαλών, την 18 § H E who SPEAKS
the from himself seeks his OWN
δόξαν την ιδίαν ζητεί* ό δε ζητών την δόξαν GLORY ; b u t HE Who SEEKS
the GLORY of H I M who
τοϋ πέμψαντος αυτόν, ούτος αληθής έστι, SENT him, he is t r u e , a n d
of the sending him, this true is, there is no Unrighteous-
και αδικία έν αύτω ούκ Ιστιν. 1 9 Οΰ ness in him.
19 H a s not Moses given
Μωσης εδωκεν ύμίν τον νόμον; καΐ ουδείς you t h e LAW, a n d n o t one
Moses has given to you the law? and no one of you performs t h e LAW?
έξ υμών ποιεί τον νόμον τι με ζητείτε Why a r e you seeking t o
kill m e ? "
άποκτεΐναι; Άπεκρ'ιθη ό όχλος * [και είπε·] 20 The CROWD answered,
to k i l l ? Answered the crowd Land s a i d ; } $"Thou hast a D e m o n ;
Δαιμόνιον έχεις· τ'ις σε ζητεί άποκτείναι; who is seeking to k i l l t h e e ? "
A demon thou hast; w h o thee seeks to kill? 21 *Jesus answered a n d
Άπεκρίθη ό Ίησοϋς καΐ είπεν αύτοίς· said to them, " I have done
One Work, and you a r e all
"Εν £ργον έποίησα, καΐ πάντες θαυμάζετε astonished because of this.
One work I did, and all you w o n d e r 22 §Moses h a s given you
δια τοϋτο. 22
Μωσής δέδωκεν ύμιν τήν ciRCUMCiSTON ; ( n o t t h a t
it is of M O S E S , b u t of $ t h e
because of this. Moses has given to you the FATHERS ;) and you cir-
περιτομήν (ούχ' δτι έκ τοϋ Μωσέως εστίν,
c I r cum clslonj CRO t tfailt of the Mo s β s itiSf cumcise a Man on a Sab-
άλλ' έκ τών πατέρων,) και έν σαββάτω πε- bath.
but of the fathers,) and in a sabbath you 23 If a *Man on a Sab-
bath receive Circumcision,
άνθρωπος άνθρωπον. ^Etίνα
έν σαββάτω, περιτομήν
μή λαμβάνει
λυθή so t h a t t h e LAW of Moses
may not be violated, a r e
6 νόμος Μωσέως, έμοί χολατε, δτι you angry with me $Be-
cause I made a Man en-
δλον άνθρωπον υγιή έποίησα έν σαββάτω; tirely well on a Sabbath?
whole a man sound I made in a sabbath? 24 J J u d g e not according
Μή κρίνετε κατ' όψιν, αλλά τήν to Appearance, b u t judge
Not judge you According to appearance, but the RIGHTEOUS Judgment."
δικαίαν κρίσιν κρίνατε. ^"Ελεγον οΰν 25 Then some inhabi-
righteous Judgment judge you. Said then t a n t s of Jerusalem said,
τίνες έκ τών Ίεροσολυμιτών Ούχ ούτος έστιν " I s n o t this he whom they
some of the Jerusalem! tes; 2β
Not this Is he, a r e seeking to kill ?
ov ζητοΰσιν άποκτείναι; κα1 ίδε, παρρησία 26 And, behold, he is
w h o m t h e y seek to kill? and l o , boldly'
λαλεί, καΐ ουδέν αύτφ λέγουσι· μήποτε talking boldly, and they say
nothing to him. Do t h e
he I s t a l k i n g , and n o t h i n g t o h i m t h e y s a y ; n o t
αληθώς έ'γνωσαν ol άρχοντες, δτι ουτός έστιν RULERS really acknowledge
truly did k n o w the rulers, that this is T h a t this is t h e M E S S I A H ?
ό Χριστός; ^ Ά λ λ ά τοϋτον οϊδαμεν, πόθεν 27 $But we know Him,
the Anointed? But this we know, whence
•VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—16. Jesus then. 20. and said—omit. 21. Jesus. 23.
t 16. John iii. 11; viii 28; xii. 49; xiv. 10,24. t 17. John viii. 43. % 18.
John v. 41; viii. 50. $20. John viii. 48, 52; x. " $ 22 Lev.xii. 3. % 22.
Gen. xvii. 10. $ 23 John v. 8, 9, 16. J 24. Deut. i. 16, 17; Prov. xxiv' 23;
viii. 15; James ii. 1. t 2 7 Matt. xiii. 55; Mark vi. 3; Luke iv. 22.
Chap. 7:28.] JOHN. [Chap. 7:36.
έστιν ό δ ε Χριστός δ τ α ν ε ρ χ η τ α ι , whence he is ; but when»
he is; the but Anointed when he comes, no one the MESSIAH comes, no
γινώσκει, πόθεν έστιν. 2 8 "Εκραξεν ούν ένone knows whence he is."
knows, whence he is. Cried then in
τό> Ιερω διδάσκων ό Ίησοΰς, παΐ λ έ γ ω ν 28 JESUS, therefore, ex-
the claimed, teaching in the
Κάμε οϊδατε, καΐ οϊδατε πόθεν ειμί·
TEMPLE, and saying, "You
And me you know, and you kno whence I am; both knoY' Me, and you
καΐ ά π ' έμαυτοΰ ούκ έλήλυθα, άλλ' εστίν know whence I am, and I
and of myself not Ihavecome, but is
have not come of myself,
αληθινός ό πέμ-ψας με, δν ύμείς ούκ but HE who SENT me is
true, whom you know not.
οϊδατε. 29
Έ γ ώ οίδα αυτόν, οτι παρ'
know. I 29 §1 know him because
αύτοΰ ε'ιμι, κάκείνος μέ άπέστειλεν. Έ ζ ή - I am from him, and he
him I am, and he me * sent. They sent Me."
τονν ο ί ν αυτόν πιάσαι· καΐ ουδείς έπέ- 30 Then they sought to
βαλεν έπ'αύτόν τήν χείρα, ©τι οΰπω έλη- take him ; and no one laid
on him the hands, because not yet had HANDS on him, Because
λΰθει ή ώρα αύτοΰ. his HOUR had not yet ar-
come the hour of him.
31 31 But Jmany of the
Πολλοί δέ έκ τοΰ δχλου έπίστευσαν ε!ς CROWD believed into him
Many and out of tbe crowd believed into
αυτόν, καΐ φλέγον "Οτι ό Χριστός δταν and said, "When the MES-
him, and said: That the Anointed when
SIAH comes, wall he do
More Signs that what this
^λθχι, μήτι πλείονα σημεία * [τούτων] person did?"
he may come, not more signs Cof these]
ποιήσει, ών οΰτος έποίησεν; 3 2 "Ηκουσαν ol 32 The PHARISEES heard
the CROWD murmuring
Φαρισαίοι τοΰ δχλου γογγύζοντος περί αύτοΰ these things about him ;
Pharisees of the crowd murmuring about him
and the * HIGH-PRIESTS
ταΰτα· καΐ απέστειλαν ol Φαρισαίοι καΐ and the PHARISEES sent
Officers that they might
ol αρχιερείς ύπηρέτας, ϊνα πιάσωσιν αυτόν, seize him.
the high-priests officers, that they might seize him.
^Έίπεν οδν ό Ίησοΰς· " Ε τ ι μικρόν χρόνον 33 JESUS therefore said,
Said then t h e Jesus; Yet a l i t t l e time
§"Yet a Little Time am I
μεθ' υμών είμι, καΐ υπάγω προς τόν πέμψαν- with you ; then I am going
with you I nun, sind I go to the sending to HIM who SENT me.
τά με. Ζητήσετέ με, καΐ ούχ εύρήσετε· κα!
me, Y o u w i l l s e e k m e , find n o t w i l l find; & n d
34 §You will seek me,
δπου είμΐ έγώ ύμείς ού δύνασθε έλθείν. ?Εί- and will not find*me; and
where am I you not are able to come. Said
where I am, *there you
πον ofrv ol 'Ιουδαίοι προς εαυτούς· Ποϋ cannot come."
therefore the Jews to themselves; Where
ούτος μέλλει πορεύεσθαι, δτι ημείς ούχ εύρή- 35 The JEWS then said
t h i s he i s about to go, that we not shall among themselves, "Where
οομεν αυτόν; μή είς τήν διασποράν των is he about to go, that we
find him? not into the dispersion of " shall not find him? Is he
about to go to the §DIS-
Ελλήνων μέλλει πορεύεσθαι, καΐ διδάσκειν PERSION of ±the GREEKS?
Greeks i s about to go, and to toacl
8β and to teach the GREEKS?
τους "Ελληνας; Τίς έστιν οδτος ό λόγος.
the Greeks? What is this the word, 3β What is This WORD
8v είπε* Ζητήσετε με, καΐ ούχ εύρή- that he said, 'You will seek
me, and will not find *me ;
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 1 . of these—omit. 32. HIGH-PRIKSTS and the P H A R I -
SEES sent. 34. me; and. 34. there. 36. me; and.
± 3 5 . Probably the Hellenists, or Grecian Jews, are here intended. These spoke the
Greek language, and are thus distinguished from the Hebrews, who spoke the Hebrew lan-
guage at that time.
t 29. Matt. xi. 2 7 ; John x. 15. $ 31. Matt. xii. 2 3 ; John lit. 2 : vm. 30. $ 3 3 .
John xiii. 3 3 ; xvi. 16. t 34. Hoshea v. G; John viii. 21; t 35. James i; 1 ; 1 Pet.
i. 1.
Vnap. T:37.J JOHN. [Chap. 7:45.
σετε· και δπου είμΐ έγώ ύμείς ου δύνασθε and where I am you can-
willfind; and where am I you not are able not come?' "
έλθεϊν; 37 tNow in ±the LAST?
to come? the GREAT Day of the
&'Ην δέ τη εσχάτη ήμερα τη μεγάλη FEAST, JESUS stood and
In and the last day the great cried, saying, $"If any one
τής εορτής είστήκει ό Ίησοϋς, καΐ έκραξε, thirst, let him come to
of the feast stood the Jesus, and cried, me and drink.
λέγων 'Εάν τις διψςί, έρχέσθω προς
saying; If any one m a y t h i r s t , l e t h i m c o m e t o 38 H E BELIEVING into
με, καΐ πινέτω. 3 8 '0 πιστεύων είς έμέ, me, as the SCRIPTURE says,
me, and let him drink. He believing into me, |out of HIM shall flow
καθώς είπεν ή γραφή, ποταμοί έκ τής κοιλίας Rivers of living Water."
as s a i d t h e s c r i p t u r e , r i v e r s o u t of t h e b e l l y 39 $But this he said
αύτοΰ ρεύσουσιν ύδατος ζώντος. 89Τοΰτο δέ concerning the SPIRIT,
of him shall flow of water living. This but
είπε περί του πνεύματος, ol· εμελλον into Him were about to
snic· c one © rn iu£T tho spirit^ ®^· "Which \v ^ 9 jiooixt
λαμβάνειν ol πιστεύοντες είς αυτόν ουπω receive; for the Holy
to receive the believing into him; not yet Spirit *had not yet been
γάρ fjv πνεύμα άγιον, δτι ό Ίησοϋς given, because JESUS was
not yet glorified.
ούδέπω έδοξάσθη. 40ΠολλοΙ οΰν έκ του 40 Many, therefore, of
not yet was glorified. Many therefore out of the the CROWD, having heard
δχλου άκούσαντες τόν λόγον, ελεγον Οΰτός •these WORDS, said, "This
crowd having heard the word, said; This is truly $the PROPHET."
έοτιν αληθώς ό προφήτης. ^"Αλλοι Ι'λεγον
is truly the prophet. Others said: 41 *SOME said, "This is
Οίτόζ έστιν ό Χριστός. *Άλλοι δέ ελεγον the MESSIAH." But others
This Is the Anointed. Others but said; said, "Does the MESSIAH,
Μή γάρ έκ τής Γαλιλαίας ό Χριστός then, come from GALILEE ?
Not for out of the Galilee the Anointed
έρχεται; ^ΟύχΙ ή γραφή είπεν, δτι έκ τοΰ 42 $Does not the SCRIP-
comes? Not the writing said, that of the TURE say, That of the
σπέρματος Δαυΐδ, καΐ άπό Βηθλεέμ τής SEED of David, and from
seed of David, and from Bethlehem the Bethlehem, $the VILLAGE
κώμης, δπου fjv Δαυΐδ, ό Χριστός έρχεται; where David was, the
village, where was David, the Anointed comes? MESSIAH comes?"
^Σχίσμα οδν έν τω δχλω έγένετο δι' 43 A Division then oc-
A division then in the crowd occurred through curred, among the CROWD
αυτόν. Τινές δέ ήθελον έξ αυτών πιάσαι because of him;
ii. i κι Β S o m e mid Tsrished of them to seize 44 and some of them
αυτόν άλλ» ουδείς έπέδαλεν έπ' αυτόν τάς wished to seize him, but no
him; but no one put on him the one laid HANDS on him.

Ηλθον οδν ol ΰπηρέται πQbς τους 45 The OFFICERS then

Game therefore the officers to the'
came to the HIGH-PRIESTS
* VATICAN M A N U S C B I P T . — 3 9 . had not yet been given. 40. these WOBDS, said. 4 1 .
SOME said.
± 3 7 . The last day grew into high esteem with the Jews, because on the preceding
seven days they held that sacrifices were ordered, not so much for themselves, as for the
whole world. They offered in the course of them seventy bullocks, for the seventy nations
of the world; but the eighth was wholly on their own behalf. They had then this
solemn offering of water, the reason of which is this:—At the passover the Jews
offered an omer to obtain from God his blessings on their harvest; at Pentecost, their
first-fruits, to request his blessing on the fruits of the trees; and in the feast of taber-
nacles they offered water to God, partly referrings to the water from the rock in the wilder-
ness, (1 Cor. x. 4,) but chiefly to solicit the blessing of rain on the approaching seed-
time.—Lightfoot. At the feast of tabernacles the Jews drew water from Siloam, with the
sound of trumpets and of songs, to derive a blessing on the rains of the year; this season
or September being the beginning of the year. There was thererore a pertinency in the
images of thirsting, drinking and rivers of water.—Newcome.
$ 37. Lev. xxiii. 36. $ 37. Isa. iv. 1; John vi. 3 5 ; Rev. xxii. 17. t 3 8 . Isa.
xii. 3 ; John iv. 14. $ 3 9 . John xvi. 7. $ 40. Deut. xviil 15, 1 8 ; John i. 2 1 ;
yl. 14. % 42i Psa. exxxii. 1 1 ; J e r . xxiii. 5; Mlcah v. 2 ; Matt. ii. 5 ; Luke ii. 4.
% 42. 1 Sam. xvi. 1, 4.
Chap. 7:46.] JOHN. [Chap. 8:4.
αρχιερείς καΐ Φαρισαίους. K a i είπον αύτοϊς and Pharisees, and they
high-priests and Pharisees. And said to them said to them, "Why did
εκείνοι* Διατι ουκ ήγάγετε αυτόν; 4 6 Ά π ε - you not bring him?"
these; Why not did you bring him? An- 46 The OFFICERS an-
κρίθησαν oi ύπηρέται* Ουδέποτε ούτως έλάλη- swered, | " A Man never
swured the officers; Never thus spoke spoke thus."
©εν άνθρωπος, * [ώς οΰτος ό άνθρωπος.] 47 Then the PHARISEES
a man, [as this the man.] answered, "Have you also
47 been deceived?
Άπεκρ'ιθησαν οΰν * [αύτοίς] ol Φαρισαίοι* 48 $Did any of the RU-
LERS believe into him, or
Μή καΐ ΰμείς πεπλάνησθε; ^ μ ή τ ι ς έκ of the PHARISEES ?

των αρχόντων έπ'ιστευσεν εις αυτόν, ^ έκ των 49 But ±THIS CROWD,

Φαρισα'ιων; 4 0 άλλ' ό δχλος οΰτος ό μή γινώ- who do not KNOW the
Pharisees? but the crowd this the not know- LAW, are accursed."
50 Nicodemus says to
σκων τόν νόμον έπικατάρατο'ι είσι. Β 0 Λέγει them, ( $ H E who CAME *to
him before, being one of
Νικόδημος προς αυτούς, ό έλθών νυκτός προς them,)
51 "Does our LAW judge
αυτόν, είς ών έ | α υ τ ώ ν 6 1 Μή ό νόμος the MAN, unless it first
him, one being of them; Not the law hear from him, and know
ημών κρίνει τόν ανθρωπον, έάν μή άκούστ) what he does?"
παρ' ονύτοΰ πρότερον, καΐ γνω τι ποιεί; 52 They answered and
said to him, "Art thou
Άπεκρίθησαν καΐ είπον αΰτω· Μή καΐ σύ έκ also from GALILEE ? Search,
They answered and said to himfNot also tbou of and see, that no Prophet
της Γαλιλα'ιας εΐ; έρεύνησον καΐ Ιδέ, δτι has been raised ±out of
tho Galilee art? search and see, that GALILEE."
προφήτης έκ της Γαλιλα'ιας ούκ έγήγερται. 53 *[And every one
Β3 went to his own HOUSE ;
* [ΚαΙ έπορεύθη έκαστος είς τόν οίκον
CAnd went every one Into the house
αύτου. ΚΕΦ. η ' . 8.
of himself. Jesus bur 1 but Jesus went to the
έπορεύθη είς τό δρος των έλαιών.
went into the mountain of th-e olive-trees. MOUNT of OLIVES.
δρθρου δέ πάλιν παρεγένετο είς τό Ιερόν, 2 And in the Morning he
early morn and again he came into the temple, came again to the TEMPLE
καΐ πάς ό λαός ήρχετο προς α υ τ ό ν καΐ and All the PEOPLE came
and a l l the people came to him; and to him, and having sat
έδ'ιδασκεν αυτούς. "Αγουσι δέ down, he taught them.
having sat down he taught them. Bring &nd 3 And the SCRIBES and
oi γραμματείς και οί Φαρισαϊοι προς αυτόν the PHARISEES bring to
him a Woman having been
the scribes JUIQ the Pharisees to him taken in Adultery; and
γυναίκα έν μοιχεία κατειλημμένην, καΐ στή- placing her in the Midst,
21 womm in adultery having4 been taken AUCL pine*· 4 they say to him,
σαντες αυτήν έν μέσω, λέγουσιν αύτφ* Δι-
ing her in middle, they say to him; θ "Teacher, This WOMAN was
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 6 . as this the MAN—omit. 47. them—omit. 50. to
him before. 53. to viii. 11—omit.
t 49. The common people were treated by the Pharisees with the most sovereign con-
tempt. They were termed am ha-arets, people of the earth; and were not thought worthy
to have a resurrection to eternal life.—Clarke.
± 5 2 . This conclusion, according to Calmut, was incorrect. Jonah was of GatMeper, in
Galilee; see 2 Kings xiv. 25, compared with Josh. xix. 13. Nahum was a Galilean, for
he was of the tribe of Simeon, and some suppose Malachi was of the same place. ± 53.
This paragraph concerning the woman taken in adultery is wanting in the Alexandrian
(see Woide's Preface,) Vatican, Ephrem, and other manuscripts of great authority, and
in the oldest copies of the Syriac versions; and is not cited by Origen, Chrysostom, and
other ancient ecclesiastical writers. I t is found in the Cambridge manuscript, though
with some variations from the received text. Griesbach keeps i t in his text; but with great
hestitation.—Imjnoved Verswx.
t 46. Matt. vii. 29. $ 48. John xii. 4 2 ; Acts vi. 7 ; 1 Cor. i. 2 0 , 2 0 ; i i . 8.
1 5 0 . John i i i . 2.
Chap. 8:5.] JOHN. [Chap. 8:12.
δάσκαλε, αυτή ή γυνή κατελήφθη έπαυτοφώρω taken in the very act, com-
teacher, this the woman was taken Intheveryact mitting adultery.
μοιχευομένη. 5 Έ ν δέ τω νόμω Μωσής ήμΐν 5 fNow, in the LAW,
committing adultery. In now "the la*w Moses to us Moses commanded us to
ένετείλατο τάς τοιαύτας λιθοβολείσΦαι· συ stone SUCH LIKE women;
commanded the suchlike to be stoned? thou therefore, what dost thou
οδν τΐ λέγεις; 6Τοΰτο δέ έλεγον 6 But this they said, try-
therefore what sayest thou? This but they said ing him, that they might
πειράζοντες αυτόν, ϊνα έ'χωσι κατηγορείν have something of which
tempting him, that they might have to accuse
αύτοΰ. Ό δέ Ίησοΰς κάτω κύψας, to accuse him. But JESUS
τω stooping
him. The but Jesus down stooping,
down, wrote on
with the the GROUND w i t h his
δακτύλω εγραφεν είς την γήν. Ώ ς δέ έπέ-
finger * wrote on the ground. When but they FINGER.
μενον ερωτώντες αυτόν, άνακύψας είπε 7 And when they con-
continued asking him, having raised up he said
προς αυτούς· Ό άναμάρτητος υμών, πρώτος tinued asking him, rising
up, he said to them, " H E
to them; He without sin of you, first
who is WITHOUT SIN of
τόν λίθον έπ' αύτη βαλέτω. 8ΚαΙ πάλιν κάτω you, $let him first cast the
the stone on her let him cast. And again down
STONE at her."
κύψας, έ'γραφεν είς τήν γήν. °ΟΙ δέ άκού- 8 And again, stooping
«tooping, wrote on the ground. They and having down, he wrote on the
<ταντες, καΐ ύπό τής συνειδήσεως ελεγχόμενοι, 9 And THEY, HAVING
HEARD, and being convic-
έξήρχοντο είς καΦ' είς, άρξάμενοι άπό των ted by their CONSCIENCES,
went out, one by one, be-
πρεσβυτέρων έ'ως των εσχάτων καΐ κατε- ginning from the ELDERS,
even to the LAST ; and
λείφθη μόνος ό Ίησοΰς, καΐ ή γυνή έν μέσοι JESUS was left alone, and
alone the Jesus, and the woman in middle the WOMAN standing in
έατώοα. ^Άνακύψας δέ ό Ίησοΰς, καΐ the Midst.
Standing. Having raised up and the Jesus, and
μηδένα θεασάμενος πλην τής γυναικός, είπε ν 10 And JESUS raisingup
no one seein? but the woman, said and seeing no one but the
αύτη* Ή γυνή, που είσιν εκείνοι αι
ol κατήγοροι WOMAN, said to her,
σου; ουδείς σέ κατέκρινεν; Ή δέ είπεν "WOMAN, where are those,
of thee? no one thee condemned? She and said; thine ACCUSERS? Did no
Ουδείς, Κύριε. Είπε δέ αύτη ό Ίησοΰς· Ουδέ one condemn Thee?"
γώ σέ κατακρίνω· πορεύου, καΐ μηκέτι 11 And she said, "No
I thee condemn; g and no longer one, sir." And JESUS said
άμάρτανε.] to her, $ "Neither do I
do thou sin.]
condemn Thee; $go, and
"Πάλιν οδν ό Ίησοΰς αύτοίς έλάλησε, sin no more."]]
Again therefore the Jesus to them spoke, 12 Again, therefore, J E -
λέγων Έγώ είμι τό φως τοΰ κόσμου· ό SUS spoke to them, saying,
saying: ±$"I am the LIGHT of
I am the light of the world; he
the WORLD ; HE who FOL-
ακολουθών έμοί, ού μή περιπατήσει έν τη LOWS me shall not walk in
following me, not not shall walk in th*e
± 1 2 . The Babbins denominated the Supreme Being the light of the world and this
title being assumed by our Lord was a cause of offence to the Jews. The Messiah was also
frequently spoken of by the prophets under the emblem of light. See Is a. lx. 1; xlix 6 :
ix. 2. Therefore, by applying this symbol to himself, the Pharisees must at once have
perceived that he claimed the Messiahship. Buxtorf in Synag. Jud. c. xxii tells us that
the 9th day, or day after the expiration of the 8th, which belonged to "the feast of the
tabernacles," is a solemn day likewise, and is called "the feast of joy for the law;" be-
cause on that day (says he,) the last section of the law was read, the rest having been read
Weekly in the course of the preceding sabbaths. He adds, that on this 9th day the cus-
tom of the Jews is to take all the books of the law out of the chest and put a candle into
It, in allusion to Prov. vi. 23> or rather Psa. cxix. 105. But perhaps, after all, it was to
the light which their understanding received from the reading of the law, that Jesus here
alluded to, when he said, " I am the light of the world."
$ 5. Lev. xx. 10; Deut. xxii. 22. t 7. Deut. xvii. 7; Rom. ii. 1. $ 11. Luke
ix. 56; xii. 14; John i i i . 17. % 11. John v. 14. t 12. John i. 4, 5, 9 ; iii. 1 9 ;
ix. 5 ; xi. 35, 36, 46.
C7iap. 8:13.] JOHN. [Chap. 8:22.
σκοτία, άλλ' εξει τό φως της ζωής. the DARKNESS, but shall
darkness, but shall have the light of the life. have the LIGHT of LIFE/'
Ειπον ούν αύτφ ol Φαρισαίοι· Σύ πε- 13 Then the PHARISEES
|3aid therefore to him the Pharisees; Thou concern- said to him, §"Thou dost
ρΐ σεαυτοϋ μαρτυρείς· ή μαρτυρία σου ούκ testify of thyself ; thy TES-
jjjg t li y s Θ 1 £ dost testifyj the testimο π y of txico not TIMONY is not true."
^στιν αληθής. 14Άπεκρ'ιθη Ίησοΰς και είπεν 14 Jesus answered and
is true. Answered Jesus and said
αύτοίς· Καν έγώ μαρτυρώ περί έμαυτοΰ, said to them, "Even if I
to them; Even if I testify :oncerning myself, testify concerning myself,
αληθής έστιν ή μαρτυρία μου· δτι οίδα, my TESTIMONY is true;
Because I know whence I
πόθεν ?ιλθαν, καΐ ποΰ υπάγω* ύμείς δέ ούκ came and where I go ; but
"Whence I came, and where I go; you but not you know not whence I
οΐδατε, πόθεν έρχομαι, rj ποΰ υπάγω. 15*Υμείς came, or where I go.
kno\v, whence I came, or where I go. You
15 $You judge accord-
κατά την σάρκα κρίνετε, έγώ ού κρίνω ing to the FLESH ; $1 judge
ούδένα. ΚαΙ εάν κρίνω δέ έγώ, ή κρίσις no one.
no one. Even if judge but I, the judgment 16 But even if I judge,
MY JUDGMENT is true ; Be-
4\ έμή αληθής έστιν δτι μόνος ούκ εΙμί, cause I am not alone, but
άλλ9 έγώ καΐ ό πέμψας με Πατήρ. 17ΚαΙ ISENT and the FATHER

έν τω νόμω δέ τφ ύμετέρφ γέγραπται· 17 And it has also been

«"Οτι δύο ανθρώπων ή μαρτυρία αληθής written
4< $That
That two of men the testimony true
Two Men is true.
έστιν.» ^'Εγώ είμι ό μαρτύρων περί
is." I am he testifying concerning 18 I am ONE who TES-
έμαυτοΰ, καΐ μαρτυρεί περί έμοΰ ό πέμ- TIFIES concerning myself,
myself, and testifies concerning me the having and the FATHER who SENT
•ψας με Πατήρ. 19"Ελεγον ούν αύτφ· ποΰ me testifies concerning
Bent me Father. They said then to him; Where me."
έστιν ό πατήρ σου; Άπεκρίθη Ίησοΰς· 19 Then they said to
is the father of thee? Answered Jesus; him, "Where is thy FA-
Ούτε έμέ οΐδατε, ούτε τόν Πατέρα μου. THER?" Jesus answered,
"You neither know Me,
ΕΙ έμέ η*δειτε, καΐ τόν Πατέρα μου η"δει- nor my FATHER ; if you
If me you knew, also the Father of me you knew Me, you would also
TB όίν. Ταΰτα τά ρήματα έλάλησεν έν know my FATHER."
•would know. These the words he spoke in 20 $These WORDS he
τφ γαζοφυλακίω, διδάσκων έν τφ Ιερφ· καΐ spoke in the TREASURY,
the treasury, * teaching in the* temple; and teaching in the TEMPLE;
ουδείς £πιασεν αυτόν, δτι οβπω έληλύθει ή and no one seized him,
no one seized him, because not yet had come the Because his HOUR had not
«δρα αύτοΰ. yet come.
bour of him.
ΕΙπεν οδν πάλιν αύτοίς ό Ίησοΰς· 21 Then*he said to them
Said therefore again to them the Jesus;
•Εγώ υπάγω, καΐ ζητήσετε με, καΐ έν τη again, §"I am going away,
I go away, and you w i l l seek me, and in the and you will seek me, and
Αμαρτία υμών άποθανείσθε· δπου έγώ υπάγω, will die in your SIN ; where
sin of you you w i l l d i e ; where I go,
I go, you cannot come."
ίμείς ού δύνασθε έλθείν. ^"Ελεγον οδν ot
you not are able to come. Said then the 22 The JEWS therefore
Ιουδαίοι· Μήτι άποκτενεί εαυτόν, δτι said, "Will he kill himself
Jews; Not w i l l h e k i l l himself, becauso that he says, Where I go,
λέγει· "Οπου έγώ υπάγω, ύμείς ού δύνασθε
he eays; Where I go, you not are able you cannot come?"

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. he said.

$ 13. John v. 31. $ 15. John vil. 24. t 15. John iii. 17; sii. 47; xviii. 36.
$ 17. Deut. xvil. 6; xix. 15; Matt, xviii. 16; 2 Cor. xii. 1; Heb. x. 28. $ 20.
Mark xii. 41. % 21. John vil. 34; xiii. 33.
Chap. 8:23.] JOHN. [Chap. 8:33.
έλθείν; ^Και είπεν αύτοίς· Ύμείς έκ τών 23 And he said to them,
t o Co in © ? «ii. iicl he s & i ci to the m ι You χ τ οm t li Θ "You are from BELOW ; I
κάτω έστέ, έγώ έκ τών άνω ειμί* ύμείς έκ am from ABOVE. $YOU
beneath are, I from the above am; you from are of *This WORLD ; I am
τοΰ κόσμου τούτου έστέ, έγώ ούκ ειμί έκ τοϋ not of this WORLD.
the world this are, I not am from the 24 Therefore I said to
ttocruou τούτου. Είπον 24
ούν ύμίν, δτι άπο- you, That you will die in
world this. I said therefore to you, that you your SINS ; for if you be-
θανείσθε έν ταίς άμαρτίαις υμών έάν γαρ lieve not That I am he,
Will die in the sins of you; if for you will die in your SINS.·"
μή πιστεύσητε, δτι έγώ είμι, άποθανείσθε
not youmay believe, that I am, you w i l l d i e 25 Then they said to him,
έν ταίς άμαρτίαις υμών. ^"Ελεγον οδν "Who art thou?" * JESUS
in the sins of you. They said therefore says to them, Even what I
αύτώ· Σύ τΙς εί; ΚαΙ είπεν αύτοίς ό Ίησαΰς· said NING.
to you at the BEGIN-
tοhkΐχιΐ JLhou who iti*tr Auu ssiu to tiiQui the Jesusj
Την αρχήν δ, τι καΙ λαλώ Γμϊν. 2°Πολ- 26 I have many things
tEho beginning what, what even I say to you. Many to say and to judge concern-
λ.ά εχω περί υμών λαλείν, και κρ'ινειν άλλ' ing you, but HE who SENT
tilings I have about you to say, and to judge; but
ό πέμψας με αληθής έστι· κάγώ ά me is true; §and what 1
he having sent me true is; and I what heard from him, These
^κουσα παρ' αύτοΰ, ταΰτα λέγω είς τον things I say to the WORLD."
I heard from him, these things I say to the
κόσμον. 27Ούκ έγνωσα, 8τι τόν Πατέρα αύ- 27 They knew not That
world. Not they knew, that the Father to he spoke to them of the
τοίς ε'λεγεν. ^Είπεν οδν * [αύτοίς] ό Ίησοΰς· FATHER. ·
them he spoke. Said then Cto them] the Jesus;
28 Jesus therefore said,
"Οταν ύψώσητε
τόν υΐόν τοϋ άνθρωπου, $"When you shall lift up
Wen youmay l i f t up the
son of the man,
the SON of MAN, then you
τότε γνώσεσθε δτι έγώ είμι· καΐ άπ' will know That I am h e ;
έμαυτοΰ ποιώ ουδέν, αλλά καθώς έδίδαξέ and I do nothing of myself;
but as my FATHER taught
myself I do nothing, but as taught
με ό Π ατήρ μου ταϋτα λαλώ* ^καΐ δ me, I say These things.
me the Father of me these things I say; and he 29 And HE who SENT me
πέμψας με, μετ' έμοΰ έστιν ούκ άφήκέ με is with me; *he has not
having sent me, with me is; not left me
μόνον ό Πατήρ, δτι έγώ τα αρεστά left me alone ; ^Because I
alone the Father, because I the things p:easing always do the things pleas-
αύτώ ποιώ πάντοτε. 30Ταΰτα αύτοΰ λαλοΰντος, ing to him."
30 As he was speaking
πολλοί έπίστευσαν είς αυτόν, These things, many be-
many believed into him. lieved into him.
"Ελεγεν οδν ό Ίησοϋς προς τους πεπι- 31 JESUS therefore said
Sald then the Jesus to those having to the JEWS who had BE-
στευκότας αύτω 'Ιουδαίους· Έάν ύμείς μεί- LIEVED him, "If you abide
believed him Jews; If you may in MY WORD, you are cer-
νητε έν τφ λόγφ τφ έμφ, αληθώς μαθηταί tainly my Disciples.
abide in the word the my, truly disciples
μου έστέ, 32κα1 γνώσεσθε τήν άλήθει- 32 And you shall know
ο* me you are, and you shall know the truth, the TRUTH, and §the
αν, καΐ ή αλήθεια ελευθερώσει ύμας. ^'Απε- TRUTH shall make you
and the truth shall make free you. They free·"
κρίθησαν αύτφ· Σπέρμα 'Αβραάμ έσμέν, καΐ 33 They answered him,
answered him; Seed of Abraam we are, and "We are Abraham's Off-
ούδενΐ δεδουλεύκαμεν πώποτε· πώς συ spring, and have never
to no one have we been slaves at any time; how thou been in slavery to any one.

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 3 . of This WOULD. 25. Jesus says. 28. to them—omit.

the Age. 54. I should glorify.
t 23. John xv. 19; xvii. 16; 1 John iv. 5. t 26. John iii. 3 2 ; xv. 15. t 28.
John xii. 32. $ 29. John iv. 3 4 ; v. 3 0 ; vi. 38. $ 32. Bora. vi. 1 4 , 1 8 , 2 2 ;
viii. 2 ; Gal. v. 1; James i. 2 5 ; ii. 12.
Chap. 8:34.] JOHN. [Chap. 8:44.
λέγεις· "Οτι, ελεύθεροι γενήσεσθε; ^ 34
Ά- How dost thou say, 'You
shall become free?' "
πεκρ'ιθη αύτοίς ό Ίησοϋς· 'Αμήν αμήν λέγω ύ- 34 * Jesus answered
swered them the Jesus; Indeed indeed I say to them, "Indeed, I assure
μίν, δτι πάς ό ποιών την άμαρτίαν, you, $that EVERY ONE
you, that every one -who is doing
3 5 the sin, DOING SIN is a Slave of
δοΰλός έστι της αμαρτίας. ' 0 δε δοΰλος SIN.
a slave is of tne sin. The but slave
ού μένει εν τγ\ οίκία ε'ις τον αιώνα· ό υΙός 35 $But the SLAVE does
not abides in the house to the age; the son not abide in \hQ HOUSE to

μένει εις τόν αιώνα. Έάν οΰν ό υΙός the AGE ; tne son abides to
the AGE.
ύμας ελευθέρωση, δντως ελεύθεροι εσεσθε. 36 If, therefore, the SON
you may make free, really free youshallbe. make you free, you will in-
ίπέρμα 'Αβραάμ
Οίδα, δτι σπέρμα έστε· άλλα deed be free.
37 I know That you are
ζητείτε με άποκτείναι,
ποκτείναι, 8τι λόγος ό ABRAHAM'S Offspring ; but
ό λόγος
you seek to k i l l , '
because the word t: you are seeking to kill Me,
Because MY WORD has no
έμός ού χωρεί έν ύμίν. Έγνύ ο εώρακα place in· you.

παρά τφ Πατρ'ι μου, λαλώ· και ύμείς 38 §1 speak what I

from the Father of m e , I speak; and you have seen with my FA-
οΰν 8 έωράκατε παρά τφ πατρί υμών,
THER ; and you, therefore,
ποιείτε. Άπεκρ'ι#ησαν καΐ είπον αύτφ· Ό do what you have *heafd

do. They answered and said to him"; The from your FATHER."
πατήρ ημών 'Αβραάμ έστι. Λέγει αύτοίς 39 They answered and
father of us Abraam is. Says to them said to him, "Our FATHER
ό Ίησοϋς* ΕΙ τέκνα τοΰ 'Αβραάμ έστε, τά is Abraham." JESUS says
the Jesus; If children of the Abraam you are, the to them, $"If you were
έργα τοΰ 'Αβραάμ έποιείτε· Νΰν δέ Children of ABRAHAM, you

works of the Abraam you would do; Now but would do the WORKS of
ζητείτε με άποκτείναι, α*νθρωπον, 8ς τήν άλή- ABRAHAM.
you seek me t o k i l l , a man, who the truth
40 But now you are
θειαν ύμίν λελάληκα, ήν ήκουσα παρά seeking to kill Me, a Man
t o you Ails spoken, Λ^ΓΙΙ i ch X Ιι&νθ hexiiroi f roixi who has spoken to you the
τοΰ Θεοΰ· τοΰτο 'Αβραάμ ούκ έποίησεν. *Υμείς TRUTH, which I heard from
t h ο Gr ocLj this A. o r &&ixi n o t ol i u> 41 You GOD; This Abraham did
ποιείτε τά Ιργα τοΰ πατρός υμών. Είπον not.
do the works of the father of you. They said 41 You do the WORKS
οδν αύτφ· Η μ ε ί ς έκ πορνείας ού γεγεν- of your FATHER/-' *They
νήμεθα· ενα πατέρα έ*χομεν, τόν θεόν. 42ΕΙπεν been said to him, "We have not
been born; one father we have, the God. Said born of Fornication,
αύτοίς ό Ίησοϋς· El ό θεός πατήρ υμών η"ν,
we have One Father, God."
to them the Jesus; If the God a father of you was, 42 * Jesus said to them,
ήγαπάτε αν έμέ· έγώ γάρ έκ τοΰ θεοϋ έξήλ- §"If GOD were your •FA-
you would love me; I for from the God came THER, you would love m e ;
Oov καΐ ίίκω* ουδέ γάρ άπ' έμαυτοΰ for I came forth from GOD,
out and a m come; not even for of myself and am come; for I am
έλήλυθα, άλλ' εκείνος μέ απέστειλε. ^ΔιατΙ but not even come of myself,
Χ have come» but he me sent. Why
he sent Me.
την λαλιάν τήν έμήν ού γινώσκετε; "Οτι 43 Why do you not know
the speech the mine net know you? Because MY SPEECH? Because you
ού δύνασθε άκούειν τόν λόγον τόν έμόν. can not hear MY WORD.
not youareable to hear the word the mine.
44 44 $You are from the
*Υμείς έκ τοΰ πατρός τοΰ διαβόλου έστέ, FATHER, the ACCUSER, and
the LUSTS of your FATHER
καΐ τάς επιθυμίας τοΰ πατρός υμών θέλετε you wish to do. He was
and the lusts of the father of you you wish
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—34. Jesus. 38. heard from your FATHER. 41. They
said to him. 42. Jesus. 42. FATHER.
% 34. Rom. vi. 16,20; 2 Pet. ii. 19. t 35. Gal. iv. 30. $ 38. John iii. 3 2 ;
v. 1 9 , 3 0 ; xiv. 10,24. $ 39. Rom. ii. 2 8 ; ix. 7; Gal. iii. 7,29. t 42. John
V. 4 3 ; vit 28, 29. X 44. 1 John iii. 8.
Chap. 8:45.] JOHN. [Chap. 8:54.
ποιείν. 'Εκείνος άνθρωποκτόνος ην απ' άρ- a Manslayer from the Be-
to do. He a mans layer was from a begin- ginning, and has not stood
in the TRUTH/ Because
χης, καΐ έν τη άληθείςι ούχ εστηκεν δτι there is no Truth in him.
»lng, and in the truth not has stood; because When [any one]_speaks a
FALSEHOOD, he^ speaks
ούκ εστίν αλήθεια έν αύτφ. "Οταν λαλχ\ το from his OWN, Because
his FATHER also is a Liar.
ψεΰδος, έκ ιών Ιδίων λαλεί δτι -ψευ-
<ττης εστί, καΐ 6 πατήρ αύτοΰ. 4 5 Έγώ δε 45 But because I speak
Ijar is, also the father of him. I but
δτι τήν άλήθειαν λέγω, ού πιστεύετε μοι. the TRUTH, you do not be-
1)βcsiuso tli6 trutli X spotlit* n o t you, be 1 i©v© mο· lieve me.
ΤΙς εξ ύμων ελέγχει με περί αμαρτίας; 46 Who of you convicts
Who of you convicts me concerning sin?
εΐ άλήθειαν λέγω, διατί ύμείς ού πιστεύετε me of Sin ? If I speak the
Truth, why do you not be-
it truth I speak, why you not believe
μοι; Ό ών έκ τοΰ Θεοΰ, τά ρήματα του lieve me?

me? He being from the God, the words of the 47 $HE who is from GOD
θεοΰ ακούει· δια τοΰτο ύμείς ούκ άκούετε, hears the WORDS of God;
God hears; through this you not hear, on this account you hear
δτι έκ τοΰ θεοΰ ούκ έστέ. ^Άπεκρί- not, because you are not
fcecause from the God not you are. Answered from GOD."
φησαν ot 'Ιουδαίοι καΐ είπον αύτφ· Oi καλώς and 48 The JEWS answered
said to him, "Do we
the Jews and said to him; Not well not say well That thou art
λέγομεν ημείς, δτι Σαμαρείτης εί σύ, καΐ a Samaritan, and $hasta
say we, that a Samaritan art thou, and Demon ?"
φαιμόνιον έχεις; 4θΆπεκρίθη Ίησοΰς· Έγώ 49 Jesus answered, " I
« demon thou hast? Answered Jesus; I
δαιμόνιον ούχ εχα>, αλλά τιμώ τόν Πατέρα have not a Demon; but I
A demon not have, but I honor6 0 the Father honor my FATHER ; and
μου, καΐ ύμείς ατιμάζετε με. Έγώ δέ ού you dishonor me.
of me, and you dishonor me. J but not
ζητώ τήν δόξαν μου* εστίν ό ζητών καΐ 50 But §1 seek not my
seek the glory of me; i t i s he seekingj and GLORY ; there is ONE who
«ρίνων. Β1Άμήν αμήν λέγω ύμίν, έάν τις
judging. Indeed indeed I say to you, if any one SEEKS it, and judges.
τόν λόγον τόν έμόν τηρήση, θάνατον ού 51 Indeed, I assure you,
th· word the mine may keep, death not §If any one keep * Μ Ϊ
μή θεώρηση εις τόν αιώνα. 62ΕΙπον οδν αύτφ Word, he will by no means
not ΪΙΘ may SGQ to tlio ago. S&id tlien to him see Death to the AGE.
ot 'Ιουδαίοι· Νΰν έγνώκαμεν, δτι δαιμόνιον
the Jews; Now we know, that a demon 52 *The JEWS said to
δχεις* 'Αβραάμ απέθανε καΐ ot προφηται, thou him, "Now we know That
thou hast; Abraam died
hast a Demon. § Abra-
and the prophets, ham died, and the PRO-
«αϊ σύ λέγεις· Έάν τις τόν λόγον μου PHETS ; and thou sayest, If
and thou sayest; If any one the word of mo any one keep my WORD, he
τήρηση, ού μή γεύσητα* θανάτου είς τόν Peath will by no means *see
jTTifty ^LQQpf n o t n o t xnfty t u s t e o* ct©fttit t o tho to the AGE.
αΙώνα. Μή oh μείζων εΐ τοΰ πατρός ημών 53 Art thou greater than
'Αβραάμ, δστις απέθανε; καΐ ol προφηται our FATHER Abraham, who
Abraam, who died? and the prophets died, and the PROPHETS
άπέθανον τίνα σεαυτόν ποιείς; 64ΆπεκρΙ- make died? Whom dost *thou
died; whom thyself makest thou? Answered thyself?"
^Ti Ίησοΰς· 'Εάν έγώ δοξάζω έμαυτόν, ή 54 Jesus answered, "If
Jesus; If 2 glorify myself, the *I should glorify myself,
δόξα μου ουδέν έστιν. "Εστίν ό Πατήρ μου my GLORY is nothing. !HE
glory of me nothing is. He i s the Father of me who GLORIFIES me is my

• VATICAN M A N U S C B I P T . — 5 1 . M Y Word. 52. The J E W S said. 52. see Death to

the Age. 54. I should glorify.
t 47. John x. 26, 2 7 ; 1 John ii. 6. i 48. John vii. 2 0 ; x. 20. $ 50. John ν 4 1 ;
Vii. 18. $ 51. John v. 2 4 ; xi. 26. $ 52. Zech. i. 5 ; Heb. xi. 13. $ 54. John
V. 4 1 ; xvi. 1 4 ; xvii. 1; Acts i i i . 1 3 ; 2 P e t , 1. 1 7 .
Chap. 8:55.] JOHN. [Chap. 9:6.
ό δοξύζων με, ον νμείς λέγετε, δτι Θεός FATHER, of whom you say,
he glorifying55 me, whom you say, that a God That he is your God.
υμών έστι, κα1 ουκ έγνώκατε αυτόν έγώ δε 55 And you have not
of you he is, and not you know him; I but
known him, but I know
οίδα αυτόν. ΚαΙ έάν ειπώ, οτι ουκ οιδα him ; and if I say, that I
know him. And if I say, that not I know do not know him, I shall
αυτόν, εσομαι όμοιος υμών, ψεύστης. 'Αλλ' be like you a Liar; but I
him, I shall be like you, a liar. But know him., and keep his
οίδα, αυτόν, xol τον λόγον αύτοϋ τηρώ. WORD.
I6β know him, and the word of him I keep. 56 Abraham, your FA"-
'Αβραάμ ό Πατήρ υμών ήγαλλιάσατο, ίνα THER, ardently desired
Abraam the father of you ardently desired, that that he might see MY DAY ;
ΐδχι την ήμέραν την έμήν καΐ είδε, και and $he saw, and was
he might see the day the my; and he saw, and glad."
έχάρη. 57Είπον οΰν ot 'Ιουδαίοι προς αυτόν 57 Then the JEWS said
to him, "Thou art not yet
Was glad. Said then the Jews to him;
Πεντήκοντα ετη ουπω έχεις, καΐ 'Αβραάμ Fifty Years old, and hast
Fifty ε8years not yet thou art, and Abraam thou seen Abraham?"
έώρακας; Είπεν αΰτοίς ό Ίησοΰς· 'Αμήν
hast thou" seen? Said to them the Jesus; Indeed 58 *JESUS said to them,
αμήν λέγω ύμϊν, πρίν 'Αβραάμ γενέσθαι, "Indeed, I assure you, Be-
indeed I say toyou, before Abraam tohave been born, fore Abraham was born, I
έγώ ειμί. Ηραν οΰν λίθους, ϊνα am he."
Ι &Ώΐ· They took up therefore stones, that 59 t Then they took up
βάλωσιν έπ' αυτόν Ίησοΰς *[δέ] έκρυ- Stones that tney might
thtsy ixi i^ht csist on him« Jesus £taixt] hid cast at him; but Jesus.
hid himself, and went
6η, καΐ έξηλθεν έκ τοϋ Ιεροΰ. forth out of the TEMPLE.
himself, and went out of the temple.
ΚαΙ παράγων, είδεν άνθρωπον τυφλόν έκ 1 And passing along, he
And passing by, he saw a man blind from saw a Man blind from
γενετής. ΚαΙ ήρώτησαν αυτόν ol μαθηταΐ Birth.
αΰτοΰ, λέγοντες* Ραββί, τΙς Ιίμαρτεν; οΰτος, asked him, saying, "Rabbi,
η" ol γονείς αύτοΰ, Ινα τυφλός γεννη- §who sinned, he, or his
ον the parents of him, that blind he should be PARENTS, so that he was
Άπεκρίθη Ίησοΰς* Οΰτε οΰτος ήμαρ- born blind?"
boin? Answered Jesus; Neither this sin- 3 Jesus answered, "Nei-
τεν, οΰτε ol γονείς αύτ-»ΰ· άλλ' ϊνα φανε-
n«d, nor the parents of him; but that may be ther did he sin, nor his
PARENTS, but that the
ρωθή τά £ργα του Θεοΰ έν αύτώ. WORKS of GOD might be
manifested the works of the God in him. displayed in him.
Έμέ δει έργάζεσθαι τά έργα τοΰ
Me i t behooves to work the works of the 4 §*I must perform the
πέμψαντός με, δως ημέρα εστίν άρχεται WORKS of HIM Who SENT
sending me, while day it is; comes
me while it is Day ; Night
νύξ, δτε ουδείς δύναται έργάζεθαι. Β"Οταν comes, when no one can
night, when no one is able to work. While
έν τφ κόσμω <S, φως είμι τοΰ κόσμου, 5 While I am in the
i n t h e w o r l d I m a y b e , l i g h t l a m of t h e w o r l d .
β WORLD, $1 am the Light
Ταΰτα ειπών, έπτυσε χαμαί, καΐ of the WORLD/'
These things saying, he spit on the ground, and 6 Saying these things,
έποίησε πηλόν έκ τοΰ πτύσματος, καΐ έπέχρι- $he spit on the Ground,
made clay of the spittle, and rubbed and made Clay of the SPIT-
σε τον πηλόν επί τους οφθαλμούς τοΰ τυφλοΰ, TLE, and *he put the CLAY
the clay on the eyes of the blind, on his EYES,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—58. Jesus. 59. but—omit. 4. We must. 6. He put
the CLAY thereof on his eyes, and said.
t 56. Heb. xi. 13. $ 59. John x. 31, 39; xi. 8. $ 2. ver. 34. t 4. John ir.
34; v. 19, 36; xi. 9; xii. 35; xvii. 4. $ 5. John i. 5, 9; iii. 19; viii. 12; xii.
35, 46. ί 6. Mark vii. 3 3 ; viii. 23.
Cfuip. 9:7.] JOHN. [Chap. 9:16.
καί εΐπεν αύτφ· "Υπάγε, νίψαι εις την
7 and said to him, "Go
and said to him; Go, wash thyself in the wash thyself in fthe POOL
of SILOAM," (which signi-
κολυμο'ήφραν τοϋ Σιλωάμ* (δ ερμηνεύεται, fies, Sent). He went away,
therefore, and washed
απεσταλμένος.) 'Απήλθεν * [ούν, και himself, and came seeing.
having been sent.) He went away [therefore, and
ένίψατο, καΐ ήλθε] βλέπων. 8 Ο ί οΰν γεί- 8 Then the NEIGHBORS,
washed himself, and camel seeing. The then neigh- and THOSE who had PRE-
τονες, καΐ ol θεωροϋντες αυτόν το πρότερον, VIOUSLY seen him, because
tors, and those seeing him the before, he was a Beggar, said, "Is
δτι προσαίτης ήν, ελεγον Ούχ ούτοςnot this HE who was SIT-
TING and begging?"
έστιν ό καθήμενος καΐ προσαιτών; β"Αλλοι 9 gome said, "This is
is he sitting and begging? he ;" others *said, "No ;
Φλέγον "Οτι οδτός έστιν. "Αλλοι δέ· but he is like him;" he
said; That this is. Others but; said, " I am he."
"Οτι όμοιος αύτφ έτιν 'Εκείνος ελεγεν 10 They then said to
ΤΙ at like him i t is; He said; him, "How were Thine
"Οτι έγώ ε'ιμι. "Ελεγον οδν αύτφ* Πώς EYES opened?"
That I am. They said then to him; • How 11 He answered, *"The
άνεώχθησάν σου ot οφθαλμοί; η Άπεκρίθη MAN called Jesus made
Were opened of thee the eyes? Answered Clay, and rubbed my EYES,
εκείνος *ΓκαΙ εϊπεν] "Ανθρωπος, λεγόμενος and said to me, 'Go to the
he [and said;} A man, being named SILOAM, and wash thy-
Ίησοΰς, πηλόν έποίησε, καΐ έπέχρισέ μου self;' * I went, therefore,
Jesus, cla^ made, and rubbed of me and washed myself, and
obtained sight."
τους οφθαλμούς, καΐ είπε μοι* "Υπάγε εις 12 *And they said to
him, "Where is he?" He
τόν Σιλωάμ, καΐ νίψαι. Άπελθών δε και says, " I do not know."
the Si loam, and wash thyself. Going and and
νιψάμενος, άνέβλεψα. 12
Είπον οΰν was 13 They bring HIM that
trashing myself, I obtained sight. They said then
formerly BLIND to
αύω' Ποΰ έστιν εκείνος; Λέγει* Ούκ οίδα.
14 And it was a •Sab-
to hi m; Where is he? bath when JESUS made the
He says; Not Iknow.
^''Αγουσιν αυτόν προς τους Φαρισα'ιους, τόνCLAY, and opened His
They bring him to the Pharisees, that EYES.
ποτέ τυφλόν. 1 4 r H v δέ σάβδατον, δτε τόν 15 Then the PHARISEES
once blind. It was and α sabbath, when the also asked him again how
πηλόν έποίησεν ό Ίησοΰς, και άνέωξεν αύτοΰ he obtained his sight. And
he said to them, "He put
Clay made the Jesus, a n d o p e n e d of h i m
τους οφθαλμούς. wΠάλιν οδν ήρώτων αυτόν Clay on Mine EYES, and I
the eyes. Again therefore asked him washed myself, and see."
xat ol Φαρισαίοι, πώς άνέβλεψεν. *Ο δέ
also the Pharisees, how he obtained sight. He and
16 Then some of the
PHARISEES said, "This
εϊπεν αύτοϊς* Πηλόν έπέθηκέ μου επί τους MAN it not from *God,
6 Α 1d t o t ll Θ HI ΐ C 1 £1 y U6 p u t O l III β ΟII th©
Because he keeps not the
οφθαλμούς, καΐ ένι/ψάμην,
1β καΐ βλέπω. SABBATH." Others said
*Έλεγον οδν έκ τών Φαρισαίων τινές* Οδτος §"How can a sinful Man
Said therefore of the Pharisees some; This
ό άνθρωπος ούκ εστί παρά τοϋ Θεοΰ, δτι perform such Signs?" And
τό * σάββατον ού τηρεί. I P T"Αλλοι δλεγονand Πώς
sabbath M not ANU SheC Rkeeps.. — 7 .Others
therefore, said; How washed, and came—omit. 9. said;
" N o ; butάνθρωπος
he i s . " 11. αμαρτωλός
and said—omit. τοιαύτα 11.σημεία
The MAN called. 11. I went therefore
and. 12. And
isable they saida to
a man him. · 14.sucn
sinner a Sabbath, on which Day JESUS. 16. God.
± 7. The Pool of Siloam is described by recent travellers to have been " a well built
oblong tank, some fifty feet long, nearly twenty deep, and somewhat less than this wide."
It has now only about two feet of water in it. I t is supplied from an upper fountain
through a well-cut conduit more than a quarter of a mile long.
ί 16. ver. 3 3 ; John iii. 2.
Chap. 9:17.] JOHN. [Chap. '9:26.
ποιείν; Και σχίσμα fjv έν αύτοίς. Λέγου- there was $a Division
to do? .AIIQ ti. division WSLS jimoris tlieixi· Alley
among them.
σι τώ τυφλφ πάλιν Σύ τι λέγεις περί
say to the blind again; Thou what sayest e<
17 *They say to the
BLIND man again, "What
αύτοϋ, οτι ήνοιξέ σου τους όφθαλ- dost thou say concerning
him, seeing that he opened of thee the ©yes?
μούς; Ό δέ είπεν "Οτι προφήτης έστιν.
him, Seeingthathe opened
He and said; That a prophet he is. Thine EYES ?" And he said,
Ούκ έπίστευσαν οΰν ol 'Ιουδαίοι πε- $"He is a Prophet."
Νθ t 1)ίϊ1ΪΘνΘ(1 ίΙΐΘΓθΐΟΓβ til 6 J © W S ΟΟϋΟΘΓΠ" 18 The JEWS, therefore,
ρΐ αύτοϋ, οτι τυφλός fjv, καΐ άνέβλεψεν, did not believe of him,
ing him, that blind he was, and obtained sight, That he was blind and ob-
εΌ>ς δτου έφώνησαν τους γονείς αύτοΰ τοΰ άνα- tained sight, till they
t i l l when they called the parents of him the hav- called the PARENTS of HIM
βλέψαντος. ΚαΙ ήρώτησαν αυτούς, λέ- Who RECEIVED SIGHT.
ing obtained sight. And they asked them, say-
19 And they asked them,
γοντες· Ούτος έστιν ό υίός υμών, ον νμείς
Ing; This is the son of you, whom you
saying, " I s this your SON,
λέγετε, οτι τυφλός έγεννήθη; πώς ούν
of whom you say, 'That he
was born blind?'How then
άρτι βλέπει; 20
Άπε σαν [αϋτοϊς] does he now see?"
now ho sees? An [themj 20 *Then his PARENTS
γονείς αΰτοΰ καΐ είπον Οϊδαμεν, οτι ούτος answered and said, "We
parents of him and said; We know, that know That this is our SON,
έστιν ό υίός ημών, καΐ οτι τυφλός έγεννή- and That h e was born
is the son of us, and that blind blind ;
he was
πώς δέ νϋν βλέπει, ούκ οιδαμεν 21 but how he now sees,
we know n o t ; or who
τΙς ίγνοιξεν αύτοΰ τους οφθαλμούς, ημείς opened His EYES, we know
n o t ; *ask Him, he is of
ούκ οΐδαμεν, αυτός ήλικιαν έχει, αυτόν
mature Age ; he will speak
not know, he full age has, him
ερωτήσατε· αυτός περί αύτοϋ λαλήσει, concerning himself."
ask you; lie concerning himself shall speak. 22 His PARENTS said
οτι this, ^Because they were
Ταϋτα είπον ol γονείς αύτοΰ,
afraid of the J E W S ; for t h e
έφοβοΰντο τους 'Ιουδαίους. "Ηδη γαρ συνε- J E W S had already deter-
they feared the Jews. Already for had mined, t h a t if any one
τέθειντο ot 'Ιουδαίοι, Ινα έάν τις αυτόν should acknowledge him
agreed the Jews, that if anyone h i m to be the Messiah, t h e
όμολογήστι Χριστόν, άποσυνάγωγος γένη- should be expelled from t h e
et.ould confess Anointed, from a synagogue should synagogue.
ται. ^Διά τοΰτο ol γονείς αύτοΰ είπον "Οτι 23 On this account his
be. Through this the parents of him said; That PARENTS said, "He is of
ήλικί,αν δχει αυτόν ερωτήσατε. Έφώνη- mature Age, ask him."
full ago he has, him ask you. They
σαν ούν έκ δευτέρου τον άνθρωπον, 24 They called, therefore
a second time, t h e MAN
δς f\v τυφλός, καΐ είπον αύτω· Δός δόξαν who had been blind, and
who was blind, and said to him; Give glory said to him, "Give Glory
τω Θεω· ημείς οϊδαμεν, δτι ό άνθρωπος to GOD ; we know *That
to the God; we know, that the man This Man is a Sinner."
ούτος αμαρτωλός έστιν. ^Άπεκρίθη ου"ν έκεί- 25 Then he answered,
this a sinner is. Answered then he
"If he is a Sinner, I know
voc * ΓκαΙ εΐπεν] Ει αμαρτωλός έστιν, ούκ n o t ; One thing I do know,
tand said;l If a sinner he is, not That having been blind,
οίδα* έ'ν οίδα, δτι τυφλός ών, άρτι 6λέπ(ο. now I see."
I k n o w ; one I k n o w , t h a t b l i n d being, n o wI see.
Είπον δέ αύτφ * [πάλιν] ΤΙ έποίησέ 26 And they said to him,
They s a i d a n d t o h i m [ a g a i n ; ] W h a t d i d he "What did he do to thee?
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—17. Then they say." 20. Then his PATIENTS. 2 0.them
—omit. 21. ask Him; he is of mature Age; he will. 24. That This Man is.
25. and said—omit. 26. again—omit.
% 16. John vii. 12, 43; x. 19. $ 17. John iv. 19; vi. 14. % 22. John vii. 13; xii.
42; xix. 38; Acts v. 13. $ 22. ver. 34; John xvl. 2.
C7iap. 9:27.] JOHN. [Chap. 9:38.
σοι; πώς ήνοιξέ σου τους οφθαλμούς; How did he open Thine
27 EYES?"
Άπεκρίθη αΰτοίς· ΕΙπον ύμίν ήδη,
καΐ 27 He answered them,
Ho answered them; I said to you already, and
"I told you just now, and
ουκ ήκούσατε· τΐ πάλιν θέλετε άκού- did you not hear? *Why
not youdidhear; why again do you wish to then do you wish to hear
ειν; μη καΐ ύμείς θέλετε αύτοϋ μαθηταΐ again ? areyou also willing
hear? not also you wish of him disciples
to become His Disciples ?"
γενέσθαι; 2δΈλοιδόρησαν αυτόν, καΐ είπον
to be? They reviled him, and eaid; 28 *And they reviled
Σύ εΐ μαθητής εκείνου· ημείς δέ του Μωσέ- him, and said, "Thou a r t
Thou art a disciple of him; we but of the Moses his Disciple; but we are
<βζ έσμέν μαθηταί. 2 9 Ήμεϊς οϊδαμεν, δτι Μω- Disciples of MOSES.
29 We know That GOD
σχι λελάληκεν ό Θεός· τούτον δέ ούκ οϊδαμεν has spoken to Moses; but
Moses has spoken the God; this but not we know
80 This person,—we $know
πόθεν εστίν. Άπεκρ'ιθη ό άνθρωπος καΐ not whence he is."
whence is. Answered the man and
εΐπεν αύτοίς· Έν γάρ τούτφ θαυμαστόν έστιν, 30 The MAN answered
said to them; In for this a wonder is, and said to them, "Why
δτι ύμείς ούκ οΐδατε πόθεν εστί, καΐ άνέφ- in this is a wonder, That
that you not know whence he is, and he has you know not whence he
ξέ μου τους οφθαλμούς. β1Οϊδαμεν is, and heopenedMyEYES!
opened of me the eyes. We know
*[δέ,] 8τι αμαρτωλών ό Θεός ούκ ακούει· 31 We know $That GOD
Ebut,3 that sinners the God not hears; does not hear Sinners ; but
αλλ' έάν τ ι ς θεοσεβής «?j, καΐ τό if any one beaWorshipper
but if any one a worshipper of God may be, and the of God, and performs his
θέλημα αύτοΰ ποιη, τούτου ακούει, ^ Έ κWILL, him he hears.
will of him may do, this he hears. From
32 From the (earliest)
του αιώνος ούκ ήκούσθη, δτι ηνοιξε τις AGE it was not heard, that
S3 any one opened the Eyes of
οφθαλμούς τυφλοΰ γεγεννημένου. El μη one having been born blind.
ήν ούτος παρά Θεοΰ, ούκ ήδύνατο ποιείν 33 If he were not from
was this from God, not were able to do God, he could do nothing/'
ουδέν. 34Ά;ηεκρίθησαν καΐ είπον αύτφ· Έν 34 They answered and
nothing. They answered and said to him; In
άμαρτίαις σύ έγεννήθης 8λος· καΐ σύ διδά- said to him, "Thou wast
sins thou wast born wholly; and thou teachest
entirely born in Sins, and
dost thou teach us?" And
βκεις ημάς; ΚαΙ έξέβαλον αυτόν εξω. 35"ji- they cast him out.
us? And they cast him out. Heard
«ουσεν δ Ίησοΰς;, δτι έξέβαλον αυτόν εξω· 35 JESUS heard That
the Jesus, that they cast h i m out;
they had cast him out; and
having found him, he said
καΐ εύρων αυτόν, εΐπεν *[αύτφ·] 2ύ to him, "Dost thou believe
and having found him, said £to him;] Thou into $the *SON of GOD?"
πιστεύεις είς τόν υΐόν του Θεοΰ; 3β>Απεκρ(,Φη
bellevest into the son of the God? Answered 36 He answered and
εκείνος καΐ είπε· ΚαΙ τίς έστι, κύριε, tva said, "Who is he, Sir, that
3xQ &&u stiiUy A-Hu WJIO χβ he» ^) s i r * tliflt I may believe into him?"
πιστεύσω εις αυτόν; «ΈΙπε *[δέ] αυτό» δ 37 JESUS said to him,
Imay believe into him? Said [and! to him the "Thou hast even seen him,
Ίησοΰς· ΚαΙ έώρακας αυτόν, «αϊ ό and HE who is TALKING
Jesus; Even thou hast seen him, and he with thee is he."
λαλών μετά σου, εκείνος έστιν. O δέ έ>η· 38 And HE said, "Lord,
talking with thee, he is. He and said: I believe;" and he threw
Πιστεύω, Κύριε· καΐ προσεκύνησεν αύτφ. himself prostrate before
I believe, O sir; and he prostrated to him. him.
$ VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—27. Why then do you wish. 28. and they reviled. 3 It
But—omit. 35. to him—omit. 35. SON of MAN? and he said, Who. 37. and—omit.
t 29. John viii. 14. % 30. John iii. 10. $ 31. Job xxvii. 9; Psa. Ixvi. 18; JProv.
xv. 8,29; xxviii. 9. $ 35. Matt. xvi. 16; John x. 36; 1 John v. 13.
Chap. 9:39.] JOHN. [Chap. 10:6.
ΚαΙ είπεν ό Ίησοϋς· ΕΙς κρίμα έγώ είς 39 And JESUS said,
And said the Jesus; For judgment I into $"For Judgment came I
into this WORLD ; §so t h a t
τόν κόσμιον τοϋτον η"λθον, ίνα ol μή βλέπον- THOSE not SEEING may
^jiQ ^^ο ι* 1 cl this C&ΪΪΙθ· t li ΣΙ t those not seeing
τεζ βλέπωσι, καΐ ot βλέποντες τνφλοί γένων- may become blind."
ται. * [ Κ α Ι ] ^κουσαν έκ των Φαρισαίων
become. CAnd] heard of the 'Pharisees 40 TI-IOSE of the PHARI-
SEES BEING with him
ταΰτα ol δντες μετ' αύτοϋ, καΐ εΐπον
heard these things, $and
these things those being with him, and said said to him, "Are we blind
αύτφ· Μή καΐ ημείς τυφλοί έσμέν; ^ΕΙπεν also ?"
to him; Not also we blind are? Said 41 * Jesus said to them,
αΰτοίς ό Ίησοϋς· ΕΙ τυφλοί η"τε, ούκ αν
to them the Jesus; If blind you were, not you $"If you- were blind, you
εϊχετε άμαρτ'ιαν νυν δέ λέγετε· "Οτι βλέπο- would not have Sin; but
"Would have sin; now but you say; That we see; now you say, 'We see;*
μεν· ή *,[ου"ν] αμαρτία υμών μένει, your SIN remains.
tie [therefore! sin of you remains.
ΚΕΦ. t\ 10.
1 Indeed, I truly say t o
^Αμήν αμήν λέγω ΰμίν, ό μή είσερχόμενος you, H E who ENTERS not
Indeed indeed I say to you, he not entering by the DOOR into the FOLD
διά της θύρας είς τήν αύλήν τών προβάτων, of the SHEEP, but climbs
through the door into the fold of the , sheep, up another way, he is a
Thief and a Robber ;
αλλά άναβαίνων άλλαχόθεν, εκείνος κλέπτης
2 but HE who COMES
but going up another way» lie s. thief IN by the DOOR, is the
εστί καΐ ληστής· 2 δ δέ είσερχόμενος διά της
is and a robber; he but entering through the Shepherd of the SHEEP.
θΰρας,' ποιμήν έστι τών προβάτων. Τούτω 3 The DOOR-KEEPER
door, a shepherd is of the sheep. To h i m opens to him; and the
ό θυρωρός ανοίγει* καΐ τά πρόβατα της SHEEP hear his VOICE ;
frlio clooT~k©6pcr opensj dud the sheep the and he calls his OWN
Sheep by Name, and leads
φωνής αύτοΰ ακούει* καΐ τά ϊδια πρόβατα them out.
Ηαλεί κ α τ ' δνομα, καΐ εξάγει αυτά. 4 [ Κ α ί ] 4Whenheputs forth*all
his own, ±he goes before
b ^ c {ι Χ Χ β oy Ώ&ΙΧΙ 6 ^ &nu he Xes-ds o u t them.· [[ Α. TI (i J
δταν τά ίδια πρόβατα έκβάλη, έμπροσθεν αυτών them, and the SHEEP fol-
When the own sheep he puts forth, before them low him, Because they
πορεύεται* καΐ τά πρόβατα αύτφ ακολουθεί, know his VOICE.
he goes; and the sheep him 5 follows,
δτι οιδασι τήν φωνήν αύτοϋ, ΆλλοτρΙφ 5 But a Stranger they
because they know the voice of him. A stranger will not follow, but will
δέ ού μή άκολουθήσωσιν, αλλά φεύξονται άπ'
but not not they may follow, but w i l l flee from flee from him; Because
αύτοΰ* δτι ούκ οΐδασι τών αλλότριων they know not the VOICE
him; because not they know of the strangers
τήν φωνήν. βΤαύτην τήν παροιμίαν είπεν αύ-
the voice. This the parable said to 6 This PARABLE spoke
τοις ό Ίησοΰς* εκείνοι δέ ούκ έγνωσαν, τίνα JESUS to them; but they
them the Jesus; they but not knew, what knew not what things they
Ijv, α έλάλει αύτοίς. were which he spoke t o
"VVfts, which he spoke to them* them.

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 0 . And—omit. 4 1 . Jesus. 41. therefore—omit. 4.

And—omit. 4. all hi3 OWN, he goes.
± 4. "We see a flock of perhaps threescore black and white sheep returning from the
hillside where they have been grazing, or from the Gaves in which they have been sheltered
from the noon-heat. Before them slowly walks the shepherd, staff in hand, not once look-
ing behind him. The flock follows quietly, not scattering nor needing the rod or the
angry shout. He and they seem to know each other well, and to have mutual confidence.
He who wrote the twenty-third Psalm must have known scenes like this; and still more He
who said, "when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep
follow him, for they know his voice."—H. Bonar.
t 39. John v. 2 2 , 2 7 . See John i i i . 1 7 ; xii. 47. t 39. Matt. xiii. 13. % 40.
Bom. iL 19. $ 4 1 . John xvi. 22, 24.
ΟΠαρ. 10:7.] JOHN. [Chap. 10:16.
Είπεν ούν πάλιν * [αύτοίς] ό Ίησοΰς· 7 Then said * Jesus
Said then again [to them]- the Jesus; again, "Indeed, I truly say
Αμήν αμήν λέγω ύμΐν, δτι έγώ είμι ή Φύρα to you, I am the DOOR of
Indeed indeed I say to you, that I am the door the SHEEP.
των προβάτων. 8 Πάντες δσοι ^λ^ον πρό
of the sheep. All as many as came before 8 ±A11 who came before
έμοΰ, κλέπται είσΐ καΐ λχιδταί· άλλ' ούκ ?ικου- me are Thieves and Rob-
bers ; but the SHEEP heard
me, thieves are and robbers;
9 but not heard them not.
«JCLV αυτών τά πρόβατα. Έγώ είμι ή θύρα
them the sheep. I am the door;
δι' έμοΰ έάν τις είσέλθτ}, σωθήσε- 9 il am the DOOR; if
through me if anyone maycomein, he shall be
any one come in by me, he
ται, καΐ είσελεύσεται καΐ έξελεύσεται, καΐ shall be saved, and shall
saved, and shall come in and go out, and come in, and go out, and
•νομήν εύρήσει. Ό κλέπτης ούκ έρχεται, εΐ find Pasture.
pasture shall find. The thief not comes, if
μή Ινα κλέψη, καΐ θύσχι, καί. άπο-
10 TheTHiEF comes not,
Hot that he may steal and may k i l l ,
and may except that he may steal,
λέσχτ έγώ ^λθον, ϊνα ζωήν έ'χωσι καΐ περισ- and kill, and destroy; I
destroy; I came, that life they may Have, and abun- came, that they may have
<rov ^χωσιν. ^ Έ γ ώ είμι ό ποιμήν ό καλός· Ο Life, and may have abun-
dance may have. I am the shepherd the good; the
ποιμήν ό καλός τήν ψυχήν αΰτοΰ τίθη-
Shepherd the good the life of himself lays 11 $1 am the GOOD
civ υπέρ των προβάτων. ^ Ό μισθωτός SHEPHERD ; the GOOD
down in behalf of the sheep. The hireling
SHEPHERD lays down his
δέ, καΐ ούκ ων ποιμήν, οΰ ούκ είσΐ LIFE in behalf of the
but, and not being a shepherd, of w h o m not are SHEEP.
τά πρόβατα ίδια, θεωρεί τόν λύκον έρχόμε- 12 But the HIRED SER-
the sheep own, sees the wolf coming, VANT, not beinga shepherd,
VOV» καί άφίησι τά πρόβατα, καΐ φεύγει· καΐ whose own the SHEEP are
and leaves the sheep, and flees; and not, sees the WOLF coming,
and leaves the SHEEP, and
ό λύκος αρπάζει αυτά καΐ σκορπίζει τά flees; and the WOLF
the wolf seizes them, and scatters the seizes and scatters*them ;
πρόβατα. as*O. δέ μισθωτός φεύγει, δτι 13 because he is a hired
sheep. The but hireling flees, because Servant, and cares not for
μισθωτός έστι. καΐ ού μέλλει αύτφ περί the SHEEP.
an hireling he Is, And not i t concerns him about
τών προβάτων. 14 I am the GOOD
the sheep.
ϊ^Έγώ είμι 6 ποιμήν 6 καλός· seal SHEPHERD ; $and I know
I am the shepherd the good; and •MINE, and MINE know
^ινώσκω τά έμά, καΐ γινώσκομαι ύπό των me;
know the mine, and am known by the
£μων, 1Βκαθώς γινώσκει με ό Πατήρ, κάγώ 15 even as the FATHER
anine, as knows me the Father, and I
*νινώσκω τόν Πατέρα· καΐ τήν ψυχήν μου knows me, and I know the
know the Father; and the life of me FATHER ; $and I lay down,
τίθημι υπέρ τών προβάτων. 1βΚαΙ &λλα my LIFE in behalf of the
I lay down in behalf of the sheep. And other SHEEP.
πρόβατα £χω, & ούκ έΌτιν έκ τίχς αυλής 16 And Other Sheep I
sheep I have, which not i s of the fold have, which are not of this
•ταύτης· κάκείνά με δει άγαγείν· καΐ FOLD; them also I must1
this; also them me i t behooves to lead; and
τής φωνής μου άκούσουσι, καΐ γενήσεται lead, and they will hear
the voice of me they wlllhear, and there w i l l be my VOICE, $and there
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—7. Jesus. 7. to them—omit. 12. them; Because he is
β Hireling, and. 14. MINE, and MINE know me; even as.
f 8. Panta, all, may be taken in the sense of polloi, many; thus, "Many who came
before me/' &c. Our Savior cannot here mean Moses and the prophets, who were com-
missioned to speak in the name of Jehovah; but rather those religious leaders who "shut
up the kingdom of the heavens against men/* by taking away the "key of knowledge."
See Matt, xxiii. 1 3 ; Luke xi. 52. Such were the priests, scribes, and Pharisees.
t 9. John xiv. 6; Eph. ii. 18. $ 11. Isa. xl. 1 1 ; Ezek. xxxiv. 12, 2 3 ; xxxvii. 2 4 ;
Heb. xiii. 2 0 ; 1 Pet. i i . 2 5 ; v. 4 . ί 14. 2 Tim. ii. 19. t 15. John xv. 1 3 .
t 16. Ezek. xxxvii. 2 2 ; Eph. i i . 14.
Chap. 10:17.] JOHN. [Chap. 10:28.
μία ποίμνη, εϊς ποιμήν. Διά τοϋτο ό shall be one Flock, One
one flock, one shepherd. Through this the Shepherd.
Πατήρ με άγαπφ, δτι τίθημι την ψυχήν 17 On account of this
the FATHER loves ME,
μου, ϊνα πάλιν λάβω αυτήν ^ουδείς ^Because I lay down my
οf ixi©· tiiiifc &£& i u I ni&y r e c e i v e ΪΧΘΓ ι no ono LIFE, that I may receive it
αίρει αυτήν άπ' έμοΰ, άλλ' έγώ τίϋημι αυτήν again.
takes her from me, but I lay down her
άπ' έμαυτοΰ* έξουσίαν εχω θεϊναι αυτήν, me,18but No one takes it from
I lay it down of
ai myself; authority I have to lay down her,
myself. I have Authority
καΐ έξουσίαν εχω πάλιν λαβείν αυτήν ταύ- to lay it down, and I have
aml authority I have again to receive her; this Authority to receive it
την την έντολήν ελαβον παρά τοΰ Πατρός again. £This COMMAND-
the command I received from the Father
μου. 19
Σχίσμα * [οδν] πάλιν έγένετο MENT I
έν FATHER/·'received from my
of me. A division [then] again occurred among
19 JThere was a Divi-
τοίς Ίουδαίοις διά
τους λόγους τούτους. sion again among the JEWS
20 Jews through
"Ελεγον δέ πολλοί έξ αυτών Δαιμόνιον
words these. because of these WORDS.
Said and many of them; A demon 20 And many of them
8χει, καΐ μαίνεται· τΐ αύτοΰ άκούετε; "Αλ- 21
said, $"He has a Demon,
hehas, and is mad; why him hear you? Others and is mad, why do you
λοι ελεγον Ταΰτα τά ρήματα ουκ εστί δαιμο- hear him?"
said; These the words not are of one 21 Others said, "These
οφθαλμούς άνοίγειν; μή δαιμόνιον δύναται τυφλών are not the WORDS of a
eyes to open? Demoniac; can a Demon
open the Eyes of the
^Έγένετο δέ τά εγκαίνια έν τοις blind?"
•Ιεροσολύμοις, καΐ χειμών ή ν 23
κα1 περιε- 22 *It was then the
πάτει ό Ίησοΰς έν τφ Ιερφ, έν τφ στοφ Σο-
walking the Jesus in the temple, In the porch of JERUSALEM ; it was Win-
24 ter ;
λομώνος. Έκύκλωσαν οΰν αυτόν ol 23 and *Jesus was
Solomon* Surrounded tliereiore Jiiixi tlio walking in the TEMPLE,
'Ιουδαίοι, καΐ Ιλεγον αύτφ· "Εως πότε την §in SOLOMON'S PORTICO.
ψυχήν ημών αίρεις; ΕΙ συ εΐ ό 24 The JEWS, therefore,
life of us dost thou take? if thou
25 art the surrounded him, and said
Χριστός, είπε ύμίν παρρησία. Άπεκρίθη to him, "How long dost
Anointed, tell us plainly. Answered thou hold us in suspense?
αύτοϊς ό Ίησοΰς· Είπον ύμίν καΐ ού πιστεύε- If thou art the MESSIAH,
them the Jesus; I told you, and not you tell us plainly."
25 JESUS answered them,
τε. Τά £ργα, & έγώ ποιώ έν τφ ονόμα- "I told you, and you did
not believe; the WORKS
τι τοΰ Πατρός μου, ταΰτα μαρτυρεί which I do in my FATHER'S
«ερί έμοΰ. Άλλ' ύμείς ού πιστεύετε· ού NAME, they testify of me.
But you not believe; not
concerning me. 26 JBut you believe not,
γάρ έστέ έκ τών προβάτων τών έμών. because you are not of MY
for you are of the sheep the mine.
*ΓΚαϋώς είπον ύμίν,] ^τά πρόβατα τά έμά 27 MY SHEEP hear my
[As I said to you,] the sheep the mine
VOICE, and I know them,
της φωνής μου ακούει, κάγώ γινώσκω αυτά, and they follow me;
the voice of me hears, and I know them,
*al άκολουθοϋσί μοι· 28κάγώ ξωήν αΐώνιον 28 and I give them aio-
nian Life; §and they shall
* VATICAN M A N U S C B I P T . — 1 9 . then—omit. 22. I t was then the FEAST of DEDICA-
TION at JERUSALEM; it was Winter. 23. Jesus. 26. As I said to you—omit.
t 17. Isa. liii. 7, 8, 1 2 ; Heb. ii. 9. ί 18. John vi. 3 8 ; xv. 10; Acts i i . 24, 3 2 .
% 19. John "ii. 4 3 ; ix. 16. t 20. John vii. 2 0 ; viii. 4 8 , 5 2 . $ 23. Acts iii. 1 1 ;
V. 12. $ 26. John viii. 4 7 ; 1 John iv. 6. $ 28. John vi. 3 7 ; xvii. 11, 12.
Chap. 10:29.] JOHN. [Chap. 10:40.
δίδωμι αύτοίς, καΐ ου μή εις by no means perish to the
give to them, and not not tbey will perish Into AGE, and no one shall wrest
τον αιώνα, καΐ ούχ άρπάσει τις αυτά έκ them out of my HAND.
29 p l y FATHER, who
the age, and not w i l l wrest anyone them out of has given them to me, is
2 9
της χειρός μου. Ό Πατήρ μου, δς greater than a l l ; and no
the hand of me. The Father of me, who one is able to wrest them
δέδωκε μοι, μείζων πάντων εστί· καΐ ού-out of *the FATHER'S
has given t o m e , greater of a l l i s ; and no
δείς δύναται άρπάζειν έκ της χειρός τοΰ HAND.
one i s able to w r i s t out of the hand of the 30 §1 and the FATHER
are One."
Πατρός μου· 30έγώ και ό Πατήρ 'έν έσμέν. 31 Then the JEWS took
β1 up Stones again, that they
Έβάστασαν οδν πάλιν λίθους ol 'Ιουδαίοι, might stone him.
ίνα λιθάσωσιν αυτόν. ^'ΑπεκρίΦη αύτοϊς 32 JESUS said to them,
that they might stone him. Answered them
ό Ίησοΰς· Πολλά καλά Ιργα έδειξα ΰμίν I"Many *good Works did
show you from *the FA-
the Jesus; Many good works I showed you
THER ; on account of
έ?« τοϋ Πατρός μου· διά ποίον αυτών which of these Works do
from the Father of m e ; because of which of them
you stone *Me?"
έ'ργον λιθάζετέ με; 33Άπεκρίθησαν αύτώ 33 The JEWS answered
Work do you stone me? Jxns^v©r£d Jiim him, "We do not stone
ol 'Ιουδαίοι * [λέγοντες·] Περί καλοϋ thee for a Good Work, but
the Jews [saying;] Concerning a good for Blasphemy; and Be-
cause thou, being a Man,
δργου ού λιθάξομέν σε, αλλά περί βλασ- makest thyself God."
work not we stone thee, but concerning blas-
34 * * Jesus answered
φημίας, καΐ δτι συ, δνθρωπος ών, ποιείς them, $"Is it not written
phemy, and that thou, a man being, makest in your LAW, Ί said, You
σεαυτόν Θεόν. ^Άπεκρίθη αύτοίς ό Ίησοϋς· are Gods?'
thyself a god. Answered them the Jesus; 35 If he called them
Gods, to whom the WORD
Ούκ Ιστι γεγραμμένον έν τω νόμφ υμών of GOD came, and the
I*iot i s Jit hftviosr bcou ^!^ritt©Ei In tli© 1&"W o f youj SCRIPTURE cannot be bro-
«'Εγώ είπα, θεοί έστέ;» ^ΕΙ εκείνους εί- ken,
"I said, gods you are?" If them he
πε θεούς, προς οϋς ό λόγος τοΰ Θεοΰ 36 of him whom the FA-
έγένετο, καΐ ού δύναται λυθήναι ή γραφή· THER set apart and sent
came, and not Is able to be broken the writing; into the WORLD, do you
3e say, 'Thou blasphemest;'
8v 6 Πατήρ ήγίασε, καΐ άπέστειλεν εις Because I said, Ί am a
Son of GOD?'
τόν κόσμον, ύμείς λέγετε· "Οτι βλασφημείς, 37 If I do not the WORKS
the world, you say; That thou blasphemest, of my FATHER, believe me
δτι είπον, υΙός τοΰ Θεοΰ είμι; δ7ΕΙ ού not.
because I said, A son of the God I am?
If not
ποιώ τά £ργα τοΰ Πατρός μου, μή πι- 38 But if I do, and if
I do the works of the Father of me, not you you believe not me, believe
στεύετέ μοι. ^Et δέ ποιώ, καν έμοί μή πι- the WORKS, so t h a t you
believe me. If but I do, and if me not you
στεύητε, τοίς δργοις πιστεύσατε· Ενα γνώ- may know and *believe,
believe, the works believe you; that you may §That the FATHER is in
τε καΐ πιστεύσητε, δτι έν έμοί ό Πατήρ, me, and *I am in the
know and you may be 11 eve, that in me the Father, FATHER."

κάγώ έν αύτφ. Έζήτουν οΰν πάλιν 39 Therefore, they were
and I In him. They sought therefore again
seeking again to seize
αυτόν πιάσαι· καΐ έξήλθεν έκ της χειρός Him; but he went forth
him to seise; and he went forth out of the hand out of their HAND.
αυτών. *°ΚαΙ απήλθε πάλιν πέραν τοΰ Ίορδά- 40 And he went away
Of them. And he went again beyond the Jordan, again beyond the JORDAN,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.·—29. the FATHEB'S HAND. 32. good Works. 32. the
FATHER. 32. Me. 33. saying—omit. 34. Jesus. 38. understand. That 38. I am
in the FATHBE.
$ 29. John xiv. 28. t 30. John xvii. 11, 22. $ 34. Psa. Ixxxii. 6. $ 38. John
xlv. 10, 1 1 ; xvii. 21.
Chap. 10:41.] JOHN. [Chap. 11:10.
νου, εις τον τόπον δπου f|V 'Ιωάννης τό πρώ- into the PLACE where
to the place where was John the first John was immersing at the
τον βαπτίζων καΐ εμεινεν εκεί. ^ΚαΙ πολλοί FIRST ;andhe abode there.
dipping; and he abode there. And many
?]λ&ον προς αυτόν, καΐ ελεγον "Οτι Ιωάννης him, 41 And many came to
and said, "John, jn-
came to him, and said; That John
μέν σημείον έποίησεν ουδέν πάντα δέ deed, $but
performed no Sign;
Whatever John said
indeed a sign did not one; all but
οσα είπεν Ιωάννης περί τούτου, concerning him was true."
what things said John concerning this, 42 And many believed
αληθή f|V. ^ΚαΙ έπίστευσαν πολλοί εκεί ε'ις into him there.
true was. And believed many there into
αυτόν. CHAPTER ΧΙ^
him. 1 Now there was a cer-
ΚΕΦ. ί α ' . 1 1 . tain sick man, Lazarus of
Bethany, from the VIL-
τις ασθενών, Λάζαρος, άπδ LAGE of $Mary, and Mar-
H v δέ
Was and Certain sick one, Lazarus, from tha, her SISTEE.
Βηθανίας, έκ της κώμης Μαρίας καΐ Μάρ- 2 ($It wTas THAT Mary
Bethany, out of the village of Mary and Mar-
ϋας της αδελφής αυτής. 2 ( r H v δέ Μαρία ή who ANOINTED the LORD,
tha the sister ofher. (Was and Mary the and wiped his FEET with
άλείψασα τόν Κύριον μύρω, καΐ έκμά-
ha-v ing anointed the Lord withbalsam, and wiped her HAIR, wiiose BROTHER
Lazarus was sick.)
ξασα τους πόδας αΰτοΰ ταίς θριξίν αυ- 3 The SISTERS, there-
τής· ής ό αδελφός Λάζαρος ήσθένει.) fore, sent to him, saying,
"Lord, behold, he whom
8heiself; of whom the .brother Lazarus was sick.) thou lovest is sick."
Άπέστειλαν ofiv at άδελφαΐ προς αυτόν,
Sent therefore the sisters to him, 4 But JESUS, having
λέγουσαι· Κύριε, Ιδε, δν φιλεΐς, ασθενεί. heard, said, "This SICK-
NESS is not to Death, $but
4 saying; O lord, lo, whom thoulovest Is sick.
Άκούσας· δέ ό Ίησοΰς είπεν Αΰτη ή άσθέ- for the GLORY of GOD, that
Having heard and the Jesus said: This the slck- the SON of GOD may be
νεια ούκ Uaxi προς θάνατον, άλλ' υπέρ glorified by it."
ness not Is to death, but on account 5 Now JESUS loved
τής δόξης του Θεοΰ, Ινα δοξασθτί ό MARTHA, and her SISTER,
of the glory of the God, that may be glorified the and LAZARUS.
νΙός του Θεοΰ δι' αυτής. 6 Ήγάπα δέ δ 6 When, therefore, he
son of the God through her. Loved now the heard That he was sick,
Ίησοΰς τήν Μρθαν, καΐ τήν άδελφήν αυτής, then, indeed, the abode in
Jesus the Martha, and the sister ofher,
and tτόν
h e LΛάζαρον.
a z a r u s . W e*Ως
n t eουν ήκουσεν,
n he hea δτι άσθε- the Place where he was
and the Lazarus. When then he heard, that he was Two Days.
νεϊ, τότε μέν εμεινεν έν <> || ί τόπω 7 Then, after this, he
sick, then indeed he abode in whic
ich he was place says to the DISCIPLES,
δύο ημέρας. 7 "Επειτα μετά τοΰτο λέγει τοίς "Let us go into JUDEA
two days. Then after this he says to the
μαθηταίς· "Αγωμεν είς τήν Ίουδαίαν πάλιν, again."
disciples; Let us go into the Judea again. 8 The DISCIPLES say to
Λέγουσιν αύτφ ol μαθητα'ι· Ραββί, νυν him, "Rabbi, §the JEWS
Say to him the
disciples; Kabbi, now recently sought to stone
έζήτουν σε λιθάσαι ol 'Ιουδαίοι, καΐ πάλιν thee; and art thou going
sought thee to stone the Jews, and again there again?"
υπάγεις εκεί; 9 Άπεκρίθη *ΙΙησοΰς Ουχί 9 Jesus answered, "Are
goest thou there? Answered Jesus;
Not there not Twelve Hours
δο')δεκα είσΐν ώραι τής ημέρας; έάνν τις of the DAY? §If any one
twelve are h o u r s of t h e day? if
i f anyone
walk in the DAY, he stum-
περιπατή έν χχ\ ήμερα, ού προσκόπτει, δτι bles not, Because he sees
may walk in the day, not he stumbles, because
10 the LIGHT of thij WORLD.
τό φώς του' κόσμου τούτου βλέπει· έάν δέ 10 But if any one walk
the light of the world this he sees; If but
$ 41. John iii. 30. $ 1. Luke x. 38, 39. $ 2. Matt. xxvi. 7; Mark xiv. 3 ; John
xii. 3. $ 4. John ix. 3 ; veir. 40. $ 6. John x. 40. $ 8. John x. 31. t 9. John ix. 4.
Chap. 11:11.] JOHN. [Chap. 11: 23.
τις περιπατη έν τη νυκτ'ι, προσκόπτει, in the NIGHT, he stumbles,
any one may walk in the night, he stumbles, Because the LIGHT is not
in him."
δτι το φώς ουκ εστίν έν αύτω. η Τ α ΰ - 11 These things hesaid ;
τα είπε· καΐ μετά τοϋτο λέγει αύτοΐς* and after this lie says to
thing's liesaid; a n d a f t e r them, i "Lazarus,
t h i s h es a y s t o them*, our
Λάζαρος ό φίλος ημών κεκοίαηται· FRIEND, has fallen asleep ;
but I am going, that I may
L&z&rus t h e f r i e n d of u s i s f a l l e n a12s l e e p ; b u t
πορεύομαι, ϊνα έξυπνήσο αυτόν. Ειπον οΰν awake him."
ί go, that I may awake him. 12 Said then
ol μαΦηται αύτοϋ· Κνριε, ει therefore, said to him,
t h e d i s c i p l e s o fh i m ; 0 l o r d , i f h e i s f a l l e n a s l e e p ,
"Lord, if he has fallen
σωθήσεται. ^Είρήκει asleep, he will recover."
δε ό Ίησοΰς περί
he shall be saved. Had spoken but the Jesus about 13 But JESUS had spo-
τοϋ θανάτου αύτοΰ* εκείνοι δε εδοξαν, δτι ken concerning his DEATH ;
the death of him; they but thought, that but they thought That he
περί της κοιμήσεως τοΰ ύπνου λέγει. was speaking of the RE-
Τότε ούν είπεν αΰτοίς ό Ίησοΰς παρρη- 14 Then, therefore, J E -
Then therefore said to them th© Jesus plain- SUS said plainly, "Laza-
σία* Λάζαρος απέθανε· κα1 χαίρω 1δ
δι' rus is dead ;
15 and I rejoice, on your
υμάς, ϊνα πιστεύσητε. δτι ουκ ημην εκεί· account, That I was not
there, so that you may be-
άλλ' αγωμεν προς αυτόν. 16 Είπεν ούν Θωμάς, lieve ; but let us go to him."
but we may go to him. Said then Thomas,
16 Then THAT Thomas,
ό λεγόμενος Δίδυμος, τοίς συμμαθηταϊς·
that being called a twin, to the fellow-disciples* who is CALLED Didymus,
said to the FELLOW-DISCI-
"Αγωμεν καΐ ημείς, ινα άποθάνωμεν μετ* PLES, "Let us also go, that
May go also we, t h a t we may d i e w i t h we may die with him."
αύτοΰ. 1 7 Έλθών ού"ν ό· Ίησοΰς εύρεν αυτόν
him. Coming therefore the Jesus found him 17 JESUS, therefore,
τεσσάρας ημέρας ηδη έχοντα έν τ φ μνη- been coming, found that he had
four days already having been in the tomb. the TOMB. already Four Days in

με'ιω. 1 8 r H v δε ή Βηθανία εγγύς των 'Ιερο- 18 Now BETHANY was

near JERUSALEM about
σολύμων, ώς άπό σταδίων δεκαπέντε. fifteen Furlongs distant.
19 And many of the
Καί πολλοί έκ τών Ιουδαίων έληλύΟεισαν JEWS had come to those
And many of the Jews had come with Martha and Mary,
that they might console
προς τάς περί Μάρθαν καΐ Μαρίαν, ϊνα παρα- them concerning their
to those about Martha and Mary, that they BROTHER.
μυθήσωνται αύτάς περί τοϋ άδελφοΰ αύ- 20 MARTHA, therefore,
might comfort them concerning the brother of when she heard That •Je-
Ίησοΰς2 0 Ή
τών. έρχεται, ύπήντησεν
οΰν Μάρθα αύτφ· Μαρία
ώς η*κουσεν, δτι sus was coming, went to
Jesus was coming, met him; Mary meet him ; but Mary was
be έν τ φ οϊκφ έκαθέζετο. ΕΙπεν οί>ν ή Μάρ- sitting in the HOUSE.

but In the house was sitting. Said then the Mar-

θα προς τόν Ί η σ ο ΰ ν Κύριε, ει $\ζ 21 Then MARTHA said
to *Jesus, "Lord, if thou
ώδε, ό αδελφός μου ουκ αν έτεθνήκει· άλλά 22 hadst been here, my BROTH-
( t h b t h f m n o t ^ v o l d h v e d i e d b t ER would not have died.
καΐ νΰν οίδα, δτι δσα αν αίτή- 22 *And even now I
and now I know, that whatever things thou mayest know, $That whatever
οχ\ τόν Θεόν, δώσει σοι ό θεός. ^Λέγει things thou wilt ask of
ask t h e God, w i l l g i v e t o t h e e t h e God. Says GOD, GOD will give thee."
αύτϋ ό Ίησοΰς· Άναοτήσεται ό αδελφός
23 JESUS said to her,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. The DISCIPLES, therefore, said to him. 20. Jesus.
21. Jesus. 22. And.
t 11. DeuL xxxi 16; Dan xii. 2 ; Matt. ix. 2 4 ; Acts vii. 60; 1 Cor. xv. 18, 51.
$ 22. John ix. 31.
Chap. 11:24.] JOHN. [Chap. 11:34.
σου. 2 4 Λέγει αύτφ Μάρθα* ΟΙδα, δτι άνα- "Thy BROTHER will rise
of t h e e . Says t o h i m M a r t h a ; I know, t h a t he again."
στήσεται, έν τχ\ άναστάσει εν ττί εσχάτη 24 * MARTHA said to
w i l l r i s e again, i n the r e s u r r e c t i o n in the l a s t him, §"I know that he will
ήμερα. 25 Εΐπεν αύτη ό Ίησοϋς· Έ γ ώ ειμί ή rise again, in the RESUR-
day. Said to her the Jesus; 1 am the RECTION, in the LAST day."
άνάστασις και ή ζωή* ό πιστεύων εις έμέ, 25 JESUS said to her, " I
resurrection and the life; he believing into me, am $the RESURRECTION,
καν άποθάνη, ζήσεται· κα1 πας ό and Jthe LIFE ; HE BE-
even if he may d i e , he shall live; and a l l the LIEVING into me, even
ζών και πιστεΰων εις έμέ, ού μή άποθάνη though he die, shall live;
living and believing into me, not not may die
26 and no one LIVING
εις τον αΙώνα. Πιστεύεις τοΰτο; 2 7 Λέγει and believing into me, shall
into the age. Believest thou this? She says
die to the AGE. Dost thou
cu'mo· Ναι, Κύριε* έγώ πεπίστευκα, δτι συ believe this?"
to him; Yes, O lord; I have bel ieved, that thou
27 She says to him, "Yes,
εί ό Χριστός, ό υΙός τοΰ Θεοϋ, ό εις τον Lord, XI have believed that
art th the
thou art the MESSIAH,
κόσμ,ον ερχόμενος. 2 8 ΚαΙ ταΰτα είποΰσα, THAT SON of GOD COMING
into the WORLD."
απήλθε, και έφώνησε Μαρίαν τήν άδελφήν 28 And saying these
she went, and called Mary the sister things, she went and called
αυτής λάθρα, είποΰσα· Ό διδάσκαλος πά- Mary, her SISTER pri-
of her privately, saying; 2 0 The teacher is vately, saying, "The
ρεστι, και φωνεί σε. Έκε'ινη ώς ηκουσεν, TEACHER is come, and
present, and c a l l s thee. She when she heard,
calls thee."
εγείρεται ταχύ, καΐ έρχεται προς αυτόν. 29 *And she, when she
rises up quickly, and comes to him.
30 heard, rose up quickly,
(Οΰπω δε έληλύθει ό Ίησοϋς είς την κώμην and came to him.
(Not y e t now had come t h e J e s u s i n t o t h e v i l l a g e ; 30 Now JESUS had not
άλλ' ήν έν τφ τόπω, δπου ύπήντησεν αύτφ yet' come into the VIL-
but was in the place, where met him LAGE, but was *still in the
ή Μάρθα.) 3 1 Ol οδν Ιουδαίοι, ol οντες PLACE where Martha met
the Martha.) The therefore Jews, -those being him.
μετ' αυτής έν τη οικία καΐ παραμυθούμένοι 31 THOSE JEWS, there-
fore, who WERE with her
αυτήν, ίδόντες τήν Μαρίαν, οτι ταχέως άνέ- in the HOUSE, and were
her, seeing the Mary, that quickly she consoling her, seeing MA-
RY, That she rose up sud-
στη και έξήλθεν, ήκολούθησαν αύτη, λέγον- denly and went out, fol-
lowed her, *saying, "She
τες' "Οτι υπάγει είς το μνημεϊον, Ινα is going to the TOMB, that
3 2 she may weep there."
κλαύση έκεΐ. Ή οΰν Μαρία ώς ήλθεν
32 MARY,theref ore,when
οπού ήν ό Ίησοϋς, ίδοϋσα αυτόν επεσεν she came where *Jesus
was, seeing him, fell at his
where w a s t h e Jesus, seeing h i m , she fell FEET, saying to him, "Lord,
αύτοϋ είς τους πόδας, λέγουσα αύτφ· Κύριε, if thou hadst been here,
εί ής ώδε, ούκ αν απέθανε μου My BROTHER would not
have died."
if thou hadst been here, not would have died of me 33 When Jesus, there-
ό αδελφός. 3 3 Ίησοϋς οΰν ώς είδεν αυτήν
the brother. Jesus therefore when he saw her fore, saw her weeping, and
κλαίουσα ν, και τους συνελθόντας αύτη Ίουδαί- the JEWS having come with
weeping, and t h o s e having come w i t h h e r J e w s her weeping, he was
ους κλαίοντας, ένεβριμήσατο τφ πνεύματι, greatly agitated in his
w e e p i n g , he w a s A84g i t a t e d i n t h e s p i r i t , SPIRIT, and affected,
και έτάραξεν εαυτόν, κα1 είπε· Ποϋ τεθεί-
and troubled himself, and said; Where have 34 and said, "Where

• VATICAN MANuscBvt»T.—24. MARTHA, 29. And she, when she heard, rose up.
30. still in the PLAOT. 3 A. thinking. 32. Jesus.
±24. L k e xiv.
Luke xiv. 14
1 4 , John v. 20. $25. John v. 2 1 ; vi. 3 9 , 4 0 , 4 4 . t 25. John
35; xiv. 6 ; Col Hi. 4 ; 1 John i. 1 , 2 : v. 11. $ 27. Matt. xvi. 1 6 ;
i. 4; vi. ""
John i. 49 ; iv. 4 2 ; vi. 14, 69.
Chap, 11:35.] JOHN. [Chap. 11:45.
κατε αυτόν; Λέγουσιν αύτφ· Κύριε, ερχου, have you laid him?" They
you laid him? They say tohim; θ lord, come, say to him, "Lord, come
καΐ ίδε. ^'Εδάκρυσεν ό Ίησοϋς. 8β "Ελεγον and see."
and see. Wept tho Jesus. Said 35 §Jesus wept.
οΰν ol 'Ιουδαίοι* "Ιδε, πώς έφ'ιλει αυτόν. 36 The JEWS, therefore,
then ιΐΐθ JβΎν^sj Sc6j liow XXG lovctj ixim· said, "Behold, how he
Τινές δέ έξ αυτών είπον Ουκ ήδύνατο ούτος, loved h i m ! "
Some but of them said; Not was able this, 37 But some of them
ό άνοίξας τους οφθαλμούς τοϋ τυφλοϋ said, "Could not he, who
OPENED the EYES of $the
ποιήσαι, ίνα καΐ οΰτος μη άποθάνη; 3 8 Ί η - BLIND man, have even pre-
tohave caused, that even this not shoulddle? Je-
vented this man's death V*
σοϋς οΰν πάλιν έμβριμώμενος εν έαυτώ, 38 JESUS, therefore,
sus therefore again being agitated In himself,
again being agitated with-
άρχεται είς τό μνημείον. Τ
Ην δέ σπήλαι- in himself, comes to the
TOMB. Now it was a Cave,
ον, καΐ λίθος έπέκειτο έπ* αύτώ. Λέγει ό 39
and a Stone was lying
and a stone was lying on it. Says tho upon it.
Ίησοΰς· "Αρατε τόν λίθον. Λέγει αύτφ 39 JESUS said, "Take
Jesus; Take away the stone, Says to hiiii away the STONE." Martha,
ή αδελφή τοϋ τεθνηκότος, Μάρθα* Κύριε,
the sister of the having died, Martha; θ lord, the SISTER of HIM who
f\br\ δξει* τεταρταίος γάρ έστι. 40 Λέγει *had died, says to him,
jaow he smells; fourth day for i t is. Says "Lord, he smells now ; for
αύτη ό Ίησοΰς· Ούκ είπον σοι, 8τι έάν it is the fourth day."
to her the Jesus; Not I said tothee, that if 40 JESUS says to her,
Λίστεΰσης δψει την δόξαν τοΰ "Did I not tell thee, That
thouwouldstbelieve, thoushaltsee the glory of the if thou wouldst believe,
41Τ thou shalt $see the GLORY
Θεοΰ; Ηραν οΰν τόν λίθον. Ό δέ
of GOD?"
God? They took away then the stone. The but 41 Then they took away
Ίησοΰς ήρε τους οφθαλμούς άνω, καΐ είπε* the STONE. And JESUS
Jesus lifted up the eyes above, and said; lifted his EYES above, and
Πάτερ, ευχαριστώ σοι, δτι ή*κουσάς said, "Father, I give thanks
OJFather, Igive thanks tothee, that thoudidsthear to thee That thou didst
μου. ^ Έ γ ώ δέ ήδειν, δτι πάντοτε μοΰ άκού- hear me
jne. I and knew, that always me thou 42 And I knew That thou
£ΐς· αλλά διά τόν δχλον τόν περιεστώ- hearest Me always; §but
lj0fll*GStj bill* OQ&CCOUQt Of t h e CrOT^Tfli tllftt StelDeiin£»·*** on account of THAT CROWD
STANDING BY I spoke, so
τα είπον, Ινα πιστεύσωσιν, δτι συ με that they may believe That
thou didst send Me."
άπέστειλας. 43 ΚαΙ ταΰτα ειπών, φωνή
4 4 43 And hayingsaid these
μ ε γ ά sent.
hast λ η έ κ ρ αAnd
ύ γ α σ ε · Λthings
ά ζ α ρ ε ,saying,
δεΰρο with
ε ξ ω . voiceΈ - words, he cried out with a
loud he cried these
out; O Lazarus, come out.aCame
loud Voice, "Lazarus, come
ξηλθεν 6 τεθνηκώς, δεδεμένος τους f o r t h ! "
out he having been dead, having been bound the 44 HE who had been
πόδας καΐ τάς χείρας κειρίαις, καΐ ή DEAD came forth, having
feet and the hands with bandages, and the his HANDS and FEET bound
δψις αύτοΰ οουδαρίφ περιεδέδετο. Λέγει with Bandages, and §his
lace of him withanapJcia boundabout. Says FACE bound about with a
αύτοίς ό Ίησοΰς· Λύσατε άύτόν, καΙ ά*φετε Napkin. * Jesus says to
to them the Jesus; Loose you him, and allow them, "Loose him, and let
ίπάγειν. ^Πολλοί οδν έκ των Ιουδαίων, him go."
to go. Many therefore of the Jews, 45 MANY, therefore, of
ol έλθόντες προς την Μαρίαν, καΐ θεασά- the JEWS who CAME to
those having come to the Mary, and having MARY, $and beheld *that
μενοι 8. έποίησεν, έπίστευσαν είς which he had done, be-
gazed upon what he did, believed into lieved into him.
* VATICAN MANUSCEIPT.·—39. had died, says. 44. Jesus. 45. that which he had
done, believed.
I 3 5. Luke xix. 41. ί 3 7. John ix. 6. t 40. ver. 4 , 2 3 . t 42. John xii. 30.
t 44. John xx. 7. $ 45. John ii. 2 3 ; x. 4 2 ; xii. 11, 18.
Chap. 11:46.] JOHN. [Chap. 11:54.
αυτόν. 4βΤινές δε έξ auccov άπήλθον προς τους46 But some of them
him. Some but of them went to the went to the PHARISEES,
Φαρισαίους, καΐ είπεν αύτοίς 8. έποίησεν 6 and told them what things
Pharisees, and tola them what did the JESUS did.
47 Then the HIGH-
Συνήγαγον οδν ol αρχιερείς καΐ ol Φα- SEES convened the Sanhe-

Assembled then the high-priests and the Pha- drim, and said, $"What
are we doing? Because
ρισαίοι συνέδριον, καΐ Φλέγον ΤΙ ποι- This MAN performs Many-
risees ahigh council, and said; What are Signs.
ουμεν; δτι οδτος άνθρωπος πολλά σημεία
48 If we suffer him thus,
We doing? because this the man many signs
ποιεί. 4 8 Έάν άφώμεν αυτόν ούτω, πάντες πι- all will believe into him;
does. If we allow him thus, all will and the ROMANS will come
στεύσουσιν εις αυτόν καΐ έλεύσονται ol Ρω- and take away both our
believe into him; and w i l l come the Ro-
μαίοι, καΐ άροϋσιν ήμων καΐ τόν τόπον 49 And a certain one of
mans, and w i l l takeaway of us both the place them, §Caiaphas, ±being
«αϊ τό έθνος. 49ΕΙς δέ τις αύτων, Καιά- High-priest that TEAR,
and the nation. One and acertaln of them, Cala- said to them, "You know
φας, άρχιερεύς ών του ένιαυτοΰ εκείνου, nothing;
phas, high-priest being of the year that, 50 §neither do you con~
είπεν αΰτοίς· Ύμείς ούκ οϊδατε ουδέν. ^Οΰδέ sider That it is expedient
διαλογίζεσθε, δτι συμφέρει ήμίν, ϊνα είς for us that OneMan should
do you consider, that it Is better for us, that one die in behalf of the PEO-
ίίνθρωπος άποθάνη υπέρ του λαοΰ, καΐ PLE, than that the Whole
NATION should perish."
man should die in behalf of the people, and
μή δλον τό Ιθνος άπόληται. Β1Τοΰτο δέ 51 But he said this not
not whole the nation should perish. This but from himself; but being
άφ' έαυτοΰ ούκ είπεν αλλά άρχιερεύς ών High-priest that YEAR, he
from himself not he said; but high-priest being
του ένιαυτοΰ εκείνου, προεφήτευσεν, δτι predicted That Jesus was
about to die in behalf of
£μελλεν Ίησοΰς άποθνήσκειν υπέρ του the NATION ;
was about Jesus to die in behalf of the
κα1 ούχ υπέρ του Εθνους μόνον, 52 and not only in be-
nation; and not in behalf of the nation alone, half of the NATION, §but
Αλλ' ϊνα καΐ τά τέκνα του Θεοΰ τά διεσκορ- that he should also assem-
but that also the children of the God those having ble into one, THOSE CHILD-
πισμένα συναγάγη είς gv. REN of GOD who have been
been scattered he should gather into one. SCATTERED ABROAD.
'An' εκείνης οδν της ημέρας συνε- DAY, 53 Therefore from That
3From tli it t tiiof cforo the d&y they
*they took coun-
sel that they might kill
βουλεύσαντο, ίνα άποκτεΐνωσιν αυτόν. him.
took counsel together, that they might k i l l
64 him. 54 *JESUS, ^therefore,
Ίησοΰς οδν ούκέτι παρρησία περιεπάτει
Jesus therefore no longer publicly walked walked no longer publicly
έν τοις Ίουδαίοις, αλλά άπήλθεν εκείθεν among the JEWS, but went
among the Jews, but went away thence away thence into the
είς τήν χώραν εγγύς της ερήμου, είς Έφραΐμ COUNTRY near the DESERT,
Into the country near the desert, into Bphralm into a City called ±Eph-

• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—53. they took counsel. 54. JESUS.

± 49. By the law of Moses, Exod. xl. 15, the office of high-priest was for life, and
the sen οι Aaron's race always succeeded his father. But at this time the high-priesthood
was almost annual; the Romans and Herod put down and raised up whom they pleased,
and when they pleased, without alluding to any other rule than merely that the person
put in thic office should be of the sacerdotal race. Caiaphas held this office eight or
nine years.^-CZarfce. ± 54. A little village in the neighborhood of Bethel. Eusebius ana
Jerome say it was about twenty miles north of Jerusalem.
ί 47. John xii. 19; Acts iv. 16. t 49. Luke iii. 3 ; John xviii. 14; Acts iv. 6.
% 50. John xviii. 14. $ 52. Isa. xlix. 6; John x. 16. Eph. i. 10; ii. 14-17. $ 54.
John iv. 1. 3 ; viii. 1.
Chap. 11:55.] JOHN. [Chap. 12:6.
λεγομένην πάλιν κάκεί διέτριβε μετά των raim, and there *abode
being culled & cityj aud tliere roinuined. w i t h tlio with the DISCIPLES.
μαθητών αΰτοΰ. Ε5Τ Ην δέ εγγύς το πάσχα 55 |And the PASSOVER
disciples of himself. Was and near the passover
of the JEWS was near ; and
των 'Ιουδαίων καΐ άνέόησαν πολλοί είς many went up to Jerusalem
the Jews; and went up many into out of the COUNTRY, before
*Ιεροσόλυμα έκ της χώρας πρό τοϋ πάσχα, the PASSOVER, that they
Jerusalem out of the country before the passover, might purify themselves.
ίνα άγνίσωσιν εαυτούς. 66Έζήτουν οϊ>\
that they might purify themselves. They sought then 56 Then they sought for
JESUS, and said to one
τόν Ίησοΰν, καΐ ελεγον μετ' αλλήλων έν τω another, standing in the
t f J c
Ιερω έστηκότες·l ΤΙid ith
δοκεί l t l ο I
νμίν; δτι οΰ th TEMPLE, "What
μ ή you think
temple standing; What think you? that not not ? Will he not come to
Β7 the FEAST?"
είς την έορτήν; Δεδώκεισαν δέ
57 Now the HIGH-
*[καΙ] ol αρχιερείς καΐ ol Φαρισαίοι έντο- PRIESTS and the PHARI-
tboth] the high-priests and the Pharisees a com- SEES had given *a Com-
λήν, ίνα έάν τις γνφ που έστι, mand, that if any one knew
mandraent, that if anyone shouldknow where he is,
where he was, he should
μήνυση, δπως πιάσωσιν αυτόν, show how they might ap-
lid should show, how they might seize him. prehend him.

ΚΕΦ. ι6'. 12. CHAPTER XII.

Ό οδν Ίησοΰς πρό έ'ξ ημερών τοΰ 1 Then JESUS Six Days
before the PASSOVER came
πάσχα ή"λθεν είς ΒηΦαν'ιαν, δπου fjv Λάζαρος to Bethany, §where THAI'
passover came into Bethany, where was Lazarus Lazarus was whom * Jesus
*[ό τεθνηκώς,] δν ήγειρεν έκ νε- raised from the Dead.
[he having
2 been dead,] whom he raised out of dead 2 §They made him,
κοών. Έποίησαν οδν αύτφ δείπνον έκεϊ, therefore, a Supper there,
ones. They made therefore him a supper there,
καΐ ή Μάρθα διηκόνει· 6 δέ Λάζαρος είς %\ν and MARTHA served ; but
and the Martha served; the but Lazarus one was LAZARUS was one of THOSE
των άνακειμένων σύν αύτφ. 3 Ή οδν Μαρία RECLINING with him.
of those reclining with him. The then Mary
λαβοΰσα λίτραν μύρου νάρδου πιστικης 3 Then §Mary having
having taken a pound of balsam of spikenard genuine taken a Pound of Balsam of
πολυτίμου, ήλειψε τους πόδας του Ίησοΰ, costly, anointed genuine Spikenard, very
the FEET
_=_r._. 3_ ταίς θριξίν αύτης,„ of *Jesus, and wiped his

with the ' "
- „ =- - " "" FEET with her HAIR ; and
-~· *
-"•'• hairs ofhers41f the HOUSE was filled with
πόδας αύτου· ή δέ οικία έπληρώθη έκ της the ODOR of the BALSAM.
όσμης τοΰ μύρου. Λέγει οΰν είς έκ των 4*And one of his DISCI-
odor ox LII6 o^lsiiixi· Siiys tiiereiore ΟΙΙΘ ΟΙ tli© PLES, THAT ISCARIOT who
μαθητών αύτοΰ, 'Ιούδας Σίμωνος Ίσκαριώ- was ABOUT to betray him,
disciples of him, Judas of Simon Iscariot,
της, ό μέλλων αυτόν παραδιδόναι* 6ΔιατΙ
he being about him to deliver up; W h y this 5 "Why was not This
BALSAM sold for Three
τό μύρον ούκ έπράθη τριακοσίο>ν δηναρίων, hundred Denarii, and given
^jj0 bft I s&iu not sold βthi*Boliundi*6d
ΕΙπε δέ τοΰτο, ούχ to the Poor?"
«αϊ εδόθη πτωχοίς;
and given topoorones? He said now this, not 6 Now he said this, not
δτι περί των πτωχών εμελλεν αύτφ, Because he cared for the
because about the poor it concerned him,
άλλ* δτι κλέπτης fjv, καΐ τό γλωσσό- a Thief, POOR ; but because lie was
but because a thief he was, and the box and $had the BOX
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—54. abode with the DISCIPLES. 5 7. Commandments that,
57. both—omit. 1. he having been dead—omit. 1. Jesus raised. 3. Jesus. 4. And
one of his DISCIPLES, that ISCAKIOT who was ABOUT to betray him, says.
$ 55. John ii. 13; r. 1; vi. 4. % 1. John si. 1, 43. $ 2. Matt. xxvi. 6; Mark xiv.
3. | 3. John xi. 2. t 6. John xiii. 29.
Chap. 12:7.] JOHN. [Chap. 12: IT.
«ομον είχε, καΐ τά βαλλόμενα έβάσταζεν. and stole what THINGS
hehad, and the things beingputin he carried off. were DEPOSITED in it.
Εϊπεν ούν ό Ί Ίησοϋς·
ϋ ""Αφες
Α αυτήν
υή 7 JESUS, therefore, said,
Said theref e Jesus; Let alone he
Said therefore the Jesus; Let alone her; *"Suffer her, t h a t she may-
εΙς την ήμέραν τοΰ ενταφιασμοί) μου τετή- keep it for the DAY of my
for the day of the embalming of me she has
ρηκεν αυτό. 8Τούς πτωχούς γαρ πάντοτε εχε-
kept .it. The poor for always you 8 For I the POOR you
τε μεθ' εαυτών, έμέ δέ ού πάντοτε έχετε. have always with your-
have with yourselves, me but not always youhave. selves ; but Me you have
°Έγνω οΰν δχλος πολύς έκ τών Ίουδαί- not always."
Kiiew therefore a crowd great of the Jews, 9 A great Crowd of the
cuv, δτι εκεί έστι· καΐ ^λθον ού δια JEWS, therefore, knew
That he was there; and
τον Ίησοΰν μόνον, άλλ' ϊνα καΐ τον Λάζα- they came, not on account
of the Jesus alone, but that also the Lazarus
of JESUS only, but also
gov ΐδωσιν, δν Ϋίγειρεν έκ νεκρών, that they might see LA-
they might see, whom he raised out of deadones.
ZARUS whom he raised
Έβουλεΰσαντο δέ ol αρχιερείς, Ινα καΐ τον from the DEAD.

10 $*And even the

Λάζαρον άποκτείνωσιν η δ τ ι πολλοί δι' HIGH-PRIESTS took coun-
Lazarus they mightki 11; because many onaccount sel, t h a t they might kill
αυτόν ύπήγον τών 'Ιουδαίων, καΐ έπ'ιστευ-
of him went away of the Jews, and believed 11 ^Because, on account
ov εΙς τον Ίησοΰν. of him, many of the JEWS
into the Jesus. went away, and believed
Tfi επαύριον δχλος πολύς, ό έλθών into JESUS.
On the morrow a crowd great, who having come 12 $The NEXT DAY, a
είς την έορτήν, άκουσαντες, δτι άρχεται great Crowd HAVING COMB
Ίησοϋς είς Ιεροσόλυμα, ^ελαβον τά 6άϊα to the FEAST, having
Jesus into Jerusalem, they took the branches heard That JESUS was
τών φοινίκων, καΐ έξηλΦον είς ύπάντησιν coming to Jerusalem,
of the palm-trees, and went out to a meeting 13 took BRANCHES of
ο,ύτώ, καί δκραζον· *Ωσαννά, εύλογη- PALM-TREES, and went out
•withhim, and cried out; Hosanna, worthy of
to meet him, and cried
μένος ό ερχόμενος έν ονόματι Κυρίου, ό out, $''Hosanna, Blessed
blessing he coming in name of Lord, the
is H E who COMES in the
όασιλεύς του Ι σ ρ α ή λ . 1 4 Εύρών δέ ό Ίησοϋς Name of Jehovah, the
king of the Israel. Finding and the Jesus KING of ISRAEL V
όνάριον, έκάθισεν έπ' αυτό, καθώς έστι γε- 14 And JESUS having
a young ass, he sat on it, as it is hav-
found a Young ass, sat on
γραμμένον ^«Μή φόβου, θύγατερ Σιών
ing been written: "Not fear, Ο daughter ofSion; it, as it has been written,
Ιδού, ό βασιλεύς σου Ιρχεται καθήμενος 15 §"Fear not, *daugh-
Ιο, the king of thee comes sitting "ter of Zion; behold, thy
1β "KING comes, sitting on
έπι πώλον δ νου.» Ταΰτα δέ ούκ έ'γνωσαν
' f the Colt of an Ass."
oi μαθηταΐ αύτοϋ τό πρώτον* άλλ' δτε έδο- 16 Now these things his
the disciples of him the first; but when was
DISCIPLES knew not at
ξάσθη ό Ίησοϋς, τότε έμνήσθησαν, δτι FIRST ; but when JESUS
glorified the Jesus, then they remembered, that was glorified, $then they
ταΰτα $\ν έπ' αύτφ γεγραμμένα, remembered That These
these things was about him having been written, things had been written
17 about him, and they did
καΐ ταϋτα εποίησαν αύτώ. Έμαρτύρει
and these things they did to him. Testified these things to him.
οΰν ό δχλος, ό ώ ν μετ* αΰτοΰ, δτι τόν 17 Then THAT CROWD
then the crowd, that being with him, that the which was with him, testi-

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—7. Suffer her, that she may keep it for the DAY of my
EMBALMING. 10. But even the HIGH-PRIESTS. 15. DAUGHTER of Zion.
t 8. Matt. xxvi. 1 1 ; Mark xiv. 7. $ 10. Luke xvi. 31. t 11. John xi. 4 5 .
$ 1 2 . Matt. xxi. 8 ; Mark xi. 8 ; Luke xix. 35, &c. $ 13. Psa. cxviii. 25,26.
t 15. Zech. ix. 9 . $ 16. John xiv. 2 6 .
Chap. 12:18.J JOHN. [Chap. 12:27.
Λάζαρον έφώνησεν έκ τοΰ μνημείου, fied that he called LAZARUS
Lazarus he called out of the tomb, out of the TOMB, and
Διά τοϋ- raised him from the dead.
ήγειρεν αυτόν έκ νεκρών.
το καΐ ύπήντησεν αύτφ ό δχλος, δτι ήκου- 18 On this account also
the CROWD met him, Be-
σαν τοΰτο αυτόν πεποιηκέναι τό σημείον.10Oi cause they heard that he
heard this him to have done the sign. The had done This SIGN.
οΰν Φαρισαίοι ειπον προς εαυτούς· Θεωρείτε
then Pharisees said to themselves; You see 19 Therefore the PHARI-
δτι ουκ ωφελείτε ουδέν ΐδε, ό κόσμος οπίσω SEES, said among them-
that not you gain nothing; see, the world after selves, $"You see that you
αύτοΰ απήλθεν. are gaining nothing ; be-
him is going away.
hold, the WORLD is gone
20Τ away after him."
Ησαν δέ τίνες "Ελληνες έκ τών άναβαι-
W^ ίνα
d προσκυνήσωσιν
G k s ένtlioso
of χχ\ έορτη.
going 20 And there were §some
up, that theymight worship in the feast. Greeks of THOSE HAVING
Οδτοι οΰν προσηλθον Φιλίππφ, τω άπόGONE UP, that they might
These therefore ctiiiie to I*hilipj that from worship during the FEAST.
Βηθσαϊδά της Γαλιλαίας, καΐ ήρώτων αυτόν,
Bethsaida of the Galilee, and were asking him, 21 These, therefore,
λέγοντες· Κύριε, θέλομεν τόν Ίησοϋν Ιδείν. came to THAT Philip who
was of Bethsaida of GAL-
^"Ερχεται Φίλιππος, καΐ λέγει τω 'Ανδρέα· ILEE, and asked him, say-
Comes Philip, and says to the Andrew;
ing, "Sir, we wish to see
*[καΙ πάλιν] 'Ανδρέας καΐ Φίλιππος λέγουσι J E S U S . "
[and again] Andrew and Philip say
22 * P H I L I P comes and
τφ Ίησου. ^ Ό δέ Ίησοΰς άπεκρίνατο tells ANDREW ; Andrew
to the Jesus. The but Jesus answered and Philip *come and tell
αύτοίς, λέγων Έλήλυθεν ή ώρα, Ινα δοξα- JESUS.
σθη ό υΙός τ ο ϋ άνθρωπου. 24>
Αμήν αμήν 23 And JESUS *answers
glorified the son of the man. Indeed indeed them, saying, §"The HOUR
λ έ γ ω ύμίν, έ ά ν μη 6 κόκκος τοΰ σίτου πε- has come that the SON of
ι say to you, if not the grain of the wheat f a l l - MAN may be glorified.
σών είς τήν γήν άποθάνχι, αυτός μόνος
ing into the ground shoulddie, he alone 24 Indeed, I assure you,
μένει* έάν δέ άποθάνη, πολύν καρπόν φέρει, §If the GRAIN Of WHEAT
abides; if but itmaydie, much fruit itbears.
^ O φιλών τήν ψυχήν αύτοΰ, απολέσει αύ- falling unto the GROUND
He l o v i n g t h e l i f e of h i m s e l f , s h a l l l o s o her; should not die, it remains
τήν καΐ ό μισών τήν ψυχήν αύτοΰ έν τω» it bears Much alone; but if it should die,
and he h a t i n g the life of h i m s e l f i n the Fruit
κόσμω τούτω, ε'ις ζωήν αίώνιον φυλάξει 25 § H E LOVING his
world* this," i n t o l i f e a g e - l a s t i n g s h a l l keep LIFE shall lose it, and HE
αυτήν. HATING his LIFE in this
her. WORLD shall preserve it to
Έάν έμοί διακονη τις, έμοί άκολου- aionian Life.

If m e m a y s e r v e a n y one, me let him 26 If any one serve me,

θείτω· καΐ δπου είμι έγώ, εκεί καΐ ό διάκονος let him follow me; $and
follow; and where am I, there also the servant where I am, there also shall
ό έμός Ισται* έάν τις έμοί διακονη, τιμή- MY SERVANT be. If any
the mine shall be; if anyone me may serve, w i l l
one serve me, him will the
σει αυτόν ό Πατήρ. 27Νϋν ή ψυχή μου τε- FATHER honor.
honor him the Father. Now the soul of me is
τάρακται* καΐ τΐ εΐπω; Πάτερ, σώσόν 27 §Now is my SOUL
troubled; and what shall I say? θ Father, save troubled ; and what shall I
μκ έκ της ώρας ταύτης; 'Αλλά διά τοΰ- say ? Father, save me from
me from the hour this? But onaccount of
this HOUR? But on this
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—22. PHILIP. 22. and again—omit. 22. come and tell.
23. answers.
t 19. John xi. 47, 48. t 20. Acts xvii. 4. $ 23. John xiii. 3 2 ; xvii. 1 . t 2 4 .
1 Cor. xv. 3 6 . $ 2 5 . Matt. x. 3 9 ; xvl. 2 5 ; Mark viii. 3 5 ; Luke ix. 2 4 ; xvii. 3 3 .
t 26. John xiv. 3 ; xvii. 3 4 ; 1 Thess. iv. 17.
Chap. 12:28.] JOHN. [Chap. 12:38.
το ήλθον ε'ις την ωραν ταύτην. 2 8 Πάτερ, δό- account I came to this
ξασόν σου τό δνομα. ΤΗλθεν οΰν φωνή έκ 28 Father, glorify *Thy
NAME." $Then a Voice
του ούρανοΰ* «Και έδόξασα, καΐ πάλιν δοξά- came from HEAVEN, " I
tliο Ιιβίΐ ν β ΐ ΐ ·
2 9
both glorified and will
Xirloriiieci* ftxici &iJ3. i u Λν i l l

σω.» Ό *[οδν] δχλος ό έστώς καΐ glorify again."

glorify." The [therefore] crowd that standing and 29 THAT CROWD STAND-
άκουσας, έλεγε βροντην γεγονέναι. "Αλλοι was ING and hearing, said, " I t
Thunder;" others
Ιλεγον "Αγγελος αύτώ λελάληκεν. 30 Άπε- said, "An angel has
said; A messenger to him has spoken. An- spoken to him."
«ρ'ιθη ό Ίησοΰς καΐ είπεν Ού δι' έμέ 30 * Jesus answered and
sAvered the Jesus and said; Not on account of me
αυτή ή φωνή γέγονεν, αλλά δι* υμάς. come said, "This VOICE has not
this the voice had come, but on account of you, on account of me, but
Νΰν κρ'ισις εστί του κόσμου τούτου· νϋν όon 31 your acount.
There is now a Judg-
δρχων του κόσμου τούτου έκόληθτΊσεται εξω. ment of this WORLD ; §the
r u l e r of the w o r l d this, w i l l be c a s t o u t . RULER of this WORLD shall
έκ της γης, πάν- now be cast out.
Κάγώ έάν υψωθώ
And I if I should be lifted up from the earth, all 32 And I,$if I be raised
τας ελκύσω προς έμαυτόν. ^Τοΰτο δέ Ιλεγε, on high from the EARTH,
w i l l draw to myself. This but he said, will draw All to myself."
οημαίνων ποίω θανάτω η"μελλεν άποθνή- 33 §Now this he said,
eignifying by what death "he was about to die.
σκειν. 34 Άπεκρίθη αύτφ ό δχλος· Ημείς signifying by What Death
he was about to die.
Answered him the crowd; We
34 *Then the CROWD
ήκούσαμεν έκ του νόμου, δτι ό Χριστός answered him, §"We
heard out of the LAW, That
μένει είς τόν αιώνα* καΐ πώς σύ λέγεις, δτι the MESSIAH continues to
the AGE ; and how sayest
δει ύψωθήναι τόν υΐόν του άνθρωπου; thou, 'That the SON of MAN
85 must be raised on high?'
τις έστιν οίτος ό υΙός του άνθρωπου; ΕΙ- Who is This SON of MAN ?"
Who is this the son of the man?
πεν οδν αύτοίς ό Ίησοΰς· *Έτι μικρόν 35 JESUS, thereore said
Said then to them the Jesus; Yet a l i t t l e to them, $"Yet a Little
χρόνον τό φώς έν ύμίν έστι. Περιπατείτε, Time the LIGHT is among
time the light among you is. Walk you, you. Walk while you have
the LIGHT, so that Dark-
εΌος τό φώς έ'χετε, Ινα μή σκοτία υμάς ness may not overtake
while the light you have, that not darkness you
χαταλάβτ]· καΐ ό περίπατων έν τη σκοτία You ; and $HE who WALKS
znay overtake; and he walking in the darkness in DARKNESS knows not
ούκ οίδε που υπάγει. 36"Εως τό φώς έχετε, where he is going.
hot knows where he goes. While the light youhave,
πιστεύετε είς τό φώς, ίνα υΙοΙ φωτός γένη- LIGHT, 36 While you have the
believe into t h e
believe into the light, that sons of light you LIGHT, that you may be-
σθε. Ταύτα έλάλησεν ό Ίησοΰς, καΐ come $the SONS of LIGHT/·*
may become. These things spoke the Jesus, and These things spoke* Jesus,
άπελθών έκρύβη άπ' αυτών. and going away he was
concealed from them.
^Τοσαΰτα δέ αύτοΰ σημεία πεποιηκότος 37 But though he had
So many but of him signs having been done performed so Many Signs
έμπροσθεν αυτών ούκ έπίστευον είς αυτόν in their presence, they did
in presence of them not they did believe into him; not believe into him ;
ϊνα ό λόγος Ήσαΐου τοΰ προφήτου πληρω- 38 that the WORD of
that the word of Esaias the prophet might be Isaiah, the PROPHET, might

* VATICAN M A N U S C B I P T . — 2 8 . My N A M E . 29. therefore—omit. 30. Jesus. 34.

Then the CROWD. 36. Jesus.
t 28. Matt. i i i . 17. t 31. John xiv. 3 0 ; xvl. 11. t 32. John iii. 1 4 ; viii. 2 8 .
t 33. John xviii. 3 2 . t 34. Psa. lxxxix. 36, 3 7 ; ex. 4 ; Isa. ix. 7, &c. ί 35. John
xi. 1 0 ; 1 John ii. 11. $ 36. Luke xvi. 8;Eph. v . 8 ; 1 Thess. v. 5 ; 1 John ii. 9-11.
Chap. 12.-39.J JOHN. [Chap. 12:49.
flfi, ov είπε· «Κύριε, τΙς έπίστευσε be verified, which he said,
fulfilled, which ue said; "O lord, who believed $"Lord; who believed our
rf| άκοχί ημών; καΐ ό βραχίων Κυρίου τ'ινι "REPORT? and the ARM of
"the Lord, to whom was
τοϋτο ουκ ήδύναν- "it revealed?"
απεκαλύφθη;» Διά
39 On account of this
το πιστεύει/ν· οτι πάλιν είπεν Ησαΐ- they could not believe, Be-
40 cause Isaiah said again,
ας· «Τετύφλωκεν αυτών τους οφθαλμούς, καΐ
"He has blinded of them the eyes, and "Their 40 r ' H e has blinded
EYES and hardened
πεπώρωκεν αυτών την καρδίαν ινα μη "their HEART, SO that they
Ιδωσι τοις όφΦαλμοϊς, καΐ νοήσωσι, "should not see with the
they might see with the eyes, nd understand "EYES, and understand
καρδία, και έπιστραφώσι, καΐ Ιάσω- "with the HEART, and
ο l e t ud should t r sick nxicl I sliould "should turn, and I should
μαι αυτούς.»
Ταΰτα είπεν 'Ησαΐας, "heal them."
heal them." These things said Bsaias, 41 Isaiah said these
δτι είδε την δόξαν αύτοϋ, καΐ έλάλησε things, because he saw his
because he saw the glory of him, and spoke §GLORY, and spoke of him.
περί αΰτοΰ. 42"Ομως μέντοι καΐ έκ των 42 Nevertheless, many
concerning him. Nevertheless truly and of theof theRULERS also believed
αρχόντων πολλοί έπίστευσαν εις αυτόν άλλα into him, $but because of
j* ιχ 1 © r s ΐχι jiiiy be I l o v e d i n t o 2ii in ΐ bix t the PHARISEES they did
not confess him, so that
διά τους Φαρισαίους ούχ ώμολόγουν, ινα they might not be put out
οΐ) &ccount of tlie jpjifti*iscs not did confessj so tlisit of the synagogues.
μή άποσυνάγωγοι γένωνται· ^ήγάπησαν
not from synagogues they might be; they loved 43 $For they loved the
γάρ την δόξαν των ανθρώπων μάλλον, GLORY of MEN more than
τήν δόξαν τοϋ Θεοϋ. the GLORY of GOD.
the glory of the God. 44 But Jesus cried out
^'Ιησούς δέ έκραξε καΐ είπεν *Ο πιστεύων and said, $ " H E BELIEVING
into me, believes not into
είς έμέ, ού πιστεύει εις έμέ, αλλ' είς τόν me, but into HIM who
Into me, not believes into me, but into him SENT me;
πέμψαντά με· 4δκα1 6 θεωρών έμέ, θεωρεί τόν 45 and $HE BEHOLDING
having sent me; and he seeing me, sees him me, beholds HIM who SENT
πέμψαντά με. 4 β Έ γ ώ φως είς τόν κόσμον me.
having sent me. I a light into the world 46 §1 have come a Light
έλήλυθα, ΐνα πας 6 πιστεύων είς έμέ, έν into the WORLD, SO that
have come, that a l l the believing into me, in *HE BELIEVING into me
rfj σκοτία μή μείνη. 47 ΚαΙ έάν τις μου may not abide in DARK-
tliο d&rkness not ms.y Abide· ,A.iid if Any OQO of me NESS.
άκούστι των ρημάτων, καΐ μή πιστεύση, έγώ 47 And if any one hear,
m&y he&r the words, And not m&y believe, X and *keep not My WORDS,
ού κρίνω αυτόν (ού γάρ ήλθον, ίνα κρί- I do not judge him; $for
not judgo him; (not for I came, that I might I came not that I might
νω τόν κόσμον, άλλ' Ινα σώσω τόν judge the WORLD, but that
Judge the world, but that I might save the I might save the WORLD.
κόσμον) ^ό άθετών έμέ, καΐ μή λαμβάνων
world;) he rejecting me, And not receiving 48 HE REJECTING me,
τά ρήματα μου £χει τόν κρίνοντα αυτόν ό and receiving not my
the words of me has that judging him; the WORDS, has THAT which
λόγος δν έλάλησα, εκείνος κρινεί αυτόν JUDGES h i m ; §the WORD
word which I spoke, that shall judge him which I spoke, that will
49 judge him in the LAST Day.
έν τη έσχάτχι τιμέρα. "Οτι έγώ έξ έμαυ-
ln the last day. Because I from myself 49 Because §1 spoke not
t 3 8 . Isa. liii. 1 ; Eom. x. 16. t 40. Isa. vi. 9, 1 0 ; Matt. xiii. 14. t 4 1 . I s a .
Vi. 1. $ 42. John vii. 1 3 ; ix. 22. $ 43. John v. 44. t 44. Mark ix. 3 7 ; 1 Pet. i. 2 1 .
t 45. John xiv. 9. t 46. ver. 35, 3 6 ; John iii. 1 9 ; viii. 1 2 ; ix. 5, 39. $ 47. John
HI. 17. $ 48. Deut. xviii. 1 9 ; Mark xvi. 16. $ 49. John viii. 3 8 ; xiv. 10.
Chap. 12:50.] JOHN. [Chap. 13:7.
τοϋ ουκ έλάλησα· άλλ' ό πέμψας Πατήρ from myself; but the FA-
not spoke; but the having sent me Father THER who SENT me, he
αυτός μοι έντολήν έδωκε, τΐ είπω *hasgivenmea Command-
he me a commandment gave, what I should say ment, what I should enjoin,
50 and what I should speak ;
καΐ τΐ λαλήσω· ΚαΙ οίδα, δτι ή
and what I should I speak; And I know, that the 50 and I know That his
εντολή αύτοΰ ζωή αιώνιος έστιν. "Α COMMANDMENT is aionian
c o m m a n d m e n t of h i m l i f e a g o - l a s t i n g i s . What Life. What things I speak,
οδν λαλώ έγ'-S καθώς εϊρηκέ μοι ό
therefore say I, as has spoken to me the therefore, as the FATHER
Πατήρ, οΰτω λαλώ. has told me, so I speak."
Father, so I speak.
ΚΕΦ. ι γ \ 13. 1 Now JESUS knowing
*Πρό δέ της εορτής του πάσχα, είδώς before the FEAST of the
Before and the feast of the passover, knowing PASSOVER, That His HOUR
ό Ίησοϋς, δτι έλήλυθεν αύτοϋ ή ωρα, ίνα was come, that he should
depart out of this WORLD
μεταβτΐ έκ τοΰ κόσμου τούτου προς τόν to the FATHER, having loved
. he shoulddepart out of the world this to the THOSE his OWN who were
Πατέρα, άγαπήσας τους Ιδίους τους έν τφ in· the WORLD, he loved
£'uther having loved the own those in. the
them to the End.
κόσμω, είς τέλος ήγάπησεν αυτούς. 2Kai δεί-
2 And as Supper was pre-
world, to an end he loved them. And sup- paring, the ENEMY having
Λνου γενομένου, (τοϋ διαβόλου ήδη 6ε6λη- already put into the HEART
per being done, (the accuser already having of Judas Iscariot, son of
κότος έίζ τήν καρδ'ιαν 'Ιούδα Σίμωνος Ίσκα- traySimon, that he should be-
put into the heart
Judas of Simon Iscariot,
ό the3 FATHER
*he knowing §That
Ίησοΰς, ίνα
δτι αυτόν παραδώ,)
πάντα δέδωκεν αύτφ ε1δώς
ό Πατήρ had given him
Jesus, that a l l things had given him the Father All things into his HANDS,
είς τάς χείρας, καΐ δτι από Θεοΰ εξήλθε, and That he came out
into the hands, and that from God he came out §from God, and was going
καΐ προς τόν θεόν υπάγει· 4έγείρεται έκ τοΰ to GOD,
and to the God he goes; rises from the
δείπνου, καΐ τ'ιθησι τά Ιμάτια, καΐ λαβών and 4 rises from the SUPPER,
puts off his MANTLE,
λέντιον, διέζωσεν εαυτόν. ΕΙτα βάλλει ΰδωρ himself. and taking a Towel girded
a towel, girded himself. Afterward he puts water
είς τόν νιπτήρα, καΐ ήρξατο νίπτειν τους 5 ± Afterward he puts
Into the wash-basin, and began to wash the Water into the WASH-BA-
πόδας των μαθητών, καΐ έκμάσσειν τφ SIN, and began to wash the
feet of the disciples, and to wipe w i t h the FEET Of t h e DISCIPLES,
λεντίω φ διεζωσμένος. β"Ερ- and to wipe them with the
towel with which he was having been girded. He TOWEL, with which he was
χεται ot5v προς Σίμωνα Πέτρον καΐ λέγει girded.
comes then to Simon Peter; and say-s 6 Then he comes to Si-
αύτφ εκείνος· Κύριε, σύ μου νίπτεις τους mon Peter; *he says to
to him he; θ lord, thou of me washest the him, "Lord, dost thou
Τΐόδας; 7ΆπεκρΙθη Ίησοϋς καΐ είπεν αΰτφ· wash My FEET?-"
7 Jesus answered and
feet? Answered Jesus and said to him;
"Ο έγώ ποιώ, συ ούκ οίδας δρτι, γνώ- said to him, "What I am
Wbat I do, thou not knowest now, thoushalt doing, thou knowest not
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 9 . has given me. 3. he knowing. 6. he says.
± 5. The washing of the feet in times of primitive simplicity was performed by the
host or hostess to the guest, but afterwards it was committed to the servants, and therefore
was accounted a servile employment. When David sent to Abigail, to inform her that he
had chosen her for a wife, she arose and said,—"Behold, let thy handmaid be a servanti
to wash the feet of the servants of my l o r d . " l Sam. xxv. 4 1 . At the time when our Lord
performed this office, i t was esteemed the office of the meanest slaves. This act plainly
showed the humility and condescension of Jesus, and emphatically taught the same to Ms
t 3. Matt. xi. 27; xxviii. 18; John iii. 35; xvii. 2. t 3. John xiii. 42; xvi. 28.
Chap. 13:8.] JOHN. [Chap. 13:18.
στ) δέ μετά ταύτα. Αέγει αύτφ Πέτρος. now, but $after this thou
ki*ow but after these things. Says to him Peter; wilt know."
Ού μή νίψτις τους πόδας μου είς 8 Simon Peter says to
Not not thoumayest wash the feet of me into him, "Thou shalt not wash
my FEET to the AGE." *He
τόν αΙώνα. Άπεκριθη αύτφ ό Ίησοϋς· Έάν μή answered him; "Unless I
the age. Answered him the Jesus; If not wash thee, thou hast no
νίψω σε, ούκ έχεις μέρος μετ' έμοϋ. PART with me."
I may wash thee, not thouhast apart with me. 9 Simon Peter says to
Λέγει αύτφ ΣΊμων Πέτρος* Κύριε, μή τους him, "Lord, not my FEET
Says to him Simon Peter; θ lord, not the only, but also my HANDS
πόδας μου μόνον, αλλά καΐ τάς χείρας, καΐ and my HEAD/'
feet of me alone, but also the hands, and
τήν κεφαλήν. 10Λέγει αύτφ ό Ίησοϋς· Ό 10 *Jesus says to him,
the head. Says to him the Jesus; Ho ±"HE who has been BATH-
ού χρείαν εχχι η τους πόδας washhashisno FEET,
ING, need unless to
λελουμένος but is
νίψασθαι, άλλ' έστι καθαρός δλος* καΐ ύμείς wholly clean; and $you
are clean, but not all."
to wash, but is clean wholly; and you
καθαροί έστέ, άλλ' ουχί πάντες. η
"Ηδει 11 For §he knew WHO
was BETRAYING him; on
clean are, but not all. He knew
γάρ τόν παραδίδοντα αυτόν τοΰτο this account he said, "You
for the betraying him; on account of this are not all clean."
^"ΟτεΟύχΙ οδν
πάντες καθαροί τους πόδας αύ- had12washed
gvi/ψε έστέ. When, therefore, he
their ΒΈΕΤ, and
bo said; Not all hehadclean
When therefore washed youare.
the feet of
των, καΐ έλαβε τά Ιμάτια αύτοϋ, άναπε- taken his MANTLE, recli-
them, and taken the mantles of himself, falling ning again he said to
σων πάλιν, είπεν αύτοίς· Γινώσκετε τι them, "Do you know what
down again, he said to them; Know you what
I have done to you?
πεποίηκα ύμίν; *Υμείς φωνείτέ με* *Ο 13 $You call me The
I have done to you: You call me; The
and you say well; for I am.
διδάσκαλος καΐ ό κύριος· καΐ καλώς λέγετε· 14 If I then, the LORD
teacher and the lord; and well you say; and the TEACHER, have
είμΐ γάρ. Εί οΰν έγώ ένιψα υμών τους πόδας, washed Your FEET, you
ό κύριος καΐ 6 διδάσκαλος, καΐ ύμείς όφείλε- ought also to wash One
the lord and the teacher, also you are bound another's FEET.
τε αλλήλων νίπτειν τους πόδας. 15Ύπό- 15 For §1 have given
of one another to wash the feet. An you an Example, that, as I
have done to you, so you
δείγμα γάρ έδωκα ύμίν, ίνα καθώς έγώ έποί- should do.
example for I gave to you, that as I did 16 Indeed, I assure you,
ησα ύμίν, καΐ ύμείς ποιήτε. 1β Άμήν αμήν λέ- §a Servant is not greater
to you, also you should do. Indeed indeed I than his LORD, nor an
Apostle greater than HE
γω ύμίν, ούκ έστι δοϋλος μείζων τοΰ κυρίου who SENT him.
17 $If you know These
αύτοΰ, ουδέ απόστολος μείζων τοΰ πέμψαν- things, happy are you if
of himself, nor
17 a messenger greater of the send"* you do them.
τος αυτόν. Εί ταΰτα οϊδατε, μακάριοι 18 I am not speaking
ing him. If these things you know, blessed
έστέ,of you έάν I speak
ποιήτε αυτά. "Ού περί πάν- about all of you ; I know
a r o you, i f you s h o u l d do t h e m . Not about a l l *whom I chose; but that
των υμώνίνα ήλέγω·γραφήέγώ οίδα ους «*Ο τρώγων the SCRIPTURE may be ful-
lied; "He eating filled, | Ή Ε that EATS
f u I e k ; I know whom I chose;
• VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 8 . He answered. 10. Jesus. 18. same I chose.
± 10. I t was customary for the Jews to bathe themselves (twice, according to some)
before eating the paschal supper.
$ 7. ver.12-17. % 10. John xv.3. t 11. John vi. 64. t 13. Matt, xxiii. 8, 1 0 ;
Luke vi. 4 6 ; 1 Cor. viii. 6 ; xii. 3 ; Phil. ii. 11. % 15.Matt. xi. 2 9 ; Phil. ii. 5 ;
1 Pet. ii. 2 1 ; 1 John ii. 5 . $ 16. Matt. v. 2 4 ; Luke vi. 4 0 ; John xv. 20. $ 17.
James i. 25. t 18. Psa. xli. 9 ; Matt. xxvi. 2 3 .
Chap. 13:19.] JOHN. {Chap. 13:28.
μετ' έμοϋ τόν αρτον, έπηρεν έπ' έμέ την *'My BREAD, lifted up his
with m e the loaf, l i f t e d u p a g a i n s t m e t h e 'HEEL against me.'
Ά π ' άρτι λέγω ύμίν, it 191 tell you now, before
πτέρναν αυτοί).» OCCURS, that when i t
προ τοϋ γενέσθαι, ίνα δταν γένηται, πι- occurs you may believe
before the to happen, that when i t mayhappen, you That I am he.
στεύσητε, οτι έγώ είμι. 20 Άμήν αμήν λέγω 20 Indeed, I assure you,
may believe, that I am. Indeed indeed I say
|HE who RECEIVES one
ίμΐν *Ο λαμβάνων εάν τίνα πέμψω, έμέ whom I send receives Me;
to you, He receiving if any one I may send, me
and HE who RECEIVES Me
λαμβάνει· δ δέ έμέ λαμβάνων, λαμβάνει τόν receives HIM who SENT
receives; he and me receiving, receives him
πτμψαντά με. 21 Having said these
having sent me.
things* Jesus was troubled
Ταϋτα ε'ιπών ό Ίησοΰς έταράχθη τφ in his SPIRIT, and testified,
These things saying the Jesas was troubled in the and said, "Indeed I assure
πνεύματι, καΐ έμαρτύρησε, καΐ είπεν 'Αμήν you, That one of you will
spirit, and testified, and said; Indeed deliver me up."
αμήν λέγω ύμίν, δτι είς εξ υμών παραδώσει 22The DISCIPLES looked
one on another, doubting
με. 22"Ε6λεπον * [ούν] είς αλλήλους ot μα- of whom he spoke.
rue. Looked [then] t o each o t h e r the d i s -
23 fNow there was re-
θητα'ι, άπορούμενοι περί τίνος λέγει. clining on the BOSOM of
2ti JESUS $one of his DISCI-
~H.v δέ άνακείμενος είς έκ των μαθητών PLES, whom * Jesus loved.
αΰτοΰ έν τφ κόλπω τοΰ Ίησοΰ, δν ήγάπα* 24 To him, therefore,
of him in the bosom of the Jesus, whom loved Simon Peter nods, *and
ό Ίησοΰς. 24Νεύει οΰν τούτω Σίμων Πέτρος, says to him, "Inquire who
the Jesus. Nods then to him Simon Peter, it is of whom he is speak-
πυθέσθαι τΙς αν εΐη περί οδ λέ- ing."
t ο £i s & w Χί ο i t ττχ ι ΕΓ li t \y © c on c Θ ι* ΐι i u ετ of Λν ΓΙ ο xxi ii © 25 And he, *leaning back
γει. ^Έπιπεσών δέ εκείνος έπΙ τό στήθος on the BREAST of Jesus,
says to him, "Lord, who is
τοΰ Ίησοΰ, λέγει αύτω· Κύριε, τις έστιν; it?"
of t h e J e s u s , h e s a y s t o h i m ; θ l o r d , w h o i s i t ?
26 26 *Then JESUS an-
Άποκρ'ινεται ό Ίησοΰς· 'Εκείνος έστιν, swers, "He it is,*for whom
Answers the Jesus; He it is,
I shall dip a LITTLE PIECE
φ έγώ βόνψας τό "ψωμίον επιδώσω, and give it to him." Then
to whom I having dipped the l i t t l e p i e c e shallgive.
having dipped the LITTLE
ΚαΙ έμβάψας τό ψωμίον, δίδοισιν 'Ιού- PIECE, he took and gave it
δα ΣΊμωνος Ισκαριώτη. ^ΚαΙ μετά τό •ψωμ'ι- to JUDAS, the son of Si-
J u d a s of S i m o n I s c a r i o t . A n d a f t e r t h e l i t t l e mon Iscariot.
27 $And after the LIT-
oy, τότε είσήλθεν είς εκείνον ό σατανάς. TLE PIECE, then the AD-
VERSARY entered into him.
Λέγει οΰν αύτω ό Ίησοΰς· "Ο ποιείς, * Jesus, therefore, says to
Says then to him the Jesus; What thou doest,
him, "What thou doest, do
ποίησον τάχιον. Τοΰτο *[δέ] ουδείς εγνω quickly."
do thou quickly. This [now] no one knew 28 No one of THOSE RE-
των άνακειμένων προς τό τΐ είπεν αύτώ. CLINING knew for what he
of those reclining with why he said to him. said this to him.

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 8 . My BREAD. 2 1 . Jesus. 22. Then—omit. 23.

Jesus. 24. and says to him, " I n q u i r e who it is of whom. 25. leaning back on the
BREAST of Jesus. 26. Then J E S U S . 2 6. for whom I shall dip a L I T T L E P I E C E and
give i t to him. Then having dipped the L I T T L E P I E C E , he took and gave. 27. Jesus.
28. now—omit.
± 23. As two or more lay on one couch, each resting on his left elbow, with his feet
sloping away from the table towards the back of the couch, he that turned his back on his
next neighbor was said to be lying in his bosom. This position made it easy for John to
speak to Jesus in a whisper which could not be heard by the other disciples.—8. Sharpe.
% 20. Matt. x. 4 0 ; xxv. 4 0 ; Luke x. 16. % 2 3 . John xix. 2 6 ; xx. 2 ; xxi. 7, 20,
24. $ 27. Luke xxii. 3 ; John v i . 7 0 .
Chap. 13:29.] JOHN. [Chap. 13:38.
Τινές γαρ έδόκουν, έπεί το γλωσσόκο- 29 For some thought,
Some for thought, seeing that the box seeing $that *Judas had
μ,ον είχεν δ 'Ιούδας, δτι λέγει αύτφ ό Ί η - the BOX, That *Jesus said
had the Judas, that says to him the Je- to him, "Buy what things
ϋονς· Άγόρασον ών χρείαν εχομεν εις την we need for the FEAST ; "
sus; Buy what things need we have for the
or, that he should give
έορτήν η τοις πτωχοϊς ινα τι something to the POOR.
£ΐ t th p fcjit something
Λα6ών οδν το -ψωμίον 30 He, therefore, hav-
ho s h o u l d H v i n g t a k e n t h e n tiio l i t t l e p i e c e ing taken the LITTLE
εκείνος, ς, ευθέως έξήλΦεν ήν δέ νύξ.PIECE, immediately went
h iimmediately went out; i t was and night. out. And it was Night.
"Οτε έξηλθε, λέγει ό Ίησοΰς· Νΰν 31 When, therefore, he
When he went out, says the Jesus; Just now went out, *Jesus says,
έδοξάσθη ό υΙός τοΰ ανθρώπου, καΐ ό Θεός $"Just now was the SON
of MAN glorified, and §GOD
έδοξάσθη έν αύτφ. 3 2 * [ΕΙ ό Θεός έδοξάσθη was glorified by him.
was glorified in him. [If the God was glorified
έν αύτώ,Ι καΐ ό Θεός δοξάσει αυτόν 32 *$[If GOD be glori-
In him,: also the God w i l l glorify him fied by him,] GOD will also
έν έαυτφ, καΐ ευθύς δοξάσει αυτόν, glorify him by himself, and
in himself, and immediately w i l l glorify him. he will immediately glorify
Τεκνία, έ'τι μικρόν μεθ' υμών είμι. Ζη- him.
Ο l i t t l e c h i l d r e n , y e t a l i t t l e w i t h you I a m . You 33 My Children, yet a
τήσέ"τέ με· και καθώς είπον τοις Ίουδαίοις· little while I am with you,
Will seek me; and as I said to the Jews; You will seek me, and $as
"Οτι δπου έγώ υπάγω, ύμείς ου δύνασθε έλ- I said to the JEWS, 'That
That where I go, you not are able to
where I am going, you
Οείν καΐ ύμίν λέγω άρτι. ^Έντολήν cannot come,' I now also
say to you.
«αινήν δίδωμι ΰμίν, ίνα αγαπάτε αλλήλους·
new I give to you, that you may love each other; 34 §A new Command-
#αθώς ήγάπησα υμάς, Ινα καΐ ύμεΐς άγα- ment I give to you, That
as I loved you, that also you might you love each other; as I
πάτε αλλήλους. ^ Έ ν τούτφ γνώσονται πάν- loved you, that you also
should love each other.
τες, δτι έμοί μαθηταί έστε, έάν αγάπη ν
that to me disciples you are, if love
35 $By this, all will
know That you are My

Ιχητε έν άλλήλοις. Λέγει αύτφ Σίμων Π έ- Disciples, if you have
Love for each other."
τρος· Κύριε, ποϋ υπάγεις; Άπεκρί,θη 36 Simon Peter says to
* [αύτφ] 6 Ίησοΰς· "Οπου υπάγω, ού δύνα- him, "Lord where a r t thou
£hira] the Jesus» Where f
I %o not thou art going?" * Jesus answered,
ααί μοι νυν άκολουθήσαι* ύστερον δέ άκο- "Where I am going, thou
able me now to follow; afterwards but tbou canst not follow me now ;
λου#ήσ€ΐς *[μοι.] 37 Λέγει αύτφ Πέτρος· Κύ- but $thou shalt follow
shalt follow [me.] Says to him Peter; 0 afterwards."
©ιε, διατί ού δύναμαί σοι άκολουθήσαι ά*ρτι; 37 Peter says to him,
lord, why not I am able thee to follow now?
"Lord, why cannot I follow
τήν ψυχήν μου υπέρ σου θήσω. thee now ?§I will lay down
the l i f e of me in behalf of thee I w i l l lay down.
my LIFE in behalf of thee,"
^'Απεκρίθη αύτφ ό 'Ιησούς· Τήν ψυχήν
Answered him the Jesus; The life 38 * Jesus answers him,
<*ου υπέρ έμοΰ θήσεις; 'Αμήν "Wilt thou lay down thy
of thee In behalf of me w i l t thou laydown? Indeed LIFE in my behalf? In-

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 9 . Judas. 29. Jesus says to him. 3 1 . Jesus. 32. If

<3OD be glorified by him—omit. 36. Jesus. 36. him—omit. 36. me—omit. 3 8 .
Jesus answers.
t 29. John xii. 6. $ 3 1 . John xii. 23. $ 3 1 . John xiv. 1 3 ; 1 Pet. iv. 11. t 32.
John xvii. 1, 4-6. t 33. John vii. 3 4 ; vii. 2 1 . t S4. John xv. 12, 1 7 ; Eph. v. 2 ;
1 Thess. iv. 9 ; James i i . 8 ; 1 P e t . i . 2 2 ; 1 John ii. 7 , 8 ; iii. 1 1 , 2 3 ; iv. 2 1 .
% 35. 1 John ii. 5 ; iv. 20. ί 36. John xxi. 1 8 ; 2 Pet. 1. 14. % 37. Matt. xxvi.
33-35; Mark xiv. 29-31; Luke xxii. 23, 2 4 .
Chap. 14:1.] JOHN. [Chap. 14:10.
αμήν λέγω σοι ού μή αλέκτωρ φωνήσει, deed, I assure thee, ±The
Cock will not crow till thou
δως ού άπαρνήσχι με τρις. wilt disown me three times.
t i l l not thouwiltdeny me thrice.
ΚΕΦ. ι δ \ 14.
ταρασσέσθω υμών ή καρδία· πιστεύε- be 1 troubled;
$Let not your HEART
Μή believe into
τε εις τόν Θεό ν, καΐ εις έμέ πιστεύετε. 2 ΈνGOD, and believe into Me.
you into the God, and into me believe you. In 2 In my FATHER'S
τη οικία τοΰ Πατρός μου μοναί πολλαί ings HOUSE are many Dwell-
; but if not, I would
είσ'ιν ει δε μή, είπον αν ύμίν. Πορεύομαι have told *you ; Because I
am going to prepare a
έτοιμάσαι τόπον ύμίν 3κα1 έάν πορευθώ, και Place for you.
t o prcuiir© «ι p 1 Άc© f o r you* niicL i f X should c o , CXHQ 3 And if I go and pre-
pare a Place for you, $1
ετοιμάσω ύμίν τόπον, πάλιν έρχομαι, am coming again, and will
receive you to myself,
καΐ παραλήψομαι υμάς προς έμαυτόν ίνα so that §where I am you
δπου ε'ιμί έγώ, καΐ ύμείς ήτε. ΚαΙ δπου 4 also may be.
4 And where I am going
έγώ υπάγω οϊδατε, *[καΙ] την όδόν t οίδα- you know the WAY."
I am going you know, [and] the way you 5 Thomas says to him,
τε* Λέγει αύτφ Θωμάς* Κύριε, ούκ οίδαμεν "Lord, we know not where
know. Says to him Thomas; θ lord, not wo know thou art going ; *how do
που υπάγεις; * [καΐ] πώς δυνάμεθα την we6know the WAY V
JESUS says to him,
όδόν εΐδέναι; 6Λέγει αύτφ ό Ίησοΰς· Έγώ
way to know? Says to him the Jesus; I "I am $the WAY, and
είμι ή οδός, καΐ ή αλήθεια, καΐ ή ζωή· ού- $the TRUTH, and %the
a m the way, and the truth, and the life; no LIFE. No one comes to
the FATHER, except by me.
δείς άρχεται προς τόν Πατέρα, εΐ μή δι' 7 If you had known me,
one comes to the Father, if not through you would have known my
έμοΰ. 7El έγνώκειτέ μοι, καΐ τόν Πατέ-
me. If you had known me, also the Father FATHER; and from this
ρα μου έγνώκειτέ olv * [καΐ] άπ' άρτι time you know him, and
of in ο you w^ould h&v© known j [£mcl.J f r o m mow
γινώσκετε αυτόν, καΐ έωράκατε αυτόν. 8Λέγει have seen him."
you know him, and have seen him. Says 8 Philip says to him,
αύτφ Φίλιππος* Κύριε, δείξον ύμίν τόν "Lord, show us the FA-
to hfm Philip; θ lord, show to us the THER, and it is enough for
Πατέρα, καΐ αρκεί ήμίν. 9Λέγει αύτφ ό us." 9 JESUS says to him,
Ίησοΰς· Τοσούτον μεθ' υμών είμι, καΐ ούκ"So long a Time am I with
Jesus; So long a time with you am I, and not you, and dost thou not
έ'γνωκάς με, Φίλιππε; *Ο έωρακώς έμέ, know me, Philip? H E
HAVING SEEN me has seen
knowest thou me, θ Philip? He having seen me, the FATHER ; how sayest
έώρακε τόν Πατέρα· *[καΙ] πώς σύ λέγεις·
has seen the Father; [and] how thou sayest; thou, Show us the FA-
Δείξον ήμίν τόν Πατέρα; 10Ού πιστεύεις, THER?
Show to us the Father? Not believest thou, 10 Dost thou not believe
That I am in the FATHER,
δτι έγώ έν τφ Πατρί, καΐ ό Πατήρ and the FATHER is in me?
that I in the Father, and the Father The words which 1 speak
έν έμοί έστΐ| Τά οήματα δ έγώ λαλώ ύμίν,
in * me
is? The U S O H I P which
T . — 2 . you; Because
I speak I.
to you, 4. and—omit. 5. and—-omit.
5. how do we know the WAY. 7. and-—omit. 9. and—omit.
± 3 8 . See Note on Matt. xxvi. 34. ± 4 . Tischendorf omits the second oidate, on the
authority of several ancient MSS. and versions. The connection seems to indicate that i t
ought to be excluded from the text.
t 1. ver. 27. t 3. ver. 1 8 , 2 8 . t 3. John xii. 2 6 ; xvii. 2 4 ; 1 Thess. iv. 17.
t 6. Heb. ix. 8. t 6. John i. 1 7 ; viii. 32. t 6. John i. 4 ; xi. 25.
Chap. 14:11.] JOHN. [Chap. 14:21.
άπ' έμαυτοΰ ου λαλώ ό δέ Πατή£, ό ένto you, §1 speak not from
from myself not I speak the but Father, he inmyself; and THAT FATHER
έμοί μένων, αυτός ποιεί τα έργα. "Πιστεύετε * abiding in me, he does
me abiding, he does the works. You believe the WORKS.
μοι, δτι εγώ έν τω Πατρ'ι, καΐ ό Πατήρ 11 Believe me, because
me, because I in the Father, and the Father I am in the FATHER, and
έν έμοί, εΐ δέ μή, δια τα έργα αύ- the FATHER in me; but if
ln me, if but not, on account of the works them- not, on· account of *his
τά πιστεύετε μοι. WORKS believe me.
b l i
selves 12 ^Indeed, I assure
Άμήν αμήν λέγω ΰμίν, ό πιστεύων εις yOU, HE BELIEVING into
Xixdc&cl 1 ΙΚΪΘ β cl Χ sj)ΘΣΙΙΪΙ t o you j lie b e l i e v i n g i n t o me, the WORKS which I
έμέ, τα έ'ργα ά έγώ ποιώ, κάκείνος ποιή- do shall he do also ; and
me, the works which I do, also he shall greater than these shall
he do, Because I am
σει, καΐ μείζονα τούτων ποιήσει· δτι έγώ going to *the FATHER ;
do* iiiicl QVQSL^QI of t h e s e siiiil 1 XIG do 13
προς τον Πατέρα μου πορεύομαι, κα1 δ,
j U©C*XUSG X 13 $and whatever you
to the Father of me am going, and what may ask in my NAME, this
τι αν αιτήσετε έν τω ονόματι μου, τοΰτο I will do ; so that the FA-
THER may be glorified in
anything you may ask in the name of me, this the SON.
ποιήσω* ίνα δοξασΐ^ ό Πατήρ έν τω 14 If you ask *anything
I w i l l do; t h a t may be g l o r i f i e d t h e F a t h e r i n t h e
υίω. 1 4 Έάν τι αΐτήσητε έν τφ ονόματι in my name, this I will do.
son. If anything you may ask in the name
15 $If you love me, *you
μου, έγώ ποιήσω. Έάν αγαπάτε με, τάςwill keep M I COMMAND-

έντολάς τάς εμάς τηρήσατε* 16κα1 έγώ 16 and I will ask the
ερωτήσω τον Πατέρα, καΐ άλλον παρακλητον FATHER, and §he will give
w i l l ask the Father and another helper you Another Helper, that
δώσει ύμϊν, ίνα μέντ) μεθ' υμών he may *be with you to
he w i l l give to you, 17 that he may abide with you the AGE.
εις τον αΙώνα* τό πνεϋμα της αληθείας, 17 the SPIRIT of TRUTH,
into the age; the spirit of the truth,
Iwhich the WTORLD cannot
δ ό κόσμος οΰ δύναται λαβείν, δτι receive, Because it beholds
which the world not is able to receive, because it not, nor knows i t ; but
ού θεωρείi t beholds αυτό, i t , ουδέ γινώσκει αυτό* ύμείς you know i t ; Because i t
*[δέ]it beholds γινώσκετε it αυτό,nor knows
because παρ'
ύμίν abides with you, $and*will
Cbut] know it, ith yu be in you.
μένει, καΐ έν ύμίν εσται. 1δ Ούκ αφήσω 18 I will not leave you
19 Orphans ; I am coming to
υμάς ορφανούς* έρχομαι προς υμάς. "Ετι you.
μικρόν, καΐ ό κόσμος με ούκέτι θεωρεί* ύμείς 19 Yet a little while,
a l i t t l e , and the world me no more beholds; you and the WORLD beholds
δέ θεωρείτε με· δτι έγώ ζώ, και ύμείς holdno me more; but you be-
me; §Because I live
DUw bcliolcl2 0 wi ej u6 c&uso X 11 ve j SLlso you
ζήσεσθε. Έν εκείνη νή ήμερα γνώσεσθε you also shall live.
shall live. In that the day shall know 20 In That DAY you
ύμείς, δτι έγώ έν τω Πατρί μου, καΐ shall know That I am in
you, because I in the Father of me, and my FATHER, and you in
ύμείς έν έμοί, κάγώ έν ύμίν. ^ Ό £χων τάς me, and I in you.
you in me, and I in you. He having the 21 § H E who HAS my
έντολάς μου, καΐ τηρών αύτάς, εκείνος COMMANDMENTS, and ob-
commandments ofme, and keeping them, that serves them, that is HE
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 0 . dwells i n me, does his WORKS. 12. the FATHER.
14. ask me anything in my name, this I will do. 15. you will keep. 16. be with you.
17. but—omit. 17. is in you.
t 10. John v. 19; vii. 16; viii. 2 8 ; xii. 49. t 12. Matt. xxi. 2 1 ; Mark xvi. 1 7 ;
Luke x. 17. $ 13. Matt. vii. 7; xxi. 2 2 ; Mark xi. 2 4 ; Luke xi. 9 ; John xv. 7, 16;
xvi. 23, 2 4 ; James i. 5 ; 1 John iii. 2 2 ; v. 14. t 15. ver. 21, 2 3 ; xv. 10, 14; 1 John
v. 3. t 16. John xv. 2 6 ; xvi. 7; Eom. viii. 15, 26. $ 17. John xv. 2 6 ; xvi. 1 3 ;
1 John iv. 6. ί 17. 1 Cor. i i . 14. X 19. 1 Cor. xv. 20. t 21. ver. 1 5 , 2 3 ;
1 John ii. 5 ; v. 3.
Chap. 14:22.] JOHN. [Chap. 14:30.
έστιν 6 αγαπών με· ό δέ αγαπών με, άγα- who LOVES m e ; and H E
is he loving me; he and loving me, shall who LOVES me shall be
πηθήσεται ύπό τοϋ Πατρός μου· καΐ έγώ άγα- loved by my FATHER, and
bo loved ^ y t l i β F t i t h e r o f i n © j £iucl I w i l l I will love him, and will
πήσω αυτόν, καΐ εμφανίσω αύτω έμαυτόν. manifest myself to him."
love h i m ,and w i l l m a n i f e s t t o h i m myself.
22 22 Judas says to him,
Λέγει αύτω Ίονδας (ούχ ό Ίσκαριώ-
Says to him Judas (not tli© Isc&riot;) (notthelscAitioT,) "Lord,
what has occurred, That
της·) Κύριε, καΐ τΐ γέγονεν, δτι ήμϊν
thou art about to manifest
Ο lorcl^ stud ΰθ*ν(Γ 1ms i t Imppoiiocij thiit to us thyself to us, and not to
μέλλεις έμφαν'ιζειν σεαυτόν, καΐ ουχί τφ the WORLD?"
thoq art about to manifest thyself, and not to the 23 Jesus answered and
κόσμω; 2 3 Άπεκρίθη Ίησοΰς καΐ είπεν αύτω*
world? Answered Jesus and said to him; said to him, $"If any one
Έάν τις άγαπα με, τόν λόγον μου τη- love me, he will observe
Ιί o.u7 on© 1 ο ν Θ mo tli ο wTorcl of ITIG lie my WORD ; and my FA-
ρήσει· καΐ ό Πατήρ μου αγαπήσει αυτόν, THER will love him ; and
w i l l k e e p ; a n d t h e F a t h e r of m e w i l l love h i m , we will come to him ; and
καΐ προς αυτόν έλευσόμεθα, καΐ μονήν παρ' make an Abode with him.
to h i m we w i l l 2 come, 4
and a dwelling w i t h 24 H E who LOVES me
αύτφ ποιήσομεν. ' 0 μή αγαπών με, τους not, observes not my
him we w i l l make. He not loving me, the
WORDS ; and §the WORD
λόγους μου ού τηρεί· καΐ ό λόγος δ\ which you hear is not
words of me not w i l l keep; and the word which
mine, but that of the
άκοΰετε, ούκ εστίν έμός, αλλά τοϋ πέμψαντός με FATHER who sent me.
25 These things I have
Πατρός. 2δ Ταΰτα λελάληκα ύμίν, παρ* spoken to you, while abid-
ύμϊν μένων* 2 β δ δέ παράκλητος, τό πνεύμα ing with you.
you a b i d i n g ; t h eb u t h e l p e r , the spirit 26 But §the HELPER,
τό άγιον, 8 πέμψει ό Πατήρ έν τω the HOLY SPIRIT, which
tli ο ho I yj w h I eh Ty i l l s e n d tli© X^si t h e r i n t h ethe FATHER will send In
ονόματι μου, εκείνος ύμας διδάξει πάν- my NAME ; $ shall teach
namo of me, that y o u w i l l t e a c h a l l You all things, and remind
τα, καΐ ί>πομνήσει ύμας πάντα ά* εΐ- you of all things which I
thtngs, and w i l l remind you a l l things which I
said to you.
πον ύμίν.
told you. 27 Peace *I leave to
you ; MY Peace I give to
Είρήνην άφίημι ύμίν, είρήνην τήν έμήν you; not as the WORLD
Peace I leave to you, peace the mine
gives, do I give to you.
δίδωμι ύμϊν* ού καθώς 6 κόσμος δίδωσιν, έγώ Let not Your HEART be
I give to you; not as the world gives, I
troubled, nor let i t be
δίδωμι ύμίν. Μή ταρασσέσθω υμών ή καρδία afraid.
give to you. Not let be troubled of you the heart
28 28You heard That I said
μηδέ δειλιάτω. Ήκούσατε, δτι έγώ είπον
nor let it be afraid. You heard, that I said to you, I am going away
ύμίν *Υπάγω, καΐ έρχομαι προς ύμας. and I am coming to you.
to you; I amgoingaway, and I am com ing to you. If you loved me, you
El ήγαπάτέ με, έχάρητε αν, δτι πορεύομαι would rejoice, That I am
If you loved me, youwouldrejoice, that Iamgoing going to the FATHER ; Be-
προς τόν Πατέρα· δτι ό Πατήρ μου cause §my FATHER is
greater than I.
to the Father; because the Father of mo
29 And now I have told
μείζων μου έστι. ΚαΙ νυν εϊρηκα ύμίν you before it occurs, so
that when it occurs, you
πρίν γενέσθαι, Ινα δταν γένηται, πιστεΰ- may believe.
30 301 will not speak much
σητε. Ούκέτι πολλά λαλήσω μεθ' more with you; $for the

* VATICAN M A N U S C E I P T . — 2 7. I leave.
$ 23. 1 John ii. 2 4 ; Rev. iii. 20. $ 24. ver. 1 0 ; John v. 19, 3 8 ; vii. 1 6 ; viii. 2 8 ;
xli. 49. % 26. ver. 1 6 ; Luke xx1v. 4 9 ; John xv. 2 0 ; xvi. 7. t 26. John ii. 2 2 ;
xii. 1 6 ; xvi. 1 3 ; 1 John i i . 20, 27. t 28. John v. 1 8 ; x. 3 0 ; Phil. i i . 6. t 30.
xii. 3 0 ; xvi. 11.
Chap. 14:31.] JOHN. [Chap. 15:8.
υμών. "Ερχεται γαρ δ τοϋ κόσμου άρχων, ±RULER Of t h e WORLD IS
you. Is coming for he of the world ruling, coming, and has nothing
καΐ εν έμοί ουκ έχει ουδέν. 31 Άλλ' ίνα γνφ in me.
and in m e not has nothing. But that m a y know 3.1 But that the WORLD
ό κόσμος, οτι αγαπώ τον Πατέρα, και καθώς may know That I love tlie
the world, that I love the Father, and as FATHER, and that as tthe
ένετείλατό με ό Πατήρ, ούτω ποιώ. Έγε'ιρε- FATHER commanded me,
commanded me the Father, so I do. Arise even so I do; arise, let us
σθε, άγωμεν έντεϋΦεν. go hence.
jou, let us go from this place.
ΚΕΦ. ι ε \ 15. CHAPTER XV.
Έγώ είμι ή άμπελος ή αληθινή, και ό 1 I am the TRUE VINE,
and my FATHER is the
Πατήρ μου ό γεωργός έστι. 2 Πάν κλήμα
F+itliΘr of line tlio vin©—di*oss©i?
is· Every brmicli VINE-DRESSER.
έν έμοί μη φέρον καρπόν, αίρει αυτό· 2 Every Branch in me
in me, not bearing fruit, he takes away it: notbearingFruit, he takes
καΐ πάν τό καρπόν φέρον καθαιρεί αυτό, away ; and every one bear-
and it, ing FRUIT, he prunes it,
"Ηδη ύμείς that it may bear More
ϊνα πλείονα καρπόν φέρη.
that more fruit it may bear. Already you Fruit.
καθαροί έστε, διά τόν λόγον, δν λελά- 3 $You are already clean
clean are, 4 through the word, which I have Ithrough have
the WORD which
spoken to you.
ληκα ΰμίν. Με'ινατε έν έμο'ι, κάγώ έν ύμϊν.
spoken to you. Abide you in me, and I in you.
Καθώς τό κλήμα ου δύναται καρπόν φέρειν in you. As intheme,BRANCH
4 $Abide and I
As the branch not is able fruit to bear
άφ' έαυτοΰ, έάν μη μείνη έν τή άμπέλω* cannot bear friiit of itself,
of itself, if not it may abide in "the vine"; if it abide not in the VINE,
οΰτως ουδέ ύμείς, έάν μη έν έμοί με'ινητε. so neither can you, unless
you abide in me.
Έγώ είμι ή άμπελος, ύμείς τα κλήματα. Ό 5 I am the VINE, you
μένων έν έμοί, κάγώ έν αύτφ, ούτος φέρει are the BRANCHES. H E
abiding in me, and I in him, this bears who ABIDES in me, and I
καρπόν πολύν δτι in·
χωρίς έμοΰ ού δύ- Fruit; Because him, he $bears much
νασθε ποιεΐν ουδέν. β Έάν μη τις μεί- ing. from me you can do noth-
& Γ Θ ftblo to do nothing· If not fl.ny on© ixijiy
νη έν έμοί, εβλήθη εξω, ώς τό κλήμα, 6If any one abide not in
Abide in lxi©f he is cust out· liko tΙιΘ bΓflΓΙcli me, he is cast out like the
καΐ έξηράνθη· καΐ συνάγουσιν αυτά, καΐ BRANCH, and is withered ;
and Is withered; and they gather them, and and such are gathered, and
εις πυρ βάλλουσι, καΐ καίεται. Έάν με'ι- 7 cast into a Fire, and are
lnto a fire they cast, and it is burned. If you burned.
νητε έν έμοί καΐ τα ρήματα μου έν ύμίν 7 §If you abide in me,
abide in me and the words of me In you and my WORDS abide in
μίάντ], δ έάν θέλητε ±α'ιτήσασθε, you, ask whatever you
may abide, whatever you may wish you shall ask, wish, and it shall be given
καΐ γενήσεται ύμΐν. 8 Έ ν τούτω έδοξάσθη you.
and it shall bo for you. In this was glorified 8 $In this is my FATHER
± 3 0 . Some say the ruler of this world means Satan; some, the Roman government;
others, the Jewish hierarchy and magistracy; but Wakefield, in his translation, thinks
that Christ here speaks of himself; (as he does in chap. xii. 30, and xvi. 11,) not of
what he then was, but of what he shall be, when he comes again. He translates this clause
as follows:—"For the ruler of this world is coming; and I have nothing now to do, but
to convince the world that I love the Father, and do as he commanded m e . "
± 7. Griesbach favors the reading, aiteesasthe instead of aiteesesthe; which is adopted
by Bachmann and Tischendorf.
$ 31. John x. 1 8 ; Phil. ii. 8 ; Heb. v. 8. t 3. John xiii. 10; xvii. 1 7 ; Eph. v. 2 6 ;
1 Pet. i. 22. t 4. Col. i. 2 3 ; 1 John ii. 6. $ 5. Phil. i. 1 1 ; iv. 13. $ 7. ver. 1 6 ;
John xiv. 13, 1 4 ; xvi. 2 3 . $ 8. Matt. v. 16; Phil. i. 11.
Chap. 15:9.] JOHN. {Chap. 15:18.
ό Πατήρ μου, ίνα καρπόν πολύν φέρη- glorified, t h a t you bear
the Father of me, that fruit much you might much Fruit, and you shall
τε, καΐ γενήσεσθε έμοί μαθηταί. Καθώς
0 be My Disciples.
bear, and you shall be to me disciples. As 9 As the FATHER loved
ήγάπησέ με ό .Πατήρ, κάγώ ήγάπησα ύμας· me, and I loved you, abide
loved me the Father, and I loved
10 you;
μείνατε έν τη αγάπη τη έμή. Έάν τάς in MY LOVE.
abide you in the love the m'ine. If the
έντολάς μου τηρήσητε, μενείτε 10 $If you observe my
commandments of me you may keep, you "will abide COMMANDMENTS, you shall
abide in my LOVE ; as I
έν τη αγάπη μου· καθώς έγώ τάς έντολάς have observed *the FA-
in the love of me; as I the commandments THER'S COMMANDMENTS,
τοϋ Πατρός μου τετήρηκα, καΐ μένω αύτοΰ and abide in His LOVE.
of the Father of me have kept, and abide of him
έν τη αγάπη.
In the love. 11 These things I have
χ1 spoken to you, t h a t MY JOY
Ταΰτα λελάληκα ύμίν, ϊνα ή χαρά *may be in you, and $your
These things I have spoken to you, that the Joy JOY may be completed.
4\ έμή έν ύμίν μεΐνη, καΐ ή χαρά υμών
the mine in you may abide, and the joy of you
Αΰτη εστίν ή εντολή ή 12 §This is MY COM-
MANDMENT, That you love
may bo fulfilled. This is the commandment the each other, as I loved you,
έμή, ϊνα αγαπάτε αλλήλους, καθώς ήγάπησα
ύμας. 13Μείζονα ταύτης άγάπην ουδείς έχει, 13 $No one has greater
you. Greater of this love no one has, Love than this, that one
ϊνα τις τήν ψυχήν αύτοΰ θη should lay down his LIFE
in behalf of his FRIENDS.
that any one the life of himself14 may lay down
υπέρ των φίλων αύτοΰ. *Υμείς φίλοι 14§You are my Friends
in behalf of the friends of himself. You friends
μου έστέ, έάν ποιήτε οσα έγώ έντέλ- if you do what things I
ot me are, if you may do what things I com- command you.
λομαι ' ύμίν. 15Ούκέτι ύμας λέγω δούλους· 15 No more I call you
mand you. No more you I call slaves;
Servants; Because the
δτι ό δοΰλος ούκ οίδε τΐ ποιεί αύ- SERVANT knows not what
because the slave not knows what does of
τοϋ ό κύριος· ύμας δέ εϊρηκα φίλους, His MASTER does ; but I
him the lord; you but I have called friends, have called You Friends,
δτι πάντα δ η*κουσα παρά τοΰ Because all things which I
heard from my FATHER I
because a l l things which I heard 1β from the made known to you.
Πατρός μου, έγνώρισα ύμίν. Ούχ ύμείς
Father of me, I made known to you. Not you
με έξελέξασθε, άλλ' έγώ έξελεξάμην υμάς, 16 You did not choose
me did choose, but I chose you, Me, but I chose you, and
καΐ δθηκα ύμας, ϊνα ύμείς ύπάγητε καΐ appointed you, t h a t you
and appointed you, that you might go and may go and bear Fruit, and
καρπόν φέρητε, καΐ ό καρπός υμών μέ- t h a t your FRUIT may abide;
fruit might bear, and the fruit of you might so t h a t whatever *you ask
νη· ϊνα δ,τι civ αΐτήσητε τόν Πατ&- of the FATHER in my
abide; so that whatever you may ask the Father NAME, he may give you.
ρα έν τω ονόματι μου, δφ ύμίν.
in the name of me, he may give to you. 17 These things I com-
Ταΰτα εντέλλομαι ύμίν, ϊνα αγαπάτε mand you, so t h a t you
These things I command you, that you may love may love each other.
αλλήλους. ^El ό κόσμος ύμας μισεί, γινώ-
each other. If the world you hates, you 18 $If the WORLD h a t e
σκέτε, δτι έμέ πρώτον υμών μεμίσηκεν. 19ΕΙ You, you know That it has
know, that me before you i t has hated. If hated Me before you.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—10. the FATHER'S. 11. be in you. 16. you ask.

$ 10. John xiv. 15,21,23. $ 11. John xvi. 24; xvii. 13; 1 John i. 4. % 12.
John xiii. 34; 1 Thess. iv. 9; 1 Pet. iv. 8; 1 John iii. 11; Iv. 21. % 13. John x.
11, 15; Rom. v. 7, 8; Eph. v. 2; 1 John iii. 16. % 14. John xiv. 16,23; Matt,
xii. 20. $ 18. 1 John iii. 1, 13.
Chap. 15:19.] JOHN. [Chap. 1 6 : 1 .
έκ τοΰ κόσμου ^ τ ε , δ κόσμος άν το 19 §If you Twere of the
of the world you weri the world would the WORLD, the W ORLD would
ϊδιον έφ'ιλει· δτι δέ έκ τοϋ κόσμου ούκ love its OWN ; but Because
own kiss, because but of the world not you are not of the WORLD,
έστέ, άλλ' εγώ έξελεξάμην ύμας έκ τοΰbut I chose you out of the
you are, but I chose you out of the
WORLD, on this account
κόσμου, δια τοϋτο μισεί ύμας ό κόσμος, the WORLD hates you.
world, on account of this bates you the world.
Μνημονεύετε τοϋ λόγου ο6 έγώ εΐπον 20 Remember the WORD
Remember you the world, of which I said which I said to you, $'A
ύμίν Ούκ εστί δοϋλος μείζων τοΰ κυρίου Servant is not greater than
to you. Not is a slave greater of the lord his Master.' If they perse-
αύτοΰ. El έμέ έδιωξαν, καΐ ύμας διώ- cuted Me, they will also
persecute You ; if they ob-
|ονσιν· εΐ τόν λόγον μου έτήρησαν, καΐ served my WORD they will
w i l l persecute; if the word of me theykept, also also observe YOURS.
τόν ύμέτερον τηρήσουσιν. 2 1 Άλλά ταΰτα 21 Buttall These things
the yours they w i 11 keep. But these things they will do to you, on ac-
πάντα ποιήσουσιν ύμΐν διά το δνομά count of my NAME, Because
all they w i l l do t o you on account of t h e name
they know not HIM who
μου, δτι ούκ οϊδασι τόν πέμψαντά με. SENT me.
22 22 If I had not come
Ei μή ήλθον καΐ έλάλησα αύτοίς, άμαρ- and spoken to them, they
If not I had come and spoken to them, sin would not have had Sin;
τίαν ούκ είχον νΰν δέ πρόφασιν ούκ έ'χου- but now they have no Ex-
not they had; now but an excuse not they
σι περί της αμαρτίας αυτών. ^ Ό έμέcuse for their SIN.
nave about the sin of them. He
me 23 H E who HATES Me,
μισών, καΐ τόν Πατέρα μου μισεί. ΕΙ τα hates my FATHER also.
hating, also the Father of me hates. If the
£ργα, μή έποίησα έν αύτοϊς, α ού- among 24 If I had not done
them $the WORKS
δείς &λλοζ πεποίηκεν, άμαρτίαν ούκ είχον which no other one had
one other has done, sin not they had; done, they would not have
νΰν δέ καΐ έωράκασι, καΐ μεμισήκασι και had Sin; but now they
ilOTV t)Ut βνβϋ tiieV Ιΐίΐνβ SGGU» ftllGl ΙΐίΙΥβ llftfcccl 1)0 til have even seen them, and
έμέ καΐ τόν Πατέρα μου. ^'Αλλ', ίνα and yet have hated both me
me and that Father of me. But, that my FATHER.
πληρωθη 6 λόγος ό γεγραμμένος 25Thus they verify THAT
may be fulfilled the word the having been w r i t t e n WORD which was WRITTEN
JEV τω νόμω αυτών «"Οτι έμίσησάν με δωρε- in their LAW, §'They hat-
*ed me without cause.'
άν.» 26 §But when the
2β HELPER comes, whom I
"Οταν δέ ελθη ό παράκλητος, δ'ν έγώ will send to you from the
When but may come the helper, whom I
πέμψω ύμίν παρά τοΰ Πατρός, (τό πνεύμα TRUTH FATHER, the SPIRIT of
•will send to you from the Father, (the s p i r i t which comes forth
της αληθείας, δ παρά τοϋ Πατρός from the FATHER, he will
testify of me.
of the truth, which from the Fathe»
27 And §you also will
εκπορεύεται,) εκείνος μαρτυρήσει περί testify, Because you are
s h a l l come o u t , ) t h a t will testify concerning with me from the Begin-
έμοΰ. 2 7 ΚαΙ ύμείς δέ μαρτυρείτε, δτι άπ*ning.
me. Also you and shall testify, because from
αρχής μετ' έμοΰ έστέ. ΚΕΦ. ι σ τ ' . 16. CHAPTER XVI.
a beginning with
me you are. 1 These things I have
Ταϋτα λελάληκα ύμϊν, ίνα μή σκανδα- spoken to you, that you
These things I have spoken to you, that not you may may not be ensnared.

ί 1 9 . J o h n iv. 5 ; xvii. 1 4 . $ 2 0 . M a t t . x. 2 4 ; L u k e v i . 4 0 ; J o h n x i i i . 1 6 . 2 1 .
M a t t . x. 2 2 ; xxiv. 9 ; J o h n xvi. 3 . t 2 4 . J o h n 111. 2 ; v i i . 3 1 ; i x . 3 2 . $ 2 5 . P s a .
xxxv. 1 9 . t 2 6 . L u k e x x ' v . 4 9 ; J o h n xiv. 1 7 , 2 6 ; xvi. 7, 1 3 ; A c t s i i . 3 3 . $ 2 7 .
L u k e xxiv. 4 8 ; A c t s i. 8, 2 1 , 2 2 ; i i . 3 2 ; i i i . 1 5 ; iv. 2 0 , 3 3 ; v. 3 2 ; x. 3 9 ; x i i i . 3 1 ;
1 P e t . v . X; 2 P e t . i . 1 6 .
Chap. 16:2.] JOHN. {Chap. 16:13.
λισθήτε. Άποσυναγώγους ποιήσουσιν υμάς· 2 §They will expel you
bo ensnared. From synagogues t h e y w i l l put you; from the synagogues ; but
άλλ' έρχεται ώρα, 'ίνα πάς ό άποκτεί- an Hour is coming, when
l)ut> comes <iix lioizi*j th&fc ©very on© the SSL\ 11 injj EVERY ONE Who KILLS
νάς υμάς, δόξη λατρείαν προσφέρειν τω you will think to offer
you, may think a service to offer to the
Service to GOD.
Θεφ. ΚαΙ ταΰτα ποιήσουσιν, δτι ουκ 3And $ these things they
will do Because they know
έγνωσαν τον Πατέρα, ουδέ έμέ. 4Άλλά ταΰ- not the FATHER, nor me.
4 But These things I
τα λελάληκα ύμίν, ίνα δταν have spoken to you, so that
things I have spoken to you, that when may come when * their HOUR comes
ή ώρα, μνημονεύετε αυτών, δτι έγώ είπον you may remember them,
the hour · you ixi fiy r cm Θ ixifoe r tliem $ tout X s& i d That I told you. And these
ΰμίν. Ταΰτα δέ ΰμίν έξ αρχής ούκ things I said not to you
to you. These things but toyou from abeginning not from the Beginning, Be-
είπον, δτι μεθ' υμών η"μην. 6 Νΰν δέ ύπά- cause I was with you.
I said, because with you I was. Now but I go 5 And now $1 am going
γ ω προς τόν πέμψαντά με, καΐ ουδείς έξ away to HIM who SENT me;
to him having sent me, andβ no one of and no one of you asks me,
υμών έρωτα με· Ποϋ υπάγεις; Άλλ' δτι 'Where art thou going?'
yoq asks me; Where goest thou? But because 6 But Because I have
ταΰτα λελάληκα ύμϊν, ή λύπη πε- said These things to you,
π λ ή ρ ω κ ε ν υ μ ώ ν τ η ν καρδ'ιαν. Ά λ λ ' έ γ ώ τ η ν SORROW has filled Your

filled of you the heart. But I the HEART.

άλήθειαν λέγω ύμίν· συμφέρει ύμίν, ίνα 7 But I tell you the
truth say to you; it is better for you, that
TRUTH ; I t is better for
έγώ απέλθω. Έάν γάρ μή απέλθω, ymi That I should go away ;
I should go away. If for not I should go away, for if I go not away, §the
ό παράκλητος ούκ έλεύσεται προς υμάς· έάν HELPER will not come to
the helper not w i l l come to you; if you; but if I go I will
δέ πορευθώ, πέμψω αυτόν προς υμάς. 8ΚαΙ send him to you.
but I go, I w i l l send h i m to you. And 8 And having come, he
will convict the WORLD
έλθών εκείνος ελέγξει τόν κόσμον πε- concerning Sin, and con-
ρί αμαρτίας, καΐ περί δικαιοσύνης, καΐ cerning Righteousness, and
ing sin, and concerning righteousness, and concerning Judgment;
9 concerning Sin, in-
περί κρίσεως. β ΠερΙ αμαρτίας, μέν, deed, Because they believe
concerning judgment. Concerning sin indeed, not into me;
δτι ού πιστεύουσιν είς έμέ· περί 10 but concerning Right-
because not they believe into me; concerning eousness, Because I am go-
δικαιοσύνης δέ, οτι προς τόν Πατέρα ing to my FATHER, and
righteousness but, because to the Father
μου υπάγω, καΐ ούκέτι θεωρείτε με· you behold me no more;
of me I go away, and no more you behold me; 11 and concerning Judg-
ό αρχών ment, Because ±the RULER
περ1 δέ κρίσεως, δτι
concerning and judgment, because 12the ruling of this WORLD has been
του κόσμου τούτου κέκριται. "Ετι πολ- judged.
of the world this has been judged. Yet many 12 I have yet Many
λά εχω λέγειν ύμίν, αλλ' ού δύ- things to tell you, §but
things I have to say to you, but not you you cannot bear them now.
13 But when he may
νασθε βαστάζειν άρτι. 13"Οταν δέ ελθη come, §the SPIRIT of
are able to bear now. When but may com* TRUTH, he will lead you
εκείνος, τό πνεΰμα της αληθείας, οδηγήσει into*all the TRUTH ; for he
he the s p i r i t of the truth, he w i l l lead
will not speak from him-
νμάς είς πάσαν τήν άλήθειαν. Ού γάρ λα-
you into
M A N U S the
C R I P T . —truth. Not for13.
4 . their HOUR. he all the TRUTH.
± 1 1 . See Note on chap. xiv. 30.
t 2. John ix. 22, 3 4 ; xii. 4 2 ; viii. 1; lx. 1; xxvi. 9-11. t 3. John xv. 2 1 ; Rom.
x. 2 ; 1 Cor. 11. 8; 1 Tim. 1. 1 3 . $ 5. ver. 10, 16; John vii. 3 3 ; xiii. 3 ; xiv. 28.
t 7. John vii. 3 9 ; xiv. 16, 2 6 ; xv. 26. t 12. Mark iv. 3 3 ; 1 Cor. iii. 2 ; Heb. v. 12.
% 13. John xiv. 17, 2 6 ; xv. 2 6 ; 1 John ii. 20, 27.
Chap. 16:14.] JOHN. [Chap. 16:22.
λήσει αφ' έαυτοΰ, άλλ' δσα olv άκού- self ; he will speak what-
w i l l speak from himself, but whatever he may ever he may hear ; and de-
ση, λαλήσει, καΐ τα ερχόμενα clare to you the COMING
hear, he w i l l speak, and the things coming THINGS.
άναγγελεϊ ύμίν. "'Εκείνος έμέ δοξάσει, 14 He will glorify Me;
δτι έκ τοΰ έμοϋ λήψεται, καΐ άναγ- Because he will take of
because out f th1δ i he w i l l take, and w i l l MINE, and declare to you.
γελεί ύμϊν. Πάντα δσα έχει δ Πατήρ,
to you. All things what has the Father, 15 |A11 things that the
declare FATHER has are mine ; on
έμά εστί. Διά τοΰτο είπον, δτι16 έκ account of this I said,
του έμοΰ λαμβάνει καΙ άναγγελεΐ ύμίν. Μι- That out of MINE he takes,
and will declare to you.
κρόν, και ου θεωρείτι με και πάλιν μι-
while, and not you se< me;; a n d a g a i n a l i t t l e 16 $A little while, and
κρόν, και δψεσΦέ με, με, *[δτι*[δτι υπάγω you see me *no more, and
while, and you shall see me, [because I am going again a little while, and
προς τον Πατέρα.] 17Είπον οδν έκ των μα- you will see me."
to the Father.] Said then of the dis- 17 Then some of his DIS-
θητών αύτοΰ προς αλλήλους· ΤΙ έστι τοϋτο CIPLES said to each other,
c i p l e s of h i m t o each o t h e r ; What is this
"What is this he is saying
δ λέγει ύμϊν Μικρόν, και ου to us, Ά little while, and
θεωρείτε με* καΐ πάλιν μικρόν, και 8ψε- you will see me not; and
which he says t o us; A l i t t l e w h il e , and not
you s e e m e ; a n d a g a i n a l i t t l e w h i l e a n d you again a little wliile, and
you will see me ;' and, 'Be-
σθέ με· καί, "Οτι έγώ υπάγω προς cause I am going to the
shall see me; and, Because I am fro ing to FATHER?' "
τόν Πατέρα; ^"Ελεγον ο5ν· Τοΰτο τι 18 They said, therefore,
έΌτιν δ λέγει, το μικρόν; Ουκ οϊ-
l i t t l e while? Not we "What is this that he is
is which he says, th saying, Ά *little while?'
δαμεν *[τΙ λαλεί.] We know not."
know [what he says.J
*Έγνω ό Ίησοΰς, δτι τίθελον αυτόν they 19 *Jesus knew That
wished to ask Him,
Knew the Jesus, that they wished him and said to them, "Do you
έρωτφν, καΐ είπεν αΰτοϊς· Π ερί ling τούτουhis inquire one with another
ζητείτε μετ' αλλήλων, δτι είπον Μι- concerning this, Because I
said, Ά little while, and
inquire you w i t h each other, because I said; A you see me not, and again
κρόν, καΐ ού θεωρείτε με· καΐ πάλιν a little while, and you will
l i t t l e while, and not you see me; and again see me?'
μικρόν, καΐ δψεσθέ με; 20 Άμήν That 20 Indeed, I assure you,
a l i t t l e while, and you shall see me?
you will weep and
Indeed lament, but the WORLD
αμήν λέγω ύμϊν, δτι κλαύσετε καΐ θρηνή- will rejoice; you will be
. I n d e e d I S i i y t o y o i i j t l i f t t w i l l \ t r Θ © p S . D C 1 w i l l sorrowful, but your SOR-
ο"ετε ύμείς, ό δέ κόσμος χαρήσεται· ύμείς ROW shall become Joy.
l a m e n t you, t h e b u t w o r l d w i l l r e j o i c e ; you 21 fThe WOMAN when
*Γδέ] λυπηθήσεσθε, άλλ' ή λύπη υμών
[and] w i l l be sorrowful, but the sorrow of you she is in labor has Sorrow,
εις χαράν γενήσεται. 2 1 Ή γυνή δταν τί- Because h e r T I M E has
into joy shall become. The woman when she come; but when she has
κττ], λύπην έχει, δτι η"λθεν ή borne the CHILD, she re-
may bear, sorrow has, because has come the members the DISTRESS no
ούκέτι αυτής· δταν δέ της
μνημονεύει γέννησηθλίψεως, το παιδίον,δια more, on account of the
no ΖΪΙΟ Ι* Θ sli Θ r em em I) e r s of tlie d i s t r e s s , on iiccourit JOY That a Man was born
την χαράν, δτι έγεννήθη άνθρωπος εις τόν into the WORLD.
of the joy, that was born a man into the
22 And you, therefore,
κόσμον. 22Και ύμείς οΰν λύπην μέν νϋν now indeed have Sorrow ;

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 5 . no more. 16. Because I am going to the F A T H E R —

omit. 18. little while. 18. what he says—omit. 19. Jesus. 20. and—omit,
t 15. Matt. xi. 2 7 ; John iii. 3 3 ; xiii. 3 ; xvii. 10. $ 16. ver. 10; John vii. 3 3 ;
xili. 3 3 ; xiv. 19. % 21. Isa. xxvi. 17.
Chap. 16:23.] JOHN. [Chap. 16:32.
έχετε· πάλιν δε δψομαι ΰμας, καΐ χαρήσε- but I will see you again,
have; a g a i n b u t I w i l l s e e you, a n d w i l l be and $Your HEART shall
ται υμών ή καρδία, καΐ την χαράν υμών rejoice; and your JOY no
rejoiced of you the heart, and the joy of you one takes from you.
ουδείς αίρει άφ' υμών ^καΐ έν εκείνη τχί 23 And in That DAY you
ήμερα έμέ ούκ ερωτήσετε ουδέν 'Αμήν αμήν wil ask Me nothing. $In-
Q&y in β no·!* you Λν i l l & sk nothixisj I n d e e d ι nfioftd deed, I assure you, What-
ever you may ask the FA-
λέγω ύμίν, δτι οσα αν αίτήσητε τόν Πατέρα THER in my NAME, he will
έν τώ ονόματι μου, δώσει ύμίν. 24"Εως give you.
in the name of m e , he w i l l g i v e t o you. Till
24 Till now you asked
άρτι οΰκ ήτήσατε ουδέν έν τφ ονόματι μου· nothing in my NAME ; ask,
now not you asked nothing in the * name of me; and you shall receive, so
αιτείτε, καΐ λήψεσθε, ίνα ή χαρά ύ- $that your JOY may be
ask you, and you shall receive, so that the joy of
μών ή" πεπληρωμένη.
you may be completed. 25 These things I have
^Ταϋτα έν παροιμίαις λελάληκα ΰμίν spoken to you in Figures ;
These things in figures I have spoken to you; an· Hour is coming when
άρχεται ωρα, δτε ούκέτι έν παροιμίαις λαλή- I will no more speak to
comes an hour, when no more in figures I w i l l you in Figures, but I will
σω ύμϊν, αλλά παρρησία περί του tell you plainly about the
speak to you, but plainly concerning the FATHER.
Πατρός άναγγελώ ΰμίν. εκείνη 26 In That DAY you will
Father I will tell you. In that ask in my NAME, and I do
ήμερα έν τφ ονόματι μου αίτησε σ# ε · καΐ not say to you, That I will
you w i l l a s k ; a n d
entreat the FATHER for
day in the name
οΰ λέγω ύμίν, δτι εγώ ερωτήσω τόν Πατέρα you ;
not I j
αΰτός γαρ δ Πατήρ φιλεϊ 27 §for the FATHER
περί υμών himself for the Father loves himself loves you, Because
ΰμας, δτι ΰμείς έμέ πεφιλήκατε, καΐ πε- thavehave you loved me, and
concerning you;
you, because you me have loved and have believed that I
came out from *GOD.
πιστεΰκατε, δτι έγώ παρά του θεοΰ έξήλθον.
Lelieved, that I from the God came out. 28 $1 came out from the
Έξήλθον παρά του Πατρός, καΐ έλήλυθα εις FATHER, and have come

I came out from the Father, and have come into into the WORLD ; again I
τόν κόσμον πάλιν άφ'ιημι τόν κόσμον, καΐ leave the WORLD, and am
going to my FATHER·."
πορεύομαι προς τόν Πατέρα,
am going to the Father. 29 His DISCIPLES said
Λέγουσιν * [αύτφ] ol μαθηταΐ αΰτοΰ· to him, "Behold, now thou

Say [to him} the disciples of him;

art speaking plainly, and
"Ιδε, νΰν παρρησία λαλείς, καΐ παροιμίαν without a Figure.
Lo, now plainly thou speakest, and a figure 30 Now we know That
οΰδεμίαν λέγεις. 30Νΰν οίδαμεν, δτι ol- thou knowest all things,
not one thou sayest. Now we know, that thou and hast no need that any
δας πάντα, καΐ ού χρείαν έχεις, ίνα one should ask Thee; by
this we believe That thou
τίς σε έρωτ§· έν τούτω πιστεύομεν, didst come out from God."
8τι άπό Θεού εξήλθες. ^Άπεκρίθη them, 31 *Jesus answered,
that from God thou didst come out. Answered
"Do you now be-
αύτοίς ό Ίησοΰς· "Αρτι πιστεύετε· ίδού, 32 lieve?
them the Jesus; Now do you believe; Lo, 32 Behold, an Hour is
άρχεται ωρα, καΐ νΰν έλήλυθεν, tva σκορ- coming, and is come, that
you will be scattered
πισθήτε έκαστος είς τά Ιδια, καΐ έμέ every one to his OWN
w i l l be scattered every one to the own, and me home, and will leave Me
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2 7. the FATHER. 29. to him—omit. 31. Jesus.
ί 22. Luke xxiv. 41, 52; John xx. 20. $ 23. Matt. vii. 7; John xiv. 13; xv. 16.
$ 24. John xv. 11. $ 27. John xiv. 21, 23. $ 27. ver. 30; John iii. 13; xvii. 8.
$ 28. John xiii. 3.
Chap. 16:33.] JOHN. [Chap. 17:8.
μόνον άφήτε· καΐ ούκ ειμί μόνος, δτι alone; and yet I am not
alone you may leave; and not I am alone, because alone, Because the FATHER
ό Πατήρ μετ' έμοϋ έστ'ι. ^Ταΰτα λελά- is with me.
33 These things I have
ληκα ύμίν, ίνα έν ύμίν ειρήνη ν έ'χητε. spoken to you, that in me
to you, that In me peace you may have.
spoken you may have Peace. $In
Έν τφ κόσμω θλίψιν έχετε· αλλά θαρ- the WORLD you have Af-
In the world affliction
you have; but be you fliction ; but be of good
courage; §1 have con-
σείτε, έγώ νενίκηκα τον κόσμον. quered the WORLD."
ΚΕΦ. ι ζ ' . 17. CHAPTER XVII.
^Ταΰτα έλάλησεν ό Ίησοΰς, καΐ έπχίρε 1 JESUS spoke these
These things spoke the Jesus, and lifted up things, and lifted up his
τούς οφθαλμούς αύτοΰ είς τόν ούρανόν, και EYES to HEAVEN, and said,
"Father, the HOUR is
είπε* Πάτερ, έλήλυθεν ή ώρα* δόξασόν σου come; glorify Thy SON,
said; O Father, i s come the hour; glorify of thee that *the SON may glorify
τόν υΐόν, ίνα * [καΐ] ό υιός σου δοξάση thee;
the son, that [also] the son of thee may glorify 2 §as thou didst give
σε* 2καθώς έ'δωκας αύτφ έξουσίαν πά- him Authority over All
thee; a s thou g a v e s t t o h i m a u t h o r i t y over a l l
σης σαρκός, ϊνα παν 8 δέδωκας αύ- Flesh, so that every thing
flesh, so t h a t a l l w h i c h thou h a s t g i v e n t o which thou hast given to
3 him, he may give to them,
τφ, δώσχι αύτοίς ζωήν αίώνιον. Αΰτη even aionian Life.
h i m , h e m a y g i v e t o them l i f e a g e - l a s t i n g . This
3 And this is the AIO-
δέ έστιν ή αιώνιος ζωή, ϊνα γινώ- NIAN Life, that they may
and i s t h e a g e - l a s t i n g l i f e , that they m i g h t know thee, the ONLY TRUE
σκωσι σέ τόν μόνον άληθινόν Θεόν, καΐ God, and him whom thou
know thee the only true God, didst send, Jesus Christ.
8v άπέστειλας Ίησοΰν Χριστόν. 4 Έγώ σε 4 I glorified thee on 1he
ασα επί της γής· τό έργον έτελείωσα, EARTH, §* having finished
the WORK which thou hast
δ δέδωκάς μοι, ίνα ποιήσω. εΚαΙ νΰν given me, that I might do
which thouhast given me, that I might do. And now it.
δόξασόν με, σύ Πάτερ, παρά σεαυτφ, τη 5 And now, Ο Father,
glorify me, thou OFather, with thyself, with the glorify thou me with thy-
δόξη, η είχον, πρό τοϋ τόν κόσμον εί- self, with the GLORY which
I had with thee before
ναι παρά σοΙ. βΈςρανέρωσά σου τό δνομα the WORLD WAS.
be, with thee. I manifested of thee the name 6 I manifested Thy
τοις άνθρώποις, ους δέδωκάς μοι έκ NAME to the MEN whom
e men, whom h thou hast give thou hast given me out of
του κόσμου* σοΙ ήσαν, καΐ έμοί αυτούς the WORLD ; thine they
were, and thou hast given
δέδωκας· καΐ τόν λόγον σου τετηρή- them to me; and they
thou hast given ; and the word of thee they have
7 have kept thy WORD.
κασι. Νΰν εγνωκαν, 8τι πάντα 8σα 7 Now they know That
kopt. N o w t h e y know, t h a t a l l t h i n g s w h a t e v e r all things whatever thou
δέδωκάς με, παρά σοϋ έστιν 8τι τά gavest me are from thee.
thou hast given me, from thee Is; because the 8 Because I have given
ρήματα δ δέδωκάς μοι, δέδωκά αύ-
words which thouhast given me, Ihave given to to them the WORDS which
§thou has given to me;
τοις* καΐ αυτοί δλαβον, καΐ έγνωσαν αληθώς, and they received and
them; and they received, and knew truly, knew truly that I came
δτι παρά σου έξήλθον, καΐ έπίστευσαν, δτι out from thee, and be-
t h f i t ι oμε
σύ i x i άπέστειλας.
t h e © I Cfim© o u t £ d b o l i v o i t f c t lieved That thou didst
περί αυτών send Me.
thou me didst send. concernin them
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 . the SON. 1. also—omit. 4. having finished.
X 33. John xv. 19-21; 2 Tim. iii. 12. t 33. Bom. viii. 3 7 ; 1 John iv. 4 ; v. 4. $ 2.
Matt. xi. 2 7 ; xxviii. 1 8 ; John iii. 3 5 ; v. 2 7 ; 1 Cor. xv. 25, 2 7 ; Phil. ii. 10. % 4.
John iv. 3 4 ; v. 3 6 ; ix. 3 ; xix. 30, t 8. John viii. 2 8 ; xii. 4 9 ; xiv. 10.
Chap. 17:9.] JOHN. {Chap. 17:18.
ερωτώ* ού περί τοϋ κόσμου ερωτώ, άλλα 9 I entreat for them,
ask; not concerning the world I ask, but not for the WORLD I en-
περί ών δέδωκάς μοι, δτι
σοΙ treat, but for those whom
thou hast giver, me; Be-
είσί· κα1 τα έμά πάντα σά έστι, καΐ τα cause they are thine.
10 And all MINE are
σά έμά, καΐ δεδόξασμαι
έν αΰτοίς. thine, and $THINE are
thine mine, and I have been glorified in them. mine ; and I have been glo-
Kal ούκέτι ειμί έν τφ κόσμω, καΐ οδτοι rified in them.

And no m o r e l a m i n t h e w o r l d , and t h e s e 11 And I am no more

έν τφ κόσμω είσί, καΐ έγώ προς · σέ ερ- in· the WORLD, but they
iu the world are, and I to thee am are in the WORLD, and I
am coming to thee. Holy
χομαι. Πάτερ
σου, άγιε,φ τήρησον αυτούς έν τφ
δέδωκάς Father, keep them in thy
hast givei
)f thee, by which thou ha; 12
NAME, by which thou hast
Ινα ώσιν gv, καθώς ημείς. "Οτε ^μη given them me, that they
that they may be one, as we. When I was may be one, as we *also
μετ' αυτών *[έν τφ κόσμω,] έγώ έτήρουν are.
with them [in the world,3 I kept 12 When I was with
them, I kept them in thy
αυτούς έν τφ ονόματι σου* οδς δέδωκάς •NAME, by which thou
hast given them me; and
μοι έφύλαξα, καΐ ουδείς έξ αυτών άπώλε- I guarded them, and no
to me I guarded, and no one of them was destroyed, one of them was destroyed,
TO, εΐ μή ό υΙός της απώλειας, ϊνα ή e x c e p t the $SON of
if not the son of the destruction, that the
13 DESTRUCTION ; $that the
γραφή πληρωθη. Νΰν δε προς σέ £ρχο- SCRIPTURE might be veri-
writing may be fulfilled. Now and to thee I am
μαι, καΐ ταύτα λαλώ έν τφ κόσμω, ϊνα 13 But now I am com-
ing to thee; and These
£χωσι την χαράν τήν έμήν πεπληρωμένην things I speak in the
they may have the Joy the mine fulfilled WORLD, that they may
έν αύτοίς. 1 4 Έγώ δέδωκα αύτοίς τόν λόγον have MY JOY completed in
\\χ tli ο in« Χ hsvG ^iveii to them the ^voroi 14 I have given thy
σου· καΐ ό κόσμος έμίσησεν αυτούς, δτι WORD to them, §and the
of thee; and the world hated them, because WORLD hated them; Be-
cause they are not of the
ούκ είσΐν έκ του κόσμου, καθώς έγώ ούκ WORLD, as I am not of the
not they &ΓΘ of the world, us X not WORLD.
ειμί έκ του κόσμου. 1δΟύκ ερωτώ, tva 15 I entreat not that #-
am of the world. Not I ask, that thou
ρης αυτούς έκ τοΰ κόσμου, άλλ' 1 βίνα τη- thou wouldst take them
ρήσης αυτούς έκ τοΰ πονηρού. Έκ τοΰ §that of thou
out the WORLD, but
wouldst keep
wouldst keep them from the evil one. Of the
them from EVIL.
κόσμου ούκ είσί, καθώς έγώ έκ τοΰ κόσμου 16 They are not of the
world not they are, as I of the world
WORLD, as I am not of the
ούκ ειμί. 17Άγ'ιασον αυτούς έν χχ\ άληθεία WORLD.
not am. Sanctify them in the* truth 17 § Sanctify them in
σου* ό λόγος ό σός αλήθεια εστί. ^Κα-
•Truth; $THY WORD is
of thee; the word the thine truth is. As
the TRUTH.
θώς έμέ άπέστειλας είς τόν κόσμον, κάγώ
18 §As thou didst send
me thou didst send into the world,
10 also 1
Me into the WORLD, SO I
απέστειλα αυτούς είς τόν κόσμον. ΚαΙ υπέρ sent them into the WORLD ;
sent them into the world. And in behalf

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 1 . also. 12. in the WORLD—omit. 12. NAME, by

which thou hast given them me; and I guarded them. 17. Truth; T H Y WOKD is the
% 10. John xvi. 15. $ 12. John vi. 7 0 ; xiii. 18. % 12. Psa. cix. 8; Acts i 20.
% 14. John xv. 18, 19; 1 John iii. 13. * 15. Matt. vi. 1 3 ; 2 Thess. iii. 3 ; 1 John
v. 18. % 17. John xv. 3 ; Acts xv. 9; Eph. v. 2 6 ; 1 Pet. i. 22. $ 17. 2 Sam. vii.
2 8 ; Psa. cxix. 142, 1 5 1 ; John viii. 40. % 18. John xx. 21.
Clmp. 17:19.] JOHN. [Chap. 1 8 : 1 .
αυτών εγώ αγιάζω έμαυτόν, ΐινα και αυτοί 19 $and in their behalf
of them I sanctify myself, so that also they
I sanctify myself, so that
ώσιν ήγιασμένοι εν άληθεία. 20
Ού περί they also may be sancti-
fied in Truth.
τούτων δε ερωτώ μόνον, άλλα καΐ περί 20 Nor do I entreat for
these only, but also for
τών πιστευόντανν διά τοϋ λόγου αυτών εις THOSE BELIEVING into 1Ϊ1Θ
έμέ. 2 1 " Ι ν α πάντες £ν ωσι* καθώς συ, through their WORD ;
me. That all one m a y b e ; as thou,
21 $so t h a t all m a y be
Πάτερ, εν έμοί, κάγώ εν σοί, ϊνα καΐ αυτοί o n e ; a s $thou, F a t h e r , a r t
Father, in me, and I in thee, that also they in me, a n d I in thee, t h a t
Iv ήμίν * [ ε ν ] ώσιν ΐνα ό κόσμος πιστεΰση, they also m a y be in u s ; so
in us Cone] maybe; that the world may believe,
22 that the WORLD may be-
ο τι συ με άπέστειλας. ΚαΙ εγώ την δόξαν lieve T h a t thou didst send
that thou m e d i d s t send. And I the glory
ήν δέδωκάς μοι, δέδωκα αύτοίς·
Wh. i ch tli oil lifts t g i vcn tome, liavegiven to them; 22And t h e GLORY which
ίνα ώσιν εν, καθώς ημείς εν έσμέν thou h a s t given me, I h a v e
given t h e m ; t t h a t they
that they may be one, as we one are;
may be one, a s we a r e o n e ;
^•(έγώ εν αύτοίς, καΐ συ έν έμο'ι·) ϊνα
(I in them, and thou in me;) that 23 I i n them, a n d thou
<δσι τετελειωμένοι εις εν, * [καΐ] Ινα γι- in me, t h a t they m a y be
perfected into o n e ; so
they iniiy ΟΘ pcrf ectecl into oiiOy f_iiiicij th3,t lrisy
t h a t t h e WORLD m a y know
νώσκη ό κόσμος, δτι συ με άπέστειλας, και
That thou didst send me,
know * the world, that thou me didst send, and
ήγάπησας αυτούς, καθώς έμέ ήγάπησας. a n d didst love them, a s
thou didst love them, as me thou didst love. thou didst love me.
Πάτερ, ους δέδωκάς μοι,, θέλω, ϊνα 24 $ F a t h e r , those whom
^y JPsx, tli61* whom ^r i veil t o mc $ I w i sh thn tthou h a s t given me, I wish
δπου είμΐ εγώ, κάκείνοι ώσι μ ε τ ' έμοΰ. t h a t w h e r e I am, they also
where am I, also they maybe with me;
ϊνα θεωρώσι την δόξαν την έμήν, ην may be w i t h m e ; so t h a t
that they may behold the glory the mine, which they m a y behold M Y
εδωκάς μοι, δτι ήγάπησας με GLORY, which thou d i d s t
thou didst give to me, because thou didst love me give me, because thou
ngb καταβολής κόσμου. 2 5 Π ά τ ε ρ δίκαιε, didst love m e before t h e
F o r m a t i o n of t h e World.
καΐ ό κόσμος σε ούκ εγνω* εγώ δε σε 25 Ο righteous F a t h e r ,
and tho world thee not knew; I but thee
t h e VVORLD did n o t k n o w
έ'γνων καΐ ούτοι έγνωσαν δτι σύ με άπέ- Thee, b u t I knew Thee,
knew, and these knew t h a t thou m e d i d s t
στειλας. 2 6 ΚαΙ έγνώρισα αύτοίς τό ονομά and these knew T h a t thou
didst send Me.
send. And I made known to them the name
σου, καΐ γνωρίσω* ϊνα ή αγάπη ην 26 And I m a d e known,
of thee, and w i l l make known; t h a t t h e love w h i c h and will make known t o
ήγάπησας με, έν αύτοίς ή, κάγώ έν them t h y NAME ; so t h a t
thou didst love me, in them may be, and I in $the LOVE w i t h which
αύτοίς. thou didst love m e m a y b e
them. in them, a n d I i n t h e m / '
ΚΕΦ. ι η ' . 18.
•Ταΰτα ειπών ό Ίησοΰς εξήλθε συν CHAPTER XVIII.
These things saying t h e Jesus went out with
τοις μαθηταίς αύτοΰ ' πέραν τοΰ χειμάρρου 1 * Jesus, saying These
the disciples of h i m s e l f beyond the brook things, $went o u t with h i s
DISCIPLES beyond t h e
του Κέδρων, δπου fjv κήπος, εις δν fBROOK KEDRON, where
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. one—omit, and—omit. 1. Jesus.
± 1. The name of a small rivulet, and of a valley towards the east of Jerusalem; probn-
bly derived from an Hebrew root signifying to be darkened, the valley being shaded with
t 19. 1 Cor. i. 30; Heb. x. 10. t 21. ver. 11, 22, 23; John χ. 16; Rom. xii. 5;
Gal. iii. 28. $ 21. John x. 38; xiv. 11. % 22. John xiv. 20; 1 John i. 3; iii. 24.
$ 24. John xii. 26; xiv. 3; 1 Thess. iv. 17. $ 2 6 . John xv. 9. $ 1. Matt. xxvi. So;
Mark xiv. 32; Luke xxii. 39.
Chap. 18:2.] JOHN. [Chap. 18:11.
είσήλΦεν αυτός και ot μαθηταΐ αύτοϋ. 2 "Ηδει was ±a Garden, into which
entered himself and the disciples of him. Knew he entered, and his DISCI-
δέ καΐ 'Ιούδας, ό παραδιδούς αυτόν, τόν PLES.
and also Judas, he del iver ing up" him, the 2 Now THAT JUDAS
τόπον δτι πολλάκις συνήχθη ό Ίησοϋς also, who DELIVERED him
place; because often met the Jesu3 up, knew the PLACE ; Be-
εκεί μετά των μαθητών αύτοΰ. 3 t O otW cause * Jesus often met
there with the disciples of himself. The then there with his DISCIPLES.
'Ιούδας λαβών την σπείραν, καΐ εκ των 3 $Then JUDAS, having
Judas having taken the band, and from the
αρχιερέων και Φαρισαίων ύπηρέτας, έρχεται obtained the BAND and
high-priests and Pharisees officers, comes Officers from the HIGH-
εκεί μετά φανών καΐ λαμπάδων καΐ δπλων. comes there with Torches,
Ίησοΰς ούν είδώς πάντα τά έρχό- and Lamps, and Weapons.
Jesus then ore knowing all the things cora- 4 Jesus, therefore, know-
ing All THINGS that were
μενα έπ' αυτόν, έξελθών είπεν αύτοίς· Τίνα COMING upon him, going
ing on him, going out said to them; Whom out, *says to them,
ζητείτε; 5Άπεκρίθησαν αύτφ· Ίησοΰν τον "Whom do you seek?"
seek you? They answered him; Jesus the
Na' Λέγει αύτοίς ό Ίησοϋς· Έ γ ώ είμι. 5 They answered him,
'Jesus the NAZARENE."
(Είστήκει δέ καΐ 'Ιούδας, ό παραδιδούς *He says to them, " I am
(Was standing and also Judas, the delivering up J E S U S . " And THAT JUDAS
αυτόν, μετ' αυτών.) β Ώ ς είπεν αύ- also, who DELIVERED him
him, with up, was standing with
them.) When therefore he said to
τοις* "Οτι έγώ είμι· άπήλθον εις τά οπίσω, them. 6 When therefore, he
themj Time Χ siixi} tlioy ^ysnt Into th© behind^ said to them, " I am he,"
καΐ Ιπεσον χαμαί. 'Πάλιν οΰν αυτούς they went back, and fell
έπηρώτησε* Τίνα ζητείτε; ΟΙ δέ είπον on the Ground.
he asked; Whom seek you? Th< y and said; 7 Then he asked them
σοΰν τόν Ναζωραίον. Άπεκρ'ιθη Ίησοϋς· El- again, "Whom do you
seek?" And THEY said,
πον ύμίν, δτι έγώ είμι· εΐ ού"ν έμέ ζητείτε, "Jesus, the NAZARENE."
8 Jesus answered, " I
άφετε τούτους ύπάγειν. 9<> Ινα πληρωθη told you That I am he; if,
suffer these to go. So that might be fulfilled therefore, you seek Me,
ό λόγος, δν είπεν «"Οτι ους δέδω- permit these to go."
the word, which he said; "That whom thou hast 9 That the WORD might
«ας μοι, ούκ απώλεσα έξ αυτών ούδένα.» be fulfilled which he said,
given to me, not I lost of them no one." J"Of those whom thou
~3Σίμων ού"ν Π έτρος έχων μάχαιραν, είλκυσεν hast given me, I lost no
Simon then Peter having a sword, drew one."
αυτήν, καΐ £παισε τόν του άρχιερέως δουλον, 10 §Then Simon Peter
her, and struck the of the high-priest slave, having a Sword, drew it,
καΐ άπέκοψεν αύτοϋ τό ώτίον το δεξιόν. *Ήν and struck the SERVANT
and cut off of him the ear the right. Was of the HIGH-PRIEST, and
δέ δνομα τω δούλω Μάλχος. η ΕΙπεν CUt Off lllS RIGHT * EAR-
now a name to the slave Malchus. Said therefore TIP. Now the SERVANT'S
Name was Malchus.
ό Ίησοϋς τω Πέτρω* Βάλε την μάχαιραν 11 JESUS, therefore,
said to PETER, " P u t the
είς την θήκην τό ποτήριον δ δέδωκέ μοι SWORD into the SCAB-
in,to tliΘ slio&tli) the cup which h&s β 1 veil to mo
BARD ; $the CUP which
ό Πατήρ, ού μη πιω αυτό; the FATHER has given me,
the F a t h e r , not not should I drink it? shall I not drink i t ? "
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 . Jesus. 3. P H A B I S E E S . 4. says. 5. He says to them,
"I am J E S C S . " 10. E A K - T I P .
± 1. Gethsemane.
$ 3. Matt. xxvi. 4 7 ; Mark xiv. 4 3 ; Luke xxii. 4 7 ; Acts i. 16. tt 9. JQhn xvii.
xv 12.
t 10. Matt. xxvi. 5 1 ; Mark xiv. 4 7 ; Luke xxii. 49, 50. % 11. Matt. tt xx. 22
2 2 ; xxvii.
39, 42.
Chap. 18:12.] JOHN. [Chap. 18:20.
Ή οδν σπείρα καΐ ό χιλ'ιαρχος και ot ΰπη- 12 Then the BAND, and
ΤΙιο tliGn, Ijiitici mid t h e conT.m&nfier ΣΙΙΙΟΙ tiie oni — the COMMANDER, and the
ρέται των 'Ιουδαίων συνέλαβον τον Ίησοϋν, OFFICERS of the JEWS ap-
cers of the Jews apprehended the Jesus, prehended JESUS, and
καΐ εδησαν αυτόν, 13κα1 άπήγαγον αυτόν προς bound him,
and bound him, and led him to 13 and led him first to
"Ανναν πρώτον ·ί\ν γαρ πενθερός τοϋ Annas, for he was Father-
in-law of CAIAPHAS, who
Κ α ϊ ά φ α , ος ή ν ά ρ χ ι ε ρ ε ύ ς τοϋ ένιαυτοΰ was High-Priest that
Caiaphas, who "was high-priest of the year YEAR.
εκείνου. 1 4 Τ Ην δε Καϊάφας ό συμβουλεύσας 14 $Now Caiaphas was
that. Was now Caiaphas he having advised the one HAVING ADVISED
τοις Ίουδαίοις, δτι συμφέρει έΎα ανθρωπον the JEWS, "That it is ex-
the JG"WS, that i t is b e t t e r οηθ pedient that One Man be
άπολέσΦαι υπέρ τοΰ λαοΰ. 15Ήκολούθει destroyed in behalf of the
to be destroyed in behalf of the people. Followed PEOPLE."
δέ τω Ίησοΰ ΣΊμων Πέτρος, και ό άλλος 15 §And Simon Peter
and the Jesus Simon Peter, and the other followed JESUS ; also the
μαθητής. Ό δέ μαθητής εκείνος fjv γνωστός OTHER Disciple. And that
τω The andκαΐdisciple
άρχιερεϊ, that τφ
συνεισήλθε was known
Ίησοΰ DISCIPLE was known to
the HIGH-PRIEST, and
to" the high-priest, and went in with 1the Jesus went in with JESUS into
εις τήν αύλήν τοΰ άρχιερέως. 3 Ό δέ
into the palace of the high-priest. The but the PALACE of the HIGH-
Πέχρος είστήκει προς τχί θύρα έ'ξω. Έξήλ- PRIEST ;
I?etcr stood ftt the door without. Went 16 $but PETER stood at
θεν οδν ό μαθητής ό άλλος, δς fjv the DOOR without. There-
γνωστός τφ άρχιερεί, καΐ είπε τγ\ θυρω- CIPLE who was the AC-
known to the high—priest) and spoke to the door — QUAINTANCE of the HIGH-
PRIEST, went out, and
ρφ, καΐ εισήγαγε τον Πέτρον. 17
Λέγει οΰν spoke to the DOOR-KEEPER,
and brought in PETER.
ή παιδισκη ή θυρωρός τφ Πέτροο·
17 Then Ϊ Η Δ Τ FEMALE
Μη καΐ συ έκ τών μαθητών εί τοί5 άνθρώ- SERVANT, the DOOR-KEEP-
1ίot τούτου;
& 1 s o C*iou
of the
Ούκ ειμί.
art the
ER, says to PETER, "Art
this? Says be; Not I am. Stood thou also of this MAN'S
DISCIPLES?" He says, " I
κεισαν δέ ot δούλοι καΐ oi ύπηρέται άνθρα- am not."
18 And the SERVANTS
κιάν πεποιηκότες, δτι ψϋχος ή"ν, και and OFFICERS having
fire having made, because cold it was, and made a Fire of coals, Be-
έθερμαίνοντο* fjv δέ μετ' αυτών ό Πέτρος cause it was cold, stood
•warmed themselves; was and with them the Peter and warmed themselves.
1 9
έστώς καΐ θερμαινόμενος. Ό ούν And PETER *also was
standing and warming himself. The therefore standing with them, and
άρχιερεύς ήρώτησε τον Ίησοΰν περί τών warming himself.
ιιαθητών αύτοΰ, καΐ περί της διδαχής 19 Then the HIGH-
disciples20 of hiΙΪΙj and concerning the teaching PRIEST asked JESUS about
αύτοΰ. Άπεκρίθη αύτφ ό Ίησοΰς· Έγώ his DISCIPLES, and about
of him. Answered him the Jesus; I his TEACHING.
παρρησία έλάλησα τφ 20 JESUS answered him,
κόσμω· έγώ πάντοτε
publicly spoke to'the world; I always
" I *have spoken publicly
έδίδαξα έν συναγωγή καΐ έν τφ Ιερφ, δπου to the WORLD; I always
taught in a Synagogue and
πάντες ot 'Ιουδαίοι συνέρχονται, καΐ έν in the TEMPLE, where All
all the Jews come together, and in the JEWS come together;
ami in secret I said noth-
κρυπτφ έλάλησα ουδέν 21Τί με επερωτάς; ing.
secret I said nothing. Why me dost thou ask?
of the HIGH-PRIEST, and. 18. also. 20. have spoken.
$ 14. John xi. 50. $ 1 4 . Matt. xxvi. 5 8 ; Mark xiv. 54; Luke xxii. 54. t 16.
Matt. xxvi. 69; Mark xiv. 66; Luke xxii. 54.
Cliap. 18:21.] JOHN. [Chap. 18:30.
έπερώτησον τους άκηκοότας, τΐ έλάλησα 21 Why dost thou ask
ask those h a v i n g heard, w h a t 1 said Me? Ask those HAVING
αΰτοίς· ιδε, οδτοι οϊδασιν ά
είπον εγώ. HEARD what I said to
to them; lo, they know what things
said I. them ; behold, they know
Ταΰτα δε αύτοΰ είπόντος, είς τωνwhat things I said."
Tliese things and of him having said, one of the 22 And he having said
υπηρετών παρεστηκώς έδωκε ράπισμα τω these things, $one of t h e
OFFICERS standing by gave
Ίησου, ειπών* Οΰτως άποκρίνη τώ JESUS a Blow, saying,
Jesus, saying; Thus dost thou answer th*e "Dost thou thus answer
άρχιερεΐ; ^Άπεκρίθη αύτφ ό Ίησοΰς* Ει the HIGH-PRIEST V
high-priest? Answered him * the Jesus; If
23*Jesus answered him,
κακώς έλάλησα, μαρτύρησον περί του κακοΰ· "If I spoke evil, testify
e\il I spoke, testify concerning the evil;
concerning the EVIL ; but
εί δέ καλώς, τι με δέρεις; if well, why dost thou
if but well, why me dost thou beat?
24 beat Me?"
Άπέστειλεν αυτόν ό "Αννας δεδεμένον 24 $f (ANNAS sent him,
Sent li i m the Ann^s htivin^ been bound
προς Καϊάφαν τόν αρχιερέα. 2&r Hv δέ ΣΊμων having been bound, to Cai-
to Caiaphas the high-priest. Was and Simon aphas, the HIGH-PRIEST.)
Π έτρος έστώς 25 And Simon Peter
καΐ θερμαινόμ,ενος. ΕΙπον
Peter was standing and warm-
standing and warming himself. They said
ούν αχιτφ· Μη καΐ συ έκ τών μαθητών ing himself. $Then they
therefore to him; Not also thou of the disciples said to him, "Art not hou
αύτοϋ εΐ; Ήρνήσατο εκείνος, καΐ είπεν also of his D I S C I P L E S ? "
of him thou art? Denied he, and said; He denied, and said, " I
Ούκ ειμί. 29Λέγει είς έκ τών δούλων τον am not."
Not I am. Says one of the slaves of the 26 One of the SERVANTS
άρχιερέως, συγγενής ol· άπέκοψε of the HIGH-PRIEST, being
high-priest, a relative t of whom cut off a relative of him Whose
EAR Peter cut off, says,
Π έτρος τό ώτίον Ούκ έγώ σε είδον εν τφ "Did not I see Thee in
Peter the ear; Not I thee saw in the the GARDEN with him?"

κήπω μετ' αύτοΰ; 2 7 Πάλιν ο$ν ήρνήσατο 27 Then * Peter again

denied, $and immediately
ό Π έτρος· καΐ ευθέως αλέκτωρ έφώνησεν. fa Cock crew.
the Peter; and immediately a cock crew. 28 $Then they led J E -
"Αγουσιν οΰν τόν Ίησοΰν άπό τοϋ Καΐά- SUS from CAIAPHAS into

They led then the Jesus from of the Caia- the fPR/ETORiUM. I t was
now morning; and they
φα εις τό πραιτώριον ήν δέ πρωΐα. went not into the PR/TC-
TORiUMsothat they might
ΚαΙ αυτοί ούκ είσήλθον είς τό πραιτώριον, not be defiled, but fthat
they might eat t h e
ϊνα μή μιανθώσιν, αλλ' ϊνα φάγο)- PASSOVER.
t li & t n o t t li Θ y ΪΪΙ i ^ 1ι ί t) β cl β ο. 1 Θ u f b u t t Ιι 3. t t h © y in 1 $ h t 29 PILATE, therefore,
σι τό πάσχα. 29 Έξηλθεν went out to them, and
οΰν ό ΙΙιλάτος
*said, "What Accusation
προς αύτοιίς, καΐ είπε· Τίνα κατηγορ'ιαν φέρετε
to them, and said; What 30 do you bring *against this
accusacion bring you
κατά τοΰ άνθρωπου τούτου; Άπεκρίθησαν καΐ M AN ?"
against the man this? They answered and
ειπον αύτφ· Εί μή ήν οδτος κακοποιός, ούκ 30 Tbey answered and
said to him, "If he was
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 3 . Jesus. 27. Peter. 29. says. 29. of this MAN.
± 2 4 , This clause by some is addcJ to the ercl of the 13th verse where i t seems more
properly to belong, f 2 7. The trumpet, called the cock-crowing, sounded at the be-
ginning of the third'watch; this was at midnight. See Note on Matt. xxvi. 34. ± 28;
See Note on Matt, xxvii. 2 7. t 28. It was probably then thought lawful for the Jows
to eat the paschal lamb at any hour between the two evenings, though Exod. xii. 6, 8,
seems to require it to be eaten at the time when Jesv.3 ate it.
% 22. Jer. xx. 2 ; Acts xxiii. 2. $ 24. Matt. xxvi. 57. t 25. Matt. xxvi. 69. 7 1 ;
Mark xiv. 6 9 ; Luke xxii. 58. $ 27. Matt. xxvi. 7 4 ; M:irk xiv. 7 2 ; Luke xxii. 6 0 ;
John xiii. 3 8. $ 28. Matt, xxvii. 2 ; Mark xv. 1 ; "Mlie xxiii. 1 ; Acts i i i . 15.
Chap. 18:31.] JOHN. [Chap. 18:38.
άν σοι παρεδώκαμεν αυτόν. 31 Είπεν οϋν not *one who does evil,
would to thee we delivered up him. Said then we would not have de-
αύτοίς ό Πιλάτος· Λάβετε αυτόν ύμείς, καΐ livered him up to thee."
to them the P i l a t e ; Take h i m you, and
31 Then *Pilate said to
κατά τον νόμον υμών κρίνατε αυτόν. Είπον them, "Take you him, and
according to the law of you judge him. Said judge him according to
* [ούν] αυτό) ol 'Ιουδαίοι* Ήμίν ουκ έ'ξε- your LAW." The JEWS
Ctherefore] to him the Jews; To us not i t is
said to him, " I t is not law-
στιν άποκτείναι ούδένα. 8 2 "Ινα ό λόγος fulforusto kill any o n e ; "
liiwful to k i l l no one. So that the word
τοΰ Ίησοΰ πληρωϋΐί, ον είπε, 32 $that the WORD of
of the Jesus ΪΏifjlii* be fulfilled) "Wliich lie S3.idj JESUS might be verified,
which he spoke, intima-
σημαίνων ποίω θανάτω ήμελλεν άπο- ting by What Death he
pointing out <^y wlmt uCtitlx xie WJIS 3.bout to was about to die.
die.33 33 |PILATE, therefore,
Εισήλθεν οΰν εις τό πραιτώριον πάλιν ό
Went then into the Judgment hall again the went into the PR^TORIUM
Πιλάτος, καΐ έφώνησε τον Ίησοΰν, καΐ είπεν again, and called JESUS,
Pilate, and called the Jesus, and said and said to him, "Art thou
αύτω· Σύ εΐ ό βασιλεύς των Ιουδαίων; the KING of the J E W S ? "
to him; Thou art the king of the Jews? 34 Jesus answered,
Άπεκρίθη *[αύτω] ό Ίησοΰς· Ά φ ' έαυτοΰ "Dost thou say this from
thyself, or did others tell
συ τοϋτο λέγεις, ή άλλοι σοι είπον πε- thee concerning me?"
thou this 2sayest, or others to thee told concern- 35 PILATE answered,
ρΐ έμοϋ: 5 Άπεκρί#η ό Πιλάτος· Μήτι έγώ "Am I a Jew? THINE
ing me? Answered the Pilate, Not I OWN NATION, even the
'Ιουδαίος εΙμί; τό έθνος τό σόν καΐ ot άρχιε- HIGH-PRIESTS have de-
s\, J©\Ϋ ίΐΐϊΐ ? tliG xm t ΐ on ΐΐΐθ txi i no ciiici the li ι ch"" livered thee to me. What
ρεϊς παρέδωκάν σε έμοί* τΐ έποίησας; didst thou do?"
j)ι*i(5sts deliverGcliiij) t h Θ β to 2χι©^ w^lmt uidst tlioudo? 36 $Jesus answered,
Άπεκρίθη Ίησοϋς· Ή βασιλεία ή έμή ούκ "My KINGDOM is not of
εστίν εκ τοΰ κόσμου τούτου· ει έκ τοϋ κόσμου DOM were of this WORLD,
τούτου ή*ν ή βασιλεία ή έμή, ol ΰπηρέται MY OFFICERS WOUld fight,
this *\ν"ίΐs th© kingdom the inintij tho oflicers
so that I might not be de-
fiv ol έμοί ήγωνίζοντο, 'ίνα μή παρά- but livered up to the J E W S ;
W^oulcl those for in © coixteiidy th&t not I mi^ht be not from hence."
δοθώ τοίς Ίουδαίοις, νΰν δε ή βασιλεία 37 PILATE, therefore,
delivered up to the Jews, now but the kingdom said to him, "Art. thou not
ή έμή ούκ εστίν έντεΰθεν. 37
Είπεν οδν a King then?" JESUS an-
tho ΐϊΐ in© not is fro ιτι thispliicG· Sϋ ι u then swered, "Thou sayest;
αύτω ό Πιλάτος· Ούκοϋν βασιλειίς εί σύ; *I am a King. For this I
to him the Pilate; Not then a king art thou?
have been born ; and for
Άπεκρίθη ό Ίησοΰς· Σύ λέγεις· οτι 6α-this I have come into t h e
Answered the Jesus; Thou sayest; that a WORLD, that I may testify
σιλεύς είμι έγώ. 'Εγώ είς τοΰτο γεγέννημαι to the TRUTH. $EVERY
king a m I. I for this have been born, ONE who is of the TRUTH,
hears My VOICE."
καΐ είς τοΰτο έληλυθα είς τόν κόσμον,
&ncl for t h i s X h*tvo com© into th© wrorid· 38 PILATE says to him,
Ινα μαρτυρήσω τχ\ άληθεία. Πας ό "What is Truth?" §And
that I may testify to the truth. Every one who saying This, he went out
ίον έκ της αληθείας, ακούει μου της φωνής, again to the JEWS, and
being of the truth, hears of me the voice.
ό Πιλάτος· one Τί who εστίνdoesάλή-
evil, we would. 3 1 . Pilate. 3 1 .
Says to him the
therefore—omit. Pilate; What
34. him—omit. 3 7. I is am. truth?
θεια;$ 32.ΚαΙ Matt. τοΰτοxx. 1ειπών,
9 ; Johnπάλιν
xii. 3 2 εξήλθε
, 3 3 . $ 33. προςMatt, xxvii. 11. $ 36. 1 Tim. vi.
1, 3. $ 3 7. John viii. 4 7 ; 1 John iii. 1 9 ; iv. 6. t 38. Matt, xxvii. 2 4 ; Luke xxiii.
4 ; John xix. 4, 6.
Chap. 18:39.] JOHN. [Chap. 19:7.
τους 'Ιουδαίους, καΐ λέγει αύτοίς· Έγώ ού- says to them, " IfindNo
the Jews, and says to them; I not Fault in him.
δεμίαν αίτίαν ευρίσκω έν αύτφ. 39"Εστι δέ 39 §But i t is custom-
one fault find in him". It is but
συνήθεια ΰμίν, ίνα έ'να ύμίν απολύσω έν ary for you that I release
a custom for you, that one to you I release in to you One during the
τφ πάσχα· βούλεσθε PASSOVER
οΰν, ύμίν ing, therefore, ; are you will-
that I re-
iho pa.ssovGrj «ΙΓΘ youwil liog therefore^ to you lease to you the KING of
απολύσω τόν βασιλέα των 'Ιουδαίων; 4 0 Έ - the J E W S ? "
release the king
οΰν πάλιν *of the
[πάντες,] Jews? They
λέγοντες· 40 Then they cried out
cried out then again Hall] saying; again, saying §"Not him,
Μή τοϋτον, αλλά τόν Βαραββαν. Hv δέ δ but r
Not this, but the Barabbas. Was How the BARABBAS was a Robber.
Βαραββάς ληστής.
Barabbas a ro"bber.
ΚΕΦ. ι θ ' . 19.
1 §Then PILATE, there-
*Τότε οδν ελαβεν ό Πιλάτος τόν fore took and scourged
Then therefore took the Pilate the JESUS.
Ίησοϋν, καΐ έμαστίγωσε. 2Kal ot στρατιώται 2 And the SOLDIERS,
Jesus, and scourged. And the soldiers
πλέξαντες στέφανον έξ ακανθών, έπέθηκαν wreathing a Crown of Ac-
anthus, placed it on His
braiding a crown of thorns, placed
αύτοϋ τη κεφαλή, καΐ Ιμάτιον πορφυροϋν HEAD ; and they threw
of him the head, and a mantle purple around him a purple Man-
περιέβαλον αυτόν, 3κα1 Ιλεγον Χαίρε ό βα- tle,
threw about him, and said; Hail the king
3 *and they came to
σιλεύς τών 'Ιουδαίων καΐ έδίδουν αύτφ him and said, "Hail, KING
of the Jews; and they gave him* of the JEWS !" And they
ραπίσματα. 4Έξηλθεν πάλιν ^ξω ό Πιλά- gave him Blows.
blows. Went again out the Pilate, 4 *And PILATE went
τος καΐ λέγει αύτοίς· "Ιδε, δγω ύμίν
and says to them; Lo, I bring to you out again, and says to
αυτόν £ico, ίνα γνώτε, οτι έν αύτφ ού- them, "Behold, I bring
him out, that you may know, that in him not him out to you, That you
δεμίαν αίτίαν ευρίσκω. Β (Έξήλθεν οδν ό may know that I find f No
Dno fault I find. (Came then the Fault in him."
Ίησους έ'ξω, φορών τόν άκάνθινον στέφανον, 5 Then *Jesus came
καΐ τό πορφυροϋν Ιμάτιον.) ΚαΙ λέγει αύ- out, wearing the ACAN-
and the purple mantle.) And he says to THINE Crown and the
τοίς· *Ίδε, ό άνθρωπος. "Οτε οδν είδον PURPLE Mantle. And he
them; See, the man. When therefore saw says to them, "Behold, the
αυτόν ot αρχιερείς καΐ ol ύπηρέται, έκραύ- MAN ! "
him the high-priests and the officers, they
γασαν λέγοντες* Σταύρωσον, σταύρωσον αυτόν. 6 §When, therefore, the
HIGH-PRIESTS and t h e OF-
«ried out saying; Crucify, crucify him.
Λέγει αύτοίς ό Πιλάτος· Λάβετε αυτόν ύμείς, FICERS saw him, they cried
Says to them the Pilate; Take him you,out, saying, "Crucify, cru-
etal σταυρώσατε· έγώ γάρ ούχ ευρίσκω έν cify h i m ! " PILATE says
and crucify; I for not find in to them, "Take him your-
selves, and crucify him;
αύτφ αΐτίαν. 7Άπεκρίθησαν αύτφ ot Ίουδαί- for I find no Fault in him."
him a fault. Answered him the Jews;
Of Ημείς νόμον Ι'χομεν, καΐ κατά τόν 7 The JEWS answered
We a law have, and according to the him,$ "We have a Law,
νόμον ημών οφείλει άποθανείν, 8τι έαυ-and by *the LAW he ought
1&\^ ΟΙ US b e ΟUStallt t o Οΐβ· DGC&USGfa1ΙΏ- to die, because §he made
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—40. all—omit. 3. they came to him and said. 4. And
PILATE went. 5. Jesu3. 7. the LAW. . ,Λ
$ 39. Matt, xxvii. 1 5 ; Mark xv. 6 ; Luke xxiii. 17. t 40. Acts iii. 14. $ 40.
Luke xxiii. 19. t 1. Matt. xx. 19; xxvit 2 6 ; Mark xv. 1 5 ; Luke xviii. 33. t 4.
John xviii. 3 8 ; ver. 6. $ 6. Acts iii. 13. $ 7. Lev. xxiv. 16. $ 7. Matt. xxvi. 6 5 ;
John v. 18; x. 33.
Chap. 19:8.] JOHN. [Chap. 19:15.
τόν, υΐόν Θεοϋ έποίησεν. 8 "Οτε οϋν himself a Son of God."
self, a son of God he made. When therefore heard 8 When PILATE, there-
σεν ό Π ιλάτος τοΰτον τόν λόγον, μάλλον fore, heard This WORD, he
the Pilate thi the word, more was more afraid,
έφοβήθη· κα1 εΙσηλΦεν εις το πραιτώρι-
he was afraid; and went Into the judgment- 9 and went again into
ov πάλιν, καΐ λέγει τω Ίησοϋ· Πόθεν εί t h e PR^ETORIUM, and
says to JESUS, "Whence
συ; Ό δέ Ίησοΰς άπόκρισιν ουκ εδωκεν art thou?" $But JESUS
tliou? The but Jesus an answer not gave gave him no Answer.
αύτω. 10Λέγει οίν αΰτφ ό Πιλάτος* ΈμοΙ 10 PILATE then says to
to him; Says then to him the Pilate; To m e him, "Dost thou not speak
λαλείς; ούκ
ου thou dost speak? not knowest οίδας,
>1οας, δτι έξου- to me? Dost thou not
thou, " ' "
west thou, that au- know That I have Autho-
σίαν εχω σταυρώσαί σε καΐ έξουσ'ιαν rity * to release thee, and
thority I have to crucify thi and authority I have Authority to crucify
έ'χο) άπολϋσαί σε; "ΆπεκρΊΦη Ίησοΰς· Ούκ thee?"
I have to release thee? Answered Jesus; Not 11 *Jesus answered
him, $"Thou wouldst
είχες έξουσίαν ούδεμ'ιαν κατ' έμοΰ, have no Authority against
thou couldst have authority not any against me, me, if it had not been giv-
εί μη ijv σοι δεδομένον ανω- en thee from above. On
lt not it was to thee having been given from this account HE who DELIV-
ERED me to thee has a
Οεν δια τοϋτο ό παραδιδούς μέ Greater Sin."
above; onaccounto-f this he deliveringup me 12 From this time, P I -
001, μείζονα άμαρτίαν ε'χει. ^ Έ » τούτου LATE sought to release
έζήτει ό Πιλάτος άπολϋσαί αυτόν. 01 δέ him; but the JEWS cried
s'eeks the Pilate to release him. The but out, saying, $"If thou re-
'Ιουδαίοι εκραζον, λέγοντες· Έάν τοΰτον άπο- lease him, thou art not a
Jews cried out, saying; If this thou Friend of CLESAR ; $EVERY
λύσχις, ούκ εί φίλος του Καίσαρος· ONE who MAKES Himself
f Ole&S©· H o t tllOU £1Γ t Λ f ΓίθΙΙίϊ ΟΙ til θ Ο&βδ&Χ") a King speaks against
πάς Καίσαρι. ό βασιλέα Ό οΰν
εαυτόν Πιλάτος αντιλέγει
ποιών, άκουσας CJDSAR."
the Caesar. The therefore Pilate having heard 13 PILATE, therefore,
τοΰτον τον λόγον, ^γαγεν εξω τόν Ίησοΰν, having heard * these
this the word, brought out the Jesus, WORDS, brought JESUS
καΐ έκάθισεν επί τοΰ βήματος ε'ις τόπον λεγό- out, and sat down on ±the
and sat down on the tribunal into a place being •Tribunal, in a Place call-
μενον Λιθόστρωτον, ΈβραΐστΙ δέ Γαββαθά* ed fThe Pavement, but in
Pavement, in Hebrew but Gabbatha; Hebrew, Gabbatha.
(η*ν δέ παρασκευή τοΰ πάσχα, ωρα δέ 14 $(Now it was the
(it was and a preparation of the passover, hour and Preparation of the PASS-
ώσεί ε'κτη·) καΐ λέγει τοις Ίουδαίοις· ΜΙδε OVER, and the Hour was
about sixth;) and he says to the Jews; See about the ± Sixth ;) and he
6 βασιλεύς υμών. 1 5 Ot δέ έκραύγασαν Τ Αρον, says to the JEWS, "Be-
the king of you. They but cried out; Away, hold your KING ! "
άρον σταύρωσον αυτόν. Λέγει αύτοίς ό 15 *Then they cried out,
away; crucify him. Says to them the "Away, away, crucify
Πιλάτος· Τόν βασιλέα υμών σταυρώσω; h i m ! " PILATE says to
Pilate; The king of you shall I crucify?
Άπεκρίθησαν ol αρχιερείς· Ούκ έ'χομεν 6α- them, "Shall I crucify your
Answered the high-priests; Not we have a KING?" T h e HIGH-PRIESTS
σιλέα, εί μή Καίσαρα, answered, $"We have no
king, if not Caesar. king, except Caesar."
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—10. to release thee, and I have Authority to crucify thee?
11. Jesus answered him, Thou. 13. These WOKDS, brought. 13. Tribunal, in a Place.
15. Then they.
± 13. The Tribunal seems to have been placed in the open air, agreeably to what Jose-
phus says of Herod, when he tried his two sons; "He came to the tribunal, and that was
placed in the stadium, (the circus, or place for races,) behind which his soldiers kept
guard unseen."—Pearce. ± 13. A spot paved with stones, enclosed and elevated, where the
judge sat in his chair of state. ± 14. Six o'clock in the morning. See Note on John i. 39.
t 9. Isa. liii. 7; Matt, xxvii. 12,14. $ 11. Luke xxii. 53; John vii. 30. $ 12.
Luke xxiii. 2. ί 12. Acts xvii. 7. $ 14. Matt, xxvii. 62. $ 15. Gen. xlix. 10.
Chap. 19:16.] JOHN. [Chap. 19:24.
Τότε οδν παρέδωκεν αυτόν αύτοίς, 16 $Then, therefore, he
Then therefore hedeliveredup him to them, delh^ered him to them that
ίνα σταυρωθη. Παρέλαβον δέ τόν Ί η - he might be crucified.
tli «χ t ho ixi χ κ*! t be c i*uc iiied· Xli©y took &uci t h e J©~
σοΰν * [καΐ ήγαγον.] 1 7 Καί βαστάζων τόν 17 $*Then they took
su« Hand led.] And carrying the JESUS, and putting the
σταυρόν αύτοϋ, έξήλθεν εις τόν λεγό- CROSS on him, he went out
into WHAT is CALLED a
μενον κρανίου τόπον, δς λέγεται Έ - Place of Skull, which sig-
called of a skull a place, which is called in nifies in Hebrew Golgotha ;
βραϊστί Γολγοθά. 18"Οπου αυτόν έσταύρωσαν,
Hebrew Golgotha. Where him they crucified,
18 where they crucified
»cal μετ* αύτου άλλους δύο, έντεΰθεν καΐ Him, and two others with
1β him, one on each side, and
έντεΰθεν, μέσον δέ τόν Ίησοΰν. *Έγρονψε JESUS in the Middle.
hence, in middle and the Jesus. Wrote
δέ καΐ τίτλον ό Πιλάτος, καΐ έθηκεν επί 19 §And PILATE wrote
and also a t i t l e the P i l a t e , and placed upon
a Title and placed it on
τοΰ στανιροΰ. Η ν δέ γεγραμμένον· « Ί η - the CROSS. Now that hav-
ing been written was,
σοΰς ό Ναξωραϊος, ό βασιλεύς των Ίουδα'ι- "Jesus, the NAZARENE,
sus the Nazarene, the king of the Jews." the KING of the JEWS.·"
ων.» 20 Τοϋτον οΰν τόν τίτλον πολλοί άνέ-
20 This TITLE, therefore,
This therefore the t i t l e many read many of the JEWS read
γνωσαν των 'Ιουδαίων, δτι εγγύς fjv δ τόπος
της πόλεως, δπου έσταυρώθη ό Ίησοΰς· καΐ because the PLACE was
οί the city, where was crucified the Jesus; and near the CITY, where J E -
fjv γεγραμμένον Έβραϊστί, Ελληνιστί, SUS was crucified ; and it
it was having been written in Hebrew, in Greek, had been written in He-
brew, * Latin, and Greek.
Ρωμαϊστί. ^'Έλεγον οΰν τω Πιλάτω ot
αρχιερείς τών 'Ιουδαίων Μη γράφε· Ό 21 Then the HIGH-
high-priests of the Jews; Not write thou; The PRIESTS of the JEWS said
βασιλεύς τών 'Ιουδαίων άλλ' δτι εκείνος to PILATE, "DO not write,
king of th h The KING of the JEWS, but
είπε· Βασιλεύς είμι τών 'Ιουδαίων. ^Άπε- That he said, I am King of
said; A king I am of the Jews. An- the J E W S . "
κρί,Φη δ Πιλάτος* "Ο γέγραφα, γέγρα-
swered the Pilate; What Ihave written, Ihave 22 PILATE answered,
"What I have written, I
have written."
^Oi οίν στρατιώται, δτε έσταύρωσαν τόν 23 $Then the SOLDIERS,
The then soldiers, when they crucified the
Ίησοΰν, ελαβον τα Ιμάτια αύτοΰ, (καΐ έποίη- when they had nailed J E -
Jesus, tools the mantles of him, (and made SUS to the CROSS, took his
σαν τέσσαρα μέρη, έκάστω στρατιώτη μέρος,) GARMENTS, and made
four j)«irtSyΤ toeiicli soldier & j)*i ι* £ } ) Four Parts, to Each Soldier
καΐ τόν χιτώνα. Ην δέ ό χιτών άρραφος, a Part. But his COAT was
and the coat. Was but the coat without seam, without seam, woven from
δλου* εΤ- the top through the whole.
έκ τών άνωθεν υφαντός δι'
from the top woven throughout whole; they
πον ού*ν προς αλλήλους· Μη σχίσωμεν αυτόν, 24 They said, therefore,
en id then to each other; Not let us tear him, to each other, "Let us
αλλά λάχωμεν περί αύτοΰ, τίνος ε- not tear it, but cast lots
but we may cast lots about him, of whom it for it, whose it shall b e ; "
σται. 'Ίνα ή γραφή πληρωθτί that the SCRIPTURE might
shall be. That the writing might be fuffll led be verified, §"They di-
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 6 . And led.—omit. 17. Then they took J E S U S , and put-
ting the CROSS on him. 20. Latin and Greek.
% 16. Matt, xxvii. 26, 3 1 ; Mark xv. 1 5 ; Luke xxiii. 24. % 17. Matt, xxvii. 3 1 , 3 3 ;
Mart: xv. 2 1 , 2 2 ; Luke xxiii. 2 6 , 3 3 . t 19. Matt, xxvii. 3 7 ; Mark xv. 2 6 ; Luke
xxiii. 38. t 23. Matt, xxvii. 3 5 ; Mark xv. 2 4 ; Luke xxiii. 34. $ 24. Psa. xxii. 18.
Chap. 19:25.] JOHN. [Chap. 19:31.
* [ή λέγουσα·] «ΔιεμερΙσαντο τά Ιμάτια μου "vided my GARMENTS
[that saying;] "They divided the mantles of me "among themselves, and
έαυτοϊς, καΐ έπί τον Ιματισμόν μου εβα-"upon my RAIMENT they
for themselves, and on the raiment of me they "cast a Lot." The SOL-
λον κλήρον.» DIERS, therefore, did these
cast a l o t . " things.
Oi μέν οδν στρατιώται ταΰτα 25 $xVnd there were
The indeed therefore soldiers these things standing by the CROSS of
εποίησαν. ^Είστήκεισαν δέ παρά τφ σταυρω JESUS his MOTHER, and
did. Stood now by the cross
τοϋ Ίησοϋ ή μήτηρ αύτοΰ, καΐ ή αδελφή fMary, the MOTHER of
$CLOPAS, and Mary of
της μητρός αύτοΰ, Μαρία ή τοΰ Κλωπά, MAGDALA.
of the mother of him, Mary that of the Klopas,
καΐ Μαρία ή Μαγδαληνή. 2 6 Ί η σ ο ΰ ς οδν 26 Jesus, threfore, see-
ing his MOTHER, and $the
Ιδών την μητέρα, και τόν μαθητήν παρεστώ- DISCIPLE whom he loved
seeing the mother, and the disciple standing standing near, says to his
τα, δν ήγάπα, λέγει τχί μητρί αύ- MOTHER, "Woman, behold
thy SON \"
27 He then says to the
τοϋ* Γύναι, ϊ δ ε , ό υιός σου. Είτα λέ-
himself; O woman, lo, the son of thee. Then he DISCIPLE, "Behold thy
γει τφ μαθητή· 'Ιδού ή μήτηρ σου. ΚαΙMOTHER !" And from that
s ίΐ y s t o 11ι ο ciiscipl©j L ο t Ii © in other of t li β Θ · .A. 11 d
άπ' εκείνης της ώρας ελαβεν ό μαθητής αυτήν her to his OWN [house.]
from that the hour took the disciple her
28 After this, *Jesus
εις τά ίδια. 28Μετά τούτου ειδώς ό Ί η -knowing That all things
had already been finished,
σοϋς δτι πάντα ήδη τετέλεσται ϊνα $that the SCRIPTURE
sus, that all things already had been finished that
might be fully accom-
plished, says, " I thirst."
τελειωθη ή γραφή, λέγει· Διψώ. 29 A Vessel was placed
might be finished the writing, says; I thirst. full of Vinegar ; $*then a
Σκεϋος * [οδν] εκείτο δξους μεστόν ol Sponge full of the VINE-
δέ πλήσαντες σπόγγον δξους, καΐ ύσώ- GAR, having been attached
to a Hyssop-stalk, they
and filling a sponge of vinegar, and to a hyssop- brought to his MOUTH.
πω περιθέντες, προσήνεγκον αύτοί3 τω 30 When therefore, * Je-
στόματι. 30"Οτε οδν έλαβε τό 5|ος ό sus took the VINEGAR, he
said, " I t has been fin-
'Ιησοΰς, είπε· Τετέλεσται· καΐ κλί- HEAD, !"
ished And inclining his
he expired.
Jesus, he said; It has beenftnished; and having 31 Then the JEWS,
νας31 τήν κεφαλήν, παρέδωκε τό πνεΰμα". ($that the BODIES might
Ot οδν 'Ιουδαίοι (ίνα μη μείνη επί not remain upon the CROSS
The then Jews (that not might remain on
τοΰ σταιτροΰ τά σώματα εν τφ σαδβάτω· έπεί
during the SABBATH, since
the cross the bodies
it was the Preparation ; for
in the sabbath;' since the DAY of That SABBATH
παρασκευή ήν· ήν γαρ μεγάλη ή ήμερα
a preparation it was; was for great the day was a great one;) asked
εκείνου τοΰ σαββάτου) ήρώτησαν τόν Πιλδ- PILATE that their LEGS
that of the sabbath) asked the Pilate,
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 4 . that saying—omit. 2 3. Jesus. 29. therefore—omit.
29. then a Sponge full of VINEGAR having been attached to a Hyssop-stalk, they
brought to His MOUTH. 3 0. Jesus.
± 2 5 . The Greek does not state the relationship between Mary and Clopas, and we must
supply i t by conjecture. In other gospels she is called James's Mary, and Mary the mother
of Jaraes; and Clopas was probably another name for James, being a Greek translation of
the Hebrew Jacob or James, a thief. Paul tells us that the Savior after his resurrection
was seen by James (1 Cor. xv. 7,) which is not mentioned in the gospels or Acts, unless
we suppose that Cleopas, who walked with him to Emmaus, was James. See Luke xxiv.
t 25. Matt, xxvii. 5 5 ; Mark xv. 4 0 ; Luke xxiii. 4 9 . t 2 5.
Luke xxiv. 18. $ 2 6. John xiii. 2 3 ; xx. 2 ; xxi. 7 , 2 0 , 2 4 . $ 2 8 . P s a . lxix. 2 1 .
% 29. Matt, xxvii. 4 8 . $ 3 1 . Deut. xxi. 2 3 .
Chap. 19:32.] JOHN. [Chap. 19:40.
τον, ίνα κατεαγώσιν αυτών τα σκέλη, might be broken, and they
that might be broken of them the legs, might be taken away.
>sai άρθώσιν. Ηλθον οΰν οί
SLΐΐd t i i Θ y m i £Γ ΓΙ t* ο© Ls.lcβu, &T^T&y• C*xmΘ Ϊ Ι Ι Ο Γ Θ Ϊ Ο Γ Θ tliΘ 32 The SOLDIERS there-
στρατιώται, καΐ τοΰ μεν πρώτου, κατέα- fore came, and did, in-
soldiers, and of the indeed first, they deed, break the LEGS of
ξαν τα σκέλη, και τοΰ αλλού του συσταυ- the FIRST, and of THAT
brake the legs, and of the other that having OTHER Who Was CRUCIFIED
ροοθέντος αύτω. Έ π Ι δε τόν Ίησοϋν
been crucified with him. To but the Jesus with him ;
33 but having come to
έλθόντες, ως είδον αυτόν ήδη τεθνη- JESUS, when they saw that
he had already died, they
κότα, ού κατέαξαν αΰτοϋ τά σκέλη· 34 άλλ' did not break His LEGS,
died, not they broke of him the legs; but 34 but one of the SOL-
εις των στρατιωτών λόγχη αύτοΰ την DIERS pierced His SIDE
one of the soldiers with a spear of him the with a Spear, and immedi-
πλευράν ενυξε, καΐ ευθύς έξήλθεν αίμα ately there came out
.side pierced, S5
and immediately came out blood Blood and Water.
seal ΰδωρ. Kal ό έωρακώς μεμαρτύρηκε, καΐ
and water. And he having ή seen has testified,
μαρτυρία· κάκεϊνος and 35 And HE HAVING
αληθινή αύτοΰ έστιν the testimony; and he SEEN has testified, and
true οτι of himαληθή is λέγει, ίνα καΐ His TESTIMONY is t r u e ;
and he knows That he is
ύμεΐς πιστεύσητε. Έ γ έ ν ε τ ο γαρ 36
ταΰτα, saying true things, so that
you also may believe.
ίνα ή γραφή πληρωθή* «Όστοΰν ού 36 For these things oc-
that the writing might be. fulfilled; "A bone not
curred, that the SCRIP-
συντριβήσεται αύτοΰ.» 37 ΚαΙ πάλιν έτερα γρα- TURE might be verified,
t"A Bone of him shall not
φίΐ λέγει· «"Οψονται είς δν έξεκέν- be broken."
ing says; "They shall look into whom they
τησαν.» 37 And again Another
pierced." SCRIPTURE says, $"They
^Μετά δε ταΰτα ήρώτησε τόν Πιλατον they pierced." shall look on him whom
After and these tilings a sice d the Pilate
ό 'Ιωσήφ ό άπό Άριμαθα'ιας, (ών μα- 38 §And after these
the Joseph that from Arimathea, (being a dls- things, * Joseph, from Ari-
θητής τοΰ Ίησοΰ, κεκρυμμένος δε διά τόν mathea, (being a Disciple
ciple of the Jesus» having been hid but through the
of *Jesus, but a concealed
<ρόβον των Ιουδαίων,) ϊνα &QW one through FEAR of the
fear of the Jews, JEWS,) asked Pilate, that
that he might take away
τό σώμα τοΰ Ίησοΰ· καΐ έπέτρεψεν he might take away the
the body of the Jesus, and permitted the BODY of JESUS ; and P I -
Πιλάτος. Ηλθεν οΰν καΐ ήρε LATE permitted him. He
came therefore, and took
Pilate. He came therefore and took away theaway *his Body.
σώμα τοΰ Ίησοΰ. 3 9 ? Ηλθε δέ καΐ ό Νικόδη-
body of the Jesus. Came and also Nicodemus, 39 And §Nicodemus
μος, (ό έλθονν προς τόν Ίησοΰν νυκτός τό camealso, (hehaving come
(he having come to the Jesus by night the to *him by Night at the
Λρώτον,) φέρων μίγμα σμΰρνης καΐ αλόης FIRST,) bringing a Mixture
first,) bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes of Myrrh and Aloes, about
ώς λίτρας εκατόν. 40"Ελαβον οδν τό a hundred Pounds.
about pounds a hundred. They took therefore the 40 Then they took the
σώμα τοΰ Ίησοΰ, καΐ 1>δησαν αυτό BODY
όθονί- of JESUS, and
body of the Jesus, and bound it with linen §bound it with Linen
οις μετά των αρωμάτων, καθώς ε*θος εστί cloths, with the AROMA-
TICS, as it is a Custom
cloths with the spices, as customary It is
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—38. Joseph. 38. Jesus. 38. his Body. 39. him by
' t 36. Exod. xii. 46; Num. ix. 12; Psa. xxxiv. 20. t 37. Psa. xxii. 16; Z»eh. xii.
10; Rev. i. 7. $ 38. Matt, xxvii. 57; Mark xv. 42; Luke xxiii. 50. t 39. John
iii. 1,2; vii. 50. $ 40. Acts v. 6.
Chap. 19:41.] JOHN. [Chap. 20:7.
τοις Ίουδαιοις ένταφιάζειν. 4 1 Τ Ην δε έν τφ with the JEWS to embalm.
•with the Jews to embalm. Was and in i U 41 And there was in the
τόπω, δπου έσταυρώθη, κήπος, καΐ έν τφ PLACE where he was cru-
place, where he was crucified, a garden, and in the cified a Garden, and in
κήπω μνημείον καινό ν, έν ω ούδέπω ού- the GARDEN a new TOMB,
garden a tomb new, in which not yet no in which no one was yet
δεϊζ ετέθη. ^Έκεί ούν διά την laid.
on.β W£is l&icl* There tliGrefor© on iiccount of tIiΘ 42 There, therefore, on
παρασκευήν των 'Ιουδαίων, δτι εγγύς fjv τό account of the PREPARA-
preparation of the Jews, because near was the
TION of the JEWS, Because
μνημείον, εθηκαν τόν Ίησοΰν. the TOMB was near, they
tomb, they laid the Jesus.
laid JESUS.
ΚΕΦ. κ ' . 20. CHAPTER XX.
^ η δέ μια των σαββάτων Μαρία ή Μαγ- 1 §And on the FIRST of
The and first of the week Mary the Mag-the WEEK, Mary of MAG-
δαληνή έρχεται πρωΐ, σκοτίας ετι ούσης, εις DALA comes early, it being
yet dark, ±into the TOMB,
τό μνημείον καΐ βλέπει τόν λίθον ήρ- and sees the STONE, hav-
ing been removed out of
μένον έκ τοΰ μνημείου, 2 τρέχει οίν the TOMB.
taken away out of the tomb, she runs therefore 2 She runs, therefore,
and comes to Simon Peter,
καΐ έρχεται προς Σίμωνα Πέτρον, καΐ προς and to the $OTHER Disci-
ple whom JESUS loved,
τόν άλλον μαθητήν, δν έφίλει ό Ίησοΰς, and says to them, "They
have taken away the
και λέγει αΰτοίς· *Ηραν τόν Κύριον LORD out of the TOMB and
and says to them; They took away the Lord we know not where they
έκ τοΰ μνημείου, και ούκ οΐδαμεν, ποΰ have laid him."
out» o f the t o into· And n o t \s^© JCHOTTPJ wher© 3 $PETER then went
ίίθηκαν αυτόν. 3 Έξηλθεν οΰν ό Π έτρος out, and the OTHER Disci-
they laid him. Went out then the Peter ple ; and they came into
καΐ ό άλλος μαθητής, καΐ ήρχοντο είς τό the TOMB.
and the other disciple, and they came into the 4 And the TWO ran to-
δλλος μαθητής"Ετρεχον δέ ol δύο τάχιον
προέδραμε όμοϋ· καΐ του gether ; and the OTHER
other disciple
Han ran before
a.nd they more
t w o quickly
the Disciple outran PETER, and
came first into the TOMB.
Πέτρου, καΐ ήλθε πρώτος είς τό μνημείον 5 And stooping down,
Β he sees $the LINEN
κα1 παρακύψας βλέπει κείμενα τά όθόνια·
CLOTHS lying; however,
ciucl stoopinff do^vn he sees lying tho linen cloths) he went not in.
ού μέντοι ε'ισήλθεν. 6 "Ερχεται οΰν Σίμων 6 Then Simon Peter
not however he went in. Comes then Simon *also comes following him,
Πέτρος ακολουθών αύτω, and entered into the TOMB,
μνημείον, καΐ θεωρεί τά καΐ είσηλθενκείμενα,
όθόνια είς τό
and beheld the LINEN
tomb, and sees the linen cloths lying, CLOTHS lying.
κα1 τό σουδάριον δ ήν επί της κεφαλής 7 and $the NAPKIN,
and the napkin which was on the head which wTas on his HEAD,
αύτοΰ, ού μετά των όθονίων κείμενον, αλλά not lying with the LINEN
of him, not with the linen cloths lying, but CLOTHS, but having been
χωρίς έντετυλιγμένον είς gva τόπον, folded up in a separate
apart having been folded up into one place. Place.

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 6 . also Simon Peter.

± 1. The very definite manner in which John expresses himself in this narrative, with
reference to going (eis) into and coming (efc) out of the tomb, makes it very probable
that this tomb had chambers, an outer and inner one. The body was placed in the
inner one, to the door of which the stone was placed. Hence when they entered the first
apartment they were said to go into the tomb, though they might not enter or see what
was in the inner chamber. Such tombs are not uncommon in the East. That which is now
called the "Holy Sepulchre" is one of this class.
t 1. Matt, xxviii. 1 ; Mark xvi. 1 ; Luke xxiv. 1. % 2. John xiii. 2 3 ; xix. 2 6 ; xxtt.
7, 2D, 24. $ 3 . Luke xxiv. 12. ! 5. John xix. 40. % 1. John xi. 44.
Chap. 20: 8. J JOHN. [Chap. 20:17.
Τότε ούν εισήλθε καΐ ό άλλος μαθητής, 8 Then, therefore, THAT
OTHER Disciple, who CAME
ό έλθών πρώτος εις τό μνημείον, καΐ είδε καΐ first into the TOMB, also
went in, and he saw, and
έπ'ιστευσεν. 9Ούδέπο> γαρ η"δεισαν την γραφήν, believed [her.]
believed. Not yet for they knew the writing, 9 For they did not yet
δτι δεί αυτόν έπ νεκρών άνα- know §tlie SCRIPTURE,
10 That he must rise from
στηναι. Άπήλθον ούν πάλιν προς εαυτούς ol the Dead.
10 Then the DISCIPLES
μαθητού. went away by themseh r es.

Μαρία δέ είστήκει προς τω μνημείφ κλα'ι- 11 But Mary was stand-
Mary but stands by the* tomb " wcep- ing near the TOMB outside,
ουσα εξω. Ώ ς οΰν έκλαιε, παρέκυ- weeping. As she was weep-
ing outside. As therefore she wept, she stooped ing, therefore, she stooped
ψεν εις τό μνημεϊον, 1 2 κα1 θεωρεί δύο άγγέ- down into the TOMB,
duwn into the tomb, and sees two mes- 12 and sees Two Angels
λους έν λευκοίς καθεζομένους, ενα προς χχ\ in white sitting, one at
sengers in white sitting, one at the the HEAD, and one a t
κεφα?ά), καΐ ενα π;ρός τοις ποσίν, δπου εκείτο the FEET, where the BODY
head," and oae a t the feet, w h e r e w a s l a i d of JESUS had been laid.
τό σώμα τοΰ Ίησοΰ. 1 3 Kai λέγουσιν αυτοί 13 And they say to her,
εκείνοι· Γύναι, τΐ κλαίεις; Λέγει αύ- "Woman, why dost thou
they; Ο woman, why weepest thou? She says to weep?" *And she says to
τοις· "Οτι Τιραν τόν Κύριόν μου, them, "Because they took
them; Because they took away the Lord 1 4 of me, away my LORD, and I know
καΐ ουκ οίδα που εθηκαν αυτόν. Ταϋτα not where they laid him."
and not I know where they laid him. These things 14 tHaving said these
είποΰσα, εστράφη εις τά οπίσω, καΐ θεω- things, she turned BACK-
WARD, and beholds JESUS
ρεΐ τόν Ίησοΰν έστώτα· καΐ ούκ ηδει, δτι standing, and $knew not
the Jesus standing; and not knew, that That it was Jesus.
Ίησοΰς έστι. 1 5 Λέγει αύτχί ° Ίησοϋς· Γύναι,
Jesus i t is. Says to her'the Jesus; Ο woman, "Woman, 15 *Jesus says to her,
τι κλαίεις; τίνα ζητείς; 'Εκείνη, δο- why dost thou
why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, sup-weep? Whom dost thou
κουσα δτι ό κηπουρός έστι, λέγει αΰτω* seek ?" S h e , supposing
posing tlm t til G ^«irclcnci* it ^ s j snys to hi m ΐ that he was the GARDENER,
Κύριε, εΐ συ έβάστασας αυτόν, ειπέ μοι που says to him, "Sir, if thou
didst carry him off, tell me
εθηκας αυτόν, κάγώ αυτόν άρω. where thou didst lay him,
thou didst lay him, and I him w i l l take away. and I will take Him away."
Λέγει αύτχι ό Ίησοΰς· Μαρία. Στραφεϊσα 16 * Jesus says to her,
Says to her the Jesus; Mary. Turning round
"Mary!" She, having
εκείνη λέγει αύτω* Ραβθουνί, δ λέγεται, turned, says to him *in
17 Hebrew, "Rabboni!" which
διδάσκαλε. Λέγει αύτχί ° Ίησοΰς· Μη μοϋ signifies, Teacher.
^) to^cliui*· Siiys t o ΙΙΘΓ the Jesus* J^iot ΤΓΙΟ
17 *Jesus says to her,
απτού· οΰπω γαρ αναδέθηκα προς τόν Πατέ- "Touch me not; for I have
ρα μου· πορεύου δέ προς τους αδελφούς μου, not yet ascended to my
of me; go but to the brethren of me, FATHER ; but go to §my
καΐ είπε αύτοίς* Άναθαίνω προς τόν Πατέρα BRETHREN, and tell them,
I ascend to my FATHER,
μου καΐ Πατέρα υμών, καΐ Θεόν μου καΐ and your Father ; even my
of me and Father of you, even God of me and God, and your God."
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—13. And she says. 15. Jesus. 16. Jesus. 16. in Hebrew,
Babboni. 17. Jesus.
t 9. Psa. xvi. 1 0 ; Acts ii. 25-31; xiii. 34, 35. t 14. Matt, xxviii. 9 ; Mark xvi.
9. % 14. Luke xxiv. 1 6 , 3 1 ; John xxi. 4. t 17. Psa. xxii. 2 2 ; Matt, xxviii. 1 0 ;
Horn. viii. 2 9 ; Heb. ii. 11.
30 4
Chap. 20:18.] JOHN. iGhap. 20:26.
Θεόν υμών. 18"Ερχεται Μαρία ή Μαγδαληνή 18 §Mary of MAGDALA
God of you. Gomes Mary the Magdalene comes, telling the DISCI-
άπαγγέλλουσα τοις μαϋηταΐς, 8τι PLES
έώρακε the LORD,That she had seen
and he said
telling the disciples, that she had seen These things to her.
τον Κύριον, καΐ ταΰτα είπε ν αύτχί.
the Οί5σης
Lord, οδν
and όψίας τχί he
these things ημέρα έκείνχ)
said to her. τχί 19 fThen being Evening
Being then evening in the day that the of that DAY, the FIRST of
\iiq. των σαββάτων, καΐ των θυρών κεκλει- the *Week, and the DOORS
first of the week, and the doors having been having* been closed where
σμένων, δπου ijoav oi μαθηταΐ * [συνηγ- t h e DISCIPLES were,
Bliut, where were the disciples [having been through FEAR of the JEWS,
JESUS came into the
μένοι,] διά τόν φόβον των 'Ιουδαίων, MIDST, and stood, and
assembled,] through the fear of the Jews, says to them, "Peace be
?)λΦεν 6 Ίησοΰς, καΐ εστη εις τό μέσον, καΐ with you!"
λέγει αύτοίς· Ειρήνη ύμΐν. 2°ΚαΙ τοΰτο εΐ- 20 And having said this,
says to them; Peace to you. And this having
πων, heδδειξεν αύτοίς τάς χείρας καΐ την he showed them *his
showed to them the hands and the HANDS and his SIDE. The
said, DISCIPLES, therefore, §re-
πλευράν αΰτοΰ. Έχάρησαν ούν oi μα- joiced, seeing the LORD.
side of himself. Were glad therefore the dis-
ίδόντες τόν Κύριον. 21ΕΙπεν οΰν αύ- 21 Then JESUS said to
them again, "Peacebe with
τοίς ό Ιησοΰς πάλιν Ειρήνη ύμίν καθώς you; $as the FATHER has
them t Jesus again; Peace to you; as sent me, I also send you."
άπέσταλκέ με ό Πατήρ, κάγώ πέμπω ύμας.
sent me the Father, also I send you. 22 And having said this,
-ΚαΙ τοΰτο εΙπών, ένεφύσησε, κα! he breathed on and says
And this having said, he breathed on, and to them, "Receive the
λέγει αύτοίς· Λάβετε πνεΰμα αγιον. ^"Αν Holy Spirit.
says to them; Receive you a spirit holy. if
τινίον άφητε τάς αμαρτίας, άφίενται 23 $If the SINS *of any
οί one you may forgive, they
αύτοίς· αν τίνων κρατητε, κ ε κ ρ ά τ η ν - are forgiven them ; if those
iay retain, they have been of any you may retain,
them; if of whom you ι
*they have been retained.'*
^Θωμας δέ, είς έπ των δώδεκα, ό λεγό- 24 But Thomas, THAT
Thomas but, one of the twelve, he being one of the TWELVE, $BEING
μένος Δίδυμος, ούκ ήν μετ' αυτών οτε ήλθεν CALLED Didymus, was not
with them, when * Jesus
ό Ίησοΰς. "Ελεγον οδν αύτώ ol άλλοι μα- came.

the Jesus. Said then to him "the other dis-

25 The OTHER Disciples,
θηταί· Έωράκαμεν τόν Κύριον. *Ο δέ είπεν therefore, said to him, "We
ciples; Wo have seen the Lord. He but said
αύτοίς· Έάν μή ΐδω have
έν ταίς χερσίν αύ- HE saidseen the LORD." But
to them; If not I may see in the hands of to them, "If I do
not see in his HANDS the
τοΰ τόν τύπον των ίίλων, καΐ 6άλω τόν IMPRESSION of t h e NAILS,
him the mark of the nails, and may put the
δάκτυλόν μου είς τόν τύπον τών η"λων, καΐ and put my FINGER into
finger of me into the mark of the nails, am! the IMPRESSION of the
βάλω την χείρα μου είς τήν πλευράν αΰτοΰ, into NAILS, and put *My HAND
his SIDE, I will by no
may put tlio kancl of ΠΧΘ into the side of him, means believe."
ού μή πιστεύσω.
n o t 2e n o t I w i l l b e l i e v e . 26 And after eight Days
Kai μεθ' ημέρας δκτώ πάλιν ήσαν έ'σω ol his DISCIPLES were again
And after days eight again were within the within, and Thomas with
μαθηταΐ αύτοΰ, καΐ Θωμάς μετ' αυτών. "Ερχε- them. The DOORS having
disciples of him, and Thomas with thorn. Comes
*. VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—19. Week. 19. having been assembled—omit. 20. both
ΐθ HANDS and the SIDE. 23. of any one. 24. Jesus. 25. My HAND.
! 18. Matt, xxviii. 10; Luke xxiv. 10. ! 19. Mark xvi. 14; Luke xxiv. 36; 1 Cor.
XV.. 5. t 20.
2 0. John xvi. 22. t 21. Matt,
Mat xxviii. 18; John xvii. 17-19. $ 23. Mutt.
19; xviii. 18. $ 24. John xi. 16.
Chap. 2O':27.J JOHN. [Chap. 21:4.
ται ό Ίησοΰς, τών θυρών κεκλεισμένων, καΐ been closed, JESUS comes
into the MIDST, and stood,
£στη είς το μέσον, και είπεν Ειρήνη ύμίν. and said, "Peace be with
stood into the midst, and said; Peace to you. you!"
Εϊτα λέγει τώ Θωμά· Φέρε τον δάκτυλόν 27 Afterwards he says to
Afterwards he says'to the Thomas; Bring the finger THOMAS, "Reach here thy
σου ώδε, και ίδέ τάς χείρας μου, καΐ φέρε FINGER, and behold my
of thee here, and see the hands of me, and bring HANDS, and treach here
την χείρα σου, 6άλε είς την πλευράν thy HAND, and put it into
the hand of thee, my SIDE ; and be not un-
put into the side believing, but believing."
μου* και μη γίνου άπιστος, αλλά πι- 28Thomas answered and
of m e ; and not be thou unbelieving, but be- said to him, "My LORD
στός. 28Άπεκρίθη Θωμάς καΐ είπεν αύτω* *Ο and my GOD !"
lieving. Answered Thomas and said to him; The 29 JESUS says to him,
"Because thou hast seen
Κύριος μου καΐ ό Θεός μου. 29Λέγει αύτφ ό me, thou hast believed;
Lcrd of me and the God of me. Says to him the $happy those who see not
Ίησοΰς· "Οτι έώρακάς με, πεπίστευ- and believe!"
Jesus; Because thou hast seen me, thou hast 30 §Then, indeed, many
Other Signs JESUS per-
«ας* μακάριοι ol μη Ιδόντες, καΐ πιστεύ- formed in the presence of
believed; blessed they not having seen, and having •the DISCIPLES, which
σαντες. 30Πολλά μέν ουν καΐ αλλά σημεία have not been written in
believed. Many indeed then and other signs this BOOK.
31 $But these have been
έποίησεν ό Ίησοϋς ενώπιον τών μαθητών written, that you may be-
lieve That JESUS is the
αύτοΰ, α ούκ εστί γεγραμμένα έν
of him, which not it 31is having been written in and that, believing, you
τω βιβλίω τούτω. Ταϋτα δέ γέγρα- may have Life in his
the book this. These things but have been NAME.
πται, Ινα πιστεύσητε, οτι Ίησοΰς έστιν ό CHAPTER XXI.
written, that you may bel ieve, that Jesus is the 1 After these things
Χριστός, ό υΙός τοΰ Θεοΰ, καΐ Ινα πιστεύον- * Jesus manifested himself
^Lixoix^tedy t h e sou of til© Godj «ind t h Q t
τες ζωήν έ'χητε έν τφ ονόματι αύτοΰ. again to the DISCIPLES,
b e l ieY™
Ing life you may have in the name of him. at the LAKE of TIBERIAS;
ΚΕΦ. κα\ 21. and in this manner he ap-
^Μετά ταΰτα έφανέρωσεν εαυτόν πάλιν 2 Simon Peter, and
After these things manifested himself again T H A T Thomas CALLED
6 Ίησοΰς τοις μαθηταίς επί της θαλάσσης Didymus, and $THAT Na-
the Jesus to the disciples on the 2 sea thanael of Cana in GALI-
της Τιβεριάδος. Έφανέρωσε δέ ούτως. ~Ησαν
Of the Tiberias. He manifested and thus. Were LEE, and $the SONS of
όμοΰ ΣΊμων Πέτρος, καΐ Θωμάς ό λεγόμενος Zebedee, and two others
together Simon. Peter, and Thomas he being called of his DISCIPLES, were to-
Δίδυμος, και Ναθαναήλ ό άπό Κανά της
a twin, and Nathanael he from Cana of the gether.
Γαλιλαίας, καΐ ol τοΰ Ζεβεδαίου, καΐ άλλοι 3 Simon Peter says to
Galileo, &ncl they of the Zebedee· And others them, " I am going a fish-
ing." They say to him,
έκ τών μαθητών αύτοΰ δύο. 3Λέγει αύτοϊς "We also go with thee."
οι the disciples of him two. Says to them They went out, and enter-
Σίμων Πέτρος* *Υπάγω άλιεύειν. Λέγουσιν ed into the BOAT, and dur-
Simon Peter; I am going to fish. They say ing That NIGHT t h e y
αύτώ* Έρχόμεθα καΐ ημείς συν σοί. Έξηλ-
to him; Are going also we with thee. They caught nothing.
θον, και ένέβησαν είς τό πλοίον * [ευθύς,] 4 But now Morning be-
Went out, and entered into the ship [immediately,]
«αϊ έν εκείνη τη νυκτί έπιασαν ουδέν, ing come, *Jesus stood on
and in that the night they caught nothing.
Πρωίας δέ MANUSCRIPT.—30.
ήδη γενομένης, the £στηDISCIPLES.
6 Ίησοΰς 1. Jesus. 3. immediately—omit.
' t 2 7.' 1but
i. 1.being come,
$ 29. stood
2 Cor. v. 7;the1 Pet. Jesusi. 8. t 30. John xxi. 2 5. ! 31.
Luke i. 4. $ 31. John iii. 15, 16; v. 24 ; 1 Pet. i. 9. % 2. John i. 45. t 2. Matt.
iv. 21.
Chap. 21:5.] JOHN. [Chap. 21:14.
εις τον αίγιαλόν ού μέντοι ήδεισαν oi μαθη- the SHORE. The DISCI-
Ο« the shore; not however knew the dis- PLES, however, $knew not
ταί, δτι Ίησοϋς έστι. 5Λέγει οδν αύ- That it was Jesus.
ciples, that Jesus it is. Says therefore to 5 Then $*Jesus says to
τοϊς ό Ίησοϋς· Παιδία, μή τι προσφάγιον them, "Children, have you
them the Jesus; Children, not any food any food?" They answered
έ'χετε; Άπεκρ'ιϋησαν αύτφ* Ού· β Ό δε είπεν him, "No."
have you? They answered him"; No. He and said
6 And HE said to them,
$"Throw the NET on the
αύτοίς· Βάλετε εις τά δεξιά μέρη τοϋ πλοίου RIGHT side of the BOAT,
to them; Cast you into the right parts of the ship and you will find." Then
τδ δίκτυον, καΐ εύρήσετε. "Εβαλον ofrv, καΐ they threw it, and were no
the n e t , a n d you w i l l find. They c a s t t h e n , a n d
longer able to draw it, from
ούκέτι αυτό έλκύσαι ίσχυσαν από τοϋ πλή- t h e MULTITUDE Of FISHES.
no longer it to draw were able from the m u l t i - 7 | T h a t DISCIPLE there-
θους των Ιχθύων. 7 Λέγει οδν ό μαθητής fore, whom Jesus loved,
t u d e of t h e fishes. S a y s t h e r e f o r e t h e d i s c i p l e says to PETER, " I t is the
*Ο Κύριος8νέστι· ήγάπα
Σίμων ό Ίησοϋς,
οδν Πέτρος, Πέτρω· LORD." Then Simon Peter
τφ άκουσας
The Lord it is; Simon then Peter, havingheard
having heard that it was
the LORD, girded on his
δτι ό Κύριος έστι, τον έπενδύτην διε- UPPER GARMENT, (for he
that the Lord it is, the upper garment he was ±naked,) and threw
ζώσατο· ήν γάρ γυμνός· και εβαλεν εαυτόν himself into the LAKE.
girded; he was for naked; and threw himself
8 But the OTHER Dis-
είς τήν θάλασσαν. 8 ΟΙ δέ άλλοι μαθηταΐ τω ciples came by the BOAT ;
into the sea. The but other disciples by the
(for they were not far from
ήλθον (ού γαρ ήσαν μακράν άπό the LAND, but about two
γης, άλλ' ώς άπό πηχών διακοσίων,) hundred Cubits off,) drag-
from cubits two hundred,) ging the NET with the
land, but about
σύραντες τό δίκτυον των Ιχθύων. 9 Ώ ς οδν FISHES.
9 When, therefore, they
απέβησαν εις τήν γην, βλέπουσιν άνθρακιάν went out to the LAND, they
they went up to the land, they see a fire of coals see a Fire of coals lying,
κειμένην, καΐ όψάριον έπικείμενον, καΐ άρτον. and a Fish lying on it,
lying, and a fish lying on, and bread. and Bread.
Λέγει αύτοίς ό Ίησοϋς· Ένέγκατε άπό τών 10 *Jesus says to them,
Says to them the Jesus; Bring you from tho "Bring of the FISHES
όψαρίων, ών έπιάσατε νυν. 1:ι'Ανέ6η which you just now
fishes, which you caught Just now. Went up
11 * Simon Peter went
Σίμων Πέτρος, καΐ εϊλκυσε τό δίκτυον έπΙ on board and drew the
Simon X*©ter And drew the not to
NET tO the LAND, full of
της γης, μεστόν Ιχθύων μεγάλων εκατόν πεν- great Fishes, a hundred
tho l&llUy XU1 Χ ΟΧ fisllGS} §reftt 21 xHlOUI* ΘΟ. fifty™· and fifty-three ; and though
•νηκοντατριών καΐ τοσούτων όντων, ούκ έσχί- there were so many, the
three; and so many being, not w a s NET was not torn.
σθη τόάριστήσατε.
δίκτυον. 12ΛέγειΟυδείςαύτοίς *[δέ] όέτόλμα Ίησοϋς·τών 12 *Jesus says to them,
Come, breakfast you. No one [but] presumed of the §"Come and breakfast."
μαθητών έξετάσαι. αυτόν Σύ τΙς ει; είδότες, No one of the DISCIPLES
disciples to ask him; Thou who art? knowing, presumed to ask him,
δτι ό Κύριος έστιν. ^"Ερχεται ό Ίησοΰς, "Who art thou?" knowing
that the Lord It is. Comes the Jesus, that it is the Lord.
καΐ λαμβάνει τόν αρτον, καΐ δίδωσιν αύτοίς, 13 *Jesus comes, and
and takes the bread, and gives to them, takes the BREAD, and gives
καΐ τό όψάριον ομοίως. 14
Τοΰτο ήδη to them, and the FISH in
and the fish in like manner. This already like manner.
14 This fthird time now
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—S. Jesus. 10. Jesus. 11. Then Simon Peter. 12. Jesus.
12. and—omit. 13. Jesus.
t f. So the Jews called those who were clothed in their undar garments only.—Nrwcome.
t 4. John xx. 14. ί 5. Luke xxiv. 41. ί 6. Luke v. 5, 6, 7. $ 7. John xii. 2 3 ;
jfc. 2. t 12. Acts x. 41. $ 14. See John xx. 19, 26.
Chap. 21:15.] JOHN. [Chap. 21:20.
τρίτον έφανερώθη ό 'Ιησούς τοίς μαχητούς was *Jesus manifested to
to the disciples *the DISCIPLES, having
third was manifested the Jesus
αύτοΰ, εγερθείς έκ νεκρών. been raised from theDead.
of himself, having been raised out of dead ones.
15 When, therefore, they
had breakfasted, JESUS
λέγει τφ says to SIMON Peter, "Si-
"Οτε οδν ήρίστησαν, mon, son of Jonas, lovest
Σίμωνι Π έτρω ό Ίησοΰς· Σίμων Ίωνα, thou me more than these?"
He says to him, "Yes,
άγαπας με πλείον τούτων; Λέγει αύτφ· Ναί, Lord ; thou knowest That
lovest* thou me more of these? He says tohim; Yes,
I affectionately love thee."
He says to him, "Feed
Κύριε, σύ οίδας, δτι φιλώ σε. my LAMBS."
Ο lord, thou knowest, that I dearly love thee.
16 He says to him again,
Λέγει αύτφ· Βόσκε τά άρνία μον. 1βΛέ-a second time, "Simon, son
Ηο says to him; Feed the lambs of me. He of Jonas, lovest thou me?"
He says to him, "Yes,
γει αύτφ πάλιν δεύτερον Σίμων Ίωνα, Lord ; thou knowest That
άγαπας με; Λέγει αύτφ· Ναί, Κύριε, σύ Heaffectionately I love thee."
says tohim, $" Tend my
οίδας,thou δτι τά προβάτιά μου.
φιλώ of me.
σε. He Λέγει
Λέγει αύτφ SHEEP."
Tend the sheep says αύτφ·
17 He says to him the
τό τρίτον Σίμων Ίωνα, φιλείς με; THIRD time, "Simon, son of
3 third; Simon of Jona, dearly lovest thou me? Jonas, dost thou affection-
Ελι>πήθη ό Π έτρος οτι είπεν αύτφ τό
Wasgrieved the Peter, because he said tohim the ately love me?" Peter was
τρίτον, Φιλείς [αύτώ·] grieved,
με; καΐ είπεν *ttohim;3
Because he said to
him the THIRD time, "Dost
thou affectionately love
Κΰριε, σύ πάντα οίδας, σύ γινώσκεις, me?" And he said, "Lord,
thou knowest All things ;
«τι°Γ ' φιλώ σε Λέγει αύτφ ό Ίησοΰς· $thou knowest That I af-
Βόσκε τά πρόβατα μου. Άμήν αμήν λέγω •Jesus says tolove
I dearly love thee; SaysΙ8 to him the Jesus; fectionately thee."
Feed the sheep of me. Indeed indeed I say him, "Feed
σοι, δτε ή"ς νεώτερος, έζώννυες my18SHEEP.$Indeed, I truly say
οεαυτον καΐ περιεπάτεις δπου ήθελες· to thee, When thou wast
thyself, ldst wish; younger, thou didst gird
and didst walk where thou d:
δταν δε γηράσης, εκτενείς τάς thyself, and walk where
w h e n b u t t h o u a r t o l d , t h o u w i l t s t r e t c h o u t t h e thou didst wish ; but when
χείρας σου, καΐ άλλος σε ζώσει, καΐ extend thou a r t old, ±thou wilt
Lands of thee, and another thee w i l l gird, and
thy HANDS, and an-
other will gird thee, and
Will ι δπου ου θέλεις. 19Τοΰτο δέ εΐ- carry thee where thou
πε, σημαίνων, ποίω θανάτω δοξάσει dost not wish."
said, signifying, by what death he w i l l glorify 19 Now this he said, in-
τον Θεόν. ΚαΙ τοΰτο ειπών, λέγει αύτφ· timating $by f What Death
the God. And this having said, he says to him; he would glorify GOD. And
'Ακολουθεί μοι. 20ΈπιστραφεΙς *[δέ] ό having said this, he says
Follow me. Having turned about [and] to him, "Follow me."
Πέτρος βλέπει τόν μαθητήν, δν ήγάπα ό 20 Peter, having turned
Peter sees the disciple, whom
loved th
about sees the DISCIPLE,
'ϊησοϋς, άκολουθοΰντα (δς καΐ άνέπεσεν έν following, §whom JESUS
Jesus, following (who also reclined at loved ; (who also reclined

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 4 . Jesus. 14. the DISCIPLES. 17. to him—omit. 17.

Jesus. 2 0. and—omit.
t 18. Wetstein observes, that it was a custom in Home, to put the necks of those who
were to be crucified, into a yoke and to stretch out their hands, and fasten them to the end
of it, and having thus led them through the city, they were carried out to be crucified.—
Clarke. ± 1 9 . Many ancient writers fay that Peter was crucified with his head downwards,
a short time before the destruction of Jerusalem. »
t 16. Acts xx. 2 8 ; Heb. xiii. 2 0 ; 1 Pet. ii. 2 5 ; v. 2, 4. t 17. John ii. 24, 2 5 ;
xvi. 30.· $ 18. John xiii. 3 6 ; Acts xii. 3, 4. % 19. 2 Pet. i. 14. $ 20. John xiii.
23, 2 3 ; xx. 2.
Chap. 21:21.] JOHN. [Chap. 21:25.
τφ δείπν επί τό στήθος αύτοΰ, καΐ είπε· at the SUPPER on his
the suppe n the breast of him, and said; BREAST, and said, "Lord,
Κύριε, τις έστιν ό παραδιδούς σε;) 21Τοϋτον Who i s HE BETRAYING
Ο lord, w h o is he betraying thee?) H i m
Ιδών ό Πέτρος λέγει τω Ίησοΰ· Κύριε, ούτος 21 * PETER, therefore,
seeing the Peter says to the Jesus; θ lord, this seeing him, says to JESUS,
δέ τι; 22Λέγει αύτφ ό Ίησοΰς· 'Εάν αυτόν "Lord, and what of this
έ λ ωw hμaέtν? ε ι ν Saysεως έtρoχhο iμm
α ι ,t h eτΐJ e s uπρος
s ; I f σε;h i m συ man?"22 JESUS says to him,
I w i s h t o a b i d e t i l l I c o m e , what to thee? thou
"If I wish him to abide
ολουθεί μοι. ^Έξήλθεν ο5ν ό λόγος $till I come, what is it to
thee? follow thou me."
οδτος εις τους αδελφούς, δτι ό μαθητής 23 *This REPORT, there-
this Σΐ ΪΪΙ ο ΐ ΐ 2 the l^retlii'Giij t li & £ t li Θ d i s c i u l e fore, went out among the
εκείνος ούκ αποθνήσκει. ΚαΙ ούκ είπεν αύτω BRETHREN, That that DIS-
CIPLE would not die;
ό Ίησοΰς, δτι ούκ αποθνήσκει άλλ'· Έάν *but JESUS did not say to
the Jesus, that not he dies; but; If him, "That he shall not
αυτόν θέλω μένειν εως έρχομαι, τΐ προς die;" but, "If I wish him
him I wish to abide till I come, what to to abide till I come, what
<τέ; 24
Οϋχόζ έστιν ό μαθητής, ό μαρτύρων is it to thee?"
thee? This is the disciple, he testifying 24 This is THAT DISCI-
περί τούτων, καΐ γράψας ταΰ- PLE, who *both TESTIFIES
of these things and WROTE
τα· καΐ οϊδαμεν, δτι αληθής έστιν ή μαρ- know these things; and $we
t h i n g s ; and we know, t h a t true is the t e s t i - That *His TESTI-
2δ MONY is true.
τυρία αύτοϋ. "Εστι καΐ άλλα πολλά 25 $And there are many
mony of him. Is a other things which JESUS
δσα έποίησεν η ό Ίησοϋς,
η ο ς , δτινα
δ α έάν έν γρά- performed, which, if they
th J hih if t h l d should be written, every
the Jesus, which if they should one, ±1 suppose that not
Φηται καθ' εν, ουδέ αυτόν οΐμαι τόν even the \VORLD itself
κόσμον χωρήσαι τά γραφόμενα βιβλία. would contain the WRIT-
• * VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. PETER therefore. 23. This. 23. but. 24. both.
24. His. Suhscription—ACCORDING TO JOHN.
± 2 5. This is a very strong eastern expression, to represent the great number of mira-
cles which Jesus wrought. But however strong and strange this expression may seem to us
of the western world we find sacred and other authors using hyperboles of the like kind
and signification; some instances of which it may be proper to lay before the reader. In
Num. xiii. 33, the spies, who returned from the search of the land of Canaan,, saythey saw
giants there of such a prodigious size, that they were ' i n their own sight as grasshoppers."
In Deut. i. 28, cities with high walls round about them are said to be "walled up to
heaven." In Dan. iv. 11, mention is made of a tree, whereof "the height reached unto
the heaven, and the sight therefore unto the end of the e a r t h ; " and the author of
Ecclesiastics, in chap, xlvii. 15, speaking of Solomon's wisdom, says, "Thy soul covered
the whole earth, and thou fllledst it with parables;" as the world is there said to be
filled with Solomon's parables, so here, by one degree more of hyperbole, it is said that
the world would not contain all the books which should be written concerning Jesus' mira-
cles, if the particular account of every one of them were given.—Pearce.
t 22. Matt. xvi. 2 7, 28; xxv. 3 1 ; 1 Cor, iv, 5; si. 2 6 ; Rev. ii. 2 5 ; iii. 1 1 ; xxii.
7,20. $ 24. John xix, 3 5 ; 3 John 12.

ΚΕΦ. α ' . 1.
1 The FORMER History I

Γόν μέν πρώτον λόγον έποιησάμην περί compiled, $O Theophilus,
The indeed first account I made concerning concerning all things
πάντων, & Θεόφιλε, ών ^ρξατο ό Ίησοΰς which *Jesus began both
to do and to teach,
all things, θ Theophilus, which began the Jesus
ποιείν τε καΐ διδάσκειν, άχρι ης ημέρας, 2 $even to the Day in
to do and also to teach, even to which day, which, ^having given com-
έντειλάμενος τοις άποστόλοις, δια mandment, through the
having given charge to the apostles, through holy Spirit, to the APOS-
πνεύματος άγιου ους έξελέξατο, άνελή- TLES whom he had cho-
spirit holy whom he chose, he was taken sen, he was taken u p ;
Οίς καΐ παρέστησεν εαυτόν ζωντα 3 $to whom also he pre-
sented himself living, af-
up. To whom also he presented himself living ter his SUFFERING, by
μετά τό παθεΐν αυτόν, έν πολλοίς τεκμη- Many Infallible proofs ; be-
ρίοις, δι' ήμερων τεσσαράκοντα όπτανό- ing seen of them forty
proofs, through days iorty being
Days, and speaking the
μένος αΰτοίς, καΐ λέγων τά περί THINGS concerning the
seen by them, and saying the things concerning KINGDOM of GOD.
της βασιλείας τοΰ Θεοΰ. 4 ΚαΙ συναλιζομενος 4$And assembling them,
he charged them "not to
παρήγγειλεν αύτοίς, άπό ^Ιεροσολύμων μή depart from Jerusalem,
χωρ'ιζεσθαι, αλλά περιμένειν την έπαγγελίαν but to wait for the PRO-
to depart, but to wait for the promise MISE of the FATHER,
τοΰ Πατρός, fyv ήκούσατέ ^ μου*
δτι t which you heard from
at me;
'Ιωάννης μέν έβάπτισεν ΰδατι, ύμεϊς δε 5 $that John, indeed,
John indeed immersed in Water, but
dipped in water, you but
δαπτισθήσεσθε έν πνεύματι άγίω, ού μετά you will be immersed in
sli£t 11 foe d i p p e d i n s p ie r i t h o l y , n o t After holy Spirit, after a few
πολλάς ταύτας ημέρας. Ot μέν Days."
οδν 6 THEY, therefore, hav-
many these days. They indeed
συνελθόντες, έπηρώτων α υ τ ό ν λέγοντες· therefore ing come together, asked
having come together, asked him; saying; him, saying, "Lord, wilt
Κύριε, εΐ έν τω χρόνω τούτω άποκαθιστάνεις thou, at this TIME, §re-
θ lord, if in the time this thou restorest store the KINGDOM to I S -
τήν βασιλε'ιαν τ φ 'Ισραήλ; ISXKB δέ προς RAEL?"
the kingdom to the Israel? He said and to 7*Then he said to them,
αυτούς· Ούχ υμών έστι γνώναι χρόνους η4 " I t is not for you to know
them; Not for you it is to know times or the Times or Seasons,
καιρούς, ους ό Πατήρ £θετο έν τη Ιδία which the FATHER ap-
pointed by his OWN Au-
εξουσία. 8 Ά λ λ ά λήψεσθε δύναμιν έπελ- thority.
authority. But you shall receive power having 8 But you shall receive
θόντος τοΰ αγίου πνεύματος έ φ ' ύμας· καΐ Power by the HOLY Spirit
coming upon you; and
£ο*εσθέ μοι μάρτυρες εν τε *Ιερουσαλήμ, §you shall be My Wit-
you shall be to me witnesses in both Jerusalem, nesses both in Jerusalem
καΐ έν πάση τχ\ 'Ιουδαία καΐ Σαμαρεία, καΐ and in All JUDEA, and in
and in a l l the Judea and in Samaria, and Samaria, and even to the
έΌος εσχάτου της γης. »ΚαΙ ταΰ- remotest parts of the
even t o farthest part of the land. And EARTH/'
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — T i t l e — A C T S OF APOSTLES. 1. Jesus. 7. Then he said.
t 1. Luke i. 31. t 2. Mark xvi. 1 9 ; Luke xxiv. 5 1 ; ver. 9 ; 1 Tim. iii. 16. t 2.
Matt, xxviii. 1 9 ; Mark xvi. 1 5 ; John xx. 2 1 ; Acts x. 41,42. $ 3. Mark xvi. 1 4 ;
Luke xxiv. 3 6 ; John xx. 19, 2 6 ; xxi. 1, 1 4 ; 1 Cor. xv. 5. $ 4. Luke xxiv. 43, 49.
$ 4. Luke xxiv. 4 9 ; John xiv. 16. 26, 2 7 ; xv.26; xvi. 7 ; Acts ii. 3 3 . t 5. Matt. i i i .
1 1 ; Acts xi. 1 6 ; xix. 4. t 6. Isa. i. 2 6 ; Amos ix. 1 1 ; Micah iv. 8 ; Acts i i i . 2 1 .
$ 8. Luke xxiv. 4 8 ; John xv. 2 7 ; Acts ii. 32.
Chap. 1:9. ACTS. [Chap. 1:16.
τα ειπών, βλεπόντων αυτών 9 And having said These
things having said, beholding of them he wa things, as they were look-
0η· και νεφέλη ύπέλαβεν αυτόν άπό τωνing on he was lifted u p ;
l i f t e d up; and a cloud w i t h d r e w h i m f r o m t h e and a Cloud carried him
οφθαλμών αυτών. 10ΚαΙ ως ατενίζοντες ή" away from their SIGHT.
eyes of them. And as fixedly gazing they 10 And while they were
σαν εις τόν οΰρανόν, πορευομένου αύτοΰ, fixedly gazing towards the
were into the heaven, going away of him, HEAVENS, as he was going
jccd Ιδού, άνδρες δύο παρεστήκεισαν αύτοίς up, behold, two Men were
standing by them in white
and lo, men two
U were standing by then» Raiment;
έν έσθήτι λευκή, OL καΐ είπον "Ανδρες Γα-
in raiment white, they and said; Men of 11 who also said, "Men
λιλαϊοι, τι έστήκατε έμβλέποντες εις τόν of Galilee, why do you
Galilee, why stand you looking into the
stand looking towards the
οΰρανόν; ούτος ό 'Ιησούς, ό αναληφθείς άφ' HEAVENS ? This JESUS,
heaven? this the Jesus, he being taken up from who is taken up from you
υμών εις τόν ούρανόν, ούτως έλευσεται, δν into the HEAVENS, $shall
yOU i * " +*"» ν,αα-τ,α* thiio Λ«Τ 1 1 1 i><-.rno so come in· the manner in
-HrVi I nh
τρόπον έθεάσασθε αυτόν πορευόμενον εις which you saw him go in-
manner you saw him going into to the HEAVENS."
τόν ούρανόν. 12Τότε ύπέστρεψαν είς Ίερου- 12 JTlien they returned
the heaven. into Jerusa- to Jerusalem, from THAT
Then they returned
λήμ άπό τοΰ καλουμένου Έλαιώ- Mountain
δρους CALLED the
lem from a mountain that being called of olive Mount of Olives, which is
νος, δ έστιν εγγύς 'Ιερουσαλήμ, σαβ- n e a r Jerusalem, being
βάτου έ'χον distant a Sabbath-day's
όδόν. 13ΚαΙ δτε είσηλ- Journey.
bath being distant journey. And when they
13 And when they came
θον, άνέβησαν είς τό ΰπερφον, into the city, they went
C0IH.O into· tlit^y \ycut up into the upper roonij up into the UPPER ROOM,
ol· fjoav καταμένοντες, δ, τε Πέτρος καΐ where were remaining both
PETER and *John, and
Where were remaining, the, both Peter and James and Andrew, Philip
'Ιάκωβος, καΐ 'Ιωάννης καΐ 'Ανδρέας, Φίλιπ- and Thomas, Bartholo-
mew and Matthew, James
' Ι ά κ ω β ο ς Ά λ φ α ί ο υ κ α ΐ Σ ί μ ω ν ό ζ η λ ω τ ή ς κ α ι the son of Alpheus, and
James καΐ Θωμάς,
of Alpheus Βαρθολομαίος
also Simon the καΐ Ματθαίος,
zealot and Simon the ZEALOT, and Ju-
Ιούδας 'Ιακώβου. 14Οδτοι πάντες ήσαν προσ- das the brother of James.
14 All these were con-
καρτεροΰντες ομοθυμαδόν τη προσευχή, stantly engaged with one
σύν γυναιξί, καΐ Μαρία τη μητρί τοΰ Ί η - Women, mind in PRAYER, with the
w i t h Λνοΐϊΐθΐΐ} &ud J^ijiry the mother of tho J©*" and with Mary
σου, και σύν τοίς άδελφοίς αύτοΰ. the MOTHER of * Jesus,
Sixs* itucl *W^ith tli6 brothers of him·
and with his BROTHERS.
15 And in these DAYS
^ΚαΙ έν ταίς ήμέραις ταύταις άναστάς Peter standing up in the
And in the days these having stood up Midst of the *BRETHREN,
Πέτρος έν μέσω τών μαθητών, είπεν (fiv
Peter in middle *of the disciples, he said; (was (the Number of Persons
τε δχλος ονομάτων, επί τό αυτό ώς εκατόν assembled were about a
hundred and twenty,) said,
and a crowd of names, in the same about ahundred
16 "Brethren, it was
εϊκοσιν) 1 β " Ανδρες αδελφοί, §δει
Λληρωθήναι τήν γραφήν ταύτην, προεί- necessary for *the SCRIP-
be fulfilled Men brethren,
the writing this,i t was
which spoke TURE to be fulfilled, $ which
πε τό πνεΰμα τό άγιον διά στόματος the HOLY SPIRIT, through
before the spirit the holy through mouth
the mouth of David, fore-
Δαυίδ, περί 'Ιούδα τοΰ γενομένου όδηγοΰ told concerning THAT Ju-
of David, about Judas that having become a guida das §who BECAME a Guide
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 3 . John, and James and Andrew. 14. Jesus. 15.
$ 11. Dan. vii. 1 3 ; Matt. xxiv. 3 0 ; Mark xiii. 2 6 ; Luke xxi. 2 7 ; John xiv. 3 ; 1
Thess. i. 1 0 ; iv. 1 6 ; 2 Thess. i. 1 0 ; Rev. i. 7. t 12. Luke xxiv. 52. ± 16. Psa.
xli. 9 ; John xiii. 18. $ 16. Luke xxii. 4 7 ; John xviii. 3.
Chap. 1:17.] ACTS. [Chap. 1:2a
τοις συλλαβοΰσι τ ό ν Ί η σ α ΰ ν 1 7 8 τ ι κατη- tO THOSE w h o APPREHEND-
to those having seized the Jesus; because having ED *Jesus.
ριθμημένος fjv έν ήμϊν, καΐ έλαχε τόν 17 For %he was num-
been numbered he was among us, and obtained the bered among us, and ob-
κληρον της διακονίας ταύτης. 18Οΰτος μέν tained the LOT of this
lot of the service this. This. indeed SERVICE."
οΰν έκτήσατο χωρίον έκ μισθού της 18 ($This man, there-
therefore bought a field out of a reward of the fore, purchased a Field
αδικίας* καΐ πρηνής γενόμενος, έλά-
wickedness; and head-foremost having fal len, he
with the WAGES of the
κησε μέσος, καΐ έξεχύθη πάντα τά
WICKEDNESS, and falling
burst in m i d d l e , and w e r e poured out all t h e head foremost, he burst in
σπλάγχνα αΰτοΰ* και γνωστόν έγένετο πασι the middle, and All his

bowels of h i m ; and known b e c a m e t o a l l BOWELS were poured o u t ;

τοις κατοικοΰσιν *Ιερουσαλήμ, ώστε κληθήναι 19 and it was known to
those dwelling in Jerusalem, so as to be called all those DWELLING at
τό χωρίον εκείνο τχ\ ίδια διαλέκτω αύ- Jerusalem; so that that
the field that in the own language of FIELD is called in their
των, Άκελδαμά, τοϋτ' ε"στι, χοιρίον αίματος. OWN Language, *Acelda-
them, Aceldama, this is, a field of blood. mach, which is, a Field of
Γέγραπται γαρ έν 6ί6λω ψαλμών Γεννηθή- Blood.)
It is written for in book* of Psalms; Let be 20 "For it is written; in
τω ή επαυλις αύτοϋ έρημος, καΐ μή έστω δ the Book of Psalms, $ Let
the dwelling of him desolate, and not let be the 'his DWELLING be deso-
κατοίκων έν αΰτχ\· και, Τήν έπισκοπήν αύτοϋ 'late, and let no one
'DWELL in i t ; ' and §'Let
let ta: έ'τερος. 21
Δεί οΰν των 'another take his OFFICE.'
συνελθόντων ήμΐν ανδρών έν παντί χρόνω, έν 21 I t is necessary, there-
having a s s o c i a t e d w i t h us men in a l l t i m e , i n fore, that from those MEN
φ εισήλθε κα! έξηλθεν έφ' ημάς δ HAVING ASSOCIATED With
which went in and went out among us the us all the Time in which
Κύριος Ίησοϋς, 22 άρξάμενος άπό τοϋ βαπτί- the LORD Jesus went in
Lord Jesus, beginning from the dip- and out among us,
σματος 'Ιωάννου §ως της ημέρας ΐ\ς άνε- 22 ^beginning from the
λήφθη αφ' ημών, μάρτυρα της άναστάσείος the DAY on which he was
taken up from us, one of
αύτοΰ γενέσθαι συν ήμϊν ενα τούτων. ^Καί
of him to become w i t h us one of theso. And
these BECOME with us a
Witness of his RESURREC-
έστησαν δύο, 'Ιωσήφ τόν καλούμενον Βαρ- TION."
σαβάν, ος έπεκλήθη Ίοΰστος, καΐ Ματθί- 23 And they set forth
sabas, who was surnamod Justus, and Matthias. two, THAT Joseph, CALLED
αν. 24 ΚαΙ προσευξάμενοι είπον Σύ, Κύριε, t *Barsabbas, who was sur-
And praying they said; Thou, Ο Lord, named Justus, and Mat-
καρδιογνώστα πάντων, άνάδειξον ον έξε
έξε- thias.
lieartknower of a l l show w h i h ttho
h 24 And praying, they
λέξω έκ τούτων των δύο ενα, λαβείν
said, "Thou Lord, $who
knowest the hearts of all,
τόν κλήρον της διακονίας ταύτης και άποστο- show which one of These
the lot of the service this and apostleship, TWO thou didst select
λης έξ ής παρέβη 'Ιούδας, πορευ- 25 to take *the PLACE
from which stepped asido Judas, to go
of this SERVICE and Apos-
26 tleship, from which Judas
θήναι είς τόν τόπον τόν ίδιον. Καί έδωκαν stepped aside, to go into
into the place the own. And they gave his OWN PLACE."
κλήρους αυτών καΐ έ'πεσεν δ κλήρος έπι 26 And they gave *the
lots of them; and fell the lot on
Lots to them ; and the LOT
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 6 . Jesus. 19. Aceldamach. 23. Barsabbas. 25. the
PLACE of this. 26. the Lots to them; and.
t 17. Matt. x. 4 ; Luke vi. 16. $ 18. Matt, xxvii. 5 , 7 , 8 . % 20. Paa. lxix. 25.
t 20. Psa. cix. 8. % 22. John xv. 2 7 ; ver. 8; Acts iv. 33. * 23. Acts xv. 22.
$ 2 4. 1 Sam. xvi. 7 ; 1 Chron. xxviii. 9 ; xxix. 1 7 ; Jor. xi. 2 0 ; xvii. 1 0 ; Acts xv. 8 ;
Rev. ii. 23.
Chap. 2;1.J ACTS. [Chap. 2:10.
ΜατΦίαν, και συγκατεψηφίσφη μετά των §ν-fell on Matthias, and lie
was counted with the ELE-
δεκα αποστόλων. VEN Apostles.
ΚΕΦ. 6 ' . 2. CHAPTER I I .
ΚαΙ εν τω συμπληροϋσΟαι την ήμέραν της
1 And when the $DAY
And in the" to be fully come the day of the
πεντηκοστής, ήσαν άπαντες ομοθυμαδόν επί το COME, Jtliey were all with
Pentecost, were all w i t h one mind in the one mind in the same
αυτό. 2 Και έγενετο άφνω εκ τοΰ ούρανοϋ
2 And suddenly there
ίίχος ώσπερ φερομένης πνοής βιαίας, και came a Sound from HEA-
& sound us of a rushing wind violentf and
VEN, like a violent Wind
έπλήρωσεν όλον τον οίκον ού fjaav καθή- rushing; and it filled the
i t filled w h o l e t h e h o u s e , w h e r e t h e y w e r e s i t - Whole HOUSE where they
μενοι· κα1 ώφθησαν αύτοίς διαμεριζόμεναι wrere sitting.

ting; and they saw with them being divided

3 And Divided Tongues
γλώσσαι ωσει πυρός· έκάθισέ τε εφ' ενα εκα- appeared to them, like
Fire, and one rested on
οτον αυτών, κα1 έπλήσθησαν άπαντες πνεύμα- each one of them.

ont^ o f t l i 6 ixi a n d t h e y w G r e f i l l G t l a l l s p i i* i t 4 And they were §all

τος άγιου, και ήρξαντο λαλείν έτέραις filled with holy Spirit and
holy, and they began to speak with other began to speak | i n Other
γλώσσαις, καθώς τό πνεΰμα έδ'ιδου αύτοίς Languages, as the SPIRIT
tongues, as the spirit gave to them gave them utterance.
άποφθέγγεσθαι. Β*Ήσαν δέ έν Ιερουσαλήμ 5 Now there were so-
to speak. Were now in Jerusalem journing in Jerusalem,
κατοικοΰντες 'Ιουδαίοι, άνδρες ευλαβείς, άπό Jews, pious Men, from
dwelling Jews, men pious, from
παντός έθνους των υπό τον ουρανό ν. Γε- Every Nation under HEA-

νομένης δέ της φωνής ταύτης, συνήλθε 6 And ±this REPORT hav-
ιχΐ£Γ hapucnod and the sound this· caxn6 together ing been circulated, the
τό πλήθος, καΐ συνεχύθη* οτι η"κουον MULTITUDE came togeth-
the ΐχι ix I t i tixde» and "ϊν ΘΓ© pernlexedj l^ocause heard er, and were perplexed,
Because every one heard
εις έ'καστος τχ\ Ιδία διαλεκτά» λαλούντων them speaking in his OWN
7 Language.
αυτών. Έξίσταντο δέ * [πάντες] καΐ 7 And they were aston-
of them. Were astonished and [all] and ished ard wondered, say-
έθαύμαζον, λέγοντες * [προς άλλιίλους·] Ουκ ing, "Behold, are not all
wondered, saying [to each other;] Not THESE who are SPEAK-
Ιδού πάντες οδτοι είσιν oi λαλοϋ 'τες Γα- ING, §Galileans?
λιλαίοι; ΚαΙ πώς ημείς άκούομεν έκαστος τχι 8 And how do we hear
each one in our OWN Lan-
li leans? And how we hear each one in the guage, in which we were
Ιδία διαλέκτω ημών, έν r\ έγεννήθημεν,
own language" of us, in which we were born, born : —
, 9Πάρθοι καΐ Μήδοι καΐ Έλαμϊται, και oiand 9 Parthians and Medes
' Parthians and Medes and Elamites, and those Elamites, and those
κατοικοΰντες την Μεσοποταμίαν, Ίουδαίαν MIA, both in ±Judea and
dwelling the Mesopotamia, Judea Cappadocia, in Pontus
τε καΐ Καππαδοκίαν, Πόντον καΐ την *Ασ'ιαν, and ASIA,
both and Cappadocia, Pontus and the Asia, 10 both in Phrygia and
Φρυγ'ιαν τε καΐ Παμςρυλ'ιαν, Αϊγυπτον
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 7 . all—omit.
7. to each other—omit.
F± h 6.^ I t is b difficult
oth dto determine
J P h l i whetherEitt was the
d voice of those speaking in foreign
languages; the report or rumor of the transaction; or the supernatural "rushing sound/'
which is indicated here. ± 9. Pearce renders Judea as an adjective thus; "DWELLERS
in Jewish Mesopotamia." Bloomfleld thinks there may have been a corruption of the text,
changing Idoumiou, Idumea, to Ioudlan, Judea.
% 1. Lev. xxiii. 1 5 ; Deut. xvi. 9 ; Acts xx. 16. % 1. Acts i. 14. $ 4. Acts i. 4.
ί 4. Mark xvi. 1 7 ; Acts x. 4 6 ; xix. 6 ; 1 Cor. xii. 10, 28, 3 0 ; xiii. 1 ; xiv. 2. ί 7.
Acts i. 1 1 .
Chap. 2:11.] ACTS. [Chap. 2:20.
τά μέρη της Λιβύης της κατά Κυρήνην, καΐ Pamphylia, in Egypt and
the parts of the Lybia that upon Cyrene, and the PARTS of THAT Lybia
oi έπιδημοϋντες Ρωμαίοι, ΊουδαίοΙ τε και about Cyrene, and the
Roman STRANGERS, both
προσηλυτοι, 1χ Κρήτες καΐ 'Άραβες, άκούομεν Jews and Proselytes,
11 Cretans and Arabi-
λαλούντων αυτών ταίς ήμετέραις γλώσσαις τά ans ; we hear them speak-
speaking them in the our tongues the ing in OUR Tongues the
μεγαλεία τοϋ Θεοϋ; ^Έξ'ισταντο δέ πάν- GREAT THINGS of GOD."
g r e a t t h i n g s of t h e God? W e r e a s t o n i s h e d a n d a l l
τες καΐ διηπόρουν, άλλος προς άλλον λέγοντες* 12 And they were all
and perplexed, one to another saying; astonished and perplexed,
Ti αν Φέλοι τοΰτο είναι; 13< Έτεροι δέ διαχλευ- saying one to another,
What will this to be? Others but deriding "What can this be?"
άξοντες ελεγον "Οτι γλεύκους μεμεστωμένοι
said; That sweet wine having been filled 13 But others scoffing,
είσί. said, "They are full of
they are. Sweet wine."
ΣταθεΙς δέ Πέτρος συν τοις ένδεκα, 14 But Peter standing
Standing up but Peter with the eleven, with the ELEVEN, lifted
έπηρε την φωνήν αύτοΰ, καΐ άπεφθέγξα- up his VOICE, and said to
1*.£ tGCI up the voice ο ι xiιmsΘ 11j mud s& i d them, "Jews ! an<d all who
are SOJOURNING in Jeru-
το αύτοΐς. "Ανδρες 'Ιουδαίοι, καΐ ol κατοι- salem ! let this be known
to them. Men Jews, and those dwell- to you, and listen to my
κοϋντες Ιερουσαλήμ άπαντες, τοϋτο ύμϊν WORDS.
ing in Jerusalem all, this to you
γνωστόν έστω, καΐ ένωτίσασθε τά ρήματα 15 For these are not
known let be, and listen you the words drunk as you suppose, $for
μου. 15Ού γάρ, ώς ύμείς ύπολαμβάνετε, οδτοι DAY it is the third Hour of the
of me. Not for, as you, these
μεθύουσιν εστί γάρ ωρα τρίτη της ημέρας· 16 but this is WHAT
jjr© urunkj i t is for Β.our txiiru of the dciy^ was SPOKEN through the
16 PROPHET Joel;
άλλά τοϋτό έστι τό ειρημένον διά
but this is that having been spoken through 17 $'And it shall be *in
17 'the LAST Days, says GOD,
τοϋ προφήτου Ίωήλ* ΚαΙ Ισται έν ταίς Ί will pour out of my
the prophet Joel; And i t shall be in the 'Spirit upon All Flesh;
έσχάταις ταίς ήμέραις, λέγει ό Θεός, έκ-
last the days, says the God, I w i l l 'and your SONS and your
χεώ άπό του πνεύματος μου επί πασαν 'DAUGHTERS shall pro-
pour out from of the spirit of me upon a l l 'phesy; and your YOUNG
σάρκα* καΐ προφητεύσουσιν ol υΙοΙ υμών καΐ 'MEN shall see Visions,
flesh; and shall prophesy the sons of you and
at θυγατέρες υμών, καΐ ol νεανίσκο», υμών 'and your OLD MEN shall
the daughters of you, and the young men of you
δράσεις δψονται, καΐ ol πρεσβύτεροι υμών 'dream Dreams.
visions shall see, and the old men of you 18 'And indeed on my
ένυπνίοις ένυπνιασθήσονται* Μ καί γε επί τους 'MEN-SERVANTS and §on
drΘ3,ΐτιs shft 11 drΘΑΙΏ) ftud even on tlio 'my WOMEN-SERVANTS i n .
δούλους μου καΐ επί τάς δούλας μου
xtift 1 ©—slaves of mo &nd on the female—slaves of me 'those DAYS I will pour
'out of my SPIRIT, and
έν ταίς ήμέραις έκείναις έκχεώ άπό τοΰ 'they shall prophecy.
in the days those I w i l l pour out from of the
πνεύματος μου, καΐ προφητεύσουσι. 19
ΚαΙ 19 'And I will give Pro-
spirit of me, and they shall prophesy. And 'digies in the HEAVENS
'above, and Signs on the
δώσω τέρατα έν τώ ούρανω άνω, καΐ 'EARTH below ; Blood, and
I w i l l give prodigies in the heaven above, and 'Fire and a Cloud of
σημεία επί τής γης κάτω, αίμα καΐ πϋρ καΐ 'Smoke.
si^3us οtx to© eartli be 1 οw*ι blood &Tid ilre axxd
άτμίδα καπνοΰ* 2 0 ό ·ί]λιος μεταστραφήσεται εις 20 §'The SUN shall be
a cloud of smoke; the sun shall be turned into 'turned into Darkness, and

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—17. after these things, says GOD.

t 15. 1 Thess. v. 7. ί 17. Joel ii. 28, 29. * 18. Acts xxi. 4, 9, 10; 1 Cor. xii.
10,28; xvi. 1. $ 20. Matt. xxiv. 2 9 ; Mark xiii. 24; Luke xxi. 25.
Chap. 2:21.] ACTS. [Chap. 2:29.
σκότος, καΐ ή σελήνη εις αίμα, πριν η 'the MOON into Blood, be-
darkness, and the m o o n into blood, sooner than 'fore THAT great and illus-
έλθεΐν την ήμέραν Κυρίου τήν μεγάλην και 'trious Day of the Lord
to come the day of Lord the great and 'come.
επιφανή. 21Καί έ'σται, πάς δς αν έπι- 21'And it shall be, $ev-
illustrious. And i t shall be, everyone who may 'ery one who may invoke
'the NAME of the Lord,
5<αλέσηται το όνομα Κυρίου, σωθήσεται. 'shall be saved.'
call upon the name of Lord, shall be saved.
^"Ανδρες Ίσραλίται, ακούσατε τους λόγους 22 Israelites ! hear these
Men Israelites, hear you the words WORDS. Jesus, the NAZA-
τούτους* Ίησοΰν τόν Ναζωραίον, άνδρα άπό RENE, a Man from GOD,
τοΰ Θεοΰ άποδεδειγμένον είς ΰμας δυ- celebrated among you |by
tho God having been pointed out to you by Miracles, and Prodigies,
νάμεσι καΐ τέρασι καΐ σημείοις, (οίς wroughtand Signs, which GOD
mighty works and prodigies and signs, (which
through him in
the Midst of you, as you
έποίησε δι' αύτοΰ ό Θεός έν μέσω υμών, κα- yourselves know;
did through him the God in midst of you, as
•θώς *[καί] αυτοί οϊδατε,) ^τοϋτον ττ) 23 him, $given up by
[also] yourselves you know,) this by the the FIXED Counsel and
ώρισμένη βουλχί καΐ προγνώσει τοΰ Foreknowledge of God,
having been fixed purpose and foreknowledge of the *by the Hand of Lawless
θεοΰ εκδοτον λαβόντες, δια χειρών ones, $you nailed to the
cross, and killed;
God given up having been taken, by hands
άνομων προσπήξαντες άνείλατε. 24
"Ov up,24 having
§whom GOD raised
loosed the
of lawless ones having affixed to you killed. Whom
PAINS of DEATH ; as it
ό Θεός άνέστησε· λύσας τάς ώδίνας τοΰ was impossible to hold
thedcaGod raised up; having loosed the pains of ethe ld
him under it.
αυτόν ύπ' καθότι
θανάτου, αύτοϋ. ούκ ήν δυνατόν κρατείσθαι
him under it. 25 For David says con-
^Δαυΐδ γάρ λέγει εις αυτόν Προωρώ- cerning him, §'I saw the
Jpfl ν ι f\ f o r fa *xy a concerning» liim^ X s&w 'LORD always before me,
'Because he is at my Right
μην τόν Κύριον ενώπιον μου διαπαντός, 'hand, so that I may not
δτι έκ δεξιών μου έστιν, ίνα μη 'be moved.
because at right hand of me he is, so that not
26 26 'On account of this
σαλευθώ. Διά τοΰτο εύφράνθη ή καρδία '*My heart rejoiced, and
I may be shaken. Through this rejoiced the heart 'my TONGUE exulted; and
μου, καΐ ήγαλλιάσατο ή γλωσσά μου* ϊτι 'moreover, my FLESH also
of me, and exulted the tongue of me; moreover 'shall repose in Hope;
δέ και ή σαρξ μου κατασκηνώσει έπ* έλπίδι*
and also the flesh of me w i l l repose in hope; 27 'because thou wilt
^δτι ούκ εγκαταλείψεις τήν ψυχήν μου είς 'not abandon my SOUL in
because not thou w i l l abandon the life of me to
'Hades, nor give up thine
αδου, ουδέ δώσεις τόν δσιόν 'HOLY ONE to see Corrup-
invisibility, nor thou w i l t abandon the holy one tion.
σου Ιδεϊν διαφθοράν. ^Έγνώρισάς 28 'Thou didst make
of thee to see corruption. Thou didst make known 'known to me the Ways of
μοι οδούς ζωής· πληρώσεις με ευφροσύνης 'Life; thou wilt make
to me ways of life; thou w i l t fill me of joy
μετά τοΰ προσώπου σου. 'me full of JOY with thy
With the
face of thee. 'COUNTENANCE/
*Ανδρες αδελφοί, εξόν είπείν μετά 29 Brethren! I may
Men brethren, i t is lawful to speak with
παρρησίας προς υμάς περί του πατριάρχου speak to you, with free-
freedom to you concerning the patriarch dom, concerning the PA-
Λαυΐδ, δτι καΐ έτελεύτησε καΐ ετάφη, καΐ τόTRIARCH David, that he
David, that both he died and was buried, and the both died and was buried,

•'· VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 2 . al?o—omit. 2 3 . by the Hand of Lawless ones, you

nailed to the cross and killed. 26. My HEART.
t 2 1 . Rom. x. 13. $ 22. John i i i . 2 ; xiv. 10, 1 1 ; Acts x. 38. t 2 3 . Matt. xxvi.
2 4 ; Luke xxii. 2 2 ; xxiv. 4 4 ; Acts i i i . . 1 8 ; iv. 28. t 2 3 . Acts v. 30. $ 24. ver. 32.
$ 25. Psa. xvi. 8.
Chap. 2:30.] ACTS. [Chap. 2:39.
μνήμα αύτοΰ έστιν έν ήμίν άχρι της ημέρας and his TOMB is among us
tomb of h i m i s among u s t i l l of t h e day to this DAY.
ταύτης. 3 0 Προφήτης otW υπάρχων, και ε'ιδώς 30 Being, therefore, a
tliis. A prophet therefore being, and knowing Prophet, $and knowing
δτι δρκω ώμοσεν αΰτφ ό Θεός, έκ That GOD swore to him
that -with an oath swore to him the God, out of
with an Oath, that of the
καρποΰ της όσφύος αύτοΰ καθ'ισαι επί Fruit of his LOINS he
ΧΓΙΧi t of the loins οf h i m to cuuso to sit on would cause one to sit up-
τοΰ θρόνοι* αύτοΰ, 31 προϊδών έλάλησε περί on his THRONE ;
της αναστάσεως τοΰ Χρίστου, δτι ού κατε- 31 forseeing he spoke
concerning the RESURREC-
λε'ιφΟη είς αδου, ουδέ ή σαρξ αύτοϋ TION of the MESSIAH,
abandoned into invisibility, nor the flesh of him 'that he was not left in
είδε διαφθοράν. Τοΰτον τόν Ίησοΰν άνέστη- 'Hades, nor did his FLESH
ΒίιΛν corruption. This the Jesus raised up 'see Corruption.'
σεν ό θεός, οΰ πάντες ημείς έσμέν 32 GOD raised up this
the God, of which all we are
JESUS, $of which we all
μάρτυρες. 33Τχί δεξιςί ούν τοΰ θεοΰ are Witnesses.
witnesses. To the right hand therefore of the God
υψωθείς;, τήν τε έπαγγελίαν τοΰ άγιου 33 Having been, there-
having been exalted, the and promise of the holy
fore, exalted to the RIGHT
HAND of God, $and hay-
πνεύματος λαβών παρά τοΰ Πατρός, ing received from the ΒΆ-
spirit having received from the Father,
TIIER the PROMISE of the
έξέχεε τοΰτο, δ ύμείς βλέπετε καΐ *HOLY SPIRIT, §he poured
άκούετε. Ού γάρ Δαυίδ άνέβη είς τους out this which you *both
hear. Not for David ascended into the see and hear.
ουρανούς· λέγει δέ αυτός· Είπεν ό Κύριος 34 For David ascended
heavens; he says but himself; Said the Lord
not to HEAVEN, but he
τω κυρία> μου· Κάθου έκ δεξιών μου, says himself, % 'JEHOVAH
to'the lord"ofme; S i t t h o u at right hand of me,
^εως αν θώ τους εχθρούς σου ύποπόδιον 'said to my LORD, Sit thou
'at my Right hand,
των ποδών σου. Άσφαλώς οΰν γι- 35 'till I put thine EN-
ί ο ι* t n o teofc of th©e« Oortiiinly t h e r e f o r e l e t 'EMIES, underneath thy
νωσκέτω πας οίκος 'Ισραήλ, δτι καΐ Κύριον 'FEET/
know all house of Israel, that both Lord 36 Therefore, let all the
αυτόν και Χριστόν ό Θεός έποίησε, τοϋτον τόν House of Israel certainly
him and Anointed the God made, this the
know, that This JESUS,
Ίησοΰν, δν ύμείς έσταυρώσατε. 3 7 Άκούσαν- whom you crucified, | G O D
Jesus, whom you crucified. Having heard made him both Lord and
τες δέ κατενύγησαν τη καρδία, εΐπόν τε Messiah."
and they were pierced to the heart, said and 37 And having heard
προς τόν Π έτρον καΐ τους λοιπούς άποστό- this, they were pierced to
to the Peter and the other apostles; the HEART, and said to
λους· ΤΙ ποιήσομεν, άνδρες αδελφοί; Π έ τ ρ ο ς PETER and the OTHER

What shall we do, men brethren? Peter Apostles, "Brethren, what

δέ *[έ'φη] προς αυτούς* Μετανοήσατε, καΐ 6α- shall we do ?"
and [said] to them; Reform you, and be 38 And Peter said to
πτισθήτω έκαστος υμών επί τω ονόματι Ί η - them ; $ "Reform, and let
dipped each one of you in the name of Je- each of you be immersed
σοΰ Χρίστου, είς άφεσιν αμαρτιών, καΐ λή-in the NAME of Jesus
JSUS A.nointecly for xoi*^lveness of sinSy «nici you Christ, for the Forgive-
ψεσθε τήν δωρεάν τοΰ αγίου πνεύματος, ness *of your SINS ; and
shall receive the gift of the holy spirit. you will receive the GIFT
39<: of the HOLY Spirit.
Υμίν γάρ έστιν ή επαγγελία καΐ τοίς
To you • th< 39 For the PROMISE is
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 3 . HOLY S P I R I T . 3 3 . both see. 3 8. said—omit. 38.
of the SINS .
t 30. 2 Sam. vii. 12, 1 3 ; Psa. cxxxii. 1 1 ; Luke i. 32, 6 9 ; Rom. i. 3 ; 2 Tim. ii. 8.
% 32. Acts i. 8. $ 3 3. Acts v. 3 1 ; Phil. ii. .9 ; Feb. x. 12. t 33. John siv. 2 6 ;
xv. 2 6 ; xvi. 7, 1 3 ; Acts i. 4. $ 3 6. Acts v. 31. t 38. Luke xxiv. 4 7 ; Acts iii. 19.
Chap. 2:40.] ACTS. [CJiap. 3 : 1 .
τέκνοις υμών, καΐ π&σι τοις ε'ις μακράν, to you and §to your
children of you, and to all those at a distance CHILDREN, and $tO ALL
δσους αν προσκαλέσηται Κύριος ό Θεός ημών. who are far off, as many
«3 many as may call Lord the God of us.
40 as the Lord our GOD may
'Ε!τέροις τε λόγοις πλείοσι διεμαρτύρετο, call."
Other and words with many he testified, 40 And with many Oth-
«αϊ παρεκάλει, λέγων Σώθητε άπό της γε- er Words he testified and
and exhorted, saying; Be saved41 from the gener- "Be you saved them, saying,
νεάς της σκόλιας ταύτης. Οί μέν οΰν from this
atiou of the perverse this. They indeed therefore PERVERSE GENERATION."
*[ασμένως] άποδεξάμενοι τόν λόγον αύτοΰ, 41 Then THOSE who RE-
CgladlyJ having received the word of him,
έβαπτίσθησαν καΐ προσετέθησαν τχί ημέρα CEIVED his WORDS were
were dipped; and were added the day immersed; and on that
έκείνχι ψυχαΐ ώσεί τρισχίλιαι. ^Ησαν δέ DAY about three thousand
that souls about three thousand. Were and Souls were added.
προσκαρτεροϋντες rft διδαχχί των άπο- 42 $And they were con-
constantiy attending to the teachings of the a- stantly attending to the
«ττόλων, καΐ τχι κοινωνία, *[καΙ] τχ\ TEACHING Of the APOS-
postles, and to the distribution, [and] to the TLES, and to the ±CON-
«λάσει του άρτου, καϊ ταίς προσευχαίς. Λ Έ - TRIBUTION, and to the
γένετο δέ πάση ψυχτί φόβος, πολλά τε τέρατα BREAKING Of t h e LOAF,
and to every soul fear, many and prodigies and to the PRAYERS.
«αϊ σημεία διά των αποστόλων έγίνετο. 43 And Fear came upon
and signs through the apostles were done. Every Soul; and §Many
Π άντε ς δέ ot πιστεύοντες η^ταν επί το done through Prodigies and Signs were
the APOS-
All and those believing were in tho TLES.
αυτό, καΐ εϊχον απαντά κοινά, 45
κα1 τά 44 And ALL the BE-
same, and had all things common, and the LIEVERS $*had all things
κτήματα και τάς υπάρξεις έπίπρασκον, και common together;
possessions and the goods they were selling, and 45 and.sold their POS-
διεμέριζον αυτά πασι, καθότι αν τις χρε'ιαν SESSIONS "and GOODS, and
they were 46 dividing them to all, as any one need divided them to all, as
είχε. Καθ' ήμέραν τε προσκαοτεροΰντες
had. Every day and constantly attending any one had Need.
ομοθυμαδόν έν τω Ιερ , κλώντες τε κατ' 46 And constantly at-
with one mind in the tem ple, breaking and at tending with one mind$m
οίκον, αρτον, μετελάμβανον τροφής 1 έν άγαλ- the TEMPLE every day,
home bread} they were partaking of food in gl&<\-
and breaking Bread at
λιάσει καΐ άφελότητι καρδίας, 47αίνοΰντες Home, they partook of
Food in Joyfulness and
τόν Θεόν, καΐ έ'χοντες χάριν προς δλον τόν Simplicity of Heart;
47 praising God, and
the God, and having favor with whole the
λαόν. *Ο δέ Κύριος προσετίθει τους σωζομέ- having PEOPLE.
Favor with all the
And $the LORD
people. The and Lord was adding εκκλησία.]those being
•νους καθ' ήμέραν J *[τίί congregatioa.3 daily added THOSE BEING
eaved every day •
' • Eto the congregatioa SAVED to the CONGREGA-
ΚΕΦ. γ ' . 3.
ΈπΙ το αυτό δέ Π έτρος καΐ 'Ιωάννης άνέ-
In the same now Peter and John were 1 Now Peter and John
βαινον είς τό Ιερόν επί την της were going up TOGETHER
going up into the temple at the • of the into the TEMPLE/ at the
HOUR of PRAYER, being
προσευχής την ένάτην. 2Καί τις άνήρ the NINTH hour.
prayer the ninth. And a certain man
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—40. exhorted them, saying. 42 and—omit. 44. had all
things common together; and sold. 4 7. to the congregation—omit.
± 42. See the following passages where the same original word is used:—Bom. sv.
2 6 ; 2 Cor. viii. 4 ; ix. 1 3 ; Phil. i. 5 ; Heb. xiii. 16. Also Appendix.
t 39. Acts iii. 25. t 39. Acts x. 4 5 ; xi. 15, 1 8 ; xiv. 2 7 ; xv. 3, 8, 1 4 ; Eph. ii.
13, 17. % 42. Heb. x. 25. $ 43. Mark xvi. 1 7 ; Acts iv. 3 3 ; v. 12. 4 44. Acts i¥.
$2. $ 40. Luke xxiv. δ 3 ; Acts v. 42. $ 47. Acts v. 1 4 ; xi. 24.
Chap. 3:2.] ACTS. [Chap. 3 : 1 1 .
χωλός έκ κοιλίας μητρός αύτοΰ ύπάρ- 2 And a Certain Man,
lame from womb of mother of himself being, lame from his Birth, was
χων, έβαστάζετο· 8ν έτίθουν καθ' being carried, whom they
placed daily at JTHAT
ήμέραν προς την θύραν τοϋ Ιεροΰ την λεγο- GATE of the TEMPLE which
day at the door of the temple that being
is CALLED Beautiful, to
μένην ώρα'ιαν, τοΰ αίτείν έλεημοσύνην παρά ASK Alms Of THOSE EN-
TERING into the TEMPLE ;
των είσπορευομένων είς τό ιερόν. 3 "Ος Ιδών 3 who seeing Peter and
those entering into the temple. Who seeing John being about to go
Πέτρον και Ίωάννην μέλλοντας είσιέναι είς into the TEMPLE, asked
τ6 Ιερόν, ήρώτα έλεημοσύνην λαβείν. 4 Ά τ ε - Alms.
the temple, asked alms to receive. Look- 4 And Peter, with John,
ν'ισας δε Π έτρος εις αυτόν συν τω having earnestly fixed his
ing steadily and Peter on him with the eyes on him, said, "Look
'Ιωάννη, είπε· βλέψον εις ημάς. 5 Ό δέ έπεί- on us."
John, said; Look on us. He and gave 5 And HE gave heed to
χεν αύτοίς, προσδοκών τι παρ' αυτών λα- them, expecting to receive
JlGCCl t o tllG ΙΪ1 ^ ΘΧρΘΟΐ ΙΠ.^ SO ΎΆ 6 1 II i II £J f Γ Ο HI t h e ΪΓ1 tΟ Something from them.
βεΐν. 6Είπε δέ Πέτρος* Άργύριον καΐ χρυσί-
j-eceive. Said and Peter; Silver and gold 6 But Peter said, "Sil-
ver and Gold I have n o t ;
ov ούχ υπάρχει μοι· 8 δέ 8χω, τοϋτο but what I have, This I
not ΣΙ r e possessed Tt)y me^ "virliiit font X ho,vej t h i s give thee; $in the NAMU
σοι δίδωμι· Έ ν τω ονόματι Ίησοΰ Χρίστου of Jesus Christ, the NAZA-
to tliee Ι crive* In tlie zimne of Josus A.uoiiitecl RENE, walk."
τοϋ Ναζωρα'ιου *[εγειραι και] περιπατεί,
Nazarene [do thou arise and] walk. 7 And having taken hint
And πιάσας αυτόν της δεξιάς χειρός ?\- by the RIGHT Hand he
γείρε· παραχρήμα δέ έστερεώθησαν αύ- raised *him up ; and im-
rose up; immediately and were strengthened oi mediately *his FEET and
τοΰ αϊ βάσεις καΐ τά τφυρά. 8
ΚαΙ έξαλλό- ANKLES were strength-
him the feet and the ankle-bones. And leapingened ;
μένος, Ιστη, καΐ περιεπάτει· καΐ εισήλθε 8 and leaping up, he
stood, and walked about,
συν αύτοίς είς τό Ιερόν, περίπατων καΐ άλλό- and entered with them in-
with them into the temple, walking and leap- to the TEMPLE, walking,
μενος, καΐ αίνων τόν Θεόν. ΚαΙ είδεν and leaping, and praising
Ing, and praising the God. And saw GOD.
αυτόν πάς δ λαός περιπατοΰντα καΐ αίνουντα 9 §And All the PEOPLE
him all the people walking
saw him walking and and praising
τόν Θ ε ό ν
praising GOD ;
έπεγίνωσκόν τε αυτόν, δ*τι οδτος
10 and they knew him,
η"ν ό προς την έλεημοσύνην καθήμενος επί That HE was the ONU
was who for the alms sitting at who SAT for ALMS at the
τχ\ ωραία πύλη τοΰ Ιεροΰ· καΐ έπλήσθη- BEAUTIFUL Gate of the
TEMPLE ; and they were
σαν θάμβους καΐ έκστάσεως επί τω συμβε- filled with Wonder and
fi 11 βd "X7 i tli wonuer flu(X nxii&z€ZXXQUt iit t l m t hflν\ T\Q Amazement at WHAT had
βηκότι αύτώ. ^Κρατούντος δέ αύτοΰ τόν HAPPENED to him.
happened to him. Holding fast and of him the held 11 And while he
Π έτρον καΐ Ίωάννην, συνέδραμε προς αυτούς fast to PETER and John,
Peter and John, ran together to them All the PEOPLE ran togeth-
πάς ό λαός επί τη στοςί τη καλούμενη Σο- er to them, into THAT
nll the people to the porch that being called of PORTICO §which is CALL-

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 6 . rise up and—omit. 7. him. 7. his F E E T .

± 2. This gate is said to have led from the court of the Gentiles into the court of the
Israelites on the eastern side of the temple. I t was built by Herod the Great, almost
or quite wholly of Corinthian brass. The folds of this gate were fifty cubits high and
forty broad, and covered with plates of gold and silver.
% 6. Acts iv. 10. X 9. Acts iv. 16, 2 1 . % 1 1 . John x. 2 3 ; Acts v. 12.
Chap. 3:12.] ACTS. [Chap. 3:20.
λομώνος, έκθαμβοι. ^'Ιδών δέ Πέτρος άπε- ED Solomon's, greatly as-
Solomon, awe-struck. Seeing and Peter an- tonished.
κρίνατο προς τον λαόν "Ανδρες Ίσραηλΐται, 12 And * P E T E R seeing
swered to the people; Men Israelites, it, answered t h e PEOPLE,
τΐ θαυμάζετε έπί τούτφ; ή ήμίν τΐ άτε- " I s r a e l i t e s ! why do you
Why do you wonderat this? or to us w h y look wonder a t this ? or why do
νίζετε, ώς ίδια δυνάμει ή ευσέβεια you look intently a t Us,
you earnestly, as by own power or piety as though by Our Power
πεποιηκόσι του περιπατεΐν αυτόν;1 3 Ό or Piety we h a d caused
having been made of the to walk him? Thr
him to walk.
Θεός 'Αβραάμ και 'Ισαάκ καΐ 'Ιακώβ, ό 13 $The GOD of Abra-
God των
of πατέρων
Abraain and ημών,
Isuac έδόξασε +»»** ham, and of Isaac, and of
τον παΐδα
und Jacob,
God of the fathers of us, glorified the servant Jacob, the GOD of our FA-
αύτοΰ Ίησοΰν, δν ύμείς μεν παρεδώκατε, T H E R S , glorified his SER-
of himself Jesus, whom you indeed delivered up, VANT Jesus, whom you
καΐ ήρνήσασθε * [αυτόν] κατά πρόσωπον Πι- indeed delivered up, and
and denied Chim] in face of ^rejected in the Presence
λάτου, κρίναντος εκείνου άπολύειν. 1 4 Ύμείς of Pilate, when he resolv-
I'ilate, having judged he to release. You ed to release h i m :
δέ τόν δγιον καΐ δίκαιον ήρνήσασθε, καΐ
but the holy and righteous denied, and 14 But you rejected t h e
ήτήσασθε άνδρα φονέα χαρισθηναι ύμίν, HOLY and Righteous one,
asked & man a mui*derer to be granted to you^ and asked a murderer t o

τόν δέ άρχηγόν της ζωής άπεκτείνατε· δν be given you,
the and prince of the life you killed; whom 15 and killed t h e PRINCE
ό Θεός ήγειρεν έκ ημείς of LIFE ; whom GOD raised
νεκρών, οϋ
the God raised out of dead ones, of whom we from the Dead, of which
μάρτυρες έσμεν 16κα1 έπί τχ\ πίστει τοΰ όνό- we are Witnesses.
"witnesses are; and by the faith of the name
16 And by the FAITH
ματος αύτοΰ, τοΰτον δν θεωρείτε καΐ οϊδατε,
of him, this whom you behold and know, Of his NAME, $hlS NAME
έστερέωσε το δνομα αυτοϋ· καΐ ή πίστις ή strengthened This Man,
strengthened the name of him; and the faith that whom you behold and
6V αύτοΰ εδωκεν αύτω την ολοκληρίαν k n o w ; and THAT F A I T H ,
through him gavo to him. the perfect soundness through him, gave him
ταύτην απέναντι πάντων υμών. ΚαΙ νΰν, this PERFECT SOUNDNESS
this i n p r e s e n c e of a l l of you. A n d n o w in t h e presence of you all,
αδελφοί, οίδα δτι κατά δγνοιαν έπράξατε, 17 And now, Brethren,
orethrenj Χ know that in ignorance you did,
I know That in §Igno-
<&σπερ καΐ ol δρχοντες υμών. ω Ό δέ Θεός rance you did it, as also
as also the rulers of you. The but God
your RULERS.
& προκατήγγειλε διά στόματος πάντων τών 18 But GOD thus fulfil-
led $what he foretold by
προφητών αύτοΰ, παθείν τόν Χριστόν, έπλή- the Mouth of All *the
prophets of himself, to suffer the Anointed, he
PROPHETS, |that his AN-
©ωσεν ούτω. Μετανοήσατε ofrv καΐ έπιστρέ- OINTED should suffer.
fulfllled thus. Reform you therefore and turn you,
ψατε, είς τό έξαλειφθήναι υμών 19 §Reform, therefore,
and turn, t h a t Your SINS
In order that the to be wiped out of you may be BLOTTED OUT ; so
τάς αμαρτίας, δπως ctv ελθ-ωσι καιροί άναψύ- t h a t Seasons of Refresh-
ment may come from t h e
ξεως άπό προσώπου τοΰ Κυρίου, 2οκα1 άπο- Presence of t h e LORD.
refreshing from face of the Lord, and he
στείλχι τόν προκεχειρισμένον ύμϊν 20 And he may send him
m a y send h i m having been before destined fo • y o u HAVING BEEN BEFORE

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. PETER. 13. him—omit. 18. the P R O P H E T S h i s

Χ 13. Acts ν. 30. $ 13. Matt, xxvii. 2 0 ; Mark xv. 1 1 ; Luke xxiii. 1 8 , 2 0 , 2 1 ;
John xviii. 4 0 ; x i x . 1 5 ; Acts x i i i . 2 8 . X 16. Acts iv. 10. X 17. Luke xxiii. 3 4 ;
John xvi. 3 ; Acts xiii. 2 7 ; 1 Cor. i i . 8 ; 1 T i m . i . 1 3 . $ 18. Luke xxiv. 4 4 ; Acts
xxvi. 22. t 18. Psa. xxii. 1 ; Isa. M i . Dan. ix. 2 6 ; 1 P e t . i . 1 0 , 1 1 . $ 19.
Acts ii. 38.
Chap. 3:21.] ACTS. [Chap. 4:3.
Ίησοϋν Χριστόν δν δει οΰρανόν μέν DESTINED for you, Jesus
Jesus Anointed; whom must heaven indeed Christ;
δέξασθαι άχρι χρόνων αποκαταστάσεως πάν- 21 whom, indeed, Hea j
to receive till times of restoration of a l l
ven must retain till the
των, ών έλάλησεν ό Θεός δια στόμα- Times of Restoration of
tilings wliich spoke tliG God tlirou^li moiitli
all things which GOD spoke
τος τών άγιων αύτοΰ προφητών άπ' αιώνος. by the Mouth *of HIS HOLY
Prophets, from of Old.
Μωϋσης μέν * [προς τους πατέρας] εΐπεν 22 Moses indeed said,
Moses indeed Cto the fathers] said; £'The Lord your God shall
"Οτι προφήτην ύμϊν αναστήσει Κύριος ό 'raise up to you, from your
jLOtit & j)roi)liGt t o you slift 11 r u i s θ up LoτcL t h e 'BRETHREN, a Prophet,
Θεός υμών, έκ τών αδελφών υμών ώς έμέ· 'like me; Him you shall
G ο ci of yoUj f r o in of t }Ί θ t) ι* 61 li ι* Ρ n of youj 1 i k θ in © \ 'hear in all things which
αύτοΰ άκούσεσθε κατά πάντα, δσα αν λα- 'he may speak to you;
of h i in yoix sli£t 11 li Θ& r 2 3i n & 11 tliin^Sf wli i cli he ΐϊΐ s. y 23 'and it shall be, Ev-
λήση προς υμάς. "Εσται δε, πάσα ψυχή 'ery Soul which may not
speak to you. I t shall be and, every soul
Ιίτις αν μή άκούση τοΰ προφήτου εκείνου, 'hear that PROPHET, shall
whatever not may hear the prophet that,
'be destroyed from among
έξολοθρευθήσεται έκ τοΰ λαοΰ. 2 4 ΚαΙ πάν- 'the PEOPLE/
s h a l l be d e s t r o y e d o u t of t h e p e o p l e . Also a l l
24 And also All the PRO-
τες δε ot προφήται άπό Σαμουήλ καΐ τών PHETS from Samuel, and
and the prophets from Samuel and those THOSE succeeding in or-
καθεξής δσοι έλάλησαν καΐ κατήγγειλαν der, as many as spoke, al-
s u c c e e d i n g a s many a s spoke also told so announced these DAYS.
τάς ημέρας καΐ
προφητών, ταύτας. Ύμεΐς έστέ
της διαθήκης, ήςot υί,οΐ τών
διέθετο ό 25 $You are *Sons of
prophets, and of the covenant, which ratified the the PROPHETS, and of the
θεός προς τους πατέρας ημών λέγων προς COVENANT which GOD rati-
God to the fathers of us, saying to fied with our FATHERS,
'Αβραάμ· ΚαΙ έν τω σπέρματί σου ένευλο- saying to Abraham, $'And
'in thy SEED shall all the
γηθήσονται πάσαι αί πατριαΐ της γης. 26 Ύμί,ν 'FAMILIES of the EARTH
ID I G s s & cl «ill t h e f ο. ΣΪΙ i l i e s o f t h o © si r t li · Τ ο y o u 'be blessed.'
πρώτον ό Θεός, άναστήσας τον παϊδα αύ- 26 GOD having raised
up his SERVANT, sent him
τοΰ, άπέστειλεν αυτόν εύλογοΰντα υμάς, έν $firs*t to you, to bless
himself, sent him blessing you, in
τω άποστρέφειν εκαστον άπό τών πονηριών from one each who shall TURN
Eof you.] CHAPTER IV.
ΚΕΦ. δ ' . 4 . 1 And wiiile they were
Καλούντων δέ αυτών προς τόν λαό ν, καΐ the speaking to the PEOPLE,
the COMMANDER of the
επέστησαν αύτοίς ol Ιερείς καΐ 6 στρατηγός TEMPLE, and the SADDU-
CEES, came upon them,
τοϋ Ιεροΰ καΐ ot Σαδουκαίοι, 2 διαπονούμενοι
of the temple and the Sadducees, being grieved 2 tbeing grieved because
διά τό διδάσκειν αυτούς τόν λαόν, καΐ κα- and announced THAT RES-
through the to tench theirx tho people And to
URRECTION from the Dead
ταγγέλλειν έν τω Ίησοΰ τήν άνάστασιν τήν in JESUS.
announce in the "Jesus the resurrection that
3 3 And they laid HANDS
έκ νεκρών. Kai έπέβαλον αύτοίς τάς on them, and placed them
o u t of d e a d o n e s . And t h e y l a i d on them t h e in Custody till the NEXT
χείρας, καΐ εθεντο εις τήρησιν είς τήν αΰριον
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 1 . of H I S HOLY. 22. to the F A T H E R S — o m i t . 25. the
Sons of. 2 6. of you—omit. 1. H I G H - P R I E S T S and.
X 22. Deut. xviii. 15, 18, 1 9 ; Acts vii. 37. % 25. Acts ii. 3 9 ; Rom. ix. 4, 8 ; xv. 8.
$ 25. Gen. xii. 3 ; xxii. 1 8 ; Gal. iii. 8. ί 26. Matt. x. 5 ; xv. 2 4 ; Luke xxiv. 4 7 ;
Acts xiii. 32, 33, 46. $ 2 . Matt. xxii. 2 3 ; Acts xxiii. 8.
Chap. 4:4.] ACTS. [Chap. 4:13,
?jv γάρ εσπέρα ήδη. 4ΠολλοΙ bk των άκου- DAY ; for it was now Even-
lt was for evening now. Many but of those having ing.
σάντων τον λόγον έπίστευσαν καΐ έγενήθη ό 4 But many of THOSE
heard the word believed; and became the HAVING HEARD t h e WORD
αριθμός των ανδρών ώσεί χιλιάδες πέντε. believed; and the NUM-
ϊΐιιΐϊΐΙ)βΐ* οι th© mem Ruout thousmid five· BER of the MEN became
Έγένετο δε επί την αυριον συναχθήναι αύ- about five Thousand.

I t happened and on the morrow to be assembled of

5 And it occurred on
the NEXT DAY, that Their
των τους άρχοντας καΐ πρεσβυτέρους και RULERS, and *tlie ELDERS,
them the rulers and elders and and the SCRIBES assem-
Ά- bled at Jerusalem;
αρχιερέα, καΐ εις Καϊάφαν
'Ιερουσαλήμ* καί "Ανναν
και Ίωάννην καΐ τόν
high-priest, and Caiaphas and John and Alexan- 6 and § Annas, the HIGH-
λέξανδρον, καΐ δσοι fjcav εκ γένους άρ- PRIEST, and Caiaphas, and
John, and Alexander, and
der, and 7 as many as were of a family of as many as were of the
χιερατικοΰ. Καί στήσαντες αυτούς έν μέσω, family of the High-Priest-
l i i Ι i t h ο i A d l i i i § p l i c i t h e m i u m ι d d1
έπυνθάνοντο· Έν ποί δυνάμει, μ ή έν ποίω hood ;
w i whr 7 and having placed
they asked; By what power,
ονόματι έποιήσατε τοΰτο ύμεις; 8Τότε Πέτρος them in the Midst, they
name did this you? Then Peter asked, $"By What Power,
πλησθεις πνεύματος αγίου, είπε προς αυτούς· or in What Name, have
being filled w i t h s p i r i t holy, said to them; you done this?"
"Αρχοντες τοΰ λαοΰ, καΐ πρεσβύτεροι * [τοΰ 8 $Then Peter being
Rulers of the people, and elders [of the filled with holy Spirit,
said to them, "Rulers of
Ισραήλ,] 9ε1 ημείς σήμερον άνακρινόμεθα επί the PEOPLE, and Elders of
ευεργεσία άνθρωπου ασθενούς, έν τίνι ούτος ISRAEL !
σέσωσται· 10Γνωστόν έστω πασιν ΰμίν καΐ amined 9 if we are to-day ex-
about a Good
h a s been saved; K n o w n be i t all t o you and Deed conferred
παντι τω λαω 'Ισραήλ, 5τι έν τω ονόματι sick Man, by whatonmeans the
to all the people of Israel, that in the name
Ίησοΰ Χρίστου τοΰ Ναζωρα'ιου, ον ύμείς he has been cured ;
10 be it known to you
έσταυρώσατε δν ό Θεός ήγειρεν έκ νε- all, and to All the PEOPLE
crucifled whom the God raised out of dead of Israel, JThat by the
κρών, έν τούτω οδτος παρέστηκεν ενώπιον NAME of Jesus Christ, the
NAZARENE, whom you
υμών υγιής. αιΟδτός έστιν ό λίθος ό έξου- crucified, §w horn GOD
of you sound. This is
raised from
the stone that having him has this man stood
the Dead, by
θενηθείς ύφ' υμών των οίκοδομούντων, ό before you whole.
γενόμενος εις κεφαλήν γωνίας. α2
Κ α Ι ούκ ll$This is 'THAT STONE
' w h i c h HAS BEEN REJECT-
ε σ τ ί ν έν αλλω οΰδενΐ ή σωτηρία* ουδέ 'ED by You, the BUILDERS,
is in another" to any one the salvation; not even 'THAT Which HAS BECOME
γάρ δνομά έστιν έτερον υπό τόν ούρανόν, 'the Head of the Corner.*
έν άνθρώποις, έν ο> VATION 12 And there is no SAL-
τό δεδομένον among men, in which in any other; for
tl?at having been given a there is no other Name
δεί σωθήναι ήμας. under HEAVEN, which HAS
13 BEEN GIVEN among Men,
must Θεωροΰντες
to be saved δε us.
τήν τοΰ Πέτρου παρρησί- by which we can be saved.'*
Seeing and the of the Peter boldness
αν καΐ 'Ιωάννου, καΐ καταλαβόμενοι, δτι 13 And seeing the BOLD-
and of John, and having perceived, that
NESS of PETER and John,
όίνθρωποι αγράμματοι ε'σι και Ιδιώται, έθαύ- were $and perceiving that they
meΊΧ uuleurneci tli©y arc &nd ungifted, thoy illiterate and ungift-
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 5 . and the ELDERS and the SCRIBES. 8. of ISRAEL—omit.
t 6. Luke iii. 2 ; John xi. 4 9 ; xviii. 13. t 7. Matt. xxi. 2 3 . $ 8. Luke xii.
11, 12. t 10. Acts iii. 6,16. $ 10. Acts ii. 24. t 11. Psa. cxviii. 2 2 ; I s a .
xxviii. 16; Matt. xxi. .42. % 13. Matt. xi. 2 5 ; 1 Cor. i . 2 7 .
Chap. 4:14.] ACTS. [Chap. 4:23.
μαζον, έπεγίνωσκόν τε αύτοΰς, δτι συν ed Men, they wondered,
wondered, they knew and thorn, that with and recognized them That
τόν δέ άίνθρωπον βλέπον- they had been with J E -
τω Ίησοΰ fjoav SUS.
τες συν αύτοΐς έστώτα τον τεΦεραπευμένον, 14 And beholding THAT
1Ώ-Q "With 11X61X1 St&IlCllII^ £ll£lt OflVlIl^ DC 6X1 IlOillCClj MAN who had been CURED
ουδέν είχον άντειπείν. 15Κελεύσαντες standing with them, they
h a d nothing t o say
nothing they had to say against. Having ordered
δέ αυτούς εξω τοϋ συνεδρίου άπελΦεΐν,
against it.
15 But having ordered
and them outside of the high-council to go, them to withdraw from
συνέβαλον προς αλλήλους, 1βλέγοντες· ΤΙ the SANHEDRIM, they con-
they consulted with each other, saying; What ferred with each other,
ποιήσομεν τοις άνθρώποις τούτοις; δτι μεν 16 saying, f'What shall
shall we do to the men these? that indeed we do to these MEN? for
γαρ γνωστόν σημεΐον γέγονε δι' αυτών, that, indeed, a Signal
for known a sign has been done by them, Sign has been wrought by
3τάσι τοις κατοικοϋσιν *Ιερουσαλήμ φανερόν, them, is manifest to All
to All those d"W© 111 ^ι jj ill JGrusA 1Giti n m u i £ 6 s 1 1
rusalem ; and we cannot
καΐ οΰ δυνάμεθα άρνήσασϋαι. Άλλ' Ινα μη 17
deny it.
17 But that it may
επί τό πλεϊον διανεμηθη εις τόν λαόν, spread no further among
λρίνto έπι
moreτω ονόματι τούτω μηδενΐ
it may spread among the people, ανθρώπων, the PEOPLE, let us threat-
[άπειλη] in theάπειλησώμεθα
name this μηκέτιman.λα- en them, to speak no
to any
C *w i th a threat] let us threaten
ΚαΙ καλέσαντες αυτούς, παρήγγειλαν αύτοίς them, no longer to more to any Man in this
.Α.net hftviTis" cal led them^ they chapped thexn NAME."
τό καθόλου μη φθέγγεοθαι μηδέ διδάσκειν them, And 18 having called
they commanded
επί τω ονόματι τοϋ Ίησου. 1 9 Ό δέ Πέτρος *that they should not
in the name of the Jesus. The but Peter speak at all nor teach in
καΐ 'Ιωάννης άποκριθέντες προς αυτούς είπον the NAME of JESUS.
and John answering to them said; 19 But PETER and John
Εί δίκαιον έστιν ενώπιον του Θεοΰ, υμών answering, said to them,
If Just it is in presence of the God, you $ "Whether it is righteous
άκούειν μάλλον ή τοϋ Θεοΰ, κρίνατε. Ού in the sight of GOD to
to hearken rather than the God, judge you. Not obey you rather than GOD,
δυνάμεθα γαρ ημείς, ά* εΐδομεν καΐ ήκού- judge you;
aro able for we, what we saw and heard,
20 $for we cannot for-
σαμεν, μή λαλείν. 21Ot δέ προσαπειλησά- bear to speak of the things
not to speak. They and having again threat- we§have seen and heard."
μενοι απέλυσαν αυτούς, μηδέν εύρίσκοντες 21 And THEY, having
ened them dismissed them, nothing finding
again threatened them,
τό πώς κολάσωνται αυτούς, διά τόν dismissed them, finding
the how they might punish them, on account of the
Nothing HOW they might
λαόν δτι πάντες έδόξαζον τόν Θεόν punish them, $on account
people; because all glorified the God
of the PEOPLE ; because
επί τφ γεγονότι. 22 Έτών γαρ fjv all glorified GOD for WHAT
on account of that having been done. Tears for was was DONE ;
πλειόνων τεσσαράκοντα δ άνθρωπος, έφ' 8ν 22 for the MAN on whom
έγεγόνει τό σημείον τοΰτο της Ιάσεως. this SIGN Of HEALING
Was wrought the sign this had been performed, was
of the cure.
^'Απολυθέντες δέ η"λθον προς τους more than forty Years old.
23 And being dismissed,
Having been dismissed and they came to the they went to their OWN
Ιδίους, καΐ άπήγγειλαν 8σα προς αυτούς friends, and related all that
own friends, and related what things to them the HIGH-PRIESTS and EL-
ot αρχιερείς καΐ ot πρεσβύτεροι είπον. 24
Οί DERS had said to them.
the* high-priests and the elders
with a threat—omit. 18. that they should not speak
at all nor.
$ 16. John xi. 47. $ 19. Acts v. 29. $ 20. Acts i. 8. $ 20. Acts ii. 32.
t 21. Matt. xxi. 26; Luke xx. 6, 19; xxii. 2; Acts v. 26.
Chap. 4:24.] ACTS. [Chap. 4:32.
δέ άκούσαντες, ομοθυμαδόν ήραν φωνήν 24 And THEY, having
and having heard, with one mind lifted up a voice heard it, lifted up their
προς τόν Θεόν, καΐ είπον Δέσποτα, συ *[ό Voice to GOD with one
to the God,, and said; θ Sovereign, thou tthe mind, and said, "O Sove~
θεός,] ό ποιήσας τόν ούρανόν καΐ την reign Lord, thou who didst
God,] that having made the heaven and the make the HEAVENS, and
γήν καΐ την θάλασσαν, καΐ πάντα τα έν and the EARTH, and the SEA,

ALL things in them;
αύτοΐς· ό δια στόματος Δαυΐδ παιδός
them; who through mouth of David a servant 25 who didst say *by
σου ε'ιπών "Ινα τΐ έφρύαξαν έθνη, the Mouth of thy SER-
of thoe having said; Why raged nations, VANT David, $'Why did
καΐ λαοί έμελέτησαν κενά; 26 Παρέστησαν 'the Nations rage, and
and peoples devised vain things? Stood up 'the Peoples devise vain
ot βασιλείς της γης, καΐ ol άρχοντες συνή- 'things ?
the kings of the earth, and the rulers were 26 'The KINGS of the
χθησαν επί τό αυτό, κατά του Κυρίου, και 'EARTH stood up, and
assembled in the same, against the Lord, and
'the RULERS assembled to-
κατά τοΰ Χρίστου αύτοΰ. 27Συνήχθησαν γαρ 'gether, against the LORD,
against the Anointed of him. Were gathered for 'and against his ANOINT-
έπ' αληθείας έν τη πόλει ταύτη επί τόν 'ED/
in truth in the city this against the 27 For truly, in this
άγιον παίδά σου Ίησοΰν, δν £χρι- CITY, both Herod, and
holy servant of thee Jesus, w h o m thou didst Pontius Pilate, with the
σας, 'Ηρώδης τε καΐ Πόντιος Πιλάτος, Gentiles and People of Is-
rael were gathered toge-
συν εθνεσι καΐ λαοίς 'Ισραήλ, ^ποιησαι δ- ther against thy HOLY
with Gentiles and peoples of Israel, to do what Servant Jesus, whom thou
σα ή χεΙρ σου καΐ ή βουλή * [σου] hast anointed,
things the hand of thee and the w i l l [of theej 28 §to do what thy
προώρισε γενέσθαι. 29
ΚαΙ τανΰν, Κύριε, HAND and COUNSEL be-
fore appointed to be done.
επιδε επί τάς άπειλάς αυτών, καΐ δός 29 And NOW, Ο Lord,
look thou upon the threats of them, and grant look upon their THREATS ;
ο ί ς δούλοις
δ ο ς σου μ μετά παρρησίας ρ ρ η ς πάσης
η ςλα-λ
tt o tth l o f t h w
h e s l a v e s of thee, w i t hi t h f d o
freedom m a l
all t l t oand grant to thy SER-
3Ο VANTS to speak thy WORD
λείν τόν λόγον σου, έν τφ την χείρα σου with all Freedom,
&Ic t h \ s r o r d o f t f a © © i t b &t h el d 1 t h © 30 while thou a r t EX-
έκτείνειν σε είς ϊασιν, και σημεία καΐ TENDING thy HAND for
to stretchout thee for healing, and signs and
τέρατα γίνεσθαι διά του ονόματος τοϋ healing; §and while per-
prodigies to do through the name of the
forming Signs and Prodi-
αγίου παιδός σου Ίησοϋ. 31 ΚαΙ δεηθέντων gies through the NAME of
holy child of thee Jesus. And having prayed thy HOLY Servant Jesus."
αυτών έσαλεύθη ό τόπος, έν φ ήσαν 31 And while they were
praying, $the PLACE was
συνηγμένοι* καΐ έπλήσθησαν άπαντες πνεύμα- shaken where they were
assembled; and they were filled all of a assembled ; and they were
τος άγιου, καΐ έλάλουν τόν λόγον τοΰ θεοΰ all filled with *the HOLY
s p i r i t holy, and spoke the word of the God Spirit, and they spoke the
μετά παρρησίας. WORD of GOD with Free-
with freedom. dom.
Του δέ πλήθους των πιστευσάντων 32 And of the MULTI-
Of the and multitude of those having believed TUDE of those HAVING BE-
ήν ή καρδία καΐ ή ψυχή μία· καΐ ουδέ LIEVED §the HEART and
was the heart and the soul one; and not even the SOUL was one ; and no
είς τι των υπαρχόντων αΰτω έ'λεγεν ίδιον εΐ- one said that any thing of
one any of the possessions to him said his own to his POSSESSIONS was his

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 4 . the God—omit. 25. through the holy spirit, by the

mouth of our P A T H E B David thy Servant hast SAID. 28. of thee—omit. 3 1 . the HOLY
% 25. Psa. ii. 1. % 28. Acts ii. 2 3 ; iii. 18. % 30. Acts i i . 4 3 ; v. 1 2 . % 3 1 .
Acts i i . 2 , 4 ; xvi. 2 5 . % 3 1 . ver. 29. t 32. Acts v. 1 2 ; Bom. xv. 5 , 6 ; 2 Cor.
xliL 1 1 ; Phil. i . 2 7 ; i i . 2 ; 1 P e t . i i i . 8. $ 3 2 . Acts i i . 4 4 .
Chap. 4:33.] ACTS. [Chap. 5:4,
ναι, αλλ' fjv αύτοίς απαντά κοινά. 3ί5 ΚαΙ μεγά- own ; $but all things were
be, but was to them a l l things common. And w i t h common among them.
λτ] δυνάμει άπεδίδουν το μαρτύριον ol απόστο- 33 And \tfith *great
Power the APOSTLES de-
λοι της αναστάσεως τοΰ Κυρίου Ίησοΰ· χάρις livered the TESTIMONY of
of tile resurrection of the Lord Jesus; favor the RESURRECTION of the
τε μεγάλη f\v επί πάντα£ αυτούς. 34 Ούδέ LORD Jesus; and great
and great w a s on a l l them. Not even Favor was upon them ail.
γαρ ενδεής τις ύπήρχεν έν αύτοίς· 34 For no one among
them was in want; §for
δσοι γαρ κτήτορες χωρίων r} ο'ικιών ύπήρχον, such as were Owners of
such as for owners of lands or houses were, Lands or Houses were
constantly selling a n d
πωλοΰντες εφερον τάς τιμάς τών πιπρα- bringing the VALUE of
*W7c*ro s e l l i n g ui'in^iujj tli Θ p r i c e s of t h o s e ΟΘΙΩ§
WHAT w a s SOLD,
σκομένων, κα1 έτίθουν παρά τους πόδας 35 and placing it at the
των αποστόλων διεδίδοτο δε3 6 έκάστω, and it was distributed to
καθότι αν τις χρείαν είχεν. Ί ω σ ή ς δε, each as any one might
according as might one need have. Joses and, have necessity.
ό έπ^κληΦεις Βαρνάβας υπό τών αποστό- 3G And THAT Joses who
λων, (δ έστι μεθερμηνευόμενον, υΙός πα- by the APOSTLES was SUR-
Cwhich 1 . . . . . . NAMED Barnabas, (which
ρακλήσεως,) Λευΐτης, Κύπριος τφ γένει, signifies, being translated,
exhortation,) a Levite, a Cyprian by the birth, a Son of Exhortation) a
ύπάρχοντος αύτω άγροϋ, πωλήσας ήνεγκε το Levite, a Cyprian by birth,
li&vixiff t o ji i ΤΪΙ ft H o l d , χΐίΐνιιιεΓ s o l d b r o u s h t tJie 37 having a Field, sold
χρήμα, καΐ εθηκε παρά τους πόδας τών it, and brought the MONEY
price, and placed at the feet of the and laid it at the FEET of
αποστόλων. the APOSTLES.
apostles. CHAPTER V.
ΚΕΦ. ε', δ. 1 And a certain Man,
Ανήρ δε τις Άνανίας ονόματι, συν Ananias by name with
Δ man but certain Ananias byname, with Sapphira his WIFE, sold
Σαπφε'ιρτ] τχ\ γυναικί αύτοΰ, έπώλησε κτή- an Estate,
Sapphira the wife of himself, sold a pos-
2 2 and appropriated a
μα· κα1 ένοσφισατο άπό τής τιμής, συνει- part of the PRICE, *his
WIFE also knowing of i t ;
δυίας καΐ τής γυναικός αΰτοΰ· καΐ ένέγ- and having brought a cer-
privy also the wife of him; and having tain part, Jlaid it at the
κας μέρος τι, παρά τους πόδας τών
brought a part certain,3 at tho feet of the 3 $But Peter said, "An-
αποστόλων εθηκεν. Είπε δέ Πέτρος· Άνα- anias, why has the $AD-
apostles placed. Said and Peter; Ana-
νία, διατί έπλήρωσεν ό σατανάς τήν καρδίαν VERSARY, filled thine
n i a s , w h y has f i l l e d t h e adversary t h e heart HEART to deceive the HOLY
σου, ψεύσασΦαί σε τό πνεΰμα τό αγιον, και SPIRIT, and to appro-
of t h e e , t o d e c e i v e t h e e t h e s p i r i t t h e h o l y , a n d priate a part of the PRICE
νοσφίσασθαι άπό-τής τιμής τοΰ χωρίου; 4 ΟΰχΙ of the LAND?
4 While remaining un-
μένον, σοι έμενε, καΐ πρα- sold was it not thine? and
ι*οΪΪΙiiixiinSj t o t Ii c Θ i t rem3,ined } {tud Iifi^riii^ bGG3 when sold, was it not
θέν, έν τΐ\ ση εξουσία υπήρχε; τΐ βτι ε- at thine own disposal?
Why is it that thou hast
θου έν τη καρδία σου τό πράγμα τοΰ- admitted this thing into
thou placed in the heart of theo the thing this? thine HEART? Thou hast
το; οι'κ έ·ψεύσω άνθρώποις, αλλά τω not lied to Men, but to
not thou hast lied to men, but to the GOD.»

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 3 . great Power. 2. the WIFE.

$ 34. Acts ii. 45. $ 2. Acts iv. 37. ί 3. Num. xxx. 2 ; Deut. xxiii. 2 1 ; Eccl.
V. 4 . $ 3 . Luke xxii. 3 .
Chap. 5:5.] ACTS. [Chap. 5:15.
θεφ. Ακούων δ έ ό ' Α ν α ν ί α ς τους λόγους 5 And ANANIAS, hav-
ing heard these WORDS,
τούτους, πεσών έ ξ έ ψ υ ξ ε . Κ α Ι έ γ έ ν ε τ ο $fell down, and expired.
these, falling down breathed out. And came And great Fear came on all
THOSE who HEARD these
φόβος μέγας επί πάντας τους άκούοντας ταΰ- things.
6 6 Then the YOUNGER
τα. Άναστάντες δέ ol νεώτεροι συνέστει- disciples arising, $wrap-
λαν αυτόν, καΐ έξενέγκαντες έ'θαψαν. ped him up, and carrying
him out, buried him.
up him, and having carried out they buried.
^'Εγένετο δέ ώς ωρών τριών διάστημα, καΐ ή 7 And it occurred after
I t happened and about hours three apart, and the an interval of about three
γυνή αύτοΰ μη ε'ιδυϊα τό γεγονός Hours, his WIFE also came
TST 1 1 6 ΟΙ IX 1ΪΩ IlOt Il&VlIlEJivIlO ^VH txlft t Jit} VI US' 1)6611 C1OHG in, not knowing WHAT had
είσήλθεν. 8 'Απεκρίθη δέ αύτη ό Πέτρος· Είπε been DONE.
cam© in. Answered and to her the Peter; Tell 8 And *Peter answered
μοι, ε\ τοσούτου τό χωρίον άπέδοσθε; Ή δέ her, "Tell me whether
m e , if for so much the land you sold? She and you sold the LAND for so
much?" and SHE said,
είπε* ΝαΙ τοσούτου. 9*Ο δέ Πέτρος είπε προς "Yes, for so much."
9 And Peter said to her,
αυτήν ΤΙ δτι συνεφωνήθη ύμϊν "Why have you agreed to-
her; W h y that it has been agreed upon by you gether $to try the SPIRIT
πηοάσαι τό πνεύμα Κυρίου; 'Ιδού ol πόδες of the Lord? Behold, the
των Φαψάντων τόν άνδρα σου, επί τη FEET of THOSE who have
of those having buried the husband of1ονthee, at the been BURYING thy HUS-
θύρα, -'.αϊ έξοίσουσί σε. Επ:εσε δέ
door* a n d they w i l l carry out thee. S h e f e l l a n d BAND are at the DOOR, and
παραχρήμα παρά τους πόδας αύτοΰ, καΐ έξέψυ- they will carry thee out."
immediately at the feet of him, and breathed
10 And she fell down
ξ ε ν εισελθόντες δέ ol νεανίσκοι εΰρον αυτήν immediately at his FEET,
out; having come in and the younger ones found her and expired, and the
νεκράν, καΐ έξενέγκαντες έθαψαν προς YOUNG MEN coming i n,
η found her dead, and hav-
τόν δνδρα αυτής. Κ α Ι έγένετο φόβος μέγας ing carried her out, buried
the husband of her. And came a fear great
έ φ ' δλην την έκκλησίαν, καΐ επί πάντας τους her by her HUSBAND.
on w h o l e t h e a s s e m b l y , a n d on all those 11 $And great Fear
άκούοντας ταΰτα. cameonthe Whole ASSEM-
having heard these things.
BLY, and on all THOSE who
Διά δέ τών χειρών των αποστόλων έγί- HEARD these things.
Through and the hands of the apostles were 12 $And many Signs and
νετο σημεία καΐ τέρατα έν τφ λαφProdigies were performed
doi among the PEOPLE by the
πολλά· και η"σαν ομοθυμαδόν άπαντες έν HANDS Of t h e APOSTLES
many; and they were with one mind all
(and they were all with
τγ\ στοά Σολομώνος· ^ τ ώ ν δέ λοιπών ουδείς one mind in Solomon's
έτόλμα κολλασθαι αύτοίς. 'Αλλ' έμεγάλυνεν 13 and of the REST, no
presumed to join himself to them. But magnified
one presumed to unite
αυτούς ό 'λαός· 1 4 (μάλλον δέ προσέτι,ftε ντο himself to them ; Jbut the
PEOPLE magnified them;
πιστεύοντες τ φ Κυρίω πλήθη ανδρών
believing to the Lord multitudes of men both 14 and Believers were
καΐ γυναικών) ωστε κατά τ ά ς πλατείας added the more to tlio

and women;) so that in the open squares LORD., Multitudes both of

έκφέρειν τους ασθενείς, καΐ τιθέναι επί Men and Women ;) —
to bring out the sickones, and to place 15 so that they brought
κλινών καΐ κραββάτων, ίνα ερχομένου Π έτρου out the SICK *even into
beds and couches, that coming of Pet the OPEN SQUARES, and
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 8 . Peter. 15. even into.
$ 5. ver. 10,11. $ 6. Judges xix. 40. t 9. Matt. iv. 7. t 1 1 . Acts i i . 4 3 ;
xix. 17. t 12. Acts xiv. 3 ; xix. 1 1 ; Rom. xv. 1 9 ; 2 Cor. xii. 1 2 ; Heb. 11. 4 .
t 1 3 . Acts i i . 4 7 ; iv. 2 1 .
Vhap. 5:16.] ACTS. {Chap. 5:2-1.
καν ή σκιά επισκίαση τινί αυτών,
laid them on Beds and
if even the shadow might overshadow some of them. Couches, t h a t a t least the
1(3 SHADOW of Peter, coming
Συνήρχετο δέ καΐ τό πλήθος των along, might overshadow
some of them.
πέριξ πόλεων εΙς 'Ιερουσαλήμ, φέροντες
16 And the MULTITUDE
ασθενείς καΐ όχλουμένους came together even from
υπό πνευμάτων
sick o n e s a n d those b e i n g t r o u b l e d b y spirits the CITIES surrounding
ακαθάρτων οϊτινες έθεραπεύοντο άπαντες. Jerusalem, bringing Sick
impure; whom were healed all. persons, and those troubl-
Άναστάς δέ ό άρχιερεύς καΐ πάντες ol ed by impure Spirits; all
of whom were cured.
Having arisen and the high priest and a l l those
17 And the HIGH-
συν αύτω, ή ούσα αΐρεσις των Σαδδουκαίων, PRIEST arising, and All
with Rim, th© being sect of the Sudtiucees»
THOSE who were with him,
έπλήσθησαν ζήλου. 1 8 ΚαΙ έπέβαλον τάς χείρας —being the SECT of the
were filled of anger. And laid the hands
SADDUCEES,—were filled
* [αυτών] επί τους αποστόλους, καΐ εθεντο with Anger.
[of them] on the apostles, and placed 18 and laid HANDS on
αυτούς έν τηρήσει δημοσία. 10>Άγγελος δέ Κυ- the APOSTLES, and put
tii6ju iii prison public* A. messcii£©r but of A them into the public Pri-
ρ'ιου δια της νυκτός ήνοιξε τάς θΰρας της son.
Lord by the night opened the doors of the 19 §But an Angel of
φυλακής, έξαγαγών τε αυτούς είπε· the Lord, in the NIGHT,
prison, having brought out and them said; opened the DOORS of the
πορεύεσθε, καΐ σταθέντες λαλείτε έν τω PRISON, and bringing them
Ιερω τφ λαφ πάντα τά ρήματα της ζωής out said,
t e m p l e t o t h e people all t h e w o r d s of t h e l i f e 20 " G o , s t a n d a n d
•κχύτης. ^Άκούσαντες δέ είσήλθον ύπό τον speak in the TEMPLE to
this. Having heard and they entered at the the PEOPLE All the words
δρθρον εις τό Ιερόν καΐ έδίδασκον. of this L I F E / '
dawn into the temple, and taught.
21 And having heard
Παραγενόμενος δέ ό άρχιερεύς καΐ ot this, they entered into the
Ujivinsr come stuoi the hich~priest &ucL txiose TEMPLE, early in the
συν αύτω, συνεκάλεσαν τό συνέδριον MORNING, and taught.
with, him, they called together the high council §And the HIGH-PRIEST
v.a.1 πάσαν την γερουσιαν των υΙών 'Ισραήλ, coming, and THOSE with
even all the senate of the sons of Israel, him, called the SANHE-
και απέστειλαν εις τό δεσμωτήριον, άχθή- DRIM together, even All
and sent into the prison, to have the SENATE of the SONS
ναι ' αυτούς. 2 2 Ol δέ ύπηρέται παραγενόμενοι
of Israel, and sent to the
brought them. The but PRISON t o have them
officers having gone
ούχ εΰρον αυτούς έν ττϊ φυλακή· ανάστρεψαν- brought.
not found them in the prisons having returned 22 But the OFFICERS
τες δέ άπήγγειλαν, 23λέγοντες· "Οτι τό *[μέν] going did not find them in
and reported, saying; That the [indeed] the PRISON ; and having
δεσμωτήριον ευρομεν κεκλεισμένον έν πά- returned, they reported,
prison w e found h a v i n g been c l o s e d w i t h a l l
23 saying, "We found
ση ασφάλεια, καΐ τους φύλακας έστώτας πρό the PRISON closed with All
safety, and the guards standing before
Safety, and the GUARDS
των θυρών άνο'ιξαντες δέ, ε*σω ούδένα standing *at the DOORS ;
the doors; having opened but, within no one but having opened them,
ευρομεν. ^ Ώ ς δέ ηχούσαν τους λόγους τού- we found no one within."
we found. When and they heard the words these 24 And when they heard
τους * [ο τε Ιερεύς καΐ] ό στρατηγός του these WORDS, §both th€
[the, both priest and] the commander of the COMMANDER of the TEM-
Ιεροΰ καΐ ol αρχιερείς, διηπόρουν, πε- PLE, a n d t h e H I G H -
temple and the high-priests, they doubted concern- PRIESTS were perplexed
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—18. of them—omit. 23. indeed—omit. 3. at the
DOORS. 24. both the PRIEST, and—omit.
% 19. Acts xii. 7; xvi. 26. % 21. Acts iv. 5, 6. $24. Luke xxii. 4; Acts iv. 1.
Chap. 5:25.] ACTS. [Chap. 5:34.
QI αυτών, τΐ αν γένοιτο τοΰτο. ^Παραγε- concerning them, how this
ing them, what might be this. Having thing could be.
25 But some one having
νόμενος δε τις άπήγγειλεν αύτοίς· "Οτι Ιδού, come, told them, "Behold,
com© t)u£ one told tfaero* Ϊ1ι&£ lot the MEN whom you put in
ol άνδρες ους έ'Φεσθε έν χχ> φυλακχί, είσΐν έν the PRISON are standing
the m e n w h o m you put in the prison, are in in the TEMPLE, and teach-
τφ Ιερω έστώτες καΐ διδάσκοντες τον λαόν. ing the PEOPLE."
the temple standing and teaching the people. 26 Then the COMMAN-
ό στρατηγός συν τοις DER going away with the
Τότε άπελΦών OFFICERS, brought them
Then having gone the commander with the without Violence; §f or
έφοβοΰντο γαρ
ύπηρέταις, τόν λαόν,
ήγαγεν ίνα ου
αυτούς, μημετά λιθασθώ-
βίας· they feared the PEOPLE,
tlicy £6*ιΐ*β(1 f or th© people* thftt not tlioy yyi i Q\\t bo
lest they should be stoned.
σιν. Άγαγόντες δέ. αυτούς έστησαν έν 27 And having brought
stoned. Having brought and them they stood in them, they stood before
τω συνεδρίω. ΚαΙ έπηρώτησεν αύτους ό άρχιε- the SANHEDRIM ; and the
tlie sanhedrim. And asked them the high- HIGH-PRIEST asked them,
ρεύς, ^λέγων* Ού παραγγελία παρηγγείλαμεν
piiest, saying; Not with a charge we charged saying,
ύμΐν, μη διδάσκειν έπΙ τφ ονόματι τούτω; καΐ 28 *§"We charged you
you, not to teach in the name this? and strictly not to teach in
Ιδού, πεπληρώκατε τήν 'Ιερουσαλήμ της διδα- this NAME, and behold,
1ο, you have filled the Jerusalem of the teach- you have filled JERUSA-
χής υμών, καΐ βουλεσθε έπαγαγείν έφ' ημάς LEM with your TEACHING,
ing of you, and you wish to bring on us and $wish to bring this
MAN'S BLOOD on us."
τό αίμα τοΰ ανθρώπου τούτου. 20> ΑποκριθεΙς 29 And PETER answer-
ing, and the APOSTLES,
δέ 6 Πέτρος καΐ ol απόστολοι, είπον Π ε ι - said, $"It is necessary to
nnd the Peter and the apostles, said; To obey God, rather than
θαρχείν δει Θεφ μάλλον ί| άνθρώ- Men. 30 §The GOD of our
ouey it is iiocessftry urod r&tlier ixmu men·
ποις. 3 0 Ό θεός τών πατέρων ημών ήγειρεν FATHERS raised. up •JE-
The God of the fathers of us raised up SUS, whom having hanged
Ίησοΰν, δν ύμείς διεχειρίσασθε, κρεμά- on a Cross, you killed.
Jesus, whom you laid violent hands upon, having 31 Him, a Prince and a
σαντες έπΙ ξύλου* ^τούτον ό θεός άρχηγόν Savior, GOD has lifted up
hiiuged on & crossj him tli6 God d prince to his own RIGHT-HAND,
καΐ σωτήρα ΰψωσε τχί δεξιςί αύ- §*to GIVE Reformation to
and a savior has lifted up to the right hand of ISRAEL, of Sins.
and Forgiveness
τοΰ, δοΰναι μετάνοιαν τφ 'Ισραήλ, καΐ 32 And we are Wit-
nesses *in him of these
άφεσιν αμαρτιών. 32ΚαΙ ημείς έσμεν αύτοϋ THINGS ; §and GOD gave
μάρτυρεςδέ τό τώναγιον,ρημάτων τούτων, καΐ τό the HOLY SPIRIT to THOSE
δ έ'δωκεν
spirit £ilso of the matters
tli© holy^ these, and the who SUBMIT to him."
τοις πειθαρχοΰσιν αύτφ. ^Ot δέ άκούσαντες ό heard
θεός 33 And THEY, having
to those submitting to him. They and having heard this, were enraged,
διεπρίοντο, καΐ έβουλεύοντο άνελείν αυτούς, and took counsel to kill
were sawn through, and took counsel to kill them. them.
Άναστάς δέ τις έν τφ συνεδρίω Φα- 34 But a certain Phari-
Having arisen and one in the high council a see in the SANHEDRIM,
ρισαίος, ονόματι Γαμαλιήλ νομοδιδάσκαλος, named Gamaliel, a teach-
Pharisee, byname Gamaliel a teacher of law, er All
of the law, honored by
the PEOPLE, standing
τίμιος παντί τφ λαφ, έκέλευσεν ivitbout up ordered*the MEN to be
honored by all the people, ordered
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—28. We charged you strictly not. 31. to GIVE. 32. in
him of these THINGS; and GOD gave the HOLY SPIEIT to THOSE who SUBMIT to him.
34. the MEN. •
$ 26. Matt. xxi. 26. t 28. Acts iv. 18. t 28. Acts ii. 23, 36; ill. 15; vii. 52.
t 29. Acts iv. 19. t 30. Acts iii. 13, 15; xxii. 14. * 31. Luke xxiv. 47; Acts iii.
26; xiii. 38. ί 32. Acts ii. 4; x. 44.
Chap. 5:35.] ACTS. [Chap. 5:42.
βραχύ τι τους αποστόλους ποιήσαι. put out for a little time.
a l i t t l e while the apostles to be put. He said 35 And he said to them,
τε προς αυτούς* "Ανδρες Ίσραηλΐται, προσέ- Israelites! take heed to
and to them; Men Israelites, take yourselves what you are
about to do to these MEN.
χετε έαυτοίς, έπΙ τοις άνθρώποις τούτοις τΐ
36 For before These
μέλλετε πράσσειν. 8 β Π ρ ό γάρ τούτων των DAYS Theudas stood up,
ήμερων ανέστη Θευδας, λέγων είναι τίνα saying that he was some-
days stood up Tlieudas, saying to be some one body ; to whom a Number
εαυτόν, φ προσεκολλήθη αριθμός ανδρών <5f Men, about four hun-
himself, to'whom adhered a number of men dred, adhered; who was
ώσεί τετρακοσίων 8ς άνχιρέθη, καΐ πάν- put to death, and all, as
ftlJOUt ΙΟΙΙΓ IlULHuP6Cl) ΛνΙΙΟ WtiLS p u t t o Q.6£ltll} AQOi &1 1
many as obeyed him, were
τες δσοι έπείθοντο αΰτφ, διελύθησαν καΐ dispersed, and came to
us many A S listened to him, were dispersed, end nothing.
έγένοντο εις ουδέν. Μετά τοϋτον ανέστη 37 After him stood u p
Judas the Galilean, in t h e
'Ιούδας ό Γαλιλαίος, έν ταίς ήμέραις της DAYS Of t h e REGISTERING,
Judas the Galilean, in the days of the and drew away PEOPLE
απογραφής, καΐ άπέστησε λαόν * [Ικανόν] after h i m ; and he was
r e g i s t e r i n g , and drew away people CmuchJ destroyed, and all, as many
οπίσω αι'τοΰ· κάκείνος άπώλετο, καΐ πάν- as obeyed him, were dis-
behind h i m s e l f ; and he w a s d e s t r o y e d , a n d a l l persed.
τες όσοι έπείθοντο αύτφ, διεσκορπίσθη-
«ι,s ITIUIIV {is l i s t e n e d tο liim· isrere dispersed» 38 And NOW I say to
σαν. 3 8 ΚαΙ τανϋν λέγω ύμΐν, άπόστητε άπό y ou, Keep away from these
And now I say to you, withdraw from MEN, and let them alone;
των ανθρώπων τούτων, καΐ έάσατε αυτούς, $Because if this COUNSEL
the men these, and l e t alone them, or this WORK be from
δ'τι έάν fj έξ ανθρώπων ή βουλή αΰτη Men, it will be overthrown·;
because if may be from men the counsel t h i s
89 39 but if it be from God,
^ τό έργον τούτο, καταλυθήσεται· εΙ δε
you are not able to over-
throw them; be not you
έκ Θεοΰ έστιν, ού δύνασθε καταλϋσαι found , fighters against
from God i t i s , not you are able to overthrow God."
αυτούς, μήποτε καΐ θεομάχοι εΰρε- 40 And they were per-
them, not and fighters against God you suaded by h i m ; and hav-
θήτε. Έπείσθησαν δέ αύτφ· ing summoned the APOS-
Biiould bo found. They were persuaded and by him; TLES and ^scourged them,
ical προσκαλεσάμενοι τους αποστόλους, δεί- they charged them not to
and haying called the apostles, hav-
speak in the NAME of J E -
ραντες παρήγγειλαν μή λαλείν επί τω
SUS,, and dismissed them.
ΛΪΙ^£ beiiten tney comm.mided not to spesik in the
ονόματι του Ίησοΰ, καΐ απέλυσαν αυτούς. 41 Then indeed THEY
name of the Jesus, and released them.
έπορεύοντο χαίροντες άπό went ^rejoicing from the
Ot μέν ofrv
They indeed therefore went rejoicing from Presence of the SANHE-
προσώπου του συνεδρίου, δτι υπέρ DRIM, Because they were
presence of the high-council, because in behalf deemed worthy to be dis-
του ονόματος κατηξιώθησαν άτιμα- honored on account of the
of the name they were accounted worthy to be NAME.
Πασαν τε ήμέραν έν τω ίερω 42 |And every Day, in
dishonored. Every and day in the "temple the TEMPLE and at Home,
καΐ κατ' οΐκον ουκ έπαύοντο διδάσκοντες καΐ they ceased not teaching
and a t home not they ceased teaching an " and preaching the glad
εύαγγελιζόμενοι Ίησοΰν τόν Χριστόν. tidings*of the ANOINTED"
announcing glad t i d i n g s of Jesus the Anointed. Jesus.

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 7. much—omit. 42. of the ANOINTED Jesus.

t 38. Prov. xxt. 3 0 ; Isa. viii. 1 0 ; Mitt. xv. 13. t 40. Matt. x . 1 7 ; xxiii. 3 4 ;
Mark xili. 9 . t 4 1 . Matt. v . 1 2 ; Rom. v. 3 ; James i . 2 ; 1 P e t . iv. 13, 16
t 4 2 . Acts i i . 4 6 .
Chap, 6:1.] ACTS. [Chap. 6:9.
ΚΕΦ. σ τ ' . 6. CHAPTER VI.
Ev ταίς ήμέραις ταύταις πληθυνόντων 1 And in those DAYS,
των μαθητών, έγένετο γογγυσμός των Έλλη- the DISCIPLES increasing
tb.6- disciples, camo a. murmuring of tlie Helle —
there arose a Complaint
νιστών προς τους Εβραίους, δτι παρε- of the ± % HELLENISTS
ftists to the Hebrews, because were against the HEBREWS, Be-
θεωρούντο έν τη διακονία τη καθημερινή αϊ cause their WIDOWS were
overlooked in 2the service the daily the neglected in the §DAILY
χήραι αυτών. Προσκαλεσάμενοι δέ ot δώδεκα SERVICE.
Widows of them. Having called and the twelve" 2 And the TWELVE,
τό πλήθος των μαθητών, είπον Ούκ having summoned t h e
tliο mix1 £ ΐ tuclo of die disciples· s& i dj JNot MULTITUDE Of the DISCI-
άρεστόν έστιν ημάς καταλείψαντας τόν λόγον PLES, said, " I t is not pro-
proper it is us having left the word per for us to leave the
του Θεοΰ, διακονείν τραπέζαις. 3>Επισκέ- Tables. WORD of GOD and serve

ψασθε οδν, αδελφοί, άνδρας έξ υμών look 3 * Therefore, Brethren,

out from among your-
out therefore» l^petiipeii· men fΓΟΪΪΙ of you selves, seven Men of good
μαρτυρουμένους επτά, πλήρεις πνεύματος καΐ reputation, full of Spirit
being attested seven, full of s p i r i t a n d
and Wisdom, whom we
σοφίας, ους καταστήσομεν επί της χρείας may set over this BUSI-
ταύτης· 4ύμεϊς δέ τη προσευχή καΐ xr\ διακο- 4 but we will constantly
via τοϋ
this; w e but to the prayer and to the service attend to PRAYER, and to
of tli© B the MINISTRY of the
ίίρεσεν ό λόγος λόγου ενώπιον παντός του Kai
προσκαρτερήσομεν. πλή-WORD."
p l e a s e d t h e w o rdd i n p riels le n c e of
t ta ll l of
t tth ed m uA
l t id-
θους* καΐ έξελέξαντο Στέφανον, άνδρα πλήρη
tude; and they chose Stephen, was pleasing to All the
a man full
πίστεως καΐ πνεύματος αγίου, καΐ Φίλιππον, selected MULTITUDE ; and they
of faith and spirit holy, and Philip,
Stephen, a man
full of Faith and holy
καΐ Πρόχορον, καΐ Νικάνορα, καΐ Τίμωνα, Spirit; and $Philip, and'
and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, Prochorus, Nicanor, and
καΐ Παρμενάν, καΐ Νικόλαον προσήλυτον Άν- Timon a n d Parmenas,
And Ϊ*ΪΙνmensis$ iind iiicol&us «ι proselyte of and Nicolaus, a Proselyte
τιοχέα* βοΰς έστησαν ενώπιον των of 6Antioch ;
whom they set before
^.ntioch* Λνΐιοίχι tney pieced In presence of tne the APOSTLES ; §and they,
αποστόλων καΐ προσευξάμενοι έπέθηκαν αύ- having prayed, $1 a i d
apostles* And having prayed they put to HANDS on them.
τοις τάς χείρας. 7ΚαΙ ό λόγος τοΰ Θεοϋ 7 §And the WORD of
them the hands. And the word of the God GOD grew; and the NUM-
ηΰξανε, καΐ έπληθύνετο 6 αριθμός των μα- BER of the DISCIPLES was
grew, and was m u l t i p l ied the number of the d i s - greatly multiplied in Jeru-
θητών έν ^Ιερουσαλήμ σφόδρα· πολύς τε δχλος salem ; and a great Crowd
of the ±PRIESTS obeyed
νος δέ πλήρης χάριτος και δυνάμεως έποίει the FAITH.
των and
full ύπήκουον τηof power
of favor and πίστει. performed
8 And Stephen, full of
τέρατα καΐ σημεία μεγάλα έν τω λαώ# Favor and Power, per-
and si^ns great among the people»
Άνέστησαν δέ τίνες τών έκ της
formed Prodigies and great
Stood up and some of those from the Signs among the PEOPLE.
συναγωγής της λεγομένης Λιβερτίνων, καΐ 9 And there arose some
synagogue o f that being called of L i b e r t i n e s , a n d Of THAT SYNAGOGUE which
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. But, Brethren, we will look out among you.
± 1. Proselytes to the Jewish religion, or foreign Jews who spoke the Greek language.
± 7. The number of the priests must have been quite large about this time, as i t appears
from Ezra ii. 36-39 that 42 8 9 priests returned from the captivity.
% 1. Acts ix. 29. $ 1. Acts iv. 35. % 5. Acts viii. 5 , 2 6 ; xxi. 8. % 6. Acts
i . 2 4 . $ 6. Acts xiii. 3 ; 1 Tim. iv. 1 4 ; v. 2 2 ; 2 Tim. i . 6. $ 7. Acts xii. 2 4 ;
xix. 2 0 .
Chap. 6:10.] ACTS. [Chap. 7 : 3 .
Κυρηναίων, καΐ Άλεξανδρέων, καΐ των is CALLED of the ±Liber-
tines, and of the Cyre-
άπό Κιλικίας καΐ 'Ασίας, συζητοΰντες τφ nians and Alexandrians,
from Cilieia and Asia, disputing with the and of THOSE from Cilieia
1ο and Asia, disputing with
Στεφάνω· κα1 ούκ ίσχυον άντιστηναι τη STEPHEN ;
Stephen; and not were able to r e s i s t the 10 and Jthey were not
σοφία καΐ τω πνεύματι φ έλάλει. "Τότε
wisdom and the s p i r i t w i t h which he spoke. Then able to resist the WISDOM
ύπέβαλον άνδρας, λέγοντας· "Οτι άκηκόα- he spoke.
and the SPIRIT with which
they thrust under men, saying; That w e have
μεν αύτοΰ λαλοϋντος ρήματα βλάσφημα είς 11 Then they bribed
heard him speaking words blasphemous against Men to say, "We have
heard him speak blasphe-
Μωϋσήν καΐ τόν Θεόν. Συνεκίνησάν τε τόν m o u s
W o r d s against
Moses and GOD."
λαόν καΐ τους πρεσβυτέρους καΐ τους γραμμα- 12 And they excited the
τείς, καΐ έπιστάντες συνήρπασαν αυτόν, and the SCRIBES ; and com-
and having come upon they seized . him, ing suddenly, they seized
καΐ ήγαγον είς τό συνέδριον, ^έστησαν τε him, and led him into the
μάρτυρας ψευδείς, λέγοντας* Ό άνθρωπος SANHEDRIM ;
witnesses false, saying; The man
13 and introduced false
οδτος ού παύεται ρήματα λαλών κατά τοΰ Witnesses, saying, "This
MAN is incessantly speak-
τόπου τοΰ άγιου καΐ τοΰ νόμου. 14 Άκηκόα- ing against the HOLY
μεν γάρ αύτοΰ λέγοντος* "Οτι Ίησοΰς ό PLACE, and the LAW ;
h e a r d f o r h i m saying; That Jesus the
14 §for we have heard
Ναζωραίος οΰτος καταλύσει τόν τόπον τοΰτον, him say, That this Jesus,
the NAZARENE, $will de-
καΐ αλλάξει τά εθη, ά παρέδωκεν ήμίν stroy this PLACE, and will
change the CUSTOMS which
Μωϋσής. ^ΚαΙ άτενίσαντες είς αυτόν άπαντες Moses delivered to us."
Moses. And having gazed on h i m all 15 And ALL those BEING
. ol καθεζόμενοι έν τφ συνεδρίω, είδον τό SEATED in the SANHE-
DRIM, looking steadily at
πρόσωπον αύτοϋ ώσεί πρόσωπον αγγέλου. him, saw his PACE like
the Face of an Angel.
ΚΕΦ. ζ ' . 7.
*ΕΙπε δέ ό άρχιερεύς, ΕΙ * [άρα] ταΰ- CHAPTER VII.
Said and the high-priest, If [then] these 1 Then the HIGH-PRIEST
said, "Are these things
τα οΰτως £χει; 2 Ό δέ δφη* "Ανδρες so?"
αδελφοί καΐ πατέρες, ακούσατε. Ό Θεός 2 And HE said, JBreth-
brethren and fathers, hear you. The God ren and Fathers, hearken !
της δόξης ώφθη τφ πατρί ημών 'Αβραάμ peared ±tO Our FATHER
Abraham, when in MESO-
δντι έν τη Μεσοποταμία, πρίν η4 κατοικησαι POTAMIA, before he re-
being in the Mesopotamia, before to dwell
sided in Haran,
αυτόν έν Χαρράν 3ΚαΙ είπε προς αυτόν "Ε- 3 and said to him, §4De-
him in Charran; And said to him; Go
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 . then—omit.
± 9. These person 0 seem to have been Jews, who having been carried captive to
Rome, were freed by their masters, and thus became freed-men. Some think that
they received their name from the place where they lived.—Owen. ± 2. I t seems
probable that Stephen here followed the Jewish tradition (adopted by Philo.) that God
appeared twice to Abraham—1st, when living in Chaldea, and 2dly, when resident in
Haran. He left Ur at the first call, and came to Haran with his father Terah. (Gen.
xi. 3 1 ; ) He left Hara at the second call, and came into the promised land. In this
way the account harmonizes with the call as narrated in Gen. xii. 1: "Now the Lord
had said unto Abraham," &c.
% 10. Lukexxi. 15 . ± 14. Acts xxv. 8. $ 14. Dan. ix. 2 6 ; Matt. xxii. 7.
% 2. Acts xxii 1. $ 3. Gen. xii. 1.
Chap. 7:4.] ACTS. [Chap. 7:10.
ξελθε έκ της γης σου, καΐ έκ της συγγενεί- part from thy COUNTRY,
out from the land of thee, and from the kindred and from thy KINDRED,
ας σου, και δεΰρο ε'ις γήν, ην αν σοι and come into *the LAND
of thee, and come into a land, "which to thee which I will show thee.'
δείξω. Τότε έξελθών έκ γης Χαλδαίων,
I may show. Then going out from land of Chaldeans, 4 Then Jgoing out from
κατώκησεν έν Χαρράν κάκεϊθεν, μετά το the Land of the Chaldeans,
he dwelt in Charran; and thence, after the he dwelt in Haran ; from
άποθανείν τόν πατέρα αύτοΰ, μετώκισεν thence also, ±after the
to have died the father of him, he caused to remove DEATH Of his FATHER, h e
αυτόν εις την γήν ταύτην, είς ίίν ύμείς νϋν removed him into this
him into the land this, in which you now LAND in which you now
κατοικείτε· 5κα1 ούκ εδωκεν αύτφ κληρονομίαν dwell;
clwG 11 * ftnj n o t JIG §flv© t ο li iux i ΙΊ,ΙΙΘ r i t &uc β 5 and gave him $no IN-
έν αύτχ\, ουδέ βήμα ποδός* και έπηγ- HERITANCE in it, not even
in her", not even a foot-breadth; and he the breadth of his Foot;
γείλατο αύτφ δοΰναι ε'ις κατάσχεσιν αυτήν, $but he promised to give
ΐ) ι* ο ιχι i s Θ (1 t o h i JXX t o ε i ν © f ο ι* A p o s s e s s i o n li c r * it to him for a Possession,
and to his SEED after him,
stal τω σπέρματι αύτοΰ μετ' αυτόν, ούκ δντος though he had no Child.
αύτφ τέκνου. Έλάλησε δέ ούτως ό Θεός· 6 And GOD spoke thus,
to him a child. Spoke and thus the God; J'That his SEED should be
"Οτι εσται τό σπέρμα αύτοΰ πάροικον έν a Stranger in a foreign
That shall be the seed of Him a stranger in Land; and that they will
Yfj αλλότρια, καΐ δουλώσουσιν αυτό καΐ enslave and oppress it
ft 1 &ο€ΐ f o r β i £>Ώ· &iid tli©y w i i l θΐΐ313,v© i t A n d
$four hundred years;
κακώσουσιν έτη τετρακόσια· 7κα1 τό
they w i l l oppress years four hundred; and the 7 and the NATION to
έθνος, φ έάν δουλεύσωσι, κρίνω έγώ, which they shall be en-
n a t i o n , t o w h i c h t h e y m a y b e e n s l a v e d , w i l l J u d g e I , slaved $1 will judge,' said
είπεν ό θεός· καΐ μετά ταΰτα έξελεύ- GOD. 'and after that, they
said the God; and after these to ings they shall shall come out and serve
σονται, καΐ λατρεύσουσί μοι έν τφme in this PLACE/
c ο in Θ out· &ud shftll render service to m Θ In tlie 8 §And he gave him a
τόπω τούτφ. 8(ΚαΙ Ιδωκεν αύτφ διαθήκην πε- Covenant of Circumcision;
place this". (And he gave to him a covenant of §and thus he begot ISAAC,
and circumcised him the
ριτομής· καΐ οΰτως έγέννησε τόν 'Ισαάκ, EIGHTH DAY ; and ISAAC,
καΐ περιέτεμεν αυτόν %χ\ ήμερα ττ) ογδόη· JACOB, and JACOB the
anil circumcised' him the day the eighth;
καΐ ό 'Ισαάκ τόν 'Ιακώβ, καΐ ό 'Ιακώβ τους TWELVE Patriarchs.
&nd tli© I BASIC th© Jiicobj ftnd t h e J&cob th© 9 $And the PATRIARCHS
δώδεκα πατριάρχας. eKal ol πατριάρχαι ξηλώ- envying JOSEPH, sold him
twelve patriarchs. And the patriarchs envy- into Egypt; $but God was
σαντες τόν 'Ιωσήφ άπέδοντο ε'ις Αΐγυπτον with him,
Ing the Joseph sold Into Egypt;
seal fjv ό θεός μετ' αύτοΰ, 1οκα1 έξε'ιλετο 10 and delivered him
and was the God with him, and delivered from All his AFFLICTIONS,
αυτόν έκ πασών των θλίψεων αύτοΰ, καΐ and gave him Favor and
him out of a l l of the afflictions of him, and Wisdom in the sight §of
έίδωκεν αύτφ χάριν καΐ σοφίαν εναντίον Φα- Pharaoh, King of Egypt,
gave to him favor and wisdom In presence of who constituted him Ruler
ραώ βασιλέως ΑΙγύπτου, καΐ κατέστησεν αύ-
Pharaoh king MANUSCHIPT.—3.
of Egypt, and the LAND.
placed him
± 4. By recurring to Gen. xi. 26, 32 and xii. 4, it will appear that Terah lived 60
years after the removal of Abraham, and yet here he is said to have died before Abraham
letf Haran. Unless with some we suppose Abraham to have been the youngest of Terah's
sons, and born when his father was 130 years old we must presume that Stephen followed
some traditionary account of the transaction.—Owen. The Samaritan copy makes the
age of Terah at his death to be 145, or 60 years less than the Hebrew text.
t 4. Gen. xi. 31; xii. 4, 5. % 5. Heb. xi. 13. | S. Gen. xii. 7; xiii. 15; xv. 3,
18; xvii. 8; xxvi. 3; Heb. xi. 8, 9. t 6. Gen. xv. 13, 16. $ 6. Exod. xii. 40; Gal.
iii. 17. ί 7. See. Exod. vii.—xi. $ 8. Gen. xvii. 9-11. $ 8. Gen. xxi. 2-4. J 9.
Gen. xxxvi. 4,11,28; Psa. cv. 17. t 9. Gen. xxxix. 2,21,23. t 10. Gen. xii.
37;xlii. 6.
Chap. 7:11.] ACTS. [Chap. 7:19.
τόν ήγούμενον έπ' Αϊγυπτον καΐ δλον τόν over Egypt, and All his
οίκον αύτοΰ. 11 §And a F a m i n e came
of h i m s e l l . upon All the LAND of
Ηλθε δέ λιμός έφ' δλην τήν γην ΑΙ- Egypt and Canaan, and
Came and a famine on whole the land of great D i s t r e s s ; and our
γύίττου καΐ Χαναάν, καΐ θλίψις μεγάλη· καΐ FATHERS found no Provi-
Egypt and Canaan, and affliction great; and sions.
οΰχ ευρισκον χορτάσματα ol πατέρες ημών. 12 §But Jacob, having
net found provisions the fathers of us.
heard t h a t there was Grain
ΆκοιΊσας δέ 'Ιακώβ δντα σίτα έν Αίγύπτφ, *in Egypt, sent our FA-
THERS the first time ;
έξαπέστειλε τους πατέρας ημών πρώτον. 13 ΚαΙ
13 $and at the SECOND
έν τω δευτέρω άνεγνωρίσθη 'Ιωσήφ τοις time, Joseph was made
in the second was made known Joseph to the known to his BROTHERS ;
άδελφοϊς αύτοΰ, καΐ φανερόν έγένετο τω and * Joseph's F A M I L Y
brothers of himself, and shown became to the was shown to P H A R A O H .
Φαοαώ το γένος τοΰ 'Ιωσήφ. Άποστείλας 14 $And Joseph sent
Pharaoh the f a m i l y of t h e J o s e p h . Having sent and invited his FATHER
δέ 'Ιωσήφ μετεκαλέσατο τόν πατέρα αΰτοϋ Jacob to him, and $A11 his
KINDRED, ±seventy-five
'Ιακώβ, καΐ πασαν τήν συγγένειαν, έν ψυ/αϊς Souls.
. dcob, and aH the kindred, in souls 15 And Jacob went

down into Egypt, and died,
έβδομήκοντα πέντε. Κατέβη δέ 'Ιακώβ * [εις he and our FATHERS ;

Αίγικπτον,] καΐ έτελεύτησεν αυτός και ol 10 and t t h e y were car-

Egypt,] and died he and the ried to Shechem, and laid
in the TOMH which ±Ja-
πατέρες ημών. Kcd μετετέθησαν εις ϊ υ ν έ μ , cob bought for Money of
the SONS of Haraor *in
και ετέθησαν έν τφ μνήματι, φ ώνήσατο SJIECHEM.
and were placed in the tomb, wliich bought 17 But when t t h e TIME
'Αβραάμ τιμής αργυρίου παρά των υΙών of the PROMISE drew near,
Abraam for a price of s i l v e r from the sons which God % *soleinnly
17 made to ABRAHAM, the
Έμμόρ τοϋ Συχέμ.) Καθώς δέ ήγγιζεν PEOPLE grew and were
of Kinnior of th© Sychem.) When but drew near multiplied in Egypt,
ό χρόνος της επαγγελίας, ής ώμοσεν ό
the time of the promise, which swore the
18 till a n o t h e r King
Θεός τω 'Αβραάμ, ηΰξησεν ό λαός καΐ •arose, who did not ac-
God to the Abraam, grew the people and knowledge Joseph.
έπληθΰνϋη έν ΑΙγύπτον 1 8 αχρις οδ
w e r e m u l t i p l i e d in Egypt; till f o r whom 10 He having outwitted
ανέστη βασιλεύς Ετερος, δς ούκ ήδει τόν our RACE, ill-treated * " o u r
stood up a king another, who not knew the
FATHERS, causing their

'Ιωσήφ. Ούτος κατασοφίσάμενος το γένος
Joseph. MANUSCRIPT.—12.
T h i s having forlyEgypt.
deal t deeei t ful the f a13.
m i l yJoseph's FAMILY. 15. into Egypt
ημών, 16. in τους
Shechem 17. solemnly
πατέρας ημών, madeτοΰ to
ποι-ABRAHAM. 18. rose up in Egypt,
who knew. 19. th FATHERS.
f 14. It states in Gen. xlvi. 26, "All the souls that came with Jacob into Egypt,
which came cut of his loins, besides Jacob's sons' wives, all the souls were three score
and six." Stephen adus to tins number nine of Jat-ου s sons' wives, wnich makes the
number of seventy-five. These, though not of his blood, were of his kindred, as
Stephen expresses it. being related to him by marriage, t lfi. In Gen. 1. 13. it is
stated "that Jacop was buried in the cave of the field of Machpelah, before Mamre;"
and in Josh. xxiv. 32, that Joseph was buried in Sbechem; and here we have the
authority of Stephen that the rest of the twelve patriarchs were interred in the same
place, t 16. The best critics are of the opinion that Abraham, as found in the text,
is spurious, and has been inserted by some officious transcriber. The word Jacob ougiit
to be supplied.
$ 11. Gen. xli. 54. $12. Gen. xlii. 1. $ 13. Gen. xlv. 4,16. $14. Gen
xlv. 9,27. $14. Gen. xlvi. 27; Deut. x 22. $17. Gen. xv. 13. $17. Exod.
i. 7-9.
Chap. 7:20.] ACTS. [Chap. 7:30.
είν έκθετα τά βρέφη αυτών,
cause to be exposed the babes of them, in order in order that they might
TO μή ζωογονείσθαι. 20»£ν φ not LIVE.
tbat not they might be preserved. In which 20 § At which period
Moses was born, and $was
«αιρώ έγεννήθη Μωϋσής, καΐ fjv αστείος τω DIVINELY beautiful; and
season was born Moses, and was beautiful to the he was nursed in liis FA-
θεφ* δς άνετράφη μήνας τρεις έν τφ οϊκφ THER'S HOUSE three
God; who was nursed monuis three in the house
δέ αυτόν, άνεί- Months;
του πατρός. Έκτεθέντα
of the father. Having exposed and him, took
21 $but having exposed
him, the DAUGHTER of
λετο αυτόν ή θυγάτηρ Φαραώ, καΐ άνεΦρέ- Pharaoh took him up, and
up him the daughter of Pharaoh, and nursed cherished him for her own
ψατο αυτόν έαυτη είς υΐόν. 22 ΚαΙ έπαιδεύΦη Son.
uim herself* for a son. And was taught 22 And Moses was edu-
cated in All the Wisdom
Μοϊϋσής πάση σοφία ΑΙγνπτίων ήν δέ of the Egyptians, and was
^Powerful in his Words
δυνατός έν λόγοις καΐ έν εργοις αΰτοΰ. ^ Ώ ς and Works.
powerful in words and in works
άνέβη επί την καρδίαν αύτοΰ έπισκέψασθαι of himself. When 23 $And when he was
it cέπληροΰτο
a m e u p in αύτφ
t h e τεσσαρακονταετής
heart of h i m toχρόνος,
visit full ± forty years of age,
but was completed to him forty years of time, it came into his HEART to
τούς αδελφούς αιίτοΰ, τους υιούς 'Ισραήλ. visit his BRETHREN, the
Sons of Israel.
^ΚαΙ ίδών τίνα άδικοΰμενον, ήμύνατο, καΐ 24 And observing one
J^ud sGGiΐΐ£) οΐιθ l ) c i u £ w r o i i ^ e d j h e cits f ©nd e clj £md wronged, he defended and
έποίησεν έκδίκησιν τφ καταπονουμένφ, πα- executed judgment for
did justice to h'im being oppressed, having
τάξας τον ΑΙγύπτιον. 2 5 Ένόμιξε δέ συ-HIM Who Was OPPRESSED,
smiting the EGYPTIAN.
νιέναι τούς αδελφούς αύτοΰ, δτι ό Θεός 25 Now he thought that
Understand the brethren of himself, that the Godhis BRETHREN understood
δια χειρός αύτοϋ δίδωσιν αύτοίς σωτηρ'ιαν That GOD by his Hand
by hands of him gives
would give them Deliver-
to them salvation;
©Ι δέ ού συνήκαν. 26
Τχ\ ance; but they did not
δέ έπιούστι
they but not understood. In the but understand.
ήμερα ωφθη αΰτοϊς μαχομένοις, καΐ συνή- 26 $And on the FOL-
day he appeared to those contending, and urged
LOWING Day, he presented
λασεν αυτούς εις είρήνην, ειπών "Ανδρες, himself to them as they
them to peace, saying; Men,
w e r e contending, a n d
Αδελφοί έστε ύμεις· ι να τΐ αδικείτε αλλήλους; urged them to'peace, say-
7 are you; Why wrong you each other? ing, 'Men, *you are breth-
Ό δέ αδικών τόν πλησίον, άπώσατο αυτόν,
He but wronging the neighbor, thrust away him, ren ; why do you injure
each other?'
ειπών Τις σε κατέστησεν άρχοντα κα! δι- 27 But HE INJURING
his NEIGHBOR, thrust him
καστήν έφ' ήμας; ^Μή άνελείν με συ θέλεις away, saying, $'Who made
judge over u s ? N o t t o k i l l m e t h o u w i s h e s t , Thee a Ruler and a Judge
8v τρόπον άνείλες χθες τόν over us?
in w h i c h manner thou d i d s t k i l l y e s t e r d a y t h e 28 Wilt thou kill me as
ΑΙγυπτιον; "Εφυγε δέ Μωϋσής έν τώ λόγω thou didst the Egyptian

Egyptian? Fled and Moses at the * word

yesterday ?'
29 §Ancl Moses fled at
τούτω, καΐ έγένετο πάροικος έν γη Μαδιάμ, that SATING, and became
this," and became asojourner in land of Midian, a Sojourner, in the Land
of? έγέννησεν υίούς δύο. 30 ΚαΙ πληρωθέντων of Midian, where he be-
where he begot sons two. And being completed
ετών τεσσαράκοντα ώφθη αύτφ έν τη έρήμφ got two Sons.
y&rs xorty i p p c & c d t o liini i n t l o d e s e r t 30 $And forty Years be-
± 23. This was a general tradition among the Jews: "Moses was 40 years in
Pharaoh's court, 40 years in Midian, and 4 0 years he served Israel."—Clarke.
t 20. Exod. ii. 2. t 20. Heb.xi. 23. * 21. Exod. ii. 3-10. t 22. Luke xxiv. 19.
$ 23. Exod. ii. 11, 12. t 26. Exod. ii. 13. t 27. See Luke xii. 14; Acts iv. 7.
$ 29. Exod. i i . 15, 2 2 ; iv. 2 0 ; xviii. 3, 4. $ 30. Exod. iii. 2.
Chap. 7:31] ACTS. [Chap. 7:38.
τοΰ δρους Σινα δγγελος * [Κυρίου] έν ing completed, there ap-
of the mountain Sinai a3 messenger
peared to him in the DE-
[of Lord] in
φλογΐ πυρός βάτου. Ό δέ Μωϋσης ΙδώνSERT of MOUNT Sinai, an
a flame of fire of a bush. The but Moses having seen Angel in a Flame of Fire,
έϋαΰμαζε τό δράμα· προσερχόμενου δέ αΰτοΰ in a Bush.
admired the sight; coming near and of him
κατανοησαι, έγένετο φωνή Κυρίου * [προς 31 And Moses having
to observe, came a voice of Lord Ctoseen, admired the SIGHT ;
αυτόν] Έ γ ώ ό Θεός των πατέρων σου,and coming near to look
him;] I the God of the fathers of thee, at it, a Voice came from
ό Θεός 'Αβραάμ, καΐ *[δ Θεός] 'Ισαάκ, the Lord, saying,
the God of Abraam, and Cthe God] of Isaac, 32 § Ί am the GOD of
καΐ *[ό Θεός] 'Ιακώβ. "Εντρομος δέ γενό- thy FATHERS,—the GOD of
and Cthe God] of Jacob. Terrified Abraham, and Isaac, and
and being
μένος Μωϋσής ούκ έτόλμα κατανοησαι. ^ΕΙπε Jacob.' And Moses being
Moses not dared to look. Said
afraid dared not look at it.
δέ αΰτω ό Κύριος· Λΰσον τό υπόδημα τών 33 §And the LORD said
and to him the Lord; Loose the sandals of the to him, 'Loose thy SAN-
ποδών σου· ό γαρ τόπος έν ω εστη-
DALS from *Thy FEET *
κας, γη αγία έστιν. 8 4 Ί δ ώ ν είδον τηνfor the PLACE on which
staudest, ground holy i s . Having seen I saw the t h ο u standest i s holy
κάκωσιν τοΰ λαοΰ μου τοΰ έν Ground.
evil treatment of the people of me of that in 34 $1 have surely seen
Αίγυπτο), καΐ του στεναγμού αυτών η*κου- t h e EVIL TREATMENT Of
THAT PEOPLE of mine in
ο α, και κατέβην έξελέσθαι αυτούς -Egypt, and I have heard
heard, and am come down to deliver them-;their GROANING and am
καΐ νυν δεϋρο, άποστελώ σε εις Αίγυπτο ν. come down to deliver
ana n o w come, I w i l l send t h e e i n t o Egypt. them; and now, come, I

Τοΰτον τόν Μωϋσήν δν ήρνήσαντο, εί- will send thee into Egypt.'
35 This is the MOSES
πόντες· Τις σε κατέστησεν δρχοντα καΐ δι- whom they renounced, say-
ing; Who thee appointed a ruler and a
καστήν; τοϋτον 6 θεός άρχοντα καΐ λυτρο>τήν ing, 'Who made Thee a
judge? this the God a ruler and a redeemer Ruler and a Judge?*even
άπέστειλεν έν χειρί αγγέλου τοΰ όφθέν- Him GOD sent to be a Ru-
ler and a Redeemer,*with
τος αύτώ έν τχί βάτω. Οίτος έ|ήγαγεν the Hand of $THAT Angel

appeared to him in the bush. This led out which appeared to him in
αυτούς, ΐβοιήσας τέρατα καΐ σημεία έν γη the BUSH.
them, having done prodigies and signs in the 36 §He led them out,
ΑΙγύπτω, καΐ έν έρυθρφ θαλασσή, καΐ έν τχί having §performed Prodi-
Egypt, and in red sea, and in the gies and Signs in EGYPT,
έρήμω, έ'τη τεσσαράκοντα. 870{5τός έστιν ό $and in the Red Sea,§and
in the DESERT forty years.
Μωϋσης, ό εΙπών τοις υΐοϊς 'Ισραήλ· Προ-
Moses, he saying to the sons of Israel; A 37 This is THAT MOSES,
φήτην ΰμίν αναστήσει * [Κύριος] ό θεός who SAID to the SONS of
prophet f o r you w i l l r a i s e up LLord] t h e God Israel, §'A Prophet will
έκ τών αδελφών υμών, ώς έμέ· * [αύ- GOD raise up for you from
from of the brethren of you, like me; [him among your BRETHREN,
τοΰ άκούσεσθε.] 38 Οδτός έστιν ό γενόμενος, like me.'
you shall hear.] This is he being, 38tTMs is HE who WAS
έν τη εκκλησία έν τχί έρημα), μετά τοΰ άγ- in the CONGREGATION in
ln the congregation in the desert, with the mes- the DESERT, with §THAT
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 0 . of the Lord—omit. 3 1 . to him—omit. 32. the
GOD—omit. 32. the GOD—omit. 33. Thy F E E T , 35. even. 35. with the Hand.
37. Lord—omit. 3 7. him you shall hear—omit.
t 32. Matt. xxii. 3 2 ; Heb. xi. 16. $ 33. Exod. Hi. 5 ; Josh. v. 15. ί 34.
Erod. i i i . 7 . t 3 5 . Exod. xiv. 1 9 ; Num. xx. 16. $ 36. Exod. xil. 4 1 ; xxxiil. 1.
$ 36. Exod. vii-xi. xiv. Psa. cv. 27. $ 36. Exod. xiv. 2 1 , 27-29. $ 26. Exod.
xvi. 1 , 3 5 . $ 3 7. Deut. xvili. 1 5 . $ 38. Exod. xix. 3 , 1 7 . $ 38. Isa. lxiii. 9 ;
Gal. i i i . 1 9 ; H e b . i i . 2 .
Chap. 7:39.] ACTS. [Chap. 7:45.
γέλου τοϋ λαλοϋντος αύτω έν τω δρει Σινα ANGEL who SPOKE to him
senger that speaking to him in tlie mountain Sinai on MOUNT Sinai, and with
καΐ των πατέρων ημών, ' δς έδέξατο λόγια our FATHERS ; $who re-
and of the fathers of us, ceived the living $ Oracles
who received oracles
ξώντα δούναι ήμίν· 39
φ owe to give to u s ;
l i v i n g t og i v e t o u s ; t o w h o m n o t w e r e w i l l i n g
39 to whom our FATH-
υπήκοοι γενέσθαι ol πατέρες ημών, αλλ' άπώ- ERS would not become obe-
obedient to become the fathers of us, but thrust dient, but thrust away,
σαντο, καΐ εστράφησαν ταίς καρδ'ιαις αυτών and in their HEARTS turn-
away, and turned back in the hearts of them ed back into Egypt,
εις Αιγυπτον, 4θε1πόντες τω 'Ααρών Ποίη- 40 $saying to AARON,
into Egypt, saying to the Aaron; Make
'Make us Gods to go be-
σον ήμίν θεούς, οί προπορεύσονται ημών fore u s ; for this MOSES,
for us gods, who shall go before us;
who led us out of the Land
6 γάρ Μωϋσής ούτος δς έ|ήγαγεν ημάς έκ of Egypt, we know not
the for Moses this who led out us from
γης Αιγύπτου, ούκ οΐδαμεν τΐ γέγονεν αύ- what has happened to him.'
land Egypt, not we know what has happened to 41 §And they made a
τω. ^ΚαΙ έμοσχοποίησαν έν ταίς ήμέραις Calf in those DAYS, and
him. And they made a calf in the days
offered a Sacrifice to the
έκείναις, καΐ άνήγαγον θυσίαν τφ είδώλω, IDOL, and rejoiced in the
those, and offered a sacrifice to the WORKS of their own HANDS.
#at εύφραίνοντο έν τοίς δργοις των χειρών 42 §But GOD turned,
and rejoiced in the works of the hands and gave them up to serve
αυτών. 42"Εστρεψε δέ ό Θεός, καΐ παρέδωκεν $the HOST of HEAVEN ; as
of them. Turned and the God, and gave up it is written in the Book
αυτούς λατρεύειν τχ\ στρατιφ του ουρανού* of the PROPHETS, $'Did
you not offer Victims and
them to serve the host of the heaven;
Sacrifices to me forty
καθώς γέγραπται έν βί,βλω τών προφητών
as i t i s written in book of the prophets; Years in the DESERT, Ο
Μή σφάγια καΐ θυσίας προσηνέγκατε μοι
House of Israel?
Not v i c t i m s and sacrifices did you offer to me
43 And yet you took up
Ετη τεσσαράκοντα έν χχ\ έρήμω, οίκος 'Ισραήλ;
years forty the TABERNACLE of Mo-
in the desert, house of Israel?
^ΚαΙ άνελάβετε τήν σκηνήν τοΰ Μολόχ
LOCH, and the STAR of * the
And you took up the tabernacle of the Moloch and GOD ±Remphan, the FIG-
Λστρον του θεοΰ υμών Ρεμφάν, τους τύπους, URES which you made to
worship them ; I will even
ους έποιήσατε προσκυνείν αύτοίς· καΐ μετοι- cause you to remove be-
which you made to worship them; and I w i l l
Ηΐώ ύμας έπέκεινα Βαβυλώνος. yond fBabylon.'
44 Our FATHERS had
cause to remove you beyond Babylon. the TABERNACLE of the
^Ή σκηνή του μαρτυρίου "ζν έν τοις TESTIMONY in the DESERT,
as HE who SPOKE to MO-
Λατράσιν ημών έν τχ\ έρήμω, καθώς διετάξατο SES directed him $to make
i t according to the PAT-
ό λαλών τφ Μωϋσϋ, ποιήσαι αυτήν κα- TERN which he had seen;
ΑΟ sp©fikift£r t o trie JoxoseSf t o ΙΏ&ΚΘ xicr4δ Accord™ 45 § Which also our FA-
χά τόν τύπον δν έωράκει· ήν καΐ THERS, haying received it
ing to the form which he had seen; which also by succession, brought in
εΐσήγαγον διαδεξάμενοι ol πατέρες with Joshua into the POS-
brought having received by succession the fathers SESSION of the NATIONS,
ημών μετά Ίησοΰ έν τη κατασχέσει τών
of us with Jesus in to the possession of the I $whom GOD drove out be-
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 3 . the GOD.
± 43. Remphan or Raiphan was the name of the same idol in Egypt, which was called
Chiun in Syria, and represented the planet Saturn. ± 43. Both the Septuagint, from
which this appears to be a quotation, and the Hebrew, read Damascus, instead of Babylon,
Bloomflcld thinks it is a marginal reading which ha3 crept into the text.
t 38. Exod. xxi. 1; Deut. v. 27, 3 1 ; xxxiii. 4 ; John i. 17. % 3 8. Bom. i i i . 3 .
t 4 0 . Exod. xxxii. 1. % 41. Deut. ix. 1 6 ; Psa. cvi. 19. % 42. Psa. Ixxxi. 1 2 ;
Ezek. xx. 25, 3 9 ; Rom. i. 2 4 ; 2 Thess. ii. 11. % 42. Deut. iv. 1 9 ; xvii. 3 ; 2 Kings
xvii. 16; xxi. 3 ; J e r . xix. 1 3 . % 42. Amos v. 25, 26. % 44. Exod. xxv. 4 0 ; xxvi.
30; Heb. viii. 5. t 45. Josh iii. 14. $ 45. Neh. ix. 2 4 ; Psa. xliv. 2 ; lxxviii. 5 5 ;
Acts xiii. 19.
Chap. 7:46.] ACTS. [Chap. 7:56.
εθνών, ών εξωσεν ό Θεός άπό προσώπου fore the Face of our FA-
nations, which drove out the God from face THERS, to the DAYS of Da-
των πατέρων ημών, εΌος των ήμερων Δαυΐδ·
46 §who found Favor in
δς εύρε χάριν ενώπιον τοΰ Θεοΰ, και the sight of GOD, and ^re-
of the God, andquested to find a Dwelling
•who found favor in pros'—
for the *GOD of Jacob.
ήτήσατο εύρεϊν σκήνωμα τω Θεφ 'Ιακώβ.
47 47 §But Solomon built
Σολομών δε ώκοδόμησεν αντφ οίκον. 48 Άλλ' for him' a House.
Solomon but built for him a house. But 48 Yet $the MOST HIGH
ούχ ό "Υψιστος έν χειροποιήτοις κατοικεί,
not the Most High in hand made things dwells, dwells not in things made
with hands; as the PRO-
καθώς ό προφήτης λέγει· 49 δ ουρανός μο'ι PHET says,
as the prophet says; The heaven to m e
49 $'Heaven is My
θρόνος, ή δε γη ΰποπόδιον των ποδών Throne, and the EARTH
μου. Ποίον οίκον οικοδομήσετε μοι; λέγει Κύ- m y FOOTSTOOL ; W h a t
of me. What house w i l l you build for me? says House will you build for
ριος· ή τΙς τόπος της καταπαύσεώς μου; ΟύχΙ50 me? says the Lord; or
what is the PLACE of my
Lord; or what place of the dwelling of 51
me? Not
ή χείρ μου έποίησε ταΰτα πάντα; Σκλη- REST?
t h e hand of m e made these things all? 0 stiff- 50 Has not my HAND
Οοτράχηλοι, καΐ άπερίτμητοι τη καρδία καΐ made all these things?'
necked, and uncircumcised in the heart and 51 Ο stiff-necked and
τοις ώσίν* ύμείς άεΐ τφ πνεύματι τφ άγίω uncircumcised in HEART
the ears; you always the* spirit the holy" and EARS ! you always
άντιπ'ιπτετε, ώς ol πατέρες υμών καΐ ύμείς. fight against the HOLY
fight against, like the fathers of you also you.
ε2 did you also do.
Τίνα τών προφητών ουκ έδιωξαν oi πατέρες
Whic 52 $Which of the PRO-
υμών; καΐ άπέκτειναν τους προκαταγγείλαντας PHETS did not your FA-
of you? and they k i l l e d those having foretold THERS persecute ? And
they killed THOSE who
περί . της έλεύσεως τοΰ δικαίου, οδ FORETOLD t h e COMING Of
νυν ύμείς προδόται καΐ φονείς γεγένησθε· whom you now have be-
come Betrayers and Mur-
^οιτινες έλάβετε τόν νόμον εις διαταγάς αγ- derers :—
Β4 53 $you who received
γέλων, καΐ ουκ έφυλάξατε. Άκούοντες the LAW by Injunctions of
messengers, and not you kept. Having heard Angels, and kept it not."
δέ ταΰτα διεπρ'ιοντο ταί£ 54 And having heard
and these things, they were sawn through the these things, they were
enraged in their HEARTS,
καρδίαις αυτών, καΐ έ'δρυχον τους δδόντας and gnashed their TEETH
upon him.
έπ' αυτόν. 55Ύπάρχων δέ πλήρης πνεύματος 55 Tut being full of holy
on him. Being but full of s p i r i t Spirit, and looking steadi-
αγίου, άτενίσας εις τόν ούρανόν, είδε ly towards HEAVEN, he
holy, havinggazed intently into the heaven, he saw saw the Glory of God, and
δόξαν Θεοΰ, εβκαΐ Ίησοΰν έστώτα έκ δεξιών Jesus standing at the
τοΰ Θεοΰ, κα1 είπεν 'Ιδού, θεωρώ τους right hand of GOD,
of the God, and said: Lo, I see the 56 and said, $"Behold,
ουρανούς άνεωγμένους, καΐ τόν υΐόν τοΰ I see the HEAVENS open-
heavens having been opened, and the son of the ed, and the SON of MAN
άνθρωπου έκ δεξιών έστώτα τοΰ Θεοΰ. Κρά- standing on the right
man at right having stood of the God. Hav- hand of God."

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 6 . HOUSE of Jacob.

ί 46. 1 Sam. xvi. 1; 2 Sam. vii. 1 ; Acts xiii. 22. % 46. 1 Kings viii 1 7 ; 1 Chron.
xxii. 7 ; Psa. cxxxxii. 4, 5. t 47. 1 Kings vi. 1 ; viii. 20. $ 48. 1 Kings viii. 2 7 ;
Acts xvii. 24. % 49. Matt. v. 34, 35. $ 52. Matt. xxi. 3 5 ; xxiii. 34, 3 7 . $5 3 .
Exod. xx. 1 ; Gal. i i i . 1 9 ; Heb. ii. 2 $ 5 6 . Ezek. i. 1 ; Matt. i i i . 1 6 ; Acts x. 1 1 .
Chap. 7: 57.] ACTS. {Chap. 8:6.
ξαντες δέ φωνή μεγάλη, συνέσχον 57 And crying out with
Ing cried and with a voice loud, they shut up a loud Voice, they stopped
τά <δτα αυτών, καΐ (όρμησαν ομοθυμαδόν έπ' their EARS, and rushed
upon him w i t h one
αυτόν 58κα1 έκβαλόντες εξω της πόλεως, accord;
him; and having cast outside the. city, 58 and §having cast him
έλιΦοβόλουν. Kal ol μάρτυρες άπέΦεντο τά out of the CITY, they ston-
they stoned. And the witnesses laid down the ed him. And§the WITNESS-
Ιμάτια αυτών παρά τους πόδας νεαν'ιου ES laid down their MAN-
TLES at the FEET of a
καλουμένου Σαύλου, 59κα1 έλιθοβόλουν τον Young man, named Saul,
Στέφανον, έπικαλοΰμενον καΐ λέγοντα· Κύ- 59 and they stoned STE-
Stephen, calling1 upon and saying; Ο PHEN, as he was invoking
and saying, "Lord Jesus,
ριε Ίησοΰ, δέξαι τό πνεΰμά μου. $f receive my SPIRIT.·"
Lord Jesus, do thou receive the breath of me.
ΘεΙς δέ τά γόνατα έκραξε φω- 60 And bending his
Having placed and the knees he cried out with a KNEES he cried with a
loud Voice, $"Lord, place
vfj μεγάλχι* Κύριε, μή στήσης αύτοίς not *This Sin against
voice loud; O*Lord, not thou mayest place to them them." And having said
την άμαρτίαν ταύτην. ΚαΙ τούτο εΙπών,
the sin this. And this having said, This, he fell asleep.
he fell asleep. CHAPTER VIII.
ΚΕΦ. η \ 8. 1 Now §Saul was con-
δαυλός δέ ijv συνευδοκών ττ\ αναιρέσει senting tO his DEATH.
Saul and was consenting to the death And in That DAY there
αύτοϋ. Έγένετο δέ dv εκείνη ττ) ήμερα διωγμός was a great Persecution
of him. Was and in that the "day a persecution against THAT CONGREGA-
μέγας επί την έκκλησίαν την εν Ίεροσολύμοίς· TION in Jerusalem; and
^ r e «ι t H^ft ι us t tii β con^rej^ittioo. t hit t in JOPUS&IG in ΐ $tney were all dispersed
πάντες τε διεσπάρησαν κατά τάς χώρας της through the REGIONS of
JUDEA and Samaria, ex-
'Ιουδαίας καΐ Σαμαρείας, πλην τών αποστόλων. cept the APOSTLES.
2 2 And pious Men buried
Συνεκόμισαν δέ τόν Στέφανον άνδρες εύλα- Stephen, and made great
Buried and the Stephen m e n pious, Lamentation over him.
6είς, καΐ έποιήσαντο κοπετόν μέγαν έπ' 3+But Saul ravaged the
αΰτφ. 3Σαΰλος δέ έλυμαίνετο τήν έκκλησίαν, CONGREGATION, entering
him. Saul but was outraging tho congregation, HOUSES, and violently seiz-
r-ατά τους οίκους είσπορευόμενος, σύρων τε ing Men and Women, he
into the houses entering, dragging and committed them to Prison.
άνδρας και γυναίκας, παρεδίδου εις φυλα-
nVen and women, was del ivering up into prison; 4 Then THOSE HAVING»
vA\v 4oi μεν ουν διασπαρέντες BEEN DISPERSED, Went
they indeed therefore having been scattered about preaching the glad
διήλΦον, εΰαγγελιζόμενοι τόν λόγον. tidings of the WORD.
about, preaching glad tidings the word. 5 And Philipgoingdown
Φίλιππος δέ κατελΦών εις πόλιν της Σαμα- to *the CITY of SAMARIA,
Philip and going down into a city of the Sama- proclaimed to them the
ρείας, έκήρυσσεν αΰτοΐς τόν Χριστό ν. 6 Προσ- MESSIAH.
6 And the CROWDS with
εΐχον τε ol δχλοι τοις λεγομένοις ύπό one mind attended to the
sented and the crowds to the things being spoken by THINGS SPOKEN by P H I L -


± 5 9 . Demi may also be rendered sustain or support. Booth, in his Lexicon of
Primitive Greek words, gives this as one of the significations of the word. The prayer
of Stephen then would read, "Lord Je-us, sustain my spirit," or "assist me to suffer."
% 58. 1 Kings xxi. 1 3 ; Luke iv. 2 9 ; Heb. xiii. 12. $ 58. Deut. xiii. 9, 10; xvii.
7. $ 59. Luke xxiii. 4 6 . ΐ 60. Matt. v. 4 4 ; Luke vi. 2 8 ; xxiii. 34. % 1. Acts
vii. 5 8 ; xxii. 2 0 . | 1 Acts x i . 19. % 3. Acts vii. 5 8 ; ix. 1, 1 3 , 2 1 ; xxii. 4 ;
xxvi. 10, 1 1 ; 1 Cor. xv. 9 ; Gal. i . 1 3 ; Phil. i i i . 6 ; 1 T i m . i . 1 3 .
Chap. 8:7.] ACTS. {Chap. 8:16.
του Φιλίππου ομοθυμαδόν, έν τφ άκούειν αύ- IP, as they HEARD and
the Philip with one mind, in the to hear them saw the SIGNS which he
τους καΐ βλέπειν τά σημεία & έποίει. 7Πολ- performed.7 $For many of THOSE
and to see the signs which he did. Many
λών γαρ των εχόντων πνεύματα ακάθαρτα, POSSESSING impure Spi-
for of those possessing spirits unclean, rits, crying with a loud
βοώντα φωνή Voice, were dispossessed,
μεγάλη έξήρχετο· πολλοί and many paralytic and
δέ παραλελυμένοι καΐ χωλοί έθεραπεύθησαν. lame persons were cured.
and having been palsied and lame were cured.
8 8 And there was *Much
Kai έγένετο χαρά μεγάλη έν τη πόλει εκείνη. Joy in that CITY.
9 9 Now a certain man,
Άνήρ δέ τις, ονόματι Σίμων, προϋπήρ-
Α man but certain, by name Simon, former- named Simon, came be-
χεν έν τη πόλει, μαγεύων, fore
καΐ έξιστών magic, into the CITY $using
ly in the" city, practising magic, and and astonishing
τό δθνος της Σαμαρείας, λέγων είναί τίνα $saying that he himself
the nation of the Samaria, saying to be somebody
εαυτόν μέγαν 1 0 φ προσείχον πάντες άπό was10 somebody great;
to whom all attended,
himself great; to whom they assented all from
μικροΰ εως μεγάλου, λέγοντες· Οίιτός έστιν est, saying, "This the great-
least to greatest, saying; This is which is CALLED the
ή δύναμις του Θεοϋ ή καλούμενη μεγά- GfcEAT POWER of G O D . "
the power of the God which is being called great.
λη. n Προσείχον δέ αύτώ, διά τό 11 And to him they gave
They Attended &n<2 to hini] heed, because that for a
Ικανφ χρόνω ταίς μαγε'ιαις έξεστακέναι ished Time
Long he had aston-
them with his MAG-
fora long time with the magic arts tohaveamazed IC ARTS.
αυτούς. "Οτε δέ έπίστευσαν τω Φιλίππω 12 But when they be-
them. When b u t t h e y b e l i e v e d the" lieved PHILIP announcing
εύαγγελιζομένω * [τά] περί της glad tidings ^concerning
announcing glad tidings [the things] concerning the the KINGDOM of GOD, and
the NAME of Jesus Christ,
βασιλείας τοϋ Θεοϋ καΐ του ονόματος Ίησοΰ they were immersed, both
kingdom of the God and the name of Jesus Men and Women.
Χρίστου, έβαπτίζοντο άνδρες τε καΐ γυναίκες. 13 And SIMON himself
.Δηοintcdj they were dipped ixiezx Ijotli ftud "v^omeii* also believed ; and having
'0 δέ Σίμων καΐ αυτός έπιστευσε, καΐ 6α- constantly been immersed, he was
attending to
The and Simon and himself believed, and hav- P H I L I P ; and beholding the
πτισθείς fyv προσκαρτερών τ φ •SIGNS and great Mira-
ing been dipped he was constantly attending to the cles which were perform-
Φιλ'ιππω* θεοιρών τε δυνάμεις καΐ σημεία ed, he was astonished..
Philip"; beholding and miracles and signs
14 14 And the APOSTLES
μεγάλα γινόμενα, έξίστατο. Άκούσαντες
δέ ol έν *Ιεροσολύμοις απόστολοι, δτι δέδε- in Jerusalem having heard
That SAMARIA had re-
and the In Jerusalem apostles, that had
χται ή Σαμάρεια τόν λόγον του θεοΰ, ceived the WORD of GOD,
απέστειλαν προς αυτούς τόν Πέτρον καΐ sent to them PETER and
they sent 15 to them the Peter and John;
Ίωάννην οϊτινες καταβάντες προσηύξαντο 15 who, having gone
John; who having gone down offered prayer
down, prayed for them
περί αυτών, δπως λάβωσι πνεϋμα tfcat they might receive
έπ' ούδενΐ αυτών the holy Spirit;
αγιον. (Ου*πω γάρ fjv
holy. (Not yet for i t was on any one of them 16 §for it was not yet
έπιπεπτωκός, μόνον δέ βεβαπτισμένοι ύπήρ- fallen on any of them ; but
havlng fallen, only but having been dipped they they had only §been im-
χον εις τό δνομα τοϋ Κυρίου Ίησοΰ.) 17Τότε mersed into the $NAME of the LORD Jesus.
•were into the name of the Lord Jesus.) Then
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—8. Much Joy. 12. the things—omit. 13. SIGNS and
great Miracles.
t 7. Mark xvi. 17. t 9. Acts xiii. 6. % 9. Acts v. 36. % 12. Acts i. 3.
% 16. Acts xix. 2. $ 16. Matt, xxviii. 19; Acts ii. 38. % 16. Acts x. 4 8 ; xlx. 5.
Chap. 8:17.] ACTS. [Chap. 8:26.
έπετίθουν τάς χείρας έπ' αύτοΰς, καΐ έλάμ- 17 Then they ^placed
they placed the hands on them, and they their HANDS on them, and
όανον πνεΰμα δγιον. they received the holy
received spirit holy. Spirit.
Ίδών δέ ό Σίμων, δτι διά τής 18 And SIMON seeing
Having seen and the Simon, that through the That through the IMPOSI-
TION of the HANDS of the
επιθέσεως των χειρών των αποστόλων APOSTLES, t h e * S P I R I T
pliiciTi^on of tli& li&iicls of tlio iipostles
δίδοται τό. πνεΰμα τό άγιον, προσήνεγκεν was given, he offered them
was given the spirit the holy, he offered
αύτοϊς χρήματα, λέγων·19
Δότε κάμοί 19 saying, "Give me
to them money, saying; Give you also to me also this AUTHORITY, that
την ^ξουσίαν ταύτην, ίνα φ έάν έπι- on whom I place my
θώ τάς χείρας, λαμβάνη πνεΰμα αγιον. HANDS, he may receive
place the hands, they may receive spirit
20 holy. the holy Spirit."
Πέτρος δέ είπε προς αυτόν Τό άργύρι- 20 But PETER said to
Peter but said to him; The silver
him, "May thy SILVER go
όν σου συν σοΙ εϊη είς άπώλειαν to Destruction with tiiee,
of thee with thee may be into destruction, Because thou hast thought
δτι την δωρεάν του Θεοΰ ένόμισας to buy $the GIFT of GOD
because the gift of the God thou hast thought with Money.
διά χρημάτων κτασθαι. Ούκ εστί σοι 21 Thou hast no Part
with money to buy. Not is to thee
nor Lot in this THING ;
μερίς ουδέ κλήρος έν τφ λόγω τοΰτω· ή for thy HEART is not
right before GOD.
γάρ καρδία 22 σου ούκ έστιν ευθεία έναντι 22 Reform, therefore,
του θεού. Μετανόησον οδν άπό της
the God. Do thou reform therefore from the from this thy WICKED-
κακίας σου ταύτης, καΐ δεήθητι του θεοΰ, LORD, NESS, and entreat *the
wickedness of thee this, and entreat of the God, if p e r h a p s t h e
et δρα άφεθήσεταί σοι ή έπίνοια may be forgiven thee ;
If Indeed may be forgiven to thee the thought
23 for I see that thou
τής καρδίας σου. ^Είς γάρ χολήν πικρίας art in §the Gall of Bitter-
24 ness, and in the Bond of
καΐ σύνδεσμον αδικίας όρώ σε δντα. Άπο- Wickedness."
&nc| 3, bond of wickedness X see thee being . An— 24 And SIMON answer-
κριθείς δέ ό Σίμων είπε* Δεήθητε ύμεϊς ύ- ing, said, §"Entreat you
swering and the Simon said; Entreat you In
πέρ έμου προς τον Κύριον, δπως μηυέν έπέλ- the LORD in my behalf,
behalf of me to the Lord, that nothing may that nothing of which you
θχι έπ' έμέ ών είρήκατε. ^Ot μέν have spoken may come on
come on me of which you have spoken. They Indeed
οδν διαμαρτυρόμενοι καΐ λαλήσαν- me."
therefore having earnestly testified and having 25 Then THEY, having
τες τόν λόγον του Κυρίου, ύπέστρεψαν εις fully testified and spoken
the WORD of the LORD,
spoken the word of the Lord, turned back for
'Ιερουσαλήμ, πολλάς τε κώμας τών Σαμαρει- turned back for Jerusalem,
Jerusalom, many and villages of the Samaritans and announced the glad
τών εύηγγελίσαντο. tidings in Many Villages
announced glad tidings. of the SAMARITANS.

"Αγγελος δέ Κυρίου έλάλησε προς Φίλιπ-
26 And an Angel of the
Α messenger and of a Lord spoke to Philip, Lord spoke to Philip, say-
πον, λέγων Άνάστηθι, καΐ πορεύου κατά ing, "Arise, and go to-
saying; Do thou arise, and go towards wards the South, by THAT
μεσημβρίαν, επί τήν όδόν τήν καταβαίνουσαν ROAD LEADING DOWN f r o m
south, in the way that leading down Jerusalem to Gaza;" this
άπό 'Ιερουσαλήμ είς Γάζαν αίίτη έστιν £ρη- is a Desert.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—18. SPIRIT was given. 22. the Lord, if.

$ 17. Acts xix. 6. i 20. Acts x. 4 5 ; xi. 17. ί 23. Heb. xii. 15. t 24. Gen.
7, 17; Exod. viii. 8 ; Num. xxi. 7; 1 Kings xiii. 6.
Chap. 8:27.] ACTS. [Chap. 8:36.
μος. 27
Kai άναστάς έπορεύθη* καΐ Ιδού, άνήρ 27 And having arisen,
he went; and behold, an
ΑΙθ'ιοψ ευνούχος, δυνάστης Κανδάκης της Ethiopian Eunuch, a Gran-
of Ethiopia a eunuch, a grandee of Candace of the dee of Candace, * Queen
βασιλίσσης ΑΙθιόπων, 8ς ήν επί πάσης της of the Ethiopians, who
queen of Ethiopians, who was over a l l the was over All her TREA-
γάζης αυτής· δς έληλύθει προσκυνήσων εις SURE, and who had como
treasure of her; who had come worshipping to to worship at Jerusalem,
'Ιερουσαλήμ, 28ryv τε ύποστρέφων καΐ κα-
28 was returning, and
θήμενος επί τοΰ άρματος αύτοΰ, καΐ άνε- sitting in his CHARIOT he
tlng In the chariot of himself, and was was reading the PROPHET
γίνωσκε τόν προφήτην Ήσαΐαν. 29ΕΙπε δέ. Isaiah.
reading the prophet Isaiah. Said and 29 And the SPIRIT said
τό πνεύμα τφ Φιλίππω* Πρόσελθε, καΐ κολ- to PHILIP, "Approach,
the spirit to* the Philip; Go thou near, and be and join thyself to this
λήθητι τω δρματι τούτω. 30 Προσδραμών CHARIOT."
Joined to the chariot this. Running to 30 And P H I L I P running
δέ δ Φίλιππος ήκουσεν αύτοΰ άναγινώσκοντος forward heard him read-
and the Philip heard him reading ing * Isaiah the PROPHET,
τόν προφήτην Ήσαΐαν, καΐ είπεν "Άραγε and he said, "Dost thou
the prophet Isaiah, and said; Truly indeed understand what
γινώσκεις, α άναγινώσκεις; 3 1 Ό δβ thou a r t reading?"
understandest thou, what thou readest? He but 31 And HE said, "How
είπε· Πώς γάρ αν δυναίμην, έάν μή τις can I, unless some one
stid; How for should I be able, if not some one should guide me?" And
δδηγήστ) με; Παρεκάλεσέ τε τόν Φίλιππον, he requested P H I L I P to
should guide m e ? H e called and the Philip, come up and sit with him.
άναβάντα καθίσαι συν αύτφ. 3 2 Ή δέ περιο-
32 Now the PORTION,
χ ή της γραφής, ή"ν ά ν ε γ ί ν ω σ κ ε ν , ή ν αΰτη· of the SCRIPTURE which
of the writing, which he was reading, was this; he was reading was this,
*Ως πρόβατον επί σφαγήν η*χθη, καΐ ώς αμνός §"As a Sheep he was led
As a sheep to slaughter was led, and as a lamb "to Slaughter, and like a
εναντίον του κείροντος αυτόν άφωνος, ούτως "Lamb before the SHEAR-
before the one shearing him is dumb, so "ER is dumb, so he opens
ούκ ανοίγει τό στόμα αύτοΰ. 8 3 Έ ν τχ\ ταπει- "not his MOUTH.
not he opens the mouth of himself. In the low 33 " I n *his HUMILIA-
νώσει αύτοΰ ή κρίσις αύτοΰ η"ρ- T I O N his JUDGMENT was
estate of him the Judgment of himself was taken "taken away; and who
Οη* την δέ γενεάν αύτοΰ τΙς διηγή- "will tell of his GENERA-
iiway; the and generation of him who shall T I O N ? Because his
σεται; δτι αίρεται από της γης ή " L I F E is taken from the
declare? because is taken away from the earth the "EARTH/'
ζωή αύτοϋ. Αποκριθείς δέ ό ευνούχος τφ 34 And the EUNUCH
life of him. Answering but the eunuch to the answering P H I L I P , said,
Φιλίππω είπε· Δέομαι σου, περί τίνος " I beseech thee, of whom
* χι x*ij) $<χ ι (if I be s ΘΘ cli tlioQ} conc©riiinf? \sr Ιι ΟΤΤΙ speaks the PROPHET this
ό προφήτης λέγει τοϋτο; περί έαυτοΰ, η" —of himself, or of some
the prophet says this? concerning himself, or
other person."
ΛερΙ έτερου τινός; ^Άνοίξας δέ ό
35 Then P H I L I P open-
concerning another one? Having opened and the
ing his MOUTH, $and be-
Φίλιππος τό στόμα αύτοΰ, καΐ άρξάμενος ginning from this SCRIP-
TURE, announced the glad
άπό τΐ\ζ γραφής ταύτης, εύηγγελίσατο tidings of JESUS to him.
from the writing this,
announced glad tidings 36 And as they were
αύτώ τόν Ίησοΰν. Ώ ς δέ έπορεύοντο κατά going on the ROAD, they
to him the Jesus. As and they were going in
τήν όδόν, ζλθον επί τι ΰδωρ, καί φησιν came to a Certain Water ;
the way, they came to a certain water, and said and the EUNUCH said,

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—27. Queen. 30. Isaiah the PEOPHBT, and said. 33. the
$ 32. Isa. liii. 7, 8. % 35. Luke xxiv. 2 7 ; xviii. 2 8 .
Chap. 8:37.] ACTS. [Chap. 9:6.
ό ευνούχος* 'Ιδού ΰδωρ* κωλύει με "Behold, Water! $what
the eunuch; Lo water; wtiat hinders me hinders my being immer-
όαπτισθήναι; f7Kal έκέλευσε στήναι τό άρμα· 37 And he ordered the
CHARIOT to stop; and they
•καΐ κατέβησαν αμφότεροι ε'ις τό Οδωρ δ, both went down into the
ftixd they τ^ β ο t down tiotii into tJi© Wft tcr tn6 f WATER, both P H I L I P and
τε Φίλιππος και ό ευνούχος· καΐ έβάπτισεν the EUNUCH, and he im-
both Philip and the eunuch; and
mersed him. he dipped
αυτόν. "Οτε δέ άνέ6ησαν έκ τοϋ 38 And when they came
him. When and they came up out oi the up out of the WATER, | t h e
6δατος, πνεϋμα Κυρίου ηρπασε τον Φίλιππον Spirit of the Lord seized
water, spirit of Lord seized the Philip;
P H I L I P ; and the EUNUCH
καΐ ουκ είδεν αυτόν ούκέτι ό εύνοΰχος· saw him no more, for he
And not sft\v Jti t ΪΪΧ χι ο looker til β ©uinxciij
έπορεύετο γαρ την όδόν αύτοΰ χαίρων, went *His WAY rejoicing.
he went for the way of himself rejoicing. 39 Philip, however, was
Φίλιππος δέ ευρέθη είς "Αζωτον καΐ found at Azotus ; and pass-
Philip but w a s found into Azotus; and ing through, he announ-
διερχόμενος εύηνγελιζετο τάς πόλεις ced the glad tidings in all
pass ing through he a n n o u n c e d g l a d tidings the cities the CITIES, till he CAMS
πάσας, εως τοϋ έλθείν αυτόν εΙς Και- to Csesarea.
all, t i l l of the to come him Into Oaesa-
σάρειαν. CHAPTER IX.
ΚΕΦ. d\ 9.
!*Ο δέ Σαϋλος ετι εμπνέων απειλής καΐ inglAnd$Saul, still breath-
out Threatenings and
The and Saul s t i l l breathing of threatening and
Slaughter against the DIS-
φόνου είς τους μαθητάς τοϋ Κυρίου, CIPLES of the LORD, pro-
s l a u g h t e r t o w a r d s the d i s c i p l e s o t the Lord,
προσελθών τφ άρχιερεί, ^ήτήσατο παρ' αύ- ceeding t o t h e HIGH- PRIEST,
coming to the high-priest, he desired from him
2 asked from him Let-
τοΰ έπιοττολάς είς Δαμασκόν προς τάς συνα- ters to the SYNAGOGUES
γωγάς, δπως έάν τινας ευρη at
της όδοϋ should Damascus, that if he
find Any of §that
δντας , άνδρας τε κand at γυναίκας, δεδεμέ- or Women, whether
he might bring
being, men both women, ha vlng oeen
νους άγάγτ) ε ί ς Ιερουσαλήμ. ^fiv δε them oound to Jerusalem,
bound he mIght lead Into In ana 3 $And as he was GOING
τφ πορεύεσθαι, έγένετο αυτόν έγγίξειν τη ALONG, he came near to
Δαμασκφ· καΐ εξαίφνης περιήστραψεν αυτόν a Light ;from DAMASCUS and suddenly
Damascus; and suddenly flashed around him
φώςς 4
άπό τού ούρανοΰ· κα1 πεσών επί flashed around him.
^ 1 I ^h t t rom t h © Ιι βι voxi j
1 I ^ &Qd hftvin^ χ & 11 CQ t o
4 and having fallen to
την γην, ήκουσε φωνήν λέγουσαν αύτφ· Σαούλ, the EARTH, he heard a
the earth, he heard a voice saying to him; Saul,, Voice saying to him,
ΕΙπε δέ· τις "Saul, Saul, why dost
Σαούλ· τι με διώκεις;
Saul; Why dost thou persecute? He said and; Who thou ^persecute Me?"
εί, Κύριε; Ό δέ Κύριος είπεν Έγώ είμι 5 And he said, "Who
art thou, θ Lord? The and Lord said; 1 am art thou, Sir?" And *HB
Ίησοΰς 8ν σύ διώκεις· βάλλά άνά- said, " I am Jesus whom
thou persecutest.
στηθι καΐ εΐσελθε είς τήν πόλιν, καΐ λαλη- 6 But arise, and go into
thou up and enter into the city, and it snail the CITY, and it shall be
Φήσεταί σοι τί σε ποιείν. Ot told thee what thou must
be told tothee what thee It Is necessary todo. ltie do."
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 9 . His WAY. 5. H E .
± 36. Verse 3 7 of the common version is spurious. It is not found in the Vatican MS.,
nor in the ancient Syriac. Griesbach rejects i t ; and it is cancelled or rejected by
Grotius, Mill, Wetstein, Pearce. Tittman, Knapp, Laehmann, Tischendorf, and others.
t 36. Acts x. 47. % 39. 1 Kings xviii. 1 2 ; 2 Kings ii. 16; Ezek. iii. 12, 14,
% 1. Acts viii. 3 ; Gal. i . 1 3 ; 1 Tim. i . 1 3 . | 2. Acts xix. 9, 23. $ 3. Acts xxii.
6 ; xxvi. 1 2 . % 4. M a t t . xxv. 4 0 .
Chap. 9:7.] ACTS. [Chap. 9:15.
δε άνδρες ol συνοδεύοντες αύτώ, είστήκει- 7 $And THOSE M E N
and men those traveling with him, stood traveling with him, stood
σαν ένεοί, άκούοντες μεν της φωνής, μηδένα speechless, hearing indeed
the VOICE, but seeing no
δέ θεωροΰντες. 8 Ήγέρθη δέ ό Σαΰλος άπό one.
but seeing. Arose and the Saul from
8 And Saul arose from
της γης· άνεωγμένων δέ των οφθαλμών
the earth; having been opened and the eyes the EARTH ; and his EYES
having been opened, he
αΰτοΰ, ούδένα έβλεπε· χειραγωγοΰντες δέ αύ- saw No one; but leading
ο£ him, no on· h· saw; leading by the hand and him him by the hand they con-
τόν είσήγαγον εις Δαμασκόν 8κα1 ήν ήμέ- ducted him to Damascus.
they led Into Damascus; and he was days 9 And he was three
ρας τρεις μη βλέπων καΐ ούκ εφαγεν, ουδέ
three not seeing; and not ate, nor Days without sight, and
επιεν. neither ate nor drank.
10T 10 Now there was in
Hv δέ τις μαθητής έν Δαμασκω όνό-
Damascus a certain Dis-
WAS 8,nd ft certain disciple in Damascus l>y ciple, $named Ananias;
μάτι Άναν'ιας, καΐ είπε προς αυτόν ό Κύριος
name Ananias, and said to him the Lord and the LORD said to him
έν δράματι* ΆνανΙα. *Ο δέ είπεν 'Ιδού έγώ, in a Vision, "Ananias."
And HE said, "Behold, I
in a vision; Ananias. He and said; Lo I, am here, Lord."
Κύριε. n *O δέ Κύριος προς αυτόν Άνα- 11 And the LORD said
to him, "Arise, and go
στάς πορεύθητι έπΙ τήν ρύμην την καλου- into ±THAT STREET which
μένην ευθείαν, καΐ ζήτησον έν οΙκία 'Ιούδα is CALLED Straight, and
called Straight, and seek for in house of Judas inquire in the house of
Σανλον ονόματι, Ταρσέα* Ιδού γάρ προσεύχε- Judas, for §a man of
Saul by name, of Tarsus; lo for he ±Tarsus, named Saul; for
ται, 1 2 και είδεν έν όράματι άνδρα ονόματι behold, he is praying,
prays, and saw in a vision a man byname
*Ανανίαν, ε'ισελθόντα καΐ έπιθέντα αΰτφ 12 and has seen in a
Ananias, having come in and having placed to him Vision a Man, named Ana-
χείρα, δπως άναβλέ-ψη. ^'Απεκρίθη nias, entering, and laying
a hand, that he might receive sight. Answered his *HANDS on him, that
δέ ΆνανΙας· Κύριε, άκήκοα άπό πολλών he might recover his
and Ananias; θ Lord, I have heard from many sight."
περί του ανδρός τούτου, δσα κακά 13 And Ananias an-
concerning the man this, what things bad swered, "Lord, I have
heard from many concern-
έποίησε τοις άγίοις σου έν *Ιερουσαλήμ. ing this MAN, how much
Evil he has done to thy
Καί ωδε Ιχει έξουσίαν παρά των άρχιε- SAINTS in Jerusalem;
And here he has authority from the high- 14 and here, he has Au-
ρέων, δησαι πάντας τους επικαλούμενους τό thority from the HIGH-
priests, to bind15 a l l those calling upon the PRIESTS to bind ALL who
δνομά σου. ΕΙπε δέ προς αυτόν 6 Κύριος· $INVOKE t h y NAME."
name of thee. Said and to him the Lord;
Πορεύου, δτι σκεΰος εκλογής μοί έστιν 15 But the LORD said
Go them, because a vessel chosen to me is to him, " G o ; Because he
οΰτος, τοΰ βαστάσαι τό δνομά μου ενώπιον is to me §a chosen Vessel,
to BEAR my NAME before
εθνών, καΐ βασιλέων, υΙών τε 'Ισραήλ. 1 β Έ γ ώ Nations, and *Kings, and
nations, and kings, sons and of Israel. I Sons of Israel;

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 2 . HANDS on him. 13. also Kings.

± 1 1 . This street has continued under the same name to the present day. I t runs i n a
direct line from the eastern to the western gate, a distance of three miles. Τ 11. Tar-
sus, was the capital of Cilicia, situated on the banks of the Cnidus, which flowed through
the midst of it. I t is now called Tarasso. As a seat of learning, it ranked with Athens
and Alexandria. I t s inhabitants, in the time of the Julius Caesar, were endowed with all
the privileges of Roman citizens. o n
t 7. Dan. x. 7 ; Acts xxii. 9 ; xxvi. 13. $ 10. Acts xxii. 12. t 1 1 . Acts xxi. 3 9 ;
xxii. 3 . ί 1 4 . Acts v i i . 5 9 ; verse 2 1 ; xxii. 1 6 ; 1 Cor. i . 2 ; 2 Tim, i i . 2 2 .
% 1 5 . Acts xiii. 2 ; xxii. 2 1 ; xxvi, 1 7 ; Bom. i . 1 ; Eph. i i i . 7 , 8 .
Chap. 9:16.] ACTS. {Chap. 9:24.
γάρ υποδείξω αύτφ, δσα δεί 16 for $1 will point out
for "ΧΫill point out t o h iui^ '?^iitit tli 1 u^s it behooves to him what things he
αυτόν ύπέί του ονόματος μου παθείν. must suffer in behalf of
' the name of me to suffer. my NAME."
Άπήλθε δέ Άνανίας καΐ είσήλθεν είς την 17 And Ananias de-
Went away and Ananias and entered into the parted, and entered the
οικίαν καΐ έπιθείς έπ' αυτόν τάς χείρας,
house; and having p l a c e d on h j m t h e hands, HOUSE, and placing his
είπε* Σαούλ αδελφέ, ό Κύριος άπέσταλκέ HANDS on him, said, "Bro-
ther Saul, the LORD seijt
fro sHidi S&ul Ο brother» tho Lord h&s sent me, even THAT Jesus who
με, (Ίησοϋς ό όφθείς σοι έν τη APPEARED to thee on the
2Ι1β} (JGSUS }ΐθ kiLVill£ &{){)6&Γ6(1 t o the Θ 111 theROAD in which thou earnest,
όδφ f\ ήρχου,) δπως άνα- in order that thou mayest
way in which thou earnest,) that thou mayest re- receive sight, and be filled
βλέψ·ης, καΐ πλησθης πνεύματος άγιου. with holy Spirit."
coive sight, and mayest be filled of spirit holy.

ΚαΙ ευθέως άπέπεσον άπό των οφθαλμών 18 And immediately
And Immediately fell from the eyes something fell from *His
αύτου ώσεί λεπίδες, άνέβλεψέ τε· EYES, like Scales, and he
recovered sight; and ris-
9tal άναστάς έβαπτίσθη. 1 9 Kai λαβών ing up, he was immersed.
»nd having arisen he was dipped. And having taken 19 And having received
τροφήν ένίσχυσεν. Έγένετο δέ μετά Food he was strengthened
food he was strengthened. He was and with and was with the DISCI-
τών έν Δαμασκω μαθητών ημέρας τινάς. ^ΚαΙ
the in Damascus* disciples days several. And PLES in Damascus several
ευθέως έν ταίς συναγωγαίς έκήρυσσε τόν 20 And immediately in
immediately in the synagogues he proclaimed the the SYNAGOGUES he pro-
Ίησοΰν, 8τι οΰτός έστιν ό υΙός τοΰ θεοΰ. claimed JESUS That he
Jesus, that this is the son of the God. is the SON of GOD.
^Εξίσταντο δέ^ πάντες ol άκουοντες, ς, 21 But ALL· who heard

£λεγον· Ούχ ύχ οςοϋτός έέστιν ό πορθήσας him were astonished, and
said; N this i s the one having said, §"Is not this HE
i i the o e having wasted
έν *Ιερουσαλήμ τους επικαλούμενους τό δνο- who in Jerusalem spread
ln Jerusalem those calling upon the name DESOLATION among THEM
μα τοΰτο; καΐ ώδε είς τοΰτο έληλύθει, ίνα and who CALL on this NAME,
this? and here for this had come, that had come here for this
purpose, that he might
δεδεμένους αυτούς άγάγχι επί τους άρχιε- lead them bound to the
having bound them he might leaa to the high- HIGH-PRIESTS ?"
ρεϊς. ^Σαϋλος δέ μάλλον ένεδυναμοΰτο, καΐ
priests. Saul but more was strengtnened, and 22 But Saul increased
συνέχυνε τους 'Ιουδαίους τους κατοικοΰντας plexed more in power, $and •per-
ING in Damascus, demon-
έν Δαμασκφ, συμβιβάζων, δτι οδτός έστιν ό strating That this is the
in Damascus, proving, that this i s the
Χριστός. ^ Ώ ς δέ έπληροΰντο ήμέραι Ικαναί, 23 And when ±many
Anointed. When and were fulfilled days many, Days were fulfilled, §the
συνεβουλεΰσαντο ol Ιουδαίοι άνελεϊν αυτόν JEWS conspired to kill
consulted together t h e Jews t ok i l l hiro^ him;
έγνώσθη δέ τφ Σαύλω ή επιβουλή 24 but their PLOT was
was made known but to the Saul the plot made known to Saul. And
αυτών παρετήρουν τε τάς πύλας ημέρας they *also watched the
of them; they were watching and the gates day' GATES both Day and Night,
τε καΐ νυκτός, δπως αυτόν άνέλωσι. that they might murder
both and night, that h i m t h e y m i g h t k i l l . him.
24. also watched the GATES.
f 23. The many days here alluded to, probably included the three years mentioned by
Paul in Gal. i. 18, during which he preached in Damascus and visited Arabia.
t 1 6 . 2 Cor. x i . 2 3 . % 21. Acts viii. 3 ; verse 1; Gal. i. 13,23. % 22. Acts
xviii. 28. $ 2 3 . Acts xxiii. 1 2 ; xxv. 3 ; 2 Cor. xi. 26.
Ohap. 9:25.] ACTS. [Chap. 9:34.
Λα6όντες δέ αυτόν ol μαθηταΐ νυκτός, 25 But the DISCIPLES
Having taken but him the disciples by night, took him by Night, and
καθήκαν διά τοϋ τείχους, χαλάσαντες έν ^through the WALL lower-
they letdown througto the wall, lower ing 1 π ed him down in a Basket.
σπνρίδι. 2 6 Παραγενόμενος δέ ε'ις Ίερουσα-
a basket. Having come and into Jerusalem, 26 §And having come
λήμ, έπειράτο κολλάσθαι τοις μαθηταΐς* to Jerusalem he attempt-
he t r i e d t ou n i t e h i m s e l f tothe disciples; ed to associate with the
καΐ πάντες έφοβοϋντο αυτόν, μή πιστεύοντες DISCIPLES ; but they all
jyid all feared him, not believing feared him, not believing
δτι εστί μαθητής. ^Βαρνάβας δέ έπιλαβόμε- That he was a Disciple.
νος αυτόν, ήγαγε προς τους αποστόλους, καΐ 27 But Barnabas taking
him, conducted him to the
διηγήσατο αΰτοίς, πώς έν τΐ\ δδφ είδε τόν APOSTLES, and related to
related to them, how in the way he saw the them how lie saw the LORD
Ιίύριον, καΐ οτι έλάλησεν αύτφ, καΐ πώς έν on the ROAD, and That he
Lord, and that he spoke to him, and how in spoke to him, and how lie
Δαμασκω έπαρρησιάσατο έν τω ονόματι τοϋ $spoke publicly in Damas-
Damascus he spoke boldly in the name of the cus in the NAME of J E S U S .
Ίηοοϋ. 28 ΚαΙ ήν μετ' αυτών είσπορευόμε-
28 §And he was with
νος καΐ έκπορευόμενος έν *Ιερουσαλήμ, *[καΙ] them coming in and going
and going out In Jerusalem, tandj out a t «Jerusalem, speak-
ing publicly in the NAME
παρρησιαζόμενος έν τφ ονόματι τοΰ Κυρίου of the LORD.
*[Ίησοϋ.] Έλάλει τε καΐ συνεξήτει προς 29 And he spoke and
C J© su s. 3 H © spok© fixici duel con t e n d e d TV i fchdisputed with the Hellen-
ιούς Έλληνιστάς* ol δέ έπεχείρουν αυτόν ists ; t they however un-
the Hellenists; t h e y b u t t o o k i n h a n d h i m dertook to kill him.
άνελεΐν. Έπιγνόντες δέ ol αδελφοί κα-
30 But the BRETHREN
τήναγον αυτόν εις Καισάρειαν, καΐ έξα- having been informed of
it, conducted him to Csesa-
πέστειλαν αυτόν ε'ις Ταρσόν. ΑΙ μεν οδν rea, and sent him to Tar-
έκκλησίαι καθ' δλης της 'Ιουδαίας καΐ Γα-
congregations in whole of the Judea and Gill- 31 Then the *CHURCH
λιλαίας καΐ Σαμαρείας είχον είρήνην, ο'ικοδο- had Peace in All JUDEA
and Galilee, and Samai'ia,
μούμεναι καΐ πορευόμεναι τφ φόβο) τοϋ and being built up, and
built up and proceeding in the fear" of tlie walking in the FEAR of the
Κυρίου καΐ τη παρακλήσει τοϋ άγιου πνεύμα- Lord, and in the admoni-
tion of the HOLY Spirit,
was increased.*
τος, έπληθύνοντο.
•were multiplied.
32 And Peter, passing
Έγένετο δέ Πέτρον, διερχόμενον διά through all places, hap-
pened to go down olso to
πάντων, κατελθείν και προς τους άγιους those SAINTS DWELLING
all, to have gone down also to the saints
at Lydda.
τούς κατοικοΰντας Λΰδδαν. Έ^ρε δέ έκεϊ 33 And he found a cer-
tain Man named Eneas,
άνθρωπόν τίνα Αίνέαν ονόματι, έξ ετών who, being palsied, had
lain on a bed for eight
οκτώ κατακείμενον επί κραδβάτω, ος fjv Years.
eight being l a i d in bed, " who was 34 And PETER said to
ΚαΙ εϊπεν αΰτφ ό Πέτρος· him, "Eneas, $Jesus the
a paralytic. And said to him the Peter; MESSIAH, restores thee;
• VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 8. and—omit. 28. Jesus—omit. 3 1 . the CHURCH.
31. was increased.
% 25. Josh. ii. 1 5 ; 1 Sam. s i x . 1 2 ; 2 Cor. xi. 3 3 . X 26. Acts xxii. 1 7 ; Gal. i.
1 6,17.
6,17. % 27. verse 2 0 , 2 2 . % 28. Gal. i. 18. % 29. verse 2 3 ; 2 Cor. xi. 2 6 .
§ 34.
34. Acts ill. 6, 1 6 ; iv. 10.
Chap. 9:35.] ACTS. [Chap. 9:42.
ΑΙνέα, ίάταί σε Ίησοΰς 6 Χριστός* άνά- arise, and make the DfcJ
Eneas, cures theο Jesus the Anointed; a r i s e for thyself." And he in-
στήθι, καΐ στρώσον σεαυτφ. ΚαΙ εύθέ- stantly arose.
11} ο u j fl.uu m dice t li © bed for thyself· A. u d i ιχι ~ 35 And ALL THOSE
ΚαΙ είδον αυτόν πάντες DWELLING in Lydda and

ως ανέστη.
mediately he arose. And saw him all
SHARON saw him; $and
they turned to the LORD.
ot κατοικοΰντες Λύδδαν καΐ τόν Σάρωνα, 36 And there was in Jop-
pa a Certain female Disci-
οϊτινες επέστρεψαν επί τόν Κύριον. 3 β Έν p 1 e named ± Tabitha,
who turned to the Lord. In (which being translated
Ίόππη δέ τις fjv μαθήτρια όνό- signifies Dorcas ;) she was
Joppa and c e r t a i n was a female d i s c i p l e by
full of good Works and
μάτι Ταβιθά, η διερμηνευομένη λέγεται Charities which she did.
name Tabitha, which being t r a n s l a t e d is called
Δορκάς· αυ*τη ήν πλήρης αγαθών έργων 37 And it happened in
Dorcas; she was full of good works those DAYS, that she was
καΐ έλεημοσυνών ων έποίει. Έγένετο sick and died ; and having
and of a l m s which she did. I t happened washed they placed her in
δέ έν ταϊς ήμέραις έκε'ιναις άσθενήσασαν an upper room.
and in the days those having been sick 38 Now Lydda being
αυτήν άποθανείν λούσαντες δέ * [αυτήν] near to JOPPA, and the
her to have died; having washed and Lherl
£θηκαν έν ύπερώω. 38
Έγγύς δέ οΰσης DISCIPLES having heard
they laid in an upper room. Near and being That Peter was there, sent
Λύδδης τχί Ίόππχι, ot μαθηταΐ άκούσαντες Two Men to him entreat-
Lydda to the Joppa,* the disciples having heard ing, *"Do not delay to
come over to us."
δτι Πέτρος έστιν έν αύττί, απέστειλαν δύο
that Peter is in her, seat two 39 And Peter arose and
δνδρας προς αυτόν, παρακαλοΰντες μη όκνή- went with them ; and hav-
men. to him, entreating not to ing arrived they conduct-
δέ Πέτρος συνηλθεν αύτοίς· δν39 παραγε-
σαι διελθεϊν εΌος αυτών. Άναστάς ed him to the UPPER ROOM ;
νόμενον άνήγαγον εις το ύπερώον, καΐ παρέ- and All the WIDOWS stood
beside him weeping and
στησαν αύνφ πάσαι at χήραι κλα'ιουσαι, καΐ showing the Tunics and
beside him all the widows weeping, and Mantles which DORCAS
έπιδεικνύμεναι χιτώνας καΐ ιμάτια, 40 δσα made, them.
while she was with
έποίει μετ' αυτών οδσα ή Δορκάς. Έκβα-
she made w i t h them being the Dorcas. Having 40 But PETER ^putting
λών δέ έ'ξω πάντας ό Πέτρος, θείς them all out, kneeled down
and prayed ; and turning
τα γόνατα προσηυξατο· καΐ έπιστρεψας προς to the BODY, $he said,
the knees he prayed; and having turned to "Tabitha, arise!" And
TO σώμα, είπε· Ταβιθά, άνάστηθι. Ή δέ SHE opened her EYES ; and
the body, said; Tabitha, do thou arise. She and beholding PETER, she sat
η\οιξε τους οφθαλμούς αυτής· καΐ ίδοϋσα τόν the
Πέτρον, άνεκάθισε. 41
Δούς 41 And giving her his
Peter, sat up. Having given
αύτη Hand, he raised her; and
her having called the SAINTS
χείρα, άνέστησεν αυτήν φωνήσας δέ toτους
a hand, h e r a i s e d her; h a v i n g c a l l e d a n d t h e and WIDOWS, he presented
άγιους καΐ τάς χήρας, παρέστησεν αυτήν her living.
saints and the widows, he presented her 42And it became known
ζώσαν. 42Γνωστόν δέ έγένετο καθ' δλης through All *Joppa; and
living. Known and i t became in whole
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 7 . her—omit. 38. Do not delay to come over to us.
4 2 . Joppa.
± 3 6 . TahitJia, is a Syriac word, and Dorcas a Greek word, both signifying an antelope.
The name here is expressive of beauty; ae "antelopes are particularly remarkable for
their beautiful eyes." See Parkhurst.
t 35. Acts xi. 2 1 . t 40. Matt. ix. 25. % 40. Mark v. 41, 4 2 ; John xi. 43.
Chap. 9:43.] ACTS. [Chap. 10:9.
της Ίόππης· καΐ πολλοί έπίστευσαν επί τόν §many believed in the
of the Joppa; and many believed in the LORD.
Κΰριον. 4 3 Έγένετο δε ημέρας Ικανάς μείναι 43 And it occurred, he
Lord. It happened and days many to remain continued many DAYS in
αυτόν έν Ίόππχι, παρά τινι Σίμωνι βυρσεί. Joppa, with One $Simon a
ΚΕΦ. ι'. 10. CHAPTER X.
^Ανήρ δέ τις έν Καισαρεία, ονόματι
A man and certain in Caesarea, byname 1 And a certain Man in
Κορνήλιος, έκατοντάρχης έκ σπείρης της Csesarea, named Cornelius,
a Centurion of THAT Co-
Cornelius, a centurion of a cohort that hort CALLED the Italian,
καλούμενης "Ιταλικής, 2εύσε6ής καΐ φοβού-
2 $a pious man, and one
μενος τόν Θεόν συν παντί τω οίκω αύτοΰ, fearing GOD with All his
ing t h e God w i t h a l l t h e house of h i m s e l f , HOUSE, doing many Chari-
ποιών *[τε] έλεημοσύνας πολλάς τφ λαφ, ties for the PEOPLE, and
praying to GOD always,
doing [and] alms many to the people,
καΐ δεόμενος τοϋ θεοΰ διαπαντός· 3ε1δεν έν 3 §saw distinctly in a
and praying of the God always; he saw in Vision, * about the ninth
όράματι φανερώς, ώσεί ώραν ένάτην της Hour of the DAY, an Angel
a vision clearly, about hour ninth of the
ημέρας, αγνελον του θεοΰ είσελθόντα of GOD coming in to him,
day, a messenger of the God having come and saying to him, "Cor-
προς αυτόν, καΐ είπόντα αύτφ· Κορνήλιε, nelius ! "
to him, and saying to him; θ Cornelius. 4 And steadily gazing
*O δέ άτεν'ισας αύτφ καΐ εμφοδος at him, and becoming
He and having looked steadily to him and afraid afraid, he said, "What is
γενόμενος, είπε· ΤΙ εΌτι, κύριε; Είπε δέ it, S i r ! " And he said to
becoming, he said; What i s It, θ sir? He said and him, "Thy PRAYERS and
αύτφ· ΑΙ προσευχαΐ σου καΐ αϊ έλεημοσύναί thine ALMS went up as a
to him; The prayers of thee and the alms Memorial before GOD.
σου άνέβησαν είς μνημόσυνον ενώπιον του 5 And now send Men to
of the© w o n t up f o r A ixi ΦΤΏ or 1ft* MQ£O?6 t h e Joppa, and invite one Si-
θεοΰ. ΚαΙ νΰν πέμψον είς Ίόππην άνδρας, mon, who is surnamed Pe-
God· And now send into Jo>ppa men, ter ;
καΐ μετάπεμψαι ΣΊμωνα, δς επικαλείται Πέ- 6 he lodges with $One
and send after Simon, who Is surnamed Peter, Simon a Tanner, whose
τρος· οΰτος ξενίζεται παρά τινι Σίμωνι 6υρ- House is by the Sea.
he lodges w i t h ono Simon fi tan— 7 And when THAT AN-
σεΐ, φ έστιν οίκία παρά θάλασσαν. 7 Ώ ς GEL which SPOKE to him
ner, to whom is a house by sea. When was gone away, he called
δέ άπηλθεν ό δγγελος, ό λαλών αΰ- tWO Of *the HOUSE SER-
ancl went away the messenger, that speaking to VANTS, and a pious Soldier
τφ, φωνήσας δύο τών οίκετών αύ- Of THOSE W h o ATTENDED
him, having called two of the house servants of
τοΰ, καΐ στρατιώτην ευσεβή τών προσκαρ-
constantly on him ;
himself, and a soldier pious of those eonstanty them all things, he sent
8 and having related to
τερούντων αΰτφ, 8κα1 έξηγησάμενος αΰτοίς them to JOPPA.
attending him, and having related to them 9 And on the NEXT DAY,
δπαντα, άπέστειλεν αυτούς είς την Ίόππην. ±while they were pursu-
a l l things, he sent
them into the Joppa. ing their journey, and
Tfi δέ επαύριον, όδοιπορούντων έκεΐ- drawing near to the CITY,
Οιι the and morrow, pursuing the journey of
νων, καΐ τη πόλει έγγιζόντων, άνέβη $Peter went upon ±the
them, and to the c i t y drawing near, -went up ROOF to pray, about the
Πέτρος επί τ6 δώμα προσεύξασθαι, περί sixth Hour.
Peter to the roof to pray, about
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 . and—omit. 3. as if about. 7. the HOUSE SERVANTS.
± I t was about forty miles from Joppa to Ccesarea, therefore the messengers must have
traveled a part of the night to reach Joppa towards noon on the next day. ± 9. I t has
been remarked before, that the houses in Palestine had flat roofs, on which people
walked, conversed, meditated and prayed.
t 42. John xi. 4 5 ; xii. 1 1 . % 43. Acts x. 6. $ 2. verse 22. $ 3. verse 3 0 ;
xi. 13. t 6. Acts ix. 43. t 9. Acts xi. 5.
Chap. 10:10.] ACTS. [Chap. 10:20.
&ραν δκτην. 1 0 Έγένετο δέ πρόσπεινος, καΐ 10 And he became very
hour sixth. He became and very hungry, and hungry, and wished to e a t ;
ί^θελε γεΰσασθαι* παρασκευαζόντων δέ έκεί- but while they were mak-
wished to eat; making ready &nd of ing ready, a Trance fell on
νων, έπέπεσεν έπ' αυτόν έκστασις, η κα1 θεω- him,
tfcem, fell on him a trance, and he 11 and he beheld §HEA-
ρεΕ τόν ούρανόν άνεωγμένον, καΐ κατά- VEN opened, and a certain
D C l l O l u S t i l Ο Λ θftV CD, Il&V^ill^ uGOU OpGH.Od| ftUu ΟΟΙΠ i Q ^ Vessel like a great Sheet
βαίνον σκεΰός τι ώς όθόνην μεγάλην, descending, *being let
down a vessel certain like a sheet great, down by the Four Ends to
τέσσαρσιν άρχαίς δεδεμένον, καΐ καθιέ-
four ends having been bound, and being the EARTH ;
μενον επί της γης* έν φ υπήρχε 12 in which were *A11
lowered down to the earth; in which were the QUADRUPEDS and
πάντα τα τετράποδα της γης καΐ τα REPTILES Of t h e EARTH,
all the four-footed beasts of the earth and the and BIRDS of HEAVEN.
θηρία καΐ τά ερπετά καΐ τά πετεινά 13 And a Voice came to
wildbeasts and the creeping things and the birds
him, "Rise, Peter, kill and
τοϋ ουρανοί?· ^καΐ έγένετο φωνή προς αυ- eat."
14 But PETER said,
τόν Άναστάς, Πέτρε, θΰσον καΐ φάγε. "By no means, Lord;
Having arisen, θ Peter, sacrifice and eat. $For never did I eat any
*O δέ Πέτρος είπε· Μηδαμώς, Κύριε· δτι thing common and im-
The but Peter said; By no means, θ Lord; because pure."
ουδέποτε εφαγον πάν κοινόν ή άκάθαρ- 15 And a Voice came to
never I ίΐ t Θ ftiiy tiling common, or uucle&n· him again a second time,
τον. ^ΚαΙ
nd a v φωνήg πάλιν έκ δευτέρου προς αύ- §'·What GOD has cleansed,
And"Αa voice
ό θεόςagainέκαθάρισε,
a second time
συ μή toκοινού,
τόν. hat"Α the God has cleansed, thou not pollute. do not thou regard as com-
Wh mon."

Τοΰτο δέ έγένετο επί τρίς· καΐ πάλιν
16 And this was done
This and was done for three times; and again three times ; and •imme-
άνελήφθη τό σκεύος εις τόν ούρανόν. 1 7 Ώ ς diately the VESSEL was
δέ έν έαυτφ διηπόρει ό Πέτρος, τΐ taken up into HEAVEN.
and In himself was pondering the Peter, what
αν εΐη τό δράμα δ είδε, καΐ Ιδού, ol 17 And as PETER was
might be the vision which he saw, even lo, the pondering in himself, what
άνδρες ol απεσταλμένοι άπό του Κορνηλίου, the VISION which he saw
might mean, behold, even
διερωτήσαντες τήν ο'ικίαν Σίμωνος, έπέστη- THOSE MEN who were
having inquired for the house of Simon, stood SENT *by CORNELIUS,
σαν επί τόν πυλώνα· 18κα1 φωνήσαντες having inquired for the
SLt* t h e ^Rtβj mid h&vlu£ en 11 GCI ftloud HOUSE of * Simon, stood
έπυνΦάνοντο, εΐ Σίμων ό επικαλούμενος Πέ- a t the GATE ;
they asked, If Simon he being called Pe-
18 and calling aloud,
τρος ένθάδε ξενίζεται. they asked, " I s THAT Si-
ter here lodges.

mon Who Was SURNAMED
Τοΰ δέ Π έτρου διενθυμουμένου περί Peter lodging here?"
The and Peter reflecting concerning 19 Now while PETER
του οράματος, είπεν *[αύτφ] τό πνεύμα* was reflecting concerning
the vision, said [to him] the spirit; the VISION, $the SPIRIT
'Ιδού, άνδρες τρείς ξητουσί σε· 2°άλλά άνα- said, "Behold, *three Men
Lo, men three are seeking thee; but having are seeking thee;
στάς κατάβηθι, καΐ πορεύου σύν αύτοίς, 20 §arise and go down,
arisen do thou go down, and go with them, and go with them, with-
μηδέν διακρινόμενος δτι έγώ άπέσταλκα αύ- out any hesitation, Be-
pothlng doubting because I have sent them. cause I have sent them."
* VATICAN MANUSOEIPT.—11. being let down by the Four Ends to the EARTH.
12. All the QUADRUPEDS and REPTILES of the EARTH. 16. immediately the VESSEL.
17. by CORNELIUS. 17. SIMON. 19. to him—omit. 19. two Men.
t 11. Acts vii. 56. $ 14. Lev. xi. 4 ; xx. 2 5 ; Deut. xiv. 3, 7; Ezek. iv. 14.
t 15. verse 28. t 19. Acts xi. 12. $ 2 0 . Acts xv. 7.
Chap. 10:21.] ACTS. [Chap. 10:30.
τους. 21
Κατα6άς Πέτρος προς τους 21 Then Peter having
Having gone down gone down to the MEN,
but Peter to the said, "Behold, I am he
άνδρας, είπεν 'Ιδού, έγώ είμι, δν ζητείτε* whom you seek; what is
men, said; Lo, I am, whom you seek;
τΙς ή ή αίτια, θι' πάρεστε; *the Cause of your com-
ht the
th cause, onaccount of which youarep;
eet? ing?"
Ol δέ είπον Κορνήλιος έκατοντάρχης, άνήρ 22 And THEY said,
They and said; Cornelius a centurion, a m a n ^"Cornelius, a Centurion,
δίκαιος καΐ φοβούμενος τόν θ ε ό ν , μαρτυρού-
a righteous Man, and one
fearing COD, $and es-
Just and fearing the God, being testified teemed by all the NATION
μενός τε \<πό δλου τοΰ έ'θνους τών 'Ιουδαί-
οι: and by whole of the nation of the Jews, of the JEWS,, was divinely
ων, έχρηματ'ισϋη ύπό αγγέλου άγιου,
was divinely instructed by a messenger holy,
instructed by a h o l y
Angel to send after thee
μεταπέμψασθαί σε είς τόν οίκον αύτοϋ", to his HOUSE, and to hear
to send after thee to the house of himself, WORDS from thee."
καΐ άκοϋσαι ρήματα παρά σοΰ. ^Είσκαλεσάμε-
and t o h e a r words from thee. Having c a l l e d
23 Having, therefore,
νος οΰν αυτούς έξένισε. Τχί δέ επαύριον invited them in, he enter-
in then them he lodged. On the and morrow tained them. And on the
άναστάς έξήλθεν συν αύτοίς, κα'ι τίνες NEXT DAY he arose and
having arisen he went out with them, and some
went with them, and some
τών αδελφών, τών άπό Ίόππης, συνήλθον
Joppa accompanied him.
αύτώ. 24ΚαΙ τχ\ επαύριον είσήλθον είς 24 And on the DAY FOL-
h i m\ And a the morrow they entered into LOWING they entered CM-
την Καισάρειαν. *Ο δέ Κορνήλιος fyv προσδο- SAREA. And CORNELIUS
κών αυτούς, συγκαλεσάμενος τους συγγενείς was expecting them, having
assembled his RELATIVES
αύτοΰ καΐ τους αναγκαίους φίλους. 2 5 Ώ ς and INTIMATE Friends.
of himself and the intimate friends. When 25 And as PETER was
δέ έγένετο τοϋ είσελΦείν τόν Πέτρον, συναν- COMING IN, CORNELIUS
met him, and falling clown
τήσας αύτώ ό Κορνήλιος, πεσών έπι at his FEET he worshipped
«:et him the Cornelius, having fallen to him.
τους πόδας, προσεκύνησεν. 2 6 Ό δέ Πέτρος 26 But PETER raised
him up, saying, §"Arise;
αυτόν ήγειρε, λέγων Άνάστηθι· κάγώ I also am a Man."
him raised up, saying; Do thou arise; also ι
ούτος άνθρωπος είμι. 27ΚαΙ συνομιλών αύτφ, 27 And conversing with
him, he went in, and found
myself a man am. And talking with him, many gathered together.
εΙσήλθε, και ευρίσκει συνεληλυθότας πολ- 28 And he said to them,
he went28 in, and finds having been assembled many.
λούς. "Εφη τε προς αυτούς· *Υμείς έπίστα- $"You know that it is
He said and to them; You know, unlawful for a Jew to as-
σθε, ώς άθέμιτόν έστιν άνδρΐ Ιουδαία), κολ- sociate with a Foreigner;
$but GOD has showed Me
how unlawful it is for a man a Jew", to not to call any man com-
λάσθαι ή προσέρχεσθαι αλλοφύλω* καΐ έμοί mon or impure.
unite or come near to a foreigner; and to me
ό Θεός έδειξε, μηδένα κοινόν ή άκάθαρτον 29 Therefore, being sent
the God has sho ,vn, not common or unclean
for, I also came without
λέγειν άνθρωπον. 29Διό καΐ αναντιρρήτως hesitation. I ask, there-
ήλθον μεταπεμφθείς. Πυνθάνομαι ofw, τί- fore, for what reason you
sent for me?"
νι λόγω μετεπέμψασθέ με; 30
ΚαΙ ό Κορνή- 30 And CORNELIUS said,
what reason you sent after me? And the Corne- "Four days ago *I was
λιος εφη· Άπό τετάρτης ημέρας μέχρι ταύτης fasting till This HOUR;
lius said; From four days till this and at the NINTH Hour I
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3 0. till This Hour, I was at the NINTH praying in my
t 22. verses 1,2. $ 22. Acts xxii. 12. t 26. Acts xiv. 1 4 . 1 5 ; Rev. x?x. 1 0 ;
xxii. 9. $ 2 8 . Josh. iv. 9; xviii. 2 8 ; Acts xi. 3 ; Gal. i i . 1 2 , 1 4 . t 28. Acts
xv. 8 ; Eph. iii. 6.
Chap. 10:31.] ACTS. [Chap. 10:38.
ώρας, ήμην νηστευων, καΐ την ένάτην was praying in my HOUSE,
and the ninth
and behold, $a Man stood
<δραν προσευχόμενος fasting,
έν τ φ οϊκω μου· καΐ ιδού, before me in ^splendid
άνήρ, έστη ενώπιον μου έν έσθήτι λαμπρά,
a man, stood before me in clothing shining, 31 and said, 'Cornelius !
κα1 φησί* Κορνήλιε, είσηκούσθη σου ή thy PRAYER is heard, and
and he said; O Cornelius, heard of thee the thine ALMS are remem-
Λροσευχή, και αϊ έλεημοσύναι σου έμνή- bered before GOD.
32 Send therefore to
σθησαν ενώπιον τοΰ Θεοΰ. Πέμψον οΰν Joppa, and invite Simon,
membered before the God. Send therefore whose surname is P e t e r ;

εΙς Ίόππην, καΐ μετακάλεσαι Σίμωνα δς επι- he lodges in the HOUSE of

Simon, a Tanner, by the
καλείται Π έτρος· οδτος ξενίζεται έν οικία Sea; who, when he is
surnamed Peter; he lodges in a house
come, will speak to thee.'
Σίμωνος βυρσέως παρά θάλασσαν * [δς παρα- 33 Immediately, there-
of Simon a tanner by sea; fore I sent to thee, and
[who having
γενόμενος λαλήσει σοι.] ^ Έ ξ α υ τ ή ς ούν thou hast done well in hav-
come w i l l speak to thee.3 Immediately therefore
ing come. Now therefore
we are all present before
έπεμψα προς σέ· συ τε καλώς έποίησας παρα- God to hear All THINGS
I sent to thee; thou and well didst hav-
which *the LORD has
γενόμενος. Νΰν ούν πάντες ημείς ενώπι- COMMANDED thee."
34 34 And Peter opening
ον τοϋ Θεού πάρεσμεν cot ύπό τοϋ πάντα
άκοΰσαι Θεοϋ. Άνοί- τα his MOUTH, said, §"I per-
liaving been commanded thee by the God. Having
ceive in Truth That GOD is
ξας δε Πέτρος τό στόμα, είπεν Έ π ' άλη-not a Respecter of persons,
OJpGQGQ ftHQ ΙτβΐθΓ til© IHOUtily SAlU; ΪΪΧ triltjl
Φείας καταλαμβάνομαι, δτι ούκ εστί πρβσωπο- 35 but in Every Nation,
I perceive, 35 that not is a respecter he who FEARS him and
λήπτης ό Θεός* 'άλλ' έν παντί εθνει ό works Righteousness is
of persons the God; but in every nation he acceptable to him.
φοβούμενος αυτόν, καΐ εργαζόμενος δικαιο-
fearing him, and working righteous- 36 (*He sent the WORD
σΰνην, δεκτός αύτφ έστι. Τόν λόγον
to the SONS of Israel, $an-
ness, acceptable to him is. The word which nouncing glad tidings of
απέστειλε τοις υΐοίς 'Ισραήλ, εύαγγελιζό- Peace, through Jesus
lie sent to the sons of Israel, proclaiming Christ—he is Lord of all—•
μένος είρήνην δια Ίησοΰ Χρίστου· ού- 37 *you know that
τος έστι πάντων Κύριος. 3 7 Ύ μ ε ί ς ο'ίδατε τό WORD which was SPOKEN
is of a l l a Lord. You know that
through All JUDEA, .tbe-
γενόμενον ρήμα κ α θ ' δλης της 'Ιουδαίας ginning from GALILEE,
having been a spoken word in whole of the Judea
after the IMMERSION
άρξάμενον άπό της Γαλιλαίας, μετά τό βάπτι- which John preached,)
beginning from the Galilee, after the dlp-
σμα δ έκήρυξεν 'Ιωάννης· Ίησοϋν τόν
38 even THAT Jesus
ping which was preached of John;
that Jesus
from Nazareth, how $GOD
άπό Ναζαρέτ, ώς εχρισεν αυτόν ό
Θεός anointed him with holy
from Nazareth, how anointed him the God
Spirit and Power; who
πνεΰματι άγίω καΐ δυνάμει, δς διηλθεν went about doing good
With s p i r i t holy and power, who went about and curing ALL who were
ευεργετών καΐ ίώμενος πάντας τους καταδυ- OPPRESSED by the ENEMY ;
doing good and curing all those being ^Because GOD was with
ναστευομένους ύπό τοϋ διαβόλου, δτι ό him.
• oppressed by the accuser, because the
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 2 . who having come will speak to thee—omit. 33.the
LORD. 3 6. He sent the WORD to the SONS of Israel. 3 7. You know.
$ 3 0 . Acts i . 1 0 . t 3 0 . Matt, xxviii. 3 ; Mark xvi. 5 ; Luke xxiv. 4 . t 34.
Deut. x . 1 7 ; 2 Chron. xix. 7 ; J o b . xxxiv. 1 9 ; Bom. i i . 1 1 ; Eph. vi. 9 ; Col.
Vi. 2 5 ; 1 Pet. i. 17. % 36. Matt, xxviii. 1 8 ; Horn. x. 1 2 ; 1 Cor. xv. 2 7 ; Eph. i .
20-22; 1 Pet. iii. 2 2 ; Eev. xvii. 1 4 ; xix. 16. t 3 7. Luke iv. 14. $ 38. Luke iv.
1 8 ; Acts i i . 2 2 ; iv. 2 7 ; H e b . i. 9. $ 3 8 . John i i i . 2 .
Chap. 10:39.] ACTS. [Chap. 10:48.
Θεός fjv μετ' αΰτοΰ· κα1 ημείς μάρτυρες 39And we are Witnesses
God -was with him; and we witnesses of all things which he did,
πάντων, <δν έποίησεν Iv τε τη χώρα των both in the COUNTRY of
the J E W S , and in Jerusa-
'Ιουδαίων και έν *Ιερουο*αλήμ· δν
καΐ άνεΐ- lem ; whom also, having
JeWS 1 i J 1 Whm 1 O tGj!' hanged on a Cross, they
λον κρεμάσαντες επί ξύλου. 40Τοΰτον ό θεός killed.
killed having hanged on a cross. This the God 40 Him GOD raised up
ήγειρε τη τρίτη ημέρα, καΐ εδωκεν αυτόν the THIRD Day, and per-
raised up the third 41 day, and gave him mitted nim to become
εμφανή γενέσθαι, ού παντί τφ λαω, αλλά manifest,
m a n i f e s t to become, not to a l l the people, but 41 not to All the PEO-
μάρτυσι τοις προκεχειροτονημένοις PLE, but to THOSE Wit-
to witnesses to those having been chosen before nesses PREVIOUSLY CHO-
ύπό του Θεοΰ, ήμίν, οιτινες συνεφάγομεν καΐ SEN by GOD, to us, §who
by the God, to us, who ate with and did eat and drink with
him after he ROSE from
συνεπίομεν αύτφ μετά τό άναστηναι αυτόν the Dead.
drank with him'after that to have raised him 42 And $he commanded
ρΰξαι νεκρών. τω λαώKai καίπαρήγγειλεν ήμίν, κη-
διαμαρτύρασθαι, δτι us to proclaim to the PEO-
publish to the people and to fully testily that PLE, and to fully testify
αυτός έστιν ό ώρισμένος ύπό τοΰ Θεοΰ •That this is HE fwho has
he is the having been appointed by the God been1 APPOINTED by GOD
κριτής ζώντων καΐ νεκρών. 43
Τού- the Judge of the Living
a judge of living ones and of dead ones. To and the Dead.
πάντες ol προφήται μαρτυροΰσιν, αφεσιν 43 To him All the PRO-
hil ι ^ 11 tiiΘ j?roj}li©ts beiir 16 $ t inionyi f or££Iveness PHETS bear testimony;
αμαρτιών λαβείν δια τοΰ ονόματος αύτοΰ and EVERY ONE BELIEVING
of sins to receive through the name of liitn into him shall receive For-
πάντα τάν πιστεύοντα εις αυτόν. "Ετι giveness of Sins, through
©very one the believing into him. Awhile his NAME.
λαλοϋντος τοΰ Π έτρου τά ρήματα ταΰτα, έπέ- 44 While PETER was yet the Peter the words
speaking these these,
WORDS, fell
πέσε τό πνεΰμα τό δγιον επί πάντας τους §the HOLY SPIRIT fell on
the spirit the holy on all those
άκούοντας τόν λόγον. ΚαΙ έξέστησαν oi the WORD.
hearing the word. And were astonished those 45 And THOSE BELIEV-
ί% περιτομής πιστοί δσοι συνήλΦον ERS of the Circumcision,
of circumcision believers as many as came with *who came with Peter,
τφ Πέτρω, δτι καί επί τά έθνη ή δωρεά were astonished, ^Because
tho Peter* *t>6 cause &.lso on the Gentiles the gift
τοΰ άγιου πνεύματος έκκέχυται· 4β
ήκου- the GIFT of the HOLY
of the holy spirit has been poured out; they Spirit was even poured
ov γαρ αυτών λαλούντων γλώσσαις, καί out upon the GENTILES ;
I^eiircl fop thenx spenking \srith tongues· &n(J 46 for they heard them
μεγαλυνόντων τόν θεόν. Τότε άπεκρίθη ό speaking these WORDS,
magnifying the God. Then answered the a n d magnifying G O D .
Πέτρος* 47μήτι τό {5δωρ κωλϋσαι δύναταΙ τις Then answered PETER,
Peter; Not tho water to forbid is able any
47 "Can any one forbid
τοΰ μη βαπτισθήναι τούτους, οιτινες τό πνεΰμα WATER, that these should
χ licit not to lie dinged these} \^ho 48the spirit not be IMMERSED, who re-
τό αγιον ^λαβον καθώς καί ημείς; Προσέ- ceived the HOLY SPIRIT,
the holy received as even we? He directed
ταξέ τε αυτούς βαπτισθήναι έν τφ ονόματι even as we did ?"
48 $And he ordered
and them to be dipped in the name
τοΰ Κυρίου. Τότε ήρώτησαν αυτόν έπιμείναι them to be immersed in
of the Lord. Then they asked him to remain the name of *the LORD.
ημέρας τινάς. Then they desired him to
days s
remain some Days.
* VATICAN MANUSCBIPT.—42. That this is H E . 45. who came with. 48. Jesus
t 4 1 . Luke xxiv. 30, 4 3 ; John xxi. 13. % 42. Matt, xxviii. 19, 2 0 ; Acts i . 8.
t 42. John v. 2 2 , 2 7 ; Acts xvii. 3 1 ; Eom. xiv. 9; 2 Cor. v. 10; 2 Tim. iv. 1;
1 Pet. iv. 5. % 44. Acts ii. 2 ; xi. 15. t 45. Acts xl. 18; Gal. l i t 14. $ 48.
Acts ii. 3 8 ; viii. 16. 440
Cfoap. 11:1.] ACTS. [Chap. 11:12.
ΚΕΦ. ι α ' . 11. CHAPTER XI.

Ήκουσαν δε ol απόστολοι καΐ ot αδελφοί 1 And the APOSTLES
Heard and the apostles and the brethren and THOSE BRETHREN
oi δντες κατά την Ίουδαίαν, δτι και ταwho were in JUDEA heard
those being in the Judea, that also the That the Gentiles also had
received the WORD of GOD.
ίΦνη έδέξαντο τον λόγον τοΰ Θεοΰ. 2ΚαΙ δτε
gentiles received the word of the God. And when up 2toAnd when Peter went
Jerusalem, THOSE of
άνέβη Π έτρος είς 'Ιεροσόλυμα, διεκρίνοντο the Circumcision contend-
W^oiit up P e t e r into JcI'u.isfl. 1 βm disputed ed with him,
Λρός αυτόν ol έκ περιτομής,3λέγοντες· "Οτι 3 saying, §*That he
^Vitlx iiiixx t h o s e o i circuΪΙΙC i S Ι Ο Ώ J sftyιuJJϊ TliSLt went in to Men uncircum-
προς άνδρας άκροβυστ'ιαν έχοντας εισήλθες, cised, and did eat with
to men uncircumcision having thou wentest in, them. 4 But *Peter, having
καΐ συνέφαγες αύτοϊς. 4Άρξάμενος δε begun, set it forth in order
and thou didst eat with them. Having begun and to them, saying,
66 Πέτρος έξετίθετο αύτοίς καθεξής, λέγων 5 " I was in the City of
έγώ ήμην έν πόλει Ίόππχι προσευχόμενος· Joppa praying, $and in a
I was in city of Joppa praying; Trance I saw a Vision, a
καΐ είδον έν έκστάσει δράμα, καταβαίνον certain Vessel like a great
and I saw In a trance a vision, coming down Sheet descending, being
σκεΰός χι ώς όθόνην μεγάλην, τέσσαρσιν let out
down by the Four Ends
of HEAVEN, and it
a vessel certain like a sheet great, four
came to me.
άρχαίς καθιεμένην έκ τοΰ ούρανοΰ, καΐ 6 And looking atten-
cuds foeiiiEf 1 ο w & Γ β d o u t of th© Ιιο&^τβΐχ· And tively into it, I observed
ήλθεν δχρις έμοϋ* 6είς fjv άτενίσας and saw QUADRUPEDS of
c&m0 &s ί&ΐ* AS uiGj into ^yhich hiivinjj looked the EARTH a n d WILD
κατενόουν καΐ είδον τα τετράποδα τής BEASTS, and REPTILES,
I observed and saw the four-footed beasts of the 7 And *I also heard a
γης καΐ τά θηρία καΐ τα ερπετά καΐ τά Voice saying to me, 'Arise,
sayin and the wild beasts and the reptiles and the kill and eat.'
φάγε. 8ΕΙπον τοΟδέ· ούρανοΰ.
Μηδαμως, "Ηκουσα Κύριε· δέ φωνής
δτι 8 But I said, 'By no
l)irds I said
eat. of thebut; lieftveii·
By no means, I Jiejird Andbecause
θ Lord; A voice means, Lord ; For a com-
λεγούσης ή μοι·
κοινόν άκάθαρτονΆναστάς, ουδέποτε Πέτρε, καΐ mon or impure thing never
θΰσον ε'ις
τό στόμα μου.βΆπεκρίθη δέ μοι φωνή έκ entered into my MOUTH/
the mouth of me. Answered but to me a voice a 9 And a Voice answered
δευτέρου έκ τοΰ οΰρανοΰ· "Α ό Θεός me a second time from
second time out of the heaven; What the Godcleansed, 'What HEAVEN, GOD has
do not thou re-
έκαθάρισε, συ μη κοινού. 10Τοΰτο δέ έγένετο gard as common.'
cleansed, thou not pollute. This and was done 10 And this was done
επί τρις* καΐ πάλιν άνεσπάσθη απαντά three times ; and again all
for three times; and again was drawn up all
είς τόν ούρανόν. u Kal Ιδού, έξαυτής τρεις were d r a w n up i n t o
into the heaven. And lo, Immediately three HEAVEN.
α*νδρες επέστησαν εις την οίκίαν έν fj ήμην, 11 And behold, immedi-
men stood at tho house In which I was, ately Three Men stood at
απεσταλμένοι άπό Καισαρείας προς με. 12ΕΙπε the HOUSE in which I was,
having been sent from Caesarea to me. Said having been sent to me
δέ μοι το πνεΰμα, συνελθείν αύτοίς, μηδέν from Csesarea.
and to me the spirit, to go with them, nothing 12 And $ t h e S P I R I T
διακρινόμενον ή"λθον δέ συν έμοί καΐ ot §i commanded me to go with
doubting; went and with me also the six them, without any hesita-
αδελφοί οΰτοι, καΐ είσήλθομεν είς τόν οίκον Brethren tion. And § t h e s e s i x
also went with
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3: That he went in to Men uncircumcised, and did eat
With them. 4. Peter. 7. I also heard.
1 3 . Acts x. 28. $ 5. Acts x. 9. &c. $ 12. John xvi. 13; Acts x. 19; xv. 7.
t 12. Acts z.
Chap. 11:13.] ACTS. Chap. 11:22.
του ανδρός. ^'Απήγγειλέ τε ήμίν, πώς είδε me, and we entered the
of the maa. H e related and to us, h o w he saw MAN'S HOUSE.
τόν δγγελον έν τφ οϊκω αύτοΰ σταβέντα 13 $Ancl he told us how
the messenger in the house of himself standing he saw the ANGEL in his
και ειπόντα *[αύτφ·] Άπόστειλον ε'ις Ίόπ- in£, HOUSE, standing and *say-
and saying [to him;] Send into Jop-
'Send into Joppa, and
πην, καΐ μετάπεμψαι ΣΊμωνα τόν έπικαλοιι-
invite THAT Simon, sur-
ptif «Lucl scucixtxtGi* SiΪΪΙon tti£it linviii§ υθβΐι
named Peter;
14 who will speak Words
μενον 14
Πέτρον ος λαλήσαι ρήματα προς to thee, by which thou
mayest be saved, and All
σέ, έν οίς σωθήση σύ και πας δ thy HOUSE.'
t h e e , b y w h i c h m1 5a y e s t b e s a v e d t h o u a n d a l l t h e 15 And as I BEGAN to
οϊκός σου. Έ ν δέ τω (χρξασθαί με speak, the HOLY SPIRIT
house of thee. In and the to have begun, me fell on them, $even as on
λαλείν, έπέπεσε τό πνεΰμα το αγιον έπ'us in the Beginning.
to speak, fell the spirit the holy on
Έ- the16 WORD
And I remembered

αυτούς, ώσπερ και έφ' ημάς έν άρχχί. of the LORD,
them, as also on us in beginning. I
μνήσθην δέ του ρήματος του Κυρίου, ώς how he said, J'John in-
remembered and the words of the Lord, how deed immersed in Water ;
ίίλεγεν 'Ιωάννης μέν έβάπτισεν ΰδατι, ύμείς but you shall be immersed
Ιιο B&id| Jolin Indeed dij)j)t?d i n w u 1 6 r ι you. in holy Spirit.'
δε βαπτισθήσεσθε έν πνεύματι άγ'ιω.
ΕΙ ο$ν 17 Since, then, GOD im-
but s h a l l be d i p p e d i n spirit holy. I f then parted the SAME Gift to
την ϊσην δωρεάν εδωκεν αΰτοίς ό Θεός ώς
them, who believed on the
καΐ ήμίν, πιστεύσασιν έπΙ τόν Κύριον Ίησοΰν LORD Jesus Christ, as
even to us, having bel ieved on the Lord Jesus even to us, who was I,
Χριστόν, έγώ δέ τΙς ήμην, δυνατός κω- that I should be able to
Anointed, I and who was, having power to restrain GOD?"
λΰσαι τόν Θεόν; Άκούσαντες δέ ταύτα, ήσύ- 18 And having heard
restrain the God? Having heard and these, they these things, they were
χασαν, καΐ έδόξαζον τόν Θεόν, λέγοντες· silent, and glorified GOD,
were silent, o.nd glorified tho God, saying; saying, $"Then to the
"Αραγε καΐ τοίς έ'θνεσιν ό Θεός την με- GENTILES also has GOD
Then, also to the Gentiles the God the re-
given R E F O R M A T I O N to
οΰν Life."
τάνοιαν £δωκεν είς ζωήν. OI μέν
formation gave Into life. Those indeed therefore 19 JThen THOSE indeed
διασπαρέντες άπό της θλίψεως της γενο- HAVING BEEN DISPERSED
having been scattered from the affliction that hav- on account of THAT AF-
μένης έπΙ Στεφάνφ, διήλθον έως
about Stephen, traveled to
Φοινίκης καΐ Κύπρου καΐ 'Αντιοχείας, μηδε\1
Phenicia, and Cyprus, and
Antioch, speaking t h e
λαλοΰντες τόν λόγον εί μή μόνον Ίουδα'ιοις.
WORD to no one, except
speaking the word if not alone to Jews.
to Jews only.
2 Τ 20 But some of them
° ΙΙσαν δέ τίνες έξ αυτών δνδρες Κύπριοι were Cyprians and Cyre-
Were and some of them men Cyprians nians, who, having come
καΐ Κυρηναίοι, οΐτινες, έλΦόντες είς Άντιό- to Antioch, spoke *also to
and Cyrenians, w h o having come into Antioch, the GREEKS, announcing
χειαν έλάλουν προς τους "Ελληνας, εύαγγε- the glad tidings of the
sj)olco to tli e GreeliSf sizmounc in§ LORD Jesus.
λιζόμενοι τόν Κύριον Ί η σ ο ΰ ν . 2 1 ΚαΙ f\v χεΙρ 21 $And the Hand of
glad tidings of the Lord Jesus. And was hand
Κυρίου μετ' αυτών, πολύς τε αριθμός πιστεύ- the LORD was with them,
of Lord with them, great and number having *and a Great Number hav-
σας έπέστρεψεν έπΙ τόν Κύριον. 22Ήκούσθη ing believed, turned to
believed turned to the Lord. Was reported the LORD.
δέ ό λόγος εις τά ώτα της εκκλησίας 22 And the REPORT con-
and the word into the ears of the congregation cerning them came to the
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT. 13. to him—omit. 20. also to the. 2 1 . and THAT?
reat Number.
t 15. Acts iii . 2 ; x. 44, 47. i 16. Matt, i i i . 1 1 ; John i. 26, 3 3 ; i . 5 ; xlx. 4 .
± 18. Rom. Σ . 1 2 : xv. 9, 1 6 . $ 19. Acts viil. 1. $ 2 1 . Acts ix. 3 5 .
Chap. 11:23.] ACTS. [Chap. 12:1.
της έν Ίεροσολυμοις περί αυτών καΐ έξαπέ- EARS Of *THAT CONGRE-
tbat in Jerusalem concerning tbeir», and the; GATION which WAS i n
οτειλαν Βαρνάβαν διελθεΐν §'ως Άντιοχεί Jerusalem : and they sent
sent out Barnabas to go through to Ant loch.
forth Barnabas to An-
ας. ^"Οζ παραγε\όμενος καΐ Ιδών τήν tioch ;
Who having como and having seen tlie 23 who having come
χάριν του θεού, έχάρη, καΙ- παρεκάλει πάν- and seen *THAT FAVOR of
favor of the God, rejoiced, and called on a l l ,
GOD, rejoiced, and called
τας tfj προβέσει της καρδίας προσμένειν on all to *continue in the
with the purpose of the heart to adhere LORD with PURPOSE of
χΰ, Κυρίφ· 24δτι fjv άνήρ αγαθός, καΐ πλήρης HEART ;
to t i e Lord; for he was a man good, and full
24 for he was a good
πνεύματος αγίου καΐ πίστεως. ΚαΙ προσετέθη Man, and full of holy
of spirit holy and faith. And w a s added Spirit and Faith. And a
δ*χλος Ικανός τω Κυρ'ιω. 2δ
Έ ξ ή λ θ ρ δε εις considerable Number were
a crowd great to the Lord. Went out and Into added to the LORD.
Ταρσόν *[6 Βαρνάβας,] άναζητήσαι Σαΰλον 25 And *he went to
Tarsus [the Barnabas,] to seek Saul;
καΙ εύρων *[αυτόν,] ήγαγεν * [αυτόν] §Tarsus to seek Saul; and
and having found £him,] he brought [him3 having found him he
εις Άντιόχειαν. 2β Έγένετο δέ αυτούς ένιαυ- brought him to Antiocb.
to Antioch. It happened and them a year 26 And it occurred that
τόν δλον συνα/frfjvat έν τχϊ εκκλησία, καΐ δι-during a whole Year they
associated with the CON-
δάξαι δχλον Ικανόν, χρηματίσαι τε πρώ- GREGATION, and taught a
teach » crowd great, to have been styled and first great Crowd. And the DIS-
τον έν Άντιοχεί? του? μαθητάς Χριστιανούς, CIPLES werestyled ±Chris-
in Antiocb tb disciples ' Christians. tians first in Antioch.
Έν ταύται,' δέ rate ήμέραις κατήλθον άπό 27 And in Those DAYS
In these and the days came down from ^Prophets came down
•Ιεροσολύμων προφηται εις Άντιόχειαν. 28 Ά- from Jerusalem to Anti-
Jerusalem prophets into Antioch. Hav- och ;
ναστάς δέ εΙς εξ αυτών, ονόματι "Αγαθός, 28 And one of them,
In? arisen and one oi them, byname Agabus, named §Agabus, standing
έσήμαιν? διά του πνεύματος, λιμόν μέγαν up signified by the SPIRIT
μέλλειν έ'σεσθσο έφ* δλην τήν οίκουμένην that a great Famine was
s i g n i f i o l through t h e s p i r i t , a famine great
about i s goiDg to be over whole the habitable; about to come on the
20 Whole HABITABLE ; which
δστις καΙ έγένετο επί Κλαυδίου. Τών δέ also happened under Clau-
Wliich alss> occurred under Claudius. The and dius.
καθώς ηύπορεΐτο τις, ωρισαν έ'κα- 29 And the DISCIPLES,
στος αυτών etc διακονίαν πέμψαι τοις κατοι- according to the ability of
ΟΠΘ of them tor o relief to send to the dwell- each, determined to send
κοΰσιν έν τη 'Ιουδαία άδελφοίς· 3Οδ καΙ $Relief to the BRETHREN
ing I» the Judea brethren; which also DWELLING i n JUDEA ,'
εποίησαν, άποστείλαντες προς τους πρεσβυ- 30 :':v;hich also they did,
sending to the ELDERS by
they did, senolng to the " elders
ΐέρους διά χειρός; Βαρνάβα καΙ Σαύλου. the Hand of Barnabas and
through hand of Barnabas and Saul. Saul.
Κατ' εκείνον δέ τόν καιρόν έπέβαλεν 1 Now at That TIME
Ια that and the season put fortr ±Herod the KING put forth
• VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 2 . THAT CONGREGATION which was. 23. THAT PAVOB.
23. continue in the Lord. 2 5. Barnabas—omit. 25. him—omit. 25. him—omit.

themselvep. both for convenience, and to keep out a terra of reproach. ± 1. Herod
Agrippa, grandson of Herod the Great.
t 25. Acts i x . 3 0 . t 27. Acts ii, 1 7 ; xiii. 1 ; xv. 3 2 ; xxi. 9 ; 1 Cor. xii. 2 8 ;
Eph. iv. 1 1 . } 2 8 . Acts xxi. 3 0 . $ 2 9 . Bom. xv. 2 6 ; 1 Cor. xvi. 1 ; 2 Cor. ix.
1. } 3 0 . Acts x i i . 2 5 .
C7iap. 12:2.] ACTS. [Chap. 12:9.
Ηρώδης ό βασιλεύς τάς χείρας, κακώσαί his HANDS to injure SOME
Herod the king the hands, to afflict of the CHURCH.
τινας των άπό της εκκλησίας, 2άνείλε
some of the from of the congregation, he killed 2 And he killed $James
δέ Ίάκωβον, τόν άδελφόν 'Ιωάννου, μαχα'ι- the BROTHER of John with
fcnd James, the brother of John, with a the Sword.
ρα. ΚαΙ ίδών, δτι άρεστόν έστι 3 And seeing that it
sword. And having seen, that pleasing i t is
τοις Ίουδαίοις προσέθετο συλλαβείν καΐ ceeded pleased the JEWS, he pro-
to arrest Peter also;
Π έτρον (η"σαν δέ αϊ ήμέραι τών (and it was during the DAYS Of UNLEAVENED
Peter; (they were and the days of the
άζύμων) 8ν καΐ πιάσας εθε-
4 and having seized he
Unleavened cakes;) whom also
having seized he put him in Prison, deliver-
το ε'ις φυλακήν, παραδούς τέσσαρσι ing him to Four Quarter-
placed into a prison, having delivered to four nions of Soldiers to guard
him, intending after the
τετραδίοις στρατιωτών φυλάσσειν αυτόν, PASSOVER to lead him out
to the PEOPLE.
βουλόμενος μετά τό πάσχα άναγαγείν αυτόν
i l l t GUCI i Q.£T
τίΤ> λαφ. Ό μέν
f Βi l t e r
tu6 pilSSOVGI*
Πέτρος έτη-
5 Therefore, indeed, PE-
t O &6£LQ OUT* jl ι ΎΥϊ

to the people. The indeed therefore Peter was TER was watched by the
GUARD ; $b u t earnest
ρείτο έν τη φυλακή· προσευχή δέ ήν εκτενής Prayer was made *in his
watched by the guard; prayer but was earnest behalf by the CHURCH.
γινομένη υπό της εκκλησίας * [προς τόν θε-
was made by the congregation tto the God]
όν] υπέρ αύτου. β"Οτε δέ Ιμελλεν αυτόν 6 But when HEROD was
in behalf of him. When but was about him about to bring him forward,
προάγειν ό Ηρώδης, rrj νυκτί έκεί- on that NIGHT PETER was
to bring before the Herod, in the night that
sleeping ±between Two
νχι ήν ό Πέτρος κοιμώμενος μεταξύ δύο στρα- Soldiers, bound with two
was the Peter sleeping between two Chains ; and the Guards
τιωτών, δεδεμένος άλύσεσι δυσί, φύλα- beforewatching
the DOOR were
soldiers, having been bound with chains two,
κές τε πρό της θύρας έτήρουν την φυλακήν. 7 And behold, $an Angel
guards and before the door watching the prison.
Ktd Ιδού, δγγελος Κυρίου επέστη, καΐ of the Lord stood by him,
and a Light shone in the
And Ιο, a messenger of Lord stood by, and
φως ε*λαμ·ψεν έν τφ οΐκήματι· πατάξας δέ Building; and SIDE, striking
a light shone In the building; having struck and PETER on the he
τήν πλευράν του Πέτρου, ήγειρεν αυτόν, awoke him, suying, "Arise
the side of the Peter, aroused him, quickly." And His CHAINS
λέγων 'Ανάστα έν έκ τάχει. ΚαΙ έξέπεσον
ΕΙπέ τεαύ- ό fell from his HANDS.
τοΰ αϊ άλύσεις τών χειρών.
him the chains from the hands. Said and the
άγγελος προς αυτόν Περίζωσαι, καΐ ύπό- 8 And the ANGEL said
messenger to him; Gird thyself, and bind to him, "Gird thyself, and
δησαι τά σανδάλια σου. Έποίησε δέ οΰτω. tie on thy SANDALS/' And
under the sandals of thee. He did and so.
he did so. And he says to
ΚαΙ λέγει αΰτφ· Περιβαλοΰ τό Ιμάτιόν around him, "Throw thy MANTLE
And he says to him; Throw around the mantle thee, and follow
σου, καΐ ακολουθεί μοι. ΚαΙ 9
έξελθών me."
of thee, and follow m e . And having gone out 9 And going out he fol-
ήκολούθει *[αύτφ·] καΐ ούκ ί^δει, δτι αληθές lowed him ; and knew not
he followed [him;] and not knew, that real
That WHAT was DONE by
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 5 . to GOD—omit. 5. concerning him. 9. him—omit.
± 6. Peter was bound to each of the soldiers,- so that the least movement on his part to
free himself from the chains, would awaken his guard. Two keepers were also stationed at
the doors to prevent any ingress of his friends, or any egress on his part.
% 2. Matt. iv. 2 1 ; xx. 23. ί 5 . 2 Cor. i. 1 0 ; Eph. vi. 1 8 ; 1 Thess. V. 17. $ 7.
Acts v. 1 9 .

Chap. 12:10.] ACTS. [Chap. 12: X<.
έστι τό γινόμενον δια του αγγέλου, the ANGEL, was real, but
it is that being done through the messenger thought the saw a Vision.
έδόκει δε δράμα βλέπειν. 10Διελθόντες δέ 10 And having passed
thought but a vision to see. Passing through and through the First and sec-
πρώτην φυλακήν καΐ δευτέραν, Ιίλθον επί την ond Guard, they came to
πύλην τήν σιδηράν τήν φέρουσαν εις τήν THAT IRON GATE t h a t
gate the iron that leading into the LEADS into the CITY,
πόλιν, ήτις αυτόματη ήνο'ιχθη αύτοίς· καΐ $which opened to them of
city, which self-moved opened to them; and
itself ; and going out they
went forward one Street;
εξελθόντες προήλθον ρύμην μίαν, καΐ εύ- and immediately the AN-
xiciviu^ §OUG out \vent ιΟΓ w&rd street on β) AUCI ini™ GEL withdrew from him.
θέως άπέστη ό άγγελος άπ' αύτοϋ. 11 And PETER becom-
mediately stood the messenger from him.
ing self-possessed, said,
Kal ό Πέτρος γενόμενος έν έαυτφ, είπε· "Now I know truly, $That

And the Peter having come in to himself, said; the Lord sent his ANGEL
Νϋν οίδα αληθώς, δτι έξαπέστειλε Κύριος and ^delivered me from
Now I know really, that sent forth Lord the Hand of Herod, and
τόν αγγελον αύτου, καΐ έξείλατό με έκ All the EXPECTATION of
the messenger of himself, and delivered me out of the JEWISH PEOPLE."
χειρός Ήρώδου, καΐ πάσης της προσδοκίας 12 And reflecting, $he
hand of Herod, and all the expectation
του λαού των 'Ιουδαίων. 12Συνιδών τε ήλ- came to the HOUSE of
of the people of the Jews. Considering and he Mary, the MOTHER of
fTHAT John, surnamed
θεν επί τήν οίκίαν Μαρίας της μητρός Ίωάν- MARK ; where many were
came to the house of Mary the mother of John, assembled, and were pray-
νου, του
Ικανοί επικαλουμένου καΐ
συνηθροισμένοι Μάρκου, οδ ήσαν ing.
many assembled and were praying. 13And as he was knock-
^Κρούσαντος δέ αύτου τήν θύραν τοϋ ing at the DOOR of the
Having knocked
and him the door of the
GATE, a female servant
named Rhoda, came to lis-
πυλώνος προσήλθε παιδίσκη ύπακοΰσαι, ten.
ονόματι Ρόδη* 14κα1 έπιγνουσα τήν φωνήν του 14 And having recog-
byname Bhoda; and knowing the voice of the nised PETER'S VOICE., she
Πέτρου, άπό της χαράς ούκ ήνοιξε τόν opened not the GATE from
Peter, from the Joy not she opened the JOY, but running in, told
πυλώνα* είσδραμοΰσα δέ άπήγγειλεν, έστάναι them that Peter was stand-
gate; having run in and told, to have stood ing at the GATE.
τόν Πέτρον πρό του πυλώνος. 15Ot δέ προς 15 And THEY said to
the Peter before the gate. They butto
her, "Thou art mad." But
αυτήν είπον ' Μαίνη. Ή δέ διίσχυρίξετο SHE strongly asserted that
her said; Thou art mad. She but confidently affirmed it was so. And THEY said,
οΰτως έ'χειν. ie Ol δέ έ'λεγον *Ο άγγελος " I t is his ANGEL/'
thus to be. They and said; The messenger
αύτοΰ έστιν. Ό δέ Πέτρος επέμενε κρού- 16 But PETER continued
of him it is. The but Peter continued knock- knocking; and having
opened they saw him, and
ων· άνοιξαντες δέ είδον αυτόν, καΐ έξέ- were astonished.
ing; having opened and they saw him, and were 17 $And waving his
στησαν. 17Κατασείσας δέ αύτοίς rfi χειρί σι- hand for them to be silent,
amazed. Having waved but to them the hand to he related to them how
γφν, διηγήσατο αύτοίς, πώς ό Κύριος αυτόν the LORD conducted Him
be silent, he related to them, how the Lord him out of the PRISON. And
έξήγαγεν έκ της φυλακή. Είπε δέ· Άπαγ-
led out of the prison. Said and; Report he said, "Tell these things
γείλατε Ίακώβω καΐ τοϊς άδελφοίς ταΰ- to James and to the BRE-
you to James and to the brethren these THREN/' And going out,
he went into Another
τα. ΚαΙ έξελθών έπορεύθη είς §τερον τόπον. Place.
things. And going out ho went into another place.
$ 9. Acts x. 3, 17; xi. 5. $ 10. Acts xvi. 26. % 11. Psa. xxiv. 7; Dan. iii. 2 8 ;
vi. 2 2 ; Heb. i. 14. $ 11. Job. v. 19; Psa. xxxiii. 18, 19; xxxiv. 2 2 ; 11. 2 ; xcvii.
10; 2 Cor. i. 10; 2 Pet. ii. 9. $ 12. Acts iv. 23. $ 12. Acts xv. 37. $ 17. Acts
xiii. 16; xlx. 1 3 ; xxi. 40.
Chap. 12:18.] ACTS. [Chap. 13:1.
Γενομένης δέ ημέρας, ή"ν τάραχος ουκ 18 Now when it was
Having become and day, was a stir not Day, there was no small
ολίγος έν τοις στρατιο>ταις, τΐ δρα 6 Π έ- Commotion among the
small among the soldiers, what then the SOLDIERS, as to what had
τρος έγένετο. Ήρώδης δέ έπιζητήσας become of PETER.
Peter was become. Herod and having sought 19 And Herod having
αυτόν, καΐ μη εύρων, άνακρίνας sought for him, and not
hixxi fmd not li£iνiD.^ found· hiivin^ ©xiimi u β d finding him, examined the
τους φύλακας, έκέλευσεν άπαχΦήναι* καΐ GUARDS, and commanded
the guards, commanded to be led off; and them to be led away to
κατελθών από της Ιουδαίας εις την Καισα- execution. A n d going
down from JUDEA to CM-
ρειαν διέτριβεν. 20Τ
Ην δέ θυμομαχών Τυρί- SAREA, he abode there.
he remained. He was and being enraged with 20 And he was highly
displeased with the Ty-
οις καΐ Σιδωνίοις· ομοθυμαδόν δέ παρή- rians and Sidonians; but
Tyrlans and Sidonians; with one mind but was they came with one accord
σαν προς αυτόν, καΐ πείσαντες Βλάστον to him, and having per-
present with him, and having persuaded Blastus,
τόν έπΙ του κοιτώνος του βασιλέως, ήτοΰντο suaded THAT Blastus who
that over the bed-chamber of the king, desired was over the KING'S CHAM-
είρήνην δια τό τρέφεσθαι αυτών την BER, they desired Peace;
peace; because that to be nourished of them the
χώραν άπό της βασιλικής. Τακτχί δέ ήμερα because $ their COUNTRY

country from of the king. On a set and day was NOURISHED from that
ό Ηρώδης ένδυσάμενος έσθητα βασιλικήν, καΐ of the KING'S.
the Herod having put on apparel royal, and 21 And on ±an ap^
καθ'ισας έπί του βήματος, έδημηγόρει pointed Day, *Herod, hav-
h&viii§ s&t οΟΛντι on the tin*one> ixi&uo 9· spoecli ingputonhis regal Robes,
a n d sitting upon tho
προς αυτούς. 2 2 Ό δήμος έπεφώνει· Θεοΰ φωνή, THRONE, made an oration
to them. The but people shouted; Of a god voice,
καΐ ουκ ανθρώπου. ^Παραχρήμα δέ έπάταξεν to them. 22 And the PEOPLE
and not of a man. Immediately and struck
αυτόν δγγελος Κυρίου, άνθ' ών ουκ ε*δωκε shouted, " I t is the Voice
of a God, and not of a
him α messenger of Lord, because not he gave Man."
δόξαν τω Θεφ· καΐ γενόμενος σκωληκό- 23 And instantly an An-
ε lory to tlie Cxocij mid beiii^j efttcn or gel of the Lord smote him,
βρωτος, έξέψυξεν. 24
Ό δέ λόγος του because he gave not Glory
worms, he breathed out. The and word of the to GOD ; and being eaten
θεοΰ ηΰξανε καΐ έπληθύνετο. Βαρνάβας δέ 25
with worms, he expired.
God grew and was multipl led. Barnabas and 24 But the WORD of
καΐ Σαϋλος ΰπέστρε·ψαν έξ «Ιερουσαλήμ, πλη *God grew and multiplied.
and Saul returned from Jerusalem, hav-
ρώσαντες την διακονίαν, συμπαραλαβόντες 25 And Barnabas and
ing fulfilled the service, having brought along Saul returned from Jeru-
καΐ Ίωάννην τόν έπικληθέντα Μαρκον. salem, having fulfilled
also John that having been sumamed Mark.
the SERVICE §taking with
ΚΕΦ. ιγ'. 13. them also THAT John who

Ησαν δέ * [τίνες] έν Άντιοχεία κατά τη- Was SURNAMED MARK.
Were and [some] in Antioch in the CHAPTER XIII.
οδσαν έκκλησίαν προφήται καΐ διδάσκαλοι, δ
being congregation prophets and teachers, the 1 And there were Pro*
xe Βαρνάβας καΐ Συμεών ό καλούμενος phets and Teachers in the
Νίγερ, και Λούκιος ό Κυρηναΐος, Μαναήν τε, —BARNABAS, and THAT
Black, and Lucius the Cyrenian, Mnnaen also Simeon CALLED Niger, and
*Ηρώδου του τετράρχου σύντροφος, καΐ Lucius, the CYRENIAN, and
of Herod the tetrarch a foster brother, Manaen, a foster-brother
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. Herod. 24. the LORD grew. 1. some—omit.
± 2 1 . This appointed day appears to have been the second day of the Games then
celebrating in honor of Csesar. This history is remarkably confirmed by Josephus, See
Ant. xix. 2, 1.
% 20. 1 Kings v. 9 . 1 1 . % 25. Acts xiii. 5, 13; xv. 37.
Chap. 13:2.] ACTS. [Chap. 13:11.
Σαΰλος. 2Λειτουργούντων δέ αυτών τω Κυρίω of Herod the TETRARCH,
Saul. Serving and of them the Lord" and Saul.
καΐ νηστευόντων, είπε το πνεΰμα το άγιον 2 And while they were
and fasting, s a i d the s p i r i t the holy; serving the LORD and
'Αφορίσατε δη μοι τον Βαρνάβαν και fasting, the HOLY SPIRIT
Separate you indeed for me the Barnabas and said, "Separate to me
*[τόν] Σαΰλον εις το έργον, ο προσκέκλη- the WORK to which I
called them."
μαι αυτούς. 3 Τότε νηστεύσαντες καΐ προσευ- 3 Then ^having fasted
them. Then having fasted and having and prayed, and laid their
ξάμενοι, καΐ έπιθέντες τάς χείρας αύτοίς, HANDS on them, they sent
prayed, and having l a i d t h e hands t o them,
them forth.
4 4 They, therefore, hav-
απέλυσαν. Οΰτοι μεν ούν έκπεφθέν- ing been sent out by the
τες υπό τοΰ πνεύματος τοΰ αγίου, κατήλθον
forth by the spirit tiie holy, went down *HOLY SPIRIT, went down
εις την Σελεύκειαν, εκείθεν τε απέπλευσαν to *Seleucia; and from
εις την Κύπρον. 5ΚαΙ γενόμενοι έν Σαλαμίνι, thence they sailed to •Cy-
Into the Cyprus. And having arrived in Salamis, prus.
κατήγγελον τον λόγον τοΰ Θεοΰ έν ταίς συνα- 5 And having arrived at
they announced the word of the God in the syna-
Salamis, they announced
the WORD of GOD in the
γωγαίς των 'Ιουδαίων είχον δέ και Ίωάννην SYNAGOGUES of the JEWS ;
ύπηρέτην. 6
Διελθόντες δλην την and they also had John
jin attendant. Having; jgone through and whole thu for an Attendant.
νήσον άχρι Πάφου, εύρόν τίνα μάγον, 6 And having gone
island to ί*& Ό 1ι ο s * they fou ncl a certain m & £>i3n through the Whole IS-

•ψευδοπροφήτην Ίουδαίον, ω όνομα Βαρι- LAND to Paphos, they

a false prophet a Jew, to whom a name Bar- found $*a Certain Ma-
ησοΰς, 7ος ην συν τφ ανθύπατο) Σεργίω gian, a False-prophet, a
Jew, whose Name was
Jesus, who was with the proconsul Sergius Bar-Jesus,
Παύλω, άνδρΐ συνετω. Ούτος προσκαλεσάμενος 7 who was with the
Panlus," a man intelligent. This having summoned PROCONSUL, Sergius Paul-
Βαρνάβαν καΐ Σαΰλον, έπεζήτησεν άκοΰσαι us, an intelligent Man.
Barnabas and Saul, 8
desired to hear This man having called
τον λόγον τοΰ Θεοΰ. Άνθ'ιστατο δέ αύτοίς for Barnabas and Saul de-
the word of the God. Stood against but them
sired to hear the WORD of
Έλύμας ό μάγος, (οΰτω γάρ μεθερμηνεύεται GOD.
Blymas the magi an (thus for is translated 8 But Elymas, the MA-
τό δνομα αύτοΰ,) ζητών διαστρέψαι τόν GIAN, (for so his NAME is
the name of him,) seeking to turn away the
translated,) opposed them,
άνθύπατον άπό της πίστεως. Σαΰλος δέ (ό seeking to turn away the

proconsul from the faith. Saul but (he PROCONSUL from the
καΐ Παΰλος) πλησθείς πνεύματος αγίου, FAITH.
also Paul) being tilled of s p i r i t holy, 9 Then THAT Saul, also
*[καΙ] άτενίσας εις αυτόν, 1 0 είπεν called Paul, being filled
[and] having looked earnestly on him, said; with holy Spirit, looking
Q πλήρης παντός'δόλου καΐ πάσης ραδιουρ- intently on him, said,

Ο full of a l l d e c e i t a n d of a l l r e a d y w o r k -
10 "O full of All Deceit,
γίας, υίέ διαβόλου, εχθρέ πάσης δικαιο- and of All Imposture ! Son
ing, θ s o n of a n a c c u s e r , e n e m y of a l l r i g h t e o u s - of an Accuser! Enemy
of all Righteousness ! wilt
σύνης, ού παύση διαστρέφων τάς οδούς thou not cease to pervert
Κνρίου τάς ευθείας; Χ1ΚαΙ νυν ιδού, χειρ the STRAIGHT WAYS of the
Κυρίου επί σέ, καΐ έ'ση τυφλός, μη βλέ- 11 And now, behold, the
Hand of the Lord is upon
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. the —omit. 4. HOLY Spirit. 4. Seleucia. 4.
Cyprus. 6. a Certain Man, a Magian, a False-Prophet. 9. and—omit.
t 3. Acts vi. 6. ί 6. Acts viii. 9.
Chap, 13:12.] ACTS. [Chap. 13:19.
πων τον Ιίλιον άχρι καιρού. Παραχρήμα δε thee; and thou shalt be
Ing the sun t i l l a season. Immediately and blind, not seeing the SUN
έπέπεσεν έπ' αυτόν άχλύς καΐ σκότος* καΐ for a Season." And im-
fell O-H liiin SL m i s t find d&rkiieAS} fliiol mediately a Mist and
go in
έζήτει χειραγωγούς. 12Τότε Ιδών darkness fell *on him, and
going about he sought
ό ανθύπατος το γεγονός, έπίστευσεν, Guides.
tho proconsul that having been done, believed, 12 Then the PROCON-
έκπλησσόμενος επί τη διδαχή τοΰ Κυρίου. SUL, seeing THAT HAVING
being astonished at the teaching of the Lord. BEEN DONE, believed, be-
oi ing astonished at the
Άναχθέντες δέ άπό της Πάφου
Having set sail and from the Paphos those TEACHING of the Lord.
περί τόν Π αΰλον, ·?ίλθον εις Π έργην της 13 And sailing from PA-
about the Paul, came into Perga of the PHOS, THOSE with *Paul
ΙΙαμφυλ'ιας. 'Ιωάννης δέ, άποχωρήσας άπ' phylia to came Perga in Pam-
; $but John having
αυτών, ύπέστρεψεν εις 'Ιεροσόλυμα. Αύτοί turned to from withdrawn them, re-

them, returned into Jerusalem. They

δέ διελθόντες άπό της Πέργης παρεγέ- 14 And these, having
and having passed through from the Perga went passed through from PER-
νοντο εις Άντιόχειαν της Πισιδίας, καΐ είσ- GA, came to Antioch in
to Antioch of the Pisidia, and hav- PISIDIA, and $went into
ελθόντες εις την συναγωγήν τη ήμερα, των the SYNAGOGUE o n the
ing entered into the synagogue in the day of the DAY of the SABBATHS, and
Σαββάτων, έκάθισαν. 15
Μετά δέ την άνά-
sat down.
15 And $after the
γνοοσιν τοϋ νόμου καΐ τών απέ- READING of the LAW
προφητών, and
στειλαν oi άρχισυνάγωγοι προς αυτούς, λέγον- GOGUE-RULERS s e n t to
them, saying, "Brethren,
τες· "Ανδρες αδελφοί, εΐ εστί λόγος εν ύμίν if *any one among you
ing; Men brethren, if is a word in you have a Word of Exhorta-
παρακλήσεως προς τόν λαόν, λέγετε. 1 6 Άνα- tion for the PEOPLE, speak."
ο£ consolation to the people, say you. Having 16 Then Paul standing
αχάς δέ Παϋλος, καΐ κατασείσας xf\ up, and waving his HAND,
χειρί, είπεν "Ανδρες Ίσραηλΐται, καΐ ol said, "Israelites ! and YOU
21 <3 n d ^ s n. i (1) ΔΙ GIX Xsi*«xclit^6s^
1 7
sniu those who fear GOD, listen !
ίροβοι')μενοι τόν Θεόν, άκοιίσατε. Ό Θεός 17 The GOD of *the
fearing the God, hear you. The God PEOPLE of ISRAEL $chose
τοΰ λαοΰ τούτου έξελεξατο τους πατέρας our FATHERS, and elevat-
ed the PEOPLE Jduring
ημών καΐ τόν λαόν ΰψωσεν εν τη παροικία εν their EXILE in the Land
of you; and the people exalted in the sojourning in
of Egypt, §and brought
γή Αίγυπτο), καΐ μετά βραχίονος ύψηλοΰ them out of it with an
1 «irici o f E^yptj iiTid Λ ν i t l i SLTX & r m lilted up uplifted Arm.
έξήγαγεν αυτούς έξ αυτής· 18 κα! ώς τεσσα- 18 And $for a period of
he brought them out of her; and about forty Forty Years he nourished
ρακονταετή χρόνον έτροποφόρησεν αυτούς έν them in, the DESERT ;
years time he nourished them in 19 and Jhaving cast out
τη έρήμω· 19 * [καΐ] καθελών έθνη επτά seven Nations in the Land
the desert; [and] having cast out nations seven of Canaan, $he * distri-
cv γη Χαναάν, κατεκληρονόμησεν αΰτοίς buted their LAND to them
in land of Canaan, he di stributed by lot to them by Lot.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 1 . on him—omit. 13. Paul. 15, 5, any one among you
have a Word of. 17. the PEOPLE of ISRAEL. 19. And—omit. 19 gave their LAND
for an inheritance,
i h i t about
b t four
f hundred
h d d and d fifty Years. And after that he gave them
Judges till Samuel the Prophet.
t 13. Acts xv. 38. % 14. Acts xvi. 1 3 ; xvii. 2 ; xviii. 4. ί 15. Luke iv. 16; ver.
27. ί 17. Peut. vii. 6, 7. t 17. Psa. cv. 23, 2 4 ; Acts vii. 17. $ 17. Exod. xiii. 14,
16. t 18. Num.xiv. 3 3 , 3 4 ; Psa. srev. 9 , 1 0 ; Acts vii. 36. t 19. Deut. vii. 1.
t 19. Josh. xiv. 1, 2 ; Psa. lxxviii. 5 5.
Chap. 13:20.] ACTS. [Chap. 13:27.
την γήν αυτών. 2 0 ΚαΙ μετά ταΰτα ώς 20 And after these
£Ιΐ6 IAUU of tiiem. .Δ.ΐΐ€ΐ {ixtci* chose tilings iioovit things, $he gave Judges
έ'τεσι τετρακοσ'ιοις καΐ πεντήκοντα έδωκε about ±four hundred and
years four hundred and . fifty he gave fifty Years, $till Samuel
κριτάς, εως Σαμουήλ τοϋ προφήτου. 21Κάκεϊ- the PROPHET.
judges, t i l l Samuel the prophet. And 21 $And then they ask-
Φεν ήτήσαντο βασιλέα, καΐ εδωκεν αύτοϊς ed for a King; and GOD
then they asked for a king, asd gave to them
gave them SAUL, the Son
ό Θεός τόν Σαοΰλ υΐόν Κις, άνδρα έκ of Kish, a Man of the
the God the Saul son of Kis, a man of Tribe of Benjamin, for
φυλής Βενιαμίν, ετη τεσσαράκοντα. 22Kai forty Years.
22 And ί having removed
μεταστήσας αυτόν, ηγειρεν αύτοϊς τον him, $he raised up to them
having removed him, he raised up to them the DAVID for a King; to
Δαυίδ εις βασιλέα, ω καΐ είπε μαρτυ- whom also giving testi-
mony, he said, $'I have
ρήσας* Εΰρον Δαυίδ, τόν τοϋ Ίεσσαί, *[άν- 'found David, the son of
testified; I found David, that of the Jesse, [a 'JESSE, $a Man according
δρα] κατά την καρδίαν μου, δς ποιήσει 'to my HEART, who will
m a n ] a c c o r d i n g t o t h e h e a r t o f m e , w h o w i l l d o 'perform All my WILL.'
πάντα τά θελήματα μου. ^Τούτου ό Θεός 23 JFrom This man's
all the will of me. This the God
άπό τοϋ σπέρματος κατ' έπαγγελίαν POSTERITY,
^according to
God brought
from tho seed According to proxnis© forth to ISRAEL §a Savior,
ήγαγε τφ Ισραήλ σωτήρα Ίησοϋν, προ- J E S U S ;
bx*ou^lit xorth to the Isr&el VL s&vior «TesuSy xiflv*" 24 *John having previ-
κηρύξαντος 'Ιωάννου προ προσώπου της ously proclaimed, before
Ing announced before of John before face of the
his APPEARANCE, an Im-
εΙσόδου αύτοϋ βάπτισμα μετανοίας παντί mersion of Reformation to
entrance of h i m a dipping of r e f o r m a t i o n to all All the PEOPLE of ISRAEL.

τφ λαφ 'Ισραήλ. Ώ ς δέ έπλήρου ό. Ίωάν- 25 And as John was ful-
the people Israel. As and was fulfilling the John filling his RACE, he said,
νης τόν δρόμον, έλεγε· Τίνα με υπονοείτε $**Who do you suppose
the race, he said; Who me do you suppose me to be ? I am not he ;
but behold, one comes
είναι; ουκ
εμε, οϋ ειμί
ειμί άλλ'
άξιοςΙδού, άρχεται των
το υποοημα ότ' after me, the SANDALS of
to be? of not
me, whomamnot II,am worthy
but lo,the sandal
comes of~-ter
the Whose FEET I am not wor-
έμέ, λΰσαι.
ποδών o$ ούκ ειμί δξιος τό υπόδημα των thy to untie.'
feet f h t I a
to loose. thy the
26 26 Brethren, sons of the
Ανδρες αδελφοί, viol γένους 'Αβραάμ, Family of Abraham, and
THOSE among you who
καΐ ol έν ύμίν φοβούμενοι τόν Θεόν, ύ- FEAR GOD, $to you is the
and those among you fearing the God, to WORD of this SALVATION
μΐν ό λόγος της σωτηρίας ταύτης απεστάλη. *sent.
you 27 For THOSE DWELL-
Ot γαρ κατοικοΰντες έν 'Ιερουσαλήμ, καΐ ING in Jerusalem, and

Those for dwelling in Jerusalem, and their RULERS, $not know-

ol άρχοντες αυτών, τοΰτον άγνοήσαντες, καΐ ing him, nor the DECLA-
the rulers of them, him not knowing, and RATIONS of the PROPHETS
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 2 . a man—omit. 25. What think you that. 26. sent
forth. For.
± 20. A difficulty occurs here which has very much puzzled Biblical chronologists. The
date given here is at variance with the statement found in 1 Kings vi. 1. There have been
many solutions offered, but only one which seems entirely satisfactory, i. e., that the text
in 1 Kings vi. 1, has been corrupted, by substituting the Hebrew character daleth (4) for
hay (5,) which is very similar in form. This would make 580 years (instead of 480)
from the exode to the building of the temple, and exactly agree with Paul's chronology.
% 20. Judges ii. 16. J20. 1 Sam. iii. 20. % 21. 1 Sam. viii. 5 ; x. 1. % 22.
1 Sam. xv. 23, 26, 2 8 ; xvi. 1; Hosea xiii. 11. t 22. 1 Sam. xvi. 1 3 ; 2 Sam. ii. 4 ;
v. 3. t 22. Psa. Ixxxix. 20. $ 22. 1 Sam. xiii. 14; Acts vii. 46. t 23. Isa. xi. 1 ;
Luke i. 32, 69; Acts ii. 3 0 ; Bom. i. 3. % 23. 2 Sam. vii. 12; Psa. exxxii. 11.
$ 23. Matt. i. 21. $ 2 4. Matt. iii. 1; Luke iii. 3. ί 25. Matt. iii. 1 1 ; Mark i.
7 ; Luke iii. 16; John i. 20, 27. % 26. Matt. x. 6; Luke xxiv. 4 7 ; Acts iii. 2 6 ; ver.
46. $ 2 7. Luke xxiii. 3 4 ; Acts iii. 17; 1 Cor. ii. 8.
Chap. 13:28.] ACTS. [Chap. 13:37.
χάς φωνάς των προφητών τάς κατά παν $which are READ Every
the voices of the prophets those in every Sabbath, $have fulfilled
σάββατον άναγινωσκομένας, κρίναντες έπλή- them in judging him.
sabbath being read, judging ful- 28 $And without hav-
ρωσαν. 2 8 ΚαΙ μηδεμ'ιαν αΐτ'ιαν θανάτου εύ- ing found any Cause of
Death they desired Pilate
ρόντες, ήτήσαντο Πιλάτον άναιρεθηναι αύ- to kill him.
ing found, they asked Pilate to k i l l him.
29 And when they had
τόν. 2 9 Ώ ς δε έτέλεσαν πάντα τά πε- finished ALL things WRIT-
W^hΘ rx mid they finislied {ill tli© t h i n g s con·"
TEN concerning him, $hav-
ρί αύτοϋ γεγραμμένα, καΰελόν- ing taken him down from
the CROSS, they laid him
τες άπό τοΰ ξι')λου, εθηκαν εις μνημείον. in a Tomb.
down from the cross, they placed in a tomb.
S0 30 tBut GOD raised
' O δέ Θεός ηγειρεν αυτόν εκ νεκρών, him from the Dead ;
The but God raised him out of dead ones,
31 31 $and he appeared
δς ώφθη επί ημέρας πλείους τοίς συν- for several Days to THOSE
who ϋΐ)ρΘΗΓθ(1 on cliiys msiiy to thoso liiiv**
αναβάσιν αύτφ άπό της Γαλιλαίας εις from went who up with him
GALILEE to Jerusa-
ing· gone up with him" from of the Galilee into
^Ιερουσαλήμ, οΐτινές είσι μάρτυρες αύτοΰ lem, who are his Witness-
Jerusalem, who are witnesses of him es to the PEOPLE.
32 And we announce
προς τον λαόν. ΚαΙ ημείς ΰμας εύαγγελι- glad tidings to you, $the
PROMISE which was made
ζόμεθα την προς τους πατέρας έπαγγελιαν to the FATHERS ; because
γενομένην, δτι ταύτην 6 Θεός έκπεπλήρωκε GOD has fulfilled this to
having been m de, that this the God has fulfill led *us their CHILDREN, hav-
τοις τέκνοις αυτών ήμΐν, άναστήσας Ί η - ing raised up Jesus;
to the 8children of them to us, having raised up Je- 33 as it is written also
σοΰν ' ! ώς καΐ εν τω πρώτω ψαλμω γέγραπ- in the ±* SECOND Psalm,
sus; as also in the first psalm it i% written; t'Thou art my Son; this
ται· Υιός μου εΐ συ, έγώ σήμερον γεγεν- 'day I have begotten thee.'
A, son of in θ & r t tiioiif I to—cl3.y Ιΐίΐν© 34 And because he
ντικά σε. "Οτι δέ άνέστησεν αυτόν εκ raised him from the Dead,
no more to return to Cor-
νεκρών, μηκέτι μέλλοντα ύποστρέφειν εις ruption, he has spoken
dead ones, no more being about to return to thus, $'I will give you
διαφθοράν, ου"τως εΐρηκεν "Οτι δώσω ΰμϊν 'the SURE MERCIES of Da-
corruption, thus he said; That 1 w i l l give to you
85 •vid.'
τά όσια Δαυίδ τά πιστά. Διό 35 Therefore also in
the holy things of David the faithful. Therefore another place he says,
καΐ εν έτέρω λέγει· Ού δώσεις τον $'Thou wilt not permit
also in another he says; Not thou w i l t permit the 'thy HOLY ONE to see Cor-
σου Ιδεΐν διαφθοράν. Δαυΐδ μεν 'ruption.'
36 For David, indeed,
νάρ Ιδία γενεά ύπηρετήσας τχ\ τοϋ Θεοϋ having in his Own Gen-
eration served the WILL
όουλχί έκοιμήθη, καΐ προσετέθη προς τους of GOD, $fell asleep, and
ill fll l d lid ith th was laid with his FATH-
καΐ είδε διαφθοράν δν ERS, and saw Corruption;
πατέρας αύτοϋ
fathers of himself and saw corruption; whom 37 but he whom GOD
raised up saw not Corrup-
δέ ό Θεός ήγειρεν, ουκ είδε διαφθοράν. tion.

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 2 . our C H I L D R E N , having. 33. SECOND Psalm.

± 3 3 . The two first Psalms as they stand in our ed'tions, were anciently joined to-
gether. See Wetstein. Orieshaeli has followed some MSS. which have first instead of
second. So also Tischendorf. The common reading, however, has been adopted, which
agrees with the Vat. MS.
t 27. Acts xv. 2 1 . t 27. Luke xxiv. 20, 4 4 ; Acts xxviii. 23. $ 28. Matt, xxvii.
22, &c.; Acts iii. 13, 14. $ 29. Matt, xxvii. 59, &c. % 30. Matt, xxviii. 6 ; Acts i i .
2 4 ; iii. 1 3 , 1 5 , 2 6 ; v. 30. t 3 1 . Acts i. 3 ; 1 Cor. xv. 5-7. $ 32. Gen. xii. 3 ;
xxii. 1 8 ; Acts xxvi. 6 ; Gal. iii. 16. $ 33. Psa. ii. 7 ; Heb. i. 5 ; v. 5. $ 34. Isa.
lv. 3 . t 3 5 . P s a . xvi. 1 0 ; Acts ii. 3 1 . t 36. 1 Kings i i . 1 0 ; Acts i i . 29.
Chap. 13:38,] ACTS. [Chap. 13:46.
Γνωστόν ούν έ'στω 38 Beitthereforeknown
ύμϊν, άνδρες
Known therefore let it be to you, men to you, Brethren, $That
αδελφοί, δτι διά τούτου ύμίν δίφεσις through him Forgiveness
brethren, that through this to you forgiveness of Sins is proclaimed to
αμαρτιών καταγγέλλεται· κα1 άπό πάντων, you ;
of sins is announced; and from all things, 39 §and by him EVERY
ών ούκ ήδυνήθητε εν τφ νόμω Μωσέως δι- ONE Who BELIEVES IS
which not you are able by the law of Moses to justified from all things,
καιωθήναι, εν τούτω πάς ό πιστεύων be justified by t h e LAWt
from which you could n o
be justified. 4 0 in him" everyone the believing of Moses.
δικαιούται. Βλέπετε οΰν, μη έπέλθη εφ'
is justified. See then, not may come upon 40 See then t h a t WHAT
υμάς τό είρημένον εν τοις προφήταις· is SPOKEN in $the PRO-
you that having been spoken by the prophets; P H E T S m a y not come upon
"Ιδετε ol καταφρονηταί, και θαυμάσετε, y o u ;
behold you the dispisers, and wonder you, 41 'Behold, DESPISERS,
καΐ άφανίσθητε· δτι έργον εγώ εργάζομαι 'and wonder, and dis-
and disappear you; because a work I work ' a p p e a r ; for I perform a
έ.ν ταίς ήμέραις υμών, έργον, φ ού μη 'Work in your DAYS, a
in the days of you, a work, which not not 'Work which you will by
πιστεύσητε, εάν τις έκδιηγήται ύμίν, 'no means believe, though
you would bel ieve, if one should narrate to you. 'one should declare i t t o
Έξιόντων δε αυτών, παρεκάλουν εις τό 'you.' "
μεταξύ σάββατον λαληθήναι αύτοϊς τα ρήματα 42 And they having gone
next sabbath to be spoken to them the words out, *it was t h o u g h t pro-
ταΰτα. 43
Λυθείσης δε της συναγωγής, ήκολού- per t h a t these WORDS
these. Being broken up and the synagogue, followed should be spoken to them
θησαν πολλοί των 'Ιουδαίων καΐ των σεβομέ- on t h e NEXT S a b b a t h .
many of the Jews and of the worship- 43 And w h e n the SYNA-
GOGUE was broken up,
•νων προσηλύτων τφ Παύλφ καΐ τω Βαρνάβα· m a n y of· t h e J E W S and RE-
LIGIOUS Proselytes fol-
οϊτινες προσλαλοΰντες αύτοϊς, επειθον αυτούς lowed P A U L a n d BARNA-
προσμένειν τχ\ χάριτι τοΰ Θεοϋ. 4 4 Τώ τε BAS, who, speaking t o
to continue in the favor of the God. On the and them, persuaded them t o
έρχομένω σαββάτω, σχεδόν πάσα ή πόλις συνή- continue in t h e FAVOR of
coming sabbath, almost all the city came
45 GOD.
χθη άκοϋσαι τόν λόγον τοΰ Θεοϋ. Ίδόν- 44 And on t h e FOLLOW-
together to hear the word of the God. See- ING Sabbath, almost t h e
Whole CITY assembled to
τες δε ol 'Ιουδαίοι τους όχλους, έπλήσθησαν h e a r t h e WORD of GOD.
ζήλου, και άντέλεγον τοις ύπό τοϋ Παύ- t h e45 CROWDS,
And t h e J E W S seeing
were filled
λου λεγομένοις, * [άντιλέγοντες καΐ] βλασφη- w i t h Envy, and opposed
the things spoken by
being spoken, [contradicting and] blasphem- •Paul, blaspheming.
μοΰντες. 4 6 Παρρησιασάμενοι δε ό Παΰλος
ing. Speaking freely and the Paul 46 And b o t h P A U L a n d
BARNABAS speaking freely
καΐ ό Βαρνάβας είπον Ύμϊν fjv άναγκαίον said, $ " I t was necessarv
for t h e WORD of GOD first
πρώτον λαληθήναι τόν λόγον τοΰ Θεοΰ· επειδή to be spoken to you ; $but
*[δέ] άπωθείσθε αυτόν, καΐ ούκ άξιους since you t h r u s t i t a w a y
Cbut] you thrust away him, and not worthy
κρίνετε εαυτούς τής αιωνίου ζωής, Ιδού, from you, a n d j u d g e your-
j u d g e y o u r s e l v e s of t h e a g e - l a s t i n g l i f e , lo, selves u n w o r t h y of AIO-
στρεφόμεθα ειζ τα έ'θνη. 47 Οΰτω γαρ έντέ- NIAN Life, behold, §we
we turn to the Gentiles. Thus for has t u r n to t h e GENTILES.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—42. it was thought proper that these WORDS should be

spoken. 45. Paul, blaspheming. And Paul and. 45. contradicting and—omit. 46.
t 38. Luke xxiy. 47. t 39. Bom. iii. 2 8 ; viii. 3 ; 1 John ii. 12. $ 40. Isa.
xxix. 1 4 ; Hab. i. 5. ί 4 6. Matt. x. 6; Acts iii. 2 6 ; v. 2 6 ; Bom. i. 16. t 46.
Matt. xxi. 4 3 ; Bom. x . 1 9 . ί 4 6 . Acts xviii. 6; xxviii. 28.
Chap. 13:47.] ACTS. [Chap. 14:4.
ταλται ήμίν ό Κύριος· Τέθεικά σε ε'ις 47 For thus the LORD
commanded us the Lord; I have set thee for has commanded us ; $'I
φως εθνών, τοΰ είναί σε εις σωτηρίαν 'have set thee for a Light
a light of nations, the to be thee for salvation 'of Nations, that thou
εΌας εσχάτου της γης. ^'Ακούοντα δέ τά 'shouldst BE for Salva*
to end of the earth. Having heard and the 'tion to the Extremity of
έθνη εχαιρον, και έδόξαζόν τον λόγον τοΰ 'the EARTH/ "
48 And the GENTILES
Gentiles rejoiced, and glorified the word of the having heard this rejoiced
Κυρίου* καΐ έπίστευσαν όσοι ήσαν τεταγ- and glorified the WORD of
μένοι ε'ις ζωήν αίίόνιον. 4 9 Διεφέρετο *the LORD ; and as many
as were disposed for aio-
been disposed for l i f e a g e - l a s t i n g . Was p u b l i s h e d nian Life, believed.
δέ ό λόγος τοΰ Κυρίου δι' όλης της 49 And the WORD of
the LORD was published
χώρας. 6 0 Οί δέ 'Ιουδαίοι παρώτρυναν τάς through the Whole of the
country. The but Jews stirred up the
σεβομένας γυναίκας τάς εύσχήμονας, καΐ τους 50 But the JEWS excited
πρώτους της πόλεως, καΐ έπήγειραν διωγμόν ORABLE Women, and the
επί τον Παΰλον καΐ τον Βαρνάβαν, καΐ and raised a Persecution
against PAUL and *Barna-
fi^ainst tho I* 3.111 and tho BurnabciSj arid bas, and expelled them
έξέβαλον αυτούς άπό τών όρ'ιων αυτών. Β1 Οί from * their BORDERS.
cast out them from the borders of them. They 51 $And THEY, shaking
δέ έκτιναξάμενοι τον κονιορτόν τών ποδών off the DUST of * their feet
against them, went to Ico-
t)ixt having shale Θ ix off the dust of the feet nium.
αυτών έπ' αυτούς, η"λθον εις Ίκόνιον. 52 And the DISCIPLES
of them against them, came into Iconium,
Ot δέ μαθηταΐ έπληροΰντο χαράς και $were filled with Joy and
Χ holy Spirit.
πνεύματος αγίου. ΚΕΦ. ι δ ' 14. Έγένετο
spirit holy. It happened CHAPTER XIV.
δέ έν Ίκονίω, κατά το αυτό είσελθεϊν αύτοϊς 1 And it occurred at
Iconium, that they went
είς τήν συναγωγήν τών 'Ιουδαίων, καΐ λα- TOGETHER into the SYNA-
GOGUE; of the JEWS, and
i n t o tho symiiaO£ii6 of tli© Jew~s> and to
spoke in such a manner,
λησαι οΰτως, ώστε πιστεϋσαι 2 'Ιουδαίων τε καΐ that a Great Multitude
*Ελλήνων πολύ πλήθος. Οί δέ άπειθοϋν- both of the Jews and
Greeks a great multitude. The but unbeliev- Greeks believed.
τες 'Ιουδαίοι έπήγειραν καΐ έκάκ<»σαν τάς 2 But the UNBELIEV-
ing Jews stirred up and imbittered the ING Jews excited and em-
bittered the MINDS of the
•ψυχάς τών εθνών κατά τών αδελφών. GENTILES against the
souls of the Gentiles against the brethren. BRETHREN.
Ίκανόν μεν ofSv χρόνον διέτριψαν παρ- 3 For a considerable
ρησιαζόμενοι επί τω Κυρίω, τφ μαρτυροΰν- Time however, they con-
tinued there, speaking
speaking freely about" the Lord, that testifying boldly in the LORD, |who
τι τφ λόγω της χάριτος αύτοΰ, διδόντι TESTIFIED tO t h e WORD
to th© word of the favor of himself, granting
of his FAVOR, by granting
σημεία καΐ τέρατα γ'ινεσθαι διά τών
signs and prodigies to be done through the Signs and Prodigies to be
performed by their HANDS.
χειρών αυτών. 4 Έσχίσθη δέ το πλήθος της 4 But the MULTITUDE
hands of them. Was divided and the multitude of the of the CITY was divided;

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—48. GOD; and as many. 50. Barnabas. 50. the

BOEDERS. 5 1 . the BEET.
$ 4 7. Isa. xlii. 6; lix. 6: Luke ii. 32. t 51. Matt. x. 14; Mark vi. 11; Luke ix.
5; Acts xviii. 6. $ 52. Matt. v. 12; John xvi. 22; Acts ii. 46. t S.Mark xvi.
20; Heb. ii. 4.
Chap. 14:5.] ACTS. [Chap. 14:15.
πόλεως καΐ ol μέν fjaav συν τοις Ίου- and SOME were with the
city and these indeed were with the Jews, JEWS, and SOME with the
δαίοις, ol δέ συν τοις άποστόλοις. Ώ ς APOSTLES.
5 And as a violent at-
δέ έγένετο ορμή των εθνών τε καΐ tempt was made, both by
and was a rush of the Gentiles and also the GENTILES and Jews,
'Ιουδαίων συν τοις αρχουσιν αυτών, ύβρίσαι with their RULERS, $to
wantonly disgrace and
καΐ λιθοβολησαι αυτούς, συνιδόντες κατέφυ- stone them,

6 knowing it, $they fled

and to stone them, seeing they fled
to the CITIES of LYCAO-
γον εις τάς πόλεις της Λυκαονίας, Λύστραν 7 NIA, Lystra and Derbe,
καΐ Δέρβην, καΐ τήν περ'ιχωρον κάκεί
and Derbe, and the surrounding country; and the<e and the SURROUNDING
ή*σαν εύαγγελιζόμενοι. 7 and there they pro-
they were preaching glad tidings. claimed glad tidings.
Καί τις άνήρ έν Λύστροις αδύνατος 8 $And there was sit-
And a certain man in Lystra unable ting a certain Man at Lys-
τοίς ποσίν έκάθητο, χωλός έκ κοιλίας μη- tra, disabled in his FEET,
in the feet was sitting, lame from womb of lame from his Birth, who
τρός αΰτοΰ, δς ουδέποτε περιεπεπατήκει. had never walked.
mother οι himself^ *who never had ^v^jilkGd &t)ou.t* 9 This man heard PAUL
"Ούτος ήκουε τοϋ Παύλου λαλοΰντος· δς άτε- speaking ; who Looking in-
This heard the Paul speaking; who hav- tently on him, and$seeing
νί,σας αύτφ, καΐ Ιδών δτι πίστιν That he had Faith to be
ing looked intently to him, and seeing that faith RESTORED,
10 said with a *Loud
έχει τοΰ σωθήναι, 1οε1πε μεγάλχι τχι Voice, "Stand erect on
thy FEET/' And he leaped
φων-η* Άνάστηθι επί τους πόδας σου up, and walked about.
11 And the CROWDS see-
ορθός. ΚαΙ ήλατο, καΐ περιεπάτει. u O l δέ ing what PAUL did, they
erect. And he leaped up, and walked about. The and lifted up their VOICE in
the Lycaonian language,
δχλοι, Ιδόντες δ έποίησεν δ ΙΙαΰλος, επή- saying, $"The GODS, re-
ραν τήν φωνήν αυτών, Λυκαονιστί λέγον- sembling men, have come
τες· ΟΙ θεοί δμοιωθέντες άνθρώποις κατέβη- down to us."
12 And they, indeed,
ing; The gods being like men came down called BARNABAS, Jupiter,
<?αν προς ήμας. Έκάλουν τε τόν μέν and PAUL, Mercury, be-
to us. They called and the indeed cause he was the CHIEF
Βαρνάβαν, Δία· τόν δέ Παΰλον, Έρμην SPEAKER.
Barnabas, Jupiter; the and Paul, Mercury; 13 And the PRIEST of
επειδή αυτός ϊ\ν δ ηγούμενος τοϋ λόγου. THAT [image of] JUPITER
because he was the leader of the word. which was ±before the
* Ο δέ Ιερεύς τοΰ Διός τοΰ δντος πρό CITY, brought Bulls and
The and priest of the Jupiter of that being before Garlands to the GATES,
της πόλεως, ταύρους καΐ στέμματα επί τους and wished to sacrifice
πυλώνας ένέγκας, συν τοίς δχλοις ή*θελε with the CROWDS.
gates having brought, with the crowds wished 14 But the APOSTLES,
θύειν. Άκούσαντες δέ ol απόστολοι Barnabas and Paul, hay-
to sacrifice. Having heard and the apostles ing heard of it, rent their
Βαρνάβας καΐ Παύλος, διαρρήξαντες τα Ιμά- MANTLES, and rushed
Barnabas and Paul, having rent the mantles out among the CROWD, ex-
αυτών, έξεπήδησαν εις τόν δχλον, κράξοντες claiming,
ofκα1 them,λέγοντες·
rushed out into the
"Ανδρες, τΐ crowd, cryingποι-
ταϋτα out 15 and saying, "Men,
and saying; Men, why these things do why do you These things ?
± 13. As was common in that day, cities were placed under the protection of heathen
deities. The city of Lystra had the image of Jupiter, before its gates.
t 5. 2 Tim. iii. 11. t G. Matt. x. 23. % 2. Acts iii. 2. t 9. Matt. viii. 1 0 ;
X. 28, 29. $ 11. Acts viii. 10; xxviii. 6.
V hap. 14:16.] ACTS. [Chap. 14:23.
είτε* καΐ ημείς όμοιοπαθείς έσμέν ύμίν άνθρω- §We are also Men, sub-
ποι, εύαγγελιζόμενοι ύμας άπό τούτων των ject to frailty with you,
announcing glad tidings you fiom these
proclaiming glad tidings
the to turn you from These
ματαίων έπιστρέφειν επί τον Θεόν τον ζών- VANITIES t o t h e LIVING
superstitions to turn to the God the liv-
GOD, $who made the HEA-
τα, δς έποίησε τον ούρανόν καΐ την γήν καΐ VEN, and the EARTH, and
ing, who made the heaven and the earth and
the SEA, and all THINGS
αήν θάλασσαν, καΐ πάντα τά έν αύτοίς· in them ;
the sea, and all the things in them; 16 ^who, in PRECED-
δς έν ταΐς παρωχημέναις γενεαίς εϊασε ING Generations permit-
"who in the having gone l)y generations permitted ted All GENTILES to walk
πάντα τά έθνη πορεύεσθαι ταίς όδοΐς αύ- in their own WAYS ;
all the nations to go in the ways of them-
τών. 17
Καίτοιγε ουκ άμάρτυρον εαυ- 17 § though indeed he
left not Himself without
τόν άφήκεν, άγαθοποιών, ούρανόθεν ύμίν testimony, doing good,
Jgiving you Rains from
ύετούς διδούς καΐ καιρούς καρποφόρους, έμπι- heaven and fruitful Sea-
rains giving and seasons fruitful, being sons, and filling y o u i
πλών τροφής καΐ ευφροσύνης τάς καρδίας ύ- HEARTS with Food and
full of food and of joy the hearts of Gladness."
μών. 1δ ΚαΙ ταϋτα λέγοντες, μόλις κατέ- 18 And saying These
you. And these things saying, hardly they things, they with difficul-
παυσαν τους όχλους του μη θύειν αύτοίς. ty restrained the CROWDS
f r o m SACRIFICING t ο
Έπήλθον δε άπό 'Αντιοχείας καΐ Ικονίου them.
Ο tint o 2HIQ[ Ι Γ ο HI A.n t iocii mid I con i u m 19But tJews came from
•Ιουδαίοι* καΐ πείσαντες τους όχλους, και Antioch and Iconium, and
Jew si And luivinsr persuaded the crowds mid having persuaded t h e
CROWDS, and $h a v i n g
λιθάσαντες τον Παΰλον, έ'συρον έ'ξω stoned PAUL, they dragged
having1 stoned the Paul, tliey dragged outside him out of the CITY, sup-
της πόλεως, νομίσαντες αυτόν τεθνάναι. posing him to be dead.
of the city, supposing him to be dead.
Κυκλωσάντων δε αυτόν τών μαθητών, άνα- 20 But the DISCIPLES
Surrounding and him the disciples, having having surrounded him,
στάς είσήλθεν εις την πόλιν. Και τχ\ έπαύ- he rose up and entered
arisen he entered into the city. And on the mor- the CITY. And on the
ριον εξήλθε συν τω Βαρνάβα ε'ις Δέρβην. NEXT DAY he departed with
raw he went with the Barnabas" into Derbe. BARNABAS to Derbe.
Εύαγγελισάμενοί τε την πόλιν έκείνην, 21 And having preached
Having preached glad t i d i n g s and the c i t y that, the glad tidings in that
καΐ μαθητεύσαντες Ικανούς, ύπέστρεψαν CITY, and tmade many dis-
ciples, they returned to
εις την Λύστραν καΐ Ίκόνιον καΐ Άντιόχει- LYSTRA, a n d Iconium,
to the Lystra and Iconium and Antioch; and Antioch,
α ν 22έπιστηρίξοντες τάς ψυχάς τών μαθητών, 22 confirming the SOULS
confirming the souls of the disciples, of the DISCIPLES, and |ex-
παρακαλοΰντες έμμένειν τχ\ πίστει, και δτι horting them to continue
exhorting to abide in the faith, and that in the FAITH, §and That
διά πολλών θλίψεων δεί ήμας είσ- through Many afflictions
we must enter the KING-
ελθείν εις την βασιλείαν τοΰ Θεοΰ. ^Χει- DOM of GOD.
enter into the kingdom of the God. Hav- 23 And $having ap-
ροτονήσαντες δε αύτοίς πρεσβυτέρους κατ' pointed ELDERS for them
ing appointed and for them elders inevery in every Congregation,

Chap. 14:24] ACTS. [Chap. 15:4.
έκκλησίαν, προσευξάμενοι μετά νηστειών πα- and having prayed with
Fasting, they commencJed
ρεθεντο αυτούς τφ Κυρίφ, εις ϊι ο κι them to the LORD, into
c ο ΙΪΙ 1X1 cxiuOu 11ι Θ m whom they had believed.
24 t ο t \i θ L ο ι* d. into
πεπιστεύκεισαν. ΚαΙ διελθόντες την
24 And passing through
they had believed. And having passed through th PISIDIA, they came to
Πισιδίαν, ήλθον εις ΙΙαμφυλίαν ^καί λα- *PAMPHYLTA ;
Tisidla, . they came into Pamphylia; and hav-
λήσαντες εν Π έργη τον λόγον, κατέβησαν the25WORD and having spoken
in Perga, they
ing spoken In Perga the word, they went down
went to Attalia ;
εις Άττάλειαν 26κάκείθεν απέπλευσαν είς 26 $and thence they
Άντιόχειαν, δθεν ήσαν sailed to Antioch, whence
παραδεδο- they were ^recommended
Antioch, whence they were having been com- to the FAVOR of GOD for
μένοι τ\] χάριτι Θεοΰ εις τό the WORK which they ful-
mended to the favor of the God for the filled.
£ργον, δ έπλήρωσαν. 27Παραγενόμενοι δε 27 And having arrived
work, which they fulfilled. Having arrived and and assembled the CON-
Jtal συναγαγόντες τήν έκκλησίαν, ανήγγει- GREGATION, $they related
λαν δσα έτ αίησεν ό Θεός μετ* αυτών, what things GOD did by
them, and that he had
lilted what things did the God w i t h them, lopened a Door of Faith
καΐ δτι fjvoil-ε τοις έ'θνεσι θΰραν πίστεως. to the GENTILES.
and that he opened to the Gentiles a door of faith.
28 28 And they remained
Διέτριβον δε χρόνον ούκ ολίγον συν τοις not a little Time with the
They r e m a i n e d a n d a t i m e n o t a l i t t l e w i t h t h e
μαθηταίς. DISCIPLES.
ΚΕΦ. ιε'. 15. CHAPTER XV.
Καί τίνες κατελθόντες άπό της ΊουδαΙ- 1 And §some having
And some having come down from the Judea, come down from JFDEA
taught the BRETHREN,
ας, έδίδασκον τους αδελφούς· "Οτι εάν μη πε- ^"If you are not circum-
το> 2Γενομένης
ε§ει Μωϋσέως,
ούν οΰστά-
δύ- cised according to the
to be saved. Being therefore a dis- CUSTOM of *Moses, you
οεως καΐ ζητήσεως ούκ όλίγης τφ Π αύλω καΐ cannot be saved."
pute and d i s c u s s i o n n o t a l i t t l e the P a u l " and 2 There being, therefore,
τφ Βαρνάβα προς αυτούς, έταξαν άνα- a Contention, and PAUL
11ι Θ JB Si r ιι & Ι) & s Λν i t h t h e ΙΪΙ y t h e y dec icied t oand P.ARNARAS had no lit-
tle Debate with them, they
βαίνειν Παΰλον και Βαρνάβαν και τινας decided $to send up Paul
άλλους εξ αυτών προς τους αποστόλους καΐ and Barnabas, and some
others of them, to the
πρεσβυτέρους εις *Ιερουσαλήμ, περί τοΰ ζητή- APOSTLES and Elders at
elders at Jerusalem, about the question J e r u s a l e m , about t h i s
ματος τούτου. sOt μεν οδν προπεμφί^έν- QUESTION.
3 THEY, therefore, hav-
τες διήρχοντο
υπό the"congregation,
της εκκλησίας,
passed through ing been sent forward by
sent forward ' * '*
τήν Φοινίκην καΐ Σαμάρειαν, έκδιηγού- through P H E N I C I A and
the Phenicia and Samaria, narrating Samaria, ^relating the
μενοι τήν έπιστροφήν των εθνών καΐ έποι- TILES,
til θ turning
and caused great
of the Cr entiles* And Cflus ed JOY to All the BRETHREN.
ουν χαράν μεγάλην πάσι τοις άδελφοίς. 4 Πα- 4 And having arrived
Joy great to all the brethren. Hav-
at Jerusalem, they were
ραγενόμενοι δε ε'ις 'Ιερουσαλήμ, άπεδέ-
t 26. Acts xiii. 1, 3. $ 26. Acts xv. 40. $ 27. Acts xv. 4, 12; xxi. 19. $ 27.
1 Cor. xvi. 9; 2 Cor. i i . 12; Col. iv. 8 ; Rev. iii. 4. $ 1. Gal. ii. 12. t 1. John
vii. 2 2 ; ver. 5 ; Gal. v. 2 ; P h i l . I i i . 2 ; Col. ii. 8, 11, 16. $ 2. Gal. ii. 1. J 3.
Acts xiv. 2 7 .
Chap. 15:5.] ACTS. [Chap. 15:13.
χθησαν υπό της εκκλησίας καΐ των άποστό- received by the CONGRE-
received by the congregation and the apostles GATION, and the APOS-
λων κα! των πρεσβυτέρων, ανήγγειλαν τε TLES, and the ELDERS, and
and the elders, they related and ^related what things GOD
8σα ό Θεός έποίησε μετ' αυτών. 5 Έξα- performed with them.
wbat things the God did with them. Stood 5 But SOME of those
νέστησαν δε τίνες των άπό της αίρεσεως having BELIEVED, from
the SECT of the PHARI-
των Φαρισαίων πεπιστευκότες, λέγοντες· "Οτι SEES, stood up, saying,
ο? the Pharisees having believed, saying; That " I t is necessary to cir-
cumcise them, and to com-
δει περιτέμνειν αυτούς, παραγγέλλειν mand them to keep the
i t i sH G c e s s i i r y t o c i r c u m c i s © t h e m ^ toeommSIIQU LAW of Moses."
δέ ot απόστολοι νόμον
τηρείν τον καΐ olΜωϋσέως.
πρεσβύτεροι Συνήχθησαν
ίδεϊν πε- 6 And the APOSTLES
and to keep the law of Moses. Assembled and ELDERS were gathered
ρί του λόγου τούτου. 7 Πολλης δέ συζητή- together to see about this
the word this. Much and debate MATTER.
σεως γενομένης, άναστάς Πέτρος είπε προς 7 And there being much
being, having arisen Peter said to Debate, Peter arising said
to them, ^"Brethren, you
αυτούς· "Ανδρες αδελφοί, ύμείς έπ'ιστασθε, know That in former Days
them; Men brethren, you know, GOD chose among us, that
δτι άφ' ημερών αρχαίων ό Θεός έν ήμίν by my MOUTH the GEN-
that from days former the God among us
έξελέξατο δια του στόματος μου άκοΰσαι τά TILES should hear the
WORD of the GLAD TI-
έ'θνη τον λόγον τοΰ ευαγγελίου, καΐ πι- DINGS, and believe.
στεΰσαι. 8Και ό καρδιογνώστης Θεός έμαρτύ- 8 And God, the HEART-
believe. And the heart-knowing God testified SEARCHER, testified tο
ρησεν αύτοΐς, δούς αύτοίς τό πνεΰμα το them, ^giving to them the
HOLY SPIRIT, even as to
αγιον, καθώς καΐ ήμΐν Βκα1 ουδέν διέκρινε us;
holy as even to tisj &nd nothing Judged, 9 $And made no dis-
tinction between us and
μεταξύ ημών τε καΐ αυτών, τη πίστει κα- them, $having purified
between us and also them, by the faith hav- their HEARTS through the
•θαρίσας τάς καρδίας αυτών. Νΰν οδν FAITH.
ing purified the hearts of them. Now therefore 10 Now, therefore, why
xL πειράζετε τον θεόν, έπιθείναι ζυγόν έπί do you try GOD, $to put a
why do you tempt the God, to place a yoke on Yoke on the NECK of the
τον τράχηλον των μαθητών, δν οΰτε ol DISCIPLES, which neither
the neck of the disciples, which neither the our FATHERS nor we were
ημών ούτε ημείς Ισχύσαμεν βαστάσαι; able to bear?
Αλλά δια της χάριτος τοϋ Κυρίου Ί η - 11 But through the
iSut thpou^o the fiivor of the Lord Je~ FAVOR of the Lord Jesus
αού πιστεύομεν σωθηναι, καθ' 8ν τρόπον κά- we trust to be saved; in
sus we believe to be saved, in which manner also like manner they also.
κείνοι. 1 2 Έσίγησε δέ παν τό πλήθος, καΐ 12 And All the MULTI-
they. Was s i l e n t and a l l the multitude, and
?)κουον Βαρνάβα καΐ Παύλου έξηγουμένων, TUDE was silent, and heard
Barnabas and Paul relate
heard Barnabas and Paul narrating, What Signs and Prodigies
δσα έποίησεν ό Θεός σημεία καΐ τέρατα έν
what did the God signs and prodigies among GOD $performed among
τοις έ'θνεσι δι*
αυτών. Μετά δέ τό the GENTILES through
the Gentiles through them. After and the them.
σιγήσαι αυτούς, άπεκρίθη 'Ιάκωβος, λέγων 13 And after they were
to be silent them.. answered James, saying; SILENT, $ James answered,
14 saying, "Brethren, hear
"Άνδρες αδελφοί, ακούσατε μου. Συμεών me!
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 8 . to them—omit.
t 4. ver. 1 2 ; xxi. 19. t 7. Acts x. 2 0 ; xi. 12. $ 8. Acts x. 44. ± 9. Eom. x.
11. t 9. Acts x. 1 5 , 2 8 , 4 3 ; 1 Cor. i. 2 ; 1 Pet. i. 22. $ 10. Matt, sxiii. 4 ;
Gal. v. 1. t 12. Acts xiv. 2 7. $ 13. Acts xii. 17.
Chap. 15:14.] ACTS. [Chap, 15: 23.
έξηγήσατο, καθώς πρώτον ό Θεός έπεσκέ- 14 $Simon has related
related, how first the God looked how GOD first looked to
ψατο λαβείν έξ εθνών λαόν επί τω take out of the Gentiles
to take out of Gentiles a people for the a people for his NAME.
ονόματι αύτοΰ. 15Kai τούτω συμφωνοΰσιν 15 And with this the
name of himself. And with this harmonize
ot λόγοι των προφητών, καθώς γέγραπται· harmonize; as it is writ-
the words of the prophets, as it is written; ten,
Μετά ταΰτα αναστρέψω καΐ άνοικοδο- 16 $'After these things
A f t e r t h e s e t h i n g s I w i l l
Ί will return; and I will
r e t u r n a n d I w i l l b u i l d
μήσω, την σκηνήν Δαυΐδ την πεπτω- 'of David which has FAL-
κνΐαν καΐ τα κατεσκαμμένα αυτής άνοικοδο- LEN DOWN ; and I will
down; and the ruins of χ7her I w i l l b u i l d 'rebuild its RUINS, and
μήσω, και ανορθώσω αυτήν οπως αν έκζη- 'will re-establish it;
again, a n d I w i l l s e t up her; so that may
17 'in order that the
τήσωσιν ot κατάλοιποι των ανθρώπων τον 'REMAINDER of MEN m a y
'seek the LORD, even All
Κΰριον, καΐ πάντα τά έθνη» εφ' ους έπι- 't h e GENTILES u p o n
Lord and all the nations, on w h o m has 'whom my NAME has been
κέκληται το 8νομά μου έπ' αυτούς, 18λέ- 'invoked,
bo.en called the name of me over them, says 18 'says the Lord, who
γει Κύριος * [ό] ποιών ταΰτα γνωστά 'does these things,' which
Lord [he] doing these things known
άπ' αιώνος. Διό έγώ κρίνω μη παρενοχλεΐν were known from the Age.

from an age. Therefore I judge not to trouble 19 Therefore | I judge

τοις άπό τών εθνών έπιστρέφουσιν επί τον that we should not trouble
those from the Gentiles turning to the THOSE, who from among
Θεόν 20άλλά έπιστεΐλαι αύτοίς τοΰ άπέχεσθαι the GENTILES are TURN-
God; but to send word to them the toabstain ING to GOD,
άπό τών άλισγημάτων τών ειδώλων καΐ της 20 but write to them
from the pollutions of the idols and the to ABSTAIN from the POL-
πορνείας και τοΰ πνικτοΰ καΐ τοϋ αίματος. IDOLS, a^OFFERINGS LUTED

foi*nicfl.tion fincl tli© strmi£>lecl «md th.0 blood.
TION, and THAT which is
Μωϋσης γαρ έκ γενεών αρχαίων κατά STRANGLED, and |BLOOD.
21 For from ancient
πόλιν τους κηρύσσοντας αυτόν έχει, εν ταϊς Generations Moses has, in
city those preaching him. has, in tho every City, THOSE who
συναγωγαΐς κατά πάν σάββατον άναγινωσκό- PREACH him, being read in
synagogues in every sabbath being read.
μένος. 22Τότε εδοξε τοις άποστόλοις και 22 Then it seemed good
Then, it seemed, good to the apostles and to the APOSTLES and EL-
έκλεξαμένους άνδρας έξ αυτών πέμψαι
having πρεσβυτέροις
chosen m e n συν outc6λχ\ τχ\ εκκλησία, DERS, with the Whole CON-
εις Άντιόχειαν συν τφ Παύλω καΐ Βαρνάβα,
the e l d e r s ~wi th "v^ho 1© the (ΪΟΠ^ΓΘ^Αtioiij GREGATION, to send Men
to ^.u t i ο ch ^ν ι th tho Ρ 3,11 1 and i>ii i* nab it s ^ chosen from among them-
*Ιούδαν τον έπικαλούμενον Βαρσαβάν, καΐ selves PAUL
to Antioch witfi
and Barnabas ;—
Judas that being c a l l e d Barsabas, and
Σίλαν, άνδρας ηγουμένους εν τοις άδελφοΐς· THAT Judas * being called
Silas, men leading among the brethren; Barsabbas, a n d Silas,
γράψαντες διά χειρός αυτών *[τάδε·] leading Men among the
having wr it ten by hand of them [thus;] BRETHREN ;
ΟΙ απόστολοι καΐ oi πρεσβύτεροι καΐ ol 23 having written by
Ihe apostles and the elders and the their Hand, thus :—"The
αδελφοί, τοις κατά την Άντιόχειαν καΐ APOSTLES and *ELDERS
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 8 . he—omit. 22. being called Barsabbas. 23. t h u s —
t 14. ver. 7. ί 16. Amos. ix. 11,12. $ 19. ver. 28. ± 20. ver. 2 9 ; Acts xxL
2 5 ; 1 Cor. viii. 1; Rev. i i . 14, 20. $ 20. 1 Cor. vi. 9, 18; Gal, v. 19; Eph. v. 3 ;
Col. iii. 5; 1 Thess. iv. 3 ; 1 Pet. iv. 3 . $ 20. Gen. ix. 4 ; Lev. iii. 1 7 : Deut.
xii. 16, 23.
Chap..15: 24.1 ACTS. [Chap. 15:34.
Συρίαν καΐ Κιλικ'ιαν άδελφοίς, τοις έξ and Syria and Cilieia, who
Syria, and Cilieia brethren, those fromr are of the Gentiles, greet-
εθνών, χα'ιρειν. Έπειδή ήκούσαμεν, δτι τι- ing.

Gentiles, health. Since we have heard, that some 24 Since we have heard
νές εξ ημών * [εξελθόντες] έτάραξαν υμάς That isome having gone
from us [having gone outj troubled you out from us troubled you
λόγοις, άνασκευάζοντες τάς ψυχάς υμών, with Words, unsetting
with words, unsettling the souls of you,
your MINDS, to whom we
* [λέγοντες περιτεμνεσθαι καΐ τηρείν τον νό- gave no commands ;
tsaying to be circumcised and to keep the law,]
μον,] οίς ου διεστειλάμεθα* 25
εδο- 25 it seemed good to us,
to whom not we gave command; i t seemed
being of one mind, to
ξεν ήμίν γενομένοις ομοθυμαδόν, έκλεξα- choose out men to send to
good to us being of one mind, having you, with your BELOVED
μένους άνδρας πέμψαι προς υμάς, συν τοις Barnabas and Paul,
chosen out men to send to you, with the 26 $Men who h a v e
άγαπητοίς ημών Βαρνάβα καΐ Παύλφ, άν- given up their LIVES in be-

be loved of us Barnabas" an,d Paul Γ men half of the NAME of our

ΰρώποις παραδεδωκόσι τάς ψυχάς αύτώ,ν LORD JESUS Christ.
having given up the lives of them
27 We have therefore
υπέρ τοΰ ονόματος τοΰ Κυρίου ημών sent Judas and Silas, who
27 will also tell you the
Ίησοϋ Χρίστου. Άπεστάλκαμεν οδν Ίούδαν SAME things by Word.
28 For it seemed good
και Σίλαν, καΐ αυτούς δια λόγου απαγγέλ- to the *HOLY SPIRIT, and
λοντας τα αυτά. 28
"Εδοξε γαρ τω to us, to lay on you no Ad-
the same things. It seemed good for to the ditional Burden besides
άγίφ πνεύματι καΐ ήμϊν, μηδέν πλέον έπιτί- *These NECESSARY things,
holy spirit and to us, no more to lay 29 To abstain from
θεσθαι ύμίν βά-^ος, πλην των έπάναγκες things offered to Idols, and
to you a burden, besides the necessary things Blood, and That which is
τούτων, 29
άπέχεσθαι είδωλοθύτων καΐ Strangled, and Fornica-
tli6sc· to fl,t)s12.ΐn froΧΪ\ tilings ο ©red to idols 3,n.d tion ; from which if you
αίματος κα'ι πνικτοΰ καΐ πορνείας· έξ ών keep yourselves you will
bio do well. Farewell."
διατηροΰντες εαυτούς, εύ πράξετε. "Ερρω- 30 THEY, therefore, be-
keeping yourselves, well you w i l l do. Fare- ing dismissed, *went down
to Antioch, and having as-
σθε. Ol μεν οδν απολυθέντες η"λθον
•well. They indeed therefore being dismissed went sembled the MULTITUDE,
εις Άντιόχειαν καΐ συναγαγόντες το πλήθος, delivered the LETTER.
to Antioch; and having assembled the multitude,
31 And when they had
έπέδωκαν την έπιστολήν. Άναγνόντες δέ, read it, they rejoiced a t
έχάρηοαν επί τι] παρακλήσει. Ίούδας τε 32 And Judas and Silas,
they rejoiced at the exhortation. Judas and
καΐ Σίλας, καΐ αυτοί προφηται δντες,
also themselves being ready
speakers, exhorted the
BRETHREN in a long Dis-
λόγου πολλού παρεκάλεσαν τους άδελ- course and confirmed them.
through a word great exhorted the breth-
<ρούς, καΐ έπεστήριξαν. Ποιήσαντες δέ χρό-
33 And having spent
some Time, they were dis-
ren, and confirmed. Having spent and a time, missed with Peace from
•νον, άπελύθησαν μετ' ειρήνης από τωνthe BRETHREN to those
αδελφών προς τους άποστείλαντας αυτούς. HAVING SENT them.
34 *f[But it seemed
*['Έδοξε δέ τφ Σίλα έπιμείναι αύτοϋ.] there.] SILAS to remain
good to

CIt seemed good but to the Silas to remain there.1

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—24. having gone out—omit. 24. saying, to be cir-
cumcised, and to keep the LAW—omit. 28. HOLY SPIRIT. 28. These. 30. went down.
34. omit.
± 3 4 . This sentence is omitted by the Vatican, and a great number of other MSS; also
by the Syriac, Arabic, Coptic, and the Vulgate. Griesbach marks it as doubtful, and to be
% 24.ver. 1; Gal. ii. 4 , 5 , 1 2 ; Titus i. 10,11. t 26. Acts xiii. 50; xiv. 1 9 ;
1 Cor. ST. 30; 2 Cor. xi. 23, 26.
Chap. 15:35.] ACTS. [Chap. 16:3.
Παΰλος δε και Βαρνάβας διέτριβον έν Άν- 35 §And Paul and Bar-
Paul but and Barnabas remained In An- nabas remained at An-
τιοχεία, διδάσκοντες καΐ εύαγγελιζόαενοι, claimingteaching
tioch, and pro-
the glad tidings
tioclij teiicJiiii^ itucl Announcing j^ 1 iid tiiliu^iSj
of the WORD of the LORD,
μετά καΐ έτερων πολλών, τον λόγον τοΰ Κυρί- with many others also.
with also others many, the word of the Lord. 86 And after Some Days
ου. 30Μετά δε τινας ημέρας εί.τ:ε Παϋλος ;«ρός Paul said to Barnabas,
After and some days said Paul tc "Let us return and visit
Βαρνάβαν Έπιστρέψαντες δη έπισκεψώ- the BRETHREN $in *Every
City in which we pro-
Earnabas; Having returned indeed w e may v i s i t
claimed the WORD of the
μεθά τους αδελφούς κατά πάσαν πάλιν, έν αίς LORD, and see how they
κατηγγείλαμεν τον λόγον τοΰ Κυρίου, πωςare."
the brethren in every city, in which

we have preached the word of the Lord, how 37 And Barnabas wish-
ed to take also with them
εχουσι. 37Βαρνάβας δε έβουλεύσατο συμπαρα- §THAT John, who was
λαβεΐν καΐ Ίωάννην τόν καλούμενον Μαρκον. 38 But Paul deemed it
άπ' also John t h a t being c a l l e d
αυτών από Παμφυλίας, και μη συνελ- them, Marie. improper totakemM with
Παΰλος δε ηξίου, τόν άποστάντα $w h ο DESERTED
JPfiu.I αύτοΐς είςd το
b u t (*©ΘΪΪΙΘ Xi11 i έργον,
JI^I t h e μή ^ΟΠΘ «ι^Vfl-j' them
li&v ϊ n^·»συμπαραλα- from Pamphylia,
and did not go with them
6είν τοΰτον. 39 Έγένετο ουν παροξυσμός, to the WORK.
this. Occurred therefore a sharp contention, 39 A sharp Contention
ώστε άποχωρισθήναι αυτούς άπ' αλλήλων, τόν therefore ensued, so as to
separate them from each
τε Βαρνάβαν παραλαβόντα τόν Μάρκον έκπλεΰ- other; a n d BARNABAS
and Barnabas having taken the Mark sailed having taken MARK sailed
to Cyprus.
σαι είς Κύπρον. 40 But Paul having se-
to Cyprus. lected Silas, departed,^be-
Παΰλος δε έπιλεξάμενος Σίλαν εξήλθε, THERcommended ing to the FA-

Paul but having selected Silas went out,

of *tlie Lord by the
των αδελφών. 41Διήρχετο ττ| χάριτιδετοΰτηνΘεοΰ υπό
Συρίαν 41 And he went through
tli& bι*Θ 11ιι*ΘΙΙ* u e pnssGci through iinci t h e Syr ι sx
SYRIA and Cilicia, iestab-
καΐ Κιλικίαν, έπιστηρίζων τάς εκκλησίας, lishing the CONGREGA-
and Cilicia, confirming the congregations. TIONS.
ΚΕΦ. ιστ'. 16. ^ατήντησε δε είς CHAPTER XVI.
He came and to 1 And he came *both to
Δέρβην καΐ Λύστραν κα.1 ιδού, μαθητής τις $Derbe and to Lystra. And
fjv εκεί, ονόματι Τιμόθεος, υιός γυναικός behold a certain Disciple
was there, by name Timothy, α son of a woman was there, $named Timo-
'Ιουδαίας πιστής, πατρός δέ 'Έλληνος* 2δς thy, (a$Son of a believing
Jew believing, father but a Greek; who
Jewess, but of a Greek
έμαρτυρεΐτο ύπό των έν Λύστροις καΐ Ίκονίω 2 to whom the BRETH-
was testified to by those In Lystra and Iconium
REN in Lystra and Ico-
αδελφών. 3Τοΰτον ήθέλησεν δ Παΰλος συν nium, gave $good testi-
brethren. This wished the Paul with
αύτω έξελθείν καΐ λαβών περιέτεμεν 3 Him PAUL wished to
him to go out; and having taken he circumcised go forth with him; and
αυτόν, δια τους 'Ιουδαίους τους δντας the took and circumcised
him, on account of the Jews those being him on account of THOSE
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 6 . every City. 40. the LORD. 1. both to Derbe and to
$ 35. Acts xiii. 1. t 36. Acts xiii. 4, 13, 14, 5 1 ; xiv. 1, 6, 24, 25. ί 37. Acts xii.
12, 2 5 ; xiii. 5 ; Col. iy. 1 0 ; 2 Tim. iv. 1 1 ; Philemon 24. t 38. Acts xiii. 13. % 40.
Acts xiv. 26. $ 41. Acts xvi. 5. t 1. Acts xiv. 6. t 1. Acts xix. 2 2 ; Rom. xvi. 2 1 ;
1 Cor. iv. 1 7 ; Phil. ii. 1 9 ; 1 Thess. iii. 2 ; 1 Tim. ii. 2 ; 2 Tim. i. 2. $ 1. 2 Tim.
i . 5. $ 2 . Acts v i . 3 . $ 3. 1 Cor. ix. 2 0 ; Gal. i i . 3 .
Chap. 16:4.] ACTS. [Chap. 16:12.
έν τοίς τόποις έκείνοις· ^δεισαν γαρ άπαντες JEWS who were in those
in the places those; they knew for all PLACES ; for they all knew
τδν πατέρα αύτοΰ, 8τι "Ελλην ύπηρχεν. *Ως That his FATHER was a

δέ διεπορεύοντο τ ά ς πόλεις, παρεδίδουν 4 And as they went
and they went through the cities, they delivered
through the CITIES, they
αύτοϊς φυλάσσειν τά δόγματα, τά κεκριμέ- delivered for their obser-
to them to keep the decrees, those having been
•να υπό των αποστόλων καΐ των πρεσβυ- $which had been made
clotermined by the apostles ε and the elders by *THOSE APOSTLES and
τέρων των έν *Ιερουσαλήμ. ΑΙ μέν οϋν Elders in Jerusalem.
those in Jerusalem. The indeed then
έκκλησίαι έστερεοΰντο τη πίστει, καΐ 5 Then, indeed, the
congregations were established in the faith, and CONGREGATIONS § W βΓβ
έπερίσσευον τφ άριθμω καθ' ήμέραν. βΔιελ- established in the FAITH,
were increased in the number every day. Going and were increased in
•θόντες δέ τήν Φρυγίαν καΐ τήν Γαλατικήν NUMBER every Day.
through and the Fhrygia and the Galatia
6 *And they went
χώραν, κωλυθέντες ύπό του άγιου πνεύμα- through the Country of
country, being forbidden by the holy spirit
PHRYGIA and Galatia, be-
τος λαλήσαι τόν λόγον εν χχ\ 'Ασία, έλθόν- ing forbidden by the HOLY
to speak the word in the Asia, coming Spirit to speak the WORD
τες κατά τήν Μυσίαν, έπείραζον είς τήν in ASIA ;
by the Mysia, they attempted into the 7 and coming by MYSIA,
Βιθυνίαν πορεύεσθαι· καΐ ούκ εΐασεν αυτούς they attempted to go into
Bithynia to go; and not permitted them BITHYNIA ; and the SPIRIT
τό πνεί5μα Ίησοΰ. 8Παρελθόντες δέ τήν of Jesus did not permit
the spirit of Jesus. Having passed by and the them.
Μυσίαν, κατέβησαν είς Τρφάδα. δΚαΙ δ'ραμα 8 And having passed
jfjyg}fly xjioy omne down to Trotis· xLixd ft "vision by MYSIA, §they came
διά της νυκτός ώφθη τφ Παύλω· άνήρ down to Troas.
In the night was seen by the Paul; a man 9 And a Vision was seen
τις η"ν Μακεδών έστώς, παρακα- by PAUL in the * Night;
certain was o£ Macedonia had been standing, be- a certain $Man of Mace-
donia was standing, and
λών αυτόν, καΐ λέγων Διαβάς είς entreating him, and say-
Μακεδονίαν, βοήθησον ήμϊν. *Ως δέ τό δρα- ing, "Come over into Ma-
Macedonia, help thou us. When and the vi- cedonia, and help us."
μα εΐδεν, ευθέως έζητησαμεν έξελθεϊν 10 And when he saw
sio > o u t the VISION, we immedi-
είς τήν Μακεδονίαν, συμβιβάξοντες, δτι προσ- ately sought to go $into
lnto the Macedonia, inferring that had MACEDONIA, i n f e r r i n g
κέκληται ήμας ό Κύριος εύαγγελίσα- that *the LORD had called
called to us the Lord to announce glad us to announce glad tid-
θαι αυτούς. "Άναχϋέντες ούν άπό τη ings to them.
tidin the
11 Having sailed, there-
Τρωάδος, εύθυδρομήσαμεν είς Σαμοθράκην, fore, from TROAS, we ran
Troas we ran a direct course to Samothracia, a direct course to Samo-
τε έπιούστ] είς Νεάπολιν ^εκείθεν τε thracia, and the NEXT day
SCCeGdi^ t Λ Gftpollsj t G I C Θ flTH ( to Neapolis;
«ίς Φιλίππους, ήτις έστι πρώτη της μερίδος 12 and thence to $Phi-
to Philippi, which is first of the part lippi, which is the Chief
της Μακεδονίας πόλις, κολωνία. ''Ημεν δέ of its *District, a City of
that Macedonia, city, a colony. We were and MACEDONIA, a C o l o n y .
&v ταύττ] τχ\ πόλει διατρίβοντες ημέρας τινάς. And we remained several
io this the city abiding days some. Days in That CITY.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—4. of THOSE APOSTLES and Elders. 6. And they went

through the Country of PHUYGIA and Galatia. 9. Night. 10. Go» called us. 12.
% 4. Acts xv. 28,29. $ 5. Acts xv. 41. $ 8 . 2 Cor. ii. 1 2 ; 2 Tim. iv. 13.
φ 9. Acts x. 30. t 10. 2 Cor. ii. 12. $ 12. Phil. i. 1.
Chap. 16:13.] ACTS. [Chap. 16:19.
Tfj τε ήμερα των σαββάτων έξήλθομεν εξω 13 And on the SABBATH
DAY we went out of the
της πόλεως παρά ποταμόν, ού
ένομίξετο *CITY by a River, where
ot the city by a river, where wasallowed there was allowed to be an
προσευχή είναι, καΐ καΦίσαντες έλα- f Oratory ; and having sat
a place of prayer to be, and having sat down we down, we spoke to the WO-
λοϋμεν ταϊς συνελθούσαις γυναιξί, MEN who were ASSEM-
spoke to the having come together women. BLED.
Καί τις γυνή ονόματι Λυδία, πορφυ- 14 And a Certain Wo-
And a c e r t a i n w o m a n b y n a m e L y d i a , a s e l l e r
man named Lydia, a Seller
<>όπωλις πόλεως Θυατείρων σεβόμενη τον
of purple, of the City of
of purple of a city of Thyatira worshipping the Thyatira, a worshipper of
Θεόν, ήκουεν ής ό Κύριος διήνοιξε τήν GOD, heard; | W h o s e
God, heard; for w h o m the Lord opened tho HEART the LORD opened,
to attend to THOSE things
καρδίαν, προσέχειν τοις λαλουμένοις υπό τοϋ SPOKEN by *Paul.
Παύλου. Ώ ς δέ έβαπτίσθη, ; αϊ ό οίκος 15 And when she was
Paul. When and she was dipped, and the house immersed, and her FAMI-
αυτής, παρεκάλεσε, λέγουσα· ΕΙ κεκρί- LY, she entreated, saying,
of her, she entreated us, saying; If you havo "If you have judged me to
κατέ με πιστήν τφ Κυρίω είναι, είσελ- ter be faithful to the LORD, en-
my HOUSE, and remain."
judged me faithful to "the Lord to be, having $And she compelled us. ·
θόντες εις τον οίκον μου, μείνατε. ΚαΙ πα-
entered into the house of me, abide you. And she 16 And it occurred, as
ρεβιάσατο ήμας. 16 Έγένετο δέ πορευομένων
forced us. It happened and going we were going to the
* ORATORY, a certain Fe-
ημών είς προσευχήν, παιδίσκην male-servant, ^having a
Spirit of f Python, met us,
τινά εχουσαν πνεΰμα πύθωνος άπαντήσαι ήμίν, who brought her MASTERS
ήτις έργασίαν πολλην παρείχε τοις κυρίοις much Gain by divining.
17 17 She having closely
αΰτης, μαντευομένη. Αυτη κατακολουθήσα- followed *Paul and us,
Q-f h e r s e l f d i v i n i n g * She 1ιεινin§ folio"Wed c l o s e · · cried saying, "These MEN
σα τω Παύλω καΐ ήμΐν, έ'κραζε λέγουσα· are the Servants of the
ly the Paul "and us, cried saying; MOST HIGH GOD, who are
Ούτοι ο'ι άνθρωποι δοϋλοι τοΰ Θεοϋ
proclaiming to us the Way
of Salvation."
These the mea bond-servants of the God
τοΰ υψίστου είσίν, οΐτινες καταγγέλλουσιν 18 And she did this
the most high are, who are proclaiming
for Several Days. But
ήμΐν δδόν σωτηρίας. 18Τοϋτο δέ έποίει επί PAUL, being grieved, turn-
πολλάς ημέρας. Διαπονηθείς δέ ό Παϋλος, ed and said to the SPIRIT,
many days. Being grieved but the Paul,
και έπιστρέψας, τφ πνεύματι είπε· Παραγγέλ- "I command thee in the
•Name of Jesus Christ to
λω σοι έν τω ονόματι Ίησοϋ Χρίστου, έξελ- come out of her." $And
tli β β \Ί\ the narne of Jesus Anointed, to come it came out in That Hour.
flf.iv an' αυτής. ΚαΙ έξήλθεν αύτη τη 19 And her MASTERS
out from her. And it came out in that" the seeing That the HOPE of
ωρα. 1 9 Ίδόντες δέ ol κύριοι αυτής, οτι έξήλ- their GAIN was gone,
houi·. Seeing and the lords of her, that came
Οεν ή έλπίς της εργασίας αυτών, έπιλαβόμε- ^seizing PAUL and Si-
out the hop© of the gain of them, having taken
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—13. GATEJ. 14. Paul. 16. ORATORY. 17.Paul. 18.
t 13. A place of prayer. See Note on Luke vi. 12. ± 16. Or of Apollo. Pytho was,
according to fable, a huge serpent, that had an oracle at Mount Parnassus, famous for pre-
dicting future events; that Apollo slew this serpent, hence he was called PytMus, and
became celebrated as the foreteller of future events; and that those who either could,
or pretended to predict future events, were influenced by the spirit of Apollo Pyfhius.—
t 14. Luke xxiv. 45. $ 15. Luke xxiv. 2 9 ; Heb. xiii. 2. $ 16. 1 Sam. xxviii. 7.
t 18. Mark xvi. 17. t 19. 2 Cor. vi. 5.
Chap. 16:20.] ACTS. [Cha-p. 16:29.
νοι τον Π αϋλον καΐ τον Σίλαν, εΐλκυσαν LAS, $they dragged them
hold of the Paul and the Silas, they dragged into the MARKET, to the
εις την άγοράν έπΐ τους άρχοντας* 20και προσ- RULERS;
20 and they having con-
αγαγόντες αυτούς τοίς στρατηγοίς, είπον ducted them before the
having led them to the commanders, said; COMMANDERS, said "These
Ούτοι ot άνθρωποι έκτ%ράσσουσιν ημών τήν MEN, being Jews, $great-
These the men greatly disturb of us the
21 ly disturb our CITY,
πόλιν, 'Ιουδαίοι υπάρχοντες, κα1 καταγγέλ-
city, Jews being, 21 and preach Customs,
and preach
λουσιν ε§η, ά ουκ ε ξ εστίν
ήμίν πα- which it is not lawful for
customs, which not it is lawful for us
to us to receive or observe,
ραδέχεσΦαι, ουδέ ποιείν, Ρωμαίοις οΰσι. Kai being Romans."
Roman being.
22 And the CROWD rose
συνεπέστη ό δχλος
κατ' αυτών, καΐ οι up together against them ;
and " the COMMANDERS
στρατηγοί περιρρήξαντες αυτών τα Ιμάτια, having torn off their MAN-
23 TLES, $gave orders to beat
έκέλευον ραβδίζειν πολλάς τε έπι- them with rods.
they ordered to beat with rods; many and liav-
23 And having laid
ΰέντες αυτοί ς πληγάς, εβαλον είς φυλακήν, Many Stripes on them,
ing laid on them blows, they cast into prison, they cast them into Pris-
παραγγείλαντες τω δεσμοφυλακι, ασφαλώς τη- on, charging the jailor to
having charged the jailor, securely to keej) them safely ;
ρ*;ϊν αυτούς· 24ος παραγγελ'ιαν τοιαύτην εΐλη- 24 who, having received
keep them; who a charge such hav- such a charge, cast them
φώς, έ'βαλεν αυτούς είς τήν έσωτέραν madethe
into INNER prison, and
their FEET fast in
ing received, cast them into the inner the stocks.
φυλακήν, καΐ τους πόδας αυτών ήσφαλ'ισατο
prison, and the feet of them were made fast 25 And at MIDNIGHT,
είς το ξύλον. Paul and Silas praying,
25 sang a hymn to GOD ; and
Κατά δε τό μεσονύκτιον Παϋλος καΐ Σ'ιλας the PRISONERS listened to
προσευχόμενοι υμνούν τον Θεόν έπηκροώντο them.
praying sang a hynn £6
to the God:
listened to 2G $And suddenly there
δέ αυτών ot δέσμιοι. "Αφνω δε σεισμός was a great Concussion,
and t h e m t h e p r i s o n e r s . S u d d e n l y a i d a s h a k i n g
so as to shake the FOUN-
έγένετο μέγας, ώστε σαλευθηναι τα θεμέλια DATIONS of the PRISON ;
and *all the DOORS were
τοΰ δεσμωτηρίου* άνεώχθησάν τε * [παρα- opened, and the FETTERS
of the prison; were openod and [im-
OI Ail were loosed.
χρήμα] at Φΰραι πάσαι, καΐ r 'ντων τά δέσμια
mediatelyj the doors a l l , and a l l t h e bonds 27 And the JAILOR,
άνέθη. "Εξυπνος δέ γενόμενος ό δεσμο- awaking from sleep, and
were loosed. Out of sleep and having arisen the seeing the DOORS of the
φύλαξ, καΐ ίδών άνεωγμένας τάς θύρας PRISON opened, drew a
jailor, and seeing having been opened the doors SWORD, and was about to
της φυλακής, σπασάμενος μάχαιραν, εμελλεν kill Himself, supposing
that the PRISONERS had
εαυτόν άναιρείν, νομ'ιζων έκπεφευγέναι τους escaped.
himself to k i l l , supposing to have been fled the
δέσμιους. 28
Έφώνησε δέ φωνή28 But PAUL cried with
μεγάλτ) ό
prisoners. Cried out a loud Voice, saying, "Do
and with a voice loud "the
Παΰλος, λέγων Μηδέν πράξης σεαυτώ thyself no harm ; for we
Paul, saying; Not thou mayest do to thyself are All here."
κακόν, άπαντες γάρ έσμέν ένθάδε. 29ΑΙτήσας 29 And having asked
for Lights, he rushed in,
δέ φώτα είσεπήδησε, καΐ έντρομος γενόμε- and being in a tremor,
and lights he rushed in, and terrified having
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—26. immediately—omit.
% 19. Matt. x. 18. $ 20. Acts xvii. 6. % 22. 2 Cor. vi. 5; xi. 23, 25; 1 Thes3.
i. 2. t 2G. Acts iv. 31. % 26. Acts v. 19; xii. 7, 10.
Chap. 16:30.] ACTS. [Chap. 16: 40.
νος προσέπεσε τω Παύλω καΐ τφ Σίλα. fell down before PAUL and
b e c o m e he f e l l b e f o r e t h e Paul and t h e S i l a s . * SILAS.
Kcd προαγαγών αυτούς εξω, έφη· κύριοι
30 And conducting them
And having led them out, he said; 0 sirs,
out, he said, $"$irs, what
τί με δει ποιείν, ίνα σωθώ; must I do that I may be
what me It behooves to do, that I may be saved? saved?"
Oi δε είπον Πίστευσον επί τον Κύριον Ίη- 31 And THEY s a i d
They and said; Believe thou in the Lord Je-
$ "Believe in the LORD
σοΰν Χριστό ν, και σωθήστι σύ και ό οίκος Jesus Christ, and thou
eus Anointed, and shalt be saved thou and the house shalt be saved, and thy
of the Και έλαλησαν αύτφ τον λόγον τοϋ FAMILY/''
Κυρίου, συν πασι τοις εν τ|ι οικία αύτοϋ. 32 And they spoke to
him the WORD of *the
33Lord, with all those in the house of him.
Και παραλαβών αυτούς εν εκείνη τη ωρα LORD, and to ALL those in
And having taken them in that * the * hour * his HOUSE.
της νυκτός, έ'λουσεν άπό των πληγών και 33 And taking them in
ο/ the night, he washed from the stripes; ami That HOUR of the NIGHT,
έβαπτίσθη αυτός καΐ ol αύτοΰ πάντες παρα- he washed them from
was dipped he and those of him all im- their STRIFES, and was
χρημα. 34Άναγαγών τε αυτούς εις τον οίκον immediately immersed, he
mediately. Having led up and them into the house and all H I S . Φ
αύτοΰ, παρέθηκε τράπεζαν, καΐ ήγαλλιάσα- 34 And having brought
of himself, he set a table, and rejoiced them into *his HOUSE,
το πανοικί πεπιστευκώς τφ Θεώ. $he set a Table, and re-
w i t h a l l his house having believed in the God. joiced with all his house-
^'Ημέρας δε γενομένης. απέστειλαν oi hold, believing in GOD.
Day and having become, sent the 35 And when it was
οτρατηγοί τους ραβδούχους, λέγοντες· Άπόλυ- sent the OFFICERS, saying.
σον τους ανθρώπους εκείνους. 80Άπήγγειλε "Let those men go."
thou the men those. Told 36 And the JAILOR told
δέ ό δεσμοφύλαξ τους λόγους τούτους προς •these WORDS to PAUL,
and the jailor the words these to "The COMMANDERS have
τόν Παΰλον "Οτι άπεστάλκασιν ol στρατηγοί, sent to release you ; now
therefore depart, and go
ίνα άπολυθήτε· νΰν ούν εξελθόντες, in Peace."
ίίορεύεσθε εν ειρήνη. Ό δέ Παϋλος εφη 37 But PAUL said to
do you go in peace. The but Paul said them, "They have beaten
προς αυτούς* Δείραντες ημάς δημοσία, άκα- us publicily uncondemned,
{being Romans, and cast
τακρίτους, άνθρα>πους Ρωμαίους υπάρχοντας us into Prison ; and now
condemned, men Romans being,
do they privately cast Us
εβαλον εις φυλακήν, καΐ νϋν λάθρα ημάς έκ-
out? No, «indeed; but let
they cast into
them come themselves and
θάλλουσιν; Ούprison,
γάρ· andάλλαn o w privately
έλθόντες us αύ- do
conduct Us out."
tl ey cast out? No indeed; but having coin them- 38 And the OFFICERS
τοί ημάς έξαγαγέτωσαν.
έ ξ γ γ α Άνήγγειλαν
Άήγγ δέ related these words to the
selves us let them lead
lead out.
out - Told
Told and
and COMMANDERS ; aim they
τοις στρατηγοίς oi ραβδούχοι τά ρήματα were afraid when tfiey
to the commanders the rod-bearers the words
heard that they were Ro-
ταΰτα· καΐ έφοβήθησαν, άκούσαντες δτι Ρω- mans.
these; and they were afraid, having heard that Ro- 39 And they came and
μαίοί είσι. ΚαΙ έλθόντες παρεκάλεσαν entreated them ; and con-
αυτούς, καΐ έξαγαγόντες ήρώτων έξελθεϊν them $to them
τχχΣΙ u s tlieyiir© Aiid ϊι ίΐ ν i n § comΘ they ©ntrc3t©d ducting out, asked
depart •from the
them, and having led out they asked to go out
40 CITY.
της πόλεως. Έξελθόντες δέ έκ της φυλα-
40 And going out of
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 9 . Silas. 32. GOD, with ALL that were. 34. the
HOUSE. 3 6. the WORDS. 39. from the CITY.
$ 3 0. Luke iii. 10; Acts ii. 3 7 ; ix. 6. $ 31. John iii. 16, 3 6 ; vi. 4 7 ; 1 John V.
10. $ 31. Luke v. 2 9 ; xix. 6. % 37. Acts xxii. 25. % 39. Matt. viii. 3 1 .
'Chap. 17:1.] ACTS. [Chap. 17 :S.
κής εισηλθον προς την Λυδίαν καΐ Ιδόντες the PRISON, $they entered
they came In to the Lydia; and having seen into the house of LYDTA,
τους αδελφούς, παρεκάλεσαν αυτούς, καΐ έξηλ- and h a v i n g seen t h e
tlio brethren, they exhorted them, and went BRETHREN, they exhorted
θον. ΚΕΦ. ιξ' 17. ^ιοδεύσαντες δέ them, and departed.
cut. Having passed through and
την Άμφίπολιν «αϊ Άπολλων'ιαν, ?}λθον ε'ις
the Amphipolis and Apol Ionia, they came into
"Θεσσαλονίκην, οπού f\v
ή συναγωγή
where was the synagogue of the
των 1 And traveling through
Amphipolis and Apollonia
-"Ιουδαίων. 2Κατά δέ τό είωθός τφ Παύλω they came to *THESSA-
Jews. According to and the custom the Paul
LONICA, where was *a
ίεισήλθε προς αυτούς, καΐ επί σάββατα τρία Synagogue of the JEWS.
Went in
them, and for sabbaths three
άπό των γραφών Διανοί-
2 And according to his

reasoned with them from the writings; Open- CUSTOM, PAUL $went in

γων καΐ παρατιθέμενος, δτι τον

to them, and on three Sab-
ins, sincl .sotting forth^ thcit the
baths reasoned with them
from the SCRIPTURES,
Ιίδει παθεΐν καΐ άναστή- 3 opening and setting
i t was necessary to have suffered and to have been forth, $That the MESSIAH
•ναι εκ νεκρών, καΐ δτι οδτός έστιν ought to suffer and to rise
Taisgfl out of dead ones, and that this is from the dead, and That
« Χριστός Ίησοϋς, δν εγώ καταγγέλλω ύμίν. "This is the Anointed Je-
the Anointed Jesus, whom I announce to you. sus whom I announce to
Καί τίνες εξ αυτών έπείσθησαν, καΐ προσε- you."

Ancl some of them were convinced, and Joined 4 §And some of them
»f t h e believed and adhered to
«ληρώθησαν τω Παύλω καΐ τφ Σίλα, τώ
PAUL and %*Silas, and of
τε σεβόμενων Ελλήνων πολύ πλήθος, γυναι-
duel pious
the PIOUS Greeks a * great
Gi* ο clc s ίϊ. §r©8,t τ\ w ΤΪΪ 1J Θ Γ ^ WQi&QU
5cc5v τε των πρώτων οΰκ όλίγαι. Multitude, and of the
and of the chief not a few. CHIEF Women not a few.
Προσλαβόμενοι δέ ol 'Ιουδαίοι some 5 But the JEWS taking
Having taken to themselves and the Jews
evil-disposed Men
τών αγοραίων τινάς άνδρας πονηρούς,
from the MARKET-LOUNG-
©£ the market-loungers some men of evil,
ERS, a nd gathering a
crowd, alarmed the CITY ;
την and
having gathered a crowd,
they disturbed the
having assailed the
πάλιν έπιστάντες τε τχ\ οικία 'Ιάσονος, HOUSE of $ Jason sought to
city; having assaulted and the house of Jason, bring them * forth into the
έζήτουν αυτούς άγαγεϊν είς τον δημον μή
assembly of the PEOPLE ;

they sought them to lead out into the people; not 6 but not finding them,
εΰρόντες δέ αυτούς, έ'συρον τον 'Ιάσονα they some
dragged *Jason and
of the Brethren to
having found and them, they dragged the Jason
the RULERS of the CITY,
και τινας αδελφούς επί τους πολιτάρχας, 6ο- crying out, $"THESE men
and some brethren to the city-rulers, cry- who have disturbed the
ωντες* "Οτι ot την οικουμένην άναστατώσαν- EMPIRE, are come here
ing; That they the habitable having disturbed, also ;
τες, οΰτοι καΐ ένθάδε παρεισιν ους ύπο- 7
7 whom Jason has re-
these also ΙΙΘΓΘ are presentj lyiioni hits ceived ; and all these op-
pose the ^DECREES of Cae-
δέδεκται 'Ιάσων καΐ ούτοι πάντες απέναντι sar, saying that there is
another King Jesus."
τών δογμάτων Καίσαρος πράττουσι, βασιλέα 8 And they alarmed the
tho decrees of Caesar do, a king CROWD and the RULERS of
λέγοντες έτερον είναι, Ίησοΰν. 8 Έτάραξε δέ The CITY, when they heard
saying another to be, Jesus. Troubled and
these things.
τον δχλον καΐ τους πολιτάρχας άκούοντας
crowd and the
MAN U S C R Icity-rulers having heard1. a Synagogue of.
P T . — 1 . THBSSALONICA. 4. Silas. 4.
great Multitude. 5. forth to the P E O P L E . 6. Jason.
% 40. ver. 14. $ 2. Acts ix. 2 0 ; xiii. 5, 1 4 ; xiv. 1 ; xvi. 1 3 ; xix. 8. t 3. Luko
xsiv. 2 6 , 4 6 ; Acts xviii. 2 8 ; Gal. i i i . 1 . % 4. Acts xxviii. 24. % 4. Acts xv. 22,
27, 32, 40. $ 5. Rom. xvi. 2 1 . % 6. Acts xvi. 20. % 7. Luke xxiii. 2 ; John xix. 12.

Chap. 17:9.] ACTS. [Chap. 17:17.
ταΰτα. β
ΚαΙ λαβόντες τό Ικανόν παρά 9 And having taken SE-
these things. And having taken the security from CURITY from Jason, and
the REST, they let them
τοϋ 'Ιάσονος καΐ τών λοιπών, απέλυσαν αυτούς go.
10 Jason and the rest, they let go them.
Ot δέ αδελφοί ευθέως διά της νυκτός έξέ- 10 But the BRETHREN
Xhe and brethren immediately by the night sent immediately, by * Night,
πεμψαν τόν τε Παΰλον καΐ τόν Σίλαν εις $sent away PAUL and S I -
away the both Paul and the Silas into
Βέροιαν* οΐτινες παραγενόμενοι, εις την συνα- LAS, to Berea; who, hav-
Berea; who having arrived, into the syn- ing arrived, w^ent into the
γωγήν τών 'Ιουδαίων άπήεσαν. ηΟδτοι δέ SYNAGOGUE Of t h e JEWS.
agogue of the Jews went. These and
11 And These were of a
ήσαν ευγενέστεροι τών έν Θεσσαλονίκη, more noble disposition than
οΐτινες έδέξαντο τόν λόγον μετά πάσης προθυ- THOSE in Thessalonica, for
they received the WORD
who received t h e word with a l l prompt-
μίας, τό καθ' ήμέραν άνακρ'ινοντες τάς with All Readiness, DAILY
ness, that everyday closely scrutinizing the ^examining tho SCRIP-
γραφάς, εΐ εχοι ταΰτα οΰτως. ^Πολλοί TURES whether
things were so.
writings, if was these things thus. Many
12 Many of them, there-
μέν οδν έξ αυτών έπίστευσαν, καΐ fore, believed ; and of the
indeed therefore out of them believed, and HONORABLE GREEK WO-
τών *Ελληνίδων γυναικών τών εύσχημόνων MEN, and Men not a
και ανδρών ούκ ολίγοι. 1 3 Ώ ς δέ έγνωσαν ol few.
άπό της θεσσαλονίκης 'Ιουδαίοι, δτι καΐ ένof 13THESSALONICA
But when the JEWS
τη Βεροία κατηγγέλη ύπό του Παύλου ό That the WORD of GOD
the Berea was preached by the Paul the was preached by PAUL a t
λόγος του Θεοϋ, ήλθον κάκεί σαλεύον- BEREA, they came there
also exciting *and troub-
word of the God, they came also there stirring ling the CROWDS.
τες τους δχλους. Εΰθέως δέ τότε τόν
14 t A n d t h e n the
Παΰλον έξαπέστειλαν ol αδελφοί πορεύεσθαι BRETHREN immediately
Paul sent out the brethren to go sent PAUL away, as if he
ώς επί την θάλασσαν ΰπέμενον δέ ο τε were to go towards t h e
SEA; but SILAS and T I M -
Σίλας και 6 Τιμόθεος εκεί. 15Ot δέ καθι- OTHY remained there.
Silas and the Timothy there. They but conduct-
στώντες τόν Παΰλον ίίγαγον * [αυτόν] ίξως 15 And THOSE CON-
ing the Paul led Chim] to DUCTING PAUL led him
Ath καΐ λαβόντες to Athens; and having
έντολήν προς τόν received a charge for S I -
Σίλαν και Τιμόθεον, ίνα ώς τάχιστα LAS and * TIMOTHY to
S-ilas tind Timothy, that fis soon AS possible come to him as soon as
ελθωσι προς αυτόν, έξήεσαν. 1 6 Έ ν possible, they departed.
they should come to him, they departed. In 16 Now while PAUL
£>έ ταίς 'Αθήναις έκδεχομένου αυτούς τοΰ was waiting for them a t
And the Athens waiting them ofthe ATHENS, $his SPIRIT was
Παύλου, παρωξύνετο stirred within him, on be-
τό πνεΰμα αύτοϋ έν holding the CITY was ±full
Paul, was stirred up the spirit of him in of idols.
αΰτώ, θεωροΰντι κατείδωλον οδσαν την πόλιν.
17him, beholding full of idols being the city.
Διελέγετο μέν οδν έν τη σ\)ναγωγ|ί 17 He
τοις fore in thereasoned there-
He reasoned indeed then in the synagogue "with the SYNAGOGUE
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 0 . Night. 13. and troubling the CROWDS. 15. h i m —
omit. 15. TIMOTHY.
± 1 6 . This expression denotes the appearance of Athens to the eye of a stranger. "A
person could hardly take his position any where in ancient Athens where the eye did not
range over temples, altars, and statues of the gods almost without number." Bil·. Sao.
Vol. vi. P. 339
t 10. Acts ix. 2 5 ; ver. 14. $ 11. Luke xvi. 2 9 ; John v. 39. $ 14. Matt. x. 2 3 .
$ 16. 2 Pet. i i . 8.
Cluap. 17: 18.] ACTS. [Chap. 17:24.
Ίονδαίοις και τοις σεδομένοις, και έν with the JEWS, and with
the PIOUS persons; and
τχ\ άγορφ κατά πάσαν ήμέραν προς τους παρα- in the MARKET every Day
the market during every day with those hap- with THOSE he happened
t o MEET.
τυγχάνοντας. 18
Τινές δε των 'Επικούρειων και 18 But some of the E P I -
CUREAN and *S τ ο ι c
•""ών Στοϊκών φιλοσόφων συνέόαλλον αύτω* PHILOSOPHERS encoun-
οι t 1ΙΘ Stoics philosophers encountered hiiflj tered him. And some
said, "What does this
και τίνες ελεγον ΤΙ dy Φέλοι ό σπερμολό- fuABBLER wish to say?"
And OTHERS, "He seems
γος ούτος λέγειν; ΟΙ δέ· Ξένων δαιμονίων to be a Proclaimer of
Strange Demons ;" Because
δοκεί καταγγελεύς είναι* δτι τον Ίησοΰν he announced glad tidings
he seems a p i o e l a i m e r to be; because the Jesus concerning JESUS and the
seal την άνάστασιν * [αύτοίς] εΰηγγελίζε- RESURRECTION.
au<l the resurrection [to them] he announced glad 19 And laying hold of
το. Έπιλαβόμενοί τε αύτοΰ, επί τον him, they led him to
tidings. Having taken hold and of him, to the the fAREOPAGUS, saying
"Αρειον πάγον ήγαγον, λέγοντες· Δυνάμεθα "Can we know w h a t This
Mars hill they led, saying; Are we able NEW Doctrine is, which is
γνώναι, τΙς ή καινή αΰτη ή υπό σοϋ
to know, what the new this that by thee spoken by thee?
λαλουμένη διδαχή; 20Ξενίζοντα γάρ τίνα 20 For thou bringest
l)-eing spoken teaching? Strange things for certain certain strange things to
εισφέρεις εις τάς άκοάς ημών. Βουλόμεθα our EARS ; we desire,
tl ou bringest to the ears of us. W e desire therefore, to know w h a t
γνώναι, δετΐ πάντες καΐ ol ταΰτα
αν θέλοι έπιδημοΰν-
et- these things m e a n . "
fce. Athenians and a l l and the sojourning 21 Now all the Athe-
τες ξένοι, είς ουδέν έτερον εύκαίρουν, ή nians, and t h e RESIDENT
strangers, in nothing else spend leisure, than STRANGERS among them,
λέγειν τι καΐ άκούειν καινότερον. spent their time in noth-
to tell something and to hear newer. ing else but to tell and
Σταθείς δέ ό Παϋλος εν μέσω του hear something new.
Having stood up and the Paul in midst of the 22 And PAUL standing
'Αρείου πάγου, εφη· "Ανδρες 'Αθηναίοι, κατά in t h e midst of t h e AREOPA-
GUS, said, "Athenians, I
πάντα ως δεισιδαψ,ονεστέρους υμάς perceive t h a t in all things
a l l things as i t were worshippers of demons you you aref extremely devoted
θεωρώ* ^διερχόμενος γαρ και άναθεοιρών to t h e worship of Demons.
I perceive; passing through for and beholding
23 For as I passed
τα σεβάσματα υμών, εύρον και βω- through, and beheld the
tli© objects of worship of you, I found also an
OBJECTS of your worship,
μόν, εν ω έπεγέγραπτο* 'Αγνώστω I found also a n Altar on
a l t a r , in which had been written; To an unknown which was an inscription,
I3fcp. "Ov o5v άγνοοΰντες εύσεβεΐτε, 'To an Unknown God.'
God" Whom therefore not knowing you worship, *What therefore you wor-
τοΰτον εγώ καταγγέλλω ύμϊν. 2 4 Ό Θεός ό ship without knowing,
this I announce to you. The God that This I announce to you.
ποιήσας τόν κόσμον καΐ πάντα τά έν 24 That §GOD who
l".aving m a d e the world and all the things in made t h e WORLD and All
αντω, οδτος ουρανοί) καΐ γϋς Κύριος υπάρχων THINGS in it, he being
It, this of heaven and earth Lord being, $Lord of Heaven and
ούκ έν χειροποιήτοις ναοϊς ^κατοικεί, ούδρ Earth, Jdwells not i n
not in handmade temples' dwells, nor Temples made with hands ;

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—18. Stoics. 18. to them—omit. 23. What therefore you

worship without knowing.
± 18. Literally, a seed-piclcer, a name given to crows, etc., and applied to a person
who picks up scraps of knowledge, which he imnarts to others without sense or purpose,
and upon any and every occasion.—Own.5 f 19. The supreme court of Athens. ± 22.
Or, more religiously inclined th°n other !.
$ 24. Acts xiv. 15. % 24. Matt. xi. 25. $ 24. Acts vii. 48.
Chap. 17:25.] ACTS. [Chap. 17:34.
ύπό χειρών ανθρώπων θεραπεύεται, προσδεό- 25 nor is he served by
the HANDS of MEN, §as
μενόζ τίνος, αυτός διδούς πάσι ζωήν και needing anything; jhe
anything, he giving to a l l life and having given to all Life,
πνοήν καΐ τά πάντα· 2β έποίησέ τε εξ and Breath, and all things ;
b r e a t h and t h e t h i n g s all; made and out of 26 and made from One,
ενός * [αίματος] παν έθνος ανθρώπων κα- EVery Nation of Men to
one tblood] every nation of men to dwell on *the Whole Face
τοικείν επί πάν τό πρόσωπον της γης, όρί- of the EARTH ; having de-
termined the appointed
σας προστεταγμένους καιρούς καΐ τάς Seasons, and $the FIXED
iny fixed having been appointed seasons and the LIMITS of their HABITA-
δροθεσίας της κατοικίας αυτών 2 7 ζητείν
fixed l i m i t s of the habitation of them; to seek TION ;
τον Θεόν, εΐ άραγε ψηλαφήσειαν αυτόν καΐ 27 ito seek GOD, if per-
the God, if indeed they might feel him and haps they might feel after
ευροιεν, καίτοιγε ου μακράν από ενός and find him; $and in-
deed he is not far from
εκάστου ημών υπάρχοντα. Έ ν αύτω γαρ ζώ- every one of u s ;
each of us being. In him for we 28 for in him we live,
μεν καΐ κινούμεθα καΐ έσμέν ώς και τίνες and move, and exist; as
l i v e and a r e moved and we a r e ; a s a l s o some even some of fYOuu OWN
τών κ α θ ' υμάς ποιητών ειρήκασι· Τοϋ γαρ Poets have said, 'For also
of those with you 2 9 poets have said; Of the for
we H I S Offspring are.'
5tal γένος έσμέν. Γένος οδν υπάρχοντες 29 Being, therefore, the
also offspring we are. Offspring therefore being Offspring of GOD, $we
τοϋ Θεοϋ, ούκ όφε'ιλομεν νομίζειν, χρυσώ η ought not to imagine a
Gold or Silver or Stone
άργυρο) η* λίθω, χαράγματι τέχνης και έν- Sculpture,—a work of Art
and human Skill,—to be
ΰυμήσεως ανθρώπου, τό Θείον είναι δμοιον. like the DEITY.
of man, t h e D e i t y t o be like. 30 Therefore, indeed,
Τούς μέν οδν χρόνους της άγνοιας overlooking $the TIMES of
I1h © indeed therefore times of tIi© i^ooriiiice IGNORANCE, GOD %Ώ. θ W
ύπεριδών ό Θεός, τανϋν παραγγέλλει τοίς commands all MEN, in
overlooking the God, now he commands to the every place, to reform;
31 31 because he has es-
άνθρώποις πάσι πανταχού μετανοεϊν διότι tablished a DAY $in which
ΙΪΙeu ήμέραν,
U11 έν
iii2illj)l&ccs f) t o reforixiΐ
μέλλει becftu^o
κρί- he is about to judge the
he established a day, in which he is about to HABITABLE in Righteous-
νειν την οίκουμένην έν δικαιοσύνη, έν άνδρΐ ness, by a Man whom
Judge the habitable in righteousness» by a man
& ώρισε, π'ιστιν παράσχων he has appointed, having
furnished a Proof to all by
whom he appointed, a guarantee having furnished praising him from the
πάσιν, άναστήσας αυτόν έκ νεκρών, Dead."
to a l l , having raised him out of dead ones. 32 And when they heard
Άκούσαντες δέ άνάστασιν νεκρών, ol of the Resurrection of the
μέν έχλεύαζον ol δέ είπον Άκουσόμεθά Dead, SOME derided, but
OTHERS said, "We will
σου πάλιν περί τούτου. 33
ΚαΙ οΰτως ό Παύλος hear thee * again about
thee again about this. And thus the Paul this."
έξήλθεν εκ μέσου αυτών. 33 And thus Paul went
Went out from midst of them. out from the midst of
Τινές δέ άνδρες κολληθέντες αΰτώ, them.
Some but men having associated with him, 34. But Some Men ad-
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 6 . Blood—omit. 26. The Whole Face of. 32. also again.
± 2 8 . The Phenomena of Aratus, and Cleanthes' Hymn to Jupiter, contain this quota-
tion. Aratus was a Cilician, one of Paul's countrymen, with whose writings Paul was
probably well acquainted.
$ 2 5. Psa. i. 8. $ 25. Gen. ii. 7 ; Num. xvi. 2 2 ; Job. xii. 1 0 ; xxvii. 3 ; xxxiii. 4 ;
Isa. xlii. 5 ; M i . 1 6 ; Zech. xii. 1. $ 2 6. Deut. xxxii. 8. % 2 7. Rom. i. 20. % 2 7 .
Acts xiv. 17. t 29. Isa. xl. 18. t 3 0. Acts xir. 1 6 ; Rom. iii. 25. $ 30. Luke
xxiv. 4 7 ; Titus ii. 11, 1 2 ; 1 Pet. i. 1 4 ; iv. 3. $ 3 1 . Acts x. 4 2 ; Born. ii. 1 6 ;
Xiv. 19. $ 3 1 . Acts ii. 24.
Chap. 18:1.] ACTS [C7iap. 1 8 : 8 .
έπίστευσαν έν οίς και Διονύσιος ό hering to him, believed;
believed; among whom also Dionysius the among whom were Diony-
'Αρεοπαγίτης, καΐ γυνή ονόματι Δάμαρις, sius the * Areopagite, and
Areopagite, and a woman by name Damaris, a Woman named Damaris,
καΐ έτεροι συν αύτοΐς. ΚΕΦ. ι η ' . 18. and others with them.
and others with them.
Μετά δε ταϋτα χωρισθείς ό Παΰ-
1 And after these things
λος εκ των 'Αθηνών, ήλθεν είς Κόρινθον. *PAUL withdrawing from
2 ATHENS, came to Corinth ;
ΚαΙ εύρων τίνα Ίουδαίον ονόματι Άκύ-
And having found a certain Jew byname Aquila, 2 and having found a
λαν, Ποντικσν τφ γένει, προσφάτως έληλυ- ^ C e r t a i n J e w named
Pontus by the race, recently having $Aquila, a native of Pon-
ϋότα από τής Ιταλίας, καΐ Πρίσκιλλαν γυ- tus, recently come from
come from the Italy, and Priscilla w i f e ITALY, and his wife Pris-
•ναϊκα αύτοΰ, (δια το διατεταχέναι Κλαύ- cilla, (because *Claudius
of him, (because the to have commanded Clau- had COMMANDED All JEWS
διον χωρ'ιζεαθαι πάντας τους 'Ιουδαίους έκ to withdraw from ROME,)
tllus to withdraw all the Jews from he went to them.
τής Ρώμης,) προσήλΟεν αΰτοίς* 3κα1 δια τό
the Rome,) he went to them; and because the 3 And because he WAS
όμότεχνον είναι, έμενε παρ' αύτοΐς· και of the same trade, he re-
same trade to be, he remained with them; and mained with them, $and
είργάζετο' ήσαν γάρ σκηνοποιοί την τέ- * labored ; for they were
Tent makers by trade.
χνην. Διελέγετο δέ έν τη συναγωγή κατά
4 §And he reasoned in
He reasoned and in the synagogue during t h e SYNAGOGUE Every
πάν σάββατον, έπειθε τε 'Ιουδαίους και Sabbath, and persuaded
" Ε λ λ η ν α ς . Β Ώ ς δ έ κ α τ ή λ θ ο ν ά π ό τ η ς Μακε- Jews and Greeks.
Gieeks. When but came down from the Mace- 5 $ And when SILAS and
δονίας δ τε Σίλας και ό Τιμόθεος, συνε'ι- TIMOTHY came from MA-
Silas and the Timothy, was
CEDONIA, PAUL was con-
τφ λόγω ό ΙΙαΰλος, διαμαρτυ- fined to the WORD, ear-

ρόμενος τοις Ίουδαίοις rov Χριστόν Ίησοΰν. nestly testifying to the

testifying to the
Jews the Anointed Jesus. sus.
Άντιτασσομένων δέ αυτών καΐ βλασφημούν-
Resisting but them and blaspheming, 6 $But when they re-
των, έκτιναξάμενος τα ιμάτια, είπε προς αύ- sisted and blaspheme;!,
having shaken the mantles, he said to them; shaking his CLOTHES, he
τους· To αίμα υμών επί την κεφαλήν υμών, said to them, "Your
BLOOD be upon your head !
καθαρός εγώ, άπό τοϋ νΰν είς τά έ'θνη πο- I am pure ; from this TIME
pure I, from the now to the Gentiles I I will go to the GENTILES.-"
ρεύσομαι. 7 ΚαΙ μεταβάς εκείθεν, ήλθεν
w i l l go. And having remoTed thence, he w ' 7 And having removed
εις οΐκίαν τινός ονόματι Ίοΰστου, σεβόμενου thence he went into the
into a house of one by name Justus, worshippin; House of one named Jus-
τον Θεόν, ού ή οικία fjv συνομοροΰσα tus, a worshipper r
of GOD,
tho God, of whom the house was Whose HOUSE w as adjoin-
8 ing the SYNAGOGUE. -
xf\ συναγωγή. Κρίσπος δέ ό άρχισυνά-
tc the synagogue. Crispus but the synagogue- 8 And $Crispus, the
γωγος έπίστευσε τω Κυρίω συν ολω τφ οίκω RULER of t h e SYNAGOGUE,
ruler believed in the Lord with whole the house
believed in the LORD, with
αΰτοΰ· καΐ πολλοί των Κορινθίοιν άκούοντες All his HOUSE ; and many
of himself; and many of the Corinthians hearing of the CORINTHIANS hear-

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 4 . Areopagite. 1. he departed from. 2. All JEWS were

COMMANDED to withdraw from ROME. 3. they labored.
t 2. Rom. xvi. 3 ; 1 Cor. xvi. 1 9 ; 2 Tim. iv. 19. $ 3. Acts xx. 3 4 ; 1 Cor. iv. 1 2 ;
1 Thess. ii. 9 ; 2 Thess. iii. 8. f. 4. Acts xvii. 2. % 5. Acts xvii. 14, 15. $ 6.
Acts xiii. 45, 4 6 ; xxviii. 28. $ 8. 1 Cor. i. 14.
Chap. 18:9] ACTS. [Chap. 18:19.
ό ing, believed, and were
έπίστευον, καΐ έβαπτίζοντο· είπε δέ
believed, and were dipped; said and the immersed.
Κύριος δι' δράματος εν νυκτΐ τφ Παύ- 9 $And the LORD said
Lord through a vision by night to the Paul; to PAUL, in a Vision by
λφ· Μή φοβοΰ, αλλά λάλει καΐ μη σιώπησες· Night, "Fear not, but
10 Not fear, but speak and no be silent; speak, and be not silent;
διότι έγώ είμαι μετά σου, και ουδείς έπι- 10 $for I am'with thee;
because I am with thee, and no one shall
θήσεταί σοι τοΰ κακώσαι σε· διότι λαός and no one shall attack
attack thee p£ the to hurt thee; because people thee, to HURT thee; for
εστί μοι πολύς έν rn πόλει ταύτχι. ^'Εκά- there are many People for
me in this CITY/'
is for m e much in the c i t y this. He
11 And he remained
Φισέ τε ένιαυτόν καΐ μήνας εξ, διδάσκων there a Year and six
continued and a year and months six, teaching Months teaching among
έν αύτοΐς τόν λόγον τοϋ Θεοϋ. them the WORD of GOD.
among them the word of the God.
^Γαλλίωνος δέ άνθυπατεύοντος της Άχα'ι- Proconsul 12 But when Gallio was
Gr£L 111 ο stxid be i Ώ^ p r o c o n s u l of til θ .Δ. cli «ι i A ) ο f ACHAIA,
the JEWS with one mind
ας, κατεπέστησαν ομοθυμαδόν oi 'Ιουδαίοι assaulted P A U L , a n d
rushed with one mind the Jews brought him to the TRIBU-
τφ Παύλω, και ήγαγον αυτόν επί τό βήμα, NAL,
to the Paul," and led h i m to the tribunal, 13 saying, "This man
λέγοντες· "Οτι παρά τόν νόμον οΰτος άνα- persuaded MEN to worship

saying; That from the law this per- GOD contrary t o t h e

πείθει τους ανθρώπους σέβεσθαι τόν Θεόν. 14 And PAUL being
suades the men to worship the God. about to SPEAK, GALLIO
"Μέλλοντος δέ τοΰ Παύλου άνοίγειν τό said to the JEWS, $"If
«t*ing about but the Paul to open the indeed it was an act of In-
στόμα, είπεν ό Γαλλίων προς τους Ίου- justice or reckless Evil, Ο
mouth, said the Gallio to the Jews; Jews, according to Rea-
δαίους· Ει μεν οδν ήν αδίκημα τι, son I would bear with
λόγον δν ήνεσχόμην υμών 15εΙ δέ ζήτημα you ;
reason I would bear with
ή ραδιούργημα πονηρόν, ώ 'Ιουδαίοι, you; if but a question κατά tion· 15 but if it be a Ques-
έστι περί λόγου καΐ ονομάτων καΐ νόμου and concerning Doctrine,
It Is about a ward and names
Names, and THAT Law
and of a law which is among you, see
τοΰ καθ' ύμας, δψεσθε αυτοί· κριτής you to it, for I will not be
t h a t w i t h you, you w i l l s e e y o u r s e l v e s ; a j u d g e a Judge of these things."
έγώ τούτων ού βούλομαι είναι. lc Kal 16 And he drove them
he dro αυτούς άπό τοϋ βήματος. 17Έπιλα- from the TRIBUNAL.
βύμενοι δέ πάντες *[ol "Ελληνες] Σωσθένην $Sosthenes, 17 And they All took
takenhold and all [the Greeks] of Sosthenes the RULER of
the SYNAGOGUE, and beat
τόν άρχισυνάγωγον, ετυπτον έ'μπροσθεν τοϋ him before the TRIBUNAL.
But GALLIO cared for
βήματος* καΐ ουδέν τούτων τφ Γαλλίωνι έ'με- none of these things.
tribunal; and nothing of these the Gallio cared. 18 And PAUL having re-
λεν. 1 8 Ό δέ Παϋλος έ'τι προσμείνας ημέρας mained yet many Days,
The and Paul yet having remained days bidding farewell to the
Ικανάς, τοις άδελφοίς άποταξάμενος, έξέ- BRETHREN, sailed thence
m a n y , t o t h e b r e t h r e n h a v i n g b i d f a r e w e l l , s a i l e d f o r SYRIA, i η company
πλει είς την Συρίαν, καΐ συν αύτφ Πρίσκιλλα with Priscilla and Aquila ;
Jhaving shaved his HEAD
o u t i n t o t h e S y r i a , and w i t h h i m Priscilla
καΐ 'Ακύλας, κειράμενος την κεφαλήν έν in ICenchrea, for he had
and Aquila, having shaved the head in a Vow.
Κεγχρεαίς· είχε γαρ εύχήν. 19Κατήντησε δέ 19 And he came to
had for a vow. —omit.He came17. the
t 9. Acts xxiii. 11. t 10. Jer. i. 18, 19; Matt, xxviii. 20. $ 14. Acts xxiii. 2 9 :
αν. 11, 19. $ 17. 1 Cor. i. 1. $ 18. Num. vi. 12; Acts xxi. 24. $ 18. Rom. xvi. l".
Chap. 18:20.] ACTS. [Chap. 18:27.
εις "Εφεσον, κάκείνους κατέλιπεν αύτοΰ· αύ- Ephesus, and left them
t<· Ephesus, and them he left there; he there; as he entered into
τός δε είσελθών είς την συναγωγήν, διελέχθη the SYNAGOGUE, and rea-
χοίζ Ίουδαίοις. 20 Έρωτώντων δε αυτών
soned with JEWS.
with the Jews. Asking and them 20 And when they re-
επί πλείονα χρόνον μεϊναι *[παρ' αύτοϊς,]
for longer a time to remain [with them,] quested him to remain a
ούκ εΛενευσεν 21
άλλ' άπετάξατο *[αύ- longer Time, he did not
not he consented; but he bade farewell [to consent;
τοις,] ε ι π ώ ν * [Δει με πάντως την
them,] saying; [It behooves me by all mean ι the
21 but bade them fare-
έορτήν τήν έρχομένην ποιήσαι είς Ίεροσόλυ- well, saying, " I will re-
least that coming to keep into Jerusalem;] turn to you again, iGoD
μα·] πάλιν * [ δ έ ] ανακάμψω προς ύμας, τοϋ willing." And he sailed
again [ b u t ] I w i l l r e t u r n to you, t h e from EPHESUS ;
θεοΟ Φέλοντος. *[ΚαΙ] άνήχΟη άπό της Έφέ- 22 and coming down to
God willing. [And] he sailed from the Ephesus;
22 Csesarea, and going up,
οου* κα1 κατελθών εις Καισάρειαν, and saluting the CONGRE-
and having gone down to Caesarea, GATION, he went down to
άναβάς, και άσπασάμενος τήν έκκλησίαν,
23 And having spent
κατέβη είς Άντιόχειαν. ^ΚαΙ ποιησας some Time there, he de-
parted ; going through the
χρόνον τινά, εξήλθε, διερχόμενος κα- COUNTRY Of $GrALATIA
time some, he went out, passing through in and Phrygia, in order,
Φεξής, τήν Γαλατικήν χώραν καΐ24 Φρυγίαν, ^establishing All the
έπιστηρ'ιζων πάντας τοί^ς μαθητάς. Ίουδαΐος DISCIPLES.
establishing all the disciples. A Jew
δέ τις 'Απολλώς ονόματι, Άλεξανδρεύς 24 $And a certain Jew
and certain Apollos byname, an Alexandrian named Apollos, a Native
τω γένει, άνήρ λόγιος, κατήντησεν είς "Εφε- of Alexandria, an eloquent
Man, being powerful in
σον δυνατός ων έν ταϊς γραφαΐς. 25Ούτος fyv the SCRIPTURES, came to
powerful being In the writings. This was Ephesus.
κατηχημένος τήν δδόν του Κυρίου· 25 This person was be-
having been instructed the way of the Lord; ing instructed in the WAY
και ζέίον τφ πνεύματι, έλάλει καΐ of the LORD, and being fer-
vent in SPIRIT, he spoke
έδίδασκεν ακριβώς τά περί τοΰ Κυρ'ι- and *also taught accurate-
taught accurately the things concerning the Lord, ly the THINGS *concerning
ου, επισταμένος μόνον το βάπτισμα Ίωάν- JESUS, Jbeing acquainted
being acquainted with only the dipping of only with the IMMERSION
νου. 2 6 Ούτός τε Ϋίρξατο παρρησιάζεσθαι έν τχ\ of John.
John. This and began to speak boldly in the
συναγωγή. Άκούσαντες δε αύτοΰ Άκΰλας καΐ speak boldly in the SYNA-
26 And he began to
synagogue. Having heard and of him Aquila and GOGUE. And * Aquila and
Πρ'ισκιλλα, προσελάβοντο αυτόν, καΐ άκριβέ- Priscilla explained to him
Friscilla, took him, and more accu-
στερον αύτφ έξέθεντο τήν τοΰ Θεοΰ όδόν. of GCD.
more accurately the WAY
lately to him explained the of the God way.
Βουλομένου δε αύτοΰ διελφεΐν εις τήν 27 And when he was
Wishing and of h i m t o p a s s through i n t o t h e wishing to pass over into
Άχαΐαν, προτρεψάμενοι ot αδελφοί έγραψαν ACHAIA, t h e BRETHREN
Aehaia, having exhorted the brethren they wrote wrote exhorting the DISCI-
τοίς μαθηταίς άποδέξασθαι αυτόν δς παρα- PLES to receive him ; who,
tc· the disciples to receive h i m ; w h o having having arrived, $he great-
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—20. with them—omit. 21. to them—omit. 21. It be-
hoves me to keep the COMING FEAST in Jerusalem—omit. 21. but—omit. 21. Ana
—omit. 25. also taught. 25. concerning JESUS. 26. Priscilla and Aquila.
ί 21. 1 Cor. iv. 19; Heb. vi. 3 ; James iv. 15. t 23. Gal. i. 2 ; iv. 14. $ 23. Acts
xlv 22; xv. 32, 41. ί 2 4. 1 Cor. i. 12; iii. 5, 6; iv. 6; Titus iii. 13. $ 25.
Acts six. 3. $ 27. 1 Cor. iii. 6.
Chap. 18:28.] ACTS. [Chap. 19: 9.
γενόμενος, συνεβάλετο πολύ τοις πεπιστευκόσι ly assisted THOSE BELIEV-
arrived, he helped 28much those having believed ERS, by his GIFT ;
δια της χάριτος. Εύτόνως γαρ τοις Ίου- 28 for he strenuously
through the grace. Strenuously for with the Jews discussed with the JEWS
δαίοις διακατηλέγχετο δημοσία, έπιδεικνύς in public, ^proving by the
SCRIPTURES that Jesus is
δια των γραφών, είναι τόν Χριστόν Ίησοΰν. the MESSIAH.
by the writings, to be the Anointed Jesus.
ΚΕΦ. ift' 19. 1 And it happened, while
$APOLLOS was in Corinth,
Εγένετο δέ έν τω τόν Άπολλώ είναι έν Paul, having p a s s e d
It happened and in the the Apollos to be in through the UPPER Parts,
came to Ephesus; and
Κορίνθω, Παΰλον διελθόντα τα άνωτε- having found Some Disci-
ρικα μέρη, έλθειν εις "Ε(ρεσον. Και εύρων ples,
parts, to come to Ephesus. And having found 2 he said to them,
τινας μαθητάς, 2είπε προς αυτούς· Ει πνεΰμα "Have you received the
some disciples, he s a i d to them; If a spirit
holy Spirit since you be-
αγιον έλάδετε πιστεύσαντες; Ot δέ ειπον lieved?" And THEY said
holy you received having bel ieved? They and said to him, $"We have not
προς αυτόν Άλλ' ουδέ εΐ πνεΰμα αγιον even heard whether there
to him; But n o t even if a spirit holy be any holy Spirit."
έστιν, ήκούσαμεν. 3Είπέ τε * [προς αυτούς·] 3 And he said, "Into
is, we have heard. He said and Lto th«m;J what then were you im-
Εις τΐ ουν έβαπτίσθητε; Ot δέ είπον mersed ?" And THEY said,
Into what then were you dipped? They and said; SION."
ΕΙς το 'Ιωάννου βάπτισμα. Εΐπε δέ Ιϊαΰλος* 4 And P a u l s a i d ,
'Ιωάννης έβάπτισε βάπτισμα μετανοίας, $"John administered the
John dipped a dipping of reformation, Immersion of Reformation
τφ λαφ λέγων, εΙς τόν έρχόμενον μετ' αυτόν saying to the PEOPLE, that
tboy should believe into
ίνα πιστεύσωσι· τοΰτ' £στιν, εΙς τόν Ίη- HIM that was COMING
after him, that is, into
0θϋν. 5Άκούσαντες δέ έβαπτίσθησαν εις το Jesus."
BUS. Having heard and they were dipped into the 5 And havingheardthis,
δνομα τοΰ Κυρίου Ίησοΰ. 6ΚαΙ έπιΟέντος they were immersed $into
name of the Lord Jesus. And having placed the NAME of the LORD
αύτοϊς τοΰ Παύλου τάς χείρας, η"λθε το πνεΰμα Jesus.
to them the l*aul t h e liunds, cumo the spirit 6 And Paul §putting
bis *Hands on them, the
τό αγιον έπ' αυτούς, έλάλουν τε γλώσσαις HOLY SPIRIT came on
them, and $they spoke
καΐ προεφήτεχ»ον.8 7ϊΉσαν δέ ot πάντες άνδρες with Tongues and pro-
ώοεί, δεκαδύο. ΕΊσελθών δέ εις την συνα- pliesied.
{ΙΙΌΙΧt t\Ϋ©ive. ]^^ying entered siiKi ixito the sjTDii~* 7 And ALL ..the Men
were about twelve.
γωγήν, έπαρρησιάζετο, επί μήνας τρείς δια- 8 And having entered
the SYNAGOGUE, he spoke
λεγόμενος καΐ πείθων *[τα] περί boldly for three Months,
reasoning and persuading
τήζ βασιλείας τοΰ Θεοΰ. β Ώ ς δέ τίνες έσκλη- $about the KINGDOM of
the kingdom of the God. When and some were GOD.
ρύνοντο καΐ ήπείθουν, κακολογοΰντες την 9 But when some were
hardened and disbelieved, speaking evil of the hardened, and disbelieved,
όδόν ενώπιον τοΰ πλήθους, άποστάς speaking evil of the WAY
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. Ephesus, and found Certain Disciples; and he said tc
them. 3. to them—omit. 6. Hands. 8. the things—omit.
t 28. Acts ix. 22; xvii. 3; ver. 5. $ 1. Cor. i. 12; iii. 5, 6. $ 2. Acts viii. 16.
t 3. Acts xviii. 25. t 4. Matt. iii. 11; John i. 15, 27, 30; Acts i. 5; xi. 16; xiii.
24, 25. t 5. Acts viii. 16. $ 6. Acts vi. 6; viii. 17. t 6. Acts ii. 4; x. 46. % 8.
Acts xvii. 2; xviii. 4. % 8. Acts i. 3; xxviii. 23.
Chap. 19:10.] ACTS. [Chap. 19:17.
άπ' αυτών, άφώρισε τους μαθητάς, καθ' before the PEOPLE, having
from them, he separated the disciples, every
departed from them, he
ήμέραν διαλεγόμενος έν τη σχολχί Τυράννου
day reasoning in the* school' of Tyrannus separated the DISCIPLES,
* [τινός.] 10Τοϋτο δέ έγένετο επί ετη δύο, reasoning daily in the
Hone.] This and w a s done for years two. SCHOOL of Tyrannus.
&oxe πάντας τους κατοικοΰντας την Άσίαν
so that all the dwellers the Asia 10 $And this was done
άκοΰσαι τον λόγον τοΰ Κυρίου, 'Ιουδαίους τε for two Years, so t h a t All
καΐ "Ελληνας. η Δυνάμεις τε ού τάς τυχού - heard the WORD of the
and Greeks. Miracles and not the common LORD, both Jews and
σας έπο'ιει ό Θεός δια τών χειρών Παύ- Greeks.
ones dicj the through the hands oH 3?£iulj
11 And tGod performed
λου· Ι2ωστε καΐ επί τους άσθενοϋντας έπιφέ- EXTRAORDINARY Miracles
by the HANDS of P a u l ;
ρεσθαι από τοΰ χρωτός αύτοΰ σουδάρια η*
12 Jso t h a t Napkins or
σιμικίνθια, καΐ άπαλλάσσεσθαι άπ' αυτών τάς Aprons were brought from
νόσους, τά τε πνεύματα τά πονηρά έκπορεύε- him to the SICK, and the
diseases, the and s p i r i t s the evil to be cast DISEASES departed from
them, and the EVIL SPIR-
ITS were cast out.
Έπεχε'ιρησαν δέ τίνες άπό τών περιερ- 13 tAnd some of the
TRAVELING Jewish exor-
χομένων 'Ιουδαίων εξορκιστών όνομάζειν επί cists $ undertook to name
about Jews exorcists to name on
the NAME of the LORD Je-
τους έχοντας τά πνεύματα τά πονηρά τό cvo- sus over THOSE HAVING
those having the spirits the evil the name
EVIL SPIRITS, saying, " I
μα τοϋ Κυρίου Ίησοΰ, λέγοντες· 'Ορκίζω adjure you by J E S U S whom
PAUL preaches."
ΰμας τον Ίησοΰν, δν ό Παϋλος κηρύσσει.
14 And there were some
Ησαν δέ τίνες υιοί Σκευα 'Ιουδαίου άρχιε- * Seven Sons of One Sceva,
Were and some sons of Sceva a Jew a high-
a Jewish High-priest, who
ρέως επτά, ot τοϋτο ποιοΰντες. Άποκριΰ;έν did so.
priest seveiij T^ho this ΛνβΓθ cloiii£»· J^LHS^I^erixijj
δε το πνεΰμα τό πονηρόν είπε* Τον Ίησοϋν 15 But the EVIL SPIRIT
and the s p i r i t the evil said; The Jesus
answering, *said to them,
γινώσκω, καΐ τόν Παΰλ*ον έπίσταμαι· "Jesus indeed I know, and
I know, and the Paul I am acquainted with; Paul I know, but who a r e
ύμείς δέ τίνες έστέ; 16κα1 έφαλλόμενος έπ' you?"
you but who are? and leaping on
αυτούς ό άνθρωπος, έν ω fyv τό πνεϋμα 16 And the MAN in
them the man, i n whom w a s t h e s p i r i t
whom the EVIL SPIRIT, was
τό πονηρόν, και κατακυριεύσας αυτών, ΐσχυσε leaped on them, and hav-
ing overcome *them, pre-
κατ αυτών, ώστε
αυτών, ώστε γυμνούς
γυμνούς καΐ τετραυματι- vailed against them, so
against th them, so o tthat
h t nakedked andand having
having been
been t h a t they fled out of t h a t
σμένους έκφυγείν έ τοϋ οί'κου .εκείνου.
... HOUSE naked and wound-
wounded to have fled out of the h h
house h
that. ed.
Τοϋτο δέ έγένετο γνοϊστόν πάσιν Ίουδαίοις
This and became known t oa l l Jews 17 And this became
τε καΐ "Ελλησι τοις κατοικοΰοα τήν "Εφεσον known to ALL, both Jews
both and Greeks those dwelling the Ephesus; and GREEKS, dwelling in
καΐ έπέπεσε >ος επί πάντας ντας αυτούς, καΐ Ephesus; i a n d fear fell
and fell ' a fe- all theni and on them all, and the

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—9. one—omit. 14. Seven Sons of One Sceva. 15. said
to them, JESUS indeed I know, and. 16. them both, and prevailed.
t 10. Acts xx. 31. t 11. Mark xvi. 20; Acts xiv. 3. $ 12. Acts v. 15; See 2
Kings iv. 29. t 13. Matt. xii. 27. f 13. See. Matt. ix. 38; Luke ix. 40. % 17.
Luke i. 65; vii. 16; Acts ii. 43; v. 5, 11.
Chap. 19:18.] ACTS. [Chap. 19:26.
έμεγαλύνετο το δνομα τοϋ Κυρίου Ίησοΰ. NAME of the LORD Jesus
wss mfl^iiified the uituie of ttio Lord Jesus* was magnified.
^Πολλοί τε των πεπιστευκότο)ν ή*ρχοντο έξο- 18 And MANY of those
Many and of those having bel ieved came con- who BELIEVED, c a m e ,
μολογούμενοι και άναγγέλλοντες τάς πράξεις their DEEDS.and declaring
fefjsing and declaring the deeds
αυτών. 1β
*1κανο1 δέ των τα περίεργα 19 And many of THOSE
of them. Many and of those the magical arts PRACTISING M A G I C A L
πραξάντων, συνενέγκαντες τάς βίβλους, gether ARTS, having brought to-
practising, having brought together the books,
their books, burnt
them before all; and they
κατέκαιον ενώπιον πάντων καΐ συνεψήψισαν computed the value of
burned i n p r e s e n c e of a l l ; a n d t h e y c o m p u t e d them, and found it to be
τάς τιμάς αυτών, και εύρον αργυρίου fifty thousand pieces of
th& prices ofthem, and found pieces of silve»· Silver.
μυριάδας πέντε. 20Οΰτα> κατά κράτος ό 20 Thus the WORD of
myriads five. Thus according to power the *the LORD powerfully in-
λόγος τοϋ Κυρίου ηΰξανε καΐ ϊσχυεν. Ώ ς 2 1 creased and prevailed.
word of the Lord grew and prevailed. When 21 §And when these
δέ έπληρώθη ταΰτα, εθετο ό things were accomplished,
$PAUL was disposed by
and was fulfilled these things, was disposed the
Παϋλος έν τω πνεύματι, διελθών τή\* the SPIRIT, having passed
Paul in the "spirit, having passed through the through Macedonia and
Μακεδονίαν καΐ Άχαίαν, πορεύεσθαι ε'ις Achaia, to go to Jerusa-
Macedonia and Achaia* to go into lem, saying, "After I have
'Ιερουσαλήμ, ειπών "Οτι μ,ετά τό γενέσθαι BEEN there, §1 must also
Jerusalem, saying; That after the to be come see Rome."
με εκεί, δέδει εις την Μακεδονίαν
με καΐ Ρώμην ίδείν. δύο 22Άπο- των
22 And having sent two
διακονούντων αύτω, Τιμόθεον καΐ "Εραστον, Of $THOSE Who MINIS-
ministering to him, Timothy and Erastus, TERED t o him, Timothy
and Erastus, into Macedo-
αυτός έπέσχε χρόνον έίς την Άσίαν. 2 3 Έγέ- nia, lie remained for a
he remained a time in the Asia. It hap- Time in ASIA.
νετο δέ κατά τον καιρόν εκείνον τάραχος ούκ
p 23 And $there occurred,
pened and during the season that a tumult not
δλίγος περί τής ό during that PERIOD, no
small rning the small Tumult concern-
Δημήτριος γάρ τις ονόματι, άργυροκό- ing tthat WAY.

Demetrius for a certain byname, a silver- 24 For a certain man,

πος, ποιών ναούς * [άργυρoΰc] 'Αρτέμιδος, named Demetrius, a Sil-
smith, making temples Cof silver] of Diana, versmith, making fsilver
παρείχετο τοις τεχνίταις έργασίαν ούκ όλί-Temples of Diana afforded
Drought to the workmen gain not a $no * Small Gain to the
γην. 25 Οΰς συναθροίσας, καΐ τους WORKMEN.
l i t t l e . Whom having brought together, and those 25 whom he having as-
περί τά τοιαΰτα έργάτας, είπεν "Ανδρες, sembled, with THOSE em-
at'out the suchlike workmen, said; Men,
ployed about the LIKE BU-
έπίστασθε, δτι εκ ταύτης τής εργασίας ή SINESS, said, "Men, you
you know, that out of this the work the know That from This
&ΰπορία ημών έστι· 2 6 καί θεοιρείτε καΐ άκούε- WORK is our WEALTH ; .
26 and you see and hear,
τε δτι ου μόνον 'Εφέσου, αλλά σχεδόν π ' ^ ς That not only at Ephesus
but almost All ASIA, this
A N U S C R I P T . — 2 0 the
the LORD. 24. silver—omit.
24. silver—omit. 24.
24. Small Gain.
± 2 4 . Portable representations of this temple, which were brought by strangers as
matters of curiosity and probably of devotion. The temple of Diana was raised at the
expense of all Asia Minor, and yet was 220 years in building, before it was brought to
its sum of perfection. I t was in length 42 5 feet, by 22 8 in breadth, and was beautified
by 12 7 columns, which were made at the expense of so many kings; and was adorned
with the most beautiful statues.—Clarke.
% 2 1 . Rom. xv. 2 5 ; Gal. i. 1. % 2 1 . Acts xx. 22. % 2 1 . Acts xviii. 2 1 ; xxiii.
1 1 ; Rom. xv. 24-28. % 22. Acts xiii. 5. $ 2 3 . § 2 Cor. i. 8. % 2 3 . See Acts ix.
2. $ 24. Acts xvi. 16, 19.
Chap. 19:27.] ACTS. [Chap. 19:34.
της 'Ασίας 6 Παΰλος οδτος r πεισας PAUL has persuaded and
the Asia the Paul ing persuaded
this havln turned aside Many People,
μετέστησεν Ικανόν δχλον, λέγων, δτι ούκ είσ! saying. That |THEY are
i l d l d i t h t t not Gods which are MADE
ΦεοΙ ot δια χειρών γινόμενοι. 2 7 Ού μόνον by Hands.
gods those by hands being made. Not only 27 And not only This
δέ τοΰτο κινδυνεύει ήμϊν τό μέρος εις άπελεγ- WORK of ours is in danger
and this in danger to us the craft into contempt of being brought into con-
μόν έλθείν αλλά καΐ τό της μεγάλης θεάς tempt, but also that the
T E M P L E Of t h e GREAT
Αρτέμιδος ιερόν εις ουδέν λογισθηναι, μέλ- Goddess Diana should be
Diana temple into nothing to be despised, to
despised, and her GRAN-
λειν τε καΐ καθαιρεΐσθαι την μεγαλειότητα DEUR destroyed, whom
be about and also to be destroyed the magnificence
All ASIA and the HABITA-
α,ύτης, ην 6"λη ή 'Ασία καΐ ή οικουμένη BLE worships."
2δ 28 And having heard
σέβεται. Άκοι>σαντες δέ, καΐ γενόμενοι this, they were full of
Wrath, and cried out, say-
πλήρεις θυμοί), εκραζον, λέγοντες· Μεγάλη ing, "Great is the DIANA
full of wrath, they cr ied out, saying; Great. of the Ephesians."
ή "Αρτεμις Έφεσίων. 2 9 Και έπλήσθη ή πόλις 29 And the CITY was
t h e D i a n a of B p h e s i a n s . And w a s filled t h e c i t y
* [ολη] της συγχύσεως· ωρμησάν τε όμοθυμα- filled with Confusion ; and
[whole] the confusion; they rushed and with one having seized |Gaius and
δον εις τό θέατρον, συναρπάσαντες Γάϊον και -t Aristarchus, Macedo-
mind into the theatre, having seized Gaius nians, Paul's Fellow-trav-
και Άρίσταρχον Μακεδόνας, συνεκδήμους elers, they rushed with
one mind into the THEA-
Παύλου. 8 0 Τοϋ δέ Παύλου βουλομένου είσελ- TRE.
of Paul. The and Paul wishing to enter 30 And *PAUL desiring
•θείν εις τον δήμον, ούκ εϊων αυτόν to enter the THEATRE, the
i n t o tho a s s e m b l y o f t l i e p e o p l e , n o t suffered h i m DISCIPLES did not permit
oi μαΦητα'ι. 3 1 Τινές δέ και τών 'Ασιαρχών him.
the disciples. Some and even of the rulers of Asia 31 And some even of the
f ASIARCHS, who were his
δντες αύτφ φίλοι, πέμ·ψαντες προς αυτόν, Friends, sent to him, ad-
being to him friends, having sent to him, vising him not to venture
μη δοΰναι εαυτόν είς τό θέατρον. into the THEATRE.
"Αλλοι μεν οΰν άλλο τι εκραζον η"ν 32 Some therefore cried
Some indeed therefore some thing cried; was one thing, and some ano-
γαρ ή εκκλησία συγκεχχιμένη, καΐ ot ther ; for the ASSEMBLY
for the assembly having been confused, and tho was confused, and the
πλείους ούκ ήδεισαν, τίνος ένεκεν συνελη- GREATER part did not
33 know why they were come
λι'θεισαν. Έκ δέ τοΰ δχλου προεβί- together.
33 And they pushed
βασαν 'Αλέξανδρον, προβαλόντων αυτόν τών Alexander out of the
forward Alexander, thrusting forward him tho
CROWD, the JEWS thrust-
'Ιουδαίων ό δέ 'Αλέξανδρος κατασείσας ing him forward. And
Jews; the and Alexander having waved § ALEXANDER Jhaving
την χείρα, ηθελεν άπολογείσθαι τώ δη- waved the HAND wished to
the ΙιanQj At^ished todefendliimself iΰ tli© Asseixito 1 y defend himself in the AS-
μω. 34
Έπιγνόντες δέ δτι 'Ιουδαίος έστι, SEMBLY OF THE PEOPLE.
of the people. Knowing but that a Jew he is, 34 But knowing that he
φωνή έγένετο μία εκ πάντων, ώς έπι was a Jew, one Voice came
from all for about two
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 9 . Whole—omit. 30. Paul.
± 3 1 . These persons presided over religious observances and the public games. They
were ten in number, chosen by the cities from persons of wealth and influence, and
approved by the proconsul. One of them styled the chief Asiarch resided at Ephesus;
the others were his associates and advisers.
t 26. Psa. cxv. 4 ; Isa. xliv. 10-20; Jer. x. 3. $ 29. Rom. xvi. 2 3 ; . 1 Cor. i, 14,
% 29.Acts xx. 4 ; xxvii. 2 ; Col. iv. 1 0 ; Philemon 24. t 33. 1 Tim. i. 2 0 ; 2 Tim. iv.
14. t 33. Acts xii. 17.
Chop. 19:35.1 ACTS. [Chap. 20:3.
ώρας δυο κραζόντων Μεγάλη ή "Αρτεμις Hours, crying, "Great is
hours two crying; Great the Diana the DIANA of the *Ephe-
Έφεσίων. ^Καταστείλας δε ό γραμματεύς sians ! "
of Bphesians. Having s t i l l e d and the scribe 35 And the RECORDER
τον δχλον, φησίν "Ανδρες Έφέσιοι, τΙς γάρ having quieted the CROWD,
the crowd, he said; Men Ephesians, what for said, "Ephesians! What
έστιν άνθρωπος, ος ού γινώσκει την Έφεσίων Man is there who does not
is man, who not knows the Ephesians know that the CITY of the
city νεωκόρον οΰοαν τής μεγάλης Άρτέ- EIHESIANS i s Temple-
36 keeper of the GREAT Diana,
μιδος και τοΰ Διοπετοΰς; Άναντιρρήτων and of that which FELL
and of that fallen from Jupiter? Cannot be denied
οΰν δντων τούτων, δέον εστίν ύμας 36 These things, there-
fore, being indisputable, it
κατεσταλμενους ύπάρχειν, καΐ μηδέν προπετές is necessary for you to
be quiet, and to do noth-
πράττειν. 3 7 Ή γ ά γ ε τ ε γάρ τους άνδρας τού- ing rashly ;
to do. You brought for the men these, 37 for you have brought
τους, οΰτε Ιερόσυλους, οΰτε βλασφημούν- these MEN, which are
Ώ.6 i txi6χ* t o Ι Ϊ Ι p l e — rofoljGrSi n o r b 1 ί λ s p l i Θ m e r s neither Temple-robbers,
τας την θεάν υμών ^Εί μεν ούν Δη- nor Blasphemers of your
of the goddess of you; If indeed therefore De- GODDESS.
μήτριος καΐ oi συν αύτφ τεχνίται εχουσι προς
metrius and those withhim workmen have against 38 If, therefore, Demet-
τίνα λόγον, αγοραίοι άγονται, καΐ ανθύπατοι rius and the ARTIFICERS
say a word, courts are held, and proconsuls with him have a Charge
είσιν έγκαλείτωσαν άλλήλοις. 3 9 ΕΙ δε τι against any one, Courts
are; let them accuse each other. If but anything are held, and there are
περί έτερων επιζητείτε, έν τχί έννόμω Proconsuls; let them ac-
al out other things you inquire, in the lawful cuse each other.
η έπιλυθήσεται. 4 0 ΚαΙ γάρ κινδυνεύο- 39 But if you seek any-
" itit shall be settled. Even for w e are in thing further, it shall be
μεν mbly" έγκαλείσθαι στάσεως settled in the LAWFUL As-
περί της
danger to be accused of tumult the sembly.
σήμερον, μηδενός αίτιου υπάρχοντος, περί 40 For we are even in
danger of being accused
οδ δυνησόμεθα άποδοϋναι λόγον της about the Tumult of TO-
DAY ; there being no cause
συστροφής ταύτης. 4 1 ΚαΙ ταΰτα ειπών, άπέ- by which we can excuse
gathering this. And these having said be
λύσε την έκκλησίαν. 41 And having said this,
dismissed the assembly. he dismissed the ASSEM-
ΚΕΦ. κ ' . 2 0 . BLY.
*Μετά δέ τό παύσασθαι τον Φόρυβον, CHAPTER XX.
1 Now after the TU-
Λροσκαλεσάμενος ό Παΰλος τους μαθήτάς, καΐ MULT was allayed, PAUL,
having c a l l e d t o t h e Paul t h e d i s c i p l e s , and
•having summoned the
άσπασάμενος, εξήλθε πορευθήναι εις την DISCIPLES, and embracing
laving embraced, he went out to go into the
2 them, ^departed to go in-
Μακεδονίαν. Διελθών δέ τά μέρη to MACEDONIA.
Macedonia. Having passed through and the parts 2 And passing through
εκείνα, andκαΐhaving παρακαλέσας αυτούς
exhorted th λόγω those PARTS, and exhort-
, „__., ... ^ — with a word ing them with many
. ., ίιλθεν
, εις_, την
. . Ελλάδα
ποιησας Words, he went into
iat, he went into the Greece; having continued GREECE.
τε μήνας τρεις, γενομένης αύτφ επιβουλής
and months three, being formed him a plot against 3 And having remained
ύπό τών 'Ιουδαίων, μέλλοντι άνάγεσθαι εις three Months, $ a Plot
being laid for him by the
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—34. Ephesians! Great is the DIANA of the Ephssians!
And the. 39. further, it shall be. 1. sent for the DISCIPLES, and exhorting and era-
bracing them he departed for.
$ 1. X Cor. xvi. 5; 1 Tim. i. 3. t 3. Acts ix. 2 3 ; xxiii. 12; xxv. 3; 2 Cor. xi. 26.
Chap. 20:4.] ACTS. [Chap. 20:11.
την Συρ'ιαν, έγένετο γνώμη τοΰ ύποστρέ- JEWS, as he was about to
the Syria, came a resolution of the to return sail into SYRIA, he resolved
φειν δια Μακεδονίας. 4 Συνείπετο δέ αύτω to RETURN through Mace-
through. Mucedonia. AVent "With, mid him donia.
* [άχρι της Α σ ί α ς ] Σώπατρος Πυρρού Be- 4 And there went with
tas far as the Asia! Sopater of Pyrrhus a Be- him into ASIA, Sopater,
ριαΐος. Θεσσαλονικέων δ έ , Άρ'ισταρχος καΐ the son of Pyrrhus, a
Berean ; but $Aristarclms
Σεκουνδος, καΐ Γάϊος Δερβαίος καΐ Τιμόθεος· and Secundus of the Thes-
Secundus, and Gaius of Derbe and Timothy; salonians; and Gaius of
Άσιανοί δέ, Τυχικός καΐ Τρόφιμος. 5 Ούτοι Derbe, and JTimothy;
Asiatics and, Tychicus and Trophimus. 6 These and |Tychicus and $Try-
προελθόντες εμενον ημάς εν Τρωάδι· ήμείς phimus, Asiatics ;
going before awaited us in Troas; we 5 *these going before
δέ έξεπλεύσαμεν μετά τάς ημέρας τών άζύ- waited for us at Troas.
but sailed out after the days of the un-
6 And we sailed out
μων άπό Φιλίππων, καΐ ήλθομεν from Philippi, after the
leavened cakes from Phllippi, and came
προς αυτούς εις τήν Τρωάδα αχρις ημερών BREAD, a n d came to them
to them into the Troas in days a t $ TROAS i n five Days ;
πέντε, οϋ διετρίψαμεν ημέρας επτά. 7 Έ ν δέ w h e r e w e continued seven
five, where we remained days seven. In and
xr\ μιαί τών σαββάτων, συνηγμένων 7 And on | t h e F I R S T
the first of the sabbaths, having been assembled d a y of t h e W E E K , w e hav-
ημών κλάσαι αρτον, ό Παΰλος
διελέγετο ing assembled §to break
of us to break bread, the Paul discoursed
Bread, P a u l , i n t e n d i n g t o
αύτοίς, μέλλων έξιέναι τη επαύριον d e p a r t on t h e N E X T d a y
παρέτεινε τε τόν λόγον μέχρι μεσονυκτίου discoursed t o them, and
continued and the discourse till midnight. continued h i s S P E E C H till

Ησαν δέ λαμπάδες ΙκαναΙ έν τω ύπερώω, Midnight.
Were and lamps many in the upper room, 8 And t h e r e were m a n y
οδ η" μεν συνηγμένοι. ®Καθήμενος δέ Lamps in the $UPPER
ROOM where w e w e r e as-
τις νεανίας, ονόματι Εΰτυχος,
επί της sembled.
certain youth, by name Butychus, in the 9 A n d t h e r e w a s a Cer-
θυρίδος, καταφερόμενος ΰπνφ 6αθεϊ, διαλε- t a i n Youth, named Euty-
τν indow, being overpowered with sleep deep, dis-
chus, s i t t i n g in a WINDOW,
γομένου τοϋ Παύλου επί πλεϊον, κατε- being overpowered w i t h
coursing the Paul for a longer time, having deep S l e e p ; a n d as P A U L
νεχθείς άπό τοΰ ύπνου, επεσεν άπό τοΰ prolonged his discourse,
h a v i n g been overcome by
τριστέγου κάτω, καΐ ήρθη νεκρός. 1 0 Κα- SLEEP, h e fell from t h e
third story down, and was taken up dead. Having THIRD STORY down, and
ταβάς δέ ό Παΰλος έπέπεσεν αύτω, καΐ was taken u p dead.
10 And PAUL going
σνμπεριλαβών είπε· Μη θορυβείστε· ή γαρ down, §fell on him, a n d
]i 1 d d i i t ©y t h l e d t h f o rembracing him, said, $"Be

ψυχή αύτοΰ έν αύτφ έστιν. Άνα6άς δέ, n o t troubled ; for h i s L I F E
life of him in him is. Having come up and, is i n h i m . "
καΐ κλάσας αρτον καΐ γευσάμενος, εφ' 11 And h a v i n g come
nviii^ broken ΟΓΘΣΚΑ £tnd hd,*viri^ tststcdf for u p a n d broken *Bread,
Ικανόν όμιλήσας αχρις αυγής, a n d t a s t i n g it, a n d con-
h a v i n g c o n v e r s e d t i l l d a y - b r e a k , versed for a long time
a longer tim
ούτως έξήλθεν. 12
"Ηγαγον δέ τόν παϊδα even till Day-break, h e so
so he departed. They brought and the youth departed.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—4. as far as ASIA—omit. 5. And these going. 11. BREAD.
$ 4. Acts xix. 29; xxvii. 2; Col. iv. 10. $ 4. Acts xvi. 1. % 4. Eph. vi. 21;
Col. iv. 7; 2 Tim. iv. 12; Titus iii. 12. t 4. Acts xxi. 29; 2 Tim. iv. 20. t 6. Exod.
xii. 14, 15; xxiii. 15. % 6. Acts xvi. 8; 2 Cor. ii. 12; 2 Tim. iv. 13. X 7. 1 Cor.
xvi. 2; Rev. i. 10. $ 7. 1 Cor. ii. 42; 1 Cor. x. 16; xi. 20. % 8. Acts i. 13.
$ 10. 1 Kings xvii. 2 1 ; 2 Kings iv. 34. $ 10. Matt. ix. 24.
Chap. 20:12. ACTS. [Chap. 20:21.
ζώντα, καΐ παρεκλήφησαν ού μετρίως.Β Ι Η - 12 And they brought
living, and were comforted n o t a little. We the YOUTH alive, and were
μείς δέ προελθόντες επί τό πλοίον, άνήχί . not a little comforted.
but going before to the ship, sailed 13 But we, having gone
μεν εΙς την "Ασσον, εκείθεν μέλλοντες άνα- before to the SHIP, sailed
to the Assos, there . intending to to ASSOS, there intending
λαμβάνειν τόν Π α ΰ λ ο ν οΰτω γαρ fjv διατε- to take PAUL in again ;. for
take iu again the Paul; so for it w a s having it was so arranged, he be-
ταγμένος, μέλλων αυτός πεζευειν. ing about to go by land.
Ώ ς δέ συνέβαλεν ήμΐν εις την "Ασσον, άνα- 14 And when he met
us at Assos, we received
λαβόντες αυτόν ηλθομεν ε'ις Μυτιλήνην him, and came to Mity-
in lene.
κάκεϊθεν άποπλεύσαντες, τχ[ έπιούστ^ κα- 15 And sailing thence
and thence having sailed away, on the morrow we
on the NEXT day we came
τηντήσαμεν αντίκρυ Χίου. Tfj δέ έτερα πα- opposite to Chios ; and on
came opposite Chios. In the and another we
•the NEXT we arrived a t
ρεβάλομεν εις Σάμον * [καΐ μείναντες εν Samos; and having re-
touched at Samosi Cancl having remained in
Τρωγυλλίφ,] Tfj έχομέντ] ηλθομεν εις Μιλη- mained at Trogyllium, on
Trogyllium,] in the following we came to Mile- the FOLLOWING we came
TOV. 16
Κεκρ'ικει γαρ ό Παΰλος παραπλεΰ- to Miletus.
tus. Had d e t e r m i n e d for the Paul t o s a i l by 16 For PAUL had deter-
σαι την "Εφεσον, όπως μη γένηται αύτω mined to sail by EPHESUS,
r hii; that it might not be neces-
χρονοτριβήσαι έν τΐί 'Ασία* έσπευδε γαρ, sary for him to spend time
to spend time in the A3ia;*he jras hastening for, in ASIA ; £for he was has-
tening, if it were possible
εΐ δυνατόν ην αύτω, την ήμέραν της πεν- for him, $to be at Jerusa-
lem on §the DAY of PEN-
τηκοστής γενέσθαι εΙς 'Ιεροσόλυμα. 1 7 Ά π ό TECOST.
tecost to be in Jerusalem. Prom 17 But sending from
δέ της Μιλήτου πέμ·ψας εις "Εςρεσον, μετε- MILETUS to Ephesus, he
and the Miletus having sent to Ephesus he called to him the ELDERS
να.λέαατο τους πρεσβυτέρους της εκκλησίας. Of t l i e CONGREGATION.
called for the elders of the congregation. 18 And when they were
'Ως δέ παρεγένοντο προς αυτόν, ειπεν αύ- come to him, he said to
When and they were come to him, ho said to them, "You know, $from
τοις* Ύμεΐς έπίστασθε, άπό πρώτης ημέρας the First Day in which I
came into ASIA, how I
thorn; You know, from first day
was the WHOLE Time with
άφ' ·ής έπέβην εις την Άσίαν, πώς μ ε θ ' υμών you,
in which I entered into the Asia, how with you
19 serving the LORD
τόν πάντα χρόνον έγενόιιην, 19 δουλεΰων τώ with all humility, and with
the whole time I was, serving the Tears, and THOSE Trials
Κυρ'ια> μετά πάσης ταπεινοφροσύνης και δακρύ- which happened to me iby
Lord" with all lowliness and tears the PLOTS of the JEWS ;

ων και πειρασμών, των συμβάντων μοι 20 how | I kept back

έν ταΐς έπιβουλαΐς των 'Ιουδαίων ώς ουδέν declare
20 ABLE ; neglecting not to
to you and to
by the plots of the Jews; how nothing teach j^ou publicly and a t
ι'πεστειλάμην των συμφερόντων, τοΰ μή your Houses ;
άναγγεΐλαι ΰμίν καΐ διδάξαι υμάς δημοσία 21 earnestly testifying
to declare to you and to teach you publicly
και κ α τ ' οίκους· διαμαρτυρόμενος Ίουδαίοις both to Jews and Greeks,

and in houses, earnestly test if ying to Jews $of REFORMATION towards

τε καΐ "Ελλησι την εις τον Θεόν μετάνοιαν,
both M Athe
and Greeks N U Stowards
C R I P T . —the
1 5 . in the
God EVENING we arrived.
reformation, 15. and remained at
t 10. Acts xviii. 2 1 ; xix. 2 1 ; xxi. 4, 12. $ 16. Acts xxiv. 17. $ 16. Acts ii. 1 ;
1 Cor. xvi. 8. % 18. Acts xviii. 1 9 ; xix. 1,10. $ 19. verse 3. 1 20. verse 2 7 .
$ 21. Luke xxiv. 4 7 ; Acts ii. 3 8.
Chap. 20:22.] ACTS. [Chap. 20:29.
και π'ιστιν την εις τον Κύριον ημών Ίησοΰν God, and THAT Faith
and faith that towards the Lord of us Jesus which is towards our
Χριστόν. 22 Kcd νΰν Ιδού, δεδεμένος εγώ LORD Jesus Christ.
Anointed. And now lo, h ing been bound 1 22 And now behold, $be-
τω πνεύματι, πορεύομαι εις 'Ιερουσαλήμ,
in the spirit, to go to Jerusalem, ing constrained by the
SPIRIT,, I go to Jerusalem,
τά έν αύτχί συναντήσοντά μοι μη
the things in h e r ' shall be happening to me not not knowing the things
which will happen to me
ειδώς, ^πλήν δτι τό πνεΰμα το οίγιον κατά t h e r e ;
23 except T h a t §the
πόλιν διαμαρτιΊρεταί μοι, λέγον, οτι δεσμά με HOLY SPIRIT testifies to
city witnesses tome, saying, that bonds me me in every City, saying
καΐ θλίψεις μένουσιν. 2 4 Άλλ' οΰδενός λόγον That Bonds and Afflictions
and afflictions await. But of no account await Me.
ποιούμαι, ουδέ εχω την ψυχήν μου τιμίαν 24 $But *of No Ac-
έμαυτω, ως τελειώσαι τον δρόμον μου count make I LIFE pre-
cious to myself, so t h a t I
*[μετά χαράς,] ν-αί την διακον'ιαν ην ελαβον
[with joy,3 and the service which I received may finish my COURSE,
even the SERVICE which
παρά τοΰ Κυρίου Ίησοΰ, διαμαρτύρασθαι τό
from the Lord Jesus, to earnestly declare the I received from the LORD
εύαγγέλιον της χάριτος τοΰ Θεοϋ. Kai νυν 25 Jesus, earnestly to declare
glad tidings of the favor of the God. And now the GLAD TIDINGS of t h e
Ιδού, εγώ οίδα, οτι ούκέτι δψεσθε τό πρόσω- FAVOR of GOD.
25 And now, behold, §1
πον μου ύμεΐς πάντες, έν
of m e y o u a l l , among
οίς I haveδιηλ- gem
know That you all, among
whom whom I have gone pro-
•0ov κηρύσσων την βασιλείαν * [τοϋ Θεοΰ.] claiming the KINGDOM of
about proclaiming the kingdom [of the God.] GOD, will see my FACE no

Διό μαρτύρομαι ύμίν έν ΧΎ\ σήμερον ήμερα more.
26 Therefore I testify to
οτι καθαρός έγώ άπό τοΰ αίματος πάντων
that clean I from the blood of a l l ; you T H I S Day, That * I am

ού γαρ ύπεστειλάμην τοΰ μή αναγγεϊλαι ύμϊν pure from the BLOOD of
πάσαν τήν βουλήν τοΰ Θεοΰ. 2 S Προσέχετε 27 for I kept not back
all the will of the God. Take heed from announcing *A11 t h e
*[ούν] έαυτοίς καΐ παντί τφ ποιμνίω, WILL of GOD to you.
[therefore] to yourselves and to all the flock, 28 $Take heed to your-
έν q> υμάς τό πνεΰμα τό αγιον εβετο έπι- selves, therefore, and to
1ΐ\ *ννϊ\icli y o u t h e s p i r i t tlie h o l y p X & c G cl over~ All the FLOCK among
σκοπούς, ποιμα'ινειν τήν έκκλησίαν τοΰ whom the HOLY SPIRIT
S ϋ θ Γ S» to feed the C OD.^ Γ 6££& t ΐ GIX Of tllG made you Overseers, to
Κυρίου, ην περιποιήσατο δια τοΰ αίματος feed fthe CHURCH of GOD,
Lord, which he purchased through the blood % which he acquired by t h e
τοΰ Ιδίου. 2 9 Έ γ ώ γαρ οιδα *[τοΰτο,] δτι BLOOD Of lliS OWN.
29 For I know, That
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 4 . of No Account make I L I F E precious to myself. 24.
with Joy—omit. 2 5. of GOD—omit. 26. I am pure. 2 7. All the WILL of GOD to you.
28. therefore—omit. 28. the CHURCH of GOD. 29. this—omit.
± 28. The Common Version and Vatican MS. have been followed in the above rendering.
Griesbach, and nearly all modern editors, read "Church of the Lord." The phrase ecclesia
ton Kuriou nowhere occurs in the New Testament, while ecclesia tou theou occurs about
ten timss in Paul's epistles. There are no less than six different readings of this phrase
in the MSS., which have probably arisen from a presumed difficulty in understanding i t
in connection with the latter part of the sentence—"purchased with his own blood." But
read it as it stands in the original, and it still makes good sense, without rejecting
the reading of the most ancient MS., and some of the oldest Peshito Syriac copies. The
reader can supply the elliptical word after own, whether it be Son, or Lamb, orSacrifice.
thus, "feed the CHURCH of GOD, which he acquired by the BLOOD of his OWN [Son.}"
t 22. Acts xix. 2 1 . $ 23. Acts xxi. 4, 1 1 ; 1 Thess. iii. 3. t 24. Acts xxi. 1 3 ;
Rom. viii. 3 5 ; 2 Cor. iv. 16. t 25. ver. 3 8 ; Rom. xv. 23. $ 28. 1 Pet. v. 2.
$ 28. Eph. i . 7, 1 4 ; Col. i. 1 4 ; Heb. ix. 1 2 ; 1 Pet. i. 1 9 ; Bev. v. 9.
Chap. 20:30. ACTS. [Chap. 20:38.
είσελεύσονται μετά την αφιξίν μου λύκοι after my DEPARTURE $ra-
pacious Wolves will come
βαρείς εις ύμας, μή φειδόμενοι τοϋ ποιμνί- in among you, not sparing
rapacious among you, not sparing the nock, the FLOCK ;
ου* και έξ υμών αυτών άναστήσονται άνδρες
and f r o m y o u r s e l v e s will arise men 30 §and *of you will
λαλοΰντες διεστραμμένα, τοΰ άποσπάν τους Men arise speaking per-
speaking perverse things, the to draw "away the verse things, to DRAW
μαθητάς οπίσω αυτών. Διό γρηγορείτε, μνη- AWAY DISCIPLES after

disciples after them.. Therefore watch you, re-
μονεύοντες, δτι τριετιαν νύκτα καΐ ήμέραν 31 Therefore watch, re-
member ing, that three years night and day
membering That for three
ούκ έπαυσάμην μετά δακρύων νουΦετών ενα years, by Night and by
not I ceased with tears admonishing one
Ικαστον. 3 2 Kai τανΰν παρατίθεμαι υμάς, * [ά- Day, I ceased not to ad-
monish every one with
each. And now I commend you, [breth-
δελφοί,] τφ Θεφ καΐ τφ λόγω της χάριτος Tears.
ren.j to the* God and to the word of the favor 32 And NOW I commend
αΰτοϋ, τφ δυναμένω έποικοδομήσαι, καΐ δοΰ- you *to GOD, and to THAT
of him, to "that being able to build up, and to WORD of his FAVOR, which
ναι ύμίν κληρονομίαν έν τοίς ήγιασμέ- is able to edify, and to
Rive you an inheritance among those having been give you $an Inheritance
νοις πάσιν. Άργυρίου χρυσίου ή Ιμα- among all THOSE who were
sanctified a l l . Silver or gold or raiment SANCTIFIED.
τισμοΰ ο ύ δ ε ν ό ς έ π ε θ ύ μ η σ α · 3 4 α ΰ τ ο 1 γ ι ν ώ σ κ ε τ ε ,
of no one I coveted; yourselves you know, 33 I have coveted no
δτι ταϊς χρείαις μου καΐ τοίς ουσι μ ε τ ' man's Silver, or Gold, or
th&t the necessities of m e end those being with Apparel;
έμοΰ υπηρέτησαν αϊ χείρες αδται. 3 5 Π ά ν τ α 34 you yourselves know
me suppl led the h&nds those· Αι 1 2, these JThat these HANDS have
υπέδειξα ύμΐν δτι οΰτω κοπιώντας served my NECESSITIES,
I pointed out to you that so laboring and THOSE who WERE
δει άντιλαμβάνεσΟαι των άσθενούντων, with me.
35 I have showed you in
μνημονεύειν τε των λόγαιν τοϋ Κυρίου Ίησοϋ, All things, $That by thus
laboring you ought to as-
δτι αυτός είπε* Μακάριόν έστι μάλλον διδό- sist the WEAK, and to re-
member the WORDS of
ναι, η* λαμβάνει ίαΐ ταϋτα ειπών, the LORD Jesus, That he
than to receive.
iese things having said, said, 'It is more blessed
ΦεΙς τά γόνατα αΰτοϋ, συν πάσιν to give than to receive.' "
h a v i n g p l a c e d t h e k n e e3 s7 of h i m s e l f , w i t h a l l 36 And having said
αύτοίς προσηύξατο. Ίκανός δέ έγένετο
these WORDS, he kneeled,
and prayed with them all.
«λαυθμός πάντων καΐ έπιπεσόντες έπΙ τόν
37 And there was much
τράχηλον τοΰ Παύλου, κατεφίλουν weeping among them a l l ;
neck of the Paul, they affectionately kissed and falling on PAUL'S
α υ τ ό ν 8 8 ό δ υ ν ώ μ ε ν ο ι μ ά λ ι σ τ α ε π ί τ φ λ ό γ ω NECK, they affectionately
kissed him,
ejj είρήκει, δτι ούκέτι, μέλλουσι το 38 grieving chiefly for
which he spoke, that no more, they are about the the WORDS which he
πρόσωπον αύτοΰ θεωρείν. Προέπεμπον δέ spoke, That they should
face of him to see. They accompanied and see his FACE no more.
αυτόν εις τό πλοίον. And they accompanied
him to the ship. him to the SHIP.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 0 . of you will, men arise. 32. brethren—omit. 32.
to the LOED, and to THAT WORD.
ί 29. Matt. vii. 1 5 ; 2 Pet. ii. 1. t 30. 1 Tim. i. 2 0 ; 1 John ii. 19. t 32. Acts
xxvi. 1 8 ; Eph. i. 1 8 ; Col. i. 1 2 ; iii. 2 4 ; Heb. ix. 1 5 ; 1 Pet. i. 4. ί 34. Acts xviii.
3 ; 1 Cor. iv. 1 2 ; 1 Thess. ii. 9 ; 2 Thess. Hi. 8. t 33. Rom. xv. 1 ; 1 Cor. ix. 1 2 ;
2 Cor. xi. 9, 1 2 ; xii. 1 3 ; Eph. iv. 2 8 ; 1 Thess. iv. 1 1 ; v. 1 4 ; 2 Thess iii. 8.
Chap. 21:1.] ACTS. [Ο7ιαρ. 21:10.
ΚΕΦ. κα'. 21. CHAPTER XXI.
*Ως δέ έγένετο άναχθηναι ήμας άπο- 1 Now it occurred,
When and i t happened to have sailed us having
when we had separated
σπασθέντας άπ' αυτών, εύθυδρομήσαντες from them, and had sailed,
separated from them, having run a straight course
ήλθομεν είς την Κω, xfj δε εξής εΙς τηνcourse we having run a straight
we came to the Coos, the and next to came to Coos;
and on the FOLLOWING
Ρόδον, κάκείθεν εΙς Πάταρα. 2ΚαΙ εύρόν- day to RHODES, and thence
llhudes, and thence to Patara. And having
to Patara.
τες πλοϊον διαπερών εις ΦοινΙκην, έπιβάν- 2 And having found a
found a ship passing over 3 to Phenicia, going on Ship passing over to Phe-
τες άνήχθημεν. Άναφανέντες δέ την nicia, going on board we
board we set sail. Having come in view and the
Κΰπρον, καΐ καταλιπόντες αυτήν εύώνυμον, sailed.
Cyprus, and having left behind her on the left, 3 And arriving in view
έπλέομεν είς Συρίαν, καΐ κατήχθημεν είς of CYPRUS, and leaving it
we sailed into Syria, and were brought to on the left, we sailed into
Τύρον έκείσε γάρ fjv τό πλοίον άποφορτιζό- Syria, and landed at Tyre;
Tyre; there for was the ship unloading for there the SHIP was to
μενον τον γόμον. 4ΚαΙ άνευρόντες τους μα- unload its FREIGHT.
the freight. And having found the dis- 4 And having found the
θητάς, έπεμείναμεν αΰτοϋ ημέρας επτά· οϊτι- DISCIPLES we remained
ciples, we remained there days seven; these
there seven Days; | a n d
νες τώ Παΰλω έ'λεγον δια του πνεύματος, these told PAUL, through
to the Paul " said through the spirit, the SPIRIT, not to go up to
μή άναβαί,νειν εις 'Ιεροσόλυμα. Β"Οτε δέ Jerusalem.
not to go up to Jerusalem. When and
έγένετο ήμας έξαρτίσαι τάς ημέρας, έξ- 5 And i t happened
11 hitρρθίιοίΐ us t o 1ι«ιν© completed tlie ci&ySf liiiV'"*
when we had completed
the DAYS, we went our
ελθόντες έπορευόμεθα, προπεμπόντων way ; they all accompany-
ing gone out we went our way, accompanying ing us with Wives and
ήμας πάντων <?ύν γυναιξί κα! τέκνοις, έΌος Children, till out of the
us all with wives and children, t i l l CITY ; and |kneeling down
έξω της πόλεως· καΐ Φέντες τά on the SHORE, we prayed,
outside of the city; and having placed the 6 And having embraced
γόνατα επί τόν αίγιαλόν, προσι^υξάμεθα. ΚαΙ each other, we entered
the SHIP ; and they re-
άσπασάμενοι αλλήλους, έπέβημεν είς τό turned to $ their OWN
ι*Λviϊΐff cmbr«xccd 6&cli other» entered into txie homes.
πλοίο ν εκείνοι δέ ύπέστρεψαν είς τά Ιδια. 7 And having finished
gjijpj tlioy £m d returned into tlie own* the VOYAGE, from Tyre
7 we went down to Ptole-
Ήμεϊς δε τόν πλοίίν διανΰσαντες, άπό Τύρου mais, and having embrace
We and the voyage having finished, from Tyre ed the BRETHREN we re-
κατηντήσαμεν εις Πτολεμαΐδα· καΐ άσπα· mained one Day with
we came down to Ptolemais; and having them.
σάμενοι τους αδελφούς, έμε'ιναμεν ήμέραν μί- 8 And departing on the
embraced the brethren, we remained day one
αν παρ' αύτοϊς. Trj επαύριον s
εξελθόντες sar NEXT day we came to Cae-
ν? i t ϊι t h Θ ιτι · On tli G mici ΙΏ ο Γ ι* ο w 113. ν i Ώ ^ ^ΟΠΘ on t
ea ; and having entered
the house of THAT P H I L I P
ίίλθομεν είς Καισάρειαν καΐ είσελθόντες εις $the EVANGELIST, $who
was one of the SEVEN, we
τόν οίκον Φιλίππου του εύαγγελιστοΰ, δντος lodged with him.
the house of Philip the Evangelist, being 9 And this man had
έκ των επτά, έμείναμεν παρ' αύτω. 9Τού-
from of the seven, we remained with him. To four Virgin Daughters,
$who prophesied.
τω δέ ήσαν θυγατέρες παρθένοι τέσσαρες 10 And as we continued
day and were daughters virgins four
there many Days, a Cer-
προφητεύουσαι. Έπιμενόντων δέ ημών
$ 4.
being ver. 1with
gifted 2 ; Acts xx. 23. Continuing
prophecy. t 5. Acts xx.
and36.of $
us 6. John i. 11. % 8. Eph. iv. 1 1 ;
2 Tim. iv. 5. % 8. Acts vi. 5 ; viii. 26, 40.
ημέρας πλειους, κατήλθε τις άπό$ 9.
τήςJoel ii. 2 8 ; Acts i i . 17.
Chap. 21:11.] ACTS. [Chap. 21:20.
Ιουδαίας προφήτης ονόματι "Αγαβος· "και tain Prophet, named $Aga-
Judea a prophet by name Agabus; and bus, came down from J U -
έλϋών προς ημάς, καΐ άρας τήν ζώνην DEA.
having come to us, and having taken the girdle 11 And coming to us,
τοΰ Παύλου1, δήσας τε αύτοΰ τάς χεί- taking PAUL'S GIRDLE
of t h e P a l h v i I of himself the hands and having bound his
of the Paul, having bound and ο
ρας καΐ τους πόδας, είπε· Τάδε λέγει τό •FEET and HANDS, he
and the feet, said; Thus says the said, "Thus says the HOLY
πνεϋμα τό δγιον Τόν άνδρα, οΰ έστιν SPIRIT, $So will the JEWS
spirit the holy; The man, of whom is
at Jerusalem bind the
MAN who owns this GIR-
ή ζώνη αΰτη, οΰτω δήσουσιν έν Ίερουσα- DLE, and deliver him into
the girdle this, so shall bind in Jerusalem the Hands of the Gen-
λήμ, ol 'Ιουδαίοι, καΐ παραδώσουσιν εις χεζ- tiles."
th© Jews, and deliver into hands 12 And when we heard
ρας εθνών. 1 2 Ώ ς δέ ήκούσαμεν ταΰτα, these things, both we and
of Gentiles. When and they heard these things, THOSE of that place, en-
παρεκαλοΰμεν ημείς τε καΐ ol εντόπιοι, treated him not to GO UP
entreated we both and those of the place,
τοΰ μη άναβαίνειν αυτόν είς *Ιερουσαλήμ. to Jerusalem.
of the not to go up him to Jerusalem.
"Άπεκρίθη δέ ό Παϋλος· ΤΙ ποιείτε, κλαίον- 13.But PAUL answered,
Answered and the Paul; What do you, weep- §"What do you, weeping
τες καΐ συνθρύπτοντές μου τήν καρδίαν έγώ and breaking My HEART?
jjjg UI1(J t)P6<XlClIl^ ΟΙ 1X1 θ th6 ΙΐΘ&Γν? i for I am ready not only to
γαρ ου μόνον δεθήναι, αλλά καΐ άποθανείν be bound, but also to die
for not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem in behalf of
είς *Ιερουσαλήμ έτοίμως ε"χω υπέρ τοΰ the NAME of the LORD Je-
in Jerusalem in readiness I in behalf of the sus."
ονόματος τοΰ Κυρίου Ίησοΰ. 14Μή πειθο- 14 And he not being
name of the Lord Jesus. Not being per- persuaded, we were silent,
saying, $"Let the WILL
μένου δέ αύτοΰ, ήσυχάσαμεν, είπόντες· Τό of the LORD be done."
θέλημα τοΰ Κυρίου etγενέσθω. i t be done. 15 And after these
will of the Lord DAYS, packing up our bag-
^Μετά δέ τάς ημέρας ταύτας άποσκευασά- gage, we went up to Jeru-
Af ter and the days these packing up bag- salem.
μενοι άνεβαίνομεν είς 'Ιερουσαλήμ. 16Συνήλ- 16 And some of the
DISCIPLES also from Cse-
θον δέ καΐ των μαθητών άπό Καισαρείας sarea accompanied us, con-
*\ν i ttt stud A1 so of the d i s c i p l e s f rom Oil©so. I*Q*I ducting us to one Mnason,
συν ήμίν, άγοντες παρ' φ ξενισθώμεν, a Cyprian, an Old Disci-
w i t h US) lending» w i th wΪΙΟΤΏ W© ixii jjli t 117 od^6f ple, with whom we might
Μνάσωνί τινι Κυπρίω, άρχαίω μαθητή. Γε- lodge.
t>Mnason one a Cyprian, an old d i s c i p l e . Hav- 17 $And on our arriv-
νομένων δέ ημών είς 'Ιεροσόλυμα, ασμένως ing at Jerusalem, the
ing arrived and of us to Jerusalem, gladly
18 BRETHREN received u s
έδέ|αντο ήμας ot αδελφοί. Tfi δέ έπιούση gladly.
received us the brethren. On the and next*
18 And on the FOLLOW-
είσήει ό Παΰλος συν ύμίν προς Ίάκω- ING day, PAUL went in
with us to $ James; and
6ον· πάντες τε παρεγένοντο ol πρεσβύτεροι. all the ELDERS were pre-
19 all and were present the elders. sent.
ΚαΙ άσπασάμενος αυτούς, έξηγείτο καθ' | ν 19 And having saluted
And having saluted them, he related one by them, $he particularly re-
^καστον, ων έποίησεν ό Θεός έν τοίς lated what things GOD did
one, which did the God
among the
among the GENTILES by
έ'θνεσι διά της διακονίας αΰτοΰ. 20ΟΙ δέ §his MINISTRY.
Gentiles through the service of him. They and 20 And THEY, having
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 1 . F E E T and HANDS, he said.
t 10. Acts xi. 28. t 11. ver. 3 3 ; Acts xx. 23. + 13. Acts xx. 24. $ 14.Matt.
vi. 1 0 ; xxvi. 4 2 ; Luke xi. 2 ; xxii. 42. $ 17. Acts xv. 4. X 18. Acts xv. 13. Gal.
i. 1 9 ; i i . 9. t 19. Acts xv. 4, 1 2 ; Rom. xv. 18, 19. ± 19. Acts xx. 24.
Chap. 21:21.] ACTS. [Chap. 21:27.
άκούσαντες έδόξαζον τόν θ ε ό ν είπόν τε heard, glorified GOD, and
having heard glorified the God; they said and said to him, "Thou seest,
αύτω* Θεωρείς, αδελφέ, πόσαι μυριάδες brother, how Many My-
to hi"m; Thou seest, θ brother, how many myriads riads * there are, among
ε'ισίν των 'Ιουδαίων των πεπιστευκότων the JEWS, of THOSE who
are of Jews of those having bel ieved; BELIEVE, and all are Zea-
καΐ πάντες ζτιλωταΐ του νόμου ύπάρχουσι. lots for the LAW.
and all zealots of the law being.
Κατηχήΰησαν δε περί σου, δτι άπο- 21 And they have been
They were informed and concerning thee, that apo- informed concerning thee,
στασί,αν διδάσκεις άπό Μωϋσέως τους κατά That thou teachest ALL
stcicy t)ioix tccictiQsti from ΑΓ oijos those SLXIIOII§ the JEWS among the GEN-
τα έ'θνη πάντας 'Ιουδαίους, λέγων, μή πε- TILES to apostatize from
the Gentiles all Jews, saying, not to Moses, telling them not to
£ΐτέμνειν αυτούς τά τέκνα, μηδέ τοίς Ιθεσι circumcise their CHIL-
circumcise them the children, nor the customs DREN, nor to follow the
3ΐ&ριπατείν. 2 2 Tl οΰν έστι; πάντως * [δει πλη- CUSTOMS.
to walk. What then i t is? certainly [must m u l t i -
0ος συνελθείν] άκοΰσονται * [ γ ά ρ , ] δτι έλή- 22 What is it then?
They will certainly hear
tude to assemble;] they w i l l hear [for] that thou
λυ§ας. 23
Τοϋτο οδν ποίησον, 8 σοΙ That thou hast come.
hast come. This therefore do thou, what to thee 23 Do this, therefore,
λ ε γ ο μ ε ν ΕίσΙν ήμϊν άνδρες τέσσαρες εΰχήν which we say to thee.
we say; Are to us men four a vow
We have four Men who
έχοντες έφ* εαυτών. Τούτους παραλαβών, have a Vow on them ;
άγνίσθητι συν αύτοίς, καΐ δαπάνησον έπ' 24 take them, and be
purified with them, and
αΰτοίς, ίνα ξυρήσωνται τήν κεφαλήν, καΐ
them, that they may shave the head, and be at expense for them,
γνώσονται πάντες, οτι ών κατήχην- that they may § shave the
HEAD ; and all will know
w t l l know a l l , that the things they have been That those things of which
ται περί σοϋ ουδέν έστιν, άλλα στοι- they were informed con-
lufonxiGcl c one Θ rn I TIQ tlif^e nothing ^^* but v^ftlk©st cerning thee are not cor-
χεις και αυτός τόν νόμον φυλάσσων. 2 5 Π ε - rect ; but t h a t thou thy-
orderly also himself the law keeping. Con—
self walkest orderly, keep-
Q\- δε τών πεπιστει>κότων εθνών ημείς
ing the LAW.
cerning but those having belIeved of Gentiles we
έπεστειλαμεν, κρίναντες * [μηδέν τοιούτον τη- 25 But concerning the
sent word, Judging [nothing such like to
@είν αύτοΰς, ει μή] φυλάσσεσθαι αυτούς BELIEVING GENTILES J w e
observe ttienij if not^l to keep themselves have sent word, judging
that they avoid WHAT I S
τό, τε είδωλόθυτον και τό αίμα καΐ
the, both things offered to idols and the blood and BLOOD, and what is Stran-
πνικτόν καΐ ποανείαν. gled, and Fornication."
strangled and fornication.
26 26 Then PAUL took the
Τότε ό Παϋλος παραλαβών τους ά*νδρας, MEN, and on the FOLLOW-
Then the Paul having taken the men, ING Day being purified
xf[ έχομένχι ήμέρςι συν αύτοίς άγνισθείς
oil the foliow 1 ιχζ dfty \^ 11Q them bolus j?U2*ificcl with them, $entered the
είσήει είς τό Ιερόν, διαγγέλλων τήν έκπλήρω- TEMPLE, §announcing the
©ntereci into the tejnpl©j fluuouuclu^ the cowiple™• COMPLETION of t h e DAYS
of PURIFICATION ; till the
σιν τών ημερών του άγνισμοΰ, §ως οΰ OFFERING should be of-
t i o n of t h e d a y s of t h e p u r i f i c a t i o n , t i l l o f w h i c h fered in behalf of each one
Λροσηνέχθη υπέρ ενός εκάστου αυτών ή
they offered in behalf of one of each of them the of them.
προσφορά. 2 7 Ώ ς δέ ^μέλλον αϊ επτά ήμέραι 27 But when the SEVEN
offering. When and were about the seven days DAYS were about to be

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 0 . there among the J E W S , of THOSE who BELIEVE. 22.

the Multitude must assemble—omit. 22. for—omit. 25. that they observe no such thing,
t 20. Acts xxii. 3 ; Rom. x. 2 ; Gal. i. 14. t 24. Num. vi. 2, 13, 1 8 ; Acts xviii.
18. I 25. Acts xv. 20, 20. I 26, Acts xxiv. 18. $ 2 6 . Num. vi. 1 3 .
Chap. 21:28.] ACTS. [Chap. 21:35
ουντελεϊσθαι, ot άπό της 'Ασίας 'Ιουδαίοι completed, the Jews from
Asia seeing him in the
φρασάμενοι αυτόν έν τφ Ιερφ, συνέχεον πάν- TEMPLE, stirred up All
L a v i n g s e e n h i m i n t h e t e m p l e , s t i r r e d up a l l the CROWD, $and laid
τα τον δχλον, καΐ έπέβαλον έπ' αυτόν τάς HANDS on him,
the crowd, and put on him the 28 exclaiming, "Israel-
χείρας, ^κράξοντες· "Ανδρες Ίσραηλϊται, 6οη- ites, help! This is THAT
hands, crying; Men Israelites, help MAN $who TEACHES all
Φείτε* ουτός έστιν ό άνθρωπος, ό κατά τοΰ men everywhere against
the PEOPLE, and the LAW,
you; this is the man, who against the
and this PLACE ; and be-
λαοϋ καΐ τοΰ νόμου καΐ τοΰ τόπου τούτου πάν- sides he brought Greeks
people &nd the law and the place this All
τας πανταχοΰ διδάσκων έ'τι τε καΐ "Ελλη- into the TEMPLE,and made
everywhere is teaching; besides and also Greeks this HOLY Place common."
vag είσήγαγεν εις τό ιερόν, καΐ κεκοίνω- 29 (For they had pre-
be led into the temple, and has made viously seen $Trophimus
«ε τόν δγιον τόπον τοΰτον. ( Hoav 29 r the EPHESIAN, in the
common the holy place this. (Were
CITY with him, whom they
γαρ προεωρακότες Τρόφιμον τόν Έφέσιον έν imagined That PAUL had
for having been before Trophimus the Epheslan in brought into the TEMPLE.)
τη πόλει συν αύτφ, δν ένόμιξον δτι εις
the city with him,'whom they supposed that into 30 $And all the CITY
τό Ιερόν είσήγαγεν ό Παϋλος.) 30Έκινήθη τε was moved, and there was
the temple led the Paul.) Was moved and
a running together of the
ή πόλις δλη, καΐ έγένετο συνδρομή PEOPLE ; a n d h a v i n g
the c i t y whole, and was a running together seized PAUL they dragged
τοΰ λαοΰ· καΐ έπιλαβόμενοι τοΰ Παύλου, him out of the TEMPLE ;
of the people; and having taken hold of the Paul, and the GATES were in-
είλκον αυτόν εξο) τοΰ Ιεροϋ· καΐ stantly closed.
they weredragging him outside of the31 temple, and 31 And while they were
ευθέως έκλείσθησαν at Φύραι. Ζητούντων seeking to kill Him, a Re-
Immediately were closed the gates. Seeking
port went up to the COM-
δέ αυτόν άποκτείναι, άνέδη φάσις τφ χι- MANDERS of the COHORT,
and him to k i l l , went up a report to the com- That All Jerusalem was in
λιάρχω της σπείρης, δτι δλη συγκέχυται confusion ;
ir.ander of the 82 band, that whole was in confusion 32 §who immediately
'Ιερουσαλήμ· δς έξαυτής παραλαβών στρα- having taken Soldiers and
Jerusalem; who immediately having taken sol-
τιώτας καΐ έκατοντάρχους, κατέδραμεν έπ' upon them, and Centurions, rushed down
diers and centurions, ran down upon THEY, see-
ing the COMMANDER and
αυτούς. Ot δέ Ιδόντες τόν χιλίαρχον καΐ τους tlie SOLDIERS, ceased beat-
them. They and seeing the commander and the ing PAUL.
στρατιώτας, επαύσαντο τύπτοντες τόν Παΰ- 33 Then the COMMAND-
soldiers, ceased beating the Paul, ER coming near, seized
λον 33Τότε έγγίσας ό χιλίαρχος έπε- him, and $ordered him to
T h e n h a v i n g a p p r o a c h e d t h e c o m m a n d e r l a i d be bound with two Chains;
λάδετο αύτοΰ, καΐ έκέλευσε δεθήναι άλύσεσι and inquired who he was,
hold of-him, and ordered to be bound with chains
and what he had done.
δυσί· καΐ έπυν#άνετο, τΙς δν εΐη, καΐ τΐ 34 And some among the
t*w^o* find inQuirtsd· 34 who It ixiiciit be. sind ^vliiit CROWD shouted one thing,
έστι πεποιηκώς. *Άλλοι δέ άλλο τι and some another ; and not
It is having been done. Others and another thing
έβόων έν τφ δχλω. Μη δυνάμενος δέ γνώ- being able to ascertain the
were crying in "the crowd. Not being able and to TRUTH on acount of the
ναι τό ασφαλές διά τόν θόρυβον, έκέλευ- TUMULT, he ordered him
know the certainly through the tumult, he ordered
σεν αγεσθαι αυτόν εις τήν παρεμδολήν. to be led into the CASTLE.
to be brought him into the castle. 35 But when he was
"Οτε δέ έγένετο επί τους αναβαθμούς, συ- upon the STEPS, it hap-

When and he came on the steps, It pened that he was borne

vi6r\ δαστάζεσθαι αυτόν ύπό τών στρατιω- away by the SOLDIERS,
t 27. Acts xxvi. 21. ! 28. Acts xxiv. 5, 6. % 29. Acts xx. 4. % 30. Acts xxvi.
21. t 32. Acts xxiii. 2 7 ; xxiv. 7. % 33. ver. 1 1 ; Act* xx. 23.
Chap. 21:36.] ACTS. [Chap. 22:3.
των διά την β'ιαν του δχλου· 3βήκολού- because of the VIOLENCE
of the CROWD.
ϋει γαρ τό πλήθος τοΰ λαοΰ, κράζον ΑΙρε 36 for the MULTITUDE
ΪΟΓ the multitude of the people, crying; Lift up of the PEOPLE followed,
αυτόν. ^Μέλλων τε είσάγεσθαι είς την πα- crying, $"T a k e h i m
hirn. Being about and to be led into the castle away 1"
ρεμβολήν ό Παΰλος, λέγει τφ χιλιάρχφ* 37 And PAUL b e i n g
th© P&ul» he says to the commander^ about to be led into the
Ει έξεστι μοι είπείν τι προς σε; CASTLE, he says to the
*Ο δέ έ'φη· Ελληνιστί γινώσκεις; β^Ούκ COMMANDER, "May I be
He and said; Greek understandeat thou? Not allowed to say something
άρα συ εΐ ό ΑΙγύπτιος, ό πρό τούτων των to thee?" And HE said,
"Dost thou understand
then thou art the Egyptian, w h o before these the
ήμερων άναστατώσας καΐ έξαγα- 38 Art thou not then
otvys Djiving rftίsod &o. insurrection &ucl *ι«χνΐΐι§ l©d
THAT t Egyptian, w h o
γών είς την ερημον τους τετρακισχιλ'ιους άν- didst before These DAYS,
out into tliG desert t ίι © £ ο u x* thousand ΙΪΙ Q n excite a Sedition, and lead
δρας τών σικαρίων: Είπε δέ ό Παΰλος· out into the DESERT FOUR
of the Sicarii? Said and the Paul; THOUSAND Men of the
έγώ άνθρωπος μεν ειμί 'Ιουδαίος Ταρσεύς, ± SICARII 7"
I a man indeed am a Jew of Tarsus, 39 But PAUL said, §"I
της Κιλικίας ούκ άσημου πόλεως πολίτης· am a Jew, of Tarsus in CI-
of the Cilicia n o t of a m e a n city a citizen; LICIA, a Citizen of no In-
δέομαι δέ σου, έπίτρεψόν μοι λαλήσαι considerable City; and I
προς τον λαόν. 40'Επιτρέ"ψαντος δέ αύτοϋ, ό entreat thee, permit me
to the people. Having permitted and him, the to speak to the PEOPLE.·"
IT αϋλος έστώς επί τών αναβαθμών κατέσει- 40 And having given
Paul having been set on the steps waved
σε %r\ χειρί τω λαω· πολλής δέ σιγής him permission, PAUL,
with the hand to the people; great and silence standing on the STEPS,
γενομένης, προσεφώνησε τχ\ Έβραΐδι δια- $waved the HAND to the
occurring, he spoke in the Hebrew dia-
PEOPLE ; and when there
λέκτω, λέγων was Great Silence, he ad-
lect, saying; dressed them in the H E -
ΚΕΦ. κ β \ 22. BREW Dialect, saying,
Ανδρες αδελφοί καΐ πατέρες, άκοΰσατέ CHAPTER XXII.
μου της προς υμάς νυνί απολογίας. 2Άκού- 1 "M e n, §Brethren,
of me the to you now apology. Hear-
and Fathers, hear now
My APOLOGY before you."
σαντες δέ δτι τ|) Έβραΐδι διαλεκτά) προσε- 2 (And hearing that he
ing and that in the Hebrew dialect he was
spoke to them in the H E -
<ρώνει αύτοίς, μάλλον παρέσχον ήσυχίαν. BREW Dialect, they kept
£i}*ocilcin§i to them$ more tlieyltcpt
Και φησίν 3έγώ μέν είμι άνήρ 'Ιουδαίος,
silence* greater silence; and he
And he said; I indeed am a man a Jew, said,)
γεγεννημένος έν Ταρσω της Κιλικίας, άνατε- 3 $"I am a Jew, born
having been born in Tarsus of the Cilicia, having in Tarsus, of CILICIA, but
θραμμένος δέ έν τχ\ πόλει ταύτη, παρά this CITY, a t the FEET ofhaying been brought up in
been brought up a n d i n t h e c i t y this, at
τους πόδας Γαμαλιήλ πεπαιδευμένος κατά ^Gamaliel, and accurately
the feet of Gamaliel having been taught with instructed in the ANCES-
άκρίβειαν του πατρώου νόμου, ζηλωτής ύπάρ- TRAL LAW ; §being a Zea-
accuracy th» ancestral law, a zealot being
t 38. Josephus mentions this Egyptian as having raised a mob of 30,000 men, (or
as some think i t originally read 4,000) which he led against Jerusalem, as far as
Mount Olivet, but was suddenly dispersed by Felix. ± 3 8 . The Sicarii were a body of
rebels mentioned by Josephus, Wars b. vii, c. 10. sec. 1.
$ 36. Luke xxiii. 1 8 ; John xix. 1 5 ; xxii. 22. $ 38. See Acts v. 36. t 3 9. Acts
is. 1 1 ; xxii. 3. t 40. Acts xii. 17. % 1. Acts vii. 2. i 3. Acts xxi. 3 9 ; 1. Cor.
Xi. 2 2 ; Phil. i i i . 5. $ 3. Acts v. 34. $ 3. Acts xxi. 2 0 ; Gal. i. 14.

. 484
Chap. 22:4.] ACTS. [Chap. 22:13.
χων του Θεοΰ, καθώς πάντες ύμεις έστε lot for GOD, $as you all
of the G o d , even a s all you areare To-day.
σήμερον 4δς ταύτην την όδόν έδιωξα άχρι 4 And I persecuted
today; w h o this the w a y I persecuted till T h i s WAY t ο Death,
θανάτου, δεσμεύων και παραδιδούς εΙς φυλα- to Prisons binding and delivering in-
death, binding and delivering into prisons
both Men and
πάς άνδρας τε καΐ γυναίκας, 5ώς καΐ ό άρχιε- 5 as the HIGH-PRIEST
men both and women, as also the high- also *is my witness, $and
ρεύς μαρτυρεί μοι, καΐ παν τό πρεσβυτέριον A ll the ELDERSHIP ;
Iiriest testifies to me, and all the eldership;
παρ' ων καΐ έπιστολάς δεξάμενος προς τους jfrom whom also receiv-
from wliom A 1 sο letters hflviii^ received to tli© ing Letters to the BRETH-
αδελφούς, εις Δαμασκόν έπορευομην, ά- REN, I went to Damascus
to bring THOSE who WERE
ξων καΐ τους έκείσε οντάς, δεδεμένους there bound to Jerusalem,
lead and those there being, having been bound that they might be pun-
είς *Ιερουσαλήμ, ίνα τιμωρηθώσιν. β Έγέ- ished.
into Jerusalem, that they might be punished. It
6 $And it occurred, as
νετο δέ μοι πορευομένφ καΐ έγγίζοντι I was traveling and draw-
happened and tome traveling and drawing near ing near to Damascus,
τχι Δαμασκφ, περί μεσημβρίαν εξαίφνης about noon, suddenly a
t<* the Damascus, about noon suddenly great Light from HEAVEN
έκ του ουρανοί) περιαστράψαι φώς Ικανόν shone around me;
out of the 7 heaven to shine round a light great
περί έμέ· 8πεσόν τε εις τό έδαφος, καΐ ίίκου- 7 and I fell to the
about me; fell and on the ground, and heard GROUND, and Heard a
σα φωνής λεγούσης μοι· Σαούλ, Σαούλ, τί Voice saying to me, 'Saul,
a voice saying to me; Saul, Saul, why Saul, why dost thou perse-
Έγώ δέ άπεκρίθην ΤΙς cute Me?'
με διώκεις;
me persecutest thou? I and answered; Who 8 and I answered;
ει κύριε; Είπε τε προς με· 'Εγώ είμι Ί η - 'Who a r t thou, Sir?'
art thou, θ sir? He said and to me; I am Je- And he said to me, *1
σοΰς ό Ναξωραΐος, ον σύ διώκεις. ΟΙ am Jesus the NAZARENE,

whom thou persecutest.'

δέ συν έμοί δντες τό μέν φώς έθεάσαντο, 9 And $THOSE who
and with me being the indeed light saw, WERE with me saw indeed
*[καΙ £μφοβοι έγένοντο·] τήν δέ φωνήν ούκ the LIGHT, but they un-
£siiici £ei*i*iiiecl tliey ^ν(? ι* 6 $ ] the but voice not derstood not the VOICE of
άκουσαν του λαλοϋντος μοι. Είπον δέ· ΤΙ HIM who SPOKE to me.
tLey lioflrd of the speiiKiiijj to mo, x s&icl midj iVo&fc 10 And I said, 'What
ποιήσω, Κύριε; *Ο δέ Κύριος είπε προς με· shall I do, Lord?' And
shall I do, O Lord? The and Lord said to me;
Άναστάς πορεύου είς Δαμασκόν κάκεϊ the LORD said to me,
'Arise and go into Da-
Having arisen go thou into Damascus; and there
σοι λαληθήσεται περί πάντων, mascus, and there It shall
be told thee of all things
ων τέτακταί σοι ποιήσαι. Ώ ς which are appointed for

•which have been appointed for thee to do. As thee to do.'

δέ ούκ ένέβλεπον άπό της δόξης του φωτός 11 And as I could not
and not I saw from the glory of the light see from the GLORY of
έκεΓνου, χειραγωγούμενος ύπό των συνόντων that LIGHT, being led by
of that, being led by the hand by those being with the hand of THOSE who
μοι, ήλθον ε'ις Δαμασκόν. WERE with me, I came in-
me, I came into Damascus. to Damascus.
Άνανίας δέ τις, άνήρ ευσεβής κατά 12 And §one Ananias,
Ananias and one, α man pious according to a pious Man according to
τόν νόμον, μαρτυρούμενος ύπό πάντων των the LAW, $having a good
the l a w , being testified t o by all the testimony from All the
κατοικούντων 'Ιουδαίων, 13έλθών προς με JEWS RESIDING there,
residing Jews, having come to me 13 coming to me, and
• VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 5 . did bear me witness. 9. and they were terrified—omit.
% 3. Bom. x. 2 . t 5. Luke xxii. 6 6 ; Acts iv. 5. ί 5. Acts ix. 2 ; xxvi. 10, 12.
t 6. Acts ix. 3. xxvi. 12, 13. $ 9. Acts ix. 7 ; Dan. x. 7. t 12. Acts ix. 17. $ 12.
Acts x. 2. t 12. 1 Tim. i i i . 7.
Chap. 22:14.] ACTS. {Chap. 22:22.
καΐ έπιστάς είπε μοι· Σαούλ αδελφέ, standing by, said to me,
and having stood said to me; Saul θ brother, Brother Saul, look up.'
άνάβλεψον. Κάγώ αύττί τχ\ &ρςι άνέβλεψα And in That HOUR I
look up. And I in this the hour looked looked upon him.
tie αυτόν. 1 4 Ό δέ είπεν Ό Θεός των πατέ- 14 And HE said, §'The
οη him. He and said; The God of the fathers GOD of our FATHERS tap-
ρων ημών προεχειρίσατό σε γνώναι τό θέλημα pointed thee to know his
of u s destined thee to know the w i l l WILL, and to $see that
αύτοϋ, καΐ Ιδείν τόν Δίκαιον, καΐ άκου- $RIGHTEOUS ONE, and $to
of himself, and to see the righteous one, and to
σαι φωνήν έκ τοΰ στόματος αύτοΰ* 15
δτι hear a Voice from his
hear a voice out of the mouth of him; because MOUTH ;
ίση μάρτυς αύτφ προς πάντας άνθρώ- 15 |for thou shalt be a
thou shalt be a witness for h i m to all men Witness for him to All
πους &ν έώρακας καΐ άκουσας. 1 6 ΚαΙ Men of $what thou hast
of what thou hast seen and thou hast heard. And seen and heard.
16 And now, why dost
νυν τΐ μέλλεις; άναστάς βάπτι- thou delay? Arising, be
now why dost thou delay? having arisen be thou immersed, $and wash thy-
σαι, καΐ άπόλουσαι τάς αμαρτίας σου, self from thy SINS, $h
dipped, and wash thyself from the sins of thee, ing invoked his NAME/
έπικαλεσάμενος τό δνομα αύτοϋ. 1 7 Έγένετο
having invoked the name of him. It happened 17 $And it happened,
when I returned to Jeru-
δέ μοι ύποστρέψαντι είς 'Ιερουσαλήμ, και salem, and was praying In
the TEMPLE, I was in a
προσερχόμενου μου έν τφ Ιερφ, γενέσθαι Trance,
praying of me in the temple, to have been 18 and saw him saying
με έν έκστάσει, κα1 ιδείν αυτόν λέγοντα to me, 'Make haste, and
go quickly out from Jeru-
me in an ecstacy, and to see him saying salem ; because they will
έξ "Ιερουσαλήμ· . διότι ού παραδέχονται
μοι* Σπεΰσον καΐ έξελθε έν τάχει not receive *Thy TESTI-
σου την μαρτυρίαν περί 19
έμοΰ. Κάγώ MONY concerning me.'
of thee the testimony concerning me. And I 19 And I said, 'Lord,
είπον Κύριε, αυτοί έπίστανται, 8τι έγώ η*μην they know That I was im-
said; θ Lord, they know, that I was prisoning and beating in
«ρυλακίζων καΐ δέρων κατά τάς συναγωγάς the SYNAGOGUES THOSE
imprisoning sind beating in the synagogues
τους πιστεύοντας επί σέ· 2θκα1 δτε έξεχεί- BELIEVING on thee;
20 $and when the
το τό αίμα Στεφάνου του μάρτυρος BLOOD of Stephen, thy
l*ourGci out th© blood of Stephen, ttie m.£irtyx* WITNESS, was poured out,
σου, καΐ αυτός η*μην έφεστώς, καΐ I also was standing by
of thee, and myself was having been standing, and and consenting, and hav-
ing in charge the MANTLES
συνευδοκών, καΐ φυλάσσων τά Ιμάτια των
&pprovinj»· ftnd keeping the ixisintles of those him.'
άναιρούντων αυτόν. ΚαΙ είπε προς με· Πο- 21 And he said to me,
killing him. And he said to me; Go t'Go; for I will send thee
tho ov οτι έγώ είς έ'θνη μακράν έξαπο-
; for I to nations at distance will send to NATIONS far away..'"
στελώ σ ε . . . "Ηκουον δέ αύτοΰ δχρι τούτου 22 And they heard him
thee# They heard and h i m t i l l this to This WORD, and then
τοΰ λόγου, καΐ επήραν τήν φωνήν αύτων, raised their VOICE, saying
the word, and they raised the voice of them, $"Take away SUCH a man
λέγοντες· ΑΙρε άπό της γης τόν τοιούτον from the EARTH, for it is
saying; Lift up from the earth the such a person; not fit that he should live."
* VATICAN M A N U S C B I P T . — 1 8 . Thy Testimony concerning me.
t 14. Acts ill. 1 3 ; v. 30. $ 14. Acts ix. 1 5 ; xxvi. 16. % 14. 1 Cor. ix. 1 ; xv.
8. X 14. Acts iii. 1 4 ; vii. 52. $ 14. 1 Cor. xl. 2 3 ; Gal. 1. 12. X 15. Acts xxiii.
11. X 15. Acts iv. 2 0 ; xxvi. 16. X 16. Acts ii. 3 8 ; Titus iif. 5 ; Heb. x. 22.
t 16. Acts ix. 1 4 ; Rom. x. 1 3 ; 1 Cor. i. 2 ; 2 Tim. ii. 22. X 17. Acts ix. 2 6 ; 1
Cor. xii. 2. X 20. Acts vii. 58. X 21. Arts ix. 1 5 ; xiii. 2. 46, 4 7 ; xviii. 6; xxvi.
17; Eom. i. 5 ; xi. 1 3 ; xv. 1 6 ; Gal. i. 15, 1 6 ; ii. 7, 8 ; Eph. iii. 7. 8 ; 1 Tim. i i .
7; 2 Tim. i. 11. % 22. Acts xxi. 3 6 ; xxv. 24.
Chap. 22:23.] ACTS. [Chap. 2 3 : 1 .
ού γαρ καθήκεν αυτόν ζην. ^Κραυγαζόν- 23 And a s t h e y were
not for it 1 s fit him to live» Crying out crying out, a n d tossing u p
των δέ αυτών και ριπτόντων τα ιμάτια, καΐ their MANTLES, and throw-
ing Dust into t h e AIR,
κονιορτόν βαλλόντων εις τον αέρα, έκέλευ- 24 t h e COMMANDER or-
dust throwing into the air, ordered dered h i m t o be led i n t o
t h e CASTLE, a n d to be ex-
σεν ό χιλίαρχος είσάγεσΦαι αυτόν ε'ις την amined w i t h Scourges, so
commander to lt-ad him into the t h a t h e m i g h t know for
Λαρεμβολήν, εΙπών μάστιξιν άνετάζεσθαι w h a t reason t h e y t h u s
α υ τ ό ν ίνα έπιγνω δι' ην cried a g a i n s t h i m .
him; that he might know, on account of what 25 And as they extend-
25 ed him w i t h t h e T H O N G S ,
αίτίαν οΰτως έπεφώνουν αύτφ. Ώ ς P A U L said to t h e CENTU-
cause thus they were crying against'him. As RION STANDING BY, $"IS
6έ προέτειναν αυτόν τοις Ιμάσιν, είπε
And they str©tch©d out him w^ith th© thoii&s· su.ιd it lawful to scourge a
προς τον έστώτα έκατόνταρχον ό Παϋλος· Man, a Roman, a n d un-
to the standing by centurion the Paul; condemned ?"
26 And t h e CENTURION
El όίνθρωπον Ρωμαίον καΐ άκατάκριτον έ'ξε- having heard, w e n t a n d
If a man a Koman and uncondemued i t Is» told t h e COMMANDER, say-
στιν ύμίν μαστίζειν; Ακουσας δέ ό ing, " W h a t a r t t h o u about
lawful for you to scourge? Having heard and the to do? for this MAN is a
έκατόνταρχος, προΌελθών τφ χιλιάρχω Roman."
centurion, having gone to the commander 27 And t h e COMMANDER
άπήγγειλε, λ έ γ ω ν τΐ μέλλεις ποιείν; coming near said to him,
reported, saying; what are thou about2 7 to do? "Tell me, a r t thou a Ro-
6 γαρ άνθρωπος ούτος Ρωμαίος έστι. Προσ- man?" And H E said,
the for man this a Koman is. Having "Yes."
ελθών δέ ό χιλίαρχος είπεν αύτφ· Λέγε μοι,
come to and the commander said to him; Tell me, 28 And the COMMAN-
αύ Ρωμαίος εΐ; Ό δέ εφη· Ναι. Άπεκρίθη28 DER answered, " I pur-
chased t h i s C I T I Z E N S H I P
thou a Koman art? He and said; Yes. Answered with a G r e a t Sum of
τε ό χιλίαρχος· Έ γ ώ πολλοΰ κεφαλαίου την money." And P A U L said,
And the c οίο mini(1Θ r * Χ of Λ trrectt sum of money tho " B u t I h a v e even been
πολιτείαν ταύτην έκτησάμην. Ό δέ Παΰλος born so."
citizenship this purchased. The and Paul 29 Then T H O S E being
29 about t o examine him, im-
£φη· Έ γ ώ δέ καΐ γεγέννημαι. Εύθέως mediately departed from
said; I but even have been born. Immediately him ; a n d t h e COMMAN-
οΰν άπέστησαν άπ* αύτοΰ ol μέλλοντες αυτόν DER also was afraid, hav-
£h©II \Ϋcut stΛ^fly frozxi hiJXX t h o s e b © i D ff JIbοut hiΪΪΙ ing ascertained T h a t h e
was a Roman, a n d Be-
άνετάζειν. Kai ό χιλίαρχος δέ έφοβήί)η, cause h e h a d bound him.
30 And on the NEXT
έπιγνούς δτι Ρωμαίος έστι, καΐ δτι DAY, desiring t o know t h e
^ν αυτόν δεδεκ<ός. ^Tfj δέ επαύριον CERTAINTY Of WHAT h e
he was him having been bound. On the and morrow
βουλόμενος γνώναι τό ασφαλές, τό τΐ κα- was accused by the JEWS,
wishing to know the certainty, that what he he loosed him ; and ordered
τηγορείται παρά των 'Ιουδαίων, έ'λυσεν αυτόν, the HIGH-PRIESTS and all
the SAHEDRIM to come
καΐ έκέλευσεν συνελθείν τους αρχιερείς together, and having led
PAUL down, placed him
and ordered to come together the high-priests before them.
καΐ παν τό συνέδριον καΐ καταγαγών τον
and all the sanhedrim; and having led down the CHAPTER XXIII.
Παΰλον, £στησεν ε'ις αυτούς. 1 And PAUL earnestly-
ΚΕΦ. κ γ \ 2 3 . looking on the SANHE-
DRIM, said, "Brethren!
^ΑτενΙσας δέ 6 Παύλος τφ
Having looked Intently and the Paul to the
βυνεδρίω, ε ί π ε ν "Ανδρες, αδελφοί, έγώ πάση
sanhedrim, said; Men, b r e t h r e n , I in a l l
| 25. Acts xvi. 37.
Chap. 23:2.] ACTS. [Chap. 23:10.
ο υ ν ε ι δ ή σ ε ι άγαθχί πεπολίτενμαι τφΘεφ $1 have lived before GOD
in All good Conscience to
This DAY/'
ταύτης ς Ό δέ άρχιε-
The and high- 2 And the HIGH-PRIEST,
<?εύς Άνανίας έπέταξε τοις παρεστώ- Ananias, ordered THOSE
STANDING BY him, $to
σιν αύτφ, τύπτειν αύτοΰ τό στόμα. Τότε strike him on the MOUTH.
st&iidiiie toy oixii· to s t r i k e of hiixi tlie mouth· Τ1ιGH
3 Then PAUL said to
ό Παΰλος προς αυτόν είπε* Τύπτειν σε μέλλει him, "GOD is about to
the Paul to him said; To strike thee is about
strike thee, Ο whitened
6 Θεός, τοίχε κεκονιαμένε· καΐ συWall! and dost thou sit
the God, θ wall having been whitewashed; and thou
judging me according to
κρίνων με κατά τον νόμον, και the LAW, $and yet, viola-

παρανομών κελεύεις με ting the law, commandest

τύπτεσθαι; me
Violating the law thou orderes me to be struck?
to be struck?"
Ol δέ παρεστώτες είπον Τόν άρχιε- 4 and THOSE STANDING
Those and having been standing by said; The high- BY said, "Dost thou revile
ρέα τοϋ Θεοΰ λοιδορείς; 6
"Εφη τε ό the HIGH-PRIEST of GOD?"
piiest of the God revilest thou? Said and the 5 And PAUL said, " I
Παΰλος· Ουκ ή*δειν, αδελφοί, 8τι ^στιν did not know, Brethren,
1*2111 lj Not I had known, brethren, that it is That he was a High-priest;
άρχιερεύς· γέγραπται γάρ· "Αρχοντα τοϋ for it is written, $'Thou
hig 'shalt not speak evil of the
λαοΰ σου ουκ έρείς κακώς. Γνούς 'Ruler of thy P E O P L E / "
people οι thee no ou shalt speak evil. Knowing 6 And PAUL perceiving
δέ ό Παΰλος, δτι τό Ι'ν μέρος έστι Σαδδου- That the ONE Part were of
and the Paul, that the one part is of Sad-
the Sadducees, and the
τό δέ έ'τερον Φαρισαίων, εκραξεν έν OTHER of the Pharisees, he
duc< exclaimed in the SANHE-
τφ συνεδρίω· "Ανδρες αδελφοί, έγώ Φαρισαί- DRIM, "Brethren, §1 am
tho sanhedrim; Men brethren, I a Pharisee
a Pharisee, ±a Son *of
ός είμι, υΙός Φαρισαίου· περί ελπίδος καΐ PHARISEES ; concerning
αναστάσεως νεκρών έγώ κρίνομαι. 7Τοΰτο
§the Hope and the Resur-
a resurrection of dead ones I being judged. This rection of the Dead * I am
δέ αΰτοΰ λαλήσαντος, έγένετο στάσις των being judged."
and of h i m having spoken, w a s a dispute of the 7 And having said this,
Φαρισαίων καΐ των Σαδδουκαίων, καΐ έσχί- there was a Dispute be-
Pharisees and the Sadducees, and was tween the PHARISEES and
σθη τό πλήθος. 8
Σαδδουκαίοι μέν γαρ the SADDUCEES; and the
divided the multitude. Sadducees indeed for MULTITUDE was divided.
8 $For indeed the Sad-
λέγουσι μή είναι άνάστασιν, μηδέ αγγελον ducees say, there is no
Resurrection, nor Angel,
μήτε πνεΰμα· Φαρισαίοι δέ όμολογοΰσι τα nor Spirit; but the Phari-
nor si spirit; Pharisees tout confess tlie sees confess BOTH.
άμφόνερα. Έ γ έ ν ε τ ο δέ κραυγή μεγάλη· και 9 And there was a great
άναστάντες ol γραμματείς του μέρους των Clamor ; and *some of the
having arisen the scribes of the party of the SCRIBES of the PARTY of
the PHARISEES arising
Φαρισαίων διεμάχοντο, λέγοντες· Ουδέν κακόν contended, saying, §"We
find no Evil in this MAN ;
εύρίσκομεν έν τ φ άνθρωπο) τούτω* ει δέ $and what if a Spirit or
we find in the man" this; if but an Angel spoke to him?"
πνεϋμα έλάλησεν αύτφ, ή άγγελος 10 And the Dispute be-
a spirit spoke to him, or a messenger. coming vehement, t h e
Πολλής δέ γενομένης στάσεως, εΰλαβηθείς
VATICANand becixiin§
MANUSCRIPT.—6. isputo f ΘΗΓ ΙΠ 6. I am being judged. 9. some of the
± 6. Or, a Disciple of the Pharisees.
$ 1. Acts xxiv. 1 6 ; 1 Cor. iv. 4 ; 2 Cor. i. 1 2 ; iv. 2 ; 2 Tim. 1. 3 ; Heb. xiii. 18.
$ 2. 1 Kings xxii. 2 4 ; .Ter. xx. 2 ; John xviii. 22. % 3. Lev. xix. 3 5 ; Deut. xxv.
1 , 2 ; John vii. 5 1 . t 5. Exod. xxii. 2 8 ; Eccl. x. 1 0 ; 2 Pet. ii. 1 0 ; Jude 8. ί 6.
Acts xxvi. 5 ; Phil. i i i . 5. % 6. Acts xxiv. 1 5 , 2 1 ; xxvi. 6 ; xxviii. 2 0. % 8. Matt.
xxii. 2 3 ; Mark xii. 1 8 ; Luke xx. 2 7 . t 9. Acts xxv. 25, 3 1 . $ 9. Acts xxii. 7 , 1 7 , 18.
Chap, 23:11.] ACTS. [Chap. 23:18.
ό χιλίαρχος μη διασπασθώ ό COMMANDER, fearing that
the commander l e s t would be torn to pieces tho Paul would be torn in
Παϋλος ύπ' αυτών, έκέλευσε τό στράτευμα pieces by them, orderd
the Troops to go down
Paul l>y them, lie ordered the armed force and take him by force from
καταβάν άρπάσαι αυτόν έκ μέσου αύ- the midst of them, and to
having gone down to take him from midst of lead him into the CASTLE.
των, άγειν *[τε] εις την παρεμβολήν. uTf) 11 $And on the FOL-
them, to lead [and] into the castle. On the LOWING Night the LORD
δέ έπιούση νυκτΐ έπιστάς αύτω ό Κύριος standing by him, said,
iind next night having stood by him the Lord
"Take courage; for as
είπε· Θάρσει· ώς γαρ διεμαρτύρω thou didst testify the
said; Take courage; as for thou didst testify things concerning me in
τά περί έμοΰ εις *Ιερουσαλήμ, ούτω Jerusalem, so thou must
σε δεϊ και εΙς Ρώμην μαρτυρήσαι. also testify at Rome."
thee i t behooves ft 1 so in Rome to testify· 12 And when it was
Γενομένης δέ ημέρας, ποιήσαντες συστρο- Day, $the JEWS, forming
φήν οι 'Ιουδαίοι, άνεθεμάτισαν a Conspiracy, bound them-
si>iracy tho Jews, they bound with a curse selves with a Curse, de-
claring that they would
εαυτούς, λέγοντες μήτε φαγείν μήτε πιεϊν neither eat nor drink till
themselves, saying neither to eat nor drink they had killed Paul.
έ'ως οϋ άποκτείνωσι τόν Παΰλον 13ησαν δέ
till they might k i l l the Paul; were and
πλείους τεσσαράκοντα ol ταύτην την συνω- ACY, were more than forty,
μοσίαν πεποιηκότες· οΐτινες προσελ- 14 who having come to
si'iracy having been engaged; who having the HIGH-PRIESTS and the
θόντες τοις άρχιερεΰσι καΐ τοις πρσεβυτέροις, ELDERS, said, "We have
come to the high-priests and the elders, cursed ourselves with a
μηδενός γεύσασΦαι έ'ως οδ άποκτείνοιμεν τόν Curse to taste nothing till
είπον Άναθέματι άνεθεματίσαμεν εαυτούς, we have killed PAUL.
Παΰλον. 15Νΰν ούν ύμείς εμφανίσατε
Paul. Now therefor* you make known " " 15 Now therefore, do
χιλιάρχω συν τφ συνεδρίφ, όπως αυτόν you, with the SANHEDRIM,
commander with the sanhedrim, in order that him intimate to the COMMAN-
DER, that he may bring
καταγάγη προς ύμας, ώς μέλλοντας δια- him down to you, as if you
he m a y lead down to you, as being about to were about to examine
γινώσκειν άκριβέστερον τά περί more accurately the things
examine more accurately the things concerning concerning him ; and we,
before he COMES NEAR,
αύτοΰ· ημείς δέ, προ τοΰ έγγίσαι are ready to KILL him."
him; we and, before of the to have come nigh
αυτόν, έ'τοιμοι έσμέν τοΰ άνελείν αυτόν, 16 But the SON of
him, ready w e a r e of t h e t o k i l l h i m . Paul's SISTER having
Άκούσας δέ ό υΙός της αδελφής Παύ- heard the PLOT, came up,

λου την έ'νεδραν, παραγενόμενος καΐ είσελ- told PAUL. and going into the CASTLE,
the lying in wait, having come near and having
17 And PAUL, having
$ών εις την παρεμβολήν, άπήγγειλε τώ Παύ- called one of the CENTU-
RIONS to him, said, "Con-
λφ. 17Προσκαλεσάμενος δέ ό Παϋλος ενα duct This YOUNG MAN tO
the COMMANDER, for he
Having summoned and the Paul one has something to tell
τών έκατοντάρχων, εφη· Τόν νεαν'ιαν τοΰ- him."
τον άπάγαγε προς τόν χιλίαρχον έχει γάρ
lead thou to the commander; he has for 18 Then HE took him
τι άπαγγείλαι αύτφ. 1 8 Ό μέν ofiv πα- and led him to the COM-
something to relate to him. He indeed then hav-
MANDER, and said, "Paul
ραλαβών αυτόν
VATICAN ήγαγε προς τόνand—omit.
MANUSCRIPT.—10. χιλίαρχον, καΐ
11. Acts xviii. 9; xxvii. 23, 24. $ 12. ver. 21, 30; xxv. 3.
Chap. 23:19.] ACTS. [Chap. 23:27.
φησίν *Ο δέσμιος Παΰλος προσκαλεσάμενός the PRISONER calling me
said; The prisoner Paul having summoned to him, asked me to con-
duct TlliS YOUNG MAN to
με, ήρώτησε τούτον τόν νεανίαν άγαγείν προς thee, who has something
σε, έχοντα τι λαλήσαί σοι. 18Έπιλα6ό- to tell thee."
19 And the COMMAN-
μενος δε της χειρός αύτοΰ ό χιλίαρχος, καΐ DER, taking him by the
t&kcix itrtci t h e hsinci ο ι liixxi t h e coimxi3.ii(i*5r· sine! HAND, and having retired
άναχωρήσας κατ' Ιδίαν, έπυνθάνετο· Τί by himself, he inquired,
having retired by one's self, he inquired; W h a t 'What is it that thou hast
έστιν 8 έχεις άπαγγείλαί μοι; 20εϊπε δέ· to tell me?"
is it which thou hast to relate to me? ho said and; 20 And he said, §"The
"Οτι ot 'Ιουδαίοι συνέθεντο χον έρωτΐ)- JEWS have agreed together
That the Jews agreed together of the to ask to ASK thee that thou
σαί σε, δπως αΰριον ε!ς τό συνέδριον κα- wouldst bring down PAUL
tliee, that to—morrow into the sanhedrim thou To-morrow into the SAN-
HEDRIM, as if about to in-
ταγάγης τόν Παΰλον, ώς μέλλοντες vestigate something more
xnayest lead down the Paul, as being about accurately concerning him.
τι άκριβέστερον πυν^άνεσθαι πε- 21 Therefore, be not thou
ρί αύτοϋ. 21Σύ οΰν μη πεισθχ\ς persuaded by them; for
ing him. Thou therefore not shouldstbe persuaded more than forty Men of
αύτοίς* ένεδρεύουσι γαρ αυτόν έξ αυτών αν- them lie in wait for him,
by them; lie in w a i t for him of them men who have bound them-
δρες πλείους τεσσαράκοντα, οιτινες άνεθεμά- selves with a curse, nei-
more forty, who bound with a ther to eat nor drink till
§ως οΰ εαυτούς,
τισαν άνέλωσιν μήτε αυτόν καΐ νυνμήτε ετοιμοί πιεΐν είσι they have killed him ; and
till they k i l l e d him; φαγείνand now ready they are now they are ready, look-
προσδεχόμενοι την άπό σοΰ έπαγγελ'ιαν. ing for the PROMISE from
Ό μέν οΰν χιλίαρχος απέλυσε τόν νεα- 22 Then the COMMAN-
The indeed then commander dismissed the young DER dismissed the YOUNG
•νίαν, παραγγείλας μηδενΐ έκλαλησαι, οτι MAN, charging him, "In-
H:an, having charged to no one to speak out, that form No one That thou
ένεφάνισας προς με. ΚαΙ προσ- bast told me these things."
23 And having sum-
καλεσάμενός δύο τινάς των έκατονταρχών, moned * Certain Two of
ing summoned two certali ί of the centurions, the CENTURIONS, he said,
είπεν Ετοιμάσατε στρατιο>τας διακόσιους, "Prepare t w o hundred
ho said; Make ready soldiers two hundred,
Soldiers to go to Csesarea,
δπως πορευθώσιν εως Καισαρείας, και ίπ-
that they may go to to Caesarea, and horse- and seventy Horsemen,
and two hundred Spear-
πείς έβδομήκοντα, καΐ δεξιολάβους διακοσί- men, after the Third Hour
men seventy, and spearmen two hundred,
24 of the NIGHT ;
ους, άπό τής <55ρας της νυκτός* κτήνη τε
from third hour '" " · *. 24 and provide Animals
....... ·
ηαραστήσαι, ίνα έπιβιβάσαντες τόν Παυλον on that
which to place PAUL,
they may convey him
to have provided, that having mounted the Paul safely to ±Felix, the GOV-
διασώσωσι προς Φήλικα τόν ηγεμόνα ERNOR."
they might convey safely to Felix the governor 25 And he wrote a Let-
ter having this FORM :—·
γράψας έπιστολην περιέχουσαν τόν τύπον 26 "Claudius Lysias to
τούτον 26Κλαύδιος Λυσίας τφ κρατίστω ernor Felix, greeting:
this; Claudius Lysias to the most excel lent 27 §This MAN having
ήγεμόνι Φήλικι χαίρειν. 27Τόν άνδρα τούτον
governor Felix health. The man this
± 2 4 . Felix was a freed man of the emperor Claudius, and brother of Pallas, chief
favorite of the emperor. Tacitus gives us to understand that he governed with all the
authority of a king, and the baseness and insolence of a quondam slave. He was an
unrighteous governor, a base, mercenary, and bad man.
% 20. ver. 12. $ 27. Acts xxi. 3 3 ; xxiv. 7.
Chap. 23:28.] ACTS. [Chap. 23:Bb'.
συλληφθέντα ύπό των 'Ιουδαίων, καΐ μέλ- been seized by the J E W S ,
hnving been seized by the Jews, and being and being about to be kill-
λοντα άναιρείσθαι υπ' αυτών, έπιστάς ed by them, I rescued, hav-
about to be k i l l e d by them, having come suddenly ing come suddenly upon
ούν τφ στρατεύματι έξειλόμην * [αυτόν,] μα- them with an ARM ED FORCE,
with the armed iorce I rescued [him,] hav- Having learned that he is
28 a Roman,
Φών δτι Ρωμαίος έστι. Βουλόμενος δε
ing learned that a Roman he Is. Wishing and 28 $and desiring to
to kn
γνώναι την αίτίαν δι' ή'ν ένεκά- know the CRIME of which
λουν αύτφ, κατήγαγον αυτόν ε'ις τό συ- they accused him, I led
accusing him," I led down him into the him down into their SAN-
νέδριον αυτών
ov είρον έγκαλούμενον HEDRIM ;
sanhedrim of them; whom I found being accused
29 whom I found being
περί ζητημάτων του νόμου αυτών, accused fconcerning Ques-
tions of their LAW, $but
μηδέν δέ άξιον θανάτου ή δεσμών έγκλημα
χιοtilling t)u.t ^vorthy of dc&tli or bonds ΆΤΧ itccusfttion having no Accusation wor-
30 thy of Death or Bonds.
έχοντα. Μηνυϋείσης δέ μοι επιβουλής
having. Having been disclosed but to m e aplot 30 §But it having been
είς τον άνδρα μέλλειν £σεσϋαι ύπό τώνdisclosed to me that a Plot
Acsiinst/ tbo m3.11 to be About to be by the was about to be formed
against the MAN by the
'Ιουδαίων, έξαυτής έπεμψα προς σέ, παραγ- JEWS, I instantly sent to
thee, ^having commanded
γείλας καΐ τοις κατηγόροις λέγειν τα his ACCUSERS also *to
cΟΙΪΙmmiu6d silso th© ftccusers to siiy txie tilings speak against him before
ΟΙ thee."
προς αυτόν έπ! σοϋ. *["Ερρωσο.]
against him before thee. [.Farewell.! The 31 The SOLDIERS, there-
μέν οδν στρατιώται, κατά τό δια- fore, according to THAT
which was COMMANDED
ΙιιοΙθβοΙ t^ierefore soldierSj &ccordin§ to til3.t nftν** them, took Paul, and con-
τεταγμένον αύτοίς, άναλαβόντες τον veyed him by *Night to
ing been commanded 32
them, having taken tho ANTIPATRIS.
Παΰλον, Ιίγαγον Tfi δια της νυκτόςέάσαντες
δέ επαύριον είς την
Antipatris. On the and morrow having left 32 And on the NEXT
τους Ιππείς πορεύεσθαι συν αΰτφ, ύπέστρεψαν DAY they returned to the
CASTLE, having left the
HORSEMEN to proceed with
είς την παρεμβολήν 33ο£τινες είσελθόντες είς
to to© c 21 s 11 © * W^h ο hiiviii§ come Into
την Καισάρειαν, καΐ άναδόντες την έπι- 33 who, having entered
CESAREA, ,and delivered
στολήν τφ ήγεμόνι, παρέστησαν καΐ τόν the LETTER to the GOV-
ERNOR, they also presented
PAUL to him.
Παΰλον αύτφ.^Άναγνούς δέ, καΐ έπερωτήσας
Paul to him* Having read and, and having asked 34 And having read it,
heaskedofWhat Province
kv, ποίας επαρχίας εστί, καΐ πυΦόμενος
from what province he is, and having understood he was; and being in-
δτι άπό Κιλικίας· 35 διακούσομαί σου, ^φη, formed That he was from
that from Gillcia; I wil 1 ful lyhear thee, he said, $Cilicia,
δταν καΐ ol κατήγοροι σου παραγένωνται. 35 he said, §"I will
fully hear thee, when thine
Έκέλευσέ τε αυτόν έν τφ πραιτωρίω ACCUSERS are also come."
He commanded and him in the judgment-hall And he commanded him to
του Ήρώδου φυλάσσεσθαι. be kept in $HEROD'S PRE-
of the Herod to be kept. TORIUM.

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 7. him—omit. 30. to speak against him before thee.

30. Farewell—omit. 3 1 . Night.
t 28. Acts xxii. 30. $ 2 9 . Acts xviii. 1 5 ; xxv. 19. ί 29. Acts xxvi. 3 1 . $ 3 0 .
ver. 20. % 30. Acts xxiv. 8 ; xxv. 6. $ 34. Act3 xxi. 39. V 35. Acts xxiv. 1 , 1 0 ;
xxv. 16. t 35. Matt, xxvii. 3 7.
Chap. 24:1.] ACTS- [Chap. 24:10.
ΚΕΦ. Tib'. 2 4 . CHAPTER XXIV.
^ετά δέ πέντε ημέρας κατέβη ό άρχιε- 1 And after §Five Days
After and five days went down the high- the HIGH-PRIEST, §Ana-
ρεύς Άνανίας μετά των πρεσβυτέρων καΐ ρή- nas, went down with *the
priest Ananias with the elders and an ELDERS, and a certain
τορος Τερτύλλου τινός, οΐτινες ένεφάνισαν Orator named Tertullus,
orator Tertullus certain, who appeared before and appeared before the
τό) ήγεμόνι κατά του Παύλου. Κλη§έν- GOVERNOR against PAUL.
τος δέ αύτοϋ, ήρξατο κατηγορείν ό Τέρ- 2 And he being called,
dtllOCl ΣΙΩΟΐ θ ί ll 1 HI • 13GST&1X t o &CCIX$6 tx!6 Τ © Γ *• TERTULLUS began to ac-
τυλλος, λέγων
πολλής εΙρήνης τυγχάνοντες cuse him, saying ;
3 " Having obtained
6ιά σοΰ, καΐ κατορθωμάτων γινομένων τφ Great Peace through thee,
through thee, and worthy deeds being done to the and * worthy Deeds being
£ί)νει τούτω διά της σης προνοίας, done for this NATION by
nation this through of the of thy foresight, THY Forethought, and in
πάντη τε καΐ πανταχού άποδεχόμεθα, κρά- every thing and every-
where, we accept it, Most
τιστε Φηλιξ, μετά πάσης ευχαριστίας. 4 "Ινα excellent Felix, with all
δέ μη επί πλείόν σε έγκόπτω, παρακαλώ 4 But that I may not
further detain thee, I be-
άκουσαί σε ημών συντόμως τχ\ αχι επιείκεια. seech thee to hear us
to hear thee of us briefly in the thy clemency. briefly, with THY usual
Εύρόντες γαρ τόν δνδρα τοϋτον λοιμόν, Candor.
We have found for the man tMs a pestilence,
καΐ κινοϋντα στάσιν πάσι τοίς ΊουδαΙοις 5 $For we found this
and exciting a sedition in all the Jews MAN a Pestilence, and ex-
τοις κατά την οίκουμένην, πρωτοστάτην τε citing * Seditions among
those in the habitable, a leader and All THOSE JEWS through-
out the EMPIRE, and a
της των ΝαζωραΙων αίρέσεως, °δς καΐ τό Chief of the SECT of the
Ιερλν έπείρασε 6εβηλώσαι· δν καΐ έκρα- NAZARENES;
temple attempted to profane; whom also we 6 §who even attempted
τήσαμεν, *[καΐ κατά τόν ήμέτερον to profane the TEMPLE,
apprehended, tand according to the our and whom we apprehend-
νόμον ήθελήσαμεν κρίνειν. 7 Παρελθών δέ ed, * [ and wished $to judge
law we wished to Judge. Having come but according to OUR Law ;
Λυσίας ό χιλίαρχος, μετά πολλής 6ίας έκ 7 $but Lysias, the COM-
Lysias the commander, with a great force out of
8 MANDER, having come
των χειρών ημών απήγαγε, κελεύσας τους with a Great Force, took
the hands of us led away, having commanded the
him away out of our
κατηγόρους αύτοΰ ερχεσθαι έπΙ σέ·] παρ' HANDS,
accusers of him to come to thee;] from
8 §commanding his AC-
oh δυνήστ) αυτός, άνακρί- CUSERS to come to thee;]
\fhom thou w i l t be able thyself, having examined from whom thou wilt be
νας, περί πάντων τούτων έπι- able to learn for thyself,
closely, concerning all of these things to on examination, of all
γνώναι, ών ημείς κατηγοροΰμεν αύτοΰ. these things of which we
accuse him."
Συνεπέθεντο δέ καΐ ol 'Ιουδαίοι, φάσκον- 9 And the JEWS also
United in impeaching and also the _ Jews, assert- jointly impeached him, as-
τες ταΰτα οΰτως ε'χειν. Άπεκρίθη δέ serting t h a t these things
ing these things thus to be. Answered and were so.
ό Παϋλος, νεύσαντος αύτφ του ήγεμόνος λέ- 10 And the GOVERNOR
havingmadeasign for him
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. certain Elders. 3. Beformations are going on in this
NATION. 5. Seditions among. 6-8.—omit.
t 1. Acts xxi. 27. $ 1. Acts xxiii. 2, 30, 3 5 ; xxv. 2. % 5. Luke xxiii. 2 ; Acts
vi. 1 3 ; xvi. 20; xvii. 6; xxi. 2 8 ; 1 Pet. ii. 12, 15. $ 6. Acts xxi. 28. t 6. John xviii.
31. t 7. Acts xxi. 33. $ 8. Acts xxiii. 30.
Chap. 24:11.] ACTS. [Chap. 24: 20.
γειν Έκ πολλών ετών δντα σε κριτήν τφ to speak, PAUL answered,
SOQ&IC* JTroxn xtiiiny ye&rs 1)Θ1Ώ§ £ϊΐ6Θ &> juds© t o tlv "Knowing that thou hast
'έϋ\ει τούτφ επισταμένος, εΰθυμότερον been for Several Years a
cr.tion this knowing, more cheerfully Judge of this NATION, * I
τά περί έμαυτοϋ απολογούμαι· η δυ- cheerfully defend myself;
the things concerning myself I defend; being 11 it also being in thy
ναμένου σου γνώναι, δτι ού πλείους είσΐ μοι power to ascertain, That
& ϊ) 16 of the© tο knο\^· tli&t not mor© SLYQ to
it is not more than twelve
ήμέραι δεκαδύο, άψ' ης άνέβην προσκυνή- Days since $1 went up
days twelve, from which12 I went up to worship to worship a t Jerusalem.
σων έν 'Ιερουσαλήμ. ΚαΙ ούτε έν τφ Ι 12 $And they did not
in Jerusalem. " And neither
T©i'US&l6HIΑτχό n e i t h e r in the "temple
In til©
είρον με προς
με ρς τίναα διαλεγόμενον,
γμ ή find me disputing with any
one in the TEMPLE, or
they found me with any one disputing,
making an Insurrection of
έπισύστασιν ποιοΰντα όχλου, οΰτε έν ταίς the Crowd, either in the
a tumult making of a crowd, nor 13 in the SYNAGOGUES, or in the
συναγωγαίς, οΰτε κατά την πόλιν ουτε πα- CITY ;
synagogues, nor in the city; nor to
ραστήσαι δύνανται, περί ών νΰν κατη- prove 13 nor· are they able to
the things concern-
γοροΰσί μου. 14Όμολογώ δέ τοΰτό σοι, δτι ing which they now accuse
accuse me. I confess but this to thee, that me.
κατά την δδόν, ήν λέγουσιν αίρεσιν, 14 But this I confess
a«fording to the way, which they called a sect, to thee, that according to
οι5τω λατρεύω τφ πατρώω' Θεώ, πιστεύων πα- Sect,WAY the which they call a
so serve I the GOD
so I serve tli© p u t r i f i F c l i f i l Gο(3, b e l i e v i n g A l l
of my FATHERS, believing
σι τοις κατά τόν νόμον καΐ τοις έν *the THINGS which are
things those according to the law and those in according to the LAW, and
τοις προφήταις γεγραμμένοις* 16έλπίδα έχων THOSE which have been
the prophets having been written; a hope having written in the PROPHETS ;
εις τόν Θεόν, fyv καΐ αυτοί οδτοι προσδέχον- 15 having a. Hope in
GOD, which even they
ται, άνάστασιν μέλλειν εσεσθαι * [νεκρών,] themselves are looking for,
δικαίων τε καΐ άδικων. 1 6 Έν τούτφ δέ —$that there is to be a
οι j u s t OUGS Audi Also unjust ones· In this &.nd Resurrection both of the
αυτός _ ασκώ, άπρόσκοπον συνείδησιν 8χειν Righteous and Unright-
προς τόν Θεόν καΐ τους ανθρώπους διαπαν- eous. 16 And in this I exer-
towards the God and the men always.
ετών δέ πλειόνων παρεγενό- cise myself, always to have
τός. Δι' $a clear Conscience to-
In the course of years and many I came
wards GOD and MEN.
μην έλεημοσύνας ποιήσων είς τό έθνος μου, 17 But in the course of
alms bringing to the nation of me, several Years §1 came
καΐ προσφοράς. l s 'Ev οίς εδρόν με ήγνι- bringing Alms to my NA-
and offerings. In which they found me having
σμένον έν τφ ίερω, ού μετά δχλου, ουδέ 18 a t which TION, and Offerings ;
been purified in the temple, not with a crowd, nor
time they
found me purified in the
μετά θορύβου. Τινές δέ άπό της 'Ασίας Ίου- TEMPLE, neither with a
with a tumult. Some and from the Asia Jews, Crowd, nor with Tumult;
δαϊοι 19οΰς έ'δει επί σοϋ παρείναι, και §But there are some JEWS
who ou§>ht bciO'P© th&© to be pr©s©nt· &nd from ASIA,
19 iwho ought to be
κατηγορείν ει τι έ'χοιεν προς με. present before thee, and to
2 0 to accuse
"H αυτοί if ούτοι anythingείπάτωσαν,
they may hav© τΐagainstεδρον me.
accuse, if they may have
anything against me.
έν έμοί αδίκημα, στάντος μου επί του 20 Or let these them-
In me crime, having stood of me before the
selves say, What Crime
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 0 . I cheerfully. 14. the T H I N G S according to Law.
15. of the dead—omit.
• $ 11. ver. 1 7 ; Acts xxi. 26. $ 12. Acts xxv. 8 ; xxviii. 17. $ 15. Dan. xii. 2 ;
John v. 28, 29. % 1G. Acts xxiii. 1. ί 17. Acts xi. 29, 3 0 ; xx. 1 6 ; Rom. xv. 2 5 ;
2 Cor. viii. 4 ; Gal. i i . 10. $ 18. Acts xxi. 26, 2 7 ; xxvi. 2 1 . $ 19. Acts xxiii. 3 0 ;
xxv. 16.
Chap. 24:21.] ACTS. [Chap. 2 5 : 1 .
συνεδρίου· 2 1 ή περί μιας ταύτης φωνής, 11 ley found in me while I
sanhedrim; or concerning one this voice, stood before the SANHE-
ί,ς έκραξα έστώς έν αύτοίς· "Οτι πε- 21 unless it be for This

w h ι c l x Χ c r i e d o u t st&ucllii^ SHXIOYIJ^ t]bΡΤΠΪ ^h«xt COQ
One Declaration which I
ρΐ αναστάσεως νεκρών εγώ κρίνομαι made while I was standing
cernlng a resurrection 2of dead ones I am judged among them,—$'That con-
σήμερον ύ φ ' υμών. 2 Άνεβάλετο δέ αυτούς cerning the Resurrection
to-da? by you. Put off but them of the Dead I am judged
6 Φήλιξ, άκριδέστερον ειδώς τα πε- by you This day.' "
ρί της όδοϋ, ειπών "Οταν Λυσίας ό χιλί- 22 But FELIX knowing
cerning the way, saying; When. Lysias the com-more accurately about t h a t
αρχος καταβγί, διαγνώσομαι WAY, put them off, saying,
23 "When Lysias, the COM-
τά κ α θ ' ύμας. Διαταξάμενος MANDER, conies down, I
the things about you. Having given orders
will inquire about your
αφ έκατοντάρχτ) τηρείσθαι αυτόν, εχειν τε
άνεσιν, καΐ μηδενα κωλυειν των Ιδίων 23 And he commanded
the CENTURION to keep
l i l t d t f b i d f th f i d
αυτοΰ ΰπηρετείν, * [ή προσέρχεσθαι] αύτώ. him, and let him have Lib-
of him to assist, Cor to come] to him. erty, ?and to forbid none
24 of his FRIENDS to assist
Μετά δέ ημέρας τινάς παραγενόμενος ό him.
Φηλιξ συν Δρουσίλλη τη γυναικί, ουση Ί ο υ - •24 And after some Days
FELIX coming with ±Dru-
Telix with DrusiUa * the wife, being silla, *his WIFE, who was
δαία, μετεπέμψατο τον Παϋλον, καΐ ^κου- a Jew ess, sent for PAUL,
a Jewess, he sent for the Paul, and heard and heard him concerning
σεν αΰτου περί της είς Χριστόν πίστεως. the FAITH in * Christ Je-
jj ι JJ^ @ one Θ Ι*ΙΙ i n ^ t l i e i n t o ^.no i u t Get f it i t \i« sus.
Διαλεγομένου 25 And as he was dis-
καΐ εγκράτειας δέ καΐ αΰτοΰ τοϋ περί «ρίματος δικαιοσύνης
του μέλ- coursing concerning Jus-
aud self-control and of the judgment that being
tice, Self-government, and
λοντος, έ'μφοβος γενόμενος ό Φήλιξ άπε-
about to come, terrified being the Felix an- THAT JUDGMENT about tO
ν.ρίθη* Τ6 νΰν έχον πορε\')θυ· καιρόν δέ COME, FELIX, being terri-
fied, answered, "Go for the
"Αμα PRESENT ; and when I find

μεταλαβών μετακαλέσοιχαί σε.
lm ν ing found I w i l l c&ll At the sflnie time an Opportunity I will call
καΐ έλπίζων, δτι χρήματα δοθήσεται *[αύτφ] for thee."
also hoping, that money w i l l be given tto him] 26 At the same time
ύπό τοϋ Παύλου, * [όπως λύση αυτόν] also hoping that Money
aight lo β him;] would be given him by
by the Paul, [so that he
διό καΐ πυκνότερον αυτόν μεταπεμπόμενος PAUL ; and therefore he
more frequently sent for
ώμίλει αύτω. Διετίας δέ πληρωθείσης έ'λα- Him, and conversed with
talked with him. Two years but being ended re- him.
6ε διάδοχον ό Φήλιξ Πόρκιον Φήστον 27 But when two Years
ceived a successor the Felix Porcius Festus; were ended FELIX had a
θίλίον τε χάριτας καταθέσθαι Successor, Porcius Festus;
wishing and favors to lay In store for himself and FELIX $wishing to
τοίς Ίουδαίοις ό Φήλιξ, κατέλιπε τόν Π α ΰ - be favorably regarded by
•writh the Jews the Felix, left the Paul the JEWS, left PAUL a
λον δεδεμένον. prisoner.
Laving been bound.
ΚΕΦ. κ ε \ 2 5 . CHAPTER XXV.
1 Festus, therefore, hav-
^ήστος οδν έπιβάς xf\ έπαρ- ing entered upon his GOV-
Festus therefore having entered upon the pre-
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—23. or to come—omit. 24. HIS OWN Wife. 24. Christ
Jesus. 2 6. to him.—omit. 26. so that he might loose him—omit.
± 2 4 . Drusilla was the youngest daughter of Herod Agrippa, and had been married to
Azizus, king of Emessa, whom Felix had persuaded her to abandon, in order to an
adulterous marriage with himself.
t 21. Acts xxiii. 6; xxriii. 20. t 23. Acts xxvii. 3 ; xxviii. 16. $ 27. Acts xii. 3 ;
xxv. 9, 14. 494
Vhap, 25: 2. j ACTS. [Chap. 25:10.
ίςχ, μετά τρεις ημέρας άνέβη εις Ίεροσόλυ- ERNMENT, after T h r e e
Ϊecture, after three days went up to Jerusalem Days went up from Csesa-
μα άπά Καισαρείας. 2 Ένεφάνισαν δέ αϋτφ rea to Jerusalem.
irom Caesarea. Appeared before aud him 2 §And *the HIGH-
ό άρχιερεύς καΐ ol πρώτοι των 'Ιουδαίων PRIESTS and the CHIEFS
the high-priest and the chiefs of the Jews of t h e JEWS appeared
κατά τοϋ Παύλου, καΐ παρεκάλουν αυτόν, against PAUL, and en-
against the
Paul, and entreated him, treated him,
αίτούμενοι χάριν κατ' αύτοϋ, δπως μετα- 3 asking a Favor against
asking a favor against him, that he would
him, that he would send
ηται αυτόν ε'ις 'Ιερουσαλήμ· ένέδραν for him to Jerusalem
ποιοΰντες άνελείν αυτόν κατά την δδόν. 4 Ό ^forming an Ambuscade
to kill him on the ROAD.
forming to k i l l h i m in the way. The
μέν οδν Φήστος άπεκρίθη, τηρείσθαι τον 4 But FESTUS answered
indeed then Festus answered, to be kept the that PAUL should be kept
Παΰλον έν Καισαρεία, εαυτόν δέ μέλλειν at Csesarea, and that he
Paul in Caesarea, himself but to be about himself would go down
έν τάχει έκπορεύεσθαι. Ot 5
οδν έν there shortly.
wit 5 "Therefore," said he,
ύμίν, ςρησί, δυνατοί, συγκαταβάντες, ει "let -THOSE among you
ycu, he says, being able, having gone down with, if who are ABLE go down
τί. έστιν έν τφ άνδρί, κατηγορείτωσαν with me, §and *if there is
xixiytliiu£r i s in the mmx* lettlicm Accuse anything amiss in the
αντοΰ. βΔιατρίψας δέ έν αύτοΐς ημέρας MAN, accuse him."
6 And having continued
ού πλείους οκτώ Tj δέκα, καταδάς εις among them eight or ten
Days, he went downtoCse-
Καισάρειαν, τη επαύριον καθίσας έπί τοΰ sarea; and on the NEXT
Caesarea, on the morrow having sat down on the DAY, sitting down on the
βήματος, έκέλευσε τον Παΰλον άχθή- TRIBUNAL, commanded
jiuigment-seat, he commanded the Paul to be PAUL to be brought.
7 7 And he having come,
ναι. Παραγενομένου δέ αύτοΰ, περιέ- the JEWS who had COMB
lecl forth· Having approached and of him, stood DOWN from Jerusalem
σαησαν ot άπό 'Ιεροσολύμων καταβεβηκότες stood *round him, $bring-
Around the from Jerusalem havin*** beeix come doAVti ing down Many and Heavy
'Ιουδαίοι, πολλά καΐ βαρέα αίτιάματα φέρον- Accusations, which they
Jews, many and heavy accusations bring- were not able to prove,
τες *[κατά
ον άΛοδείξαι* τοϋ 8 άπολογουμένου
Παύλου,] α αύτοΰ·
ουκ ΐσχυ-
"Οχι 8 *while PAUL main-
6,1) 1 Θ t o point outy s3.yin^ in defence or hινχ\ΐ juii&t tained in his defence,
οΰτε είς τόν νόμον των 'Ιουδαίων, οΰτε ^"Neither against the
είς τό Ιερόν, οΰτε ε'ις Καίσαρα τι LAW of the JEWS, nor
against the TEMPLE, nor
against the 9 temple, nor against Caesar any thing against Caesar, have I
ί'ΐμαρτον. ' 0 Φηστος δέ, τοις Ίουδαίοις
did I wrong. The Festus but, •with the Jews sinned in anything."
θέλων χάριν καταθέσθαι, αποκριθείς 9 But FESTUS, $wisb-
vis ing to gratify the J E W S ,
τώ Παύλω είπε· θέλεις είς *Ιεροσόλυ- answering PAUL, said,
to the Paul "said; Art thou willing to Jerusalem $"Art thcu willing to go
μα άναβάς, εκεί περί τούτων up to Jerusalem, and there
having gone up, there concerning these things be judged before me con-
10 cerning these things?"
..„ έπ' έμοΰ; ΕΙπε δέ 6 Παύλος·
10 And PAUL said, " I
to be judged before me? Said and the Paul; am standing at Caesar'»
Έπί τοΰ βήματος Καίσαρος έστώς είμι, TRIBUNAL, where I ought
At the judgment-seat of Caesar standing Ζ am,
VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. the HIGH-PEIESTS. 5. if there is anything amiss in the
man, accuse him. 7. round him, bringing down Many. 7. against Paul—omit. 8.
PAUL answering.
t 2. Acts xxiv. 1; ver. 15. t 3. Acts xxiii. 12, 15. $ 5. Acts» xviii. 14; ver. IS.
t 7. Mark xv. 3; Luke xxiii. 2, 10; Acts xxiv. 5, 13. % 8. Acts vi. 13; xxiv. 12;
xxviii. 17. ί 9. Acts xxiv. 2 7. 0. ver. 20.
Chap. 25:11.] ACTS [Chap. 25:17.
ού με δει κρ'ινεσθαι. 'Ιουδαίους ουδέν to be judged. I have done
where me i t behooves to be judged. Jews nothing no wrong to the Jews, as
ήδίκησα, ώζ και συ κάλλιον έπιγι- thou also very well know-
I have done wrong, as also thou full well hast est.
•νώσκεις. u E l μέν γαρ αδικώ, καΐ άξιον 11 §*For if, indeed, I
ascertained. If indeed, for I am unjust, and worthy
do wrong, or have done
θανάτου πέπραχά τι, ού παραιτούμαι anything deserving ο f
of death I have done anything not Σ refuse Death, I refuse not to die;
τό άποΦανείν ει δε ουδέν έστιν ών οΰτοι
the to die; if but nothing is of which these but if there be nothing of
κατηγορουσΐ μου, ουδείς με δύναται αύτοΐς one can giveaccuse which they me, no
Me up to gra-
a c cus Θ ΧΧΙ β ι n o ο χι Θ m Θ i S a Ι) 1 Ο t o tlie zxx
12 tify Them. $1 appeal to
χαρίσασθαι. Καίσαρα επικαλούμαι. Τότε Caesar."
δ Φήστος συλλαλήσας μετά του συμβουλίου,
the Festus having conferred with the council, 12 Then FESTUS, hav-
ing conferred with the
άοιεκρίθη* Καίσαρα έπικέκλησαι· επί Καί- COUNSEL, answered, "To
Caesar thou hast appealed ;
οαρα πορενση. to Oesar thou shalt go."
thou slialt go.
^Ήμερων δε διαγενομένων τινών, Άγρίπ- ±Agrippa 13 And after some Days,
the KING and
πας ό βασιλεύς καΐ Βερνίκη κατηντησαν εις sarea, to Bernice came down to Cse-
pay their re-
the king -and Bernice came down to spects to FESTUS.
Καισάρειαν, άσπασόμενοι τόν Φήστον. 14 And when they had
C&csarea, paying their respects to the Festus.
spent Many Days there,
*Ως δε πλείους ημέρας διέτριβον εκεί, ό FESTUS submitted PAUL'S
τόν ΙΙαΰλον, λέγων Άνήρ τίς έστι κατα- CASE to the KING, saying,
the Paul, saying; A man certain is having
λελειμμένοςτφ βασιλεί άνεΟετο δέσμιος·
υπό Φήλικος κατά § "There is a certain Man
τα. 15πε-
Festus to the king submitted the things against left a Prisoner by FELIX ;
heen left behind by Felix a prisoner; con-
pi ού γενομένου μου εις ^Ιεροσόλυμα, 15 ^concerning whom,
when I was in Jerusalem,
ένεφάνισαν ot αρχιερείς και ol πρεσβύ- the HIGH-PRIESTS and the
gave information the high priesta and the elders
ELDERS of the JEWS * ap-
τεροι των 'Ιουδαίων, α'ιτούμενοι κατ' αύτοΰ peared ; asking a Sentence
of the Jews, asking against h i m of judgment against him ;
δίκην. Πρός ους άπεκρίΟην, δτι ούκ
16 $ to whom I answered,
Ι'ητιν εθος Ρωμαίοις χαρίζεσθαί τίνα That it is not a Custom
it is a custom for Romans to give as a favor any
for Romans to make a
άνθρωπον, πρίν fj ό κατηγορούμενος κατά present of Any Man, be-
πρόσωπον δχοι τους κατηγόρους, τό- fore the ACCUSED has the
ACCUSERS Face to Face,
to face may have the accusers, an oppor- and an Opportunity is al-
πον τε απολογίας λάβοι περί τοϋ lowed for defence concern-
tunity and of defence he may take concerning the ing the ACCUSATION.
εγκλήματος. 17Συνελθόντων ου"ν * [αυτών]
accusation. Having come therefore [of them]
ένί>άδε, άναβολήν μηδεμίαν ποιησάμενος, τχί arrived 17 Therefore, when they
here, delay none having made, on the here, jmaking no
έξης καθίσας επί του βήματος, Delay, the NEXT DAY, sit-
next day having sat down on the Judgment-seat, ting down on the TRIBU-
* VATICAN MANUSCKIPT.—-11. If, then, indeed. 15. appeared asking a Sentence
of judgment. 17. of them.—omit.
±, 13.
_„. This
_.iis was the son of Agrippa,
" whose miserable death i3 recorded i n Acts xii. 2 3 .
In A. D. 53, he was transferred from the kingdom of Chalcis, which he had received from
Claudius, when only 17 years old, to the provinces possessed by his father, viz., Batanea,
Trachonitis, Auranitis, and Abilene, which he governed with the title of king. He died
A. D. 100, after a reign including that over Chalois, of 61 years—Owen.
t 11. ver. 2 5 ; Acts xviii. 1 4 ; xxiii. 2 9 : xsvi. 31. t 11. Acts xxvi. 3 2 ; xxviii. 19
$ 14. Acts xxiv. 27. $ 15. ver. 2, 3. i 16. ver. 4, 5. $ 17. ver. 6.
Chap. 25:18.] ACTS. [Chap. 25:25.
έκέλευσ« άχϋήναι τον όίνδρα. ΠερΙ NAL, I commanded the
I commanded to be brought the man. Concerning MAN to be brought;
οδ σταΦέντες ol κατήγοροι ούδεμίαν 18 concerning whom the
ACCUSERS having stood
αίτίαν έπέφερον, ών ύπενόουν έγώ·
accusation brought, of things supposed I; up, brought No Charge of
ζητήματα δέ τίνα περί της Ιδίας *such Evil things as I
questions but certain concerning of the own
19 $but had certain
δεισιδαιμονίας ειχον προς αυτόν, καΐ περί Questions with him about
Ίησοΰ they had with him, and concerning
τεθνηκότος, their OWN Religion, and
one δν εφασκεν
Jesus having been dead, whom affirmed the ό
about One Jesus who died,
Παύλος ζτίν. 20
Άπορούμενος δέ έγώ είς whom PAUL affirmed to be
Paul to be alive. Being in doubt but I on alive.
την περί τούτου ζήτησιν, έ'λεγον, ει 6ού- 20 And I being in doubt
on that concerning this
λοιτο πορεύεσθαι είς *Ιερουσαλήμ, κά- QUESTION, I inquired if he
would be willing to go to
•would be w i l l ing to go to Jerusalem, and Jerusalem, and there be
κεϊ κρίνεσθαι περί τούτων. ^Τοΰ judged concerning these
there to be judged concerning these things. The things.
δε Παύλου έπικαλεσαμένου τηρηθήναι αυτόν 21 But PAUL having ap-
but Paul having appealed to be kept himself
είς την τοΰ Σεβαστοΰ διάγνωσιν, έκέλευσα pealed to be kept for the
for the of the Augustus decision, I commanded DECISION Of ±AUGUSTUS,
τηρείσθαι αυτόν, 8ως οδ πέμψω αυτόν προς
to be kept him, till I could send him to I ordered him to be kept
Καίσαρα. 2 2 Άγρίππας δέ προς τον Φηστον till I could send him *to
*[εφη·] Έβουλόμην καΐ αυτός τοΰ άνθρωπου 22 And Agrippa said to
[said;] I was wishing also myself the man FESTUS, " I myself also
άκοΰσαι. *Ο δέ αΰριον, φησίν, άκούσχι desire to hear this MAN/'
to hear. The and morrow, he said, thou shalt hear And he said, "To-morrow,
ούν επαύριον έλθόντος τοϋ thou shalt hear him."
αύτοϋ. ^Tfi "
him. On καΐ
the της Βερνίκης μετά πολλής φαν- 23 On the NEXT DAY,
Άγρίππα therefore, AGRIPPA and
v^£jripT)& &ucl the Bern i c e witti err Θ ο, t (Jig··
BERN ICE having arrived
τασίας, καΐ εΙσελΦόντων είς το άκροατήριον, with Great Pomp, and
play, and having entered into the place of hearing,
having entered into the
σύν τε τοις χιλιάρχοις καΐ άνδράσι τοις
with both the" commanders and men thoso the *Commanders and
κατ' εξοχήν * [οδσι] της πόλεως, καΐ κελεύ-
principal [being] of the city, and having THOSE Men who were of
σαντος τοΰ Φήστου, ήχθη ό Παΰλος. 24 ΚαΙ Distinction in the CITY, a t
commanded the Festus, was brought the Paul. And the COMMAND of FESTUS,
φησίν ό Φήστος· Άγρίππα βασιλεϋ, καΐ πάν- PAUL was brought.
8& 1 cl th© 3Tc s t u s j Ά-Sr i pp& Ο k in^y And s. 11 24 And FESTUS said,
τες ol συμπαρόντες ήμϊν άνδρες, θεωρείτε "King Agrippa, and All
those being present with us men, you see
τούτον, περί οδ παν τό πλήθος των u s ! you see this man,
this, concerning whom all the multitude of the
about whom $A11 the MUL-
'Ιουδαίων ένέτυχόν μοι gv τε *Ιεροσολύμοις TITUDE of the JEWS ap-
Jews applied to m e in both Jerusalem plied to me, both in Je-
καΐ ένθάδε, έπιβοώντες μη δείν ζην rusalem and here, crying
out that be ought §not to
αυτόν μηκέτι. Έ γ ώ δέ καταλαβόμενος μηδέν live any longer.
him longer. I but having detected nothing
25 But when I detected
•VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—18. such Evil things. 21. up to Caesar. 22. said—
omit. 23. Commanders and. 23. being—omit.
± 21 & 25. Although Sedastos, is usually translated Augustus, and the Koman em-
perors generally assumed this epithet, which signifies no more than the venerable, the
august; yet here it seems to be used merely to express the emperor, without any reference
to any of his attributes or titles.
% 19. Acts xviii. 1 5 ; xxiii. 29. $ 24. ver. 2, 3, 7. $ 24. Acts xxii. 22.
Chap. 25:26.] ACTS. [Chap. 26:5.
άξιον θανάτου αυτόν πεπραχέναι, καΐ αύτοϋ Nothing which §he had
worthy of death him to have done, also oi him done deserving Death,
δε τούτου εΛίκαλεσαμένου τον Σεβαστόν, $and he also having ap-
Ancl of i$ h v i s r ueiilecl to he AixuustiiS pealed to ±AUGUSTUS, I
έκρινα πέμπειν * [αυτόν.] 26
ΠερΙ ού determined to send him;
26 concerning whom I
ασφαλές τι γράψαι τφ κυρίφ ούκ Εχω, have nothing definite to
certain anything to write to the lord not I have, write to the ± SOVEREIGN.
διό προήγαγον αυτόν
therefore I led forth
him before
υμών, καΐ
you, and
Therefore I have brought
him before you, and espe-
μάλιστα επί σου, βασιλεΰ Άγρίππα, όπως cially before thee, King
especially before thee, O king Agrippa, so that
Agrippa! that on EXAMI-
της ανακρίσεως γενομένης ο*χώ NATION, I may have some-
the examination having taken place 1 may have thing to write.
τν γράψαι. 27*Άλογον γαρ μοι δο- 27 For it appears to Me
ν,εί πέμποντα δέσμιον, μή καΐ τάς κατ' αύτοΰ
unreasonable to send a
seems sending a prisoner, not and the against him Prisoner, and not to sig-
αίτιας σημαναι. nify the CHARGES alleged
cLargea to signify. against him."
1 And Agrippa said to
Άγρίππας δέ προς τον Παΰλον &φη· Έπι- PAUL, " I t is permitted
Agrippa and to the Paul said; It is thee to speak in behalf of
τρέπεται σοι υπέρ σεαυτοϋ λέγειν. thyself." Then PAUL ex-
permitted for thee In behalf of thyself to speak. his defence.
tending his HAND, spoke
Τότε 6 Παΰλος άπελογείτο, έκτείνας 2 "Concerning all things
Then the Paul made 2
a defence, having stretched out of which I am accused by
τήν χείρα· περ1 πάντων ών έγκαλοϋ- the Jews, I esteem myself
ihe hand; concerning all things of which I am ac-
μαι ύπό j liy 'Ιουδαίων,
e S j βασιλεΰ
^y k x s Άγρίππα,
iuippii| I ήγημαι
happy, King Agrippa ! that
έμαυτόν j ly μακάριον,
J ^y k σου
επί i 4 μέλλοον
i Iσήμερον
I am about This day to
myself happy, before thee being about ' to-day speak my defence before
μάλιστα γνώστην δντα σε
to make a defence; especially acquainted being thee 3 especially as thou art
«άντων τών κατά 'Ιουδαίους έθών τε και acquainted with all the
of all of the among Jews customs and also CUSTOMS and Questions
ζητημάτων. Διό δέομαι *[σου,] μακροθύ- among the Jews, there-
"questions. Therefore I entreat [thee.D patiently fore, I entreat thee, to
βίω- hear me patiently.
μως άκοΰσαί μου. Τήν μεν ούν
to hear of me. The Indeed therefore mode of 4 My MODE OF LIFE,
cHv μου την έκ νεότητος, τήν άπ' άρχης from my Youth, THAT
l i f e of me that from youth, that from beginning which WAS from the Be-
γενομένην έν τφ £θνει μου έν *Ιε- ginning among my own
being among the nation of me in Jeru- NATION, *and in Jerusa-
©οσολΰμοις, ΐσασι πάντες ol 'Ιουδαίοι* προγι- lem, is known to All the

salem, know all the Jews; previously •Jews ;

-νώσκοντές με άνωθεν, (έάν θέλω- 5 who, knowing mefrom
knowing me from the first, (if they w o u l d be the first, if they would,
οι μαρτυρείν,) δτι κατά τήν άκριβε- might testify, That accord-
w i l l i n g to te'stify,) that according to the most ing to §the MOST RIGID
οτάτην αΐρεσιν της ημετέρας θρησκείας Sect of our Religion, I
rigid sect of the our religion lived a Pharisee.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—25. him—omit. 3. thee—omit. 4. and in Jerusalem.
4. the Jews.
± 2 6. The title Kurios, Lord, both Augustus and Tiberius had absolutely; and forbad,
even by public edicts, the application of it to themselves. Tiberius himself was accustomed
to say, that he was lord of his slaves, emperor of the troops, and prince of the senate.
See Suetonius, in his life of this prince. The succeeding emperors wer not so modest;
they affected the title. Nero, the emperor, would have i t ; and Pliny the younger is con-
tinually giving it to Trajan, in his letters.—Clarke.
t 25. Acts xxiii. 9, 2 9 ; xxvi. 31. t 25. ver. 11, 12. % 5. Acts xxii. 3 ; xxiii. 6 ;
xxiv. 15, 2 2 ; Phil. i i i . 5.
Chap. 26: 6.] ACTS. [Chap. 26:14.
έζησα Φαρισαϊος. 6ΚαΙ νϋν έπ' έλπίδι της 6 $And now I stand on
I lived a Pharisee. And now for hope of that trial for the Hope of that
πρόζ τους πατέρας επαγγελίας γενομένης υπό PROMISE made by GOD to
τοΰ Θεοΰ, έστηκα κρινόμενος* 7 είς ην το
the God, I have stood being judged; to which the 7 to which our §TWELVE
δωδεκάφυλον ημών, έν έκτενεία νύκτα καΐ TRIBES, earnestly serving
twelve tribes of us, in intently night and Night and Day, hope to
ήμέραν λατρεΰον, ελπίζει καταντήσαι· πε- attain; concerning Which
day serving, hopes to attain; con- Hope, Ο King, I am ac-
Q\ ής ελπίδος εγκαλούμαι, βασιλεϋ cused by the Jews.
cerning which hope I am accused, θ king 8 What! is it judged by
*[Άγρίππα,] υπό 'Ιουδαίων. 8 Τί; δπιστον you as an incredible thing,
[Agrippa,] by Jews. What? incredible
that God should raise the
«ρίνεται παρ' ύμίν, ει ό Θεός νεκρούς
is it judged by you, if the God dead ones Dead ?
εγείρει; 9 Έ γ ώ * [μεν] οδν έ'δοξα έμαυτψ 9 |Therefore, indeed, I
raises? I [indeed] therefore thought in myself thought within myself
προς τό δνομα Ίησοΰ τοΰ Ναζωραίου δείν that I ought to do Many
to the name of Jesus the Nazaiene ought things against the NAME
πολλά εναντία πράξαι. 1 0 "Ο καΐ έποίησα of Jesus the NAZARENE/
many things against to practise. Which also I did 10. i*which even I did
έν *Ιεροσολύμοις· καΐ πολλούς των άγιων in Jerusalem; and Many
In Jerusalem; and many of the saints of the SAINTS I shut up in
έγώ έν φυλακαίς κατέκλεισα, την παρά των Prisons, having received
I in prisons shut up, the from of the AUTHORITY $from t h e
χιερέων έξουσίαν
Ligh-p λαβών άναιρου- HIGH-PRIESTS ; and when
μένων τε αυτών, κατήνεγκα ψήφον κ α ι η they were killed I gave
Jci 116Q And ο ι tlicixi• X biOiic>ht ft£)&iost & votej And my vote against them.
κατά πάσας τάς συναγωγάς πολλάκις τιμωρών 11 §And punishing them
in all the synagogues often punishiug often in All the SYNA-
αυτούς, ήνάγκαζον βλασφημείν περισ- GOGUES, I compelled them
thcm* X \^fts cΟΪΪΙ2^611 iu.^ t o lilftsplieixi©> ©xcccd** to blaspheme; and being
οώς *[τε] έμμαινόμενος αύτοίς;, έδίωκον exceedingly furious to-
ι TXQ I y [s.ndj bo iii££* f u r i o u s t OTW mrds the ixi y I pursued wards them, I pursued
έ'ως καΐ εις τάς έξω πόλεις. ^ Έ ν οίς them even to FOREIGN
* [καΐ] πορευόμενος εις την Δαμασκό ν μετ'
[also] going to the Damascus with 12 ίAt which time, as I
εξουσίας καΐ επιτροπής της * [ π α ρ ά ] των was going to DAMASCUS
authority and a commission of that [from]
the with Authority, and a
αρχιερέων, ^ημέρας μέσης, κατά την όδόν Commission from t h e
ϊιigh—pries139 of 21 day middle, in tlie way
εϊδον, βασιλεΰ, οΰρανόθεν, υπέρ την λαμπρό- 13 at Mid-day—I saw
I saw, θ king, from heaven, above the bright-
τητα του ηλίου, περιλάμψαν με
on the ROAD, Ο King—
φως from
nes of the sun, having shone round me a light heaven—exceeding
14 the BRIGHTNESS of the
καΐ τους συν έμοί πορευομένους. Πάντων
SUN—a Light shining
δέ «αταπεσόντων * [ημών] είς τήν γην, round me, and THOSE
and having fallen down [of us] on the earth, GOING with me.
άκουσα φωνήν λαλούσαν προς με, * [καΐ λέ- 14 And all of us having
I heard a voice speaking to me, [and say- fallen to the EARTH, I
ν] Έβραίδι διαλέκτφ· Σαούλ, heard a Voice speaking to
ϊ£Γ int. Hebrevr dialect;' Saul, me in the HEBREW Lan-
Σαούλ, τί με διώκεις; σκληρό ν σοι guage, 'Saul, Saul, why
Saul, vrhy me persecutest thou? hard for thee dost thou persecute Me?

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—7. Agrippa—omit. 9. Indeed—omit. 19. Therefore also

I did. 11. and—omit. 12. also—omit. 12. from—omit. 14. of us—omit. 14. and
% 6. Gen. xii. 3 ; xxii. 18; xxvi. 4; Psa. cxxxii. 11. $ 7. James i. 1. $ 9. 1 Tim.
i. 13. ί 10. Gal. i . 3. $ 10. Acts ix. 1 4 , 2 1 ; xxii. δ. t 11. Acts xxii. 19.
t 12. Acts ix. 3 ; xxii. 6.
Chap. 26:15.] ACTS. [Chap. 26:22.
προς κέντρα λακτ'ιζειν. Έγώ δε είπον
It is hard for thee to kick
sharp poin s to kick. I and said; against the Goads.'
Τις εί,
, Κύριε;
ρ ; Ό δεε είπεν Εγώ είμι 15 And ί said, 'Who a r t
t thou, Ο sir? H e and said; I a m thou, Sir?' And *HE said,
Ίησοϋς, 6ν συ διώκεις. 1β
Άλλά άνά- Ί am Jesus whom thou
στήθι, καΐ στήθι επί τους πόδας σου· 16 But arise, and stand
thou, and stand up α the feet of thee;
on thy FEET ; since for
εις τοΰτο γαρ ωφθην σοι, προχειρίσα- this purpose I have ap-
peared to thee,§to consti-
σθαί σε ύπηρέτην καΐ μάρτυρα, ών τε tute thee a Minister and
thee a minister and a witness, of what both a Witness, both *of what
είδες, ν τε όςρθήσομαί σοι· thou hast seen, and of
tliou didst see, what and I will appear to thee; those things in which I
έξαιρούμενός σε έκ τοΰ λαοΰ καΙ τωνwill appear to thee;
17 delivering thee from
εθνών, εις οΰς έγώ σε αποστέλλω, 18 άνοΐξαι the PEOPLE and the GEN-
Gentiles, to whom I thee send, to open TILES, $to whom I send
οφθαλμούς αυτών, τοΰ έπιστρέψαι άπό thee,
eyes of them, of the to have turned from 18 to open their Byes,
σκότους εις φώς, καΐ της εξουσίας τοϋ §to TURN them from Dark-
darkness to light, and of the authority of the ness to Light, and from
Σατανά επί τον Θεόν, τοΰ λαβείν αυτούς the DOMINION of the AD-
adversary to the God, of the to receive them VERSARY to GOD ; $that
they may RECEIVE For-
αφεσιν αμαρτιών, καΐ κληρον έν τοις giveness of Sins, and an
ήγιασμένοις, πίστει τχ\ εις έμέ, 19e 'O- Inheritance among THOSE
haviug been sanctified, faith by the into me. There HAVING BEEN :f:SANCTI-
θεν, βασιλεΰ Άγρ'ιππα, ούκ έγενόμην άπει- FIED through THAT Faith
upon, Ο king Agrippa, not I was dis- which leads into me.'
θής χχ\ ούραν'ιω οπτασία· 2Οάλλά τοις έν 19 Wherefore, Ο King
ol*cdicrit to the heiivenly visions hut to those ix\ Agrippa, I was not disobe-
Δαμασκφ πρώτον καΐ *Ιεροσολύμοις, εις dient to the HEAVENLY
ς πασαν Vision ;
D f i s t m l i J e r l m i a l l
την χώραν 'Ιουδαίας, και τοις 20 b u t ' ^declared first
the country Judea, and o the to THOSE *in Damascus
εθνεσιν, άπήγγελλον μετανοεϊν, και έπιστρέ-
and in Jerusalem, and in
All the COUNTRY of J U -
CventileSj X decljtrecl to reform, «i n d. to turn DEA, and to the GENTILES,
φειν έπι τόν Θεόν, αξία της μετανοίας that they should reform,
to the God \5^oi*tliy of tiio ref oriniit ion and turn to GOD, perform-
έργα πράσσοντας. "Ενεκα τούτων με ol ing IWorks worthy of RE-
works doing. On account of the3e me the FORMATION.
Ίο\;δαίοι συλλαβόμενοι έν τω ίερω έπειρώντο
Jews having seized in the temple attempted
21 On account of these
things, $the JEWS, having
Έπικουρίας οδν seized Me in the TEMPLE,
with violent hands to have killed. Help therefore attempted with violent
τυχών της παρά τοϋ Θεοΰ, άχρι hands to kill me.
1Ι<Χ ν i n § o f a t i i i i i e c l o f tiiii t f r oxix o f t h e G ody t i l l
22 Having obtained,
της ημέρας ταύτης εστηκα, μαρτυρούμενος therefore, THAT Assistance
the day this I have stood, testifying which is from GOD, I have
μικρω τε καΐ μεγάλω, ουδέν έκτος λέγων, continued to this DAY,
to sin£i 11 uotli &xioi to ^rΘίΐtj nothing t)©yoiiol stiyin^j testifying both to small
ών τε ol προφήται έλάλησαν μελλόντων γι- and great, saying nothing
beyond what $ the PROPH-
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 5 . the LORD said. 16. in the which thou hast seen me,
and of those things. 20. in Damascus, and also in Jerusalem, and All the COUNTRY of
% 16. Acts xxii. 15. t 17. Acts xxii. 2 1 . ί 1 8 . 2 Cor. vi. 1 4 ; Eph. iv. 2 8 ;
v. 8 ; Col. i. 2 3 ; 1 P e t . i i . 7, 25. $ 18. Eph. i. 1 1 ; Col. i. 12. $ 18. Acts. xx.
32. $ 2 0 . Acts i x . 2 0 ; xxii. 2 9 ; xi. 2 6 ; xiii.; xvi-xxi. $ 2 0. Matt. iii. 8. ί 21
Acts xxi. 30, 3 1 . | 22. Luke xxiv. 2 7, 4 4 ; Acts xxiv. 1 4 ; xxviii. 2 3 ; Bom. i i i . 2 1 .
Chap. 26:23.] ACTS. [Chap. 26:32.
νεσθαι, καΐ Μωϋσής· ^εΐ παθητός ό ETS and $Moses spoke as
liable to suffer the being about to transpire;
take place, and Moses; that
Χριστός, ει πρώτος εξ αναστάσεως νε- 23JThat the MESSIAH
κρών φως μέλλει καταγγέλλειν τω λαώwould be
be a sufferer—would
$the first from the Re-
ones a light he is about to announce to the people
surrection of the Dead—
καΐ τοις εθνεσι. and would communicate
24 $*Light both to the PEO-
Ταΰτα δε αύτοϋ άπολογουμένου, ό Φή- PLE and to the GENTILES."
These things and of him saying in defence the
0τος μεγάλχ] ττ| φωνη έ'φη* Μαίνη,
24 And while saying
Festus loud* with the voice said; Thou art mad, these things in his de-
Παΰλε* τα πολλά σε γράμματα ε'ις μανίαν fence, FESTUS said with a
Ο Paul; the much learning into madness Loud VOICE, "fThou a r t
φησί; mad, Paul; thy GREAT
περιτρέπει. *Ο δέ· Ού μαίνομαι,
turns about. He but; Not I am mad, he says, Learning has turned Thee
into a Madman."
κράτιστε Φήστε, άλλ* αληθείας καΐ σωφρο- 25 But *PAUL replied,
σύνης ρήματα άποφθέγγομαι 26Έπίσταται γαρ "I am not mad, Most ex-
cellent Festus, but utter
περί τούτων ό βασιλεύς, προς 8ν Words of Truth and Sanity.
oouc β Ρ χι 1 ntr these tliiusrs the Icius» to ^v h oni 26 For the KING knows
*[καί] παρρησιαζόμενος λαλώ· λανθάνειν about these things, to
CalsoJ being confident I may speak; unobserved by
whom I speak with free-
γαρ αυτόν τι τούτων ού πείθομαι dom ; for I am persuaded
for him any of these things not I am persuaded that none of these things
ουδέν ού γάρ έστιν έν γωνία πεπραγμέ- have escaped his notice;
nothing; not 27for It is in a corner having been for this was not done in a
•νον τούτο. Πιστεύεις, βασιλεϋ Άγρίππα, Corner.
done this. Believest thou, θ king Agrippa,
τοις προφήταις; Οίδα, δτι πιστεύεις. Ό 27 King Agrippa! dost
2 8

in the prophets? I know, that thou bel ievest. The thou believe the PROPH-
δέ Άγρίππας προς τον Παϋλον *[έ'φη·] Έν ETS Ϋ I know That thou
and Agrippa to the Paul [said;] Within believest."
όλίγω με πείθεις Χριστιανόν γενέσθαι,
a l i t t l e me thoupersuadest aChrlstian tobecome. 28 And AGRIPPA said
Ό δέ Παϋλος *[εΙπεν·] Εύξαίμην αν τω
to PAUL, *"Thou almost
The and Paul Csaid;3 I would pray to the persuadest Me to become
Θεω, καΐ έν όλίγω καΐ έν πολλώ, ού μόνον
a Christian."
God, and w i t h i n a l i t t l e and w i t h i n much not only
29 And Paul said, §"I
would to GOD, that not
οέ, αλλά καΐ πάντας τους άκούοντάς μου only thou, but also All
thee, but also all those hearing me who HEAR me This day,
σήμερον, γενέσθαι τοιούτους, όποιος κάγώ were both almost and al-
to-day, to become such as even 1 together such as I am, ex-
cept these CHAINS."
είμι, παρεκτός των δεσμών τούτων. Άνέστη 30 And the KING arose,
and the GOVERNOR, and
τε ό βασιλεύς καΐ ό ήγεμών, ή τε Βερνίκη, BERNICE, and THOSE who
SAT with them;
καΐ ol συγκαθήμενοι αύτοίς* 81κα1 άναχω- 31 and having retired,
Α 11(1 t l l O S Θ DG i 11^ S Θ& t C u W I t u t i l ΘXXI \ &OCI ifoflY \ ing
ρήσαντες έλάλουν προς αλλήλους λέγοντες* they spoke to each other,
retired they spake to each other, saying; saying, §"This Man does
"Οτι ουδέν θανάτου άξιον ή* δεσμών πράσσει nothing deserving Death
That nothing of death worthy or of bonds does
ό άνθρωπος οΰτος. 32 Άγρίππας δέ τω or Bonds."
the man this. Agrippa and to the 32 And Agrippa said to
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 3 . Light both to the P E O P L E . 25. Paul. 26. also—
omit. 28. said—omit. 28. Almost thou persuadest to make Me a Christian. 2 9 .
t 22. John v. 46. % 2 3 . Luke xxir. 26, 46. ' $ 2 3 . 1 Cor. xv. 2 0 ; Col. i. 1 8 ; Kev.
1. 5. % 23. Luke ii. 32. $ 24. 2 Kings ix. 1 1 ; John x. 2 0 ; 1 Cor. i. 2 3 ; i i . 13, 1 4 ;
iv. 10. % 29. 1 Cor. vii. 7. $ 3 1 . Acts xxiii. 9, 2 9 ; xxv. 2 5 .

Chap. 27:1.] ACTS. [Chap. 27:9.
Φήστω εφη· Άπολελύσθαι έδύνατο ό οίνθρω- FESTUS, "This MAN might
Festus said; To have been released might the man have been released, $if he
πος οΰτος εΐ μη έπεκέκλητο Καίσαρα. had not appealed to Cae-
ΚΕΦ. κ ζ ' . 2 7 . CHAPTER XXVII.
Ως δέ εκρίθη τοΰ άποπλείν ήμας
1 And when it was de-
When and it was determined of the to sail us termined for us to SAIL
είς την Ί τ α λ ί α ν , παρεδίδουν τόν τε ΙΙαΰλον to ITALY, they delivered
PAUL, and some Other
και τινας έτερους δεσμώτας έκατοντάρχη, ονό- Prisoners, to a Centurion
of the Cohort of Augustus,
Έπι6άν- named Julius.
ματι Ίουλίφ, σπείρης Σεβαστής.
2 And embarking in an
name Julius, of a cohort of Augustus. Having gone
τες δέ πλοία) Άδραμυττηνφ, μέλλοντες Adramyttian Ship, which
on board and a ship Adramyttlum, being about was about to sail to PLACES
πλείν τους κατά την Άσίαν τόπους, άνήχθη- in ASIA, we were put to
to sail the in the Asia places, we were sea, $Aristarehus,a Mace-
donian of Thessalonica,
μεν, δντος συν ήμΐν Άριστάρχου Μακε- being with us.
put to sea, being with up Aristarchus a Mace- 3 And on the NEXT day
δόνος Θεσσαλονικέως. 3 Τ η τε έτερα κα-
donian of Thessalonica. On the and next day we we werebrought to Sidon ;
τήχθημεν είς Σιδώνα* φιλανβρώπως τε ό and JULIUS $ treating
were brought to Sidon; humanely and tho PAUL with much kindness,
'Ιούλιος τω Παύλω χρησάμενος, επέτρεψε permitted him to go to his
Julius to the Paul "having treated, permitted Friends to receive atten-
προς τους φίλους πορευθέντες επιμελείας τυ- 4 And having put to sea
άναχθέντες from thence, we sailed un-
χείν. Κάκεΐθεν
liftVΟ ODt&lllQu· A.Q.Q. ΙΓΟΓΪ1 tllGHCO llA^iUS PUt t o S6A
der CYPRUS, because the
WINDS WERE contrary;
·ύπεπλει')σαμεν την Κι'?προν, διά τό τους
ανέμους είναι εναντίους. Τ ό , τε πέλαγος τό 5 and having sailed
winds to be contrary. The, and deep that through the SEA by C I -
κατά την Κιλικίαν καΐ Παμφυλίαν διαπλεύ- LICIA and Pamphylia, we
by the C i l i c i a and Pamphylia having sailed
σαντες, κατήλθομεν είς Μύρρα της Λυκίας. came to *Myrrha, of LY-
through, we came down to Myra of the Lycia. 6 And there the CENTU-
Κάκεί εύρων ό έκατόνταρχος πλοίον TURION having found an
And there having found the centurion a ship Alexandrian Ship bound
Άλεξανδρινόν πλέον είς την Ί τ α λ ί α ν , ένε- for ITALY, put us into it.
Alexandrian sailing for the Italy, put 7 And having sailed
βίβασεν ήμας είς αυτό. 7 Έ ν Ικαναίς δέ ήμέ- slowly for Several Days,
us into it. In many and days
and scarcely being by
ί>αις βραδυπλοοΰντες, καΐ μόλις γενόμενοι fCNipus, the WIND not
permitting us, we sailed
κατά την Κν'ιδον, μή προσεώντος ημάς under CRETE, by Salmone;
by the Cnidus, not permi t t ing an approach us 8 and with difficulty
τοϋ ανέμου, ΰπεπλεύσαμεν την Κρήτην κατά passing by it, we came to
of the wind, we sailed under t*e Crete by
8 a certain Place called
Σαλμώνην μόλις τε παραλεγόμενοι αύ- ±Fair Havens, near which
Salmone; withdimculty and sailing by her, is the City Lasea.
την, η*λθομεν είς τόπον τινά καλοΰμενον 9 But Much Time hav-
we came to a place certain being called ing been spent, and SAIL-
Καλούς λιμένας, <p εγγύς ή"ν πόλις Λασσαία.
Fair h a v e n s , t o w h i c h n e a r w a s a c i t y L a s e a . ING being now hazardous
"Ίκανου δέ χρόνου διαγενομένοι», καΐ δντος
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 5 . Myrrha.
± 7. This was a city of Caria, situated on the extremity or tongue of land lying between
Bhodes and Cos. The distance from Myra to Cnidus is about 130 geographical miles.
Salome was the eastern promontory of Crete, or the present Gandia, and is now called
Cape Salomon. ± 8. Fair Havens, near Matala, midway between the eastern and western
extremities of the island. Lasea, a city lying between the harbor and the cape, a
short distance inland.
t 32. Acts xxv. 1 1 . % 2. Acts xix. 29. $ 3. Acts xxiv. 2 3 ; xxviii. 16.
Chap. 27:10.] ACTS. [Chap, 27:17.
ήδη επισφαλούς τοΰ πλοός, δια το καΐ
(because even the ±FAST
already hazardous of the sailing, because the even
had already passed by,)
τήν νηστείαν τίδη παρεληλυθέναι, παρήνει PAUL advised,
tho fast already to have been past, advised 10 saying to- them,
ό Παΰλος, 10λέγων αύτοΐς* "Ανδρες, θεωρώ, "Men, I perceive That the
the Paul, saying to them; Men, I perceive, VOYAGE is about to be at-
δτι μετά ύβρεως καΐ πολλής ζημίας ού μόνον tended with Injury and
that AVith damage and much loss not only Much Loss, not only of the
τοΰ φορτίου καΐ τοΰ πλοίου, αλλά καΐ των CARGO and the SHIP, but
also of our LIVES."
of the freight and of the ship, but also of the
11 But the CENTURION
ψυχών ημών μέλλειν εσεσθαι τόν πλουν.
*O δέ έκατοντάρχης τω κυβερνήτη καΐ τω was persuaded by the PI-

The but centurion by the pilot and by the LOT and the OWNER OF
ναυκλήρω έπείθετο μάλλον, η" THE SHIP, rather than by
τοίς ύπό τοΰ Π α ύ λ ο υ λεγομένοις. 12
Άνευθέ- PAUL.
Ly those by the Paul being spoken. Inconve- 12 And the HARBOR be-
του δέ τοΰ λιμένος υπάρχοντος προς παρα- ing inconvenient to winter
nient and of the harbor being to winter
in, the greater part ex-
pressed a desire to sail
χειμασίαν, ol πλείους έ'θεντο βουλήν άνα- from thence also, and, if
iu, the greater part placed a wish to be possibly, they might be
at κάκείΦεν, ει πως δύναιν- able to reach Phenice, a
it* froΤΆ tJionc© ft 1 sO"f i f p o s s i b l y th©y m i ^ h i Harbor of CRETE, looking
towards the South west
το καταντήσαντες εις Φοίνικα παραχει- and North west, to win-
μάσαι, λιμένα της Κρήτης βλέποντα κατά ter there.
a harbor of thd Crete looking towards 13 And the South wind
At6a καΐ κατά χέόρον. 13*Υποπνεύσαν- blowing gently, supposing
eouth-west and towards north-west. Havingblown that they had attained
their PURPOSE, weighing
τος δέ Νότου, δόξαντες της προθέσεως anchor, they passed close
gently and South wind, supposing the purpose by CRETE.
το τήν Κρήτην. 14Μετ'
κεκρατηκέναι, ού πολύ
αραντες, δέ έ'βαλε
δσσον κατ'
παρελέγον- 14 But not long after,
αυτής άνεμος τυφωνι^ός, ό καλούμενος Εύρο- THAT CALLED
Tempestuous Wind
Euroclydon, beat
her a wind tempestuous, that being called Euro-
κλυδων. Συναρπασθέντος δέ τοΰ πλοίου, καΐ against it;
ο 1 yd on.* U&virijj been c&u^ht &iid t h e eliij)^ And
15 and the SHIP, having
been caught, and not being
μη δυναμένου άντοφθαλμείν τω άνέμω, έπι- able to bear up against the
δέ WIND, we surrended, and

δόντες έφερόμεθα. Νησίον
Ing given up we were driven. A small island and were driven.
16 And as we ran under
τι ύποδραμόντες καλούμενον Κλαύδην, a certain little Island,
certain having run under being called Clauda, called *Clauda, with diffi-
μόλις ίσχύσαμεν περικρατείς γενέσθαι της culty we were able to be-
σκάφης* 17f]V δραντες, βοηθείας έχρώντο, come masters of the BOAT ;
boat; which having taken up, helps they used, 17 which having hoisted
νποζωννΰντες τό πλοίο ν φοβούμενοί τε μη είς up, they used Helps, f un-
undergirding the ship; fearing and lest Into dergirding the SHIP ; and
τήν Σΰρτιν έκπέσωσι, χαλάσαντες τό fearing lest they should
the quicksand they should fall, having lowered the fall into the QUICKSAND,
οκεΰος, ούτως έφέροντο. 18Σφοδρώς δέ χειμα- lowering the MAST, they
mast, thus were driven. Exceedingly and being were thus driven.


± 9. The day ef expiation, the great Fast on the tenth of the month Tisri, about the
tenth of October. ± 1 7 . Dr. Schmitz says, "the Jivpozoomata were thick and broad
ropes, which ran in a horizontal direction around the ship from the stern to the prow,
and were intended to keep the whole fabric together." Such also is the opinion of Pres.
Woolsey, who well remarks that if ropes had passed under the keel, the boat would have
been needed in the operation and yet the boat was first lifted on the deck.—Owen.

Chap. 27:18] ACTS. [Chap. 27:28.
ζομένων ημών, τί) έξης έκβολήν 18 And we being ex-
storm-tossed of us, on the next a throwing out ceedingly storm-tossed, on
έποιοΰντο· κα1 τη τρίτχι αύτόχειρες the NEXT day they began
to throw overboard;
they began^ and on the third with their own hands
την σκεύην τοΰ πλοίου έρριψαν. 20Μήτε 19 and on the THIRD
the furniture of tlie ship they threw out· Neither dayi they threw out with
their own hands the FUR-
δέ ηλίου, μήτε οίστρων έπιφαινόντων επί πλείο- NITURE of the SHIP.
20 And neither Sun nor
νας ημέρας, χειμώνος τε ουκ ολίγου έπικειμέ- Stars appearing for Sever-
d&ys ft tenipest Hiid not SMii 11 pFOssiu^· al Days, and no small
νου, λοιπόν περιηρείτο πάσα έλπίς τοΰ Tempest pressing on us,
σώζεσθαι ημάς. 2 1 Πολλής δέ ασιτίας ύπαρχού- *all remaining Hope of
to be saved us. Long but abstinence existing, our being saved was taken
σης, τότε σταθείς ό Παΰλος έν μέσω αυτών,
then standing the Paul in midst* of them, away.
είπεν "Εδει μέν, ω άνδρες, πειθαρ- 21 But there having
said; I t was proper Indeed, Ο men, having been a Great Want of
food, then PAUL standing
χήσαντάς μοι μη άνάγεσθαι άπδ της in the Midst of them, said,
Κρήτης, κερδήσα'ι τε τήν υβριν ταύτην "O Men! you ought, in-
Crete, to have gained and the damage this deed, having taken my ad-
vice, not to have loosed
και την ζημ'ιαν. 2 2 Kai τανΰν παραινώ υμάς from CRETE, but have
avoided this INJURY and
εύθυμείν αποβολή γάρ -ψυχής ουδεμία
to t sike c our&^6 f loss for ο £ & 1 i £ Θ not one 22 And now I exhort
εΌται έξ υμών, πλην τοϋ πλοίου. ^Παρέστη you to lake courage; for
γάρ μοι ταΰτχι τη νυκτι άγγελος τοΰ θεοΰ, there will be no Loss of
for me this the night a messenger of the God, Life among you ; but only,
24 of the SHIP.
ού είμι φ καΐ λατρεύω, λέγων· 23 $For there stood by
Μη φοβοΰ, Παΰλε· Κα'ισαρ'ι σε δεί πα- me This NIGHT, an Angel
Not fear, O Paul; To Caesar thee i t behooves to of the GOD whose I am,
ραστήναι· καΐ Ιδού, κεχάριστα'ι σοι and $whom I serve,
24 saying, 'Fear not,
ό Θεός πάντας τους πλέοντας μετά σοϋ. P a u l ; thou must be pre-

'Διό εύθυμεΐτε, άνδρες· πιστεύω γ ά ρ sented to Caesar; and be-
hold, GOD, has graciously
τώ Θεώ οτι οΰτως εσται κ α θ ' δν τρόπον given thee All THOSE SAIL-
in the God that thus i t shall be in which manner ING with thee.'
λελάληταί με. 26 Είς νήσον δέ τίνα 25 Therefore, take cour-
age, Men; §for I believe
it has been told to me. On an island but certain GOD, That it will be so,
δεί ημάς έκπεσεϊν. even as it was told m e ;
26 but we must be cast
*Ως δέ τεσσαρεσκαιδεκάτη νύξ έγένετο, upon $a certain Island."
When and fourteenth night was come, 27 And on the Four-
διαφερομένων ημών έν τω Άδρία, κατά teenth Night, when we
fooing driven along of us in the Adriatic, about were driven along in the
μέσον της νυκτός ύπενόουν ot ναΰται προσά- ± ADRIATIC, about MID-
middle of the night suspected the sailors to draw NIGHT, the SAILORS sus-
γειν τινά αύτοίς χώραν 28κα1 βολίσαν- pected fthat Some Coun-
near some to them country; and having heaved the try drew near to them;
τες, εΰρον όργυιάς είκοσι· βραχύ δέ δια- 28 and having sounded,
l e a d , t h e y f o u n d f a t h o m s t w e n t y ; a l i t t l e a n d h a v - they found twenty Fath-


± 2 7. Not the Gulf of Venice, but the portion of the Mediterranean south of Italy and
west of Greece. ± 2 7. A nautical hypallage, originating in the optical deception, by
which, on approaching a coast, the land seems to approach to the ship, not the ship to the
% 19. Jonah i. 5. % 23. Acts xxiii. 11. t 2. Dan. vi. 16; Bora. i. 9 ; 2 Tim. i.
3. $ 25. Luke i. 4 5 ; Kom. iv. 20, 2 1 ; 2 Tim. i. 12. $ 26. Acts xxviii. 1.
Chap. 27:29.] ACTS. . [Chap. 27:39.
στήσαντες, καΐ πάλιν βολίσαντες, oms; and a short space
ing intervened, and again having heaved the lead, having intervened, and
20 sounding again, they
εύρον όργυιάς δεκαπέντε· φο6ούμενοί τε, found fifteen Fathoms;
they found fathoms fifteen; fearing and, 29 and fearing lest we
μήπως εις τραχείς τόπους έκπέσωμεν, έκ should f a l l o n rocky-
lest on rough places w e should fall, out of Places they cast out four
πρύμνης ρ'ιψαντας αγκύρας τεσσάρας, ηυχον- Anchors from the Stern,
stern having thrown anchors four, they were
and were wishing for Day
to break.
το ήμέραν γενέσθαι. 30Τών δε ναυτών 30 And the SAILORS
wishing day to be. The and sailors seeking and flee from the
SHIP, and having lowered
ζητούντων φυγείν έκ του πλοίου, καΐ χαλα- the BOAT into the SEA, un-
der Pretence of being
σάντων τήν σκάφην εις την θάλασσαν, προφά- about to carry forth An-
σει ώς έκ πρώρας μελλόντων άγκυρας chors from the Bow,
31 PAUL said to the
έκτείνειν, 31
είπεν ό Παϋλος τω έκατοντάρχτ] CENTURION and the SOL-
to let down, said the Paul to the centurion DIERS, "Unless these men
remain in the SHIP, you
καΐ τοις στρατιώταις· Έάν μη ούτοι μείνωσιν cannot be saved."
AQCJi ^0 the soldiers* If not these r©mSLιn 32 Then the SOLDIERS
έν τφ πλοίω, ύμείς σωθήναι ου δύνασθε, cut off the ROPES of the
in the ship," you to be saved not are «Lie.
32 BOAT, and allowed herr to
Τότε oi στρατιώται απέκοψαν τα σχοιν'ια της drift away.
Tlien th© soldiers cut off the ropes of the 33 And when Day was
σκάφης, και εΐασαν αυτήν έκπεσείν. ^"Αχρι about to dawn. PAUL
boat, and allowed her to f a l l . T i l l urged them all to partake
δέ οδ εμελλεν ήμερα γ'ινεσθαι, παρεκάλει of Food, saying, "This
and w h i l e about day to be, called upon Day, the Fourteenth Day
ό Παΰλος απαντάς μεταλαβείν τροφής, λέγων that you have watched,
tl* ο f*mi I till topjirtiikoof foody s&yin^j you continue fasting, hav-
Τεσσαρεσκαιδεκάτην σήμερον ήμέραν προσδο- ing34taken Nothing.
Therefore, I entreat
Fourteenth to.-day day looking you to partake of Food ;
κώντες, 34άσιτοι διατελείτε, μηδέν προσλα- for this concerns YOUR
βόμενοι. Διό παρακαλώ υμάς μεταλαβεϊν Safety; $for fnot a Hair
taken. Therefore I entreat you to partake
τροφής· τούτο γάρ προς της υμετέρας σωτη- shall perish from the
of food; this for to the your salva- HEAD of any of you."
ρ'ιας υπάρχει* ούδενός γάρ υμών θρίξ έκ 35 And having said these
tion is; of not one for of you a hair from
της κεφαλής άπολεϊται. Είπών δε ταΰτα, gave thanks to GOD in the words, he took Bread,tand
και λαβών αρτον, ευχαρίστησε τφ Θεφ
and having taken bread, he gave thanks to the God presence of all; and hav-
ing broken, he began eat.
έλώπιον πάντων, καΐ κλάσας ήρξατο έσθί- 36 And being encour-
aged, they also received
ειν. Εΰθυμοι δε γενόμενοι πάντες, καΐ αυτοί Food.
c·*t· Εzicourii^ed ο.nd uecortiίιι^ it 11 ^ Also t h e y 37 And ALL the Souls
προσελάβοντο τροφής. 37? Ημεν δε έν τω πλοίω dred in the SHIP were two hun-
αί πασαι ψυχαί, * [διακόσιαι] έβδομήκοντα 8ξ and seventy-six.
8δ all souls, [two hundred] seventy six. 38 And being satisfied
Κορεσθέντες δέ τροφής, έκούφιζον τό with Food, they lightened
Being satisfied and of food, they lightened the
the SHIP, throwing out
πλοϊον, έκβαλλόμενοι τον σϊτον εις τήν θάλασ- the WHEAT into the SEA.
ship, 89 throwing the wheat into the the sea. 39 And when it was
cav. "Οτε δέ ημέρα έγένετο, τήν γήν οΰκ Day, they did not know
When and day i t was, the land not
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 7. two hundred—omit.
± 3 4. A proverbial expression, for you shall neither lose your lives, nor suffer any
hurt in your bodies, if you follow my advice.—Clarke.
$ 34. 1 Sam. xiv. 4 5 ; 2 Sam. xiv. .11; 1 Kings i. 5 2 ; Matt. x. 3 0 ; Lnke xii. 7 ;
xxi. IS. % 35. Matt. xv. 3 6 ; Mark viii. 6; «loan vi. 1 1 ; 1 Tim. iy. 3, 4.
Chap. 27:40.] ACTS. [Chap. 28:2.
έπεγίνωσκον κόλπον δέ τίνα κατενόουν δχον- the LAND; but they per-
they knew; a bay but they perceived hav- ceived a certain Bay, hav-
τα αίγιαλόν, ε'ις δν έβουλεύσαντο, εΐ δύ- ing a Shore, into which
ing a shore, into which they wished, if they they wished, if they were
ναιντο, έξώσαι τό πλοίον. 4 0 ΚαΙ τάς άγκυ- able, to force the ship.
40 And having cut off
ρας περιελόντες εϊων εΙς την θάλασσαν, the ANCHORS, they left
them in the SEA ; having,
οίμα άνέντες τάς ζευκτηρίας των at the same time, loosed
at the same time having loosed the bands of the the ±BANDS of the RUD-
πηδα?.ίων· καΐ έπάραντες τον ατέρμονα τη DERS, and hoisted the
rudders; and having hoisted the foresail to the FORESAIL tO t h e WIND,
πνεούση, κατείχον εις τόν αίγιαλόν. 4 1 Π ε - they pressed towards the
wind, they pressed towards the shore. Hav-
ριπεσόντος δέ είς τόπον διθάλασ-
iii^ f&llen «xod i n t o & pliice *witxi £i SGA. onfooill
41 But having fallen
σον, έπώκειλαν την ν α ΰ ν καΐ ή μεν into a Place with two cur-
sides, they ran aground the vessel; and the indeed rents, they ran the VES-
πρώρα έρε'ισασα εμεινεν ασάλευτος, ή SEL aground; and the
BOW sticking fast, remain-
δέ πρίμνα έλύετο ύπό της βίας *[τών ed immovable, but the
but stern was broken by the violence [of the STERN was broken by the
κυμάτων.] 4 2 Τών δέ στρατιωτών βουλή έγέ- VIOLENCE.
42 Now it was the De-
νετο, ίνα τους δεσμώτας άποκτείνωσι, μη sign of fthe SOLDIERS to
kill the PRISONERS, lest
4 3
τις έκκολυμβήσας διαφύγτ). Ό δέ any one by swimming out
should escape. The but should escape.
any one having swum oui
έκατόνταρχος βουλόμενος διασώσαι τόν Π α ΰ - 43 But the CENTURION
wishing to save PAUL, re-
λον, έκώλυσεν αυτούς τοϋ βουλήματος, strained them from their
PURPOSE, a n d ordered
έκέλευσέ τε τους δυναμένους κολυμβαν, άπορ- THOSE ABLE * t o SWini
ο Γ (1Θ Γ Θ (J &ud t h o s e beixi^i &b 1 e t o s w i in h s ν i n ^ out to plunge in first, and
ςίψαντας πρώτους έπί την γήν έξιέναι· get to LAND ;
thrown off first to the land to go out; 44 and the REMAINDER,
κα1 τους λοιπούς, ους μέν επί σανί- SOME on Boards, and SOME
σιν, ους δέ έπί τίνων των άπό τοϋ on things from the SHIP.
some and on things of the from of the And thus it happened that
all reached the LAND in
πλοίου* ΚαΙ ούτως έγένετο πάντας διασω- safety.
ship. And thus i t happened all t o be
Οήναι έπί την γήν. ΚΕΦ. κ η \ 2 8 . αΚα1 CHAPTER XXVIII.
safely on the laud. Aud 1 And having safely es-
διασωθέντες, τότε έπέγνωσαν δτι Μελίτη caped, *we then ascer-
having safely escaped, then theyknew that Melita tained $That the ISLAND
ή νήσος καλείται. Ol δέ βάρβαροι παοείχυν was called ±Melita.
the island is called. The and barbarians rendered 2 And the ^BARBA-
ού την τυχοΰσαν φιλανθροοπ'ιαν ή μ ϊ ν άνά- RIANS treated us with no
not the ordinary kindness to us; having ORDINARY Philanthropy;
ψαντες γαρ πυράν, προσελάβοντο πάντας for having kindled a Fire,
kindled for afire, they brought to all they brought us all to it,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—41. of the WAVES—omit. 43. to swim out. 1. we then.
± 4 0 . The ships of the ancients usually had two rudders, one on either side of the
ship. As one helmsman managed both, they were joined by a pole, so that both rudders
would be parallel. The zeukteeriai were the ropes by which these rudders were fastened
to the sides of the ship, and by which they were moved by the helmsman. ± 42. The
military discipline of the Romans was such, that had the prisoners escaped, the soldiers
would have been answerable with their lives.—Owen.
± 1. The recent investigations of Smith show conclusively, that the island now called
Malta, was the scene of the shipwreck. See BiMoth. Sacra. ± 2. A name applied by
the Greeks and Romans indiscriminately to all foreigners.
$ 1. Acts xxvii. 26. $ 2. Rom. i. .14; 1 Cor. xiv. 1 1 ; Col. iii. 11.
Chap. 28:3.] ACTS. [Chap. 28:10.
ημάς, δια τόν ΰετόν τόν έφεστώ- on account of the FALL-
of us, because of the rain that having been ING RAIN, and the COLD.
τα, jcal δια τό ψϋχος. 3Συστρέψαντος 3 And as PAUL was col-
present, and because of the cold. Having gathered lecting a Bundle of Sticks,
6έ του Παύλου φρύγανων πλήθος, καΐ έπιθέν- and placing them on the
and the Paul of sticks a bundle, and having
FIRE, a Viper having come
τος έπΐ τήν πυράν, εχιδνα έκ της θέρμης out from the HEAT, fas-
placed on the fire, a viper from the heat
tened on his HAND.
έξελθουσα κατηψε της χειρός αύτοΰ. 4 And when the BAR-
having· come out fastened on the hand of him. BARIANS saw the SER-
δέ είδον ot βάρβαροι κρεμάμενον τό PENT hanging from his
When and saw the barbarians hanging the HAND, they said, to each
θηρ'ιον έκ της χειρός αύτου, έ'λεγον προς other, "This MAN is cer-
•wild beast from the band of him, they said to tainly a Murderer, whom,
Αλλήλους· Πάντως φονεύς έστιν ό (ϊνθρω- though saved from the
each other; Certainly a murderer is the man
SEA, ±JUSTICE has not
οί'τος, δν διασωθέντα έκ της θαλάσ- permitted to live."
this, whom having been saved from the sea 5 Then, indeed, he
σης ή Δίκη £fyv ουκ είασεν. ε 'Ο μέν
the Justice to live not permitted. He indeed shook off the SERPENT into
οδν άποτινάξας τό θηρ'ιον εις τό πΰρ, injury. the FIRE, and ^suffered no
tr-en having shaken off the wild e beast into the fire, 6 But THEY were expect-
£παθεν ουδέν κακόν ol δέ προσεδόκων
suffered nothing bad; they but were expecting ing him about to swell up,
αυτόν μέλλειν πίμπρασθαι, η* καταπίπτειν or to fall down suddenly
liiΪΪΪ toνεκρόν.
to© £ibout ΈπΙ to πολύ
sw© 11·δέ αυτών,
or to fitπροσδο-
11 down
dead; and waiting a long
δςρνω time, and seeing nothing
suddenly dead. For a loug and of them, expect- extraordinary happen to
κώντων, καΐ θεωρούντων μηδέν άτοπον ε'ις him, changing their minds
Ing, and seeing nothing out of place to
$they said, "He is a God."'
αυτόν γινόμενον, μεταβαλλόμενοι ελεγον, 7 And in the VICINITY
him happening, changing their minds they said, of that PLACE were the
Φεόν αυτόν είναι. 7 Έ ν δέ τοίς περί τόν LANDS of the CHIEF of the
Δ god him· to be. In and to those about the ISLAND, whose Name was
τόπον εκείνον ύπηρχε χωρία τφ πρώτω της ±Poplius; who having re-
place that were farms to the chief of the ceived us, for * three Days
νήσου, ονόματι Ποπλίω· δς άναδεξάμενος benevolently entertained
ημάς, τρείς ημέρας ςριλοφρόνοκ έξένισεν. us.
us, three days kindly ~ entertained. 8 Now it happened, that
Έγένετο δέ τόν Πατέρα του Ποπλίου πύρε- the FATHER of POPLIUS,
It happened &ncl the father o~f the Poplius with being seized with Fevers
τοίς καΐ δυσεντερία συνεχομενον κατακείσθαι· and Dysentery, was lying
in bed; to whom PAUL
προς δν ό Παΰλος είσελθών, καΐ προσευ- having entered $a n d
to w h o m the Paul going in, and having prayed, §put his HANDS
ξαμενος, έπιθείς τάς χείρας αύτω, Ιάσα- on him, and cured him.
9 This, therefore, hav-
j)i*&yeoij li&viii§ pl&ceu the liunds to h 1 xm% healoding been done, the OTHERS
το αυτόν. Τούτου οδν γενομένου, καΐ ot also in the ISLAND» HAV-
hinie \I?his therefore toeing done &uci the ING Diseases, came, and
λοιποί ol έχοντες ασθενείας έν τη νήσω, were cured;
others those having, sicknesses in10 the island,
προσήρχοντο, καΐ έθεραπεύοντο· ot καΐ πολ- 10 and THEY presented
λαίς τιμαίς έτίμησαν ημάς, καΐ άναγομένοις us with Many ^Presents;
tarae, and were healed; who also with
many rewards rewarded us, and leading out and when we left, put on
board THINGS for our
έπέθεντο τά προς τήν χρείαν. WANTS.
they placed on the things for the need.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 7 . three Days.
± 4. Hee Dikee was the proper name of the heathen goddess of justice. She was the
daughter of Jupiter, and was called also Nemesis. ± 8. Poplius is thought to have been
the deputy of the praetor of Sicily, as in the time of Cicero. Malta was under the juris-
diction of the Sicilian prjetor.
t 5. Mark xvi. 1 8 ; Luke x. 19. t 6- Acts xiv. 11. ί 8. James v. 14, 15. t 8. Mark
vi. 5 ; vii. 3 2 ; xvi. 1 8 ; Luke iv. 4 0 ; Acts xix. 11, 1 2 ; 1 Cor. xii. 9, 28. ί 10.
Matt. xv. 6; 1 Tim. v. IT.
Chap, 28:11.] ACTS. [Chap. 28:17.
Μετά δέ τρείς μήνας άνήχθημεν έν πλοίφ 11 And after Three
After and three months we sailed In a ship Months we set sail in an
Λαρακεχειμακότι έν τη νήσφ, Άλεξανδρινω, Alexandrian Ship, which
Ii&vixi££ been VJT\ittΘyod In th© isl&iiu) jilexsuciriiiiij had wintered in the I S -
παρασήμω Διοσκούροις. ^ΚαΙ καταχθέντες LAND, with the Sign of
•with an ensign Dioscuri. And having been led down the fDioscuri.
είς Συρακούσας, έπεμείναμεν ημέρας τρεις· 12 And having landed
to Syracuse, wo remained days three;
at ± Syracuse, we remained
^"Οθεν περιελθόντες κατηντήσαμεν είς three Days ;
Whence having gone round we came to
13 whence, coasting
Ρήγιον καΐ μετά μίαν ήμέραν επιγενομένου round, we came to ±Rhe-
Κ 1ι Θ ε i u ΙΪΙ j &iid sifter on© dsiy h&viiis sprung up gium : and after One Day,
Νότου, δευτεραίοι ήλθομεν είς Ποτιόλοος* a South wind having
a South wind, second day wo came to Puteoli;
ofj εύρόντες αδελφούς παρεκλήθημεν έπ' sprung up, we came in
Two days to ±Puteoli;
αύτοίς έπιμεϊναι ημέρας επτά* καΐ οΰτως είς 14 where we found
iliGixi t o i*Gin£iin cluys

SOVGDJ £md thus to^^ftrds Brethren, and were invited
τήν Ρώμην ήλθομεν. Κάκείθεν ol αδελφοί by them to remain seven
the Rome we went. And thence the brethren Days; and thus we went
άκούσαντες τά περί ημών, έξήλθον towards Rome.
hinting heard t h e t h i n g s c o n c e r n i n g --- —-
15 And thence, the
είς άπάντησιν ήμίν δχρις *Αππίου φόρου, BRETHREN having heard
to a meeting with us as far as AppH forum,
about our AFFAIRS, came
καΐ Τριών ταβερνών ους Ιδών ό Παϋλος, out to meet us as far as
±Appii Forum, and the
εύχαριστήσας τφ θεφ, ^λαβε θάρσος. ±Three Taverns; whom,
having given thanks to the God, he took courage. when PAUL s a w , he

"Οτε δέ ήλθομεν είς Ρώμην, * [ό έκατόνταρ- thanked GOD, and took
Wlien and we came to Borne Cthe centurion
16 And when we *came
χος παρέδωκε τους δέσμιους τφ στρατοπέ- to Rome, the CENTURION
delivered the prisoners to the perfect of delivered the PRISONERS
δαρχη·] τφ *[δέ] Παύλ<ρ επετράπη to the ±PREFECT OF THE
the Pretorium camp;] the [but] Paul was perm itted PRETORIUM CAMP ; but
μένειν §PAUL was permitted to
καθ' εαυτόν, συν τφ φυλάσσοντι dwell
to abide by himself, w i t h the watching
by himself, with the
ο.ί«τόν στρατιώτη. 17 Έγένετο δέ μετά ήμέρασ him.
him soldiers. It happened and after days " 17 And it occurred, after
τρεις συγκαλέσασθαι αυτόν τους δντας three Days, he called toge-
three to have called together to him those being
ther the CHIEF men of the
των 'Ιουδαίων πρώτους. Συνελθόντων JEWS. And they having
of the Jews chiefs. Having come together convened, he said to them,
δέ αυτών, έ'λεγε προς αύτοΰς* "Ανδρες άδελ- "Brethren, § though I
and of them, he said to them; Men breth-
have done nothing con-
φοί, έγώ ουδέν εναντίον ποιήσας τφ λαώ trary to the PEOPLE, or to
r©Qj I n o t h i n g &|y £i ι χι s t> ΙΙΑΛ^ΙΏ^ douo t o uio p e o p l e
^ τοις έ'θεσι τοις πατρώοις, δέσμιος εξ t h e PATERNAL CUSTOMS,
or to the customs those paternal, a prisoner from yet §1 was delivered a
'Ιεροσολύμων παρεδόθην είς τάς χείρας Prisoner from Jerusalem
Jerusalem I was del ivered into the handa
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 6 . were entered Rome. 16. the CENTURION delivered
the PRISONERS to the PREFECT O F T H E PRETORITJM CAMP—omit. 16. but—omit.
± 1 1 . Castor and Pollux, children of Jupiter, the tutelary deities of sailors. ± 12. The
port of this celebrated city was directly in the course from Malta to Italy. ±13. A
maritime city of lower Italy, opposite Messina in Sicily. Its present name is Beggio.
± 13. Puteoli is now called Puzzioli, and lies six miles south-west from Naples. ± 1 5 .
About 52 miles from Rome, a town on the Appian way, a road paved from Rome to
Campania. ± 1 5 . Another place on the same road, some 33 miles from Rome. ± 1 6 .
The usual title given to the chief of the fortress. He commanded the garrison of Rome,
a body of 10,000 men, who were lodged in the Pretorium camp, an enclosed fortress of
about 40 acres, outside of the city, and about a mile and a half from the emperor's
$ 16. Acts xsiv. 2 5 ; xxvii. 3. t 17- Acts xxiv. 12, 14; xxv. 8. $ 17. Acts xxi. 33.
Chap, 28:18. ACTS. [Chap, 28:26.
των Ρωμαίων οΐτινες άνακρίναντές με into the HANDS of the RO-
of the Bomans: who having examined me MANS ;
έβούλοντο άπολϋσαι, διά τό μηδεμ'ιαν 18 who, fhaving ex-
wished to release, because that no one amined me, wished to re-
αίτίαν θανάτου ύπάρχειν έν έμοί. Άντιλε- lease me, because there
WAS No Cause of Death
γόντων δε των 'Ιουδαίων,, ήναγκάσΦην έπι- in me.
19 But the JEWS speak-
καλέσασφαι Καίσαρα· ούχ ώς τοΰ έθνους μου ing against it, $1 was com-
call upon Caesar; not as of the nation of me
20 pelled to appeal to Caesar ;
έχων τι κατηγορήσαι. Διά ταύτην not as having anything of
ImvinET jinytiiiiiEf to «· Beciiiiso of tiiis which to accuse my NA-
οδν την αίτίαν παρεκάλεσα ήμας Ιδείν TION.
therefore the cause I called you to see 20 For This REASON,
jcal προσλαλήσαι* ένεκεν γαρ της ελπίδος τοϋ therefore, I called you, to
and to speak with; onaccount for of the hope of21 the see and speak with you;
'Ισραήλ τήν δλυσιν ταύτην περίκειμαι. Οί $for on account of the
Israel the chain this 1 wear around. They
δέ προς αυτόν είπον Ημείς ούτε γράμματα HOPE of ISRAEL I wear
and to him said; We neither letters $this CHAIN."
περί σοϋ έδεξάμεθα άπό της 'Ιουδαίας, 21 And THEY said to
concerning thee received from the Judea, him, "We neither re-
οΰτε παραγενόμενός τις τών αδελφών ceived Letters from J U -
neither having come any one of the brethren DEA about thee, nor did
άπήγγειλεν ή4 έλάλησέ τι περί σοϋ any of the BRETHREN
related or spoken anything concerning thee who came relate or speak
πονηρόν. ^Άξιοΰμεν δέ παρά σου άκοΰσαι, Any Evil concerning thee.
evil. We deem proper but from thee to hear, 22 But we deem it pro-
α φρονείς· περί μέν γάρ της per to hear from thee
what thou thiDkest; concerning Indeed for of the what thou thinkest; for
indeed it is known to us
αίρέσεως ταύτης γνωστόν έστιν .ήμίν, οτι concerning t h i s SECT,
«ανταχοΰ άντιλέγεται. Ταξάμενοι $That it is everywhere
spoken against."
δέ αύτφ ήμέραν, ήκον προς αυτόν είς τήν 23 And having appoint-
and to him a day, came to him to the ed him a Day, many came
ξενίαν πλείονες· οϊς έξετίθετο διαμαρτυ- to him into his LODGING ;
ρόμενος τήν δασιλείαν τοΰ Θεοΰ, $to whom he set forth,
πείθουν earnestly testifying the
earnestly the kingdom of the God, persuading KINGDOM of GOD, and per-
τε αυτούς *[τά] περί τοϋ Ίησοΰ, άπό suading them concerning
UQCI t lie TO Ltxie tiiinfrsj c one ο rii i nff tli6 Jesus· Ι ΓΟΙΪΙ JESUS, both from the LAW
τε τοΰ νόμου Μωϋσέως 24καΐ τών προφητών, of Moses and the PROPH-
άπό πρωί έ'ως εσπέρας. ΚαΙ ol μέν έπεί- ETS, from Morning till
from morning t i l l evening. And these indeed were Evening.
Φόντο τοίς λεγομένοις, ot δέ 24 And §SOME were
persuaded by the words being spoken, those but persuaded by the WORDS
ήπίστουν. Άσύμφωνοι δέ δντες προς άλλή- believed not.
believed not. Not agreed and being with· each 25 And not being agreed
λους, άπελύοντο, είπόντος τοϋ Παύλου with each other, they
ρήμα ε ν "Οτι καλώς τό πνεϋμα τό αγιον ing one were dismissed, PAUL say-
Word, "Well did
έλάλησε διά *Ησαΐου τοϋ προφήτου προς the HOLY SPIRIT speak
spoke through Esaias the prophet to
26 through Isaiah the PROPH-
τούς πατέρας ημών, λέγον Πορεύθητι προς ET tO OUl· FATHERS,
the fathers of us, saying; Go thou to
26 saying, $'Go to this
$ 18. Acts xxii. 2 4 ; xxiv. 10; xxv. 8; xxvi. 31. $ 1 9 . Acts xxv. 11. $ 20. Acts
xxvi. 6, 7. t 20. Acts xxvi. 2 9 ; Eph. iii. 1; iv. 1; vi. 2 0 ; 2 Tim. i. 16; ii. 9 ;
Philemon 10, 13. % 22. Acts xxiy. 5, 14; 1 Pet. ii. 12; iv. 14. t 23. Luke xxiv.
2 7 ; Acts xvii. 3 ; xix. 8. $ 24. Acts xiv. 4 ; xvii. 4; xix. 9. $ 26. Isa. vi. 9 · Jer.
v. 2 1 ; Ezek. xii. 2 ; Matt. s i i i . 14, 1 5 ; Mark iv. 12; Lnlte viii. 10; John xii. 4 0 ;
Rom. xi. 8.
Chap. 28:27.] ACTS. [Chap. 28:31.
τον λαόν τοΰτον, καΐ είπον Άκοη ακού- 'PEOPLE, and say, Ilear-
you will hear, though
σετε, καΐ οΰ μ ή συνητε· και 'you may not understand .
v/ill hear, and not not you may understand; 'and seeing, you will see,
βλέποντες βλέψετε, καΐ ού μή Ιδη- 'though you may not per-
s e e i n g 27 y o u w i l l s e e , a n d n o t
lOt you may 'ceive.
τε. Έπαχύνθη γαρ ή καρδία το\5 λαοΰ 27 'For the HEART of
perceive. Unfeeling for the heart of the people 'this PEOPLE is stupified ;
τούτου, και τοις ώσΐ βαρέως ηκουσαν, 'they hear heavily with
this and with the ears heavily they hear, 'their EARS, and their
καΐ τους οφθαλμούς αυτών έκάμμυσαν μή- 'EYES they have closed;
'lest a t any time they
ποτε ΐδοασι τοις δφθαλμοΐς, καΐ 'should see with their
at any time they should see with the eyes, and 'EYES, and hear with their
τοις ώσΐν άκούσωσι, καΐ -rfj καρδία
with the ears they should hear, and with the heart 'EARS, and understand
συνώσι, καΐ έ;ηστρέ·ψωσι, καΐ 'with their HEART, and
'should retrace their steps,
they should understand, and should return, and 'and I should heal them.*
Ιάσωμαι αυτούς. Γνα>στόν οΰν έστω 28 Be it known to you,
Χ should δτι
ΰμίν, tiest Iτοις
εθνεσιν ϊνζιοwm therefore
απεστάλη Ιβΐ i t uo therefore, That *This SAL-
τό σωτήριον
VATION of GOD is sent $to
του Θεοϋ· αυτοί καΐ άκούσονται. »*[ΚαΙ the GENTILES, and they
will hear it."
ταΰτα αύτοΰ είπόντος, άπήλθον ot Ίουδαϊ- 29 *[And when he said
these things, the J E W S
departed, having Much
ο ι , πολλήν έχοντες εν έαυτοις συζήτησιν.] Discussion among them-
xuucli Ιΐ£ΐν1ΐι§ £iixioii££ 11ι Θ in s © 1 νο s discussion.")
"Εμεινε διετίαν selves.]
δλην έν ίδίω μισθώ-
He abode ι two years whole in own hired 30 And he dwelt, two
whole Years in his Own
μάτι* καΐ άπεδέχετο πάντας τους είσπορευ-
dwelling; and received all those coming Hired house, and received
ομένους προς αυτόν, 31 κηρύσσων τήν 6ασι- ALL· those COMING IN tO
in to him, publishing the kingdom him ;
λειαν του Θεοϋ, και cίιδασκων 31 Jproclaiming the
τά πε-
of the God, andteaching the things con- KINGDOM of GOD, and
Oi τοϋ Κυρίου Ίησοϋ Χρίστου μετά teaching the THINGS con-
cerning the Lord Jesus Anointed with cerning the LORD Jesus
παρρησίας, Christ, with Entire Free-
πάσης άκωλύτως.
dom of speech, and with-
out restraint.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—28. This SALVATION. 29.—omit. Subscription—ACTS

t 28. Matt. xxi. 41, 4 3 ; Acts xiii. 46, 4 7 ; xviii. 6; xxii. 2 1 ; xxvi. 17, 1 8 ; Bom.
xi. 11. t 31. Acts iv. 3 1 ; Eph. vi. 19.



ΚΕΦ. α ' . 1.
Παΰλος δούλος Ίησοΰ Χρίστου, κλητός 1 Paul, a Servant of
Paul, a servant of J e s u s Anointed, called •Christ Jesus, $a Consti-
tuted Apostle, *|set apart
απόστολος, αφορισμένος εΙς εύαγγέλιον for the Glad Tidings of
θεοΰ, ( δ
προεπηγγείλατο δια των God,—
of God, (which he promised before through the 2 (|which was previ-
προφητών αύτοϋ εν Γραφαϊς άγίαις,) *πε- ously announced ^through
prophets of himself in writings holy,) his PROPHETS in the holy
Q\ τον υΐοϋ αίιτοϋ, (τοΰ γενομέ- Scriptures,) —
ccrnlng the sou of himself, (that having been 3 concerning THAT SON
νου εκ σπέρματος Δαυίδ κατά σάρκα· of his, $who was born of
born from
a seed of David according to flesh; the Posterity of David as
τοΰ ορισθέντος υ'ιοΰ Θεοΰ έν to the Flesh ;
at having beendistinct'ly set forth a son of God in 4 who was t-designated
δυνάμει, κατά πνεϋμα άγιωσύνης, εξ the Son of God in Power
as to the Spirit of Holi-
αναστάσεως νεκρών,) Ίησοϋ Χρίστου τοϋ ness, by his Resurrection
a resurrection of dead ones,) Jesus Anointed of the
5 from the Dead,—Jesus
Κι»ρίου ημών, (δι* ου έλάόομεν χάριν και Christ our LORD ;
Lord of us, (through whoi we received favor and
5 through whom we re-
αποστολήν εις ύπακοήν πίστεως έν πασι τοίς ceived Favor and Apos-
apcstleship for obedience of f a i t h in a l l the
Β tolic office, in order to the
έ'θνεσιν, υπέρ
τοΰ ονόματος αΰτοϋ· έν Obedience of Faith among
nations, in behalf of thename of him; among All the NATIONS, on ac-
οίς έστε καΐ ύμείς, κλητοί Ίησοΰ Χρίστου·) count of his NAME :
\^11 £ θ 1S yOU CJlllLOTlGS ΟΧ J© SUS 1101H t Ciij ) 6 among whom you are
πασι τοις ουσιν έν Ρώμη άγαπητοΐς Θε- also the Invited ones of
who are in Home beloved ones of
to a l l those Jesus Christ;—
ου, κλητοίς άγ'ιοις· χάρις ύμΐν και ειρήνη από
God called saints; favor to you and peace from 7 to ALL who ARE in
Θεοΰ Πατρός ημών, καΐ Κυρίου Ίησοΰ Χρι- Rome, the BELOVED of
God, Constituted Holy
οτοΰ. 8 Π ρ ώ τ ο ν μεν ευχαριστώ τώ τώ Θεώ Θεώ μον ones ; Favor and Peace to
First indeed I give thanks ' > rt' h e "God'
* ο' you from God our Father,
διά Ίησοΰ Χρίστου υπέρ πάντων υμών, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
8 And first, $1 give
bxi ή π'ιστις υμών καταγγέλλετεαι έν δλω thanks to my GOD through
because the faith of you'is celebrateid in whole Jesus Christ *concerning
t(y κόσμω. ο Μάρτυς γάρ μου έστιν ό Θεός, you all, Because your
the world. A witness for of me is the God, FAITH is celebrated in the
φ λατρεύω έν τώ πνειίματί μου έν τω Whole WORLD.
9 For I GOD is my Wit-
εΰαγγελ'ιω τοΰ υΐοΰ αύτοΰ, ά αδιαλείπτως ness, whom I reverently
glad tidingsof the son of him, wr unceasinglj serve w ith my SPIRIT in
μλ'είαν υμών ποιούμαι, 1 0 πάντοτε επί των the GLAD TIDINGS of his
remembrance of you I make, always on the SON, how incessantly I
make mention of you ;
προσευχών μου δεομενος, εΐπως ηδη ποτέ
10 always asking in
my PRAYERS, that if by
ενοδωθήσομαι έν τώ Φελήματι τον any means, now at length,
I may have a prosperous
θεοΰ έλθείν πρύς υμάς. "Έπιποθώ γάρ journey, Jby the WILL of
to ( Ι 1 ong for
God GOD, to come to you
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — T i t l e — T o T H E B O M A N S . 1. Christ Jesus. 8. concern-
ing you all.
$ 1. Acts xxli. 2 1 ; 1 Cor. i. 1 ; Gal. i. 1 ; 1 Tim. i. 1 1 ; ii. 2 Tim. i. 11. f 1 .
Acts i x . 1 5 ; x i i i . 2 ; Gal. i. 15. X 2. Gen. xxii. 1 8 ; Deut. xviii. 1 5 ; 2 Sara. vii. 1 2 ;
Isa. ix. 6, 7 : Jer. xxiii. 5, 6 ; xxxiii. 14-16; Ezek. xxxiv*. 2 3 ; Dan. ix. 24. t 2. Acts
iii. 2 1 . t 3. Matt. i. 6, 1 6 ; Luke i. 3 2 ; Acts ii. 3 0 ; 2 Tim. ii. 8. ί 4. Acts xiii.
33. ί 9. Rom. xi. 1 ; 2 Cor. i. 2 3 ; Phil. i. 8 ; 1 Thess. ii. 5. $ 10. Rom. xv.
2 3 , 3 2 ; 1 Thess. i i i . 10. $ 10. James iv. 15.
Chap. 1 : 1 1 ] ROMANS [Chap. 1:20.
ίδεΐν υμάς, ίνα τι μεταδώ χάρισμα ύμίν 11 For I greatly desire
to see you, that some I may impart gift to you to see you, $that I may
πνευματικόν, εις τό στηριχφήναι ύμας· ^τοΰτο impart to you Some spirit-
spiritual, for the to be established you; this ual Gift, for your firm ES-
δέ έστι, συμπαρακληθήναι, εν ύμύν TABLISHMENT ;
and is, to be comforted together, amon? you 12 and this is, that I
δια της εν άλλήλοις πίστεως, υμών τε καΐ may be comforted among
through the in each other faith, of you and also you, through the MUTUAL
Faith both of you and me.
έμοΰ. ^Ού θέλω δέ υμάς άγνοείν, άδελ-
13 But I wish you not
of me. Not I wish but you to be ignorant, breth- to be ignorant, Brethren,
cpoi, οτι πολλάκις προεθεμην έλθείν προς $that I often purposed to
υμάς, (καΐ έκωλύθην άχρι του δεϋρο,) come to you, (though hin-
you, (and w a s h i n d e r e d till t h e p r e s e n t , ) dered till NOW) that I
ίνα τινά καρπόν σχώ καΐ έν ΰμίν, κα- may have $Some Fruit
that some fruit I might have also among you, as among you also, even as
Φως και έν t hτοις
e λοιποϊς εθνεσιν.
othe atio
"Ελ- among the OTHER Na-
λησί ev τε καΐ ng th oth
βαρβάροις, tio
σοφοίς to
τε 14 $Both to Greeks and
Greeks both and to barbarians, to wise ones both Barbarians, both to Wise
και άνοήτοις οφειλέτης ε'ιμί· 1 5 οΰτω, τό and Simple, I am a Debtor ;
κατ' έ μ έ , πρόθυμον καΐ ΰμίν τοϊς
15 so that ACCORDING
TO my ability, I am eager
έν Ρ ώ μ η εύαγγελίσασθαι. 16
Ο ϋ γ α ρ έπαι- to announce glad tidings
among YOU also in Rome.
in Rome to announce glad tidings. Not for I am 1G $For I am not
σχύνομαι τό εύαγγέλιον δύναμις γαρ Θεοϋ
ashamed the glad tidings; power for of God ashamed of the GLAD TI-
DINGS ; Jbecause they are
is εΙς σωτηριαν παντι τω πιστεύοντι, Ί ο υ - the Power of God for Sal-
δαίω τε vation to Every ONE BE-
* [πρώτον] καΐ "Ελληνι. 17 Λικαιο- LIEVING ; both to Jew
Jew both
οΰνη γαρ Θεοΰ Cflrst:έν αύτφ
and to Greek.
αποκαλύπτεται Righteous- έκ and to Greek ;
ness for of God in it * is revealed from 17 | F o r the Righteous-
πίστεως εις πίστιν, καϋώς γέγραπται· ness of God by Faith is re-
faith in order to faith, as i t has been written; vealed therein in order to
*O δέ δίκαιος έκ πίστεως, ζήσεται. Faith ; as it has been writ-
The and just by faith, shall live. ten, i"But the RIGHTE-
Αποκαλύπτεται γαρ οργή Θεού απ' OUS by Faith, shall live."
Is revealed besides wrath of God from 18 ^Besides, the Wrath
οΰρανοϋ επί πάσαν άσέβειαν καΐ άδικίαν άν- of God is revealed from
heaven on all impiety and injustice of Heaven in regard to All
Φρώπων, των την άλήθειαν έν αδικία κατε- Impiety and Injustice of
men, of those the truth by injustice hold- THOSE MEN, Who tlll'OUgh
χόντων.< Διότι το γνωστόν τοΰ Θεοϋ Injustice, SUPPRESS the
φανερόν έστιν έν αΰτοΐς· ό Θεός γαρ αύτοϊς 19 Because the KNOW-
manifest is among them; the God for to them LEDGE of GOD is apparent
έφανέρωσε* ( τ ά γαρ αόρατα αύτοϋ από among them ; for GOD dis-
showed, (the things for unseen of h i m from closed it to Them ;
κτίσεως κόσμου, τοις ποιήμασι νοού- 20 for this INVISIBLE
creation of the world, in the things made being
things, even His ETERNAL
μένα καθοραται, Power and Deity, since
perceived is clearly see τε άΐδιος αύτοΰ the Creation of the World
δύναμις καΐ θειότης·) είς b o τό t h e tείναι
e r n a l αυτούς
o f h i m are clearly seen, being per-
power and deity;) in order that to be them ceived by the THINGS
αναπολόγητους. Διότι γνόντες τον Θεόν, which are MADE ; so that
inexcusable. Because having known the God, they are inexcusable.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—16. first—omit.

t 11. Kora. xv. 29. $ 13. Rom. xv. 23. $ 13. Phil. iv. 17. $ 14. 1 Cor.
ix. 15. t 16. Psa. xl. 9; Mark viii. 3 8 ; 2 Tim. i. 8. $ 16. 1 Cor. i. 18; xv. 2.
$ 17. Rom.ill. 21. i 17. Hab. ii. 4; John iii. 36; Gal. iii. 1 1 ; Phil. iii. 9; Heb.
x. 38. $ 1 8 . Acts xvii. 3 0 ; Eph. v. 6; Col. iii. 6. t 20. Psa. xix. 1; Acts xiv. 1 7 ;
Chap. 1:21.] ROMANS. [Chap. 1:29.
ούχ ως Θεόν έδόξασαν ή ηύχαρίστησαν 21 Because, though they
not as God they glorified or they gave thanks; knew GOD, they did not
άλλ' έματαιώϋησαν έν τοίς διαλογισμοις αύ- glorify or thank him as
God, but $became vain in
αών, καΐ έσκοτίσθη ή ασύνετος αυτών their REASONINGS, and
them, and was darkened the perverse of them Their PERVERSE Heart
καρδία* φάσκοντες είναι σοφοί, έμωράν- was darkened;
22 assuming to be Wise
•θησαν, ^ κ α ι ήλλαξαν την δόξαν τοϋ άφϋάρ- men, they became foolish ;
foolish, and changed the glory of the incor- 23 and they changed the
του Θεοΰ έν όμοιώματι εικόνος φθαρ- GLORY Of the INCORRUP-
ruptible God in a likeness of an image of cor- TIBLE §God into an Im-
τοϋ άνθρωπου, καΐ πετεινών και τετραπό- age-likeness of Corrupti-
ruptible man, and birds 24 and of four-footed ble Man, and of Birds, and
δων και ερπετών. Διό *[καί] πα- of Quadrupeds, and of
beasts and creeping things. Therefore CalsoD de- Reptiles.
ρέδωκεν αυτούς ό θεός έν ταΐς έπιθυμ'ιαις 24 XTherefore GOD de-
livered them *he God in the lusts livered them over, through
τών καρδιών αυτών εις άκαΦαρσίαν, τοΰ άτι-the LUSTS of their HEARTS
of the hearts of them to impurity, of the to for Impurity, §to DIS-
μάζεσθαι τα σώματα αυτών έν έαυτοίς· HONOR their BODIES
\^Q dishonored the bodies of them in themselvesj among themselves;
^οΐτινες μετηλλαξαν την άλή#ειαν τοΰ Θεοΰ 25 $who exchanged the
who exchanged the truth of the God TRUTH concerning GOD
έν τω -ψεύδει, καΐ έσεβάσθησαν καΐ έλά- for a FALSE religion, and
in the falsehood, and reverenced and served reverenced and served the
CREATURE rather than the
τρευσαν ττ\ κτίσει παρά τόν κτ'ισαν- CREATOR, who 13 worthy
τα, 8ς theέστιν εύλογητός
created thing more than him είς τουςhaving
of praise to the AGES ;
νας· αμήν. 2β
Διά τοΰτο παρέδωκεν αύ- Amen!
so be it. O n account of this delivered them 26 On this account God
delivered them over to in-
τους ό Θεός είς πάθη ατιμίας. Αι τε γάρ famous Passions ; for even
θήλειαι αυτών μετηλλαξαν την φυσικήν χρησιν their FEMALES changed
females of them changed the natural use the NATURAL Use for
είς την παρά φύσιν 6μοίως THAT which is UNNATU-
into that in violation of nature; In like manner RAL;
τε και ol άρρενες αφέντες την φυσικήν 27 and in like manner
and also the males having left the natural also the MALES, leaving
χρησιν της θηλε'ιας, έξεκαύθησαν έν τχ\the NATURAL Use of the
use of the female, were inflamed with the
FKMALE were burnt u p
όρέξει αυτών είς αλλήλους, άρσενες έν άρσεσι with their furious LUST for
lust of themfor for each other· males with males each other ;—Males with
την άσχημοσύνην κατεργαζόμενοι, «at την άν- Males committing INDE-
CENCY, and receiving back
τιμισθίαν, η"γ έ'δει, της πλάνης αύ- among themselves that
pence, which it was proper, of the error of RECOMPENSE of their ER-
τών έν έαυτοϊς απολαμβάνοντες. 2 8 Καί καθώς ROR which was proper.
28 And as they did not
ούκ έδοκίμασαν τον θεόν εχειν έν έπιγνώσει, choose to possess the
not they did try the God to have in knowledge,
Knowledge of GOD, GOD
παρέδωκεν αυτούς ό Θεός είς άδόκιμον νουν, delivered them over to a
delivered them the God to a worthless mind, Worthless Mind to do IM-
ποιείν τά μη καθήκοντα· 29 πεπληρωμένους PROPER THINGS ; —
t o do t h o t h i n g s n o t fitting h a v i n g oeen f i l l e d 29 abounding in Every
πάσχι αδικία, πονηρία, πλεονεξία, Iniquity ;—in Wickedness,
•Withall iniquity, in wickedness, in covetousness, in Covetousness, in Malig-

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 4 . also—omit.
% 21. 2 Kings xvii. 1 5 ; Jer. ii. 5 ; Eph. iv. 17, 18. $ 23. Deut. iv. 1 6 ; Psa. cvi.
2 0 ; Isa. xl. 18, 2 6 ; Jer. ii. 1 1 ; Ezek. viii. 10; Acts xvii. 29. % 24. Psa. Ixxxi. 1 2 ;
Acts vii. 4 2 ; Eph. iv. 18, 19; 2 Thess. ii. 11, 12. $ 24. Lev. xviii. 2 2 ; 1 Pet. iv. 3.
t 2 5 . J e r . x . 1 4 ; Jonah ii. 8 ; Hab. ii. 18.
Chap. 1:30.] ROMANS. [CHap. 2:6.
κακία* μεστούς φθόνου, φόνου, έριδος, nity; full of Envy, Mur-
der, Strife, Deceit, Bad
in malignity; full of envy, murder, strife, Habits; Secret Slanderers,
δόλου, κακοηθείας, ψιθυριστάς· 30καταλάλους, 30 Revilers, God-haters,
deceit, bad disposition, whisperers; revilers, Insolent, Proud, Boasters,
θεοστυγείς, ύβριστάς, υπερήφανους, αλαζόνας, Disobedient to Parents,
Οο(χ—Ίΐ£ΐtGrs• insolent ones» liroud Οτι©s· bo&sters· 31 Obstinate, Covenant-
breakers, destitute of Na-
έφευρετάς κακών, γονεΰσιν απειλείς, 31άσυ- tural Affection, without
νέτους, άσυνθέτους, άστοργους, 32 who, though they
know the ORDINANCE of
GOD, (That THOSE who
ordinance of the God having known, (that those PRACTISE SUCH t h i n g s
τά τοιαΰτα πράσσοντες άξιοι θανάτου are $deserving of Death,)
the things such doing worthy of death not only *are doing Them,
είσιν,) ού μόνον αυτά ποιοϋσιν αλλά καΐ συν- but even are approving
aie,) not only them they do; but even are those who practise them.
ευδοκοϋσι τοις πράσσουσι. ΚΕΦ. 6'. 2. CHAPTER II.
xwell pleased to those doing. 1 Therefore thou art in-
Aio αναπολόγητος εΐ, (5 άνθρωπε πάς excusable, Ο Man! THOU
Wherefore inexcusable thou art, 0 man every one who JUDGEST all; |for
ό κρίνων. Έν φ γάρ κρίνεις τόν
who art judging. In which for thou Judgest the in what thou judgest ANO-
Ιτερον, σεαυτόν κατακρίνεις* τά γάρ THER, thou condemnest
Thyself; since THOU, the
other, thyself thou condemnest; 2the things for JUDGE, fdost practise the
αυτά πράσσεις 6 κρίνων. Οϊδαμεν δε, SAME things.
same thou doest who art judging. We know but, 2 But we know That the
βτι τό κρίμα τοϋ Θεοί) έστι κατά SENTENCE Of GOD IS aC-
that the sentence of the God is according to
cording to TRUTH upon
άλήθειαν επί τους τά τοιαύτα πράσ- those who PRACTISE SUCH
truth upon those the things such doing. things.
σοντας. Λογίζτι 3
δε τοϋτο, ω άνθρωπε ό 3 And dost thou think
Thinkest thou and this, O man who this, Ο Man I THOU who
κρίνων τους τά τοιαΰτα πράσσοντας, και JUDGEST THOSE PRACTIS-
art judging those the things such doing, and ING SUCH things, and yet
ποιών αυτά, δτι συ έκφεύξη τό κρί- art doing the same, That
art doing them, that4 thou shalt escape the sen- thou shalt escape the SEN-
μα τοΰ Θεοΰ; °Ή τοϋ πλούτου της χρη- TENCE of GOD?
tence of the God? Or of the wealth of the good- 4 Or dost thou despise
στότητος αΰτοϋ καΐ της άνοχης καΐ της the ^ABUNDANCE of his
ness of him and of the forbearance and of the ANCE and PATIENCE, GOODNESS and FORBEAR-
μακροθυμίας καταφρονείς, άγνοών, δτι $be-
patience thinkest thou wrong, being ignorant, that ing ignorant That this
τό χρηστόν τοΰ Θεοΰ εις μετάνοιαν σέ thee to a Reformation ? GOODNESS of GOD entices
ΙΩ6 ffoocliiGss ox th θ God to Γ ο ι ο r HI ίΐ 11 on. tli ©β 5 According to thy
άγει; 5Κατά δε τήν θησαυρίζεις σκληρότητα σου σεαυτώ καΐ HARDNESS and unchanged
όμετανόητον καρδίαν, heart, Jthou art treasur-
' inged heart, thou treasurest to thyself ing up Wrath for thyself
έν ήμερα οργής καΐ άποκαλύψεως δι- in a Day of Wrath and
Revelation of GOD'S Right-
καιοκρισίας τοΰ βεοϋ, βος αποδώσει έκα- eous judgment;
r i g h t e o u s j u d g m e n t of t h e God, w h o w i l l r e n d e r t o
7 6 §who will award to
ατφ κατά τά έργα αύτοΰ* τοίς each according to his
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—31. Implacable—omit. 32. are doing them, but even are
pproving those who.
CJiap. 2:7.] ROMANS. [Chap. 2:16.
μέν καθ' ΰπομονήν έργου άγαθοΰ, 7 aionian Life, indeed,
indeed by perseverance of a work good, to THOSE who, by Perse-
δόξαν καΐ τιμήν καΐ άφθαρσίαν ζητοΰσι, verance in Good Works,
glory and honor and incorruptibility are seeking, are SEEKING for Glory
ξωήν αιώνιον 8
τοίς δέ έζ έριθείας, and Honor and Incorrupti-
l i f e a g e - l a s t i n g ; t othose but from a p a r t y s p i r i t , bility ;
καΐ άπειθοϋσι μέν τη άληθεία, πειθομένοις 8 but Indignation and
and disobeying indeed the truth, obeying Wrath to THOSE who are
^FACTIOUS, a n d $obey
δέ τη αδικία, οργή καΐ θυμός, not the TRUTH but obey
but the unrighteousness, wrath and Indignation. UNRIGHTEOUSNESS ;
^Θλίψις καΐ στενοχώρια επί πάπαν ψυχήν άν-
Afflict.ion and distress on every soul of 9 Affliction and Distress
Φρώπου τοϋ κατεργαζομένου τό κακόν, Ί ο υ - on EVERY Soul of Man
man of the working the evil, of WORKING EVIL ; first of
δαίου τε πρώτον και "Ελληνος* 10
δόξα δέ καΐ the Jew, and then of the
Greek ;
τιμή καΐ ειρήνη παντί τφ έργαζομένφ 10 but Glory and $Hon-
or and Peace to EVERY one
το αγαθόν, Ιουδαίο» τε πρώτον καΐ "Ελληνι. WORKING GOOD ; first tO
the good, to Jew 'both first and to Greek. the Jew, and then to the
^Ού γάρ έστι προσωποληψία παρά τω Θεώ. Greek ;
ϊί ο t f οι* is* respect of pe r s oiis ~w i th tli Θ G od» 11 for ithere is no Par-
tiality with GOD.
^"Οσοι γάρ άνόμως ημαρτον, άνό-
12 Therefore, as many
As many as for without law sinned, without as sinned without law,
μωζ καΐ άπολοΰνται* καΐ όσοι έν will perish also without
law also shall perish; and as many as under law; and as many as
νόμω Ι'ιμαρτον, δια νόμου κριθήσονται, 1 3 ( ο ύ sinned under Law, will be
law* sinned, by law shall be judged, (not judged by Law ; —
γάρ ot άκροαται του νόμου δίκαιοι παρά τω 13 (for not $the HEAR-
ERS of *Law are just be-
Θεφ, άλλ' ol ποιηταΐ τοϋ νόμου δικαιω- fore GOD, but the DOERS
CJoflj utxt tli© doers of tli0 liiΛν slifl. 11 be of *Law will be justified.
θήσονται. 1 4 "Οταν γάρ έθνη τά μή νόμον 14 When, therefore,
Justified. When for Gentiles those not a law
THOSE Gentiles not HAV-
έχοντα, φύσει τά τοΰ νόμου ποιη, ING a Law, ±naturally
liciviii£r« toy n a t u r e th© txiiuffs of til© liiw^ miiy do* perform the THINGS of the
ούτοι νόμον μή έχοντες, έαυτοΐς είσι νόμος*
these a law not having, to themselves are a law; LAW% these, though they da
οϊτινες ενδείκνυνται τό έργον τοϋ νόμου not possess a Law, are a
γραπτόν έν ταΐς καρδίαις αύτόον, συμμαρτυ- Law to themselves ;
written in the hearts of them, testifyir? 15 who demonstrate the
ς»ούσης αυτών της συνειδήσεως, καΐ μεταξύ ±WORK of the LAW writ-
with them the conscience, and between tenon their HEARTS, Their
αλλήλων τών λογισμών κατηγορούντων, t^ καΐ CONSCIENCE co-attesing,
16 and the REASONINGS be-
άπολογουμένων,) έν ήμερα δτε κρίνει tween each other, accusing
defending,) in a day when shall judge or defending;)—
6 Θεός τά κρυπτά τών ανθρώπων,
the God the things secrets of the men, 16 in a Day when, ac-
κατά τό εΰαγγέλιόν μου, διά Ίησου cording tO my GLAD TI-
according to the glad tidings of me, through Jesus DINGS, GOD will judge the
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 3 . Law. 13. Law.
± 1 4 . Phusei, by nature, means also " a n infused disposition, which is become, as i t
were, natural. And in this view, I apprehend, after attentive consideration, it is used i n
that famous passage, Rom. ii. 14, 15. This passage relates, I think, not to unconverted,
but to converted Gentiles. See verse 2 6 ; and Jer. xxxi. 31-35 with Heb. viii. 6-13; x.
16; 2 Cor. iii. 3. Ignatius uses the word in the same view when ho thus addresses the
Ephesian church, i. 1; 'Having heard of your name much beloved of God, which you have
attained by your righteous disposition, (Phusei,) according to the faith and love which
is in Jesus Christ our Savior.' " See Parkhurst on the word. ± 1 5 . Matter or substance
of the law, or by a pleonasm, the law itself.
$ 8. 1 Tim. vi. 3, 4. $ 8. 2 Thess. i. 8. $ 10. 1 Pet. i. 7. $ 1 1 . Deut. Σ . 1 7 ;
2 Chron. xix. 7 ; Gal. ii. 6 ; 1 Pet. i. 17. t 13. James i . 22, 2 3 .
Chap. 2 : 1 7 . J ROMANS. [Chap. 2:27*
Χρίστου. 17
El δέ συ 'Ιουδαίος έπονομάζχι, $HIDDEN things Of MEN,
Anointed. If but thou a Jew art named, through * Christ Jesus.
καΐ έπαναπαύη τφ νόμω, καΐ καυχάσαι έν 17 But if thou $art
and dost rest in the lav/, and dost boast in named a Jew, and dost
θεφ, 18κα1 γινώσκεις τό θέλημα, καΐ δοκι- rest in Law, and boast in
God, and knowest the will, a n d d i s -God,
μάζεις τα διαφέροντα, κατηχούμενος 18 and knowest $his
cernest the things differing, being instructed WILL, and dost $discern
εκ του νόμου* πέποιθάς τε σεαυτόν όδη-
out of the law; hast believed and thyself instructed out of the LAW ;
γόν είναι τυφλών, φώς τών έν 19 and hast believed
a guide to be of blind ones, a light of those in thyself to be a Guide of
GKOxzi, 20παι,δευτήν αφρόνων, διδάσκα- the Blind, a Light of
THOSE in Darkness,
λον νηπίων, έχοντα τήν μόρφωσιν της γνώ- 20 an Instructor of t h e
of l)£ibeSj hiivin^ the form of tho ΙεϋΟΛνΙ**" simple, a Teacher of Ba-
21 bes ; having the $FORM
σεως καΐ της αληθείας έν τω νόμω· ό οΰν of KNOWLEDGE and of
edge and of the truth In the law; w h o then
TRUTH in the LAW ; —
διδάσκων έτερον, σεαυτόν ού διδάσκεις; 21 ±dost $THOU, then,
who a r t TEACHING ano-
ό κηρύσσων μή κλέπτειν, κλέπτεις; ther, not instruct Thyself ?
\y π Q ίΙΓ t prGilCxlill^ UO£ tO StC£ll« uOST> tllOU. St>6&l*. THOU who are PREACH-
22 ING, "Do not steal," dost
δ λέγων μή μοιχεύειν, μοιχεύ-
who art saying not to commit adultery, dost thou thou steal ?
22 THOU who a r t say-
εις; ό βδελυσσόμενος τά είδωλα,
commit adultery? who art detesting the idols, ing, "Do not commit adul-
tery ! " dost thou commit
Ιεροσυλείς; ^δς έν νόμω καυχάσαι
adultery? THOU who AB-
δια της παραβάσεως του νόμου τόν Θεόν HORREST IDOLS, dOSt thOU
through the violation of the law the God rob temples?
ατιμάζεις; Τό γαρ δνομα τοϋ Θεοϋ 23 Thou who dost boast
dost thou dishonor? The for name of the God in a Law, through the
δι' υμάς βλασφημείται έν τοίς εθνεσι, VIOLATION of the LAW
through you is blasphemed among the nations, dost thou dishonor GOD?
καθώς γέγραπται. ^Περιτομή μεν 24 For, even as it has
even as i t has been written. Circumcision indeed been written, $"The NAME
γάρ ωφελεί, έάν νόμον πράσσης* έάν δέ of GOD is blasphemed on
for profits, if law thou practisest; if but your account among the
παραβάτης νόμου %, ή περιτο- 25 Now Circumcision
a violator of law thou mayest be, the circum- indeed profits, if thou dost
Έάν practise Law ; but if thou
μή σου άκροβυστία γέγονεν.
cision of thee uncircumcision has become. If art a Violator of Law, thy
οδν ή άκροβυστία τά δικαιώματα τοϋ Uncircumcision.
νόμου φυλάσση, ουχί ή άκροβυστία αύτοΰ είς 26 If therefore the §UN-
law may keep, not the uncircumcision of him for CIRCUMCISION o b s e r v e
27 the ORDINANCES of the
περιτομήν λογισθήσεται; κα1 κρινεί LAW, will not his UNCIR-
circumcision w i l l be counted? And w i l l judge CUMCISION be accounted
ή έο« φι''σεως άκροβυστία, τόν νόμον τε- for Circumcision?
the from nature uncircumcision, the law 27 And the UNCIRCUM-
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 6 . Christ Jesus. 17. Law.
f 2 1 . The Jewish priesthood was very corrupt in the apostolic age. This is very
evident both by the Scriptures, and the testimony of .Tosephus. He charges them with
"theft, treachery, adultery, sacrilege, rapine, and murder:" and he adds, that "new
ways of wickedness were invented by them; and that of all their abominations, the temple
was the receptacle."
t 16. Luke viii. 17. $ 17. ver. 28. $ 18. Psa. cxlvii. 19, 20. t 18. Phil. i. 1 0 .
t 20. 2 Tim. i. 1 3 ; iii. 5. $ 2 1 . Matt, xxiii. 3. % 24. Isa. lii. 5 ; Ezek. xxxvi.
20,23. t 2 5 . Gal. v . 3 . % 26. Acts x. 3 4 , 3 5 .
Chap. 2:28·] ROMANS. [Chap. 3: 8.
λοΰσα σε τον διά γράμματος καΐ CISION, from a state of
purfecting, thee who through 28 letter and nature, perfecting the
περιτομής παραβάτην νόμου; Ού γαρ ό έν LAW, will ^condemn THEE,
circumcision a violator of law? Not for he i who with the Written law
τω φανερφ, 'Ιουδαίος έστιν, ουδέ ή and Circumcision a r t a
Violator of Law.
έν τφ φανερώ, έν σαρκί, περιτομή· 28 For not $TIIAT which
in the outward appearance, in flesh, circumcision;
is EXTERNAL makes the
άλλ' ό έν τω κρυπτφ 'Ιουδαίος και περιτο- Jew, nor that which is EX-
but he in the hidden a Jew, even circum-
TERNAL in the Flesh CIR-
μή καρδίας, έν πνεύματι, ου γράμματι· CUMCISION ;
29 but the Jew is HID-
οδ ό έπαινος ουκ έξ ανθρώπων, άλλ' DEN within, even * Cir-
ΟΧ "\$^Ϊ1ΟΪΛ U16 prillS© DOt X ΓΟΙΪ1 XXI GUy DUt
cumcision of the Heart,—
έ« τοϋ Θεοΰ. Spiritual, n o t Literal;
from th© God.
Whose PRAISE comes not
ΚΕΦ. γ'. 3. from Men, but from GOD.
ΤΙ οίν τό περισσό ν του 'Ιουδαίου; CHAPTER I I I .
What then the pre-eminence of the Jew? 1 What then is the SU-
V( τΙς ή ωφέλεια της περιτομής; 2 Πολύ, PERIORITY of the J E W , or
or what the profit of the circumcision? Much,
What the PROFIT of the
κατά πάντα τρόπον. Πρώτον μέν CIRCUMCISION?
2 Much in every Re-
γάρ, δτι έπιστεύθησαν τά λόγια
spect ; but first, indeed,
for, because they 8
were entreated with the oracles $Because they were en-
του Θεοΰ. ΤΙ γάρ; εΐ ήπίστησαν τινές,
of the God. What for? if believed not some, trusted with the ORACLES
μή ή απιστία αυτών τήν πίστιν του Θεοΰ of GOD.
3 For what §if some
καταργήσει; 4Μή γένοιτο· γινέσθω δέ ό did not believe? will their
w i l l make void? Not let it be; let be but the UNBELIEF annul the F I -
θεός αληθής, πας δέ άνθρωπος ψεύστης, κα- DELITY of GOD?
God 4 By no means ! but let
θώς γέγραπται· "Οπως αν δικαιω- GOD be true, though Every
Man be False; even as i t
θχίς έν τοις λόγοις σου, καΐ νική- has been written, $"That
justlfied in the words of thee, and mayest "thou mayest be justified
σης έν τώ κρίνεσθαί σε. ΒΕί δέ ή άδι- "in thy WORDS, and may-
conquer in the to be judg.ed thee. If but the un- "est overcome in thy
κία ημών Θεοϋ δικαιοσύνην συνί- 5 But if our UNRIGHTE-
righteousness of us of God righteousness os- OUSNESS establishes God's
στησι, τΐ έροΰμεν; μή άδικος ό Righteousness, what shall
tablishes, what shall we say? not unrighteous the we say? Is THAT GOD un-
Θεός ό έπιφέρων όργήν; (κατά όννθρω- righteous who INFLICTS
God that inflicting wrath? (according to man WRATH? (I speak accord-
πον λέγω.) βΜή γένοιτο· έπεί πώς κρι- ing to Man.)
I speak.) Not l e t i t b e ; otherwise how w i l l
νεί ό Θεός τόν κόσμον: Έ Ι γάρ ή άλή- 6 By no means! other-
judge the God the world? If for the truth wise, Jhow will GOD judge
θεια του Θεοΰ έν τφ έμφ -ψεύσματι έπερίσ- the WORLD?
of the God by the my falsehood abounded 7 For if the TRUTH of
σευσεν είς τήν δόξαν αύτοΰ, τΐ ετι κάγώ GOD abounded by MY
to the glory of him, why yet also I Falsehood to his GLORY,
ώς αμαρτωλός κρίνομαι; 8ΚαΙ μή (καθώς 6λα- why am I also yet judged
as a sinner am judged? And not (as we as a Sinner?
σφημούμεθα, *[καΙ] καθώς φασί τινές ήμας 8 And not, (as we are
are falsely accused, tand] as affirm some of us falsely accused, and as

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 8 . and—omit.
t 2 7. Matt. xii. 41, 42. $ 28. Matt. iii. 9 ; John viii. 3 9 ; Rom. ix. 6, 7 ; Gal. vi.
15. ί 29. Col. ii. 1 1 ; Phil. iii. 3. $ 2. Psa. cxlvii. 1 9 , 2 0 ; Rom. ix. 4. ί 3 .
Rom. x. 1 6 ; Heb. iv. 2 . $ Psa. li. 4. t 6. Gen. xviii. 2 5 ; Job. viii. 3 ; xxxiv. 17.
$ 8. Rom. v. 2 0 ; vi. 1, 1 5 .
Chap, 3:9.] ROMANS. [Chap. 3:20.
λέγειν,) δτι ποιήσωμεν τά κακά, ϊνα some affirm t h a t we say,)
to say,) that we may do the evil things, so that $That we may do EVIL, SO
£λθτ| τά αγαθά; ων τό κρίμα that GOOD may come;
iuay"come the good things? of whom the judgment W h o s e CONDEMNATION IS
ενδικόν έστι. e Tl οΰν; προεχόμεθα; Ου πάν- just.
Just is. What then? do we excel? Not at 9 What then? Do we
τω ς* ive προχιτιασάμεθα γάρ, 'Ιουδαίους τε excel ? Not at a l l ; for we
before convicted for, Jews both before convicted both
καΐ "Ελληνας πάντας ύφ' άμαρτ'ιαν είναι· Jews and Greeks to be all
under Sin;
10 10 even as it has been
καθώς γέγραπται* "Οτι ουκ έ'στι δίκαι-
written, §"There is none
even as it has been w r i t t e ; That not is Just. "righteous, not even one;
ος ουδέ είς· ούκ εστίν ό συνιών, ούκ 11 "There is *none that
"understands, there i s
έ'στιν ό έκζητών τον Θεόν 12 πάντες έξέκλι- "none that seeks God.
is he seeking out the God; all turned
12 "They all have
ναν, αμα ήχρειώθησαν ούκ εστί "turned aside; they are
" altogether worthless ;
ποιών χρηστότητα, * [ούκ εστίν] εως ενός. "there is none that does
doing goodness, [not is] even one. "Good, there is not even
Τάφος άνεωγμένος ό λάρυγξ αύ- "one.
A sepulchre having "been opened the throat of 13 ±$"An opened
των* ταΐς γλώσσαις αυτών έδολιοΰσαν. "Tomb is their THROAT ;
"with their TONGUES they
'Ιός ασπίδων ύπό τά χείλη αυτών, 1 4 Τ Ων "deceive ; | t h e Poison of
Venom of a s p s u n d e r t h e l i p s of t h e m , Of w h o m "Asps is under their LIPS.
τό στόμα άρας καΐ πικρίας γέμει. 14 $ "Their MOUTH is
the mouth of cursing and of bitterness is full. "full of Cursing and Bit-
Ό ξ ε ί ς ol πόδες αυτών έκχέαι αίμα· "terness."
Swift the feet of them to pour out blood; 15 $"Their FEET are

σύντριμμα και ταλαιπωρία έν ταϊς όδοίς αύ- "swift to shed Blood;
ruin and misery in the ways of 16 "Ruin and Misery
κα1 δδόν ειρήνης ούκ έγνωσαν. Ούκ "are in their PATHS,
17 18
them; and a way of peace not they knew. Not 17 "and a Peaceful
£στι φόβος θεοΰ απέναντι τών οφθαλμών αυ- "Road they have not
19 18 "There is no Fear
τών. Οϊδαμεν δε, δτι δσα ό νόμος "of God before their EYES."
them. We know and, that what things the law 19 But we know That
λέγει, τοις έν τώ νόμω λαλεί· ίνα παν whatever things §the LAW
says, to those under the law i t speaks; that every says, it speaks to THOSE
στόμα φραγή, καΐ υπόδικος γένη- under the LAW ; so that
mouth maybe stopped, and liable to penalty may Every Mouth may be
ται πάς ό κόσμος τώ θεώ. 20
Διότι* stopped, and that All the
WORLD may become ame-
έξ έ'ργων νόμου ού δικαιωθήσεται πάσα nable to God.
20 Therefore by Works
of Law No Human being
σαρξ ενώπιον αύτοϋ· διά γάρ νόμου έπΐ- shall be justified in his
flesh before h i m ; th rough for law an presence; §for through
γνωσις αμαρτίας. ^ΝυνΙ δέ χωρίς Law there is an Acknow-
acknowledgment of sin. Now but without ledgment of Sin.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 1 . none that understands, there is none that seeks God.
12. not is—omit.
± 13. This, with all the following verses to the end of the 18th, are found i n th©
Septuagint, but not in the Hebrew text; and it is most evident that it was from this
Version that the apostle quoted, as the verses cannot be found in any other place with so
near an approximation to the apostle's meaning and words.—Clarke. Some contend, how-
ever, that the Apostle quoted from different parts of Scripture.
% 10. Psa. xiv. 1-3. % 13. Psa. v. 5 ; Jer. v. 16. % 14. Psa. cxl. 3. % 1 4 .
Psa. x . 7. t 15. Prov. i. 1 6 ; Isa. lix. 7 , 8 . % 18. Psa. xxxvi. 1. % 19. John x.
x. 3 4 ; xv. 2 5 . % 2 0 . Bom. vii. 7 ; Gal. ii. 16.
Chap. 3:21.] ROMANS. {Chap. 3:31.
νόμου δικαιοσύνη Θεοΰ πεφανέρω- 21 $Butnow, apart from
law a righteousnei has been made Law, God's Righteousness
οί God
ται, μαρτυρουμένη ΰπό του νόμου καΐ των has been made manifest,
manifest, being attested by the law and the $being attested by the
LAW and the PROPHETS ;
προφητών 22δικαιοσύνη δε Θεοϋ δια
prophets; a righteousness even of God through 22 even God's Righte-
ousness, ^through t h e
πίστεως * [Ίησοΰ] Χοιστοΰ, εις πάντας *[καΙ Faith of Christ, to AJ1
faith [of J e s u s ] A n o i n t e d , t o all Land
επί πάντας] τους πιστεύοντας· ού γάρ έστι WHO BELIEVE ;—for there
iil-on all] the believing; not for is is no Distinction,
διαστολή. ^ΙΙάντες γάρ ημαρτον, καΐ ύστε- 23 for $all have sinned,
a distinction. All for sinned, and come and come short of the
24 GLORY of GOD ; —
οοΰνται της δόξης τοΰ Θεοΰ, δικαιούμενοι 24 being justified freely
short of the glory of the God, being justified
by HIS Favor, $ through
δωρεάν, ττ\ αύτοϋ χάριτι, δια της άπο-THAT REDEMPTION Which
freely, by the of h i m favor, through the re- is by Christ Jesus ;
25 whom GOD has set
λυτρώσεως της έν Χριστώ Ίησοΰ· 25δν προέ- forth to be ±ia Mercy-
seat, by H I S OWN Blood,
θετο ό Θεός ίλαστήριον διά της πίστεως through the FAITH ; for
forth the God a mercy-seat through the faith an Exhibition of h i s
έν τω αύτοΰ αϊματι, είς ενδειξιν της RIGHTEOUSNESS §in PASS-
by the of him blood, for a pointing out of the ING BY t h e SINS FORMERLY
δικαιοσύνης αύτοΰ, διά την πάρεσιν committed, during t h e
τών προγεγονότων αμαρτημάτων έν xfi FORBEARANCE Of GOD ,*
of the formerly committed sins in the 2G and for an Exhibition
άνοχη τοϋ Θεοΰ· 2βπρός ενδειξιν της of his RIGHTEOUSNESS at
forbearance of the God; to a point out of the the PRESENT Time, in
order that he may BE
δικαιοσύνης αύτοΰ έν τφ νΰν καιρώ, Righteous while justify-
Γ 1&Ιι t Θ oil sue s s of li ι ixi s θ 1 f i ix too present 11 πι β j ing HIM who is of the
είς τό είναι αυτόν δίκαιον, καΐ δικαι- Faith of Jesus.
in order tiiΛt to be Jhΐixx ri^ht©ouSj &uci justify™ 27 Where then is BOAST-
ING? I t is shut out.
οΰντα τον έκ πίστεως Ίησοΰ. 2 7 Ποΰ οδν Through What Law? Of
ή καύχησις; έξεκλείσθη. Διά ποίου νό- WORKS? No, but by the
the boasting? i t is shut out. Through what kind of
μου; των έ'ργων; ουχί, αλλά διά νόμου Law of Faith ;
law? of the works? no, but through a law 28 for we reckon that
πίστεως* 28λογιζόμεΦα γάρ, δικαιοΰσθαι πί- Man is justified by Faith,
apart from Works of Law.
στει άνθοωπον, χωρίς έργων νόμου. 29"jj the29JEWS Or is he the GOD of
alone? and not
faith a man, without works of law. Or of the Gentiles? Yes, of
'Ιουδαίων ό Θεός μόνον; ούχι καΐ εθνών; the Gentiles also ;
of Jews the God alone? not and of Gentiles?
30 since it is $the One
val καΐ εθνών. 30Έπε'ιπερ είς ό Θεός, GOD who will justify the
Circumcision by Faith,
δς δικαιώσει περιτομήν έκ πίστεως, και and the Uncircumcision
through the FAITH.
•who w i l l justify circumcision from31 faith, and 31. Do we then nullify
άκροβυστίαν διά της πίστεως. Νόμον οδν Law through the FAITH?
uncircumcision through the faith. Law then
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 2 . Jesus—omit. 22. and on all—omit.
± 2 5. The word hilasteerion never signifies "propitiation," as it is translated in the
common version; but it is always used wherever it occurs, both in the Old Testament
and the New, to express the mercy-seat; which was the golden lid of the ark upon which
the Shechinah or cloud of glory rested, and from which oracles were dispensed. See Exod.
xxv. 2 2 ; Num. vii. 3, 9 ; Lev. xvii. 2 ; Heb. ix. 5.—Jm. Ver. Note.
t 2 1 . Acts xv. 1 1 ; Bom. i. 1 7 ; Phil. iii. 9. t 2 1 . John v. 4 6 ; Acts xxvi. 22.
t 22. Rom. iv. $ 23. ver. 9 ; Rom. xi. 3 2 ; Gal. iii. 22. $ 24. Matt. xx. 2 8 ; Eph.
i . 7 ; Col. i . 1 4 ; 1 Tim. ii. 6 ; Heb. ix. 1 2 ; 1 Pet. i. 18, 19. t 25. Heb. ix. 5.
t 25. Acts xiii. 38, 3 9 ; 1 Tim. i . 15. t 30. Rom. x. 12, 1 3 ; Gal. i i i . 8, 20, 28.
Chap. 4:1.] ROMANS. [Chap. 4 : 1 1 .
καταργοΰμεν δια της πίστεως; Μή γένοιτο· By no means; but, we es'
do we n u l l i f y through the faith? Not l e t i t be; tablish Law.
αλλά νόμον
but law
we establish.
1 What, then, shall we
ΚΕΦ. δ'. 4. say of ^Abraham, our
*FOREFATHER according
ΤΙ οΰν έροϋμεν 'Αβραάμ τόν πατέρα to the Flesh?
What then shall we say Abraam the2 father 2 For if Abraham was
ημών *[εύρηκέναι] κατά σάρκα; ΕΙ γάρ ^justified by Works, he
of us Ctohave found] accordingto flesh? If for has a ground of boasting ;
'Αβραάμ έξ έργων έδικαιώθη, έχει καύ- but not before GOD ;
Abraam from works was justified, he has boast- 3 for what says the
χημα, άλλ' ού προς τόν Θεόν. 8 Τι γάρ ή SCRIPTURE? $"And Abra-
ing, but not towards the God. What for the h a m believed GOD, and
γραφή λέγει; Έπίστευσε δέ 'Αβραάμ τφ "it was accounted to him
writing says? Believed and Abraam the "for Righteousness."
Θεφ, καΐ έλογίσθη αύτφ είς δικαιοσυνην 4 $Now to HIM who
God, oune WORKS, t h e REWARD IS
Τφ δέ έργαζομένω ό μισθός ού λογίζεται not accounted as a Favor,
To him but working the reward not is counted but as a Debt;
κατά χάριν, αλλά κατά όφείλημα· 5 but to HIM who does
according to favor, but according to debt; not WORK, but who be-
τφ δέ μή έργαξομένω, πιστεύοντι δέ έπΙ lieves on HIM who JUSTI-
to h i m but not working," believing but on FIES §the UNGODLY, his
τόν >neδικαιοΰντα τόν άσεβη, λογίζεται ή FAITH is accounted for
justifying the ungodly, is counted the Righteousness.
the 6 Even as David also
πίστις αύτοΰ είς δικαιοσυνην βκαθάπερ καΐ
faith of himself for righteouness; even as and speaks of the BLESSED-
Δαυίδ λέγει τόν μακαρισμόν του ανθρώπου, NESS of the MAN to whom
David speaks the blessedness of the man, GOD accounts Righteous-
<f> 6 Θεός λογίζεται δικαιοσυνην χωρίς ness apart from Works,
to whom the God counts righteousness without 7 saying, § "Happy are
ργ ^μακάριοι, ων αφέθησαν at "they Whose INIQUITIES
works; blessed ones, of whom are forgiven the "are forgiven, and Whose
άνομίαι, καΐ ων έπεκαλύφθησαν αϊ άμαρ-
"SINS are covered ;
8 "happy is the Man
τίαι* 8μακάριος άνήρ, φ ού μή λογίσηται "to whom the Lord will
blessed man, to whom not not may count "not account Sin."
Κύριος άμαρτίαν. Ό μακαρισμός οΰν οδτος, 9 IS t h i s BLESSEDNESS,
Lord sin. The blessedness then this, then, on the CIRCUMCI-
έπΙ τήν περιτομήν § καΐ έπΙ τήν άκροβυ-
SION? or also on the UN-
στίαν; Λέγομεν γάρ, * [δτι] έλογίσθη τω
affirm, FAITH w a s ac
counted to ABRAHAM for
cision? We say for, Ethat] was counted 1 0to the Righteousness.
'Αβραάμ ή πίστις είς δικαιοσυνην. Πώς
Abraam the faith for righteousness. How 10 How then was it ac-
οΰν έλογίσθη; έν περιτομχί δντι, ^ έν counted? AVhen he was
then was it counted? in circumcision being, or in in Circumcision, or in Un-
άκροβυστία; Ουκ έν περιτομη, άλλ' έν άκρο- circumcision? Not in Cir-
uncircumcision? Not In circumcision, but in un- cumcision, but in Uncir-
αι cumcision.
6υστία· κα1 σημείον δλαβε περιτο- 11 And §he received
circumclslon; and a sign lie received of circum- the Symbol of Circumci-
μης, σφραγίδα της δικαιοσύνης της sion, as a Seal of the
cision, a seal of the righteousness of the RIGHTEOUSNESS Of THAT
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. FOREFATHER. 1. to have found—omit. 9. Tha
t 1. Isa. li. 2 ; Matt. iii. 9 ; John viii. 33, 3 9 ; 2 Cor. xi. 22. % 2. Bom. iii. 20,
27, 28. $ 3. Gen. xv. 9 ; Gal. iii. 6 ; James ii. 2 3 . $ 4. Eom. x i . O . $ 5 . Josh,
xxiv. 2 . 17. Psa. xxxii. 1,2. $ 1 1 . Gen. xvii. 1.
Chap. 4:12.] KOMANS. [Chap. 4:18.
πίστεως της έγ τη άκροβυστία· εις F A I T H which he had while
faith of that in the uncircumcision; in order in UNCIRCUMCISION ; in
τό είναι αυτόν πατέρα πάντων των πι- order t h a t he might be t h e
F a t h e r of All uncircum-
that to oe him a father of a l l of those be-
cised BELIEVERS ; t h a t t h e
οτευόντων δι' άκροβυστίας, (εις τό RIGHTEOUSNESS may be
λογισθήναι *[καΙ] αύτοϊς την δικαιοσύνην,) ACCOUNTED to t h e m ;
to be counted [also] to them the righteousness,) 12 and a F a t h e r of Cir-
κα1 πατέρα περιτομής, τοις ούκ έκ cumcision, not only to
THOSE who a r e of Circum-
περιτομής μόνον, άλλα καΐ τοίς στοιχοϋσι cision, b u t to THOSE also
circumcision alone, who TREAD in t h e FOOT-
but also to those treading
S T E P S of t h e F A I T H of our
τοις ϊχνεσι της εν άκροβυστία π'ιστε-
in the footsteps of the in uncircumcis'ion faith FATHER Abraham, which
he had in Uncircumci-
ως τοϋ πατρός ημών 'Αβραάμ. Ού γαρ sion.
of the father of us Abraam. Not for
13 F o r t h e PROMISE to
δια νόμου ή επαγγελία τω 'Αβραάμ, ή τώ ABRAHAM and to his
through law the promise to' the Abraam, or the
SEED, $ t h a t he should be
σπέρματι αύτοΰ, τό κληρονόμον αυτόνan I n h e r i t o r of a World,
was n o t through Law, b u t
κόσμου, άλλα δια δικαιοσύνης πίστεως. through a Righteousness
of F a i t h .
of a world, but through a righteousness of faitn. 14 $For if THOSE of t h e
Εί γαρ ot έκ νόμου, κληρονόμοι, κεκένω- Law a r e Heirs, t h e F A I T H
ται ή πίστις, καΐ κατήργηται ή becomes useless, and t h e
made void the faith, and has been multipl ied the I R O M I S E abrogated.
επαγγελία· 1 δ ό γαρ νόμος όργήν κατεργάζε- 15 Besides, | t h e LAW
promise; the for law wrath works out; works out W r a t h ; *but
ται· ol· γαρ ούκ εστί νόμος, ουδέ παράβα- where Law is not, t h e r e is
where for not is law, neither transgres- no Transgression.
αις. 16
Διά τοϋτο έκ πίστεως, ϊνα 16 On account of this i t
is from F a i t h , $that i t
κατά χάριν εις τό είλ'αι βεβαίαν την may be according to Fa-
vor, $in order t h a t t h e
έπαγγελίαν παντί τω σπέρματι, ου τω έκ PROMISE might BE sure to
All the SEED ; n o t to THAT
τοΰ νόμου μόνον, άλλα καΐ τω έκ πίστεως of t h e LAW only, but to
THAT of t h e F a i t h of Abra-
'Αβραάμ ος έστι πατήρ πάντων ημών ^(κα- ham, $who is a F a t h e r of
us a l l , —
θώς γέγραπται* "Οτι πατέρα πολλών
17 as i t h a s been writ-
as it has been written; That a father of many ten, $"A F a t h e r of Many
"Nations I have consti-
εθνών τέθεικά σ ε · ) κατέναντι ο5 tuted thee,"—i n the
nations I have placed thee;) in presence of whom presence of THAT GOD
έπίστευσε Θεοϋ, τοϋ ζωοποιοΰντος τους whom he believed, $who
ho believed of God, of that making alive the
νεκρούς, καΐ καλούντος τά μη δντα ώς and calls $ T H I N G S not in
dead ones, and calling the things not being as
BEING, as though EXIST-
δντα. 1 8 "Ος παρ' ελπίδα έπ' έλπίδι έπ'ι- ING ;
being. Who contrary to hope in hope be- 18 who, contrary to
στε\>σεν, εις τό γενέσθαι αυτόν Hope, believed with Hope,
lieved, ia order that to have become him t h a t he should BECOME a
πατέρα πολλών εθνών, (κατά τό εΐ- F a t h e r of Many Nations,
according to THAT which
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—-11. also—-omit. 15. but where.
t 13. Gen. xvii. 4, &c.; Gal. iii. 29. t 14. Gal. iii. 13. $ 15. Rom. iii. 20;
v. 13, 20; vii. 8, 10, 11; 1 Cor. xv. 5G; 2 Cor. iii. 7, 0; Gal. iii. 10, 19; Uohniii. 4.
ί 16. Roin. iii. 24. $ 16. Gal. iii. 22. $ 16. Isa. Ii. 2; Bora. ix. 8. $ 17.
Gen. xvii. 5. I 17. Horn. viii. 11; Eph. ii. 1, 5. $ 17. Bom. ix. 26; 1 Cor. i. 18;
1 Pet. ii. 10.
Chap. 4:19.1 ROMANS. [Chap. 5:4.
ρημενον Ούτως έ'σται τ ό σπέρμα σου·) had been SPOKEN, §"Thus
ι Ί\£? 06 6ΐ) spokouj Thu. s shit 11 bo tli© scecl of t lie β f ^ "shall thy SEED be."
κα1 μή άσθενήσας ττ) πίστει, *[ού] 19 And not having
grown weak in the FAITH,
κατενόησε το έαυτοΰ σώμα *[ήδη] νενε- though he regarded H I S
he regarded the of himself body [already] having OWN Body as deadened,
κρωμένον, έκαντονταέτης που being somewhere about a
been deadened, an hundred years old thereabouts Hundred years old, and
υπάρχων, καΐ τήν νέκρωσιν της μήτρας Σάρ- the DEADNESS of Sarah's
being, and the deadness of the womb of
ρας· εις δέ τήν έπαγγελ'ιαν τοϋ Θεοΰ 20 he did not dispute
Sarah; against and the promise of the God
against the PROMISE of
ού διεκρίθη τχ\ απιστία, αλλ' ένεδυνα- GOD, by UNBELIEF, but
not he disputed in "the unbelief, but was made
μώθη τη πίστει, δούς δόξαν τω Θεώ, was made strong in the
strong in'the faith, giving glory to'the God, FAITH, giving Glory to
κα1 πληροφορηθείς, οτι δ έπήγ- GOD ;
and h a v i n g been f u l l y a s s u r e d , t h a t w h a t h a s been 21 having been fully as-
22 sured, That what has been
γελται, δυνατός έστι καΐ ποιήσαι. Διό promised, $he is able also
promised, able he is also to do. Wherefore
to perform.
* [καΐ] έλογίσ#η αύτω είς δικαιοσύνην. 22 Therefore, it was ac-
[also] i t was counted to him for righteousness. counted to him for Righte-
Όύχ έγράφη δέ δι' αυτόν μόνον, ousness.
δτι έλογίσϋη αύτώ* 24άλλά και δι 23 But $it was not writ-
tof ten for him alone, That i t
that it was counted to him; but also on
ημάς οίς
Οίς μέλλει
μ,ϋΛ/νκυ λογίζεσθαι,
Auyi^tuvui, τοις was accounted to him,
u t >wh
whom iitt is is about
about to be counted, 24 but also for us, to
πιστεύουσιν επί τον έγείραντα Ίησοΰν τον whom it is about to be ac-
believing ou the one having raised up Jesus the
counted, even to THOSE
Κνριον ημών έκ νεκρών ^ος παρεδό- who BELIEVE $on H I M
Lord of us out of dead ones; who was delivered
who RAISED UP Jesus our
θη διά τά παραπτώματα ημών, καΐ LORD from the Dead ;
up and
25 $who was delivered
ήγέρθη διά τήν δικαίωσιν ημών. up on account of our OF-
was raised up on account of the justification of us. FENCES, $and raised for


^ικαιωθέντες οΰν έκ πίστεως, ε'ιρή-
Having been justified therefore by faith, peacs 1 Having been justified,
νην δχομεν προς τον Θεόν διά τοΰ Κυρίου therefore, by Faith, we
we have with the God through the Lord have $Peace with GOD,
ημών Ίησοΰ Χρίστου· δι' οδ καΐ τήν through our LORD Jesus
of us Jesus Anointed; through whom also the Christ;
προσαγωγήν έσχήκαμεν * [τχ\ πίστει] είς τήν 2 through whom, also
introduction we have (by the faith) into the we have been INTRO-
χάριν ταύτην, έν χ\ έστήκαμεν καΐ καυ- DUCED into this FAVOR in
favor this, in which we have stood; and we
which we stand ; $and we
χοόμεθα έπ' έλπίδι της δόξης τοϋ Θεοΰ. boast in Hope of the
boast in hope of the glory of the God.
Ού μόνον δέ, αλλά καΐ καυχώμεθα έν ταίς 3 And not only so, but
Not alone and, but also we boast in the
$we triumph also in AF-
θλίψεσιν, είδότες δτι ή θλίψις ύπομονήν FLICTIONS, §knowing That
^3. til i c t i ozis * kiioiiv 1 Q£f t*i& t tli Θ fifil i c t i on Giidup&n AFFLICTION works o u t
κατεργάζεται, 4 ή δέ υπομονή δοκιμήν, ή Endurance;
works out* tho &.iid Gudurimc© epprobfttioii tlie 4 §a n d ENDURANCE,
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 9 . not—omit. 19. already—omit. 22. also—omit.
2. in the FAITH—omit.
t 18. Gen. xv. 5. t 21. Psa. cxv. 3 ; Luke i. 37, 4 5 ; Heb. xi. 19. % 23. Kom.
xv. 4 ; 1 Cor. x. 6, 1 1 . X 24. Acts ii. 2 4 ; xiii. 30. % 25. Isa. liii. 5, 6; Kom.
iii. 2 5 ; v. 6 ; viii. 32, &o. t 25. 1 Cor. xv. 1 7 ; 1 Pet. i. 21. $ 1. Eph. ii. 4 ; Col.
i. 20. t 2. Heb. iii. 6. | 3. Matt. v. 1 1 ; Acts v. 4 1 ; 2 Cor. xii. 10; Phil. i i . 1 7 ;
James i. 2, 12; 1 Pet. iii. 14. $ 3. James i. 3. § 4. James i. 12.
Chap. 5:5.] ROMANS. [Chap. 5:14.
δέ δοκιμή ελπίδα, ε ή δέ έλπίς ού καται- Approval; and APPROVAL,
aud approbation hope, the and hope not is put to Hope;
σχύνει, 6τι ή αγάπη τοΰ Θεοΰ έκκέχυ- 5 $and this HOPE is
sliame, because iue love of the God has been not put to shame, because
ται έν ταϊς καρδίαις ημών δια πνεύ- $the LOVE of GOD has been
p o u r e d o u t i n t h e h e a r t s of u s t h r o u g h s p i r i t diffused in our HEARTS,
ματος άγιου τοΰ δοθέντος ήμίν. 6 * [ ' Έ τ ι ] through THAT holy Spirit
holy of that having been given to us. [YetJ which has been GIVEN to
γάρ Χριστός, δντων ημών ασθενών us.
for an Anointed one, being of us without strength 6 *Besides we being yet
helpless, Christ at the pro-
£τι, κατά καιρόν υπέρ άσε- per Time, died in behalf of
a t i l l , according to a season in behalf of impious the Ungodly.
6ών απέθανε. 7Μόλις γάρ υπέρ δικαίου 7 Now scarcely on be-
ones he died. Scarcely for inbehalfof a just person half of a Just person will
τις άποθανείται· υπέρ γάρ τοΰ άγαθοΰ any one die, though, pos-
any one w i l l die; in behalf of though the good sibly, on behalf of the
τάχα τις καΐ τολμά άποθανείν GOOD, some one might
some one even might dare to die; even venture to die.
συνίστησι δέ την έαυτοΰ αγάπη ν εις ήμας 8 £But *GOD recom-
recommends but the of himself love to us
mends His OWN Love to
ό Θεός, 8τι 8τι αμαρτωλών δντων ημών, us, Because we being yet
the God, because, still sinners being of us,
Sinners, Christ died on
Χριστός υπέρ ημών απέθανε. 9 Πολλώ our behalf. »
Anointed one in behalf of us died. B y much 9 By much more, then,
οΰν μάλλον, δικαιωθέντες νΰν έν τφ having been now justified
tlien more, having been justified now in the §by his BLOOD, we shall,
αίματι αύτοΰ, σωθησόμεθα δι' αύτοΰ άπό through him, be saved
blood of him, we shall be saved through him from
from WRATH.
10 For if, being Ene-
της οργής. 10 Εί γάρ εχθροί δντες κατηλλά- mies, $we were reconciled
γημεν τφ Θεφ δια τοΰ θανάτου
μάλλον καταλλαγέν- τοΰ
cileci αύτοΰ,
to the God πολλφ through the death of the to GOD through the DEATH
son of him, by much more having been recon- of his SON, by how much
τες σωθησόμεθα έν τη ζωή αύτοΰ. 31Ού
c i l e d w e s h a l l be saved i n t h e l i f e of h i m . N o t more, having become re-
conciled, shall we be saved
μόνον δέ, αλλά καΐ καυχώμενοι έν τφ Θεφ $by his LIFE?
only and, but also boasting in the God 11 And not only so, but
δια τοΰ Κυρίου ημών Ίησοΰ Χρίστου, δι' we even boast in GOD
through the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, through through our LORD Jesus
οδ νυν την καταλλαγήν έλάβομεν. Christ, through whom we
W^uom HOT^ the rocoucilijition wΘ received· have now received the RE-
•^Διά τοΰτο ωσπερ δι' ενός άνθρωπου CONCILIATION ;
through one man 12 for this reason,—as
On account of this as
>τία εΙς τόν κόσμον εισήλθε* κα! διά $ through One Man SIN
entered into the WORLD,
της αμαρτίας ό θάνατος* καΐ οΰτως εις πάντας (in whom all sinned,) and
through SIN, §DEATH ; so
άνθροΐπους ό θάνατος διήλθεν, εφ' φ also, DEATH passed upon
men the death passed through, in which All Men.
πάντες ήμαρτον. ^"Αχρι γάρ νόμου αμαρτία 13 For till the Law, Sin
all sinned. Till for law sin was in the World, but
^v έν κόσμω· αμαρτία δέ ούκ έλλογεΐται μή $Sin is not accounted
was in world; 1 4 sin but not is counted not where there is no Law.
δντος νόμου. Άλλ' έβασίλευσεν ό θάνατος 14 DEATH, however,
being law. But reigned the death reigned from Adam till
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 6 . If, then, we being yet helpless. 6. yet.—omit. 8.
he recommends.
t 5. Phil. i. 20. ί 5 . 2 Cor. i. 2 2 ; Gal. iv. 6 ; Eph. i. 13, 14. ί 8 . John xv. 1 3 ;
1 P e t . i i i . 1 8 ; 1 John iii. 16; iv. 9, 10. t 9. Rom. iii. 2 5 ; Eph. ii. 1 3 ; Heb. ix.
14; 1 John i. 7. % 10. 2 Cor. v. 18, 19; Eph. ii. 16; Col. i. 20, 2 1 . % 10. John
V. 2 6 ; xiv. 1 9 ; 2 Cor. iv. 10, 1 1 . % 12. Gen. iii. 6 ; 1 Cor. xv. 2 1 . $ 12. Gen. ii.
1 7 ; Bom. vi. 2 3 ; 1 Cor. xv. 2 1 . $ 1 3 . Rom. iv. 1 5 ; 1 John iii. 4.
Chap. 5:15.] ROMANS. [Chap. 5:21.
από 'Αδάμ μέχρι Μωϋσέως καΐ επί τους μή Moses, even over THOSE
from Adam t i l l Moses and over those not who had not SINNED in the
άμαρτήσαντας επί τφ όμοιώματι της παραβάσε- SIMILITUDE Of t h e TRANS-
GRESSION of Adam, $who
ως 'Αδάμ· δς έστι τύπος του μέλλον- is a Type of that BEING
gression of Adam; who is a type of the one being
Ά λ λ ' οΰχ ώς τό παράπτωμα 15 But not as the FALL,
& 1j Ο U. t t o CO ΪΧ1 © · Β lit Hot ίΐ 3 t IIΘ fillip so is the GRACIOUS GIFT.
ούτω *ΓκαΙ] τό χάρισμα. ΕΙ γαρ τφ τοΰ For if by the FALL of the
so falsol the gracious gift. If for by the of one ONE, the MANY died, much
more the FAVOR of GOD,
ενός παραπτώματι ol πολλοί άπέθανον, πολ- even THAT Gracious GIFT
one fall the many died, by by the ONE Man, Jesus
λφ μάλλον ή χάρις τοϋ Θεοΰ καΐ ή δωρεά Christ, abounded to the
much the favor of the God and the gift MANY.
έν χάριτι τη τοϋ ενός ανθρώπου Ίησοϋ 16 And not as through
by favor by that of the one man Jesus
Χρίστου εις τους πολλούς έπερ'ισσευσε. ΚαΙ One having sinned, is the

FREE GIFT. For indeed

Anointed to the many abounded. And
ούχ ώς δι' ενός άμαρτήσαντος, τό δώρη- the SENTENCE was from
not as through one having sinned, the free One to Condemnation;
μα. Τό μεν γάρ κρίμα, έξ ενός εις but the GRACIOUS GIFT is
gift. The indeed for sentence, from one to from Many Offences to
κατάκριμα· τό δέ χάρισμα, έκ πολλών
condemnation; the but gracious gift, from many Righteousness.
παραπτωμάτων είς δικαίοιμα. 1 7 El γαρ τφ 17 Besides, if by the
τοϋ ενός παραπτώματι ό θάνατος έβασίλευσε FALL Of t h e ONE, DEATH
of the one fall the death reigned
reigned through that ONE ;
διά τοϋ ενός, πολλφ μάλλον ol τήν πε- much more will THOSE
through the one, by much more those the HAVING RECEIVED t h e
ρισσε'ιαν της χάριτος καΐ * [της δωρεάς] ABUNDANCE of t h e FAVOR
abundance of the favor and [of the gift]
της δικαιοσύνης λαμβάνοντες, έν ζωη βασι- and the RIGHTEOUSNESS
of t h e r i g h t e o u s n e s s h a v i n g r e c e i v e d , i n l i f e s h a l l reign in Life through the
λεύσουσι διά τοΰ ενός Ίησοϋ Χρυτου. "Αρα 18 ONE—the * Anointed Je-
reign through one Jesus Anointed. Indeed sus.
ούν ώς δι' ενός παραπτώματος, εις πάν- 18 Therefore, indeed,
tllCD 3,S txil*OU£)Il OH© OffGUC6> ΟIX fl I 1 as through One Offence,
τας ανθρώπους είς κατάκριμα, οΰτω καΐ δι' sentence came on All Men
men to condemnation; so also through to Condemnation ; so also,
through One Righteous
ενός δικαιώματος είς πάντας ανθρώπους είς act, sentence came on All
one r ΐ δχΐ t © ousn© s s · 1 9 on &1X men to Men to Justification of
δικαίωσιν ζωής. "Ωσπερ γάρ διά της
a justification of life. As for through the Life.
παρακοής τοΰ ενός ανθρώπου αμαρτωλοί 19 For as through the
disobedi " * DISOBEDIENCE 0f O N E
κατεστάθησαν ot πολλοί, οΰτω καΐ διά της Man, the MANY were con-
were constituted the many; so also through the stituted Sinners, so even
through the OBEDIENCE
υπακοής τοΰ ενός δίκαιοι κατα- of the ONE, the MANY will
obodience of the one righteous persons shall be constituted Righteous.
σταθήσονται ol πολλοί,
be constituted the many. 20 And Law supervened,
Νόμος δέ παρεισήλθεν, ίνα πλεονάση so that the OFFENCE might
Law but supervened, so that might b abound; but where SIN
τό παράπτωμα· οδ δέ έπλεόνασεν 21 ή αμαρτία, abounded, FAVOR super-
tho offence; where ή χάρις*
but abounded ϊνα &σπερ the έβασί-sin, abounded ;
sup©r£Lfoounci(?c| trio fsivorj th&t &s reigned 21 t h a t as SIN reigned
λευσεν ή αμαρτία έν τφ θανάτω, οΰτω καΐ ή by DEATH, so also FAVOR

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 5 . also—omit. 17. of the GIFT—omit. 17. Christ

$ ' l 4 . 1 Cor. xv. 21, 22, 45. t 15. Isa. liii. 1 1 ; Matt. xx. 2 8 ; xxvi. 28. $ 18.
John xii. 3 2 ; Heb. i i . 9 . $ 20. John xv. 2 2 ; Rom. iii. 2 0 ; iv. 1 5 ; vii. 8 ; Gal. i i i .
19, 23. % 20. Luke vii. 4 7 ; 1 Tim. i. 14.
Chap. 6:1.] ROMANS. [Chap, 6 : 1 1 .
χάρις βασιλεύσχι διά δικαιοσύνης εις ζωήν might reign through Right-
favor m i g h t r e i g n through r i g h t e o u s n e s s i n t o l i f e eousness for aionian Life,
αί,ώνιον, διά Ίησοΰ Χρίστου τοΰ Κυρίου through the * Anointed Je-
age-lasting, through Jesus Anointed the Lord sus, our LORD.
ημών. ΚΕΦ. σ τ ' . 6. Τί οδν CHAPTER VI.
of us. What then 1 What then shall we
έροϋμεν; έπιμένωμεν τχ\ αμαρτία, say? Ought we to continue
in SIN that FAVOR may
ίνα ή χάρις πλεονάση; 2Μή γένοιτο, abound ?
so t h a t t h e favor m a y abound? Not l e t i t be. 2 By no means. How
Οϊτινες άπεθάνομεν τη αμαρτία, πώς έ'τι shall we, who have Jdied
Who we died by the sin, how s t i l l by SIN, live any longer in
ζήσομεν έν αύτη; 3 > Ή αγνοείτε, δτι it?
s h a l l w el i v e i n i t ? O r you ignorant, that 3 Or are you ignorant,
δσοι έβαπτ'ισθημεν εις Χριστόν *[Ίησοΰν,] that $as many as have
as many as were dipped into Anointed [Jesus,J been immersed into Christ,
εις τόν θάνατον αύτοΰ έβαπτίσθημεν; ^Συνετά- have been immersed into
into tho death ofούν
him were his DEATH?
φημεν αύτιdipped?διάWe were
του 4 We have therefore
buried together therefore y i t h hl i m through the been ^entombed with him
βαπτίσματος εις τόν θάνατον, ίνα ωσπερ ήγέρ- by the IMMERSION into
νεκρών διά της that DEATH ; that as Christ
θη Χριστός έκ was raised from the Dead
dead ones thro»s;h thu
raised up Anointed out o by the $GLORY of the
δόξης τοΰ Πατρός, οϋτω καΐ ημείς έν και- FATHER, so also we should
glory of the Father, so also5 we in new- walk in a New Life.
περιπατήσωμεν. ΕΙ γάρ σύμφυ-
e .«hould walk. If for planted 5 §For if we have been
τοι γεγόναμεν τω όμοιώματι τοϋ planted together in the
together we have become in the likeness of the LIKENESS Of his DEATH,
θανάτου αύτοΰ, άλλα καΐ της άναστά- certainly we shall be also
in that of his RESURREC-
death of him, certainly also of the resur- TION ;
σεως έσόμεθα* 6τοΰτο γινώσκοντες, οτι ό
rection we shall be; this knowing, that the 6 *knowing this, That
παλαιός ημών άνθρωπος συνεσταυρώθη, ίνα $our OLD Man was cruci-
old of us man was crucified with, that fied with him, so that the
καταργηθη τό σώμα της άμαρ- BODY of SIN may be ren-
might be rendered po erless the body of the sin, dered powerless ; that we
τίας, τοΰ μηκέτι δουλευειν ήμας τχ\ may no longer be EN-
αμαρτία* ό γάρ αποθανών δεδικαίωται 7 for $HE who DIED
sin; he for having died has been justified has been justified from
από της αμαρτίας. 8 El δέ άπεθάνομεν συν SIN.
from the sin. If but we died with
8 $And if we died with
Χριστώ, πιστεύομεν, οτι κοΛ συζήσομεν Christ, we believe That we
Anointed, we believe, that also we shall live
shall also live with him;
αύτώ, °είδότες, δτι Χριστός έγερ- 9 knowing that $ Christ,
w i tli iiiHIj kT\ony ιn§j thfl,t ^.KOiRt©d jiifv i Ώ^ been having been raised from
θείς έκ νεκρών, ούκέτι άποθνή- the Dead, dies no more;
raised out of dead ones, no longer dies; Death no longer lords it
σκει· θάνατος αΰτοΰ οΰκέτι κυριεύει. 1 Q e O over him.
death of him no longer lords over. Which 10For [thedeath] which
γάρ απέθανε, τχ\ αμαρτία άπέθανεν εφάπαξ· he died, $he died by SIN
for he died, by the sin he died once for a l l ;
once ; but [the life] which
δ δέ tf\, ζη τφ Θεώ. "Ούτω καΐ he lives, he lives by GOD.
which but he" lives, ho lives by the 'God. So also 11 Thus also do you ac-
ύμεϊς λογίζεσθε εαυτούς νεκρούς μέν count yourselves dead in-
you count yourselves dead ones Indeed deed by SIN, $but living
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 1 . Christ Jesus our LORD. 3. Jesus—omit.
t 2. ver. 1 1 ; Bom. vii. 4 ; Gal. ii. 1 9 ; vi. 14. t 3. Col. iii. 3 ; 1 Pet. ii. 24.
$ 4 . Col. ii. 12. t 4. John ii. 1 1 ; xi. 40. t S.Phil, iii. 1 0 , 1 1 . t 6. Gal. ii.
20; v. 2 4 ; vi. 1 4 ; Eph. iv. 2 2 ; Col. iii. 5, 9. t 7. 1 Pet. iv. 1. $ 8. 2 Tim. i i .
11. $ 9. Eev. i. 18. $ 10. Heb. ix. 2 7 , 2 8 . $ 11. Gal. ii. 19.
Chap. 6:12.] ROMANS. {Chap. 6:20.
Tfl αμαρτία, ζώντας δέ τω θεώ έν by GOD in the *Anointed
by the sin, Hying ones but by the God, in Jesus.
Χριστώ Ίησοΰ. 12 $Let not SIN, there-
Anointed Jesus. fore, reign in your MOR-
Μή ούν βασιλευέτω ή αμαρτία έν τω
TAL Body, in order *to
θνητφ υμών σώματι, ε'ις τό ύπακούειν 13 nor present your
mortal of you body, in order that to obey; ^MEMBERS to S I N , as In-
^μηδέ παριστάνετε τά μέλη υμών δπλα struments of Iniquity;
nor present you the members of you weapons of but ^present yourselves to
αδικίας τχ\ αμαρτία· άλλα παραστήσατε GOD, *as if alive from the
ULUF I £ll t Θ OUSUC SS t Ο t i l Θ S 1H* DU t p r € S 6 I l t y Oil
Dead, and your *Members
εαυτούς τφ Θεφ, ώς έκ νεκρών ζών- to GOD, as Instruments of
τας, καΐ τά μέλη υμών όπλα δικαιοσύ- Righteousness.
14 For $Sin shall not
νης τφ Θεώ. 1 4 Άμαρτία γαρ υμών ού κυρι- lord it over You; for you
ness to the God. Sin for of you not shall are not under Law, but
under Favor.
εύσει· ού γαρ έστέ υπό νόμον, άλλ' υπό 15 What then? *Should
lord over;ι ε not for you are under law, but under we sin, ^Because we are
χάριν. Τ Ι οΰν; άμαρτήσομεν, οτι ούκ
favor. What then? shall we sin, f because not not under Law, but under
έσμέν ύπό νόμον, άλλ' Favor? By no means.
No 16 Do you not know,
γένοιτο. 1βΟύκ οϊδατε, δτι ω παρι- T h a t $to whom you pre-
let i t be. Not you know, that to whor ι yon sent yourselves Slaves for
στάνετε εαυτούς δοχίλους είς ύπακοήν, ι )οΰλο'ι Obedience, his Slaves you
are to whom you a r e obe-
έστε φ υπακούετε, Ι^τοι αμαρτίας dient, whether of Sin to
you a r e t o w h o m you a r e o b e d i e n t , w h e t h e r of s i n Death, or of Obedience to
ε'ις θάνατον, η* υπακοής ε'ις δικαιοσύνην; Righteousness ?
Χάρις δέ τφ Θεώ, δτι ΐ\τζ δοΰλοι της 17 But thanks to GOD,
Thanks but to the God, that you were slaves of the That though you were
αμαρτίας, ύπηκούσατε δέ έκ καρδίας είς δν Slaves of S I N , yet you
sin, you obeyed yet from heart into which obeyed from the H e a r t
παρεδόθητε τύπον διδαχής. ^Έλευθερωθέν- | t h a t Mould of Instruc-
tion into which you were
τες δέ από της αμαρτίας, delivered ;
freed and from the sin, 18 and ^having been
rf\ δικαιοσύνη. ('Ανθρώπινο ν λέγω,
emancipated from SIN you
t o th© r i £jli t ο on sn© s s · (-A.ccorcliiiff t o ZTIQZX X speiilc
became subservient to
δια τ η ν ά σ θ έ ν ε ι α ν τηι ης σαρκός υμών.) RIGHTEOUSNESS.
on account of the weakness of the flesh of you.)
"Ωσπερ γαρ παρεστήσατε τά μέλη υμών
19 (I speak humanly,
As for you presented the members of y. because of the WEAKNESS
δοΰλα τη ακαθαρσία καΐ τη ανομία *[είς
of your FLESH;) for as
slaves to the uncleanness and to "the iniquity [for you presented your MEM-
τήν άνομίαν] οΰτω νυν παραστήσατε τά μέλη BERS enslaved to IMPU-
the iniquity;] so now present you the members RITY and INIQUITY, so
υμών δοϋλα τη δικαιοσύνη ε'ις άγια- now present your MEM-
of you slaves to the righteousness for sanctifi- BERS bound to RIGHTE-
"Οτε γάρ .δοΰλοι ^τε της άμαρ- OUSNESS for Sanctification.
cation. When for slaves you were of the sin, 20 For when you were
τίας, ελεύθεροι Ε τη δικαιοσύνη, Slaves of STN, you were
free y
you were to tlie righteousnes"s. free as to RIGHTEOUSNESS.

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 1 . Christ Jesus. 12. to OBEY its DBSTRBS. 13. as if

alive. 13. Members. 15. Should we sin. 19. for the INIQUITY—omit.
t 12. Psa. xix. 1 3 ; cxix. 133. t 13. Bora. vii. 5 ; Col. iii. 5 ; James iv. 1. $ 13.
Rom. xii. 1; 1 P e t . i i . 2 4 ; iv. 2. t 14. Rom. vii. 4, 6; viii. 2 ; Gal. v. 18. ί 15.
1 Cor. ix. 21. % 16. Matt. vi. 2 4 ; John viii. 3 4 ; 2 Pet. ii. 19. % 17. 2 Tim. i.
13. % 18. John viii. 3 2 ; 1 Cor. vii. 2 2 ; Gal. v. 1 ; 1 Pet. ii. 13.

Chap. 6:21.] ROMANS. [Chap. 7: 5.
ΡχΤίνα οϋν καρπόν εϊχετε τότε, έφ' οίς 21 What Fruit, there-
What therefore fruit had you then? in the things fore, had you at that time
νΰν έπαισχύνεσθε; τό γαρ τέλος εκείνων, in things of which you are
now you are ashamed; the for end of those, now ashamed? {for the
END of those things Is
θάνατος. 22
ΝυνΙ δέ έλευΦερωθέντες άπό της Death.
22 But now, having
αμαρτίας, δουλωθεντες δέ τφ Θεώ, έ'χετε been emancipated f r o m
sin, having been enslaved and to'the God, you have SIN, and having become
τον καρπόν υμών είς άγιασμόν τό δέ bound to GOD, you have
the fruit of you in sanctification; the and your FRUIT in Sanctifica-
τέλος, ζωήν αιώνιο ν. ^ Τ ά γαρ όψώνια
end, life age-lasting. The for wages of the
της tion, and the END aionian
αμαρτίας, θάνατος* τό δέ χάριομα τοϋ
sin, death; the but gracious gift of the 23 For {the WAGES of
Θεού, ζωή αιώνιος έν Χριστώ Ίησοΰ τφ
SIN is Death; {but the
God, life age-lasting in an Anointed Jesus the GRACIOUS GIFT Of GOD 13
Κυρίω ημών. aionian Life, by the An-
Lord of us. ointed Jesus, our LOUD.
αγνοείτε, αδελφοί, (γινώσκουσι 1 Are you ignorant,
Or ί Brethren, (for I am speak-
γαρ νόμον λαλώ,) δτι ό νόμος κυριεύει τοϋ ing to those who are ac-
for law I speak,) that the law lords over the quainted with Law,) That
άνθρωπου, έφ' δσον χρόνον ζϋ; 2
Ή the LAW controls a MAN
man, for as long as a time he lives? The for as long a Time as he
γαρ υπανδρος γυνή τφ ζώντι άνδρΐ lives ?
for bound to a mai woman to the living husband 2 Hence the MARRIED
δέδεται νόμοτ έάν δέ άποθάνχ) 6 άνήρ, Woman is bound by Law
is bound by law; If but may die the husband, to the LIVING Husband;
κατήργηται άπό του νόμου του ανδρός. 3 "Αρα but if the HUSBAND die,
she is freed from the law of the husband. So she is released from the
οΰν ζώντος του ανδρός μοιχαλίς χρημα- LAW Of the HUSBAND.
thea living t h e husband an adulteress she w i l l 3 So then, {while t h e
τίσει, έάν γένηται άνδρΐ έτέρω· έάν HUSBAND is living, she
bo called, if she should be to a man another; if
will be declared an Adul-
δέ άποθάνΥ) ό άνήρ, ελευθέρα έστιν άπό teress, if she belong to
but should die the husband, free she is from
another Man ; but if t h e
νόμου, του μή είναι αυτήν μοιχαλίδα, γενο- HUSBAND die, she is free
law, of the not to be her an adulteress, having from the LAW ; so t h a t she
μένην άνδρΐ έτερο). "Ωστε, αδελφοί μου, is not an Adulteress,
become teaman another. Therefore brethren of me, though shejbelong to ano-
καΐ ύμείς έθανατώθητε τώ νόμω διά ther Man.
also you were put to death by th la\y* through 4 Therefore, my Breth-
του σώματος του Χρίστου, είς τό γε- ren, you also were {put
the body of the Anointed, in order that to to death by t h e LAW,
νέσθαι υμάς έτέρω, τφ έκ νεκρών through the BODY of t h e
become you to another, to him out of dead ones ANOINTED one, in order
ένερθέντι, ίνα καρποφορήσω- t h a t you may BELONG t o
having been raised, so that we should bring forth another,—to H I M who
was RAISED from the
μεν τφ Θεφ. Β"Οτε γαρ ήμεν έν
t h e Dead, that we should
{bring forth fruit to GOD.
σαρκΐ, τά παθήματα τών αμαρτιών, τά 5 For when we were in
flesh, the passions of the sins, those
t h e FLESH, those SINFUL·
διά του νόμου, ένηργείτο έν τοις μέλεσιν PASSIONS, which were
through the law, worked in the members through the LAW,{worked
ημών, εις τό καρποφορήσαι τφ in our MEMBERS {to BRING
of us, in order that to bring forth fruit to the FORTH FRUIT to DEATH.

ί 21. Rom. i. 32. t 23. Gen. ii. 17; Eora. v. 12; James i. 15. i 23. Rom. ii.
7; v. 17,21; 1 Pet. i. 4. $ 2. 1 Cor. vii. 39. t 3. Matt. v. 32. ί 4. Rom.
viii. 2; ii. 19; v. 18; Eph. ii. 15; Col. ii. 14. t 4. Gal. v. 22. % 5. Rom. vi. 13.
{ 5. Rom. vi. 21; Gal. v. 19; James i. 15.
Chap. 7:6.] ROMANS. [Chap. 7:15.
θανάτφ. ΝυνΙ δε κατηργήθημεν άπό του νό- 6 But now, having died,
death." Now but we were freed from the law, we are released from the
μου, αποθανόντες, έν ξ> κατειχόμεθα· ώστε LAW, by which we were
having died, in which w» were held; so that held; so t h a t we may
οουλεύειν ημάς έν καί,νότητι πνεύματος, καΐ serve §in Newness of
to serve us in newness of spirit, and Spirit, and not i n Oldness
ov παλαιότητι γράμματος. Τ Ι οδν έροΰ- of Letter.
not in oldness of letter. What then shall we 7 What then shall we
μεν; ό νόμος αμαρτία; Μή γένοιτο* αλλά say? Is the LAW Sin? By
say? the law sin? Not let i t be; but no means, Indeed, $1
την άμαρτίαν ουκ έ'γνων, εΐ μή διά νόμου· did not know SIN except
through L a w ; for even
την τε γαρ έπιθυμίαν ούκ η"δειν, εΐ μή STRONG DESIRE I had not
the even for strong desire not I knew, if not
known ; if t h e LAW had
ό νόμος ελεγεν Ούκ επιθυμήσεις. 8 Άφορμήν BOt said, §"Thou shalt
the law said; Not thou shalt lust. Opportunity
not covet."
δέ λαβοΰσα ή αμαρτία, διά της έντο- 8 But SIN having taken
and having taken the sin, through the com- Opportunity, through t h e
λης κατειργάσατο έν έμοί πασαν έπιθυ- COMMANDMENT, worked
mandment worked out in m e all s t r o n g in me All Strong desire.
μίαν χωρίς γαρ νόμου αμαρτία νεκρά. $Apart from Law, how-
9ciosire* &j)it.i*£ froxti f o r ΧίΐΛν siii cLc&ci· ever, Sin is dead;
Έγώ δέ εζων χωρίς νόμου ποτέ* έλθοΰ- 9 and I was formerly
I and was alive apart from law then; having living apart from Law,
σης δέ της εντολής, ή αμαρτία άνέζησεν,
ή having come SIN lived
έγώ δέ άπέθανον κα1 ευρέθη μοι
I and died; and was found by me the again, and I died;
εντολή ή είς ζωήν, αυτή ε'ις θάνατον, 10 and THAT COMMAND-
commandin t that for life, same for death. MENT intended $for Life,
the same was found by me
·*Η γαρ αμαρτία άφορμήν λαβοΰσα, διά for Death.
11 For SIN having taken
τής εντολής έξηπάτησέ με, καΐ δ ι ' Opportunity, through t h e
the commandment deceived me, and through COMMANDMENT, deceived
μεν νόμος me, and through i t killed
αυτής άπέκτεινεν. "Ωστε ό
it killed. So that the indeed
law me.
12 And so t h e $LAW in-
hoi καΐ ή εντολή άγια καΐ δικαία deed is holy, and the COM-
καΐ αγαθή. ^Τό ουν αγαθόν, έμοί γέ- MANDMENT holy, and just,
and good. That then good thing,
and good.
γονε θάνατος; Μή γένοιτο· αλλά ή άμαρ- 13 That GOOD thing
bccomo death? ,Not l e t i t be; b u t t h e s i n ; then, has become Peath to
τία, ϊνα pavfj αμαρτία, διά τοϋ me? By no means, but
so that i t might appear sin, rough the SIN has ; that Sin might
άγαθοΰ μοι κατεργαζομένη θάνατον, ίνα be manifest, through t h a t
GOOD t h i n g producing
γένηται καθ' ΰπερβολήν αμαρτωλός Death to m e ; so t h a t SIN,
might bee through the COMMAND-
άμαοτία διά τής εντολής.
Οιδαμεν γάρ,
MENT, might become a n
sin through the commandment. We know for, exceedingly great Sinner.
14 Besides, we know
οτι ό νόμος πνευματικός έστιν* εγώ δέ σάρκι- That the LAW is spiritual;
that the law spiritual is; I but flesh- but I am fleshly, $having
νός ε'μι, πεπραμένος ύπό τήν άμαρτίαν. been sold under SIN.
ly am, having been sold under the sin.
15 For what I work out,
"Ο γάρ κατεργάζομαι, ού γινώσκω* ού I do not approve; since
I do not practise §what I
γαρ ο θέλω, τοϋτο πράττω· άλλ' δ μισώ, desire; but what I hate,
for what I wish, this I practise; but what I hate, this I do.

I 6. Eom. i i . 2 9 ; 2 Cor. i i i . 6. $ 7. Bom. i i i . 2 0 . $ 7. Exod. xx. 1 7 ; D c u t . v . 2 1 ;

Acts xx. S 3 ; R o m . >:iii. 9 . I 8 . 1 Cor. xv. 5 6. % 10. Lev. xvi'i. 5 ; Ezek. xx.
11, 13, 2 1 ; 2 Cor. i i i . 7. t 12. Psa. xix. 8 ; cxix. 3 8 , 1 3 7 : 1 T i m . i . 8. $ 1 4 .
1 Kings xxi. 20, 2 5 ; 2 Kings xvii. 17. $ 15. Gal. v. 1 7 .
Chap. 7:16.] ROMANS. [Chap. 8:2.
τοΰτο ποιώ. 1 6 ΕΙ δέ δ ού θέλω, 16 But if what I desire
this I do. If but what lot I wish, 17
not, this I do, I assent to
ποιώ, σύμφημι τφ νόμω, δτι καλός. ΝυνΙ the LAW, That it is excel-
JE u ο · Χ & s s 6 u t t o 11ι Θ 1 & w i t li & t· e x c e l l e n t · α ο "Wlent;
δέ ούκέτι έγώ κατεργάζομαι αυτό, άλλ' ή 17 and now, no longer
but no longer I work out
it, but the I am working it out, but
οίκοϋσα εν έμοί αμαρτία. Ο!δα γαρ, δτι ούκ the SIN *DWELLING in
dwelling in me sin. I know for, that not
οικεί έν έμοί, τοϋτ' εστίν εν τχ\ σαρκΐ μου, 18 For I know That §in
dwells in me, this is in the flesh of me»
me, that is, in my FLESH,
αγαθόν το γάρ θέλειν παράκειταί μοι, there dwells no good
a good thing; the for to w i l l is present with me, thing; for to DESIBE is
τό δέ κατεργάζεσθαι τό καλόν, ούχ ευρίσκω. present with me, but to
tfco 1)111 t o \troi*ic o*it trio excellent· not X finc*# WORK OUT WHAT IS EX-
Ού γάρ δ θέλω, ποιώ αγαθόν άλλ' CELLENT I find n o t .
Not for what I wish, I do a good thing; 2but 19 For I do not the
δ ού θέλω κακόν, τοϋτο πράσσω. 0 Εί good which I desire, but
what not I wish an evil thing, this I practise. If
the evil which I desire
δέ δ ού θέλω *[έγώ,] τοϋτο ποιώ, ού-
not, this I practise.
but what not wish [I,D this I do, no 20 But if what J desire
κέτι έγώ κατεργάζομαι αυτό, άλλ' ή οίκοϋσα not, this I do, I no longer
longer I work;21out it, but the dwelling work it out, but the SIN
έν έμοί αμαρτία. Ευρίσκω άρα τόν νόμον DWELLING in me.
in me sin. I find therefore the law 21 I find therefore this
τφ θέλοντι έμοί ποιεϊν τό καλόν, δτι LAW, when I am willing
In the wishing tome to do the excellent, because to do RIGHT, That the
WRONG lies near me.
έμοί τό κακόν παράκειταί. 22Συνήδομαι 22 For I am pleased
τφ νόμω τοϋ Θεοΰ κατά τόν with the LAW of *God ac-
cording $to the INWARD
£σω άνθρωπον ^βλέπω δέ έτερον νόμον έν Man;
inside man; I see but another law in 23 but §1 perceive Ano-
τοις μέλεσί μου άντιστρατευόμενον τφ νόμω ther Law in $my MEM-
"tiio members of me TViirriii^ «i§iiinst tlie l&w BERS, warring against the
του νοός μου, καΐ αίχμαλωτ'ιζοντά με τφ LAW of my MIND, and
of the mind of me, and making a captive me to the making me a captive to
νόμω της αμαρτίας τφ δντι έγ τοις THAT LAW Of SIN EXIST-
law of the2 4 sin to that existing in the ING i n my MEMBERS.
μέλεσί μου. Ταλαίπωρος έγώ άνθρωπος· τίς 24 Wretched Man that
members of me. Wretched I man; who I am ! who will rescue Me
με ρύσεται έκ του σώματος του θανάτου from f tliis BODY of DEATH?
ΖΠΘ w i l l rescu© from the body of the dentil 25 t*Thanks to GOD,
Ίησοΰ by means of Jesus Christ,
τούτου; Εύχαριστώ τ φ Θεφ διά
our LORD. Consequently,
txiis? Χ ths-iik too vrOu oy ineiins of Jesus
Χρίστου του Κυρίου ημών. "Αρα οΰν αυτός then, indeed,. I myself, by
Anointed of the Lord of me. So then myself the MIND, am in subjec-
tion to the Law of God,
έγώ τφ μέν νοΐ δουλεύω νόμω
but by the FLESH to the
I with the indeed mind am In servitude to a law Law of Sin.
θεοϋ· τίί δέ σαρκί, νόμφ αμαρτίας.
of God; with the but flesh, to a law of sin, CHAPTER VIII.
ΚΕΦ. η ' . 8. 1
Ούδέν αρα νϋν κατάκριμα 1 There is then No Con-1
demnation now to THOSE
τοι ς έν Χριστώ Ίησοϋ. Ό γάρ νόμος in the Anointed Jesus ;
those in an Anointed Jesus. The for law 2 for $the LAW of the
* VATICAN MANUSOKIPT.—17. INDWELLETH in me. 20. I—omit. 22. the MIND.
25. Thanks to God.
ί 2 4. There seems to be here an allusion to ancient custom of certain tyrants, who
bound a dead lody to a living man, and obliged him to carry it about, till the contagion
LUM1 the
L1IO P putrid mass took
U U 1 U IJXil&S away
took away
LUUtt. his life.—Clarke.
UVYU,y his life.—Clarke.
ί, 18.
* » . „Gen.
« , . vi.
,.. ~, /iii. 21.
5; viii. 2 1 . t 2 2 . 2 Cor. iv. 1 6 ; Eph. iii. 1 6 ; Col. iii. 9 , 1 0 .
% 23. Gal. v. 17. $ 23. Rom. vi. 13, 19. % 25. 1 Cor. xv. 57. $ 2 . John viii. 3 6 ;
Bom. vi. 1 8 , 2 2 ; Gal. ii. 1 8 ; v. 1.
CJiap. 8:3.] ROMANS. [Chap. 8:11.
τοΰ πνεύματος της τη ι ης έν Χριστώ Ίησοΰ, SPIRIT of LIFE by the
ήλευϋέοωσέ με άπό f theτοΰ νόμου της αμαρτίας Anointed Jesus, liberated
*me from the LAW of SIN
freea me from the law of the sin and of DEATH.
«αϊ του θανάτου. 3 Τ ό γάρ αδύνατον τοΰ 3 For $what was IM-
sine! of tlio dentil· ΤΙΙΘ 1 for iiiftfoility τ
of too POSSIBLE for the LAW, in
νόμου, έν φ ήσ^έ^ε διά Άζ σαρκός, that it was weak through
law, In that It was weak through the flesh, the FLESH, §GOD, having
ό Θεός τον έαυτοΰ υΐόν πέμψας έν sent his OWN Son in a
tho God the of himself son having sent in Form of the Flesh of Sin,
όμοιώματι σαρκός αμαρτίας, καΐ περί even [by an offering] for
a form of flesh of sin, and on account of Sin, condemned SIN in the
αμαρτίας, κατέκρινε τήν άμαρτίαν έν τχ\ σαρ-FLESH ;
sin, condemned the sin in the" flesh; 4 so that the RIGHTE-
4 OUSNESS of the LAW may
«Ι· ΐνα τό δικαίωμα τοϋ νόμου πλη- be fulfilled by us, who are
so that the righteousness of the law might WALKING, not according
ρω$χί έν ήμιν, τοις μη κατά σάρκα
1)0 fulfilled by us, by those not according to flesh to Flesh, but according to
& 1kiu
περιπατοΰσιν, αλλά κατά πνεύμα. 6
0 1 Spirit.
γάρ κατά σάρκα δ ντε ς, τα της 5 F o r $THOSE w h o
for according to flesh being, the things of the LIVE according to Flesh,
are minding the THINGS
€7αρκός ςρρονοΰσιν ol δέ κατά πνεύμα, of the FLESH ; but THOSE
flesh are minding; those but according to spirit, who live according to
τά τοΰ πνεύματος. 6 Τό γαρ φρόνημα της Spirit, $the THINGS of the
the things of the spirit. The for mind of the SPIRIT.
οαρκός, θάνατος* τό δέ φρόνημα τοΰ πνεύμα- 6 $For the MIND of the
flesh, death; the but mind of the spirit,
7 FLESH is Death; but the
%οζ, ζωή καΐ ειρήνη. Διότι τό φρόνημα της MIND of the SPIRIT is Life
σαρκός, 1 i £ Oyέχθρα
iind pG&c
. Βνβ c itusΛ
τώ t uγάρ
o ΤΆνόμω
iiid of τοΰ tli© and Peace.
flesh, enmity to God; to the for law of tho 7 Because the MIND of
θεοΰ ούχ υποτάσσεται, ουδέ γάρ δύναται· the FLESH is JEnmity to
God not it is subject, neither for it is able; God; for to the LAW of
ol δέ έν σαρκΐ δντες, Θεώ άρέσαι GOD it is not subject;
those and in flesh being, to God t o be pleasing §nor, indeed, can it be.
ού δύνανται. β
*Υμεϊς δέ ούκ έστέ έν σαρκί, ARE8 inTHOSE, then, who
a Sensual state, are
«χλλ* έν πνεύματι, εϊπερ πνεΰμα Θεοΰ οίκεί unable to please God.
but in spirit, If indeed spirit of God dwells 9 But you are not Sen-
έν ΰμ,ίν. El δέ τις πνεΰμα Χρίστου sual, but Spiritual, because
| t h e Spirit of God dwells
»n you» If £Lnd &uy one s p i r i t of 8.U ^.uolilted ouo in you. But if any one
ούκ έχει, οδτος οΰκ ϊσχιν αύτοΰ. 1 0 ΕΙ δέ possess not §the Spirit of
not has, he not is of him. If but
Christ, he is not of him.
Χριστός έν ύμίν, τό μέν σώμα νεκρόν
an Anointed in you, the indeed body dead 10 And if Christ be in
you, the BODY indeed is
δι»' άμαρτίαν, τό δέ πνεΰμα ζωή dead as to Sin; but the
w i t h respect to sin; the but s p i r i t life SPIRIT is Life as to Right-
δια δικαιοσύνην. E t δέ τό πνεΰμα eousness.
with respect to righteousness. If but the spirit llAnd if the SPIRIT of
τοΰ έγείραντος Ίησοΰν έκ νεκρών | H I Μ W h o RAISED JeSUS
from the Dead dwell in
of him having raised up Jesus out of dead ones yOU, $ H E W h o RAISED
οίκεϊ έν ύμίν, ό έγείρας τόν Χριστόν
dwells in you, he having raised the Anointed * Christ from the Dead,
έκ νεκρών, ζωοποιήσει καΐ τά θνητά will also make alive your
out of dead ones, w i l l make alive also the mortal MORTAL Bodies, through

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 . thee. 11. Christ.

t 3. Acts xiil. 3 9 ; Bora. iii. 2 0 ; Heb. vii. 18, 1 9 ; x. 1, 2, 10, 14. t 3. Gal. i i i
1 3 ; 2 Cor. v. 2 1 . ί 5 . John iii. 6 ; 1 Cor. ii. 14. $ 5. Gal. v. 2 2 , 2 5 . $ 6.
Bom. vi. 2 1 ; ver. 1 3 ; Gal. vi. 8. t 7. James iv. 4. $ 7. 1 Cor. ii. 14. t 9. 1
Cor. i i i . 1 6 ; vi. 19. t 9. Gal. iv. 6 ; Phil. i. 19. $ 11. Acts i i . 24. t 1 1 .
Bom. vi. 4, 5 ; 1 Cor. vi. 1 4 ; 2 Cor. iv. 1 4 ; Eph. ii. 5.
CHap. 8:12.] ROMANS. [Chap. 8:21.
σώματα υμών, δια τό ένοικοϋν αύτοϋ the INDWELLING of his
bodies of you, through the indwelling of him Spirit within you.
πνεΰμα εν ύμϊν. 12 $So then, Brethren,
spirit in you. we are not Debtors to the
12 FLESH, to live according
"Αρα οΰν, αδελφοί, οφείλεται έσμέν ου
to the Flesh.
13 For $if you live ac-
rfj σαρκ'ι, τοϋ κατά σάρκα ζην. cording to the Flesh, you
t o t h e flesh, of t h e a c c o r d i n g t o flesh t o l i v e .
are about to die; but if,
EI γαρ κατά σάρκα ζητε, μέλλετε by the Spirit, $you pat to
If for according to flesh you live, you are about death the DEEDS of the
άποθνήσκειν ει δε πνεΰματι τάς πράξεις τοΰ BODY, you shall live;
to die; if but by spirit tlie practices of the
14 because $as many as
σο>ματος θανατοϋτο, ξήσεσΦε. "Οσοι are guided by God's Spirit,
body you put to death, you shall live. A s many as these are Sons of God.
γαρ πνεύματι Θεοϋ άγονται, οδτοί είσιν υΙοΙ 15 $For you did not re-
for by s p i r i t of God are led, these are sons ceive a Slavish Spirit back
Θεού. 1 5 Ού γάρ έλάβετε πνεϋμα δουλείας again for $fear ; but you
of God. N o t f o r you r e c e i v e d a s p i r i t of bondage received $ a Spirit of Son-
πάλιν εις φόβον,άλλ' έλάβετε πνεΰμαυίοθεσίας, ship, by which we cry,
back t o f e a r , b u t you r e c e i v e d a s p i r i t of s o n s h i p , $"Abba! FATHER V
έν φ κράζομεν Άββά, ό Πατήρ. 1βΑύτό 16 $The SPIRIT itself
by wlTich we cry; Abba, the Father. Itself testifies together with our
τά πνεΰμα συμμαρτυρεϊ τω πνεύματι SPIRIT, that we are Chil-
dren of God.
ημών, οτι έσμέν τέκνα Θεοϋ. 17
Εί δε 17 And if Children, also
Heirs; $Heirs, indeed, of
τέκνα, καΐ κληρονόμοι* κληρονόμοι God, and Joint-heirs with
children, also heirs; Christ; if indeed, we suf-
Θεοΰ, συγκληρονόμοι δέ Χρίστου· εί'περ fer together, so that we
off God, may be also glorified to-
Gd joint-heirs and of an Anointed; if Indeed gether.
<η»μπασχομεν, ϊνα καΐ συνδοξασθώ-
18 For I consider That
we suffer with, so that also nay be glorified Jthe SUFFERINGS of the
μεν. ^Λογίζομαι γάρ, δτι ούκ αξία τά PRESENT Time, as un-
worthy of Comparison
παθήματα τοϋ νϋν καιρού προς την μέλλου-
sufferings of the now season with the being with the FUTURE GLORY to
1 9 be revealed in us.
σαν δόξαν άποκαλυφθηναι είς ήμας. Ή γάρ 19 Indeed, $the EAR-
about glory to be revealed in us. The for
άποκαραδοκ'ια της κτίσεως την άποκάλυψιν ± CREATION longs for the
earnest desire of the creation the revelation
τών υΙών τοϋ θεοϋ άπεκδέχεται. 20Tfi γάρ of God.
20 For §the CREATION
ματαιότητι ή κτίσις ΰπετάγη, (ούχ was made subject to
vanity the creation was placed uncl· FRAILTY, (not voluntari-
έκοΰσα, αλλά διά τόν ύποτάξαντα,) ly, but by HIM who PLACED
voluntarily but through hi it UNDER ;)
him having placed under,)
έπ' έλπ'ιδι, 2 1 δτι καΐ αύτη ή κτίσις έλευθερω- 21 in Hope That even
in hope, that even i t s e l f the creation w i l l be the CREATION itself will
Οήσεται άπό της δουλείας της φθοράς be emancipated from the
£ ι* (ί ed f r ο ΧΧΧ txic boud&sre of t h e c o r r u p t i o n SLAVERY Of CORRUPTION,
± 19, 20, 2 1 , 22. Ktisis, creation, has the same signification here as in Mark xvi. 1 5 :
"Proclaim the GLAD TIDINGS to the Whole CREATION,-" that is, all mankind; and also
Col. i. 23, where a similar phrase occurs. That the brute and inanimate creation is
not here spoken of, but mankind, is evident from the hope of emancipation from the
'SLAVERY of CORRUPTION" held out in the 21st verse, and the contrast introduced i n
the 23rd verse, between the ktisis and those "possessing the FIRST-FRUIT of the S P I R I T . "
ί 12. Eom. vi. 7, 14. $ 13. Gal. vi. 8. % 13. Eph. iv. 2 2 : Col. i i i . 5 . $ 1 4 .
Gal. v. 1 8 . t 15. 1 Cor. ii. 1 2 ; Heb. ii. 15. t 15. 2 Tim. i. 1 7 ; 1 John iv. 18.
t 15. Gal. iv. 5, 6. % 15. Mark xiv. 36. t 18. 2 Cor. i. 2 2 ; v. 5* Eph. i. 1 3 ;
iv. 30. t 1 7 . Gal. i i i . 2 9 ; iv. 7. t 1 7 . Acts xiv. 2 2 ; Phil. i. 2 9 ; 2 Tim. ii. 11,
12. t 18. 2 Cor. iv. 7 ; 1 Pet. i. 6, 7 ; iv. 13. J 19. 1 John iii. 2. $ 20. Gen.
iii. 19.
Chap. 8:22.] ROMANS. [Chap. 8:30.
είς την έλευθερ'ιαν της δόξης των τέκνων into the FREEDOM of the
into the freedom of the glory of the children GLORY Of t h e CHILDREN
τοΰ Θεοϋ. 2 2 Οϊδαμεν γάρ, δτι πάσα ή κτίσις of GOD.
συστενάζει καΐ συνωδίνει όίχρι τοΰ 22 For we know That
the Whole CREATION
ν ΰ ν ^ού μόνον δε, αλλά καΐ αυτοί την groans together and trav-
ails in pain together till
now; not only and, but also ourselves the
άπαρχήν τοΰ πνεύματος έ'χοντες, καΐ * [ημείς] the PRESENT time.
first-fruit of the spirit having, and £wej 23 And not only it, but
αΰτοι εν έαυτοϊς στενάζομεν, υΐοθεσίαν ourselves also, possessing
elv ihip $the FIRST-FRUIT of the
άπεκδεχόμενοι, την άπολύτρωσιν τοΰ σώματος SPIRIT, |even we ourselves
looking for, the redemption of the body groan within ourselves,
ημών. 24Tfi γάρ έλπίδι έσώθημεν. ΈλπΙς the Jwaiting for Sonship,—
δε βλεπομένη, ούκ εστίν έλπ'ις· ο γάρ BODY.
24 For we were saved
but being seen, not is a hope; what for by the HOPE ; $but a
βλέπει τις, τι * [καΐ] ελπίζει; 2 5 Εί δε δ Hope which is seen is not
sees one, why [also] hopes? If but what Hope; for why does any
ου βλέπομεν, έλπίζομεν, δι' υπομονής άπεκδε- one hope for what he
not we see, we hope, with patience we wait. sees?
χόμεθα. 26< Ωσαύτως δε και το πνεΰμα συναν- 25 But if we hope for
In l i k e m a n n e r unci a l s o tlie s p i r i t h e l p s what we do not see, we
τιλαμβάνεται ταίς άσθενείαις ημών το γάρ wait for it with Patience.
26 And in like manner
the weaknesses of us; the for also the SPIRIT assists our
τΐ άλλ' αυτό τό πνεϋμα δει,
προσευξώμεθα ύπερεντυγχάνει
know, b u t i t s e l f tκαθό
he spirit ουκ οϊ- *WEAKNESS ; for we do
not know WHAT we should
* [υπέρ ημών] στεναγμούς άλαλήτοις. 2 7 Ό δε pray for as we ought; but
Con behalf of us] with groans unspoken. H e but| l h e SPIRIT itself inter-
ερευνών τάς καρδίας, οίδε τι τό φρόνη- c e d e s w i t h unspoken
μα τοΰ πνεύματος, οτι κατά Θεόν εν- groans. 27 and HE who SEARCH-
of the sp i r i t j becfl,us© «iccordins to Grod i t ES the HEARTS, knows
τυγχάνει υπέρ αγίων,
intercedes on behalf of holy ones. what is the MIND of the
28 SPIRIT, Because $accord-
Ο"δαμεν δε, δτι τοις άγαπώσι τον Θεόν ing to God it intercedes
We know and, that to those who love the God
on behalf of Saints.
πάντα συνεργεί είς αγαθόν, tois 28 And we know That
all things work together for good, to those *all things work together
κατά πρόθεσιν κλητοϊς οδσιν. 2 Β "Οτι ους for good to THOSE who
according to a purpose called being. Because whom LOVE GOD,—to THOSE
προέγνω, και προο>ρισε συμμόρφους BEING INVITED according
he foreknew, also he before marked out copies to a Purpose;
της εΙκόνος τοΰ υίοΰ αυτοΰ εις τό εΐ- 29 because those whom
of the likeness of the son of himself for the to
he foreknew, he also pre-
εν πολλοίς άδελ- determined to be Copies of
among many breth-
the LIKENESS of his SON,
ροίς. 30 Οΰς δε προώρισε, τούτοΐ'ς και έκά- for him to BS $a Firstborn
ron. Whom and he before mark out, t h o s e a l s o h e among Many Brethren.
λεσε· και ους έκάλεσε, τούτους καΐ εδικαίω- 30 and those whom he
called; and whom hecalled, thosealso he justified predetermined, he also in-
σεν, ο!]ς δε έδικαίωσε, τοι'ιτους καΐ έδό- vited, ; those vited and whom he in-
he also justi-
£ 81 fied ; and whom he justi-
ΤΙ οΰν έροΰμεν προς ταΰ- fied, those he also glorified.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2 3. we—omit. 24. also—omit. 26. WEAKNESS. 26.

on behalf of us—omit. 2 8. GOD works all things together for good.
% 23. 2 Cor. v. 5 ; Enh. i. 14. $ 23. 2 Cor. v. 2, 4. $ 23. Luke xx. 2 6 . $ 2 3 .
Luke xxi. 2 8; Enh. iv. 3 0 . + 24. 2 Cor. v. 7; H*>b. xi. 1. % 20. Eph. vi. 18.
t 27. 1 John v. 14. t 29. Col. i. 15, 1 8 ; Heb. i. 6; Key. i. 5.
Chap. 8:31.] ROMANS. [Chap. 9 : 1 .
τα; Ει ό Θεός υπέρ ημών, τΙς κ α θ ' 31 What shall we say,
things? If the God on behalf of us, w h o against then, to these things?
ημών; 32
"Ος γε τοϋ ίδιου υίοΰ ούκ έφε'ισα- Since GOD is for us, who
us? W h o indeed of the o w n son not spared» can be against us?
το, άλλ υπέρ ημών πάντων παρέδωκεν 32 Surely he who spared
but on behalf of us t " delivered
" - " up not his OWN Son, $but de-
αυτόν πώς ουχί καΐ συν αύτω τά πάντα livered him up on behalf
him; how" n o t " a l s o with h i m "thethings all of us all, how will he not
33 with him also graciously
ήμϊν χαρίσεται; ΤΙς give us ALL things ?
to us w i l l. he graciously give? Win will bring
33 Who will bring an
σει. κατά εκλεκτών Θεοΰ; θεός ό accusation against God's
a charge against chosen ones of God? God that
β4 Chosen ones? Will THAT
δίκαιων ΤΙς ό κατακρινών; Χριστός ό God who JUSTIFIES?
justifying; Who he condemning? Anointed that
34 Who is HE who CON-
αποθανών, μάλλον δε *[καΙ] έγερ- DEMNS? Will THAT A-
having died, s t i l l more and [also] having been nointed one who DIED;
θείς, δς καΐ εστίν έν δεξιά τοΰ Θεοΰ, and, still more, who has
raised, who also is on right 35
of the God, been raised; who also is
δς καΐ έντυγχάνει υπέρ ημών. ΤΙς ημάς at the Right hand of GOD,
who and intercedes on behalf of us. Who us and $who intercedes on
χοιρίσει άπό της αγάπης τοΰ Χρίστου; our behalf?
sv i l l s©p£iriit© f r o ΪΧΙ thο ΙΟΥΘ of t h o A. no i n t c d ? 35 Who shall separate
θλίψις, η* στενοχώρια, ^ διωγμός, ή λιμός, us from THAT LOVE of
A ill iction^ or distress^ or persecuti oiij or fjini i nc^ *GOD, which is in the
3β Anointed Jesus ? Shall
ή γυμνότης, ή κίνδυνος, ή μάχαιρα; (καθώς Affliction, or Distress, or
or nakedness, or peril, or sword? (as
Persecution, or Famine,
γέγραπται* "Οτι ένεκεν σου θανα- or Nakedness, or Peril, or
lthasbeen written; That onaccount of thee weare Sword ?
τούμεθα δλην την ήμέραν έλογ'ισθημεν 36 (even as it has been
put to death whole the day; we were accounted written, $"On account of
ώς πρόβατα σφαγής.) 37>
Αλλ* έν τούτοις thee we are put to death
as sheep of slaughter.) But in these the Whole DAY ; we are
accounted as Sheep for
πάσιν ύπερνικώμεν διά τοϋ αγάπησαν- Slaughter.")
& 11 w© m o r e th&Q conQUGF t i l r o u c h t h o on© ti&vin&
37 §But in all these
τος ημάς. Πέπεισμαι γάρ, δτι οΰτε θάνα- things we do more than
loved us» I &m ])61*sii&ded for^ that neither death overcome, through H I M
τος ούτε ζωή, ούτε άγγελοι, οΰτε άρχαί, who LOVED us.
nor life, nor messengers, nor principalities, 38 For I am persuaded
οΰτε ενεστώτα, οΰτε μέλλον- that neither Death nor
X ο ι? things toeing present· nor things beinsr about Life; neither Angels nor
39 Principalities; neither
τα, οΰτε δυνάμεις, οΰτε ΰψωμα, οΰτε Things present nor Things
to come, nor powers, nor height, nor future; nor Powers,
βάθος, οΰτε τις κτ'ισις έτερα δυνήσεται ημάς 39 nor Height, nor
depth, nor any c r e a t i o n other w i l l be a b l e us Depth, nor any other
χωρ'ισαι άπό της αγάπης τοΰ Θεοΰ, της έν thing in Creation, will be
to separate from the love of the God, of that in able to separate Us from
Χριστώ Ίησοΰ τω Κυρίω ημών. ΚΕΦ. θ ' . 9. THAT LOVE of GOD, which
Anointed Jesus the Lord of us. is in the Anointed Jesus,
our LORD.
Ά?ν.ήθειαν λέγω, έν Χριστώ* ού ψεύδομαι,
Truth I speak, in Anointed; not" I u t t e r falsehood, CHAPTER IX.
(συμμαρτυρούσης μοι της συνειδήσεως 1 §1 speak the Truth in
(bearing testimony together to me the conscience Christ, I do not speak
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 4 . also—omit. 3 5. T H A T L O V E of G O D which is i n
Christ Jesus?
t 3 2 . Bom. iv. 2 5 . t 3 4 . H e b . vii. 2 5 ; ix. 2 4 ; 1 J o h n i i . 1. t 3 5 . $ P s a .
xliv. 2 2 ; 1 Cor. xv. 3 0 , 3 1 ; 2 Cor. iv. 1 1 . ί 3 7. 1 Cor. xv. 5 7 ; 2 Cor. i i . 1 4 ;
1 John iv. 4 ; v. 4, 5 : Rev. x i i . 1 1 . $ 1. Rom. i. 9 ; 2 Cor. i. 2 3 ; xi. 3 1 ; x i i . 1 9 :
Gal. i. 2 0 ; P h i l . i . 8 ; 1 T i m . i i . 7 .
Chap. 9:2.] ROMANS. [Chap. 9 : 1 1 .
μου,) έν πνεΰματι άγίφ· 2 οτι λύπη μοί falsely, my CONSCIENCE
of me,) in a spirit holy; that grief to m e co-attesting with me, in a
έστι μεγάλη, καΐ αδιάλειπτος οδύνη τχ| holy Spirit,
it is great, and unceasing anguish in the 2 that I have great
καρδία μου. 3Ηύχόμην γαρ αυτός έγώ άνά- Grief and Unceasing An-
heart of me. Was wishing for myself I an guish in my HEART,
3 on account of my
θέμα είναι άπό τοΰ Χρίστου ύ-
πέρ των αδελφών μου, των συγγενών
I)G1I<I 1 £ of th.0 brethren, of ΙΪΙ6* of th© relatives according to the Flesh;
μου κατά σάρκα* 4οΐτινές είσιν Ίσραηλίται, (|for I myself was wish-
ing to be accursed from
<bv ή υΙοΟεσία, καΐ ή δόξα, καΐ αϊ δια- the ANOINTED one;)
4 who are Israelites;
of whom the sonship, and the glory, and the cove- to whom belong $the SON-
Φήκαι, καΐ ή νομοθεσία, καΐ ή λα- SHIP, and the GLORY, and
nants, and tho law-giving, and the religious *the ^COVENANTS; and
τρεία, καΐ αί έπαγγελ'ιαι, ε ών ot πατέρες, the LAW-GIVING, and the
service, and the promises, of whom the fathers,
καΐ εξ &ν δ Χριστός τό κατά rites of SERVICE, and §the
fiHQ ιroixi Wiioin ΐΐΐθ ^.uoiuted thftt flCcorQin^ to PROMISES ;
σάρκα, ό ώ ν επί πάντων Θεός εύλογητός 5 whose a r e t h e FA-
flesh, he being over a l l God worthy of praise THERS, and $from whom
is THAT ANOINTED one, ac-
εις τους α'ιώνας. 'Αμήν. cording to the Flesh ; H E
into the ages. So be i t . who is over all, God bless-
Ούχ οίον δέ, οτι έκπέπτωκεν ό λόγος ed to the AGES. Amen.
Not so as but, that lias fallen off the word 6 But not as implying
του Θεοϋ· ού γαρ πάντες ol έξ 'Ισραήλ, t h a t the WORD of GOD has
of the God; not for a l l those from Israel, fallen; for §ALL those
οίτοι 'Ισραήλ. 7 Ούδ' οτι εισΐ σπέρμα who are from Israel, these
are not Israel.
'Αβραάμ, πάντες τέκνα, άλλ' έν 'Ισαάκ 7 Nor Because they
are the Seed of Abraham,
8 are they ALL Children ; but
κληθήσεταί σοι σπέρμα, τοΰτ' δστιν, ού τά $"In Isaac shall thy Seed
τέκνα της σαρκός, ταΰτα τέκνα "be called."
children of the flesh, these children
8 T h a t is, t h e CHIL-
θεοΰ· αλλά τά τέκνα της επαγγελίας λογί- DREN of the F L E S H , these
God; but the children of the promise
are a r e not of GOD ; b u t t h e
ζεται ε'ις σπέρμα. 9 Έπαγγελίας γάρ ό λόγος ^CHILDREN of t h e PROM-
counted for seed. Of promise for theword ISE are accounted for the
οδτος* Κατά τόν καιρόν τούτον έλεύ- Seed.
tliisj According! to th© season this I will 9 For this is t h e WORD
σομαι, καΐ έ'σται τη Σάρρα υΙός. of Promise—$ "According
come, and shall be to the Sarah a son. " t o this SEASON I will
μόνον δέ, άλλα καΐ Ρεβέκκα, έξ ενός " r e t u r n and Sarah shall
only and, but also Rebecca, from one "have a Son."
κο'ιτην έχουσα 'Ισαάκ τοΰ πατρός ημών. 10 And n o t only this,
butalsoto$Rebecca, when

Μήπω γάρ γεννηθέντων, μηδέ πρα- she h a d conceived twine
by One,—by Isaac our
Not yet for they having been born, nor having
ξάντων τι αγαθόν ή* κακόν, (ίνα ή FATHER J
done anything good or bad, (so that the 11 (for they not having
been born, nor having
κατ' έκλογήν πρόθεσις τοΰ Θεοΰ done anything good or
according to an election purpose of the God bad, so that GOD'S PUR-
μένη, ούκ έξ Εργων, άλλ' έκ POSE, as t o Election,
might abide, not from works, but from
might abide,—not from
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 . the COVENANT.
$ 3. Exod. xxxii. 32. ί 4. Exod. iv. 2 2 ; Deut. xiv. 1 ; Jer. xxxi. 9. t 4. Acts
ii. 2 5 . ί 4. Acts xxvi. 6 . t 5. Luke iii. 23. t 6. John viil. 3 9 ; Rtan. i i .
18, 2 9 ; iv. 12, 1 6 ; Gal. vi. 16. $ 7. Gen. xxi. 1 2 ; Heb. xi. 18. $ 8. Gal. iv. 28.
t 9. Gen. xviii. 10, 14. ί 10. Gen. xxv. 2 1 .
Chap. 9:12.] ROMANS. [Chap. 9:22.
λοϋντοζ,) έρρέ#η αύτη· "Οτι ό μείζων Works, but from HIM who
calling,) i t was said to her; That the greater CALLS ;)
δουλεύσει τφ έλάσσονι* 13
καθώς γεγρα- 12 it was said to her,
shall be subject to the lesser; aa it has $"The SUPERIOR shall
πχαι* Τον 'Ιακώβ ήγάπησα, τόν δε "be subject to the INFE-
been written; The Jacob I loved, the but RIOR ;"
Ήσαΰ έμίσησα. 14
ΤΙ οΰν έροϋμεν; μή 13 even as it has been
Esau I hated. What then shall we say? not written, $"JACOB I loved,
αδικία παρά τ φ Θεώ; Μή γένοιτο. 1 5 Τ ώ γαρ "but ESAU I hated."
injustice with the God? Not let it be. To the for 14 What shall we say
then? Is not Injustice
Μωϋσχί λέγει· 'Ελεήσω δν αν ελεώ, καΐ with GOD? By no means.
Moses "he says; I w i l l pity whom I should pity, and 15 For to MOSES he

εικτειρήσω δν άν οίκτε'ιρω
says, till will pity whom "Αρα
compassionate whom " I should pity, and I will
I should compassionate. So
οδν ου τοΰ θέλοντος, ουδέ τοΰ τρέχοντος, "compassionate whom I
17 "should compassionate."
αλλά τοϋ έλεοΰντος θεοΰ. Λέγει γαρ ή 16 So, then, it is not of
but of the pitying God. Says for the
the one WILLING, nor of
γραφή τ φ Φαραώ* "Οτι εις αυτό τοΰτο the one RUNNING, but of
writing to the Pharaoh; That for same this GOD who PITIES.
έξήγειρά σε, δποος ένδείξωμαι έν o*oi την 17 Besides, the SCRIP-
I raised up thee, that I might show in thee the
δΰναμίν μου, καΐ δπως διαγγελχί τό $"For this very purpose
" f l raised thee up, that
δνομά μου έν πάστ) ΧΎ\ γτ). 18
" Α ρ α οΰν " I may exhibit in thee
name of me in all the earth. So then "my POWER, and t h a t my
8v θέλει ελεεί- ον δέ θέλει, "NAME may be declared
•whom he w i l l s , he pities; whom and he w i l l s , "in All the EARTH/'
σκληρύνει. 1Β
Έρείς μοι· οδνΤΙ έ'τι 18 So, then, whom he
he hardens. Thou w i l t say then
t o m e ; Why s t i l l pleases, he pities, and
μέμφεται; τώ βουλήματι αύτοϋ whom he pleases, he hard-
does he find fault? "to the [forj will of him ens.
τΙς άνθέστηκε; 20
Μενοΰνγε, ώ άνθρωπε, 19 Thou wilt then say
who has been opposed? But indeed, θ man, to me; "Why does be
<τύ τις εΐ, ό ανταποκρινόμενος τφ Θεφ; still find fault? for who
has resisted his WILL?"
thou who art, the one answering again to the God?
20 But indeed, Ο Man,
Μή έρεί τό πλάσμα τω πλάσαν- who art thou REPLYING
against GOD? Jshall the
χι· Τί με έποίησας ούτως; 2ΐ'Ή ουκ
formed; Why me madest thou thus? Or not MAKER, "Why didst thou
£χει έξουσίαν ό κεραμευς τοΰ πηλοΰ, έκ τοΰ make me thus?"
21 Or has not the $POT-
αύτοΰ φυράματος ποιησαι, 8 είς
itre to m k this for TER Authority over the
22 CLAY, out of the SAME
τιμήν σκεύος, δ δέ ε'ις άτιμίαν;
Mixture to make $One ΕΙ δέ
honor a vessel, that and for dishonor?
Vessel for Honor, and If but
θέλων ό θ ε ό ς ένδείξασθαι τήν όργήν, καΐ Another for Dishonor?
wishing the God to show the wrath, and
22 But if GOD, wishing
γνωρίσαι τό δυνατόν αύτοΰ, η*νεγκεν έν to exhibit his INDIGNA-
make known the power of himself, bore in
TION, and to make known
ΛΟλλί ι μακροθυμία σκεύη όργης κατηρτισμέ- his POWER, did carry
mucl long-suffer ing vessels of wrath having been with Much Longsuffering
* VATICAN MANUSCBIPT.·—19. For—omit.
± 17. In the Hebrew, the words addressed to Pharaoh literally signify, "1 have made
thee to stand;" accordingly, they are translated by the LXX, "For the sake of this,"
namely, of showing my power, "thou hast been preserved." The apostle's translation of
this passage, "For this very purpose I raised thee up," does not alter its meaning.—
t 12. Gen. xxv. 23. $ 13. Mai. i. 2, 3. $ 15. Exod. xxxiii. 19. $ 17. Exod. ix.
19. $ 20. Isa. xxix. 16; xlv. 9; lxiv. 8. t 21. Prov. xvl. 4; Jer. xviii. 6. $ 21.
Chap. 9:23.] ROMANS. [Chap. 9:31.
να ε'ις άπώλειαν ^καΐ ίνα γνωρί- §the Vessels of Wrath
fttted for destruction; and that lie might make jfitted for Destruction ;
ση τον πλοΰτον της δόξης αύτοΰ επί 23 and that he might
make known $the RICHES
known the wealth of the glory of himself on of his GLORY on the Ves*
σκεύη ελέους, δ προητο'ιμασεν sels of Mercy, which were
vessels of mercy, which were previously prepared ^previously prepared for
24 Glory ;
εις δ ό ξ α ν οΰς καΐ έκάλεσεν ήμας, ού 24 even us, whom he
for glory; whom even he called us, not called, not only from the
μόνον έξ 'Ιουδαίων, άλλα καΐ έξ εθνών, Jews, but also from the from ^ Jews, but also from Gentiles.
2δ Gentiles ;
ώς καΐ έν τ φ Ώσηέ λέγει* Καλέσω τόν ού
As a l s o i n t h e IZosea h e s a y s ; I w i l l c a l l t h a t n o t
25 as also he says by
λαόν μου, λαόν μου* καΐ τήν ούκ HOSEA. §"I w i l l c a l l
a people of me, a people of me; and her not "THAT which was not my
ήγαπημένην, ήγαπημένην. 2 0 ΚαΙ έ'σται, έν "People, 'my People' and
beloved, beloved. And it shall be, in "HER who was not be-
τω τόπω οδ έρρέθη *[αύτοΐς·] Ού λαός "loved, 'beloved;'
the place where it was said [to them;] Not apeople 26 $"and it shall be, in
μου ύμεϊς, εκεί κληθήσονται υΙοΙ Θε- "the PLACE where it was
of me you, there they shall be called sons of "said, 'You are not my
οΰ ζώντος. 2 7 Ή σ α ΐ α ς δέ κράζει υπέρ του "People,' there they shall
God living. Esaias but cries on behalf of the "ing "be called Sons of the liv-
'Ισραήλ· 'Εάν η" God."
ό αριθμός των υΙών
Israel; If should be 27 But Isaiah cries on
the number of tho sons behalf of ISRAEL, $"If the
'Ισραήλ ώς ή άμμος της θαλάσσης, τό
of Israel as the sand of the sea, the "NUMBER Of t h e SONS of
28 "Israel should be as the
«ατάλειμμα σωθήσεται. Λόγον γαρ συν- "SAND of the SEA, $the
"REMNANT only shall be
τελών καΐ συντέμνων έν δικαιοσύνη* "saved.
iltiishiΐι» find cutting sliort in righteousness 28 "For *he is finish-
δτι λόγον συντετμημένον ποιήσει "ing and cutting short his
"Account in Righteous-
because anaccount having been cut short will make "ness ; ^Because the Lord
Κύριος επί της γης. ^ΚαΙ καθώς προείρηκεν "will form a brief
a Lord on the earth. And as before said
"Work upon the LAND."
*Ησαΐ'ας· Ει μή Κύριος σαβαώθ έγκατέλιπεν 29 And, as Isaiah pre-
Esaias; If not Lord of hosts left viously said, §"If the
ήμΐν σπέρμα, ώς Σόδομα otv έγενήθημεν "Lord of Hosts had not
to us a seed, as Sodom we should have become, "should have become as "Left us a Seed, §we
καΐ ώς Γόμορρα αν ώμοιώθημεν. "Sodom, and should have
and as Gomorrah we should have been made like. "resembled Gomorrah."
Tl οδν έροΰμεν; "Οτι έθνη τά 30 What then shall we
say? That THOSE Gentiles
What then shall we say? That Gentiles those not PURSUING Righteous-
μή διώκοντα δικαιοσΰνην, κατέλαβε δικαιοσύ- ness, laid hold on Righte-
δικαιοσΰνην δέ την έκ πίστεως* ousness, $even THAT Right-
a righteousnesi even that from faith; eousness from F a i t h ;
Άσραήλ δέ Γιώκων νόμον * [δικαιοσύνης,] 31 but Israel §pursuing
Israel but pursuing a law Cof righteousness,! a Law of Righteousness,
είς νόμον δικαιοσύνης ούκ έφθασε. 8 2 Διατί; attained not a Law of
to" a law of righteousness not attained. Why? Righteousness.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—26. to them—onwt. 28. finishing and cutting short, the
LORD will make a Reckoning on the EARTH. 31. of Righteousness—omit-
± 22. 1 Thess. v. 9. $ 22. 1 Pet. ii. 8; Jude 4. $ 23. Rom. ii. 4; Eph. i. 7;
Col. i. 27. t 23. Rom. viii. 28-30. t 25. Hoshea. ii. 23; 1 Pet. ii. 10. % 28.
Hosea. i. 10. $ 27.1sa. x. 22,23. t 27. Rom. xi. 5. $ 28. Isa. xxviii. 22.
t 29. Isa. i . 9. $ 30. Bom. iv. 11; x. 20. $ 30. Rom. i. 17. $ 31. Bom. xi. 7.
2 Tim. i i . 20.
Chap, 9:23,] KOMANS. {Chap, 10:8.
"Οτι ούκ εκ πίστεως, άλλ' ως έξ 32 Why? Because they
pursued it, not from Faith,
έργων * [νόμου.] Προσέκοψαν γάρ τφ λίθω but as attainable from.
works lot law.J They struct against for the stone Works of Law. For §they
του προσκόμματος- ^καθώς γέγραπται· struck against the STONE
of the stumbling; even as it has been written; Of STUMBLING
'Ιδού, τΙΦημι έν Σιών λ'ιθον προσκόμματος, 33 as is is written,
Lo, I place in Si on a stone of stumbling, $"Behold, 1 place in Zion,
καΐ πέτραν σκανδά?νου· καΐ πα? ό πιστεύ- "a stone of stumbling,
and a rock of offence; and every one the rely- "and a Rock of Offence,
<ov έπ* αύτφ, ού καταισχυνθήσεται. "$and yet no one RELY-
lag on it, not shall be disappointed. "ING on it shall be dis-
ΚΕΦ. ι*. 10.
^'Αδελφοί, i) μέν ευδοκία της έμης 3 Indeed, Brethren, the
Brethren, the Indeed good-will of »f I.the my GOOD DESIRE of MY Heart,
καρδίας, καΐ ή δέησις * [ή] προς τόν Θεόν, and THAT PRAYER I offer
heart, * and tlie prayer [that] to tbe God, to GOD on their behalf is;
υπέρ αύτώ\ είς σωτηριαν. ^Μαρτυρώ γάρ for their Salvation.
on behalf of then? for salvation. I testify for 2 For I testify to them,
αύτοίς, δτι ζήλον ΘεοΟ εχουσιν, άλλ' ού That they possess §a Zeal
to them, that a zeal for God they have, but notfor God, but not accord-
κατ' έπίγνωσιν. Άγνοοΰντες γάρ τήν ing to Knowledge.
21CCOTClίQ£f t o klXOW 1 β(3ίΐ©# ££θΐΐ)£> ifiQOr&D^
του ΘεοΟ δικαιοσύνην, καΐ τήν ιδίαν ζητούν-
fOJ* til©
3 For being ignorant of
of the God righteousness, and the own seeking $the RIGHTEOUSNESS Of
τες στήσαι, τρ δικαιοσύνη του Θεοϋ GOD, and seeking to es-
to establish, to the righteousness of tbe God tablish $their OWN, they
ούχ ύπετάγησαν. were not submissive to the
not 4 they were brought under. RIGHTEOUSNESS Of GOD ;
Τέλος γάρ νόμου Χριστός, είς δικαιοσύνην 4 since ^Christ is the
Ar end for of law Anointed, for righteousness End of the Law for Right-
παντί τφ πιστεΰοντι. 6Μωϋσης γάρ eousness LIEVING.
to every one BE-
γράφει τήν δικαιοσύνην τήν έκ τοΰ νόμου1 5 For Moses writes of
writes the righteousness thai from the law; T H A T RIGHTEOUSNESS
"Οτι ποιήσας αυτά ανθρωποα, ζήσεται
That laving done these things man," shall live which is from the *Law,
$"That the MAN PER-
έν αύτοϊς. «Ή δέ έκ πίστεως δικαιοσύνη FORMING these things
faith righteousness "shall live by them."
in them. The but irom
οΟτω λέγει· Μη εϊπης έν τχί καρδία 6 But the RIGHTEOUS-
thus speaks; Not thou mayesf say in the heart NESS from Faith thus
speaks ;—"Say not in
σοι». ΤΙς άναβήσεται είς τόν ουρανό ν; τουτ' "thine HEART, $Who shall
εΌτι, Χριστόν καταγαγείν. '"PI* Τις κατα- "ascend into HEAVEN ?"
is, an Anointed! lο lead down. Or; Who shall that is, to bring Christ
βήσεται εις τήν ά'βυσσον; τοΰτ* έ'στι, Χρι- down ;
go down into the abyss? this is, an 7 or, $"Who shall de·
στον έκ νεκρών άναγαγεϊν. δΆ?ιλά τΐ "scene! into the ABYSS?"
Anointed out of dead ones to lead back. But "What that is, to bring back
λέγει; 'Εγγύς σου τό ρημά έστιν, έν τω Christ from the Dead,
8 But what does it say ?
says it? Near thee the word is, in the
στόματί σου, καΐ έν τη καρδία σου· τοΰτ' "in thy MOUTH, $"The WORD is near thee
and in thy
mouth of thee, and in the heart of thee; this "HEART ;" that is, the
εστί, τό ρήμα της πίστεως δ κηρύσσο- WORD of FAITH which we
is, the word οί the faith which we publish; publish;
VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—32. of Law—omit. 1. that—omit. 5. LAW.
t 32. Luke ii. 3 4 ; 3 Cor, i. 23. % 33. Psa. exviii. 2 2 ; Isa. viii. 1 4 ; xxviii. 1 6 ;
Matt. xxi. 4 2 ; 1 Pet. ii. 6-8. ί 33. Bom. x. 11. % 2. Acts xxi. 2 0 ; xxii. 3 ; Gal.
i. 14; iv. 1 7 . t 3. Bom. i. 17; ix. 30. t 3. Phil. iii. 9. * 4. Matt. v. 17C·
Gal. iii. 1 2 . $ 5 . Lev. xviii. 5 ; Neh. ix. 2 9 ; Ezek, xx. 1 1 ; xiii, 2 1 ; Gal. iii. 32.
$ 6. Deut. xxx. 1 2 . $ 7. Eeut. xxx. 3 3. t 8. Deut. xxx, 14.
CJiap. 10:9.] ROMANS. [Chap. 10:19.
μεν δτι, έάν όμολογήσης έν τφ στόματί 9 that, §if thou wilt
tliίΐt if th.ou w i l t c o n £ β s s w i t h t Ii e ΙΏOUth *openly confess with thy
. σου Κΰριον Ίησοΰν, καΐ πιοτεΰσης έν τη MOUTH That Jesus is Lord,
ο 1 t ο β © L ο ι* d Jesus* & ο u t l i o u TV i l t b e l i e v e i n t i i © and wilt believe with thy
καρδία σου, οτι ό Θεός αυτόν ίίγειρεν HEART That GOD raised
heart of theo, that the God him raised Him from the Dead, thou
έκ νεκρών, σωθήστ). (Καρδία γαρ shalt be saved.
out of deadones, thou shalt"be saved. (In heart for 10 For with the Heart
πιστεύεται εις δικαιοσύνη ν · στόματι δε it is believed for Righte-
ousness, and with the
it is believed for righteousness; with mouth and
ομολογείται είς σωτηρίαν.) 2 1 Λέγει γάρ ή Mouth it is confessed for
it is confessed for salvation.) Says for the Salvation.
γοαφη* Πάς ό πιστεύων έπ' αύτώ, ού 11 Hence the SCRIP-
writing; Every oi the believing on him, not "BELIEVING on him shall
καταισχυνσησεται. γάρ έστι διαστολή "not be ashamed."
'Ιουδαίου τε καΐ "Ελληνος* for ό γάρ is aαυτός distinction
Κύρι- 12 $For there is no
Distinction either of Jew
ος πάντων, πλούτων είς πάντας τους έπι- or of Greek; since the
of a, 111 being rich towards all those call — towards SAME Lord of all is rich
καλουμένους αυτόν. 1 3 Π α ς γάρ δς civ έπικα- ING upon him.
ing upo:
14 13 For "every one
λέσηται τδ δνομα Κυρίου, σωθήσεται. Π ώ ς "who may invoke the
the name of Lord, shall be saved. How
"NAME of the Lord shall
οδν έπικαλέσονται, είς δν ούκ έπί-
then shall they call on, into whom not they "be saved."
14 How then shall they
στευσαν; πώ£ δέ πιστεύσουσιν, οδ ουκ call on him into whom
they did not believe ? And
άκουσαν; πώς δέ άκούσουσι χωρίς κη- how shall they believe,
they heard? how and shall they hear without one where they did not hear?
ρΰσσοντος; 1 5 Π ώ ς δέ κηρύξουσιν, έάν μη And how shall they hear
without one proclaiming?
όποσταλώσι; καθώι
#ώς γέγραπται· *Ως 15 And how shall they
they should be sent; as it has been written; How proclaim if they should not
ωραίοι ol πόδες των εύαγγελιζομένων written, be sent? as is has been
§"How beautiful
* [είρήνην, the feet of
των those announcing glad
εύαγγελιζομένων tidings " t h e FEET Of THOSE PRO-
announcing glad tidings CLAIMING GLAD TIDINGS
Cof peace, of those
τά] αγαθά. 1 β Ά λ λ ' ού πάντες ύπήκουσαν "of Good things ! "
t h e t h i n g s ] good. But not all obeyed 16 But all did not obey
τφ εύαγγελίω. Ησαΐας γάρ λέγει* Κύριε, τις t h e GLAD TIDINGS * for
the glad tidings. Bsaias for says; θ Lord, who Isaiah says, §"Lord, who
έπίστευσε τχ\ άκοχί ημών; 1 7 ("Αρα ή πίστις έξ "believed our REPORT?"
believed the hearing of us? (Then the faith from 17 So then FAITH comes
from a Report, and the
ακοής* ή δέ ακοή διά ρήματος Θεοΰ.) REPORT through the Word
hearing; the and hearing through a word of God.)
18 of *God.
Ά λ λ ά λέγω* Μη ουκ ηκουσαν; Μενοΰνγε 18 But I say, Did they
not hear ? Yes, indeed;
εις πασαν την γήν έξηλθεν 6 φθόγγος αύ- § "their SOUND went out
into all the earth went out the sound o' "into all the LAND, and
των, και είς τά πέρατα της οίκουμένη< "their WORDS to the EX-
them, and into the ends of the inhabited eartl "TREMITIES Of t h e HABI-
τά ρήματα αυτών. 19> Αλλά λέγω* Μή 'Ισραήλ "TABLE."
the words of them. But I say; Not Israel
19 But I say, Did not
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—9. openly confess the DECLARATION with thy MOUTH That
Jesus is the Lord, and wilt believe. 15. even as. 15. of Peace of THOSE! ANNOUNCING
GLAD TIDINGS—omit. 17. Christ.
± 9. Matt. x. 3 2 ; Luke xii. 8. $ 11. Isa. xxviii. 16; xlix. 2 3 ; Jer. xvii. 7; Rom. ix.
33. t 12. Acts xv. 9 ; Rom. iii. 2 2 ; Gal. iii. 28. $ 13. Joel ii. 2 2 ; Acts ii. 2 1 ;
Acts ix. 14. ί 15. Isa. Hi. 7 ; Nahum i . 1 5 . t 16. Rom. iii. 3 ; Heb. iv. 2. ί 16.
Isa. liii. 1; John x i i . 3 8 . $ 18. Psa. xix. 4 ; Matt. xxiv. 1 4 ; xxviii. 1 9 ; Mark xvi.
1 5 ; Col. i. 6 , 2 3 . 538
Chap. 10:20.] ROMANS. [Chap. 11:6.
ούκ έ'γνω; Πρώτος Μωϋσής
λέγει· 'Εγώ Israel know? First Moses
not knew? First Moses says; I says, $"I will provoke
παραξηλώσω ΰμας έπ' ούκ εθνει, επί "you to jealousy by that
will provoke to jealousy you by not a nation, by "which is no Nation ; by
έ'Ονει άσυνέτω παροργιώ υμάς. "an unenlightened Nation
"I will provoke you to an-
ιι nation, unenlightened I w i l l provoke to anger you. "ger."
Ήσαΐας δε αποτολμά, καΐ λέγει· Εύρέθην
Esaias but is very bold, and says; I was found 20 Besides, Isaiah is
τοις έμέ μή ζητοΰσιν, εμφανής έγενόμην very bold, and says, $"I
by those me not seeking, manifest I became "was found *by THOSE
δε τον "who did not SEEK me; I
τοίζ έμέ μή έπερωτώσι. Πρός
to those me not asking. In respect to but the "was made manifest to
"THOSE who did not ASK
'Ισραήλ λέγει* "Ολην τήν ήμέραν έξεπέτασα "for me."
Israel he says: Whole the day I stretched out
21 But in respect to IS-
τάς χείρας μου προς λαόν άπειθοϋντα και RAEL he says, $"The
the hands of me to a people disobeying and
Χ "whole -DAY I stretched
άντιλέγοντα. ΚΕΦ. ια/. 11» Λέγω "out my HANDS to a dis-
contradicting. I say obedient and contradict-
οΰν* Μή άπώσατο δ θεός τον λαόν αύ i n g People."
then; Not did put away the God the people of
τοϋ: Μή γένοιτο· καΐ γαρ έγώ 'Ισραηλίτης CHAPTER XI.
himself? Not let i t be; and for I an Israelite 1 I say then, $Did GOD
ειμί, έκ σπέρματος 'Αβραάμ, φυλής Βενιαμίν. put away his own PEO-
I am, of seed ofAbraam, of tribe of Benjamin. PLE ? By no means; for
Ούκ άπώσατο ό Θεός τον λαόν αύτοΰ, even $1 am an Israelite
of the Seed of Abraham,
Not did put away the God the people of himself, of the Tribe of Benjamin.
8v προέγνω. ' Ή ουκ οϊδατε, εν 'Ηλία 2 GOD has not put away
whom he before knew. Or not know you, in Elijah his PEOPLE whom he for-
τΐ λέγει ή γραφή; ώς έντυγχάνει τω merly acknowledged. Do
what says the writing? you not know what the
as? he complains to the
Θεφ κατά τοΰ 'Ισραήλ· Κύριε, τους προφή- SCRIPTURE says in [the
God ft^&iiist the lsr&elj ^j Lord) the prophets history of] Elijah, how he
τας σου άπέκτειναν, *[καΙ] τά θυσιαστήρια complains
Israel ?—
to GOD against
of thee they killed, CandJ the altars 3 X"O Lord, they killed
σου κατέσκα·ψαν· κάγώ ύπελείφθην μόνος, " t h y PROPHETS ; t h e y
of. thee they dug down; and I was left alone,
"dug down thy ALTARS ;
«αϊ ζητουσι τήν ψυχήν μου. 4 Άλλά τι "and I was left alone;
and t h e y a r e s e e k i n g the life of m e . B u t what "and they are seeking my
λέγει ό χρηματισμός; Κατέλιπον έμ- " L I F E . "
says to him" the divine oracle?
I left . to 4 But w7hat says the
αυτφ έπτακισχιλίους άνδρας, οϊτινες οΰκ DIVINE ORACLE t o h i m ?
myself seven thousand men, who not $'Ί reserved for myself
"Seven thousand Men,
έκαμψαν γόνυ τχ\ Βάαλ. εΟυτως οΰν καΐ"who bent not a Knee to
bent a knee to the Baal. Thus then even
έν τφ νϋν καιρφ λείμμα κατ' έκ- 5 $And in like manner,
in the present season a remnant according to an therefore, a t the PRESENT
El δέ χάριτι, Time, there is a Remnant
λογήν χάριτος γέγονεν.
election of favor, has been made. If but by favor according to an Election
of Favor.
ούκέτι έξ έ'ργων έπεί ή χάρις ού- 6 *But $if by Favor,
no longer from Works;
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—20. among THOSE who did not SEEK Me; I became mani-
fest among THOSE who. 3. and—omit. 6. But if by Favor, no longer from Works;
otherwise FAVOR is made no longer Favor. But if from Works, no longer Favor; other-
wise WORK is no longer Favor.
t 19. Deut. xxxii. 2 1 ; Rom. xi. 11. t 20. Isa. Ixv. 1; Bom. ix. 30. t 21. Isa.
Ixv. 2. ί 1. 1 Sam. xii. 2 2 ; Jer. xxxi. 3 7. ί 1.2 Cor. xi. 12; Phil. iii. 5.
t 3. 1 Kings xix. 10, 14. $ 4. 1 Kings xix. 18. $ 5. Kom. ix. 27. $ 6. itom. iv.
4, 5 ; Gal. v. 4 .
Chap. 11:7.] ROMANS. [Chap. 11:16.
κέτι γίνεται χάρις. 7 ΤΙ οΰν; 'Ό επιζητεί otherwise the FAVOR i s
louger is favor. What then' What seeks
no longer a Favor.
'Ισραήλ, τοΰτο ούκ έπέτυχεν, ή δέ εκλογή 7 What then ? The thing
§Israel earnestly seeks,
έπέτυχεν ot δέ λοιποί έπωρώθησαν, this he did not obtain;
obtained; the and naining ones were hardened, but the CHOSEN obtained
"Εδωκεν αύτοίς ό it, and the REST were
(καθώς γέγραπται·
(as it has been written; Gave to them the blinded ; —
Θεός πνεϋμα κατανύξεως, οφθαλμούς του μή 8 as it has been writ-
God SL s p i r i t of deep sleep» eyes of tlie not ten, %"GOD gave to them
"a Spirit of Stupor, Eyes
όλέπειν, και ώτα τοϋ μή άκούειν,) εΌ>ς της "that they should not SEE,
to seej «Hid e& ι* s o f t i l © i x o t t o l i e & i * ) / t i l l t h e
σήμερον ημέρας. 9 ΚαΙ Δαυΐδ λέγει· Γενηθήτω "and Ears that they
to-day day. And David says; Let be made "should not HEAR/'—till
THIS very Day.
ή τράπεζα αυτών εις παγίδα, καΐ εΙς θήραν 9 and David says, §"Let
"their TABLE become a
καΐ εις σκάνδαλον, καΐ εις άνταπόδομα "Snare, and a Trap, and
"a Stumbling-block, and
and into a stumbling block, and into a recompence "a Recompense to them;
αύτοίς· 10 σκοτισθήτωσαν oi οφθαλμοί αυτών, 10 "let their EYES be
t o th©mj l e t b© (l&rkeiieci t h e eyes of txiexxij "darkened so as not to
τοϋ μή βλέπειν καΐ τον νώτον αυτών διαπαν- "SEE, and bow down their
of the not to see; and the back of them always
τός σύγκαμψον. 1:ι Λέγω ο δ ν Μή επταισαν, "BACK continually."
bow down. I say then; Not did they stumble, 11 I say then, Did they
ίνα πέσωσι; Μή γένοιτο* αλλά τω stumble
that they might
? By no means ; but
so tuftt they ιχιi^lic f 3,11 ? ]^ot l e t i t bej but oy toe
|by THEIR Fall the NA-
αυτών παραπτώματι ή σωτηρία τοις έ'Φνεσιν, TIONS have SALVATION
in order to excite them to
εις τό παραζηλώσαι αυτούς. ^ Ε Ι δέEMULATION.
12 But if their FALL is
in order that to excite to emulation them. If but
τό παράπτωμα αυτών πλοϋτος κόσμου, καΐ τό the Wealth of the World,
the fall of them wealth of a world, and the and their FAILURE the
ήττημα, αυτών πλοϋτος εθνών πόσω μαλ- Wealth of the Gentiles,
xiiilui*6 of tiiezn we&lth of mitioiisj ΙΙΟΎΙΓ mixcli m^ how much more will
their full acceptance be?
λον τό πλήρωμα αυτών;
13 *And I speak to
^ Υ μ ΐ ν γαρ λέγω τοις εθνεσιν· έφ* δσον You, GENTILES ; (there-
Τα you for I speak the Gentiles; in so much
fore, indeed, inasmuch as
μέν ειμι εγώ εθνών απόστολος, τήν I am $an Apostle of the
indeed am I of Gentiles an apostle, t' Gentiles, I shall honor my
διακονίαν μου δοξάζω, εΐ πως παρα- MINISTRY ;)
service of me I shall glorify, If possibly I may 14 if possibly I may ex-
ζηλώσω μου τήν σάρκα, καΐ σώσω cite My KINDRED to emu-
lation, and §may save
excite to emulation of me the flesh, and I may s some from among tliem.
τινάς εξ αυτών. 1 5 El γαρ ή αποβολή αυτών 15 For if their REJEC-
TION be the Reconcilia-
καταλλαγή κόσμου· τΙς ή πρόσληψις, tion of the World, what
a reconciliation of a world; what the receiving, is their RECEPTION, if not
Life from the Dead?
ει μή ζωή έκ νεκρών; 1 β Εί δέ ή απαρ- 16 And if $the FIRST-
χή άγια, καΐ τό φνίραμα· καΐ εΐ ή ρίζα FRUIT be holy, so also the
f r u i t holy, a l s o the mixture; and if the root
MASS ; and if the ROOT
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 3 . And I speak to You, G E N T I L E S ; therefore indeed
t 7. Rom. ix. 3 1 ; x. 3. ί 8. Psa. xxix. 10. % 9. Psa. Ixix. 2 2 , 2 3 . * 11. Acts
xiii. 4 6 ; xviii. 18, 2 1 ; xxviii. 24, 28. ί 13. Arts ix. 1 5 ; xiii. 2 ; xxii. 2 1 ; Rom. xv. 1 6 ;
Gal. i. 1 6 ; ii. 2, 7-9; Eph. iii. 8 ; 1 Tim. ii. 7; 2 Tim, i. 11. $ 14. 1 Cor. vii. 1 6 ;
ix. 2 2 ; 1 Tim. iv. 1 6 ; James v. 20. $ 16. Lev. xxiii. 1 0 ; Num. xv. 19-21.
Chap. 11:17.] ROMANS. [Chap. 11:25.
άγια, καΐ ot κλάδοι. ΕΙ δέ τίνες των be holy, so also the
χιο 1 yj <ι J so tti Θ to r tine lie s · If tout* some of tlie BRANCHES.
κλάδων έξεκλάσθησαν, συ άγριέλαιος
17 But if §some of the
a wild olive BRANCHES were broken
branches were broken off, thou
ών ένεκεντρίσθης έν αύτοίς, καΐ συγ- off, $and thou being a
being wast ingrafted instead of them, and a par- Wild olive wast ingrafted
instead of them, and didst
κοινωνός της ρίζης καΐ της πιότητος της become a Partaker of the
ROOT and FATNESS of the
έλα'ιας έγένου, κατακαυχώ των
olive thou didst become, do thou boast of the OLIVE ;
κλάδων εΐ δέ κατακαυχάσαι, ού συ την 18 $do not boast against
the BRANCHES ; but if
UI*AHC1I6S| if but thou docst bojistj not tliou tho
19 thou dost exult over them,
ρίζαν βαστάζεις άλλ' ή ρίζα σέ. Έ -thou dost not sustain the
root sustainest but the root thee. Thou ROOT, but the ROOT thee.
ρεϊς οΰν Έξεκλάσβησαν κλάδοι, ίνα εγώ 19 Thou wilt say then
w i l t say then; Were broken off branches, so that I "The Branches were bro-
Καλώς· ττ| απιστία έξε- ken1 off, so that I might be
έγκεντρισΰώ. True; by "the unbelief they grafted in."
might be grafted in.
κλάσΦησαν, συ δέ τη πίστει §στη- 20 True; they were
τν ΘΓΘ fo k θ ο fi t h o u find y t i e ι i txi h& s ttoe© i broken off by UNBELIEF,
κας* μη ύψηλοφρόνει, άλλα φοβοΰ. ^El γαρ and thou hast been estab-
standing; not be-high-minded, but fear. If for lished by FAITH. $Be
ό Θεός των κατά φύσιν κλάδων ούκ not haughty, but §fear;
tiie God those fl,ccordinff to u&tuiro torjiiiclios not 21 for if GOD spared not
έφείσατο, μήπως ουδέ σοϋ φείσεται. t*he h e NATURAL Branches
may not even spare
spared, perhaps not even thee will he spare.
22 Thee.
"Ιδε ούν χρηστότητα καΐ άποτομίαν Θεοΰ· 22 Behold, then, the
έπί μέν τους πεσόντας, άποτομίαν Kindness and the Severity
of God ; Severity, indeed,
επί 5έ σε, χρηστότητα, έάν έπιμει- FALLEN, *but the Kind-
towar if' " thou shouldst
ness of God towards thee,
but the , kindne. '" * *" '
χρηστότητι* έπεί $if thou continue in that
καΐ συ έκκο-
KINDNESS ; for otherwise
πήση. ^Κάκείνοι δέ, έάν μη έπιμε'ι- $thou even shalt be cut
bo cut off. Also they but, if not they should off.
να>σι τχ^ απιστία, έγκεντρισθήσονται· δυνα- 23 But they also, $if
reniain in the unbelief, shall be ingrafted; able they continue not in UN-
BELIEF, shall be grafted
τός γάρ έστιν ό Θεός πάλιν έγκεντρ'ισαι αύ- in; for GOD is able to
for is the God again to graft them.
graft them in again.
τους. El γάρ σύ έκ της κατά φύσιν 24 For if thou wast
cut off from an Olive, wild
έξεκόπης άγριελαίου, καΐ παρά φύσιν by Nature, and, in violation
wast cut off wild olive, and in violation of nature of Nature, wast grafted
ένεκεντρίσθης είς καλλιέλαιον, πόσω
into a Good olive, how
much more shall these, the
thou wast ingrafted into a good olive, by howmuch Natural branches, be graft-
μάλλον οδτοι ol κατά φύσιν, έγκεν- ed into their OWN Olive?
xtxor© ΐΐΐθsθ wliο &ccoi*diii££ t o H£itui*o^ sliD. 11 b e
25 For, Brethren, that
τρισθήσονται xf\ Ιδία έλαία. Ού γάρ θέλω you may not be $con-
ingrafted in the own olive. Not for I wish
ceited with yourselves, I
ΰμας άγνοείν, αδελφοί, το μυστήριον τοΰ- wish you not to be igno-
you to be ignorant, brethren, the secret this, rant of this SECRET, That

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. he may not even spare Thee. 22. but the Kindness
of God towards thee, if thou continue in that KINDNESS.
$ 17. Jer. xi. 16. I 17. Acts ii. 3 9. $ 20. Rom. xii. 16. $ 20. Proy. xxvii. 14;
Isa. lvi. 2; Phil. ii. 12. $ 22. 1 Cor. xv. 2 ; Heb. iii. 6,14. $ 22. John xv. 2.
% 2 3 . 2 Cor. i i i . 16. t 2 5 . Eom. xii. 16.
Chap. 11:26.] ROMANS. [CHap. 11:36.
το, (ίνα μη παρ' έαυτοΐς φρόνιμοι,) ^Hardness in some Mea-
(that not you may be with yourselves wise, sure has happened to
δτι πώρωσις άπό μέρους τφ 'Ισραήλ γέ- ISRAEL $till the FULNESS
that hardness from a part to the Israel has of the GENTILES may
γονεν, αχρις ου τό πλήρωμα των εθνών come in.
26 And then all Israel
είσέλθχι· 2βκα1 οΰτω πάς 'Ισραήλ οωΦήσεται, will be saved, as it has been
m a y c o m e i n ; and t h e n a l l I s r a e l s h a l l be saved, written, % "The DELIV-
Οίαι^ώς γέγραπται· "Ηξει έκ Σιών E"Zion, R E R shall come out of
and shall turn
as i t has been written; Shall come out of Sion "away Ungodliness from
6 ρυόμενος, καΐ αποστρέψει ασεβείας "Jacob;"
the deliverer, 2 7 27 And $"this is the
άπο 'Ιακώβ. ΚαΙ αΰτη αΰτοίς ή παρ' "Covenant with t h e m
"FROM ME, when I shall
έμοΰ διαθήκη, δταν άφέλωμαι τάς άμαρ- "take away their SINS."
me covenant, when '. may take away the sins 28 In relation to the
τίας αυτών. ^Κατά t μεν τό εΰαγγέλιον, GLAD TIDINGS, i n d e e d
they are Enemies on your
έχϋοοΐ δι' ύμας* icording κατά δέ τήν account; but in regard to
to but the the ELECTION, they are
enemies on account of you; ι $Beloved on account of
έπλογήν, αγαπητοί δια τους πατέρας. the FATHERS ;
election, beloved οι
29 29 because the GRA-
Άμεταμέλητα γαρ τά χαρίσματα CIOUS GIFTS and CALLING
T h i n g s n o t t o be r e p e n t e d of f80o r t h e g r a c i o u s g i f t s of GOD are $not things
καΐ ή κλήσις του Θεοΰ. "Ωσπερ γάρ ύμείς to be repented of.
and the calling of the God. As for you
30 Besides, as you
ποτε ήπειθήσατε τω Θεώ, νυν δέ ήλεήθητε $once disobeyed GOD, but
once disobeyed the God, now but obtained mercy now obtained mercy by
T]fj τούτων απείθεια* ουτοο καΐ οδτοι νΰν their Disobedience;

by the of these disobedience; thus also these now 31 so also, now, these
ήπείθησαν, τφ ύμετέρω έλέει ίνα καΐ αυτοί disobeyed, so that they
*may obtain mercy by
Συνέκλεισε γάρ ό Θεός τους YOUR Mercy.
Xri3^ obtuln morcy» Shut uj) for the G*ocl the 32 For $GOD shut up
πάντας εΙς άπείθειαν, ίνα τους πάντας together ALL for Disobe-
dience, that he might have
mercy on ALL.
έλεήση. 33rQ βάθος πλούτου καΐ σο- 33 Ο the Depth of the
he might compassionate. O depth of wealth and of Riches and Wisdom and
φίας καΐ γνώσεως Θεοΰ. *Ως άνεξερεύ- Knowledge of God ! $How
wisdom and of knowledge of God. How unsearcha- unsearchable his JUDG-
νητα τά κρ'ιματα αύτου, καΐ ανεξιχνίαστοι MENTS, and §untraceable
ble the Judgments of him, and untraceable his WAYS !
αί δδοί αύτοΰ. 3 4 ΤΙς γάρ εγνω νουν Κυρίου; Mind 34 $For who knew the
tho ways of him. Who for knew mind of Lord? of the Lord? or
who was his Counsellor?
η* τΙς σύμβουλος αύτοΰ έγένετο; m!r\ τϊς προέ- 35 or $who first gave to
or who a counsellor of him became? or who first
him, and it shall be given
δωκεν αύτφ, καΐ άνταποδοθήσεται αΰ- to him again?
gave to him, and it shall be given in return to 36 ^Because out of him,
τω; 86 "Οτι έξ αΰτοΰ, καΐ δι' αυτοί», and through him, and for
him? Because out of him, and through him, him, are ALL things. To
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—31. may now obtain mercy.
$ 25. ver. 7; 2 Cor. iii. 14. $ 25. Luke xxi. 24; Rev. vii. 9. $ 26. Isa. lix. 20.
gee Psa. xiv. 7. t 27. Isa. xxvii. 9; Jer. xxxi. 31-34; Heb. viii. 8; x. 16. t 28.
Deut. vii. 8; ix. 5; x. 15. t 29. Num. xxiii. 19. t 30. Eph. ii. 2; Col. iii. 7.
$ 32. Rom. iii. 9; Gal. iii. 22. t 33. Psa. xxxvi. 6. $ 33. Job. xi. 7; Psa. xcii.
5. t 34. Job. xv. 8; Isa. xi. 15; Jer. xxiii. 18; 1 Cor. ii. 16. $ 35. Job. xxxv. 7;
xli. 1 1 . $ 36. 1 Cor. viii. 6; Col. i. 16.
Chap. 12:1.] ROMANS. [Chap. 12:8.
otal εις αυτόν τά πάντα· αύτφ ή δόξα him be the GLORY for the
and for h i m the things all; to h i m the glory AGES. Amen.
είς τους αιώνας. 'Αμήν.
ior the ages. So be It.
1 I entreat you, there-
ΚΕΦ. ι6\ 12. fore, Brethren, by the
Π α ρ α κ α λ ώ ούν υμάς, αδελφοί, διά των GOD, to present your JBO-
DIES a living Sacrifice
οίκτιρμών τοϋ Θεοΰ, παραστήσαι τά holy, well-pleasing to GOD
tender compassions of the God, to present the — your RATIONAL religious
σώματα υμών Φυσ'ιαν ζώσαν, άγίαν, εύά-
bodies of you a sacrifice living, holy, well- service.
2 $And do n o t conform
ρεσίον τω Θεφ, την λογικήν λατρε'ιαν
yourselves to t h i s AGE,
pleasing to the God, the rational religlousservice
υμών 2
κα1 μή συσχηματίζεσθε τω αίώνι $but transform yourselves
of you; and not conform yourselves to the age by the RENOVATION of
τοΰτω, άλλα μεταμορφοΰσθε τχ\ άνακαινώ- your MIND, t h a t you may
this,' but transform yourselves by the reno- ^ASCERTAIN w h a t is t h e
σει τοΰ νοός *[ύμών,] εις τό δοκιμάζεις W I L L of G O D , — t h e GOOD,
Vation of the mind [of you,] in order that to prove and well-pleasing, and
ύμας, τΐ τό θέλημα τοΰ Θεοΰ, τό αγαθόν perfect.
you, what the will of the God, the good 3 F o r I say, t h r o u g h
THAT FAVOR which has
καΐ εύάρεστον και τέλει,ον. 3 Λέγω γαρ διά'
been GIVEN to me, to
nucl we 11-ρ 1 efts ing And perfect. I sky for through EVERT one among you,
της χάριτος της δοθείσης μοι, παντί $not to t h i n k beyond w h a t
the f a v o r of t h a t h a v i n g been g i v e n t o m e , t o a l l he ought to think ; but t o
τω δντι έν ύμΐν, μή ΰπερφρονεΐν παρ' think so as to be SOBER-
to* him being among you, not to think above beyond
MINDED, as GOD to E a c h
8 δει φρονείν, άλλα φρονείν εις
distributed a Measure of
"What i t behooves to think, but to think in order Faith.
τό σωφρονείν, έκάστω ώς ό Θεός
4 For, $just as in One
that to be of sound mind, to each one as the God Body we have m a n y Mem-
έμέρισε μέτρον πίστεως. 4 Καθάπερ γαρ έν bers, but all t h e MEMBERS
divided a measure of faith. Just as for in h a v e not t h e SAME A c t i o n ;
ένι σώματι μέλη πολλά έ'χομεν, τά δέ 5 so $we, t h e MANY,
ΟΛΟ body members ixi&iiy we ϊι&ν©· tli© but a r e One Body in Christ,
πάντα ού τήν αυτήν έχει πράξιν and INDIVIDUALLY Mem-
ουτως ot πολλοί εν σώμα έσμεν έν Χριστώ,
thus the many one boay we are in Anointed, bers of each other.
ό δέ κ α θ ' είς, αλλήλων μέλη. β 'Έχοντες 6 §Now h a v i n g differ-
the but each one, of each other members. Having ent Gracious gifts, ac-
δέ χαρίσματα κατά τήν χάριν τήν cording to THAT FAVOR
but which i s IMPARTED to u s ;
—$if Prophecy, speak ac-
δοϋεΐσαν ήμΐν διάφορα· εϊτε προφη-
cording t h e t h e ANALOGY
hav ing been given tous of differentkinds; if propli- of t h e F A I T H ;
τείαν, κατά τήν άναλογ'ιαν της πίστε-
ets, according to the analogy of the faith; 7 or if a Service, per-
ως' 7 εϊτε διακονίαν, έν τη διακονία· εΐτε ό form t h a t SERVICE. The
if service, in the service! if the TEACHER, in t h e TEACH-
διδάσκων, έν τη διδασκαλία· εϊτε ό παρακα-
8 ING ;
8 §the EXHORTER, i n
λών, έν χχ\ παρακλήσει· ό μεταδιδούς, έν the EXHORTATION. Let
ing, in the exhortation; the one giving, with the DISTRIBUTOR a c t w i t h
άπλότητι· ό προϊστάμενος, 1
έν σπουδή· ό Disinterestedness; the
simplicity, the one presiding , with diligence; the PRESIDENT, w i t h Dili-
ελεών, έν Ιλαρότητι. Ή αγάπη, άνυ- gence ; t h e SYMPATHIZER,
one pitying, with cheerfulness. The love, un- w i t h Cheerfulness.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—2. of you—omit.

t 1. Rom. vi. 13, 16, 19. % 2. 1 Pet. i. 14; 1 John ii. 15. % 2. Eph. iv. 23;
Col. iii. 10. % 2. Eph. v. 10, 17. t 3. Rom. xi. 20. $ t 4. 1 Cor. xii. 12; Eph.
iv. 16. $ 5. 1 Cor. x. 17; xii. 20, 27; Eph. i. 23; iv. 25. % G. 1 Cor. xli. 4;
1 Pet. iv. 10, 11. $ 6. 1 Cor. xii. 10, 28; xiii. 2; xiv. 1, 6, 29, 31. $ 8. 1 Cor.
xiv. 3.
Chap. 12:9.] ROMANS. [Chap. 12:21.
πόκριτος· άποστυγοΰντες τό πονηρόν, κολλώ- 9 $Let LOVE be un-
feigned; detesting the evil, adher- feigned. Detest the EVIL ;
μενοι τ φ άγαθφ· τχί 10
φιλαδελφία, adhere to the GOOD.
εις αλλήλους φιλόστοργοι· τχί KINDNESS towards each
towards each other tender affections; in the other be tenderly affec-
αλλήλους προηγούμενοι* η τχί σπουδή μή tionate; § in HONOR pre-
each other going before; in the udy
study not
ferring one another.
οκνηροί τφ πνεύματι ζέοντες· τφ 11 In DUTY be not sloth-
idle one in the spirit being fervent; to the
ful. In the SPIRIT be fer-
Κυρίω δουλεύοντες· ^τχί έλπίδι χαίροντες· vent, *serving the LORD.
12 $In the HOPE be
θλίψει υπομένοντες* τχί προσευχή joyful; §in AFFLICTION
affliction being patient; in the prayer
13 patient; $in PRAYER per-
Λροσκαρτεροί3ντες· ταΐς χρείαις των άγί-
constantly attending; to the wants of the holy severing.
13 $ Contributing to the
κοινωνοΰντες· την φιλοξεν'ιαν διώ- WANTS of the SAINTS,—
te kindm
' ss to strangers $pursuing HOSPITALITY.
κοντές. Εύλογεΐτε τους διώκοντας *[ΰμας·] 14 $Bless THOSE who
following. Bless you those persecuting [you;]
ευλογείτε, καΐ μή καταρασθε. ^Χαίρειν μετά PERSECUTE y o u ; bless
bless you, and not curse you. To rejoice with and curse not.
χαιρόντων, καΐ κλαίειν μετά κλαιόντων. 15 ^Rejoice with the
joyful, and weep with the
Τό αυτό εις αλλήλους φρονοΰντες· μή τά sorrowful.
The same for each other minding; not the things
16 §Be of the SAME
Disposition towards each
υψηλά φρονοΰντες, αλλά τοις ταπεινοϊς συνα- other. Regard not HIGH
high minding, but to the low ones con-
παγόμενοι. Μή γίνεσθε φρόνιμοι παρ' έαυ- things, but conform your-
foim yourselves. Not" become wise with your- selves to the lowly. §Do
not become wise in your
τοίς. 17 ΜηδενΙ κακόν αντί κακού αποδί- own estimation.
17 $To no one return
δοντες· προνοούμενοι καλά ενώπιον Evil for Evil. ^Provide
πάντων ανθρώπων εΊ δυνατόν τό honorable things in the
of all men; if able that έξ presence of All Men.
•υμών, μετά πάντων ανθρώπων είρηνεύοντες* rm 18 If possible, on YOUR
of you, with all men being at peace;
part, §live peaceably with
μή εαυτούς έκδικοΰντες, αγαπητοί· αλλά All Men ;
not yourselves avenging, beloved ones; but
19 §not avenging Your-
δότε τόπον τι) οργή* γέγραπται selves, Beloved, but give
Place to the WRATH [of
γάρ* ΈμοΙ έκδίκησις· έγώ ανταποδώσω, λέγει God; ] for it has been
for; To me vengeance; I w i l l repay, says
20 written, § "Vengeance be-
ρς Έάν ουν πεινςΐ δ εχθρός "longs to m e ; I will re-
Lord. If therefore may hunger the enemy
"pay," says the Lord.
σου, ψώμιζε αυτόν έάν δίψα, πό- 20 Therefore, $"if thine
of thee, do thou feed him; if he may thi give
"ENEMY is hungry, give
τιζε αυτόν. Τοΰτο γάρ ποιών, άνθρακας "him food; if he is
drinK to him. This for doing, coals "thirsty, give him drink ;
πυρός σωρεύσεις επί τήν κεφαλήν αΰτου. "for, doing this, thou wilt
of fire thou w i l t p i l e on t h e head of him.
"heap Coals of Fire on his
Μή νικώ ΰπό του κακοΰ, αλλά νί- "HEAD."
Isot be overcome by the evil, but over- 21 Be not subdued by
Ota έν τω άγαθφ τό κακόν, EVIL but subdue EVIL by
come by the good * the evil. GOOD.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 1 . serving the LORD. 14. you—omit.
$ 9. 1 Tim. i. 5. % 10. Heb. xiii. 1 ; 1 Pet. i . 2 2 ; i i . 17; i i i . 8 ; 2 P e t . i . 7 .
$ 10. 1 Pet. v. 5. t 12. Phil. iii. 1 ; iv. 4 ; Heb. i i i . 6. ί 12. Heb. x. 3 6 ; x i i . 1.
$ 12. Col. iv. 2 ; Eph. vi. 1 8 ; 1 Thess. i. 17. t 13. Heb. vi. 1 0 ; xiii. 1 6 ; 1 John iii.
IT. t 13. Heb. xiii. 2.« t 14. Matt. v. 4 4 ; 1 Pet. ii. 2 3 ; iii. 9. $ 15. 1 Cor. x i i .
26. t 16. Rom. xv. 15. t 16. Prov. iii. 7. $ 17. Matt. v. 3 9 ; 1 Thess. v. 1 5 .
$17.2 Cor. viii. 21. * 18. Heb. xii. 14. % 19. Prov. xxiv. 29. $ 19. Deut. xxxii.
3 5 . $ 20. Prov. xxv. 21, 22.
Chap. 13:1.] ROMANS. [Chap.

ΚΕΦ. ι γ \ 13. CHAPTER X I I I .

1 Let Every person §be
Πασα ψυχή έξουσίαις ύπερεχούσαις ύπο- submissive to the superior
Authorities; $fpr there
τασσέσθω. Ού γάρ έστιν εξουσία εΐ μή άπό is not an Authority, except
be submissive. Not for is authority if not from from God; and THOSE
Θεοΰ· αϊ δέ οΰσαι, τεταγ- EXISTING have been ar-
υπό θεού
GocL^ tlios© ίΐπίΐ l)6iii^} uuuei* ΟΌΟ li&viuj·) been
ranged under G O D ;
2 2 so that he who sets
μέναι εισ'ιν. "Ωστε ό άντιτασσόμε- himself in opposition to
arranged are. So the one setting himself in the AUTHORITY, opposes
νος τι) εξουσία, τχί τοϋ θεοϋ the INSTITUTION of Gop;
opposition to the authority, to the of the God and the OPPONENTS will
διαταγή άνθέστηκεν ol δέ άνθεστη- procure Punishment for
institution has been opposed; they but haying been themselves.
κότες, έαυτοίς, κρίμα λήψον- 3 For RULERS are not
set in opposition, tothemselves Judgment will a terror *to a GOOD Work,
3 but to an EVIL. And dost
ται. Ol γάρ άρχοντες ουκ είσΐ φόβος τών thou wish not to be afraid
of the AUTHORITY V $Do
αγαθών έργων, αλλά των κακών. Θέ- GOOD, and thou shalt have
good works, but oi the evil ones. Wishest Praise from i t ;
λεις δέ μή φοβεΐσθαι τήν έξουσ'ιαν; τό αγαθόν 4 for he is God's Ser-
tlion cincl not to f©fl.r til© «iixtliorityi txie ^OOQL vant for thy *Good. But
ποίει* καΐ έξεις επαινον έξ αυτής· if thou do EVIL, be afraid ;
do thou; and thou w i l t have praise from her; for he bears the SWORD
Θεοΰ γάρ διάκονος εστί σοι ε'ις τό αγαθόν. not in v a i n ; since he is
of Godείκΐ]
for a τήν μάχαιραν
servant he is to φορεί· θεοΰ good.
thee for the γάρ God's avenging Servant
for in vain the
Έάν δέ τό κακόνsword ποιτ\ς, he bears; of God for
φοβοΰ· ού for Wrath on him doing
διάκονος έστιν, εκδικος εις όργήν τώ τό EVIL.
a servant he is, an avenger
for wrath to him the 5 Wherefore it is neces-
κακόν πράσσοντι. Διό ανάγκη υπότασσε- sary to be subordinate,
6Vi 1 ρϊΆctisin£f* Wherefore necessity to be suo~ not only on account of t h e
σθαι, ού μόνον διά τήν όργήν, άλλα WRATH ; $but also on ac-
missive, not only on account of the wrath, but
β count Of CONSCIENCE.
καΐ διά τήν συνείδησιν. Διά 6 For on this account
also on account of the conscience. On account of also you pay Taxes; be-
τοΰτο γάρ καΐ φόρους τελείτε· λειτουργοί cause they a r e God's pub-
this f o r & tftxes p&yyou^ puulie x^\ixiistcrs lic Ministers, constantly
γάρ θεοϋ είσιν, ε'ις αυτό τοΰτο προσκαρτε- attending to this very
ροΰντες. Άπόδοτε * [ούν] πάσι τάς όφει- 7 ± Render, therefore,
attending. Render [ t h e r e f o r e ] t o a l l t h e dues;
to all their DUES ; to
λάς· τφ τβν φόρον, τόν φόρον τώ τό WHOM TAX is due, TAX ; t o
to him the tax, the tax; to him the
τέλος, τό τέλος* τώ τόν φόβον, τόν TOM ; tO WHOM FEAR,
φόβον τφ τήν τιμήν, τήν τιμήν. 8ΜηδενΙ HONOR.
• 8 Owe Nothing to any
μηδέν οφείλετε, εΐ μή τό άλλτ'ιλους άγα- one—unless LOVE to each
nothing owe you, if not that each other you should other; for $HE w h o
παν ό γάρ αγαπών τόν έτερον, νόμον πε- LOVES ANOTHER has ful-
filled the Law.
πλήρωκε. Τό γάρ· Ού
μοιχεύσεις· 9 For this, $"Thou shalt
fulfilled. That for; Not thou shalt commi t adul tery, "not commit adultery,
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 . a GOOD Work, but to an EVIL. 4. Good. 7. therefore
t 1 Tit. iii. 1; 1 Pet. ii. 13. $ 1. Dan. ii. 2 1 ; iv. 3 2 ; John xix. 11. $ 33.
1 Pet. ii. 1 4 ; i i i . 19. ί 5 . 1 Pet. ii. 10. $ 7. Matt. xxii. 2 1 ; Mark xii. 1 7 ;
Luke xx. 25. t 8. Gal. v. 1 4 ; 1 Tim. i. 5 ; James i i . 8. $ 9. Exod. xx. 1 3 ;
Deut. v. 1 7 ; Matt. xix. 18.
Chap. 13:10.] ROMANS. [Chap. 14:4.
Ού φονεύσεις· Ού κλέ-
"Thou shalt not commit
Not thou shalt commit murder; Not thou shalt "murder, Thou shalt not
ψεις* Ούκ επιθυμήσεις· καΐ εϊ τις έ·τέρα "steal, Thou shalt not
steal; Not thou shalt covet; and If any other "covet," and if Any
εντολή, έν τούτω τω λόγω άνακεφαλαι- Other Commandment, it
commandment, In this the word it is brought is briefly summed up in
οΰται, έν τώ· 'Αγαπήσεις τόν πλησί- This PRECEPT, namely,
uiider one head, in this; Thou shalt love tho neigh- t'Thou shalt love thy
ov σου ώς εαυτόν. 1 0 Ή αγάπη τώ ''NEIGHBOR as thyself."
bor of thee as thyself. The love to the
10 LOVE to the NEIGH-
πλησίον κακόν οΰκ εργάζεται* πλήρωμα ούν BOR works no Evil;
JLOVE, then, is the Ful-
νόμου ή αγάπη. ^ΚαΙ τούτο, ειδότες τόν filling of the Law.
καιρόν, δτι ωρα ημάς ήδη εξ ίίπ-νον
11 And do this, know-
ing the SEASON, That it is
έγερθήναι· (νϋν γάρ έγγύτερον ημών ή
already the Hour for us
$to wake up from Sleep;
for now is Our SALVATION
σωτηρία, η1 δτε έπιστεύσαμεν ^ή νί)ξ nearer than when we be-
salvation, than when we believed; the night
προέκοψεν, ή δε ημέρα ήγγικεν) άπο-
it> far advanced, the and day has approached;) we 12 The NIGHT is far ad-
θώμεθα οΰν τά έργα του σκότους, vanced, and the DAY has
approached; §we should,
seed ένδυσώμεθα τά δπλα τοΰ φωτός. therefore, lay aside the
^ Ώ ς έν ήμερα, εΰσχημόνως περιπατήσωμεν, ^should put on the ARMOR
As in day, * decently we should walk, Of LIGHT.
μή κώμοις καΐ μέθαις, μή 13 As in the Day, ?we
no't inrevelings and in drink ings, not in whore- should walk becomingly;
ταις καΐ άσελγείαις, μή εριδι καΐ ζή- —tnot in Revelries and
Carousings ; not in Whore-
uom s mid in u.til)ixuclieri©s# not) in s t r i ι ο And in
άλλ' ένδύσασθε τόν Κύριον Ίησοΰν doms and Debaucheries;
λω· not in * Strifes and Envy-
\ΐ£©" but put you on til© Lord Jesus ings ;
Χριστόν, καΐ της σαρκός πρόνοιαν μή ποι-
Anointed, and of tho flesh provision not make 14 but §put you on the
είσθε εις επιθυμίας, •ANOINTED Jesus, and
you for lusts. $make no Provision foe
the Lusts of the FLESH.
ΚΕΦ. ι δ \ 14.
Τόν δέ άσθενοϋντα τη πίστει προσλαμ- 1 Now ^receive to your-
The but weak to the faith, take to selves the WEAK in the
βάνεσθε, μή ε'ις διακρίσεις διαλογισμών. "Ος
yourselves, not for differences of reasonings. Who FAITH ; not, however, for
Doubtful Reasonings.
μέν πιστεύει φαγείν πάντα* ό δέ άσθε- 2 One, indeed, believes
indeed believes to eat all things; the but one
he may eat all things ; but
νών λάχανα έσθίει. s e O έσθίων, τόν μή the WEAK eats Vegetables
έοθίοντα μή έξοτ'θενείτω· και ό μή έσθίων, 3 Let not HIM who
EATS despise HIM who
τόν έσθίοντα μή κρινέτω ό Θεός γάρ αυτόν EATS not; and let not
tho one eating not Judge; the God for him HIM who EATS not con-
προσελάθετο. Σύ τΙς ε! ό κρίνων demn HIM who EATS ; for
received to himself. Thou who art the Judging GOD received him.
άλλότριον οίκέτην; τω ΙδΊφ 4 Who art THOU CON-
belonging to another household servant? to the own DEMNING the Domestic of
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 3 . Strifes and Envyings. 14. ANOINTED Jesus.
t 9. Lev. xix. 1 8 ; Matt. xxii. 3 9 ; Mark xii. 3 1 ; Gal. v. 1 4 ; James ii. 8. $ 10.
Matt. xxii. 4 0 . ί 1 1 . 1 Cor. xv. 3 4 ; Eph. v. 14; 1 Thess v. 5, 6. t 12. Eph. v.
1 1 ; Col. ill. 8. $ 1 2 . Eph. vi. 1 3 ; 1 Thess. v. 8. t 13. Phil. iv. 8 ; 1 Thess iv.
12; 1 Pet. ii. 12. $ 1 3 . 1 Pet. iv. 3. % 14. Eph. iv. 2 4 ; Col. iii. 10. $ 1 4 . Gal.
r. 1 6 ; 1 Pet. ii. 11. $ 1. Rom. xv. 1, 7; 1 Cor. viii. 9, 1 1 ; ix. 22.
CHap. 14:5.] ROMANS. [Chap. 14:13.
Κυρίφ στήκει ή πίπτει·σταθήσε- Another? To his OWN
Lord he stands or he falls; he shall be made Master he stands or falls ;
and he shall be made to
ται δέ· δυνατός γάρ έστιν ό Θεός stand, for *GOD is able to
to stand and; able for is the God make him stand.
στησαι αυτόν. 5"Ος μεν κρίνει ήμέραν 5 £One indeed esteeins
to make stand. One indeed esteems a day one Day better than an-
παρ' ήμέραν, δς δέ κρίνει πασαν ήμέραν other Day; but another
έ'καστος έν τω ίδίφ νοι πληροφορείσθω. 6 ' 0 esteems Every Day. Let
each in the own mind let be ful ly assured. He each one be fully assured
φρονών την ήμέραν, Κυρίω φρονεί· * [καΐ ό in his OWN Mind.
mιiiciιn§> txi0 Gflyj t o JLfOX'u miiiilSj L*n^-t* b e 6 HE who MINDS the
μή φρονών την ήμέραν, Κυρίφ οΰ φρονεί.] DAY, minds it for the
not minding the day, to Lord not minds.J Lord ; and HE who MINDS
ΚαΙ ό έσβίων, Κυρίω έσθίει, ευχαριστεί not the DAY, minds it not
And he eating, to Lor"d eats, he gives thanks for the Lord. And HE
γάρ τω Θεφ· καΐ ό μή έσθίων, Κυρίω who EATS, eats in regard
for to the God;" and he not eating, to Lord to the Lord, for $he gives
ούκ έσθίει, καΐ ευχαριστεί τω Θεω. thanks to GOD; and HE
7not eats, and he gives thanks to the God. who EATS not, eats not in
ΟύδεΙς γάρ ημών έαυτφ ζη, καΐ ουδείς regard to the Lord, and
No one for of you to himself lives, and no one gives thanks to GOD.
έαυτώ αποθνήσκει. 8 Έάν τε γάρ ζώμεν, τφ 7 For $no one of us
to himself dies. If both for w e live, to the lives for Himself, and no
Κυρίφ ζώμεν έάν τε άπο&νήσκωμεν, τφ one dies for Himself;
8 for both, if we live,
Κυρίω άποθνήσκομεν. Έάν τε οΰν ζώμεν, we live for the LORD, and
Lord" we die. If both therefore we live, if we die, we die for the
έάν τε άποθνήσκωμεν, του Κυρίου έσμέν. LORD ; whether, therefore,
if and we die, of the Lord we are.
we live, or die, we are the
°ΕΊς τοΰτο γάρ Χριστός *[καί] απέθανε καΐ LORD'S.
To this for Anointed [both] died and 9 §For Christ died and.
εζησεν, ϊνα καΐ νεκρών καΐ ζώντων lived for this end, that
lived, so that both of dead ones and living Jhe might rule over both
κρίνεις τον the Dead and the Living.
κυριεύστ). Σύ δέ, τΐ
he might be lord. Thou but, why judgest the 10 But thou, why dost
thou condemn thy BRO-
άδελφόν σου; ή καΐ συ, τΐ έξουθενείς THER? or why dost thou
brother of thee? or also thou, why settest at nought despise t h y BROTHER ?
τόν άδελφόν $for we shall all be placed
βήματι σου;τοΰ πάντες γάρ παραστησόμεθα

τφ Χρίστου. Γέγραπται before the TRIBUNAL of
the judgment seatpf the Anointed. It has been written
γάρ· Ζώ έγώ, λέγει Κύριος, οτι 11 For it has been writ-
ten, i'l live, says the
κάμψει πάν γόνυ, καΐ πάσα γλώσσα έξομο- "LORD, Because to Me
"shall bend Every Knee,
sli& 11 bond ©very kiioΘ· itxicl ©vei*y tonffix© sxis. 11
"and Every tongue shall
λογήσεται τω Θεώ. "Αρα * [ούν] έκαστος "confess to GOD."
ημών περί έαυτοϋ Soλόγον
to the "God. [then] each one 12 $Each one of us,
δώσει therefore,
of us concerning
himself ί
ι account shall give
shall *give an
τφ Θεφ. ^Μηκέτι Account
οΰν αλλήλους κρίνω- self to GOD. concerning him-
to* the God. No longer therefore each other we
13 No longer, then, we
μεν αλλά τοΰτο κρίνατε μάλλον, τό should judge each other;
should judge; but this judge you rather, that but judge you this rather,

* VATICAN M A N U S C P I P T . — 4 . the LORD. 6. and H E who MINDS not the DAY, minds
it not for the Lord.—omit. 9. both—omit. 12. then—omit. 12. render an Account.
13. or a cause of fall—omit.
$ 5. Gal. iv. 1 0 ; Col. ii. 16. $ 6. 1 Cor. x. 3 1 ; 1 T i m . iv. 3 . % 7 . 1 Cor. vi.
19, 2 0 ; Gal. i i . 2 0 ; 1 Thess. v. 1 0 ; 1 Pet. iv. 2. $ 9. 2 Cor. v. 1 5 . $ 9 . Acts x . 3 6 .
t 10. M a t t . xxv. 3 1 , 3 2 ; Acts x. 4 2 ; xvii. 3 1 ; 2 Cor. v. 1 0 ; Jude 14, 15. $ 11.
Isa. xiv. 2 5 ; Phil. ii. 10. $ 12. Matt. xii. 3 6 ; Gal. vi. 5 ; 1 Pet. iv. 5. $ 13. 1 Cor.
viii. 9, 1 2 ; x . 3 2 .
Chap. 14:14.] ROMANS. [Chap. 14:23.
μή τιθέναι πρόσκομμα τφ άδελφφ * [ή ±not TO PLACE a Stum-
not to place a stumbling-block to the brother Cor bling-block before a BRO-
σκάνδαλον.] 14
Οίδα, και πέπεισμαι THER.
a cause of fall.] I know, and have been persuaded 14 I know, and have
έν νΚυρίφ Ίησοΰ, δτι ουδέν κοινόν δι' been assured by the Lord
in Lord" Jesus, that nothing common through Jesus, §That nothing is
α\Ηοΰ, εΐ μή τ φ λογιζομένω τι κοινόν common of itself; yet §to
itself, if not to him regarding anything1 common HIM who REGARDS any-
thing to be common, to
είναι, έκε'ινω κοινόν 1 5 El δέ δια βρώμα ό him it is common.
to be, to him commonj If Ibut through food the 15 But if, through thy
αδελφός σου λυπείται, ούκέτι κατά Food, thy BROTHER is
brother of thee Is grieved, no longer according to grieved, thou walkest no
άγάπην περιπατείς. Μή τφ βρώματ'ι longer according to Love.
love dost thou walk. Not with the food $Do not, with thy POOD,
σου εκείνον άπόλλυε, υπέρ ου ruin him on whose behalf
of thee him do thou destroy,
ι behalf of whom Christ died.
Χριστός απέθανε. Μή όλασφημείσθω 16 Let not, then, Your
Anointed died. Not let be evil spoken of GOOD be evil spoken of.
©υν 17
υμών τό α γ α θ ό ν . Ο ύ γάρ έστιν ή 17 For the KINGDOM of
GOD is not Food and
βασιλεία τοϋ Θεοΰ βρώσις καΐ πόσις, αλλά Drink, but Righteousness,
kingdom of the God eating and drinking, but and Peace, and Joy in a
δικαιοσύνη καΐ ειρήνη καΐ χαρά έν πνεύματι holy Spirit;
righteousness and peace and joy in spirit 18 for HE who in this
άγίω· 18
ό γάρ έν τούτφ δουλεύων τφ SERVES the ANOINTED
one, is well-pleasing to
Χριστώ, εΰάρεστος τφ Θεφ, καΐ δόκιμος GOD, and approved by
^V.noint&d) ΤΛΓ©ll™"ple<ising t o t h e (xody «iiici sipproved MEN.
τοις ανθρώποις. 1 9 "Αρα οδν τά της 19 §So then we should
by the men. So then the things of the pursue the THINGS of
ειρήνης διώκωμεν, καΐ τά της PEACE, and THINGS for
peace we should pursue, and the things of the $the EDIFICATION of each
οικοδομής της εις αλλήλους. 20 Μή ένεκεν other.
building up of that for each other. Not on account 20 Do not, on account
βρώματος κατάλυε τό έργον τοϋ Θεοϋ. Πάν-
of food demolish the work of the God. All of Food, demolish the
WORK of GOD. All things
τα μέν καθαρά* αλλά κακόν τφ άνθρώ- indeed are pure, but Evil
things Indeed pure; but evil for the man
πω τφ διά προσκόμματος έσθίοντι. so as to cause stumbling.
for that through a stumbling-block eating. 21 I t is good not to EAT
Καλόν τό μή φαγείν κρέα, μηδέ πιείν olvov, $Flesh, nor to drink Wine,
Good the not to eat flesh, not to drink wine, nor to do anything by
μηδέ έν φ ό αδελφός σου προσκόπτει, η
which thy BROTHER stum-
bles, or is ensnared, or is
σκανδαλίζεται, ή ασθενεί. 22
Σ ύ π'ιστιν έχεις* weakened.
22 *Thou hast F a i t h ;
5ίατά σεαυτόν ε'χε ενώπιον τοΰ Θεού. with respect to thyself hold
it fast in the presence of
according to thyself hold i t inpresence of the God. GOD. §Happy is HE who
Μακάριος 5 μή κρίνων εαυτόν έν & δοκι- does not CONDEMN him-
Blessed he not judging himself In what he
self in what he approves !
μάζει. ^'Ο δέ διακρινόμενος, έάν φά- 23 But HE who makes a
approves. He but discerning a difference, if he
DISTINCTION, if he should
γη, κατακέκριται, δτι ούκ έκ eat, is condemned; be-
should eat, has been condemned, because not from cause it is not from Con-

*· VATICAN MANUSCRIPT..—22. The Faith which thou hast, have t h o u to thyself.

t 14. 1 Cor. x. 2 5 ; 1 Tim. iv. 4 ; Titus i. 15. % 14. 1 Cor. viii. 7, 10. $ 15.
1 Cor. viii. 1 1 . t 19. Psa. xxxiv. 1 4 ; xii. 18. $ 19. Rom. xv, 2 ; 1 Cor. xiv. 1 2 ;
1 Thes. v. 11. $ 2 1 . 1 Cor. viii. 13. t 22. 1 John iii. 2 1 .
Chap. 15:1.] ROMANS. [Chap. 15:8.
πίστεως· παν δέ δ ουκ έκ πίστεως, viction; and every act
faith; every thing and which not from faith, which is not from Convic-
αμαρτία εστίν. ± tion, is a Sin. ±
1 Now $we, the STRONG,
ΚΕΦ. ι ε \ 15.
are bound to bear the $IN-
Όφείλομεν δέ ημείς ol δυνατοί τά άσθε- FIRMITIES Of t h e WEAK,
and not to seek to please
Are bound and we the strong ones the in- Ourselves.
νήματα των αδυνάτων βαστάζειν, καΐ 2 §Let each one of us
firmities of those without strength to bear, and please his NEIGHBOR, SO
μή έαυτοίς άρέσκειν 2εκαστος ημών τφ far as is GOOD for Edifica-
hot ourselves
ίίλησίον άρεσκέτω to pl6ftsej each one προς
είς τό αγαθόν to the tion ;
of usοίκοδο-
3 §for even the ANOINT-
ltxeiEilil)oi* l e t ΐ) 1 O£tsΘ ιοί* t h e ε ood t o Diiildiiis ED one sought not to
μην. 8 Kai γάρ ό Χριστός ούχ έαυτφ ήρεσεν, please Himself, but, as It
up. Also for the Anointed one not himself pleased, has been written, $"The
αλλά, καθώς γέγραπται· Ot όνειδισμοί "REPROACHES Of THOSE
but, as i t has been written; The reproaches "who REPROACHED thee
τών όνειδιξόντων σε,, έπέπεσον έπ' έμέ. "FELL on me."
i>f those reproaching thee, fell on me» 4 $For *what things
"Οσα γαρ * [προ]εγράφη, είς την were before written for
OUR Instruction, were
ήμετέραν διδασκαλίαν * [προ]εγράφη· ινα written that we through
the PATIENCE and *the
διά της υπομονής καΐ τ η ς π α ρ α κ λ ή σ ε ω ς CONSOLATION of the SCRIP-
TURES might possess the
through the patience and of the consolation
τών γραφών, την ελπίδα εχωμεν. 6
of the writings, the hope \ •e might have. The 5 §And may the GOD
of that PATIENCE and t h a t
δέ Θεός της υπομονής καΐ της παρακλήσεως CONSOLATION give you
δώχι ύμΐν τό αυτό φρονεϊν εν άλλή- wards each other, accord-
may give to you the same to be minded among each ing to the Anointed Je-
Χριστόν Ίησοΰν ινα όμο- sus ;
λοις, κατά
6 so that with onemind,
<Κ>μαδόν έν ένΐ στόματι δοξάζητε τόν and with One Mouth, you
one mind with one mouth you may glorify the may glorify the GOD and
θεόν καΐ Πατέρα τοϋ Κυρίου ημών Ίησοΰ Father of our LORD Jesus
CοQ n IT a t li e r of the L ore! f J e s Christ.
Χρίστου. Διό προσλαμβάνεστε αλλήλους, 7 Therefore kindly re-
Anointed. Wherefore take to yourselves each other, ceive each other, even as
καθώς καΐ ό Χριστός προσελάθετο υμάς εις the ANOINTED one also
as also the Anointed took to himself us for kindly received *you, to
δόξαν Θεού. Λέγω δέ, *[Ίησοϋν] Χριστόν the Glory of God.
glory of God. I say but, [[Jesus] Anointed 8 *For I affirm, that
Jesus $ Christ became a
διάκονον γεγενήσθαι περιτομής, υπέρ Servant of the Circumci-
a servant became of circumcision, on behalf of sion, on account of the

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 . all things whatever were written. 4. fore—omit.

4. fore—omit. 4. through CONSOLATION of the SCRIPTURES might have the HOPH of
CONSOLATION. 7. us. 8. For. 8. Jesus—omit.
± 23. Griesbach inserts here the doxology found Rom. xvi. 25-2 7; but as it is not
authorized by the Vatican MS., nor by the most ancient versions, the Greek text has been
transferred to its proper place. I t may be proper to observe that Grotius, Hammond, Mill,
Wetstein, Matthise, Knatehbull, and Clarke approve of its insertion here; while on the
other hand, Knapp, Estius, Macknight, Bloomfield, Stuart, Lachmann, Tischendorf, & c ,
do not approve of the transposition.
ί 1. Gal. vi. 1. $ 1 . Rom. xiv. 1. % 2. Cor. ix. 1 9 , 2 2 ; x. 2 4 , 3 3 ; xiii. 5 ;
Phil. ii. 4, 5. J 3 . Matt. xxvi. 3 9 ; John v. 3 0 ; vi. 38. Ζ 3. Psa. lxix. 9. X 4.
Rom. iv. 23, 2 4 ; 1 Cor. ix. 9, 1 0 ; x. 1 1 ; 2 Tim. iii. 16, 17. $ 5. ltom. xii. 1 6 ;
1 Cor. i. 10; P h i l . i i i . 16. $ 8. Matt. xv. 2 4 ; John i. 1 1 ; Acts iii. 25, 2 6 ; xiii.
Chap. 15:9.] ROMANS. [Chap. 15:16.
αληθείας Θεοΰ, είς τό βεβαιώσαι τάς Truth of God, in order to
truth of God, in order that to confirm the
επαγγελίας τών πατέρων τά δε ε'θνη the FATHERS ;
9 and that the GEN-
υπέρ ελέους δοξάσαι τον Θεόν, καθώς TILES should glorify GOD
οΐ) ο.ccοιιΐιt of mercy to praise the God} iis on account of Mercy ; as It
γεγραπται· Δια τοΰτο έξομολογή- has been written, $"Be-
l t has been
σομαΐ w r i t t e nέν
σοι ; Because of καΐ
εθνεσι, I w i l l "cause of this I will con-
t h i s χΰ> όνόματί
"fess to thee among the
confess to thee among nations, and to" the name "Nations, and sing to thy
σου ψαλώ. Κα! πάλιν λέγει· Εύφράν- " N A M E . "
θητε έ'θνη, μετά του λαοΰ αύτοΰ, η Κ α Ι 10 And again it says,
you nations, w i t h the people of h i m . And $"Rejoice, you NATIONS,
πάλιν Αινείτε τον Κύριον πάντα τά έθνη, "with his PEOPLE.-"
again; P r a i s e you the Lord all the nations, 11 And again, $"Praise
jcal επαινέσατε αυτόν πάντες ol λαοί. Καί "the LORD, ALL NATIONS J
and extol you him all the peoples. And "and * extol him, All PEO-
πάλιν 'Ησαΐας λέγει· "Εσται ή ρίζα του PLES/'
12 And again Isaiah
again Esaias says; Shall be the root of the
says, $"There shall be
Ίεσσαί, καΐ δ άνιστάμενος αρχειν εθνών, "a ROOT of Jesse, even
έπ' αύτω έθνη έλπιοίίσιν. Β Ό δε Θεός της "HE who shall STAND UP
on h i m nations shall hope. The and God of the "to rule Nations ; in him
ελπίδος πληρώσαι υμάς πάσης χαράς καΐ εΐ-"shall Nations hope."
hope to fill you all of joy and of
13 And may the GOD of
that HOPE *fully establish
ρήνης έν τω πιστεύειν, * [ε'ις τό πε- you with $A11 Joys and
ρισσεύειν, ΰμας] έν τη έλπ'ιδι., έν δυνάμει Peace in BELIEVING, in
abound, you] in 1t4h e " hope, In power order that you may A-
πνεύματος άγ'ιου. Πέπεισμαι δ έ, άδελ- BOUND in that HOPE, by
the Energy of the holy
Φοί μου, καΐ αυτός έγώ περί ύμών, Spirit.
ren of me, and Jmyself I comKerning you, 14 And I am assured,
δτι και αυτοί μεστοί έστε άγαί}ωσΰνης, my Brethren, §even I my-
self, concerning you, that
πεπληρωμένοι πάσης γνώσεως, δυνάμενοι you also are full of Good-
having been filled a l l of knowledge, being able ness, having been filled
καΐ αλλήλους νουθετείν. 1δΤολμιιρότερον δε W i t h *A11 KNOWLEDGE,
also each other t o admonish. More boldly but being able also to admon-
έγραψα ύμίν, αδελφοί, άπό μέρους, ως έπα-ish each other.
15 *But I have written
ναμιμνήσκων υμάς, δια την χάριν την δο- to you, with more free-
minding you, through the favor that having dom, partly as reminding
16 you, ^through THAT FA-
θεΐσάν μοι υπό του Θεού, εις τό είναι VOR which has been IM-
1)66ΐι srlv€n t o me by tho Grod» In order txistt to bo
PARTED to me *from GOD,
με λειτουργόν Ίησοϋ Χρίστου *[ε'ις τά
me a public servant of Jesus Anointed tfor the 16 in order to my BE-
ING §a public Servant of
έθνη,] Ιερουργοϋντα τό εύαγγέ- the * Anointed Jesus to
n.3. t i o n S a j flclT^iinisterlii§ft priest the ^ 1 £id
the GENTILES, ministering
λιον τοΰ Θεοΰ, ϊνα γένηται ή προσ- t h e GLAD TIDINGS Of GOD,
tldings of the God, so that m a y be the oblation that the OBLIGATION of the
φορά τών εθνών ευπρόσδεκτος, ήγιασμέ- GENTILES *might become
acceptable, having been.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 1 . let All the PEOPLES praise him. 13. fully establish
you with All Joy. 13. that you may ABOUND—omit. 14. All KNOWLEDGE, 15. But
I have written. 15. from GOD. 16. Anointed Jesus. 16. to the G E N T I L E S — o m i t . 16.
might become acceptable.
t 9. Psa. xviii. 49. t 10. Deut. xxxii. 4 3 . t 11. Psa. cxvii. 1. $ 12. Isa. x i .
1 , 1 0 ; Bev. v . 5 ; xxil. 1 6 . $ 13. Rom. xii. 1 2 ; xiv. 17. $ 1 4 . 2 Pet. i. 1 2 ;
1 John ii. 2 1 . X 15. Rom. i. 5 ; xii. 3 ; Gal. i. 1 5 ; Eph. i i i . 7, 8. % 16. Bom. xi.
1 3 ; Gal. i i . 7-9; 2 T i m . i . 1 1 ; Phil. ii. 17.
Chap, 15:17.] ROMANS. [ΌΙιαρ. 15:26.
νη έν πνεύματι άγίω. "Εχω οδν sanctified by the holy
sanctified by spirit holy. I have then Spirit.
καύχησιν έν Χριστφ Ίησοΰ τα 17 I have, therefore,
a ground for boasting in Anointed Jesus the things *cause of boasting in the
προς θ ε ό ν 1 8 ού γαρ τολμήσω λαλείν τι Anointed Jesus, as to the
to God; n o t f o r I w i l l d a r e t o speak any
THINGS pertaining to GOD.
ών ού κατειργάσατο Χριστός δι' 18 For I will not" pre-
of those things not worked out Anointed through
sume to speak anything of
έμοΰ, εις ύπακοήν εθνών, λόγω καΐ έργω· $what Christ did not work
* through me, $for the
έν δυνάμει σημείων καΐ τεράτων, 1 0 έν Obedience of the Gentiles,
by Word and by Work;
δυνάμει, πνεύματος * [άγιου·] ώστε με άπό |by the Power of Signs
power of spirit Dioly;] so that me from
and Prodigies ;
*Ιερουσαλήμ καΐ κύκλω, μέχρι τοΰ Ίλλυ- 19 by the Energy of the
Jerusalem and in a circuit, even to the Illy- Spirit; so that, from Jeru-
©ικοΰ, πεπληρωκέναι το εύαγγέλιον salem, and in a Circuit as
ricum, to have fully set forth the glad tidings far as ILLYRICUM, I have
τοΰ Χρίστου* 20 ουτω δε φίλοτιμούμενον fully set forth the GLAD
of the Anointed; thus and being ambitious
εύαγγελίζεσθαι, οΰχ δπου ώνομάσφη one.
Χριστός, ϊνα μη έ π ' άλλότριον Φεμέλιον 20 And I was thus ambi-
JVOOiΐι16Uy so thiit not on miotlioi* foundation tious to evangelize where
οίκοδομώ* 21
άλλά, καθώς γέγραπται· Christ was not named, $so
I should build; but, as i t has been written:
that I might not build on
Another's Foundation ;
Οίς ούκ άνηγγέλη περί αΰτοΰ, δψον- 21 but as it has been
ΐ ο those not it was told concerning him, shall
written, §"They shall see
ται· καΐ ol ούκ άκηκόασι, συνήσουσι. "to whom nothing was
sect And toos© n o t JIQ.U hc3.i*u« sluil 1 uiici©rstfiiicl« "told concerning him ; and
^Διά καΐ ένεκοπτόμην τά πολλά "those who had not heard
Wherefore also I was hindered the things many "shall understand."
τοΰ έλΦεϊν προς ΰμας. ^Νυνι δέ μηκέτι was 22 Wherefore, also, §1
* frequently hindered
τόπον έχων έν τοις κλ'ιμασι τούτοις, έπιποίΚαν from COMING to you.
23 But now having no
δέ εχονν τοΰ έλΦείν προς ύμας άπό πολλών ε τ ώ ν REGIONS,a and longer Place in these
having for
hflvin^j of the to come to you from ixiftny yejirsj Many Years a strong de-
ώς έάν πορεύωμαι εις την Σπαν'ιαν, ελπίζω sire to COME to you,
Whenever I may go to the Spain, I hope
διαπορευόμενος θεάσασθαι υμάς, καΐ ύ φ ' υμών 24 whenever I may go
into SPAIN, I hope, pass-
Λροπεμφθηναι έκεΐ, έάν υμών πρώτον άπό ing through, to see you,
to D© sent on my w1ny txieiro· if of you ill'st from and §to be sent forward
*by you there, if first I
μέρους έμπλησθώ. should be partly satisfied
a part I should be filled.
with your society.
^ΝυνΙ δέ πορεύομαι είς ^Ιερουσαλήμ, διακο- 25 But now $1 am going
Now but I am going to Jerusalem, minis- to Jerusalem, ministering

τοις άγίοις. Εύδόκησαν γαρ Μακεδο- to the SAINTS.
tering to the saints. Were pleased for Macedonia
26 For Macedonia and
Achaia §were pleased to
via καΐ 'Αχαΐα κοινοννίαν τινά ποιήσασθαι είς make some Contribution
and Achaia contribution some to make for
for the POOR of THOSE
τούς πτωχούς των άγιων των έν *Ιερου- SAINTS who are in Jerusa-
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 7 . CAUSE O F BOASTING. 18. by my Word. 19. h o l y —
omit. 22. frequently hindered. 24. from you.
ί 18. Acts xxi. 1 9 ; Gal. ii. 8. % 18. Bom. i. 5 ; xvi. 26. % 18. Acts
xlx. 1 1 ; 2 Cor. xii. 12. t 20. 2 Cor. x. 13, 15, 16. $ 21. Isa. 111. 15. $ 22.
Rom. i. 1 3 ; 1 Thess. ii. 17, 18. t 24. Acts xv. 3. $ 25. Acts xix. 2 1 ; xx. 2 2 ;
xxiv. 17. ί 26. 1 Cor. xvi. 1, 2 ; 2 Cor. viii. 1 ; ix. 2, 12.
Chap. 15:27.] ROMANS. [Chap. 16:2.
σαλήμ. 27
Εύδόκησαν γάρ, καί οφείλεται αύ- 27 They were pleased [I
say,] and their Debtors
των είσιν. ΕΙ γαρ τοις πνευματικοίς αύ- they a r e ; for if the GEN-
them they are. If for in the spiritual things of TILES have ^participated
των έκοινώνησαν τά ίΦνη, όφείλουσι in their SPIRITUAL things,
$they are obligated also to
them became sharers the Gentiles, they are bound serve them in things per-
καΐ έν τοίς σαρκικοΐς λειτουργήσαι αύτοίς.
also in the fleshly things to render service to them. taining to the FLESH.
^Τοΰτο οδν έπιτελέσας, καΐ σφραγισάμενος 28 Having, then, com-i
This then having finished, and having sealed pleted this, and having se-
cured to them this FRUIT,
* [αύτοίς] τον καρπόν τοΰτον, άπελεύσομαι I will go through your
δι' υμών ε'ις την Σπαν'ιαν. ^Οίδα δε, δτι country into * Spain ;
through of you into the Spain. I know and, that 29 §and I know that
ερχόμενος προς ΰμας, έν πληρωματι ευλογίας when I come to you, I
shall come with the Full-
Χρίστου έλεύσομαι. ness of the Blessing of
of A n o i n t e d I w i l l c o m e . Christ.
Παρακαλά> δέ ΰμας, * [αδελφοί,] διά του 30 And I entreat you,
I entreat and you, [brethren,] by the
Brethren, by our LORD
Κυρίου ημών Ίησοϋ Χρίστου, καΐ διά της Jesus Christ, and by the
Lord of us Jesus Anointed, &ncl by the LOVE of the SPIRIT, $to
αγάπης τοΰ πνεύματος, συναγωνίσασθαί μοι -strive together with me in
love of the spirit to strive together withme your PRAYERS to God on
έν ταίς προσευχαίς υπέρ έμοΰ προς τόν my behalf;
31 $that I may be de-
θ ε ό ν ΐνα ρυσθώ ά π ό τ ώ ν άπειθούν- livered from THOSE that
God; that I may bedel ivered from those beingdiso- OBEY NOT in JUDEA ; and
των έν xfj 'Ιουδαία, καί ϊνα ή διακονία μου, t h a t *THAT GIFT-BEARING
Deciieii.t in trie «Tilde&y And th&t tlie service οι m©j of mine may be acceptable
ή ε'ις Ίερουαλήμ, ευπρόσδεκτος γένηται to the SAINTS in Jerusa-
that for Jerusalem, well pleasing maybe lem ;
τοις άγίοις· ^ ϊ ν α έν χαρ§ έλθω προς 32 so that with Joy I
to the saints; so that with Joy I may come to may come to you ^through
the will of *God, and be
ύμας διά θελήματος Θεοί), * [καί συναναπαύ- refreshed together with
σωμαι ύμΐν.] » Ό δέ Θεός της ειρήνης
together with you.] The and God of the peace 33 And $the GOD of
PEACE be with you all.
μετά πάντων υμών. 'Αμήν. ΚΕΦ. ι σ τ ' . 16. Amen.
with a l l of you. So be i t . CHAPTER XVI.
^υνίστημι δέ ύμΐν Φοίβην, την άδελφήν ή- 1 I now recommend to
I r e c o m m e n d a n d t o you Phebe, t h e s i s t e r of
you Phebe, our SISTER, be-
μών, ούσαν διάκονον της εκκλησίας της έν ing *also a Servant of the
us, being & servant of the congregation of that in CONGREGATION in §fCen-
Κεγχρεαίς· ΐνα αυτήν προσδέξησθε έν Κυρίω chrea,
Oenciireaj tliat her you may receive in Lord 2 $that you may receive
άξίως τών άγιων, καί παραστήτε αύτη her in the Lord, in a man-
w o r t h i l y of t h e s a i n t s , a n d you m a y a s s i s t h e r ner worthy of the SAINTS,
έν ώ αν υμών χρήζη πράγματι· καΐ and assist her in the Busi-
in w h i c h of you s h e m a y need b u s i n e s s ; a l s o ness in which she may

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—28. to them—omit. 28. Spain. 3 0. Brethren—omit.

31. THAT GIFT-BEARING of mine may be acceptable to the SAINTS in Jerusalem. 32. the
Lord Jesus. And. 32. and may take rest together with you—omit. 1. also a Servant.

t 27. Bom. xi. 17. ί 2 7 . 1 Cor. ix. 1 1 ; Gal. vi. 6. t 29. Rom. i. 11.
ί 30. 2 Cor. i. 1 1 ; Col. iv. 12. t 31. 2 Thess. iii. 2. % 32. Acts xviii. 2 1 ; 1 Cor.
iv. 1 9 ; James iv. 15. t 33. Eom. xvi. 2 0 ; 1 Cor. xiv. 3 3 ; 2 Cor. xiii. 1 1 ; Phil,
iv. 9 ; 1 Thess. v. 2 3 ; 2 Thess. iii. 16; Heb. xiii. 20. $ 1. Acts xviii. 18. % 2.
Phil. ii. 2 9 ; 3 John 5, 6.
Chap. 16:3.] ROMANS. [Chap. 16:12,
γαρ αύτη προστάτις πολλών έγενήϋη, και have need of you; for she
for she a patroness of many became, and also has been an Assist-
αύτοϋ έμοϋ. 3Άσπάσασ#ε Πρίσκαν καΐ Άκύ- ant of Many, and especially
xityself of me. Salute you Prisca and Aquila, of me.
λαν, τους συνεργούς μου έν Χριστώ Ίησοΰ· 3 Salute §Priscilla and
the fellow-workers of me in Anointed Jesus;
Aquila my FELLOW-LABO-
(οίτινες υπέρ της ψυχής μου τον έαυ- RERS in the Anointed Je-
(who on b e h a l f of t h e l i f e of m e t h e of sus.
τών τράχηλον ύπέθηκαν οίς ούκ 4 These persons on De-
txiGins61 v©s neck they disced underj TO "wlioixi not half of my LIFE, laid down
έγώ μόνος ευχαριστώ, άλλα 5 καΐ πάσαι αϊ not IOWN their Neck ; to whom
alone give thanks,
έκκλησίαι τών εθνών) κα1 την κατ' but also All the CONGRE-
οίκον αυτών έκκλησίαν. Άσπάσασθε Έπαινε- GATIONS of the GENTILES.
5 Salute also $the CON-
house of them congregation. Salute you Bpenetus,
τον, τόν άγαπητόν μου, δς έστιν απαρχή GREGATION at their House.
Salute Epenetus, my BE-
the beloved one of me, who is a Srst-fruit LOVED, who is §the First-
. της 'Ασίας εις Χριστόν. 'Ασπάσασθε Μαριάμ, fruit of ±ASIA to Christ.
of the Asia into Anointed. Salute you Mary, 6 Salute Mary, who
ήτις πολλά έκοπ'ιασεν εις ημάς. 7'Ασπάσασί*ε labored much for us.
who much labored for us. Salute you
7 Salute Andronicus
and Junias, my RELA-
Άνδρόνικον καΐ Ίουνίαν, τους συγγενείς TIVES, and Fellow-prison-
ers, who are highly es-
μου καΐ συναιχμαλώτους μου, οΐτινές είσιν teemed among the APOS-
TLES, and who §were in
επίσημοι έν τοις άποστόλοις, οι καΐ προ Christ before me.
noted among the apostles, who and before 8 Salute *THAT Am·
έμοΰ γεγόνασιν έν Χριστφ . 'Ασπάσασθε plias who is BELOVED in

me have been in Anointed. Salute you the Lord.

Άμπλίαν, τόν άγαπητόν μου έν Κυρίω. 9'Α- 9 Salute TJrbanus, our
Amplias, the beloved one of me in LoVd. Sa- Fellow-laborer in Christ,
σπάσασθε Ούρβανόν, τόν συνεργόν ημών έν and Stachys, my BELOVED.
10 Salute THAT Apelles
lute you Uruanus, the fellow-worker of us 1Ο in who is approved in Christ.
Χριστώ, καΐ Στάχυν, τόν άγαπητόν μου. 'Α- Salute THOSE who are of
Anointed, and Stachys, the beloved one of me. Sa-
σπάσασθε ,'Απελλήν, τόν δόκιμον έν Χριστφ. LUS. the family of ARISTOBU-
Άσπάσασθε τους έκ τών 'Αριστοβούλου. 11 Salute Herodian, my
Salute you those from of the Ariotobulus. RELATIVE. Salute THOSE
'Ασπάσασθε Ήρωδίωνα, τόν συγγενή μου. of the family of NARCIS-


Salute you Herodfan, the relative of me.
Άσπάσασθε τους έκ τών Ναρκίσσου, τους 12 Salute Tryphena and
S& 1 u 16 yotx tlios© from οι tho pis re i s sus
} tlio s G Tryphosa, THOSE sisters
δντας έν Κυρίω. - 'Ασπάσασθε Τρΰφαιναν καΐ LABORING in the Lord.
being in Lord! Salute you Tryphena and Salute Persis, the BE-
Τρυφώσαν, τάς κοπιώσας έν Κυρίω. 'Ασπά- LOVED, her who labored
Tryphosa, those laboring in Lord. Sa-
σασθε Π ερσίδα, την άγαπητήν, ίίτις πολλά much in the Lord.
* you
Persis, the belovedTHAT
one, Amplias
who who is BELOVED.
± 5. The common
έκοπίασεν version13'Ασπάσασθε
έν Κυρίω. reads of Achaia; but the best MSS. have Asia.
Ροΰφον, In 1 COT.
xvi. 15, the house of Stephanas is said to be "the first fruits of Achaia."
labored Sharpe in
his Notes on in Lord. says:—"This
this passage Salute youis an Rufus,
important change as helping to prove that
the persons here greeted dwelt in Ephesus, where the apostle had numerous friends, and
not in Rome, where he was unknown. Thus Prisca and Aquilas in particular dwelt in
Ephesus; and it seems not improbable that this chapter, together, perhaps, with xii. 1—
xv. 7, formed part of an epistle to the Ephesians; which by a mistake of the editor has
been added on at the end of the epistle to the Romans. This remark is not a little
supported by those MSS. which say that the epistle now titled as to the Ephesians was
written not to that church, but to the Laodiceans."
% 3. Acts xviii. 2, 1 8 , 2 6 ; 2 Tim. iv. 19. $ 5. 1 Cor. xvi. 19; Col. iv. 1 5 ;
Philemon 2. $ 5. 1 Cor. xvi. 15. % 7. Gal. i. 22.
Chap. 16:13.] ROMANS. [Chap. 16:22.
τόν έκλεκτόν έν Κυρίω, καΐ την μητέρα αύ- 13 Salute THAT Rufus
the chosen in Lord, and the mothe"? of who was JCHOSEN in the
τοϋ καΐ έμοϋ.
Άσπάσασθε Άσύγκριτον, Lord, and his MOTHER and
him and of m e . Salute you Asyncritus, mine.
Φλέγοντα, Έρμαν, Πατρόβαν, Έρμην, καΐ 14 Salute Asyncritus,
Phlegon, Hermas, Patro-
Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, and bas, Hermes, and the

τούς συν αΰτοίς αδελφούς. Άσπάσασθ·ε Φι- BRETHREN with them.
λόλογον καΐ Ίουλίαν, Νηρέα καΐ την άδελ- 15 Salute Philologus
lologus and Julia, Nereus and the sister
and Julia, Nereus and his
<ρήν αύτοϋ, και Όλυμπαν, και τούς συν αΰτοίς SISTER, and Olympas, and
of him, and Olympas, and the with them ALL the SAINTS with them.
πάντας άγιους. Άσπάσασθε αλλήλους έν 16 $ Salute each other
all saints. Salute you each other with with a holy Kiss. All
φιλήματι άγίω. 'Ασπάζονται ΰμας αϊ εκκλησί- the CONGREGATIONS Ο f
α kiss holy. Salute you the congre- the ANOINTED one salute
πασαι τοϋ Χρίστου. you.
gatio all of the Anointed.
17 17 Now I entreat you,
Παρακαλώ δέ ύμας, αδελφοί, σκοπείν Brethren, to watch THOSE
I entreat now you, bretliron, to watch who are ^MAKING FAC-
τούς τάς διχοστασίας και τα σκάνδαλα, TIONS and laying SNARES,
those the separations and the stumbling-blocks, contrary to the TEACH-
παρά την διδαχήν f]v ύμείς έμάΦετε, ποι- ING which you have
contrary to the teaching which you learned, arc learned, and $turn away
οΰντας· καΐ έκκλίνατε άπ' αυτών. l s O l γαρ from them.
Κυρίω ημών Χριστώ ου 18 For SUCH LIKE ones
τοιούτοι as THEY are not in subjec-
such 1 ike ones } Lord of us Anointed not tion to our Anointed LORD,
δο\)λεύουσιν, αλλά xf\ εαυτών κοιλία* but to their OWN $Appe-
are in subjection, but to'the of themselves belly;
καΐ δια της χρηστολογίας καΐ ευλογίας t i t e ; and by KIND and
and through the fair speaking and good speaking Complimentary words they
deceive the HEARTS of the
έξαπατώσι τάς καρδίας τών άκακων. The UNSUSPECTING.
γάρ υμών υπακοή είς πάντας άφίκετο. 19 YOUR Obedience, in-
for of you obedience for all deed, is reported to all.
Χαίρω οδν *[τό] έφ' ύ μ ί ν θέλω Therefore, I rejoice on your
account; but I wish you
δέ ύμας σοφούς * [μεν] είναι είς το to be $wise with respect
but you wise ones [indeed] to be in respect to the to THAT which is GOOD,
αγαθόν, ακεραίους δέ είς το and HARMLESS with res-
good, blameless ones but in respect to the pect to THAT which is EVIL.
κακόν. 2 0
Ό δέ Θεός της ε'ιρήνης συντρί'ψει 20 And the GOD of
©ν i 1 · Τΐιθ «md GOCI o f tliG j) ©&. c θ "W i l l c r u s l i PEACE will soon bruise
τον Σαταναν ύπό τούς πόδας υμών έν τά- t h e ADVERSARY under
your FEET. The FAVOR
χει. Ή χάρις τοϋ Κυρίου ημών Ίησοϋ of our LORD Jesus Christ
time. The favor of the Lord of us Jesus
be with you.
* [Χρίστου] μ ε $ ' υμών. ^'Ασπάζονται ύμας 21 ^Timothy, my FEL-
[Anointed] with you. Salute you
Τιμόθεος, ό συνεργός μου, καΐ Λο\)κιος cius and $Jason, and
0?iΙΪΙο t h y j tliG f e l l o ^ r — Λ ^ Ο Γ Κ © Γ Ο Ι ΙΧΙ© J H R C ! L u c i u s
$ Sosipater, m y RELA-
καΐ 'Ιάσων καΐ Σωσίπατρος, ot συγγενείς TIVES, salute you.
and Jason and Sosipater, the relatives 22 I, Tertius, who
ό WROTE this LETTER, sa-
μου. Άσπάζομαι ύμας εγώ Τέρτιος,
of m e . Salute you I Tertius, the lute you in the Lord.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—19. that—omit. 19. indeed—omit. 20. Anointed—
t 13. 2 John 1. $ 16. 1 Cor. xvi. 2 0 ; 2 Cor. xiii. 1 2 ; 1 Thess. v. 2 6 ; 1 Pet. v.
14. t 17. Acts xv. 1, 5, 2 4 ; 1 Tim. iv. 3. t 17. 1 Cor. v. 9, 1 1 ; 2 Thess. iii. 6, 1 4 ;
2 Tim. iii. 5 ; Titus iii. 1 0 ; 2 John 10. t 18. Phil. iii. 1 9 ; 1 Tim. vi. 5. t 19.
Matt. x. 1 6 ; 1 Cor. xiv. 20. $ 21. Acts xvi. 1; Col. i. 1 ; Phil. ii. 1 9 ; $ 1 Thess.
iii. 2 ; 1 Tim. i. 2 ; H e b . xiii. 2 3 . $ 21. Acts xiii. 1. $ 21. Acts xvii. 5.
$ 21. Acts xx. 4.
Chap. 16:23.1 ROMANS. [Chap. 16:27.
γράψας τήν έπιστολήν, εν Κυρίω. ^ Ά - 23 $Gaius, the HOSPI-
on0 lm ν i iitr AVri11GR the l e t t e r · in Lord· Sft~" TABLE friend of me and of
σπάζεται υμάς Γάϊος, ό ξένος μου καΐ της the whole CONGREGATION,
lutes you Gaius, the host of m e and of the salutes you. $Erastus,
εκκλησίας δλης. 'Ασπάζεται υμάς "Εραστος the TREASURER of the
CITY, salutes you, and our
congregation whole. Salutes you Erastus, BROTHER Quartus.
ό οικονόμος της πόλεως, και Κούαρτος ό 24 *[The FAVOR of our
the treasurer of the city, and Quartus the LORD Jesus Christ be
αδελφός. * [ 2 4 Ή χάρις τοΰ Κυρίου ημών Ίησοΰ with you all. Amen.]
brother. The favor of the Lord of us Jesus 25 Now $to HIM who is
Χρίστου μετά πάντων υμών. Α μ ή ν . ] Τω ABLE to establish You ac-
Auointed with all of us. So be it.] To him cording to my GLAD TID-
δέ δυνάμενα) ύμας στηρ'ιξαι κατά το INGS and the PROCLAMA-
TION of Jesus Christ, a-
now being able you to establish according to the greeably to the Revelation
ευαγγέλιο ν μου και το κήρυγμα Ίησοΰ of the Secret, |kept con-
glad tidings of me and the proclaiming of Jesus cealed in the Times of the
Χρίστου, κατά άποκάλυ'ψιν μυστηρίου 26 but fnow having been
disclosed ; and through the
χρόνοις αίωνίοις σεσιγημένου· 2βφανερωδ·έν- Prophetic Writings, ac-
cording to the Appoint-
τος δέ νΰν, διά τε γραφών προφη- ment of the AIONIAN God,
manifested but now, through and writings proph- has been made known to
All the NATIONS, tin order
τικών, κατ' έπιταγήν τοϋ α'ιω- t ο the Obedience ο f
νίου Θεοΰ, εΙς ύπακοήν πίστεως, ε'ις πάντα 27 §to the Wise God
alone, through Je s u s
τά έθνη γνωρισΦέντος* 27
μόνφ σοφφ Christ, to him be the GLORY
the nations having been made known; to only wise for the AGES. Amen.
Θεφ, διά Ίησοΰ Χρίστου, φ ή δόξα
God, through Jesus Anointed, to him the glory F R O M C O R I N T H .
εις τους αιώνας. 'Αμήν.
for* the
ages. So be i t . 4. —omit.—Subscription—To T H E ROMANS. WRIT-
ί 23.' THE
1 Cor. ROMANS.
i. 14. WRITTEN
t 23. Acts xix. 2 2 ; 2 Tim. iv. 20. $ 25. Eph. iii. 2 0 ;
1 Thess. i i i . 1 3 ; 2 Thess. ii. 1 7 ; iii. 3 ; Jude 2 5. $ 2 5. Eph. i. 9 ; iii. 3-5; Col.
i. 27. % 25. 1 Cor. i i . 7; Eph. i i i . 5 , 9 ; Col. i. 26. $ 26. Eph. i. 9 ; 2 Tim.
i. 1 0 ; Titus i. 2, 3 ; 1 Pet. i. 20. % 26. Acts vi. 7 ; Bom. i. 5 ; xr. 1 8 . $ 2 7 .
1 Tim. i. 1 7 ; vi. 1 6 ; Jude 2 5 .



ΚΕΦ. α ' . 1. CHAPTER I.
Παύλος, κλητός απόστολος Ίησοΰ Χριστοί), 1 P a u l , | a Constituted
Paul, called an apostle of Jesus Anointed, Apostle of t h e *Anointed
δ ιά -θελήματος θεοΰ, καΐ Σωσθένης ό άδελ Jesus, by t h e Will of God,
gh will of God, and Sosthenes the broth- and § Sosthenes, t h e BRO-
fi εκκλησία του θεοΰ ττ| οΰοχ\ THER,
φός, to t'he congregation of the God to that being 2 t o THAT CONGREGA-
έν Κορίνθφ, ήγιασμένοις έν Χριστώ TION of GOD which is i n
1H Corinth, hiivinf? been ssinctiiiGci •* In A ~n οixitfifl Corinth, having been sanc-
Ίησοΰ, κλητοϊς άγίοις σύν πασι τοις έπικαλου- tified i n t h e Anointed Je-
sus, Constituted Holy ones,
Jesus, called saints with all those calling
μένοις τό δνομα τοΰ Κυρίου ημών Ίησοΰ ING the NAME of our
Χρίστου έν παντί τόπω, αυτών * [ τ ε ] καΐ η μ ώ ν LORD Jesus Christ in Every
Anointed in every place, of them [both] and of us; Place,—theirs and ours ;
χά(Ης υμΐν καΐ ειρήνη άπό Θεοΰ Πατρός 3 §Favor and Peace be
favor to you and peace from God Father with you from God our
ημών καΐ Κυρίου Ίησοΰ Χρίστου. 4 Εύχαριστώ Father, and the Lord Je-
sus Christ.
τώ Θεώ * [μου] πάντοτε περί υμών, επί 4 §1 give thanks to
to the God [of me] always concerning you, for GOD always concerning
τχί χάριτι τοΰ Θεοϋ xfj δοΦείση ΰ- you, for THAT FAVOR of
the favor of the God for that having been given to God, which has been IM-
μίν έν Χριστώ Ίησοΰ· 5 δτι έν παντί έπλου- PARTED to you in the
you in Anointed Jesus; that in every thing you Anointed Jesus ;
τίσθητε έν αύτώ, έν παντί λόγφ καΐ πάση 5 because in every thing
wΘΓΘ euricliGcl in hi.nxy in every worcl Q,nd All you were enriched by him,
γνώσει, β (καθώς τό μαρτύριον τοΰ Χρίστου tin Every Word, and in
knowledge, (when the testimony of the Anointed All Knowledge,
έβεβαιώθη έν ύ μ ί ν ) ώστε ύμας μή ύστε- 6 ($when the TESTI-
was confirmed among you;) so that you not to be MONY of the ANOINTED
ρείσθαι έν μηδενΐ χαρίσματι, άπεκδεχομένους was confirmed among you,)
inferior in any one gracious gift, waiting for
7 so that you are not
την άποκάλυψιν τοΰ Κυρίου ημών Ίησοΰ inferior in Any one Gift,
tho revelation of the Lord of us Jesus ^waiting for the REVELA-
Χρίστου· 8 δς καΐ βεβαιώσει ΰμας ΙΌος τέλους TION of our LORD Jesus
Anointed; who also w i l l confirm you to a n end Christ;
άνεγκλήτους έν τη ήμερα τοΰ Κυρίου ημών 8 who also will confirm
irreproachable ones in the day of the Lord of us you to the End, Irre-
Ίησοΰ Χρίστου. 9 Π ι σ τ ό ς ό Θεός, δι' οδ proachable in the DAY
of our LORD Jesus Anoint-
Jesus Anointed. Faithful the God, through whom ed.
έκλήθητε εις κοινωνίαν τοΰ υίοϋ αΰτοϋ 9 ^Faithful is GOD, by
you wero called into fellowship of the son of him
whom you were invited
Ίησοΰ Χρίστου, τοΰ Κυρίου ημών. Παρακα- into $the Fellowship of
Josus Anointed, the Lord of us. I entreat his SON Jesus Christ, our
λώ δε υμάς, αδελφοί, διά τοΰ ονόματος τοΰ LORD.
10 Now I entreat you,
Κυρίου ημών Ίησοΰ Χρίστου, ίνα τό αύ- Brethren, through the
Lord of us Jesus Anointed, that the NAME of our LORD Jesus
Jesus 2. both—omit. 4. of me—omit.
% 1. Rom. i. 1. t 1. Acts xviii. 17. $ 2. Acts ix. 14, 2 1 ; xxii. 1 6 ; 2 Tim. ii.
22. 3 . Bom. .i. 7 ; 2 Cor. i. 2 ; Eph. i. 2 ; 1 Pet. i. 2. t 4. Eom. i. 8. ? 5 .
1 Cor. x i i . 8 ; 2 Cor. viii. 7. $ 6. Heb. ii. 3, 4. $ 7. Phil. iii. 2 0 ; Titus ii. 1 3 ;
2 Pet. iii. 12. $ 9. 1 Cor. x. 1 3 ; 1 Thess. v. 2 4 ; 2 Thess. iii. 3 ; Heb. x. 2 3 . $ 9 .
John xv. 4 ; xvii. 2 1 ; 1 John i . 3 ; iv. 1 3 .
Chap. 1:11.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 1:19.
τό λέγητε πάντες, καΐ μη fj έν ύμίν Christ, §that you all speak
thing you speak all, and not maybe among you the SAME thing, and that
σχίσματα, ^τε δέ κατηρτισμένοι έν τ<. there may be no Divisions
divisions, you may be but knit together in the among you ; but that you
η may be knit together in
αύτω νοι και έν τη αύττ) γνώμτμ 'Εδη-
samo mind and in the same sentiment. It was the SAME Mind and in the
SAME Sentiment.
λώθη γάρ μοι περί υμών, αδελφοί 11 For it has been de-
clared to me, my Brethren,
μου, υπό τών Χλόης, δτι έριδες έν by THOSE of the family of
of me, by those of Chloe, that contentions among Chloe, That there are Con-
tentions among you.
ΰμϊν είσι. Λέγω δέ τοϋτο, δτι έκαστος 12 And this I say, $Be-
cause each one of you
υμών λέγει· Έγώ μέν είμι Παύλου· έγώ Paul," " Ibut, says, , indeed, am of
" I of |Apol-
δέ, Άπολλώ· έγώ δέ, Κηφά· έγώ δέ, los," and, " I of §Cephas,"
of Apollos; I and, of Cephas; I and,
but, κ
and, " I of Christ."
Χρίστου. Μεμέρισται ό Χριστός; μή 13 Has the ANOINTED
of Anointed. Has beeu divided the Anointed? not one been divided? Was
Παΰλος έσταυρώθη υπέρ υμών; ή είς τό Paul crucified on your be-
Paul was crucified on behalf of you? or into the half? or were you immer-
δνομα Παύλου έβαπτίσθητε; Εύχαριστώ τφ Paul?
14 sed into the NAME of
14 *I give thanks to
θεώ, δτι οΰδένα υμών έβάπτισα, εΐ μή GOD that I immersed none
God, that no one of you I dipped, if not
of you, except §Crispus
Κρ'ισπον καΐ Γάϊον ϊνα μή τις εϊπτι, and $Gaius ;
Crispus and Gaius; so that not any one may say, 15 so that no one may
δτι είς τό έμόν δνομα έβάπτισα. Έβάπτισα say that I immersed into

that into the my name I dipped. I dipped

MY OWN Name.
16 And I immersed also
δέ καΐ τόν Στεφανα οίκον λοιπόν ούκ t h e Family of $ STE-
i l l SO t i © S 1 l I 6 1* 11 1i7
ει τίνα άλλον έβάπτισα. Ού γάρ not know
PHANAS ; besides, I do
I know, if any other I dipped. Not for whether I im-
mersed Any Other.
απέστειλε με Χριστός βαπτίζειν, άλλ' εύ- 17 For the ANOINTED
one sent me not to im-
αγγελίζεσθαι· ούκ έν σοφία λόγου, merse, but to announce
announce glad tidings not in wisdom of speech, glad tidings; $not in
Wisdom of Speech, so that
μή tr\ ό σταυρός του the CROSS of the ANOINT-
ED one may not be frus-
Χρίστου. 1 8
Ό λόγος γάρ ό τοϋ trated.
Anointed. The word for that of the 18 For this WORD, (that
τοις μέν άπολλυμένοις μωρία εστί, of the CROSS,) is indeed
to those indeed being destroyed foolishness is, Foolishness $t ο THOSE
who are PERISHING ; but
τοις δέ σωζομένοις ήμΐν δύναμις Θεοΰ έστι. to THOSE who are $being
to those but being saved to us power of God it is. SAVED, even to us, it is
Γέγραπται γάρ· Άπολώ την the |Power of God.
It has boen written for; I -will destroy the ten,19 $"I For it has been writ-
will destroy the
σοφίαν τών σοφών, καΐ τήν σύνεσιν τών "WISDOM of the WISE,
wisdom of the wise, and the loarning of the
and I will set aside the
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 4 . I give thanks That I immersed.
% 10. Rom. xii. 16; xv. 5 ; 2 Cor. xiii. 1 1 ; Phil. ii. 2; Hi. 1 6 ; 1 Pet. iii. 8.
ί 12. 1 Cor. i i i . 4. % 12. Ants xviii. 2 1 ; xix. 1; 1 Cor. xvi. 12. t 12. John i.
42. % 14. Acts xviii. 8. % 14. Rom. xvi. 23. % 1 6 . 1 Cor. xvi. 1 5 , 1 7 . $ 1 7 .
1 Cor. i i . 4, 1 3 ; 2 P e t . i . 16. % 18. 2 Cor. ii. 15. $ 18. Acts ii. 47. % 18.
Rom. i. 16. % 19. Isa. xxix. 14.
Chap. 1:20.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 1: 28.
συνετών αθετήσω. Ποΰ σο- "LEARNING of t h e INTEL-
i n t e l l i g e n t ones I w i l l set aside. Where a w i s e LIGENT."
φός; που γραμματεύς; που συζητητής τοΰ 20 Where is a \Vise
man? Where a Scribe?
αιώνος τούτου; ΟύχΙ έμώρανεν δ Θεός Where a Disputant of this
age this? Not did make foolish the God
AGE? $Did not GOD make
την σοφίαν του κόσμου * [τούτου;] Έ π ε ι - foolish the WISDOM of

the wisdom of the world [this?] When *this W*)RLD?

δη γαρ εν xf[ σοφία τοΰ Θεοΰ ούκ εγνω 21 §For when, in the
WISDOM of GOD, t h e
ό κόσμος δια της σοφίας τόν Θεόν, εύδ δό- WORLD by WISDOM knew
the world through the wisdom the God, w not GOD, GOD was pleased
«ησεν ό Θεός, δια της μωρίας τοΰ through "the FOOLISH-
pleased th God, through the foolishness of the
κηρύγματος σώσαι τους πιστεύοντας. 2 2 Έ π ε ι δ ή NESS" Of this PROCLA-
MATION, to save the BE-
και 'Ιουδαίοι σημεία αΐτοϋσι, καΐ "Ελληνες LIEVERS.
and Jews signs are asking, and Greeks 22 And although JJews
are demanding Signs, and
σοφίαν ζητοΰσιν ^ήμείς δέ κηρύσσομεν Greeks are seeking Wis-
wisdom iire scekingj Λνβ yet proclaim
dom ;
Χοιστόν έσταυρωμένον, Ίουδαίοις μεν 23 yet we proclaim a
an Anointed having been crucified, to Jews indeed crucified Christ, $to the
σκάνδαλον, εθνεσι δέ μωρίαν Jews, indeed, a Stumbling-
a stumbl ing-block, to Gentiles and foolishness; block, and to the Gentiles,
αύτοίς δέ τοις κλητοίς, Ίουδαίοις τε καΐ Foolishness ;

tj those but to the called ones, Jews both and 24 but to THOSE who
are INVITED, both Jews
"Ελλησι, Χριστόν Θεοϋ δύναμιν καΐ Θεοϋ and Greeks, Christ, the
Greeks, Anointed of God power and of God JPower of God, and the
σοφίαν. 2 5 "Οτι τό μωρόν τοΰ Θεοΰ, σοφώ-
wisdom. Because the foolishness of the God, wiser JWisdom of God.
τερον των άνθρο>πων εστί* καΐ τό ασθενές 25 Because "the FOOL-
of the men is; and the weakness ISHNESS" of GOD is wiser
τοϋ Θεοΰ, Ισχυρότερον των ανθρώπων than MEN ; and " t l i e
[εστί.] You
Βλέπετε γαρ τήν κλήσιν υμών, stronger than MEN.
see for the calling of you, 2G For behold your IN-
αδελφοί, δτι ού πολλοί σοφοί κατά. VITATION, Brethren, $That
not Many are Wise ac-
σό.ρκα, ού πολλοί δυνατοί, ού πολλοί ευγενείς· cording to the Flesh, not
Π. Θ »S h j H o t 1T19.11 y S t r O Q ^ OI1GS) U Ο £ ΙΪ13,1Ί y "W 6 1 1"—UQI*I1J Many Powerful, not Many
27 Noble;
άλλά τα μωρά τοΰ κόσμου έξελέξατο
27 but §Gop selected
(jilt tliΘ foolish, tilings of th© "world chose the FOOLISH things of the
ό Θεός, ϊνα τους σοφούς καταισχύνη· καΐ WORLD, that he may
the God, that the wise ones he may shame; and shame the WISE ; and GOD
τά ασθενή τοΰ κόσμου έξελέξατο δ selected the WEAK things
the weak things of the world chose the of the WORLD, that he
κα1 may shame the POWER-
Θεός, ίνα καταισχύνη τά ισχυρά*
God, that he may shame the powerful ones; and FUL ;
28 and the IGNOBLE
τά αγενή τοΰ κόσμου καΐ τά έξου-
things of the WORLD, and
the low-born of the world and the things having the THINGS that are DES-
θενημένα έξελέξατο δ Θεός, καΐ τά PTSED, God selected, and
been despised chose the God, and the things tthe THINGS not existing,
μή δντα, ίνα τά δντα καταργή- that he may §bring to
»ot existing, that the things existing he m a y bring nothing existing THINGS.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 0 . this—omit. 25. is—omit.
t 20. Rom. i. 22. % 21. Rom. i. 2 0 , 2 1 . 2 8 . 22. Matt. xii. 3 8 ; xvi. 1 ; Mark
Viii. 1 1 ; Luke x i . 1 6 ; John iv. 48. t 23. Isa. viii. 1 4 ; Matt. xi. 6 ; xiii. 5 7 ; Luke
ii. 3 4 ; Rom. ix. 3 2 ; Gal. v . 1 1 ; 1 Pet. ii. 8. X 24. Rom. i. 4, 16. t 24. Col. i i .
3. t 26. John vii. 48. % 27. Matt. xi. 2 5 ; James i i . 5. $ 28. Eorn. iv. 17.
$ 28. 1 Cor. i i . 9 .
Chap. 1:29.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 2:8.
cr\' οπως μη καυχήσηται πασά oagt 29 so that No Flesh
to nothing; so that not may boast
all lies) may boast in the presence
ενώπιον τοΰ Θεοΰ. Έ ξ αύτοΰ δέ ύμεϊς of GOD.
in p r e s e n c e of t h e God. O u t of h i m but y 30 But from him you
έοτέ έν Χριστφ Ίησοΰ, ος έγενήθη ήμίν are in the Anointed Jesus,
are in Anointed Jesus, who became to us who became *our $ Wis-
σοφία άπό Θεοΰ, δικαιοσύνη τε καΐ άγια- dom from God, ^Righteous-
wisdom from God, righteousness also and sancti- ness also, and jSanctifica-
ίνα, καθώς γέ- tion, and $Itedemption:
σμός και άπολύτρωσις·
31 that, as it has been
γραπται· Ό καυχώμενος, έν Κυρίω καυ- written, $"Let him who
has been written; He boasting, in Lord let "BOASTS, boast in the
χάσθω. "Lord."
him boast.
ΚΕΦ. 6 ' . 2.
1 And when I came t a
^άγώ έλθών προς ύμας, αδελφοί, η"λθον you, Brethren, | I came
And I having come to you, brethren, came not with Excellency of
ού καθ' ύπεροχήν λόγου ή σοφίας, Speech, or of Wisdom, de-
claring to you the TESTI-
καταγγέλλων ύμίν το μαρτύριον τοΰ Θεοΰ. MONY of GOD ;
declaring to you the testimony of the God.
2 for I determined to>
Ού γαρ εκρινά τι είδέναι έν m a k e known Nothing
Not for I determined anything to make known among among you, ^except Jesus
ύμίν, ει μη Ίησοΰν Χριστόν, καΐ τοΰτον Christ, and him crucified.
you, if not Jesus Anointed, and this 3 $And I, in $ Weak-
έσταυρωμένον. ΚαΙ εγώ έν άσθενεία, και ness, and in Fear, and in
having been crucified. And I in weakness, and much Trembling, was with
έν φόβω καΐ έν τρόμφ πολλω έγενόμην you.
is fear" and in trembling much* was
προς ύμας· κα1 ό λόγος μου καΐ τό κήρυγμα 4 And my DISCOURSE
with youj iind the speech of ΠΙΘ anu. the preaching and m y PROCLAMATION
§were not in Persuasive
μου ουκ έν πειθοίς σοφίας λόγοις, άλλ' έν Words of Wisdom, $but
with a Demonstration of
αποδείξει πνεύματος καΐ δυνάμεως· ε ϊνα · ή Spirit and of Power;
πίστις υμών μή fj έν σοφία ανθρώπων, 5 so that your FAITH
faith of you not maybe in wisdom of men, might not be by the Wis-
άλλ έν δυνάμει Θεοΰ. Σοφίαν δέ λαλοϋμεν dom of Men, but by the
but in power of God. Wisdom but we speak Power of God.
έν τοις τελείοις· σοφίαν δέ ού τοΰ 6 Wisdom, however, we
unions? the perfect one si iV i sdom but not oi the speak among the PER-
αιώνος τούτου, ουδέ των αρχόντων τοΰ αιώνος FECT ; $but Wisdom, not
of this AGE, nor of THOSE
τούτου, ofτών καταργουμένων 7άλλά λαλοϋμεν
those coming to an end; but we speak RULERS Of this AGE who
this, $are coming to an end ;
Θεοΰ σοφίαν έν μυστηρίω, την άποκεκρυμ
of God wisdom in a mystery, that having been 7 but we speak the Wis-
μένην, ήν προώρισεν ό Θεός προ dom of God, which was
hidden, which previously marked out the God before HIDDEN in a Mystery, and
τών αΙώνων, εις δόξαν ημών 8 ην ουδείς $which GOD previously
the ages, for glory of us; which no one designed, before the AGES,
τών αρχόντων τοΰ αΙώνος τούτου εγνωκεν for our Glory ;
of tho rulers of the ago this has knownj 8 § which no one of the
RULERS of this AGE knew;
* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 0 . our Wisdom from God, [Righteousness also, and Sancti-
fication, and Redemption.
t 3 0 . ver. 2 4 . $ 3 0 . J e r . xxiii. 5, 6 ; Rom. iv. 2 5 ; 2 Cor. v. 2 1 ; Phil. i i i . 9 .
$ 3 0 . John xvii. 1 9 . % 30. Eph. i. 7. $ 3 1 . J e r . ix. 2 3 , 2 4 ; 2 Cor. x. 17. $ 1.
1 Cor. i . 1 7 ; v e r . 4, 1 3 ; 2 Cor. x. 1 0 ; xi. 6. $ 2. Gal. vi. 1 4 ; Phil. i i i . 8. ? 3 .
Acts xviii. 1, 6, 12. t 3. 2 Cor. iv. 7 ; x. 1, 1 0 ; xi. 3 0 ; x i i . 5, 9 ; Gal. iv. 1 3 .
t 4. 1 Cor. i. 1 7 ; 2 P e t . i. 16. $ 4. Rom. xv. 1 9 ; 1 Thess. i. 5. $ 6 . 1 Cor. x i v .
2 0 ; E p h . i v . 1 3 ; P h i l . i i i . 1 5 ; H e b . v . 1 4 . $ 6. t 6. 1 Cor. i. 2 8 . $ 7.
Rom. xvi. 2 5 , 2 6 ; E p h . i i i . 5 , 9 ; Col. i . 2 6 . t 8 . M a t t . x i . 2 5 ; John v i i . 4 8 ;
Acts xiii. 2 7 ; 2 Cor. i i i . 1 4 .
Chap. 2:9.] I. CORINTHIANS. {Chap. 2:16.
(ει γαρ έγνωσαν, ούκ θ,ν τόν Κΰριον της for if they had known
(if for they knew, not would the Lord of the §they would not have cru-
δόξης έσταύρωσάν) 9άλλά, καθώς γέγραπ- cified the LORD of GLORY.
glory they crucified;) but, even as it has been 9 but, as it has been
ται· 8, οφθαλμός ούκ είδε, καΐ οΰςwritten, f'Things which
Eye has not seen, and Ear
ον% ηκουσε, καΐ επί καρδιαν άνθρωπου ούκ which theheard,
has not and to
Heart of Man
not heard, and to heart of man not has not aspired—things
άνέβη, ol ήτοίμασεν ό Θεός τοις άγα- which GOD has prepared
ascended, what prepared the God for those lov-
for THOSE who LOVE
πώσιν αυτόν. ^Ήμϊν δε άπεκάλυψεν ό Θεός him ;"
ing him. To us but revealed the God 10 $GOD has revealed
δια τοϋ πνεύματος *[αύτοϋ·] τό γαρ πνεϋμα even to us through the
πάντα έρευνα, και τά βάθη τοϋ Θεοϋ.
all things searches, even the depths of the God. searches all things, even
the DEPTHS of God.

ΤΙς γαρ οίδεν ανθρώπων τά τοϋ ανθρώπου, 11 For Who of Men
knows that THOUGHTS of
εΐ μή τό πνεϋμα τοΰ ανθρώπου τό έν αύτω; the MAN, except THAT
SPIRIT of the MAN which
if not the spirit of the man that in him? is in him? $so also, the
οΰτω καΐ τά τοϋ Θεοΰ ουδείς οίδεν, THOUGHTS of GOD no one
if so also the things of the God no one knows, knows, except the SPIRIT
12 of GOD.
εί μή
τό τό πνεϋμα
πνεϋμα τοΰ Θεοΰ.
τοΰ κόσμου Ήμείςαλλά
έλάβομεν, δέ τό
ού 12 Now we have re-
the spirit of the world received, but the ceived, not the SPIRIT of
πνεϋμα τό εκ τοΰ θεοΰ, ϊνα είδώμεν the WORLD, $but THAT
s p i r i t that from God, that we may know SPIRIT which T
is from GOD,
τά ΰπό τοΰ Θεοΰ that w e may know the
the things by the God havlngbeengraciouslygiven EN t o u s b y G O D ;
ήμίν ι και λαλοΰμεν, ούκ έν διδα- 13 $and which things
we speak, not in Words
κτοΐς ανθρωπινής σοφίας λόγοις, αλλ' ένtaught by Human Wisdom,
ings of human wisdom in words, but by but by the Teachings of
διδακτούς πνεύματος, πνευματικοΐς πνευ- the Spirit; * unfolding
teat'hings of s p i r i t , t o s p i r i t u a l ones s p i r i t - spiritual things to spirit-
ματικά συγκρίνοντες. 14Ψυχικός δέ άνθρω- ual persons.
ual things explaining. An animal but man 14 $Now, an Animal
Man does not receive the
πος ού δέχεται τά τοΰ πνεύματος τοΰ THINGS of the SPIRIT of
GOD, $for they are Fool-
Θεοΰ· μωρία γάρ αύτφ έστι, και ού δύνα- ishness to him; and he is
§not able to understand,
ται γνώναι· δτι πνευματικώς ανακρίνεται, Because they are spiritu-
able to know; because spiritually it is examined. ally examined.
Ό δέ πνευματικός ανακρίνει μεν πάν- 15 $But the SPIRITUAL
The b u t s p i r i t u a l m a n e x a m i n e s i n d e e d a l l man examines, indeed, all
τα, αυτός δέ ύπ' ούδενός ανακρίνεται. 1βΤίς by things, yet he is examined
no one.
things, himself but by no one is examined. Who 16 $For who has known
γάρ έ'γνω νουν Κυρίου, 8ς συμβιβάσει αυτόν; the Mind of the Lord?
for knew mind of Lord, who w i l l instruct him? who will teach it? But
Ημείς δέ νουν Χρίστου έ'χομεν. we possess the Mind of
Wo but mind of Anointed have.
* Christ.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 0 . of himself—omit. 13. unfolding spiritual things
epmtually. 16. the Lord.
t 8. Luke xxiii. 2 4 ; Acts iii. 17. $ 9. Isa. Ixiv. 4. % 10. Matt. xiii. 1 1 ; xvi.
17; John xiv. 2 6 ; xvi. 1 3 ; 1 John ii. 27. % 11. Prcv. xx. 2 7 ; xxvii. 1 9 ; Jer. xvii.
9. $ 11. Rom. xi. 33, 34. t 12. Rom. viii. 15. $ 13. 2 Pet. i. 16. X 1 4 . Matt,
xvi. 2 3 . $ 14. 1 Cor. i. 1 8 , 2 3 . $ 14. Bom. viii. 5-7; Jude 19. $ 15. 1 John
iv. 1. t 16. Rom. x i . 3 4 .
Chap. 3:1.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 3 : 1 1 .
ΚΕΦ. γ ' . 3 . CHAPTER I I I .
^άγώ, αδελφοί, ούκ ήδυνήθην λαλήσαι ύ- 1 And I, Brethren, was
And I, brethren, not was able to speak to not able to speak to you
μίν ώζ πνευματικοίς, άλλ' ώς σαρκικοίς, fleshly as to spiritual, but as to
as to spiritual ones, but as to fleshly ones, persons, a s t o
you 2 Babes in Christ.
ώς νηπίοις έν Χριστώ. Γάλα υμάς έπό- 2 fMilk I gave you—
even as to babes in Anointed. Milk you I gave
not solid Food; for you
τισα, ου βρώμα· ουπω γάρ έδύνασθε. were not then able; nor,
to drink, not solid food; not yet were you able.
indeed, are you even now
ε τ ι γ ά ρ able;
'Αλλ' ουδέ νυν δύνασθε·
But not evej are you able; yet for 3 because you are still
σαρκικοί έστε. "Οπου γ ά ρ έν ύμίν fleshly. For whereas
fleshly ones you are. When among
you Envy and Strife exist
ζήλος και ερις * [καΐ διχοστασίαι,] ουχί σαρκι- fleshly and walk youamong you, are not
envy and s t r i f e [and divisions,] not fleshly
ing to Man?
κοί έστε, καΐ κατά άνθροοπον περιπα- 4 Besides, when says
ο man walk
one, $"I, indeed, am of
τεΕτε; 4 "Οταν γάρ λέγχι τις· Εγώ μέν Paul," and another, " I
you? When for may say
any one; I 1indeed
1 am of Apollos," are you
είμι Παύλου· έτερος δέ* Έ γ ώ Άπολλώ· ουχί not *fleshly?
am of Paul; another and; I, of Apollos, not 5 *What then is Apol-
„ ουν έστι Παϋλος, τΙς los, and what is Paul?
σαρκικοί έστε; Τίς
fleshly ones are you? Who then is Paul, whi Servants, through whom
you believed ; and to Each
δέ Άπολλώ ς; Διάκονοι, ών έπι- as the LORD gave.
and Apollos? Servants, throug-h whom you
6 §1 planted, §Apollos
στεύσατε, καΐ έκαστο? ώς ό Κύριος έ'δωκεν. watered ; but §GOD caused
it to grow.
Έ γ ώ έφύτευσα, Άπολλώς έπότισεν, άλλ' ό 7 $So that neither the
PLANTER is anything, nor
θ ε ό ς ηυξανεν 7 ώστε ο#τε δ φυτευων έστι the WATERER, but God
τι, οΰτε ό ποτίζων, άλλ' ό αυξάνων 8 Now the PLANTER
and the WATERER are
Θεός. 8
' 0 φυτευων δέ καΐ ό ποτ'ιζων εν είσιν one; $and each will re-
Ood. Η β planting but and, lie watering1 one arej ceive his PROPER Reward,
Ικαστος δέ τόν ϊδιον μισθόν λήψεται κα- according
to his OWN La-
each and the own reward w i l l receiye ac-
9 §For we a r e God's Co-
τά 9
τόν ϊδιον κόπον. Θεοΰ γάρ έσμέν workers ; you a r e God's
cording to the own labor. Of'God for Field; you are $God's
συνεργοί* Θεοϋ γεώργιον, Θεοϋ οικοδομή Building.
- - " " • Ε God
* ~ * a 'building
"'ding 10 According to THAT
έστε. Κατά τήν χάριν του Θεοΰ την FAVOR of GOD HAVING
you are. According to the favor of the God that BEEN IMPARTED to me,

δοθεΐσάν μοι, σοφός αρχιτέκτων as a Skilful Architect, $1

having been given to a wise architect have laid a Foundation,
Φεμέλιον τέθεικα· άλλος δέ έποικοδομεϊ· building and Another person is
A found a. t i on I liave 1 a i dj anotnez* out builds up*
u p ; but let each
one see how he builds
έκαστος δέ βλεπέτω, πώς έποικοδομεϊ. η Θεμέ- up.
each one but let see, h o w he builds up. Foun- 11 For no one can lay
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 . yet—omit. 3. and Divisions—omit. 4. Men. 5.
What then is Apollos, and what is Paul?
t 2. Heb. v. 12, 1 3 ; 1 Pet. ii. 2. $ 4. 1 Cor. i. 12. $ 6. Acts xviii. 4, 8, 1 1 ;
1 Cor. iv. 1 5 ; i x . 1 ; xv. 1 ; 2 Cor. x. 1 4 , 1 5 . t 6. Acts xviii. 2 4 , 2 7 ; xix. 1.
$ 6. 1 Cor. xv. 10. ί 7 . 2 Cor. xii. 1 1 ; Gal. vi. 3 . $ 8 . 1 Cor. iv. 4, 5 ; G a l .
vi. 4, 5 ; Rev. i i . 2 3 . t 9. 2 Cor. vi. 1. $ 9. Eph. i i . 2 0 ; Col. i i . 7 ; Heb. i i i .
3, 4 ; 1 P e t . i i . 5 . $ 1 0 . Bom. xv. 2 0 .
Chap. 3:12.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 3:22.
λιον γάρ άλλον ουδείς δύναται θείναι another ^Foundation be-
atio sides THAT which is LAID,
παρά τόν κείμενον, δς έστιν Ίησοΰς $which is Jesus Christ.
besides that being laid, w h o is Jesus
12 12 And if, on this
Χριστός. El δε τις έποικοδομεΐ έπΐ FOUNDATION, any one
Anointed. If but anyone builds on build up Gold, Silver,
ιόν ΰεμέλιον *[τοΰτον,1 χρυσόν, άργυρον,
the foundation Cthis] gold, silver, costly Stones ; Wood, Hay,
λίθους τίμιους, ξΰλα, χόρτον, καλάμην 13 έκά- Straw ;
stones costly, Wood, hay, straw; of each 13 $the WORK of each
©του τό έργον φανερόν γενήσεται· ή γάρ will become manifest; for
one the work manifest shall become; the for $the DAY will show it,
ήμερα δηλώσει, οτι εν πυοΐ αποκαλύπτεται· Because it is revealed by
day w i l l show, becai Fire; and so every one's
e in fire it is revealed; WORK, whatever it is, *the
«αϊ ' εκάστου τό έργον όποιον έστι, τό
and of each one the work what kind i t is, the same FIRE will prove.
πΰρ δοκιμάσει. 1 4 Εΐ τίνος co έργον μενεΐ 14 If the WORK of any
fire w i l l t r y . If f any one the work abides
one remain, which he
© έπωκοδόμησε, μισβόν λήψεται. εϊ built up, he will receive a
whic he'built up, a reward he wi 11 receive; if Recompense;
τίνος τό έργον κατακαήσεται, ζημιωθήσε- 15 if the WORK of any
one the work shall be consumed, he w i l l
of any one shall be consumed,
ται· αυτός δε σωθήσεται, οΰ- he will suffer loss ; he him-
suffer loss; he himself but shall be saved, in this self, however, will be
τω δέ ώς διά πυρός. 16Ούκ οϊδατε, οτι saved, but so as through
•ναός Θεοΰ έστε, καΐ τό πνεΰμα τοΰ Θεοϋ a Fire.
a t e m p l e of God you a r e , a n d t h e s p i r i t of t h e God 16 t-Do you not know
οίκεί εν ύμΐν; 1 7 ΕΪ τις τόν ναόν τοΰ Θεοΰ That you are a Temple of
dwells in you? If anyone the temple of the God God, and the SPIRIT of
φθείρει, φθερεί τοΰτον ό Θεός· ό γάρ GOD dwells among you ?
destroys, w i l l destroy him the God; the for 17 If any one destroy
•ναός τοΰ Θεοΰ αγιός έστιν, οΐτινές έστε the TEMPLE of GOD, GOD
tempi "" """ " " * * will destroy him ; for the
νμεϊς. 18Μηδεις εαυτόν έξαπατάτω· ει τις TEMPLE of GOD is holy,—
you. No one himself let deceive; if any
which you are.
δοκεί σοφός είναι έν ύμΐν έν τω α'ιώνι 18 Let no one deceive
seems wise to be among you in the age
τούτίο, μωρός γενέσθω, ίνα γένη- himself. If a n y one
tilis* &uool so that he may
l e t hinti b©coxxi<
among you think to be
σοφός. 19
Ή γάρ σοφία τοΰ κόσμου wise in this AGE, let him
become a Fool, that he
wise. The for wisdom of the world may become wise.
τούτου, μωρία παρά τω Θεώ έστι· γέγραπ-
it has been 19 For $the WISDOM of
this, foolishness with the God is;
ται γάρ· *Ο δρασσόμενος τους σοφούς έ*ν this WORLD is Foolishness
with GOD ; for it has been
τη πανουργία αυτών 2 θ κ α 1 πάλιν Κύριος written, §'TIE CAPTURES
the craftiness of them; and again; "the WISE in their CRAF-
γινώσκει τους διαλογισμούς τών
knows the reasonings of the
20 And again, $"The
"Lord knows the REASON-
δτι ε!σΙ μάταιοι. ING s of the WISE, That
that they are vain. "they are vain."
21 $Let no one, there-
"Ωστε μηδείς καυχάσθω έν άνθρώποις· fore, boast in Men; for
$all things are yours;—
πάντα γάρ υμών έστιν, εϊτε Ιϊαΰλος, εϊτε 22 whether Paul, o r
Apollos, or Cephas ; wheth-
a l l things for of you is, whether Paul, or er the World, or Life, or
Άπολλώς, είτε Κηφας, είτε κόσμος, είτε ζωή,
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 2 . this—omit. 13. the same.
t 11. Isa. xxviii. 1 6 ; Mitt. xvi. 1 8 ; 2 Cor. xi. 4 ; Gal. i. 7. $ 11. E p h . i i . 2 0 .
t 1 3 . 1 Cor. iv. 5 . % 13. 1 P e t . i. 7; iv. 12. % 16. 1 Cor. vi. 1 9 ; 2 Cor. vi. 1 6 ;
Eph. ii. 2 1 . 2 2 ; Heb. iii. 6 ; 1 Pet. ii. 5. t 19. 1 Cor. i. 2 0 ; iii. 6. % 19. J o b .
V. 1 3 . t 2 0 . P s a . xciv. 1 1 . % 2 1 . 1 Cor. i. 1 2 ; iv. 6. t 2 1 . 2 Cor. iv. 5, 15.
Chap. 3:23.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 4:8.
είτε θάνατος, είτε ενεστώτα, εϊτε μέλ- Death; whether Things
death,"' or present things, or being
present, or Things future ;
λοντα* πάντα υμών * [έστιν] ^ύμείς δέ, —all are yours ;
to be; a l l things of you [is;] you and, 23 and §you are Christ's,
Χρίστου· Χριστός δέ, Θεοΰ. ΚΕΦ. δ ' . 4. and Christ is God's.
of Anointed; Anointed and, of God,
Οΰτως ήμας λογιζέσθω άνθρωπος, ώς ύπηρέ- CHAPTER IV.
Thus us let regard 1 Let a Man thus es-
τας Χρίστου, καΐ οίκονόμους μυστηρίων teem us as ^Ministers of
Christ, and Stewards of
sistants of Anointed, and stewards ysteries
Θεοΰ. "Ο δέ λοιπόν, the Mysteries of God.
ζητείται έν τοίς 2 But, moreover, it is
of God. What but remaining i t is required in the
οικονόμοις, ΐνα πιστός τ ι ς εύρεθτ that every one STEWARDS,
required i n
should be
stewards, that should be foum
faithful found faithful.
**ΈμοΙ δέ είς ελάχιστον έστιν, ΐνα ύφ' υμών 3 Therefore, to me it is
To me but for least thing it is, that by you
of very little importance
όνακριθώ, ή* ΰπό ανθρωπινής ημέρας that I should be con-
I should be condemned, or by a human day; demned by you, or by a
άλλ' ουδέ έμαυτόν ανακρίνω* 4 (ουδέν γαρ Human Day of Judgment;
but not even myself do I condemn; (nothing " because I do not even con-
έμαυτφ σύνοιδα, άλλ' ουκ έν τούτω δεδι- demn Myself;
in myself I am conscious, but not in this* I have 4 (for I am conscious to
καίωμαι·) ό δέ άνακρίνων με, Κύριος έστιν. myself of Nothing evil;
l»een justified;) he but condemning me, Lord is. though I am not by this
"Ωστε μη πρό καιρού justified;) but HE who
τι κρ'ινε- JUDGES
Therefore not before proper season any thing judge
me is the Lord.
τ , ές 'έως αναν ελθτ) ό Κύριος, 8ς και φ φωτί-not5$Therefore, Anything
judge you
before the
you, t i l l m a ll bring proper Time, tilltheLoRD
σει τα κρυπτά τοϋ σκότους, καΐ
the things hidden of the darkness, and come, who $both will
τάς βουλάς των καρδιών bring to light the SECRETS
to light
φανερώσει of DARKNESS, and will
make manifest the PUR-
καΐ τότε ό έπαινος γενήσεται έκάστω άπό POSES of the HEARTS ;
and §then the PRAISE
του Θεοϋ. Ταΰτα δέ, αδελφοί, μετεσχημά- will be to each one from
th© God. ΧΐΐθβΘ things and, foretliren. I figuratively GOD.
τισα είς έμαυτόν καΐ Άπολλώ ύμας, 6 Now these things
applied to myself and Apollos OJ nt of you, Brethren, $1 figuratively
tva έν ήμϊν μάθητε τό μη υπέρ ο γέ- applied to myself and to
that by us you may learn that not above what ha3 Apollos on your account;
γραπται φρονειν, ΐνα μη είς υπέρ that by us you may $learn
NOT to think ABOVE what
beeΐ) "w^ritten to think* so that not one on behalx
has been written ; that no
τοΰ ενός φυσιοΰσΦε κατά του έτερου, one of you may, on behalf
of the one you may be puffed up against the other.
of the ONE, be puffed up
ΤΓΙς γάρ σε διακρίνει; τΐ δέ έχεις, against the OTHER.
Who for thee distinguishes? what and hast thou, •7 For who distinguishes
οΰκ έλαβες; δέ καΐ ελα- Thee? and |what hast
thou didst receive? and also thou
thou which thou didst not
receive? and if thou didst
βες, τΐ καυχάσαι ώς μή λα- receive, why dost thou
didst receive, why dost thou boast as not having boast as not having re-
6ών; "Ηδη κεκορεσμένοι έστέ, ήδη ceived ?
received? Already having been filled youare, already 8 You are already filled !
έπλουτίσατε, χωρίς ημών έβασιλεύσατε* καΐ you are already enriched !
you were rich, without us you reigned; you have reigned without
$ 23. Eom. xiv. 8 ; 1 Cor. xi. 3 ; 2 Cor. x. 7 ; Gal. iii. 20. t 1. 1 Cor. i i i . 5 ; i x .
17; 2 Cor. v i . 4 ; Col. i . 2 5 . t 5. Matt. vii. 1 ; Eom. ii. 1, 1 6 ; xiv. 4, 10, 1 3 ;
Kev. xx. 12. t 5. Rom. i i i . 13. $ 5. Rom. ii. 2 9 ; 2 Cor. v. 1 0 . $ 6 . 1 Cor. i .
12; i i i . 4 . $ 6. Boin. xii. 3. $ 7. John i. 1 7 ; 1 Pet. iv. 10.
Chap. 4:9.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 4:17.
δφελόν γε έβασιλεύσατε, 'ίνα και ημείς u s ! and I wish, indeed,
I wish indeed you did reign, no that also we you did reign, thai; we
ύμϊν συμβασιλεύσωμεν. 9Δοκώ γάρ, *[δτι] also might reign with you.
With you might reign together. I think for CthatJ 9 For I think GOD ex-
6 Θεός ημάς τους αποστόλους έσχατους άπέ- hibited us the APOSTLES
the God us the apostles last set
flast, a s $devoted t ο
δειξεν, ώς επιθανάτιους, δτι Φέατρον
death; §For we are made
a Spectacle to the WORLD,
forth, as appointed to death, because a spectacle both to Angels and to
έγενήΦημεν τφ κόσμω καΐ άγγέλοις καΐ άν- Men.
θρώποις. 1 0 Ήμείς μωροί δια Χριστόν,
10 §We are $Fools on
ΰμείς δέ φρόνιμοι έν Χριστφ· ημείς ασθενείς, account of Christ, but you
you but wise ones in Anointed; we weak ones, are wise in Christ; $we
ύμείς δέ ισχυροί· ΰμείς ένδοξοι, ημείς are weak, but you are
strong ; you are honorable,
δέ άτιμοι. Χ1
"Αχρι της άρτι ώρας καΐ
be we are disgraced.
but ignoble ones* Till tlio present hour botb 11 $To the PRESENT
Hour we both hunger
καΐ διψώμεν, καΐ γυμνητεύομεν, and thirst, and are in
•wre hunger, and, we t h i r s t , and we aro naked,
want of clothing; we are
wal κολαφιζόμεθα, καΐ άστατουμεν, ^καί buffetted about, and are
d! bt End we are homeless and homeless ;
«οπιώμεν εργαζόμενοι ταίς ίδίαις χερσί· λοιδο- 12 and |we labor, work-
we labor working with the own hands; being
ing with our OWN Hands.
ροΰμενοι, εύλογοΰμεν διωκόμενοι, άνεχό- $Being reviled, we bless;
reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we being persecuted, we en-
|χεθα* ^βλασφημούμενοι, παρακαλοΰμεν· ώς dure;
endure; being blasphemed, we exhort; as
13 being calumniated
περικαθάρματα τοϋ κόσμου έγενήθημεν, πάν- we expostulate; §we are
purgations of the world we became, of all become as ±the Purgations
των περιψημα » άρτι. 14Οΰκ έντρέπων of the WORLD, the Refuse
t i l l now. Not Not shaming of all things till now.
thing oif-scrapings
ύμας γράφω ταΰτα, άλλ' ώς τέκνα μου 14 I do not write these
you I write these things, but as children of me things to shame you, but
αγαπητά νουθετώ. 1 5 Έ ά ν γάρ μύριους παιδα- as my beloved Children I
beloved I admonish. If for myriads child- admonish you.
γωγούς δχητε έν Χριστφ, άλλ' ού πολ~ 15 For though you may
tenders you may have in Anointed, but not many have Myriads of Leaders
λούς πατέρας· έν γάρ Χριστώ *[Ίησοϋ] in Christ, yet not Many
fathers; in for Anointed [Jesus} Fathers; for $in Christ I
διά τοϋ ευαγγελίου έγώ ύμας έγέννησα. begot you through the
through the glad tidings I you begot. GLAD TIDINGS.
16 16 Therefore, I exhort
Παρακαλώ οδν ΰμας, μιμηταΐ μου γίνε- you, to become {Imitators
ι exhort therefore you, imitators of me become
of me.
σθε. Διά τοΰτο έπεμψα ύμίν Τιμόθεον,
you. On account of this I sent to you Timothy
17 On this account I
sent to you §Timothy,
οζ έστι τέκνον μου άγαπητόν καΐ πιστόν έν who is my beloved and
who is a child of me beloved and faithful in faithful Child in the Lord,
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 9 . That—omit. 15. Jesus—omit.
± 9. Alluding to those last exposed on the theatre, to fight with wild beasts, or with
each other; and who were devoted to certain destruction. ± 10. The atimoi were held
to be outlaws, and might be slain as well as ill-treated with impunity, t 13. The words
perikatharmata and peripseema are thought to allude to those human expiatory sacrifices
which were offered to infernal deities among the Greeks and Romans, selected from the
lowest of the people, and loaded with curses, affronts and injuries while on their way to
% 9. Rom.viii.36;l Cor. xv. 30, 3 1 ; 2 Cor. iv. 1 1 ; vi. 9. % 9. Heb. x. 3 9 . $ 1 0 .
1 Cor. i i . 3 . $ 1 0 . Acts xvii. 1 8 ; xxvi. 2 4 ; 1 Cor. i. 1 8 ; ii. 1 4 ; iii. 18. % 10.
2 Cor. xiii. 9 . $ 1 1 . 2 Cor. iv. 8 ; xi. 23-2 7 ; Phil. iv. 12. % 12. Acts xviii. 3 ;
xx. 3 4 ; 1 Thess ii. 9 ; 2 Thess. iii. 8; 1 Tim. iv. 10. ί 12. Matt. v. 4 4 ; Luke xxiii.
34; Acts vii. 6 0 ; Rom. xii. 14, 2 0 ; 1 Pet. ii. 2 3 ; iii. 9. t 13. Lam. iii. 45. $ 15.
Acts xviii. 1 1 ; James i. 18. % 16. 1 Cor. xi. 1; Phil. iii. 1 7 ; 1 Thess. i. 6 ;
2 Thess. iii. 9 . $ 1 7 . Acts xix. 2 2 ; 1 Cor. xvi. 1 0 ; Phil. ii. 19.
Chop. 4:18.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 5:6.
Κυρίω, ος υμάς άναμνήσει τάς οδούς μου τάς who will remind you of
Lord, who you w i l l remind the ways of me those THOSE WAYS of mine which
έν Χριστώ, καθώς πανταχού έν πάση έκκλη- are in Christ, even as I
in Anointed, even as every where in every congre- teach everywhere, $ i n
σ'ια διδάσκω. 1 8 Ώ ς μή ερχομένου δέ μου προς every Congregation.
gation I teach. As not coming but of me to 18 And some are puffed
υμάς, έφυσιώθησαν τινές. 19Έλεύσομαι δέ up, as though I were not
you, were puffed up some. I will come but coming to you;
ταχέως προς υμάς, έάν ό Κύριος θελήσγι, 19 but I will come to
Quickly to you, if the Lord should will,
you soon, fif the LORD
will, and I will know, not
καΐ γνώσομαι ού τον λόγον 20των πεφυσιωμέ- the WORD but the POWER
νων, αλλά τήν δύναμιν ού γαρ έν λόγο of THOSE who are PUFFED
puffed up, but the power; not for in wor
ή βασιλεία του Θεού, άλλ' έν δυνάμει, 20 §For the KINGDOM
1 kingdom of the God, but in power. of GOD is not in Word,
Tl θέλετε; έν ράόδω έ'λθω προς but in Power.
What do you wish? with a rod Ϊ should come to
21 What do you wish?
υμάς, ή έν αγάπη πνεύματί τε πραότητος; | t h a t I come to you with
you, or in love In a spirit and of meekness? a Rod, or in Love, and in
ΚΕΦ. ε'. 5. 2
"Ολως ακούεται έν ύμίν a Spirit of Meekness.
πορνεία, καΐ τοιαύτη Actually
πορνεία,is heardήτις amongουδέ
ι oru i c Ά 11 oiif &IK1 such f orn ι c 8L t i on ι hTι ch not GVGII
1 Incest is certainly
ί\ τοις £&νεσιν, ώστε γυναικά τίνα του heard of among you, and
among the Gentiles, as a wife one of the
Such Incest as is not even
πατρός εχειν. 2ΚαΙ ΰμείς πεφυσιωμένοι
among t h e GENTILES,
father to have. And you having been puffed up $that one has his FA-
έστέ; και ουχί μάλλον έπενθήσατε, ίνα άρ- THER'S Wife.
are? and not rather lamented, so that might 2 And you have been
θη έκ μέσου υμών ό το έ'ργον τοΰτο puffed up, and did not
bo removed 3from midst of you he the work this rather lament, so that HE
ποιήσας; Έγώ μεν γάρ * [ώς] απών
having done? I indeed for [as] being absent might be removed from
τφ σώματι, παρών δέ τφ πνεύματί, the midst of you.
li) the body^ ο 6 iu£^ present uu.t in the spιri tj 3 For I, indeed, $being
Ι]δη κέκρικα ώς παρών, τον οΰτω τοΰτο absent in the BODY, but
already have judged as beingpresent, him thus this present in the SPIRIT,
κατεργασμένον, 4έν τφ ονόματι τοΰ Κυρίου have already judged, as if
present, HIM who thus
•ημών Ίησοΰ * [Χρίστου,] (συναχθέντων H A S PERFORMED t tl 1 S
ACT ;—
οι us Josus ^ Γ-A.noιnt©dj T (h^-Vin^ been ASSCIUDIBQ 4 in the NAME of our
υμών και τοΰ έμοΰ πνεύματος,) συν τχ\ δυνάμει LORD Jesus, you being as-
of you and of the my spirit,) with the power
sembled, and MY Spirit,
τοΰ Κυρίου ημών Ίησοΰ * [Χρίστου,] επαρα- $with the POWER of our
of the Lord of us Jesus CAnointed,] to deliver LORD Jesus,
5 ito deliver up THAT
δούναι τον τοιούτον τω σατανά είς ολεθρον PERSON to the ADVERSA-
RY, for the fDestruction of
της σαρκός, ίνα το πνεϋμα σωθχί έν τχ\ tSPIRIT h e FLESH, that t h e
may be saved in
of the flesh, so that the spirit maybe saved in the the DAY of the LORD.
ήμερα τοΰ Κυρίου * [Ίησοΰ.] βΟύ καλόν το 6 ^Your BOASTING is
day of theMANUSCRIPT.—3.
* VATICAN Lord [Jesus.]as—omit.
Not good the
4. Anointed—omit twice. 5. Jesus—omit.
± 5. Or the infliction of bodily'disease. I t is evident the apostles had the power to
punish offenders miraculously with disease and even death. See Acts v. 1-11. siii. 9-11;
1 Cor. iv. 2 1 ; 2 Cor. x. 6; xiii. 1, 2, 10.
$ 17. 1 Cor. xiv. 33. ί 19. Acts xviii. 2 1 ; Rom. xv. 3 2 ; Heb. vi. 3 ; James iv.
15. ί 20. 1 Cor. i i . 4 ; 1 Thess. i. 5. t 21. 2 Cor. x. 2 ; xiii. 10. $ 1. Lev.
xviii. 8; Deut. xxii. 3 0 ; xxvii. 20. $ 3 . Col. ii. 5. $ 4. Matt. xv?. 10; xviii.
18; John xx. 2 3 ; 2 Cor. xiii. 3, 10. $ 5. Job ii. 6 ; Psa. cix. 6; 1 Tim. i. 20.
Chap. 5: 7.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 6 : 1 .
καύχημα υμών. Ουκ οϊδατε, δτι μικρά not good. Do you not
boasting of you. N o t k n o w you, t h a t a l i t t l e know That §a Little Lea-
ζύμη δλον τό φύραμα ζυμοΐ; 7 Έκκαθάρατε την ven ferments the Whole
πάλαιαν ζύμην, ϊνα η*τε νέον φύραμα, κα- 7 $ Cleanse out the OLD
old leaven, that you may be a new mass, as Leaven, that you may be
θώζ έστε άζυμοι· καΐ γαρ τό πάσχα a New Mass, as you are
you sx, r © uii Χ θ&ν cue d) GVGH f o r t h e pit sell til l ^ m l ) Unleavened ;.$for even our
ημών * [υπέρ ημών] έτύθη, Χριστός, PASCHAL LAMB, Christ,
of us Con behalf of us] was slain, Anointed. was sacrificed.
"Ωστε έορτάζωμεν, μη έν ζύμχι 8 Therefore, letus$keep
the festival, not with old
παλαιά, μηδέ έν ζύμη κακίας καΐ πονηρίας, Leaven, nor with $ Leaven
old, * nor with leaven of vice and wickedness, of Vice, and Wickedness,
άλλ' έν άζύμοις ειλικρίνειας καΐ άλη- but with the Unleavened
principles ο f Sincerity
but with unleavened things of sincerity and of and Truth.
θείας. "Εγραψα ΰμίν έν τχ\ επιστολή, μη 9 In that LETTER I
truth. I wrote to you in the' letter,* not
10 wrote to you $not to be
συναναμίγνυσθαι πόρνοις. *[ΚαΙ] ου πάν- associated with Fornica-
to bo associated with fornicators. [And] not alto- tors ; —

τως τοις πόρνοις τοϋ κόσμου τούτου, 10 in no wise with the

^ τοις πλεονέκταις, η 1
αρπαξιν, ^ WORLD, or with the COVE-
TOUS *and Extortioners,
or Idolators, since indeed
εΐδωλολάτραις· έπεί οφείλετε αρα έκ
you are bound to come out
τοΰ κόσμου έξελθείν. 1:ιΝυνΙ δέ έγραψα ΰμίν, from the WORLD ; —
the world to come out. Now but I wrote to you, 11 but now I write to
μή συναναμίγνυσθαι, έάν τις, αδελφός όνο- you $not to be associated
not to be associated, if any one, a brother being with any one, named a
μαζόμενος, f\ πόρνος, η1 πλεονέ- Brother, if hebeaFornica-
named, may be a fornicator, or ι covetous tor, or a Covetous person,
κτης, ή ειδωλολάτρης, ή λοίδορος, ί\ μέ- or an Idolator, or a Re-
viler, or a Drunkard, or an
θυσος, f] αρπαξ· τω τοιούτο) Extortioner ; with SUCH a
a drunkard, or an extortioner; with the such like person not even to eat.
μηδέ συνεσθίειν ΐ γαρ μοι * [καΐ] τους 12 For what is it to me
not even to eat; hat for to me [also] those to judge THOSE WITHOUT?
εξ(·3 κρίνειν; ΟΰχΙ τους Ιίσω ύμείς κρίνετε; Do not you judge THOSE
without to judge? Not those within you judge? WITHIN ?
"Τούς δέ εξω δ Θεός κρίνει. Έξάρατε
GOD w i l l judge. $ P u t
Those but without the God w i l l judge. Put out out from among yourselves
τον πονηρόν έξ υμών ονύτών. that EVIL person.
ΚΕΦ. ο τ \ 6. 1 Dare any one of you,
^ολμς* τις υμών, πράγμα £χων προς τόν having an Affair with
Dare any one of you, a matter having with the ANOTHER, be judged by
δτερον, κρίνεσθαι επί των αδίκων, καΐ ουχί the UNRIGHTEOUS, a nd
other, to be judged by the unjust ones, and not not by the SAINTS ?
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 7 . on our behalf—omit. 10. And—omit. 10. and
Extortioners. 12. also—omit.
± 7. The Jews were commanded to put away all leaven, before they ate the passover,
a8 being an emblem of wickedness, which sours and corrupts the mind, as leaven does the
lump into which i t is put, if it remains i n i t long unbaked.—MacknigM.
ί 6. 1 Cor. iii. 2 1 ; iv. 1 9 ; James iv. 16. ί 6. 1 Cor. xv. 3 3 ; Gal. v. 9 ; 2 Tim. il.
17. t 7. Isa. liii. 7; John i. 2 9 ; 1 Pet. i. 1 9 ; Rev. v. 6, 12. $ 8. Exod. xii. 1 5 ;
xiii. 6 . $ 8. Luke xii. 1. ί 9 . 2 Cor. vi. 1 4 ; Eph. v. 1 1 ; 2 Thess. i i i . 14. t 1 1 .
Matt, xviii. 1 7 ; Bom. xvi. 1 7 ; 2 Thess. iii. 6, 1 4 ; 2 John 10. $ 13. Deut. xlii. 5 ;
xvii. 7 ; xxi. 2 2 ; xxii. 2 1 , 2 2 , 2 4 .
Chap. 6:2.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 6 : 1 1 .
επί των άγιων; ' Ή ούκ οϊδατε, δτι ol άγιοι 2 Do you n o t know
by the saints? Or not know you, that the saints $ T h a t t h e SAINTS shall
τόν κόσμον κρινοΰσι; και εΐ εν ύμίν κρίνεται j u d g e t h e WORLD? And
the world w i l l judge? and if by you is judged if by you t h e WORLD is
δ κόσμοζ, ανάξιοι έστέ κριτηρίων έλα- judged, a r e you i n a d e q u a t e
the world, inadequate are you for tribunals to decide t r i v i a l Causes?
χίστων; οΰκ οϊδατε, δτι αγγέλους κρινοΰ_ 3 Do you n o t know
smallest? not know you, that messengers we shall
T h a t we shall j u d g e An-
4 gels ? Why n o t t h e n
μεν; μήτιγε βιωτικά; Βιωτι- things p e r t a i n i n g t o t h i s
things of this life? Thinf,»
judge? much more the life?
κά μεν οϋν κριτήρια έάν έ'χητε, 4 If then, indeed, you
of this life indeed then judgments if youmayhave, should have Causes as to
χονζ έξουθενημένους εν τχ\ εκκλησία, t h e things of this life, do
those having been of noaccount in the* congregation, you a p p o i n t T H O S E , the
τούτους καθίζετε; 6
Π ρ ό ς ιντροπήν ύμίν LEAST ESTEEMED in the
those do you cause to sit? For shame to you CONGREGATION ?
λέγω· οΰτως ούκ έ'νι έν ύμίν σοφός * [ού- 5 For shame to you, I
I speak; thus not one among' you wise Cnot say it. I t is so, that there
is not among you a wise
δδ εις,] ος δυνήσεται διακρίναι άνά μέσον man—not even one—who
shall be able to decide
του άδελφοΰ αύτοΰ; άλλά αδελφός μετά between his BRETHREN?
the brethren of himself? but a brother with 6 but Brother with
άδελφοΰ κρίνεται, καΐ τοΰτο επί άπιστων; Brother is judged, and
brother is judged, and this by unbelievers? this by Unbelievers?
"Ηδη μεν οΰν δλως ήττημα ύμίν έστιν, 7 Therefore, indeed, it
Already indeed then certainly a fault to you it is, is now a great Fault in
you, Because you have
δτι κρίματα £χετε μ ε θ ' εαυτών. ΔιατΙ ουχί Law-suits with each other.
that law-suits you have with yourselves. Why not Why not rather $suffer in-
justice? why not rather
μάλλον άδικεΐσθε; διατί ουχί μάλλον άπο- be defrauded?
στερείσθε; Ά λ λ ά ύμείς αδικείτε, καΐ άποστε- 8 But you injure and
defrauded? But you injure, and defraud, defraud—even these things
ρεϊτε, καΐ ταϋτα αδελφούς. 9 ' Ή ούκ οϊδα- you do to Brethren.
ttixd these things brethren· Or not ϊεηοτ^ 9 Do you not know,
τε, δτι άδικοι Θεοΰ βασιλείαν ού κληρο- That Unrighteous persons
you, that unjust ones of God a kingdom not shall shall not inherit God's
kingdom? Be not de-
νομήσουσι; Μη πλανασθε· ούτε πόρνοι, ceived ; neither $Forni-
inherit? Not be deceived; neither fornicators, cators, nor Idolaters, nor
οΰτε είδωλολάτραι, οΰτε μοιχοί, οΰτε μαλακοί, Adulterers, nor Effemi-
nates, nor Sodomites,
οΰτε άρσενοκοίται, οΰτε κλέπται, οΰτε πλεον- 10 nor Thieves, nor
ΚΟΓ Sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous Covetous persons, nor
έκται, οΰτε μέθυσοι, ού λοίδοροι, ούχ αρ- Drunkards, nor Revilers,
nor Extortioners, shall
παγές, βασιλείαν Θεοΰ ού κληρονομήσουσι. inherit the Kingdom of
tortioners, a kingdom cf God not shall inherit. God.
11 §And such charac-
Kal ταΰτα τινές ήτε· αλλά άπελού- ters were some of you
And these things some you were; but you washed
but you were $washed,
σασθε, αλλά ήγιάσθητε, άλλ' έδι- but you were separated,
yourselves, but you were separated, but you were but you were justified by
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 5 . not even one—omit.
t 2. Psa. xlix. 1 4 ; Dan. vii. 2 2 ; Matt. xix. 2 8 ; Luke xxii. 3 0 ; Rev. ii. 2 6 ; iii.
2 1 ; xx. 4. t 7. Prov. xx. 2 2 ; Matt. v. 39, 4 0 ; Luke vi. 2 9 ; Rom. xii. 17, 1 9 ; 1
Thess v. 15. t 9. 1 Cor. xv. 5 0 ; Gal. v. 2 1 ; Eph. v. 5 ; 1 Tim. i. 9 ; Heb. xii. 1 4 ;
xili. 4 ; Rev. xxii. 15. % 11. 1 Cor. xii. 2 ; Eph. ii. 2 ; iv. 2 2 ; v. 8 ; Col. i i i . 7 ;
Titus i i i . 3 . ί 1 1 . 1 Cor. i . 3 0 ; H e b . x . 2 2 .
Chap. 6:12.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 6:20.
καιώΦητε έν τφ ονόματι του Κυρίου Ίησοΰ, the NAME of the LOED
Justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, Jesus, and by the SPIRIT
καΐ έν τφ πνεύματι του θεοΰ ημών. ω Π ά ν τ α of our GOD.
and in the spirit of the God of us. All things 12 $"A11 things are
allowed to me;"—but all
μοι εξεστιν, άλλ' ού πάντα συμφέρει· things are not proper.
to ιτι θ i s 1 & iv fuly but* not* & 11 tli i n^ s is beii©flci£ilj "All things are allowed to
πάντα μοι δξεστιν, άλλ' ούκ έγώ έξου-
all things to me i t lawful, but not I w i l l b e me;"—but I will not be
brought into subjection by
σιασθήσομαι ύπό τίνος. 1 3 Τά βρώματα any one.
brought into subjection by anyone. The foods 13 $"ALIMENTS for
τγ\ κοιλία, καΐ ή κοιλία τοις βρώμασιν ό
for the belly, and the belly for the foods; the the STOMACH, and the
δέ Θεός καΐ ταύτην καΐ ταΰτα καταργήσει, STOMACH for ALIMENTS ;"
and these will make useless. —but GOD will put an
but God both this and these ^ end both to it and them.
Τό δέ σώμα ού τχ\ πορνεία, άλλα τφ
The and body not for the fornication, but for the Now the BODY is not for
FORNICATION, but for the
Κυρίω, καΐ 6 Κύριος τφ σώματι· 1 4 ό δέ LORD ; $and the LORD
Lord, * and the Lord for the body; the and
for the BODY.
Θεός καΐ τόν Κύριον ήγειρε, καΐ ήμας 14 A n d GOD b o t h
God both the Lord raised up, and us
raised the LORD, and
έξεγερεί διά της δυνάμεως αύτοΰ. •will raise up Us by his
will raise up through the power of himself. POWER.
οϊδατε, δτι τά σώματα υμών μέλη 15 Do you not know
$That your BODIES are
Χριστοί; έστιν; αράς οδν τά Members of Christ? Hav-
of Anointed is? having taken away then the ing taken away, then,
του Χρίστου, ποιήσω πόρ- t h e MEMBERS Of CHRIST,
shall I make them mem-
νης μέλη; Μη γένοιτο. 1 6 ' Ή ούκ οϊδατε, bers of an Harlot? By no
harlots members? not let i t be. Or not know you, means !
δτι ό κολλώμενος τχ\ πόρνη εν know 16 What! do you not
That he who adheres
that the one being joined to the harlot, one to the HARLOT is One
σώμα έστιν; (έσονται γάρ, φησίν, ol δύο
body is? (they shall be for, it says, the two Body; (for $"the TWO/'
it says, "shall be for one
εις σάρκα μ ί α ν ) 1 7 ό δέ κολλώμενος τφ Flesh;")
for flesh one;) the but one being joined to the 17 $but that HE who
Κυρίφ, §fv πνεΰμά έστι; Φεύγετε την πορ- ADHERES tO t h e LORD IS

One Spirit?
νείαν. Παν αμάρτημα δ έάν ποίηση άνθρω- 18 $Flee from FORNICA-
nication. All sins which if may do a man, TION ! Every Crime which
a Man may commit is ex-
πος, εκτός τοϋ σώματος έστιν ό δέ πορ- terior to the BODY ; but
outside of the body is; he but committing t h e FORNICATOR sins
νεύων εις τό Ιδιον σώμα άμαρτάνει. within his OWN Body.
xoi*iiicfl.tioi^ &£) ct ins ύ tlio οΛνπ, body sins» 19 What! $do you not

' Ή ουκ οϊδατε, δτι τό σώμα υμών ναός know That your BODY is a
Or not know you, that the body of you a temple Temple of that *holy
τοΰ έν ύμιν άγιου πνεύματος έστιν, οί έχετε Spirit in you, which you
have from God? $Be-
of the in you holy spirit Is, which you have sides, you are not your
άπό Θεοΰ, καΐ ούκ έστέ εαυτών; 2 0 Ήγορά- own ;
from God, and not youare of yourselves? You
20 §for you were bought
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 1 . our LORD Jesus Christ. 14. raised up Us. 19. holy
t 1 2 . 1 Cor. x. 23. % 13. Rom. xiv. 1 7 ; Col. ii. 2 2 , 2 3 . t 13. Eph. v. 2 3 .
$ 15. Rom. xii. 5 ; 1 Cor. xii. 2 7 ; Eph. iv. 12, 15, 1 6 ; v. 30. % 16. Gen. ii. 2 4 ; Matt.
xix. 5 ; Eph. v. 3. % 17. John xvii. 21-23; Eph. iv. 4 ; v. 30. % 18. Rom. vi. 12,
13; Heb. xiii. 4 . % 19. 1 Cor. i i i . 1 6 ; 2 Cor. vi. 16. % 19. Rom. xiv. 7 , 8 .
$ 20. Acts xx. 2 8 ; 1 Cor. vii. 2 3 ; Gal. iii. 1 3 ; Heb. ix. 1 2 ; 1 Pet. i. 1 8 , 1 9 ;
2 Pet. ii. 1; Rev. ν . 9 .
Chap. 7:1.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 7 : 1 1 .
γάρ τιμής· δοξάσατε with a Price ; glorify GOD,
t for a price, glorify you therefore
then, in your BODY.
τον Θεόν έν τφ σώματι νμών. CHAPTER VII.
the God in the body of you.
1 Now concerning the
ΚΕΦ. ζ ' . 7. things if which you wrote;
ΠερΙ δέ ων έγράψατέ *[μοι,] not— t i t is well for a Man
to touch a Woman.
Concerning but what things you wrote [to me,]
καλόν άνθρωπο) γυναικός μή απτεσθαι 2 But on account of
good for a man a woman not to touch; FORNICATIONS, let each
"διά δέ τάς πορνείας έκαστος τήν man have a Wife of H I S
l)lXt til© ΪΟΓΙ11 C8,t 1OUS Q&Cil IU«II1 til Ο OWN, and let each woman
έαυτοΰ γυναίκα έχέτω, καΐ εκάστη τον have her OWN Husband.
of h i m s e l f wife l e t have, and each woman the 3 $Let the HUSBAND
Ιδιον άνδρα έχέτω. Tf\ γυναικί ό render to the WIFE the
owq husband let have. To the wife the conjugal OBLIGATION ;
άνήρ τήν όφειλήν άποδιδότω· ομοίως δέ and in like manner also,
I'Usband the debt l e t render; in l i k e manner and the WIFE to the HUSBAND.
καΐ ή γυνή τω άνδρ'ι. Ή γυνή τοΰ 4 The WIFE controls
also the wife to'the husband. The wife of the not her OWN Body, but
Ιδίου αόμματος ουκ εξουσιάζει, άλλ' ό άνήρ· the HUSBAND ; and in
own body not controls, but the husband; like manner also, the HUS-
ομοίως δέ καΐ ό άνήρ τοΰ ίδιου σώμα- BAND controls not his
in like manner and also the husband the own body OWN Body, but the WIFE.
τος ουκ εξουσιάζει, άλλ' ή γυνή. ε Μή αποστε- 5 §Do not deprive each
other, unless by agreement
ρείτε αλλήλους, εΐ μήτι δν εκ συμφώνου προς for a Season, that you may
have leisure for PRAYER ;
καιρόν, Ινα σχολάσητε and again you should RE-
a season,
so that you may be at leisure UNITE, so t h a t the ADVER-
προσευχή· καΐ πάλιν έπι τό αυτό ήτε, SARY may not tempt you
prayer; and again to the same you may be, through your INCONTI-
ϊνα μή πειράζη ύμας ό σατανάς διά NENCE.
6 But this I say as a
τήν άκρασ'ιαν *[ύμών.] Concession—not as an In-
Τοΰτο δέ λέγω
the incontinence [of you.] This
junction. but I say
κατά συγγνώμην, ού κατ' έπιταγήν. 7Θέλω 7 For I wish All Men to
be even as myself; but
γάρ πάντας ανθρώπους είναι ώς καΐ έμαυτόν each one has his appro-
for all men to be as even myself; priate Gift from God ; one,
indeed, of one kind, and
άλλ' έκαστος ίδιον έχει χάρισμα έκ Θεοΰ, another of another.
8 8 To the UNMARRIED
8ς μεν ούτως, δς δέ οΰτως. Λέγω δέ
men, however, and to the
on© induce! sOj imotlicr mid so· I s&y but WIDOWS, I say, I t is well
τοίς άγάμοις καΐ ταίς χήραις· καλόν αύ- for them, if they should
to the unmarried and to the widows; good for
remain even as I do ;
τοις, έάν με'ινωσιν ώς κάγώ· 9 ε1 δέ ούκ 9 $but if they do not
έγκρατεύονται, γαμησατωσαν κρεϊσσον possess self-control, let
them marry ; for i t is bet-
γάρ έστι γαμήσαι, η1
πυροϋσθαι. ter to have married, than
for it is to have married, than to be inflamed.
to be inflamed.
10 10 And to the MARRIED
Τοίς δέ γεγαμηκόσι παραγγέλλω, ούκ it is not I, but the LORD
To those but having been married I charge, not
who commands, that a
έγώ, άλλ' ό Κύριος, γυναίκα άπό ανδρός Wife must not be separa-
I, but t h e .Lordj SL ~W\X.Q from. &n nusl)«incl
1Χ ted from her Husband ; —
μή χωρισθήναι, (έάν δέ καΐ χωρι- 11 but, if she should
not t o be separated, (if but even she should be be separated, let her re-

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. to me—omit. 5. of you—omit.

t 1. ver. 8, 26. $ 3. Exod. xxi. 10; 1 Pet. iii. 7. t 5. Joel ii. 16; Zech. vli.
!. See Exod. xix. 15; 1 Sam. xxi. 4, 5. $ 9. 1 Tim. V. 14.
Chap. 7:12.] I. CORINTHIANS. [CHap. 7:18.
σΐΗ), μενέτω δγαμος, τώ main unmarried, or let her
separated, let her remain unmarried, to the be reconciled to her HUS-
άνδρι καταλλαγήτω·) καΐ άνδρα BAND ;—and that a Hus-
husband let her be reconciled;) and a husband band do not dismiss his
γυναίκα μή άφιέναι.
Τοίς δέ λοι- Wife.
a wife pot to dismiss. T o the but remaining 12 But to the REMAIN-
ING matters I speak, the
ποίς έγώ λέγω, ούχ ό Κύριος· εϊ τις αδελφός
±LORD does n o t ; — I f any
things I speak, not the Lord; if any brother Brother have a Wife, an
γυναίκα έχει απιστον, καΐ αυτή συνευδο-
a wife has an unbeliever, and she thinks unbeliever, and she is
κεϊ οίκείν μετ' αύτοΰ, μή άφιέτω αυτήν pleased to dwell with him,
Vβ 11 t o (i*well Λνι tliliiiny n o t 1 © tfaι m ( i x s i n i s s h e r j let him not dismiss h e r ;
^καΐ γυνή ήτις έχει άνδρα απιστον, καΐ 13 and if any Wife have
and a wile who has a husband an unbeliever, and a Husband, an unbeliever,
αυτός συνευδοκεί οϊ,κείν μετ' αύτης, μή άφιέ- and he is pleased to dwell
he thinks well t odwell w i t h her,n o tl e t with her, let her not dis-
14 miss* the Husband.
τω αυτόν, Ήγίασται γάρ ό
14 For the UNBELIEV-
her dismiss him. Has been sanctified for the
ING HUSBAND is sancti-
άνήρ ό άπιστος έν %χ\ γυναικί, καΐ ήγια- fied in the believing WIFE,
σται ή γυνή ή άπιστος έν WIFE is santified in the
been sanctified the wife the unbelieving in * BROTHER ; otherwise, in-
άνδρί* έπεί άρα τά τέκνα υμών άκά- deed % y ο u r CHILDREN
l f o l liΘr^^iso Indeed tlio children of you were impure, but now they
θαρτά έστι νϋν δέ άγια έστιν.
Εί δέ ό are holy.
unclean is, now but holy is. If but the 15 But if the UNBE-
άπιστος χωρίζεται, χωριζέσθω* ού δε- LIEVER withdraw, let him
withdraw; the BROTHER
or the SISTER is not en-
δο\)λωται ό αδελφός ^ ή αδελφή έν τοις
enslaved the brother or the sister with the slaved in SUCH cases,—
but Jin Peace GOD has
τοιούτοις. Έ ν δέ ειρήνη κέκληκεν ήμας δ called us ; —
such like. In but peace has called us the
• 16 for how knowest
Θεός. 1GTl γαρ οίδας, γύναι, εΐ τον thou, Ο Wife, whether
God. How for knowest thou, θ wife, if the thou shalt save thy HUS-
άνδρα σώσεις; fi τΐ οίδας, BAND? or how knowest
thou, Ο Husband, whe-
husband thou shalt save? or how knowest thou,
17 ther tthou shalt save thy
άνερ, ει τήν γυναίκα σώσεις. Εί μή
Ο husband, if the wife thou shalt save. If not WIFE ?
17 If not, as the LORD
έκάστω ώς έμέρισεν ό Κύριος, εκαστον ώς has apportioned to each
to C£icli sis distributed tlio Lord θίΐοΐχ one even *is one, even as GOD has
κέκληκεν ό Θεός ούτω πεοιπατείτω. Kai ου- called each one, so let him
has called the God so let him walk. And thus walk. And $thus in all
τως έν ταίς έκκλησίαις πάσαις διατάσσομαι. the CONGREGATIONS I ap-
18 18 Was any one called
Π εριτετμημένος τις εκλήθη, μή
Having been circumcis was called, not having been circumcised ?
id any on let him not become un-
έπισπάσθω· άκροβυστία circumcised; in Uncir-
let him be uncircumclsed; uncircumcision cumcision *has any one
τις εκλήθη, μή περιτεμνέσθω. been called? | l e t him not
t him be circumcised. be circumcised.
any one was called, not le
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 3 . the Husband. 14. BROTHBE. 18. has any one been
± 12. These words do not intimate that the apostle was not now under the influence
of the divine Spirit; but that there was nothing in the sacred writings which bore
directly on this point.—Clarke.
% 14. Mai. i i . 15. $ 15. Bom. xii. 1 8 ; xiv. 1 9 ; 1 Cor. xiv. 3 3 ; Heb. xii. 14.
$ 16. 1 Pet. i i i . 1. % 17. 1 Cor. iv. 1 7 ; 2 Cor. xi. 2 8 . % 13. Acts xv. 1, 5, 19,
8; Gal. v . 2 .
Chap. 7:19.] I. CORINTHIANS [Chap. 7:29.
Ή περιτομή ουδέν έστι, καΐ η άκροβυ- 19 §ClRCUMCISION IS
j/jjο cιrcumcisiozi 0 ο t h i n j? is» & iid the u i i c i r c u m— nothing, and UNCIRCUM-
στια ουδέν έστιν, άλλα τήρησις εντολών CISION is nothing; $but
tision nothing is, but keeping of commandments Keeping God's Command-
θεοΰ. "Εκαστος έν τή κλήσει Ό έκλή- ments.
of God. Each one in the" calling i ι which he was 20 Let each one remain
Οη, έν ταύττ] μενέτω. Δοΰλος έκλή- in that VOCATION in which
called, in this let him remain. A slave wast thou he was called.
θης, μη σοι μελετώ· άλλ' εΐ καΐ 21 Wast thou invited
called, not to thee let it be a care; but if also when a Slave? Let it not
δύνασαι ελεύθερος γενέσθαι, μάλλον χρήσαι. give thee concern ; (but if,
indeed, thou art able to
γαρ έν Κυρί κληθείς δοϋλος, άπε- become free, prefer i t ; )
for in Lord eing c a l l e d a slave a
λεΰθερος Κυρίου ε σ τ ί ν ομοίως *[καΙ] ό 22 for the Slave BEING
freedman of Lord is; in like manner [also] the CALLED by the Lord, is
$the Lord's freeman; in
ελεύθερος κληθείς, δοΰλός έστι Χρίστου, like manner the FREEMAN
being called is $ Christ's
ήγοράσθητε· μη γίνεσθε δοΰλοι Bond-servant.
ανθρώπων. "Εκαστος έν φ εκλήθη, 23 ±Have you been
bought with a Price? Be-
αδελφοί, έν τούτω μενέτω παρά Θεω. come not the Slaves of
brethren, in this " let him remain with God. Men.
δε των παρθένων, έπιταγήν 24 Brethren, $let each
f and the virgins, commandment one remain with God in
υ ρ ί ο υ ουκ εχαν γ ν. ώ.μ η.ν δέ δίδωμι, ώς that vocation in which he
off LLord ' "
r d not I have; a judgment ' but
' • I give, as was called.
ήλεημένος υπό Κυρίου πιστός είναι. 25 And concerning the
having obtained mercy from Lord faithful to be.
tVIRGINS, I have not ±a
20 Commandment of the
Νομίζω ού"ν, τοΰτο καλόν ύπάρχειν δια Lord, as ^having received
I declare then, this well to be because
mercy from the Lord $to
τήν ένεστώσαν ανάγκην, δτι καλόν be faithful.
of the having been present distress, that well 26 I declare this to be
άνθρώπω τό οΰτως είναι. Δέδε- well, then, on account of
for a man the thus to be. Art thou having been the PRESENT Distress;
Because it is well for a
cai γυναικί, μή ζήτει λΰσιν* λέλυ- Man to be thus ; —
27 Art thou bound to a
σαι άπό γυναικός, μή ξήτει γυναίκα. Wife? seek not a Release.
Art thou loosed from a
Έάν δέ καΐ γήμηζ> οΰχ ημαρ- Wife? seek not a Wife.
If but even thou shouldst have married, not thou 28 But even if thou
τες* καΐ έάν γήμΌ ή παρθένος, shouldst marry, thou dost
didst not sin ; and if * a Virgin
ούχ sin; and if should
η*μαρτε· θλίψινhave'married
δέ the virgin,
should marry, she does not
not she sinned; am i c t i on but τη σαρκΐ
in the flesh sin ; but Affliction in the
£ξουσιν ol τοιούτοι· έγώ δέ υμών φείδομαι. FLESH SUCH will h a v e ; —
however, I spare you.
Τοΰτο δέ φημί, αδελφοί, 6 καιρός συνε- 29 But this I say,
This but I say, brethren, the season having Brethren, §the TIME be-
σταλμένος τό λοιπόν έστιν ίνα καΐ ol ing shortened, it remains,
been shortened the remainder is; that both those that both THOSE HAVING
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 2 . also—omit. 28. a Virgin.
± 23. So rendered interrogatively by Whitby, Wakefleld, and Turnbull. ± 2 5 . The
word parthenos, a virgin, signifies, in this place, a young unmarried person of either sex,
as is evident from verses 26, 2 7, 32-34, and Bev. xiv. 4. ± 2 1 . See Note on verse 12.
t 19. Gal. v. 6 ; vi. 15. t 19. John xv. 14; 1 John ii. 3 ; iii. 24. t 22. John
viii. 3 6 ; Rom. vi. 18, 2 2 ; Philemon 16. t 22. 1 Cor. ix. 2 1 ; Gal. v. 1 1 ; Eph. vi.
6 ; 1 Pet. ii. 16. t 24. ver. 2 0 . $ 2 5 . verse 10; 2 Cor. viii. 8. % 2 5 . 1 Tiin.
i . 1 2 . % 29. Matt. xxiv. 2 2 ; Bom. xiii. 1 1 ; 1 P e t . iv. 7.
Chap. 7:30.] I. CORINTHIANS [Chap. 7:36.
Ιχοντες γυναίκας, ώς μή έχοντες <δσι· Wives, should be as not
having them;
οι κλαίοντες, ώς μή κλαίοντες· καΐ ot χαί- 30 and THOSE who a r e
thοsΘ ΛνββρίΐΐίΓ &s not weepins» &uoi those re — WEEPING, as not weeping ;
ροντες, ώς μή χαίροντες· καΐ ol άγοράζον- and THOSE who are RE-
joicing, as not rejoicing; and those buying, JOICING, as not rejoicing;
81 and THOSE who are BUY-
τες, ώς μή κατέχοντες· κα1 ot χρώμενοι
as not possessing; and those using ING, as not possessing;
τω κόσμα) τοΰτω, ώς μή καταχρώμενοι. Παρά- 31 and THOSE who are
th'e world this, as not abusing. Passes USING this WORLD, as not
γει γαρ τό σχήμα τοϋ κόσμου τούτου. using i t ; |for the ±SCENE
of this WORLD is passing
δέ υμάς αμέριμνους είναι. Ο άγαμος away.
but you free from anxieties to be. The married 32 But I wish you to be
μερίμνα τά τοΰ Κυρίου, π ώ ς άρέ- without anxiety. $T h e
cares for the things of the Lord, how he shall UNMARRIED man is con-
σει τω Κυρίω· 3 3 δ δέ γαμήσας μερίμνα cerned for the THINGS of
please the Lord; he but havingmarried cares-for the LORD, how *he may
τά τοϋ κόσμου, πώς αρέσει τχ\ please the LORD ;
the things of34 the world, how he shall please the 33 but HE HAVING
γυναικί. Μεμέρισται ή γυνή καΐ ή MARRIED is anxious about
wife. Has been divided the wife and the the THINGS of the WORLD,
παρθένος· ή άγαμος μερίμνα τά τοι how *he may please his
he WIFE,—and is divided.
Κυρίου, ίνα αγία καΐ σώματι 34 And the UNMARRIED
nay be oly both in body WOMAN, even the VIRGIN,
Lord, so tnat
καΐ πνεύματι· ή δέ γαμήσασα is concerned for t h e
and in spirit; the but one having married THINGS of the LORD, t h a t
μερίμνα * [τά τοΰ κόσμου,] πώς άρέ- she may be holy both in
*BODY and in MIND ; but
σει τώ άνδρί. Τοϋτο δέ προς τό SHE HAVING MARRIED IS
υμών αυτών
anxious how *she may
συμφέρον λέγω· οΰχ ίνα please her HUDBAND.
of you yourselves benefit I say; not that 35. But I say this for
βρόχον ΰμΐν επιβάλλω, αλλά προς τό εΰ-
a snare to you I may throw, but for the de- YOUR OWN Advantage;
σχημον και εύπάρεδρον τφ Κυρίω άπερι-
not that I may throw fa
corum mid devotcdness to the Lord w i thout Snare over you ; but for
σπάστως. 3 6 Εί bt τις άσχημονείν the HONORABLE and con-
solicitude. If but any one to behave indecently
stant attention to the
έπί την παρθένον αύτοΰ νομίζει, εάν LORD without distraction.
toward the virgin of himself thinks, if 36 But if any one think
ij ύπέρακμος, καΐ ούτως οφείλει γίνε- he acts improperly fin re-
ehe may be beyond age, and to i t is fitting to maining single, if he be
σθαι* ο Φέλει ποιείτω, ούχ άμαρτάνει· past age, and thus it is fit-
bo; what he wishes let him do, not he sins; ting to be married, let him
β7 do what he wishes, he sins
let the Who δέ
narry, "Οζ έ'στηκεν
but he has stoodεδραίος
settled έν
in not; f let them marry.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—32. he may please. 33. he may please his WIFE,—and
is divided. And the UNMARRIED WOMAN, even the VIRGIN, is concerned. 34. BODY
and in MIND. 34. the THINGS of the WORLD—omit. 34. she may please.
t 31. Probably a reference to the shifting scenes in a theatre. ± 3 5. An allusion
to a small casting net, something like the lasso of the South Americans, which was in
use among the Romans and Persians, to throw on the heads of their adversaries, and thus
entangle them, f 36. Parthenos, commonly translated virgin, has been rendered as
meaning also to state of virginity or celibacy, f 36. Many think—"let him marry"—
the true reading, which is supported by many MSS. However, there are different views
entertained by critics on the whole of this difficult passage; some referring it to the
power of fathers over their daughters; others to the young women dedicated to the service
of God in the primitive church, who were called virgins; and others again to young men,
who had renounced matrimony, and devoted themselves to the Lord. The latter view has
been adopted in the text.
$ 31. 1 John ii. 17. t 32. 1 Tim. v. 5.

Chap. 7:37.] I. CORINTHIANS [Chap. 8:6.
%r\ καρδίςι, μη έχων ανάγκην, έξουσίαν δε 37 But he who stands
the heart, not having necessity, control but firm in his HEART, not
έχει περί τοΰ ίδιου θελήματος, καΐ having Necessity, but has
has concerning the own will, anu Control over his OWN Will,
τοϋτο κέκρικεν εν %r\ καρδία αύτοΰ τοΰ and has determined this
this has resolved in the* the heart of himself the in his HEART, to maintain
τηρεϊν την έαυτοΰ παρθένον, καλώς ποιεί. H I S Celibacy, *does well.
to keep the himself virgin, well does. 38 so that even HE who
"Ωστε καΐ ό έκγαμίζων, καλώς ποιεί· *MARRIES, does w e 11;
So that evei. ho giving in marriage, well
does; b u t HE Who *MARRIES
και ό μη γαμίζων, κρεϊσσον ποιεί. Γυνή δέ-
and he not. marrying, better does. Λ wife is NOT, does better.
δεται ε φ ' δσον χρόνον ζχί ό άνήρ 39 $A Wife is bound
bound for so long a time may live the husband
as long as her HUSBAND
αυτής· εάν δε κοιμηϋχι ό άνήρ αύ- lives; but if *her HUS-
οι· her; if but should fall asleep the husband of BAND be deceased, she is
της, ελευθέρα εστίν φ θέλει γαμη- free to be married to whom
θήναι, μόνον έν Κυρίω. 40Μακαρκ ρα δε she pleases ;—$only in the
married, only in Lord." Happit Lord.
but 40 But she is happier,
έστιν, εάν οΰτω μείνχι, κατά
if thus if she should so remain,
she should* remain according to according to MY Judg-
τήν έμήν γνώμην δοκώ δε κάγώ πνεΰμα
the my judgment; I think and even I spirit ment ; *and I am certain
Θεού εχειν. that even I have the Spirit
of God to have. of God.
^ΠερΙ δε των είδωλοθύτων, οϊδα- 1 Now concerning the
Concerning and the things offered to Idols, we
μεν (δτι πάντες γνώσιν εχομεν
ή know," (Because $we all
know; (because all knowledge we have; the
have Knowledge. KNOW-
γνώσις φυσιοι ή δε αγάπη ο'ικοδομεί· LEDGE puffs up. but LOVE
wledge puffspuffs ui
up, the but love builds up; builds up.
εϊ * [ δ έ ] τις δοκεί είδέναι τι, 2 §If any one is con-
ούδέπω ουδέν εγνωκε καθώς δει γνώ- fident of knowing any-
not yet nothing he has known as It behooves to thing, he knows it *not
ναι· 3
ε1 δε τις άγαπφ τον Θεόν, yet as he ought to know.
have known; if but any should love the God, 3 But if any one love
ούτος έ'γνωσται ύπ' αύτοϋ·) 4
περ1 God, the same has been
this has been acknowledged by him;) concerning acknowledged by him.
της βρώσεως ούν των είδωλοθύτων, 4 Therefore, concerning
to β Q& t, IXXQ therefore ox-the things ore© red to i do 1the
s^ EATING of the IDOL-
οϊδαμεν, οτι ουδέν εϊδωλον έν κόσμφ, καΐ SACRIFICES, we know,)
we know, that nothing an idol in world, and That an $Image is noth-
δτι ουδείς Θεός έτερος, ει μή είς. ΚαΙ ing in the World, $and
that no one God other, If not one. Indeed That *no one is God but
γαρ εΐπερ είσΐ λεγόμενοι, θεοί, εϊτε έν one.
for though they are being called gods, whether in 5 For though there are,
ούρανφ, είτε έπΙ γης· (ώσπερ είσΐ θεοί indeed, $Gods so called,
whether in Heaven or
πολλοί, καΐ κύριοι πολλοί·) *[άλλ'] ήμίν on E a r t h ; (as they are
many, ana lords many;) LbutJ to us many Gods, and many
ρίς Θεός ό Πατήρ, έξ οδ τα πάντα Lords ;)
one God the Father, out of w h o m the all things, 6 yet to us there is but
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 7. shall do well. 38. MARRIES his VIRGIN shall do
well; and he who MARRIES not, shall do better. 39. the HUSBAND. 4 0. for I am.
2. But—omit. 2. not yet as. 4. no one is God but one. 6. but—omit.
t 3 9. Rom. vii. 2. ί 3 9 . 2 Cor. vi. 14. t 1. Acts xv. 2 0 , 2 9 ; 1 Cor. x. 19.
| 1. Bom. xiv. 14, 22. t 2. 1 Cor. xiii. 8, 9, 1 2 ; Gal. vi. 3 ; 1 Tim. vi. 4. $ 4.
Isn. xli. 2 4 ; 1 Cor. x. 19. $ 4. Deut. iv. 3 0 ; vi. 4; Isa. xliv. 8; Matt. xii. 2 9 ;
verse G; Eph. iv. C; 1 Tim. ii. 5. Ϊ 5. John x. 3 4.
Chap. 8:7.] I. CORINTHIANS [Chap. 9 : 1 .
και ημείς είς αυτόν καΐ είς Κύριος, Ίησοϋς $One God, t h e FATHER,
j o u t of whom a r e ALL
Χριστός, δι' οΰ τά πάντα, και things, a n d we for h i m ;
Anointed, through w h o7>
m the a l l things, a n d and $One Lord, Jesus
ημείς δι' αύτοΰ. Αλλ' οΰκ εν πασιν ή Christ, §through whom
we through h i m . But n o t In all the a r e ALL things, a n d we
γνώσις· τινές δέ τχϊ συνειδήσει τοΰ through him."
knowledge; some but in the conscience of the 7 B u t this KNOWLEDGE
ειδώλου έ'ως άρτι ώς είδωλόϋυτον έσΰίουσι, is n o t i n a l l ; a n d some,
idols t i l l ΐίοΛν & s off β r ©ci t o iin i d o l t l i e y β & t j
$with t h e *CONSCIOUS-
καΐ ή συνε'ιδησις αυτών, ασθενής ούσα, μο- N E S S of t h e IDOL t i l l n o w
{in d ί,ΐιο c o n s c i e n c e of t h e m y w c ίχκ Ιο Θ i G^ ^ is
8 eat a s of a n Idol-Sacrifice,
λύνεται. Βρώμα δέ ήμας ού παρ'ιστησι τ φ a n d t h e i r CONSCIENCE,
defiled. ~ " ' ' ........ . . .
Θεώ· ούτε * [γαρ] έάν φάγωμεν, περισ- being weak, $is defiled.
God·" neither Lfor] il we should eat, do we 8 "And | F o o d does n o t
σεύομεν ούτε έάν μή φάγωμεν, υστερούμε b r i n g us before GOD ;
abound; nor if not we should eat, a r e w< for * n e i t h e r if we should
ΰα. 9
Βλέπετε δέ, μήπως ή έξου- not eat, a r e we deficient,
defici - >ok - you but,. . .l e s t In any way the l i b e r - nor if we should e a t , d o
οία νμών αυτή πρόσκομμα γένηται we abound."
ty of you this a stumbling-block may become
9 B u t | t a k e care lest
in a n y way, t h i s your
τοις άσ&ενοΰσιν. 1 0 Έ ά ν γάρ τις ΐδη RIGHT become $a Stum-
to those being weak. If for any one may see bling-block to THOSE BE-
ci, τόν έχοντα γνώσιν, έν είδοολείω ING WEAK.
theOj tli© one Imviii^ know 1 θcl§©j i n &τχ ldol~"teinj)lo 10 F o r if a n y one should
κατακείμενον, ουχί ή συνείδησις αύτοΰ, άσ#ε- see *THEE who HAST
reclining, not the conscience of him, weak
Knowledge, reclining i n
•νους δντος, οίκοδομηθήσεται είς τό τά an Idol's temple, will n o t
being, w i l l be build up in order that the things $the CONSCIENCE of h i m
ε'ίδωλόθυτα έσθίει ; 3 1 κα1 άπολείται ό who is weak be strength-
ασθενών αδελφός ε π ί τχι ofj γ ν ώ σ ε ι ened for t h e EATING of

δι' δν Χριστός άπέθανεν. 12

11 *And will n o t t h e
δέ άμαρτάνοντες είς τους α δ ε λ φ ο ύ ς καΐ
WEAK Brother, on account
of whom Christ died, perish
but sinning Against the brethren find
τύπτοντες αυτών την συνείδησιν ασθενούσαν, by this T H Y Knowledge?
smiting of them the conscience being weak, 12 And t h u s sinning
Χριστόν άμαρτάνετε. Διόπερ εΐ βρώ- against t h e BRETHREN,
against Anointed you sin. Wherefore if food and smiting Their weak
μα σκανδαλίζει τόν άδελφόν μου, ού μή φα- CONSCIENCE, $you s i n
ensnares the brother of m e , not not I m a y
against Christ.
13 -Wherefore §if Food
γω κρέα είς τόν αιώνα, ινα μή τόν ensnare my BROTHER,
I will NEVER eat FLESH,
άδελφόν μου σκανδαλίσω, lest I should e n s n a r e m y
brother of me I may ensnare.
ΚΕΦ. ft'. 9. CHAPTER IX.
1 Am I not a Freeman?
Ούχ ε'ιμί ελεύθερος; ουκ ειμί απόστολος;
Not am I a freeman? not|Am I not an Apostle?
am I an apostle?
ΟύχΙ Ίησουν * [Χριστόν] τόν Κι^ριον ημών jllave I not seen Jesus
Not Jesus [Anointed] the Lord of us Christ our LORD? Are
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 7 . CUSTOM of the IDOL. 8. for—omit. 8. neither if
we should not eat, are we deficient, nor if we should eat, do we abound. 10. H I M who
HAS Knowledge. 1 1 . For by the KNOWLEDGES the WEAK Brother perishes, on account
of whom Christ died. 1. Anointed—omit.
% 6. Mai. ii. 1 0 ; Eph. iv. 6. % 6. Acts xvii. 2 8 ; Rom. xi. 36. % 6. John xiii.
1 3 ; Acts i i . 3 6 ; 1 Cor. x i i . 3 ; E p h . iv. 5 ; P h i l . i i . 1 1 . $ 6 . Col. i. 1 6 ; Heb.
i. 2. ί 7. 1 Cor. x. 2 8 , 2 9 . t 7. Rom. xiv. 1 4 , 2 3 . % 8. Rom. xiv. 1 7 . t 9.
Gal. v . 1 3 . % 9. Rom. xiv. 1 3 , 2 0 . % 1 0 . 1 Cor. x. 2 8 , 3 2 . % 12. Matt. xxv.
40. 45. t 13. Rom. xiv. 2 1 ; 2 Cor. x i . 2 9 . $ 1. Acts ix. 1 5 ; xiii. 2, &c. $ 1.
Acts ix. 3, 17, &c.

Chap. 9:2.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 9:12.
έώρακα; ού τό έργον μου ύμεϊς έστε εν not you my WORK in t h e
Κυρίφ; 2Εί άλλοις ούκ είμι απόστολος, άλλα 2 If to others I am not
Lord?" If t oo t h e r s n o t I am an a p o s t l e , a t a l l an
Apostle, yet certainly
γε ύμίν ειμί· ή γαρ σφραγίς της έμής I am to you; for you are
events to you I am; the for seal of the my t t h e SEAL of *My APOS-
αποστολής ύμείς έστε έν Κυρίφ. Ή έμή TLESHIP in the Lord.
apostleship you are in Lord. The my
3 MY Defence to THOSE
απολογία τοις έμέ άνακρίνουσιν, αΰτη εστί. who CONDEMN Me is
defence to those me condemning) tills is· this ; —
Μή οΰκ εχομεν έξουσίαν φαγεϊν καΐ πι- 4 $Have we not a
Not not have we a right to eat and to Right to eat and t o
είν; 5 Μ ή ούκ εχομεν έξουσίαν άδελφήν γυναί- drink?
drink? Not not have w e a right a sister a wife 5 Have we not a Right
κα περιάγειν, ώς καΐ ot λοιποί απόστολοι, to lead about a Sister—•
to lead about, as aleo the others apostles, a Wife, as the OTHER
Apostles, and $the BRO-
«al ol αδελφοί τοϋ Κυρίου, καΐ Κηφας; 6 " Ι ί THERS of the LORD, and
nxiot tlie brothers ο ι tlie L ο ι* (3 > & ii d ΐ\. Ρ Ό h Ά S · Ο$Cephas?
μόνος έγώ καΐ Βαρνάβας ούκ εχομεν έξουσί- 6 Or I and Barnabas,
only του Χ μή
ziud έργάξεσθαι;
B&mnb&s n o t li&v©
ΤΙς W6 & rijjiiL
$have we alone no Right
of the not to work? Who serves in war
*to abstain from labor?
ιδίοις δψωνίοις ποτέ; τΙς φυτεΐ'ει 7 |Wlio serves in war
ι wages any time?
with "his who plants at his Own Expense a t
αμπελώνα, καΐ *[έκ] του καρποϋ αύτοϋ ούκ any time? Who ^plants
a vineyard, and [from] of the fruit of i t not a Vineyard, and does not

έσθίει; ή τΙς ποιμαίνει ποίμνην, καΐ εκ τοΰ eat the FRUIT of i t ? or

who tends a Flock, and
γάλακτος της ποίμνης ούκ έσθίει; 8Μή
does not eat of the MILK
milk of the of the FLOCK?
κατά ανθρωπον flock not
8 Do I speak These eats? Not
according to man th :α λαλώ; ^ ουχί
things according to Man ?
or does not the LAW also
ings I speak? or not
say these things ?
καΐ ό νόμος ταΰτα λέγει; 9 Έ ν γαρ τω 9 For in the LAW of
Μωϋσέως νόμω γέγραπται· Ού φιμώ- MOSES it has been writter
i"Thou shalt not muzzle
σεις 6οΰν άλοώντα. Μή τών 6οών "the Ox threshing." Is
GOD concerned for OXEN ?
shalt muzzle an ox threshing. Not for the oxen
10 or does he say i t
10 altogether on our account 9
μέλει τώ Θεώ; ή δι' ήμας πάντως It was written certainly,
on our account; Because
δτι έπ' έλπίδι
Δι' οφείλει
ήμας γαρό άροτριών άρο- it is right for the JPLOW-
because in hope it is right he plowing to
MAN to plow in Hope, and
τριάν καΐ ό άλοών, έπ' έλπίδι τοΰ the THRESHER to PARTI-
plow; and he threshiug, in
hope of that CIPATE in t h a t Hope.
τέχειν. η μ ε ί ς ύμΐν τά πνευματικά 11 $If we have sown
partake. to you the
spiritual things for you SPIRITUAL things,
έσπείραμεν, μέγα, ει ημείς υμών τά
is it too much if we
shall reap your FLESHLY
σαρκικά Φερίσομεν; Εί άλλοι
things ? της υμών
fleshly things shall reap? If others of the of you 12 If others are partak-
εξουσίας μετέχουσιν, ού μάλλον ημείς; •Αλλ' ing of this Right over
right partake, not rather we? But you, ought not we rather?
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. My APOSTLESHIP. 6. to abstain from labor. 7. from
$ 2. 2 Cor. iii. 2 ; xii. 12. t 4. verse 1 4 ; 1 Thess ii. 6 ; 2 Thess. iii. 9. ί 5.
Matt. xiii. 5 5 ; Mark vi. 3 ; Luke vi. 1 5 ; Gal. i . 19. t 5. Matt. viii. 14. t 6.
2 Thess. iii. 8. $ 7. 2 Cor. x. 4 ; 1 Tim. i. 1 8 ; vi. 1 2 ; 2 Ti-n. i ! . 3 ; ir. 7. t 7.
Dent. xx. 6 ; Prov. xxvii. I S ; 1 Cor. i i . 6-8. t 9. Deut. xxv. 4 ; 1 Tim. v. I S .
$ 10. 2 Tim. ii. 6. $ l l . T . o m . xv. 2 7 ; Gal. vi. 6.
Chap. 9:13.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 9:20.
ούκ έχρησάμεθα τη εξουσία ταύτττ άλλα πάν- §But we did not use this
not we did use the right thls; but all RIGHT ; but we endure all
τα στέγομεν, Ινα μή έγκοπήν τίνα δώ- things, $that we may not
things we endure, so that not hindrance any we cause any Hindrance to
μεν τω εύαγγελίω τοϋ Χριστοί). 13Ούκ the GLAD TIDINGS of the
οΐδατε, δτι ol τά Ιερά εργαζόμενοι, 13 $Do you not know
That THOSE who PER-
έκ τοΰ o φ FORM the TEMPLE SER-
from of the Ιεροΰ temple έσθίουσιν;
eat? ol
thoso to the VICES, eat from the TEM-
θυσιαστήρια» προσεδρεύοντες, τω θυσιαστηρίω PLE ? 1 h a t THOSE AT-
altar * attending, with the altar TENDING to the ALTAR
συμμερίζονται; 14Ουτω καΐ ό Κύριος διέ- are partakers with the
ore partakers? Thuu also the Lord has ALTAR ?
τάξε τοις τό εΰαγγέλιον καταγγέλ- 14 Thus, also, $the
λουσιν, εκ τοΰ εύαγελίου ζην. 1 5 Έ γ ώ LOUD has appointed to
δε ου κέχρημαι ούδενΐ τούτων. Ούκ GLAD TIDINGS, §to live by
£γρα·ψα δέ ταΰτα, tva οΰτω γένη- 15 $But I have not
I did write and these things, that thus i t may be used any of these things ;
ται έν έμο'ι· καλόν γάρ μοι μάλλον άπο- and I did not write these
things that thus it should
Φανείν, η1 τό καύχημα μου ίνα τις κε- be done to m e ; $for it
die, than the boasting of m e that any one should is good for me to die,
Έ ά ν γάρ εΰαγγελίζωμαι, rather than that any one void. If for I may announce glad tidings should make my BOAST-
ούκ έ'στι μοι καύχημα· ανάγκη γάρ ING void.
16 For if I should
μοι επίκειται· ούαΐ γάρ μοί έστιν, έάν μή evangelize, it is no cause
of exultation to me; $be-
εΰαγγελίζωμαι. 17
ΕΙ γάρ εκών τοΰτο cause Necessity is laid on
Me ; Woe, indeed, there is
πράσσω, μισθόν εχω· ε'ι άκων, for me if I should not
18 17 For if I do This
οίκονομίαν πεπίστευμαι. ΤΙς οδν
voluntarily, §1 have a
Reward ; but if §1 have
μοί έστιν ό μισθός; "Ινα εΰαγγελιζόμε-
reward? So that announcing glad been entrusted with a
Stewardship reluctantly,
νος άδάπανον θήσω τό εύαγγέ- 18 what is my Reward
t i d i n g s w i t h o u t expense I w i l l p l a c e t h e glad
then? So that evangelizing,
λιον *[τοΰ Χρίστου,] εις τό μή κα- I will establish the GLAD
tidings fof til Θ Α. no i n t Θ d| ] in order tliii t 1101 toTIDINGS without expense,
ταχρήσασθαι τχ\ εξουσία μου έν τ φ εύαγ- so as to USE my entire
fullyuse the authority of me in the glad
γελίω. 1 8 Έλεύθερος γάρ ων έκ πάντων, jrcl· TIDINGS.
19 For, being free from
οιν έμαυτόν έδούλωσα, ίνα τους πλείονας all, I enslaved myself to

all, t h a t I might gain the
κερδήσω* κα1 έγενόμην τοις Ίουδαί- more.
I might sain; and I became to the 20 And ito the J E W :
οις ώς 'Ιουδαίος, ίνα 'Ιουδαίους κερδήσω· I became as a Jew, that
ι Jew, that Je-w I might gain; I might gain the Jews ; to

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 8 . of the Anointed—omit.

ί 12. Acts xx. 3 8 ; verses 15, 1 8 ; 2 Cor. xi. 7, 9 ; xii. 1 3 ; 1 Thess i i . 6. t 12.
2 Cor. xi. 12. % 13. Lev. vi. 1 6 , 2 6 ; vii. 6 ; Num. v. 1 0 ; xviii. 8-20; Deut. x.
9 ; xviii. 1. $ 1 4 . Matt. x. 1 0 ; Luke x. 7. t 3 4. Gal. vi. 6 ; 1 Tim. v. 17. ί 15.
Acts xviii. 3 ; xx. 3 4 ; 1 Cor. iv. 1 2 ; verse 1 2 ; 1 Thess. ii. 9 ; 2 Thcss. iii. 8. t 15.
2 Cor. xi. 10. ί 16. Rom i. 14. $ 17. 1 Cor. iii. 8, 14. $ 17. 1 Cor. iv. 1 ; G a l .
ii. 7; Phil. i. 1 7 ; Col. i . 2 5 . $ 1 8 . 1 Cor. x. 3 3 ; 2 Cor. iv. 5 ; xi. 7. $ 20.
Acts xvi. 3 ; xviii. 1 8 ; x x i . 2 3 .
Chap. 9:21.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 9:27.
τοις υπό νόμον ώς ύπό νόμον, (μη ών THOSE UNDER Law, as
to those under law as under law, (not being under Law, (not being
αυτός ύπό νόμον,) ίνα τους ύπό νόμον κερ- myseJf under Law,)that
myself under law,) that those under law I might I might gain THOSE UN-
δήσω* 21 τοϊς άνόμοις ώς άνομος, (μη DER Law ;
gain; to those without law as without law, (not 21 to THOSE WITHOUT
ων άνομος Θεφ, αλλ' έ'ννομος Χρι- LAW, as without Law,(yet
not being *without God's
being without law to God, but within 22law to Law, but under Christ's
στω,) Ινα κερδήσω ανόμους· έγενό-
Anointed,) that I might gain lawless ones; I be- law,) that I might gain
μην τοις άσθενέσιν * [ώς] ασθενής, ινα THOSE WITHOUT LAW.
22 To the WEAK, I be-
τους ασθενείς κερδήσω· τοις πάσι , . came weak, that I might
the w e a k ones I m i g h t g a i n ; t o t h e m a l l I have gain the WEAK ; §to them
να τά πάντα, ίνα πάντως τινάς ALL I have become *A11
become t h e a l l things, that by a l l means some things, that I might by all
means $save ±Some.
<τώσα>. ^Τοΰτο δέ ποιώ διά τό εύαγ- 23 And I do *all things
I may save. This but I do on account of the glad on account of ±the GLAD
TIDINGS, that I may be-
γέλιον, ϊνα συγκοινωνός αύτοΰ γένωμαι. come a Joint-partaker of
tidings, that & co-partner of it I may become. the same.
24 Do you not know,
Ούκ οϊδατε, δτι ot έν σταδίω τρέχοντες, that THOSE RUNNING in a
Race-course,—all indeed
πάντες μέν τρέχουσιν, είς δέ λαμβάνει τό run, but one receives the
θραβείον; Οΰτω τρέχετε, Ινα καταλάβητε. PRIZE? $Thus run, that
prize? Thus run you, that you may obtain. you may obtain.
δέ ό αγωνιζόμενος, πάντα έγκρατευε- 25 §And EVERY COM-
l)U t til© contendingi nil things possesses BATANT is ± temperate in all
ται· εκείνοι μέν οΰν, ίνα φθαρ- things ;—they, i n d e e d ,
that they may receive fa
τόν στέφανον λάβωσιν ημείς δέ, άφθαρ- Perishable Crown ; but we,
§one Imperishable.
χον. Έ γ ώ τοίνυν οΰτω τρέχω, ώς ούκ άδτι- 26 I therefore so run,
perlshable. I therefore thus run, as not un- as not uncertainly; I so
λως· οδτω πυκτεύω, ώς ούκ αέρα δέρων strike, as not beating the
certainly; thus I box, a s not a i r beating; Air;
άλλ* ύπωπιάζω μου τό σώμα καΐ δουλα- 27 $but I severely dis-
but I browbeat of me the body and lead it cipline My BODY, §and
make it subservient; lest
γωγώ, μήπως άλλοις κηρύξας, possibly, having proclaim-
captive, lest possibly to others having proclaimed, ed to Others, I myself
αυτός αδόκιμος γένωμαι. should §become one un-
myself without proof should become. approved.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 1 . without God's law, but under Christ's law, that I
might gain THOSE WITHOUT LAW. 22. as—omit. 22. All things. 23. all things.
± 2 2 . Some important MSS, read pantos, all, instead of Unas, some, which reading is
adopted by Pearce and Wakefield as agreeing better with chap. x. 33. ± 2 3 . Clarke
thinks that to evangggelion, glad tidings, should be rendered prize or reward, which he
says is frequently its meaning. ± 2 5. The apostle here alludes to the course of
training to which each was subjected, who contended for the prizes given at the Isthmian
games, which were celebrated among the Corinthians. The training regulated their diet,
their hours of exercise and rest, the restraint of the passions, the kind of exercise, &c. *
± 2 5 . The crown won by the victor, in the Olympian games was made of the wild olive;
in the Pythian games, of laurel, in the Numean games, of parsley; and in the Isthmian
games, of the pine;—all of which, though evergreens, soon withered.
t 22. 1 Cor. x. 33. t 22. Bom. xi. 14. t 2 4. Gal. ii. 2 ; v. 7; Phil. i i . 1 6 ;
i i i . 1 4 ; 2 Tim. iv. 7; Heb. xii. 1. t 25. 2 Tim. ii. 5. $ 25. 2 Tim. iv. 3 ; James
i. 1 2 ; 1 Pet. v. 4 ; Kev. ii. 10; iii. 11. $ 27. Rom. viii. 1 3 ; Col. iii. 5. Ϊ 27.
Eom. vi. 18, 19. $ 2 7. Jer. vi. 3 0 ; 2 Cor. xiii. 5, 6.

Chap. 10:1.] I. CORINTHIANS. {Chap. 10:10.
ΚΕΦ. ι', ίο. CHAPTER X.
*Οΰ θέλω γαρ υμάς άγνοείν, αδελφοί, 1 For I wish you not
to be ignorant, Brethren.
οτι ol πατέρες ημών πάντες ύπό την νεφέλην That our FATHERS were
that tliΘ fathers of u.9 3.11 under the cloud all under $the CLOUD,
fjaav, καΐ πάντες δια της θαλάσσης διηλθον, and all passed through
Jthe SEA ;
κα1 πάντες εις τον Μωνσήν έβαπτ'ισαντο έν 2 and that all were im-
and all into the Moses were dipped in
mersed into Moses in the
x\\ νεφέλη καΐ έν xr[ θαλασσή, 3 και πάντες το CLOUD and in the SEA ;
the cloud"and in the sea, and a l l the 3 and that all ate §the
αυτό βρώμα πνευματικόν έ'φαγον, 4κα1 πάντες SAME fspiritual Food,
tame food spiritual did eat, and all
4 and all drank $the
το αυτό πόμα πνευματικόν επιον* (έ'πινον SAME spiritual Drink ; foi
the same drink spiritual did drink; (they drank they drank [water] from
γαρ έκ πνευματικής ακολουθούσης πέτρας· ή a Spiritual Rock which
tor from spiritual following a rock; the followed them; (but the
δέ πέτρα fjv Χριστός·) άλλ* ούκ έν ROCK was the ANOINTED.)
but rock was Anointed;) but not with
5 Wth the MOST of
τοις πλείοσιν αυτών εύδόκησεν ό them, however, GOD was
the greater number of them was well-pleased the not well-pleased ; $f ο r
θεός· κατεστροόθησαν γαρ έν τη έρημο). they were laid prostrate
Ciod* they "W β Γ Θ 1 £L i d prostriittj for iix the the DESERT.
Ταΰτα δέ τΰποι ημών έγενήθησαν, είς G Now these things
These thin 9 but types of us were made, i were made f Types for us,
το μή είναι ήμας έπιθυμητάς κακών, καθώς in order that we might
that not to be us lusters of evil things, as not be Cravers after Evil
είδωλολάτραι things, Jeven as they
κάκεΐνοι έπεθύμησαν. Μηδέ
even they lusted. Nor image-worshippers craved.
γίνεσθε, καθώς τίνες αυτών» ώς γέγραπ- 7 Nor become you Im-
becomo you, as somo of them; as i t has leen
age-worshippers, like some
of them ; as it has been
ται· Έκάθισεν ό λαός φαγείν καΐ πιείν, written, §"The PEOPLE
καΐ άνέστησαν παίζειν. δΜηδέ πορνεύωμεν, "fsat down to eat and
*ηα stood up to sport. Nor should we fornicate, "drink, and stood up to
χαθώς τίνες αυτών έπόρνευσαν, καΐ έ'πεσον 8 Nor should we prac-
tise fornication as some of
έν μιφ ημέρα είκοσιτρεΐς χιλιάδες.
Μηδέ them committed it, $and
fell in One Day twenty-
έκπειράζωμεν τόν Χριστόν, καθώς *[καί] three thousand.
9 Nor should we tempt
τίνες αυτών έπείρασαν, και ύπό τών δφεων *the LORD, $as some of
them tempted him, and
Μηδέ γογγύζετε, καθώς [καί] were destroyed by the
were destroyed. Nor murmur you, as Calsoj SERPENTS.
τίνες αυτών έγόγγυσαν, κ α ι άπώλοντο ύπό 10 Neither murmur you,
some of them murmured, and were destroyed by

§as some of them mur-
του όλοθρευτοΰ. Ταΰτα δέ πάντα τΰποι mured, | a n d were des-
the destroyer. These things and a l l types stroyed by the DESTROYER.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—9. the LOED. 9. also—omit. 10. also—omit.
± 3. Or perhaps to be used in the sense of typical. See Rev. xi. 8. ± 6. A type,
figure, pattern, or example. The same phrase occurs, 1 Pet. v. 3. ± 7. In ancient
times the Hebrews always sat at meat, Gen. xliii. 33. It was in later times only, that,
in compliances with the manners of the Greeks and Romans, they lay on couches at their
t 1. Exod. xiii. 2 1 ; xi. 34-3d, &c. ί 1. Exod. xiv. 2 2 ; Num. xxxiii. 8, &c. ί 3 .
Exod. xvi. 1 5 , 3 5 . ί 4 . Exod. xvii. 6. t 5. Num. xiv. 2 9 . 3 2 , 3 5 ; xxvi. 6 4 , 6 5 ;
Psa. cvi. 2 6 ; H e b . i i i . 1 7 ; Jude 5. $ 6. Num. xi. 4 , 3 3 , 3 4 ; P s a . cvi. 14. $ 7.
Exod. xxxii. 6 . $ 8 . N u m . xxv. 1, 9 : P s a . cvi. 2 9 . t 9. Exod. xvii. 2, 7 ; Num.
xxi. 4-6. t 10. Exod. xvi. 2 ; xvii. 2 ; Num. xiv. 2 , 2 9 ; xvi. 4 1 . $ 10. Num. xiv.
3 7 ; xvi.4 9 .

Chap. 10:11.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 10:20.
συνέβαινον έκείνοις· έγράφη δέ προς
11 *But these things
occurred to them typically,
νουθεσίαν ημών, είς ους τα τέλη των αΙώνων and $were written for our
ftdmonitiof on ^vtioxo tiio end of too &§GS Admonition, on whom the
1 2us
καντήτησεν. "Ωστε ό δοκών έστά- ENDS of the AGES *have
inet. So that the one thinking t o have come.
ναι. βλεπέτω μή πέση. 12 Wherefore, $let HIM
stood, l e t him take care lest he should f a n . who is THINKING that he
Πειρασμός υμάς ουκ εϊληφεν ει μή άνθρώ- lias stood, take care lest
Δ temptation you not has taken if not belonging he fall.
πινος· πιστός δέ ό Θεός, δς ουκ έά- 13 No Trial has assailed
t o m a n ; ; f a i t h f u l b u t t h e G o d , w h o n o t w i l l You except what belongs
σει ΰμας πειρασθήναι υπέρ δ δύνασθε,
p e r m i t you t o be tempted above what you are able, to Man ; and GOD is faith-
ful, $who will not permit
αλλά ποιήσει συν τω πειρασμω και την
but w i l l make w i t h the t e m p t a t i o n also the you to be tried beyond
your ability; but with
έ'κβασιν, του δΰνασθαι ΰπενεγκείν. the TRIAL, will also direct
way out, that you may be able t o bear up under.
the ISSUE, that you may
Διόπερ, αγαπητοί
μου, φεύγετε.άπό της be ABLE to bear it.
14 Wherefore, my Be-
v^liereforΘ^ beloved ones of ιχιβ^ flee you from tlie
είδωλολατρείας. ^ Ώ ς φρονίμοις λέγω, κρί- loved, §flee away from
i.XXXSL^G~wοrsliiρ» A s t o \yi sθ ixien I spetite· jud^e IMAGE-WORSHIP.
•νατε ύμείς δ φημί. Τ ό ποτήριον της 15 I am speaking as
you what I say. The cup of the
to wise men; judge you
ευλογίας ο εΰλογοϋμεν, ουχί κοινωνία what I say.
16 $The CUP of PRESS-
του αίματος του Χρίστου έστι; τόν άρτον ING, for which we bless
of t h e blood i s i t ? t h e l o a f God,—is it not a Partici-
of t h e A n o i n t e d
pation of the BLOOD of the
8v κλώμεν, ουχί κοινωνία τοΰ σώμα- A N O I N T E D one ? $ Τ h e
which we break, not a p a r t i c i p a t i o n of the body LOAF which we break,—
17 is it not a Participation of
tog τοΰ Χρίστου έστιν; "Οτι είς άρτος, the BODY of the ANOINTED
?ν σώμα ol πολλοί έσμέν ol γαρ πάντες εκ one?
one body th& ΙΪΙflTiy *wθ ΑΓΘΪ tlieso for & 11 fΓΟΙΪΙ.
17 Because there is
One Loaf, $we, the MANY,
τοΰ ενός δρτου μετέχομεν. Βλέπετε τόν are One Body ; for we ALL
of the one loaf partake. See you the partake of the ONE Loaf.
18 Look at ISRAEL ac-
'Ισραήλ κατά σάρκα· ουχί ol έσΜοντες cording to the Flesh ; are
not THOSE |who EAT the
τάς Φυσίας κοινωνοί τοΰ θυσιαστηρίου είσί; SACRIFICES Partakers with
the ALTAR?
ΤΙ οΰν φημί; δτι είδωλο ν έστιν; τί
19 Why then do I affirm
Why then do I say? because an idol anything is? this? Because *what is
Ά λ λ ' , sacrificed to an image is
§ δτι είδωλόθυτόν τι έστιν;
or because an idol sacrifice anything Is? But, anything, or Because $an
Image is anything?
δτι &. θύει τά έ'θνη, δαιμονίοις
because what sacrifice the G e n t i l e s , t o demons 20 No; but Because
w h a t * t h e y sacrifice,
Φύει, καΐ ου Θεω· ού θέλω δέ υμάς |they sacrifice to Demons,
they sacrifice, and not t o God; not I wish and youand not to God ; and I do
not wish you to become
κοινωνούς των δαιμονίων γίνεσθαι. ^Ού δύ-Associates of the DEMONS.

* VATICAN MANITSOKIPT.—11. But these things occurred to them typically. 1 1 .

have come. 19. what is sacrificed to an image is anything, or Because an Image i s
anything? 20. they sacrifice, they.
t 11. Rom. xiv. 4 ; 1 Cor. ix. 10. t 12. Rom. xi. 20. t 1 3 . 2 P e t . ii. 9 .
$ 1 4 . verse 7 ; 2 Cor. vi. 1 7 ; 1 John v. 21 ί 16. Matt. xxvi. 26-28. $ 16. Acts i i .
4 2 ; 1 Cor. xi. 23, 24. t 17. Rom. xii. 5 ; 1 Cor. xii. 27. t 18. Lev. Hi. 3 ; vii. 1 5 .
t 1 9 . 1 Cor. viii. 4 . $ 2 0 . Lev. xvii. 7 ; Deut. xxxii. 1 7 ; Psa. cvi. 3 7.

Chap. 10:21.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 10:31.
νασθβ ποτήριον Κυρίου πίνειν καΐ ποτήριον 21 $You cannot drink
are able a cup of Lord to drink and a cup the Lord's Cup, and $the
δαιμονίων ού δύνασθε τραπέζης Κυρίου με- Cup of Demons ; you can-
of demons; not you are able a table of Lord to not partake of the Lord's
τέχειν καΐ τραπέζης δαιμονίων. ^ ' Ή παρα- Table, and t h e Table of
partako and a table of demons. Or do we Demons.
ζηλοϋμεν τον Κύριον; μη Ισχυρότεροι αύ- 22 Do we provoke the
LORD to jealousy? Are we
τοΰ έσμεν; 2 3 Πάντα έ'ξεστιν, άλλ' ούstronger than he ?
him we are? All things i t is lawful, but not 23 §"A11 things are al-
πάντα συμφέρει· πάντα εξεστιν, lowed."—But all things
a l l things are beneficial; a l l things It is lawful, are not beneficial. "All
άλλ' ού πάντα οικοδομεί. 24ΜηδεΙς τό all things are allowed."—But
but not a l l things builds up. No one that
things do not edify.
δαύτου ζητείτω, αλλά τό του έτερου. HIS24 OWN, §Let no one seek
but that of
25 l e t him seek, but that of the other.
Πάν τό έν μακέλλω πωλουμενον έσθίετε, ANOTHER.
Every thing that in market is being sold eat you,
μηδέν άνακρινοντες, διά τήν συνείδησιν which is SOLD in the
τοΰ γάρ Κυρίου ή γη καΐ τό πλήρωμα Market, asking no ques-

of the for Lord the earth and the

tions on account of CON-
αυτής. El * [δε] τις καλεί υμάς τών 26 for $"the EARTH is
"the Lord's, and the FUL-
άπιστων, καΐ θέλετε πορεύεσθαι, παν τό "NESS of it."
Unbelieving, and you wish to go, everything that
παρατιθέμενον ύμίν έσθίετε, μηδέν άνακρίνον- invite you, and you wish
is being presented to you eat you, not asking ques-
to go, §eat EVERYTHING
τες, διά τήν συνείδησιν. 2 8 Έάν δέ which is PRESENTED to
tions, on account of the conscience. If but you, asking no questions
τις ύμίν ειπη· Τοΰτο είδωλόθυτόν ο n account o f C O N -
Any one to you should say; This an idol sacrifice SCIENCE.

£οτι· μή έσθίετε, δι' εκείνον τόν μηνύ- say28 to

But if any one should
you, "This is *an
σαντα, καΐ τήν συνείδησιν. 29Συνείδησιν eat §on account of HIM
jug ciisclosGCij iincl the conscience· Conscience who INFORMED you, and
δέ λέγω, ουχί τήν έαυτοΰ, αλλά τήν τουCONSCIENCE.
now I say, not that of thyself, but 29 Now, I say Con-
that of the

ετέρου. ΊνατΙ γάρ ή ελευθερία μου κρί- science, not THAT of thine
other. Why for the freedom of me is ownself, but THAT of the
OTHER. $"But why is
νεται ύπό άλλης συνειδήσεως; 30ΕΙ έγώ χάριτι my FREEDOM judged by
judged by another conscience? If I by favor the Conscience of Ano-
μετέχω, τΐ βλασφημούμαι υπέρ oh έγώther?
partake, why am I blamed on account of which I 30 If I partake with
ευχαριστώ; 31Εϊτε οΰν έσθίετε, είτε πίνετε, Gratitude, why am I de-
give thanks? Whether then you eat, or you drink, famed on account of that
$for which I give thanks?'*
είτε τι ποιείτε, πάντα εις δόξαν Θεοΰ 31 ^Therefore, whether
or anything you do, a l l things for glory of God you eat, or whether you

ποιείτε. 32Άπρόσκοποι γίνεσθε καΐ Ίου- All drink, or do anything, do

for the Glory of God.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 8 . offered in sacrifice.
$ 2 1 . 2 Cor. vi. 15,16. ί 21. Deut. xxxii. $ 23. 1 Cor. vi. 12. $
Rom. xv. 1, 2 ; v. 3 3 ; 1 Cor. xiii. 5 ; Phil. ii. 4, 21. t 25. 1 Tim. iv. 4. $ 26.
Exod. xix. 5 ; Dent. x. 1 4 ; Psa. xxiv. 1; 1, 12. % 27. Luke x. 7. % 28. 1 Cor,
viii. 10, 12. $ 2 9. Bora. xiv. 16. t 3 0. ~ " 6
Horn, xiv. " ; 1 Tim. iv.
· 3,- 4.
. - - Col.
%, .31. _.
iii. 1 7 ; 1 P e t . iv. 1 1 .
CHap. 10:32.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 11:8.
δαίοις καΐ "Ελλησι καΐ τη έκκλησίςι τοϋ 32 §Be you inoffensive
Jews and Greeks and to the congregation of the both to Jews and Greeks,
θεοΰ* 33καθώς κάγώ πάντα πάσιν αρέσκω, and $to the CHURCH of
God; even as also I a l l t h i n g s a l l m e n p l e a s e , GOD;
μή ζητών τό έμαυτοΰ συμφέρον, άλλα 33 even as §1 also
not seeking that of myself being profitable, but please all men in all
τό των πολλών, ίνα σωθώσι. things, not seeking MY
that of the many, that they may be saved.
OWN Advantage, but THAT
of the MANY, so that they
ΚΕΦ. ι α \ 11. may be saved.
ΜιμηταΙ μου γίνεσθε, καθώς κάγώ Χρι- CHAPTER XI.
Imitators of me become you, even as also I of
crov. Έπαινώ δέ υμάς, * [αδελφοί,] δτι
1 Become ^Imitators
: of
Anointed. I praise and you, [brethren,] because
me, even as also am of
πάντα μου μέμνησθε, καΐ καθώς Christ.
all things of me you have remembered, and as 2 And, Brethren, I
παρέδωκα ΰμίν τάς παραδόσεις κατέχετε. praise you, ^Because you
I delivered to you the traditions) you retain. have remembered all My
θέλω δέ ύμας είδέναι, ότι παντός [instructions,] and retain
I wish but you 1 > have knowledge, that of every the OBSERVANCES as I
ανδρός ή κεφαλή 6 Χριστός έστι· κεφαλή δέ delivered them to you.
man the head the Anointotl is; head but
3 But I wish you to
γυναικός, δ άνήρ· κεφαλή head
δέ Χρίστου, ό
but of Anointed, the know, $That the ANOIN-
of woman, the man; TED is HEAD of Every
Θεός. 4 Πάς άνήρ προσευχόμενος η* προφη- Man; and the plead of
τεύων κατά κεφαλής ε'χων, καταισχύνει τήν $the Head the
Woman, MAN ; and
of the Anointed,
esying upon head having, disgraces the GOD.
5 4 Every Man praying
κεφαλήν αύτοΰ. Πάσα δέ γυνή προσευχο- or prophesying, having
1 his Head covered, dis-
μένη η προφητεύουσα άκατακαλύπτω χχ\ κε- graces his HEAD ;
or prophesying uncovered with the 5 but Every Woman
φαλχί, καταισχύνει τήν κεφαλήν εαυτής· gv praying or prophesying
head, disgraces the head of herself; one
γάρ έστι καΐ τό αυτό τη with her HEAD uncovered,
έξυρημένχι. disgraces her HEAD ; for
ΕΙ γάρ ού κατακαλύπτεται γυνή, καΐ κειρά- it is just the same as if it

were SHAVEN.
θ εΐ δέ αίσχρόν γυναικί τό 6 For if a Woman be
hair be cut off; If but a disgrace unveiled, *let her hair
1 also be cut off or shaven;
κείρασθαι η ξυρασθαι, κατακαλυπτέσθω. but if it is $Disgracef ul to
7hair toil)e cut-off or to be shaven lether be covered. a Woman to have her
Άνήρ μέν γάρ ουκ οφείλει κατακαλύ- HAIR CUT OFF, or to be
Α man indeed for not It is fitting
to be covered shaven, let her be veiled.
πτεσθαι τήν κεφαλήν, είκών καΐ δόξα θε- 7 Now a Man, indeed,
the head, a likeness and glory of ought not to cover the
ου υπάρχων γυνή δέ δόξα ανδρός έστιν HEAD, h e b e i n g God's
God being; a woman but glory of a man Is; Glorious Likeness; but
ού γάρ έστιν άνήρ έκ γυναικός, αλλά γυνή Woman is Man's Glory;

not for is man from woman, but woman

8 §for Man is not from
έξ ανδρός* Ρκα1 γάρ οΰκ έκτίσθη άνήρ Woman, but Woman from
from man; even for not was created man Man;

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 . brethren—omit. 6. let her hair also be cut off or shaven.

t 32. Rom. xiv. 1 3 ; 1 Cor. viii. 1 3 ; 2 Cor. vi. 3. t 32. Acts xx. 2 8 ; 1 Cor. xi. 22.
t 3 3 . Rom. xv. 2; 1 Cor. ix. 19, 22. $ 1. 1 Cor. iv. 16; Eph. v. 1; Phil. ill. 1 7 ;
IThess. i. 6; 2 Thess. iii. 9. $ 2. 1 Cor. iv. 17. ί 3. Eph. v. 23. t 3. Gen. i i i .
16; 1 Tim. i i . 11, 12; 1 P e t . i i i . 1, 5, 6. $ 3 . John xiv. 2 8 ; 1 Cor. i i i . 2 3 ;
xv. 2 7 , 2 8 ; Phil. ii. 7-9. t 6. Num. v. 18; Deut. xxii. 5. $ 8. Gen. ii. 2 1 , 2 2 .
Chap. 11:9.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap 11:19.
δια την γυναίκα, άλλα γυνή δια 9 $for Man also was not
on account of the woman, but woman on account of created for the WOMAN,
10 but Woman for the MAN.
τον άνδρα. Διά τοΰτο οφείλει ή
10 Therefore the WO-
tho man. On account of this it is fitting the MAN ought $to have ±Au-
γυνή έξουσ'ιαν εχειν επί της κεφαλής, δια
woman authority to have on the head, on account of tliority on the HEAD, on
τους αγγέλους. ^ Π λ ή ν ούτε γυνή χωρίς account of the ANGELS.
the messengers. But neither woman without 11 However, ^neither
ανδρός, οΰτε άνήρ χωρίς γυναικός, έν Κυρίφ. is Woman without Man,
man, nor man without woman, in Lord. nor Man without Woman
in the Lord.
"Ωσπερ γάρ ή γυνή εκ τοΰ ανδρός, οΰτω 12 For as the WOMAN
καΐ ό άνήρ δια της γυναικός* τά δέ πάν- is from the MAN, SO also
a l s o t h e m a n through the woman; the but a l l the MAN is by the WO-
τα εκ τοΰ Θεοΰ. 1 3 Έ ν ύμίν αύτοίς κρί- MAN ; $but ALL things
things out of the God. In yourselves Judge are from GOD.
13 Judge for Your-
νατε· πρέπον εστί γι>ναΐκα άκατακάλυπτον selves ; is it becoming for
a Woman to pray to GOD,
τω Θεω προσεύχεσθαι; 1 4 ' Ή ουδέ αυτή unveiled ?
14 Does not NATURE
to the God to pray? Or not even herself herself teach you, That
ή φύσις διδάσκει ύμας, δτι άνήρ μέν έάν if a Man indeed should
λομα, ατιμία αύτω έστι; wear long Hair, it is a
he should wear long hair, a disgrace to him i t is? disgrace to him ?
15 15 but if a Woman
Γυνή δέ έάν κομα, δόξα should wear long Hair, it
Δ woman and if she should wear longhair, aglory is a Glory to her ; Because
αύττ) έστιν; δτι ή κόμη αντί περιβο-
t j her i t is? because the hair instead of a cover- her HAIR has been given
λαίου δέδοται αύτη. 16 El δέ τις δοκεΐ to her instead of a Veil.
has been given to her. If but any one thinks 16 If, however, $any
one is disposed to be con-
φιλόνεικος είναι, ημείς τοιαύτην συνήθειαν tentious, §we have no
Such Custom, neither
ούκ εχομεν, ουδέ αϊ έκκλησίαι τοΰ θεοΰ. have the CONGREGATIONS
of GOD.
Τοΰτο δέ παραγγέλλων ούκ επαινώ, δτι 17 But in noticing this
Til 13 Dllt &12U0U11C 1 Ω£> 1101 I p P u i S G a D6C&U8e matter, That you come to-
ούκ εις τό κρείττον, άλλ' είς τό Ιίττον συν- gether not for the BETTER
not for the better, but for the worse you but for the WORSE, I do not
18 praise you.
έρχεσθε. Πρώτον μεν γάρ, συνερχο- 18 For indeed, in the
coHio to^etxier» JJ irsfc indeed for. oeiii^ coi*ie first place, I hear that,
μένων υμών έν εκκλησία, ακούω σχίσματα
together of you In an assembly, I hear divisions on your coming together
έν ύμίν ύπάρχειν Υ.Λ μέρος τι πιστεύω· in the ASSEMBLY, there
among you to be; and of a part certain I believe; are Divisions among you ;
and, as to a certain part I
δεί γάρ και αΙρέσεις έν ύμίν εί- believe i t ;
19 $for it is necessary
ναι, ίνα ot δόκιμοι φανεροί γέ- that there should be Fac-
be, so that tho approved ones manifest may tions among you, §so t h a t
± 1 0 . Benson, gives it as his opinion, that because the Hebrew word radid, (which
comes from the word radad, to have power,) signifies a veil, the apostle uses the word
exousia, authority, to denote a veil, because the Hebrew women veiled themselves in
presence of the men, in token of their being under their power or authority. The veil used
by the Eastern women was so large as to cover a great part of their body. Ruth's veil
held six measures of barley. Ruth iii. 15. A veil of this sort, called a plaid, was worn
long ago by the women of Scotland.—Macknight. Power seems to have been the name of
the head-dress; so called, because, like a diadem or turban, it was sometimes a mark of
% 9. Gen. ii. 1 8 , 2 1 , 2 3 . $ 10. Gen. xxiv. 65. $ 11. Gal. iii. 28. t 12. Rom.
xi. 3 6 . $ 16. 1 Tim. vi. 4. $ 16. 1 Cor. vii. 1 7 ; xiv. 3 3. t 19. Matt, xviii. 4 ;
Luke xvii. 1 ; Acts xx. 3 0 ; 1 Tim. iv. 1 ; 2 Pet. ii. 1, 2. % 19. Luke ii. 3 5 ; U o h n i i . 19.
Chap. Π : 20.] I. COUINTlilANS. [Chap. 11: 28.
νωνται έν ύμίν. Συνερχομένων ούν the APPROVED may be ap-
parent among you.
υμών επί το αυτό, ούκ εστί κυριακόν δεΐπνον 20 Then, again, your
of you to the same, not i t is Lord's supper
21 coming together to the
φαγείν εκαστος γαρ το ϊδιον δείπνον προ- SAME place, is not to
eat the Lord's Supper ;
λαμβάνει έν τώ φαγεΐν και δς 21 for each one takes
Jjefore in 1
he" to eat, and one first his OWN Supper at
να, δς δε μεθύει. 22ΜΎ\ γαρ οικίας ούκ εχε-
Iiungry, one but is filled. Not for houses not have the MEAL ; and one, in-
τε εις το έσθίειν και πίνειν; ή της έκ- deed, is hungry ; and ano-
you for the to eat and to drink? or the congre- ther fis satisfied.
κλησίας τοΰ Θεοϋ καταφρονείτε, και καται- 22 Have you not Houses
gatioo of the and shame in which to EAT and
God despise you,
αχννετε τους μή έχοντας; Τι ύμιν εϊπω; drink? or do you despise
επαινέσω υμάς; Έ ν τούτω ουκ επαινώ. GOD, and put to shame
t-TiiosE who are POOR?
γαρ παρέλαβον από τοϋ Κυρίου, What shall I say to you?
or received fro TO the Lord, Shall I praise you? In
καΐ παρέδωκα ύμίν, δτι ό Κύριος *[Ίησοΰς] this I praise you not.
also I delivered to you, that the Lord £Jesus; 23 $For I received from
εν τ η ν υ κ τ ι χι παρεδίδοτο, · ελαβεν the Lord, what I also de-
he was delivered up, took livered to you,—That the
in the night in which
αρτον, 2 1 κα1 εύχαριστήσας ε'κλασε, καΐ LORD, $on the NIGHT in
a loaf, and having given thanks he broke, and which he was delivered
είπε· Τοϋτό μου έστι τό σώμα τό υπέρ ύ- up, took a Loaf,
said; This s the body that on behalf of
24 and having given
μών * [κλώμενον τοΰτο ποιείτε εις την έμήν thanks, broke it, and said,
you [being broken; this do you for the my
"This is THAT BODY of
άνάμνησιν. 25
Ώσαύτως καΐ το ποτήριον, mine, which is broken on
your behalf; this do you
μετά τό δειπνήσαι, λέγων Τοΰτο τό ποτή- for MY Remembrance."
25 In like manner, also,
ριον ή καινή διαθήκη εστίν έν τφ έμφ αϊματι· the CUP, after the SUP-
PER, saying, "This CUP
τοΰτο ποιείτε, οσάκις αν πίνητε, είς is the NEW Covenant in
την έμήν άνάμνησιν. 2 6 Ό σ ά κ ι ς γάρ αν έσθίη- MY Blood; this do you,
as often as you may drink,
τε τόν αρτον τοΰτον, καΐ τό ποτήριον * [τοΰ- for MY Remembrance."
eat the loaf this, and the cup [this] 26 For as often as you
το] πίνητε, τόν θάνατον τοΰ Κυρίου κα- may eat this BREAD, and
you may drink, the death of the Lord you drink this CUP, you de-
ταγγέλλετε, άχρις οϋ έ'λθτ]. 27
"Ωστε clare the DEATH of the
announce till of whom may come. So that LORD, $till he come.
δ< άν έσίΚη ττόν αρτον, fi πίνη τό ποτή- 27 $So that whoever
-·-- may ' ν' α ρ ν , -~ \
-η- ' . . . · may eat the BREAD, or
the loaf, or may drink the
ριον τοΰτοΰ Κυρίου άναξίως, ένοχος
ένοχος drink the CUP of the
off the
t h e Lord
L r d unworthily,
u n w o r t h i l y an offender against it LORD, unworthily, will be
£crtai τοΰ σώματος καΐ τοΰ αίματος τοΰ an offender against the
will bo the body and the blood of the BODY and BLOOD of the
28 LORD.
Κυρίου. Δοκιμαζέτω
Let examine δε άνθρωπος εαυτόν, 28 §But let a Man
καΐ ούτως έκ τοΰ άρτου έσίΗέτω, καΐ examine himself, and thus
and thus from of t h e loaf let himeat,
and let him eat of the BREAD,

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 3 . Jesus—omit. 24. being broken—omit. 26. this—•

± 2 1 . Or, is filled to the full; for the word methuein does not necessarily mean
drunken, see Note on John ii. 10.
t 22. James ii. 6. t 23. 1 Cor. xv. 3 ; Gal. i. 1, 11, 12. t 23. Matt. xxvi. 2 6 ;
Mirk xiv. 2 2 ; Luke xxii. 19. $ 2 6. John xiv. 3 ; xxi. 2 2 ; Acts i. 1 1 ; 1 Cor. iv. 5 ;
xv. 2 3 ; 1 Thess. iv. 1 6 ; 2 Thess. i. 10 ; Rev. !. 7. X 27. Joan vi. 5 1 , 63, 6 4 ; xiii.
2 7 ; 1 Cor. x. 21. $ 28. 2 Cor. xiii. 5 ; Gal. vi. 4.
Chap. 11:29.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 12:5.
έκ τοϋ ποτηριού πινέτω· γαρ and let him drink of the
of the cup l e t h i m drink; for CUP ;
έσΜων καΐ πίνων *[άναξίως } ] κρίμα
ρίμ 29 for H E EATS and
one eating and drinking drinks Judgment to Him-
[unworthily,] Igment
έαυτφ self, who eats and drinks
έσθίει καΐ πίνει μή διακρίνων τό not discriminating t h e
30 BODY.
σώμα * [του Κυρίου.] Διά τοΰτο εν ύμΐν
body Cof the Lord.] Through this among
30 Through this, Many
are weak and sickly
πολλοί ασθενείς καΐ άρρωστοι, καΐ κοιμώνται among you, and Some
many weak ones and sickly ones, and are asleep sleep.
Ικανοί. 3 1 ΕΙ γαρ εαυτούς διεκρ'ινομεν, ουκ 31 *If, however, | w e
for ourselves we examined, examined Ourselves, w e
civ έκρινόμεθα· 32κρινόμενοι δε ύπό Κυρίου, should not be judged ;
we should be judged; being judged but by Lord, 32 but being judged by
παιδευόμεθα, ίνα μή συν τφ κόσμω κα- the Lord, $we a r e cor-
rected, so t h a t we may
not be condemned with
τακριθωμεν. ^"Ωστε, αδελφοί μου, t h e WOKLD.
should be condemned. Therefore,
Therefore, brethren of me, 33 Therefore, my Breth-
συνερχομενοι εΙς τό φαγείν, αλλήλους έκ- ren, on coming together
to EAT, cordially receive
δέχεσθε. 34
ΕΪ τις πεινςί, έν each other.
receive from. If anyone should be hungry, In 34 If any one is hun-
οίκω έσθιέτω· ίνα μή ζ\ς κρίμα συνέρ- gry, let him eat $at Home ;
a house letet hi
hi eat; that not for judgment you t h a t you may not come to-
gether for Judgment. And
χησθε. Τά δέ λοιπά, ώς the OTHER matters I will
may come together. The but other things, when arrange $when I come.
&v έ'λθω, διατάξομαι.
I may come, I w i l l arrange. CHAPTER X I I .
ΚΕΦ. ι β \ 12. 1 And concerning $SPI-
δέ των πνευματικών, αδελφοί, ού RITUAL persons, Brethren,
Concerning and the spirituals, brethren, not I wish you not t o be igno-
2 rant.
θέλω ύμας άγνοείν. Οΐδατε, δτι £θνη 2 (You know T h a t you -
I wish you tobe ignorant. Touknow, that Gentiles
were Gentiles, being hur-
ήτε, προς τά εϊδωλα τά δφωνα, ried away after $those
you were, to the Idols those eechless, S P E E C H L E S S IMAGES,, even
ώς civ η*γεσθε, άπαγόμενοι· as you happened t o be
even as you might be led, being hurried away; led.)
διό γνωρίζω ύμίν, δτι ουδείς έν πνεύ- 3 Therefore, I assure
wherefore I declare to you, that no one by spirit you, §That no one speak-
ing by God's Spirit says,—·
ματι Θεοΰ λαλών, λέγει ανάθεμα Ίησοΰν· "A curse on J e s u s ! " —
of God speaking, says a curse Jesus;
and §that no one is able to
καΐ ουδείς δύναται ειπείν Κΰριον Ίησοΰν, εΐ say—"Lord Jesus ! " ex-
and no one i s able to say Lord Jesus, if cept by the holy Spirit.
μή έν πνεύματι άγίω. 4Διαιρέσεις δέ χαρισμά- 4 Now $there a r e Va-
not by a spirit holy. Varieties and of gracious rieties of Gracious gifts,
των είσί, τό δέ αυτό πνεύμα· εκα1 διαιρέσεις but t h e SAME Spirit ;
gifts are, the but same spirit; and varieties 5 $and there a r e Varie-
διακονιών εισι, καΐ δ αυτός Κύριος· βκα1 ties of Services, and t h e
of services are, and the same Lord; and SAME Lord.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—29. unworthily— omit. 29. of the LORD—omit. 31.

But if.
t 31. Psa. xxxii. 5; 1 John i. 9. t 32. Psa. xeiv. 12, 13; Heb. xii. 5-11. $ 3 4.
verse 22. ± 34. 1 Cor. iv. 19. % 1. 1 Cor. xiv. 37. t 2. Psa. cxv. 5. $ 3.
Mark lx. 39; 1 John iv. 2, 3. % 3. Matt. xvi. 17. % 4. Rom. xii. 4; Ksb. li. 4;
1 Pet. iv. 10. $ 5. Rom. xii. 6-8; Eph. iv. 11.
Chap. 12:6.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 12:15.
διαιρέσεις ενεργημάτων είσίν, ό δέ αυτός 6 and there are Varie-
ties of Workings, §and
θεός, ό ενεργών τά πάντα έν πάσιν. *the SAME God is HE who
God, w h oi s w o r k i n g t h e a l lthings in a i l . WTORKS ALL things among
Έκάστφ δέ δίδοται ή φανέρωσις τοΰ all.
7 $And to each is given
5?ο ©ftcli 0116 o u t I s £1VGH tli ο fflctui £ © s t SL t i on of t h e
πνεύματος προς τό συμφέρον 8 φ μέν γαρ the SPIRIT for the BENE-
FIT of all.
δια τοϋ πνεύματος δίδοται λόγος σοφίας, 8 For to one is given,
throu the spirit is given a word of wisdom, through the SPIRIT, $a
άλλφ δέ λόγος γνώσεως, κατά Word of Wisdom; and
to another, §a Word of
τό αυτό πνεΰμα· °έτέρω δέ πίστις, έν τφ Knowledge, according to
the same spirit; to another and faith, by the the SAME Spirit;
9 a n d t o another,
αύτφ πνεύματι· δλλω
δέ χαρίσματα Ια- §Faith by the SAME Spirit;
and to another, $Gifts of
μάτων, έν τ φ αύτφ πνεύματι· 1 0 αλλω δέ Cures b y t h e *SAMEJ
ενεργήματα δυνάμεων, αλλω δέ προφητεία, 10 And to another,
ά"λλω δέ διακρίσεις πνευμάτων, έτεροι ^Operations of Mighty
works; and to another,
$ Prophecy; and to ano-
δέ γένη γλωσσών, * [αλλω δέ έρμη- ther, ^Discriminations of
and kinds of tongues, Cto another nd an interpre-
u Spirits; and to another,
νεία γλωσσών.] Πάντα δέ ταϋτα X Different Languages;
tation of tongues.] All but these things
and to another, Interpre-
ενεργεί τό 8v καΐ τό αυτό πνεΰμα, διαι- tation of Languages.
works that one and the same spirit, dis-
11 But All these things
Ιδία έκάστω καθώς βούλεται. performs the ONE and the
particularly to each ne a s i t w i l l s . SAME Spirit, distributing
ΚαΦάπερ γαρ τό σώμα εν έστι, καΐ μέλη to each in particular as it

Just as for the body one is, and members will.

έ'χει πολλά, πάντα δέ τ ά μέλη τοΰ σώματος 12 $For just as the
has many, all but the members of the body BODY is one, and has
* [τοΰ ενός,] πολλά δντα, εν έστι σώμα· οΰτω many Members, but All
the MEMBERS of the BODY,
Cof the one,] many being, one is body; thus being many, are Or eBody;
και ό Χριστός. ^ΚαΙ γάρ έν ένΐ πνεύματι so also the ANOIITED.

ημείς πάντες είς δν σώμα έβαπτίσθημεν εϊτε 13 For, indeed, by One

we all into one body were dipped; whether Spirit $we were all im-
mersed into One Body—
'Ιουδαίοι, εϊτε "Ελληνες, εϊτε δοΰλοι, εϊτε whether $Jews or Greeks,
Jews, or Greeks, whether slaves, or whether Slaves or Free-
ελεύθεροι* καΐ πάντες * [είς] έ'ν πνεΰμα έπο- men ; and §were all made
freemen; a n d a l l C i n t o ] o n e s p i r i t w e r e to drink One Spirit.
τίσθημεν. ΚαΙ γάρ τό σώμα ουκ ^στιν εν 14 For the BODY also
made to drink. Also for the body not Is one is not One Member, but
μέλος, αλλά πολλά. ^Έάν εϊπχι ό πους· many.
member, but many. If should say the foot; 15 If the FOOT should

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—6. and the SAME God is HE. 9. the ONE Spirit. 10.
and to another, Interpretation of Languages—omit. 12. of the one—omit. 13. into—
t 6. E p h . i . 2 3 . $ 7 · R o m . x i i . 6 - 8 ; 1 Cor. xiv. 2 6 ; E p h . iv. 7 ; 1 P e t . i v . 1 0 , 1 1 .
% 8 . 1 C o r . i i . 6, 7. ί 8 . 1 Cor. i . 5 ; x i i i . 2 ; 2 Cor. v i i i . 7. ί 9 . 2 Cor. x i i i . 2 .
t 9. M a r k x v i . 1 8 . $ 1 0 . verse 2 8 ; G a l . i i i . 5 . t 1 0 . R o m . x i i . 6. t 1 0 . 1 C o r .
xiv. 2 9 . t 1 0 . Acts i i . 4 ; x. 4 G ; x i x . 6. t 1 2 . R o m . x i i . 4 , 5 ; E p h . iv. 4 , 1 6 .
% 1 3 . R o m . v i . 4, 5. % 1 3 . G a l . i i i . 2 8 ; E p h . i i . 1 3 , 1 4 , 1 6 ; Col. i i i . 1 1 . $ 1 3 .
J o h n vi. G 3 ; v i i . 3 7 - 3 9 .
Chap. 32:16.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 12:26.
"Οτι ούκ ειμί χειρ, ούκ ειμί έκ τοϋ say—"Because I am not
Because not I am a hand, not I am from of the a Hand, I am no part of
σώματος· ού παρά τοϋτο ούκ εΌτιν έκ του the BODY/'—is it for this
body; not from this not Is i t from of the not of the BQDY ?
Οίόματος; 1 β ΚαΙ έάν εϊπη τό οΰς* "Οτι 16 And if the EAR
body? And if should say the ear; Because should say, "Because I
oi'x ε;μι οφθαλμός, ούκ είμΐ έκ τοϋ σώματος· of the am not an Eye, I am not
BODY/'—is it for
not I am aa eye, not I am from of the body; this not of the BODY?
ού παρά τοΰτο ούκ Ιστιν έκ τοϋ σώματος;
not from this not is i t from of the body? 17 If the Whole BODY
17 were an Eye, where is the
Εί θλον τό σώμα οφθαλμός, ποΰ ή ακοή; HEARING? If the Whole
It whole the body an eye, where the hearing?
were Hearing, where is
εΐ δλον ακοή, ποϋ ή δσφρησις; 18 ΝυνΙ δέ the SMELL?
if whole hearing, where the smell? Now but
18 But now, $GOD has
ό Θεός ε^ετο τά μέλη, Ιν εκαστον αυτών placed the MEMBERS, each
the One of them in the BODY,
έν τω σώματι , καθώς ήθέλησεν . «ΕΙ δέ ήν §as he would.
in the body, as he would. If but was 19 And if the WHOLE
τά πάντα εν μέλος, ποΰ τό σώμα; 2<>Νΰν were One Member, where
is the BODY?
δέ πολλά μέν μέλη, εν δέ σώμα. 2 1 Ού 20 But now, indeed,
tut many indeed but body. Not there are Many Members,
but One Body.
δύναται ό οφθαλμός ειπείν τχ\ χειρί* Χρεί-
is able the eyo to say to* the hand; Need 21 The EYE is not able
to say to the HAND, " I
αν σου ούκ εχα>· η1 πάλιν ή κεφαλή τοις have no Need of t h e e ; "
of thee not I have; or again the head to the or again, the HEAD to the
ποσί* Χρείαν υμών ούκ εχω. 2 2 Ά λ λ ά πολλφ FEET, " I have no need of
feetj Nfced of you not I have. But much you."
22 But much more ne-
μάλλον τά δοκοΰντα μέλη τοΰ σώματος cessary are those MEM-
more the seeming members of the body
BERS of the BODY which
ασθενέστερα ύπάρχειν, αναγκαία έστι* ^και are THOUGHT to be more
more feeble to be, necessary i t is« and feeble;
23 and those parts of
8. δοκοϋμεν ατιμότερα είναι τοΰ σώματος, the BODY which we es-
teem to be less honorable,
τούτοις τιμήν περισσοτέραν περιτίθεμεν καΐ around them we throw
more abundant Plonor,
and our UNCOMELY parts
τά άσχήμονα ημών εύσχημοσύνην περισσο- have more abundant Come-
τε'ραν 24
έ χ ε ι · τ ά δέ εύσχήμονα ήμων, ού liness ;
24 and our COMELY
χρείαν έχει. Ά λ λ ' ό Θεός συνεκέρασε τό parts have po Need. God,
need has. But the God combined tL« however, put together the
BODY, having given * some-
σώμα, τφ ύστεροϋντι περισσοτέραν what more abundantly to
body, to the part being inferior more abundant THAT part which WAS
δούς τιμήν, 2 δ ίνα μή fj σχίσμα έν LACKING,
having given honor, so that not may be division in 25 so that there may
be no Division in the
τω σώματι, αλλά τό αυτό υπέρ άλλήλοιν BODY, but that the MEM-
the body, but the same on behalf each other BERS may be concerned
μρριμνώσι τά μέλη. 2 6 ΚαΙ είτε πάσχει EQUALLY for each other;
maybe concerned the members. And whether suiters 26 and whether One
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—24. somewhat more abundantly to THAT which WAS LACK-
t 18. verse 28. $ 18. Rom. xii. 3 ; 1 Cor. ill. 5; verse 11.
Chap. 12:27.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 13:4.
εν μέλος, συμπάσχει π ά ν τ α τ α Member suffer, All the
one m e m b e r , suffers w i t h a l l themembers; MEMBERS sympathize ;
είτε δοξάζεται εν μέλος, συγχαίρει πάντα or, whether *One Mem-
or i s g l o r i f i e d one m e m b e r , r e j o i c e s w i t h a l l
ber is glorified, All the
τά μέλη. 2 7 Ύμεΐς δέ έστέ σώμα Χρίστου, MEMBERS rejoice with it.
the members. You but are a body of Anointed, 27 Now ?you are a
καΐ μμέλη εκ μέρους. ^ Κ α ι ους μεν Body of Christ, § and
m b s f o m piirts And tliese indeed Members in part.
uncfc me ό Θεός εν τχ\ εκκλησία πρώτον
εϋετο 28 And those whom
|GOD placed in the CON-
αποστόλους, δεύτερον προφήτας, τρίτον δι- GREGATION, a r e first
apostlcs, second prophets, third $ Apostles ; second, $Pro-
δασκάλους, έπειτα δυνάμεις, εϊτα χαρίσματα phets ; third, Teachers;
teachers, after that powers, then gracious gifts next, ^Powers; then,
Ιαμάτων, αντιλήψεις, κυβερνήσεις, γένη t-G if ts of Cures ; § Assist-
of cures, helpers, directors, kinds ants ; $Directors; differ-
γλωσσών. 2&Μή πάντες, απόστολοι; μή πάν- ent Languages.
of t o n gπροφήται,
u e s . N o t μήa lπάντες,
l, a p oδιδάσκαλοι;
stles? n o t Μήa l l , 29 All are not Apostles ;
τες, prophets? not all, teachers? Not all are not Prophets ; all
πάντες, δυνάμεις; 30 Μή πάντες, χαρίσματα are not Teachers ; all are
all, powers? N o t a l l , g r a c i o u s g i i t s not Powers ;
εχουσιν ιαμάτων; μή πάντες, γλώσσαις λαλοΰ- 30 all have not Gifts of
"have of cures? not a l l , with tongues speak? Cures ; all do not speak in
σι; μή πάντες διερμηνεύουσι; 31
Ζηλοϋ— different Languages; all
do not interpret.
not all interpret? You earnestly 31 But you earnestly
τε δέ τά χαρίσματα τά κρείττονα. ΚαΙ desire the *MORB EMI-
ετι κ α θ ' ύπερβολήν δδόν ύμϊν δείκνυμι. NENT GIFTS ; and yet a
yet a more excellent way to you I point out. much more Excellent Way
ΚΕΦ. ι γ ' . 1 3 . 15
Εάν ταίς γλώσσαις των I point out to you.
ανθρώπων λαλώ καΐ τών αγγέλων, άγάπην 1 If I should speak in
δέ μή εχω, γέγονα χαλκός ήχων ή
and of ANGELS, but have
«ύμβαλον άλαλάζον. 2 ΚαΙ έάν εχω προφητεί- not Love, I have become
sounding Brass or a noisy
αν, καΐ ε'ιδώ τά μυστήρια πάντα καΐ πάσαν Cymbal.
and I know the secrets a l l and a l l 2 And if I have $Proph-
τήν γνώσιν, καΐ έάν εχω πασαν τήν πίστιν, ecy, and know all SECRETS
the knowledge, and if I have all the faith, and All KNOWLEDGE, and
ίδστε ορη μεθιστάνειν, άγάπην δέ μή if I have All Faith, so as
to remove Mountains, but
£χω, ουδέν ε'μι. 3 ΚαΙ έάν ψωμίσω πάντα have not Love, I am noth-
3 * fit I distribute all
τά υπάρχοντα μου, καΐ έάν παραδώ τό
the possessions of me, and if I should give the my POSSESSIONS in feed-
ing the poor, and if I de-
σώμα μου Ινα καυθήσωμαι, άγάπην δέ
body of me so that i t should be burned, love but liver up my BODY to be
burned, but have not
μή εχα>, ουδέν ωφελούμαι. 4 Ή αγάπη Love, I am profited noth-
not Ιϊίΐνβ^ nothing I o,in profited^, ΓΡΙΙΘ love
μακροθυμεί, χρηστεΰεται· ή αγάπη ού ζηλοί* 4 §LOVE suffers long
and is kind. LOVE does
[ή αγάπη] ού περπερεύεται, ού φυσιοϋται, not envy. LOVE is not
hΘ love] not is uojistfulj not· i s puffed up> boastful; is not puffed up ;
ί 2 7. Rom. xii. 5 ; Eph. i. 2 3 ; iv. 1 2 ; v. 23. 3 Col. i. 24. $27. Eph. v. 30.

t 2 8 . Eph. iv. 1 1 . t 2 8 . Eph. ii. 2 0 ; iii. 5. T 28. Acts xiii. 1; Rom. xii. 6.
$ 2 8. verse 10. $ 2 8. verse 9. ί 28. Num. xi. 17. ί 2 8. Rom. xii. 8; 1 Tim. v.
17; Heb. xiii. 1 7 , 2 4 . t 3 1 . 1 Cor. xiv. 1,39. $ 2. 1 Cor. xii. 8-10, 28; xiv.
1, &c. Bee Matt. vii. 22. ί 3. Matt. vi. 1, 2. $ 4. Prov. x. 12; 1 Pet. iv. 8.
Chap. 13:5.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 14:2
ούκ άσχημονεί, ού ζητεί τά εαυ- 5 acts not unbecom-
ingly, §seeks not *THAT
τής, ού παροξύνεται, ού λογίζεται which is not HER OWN ; is
not provoked to anger;
τό κακόν, βού χαίρει επί τη αδικία, συγ- does not impute EVIL ;
χαίρει δέ τχί άληθεία, 7πάντα στέγει, πάν- 6 ^rejoices not with
INIQUITY, $but rejoices
joices with but the truth, all things covers, all with the TRUTH ;
7 covers all things;
τα πιστεύει, πάντα ελπίζει, πάντα believes all things; hopes
υπομένει· 8ή αγάπη ουδέποτε εκπίπτει· for all things ; endures all
endures; the love not at any time falls off; things.
8 LOVE fails not at any
είτε δέ προφητεΐαι, καταργηΦήσονται* time; but if there be
whether but prophecies, they w i l l be done away "Prophecyings," they will
είτε γλώσσαι, παύσονται· είτε be done away; or if,
whether tongues, they w i l l cease; whether "Languages," they will
γνώσις, κ α τ α ρ γ η θ ή σ ε τ α ι . β Έ κ μέρους γ ά ρ cease ; or if, "Knowledge,"
knowledge, i t w i l l be done away. From p a r t s for it will be made useless.
γινώσκομεν, καΐ έκ μέρους προφητεΰομεν 9 For Parti tively we
we know, and from parts we prophesy; know, and Parti tively we
οταν δέ ελθη τά τέλειον, * [τότε] τό prophesy;
when but may come the perfect, [then] that 10 but when the PER-
έκ μέρους καταργηθήσεται. "Οτε ή*μην νή- 1χ
FECT thing comes, THAT
πιος, ώς νήπιος έλάλουν, ώς νήπιος έφρό- which is PARTITIVE will be
done away.
a babe, as a babe I spoke, as a babe I thought, 11 When I was a Child,
νουν, ώς νήπιος έλογιζόμην δτε *[δέ] γέγο- as a Child I talked ; as a
as a babe reasoned; since [but] I havo Child I thought; as a
Child I reasoned; but
να άνήρ, κατήργηκα τα τοϋ when I became a Man, I
put away the MANNERS of
νηπίου. Βλέπομεν γάρ άρτι δι' έσόπ- the CHILD.
babe. We see for now through a glass 12 For §now we see
through a ±[dim] Glass
τρου εν αίνίγματι, τότε δέ πρόσωπον προς obscurely; but then we
shall see Face to Face.
πρόσωπον οίρτι γινώσκω έκ μέρους, τότε δέ Now, I know Partitively,
but then I shall know
έπιγνώσομαι καθώς καΐ έπεγνώσθην. fully, even as also I have
I shall know fully even as and I am fully known.
been fully known.
13 13 But now t h e s e
ΝυνΙ δέ μένει πίστις, έλπίς, αγάπη, τά τρία THREE remain,—Faith,
Now but abides faith, hope, love, the three Hope, Love;—but of these
ταΰτα· μείζων δέ τούτων ή αγάπη. the greatest is LOVE.
these; greater but of these the love.
ΚΕΦ. ι δ \ 14. CHAPTER XIV.
διώκετε την άγάπην δέ τά and 1 Ardently pursue LOVE,
$be emulous of the
SPIRITUAL gifts ; $b u t
πνευματικά, μάλλον δέ ίνα προφητεύητε. rather that you may pro-
spirituals, rather but that you may prophesy. phesy.
*O γάρ λαλών γλώσσχ], ούκ άν&ρώποις 2 For HE WHO is SPEAK-
ING in a foreign Language,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—5. THAT which is not HER OWN. 10. then—omit. 11.
± 12. The esoptrou is to be understood of some of those transparent substances, which
the ancients, in the then imperfect state of the arts, used in their windows; such as, thin
plates of horn, transparent stone, ill-prepared glass, and such like; through which they
saw, indeed, the objects without, but obscurely.—Bloomfield.
t 5. 1 Cor. x. 24; Phil. ii. 4. $ 6. Psa. x. 3 ; Rom. i. 32. $ 6.2 John 4.
% 12. 2 Cor. i i i . 18; v. 7; Phil. i i i . 12. t 1. 1 Cor. xii. 31. % 1. Num. xi. 25, 29.
Chap. 14:3.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 14:10.
λαλεί άλλα τφ θεφ· ουδείς γαρ ακούει, is not speaking to Men,
speaks, but to the God; no one for hears, but to *God; for no one
πνεύματι δε λαλεί μυστήρια· 3 ό δε προφη- listens; but, by the Spirit
in s p i r i t but he speaks mysteries; the but one he is speaking Mysterious
τεΰων, άνθρώποις λαλεί οίκοδομήν καΐ 3 H E who is PROPHESY-
prophesying, to men speaks edification ana
ING, however, speaks to
παράκλησιν καΐ παραμυθ'ιαν. Ό λαλών
Men for Edification, and
exhortation and consolation. The one speaking
Exhortation, and Conso-
γλώσσχ], εαυτόν οικοδομεί* ό δέ προφη- lation.
with a tongue, himself builds up; the but one 4 The SPEAKER in a
τεύων, έκκλησίαν foreign
g Language
οικοδομεί. 5 Θέλω δέ gg edifies
H i l f
Himself; b
butt HE who
πάντας ύμας λαλείν γλώσσαις, μάλλον δέ tva PROPHESIES
all you to speak with tongues, rather but that
5 I am willing, indeed,
προφητευητε· μείζων γαρ ό προφητεύ- ferent for you all to speak in dif-
Languages, b u t
rather that you should
ων ή ό λαλών γλώσσαις, εκτός ει prophesy; for greater is
ing the one speaking witti tongues^ unless if HE who PROPHESIES, than
μη διερμηνεύχι, tva ή εκκλησία HE who SPEAKS in differ-
not he should interpret, so that the congregation ent Languages; unless,
οίκοδομήν λάβχ\. β ΝυνΙ δέ, αδελφοί, indeed, he should inter-
edification may receive. No ν but, brethren, έάν
pret, so that the CONGRE-
έ"λθω προς υμάς γλωσσαις λαλών, τΐ GATION may receive Edifi-
I should come to you with tongues speaking, what cation.
υμάς ωφελήσω, έάν μη ΰμίν λαλήσω .ή 6 And now, Brethren,
you shall I profit, if not toyou I shall speak either if I should come to you

έν αποκαλύψει, ή έν γνώσει, ή" έν προφη- speaking in various Lan-

ί 11 i or i knoTf^ 1 e d ^ e O F in ft proph guages, what shall I profit
You, unless I shall speak
τεία, έν διδαχτ\; 7"Ομως τα
ecy, o teaching? In like manner the things to You intelligibly, either
by $a "Revelation," or by
άψυχα φωνήν δίδοντα, είτε α αυλός,
ς, εϊτε a [word of] "Knowledge,"
without l i f e a sound giving, whether a fltflute, or by a "Prophecy," or by
κιθάρα, έάν διαστολήν τοίς φθόγγοις μή a "Doctrine?"
a harp, if a difference to the notes not 7 In like manner, IN-
πώς γνωσθήσεται τό αύλού- ANIMATE THINGS giving
they should giv a Sound, whether Flute or
μενον η1 τό κιΦαριζόμενον; 8 ΚαΙ Harp, if they give no
* Difference of Sound, how
flayed on flute or that being played on harp? Also
will the TUNE on the
γαρ έάν (ϊδηλον φωνήν σάλπιγξ δφ, FLUTE or HARP be known ?
f ο ι* i f tLTX
8 For also, if a Trumpet
τΙς παρασκευάσεται είς πόλεμον; 6 Ουτω should give an Uncertain
who for
w i l l prepare himself battle? Sound, who will prepare
καΐ ύμείς διά της γλώσσης έάν μή ευση- himself for Battle?
also y o uthrough t h e tongue i f n o t a w e l l - 9 So even you by the
TONGUE, if you do not
μον λόγον δώτε,
πώς γνωσθήσεται τό give intelligible Speech,
marked word you give, how shall be known
how shall it be known
λαλούμενον; έ'σεσϋε γάρ είς αέρα WHAT is SPOKEN? For
having been spoken? you w i l l be for into air you will be speaking to
λαλοΰντες. 1 0 Τοσαϋτα, ει τύχοι, γένη φωνών the Air.
10 I t may be there are
So many Kinds of Lan-
έστιν έν κόσμω, καΐ ουδέν * [αυτών] άφωνον. guages in the World, and
is in world, and no one [of them] unmeaning. no one is unmeaning ;

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 . God. 7. Difference of Sound. 10. of them—omit.

G. ver. 2 6.
Chap. 14:11.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 14:20.
' Ε ά ν ούν μή είδώ την δύναμιν της φωνής, 11 if, then I do not
If then not I know the power of the voice, know the MEANING of the
ε'σομαι τω λαλοϋντι βάρβαρο* καΐ ό LANGUAGE, I shall be to
η; and the the SPEAKER a Barbarian,
λαλών, έν έμοι βάρβαρος. 1 2 Οΰτω και and the SPEAKER will be
one speaki to me a barbarian. So also a Barbarian to Me.
ύμεΐς, έπεί ζηλωταΐ έστέ πνευμάτων, προς 12 So also you, since
you, since zealots you are for spirits, for you are Zealots for Spirit-
την οίκοδομήν εκκλησίας ζητείτε ual gifts, seek them, that
4he building up .?&. congregation seek you you may abound for the
ϊνα περισσευητε. ^Διόπερ ό λα- EDIFICATION Of t h e CON-
you may abound. Wherefore the one speak- GREGATION.
tliat 13 Wherefore, let the
λών γλώσση, προσευχέσΦω Ινα διερμη-
SPEAKER in a foreign
ing in1a4 tongue, l e t him pray that he may in-
νεύτ]. Έ ά ν γαρ προσεύχωμαι γλώσση, το Language pray that he
terpret. If for I pray in a tongue, the may interpret.
14 For if I pray in a
πνεΰμά μου προσεύχεται, ό δε νους μου ακαρ-
foreign Language, my
spirit of me prays, the but mind of me un- SPIRIT prays, but my
πός έστι. T l οδν έστι; Προσεύξομαι UNDERSTANDING IS Wlth-
fruitful is. What then is it? I w i l l pray out fruit.
τω πνεύματι, προσεύξομαι δέ καΐ τώ 15 How then is it? I
w i t h the s p i r i t , I w i l l pray but also w i t h the will pray in the SPIRIT,
vot· •ψαλώ τώ πνεύματι but I will pray also with
nding; I w i l l sing praise with the spirit t h e UNDERSTANDING ;
ψαλώ * δέ] καΐ τω νοΐ. §1 will sing praise in the
I wi 11 singpraise but] also lth the understanding. SPIRIT, but I will sing
Έπεί, έάν ευλόγησης . τ< praise also with $the UN-
τι, ό άναπληρών τόν τόπον τοϋ Ιδιώτου 16 otherwise, if thou
the one HI ling the place of the private person shouldst bless in the
πώς έρεΐ τό αμήν έπ! τη ση ευχα- SPIRIT, how shall HE who
FILLS the PLACE of the
ριστία; επειδή τί λέγεις ούκ οίδε. PRIVATE person say the
giving? since what thou sayest not he knows. "AMEN" to THY $ Thanks-
μέν γαρ καλώς ευχαριστείς· άλλ' ό giving? since he knows
Thou indeed for well givest thanks; but the not what thou art saying.
Ετερος ούκ οικοδομείται. 17 For thou, indeed,
other not built up. givest thanks well, but the
OTHER is not edified.
Εύχαριστώ τω Θεώ, πάντων υμών μάλ- 18 I give thanks to
I g i v e t h a n k s t o t h e God, a l l of y o u m o r e GOD, speaking in different
Languages more than all
λον γλώσσαις, λαλών άλλ' έν εκκλη- of you ;
19 yet, in a Congrega-
σία θέλο> πέντε λόγους διά του νο- tion, I would rather speak
Five Words through my
t i on I wisli ίϊνθ words through, the under — UNDERSTANDING, SO t h a t
ός μου λαλησαι, ίνα καΐ άλλους I might also instruct
standing of me to have spoken, that also others Others, than Ten Thou-
κατηχήσω, η μύριους λόγους έν γλώσση. sand Words in a foreign
I may instruct, than a myriad words in a tongue.
20 Language.
Άδελφοί, μή παιδία γίνεσθε ταίς
20 Brethren, tbecome
not Little Children in
φ ρ ε σ ί ν άλλα τη κακία νηπιάζετε, ταίς THOUGHT ; (in EVIL, how-
mind; but in the evil be you childlike, in the
ever, be infantile;) but in
δέ φρεσΐ τέλειοι γίνεσθε. v τώ THOUGHT become fully
and minds perfect on< become you. In the mature.

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 5 . but—omit.
t 15. Eph. v. 1 9 ; Col. iii. 16. $ 15. Psa. xlvii. 7. % 16. 1 Cor. xi. 2 4 . $ 2 0 .
Psa. cxxxi. 2 ; Matt. x i . 2 5 ; xviii. 3 ; xix. 1 4 ; Bom. xvi. 1G; 1 Cor. iii. 1 ; Eph.
Iv. 1 4 ; Heb. x. 12, 1 3 ; 1 Pet. ii. 2.
Chap. 14:21.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 14:28.
νόμφ γέγραπται· "Οτι έν έτερογλώσσοις 21 In the LAW it has
law it has been written; That by other tongues been written, $"With
και έν χείλεσιν έτέροις λαλήσω τφ λαφ "Other Languages, and
"with the Lips of others
τούτω, καΐ ούδ' οΰτως είσακούσονταί "I will speak to this
"PEOPLE ; a n d neither
μου, λ έ γ ε ι Κ ύ ρ ι ο ς . 2 2 " Ω σ τ ε α ϊ γ λ ώ σ σ α ι ε ί ς "so will they listen to me,
me, says Lord. So that the tongues for "says the Lord."
στιμεϊόν είσιν, ού τοις πιστεύουσιν, άλλα 22 So that the LAN-
a sign are, not to those believing, but GUAGES are for a Sign,
τοις άπίστοις· ή δέ προφητεία ού τοις not to the BELIEVERS,
to the unbelievers; the but prophesying not to the but to the UNBELIEVERS ;
άπίστοις, αλλά τοις the PROPHESYING, how-
unbelieving, but to tho If ever, is not for the UN-
οΰν * [συν] έλθτ) ή εκκλησία BELIEVERS, but for the
therefore should come Ctogether] tin congregation BELIEVERS.
δλη έπΐ τό αυτό, καΐ πάντες
whole to the same, and
γλώσσαις W h23o l eIf, therefore,
with tongues should come into ONE
λαλώσιν, εισέλθωσι be ίδιώται,
sliould spesiK· slioulcl coxoe i n 2iud UQiBflriied onQtSt PLACE, and all should
άπιστοι,] ουκ έροϋσιν, ί
speak in foreign Lan-
believers,] not will they say, μαινε- guages, and there should
24 you are come in illiterate persons
σθε; Έ ά ν δέ πάντες προψητεύωσιν, είσ- or unbelievers, will they
mad? If but all should prophesy, should not say, $That you are
έλθχ) δέ τις (χπιστος, ι Ιδιώτης, έλέγ- insane ?
come In and anyone unbelieving, or unlearned, he 24 But if all should
? εται ύπό πάντων, ανακρίνεται υπό πάν- all, prophesy, and any unbe-
s convinced by all, he is examined by lieving or illiterate person
καρδίας αύτοΰ φανερά should enter, he is con-
των, 2 δ τά κρυπτά της heart of him manifest vinced by all, he is exam-
the secrets
γίνεται· καΐ οΰτω of the
πεσών επί πρόσωπον προσ- ined by all;
ϊ?θ c o m β* ftjD.d s o f f t l l i ΐΐ£Γ o n & f ftc β \XQ W i l l
25 the SECRETS of his
κυνήσει τφ θεφ, άπαγγέλλων, δτι
ό Θεός HEART become manifest;
and so falling on his
δντως έν ύμϊν έστι. 26 ΤΙ οΰν έστιν, άδελ- Face, he will worship
GOD, announcing $That
r e a l l y a m o n g y o u i s . Why t h e n i s i t , b r e t h - GOD is really among you.
<poi; "Οταν συνέρχησθε, έ'καστος * [ύ- 26 Why then is it,
μών] "ψαλμόν έχει, διδαχήν έχει, γλώσσαν Brethren, when you as-
you] & j?s&lin JIUS te&cliiii^ 2iiS & tonju© semble, each one has a
Psalm—|has a Discourse
έ'χει, άποκάλιτψιν εχει, έρμηνείαν εχει· •has a Revelation—has a
a revelation an interpratation has;
has, has, Language—has an Inter-
πάντα προς οίκοδομήν γινέσθω. 27 ΕΙτε pretation ? $Let all things
all things for building up let be done. If be done for Edification.
γλώσσχι τις λαλεί, κατά δ\>ο, η* τό 27 And if any one speak
in a foreign Language, let
πλείστον τρείς, καΐ άνά μέρος· καΐ είς it be by two, or at MOST
three [sentences,] and in
διερμηνευέτω. 2 8 Έ ά ν δέ η" δίερμη- succession, and let one
let interpret. If but tnay be an in- interpret;
28 but if there is no In-
•νευτής, σιγάτω έν εκκλησία* έαυ- terpreter, let him be silent
terpeter, le t him be silent In congregation; to in the Congregation ; and
τφ δέ letλαλεί τω καΐ τφ θ ε φ . 2 9 Προ- let him speak to Himself
him speak and to the God. l'roph- and to GOD.
himself but
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 3 . together—omit. 23. or Unbelievers—omit. 26. of
you—omit. 26. has a Revelation, has a Language, has an Interpretation.
% 2 1 . Isa. xxviii. 11, 12. % 23. Acts ii. 13. % 25. Isa. xlv. 1 1 ; Zech. viii. 29.
$ 2 6. 1 Cor. xii. 8-10; verse 6. ί 2 6. 1 Cor. xii. 1 7 ; 2 Cor. xii. 1 9 ; Eyh. iv. 12.
Chap. 14:29.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 14:40.
φήται δέ δύο τρεις λαλε'ιτωσαν, καΐ οί 29 And let two or three
ets but two c three let speak, and theProphets speak, and §let
#λλοι διακρινέτωσαν 3 0 έάν δέ άλλω άπο- the OTHERS judge;
30 but if to another
καλυφθη καθημένω, ό πρώτος σιγάτω. sitting by, there should
be a Revelation, let the
81 FIRST be silent.
Δύνασθε γάρ καθ' ϊνα πάντες προφητεύειν, 31 For you can all
You are able for one by one all to prophesy, prophesy one by one,
ίνα πάντες μανθάνωσι, καΐ πάντες παρακα- so that all may learn,
that all may learn, and all maybe
and all may be com-
λώνται* 32 κα1 πνεύματα προφητών προφήταις forted.
comforted; and s p i r i t s of prophets to prophets 32 And the Spiritual
υποτάσσεται· ^ού γάρ έστιν ακαταστασίας ό ject gifts of Prophets are sub- suljjectj not for is of confusion tli©
to Prophets ;
33 for GOD is not a
θεός, αλλ' ε'ιρήνης. *Ως έν πάσαις ταϊς έκκλη- God of Confusion, but
God, b u t of peace. A s In a l l the c o n g r e -
of Peace. As in All the
σ'ιαις των αγίων, 3 4 αΙ γυναίκες CONGREGATIONS Of the
έν ταίς έκκλησίαις σιγάτωσαν ού γάρ έπι- 34 $let your WIVES be
in the congregations let be silent; not for it silent in the ASSEMBLIES ;
τέτραπται αύταϊς λαλείν, άλλ' ύποτάσ-
for it has not been per-
χι ο. s b66ii permitted to them to spetikj out to DO
mitted to them to speak,
σεσθαι, καθώς καΐ 6 νόμος λέγει. ^El
thut *let them be sub-
submissive, as even the law says. If
missive ; $even as the
LAW also says;
δέ τι μαθείν θέλουσιν, έν οϊκω τους
35 and if they wish
to learn anything, let
Ιδίους άνδρας έπερωτάτωσαν αίσχρόν γάρ them ask their OWN Hus-
bands a t Home; for it is
έστι γυναιξίν έν εκκλησία λαλείν. 3β'Ή άφ' an indecent thing for *a
Woman to speak in the
υμών 6 λόγος Θεοΰ έξηλθεν; βίς Assembly.
the word God went out? o 36 -Did
' • the WORD of
υμάς μόνους κατήντησεν; 37
Εϊτ ι ς δοκεί did GOD ;o out from you, or
t only extend to
you alone did i t come? If any one thinks
προφήτης είναι ή πνευματικός, έπιγινωσκέ- 37 §If any one assume
a prophet to be or spiritual, let him ac-
to be a Prophet, or a
TO) δ ύμίν, δτι Κυ- Spiritual person, let him
knowledge the things w r i t e toto you,
you, because of acknowledge the things'
εΙ δέ τ ι ς άγνο- which I write to you,
<κου είσΐν έντολαί·
Lorcl they are commandments; if but any one is *That they are Command-
39 ments of the Lord;
εί, άγνοεί,τω. "Ωστε, αδελφοί,
38 but if any be igno-
ignorant, l e t him be ignorant. So that, brethren, rant, let him be ignorant.

ζηλαΰτε το προφητεύειν, καΐ το λαλείν 39 Wherefore, Brethren,

$ earnestly desire to PRO-
γλώσσαις μή κωλύετε* 4 0 πάντα εύ- PHESY ; and forbid not to
•with tongues not hinder you; a l l things in a * SPEAK in foreign Lan-
guages ;
οχημόνως καΐ κατά τάξιν γινέ-
40 $but let all things
becoming manner and according to order l e t be
be done in a becoming
σθω. manner, and according to
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 4. your—omit. 34. let them be submissive. 35. a
Woman to speak. 3 7. That is a Commandment of the Lord. 3 9. speak.
$ 29. 1 Cor. xii. 10. t 34. 1 Tim. i i . 1 1 , 12. t 34. 1 Cor. xi. 3 ; E p h . v . 2 2 ;
Col. i i i . 1 8 ; Titus i i . 5 ; 1 Pet. i i i . 1. $ 3 4 . Gen. iii. 16. $ 37. 2 Cor. x. 7 ;
1 John iv. 6. $ 39. 1 Cor. xii. 3 1 ; 1 Thess. v. 20. $ 40. verse 3 3 .
Chap. 15:1.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 15:10.
ΚΕΦ. ι ε \ 15. CHAPTER XV.
Γνωρίζω δέ ύμίν, αδελφοί, τό εύαγγέ- 1 Now I make known
Χ dccl&i*c but t o you* l)i*etiir€ii» tlio g 1 ftcJ to you, Brethren, the
λιον θ εύηγγελισάμην ύμίν, GLAD TIDINGS §W h ί C h
tidings which I annoi ounced as glad tidings to you, I evangelized to you, and
δ καΐ παρελάβετε, έν ω καΐ έστή- which you received; in
which also you have stood,
which also you received, in which also you have
κατε, 2
δι' οϋ καΐ σώζεσθε* (τί- 2 and through which
stood, through which also you are being saved; (by you are being saved, if you
νι λόγω εύηγγελισάμην ύμίν retain a certain Word I
a certain word I announced as glad tidings to you evangelized to you; $ un-
less, indeed, you believed
εΐ κατέχετε·) έκτος εΐ μη εική έπι-
if you retain;) except if not inconsiderately you inconsiderately.
3 3 For I delivered to
στεύσατε. Παρέδωκα γαρ ύμίν έν πρώ- you among the chief
believed. I delivered for to you among first things, §what also I re-
τοις δ καΐ παρέλαβον δτι Χριστός άπέΦα- ceived, That Christ died on
things what also I received; that Anointed died
νεν υπέρ τών αμαρτιών ημών, κατά behalf of our SINS Jaccord-
on behalf of the sins of us, according to ing to the SCRIPTURES ;
τάς γραφάς· 4κα1 δτι ετάφη, καΐ δτι έγή-
the writings; and that he was buried, and that he 4 and That he was
γερται τη τρίτη ήμερα, κατά τάς buried ; and That he was
was raised the third day, according to the raised the THIRD Day
γραφάς· 6κα1 δτι ώφθη Κηφφ, είτα ^according to the SCRIP-
writings; and that he was seen by Kephas, then TURES ;
τοίς δώδεκα. 6 "Επειτα ωφθη επάνω πεν- 5 and That he was seen
by the twelve. After that he was seen above by §by Cephas; then $by
τακοσίοις άδελφοΐς εφάπαξ, έξ ών ol the TWELVE;
five hundred brethren at once, out of whom the 6 afterwards, he was
seen by more than five
πλε'ιους μένουσιν εως άρτι, τινές δέ hundred Brethren at once;
καΐ έκοιμήθησαν. 7
*Έπειτα ώφθη of whom the greater num-
also have fallen asleep. After that he was seen ber remain till now, but
Ίακώβω· είτα τοις άποστόλοις πασιν. some have fallen asleep.
by James; then by the apostles all. 7 After that, he was
"Εσχατον δέ πάντων, ώσπερεί τφ έκτρώμα- seen by James; then, $by
all the APOSTLES ;
(Έγώ γάρ είμι ό 8 and, §last of all, he
ι. I for am the was seen by me also, as if
ελάχιστος τών αποστόλων δς ούκ ειμί Ικανός by the ONE PREMATURELY
least of the apostles; who not am fit BORN ;
καλεΐσΦαι απόστολος, διότι έδιωξα τήν 9 for I am §the LEAST
of the APOSTLES, who am
έκκλησίαν 10 not worthy to be called an
τοϋ θεού. Χάριτι δέ θεοΰ
congregation of the God. By favor but of God Apostle, $because I perse-
cuted the CHURCH of GOD.
είμι δ ε'ιμι· καΐ ή χάρις αύτοϋ ή εις 10 But what I am $1
I am what I am; and the favor of him that to
am by the Favor of God;
έμέ, ού κενή έγενήθη, άλλα περισσότερον and THAT FAVOR of his to-
me, not vain was made, but more abundantly
wards me was not fruit-
αυτών πάντων έκοπίασα· ούκ έγώ δέ, άλλ'. ή less ; |for I labored more
of them all I labored; n o t I b u t , but t h e abundantly than all of
them ; $yet not I, *but the
χάρις του θεοΰ ή συν έμοί.) "Εϊτε ούν
FAVOR of GOD with me.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 0 . but the FAVOR of GOD.
t: 1. Gal. i. 11. t 2. Rom. i. 1 6 ; 1 Cor. i. 2 1 . t 3. Gal. i. 1 2 . t 3 . P s a .
xxii. 1 5 ; Isa. liii. 5, 6 ; Dan. ix. 2 6 ; Zech. xiii. 7 ; Luke xxiv. 26, 4 6 ; Acts iii. 1 8 ;
xxvi. 2 3 ; 1 Pet. i. 1 1 ; ii. 24. $ 4. Psa. ii. 7 ; xvi. 1 0 ; Isa. liii. 1 0 ; Luke xxiv. 26,
46; Acts i i . 2 5 - 3 1 ; xiii. 33-35; xxvi. 2 2 , 2 3 ; 1 Pet. i. 11. $ 5. Luke xxiv. 34.
$ 5 . Matt, xxviii. 1 7 ; Mark xvi. 1 4 ; Luke xxiv. 3 6 ; John xx. 1 9 , 2 6 ;
Acts x. 4 1 . $ 7. Luke xxiv. 5 0 ; Acts i. 3, 4. ί 8. Acts ix. 4, 1 7 ; xxii. 14, 1 8 ;
1 Cor. i x . 1. $ 9. Eph. i i i . 8. t 9. Acts viii. 3 ; ix. 1 ; Gal. i. 1 3 ; Phil. iii. 6 ;
1 Tim. i . 1 3 . $ 10. E p h . i i . 7 , 8 . $ 10. 2 Cor. xi. 2 3 ; xii. 11. $ 10. Matt,
x. 2 0 ; Rom. xv. 18, 1 9 ; 2 Cor. i i i . 5 ; Gal. ii. 8 ; Eph. iii. 7 ; Phil. ii. 13.
Chap. 15:11.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap, 15:22.
εγώ, είτε εκείνοι, οΰτω κηρύσσομεν, και 11 Whether I, then, or
ί, or they, thU3 w e proclaim, aiul they, thus we preach,
ούτως έπιστεΰαστε. 12
ΕΙ δε Χριστός κηρύσ- and thus you believed.
οεται, δτι έκ νεκρών έγήγερται,
12 But if it is pro-
claimed, that out of dead ones has been raised, claimed That Christ has
πώς λέγουσι τινές έν ύμΐν, δτι άνάστασις been raised from the
liow say some among you, that a resurrection Dead, how say some
νεκρών οίίκ έ'στιν; ^Εί δε άνάστασις among you That there
of dead ones not is? If but a resurrection is not a Resurrection of
νεκρών ούκ εστίν, ουδέ Χριστός έγή- the Dead ?
of dead ones not is, not even Anointed has 13 But if there is not
γερται· 14
εΙ δε Χριστός ούκ έγήγερ- a Resurrection of the Dead,
been raised; if but Anointed not has been ^neither has Christ been
ται, κενόν αρα τό κήρυγμα ημών, κενή raised;
raised, void then the preaching of us, void 14 and if Christ has
* [ δ έ ] και ή πίστις υμών. 15 Εύρισκόμεθα not been raised, void cer-
tainly is OUr PROCLAMA-
δε και -ψευδομάρτυρες τοϋ Θεοΰ· δτι TION, and void is your
and even false witnesses of the God; because FAITH.
έμαρτυρήσαμεν κατά του Θεοΰ, δτι ηγει- 15 And we a r e found
we testified concerning the God, that he raised even False witnesses con-
<ρε τον Χριστόν, ον ούκ ήγειρεν, εϊπερ cerning GOD ; ^Because
up the Anointed, whom not he raised up, if we testified in regard to
αρα νεκροί ούκ εγείρονται. 1 6 ΕΙ γαρ GOD, T h a t he raised u p
the ANOINTED one ; whom
νεκροί ούκ εγείρονται, ουδέ Χριστός h e did not r a i s e up, if
ClCfLCl OI1CS HOt 3,1*6 I*iliS6Cl U P ) 1101 ©νβΠ Α.Γ10 i H t Gil indeed Dead persons a r e
έγήγερται· 17
εΙ δέ Χριστός ούκ έγήγερ- not raised.
faas been raised; if but Anointed not has been 16 F o r if Dead persons
ται, ματαία ή πίστις υμών ετι a r e n o t raised up, neither
τ«4iSQCI* deccj)tivG the f & i tli of youj s t i l l has Christ been raised ;
έστέ έν ταίς άμαρτίαις υμών 1 8 αρα καΐ oi 17 and if Christ h a s
you are in the sins of you; then also those not been raised, your
κοιμηθέντες έν Χριστφ, άπώλοντο. 19 Εί FAITH * i s deceptive;
Laving fallen asleep in Anointed, perished. If t y o u a r e still in y o u r
έν χχ\ ζωτί ταύτη ήλπικότες έσμέν έν SINS ;
In the life this* having been hoping we are in 18 then also, THOSE
Χριστώ μόνον, ελεεινότεροι πάντων άνθρώ- HAVING FALLEN ASLEEP
Anointed alone, more pitiable o f &11 men in Christ, have perished.
stcov έσμέν. 20 Νυνί δέ Χριστός έγήγερ- 19 $If in this LIFE
we are. Now but Anointed has been raised only we have hope in
ται έκ νεκρών, απαρχή τών κε- Christ, we are more piti-
able than All Men.
κοιμημένων. 20 But now § Christ has
Ing fallen asleep. been raised from the
Dead, $a First-fruit of
^'Επειδή γάρ δι' ανθρώπου ό θάνατος, THOSE HAVING FALLEN
Since for through a man the death, ASLEEP.
Seal δι' άνθρωπου άνάστασις νεκρών. 21 For §since through
Ulso thi*ou^Ii A mil7i A resurrection of oesd oncsj a Man, there is *Death,
^"Ωσπερ γάρ έν τώ Αδάμ πάντες άποθνή-
^through a Man, also,
As for in the* Adam all die, there is a Resurrection of
the Dead;
σκουσιν, ούτω καΙ έν τφ Χριστφ πάντες 22 for as by ADAM All
die, so by the ANOINTED
ζωοποιηθήσονται. 23
"Εκαστος δέ έν τω ίδίω
also, will All be restored to
w i l l be made alive. Each one and In the own
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 4 . and—omit. 17. is deceptive. 2 1 . Death.
ί 13. 1 Thess. iv. 14. t 15. Acts ii. 24, 3 2 ; iv. 10, 3 3 ; xiii. 30. t 17. Rom.
iv. 25. t 19. 2 Tim. iii. 12. $ 20. 1 Pet. i. 3. * 20. Acts xxvi. 2 3 ; verse 2 3 ; Col i.
1 8 ; Rev. i. 5. t 2 1 . Rom. v. 12, 17. t 21. John xi. 2 5 ; Rom. vi. 23.
Chap. 15:23.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 15:31.
τάγματι* απαρχή Χριστός, έπειτα ol 23 But $each one in
band; a first-fruit Anointed, after that those his OWN rank; Christ a
τοΰ Χρίστου, έν τϋ παρουσία αύτοΰ· 2 4 ειτα το First-fruit; r
of the Anointed, in the presence of him; then the those w ho are CHRIST'S a t
τέλος, δταν παραδω την 6ασι- h i s APPEARING.
24 (Then, the END,
end, when lie should, have delivered up the king— when he shall give up the
λε'ιαν τφ Θεω καΐ Πατρί, δταν καταρ- KINGDOM to the GOD and
dom to the God and Father, when he should Father; when he shall
γήστ) πασαν αρχήν καΐ πάσαν έξου- have abrogated All Gov-
have'abrogated a l l government and a l l a u t h o r - ernment and All Authority
and Power.
ο'ιαν καΐ δύναμιν. ^Δεί γάρ αυτόν βα-
25 For he must reign
σιλεΰειν, αχρις οδ αν θτ) πάντας $till he has placed All ENE-
reign, till he may have placed all MIES under his FEET.
τονζ εχθρούς ύπό τους πόδας αύτοϋ. ^"Εσχα- 26 EvenDEATHjtheLast
Enemy, $will be rendered
τος εχθρός καταργείται ό θώνατος* powerless;
27 for $he has subjected
πάντα γάρ ύπέταξενεΐπτι, υπό τους πόδας All things under his FEET.
δτι πάντα
But when he says t h a t
Α, 11 things for he subjected under the feet All things are subjected
ύποτέτακται, δήλον, δτι
αύτοΰ. "Οταν δε it is manifest t h a t HE is
ί όςhim. τοΰWhen but i t ma
ύποτάξαντος excepted, who HAS SUB-
cepted the one having subjected έκ- JECTED ALL things to him.
28 ls ex-
τα. "Οταν δε ύποταγΐ) αύτφ αΰτφ τα πάν- 28 $And when he shall
things. When but may be subjected to him
to h i m the a l l have subdued ALL things
πάντα, τότε *[καί] αυτός δ υιός ύπο- τά to him $then the SON
all things, then Calso] himself the son w the i l l himself will be subject to
ταγήσεται τω ύποτάξαντι αΰτφ τά HIM Who SUBDUED ALL
things to him, that GOD
πάντα, ίνα fj ό Θεός *[τά] πάν- may be all in All.)
all things so that2 9 maybe t h e G o d [ t h e ] a l l 29 f Otherwise, what
τα έν πάσιν.
έν πάσιν.
2 9ΈπεΙ
ΈπεΙ τι ποιήσουσιν ot will THOSE do who are
βαπτιζόμενοι υπέρ των νεκρών, ει half of the DEAD? If the
being dipped of the dead ones, Dead are not raised a t
on behalf If
δλως νεκροί ούκ εγείρονται; τΐ καΐ 6α- all, why are they im-
at a l l dead ones not are raised up? why and are mersed on their behalf?
πτίζονται υπέρ αυτών; so
Tl και ημείς 30 and $why are we in
they dipped on behalf of them? Why and we danger Every Hour?
κινδυνεΰομεν πασαν ωραν;
Κα$' ήμέραν 31 I solemnly declare,
are in danger every hour? Every day $by *the BOASTING con-
αποθνήσκω, νή τήν ΰμετέραν καύχησιν, cerning you, Brethren,
Χ diej ~y th© your ooftstiustnv,
^v fiv which I have in Christ Je-
sus our LORD, ±§that I
εχω έν Χριστφ Ίησοΰ τω Κυρίω ημών. Εί am dying daily.

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 8 . also—omit. 28. the—omit. 31. YOUR boasting,

Brethren, which.
± 2 8 . Clarke, after saying that this is the most difficult passage in the New Testament,
and quoting Matt. xx. 22, 2 3 ; Mark x. 3 8 ; and Luke xii. 50, where suffering and
martyrdom are represented by immersion, he sums up the apostle's meaning as follows:—
"If there be no resurrection of the dead, those who, In becoming Christians, expose them-
selves to all manner of privations, crosses, severe sufferings, and a violent death, can have
no reward, nor any motive sufficient to induce them to expose themselves to such miseries.
But as they receive baptism as an emblem of death, in voluntarily going under water; so
they receive it as an emblem of the resurrection unto eternal life, in coming up out of the
the water; thus they are laptized for the dead, in perfect faith of the resurrection. The
three following verses seem to confirm this sense." ± 3 1 . Or, that Every Day I am
exposed to death.
t 23. verse 2 0 ; 1 Thess. iv. 15-17. % 25. Psa. ex. 1 ; Acts 34, 3 5 ; Eph. i. 2 2 ;
Heb. i. 1 3 ; x. 13. t 2 6 . 2 Tim. i. 1 0 ; Rev. xx. 14. $ 27. Psa. viii. 6 ; Heb. i i .
8. ί 2 8 . Phil. iii. 2 1 . % 28. 1 Cor. iii. 2 3 ; xi. 3. + 30. 2 Cor. xi. 2 6 ; Gal. v.
Π. $ 3 1 . 1 Thess. i i . 19. ί 31. Rom. viii. 3 6 ; 1 Cor. iv. 9; 2 Cor. iv. 10, 1 1 ;
xi. 2 3 .
Chap. 15:32.] L CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 15:43.
κατά άνθρωπον έθηριομάχησα έν
32 If, as men do, $1
according to man I fought with a wild beast in fought a wild beast at
Έφέσω, τ'ι μοι τό δφελος; εΐ Ephesus, of what BENEFIT
Ephesus, what to me the profit? if dead ones is it to me? If the Dead
ουκ εγείρονται, φάγωμεν καΐ are not raised up, $Let us
not are raised up, we may eat and we may drink; eat and drink, for to-mor-
ανριον γαρ άποθνήσκομεν. 83 Μή πλανάσθε. row we die.
to-morrow for we die. Not be you led astray. 33 Be not led astray;
Φθείρουσιν ήθη χρηστά όμιλ'ιαι §vicious intercourse cor-
Corrupt habits virtuous companionships evil. rupts virtuous Habits.
Έκνή·ψατε δικαίως, καΐ μή άμαρτάνετε· 34 $Awake to sobriety,
Awake you as it isfit,and not as it is fit, and sin not;
sin you;
$for some are Ignorant of
άγνωσίαν γαρ Θεοΰ τινές εχουσι· προς έντρο- God; $for Shame to you
j g no r cine ο for of God some Imve^ for sli^ixio I say it.
πήν ύμίν λέγω. 35 Άλλ' έρεί τις Πώς
35 But some one will
to you I speak. But will say some one; How say, "How are the Dead
εγείρονται ol νεκροί; ποίω δέ σώματιraised up? and in What
are raised up the dead ones? In what and boJy Body do they come?"

άρχονται; "Αφρον· σύ ο σπεί-
36 Ο senseless man!
U« they come? θ foolish one; thou what sowest, §what thou sowest is not
ρεις, ού ξωοποιείται, έάν μή made alive unless it die ;
37 and as to what thou
not is made alive, if not it should die; sowest, thou sowest not
κα1 8 σπείρεις, οΰ τό σώμα τό THAT BODY which will be
and what thou sowest, not that body that produced,but aBare Grain,
γεννησόμενον σπείρεις, ain,
it may be of Wheat, or of
«ov, ει σίτου,αλλά
τύχοιppen, of
γυμνόν κόκ-
η" τίνος των
some of the OTHER kinds ;
wheat, or some of the 38 but GOD gives to it
if it may hai
λοιπών ^ό δέ Θεός αύτώ δίδωσι σώμα κα- a Body, as he designed,
othe but God to it gives a body as and to Each of the SEEDS
σε, καΐ έκάστφ τών σπερμάτων its Own Body.
39 All Flesh is not the
*[τό] ϊδιον σώμα. 8 β Ον πασά σαρξ, ή αύτη SAME Flesh ; but there is
[the] own body. N o t a l l flesh, t h e same
One, indeed of Men ; and
σαρξ· αλλά άλλη μέν ανθρώπων, άλλη δέ Another Flesh of Cattle;
fleshy but one indeed .of men.| sinotliei* &nd and Another *of Birds,
σαρξ κτηνών, άλλη δέ ιχθύων, άλλη δέ
£ l · o f c t4 0t l G ftnother tiicl oχθ and Another of Fishes.
f ffi filiGS t i n t h r o u t
40 and there are heav-
πτηνών. . ΚαΙ σώματα επουράνια, καΐ σώμα- enly Bodies, and earthly
of birds. And bodies heavenly, and bodies
τα επίγεια· άλλ' έτερα μέν Bodies ; but the GLORY of
earthly; but one Indeed that τών
the HEAVENLY, indeed, is
επουρανίων δόξα, έτερα δέ ή of the One ; and of the EARTHLY,
tieίΐνen 11 es uloryj &nother cind tliiit τών
επιγείων. 41 "Αλλη δόξα ηλίου, καΐ ofάλλη 41 There is One Glory
earthlies. One glory of eun, and another of the Sun, and Another
Glory of the Moon, and
δόξα σελήνης, καΐ άλλη δόξα αστέρων Another Glory of the
Stars: for Star differs
αστήρ γάρ αστέρος διαφέρει έν δόξη. 42Οΰτω from Star in Glory.
a star for from a star differs in glory. Thus 42 £And thus is the
καΐ ή άνάστασις τών νεκρών. Σπείρεται DEAD. I t is sown in Cor-
ruption, it is raised in
έν φθορςϊ, εγείρεται έν αφθαρσία· Incorruption ;
43 43 $It is sown in Dis-
σπείρεται έν ατιμία, εγείρεται έν δόξτ)·
VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—38. the—omit. 39. of Birds, and another of Fishes.
t 32. 2 Cor. i. 8. $32. Isa. xxii. 13; M. 12; Eccl. ii. 24; Lukexii. 19. t 33. 1. Cor.
V. 6 . $$ 34. Rom. xiii. 11; Eph. v. 14. % 34. 1 Thess. iv. 5. t 34. 1 Cor. vi.
5. t 3636. John xii. 24. $ 42. Dan. xii. 3; Matt. xiii. 43. t 43. Phil. iii. 21.

Chap. 15:44.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 15:53.
σπειρεται εν ασθένεια, εγείρεται έν δυνάμει· honor, it is raised in Glory ;
it is sown in weakness, i t is raised In power; it is sown in Weakness,
%πε'ιρεται σώμα ψυχικόν, εγείρεται σώμα it is raised in Power;
I t i s SO TS^Q II DOCly S O U l l C & l | i t i S l*fl i S ©Q Si DOCiy 44 it is sown an animal
πνευματικόν. Εστί σώμα ψυχικόν, και έστι Body, it is raised a spirit-
spiritual. Is a 45 body soulical, and is ual Body. *If there is
*[σώμα] πνευματικό'ν. Ουτω καΐ γέγραπ- an animal Body, there is
[a body] spiritual. So and i t has been also a spiritual Body.
ται* Έγένετο δ
ό πρώτος *[άνθρωπος] 45 And so it has been
written; Was made the the first [man] written, The FIRST Adam
'Αδάμ ε'ις -ψυχήν ζώσαν δ έ'σχατος 'Αδάμ !"became a living Soul;"
Adam into a soul living; the last Adam $the LAST Adam, $a life-
εις πνεΰμα ξωοποιοΰν. Άλλ' ού πρώτον το giving Spirit.
έπειτα 46 The SPIRITUAL,
πνευματικόν, άλλα τό ψυχικόν
spiritual, but the soulical; afterwards however, was not the
first, but the ANIMAL;
τδ πνευματικόν.
*Ο πρώτος άνθρωπος, έκafterwards, the SPIRIT-
γήζ χοϊκός* δ δεύτερος άνθρωπος, * [δ 47 $The FIRST Man was
earth earthy; the second man, [the from the Ground, §earthy,
Κύριος] έξ ούρανοΰ. ^Οίος δ χοϊκός, the SECOND Man is §from
L ο r dU
τοιούτοι f r o ΪΪΙκαΐh G ol
SL ν β u • Ο ι "W h £t tκαΐ
χοϊκοί· kind the β & ι* 111 y ιHeaven.
&uch like also tlie earthy ones; and of what kind 48 Of what kind the
EARTHY one, such also
δ επουράνιος, τοιούτοι καΐ ot επουράνιοι· the EARTHY ones; land
of what kind the HEAV-
κα1 καθώς έφορέσαμεν τήν εικόνα του ENLY one, such also the
χοϊκοΰ, φορέσομεν καΐ τήν εικόνα του HEAVENLY ones;
49 and §even as we
Τοΰτο δέ φημί, αδελφοί, δτι bore the LIKENESS of the
EARTHY one, $we shall
σαρξ καΐ αίμα βασιλείαν Θεοΰ κληρονομησαι also bear the LIKENESS of
flesh and blood a kingdom of God to inherit the HEAVENLY one.
ού δύνανται, ουδέ ή φθορά τήν άφθαρσί- 50 And I say this, Breth-
not are able, nor the cc ruption ie incorruption ren, Because §Flesh and
αν κληρονομεί. δ 1 Ί δ ο ύ , μυστήριον ύμίν Blood cannot inherit the
Kingdom of GOD ; nor shall
λέγω· Πάντες μέν ού κοιμηθησόμεθα· CORRUPTION inherit IN-
πάντες δέ άλλαγησόμεθα,
έν άτόμω,
51 Behold! a Secret
all but we shall t>© changed, in a moment} I disclose to you; §We
shall not all sleep, but we
έν ριπή οφθαλμού, έν rrj εσχάτη σάλπιγ- shall all be changed—
in a twinkling of an eye, in the last trumpet.
52 in a Moment, in the
γι. (Σαλπίσει γάρ, καΐ ol νεκροί έγερ- Twinkling of an Eye, at
(It shall sound for, and the dead ones shall
the LAST Trumpet; ifov
θήσονται άφθαρτοι, καΐ ημείς άλλαγη- it will Sound, and the
be raised incorruptible, and w e shall be DEAD will be raised in-
σόμεθα.) ^ γ ά ρ τό φθαρτόν τοΰτο corruptible, and we shall
changed.) I t is ary for the corruptible this be changed.
ένδύσασθαι άφθαρσίαν, καΐ τδ θνητδν
53 For this CORRUPTI-
BLE must be clothed with
to be clothed with incorruption, and the mortal
incorruptibility; and $this
τοϋτο ένδύσασθαι άθανασίαν. 54 "Οταν δέ MORTAL must be clothed
this to be clothed with immortality. When but with Immortality.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.· —44. If thereί Is ;an animal Body, there is also a Spiritual
Body. 44. Body—<>mit. 45 . Man—omit. 47 . the LORD—omit.
$ 45. Gen.ii. 7.• t 45. Bom. v. 14. $ 45. John v. 2 1 ; vi. 33, 39, 40 , 54, 5 7 ;
Phil. iii. 2 1 ; Col iii, 4 $ 47 . John iii 31. $ 4 7. Gen. ii. 7 ; iii 19 . $ 47.
John iii. 1 3 , 3 1 . $ 48. Phil. iii. 2 0 , 2 1 . ί 49. Gen. v. 3. % 49. Phil. iii. 2 1 ;
1 John i i i . 2 . $ 5 0 . John iii. 3, 5. % 51. 1 Thcss. iv. 15-17. t 52. Matt. xxiv.
3 1 ; John v. 2 1 ; 1 Thess. iv. 16. $ 53. 2 Cor. v. 4.
Chap. 15: 54. I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 16: 5.
τό φθαρτόν τοΰτο ένδύσηται άφθαρ- 54 And when this COR-
the corruptible this shall be clothed with incor- RUPTIBLE shall be cloth-
σ'ιαν, καΐ τό θνητό ν τοϋτο ένδύση- ed with Incorruptibility,
and this MORTAL, shall be
ται άθανασίαν, τότε γενήσεται ό λόγος clothed with Immortality,
then will THAT WORD be
ό γεγραμμένος Κατεπόθη 6 accomplished which HAS
that having been w r i t t< Was swallowedup the BEEN WRITTEN, $ "Death

θάνατος εις νίκος. Π ο 5 σου·, θάνατε, τό
was swallowed up in Vic-
κέντρον; ποΰ σου, αδχι, τό νίκος; 55*Where, Ο Death! is
Β6 Thy STING? Where, Ο
Τό δε κέντρον τοϋ θανάτου, ή αμαρτία· Hades ! 13 Thy Victory?
The but sting of the death, the sin; 56 The STING of DEATH
f, δέ δύναμις της αμαρτίας, ό νόμος. Β7Τω is SIN, and the $POWER of
the and power of the sin, the law. To the
SIN is the LAW ;
δέ Θεω χάρις, τω διδόντι ήμίν, τό
but God" thanks, to the one having given to us, the
57 §but Thanks to
νΐκος δια τοΰ Κυρίου ημών Ίησοΰ Χρίστου. $t h e VICTORY, through
victory tljrouffH tlie Lord ox us Jesus J^HOIXILGQ» our LORD, Jesus Christ.
"Ωστε, αδελφοί μου αγαπητοί, εδραίοι 58 $ Wherefore, my be-
γίνεσθε, αμετακίνητοι, περισσει'<οντες εν τω loved Brethren, be you set-
tled, unmoved, abounding
£ργω τοϋ Κυρίου πάντοτε, είδότες, οτι in the WORK of the LORD
at all times, knowing That
ό κόπος υμών ουκ εστί κενός εν Κνρίω. your LABOR is not in vain
in the Lord.
ΚΕΦ. ιστ'. 16. CHAPTER XVI.
ΠερΙ δέ της λογίας της εις 1 And concerning $the
Concerning and the :ollection that for COLLECTION which is for
αγίους, ωσπερ διέταξα ταίς έκκλησίαις the SAINTS ;—as I di-
rected the CONGREGA-
της Γαλατίας, οΰτω καΐ ύμείς ποιήσατε. TIONS of GALATIA, SO also
ο τ ιΐι Θ Ο & 1 & ι· 1 &} so &lso you do* do you.
Κατά μίαν σαββάτων έκαστος υμών παρ' 2 ±Every $First day of
the Week, let each of you
έαυτφ τιθέτω, θησαυρίζων, δ,τι αν lay something by itself,
Itself let him place, treasuring up, what thing depositing as he may be
εύοδώται* ίνα μή δταν ε'λθω, prospered, so that when
JIG witty be prospered^ so tli&t not3 ΛνΙΐΘΐι I xmiy com Θ ι I come Collections may
τότε λογίαι γίνωνται. "Οταν δέ παρα- not then be made.
then collections may be made. When and I may
3 And when I arrive,
γένωμαι, οϋς έάν δοκιμάσητε, δι' έπι- tthe persons whom you
ArrivOi whom if you may approve^ t>y let—
may authorize by Letters,
στολών τούτους πέμψω άπενεγκείν την χά-
ters t h e s e I w i l l send to carry the gift
I will send to convey your
GIFT to Jerusalem ;
ριν υμών είς 'Ιερουσαλήμ· έάν δέ
fj 4 $and if it be proper
of you to Jerusalem; If but it may be that even I should GO,
άξιον τοΰ κάμε πορε\>εσθαι, συν έμοί they shall go with me.
be worthy of the even me to go, with me
5 And I will come to
πορεΰσονται. ε Έλεΰσομαι δέ προς ύμας, δταν you, §when I have passed
t h e y s h a l l go. I w i l l come but to you, when through Macedonia; for
Μακεδονίαν διέλθω* (Μακεδονίαν I am coming by Mace-
Macedonia I may have passed through; (Macedonia donia ;
± 2. As kata polin signifies every city; and kata meena, everymonth; andActsxiv. 23,
kata ekkleesian, in every clmrch; so kata mian sahlatoon signifies the first day of every
week. —Macknipht.

Chap. 16:6.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 16:16.
γάρ διέρχομαι·) προς υμάς δε τυχόν 6 and, perhaps, I shall
for I pass through;) v i t h " you and i t may happen remain with You, or even
παραμένω, ή καΐ παραχειμάσω, ίνα pass the winter, tbat you
I w i l l remain may send Me forward
or even I shall winter, so that
ύμείς με προπέμψητε ού εάν πορεύωμαι. wherever I may go.
you me may send before where if I may go. 7 For I do not wish to
Ού θέλω γάρ ύμας άρτι έν παρόδω ιδεΐν see You now in passing,
Not I wish for you now in passing by" to see;
since I hope to remain
ελπίζω γάρ χρόνον τινά έπιμεϊναι προς υμάς, some Time with you, $if
I hope for time some to remain
8 with you, the Lord permit.
έάν ό Κύριος έπιτρέπη. Έπιμενώ δέ 8 But I will remain at
if the Lord should permit. I shall remain but
9 Ephesus till the PENTE-
έλ· Έφέσω εως της πεντηκοστής· θύρα γάρ COST ;
in Ep]
9 for $a great and effec-
μοι άνέωγε μεγάλη καΐ ενεργής, και tive Door has been opened
iias been opened great
10 and effective, and to Me ; yet there are many
αντικείμενοι πολλοί. Έάν $Opposers.
Τιμόθεος, βλέπετε, ίνα άφόβως γένηται should 10 Now, ?Tf Timothy
have come, take
jCimotliVj SGO yovij tlmt "vt^*tlioiit fcitr lie xnjiy ut care that he may be among
προς ύμας· τό γάρ έργον Κυρίου εργάζεται you without fear ; for £he
ώς *[καί] έγώ· η μή τις οΰν αυτόν performs the work of the
Lord, even as also I do.
as [even'] I; not any one therefore him
έξουθενήση. Προπέμψατε δέ αυτόν έν είρή- I l l Let no one, there-
may despise. Send on before and him in peace, fore, despise him; but
νχι, ίνα έλθτι προς με· έκδέχομαι γάρ send him forward $in
12 Peace, that he may come
αυτόν * [μετά των αδελφών. ] Περί δέ to me; for I am expecting
him [with the brethren.] Concerning and him with the BRETHREN.
Άπολλώ τοϋ άδελφοΰ, πολλά παρεκάλεσα 12 But concerning §Apol-
Apollos the brother, much I entreated los, the BROTHER, I en-
αυτόν, ϊνα ελθχι προς ύμας μετά των treated him repeatedly
that he would comedo you
r καΐ πάντως ούκ fjv θέλημα, ϊνα with the BRETHREN ; but
νυν ελθχι* έλεύσεται δέ, δταν εύκαιρή- his Inclination was not at
now he should go; he w i l l go but, when he may all to come at present;
^Γρηγορείτε, στήκετε έν he will come, however,
Watch you, stand you firm in when he may find an op-
xf\ πίστει, άνδρίζεσθε, κραταιοΰσθε· πάν- portunity.
the faith, be you m a n l y , be you s t r o n g ; all 13 $Watch you ! §Stand
τα υμών έν αγάπη γινέσθω. Παρακα- firm in the FAITH ! Be
things of you in love l e t be done. I entreat manly ! $Be strong!
λώ δέ ύμας, αδελφοί· οϊδατε την οίκί- 14 $Let all your deeds
be done in Love.
αν Στεφανα, οτι εστίν απαρχή της 15 And I entreat you,
hold of Stephanas, that it is a first-fruit of the Brethren, as you know the
'Αχαΐας, καΐ εις διακονίαν τοις άγίοις έτα- ί FAMILY of Stephanas,
That it is $a First-fruit of
ξαν 1β ACIIAIA, and that they
εαυτούς· ϊνα καΐ ύμείς ύποτάσ- have devoted themselves
tli62ΪΙsGIv^cs^ £li2it Also you should be to § Service for the SAINTS,
σησθε τοις τοιούτοις, κα.1 παν- 16 §that you also be
submissive to the such like persons, and to every submissive to SUCH, and
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 0 . even—omit. 11. with the BRETHREN—omit.
t 7. Acts xviii. 2 1 ; 1 Cor. iv. 19; James iv. 15. $ 9. Acts xiv. 2 7 ; 2 Cor. ii. 1 2 ;
Col. iv. 2 ; Rev. i i i . 8. $ 9. Acts xix. 9. $ 10. Acts xix. 2 2 ; 1 Cor. iv. 17. $ 10.
Bom. xvi. 2 1 ; Phil. i i . 20, 2 2 ; 1 Thess. iii. 2. % 11. 1 Tim. iv. 12. ί 11. Acts
xv. 33. ί 12. 1 Cor. i . 12; iii. 5. $ 13. Matt. xxiv. 4 2 ; xxv. 1 3 ; 1 Thess. v. 6;
1 Pet. v. 8. t 13. 1 Cor. xv. 1; Phil. i. 2 7 ; iv. 1; 1 Thess. iii. 8; 1 Pet. v. 8.
t 13. Eph. vi. 10; Col. i. 11. t 14. 1 Cor. xiv. 1; 1 Pet. iv. 8. ί 15. 1 Cor. i .
16. t 15. Horn. xvi. 5. $ 15. 2 Cor. viii. 4 ; ix. 1; Heb. vi. 10. $ 16. Heb. xiii. 17.
Chap. 16:17.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 16:24.
τΐ τφ συνεργοΰντι καΐ κοπιώντι. to Every one who CO-
one to the one working with and laboring with. OPERATES and labors.
Χαίρω δέ έπΙ τχί παρουσίςι Στεφανα 17 And I rejoice a t the
presence of Stephanus and
και Φουρτουνάτου καΐ Άχαίκοΰ, δτι τό
Fortunatus and Achaicus;
υμών υστέρημα οΰτοι άνεπλήρωσαν* ^άνέ-Because these brethren
supplied the Want of YOU ;
ο/ you want tlicso supplied, they
παυσαν γαρ τό έμόν πνεύμα καΐ τδ υμών. 18 $for they have re-
refreshed for the my spirit and that of you. freshed MY Spirit and
Έπιγινώσκετε οδν τους τοιούτους. Y O U R S . § Acknowledge,
therefore, SUCH brethren.
"'Ασπάζονται υμάς at έκκλησίαι της
Salute you the congregations of the 19 The CONGREGATIONS
'Ασίας. 'Ασπάζονται υμάς έν Κυρίφ πολλά of ASIA salute you. Aquila
Asia. Salute you in Lord much and *Priscilla, $together
'Ακύλας καΐ Πρίσκιλλα, συν τη κατ' οίκον with the CONGREGATION
at their House, salute you
ούτών εκκλησία. 20'Ασπάζονται υμάς ol much in the Lord.
of them congregation. Salute you the
αδελφοί πάντες. 'Ασπάσασβε αλλήλους έν 20 All the BRETHREN
brethren a l l . Salute you each otherwith salute you. § Salute each
φιλήματι άγίω. 2 1
Ό ασπασμός τη έμη other with a holy Kiss.
a kiss holy. The salutation, with the my
χειρί Παύλου. ^Εϊ τις ού φιλεΕ τόν TATION 21 §This is the SALU-
hand "- -· " -" *-- " - - • - - - · - -
of Paul with MY
Κΰριον *[Ίησουν Χριστόν,] V\ |Tco ανάθεμα· OWN Hand.
Lord [Jesus Anointed,] l e t him be accursed;
22 If any one $love not
μαράν άθά. 8 Ή χάρις του Κυρίου Ίησοΰ the LORD, §let him be ac-
* [Χρίστου] μεθ' υμών. 24
Ή αγάπη μου cursed. §The Lord comes.
[Anointed,] with you. The love of me 23 The FAVOR of the
μετά πάντων υμών έν Χριστώ Ίησοΰ. LORD Jesus be with you.
of you i n Anointed J e s u s . LE
24 My love be with you
all in the Anointed Jesus.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 9 . Prisca. 22. Jesus Anointed—omit. 23. Anointed
—omit. 24. So be i t — o m i t . Subscription—FIRST TO T H E C O R I N T H I A N S , W R I T T E N
t 18. Col. iv. 8. ί 1 8 . 1 Thess. v. 1 2 ; Phil. i i . 29. ί 19. Rom. xvi. 5 , 1 5 ;
Philemon 2 . t 2 0 . Bom. xvi. 16. % 2 1 . Col. iv. 1 8 ; 2 Thess. i i i . 17. ί 2 2 .
Eph. vi. 24. ί 22. Gal. i. 8, 9. $ 22. Jude 14, 15. t 2 3 . Bom. xvi. 20.

Παΰλος, απόστολος Ίησοΰ Χρίστου δια 1 Paul, §an Apostle
Paul, an apostle of Jesus Anointed through of the *Anointed Jesus
θελήματος Θεοϋ, καΐ Τιμόθεος ό αδελφός, by the Will of God, and
will of God, τοΰand Timothy Timothy the BROTHER, to
θεοΰ τηthe οΰσχι brother,
rfj εκκλησία on of the God to that being in GOD which is in Corinth,
' " συν
mgregatl·τοις άγίοις πασι τοις οίσιν έν§ together with all THOSE
Corinth," w i t h the s 2a i n t s t o a l l those being inSAINTS who ARE in the
δλη τ|) 'Αχαία· χάρις ύμίν καΐ εΙρήνη Whole of ACHAIA ;
whole the Achaia; favor to you and peace
άπό Θεοΰ Πατρός ημών, καΐ Κυρίου Ίησοΰ 2 $Favor to you, and
Peace, from God our Fa-
from God a Father of you, and Lord Jesus ther and the Lord Jesus
Χρίστου. 3Εΰλογητός ό Θεός καΐ Πατήρ Christ.
Arointed. Worthy of praise the God and Father 3 $Blessed be the GOD
τοΰ Κυρίου ημών Ίησοΰ Χρίστου, ό Πατήρ and Father of our LORD
of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, the Father Jesus Christ, THAT FA-
τών οίκτιρμών, καΐ θεός πάσης παρα- God of All Comfort,
κλήσεως, ό 4
παρακαλών ύμας έν πάσχι 4 who COMFORTS us in
τή θλίψει ημών, είς τό δύνασθαι ήμας All our AFFLICTION, in
trie affliction of us, in order that to be able order that we may be
παρακαλείν τους έν πάση θλίψει, δια ABLE to comfort THOSE
to comfort those in every
της παρακλήσεως, ής affliction, by means in
Every Affliction, through
the COMFORT by which we
αυτοί ύπό τοΰ Θεοΰ· δδτι καθώς περισ- ourselves are comforted
ourselves by the God; because as abounds by GOD ;
5 because §as the SUF-
σεύει τα παθήματα τοΰ Χρίστου είς ήμας, FERINGS for the ANOINTED
abound in us, so through
οί5τω διά τοΰ Χρίστου περισσεύει καΐ ή the ANOINTED, abounds
by ι
παράκλησις ημών. 6 Ειτε δι θλιβόμεθα, also our COMFORT.
e are afflicted, 6 And whether we be
υπέρcomfort τηςof υμών
us. Whether but
παρακλήσεως, * ΓκαΙ σω- afflicted, $it is *on behalf
on behalf of the of you comfort, [and sal- Of THAT COMFORT Of YOU,
τηρίας·] είτε παρακαλούμεθα, υπέρ which OPERATES by a Pa-
tient endurance of the,
της υμών παρακλήσεως, της ένεργουμέ- SAME Sufferings which we
of the of you comfort, of that operating
νης έν υπομονή τών αυτών παθημάτων, also suffer; and our HOPE
patient endurance of the same sufferings, on your account is firm;
ων καΐ ημείς πάσχομεν (καΐ ή έλπίς ημών 7 or, whether we be
which also we suffer; (and the hope of us comforted, it is for your
βεβαία υπέρ υμών) 7ε1δότες, δτι $σπερ Comfort and Salvation,
stedfast on behalf of you;) knowing, that as knowing, §That as you
κοινωνοί έστέ τών παθημάτων, οΰτω καΐ are Partakers of the SUF-
partakers you are of the sufferings, so also FERINGS, so also of the
τής παρακλήσεως. 8Ού γάρ θέλομεν ύμας άγ- COMFORT.
8 For we do not wish
νοείν, αδελφοί, υπέρ τής θλίψεως you, Brethren, to be ig-
be ignorant, brethren, concerning the affliction norant concerning THAT
Jesus. 6. and salvation—omit. 6. on behalf of THAT COMFORT of YOU which OPERATES
by a Patient endurance of the SAME Sufferings which we also suffer; and our HOPE on
your account is firm; or, whether we be comforted, it is for YOUR Comfort and Salvation,
knowing, That.
ΐ 1. 1 Cor. i. 1; Eph. i. 1; Col. i. 1; 1 Tim. i. 1; 2 Tim. i. 1. t 1. Phil. 1 . 1 ;
Col. i. 2. $ 2. Rom. i . 7; 1 Cor. i . 3 ; Gal. i . 3 ; Phil. i. 2 ; Col. i. 2 ; IThess.
1. 1; 2 Thess. i. 2 ; Philemon 3. ί 3. Eph. i. 3 ; 1 Pet. i. 3. % 5. *cts ix. 4;2 Cor,
iv. 10; Col. i. 24. ί 6. 2 Cor. iv. 15. t 7. Rom. viii. 1 7 ; 2 Tim. ii. 12.
Chap. 1:9.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap, 1:16.
ημών της γενομένης * [ήμίν] έν τ|) 'Ασία, ^AFFLICTION 0 f O U T S
of us of that happening Cto us] in the Asia, which HAPPENED in ASIA,
δτι καθ' ύπερβολήν έβαρήθημεν That * excessively above
Strength we were pressed,
υπέρ δύναμιν, &στε έξαπορηθήναι ημάς so that we despaired even
above strength, so that to be in despair us
of LIFE ;
καΐ τοΰ ζ-ην άλλά αυτοί έν έαυτοις το 9 but we had the SEN-
even of the life; but ourselves in ourselves the TENCE of DEATH in our-
άπόκριμα τοΰ θανάτου έσχήκαμεν, ίνα μη selves, so that we might
$not trust in ourselves,
πεποιθότες ώμεν έ φ ' έαυτοί,ς, άλλ' επί but in THAT GOD who
having trusted we should in ourselves, but in
10 RAISES up the DEAD ;
τω Θεώ τω έγείροντι τους νεκρούς* δς 10 $who rescued us
the God that one raising up the dead ones; who
ίν. τηλικούτου θανάτου έρρύσατο ημάς, καΐ from so Great a Death,
and *i s rescuing; i n
ρύεται· είς δν ήλπίκαμεν, δτι και whom we have hope that
does rescue; in whom we have hoped, that even
he will also yet rescue;
11 you, also, $co-operat-
Uxi ρύσεται, η συνυπουργούντων καΐ υμών ing by PRAYER on our
behalf, so that from Many
ύπκρ ημών ττ} δεήσει, ίνα έκ πολλών fMouths thanks may be
οΐ) l)©li&lf of us in th© pr&ycr· tli&t f roiu niimy given by Many on our
προσώπων το είς ήμ,άς χάρισμα διά πολλών behalf, $for Our GIFT.
faces the for us gift through many 12 For our BOASTING
ευχαριστηθώ υπέρ ημών. 1 2 Ή γαρ is this, the TESTIMONY of
καύχησι,ς ημών αΰτη έστι, το μαρτυριον της our CONSCIENCE. T h a t
with *the greatest Simpli-
συνειδήσεως ημών, δτι έν άπλότητι και city and ^Sincerity, §not
conscience of u s , t h a t i n s i m p l i c i t y a n d with fleshly Wisdom, but
ειλικρίνεια Θεοΰ, (ούκ έν σοφία σαρκική, by the Favor of GOD, we
sincerity of God, (not in wisdom fleshly, conducted ourselves i n
άλλ' έν χάριτι Θεοΰ) άνεστράφημεν έν τω the WORLD ; but more
but in favor of God) we conducted in the especially towards you.
κόσμω, περισσοτέρως δε προς υμάς. Οΰ
World, more abundantly but to you. Not 13 For we write no
γαρ αλλά γράφομεν ύμίν, άλλ' η* α άνα- Other things to you, than
for other things we write to you, but what you what you read, or what
γινώσκετε, * [ή α έπιγινώσκετε·] ελπίζω you acknowledge; and I
rciici» for whiit· you Q-cknowleQ^ejj X hoj)e hope that even to the End
you will acknowledge;
δε, οτι * [καΐ] εΌος τέλους έπιγνώσεσθε,
14 as also you partially
καθώς καΐ έπέγνωτε ημάς άπό μέρους· acknowledged us, §That
wre are your Boast, $as
δτι καύχημα υμών έσμέν, καθάπερ καΐ you also will be ours in
the DAY of *the LORD
ύμείς ημών, έν χχ\ τοΰ Κυρίου Ίησοΰ. Jesus.
you of us, in the
>f the Lord Jesus. 15 And in this CONFI-
Και ταύττ) χχ\ πεποιθήσει έβουλόμην προς DENCE $1 was purposing
And in t h i s the confidence I wished to
to come to you at first;
ύμάζ έλθεϊν πρότερον, ίνα δευτέραν χάριν so that you might have §a
* Second Favor;
εχητε· κα1 δι» υμών διελθείν 16 and, by You, to pass
you may have; and through you to pass through through into Macedonia;

p , g y p
it means "character."—Sharpe.
t 8. Acts xix. 2 3 ; 1 Cor. xv. 3 2 ; xvi. 9. t 9. Jer. xvii. 5. 7. t 10. 2Pet. ii. 9. t 11.
Rom. xv. 3 0 ; Phil. i . 1 9 ; Philemon 2 2 . j 11. 2 Cor. iv. 15. t 12. 2 Cor. ii. 1 7 ;
iv. 2. t 12. 2 Cor. ii. 4, 13. $ 14. 2 Cor. v. 12. $ 14. Phil. ii. 1 6 ; iv. 1 ; 1
These, ii. 19, 2 0. $ 15. 1 Cor. iv. 9. t 15. Rom. i. 11.
Chap. 1: 17.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 2: 1.
e ζ Μακεδονίαν, και πάλιν άπό Μακεδονίας and from Macedonia $to
come again to you, and by
έλθείν προς υμάς, καΐ ύφ* υμών προπεμ- You to be sent forward
to come to you, and by you to be sent into JUDEA.
ςρθήναι εις την Ίουδαίαν. Τοΰτο ούν
17 This therefore, being
forward into the Judea. This therefore my intention, did I cer-
όουλευόμενος*, μήτι άρα xf\ έλαφρία έχρη- tainly regard it LIGHTLY ?
wishing, not certainly in the lightness did
or are my purposes formed
σάμην; η α βουλεύομαι, κατά σάρκα § according to the Flesh,
t h a t there should be with
βουλεύομαι, ϊνα ή παρ' έμοί το ναι ναι, me both the YES, yes, and
18 the NO, no?
καΐ το οό ού; Ι Ι ιστός δε ό Θεός, δτι ό 18 f But GOD is witness,
and the no no? F a i t h l u l but the God, that the
T h a t THAT WORD of ours
λόγος ημών ό προς υμάς ουκ έγένετο ναι which was toward you *is
word of us that to you not was yes
καΐ ού. 1 9 Ό γαρ τοΰ Θεοϋ υιός Ίησοΰς not yes and no ;
and no. The for of the God son Jesus 19 for t h a t SON of GOD,
Χριστός, ό έν ύμίν δι' ημών κηρυ- Jesus Christ, who was
PROCLAIMED to You by Us,
χθείς, (δι' έμοΰ και Σιλουανοΰ και —by me, and Silvanus,
been preached, (by means of me and Silvanus and and Timothy,—was not yes
Τιμοϋέον,) ούκ έγένετο να! κα! ού, άλλα and no, but was yes in
ναΐ έν αύτω γέγονεν, 2υ (δσαι γαρ έπαγγε- 20 §For whatever be
yes in him "has become, (as many for promises the Promises of God, they
λίαι Θεοΰ, έν αύτω τό ναί, καΐ έν αύτω το are in him YES, *and in
of God, in him* the yes, and Jn him* the him fAMEN, to t h e Glory
αμήν,) τω Θεφ προς δόξαν δι' υμών. of GOD through us.
βο be i t , ) to the God lor glory on account of us. 21 NOW Ηΐ) ESTABLISH-
*O δε βέβαιων ημάς συν ύμίν ε'ις ING us with you in Christ,
The but one establishing us w i t h you for and ^having anointed us,
Χριστόν, καΐ χρίσας ημάς, Θεός· 2 "ό is THAT God,
Anointed, and having anointed us, God; he
22 who also $has SEALED
us, and $given t h e PLEDGE
>eal σφραγισάμενος ημάς, καΐ δούς of the SPIRIT in our
and having sealed us, and having given HEARTS.
τον αρραβώνα τοϋ πνεύματος έν ταϊς καρδίαις 23 But $1 invoke GOD
ημών. 2 3 Έ γ ώ δε μάρτυρα τον Θεόν έπικα- as a Witness to MY Soul,
• f us. I but a w i t n e s s the God c a l l upon
|That, sparing you, I
λοΰμαι επί την έμήν ψυχήν, δτι φειδόμενος have not yet come to
Corinth ;
υμών ούκέτι ήλθον εις Κόρινθον 24 ούχ δτι, 24 not $Because wo
ϊίΧ'ριευομεν υμών της πίστεως, άλλα συνερ- domineer over You through
we lord i t o\er you of the f a i t h , but f e l l o w - the FAITH, but because we
γοΐ έσμέν της χαράς υμών* xfj γαρ are Associates of your
workers we are of "the joy of you; In the for Joy; for §in the FAITH
πίστει έστήκατε. ΚΕΦ. β ' . 2. ΐ"Εκρι- you have stood firm.
1 decided
f a i t h you have stood.
να δέ έμαυτώ τοΰτο, τό μη πάλιν έν λύπη CHAPTER I I .
but with myseli this, that not again in grief 1 But I decided this
προς υμάς έλθείν. *ΕΙ γαρ έγώ λυπώ υμάς, with myself, §not to COME
to " you to come. If for I grieve you, again to you, in Grief.

* VATICAN MANTTSCBIPT.—18. is not yes and no. 20. wherefore also by him AMEN.
± 1 8 . The original phrase, pistos ho theos, is the same form of an oath with The
Eternal liveth! that is, "As certainly as the Eternal God liveth." ± 20. JVcri, yes, was
the word used by the Greeks for affirming anything; Amen was the word used by the
Hebrews for the same purpose.—Macknight.
t 16. 1 Cor. xvi. 5, 6. t 17. 2 Cor. x. 2. Φ 20. Rom. xv. 8, 9. t 2 1 . 1 John ii.
20, 27. t 22. Enh. i. 1 3 ; iv. 3 0 ; 2 Tim. ii. 1 9 ; Rev. ii. 17. ί 22. 2 Cor. v. 5 ; Eph.
i. 14. % 23. Rom. i. 9 ; 2 Cor. xi. 3 1 ; Gal. i. 2 0 ; Phil. i. 8. $ 23. 1 Cor. iv. 2 1 ;
2 Cor, ii. 3 ; xii. 2 0 ; xiji. 2, 10. t 24. 1 Cor. iii. 5 ; 1 Pet. v. 3. $ 2 4. 1 Cor. xv.
1. % 1. 1 Cor. i . 2 3 ; x i i . 2 0 , 2 1 ; xiii. 1 0 .
Chap. 2:2.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 2:12.
καΐ τις * [έστιν] ό εύφρα'ινων με, ει μη 2 For if I grieve you,
who indeed could MAKE
ό λυπούμενος έξ έμοΰ; 3 ΚαΙ έγραψα *[ ti- me GLAD, but the ONE
the one being grieved from me? And I wrote [to who is GRIEVED by me?
μίν] τοΰτο αυτό, Ινα μή έλθω ν λύ- 3 I wrote also this very
you] this same thing, so that not having come thing, t h a t coming, $1
πην ρχω άφ' ών £δει με χαί- might not have sorrow
from those by whom I
ρειν πεποιθώς έπΙ πάντας ΰμας, δτι ή ought to rejoice; $having
confidence in you all, T h a t
έμή χαρά πάντων υμών έστιν. Έκ γαρ MY Joy is the joy of you
my joy of a l l of you i t is. Out of for all.
πολλής θλίψεως καΐ συνοχής καρδίας έγραψα 4 F o r out of Much Af-
much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote fliction and Distress of
ύμϊν δια πολλών δακρύων, ούχ Ινα λυπη- Heart I wrote to you
to you through many tears, not that you might through many Tears:
•θητε, άλλα την άγάπην ίνα γνώτε, $not t h a t you should be
be grieved, but the love that you might know, grieved, but that you
lyv Εχω περισσοτέρους είς ύμας. 5 ΕΙ δε might know the LOVU
which I have more abundantly towards you. If but which I have more abun
τις λελ\;πηκεν, ουκ έμέ λελύπηκεν, dantly towards you.
any one has been grieved, not me he has grieved, 5 B u t $if any one h a s
αλλ' άπό μέρους, ίνα μή έπιβαρώ, πάν- caused grief, he has not
but from parts, t h a t n o t I m a y b e a r h a r d upon, a l l $grieved Me, except from
tag υμάς. β Ίκανόν τφ τοιούτω ή έπιτιμ'ια αυτή a p a r t ; t h a t I may not
overcharge you all.
ή ΰπ6 τών πλειόνων 7ωστβ τουναντίον 6 Sufficient for SUCH a
person is T H I S § P U N I S H -
which by the majority; so that on the other hand
MENT, which was inflicted
* [μάλλον] ύμας χαρίσασθαι καΐ παρακα-
trather] you to freely forgive and to comfort, by t h e MAJORITY.
7 $So t h a t , ON T H E
λέσαι, μήπως τχ\ περισσότερα λύπη κατα-
lest by the more abundant grief should OTHER HAND, yOU OUght
dfj ό τοιούτος.
Διό παρακαλώ
to forgive and comfort
him, lest SUCH an one
swallowed the such one. Wherefore I entreat should be overwhelmed by
ύμας κυρώσαι είς αυτόν άγάπην. Εις EXCESSIVE Sorrow.
you to publicly confix*m. to hiin Xov©· Xo. order to
8 Wherefore, I entreat
τοΰτο γαρ καΐ έγραψα, ίνα γνώ την you publicily to confirm
t h i s for flXso I wrotΘ^ so txi&t I m i s o t Icno^r Χ*ΪΘ your Love towards him.
δοκιμήν υμών, ει είς πάντα υπήκοοι
proof of you, if to a l l things obedient you are.
έστέ. 9 Besides, I wrote for
this purpose also, that I
φ δέ τι χαρίζεστε, καΐ έγώ· might know the PROOF of
To whom but anything you freely forgive, also I; you, whether you are $obe-
καΐ γαρ εγώ δ κεχάρισμαι, εϊ τι dient in all things.
even for I what have freely forgiven, if anything 10 But to whom you
κεχάρισμαι δι' υμάς, έν προ- freely forgive anything, I
do also ; for indeed, what
οώπω Χρίστου· η
ΐνα μή πλεονεκτηθώ- I have forgiven, if I have
forgiven any thing, is on
μεν υπό τοΰ σατανά· ού γαρ αύτοΰ τα your account, in the pres-
reached by the adversary; not for of him the ence of Christ;
νοήματα άγνοοϋμεν. 11 that we may not be
overreached by the AD-
VERSARY ; for we are not
Έλθών δέ εις την Τρωάδα είς τδ εΰαγ- ignorant of His DEVICES.
Having come but to the Troas for the glad 12 But $having come
γέλιον τοΰ Χρίστου, καΐ θύρας μοι άνεωγ-
tidings of the Anointed, and a door to me having
to TROAS in order to preach
the GLAD TIDINGS of the
* VATICAN MANT'SCRIPT.—2. is—omit. 8. to you—omit. 7. rather—omit.
$ 3. 2 Cor. xii. 21. $ 3. 2 Cor. vii. 16; viii. 22 ; Gal. v. 10. t 4. 2Cor.vii. 8, 9, 12.
$ 5. 1 Cor. v. 1. t 5. Gal. iv. 12. t 6. 1 Cor. v. 4, 5; 1 Tim. v. 20. t 7. Gal.
vi. 1. $ 9. 2 Cor. vii. 15; x. 6. $ 12. Acts xvi. 8; xx. 6.
Chap. 2:13.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 3:3.
μενης έν Κυρίφ, ούκ έσχηκα άνεσιν τφ A N O I N T E D , a n d §a Door
having been opened to m e
πνευματι μου, τα> μη εύρεϊν με Τίτον by the Lord, I had no Rest
spirit οί me, by th*e me Titus i n my S P I R I T , b e c a u s e I
13 not to come
τον άδελφόν μου· άλλά άποταξ» μένος αύ- FOUND n o t T i t u s my BRO-
tbe brother ol me; but having bade farewell to THER ;

εις Μακεδονίαν. Τφ δέ Θεφ

14 13 b u t h a v i n g bid them
τοϊς, έξήλθον farewell, I went forth i n t o
I went out into Macedonia. To the but God
them Macedonia.
χάρις τω πάντοτε θριαμβεύοντι ημάς 14 Now, t h a n k s be t o
thanks to that always leading to triumph us
THAT GOD, who always
έν τφ Χριστφ, καΐ την όσμήν της γνώσεως ±LEADS US forth t o TRI-
αΰτου φανεροΰντι ημών έν παντί one, a n d w h o diffuses by
of himself lV manifesting through us in every us t h e FRAGRANCE of the
1Β KNOWLEDGE of him, in
τόπω. "Οτι Χριστοί) εύωδία έσμέν
Every Place.
15 Because w e a r e a
τφ Θεώ έν τοϊς σωζομένοις καΐ έν τοίς Sweet odor of Christ t o
to the God In those being saved and in those GOD, f a m o n g T H O S E who
άπολλυμένοις· οΙς μέν οσμή θανάτου εις are BEING SAVED, and
perishing; to them indeed, an odor of death Into | a m o n g THOSE who ARE
θάνατον οίς δέ, οσμή ζωής εις ζωήν. PERISHING;
death; t o those b u t , a n odor16 $to these, indeed, a n
of l i f e into life.

ΚαΙ προς ταϋτα Odor of Death t o Death,

τΙς Ικανός;
Ού γαρ
And and t o those, a n Odor of
Life t o L i f e ; a n d $for
έσμέν ώς ot πολλοί, καπηλεύοντες τόν λόγον these things who is quali-
we are like the many, adulterating the word
rou θεοΰ· άλλ' ώς έξ ειλικρίνειας, άλλ' ώς 17 F o r w e a r e n o t like
of the God; but as from sincerity", but as the MANY, ±$trafficking
έκ θεοΰ, κατενώπιον *[τοΰ] θεοΰ, έν the WORD of GOD ; but
from God, in presence in really
fof the] $from
God, sincerity,
Ά ρ χ ό - and a s from God, in t h e
Χριστφ λαλοΰμεν. ΚΕΦ. γ ' . 3 .
Anointed we speak. Do we presence of God, w e speak
concerning Christ.
μεθά πάλιν εαυτούς συνιστάνειν; η1 μή χρή-
1)6^ 1Q fi^tiii) ourselves to commend? or not we CHAPTER I I I .
ξομεν, &ς τίνες, συστατικών επιστολών προς 1 $Are w e beginning
again t o recommend Our-
υμάς, η1 έξ υμών * [συστατικών;] 2 Ή selves? or do w e require,
you or from you. Lo£ recommendation?] The as some, $ Recommenda-
tory L e t t e r s t o you, o r
επιστολή ημών ύμεΐς έστε, εγγεγραμμένη έν from you?
2 $You a r e o u r LETTER,
ταϊς καρδ'ιαις ημών, γινωσκομένη καΐ άναγι- ( w r i t t e n on o u r H E A R T S , )
known a n d being read by
νωσκομένη υπό πάντων ανθρώπων 3 φανερού- All Men ;
rcad by all men; being
3 i t being plainly de-
μενοι, 8τι έστέ επιστολή Χρίστου δια- clared t h a t you a r e a Let-
manifest, that you are a letter of Anointed hav- ter of Christ ^delivered by

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—17. of the—omit. 1. of recommendation—omit. 3. and

± 14. An allusion to the custom of the victorious generals, who, in their triumphal pro-
cessions, carried some of their relations with them in their chariot. The streets through
which the processions passed were strewed with flowers, and as Plutarch tells us, the
streets were full of incense. ± 17. or sophisticating the word of God, referring to the
practice of vinters, who adulterate their wines. Dr. Bentley paraphrases it thus,—"which
adulterate and negotiate the word of God for their own lucre and advantage."
$ 12. 1 Cor. xvi. 9. % 12. 2 Cor. v!i. 5, 6. % 15. 1 Cor. i. 18. $ 15. 2 Cor. iv. 3.
t 16. Luke ii. 34; John ix. 39; 1 Pet. ii. 7, 8. $ 16. 1 Cor. xv. 10; 2 Cor. iii. 5.
6. % 17. 2 Cor. iv. 2; xi. 13; 2 Pet. ii. 3. t 17. 2 Cor. i. 12; iv\ 2. $ 1. 2 Cor. v.
12; x. 8, 12; xii. 11. $ 1. Acts xviii. 27. ί 2. 1 Cor. ix. 2. t 3. 1 Cor. iii. 5.
Chap. 3:4.] II. CORINTHIANS. {Chap. 3:12.
κονηθείσα ύ φ ' ημών, εγγεγραμμένη us, *arrl written not with
ing been ministered by us, having been written Ink, but with the Spirit of
ού μελανί, αλλά πνεύματι Θεοΰ ζώντος, ουκ the living God, $not on
not w i t h ink, but by s p i r i t of God living, not
Stone tablets, but fon
έν πλαξί λιθίναις, αλλά έν πλαξί καρδίαις fleshly Tablets of the
οι tablets of stones, but on tablets of hearts Heart.
σαρκιναις. 4 Πεποίθησιν δέ τοιαύτην βχομεν 4 And such Confidence
fleshly. towards GOD we have
>ιά τοΰ Χρίστου προς τόν Θ ε ό ν Βοϋχ through the ANOINTED ;
5 Jnot That we are
δτι Ικανοί έσμέν ά φ ' εαυτών, λογίσασθαί qualified of ourselves to
because sufficient we are from ourselves, to reason reason any thing as from
τι, ώς εξ εαυτών, άλλ' ή Ικανότης ourselves, but $our QUALI-
FICATION is from GOD ;
ημών έκ τοΰ Θεοΰ· β 6 who also qualified us
ος καΐ Ικάνο)σεν ημάς
of us from of the God; who also to be $ Servants of a $New
qualified us
Covenant; not $of the
διακόνους καινής διαθήκης, ού γράμματος, Letter, but of the Spirit;
servants of a new covenant, not of letter,
for §the $ LETTER kills,
αλλά πνειΊματος* τό γάρ γράμμα άποκτείνει, $but the SPIRIT makes
but of spirit; the for letter kills,
τδ δέ πνεΰμα ζωοποιεΐ. Ε Ι δέ ή διακονία 7 Now, if $the DISPEN-
the but spirit gives life. If but the service
τοΰ θανάτου έν γραμμασιν, έντετυπωμενη graved in Letters on
Stones, was attended with
*[έν] λίθοις, έγενή$η έν δόξη, ώστε μη Glory, §so that the SONS
of Israel were unable to
δύνασθαι άτενίσαι τους υΙούς 'Ισραήλ εις look steadily into the
FACE of Moses, because of
τό πρόσωπον Μωϋσέως, δια την δόξαν THE BRIGHTNESS Of h i s
the face of Mosea, on account of the glory COUNTENANCE ; w h i c h
τοΰ προσώπου αύτοΰ, την καταργουμένην 8 πώς [dispensation] is PASSING
ο£ the face of him, that passing away; how AWAY ; —
8 how, rather, shall not
ουχί μάλλον ή διακονία τοΰ πνεύματος εσται t h e ^DISPENSATION ο f
the SPIRIT be attended
έν δόξη; 9 ΕΙ γάρ ή διακονία της κατακρίσεως, with Glory?
in glory? If for the service of the condemnation, 9 For if the MINISTRY
δόξα* πολλω μάλλον περισσεύει ή διακονία Of CONDEMNATION bΘ
glory; much more abounds the service
Glory, much more does the
της δικαιοσύνης έν δόξη. ΚαΙ γάρ ού δεδό- MINISTRY $0f RIGHTEOUS-
οί the righteousness in glory. Even for not has NESS a b o u n d i n Glory.
ξασται τ6 δεδοξασμένον 10 For even that having
έν τούτω
bt on glorified that having been glorified in been glorified has not been
τω μέρει, ένεκεν της ύπερβαλλούσης δόξης. aconnt of in this respect, on
n ING Glory.
E i γάρ τδ καταργούμενον, διά δόξης· 11 p o r if THAT is BEING
If for that is being annul led, through glory;
ANNULLED through Glory»
πολλω μάλλον τδ μένον, έν δόξη. ^"Εχον- far superior is this RE-
by much more that remaining, in glory. Hav- MAINING in Glory.
τες ουν τοιαύτην ελπίδα, πολλή παρρησία 12 Having therefore
ing therefore such a hope, much freedom such a Persuasion, §we
exercise much Confidence;

_. _ . T „. Jer. xxxi. 3 1 ; Matt. xxvi. 2 8 ; JSeb. viii. t>, 8. ϊ b\ ±tom.

27, 2 9 ; vii. 6. % 6. Rom. i i i . 2 0 ; iv. 1 5 ; vii. 9 - 1 1 ; Gal. i i i . 1 0 . $ 6 . John v i . o s ;
Kora. viii. 2 . t 7. Rom. vii. 10. $ 7. E-od. xxxiv. 1 , 2 8 ; Deut. x. 1.
t 7. Exod. xxxiv. 29. 30, 35. $ 8. Gal. i i i . o. $ 9. Bora. i . 1 7 ; i i i . 2 1 . $ 1 2 .
2 Cor. vii. 4 ; E p h . v i . 1 9 .
Chap. 3i 13.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 4:4.
χρώμεθα* κα1 ού, καθάπερ Μωϋσης έτίθει 13 and are not like Mo-
we use; and not, as Moses placed ses, §who put a Veil over
κάλυμμα έπΙ τό πρόσωπον "έαυτοΰ, προς το μη his FACE, for the SONS of
a veil on the face of himself, for the not Israel not to GAZE IN-
ότενίσαι τους υΙούς 'Ισραήλ είς τό τέλος TENTLY to $the END of
to gaze intently the sons
of Israel to the end THAT BEING ABOLISHED.
του καταργουμένου. ('Αλλ' έπωρώθη τά 14 (But § their MINDS
of that passing away. (But were blinded the
were obtuse; for to THIS
νοήματα αυτών άχρι γαρ της σήμερον τό DAY, the SAME Veil re-
Of 1
mains over the READING
αυτό κάλυμμα έπΙ Tfj αναγνώσει της παλαιά* of the OLD Covenant; not
satne veil on the reading of the old
discovering That it is
διαθήκης, μένει, μή άνακαλυπτόμενον, δτι taken away by Christ;
15 but, even to This
έν Χριστφ καταργείται· άλλ' εΌος σή- day, when Moses is read,
μby ρ , A n oήi nίtκe dα i ά
t i s taken away;
γ κ ε α ι but t i l l to- a Veil lies on their HEART.
μερον, when άναγινώσκεται
ήνίκα is read Mo
Μωϋσης, κάλυμμα 16 But §when it shall
έπΙ την καρδίαν αυτών κείται. 16Ήν'ικα δ' άν turn to the Lord, $the
OX ΙΘ 1ΐ6ϋΙ*ΐ Ο Ι ΐ l l C 1X1 1 1 6 S Wu©U U VEIL will be taken from
επιστρέψω προς Κύριον, περιαιρείται around it.
i.t* xtifty turn. to • Lord) Is t&lcoii from urouud 17 And $the LORD is
1 7 the SPIRIT ; and where
τό κάλυμμα. Ό $έ Κύριος τό πνεΰμά έστιν the SPIRIT of the Lord is,
the veil. The but Lord tue spirit is; there is freedom.)
ou δέ τό πνεϋμα Κυρίου * [εκεί], ελευθερία,
where and the spirit of Lord Cthere] freedom.) 18 But we all beholding
Ήμεϊς δέ πάντες άνακεκαλυμμένω προσώπω §the GLORY of the Lord in
We but all having been unveiled in a face a Face Unveiled, $are
τήν δόξαν Κυρίου κατοπτριζόμενοι, την transformed into the SAME
the glory of Lord beholding as in a mirror, the Likeness, from Glory to
αυτήν εικόνα μεταμορφούμεθα από δόξης είς Glory, as from the Lord,
same image we are transformed from glory to
the Spirit.
δόξαν, καθάπερ άπα Κυρίου πνεύματος,
glory, even as from Lord of spirit.
ΚΕΦ. δ ' . 4. *Διά τοϋτο έχοντες τήν 1 Therefore, having
$this MINISTRY, even as
διακονίαν ταύτην, καθώς ήλεήθημεν, we received Mercy, we
οΰκ έκκακουμεν άλλ' άπειπάμεθα τά κρυπτά faint n o t ;
rot we ffaint;
i t but we refused the secrets 2 but have repudiated
της αισχύνης, μή περιπατοΰντες έν πανούρ- the SECRET things of
of the shame, not walking in crafti- SHAME ; not walking in
γία, μηδέ δολοϋντες τόν λόγον του Θεοΰν Craftiness, $nor falsifying
ness, nor falsifying the word of the God, the WORD of GOD ; but
άλλα τη φανερώσει τής αληθείας συνιστών- by the EXHIBITION of the
hut by the manifestation of the truth recom- TRUTH, ^approving our-
ΐες· εαυτούς προς πάσαν συνείδησιν άνθρ,ώ- selves to Kvery Human
Conscience in the sight of
πων, ενώπιον του Θεοϋ. El δέ καΐ έστι GOD.
In pre " of the God. but even
3 (But if, indeed, our
κεκαλυμμένον τό εύαγγέλιον ημών, έν GLAD TIDINGS be veiled,
4 $they have been veiled to
ιοίς άπολλυμένοις έστι κεκαλυμμένον έν THOSE who are PERISH-
those being destroyed i t is having been veiled; in
οίς ό Θεός του α'ιώνος τούτου έτύφλωσε
whom the God of the age this blinded 4 tO those UNBELIEVERS,
whose MINDS the GOD of
τά νοήματα τών απίστων, είς this AGE blinded, in order
the minds of the unbelieving ones, in order
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 7 . t h e r e — o m i t .
t 1 3 . Exod. xxxiv. 3 3 , 3 5 . % 1 3 . Bom. x. 4 ; Gal.- i l l . 2 3 . % 14. Isa. vi. 1 0 ;
M a t t . xiii. 1 1 , 1 4 ; John xii. 4 0 ; Acts xxviii. 2 6 ; Bora. xi. 7, 8, 2 5 ; 2 Cor. iv. 4. $ 16.
Exbd. xxxiv. 3 4 ; Bom. xi. 2 3 , 2 6 . $ 16. Isa. xxv. 7. $ I f . ver. 6 ; 1 Cor. xv. 4 5 .
% 1 8 . 2 Cor. i v . 4, 6 ; 1 T i m . i . 1 1 . $ 18. Bom. viii. 2 9 ; 1 Cor. xv. 4 9 ; Col. i i i .
10. t 1, 2 Cor. i i i . 6. t 2. 2 Cor. i i . 1 7 ; 1 Thess, i i . 3, 5. % 3 . 2 Cor. v. 1 1 ;
T. 1 1 ; vi. 4. % 3. 1 Cor. L I S ; 2 Cor. i i . 1 5 ; 1 Thess. i i . 10.
Chap. 4:5.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 4:13,
τό μη αύγάσαι τόν φωτισμό ν χον that they might not see
that not to see distinctly the effulgence of the clearly the EFFULGENCE
ευαγγελίου της δόξης τοϋ " Χρκττοϋ, of the GLAD TIDINGS of the
glad tidings of the glory of the Anointed one, GLORY of the ANOINTED
δς έστιν ε'ικών τοΰ θεοΰ. one, $who is the Likeness
who is an image of the God. of Gob.)
Ού γάρ εαυτούς κηρύσσομεν, αλλά Χριστδν 5 §For we do not pro-
Not for ourselves we proclaim, but Anointed claim Ourselves, but the
Ίησοΰν Κΰριον* εαυτούς δέ, δούλους υμών and ourselvesAnointed Jesus, as Lord;
$your Bond-
Jesus ti IiOrdj ourselves Andy sl&v©s of you servants on account of
διά Ίησοΰν. *"Οτι ό θεός ό εί- Jesus.
through Jesus. Because the God that command- 6 Because THAT GOD
mbv έκ σκότους φως λάμ-ψοα, δς ελαμψεν $who COMMANDED t h e
Ing out of darkness light to shine, who shone
έν ταίς καρδίαις ημών, προς φώτισμόν της LIGHT to shine out of
in the hearts of us, for illumination of the Darkness, $shine into our
γνώσεως της δόξης του θεού έν προσώ- HEARTS for illuminating
knowledge of the glory of the God in face with the KNOWLEDGE of
πω *[Ίησοΰ] Χρίστου. 7"Εχομεν δέ τόν the GLORY of GOD in the
[of JesusJ Anointed. We have but, the face of Jesus Christ.
θησαυρόν τούτον έν όστρακίνοις σκεύεσιν, TREASURE 7 But we have this
in § Earthen
Ενα ή υπερβολή της δυνάμεως f\ Vessels, in order §that
the EXCELLENCE of the
so that the superabounding of the power may be POWER may be of GOD,
του θεοΰ, καΐ μή έξ ημών 8έν παντί and not from us ;
οι the God, and. not out of us; In everything
Φλιβόμενοι, άλλ* οΰ στενοχωρούμενοι· άπο-
being afflicted, but not being straitened; being
8 $being afflicted in
ρούμενοι, άλλ' ούκ έξαπορούμενοι· °διω-
every thing, but not dis-
Ρ©ΓΤ) 1QXCQ· DUt JlOt - ΟΘ 1 U£f 111 (ϊθ ST)£t * 1** Q©illtJ
tressed ; being perplexed,
κόμενοι, άλλ' ούκ έγκαταλειπόμενοι· κατα- but not in despair;
βαλλόμενοι, άλλ' ούκ άπολλύμενοι· 10πάντοτε 9 being persecuted, but
not deserted ; being thrown
cast down, but not being destroyed; always down, but not destroyed;
την νέκρωσιν του Ίησοΰ έν τω σώματι 10 Jalways carrying
the putting to death of the Jesus in the body about in the BODY, the
περίφέροντες, ινα καΐή ζωή τοΰ Ίησοΰ dying state of JESUS,
bearing about, that also t h e lifo
of the Jesus $that the LIFE of JESUS
έν τφ σώματι ημών φανερωθη. 1Χ
ΆεΙ may also be manifested
in the body of us may be manifested. Always in our BODY.
11 For we who are LIV-
γάρ ημείς ot ζ ώ ν τ ε ς , ε ί ς θ ά ν α τ ο ν π α ρ α δ ι δ ό -
for we the living, to death are delivered ING are always delivered
μεθά διά Ίησοΰν, ΐνα καί ή ζωή τοΰ up to Death §on account
because of Jesus, that also the l i f e of the of Jesus; in order that
Ίησοΰ φανερωθχί έν τχι θνητχί σαρκΐ the LIFE of JESUS also»
Jesus may be manifested in the mortal flesh may be manifested in our.
ημών. ^"Ωστε ό θάνατος έν ήμίν ενεργείται, MORTAL Flesh ;
12 so that DEATH ia
of us. So that the death 13
in us works, working in us, but LIFE in
ή δέ ζωή έν ΰμίν. "Εχοντες δέ τό αυτό you.
the but l i f e in you. Having but the same
13 But having $the
νεΰμα της πίστεως κατά τό γεγραμ- SAME Spirit of FAITH, ac-
pirit of the faith, ccording td that having cording to that HAVING
μένον· ΕπΊστευσα διό έλάλησα* καΐ BEEN WRITTEN ; $"I be-
I b l i v d t h f I spoke;
bren written; I believed, therefore I spoke; also lieved, therefore I spoke';"
ημείς πιστεύομεν, διό «αϊ λαλοΰμεν we also believe, and there-
we believe, therefore and we speak; for we speak;
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—.6. Jesus—omit.
t 4. John i. 18; xii. 4 5 ; xiv. 9; Phil. ii. 6; Col. i, 1 5 ; Heb. i. 3. ί 5. 1 Cor.
i . 13, 2 3 ; x. 3 3 . $ 5 . 1 Cor. ix. 1 9 ; 2 Cor. i. 24. $ 6. Gen i. 3. t 6. 2 Pet.
i. 19. ί 7. 2 Cor. v. 1. ί 7. 1 Cor. ii. 5 ; 2 Cor. xii. 9. % 8 : 2 Cor. vii. 5,
t l O . 1 Cor. XT. 3 1 ; 2 Cor. i . 5-9; Gal. vi. 17; Phil. iii. 10. t 10. Bom. viii. 1 7 ;
2 Tim. ii. 11, 12; 1 Pet. iv. 13. $ 11. Bom. v i i l 36. $ 13. Bom. i. 1 2 ; 2 Pet. i .
14. t 13. Psa. cxvi. 10.
Chap. 4:14.] II, CORINTHIANS. [Ghap. 5:5.
εΙδότε$, δτι 6 έγείρας τόν *[Κύριον] 14 knowing That $he
knowing, that- the one raising up the tLord] Who RAISED UP JESUS,
'Γησοΰν, καΐ ημάς διά Ίηο*οϋ έγερεΐ,
Jesus, also us through Jesus w i l l raise up, will also raise Us up *with
Jesus, and will present us
καΐ παραστήσει συν ύμίν. ^Τά γάρ πάντα
with you.
and w i l l present with you. The for a l l things
15 For $ALL these things
δι' υμάς, ϊνα ή χάρις πλεονάσασα are on your account, §that
©a account of you, that the favor having abounded the abounding FAVOR may
διά των πλειόνων, τήν εύχαριστίαν περισ- overflow, through the
th rough the many, the thanksgiving might THANKSGIVING o f MANY,
σεύσχι εις τήν δόξαν τοϋ θεού.

Διό to the GLORY of GOD.
superabound to the glory of the God. Wherefore 16 Wherefore, we faint
n o t ; but even if our OUT-
ούκ έκκακοΰμεν άλλ' εΐ καΐ ό εξω ημών WARD Man is wasted,
διαφθείρεται, άλλ' ό έΌωθεν άνα-
man i s wasted, yet the inward is yet *our §INNER m a n
καινοΰται ήμερα καΐ ημέρα. Τό γάρ πα- is renewed Day by Day.
renewed by day and by day. The for 17 Besides, §the MO-
ραυτίκα έλαφρόν της θλίψεως *[ήμών,] MENTARY LIGHTNESS of
momentary lightness of the affliction [of us,] the AFFLICTION, works
*αθ* ύπερβολήν είς υπερβολή ν αίώ- out for us an excessively
according to an exceeding on an exceeding age- 18
exceeding aionian Weight
νιον βάρος δόξης κατεργάζεται ήμίν μή of Glory;
lasting weight of glory works out for us; not 18 §we aiming not a t
σκοπούντων ημών τά βλεπόμενα, αλλά the THINGS which are
looking of us the things he ing seen, but SEEN, but at the THINGS
τά μή βλεπόμενα· τά γάρ βλεπό- which are not SEEN ; for
the things not being seen; the things for being the THINGS which are
SEEN are temporary, but
μένα, πρόσκαιρα· τά δέ μή βλεπό- the THINGS whieh are
μένα, transient things;
αΐώνια. the things but not being
ΚΕΦ. ε \ δ. *Ot- not SEEN are aionian.
seen, age-lasting things. We CHAPTER V.
δαμεν γάρ Λτι, έάν ή επίγειος ημών οΙκία
know for, that, if /the earthly of us house 1 For we know, That if
the TENT of our $EARTHLY
του σκήνους καταλυθή, οίκοδομήν έκ Dwelling be taken down,
of the tent should be taken down, a building from we have a Building from
Θεοΰ Ιχομεν, οΐκίαν άχειροποίητον, αΐώ- God, a House not made by
God we have, a house not made by hands, age-
hands, aionian, in the
νιον, έν τοΐς οΰρανοις. 2ΚαΙ γάρ έν τούτω HEAVENS.
2 For indeed, in this
οτενάζομεν, τό οίκητήριον ημών τό έξ §we are groaning, ear-
we groan, the abode of us that from nestly desiring to be in-
ούρανοΰ έπενδύσασθαι έπιπο^οΰντ€ς. Εϊ- vested With THAT HABI-
heaven to be invested earnestly desiring. If at TATION of ours which is
γε καΐ ένδυσάμενοι, οΰ γυμνοί εύ- from Heaven;
leaet and having been Invested, not naked ones we 3 and surely, having
©εθησόμεθα. 4ΚαΙ γάρ ol δντες έν τφ, been invested, we shall
shall be found. Indeed for those being in the not be found destitute.
σκήνει στενάζομεν βαρούμενοί' έφ' φ 4 For, indeed, THOSE
tent groan being oppressed; in which BEING in the TENT are
ού θέλομεν έκδΰσασθαι, άλλ' έπενδύσα- groaning, being oppressed;
not we wish to be unclothed, but to be invested, in which we desire not to
cuai, ίνα καταποθχί τό θνητόν ύπά τής be divested, but §invested,
that n a y be swallowed up the mortal by the that the MORTAL may be
absorbed by LIFE.
ξωης. 8 Ό δέ κατεργασάμενος ημάς είς αυτό 5 Now HE who has PRO-
l i f e . The and onehaving worked out us for same DUCED us . for this same

• VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 4 . LOBD—&mii. 14. with. 16. our I N N E B . 17. of

T°U.'nom. viii. 1 1 ; 1 Cox. M . 14. t 15. Col. i. 2 4 ; 2 Tim. ii. 10. t 15. 2
Cor. i. 1 1 ; viii. 1 9 ; ix. 11/12. $ 16. Bom. yit. 2 2 ; Eph. ill. 1 6 ; CoL Hi. 1 0 ;
1 Pet. i i i . 4. t 17. Matt. v. 1 2 ; Eom. xiii. 1 3 ; 1 P e t L 2, 6 ; v. 10. ί 1-8. Rom.
t i l l . 2 4 ; 2 Cor. v. 7 ; Heb. xi. 1. t 1. Job. iir. 1 0 ; 2 Cor. iy. 7 ; 2 Pet. i. 1 3 , 14.
% 2. Eom. viii. 2 3 . * 4 . 1 Cor. xr. 53, 5 4 .
Chap, 5:6.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 5:15.
τοΰτο θεός· 6 *[καΙ] δούς ήμίν τόν thing is THAT God who
this God; that [also] having given to us the §has GIVEN to us the
αρραβώνα του πνεύματος. ^αρροΰντες PLEDGE Of t h e SPIRIT.
pledge πάντοτε, of the κα,Ιspirit. Being confldi ' 6 Therefore, being al-
οδν είδότες, δτι ενδημούν- ways confident, and know-
ing That being at home
τες έν τω σώματι, έκδημοΰμεν άπό τοΰ in the BODY, we are from
home in the 7
body, we are from home from the home, away from the
Κυρίου· (διά πίστεως γάρ περιπατοΰμεν, LORD ;
Lord; (by means of faith for we are walking,
8 7 (for §we are walking
οΰ διά είδους·) θαρροΰμεν δέ, καΐ
not by means of sight;) we are confident but, also by Faith, not by Sight;)
8 but we are confident,
ενδοκοΰμεν μάλλον έκδημήσαι and §well-pleased rather
TV θ ίΐ Γ Ο AV β 1 1 ~p 1 © £1S Θ (I ]?&til6F ' t O D© f ΓΟ1Ϊ1 Ϊ1Ο1Χ16
έκ τοΰ σώματος, καΐ ένδημήσαι προς τόν BODY, to be separated from the
out of' the and and to be at home
' " 9 body, —Λ to - - be
* - -a t—home w - i—
t h the
--- with the LORD.
Κνριον διό καΐ φιλοτιμούμεΰα,
9 And therefore we are
Lord; wherefore also we are very ambitious, very ambitious, whether
εϊτε ενδημούντες, εϊτε eing έκδημοΰντες,
being at home, from home, being at home, or being
whether 10 from home, to be accep-
εΰάρεστοι αύτφ είναι. Τούς γαρ πάντας table to him.
well-pleasing to him to be. The for all 10 §For we must ALL
ήμας φανερωθήναι δεί έ'μπροσΦεν °ΰ appear before the TRIBU-
βήματος του Χρίστου, Ινα κομίσηται ^κα- §so that each one may re-^
tribunal of the Anointed, that may receive eachceive the THINGS through
στο ς τά διά τοΰ σώματος, προς the BODY, according to
one the things through the body, according to what was performed, whe-
cl £πραξεν, είτε αγαθόν, είτε κακόν. ther good or bad.
what was practised, whether good, or bad. . 11 Knowing therefore
^Είδότες ot5v
ot5v τόν
τ ν φόβον
φ ο ν τοΰ τ ο ΰ Κυρίου,
Κυρου the ^TERROR of the LORD,
Knowing therefore
herefore the fear of the Lord,
Lord we are persuading Men ;
ανθρώπους πείθομεν, Θεφ δέ πεφανε- thut we have been mani-
men we persuade, to God but we have been fested to God ; and I hope
ρώμεθα* ελπίζω δέ και έν ταίς συνειδήσεσιν we have been made mani-
manifested; I hope and also in the consciences fest also in your CON-
υμών πεφανερώσθαι. 12Ού *[γάρ] πάλιν SCIENCES.
12 We are not § recom-
of you to have been manifested. Not [for] again
εαυτούς συνιστάνομεν ύμίν, αλλά άφορ- mending Ourselves again
ourselves do we recommend to you, but oppor- to you, but are giving you
μην δίδοντες ύμίν καυχήματος υπέρ ημών an Opportunity of boast-
tunity giving to you of boasting on behalf of us; ing on our behalf; that
ίνα εχητε προς τους έν προσώπω καυχω- for you may have something
that you may have for those in face* boast- THOSE who are BOAST-
ING in Appearance, but
μένους, καΐ ού καρδία. ^Εϊτε γάρ έξέστη- not in Heart.
13 For even if we were
μεν, Θεώ· είτε σαϊφρονοΰ- besides ourselves, it was
besides ourse to God; and if we are of sound for God ; and if we are of
1 4
μεν, ύμίν. Ή γάρ αγάπη τοΰ Χρίστου sound mind, it is for you.
mind, to you. The for love of the Anointed
14 For the LOVE of the
συνέχει ήμας, κρ'ιναντας τοΰτο, οτι εΐ είς ANOINTED one constrains
constrains us, having Judged this, that if one us,
υπέρ πάντων άπέθανεν, αρα ol πάντες άπέ- 15 judging this, That
©Π b e h a l f of a l l '.died, tli6n t h e y All died; |if one died on behalf of
θανόν και υπέρ πάντων άπέθανεν, ϊνα οι all, then they ALL died;
and on b e h a l f of a l l he died, t h a t t h e and | t h a t he died on be-
Chap. 5:16.] II. COBINTHIANS. [Chap. 6:2.
ζώντες μηκέτι έαυτοίς ζώσιν, ά&λά half of all, in order that
living no longer to themselves should live, but the LIVING might no lon-
τφ υπέρ αυτών άποθανόντι καΐ έγερ- ger live for Themselves,
to'faim on behalf of them having died and having but for HIM who DIED and
"Ωστε ημείς άπό το© νϋν ού- rose again on their behalf.

Φέντι. 16 So that we, from this
been raised up. So that we from the now no time, respect $No one on
§ένα οϊδαμεν κατά σάρκα· εΐ δέ καΐ
one know according to flesh; If and even account of ±Flesh; and
έγνώκαμεν κατά σάρκα Χριστόν, αλλά even if we esteemed Clirist
we knew according to flesh Anointed, but on account of Flesh, yet
νυν ούκέιχ γινώσκομεν. 17"Ωστε ει τις now we no longer thus re-
now no longer we know. So that if anyone gard him.
έν Χριστώ, καινή κτ'ισις· τά αρχαία 17 For, if any one be in
in Anointed, new creation; the things old Christ, he is $a New Crea-
παρηλΦεν, Ιδού, γέγονε καινά * [τά πάν- tion ; $the OLD things
passed away, lo, has become new Cthe all
τα.] ^Τά δέ πάντα έκ του Θεοΰ, του have passed away ; behold !
t h i n g s . 3 The but a l l t h i n g s out of the God, t h a t they have become new.
καταλλάξαντος ημάς έαυτφ διά *Γ'Ιη- from 18 But ALL things are
one having reconciled us to himself through
THAT God $who has
RECONCILED us to himself
σου] Χριστούς καΐ δόντος ήμίν τήν δια- through Christ, and
[JesusJ Anointed, and having given to us the has given to us the MINIS-
κονίαν Τ^ς καταλλαγης. 1 9 Ώ ς δτι Θεός TRY Of the RECONCILIA-
ν service of the reconciliation. Namely that God TION ;
ήν έν Χριστφ κόσμον καταλλάσσων έαυτφ, 19 namely, That §God
was in Anointed a world reconciling to himself, was in Christ reconciling
μ,ή λογιζόμενος αύτοίς τά παραπτώματα αύ- the World to himself, not
not reckoning to them the faults of counting to them their
OFFENCES ; and has de-
τοάν, καΐ θέμενος έν ήμίν τόν λόγον της posited with us the WORD
them, and having placed in us the word of the Of t h e RECONCILIATION.'
καταλλαγης. 20
*Υπέρ Χρίστου 20 On behalf of Christ,
reconciliation. On behalf of Anointed therefore therefore, we are $ambas-
sadors ; as if GOD were in-
η μ ώ ν δ ε όώς
— prayτου
μεθα Θεοΰ παρακαλοΰντος
on behalf
Χρίστου, κα-
of Anoi~"" viting through us, we en-
W O &ΓΘ arabassftdors iis if21 tlie OocL treat, on behalf of Christ,
ταλλάγητε τ φ θ ε φ . Τόν *[γάρ] μη γνόν- —be you reconciled to GOD !
you reconciled to the God. Him Cfor] not having
21 For §HIM who KNEW
τα άμαρτίαν, υπέρ ημών άμαρτίαν έποίη- no Sin, he made ± a Sin-
known sin, on behalf of us sin was offering on our behalf,
σεν, ίνα ημείς γινώμεθα δικαιοσύνη Θε- §that we might become
made, that we might become righteousness of God's Righteousness in
οδ έν αΰτφ. ΚΕΦ. στ'. 6. χ
Συνερ- him.
God inn him. Workin
γοΰντες δέ καΐ παρακαλοΰμεν, μή εις κενόν 1 And being also co-
together but also we exhort, not in vain
2 laborers, we exhort you
τήν χάριν τοΰ Θεοΰ δέξασθαι ί)μας· (λέγει not to receive the FAVOR
the favor of the God to receive you; (he says of GOD in vain ;
γάρ* Καιρώ δέκτώ έπήκουσά σου 2 (for he says, §"In a
for; In a season acceptable I listened to thee Season acceptable, I list-
καΐ έν ημέρα σωτηρίας έβοήνησά σοι. 'Ιδού, ened to thee, and in a Day
and in a day of salvation I helped thee. Lo, of Salvation I assisted
••·· VATICAN MANUSOEIPT.—17. all things—omit. 18. Jesus—omit. 21. For—omit,
± 16. or fleshly descent. See Rom. xi. 14, where Paul styles his countrymen his flesh.
Since Christ had died on behalf ef ail, the salvation of both Jew and Gentile was alike
precious. ± 21. There are many passages in the Old Testament, where amaxtia, sin,
signifies α sin-offering. Hosea iv. 8, "They (the.priests) eat up the (sin-offerings) of
my people." In the New Testament, likewise, the word sin has the same signification.
Heb. ix. 2 6 , 2 8 ; xiii. 11.—MacknigM.
% 16. Gal. v. 6. % 17. Gal. vi. 15. ί 17. Eph. ii. 15; Bev. xxi. 5. $ 18.
Bom. v. 10; Eph. ii. 16; Col. i. 20. % 19. Bom. iii. 24, 25. % 20. Eph. vi. 20.
$ 21. Isa. liii. 6, 9, 12; Gal. iii. 1 3 ; 1 Pet. ii» 2 2 , 2 4 ; 1 John iii. 5. t 2 1 .
Bom. i. 17; v. 19; x. 3. $ 2. Isa. xlix. 8.
II. CORINTHIANS. [uhap. 6:4
νϋν καιρός ευπρόσδεκτος, ifiot&, νΰν ήμερα thee." Behold! now is a
now; a season w e l l accepted, lo, now a day well-accepted Season ? be-
σωτηρίας.) 3 Μηδεμίαν έν μηδενΐ δίδοντες hold ! now is a Day of Sal-
of salvation.) No one in any thing giving vation ;) :

προσκοπήν, ίνα, μή μωμηθχί ή διακονία* 3 §giving No Offence in

offence, so'that not may be blamed the service; any thing, t h a t the MINIS-
άλλ' έν παντί συνιστώντες εαυτούς ώς θ ε - TRATION may not be
tont ιQ ©very tliius QSt&DliSHiDSi ourselves us ίο» blamed;
ου διάκονοι, έν υπομονή πολλή, έν θλίψεσιν, 4 but in everything es-
Go tablishing ourselves $as
έν άνάγκαις, έν στενοχωρίαις, δ έ ν πληγαίς, God's Servants, by much
in necessities, in distresses, in stripes, p a t i e n t endurance in
έν φυλακαίς, έν άκαταστασίαις, έν κόποις, Affliction, in Necessities,
in Distresses ;
έν ά γ ρ υ π ν ί α ι ς , έ ν ν η σ τ ε ί α ι ς · β έ ν ά γ ν ό τ η τ ι ,
5 $in Stripes, in Pris-
in watchings, in fastings; in purity, ons, in Tumults; in La-
έν γνώσει, έν μακροθυμία, έν χρηστό- bors, in Watchings, in
in in kindness,
knowledge, in long-suffering, Fastings;
τητι έν πνεύματι άγία>, έν άγάπχι άνυποκρί- 6 by Purity, by Know-
7 in spirit holy, ^n love unfeigned, ledge, by Forbearance; by
έν λόγω αληθείας, έν δυνάμει Θεοΰ*
ΐφ, in ft Word of truths .tn,: power Kindness, by a holy Spirit,
of Godj by Love undissembled,
διά των δπλων της δικαιοσύνης τών
7 $by the Word of
through the arms of the righteousness of the
Truth, by the Power of
δεξιών καΐ αριστερών, 8 διά δόξης καΐ άτι- God; ^through THOSE
rights and οι lefts, through- glory and dis-
ARMS of Righteousness, on
μίας, διά δυσφημίας καΐ ευφημίας· the RIQHT hand aiid Left;
grace, through good fame;
8 through Glory and
πλάνοι καΐ αληθείς* 9ι \>ς αγνοούμενοι, και Disgrace; through Bad
deceivers and true; is being ignorant, fame and Good fame; as
έπιγινωσκόμενοι* ώς καΐ
being duly appreciated; as αποθνήσκοντες, and Deceivers, and yet t r u e ;
dying, 9 §as being ignorant,
Ιδού ζώμεν. ώς παιδευόμενοι, καΐ μή θανα- yet being duly appre-
1ο we live; as being corrected, and not put
ciated ; $as dying, yet be-
τουμενοι· ι υ ώς ώς λυπούμενοι, άεΐ δέ χαίρον- hold ! we live; as chas-
but rejoic-
to death; as b<>eing grieved, always tised, -yet not put to death;
ώς πτωχοί, πολλούς δέ πλουτίζοντες 10 as grieving, but al-
ways rejoicing; as poor,
μηδέν έχοντες καΐ πάντα κατέχοντες. u T o but enriching many; as
nothing having, and a l l things possessing. The having Nothing, yet pos-
στόμα ημών άνέωγε προς ύμας, Κορίν- sessing All things.
mouth of us has been opened to you, 0 Corin- 11 Our MOUTH is opened
θιοι, ή καρδία ημών πεπλάτυνται.
Ού toward you, Ο Corinthi-
thians, the heart of us has been enlarged. Not ans ! our HEART has been
στενοχωρείσθε έν ή μ ί ν στενοχωρείσθε enlarged.
12 You are not strait-
δέ έν τοις σπλάγχνοις υμών. 1 8 Τήν δέ αυτήν ened in us, $but you are
but in the bowels of you. The but same contracted in your own
άντιμισθάαν, (ώς τέκνοις λέγω,) πλατΰνθητε TENDER AFFECTIONS.
recompense, (as to children I speak, be enlarged 13 But as a re-payment
καΐ ΰμείς. for the SAME., ($1 speak
also you. as to Children,) be you
14 also enlarged.
Μή γίνεσθε έτεροζυγοΰντες άπίστοις* 14 $Be not unequally
Not be you unequally yoking with unbelievers; yoked with Unbelievers;
τις γάρ μετοχή δικαιοσύνη καΐ άνο- for $What Participation
•What for participation righteousness and law- has Righteousness with
t 3ά.
. 1 ι Cor.
cor. x.
x. άζ. ? 4.
ι. 1
ι Cor.
uor. iv.
iv. 1.
i. $ ? 5.
D. 2
ζ Cor.
uor. xi.
xi. 23.
za. %i 7.
<. 2
ζ Cor.
\JOT. iv. 2.
IV. &.
% 7. 2 Cor. x. 4 ; Eph. vi. 11, 1 3 ; 2 Tim. iv. 7. X 9. 2 Cor. xi. 6. X 9. 1 Cor. iv.
9; 2 Cor. i . 9 ; iv. 10, 1 1 . X 12. 2 Cor. xii. 15. % 1 3 . 1 Cor. iv. 14. X 14.
Lev. xix. 19; Deut. vii. 2, 3 ; 1 Cor. v. 9 ; vii. 39. % 14. 1 Kings xviii. 2 1 ; 1 COE.
x. 2 1 ; Eph. ν. Ί, 1 1 .
0:15;] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 7:4.
μΙ$; -tic δε κοινωνία φωτΐ προς σκό- Iniquity? *or what Com-
lessneea? what and fellowship light with dark- munion has Light with
τος$ 15Tig δε συμφώνησις Χριστφ προς Darkness ?
ness? What and agreement of an Anointed with
15 and What Accord-
Βελίαρ; ή τϊς μερίς πιστφ μετά άπι- ance has Christ with ±Be-
Beliar? or what portion to a believer with an lial ? or What Portion has
τ1ς δέ συγκατάΦεσις ναφ θεοΰ a Believer with an Unbe-

unbeliever? what and connection a temple of God liever ?
μετά εΙδώλων: *Υμείζ γάρ ναός θεοΰ έστε 16 And What Connec-
with fdols? You for a temple of God are tion has God's Temple
with Idols? §for *we are
ζώντος· καθώς είπεν ό Θεός· "Οτι ένοι- a Temple of the living
ffving; as said the God; That I w i l l God; as GOD said, §"I
κήΰω έν αύτοΐς, καΐ έμπεριπατήσω*
in dwell among them, and w i l l walk about in; "will dwell among them,
swd Ισομαι αυτών Θεός, καΐ αυτοί Ισονταί "and walk among them ;
and I w i l l be to them a God, and they shall be "and I will be Their God,
μοι λαός. 17Διό εξέλθετε έκ μέ- "and they shall be to Me
tome a people. Wherefore come you out from "a People."
dow αυτών καΐ άφορίσθητε, λέγει Κυρι- 17 Wherefore, $ "depart
midst of them and be you separated, says Lord,
ός, καΐ ακαθάρτου μή άπτεσθε· κάγώ "and "from the Midst of them,
,.αηά of an unclean thing not touch you; and I be separated," says
είσδέξομαι ύμας, 18κα1 ΙΌΌμαι ΰμίν είς the "the
Lord, "and touch not
impure; and I will
will receive you» &nd I will be to you for
"receive you,
Πατέρα, καί νμείς εσεσθέ μοι for είς νίβύς 18 §"and I will be to
a Father, and you shall be " *--
seal θυγατέρας, λέγει Κύριος Παντοκράτωρ. "you "you for a Father, and
and daughters, says Lord Almighty.
shall be to Me for
"Sons and D a u g h t e r s ,
ΚΕΦ. ζ \ 7. Ταύτας οδν Εχοντες τάς "says the Lord Almighty."
These therefore having the
επαγγελίας, αγαπητοί, καθαρίσωμεν εαυτούς 1 Having, therefore,
promises, beloved ones, let us cleanse ourselves JThese P R O M I S E S , Be-
Από παντός μολυσμσϋ σαρκός καΐ πνεύματος, loved, let us purify our-
from all pollution of flesh and spirit,
έπιτελοΰντες άγίωσύνην έν φόβφ Θεοΰ. 2Χω- selves from all Pollution
perfecting holiness in fear of God. Be- of Flesh and Spirit, per-
<?ήσατε ήμας* ούδένα ήδικήοαμεν, ούδένα fecting Holiness in the
ceive you us* no one we injured» no one Fear of God.
έφθείραμεν, ούδένα έπλεονεκτήσαμεν.
Ού 2 Receive us ; $we have
we corrupted, no one
we defrauded.. Not i n j u r e d No o n e ; we
προς κατάκρισιν λέγω· προείρηκα γάρ, have corrupted no one ; we
have defrauded No one.
for condemnation before I said
I speak; for,
δτι έν ταϊς καρδίαις ημών έστέ είς τό demnation3 I speak not for Con-
that in the hearts of us you are In order that ; $for I pre-
4 viously said, That it is in
συναποθανείν καΐ συξην. Πολλή μοι OUr HEARTS tO DIE TO-
to die together and to live together. Much with me
GETHER, and to live to-
παρρησία προς ύμας, πολλή μοι καύχηαις gether.
boldness towards you, much with me boasting 4 § Great is my Confi-
υπέρ ύμων πεπλήρωμαι τη παρα- dence in regard to you;
OQ behalf of you; I have been filled with the conso- §great is My Boasting on
«λήσει, ύπερπ«ρισσεύομαι xfi χαρφ επί ηάα-ηyour behalf; §1 have been
lation, I a m overflowing w i t h t h e j o y i n a l l filled with CONSOLATION ;
έλθόντων I am overflowing with JOY
•eft θλί-ψει ημών. ΚαΙ γάρ
tue affliction of us. Indeed for having come in All our AFFLICTION.

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 4 . of what. 16. w e are.

± 15. So i t is in the Vatican, and the majority of MSS., and in many early ecclesias-
tical writers. Beliar is from the Syriac» literally signifying that which profits not, but
injures, and is rendered in the Peschito-Syriac by the word Satan.
t 1β. 1 €or. i i i . 1 6 ; vi. 1 9 ; Epli. 11. 2 1 , 2 2 ; Heb. i i i . 6- t 16. Exod. xxix. 4 5 ;
Lev. xxri. 1 2 ; Jer. xxxi. 3 3 ; Ezek. xxxvi. 2 8 ; Zecn, vili. 8 . % 17. Isa. l i i . 1 1 . % I S .
Jer. xxxi. 1, 9. $ 1. 1 John i i i . 3 . $ 2. Acts xx. 3 3 ; 2 Cor. xii. 17. $ 3. 2 Cor.
v. 1 1 , 12. % 4. 2 Cor. i i i . 12. * 4. 1 Cor. i. 4 ; 2 Cor. i . 1 1 . t 4 . P h i l . i i . 1 7 ;
Col. i . 2 4 .
CMp. 7:5.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 7:12.
ημών εις Μακεδονίαν ούδεμίαν 5 For, indeed, $we hav-
οί us into Macedonia, not Had ing come into Macedonia,
άνεσιν ή σαρξ ημών, άλλ' έν παντί our FLESH had No Rest,
rest the flesh of us, but in everything but §we were distressed
θλιβόμενοι· έ'ξωθεν μάχαι, ί^σωθεν φόβοι. in every way ;—outwardly
being distressed; without fights, within fears. Fightings; inwardly Fears.
Άλλ' ό παρακαλών τους ταπεινούς, πα- 6 But that §GOD who
But the one comforting the lowly ones, COMFORTS the DISCONSO-,
ρεκάλεσεν ήμας ό θεός έν- τη παρουσία LATE, comforted tis $by
comforted us the God by the presence the PRESENCE of Titus ;
Τίτου· 7
ού μόνον δέ έν τη παρουσία αύτοΰ, 7 and not only by his
of Titus; not only and by the presence of him, PRESENCE, but also by the
αλλά καΐ έν τη παρακλήσει $ παρε- COMFORT with which lie
but also in the comfort with which he was was comforted on your ac-
κλήθη έ φ ' ύμίν, άναγγέλλων ήμίν την ύ- count, narrating to us
comforted over you, announcing to us the of
μών έπιπόΦησιν, τόν υμών όδυρμόν, τόν YOUR earnest desire, YOUR
you earnest desire, the of you lamentation, the Lamentation, YOUR Zeal
on my behalf; so that I
υμών ζήλον υπέρ έμοΰ· ώστε με μάλλον greatly rejoiced.
8 8 Because if even I
χαρήναι. "Οτι εΐ καΐ έλύπησα ύμας grieved you by the LET-
TER, I do not * repent;
έν τη επιστολή, ού μεταμέλομαι, εΐ «αϊ μετε- and if even I did repent,
ο $ txi 6 l e t t e r · not X do r c p Θ ο t · if 111 Q β β d Χ ο ί ciI see That that LETTER
μελόμην βλέπω γάρ οτι ή επιστολή εκείνη, grieved you but for a
ει καΐ προς &ραν, έλυπησεν ύμας. 6 Νΰν short time.
if even for flu hour I grieved you· Now 9 I now rejoice, not Be-
cause you were grieved,
χαίρω, ούχ δτι έλυπήθητε, άλλ' but Because you were
I rejoice, not because youεις were grieved,
μ but grieved in order to Refor-
δτι έλυπήΦητε εις
μετάνοιαν mation ; for you were
use you wereγάρ grievedκατάin * reformatio
" Θεόν, ίνα ' έν grieved according to God.
you were grieved for according to God, so that in
10 so that you might suffer
μηδενΐ ζημιωθητε έξ ημών. Ή γάρ loss from us in nothing.
nothing you might suffer loss from us. The for 10 §For the SORROW ac-
κατά Θεόν λύπη μετάνοιαν εις σωτηρί- cording to GOD produces
according to God sorrow reformation for sal- Reformation for Salvation,
αν άμεταμέλητον κατεργάζεται· ή not to be repented of;
vo t ion not* to o© repented of works out) tlio §but the SORROW of the
δέ του κόσμου λύπη θάνατον κατεργάζεται. WORLD produces Death.
11 For behold this very
but of the world sorrow death works out. thing,—to be GRIEVED ac-
Ίδού γάρ αυτό τοΰτο τό κατά cording t ο God,—How
Lo for same this the thing according to much Earnestness it pro-
θεόν λυπηθήναι *[ΰμάς,] πόσην κα- duced in you! what an
God to have been grieved [you,] how much it
τειργάσατο ύμίν σπουδήν αλλά άπολογίαν, Apology! what Indigna-
worked in you diligence; but a defence, tion! what Fear! what
αλλά άγανάκτησιν, αλλά φόβον, αλλά έπιπό- Earnest desire! what
but indignation, but fear, but earnest
θησιν, αλλά ζήλον, άλλ' έκδίκησιν έν παν- Zeal! what a Punishment!
desire, but zeal, but punishment; in every In everything you proved
τΐ συνεστήσατε εαυτούς αγνούς είναι *[έν] yourselves to be pure in
thing you proved yourselves pure to be tin] this MATTER.
τω πράγματι. 1 2 "Αρα ε'ι καΐ έγραφα ύμϊν 12 If therefore; indeed>
the matter. Therefore if indeed I wrote to you
I wrote to you, it was not
ούχ εινεκεν του άδικήσαντος, ουδέ on H I S account WHO suf-
on account of the one having done wrong; but on
εινεκεν του άδικηϋέντος· άλλ' εΐ- fered the WRONG, *nor
on account of the one having done wrong; but on indeed on H I S account
WHO did the WRONG, $but
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—8. repent; and if even I did repent, I see That. 12.
you—omit. 11. in—omit. 12. nor indeed on HIS account.
t 5. 2 Cor. ii. 13. % 5. 2 Cor. iv. 8. % 2. Cor. i. 4. $ 6. See 2 Cor. U. 1 3 .
$ 10. 2 Sam. xii. 1 3 ; Matt. xxvi. 75. $ 10. Prov. xvii. 22. t 12. 2 Cor. ii. 2
Chap. 7:13.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 8:5.
νεκεν τοΰ φανερωθήναι τήν σπου- in order that THAT DILI-
occount of t h e t o have been m a n i f e s t e d t h e d i l l - GENCE of ours which we
δήν ημών την υπέρ υμών προς υμάς, have on your behalf might
pence of us that on behalf of you toward you,
be M A N I F E S T E D toward
ενώπιον του Θεοΰ. ^Διά τοΰτο παρα- you in the presence of
in presence of the God. On account of this we GOD.
κεκλήμεθα επί τ£ί παρακλήσει υμών περισ- 13 On this account *we
were comforted on the comfort of you; more
were comforted; and in
σοτέρως δέ μάλλον έχάρημεν επί xfj χαρφ our COMFORT, we rejoiced
abundantly and rather we rejoiced in the joy
more abundantly at the
Τίτου, δτι άναπέπαυται τό πνεΰμα JOY of Titus, Because his
of Titus, because has been refreshed the spirit SPIRIT $was refreshed by
αΰτοΰ άπό πάντων υμών 14 δτι ει τι you all.
cf him from all of you; because if anything 14 Because if I have
αύτω υπέρ υμών κεκαύχημαι, ου κατχι- boasted in any thing to
to him on behalf of you I have boasted, not I was Him on your behalf, I
σχύνθην άλλ' ώς πάντα έν άληθεία έλαλή- was not ashamed ; but as
achamed; but as all things in truth we
σαμεν ύμΐν, οΰτω καΐ ή καύχησις ημών ή we spoke All things to
eroke to you, so also the boasting of us that you in Truth, *thus also
έπί Τίτου, αλήθεια έγενήθη· 15κα1 τά σπλάγ- our BOASTING before Titus
to Titus, truth became; and the bowels became a Truth.
15 And his TENDER AF-
χνα αύτοΰ περισσοτέρως είς υμάς έστιν, FECTIONS are overflowing
of him more abundantly for you is, toward you, remembering
άναμιμνησκομένου τήν πάντων υμών υπακοή ν, $tbe OBEDIENCE of you
remembering the of all of you obedience,
all, how with Fear and
ώς μετά φόβου καΐ τρόμου έδέξασθε Trembling you r e c e i v e d
as with fear and trembling you received him.
αυτόν. 16Χαίρω, δτι έν παντί θαρ- 16 I rejoice That in
him. I rejoice, that in every thing I have every thing $1 have con-
ρώ έν ύμίν. fidence in you.
confidence in you.
ΚΕΦ. η ' . 8.
1 Now, Brethren, we
Γνωρίζομε ν δέ ύμΐν, αδελφοί, τήν make you acquainted with
We make known but to you, , 0 brethren, the THAT GIFT for GOD which
χάριν τοϋ Θεοΰ τήν δεδομένην έν ταίς has been GIVEN by the:
favor of the God that having been given by the CONGREGATIONS OF MACE
έκκλησίαις της Μακεδονίας· 2 δτι έν πολλή DONIA ;
congregations of the Macedonia; that in much 2 That in a Great Trial
δοκιμή θλίψεως ή* περίσσεια της χαράς of Affliction, the ABUN-
tria^ of affliction • abundance of the joy DANCE of their JOY, even1
αυτών, καΐ ή κατά βάθους πτώχεια αυτών, in their §DEEP Poverty, ·
of them, and the in fleep poverty of them, overflowed in the WEALTH
έπερίσσευσεν είς τον πλοΰτον της άπλότητος of their LIBERALITY ;
abounded to the wealth of the liberality 3 Because That accord-
αυτών 3 δτι κατά δύναμιν (μαρτυ- ing to their Ability, I tes-
tify, and even beyond
μετά their Ability, voluntarily,
ρώ) καΐ υπέρ δύναμιν αυθαίρετοι,
and beyond power of their own accord, with 4 with Much Entreaty
πολλής παρακλήσεως δεόμενοι ήμώ·ν τήν asking us to accept the
much earnest entreaty asking of .us the GIFT, even t h e $ J O I N T
^άριν και τήν κοινωνίαν της διακονίας PARTICIPATION Of THAT
avor even the participation of the service SERVICE which is for the
τής είς τους αγίους. ΚαΙ ού καθώς ήλ- SAINTS ;
of that for the saints. And not .as we 5 and not as we ex-
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—13. Wft..were comforted; and in our COMFOBT we rejoiced
more abundantly. 14. thus also our BOASTING-before Titus. . •·
t 13. Bom. xv. 32. t 15. 2 Cor. ii. 9; Phil. 12. ί 16. 2 Thess. iii. 4 ; Philemon
8, 21. $ 2 . 2 Mark *il. 44. t 4. Acts xi. 2 9 ; xxiv. 17; Bom. xv. 25, 2 6 ; 1 Cor.
xvi. 1. 3. 4 : 2 Cor. ix. 1.
Vhap. 8: a ] II. OORINTHJANS. IChap. 8:14.
πίσαμεν, άλλ' εαυτούς δδωκαν πρώτον τφ pected, but they gave
expected, but themselves they gave flfst to the Themselves first to the
Κυρίφ, καΐ ήμίν, διά θελήματος Θεοΰ· LORD, and to us, through
Lord, and 4ο ue, through will of oGd the Will of God ;
•elg τό παρακαλέσαι ήμας Τίτον, ίνα κα- 6 so that fwe DESIRED
ln order that to intreat us Titus, tbat as
Titus,that as he had pre-
θώς προενήρξατο, οίίτω καΐ έπιτελέσχΐ viously began so also he
7 would finish this GIFT
είς ΰμ&ς καΐ την χάριν ταύτην. Άλλ' ώσπερ among you.
among you also the gift ' this. But as
έν παντί περισσεύετε, (πίστει καΐ λό- in 7every But as §you abound
thing,—in Faith,
in everything you abound, in faith and in
and in Word, and in
γφ καΐ γνώσει καΐ πάαχ\ σπουδή, καΐ Knowledge, and in All
w o r d and i n k n o w l e d g e and i n a l l d i l i g e n c e , and Earnestness, and in YOUR
Tfj έξ υμών έν ήμίν άγιάπχι,) Ινα καΐ έν Love to us, see that you
in the from of you to us love,) that also in
abound in This FREE GIFT
ταύτη τχι χάριτι περισσεύητε» 8ού κατ' also.
this the favor you may abound; not according to 8 $1 do not speaK this
έπιταγήν λέγω, αλλά διά της ετέρων b y Commandment, b u t
a command I speak, but through of the of others through the EARNESTNESS
σπουδής, καΐ τό της υμετέρας αγάπης γνήσι- of OTHERS, I am testing
diligence, and that of the your love realι-
όν δοκιμάζων δ (γινώσκετε γάρ τήν χάριν του also the REALITY of YOUR
ty & πι proving {you know for the favor of the Love.
Κυρίου ήμων Ίησοΰ * [Χρίστου,] δτι δι' 9 For you know the
Lord of us Jesus lAnointed.D that on account FAVOR of our Lord Jesus,
υμάς έπτώχευσε πλούσιος β>ν, ίνα ύμεΐς §That, being rich, yet on
of you he became poor rich being, so that
1ο you your account he was made
τχί εκείνου πτωχεία πλουτήσητε·) κα1 poor, so that, by H I S
by the of him poverty might become rich;) and
Poverty, you might be en-
γνώμην έν *τβύτω δίδωμι. Τοΰτο γάρ ύμίν riched.
an opinion in this I give. This tor to you
10 And §in this I give
συμφέρει, οΐτινες ού μόνον τό ποιήσαι, αλλά an Opinion; for this is
is profitable, who not alone the to do, but beneficial for you, who,
καΐ τό θέλειν προενήρξασθε άπό πέρυσι· previously began not only
to DO, but also to be WIL-
νυν1 δέ καΐ τό ποιήσαι επιτελέσατε, δπως LING, §since the last Year.
now but also the to do do you perfect, that 11 At present, therefore,
καθάπερ ή προθυμία του θέλειν, οΰτω finish the DOING also, that
according to the PROMPTI-
καΐ τό έπιτελέσαι έκ του δχειν. ω ΕΙ γάρ ή TUDE to WILL, so also
also the to finish o u t of the to have. If for the may be the accomplish^
προθυμία πρόκειται, καθό έάν ment, according to ABIL-
promptness is placed first, according to what may ITY.
12 $For if BEADINBSS
£χη *[τις,] ευπρόσδεκτος, οΰ *α- OF MIND be present, one
13 is
Οΰ γάρ, ΐνα δλλοις to what acceptable according
θό ούκ βχει. Not for, that to others he may have, and
to what not he has. not according to what he
άνεσις, ύμίν δέ θλίψις, άλλ' έ | Ισό- has not.
rest, to you but affliction, but out of ao 13 Not, however, that
έν νυν καιρφ τό ΰμων
τητος· present season the to you to others may be relief,
equality; In and to you distress,
περίσσευμα είς τό εκείνων υστέρημα, 14ινα 14 but an Equality; at
abundance for the of them want, so that THIS Time let YOUR Abun-
καΐ τό εκείνων περίσσευμα γένηται είς τό dance be for THEIR Defi-
also the of them abundance maybe for the ciency, so that also THEIR
ύμβν υστέρημα, δπως γένηται Ισότης· 15κα- Abundance may be for
οί you want, so that maybe an equality; «ten YOUR Deficiency; so that

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—-9. Anointed—omit. 12. any one—omit.

t 6. verse 17; 2 Cor. xii. 8. ί 7 , 1 Cor. i. 5 ; xii. 8. $ 8. 1 Cor. vii. 7. ί 9 .
Matt. viii. 2Θ; Luke ix. 5 8 ; Phil. 11. 6, 7. t 10. 1 Cor. vii. 25. * 10. 2 Cor.
ix. 2. $ 1 2 . Mark xii. 43, 44; Luke xxi. 3.
Chap. 8:15.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap, 8:24
θώς γέγραπται* *Ο τ ό πολύ, ουκ έπλεό- there may be an Equality.
as i t has been written; He the much, not had 15 even as it has been
νασε* καΐ ό τό ολίγον, ούκ ήλαττόνησε. 1β Χά- written, § " H B who had
ever; and h e t h e l i t t l e , n o t , had lack. Thanks "MUCH, had no surplus;
ρις δέ τφ Θεώ τφ διδόντι τήν αυτήν "and HE who had LITTLE,
but to the God to the having given the same "had no deficiency."
σπουδήν υπέρ υμών έν τη καρδία Τίτου· 16 But Thanks be to
earnestness on behalf of you in the heart of Titus; THAT GOD who has PUT
οτι τήν μέν παράκλησιν έδέξατο· ο*που- into the HEART of Titus,
bccause the indeed exhortation he received; more
the Same Earnestness on
δαιότερος δέ υπάρχων, αυθαίρετος έξηλ- your behalf;
earnest but being, of his own accord he went
17 ^because he received,
θε προς ύμας. ^Συνεπέμψαμεν δέ μετ' αύ-indeed, the EXHORTATION ;
out to you. We sent together and with him
but being very earnest, he
του τόν αδελφό ν, οδ ό έπαινος έν ΐφ went away of his own ac-
the brother, of w h o m the praise In the
cord to you.
εύαγγελίω διά πασών τών εκκλησιών 18 And we sent with
glad tidings through all of the congregations; him §the BROTHER, whose
ού μόνον δ έ , αλλά καΐ χειροτονηθείς ύπό PRAISE by the GLAD TID-
not only and but also having been voted by INGS is throughout all of
τών εκκλησιών συνέκδημος ημών συν t h e CONGREGATIONS J
the congregation a fellow-traveler of us with 19 and not only so, but
χάριτι ταΰττ],
Λ τ$ διακονουμένη
J ύφ
-'-·--- - -by $also he has been voted by
the " 5,-^
gift this, that *•-' being administered
ημών προς τήν the CONGREGATIONS our
του Κυρίου δό|αν Fellow-traveler
os . for the .samel the Lord glory
with this
GIFT, which is BEING DIS-
καΐ προθυμίαν η μ ώ ν ^στελλόμενοι τούτο, PENSED by us for $the
and readiness of mind of us; avoiding this, Glory of the LORD, and
μη ήμας μωμήσηται έν Tfi άδρότητι
τις us should blame in the abundance of our Earnestness;
not anyone 20 avoiding this, that
ταύτη τή διαΜονουμένγι ύ φ ' η μ ώ ν ^προνο- no one should blame Us in
thfs the being served by us; we are
this ABUNDANCE which
ούμενοι γάρ καλά ού μόνον ενώπιον iS BEING DISPENSED b y US.
purposing for good things not only In presence 21 §for we are purpos-
Κυρίου, αλλά ενώπιον ανθρώπων. ing excellent things, not
of Lord, also : in presence of men.
but only in the presence of
Συνεπέμψαμεν δέ αύτοίς τόν άδελ- the Lord, but also in the
We sent together and
with them the presence of Men.
φόν ημών, 22 And we have sent
brother of us, 8v έδοκιμάσαμεν έν πολ-
with them our BROTHER,
λοίς πολλάκις whom we proved
σπουδαίον δντα, νυνί δέ in many (whom we have in many
things many times diligent being, now but found diligent in many
πολύ σπουδαιότερον, πεποιθήσει πολλί) Tf things, but now much
much more diligent, confidence great in that more diligent,) because of
εις υμάς. ΕΙ'τε υπέρ Τίτου, κοινωνός THAT great Confidence re-
•for you. And if on behalf of Titus, partner posed in you.
έμός καΐ είς υμάς συνεργός· εϊτ3 άδελ- 23 And if any inquire
my and for you a f611ow-laborer; and if breth- respecting Titus, he is my
φοί ημών, απόστολοι εκκλησιών, δόξα Partner and Fellow-labor-
ren of us,
apostles of congregations, glory er for you ; or concerning
Χρίστου. !
*Τήν οδν έ'νδειξιν της άγά- our Brethren, they are the
of Anointed. The therefore ρτοοί of the love Delegates of the CONGRE-
πης υμών, καΐ ημών καυχήσεως υπέρ υμών, GATIONS, and the $GIory
of you, and of us boasting on behalf of you, of Christ.
24 Show, therefore, to
είς αύτσύς ένδείξασθε in εις πρόσωπον τών them the PROOF of your
face of the
for them point you out LOVE, and of Our $Boast-
εκκλησιών. ing on your behalf, before
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—19. Same—omit.
t 15. Exod. xvi. 18. % 17. verse 6. % 18. 2 Cor. xii. 18. % 19. 1 Cor. xvi.
3, 4. J 19. 2 Cor. iv. 15. % 21. Bom. xii. 17; Phil. lv. 8; 1 Pet. ii. 12. t 23.
Phil. ii. 25. $ 2 4 . 2 Cor. vii. 14; ix. 2. #
Vhap. 9:1.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 9:9.
ΚΕΦ. θ ' . 9. CHAPTER IX.
ΠερΙ μέν γάρ της διακονίας της 1 For, indeed, concern-
Concerning indeed for the service ΟΪ that ing $THAT SERVICE Which
εΙς τους άγιους περισσόν μοί έστι τό is for the SAINTS it is su-
for the saints superfluous or me i t is the
2 perflous for me to WRITE
γράφειν ύμίν. Ο!δα γάρ τήν προθυμί- to you;
to write to you. I know for the readiness of
2 for I know $your
αν υμών, f\v υπέρ υμών καυχώμαι
PROMPTITUDE, §of which
mind of you, wLicb on behalf of you I am boasting I am boasting on your
Μακεδόσιν, δτι 'Αχαΐα παρεσκεύασται behalf to the Macedonians,
to Macedonians, because Achaia has been prepared That § Achaia was pre-
από πέρυσι· καΐ ό εξ υμών ζήλος ήρέ- pared last Year, and TOUR
from last year; and the from of you zeal stirred
Zeal has excited MANY.
θισε τους πλείονας. 3"Επεμ·ψα δέ τους άδελ-
up the many. I sent but the breth- 3 $But I sent the BRE-
φούς, ίνα μη τό καύχημα ημών τό
"of us that ING of ours on your behalf
υπέρ υμών κενωθώ έν τω μέρει should be vain in this
on behalf of you should be vain in the respect RESPECT ; in order that
τοΰτω· ίνα, καθώς έ'λεγον, παρεσκευα- you may be prepared ;
this;" so that, as I said, having been 4, lest, perhaps, if the
ομένοι ήτε· 4
μήπως έάν έ'λθωσι Macedonians should come
with me, and find you un-
prepared may be; lest perhaps if should come prepared, we, not to say
ούν έμοί Μακεδόνες, καΐ ευρωσιν υμάς άπα- you, should be ashamed
*vsr i t h HT© JVi s, c ο don. i «ins ^ And find you UBt™* in t h i s CONFIDENT EX-
ρασκευάστους, καταισχυνθωμεν ημείς (ϊνα μή
prepared, should be ashamed we (that not PECTATION.
λέγωμεν ύμεϊς) έν xr\ ΰποστάσει 5 I thought it necessary,
we may say you) in the confident expectation therefore, to exhort the
BRETHREN, to go on be-
ταύτη. Β Άναγκαίον οδν ήγησάμην πα- fore to you, and to first
this. Necessary therefore I thought to make ready this PREVI-
ρακαλέσαι τους αδελφούς, ϊνα προέλθω- OUSLY ANNOUNCED GIFT
exhort the brethren, that they would go of yours, that thus i t may
σιν εις υμάς, καΐ εύλογίαν υμών,
προκαταρτίσωσι τήν be ready as a Gift, and
pre-announced blessing of you, not as an Extortion.
έτοίμην είναι οδτως ώς εΰλογίαν, καΐ μή ώς
ready to be thus as a blessing, and not as 6 But this I say, § H E
πλεονεξίαν. 6Τουτο δέ ό σπείρων φειδο- who sows sparingly, will
an exaction. This but, the one sowing sparing- also reap sparingly; and
μένως, φειδομένως καΐ θερίσει· καΐ ό σπεί- HE who sows bountifully,
ly, sparingly also shall reap; and the one will reap also bountifully ;
ρων έπ' εύλογίαις, έπ* εύλογίαις καΐ θερί- 7 even as each one pur-
sowlng in blessings, in blessings also shall poses in his HEART, fnot
σει. '"Εκαστος καθώς προαιρείται τγ\ καρδία from Grief, or from Neces-
••-iap. Each one as he purposes in the heart; sity ; for $GOD loves a
μή έκ λύπης, ή εξ ανάγκης· Ιλαρόν Cheerful Giver.
from grief, or from necessity; a cheerfu"
not 8 §And GOD is able to
•γάρ δότην άγαπφ ό Θεός. 8Δυνατός δέ ό
for giver loves the God. Powerful but the make Every Favor abound
Θεός πασαν χάριν περισσεΰσαι είς ύμας, to you, so t h a t always
God every favor to make abound to you, having All Sufficiency in
ϊνα έν παντί πάντοτε πάσαν αύτάρκειαν ^χον- every thing, you may
that in every thing., always all-sufficiency hav- abound in Every good
τες, περισσεύητε είς παν ε'ργον αγαθόν °κα- Work;
ing, you may abound in every work good; even 9 as it has been written,
$"He has dispersed, he
θώς γέγραπται· Έσκόρπισεν, ^δωκε "has given to the POOR ;
as i t has been written; He has dispersed, he gave
t 1. Acts xi. 2 9 ; Kom. xv. 2 6 ; 1 Cor. xvi. 1 ; 2 Cor. viii. 4 ; Gal. i i . 10. t 2.
2 Cor. viii. 19. t 2. 2 Cor. viii. 24. t 2. 2 Cor. viii. 10. $ 3. 2 Cor. vltt. 6, 17,
1 8 , 2 2 . t 6 . Prov. x i . 2 4 ; x i x . 1 7 ; xxii. 9 ; G a l . v i . 7 , 9 . t 7. Deut. xv. 7.
t 7. Exod. xxv. 2 ; xxxv. 5 ; Prov. xi. 2 5 ; Bom. xii. 8 ; 2 Cor. viii. 12. $ 8. Prov.
x i . 2 4 , 2 5 ; xxviii. 2 7 ; P h i l . i v . 1 9 . $ 9. Psa. xi. 2, 9,
Chap. 9:10.] II, CORINTHIANS. [Chap, 10:2.
τοίς πένησιν ή δικαιοσύνη αύτοΰ μένει "his RIGHTEOUSNESS Γβ*
to the poor ones; the righteousness of him abides "mains for the AGE."
Έΐζ τόν αιώνα. 1 0 Ό δέ έπιχορηγών σπέρμα τφ 10 And HE $who SUP-
for the age. The and one supplying seed to " PLIES Seed to the SOWER,
σπείροντι καΐ αρτον εις βρώσιν, χορηγήσει and Bread for Food, will
one s o w i n g and bread for. food, w i l l supply
multiply your SOWING,
καΐ πληθύνει τον σπόρον υμών, καΐ αύ- and increase the PRO-
and .will multiply the sowing of you, and w i l l
DUCTS of your $RIGHTE-
ξήσει τά γεννήματα της δικαιοσύνης OUSNESS;
increase the products of the righteousness
υμών έν παντί πλουτιζόμενοι είς πασαν in 11 you being enriched

of you; in every thing being enriched for all every thing for All Liber-
απλότητα, η"τις κατεργάζεται δι' ημών εύχα- ality, $which produces
liber&lityj which works out through us thanks-
through us Thanksgiving
ριστίαν τώ Θεφ· ^δτί ή διακονία της *to GOD;
giving to the God; because the dispensing of the 12 because the DISPEN-
λειτουργίας ταύτης ού μόνον εστί προσανα- SING of this PUBLIC S*ER-
publio service this not only is abundant-
VICE, not only is damply
supplying the WANTS of
l y sup] τά υστερήματα των αγίων, άλλα the SAINTS, but also is
καΐ περισσεύουσα διά πολλών ευχαριστιών abounding through the
also i s abounding through many thanksgivings Thanksgiving of Many *to
τφ Θεώ* 13διά της, δοκιμής της δια- GOD ;
to the God"; on account of the proof of the 13 for §they are glorify-
κονίας ταύτης δοξάζοντες τόν Θεόν επί ing GOD on account of the
service this they are glorifying the God at PROOF of t h i s MINISTRA-
τχ\ ύποτάγη της . ομολογίας υμών είς τό TION in y o u r AVOWED
the* subjection of the profession of you to the SUBJECTION tO t h e GLAD
εύαγγέλιον του Χρίστου, καΐ άπλότητι TIDINGS of the ANOINTED
glad tidings of the Anointed one, and liberality one, and the Liberality of
της κοινωνίας ε'ις αυτούς καΐ είς πάντας, the ^CONTRIBUTION
thein and for all;
t ο
ο ί the c o n t r i b u t i o n for them and f o r all,
14 14 and by Their Prayer
κα1 αυτών δεήσει υπέρ υμών, έπι- on your behalf, ardently
ποθούντων ύμας, διά την ύπερβάλλουσαν loving you on account of
&utl of thGin ^y priiyer oil tJGh&lf of you>
ardently loving you, because of the surpassing the SURPASSING $Favor of
γάριν του Θεοΰ έφ? ύμίν. 15Χάρις *[δέ] GOD bestowed upon you.
favor of the God on you. Thanks [but] 15 Thanks to GOD $for
τφ Θεφ έπΐ xr\ άνεκδιηγήτω αύτου δωρεά* his INEXPRESSIBLE free
to the God for the inexpressible of him free g i f t . Gift!
ΚΕΦ. ι'. 10. CHAPTER X.
δέ έγώ Παϋλος παρακαλώ ΰμδς 1 Now §1, (the same
Same and I Paul beseech you Paul, $who, in Appear-
διά της πραότητος καΐ επιεικείας τον ance, indeed, am humble
on account of the meekness and gentleness of the among you, but being ab-
sent am bold * toward
Χρήστου, δς κατά πρόσωπον μέν ταπεινός you,) exhort you by the
Anointed, who according to face indeed humble MEEKNESS and Gentleness
έν ύμίν, απών δέ θαρρώ εις υμάς· of the ANOINTED one;
among you, being absent but am bold toward you; 2 and I pray $that I
παρών . θαρρησαι may not be BOLD, being
δέόμαι δέ, τό μή
I pray but, that not being present to be bold present, with the CONFI-
τη πεποιθήσει, fi λογίζομαι τολμη-
with the confidence, w i t h which I reckon to have DENCE which I presume of
σαι έπί τινας τους λογιζόμενους daring to display toward
SOME who regard us as
σάρκα περιπατουντας. Έ ν walking according to the
In Flesh.
according to flesh walking.
* VATICAN' M A N U S C R I P T ^ — 1 1 . of God. 12. to the ANOINTED. 15. but—omit v
loGn account of you.
ί 10. Isa. Iv. 10. t 10. Hoshea x. 1 2 ; Matt. vi. 1. ί 11. 2 Cor. i. 1 1 ; iv. 1 5 .
X 12. 2 Cor. viii. 14. ί 13. Matt. v. 16. $ 13. Heb. xiii. 16. % 1 4 . 2 Cor.:
viii. 1. t 15. Jamesi. 17. t 1. Rom. xii. 1. % 1. verse 10; 2 Cor. xii. 5, 7, 8.>
% 2 . 1 Cor. iv. 2 1 ; 2 Cor. xiii. 2V
CHap. 10:3.] II. COBINTHIAN£. [Chap. 10:12.
οαρκΐ γαρ περιπατοΰντες, ©ύ «ατά σάρκα 3 For though we are
flesh for walking, not according t«: flesh walking in the Flesh, we
στρατευόμεθα, ( τ ά γάρ δπλα της στρατείας are not warring according

warring, (the for arms of the warfare to the Flesh,

ημών ού σαρκικά, αλλά δυνατά τφ θ ε φ 4 $since the ARMS $of
of us not fleshly, but powerful in the God our WARFARE are not of
προς καθαίρεσιν όχυρωμάτων,) ΒλογΐΛτμοι>ς Flesh, but .$piviNfiLY
for a casting down of fortresses,> reasonings powerful for the Demoli-
καθαιροϋντες καΐ παν ύψωμα έπαιρόμενον tion of Fortresses ;
casting down and every height raising itself up 5 ^demolishing Reason-
κατά της γνώσεως του θεοΰ, καΐ αΐχ- ings, and Every Height
against the knowledge of the God, and lead- rearing itself up against
μαλωτίζοντες παν νόημα είς την ύπακοήν του t h e KNOWLEDGE Of GOD,
ing captive every mind Into the obedience of the and leading captive Every
Χρίστου, κα1 έν έτοίμφ δχοντες έκδι- Mifid to the OBEDIENCE
Ano^inted, and in preparation having to
«ησαι πάσαν παρακοήν, δταν πληρωθη
6 and §being prepared
punish every disobedience, when may be fulfil led to punish All Disobe-
υμών ή υπακοή. ΤΓά κατά dience, when §Your OBE-
of you the obedience. The things according to DIENCE may be completed.
πρόσωπον βλέπετε; Εϊ τις πέποιθεν 7 £Do you look on
face do you see? If anyone has persuaded THINGS according to Ap-
έαυτώ Χρίστου είναι, τοΰτο λογιζέσ#ω pearance? JIf any one
•seems to trust in himself
himself of Anointed to be, this l e t him consider
πάλιν άφ' έαυτου δτι καθώς αυτός Χρι- That he is of Christ, let
again fromοίίτω h i m s e l f ημείς.
that βeven
Έ ά νasτε γάρ
he of him consider this again
also we. If indeed for even for himself, That as lie is
περισσοτερόν τι καυχήσωμαι πε- of Christ, so also are we.
8 For if indeed I Should
more abundantly somewhat I should boast con-
boast somewhat more
ρΐ της εξουσίας ημών, ής έδωκε ν ό abundantly §of our AU-
cernlng the authority of us, which gave the THORITY, which the LORD
Κύριος *[ήμίν,] εϊς ο'ικοδομήν καΐ ούκ είς gave for your Building up,
Lord Cto us,] ίοτ building up and not ior
and not for your over-
καθαίρεσιν υμών, ουκ αίσχυνθήσομαι. B " I -
throwing, $1 shall not be
casting down of you, not - I shall be ashamed. So
να μή δόξω ώς &ν έκφοβεϊν υμάς 9 so that I may not
διά των επιστολών ΐ°(δτι μέν seem as if I would terrify
(because Indeed
by means of the letters; you by LETTERS ;
έπιστολαί, φησί, βαρείαχ κ α ΐ Ι σ χ υ ρ α Ι · ή 10 because "the LET-
letters, he says, weighty «and powerful; the
TERS/' says he, "are
δέ παρουσία του σώματος (ασθενής, καΐ ό weighty and powerful;
but presence of the body weak, and the
but $the BODILY PRES^
λόγος έξουθενημένος·) η τοΰτο λογιζβσθω ENCE i s weak, and
word having been despised;) this let consider
$SFEECH contemptible."
ό τοιούτος, δτι ©Ιοί έσμεν τφ 11 Let SUCH a one con-
sider this, That such as we
δι* επιστολών απόντες, τοιούτοι καΐ
through l e t t e r s being absent, sueh like ones alao are in WORD through Let-
ters, being absent, such
παρόντες τφ Ιργω. ύ γάρ τολμώμεν also will we be in WORK,
being present in the work, for we dare
being present.
έγκρίναι ή συγκρίναι τισΐ 12 $For *we dare not
to compare ourselves w i t h some
to rank or rank or compare ourselves
_ - _ _ 3 συνιστανόντων· αλλά αυτοί έν with SOME of those who
of those themselves commending; but they by COMMEND Themselves ;
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 7 . seems to trust i n himself. 8. to us—omit. 12, I dare
t 4. Epli. vi. 1 3 ; 1 Thess. V. 8. % 4. 1 Tim. i. 18 j 2 Tim. i i . 3. | C Acts vji.
2 2 ; 1 Cor. i i . 5 ; 2 Cor. v i . 7 ; xiii. 3, 4. $ 5. 1 Cor. i. 1 9 ; iii. 19. ί 6 . 2 Cor.
xiii. 2. 10. $ 6. 2 Cor. i i . 9 ; vii. 15. % 7. John vii. 2 4 ; 2 Cor. v. 1 2 ; "xl. 18.
t 7. 1 Cor. x i r . 3 7 ; 1 John iv. g . $ 8. 2 Cor. xiii. 10. ί 8. 2 Cor. vii. 1 4 ; xli.
6. t 10. 1 Cor. i i . 3, 4 ; verse 1 ; 2 Cor. xii. 5, 7, 9 ; Gal. iv. 13. t 10. 1 Cor.
I. 1 7 ; l i . 1, 4 ; 2 Cor. xi. 6 . $ 12. 2 Cor. i l l . 1 ; v. 12.
Chap. t®\ 13.] II. CORINTHIANS. [C/ιαρ. 11:3.
έαυτοίς εαυτούς μετροΰντες, καΐ συγκρίνον- b u t these, measuring
them selves them selves measuring, measuri and comparing Themselves by themselves,
τες εαυτούς έαυτοίς, οϋ συνιου- and comparing themselves
themselves with them: with themselves, are not
σιν. ^ Ή μ ε ί ς δε ουχί είς τά άμετρα intelligent.
gent. We and not for the things unmeasured 13 §But we will not
καυχηβώμεθα, αλλά κατά το μέτρον τοΰ boast respecting UNMEAS-
wo w i l l boast, but according to the measure of the URED Things; bnt accord-
κανόνος, ο5 έμέρισεν ήμιν δ Θεός μέ- ing to the MEASURE of the
rule, of which distributed to us the God of RULE which the GOD of
τρου» έφικέσθαι άχρι καΐ υμών. 1 4 Ού γ ά ρ , Measure assigned to us, to
reach even to you.
ώς μ$\ έφικνούμενοι εΙς ύμα? ύπερεκτεί,νομεν
~ as not reachiiig to you, we overstretch 14 For we do not, as not
εαυτούς· (άχρι γάρ καΐ υμών έφΦάσαμεν έν reaching to You, over-
ourselves; ;(to for even you we .came in, stretch ourselves; (§for
τω εύαγγελίφ τοΰ Χριστοί)·) 15
ούκ είς we came even to You with
the gTad tidings of the Anointed;) not for the GLAD TIDINGS of the
τά άμετρα κάυχώμενοι έν άλλοτρίοις ANOINTED ;)
the things unmeasured boasting in others 15 not boasting with
κόποις, ελπίδα δέ έχοντες, αυξανομένης της reference to UNMEASURED
labor*, a hope but having, being increased of the Things, in §the Labors of
πίστεως υμών, £ν ΰμίν μεγαλυνθήναι κα- Others; but having a
faith of you, t>y you to be enlarged according 16
Hope, your FAITH being
τά τόν κανόνα ημών είς περισσείαν, εΙς increased, to be enlarged
to t t e rule of us into superabundance, to among you, according to
τά ύπερέκεινα υμών εύαγγελίσασθαι· our RULE, for a superabun-
the parts beyond of you to announce glad tidings; dance ;
ούκ έν άλλοτρίφ κανόνι είς τά δτοιμα 16 to announce glad
not by another rale for the things ready
tidings in parts BEYOND
καυχήσασθαι. 1 7 Ό δέ καυχώμενος, έν ΚυρΙφ you ; not to boast concern^
to boast. The but one boasting, in Lord ing Things PREPARED by
καυχάσθω. 18O& γάρ ά εαυτόν συνιστών, Another's Rule,
17 $ B u t HE w h o
εκείνος έστι δόκιμος, άλλ* δν 6 Κύριος BOASTS, let him boast in
he i s approved, but whom the Lord the Lord ;
συνίστησίν. 18 for $not the one COM-
commends* MENDING Himself is ap-
ΚΕΦ. ι α ' . 11. proved, but §whom the
LORD commends.
Οφελον άνεί,χεσθε μου μικρόν τη CHAPTER XI.
I w i s h you w o u l d bear w i t h me a l i t t l e i n the
1 1 wish you would bear
αφροσύνη· αλλά καΐ άνέχεσθέ μου. 2 Ζη-
f o o l l s h n e s s ; b u t e v e n you d o b e a r w i t h m e . l a m with me *some little in
λώ γάρ ύμας θεού ζήλω· ήρμοσάμην indeed you do bear with
zealous for you of God w l i t h a zeal; I espoused me.
γάρ υμάς ένΐ άνδρΐ, παρθένον άγνήν 2 For I am ardently de-
for you to one husband, a virgin pure
voted to you with a godly
παράστησαν τ φ Χριστφ· 3 φοβοΰμαι δέ, μη- Zeal; ^because I betrothed
to present to the Anointed; I fear but; lest'
you for one Husband—a.
πως ώς δ δφις Εύαν έξηπάτησεν έν τη chaste virgin $to present
as the serpent Eye deceived by the
to the ANOINTED ;
πανουργία αυτού, *[οί5τά>] φθαρη τά 3 but I am afraid, lest,
as $the SERPENT deceived
νοήματα υμών από της άπλότητος της είς EVE by his CRAFT, your
minds of you from the simplicity of that Into MINDS $may be corrupted

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 , some little in my FOOLISHNESS. 3. so—omit.

% 13. verse 15. % 14. 1 Cor. iii. 5, 1 0 ; iv. 1 5 ; ix. 1. t 15. Bom. xv. 20. ί 17.
Isa. lxv. 1 6 ; Jer. ix. 2 4 ; 1 Cor. i . 3 1 . % 18. Prov. xxvil. 2. $ 18. Rom. ii. 2 9 ;
1 Cor. iv. 5. X 1. verse 1 6 ; 2 Cor. v. 13. 1,2. 1 Cor. iv. 15. t 2. €ol. i. 28*
ί 3 . Gen. i i i . 4 ; John viii. 44. ί 3. Eph. vi. 2 4 ; Col. i i . 4 / 8 , 1 8 ; I Tim. i. 3 ;
iv. 1 ; Heb. xiii. 9 ; 2 P e t . iii. 17.
Chap. 11:4.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Vhap. 11:12.
τόν Χριστόν. 4 Εί μέν γάρ ο ερχόμενος from *THAT SIMPLICITY
the Anointed. If indeed for . the one coming and THAT PURENESS which
άλλον Ίησοΰν κηρύσσει δν ουκ έκηρύξαμεν, is in the ANOINTED.
another1 Jesus proclaims whom tot we proclaimed, 4 For if HE who is COM-
^ πνεύμα έτερον λαμβάνετε δ όύκ έλά- ING proclaims Another
Jesus, whom we did not
βετε, ^ εΰαγγέλιον Ιτερον δ ούκ έδέ- preach; or you receive
a different Spirit which
received, or glad tidings other which not you you did not receive; or
ξασθε, καλώς άνέχεσθε. Λογίζομαι $other Glad tidings which
you did not embrace, you
γάρ μηδέν ύστερηκέναι των ύπέρ-
might well bear with it.
for nothing to have been behind those in the high-
5 *And t l reckon my-
λίαν αποστόλων. 6 El δε καΐ Ιδιώτης self in Nothing to have
est degree apostles. If but even a simple person been behind those VERY
τω λόγω, άλλ' ού τη γνώσει* άλλ' έν
in the worcl, yet not in the knowledge; but in EMINENT ApOStleS.
6 But even if $1 am a
παντί φανερωθέντες έν πάσιν simple person in SPEECH,
everything having been manifested in a l l things yet not tin KNOWLEDGE ;
εις ΰμας. Ή άμαρτίαν έπο'ιησα, έμαυτόν but in every way $we have
among you. Or sin did I commit, myself
by all things been mani-
ταπεινών, ϊνα ύμείς ύψωθήτε; δτι fested among you.
humbling, so that you might be exalted? because 7 Did I commit Sin $in
δωρεάν τδ του Θεοΰ εΰαγγέλιον εύηγγε*- humbling Myself t h a t you
might be exalted? or Be-
freely the of the God glad tidings I an-
λισάμην ύμίν; 8 "Αλλας εκκλησίας έσΰλησα, cause I gratuitously an-
noimcGQ to you? Otlior cori^jroijiitioiis I rotjtoecl ^ nounced to you the GLAD
λαβών δψίόνιον προς την υμών διακονί- TIDINGS of GOD?
8 I stripped Other Con-
α ν καΐ παρών πρός ύμας καΐ ύστερη- gregations, taking Wages
and being presen t with you and having been for serving YOU ; and be-
•Οείς, ού κατενάρκησα ούδενός· 0 ( τ ό γάρ ing present with you, and
in want, $1 did not incom-
υστέρημα μου προσανεπλήρωσαν ot αδελφοί mode any one;
want of me suppl led before the brethren 9 for %the BRETHREN
έλθόντες άπό Μακεδονίας·) καΐ έν παντί having come from. Mace-
having come from Macedonia;) and in every thing donia supplied beforehand
άβαρη ύμϊν έμαυτόν έτήρησα, καΐ τηρήσω, my DEFICIENCY ; and in
unburdensome to you myself I kept, and w i l l keep. everything I kept, and will
"Εστιν αλήθεια Χρίστου έν έμοί, δτι keep Myself §from being a
It is a truth of Anointed in me, that burden to you.
10 §It is a Truth of
καύχησις αΰτη ού φ ρ α γ ή σ ε τ α ι εις
Christ by me, $that this
1:ι very BOASTING shall not
έμέ έν τοις κλίμασι της 'Αχαΐας. ΔιατΊ; be silenced concerning me
me in the regions of th« Achaia. Why?
*[δτι] ούκ αγαπώ ύμας; Ό Θεός οίδεν. 11 Why? ^Because I
Cbecausel not I love you? The God knows.
12 love you not? GOD knows.
'Ό δε ποιώ, καΐ ποιήσω, ΐνα έκκό- 12 But what I am doing,
What but I do, even I w i l l dp, so that I may I even will do, §that I
•ψω την άφορμήν τ ώ ν θ ε λ ό ν τ ω ν ά- may cut off the OPPORTU-
cut off the opportunity of those wishing an NITY from THOSE DESIR-
φορμην, ίνα έν ω καυχώνται, ING an Opportunity; so
opportunity, so that in what they boast, that in what they boast,
the ANOINTED. 5. And I reckon. 11. because—omit.
t 4. Gal. i. 7, 8. t 5. % Cor. xii. 1 1 ; Gal. ii. 6. $ 6. 1 Cor. 1 7 ; ii. 1, 1 3 ; 2
Cor. x. 10. % 6. Eph. iii. 4. $ 6. 2 Cor., iv. 2 ; v. 1 1 ; xii. 12. $ 7. Acts xyiii. 3 ; 1
Cor. ix. 6, 1 2 ; 2 Cor. x. 1. $ 8 . Acts xx. 3 3 ; 2 Cor. xii. 1 3 ; 1 Thess. ii. 9 ; 2
Thess. iii. 8 , 9 . $ 9. Phil. iv. 1 0 , 1 5 , 1 6 . % 9 . 2 Cor. xii. 14,16. X 10. Bom.
ix. 1. % 1 0 . 1 Cor. ix. 1 5 . % 11. 2 Cor. vi. 1 1 ; vii. 3 ; xii. 15. $ 12. 1 Cor.
ix. 12.
Chap. 11:13.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 11:23.
εΰρεθώσι καθώς καΐ ημείς. ^01 γάρthey may be found even as
they may be found as even we. The for we.
τοιούτοι 'ψευδαπόστολοι έργάται δόλιοι, 13 For SUCH $False
isufrh ones false apostles workers deceitful, apostles, ^deceitful Work-
μετασχηματιζόμενοι είς αποστόλους Χρι- men, are transforming
transforming themselves into apostles of themselves into Apostles
Kai ου θαυμαστόν αυτός γάρ of 14 Christ.
στοΰ. And it is not surpris-
Anointed. And not i t i s wonderful; himself for ing, for the ADVERSARY
ό σατανάς μετασχηματίζεται είς αγγελον himself transforms him-
the adversary is transformed into a messenger
οΰν, εΐ καΐ ol self into an Angel of
φωτός· ού μέγα
' t>f light; not gr«at therefore, If also the Light.
διάκονοι αύτοΰ μετασχηματίζονται ώς διά-great 15 I t is therefore no
• servants of him ' are transformed as
wonder, if his SER-
VANTS a l s o transform
9covoi δικαιοσύνης· ών το τέλος themselves as §Servants
servants of righteousness; of whom the end of Righteousness; $ Whose
Ισται κατά τά έργα αυτών. END will be according to
Shall be according to the works of them. their WORKS.
16 Again §1 say, Let
"Πάλιν λέγω, μ,ή τίς με δόξη no one think Me a Simple-
Again I say, not ~ any one me should think ton ; but if otherwise,
άφρονα είναι» εϊ δέ μήγε, καν ώς δφρονα
unwise to be; if but otherwise, even as unwise then receive me as a Sim-
δέξασθέ με, Ενα κάγώ μικρόν τι pleton, so that I also may
boast a little.
do you r e c e i v e m e , s o t h a t e v e n I a l i t t l e s o m e w h a t
17 17 What I speak §in
καυχήσωμαι. ' Ό λαλώ, ου λαλώ κατά T h i s CONFIDENCE 0 f
zn&y boujst* What I speaki not I spealc siccordin^ to
Κυριον, άλλ' ώς έν άφροσύνχ), έν ταύτχι τη BOASTING, I do not speak
Lord, but as in foolishness, In this the according to the Lord,
{ίπόστάσει της καυχήσεως. 1 8 ΈπεΙ πολλοί but as in Folly.
confidence of the boasting. Since many 18 § Since many boast
καυχώνται κατά τήν σάρκα, κάγώ καυχή* according to the Flesh, I
boast - according to the flesh, also I w i l l also will boast.
σομαι. 19*Ηδέως γάρ άνέχεσθε τών άφρό- 19 $For being wise your-
boast. W i l l i n g l y for you bear with the unwise, selves, you readily bear
νών, φρόνιμοι 5ντες· άνέχεσθε γάρ, εΐ τις with the UNWISE.

w i s e ones being; - you bear for, if anyone 20 For you endure §if
ύμδς καταδουλοί, ει τις κατεσθίει, εϊ one eat
enslave you ; if one
you u p ; if one take
you enslaves, if anyone eats you up, if from you ; if one raise him^
τις λαμβάνει, εϊ τις επαίρεται, ει
anyone takes you, if any one-raises himself up, if self u p ; if one beats You
τις ύμας είς πρόσωπον δέρει. ^Κατά in 21 the Face.
As concerning Re-
any one you on face beats. According to
proach, I say $That we
άτιμίαν λέγω, ώς δτι ημείς ήσθενήσαμεν were weak; yet $in what
dishonor I speak, as that we were weak;
any one is daring, (Ispeak
έν φ δ ' άν τ ι ς τ.ολμςι., (έν άφροσύνχι
in what but any one may be bold, (in foolishness foolishly,) I also a m
λέγω,) τολμώ κάγώ. 22Έβραίοί είσι; κάγώ, 22 Are they Hebrews?
I speak,) bold also I. Hebrews are they? also I; §so am I. Are they Is-
Ίσραηλίταί είσι; κάγώ· σπέρμα Αβραάμ raelites? so am I. Are
Israelites are they? also I; seed of Abraam they the Seed of Abra-
είσι; κάγώ· ^διάκονοι Χριστοί» είσι; ham? so am I.
23 Are they Servants
are they? also I; servants ofAnointed are they? of Christ? (I speak as
(παραφρόνων λαλώ,) υπέρ έγώ· έν κόποις being beside myself,) I
(being a very fool I speak,) above I; in labors
am superior; $in Labors
% 13. Acts xv. 2 4 ; Rom. xvi. 1 8 ; Gal. i. 7 ; vi. 1 2 ; Phil. i. 1 5 ; 2 Pet. ii. 1; 1 John
iv. 1; Bev. ii. 2. t 13. 2 Cor. ii. 1 7 ; Phil. iii. 2 ; Titus i. 10, 11. % 15. 2 Cor.
lii. 9. t 15. Phil. iii. 19. t 16. verse 1 ; 2 Cor. xii. ; 6, 11. $ 17. 2 Cor. ix. 4 .
I 18. Phil. iii. 3, 4. $ 19. 1 Cor. iv. 10. t 20. Gal. ii. 4 ; iv. 9 . ί 2 1 . 2 Cor. x . 1 0 .
? 2 1 . Phil. i i i . 4. $ 22. Acts xxii. 3 ; Rom. xi. 1 ; Phil. i i i . 5. $ 23. 1 Cor. xv. 1 0 .
uhap. 11:24.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 11:33.
περισσοτέρως, έν πληγαΐς ύπερβαλλόντως, έν exceedingly abundant, in
* Prisons frequently, §in
moro abundant, in stripes above measure, in
Scourges to excess, $in
φυλακαϊς περισσοτέρους, έν Φανάτοις πολλά- Deaths often. *
24 24 Five times I received,
κις· (ύπό 'Ιουδαίων πεντάκις τεσσαράκον- by the Jews, $forty stripes
τα παρά μίαν έ'λαβον, ^ τ ρ ί ς έρραβδί- less on»e;
except one I received, thrice I was beaten 25 three times I was
δ π αξ έλιθάσθην, τρΙς έναυά- §beaten with rods ; $once
ce I was stoned, thrice I was ship- I was stoned ; three' times
γησα, νυχθημερόν έν χφ βυΰψ πεποΐ- §1 was shipwrecked; a
wrecked, night and day n the de-ep I have night arid day I have
ηκα·) ^όδοιπορίαις πολλάκις* κινδύνοις πο- spent in the DEEP.
26 During frequent
ταμών, κινδύνοις ληστών, κινδύνοις έκ Journeys, in Dangers from
rivers, in dangers of robbers, in dangers Rivers; in Dangers from
γένους, κινδύνοις έξ έθνων, κινδύνοις Robbers; §in Dangers
kindred, in dangers from Gentiles, in dangers from Kindred; $in Dan-
κινδύνοις gers from Gentiles; in
πόλει, κινδύνοις έν έρημία, κ ςd e s
i Dangers in Cities ; in Dan-
city, in dangers desert, in dangers gers in the Desert; in
Dangers at Sea; in Dan-
έν θαλάσσχι, κινδύνοις έν ψευδαδέλφοις* gers among False-breth-
ren ;
27* |·^ ν ] κ ό π ( ο καΐ μόχθφ, έν άγρυπν'ιαις πολ- 27 in Labor and Toil;
Ein] labor "and toil, * in watchings often §in frequent Watchings;
λάκις, έν λιμφ καΐ δ'ιψει, έν νηστείαις πολ- §in Hunger and Thirst ;
in frequent Fastings; in
λάκις, έν ψύχει καΐ γυμνότητι. ^ΧωρΙς των Cold and Nakedness.
in cold and nakedness. Besides tbe 28 Besides these αυΐ-
παρεκτός,ή μέριμνα ή έπισύστασίς WARD troubles, $the ANXI-
ήμέραν, πασών τώνμου εκκλησιών.
ή καθ'
OUS CARE for All th,e CON*
day, t things,
h e carethe. . of
a l l o f tof
h e me that every
29 GREGATIONS, which i s
ΤΙς ασθενεί, καΐ ούκ ασθενώ; τΙς σκαν- CROWDING m e EVERY DAY»
Who is weak, and not I am weak? who is made
29 §Who is weak, and I
δαλίζεται, καΐ ούκ έγ& πυροΰμαι; 8 0 ΕΙ καυ- am not weak? Who is
t StXWl© ^ Q Q HO X DlirD II tO
made to Stumble, and I do
χάσθ δεί, τά της ασθενείας not burn ?
of the k
boast is necessary, the3 1things 30 If it is necessary to
*[μου] καυχήσομαι. Ό Θεός καΐ ΙΖατήρ boast, $1 will boast of the
[of m e ] I w i l l boast. The God and F a t h e r XHINGS which concern my
του Κυρίου ημών Ίησον * [Χρίστου] οίδεν, WEAKNESS.
of the Lord of us Jesus [Anointed] knows, 31 §GOD, even the Fa-
ων εύλογητός
ων εύλογης ες εις τους
τους αΙώνας, δτι ού ther of our LORD Jesus,.HE
being blessed
blessed for the ages,
for the ages that not § who I S the BLESSED ONE
·ψ€ύδομαι· 32
έν Δαμασκφ ό εθνάρχης for the AGES, knows That
I utter falsehood; in Damascus ethnarch I do not falsify.
Άρέτα του βασιλέως έφρούρει τήν Δαμα- 32 $In Damascus, the
Aretas of the king guarded the Damas- ETHNARCH of Aretas, the
σκηνών πόλιν, πιάσαι με *[θέλων·] KING, guarded the CITY of
cenes city, to seize me Cwishing;] the DAMASCENES, wishing
διά θυρίδος
θ ρ ς έν σαργάνη ι
σ α ρ γ ά ν η έ χέχαλάσθην
αλάσθην to seize me;
through ig in
an opening i a rope
pe basket I was w lowered 33 but I was through an
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—23. Prisons frequently, in Scourges to excess, in Deaths
often. 30. of me—omit. 31. Anointed—omit. 32. wishing—omit.
t 23. Acts ix. 16; xx. 2 3 ; xxi. 1 1 ; 2 Cor. vi. 4 , 5 . ί 23. 1 Cor. xv. 30-32; 2
Cor. i. 9, 10; iv. 1 1 ; vi. 9 . t 24. Deut. xxv. 3. $ 25. Acts xvi. Ϊ 2 . t 25. Acts
xiv. 19. t 25. Acts xxvii. 41. t 26. Acts ix. 2 3 ; xiii. 50; xiv. 5 ; xvii. 5; xx. 3 ;
xxi.31; xxiii. 10, 1 1 ; xxv. 3. ί 26. Acts xiv. 5 ; xix. 23. ί 2 l Acts xx. 3 1 ; 2 Cor.
vi. 5. t 27. 1 Cor. iv. 11. t 29. 1 Cor. viii. 1 3 ; ix. 22. % 30. 2 Cor. xii. 5, 9, 10.
% 3 1 . Bom. i . 9; iv. 1; 2 Cor. i . 2 3 ; Gal. i . 2 ; 1 Thess. i i . § . $ 3 1 . Bom.
ix. 5 . $ 32. Acts ix. 24, 25. ·
<?hap. 12:1] II. CORINTHIANS. [CHap. 12:9.
§ιά τον τείχους, και έ ξ έφυγαν τάς χ?ϊρας Opening lowered down the
through the wall, and «spaped the hands WALL in a Rope-basket,
αΰτοΰ. ΚΕΦ. ι β ' 12. and escaped from his
of him. hands.
δή ού συμφέρει *[μοι·] έλεύσομαι γάρ CHAPTER XII.
indeed not i s profitable [for me;] I w i l l come for 1 Is it necessary to
είς οπτασίας καΐ αποκαλύψεις Κυρίου. 2ΟΙδα boast? it is not profitable
to visions and revelations of Lord. I know indeed, but I will come
άνθρωπον έν Χριστφ, πρό έτων δεκατεσ- even to Visions and Reve-
a man in Anointed, above years fourteen, lations of the Lord.
2 I know a Man, $in
<τά^ων, (εϊτε έν σώματι, ουκ οίδα* εϊτε Christ, who above four-
(whether with a body, not 1 know; < teen Years since—(wheth-
εκτός Γ του] σώματος, ούκ οίδα· δ θεός
.without [the] body, not I know; the God er with a Body, I know
not; or without a Body, I
οϊδεν·) άρπαγέντα τον τοιούτον know n o t ; God Knows;)
knows;) having been snatched away the s«ch a one — S U C H a one ^suddenly
§ως τρίτου ούρανοί5. ΚαΙ οίδα ιόν τοιούτον conveyed away to the
to third heaven. And I know the such Third Heaven.
άνθρωπον, (εϊτε έν σώματι, εϊτε έκτος 3 And I know this VERY
a man, (whether in a body, or without Man, (whether with a
του σώματος, ούκ οίδα· 6 Θεός οίδεν) δτι 4 Body, or without the BODY,
the body not I know; the God knows;) that I know n o t ; God knows ;)
4 That he was suddenly
ήρπάγη είς τδν παράδεισον, καΐ ή*κου- conveyed away into §PARA-
h« was snatched away "Into the paradise,, and DISE, and heard indescrib-
σεν άρρητα ρήματα, α* ούκ able things spoken, which
heard indescribable things spoken, which not it is not possible for a
εξόν άνθρώπω λαλήσαι. 5*Υπέρ τοΰ Man to relate.
being possible for a man to speak. Concerning the 5 Respecting SUCH a
τοιούτου κα-υχήσομαι· υπέρ δέ έμαυ- person I will boast; §but
sucb a one I w i l l boast; on behalf but of my- respecting myself I will
%ox> ού καυχήσομαι, εΐ μή έν ταίς ασθενείαις
s e l f not I w i l l boast; if not in the weaknesses not boast, unless in my
*[μου.] Έ ά ν γάρ θελήσω καυχήσασθαι, ούκ WEAKNESSES.

6 For §if I should desire

[of me.] If for I should desire to boast, not
έΌομαι άφρων* άλήθειαν γάρ έρω* φεί- to boast, I shall not be
I shall be unwise; truth for 1 w i l l say; I for- Unwise; for I will speak
δομαι δέ, μή τις είς έμέ λογίσηται the Truth ; but I forbear,
bear but, l e s t any one to me should impute lest any one should impute
υπέρ δ βλέπει με, fl ακούει τι έξ to Me niore than what he
sees me to be, or what
beyond 7wbftt lie seejs me^ ο.τ lie&re &nytliiiis i^rom
έμοΰ*. Και τ ^ ΐπερβολη των άποκαλύ- he hears from me.
©f me.. And by the transc-endancy of. the revelations 7 And in order that I
might not be unduly elat-
ψεων ίνα μή ύπεραίρωμαι, εδόθη
that not I should be over-elated, was given of the REVELATIONS, §a
μοι σκόλοψ τχί' σαρκί, άγγελος σατέίν,
t o m e a thorn in the flesh, a messenger adversary, Thorn in the FLESH was
given to me—$an Angel-
ϊνα μέ κολαφίζ^ ίνα μή ύπεραίρω- adversary—that i t might
that me i t might buffe-t, that not I might be over-
afflict me; so t h a t I should
μαι. Ύπέρ τούτου τρίς τόν Κύριον not be too much exalted.
elated. Concerning this thrice the Lord 8 §Concerning this, I
παρεκάλεσα, ϊνα άποστη άπ' έμοδ* entreated the LORD three
I entreated, thai i t might be removed from me; times, that it might be re-
κα1 εϊρηκέ μοι* 'Αρκεί σοι ή χάρις moved from m e ;
and he said to me; Is enough for thee the favor 9 but he said to me,
. · YATIOAN M A N U S C B I P T . — 1 . I s i t necessary to boast? i t is not profitable indeed, but
I come even to Visions and Kevelations of the Lord. 1. For me—omit. 2. the—omit.
Ί · 2 . Bom. xvi. 7 ; 2 Cor. v. 1 7 ; Gal, I. 22. $ 2. Acts xxii. 17. See Acts xiy. 19.
20. t 4. Luke xxiii. 43. % 5. 2 Cor. xi. 30. t 6. 2 Cor. x. 8 ; xi. 16. $ 7. Gal.
fcr, 13, 14. ί Τ. Job 11. 7 ; Luke xlii. 16. t 8. See Deut. iii. 23-27; M a t t xxvi. 44.
Chap. 12:10.] II. CORINTHIANS. (Chap. 12: IS.
μου* ή γάρ δύναμίς * [μου] 'My FAVOR is sufficient for
έν άσθενεΐα
of me; the for power tof me] in weakness thee; for POWER is perfect-
τελειουται. *'Ηδιο*τα ofrv μάλλον καυ- ed in Weakness." Most
is perfected. Most gladly therefore rather I w i l l
gladly, then, I will boast
χήσομαι έν ταίς άσθενε'ιαις * [μου,] ϊνα έπι-rather in WEAKNESS, SO
boast in the weaknesses [of me,] so that may that the POWER of the AN-
σκηνώσχι έπ' έμέ ή δύναμις του Χρίστου. OINTED may abide upon
dwell upon me the power of the Anointed. Me. -
Διό ευδοκώ έν άσθενείαις, 10 Wherefore, §1 am
Wherefore I am well-pleased with weaknesses, contended w i t h Weak-
έν ΰβρεσιν, έν άνάγκαις, έν διωγ- nesses, with Insults, with
with insults, with necessities, with perse* Necessities, with Persecu-
μοίζ, έν στενοχωρίαις υπέρ Χρίστου· tions, with Distresses on
ditions· Λ\^ i tli distresses on foclitilf of ,Αΐιο1ΐιί©{ΐ5 account of Christ; $since
δταν γάρ ασθενώ, τότε δυνατός είμι.η Γ έ - when I am weak, then I
γονα άφρων ύμεϊς με ήναγκάσατε. 'Εγώ am strong.
become uawise; you me have constrained. 1 11 Have X become $a
γάρρ ώφειλον ΰ φ ' υμών συνίστασθαι· ουδέν Simpleton ? You h a v e
or ought by you to be commended; nothing constrained Me; for I
γάρ υστέρησα των ύπερλίαν άποστό- ought to be commended
iis t)6hind those In highest decree jipostlGSj by You; §for in nothing I
λων, εΐ καΐ ουδέν είμι. 1 2 Τ ά μέν σημεία του was inferior to those VERY
if even nothing I am. The indeed signs of the EMINENT Apostles—even
if I am nobody.
αποστόλου κατειργάσθη έν ύμίν έν πάση 12 $The SIGNS of the
υπομονή, έν σημείοις καΐ τέρασι καΐ δυνά- APOSTLE, surely, W e r e
performed among you with
μεσι. Κ Τ Ι γάρ έστιν 8 ήττήΟητε All Patience, by Signs
What for i t i s which you were inferior and Prodigies and Powers.
υπέρ τάς λοιπάς εκκλησίας, εΐ μή δτι 13 $For in what is it
that you were inferior to
αυτός έγώ ου κατενάρκησα υμών; Χαρίσασθέ the OTHER Congregations,
myself I not was burdensome to you? Forgive
μοι την άδικίαν ταύτην. 1 4 Ί δ ο ύ , τρίτον unless That $1 myself was
to m e the injustice this. Lo, a third time
not a burden to you ? For-
give me this INJUSTICE? !
τούτο έτοίμως £χω έλθείν προς υμάς, καΐ 14 SBehold, this third
this in readiness I am to come to you, and
time I hold myself ready
ούiot καταναρκήσω
I w i l l burdei *[ΰμών·]
tyou;] ούnotγάρ for Iζητώ
seek to come to you, and I will
τα υμών, αλλ' υμάς. Ού γάρ οφείλει not be burdensome; $be-
the things of youj but you. Not for it is fitting cause I seek not YOUR Pro-
τά τέκνα τοις γονευσι θησαυρίζειν, άλλ' perty, but you ; $for the
the children for the parents to treasure up, but CHILDREN are not obliged
*to treasure up for the PA-
οί γονείς τοις τέκνοις. 1 5 Έ γ ώ δε ήδιστα
the parents for the children. I but most gladly RENTS, but the PARENTS
for the CHILDREN,
δαπανήσω καΓ έκδαπανηθήσομαι " υπέρ 15 And §1 most gladly
v i i l spend and "Vtrill be u t t e r l y spent on t>Gh&l£ will spend and be utterly
των -ψυχών υμών ει καΐ περισσοτέρους υμάς spent ion behalf of your
of the souls of you; if even more abundantly you
SOULS ; even if the more
αγαπών, ήττον άγαπώμ«ι. "Εστω δ έ · abundantly loving You,
loving, less I am loved. Let i t be so but;
the less I be loved.
έγώ ού κατεβάρησα ΰμας* άλλ' υπάρχων πα- 16 Be it so then, §1 did
I not did burden you; but being
not burden you ; but, [it is
νοΰργος, δόλω ύμας ^λαδον. 1 7 Μή τίνα said,] "being cunning, I
crafty, with guile yo\i. I, jteok. Not anyone took YOLU by Artifice."

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 9 . of me—omit. 9. of me—omit. 14. you—omit.

t 10. Bom. v. 3 ; 2 Cor. vii. 4. $ 10. 2 Cor. xiii. 4. $ 11. 2 Cor. xi. 1, 16, 1 7 ,
tU. 2 Cor. x i . 5 . t 12. Bom. xv. 18, 1 9 ; 1 Cor. ix. 2 ; 2 Cor. iv. 2 ; vi. 4 ; xi.
6. $ 13. 1 Cor. i. 7. t 13. 1 Cor, ix. 1 2 ; 2 Cor. xi. 9. % 14. 2 Cor. xiii. 1 .
ί 1 4 . Acts xx. 3 3 ; 1 Cor. x . 33\ t .14. 1 Cor. iv. 14, 15. • % 15. 1 Thesis, ii. 8 ;
Phil. i i . 17. X 15. John x. 1 1 ; 2 Cor. Ϊ . 6 ; Col. i. 2 4 ; 2 Tim. i i . 10. % 16. 2 Cor.
x i . 9 . • •
• •-••·· • , - Ί : "· · • • • • • · - •: ;.
Chap. 12:17.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 13:3.
άπέσταλκα προς υμάς, δι* αύτου 17 §Did I defraud you
a I liavt. sent to you, through
him by any of those whom I
έπλεονέκτησα υμάς; 18Παρεκάλεσα Τίτον, sent to you?
I overreached you? I exhorted Titus, 18 $1 requested Titus
καΐ συναπέστειλα τόν άδελφόν μήτι έπλεο- and I sent Jthe BROTHER
with him. Did Titus de-
νέκτησεν υμάς Τίτος; ού τφ αύτφ πνεύμα- fraud you? Did we not
reached you Titus? not in the same spirit
walk in the SAME Spirit,—
τι περιεπατήσαμεν; ού τοις αύτόις ϊχνεσι; in the very SAME Steps?
we walked? not in the same steps?
19 $Again, do you think
^Πάλιν δοκείτε, δτι ύμϊν άπολογούμεθα; That we are apologizing
Again do you think, that to you we apologize?
to You? In the presence of
Κατενώπιον τοϋ θεοϋ, εν Χριστώ, λαλοϋμεν. GOD $we speak by Christ;
$but ALL things, Ο be-
Τάδε πάντα, αγαπητοί, υπέρ της loved, for your Edification,
But a l l things, beloved ones, on behalf oi the 20 For I am afraid, lest
ύμων οίκοδομής. 20Φο6οϋμαι γάρ, μήπως perhaps, having come, I
you building up. 1 am afraid for, lest perhaps may find you such as I do
έλθών ούχ οίους θέλω εΰρω υμάς, not wish; and $1 may be
having come not such ones 1 wish I should find you, found by you such as you
κάγώ ευρεθώ ύμίν otov ού θέ-do not wish;—lest there
ancll should be found by you such a one not you be Strifes, *Jealousies,
λέτε· μήπως ερεις, ζήλοι, θυμοί, έρι- angry Feuds, Contentions,
wish; lest perhaps strifes, jealousies, angers, Evil-speakings, secret
θείαι, καταλαλιαί, ψιθυρισμοί, φυσιώ- Slanders, proud Swellings,
σεις, άκαταστασίαι· 21μτι πάλιν έλθόντα με 21 lest, having come
up, disturbances; l e s t again having come me again, my GOD $may hum-
ταπείνωση ό Θεός μου προς υμάς, καΐ ble me before you; and I
should humble lh* God of me before you, and should lament for MANY
πενθήσω πολλούς τών προημαριν of those §who had PRE-
ί should lament- over many of those having previ- VIOUSLY SINNED, and have
«ότων, καί μή μετανοησάντων έπΐ not reformed from the IM-
PURITY, and JFornication
τγ\ ακαθαρσία καί πορνεία καΐ ασέλγεια, and Licentiousness which
to the impurity and fornication and lewdness, they practised.
j\ έπραξαν. ΚΕΦ. ι γ ' 1 3 . *Τρί- CHAPTER XIII.
which they practiced. Third
tov τοϋτο έρχομαι προς· υμάς* επί στόματος come 1 φ This third time I
time this I come to ' you; in mouth to you; |by the
δύο μαρτύρων καΐ τριών σταθήσεται Mouth of Two Witnesses,
or three, Every Fact shalJ
πάν ρήμα. 2 be established.
ϋροείρηκα καΐ προλέ- 2 I §have said before,
every word. I h a v e s a i d b e f o r e a n d 1 t e l l b e f o r e -
and I say beforehand, (as
γω, (ώς παρών,) τό δεύτερον, (καΐ when present the SECOND
hand, (as being present,) the second time, (and
time,though now absent,)
απών νΰν,) τοις προημαρτηκό- to THOSE §who had PRE-
being absent now,) to those having previously VIOUSLY SINNED, and to
a\, καΐ τοις λοιποίς πασιν, δτι έάν έ'λ- all the OTHERS, That if I
einned and to the others to all, that if I should come AGAIN, $1 will not
θω εις τό πάλιν, ού φείσομαι. 3 ΈπεΙ spare.
3 Since you seek a Proof
δοκιμήν ζητείτε του έν έμοί λαλοΰντος of the ANOINTED $SPEAK-
a proof you seek of the in me speaking ING by m e ; (he is not
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 0 . Jealousy.
$ 17. 2 Cor. vii. 2. t 18. 2 Cor. viii. 6, 16, 22. t 18. 2 Cor. vlii. 18.
% 19. 2 Cor. v. 12. % 19. Rom. ix. 1 ; 2 Cor. xi. 3 L % 19. 1 Cor. x. 23. ί 2 0 .
1 Cor. iy. 2 1 ; 2 Cor. x . 2 ; xiii. 2, 10. ί 21. 2 Cor. ii. 1, 4. % 21. 2 Cor. xiii.
2. t 21. 1 Cof. v. 1. t 1.2 Cor. xii. 14. $ 1. Num. xxxv. 3 0 ; Deut. xvii. 6 ;
Matt, xviii. 1 6 ; John viii. 1 7 ; Heb. x. 28. ) 2 . 2 Cor. x. 2. t 2. 2 Cor. xii. 21,
$ 2 . 2 Cor. i . 2 3 . % 3. Matt. x. 2 0 ; 1 Cor. v. 4 ; 2 Coi. ii. 10.
Chap. 13:4.] II. CORINTHIANS. Chap. 13:12.
Χρίστου, (δς είς ΰμας ούκ ασθενεί, αλλά weak towards You, but is
^.&Ο ί Ω. t C Cl ^ΛνΙΐΟ to\iTiircl£f 7OU H o t i s T?^rC3.1C| Ullt powerful among you;
δυνατεί έν ύμίν 4κα1 γάρ el έσταυρώθη 4 §for though, indeed,
is powerful in you; even for If he was crucified
he was crucified from
εξ ασθενείας, αλλά Xf\ έκ διχνάμεως Weakness, yet h6 lives
Θεοΰ* καΐ γάρ ημείς άσθενουμεν έν αύτω, from God's Power; and
though we are weak wjth
of God; also for we ΛΓΘ weftk "with bimy him, yet we shall live with
αλλά ζησόμεθα συν αύτω εκ δυνάμεως Θε- him from God's Power.)
but we shall live with "him from power of
5 5 try yourselves,
ου *[είς υμάς·]) έαυτούς πειράζετε, whether you are in the
Gocl [towards you;]) yourselves try you, FAITH ; prove Yourselves.
Or do you not know your-
εΐ έστέ έν τη πίστει* εαυτούς δοκιμάζετε. selves, $That Jesus Christ
Or not do you know yourselv that Jesu is among you ?—except
' Ή ούκ έπιγινώσκετε έαυτοΰς, δτι Ίησοΰς
Χςιστός έν ύμίν *[έστιν;] ε'ι μήτι άδόκι- you are without proof.
Anointed in you Us?] if not ithout
6 But I hope That you
μοί έστε. β Έλπίζω δέ δ'τι γνώσεσθε, will know That we are not
proof you are. I hope but t h a t you w i l l know, without proof.
δτι ημείς ούκ έσμέν αδόκιμοι. Εΰχομαι Τ And *I wish before
that we not are without proof. I wish
GOD, that you may do
δέ προς τον Θεόν, μή ποιησαι ύμας κακόν nothing Evil; not that we
but to the God, not to do you evil may appear approved, but
μηδέν ούχ ίνα ημείς δόκιμοι φανώμεν, that you may do what is
noting; not that w o Approved ones may appear, GOOD, ^though indeed we
άλλ' 'ίνα ύμείς τό καλόν, ποιητε, ημείς δέ ώς may be without proof;
but that you the good may do, we but as
αδόκιμοι. ώμεν. Kiv γάρ δυνάμεθα τι 8 for we have no power
without proof maybe. Not for we have power any at all against the TRUTH,
but on behalf of the TRUTH.
κατά της αληθείας, άλλ' υπέρ της
again t the truth, but n behalf of the 9 We rejoice, indeed,
$when we are weak, and
αληθείας. 9Χαίρομεν, γάρ, δταν ημείς άσθε you are strong; and this
νώμεν, ύμεις δέ δυνατοί η"τε· τ ύτο *[δέ] we wish, YOUR complete
weak, you but strong ones may be; this [but]
καΐ εύχόμεθα, την υμών κατάρτισιν. Διά 10 $On this account, be-
even wo wish, the of you restoration. On account ing absent, I write these
τοΰτο ταΰτα απών γράφω, ϊνα things, so that, being pre-
sent, $1 may not use Se-
παρών μή άποτόμως χρήσωμαι, κατά verity, §according to the
being present not severity I may use, according to AUTHORITY which the
την έξουσίαν, η*ν εδωκέ μοι ό Κύριος είς LORD gave to me Build-
the authority, which gave to me the Lord for ing up, and not for Pull-
οίκοδομήν, καΐ ούκ ε'ις καθαίρεσιν. Λοιπόν, ing down.

building up, and not for pulling down. Lastly, 11 Finally, Brethren, re-
αδελφοί, χαίρετε, καταρτίζεσθε, παρα- joice ! Be you fully re-
brethren, rejoice you, be you restored, be you stored ; be admonished;
καλείσθε, τό αυτό φρονείτε, ειρηνεύετε· $mind the SAME thing;
cultivate peace; and the
* ό θεός της αγάπης καΐ εΙρήνης εσται GOD of LOVE and §Peace
and the God of the love and peace shall be shall be with you.
μεθ' υμών. 12 Άσπάσασθε αλλήλους έν άγίω 12 §Salute each other
•with you. Salute you each other with a holy with a Holy Kiss.

* VATICAN MANUSCBIPT.·—4. towards you—omit. 5. is—omit. 1. we wish. 9.


Chap. 13:13.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 13:14.
φιλήματι· 13άσπάξονται ύμας oi άγιοι πάντες. 13 All the SAINTS salute
kiss; salute you the saints all. you.
Ή χάρις του Κυρίου Ίησοΰ IXQIGXOV,'] καΐ 14 The $Favor of the

The fayor of the Lord Jesus CAnointed,] and LORD Jesus, and the LOVE
of GOD, and $the JOINT
it αγάπη του θεού, καΐ ή κοινωνία PARTICIPATION of the
the lore of the God, and the Joint participation HOLY Spirit be with you
του άγιου «νεύματος μετά πάντων υμών. all.
of the holy spirit with all of you.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—14. Anointed—omit.
t 14. Bom. XFi. 24. I 14. PhU. i*. 1.


ΚΕΦ. α'. 1. CHAPTER I.
Παύλος, απόστολος ούκ άπ' ανθρώπων ού- 1 Paul, an Apostle,—*
Paul, an apostle not from (§not from Man nor by a
men nor
δέ δι' άνθρωπου, άλλα διά Ίησοΰ Χρίστου Man, but $by Jesus Christ,
through a man, but through Jesus Anointed and THAT God the Father
ν,άί Θεοΰ Πατρός του έγείραντος αυτόν $who raised him from the
Dead,) —
nnd God a Father of the having raised him 2 and ALL the Brethren
έκ νεκρών 2κα1 ol συν έμοί πάντες άδελ- $who are with me, $to
out of dead ones; and those w i t h m e all breth- the CONGREGATIONS of
<pot, ταΐς εκκλησία'ς της Γαλατίας· 3χάρις GALATIA ;
real, to tbo congregations of the Galatia; favor
υμΐν καΐ εΙρήνη άπό Θεού Πατρός, καΐ Κυ- P e3a c$eFavor to you, and
from God t h e
to you and peace from God a Father, and Lord
οίου ημών Ίησοΰ Χρίστου, του 4 Father, and THAT Lord of
δόντος ours, Jesus Christ;
of us Jesus Anointed, of the having given 4 $who GAVE himself
εαυτόν περί τών αμαρτιών ημών, δ- on account of our SINS,
bimself concerning the sins of us, In in order that he might
πως έξέληται ήμας έκ του ένε- rescue us $from the PRES-
order that he might rescue us out of the hav- ENT evil Age, according
στώτος αΙώνος πονηρού, κατά τό to the WILL of our GOD
ε and Father ;
-θέλημα του Θεοΰ καΐ Πατρός ημών, φ 5 to whom be t h e
•will of the God and Father of us, to whom GLORY for the AGES of the
•ή δόξα εις τους αιώνας τών αΙώνα>ν· 'Αμήν. AGES, Amen.
the g l o r y f o r t h e a g e s o f t h e a g e s ; So b e i t . 6 I am astonished That
μετατίθε- you have so quickly turned
θαυμάζω, δτι οΰτω ταχέως
I wonder, because so a w a y from H I M who
quickly you are being
σθε άπό χοϋ καλέσαντος ύμας έν χάριτι CALLED you by the Favor
cli&nged from tlxQ one having culled you by favor of Christ, to other Glad
7 Tidings ;
Χρίστου είς δτερον εΰαγγέλιον ο ουκ 7 | n o t that there are
any other ; but there are
Ιστιν άλλο· εΐ μή τινές είσιν ol ταράσσοντες CERTAIN p e r s o n s §who
is otliei'i i f not some &ΓΘ ΎΪΓΙΙΟ ΑΤΘ troubl im^ are TROUBLING you, and
ύμας, καΐ θέλοντες μεταστρέψαι τό εύαγγέ- wishing to subvert the
you, and wishing to turn about the glad GLAD TIDINGS Of t h e
λιον του Χρίστου. Αλλά καΐ εάν ημείς ή ANOINTED.
tidings to you, contrary to what we announced
8 But even if |we or
άγγελος έξ- ουρανοί)
εΰαγγελίζη- an Angel from Heaven,
a messenger from heaven should announce glad should a n n o u n c e glad
ται ΰμίν, παρ* tidings to You different
δ εύηγγελισάμεθα from what we announced
tidings to you, contrary to What we announced to you, let him be accursed.
ΰμίν, ανάθεμα έ'στω. °*Ως προειρήκαμεν, 9 As we before said,
to you, accursed l e t him be. As we before said,
even now again I say,—
καΐ αρτι πάλιν λέγω· εϊ τΐζ ΰμας εύαγγέ- If any one announces glad
even now again I say; If anyone you adresses
tidings to You different
λίζεται παρ' δ παρελάβετε, from what you received,
with good tidings contrary to What you received, let him be accursed.
Ανάθεμα έ'στω. 10
*Άρτι γάρ ανθρώπους 10 For do I now obey
accursed l e t him be. Now for men Men, or GOD? or do I

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — T i t l e — T o T H E GALATIANS.
t h ver. 11, 12. $ 1. Acts ix. 6 ; xxii. 3 0, 15, 2 1 ; xxvi. 1 6 ; Titus i. 3. $ 1. Acts
3i. 24. t 2. Phil. i i . 2 2 ; iv. 2 1 . t 2. 1 Cor. xvi. 1. t 3. Rom. i. 7 ; 1 Cor. i.
3 ; 2 Cor. i. 2 ; &c. $ 4. Matt. xx. 2 8 ; Rom. iv. 2 5 ; Gal, ii. 2 0 ; Titus ii. 14.
t 4. John xvii. 14, 15. t 7. 2 Cor. ix. 4. $ 7. Acts xv. 1, 2 4 ; 2 Cor. i i . 1 7 ; xi. 1 3 ;
Gal. v . 10, 1 2 . $ 3 . 1 Cor. xvi. 2 2 .
Chap. 1:11.] GALATIANS. [Chap. 1:19.
πείθω, ή τόν θεόν; ή ζητώ άν&ρώποις $seek to please Men ? for
do I obey, or the God? or do I seek men if I still pleased Men, I
άρέσκειν: εΐ *[γάρ] Itt άνθρώποις ήρεσκον, should not he a Servant of
to please? i f tforj s t i l l men I pleased. Christ.
Χριστού δοϋλος ούκ αν ήμην. ^Γνωρίζω 11 But I make known
οι Anointed a slave not I should be. I make known
to you, Brethren, That
δέ ύμίν, αδελφοί, τό εύαγγέλιον τό εύαγγε- THOSE GLAD TIDINGS
but to you, brethren, the glad tidings the having
which were ANNOUNCED,
λισθέν ύπ' έμοΰ, οτι ούκ δστι κατά by me, that they are not
been announced by me, that not Is according to according to Men;
δνθρωπον ^ούδέ γαρ έγώ παρά ανθρώπου 12 for §1 neither re-
πι & n* neither for Χ from zn&n
παρέλαβον αυτό ούτε έδιδάχθην, αλλά δι* ceived nor learned them
received it nor was I taught, but through from a Man, $but through
άποκαλύψεως Ίησοΰ Χρίστου. 13Ήκούσατε a Revelation· from Jesus
a revelation of Jesus Anointed. You heard Christ.
γάρ την έμήν άναστροφήν ποτέ έν τφ 13 For you heard of MX
for the my conduct formerly when in the" Conduct formerly in JUDA-
Ίουδαϊσμφ, δτι καθ* ύπερβολήν έδίωκον ISM, §That I exceedingly
Jewish religion, that exceedingly I persecuted persecuted the CONGREGA-
την έκκλησίαν τοΰ Θεοΰ, καΐ έπόρθουν αύ- TION of GOD, and $laid it
the congregation of the God, and ravaged her; waste;
την 14κα1 προέκοπτον έν τφ Ίουδαϊσμφ 14 and made proficiency
and made progress in the Jewish religion in Judaism beyond Many
υπέρ πολλούς συνηλικιώτας έν τω γένει of the same age among my
beyond many of the same age among the race
own RACE, §being an ex-
μου, περισσοτέρως ζηλωτής υπάρχων των πα- cessive Zealot for $the
of me more earnestly a zealot being of the
τρικών μου παραδόσεων. ^"Οτε δέ εΰδόκησεν TRADITIONS Of m y FA-
fathers of me traditions. When but it pleased THERS.
*[6 Θεός,] δ άφορίσας με έκ κοιλίας 15 But when it pleased
[the God,] that having set apart me from womb THAT GOD who SET me
μητρός μου·, καΐ καλέσας διά της χά- APART from my Birth, and
of mother of me, and having called through the CALLED me by his FAVOR,
ριτος αύτοΰ,

άποκαλΰψαι τον υΐόν αύν 16 to reveal his SON to
favor of himself, to reveal the son of me, §that I might an-
τοϋ έν έμοί, ίνα εΰαγγελίζωμαι αυτόν nounce him to the NA-
himself to me, so that I might announce him TIONS, I did not imme-
έν τοις έ'θνεσιν ευθέως, ού προσανεθέ- d i a t e l y consult with
17 $Flesh and Blood.
μην σαρκΐ καΐ αίματι, ούδέ άνηλθον είς %1 nor did I go up to
with flesh and, blood, nor I went up to
Jerusalem to THOSE who
'Ιεροσόλυμα προς τους προ έμοΰ άποστό- were APOSTLES before me,
Jerusalem to those before m e apostles, but I went away into
λους, άλλ' άπηλθον είς Άραβίαν, καΐ πάλιν Arabia, a n d returned
but I went Into Arabia, and again again to Damascus.
ύπέστρεψα είς Δαμασκόν. 18νΕπειτα μετά ετη Years, 18 Then, after three
returned to Damascus. Then after years
$1 went up to Jeru-
τρία άνηλθον είς 'Ιεροσόλυμα, Ιστορησάι Πέ- salem to vist * Cephas,
three I went up to Jerusalem, to v i s i t and remained with him
τρον, καΐ επέμεινα προς αυτόν ημέρας δέκα- fifteen Days;
Teter, and I remained with him "days fifteen;
19 and I saw no other
πέντε· 19ετερον δέ των αποστόλων ούκ έΐδον, of the APOSTLES except
other but of the apostles not I saw, ± % James, the BROTHER of
εΐ μη · Ίάκωβον τόν άδελφόν του Κυρίου, the LORD.
if not James the brother of the Lord.
* VATICAN MANUSCKII-T.—10. For.—omit. 15. the GOD—omit. 18. Cephas.
± 1 9 . The Hebrews called all near relations "brothers. This James was the son of
Alpheus by Mary the sister of c^t Lord's mother.-—Macknight.
t 10. 2 Thess. ii. 4 ; James iv. 4. t 12. 1 Cor. xv. 3. t 12. Eph. iii. 3. ί 13.
Acts ix. 1; xxii. 4; xxvi. 1 1 ; 1 Tim. i . 13. t Ί 3 . Acts viii. 3. ί 14. Acts xxii. 3 ;
xxvi. 9; Phil. iii. 6. t 14. Matt. xv. 2 ; Mark vii. 5. t 16. Acts ix. 15; xxii. 2 1 ;
xxvi. 17, 18; Rom. xi, 13; Eph. i i i . 8. ί 16. Matt. xvi. 17; 1 Cor. xv. 50; Eph.
Vi. 12. ί 18. Acts ix. 26. $ 10. Matt. xiii. 5 5 ; Mark vi. 3.
uhap. GALATIANS. [Chap. 2:5-
("Α δέ ^ράφω ύμίν, Ιδού ενώπιον τοΰ. 20 (Now, the things I
am writing to? you, behold,
Θεόΰ, δτι ού -ψεύδομαι.) in the presence of GOD,
God," tlxfft not " Iftltxspeaking faleeiy·^ xutm $1 do not falsely affirm.)
^ίλθον είς τά κλίματα της Συρίας καΐ της 21 After that I went in-
I went into the regions of the Syria and of the to the ^REGIONS of SYRIA
Κιλικίας. ^"Ημην δέ αγνοούμενος τφ προ- and of CILICIA;
Cilicia; I was but beingunknown by the face 22 but I was unknown
οώπω ταΐς έκκλησίαις της 'Ιουδαίας ταίς personally to THOSE CON-
to the congregations of the Judea those GREGATIONS o f JUDEA
έν Χριστώ· 23μόνον δέ άκούοντες ήσαν "Οτι which are in Christ;
in Anointed; only- but hearing they were; That 23 they only having
6 διώκων ήμας ποτέ, νΰν ευαγγελί- heard, That " H E who was
once PERSECUTING us, is
ζεται τήν πίστιν η*ν ποτέ έπόρ-
now announcing as. glad
glad tidings the faith which once he was laying tidings the FAITH which
•θει· κα1 έδόξαζον έν έμοί τον he formerly laid waste,"
waste; and they were glorifying in me the 24 And they glorified
Θεόν. ΚΕΦ. 6 ' . 2. ^"Επειτα διά GOD on my account,
God. Then through CHAPTER I I .
δεκατεσσάρων ετών πάλιν άνέβην είς *Ιεροσό- 1 Then within ± Four-
fourteen years again I went up to Jerusalem
teen Years I went up
λύμα μετά Βαρνάβα, συμπαραλαβών again to Jerusalem with
with Barnabas, having taken as a companion Barnabas, taking Titus
καΐ Τί,τον. Άνέ6ην2
δέ κατά άποκά- also with me.
λυψιν, καΐ άνεθέμην αΰτοίς τό εύαγγέλιον 2 Now I went up ac-
latlon, and submitted to them the glad tidings cording to a Revelation,
& κηρύσσω έν τοίς "Εθνεσι* κατ' Ιδίαν
which I publish among the Gentiles; by one's self and submitted to them the
δέ τοις δοκοΰσι, μήπως είς κε- GLAD TIDINGS w h i c h I
but to those appearing somewhat, lest for a vain publish among the NA-
•νόν τρέχω, η1 εδραμον. TIONS ; but privately to
thing I should run, or had run.
3'Αλλ' ουδέ Τίτος 6 σύν έμοί, "Ελλην lest perhaps for a vain
But not even Titus he with me, a Greek thing I may run, or might
&V, ήναγκάσφη περιτμηθηναι. have run.
being, was under a necessity to be circumcised. 3 *But not even Titus,
Ata δέ τούς παρείσακτους ·ψε\)δ«- my associate, though a
Greek, was under a neces-
On account of but the secretly introduced false
sity to be circumcised,
δέλφους* (οΐτινες παρεισήλθον κατασκοπή-
4 on account even of
biethren; (who stole in to have spied
σαι τήν έλευθερίαν ημών ή*ν δχομεν έν |the FALSE BRETHREN
out the freedom of us which we hold in SECRETLY INTRODUCED;
Χριστφ Ί η σ ο ΰ , ί ν α ήμας καταδουλώσωνται·) (who crept in to spy out
our §FREEDOM which we
ο1ς ουδέ προς ωραν εΐξαμβν τχί possess in the Anointed
to whom not even for an hour we yielded by the Jesus, $so t h a t they might
υποταγή, ίνα ή αλήθεια του εναγ- enslave us;)
the truth of the glad 5 to whom not even for
submission, in order that
γελίου διαμείνη προς ύμδς. β 'Από an Hour did we yield by
tidings might rem a in throughout with you. From SUBMISSION ; in order t h a t
$the TRUTH of the GLAD
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. But not even Titus, my associate* though a Greek.
± 1. Some think that the time specified in this verse, was when the apostle went to
Jerusalem about the question of circumcision, Acts xv. 4, &c. There is a difficulty in
determining the exact chronology of this visit to Jerusalem, though this was probably the
time, as the apostle says he went up ly revelation, and therefore it must have been on
important business. Some contend, however, that the journey alluded to was the one
mentioned in Acts x k 27, when, the congregation at Antioch sent Barnabas and Saul
with relief for the poor Christians in Judea, but this would not allow sufficient time for
the fourteen years mentioned.
$ 20. Kom. ix. 1. % 21. Acts ix. 30. % 4. Acts xv. 1, 2 4 ; 2 Cor. xi. 26. % 4.
Gal. v. 1, 2 3 . { 4 . 2 Cor. xi. 2 0 ; Gal. iv. 3, 9. % 5. verse 14.
Chap. 2:6.] GALATIANS. [Chap. 2:14.
δέ τών δακούντων είναί τι, όποί- TIDINGS might remain
but of those appearing to be something, of what with you.
ol ποτέ ήσαν, ουδέν μοι διαφέρει· 6 But from THOSE of
REPUTATION, , whatever
sort once they were, nothing to me It brings; they were formerly is of no
(πρόσωπον Θεός ανθρώπου ού λαμβάνεις) έμοί
(a face God of a man not accepts;) to me consequence to me ; ($God
γαρ oi δοκοϋντες ουδέν προσανέ- does not accept a Man for
Personal appearance;) for
for those appearing somewhat nothing communl- to Me, THOSE Of REPUTA-
θεντο, άλλά τουναντίον, Οδόντες, δτι πεπί- TION communicated noth-
cated, but on the contrary, seeing, that I have ing.
στευμαι τό εύάγγέλιον της άκρο- 7 But on the CONTRARY,
been entrusted with the glad tidings of the un- James and Cephas and
βυστ'ιας, καθώς Π έτρος της περιτο- J o h n , THOSE SEEMING
circumcision, even as Peter of the circum- to be Pillars,—^perceiving
8 That I $was entrusted
Μ-ήζ» ( δ γαρ ένεργήσας Π έτρω with the GLAD · TIDINGS
cision, (he for having Inwardly wrought in Peter for the UNCIRCUMCISION,
είς άποστολήν της περιτομης, ένήρ- even as Peter was for the
for an apostlcship of the circumcision, inwardly
γησε καΐ έμοί είς τά Ιθνη,) ®καΙ γνόν- CIRCUMCISION ;
wrought also in me for the Gentiles,) and having 8 (for HE Who OPERAT-
τές τήν χάριν τήν δοθεϊσάν - μοι, ED in Peter for the Apos-
'Ιάκωβος καΐ Κηφάς καΐ 'Ιωάννης, ol δοκοΰν- tleship of the CIRCUMCI-
James and Kephae and John, those seem- SION, Operated in me al-
τες στϋλοι είναι, δεξιάς έδωκαν έμοί so for the GENTILES;)
ing pillars to be, right* hands they gave to ine 9 §and acknowledging
καΐ Βαρνάβας κοινωνίας, Ινα ημείς μέν THAT COMMISSION GIVEN
and Barnabas of fellowship, that we Indeed to me, gave to me and Bar-
είς τά £θνη, αυτοί δέ είς τήν περιτομήν nabas the Right hands of
tar the Gentiles, they but for the circumcision; Fellowship, in order that
10 we should be for the GEN-
μόνον τών πτωχών Ινα μνημονεύωμεν TILES, and they for the
only of the poor ones that We should be mindful; CIRCUMCISION ;
ο καΐ έσπαύδασα αυτά τοιϋτο ποι- 10 only urging that we
ησαι. ^ " Ο τ ε δέ ήλθε Πέτρος είς Άντιό- should be mindful of the
lifivG done* AVhΘΠ out cnzxio P©t©r t o ^.Qtiocli>
POOR,—Jwhich very thing
χειαν, κατά πρόσωπον αύτφ άντέστην, δτι
before face to him I opposed, because I was even ardently has-
tening to perform.
κατεγνωσμένος ήν. 1 2 Π ρ ό τοϋ γαρ έλ- 11 But when «Cephas
came toAntioch,.Iopposed
θείν τινας άπά 'Ιακώβου, μετά τών Him Face to face, Because
hiive c o m e som© ι Γ οm «ΓAm © s ι ΤΪΓ i tli tlio he was blamable.
εθνών συνήσθιεν· δτε δέ ήλθον, 12 For before certain
Gentiles he was eating; when but they came, persons CAME from James,
he ate together with the
ύπέστελλε καΐ άφώριζεν εαυτόν, φο- GENTILES ; but when they
he Was withdrawing and was separating himself,
βούμενος τους έκ περιτομης. 13
ΚαΙ συνυ^· came he withdrew and
fearing those of circumcision. And dissem- separated himself, being
afraid of THOSE belonging
πεκρίθησαν αύτω καΐ ot λοιποί 'Ιουδαίοι· to the Circumcision.
bled with him also the other Jews; 13 And the OTHER Jews
&στε καΐ Βαρνάβας συναπήχθη αυτών also dissembled with him,
so that even Barnabas
xfj ύποκρ'ισει. 1 4 Ά λ λ ' δτε είδον, δτι ούκ was led astray by Their
όρθοποδοΐ5σι προς τήν άλήθειαν 14 But when I saw That
they walk straight with respect to the truth they walked not straight


$ 6- Acts x. 3 4 ; R o m . i i . 1 1 . % 7. A c t s x i i i . 4 6 ; Rom. i. 5 ; xi. 1 3 ; 1 T i m .
il. 7 ; 2 Tim. L 1 1 . $ 7. 1 Thess. i i . 4. t 8. Acts ix. 1 5 ; x i i i . 2 ; x x i i . 2 1 ;
xxvi. 1 7 , 1 8 ; 1 Cor. xv. 1 0 ; Gal. i. 1 6 ; Col. 1. 2 9 . $ 9. Rom. i. δ ; x i i . 3 , 6 ;
xv. 1 5 ; 1 Cor. xy. 1 0 ; Eph, i i i . 8. t 1 0 . S e e 1. Cor. xvi. 1 ; 2 Cor. v i i i . i x .

Chap. 2:15.] GALATIANS. [Chap. 3:1.
του ευαγγελίου, εΐπον τώ Πέτρώ εμ- with respect ίο §the
of the glad tidings, I said to'the Peter in
προσθεν πάντων Et σύ, 'Ιουδαίος υπάρχων, INGS, I said s to *Ceplias
§in the presence of all;
εθνικώς ζχ\ς καΐ ουκ Ίουδαΐκώς, πώς t " I f thou, being a Jew,
like Gentiles thou livest and not likeJows, how livest like the Gentiles,
τά £θνη αναγκάζεις Ίουδαΐζειν. ^ ' Η - is and not like the Jews, how
it that thou dost compel
the Gentiles dost thou compel to Judaize. We the GENTILES to Judaize?
μείς φύσει 'Ιουδαίοι, καΐ ούκ έξ εθνών
by nature Jews, and not of Gentiles 15 We are Jews by
αμαρτωλοί· 1β είδότες δέ, ί5τι ού δικαιοί3ται Natural birth, and not
$Sinners of the Gentiles;
άνθρωπος έξ έργων νόμου, εάν μή διά 16 and ^knowing That
a man by works of law> if not on account of a Man is not justified by
Works of Law, except on
πίστεως Ίησοΰ Χρίστου· καΐ ημείς είς account of F a i t h of
faith * of Jesus Anointed; and w e into
*Christ Jesus, even we
Χριστόν ΊησοΰνΊησοΰν έπιστεΰσαμεν;
έπιστεΰσαμεν^ ΐνά have believed into * Jesus
Anointed Jesus believed, so that we Christ, so that we may be
καιωθώμεν έκ πίστεως Χρίστου, καΐ ούκ justified by Faith of
may be justified by faith of Anointed, and not Christ, and not by Works
έξ έ'ργων νόμου* διότι έξ έργων νόμου ού of Law; Because $by
by works of law;
because by works of law not Works of Law will no
δικαιωθήσεται πασά σαρξ 17 El δέ ζητοϋντες Flesh be justified."
will be justified all fl 17 But if seeking to be
sh. If but seeking
δικαιωθηναι εν Χριστφ εύρέθημεν justified by Christ, even
we ourselves are. found
καΐ αυτοί αμαρτωλοί, δρα Χριστός Sinners, is Christ then a
even we ourselves sinners, then Anointed Servant of Sin? By no
αμαρτίας διάκονος; Μή γένοιτο. 18 Et γάρ 18 For if I rebuild those
very things I pulled down,
δ κατέλυσα, ταϋτα πάλιν οικοδομώ,
what I pull down, these things again I build, I constitute Myself a
παραβάτην έμαυτόν συνιστάνω. 1 9 Έ γ ώ γάρ 19 Besides, I ^through
a transgressor myself I constitute. I for Law $died by Law, so that
διά νόμου νόμω άπέθανον ΐνα Θεώ I might Jlive by God.
on account of law by law died so that by God 20 I have been $cruci-
fied together with Christ;
ζήσω. ^Χριστφ συνεσταύρωμαι· still I live, yet no longer
I may live. With Anointed I have been crucified; I, but Christ lives in me ;
ζω δέ, ούκέτι έγώ, ζχί δέ έν έμοι
I live but, no longer I, lives but in me for that life which I now
Χριστός· δ δέ νυν ij> έν σαρκί, έν πίστει live in the Flesh, §1 am
Anointed; the but now live in flesh, by faith living *by THAT Faith of
the SON of GOD, §who LOV-
ζώ τχ\ τοϋ υΐοΰ του Θεοΰ· του ED me even to delivering
I live in the of that son of the God, of that himself up on my behalf.
άγαπήσαντός με καΐ παραδόντος εαυτόν 2 1 1 do not set aside the
having loved me and having delivered up himself FAVOR through
of GOD ; §for if
Law I have Right-
υπέρ έμοΰ. 21Ούκ αθετώ την χάριν του eousness, then Christ died
Θεοΰ· εΐ γάρ διά νόμου δικαιοσύνη, άρα unnecessarily.
God; if for through law Justification, then
Χριστός δωρεάν άπέθανεν. ΚΕΦ. γ ' . 3. CHAPTER I I I .
Anointed without cause died. 1 Ο Thoughtless Gala-
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 4 . Cephas. 16. Christ Jesus. 16. Jesus Christ. 20.
by THAT Faith of THAT GOD and Christ, who LOVED me.
$ 14. verse 5. t 14. 1 Tim. v. 20. $ 14. Acts x. 2 8 : xi. 3. $ 15. Matt. ix.
1 1 ; E p h . i i . 3, 12. % 16. Acts xi. 38, 39. $ 16. Rom. i. 1.7; iii. 22, 2 8 ; viii. 3 ;
Gal. iii. 2 4 ; Heb. vii. 1 8 , 1 9 . $ 16. Psa. cxliii. 2 ; Rom. i i i . 2 0 ; Gal. iii. 11.
t 19. Rom. viii. 2. $ 19. Rom. vi. 1 4 ; vii. 4 , 6 . $ 19. Rom. vii. 1 1 ; 2 Cor. v.
1 5 ; 1 Thess. v. 1 0 ; H e b . i x . 1 4 ; 1 P e t . iv. 2 . X 20. Rom. vi. 6 ; Gal. v. 2 4 ; vi.
14. $ 2 0 . 2 Cor. v. 1 5 ; 1 Thess. v . 1 0 ; 1 P e t . iv. 2 . $ 2 9 . Eph. y. 2 ; Gal.
i. 4 ; Titus ii. 1 4 . $ 2 1 . Gal. iii. 2 1 ; Heb. vii. 11.
CHap. 3:2,] GALATIANS. Chap. 3:11.

Γαλάται, τΙς
Galatlans, who
tians! $who has deluded
You, before whose Eyes
σκανεν; οίς κατ' οφθαλμούς Ίησοΰς Jesus Christ was previous-
luded? to whom with respect to eyes Jesus ly represented as having
Χριστός προεγράφη * [έν ΰμίν] έσταυ- been crucified.
Anointed was before set forth [among you] having 2 This only I desire to
ροομένος. 2
Τοϋτο μόνον θέλω μαθείν learn from you;—$Did
been crucified. This thing only I wish to have learned you receive the SPIRIT on
άφ' υμών εξ έργων νόμου το πνεΰμα
f r o m you; on a c c o u n t of w o r k s of l a w t h e s p i r i t account of Works of Law,
or on account of Obedience
έλάβετε, ή* έξ ακοής πί- of Faith?
d i d y o u r e c e i v e , o r on a c c o u n t of a- *-—
hear '-~
στεως; Οΰτως ανόητοι έστε; έναρξά- 3 Are you so thought-
faith? So thoughtless are you? having less? $Havi»g begun i n
μενοι πνεύματι, νΰν σαρκΐ έπιτελεί- Spirit, are you now being
begun in s p i r i t , now in flesh are you being made made perfect in Flesh?
σθε; 4
Τοσαυτα έπάθετε εΐ- 4 Have you suffered so
perfect? So many things you suffered withjout Much for nothing ? if in-
η; εϊ καΐ deed it is for nothing.
cause? If even without cause. The 5 §HE then SUPPLYING
οΰν έπιχορηγών ΰμΕν τό πνεΰμα, καΐ to you the SPIRIT, and per-
then supplying to you the spirit, and forming Miracles among
ενεργών δυνάμεις έν ύμίν, έξ you, does he these on ac-
working miracles among you, on account of count of Works of Law, or
έργων νόμου άοης
άκοης ππί- on acount of Obedience
eg obedience
edienc off of Faith?
on account
στεως; 6καθώς 'Αβραάμ of
έπίστευσε τφ Θεφ, 6 even as Abraham $ "be-
faith? even as Abraam believed in the God, lieved GOD, and is was
καΐ έλογίσθη αύτφ εις δικαιοσύνην. "counted to him forRight-
and it was counted to'him righteousness. "eousness ;"
ΤΓινώσκετε αρα, δτι ol έκ πίστεως, 7 Know you, certainly,
οΰτοί είσιν υΙοΙ 'Αβραάμ. 8
$That THOSE of Faith,
these are £>ons of Abra-
δέ ή Γραφή, δτι έκ πίστεως δίκαιοι τά ham.
and the writing, that by faith justifies the 8 And the SCRIPTURE,
έθνη ό Θεός, - προευηγγελίσατο having foreseen That GOD
nations the God, befckfe announced glad tidings would justify the NATIONS
τφ * Αβραάμ* "Οτι ένευλογηθήσονται έν σοΙ by Faith, previously an-
nounced glad tidings to
πάντα τά έθνη. 9
"Ωστε. ot έκ πίστεως, ABRAHAM, That $"In thee
all the nations. So that those of faith, "shall All the NATIONS be
ευλογούνται σύν τφ πιστφ 'Αβραάμ. *>"Ο- "blessed."
are blessed with the believing Abraam. As 9 THOSE of Faith, there-
fore, are blessed with BE-
σοι γαρ έξ έργων νόμου είσ'ιν, υπό LIEVING Abraham.
54ατάραν είσίν γέγραπταν γάρ· "Οτι 10 For as many as are
a curse they are; it has been written for; That of Works of Law are un-
έπικατάρατος πας 8ς ούκ εμμένει έν der a Curse; for it has
accursed everyone who
—*-- not
- " continues in been written, $ "Accursed
πασι τοις γεγραμμένοις έν τφ "is every one w ho con-
all things in the t i n u e s not in All those
βιβλίω τοϋ νόμου, του ποιήσαι αύτ,ά. "THINGS HAVING BEEN
"WRITTEN in the BOOK of
" Ο τ ι δέ έν νόμω ουδείς δικαιβί5ται παρά "the LAW to do them."
That but ,?by l a w " no one is Justtfled before 11 Besides, That no one
τφ θεφ, δηλον δτι δ δίκαιος έκ πίστεως, §is justified by Law be-
fore GOD is * clear ; Be-
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 . among you—omit.
t 1. GaL ν. 7. ί 2. Acts viii. 1 5 ; Eph. i. 18. $ 3. Gal. iv. 9. $ 5 . 2 Cor. i i i .
8. ί 6. Gen. xv. 6; Rom. iv. 3, 9, 21, 2 2 ; James it. 23. $ 7. John viii. 3&; Rom.
iv. 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 6 . t 8. G e n . ' x i i . 3 ; xviii. 1 8 ; xxli. 1 8 ; Acts iii. 35. $ 10. Peut.
Xtvii. 2 6 ; Jer. xi. 3. φ 11. Gal. ii.- 16.
Chap. 3:12i] GALATIANS. [Chap. 3:19.
ό δέ νόμος ούκ. ίστι,ν έκ πίστεως· cause, §"The RIGHTEOUS
"by Faith, shall live."
άλλ' ό ποιήσας αυτά, ζήσεται 12 Now the LAW is not
but the one 13having done these things, shall live of Faith; but $ " H E HAV-
αυτοί ς. Χριστ6ς ημάς έξηγόρασεν έκ "ING DONE these things
by them. Anointed us bought oft from "shall live by them."
της κατάρας τοΰ νόμου, γενόμενος ti- 13 § Christ has redeem-
the curse of the law, having became on
ed Us from the CURSE of
πέρ ημών κατάρα· (γέγραπται γάρ· the LAW, having become a
behalf of us a curse; ( i t has been written for; Curse on our behalf ; (for
Έπικατάρατος πας ό κρεμάμενος επί ξύ-i t h a s been written
Accursed every one he being hung on $ "EVERY ONE w h o is
14 "HANGED on a Tree is ac-
λου·) ινα εις τά έθνη ή ευλογία "cursed;")
u tr©ej) so th&t; for , the n&'tions the blessing
14 $so that the BLESS-
χοϋ Αβραάμ γένηταί έν Χριστφ Ίησοΰ, ING of ABRAHAM might be
of th© A.^3r^fl.m ΤΏ 1 jjj)ht be i n j\noιj\toct Jesusy for the NATIONS, by Christ
ίνα τήν έ^αγγελίαν τοΰ πνεύματος λά- Jesus; and that through
that the annunciation of the spirit we might the FAITH we might re-
βωμεν διά της πίστεως. 15Άδελφοί, κα- ceive the ANNUNCIATION
of the SPIRIT.
recelve through the faith. Brethren, according 15 Brethren, I speak ac-
τά δνθρωπον λέγω· δμως ανθρώπου κεκυ-
to man I speak; though of a man having cording to man;—no one
ρωμένην ' διαθήκην ουδείς αθετεί ^ έπι- sets aside or superadds
been ratified a covenant no one sets aside or
conditions to §a ratified
Compact, though human.
διατάσσεται. 1 6 Τ φ δέ 'Αβραάμ έρρήθησαν 16 Now to ABRAHAM
Οΰ λέγει· ToΚαΙ
the now
τοις Abrnftni were spolccji
σπέρμασιν, ώς were the PROMISES spoken,
«,Ι έπαγγελίαι, καΐ τφ σπέρματι αΰτοΰ. even for his SEED. He
ttho πολλών,
τ?τοxs\i ses% άλλ' ώς
e v e n χ ο τ £uo seed ενός·
o f \\iττι« does not say, "And to the
SEEDS," a s concerning
ΚαΙ τ< σπέρματί σου· δς έστι Χριστός, many, but as concerning
seed of thee; who i s Anointed.
And to ti
17 one; $"And t o t h y
Τοΰτο δέ λέγω* διάθήκην προκεκυρωμένην "SEED,"—who is Christ.
This but I say; a covenant previously ratified
17 Now this I affirm,
νπό του θεοΰ *[εΙς Χριστό ν,] 6 μετά that a Covenant-engage-
by the God [concerning Anointed,] that after ment previously ratified
τετρακόσια καΐ τριάκοντα ετη γεγονώς by GOD, the LAW, $issued
four hundred and thirty years having become Four hundred and Thirty
Years afterwards does not
νόμος ούκ άκυροι, είς τό καταργήσαι τήν annul, $so as to INVALI-
α law not annuls, so as the to have canceled the DATE the PROMISE;
έπαγγελίαν 18εΙ γάρ έκ νόμου ή κληρονομιά, 18 for if the INHERIT-
promise; if for by law the inheritance, ANCE be by LAW, §it is no
οόκέτι επαγγελίας κεχάρι>σται
έξ επαγγελίας· . θεός. longer by Promise; but
τφ δέό 'Αβραάμ
promise has freely given the God. GOD graciously gave it to
no longer by promise; to the but Abraara ABRAHAM by Promise.
δι» transgressions 19 Why then the LAW?
19χάριν (δχρις οΰ It was appointed on ac-
Tl οΰν ό νόμος; Των
on account
(to which time count Of TRANSGRESSIONS,
Why then of the law? The
«λθη ετέθη, φ έπήγγελ- till $the SEED should
should have < to s whom i t has been come to whom the promise
It was appointed,
τδ σπέρμα,
ται,) i come διαταγείς
the seed, δι* άγ- related; having b e e n
promised,) having been instituted . by m«ans of instituted by means of
, έν μεσίτου* Ο δέ Angels, in the hand of $a
of mediator. The but Mediator.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T , — 1 7 . <5Gnceraing Anointed—omit.
t 11. Hab. ii. 4 ; Eom. i. 1 7 ; Heb. x. 38. $ 12. Lev. xviii. 5 ; Neh. ix. 2 9 ;
Ezek. xx. 1 1 ; Bom. x. 5 . t 13. Rom. viii. 3 ; 2 Cor. v. 2 1 ; Gal. iv. 5. $ 13.
JDeut. xxi. 23. $ 14. Eom. iv. 9, 16, % 15. Heb.. ix. 17. X 16. Gen. x i i . 7 . % 1 7 .
Exod. x i i . 4 0 , 4 1 . % 17. Rom. iv. 1 3 ; verse 2 1 . % 18. Rom. iv. 14. t 19. verse
16. i 19. Acts vii. 5 3 ; Heb. i i . 2. t 19. Exod. xx. 19, 2 1 , 2 2 ; Deut. v. 5, 22, 23»
27. 3 1 .
Chap. 3:20.] GALATIAJSTS. [Chap. 4 : 1 .
μεσίτης ενός ονκ έστιν ό δέ θεός είς 20 Of one party, how-
mediator of one not he is; the but God one ever, he Is not the MEDIA-
έστιν. 2 1
Ό ofrv νόμος κατά των έπαγγε- TOR ; $but GOD is one.
is. The then law contrary to the promises
21 Is the LAW then con-
λιών *[τοΰ Θεοΰ;] Μη γένοιτο. ΕΙ γάρ trary to the PROMISES?
[of the God?] Not let it be. If for By no means; for if a
η νόμος ό δυνάμενος ζωοποιή- Law were given which was
wasgiven a law able to make alive, cer-
σαι, δντως αν έκ thatνόμου
ableή toδικαιοσύ-
have made
alive,. truly by law was the righteouB- would eome from that
νη· ^άλλά συνέκλεισεν ή γραφή τά Law;
ness; but shut up together the scripture the
πάντα tab άμαρτ'ιαν, ίνα ή έπαγ- has22 shut
up together ALL
all things under sin, in order that the promise under Sin, $in order that
γελία έκ πίστεως Ίησοΰ Χριστοί) δο- the PROMISE by Faith of
by faith of Jesus Anointed might Jesus Christ might be
ftfj τοις πιστεύουσι. ^Πρό του δέ έλ- given to the BELIEVERS.,
23 And before the COM-
be given to the believers. Before the but to ING of that EAITH, we were
μεΦα τήν πίστιν, ύπό νόμον
συγκεκλεισμένοι είς τήν μέλλου- guarded
έφρουρού- under Law, being
have come
guarded the shut
being faith, were shut up together for the
under forlawthe we being
up together
σαν πίστιν άποκαλυφθήναι. *"Ωστε
about faith to have been revealed. revealed.
So that the
νόμος παιδαγωγός ημών γέγονεν, 24 So that the LAW has
είς Χρι^
law a child-leader of us has become, to become our fPedagogue
στον, ίνα έκ πίστεως δικακοθώ- to lead to Christ, $that we
Auointed, that by faith we might be Juati- might be justified by Faith.
μέν ^έλθουσης δέ της πίστεως, ούκέτι 25 But the FAITH hav-
fted; having come bat the faith, no longer ing come, we are no longer
ύπό παιδαγωγόν έσμεν. 2β Πάντες γάρ υΙοΙ under a Pedagogue;
under a child-leader we are. All for sons 26 since you are all
Θεού έστε διά της πίστεως, έν Χριστώ §Sons of God, through the
of God you are through the faith In Anointed FAITH, by Christ Jesus.
Ίησοΰ* ^δσοι γάρ είς Χριστόν έβα- 27 Besides, §as many of
you as were immersed in-
πτίσθητε, Χριστόν ένεδΰσασθε. to Christ, were clothed
gvi 'Ιουδαίος, ουδέ *Έλλην· ούκ ενι with Christ.
28 §In him there is not
δούλος, ουδέ ελεύθερος· ούκ έ'νι δρσεν not a Slave Jew nor Greek; there is
a slave, nor a freeman; not there is male nor a Free-
καΐ θήλυ· πάντες γάρ ύμείς είς έοστε έν man; there is not Male
and female; all for you one are and Female; for YOU all
in are §one in Christ Jesus ;
Χριστφ Ίησοϋ· ε1 δέ ύμείς Χρίστου, 29 and if YOU belong to
Anointed Jesus; if but you of Anointed, Christ, certainly you are
άρα τοΰ 'Αβραάμ σπέρμα έστέ, *[καΙ] ABRAHAM'S Seed, $and
certainly of the Abraam seed you are, [and] Heirs according to Prom-
κατ' έπαγγελίαν κληρονόμοι.
according to promise heirs. CHAPTER IV.
ΚΕΦ. δ ' . 4. 1 Now I say, for as long
ϊΛέγω δε, έφ' δσον χρόνον ό κλη- a Time as the HEIR is a
. I say now, for as long as a time the heir
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. of G©»—omit. 29. and—omit.
t 24. "Paidagoogos, from pais, a child, and agoogos, a leader, which among the Greeks
properly signified a servant whose business it was constantly to attend on his young mas-
ter, to watch over his behavior, and particularly to lead (agein) him to and from-
school and the place of exercise. These paidagoogoi were generally slaves, impervious end
severe, and so better corresponded to the Jewish teachers and Jewish law, to which the
term is applied by Paul."—ParJchurst.
t 20. Bom. iii. 29,30. $ 22. Rom. l i t 9 , 1 9 , 2 3 ; xi. 32. t 24. Acts xiii. 3 7 ;
Gal. ii. 16. t 26. John i. 12; Eom. viii. 14-16; Gal. iv. 4, 1 5 ; 1 John lii. 1, 2.
% 27. Rom. vi. 3. % 28. Rom. x. 12; 1 Cor: xii. 13; Col. iii. 11. t 28. Eph.ii. 14-16;
iv. 4, 15. * 29. Rom. viii. 17; iv. 7/28; Eph. iii. 6.
Chap. 4:2.] GALATIANS. [Chap. 4:12.
ρονόμο£ νήπιός έστιν, ουδέν διαφέρει δούλου, Child, he differs in noth-
a child is, nothing he differs a slave, from a Slave, Lord of all
κύριος πάντων ών· &Xkd. ύπ$ επιτρόπους εστίthough he be;
lord of a l l being; but under guardians i t i s 2 but is under Guar-
καΐ οικονόμους, άχρι της προθεσμίας τοϋ dians and Stewards, till
and stewards, t i l l the before-appointed of the *TIIAT period PREDETER-
πατρός. ^Οΰτω καΐ ημείς, δτε Ιίμεν νήπιοι, MINED of the FATHER.
3 Thus we also, when
ύπό τά στοιχεία του κόσμου Ιίμεν δε- we were Children, $were
under the rudiments of the world we were hav-
4 enslaved under the RUDI-
δουλωμένοι· οτε δέ ϊ\λ$ε xb πλήρωμα MENTS of the WORLD.
του χρόνου, έξαπέστειλεν ό Θεός τόν υΐόν 4 But §when the COM-
of the time, sent forth the God the son PLETION of the TIME ar-
αντου, . γενόμενον έκ γυναικός, γε- rived, GOD sent forth his
of himself, having been bora from a woman, having SON, §having been pro-
τους ύπό duced from a Woman,
νόμενον ύπό νόμον, ινα §born under Law, ,
been born under law, lTa order that those under 5 $in order that he might
νόμον έξαγοράστ], ϊνα τήν υΐοθεσίαν άπό-> redeem THOSE under Law,
law he might buy off, that the sonship we
λάβωμεν. β
"Οτι δέ έστε υΙοΙ, έξαπέ- $that we might receive the
mignt receive. Because and you are sons, he sent SONSHIP.
στειλεν *[6 Θεός] τό πνεύμα του υΐοΰ αύ- 6 And Because you are
forth Cthe God] the spirit of the son of Sons, he sent forth §the
SPIRIT of his SON into
του είς τάς καρδίας ήμων, κράζον Ά6- our HEARTS, exclaiming,
himself Into the hearts . of us, crying; Ab- Abba! Father!
βδ, 6 Πατήρ. ^Ωστε ούκέτι 7 So that thou a r t no
ba, the Father. So that no longer longer a Slave, but a Son,
thou art
δοίίλος, άλλ» υΙός· εΐ δέ υίός, καΐ κληρονό- $and if a Son, also an
a slave, but a son; if but a son, also an heir Heir *of God.
8 But at that time, in-
μος Θεού *[διά Χρίστου.] 8>Αλλά τότε deed, not knowing God,
of God [through Anointed.} But then §you were enslaved to
μεν, ούκ είδότες Θεόν, έδουλεύσατε THOSE by Nature who ARE
indeed, not knowing God, you were enslaved not Gods;
8 9 now, however, having
τοίς φύσει μή οδσι θεοϊς· νΰν δέ, γνόν- acknowledged God, (or
to tlioso toy mxtur© not* l^oiu^ j^ods^ no iff bix^f hflV** rather having been ac-
τες Θεόν, μάλλον δέ γνωσθέντες ύπό
ing known God, more and having been known by knowledged by God,) §how
Θεοΰ, πώς επιστρέφετε πάλιν επί τά άσθε- is it you are returning
God, how do you turn back again to the weak again to §the WEAK and
νή καΐ πτωχά στοιχεία, οίς πάλιν άνωθεν
and poor rudiments, to which again as at first Poor Rudiments, to which
δουλέύειν θέλετε; 10 Ήμέρας παρατη- again, as at first, you wish
bo in subjection you wish? , Days you watch
to be in subjection?
ρείσθε; καΐ μήνας καΐ καιρούς καΐ ένιαυ- 10 $Are you observing
narrowlyi and moons and seasons and years? Days, and Moons, and
τούς; ^Φοβούμαι ύμας, μήπως εική κε- Seasons, and Years?
I am afraid you, l e s t perhaps in vain 11 I am afraid for you,
κοπίακα είς ύμας.
I labored hard for you. lest ^perhaps I may have
^Γίνεσθε φς έγώ, δτι κάγώ ώς ύμείς· άδελ- labored for you in vain.
Become you as I, for even I as you; breth-
12 Brethren, I entreat
φοί, δέομαι ύμων^ ουδέν με ήδικήσατε. am as youas you to be I am, For I
were; you in-
ren, I entreat you; nothing me you wronged.
jured Me in nothing;
—omit. 7. through Anointed—omit. 7. through God.
ί 3. verse 9 ; Gal. v. 1 ; Col. i i . 8, 2 0 ; Heb. ix. 10. $ 4. Gen. xlix. 1 0 ; Dan. ix.
2 4 ; Mark i . 1 5 . $ 4 . Gen. iii. 1 5 ; Isa. vii. 1 4 ; Matt. i. 23. $ 4. Luke i i . 27.
t 5. Gal. i i i . 1 3 ; 1 Pet. i. 18, 19. $ 5. John i. 1 2 ; Gal. iii. 2 6 ; Eph. i. 5. $ 6.
Rom. viii. 1 5 . $ 7. Rom. viii. 16, 1 7 ; Gal. iii. 29. t 8. Rom. i. 2 5 ; l~€or. xii.
2. $ 9. Gal. iii. 3 ; Col. i i . 2 0 . t 9. Rom. viii. 3 ; Heb. vii. 18. $ 10. Rom.
xiv. 5 ; Col. ii. 16. $ 11. Gal. ii. 2 ; v. 2 / 4 ; 1 Thess. i i i . 5 .
Chap. 4: 13.] GALATIANS. [Chap. 4:24.
Οίδατε δε, δτι . δι' άσΰένειαν της σαρ- 13 And you know $That
through Weakness of the
κός εύηγγελισάμην ύμίν τό πρότερον, B^LESH I ORIGINALLY an-
1 announced glad t i d i n g s t o you t h e f o r m e r l y , nounced glad tidings to
κα1 τον πειραομόν μου τον εν tfj σαρκΐ 3rou ;
and the temptation of me that in the flesh
14 and * T H A T TRIAL
μου ούκ έξουϋενήσατε ουδέ έξεπτύσατε· of mine which was in my
of m e n o t you d e s p i s e d nor d i d you s p i t o u t ; FLESH, you did not de-
άλλ' ώς άγγελον Θεοΰ έδέξααθέ με, spise ; nor did you reject
frut a s " a messenger of God you received me,
ι5 me, but received me $as a
ώς Χριστόν Ίησοϋν. Τίς ούν ήν ό μακα- Messenger of God, §even
as Christ Jesus.
ρισμός ύμων; μαρτυρώ γαρ ύμΐν, δτι, 15 *What then were
diction of you? - testify for t o you, that,
ει δυνατόν, τους οφθαλμούς υμών έξορύξαν- I bear you witness, T h a t ,
16 if possible, you would have
τες αν έδώκατέ μοι. "Ωστε εχθρός υμών dug out your EYES, and
out would you give to me. So that an enemy of you

given them to me.
γέγονα άληθεύονν ύμίν; Ζη- 1G So t h a t I have be-
come your Enemy, Jby
λοΰσιν υμάς ου καλώς* άλλα έκ- telling you the t r u t h !
affect i<
17 They love you ar-
κλεΐσαι ύμας θέλουσιν, ϊνα αυτούς ζη- dently, not honorably;
but they d e s i r e * to exclude
λοϋτε. Καλόν δε *[τό] ζηλοΰ- us, so t h a t you may love
ardently 1 S o n o r a b l e but Cthe] t o be a r d e n t l y Them ardently.
18 Now, it is honorable
σίίαι έν κιχλφ πάντοτε, και μή to be ardently devoted to-
d e v o t e d in a good t h i n g a t a l l t i m e s , and n o t w a r d s a good cause, at all
μόνον έν τφ παοεϊναί με προς ύμας. Te- times ; and not only during
κν'ια μου, ους πάλιν ώδίνο), αχρις my 19PRESENCE with you.
Ο my L i t t l e ' chil-
am bearing till
dren ! iwhom I am bearing
ού μορφωθη Χριστός έν ΰμίν ^ηθε- again, till Christ be
formed in you ;
λον δ£ παρεΐναι προς υμάς άρτι, και άλ- 20 and I could wish to
be present with you now,
λάξαι την φοινήν μου· δτι άποροϋμαι and to change my TONE ;
Because I am perplexed
ol ύπό νόμον concerning you.
έν ύμΐν. Λέγετέ
w * t h you. Speak you >se under law 21 Tell me, you who
θέλοντες είναι, τόν νόμον ούκ άκοι'<ετε; are DESIRING to be u n d e r
Law, do you not hear t h e
Γκγραπται γάρ, δτι 'Αβραάμ δύο υΙούς LAW?
22 For it has been writ-
εσνεν ενα εκ της παιδίσκης, καΐ §να ten. That Abraham had
Two Sons ; $one from the
έκ της έλενθέρας. ^ Ά λ λ ' ό * [μεν] έκ BOND-WOMAN, aild $θΠβ
from the free-woman. But that [indeed] from from the FREE-WOMAN.
23 Now, $the one from
της παιδίσκης, κατά σάρκα γεγέννηται· the BOND-WOMAN was nat-
urally produced; $but
ό δε έκ της ελευθέρας, διά της έπαγ- the other from the FREE-
WOMAN was through the
λ'ιας. "Ατινά έστιν άλληγορούμε- PROMISE.
promine. Which things is being adapted to an-
24 Which things are al-
• VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 4 . your TRIAL which was in my FLESH. 15. Where
then. 17. to exclude us, so that. 18. the—omit. 23. indeed—omit.
$ 13. 1 Cor. ii. 3 ; I Coi. xi. 3 0 ; xii. 7, 9. t 14. 2 Sam. xix. 2 7 ; Mai. ii. 7.
X 14. John xiii. 20 % 1 o . dal. ii. 5, 14 % 19. 1 Cor. iv. 15; Philemon 10;
James i. 18. % 22 Gen xvi. 15 % 22 Gen. xxi. 3. ί 23. Rom. ix. 7. $ 23.
Gen. xviii. 10. 14; xxi. 1, 2 ; Heb. xi. 11.
Chap. 4: 25.] GALATIANS. [Chap. 5 : 1 .
να· αύται γάρ είσι δύο διαθήκαι· legorical.; for these repre-
sent Two Covenants ; one
μία μεν άπό ορούς Σινά, εις δουλείαν indeed from Mount Sinai,
breeding children for Ser-
γεννώσα, ήτις εστίν "Αγαρ· 2 5 τό γάρ "Αγαρ, vitude ;—that is Hagar.
bringing forth, which is Agar; the for Agar, 25 Now filAGAR signi-
ινά δρος έστιν εν tfi 'Αραβία, συστοι- fies Sinai—(aMountain in
S inai ARABIA,)—and it corres-
a mountain i t i s in the Arabia, i t cor-
ponds to the PRESENT Je-
χοΓ. δέ ττ| νυν 'Ιερουσαλήμ, δ ο υ - rusalem, for she is in bon-
responds and to the present Jerusalem, she i s in dage with her CHILDREN.
λεύει γάρ μετά των τέκνων αυτής· 2 6 ή δέ
bondage for w i t h the children of herself; the but 2G But the EXALTED
Jerusalem represents the
uvm 'Ιερουσαλήμ, ελευθέρα εστίν, ήτις Free-woman, who is our
above Jerusalem, a free-woman is, who
εστί μήτηρ ημών γέγραπται γάρ· Εύ- 27 For it has been writ-
is a mother of us; I t has been w r i t t e n for; Be ten, $"Rejoice, Ο Barren
φράνθητι στείρα ή ού τίκτουσα, ρη· "woman, WHO dost not
thou made glad O barren who not is bearing, burst "BRING FORTH ! Burst
"forth and shout, THOU
ξον καΐ βόησον ή ουκ ώδίνου- "who art not in LABOR ;
tl fotli d s l t t h o u Λνho n o t I s i * i u ^ i i i ^ t o
"For many more are the
σα· δτι πολλά τά τέκνα της έρή- "CHILDREN Of t h e DESER-
birth; because many the children of the deserted "TED one, than of HER
μου μάλλον η1 τής έχούσης τόν άνδρα. "having the HUSBAND/-'
one more than of th one having the husband. 28 Now *you Brethren,
Ήμείς δέ, αδελφοί, κατά Ισαάκ, έπαγ- like Isaac, are ^Children
We now, brethren, like Isaac, of a of a Promise.
29 But j u s t as then,
γελίας τέκνα έσμέν. 2 θ Άλλ' ωσπερ τότε ό
promise children a r e . But just as then he §the one BORN according
to Flesh, persecuted HIM
κατά σάρκα γεννηθείς έδίωκε τόν born acording to S p i r i t ;
iiccordiu^j to ilosh boio^j i?orn persecuted lii*n so also now.
κατά πνεΰμα, ούτω καΐ νϋν. Ά λ λ ά
τΐ 30 But what says $the
according to s p i r i t , so also now. But what SCRIPTURE? $"Cast out
λέγει ή γραφή; "Εκβαλε τήν παιδίσκην και " t h e BOND-WOMAN and
says the w r i t i n g ? Cast out the bond-woman and "her SON ; for $the SON
"of t h e BOND-WOMAN
τόν υίόν αύτης· ού γάρ μη κληρονομήση ό
the son of her; not for not should i n h e r i t the "should not be an heir
"with the SON of the FREE-
υΙός τής παιδίσκης μετά τοϋ υΐοϋ τής ελευ- "WOMAN."
31 * Wherefore, Breth-
παιδί- ren, we are not Children
θέρας. "Αρα, αδελφοί, ουκ έσμέν
of a Bond-woman, §but of
οκης τέκνα, αλλά της ελευθέρας. ΚΕΦ. t h e FREE-WOMAN.
ε'. 5. Γτί ελευθερία ϋ ήμας Χρι-
In the freedom w i t h which us Anointed 1 fin the FREEDOM
with which Christ made
στός ήλευθέρωσε, στήκετε, και μη πάλιν Us free, therefore, stand
made free, stand you firm, and not again you firm, and do not again
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 8. Now y o u Brethren. 31. Wherefore, Brethren, we are
± 2 5 . Grotius says, Sinai is called Hagar or Agar synecdochially, because in that moun-
tain there was a city which bare Hagar's name. By Pliny, i t is called Agar; and by Dios
Agara; and its inhabitants were called Hagarenes. Psa. lxxxiii. 6. The Greek writers
likewise call Agareni. Whitby thinks the allusion is taken from the meaning of
Jiagar, which in the Hebrew language signifies a rock; for so Sinai is sometimes called,
Exod. xxxiii. 2 2.—Macknight. In Arabic it means a rock, or rocky mountain, and as
Sinai is remarkably such, it might be called to agar, the rock.—Bloomfield.
% 27. Isa. liv. 1. % 28. Acts iii- 2 5 ; Bom. ix. 8; Gal. iii. 29. % 29. Gen. xxi.
9. % 3 0 . Gal. i i i . 8 , 2 2 . % 30. Gen. xxi. 10,12. % 30. John viii. 35. % 3 1 .
John viii. 3 6 ; Gal. v. 1, 13. % 1. John viii. 3 2 ; vi. 1 8 ; 1 Pet. ii. 16.
Chap. 5:2.] GALATIANS. [Chap. 5:12.
ξυγφ δουλείας ένέχεσβε. " Ι δ ε , έγώ, be held fast in $a Yoke of
in a yoke of bondage b* you held fast. Lo, I, Servitude.
Παύλος λέγω ύμϊν, δτι έάν περιτέμνη- 2 Behold ! I Paul say to
Paul say to you, that if circumcised you you, $That if you should
σθε, Χριστός ύμας ουδέν ωφελήσει· μαρ- 8
be circumcised, Christ will
should be, A n o i n t e d you nothing w i l l profit; be of no benefit to you.
αΰρομαι δέ πάλιν παντί άνθρώπω περιτεμνο- 3 And I testify again to
l testify but again to every man being circum- Every circumcised Man,
μένφ, δτι οφειλέτης εστίν δλον τον νόμον $That he is bound to per-
clsed, that a debtor he is whole the law form the Whole LAW.
ποιησαι. Κατηργή$ητε άπό * [τοΰ] Χρίστου 4 $Whoever of you are
to have done. You are s e t free from lithe] Anointed justifying yourselves by
οϊτινες έν νόμφ δικαιούσθε* της Law, are separated from
Christ; $you are fallen off
χάριτος έξεπέσατε. 5 Ήμείς γαρ πνευματι έκ from the FAVOR.
5 We, however, are
πίστεως ελπίδα δικαιοσύνης άπεκδεχόμεθα. waiting, in Spirit, for a
faith a hope of righteousness we wait for. $Hope of Righteousness
Έ ν γαρ Χριστφ *[Ίησοΰ] οΰτε περιτομή from Faith.
In for Anointed [Jesus] neither circumcision 6 For, §in Christ Jesus
τι Ισχύει, οΰτε άκροβυστία* αλλά πίστις neither Circumcision nor
Uncircumcision avails any-
fiiiytfiiii& nv&ils, nor uncircumclsion; but faith
thing, but §Faith operat-
δι* αγάπης ενεργούμενη. Έτρέχετε ing in us by Love.
through love strongly working. Tou were running 7 You were running
καλώς* τις υμάς ένέκοψε * [rrj] άληθεία μή well, who hindered You
•well; who you hindered [in the] truth not from confiding in the
πείθεσθαι. 8 Ή πεισμονή ούκ έκ τοϋ καλούν-
not from §HIM INVITING
τος υμάς. 9Μικρά ζύμη δλον τό φύραμα ζυ- you.
9 §A Little Leaven fer-
μοί. Έγώ πέποιθα εις υμάς *[έν ments the Whole MASS.
leavens. I have confidence respecting you Cin 10 fl have confidence
Κυρίω,] δτι ουδέν δλλο φρονήσητε· respecting you, That you
fiOrd,! that, no cne other thing you w i l l mind» will not regard any other
thing; but § H Ε w h o
ό δέ ταράσσων υμάς βαστάσει τό κρίμα, TROUBLES you, whoever
he be, $shall bear the
δστις &ν ή. " Έ γ ώ δέ, αδελφοί, εΐ περι- JUDGMENT.
11 $And I, Brethren,
if I still proclaim Circum-
τομήν έ'τι κηρύσσω, τΐ ετι διώκομαι; cision, why am I still per-
c i s i on s t i l l I p u o l i s n · ^ h y s t i l l nΤΠ I p e r s e c u t e d ? secuted ? Has, indeed,
βρα κατήργηται τό σκάνδαλον τοΰ
then has been abolished the stumbling-block of the $the SCANDAL of the
σταυρού. ±"Οφελον καΐ άποκόψονται ol CROSS been removed?
12 ±1 wish it w a s ; —
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 . the—omit. 6. Jesus—omit. 7. in the—omit. 10.
in the Lord—omit.
± 1 2 . ParJchurst says "after all. i t may be doubted whether the Greek language will
admit of ophelon being construed with a future verb; * * * nor do I know that any one
instance of such a construction has been yet produced from any approved Greek writer.
And the uncouthness of the phraseology in Gal. v. 12, is farther increased by the insertion
of the particle kai before apokopsontai." Bengelius in Gnomen, reads as follows: " I s then
the scandal of the cross taken away? I wish it was. And they shall be cut off that
trouble you." This rendering has been adopted.
ί 1. Acts XY. 1 0 ; Gal. ii. 4 ; iv. 9. t 2. Acts xv. 1. $ 3. Gal. iii. 10. ί 4 .
Kom. ix. 31, 3 2 ; Gal. i i . 2 1 . ί 4. Heb. xii. 15. $ 5. Rom. viii. 24, 2 5 ; 2 Tim.
iv. 8. $ 6. 1 Cor. vii. 1 9 ; Gal. i i i . 2 8 ; v i . 1 5 ; Col. i i i . 1 1 . % 6. 1 Thess. i. 3 ;
James ii. 18, 20, 22. t 8. Gal. i. 6 . $ 9. 1 Cor. v. 6 ; xv. 33. | 10. 2 Cor. ii. 3 ;
viii. 2 2 . $ 1 0 . Gal. i . 7 . $ 10. 2 Cor. x. 6. t 1 1 . Gal. vi. 12. $ 11. 1 Cor.
i. 2 3 .
Chap. 5:13.] GALATIANS. [Chap. 5:22.
ά ν α σ τ α τ ο ϋ ν τ ε ς ύμαζ- 1 3 Ύ μ ε ί ς γ α ρ έ π ' έ λ ε υ θ ε - but THOSE who are SUB-
overturning you. You tor to freedom VERT/ NG you shall be cut
ρία έκλήθητε, αδελφοί· μόνον μη την έλευ- off.
13 Now, Brethren, you
Οερίαν εις άφορμήν τχί σαρκί, αλλά δια were invited to Freedom;
dom for" an occasion the flesh, but through only $take care lest this
της αγάπης δουλεύετε άλλήλοις. O FREEDOM become an Oc-
the love be you subservient to each other. The casion for the FLESH ; but
γαρ πάς νόμος εν ένΐ λόγω πληρούται, έν §through LOVE be you
f o r w h o l e l a w i n one w o r d i s f u l l y s e t i o r t h , i n
τώ· 'Αγαπήσεις τον πλησίον σου ώς
subservient to each other.
this; Thou shalt love the neighbor of thee as 14 For $the WHOLE
σεαυτόν. 15Εί δε αλλήλους δάκνετε καΐ κατε- Law is fully set forth in
U'jself. If but each other you bite and you this Single Precept;—
(ϊθίετε, βλέπετε, μη υπό αλλήλων άναλο)- $"Thou shalt love thy
devour, take you care, lest by each other you may "NEIGHBOR as thyself."
15 But if you bite and
be consumed. devour each other, beware
Λέγω δέ· πνεύματι περιπατείτε, %αϊ έπιθυ- lest you be consumed by

I say but; by s p i r i t walk you, and a desire each other.

μίαν σαρκός ου μη τελέσητε. 1 7 Ή γαρ by 16theNow I say, §Walk
Spirit, and fulfil
of flesh not not you should fulfil. The for not the Desire of the
σαρξ επιθυμεί κατά τοϋ πνεύματος, τό δέ Flesh.
flesh desires against the spirit, tho and
πνεΰμα κατά της σαρκός· ταΰτα δέ άλλήλοις 17 For $the FLESH de-
s p i r i t against the flesh; these and to each other sires the contrary of the
SPIRIT, and the SPIRIT the
αντίκειται, ϊνα μη, δ αν θέλη- contrary of the FLESH ;
are opposed, so that not, the things you would *for these are opposed to
τε, ταΰτα ποιητε. Εί δέ πνεύματι each other; Jso that you

γ ,
you these you should do.
be led, If but by spirit do not perform the THINGS
αγεσθε, έστι ά οΰκ έργα
έστέ της
νόμον. ^Φανερά ατινά which you wish.
18 But Jif you be led by-
but i t is the works of the flesh; which things
έστι πορνεία, ακαθαρσία, ασέλγεια, είδοο- Spirit, you are not under

iί is fornication, impurity» debauchery» idoia — Law.

λολατρεία, φαρμακεία, εχθραι, έ'ρεις, the19FLESH
Now §the WORKS of
are manifestly
:ry, sorcery, enmities, quarrels, these ;—Fornication, Im-
;ί1λοι, θυμοί, έριθείαι, διχοστασίαι, purity, Debauchery,
Ϊ lousies, resentments, brawlings, factions, 20 Idolatry, Sorcery, En-
αΙρέσεις, 21φθόνοι, * [φόνοι,] μέθαι,
sects, envying, Cmurderers,] dnunkennesses, mities, Quarrels, •Jealou-
sies, Resentments, Alterca-
κώμοι, καΐ τά δμοια τούτοις· tions, Factions, Sects,
revel lings, and the things like of them. 21 Envyings, Inebrie-
a προλέγω ύμίν, καθώς ties, R e v e l i n g · s, and
which things THINGS SIMILAR to these;
ίΐροεΐπον, δτι ot τά τοιαύτα πράσ- respecting which I tell
I said before, that they the these things praetis- you before, even as I pre-
σοντες όασιλείαν Θεοΰ ού κληρονομήσουσιν. viously told you, $That
ing a kingdom of God not shall inherit.
Ό δέ καρπός του πνεύματος έστιν αγάπη, SUCH THINGS shall not
The but fruit of the spirit is love,
inherit God's Kingdom.
χαρά, ειρήνη, μακροθυμία, χρηστότης1, άγα- 22 But §the FRUIT of
the SPIRIT is Love, Joy,
• VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 7 . for these. 20. Jealousy. 2 1 . murder—omit. 2 1 .
t 13. 1 Cor. viii. 9 ; 1 Pet. ii. 1 6 ; Jude 4. % 13. 1 Cor. ix. 1 9 ; Gal. vi. 2.
t 14. Matt. vii. 12; xxii. 4 0 ; James i i . 8. ί 14. Lev. xix. 19; Matt. xxii. ? 9 ;
Horn. xiii. 8, 9. ί 16. Rom. vi. 32; viii. 1, 4, 1 2 ; xiii. 14; verse 2 5 ; 1 Pet. ii. 11.
t 17. Rom. vii. 2 3 ; viii. 6, 7. ί 17. Rom. vii. 15, 19. t 1 8 . Rom. vi. 14; viii. 2 .
19. 1 Cor. i i i . 3 ; Eph. v. 3 ; Col. i i i . 5 ; James i i i . 14, 1 5 . ί 2 1 . 1 Cor. vi. 2;
Eph. v. 5 ; Col. i i i . 6 ; Rev. xxii. 1 5 . $ 22. John xv. 2 ; Eph. v. 9,
Chap. 5:23.] GALATIANS. [Chap. 6:8.
Φωσύνη, πίστις, πραότης, εγκράτεια* 2 ί κ α τ ά Peace, Forbearance,
ness, fidelity, meekness, self control; against Χ Kindness, t Goodness,
των τοιούτων οΰκ εστί νόμος. 2 4 Ot δέ τοΰ Fidelity, Meekness, Self-
the such like not is a law. Those but of the control ;
23 $against SUCH LIKE
Χρίστου, την σάρκα έσταύρωσαν συν τοις
THINGS there is no Law.
Anointed, the flesh crucified with the
μεν 24 And THOSE who be-
παθήμασι καΐ ταΐς έπι§υμίαις· 2δε1
passions and the desires; if long to *Christ Jesus,
ive have crucified the FLESH,
πνεΰματι, πνεύματι καΐ στοιχώμε-
by s p i r i t , by s p i r i t also we should walk. »Μή
Not with the PASSIONS and
γινώμεθα κενόδοξοι, αλλήλους προ- DESIRES.
we should become vain-glorious, each other pro- 25 Uf we live by Spirit,
we should also walk by
καλούμενοι, αλλήλους φθονοΰντες. ΚΕΦ. σ τ '
voking with each other envying. 2G JWe should not be-
6. 1
Άδελφοί, εάν, καΐ come Vain-glorious, pro-
voking each other, envy-
άνθρωπος εν τινι παραπτώματι, ύμείς ol ing each other.
a man in any fault, you the
πνευματικοί καταρτίζετε τον τοιούτον έν CHAPTER VI.
spiritual onos do you reinstate the such like with 1 Brethren, $if a Man
should be surprised by
πνεύματι πραότητος· σκοπών σεαυτόν, μη some Fault, do YOU, the
καΐ συ πειρασθης. 2>
Αλλήλων τα SPIRITUAL, reinstate SUCH
also thou shouldst be tempted. Of each other the person with a Spirit of
βάρη βαστάζετε, καΐ οΰτοος αναπληρώσατε Meekness ; Jwatehing thy-
burdens bear you, and thus fulfil you self, lest thou also shouldst
τον νόμον του Χρίστου. 3 ΕΙ γάρ δοκεϊ τις be tempted.
2 |Bear you each other's
BURDENS, and thus fulfil
είναί τι, μηδέν ών, εαυτόν φρε-
ta be something, nothing being, himself he | t h e LAW of the ANOINTED
ναπατόί 4 τ ό δέ έργον έα\»τοΰ δοκιμαζέτω 3 For $if any one think
d e c e i v e s t h e b u t w o r k of h i m s e l f l e t h i m t r y he is something, being no-
* [έκαστος,] και τότε είς εαυτόν μόνον το thing, he deceives himself;
fetich one,] and then in himself alone the 4 but §let him try his
καύχημα εξει, καΐ ούκ είς τον έτερον own WORK, and then he
boasting he w i l l have, and not in the other; will have BOASTING in
himself alone, and not in
εκαστο£ γάρ τό ϊδιον φορτί,ον βαστάσει. ANOTHER;
5 for Jeach one shall
°Κοινωνείτω δέ δ κατηχουμενος τόν bear his OWN Burden.
6 $Let the person BE-
λόγον, τφ κατηχοΰντι, έν πασιν άγαΰοίς. ING TAUGHT the WORD,
communicate to the IN-
μυκτηρίζεται. STRUCTOR in All Good
Μή πλανασθε, Θεός οΰ
Not do you mistake; God not is to be mocked at. things.
"Ο γάρ εάν σπείρη άνθρωπος, τοΰτο καΐ 7 Do not mistake ; $God
That for if may sow a man, this also is not to be derided. $For
whatever a Man may sow,
θερίσει· 8τι 6 σπείρων
σπείρων είς την this also he will reap ;
ho w i l l reap; because the one sowing for the
8 ^because the one SOW-
<τώρκα έαυτοΰ, έκ της σαρκός θερίσει ING for his FLESH, will
from tlie FLESH reap Cor-
* VATICAN MANuscmrT.—2 4. Christ Jesus. 4. each one—omit.
± 22. Col. i i i . 1 2 ; James iii. 17. t 22. Bom. xv. 14. $ 23. 1 Tim. i. 9.
$ 2 5 . Born. viii. 4 , 5 ; verse 16. t 26. Phil. ii. 3. t 1. Heb. xii. 1 3 ; James v.
19. $ 1 . 1 Cor. x. 1 2 . $ 2. Bom. xv. 1. $ 2. John xiii. 14, 15, 3 4 ; 1 John iv.
21. $ 3. Bom. xii. 3. ί 1 2 Cor. xiii. 5 . $ 5 . 1 Cor. i i i . 3 . $ 6. Bom. xv.
2 7 ; 1 Cor. ix. 11, 14. $ 7. Job xiii. 9. t 7. Luke xvi. 2 5 ; Rom. ii. 6 ; 2 Cor. ix. 6.
ί 8. Job iv. 8 ; Prov. xi. I S ; xxii. 8 ; Hosea viii. 7 ; x. 1 2 ; Horn. viii. 1 3 ; James iii. 18.
Chap. 6:9.] GALATIANS. [Chap. 6:17.
φΰοράν ό δέ σπείρων εις το πνεϋμα, ruption ; but the one SOW-
ING for the SPIRIT, will
έκ τοϋ πνεύματος θερίσει ζωην αίώ- from the SPIRIT reap aio-
e nian Life.
νιον. To δέ καλόν ποιοΰντες μή έκκακώ-
lasting. The but good doing not we should 9 Therefore, fwe should
μεν καιρφ γαρ ίδίω θερίσομεν,
μή not flag in Doing WELL ;
fliig; in a season for i t s own for we shall reap, at the
we s h a l l r e a p , not
εκλυόμενοι. "Αρα ofrv, ώς καιρόν έ'χομεν, proper season, if we do

fainting. So tlien, us opportunity we have not relax.

έργαζώμεθα το αγαθόν προς πάντας μάλι-
we should work the good to all, especlal- 10 So then, as we have
στα δέ τ;οός τους ο'ικείους της πίστεως, Opportunity, fwe should
ly but to the family-members of the faith. do GOOD to all, but espe-
cially tO the $ Μ EMBERS of
^"Ιδετε πηλίκοις ΰμϊν γράμμασιν έ'γραψα
the FAMILY of the FAITH.
τρ έμτ) χειρί. 12"Οσοι θέλουσιν εύπροσω- 11 You see how many
with the my liaiicl. As many as wish to appear things in a Letter, I have
πήσαι εν σαρκί, ούτοι άναγκάζουσιν υμάς written to You with MY
fa i r in fleshj those constrain you OWN Hand.
περιτέμνεσθαι· μόνον, ίνα μή τφ σταυρφ
12 As many as wish to
τοΰ Χρίστου διώκονται. Ούδέ appear fair in the Flesh,
of the Anointed they shouldbe persecuted. Not even
these constrain you to be
circumcised ; only that
γαρ oi περιτεμνόμενοι αυτοί νόμον they may not be $persecut-
for those being circumcised themselves a law ed for the CROSS of *the
ψΐ'λάσσουσιν αλλά Φέλουσιν ύμας περιτέμνε- ANOINTED Jesus.
clo thGykoepj out they ^^ish you to t)© cii*cum™
αϋαι, 'ίνα έν τχ\ υμετέρα σαρκΐ καυχή- 13 For not even the CIR-
cised, so that in the your flesh they might CUMCISED themselves keep
σωνται. 1 4 ΈμοΙ δέ μή γένοιτο καυχασθαι the Law, but they wish
boast. Forme but not it may be to boast, You to be circumcised, so
εΐ μή έν τφ σταυρφ τοϋ Κυρίου ημών ΊησοΟ that they may boast in
if not ia the cross of the Lord of us Jesus YOUR Flesh.
Χρίστου· δι' οδ έμοί κόσμος 14 $But it is not for Me
to boast, except in the
έσταύρωται, κάγώ * [τφ] κόσμω. *[Έν] CROSS of our LORD Jesus
has been crucified, and I [to the] world. Lin] Christ, through which the
γάρ * [Χριστφ Ίησοΰ] οΰτε περιτομή
World has been $ crucified
to Me, and I to the World.
for [Anointed Jesus] neither circumcision
τί έστιν, ούτε άκροβυστία, αλλά καινή 15 $For neither is Cir-
Any th i n^ i^> n e i t h e r unc i r cum. c i s i on ι hu£ & ixe w cumcision anything, nor
κτίσις. 16
ΚαΙ δσοι τφ κανόνι τούτω Uncircumcision, §but a
creation. And as many as by the rule this New Creation.
στοιχήσουσιν, ειρήνη έπ' αυτούς καΐ έλεος,
w i l l walk, peace on them and mercy, 16 And as many as will
walk $by this RULE, Peace
επί τόν 'Ισραήλ του Θεοΰ. Τοΰ λοι-
on the Israel of the God. Of the remain-
and Mercy be on them,
§and on the Israel of GOD.
ποΰ, κόπους μοι μηδείς παρεχέτω· έγώ
ing, troubles to m e no one let furnish; I 17 FINALLY, let no one
γάρ τά στίγματα τοΰ * [Κυρίου] Ίησοΰ έν τω cause me Trouble ; $for I
for the brand-marks of the [Lord] Jesus in the bear in my BODY the
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. the ANOINTED Jesus. 14. to the—omit. 15. in—·
omit. 15. Anointed Jesus—omit. 17. Lord—omit.
$ 9. 2 Thess. lit. 13; 1 Cor. xv. 58. $ 9. Heb. x. 36; Rev. ii. 10. $ 10. 1 These.
v. 15. t 10. Eph. ii. 19. % 12. chap. v. 11. t 14. Phil. iii. 3, 7, 8. $ 14. Bom. vi.
6; 2 Cor. i. 5; iv. 10; xi. 10; xi. 23; Col. i. 24.
Chap. 6:18.] GALATIANS. [Chap. 6:18.
σώματι μου βαστάζω. 1 8 Ή χάρις τοΰ Κυρίου ±BRAND-MARKS Of JESUS.
uocly of HIG ocur* Ϊ1ΐ6 fsivor of ttie Loi*d
ημών Ίησοΰ Χρίστου μετά τοΰ πνεύματος 18 §The FAVOR of our
of us Jesus Anointed with the spirit LORD Jesus Christ be with
υμών, αδελφοί. 'Αμήν. your SPIRIT, Brethren.
of you, brethren. So be it. Amen.




ΚΕΦ. α ' . 1. CHAPTER I.
1 1 P a u l , a n Apostle of
Παΰλος, απόστολος Ίησοΰ Χριστοί) διά * Christ Jesus, ^through
θελήματος Θεοΰ, τοις άγίοις τοις ούσιν God's Will, t o THOSE
will of God, to the saints to those to ng S A I N T S who a r e in Ephe-
έν Έφέσω καΐ πιστοίς έν Χριστώ Ίηοοΰ· sus, even to Believers in
in Ephesus* even to believers in Anointed Jesus C h r i s t J e s u s ;
χάρις νμιν >:ι\ ε'ιρήνη από θεοϋ Πατρός 2 t F a v o r to you, a n d
favor to you and peace from God a Father Peace from God o u r F a -
ημών, καΐ Κυρίου Ίησοΰ Χρίστου. 3 Εύλογη- ther, a n d from t h e Lord
of us, and Lord Jesus Anointed. Worthy J e s u s Christ.
τός ό Θεός * [και Πατήρ] τοΰ Κυρίου 3 IBlessed be THAT
of praise the God [and Father] of the Lord GOD of our LORD J e s u s
Christ, who h a s B L E S S E D
ημών Ίησοΰ Χρίστου, ό εύλογήσας ημάς us w i t h Every s p i r i t u a l
έν πάση ευλογία πνευματική έν τοις έπου- Blessing in t h e HEAVEN-
with every blessing spiritual in the heaven- L I E S , by Christ;
ρανίοις έν Χοιστω· καθώς έξελέξατο ημάς 4 even as t h e chose us
lies in Anointed; even as he chose us in him before t h e Founda-
έν αύτω προ καταβολής κόσμου, εΐ- tion of t h e World, $ t h a t
In him before a casting down of a world, to we might be holy a n d
ναι ημάς άγιους καΐ άμωμους κατενώπιον blameless in his presence ;
have us holy ones and blameless ones in sight 5 having in Love pre-
αύτοΰ· ε
έν αγάπη προορίσας viously marked us out ff or
οί him; in love having previously marked out Sonship through *Christ
J e s u s for himself, accord-
ημάς εις υΐοθεσί,αν διά
Ίησοΰ Χρίστου ing for t h e GOOD PLEASURE
είς αυτόν, κατά τήν
εύδοκίαν τοΰ of h i s W I L L ,
for himself, according to the good pleasure of the 6 t o t h e P r a i s e of h i s
βελήματος αύτοΰ, 6 είς επαινον δόξης της Glorious Beneficence w i t h
will of himself, for a praise of glory of the
which h e graciously fa-
χάριτος αύτοΰ, έχαρίτωσεν vored u s in $tbu BELOVED
favor of himself, with 7
he favored one;
τιμάς έν τω ήγαπημένω, έν φ έ"χο- 7 $by whom, t h r o u g h
us in the" one having been beloved, by whom we his blood, we possess t h e
μεν τήν άπολύτρωσιν διά τοΰ αίματος αύ- REDEMPTION 1 ll e FO R-
have the redemption through the blood of
τοΰ, τήν αφεσιν των Λαραπτωμάτω-ν, GIVENESS Of OFFENCES
him, the forgiveness of the faults, according to the OPULENCE
κατά τόν πλοΰτον της χάριτος αύτοΰ, of his FAVOR,
according to the wealth of the favor of him,
8 which he caused to
8 overflow towards us, in
ϋς έπερ'ισσευσεν είς ημάς έν πάση All Wisdom and Intelli-
w h i c h h ecaused t o abound t o w a r d s us i n a l l gence,
σοφία και φρονήσει, γνωρίσας ήμίν 9 $having made known
vf i sctom And inteAAAfTGiic©· hii ν ι ΐιετ mo.cl6 ΚΩΟΛ^ΧΧ t o u s to us the SECRET of his
τ ο μ υ σ τ ή ρ ι ο ν τ ο ΰ θ ε λ ή μ α τ ος
ος αύτοΰ, κ α τ ά WILL, according to his
τήν εύδοκίαν αύτοΰ, ή* ν
προέ- SIGN, which he previously
tho good pleasure of himself, which he before
purposed in himself,
bfxo έν αύτφ, είς
τοΰ οίκονομίαν
10 in regard to an Ad-
purposed in himself, for an administration of the
ministration of the FUL-
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — T i t l e — T o T H E E P H E S I A N S . 1. Christ Jesus. 2. and
father—omit. 5. Christ Jesus.
$ 1. 2 Cor. i. 1. t 2. Gal. i. 3 ; Titus i. 4. ί 3 . 2 Cor. i. 3 ; 1 P e t i . 3 . | 4 .
Rom. v i i i . 2 7 ; 2 Thess. i i . 1 3 ; 2 T i m . i . 9 ; James i i . 5 ; 1 P e t . i . 2 ; i i . 9. % 4.
Eph. i i . 1 0 ; v. 2 7 ; Col. i. 2 2 ; 1 Thess. iv. 7 ; Titus i i . 12. t 5. John ? ti. 1 2 ; viii.
1 5 ; 2 Cor. v i . 1 8 ; G a l . iv. 5 ; 1 J o ^ n i i i . 1. $ 6. Matt. i^\ 1 7 ; xv . 5. % 7.
Acts xx. 2 S ; Rom. i i i . 2 4 ; Col. i. 1 4 ; H e b . ix. 1 2 ; 1 P e t . i. 1 8 ; Rev. v . 8 . % 9 .
Rom. xvi. 2 5 ; E p h . i i i . 4 , 9 ; Col. i . 2 6 .
Chop. 1:11.] EPHESIANS. [Chap. 1:18.
πληρώματος των καιρών, άνακεφαλαιώσασθαι NESS Of the APPOINTED
fulness of the seasons, to reduce under one head
TIMES, $to reunite ALL
τά πάντα έν τω Χριστώ, έν things under one head, τα
the things a l l in the Anointed, the things In even under the ANOINTED
τοις ούρανοίς και τά επί της γης, έν one ; — t h e T H I N G S in t h e
the heavens and the things on the earth, in HEAVENS, and the T H I N G S
η on the EARTH,—under
αύτω, έν ω κα,Ι έκληρώθημεν,
him', by whom also we obtained a portion,
11 $by whom also we
προορισθέντες κατά
πρό- obtained an inheritance,
having been previously marked out according to having been previously
θεσιν τοΰ τα πάντα ενεργούντος marked out according to
A d e s i g n of t h e t h e t i l i n g s nil operating a design of H I M who is
κατά την βουλήν τοΰ θελήματος αύ- OPERATING ALL tilings
according to the counsel of the will of agreeably to the COUNSEL
12 of his OWN W I L L ;
τοΰ, είς τό είναι ήμας εις επαινον
12 $in order t h a t we
himself, in order that to be us for
might BE for a Praise of a praise
*[της] δόξης αύτοΰ, τους προηλπικό- his (Jlory, WE who h a d a
£of the] glory of him, those having been before prior hope in the ANOINT-
Μ ED o n e ;
τας έν τω Χριστώ· έν φ καΐ ύμείς
hopers in the Anointed; in whom a l s o you
13 by whom also, you
(having heard $the WORD
(άκούσαντες τον λόγον της αληθείας, τό of the TRUTH, the GLAD
<having heard the word of the truth, the TIDINGS of your SALVA-
εναγγέλιον της σωτηρίας υμών,) έν φ TION,) by whom [ I say,]
glad tidings of the salvation of you,) In whom you also having, believed
were sealed with the SPIR-
Ttai πιστεύσαντες έσφραγίσθητε τω I T of the P R O M I S E , — t h e
jalso having believed you were sealed with the HOLY Spirit,—
πνεύματι της επαγγελίας τω άγ'ιω, δς Μ §which is a Pledge
si-irit of the promise" wi th the holy, which of our INHERITANCE in
έστιν άρραβών της κληρονομιάς ημών εις $a Redemption of the
is & pledge of the inheritance of us in PURCHASE, to the Praise
άπολύτρωσιν της περιποιήσεως, εις επαινον of his GLORY.
15 On this account, I,
τοΰτο κάγώ indeed, Jhaving heard of
της δόξης αύτοΰ. Διά
YOUR F a i t h in the LORD
άκουσας την καθ' υμάς π'ιστιν έν τφ Κυριφ J e s u s , a n d THAT LOVE
h a v i n g h e a r d t h e In you f a i t h i n t h e Lord which you have for All the
Μησοΰ, καΐ την άγάπην την εις πάντας τους SAINTS,

αγίους, ού παύομαι ευχάριστων υπέρ 16 §do not omit giving
holy ones, not I couse giving nianks on behalf t h a n k s on your behalf,
υμών, μνείαν making
*[ΰμών] ποιούμενος επί you in my a Remembrance of
of you, a remembrance [of you] making in
17 17 T h a t t h e Gop of our
των προσευχών μου· ϊνα ό Θεός τοΰ Κυρίοι» LORD Jesus Christ, t h e
the j)i*jiyers of mej that the God of the Lord GLORIOUS FATHER, §may
ημών Ίησοϋ Χρίστου, 6 Πατήρ της δόξης, give you a Spirit of Wis-
of us Jesus Anointed, the Father
of the glory.
dom and Revelation in
£ώτ) ΰμίν πνεΰμα σοφίας και άποκαλύ- the full Know ledge of him,
txiay civ© t o you & s p i r i t ο ι "wxsdoixi a n d of rev©*"
18 18 the EYES of your
ψεως έν έπιγνοισει αύτοΰ· Πεφωτι- HEART having been en-
lation in ful 1 knowledge of him; Having been lightened, t h a t you may
σμένους τους οφθαλμούς της καρδίας υμών, KNOW w h a t is §the H O P E
enlightened the eyes of the heart of you, of his INVITATION, w h a t
είς τό είδέναι υμάς, τίς έστιν ή έλπις της
κλήσεως αύτοϋ, *[καΙ] τ!ς ό πλούτος της
calling of you, [and] what the wealth of the

Chap. 1:19.] EPHESIANS. [Chap. 2:4.
δόξης της κληρονομιάς αύτοΰ έν τοις άγί- t h e GLORIOUS WEALTH of
glory of the inheritance of him in the holy his ^INHERITANCE among
οις, κα1 τΐ το υπερβάλλον μέγεθος της the SAINTS,
ones, 19 and what the SUR-
and "what the surpassing greatness of the
PASSING Greatness of his
δυνάμεως αύτοΰ ε'ις ημάς» τους πιστεύ- POWER towards us who
BELIEVE, ^according t ο
οντας κατά την ένέργειαν τοΰ κράτους the ENERGY of his MIGHTY
iii£) fl.ccοFciiΙΙ^» t o tlio o])6i*£ttiou o i th© s t r e n g t h STRENGTH,
της Ισχύος αύτοΰ, 20ήν ένήργησεν έν τφ 20 which he exerted in
of the might of him, which he exerted in the the ANOINTED one, $hav-
Χριστφ, ing raised him from the
καΐ έκάθισενέγείρας
έν δεξιφαυτόν έκ νεκρών
Anointed, having raised up h i m out of dead ones; Dead, and *having $seat-
and seated at right of himself in the ed him at his own Right
αύτοΰ έν τοις hand in the HEAVENS.
iiimself in the 21 §far above Every
έπουρανίοις, 21ύπεράνω πάσης αρχής καΐ Authority, and Govern-
Ιιβίίνθίιΐ ioSf
παντός ονόματος fiir ονομαζόμενου
jifoov© every ^oyertuncnt
ού μόνον 8,iici
έν ment, and Power, and
every καΐ δυνάμεως
ΙΪ&ΙΏΘ και κυριότητος,
beiiijj nmnod n o t only και
In Lordship, and Every Name
being named, not only in
τφ αίώνι τούτφ, αλλά καΐ έν τφ μέλλον- this, but also in the FU-
the age this, but also in the one about TURE AGE ;
τι· κα1 πάντα ύπέταξεν ύπό τους
22 and §subjected All
coming; and all things things under his FEET ;
placed under the
πόδας αύτοΰ· καΐ αυτόν έ'δωκε23 κεφαλήν υπέρ and constituted Him $a
πάντα τη εκκλησία, ήτις εστί τό Head over all things for
σώμα αύτοΰ, τό πλήρωμα τοΰ τά 23 §which is his BODY,
πάντα έν πάσι πληρούμε νου· ΚΕΦ. § t h e FULL DEVELOPMENT
all with a l l things is filling; Of HIM Who IS FILLING
6'. 2. κα1 υμάς δντας νεκρούς τοίς ALL things with all.
παραπτώμασι καΐ ταίς άμαρτίαις· 2 (έν αίς CHAPTER I I .
faults and the sins; (in which 1 And you, §being dead
ποτε περιεπατήσατε κατά τον αιώνα in OFFENCES and *SINS,
once you walked according to the age 2 (in which you §once
walked according to the
τοΰ κόσμου τούτου, κατά τον άρχοντα AGE of this WORLD, ac-
cording to the $RULER of
της εξουσίας τοΰ αέρος, τοΰ πνεύματος the AUTHORITY of the AIR,
of THAT SPIRIT now oper-
τοΰ νΰν ενεργούντος έν τοίς υΐοίς της ating in the SONS of DIS-
απείθειας· έν οίς καΐ ημείς πάντες 3 §among whom, also,
disobedience; among whom also we all we all once lived in $the
άνεστράφημέν ποτε έν ταίς έπιθυμίαις της DESIRES Of Our FLESH,
lived once in the desires of the performing the WISHES of
the FLESH and of the
σαρκός ημών, ποιοΰντες τά θελήματα της THOUGHTS ; and were by
Nature Children of Wrath,
σαρκός καΐ τών διανοιών, καΐ ήμεν τέκνα even as the OTHERS ;
Θεός, πλούσιος ών έν έλέει, δια4 τήν 4 but GOD, $being rich
φύσει rich
οργής,being in mercy,
ώς καΐ throughό δέ
ol λοιποί* the in Mercy, on account of
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 0 . having seated him at his own Right hand in the
HEAVENS, far above Every Authority, and Government. 1. your LUSTS, in which.
t 18. verse 11. $ 19. Eph. iii. 7; Col. i. 2 9 ; ii. 12. % 20. Acts ii. 2 4 , 3 3 .
$ 2 0 . P s a . ex. 1; Acts vii. 55, 5 6 ; Col. iii. 1 ; Heb. i. 3 ; x. 12. ΐ 21. Phil. ii.
9. 10; Col. ii. 1 0 ; Heb. i . 4. $ 22. Psa. viii. 6; Matt, xxviii. 1 8 ; 1 Cor. xv. 2 7 ;
Heb. i i . 8. t 2 2 . Eph. iv. 15, 1 6 ; Col. i. 1 8 ; Heb. ii. 7. t 2 3. Rom. xii. 5 ;
1 Cor. xii. 1 2 , 2 7 ; Eph. iv. 1 2 ; v. 2 3 , 3 0 ; Col. i . 1 8 , 2 4 . $ 23. Col. ii. 10.
t 1. verse 5. $ 2. Eph. iv. 2 2 ; Col. i i i . 7. X 2. Eph. vi. 12. % 3. Titus iii. 3 ;
1 P e t . iv. 3 . % 3. Gal. v. 16. % 4. Rom. x. 1 2 ; Gal. i. 7.
Chap. 2:5.] EPHESIANS. [Chap. 2: 14.
πολλή ν αγάπη ν αυτοί), ήν ήγάπησεν his GREAT LOVE W i t h
much love of himself, with which he loved which h e loved us,)
ήμαζ») κα1 δντας ημάς νεκρούς τοις πα- 5 $we also being dead
us,) ; and being us dead ones iii the *in OFFENCES, t h e made
ραπτώμασι, σχινεζωοποίησε τω Χριστώ
1 alive together by t h e
ANOINTED o n e — ( b y Fa-
faults, he quickened together with" the Anointed:
β vor you havebeen saved) —
(χάριτι έστέ σεσωσμένοι·) και συ-
6 a n d raised us up to-
(by favor you are having been saved;) and
νήγειρε, καΐ συνεκάθασε έν τοις έπου- gether, a n d seated us to-
up together, and seated together in the heaven- gether in t h e HEAVEN-
ένδείξηται L I E S , by Christ Jesus.
ρανίοις έν Χριστώ Ίησοϋ· ϊνα
lies t)y A.τι ο i H t Θ d Jcsusi t ii £i t he txi<i y point out 7 in order t h a t he might
έν τοϊς αίί7;»σι τοις έπερχομένοις τον ύπερβάλ- exhibit, in T H O S E AGES
in the ages those coming the surpassing which a r e APPROACHING,
λοντα πλοΰτον της χάριτος αΰτοϋ, έν χρηστό- the SURPASSING Wealth
wealth of the favor of himself, by kind-
of his FAVOR, by $Kind-
τητι έ φ ' ήμας έν Χριστφ Ίησοϋ. ness towards us in Christ
ness towards us in Anointed Jesus.
Tf) γαρ χάριτι έστέ σεσωσμένοι δια 8 | B y t h a t FAVOR, in-
By the for favor
the for" favor you you are
are having been saved
having beeii saved through deed, you have been saved,
* [της] πίστεως· καΐ τοΰτο ουκ εξ υμών* Θεοΰ through t h e FAITH ; a n d
[the] fciithj And this not froiu y^u» of God
9 this is n o t from you ; $ i t
τό δώρον, ούκ έξ έργων ϊνα μή τις is God's GIFT ;
the gift, not from works; so that not any one 9 $not from Works, so
10 t h a t no one may b o a s t ;
καυχήσηται. Αύτοΰ γαρ έσμεν ποίημα κτι-
10 for we a r e §His
Work, having been formed
σθέντες έν Χριστώ Ίησοΰ επί εργοις
in Christ Jesus for good
ing been formed in Anointed Jesus for works Works, for which GOD
άγαθοίς, οίς προητοίμασεν ό θεός ϊνα έν before prepared us, t h a t
good, περιπατήσωμεν.
inwewhich before μνημονεύε-
them should walk.prepared the God that in we might walk i n them.
τε, δτι ύμείς ποτέ τά έθνη έν σαρκί, 11 Therefore, $remem-
that you once the Gentiles in flesh, ber, t h a t you, once GEN-
(ol λεγόμενοι άκροβυστία υπό της λεγο- T I L E S in Flesh, ( B E I N G
CALLED t h e Uncircumci-
(those being called unc ircumc is ion by. that being sion by THAT which i s
μένης περιτομης έν σαρκί χειροποίητου,)
called circumcision in flesh done by hand,) TERMED §the Circumci-
δ'τι ήτε * [ έ ν ] τφ καιρφ έκείνω, χωρίς sion done by t h e h a n d in
that you were tin] the season that, * without t h e F l e s h ; )
Χριστοί), άπηλλοτριωμένοι της πολιτεί- 12 $ T h a t you were, a t
Anointed, having been al iens from the common t h a t TIME, w i t h o u t a n
ας τοΰ 'Ισραήλ, καΐ ξένοι τών διαθη- Anointed one, Aliens from
alt the POLITY of ISRAEL, a n d
κών της επαγγελίας, ελπίδα μή έχοντες, καΐ Strangers from $the COV-
not possessing a Hope,
άθεοι, έν τω κόσμω* Χριστ and ^Godless in the WORLD.
godless in the* world"; now but, in Anointe
13 B u t now, in Christ
Ίησοΰ, ύμεΐς ot ποτέ οντες μακράν, εγγύς Jesus, you, who formerly
Jesus, you those once being far off, near WERE | f a r off, a r e made
έγενήθητε έν τφ αΐματι τοΰ Χρίστου. 14Αύ- n e a r by t h e BLOOD of t h e
w G Γ ο m <ι cl Θ fey the ο 1 ο ο d ο ι the A, no i n t c d · HΘ
A N O I N T E D one.
τός γάρ έστιν ή ειρήνη ημών, ό ποιήσας 14 F o r $he is our PEACE,
for is the peace of us, the one having made
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—5. in OFFENCES and LUSTS, he made alive together in the
ANOINTED one. 8. the—omit. 13. in—omit.
t 5. Rom. v. 6,8,10; verse 1. $ 5. Rom. vi. 4 , 5 ; Col. ii. 12,13; iii. 1,3.
ί 7. Titus iii. 4. $ 8. verse 5; Rom. iii. 24; 2 Tim. i. 9. $ 8. John iii. 15, 16;
Horn. x. 14,15,17. t 9. Rom. iii. 20,27,28; iv. 2; ix. 11; 1 Cor. i. 29-31.
t 10. 2 Cor. v. 5, 17; Eph. iv. 24. $ 11. Eph. v. 8; Col. i. 21; ii. 13. $ 11.
Col. ii. 11. ί 12. Eph. iv. 18. i 12. Rom. ix. 4, 8. $ 12. Gal. iv. 8; 1 Thess.
iv. 5. t 13. Aetis ii. 39. ί 14. Micah v. 5; John xvi. 33; Acts x. 36; Rom. V.
1; Col. i. 20. $ 14. John x. 16.
Chap. 2:15.] EPHESIANS. [Chap. 3:2.
τα αμφότερα εν, καΐ τό μεσότοιχον τοΰ things one; and having
the things both one, and the middle wall of the removed the ENMITY, the
1ε MIDDLE WALL of t h e PAR-
φραγμοΰ λύσας, τήν εχθραν έν τχ\ TITION ;
fence having broken up, the enmity; by th 15 $having by his FLESH
σαρκΐ αΰτοΰ τον νόμον των εντολών έν
flesh of himself the law of the commandments i annulled the LAW of the
δόγμασι καταργήσας· Ινα τους δύο COMMANDMENTS concern-
ing Ordinances, that he
ordinances having made powerless! so that the two
might form the TWO in
κτίστ) έν έαυτω είς Ινα καινόν άνθρω- himself into §One New
he might form in himself into one new man, Man,—making Peace ;
πον, ποιών ε'ιρήνην· 1β κα1 άποκαταλλάξη τους 16 and might ^reconcile
making peace; and he might reconcile the BOTH in One Body to GOD,
αμφότερους έν ένΐ σώματι τώ θ ε φ δια through the CROSS, §hav-
both in one body to the God through
ing destroyed the ENMITY
τοΰ σταυροί), άποκτε'ινας την εχθραν έν αυτό). by it.
the cross, haying killed the e n m i t y by it. 17 And having come, he
"ΚαΙ έλ§ών εύηγγελίσατο announced as glad tidings
And having come he announced as glad tidings Peace to you the FAR-OFF,
ειρήνην ύμΐν τοις μακράν καΐ τοις and *Peace to us, the
εγγύς, 18
δτι δι' αΰτοϋ εχομεν την 18 Because, through
him we have the him, we BOTH h a v e $the
near, because through
προσαγωγήν ol αμφότεροι έν ένΐ πνεύματι INTRODUCTION t ο the
FATHER, w i t h One Spirit.
προς τόν Πατέρα. 1 9 "Αρα οΰν οΰκέτι έστέ 19 So then you a r e no
to the Father. So then no longer you are longer S t r a n g e r s a n d So-
Irvoi καΐ πάροικοι, αλλά συμπολίται journers, b u t *you a r e
strangers and sojourners, but f ellow-c i t izon.«
$Fellow-citizens w i t h t h e
των αγίων καΐ ο'ικεΐοι τοΰ Θεοΰ, S A I N T S , a n d of t h e $Fam-
of the holy ones and family-members of the God, ily of G o p ;
έποικοδομηθέντες επί τω θεμελ'ιω των άπο- 20 having been built on
having been built on the foundation "of the apos- t h e FOUNDATION of $ t h e
APOSTLES a n d Prophets,
στόλων καΐ προφητών, δντος ακρογωνιαίου * Christ J e s u s being §a
ties and prophets, being a corner-foundation F o u n d a t i o n corner-stone
πασά * [ ή ] of i t ;
αύτοΰ Ί η σ ο ΰ Χρίστου· έν <b
of it Jesus Anointed; on which all CtheJ 21 on which All t h e
οϊ'/οδομή συναρμολογούμενη αΰξει BUILDING being fitly com-
building being fitly compacted together grows up pacted together, increases
into $a holy Temple for
είς ναόν αγιον έν Κυρίω· 2 2 έν ω και t h e Lord ;
into a temple holy in Lord; on which also 22 | o n whom you a r e
also built up together, for
ΰμείς συνοικοδομεϊσ§ε, εις κατοικητήριον a Spiritual H a b i t a t i o n of
τοΰ Θεοΰ έν πνεύματι. ΚΕΦ. γ ' . 3. God.
of the God C H A P T E R III.
Τούτου χάριν έγώ Παΰλος, ό δέσμιος τοΰ 1 F o r T h i s Cause I ,
For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of the P a u l , a m $the PRISONER
Χρίστου Ίησοΰ υπέρ υμών των εθνών of t h e A N O I N T E D J e s u s
Anointed Jesus because of you of the Gentiles; on acount of $you of t h e
εϊγε ήκούσατε τήν οίκονομίαν της 2 (since indeed, you
if indeed you heard the administration of the h e a r d $the ADMINISTRA-
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—17. Peace to the NEAR. 19. you are Fellow-citizens.
20. Christ Jesus. 22. the ANOINTED.
t 15. Col. ii. 14,20. % 15.2 Cor. v. 17; Gal. vi. 15; Eph. iv. 24. % 16.
Co!, i. 20-22. $ 16. Rom. vi. 6; viii. 3; Col. ii. 14. % 18. Eph. iii. 12.
% 19.Phil. iii. 20; Heb. xii. 22,23. $ 19. Gal. vi. 10. % 2 0. Matt. xvi. 18.
t 20. Isa. xxviii. 16. t 21. 1 Cor. iii. 17; vi. 19; 2 Cor. vi. 16. t 22. 1 Pet.
Ii. 5. $ 1. Acts xxviii. 17. 20; Eph. iv. 1; vi. 20. Φ 1. Col. ii. 24; 2 Tim. ii.
20. t 2. Kom. i. 5; Col. i. 25.
Chap, 3:3.] EPHESIANS. [Chop. 3 : 1 1 .
χάριτος τοΰ Θεοΰ της δοθείσης μοι TION Of THAT FAVOR Of
favor of the God of that having been given to m e GOD having been GIVEN
εις υμάς, * [οτι] 3
κατά άποκάλυψιν έγνω- me for you ;
3 That $by Revelation
ρίσθη μοι το μυστήριον (καθώς προέ- $he made known to me
n:ado known to me the secret; (as I wrote the SECRET,—as I wrote
γραψα έν όλίγω 4 πρός ο δύνασθε άναγινώ- briefly before,
4 by reading which, you
σκοντες νοήσαι την σύνεσίν μου έν τω can perceive my INTEL-
ιιυστηρ'ιω τοϋ Χρίστου·) ο έτέραις γε- of the ANOINTED one,—
νεαίς ούκ έγνωρίσθιι τοις υί,οίς των 5 $which in Other Gen-
cration not was made known to the sons of the erations was not made
ανθρώπων, ώς νΰν απεκαλύφθη τοις άγίοις known to the SONS of
men, as now it was reveaied to the holy onas MEN, $as it has now been
* [άποστόλοις] αύτοϋ και προφήταις έν πνεύ- revealed to his HOLY
tapostlesj of h i m a n d prophets by spirit Apostles and Prophets by
ματι· ε!ναι τά έθνη συγκληρονόμα και σύσ- the Spirit;
to be the Gentiles Joint-heirs and a joint- 6 that the GENTILES
σωμα και συμμέτοχα της επαγγελίας *[αύ- are $Fellow-heirs, and | a
body and joint-partakers of the promise Lof Joint-body, and $Co-part-
τοΰ] έν * [ τ φ ] Χριστφ, διά τοΰ εύαγ- ners of *the PROMISE in
liimj in [the] Anointed, through the glad Christ Jesus, through the
γελίου· οδ έγενόμην διάκονος κατά GLAD TIDINGS ;
( i d i i i ^ S f ο ι Λν l i i c i i Χ b c c & in Θ SL s Θ Γ νftII t si c c ο ι* cl i xts t ο 7 ?of which I became a
την δωρεάν της χάριτος τοΰ Θεοΰ, της 6ο- Servant, ^according to
the gift of the favor of the God, of that hav- THAT GRACIOUS GIFT Of
δείσης μοι κατά την ένέργειαν GOD, which w a s IMPARTED
Ing been given to m according to the operation to me by t h e ENERGY of
της δυνάμεως αύτοΰ· 8έμο1 τφ έλαχιστοτέρω his POWER ;
of the power of him; to me the far inferior 8 to me, § t h e VERY
LOWEST of All S a i n t s , w a s
πάντων αγίων εδόθη
f\ χάρις αυτή, this FAVOR given, $to an-
nounce among t h e NA-
έν τοις εθνεσιν εύαγγελισασθαι
τον TIONS t h e glad tidings, of
among the nations to announce glad tidings the t h e BOUNDLESS WEALTH
ανεξιχνίαστον πλοΰτον τοΰ Χρίστου, β κα1 of t h e A N O I N T E D one ;
Uos6«i rclint) 1 β Λνeft I th of th© ^QQluted» And 9 even t o enlighten All
φωτίσαι πάντας, τΙς ή οικονομία τοΰ a s t o w h a t is t h e A D M I N I S -
Μυστηρίου τοΰ άποκεκρυμμένου άπό τών αΐώ-TRATION Of $TIIAT SE-
CRET, which h a s been CON-
νων έν τώ Θεφ, τ φ τά πάν CEALED from t h e AGES, by
ated; THAT G O D w h o CREATED
ινα γνωρισθη άρ- ALL things ;
νΰν ταίς
SJ that might be made known now to the govern- 10 $in order t h a t n o w
§may be made known t o
χαίς καΐ ταίς έξουσίαις έν τοίς έπουρανί- t h e GOVERNMENTS a n d t h e
οις, διά της εκκλησίας, ή πολυποίκιλος A U T H O R I T I E S i n t h e HEAV-
txirOUJjil til© C 011^ Γ Θ ^ίΐ t X OH j txlQ TTlftllifold E N L I E S , t h r o u g h t h e CON-
σοφία τοΰ Θεοΰ· κατά πρόθεσιν τών
wisdom of the God; according to a plan of the D I V E R S I F I E D Wisdom of
αιώνων, ην έποίησεν έν Χριστφ Ίησοΰ 11 according t o a P l a n
ages, which he formed in Auointe'd Jesus
of t h e AGES, which h e
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 . because—omit. 5. apostles—omit. 6. of him—omit.
6. the—omit. 6. the FROMISE in Christ Jesus through the GLAD TIDINGS,
3. nai ιι. 12.
o . Gal.
u a i . i.
IQ + f 3.
Ι Δ . ί
9 jrtnr»
o . Eom.
™< A9 κ
. k u i i i .Λ xvi.
Α Π Μ, 2
. \J\JI.
n»i i.
I5I ;, Col.
ιι. Δοq, 7. J4 4.
Ό , 2Δ Ι .
1 Cor. W. 1 ; E
ι . χ VJUI. I\ . χ;
p h . Vl.
Λμπ. vi.
19. $
$ 5 5 .. Acts
Acts x.
x. 2288 ;; ver!
verse 9 . % 5. Eph. ii. 20. ί 6. Gal. iii. 28, 2 9 ; Eph. i i .
14. t 6. Eph. ii. 1 5 , 1 6 . % 6. Gal. iii. 14. $ 7. Rom. xv. 1 0 ; Col. i . 2 3 , 2 5 .
$ 7. Rom. i . 5 . ί 8. 1 Cor. xv. 7; 1 Tim. i. 13, 15. % 8. Gal. i. 1 6 ; ii. 8 ; 1
Tim. i. 1 1 . $ 9 . verse 3 ; Eph. i . 9 . % 10. 1 Pet. i. 12. % 10. Horn. viii. 3 8 ;
Ei,h. i. 2 1 ; Col. i . 1 6 ; 1 P e t . i i i . 2 2 .
C/ιαρ. 3:12.] EPHESIANS. [Chap. 3:21.
τφ Κυρίφ ημών 1 2 έ ν & έ'χομεν την παρρη- formed for *the ANOINTED
the Lord of us; by whom we have the freedom Jesus our LORD ;
οίαν καΐ την προσαγωγήν έν πεποιθήσει, 12 by whom we have
of speech and the access with confidence, §thlS FREEDOM Of SPEECH
δια της πίστεως αύτοΰ. ^Διό αιτούμαι and *Access with Confi-
through the faith of him. Therefore I ask dence, through the FAITH
μη έκκακεΐν έν ταΐς θλίψεσί μου υπέρ
not to faint in the afflictions 14of me on behalf of 13 him.
§Therefore, I ask
υμών, ήτις εστί δόξα υμών. Τούτου χάριν
οί you, which is glory of you. For this cause that I may not faint in
κάμπτω τα γόνατα μου προς τόν Πατέρα these my AFFLICTIONS on
I bend the knees of me to the Father your behalf, § which are
*[τοΰ Κυρίου ημών Ίησοϋ Χρίστου,] ^έξ your Glory.)
[of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed,] from 14 For This Cause, I
οδ πασά πάτρια έν ούρανοίς καΐ επί γης bend my KNEES to the
\^hoiix *\vho 1 Θ fit in i l y i n liotiveus «md o n ©iirtfa FATHER,
ονομάζεται, 1 0 ϊνα δώχι ύμίν κατά 15 from whom $the
1* named, so that he may give to you according to Whole Family in t h e
τόν πλοΰτον της δόξης αύτοΰ, δυνάμει Heavens and on E a r t h i s
the wealth of the glory of himself, with power named,
κραταιωθήναι δια τοϋ πνεύματος αύ- 16 t h a t h e m a y give you
§according to h i s GLORI-
τοΰ, εις τόν εσω οίνθρωπον 17 κατοικησαι OUS WEALTH, %t ο b e
himself, in the within man; to have dwelt Powerfully strengthened
t h r o u g h his S P I R I T i n $ t h e
τόν Χριστόν δια της πίστεως έν ταΐς INNER M a n ;
17 § t h a t t h e ANOINTED
καρδίαις υμών, 1 8 έν αγάπη έρριζωμένοι one, t h r o u g h t h e F A I T H ,
>:αΙ τεϋεμελιωμένοι tva έξισχύ- m a y dwell in your HEARTS ;
and having been founded so that you may be fully t h a t $being rooted i n Love
σητε καταλαβέσθαι συν πάσι τοίς άγίοις, τΐ a n d well-established,
able t o understand w i t h a l l t h e h o l y ones, what 18 you $may be fully
τό πλάτος καΐ μήκος καΐ βάθος καΐ ϋψος, able t o u n d e r s t a n d w i t h
the breadth and length and depth and height, All t h e SAINTS, w h a t i s
t h e BREADTH a n d Length,
ιβγνώναί τε την ύπερβάλλουσαν της γνώ- a n d *Depth a n d Height,
19 t o know even t h a t
σείος άγάπην τοΰ Χρίστου· tva πληρωθη- Which SURPASSES KNOW-
χι είς πάν τό πλήρωμα τοϋ Θεοΰ. Τφ δέ LEDGE,—the LOVE of t h e

up to a l l the fulness of the God. To the now ANOINTED o n e ; so t h a t

δυναμένω υπέρ πάντα ποιησαι ύπερ- *you m a y be filled §with
one being p o w e r f u l above a l l t o have done f a r All t h e F U L N E S S of GOD.
εκπερισσοΰ ών αίτούμεθα ή νοοΰμεν, 20 $Now to H I M who i s
above all things, BEING
exceeding what things we ask or we think, MIGHTY to effect f a r be-
κατά τήν δύναμιν την ένεργουμένην yond w h a t we a s k o r
according to 21
the power that operating think, §according t o THAT
έν ήμϊν, αύτω ή δόξα έν τη εκκλησία έν POWER OPERATING in US,
in us, to him* the glory in the congregation by
21 §to him be the GLORY
Χριστώ Ίησοΰ, εις πάσας τάς γενεάς τοΰ in the CONGREGATION, by
Christ Jesus, to All the
αιώνος των αΙώνων 'Αμήν. GENERATIONS of t h e AGE
age of the ages; So be i t .
of the AGES. Amen.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 1 . t h e A N O I N T E D Jesus o u r L O R D . 12. Access. 1 4 .
of our LORD Jesus C h r i s t — o m i t . 1 8 . and Height and Depth. 19. All t h e F U L N E S S of
GOD might be fulfilled.
% 12. Eph. i i . 1 8 ; Heb. iv. 16. % 1 3 . Acts xiv. 2 2 ; Phil. i. 14. $ 1 3 . 2 Cor. i .
6 . $ 1 5 . E p h . i . 1 0 ; P h i l . i i . 9 - 1 1 . $ 16. Rom. ix. 2 3 ; E p h . i. 7 ; Phil. iv.
1 9 ; Col. i. 2 7 . % 16. E p h . v i . 1 0 ; Col. i. 1 1 . ί 16. Rom. vil. 2 2 ; 2 Cor. i v . I S .
t 17. John xiv. 2 3 ; E p b . i i . 2 2 . $ 1 7 . Col. i . 2 3 ; Col. i. Ti\ n . 7. ? I S . Eph.
i. 18. t 19. John i. 1 6 ; E p h . i . 2 3 ; Col. i i . 9, 10. % 20. Rom. xvi. 2 5 ; Jude 2 4 .
% 2 0 . verse 7 ; Col. i . 2 9 , $ 2 1 . R o m . x i . 3 6 ; xvi. 2 7 ; Heb. xiii. 2 1 .
Chap. 4:1.] EPHESIANS. [Chap. 4:12.
ΚΕΦ. δ ' . 4. CHAPTER IV.
Παρακαλώ ούν ύμας, έγώ ό δέσμιος έν 1 I exhort you, there-
fore, I, $the PRISONER for
Κυρίω, άξίως περιπατήσαι της κλήσεως ής the Lord, $to walk worthi-
Lord, worthily to walk of the calling with which ly of the CALLING with
έκλήθητε, 2μετά πάσης ταπεινοφροσύνης καΐ which you were called,
you were called, with a l l humility and 2 £with All Humility
πραότητος, μετά μακροθυμίας· άνεχόμενοι and Gentleness ; with Pa-
tience, sustaining each
gentleness, with patience; bearing with other in Love;
αλλήλων έν αγάπη, 3σπουδάζοντες τηρεϊν την 3 using diligence to
each other in love, using diίigence to keep the
preserve the UNITY of the
ενότητα τοΰ πνεύματος έν τφ συνδέσμω της SPIRIT $by the UNITING
oneness of the spirit by the'uniting bond of the
ειρήνης. 4"Εν σώμα καΐ εν πνεϋμα, καθώς καΐ 4 there being One
peace. One body and one s p i r i t , even as also?Body and One tSpirit,
έκλήθητε έν μια έλπ'ιδι της κλήσεως as also you were called in
you were called in one hope of the calling One $Hope of your CALL-
υμών 5ε1ς Κύριος, μία πίστις, εν βάπτισμα, 5 One §Lord, One
of you; one Lord, one faith, one dipping,
$Faith, One $Immersion ;
είς Θεός καΐ Πατήρ πάντων, ό επί πάντων all 6 $One God and Father
καΐ δια πάντων καΐ έν πασιν *[ήμίν.] ?ΈνΙ of all, HE who is over all,
and through all and in all cto us.r To one and ithrough all, and in
δέ έκάστω ημών εδόθη *[ή]! χάρις κα- all.
but 7 But to §each one of us
was given Favor according
τά τό μέτρον της δωρεάς τοΰ to the MEASURE of the
cording to the measure of the free gift of the FREE GIFT of t h e ANOINT-
Χρίστου. 8(Διό λέγει· Άναβάς εις ED one.
Anointed. Therefore i t says; Having ascended on ^"Having
8 Therefore it is said,
ascended ο n
ίί-ψος ήχμαλωτευσεν αίχμαλωσιαν, καΐ έδωκε "high, he $led a multi-
δόματα τοις άνθρώποις. eTo δε, άνέβη, t u d e of Captives, and
g 1 ίtJ5 to the HX6IX· This but^ lie Ascended* "gave Gifts to MEN."
9 (But THIS, § " H E
τί έστιν, εΐ μή δτι καΐ κατέβη εις τά ASCENDED/" what is it,
unless That he also * des-
κατώτερα μέρη της γης;1 0 Ό κατα- cended first into the LOW-
lower parts of the earth? The one having de- ER Parts of the EARTH?
6άζ, αυτός έστι καΐ ό άναβάς υπε- DESCENDED,10 The one HAVING
$he is the
ράνω πάντων των ουρανών, ϊνα πλήρωση O n e HAVING ASCENDED
ght fill far above All of the HEAV-
above all of the heavens, so that he mi
τά πάντα.) χ1ΚαΙ αυτός έδωκε τους μέν ENS, $so that he may ful-
the a l l things.) And he gave the indeed fil ALL things.)

αποστόλους, τους δέ προφήτας, τους δε εύαγ- the11 APOSTLES, §And he gave indeed
and the
apostles, the and prophets, the and evan-
γελιστάς, τους δέ ποιμένας καΐ διδασκάλους, GELISTS, and SHEPHERDS
gelists, the and shepherds and teachers, and Teachers,
πρός τον καταρτισμόν των άγ'ιων είς 12 $for the COMPLETE
. us—omit. 7. the—omit. 9. descended first.

Chap. 4:13.] EPHESIANS. [Chap, 4 : 2 1 .
Εργον διακονίας, εις οίκοδομήν τοΰ σώμα- SAINTS for the Work of
a work of service, for a building up of the body Service, §in order to the
τος τοΰ Χρίστου* μέχρι καταντήσωμεν ol Building up of the BODY
of the Anointed; till w e m a y attain the of the ANOINTED one ;
πάντες εις την ενότητα της πίστεως καΐ της 13 till we ALL attain to
all to the unity of the faith and of Iho the UNITY of the FAITH,
έπιγνώσεως τοΰ υΐοϋ τοΰ Θεοΰ, είς άνδρα τέ- and of $the KNOWLEDGE
Jen ο ΤΪΓ 1 θ clj^ β of t h e s o u of fch© Crod^ t o s ιτΐίΐΐι per™* of the SON of GOD, to §a
full grown Man, to the
λειον, είς μέτρον ηλικίας τοΰ πληρώματος Measure of the full Stature
τοΰ Χρίστου· ινα μηκέτι ώμεν of the ANOINTED one ;
of the Anointed; so that no longer we may be 14 so that we may be
νήπιοι, κλυδωνιζόμενοι καΐ περιφερόμενοι Infants no longer, tossed
babes, being tossed and being whirled about and whirled about with
παντί άνεμο» της διδασκαλίας, έν xr\ κυ-Every Wind of that TEACH-
With every wind of the teachings, in the
βεία των ανθρώπων, έν πανουργία προς την ERY ING which is in the TRICK-
trickery of the men, by cunning* with the of MEN, $by Cunning
μεθοδείαν της πλάνης· άληθεύοντες δε έν craftiness in SYSTEMATIC

method of the deceit; being truthful but in DECEPTION ;

άγάπτ), αύξήσωμεν είς αυτόν τα πάντα, δς 15 but being truthful in
love, w em a yg r o w i n t o h i m the a l l things, who Love, $we may grow up
16 in ALL things into him,
έστιν ή κεφαλή, *[ό] Χριστός· έξ ού παν $who is the HEAD,—the
is t h e head, [ t h e ] A n o i n t e d ; f r o m w h o m a l l ANOINTED one;
το σώμα, (συναρμολογούμενον καΐ συμβιβα- 16 $from whom the
ζόμενον διά πάσης άψης της έπιχορη- Whole BODY, being fitly
pacted by means of every joint of the supyly joined and united, by
γίας κατ' ένέργειαν,) έν μέτρω ενός means of Every ASSISTING
according to inworking,) by a measure of one Joint, according to the
εκάστου μέρους την αΰξησιν τοΰ σώματος proportionate Energy of
Each single Part, effects
ποιείται, είς οίκοδομήν έαυτοΰ έν αγάπη, the GROWTH of the BODY
makes, f o r a b u i l d i n g up of i t s e l f i n l o v e .
17 for the Building up of it-
Τοΰτο ούν λέγω, καΐ μαρτύρομαι έν Κυ- self in Love.
This then I say, and testify in Lord, 17 This, therefore, I
ρίω, μηκέτι ύμας περιπατείν, καθώς καΐ say, and testify in the
no longar you to walk, as also
Lord, that you no longer
τά * [λοιπά] έθνη περιπατεί έν ματαιότητι walk, *even as the GEN-
the Cottiers] Gentiles walks in vanity TILES walk, in $theVanity
τοΰ νοός αυτών, 38
έσκοτισμένοι τχ\ of their MIND,
18 ^having been dark-
of the mind of them, having been darkened in the ened in the UNDERSTAND-
διανοία, δντες άπηλλοτριωμένοι της ξοοής ING, $being alienated from
Θεοΰ, διά την αγνοιαν την οδο'.ιν the LIFE of GOD, through
U^ClC I*St^TlQ.iTt^| Οβΐΐΐ^ & 1 lCIlu I 6 u f Ι* Ο III t i l Θ I * Ι. θ
of the God, through the ignorance that being: THAT IGNORANCE Which
έν αύτοίς, διά τήν πώρωσιν της καρδ»ας is in them, because of the
in them, through
the stupidity of the heart
19 STUPIDITY of their HEART ;
αυτών οϊτινες άπηλγηκότες, έαυ- 19 who, being without
Of them; who having become callous, them- feeling, $gave themselves
τούς παρέδωκαν τη ασέλγεια είς έργασίαν up to LEWDNESS, for the
selves gave over to the lewdnes's for a work Practise of all Impurity
with Eagerness.
ακαθαρσίας πάσης έν πλεονεξία. 20*Υμείς δέ 20 But you have not
of impurity all w i t h eagerne'ss. You but thus learned the ANOINT-
ούχ οΰτως έμάθετε τόν Χριστόν, 21 είγε αΰ- ED one;
not thus learned the Anointed, if Indeed him 21 $if indeed you heard
τόν ήκούσατε καΐ έν αΰτω έδιδάχθητε, καθώς
you heard Mand
S C R him
I P T . — 1were taught,
5 . the—omit. as OTHERS—omit.
17. 17. even as the
t 12. 1 Cor. xiv. 26. $ 13. Col. ii. 2. ί 13. 1 Cor. xiv. 2 0 ; Col. i . 2 8 . ί 14.
Rom. xvi. 18. t 15. Eph. i . 2 2 ; ii. 2 1 . t 15. Col. i. 18. t 16. Col. i i . 1 9 .
t 17-. Bom. i. 2 1 . t 18. Acts xxvi. 1 8 . ί 1 8 . Gal. iv. 8 ; Eph. i i . 1 2 ; 1 Thess.
iv. 5. t 19. 1 P e t . iv. 3 . ί 2 1 . Lph. i. 13.
Chap. 4:22.] EPHESIANS. [Chap. 4:32.
έστιν αλήθεια έν τ φ ΊησοΟ· ^άποθέσθαι Him, and were taught by
i9 truth in the Jesus; to put from him, as the Truth is in
υμάς, κατά την προτέραν άναστροφήν, JESUS ;
you, a c c o r d i n g t o t h e former c o u r s e of l i f e , 22 $to put off, accord-
τον παλαιόν δνθρωπον, τον φθειρόμενον ing to $the FORMER Course
the old man, that being corrupt of life, $THAT OLD Man,
κατά τάζ επιθυμίας της απάτης· CORRUPTED by DECEITFUL
according to the inordinate desires of the deceit; DESIRES ;
άνανεοϋσθαι δέ τφ πνεύματι τοΰ νοός ν- 23 and to $be renewed
to be renewed and in the s p i r i t of the mind of
in the SPIRIT of your
μών, 24 κα1 ένδύσασθαι τόν καινόν αν- MIND ;
you, and be you clothed with the new
24 and §be you clothed
Φρωπον, τόν κατά Θεόν κτισθέν- with THAT NEW Man,
mmi> tli&t According t o God JiA^riu^ been who, according to God,
τα έν δικαιοσύνη καΐ δσιότητι της h a s been FORMED i n
treated in righteousness
25 and holiness of the Righteousness and Holi-
αληθείας. Διό αποθεμένοι το -ψευδός, ness of the TRUTH.
truth. Therefore putting away the falsehood,
λαλείτε άλήθειαν, έκαστος μετά τοΰ πλησίον 25 Therefore, leaving off
speak you truth, each one with the neighbor FALSEHOOD, $speak you
θΛ*>τον* οτι έσμέν αλλήλων μέλη. Truth each one with his
NEIGHBOR, Because we
Όργίζεσθε καΐ μη άμαρτάνετε* ό ήλιος are Members of each other.
Be you angry and not do you sin; the sun 26 $When angry, do
μή έπιδυέτω επί * [ τ φ ] παροργισμω υμών not sin ; let not the SUN
not let it set on [the] wrath of you; set on your Wrath ;
μήτε δίδοτε τόπον τ φ διαβάλω. ^ Ό 27 nor give an Opportu-
nity for the ACCUSER.
κλεπτών μηκέτι κλεπτέτω, μάλλον δέ 28 Let the THIEF steal
cue stealing no longer let him steal, rather but no more; $but rather let
κοπιάτω εργαζόμενος τό αγαθόν ταίς him toil, working THAT
let him toil working the good thing withttie which is GOOD with his
χερσίν, ίνα ^χη μεταδιδόναι τω χρείαν HANDS, so that he may
h.mds, so that he m a y have to give to the one want have something to give to
έ'χοντι. Π α ς λόγος σαπρός έκ τοΰ στόμα- him who is in WANT.

lmving. Every word rotten out of the mouth 29 $Let No corrupt

τος υμών μή έκπορευέσθο), άλλ' ει τις Word MOUTH,
proceed from your
but rather what
c/γαθός προς οίκοδομήν της χρείας, ϊνα
good for a building up of the use, that is good for the USE of
δφ χάριν τοις άκούουσι* κα1 μή λυ- 3θ Building up, so that it
J t inΛ y $ζ\\Q fc)οn©f i t t o t h o s e 2i62ii*iii§* 3.0d n o t may confer a Benefit on
πείτε τό πνεΰμα τό αγιον τοΰ Θεοϋ, the HEARERS ;
30 and grieve not the the s p i r i t the holy of the God, HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, $by
έν φ έσφραγίσθητε εις ήμέραν άπολυτρώ- which you were sealed for
<τεως. 3ι
Πάσα πικρία καΐ θυμός καΐ $a Day of Redemption.
tleinptlon. All bitterness and anger and 31 $Let All Bitterness,
οργή καΐ κραυγή καΐ βλασφημία άρθήτω and Anger, and Wrath,
Λνι-ath and clamor and evil-speaking let be taken and Clamor, and iEvil-
άφ' υμών, συν πάση κακία· γίνεσθε * [ δ έ ] ppeaking, be taken away
from you, w i t h all malice; become you [and] from you, together with
εις αλλήλους χρηστοί, εΰσπλαγχνοι, All Malice;
towards each other kind ones, tender hearted ones, 32 and §be kind to-
χαριζόμενοι έαυτοίς, καθώς καΐ ό Θεός εν wards each other, com-
showing favor to others, even as also the God in passionate, ^showingfavor
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 6. the—omit. 32. and—omit.
t 22. Col. ii. 11. t 2 2 . Eph. i i . 2, 3. t 22. Rom. vi. 6. $ 23. Rom. xii. 2 ;
Col. i i i . 1 0 . $ 2 4 . Rom. vi. 4 ; 2 Cor. v. 1 7 ; Gal. vi. 1 5 ; Col. iii. 10. t 2 5. Col.
iii. 9 . t 2 6 . Psa. xxxvii. 8 . J 2 8. Acts xx. 3 5 ; 1 Thess. iv. 1 1 ; 2 Thess. iii.
8. 11, 32. t 29. Matt. xii. 3 6 ; Eph. v. 4 ; Col. iii. 8. $ 3 0. Eph. i. 1 3 . t 3 0 .
Luke xxi. 2 8 ; Rom. viii. 2 3 . t 3 1 . Col. i i i . 8, 19. t 31. Titus i i . 2 ; J^inos
iv. 1 1 ; 1 P e t . i i . 1 . $ 32. 2 Cor. ii. 1 0 ; Col. iii. 12, 13. t 32. Matt. vi. 1 4 ;
Mark xi. 25.
Chap. 5:1.] EPHESIANS. [CHap. 5:10.
Χριστφ έχαρ'ισατο ύμίν. ΚΕΦ. ε ' . 5. to others, even as GOD by
Christ snowed favor to
ΤίνεσΦε οΰν μιμηταΐ τοϋ Θεοΰ, ώς *you.
τέκνα αγαπητά· 2 κα1 περιπατείτε έν άγάπχι, 1 Become therefore
^Imitators of GOD, as
καθώς καΐ ό Χριστός ήγάπησεν ημάς, καΐ beloved Children ;
2 and Jwalk in Love,
παρέδωκεν εαυτόν υπέρ ημών προσφοράν even as jtlie ANOINTED
delivered up himself on behalf of us an offering one loved us, and delivered
και θυσ'ιαν, τ φ Θεφ εις όσμήν εύω- himself up on *our be-
anci a sacrifice, to the God for an odor of a sweet half, an Offering and a
δ'ιας. 3
Π ο ρ ν ε ί α δε καΐ πάσα ακαθαρσία Sacrifice to GOD for an
s m e l l . F o r n i c a t i o n b u t and all impurity
fOdor of a Sweet smell.
f\ πλεονεξία μηδέ όνομαζέσθω έν 3 Now let not $Forni-
or unbridled lust not even let i t be named among
cation, and All Impurity,
ύμΐν, (καθώς πρέπει άγίοις,) 4 κα1 αίσ- or unbridled Lust, be even
you, Cas i t becomes holy ones,) also in- named among you, (as be-
comes Holy persons;)
χρότης, καΐ μωρολογία ή ευτραπελία, 4 also ^Indecency, and
decency, and foolish talking or loose jesting,
Foolish talking or loose
τά ούκ ανήκοντα· άλλα μάλλον εΰχαρι- Jesting; THINGS not CON-
tho things not becoming; but rather thanks-
SISTENT ; but what is
γινώσκοντες, οτι more becoming, Thanks-
στία. Τοΰτο γαρ ϊστε
μι ν ing. This for you know knowing, that giving.
πας πόρνος η1 ακάθαρτος η* πλεονέ- 5 For this you know,
every fornicator or impure person or lascivious §That no Fornicator, or
y-της, ος έστιν ειδωλολάτρης, ούκ έχει Impure person, or man of
JO ι* son j ^vho is SLJX i d o l worsiiipperj xio£ lifts unbridled Lust, who is an
Idolater, has an Inheri-
κληρονομίαν έν τχι βασιλεία του Χρι- tance in the KINGDOM of
sm iuli6 r i ts.nce in to© lc iu^dom. of the A^\ο i n t β tl
the ANOINTED, and of God.
στου καΐ Θεοΰ. β Μηδείς ύμας άπατάτω κε-
6 Let no one deceive
one and of God. No one you let deceive with
you with empty Words;
•νοίς λόγοις· δια
ταΰτα γαρ έ'ρχεται for on account of these
empty words; on account of these things for comes things $the WRATH of GOD
ή οργή τοΰ Θεοΰ επί τους υίούς της άπει- comes on the SONS of DIS-
the wrath of the God on the sons of the diso- OBEDIENCE.
{Ηίας. 7
Μή οΰν γίνεσθε 7 Therefore, do not be-
bedience. Not therefore become you come their Associates.
8 You were, indeed,
αΰτων. 8 Τ Ητε γάρ ποτέ σκότος, νΰν δε ^formerly Darkness, but
of them. You were indeed once darkness, now but
you are now $Light in the
<ρώς έν Κυρίω· ώς τέκνα φωτός περιπατείτε· Lord ; walk as iChildren
light in Lord^; as children of light walk you; of Light;

9 (since the FRUIT of
( o γάρ καρπός τοΰ φωτός έν πάση άγα- the LIGHT is in All Good-
ness, and Righteousness,
θωσύνχι και άληθεία·) 1 0 δοκιμάζοντες τι and Truth ;)
ness and truth;)" searching out what
10 ^searching out what
έστιν εύάρεστον τω Κυρ'ιω· 1:1καΙ μή συγ-is well-pleasing to the
is well-pleasing to the Lord; and not be Lord.

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 2 . us. 2. your behalf.

± 2. In the highly figurative language of the Hebrews, smelling Is used to denote the
perception of a moral quality in another; thus God is said to "smell a sweet odor" from
sacrifice, to signify that he perceived with pleasure the good disposition which the offerer
expressed by such an act of worship.—Macknight.
% 1. Matt. v. 45, 4 8 ; Luke vi. 36. t 2. John xiii. 3 4 ; xv. 1 2 ; 1 Thess. iv. 9 ; 1 John
iii. 11, 2 3 ; iv. 2 1 . t 2 . Gal. i . 4 ; ii. 20. t 3. 1 Cor. vi. 1 8 ; 2 Cor. xij. 2 1 ;
Col. iii. 5 ; 1 Thess. iv. 3 . t . 4. Matt. xii. 3 5 ; Eph. iv. 29. $ 5. 1 Cor. vi. 9, 1 0 ;
Gal. v. 1 9 - 2 1 ; Eev. xxii. 1 5 . % 6. Rom. i. 18. t 8. Acts xxvi. 18. $ 8. John
viii. 12. t 8. Luke xvi. 8 ; John xii. 36. t 10. Horn. xii. 2 ; Phil. i . 1 0 ; 1 Thess.
V. 2 1 .
Chap. 5:11.] EPHESIANS. [Chap. 5:23.
κοινωνείτε τοις εργοις τοίς 11 And do not be $co-
you Joint-partakers with the works with those partners with the UN-
άκάρποις τοΰ σκότους, μάλλον δέ καΐ έλέγ- FRUITFUL WORKS Of DARK-
unfruitful of the darkness, rather but even do NESS, but rather even re-
χετε. 12
Τά γαρ κρυφχί γινόμενα prove them.
yog reprove. The things for in secret being done 12 $For the THINGS
ύπ' αυτών, αίσχρόν έστι καΐ λέγειν. 1 3 Τά δέ BEING DONE by them in
secret, it is indecent even
«άντα, ελεγχόμενα υπό τοΰ φωτός, φανεροϋ- to mention.
all things, being exposed by the light, are mani- 13 $But ALL things be-
ΐαι· παν γαρ τό φανερούμενον, ing reproved are mani-
tested; every thing for that is being manifested, fested by the LIGHT ; for
φως έστι. 14
Διό λέγει· "Εγειρε ό it is Light which makes
light is. Therefore it says; Awake thou the every thing manifest.
καθεύδων, και ανάστα έκ των νεκρών, 14 Therefore it says,
καΐ έπιφαύσει σοι ό Χριστός, § "Awake, Ο SLEEPER !
and will shine on thee the Anointed. and arise from the DEAD,

and the ANOINTED one
Βλέπετε ούν, πώς ακριβώς περιπατείτε· will shine upon thee."
See you then, how accurately you walk; 15 § Therefore, take
μή ώς άσοφοι, άλλ' ως σοφοί· 16 έξαγο- heed diligently how you
not as unwise ones, but as wise ones; buying
walk, not like Ignorant
ραζόμενοι τόν καιρόν, δτι αϊ ήμέραι persons, but as Wise men ;
for yourselves the season, because the days
16 securing the SEASON
for yourselves, Because
πονηραΐ εισι. Διά τοΰτο μή γ'ινεσθε
evil are. Because of this not become you the DAYS are evil.
υνιεντες τι τό θελη
erstanding what the wi
17 ^Therefore be not
simple ones, bu inconsiderate, but *under-
τοΰ Κυρίου. 18ΚαΙ μή μεθύσκεσθε οινω, stand what is the WILL
of the Lord. And not be you drunk with wine, of the LORD.
έν φ έστιν ασωτία, αλλά πληροΰσθε έν 18 And §be not drunk
in which is profligacy, b u t be you f i l l e d w i t h with Wine, by which
πνεύματι, 1θλαλοΰντες έαυτοίς ψαλμοϊς καΐ comes Debauchery; but
spirit, speaking yourselves in psalms and be filled with Spirit;
ΰμνοις καΐ ώδαίς * [πνευματικαίς,] οίδοντες 19 speaking to one
hymns and songs Cspiritual1 singing another, §in Psalms and
καΐ ψάλλοντες έν τη καρδία υμών τφ Hymns a n d Spiritual
And making music in the heart of you to the Songs, singing and mak-
Κυρίω· εύχαριστοΰντες πάντοτε υπέρ πάν- ing music in your HEART
to the LORD ;
των, έν ονόματι τοΰ Κυρίου ημών Ίησοΰ 20 ^giving thanks at all
ail, in name the Lord of us Jesus times on account of all
Χρίστου, τφ θεφ καΐ Πατρί· 2 1 ΰποτασσό- things to the GOD and
Anointed, to the God and Father; submitting Father $in the Name of
μενοι άλλήλοις έν φόβω Χρίστου·
αί our Lord *Jesus Christ.
you *
iclves to each other In fear of Anointed; the 21 §Be submissive to
γυναίκες τοις Ιδίοις άνδράσιν * [ύποτάσσεσθε,] each other in the fear of
\F ι ν© s to tue ο τν xi iiuso&iicls Co© you subm i ss lve^3 Christ.
ώς τώ Κυρίω· ^δτι άνήρ έστι κεφαλή
22 $Wives, be submis-
as to the Lord; because a husband is a head sive to your OWN Hus-
της γυναικός, ώς καΐ ό Χριστός κεφαλή
bands, as to the LORD ;
23 for a §Husband is
the WIFE'S Head, even as
της εκκλησίας· αυτός *[έστι] σωτήρ |the ANOINTED one is
of the congregation; he [is] a preserver Head of the CONGREGA-
* VATICAN M A N U S C B I P T . — 1 7 . understand you that the WILL of our LORD is. 10.
spiritual—omit. 20. Christ Jesus. 22. be you submissive—omit. 23. is—omit.
t 11. 1 Cor. v. 9, 1 1 ; 2 Cor. vi. 1 4 ; 2 Thess. i i i . 6, 14. $ 12. Rom. i . 24,
26. $ 1 3 . John i i i . 2 0 . 2 1 . t 1 4 . I s a . lx. 1; Bom. xiii. 11, 1 2 ; 1 Cor. xv.
34; 1 Thess. v. 6. $ 15. Col. iv. 5. $ 1 7 . Bom. xii. 2 ; 1 Thess. iv. 5 ; v. 18.
$ 18. Prov. xx. 1; xxiii. 2 9 . t 19. Col. i i i . 16. ί 2 0 . Col. i i i . 1 7 ; 1 Thess.
v. I S . ί 2 0 . Heb. xiii. 1 5 . $ 2 1 . Phil. ii. 3 ; 1 Pet. v. 5. % 22. Gen. iii. 1 6 ;
1 Cor. xiv. -• -
3 4 ; Col. i i i . 1 8 . $ 2 3 . 1 Cor. xi. 3 . ί 23. Eph. i. 2 2 ; iv. 1 5 ;
Col. i . 1 8 .
Chap. 5:24.] EPHESIANS. [Chop. 5:33.
τοΰ σώματος. Άλλ' *[δ')σπερ] ή εκκλησία ΤΙΟΝ ; he is a Preserver of
of ih» body. But feven as] the congregation the BODY.
υποτάσσεται τφ Χριστφ, οΰτω και αϊ γυναίκες 24 But even as the
Χα sul}jGctocl| to tlic ΑΏΟ luted 11ms 3,1 s ο til ο AV i vo s CONGREGATION IS SUb-
t« the
* [Ιδίοις] άνδράσιν έν
town] husbands
in everything. The
jected to the ANOINTED

άνδρες, αγαπάτε τάς γυναίκας

one, so also the WIVES to
* [εαυ-
their HUSBANDS in every-
τών,] καθώς καΐ ό Χριστός ήγάπησε την thing.
even as also the Anointed loved the
25 ^Husbands, love
έκκλησίαν, καΐ εαυτόν παρέδωκεν υπέρ your WIVES, even as the
congregation, and himself delivered up on behalf ANOINTED one loved the
αυτής, 2 6 ϊνα αυτήν άγιάσχι, καθα- CONGREGATION, and $de-
of her, so that her he might sanctify, having livered Himself up on her
ο'ισας τω λουτρω τοΰ ύδατος έν ρήματι· behalf;
cleansed in the bath of the water by a "word;
^ϊνα παραστήση αυτός έαυτω ενδοξον την
2G so that, having puri-
that might place beside he himself glorious the fied her in §the BATH of
έκκ/»ησ'ιαν, μη έ'χουσαν σπίλον ή ρυτίδα Ύ\ WATER, he might sanctify
congregation, not having a spot or blemish or Her $by the Word ;
t i των τοιούτων, άλλ' ίνα fj 27 $that he might place
any of such like things, but that she might be the CONGREGATION by his
αγία καΐ οίμοομος. ^Ουτως όφείλοχισιν ot own side, glorious, having
holy and blameless. Thus are obligated the
no Spot or Blemish, or
άνδρες αγαπάν τάςάς εαυτών γυναίκας, Any SUCH THING, but
us to love the
th of themselves wives that she might be holy
τά εαυτών σώματα. Ό αγαπών την and blameless.
as cue of themselves bodies. H e loving the 28 Thus *also ought the
έαυτοϋ γυναίκα, εαυτόν άγαπςί· ^ουδείς γαρ HUSBANDS tO l o v e THEIR
οΐ himself
ποτέ την
himself loves;
σάρκα έμ'ισησεν,
no one for
ever the of himself flesh hated, but Bodies. H E who LOVES
εκτρέφει καΐ θάλπει αυτήν καθώς καΐ ό HIS OWN Wife loves Him-
self ;
Χριστός τήν έκκλησίαν οτι μέλη 29 for no one ever
hated HIS OWN Flesh, but
Ισμέν τοΰ σώματος αύτοΰ, *[έκ τής σαρκός nourishes and cherishes
81 it, even as the ANOINTED
αύτοΰ, και εκ των όστέων αύτοΰ.] Ά ν - one the CONGREGATION ;
of him, and out of the bones of him.] On
30 because §we are
tt τούτου καταλείψει άνθρωπος τόν Members of his BODY.
account of t h i s shall leave a man the
πατέρα αύτοΰ καΐ τήν μητέρα, καΐ προσκολ-
31 $"On this account
fathor of himself and the mother, and shall be "shall a Man leave *Fa-
ληθήσεται προς τήν γυναίκα αύτοΰ, καΐ
"ther and Mother, and
closely joined to the wife of himself, and "shall be united to his
82 "WIFE, and §the TWO
έσονται ot δύο εις σάρκα μίαν. Τό μυστή- "shall become one Flesh."
•will be the two into flesh one. The secret
ριον τοΰτο μέγα έστιν έγώ δέ λέγω εις 32 This is a great RE-
this great is; I but speak about CRET ; but I am speaking
Χριστόν, καΐ εις τήν έκκλησίαν. ^Πλήν concerning Christ and the CONGREGATION.
A itointed· ftncl it DOU t tlio coiiffr©ft^tl one Bu t
καΐ ύμείς οί καθ' £να, έκαστος τήν έαυτοΰ 33 But, indeed, let each
also you the every one, each one the of himself each one of YOU, INDIVI-
γυναίκα ούτως άγαπάτω ώς εαυτόν ή δέ Wife as himself, that even
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 4 . even as—omit. 24. own—omit. 25. of yourselves—
omit. 28. also. 3 0. of his F L E S H , and of his B O N E S — o m i t . 3 1 . Father and Mother.
% 25. Col. i i i . 1 9 ; 1 Pet. ill. 7. % 2 5. Acts xx. 2 8 ; Gal. i. 4 ; i i . 20. % 2 6 .
John i i i . 5 ; Titus i i i . 5 . % 2 6 . John xv. 3 ; xvii. 1 7 . % 2 7 . 2. Cor. xi. 2 ; Col.
i. 22. % 30. Gen. i i . 2 3 ; Rom. x i i . 5 ; 1 Cor. v i . 1 5 ; x i i . 2 7 . X 3 1 . Gen. i i . 2 4 ;
a i a t t . xix. 5 ; Mark x . 7, 8 . $ 31 1 Cor. vi. 16. $ 3 3 . 1 Pet. i i i . 6.

Chap. 6:1.] EPHESIANS. [Chap. 6:11.
γυνή ϊνα φοβήται τόν άνδρα. ΚΕΦ. the WIFE may ^reverence
wife so that she may reverence the husband. her HUSBAND.
στ'. 6. χ
Τά τέκνα, υπακούετε xolc CHAPTER VI.
γονεΰσιν υμών *[έν Κυρίφ·] τοΰτο γάρ 1 CHILDREN, $obey
parents of you [in Lord;} this thing for your PARENTS ; for this is
a just precept,—
έστι δίκαιον. 2 Τίμα τον πατέρα σου καΐ 2 $"Honor thy FATHER
is just. Honor the father of thee and "and MOTHER/' (which is
τήν μητέρα· (ήτις *[έστΙν] εντολή πρώτη, the first Commandment
the mother; (which [is] a commandment first, with a Promise,)
έν επαγγελία·) 3 ϊνα εδ σοι γένηται, 3 " t h a t it may be well
with a promise;) that well with thee it may be, "with thee, and that thou
καΐ εσχι μακροχρόνιος επί της γης· "mayest be long-lived in
and thou mayest be long-lived on the land; "the LAND."
4 4 And, ^FATHERS, do
κα1 ot πατέρες, μή παροργίζετε τά τέκνα not irritate your CHIL-
and the fathers, not irritate you the children DREN, but $bring them
υμών, άλλ' εκτρέφετε αυτά έν παιδεία καΐ up in the Discipline and
of you, but bring you up them in discipline and Instruction of the Lord.
νουθεσία Κ\*ρίου. 5 ΟΙ δοΰλοι, υπακούετε 5 t BOND-SERVANTS,
iusti'iictloi) of XJOJTU· jThe s 1 itve s ι DO you subin ι s s i ν Θ be subject to your MAS-
TERS, according to t h j
τοις κυρίοις κατά σάρκα, μετά φόβου Flesh, with Fear arid
«αϊ τρόμου, έν άπλότητι της καρδίας υμών, Trembling ; in the Integri-
ty of your HEART, as to
and trembling, in simplicity of the heart of you, the ANOINTED ;
ώς τω Χριστώ· μή κατ' όφθαλμοδουλείαν 6 not with Eye-service
8fc1· t o th© «Δ.110int&d^ n o t b y ©y©"*service as Men-pleasers, but as
ώς άνθρωπάρεσκοι, άλλ' ώς δοΰλοι *[τοΰ] Bond-servants of Christ,
as men-pleasers, but as slaves [of the] doing the WILL of GOD
Χρίστου, ποιοΰντες τό θέλημα του Θεοϋ εκ from the Soul,
Anointed, doing the will of t h e God f r o m 7 doing service with
Good-will, as if to the
ψυχής, μετ' εύνοιας δουλεύοντες ώς τώ Κυ- LORD, and not to *Men ;
8 ^knowing That what-
ρίω καΐ ούκ άνθρώποις* ε1δότες, δτι δ εάν ever good any one may do,
τι έκαστος ποίηση άγονθόν, τοΰτο κομιεί this he will receive from
any each one m a y do good thing, this he w i l l the Lord,—whether a
ται παρά Κυρίου, είτε δοΰλος, εϊτε ελεύ- Slave or a Freeman.
9 and, ^MASTERS, do
θερος. Kal ol κύριοι, τά αυτά ποιείτε the SAME things to them,
^forbearing to THREATEN ;
προς αυτούς, άνιέντες τήν άπειλήν είδότες, knowing That *both Their
δτι. καΐ υμών αυτών ό Κύριος έστιν έν and iYour MASTER is in
that also of you of them tne Lord' is in the Heavens ; and $there
ούρανοϊς, κ *i προσωποληψία ούκ έ'στι παρ'
heavens, &.ncl respect of persons not is with is no Partiality of persons
αύτώ. with him.
him.* 10 FINALLY, strengthen
Τό λοιπόν, * [αδελφοί μου,] ένδυνα- yourselves in the Lord,
Ihe rest, [brethren of me,] strengthen a n d §in his MIGHTY
μουσθε έν Κυρίω καΐ έν τώ κράτει της POWER.
yourselves in Lord and in the power of the 11 §Put on the COM-
Ισχύος αυτοί). ^Ενδύσασθε τήν πανοπλ'ιαν
ir.ight of him. Put you on the complete armor PLETE ARMOR of GOD,
τοϋ θεοΰ, προς τό δύνασθαι ύμας στήναι that you may be ABLE to
of the God, for that to enable you to stand
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 . in the Lord—omit. 2. is—omit. 6. of the—omit.
7. Man. 9. both Their and Your MASTEK is in the Heavens. 10. my Brethren—omit.
t 1. Prov. xxiii. 2 2 ; Col. iii. 20. 2. Exod. xx. 1 2 ; Deut. v. 16. t 4. Col. i i i .
2 1 . $ 4. Gen. xviii. 19; Deut. iv. 9 ; vi. 7, 2 0 ; xi. 1 9 ; Prov. xix. 1 8 ; xxii. 2 6 ;
xxix. 17. % 5. Col. iii. 2 2 ; 1 Tim. vi. 1 1 ; Titus ii. 9 ; 1 Pet. ii. 9 ; 1 P e t . i i . 1 8 .
t 8. Rom. i i . 6 ; 2 Cor. v. 1 0 ; Col. i i i . 2 4 . t 9 . Col. iv. 1 1 . $ 9. Col. iv. 1.
$ 9. Lev. xxv. 4 3 . t 9. John xiii. 1 3 ; 1 Cor. vii. 22. $ 9. Rcm. ii. 1 1 ; Col. iii.
25. t 10. Eph. i . 1 9 ; i i i . 1 6 ; Col. i . 1 1 . $ 11. Rom. xiii. 1 2 ; 2 Cor. vi. 7 ;
1 Thess. v. 8.
Chap. 6:12.] EPHESIANS. [Chap. 6:18.
προς τάς μεθοδείας τοΰ διαβόλου· οτιstand against the CRAFTY
WAYS of the ENEMY ;
ουκ εστίν ύμίν ή πάλη προς αίμα καΐ σάρκα, 12 because our CON-
not is to us the contest with blood and flesh, FLICT is not with tBlood
and Flesh, but with §the
αλλά προς τάς αρχάς, προς τάς έξου-
σ\ας, προς τους κοσμοκράτορας τοΰ σκότους
ties, with the world-rulers of the darkness A U T H O R I T I E S , w i t h $the
τούτου, προς τά πνευματικά της πονη- TOTENTATES of tlllS DARK-
of this, with the spiritual things of the NESS, w i t h t h e SPIRITUAL
ρίας, εν τοις έπουρανίοις. 13
one, in t h e HEAVENLIES.
the heavenlies. Because of 13 $On account of this,
αναλάβετε την πανοπλ'ιαν τοΰ Θεοΰ, ίνα
take up the ±COMPLETE
δυνηθητε άντιστήναι έν τη ήμερα τ-η ARMOR of GOD, that you
you may be able to stand against in the day* the may be able to resist in
πονηρά, καΐ άπαντα κατεργασάμενοι στη- the EVIL DAY, and having
evil," and a l l things having worked out to achieved Every thing, to
ναι. Στητε οδν περιζωσάμενοι την stand.
stand. Stand you there ore having girded the 14 Stand, then, §having
όσφύν υμών έν άληθεία, και ένδυσάμενοι τόν your LOINS girded around
with Truth, and $having
θώρακα της δικαιοσύνης, 1δ κα1 ύποδησάμενοι
breastplate of the righteousness, and having shod put on the BREASTPLATE
τους πόδας έν ετοιμασία τοΰ ευαγγελίου
15 and ^having your
της ειρήνης· 16
έπ1 πάσιν άναλαβόντες τόν F E E T s h o d w i t h t h e P r e -
p a r a t i o n Of t h e GLAD TID-
θυρεόν της πίστεως, έν ω δυνήσεσθε INGS of PEACE ;
16 besides a l l , h a v i n g
shield of the faith, by whfch you w i l l be able t a k e n u p t t h e S H I E L D of
πάντα τά βέλη τοϋ πονηρού * [ τ ά ] πεπυ- t h e F A I T H , b y w h i c h y o u
& 11 tho d£i rfcs of1 7the e v i l one E! th θ3 iiftvin§ w i l l b e able t o e x t i n g u i s h
ςκομένα σβέσαι· κα1 την περικεφαλαίαν All t h e b u r n i n g DARTS of
been kindled to quench; also the helmet the WICKED one;
τοΰ σωτηρίου δέξασθε, και την μάχαιραν 17 $ t a k e a l s o t h e H E L -
τοΰ πνεύματος, δ έστι ρήμα Θεοϋ· δι MET of SALVATION, and
of the spirit, which is a word of God; by means <$ t h e SWORD of t h e S P I R I T ,
πάσης προσευχής κα! δεήσεως προσευχύμενοι w h i c h is G o d ' s W o r d ;
every' prayer and supplication praying 18 S p r a y i n g a t every
έν παντί καιρώ έν πνεύματι· και εις αυτό S e a s o n , ± w i t h All P r a y e r
and Supplication in Spirit,
*[τοΰτο] άγρυπνοΰντες έν πάση προσκαρτε- a n d ^keeping w a t c h for
Cthis] watching with all perseverane t h i s w i t h All P e r s e v e r a n c e

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—16. the—omit. 18. this—omit.

± 1 3 . The Grecian armor consisted of two sorts,—Defensive and Offensive armor. The
apostle selects from these the following, which he calls the panoply, or complete armor
of God:—1. the Girdle, or Military Belt, used to brace the armor tight to the body, and
cover the two parts of the breastplate where they joined; and to support daggers, short
swords, &c. 2. The Breastplate consisted of two parts,—one reaching from the neck to the
navel, and the other hanging from thence to the knees. 3. The Greaves, made of gold, sil-
ver, brass, or iron, designed to defend the front of the legs and feet. 4. The Helmet,
made of various metals, and used to protect the head. 5. The Shield, sometimes round and
sometimes square, was made of strong thick leather or hides; sometimes of wood covered
with brass or iron. 6. The Sword, as an offensive weapon. He who had these was com-
pletely armed for combat. ± 18. As it was customary for the Grecians to offer prayers
to their gods before engaging in battle, so the apostle exhorts Christian warriors to pray
with all prayer, in every season, always depending on the Captain of their Salvation.
t 12. Matt. xvi. 17; 1 Cor. xv. 50. $ 12. Rom. viii. 38; Eph. i. 2 1 ; Col. i i . 15.
% 12. Luke xxii. 5 3 ; John xii. 3 1 ; xiv. 30; Col. i. 13. $ 13. 2 Cor. x. 4. ί 14.
Isa. xi. 5; Luke xii. 35; 1 Pet. i. 13. t 14. Isa. 11 x. 17; 2 Cor. vi. 7; 1 Thess.
v. 8. $ 15. Isa. lii. 7; Rom. x. 15. % 16. 1 John ν. 4. $ 17. Isa. lix. 17;
1 Thess. v. 8. $ 17. Heb. iv. 12; Rev. i. 16; ii. 16; xix. 15. $ 18. Luke xviii. 1;
Rom. xii. 12; Col. iv. 2; 1 Thess. v. 17. $ 18. Matt. xxvi. 4 1 ; Mark xiii. 33.
Chap. 6:19.]· EPHESIANS. [Chap. 6:24.
ρήσει καΐ δεήσει περί πάντων των άγί- and §Entreaty for All
and s u p p l i c a t i o n f o r a l l of the h o l y
ων, κα1 υπέρ έμοΰ, t v a μοι δο- 19 §and on my behalf,
and on behalf of me, that to me may be that Eloquence may be
λόγος εν ανοίξει του στόματος μου, given to me, in opening my
given MOUTH with boldness, to
a word in opening of the mouth of me,
έν παρρησία γνωρίσαι τό μυστήριον make known the SECRET
w t h boldness
boldnessί to to make
m known
ί the ό secret ή
*[τοΰ ευαγγελίου, 3 ύπέρ οΰ πρε- 20 (on account of which
[of the gladd tidings,] g,] on account of which am I am on
$1 execute an Embassy in
σβεύω έν άλύσει, Ινα * [έν] αύτφ παρρη- | a Chain,) that $1 may
in a chain, that t i n ] i t 2 1I may
speak boldly concerning it,
σιάσωμαι, ώς δει με λαλησαι. " Ι ν α
speak boldly, y, i t behooves me to speak. That as i t becomes me.
21 But $that you also
δέ είδήτε καΐ ύμείς τά κατ* έ μ έ ,
may know t h e THINGS
but may kno-jy also you the things concerning me, concerning me, and what
τΐ πράσσω, πάντα ύμΐν γνωρί-
I am doing, Tychius, the
what I am doing, a l l things to you w i l l make BELOVED Brother a n d
σει Τυχικός ό αγαπητός αδελφός και Faithful Servant in the
Known Tychicus the beloved Lord, will make All things
brother and
22 known to you;
πιστός διάκονος έν Κυρίω* δν έπεμψα
22 $whom I have sent
faithful servant in Lord; whom I sent
to you for this very pur-
προς υμάς ε'ις αυτό τοϋτο, ίνα γνώτε
pose, that you may know
to you for same this thing, that you may know the THINGS concerning us,
τά τάς καρδίας υμών.
περί of you·ημών, ^Ειρήνη τοις άδελ-
and that he may comfort
th© thi*"""
die liG&.i'ts
ΛΛΛΛΟ·.*, ir»«» .10
to tliΘ
I. a. *v. i ~h +
your HEARTS.
φοίς καΐ αγάπη μετά πίστεως άπό Θεοΰ Π α - 23 §Peace to the BRETH-
ren and love with faith from God a Father REN, and Love with Faith,
τρός και Κυρίου Ίησοΰ Χρίστου. 2 4 Ή χάρις
and Lord Jesus Anointed. The favor from God the Father, and
μετά πάντων τών άγαπωντων τόν Κυριον ημών the LORD Jesus Christ.
•with a l l of the ones loving the Lord of us 24 The FAVOR be with
all who ^sincerely LOVE
Ίησοΰν Χριστόν έν αφθαρσία. our LORD Jesus Christ.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 9 . of the GLAD TIDINGS—omit. 20. in—omit.
Subscription—To T H E E P H E S I A N S . WRITTEN FROM ROME.
% 18. Eph. i. 1 6 ; Phil. i. 4 ; 1 Tim. i i . 1. % 19. Acts iv. 2 9 ; Col. iv. 3 ; 2 Thess.
ill. 1. $ 2 0 . 2 Cor. v . 2 0 . % 2 0 . Acts xxvi. 2 9 ; xxviii. 2 0 ; Phil. i . 7, 13, 14.
% 20. Acts xxviii. 3 1 . * 2 1 . CoL iv. 7. t 22. Col. iv. 8 . t 2 3 . 1 P e t . v . 1 4 .
$ 24. Titus i i . 7.

ΚΕΦ. α ' . 1. CHAPTER I.
Παΰλοζ καΐ Τιμόθεος, δοΰλοι Ίησου 1 Paul and Timothy
Bondmen of * Christ Jesus,
Χρίστου, πάσι τοις ά γ ί ο ι ς έ ν Χ ρ ι σ τ ώ Ί η σ ο ΰ , to all THOSE SAINTS $in
Anointed, to all the holy ones in Anointed Jesus» Christ Jesus, who ARE at
τοις ούσιν έν Φιλίππους, συν έπισκόποις και Philippi, with the Over-
to those being in Philippi, with overseers and seers and Assistants ;
διακόνοις· 2 χάρις ύμϊν καΐ ειρήνη από Θεοΰ 2 $Favor to you, and
servants; favor to you and peace from God Peace from God our
Πατρός ημών, καΐ Κυρίου Ίησοΰ Χρίστου, Father, and our Lord Jesus
a Father of us, and Lord Jesus Anointed. Christ.
Εύχαριστώ τω μου επί πάση τη 3 $1 give thanks to my
I give thanks to the of me on every the GOD on Every REMEM-
μνεία 4
υμών, πάντοτε έν πάστ] δεήσει μου BRANCE of you,
4 (always, in Every
vcniembrance of yo\if always in every prayer of me Prayer of mine, making
υπέρ πάντων υμών, μετά χαράς τήν δέησιν SUPPLICATION on behalf
on behalf of a l l of you, w i t h joy the prayer
of you all with Joy.)
ποιούμενος 5 έπ1 τη κοινωνία υμών είς τό 5 $on account of your
making in respect to the fellowship of you for the
εύαγγέλιον, άπό πρώτης ημέρας άχρι του ν ϋ ν GLAD TIDINGS, from the
glad tidings, from first day t i l l the now;
6 FIRST Day till NOW ;
πεποιθώς αυτό τοϋτο, δτι δ 6 having this same con-
having l)eei\ persuaded same this thinly tliat thQ fidence. That HE who
έναρξάμενος έν ύμΐν έ'ργον αγαθόν, έπιτε- C O M M E N C E D $a g o o d
one h a v i n g b e g u n in you a work good, w i l l
Work among you will
λέσει αχρις ημέρας Ίησοΰ Χρίστου· 7 καθώς continue to complete it
complete t i l l a day of Jesus Anointed: a s till the Pay of * Christ
έστι δίκαιον έμοί τοϋτο φρονείν υπέρ πάν- Jesus ;
it is just for m e this to thinlt concerning all 7 as it is right for me to
των υμών, δια τό εχειν με έν τη think This respecting you,
of you, the to have me In the all, Because you HAD me
καρδία υμάς, εν τε τοις δεσμοίς μου καΐ τη in your HEART, both in
hearts of you, in both the bonds of me and in the $my BONDS, and in the
απολογία καΐ βεβαιώσει τοΰ ευαγγελίου, TION Of t h e GLAD TID-
defence' and confirmation of the glad tidings, INGS, you all being joint-
συγκοινωνοι'ς μου της χάριτος πάντας contributors to me of the
J o i n t - c o n t r i b u t o r s of m e of t h e f r e e g i f t a l l GIFT.
υμάς οντάς· μάρτι»ς γάρ μου *[έστιν] 6 8 For §GOD is my Wit-
of you being; a witness for of me [is] the ness how I long after you
Θεός, ώς έπιποθώ πάντας υμάς έν σπλάγ- all with the tender Sympa-
God, h o w I long after all of you in bowels thies of Christ Jesus.
χνοις Χρίστου Ίησοΰ. 9 ΚαΙ τοΰτο προσεΰ 9 And this I pray,
§that your LOVE may yet
of Anointed Jesus. And this I pray abound more and more in
χομαι, ϊνα ή αγάπη υμών έ'τι μάλλον καΐ Knowledge, and in all Per-
that the love of you, yet more and
μάλλον περισσεΰη έν έπιγνώσει καΐ πάση 10 in order that you
more m a y abound i n k n o w l e d g e a n d I n a l l may EXAMINE the DIF-
αίσθήσει· 1 0 είς τό δοκιμάζειν υμάς τά and that you $may be

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — T i t l e — T o T H E P H I L I P P I A N S 1. Christ Jesus 5 the

FIRST Day. 6. Christ Jesus. 8. is—omit.
t 1. 1 Cor. i. 2. t 2. Bom. i. 7; 2 Cor. i . 2 ; 1 P e t . i . 2 . $ 3. Rom. i. 8, 9 ;
1 Cor. i . 4 ; Eph. i . 15, 16 ; Col. i . 8. t 5. Rom. xii. 1 3 ; xv. 2 6 ; 2 Cor. viii. 2 ;
Phil. iv. 14, 15. $ 6. 1 Thf>ss. i. 3. t 7. Eph. iii. 1; vi. 2 0 ; Col. iv. 3, 1 8 ; 2
Tim. i . 8. t 8. Rom. i . 9 ; ix. 1; Gal. i . 2 0 ; 1 These, i i . 5 . i 9 , 1 Thess.
iii. 1 2 . $ 10. Acts xxiv. 1 6 ; 1 Thess. i!i. 1 3 ; v. 23.
Chap. 1:11.] PHILIPPIANS. [Chap. 1 : 20.
διαφέροντα, ίνα f)T8 ειλικρινείς καΐ sincere a n d inoffensive i n
differing, so that you ma? be sincere ones and t h e Day of C h r i s t ;
άπρόσκοποι εις ήμέραν Χρίστου, Ξεπληρω- 1 1 h a v i n g been filled
w i t h Jtlie F r u i t of Right-
μένοι καρπών δικαιοσύνης *[τών] δια eousness through Jesus
(Μ ] eel fruit of r i yli t eousues s ttliatj through C h r i s t , $to t h e Glory a n d
Ίησοΰ Χρίστου, εις δόξαν καΐ επαινον Θεοϋ. P r a i s e of God.
Γινώσκειν δε υμάς βούλομαι, αδελφοί, δτι 12 Now I wish you to
To know but you I wish, brethren, that know, B r e t h r e n , T h a t t h e
τά κατ' έμέ μάλλον εις προκοπήν T H I N G S which h a v e be-
fallen me r e s u l t e d r a t h e r
the things relating to me rather for advancement
for t h e A d v a n c e m e n t of
τοΰ ευαγγελίου έλήλυθεν ^ωστε τους
of the glad tidings happened; so that the t h e GLAD TIDINGS J
δεσμούς μου φανερούς εν Χριστφ γενέ- 13 so t h a t my BONDS
bon< for Christ h a v e become
σθαι εν δλω τω ' πραιτωρίω και manifest in All t h e t^RK-
become TORIUM, a n d in all OTHER
befor all in the j u d g m e n t h a l l and
places ;
τοις λοιποίς πάσι, 1 4 καί τους πλείονας
14 and the GREATER
των αδελφών έν Κυρίω, πεποιθότας
REN in the Lord, h a v i n g
been m a d e confident by
τοις δεσμοίς μου, περισσοτέρως τολμαν my BONDS, have much
b? the bonds of me, more abundantly are bo id more a b u n d a n t courage
άφόβως τον λόγον λαλεϊν. 1 5 Τινές μεν και to speak t h e *WORD of
fearlessly the word to speak. Some indeed even GOD w i t h o u t fear.
δια φθόνον καΐ εριν, τινές δε και δι' 15 Some, indeed, pro-
t h r o u g h envy and s t r i f e , s o m e and a l s o through claim t h e A N O I N T E D one
εύδοκίαν τον Χριστόν κηρύσσοιχην. even t h r o u g h E n v y a n d
good-will the Anointed they openly proclaim. t Strife, a n d some also
w t h r o u g h Good-will.
Ot μεν έξ αγάπης, είδότες, δτι εις άπο-
1G T H E S E , indeed, o u t
These indeed from love, knowing, that for of Love, k n o w i n g T h a t I
ot am placed for +the De-
λογίαν τοΰ ευαγγελίου κεϊμαι·
fence Of t h e GLAD TID-
δέ εξ έ ρ ι θ ε ί α ς , * [ τ ό ν ] Χριστόν καταγγέλλου- INGS ;
but from strife, Cthe] Anointed a r e announc- 17 but THOSE out of
<τιν οΰχ άγνώς, ο'ιόμενοι θλίψιν έπιφέρειν C o n t e n t i o n a r e a n n o u n c -
^ug n o t p u r © 1 y> t h i u j c i II^J &O1 i c t i o u t o su.i)e>i*£icicl ing Christ, not purely,
thinking *to superadd
τοις δεσμοίς μου. T i γάρ; πλην παντί Affliction to my BONDS.
to the bonds of m e . W h a t then? still i n every
18 W h a t t h e n ? * Be-
τρόπω, ει'τε προφάσει εϊτε άληΦεία,
cause, in Every Way,
way,* whether in pretence or in truth",
w h e t h e r in P r e t e n c e or in
Χριστός καταγγέλλεται· καΐ έν τούτω χαίρω, T r u t h , C h r i s t is a n n o u n -
Anointed is announced; and in this Ϊ rejoice, ced, even in t h i s I rejoice,
Ο!δα γαρ, δΊα τοΰτό yea, and will rejoice.
άλλα καΐ χαρήσομαι.
but a l s o I w i l l rejoice. I know for, that this 19 *And I know T h a t
t h i s will r e s u l t in My De-
μοι άποβήσεται εις σωτηρίαν διά της
tome w i l l result for deliverance through the liverance, ^ t h r o u g h YOUR
E n t r e a t y , a n d t h e .Supply
υμών, δεήσεως, και έπιχορηγίας τοΰ πνεύμα- of t h e S P I R I T of Jesus
of you, e n t r e a t y , a n d a supply of t h e s p i r i t Christ,

τος Ίησοΰ Χρίστου, 2°κατά την άποκα- 20 according to my

of Jesus Anointed, according to the eager EARNEST EXPECTATION
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—11. that—omit. 14. WOED of GOD. 17. to raise up
Affliction. 18. Because in Every Way. 19. And I know.
± 13. Or. in all the Pretorium Camp. It was either within or near to this fortress
that the Apostle dwelt in his own hired house. It was large enough to have many such
houses within it for shops end taverns used by the soldiers, beside the barracks used by
the soldiers themselves. See Note on Acts xxvlii. 16—Sharpe.
t 11. John xv. 4, 5; Eph. ii. 10; Col. i. 6. % 11. John xv. 8; Eph. i. 12, 14.
t 15. Phil. i i . 3. % 16. verse 7. X 19. 2 Cor. i. 11.
663 .
Chap. 1:21.] PHILIPPIANS. [Chap. 1:28.
ραδοκίαν καΐ ελπίδα μου, δτι έν ούδενΐ and Hope, §That in noth-
ing I shall be ashamed;
αίσχυνθ^ήσομαι, άλλ' έν πάση παρρησία, ώς but §\vith All Confidence,
I shu 11 b© 8. s h a m e d , b u t w i t i i a l l c o n f i d e n c e , u s as at all times, also now
πάντοτε, καΐ νΰν μεγαλυνθήσεται Χριστός έν Christ will be magnified
always, also now w l l 1 be magnified Anointed ia in my BODY, whether by
τφ σώματι μου, εϊτε διά ζωής εΐτβ Life or by Death.
t h e body o f m e , w h e t h e r b y m e a n s o f l i f e o r 21 Therefore, for Me
διά θανάτου. ^ Έ μ ο Ι γαρ τό ζχίν, to LIVE is for Christ, and
by means of death. For me therefore the 2to live, to DIE, Gain.
Χριστός, καΐ τό άποΦανεΐν, κέρδος. 2 ΕΙ δέ 22 But if to LIVE in
Anointed, and the to die, gain. If but the Flesh, this is to me a
τό ζΐ)ν έν σαρκί, τοΰτό μοι καρπός Fruit of Labor ; and what
the to* live in flesh, this tome a fruit I should choose I do not
γου, καΐ τΐ αίρήσομαι, ού exactly know.
all choose, not
work, and what I shal 23 I am indeed, hard
^συνέχομαι δέ έκ των δύο, την έπιθυμί- pressed by the TWO things ;
I am hard pressed but by the two, the earnest — (I have an EARNEST DE-
αν έ'χων εις τό άναλϋσαι, καΐ συν SIRE for $±the RETURN-
Χριστφhaving είναι·forπολλφ the to be
γαρ loosed again, κρείσσον
μάλλον and with ING, and $being with
Anointed to be; much for more better; Christ, since it is very
τό δέ έπιμένειν έν ττ) σαρκί, άναγκαιότερον much to be preferred ; ) —
thhe but to remain in the flesh, more necessary 24 but to REMAIN in
δι' ύμας. ^ Κ α Ι τοΰτο πεποι- the FLESH is more requi-
ύμας. site on your account.
on account of you. And this having been per-
25 $And fully believing
θώς οίδα, 8τι μενώ καΐ συμ- this, I know That I shall
su&ded I kno\Ϋ} bec&u.sΘ Ι shft 11 ΓΘΙΪΙΛ ID. imd I s h a l l
remain and continue with
παραμένω πάσιν ύμϊν είς την υμών προκοπήν you all, for YOUR Progress
καΐ χαράν της πίστεως· 2 β ινα τό καύχημα ami Joy in the FAITH ;
and joy of the * faith; that the boasting 26 that your BOASTING
υμών περισσεύη έν Χριστφ Ίησοϋ έν έμοί, may abound, by Christ
of you may abound by .A.uoint©d Jesus in ΪΏΘ^ Jesus, in me, through MY
διά της έμής παρουσίας πάλιν προς ΰμας. Presence with you again.
through the my presence again with you. 27 Only $behave your-
Μόνον άξίως του ευαγγελίου του Χρίστου selves worthily of the
πολιτεύεστε, tva, είτε έλθών ANOINTED one, so t h a t
whether coming and see-
καΐ ίδών υμάς, εΐτε απών, ακούσω
and having seen you, or being absent, I may hear ing you, or being absent,
τά περί υμών, δτι στήκετε I may hear concerning
your AFFAIRS, that you
the things concerning you, that you stand firm $stand firm in One Spirit,
έν ένΐ πνεύματι, μια ψυχή συναθλουν- with One Soul ^vigorously
in one spirit, with one soul co-operating vigor- co-operating for the FAITH
τες τη πίστει του ευαγγελίου, 28 κα1 of the GLAD TIDINGS ;
ously for the faith of the glad tidings, and 28 and not being terri-
fied in anything by the
μή πτυρόμενοι έν μηδενΐ ύπό των άντικει- OPPOSERS ; $which is to
not being terrified in anything by those opposing; them a clear Indication of
μ£νων· ήτις εστίν αύτοΐς δνδειξις απώλειας,
± 23.which i s tothe
To analusai, loosing
them againofor
a token the returning, being what Paul earnestly de-
sired, could not be death or dissolution, as implied by the word depart in the common
version, because it seemed a matter of indifference to him, which of the two—life or
death—he should choose; but he longed for the analusai, which was a third thing, and
very much to be preferred to either of the other two things alluded to. The word analusai
occurs in Luke xii. 36, and is there rendered return;—"Be you like men waiting for
their master, when he will return." &c. Jesus had taught his disciples that he would come
again, or return, John xiv. 3, 1 8 ; thus, also, the angels said to them at his ascension,
Acts i. 11. Paul believed this doctrine and taught it to others, and was looking for and
waiting for the Savior from heaven, Phil. iii. 2 0 ; 1 Thess. i. 1 0 ; iv. 16, 17, when his
mortal body would put on immortality, and so he would "ever be with the Lord."
t 20. Rom. v. 5. t 20. Eph. vi. 19. 20. $ 23. Luke xii. 36. $ 23. 1 Thess.
iv. 16, 17. $ 25. Phil. ii. 24. t 27. Eph. iv. 1; Col. i . 1 0 ; 1 Thess. i i . 1 2 ; iv. 1 .
± 2 7 . Phil. iv. 1 . $ 2 7 . Jude 3. t 28. 2 Thess. i. 5.
Chap. 1:29.] PHILIPPIANS. [Chap. 2:9.
ύμίν δε σωτηρίας* Destruction, but to you of
καΐ τοΰτο άπό Θεοΰ·
t o you b u t of s a l v a t i o n ; and t h i s f r o m God;
$Salvation, and this from
'ύτι ύμίν έ'/αρ'ισθη τό υπέρ Χρι- God.
because to you i t was given that on behalf of 29 Because to you it
ατο'ύ, ου μόνον τό εις αυτόν πιστεύειν, was graciously given on
BEHALF of Christ, not only
άλλα καΐ τό υπέρ ούχοϋ πάσχειν τόν to BELIEVE into Him, but
but also that on behalf of him to suffer; the also to SUFFER on His ac-
αυτόν αγώνα έχοντες, οίον ε'ίδετε έν count ;
same conflict having, a like thing yous a w « i n 30 $having the SAME
έαοί, και νϋν άκοι'ιετε έν έμοί. ΚΕΦ. β ' . 2. Conflict which you saw in
me, and now hear concern-
Εϊ τις ούν παράκλησις έν Χριστώ, ει τι ing me.
παραμύθιον αγάπης, ει τις κοινωνία πνεύμα- CHAPTER I I .
τος, ει τις σπλάγχνα καΐ οίκτιρμοί* 2 πλη- 1 If, therefore, there be
Any Comfort in Christ, if
spirlt, If any bowels and compassions; ful- Any Soothing of Love, if
ρώσατέ μου την χαράν, ϊνα τό αυτό Any Participation of
111 you of me the joy, so that the same thing Spirit, $if Any Sympathies
φρονήτε, την αυτήν άγάπην έχοντες, σύμ- and Compassions,
you may think, the same love having, united 2 complete My Joy,
ψυχοι, τό εν φρονοΰντες· 3 μηδέν Jthat you may think the
one thing minding; nothing SAME thing, having the
ones in soul, SAME Love, united in soul,
κατά έριθείαν ή κενοδοξίαν, αλλά τη τα- minding the ONE thing;
in strife or vain-glory, but In the lowli- 3 $doing nothing from
πεινοφροσύνη αλλήλους ηγούμενοι ύπερέχον- Party-spirit, o r V.ain-
glory; but in $ HUMILITY
τας έαι>τών * μη τά εαυτών 2κα- esteeming others as ex-
celling yourselves ;
στος σκοποΰντε αλλά και τά έτέρων 4 not each one regard-
ing H I S OWN interests,
έ'καστος- Τοΰτο *[γάρ] ςρρονείσθω έν ύμίν but each one also those of
every one. This [for] be desired by you OTHERS.
δ καΐ έν Χριστώ Ίησοϋ, δς έν μορφή 5 $Let this disposition
which also In Anointed Jesus, who in a form be in *you, which w a s
Θεοΰ υπάρχων, ούχ άρπαγμόν ήγήσατο τό also in Christ Jesus,
of God being, not a usurpation meditated the 6 who, though being i n
είναι ίσα Θεω, 7 άλλ' εαυτόν έκένωσε, μορ- God's Form, yet did n o t
to be like t o God, but himself emptied, a meditate t a Usurpation
to BE like God,
Φην δούλου λαβών, έν όμοιοιματι αν- 7 b u t divested Himself,
^taking a Bondman's
θρώπων γενόμενος, 8
κα1 σχήματι εύρε- Form, Jhaving been made
in t h e Likeness of M e n ;
ΙΪΙ ©3 hstvin^ been foi* m edf &ud in condition ID c i n ? 8 and beingin condition
Οείς ώς άνθρωπος* έταπείνοισεν εαυτόν, γενό- as a Man, lie humbled him-
found as a man; humbled himself, hav- self, ibocoming obedient
μενος υπήκοος μέχρι θανάτου, θανάτου u n t o Death, even t h e
ing b e c o m e obedient till death, of a d e a t h
Death of t h e Cross.
δέ σταυροΟ. 9
Διό καΐ ό Θεός αυτόν 9 And therefore GOD

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—5. for—omit. 5. us.

± 6. Harpagmon being a word of very rare occurrence, a great variety of translations
have been given. The following may serve as examples:—"who did not think it a
matter to be earnestly desired."—Clarke, "Did not earnestly affect."—Cyprian. "Did
not think of eagerly retaininT."—Wakefteld. "Did not regard —as an object of
solicitous desire."—Stuart. "Thought not a thing to be seized."—Sliarpe. "Did
not eagerly grasp."—Kneeland. "Did not violently strive."—Dickinson. "Did not
meditate a usurpation."—Turnhull.
t 2 8. Rom. viii. 17; 2 Tim. ii. 11. $ 30. Acts xvi. 19. $ 1. Col. iii. 12. $2.
Rom. xii. 16; xv. 5; Phil. iii. 16. t 3. Gal. v. 26; James iii. 14. % 3: Rom.
xii. 10. $5. Matt. xi. 26; John xiii. 15; 1 Pet. ii. 21. J 7. Matt. xx. 28. J Ί.
Gal. iv. 4; Heb. ii. 14, 17. ί 8. Matt. xxvi. 39, 42; John x. 18; Heb. v. 8; xii. 2.
Chap. 2:10.] PHILIPPIANS. [Chap. 2:19.
υπερύψωσε καΐ έχαρίσατο αύτφ {supremely exalted Him,
supremely exalted End. freely granted to hini and Jfreely granted to him
δνομα το υπέρ πάν δνομα· ΐνα έν τφ THAT Name which is above

Every Name;
ονόματι Ίησοΰ πάν γόνυ κάμψη, έπουρα- 10 $in order that in the
name of Jesus every knee should bend of heaven- NAME of Jesus Every
νίων και επιγείων καΐ καταχθόνιων, κα1 Knee should bend, of those Χ1

lie in heaven, and of those on

πάσα γλώσσα έξομολογήσηται, δτι Κύριος earth, and of those be-
every tongue should confess,· that a Lord neath ;
Ίησοΰς Χριστός, εις δόξαν Θεοΰ Πατρός. 11 and iEvery Tongue
confess That Jesus Christ
is Lord, for the Glory of
αγαπητοί μου, καθώς πάντοτε God the Father.
ύπηκούσατε, μη ως έν ττί παρουσία μου 12 So that, my Beloved,
you obeyed, not as In the presence of me as you always obeyed, not
μόνον, αλλά νΰν πολλώ μάλλον έν τχ\ απουσία only as in my PRESENCE,
only, but now much more In the absence but now much more in my
μου, μετά φόβου καΐ τρόμου την εαυτών ABSENCE, w o r k OUt YOUR
of me, with fear and trembling the of yourselves OWN Salvation with Fear
and Trembling;
σωτηρίαν κατεργάζεστε· ό Θεός γάρ έστιν 13 for JGOD is HE who
ό ενεργών έν ύμϊν καΐ τό θελειν καΐ το among you, both to WILL
the onew o r k i n g in y o u b o t h t h e to w i l l a n d the and to PERFORM, on ac-
ένεργείν, υπέρ της ευδοκίας. 14
Πάν- count Of his BENEVO-
τα ποιείτε χοιρί,ς γογγνσμών καΐ διαλογι- 14 Do All things with-
out Murmurings and Dis-
σμών 15 ϊνα γένησθε αμεμπτοι καΐ putings ;
ings; that you may be blameless ones and 15 that you may be
ακέραιοι, τέκνα Θεοϋ άμ(όμητα έν blameless and inoffensive,
irreproachable ^Children
μέσω γενεάς σκόλιας και διεστραμ-
of God, in the Midst of a
crooked and misguided
Generation, among whom
μένης· έν οίς φαίνεσθε ώς φωστήρες έν $you appear as fLumina-
misguided: to which you appear as luminaries in ries in the World ;
κ ό σ μ ω , 1 6 λ ό γ ο ν ζωτίς έ π έ ν ο ν τ ε ς · ε ί ς κ α ύ χ η μ α ] G exhibiting the Word
worlu, a word of l i f e holding out; for a boast
; of Life ; for my Exultation
έμοί ε ς ήμτραν Χρίστου, δτι ούκ είς κενόν in the Day of Christ, That
to me in a day of Anointed, that not in vain I did not run in vain, nor
εδραμον, ουδέ εις κενόν
1 ran nor iu vain
I toiled.
labored in vain.
17 But even $if I fbe
εί κα:, σπένδομαι επί τη θυσία και λει- poured a libation on the
jj. even χ •
& til poured out on the s&crific© duct SACRIFICE and public Ser-
τουργία της πίστεως υμών, χαίρω καΐ vice of your FAITH, I am
public service of t h e f a i t h of you, 1 a m glad and glad, and rejoice with
οΐ'γ'αίρω πάσιν ΰμίν 18
τό δ' αυτό καΐ you all;
I rejoice with a l l you; t h e a n dsame also 18 and for THIS be YOU
ΰμείς χαίρετε, και συγναίρετε μοι.
Έλπ'ι- also glad, and rejoice with
you be you glad, and rejoice you w i t h me. 1 hope me.
ζω δέ έν Κυρίω Ίησοΰ, Τιμόθεος ταχέως πέμ- 19 But I hope in the
but in Lord Jesus, Timothy shortly to Lord Jesus to send Tim-
± 1 5 . Phosteeres is the name given to the sun and moon in the Septuagint. Gen. i. 16.
± IV. An allusion to the wine and oil poured on the meat-offerings to render them
acceptable to God, Exod. xxix. 40, 41. Paul was most willing to pour out the costly
libation oi his owr. bio-id en the offering of the faith of the Gentiles, (Bom. xv. 16.)
to render it more firm, and of consequence more pleasing to the Deity.
% 9. Acts ii. 3 3 ; Heb. ii. 9. ί 9. Eph. i. 2 0 ; Heb. i. 4. $ 10. Isa. xlv. 2 3 ;
Rom. xiv. 1 1 ; Rev v. 13. $ 1 1 . Acts ii. 3 6 ; Rom. xiv. 9 ; 1 Cor. viii. 6;
1 Cor. xii. 3. ± lb HM). xiii 21. % 15. Matt. v. 4 5 ; Eph. v. 1. t 15 Matt.
V. 14, 1 6 ; Eph. v. 6. t 17. 2 Tim. iv. 6; Rom. xv. 16.
Chap. 2:20.] PHILIPPTANS. [Chap. 2:30.
ψ ύμϊν, ινα κάγώ
send o you, that also ι
may be anima
othy to you shortly, that
I also may be animated
γνούς πεοί υμών. when I ascertain how

THINGS are with you.
Ούδένα γαρ ε χω ίσόψυχον, δστις γνησίως 20 For I have No one
like disposed, who will
τα πες»ί ύμων μεριμνήσει· 2 1 οί πάν- really care about your
τες γαρ τα εαυτών ζητοΰσιν, ού 21 for ALL $are seeking
for tho things of themselves are seeking, not TiiEili OWN things, not
τά 'ίηίτοΰ Χρίστου. Τήν δε δοκιμήν αύ- the THINGS of * Christ

τοϋ γινώοτκετε, Π Ή , ώς πατρί Jesus.

τέκνον, 22 But of him you know
him you know, that, as i th a father a chi Id, the PROOF, |Tliat as a
σον έμοί έδοΰλευσεν ε? ς το ε ύ α γ γ έ λ ι ο ν .
Child with a Father, he
"Τοπτον μ ε ν of»v έλπιζα) π έ μ ψ α ι , ώ ς α ν served with me for the
Him indeed therefore I hope to send, as I "would 23 Him, therefore, I
άπ'ιδω τά περί έμέ, έξ- hope to send immediately,
view -"tentlveiy the things concerning me, im- whenever I see distinctly
αυτής* 2<1
πέπο(θα δέ έν Κνρίφ, δτι through the THINGS con-
in c d i Uαυτός
καΐ t c I y* h ταχέως
& ν i n tj coniidcuco fl.ii d ill
έλεΰσομαι. 2 δ L-* ο r d
Άναγκαίον (
t ii u. t cerning me;
24 and ^having confi-
even m y s e l f s h o r t l y w i l l come. Necessary dence in the Lord, That
δέ ήγησάμην, Έπαφρόδιτον τον άδελψόν καΐ I also myself will come
but I esteemed, Epaphrodi tus the brother and short !y.
σΐ'νεονόν καΐ σι^στρατιώτην μου, υμών 25 I esteemed it neces-
felloV-worker and fellow-soldier of me, of you sary, however, to send to
δέ άπόστολον, καΐ λειτονρνόν της χρείας you $Epaphroditus, the
but -n apostle, and public-servant of the want IJROTHER, and my Fellow-
μου, πέμψαι προς υμάς* 2 β έπειδή έπιπο- workman and Fellow-sol-
of me, to have sent to you; since longing dier, but JYour Apostle,
flow ήν πάντας ύμας, και άδημονών, and $a Minister for my
after he w a s all you, a n d be ing depressed, NEED ;
διότι ήκούοατε δτι ήσθένησε. Καί γαρ ήσθέ-
2Τ 26 tsi nee he was long-
Ι)βcQ.usc you ίιβ«iΓd tiist* ΙΙΘ WSLS sick. Indeed f o r ΙΙΘmuch ing after you all. and was
depressed because
νησε παραπλήσιον θανάτω· άλλ' ό θεός you heard That he was
was sick near to death; but the Godsick.
αυτόν ήλέησεν ούκ αυτόν δέ μόνον, αλλά 27 For indeed he was
him pitied- not h i m a n d only, but sick, near to Death ; but
καΐ έμέ, ίνα μη λύπην επί λιίπην οχώ. GOD pitied him ; and not
him only, but me also, so
^Σπουδαιοτερίος οίν έπεμψα αυτόν, Ενα ίδόν- that I might not have
Sorrow upon Sorrow.
τες αυτόν πάλιν, χαρϋτε, κάγώ άλυ- 28 I have sent him,
ing h i m a g a i n , you may r e j o i c e , and 1 l e s s therefore, the more speed-
πότερος ώ. ^Προσδέχεσθε οδν αυτόν ily, that seeing him again
s o r r o w f u l m a y b e . R e c e i v e you t h e r e f o r e h i m you may rejoice, and that
έν Κνρίω μετά πάσης χαράς, καΐ τους τοιού- I may be the less sorrow-
in Lord with a l l j o y , a n d t h e such ful.
τους έντιμους 2χετε*
δτι διά 29 Receive him, then,
in the Lord, with All Joy,
τό έργον *[τοΰ] Χρίστου μέχρι θάνατον η" γ- sons and |hold SUCH LIKE per-
the w'orlc fof tliβ3 A.ooioteQ βνβο to do&tli he in honor.
γισε, παραβονλευσάμενος τχ\ \\>v%fi, ίνα άνα- 30 Because on account
w a s n e a r , having r i s k e d t h e l i f e , s o t h a t h e of the WORK of Christ he

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 1 . Christ Jesus. 30. of the—omit.

% 21. ι Cor. x. 24 3 3 ; xiii. 5 ; 2 Tim. iv. 10, 16. ί 22. 1 Cor. iv. 1 7 ; 1 Tim.
i. 2 ; 2 Tim. i. 2. t 24. Phil. i. 2 5 : Philemon 22. J 2 5 . Phil. iv. 18. ί 25. 2 Cor.
viii. 23. $ 2 5 . 2 Cor. xi. 9. $ 2 8 . Phil. i. 3. $ 2 9 . 1 Cor. xvi. 1 8 ; 1 Thess.
v. 1 2 ; 1 Tiin. v. 17.
Chap. 3:1.] PHILIPPIANS. [Chap. 3:8.
πληρώστ] τό υμών υστέρημα της προς was near to Death, having
might fill up the of you deficiency of the towards hazarded his LIFE that
με λειτουργίας. ΚΕΦ. γ ' . 3. *Τό %he might fill up the re-
ine public service. The thing mainder Of YOUR MINIS-
λοιπόν, αδελφοί, μου χαίρετε έν Κυρίφ·
remaining brethren of me rejoice you In Jjoroj CHAPTER I I I .
τά αυτά γράφειν ύμίν, έμοί μέν ούκ 1 FINALLY, my Breth-
the things same to write to you, to indeed not ren, $rejoice in the Lord.
όκνηρόν, ύμίν δέ ασφαλές. 2 Βλέπετε τους To write the SAME things
tedious, of you but safe. See you the to you is not irksome to
«ύνας, βλέπετε τους κακούς έργάτας, βλέπετε Me, but for you it is safe.
dogs? see you the evil workers, see you 2 $Beware of the DOGS !
την κατατομήν. 8 Ήμείς γάρ έσμεν ή περι- Beware of the §EVIL
the excision. W e for w e are the circum- Workers ! Beware of the
τομή, ol πνεύματι Θ Φ λατρευοντες, καΐ §EXCISION !

3 For we are §the CIR-

καυχώμενοι έν Χριστώ Ίησοΰ, καΐ ούκ έν CUMCISION, §WE who are
boasting in Anointed Jesus, and not in SERVING God in Spirit,
4 and ^boasting in Christ
σαρκΐ πεποιθότες· καίπερ έγώ έχων Jesus, but who have no
flesh having been trusting; though I having confidence in Flesh.
πεποίθησιν καΐ έν σαρκί. Ει τις δοκεί άλλος 4 Though indeed §1
confidence also in flesh. If any thinks other have had Confidence also
Λεποιθέναι έν σαρκί, έγώ μάλλον 6περι- in Flesh ; if some other
person think to have con-
fidence in Flesh, I had
τομη οκταήμερος, έκ γένους 'Ισραήλ, more.
a circumcision eighth-day, from race of Israel, 5 With a Circumcision
<ρυλης Βενιαμίν *Εβραΐος έξ Εβραίων, the eighth-day; from the
of tribe of Benjamin a Hebrew from Hebrews, Race of Israel; from the
κατά νόμον Φαρισαίος, κατά ζη- Tribe of Benjamin ; a He-
brew from Hebrews ; ac-
λον διώκων την έκκλησίαν, κατά cording to Law, a Phari-
see ;
6 with respect to zeal,
δικαιοσύνην την έν νόμω γενόμενος ά*μεμ- §a persecutor of the CON-
righteousness that by law having come b l m e
πτος. Άλλ' ατινα ?yv μοι κέρδη, ταΰ- Righteousness which came
less. But what things was to me gain, these by Law, I was irreproach-
τα ίίγημαι διά τ6ν Χριστόν able.
things I have esteemed on account of the Anointed 7 But whatever things
ξημίαν. Άλλά μέν οδν καΐ ηγούμαι πάντα have, were Gain to me, These I
on account of the
ANOINTED one, esteemed
ξημίαν είναι διά τό ύπερέχον της as a Loss.
8 But then, indeed, I
γνώσεως Χρίστου Ίησοΰ του Κυρίου μου, even esteem all things to
knowledge of Anointed Jesus the Lord of me, the a $EXCELLENCY be Loss, an account of
of the
(δι' δν τά πάντα έζημιώθην, KNOWLEDGE 0f * t ll e
<on account of whom t h e a l l t h i n g s I suffered l o s s , ANOINTED J e s u s my
«αϊ ηγούμαι σκύβαλα είναι, ίνα Χρι- LORD ; (on whose account
&nd I esteem worthless things to be, so that I suffered the loss of ALL
things, and consider them
στον κερδήσω, βκα1 ευρεθώ έν αύτφ, to be vile refuse, so that I
Anointed I may gain, and may be found in him*, may gain Christ,
CHap.-3:9.] PHILIPPIANS. [Chap. 3:19.
μη έχων έμήν δικαιοσύνην τήγ έκ νό- 9 and may be found in
not holding my righteousness that from of him, not clinging to THAT
μου, άλλα τήν δια πίστεως Χρίστου, την Righteousness of $Mine
law, but that through faith of Anointed, that own, which is from Law,
έκ Θεοΰ δικαιοσύνην επί τ~} ηί-$but to THAT which is
through the Faith of
οτει·) 10 τοϋ γνώναι αυτόν, και τήν δύναμιν Christ,—the RIGHTEOUS-
faith;) of the to know him, and the power NESS from God on account
της αναστάσεως αύτοΰ, καΐ τήν κοινωνίαν of the FAITH :)
10 to KNOW him, and
τών παθημάτων αύτοϋ, συμμορφούμενος τω the POWER of his RESUR-
ο/ the sufferings of him, being comformed to the RECTION, and the $ FEL-
θανάτω αύτοΰ, η
εΐπως καταντήσω εις LOWSHIP of his SUFFER-
death * of himself, if possibly I may attain to INGS, being conformed to
τήν έξανάστασιν rlv νεκρών. 12Ούχ δτι his DEATH ;
the resurrection out of the dead ones. Not that
11 if possibly I may at-
f\br\ έ'λαβον, ή Ιίδη τετελείωμαι* from the DEAD.
already t received, or already hare been perfected;
12 Not that I have al-
διώκω δε, εΐ καΐ καταλάβω, έφ' ready ^received it, or have
I pursue but, if indeed I may lay hold, in respect been already perfected;
ω καΐ κατελήφθην ύπό Χρίστου. ^'Α- may but I pursue, if indeed I
lay hold on that for
δελφοί, εγώ έμαυτόν ού λογίζομαι κατειλη- which alro I was laid hold
on by Christ.
φεναι* εν δε, τα μεν οπίσω έπιλαν- 13 Brethren, I do not
Ι & ι d lioiU} one l)iz t j txio tilings evexi oeliiiicl forget"·
reckon Myself to have at-
θανόμενος, τοις έμπροσθεν έπεκτεινόμε- tained i t ; but one thing I
ting, the things butt before
before stretching out
stretching out do ;—$even forgetting the

νος, κατά σκοπήν διώκω επί τό 6ρα- THINGS Β Γ Ί Ν Ο , $ a n d

stretching forth towards
6εΐον της ανω κλήσεως τοϋ Θεοΰ έν Χριστφ 14 §1 press along the
Line, towards the PRIZE
Ίησοΰ. "Οσοι ούν τέλειοι, τοΰτο φρο- of the HIGH Calling of
Jt'Siis. J^LS HI «my iis then ixisitupo oiicSj t l i i s should GOD by Christ Jesus.
•νώμεν καΐ ει τι έτέρως φρονείτε, 15 As many, therefore,
as are $perfc?t, should
καΐ τοΰτο δ Θεός ύμίν αποκαλύψει· πλήν 16 be of this mind ; and if
even this thing the God t o you w i l l reveal; but in any thing you think
differently, GOD will also
εις δ έφθάσαμεν, τφ αύτφ στοιχεΐν.
to what we attained, by the same to walk in line. reveal This to you.
1G But to what we have
Συμμιμηταί μου γίνεσθε, αδελφοί, καΐ attained, $let us walk by
the SAME line.
σκοπείτε τους οΰτω περιπατοΰντας, καθώς εχε- 17 Brethren, $become
watch you those thus walking, as you Joint-Imitators of me, and
τε τύπον ημάς. 18 Πολλοί γαρ περιπατοϋσιν, watch THOSE who are thus
have a pattern us. Many for walk, WALKING, as you have us
for a Pattern.
ους πολλάκις ελεγον ύμΐν, νυν δέ καΐ κλαίων 18 (For often I told
you, and now even weep-
λέγω, τους εχθρούς τοϋ σταυοοΰ τοϋ Χρίστου* ing I say, many walk as
Χ s*ty\ tliο enemies of tiie cross of the .Anointed^
$the ENEMIES of the CROSS
1Ρ of the ANOINTED one;
ών τ5» τέλος απώλεια, ων ό Θεός ή 19 $whose END will
of. w h o m the end destruction, of w h o m the God the
t 9. Rom. x. 3, 5. i 9. Rom. i. 1 7 ; iii. 21, 2 2 ; ix. 3 0 ; x. 3, 6 ; Gal. ii. 1 6 .
t 10. Bora. vi. 3-5; viii. 1 7 ; 2 Cor. iv. 10, 1 1 ; 2 Tim. ii. 11, 1 2 ; 1 Pet. iv. 18.
t 12. 1 Tim. vi. 12. t 12. Heb. xii. 2 3 . t 13. Luke ix. 62. % 14. 1 Cor. i x .
24, 2 6 ; Heb. vi. 1. t 14. 2 Tim. iv. 7, 8 ; Heb. xii. 1. t 15. 1 Cor. ii. 6; xiv.
20. X 16. Rom. x i i . xv. 5. t 17. Phil. iv. 9 ; 1 Thess. i. 6. $ 18. Gal. i. 1;
ii. 2 1 ; vi. 1 2 ; Phil. i . 15, 16. ί 19. 2 Cor. x i . 1 5 ; 2 Pet. i i . 1.
Chap. 3:20.] PHILIPPIANS. [Chap. 4:7.
κοιλία, καΐ ή δόξα εν τη αίσχίίνη, αυτών, be DESTRUCTION, $whose
belly, and the glory In the shame of them, GOD is the STOMACH, and
ot τά επίγεια φρονοΰντες. 2 0 Ήμών γάρ Jtheir GLORY in their
who the things on earth are minding. Oi us for SHAME ; THEY who a r e en-
το πολίτε μα έν ούρανοΐς υπάρχει, έξ grossed with EARTHLY
tbe commonwealth in heavens begins, out of things.)
of* ya.l σωτήρα άπεκδεχόμεθα Κύριον Ίησοϋν 20 For i O u r POLITY be-
which also a savior we look for Lord Jesua gins in t h e Heavens, $from
Xp-Ttov, 2 1 δς μετασχηματίσει το σώμα της whence also | w e are ex-
A n o i n t e d , w h o w i l l t r a n s f o r m t h e body of t h e pecting a Savior, t h e Lord
τί'.πρινώσεως ημών σύμμορφον τώ σώματι Jesus Christ ;
h u m i l i a t i o n of us of like iorm with the body 21 Jvvho will transform
της δόξης αύτοΰ, κατά την ένέργειαν the BODY of our HUMILIA-
οι tri
tie ffloy of himtccordinfir t the oper&tioii tioii TION into a conformity
τοί"» δύνασθαι αυτόν και ύποτάξαι έαυτώ with his GLORIOUS BODY,
of t h e t o b e a b l e h i m e v e n t o p l a c e u n d e r h i m s e l f according to t h e ENERGY
χά πάντα, ΚΕΦ. δ ' . 4. Όστε, by which he is ABLE Jeven
the things a l l . therefore, to subject ALL things t o
αδελφοί μου αγαπητοί καΐ έπιπόθητοι, himself.

γηηά και στέφανος μου, οΰτω στήκετε C H A P T E R IV.

1 So then, B r e t h r e n , my
έν •Οΐφ. αγαπητοί. 2
Ε\·οδ'ιαν παρακαλώ, beloved and much desired,
$my Joy and Crown, s t a n d
κσί . Σ ιιντι'·νην παρακαλώ, τό αυτό φρονείν you t h u s firm in t h e Lord,
Ο my beloved !
έν Κιιρίω* να1 ερωτώ καΐ σε, σιΊζυγε γνή- 2 I exhort Euodia, and
in Lord; y e s 1 a s k a l s o t h e e , y o k e - f e l l o w Ο I exhort Syntyche, to be of
the SAME mind in t h e
σιε, συλλαμβάνοτ' αύταϊς, αιτινες έν τώ εϋαγ- Lord.
true, help thou these women, who in the glad
3 And I e n t r e a t t h e e
γελίίμ σττνήθλησάν μοι, μετά καΐ also, * T r u e Yoke-fellow,
assist those women, Jwho
Κλήαεντος καΐ τών λοιπών σενεργών earnestly co-operated with
Element and the remaining fellow-workers me in the GLAD TIDINGS,
uov, <bv τά ονόματα έν βιβλίω ζωής. and with Clement, and my
of m e , of w h o m t h e n a m e s i n book o f l i f e . OTHER Co laborers, Whose
Χα1ρετε έν Κνρίω πάντοτε* πάλιν έρώ, NAMES are in §the Book
Rejoice you in Lord* always; again I say, of Life.
χαίρετε. δ
Τό επιεικές ιιμών γνωσΦήτο) 4 $Be joyful in t h e Lord
r e j o i c e you. The g e n t l e n e s s of you l e t be known a t all times ; I say again,
Be ioyful !
παηαν άνθρίόποις. Ό Κύριος εγγύς* "ιιηδέν 5 Let your GENTLENESS
to a l l men. The Lord near- nothing
be known to All Men.
μεριμνάτε, άλλ' έν παντί τχ\ προ- $The LORD is near.
6 $Be not anxious about
σευχή καΐ τη δεήσει μετά ευχαριστίας A n y t h i n g ; but in every-
prayer and by tne supplication with thanksgiving thing let your P E T I T I O N S
τά αίττίματα υμών γνωριζέτω προς τον be made known to GOD, by
the r e q u e s t s of you l e t be m a d e known t o t h e PRAYER and SUPPLICA-
Θεόν κα1 ή ειρήνη του Θεοΰ ή υπερέχου- TION with T h a n k s g i v i n g ;
Godj B.nd the p©flco of the God th&t surpftssiii^ 7 and $THAT PEACE of
σα πάντα νουν, φροιιρήσει τάς καρδίας GOD which surpasses All
ell conception, w i l l guard the hearts Conception, shall guard

• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT — 3 . True Yoke-fellow.

% 19. "Rom. xvi. 18; 1 Tim. vi. 5. % 19. 2 Cor. xi. 12; Gal. vi. 13. % 20. Enh.
ii. 6, 19; Col. iii. 1, 3. $ 20. Acts i. 11. $20. 1 Cor. i. 7; 1 Thess. i. 10;
Titus ii. 13. J 2\ 1 Cor. xv 43, 48, 49; Col. Hi. 4; 1 John iii. 2 $ 21 1 Cor.
xv. 26. 27 % I. 2 Cn· i. 14 1 Thess. ii. 19, 20. % 3. Rom. xvi. 3 ΐ 3 Exod.
xxxii. 32; Psa. lxix. 28; Dan. xii. 1; Luke x. 20; Rev. iii. 5; xiii. 8; xx. 12;
xxi. £7. t 4. Roin. xi. 12. $ 5. Heb. x. 25; James v. 8,9; 1 Pet. iv. 7; 2 Pet.
iii. 8. 9. See 2 Thess. ii. 2. t 6. Matt. vi. 25; Luke xii. 22. ί 7. John xiv. 27;
Bom. v. l ; Col. iii 15.
Chap. 4:8.] PHILIPPIANS. [Chap. 4:16.
υμών και τα νοήματα υμών έν Χριστώ your HEARTS and your
• of you and
8 the minds of you in Anointed MINDS by Christ Jesus.
Ίησοΰ. Τό λοιπόν, αδελφοί, δσα έστιν 8 FINALLY, Brethren,
Jesus. The remaining, brethren, what things is, whatever things are true,
άληΦη, οσα σεμνά, δσα δίκαια, whatever things are hon-
true, what things honorable, what things just, orable, whatever things
δσα αγνά, δσα προσφιλή, δ- are just, whatever things
what things pure, what things amiable, what are pure, whatever things
are amiable, ^whatever
σα εύφημα, ει τις αρετή καΐ ει τις things are reputable, if
έπαινος, ταϋτα λογίζεσθε· there be Any Virtue, and
praise, these things attentively consider; if Any Praise, attentively
καΐ έμά^ετε καΐ παρελάβετε. και consider These things;
What things also you learned and youreceivei, and 9 and $what you learned
ήκούσατε καΐ εϊδετε έν έμο'ι, ταΰτα a n d r e c e i v e d , and
you heard and you saw in m e , these things heard and saw in me,
πράσσετε· και ό Θεός της εΙρήνης $the GOD of practise
these things · and
PEACE will be
perform you; and tho1 0 God of tho peace with you.
μεγάλως, μεθ' υμών. Έχάρην δέ έν Κυρ'ιω 10 But I rejoiced in the
shall be withδτιyou.ήδη I rejoiced and in Lord
greatly because now ποτέ άνεθάλετε Lord greatly, Because
at length
τό υπέρ έμοΰ φρονεΐν εφ' youcjirevived και now at length your RE-
the on behalf of me to think; on which also GARD has revived on My
έφρονεϊτε, ήκαιρείσθε δέ. behalf; for whom indeed
you did have regard, but
δτι καθ' ύστέρησιν λέγω· έγώ had no opportunity.
11 Not That I speak
εμαθον, έν οίς είμι, αυτ ε ί - concerning Want; for I
have learned in whatever
condition | I am to be con-
ναι. 12 Οίδα καΐ ταπεινοΰσθαι, οίδα καΐ πε- tented.
be. I know both to be brought low, I know and to 12 $1 know both what
ρισσεύειν έν παντί καΐ έν πάσι μεμύη- know it is to be abased, and I
what it is to abound ·.
in every place and in all
μαι, καΐ χορτάζεσθαι και πει- conditions, I have been
disciplined, both to υβ
ναν, καΐ περισσεύειν καΐ ΰστερεΐσθαι· well fed and to suffer hun-
ισχύω έν τώ ένδυναμοΰντί ger, both to abound and to
πάντα ning be destitute.
ig in
all things I am stroi
με. 1 4 Πλήν καλώς έποιήσατε, συγκοινω- 13 I am strong to en-
me. But well you did, v i n g j o i n t l y dure All things with | H I M
νήσαντές μου θλίψει. 15Οϊδατε who STRENGTHENS me.
affliction. You know 14 You did well, how-
sympathized with me in
δέ καΐ ΰμείς, Φιλιππήσιοι, δτι έν OLQ%X\ ever, %m sympathizing
and also you, O Phi lippians, that in a beginning
τοΰ ευαγγελίου, δτε έξήλθον άπό Μακε- 15 And you know also,
of the glad tidings, when I went out from Mace- Ο Philippians, That in the
δονίας, ουδεμία μοι έκκλησία έκοινώ- Beginning of the GLAD
donia, no one with me c gregation communi- TIDINGS, when I departed
from Macedonia, |No Con-
νησεν είς λόγον δόσεως και λήψεως, εΐ
cated in an account of giving and receiving, if gregation communicated
with Me in the Mattel of
μή ύμείς μόνοι* δτι καΐ έν Θεσσαλονίκη Giving and Receiving, ex-
not you only; that and in Thessalonica cept you alone ;
καΐ άπαξ και δις είς την χρείαν μοί έπέμ- 16 and that to Thessa-
even once snot &^tiiu for the need to m © you lonica, you sent once and

% 8. 1 T h e s s . v. 2 2 . ί 9 . P h i l . i i i . 1 7 . % 9 . R o m . xv. 3 3 ; x v i . 2 0 ; I C o r . xiv 3.?;

2 C o r . x i i i . 1 1 ; 1 T h e s s ν . 2 3 ; H e b . x i i i . 2 0 . % 1 1 . 1 T i m . vi. 6, 8. ί 12 1 Cor.
iv. 1 1 ; 2 C o r . v i . 1 0 ; x i . 2 7 . $ 1 3 . J o h n xv. 5 ; 2 Cor. x i i . 9. $ 1 4 . P h i l , i 7.
ί 1 5 . 2 Cor. x i . 8 . 9.
Chap. 4:17.] PHILIPPIANS. [Chap. 4:23.
ψατε. Ούχ η επιζητώ τό δόμα,
a second time also, for my
sent. Not 1 β I earnestly seek the gift, NEED ;
άλλ' επιζητώ τον καρπόν τον πλεονά- 17 not Because I ear-
but I earnestly seek the f r u i t that increasing nestly seek the GIFT, but
ξοντα εις λόγον υμών.
'Απέχω I earnestly seek $THAT
FRUIT W h i c h ABOUNDS t o
for 3. ix <x c c ο u ΐι t to you· I 113. ν ο iii full but
πάντα, καΐ περισσεύω* πεπλήρωμαι, δε- your Account.
a l l things, and abound; 18 But I have in full all
I am filled, hav-
things, and abound. I am
ξάμενος παρά Έπαφροδίτου τα π α ρ '
fully satisfied, having re-
ing received from Epaphroditus the things from ceived from Epaphroditus
1 9
υμών, όσμήν εύάρεστονεύωδ'ιας,τφ Θεώ.
θυσίαν Ό δε-
your PRESENTS,—%a Fra-
you, a"well-pleasing
smell of good odor, t o thea sacrifice
God." The and
grant Odor,$an acceptable
Θεός μου πληρώσει πασαν χρε'ιαν υμών Sacrifice, well-pleasing to
κατά τόν πλοΰτον αύτοΰ εν δόξχι, έν 19 And my GOD $will
according to the wealth of himself in glory, in fully supply All your Need,
Τφ δέ Θεφ καΐ ΠατρΙ ^according to his Glorious
Χριστφ Ίησοϋ.
Anointed Jesus. To the now God and Father WEALTH by Christ Jesus.
ημών ή δό^α ε'ις τους αιώνας τών αίώ- 20 $Now to our GOD and
οϊ us the glory ίο!· the ages of the ages.
Father be the GLORY for
νων. 'Αμήν. 21 ΆσπάσασΦε πάντα αγιον the AGES of the AGES.
So be i t . Salute you every holy one Amen !
έν Χριστφ Ίησοΰ. 'Ασπάζονται υμάς ot 21 Salute Every Saint in
<τύν έμοί αδελφοί· άσπάζονται ύμας πάντες Christ Jesus. The BRETH-
with me brethren; salute you a l l REN $who are with Me
οί άγιοι, μάλιστα δέ ot έκ της salute you.
22 All the SAINTS salute
Καίσαρος οικία ς. χάρις τοΰ Κυρίου you, but especially those
Caesar's old. favor of the Lord from Caesar's Houshold.
* [ημών] Ίησοϋ Χρίστου μετά πάντων υμών.
[of usj Jesus Anointed w i t h all of you. 23 §The FAVOR of the
*[Άμήν.] LORD Jesus Christ be with
C8o be i t . ] you all.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 3 . of us—omit. 23. So be it—omit. Sulacription—
$ 17. Rom. xv. 2 8 ; Titus iii. 14. $ 18. Phil. ii. 25. $ 18. Heb. xiii. 16. t 18.
2 Cor. ix. 12. t 19. Psa. xxiii. 1; 2 Cor. ix. 8. t 19. Eph. i . 7 ; i i i . 1 6 .
$ 20. Horn. xvi. 27. $ 2 1 . Gal. i . 2 . t 23. Rom. xvi. 24.



ΚΕΦ. α 7 . 1. CHAPTER I.
Παΰλος, απόστολος Ίησοϋ Χριστού διά
1 Paul, $an Apostle of
Paul, an apostle of Jesus Anointed•Christ Jesus, by the Will
θελήματος Θεοϋ, καΐ Τιμόθεος ό αδελφός, of God, and Timothy, the
will of God, and .timothy the brother, BROTHER,
τοΐς έν Κολοσσαϊς άγίοις καΐ πι- 2 to t h e $HOLY a n d
F a i t h f u l B r e t h r e n in
to those in Colosse to holy ones and to f a i t h - Christ at Colosse ; $Favor
στοϊς άδελφοίς έν Χριστφ* χάρις ύμίν and Peace to you from
και ειρήνη άπό Θεοΰ Πατρός ημών. 3 Εύχα- God our Father.
and peace from God a Father of us. We give
3 $Having heard of
ριστοϋμεν τω Θεφ *[καΙ] ΠατρΙ τοΰ your FAITH in Christ
thanks to the God [and] Father of theJesus, and |ΪΗΑΤ LOVE
Κυρίου ημών Ίησοΰ * [Χρίστου] πάντοτε which you have for all
Lord of us Jesus CAnointed] always the SAINTS,
περί υμών προσευχόμενοι, 4άκούσαντες 4 $we give thanks to
concerning you praying, having heard GOD, the Father of our
τ η ν π ι σ τ ι ν υμών έ ν Χ ρ ι σ τ φ Ί η σ ο ΰ , κ α ΐ τ η ν LORD Jesus Christ, at all
άγάπην την ε'ις πάντας τους άγιους, Β
διά times when we pray for
you ;
5 on account of THAT
την ελπίδα την άποκειμένην ύμΐν έν τοις
the hope that being laid u p for y o u in theHOPE which is $BEING
PRESERVED for you in the
οΰρανοίς, fiv προηκούσατε έν τφ λόγω HEAVENS ; of which you
της αληθείας τοΰ ευαγγελίου, 6
τοϋ πα- previously heard in the
of the truth of the glad tidings, of that being WORD of the TRUTH of
ρόντος εις υμάς, καθώς καΐ έν παντί τφ those GLAD TIDINGS,
present among you, as alse» in a l l the 6 which are PRESENT
among you, $as also in All
κόσμω, καΐ έ'στι καρποφορούμενον καΐ αύξα- the WORLD ; and are bring-
ing forth fruit and in-
νόμενον, καθώς και έν ύμίν, άφ' ής creasing ; even as among
ing, as also in you, from which you, from the Day you
heard and acknowledged
ημέρας ήκούσατε καΐ έπέγνωτε την χάριν the FAVOR of GOD in Truth ;
7 as you learned from
τοΰ θεοΰ έν άληθε'ια· 7 καθώς *[καΙ] έμά- | E p a p h r a s our BELOVED
Fellow-servant, who is on
θετε άπό Έπαφρα τοΰ άγαπητοΰ συνδού- your behalf a faithful
learned from Epaphras the beloved fellow- Servant of the ANOINTED
λου ημών, δς έστι πιστός υπέρ υμών one ;
servant of as, w h o Is faithful on behalf of you 8 who also RELATED to
διάκονοςήμίν την υμών
τοΰ. άγάπην8 δένκαΐ
Χρίστου* πνεύματι.
δηλώ- us YOUR JLove in Spirit.
related t o u s t h e of you love In s p i r i t .
τοΰτο και ύμείς, ά φ ' ής ημέρας we,9 Because of this also,
Διά from the Day we
B e c a u s e of t h i s a l s o w e , from which day
heard it, do not ceai^e
ήκούσαμεν, ου παυόμεθα υπέρ υμών προσ- praying on your behalf,
ευχόμενοι, * [και αιτούμενοι,] ίνα πληρω- Jthat you may be filled,
$as to the EXACT KNOWL-
ing, [and asking,] that you may be
EDGE of his WILL, with
θήτε την έπ'ιγνοοσιν τοΰ θελήματος αύ- All Spiritual Wisdom and
filled the exact knowledge
o ft h e w i l l of
τοΰ έν πάσγι σοφία καΐ συνέσει πνευματι- understanding;
hlm i n a l l w i sdom and u n d e r s t a n d i n g s p i r i t u - 10 $to walk worthily of
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — T i t l e — T o T H E COLOSSIANS. 1. Christ Jesus. 3. a n d —
omit. 3. Anointed—omit. 7. even—omit. 9. and asking—omit.
X 1. Eph. i. 1. ί ι Cor. iv. 1 7 · Eph. vi. 2 1 . X 2. Gal. i. 3. ί 3. Eph. i . 1 5 ;
Philemon 5. $ 3 . Heb. vi. 10. ± 4 . 1 Cor. i. 4 ; Eph. i. 1 6 ; Phil. i. 3 ;
" 6.
" X ' 5.
~ 2' : £ ; ι Pet. i. 4. $ 6. Matt. xxiv. 1 4 ; Mark xvi. 1 5 ; Rom.
x. 1 8 ; verse 23. TXT... Col. .iv. 1 2 ; Philemon 23. $ 8 . Rom. xv. 20. I d .
Rom. xii. 2 ; Eph. \. 10, ~n 17. ~~ * 9. Eph. i. 8. $ 1 0 . Eph. iv. 1; Phil. i. 2 7 ;
1 Thess. ii. ' 2 .
Chap. 1: 11.] COLOSSIANS. [Chap. 1:19.
κχ\' περιπατήσαι άξ'κος του Κυρίου εις the LORD, Pleasing him
»\ to walk worthily of t h e Lord to in All things; ^bringing
πάσαν άρέσκειαν, εν παντί έργω άγαθφ forth fruit by Every good
all pleasing, In every work «ood Work, and increasing in
καρποφοροΰντες καΐ αυξανόμενοι xfj έπι- the EXACT KNOWLEDGE
brinking forth (ruft and growing in the exact of GOD ;
know Je
τοϋ Θεοϋ* έ ν πάστ] δυνάμει
ngth 11 ibeing strengthened
with All Strength accord-
δυναμούμενοι κατά το κράτος της ing tO h i s GLORIOUS POW-
δόξης αύτοΰ, εις πασαν ύπομονήν και μακρό- ER, for a l l Patience, a n d
glory of h i m f o r a i l patience and en— E n d u r a n c e with J o y ;
βυμ'ιαν μετά χαράς* 12 ^giving t h a n k s * a t
durance with joy;
t h e same time to THAT
12 FATHER Who CALLED a n d
εΰχαριστοϋντες τφ ΠατρΙ τφ Ικανώ- QUALIFIED us for t h e
giving thanks to the Father to that having
σαντι ημάς εις την μερίδα τοϋ κλήρου $ INHERITANCE in the
fitted us for the portion of the inheritance
των άγιων έν τω φωτί· 1ι!
ος έρρύσατο LIGHT ;
of the noly ones in the* light; w h o delivered 13 who delivered us
from $the DOMINION of
ημάς έκ της εξουσίας τοΰ σκότους, καΐ DARKNESS, and Jchanged
us for the KINGDOM of the
μετέστησεν ε'ις τήν βασιλείαν τοϋ SON of his LOVE ;
14 $by whom we have
υΐοϋ της αγάπης αύτοΰ. έν ώ
έ'χο-the REDEMPTION, the FOR-
son of t h e Jove GIVENESS of SINS.
of h i m s e l f ; in whom we
15 He is $a Likeness of
μεν τήν άπολύτρωσιν, τήν αφεσιν των the I N V I S I B L E G O D , —
15 tFirst-born of All Crea-
αμαρτιών ος έστιν εΐκών τοϋ Θεοΰ tion ;
sins; w h o Is a likeness of the God 16 {Because in him
τοΰοτι αοράτου,
έν αύτώπρωτότοκος
έκτίσθη πάσης
τα κτίσεως·
πάντα, were created ALL things,
—those in the HEAVENS,
τά έν
έν τοις ούρανοις καΐ
καΐ τά επί and those on the EARTH ;
the VISIBLE and the I N -
της γης, τά ορατά καΐ τά άό- VISIBLE, whether Thrones
the earth, the things seen and the things un-or Lordships, or Govern-
ments, or Authorities ; ALL
ρατα, είτε Φρόνοι, είτε κιριότητες, εϊτε things have been created
through Him and for Him ;
άρχαί, εϊτε έξουσίαι· τά πάντα 17 and he precedes all
g o v e r n m e n t s , o r a u t h o r i t i e s ; t h et h i n g s a l l things, and in him all
δι' αύτοϋ και εις αυτόν things have been perma-
εκτισται* nently placed.
17 18 | H e is also the PIEAD
καί αυτός έστι προ πάντων, καΐ of the BODY of the CON-
GREGATION ; who is the
τά πάντα έν αύτφ Beginning, συνέστηκε*
$the First-
the things all in h i m h a s b e e n p l a c e d together;
born from the Dead, that
καί αυτός έστιν he m i g h t b e c o m e Pre-
ή κεφαλή τοϋ σώματος,
eminent among all.
της εκκλησίας* ος έστιν αρχή, προ)τό- 19 Because §in him it
of the congregation; who is a beginning, first-
was thought good that the
Whole FULNESS should
τόκος έκ των νεκρών, ίνα γένη- dwell ;
born out of the dead ones, so that he might

πάσιν αυτός πρωτεύων δτι to that FATHER who CALLED and
at the same time
ecome a m US.
ong a l l himself pre-eminent; because
$ 1 0 . J o h n xv. 1 6 ; 2 Cor. i x . 8 ; P h i l . i . 1 1 ; H e b . x i i i . 2 1 . t 1 1 . E p h . Hi. 1 6 ;
vi. 1 0 . t 12. E p h . ν ? 0 · Coi. l i i . 1 5 . ί 12. Acts xxvi. 1 8 ; E p h . i . 1 1 . % 1 3 .
E p h . v i . 1 2 ; 1 P e t L . 9. t 1 3 . 1 T h e s s . i i . 1 2 ; 2 P e t . i. 1 1 . ± 1 4 . E h . i . 7 .
t 1 5 . 2 Ccr. iv 4 ; H e b . i. a. $ 1 5 . llev. l i i . 1 4 . $ 1 6 . J o h n i, 3 ; 1 Cor. v i i i .
6 ; E p h . i i i . 9 ; H e b . i. 2. ί 1 8 . E p h . i . 1 0 , 2 2 ; iv. 1 5 ; v. 2 3 ; 1 Cor, x i . 3 . $ 1 8 .
A c t s xxvi. 2 3 , 1 Cor. xv. 2 0 , 2 3 ; Iiev. i . 5 $ 1 9 . J o h n i 1 6 ; i i i . 3 4 ; Col. i i . 9 .
Chap. 1:20.] COLOSSIANS. [Chap. 1:26.
έν αύτφ ευδόκησε πάν το πλήρωμα κα- 20 a n d t h r o u g h H i m t o
in h iin i t W U s t h outjli t {rood All the fulness to reconcile $ALL t h i n g s for
τοικήσαι, 2 θ κα1 δι' αύτοΰ άποκαταλ- him, $ h a v i n g m a d e p e a c e
inhabit, and by means of him to reconci le by m e a n s of t h e BLOOD
λάξαι τά πάντα εις αυτόν, είρηνοποιή- of h i s CROSS, w h e t h e r t h e
tho t h i n g s a l l to h i m , having made T H I N G S on t h e EARTH, o r
σας δια τοΰ αίματος τοϋ σταυρού the T H I N G S in t h e HEAV-
peace by means of the blood of the cross ENS.
αύτοϋ, *[δι' αύτοΰ,] είτε τά
of him, [by means of him,] whether the things 2 1 And You, ^formerly
επί της γης, εϊτε τά έν τοις ούρανοΐς. being Aliens a n d E n e m i e s
i n· MIND b y WICKED
οι» the earth, or the things in the heavens.
ΚαΙ υμάς, ποτέ δντας άπηλλοτριωμένους WORKS, * h e h a s even n o w
Even you, once being aliens reconciled
καΐ εχθρούς τη διάνοια έν τοίς έργοις
and enemies in the mind by the works
22 tin t h e BODY of h i s
τοίς πονηροΐς, νυνί δε άποκατήλλαξεν
FLESH, t h r o u g h DEATH,
thos© wιckΘdj xio"W^ indeed he reconciled
22 Jto p r e s e n t you holy, a n d
έν τφ σώματι της σαρκός αύτοϋ δια
blameless, a n d i r r e p r o a c h -
in the body of the flesh of himself by means of able before h i m ;
τοϋ θανάτου, παραστήσαι υμάς άγιους και
άμωμους καΐ άνεγκλήτους κατενώ- 23 if indeed you con-
l)lsmeless ones and irreproachable ones in pres — t i n u e i n t h e F A I T H , found-
23 ed a n d established, a n d
JUOV αύτοϋ· εϊγε επιμένετε
ence of him; if indeed you continue not removed from the
τεθεμελιωμένοι καΐ εδραίοι, καΐ μη HOPE Of THOSE GLAD TID-
having been grounded and s e t t l e d ones and INGS, w h i c h you h e a r d ,
μετακινούμενοι άπό της ελπίδος τοΰ εύαγ- which were PROCLAIMED
being moved away from the hope of the glad Jto EVERY C r e a t u r e u n d e r
γελ'ιου οϋ ήκοιΊσατε, τοΰ κηρυχ&έν- HEAVEN, a n d of which
$1 P a u l b e c a m e a S e r v a n t .
τος έν πάση *[τη] κτίσει τη ύπό
published in all Ethe] creation that under 24 $1 a m n o w rejoicing
τον ούρανόν ού έγενόμην έγώ Παΰλος in the SUFFERINGS on
your account, a n d I a m
διάκονος. 2 1 Νϋν χα'ιρίο έν τοίς παθήμασιν filling up t h e REMAINDER
a servant. Now I rejoice in the sufferings
of t h e AFFLICTIONS of t h e
υπέρ υμών, καΐ άνταναπληρώ τά ύστερήμα- ANOINTED one, in my
on behalf of you, and I fill up the wants
F L E S H , on behalf of h i s
τα των θλίψεων τοΰ Χρίστου έν τη
BODY, which is t h e CON-
of the Afflictions of the .Anointed one xn tht* GREGATION ;
σαρκί μου υπέρ τοΰ σώματος αύτοΰ,
flesh of me on toehalf of the body of him, 25 of which I became
8 έστιν ή ~ εκκλησία· ής έγενόμην a Servant, according t o
Which is the congregation; of which
έγώ διάκονος became ίΤΗΑΤ STEWARDSHIP Of
έγώI διάκονος
A servtmt κατά την οίκονομίαν GOD which was given to
τοΰ I Θεοΰ τήν t cordinu to "the st.ewsrd.sliιj) me for you, fully to de-
clare the WORD of GOD,—
δοθείσάν μοι εις υμάς,
26 $the SECRET which
πληρώσαι τον λόγον τοΰ Θεοΰ, 2 β το was CONCEALED from
to fully set forth the word of the God, the AGES and from GENERA-
νων κα! άπό τό των
άποκεκρυμμένον άπό νυνί των αίώ-
δέ έφα- TIONS, tbut now is mani-
secret that having been hid
n s , from the ages
now but was fested to his SAINTS ;
and from the
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—20. by means of him—omit. 21. but now are you recon-
ciled, in the BODY of his FLESH through death, that you should be presented holy. 23.
% 2 0 . E p h . i . 1 0 . t 2 0 . E p h . i i . 14-16. $ 2 1 . E p h . i i . 1 , 2 , 1 2 , 1 9 ; iv. 1 3 .
$ 2 2 . E p h . i i . 1 5 , 1 6 . % 2 2 . Luke i . 7 5 ; E p h . i. 4 ; v. 2 7 ; 1 Thess. iv. 7 ; T i t u s
i i 1 4 ; J u d e 2 4 . $ 2 3 . R o m . x . 1 8 . % 2 3 . 1 Tim. i i . 7. t 2 4 . Rom. v. 3 ; 2 Cor.
v i i . 4 . % 2 5 . 1 Cor. i x . 1 7 ; G a l . i i . 7 ; E p h . i i i . 2 . ί 2 6 . Bom. xvi. 2 5 ; 1 Cor.
i i . 7 ; E p h . i i i . 9. $ 2 6 . M a t t . x i i i . 1 1 ; 2 T i m . i . 1 0 .
Chap. 1:27.] COLOSSIANS. [Chap. 2:6.
νερώθη τοις άγίοις αύτοϋ* οίς ή 27 to whom GOD wished
manifested to the holy ones of him; to whom to make known, what is
λησεν ό Θεός γνωρίσαι, τΙς ό πλού- $ t h e GLORIOUS WEALTH
τος της δόξης του μυστηρίου τούτου εν of this SECRET among the
of the glory of the secret of this among NATIONS, which is Christ
in you, the HOPE of
τοις Ιθνεσιν, δς έστι Χριστός εν ύμίν, ή GLORY ;
the nations, who is Anointed in you, the
έλπίς της δόξης· 2 8 δν ημείς καταγγέλλο- 28 whom we announce,
hope of the glory; whom we announce, admonishing Every Man,
μεν, νουθετοϋντες πάντα ανθρωπον, καΐ διδά- and teaching Every Man
σκοντες πάντα ανθρωπον έν πάσχι σοφία, with All Wisdom, that we
may ^present Every Man
ing, every man with all wisdom, perfect in Christ;
ίνα παραστήσωμεν πάντα ανθρωπον τέλειον
29 for which I also la-
έν Χριστώ* 2δε1ς ο καΐ κοπιώ, άγωνιζόμε- bor, ardently contending,
in Anointed; for which also I labor, ardently according to §THAT ENER-
μένος κατά τήν ένέργειαν αύ- GY of his which OPERATES
in me with Power.
του τήν ένεργουμένην έν έμοί έν δυνάμει,
him that working strongly in me in power.
ΚΕΦ. 6 ' . 2. α
Θέλω γάρ ύμας είδέναι, CHAPTER I I .
I wish for you to know, 1 For I wish you to
ήλίκον αγώνα ^χω περί υμών know how Great a $ Strug-
how great a «onflict I have concerning you gle I have about you and
and των έν Λαοδικε'ια, καΐ
καΐ όσοι οΰχ έω- TPIOSE in Laodicea, and as
ράκασι τό πρόσωπον μου έν σαρκί· 2
ΐνα many as have not seen my
seen the face of me in flesh; so that FACE in the FLESH ;
παρακληθώσιν αϊ καρδ'ιαι αυτών, συμβι-
Tn£iy bo comforted the h©Hi*ts of ίΐΐθίτι oelu^ 2 so that their HEARTS
may be comforted, being
βασθέντες έν αγάπη καΐ ε'ις πάντα πλοΰτον closely united in Love,
k n i t t o g e t h e r i n love a n d f o r a l l wealth and in All the Wealth of
της πληροφορίας ΐς συνέσεως,
of the full conviction t h e FULL ASSURANCE Of
he understanding, the UNDERSTANDING, in
εις έπ'ιγνωσιν του μυστηρίου order to an exact $Know-
in order to an 3
exact knowledge of the secret ledge of *the SECRET of
τοϋ θεοϋ* έν ω είσι πάντες ol θησαυ- GOD;
of t h e God; i n w h i c h a r e a l l t h e t r e a s -
ροΐ της σοφίας καΐ * [της] γνώσεως 3 $in which are stored
ures of the wisdom and Cof the] knowledge All the TREASURES Of WIS-
απόκρυφοι. 4Τοΰτο *[δέ] λέγω, ίνα μη τις DOM and Knowledge.
stored up. This [but] I say, that not any one
ύμας παραλογίζηται έν πιθανολογία. ΒΕί 4 And this I say, t h a t
you may deceive with plausible spe'ech. If no one $may deceive You
γάρ καΐ τη σαρκΐ απειμι, αλλά τω with Persuasive speech ;
tor even i n t h e flesh I a m a b s e n t , s t i l l i n the
πνεΰματι σύν ύμίν εϊμι, χαίρων καΐ βλέπων 5 for § though I am ab-
sent in the FLESH, yet I
υμών τήν τάξιν, καΐ τό στερέωμα της εις am with you in the SPIRIT,
of you the order, and the stability of the in rejoicing and beholding
Χριστόν πίστεως υμών. $Your ORDER, and the
Anointed faith of you. in Christ.
Ώς οδν πχιρελάβετε τον Χριστόν
6 $As therefore you re-
* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 . t h e S E C R E T of the G O D C h r i s t ; i n whom a r e hid. 3 .
of t h e — o m i t . 4. b u t — o m i t .
t 27. Rom. ix. 2 3 ; Eph. i. 7 ; i i i . 8. % 28. 2 Cor. xi. 2 ; Eph. v. 2 7 ; verse 2 2 .
$ 2 0. Eph. i . 1 9 ; i i i . 7 , 2 0 . $ 1. P h i l . i. 3 0 ; 1 Thess. i i . 2." $ 2. P h i l . i i i . 8 ;
Col. i. 9. $ 3 . 2 Cor. i i . 6, 7 . % 4 . E o m . x v i . 1 8 ; 2 Cor. x i . 1 3 ; E p h . i v .
1 4 ; v. 6. $ 5. 1 Thess. i i . 1 7 . % 5. 1 Cor. adv. 4 0 . $ 6 . 1 T h e s s . i v . 1 .

Chap. 2:7.] COLOSSIANS. [Chap. 2:15.
Ίησοΰν τον Κύριον, έν αύτφ περιπατείτε, ceived the ANOINTED Je-
sus the LORD, walk you
έρριζα>μένοι καΐ έποικοδομούμενοι έν in Him;
h i b rooted and being built up in 7 rooted and built up
αύτώ, καΐ βεβαιούμενοι *[έν] xfj πίστει, in him, and ^established
him', and being establ ished [in] the by the FAITH, even as you
καθώς έδιδάχθητε, περισσεύοντες έν αύττί were taught, abounding in
as you were taught, abounding in it
8 it with Thanksgiving.
έν ευχαριστία. Βλέπετε, μη τις υμάς
with thanksgiving. See you, not any one o 8 Take care that no one
ί-σται ό συλαγωγών δια της φίλο- make a prey of You through
sits. 11 bfc the making a prey by means of the philo— PHILOSOPHY and Empty
σοφίας καΐ κενής απάτης, κατά τήν Deceit, according to $the
ηαράδοσιν των ανθρώπων, κατά τά στοι- cording to the ELEMENTS
tradition of the men, according to the ele- of the WORLD, and not ac-
χεία τοϋ κόσμου, καΐ ού κατά Χρι- cording to Christ.
έν αύτφ κατοικεί πάν 9 Because $in him
στόν. »"Οτι
α him * dwells all dwells All the FULLNESS
Anointed. of the DEITY bodily ;
τό πλήρωμα της θεότητος σωματικώς, 1οκα1
the fulness of the deity bodily, and 10 $and you are replen-
έστέ έν αύτφ πεπληρωμένοι· ος έστιν ished by Him, $who is the
you are by him having been fil led; who is HEAD of All Government
ή κεφαλή πάσης αρχής και εξουσίας· and Authority;
the head of all government and authority; 11 by whom also you
^έν ω καΐ περιετμήθητε περιτο- were $circumcised with a
in whom also you were circumcised with a
Circumcision not done by
μη άχειροποιήτω, έν τχί άπεκδύ- hand, in the PUTTING OFF
circumcision not done by hand, in the putting
σει τοϋ σώματος της σαρκός, έν τχί περι- of the BODY of the FLESH,
off of the body of the flesh, in the circum- by the CIRCUMCISION of
τομτ) τοΰ Χρίστου, 12
συνταφέντες the ANOINTED ;
ΟiΗion of the A.nointedy having been buried Λν 1 th 12 ^having been buried
αύτφ έν το» βαπτίσματι· έν φ καΐ συν- with him by IMMERSION ;
him by the dipping» in T^hich also you in which also you were
ηγέρθητε διά της πίστεως της raised with him, through
•were raised by means of the faith of the $the BELIEF of the ENER-
ενεργείας τοΰ Θεοΰ τοΰ έγείραν- GY of THAT GOD who
RAISED him from the
αύτόν έκ νεκρών 13κα1 υμάς
ut of dead ones; and DEAD.
νεκρούς δντας * [έν] τοις παραπτώμασι καΐ 13 $And You, being
dead being [in] the faults and dead by t h e T R E S P A S S E S ,
X'Q άκροβυστία της σαρκός υμών, συν- even by t h e UNCIRCUMCI-
by the :ircumcisioh of the flesh of you, he SION of your F L E S H , h e
εζωοποίησε συν "αύτφ, χαρισάμε- m a d e alive t o g e t h e r w i t h
made alive togeth with him, having freely him, h a v i n g freely p a r -
νος ήμίν πάντα τά παραπτώματα· 1 4 έξα- doned All o u r OFFENCES ,*
14 $having blotted o u t
λείψας τό καθ' ημών χειρόγραφον w h a t w a s WRITTEN BY
blotted out that against us written by hand
τοις δόγμασιν, ο fjv ύπεναντίον ήμίν, HAND i n ORDINANCES
which w a s AGAINST U S,
καΐ αυτό ήρκεν έκ τοΰ μέσου, and has removed it from
and it he has rem ed out of the midst, the MIDST, having nailed
προσηλώσας αυτό τφ σταυρφ* 15άπεκδυσάμε- it to the CROSS ;
having nailed i t to the cross: having stripped 15 $having stripped the
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 7 . in—omit 13. in—omit.
t 7. Eph. ii. 2 1 , 2 3 ; iii. 1 7 ; Col. i. 23. t 8. Matt. xv. 2 ; Gal. i . 1 4 .
t 9. John i. 1 4 ; Col. i. 19. % 10. John i. 16. % 10. Eph. i. 20, 2 1 ; 1 Pet. iii.
22. t 1 1 . Deut. x. 1 6 ; xxx. 6 ; Jer. iv. 4 ; Rom. ii. 2 9 ; Phil. iii. 3. ί 12. Rom.
vi. 4. t 12. Eph. i. 1 9 ; i i i . 7. $ 1 3 . E p h . i i . 1 , 5 , 6 , 1 1 . % 14.Eph. i i .
15,16. % 1 5 . P s a . lxviii. 1 8 ; E p h . iv. 8 .
Chap, 2:16.] COLOSSIANS. [Chap. 3 : 1 .
νος τάς αρχάς καΐ τάς εξουσίας, GOVERNMENTS and AU-
THORITIES, he made a
off the governments id the authorities, public exhibition of them,
έδειγμάτισεν έν παρρησία, Φριαμβεύ-
lie made a show by publicity, having triumphed
triumphing over them by
σας αυτούς έν αύτφ. 1β Μή οΰν τις it.
16 Let no one, therefore,
over them in it. Not therefore anyone
υμάς κρινέτω έν βρώσει η έν πόσει, ή έν $rule You in Food, or in
you l e t judge in food or in drink, or in Drink, or in respect of a
μέρει εορτής, η νουμηνίας, η σαβ-Festival, or of a New-
moon, or of Sabbaths,
βάτων α έστι σκιά μελλόν- 17 *$which are Shad-
ows of t h e FUTURE things ;
των, το δε σώμα Χρίστου. Μηδεις but the BODY is Christ's.
coming, the but body of Anointed. No one
18 $Let no one wishing
υμάς καταβραβευέτω, θέλων
έν ταπει- it deprive You of theprize,
by Humility and a Wor-
νοφροσύνη καΐ θρησκεία τών άγγέ- ship of the ANGELS, prying
tj of mind' and a r e l i g i o u s Λνοΐ-ship of the m e s - into things which he has
λων, α * [ μ ή ] έώρακεν έμβα- not seen, being without
eengers, what things [not] he has seen prying cause puffed up by t h e
τεύων, εική φυσιούμενος ύπό τοΰMIND Of his FLESH ;
Into, without cause being puffed 19up by the 19 and not holding
νοός τής σαρκός αύτοΰ, κα1 ού κρα-firmly $the HEAD, from
mind of the ilesh of himself, and not hold- whom the Whole BODY,
τών την κεφαλήν, εξ ού πάν τόbeing supplied and com-
in^r firmly the head, from whoiti a l l the pacted together by means
σώμα, διά τών άφών καΐ συνδέσμων of t h e J O I N T S and Liga-
body, by means of the j o i n t s and ligaments
ments, grows with the IN-
την αΰξησιν τοΰκαΐ συμβιβαζόμενον,
Εί άπεθάνετε αυξει
Θεοΰ. συν 20 If $you died with
t h e f£ r ο w t Y\ of t h e Gr ο ο.. If y o u. d i e d TS^ i t h Christ from the ELEMENTS
Χριστώ άπό τών στοιχείων τοΰ κόσμου, of the WORLD, Jwhy, as
Α.nointed froΤΪΙ the Θ 1 ements of the wοr 1 dj living in the World, do you
τΐ ώς ζώντες εν κόσμω δογματ'ι- subject nances ; —
yourselves to ordi-
why as living
ζεσΟε- in world do you impose on your- 21 i ( " E a t not," "taste
not," "handle not ; " —
μηδέ γεύστ], μηδέ θί
nor thou shouldst have t a s t e
no thou shouldst 22 all which things are
έστι πάντα εις ςρθοράν consumed in the U S I N G ; )
γτις; α
ha"vo h a n d l e d ? w h i c h t h i n g s i s a l l f o r c o r r u p t i o n ^according to t h e COM-
ττ) άποχρήσει,) κατά τά εντάλματα και MANDMENTS anu Teach-
ings of men?
διδασκαλίας τών ανθρώπων ^ατινά έστι 23 |which ordinances,
teachings of the men; which things is
having a Wordy show of
λόγον μεν έχοντα σοφίας έν έθε- Wisdom in Self-devised
a w o r d y s h o w i n d e e d h a v i n g of w i s d o m i n s e l f - worship and Humility, by
λοθρησκεία καΐ ταπεινοφροσύνη *[καΙ] a Non-indulgence of the
dev i s e d w o r s h i p and humility C**· nd j Body, not in any Honor,
άφειδία σώματος, ουκ έν τιμή τινι, are only for a Gratifica-
non- indulgence of body, not in honor any, tion of the F L E S H .
προς πλησμονήν τής σαρκός,
for a filling up of the flesh. CHAPTER I I I .
ΚΕΦ. γ ' . 3.
Εί oi'V συνηγέρΒητε τώ Χριστώ, 1 If, then, $you were
raised with the ANOINTED
If then you were" raised with* the Anointed,
one, seek the THINGS
τά ανω ζητείτε, ού ό Χριστός above, where ItheANOiNT-
the things above seek you, where the Anointed
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—17. which is a Shadow. 18. not—omit. 23. and—omit
t 16. Horn. xiv. 3; x. 13. $ 17. Heb. viii. δ; ix. 9; x. 1. $ 18. verse 4. $ 19.
Eph. iv. 15. 16. % 20. Rom. vi. 3, 5; vii. 4, 6; Gal. ii. 19; Eph. ii. 15. t 20.
Gal. iv. 3, 9. t 21. 1 Tim. iv. 3. ί 22. Isa. xxix. 13; Matt. xv. 9; T;tus i. 11..
% 23. 1 Tim. iv. 8. $ 1. Rom. vi. 5; Eph. ii. G; Col. ii. 12. $ 1. Rom. viii. 24;
Eph. i. 20.
Chap. 3:2.] COLOSSIANS. [Chap. 3:13.
έστιν έν δεξιφ του Θεοϋ καθήμενος· ED one is sitting a t the
is at right of the Right hand of GOD.
God sitting;
τά άνω φρονείτε, μη τα έπί 2 Mind the THINGS
the things above mind you, not the things on above, not the THINGS on
τηζ ΊΆζ' Άπεθάνετε γάρ, καΐ ή ζωή υμών the EARTH.
the earth. You died for, and the life of you 3 $For you died, and
έ σύν τφ Χρι,στφ έν τφ Θεφ· $your LIFE has been hid-
with the Anointed by the God; den with the ANOINTED
*δταν ό Χριστός φανερωϋτί, ή ζωή ημών, one by GOD.
wheq the Anointed may appear, the life of u s ,
4 .tWhen the ANOINTED
τότε καΐ ύμείς σύν αΰτφ φανερωθήσεσθε έν one, $our LIFE, shall be
then also you with him shall appear in
μέλη manifested, then you also
δόξη. Νεκρώσατε ουν τά
glory. Put you to death thorefore the members
will be manifested $with
*[ύμών,] τά επί της γης, πορνείαν, άκα- Him in Glory.
[of you] those on the earth, fornication, 5 $Put to death, there-
Φαρσίαν, πάθος, έπιθυμίαν κακήν, καΐ την fore, THOSE MEMBERS On
Impurity, passion, desire evil, and the the EARTH ; Fornication,
πλεονεξίαν, ήτις εστίν είδωλολατρεία*
δι' Impurity, Passion, evil De-
s i r e, and INORDINATE}
δ ή οργή τοΰ Θεοΰ *[έπι LUST, which is Idol-wor-
of which things comes the wrath of the God Con ship ;
τους υΙούς της απείθειας*] 7 έν οίς 6 | o n account of which
the sons of the disobedience;] in which things things the WRATH of GOD
καΐ ύμείς περιεπατήσατέ ποτέ, δτε έζή- is 7coming. $In which also you
also you walked once, when you were
formerly walked, when
τε έν αύτοίς· 8νυν1 δε άπό-βεσθε κα] you lived in these things.
living among them; now but p u t off also
8 $But now do you p u t
ύμείς τά πάντα, όργήν, θνμόν, κακίαν, off also ALL these; An-
you the things all, anger, wrath, m a l i c e , ger, Wrath, Malice, Evil
βλασφημίαν, αίσχρολογίαν, έκ τοΰ στόμα- speaking, Vile words out
evil speaking, filthy words out of the mouth
είς αλλήλους· of 9your MOUTH.
τος υμών μή ψεύδεσθε $Do not speak falsely
άπεκδυσάμενοι τόν παλαιόν άνΦρωπον σύν to each other, having put
having stripped the old man with
off the OLD Man with his
ταΐς πράξεσιν αύτοϋ, Ιθ κα1 ένδυσάμενοι τόν PRACTICES;
10 and having put on
νέον, τόν άνακαινούμενον εις έπίγνωσιν t h a t NEW one, $BEING RE-
NEWED by Knowledge, ac-
κατ* ε'ικόνα τοΰ κτισαντος cording to a Likeness of
11 HIM who CREATED him.
αυτόν 8που ουκ ενι "Ελ?\.ην καΐ 'Ιουδαίος·
him; where not exists Greek and Jew;
11 In which state there
περιτομή και άκροβυστία· βάρβαρος, are not § Greek and Jew,
Circumcision and Uncir-
Σκΰθης· δοΰλος, ελεύθερος· αλλά τά cumcision; Barbarian,
Scythian; slave, freeman; but
the things Scythian, bondman, free-
πάντα καΐ έν πασι Χριστός. Ένδύσασ0ε man ; but Christ is ALL
all and in all Anointed. Be you clothed things, and in all.
©ΰν, ώς εκλεκτοί τοΰ Θεοΰ άγιοι 12 Be clothed, therefore,
*[καΙ] ήγαπημένοι, σπλάγχνα οικτιρμοΰ, as Chosen ones of God, be-
Citiid.II beloved ones, bowels of mercy loved Saints, with $Bow-
χρηστότητα, ταπέινοφροσύνην, πραότητα, μα- els of Mercy, Kindness,
kindness, humility, meekness, Humility, Meekness, Pa-
(άνεχόμενοι αλλήλων, καΐ tient endurance;
13 ^bearing with each
* VATICAN M A N T T S C R I F T . — δ . of you—omit. 6. on the SONS of D I S O B E D I E N C E —
omit. 12. and—omit.
t 3. Rom. vi. 2. } 3 . 2 Cor. v. 7. $ 4. 1 John iii. 3. t 4. John xi. 2 5 ; xiv. 6.
t 4 . 1 Cor. xv. 4 3 ; Phil. iii. 2 1 . t 5. Born. viii. 1 3 ; Gal. v. 24. $ G.Rom.
i. 1 8 ; E p h . v. 6. t 7. Rom. vi. 19, 2 0 ; Titus iii. 3. $ 8. Eph. iv. 2 2 ; 1 Pet.
ii. 1. $ 9. Eph. iv. 25. % 10. Rom. xii. 2. % 1 1 . Gal. i i i . 2 8 ; v. 6. % 1 2 .
Gal. V. 2 2 ; P h i l . i i . 1. $ 13. Eph. iv. 32.
Chap. 3:14.] COLOSSIANS. [Chap. 3:23.
χαριξόμενοι έαυτοίς, έάν τις
προς τι- other, and freely forgiv-
freely forgiving each other, if any one for some ing each other, if any one
vu εχη μομφήν καθώς καΐ for some things may have
iiiiu£kS should hiive st csiuse of coixiplixinti &s ©vexi a Cause of complaint; even
ό Χριστός έχαρ'ισατο ύμίν, οΰτω καΐ as the *LORD forgave you,
so also do you forgive.
ύμείς πασι δε τούτοις την άγάπην,
you;) sides all and these the love, 14 And besides all these
ήτις εστί σύνδεσμος της τελειότητος· ιεκα1 ή things, put on |LOVE ; *it
which i s a bond of the completeness; and the is the BOND of the COM-
ειρήνη τοΰ Χριτοΰ βραβευέτω έ· ταίς PLETENESS.
15 And $let the PEACE
in the
καρδίαις υμών, εις καΐ ΐκλήθητε of the ANOINTED preside
hearts of you, for also you re called in your HEARTS, for which
έν *[ένι] σώματι· καΐ ευχάριστοι γίνεσθε. you were also called in
in Cone] bo.dy; and thankful ones become you. One Body; and be thank-
O λόγος του Χριστοί) ένοικείτω έν ful.
The w o r d of t h e A n o i n t e d let dwell in 16 Let the WORD of the
ύμΐν πλουσίως· έν πάση σοφία διδάσκοντες, ANOINTED dwell in you
you richly; in a l l wisdom teaching, richly ; teaching and ad-
καΐ νουθετοΰντες εαυτούς ψαλμοΐς * [καΐ] monishing All
each other in
Wisdom ; §in Psalms,
<ixid ο, dm o n i s h i u ^ e A ch ο the r i u p s SL Ι ΪΪΙ S fflDdj in Hymns, in spiritual
ΰμνοις *[καΙ] ώδαΐς πνευματικαίς, έν χάρι- Songs, singing with •GRA-
iq hymns [and] in songs spiritual, with favor TITUDE in your HEARTS to
τι αδοντες έν ταίς καρδ'ιαις υμών τφ θεφ· GOD.
17 17 $And everything,
και παν 8,τι αν ποιητε, έν λόγφ
ί^ έν έργω, πάντα έν ονόματι Κυρίου Ίησοΰ, whatever
you may do, in
or in Work, do all
or i n work, all in name of Lord Jesus,
εύχαριστοϋντες τω θεφ *[καΙ] ΠατρΙ δι' Jesus, §givingofthanks
in the Name the Lord
giving thanks to the God [and] Father through
αύτοΰ. At γυναίκες, υποτάσσεστε GOD
τοις him. the Father through
him. The wives, submit yourselves to the 18 $ WIVES, submit
άνδράσιν, ώς άνηκεν έν Κυρίφ.19ΟΙ yourselves to your HUS-
husbands, &s i t lias been proper in. Liord. The BANDS, as is proper in the
δνδρες, αγαπάτε τάς γυναίκας, otai μη πι-Lord. 19 §HUSBANDS, love
κραίνεσθε προς αύτάς. ^Τά τέκνα, ύπα- your WIVES, and do not
you embittered against them. The children, be
κούετε τοις γονεΰσι κατά πάντα· το\5το γάρ behave harshly to them.
you s u b j e c t to the p a r e n t s i n a l l t h i n g s ; t h i s f o r 20 ^CHILDREN, obey
έστιν εύάρεστον έν Κυρίφ. 21ΟΙ πατέρες, μή your PARENTS in all things ;
is well-pleasing in Lord. The fathers, not for this is well-pleasing in
the Lord.
ερεθίζετε τά τέκνα υμών, ίνα urj 21 ^FATHERS, do not
do you provoke the children of you, so that not provoke your CHILDREN ;
άΟυμώσιν. 22
Ol δούλοι, ύπακοι>ετε that they may not be dis-
they maybediscouraged. The slaves, beyousubject couraged.
κατά πάντα τοις κατά σάρκα κυ- 22 $ BOND-SERVANTS,
in a l l things to the according t o flesh obey in all things your
ρ ίοις, μή έν όφθαλμοδουλείαις, ώς άνθρωπά- MASTERS according to the
Flesh; not with Eye-ser-
ρεσκοι, άλλ' έν απλότητα καρδίας, φοβούμε- vice as Men-pleasers, but
ers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing in Sincerity of Heart, fear-
νοι τόν Κύριον 2θ* [καΐ παν 8,]
,] τι έάν ing the LORD.
the Lord; Cand every thing,]] whi itever 23 §Whatever you may
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—13. LORD. 14. it is the BOND. 15. one—omit 16.
and—omit, twice. 16. GRATITUDE. 17. and—omit. 23. and every thing—omit. 23.
t 14. John xiii. 3 4 ; Bom. xiii. 8 ; 1 Cor. xiii; Eph. v. 2. $ 15. Rom. xiv. 1 7 ;
Phil. iv. 7. t 16. Eph. v. 19. t 17. 1 Cor. x. 31. t 17. Rom. i. 8 ; Eph. v. 2 0 ;
Col. i. 1 2 ; ii. 7 ; 1 Thess. v. 1 8 ; Feb. xiii. 15. % 18. Eph. v. 2 2 ; Titus ii. 5 ; 1
Pet. ill. 1. t 19- Eph. v. 25, 2 8 ; 1 Pet. iii. 7. $ 20. Eph. vi. 1. t 2 1 . Eph. vi. 4 .
% 2 2 . Eph. v i . 5 ; 1 Tim. v i . 1 ; Titus i i . 9 ; 1 Pet. i i . 18. t 23. Eph. vi. 6, 7.
Chap. 3:24.] COLOSSIANS. [Chap. 4:8.
ποιήτε, έκ ψυχής εργάζεσθε, ώς τφ do, work it from the soul,
you may do, from soul work you, JIS to the as for the LORD, and not
for Men;
Κυρίφ *[καί] ουκ άνθρώποις. Είδότες, δτι 24 {knowing that from
the Lord you will receive
από Κυρίου άπολήψεσθε την άνταπόδοσιν the RECOMPENSE of the
from Lord you w i l l r e c e i v e t h e recompence
της κληρονομιάς, τω *[γάρ] Κυρίω Χριστώ INHERITANCE ; for {yOU
of the inheritance, the [for} Lord " Anointed serve Christ the LORD.
δουλεύετε. 25
' 0 δε άδικων κομιείται 25 *For H E who ACTS
you serve. He but doing wrong w i l l receive back UNJUSTLY, will receive
back for the injustice he
δ ήδ'ικησε* καΐ ούκ εστί προσωποληψ'ια. committed; {and without
ΚΕΦ. δ ' . 4 . Οί κύριοι, το δίκαιον και any Partiality.
The lords, the j u s t and
την ισότητα τοις δούλοις παρέχεσθε, ε'ιδό- 1 MASTERS, {render
τες, οτι και ύμεΐς έχετε Κύριον εν ούρανοίς. THAT which is J U S T and
THAT which is EQUAL ;
Trj προσευχή προσκαρτερείτε, γρη- knowing t h a t you also
γοροΰντες εν αύτη, έν ευχαριστία* 3προσευ- have a Master in the
ing in i t , w i t h thankfulness; pray- Heavens.
χόμενοι άμα καΐ περί ημών, 'ίνα 2 {Attend constantly to
Ing at the same time also for us, that PRAYER, watching in it
δ Θεός άνοιξη τοΰ λόγου, with Thankfulness ;
ήμϊν θύραν
the God may open to us a door for the word, 3 {praying also a t t h e
λαλησαι το μυστήριον τοΰ Χρίστου, same time for us, t h a t
δέδεμαι· 4 GOD may {open to us a
δι' καΐ Ϊ-
Door for the WORD, to
speak {the SECRET of the
να φανερώσω αυτό, ώς δει με ANOINTED one, on account
that I may make manifest it, of *whom I have been
as i t behooves me
λαλησαι. 5
bound ;
Έ ν σοφία περιπατείτε προς τους
4 that I may make i t
έξω, τον καιρόν αγοραζόμενοι. Ό manifest, as it behooves
ng for yourselves. The me to speak.
λόγος υμών πάντοτε έν χάριτι, αλάτι 5 {Walk in Wisdom to-
δεϊ securing the SEASON for
τυμένος, είδε ναι πώς yourselves.
ing been se( 6 Let your WORDS be
ύμας ένί έκάστω άποκρ'ινεσθαι. Τα always
with Affability,
you one each Tjue things having been seasoned with
to answer.
κατ' έμέ πάντα γνωρίσει ύμίν Salt, {knowing how it be-
Concci*uiuff ΙΪΙΘ SL 11 w * 1 X itifikβ fcnQTVT\ t o you hooves you to answer
every one.
Τυχικός ό αγαπητός αδελφός καΐ πιστός 7 {Tychicus will make
Tychicus the beloved brother and faithful known to you all THINGS
διάκονος καΐ σύνδουλος έν Κυρίω* ον relating to me,—that BE-
servant and fellow-slave in Lord; whom LOVED Brother, and Faith-
ful Assistant, and Fellow-
έπεμψα προς ύμας εις αυτό τοΰτο, Ενα servant in the Lord ;
8 {whom I sent to you
τά περί υμών, καΐ for this purpose, that *you
you, and might know our AFFAIRS,
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 4 . for—omit. 25. For H E who. 3. whom. 8. you
might know our AFF'AIRS.
t 24. Eph. vi. 8. % 24. 1 Cor. vii. 22. % 25. Rom. i i . 1 1 ; Eph. vi. 9 ; 1 P e t .
i . 1 7 . % 1. Eph. vi. 9 . $ 2. Luke xviii. 1; Rom. xii. 1 2 ; Eph. vi. 18. $ 3.
Eph. vi. 1 9 ; 2 Thess. H i . 1. % 3 . 1 Cor. xvi. 9 ; 2 Cor. ii. 12. $ 3. Matt. xiii.
1 1 ; 1 Cor. iv. 1 ; Eph. vi. 1 9 ; Col. i . 2 6 ; i i . 2. % 5. Eph. v. 1 5 ; 1 Thess. iv. 12.
$ 6. 1 P e t . i i i . 1 5 . $ 7. Eph. vi. 2 1 . i 8. Eph. vi. 22.
Chap. 4:9.] COLOSSIANS. [Chap. 4:16.
παρακάλεση τάς καρδίας υμών 9σύν Όνησί- and that he might comfort
may comfort the hearts of you; with Onesimus your HEARTS;
μω τώ πιστώ καΐ άγαπητώ άδελφω, δ ς έστιν 9 together with $the
* the faithful and beloved brother, who is FAITHFUL and Beloved
έξ υμών πάντα ύμίν γνωριοΰσι Brother Onesimus, who is
fm y^ 2111
t y o u t h e y will ΙΏΪΙΚΘ knoAvn from you. They will tell
τά ώδε. Άσπάζεται ύμας Άρισταρ- You of all THINGS here.
the things here. Salutes you Aristarcnus
χος t h ό 10 |Aristarchus, my
e συναιχμάλωτός μου, καΐ Μάρκος ό FELLOW-CAPTIVE, salutes
ανεψιός Βαρνάβα, περί οΰ έλά- you; and $Mark, the
nephew of Barnabas, concerning whom you NEPHEW of Barnabas;
6ετε έντολάς· (εάν ελθτ) προς υμάς, concerning whom you re-
received commands; ( i f he should come t oyou, ceived Orders; (if he
should come to you, re-
δέξασθε αυτόν) αικα1 Ίησοΰς 6 λεγό- ceive him;)
receive him;) and Jesus he being
μένος Ίοΰστος* ol δντες έκ περιτομης· 11 and THAT Jesus who
ούτοι μόνοι
Justus; they being of circumcision;
συνεργοί εις την δασιλειαν
is CALLED Justus. These
these alone fellow-workers for the kingdom only are THEY who of the
τοϋ Θεοϋ, οΐτινες έγενήθησάν μοι παρηγο- Circumcision ARE my Fel-
of the God, who were to me a comfort. low workmen for the KING-
ρία. 1 2 Άσπάζεται υμάς Έπαφράς, ό έξ DOM of GOD, who were a
Comfort to me.
υμών δοΰλος Χρίστου, πάντοτε άγωνιζό- 12 THAT $EPAPHRAS,
you a slave of Anointed, always fervently
who is from you, a Ser-
μένος υπέρ υμών εν ταίς προσευχαϊς, vant of *Christ Jesus, sal-
utes you; a t all times
ΐνα στητέ τέλειοι καΐ πεπληρωμέ- Xfervently striving on your
that you may stand perfect evei behalf in his PRAYERS, that
νοι εν παντί θελήματι τοϋ θεού. Μαρτυ- you may *stand ^perfect

piet and complete in the Whole

Will of GOD.
ρώ γαρ αύτώ, 8τι έχει πολύν πόνον υπέρ
for to him, that he has great concern on behalf 13 For I testify for him,
that he has great Con-
υμών, καΐ των εν Λαοδικεία, και τών cern for you, and for
of you, and for those in Laodicea, and for those THOSE in Laodicea, and
έν Ίεραπόλει. Άσπάζεται υμάς Λουκάς ό for THOSE in Hierapolis.

in Hierapolis. Salutes you Luke the 14 $Luke, the BELOVED

Ιο.τρ6ς 6 αγαπητός, καΐ Δημάς. 15
Άσπά- PHYSICIAN, salutes you,
pl.ysician the beloved, and Demas. Salute and |Demas.
σασθε τους έν Λαοδικεία αδελφούς, καΐ 15 Salute the BRETH-
Di*6tlireii) ΣΙΤΙΠ REN in Laodicea, and
you th ο s ο i n Lit ocl i c 63,
Νυμφάν, καΐ την κατ' οίκον αύτοϋ έκκλη- Nymphas, and $the CON-
!Νyniphiis) ftnci t h e i n h o u s e ο ι liiixi coxier©*· GREGATION in *his House.
Kai όταν άναγνωσΟχί παρ' 16 And when $this LET-
TER may have been read
ύμΐν * [ή επιστολή,] ποιήσατε, ϊνα καΐ έν among you, cause that it
may also be read in the
ττ\ Λαοδικέων εκκλησία άναγνωσθη, CONGREGATION 0 f t h e
the Laodiceans congregation it may be read, LAODICEANS ; and do you
also read THAT from Laod-
καΐ τήν έκ Λαοδικείας ϊνα και ύμεϊς άνα- icea.
9ΐΐ(2 t hit t £ ν ΟΙΪΙ Lft OQ 1 c Θ s thsit d. 1 s ο y o u ιχι Ά y
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 2 . Christ Jesus. 12. be established perfect. 15. her
House. 16. the LETTER—omit.
% 9. Philemon 10. % 10. Acts xix. 2 9 ; xx. 4 ; xxvii. 2 ; Philemon 24. t 10.
Acts xv. 3 7 ; 2 Tim. iv. 11. t 12. Col. i. 7; Philemon 23. t 12. Bom. xv. 30.
% 12. Matt. v. 4 8 ; 1 Cor. ii. 6 ; xiv. 2 0 ; Phil. Hi. 1 5 ; Heb. v. 14. t 14. 2 Tim.
iv. 11. t 14. 2 Tim. iy. 1 0 ; Philemon 24. $ 15. Rom. xvi. 5 ; 1 Cor. xvi. ID.
$ 1 6 . 1 These. V. 2 7 .

Chap. 4:17.] COLOSSIANS. [Chap. 4:18.
γνώτε. ΚαΙ είπατε Άρχίππω·
._,Λ ~ Βλέπε την .... 17 And say to JArchip-
read. And say you too Archippus;
Archippus; See the pus, "Attend on the $ SER-
See the
διακον'ιαν ην παοέλαβες εν Κυριφ, VICE which thou didst re-
service which thou didst receive in Lord, ceive in the Lord, that
Ό ασπασμός thou mayest fulfil it."
1 8
ϊνα αυτήν πληροίς. 18 $The SALUTATION
that her thou mayest fulfil. The salutation
xf\ έμί) χειρί Παύλου. Μνημονεύετε μου of Paul, with MY OWN
ii the my hand of Paul. Remember yr" of me Hand. § Remember Μ y
των δεσμών. Ή χάρις μεθ' υμών. CHAINS ! Favor be with
the chains. The favor with you. you !
% 17. Philemon 2. $ 17. 1 Tim. iv. 6. % 18. 1 Cor. xvi. 2 1 ; 2 Thess. iii.
17. $ 18. Heb. xiii. 3.


ΚΕΦ. α ' . 1. CHAPTER I.
Παΰ?^ος κα! Σιλουανός καΐ Τιμόθεος,, τχ\
1 Paul, and §Sylvanus,
Paul ana Silvanus and Timothy to
t the and Timothy, to the CON-
εκκλησία Θεσσαλονικέων έν Θεώ Πατρ» GREGATION of Thessaloni-
και Κυρίφ Ίησοϋ Χριστφ· χάρις ΰμίν καΐ cans in God the Father
and the Lord Jesus Christ;
ειρήνη *[άπό Θεοϋ Πατρός ημών, καΐ Κυρί- Favor to you and peace.
peace Qfrom God a Father of us, and Lord
2 2 $We give thanks to
ου Ίησοΰ Χρίστου.] Εύχαριστοΰμεν τω Θεώ GOD at all times respect-
Jesus Anointed.] We give thanks to the God ing you all, making a Re-
πάντοτε περί πάντων υμών, μνείαν membrance of you in our
υμών ποιούμενοι επί των προσευχών ημών, 3 $ never forgetting in
the Presence of our GOD
άδιαλείπτως μνημονεύοντες υμών τοΰ έ"ργου and Father, Your $OPER-
unceasingly ATIVE FAITH, and §LA-
της πίστεως recollecting of you of the work BORIOUS LOVE, and PA-
of the faith, καΐ τοΰ κόπου της αγάπης, TIENT HOPE of our LORD
καΐ της υπομονής
nd of the labor της ofελπίδος
the love,τοΰ Jesus Christ;
Κυρίου ημών Ίησοΰ Χρίστου, έμπροσθεν τοΰ 4 knowing, Brethren
Lord of us Jesus Anointed, in presence of the beloved by GOD, your
Θεοΰ καΐ Πατρός ημών 4ειδότες, αδελφοί ^ELECTION ;
God and Father of us; knowing, brethren
Αγαπημένοι υπό Θεοΰ, την έκλογήν υμών 5 because $our GLAD
beloved by God, the election of you; TIDINGS came to you not
τό εύαγγέλιον ημών ούκ έγενήθη είς in Word only, but also in
be Power, even with the holy
υμάς έν λόγω μόνον, αλλά καΐ έν δυνάμει, Spirit, and abundant Con-
you in firmation ; as you know
word only,
καΐ έν πνεύματι άγίω, but also in
καΐ *[έν] power,
πληροφορία what we were among you
even with s p i r i t holy, and [with] confirmation on your account.
πολλτ\· καθώς οϊδατε οίοι έγενήθημεν έν 6 And §you became
much as you
y o u know
know what
w h t
we were among Imitators of us, and of
ύμίν δι' υμάς. ΚαΙ ύμείς μιμηταΐ the LORD, having embraced
t h e WORD i n m u c h
ημών έγενήθητε καΐ τοΰ Κυρίου, δεξάμε- Affliction with Joy of
ο£ us toecinn© tiuci of the LorcLy h&viii^ holy Spirit;
νοι τόν λόγον έν θλίψει πολλή μετά 7 so that you became
received the word in affliction much with *a Pattern to ALL the BE-
χαράς πνεύματος αγίου· ωστε 7 LIEVERS
γενέσθαι and ACHAIA. in MACEDONIA
joy of s p i r i t holy; so that to have become
υμάς τύπους πασι τοις πιστεύουσιν έν τχ\ 8 Indeed, not only has
you p a t t e r n s to a l l to those believing in th*e
Μακεδονία καΐ 'Αχαΐα. 8 Ά φ ' υμών γαρ the WORD of the LORD been
sounded forth from you
Macedonia* and in the Achaia. From you for
έξήχηται ό λόγος τοΰ Κυρίου ού μόνον through MACEDONIA and
has been sounded forth the word of the Lord not only Achaia; but $in Every
έν τη Μακεδονία καΐ xfi 'Αχαΐα, άλλα *[καΙ] Place THAT FAITH of
in the Macedonia and in the Achaia, but [also] yours towards GOD has
gone forth, so that it is
έν παντί τόπω ή πίστις υμών ή προς τόν unnecessary for us to say
Θεόν έξελήλυθεν ώστε μη χρείαν ημάς
f Ο Γ 111 j SO "t Ιϊ 3-1 IlOt TO THE
our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ—omit. 5. with—omit. 7. a Pattern. 8. also
—om t.
t 1. 2 Cor. i. 1 9 ; 2 Thess. i. 1 ; 1 Pet. v. 12. $ 2. Rom. i . 8 ; E p h . i . 1 6 ; Philemon4.
% 3 . 1 Thess. i i . 1 3 . ί 3 . Gal. v. 6 ; James ii. 17. $ 3. Rom. xvi. 6; Heb. vi. 10.
t 4. Col. iii. 1 2 ; 2 Thess. ii. 13. $ 5. M i r k xvi. 2 0 ; 1 Cor. ii. 4. i C. 1 Cor. iv.
1 6 ; xi. 1; P h i l . i i i . 1 7 ; 1 Thess. i i . 1 4 ; 2 Thess. iii. 9. % 8. Bom. i. 8 ; 2
Thess. i. 4.
Chap. 1:9.] I. THESSALONICANS. [Chap. 2:7.
έ:χειν λαλείν τι. ΑύτοΙ γάρ πε- 9 For they themselves
declare concerning *us
ρί ημών άπαγγέλλουσιν, οποίαν εϊσοδον What Introduction we had
cerning us declare, what kind introduction to you, $and how you
έ'σχομεν προς υμάς, καΐ πώς έπεστρέψατε turned to the DEITY, from
IDOLS, to serve the living
πρρς τον Θεό ν από των ειδώλων, δουλεύειν and true God ;
to the God from the idols, to serve 10 and $to wait for his
θεω ζώντι καΐ άληΦινώ, 1οκα1 άναμένειν τον SON from the HEAVEN S,
God" living and t r u e , " and to w a i t for the whom he raised from the
υΐόν αύτοϋ έκ των ουρανών, δν ήγειρεν DEAD, even THAT Jesus
έκ των νεκρών, Ίησοϋν, τον ρυόμενον from THAT WRATH which
out of the dead ones, Jesus, the one delivering
ήμαζ άπό τής οργής της ερχόμενης. ΚΕΦ. is COMING.
us from the wrath of that coming.
6 ' . 2. Χ
ΑύτοΙ γάρ οϊδατε, αδελφοί, CHAPTER II.
1 J F o r you know,
την είσοδον ημών την προς υμάς, οτι Brethren, T H A T INTRO-
2 DUCTION of ours which we
ού κενή γέγονεν άλλά προπαθόν- had to you, That it was
; but having previously not in vain ;
τες καΐ ύβρισ#έντες, καθώς 2 but having previously
suffered and having been injuriously treated, as suffered, and been injuri-
οϊδατε, έν Φιλίπποις, έπαρρησιασάμε#α έν ously treated, as you know,
τφ θ ε φ ημών λαλήσαι προς υμάς το εύαγ- $at Philippi, we w ere em-
the God of us to speak to you the glad boldened by our GOD $to
γέλιον τοΰ θεοΰ έν πολλφ άγώνι. *Η γάρ speak 3 to you the GLAD
TIDINGS of GOD, with
tidings of the God with much striving. The for Much Earnestness ;
παράκλησις ημών ούκ έκ πλάνης, ουδέ έξ 3 §For our EXHORTA-
ακαθαρσίας, ούτε έν δόλω* 4άλλά καθώς δε- TION was not from Error,
nor from Impurity, nor in
impurity, nor in deceit; but as we Deceit;
δοκιμάσμεθα ύπό τοϋ Θεοϋ πιστευθή- 4 but as we have been
h s, ν Θ bΘUn flpjjroved *^y trie drο d to be 6ntrust6u approved by GOD $to be
ναι το εύαγγέλιον, ούτω λαλοϋμεν, ούχ ως entrusted with the GLAD
•with the glad tidings, so we speak, not as
άνθρώποις άρέσκοντες, άλλα *[τφ] Θεφ τφ TIDINGS, so we speak;
men pleasing, but [the] God that $not as pleasing Men, but
δοκιμάζοντι τάς καρδίας ημών. ΒΟυτε γάρ THAT God who TRIES our
ποτέ έν λόγω κολακείας έγενήθημεν, 5 $For we never came
any time with a word of flattery did we come, with a Word of flattery,
as you know, nor with a
καθώς οϊδατε· οΰτε έν προφάσει πλεονε- Pretext of Covetousness,
(God is a Witness!)
ξίας, Θεός μάρτυς· ουτε ζητουντες έξ 6 %ΏΟΤ did we seek
Honor from Men, neither
ανθρώπων δόξαν, οΰτε άφ' υμών ούτε άπ' from you nor from others,
(though, as Apostles of
άλλων (δυνάμενοι έν βάρει είναι, ώς Christ, we are empowered
Χρίστου απόστολοι·) 7άλλ' έγενήθημεν ήπιοι to have influence;)
of Anointed apostles;) but we were gentle 7 but we were gentle in
έν μέσω υ μ ώ ν . Ώ ς ctv τροφός θάλ- the midst of you ; even as
ia midst of you. As would cρh φe iςh a n u s i n g - a Nursing-mother would
πχι τα εαυτής τέκνα, οί5τως όμειρόμε- cherish H E R OWN Chil-
ir.otlier the of herself children, so, being very dren.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—9. you. 4. the—omit.
ί 9 . 1 Cor. xii. 2 ; Gal. iv. 8 . % 10. Acts i. 1 1 ; Phil. iii. 2 0 ; 1 Thess. iv. 1 6 ;
2 Thess. i. 7; Titus ii. 13. $ 1. 1 Thess. i. 5, 9. ί 2. Acts xvi. 22. ί 2 . Acts
xvi. 2. ί 3 . 2 Cor. vii. 2. ί 4. 1 Cor. lx. 1 7 ; Gal. ii. 7; Titus i . 3 . ί 4. Gal.
i. 10. $ 5. Acts xx. 3 3 ; 2 Cor. i i . 1 7 ; iv. 2 ; vii. 2 ; xii. 1 7 . % 6. John v. 41,
44; xii. 4 3 ; 1 Tim. v. 17.
Chap. 2:8.] I. THESSALONICANS. [CHap. 2:15.
νοι υμών, εΰδοκοϋμεν 8 Thus yearning over
we were well-pleased you, we were content, not
desirous of you,
δοΰναι ύμΐν ού μόνον τό εύαγγέλιον τοΰ only I to have imparted to
imparted to you not only the glad tidings of the you the GLAD TIDINGS of
Θεοΰ, αλλά και τάς εαυτών ψυχάς, διότι GOD, but also $OUR OWN
God, but nlso the of yourselves lives, because Lives, because you had be-
αγαπητοί ήμίν γεγένησθε. 9
Μνημο- come endeared to us.
Ιο β 1 ovc d ones to us you JIJIV© t)©c om Θ · y ou 9 For you remember,
νεύετε γαρ, αδελφοί, τον κόπον ημών και Brethren, our LABOR and
Γ © m c m t)Gr ίο ι*· brethren· tlie i£ibor of us 21 u d FATIGUE ; ^working Night
τον μόχθον νυκτός καΐ ημέρας εργαζόμενοι and Day, |so as not to
the toil; night and day working
προς τό μη έπιβαρήσαι τινά υμών, έκή- BURDEN any one of you,
for the not to burden any one of you, we we published to you the
ρύξαμεν εις υμάς τό εύαγγέλιον τοΰ Θεοΰ. GLAD TIDINGS of G o d .
published to you the glad tidings of the God.
Ύμεΐς μάρτυρες καΐ ό Θεός, ώς όσ'ιως 10 You a n d GOD a r e
You witnesses and the God, how piously Witnesses, $how piously,
και δικαίως και άμέμπτως ύμίν τοις πιστεύ- a n d righteously, and
and justly and blamelessly with you the be- blamelessly, we w e r e w i t h
ουσιν έγενήθημεν Χ1
καθάπερ οϊδατε, ώς YOU, t h e BELIEVERS ',
lievers Λνβ were; as also you know, how
ε'να εκαστον υμών, ώς πατήρ τέκνα έαυ- 11 as you know how we
ο ΓΙ θ G&cli of you» »is & x 2.11ι ο ι* cliildrGii of exhorted and comforted
τοΰ, παρακαλοΰντες υμάς καΐ παραμυθού- you, as a Father each One
of his own Children,—
himself,12 exhorting you and consoling,
μενοι, και μαρτυρούμενοι εις τό περιπα- 12 and warned you §to
and testifying in order that to wals
WALK worthily of THAT
τησαι υμάς άξ'ιως τοΰ Θεοΰ, τοΰ κα-
λοΰντος υμάς εις την έαυτοΰ όασιλείαν καΐ you into H I S OWN Glori-
calling you for the of himself kingdom and ous Kingdom.
δόξαν. 13 *And on this account
also, we give thanks to
Διά τοϋτο καΐ ημείς εύχαριστοΰμεν τώ GOD unceasingly, Because
nt of this also we give thanks to the
receiving from us this
Θεώ αδιαλείπτως, δτι παραλαβόντες λόγον DIVINE Message, you em-
God unceasingly, because receiving a word braced $not Men's Word
ακοής παρ' ημών τοΰ Θεοΰ, έδέξασθε, but as it is truly, God's
of hc&riii^ f Γ ο ΙΏ, us of the God· you received^ Word, and which works
ού λόγον ανθρώπων, αλλά, καθώς έστιν άλη- powerfully in YOU, the
not a word of men, but, as it is truly,
Φως, λόγον Θεοΰ, ος καΐ ενεργείται έν BELIEVERS.
a word of God, which also inworks in 14 For you, Brethren,
ύμίν τοίς πιστευουσιν. 1 4 Ύμείς γαρ μιμηταΐ became Imitators of THOSE
έγενήθητε, αδελφοί, τών εκκλησιών τοϋ which ARE in JUDBA in
became, brethren, of the congregations of tha Christ Jesus; Because
Θεοΰ τών ούσών έν %Ύ\ 'Ιουδαία έν Χριστώ Jyou also suffered the
Same things from your
Ίησου, δτι τά αυτά έπάθετε και OWN Countrymen, $even
J e s u s , b e c a u s e t h e t h i n g s s a m e you suffered a l s o as they did from THOSE
ύμείς ύπό τών Ιδίων συμφυλετών, καθώς και J E W S ,
you by the own countrymen, as also
αυτοί ύπό τών 'Ιουδαίων 15τών καΐ τόν 15 who also ^KILLED
they by the Jews; of those also the the LORD Jesus and the
Κι'ριον άποκτεινάντων Ίησοΰν καΐ τους προ- PROPHETS, and persecuted
Us ; and who please not

* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 3 . And on this account.

t 8. Rom. i. 1 1 ; xv. 2 9 . % 8. 2 Cor. x i i . 1 5 . $ 9. Acts xx. 3 4 ; 1 C o r . i v . 1 2 ;
2 Cor. xi. 9 ; 2 Thess. i i i . 8. % 9 . 2 Cor. x i i . 1 3 , 1 4 . % 1 0 . 2 Cor. v i i . 2 ; 2 T h e s s .
iii. 7. % 12. Eph. iv. 1 ; P h i l . i. 2 7 ; Col. i. 1 0 ; 1 Thess. i v . 1 . $ 1 2 . 1 Cor. i . 9 ;
1 Thess. v . 2 4 ; 2 Thess. i i . 1 4 ; 2 T i m . i . 9 . % 1 3 . Matt. x. 4 0 ; Gal. iv. 1 4 ; 2
Pei. i i i . 2. % 14. Acts xvii. 5, 1 3 . % 14. H e b . x. 3 3 , 3 4 . % 1 5 . Acts i i . 2 3 ; v i i . 5 2 .
Chap. 2:16.] I. THESSALONICANS. [Chap. 3 : 4 .
φήτας, καΐ ημάς έκδιωξάντων, και Θ ε φ μή God, a n d a r e hostile t o
ets, and us persecuted, and God not All M e n ;
άρεσκόντων, καΐ πάσιν άνθρώποις εναντίων 16 ^hindering us from
pleasing, a n d to all men contrary; s p e a k i n g to t h e GENTILES
κωλυόντων ήμας τοίς εθνεσι λαλήσαι ίνα t h a t they m a y be s a v e d ;
so a s $to F I L L U P T h e i r
σωθώσιν, εις τό άνα S I N S a l w a y s ; b u t now t i n
they might be saved, in order that to have filled t h e E n d , VENGEANCE h a s
οαι αυτών
τάς αμαρτίας πάντοτε. "Εφθα- come upon them.
ui» of themselves the sins always. Has
17 B u t we, B r e t h r e n ,
σε δε έπ' αυτούς ή οργή είς τέλος. 1 7 Ή -
h a v i n g been bereaved of
come but on them the wrath for an end. We
μείς δε, αδελφοί, άπορφανισθέντες άφ' you for a s h o r t Season, i n
but, brethren, having been bereaved from Presence, n o t in H e a r t ,
more earnestly endeavored
υμών προς καιρόν ώρας, προσώπω, ού καρδία, §to see your FACE w i t h
Much Desire.
περισσοτέρως έσπουδάσαμεν τό πρόσωπον
18 We would therefore
υμών ίδείν έν πολλχί επιθυμία. Διό have come t o you, (even
of you to see with much desire. Therefore I Paul,) once a n d also a
ήθελήσαμεν έλθεΐν προς υμάς, (έγώ μεν second time, b u t $the AD-
we wished to come to you, (I Indeea
VERSARY thwarted us.
Παΰλος,) καΐ άπαξ καΐ δίς· καΐ ένέκοψεν 19 F o r w h a t is O u r
Hope, or Joy, or Crown of
ημάς ό Σατανάς. 1 8 Τις γαρ ημών έλπίς η· E x u l t a t i o n ? Or $are n o t
χαρά f\ στέφανος καυχήσεως, ή* ούχι καΐ
you also, before our LORD
joy or crown of b o a s t i n g , or not also
J e s u s a t H I S Appearing?
ύμείς, έμπροσθεν τοϋ Κυρίου ημών Ίησοΰ
20 You a r e , indeed o u r
* [Χριστού] έν ΤΤ\ αύτου παρουσία; 2Ο ύμείς GLORY a n d J O Y .
[Anointed] in the of h i m presence'/ you
γάρ έστε ή δόξα ημών καΐ ή χαρά. CHAPTER I I I .
for lie glory of us and the joy.
1 When, therefore, w e
ΚΕΦ. γ ' . 3 . could n o longer r e f r a i n ;
Διό μηκέτι στέγοντες, εύδοκήσα- $we t h o u g h t well t o b e
Jeft in Athens alone ;
μεν καταλειφθήναι έν 'Αθήναις μόνοι, 2 καί 2 a n d w e sent $Tim-
well to be l e f t in Athens alone, and othy, our BROTHER and
έπέμψαμεν Τιμόθεον, τόν άδελφόν ημών καΐ God's Co-laborer in t h e
we sent Timothy, the brother of us and GLAD TIDINGS 0 f t h e
συνεργόν τοΰ Θεοΰ έν τώ εύαγγελίο> A N O I N T E D one, t o CONFIRM
fellow-worker of the God in the" glad tidings you, a n d t o exhort o n
τοΰ Χρίστου, είς τό στηρίξαι υμάς behalf of your F A I T H ;
of tho Anointed, in order that to confirm you
καΐ παρακαλέσαι * [υμάς] υπέρ της πίστε- 3 $ t h a t no one m i g h t
and to exhort [you] in behalf of the faitn
be S H A K E N by these AF-
ως υμών, τ φ μηδένα σαίνεοθαι έν ταίς F L I C T I O N S ; for you your-
of you, that no one selves k n o w ; | T h a t w e a r e
to be shaken by
θλίψεσι ταΰταις· (αυτοί, γάρ οϊδατε, δτι liable t o t h i s ;
aiKictions these; (yourselves, for you know, that
είς τοΰτο κείμεθα·
κα1 γάρ δτε προς 4 a n d indeed, when w e
for this we are placed; indeed for when with were with you, we pre-
νμάς ήμεν, προελέγομεν ύμϊν, δτι viously informed you T h a t
you we were, we previously said t o you, that we were about to b e
μελλομεν θλίβεσθαι, καθώς καΐ έγέ- afflicted ; even as i t also
WP are about to be afflicted, even as also it happened, a n d you know.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—19. Anointed—omit. 2. you—
t 16. Acts xvii. 5,12; xviii. 12; xix. 9. $ 16. Matt, xsiii. 32. $ 16. Matt.
xxiv. 6, 14. ί 17. 1 Thess. iii. 10. $ 18. Rom. i. 13; xv. 22. $ 19. 2 Cor. i .
11; Phil. ii. 16; iv. 1. $ 1. Acts xvii. 15. ί 2. Rom. xvi. 21; 1 Cor. xv!. 10;
2 Cor. i. 11. $ 3 . Enh, iii. 13. ί 3. Acts ix. 16; xiv. 22; xx. 23; xxi. 1 1 : 1 Cor.
iv. 9; 2 Tim. iii. 12; 1 Pet. ii. 21. ί 4. Acts xx. 2 1.
Chap. 3:5.] I. THESSALONICANS. [Chap. 3:13.
VF.TO καΐ οΐδατε·) διά τοϋτο κά- 5 On this account also,
hai>i>ened and you know;) on account of this also being no longer able to en-
γω μηκετι στεγών, έπεμψα εις το dure, I sent to ASCERTAIN
I no• longei
longer holding out, I sent in order thaa *Your FAITH, $lest per-
γνώναι την π'ιστιν υμών, μήπως έπεί- haps the TEMPTER had
tempted you, and our TOIL
ρασεν υμάς δ πειράζων, καΐ εις κενόν γένη-
should have become in
ei\ you the tempter, and in vain should
ται δ κόπος ημών. β "Αρτι δε, έλθόντος
become the t o i l of us. Just now but, having come 6 §But just now, Timo-
Τιμοθέου προς ημάς άφ' υμών, καΐ εΰαγ- thy having come to us
Timothy to us from you, and having from you, and having
γελισαμένου ήμίν την πίστιν καΐ την άγά- brought us glad tidings of
your FAITH and LOVE, and
πην υμών, καΐ οτι δχετε μνε'ιαν That you have always a
kind Remembrance of us,
ημών άγαθήν πάντοτε, έπιποθοΰντες ημάς longing to see Us, §even
of us good always, longing us as we also You ;
Ιδείν, καθάπερ καΐ ημείς υμάς· 7 διά τοΰτο 7 on this account, Breth-
to see, even as also we you; through this ren, $we were comforted
παρεκλήθημεν, αδελφοί, έςρ' ύμΐν επί πάση over you, in All our * DIS-
wo w e r e c o m f o r t e d , b r e t h r e n , o v e r vou i n a l l * TRESS and Affliction, by
τχ\ θλίψει και ανάγκη r, διά means of YOUR Faith.
της υμών πίστεως· 8 οτι νϋν ζώμεν, έάν 8 Because we now live,
since you $stand firm in
υμεΐς στήκετε έν Κυρίω. β Τίνα γαρ εύχαριστί- the Lord.

αν δυνάμεθα τφ Θεώ άνταποδοΰναι περί 9 For $What Gratitude

are we able to the God to return concerning can we return to GOD
υμών, έπι πάση xr\ χαρά r\ χαίρομεν concerning you, for All
you, f o r a l l " t h e * j o y w i t h w h i c h w e r e j o i c e the JOY with which we
δι' υμάς έμπροσθεν τοΰ Θεοΰ ημών; rejoice on your account
account of you in presence of the God of us? in the presenceofourGoD;
νυκτός καΐ ημέρας ύπερεκπερισσοϋ δεόμε-
night and day more exceedingly entreating 10 Night and Day most
•νοι είς το Ιδεΐν υμών το πρόσωπον, και κα- abundantly §entreating to
SEE Your FACE, and §to
ταρτίσαι τα υστερήματα της πίστεως υμών. supply the DEFICIENCIES
supply tho things wanting of the faith of you. of your FAITH?
"Αυτός δέ δ Θεός καΐ Πατήρ ημών, και δ
Himself but the God and Father of us, and the 11 But may GOD Him-
Κύριος ημών Ίησοϋς * [Χριστός] κατευθύναι self, even our Father, and
Lord of us Jesus [Anointed] may direct our LORD Jesus, direct our
την όδόν ημών προς υμάς· 1 2 ύμάς δέ δ Κύριος WAY to you;
the way of us to you; you but the Lord
πλεονάσαι καΐ περισσεύσαι τχ\ αγάπη εις 12 and may the LORD
cause to be full and to overthrow wi"th the love to tcause you to be full and
αλλήλους και είς πάντας, καθάπερ καΐ ημείς to overflow with $LOVE to
each other and to all, even as also w e each other, and to all
είς υμάς· είς13
τό στηρ'ιξαι υμών τας even, as we also to you;

καρδίας άμέμπτους έν άγιωσύνη έμπροσθεν 13 so as to ^establish

hearts blameless in holiness in prese— your hearts blameless in
τοΰ θεοΰ καΐ Πατρός ημών, έν τχ\ παρουσία holiness before GOD, even
our Father, at the COM-
of the God even a Father of us, at the corai "
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 5 . Your FAITH. 7. DISTRESS and Affliction. 11.
t 5. 1 Cor. vii. 5 ; 2 Cor. x i . 5. % 6. Acts xviii. 1, 5 . $ 6 . P h i l . i . 8.
$7.2 Cor. i . 4 ; vii. 6 , 7 , 1 3 . t 8. Phil. iv. 1. $ 9 . 1 Thess. i . 2 .
t 1 0 . Rom. i . 10, 1 1 ; xv. 3 2 . J 10. 2 Cor. x r i . 9, 1 1 ; Col. iv. 12. t 12. 1
Th'ss. iv. 10. t 12. 1 Thess. iv. 9 ; 2 Pet. i. 7. $ 13. 1 Cor. i . 8 ; P h i l . i . 1 0 ;
1 Thess. v. 2 3 ; 2 Thess. ii. 1 7 ; 1 John iii. 20, 2 1 .

Chap. 4:1.] I, THESSALONICANS. [Chap. 4:10.
τοϋ Κυρίου ημών Ίησοΰ * [Χρίστου] μετά ING of our LORD Jesus,
of the Lord of us Jesus [Anointed] with $with All his SAINTS.
πάντων των άγιων αύτοΰ.
all of the holy ones of himself. CHAPTER IV.
ΚΕΦ. δ ' . 4. 1 *Finally, Brethren,
^οιπόν *[ούν,] αδελφοί, έρωτώμεν ύμας we entreat you, and v/e
Finally [therefore,] brethren, w e entreat you exhort in the Lord Jesus,
•that as you received from
καΐ παρακαλοΰμεν έν ΚυρΊφ Ίησοϋ, καθώς us |HOwitbehoovesyouto
and w e exhort * in Lord Jesus, as walk and | t o please God, so
παρελάβετε παρ' ημών τό πώς δεί that you may abound more.
you received from us the b o w it behoovi 2 For you know What
υμάς περιπατείν καΐ άρέσκειν Θεώ, ίνα Commandments we gave
you to walk and to please God, so that you by the LORD Jesus.
περισσεύητε μάλλον 2οιδατε γάρ, τίνας πα- 3 For this is §God's
Will, your SANCTIFICA-
ραγγελίας έδώκαμεν ύμίν διά τοΰ Κυρίου TION ; $that you abstain
commands we gave to you by the Lord from FORNICATION ;
Ίησοΰ. 3Τοΰτο γάρ έστι τό θέλημα τοΰ Θεοΰ, 4 $that each of you
Jesus. This for is will of the God,
ό αγιασμός υμών άπέχεσθαι ύμας άπό know how to possess H I S
the sanctincation of you; to abstain vou from OWN Vessel in Sanctifica-
της πορνείας· είδέναι εκαστον υμών tion and Honor;
the fornication· to hftve known each one of you 5 not in Passion of
τό έαυτοΰ σκεΰος κ τ α σ θ α ι έ ν άγιασμώ Lust, §even as THOSE
καΐ τιμτί, δμή έν πάθει επιθυμίας, GENTILES who KNOW not
καθάπερ καΐ τα έ'θνη τά μη ε'ιδότα τόν God;
6 Jthat none OVERSTEP
θεόν 6τό μή ύπερβαίνειν καΐ πλεονεκτεΐν έν the bounds and cheat his
G"Odj tliat not to overstep and cheat
TICE ; because the Lord
τω πράγματι τόν άδελφόν αύτοϋ·
διότι is §an Avenger for all
ος * [ ό ] Κύριος περί π ά ν τ ω ν τού- these things, as we before
said to you, and fully tes-
των, καθώς καΐ προείπομεν ύμΐν καΐ διε- tified.
things, as also we before said to you and fully 7 For GOD did not call
μαρτυράμεθα. 7Ού γάρ έκάλεσεν ήμας ό us for Impurity. $but in
θεός επί ακαθαρσία, άλλ' έν άγιασμώ. 8 Therefore, §HE who
God for impurity, but in sanct iiication·
©ύκ ανθρωπον REJECTS, rejects not Man,
Τοιγαρουν ό άθετών,
Therefore the one setting aside, not man
but THAT GOD $who also
Αθετεί, αλλά τόν θεόν, τόν καΐ δόντα imparted for *you.
sets aside, but the God, that also having given
τό πνεύμα αύτοΰ τό δγιον είς ημάς. 9 But concerning BRO-
the spirit of himself the holy to us. THERLY LOVE, *we have
ΠερΙ δέ της φιλαδελφίας, ού χρείαν no Need to write to you,
Cone ι for you yourselves are di-
Ιχετε γράφειν ύμίν αυτοί γάρ ύμείς vinely instructed §to LOVE
you have to write to you; yourselves for you each other;
θεοδίδακτοί έστε είς τό άγαπφν αλλήλους· 10 $for you also do i t
God taught are into the to love each other; •even towards All THOSE
κα1 γάρ ποιείτε αυτό είς πάντας τους άδελ- BRETHREN in All MACE-
a l s o f o r you do it to all the breth-
* VATICAN MANUSCKIPT.—1. FINALLY. 1. therefore—omit, l . t h a t as you re-
ceived from us HOW it behooves you to walk and please God, even as also you walk, you
may abound more. 6. the—omit. 8. you. 9 . we have no Need to write to you. 1 0 .
even towards. 11. OWN—omit.
i. 2 7 ; Col. ii. 6. % 1. Eph. v. 2 7.
Chap. 4:11.] I. THESSALONICANS. [Chap. 5 : 1 .
«ρους τους έν δλη τχι Μακεδονία. Παρακα- DONIA. But we exhort
you, Brethren, $to abound
λοΰμεν δέ ύμας, αδελφοί, περισσεΰειν μάλ- yet more,
\)ΐχt yoU| brethren^ to nljouiid niorej 11 and earnestly strive
lov κα1 φιλοτιμείσφαι ήσυχάζειν, καΐ πράσ- to be quiet, and to mind
and to strive earnestly to be quiet, and to your o\yΝ affairs, and $to
βειν τά, ϊδια, καΐ έργάζεσθαι ταίς work with" your HANDS, as
we commanded You;
*[ιδΙαις] χερσίν υμών, καθώς ύμίν παρηγ- 12 | s o that you may
town] hands of you, as to you we
12 walk becomingly towards
γείλαμεν ϊνα περιπατήτε εύσχημόνως THOSE WITHOUT, and may
commanded; so that you may walk becomingly
have Need of nothing.
rryoc; τους έξω, και μηδενός χρε'ιαν εχη- 13 And we do not wish
you to be ignorant, Breth-
τε. ^Ού θέλομεν δέ υμάς άγνοείν, άδελ- ren, concerning THOSE
have. Not we wish but you t o be ignorant, breth-
«poi, περί των κεκοιμημένων, HAVING FALLEN ASLEEP,
so that you maynotgrieve
ίνα μη λυπήσθ-e, καθώς καΐ οι λοιποί as THOSE OTHERS $who
HAVE not a Hope.
ol μή έχοντες ελπίδα. 1 4 Εί γαρ πιστειίομεν, 14 For $since we believe
tlioso n o t riiiviIIJ^ & hop©· I f f o r Λν© οβί 1 cvGj That Jesus died and arose ;
so also [we believe] that
δτι Ίησοΰς απέθανε καΐ ανέστη, οΰτω καΐ ό GOD, through JESUS, twill
Θεός τους κοιμηθέντας διά τοΰ Ίησοΰ ά- lead forth with him THOSE
God those having slept through the Jesus will who fell ASLEEP.
ξει σύν αύτω. ι ε Τοΰτο γαρ ύμίν λέγομεν 15 For this we affirm to
you, by the Lord's Word,
£ν λόγω Κυρίου, οτι ημείς ol ζώντες οι $That we, the LIVING,
by Λν ο ι* ό, of H/Oi'd, tli^it *we t h e 1 ivinjj ones those who are LEFT OVER to the
COMING of the *LORD, will
περιλειπόμενοι εις τήν παρουσίαν τοΰ Κυρίου, by no means precede
ού μή ςρθάσωμεν τους κοιμηθέντας. 1 6 "Οτι THOSE Who fell ASLEEP.
αυτός ό Κύριος έν κελεύσ ατι, έν φωνή 16 Because $the LORD
liimaelf the Lord "with a command, with it voice himself will come down
αρχάγγελοι», καΐ έν σάλπιγγι Θεοΰ from Heaven wi th a Shout,
of a chief messenger, and with a trumpet of God with an Archangel's Voice»
καταβήσεται ά π ' ούρανοΰ, καΐ ot νεκροί and with $God's Trumpet;
w i l l come down from hcavenj «md tho dead ones and $tlie DEAD in Christ
έν Χριστφ άναστήσονται π ρ ώ τ ο ν επειτα will be raised first:
17' then we, the LIVING,
ήμεϊς οί ζώντες oi περιλειπόμενοι, §who are LEFT OVER, shall
at the same time with
6Εμα σύν αύτοΐς άρπαγησόμεθα them, be caught away in
at the same time with them shall be caught away Clouds, for a Meeting of
έν νεφέλαις εις άπάντησιν τοϋ Κυρίου εις the LORD in the Air; and
$so we shall be always
&ερα· και ούτω πάντοτε σύν Κυρίω έσόμεθα. *with the Lord.
air; and so always with Lord shall we be. 18 Therefore, comfort
"Ώστε παρακαλείτε αλλήλους έν τοις each other with these
Therefore comfort you each other in the
λόγοις τούτοις. ΚΕΦ. ε ' . 5. ΠερΙ CHAPTER V.
words these. Concerning 1 But concerning $the
fis τών χρόνων καΐ των καιρών, αδελφοί,
i>ut the times smd. the seasons, brethren, TIMES and the SEASONS,
ού χρείαν έχετε ύμίν γράφεσθαι· 2
αύ- Brethren, you do not need
to be written to ;
d y h e t y t b itt
* VATICAN M A N U S C 3 I P T . — 1 1 . OWN—omit. 15. JESUS. 17. in the Lord.
t 11. Eph. iv. 2 8 ; 2 Thess. iii. 7 , 8 , 1 2 . $ 12. Rom. xiii. 1 2 ; 2 Co-, viii. 2 1 :
1 Pot. iii. 12. t 13. Eph. ii. 12. t 14. 1 Cor. xr. 13. t 14. 1 Cor, xv. 23.
t 1 3 . 1 Cor. xv. 5 1 . $ 16. Mntt. xxiv. 30, 3 1 ; Acts i. 1 1 ; 2 TV^s. 1. 7. t 16.
1 To-. :;v. Γ2. $ 1(>. 1 Cor. xr. 2:5. 52. ί 17. 1 Cor. xv. 5 1 . $ 1 7 . John xll. 2 6 ;
xiv. 3 ; xvii. 24. $ 1. Matt. xxiv. 3, ?^; Acts i . 7.
Chap. 5:2.] I. THESSALONICANS. [Chap. 5:13.
τοί γαρ ακριβώς οίδατε, δτι *[ή] ήμερα 2 for you yourselves
selves for accuratelj you know, that [the] day know accurately, $That
Κυρίου, ώ ς κ λ έ π τ η ς έ ν ν υ κ τ ί , ούτως έ ρ χ ε τ α ι , the Lord's Day is coming
of Lord, as a thief In. night, so comes. like a Thief at Night.
"Οταν λέγωσιν Ειρήνη καΐ ασφάλεια· τό- 3 When they may say,
"Peace and Safety," then
τε αιφνίδιος αύτοίς εφιστάται όλεθρος, ωσ- $sudden Destruction im-
pends over them, just as
περ ή ώδΐν τχί έν γαστρί έχούσττ και LABOR-PANGS On HER who
as the birth-pang to her4 in womb having; and is pregnant, and they shall
ού μή έκφΰγωσιν. Ύμείς δε, αδελφοί,
not not can they escape. You but, brethren, by no means escape.
ούκ έστέ έν σκότει, ϊνα ή ήμερα υμάς ώς are4 not $But you, Brethren,
in Darkness, that
not &re in uHrkiiGsS) thut to© cL&y you its the DAY should come upon
κλέπτης καταλάβτ]· You like a Thief;
ft thief should come uponj 5 for you are all $Sons
πάντες γαρ ύμείς υΙοΙ φωτός έστε καΐ of Light and Sons of Day.
υΙοΙ ημέρας· ούκ έσμέν νυκτός, ουδέ σκό- We are not of Night, nor
sons of day; not we are of night, nor of dark- of Darkness.
τους. "Αρα οΐν μή καθεύδωμεν, ώς *[καί] 6 $So then, we should
not sleep, as the OTHERS ;
ness. So then not we may sleep, as [even] but we should |be vigilant
ol λοιποί, αλλά γρηγορώμεν καΐ νήφω-
the others, but we should watch and we should and temperate.
7 7 For $THOSE who
μεν ο1 γαρ καθεύδοντες, νυκτός κα- SLEEP, sleep by Night;
θεύδουσι· και ot μεθυσκόμενοι, νυκτός μεθύ- a n d %t b e DRUNKARDS
sleep; and those getting drunk, of night they Drink by Night.
ουσιν. 8 Ήμεΐς δε, ημέρας δντες, νήφω- 8 But we, being of the
get drunk. We but, of day being, should not Day, should be vigilant,
^having put on a Breast-
μεν, ένδυσάμενοι θώρακα πίστεως και plate of Faith and Love,
drink, having put on a breastplate of faith ana and for a Helmet, the
αγάπης, καΐ περικεφαλα'ιαν, ελπίδα σωτη- Hope of Salvation ;
of love, and a helmet, a hope of sal 9 because $GOO did
9 not set us apart for Wrath,
όργή\ δτι εις
. . , άλλ' ούκπεριποίησιν
§θετο ημάς ό Θεός δια
σωτηρίας εις but $for attaining Salva-
ath, but for attaining of salvation bymea tion, through THAT LORD
του Κυρίου ημών Ίησοϋ * [Χρίστου,] 10τοϋ of ours, Jesus,
the Lord of us Jesus [Anointed,} of that 10 $who DIED on our
αποθανόντος υπέρ ημών /να, εϊτε γρη- behalf, so that whether we
having died on behalf of u
that, whether we may be watching or sleep-
γορώμεν είτε καθεύδωμεν, αμα συν ing, we may live tG^ether
n>ay b e a w a k e o r w e m a y b e a s l e e p ,
together w i t h
with Him.
ούτω ζήσωμεν. Διό παρακαλείτε άλλη- 11 $ Therefore, console
him we may live. Wherefore comfort you each
each other, and edify one
λους, καΐ οικοδομείτε εΙς τον έ'να, καθώς the OTHER, as also you do.
12 But we entreat you,
καΐ ποιείτε. ι 2 Έρωτώμεν δέ ύμας, αδελφοί, Brethren, $toacknowledge
THOSE who TOIL among
ε'ιδέναι τους κοπιώντας έν ύμϊν, καΐ προϊστα- you, both presiding over
to know those toiling among you, and presiding you in the Lord, and ad-
μένους υμών έν Κυρίω, καΐ νουθετοϋντας monishing you;
over you in Lord, " and admonishing
ύμας, 13κα1 ήγείσθαι αυτούς ύπερεκπερισσοΰ 13 and to esteem them
you, and to esteem them superabundantly very highly in Love, on
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. the—omit. 6. even—omit. 9. Anointed—omit.
t 2. Matt. xxiv. 43, 4 4 ; xxv. 1 3 ; Luke xii. 39, 4 0 . $ 3 . Lukft xvii. 27-29; xxi.
3 4 , 3 5 ; 2 These, i. 9. t 4. Rom. xiii. 1 2 , 1 3 ; 1 John ii. 8. ί 5. Eph. v. 8 .
% 6. Matt. xxv. 5. % 6. Matt. xxiv. 4 2 ; xxv. 1 3 ; Rom. xiii. 11-13; 1 Pet. v. 8.
t 1. Luke xxi. 34, 3 6 ; Rom. xiii. 1 3 ; 1 Cor. xv. 3 4 ; Eph. v. 14. % 7. Acts ii. 15.
% 8. Eph. vi. 14, 16, 17. % 9. Rom. ix. 2 2 ; 1 Thess. i. 1 0 ; 1 Pet. ii. 8; Jude 4.
$ 9. 2 Thess. ii. 13. 14. $ 1 0 . Rom. xiv. 8, 9 ; 2 Cor. v. 1 5 . t 1 1 . 1 Thess.
iv. 1 8 . t 1 2 . 1 Cor. xvi. 1 8 ; Phil. i i . 2 9 ; 1 Tim. v. 1 7 ; H e b . xiii. 7 , 1 7 .
Chap. 5:14.] I. THEeSALONICANS. [Chap. 5:27.
έν αγάπη, δια τό έργον αυτών εί- account of their WORK.
work of them; be Cultivate peace among
in love, ι
έν έαυτοίς. Παρακαλοϋμεν δέ yourselves.
14 And we exhort you,
υμάς, ς, αδελφοί, νουθετείτε τους άτακτους, Brethren, ^admonish the
bre nish you the disorderly c DISORDERLY, % encourage
παραμυθείσΐ ε τους όλιγοψύχους, άντέχεσθε the TIMID, ^assist the
encourage you the desponding ones, hold you on to FEEBLE, be ^forbearing
των ασθενών, μακροθυμεΐτε προς πάν- towards all.
t h e f e e b l e ones, be you l o n g - s u f f e r i n g t o w a r d s a l l . 15 §See that no one
τας. Όράτε, μή τις κακόν αντί κακοΰ render Evil for Evil to

See you, no one evil in place of evil Any one; but always pur-
τινι αποδώ· αλλά πάντοτε τό άγα-sue the GOOD, both towards
to any one should fender; but always the good each other and towards
θόν διώκετε καΐ είς αλλήλους και all.
pursue you both towards each other and 16 ^Rejoice always.
16 17
είς πάντας. Πάντοτε χαίρετε. Άδια- 17 §Pray unceasingly.
towards all. Always rejoice you. TJnceasing-
18 $In everything give
λε'ιπτως προσεύχεστε* εν
1 8
παντί ευχαρι- thanks ; for this is God's
ly pray you; iry thing Will, by Christ Jesus, con-
στείτε· τοΰτο γαρ θέλημα Θεοΰ έν Χριστό cerning you.
til ι $ ιοί* w i l l οι GOC* in Α. no11110<
thanks; 19 19 $Quench not the
Ίησοΰ είς ύμας. Τό πνεϋμα μή SPIRIT.
σβέννυτε' 20
προφητείας not μή έξουθενεΐτε· Prophecies 20 XDo not disregard
quench you; prophecies
disregard you;

πάντα δέ δοκιμάζετε* τό καλόν 21 but ^examine all
rood thin κατέ-
hold things. §Hold fast the
a l l things but try you; the
χετε· άπό παντός είδους πονηροΰ άπέχε- GOOD.
22 Abstain from Every
^Αύτός δέ 6 θεός της ειρήνης form of Evil.
abstain. Himself but th< God >f t h e 23 And may the GOD of
άγιάσαι tifyύμας you
όλοτελείς, καΐ όλόκληρον ύ- PEACE Himself
entirely; and whole
you entirely; and may
μών τό πνεϋμα καΐ ή "ψυχή καΐ τό σώμα Your Whole person—the
you t h e s p i r i t and the life and the body SPIRIT and the SOUL and
άμέμπτως έν τχί παρουσία του Κυρίου ημών the BODY,—§be preserved
blameless in the presence of the Lord of us blameless in the PRESENCE
Πιστός ό of our LORD Jesus Christ.
Ίησου Χρίστου τηρηθείη.
Jesus Anointed may be preserved. Faithful the 24 §Faithful i s HE who
καλών ύμας, ος καΐ ποιήσει. 2 5 Άδελφοί, CALLS you, who also will
one calling you, who also w i l l perform. Brethren, perform.
προσεύχεστε περί ημών. 2 6 Άσπάσασθε τους 25 Brethren, §p r a y
pray you for us. Salute you the *also for us.
αδελφούς πάντας έν φιλήματι άγίω. 27 Όρκί- 26 $Salute all the
brethren all with a kiss holy. I adjure
BRETHREN with a holy
ζω υμάς τον Κύριον, άναγνωσθηναι τήν έπι- Kiss.
you the Lord, to be read the
27 I adjure you by the
στολήν πάσι τοίς *[άγίοις] άδελφοίς.2 8 Ή LORD, §to read the LET-
letter to a l l the Eholy] brethren. The TER to All the BRETHREN.

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 5 . also. 2 7. holy—omit.

t 1 4 . 2 Thess. iii. 11,12. $ 14. Heb. xii. 12. $ 14. Rom. xiv. 1 ; xv. 1 ;
Gal. vi. 1,2. ί 14. Gal. v. 2 2 ; Eph. iv. 2 ; Col. iii. 12. $ 15. Lev. xix. 1 8 ;
Pmv. xx. 2 2 ; xxiv. 2 9 ; Matt. v. 39, 4 4 ; Rom. xii. 17; 1 Cor. vi. 7; 1 Pet. iii. 9
ί 16. 2 Cor. vi. 10; Phil. iv. 4 . $ 17. Luke xviii. 1; xxl. 3 6 ; Rom. xn. 12; Eph.
vi. 1 8 ; Col. iv. 2 ; 1 Pet. iv. 7. $ 18. Eph. v. 2 0 ; Col. iii. 17. ί 19. Eph. iv.
SO. ί 20. 1 Cor. xiv. 1, 3 9 . $ 21 1 Cor. i i _ 11, 1 5 ; 1 John iv. 1. $ 21. Phil. iv.
8. ί 2 3 . 1 Cor. i . 8. ί 24. 1 Cor. i. 9 ; x. 1 3 ; 2 Thess. iii. 1. t 25. Col. iv.
3 ; 2 Thess. iii. 1. t 26. Rom. xvi. 5. $ 27. Col. iv. 1 6 ; 2 Thess. i i i . 4 .
Chap. 5: 28.] Ι. THESSALONICANS. [Chap. 5 28.
χάρις τον Κυρίου ημών Ίησοϋ Χρίστου μεθ' 28 $The FAVOR of our
υμών. LORD Jesus Christ be with
you. you.*f
± 2 8 . From facts and circumstances related in the history of the Acts, it appears that
this First Epistle was written, not from Athens, as the interpolated postscript at the end
of the Epistle bears, but from Corinth; and that not long after the publication of
Claudius's edict against the Jews, which happened in the 12th year of his reign, an-
swering to A. D. 51.—Macknigiit.
t 28. Rom. xvi. 2 0 , 2 4 ; 2 Thess i i i . 1 8 .



ΚΕΦ, α'. 1. CHAPTER I.
Παύλος καΐ Σιλουανός καΐ Τιμόθεος, τχί 1 Paul, and $Sylvanus,
Paul and Silvanus and Timothy, to the
and Timothy, to the CON-
εκκλησία Θεσσαλονικέων έν Θεφ ΠατρΙ GREGATION of Thessaloni-
congregation of Thessalonicans in God a Father cans $in God our Father
ημών καΐ Κυριο> Ίησοϋ Χριστφ· 2 χάρις ύμίν and the Lord Jesus Christ;
of us &Ώ(1 jLjord J e s u s A.Doirit©Qj fiivor t o you 2 $Favor to you and
και ειρήνη άπό Θεοϋ Πατρός *[ήμών,] καΐ Peace, from God the Fa-
peace from God a Father [of us,] and ther and the Lord Jesus
Κυρίου Ίησοΰ Χρίστου. Εύχαριστείν όφεί- Christ.
Lord Jesus Anointed. To give thanks we are 3 iWe are bound to
λομεν τφ Θεώ πάντοτε περί * υμών, give thanks to GOD always
bound to the God* always concerning you, concerning you, Brethren,
αδελφοί, καθώς άξιον έστιν, δτι ύπεραυ- as it is proper. Because
brethren, as proper it is, because is grow- your FAITH is growing ex-
ξάνει ή πίστις υμών, καΐ πλεονάζει ή αγάπη ceedingly, and the LOVE of
fng fast the f a i t h 01 you, and abounds the love each One of you All is
ενός εκάστου πάντων υμών είς αλλήλους· abounding towards each
other ;
ώστε ήμας αυτούς εν ύμίν καυχάσθαι εν 4 so that $we ourselves
boast in You among the
Si) that us ourselves in you to boast among
ταϊς έκκλησίαις τοΰ Θεοϋ, υπέρ της $on account of your PA-
υπομονής ύαών καΐ πίστεως, έν πάσι τοις TIENCE and Faith, $in All
patience of you and of faith, iu all the
διωγμοΐς υμών καΐ ταϊς θλιψεσιν, αίς the AFITLICTIONS which
persecutions ofΒ you and the afflictions, which you endure;
άνέχεσθε· ενδειγμα της δικαίας.. κρί- 5 $a Token of the
you endure; a token of the righteous
ht judg-
RIGHTEOUS Judgment of
σεως του Θεοΰ, είς το καταξιωθήναι GOD, for you to be DEEM-
ύμας της βασιλείας τοΰ Θεοϋ, ύπέ
DOM of GOD, on account of
you of the kingdom of the God, on behal περ
which also you suffer.
f of
η"ς και πάσχετε. 6 Εΐπερ δίκαιον παρά 6 §If indeed it is j u s t
•which a l s o you suffer· If indeed, ft just thing w i t h with God to repay Afflic-
Θεώ, άνταποδοΰναι τοις θλίβουσιν ύμας tion to THOSE Who AF-
afflicting FLICT you,
Όλίψιν, "καΐ ύμίν τοϊς θλιδομένοις 7 so also to YOU the AF-
} you to those being afflicted FLICTED, $a Rest together
affliction and
ανεσιν μεθ' ημών, έν χχ\ άποκαλ\')·ψει του with us, at $the REVELA-
α relaxation with us, at the revelation of the TION of the LORD Jesus
Κυρίου Ίησοΰ άπ' ούρανοΰ, μετ' αγγέλων from Heaven with the
Lord Jesus from heaven, with messengers Angels of his Power,
δυνάμεως αύτοΰ, 8 έν πυρ! φλογός, δίδοντος 8 Jin a Flame of Fire,
of power of himself, in a fire of flame, executing dispensing Retributive jus-
έκδίκησιν τοις μή ε'ιδόσι Θεόν, tice $tO THOSE not AC-
retributive justice to those not knowing God, ttO THOSE not BEING
καΐ μή ύπακούουσι εύαγγε- OBEDIENT tO the GLAD
and e not being obedient ie glad TIDINGS of our LORD Je-
λ'ιω τοΰ Κυρίου ημών Ίησοΰ * [Χρίστου·] sus ;
tidings of the Lord of us Jesus [Anointed;] 9 $who shall pay a just
omit. 8. Anointed—omit.
t 1. 2 Cor. i. 19. t 1. 1 Thess.i. 1. J 2. 1 Cor. i . 3 . t 3 . 1 Thess. i . 2, 3 ;
iii. 6, 9 ; 2 Thess. ii. 13. ί 4. 2 Cor. vii. 1 4 ; ix. 2 ; 1 Thess. ii. 19, 20. % 4. 1
Thess. i . 3 . $ 4. 1 Thess. i i , 14. $ 5. Phil. i. 28. t 6. Rev. vi. 10. $ 7.
Rev. xvl. 13. t 7.1 Thess. iv. 16; Jude 14. t 8. Hob. x. 2 7 ; xii. 29. $ 8. 1
Thess. iv. 5. $ 8. Item. ii. 8. $ 9. Phil. iii. 19; 2 P e t . i i i . 7 .
Chap. 1:10.] II. THESSALONICANS. [Chap. 2:4.
οϊτινες δ'ικην τίσουσιν, δλεθρον αΐώ- p e n a 11 y,—aionion De-
who a just penalty shall pay, destruction age- struction from theFaceof
νιον, άπο προσώπου τοϋ Κυρίου καΐ άπο the LORD, and from the
g, GLORY Of h i s STRENGTH ;
lti f f f th Ld d f έ'λ-
ιής δόξης τής Ισχύος αύτοΰ, 10δτα·> he may
the glory of the strength of him, when 10 $when he shall come
ένδοξασθήναι έν τοίς άγίοις to be glorified in his
e to be glorified in the holy ones SAINTS, and $to be ad-
τοΰ καΐ θαυμασθήναι έν πασι τοίς πιστέ ύ- mired in All THOSE who
and t o be a d m i r e d i n a l l tthose
h having
hi BELIEVE, in that DAY ;
σασιν (οτι έπιστεΰθη τό μαρτυριον Because T our TESTIMONY
believed, (because was believed th< to you w as believed.
ημών έ φ ' ύμας,) έν ττ] ήμερα έκεί,νη. α ι ΕΙς
of us you,) in the * day " that.* For 11 For which also we
καΐ προσευχόμεΟα πάντοτε περί pray always concerning
Avhic you, that our GOD may
υμών, υμάς άξιώστ] τής esteem You worthy of the
you may be counted worthy of th CALLING, and may com-
κλήσεως ό Θεός ημών, καΐ πληρώσχι πάσαν plete Every Desire ο f
c u l l i n g 1 t h e God of u s , und rns.y t i l l up every Goodness, and JWork of
εύδοκίαν άγαθωσύνης και έ'ργον πίστεως Faith with Power;
έν δυνάμει· δπως ένδοξασθχί τό δνομα 12 |so that the NAME
nay be glorified of our LORD Jesus may be
του Κυρίου ημών Ίησοΰ * [Χρίστου] gloriy;ed in you, and you
in him, according to the
ΰμίν, καΐ ύμείς έν αΰτώ, κατά την
FAVOR of our GOD, and
you, and you in him",
wording to Lord Jesus Christ.
χάριν τοΰ Θεοΰ ημών καΐ Κυρίου Ίησοϋ
favor of the God of ua and Lord
Χρίστου. CHAPTER I I .
ΚΕΦ. 6 \ 2. 1 But we entreat you,
υπέρ Brethren, concerning itlie
Έρωτίδμεν δέ ύμα,ς, αδελφοί,
COMING of the LORD Jesus
τής παρουσίας τοϋ Κυρίου * [τιμών] Ίησοϋ Christ, and Our $Assem-
the presence of the Lord [of usj Jesus bling to him,
Χρίστου, καΐ ημών έπισυναγωγής έπ' αυτόν, 2 tliat you be not
Anointed, and of us assembling to him, quickly AGITATED in
ε1ς τό μη ταχέως σαλευθηναι ύμας από MIND, nor alarmed, neith-
in order that not quickly to be shaken you from er by a Spirit, nor by a
τοϋ νοός, μήτε θροεΐσθαι μήτε δια πνεύματος, Discourse nor by a Letter
t h e m i n d , n o r t o be a l a r m e d n e i t h e r by a s p i r i t , as from us, as though the
μήτε δια λόγου, μήτε δι* επιστολής ώς δι' DAY cf the LORD was pres-
nor by a w o r d , n o r b y a l e t t e r a s by m e a n s
ημών, ώς οτι ένέστηκεν ή ήμερα τοΰ Κυρίου, ent.
of us, as that has come close the day of the Lord.
Μή τις υμάς εξαπάτηση κατά μηδένα τρό- 3 $Let no one delude
Νο one you should delude by any turn; You by any means, Be-
jtov* δτι, έάν μή ελθη ή αποστασία cause f t h e APOSTACY
must come first, and there
πρώτον, καΐ άποκαλυφΟή ό άνθρωπος τής must be revealed $THAT
first, find may be revealed the man of tlie MAN Of SIN, THAT SON of
αμαρτίας, ό υΙός τής απώλειας,, 4 δ άντι- DESTRUCTION,
6in> τΐΐθ son ox the destmetΐonj ud oppos™ 4 the OPPONENT, who
κείμενος καΐ ύπεραιρόμενος. ing up hir επί πάντα all λεγό-
being indeed $lifts himself above
σέβασμα ώστε αυτόν everything called Divinity
l tod so that him or Majesty; so as to seat
an august object,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. Anointed—omit. 2. of us—omit.
$ 10. Psa. lxxx'.x, 7. t 10. Psa. Ixviii. 35. $ 11. 1 These, i. 3. ί 12. 1 P e t .
i. Ί; iv. 14. ί 1. 1 Thess. iv. 1G. t 1. Matt. xxiv. 3 1 ; Mark xiii. 2 7 ; 1 Thess.
iv. 17. ί 3. Mitt. xxiv. 4 ; Eph. v. 6; 1 John iv. 1. $ 3. 1 Tim. iv. 1. $ 3 .
Dan. vii. 2 5 ; 1 Joan ii. 1 8 ; Rev. xiii. 11. | 4. Dun. vii. 2 5 ; xi. 3 6 ; Ilov. xiii. 6.
Chap. 2:5.] II. THESSALONICANS. [Chap. 2:14.
εις τον ναόν του Θεοΰ καίΚσοα, άποδει- himself in the TEMPLE of
GOD, exhibiting himself
κνύντα εαυτόν, δτι έστι θεός. εΟύ μνημο- That he is a God.
showing himself, that he is a god. Not remem- 5 Do you not remember
νεύετε, δτι ετι oW προς υμάς, ταϋτα That while I was with you,
ber you, that s t i l l being with you, these things
I said these things to you?
6 and now you know
ελεγον ύμίν;^ βκα1 νϋν τό κατέχον WHAT RESTRAINS, in or-
οΐδατε, εις τό άποκαλυφθήναι αυτόν der tO his BEING REVEAL-
that to be revealed him
you know, in order ED in H I S OWN Season.
έν τω έαυτοΰ καιρφ. 7Τό γαρ μυστήριον 7 For $the SECRET of
11) title οι ΥίiΙΪΙsθ 11 S6&soii· ΐ*οβ for secret tY\iτι$ζ LAWLESSNESS is already
η*δη ενεργείται της ανομίας, μόνον ό κα- working, till only the ONE
already works of the lawlessness, only the one
RESTRAINING for the pres-
τέχων άρτι εως εκ μέσου γένηται· ent shall be out of the way ;
κα1 τότε άποκαλυφθήσεται ό άνομος· 8 and then will be re-
and then w i l l be revealed the lawless one; vealed the LAWLESS ONE J
δν ό Κύριος *[Ίησοΰς] άναλώσ ει τω (Iwhom the LORD Jesus
Whom t h e L o r d CJesus] w i l l c o n s u m e will consume with $the
with the
πνεύμονα του στόματος BREATH Of his MOUTH,
αύτοΰ, και κα- and annihilate by the AP-
breath of the mouth of h i m s e l f , a n d w i l l
ταργήσει τχ\ επιφάνεια της παρουσίας PEARING Of his PRES-
Ttiiiko 9
αύτοΰ· οΰ by έστιν
tli© ippesirinj
ή παρουσία, of tli© presenceκατ' 9 Whose COMING is ac-
cording to the Energy of
ένέργειαν τοΰ σατανά, έν πάση δυνάμει the ADVERSARY, with All
10 Power, and $ Signs, and
καΐ σημείοις καΐ τέρασι ψεύδους, και Wonders of Falsehood,
and signs and wonders of falsehood, and 10 and with Every De-
έν πάστ) άπάτ-η. * [της] αδικίας, *[έν] ception of Iniquity to
with άπολλυμένοις
every deception [of the]ωνiniquity, την άγάπην Cinj $THOSE who are PERISH-
those perishing; Because t tho love
ING, because they admitted
not the LOVE of the TRUTH
της αληθείας ούκ έδέξαντο εΙς τό in order t h a t they might
of the truth not they received, in order that be saved.
σωθήναι αυτούς. u K a l διά τοϋτο πέμ- 11 $And on this account
to be saved them. And because of this will
•ψει αύτοΐς ό Θεός ένέργειαν πλάνης, GOD *will send to them an
send to them the God a strong working of deceit, Energy of Delusion, §to
etc τό πιστεϋσαι αυτούς τφ ψεύδει· t h e i r BELIEVING the
^ϊνα κριθώσι πάντες ol μή πιστεύσαντες 12 in order that All
so that maybe judged all those not havingbelieved
THOSE may be judged who
τη άληθεία, αλλ' εύδοκήσαντες * [έν]
τη BELIEVED not the TRUTH,
the truth, but having delighted [in] the $but approved the INI-
αδικία. ^Ήμείς δέ όφείλομεν εύχαριστείν QUITY.
iniquity. We but are bound to give thanks 13 But §we are bound
τφ Θεφ πάντοτε περί υμών, αδελφοί to give thanks to GOD al-
ways for you, Brethren be-
ήγαπημένοι ύπό Κυρίου, δτι εΐλατο ύμας ό loved by the Lord, Because
being beloved by Lord, because chose you the §GOD *chose you- a First-

Θεός άπ' αρχής είς σωτηρ'ιαν έν άγια- fruit for Salvation, $in
Sanctification of Spirit
σμφ πνεύματος καΐ πίστει αληθείας· 14 είς and Belief of Truth ;
8 έκάλεσεν ύμας δια τοΰ ευαγγελίου 14 to which he called
which he called you by means of the glad tidings you by our GLAD TIDINGS,

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 8 . Jesus—omit. 10. of the—omit. 10. in—omit. 11.

sends them. 12. in—omit. 13. chose you a First-fruit.
$ 7 . 1 John ii. 1 8 ; iv. 3. t 8. Dan. vii. 10, 11. t 8. Isa. xi. 4 ; Bev. i i . 16.
t 9. Matt. xxiv. 2 4 ; Kev. xiii. 1 3 ; xix. 2 0 . % 10. 2 Cor. ii. 1 5 ; iv. 3. $ 11.
Rom. i. 24. $ 11. Matt. xxiv. 5 , 1 1 ; 1 Tim. iv. 1. t 12. Bom. i. 3 2 . $ 13.
2 Thess. i. 3. $ 13. 1 Thess. i. 4. t 13. 1 Pet. i. 2.

Chap. 2:15.] II. THESSALONICANS. [Chap. 3:6.
η μ : είς περιποίησιν δόξης τοϋ Κυρίου for the obtaining of $the
o£ us, for obtaining glory of the Lord Glory of our LORD Jesus
ημών Ίησοϋ Χρίστου, Christ.
of Je A i t d
15 So then, Brethren,
"Αρα οδν, αδελφοί, στήκετε, καΐ κρατεί- §stand firm, and retain
So then, brethren, stand you, and hold you §the INSTRUCTIONS you
τάς παραδόσεις, ας έδιδάχθητε, were taught, whether by
fast the tradit *•'* which you were taught, our Word or Letter.
είτε δια a λόγου είτε byδι' aεπιστολής 16 But may our LORD,
whether 1β through word or letter
ημών. Αύτός δέ ό Κύριος ημών Ίησοΰς * Christ Jesus himself, and
of us. Himself but the Lord of us Jesus THAT GOD our FATHER,
Χριστός, καΐ ό Θεός *[καΙ] Πατήρ ημών $who LOVED US, and gave
Anointed, and the God Eand] Father of us us, by Favor, aionian Con-
ό άγαπήσας ημάς καΐ δούς παράκλησιν solation, and $a good
he having loved us and having given a consolation Hope,
αίωνίαν καΐ ελπίδα ά γ α θ ή ν έν χάριτι, b a -
ilee-lasting and a hope good by favor,
17 console Your HEARTS,
may land establish you in
ρακαλέσαι υμών τάς καρδίας, καΐ στηρίξαι Every good *Work and
comfort of you the hearts, and may establ Ish
*[ύμάς] έν παντί λόγ και έ'ργω άγαθφ.
LyouJ in every word nd work* good. *
ΚΕΦ. γ '. 3 . 1 FINALLY, Brethren,

Γδ λοιπόν, προσεύχεσθε, αδελφοί, περί §pray for us, that the
WORD of the LORD may
ημών, ϊνα ό λόγος τοϋ Κυρίου τρέχη καΐ run and be glorified, even
as among you;
δοξάζηται, καθώς καΐ προς υμάς, 2κα1 2 and §that we may bo
may be glorified, as even among you, and
ίνα ρυσθώμεν άπό των άτοπων delivered from PERVERSE
and Vicious Men; for not
that we may be delivered from the out of place all have the FAITH.
καΐ πονηρών ανθρώπων ού γαρ πάντων ή 3 But $Faithful is the
and evil men; not for of all the LORD, who will establish
πίστις. 3 Π ιστός δέ έστιν ό Κύριος, δς and $guard you from the
faith. Faithful" but Is the Lord, who EVIL one.
στηρίξει 4
υμάς καΐ φυλάξει άπό τοΰ πονη- 4 And $we have confi-
w i l l establish
ροΰ. Πεποίθαμενyou andδέw iέν l l guard
Κυρίωfrom the evil
one.We have confidence but έφ'
in Lord concerning dence in the Lord concern-
υμάς, οτι δ παραγγέλλομεν *[ύμίν,] thingsyou, ing Because the
we command, *you
you, because the things we6 announce [to you,] both are doing, and will
και ποιείτε καΐ ποιήσετε. *Ο δέ Κύριος κα-
both you do and w i l l do. The b u t L o r d m a y do.
τευθύναι υμών τάς καρδίας είς την άγάπην 5 And may the LORD
direct of you the hearts into the love direct Your HEARTS into
τοϋ Θεοΰ, καΐ είς την ύπομονην τοΰ Χρίστου. the LOVE of GOD, and into
β the PATIENCE of the
Παραγγέλλομεν, δέ ύμϊν, αδελφοί, έν όνό- ANOINTED one.
We give orders but to you, brethren, in name
ματι τοϋ Κυρίου * [ημών] Ίησοϋ Χρίστου, 6 Now we charge you,
of the Lord [of us] of Jesus Anointed, Brethren, in the Name of
στέλλεσθαι υμάς άπό παντός άδελφοΰ άτά- the LORD Jesus Christ,
to withdraw you from every brother dis — tto withdraw from Every
κτως περιπατοΰντος, καΐ μη κατά την Brother who walks out of
orderly walking, * and not according to the order, and not according
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—16. Christ Jesus. 16. and—omit. 17. you—omit. 17.
Work and Word. 4. to you—omit. 4. you both did, and are doing, and will do.
nf no—omit.

Chap. 3:7.] II. THESSALONICANS. [Chap. 3:17.
παράδοσιν, ην παρέλαβον παρ' ημών.7At)- to t h e INSTRUCTION w h i c h
trauition, which they received from us. Your- *you received from u s .
τοί γαρ οϊδατε, πώς δεί μιμείσϋαι
7 F o r you yourselves
know $how you ought t o
ημάς· δτι ουκ ήτακτήσαμεν έν ύμϊν, i m i t a t e u s ; Because we
us; because *not we were disoi'derly among you» were not disorderly among
ούδέ δωρεάν αρτον έφάγομεν παρά you,
neither gratuitously bread did w e eat f r o m
8 n o r did we e a t Bread
τίνος, αλλ' έν κόπφ καΐ μόχϋφ, νύκτα for nothing from any one,
και ήμέραν εργαζόμενοι, προς τ6 μη έπι-but in Toil a n d Weariness,
and day working, in order that not to $ working Night a n d Day,
βαρησα'ι τίνα υμών. 9Ούχ δτι ούκ εχομεν so a s n o t to BURDEN a n y
burden any of you. Not because not w e have of you ;
9 $Not Because we have
έξουσ'ιαν, αλλ' ίνα εαυτούς τ\>πον δώ- no Authority, b u t t h a t we
μεν ίΐμϊν εις το μιμείσθαι ημάς. 10 Καί γάρ, might give Ourselves a
give to you l o r t h e to i m i t a t e us. Indeed for, P a t t e r n for you t o I M I -
TATE us.
δτε ήμεν προς υμάς, τοΰτο παρηγγέλλομεν
10 F o r also, when we
ΰμίν, ο'τι ει ου θέλει έργάζεσ^αι, were
τις with you, This we
commanded you, $ T h a t if
μηδέ έσθιέτω. ηι
Ακούομεν γάρ τινας any one is n o t willing t o
work, neither let him e a t .
neither let h i m eat. W e hear for some
περιπατοΰντας έν ύμϊν ατάκτως, 11 F o r we hear of some
μηδέν among you, ^walking o u t
are walking, among you out of order, nothing of order, not working, b u t
εργαζομένους, αλλά περιεργαζομένους. 12 Τοίς being above work.
working. but being above work. To the 12 Now S U C H we c h a r g e
μεν τοιούτοις
δια τουπαραγγέλλομεν καΐΊησοϋ
Κυρίου * [ημών] παρακαλοΰ-
Χρι- | a n d exhort *by t h e Lord
through the Lord [oi us! Jesus Anointed, | J e s u s Christ, t t h a t , work-
στοΰ, Ινα μετά ησυχίας εργαζόμενοι, τον | ing with Quietness, they
ith th< j m a y e a t T H E I R OWN B r e a d .
εαυτών αρτον έσϋίωσιν. Ύμείς δέ, ι 13 B u t you, Brethren,
of thtms bread they may eat. You i.ut, $ should not be remiss in
αδελφοί,, μ ή έκκακήσητε καλοποιοϋντες. doing well.
brethren, not should be r e m i s s doing well. 14 B u t if a n y one obey
Ei δέ τις ούχ υπακούει τω λόγ«> ημών
not oar WORD by this
If but any one not hearkens to the wold of us LETTER, point him out,
δια της επιστολής, τοϋτον σημειοΰσθε· and $do not associate with
by m e a n s of t h e letter, him p o i n t you o u t ;I him, so t h a t h e m a y be
*[καί] μη συναναμίγνυσθε αύτώ, ϊνα έν- | p u t to shame ;
Tajidl not m i x you together

he 15 $and regard him n o t
h i m , so that
τραπτρ καί μη ώς έχ,θρόν ήγεί- a s a n Enemy, $but ad-
muy bt put to shame; and not as «in enemy regard monish him a s a Brother.

σθε, άλλα νουθετείτε ώς άδελφόν. 1β Αύτός 16 $Now m a y t h e LORD

you but admonish you a s a brother. Himself of PEACE himself give you
δέ ό Κύριος της ειρήνης δώτ] ύμίν την PEACE always in every
way. The LORD be with
είρήνην διαπαντός έν παντί τρόπω* ό Κύρι- you all.
ptace a i ways in every way; the I,o:d 17 $The SALUTATION
1 7
ος μετά πάντων υμών. Ό ασπασμός τη of Paul, with MY OWN
with all of you. The s a l u t a t i o n by the Hand, which is a Sign in
έμϊί χειρί Παύλου, ο έστι ση μείον έν
my' hand of P a u l , which is a sign
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—6. you received. 12.iof
us—omit. 12. in the Lord Jesus
Cbrist. 14. and—omit.
t 1 1 Cor iv. 16 xi. 1; 1 Thess. i. 6, 7. $ 8. Acts xviii. 3; xx. 34; 2 Cor. xi.
9; 1 Theps. ii. 9. ί 9. 1 Cor. ix. 6; 1 Thess. ii. 6. % 10. Gen. iii. 9; 1 Thess.
iv. 11. t 11. 1 Tim. v. 13, 1 Pet. iv. 15. ί 12, Eph. iv. 28. % 13. Gal. vi. 9.
% 14. Matt, xviii. 17; 1 Cor. v. 9, 11. $ 15, Lev. xix. 17; 1 Thess. v. 14. ί 15.
Titus iii. 10. % 1β. Roir yv. 2o; i CoL. xiv. 33; 2 Cor. xiii. 11; 1 Thess. v. 23.
% 17. 1 Cor xvi. 2 i ; Col. iv. 18.
Chap. 3:18.] II. THESSALONICANS. [Chap. 3:18.
πάστ) έπιστολί)· ούτω γράφω· 1 κ η χάρις τοΰ Every Epistle; thus I
every letter;
thus I write; the favor of the write.
Κυρίου ημών Ίησοϋ Χρίστου μετά ΐιάντων 18 §The FAVOR of our
Lord of us Jesus Anointed with a.11
υμών. *[Άμήν.1 LORD Jesus Christ be with
of you. CSo be I t . ] you all.*
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 8 . So be i t — •>mit. Subscription—SECOND TOE H ?
% IS. Rom. xvi. 24.



ΚΕΦ. α ' . 1. - CHAPTER I.
Παΰλος, απόστολος Ίησοϋ Χρίστου, 1 Paul, an Apostle of
Jesus Christ, $according
κατ' έπιταγήν θεοΰ, σωτηρος to an Appointment of God
according to an appointment of God, a saviour our Savior, and of Christ
ημών, καΐ Χρίστου 'Ιησοϋ, της ελπίδος ημών, Jesus our HOPE,
of us, and Anointed Jesus, of the hope of us,
2 2 to $Timothy, a Genu-
Τιμοϋέω γνήσιοι τέκνφ εν πίστει· χάρις, ine Child in F a i t h ; —
to Timothy a genuine c h i l d in f a i t h ; favor,
Favor, Mercy, Peace, from
έλεος, ειρήνη από θεοϋ Πατρός *[ήμών,] God the Father, a n d
3Ώ ercy» j)c&c© fro m dx ο Λ «ι F iitlier £ ο χ u 91J
Christ Jesus our LORD.
ίίαί Χρίστου Ίησοΰ τοϋ Κυρίου ημών. 3 Remain still in Ephe-
and Anointed Jesus the Lord of us.
ΚαΦώς παρεκάλεσά σε προσμείναι έν sus, as I entreated thee,
to remain "fwhen departing for Mace-
As I entreated thee donia, so that thoumayest
Έφέσω, πορευόμενος είς Μακεδονίαν, ίνα πα- charge some not §t ο
ραγγείλχις τισΐ μη έτεροδιδασκαλείν, μηδέ 4 teach differently,
mayest charge some not other to teach, nor
4 nor to hold to Fables
and interminable Genealo-
προσέχειν μύθοις καΐ γενεαλογίαις άπεράν- gies, $which occasion Dis-
τοις, αΐτινες ζητήσεις παρέχουσι μάλλον putes, rather than THAT
οικονομίαν Θεοϋ τήν έν πίστει· β
(τό δε Faith.
an administration of God that by faith; (the now 5 (Now §the END of the
τέλος της παραγγελίας εστίν αγάπη έκ COMMANDMENT IS L o v e ,
end of the commandment is love out of $from a Pure Heart, and
κονθαρας καρδίας καΐ συνειδήσεως άγαθης a good Conscience, and an
Ε pil Γ β h θ£1 Γ t 9.QQ COIlSCieilCe JJOOC* unassembled F a i t h ;
και πίστεως ανυπόκριτου* βών τίνες άστοχή- 6 which some having
and faith unfeigned; which some having missed, turned aside to
σαντες, έξετράπησαν ε'ις ματαιολογ'ιαν, 7 θέ- Foolish talking;
missed, turned aside to fool ish talking, wish-
7 desiring to be Law-ex-
λοντες είναι νομοδιδάσκαλοι, μη νοουντες positors, neither under-
ing to be law-teachers, not understanding
standing what they are
μήτε α λέγουσι, μήτε περί saying, nor certain things
8 about which they positive-
τίνων διαβεβαιοΰνται. Οΐδαμεν ly affirm.
certain things they positively affirm. We know 8 We know indeed That
δέ, δτι καλός ό νόμος, εάν τις αύτφ νομίμως $the LAW is excellent if
but, that good the law, if one it lawfully
9 one use it lawfully;
χρηται, είδώς τοϋτο, δτι δικαίω 9 $knowing this, That
νόμος ού κείται, άνόμοις δέ και a Law is not enacted for a
a law* not Is laid down, for lawless ones but and Righteous man, but for the
Lawless and Unruly, for
άνυποτάκτοις, άσεβέσι καΐ άμαρτω- the Ungodly and Sinners,
for unruly ones, for ungodly ones End. sinners,
for the Impious and Pro-
λοίς, άνοσίοις και βεβήλοις, πα- fane, for Smiters of fathers
for impious ones and for prolane ones, for and Smiters of mothers,
τραλώαις καΐ μητραλώαις, for Assassins,
sraiters of fathers 10πόρνοις, and άρσενοκοίταις,
for smiters of mothers, 10 for Fornicators, for
for man-killers
for fornlcators, for sodomites, Sodomites, for Man-steal-
άνδραποδισταίς, ψεύσταις, έπιόρκοις, ers, for Liars, for Perju-
rers, and if there be any
t 1. / c t s ix. 1 5 ; Gal. i. 1, 1 1 . $ 2. Acts xvi. 1 ; 1 Cor. iv. 1 7 ; Phil. ii. 1 7 ; 1
These, i i i . 2 . ί 3 . Acts xx. 1, 3 ; P h i l . i i . 2 4 . $ 3.Gal. i. 6, 7 ; 1 Tim. vi. 3 ,
10. ' t 4. 1 Tim. vi. 4, 2 0 . t 5. Rom. xiii. 8-10; Gal. v. 14. $ 5. 2 Tim. i i . 2 2 .
$ 8. Horn. v i i . 1 2 . t 9. Gal. i i i . 1 9 ; v. 2 3 .
Chap. 1:11.] I. TIMOTHY. [Chap. 1:19.
καΐ ει τι έτερον Tfj ύγιαινούσρ δι- other thing that is opposed
and if anything other to the being sound $to the WHOLESOME Doc-
δασκαλίφ αντίκειται, 1:ι
κατά το εΰαγ- trine ;
tcaching is opposed, according to the glad
11 according to the
γέλιον της δόξης τοϋ μακαρίου Θεοΰ, δ GLORY Of t h e BLESSED
tidings of the glory of the blessed God, which GOD, $with which I was
έπιστεύθην εγώ· * [και] χάριν εχω entrusted.
was entrusted with I; fand] give thanks \ 12 I give thanks to him
τφ ένδυναμώσαντί με Χριστφ Ίησοϋ who impowered me, Christ
to' the one having empowered me Anointed Jesus Jesus our LORD, Because
τφ Κυρίοο ημών, δτι πιστόν με ήγήσατο, he deemed Me Faithful,
the Lord "of us, because faithful me he regarded, ^putting into Service
Τέμενος ειςκαι
6λάσφημον διακονίαν,
διώκτην τόν και προτερονύβριστήν δντα 13 him $who was PRE-
VIOUSLY a Defamer, and
a defamer and a persecutor and a violent person; a Persecutor, and a Vio-
άλλ' ήλεήθην, δτι άγνοών lent man; but I received
έπο'ιησα έν απιστία, "ύπερεπλεόνασε δέ ή mercy, ^Because being
I acted in unbelief, superabounded but theignorant I acted in Un-
χάρις του Κυρίου ημών μετά πίστεως κα< 14 $But the FAVOR of
αγάπης της έν Χριστ Ίησοϋ. 1 5 Π ιστός ό our LORD superabounded,
love of that in Anoint Jesus. True the with THAT Fajth and Love
αποδοχής δξιος, δτι which are in Christ Jesus.
λόγος, καΐ πάσης reception worthy, that 15 True is the WORD,
Χριστός and
Ίησοϋς of a^λθεν
ll εις τον κόσμον άμαρ- and worthy of All Recep-
Anolnted Jesus came into the world sinners tion, That $Christ Jesus
τωλούς σώσαι, ών πρώτος είμι έγώ· 1β άλλά came into the WORLD to
to save, of whom first am I; but save Sinners, of whom
δια τούτο ήλεήθην, ίνα έν έμοί πρώτφ first am I.
through this I received mercy, that in me first 16 But on this account
ένδείξηται Ίησοΰς Χριστός την πασαν §1 received mercy, that
might show forth Jesus Anointed the all in me, first, * Christ Jesus
μακροθυμίαν, προς ύποτύπωσιν τών μελλόν- might exhibit ALL For-
forbearance, for an example of those being bearance for an Example
των πιστεύειν εκ' αύτφ εΙς ζωήν αίώνιον Of THOSE BEING ABOUT t o
a b o u t t o b e l i e v e on h i m f o r l i f e a g e - l a s t i n g ; believe on him in order to
τφ δέ Βασιλεί τών αιώνων, άφθάρτω, aionian Life.
to 11ι© now Ι\.ιΏ^ of the a^es^ incorrupt!hiG| 17 $Now to the KING of
άοράτοο, μόνω Θεώ, τιμή καΐ δόξα εις τους the AGES, the Incorrupti-
invisible^ only GOQ} honor and ^lory for the ble, the Invisible, the Only
αίώνας τών αιώνων αμήν.) God, be Honor and Glory
18 of the ages; so be it.) for the AGES of the AGES.
Ταύτην την παραγγελίαν παρατίθεμαΐ σοι, Amen.)
This the charge I commit to thee.
τέκνον Τιμόθεε, κατά τάς προαγούσας 18 This CHARGE $1
child θ Timothy, according to the preceding commit to thee, Ο Child
επί σε προφητείας ϊνα στρα- Timothy, according to the
τεύχι έν αΰταίς τήν καλήν στρατείαν, concerning thee, that by
war by them the good them thou mayest carry on
warfare, holding
πίστιν και άγαθήν συνείδησιν, ην τιν.ες §the GOOD Contest;
faith and good a conscience, which some 19 retaining Faith and a
άπωσάμενοι, περί τήν πίστιν έναυά- Good Conscience, which
having thrust away, concerning the faith were some having thrust away,
* ALEXANDPaAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 2 . And—omit. 16. Christ Jesus.
t 10. 1 Tim. vi. 3 ; 2 Tim. iv. 3 ; Titus i. 9 ; ii. 1. Ζ 11. 1 Cor. ix. 1 7 ; Gal. i i . 7 ;
Col. i . 2 5 ; 1 Thess. i i . 4 ; 1 Tim. i i . 7; 2 Tim. i. 1 1 ; Titus i. 3. $ 12. 2 Cor.
iii. 5, 6; iv. 1; Col. i. 25. ί 13. Acts viii. 3 ; ix. 1; 1 Cor. xv. 9 ; Phil. iii. 6 .
$ 1 3 . Luke xxiii. 3 4 ; John ix. 39, 4 1 ; Acts iii. 1 7 ; xxvi. 9. ί 14. 1 Cor. xv. 10.
t 15. Matt. ix. 1 3 ; Mark i i . 1 7 : Luke v. 3 2 ; xix. 1 0 ; Rom. v. 8 ; 1 John iii. 5.
$ 16. 2 Cor. iv. 1. t 17. 1 Tim. vi. 15, 16. $ 18. 1 Tim. vi. 13, 14, 2 0 ; 2 Tim.
i i . 2 . $ 1 8 . 1 Tim. vi. 1 2 ; 2 Tim. i i . 3 ; iv. 7 .
Chap. 1:20.] I. TIMOTHY. [Chap. 2:9.
γησαν 20
ών έστιν *Υμέναιος καΐ Άλέ- concerning t h e FAITH
Bhipwreck; of whom is Hymenius and Alex * suffered Shipwreck;
ξανδρος, ους παραδέδωκα τω σατανά, 20 of whom are § Hyme-
nius and Alexander ; whom
ίνα παιδευθώσι μη βλασφημείν. I $ delivered up to the
so that they might be taught not to revile. ADVERSARY, that they may
ΚΕΦ. 6 ' . 2. be taught not to blas-
Παρακαλώ οΰν πρώτον πάντων ποιείσΦαι
δεήσεις, προσευχάς, έντεύξεις, εύχαρι- 1 I exhort, therefore
supplications, prayers» intercessions^2 thanks— first of all, to make Sup-
στιας υπέρ πάντων ανθρώπων ύπέρ 6α- plications, Prayers, Inter-
g i v i n g s in behalf of a l l men; in behalf of cessions, and Thanksgiv-
οιλέων, και πάντων των έν ύπεροχτ) ings in behalf of All Men ;
kings, and of a l l of those in high s t a t i o n 2 tin behalf of Kings,
δντων ϊνα ήρεμον καΐ ήσύχιον β'ιον διά- and ALL who ARE in High
being; s o that a tranquil and quiet life we station, so that we may
γωμεν έν πάστ) ευσέβεια καΐ σεμνότητι. lead a Tranquil and Quiet
may lead in all piety " and seriousness. Life in All Piety and Seri-
Τοϋτο *[γάρ] καλόν καΐ άποδεκτόν ενώπιον
This Cfor] good and acceptable in presence
3 Tli is is good and §ac-
του σωτήρος ημών Θεοϋ, 48ς πάντας ανθρώ- ceptable before God, our
πους θέλει σωθηναι καΐ ε'ις έπί- 4 $who desires All Men
wishes to be saved, and into in exact knowl- to be saved, $and to come
γνωσιν αληθείας έλθείν. ΕΙς γαρ Θεός, είς to an accurate Knowledge
of the Truth.
edge of truth to come. One for God, one
5 $For God is One, and
καΐ μεσίτης Θεοϋ καΐ 6 ανθρώπων, άνθρωπος there is $One Mediator of
fine} mediator of God όand
Χριστός Ίησοΰς, δούς
of δς
men, aεαυτόν
Anointed Jesus, he ing gi
having given himself God and Men, t h a t Man,
Christ Jesus,
άντ'ιλυτρον υπέρ πάντων *[τό μαρ^ύριovJ 6 §who GAVE himself a
Ransom in behalf of a l l , —
καιροίς Ιδίοις, είς δ έτέθην
έγώ the TESTIMONY in its own
Seasons ; —
κήρυξ και απόστολος, (άλήθειαν λέγω, ού 7 $for which I was ap-
ψεύδομαι,) διδάσκαλος εθνών έν πίστει pointed a Herald and a n
I speak falsely,) a teacher of nations in faith Apostle, (I speak Truth, I
καΐ αλήθεια. do not falsify,) a Teacher
and in truth". of Nations in * F a i t h and
Βούλομαι οδν προσεύχεσθαι τους άνδρας Truth.
I direct therefore to pray the men 8 I appoint, therefore,
έν παντί τόπω, έπαίροντας οσίους χείρας the MEN to pray in every
in every place, lifting up holy hands place, lifting up Holy
χωρίς οργής καΐ διαλογισμού. °*Ωσαύτως Hands without Wrath and
"Without wrath and disputing. In the same way Disputing.
*[καί τάς] γυναίκας έν καταστολή κοσμίφ, 9 In like manner, the
[and the] women in apparel becoming,
WOMEN, also, in $becom-
μετά αίδοΟς και σωφροσύνης, κοσμείν ing Attire, with Modesty
with modesty and soundness of mind, to adorn
and soberness of mind,
έαυτάς, μή έν πλέγμασιν, ή* χρυσοί, ή' not decorating themselves
themselves, not with wreaths, of gold, or with Wreaths, or Gold, or
μαργαρίταις, ή ίματισμω πολυτελεί, 1 0 άλλ', Pearls, or expensive Cloth-
pearls or a garment expensive, but, ing,

* ALXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—19. suffered Shipwreck. 3. for—omit. 6. the

'ESTiMONY—omit. 7. Spirit and Truth. 9. and the—omit.
Chap. 2:10.] I. TIMOTHY. [Chap. 3:7.
(ο πρέπει γυναιξίν 10 but with good Works,
<which is becoming for women undertaking which become Women un-
dertaking the worship of
θεοσέβειαν,) δι' έργων αγαθών. God.
η 11 Let a Woman learn
Γυνή έν ήσνχία μανθανέτω έν πάσχι ύπο- in Quietness with All Sub-
12 mission ;
ταγΐ). ΓυναικΙ δε διδάσκειν ουκ επιτρέ- 12 for $1 do not permit
a Woman to teach, $or to
πω, ουδέ αύθεντείν ανδρός, άλλ' είναι assume authority over a
έν ΐιησυχία.
ο r to AS sum Άδάμ γαρover
o iiuthority πρώτος
Ά m &Ω· έπλάσΟη,
but to be Man, but to be quiet;
in silence. Adam for first was formed,
14 13 for $Adam was form-
είτα Εΰα. Kcd 'Αδάμ ουκ ήπατήθη· ή
-then Eve. And Adam not was deceived; the ed first, and then Eve.
14 And JAdam was not
δέ γυνή άπατηθεΐσα, έν παραβάσει deceived ; but the WOMAN
15 having been *deceived, be-
γέγονε· σωφήσεται δέ διά της came a Transgressor:
became; she w i l l be preserved but through the
15 but she shall be pre-
τεκνογονίας, έάν μείνωσιν έν πίστει και served throughout CHILD-
child-bearing, if they abide in faith and BEARING, if they abide in
άγάπχι και άγιασμφ μετά σωφροσύνης,
love and holiness with sobriety of mind. Faith, and Love, and Holi-
ness, with Sobriety of
ΚΕΦ. 3. min-d.
Π ιστός δ λόγος· Ει τις επισκοπής
True the If any one an oversight 1 This SAYING is T r u e ;
2 If any one longs after an
ορέγεται, καλοΰ £ργου επιθυμεί. Δεΐ ^Overseer's office, he de-
longsafter, excellent a work he desires. Itbehooves
©Cv τόν έπισκοπον άνεπίληπτον είναι, μι- sires an Excellent Work.
then the overseer unblamable to be, of 2 §The OVERSEER then
ας γυναικός άνδρα, νηφάλιον, σώφρονα, must be irreproachable, a
ate, Husband of One Wife,
κόσμιον, φιλόξενον, διδακτικόν μή πάροι- vigilant, sedate, orderly,
orderly, hospitable, fit to teach; not a wine hospitable, $fit to teach;
νον, μή πλήκτην, άλλ' επιεική, άμα- 3 $not a wine-drinker,
no striker, but gentle, not
χον, άφιλάργυρον
τοϋ ιδίου οϊκου καλώς quarrelsome, $not a lover
of money ;
προϊστάμενον, τέκνα έχοντα έν υποταγή μετά 4 presiding well over his
presiding, ehildren having in subjection with OWN Family, ^having the
πάσης σεμνότητος· 5 ( ε ί δέ τις του Ιδίου Children in Subjection
all dignity; (if but any one of the ο with All Dignity;
οϊκου προστήναι οΰκ οίδε, πώς έκκλη- 5 (but if any one knows
not how to preside over
6 his OWN Family, how can
σίας Θεοΰ έπιμελήσεται;) μή νεό- he take care of a Congre-
gnticon of God w i l l he take care of?) not an
gation of God?)
φυτον, ίνα μή τυφωθείς εις κρί- 6 Not a New convert,
ffed up into a judg-
convert, so that not being puff lest being puffed up, he
μα έμπέσχι τοϋ διαβόλου· 7
δεί may incur the Judgment
mont he may fall of the
user; i t behoov of the ENEMY.
δέ αυτόν καΐ μαρτυρίαν καλήν εχειν άπό 7 And he must even
but h i m also * ---•••· -»
have a good Testimony
των έ'ξωθεν, ίνα μή είς όνειδισμόν έμ- §from THOSE WITHOUT,
those outside, so that not into reproach lie that he may not fall into
πέστ] καΐ παγίδα του διαβόλου. reproach and $a Snare of
the ENEMY.
* ALEXANDRIAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 4 . wholly deceived.
t 12. 1 Cor. xiv. 34. t 12. Eph. v. 24. t 13. Gen. i . 2 7 ; i l . 18, 2 2 ; 1 Cor.
xi. 8 , 9 . t 14. Gen. i i i . 6 ; 2 Cor. xi. 3. t 1. Acts xx. 2 3 ; Phil. i. 1. t 2 .
Titus i . 6, &c. $ 2. 2 Tim. ii. 24. % 3. Titus i. 7. % 3. 1 Pet. v. 2 . t 4 .
Titus i . 6. t 7. Acts xxii. 1 2 ; 1 Cor. v. 1 2 ; -\ These, iv. 12. $ 7. 2. Tim. ii. 2 6 .
Chap. 3:8.] I. TIMOTHY. [Chap. 4 : 1 ,
Διακόνους ωσαύτως σεμνούς, μη διλό- 8 §Assistants in like
Servants in like manner dignified, not two- manner ought to be seri-
γους, μή οινφ πολλφ προσέχοντας, μη ous, n o t deceitful i η
worded, not to wine much being addicted, not speech, $not being addict-
αισχροκερδείς, 9εχοντας τό μυστήριον της ed to much Wine, not
eager for base gain, holding the secret of the eager for base gain ;
πίστεως έν καθαροί συνειδήσει. 1 0 Kai οδτοι 9 holding the SECRET of
faith in a pur» conscience. Also these the FAITH with a Pur©
δέ δοκιμαζέσθωσαν πρώτον, είτα διακονεί- 10 But let These also be
proved first, then let them
τωσαν, άνέγκλητοι δντες. "Γυναίκας ώσαύ- serve, being unblamable.
unblamable being. Women in like like 11 $Let the Women in
manner be serious, not
τως σεμνάς, μή διαβόλους, νηφάλιους, accusers, vigilant, faithful
manner serious, not accusers, vigilant, in all things.
πίστας έν πασι. 12Διάκονοι ^στωσαν μιας Husbands 12 Let Assistants be
γυναικός άνδρες, τέκνων καλώς προϊστάμενοι presiding well of One Wife,
wife a husband, children well presiding over over their
καΐ τών ιδίων οίκων. ^Οί γαρ καλώς δια- OWN Families.
and of the own houses. Those for well hav- SERVED well, acquire 13 F o r THOSE HAVING
κονήσαντες, βαθμόν έαυτοίς καλόν themselves an honorable
ing served, a standing for themselves honorable Station, and Much Confi-
περιποιούνται, και πολλήν παρρησίαν έν π'ι- dence in THAT Faith which
they acquire, and much confidence in is in Christ Jesus.
στει τη έν Χριστώ Ίησοΰ. Ταϋτα 14 These things I write
σοι γράφω, έλπίζων έλθείν προς σέ τά- to Thee, hoping to come to
to thee I write, hoping to come to thee veiv thee very soon;
χιον έάν δέ βραδύνω, Ινα εί- 15 but if I should de-
soon; if but I should delay, that thou mayest lay, so that thou mayest
δτίς, πώς δει έν οϊκω Θεοϋ άνα- self in know how to conduct thy-
§God's House,
know, how it behooves in a house of God to which is a Congregation
στρέφεσθαι, ή*τις έστιν εκκλησία θεοΰ of the living God.
conduct thyself, which is a congregation of God 16 ±A Pillar and Foun-
ξώντος· 16στΰλος καΐ έδρα'ιωμα της αληθείας
fivlng; A p i l l a r and basis of the truth dation of the TRUTH, and
καΐ ομολογουμένως μέγα εστί τό της εύσε- confessedly great, is the
anil confessedly great is the of the piety SECRET Of PIETY ,* $*He
βείας μυστήριον *ΛΟς έφανερώθη έν σαρκί, who was manifested in
Flesh, was justified in
έδικαιώθη έν πνεύματι, οδφθη άγγέ- Spirit, was seen by Mes-
was justified in spirit, was seen by m sengers, was proclaimed
λοις, έκηρύχθη έν Ιθνεσιν, έπι- among Nations, was be-
lieved on in the World,
scngers, w&s proclaimed among nations^ we was taken up in Glory.
στεύθη έν κόσμφ, άνελήφθη έν δόξχι· CHAPTER IV.
believed among a world, was taken up in glory.
ΚΕΦ. δ ' . 4. 1 But the SPIRIT §ex-
Τό δέ πνεύμα ρητώς λέγει, δτι έν ύστέ- pressly says, That in sub-
The but spirit expressly says, that in subse- sequent Seasons, some will
ροις καιροΐς άποστήσονται τινές της apostatize from the FAITH,
ι the giving heed to §deceitful
quent seasons w i l l fall away some

Spirits, and $to Teachings

πίστεως, προσέχοντες πνεύμασι πλάνοις και of Demons ;
* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—It is doubtful whether this word was originally
* Ό Σ who, or Θ Σ God.
± 1 6 . This is according to the pointing of Griesbach. Nearly all the ancient MSS., and
all the versions have "He who/' instead of "God/' in this passage. This has been adopted.
The latter reading, however, is also according to the analogy of the faith, and well supported.
$ 8. Acts vi. 3. t 8. Lev. x. 9. $ 11. Titus ii. 3. t 15. Eph. ii. 21, 2 2 ; 2 Tim.
ii. 20. t 16. John i. 14; 1 John i. 2. t 1. John xvi. 1 3 ; 2 Thess. ii. 3 ; 2 Tim.
iii. 1; 2 Pet. iii. 3. $ 1. 2 Tim. iii. 1 3 ; 2 Pet. ii. 1. $ 1. Dan. xi. 35, 37, 3 8 ;
Rev. ix. 2 0 .
Chap. 4:2.] I. TIMOTHY. [Chap. 4:12,
διδασκαλίαις δαιμονίων, 2 έν ύποκρίσει ψευδο- 2 [misled] by the $Hy-
to teachings of demons, by hypocrisy of false- pocrisy of false teachers;
λόγων, κεκαυτηριασμένων την Ιδίαν συν- whose OWN $ Conscience
speakers, having been cauterized the o w n has been seared;
3 forbidding $marriage,
είδησιν, 3κωλυόντων γαμείν, άπέχεσθαι 6ρω- and $the use of Foods
which GOD created in or-
μάτων, & ό Θεός έ'κτισεν εις μετάληψιν der to be partaken of with
μετά ευχαριστίας τοις πιστοίς καΐ έπε- $ Thanksgiving b y the
with thanksgiving by the faithful ones and they BELIEVERS, even by those
γνωκόσι την άλήθειαν. 4 "Οτι παν κτίσμα who have recognized this
θεοΰ καλόν, καΐ ουδέν άπόβλητον, μετά 4 That §Everything
Created by God ±is good,
ευχαριστίας λαμβανόμενον 5 άγιάζεται γαρ and nothing is to be re-
thanksgiving be ing received; it is sanctified for jected, being received with
διά λόγου Θεοΰ καΐ έντεύξ^ως. Ταΰτα Thanksgiving;
through a word of God and of prayer. These things 5 since it is sanctified
υποτιθέμενος τοις άδελφοίς, καλός £ση through the Command of
scttliis? for'tli t o tlie brethren· £ood thou * w l i t be God, and by Prayer.
διάκονος Ίησοϋ Χρίστου, έντρεφόμενος 6 getting forth These
ft sorVftiit of Jesus ^nolutedf D© i IIJJ nourlslieo things before the BRETH-
τοις λόγοις της πίστεως καΐ της καλής REN, thou wilt be a Good
Servant of * Christ Jesus,
with the words of the faith and of the good Jimbued with the WORDS
διδασκαλίας, f| παρηκολούθηκας. of the FAITH, and the
teaching, "which^ thou hast closely fol lowed. GOOD Teaching which thou
Τούς δέ βέβηλους
ραιτοΰ* γύμναζε δέ καΐσεαυτόν
γραώδεις μύθους
προς πα- hast closely followed.
ϊΐιο avoid;
but discipline
profjiiie nud but olcLthyself
^voxxien for fiiblespiety.
do 7 But $avoid PROPANE
αν. 8
Ή γάρ σωματική γυμνάσια προς όλί- and Silly Fables, and train
Th* for bodily discipline for thyself for Piety;
γον εστίν ωφέλιμος· ή δέ ευσέβεια προς 8 for BODILY Training
a l i t t l e it is profitable; the but piety for is profitable for a little;
πάντα ωφέλιμος έστιν, έπαγγελίαν Ιχουσα §but PIETY is profitable
all things profitable it is, a promise having for all things, $having a
ζωής τ η ς νΰν καΐ της μελλούσης. β Π ι- Promise of the PRESENT
οί life of the now and of that about coming. True Life, and of THAT which
στός ό λόγος και πάσης αποδοχής άξιος. 9 This SAYING is True,
and worthy of All Recep-
Είς τοΰτο γάρ * [καΐ] κο.τιωμεν καΐ όνειδι- tion.
10 For on this account,
ζόμεθα, δτι ήλπίκαμεν επί θ ε φ ζώντι, we toil and *are re-
proached, Because we hope
8ς έστι σωτήρ πάντων ανθρώπων, μάλιστα in the living God, $who is
who i s a preserver of a l l men, especially
1Χ a Preserver of All Men, es-
πιστών. Παράγγελλε ταΰτα καΐ δί-
of believers. Do thou enjoin these things and do pecially of Believers.
11 These things enjoin
δασκε. Μηδε'ις σου της νεότητος κατά- and teach.
tiiou te&ch· No one thee tlio youth. let 12 Let no one despise
φρονείτω, αλλά τύπος γίνου των πιστών Thy YOUTH ; but §become
despise, but a pattern become thou of the believers a Pattern of the BELIEV-
έν λόγω, έν αναστροφή, έν άγάπχ), έν πίστει, ERS, in Word, in Conduct,
in Love, in Faith, in Purity.
* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—6. Christ Jesus. 10. also—omit. 10. earnestly
± 4. for this purpose, or for food, or for being partaken of—ver. 3.
$ 2. Matt. vii. 1 5 ; Rom. xvi. 1 8 ; 2 Pet. ii. 3. t 2. Eph. iv. 19. t 3. Heb. xiii.
4. $ 3 . Rom. xiv. 3 . t 3. Rom. xiv. 6; 1 Cor. x. 30. t 4. Rom. xiv. 1 4 , 2 0 ;
1 Cor. x. 25. ί 6 , 2 Tim. iii. 14, 15. % 7. 1 Tim. i. 4 ; vi. 2 0 ; 2 Tim. ii. 16, 2 3 ;
iv. 4 ; Titus i . 1 4 . t 8. 1 Tim. vi. 6. % 8. Psa. xxxvii. 4 ; lxxxiv. 1 1 ; exii. 2, 3 ;
cxlv. 1 9 ; Matt. vi. 2 3 ; xix. 29. % Mark x. 3 0 ; Rom. viii. 28. % 10. Job vii. 2 0 ;
Psa. xxxvi. 6. $ 1 2 . Titus i i . 7 .
Chap. 4:13.] I. TIMOTHY. [Chap. 5:8.
έν άγνεία. ^"Εως έρχομαι, πρόσεχε xf\ 13 Till I come, attend
in purity. Till I come, a t t e n d thou t o the to the READING, to the
αναγνώσει, ττ| παρακλήσει, τχ[ διδασκαλία. EXHORTING, t o t h e TEACH-
Μή άμέλει τοΰ έν σοΙ χαρίσματος, 14 $Neglect not that
Not be thou neglectful of the In thee endowment, ENDOWMENT in thee,
δ εδόθη σοι δια προφητείας, μετά which was imparted to
thee through Prophecy,
επιθέσεως των χειρών τοΰ πρεσβυτερίου. with Imposition of the
laying on. of the hands of tho eldership.
Ταΰτα μελέτα, έν τούτοις 15 Make These things
These things do thou care for, in these things thy care; be occupied in
Ισθι· ίνα σου ή προκοπή φανερά them; so that Thy PRO-
be thou; so that of thee the progress manifest GRESS may be manifest in
fj έν πάσιν. 16
"Επεχε σεαυτφ, «αϊ all things.
may bo in a l l things. Attend thou to thyself, and 16 § Attend to thyself
and to the TEACHING;
xfj διδασκαλία* επίμενε αύτοΐς· τούτο continue in them ; for by
to the teaching; continue *..ou in them; this doing this thou wilt save
γαρ ποιών, καΐ σεαυτόν σώσεις καΐ τους
for doing, both
άκοΰοντάς σου. thyself thou w i l t save and those both Thyself, and $THOSB
hearing tbee who HEAR thee.
ΚΕΦ. V . δ. 1 Chide $not an Elderly
man, but exhort him as a
Πρεσ6υτέρφ μη επίπληξης, αλλά πα- Father; Younger men, as
An eltierly man not thou mayest chide, but Brothers;
2 Elderly women as
ρακάλει ώς πατέρα· νεωτέρους, ώς αδελφούς* Mothers; Younger women
2 as Sisters, in all Purity.
πρεσ6υτέρας, ώς μητέρας· νεωτέρας, ώς 3 Support THOSE Wid-
άδελφάς, έν πάση άγνεία. 3Χήρας τίμα, τάς
sisters, in a l l purity. Widows honor, those ows who are really Wid-
δντως χήρας. 4ΕΙ δέ τις χήρα τέκνα ft ows.
really widows. If but any widow children or 4 But if Any Widow has
βκγονα έχει, μανθανέτωσαν πρώτον τόν Children or Grand-child-
ren, let these be taught
Ibiov οίκον εύσεβείν, καΐ άμοιβάς first to be dutiful to their
own house to bet dutiful, and a recompense OWN Family, §and to ren-
der proper returns to their
άποδιδόναι τοις προγονοις· τοΰτο γάρ έστιν PROGENITORS * for this IS
άποδεκτόν ενώπιον τοΰ θεοΰ. Ή δέ δ*ν- acceptable in the sight of
acceptable In presence of the God. She but GOD.
τως χήρα καΐ μεμονωμένη ήλ- 5 §Now SHE who is
really a WIDOW, and hav-
πικεν επί τόν Θεόν, καΐ προσμένει ταϊς δεή- ing been left alone, hopes
*IOJ)€Q in the Godj &ncl continues in th© suppli*· in GOD, and continues in
προσευχαϊς νυκτός καΐ ήμέ- SUPPLICATIONS and PRAT-
σεσι καΐ ταΐι',ς
the prayers night and day; ERS Night and Day;
cations6 and in 6 But $SHE, living in
ρας* ή δέ σπαταλώσα, ζώσα τέθνηκε. 7ΚαΙ
she but luxuriously, living has died. And SELF-INDULGENCE, is dead.
ταΰτα παράγγελλε, ίνα άνεπίληπτοι ώ- 7 $And enjoin these
things, so that they may
8 be unblamable.
σιν. ΕΙ δέ τις των ιδίων, και 8 But if any one provide
may be. If but any one for th< of own, and
not for his OWN relatives,
μάλιστα τών οικείων, ού προνοεί, την ?and especially for *hig
Family, he has denied the
πίστιν ήρνηται, καΐ έστιν απίστου χείρων. FAITH, and is worse than
an Unbeliever.
t 1 4 . 2 Tim. i. 6. ί 16. Acts xx. 28. ί Ί 6 . James v. 20. t 1. Lev. xix. 32.
t 4. Gen. xlv. 10, 1 1 ; Matt. xv. 4 ; Eph. vi. 1. 2. ί 5. 1 Cor. vi. 32. ί 6 James
ν. δ . ί 7. 1 Tim. i . 3 ; iv. 1 1 ; vi. 1 7 . $ 8. Isa. lviii. 7 ; Gal. vi. 10.
Chap. 5:9.] I. TIMOTHY. [Chap. 5:19.
Χήρα καταλεγέσθω μή δλαττον ετών έξήκον- 9 Let not a Widow be
enrolled less than sixty
τα γεγονυία, ενός ανδρός γυνή, 1 0 έν Years old, fhaving been
having become, of one husband a wife, by a Wife of One Husband.
ίίργοις καλοίς μαρτυρουμένη· εΐ έτεκνοτρό- 10 well reputed for good
T^orks cood uciiifir tittestedt if sxie re&reu Works; whether she has
φησεν, ει έξενοδόχησεν, εΐ άγι- reared a family, or $en-
α family, if she received strangers, if of holy tertained strangers, or
ων πόδας έ'νιψεν, εΐ θλιβομένοις έπήρ or twashed the Saints' Feet,
relieved the Afflicted,
ones feet she washed, If afflicted ones she re- or closely followed Every
κεσεν, εΐ παντί Ιργω άγαθώ έπηκολού- good Work.
lieved, if every work good * she closely fol- 11 But reject Younger
Φησε. η Νεωτέρας δε χήρας παραιτοϋ· δταν Widows, for when they
become wanton against
lowed. Younger but widows reject; when the ANOINTED one they
γαρ καταστρηνιάσιοσι τοΰ Χρίστου, wish to marry;
γαμεΐν θέλουσιν εχουσαι κρίμα, ω δτι 12 incurring Condemna-
τήν πρώτην πίστιν ήθέτησαν α μ α tion, Because they have
the first fidelity they violated; at the same time violated their FIRST Fideli-
δέ καΐ άργαΐ μανθάνουσι περιερχόμεναι ty.
end also idle ones they learn to go about
13 $And at the same
τάς οικίας· οίι μόνον δέ άργαί, αλλά καΐ time also, they learn to be
the h o u s e s ; n o t o n l y b u t idle o n e s , but also
idlers, gadding about to
φλύαροι καΐ περίεργοι, λαλοΰσαι τα the HOUSES ; and not only
idlers, but also Praters
μή δέοντα. 14 Βούλομαι οδν νεωτέρας γα- and Busybodies, speaking
μείν, τεκνογονείν, ο'ικοδεσποτείν, μηδε- 14 $1 desire, therefore,
marry, to bear children, to keep house, no the Younger Widows to
μίαν άφορμήν διδόναι τ φ άντικειμένφ λοί- marry, to bear children, to
keep house, $to give No
δορίας χάριν. 1 5 "Ηδη γάρ τίνες έξετρά- Opportunity to the OPPO-
reproach on account. Already for some turned NENT for reproach;
15 since some have al-
πησαν οπίσω τοϋ σατανά· 1 0 Εΐ τις * [πι-
aside after the adversary. If any [believing ready turned aside after
στός ή] πιστή έχει χήρας, έπαρκεΐ- t h e ADVERSARY.
16 If any believer of
»nan οτΐ believing woman has widows, let such either sex have Widows,
τω αι'ταϊς, καΐ μή βαρείσθω ή έκκλη- let such support them, and
support them, ϊνα and ταΐς n o t δντως
l e t burden t h e congre-
χήραις έπαρ- let not the CONGREGATION
σ'ια, be burdened, so that it
17 may relieve $THOSE who
«έσχ). ΟΙ καλώς προεστώτες πρεσβύτεροι are REALLY Widows.
relieved. The well presiding elders
17 Let §the ELDERS
διπλής τιμής άξιούσθωσαν μάλιστα who PRESIDE well $be es-
double honor let be esteemed worthy; especially teemed worthy of Double
ot κοπιώντες έν λόγω καΐ διδασκαλία. Honor, especially THOSE
who TOIL in Word and
Λέγει γάρ ή γραφή· Βοΰν άλοώντα ού Teaching;

Says for the writing; An ox treading not 18 for the SCRIPTURE

says, t"Thou shalt not
φιμώσεις* και* δ | ι ο ς δ εργάτης τοΰ "muzzle anOxthreshing ; "
tbou shalt muzzle; and; worthy the laborer of the and, §"The LABORER is
μισθοΰ αύτοΰ. 1 0 Κατά πρεσβυτέρου κατη- worthy of his REWARD."
hire of himself. Against an elder an
19 Against an Elder re-
* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—16. believing man, or—omit.
$ 9. 1 Tim. iii. 2. t 10. Acts xvi. 1 5 ; Heb. xiii. 2 ; 1 Pet. iv. 9. t 10. John
xiii. 5, 14. $ 13. 2 Thess. i i i . 1 1 . t 14. 1 Cor. vii. 9. t 14. 1 Tim. vi. 1;
Titus ii. 8. t 16. verses 3, 5. ί 17. Rom. xii. 8; 1 Cor. ix. 10, 14; Gal. vi. 6;
Phil. ii. 2 9 ; 1 Thess. v. 1 2 , 1 3 ; Heb. xiii. 7,17. $ 17. Acts xxviii. 10. t 18.
Deut. xxv. 4; 1 Cor. ix. 9. $ 18. Lev. xix. 1 3 ; Deut. xxiv. 14, 1 5 ; Matt. x. 1 0 ;
Luke x. 7 .
Chap. 5:20.] I. TIMOTHY. [Chap. 6:3.
γορί,αν μή παραδέχου, εκτός ει μή έπι ceive not an Accusation,
accusation not do thou receive, without if not by
20 in any case, without Two
δύο ^ τριών μαρτύρων. Τούς άμαρτάνοντας, or Three Witnesses.
two or three witnesses. The sinning ones,
ενώπιον πάντων έλεγχε, Ινα καΐ ol 20 *But §THOSE who
In presence of a l l reprove thou, BO that also the
SIN reprove before all, so
λοιποί φόβον εχωσι. that the REST also may
remainder fear may have. fear.
Διαμαρτύρομαι ενώπιον του θεοΰ καΐ 21 §1 solemnly enjoin
I solemnly enjoin in presence of the God and thee in the presence of
* [Κυρίου] Ίησοΰ Χρίστου καΐ τών έκλε- GOD and of * Christ Jesus,
[Lord] Jesus Anointed and of the chosen and of the CHOSEN Mes-
κτών αγγέλων, ίνα ταϋτα φυλά- sengers, that thou keep
These things without pre-
ξΐΐζ χωρΐ? προκρίματος μηδέν ποιών κατά judice, doing Nothing by
ke'ep without prejudice nothing doing by Partiality.
πρόσκλισιν. Χεϊρας ταχέως μηδενΐ έπιτί- 22 §Lay Hands hastily
partiality. Hands hastily to no one do thou on no one, $and be not a
Φει μηδέ κοινωνεί partaker
άμαρτ'ιαις άλλοτρ'ι- keep Thyself in Others' Sins;
put and not do thou share in sins with
23 (Be no longer a
αις. Σεαυτόν άγνόν τήρει. ^Μηκέτι Water-drinker, but use a
others. Thyself pure do thou keep. N o longer little Wine on account of
ύδροπότει, άλλ' oivqj όλίγω thy STOMACH, and thy
χρω διά τόν στόμαχόν 24*[σου] FREQUENT Weaknesses.)
otcd τάς πυκνάς σου ασθενείας.
do thou use on &ccouut of the stomticli £o£ thee3
Τινών 24 §The SINS of some
and the frequent of th< weaknesses. Of some Men are previously mani-
ανθρώπων αϊ άμαρτίαι πρόδηλοί είσι, fest, leading on to Judg-
men the sins previously manifest are,
ment ; but in some, in-
deed, they follow after.
προάγουσαι είς κρίσιν τισΐ δέ καΐ 25 *A n d so GOOD
before leading to judgment; in some but indeed
DEEDS also are previously
έπακολουθοΰσιν. 25Ώσαύτως καΐ τά καλά manifest, and THOSE which
t h e y f o l l o w a f t e r . In l i k e manner a l s o t h e good ARE OTHERWISE cannot be
ίίργα πρόδηλα έστι· καΐ τά concealed.
works previously manifest are; and the things
άλλως έχοντα, κρυβηναι οΰ δύναται. CAPTER VI.
Otherwise being, to he hidden not &ro nblo· 1 Let as many §Bond-
1€ ΚΕΦ. στ'. 6. servants as are under a
Όσοι είσΐν υπό ζυγόν δούλοι, τους Yoke, esteem their OWN
As many as are under a yoke slaves, tho
Masters as worthy of All
Ιδίους δέσποτας πάσης τιμής άξιους ήγεί- Honor; §that the NAME
owq masters of a l l honor worthy let of GOD and the TEACHING
σθωσαν, ίνα μή τό δνομα του Θεοΰ καΐ may not be reviled.
them esteem, that not the name of tho God and 2 And let not THOSE
i] διδασκαλία βλασφημήται. 2Ot δέ πιστούς HAVING Believing Masters
the teaching m a y be reviled. Those and believing disregard them, ^Because
they are Brethren; but
έχοντες δέσποτας, μή καταφρονείτωσαν, δτι rather serve, Because they
having masters, not l e t them disregard, because are Believers and Beloved,
αδελφοί είσιν αλλά μάλλον δουλευέτωσαν, who are RECIPIENTS of
brethren they are; but rather l e t them serve,
hing the BENEFIT, fThese
δίδασκε, πιστοί
καΐ εισι
παρακαλεί. καΐ3Εί αγαπητοίτις things teach and exhort.
because believing ones they are and beloved ones
do thou teach, and do thou exhort. If any one 3 If any one § teach dif-
ol της ευεργεσίαςκαΐαντιλαμβανόμενοι.
έτεροδιδασκαλεΐ, μή προσέρχεται Ταύτα ύγιαί- ferently, and assent not to
teach differently, and not assents to being
* ALBXANDRIAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 0 . But T H O S E . 2 1 . Lord—omit. 2 1 . Christ
Jesus. 23. of thee—omit. 25. And so GOOD DEEDS also.
t 20. Gal. ii. 11, 14; Titus i. 13. t 21. 1 Tim. vi. 1 3 ; 2 Tim. ii. 14; iv. 1.
t 22. Acts vi. 6; xiii. 3 ; 1 Tim. iv. 14; 2 Tim. i. 6. t 22. 2 John 11. $ 24. Gal.
v. 19. t 1. Epn. vi. 5 ; Col. iii. 2 2 ; Titus ii. 9; 1 Pet. ii. 18. t 1. Isa. Hi. 5 ;
Bom. ii. 2 4 ; Titus ii. 5, 8. $ 2. Col. iv. 1. $ 2. 1 Tim. iv. 11. t 3. 1 Tim. i . 3 .
Chap. 6:4.] I. TIMOTHY. {Chap. 6:12.
νουσι λόγοις τοις του Κυρίου ημών THOSE Sound Words of
our LORD Jesus Christ, and
Ίησοΰ Χρίστου, και
Λϊ ι κατ' εύσέ- to that TEACHING which is
according to Piety,
βκιαν διδασκαλία* 4 τετύφωται, μηδέν έπιστά-
teaching; he is puffed up, nothing being 4 he is puffed up, being
μένος, άλλα νοσών περί ζητήσεις και master of Nothing, but is
versed in, but being sick about questions and distracted about JQues-
λογομαχίας, εξ ών γίνεται φθόνος, tions and Verbal conten-
tions, out of which arise
ερις, βλασφημίαι, ύπόνοιαι πονηραί, εδιαπα- Envy , Strife, Revilings,
evil Suspicions,
ρατριβαΐ διεφθαρμένων ανθρώπων τον
gling having been corrupted of men the 5 Wranglings of Men
corrupted in MIND, and
νουν, καΐ άπεστερημένων της αληθείας, νο- destitute of the TRUTH,
^supposing PIETY to be
μιζόντων πορισμόν είναι την εύσέβειαν.
*[Άφίστασο άπό των τοιούτων.] β
"Εστι 6 But $PIETT with a
L^Vi tlnli*ii^f thys© 11 ΙΓΟΜ of the such ones» j It i s Competency is great Gain.
δέ πορισμός μέγας ή ευσέβεια μετά αύταρ-
but gain great the piety with a compe- 7 For we brought Noth-
κείας. 7Ούδέν γάρ είσηνέγκαμεν εΙς τόν κό- ing into the WORLD, and it-
is evident that we are not
σμον *[δήλον,] δτι ουδέ έξενεγκεϊν able to carry anything o u t ;
world; [evident,J that neither to carry out
τι δυνάμεθα. δ "Εχοντες δέ διατροφάς 8 and §having supplies
any thing are we able. Having and foods of Food and Clothing, with
καΐ σκεπάσματα, τζούτοις άρκεσθησό- These let us be satisfied.
μεθα. ΟΙ δέ βουλόμενοι πλουτείν, έμπί- 9 B u t §THOSE WISHING
satisfled. Those but wishing to be rich, fall to be rich fall into a
Temptation, and a Snare,
πτουσιν εις πειρασμόν καΐ παγίδα, και επι-
and into many foolish and
θυμίας πολλάς ανόητους καΐ βλαβεράς, αΐτι- injurious Desires, which
sink Men into Destruction
νες βυθ'ιζουσι τους ανθρώπους είς δλεθρον and utter Ruin;
sink deep the m e n into destruction
καΐ άπώλειαν. 1 0 Ρίζα γάρ πάντων των κακών 10 §for a Root of All
kinds of Evil is the LOVE
έστιν ή φιλαργι»ρία· Ϋις τίνες όρεγόμενοι OF MONEY ; which some
is the love of money; which some longing after longing after, wandered
άπεπλανήθησαν άπό της πίστεως, καΐ έαυ- from the FAITH, and pierc-
wandered from the faith, and them- ed Themselves around with
τούς περιέπειραν όδυναις πολλαίς. Σ ύ many Sorrows.

δέ, ώ άνθρωπε * [τοΰ] Θεοΰ, ταΰτα φεΰ- 11 §But thou, Ο Man of

fout, θ man tof the] God, these things flee; God! flee from these
γε· δίωκε δέ δικαιοσύνην, εύσέβειαν, things, and pursue Right-
pursue thou and righteousness, piety, eousness, Piety, Faith,
πίστιν, άγάπην, ύπομονήν, πραότητα· ^άγωνί- Patience, Love, Meekness.
falth, love, patience, meekness; contest
ζου τόν καλόν αγώνα της πίστεως, έπιλα- 12 §Maintain the GOOD
tliou the ^oocl contest of toe xflitli do toou l&y Contest of the F A I T H ;
6οΰ της αιωνίου ζωής, είς ffiv έκλή- §lay hold of AIONIAN Life,
hold of the age-lasting life, for which thou for which thou wast called
out, and didst confess the
θης, καΐ ώμολόγησας την καλήν
GOOD Confession in the
wast called out, and thou didst confess the good
* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—5. From SUCH withdraw thyself—omit. 7. evident
—omit. 11. of the—omit.
t 4. 1 Tim. i. 4 ; 2 Tim. ii. 2 3 ; Titus iii. 9. t 5. Titus i. 1 1 ; 2 Pet. ii. 3. t 6.
Psa. xxxvii. 1 6 ; Prov. xv. 16. t 8. Heb. xiii. 5. t 9. Prov. xv. 2 7 ; Matt. xiii. 2 2 ;
James v. 1. t 10. Exod. xxiii. 8 ; Deut. xvi. 19. % 11. 2 Tim. i i . 2 2 . $ 1 2 . 1 Cor.
ix. 25, 2 6 ; 1 Tim. i. 1 8 ; 2Tim.iv. 7. ί 12. Phil. Iii. 12, 1 4 ; verse 19.
Chap. 6:13.] I. TIMOTHY. [Chap. 6:21.
όμολογίαν ενώπιον πολλών μαρτύρων. Πα- presence of Many Wit- 13

ραγγέλλω σοι ενώπιον τοΰ Θεοϋ τοϋ 13 I charge thee in the
j cli&rsjc tfaee in presence oi the God) of th&t presence of THAT GOD who
ζωοποιοΰντος τά πάντα, καΐ Χρίστου Ίησοΰ, $makes alive ALL things,
m a k i n g a l i v e t h e t h i n g s a l l , and A n o i n t e d J e s u s ,
and THAT Christ Jesus,
τοΰ μαρτυρήσαντος έπΙ Ποντίου Πιλάτου την $who TESTIFIED to Pon-
of that one testifying before Pontius Pilate the tius Pilate the GOOD Con-
καλήν όμολογίαν, 14τηρήσαί σε την έντο- fession ;
good confession, to keep thee the com-
14 that thou keep the
λήν άσπιλον, άνεπίληπτον, μέχρι της COMMANDMENT, being spot-
mandment spotless, blameless, t i l l the less, blameless, §till the
επιφανείας τοΰ Κυρίου ημών Ίησοΰ Χρίστου, Jesus Christ;
ήν καιροίς Ιδίοις δείξει ό μακάριος 15 which in his own
which in seasons o w n he w i l l show the blessed only Potentate will exhib-
καΐ μόνος δυνάστης, ό Βασιλεύς των 6ασι- it,:—$the KING of KINGS,
and only Potentate, the King of those being and LORD of LORDS,—
λευόντων καΐ Κύριος των κυριευόντων, 1β
ό 16 $the only one POS-
Icings «ind Lord of those οΘΐϊΐυ lordS| the SESSING Immortality, in-
μόνος έχων άθανασίαν, φως οίκων habiting Light inaccessi-
ble ; $whom no one of
άπρόοΊτον, ον είδεν ουδείς ανθρώπων, Men has seen, nor is able
ΐiiuccess ibIe« w h o m S&TJV no one οx m c n to see ; to whom be Honor

ουδέ ίδεϊν δύναται* φ τιμή καΐ κράτος and Might aionian. Amen.
nor to see is Able; to whom honor and might 17 Charge THOSE RICH
Το 1 αμήν. in the PRESENT Age not to
age-lasting; so be it. be high-minded, nor Jto
Τοίςμή ύψηλοφρονείν, μηδέ ήλπικέ-
charge notπλουσίοις έν τφ νυν
to be high-minded, norαΐώνι, παράγ-
to have confl- confide in Wealth §so un-
έπΙ πλούτου άδηλότητι, άλλ έν τφ certain, but in THAT GOD
ναι $ w h o IMPARTS tO US ALL
θεώ *[τώ ζώντι,] τφ παρέχοντι ήμίν t h i n g s richly for Enjoy-
God Cthe* living,] in that offering to us
ment ; —
πάντα πλουσίως εις άπόλαυσιν άγαθοεργεϊν, 18 t o do good, §to be
a l l things richly for enjoyment; to work good, rich in good Works, t o be
πλουτείν έν εργοις καλοίς, εύμεταδότους εΐ- liberal, willing t o bestow ;
to be rich in works good, liberal ones to 19 ^ t r e a s u r i n g u p for
ναι, κοινωνικούς, 19άποθησαυρίζοντας έαυ-themselves a good F o u n d a -
be, communicative ones, treasuring up for them- tion for t h e FUTURE, t h a t
τοίς θεμέλιον καλόν είς το μέλλον, ϊνα t h e y m a y l a y hold of t h a t
selves a foundation good for the future, so that
which is REALLY Life.
έπιλάβωνται της δντως ζωής. 20 Ο T i m o t h y ! $guard
they m a y l a y h o l d of that r e a l l y l i f e .
^ Ω Τιμόθεε, την π^αραθήκην φύλαξον, THAT ^ t u
INTRUSTED t o thee,
r n i n g a w a y from t h e
θ Timothy, the trust guard thou,
έκτρεπόμενος τάς βέβηλους κενοφωνίας καΐ and PROFANE, E m p t y Sounds,
avoiding the profane empty sounds and Contradictions ο f
αντιθέσεις της ψευδωνύμου γνώσεοος· KNOWLEDGE,
oppositions of the falsely-named knowledge; 21 which some, having
f}V τίνες έπαγγελλόμενοι, περί την π'ι-professed, $erred concern-
whlch some having professed, concerning the ing the FAITH. Favor be
στιν ήστόχησαν. Ή χάρις μετά σοΰ. with *thee.
faith missed the mark. The favor with thee.
* ALEXANDRIAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 7 . the living—omit. 2 1 . you. Buhscripticn—·
t 13. John v. 2 1 . $ 1 3 . Matt, xxvii. 1 1 ; John xviii. 3 7 . t 14. P h i l . i . 6 , 1 0 ;
1 Thess. i i i . 1 3 ; v. 2.3. ί 15. Kev. xvii. 2 4 ; xix. 16. t 16. 1 Tim. i. 17. t 1 6 .
Exod. xxxiii. 2 0 ; John vi. 4 6 . $ 17. Job. xxxi. 2 8 ; Psa. Hi. 7 ; M i . 1 0 ; Mark x. 2 4 ;
Luke xii. 2 1 . ί 17. Prov. xxiii. 5 . t 1 7 . Acts xiv. 1 7 ; xvii. 2 5 . t 1 8 . L u k e
xii. 2 1 ; James i i . 5. ί 19. Matt. vi. 2 0 ; xix. 2 2 ; Luke x i i . 3 3 ; x v i . 9 . t 2 0 .
2 T i m . i . 1 4 ; T i t u s i . 9 ; Kev. i i i . 3. t 20. 1 Tira. i. 4, 6 ; iv. 7 ; 2 T i m . i i .
14, 16, 2 3 ; Titus i. 1 4 ; i i i . 9. $ 2 1 . 1 Tim. i . 6 ; 2 T i m . i i . 1 8 .
ΚΕΦ. α ' . 1. CHAPTER I.
Παΰλος, απόστολος Ίησοΰ Χρίστου δια 1 Paul ,Jan Apostle of
Paul, an apostle of Jesus Anointed through Jesus Christ, by the Will
θελήματος Θεοϋ, κατ' έπαγγελ'ιαν ζω- of God, on account of the
^Promise of THAT Life
ής της εν Χριστφ Ίησοΰ, Τιμοθέω άγα- which is by Christ Jesus,
l i f e of that by Anointed Jesus, to Timothy be- 2 §to Timothy, a Be-
πητφ τέκνω· χάρις, έλεος, ειρήνη άπό θεοϋ loved Child ; Favor,Mercy,
loved & clii 1Q| fflvoFj itiercyi pe&.c© from Gou Peace, from God the Fa-
Πατρός, καΐ Χρίστου Ίησοΰ τοΰ Κυρίου ther, and from Christ Je-
a Father, and Anointed Jesus the Lord
sus our LORD.
of us. 3 I am thankful to GOD,
Χάριν £χω τ φ Θεφ, ω λα- ($whom from my Ances-
tors I religiously serve
Gratitude I have to the God, to whom I offer with a Pure Conscience,)
τρεύω άπό προγόνων έν καθαρή συνειδήσει, as I have an unceasing
ώς άδιάλειπτον εχω την περί σοϋ μνεί- REMEMBRANCE of thee in
as unceasingly I have the concerning thea re- my PRAYERS, Night and
αν έν ταίς δεήσεσ'ι μου νυκτός και Day;
4 $longing to see Thee,
ημέρας, 4 έπιποθών σε Ιδείν, μεμνημένος (being mindful of Thy
day, longing thee to see, remembering TEARS) so that I may be
σου των δακρύων, ίνα χαράς πληρω- filled with J o y ;
of thee the tears. so that joy I maybe filled 5 having a Recollection
5 also of §the UNFEIGNED
θώ· ύπόμνησιν λαμβάνων της έν σοΙ άνυ- Faith which is in thee,
with; a remembrance taking of the in thee un- which first dwelt in thy
ποκρίτου πίστεως, ήτις ένώκησε πρώτον έν
foigned faith, which dwelt first in GRANDMOTHER Lois, and
τη μάμμη σου Λωΐδι, καΐ τχι μητρί in $thy MOTHER Eunice,
and in the mother and I am persuaded that
the grandmother of thee Lois,
cotj Εΰνίκη* πέπεισμαι δε, δτι καΐ έν it dwells also in thee.
6 For this reason I re-
σοι. 6 Δ ι ' f|V αίτίαν άναμιμνήσκω σε άνα- mind thee §to kindle up
thee. Through which cause I remind thee to which is in thee, through
in τό χάρισμα τοΰ Θεοΰ, δ is
έστιν the IMPOSITION of my
έν σοι δια της επιθέσεως των χειρών
In thee through the putting on of the hands HANDS.
μου* 7 ού γαρ εδωκεν ήμΐν ό Θεός πνεΰμα 7 For §GOD did not
of me; n o t f o r gave t o u s the God a s p i r i t give to us a Cowardly
δειλίας, αλλά δυνάμεως καΐ αγάπης και σω- Spirit, but one of Power,
of t iιτι itl11yt but of power find of love mid of and of Love, and of a
Μή ο5ν έπαισχύν- Sound mind.
Not therefore thou mayest be a- 8 Therefore §be not
θης τό μαρτΰριον τοΰ Κ\;ρίου ημών, ashamed of $the TESTI-
tϊιο testimooy of the idorcl ofus^ MONY of our LORD, nor of
shamed me §his PRISONER ; but
μηδέ έμέ τον δέσμιον αύτοϋ· αλλά συγκα-
jointly suffer evil for the
κοπάθησον τφ εύαγγελίω κατά GLAD TIDINGS, according
in suffering evils for the gladtidings according to to the Power of THAT God,
β 9 $who SAVED US, and
δύναμιν Θεοΰ, τοΰ σώσαντος ήμας ^called us with a holy In-
power of God, of the one having saved us vitation, $not according to
καΐ καλέσαντος κλήσει αγία, ου κα our WORKS, but according
and having called with a calling ho'ly, not ac-
* ALEXANDRIAN M A N U S C R I P T . — T i t l e — T H E SECOND TO TIMOTHY. 6. the
$ 1. 2 Cor. i. 1. t 1. Eph. iii. 6 ; Titus i. 2 ; Heb. ix. 15. ί 2. 1 Tim. i. 2 .
t 3 . Actsxxii. 3 ; xxiii. 1; xxiv. 1 4 ; xxvii. 2 3 ; Rom. i. 9 ; Gal. i. 14. ί 4. 2 Tim.
iv. 9, 21. ί 5. 1 Tim. i. 5. t 5. Acts xvi. 1. ί 6. 1 Tim. iv. 14. $ 7. Horn.
viii. 1 5 . $ 8. Rora. i. 16. ί 8. 1 Tim. ii. 6 ; Rev. i. 2. t 8. Eph. iii. 1 ; Phil.
i. 7. $ 9. 1 Tim. i. 1 ; Titus i i i . 4. $ 9. 1 Thess. iv. 7; Heb. i i i . 1 . t 9 .
Titus i i i . 5 . 711
Chap. 1:10·] II. TIMOTHY. [Chap. 1:18.
τά τά Ιργα ημών, αλλά κατ' to his Own Purpose, and
cording to the works of us, but according to THAT FAVOR which was
Ιδίαν πρόθεσιν καΐ χάριν τήν δοθεϊσαν BESTOWED on us in Christ
own purpose and favor that having been given Jesus, $before the aionian
Times ;
ήμΐν έν Χριστφ Ίησοΰ πρό χρόνων αΐω-
10 but §is now manifest-
νίων, 10
φανερωθεΐσαν δέ νυν διά ed through the APPEAR-
having been manifested but now through ANCE of our SAVIOR
της επιφανείας τοϋ σωτήρος ημών Ίησοΰ * Christ Jesus, $who has
indeed rendered DEATH
Χριστοί), καταργήσαντος μέν τον powerless, and who has il-
Anointed, having rendered powerless Indeed the lustrated Life and Incor-
θάνατον, ςρωτίσαντος δέ ζωήν καΐ ruptibility by the GLAD
death, having I l l u m i n a t e d b u t life and TIDINGS;
άφθαρσίαν διά τοϋ ευαγγελίου, 11 $for which I was ap-
Incorruptibility by means of the glad tidings, pointed a Herald, and an

είς δ έτέθην έγώ κήρυξ καΐ απόστολος Apostle, and a Teacher of
for which was appointed I aherald and anapostle Nations ;
καΐ διδάσκαλος * [εθνών] δι' η* ν 12 $for Which Cause I
and a teacher £of nations;] through which also suffer These things;
αΐτίαν καΐ ταΰτα πάσχω, άλλ' ούκ έπαι- but I am not ashamed:
cnuso ft I so "these tilings I suffer, but not I urn and I know in whom I
σχύνομαι* οίδα γάρ φ πεπίστευκα, καΐ have believed and have
ashamed; I know for in whom I have believed, and confided, For he is able to
πέπεισμαι, δτι δυνατός έστι τήν guard my ENTRUSTED
I have confided in, because powerful ho Is the CHARGE till T h a t DAY.
παραθήκην μου φυλάξαι είς έκείνην τήν
trust of me to guard to that the 13 Retain §an Outline
ήμέραν. οf Wholesome Words,
13 which thou didst hear
*Υποτΰπωσιν 8j ύγιαινόντων λόγων, from me, in THAT Faith
An outline hold t of sound words, and Love which are in
<Sv παρ' έμοϋ άκουσας, έν πίστει καΐ Christ Jesus.
τη έν Χριστφ Ίησοΰ· τήν καλήν
14 14 §Guard the GOOD
Entrusted charge, through
παραθήκην φΰλαξον διά πνεύματος αγίου, THAT holy Spirit which
trust do thou guard through spirit holy, DWELLS in us.
του ένοικοΰντος έν ήμίν. 15 Thou knowest this,
of that dwelling in us. That All THOSE in ASIA
τοΰτο, δτι άπεστράφησάν με $turned away from me ; of
Tlion knO'^vest tills· tli&t turned ftT^jiy me whom are Phygellus and
πάντες ot έν τη 'Ασία, ών έστι Φύγελος
16 May the LORD grant
all those in the Asia, of whom i s Phygellus Mercy $to the FAMILY of
seal Ερμογένης. 10Δώη Ιλεος ό Κύριος τω ONESIPHORUS, — Because
and Hermogenes. May grant mercy the Lord to the he often refreshed Me,
Όνησιφόρου οίκω* δτι πολλάκις με άνέ-
οί Onesiphorus house; because often me he and $was not ashamed of
•ψύξε, καΐ τήν αλυσίν μου ούκ έπησχύν- my CHAIN ;
reireshed, and the chain of me not he was 17 but being in Rome
θη, άλλά γενόμενος έν Ρώμη, σπου- he searched for me very
ashamed, but having been in Borne, 1 8 very diligently, and found me.
δαιότερον έζήτησέ με, καΐ εΰρε· (δώη
diligently he sought me, and found; (may grant 18 (May the LORD grant
αύτώ ό Κύριος εύρείν έ'λεος παρά Κυρίου to him § to find Mercy from
to him the Lord to find mercy from Lord the Lord in That DAY!)
έν εκείνη xf[ ημέρα·) καΐ δσα έν Έ - and how many things he
in that the day;) and what things in served me in Ephesus,
• ALEXANDRIAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 0 . Christ Jesus. 11, of nations—omit.
t 9. Rom. xvi. 2 5 ; Eph. i. 4 ; ill. 1 1 ; Titus i. 2 ; 1 Pet. i. 20. $ 10. Rom. xvi.
2 6 ; Eph. i . 9 . $ 1 0 . 1 Cor. xv. 5 4 , 5 5 ; Heb. ii. 14. % 11. Acts ix. 1 5 ; Eph.
iii. 7, 8; 1 Tim. ii. 7. % 12. Eph. iii. 1; 2 Tim. ii. 9. $ 13. Rom. vi. 1 7 .
% 1 4 . 1 Tim. vi. 20. % 1 5 . 2 Tim. iv. 10,16. $ 2. Tim. iv. 1 9 . t 1 6 .
Acts xxviii. 2 0 ; Eph. vi. 20. $ 18. Matt. xxv. 34-40.
Chap. 2 : 1 . ] II. TIMOTHY. [Chap. 2 : 1 1 .
(ρέαφ διηκόνησε, βέλτιον συ γινώσκεις. thou knowest very well.
Ephesue he served, very well tbou knowest.
1 Thou, therefore, my
ΚΕΦ. 6 ' . 2. Child, be Strong in THAT
Σύ οδν, τέκνο ν μου, ένδυναμοΰ έν τχί FAVOR which is in Christ
Tbou t h e r e f o r e , c h i l d of me, be strong In t h e Jesus.
χάριτι τχί έν Χριστφ Ίησοΰ· 2 κα1 α 2 $And the things which
favor in that in Anointed Jesus; and the things thou didst hear from me
ηκουσας παρ' έμοϋme through δια πολλών μαρτυ through Many Witnesses.
thou didst hear many w i t - These §entrust to Faithful
ρων, ταΰτα παράθου πιστοίς άν- Men, who will be § compe-
nesses, these things mtrust thou to faithful tent also to instruct oth-
θρώποις, οϊτινες Ικανοί έσονται καΐ ετέρους ers.
men, who competent shall be also others 3 Do thou, therefore,
διδάξαν 3 Σ ύ οΰν κακοπάθησον ώς καλός *endure with me hard-
to teach. Thou therefore endure evil as good ship, $as a Good Soldier
of Christ Jesus.
στρατιώτης Ίησοΰ Χρίστου. 4 ΟΰδεΙς στρατευ- 4 $No one serving as a
όμενος εμπλέκεται ταίς τοΰ 6ίου soldier embarrasses him-
a soldier involves himself of t h e l i f e self with
rith the the OCCUPA-
πραγματείαις, Ενα τ φ στρατολογήσαντι άρέ- TIONS of LIFE, in order
OCCUp&tiOHS* SO tllfl. £ t h 6 OH 6 X12HV1 R£T CUliSbOu lie that he may please HIM
an. 'Εάν δέ *[καΙ] άθλχί τις, who ENLISTED him.
may please. If but [also] may contend any one, 5 And if any one con-
ού στεψανοΰται, έάν μή νομίμως άθλή- tend in the games, he is
not i s crowned, if not lawfully" he may have not crowned, unless he
ση. 6
Τόν κοπιώντα γεωργόν δει contend lawfully.
contended. The tolling husbandman i t behooves
πρώτον τών καρπών μεταλαμβάνειν. 7 Νόει, BANDMAN ought first to
first of the fruits to partake. Consider thou, partake of the FRUITS.
& λέγω* δώη γάρ σοι ό Κύριος 7 Think of what I say;
the things I say; ένmay give πάσι. the Lord *for the LORD will give
for to thee8 Μνημόνευε
in a l l things. Do thou remember thee Understanding in all
Ίησοΰν Χριστόν έγηγερμένον έκ νε- 8 Remember Jesus
Jesus Anointed having been raised out of dead Christ of the $Seed of
κρών, έκ σπέρματος Δαυίδ, κατά τό David, §has been raised
from the Dead, according
εύαγγέλιόν μου· έν φ κακοπαθώ μέχρι tO m y GLAD TIDINGS ',
glad tidings of me; in which I suffer evil even to 9 in which I endure
δεσμών, ώς κακούργος· άλλ' ό λόγος τοΰ hardship, §even to Chains,
as a Malefactor; §but the
θεοΰ οΰ δέδεται. 10
Διά τοΰτο πάντα WORD of GOD is not
υπομένω διά τους εκλεκτούς, ΐνα 10 Therefore §1 under-
I undergo on account of the chosen ones, so that go All things on account
καΐ αυτοί σωτηρίας τύχωσι της έν that of the CHOSEN people, so
they also may obtain
Χριστφ Ίησοΰ, μετά δόξης αΙωνίου. u I I i - THAT Salvation which is
Anointed Jesus, with glory age-lasting. True in Christ Jesus with Glory
στός ό λόγος· ει γάρ συναπεΦάνομεν, καΐ συ- 11 True is the WORD ;
the word; if for we died with, also we
§For if we died with him,
ζήσομεν ύπομένομεν, καΐ we shall also live with
shall live • ith; if we endure patiently, also him;
* ALEXANDKIAN MANTTSCKIPT.—3. endure with me hardship, as a Good Soldier of
Christ Jesus. 5. also—omit. 7. for the LORD will give thee.
1 2 . 2 Tim. i. 1 3 ; iii. 10, 14. t 2. 1 Tim. i. 18. t 2. 1 Tim. iii. 2 ; Titus i. 9.
$ 3. 1 Tim. i. 18. t 4. 1 Cor. ix. 25. $ 6. 1 Cor. ix. 10. t 8. Bom. i . 3, 4 ; Acts
ii. 3 0 ; xiii. 23. $ 8. 1 Cor. xv. 1, 4, 20. $ 9. Phil. i. 7; Col. iv. 3, 18. t 9. Acts
xxviii. 3 1 ; Eph. vi. 19, 2 0 ; Phil. i. 13, 14. * 10. Eph. iii. 1 3 ; Col. i. 24. $ 11.
2 Cor. iv. 8.
Chap. 2:12.] II. TIMOTHY. [CJiap. 2:21.
σνμβασιλεύσομεν ει άρνούμεθα, κάκείνος άρ- 12 §If we endure pa-
we shall reign with; if w e deny also he w i l l tiently, we shall also reign
νήσεται ημάς* 1 3 εΙ άπιστοϋμεν, εκείνος πι- with him, if we disown
deny us; if faithless, he faith- him, he also will disown
στός μένει· άρνήσασθα», εαυτόν ού δύναται, us ;
ful remains; to deny himself not be is able.
13 $if we are faithless,
Ταΰτα ύπομίμνησκε, διαμαρτυ-
he remains faithful; *for
§he cannot deny Himself.
These things do thou put in mind, earnestly 14 Remind them of
ρόμενος ενώπιον τοϋ Κυρίου, μή λογο- These things, $solemnly
testifying in presence of the Lord, not to disput* charging them in the pres-
μαχείν, εις ουδέν χρήσιμον, επί καταστρο- ence of the LORD, $not to
&l)O\it> worcls« f o r 2iotliin^ u s e f u l ^ t o ft suO*™ contend about words, for
φη των άκουόντων. 15 Σποΰδασον σεαυ- Nothing Useful, to the
Subversion of the HEAR-
τόν δόκιμον παραστήσαι τω Θεω, έργάτην ERS.
self approved t o present t o the God", a workman 15 Be diligent to pre-
άνεπαίσ/υντον, όρθοτομοΰντα τόν λόγον της sent Thyself to *GOD, an
unashamed, cutting straight the word of the approved Workman, irre-
άληθβ'ιας. 1 β Τάς δέ βέβηλους κενοφονν'ιας proachable, rightly treat-
truth. The but profane empty sounds do ing the WORD OF TRUTH.
περιΐστασο· επί πλείον γαρ προκόψουσιν άσε- 16 §But PROFANE,
thou avoid, t o m o r e for they w i l l proceed i n i - Empty Declarations re-
6είας, καί ό λόγος αυτών ώς γάγγραινα sist ; for they will further
promote I m p i e t y ;
j^icty^ Q,nd the word of tixem iis it n&ortifyius sore
17 and t h e WORD of
νομήν εξει· ών έστιν Ύμέναιος καΐ t h o s e [menl will e a t like
pasture w i l l have; of whom is Hymeneus and a Mortifying sore; of
Φιλητός, 1 δ οϊτινες περί την άλήθειαν ήστό- whom a r e §Hymenius a n d
Philetus, who concerning the truth missed P h i l e t u s ;
χησαν, λέγοντες την άνάστασιν ήδη γεγο- 18 who Jmissed the
m a r k w i t h respect to t h e
the mark, saying the resurrection already to have TRUTH, J s a y i n g t h a t t h e
νέναι, καΐ άνατρέπουσι τήν τίνων πίστιν. RESURRECTION has al-
Θεοϋ ready happened ; a n d they
*Ο μέντοι στερεός θεμέλιος του
are perverting t h e FAITH
\Γ1ι© lio^vever firm found&tiou of cxio God
of SOME.
έΌτηκεν, έχων τήν σφραγίδα ταιίτην "Εγνω
stands, having the seal this; Knew 19 However, t h e F I R M
F o u n d a t i o n of GOD s t a n d s ,
Κύριος τους δντας αύτοΰ' καί· Άποστήτω h a v i n g this ±INSCRIPTION,
Lord the being of himself; and: Let depart " T h e LORD $knows T H O S E
από αδικίας πας ό όνομάζων τό δνομα who ARE h i s ; " and, " L e t
from injustice every one who is naming the name EVERY ONE Who NAMES
Έ ν μεγάλη δέ ο'ικία ούκ έστι μόνον the NAME of the Lord de-
of Lord. In great but a house not is only part from Iniquity."
σκεύη χρυσά καΐ αργυρά, αλλά καΐ ξύ-
20 But in a Great House
Vessels golden and made of silver, but also there are not only golden
and silver Vessels, but also
λίνα καΐ όστράκινα· καΐ δ μεν είς wooden and earthen ones ;
wooden uiid 6& r then; &ud some indeed for §some for Honor, and
τιμήν, α δέ εις άτιμίαν. 2 1 Έ ά ν οδν some for Dishonor.
honor, some and for dishonor. If therefore
21 If,then, any one en-
* ALEXANDRIAN M A N U S C R I P T : — 1 3 . for he cannot. 15. the ANOINTED one.
± 19. Literally, a Seal, on which inscriptions were frequently engraved. DoddHdge re-
marks, " T h e expression is here used with peculiar propriety, in allusion to the custom
of engraving upon some stones laid in the foundations of buildings the names of the
persons by whom, and the purposes for which, the sti'ueture is raised: and nothing can
have greater tendency to encourage the hope, and at the same time to engage the obedience
of Christians, then this double inscription."
% 12. Rom. viii. 1 7 ; 1 Pet. iv. 13. $ 12. Matt. x. 33. % 13. Kom. iii. 3 ; ix. 6.
± 1 3 . Num. xxiii. 1 9 . % 14. 1 Tim. v. 2 1 ; vi. 1 3 ; 2 Tim. iv. 1. $ 14. 1 Tim.
i. 4 ; vi. 4 ; Titus iii. 9, 11. % 16. 1 Tim. iv. 7 ; vi. 2 0 ; Titus i. 14. % 1 7 .
1 Tim. i. 20. % 1 8 . 1 T i m . vi. 2 1 . % 18. 1 Cor. xv. 1 2 , 1 9 . % 19. John x.
14, 2 7. See Num. xvi. 5. % 20. Rom ix. 2 1 .
Chap. 2:22.] II. TIMOTHY. [Chap. 3:5,
τΐζ έκκαθάρη εαυτόν άπό τούτων, tirely purify himself from
these things, he will be a
£σται σκεΰος εις τιμήν, ήγια- Vessel for Honor, sancti-
he w i l l be a vessel for honor, having been fied, of good use to the
σμένον, *[καΙ] ευχρηστον τφ δεσπότη, ε'ις MASTER, §prepared for
cleansed, [and] of good use to the master*, for Every good Work.
παν έργον αγαθόν ήτοιμασμένον. 22 Now flee from
δέ νεωτερικάς επιθυμίας φεϋγε· δίωκε pursue Righteousness, Fi-
now youthful desires flee thou; pursue thou delity, Love, Peace, with
δέ δικαιοσύνην, πίστιν, άγάπην, είρήνην μετά *A11 THOSE who §INVOKB
but righteousness, faith, love, peace with the LORD from a Pure
των επικαλουμένων τόν Κύριον έκ καθαράς Heart. 23 $ Reject also FOOL-
those calling on the Lord out of pure
ISH and uninstructive
καρδίας. ^Τάς δέ μωράς και απαίδευτους Questions, knowing That
a heart. The but foolish and uninstructive they produce Contentions ;
ζητήσεις παραιτοΰ, ε'ιδώς, δτι γεννώσι 24 and $a Servant of
questions do thou avoid, knowing, that they beget the Lord must not be con-
μάχας· 24
δοϋλον δέ Κυρίου ού tentious,
δει wards all, but be Gentle to-
contests; a bondman but of Lord not It behooves
fit to teach,
μάχεσθαι, άλλ' ffaiov είναι προς πάντας, δι- patient under evil;
to quarrel, but gentle to be to all, fit 25 $in meekness cor-
δακτικόν, άνεξίκακον, ^έν πραότητι παιδεύ- recting the OPPOSERS ;
to teach, enduring e v i l , in meekness admonish- perhaps GOD may give
αύτοϊςτουςό άντιδιατιθεμένους·
οντα Θεός μετάνοιαν μήποτε ε'ις έπί γνώσιν δφ
them a change of mind in
ing *•"- "---' *• ·- *--* order *to a Knowledge of
αληθείας, 2οκα1 άνανήψωσιν έκ τηςthe Truth;
26 and that they may be
τον διαβόλου παγίδος έζωγρημένοι ύπ' recovered §from the SNARE
of the accuser snare having been taken alive by
of the ENEMY, who have
αύτοΰ εις τό εκείνου θέλημα, been entrapped by him
.him for the of him will.
for HIS Pleasure.
ΚΕΦ. γ ' . 3. CHAPTER I I I .
MOIJTO δέ γίνωσκε, δτι έν έσχάταις ήμέ- 1 But *know This,
This but know tbou, that In latter days §That in latter Days try-
ραις ένστήσονται καιροί χαλεποί. 2"Εσονται ing Seasons will come;
w i l l b ep r e s e n t seasons trying. W i l l be 2 for the MEN will be
Self-lovers, Money-lovers,
γάρ ol δνθρωποι φίλαυτοι, φιλάργυροι, αλα- Boasters, Haughty, Blas-
ζόνες, υπερήφανοι, βλάσφημοι, γονεΰσιν phemers, Disobedient to
άπειθείς, haughty
boasters, αχάριστοι,
ones, revilers, parents Parents, Ungrateful, Un-
ανόσιοι, to3άστορ-
wisoliedientψ IIDtiitinlcfu 1 oneSj unholy oneS| void
3 Without natural affec-
γοι, άσπονδοι, διάβολοι, άκρα- tion, Implacable, Accusers,
of natural affection, implacable, accusers, with- Without self-control, Fero-
τείς, ανήμεροι, άφιλά- cious Haters of good men,
γαθοι, ^προδόται, προπετείς, τετυφω- 4 Treacherous, Rash,
good men, betrayers, rash ones, having been Self-conceited, Lovers of
μένοι, φιλήδονοι μάλλον ή φιλό- ers of God; pleasure rather than Lov-
pulled up) p 1 β & s\x ν β *~ 1 ονβ r s rstlier tli&u CfOd~
θεοί* εχοντες μόρφωσιν ευσέβειας, τήν δέ 5 having a Form of

lovers; having a form of piety, the but Piety, $but having denied
δύναμιν αυτής ήρνημένοι. ΚαΙ τούτους άπο- its POWER ; §from These
power of her having denied. Also these turn also turn away.

* ALEXANDRIAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 1 . and—omit. 25. to come to a Knowledge.

1. know you This.
$ 2 1 . 2 Tim. iii. 1 7 ; Titus i i i . 1. ί 22. Acts ix. 1 4 ; 1 Cor. i. 2. ί 2 3 . Titus
i i i . 9 . ί 2 4 . 1 Tim. i i i . 2, 3 . $ 2 5 . Gal. vi. 1 ; 1 Tim. vi. 1 1 ; 1 Pet. i i i . 15.
ί 2 6 . 1 Tim. i i i . 7. ί 1. 1 Tim. iv. 1 ; 2 Tim. iv. 3 ; 2 P e t . i i i . 3 . $ 5.j
1 Tim. v. 8 ; Titus i. 16. $ 5. 2 These, i i i . 6 ; 1 Tim. vi. 5.
Chap. 3:6.] II. TIMOTHY. [Chap, 3:15.
τρέπου. Έκ τούτων γάρ είσιν ol ένδύνον- ί For $of these are
τες εις τάς οίκ'ιας καί αίχμαλωτίξοντες γυ- HOUSES, and leading cap-
into the h o u s e s a n d leading captive little
tive SIMPLE WOMEN, laden
ναικάρια σεσωρευμένα άμαρτίαις, άγό- with Sins, being led away
w* ΟΙΪΙ 6ΐι
liii v i ιιετ l) θ o n 1flu 6 H
Λ^ i t h s i n s » 7 o e iiijj l e d
ποικίλαις, πάντοτε desires, y various *Inordinate
away by inordinate desires various, always 7 always learning, and
μανθάνοντα, καί μηδέποτε εις έπίγνωσιν άλη- never able $to come to
learning, and never into a knowledge of a Knowledge of Truth.
θείας έλθείν δυνάμενα. ' Ό ν τρόπον δε Ί α ν - 8 Now in the manner
truth to come are able. Which way but Jan- that $Jannes and Jambres
opposed Moses, so also
νης καί Ίαμβρης άντέστησαν Μωϋσεί, οΰτω are these opposed to the
καί ούτοι ανθίστανται τχ) άληθεία, άνθρωποι TRUTH ; Men corrupted in
also these are opposed to the truth, men
MIND, disapproved con-
κατεφθαρμένον τόν νουν, αδόκιμοι cerning the FAITH.
Jiavin*' corrupted the mind dis&pproved ones 9 But they shall not
περί την πίστιν. 9 Άλλ' ού προκοψουσιν proceed further ; for their
concerning th© f&ith. Cut not they sho.ll proceed •FOOLISHNESS shall be
έπΙ πλείον ή γάρ άνοια αυτών έκδηλος very plain to all, $as
to more; the for f o l l y of them v e r y p l a i n 0.HEIRS also became.
έΌται πάσιν, ώς καΐ ή εκείνων έγένετο. 10 §But thou hast close-
shall be to a l l , as also that of those became.
ly followed my TEACHING,
10 my CONDUCT, my INTEN-
2ύ δέ παρηκολούθηκάς μου tfi TION, my FIDELITY, my
Thou but hast closely followed of me the FORBEARANCE, m y LOVE,
σ τει, τ η μακροθυμ'ια,
διδασκαλία, τχι άγωγί),* τβ
[tfi προθέσει,
α γ ά π η , ] τχί
ηί- my PATIENCE,
delity, the forbearance, [the love,] the 11 my PERSECUTIONS,
μονγί, "τοις όιωγμοίς, τοις παθήμασιν, my SUFFERINGS ; what
patience, the persecutions, the sufferings, happened to me $in Anti-
och, §in Iconium, $in Lys-
οΐά μοι έγένετο έν ΆντιοχεΙςι, έν tra ; What Persecutions I
what things to me happened in Antioch, in endured ; and yet from all
νεγκα, ένέκΛύστροις· οίους
πάντων μέ έρρύσατο διωγμούς ύπή $the LORD delivered Me.
ό Κύριος,
dured, and out o f a l l m e d e l i v e r e d t h e Lord 12 And indeed $ALL
who WISH to live piously
^ΚαΙ πάντες δέ ol θέλοντες εύσεβώς in Christ Jesus will be
Indeed all but those wishing piously persecuted.
£fjv έν Χριστφ Ίησοΰ, διωχθήσονται. 13 $But Evil Men and
ΠονηροΙ δέ άνθρωποι καΐ γόητες προκό- gress Imposters will make pro-
Bvil but men and J u g g l e r s wil' for the WORSE, de-
ceiving and being deceived.
ψουσιν έπΙ το χείρον, πλανώντες καΐ πλανώ- 14 But §do thou con-
tinue in the things which
μενοι. Σύ δέ μένε έν οίς εμα- thou didst learn, and wast
deceived. Thou but abide in the things thou dids convinced of, knowing by
θες καΐ έπιστώθης, είδώς, παρά τίνος whom thou hast been in-
learn and wast convinced of, knowing, from whom structed ;
άμαθες, κα1 δτι άπό βρέφους τά Ιερά 15 and That from a
thou didst learn, and that from a babe the holy Child thou hast known
§THOSE HOLY Scriptures,
γράμματα οίδας, τά δυνάμενα σε σο which are ABLE to make
Thee wise for Salvation,
φίσαι είς σωτηρ'ιαν, διά πίστεως της έν through THAT F a i t h
make wise for salvation, through faith of that in which is in Christ Jesus.
* ALEXANDRIAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 6 . Inordinate desires and Pleasures. 9. UNDER-
STANDING. 10. LOVE—omit.
% 6. Matt, xxiii. 1 4 ; Titus i. 1 1 . % 7. 1 Tim. ii. 4. t 8. Exod. vii. 1 1 . t 9.
Exod. vii. 1 2 ; viii. 1 8 ; ix. 1 1 . $ 1 0 . P h i l . ii. 2 2 ; 1 Tim. iv. 6. $ 11. Acts
xiii. 4 5 , 5 0 . $ 11. Acts xiv. 2 , 5 . t 11. Acts xiv. 19. t 11. Psa. xxxiv. 1 9 ; 2
Cor. i. 1 0 . t 1 2 . Acts xiv. 2 2 . $ 1 3 . 2 Thess. i i . 1 1 ; 1 T i m . iv. 1; 2 Tim i i .
1 6 . $ 1 4 . 2 Tim. i . 1 3 ; i i . 2 . $ 1 5 . John ν . 3 9 .
Chap. 3:16.] II. TIMOTHY. [Chap. 4:8.

Χριστφ Ίησοΰ. Πασα γραφή θεόπνευστος 16 §A11 Scripture, di-
vinely inspired, is indeed
καΐ ωφέλιμος προς διδασκαλίαν, προς £λεγ- profitable for Teaching, for
anu profitable for teaching, for proof, Conviction, for Correction,
χον, προς έπανόρθωσιν, προς παιδείαν τήν έν for THAT Discipline which
for correction, for turning up that in is in Righteousness ;
δικαιοσύνη· 1 7 ϊνα άρτιος fj ό τον IT so t h a t the MAN of
righteousness; so that complete maybe the of the GOD may be complete,
t thoroughly fitted for
θεοΰ άνθρωπος, προς παν Ι'ργον αγαθόν Every good Work.
God beentnmi) forfitted.
every work good
having t;horoughly
ΚΕΦ. 6 ' . 4. CHAPTER IV.
διαμαρτύρομαι ένώπι< του Θεοΰ, καΐ 1 I adjure thee before
I solemnly charge in pre >f t h e God, and THAT GOD and * Christ
Ίησοΰ Χρίστου τοΰ μέλλοντος κρίνειν Jesus $who is ABOUT to
) Judge judge the Living and the
;ώντας καΐ νεκρούς, καΐ τήν έπιφάνειαν Dead, and by his APPEAR-
ING and by his KINGDOM,
αύτοΰ καΐ τήν βασιλείαν αύτοΰ· κήρυ-
of himself and the kingdom of himself; publish 2 proclaim the WORD,
ξον τόν λόγον, έπίστηθι εύκαίρως άκαί- be urgent seasonably, un-
thou —the Tyordj DO toon ixrjjeut sc&sou&Dly uu*~ seasonably, confute, re-
buke, exhort, with All
ρως, δλεγξον, έπιτίμησον, παρα- Long-suffering and Teach-
eeasonably, confute thou, rebuke thou, exhort ing.
κάλεσον έν πάση μακροθυμία καΐ διδαχή,
thou with a l l long suffering and teaching. 3 $For there will be a
*Έσται γαρ καιρός, δτε της ΰγιαινούσης Time when they will not
Will be for a season, when of the wholesome endure WHOLESOME In-
διδασκαλίας ούκ άνεξονται, αλλά κατά struction, but will accu-
m u 1 a t e Teachers for
τάς Ιδίας επιθυμίας έαυτοΐς έπισωρεύσουσι Themselves, according to
their OWN Inordinate de-
διδασκάλους, κνηθόμενοι τήν άκοήν 4κα1 άπό sires, tickling their EAR,
4 and they will indeed
μέν της αληθείας τήν άκοήν άποστρέ- t u r n away from the HEAR-
indeed of the truth the hearing they w i l l ING of the TRUTH, and §be
ψουσιν, έπΐ δέ τους μύθους έκτραπήσον- turned aside to FABLES.
turn away, to but the fables they w i l l be turned 5 But be thou sober in
ται. 5
Σύ δέ νήφε έν πασι, κακοπά- all t h i n g s ; Jsuffer *bad
a s i d e . Thou but be sober i n a l l t h i n g s , suffer thou t r e a t m e n t ; perform $an
θησον, έργον ποίησον εύαγγελιστου, Evangelist's Work; fully
J « γ Iώ accomplish thy SERVICE.
e v i l , w o r k d o t h o u <~*loπληροφόρησον.
- ι - « fully
~ _«_.a *! Έ
τήν διακονίαν σου 6 For $1 am already be-
the service of theo do ing poured out, and the
γαρ ήδη σπένδομαι, καΐ ό καιρός TION has come near.
for already and being poured out, and tlie season
της έμής αναλύσεως έφέστηκε· 7
τόν 7 $1 have maintained
of the of my dissolution has come near; the *the GOOD CONTEST. I
αγώνα τόν καλόν ήγώνισμαι, τόν 8δρόμον have finished the RACE, I
τετέλεκα, τήν πίστιν τετήρηκα· λοιπόν have guarded the FAITH ;
I have finished, the faith Ihave guarded; remaining
απόκειται μοι ό της δικαιοσύνης στέ- 8 it remains t h a t there
is laid up for m e the of the righteousness is laid up for me §the
φανος, 5v αποδώσει μ μοι ύριος έν CROWN Of RIGHTEOUSNESS
όthe Κύριος
crown, w h i c h w i l l g i v e to Lord which the LORD, the
* ALEXANDRIAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 . Christ Jesus. 5. bad treatment, as a Good Sol-
dier of Christ Jesus; perform. 6. my DISSOLUTION. 7. the GOOD Contest.
t 16. 2 Pet. i. 20, 2 1 . t 17. 2 Tim. 11. 21. $ 1. Acts x. 42. $ 3 . 2 Tim. i i i . 1.
ί 4 . 1 Tim. i. 4 ; iv. 7; Titus i. 14. t 5.2 Tim. i. 8 ; 11. 3. $ 5. Acts xxi. 8 ;
Eph. iv. 1 1 . t 6. Phil. i i . 1 7 . $ 7. 1 Cor. is. 24, 2 5 ; Phil. 111. 14. $ 8. James
1. 1 2 ; 1 Pet. v. 4 ; Bev. 11. 10.
€hap. 4:9.] II. TIMOTHY. [Chap. 4:18.
εκείνη τχ\ ήμερο:, ό δίκαιος κριτής, ου RIGHTEOUS Judge, will
that the day, the righteous judge, not give me fin That DAY,
μόνον δε έμοί, αλλά καΐ πάσι τοις ήγα- and not only to me, but
o n l y but t o m e , but a l s o t o a l l t o those hav- also to All THOSE who
πηκόσι την έπιφάνειαν αύτοΰ. have LOVED his APPEAR-
1 l e l th f li ANCE.
Σπούδασον έλΦείν προς με ταχέως. 30Δη- 9 Do thy best to come
Earnestly endeavor to come to m e soon. D e - to me soon ;
10 for $Demas forsook
μάς γάρ με έγκατέλιπεν, άγαπήσας τον νϋν Me, ^having loved the
ΚΧ!&s for Hie forsook* Imviiiir loved tiie present PRESENT Age, and went to
αιώνα, και έπορεύθη εις Θεσσαλονίκην Κρή- Thessalonica, Crescens to
Galatia, Titus to *Dalma-
σκης εις Γαλατίαν, Τίτος εις Δαλματίαν tia.
11 Luke alone is with
ccns to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia; me. Take up Mark, and
λαβών έστι
άγε μόνος μετ' έμοϋ· Μάρκον
μετά σεαυτοΰ· εστί γάρ άνα- bring him with thee; for
he is very useful to Me
μοι εύχρηστος είς διακον'ιαν. ^Τυχικόν δε for Service.
to m e very useful for service. Tychicus but 12 But I sent Tychicus
απέστειλα εις "Εφεσον. 13Τόν Φελόνην, δν to 13Ephesus. When thou comest,
I sent to Ephesus. The cloak, which bring the fnAG which I
άπέλιπον έν Τρωάδι παρά Κάρπω, ερχόμενος left at Troas with Carpus ;
I left in Troas with Carpus, coming also the BOOKS, and es-
pecially the PARCHMENTS.
ςτίρε, καΐ τά βιβλία, μάλιστα τάς 14 ^Alexander the COP-
bring thou, End the written rolls» especially the
μεμβράνας. 14Άλέξανδρος 6 χαλκεύς πολλά PERSMITH, did many Evil
parchments. Alexander the coppersmith many things to Me; $the LORD
μοι κακά ένεδείξατο* άποδώχι αύτφ •will reward him accord-
tame evil things openly showed; may give to him ing to his WORKS ;
ό Κύριος κατά τά έργα αύτου· 15δν 15 of whom do thou
the Lord according to the works of him; whom also beware, for he has
καΐ συ φυλάσσου, λίαν γάρ άνθέστηκε very much opposed OUR
also thou beware, greatly for he has opposed Words.
χοίς ήμετέροις λόγοις. 1 β Έν τη πρώτη μου 16 In my FIRST Defence
απολογία ουδείς μοι συμπαρεγένετο, αλλά no
tho our words. In the first of me one *came to Me, but
defence no one by me stood, but all all forsook me; (|may it
πάντες με έγκατέλιπον (μη αύτοίς λογι- not to be imputed to
*me forsook;
17 (not to them may it be them!)
σθείη·) ό δέ Κύριος μοι παρέστη, και 17 $but the LORD *was
Imputed;) the but Lord by me stood, and
ένεδυνάμωσέ με, ίνα δι' έμοΰ το me, present, and strengthened
§so that through me
strengthened me, so that through me the the PROCLAMATION might
κήρυγμα πληροφορηθώ, καΐ be fully established, and
proclamation might be ful ly established, and All the NATIONS might
hear ; and I was delivered
άκούση πάντα τά έθνη· καΐ έρρύσθην $out of the Lion's Mouth.
might hear all the nations; and I was delivered
18 ]
έκ στόματος λέοντος· *£κα1 ρύσεταί με ό 18 The LORD will de-
out of mouth of a lion; [and] w i l l deliver me the liver me from Every evil
Κύριος άπό παντός έργου πονηροί}, καΐ σώ- Work, and preserve me
Lord from every work evil, and w i l l
σει είς την βασιλείαν αΰτοΰ τήν έπουράνι- for his HEAVENLY KING-
suve for the kingdom of himself the heavenly; DOM ; to *whom be the

* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—10. Derraatia. 14. will reward. 16. came to Me.

17. was present, and. 18. and—omit. 18. to him.
± 13. Pheloneen means either a tag or a cloak. According to the Syriac it is a lag or
wrapper in which books were kept.
| 8 . 2 Tim. i . 12. t 10. Col. iv. 15; Philemon 24. $ 10. 1 John ii. 15. t 14.
Acts xix. 3 3 ; 1 Tim. i. 20. $ 14. 2 Sam. iii. 39; Psa. xxviii. 4; Rev. xvhi 6.
t 16.2 Tim. i. 1 5 ; Acts vii. 60. t 17. Matt. x. 19; Acts xxiii. 1 1 ; :sxvu. 23.
ί 17. Acts ix. 1 5 ; xxvi. 17» 1 8 ; Eph. iii. 8. $ 17. Psa. xxii. 2 1 ; 2 Pet. ii. 9.
Chap. 4:19.] II. TIMOTHY. [Chap. 4:22.
ov φ ή δόξα εις τους αΙώνας των glory for the AGES of the
to >m the glory for the ages of the AGES. Amen.
αΙώνων so be
it. 19 Salute $Prisca and
"Ασπασαι Πρίσκαν καΐ Άκΰλαν, καΐ τόν Aquila, and $the FAMILY
Salute thou Frisca and Aquila, and the
Όνησιφόρου οίκον. ^"Εραστος £μεινεν έν 20 Erastus remained a t
of Onesii)Jnoru.s house* 12 r «ι s t u s reirx&inou in Corinth, but I left $Tro-
Κορίνθφ* Τρόφιμον δέ άπέλιπον έν Μιλήτω phimus sick a t *Miletus.
Corinth; Trophimus but ' I left in Miletus
άσθενοΰντα. 21Σπούδασον πρό χειμώνος 21 §Do thy best to come
being sick. Earnestly endeavor before winter
έλθείν. ΆσπάζεταΙ σε Εΰβουλος, καΐ Πού- before Winter. Eubulus,
t«i come. Salutes thee Eubulus, and Pudens, and Pudens, and Linus,
δης, καΐ Αίνος, καΐ Κλαυδ'ια, καΐ ol αδελφοί and Claudia, and all t h e
and Linus, and Claudia, and the brethren BRETHREN salute thee.
πάντες. 22*Ο Κύριος Ίησοΰς * [Χριστός] μετά
all. The Lord Jesus [Anointed} with 22 §The LORD Jesus be
του πνεύματος σου. *Η χάρις μεθ' υμών. with thy SPIRIT. FAVOR
the spirit of thee. The favor with you. be with thee. *
* ALEXANDRIAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 0 . Melotus. 22. Anointed—omit. Sulscription—
t 19. Acts xviii. 2 ; Bora. xvi. 3. $ 19. 2 Tim. i . 16. t 20. Acts xix. 2 3 ; Rom.
xvi. 2 3 . t 20. Acts xx. 4 ; xxi. 2 9 . $ 2 1 . verse 9. t 2 2 . Gal. vl. 1 8 ; Philemon 2 5 .

ΚΕΦ. α'. 1. CHAPTER I.
Παύλος δούλος Θεοΰ, απόστολος δέ Ίη- 1 Paul, a Servant of
Paul a bondman of God, an apostle but or God, and an Apostle of
οοΰ Χρίστου, (κατά π'ιστιν εκλεκτών * Christ Jesus, as to the
Jesus Anointed, (according to faith of chosen ones Faith of God's Chosen
ones, and $a Knowledge
θεοΰ καΐ έπίγνωσιν αληθείας της κατ' of THAT Truth which is
of God and a know ledge of truth of that according to according to Piety,
εύσέβειαν, 2 έπ' έλπίδι ζωής α'ιωνίου, f]v 2 tin Hope of aionian
piety, in hope of life age-lasting, which
Life, which God, §who is
έπηγγε'ιλατο ό άψευδής Θεός πρό χρόνων NEVER FALSE, announced
promised the not false God before times tbefore aionian Times,
cdtovlcov, έφανέρωσε δέ καιροίς Ιδίοις τον 3 $but manifested his
&£6"~ 1 SL s t iiisr· mmii z€ s 16d but in s ©it sons own toe WORD, at proper Seasons,
λόγον αύτου, έν κηρύγματι δ έπι-
word of himself, by & proclamation which w&s by a Proclamation $with
which I was entrusted,
στεύθην έγώ κατ' έπιταγήν according to an Appoint-
entrusted with I according to an appointment ment of God our SAVIOR ;
του σωτήρος ημών θεοΰ,) Τίτω γνησίφ 4 to Titus, my Genuine
of the savior of us God,) to Titus a genuine Child Jby a Common
τέκνω κατά κοινήν πίστιν χάρις, £λεος, Peace, fromFaith; Favor, Mercy,
God the Fa-
child" according to common faith; favor, mercy, ther, and from *Christ Je-
εΙρήνη άπό θεοΰ Πατρός, καΐ Κυρίου Ί η - sus our SAVIOR.
σοΰ6 Χρίστου τοΰ σωτήρος ημών. 5 For this purpose I left
sus Τούτου
Anointedχάριν the κατέλιπόν
savior of us.
σε έν Κρήτη ίνα thee * behind in Crete,
that thou mightest $regu-
τΑ λείποντα επιδιόρθωση, καΐ κατα- late THINGS which are DE-
FICIENT, and mightest
στήσης κατά πόλιν πρεσβυτέρους, ^appoint ELDERS in each
inightest constitute in each city elders, City, as I directed thee;
ώς έγώ σοι διεταξάμην βεϊ τις έστιν 6 §if any one is irre-
as I to thee gave orders; if any one is
proachable, a Husband
άνέγκλητος, μιας γυναικός άνήρ, τέκνα of One Wife, having be-
irreproachable, of one wife a husband, children lieving Children, not under
f/.ίον πιστά, μή έν κατηγορία άσω_ an Accusation of Profliga-
having believing, not under an accusation of
7 cy, or of insubordination.
τίας, ή ανυπότακτα. Δεΐ γαρ 7 For it is necessary
profligacy, or of insubordination. It behooves for that the OVERSEER be ir-
τόν έπίσκοπον άνέγκλητον είναι, ώς Θεοΰ reproachable, $as God's
Steward; not self-indul-
tho overseer irreproachable to be, as of God gent, not passionate, §not
οίκονόμον μή αυθάδη, μή όργίλον, μή a wine-drinker, not a
πάροινον, μή πλήκτην, μή αισχροκερ- Striker, §not eager for
& Λν i ii θ dr i nice r · not SL striker* no £ eftKer for L)£i s β
8 base gains;
δη, άλλά φιλόξενον, φιλάγα- 8 but Hospitable, a
gains, but a friend to strangers, a friend togood- Friend to goodness, pru-
Oov, σώφρονα, δίκαιον, δσιον, εγκρατή, dent, just, holy, self-gov-
ness,εχό prudent, Just, holy, self-governed,
erned ;
9 9 ^maintaining the TRUE
άντεχόμενον του κατά την διδαχήν Word in his TEACHING, SO
πιστοΰ λόγου, ϊνα

" -·.- nccordiii^to
word, so that δυνατός f\ the te&cliiii^ that he may be able *both
καΐ πα-
able he may be both TITUS.
* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—Title—To to 1. Christ Jesus. 4. Christ
Jesus our SAVIOR. 5. behind in Crete. 9. both to comfort THOSE who are in Any
Affliction, and to confute the OPPOSEUS.
t 1. 2 Tim. ii. 25. ί 2. 2 Tim. i. 1; iii. 7. t 2. Num. xxiii. 19; 1 Tim. ii. 13.
t 2. Kom. xvi. 25; 1 Tim. i. 9; 1 Pet. i. 20. $ 3. 2 Tim. i. 10. $ 3. 1 Tim. i.
11. $ 4. Rom. i. 12; 2 Cor. iv. 13; 2 Pet. i. 1. ί 5. 1 Cor. xi. 34. t 5. 2 Tim.
ii. 2. $ 6 . 1 Tim. iii. 2. $ 7. Matt. xxiv. 45; 1 Cor. iv. 1, 2. t 7. Lev. x. 9;
Eph. v. 18; 1 Tim. iii. 3, 8. ί 7. 1 Pet. v. 2. $ 9. 2 Thess. ii. 15; 2 Tim. i. 13.
Chap. 1:10.] TITUS. [Chap. 2:3.
ρακαλείν έν τχί διδασκαλίςι tf) ύγιαινούση to exhort $by the SOUND
INSTRUCTION, and to con-
καΐ τους αντιλέγοντας έλέγχειν. fute the OPPOSERS.
and those speaking against
to confute. 10 For $there are Many
Είσι γαρ πολλοί * [καΐ] ανυπότακτοι, μά- Unruly persons, Foolish
ΔΓΘ for many [and] unruly ones, fool- talkers and ^Deceivers,
ταιολόγοι καΐ φρεναπάται, μάλιστα ol εκ especially THOSE of §the
Χ1 Circumcision ;
περιτομής, ονς δει έπιστομίζειν 11 whom it is necessary
circumcision, whom i t i s necessary to muzzle;
to silence; who overturn
οϊτινες δλους οίκους άνατρέπουσι, διδάσκον- Whole Families, teaching
wlio "wliole houses overturn^ teaching $for Sordid Gain what is
τες α μή δει, αίσχροϋ κέρδους χά-not proper.
the12things not proper, of base gain of 12 One of them, a
ριν. Είπέ τις έξ αυτών ίδιος αυτών ±Prophet of their OWN,
account. Said one from of them own of them
προφήτης· Κρητες άεΐ ψεΰσται, κακά θη- said, "Cretans always
a prophet; Cretans always liars, evil wild "Liars are, Savage Beasts,
ρία, γαστέρες άργα'ι. 1 3 Ή μαρτυρία αΰτη "with craving Maw."
beasts, gluttons idle. The testimony this 13 This TESTIMONY is
έοτιν αληθής· δι' ή*ν αίτίαν ελέγχε αυτούς true; § therefore reprove
is true; for which cause reprove them them severely, so that
άποτόμως, ίνα ύγιαίνωσι έν τη πίστει, they may be sound in the
severely, so that they may be sound in the faith,
μή προσέχοντες ΊουδαΙκοίς μύθοις, καΐ έν-FAITH,

not holding to Jewish fables, and com- 14 §not holding to Jew-

τολαίς ανθρώπων άποστρεφομένων την άλή-ish of
Fables, and $ Precepts
Men who turn away
xnandments of men turning away from the truth.
θειαν. Πάντα μέν καθαρά τοίς καθα- from the TRUTH.
All things indeed pure to the pure 15 §A11 things, indeed,
are pure to those who are
ροίς· τοίς δέ μεμιασμένοις καΐ άπ'ι- PURE ; but to THOSE who
ones; to those but having been defiled and unfaith- are DEFILED and Unfaith-
στοις ουδέν καθαρόν, αλλά μεμίανται ful, nothing is pure; but
ful ones nothing pure, but has been defiled both Their MIND and CON-
αυτών καΐ ό νους «αϊ ή συνείδησις. 16Θε6ν SCIENCE are defiled.
of therti both tho mind mid the conscience» Gou 16 They profess to have
όμολογοΰσιν εΐδέναι, τοίς δέ £ργοις WORKS known God, but §by their
they profess to have known» by the hut works
they renounce him,
αρνούνται, βδελυκτοί δντες καΐ άπει- being abominable and dis-
they deny, abominable ones being and diso- obedient, and as to Every
θείς, καΐ προς παν έργον αγαθόν άδό-good Work worthless.
bedient ones, and as to every work good worth-
κιμοι. CHAPTER I I .
less ones.
1 But do thou inculcate
ΚΕΦ. 6 ' . 2. things proper for § WHOLE-
SOME Instruction ;—
*Σύ δέ λάλει a πρέπει τη
7hou hut speak the things becoming to the 2 that Aged men be vi-
gilant, serious, prudent,
ύγιαινούση διδασκαλία· 2πρεσ6ύτας νηφαλί- $sound in the FAITH, in
wholesome teaching; aged men vigilant
ους είναι, σεμνούς, σώφρονας, ΰγιαί- LOVE, in PATIENCE ;
ones to be, serious ones, prudent ones,
νοντας τη πίστει, τη αγάπη, τη υπομονή· like
sound 3 §that Aged women, in
ones in the faith, in the love, in the patience; manner, be in Deport-
πρεσ6ύτιδας ωσαύτως έν καταστήματι Ιε- ment as becomes Sacred
* ALEXANDRIAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 0 . and—omit.
± 12. The poet Epimenides, in a work "concerning Oracles," who among the Romans
was reputed to have foretold future events.
$ 9. 1 Tim. 1 0 ; vi. 3 ; 2 Tim. iv. 3 ; Titus ii. 1. % 10. 1 Tim. i. 6. % 10. Rom.
xvi. 1 8 . ί 1 0 . Acts xv. 1. % 11. 1 Tim. vi. 5. % 13. 2 Cor. xiii. 1 0 ; 2 Tim. iv.
2. % 14. 1 T i m . i . 4 ; iv. 7 ; 2 Tim. iv. 4. X 14. Isa. xxix. 1 3 ; Matt. xv. 9 ; Col.
i i . 22. J 15. Luke x i . 3 9 - 4 1 ; Rom. xiv. 14, 2 0 ; 1 Cor. vi. 1 2 ; x. 2 3 , 2 5 ; 1 T i n .
iv. 3, 4. ί 16. 2 Tim. iii. 5. % 1. Titus i. 9. % 2. Titus i* 13. % 3. 1 Tim. i i .
9, 1 0 ; i i i . 1 1 ; 1 P e t . i i i . 3, 4 .
Chap. 2:4.] TITUS. [Chap. 2:14.
ροπρεπεϊς, μη διαβόλους, μή οϊνω p e r s o n s ; n o t Accusers,
cοni ins *vlist Is s&crΘd. not i c c u s c r s . not to *w iΠΘ •not enslaved by much
πολλω δεδουλωμένας, καλοδιδασκάλους, ί-
Wine, Good instructors,
much enslaved, good teachers. so 4 in order t h a t they may
να σωφρονίξωσι τάς νέας, wisely influence t h e YOUNG
WOMEN i t o be affectionate
«ριλάνδρους είναι, φιλοτέκνους, σώφρο- to their husbands a n d
children ;
νας, άγνάς, οίκουρούς, άγαθάς, ύπο- 5 prudent, chaste, do-
mestic, good, ^submissive
τασσομένας τοις Ιδίοις άνδράσιν, Ινα μή όto their OWN Husbands,
submissive to the own husbands, that not the so t h a t t h e WORD of GOD
λόγος τοϋ Θεοΰ βλασφημήται.
Τούς νεω- may not be reviled.
word o f t h e G o d m a y l>e e v i l si>oken o f . i h e .yoimg- 6 T h e YOUNGER MEN,
in like manner, exhort t o
τέρους ωσαύτως παρακαλεί σωφρονεΐν be p r u d e n t ;
7 7 | a s t o all things ex-
περ1 πάντα σεαυτόν παρεχόμενος τύπον hibiting Thyself a P a t t e r n
c o n c e r n i n g a i l t h i n g s t h y s e l f e x h i b i t in*: a p a t t e r n of Good Works, Uncor-
καλών εργο>ν, εν τη διδασκαλία άδιαφθορίαν, r u p t e d n e s s in t h e TEACH-
of good works, in ttie teaching incoi luptness, ING, Seriousness,
σεμνότητα, λόγον υγιή,
άκατάγνωστον 8 $ Sound Speech not to
be condemned, §so t h a t
Ινα ό έξ εναντίας έντραπφ, H E who is of t h e Opposi-
μηδέν έχων περί ημών λέγειν φαΰλον. tion m a y be ashamed,
nothing having concerning u s to s a y < v i l . having Nothing evil to
say concerning u s .
"Δούλους, ιδίοις δεσπόταις ύποτάσσεσθαι, έν 9 L e t ^BONDSERVANTS
πάσιν εύαρέστους είναι, μή αντιλέγοντας, be submissive t o their
Own M a s t e r s ; §in all
μή νοσφιζομένους, άλλα πίστιν πάσαν ένδει- things t o be well-pleas-

not purloining, but f i d e l i t y e n t i r e s h o w -

ing ; not c o n t r a d i c t i n g ;
10 not secretly stealing,
κννμένους άγαϋήν ίνα την διδασκαλίαν but showing All good Fi-
delity ; $so t h a t they may
τοϋ σωτήρος ημών θεοΰ κοσμώσιν έν πά- ;a d o r n *THAT DOCTRINE
of t h e savior of u s o f G o d they m a y adorn in a l l iof God o u r SAVIOR i n all
η things.
σιν. Έ π ε φ ά ν η γαρ ή χάρις τοϋ θεοϋ !
11 F o r $the Saving FA-
things. S h o n e forth t o r t h e favor oi the G o d j
VOR of GOD is manifested
*[ή] σωτήριος πάσιν άνθρα'ιποις, παιδεύου- Ι for All Men,
12 teaching us, $that
σα ημάς, ίνα άρνησάμενοι τήν άσέβειαν j r e n o u n c i n g I M P I E T Y a n d
$ WORLDLY Desires, we
καί τάς κοσμικάς επιθυμίας, σωφρόνως καΐ should live prudently,
;.nd the worldly desires, prudently and righteously, a n d piously
δικαίως καΐ εύσεβώς ζήσωμεν έν τφ in t h e PRESENT Age,
ελπίδα aii'l piously
και έπιφάνειαν
w em a ylive
της δόξης τοΰi nμεγά-
Ι 13 ^waiting for t h e
νΰν αιώνι* προσδεχόμενοι την μακαρίαν BLESSED Hope, even t h e
λου Θεοϋ καί σωτήρος ημών Ίησοΰ Χρίστου· a p p e a r i n g of t h e GLORY
God and savior οι us Jesus Anointed; I
of o u r GREAT GOD a n d
^δς εδωκεν εαυτόν υπέρ ημών, ίνα λυ- j Savior Jesus C h r i s t ;
who gave himself on behalf of us, so that he 14 w h o gave himself
τρώσηται ημάς άπό πάσης ανομίας, καΐ ,on o u r behalf, t h a t h e
might redeem us from All

• ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. and not. 10. THAT DOCTRINE of God. 11. that
t 4. 1 Tim. v. 14. ϊ 5 1 Cor. xiv. 3 4 ; E p h . v. 2 2 ; Col. i l l . 1 8 ; 1 T i m . i l . 1 1 ;
1 P e t . i i i . 1, 5. I 7. 1 T i m iv 1 2 ; 1 P e t . v. 3. $ 8. 1 T i m . vi. 3. $ 8. 1 T i m .
v. 1 4 ; 1 P e t . i i . 12 $ 9. Eph. vi. 5 ; Col. i i i . 2 2 ; 1 T i m . vi. 1, 2 ; 1 P e t . i t . 1 8 .
t if. E p h . v. 2 4 . ι 10. Mati . it; P h i l . i i . 1 5 . t 1 1 . Kom. v. 1 5 ; T . t u s i i i . 4,
δ ; 1 P e t . v. 12. + 12. Horn. vi. 1 9 ; E p h . i . 4 ; Col. i . 2 2 ; 1 Thess. iv. 7 . ± 1 2 .
1 P e t . IV. 2 ; 1 John i. 16 * ^ 3 χ Cor. ι. 7 ; P h i l . i i i . 2 0 .

Chap. 2:15.] TITUS. [Chap. 3 : 8 .
καθαρίση έαυτφ λαόν περιούσιον, ζη- Lawlessness, and fcleanse
might purify for himself a people peculiar, for himself a peculiar
λωτήν καλών Ιργων. 15Ταΰτα λάλει καΐ People, devoted to Good
παρακαλεί καΐ έλεγχε μετά πάσης επιταγής* 15 * Teach these things,
exhort thou and reprove thou w i t h a l l s t r i c t n e s s ;
and $exhort and reprove
μηδείς σου περιφρονείτω. with All Strictness ; let no
ID one of the© l e t disregard.
one disregard Thee.
ΚΕΦ. γ ' . 3. CHAPTER III.

Υπομίμνησκε αυτούς άρχαίς καΐ έξου- 1 * And remind them | t o
be submissive to Govern-
σίαις ύποτάσσεσθαι, πειθαρχείν, προς ments and Authorities, to
obey rulers, *and to be
πάν έργον αγαθόν έτοιμους είναι, 2μηδένα t ready for Every good
every work good ready to be, no one Work ;
βλασφημείν, αμάχους είναι, επιεικείς,
2 tto revile No one,
to ί $not to be quarrelsome;
Λασαν ένδεικνυμένους πραότητα προς πάν- to be tmild, showing En-
all showing mildness to all
τας ανθρώπους. 3ΤΗμεν γάρ ποτέ καΐ ημείς tire Gentleness to All
men. Were for formerly also we, Men ;
ανόητοι, άπειθείς, πλανώμενοι, 3 For §we ourselves, al-
so, were formerly sense-
senseless ones, disobedient ones, erring ones, less, disobedient, erring,
δουλεύοντες έπιθυμίαις και ήδοναίς being in bondage to vari-
being enslaved to inordinate desires and pleasures ous inordinate desires and
Pleasures, living in Malice
ποικίλαις, έν κακία καΐ φθόνφ διάγοντες, and Envy, detestable, hat-
various, ill roulice and envy passing through, ing each other.
στυγητοί, μισοΰντες αλλήλους. 4"Οτε δέ ή 4 But when $the GOOD-
odious ones, hating each other. When but the
χρηστοτης καΐ ή φιλανθρωπία έπεφάνη του NESS and the
THROPY of God ?our SA-
σωτηρος ημών Θεοΰ, εού·κ εξ έργων VIOR, appeared,
τών έν δικαιοσύνη ών έποιήσαμεν ημείς, 5 he saved us, §not on
account of THOSE Works
άλλα κατά τον αιίτοΰ έ'λεον εσωσεν in Righteousness which
l d f h i l f h d we did, but according to
ημάς, διά λουτρού παλιγγενεσίας, και HIS OWN Mercy, % through
us, through a bath of a new birth, and *the BATH of Regenera-
tion, and a Renovation of
άνακαινώσεως πνεύματος άγιου, βο5 έζέ- the Holy Spirit,
a renovation of s p i r i t holy, of which he 6 §which he poured out
χεεν εφ' ημάς πλουσίως, διά Ίησοΰ on us richly through
p'oured out on us richly, through Jesus Jesus Christ our SAVIOR ;
7 7 $so that having been
θέντες τουτχ\ σωτηρος
εκείνου ημών, χάριτι,ϊνα κληρονόμοι
δικαιω- justified by His FAVOR,
Jwe might become Heirs
γενώμεθα κατ' ελπίδα ζωής αίω- ^according to a Hope of
w e m i g h t b e c o m e a c c o r d i n g t o a h o p e o f l i f e a g e - aionian Life.
νίου. 8 Π ιστός ό λόγος* καΐ περί τού- 8 This DOCTRINE is
lasting. True the word; and respecting these True; and respecting
των βούλομα'ι σε διαβεβαιοΰσθαι, ίνα φρον- these things I wish thee
things I wish thee to affirm strongly, so that they
τίζωσι καλών έργων προΐστασθαι ol πεπι- to fully establish them;
maybe careful of good works to excel those having SO that THOSE HAVING
Chap. 3:9.] TITUS. [Chap. 3:15.
στευκότες * [τω] Θεώ. Ταΰτά έστι τα BELIEVED in God may be
believed Cin'the] G"o(l. These is the things careful $to excel in Good
καλά καΐ ωφέλιμα τοις άνθρώποις· °μωράς δε THOSE Works. These things are
good and profitable to the men; foolish but
which are *good
and profitable to MEN.
ζητήσεις καΐ γενεαλογίας καΐ £ρεις καΐ 9 But avoid Foolish
questions and genealogies and strifes and Questions, and $Genealo-

μάχας νομικάς περιΐστασο· είσΐ γαρ ανω-ContentionsDisputes, gies, and and

about the
φελείς καΐ μάταιοι. ΑΙρετικόν άνθρωπον profitable and Vain. Law; for they are $un-
profitable and vain. Δ factious man
10 § Reject a Factious
μετά μίαν καΐ δευτέραν νουθεσίαν παραι- Man, jafter a First and
ft Χ t Θ Γ 21 II I* S ΐ 2H1Q S6COQU iLCim On 1 £ 1 Oil Q.O thOU Second Admonition ;

τοΰ· 1:ι
ε1δώς, δτι έξέστραπται ό τοι- 11 knowing that SUCH
A ONE has been per-
οϋτος, καΐ άμαρτάνει, ών αύτοκατάκριτος. verted, and sins, §being
Whei self-condemned.
a one·, and sins, being
12 σπούδασον έλθείνself-condemned.
προς με εις 12 When I shall send
"Οταν earnestly
Tychicus, πέμψωendeavor Άρτεμάνto come προςto me σέ toή Artemas to thee, or §Tych-
Νικόπολιν έκεϊ γαρ κέκρικα παραχειμά- to come icus, earnestly endeavor
to me at Nicopo-
s% icot)oliS} τοβ Γ Θ for Ifanv© dec I elect to \f inter* lis ; for I have decided to
σαι. ^Ζηνάν τον νομικόν καΐ Άπολλώ σπου- pass the winter there.
ZiQnus t h e l a w y e r And A p o l l o s dill*- 13 Send forward Zenas
the LAWYER, and $ Apollos,
δαίως 14
πρόπεμψον, Ινα μηδέν αΰτοίς with careful attention, so
λείπη. Μανθανέτωσαν δε καΐ ot ημέτεροι that they may not lack
may be lacking. Let learn and also the ours
anything ;
καλών έ'ργων προΐστασθαι είς τάς αναγκαίας 14 and let OUR [breth-
ΟΙ J^ood "W^OrJCS tO QXC6 1 ΙΟΓ til β OIOSSlUij
ren] also learn $to stand
χρείας, ϊνα μη ώσιν δκαρποι. 1 5 Ά- foremost, in Good Works
Wants, so that not they may be unfruitful» So.— for these PRESSING Occa-
σπάζονται σε ot μετ' έμοΰ πάντες· άσπα- sions, Jthat they may not
lute thee those w i t h me all; sa- be unfruitful.
σαι τους φιλοΰντας ημάς έν πίστει. *Η 15 All who are with me,
lute thou those loving us in faith. The salute thee. Salute THOSE
χάρις μετά πάντων υμών. who LOVE US in the Faith.
favor with all of you.
Favor be with you a l l !
° i I S 8 . verses 1, 14. ί 9. 1 Tim. i. 4 ; 2 Tim. ii. 23 ; Titus i. 14. $ 9 . 2 T i m . i l . 1 4 .
t 10. Matt, xviii. 1 7 ; Rom. xvi. 17; 2 Thess. i i i . 6, 1 4 ; 2 Tim. i n . 5 ; 2 John 10.
$ 10. 2 Cor. xiii. 2. t 11. Acts xiii. 46. t 12. Acts xx. 4 ; 2 Tim. iv. 12. % 13.
Acts xviii. 2 4 . ί 14. verse 8. $ 14. Rom. xv. 2 8 ; Phil. i. 1 1 ; iv. 1 7 ; Col. ι. 1 0 ,
2 Pet. L 8.


ΚΕΦ. α \ 1. CHAPTER I.
Παΰλος, δέσμιος Χρίστου Ίησοΰ, καΐ 1 Paul, $a Prisoner for
Paul, a prisoner of Anointed Jesus, and Christ Jesus, and Timothy
Τιμόθεος ό αδελφός, Φιλήμονι τω άγαπητώ the BROTHER, to Philemon,
the BELOVED one, and our
Timothy the brother, to Philemon the beloved one ^Fellow-laborer,—
καΐ συνεργώ ημών, 2 καί Άπφία τη άγα· 2 and to Apphia, *the
and fellow-worker of u s , and toApphla the be- SIFTER, and to JArchip-
πητη, καΐ ΆρχΙππω τφ συστρατιώτχΐ PUS, OUr FELLOW-SOLDIER,
l o v e d οΐιβ| &nd Δ.rchipuus the f β 11 οΛν soldier
and to the $CONUREUA-
ημών, καΐ τη κατ' οίκον σου εκκλησία· TION in thy House ;
of uSy find to the in house of th Θ Θ conjjre^iitioiij 3 $Favor to you, and
^ ά ρ ι ς ύμίν καΐ ειρήνη άπό Θεοΰ Πατρός Peace from God our Fa-
favor to you and peace from God a Father ther, and from the Lord
Jesus Christ;
καΐ Κυρίου Ίησοϋ Χρίστου. 4 %l give thanks to my
Εύχαριστώ τφ θεφ μου πάντοτε, GOD always, making Men-
I give thanks to the God of me always,
tion of thee in my PRAY-
μνείαν σου ποιούμενος επί των προσευ- ERS,
5 (^hearing of Thy
χών μου, Βάκούων σου την άγάπην καΐ LOVE and FAITH, which
thou hast toward t h e
την π'ιστιν, ην έχεις προς τον Κύριον LORD Jesus, and for All
the SAINTS,)
Ίησοΰν καΐ είς πάντας τους άγιους· β δπως 6 that the FELLOWSHIP
J e s u s and f o r a l l t h e holy ones; that of thy FAITH may become
ή κοινίονία της πίστεως σου ενεργής γένη- efficient, Jby Knowledge
he fellowship of the faith of thee active may of Every Good thing in us,
ται, έν έπιγνώσει παντός άγαθοΰ του έν in regard to Christ.
become by a knowledge of every good of the in 7 *For we have much
ήμΐν, είς Χριστόν * [Ίησοΰν.] Όίαράν Joy and Consolation over
us, δχομεν
regard πολλήν
in have καΐ παράκλησιν
to Anointed [Jesus.3 επί τη Thy LOVE, Ο Brother ! Be-
for we much and consolation inJoythe cause the TENDER SYM-
αγάπη σου, δτι τα σπλάγχνα των άγ'ιων PATHIES of the SAINTS
$have been refreshed
through thee.
άναπέπαυται δια σοΰ, αδελφέ.
8 Therefore, $having
Διό πολλήν έν Χριστφ παρρησίαν δχων έπι- much confidence in Christ
to enjoin on thee WHAT is
•j^her©£or© much in A.ooiiitOQ boldness 9 hQ.viD£j to BECOMING,
τάσσειν σοι τό ανήκον, διά την άγά-
βϊΐ 1 οin the Θ the beeom i ri££ thiu^^ through the love 9 on account of *that
πην μάλλον παρακαλώ· τοιούτος ών, ώς LOVE I rather entreat; be-
ing such a one, as Paul
Παΰλος πρεσβύτης, νυνί δέ καΐ δέσμιος ±an old man, and now
Paul an o l d man, n o w b u t a l s o a p r i s o n e r also Ja Prisoner for
10 •Christ Jesus,
Ίησοϋ Χρίστου· παρακαλώ σε περί
of Jesus Anointed: I beseech thee concerning 10 I entreat thee res-


6. Jesus—omit. 7. For ί have. 9. NECESSITY 1 rather entreat. 9. Ch
± 9 Beson following Theophylect ays that prsbtees tranlated an

also inclines
Clarke also
Clarke to the
inclines to the same
same view
± 1. Eph. iii. 1; iv. · /. " i m . i. 8 ; verse 8. i 1. Phil. ii. 25. t 2. Col. iv. 17.
ί 2. Rom. xvi 5 ; 1 Cor yvi 19. J ?. Eph. ι. 2. $ 4. Eph. i. 16. % 5. Eph. i .
15; Col. i. 4. $ 6. Phil, i. 0, 11 $ i. *> Cor. vii. 1 3 ; 2 Tim. i. 1 6 ; verse 20.
$ 8. 1 These, ii. 6. t %- ve. 1
Chap. 1:11.] PHILEMON. [Chop. 1:22.
τοΰ έμοΰ τέκνου», 8v έγέννησα έν τοις pecting MY Child, twhom
of the of me child, whom I begot in the I begot in my BONDS,
δεσμοίς *[μου,] Όνήσιμον, uxov ποτέ THAT $Onesimus,
Ι) ο rids £ox m β ^ J Οοβ s i ιχι uSy trift t ι o r in Θ ι* ι y 11 who formerly was
σοι ά"χρηστον, νυνί δέ σοΙ καΐ έμοί but UNPROFITABLE to Thee,
is now profitable to
ευχρηστον, δν ανέπεμψα* 12 σύ δέ αυτόν, Thee and to Me;
12 whom I have sent
profitable, whom I sent back; thou but him,
τοΰτ' έ'στι τά έμά σπλάγχνα, προσλαδοΰ. •back to thee; and do
that is the my bowels, do thou receive. thou receive Him, that is,
'Όν έγώ έβουλόμην προς έμαυτόν κατέχειν, MYSELF.
13 whom I was wishing
Whom I was wishing for myself to retain, to retain for Myself, $sb
ίνα υπέρ σου μοι διακονη έν that on thy behalf he
so thiit on behalf of thec to me h© might servo in might serve me in these
τοις δεσμοΐς τοΰ ευαγγελίου· 14χωρ1ς δέ INGS ;
the bonds of the glad tidings; without but 14 but I desired to do
της σης γνώμης ουδέν ηθέλησα ποιήσαι, Nothing without THY Con-
of the thy consent nothing I wished to do, sent, $that thy GOOD deed
ϊνα μή ώς κατά ανάγκην το αγαθόν might not be as from Con-
εο that not as according to constraint the good straint but Voluntary.
σου fj, αλλά κατά έκούσιον. 15 $For perhaps on this
Τάχα γαρ διά τοΰτο account he was separated
for a little time, in order
προς οδραν, ϊνα
so that
α'ιώνιον αυτόν άπέ- ceive Him formightest
that thou
an Age;
an hour,16 an age him thou 16 no longer as a Bond-
χτις· ούκέτι ώς δοΰλον, άλλ' υπέρ
man, but above a Bond-
nTightest receive; no longer as a slave, but above man,—$a beloved Brother,
δοΰλον, άδελφόν άγαπητον, μάλιστα έμοί, especially to me, but how
A sljiv©! & brother beloved) especially to ixiet much more to thee, §both
in the Flesh, and in the
πόσφ δέ μάλλον σοί, καΐ έν σαρκΐ και Lord !
by how much 1but more toε thee,£%εις both inκοινωνόν,
aflesh and 17 If, then, thou re-
έν Κΐ'ρίφ. El οΰν μεe thou holdest partner,
κοινωνόν, gardes t Me as §a Partner,
i L d / αυτόν
If t h ώςm eέμέ. th hΕί
l d e δέ
s t a t τι receive him as me.
receive thou h*m as me. If but any thing 18 But if heinjuredthee
ήδίκησέ σε, ή οφείλει, τοΰτο έμοί έλλό-
he wronged thee, or owes, this to me put thou in anything, or is indebted,
10 place this to my account;
γει. Έγώ Παΰλος δγραψα τη έμη 19 (I Paul write with
on account. I Paul wrote with the my MY OWN hand,) I will pay
χειρί, έγώ αποτίσω· "να μή λέγω it off; that I may not
liflTid* I δτι ^v iκαΐl l P^yσεαυτόν
offj μοι nπροσοφε'ιλεις.
s o thstt ot I xxmy s&y say to thee, That to me
thou owest even thyself.
to thee, that even thyself to me thou owest. 20 Yes, Brother, may I
^Ναί, αδελφέ, έγώ σου όναίμην έν derive profit from Thee
Κυρίω· ανάπαυσαν μο,υ τά σπλάγχνα έν in the Lord; ^refresh My
Lord; refresh thou of me the bowels in TENDER SYMPATHIES in
Χριστό). Πεποιθώς τχ\ υπακοή Christ.
Anointed, Having confidence in the obedience 21 ^Having confidence
σου εγραψά σοι, εϊδώς, δτι και in thy COMPLIANCE, I
of thee I wrote to thee, knowing, that even write to thee, being assured
υπέρ δ. λέγω . ποιήσεις. That thou wilt even do
ay say t h o u w i l t d o .
beyond w h a t I may say beyond what I request.
"Αμα δέ καΐ ετοίμαζε μοι 22 Butat the same time,
At the same time but Also prepare thou for me also, prepare for me a
* ALEXANDRIAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 0 . of me omit. 12. again to thee. Receive Him,
at is.
t 10. 1 Cor. iv. 1 5 ; Gal. iv. 19. $ 10. Col. iv. 9. t 13. 1 Cor. xvl. 1 7 ; Phil. ii.
SO. $ 14. 2 Cor. ix. 7. $ 15. See Gen. xlv. 5, 8. % 16. Matt, xxiii. 8; 1 Tim.
vi. 2. % 16. Col. i i i . 2 2 . % 17. 2 Cor. viii. 23. % 20. verse 7. % 21. 2 Cor, vii. 16.
Λιαρ. 1: 23. J PHILEMON. [Chap. 1:25.
ξ β ν ί α ν ελπίζω γαρ, δτι δια των προσευ- Lodging, for §1 hope That
a lodging; I hope for, that through the prayers ^through your PRAYERS I
χών υμών χαρισθήσομαι ύμίν. 2 3 ΆσπάζεταΙ shall be imparted to you.
of you I siiftlX be ixtip& i* t β cl t o you» O«L 1 u 16 s
σε Έπαφράς, ό συναιχμάλωτός μου έν 23 $Epaphras, my FEL-
the© Epaphras, the ίβΐ low — captive of me in LOW-CAPTIVE in Christ Je-
Χριστώ Ίησοϋ, 2 4 Μάρκος, Άρίσταρχος, sus, salutes thee;
Anointed Jesus, Mark, Aristarchus, De Δη-
24 also SMark, JAristar-
μδς, Λουκάς, ol συνεργοί μου. 2 5 Ή chus, $Demas, $Luke, my
Luke, the fellow-workers of me. The FELLOW-LABORERS.
χάρις του Κυρίου ημών Ίησοϋ Χριστοί)
favor of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed 25 §The FAVOR of our
μετά τοΰ πνεύματος υμών. LORD Jesus Christ be with
with the spirit of you. your SPIRIT.
* ALEXANDEIAN MANUSCRIPT.—The Subscription to this Epistle has leen cut off.
t 22. Phil. i. 2 5 ; ii. 24. t 22. 2 Cor. i . 1 1 . t 23. Col. i. 7 ; iv. 1 2 . t 2 4 .
Acts x i i . 1 2 , 2 5 . t 24. Acts xix. 2 9 ; xxvii. 2 ; Col. iv. 10. $ 24. CoL iv. 14.
t 24. 2 Tim. iv. 11. $ 35. 2 Tim. iv. 22.


ΚΕΦ. α'. 1. CHAPTER I.
α 1 GOD having anciently
Πολυμερώς καΐ πολυτρόπως πάλαι ό spoken, $in many portions
In many parts and in many ways long ago the and by various methods,
Θεός λαλήσας τοις πατράσιν έν τοις προφή- to the FATHERS by the
God having spoken to the fathers by the proph- PROPHETS,
το,ις, έπ' έσχατου των ήμερων τούτων έλάλη- 2 in the last of these
ets, in last of the days of these spoke
σεν ήμίν έν υίφ, 2δν εθηκε κληρονόμον DAYS §spoke to us by a
Son, §whom he appointed
to us by a son, w h o m he a p p o i n t e d an h e i r

πάντων, (δι' οΰ καΐ τους αιώνας count ofallwhom

Heir of things, on ac-
also he
of all things,3 (on account of whom also the ageg constituted the AGES ;
έπο'ιησεν,) δς (ών απαύγασμα της δόξης
he made,) who (being an effulgence of the glory 3 $who, being an Ef-
καΐ χαρακτήρ της υποστάσεως αύτοϋ, fulgence of his GLORY, and
ftllQ ίΙΏ ©Xiict ΐ ΧΪ1JJ Γ Θ S S ΟΙ t h e SUUSt&QCC Ot jXlfflp an exact Impress of his
φέρων τε τά πάντα τφ ρήματι της SUBSTANCE, and *maldng
siistftiuiTi^ &xid tli© things & 11 t^y t*ie \ΪΓο r d οι txie manifest ALL things by
δυνάμεως αύτοΰ,) *[δι' έαυτοΰ] καθα- the WORD of his POWER,
power of himself,) [through himself] a puri- ^having made a Purifica-
ρισμόν ποιησάμενος των αμαρτιών * [ή- tion for SINS, $sat down
fic&tion liiive mticie of the sins Cof us^J at the Right hand of the
MAJESTY in high places ;
μών,] έκάθισεν έν δεξιφ της μεγαλωσύνης 4 having become as
έν ύψηλοίς· τοσούτφ κρείττων γενόμενος much superior to Angels,
in liit?o ulfl.c©sj
*Ιτών] αγγέλων,hy so much t £ri*6&.t6r
ω hnviuEr become §as he has inherited a
much more excellent more Excellent Name
[of them] messengers, by s than they.
παρ' αυτούς κεκληρονόμηκεν δνομα. 5Τί- 5 For to which of the
νι γαρ είπε ποτέ τών αγγέλων ΥΙός ANGELS did he ever say,
which for clid he say ever of the messengers; A. son t"Thou art my Son, To-
μου εΐ σύ, έγώ σήμερον γεγέννηκά σε; "day I have begotten
of me art thou, I to-day have begotten thee? "thee?" And again, $"I
καΐ πάλιν Έγώ £σομαι αΰτφ είς Πατέρα, "will be to him for a
"Father, and he shall be
καΐ αυτός £σται μοι εις υΐόν; βδταν δέ "to me for a Son?"
and he shall be to me for a son? when but
6 And when again he .
πάλιν είσαγάγχι τόν πρωτότοκον είς την shall introduce $the FIRST
again he may lead in the first born into the BORN into the HABITABLE,
ο'ικοιιμένην, λέγει* ΚαΙ προσκυνησάτωσαν αύ- he says, $"And let All
habi table, he says: And let worship him "God's Angels worship
τφ πάντες άγγελοι Θεοϋ. 7ΚαΙ προς μεν "him."
all messengers of God. And concerning indeed 7 And with respect to
the ANGELS, indeed he
τους αγγέλους λέγει* *Ο ποιών τους άγ- says, $"It is HE who
the messengers he says: He making the mes- "MAKES his ANGELS
γέλους αύτοΰ πνεύματα, καΐ τους λειτουρ- "Winds, and his MINIS-
songers of himself spirits, and the public "TER1NG SERVANTS a
δέ "Flame of Fire."
γούς αύτοΰ πυρός φλόγα* πρός
servants of himself of fire a flame; concerning but
8 But to the SON,
τόν υΐόν *Ο θρόνος σου ό θεός είς τόν §"Thy THRONE, Ο GOD,
the son: The throne of thee the god for the
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — T i t l e — T o T H E H E B R E W S . 3. making manifest A L L
things by. 3. through himself—omit. 3. of us—omit. 4. of the—omit.
% 1. Num. xii. 6, 8. ί 2. John i. 1 7 ; xv. 1 5 ; Heb. ii. 3. ί 2 . Psa. i i . 8 ; M a t t .
xxi. 3 8 ; John iii. 3 5 ; Rom. viii. 17. $ 3. John i. 1 4 ; xiv. 9 ; 2 Cor. iv. 4 ; Col.
i . 1 5 . $ 3 . H e b . vii. 2 7 ; ix. 1 2 , 1 4 , 1 7 . $ 3. Psa. ex. 1; Eph. i. 2 0 ; Heb.
viii. 1 ; x. 1 2 ; xii. 2 ; 1 P e t . i i i . 2 2 . * 4. Eph. i. 2 1 ; Phil. li. 9, 10. ί 5. Psa. i i .
7 ; Acts xiii. 3 3 ; Heb. v. 5. t 5 . 2 Sam. vii. 1 4 ; 1 Chron. xxii. 10; xxviii. 6 ; Psa.
lxxxix. 2 6, 2 7. $ 6 . Rom. viii. 2 9 ; Col. i. 1 8 ; Rev. 1. 5. X 6. Psa. xcvii. 7. t 1.
P s a . civ. 4 . $ 8. P s a . xlv. 6, 7 .
Chap. 1:9.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 2:3.
αιώνα * [τοΰ αιώνος·] ράβδος εύθύτητος ή "is for the AGE ; *and
age Cor the ages;] a sceptre of rectitude the "the SCEPTRE of RECTI-
ράβδος της βασιλείας σου. Ήγάπησας "TUDE is the Sceptre of
sceptre of the kingdom of thee. Thou didst love "thy KINGDOM.
δικαιοσύνην, καΐ έμίσησας άνομίαν 9 "Thou didst love
righteousness, and thou didst hate lawlessness; "Righteousness, and hate
δια τοΰτο δχρισέ σε ό Θεός σου "Lawlessness; therefore,
"thy GOD §anointed thee,
on account of this anointed thee the God of thee, "O GOD, with the oil of
Ιλαιον άγαλλιάσεως παρά τους μετόχους "Exultation beyond thy
oil of extreme joy beyond the associates "ASSOCIATES."
σου. 10
Καί· Σύ κατ' αρχάς, Κύριε, την 10 Also, §"Thou, Ο
of thee. And; Thou in a beginning, θ Lord, the "Lord, at First didst lay
γην έθεμελίωσας, καΐ 8ργα των χειρών σου "the foundation of the
earth didst form, and works of the hands of thee "EARTH ; and the HEA-
είσιν ol ουρανοί. η ΑύτοΙ άπολοΰνται, σύ δέ "VENS are Works of thy
are the heavens. They shall perish, thou but "HANDS ;
διαμένεις* καΐ πάντες ώς Ιμάτιον παλαιωθή- 11 $"they shall perish,
r e m a i n e s t ; and a l l a s a garment s h a l l become "but thou remainest;
οονται, 12 κα1 ώσεί περιβόλαιον ελίξεις "and they all shall be-
old, and like an upper garment thou w i l t fold "come old like a G a r m e n t ;
αυτούς, καΐ άλλαγήσονται· σύ δέ ό 12 "and like a Mantle
them, and they shall be changed; thou but the "thou wilt fold them u p ;
αυτός εΐ, καΐ τά Ιτη σου ούκ έκλεί- "*like a Garment also
"they shall be changed;
Π ρ ο ς τίνα δέ των αγγέλων εϊρη- "but thou a r t the SAME,
Το which but of
ich but of the messengers did he "and thy YEARS shall not
κέ ποτέ· Κάθου έκ δεξιών
δεξιών μου, έ'ως
έ'ως δν "fail."
say ever; Do thou s i t at right of me, t i l l I may 13 But to which of the
θώ τους εχθρούς σου ύποπόδιον τών ANGELS did he ever say,
Τι 1 ο,c0 tho enemies of the© footstool ιοί* tli© §"Sit thou a t my Right
ποδών σου; 14ΟύχΙ πάντες είσΐ λειτουργικά "hand, till I put thine
f e e t of thee? Not all are p u b l i c s e r v i n g "ENEMIES underneath thy
πνεύματα εις διακονίαν αποστελλόμενα 14 §Are they not all
spirits, for service being aent forth
Ministering Spirits sent
διά τους μέλλοντας κληρονομεΐν σωτη- forth for Service, on ac-
on account of those being about to inherit sal- count Of $THOSE BEING
ρίαν; ΚΕΦ. 6 V 2.
Διά τούτο ABOUT to inherit Salva-
vation? On account of this tion·?
δει περισσοτέρως ήμας προσέχειν τοις
1 On this account it be-
άκουσθεΐσι, μήποτε
παραρρυώ- hooves us to attend more
things having
earnestly to the THINGS
μεν. 2
Ei γαρ ό δι' αγγέλων λα- HEARD, lest we should
glide away. If for the ever let them glide away.
ληθείς λόγος έγένετο βέβαιος, καΐ πασά 2 For if the WORD
§spoken through Angels
παράβασις και παρακοή was firm, and JEvery De-
ελαβεν £νδικον viation and Disobedience
received a J u s t Retribu-
μισθαποδοσίαν 8 πώς ημείς έκφευξόμεθα τη- tion ;
retribution; how we shall escape eo 3 how shall we escape,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—8. of the AGE—omit. 8. and the SCEPTRE of RECTITUDE
is the Sceptre of his KINGDOM. 12. like a Garment also they shall be changed.
t 9. Isa. lxi. 1; Luke iv. 18; John x. 36; Acts iv. 27; x. 38. $ 10.
Psa.cii. 25. $ 11. Isa. xxxiv. 4 ; Hag. ii. 6 ; Matt, xxiv. 35; IPet.iii. 7, 10;Rev.xx. 11.
% 13. Psa. ex. 1; Matt. xxii. 44; Acts ii. 34, 35; Heb. x. 12. t 14. Psa. xxxiv. 7;
xci. 11; ciii. 20, 21. $ 14. James ii. 5, % 2. Deut. xxxiii. 2; Acts vii. 53. % 2.
Num. xv. 30, 31; Deut. v. 3; xyli, 2, 5, 12; xxvii. 26. % 3. Heb. x. 28, 29; xii. 35.
Chap. 2:4.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 2:10.
λικαύτης άμελήσαντες . . „, . . having disregarded So
great having disregarded a salvation? which great a Salvation? which
αρχήν λαβοΰοα λαλεϊσθαι διά ^beginning to be spoken
a beginning having received to be spoken through by t h e LORD, was icon-
τοΰ Κυρίου, υπό των άκουσάντων εις ήμας firmed for Us by THOSE
who HEARD h i m ;
έβεβαιώθη, συνεπιμαρτυροΰντος τοΰ Θεοΰ 4 | G O D co-attesting
was confirmed, co-attesting the God $both by Signs and Won-
σημείοις τε καΐ τέρασι, καΐ ποικ'ιλαις ders and various Mighty
t>y signs both and by prodigies, and by various
works, and ^Distributions
δυνάμεσι, καΐ πνεύματος άγιου, μερισμοίς, of holy Spirit, according
powers, and of spirit holy by distributions, to H I S Will?
«ατά την αΰτοΰ θέλησιν. 5Ού γάρ 5 For to Angels he did
not subject $the FUTURE
ώγγέλοις υπέταξε τήν οίκουμένην την
HABITABLE, concerning
which we speak.
μέλλουσαν, περί η"ς λαλοΰμεν. 6Διε-
about coming, concerning which we speak. Testi- 6 But one somewhere
μαρτιύρατο δέ πού τις, λέγων ΤΙ testified, saying, §"What
fled but somewhere one, saying: What "is a Man T h a t thou dost
έστιν δνθρωπος, δτι μιμνήσκη "remember him? or a
αύτοΰ· "Son of Man, That thou
ΙΆ man, that thou dost remember him;
f] υίός ανθρώπου, δτι επισκέπτη αυτόν; "dost regard him?
7 "Thou didst make
Ήλάττ<οσας αυτόν βραχύ τι παρ' "him for a little while in-
Thou d i d s t make l e s s h i m a l i t t l e w h i l e than f e r i o r to Angels ; thou
αγγέλους· δόξη καΐ τιμχί έστεφά- " d i d s t crown him with
messengers; with glory and with honor thou didst "Glory and Honor ;
νωσας αυτόν 8 πάντα ΰπέταξας ύποκάτω 8 "thou didst subject
crown him; all things thou didst place under "All things under his
των ποδών αύτοϋ. Έ ν γαρ τώ ύποτάξαι " F E E T ; " — for in SUB-
the feet of him. In for the to be subjected JECTING ALL THINGS, he
*[αύτφ] τά πάντα, ουδέν άφήκεν αύτώ
£to him] the things all, nothing is left to him left Nothing unsubjected
to Him ; but, a t present,
άνυπότακτον νϋν δέ οΰπω όρώμεν αύτω
unsubjected; n o w b u t not y e t w e see t o h i m we do not see t h a t ALL
things have actually been
τά πάντα ύποτεταγμένα. οΤόν δέ βρα- placed under Him.

χύ τι παρ' αγγέλους ήλαττωμένον 6λέ- 9 But we behold J E S U S ,

time than messengers having been made less we on account of the SUFFER-
ING of DEATH $crowned
πομεν Ίησοΰν διά τό πάθημα τοΰ
with Glory and Honor,
Φανάτου δόξη καΐ τιμή έστεφανω- a little while INFERIOR to
death with glor•y and with honor having been
Angels, so that, by God's
μένον δπως χάριτι Θεοΰ υπέρ παν- Favor, Jlie might taste of
Led; so that by favor of God on behalf
Death on behalf of every
τός γευσηται θανάτου. "Επρεπε one.
an he might taste of death. I t was fitting 10 For it was becoming
γάρ αύτφ, δι' ον τά πάντα καΐ him, §on account of whom
b e s i d e s for h i m , for w h o m the things all a n d are ALL things, and
δι' ο5 τά πάντα, πολλούς υΙούς through whom are ALL
through whom t h e t h i n g s a l l , many sons things, in conducting
εις δόξαν άγαγόντα τόν άρχηγόν της σωτη- Many Sons to Glory, §to
into glory leading the prince of the sal- perfect the $PRINCE of
ρίας αυτών ϊ παθημάτων τελειώσαι. their SALVATION through
vat ion of them th] ough sufferings to perfect. Sufferings.

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 8 . to him—omit.
t 3. Matt. iv. 1 7 ; Mark i. 14. $ 3. Luke i. 2. t 4. Mark xvi. 2 0 ; Acts xiv. 3 ;
xix. 1 1 ; Rom. xv. 18, 19; 1 Cor. i i . 4. ί 4. Acts ii. 22. 43. t 4. 1 Cor. xii. 4, 7,
11. ί 5. Heb. vi. 5 ; 2 Pet. iii. 13. $ 6. Psa. viii. 4. t 9. Acts ii. 33. $ 9.
P h i l . i i . 7-9. t 9. Rom. v. 1 8 ; viii. 3 2 ; 2 Cor. v. 1 5 ; 1 Tim. ii. 6 ; 1 John ii. 2.
% 10. Rom. xi. 36. t 10. Luke xiii. 3 2 ; Heb. v. 9. t 10. Acts iii. 1 5 ; v. 3 1 ;
Heb. xii. 2.
Chap. 2:11.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 3 : 1 .
"O τε γαρ άγιάζων καΐ ol άγια- 11 For Iboth the SANC-
He both for sanctifying and those being TIPIER and the SANCTI-
ζόμενοι, έξ ενός πάντες* δι' ήν αΐτίαν FIED are from one; for
sanctified, out of one all; for cause Which Cause he is not
ούκ έπαισχύνεται αδελφούς αυτούς καλείν, Brethren Jashamed to call Them
s o t he i s 21 sli<ixtxG d ΟΓΘΪΪΙΓΘΛ tnem t o c& 11 % ;
12 saying, §"I will
^λέγων Άπαγγελω το δνομά σου τοις "announce thy NAME to
saying; I will announce the name of thee to the "my BRETHREN ; in the
άδελφοίς μου, έν μέσφ εκκλησίας ύμνή- "Midst of the Congre-
b r e t h r e n ο ι ΙΪΙ13Θ ι i n m i d s t o f ο, c o n § r c ^ & t i o i i I ΜΓ i l l gation I will praisethee."
σω σε. ΚαΙ πάλιν* 'Εγώ εσομαι πεποι- 13 And again, §"I will
praise thee. And a g a i n : I w i l l be having
Οώς έπ' αΰτω* καΐ πάλιν 'Ιδού έγώ, και "confide in him." And
trusted in him; and again: Lo I, and again, $"Behold, I and
τά παιδία α μοι εδωκεν ό Θεός. ΈπεΙ "the CHILDREN whom
the children which t o m e save the God. Since
$"GOD gave Me."
ούν τά παιδία κεκοινώνηκε σαρκός καΐ 14 Since, then, the
then the children have been sharers of flesh and
CHILDREN have one com-
αίματος, καΐ αυτός παραπλησίως μετεσχε mon nature of *Blood and
blood· & 1 so he i u 1 ΐ ke m fin tie r partook Flesh, he $also, in like
των αυτών, Ενα διά τοΰ θανάτου manner, partook of these;
of the of them, so that by means of the death
$in order that, by means
κατάργηση τον τό κράτος £χοντα of his DEATH, he might
be might make powerless him the strength having vanquish HIM POSSESSING
τοΰ θανάτου, τοϋτ' £στι τον διάβολον, ^καί t h e POWER Of DEATH
άπαλλάξη τούτους όσοι φόβω θανάτου that is, the ENEMY—
jxii^ht set free them sis xxisny AS by fe&i* of de&th 15 and might liberate
διά παντός τοΰ ζην ένοχοι ήσαν δουλείας. THOSE who, |by Fear of
through all of the l i f e h e l d in w e r e s l a v e r y . Death, were throughout
αγγέλων έπιλαμβάνε- their Whole LIFE held in
Ού γάρ δήπου
Kot for in any manner of messengers he takes 16 ±Besides, he does not
ται, αλλά σπέρματος 'Αβραάμ επιλαμβάνεται. in any way take hold of
hold, but of seed of Abraam he takes hold. Angels, but he takes hold
ώφειλε κατά πάντα τοις άδελ- of 17 the Seed of Abraham ;
"Οθεν hence, he was obliged
φοΐς δμοιοοθηναι, tva ελεήμων γένη-
ren to be made like, so that merciful he might to be assimilated to his
ται καΐ πιστός άρχιερεύς τά προς τόν BRETHREN in all things,
be and faithful high—priest the things AS to the so that he might be | a
θεόν, εις τό Ιλάσκεσθαι τάς άμαρ- Merciful and Faithful
Crody In order to the to expiate the sins High priest as to things
τΐας τοΰ λαοΰ. 18
Έν φ relating
γάρ πέπον- to EXPIATE the SINS to GOD, in order
θεν αυτός πειρασθείς, δύναται the PEOPLE.
suffered himself having been tried, he is able 18 For by what he has
τοις πειραζομένοις βοηθήσαι. suffered, having been
to those being tried to render aid. tried, $he is able to as-
sist THOSE who are TRIED.
ΚΕΦ. γ ' . 3.
^Όθεν, αδελφοί άγιοι, κλήσεως έπουρα- CHAPTER III.
Whence, brethren holy, of a calling heaven- 1 Therefore, holy Breth-
ren, Associates of a heav-
νίου μέτοχοι κατανοήσατε τόν άπό- enly ^Calling, attentively
ly partakers do you attentively regard the regard Jesus, $the APOS-
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 4 . Blood and Flesh.
± 1 6 . Or, "For truly i t , " i. e. the fear of death, or death itself, "does not lay hold of"
or seize on "angels, but of the seed of Abraham it does lay hold."—TJicolog. Rep. and
t 11. Heb. x. 10, 14. t 11. Matt, xxviii. 10; John xx. 1 7 ; Bora. viii. 29. ί 12.
Psa. xxii. 22, 25. t 13. Psa. xviii. 2; Isa. xii. 2. $ 13. Isa. viii. 18. t 13. John
x. 2 9 ; xvii. 6, 9, 11, 12. X 14. John i . 14; Rom. viii. 3 ; P h i l . i i . 7. ί 14. 1
Cor. xv. 5 4 , 5 5 ; Col. i i . 1 5 ; 2 Tim. i . 10. ί 15. Luke i . 74; Rom. viii. 15;
2 Tim. i . 7. $ 17. Heb. iv. 1 5 ; v. 1,2. $ 1 8 . H e b . vii. 2 5 . t l.Rom.
i . 7; 1 Cor. i . 2 ; Eph. iv. 1; Phil. i i i . 14; 2 Thess i . 1 1 ; 2 Tim. i . 9 ; 2 P e t .
i . 10. J l . R o m . xv. 8 ; Heb. i i . 17, etc.
Chap. 3:2.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 3:12.
στολον καΐ αρχιερέα της ομολογίας ημών, TLE and High-priest of
apostle and high-priest of the profession οι us, OUr CONFESSION ;
Ίησουν πιστόν δντα τφ ποιήσαν- to 2 who it» Faithful
τι αυτόν, ώς καΐ Μωϋσής έν * [δλω] him, even as $Moses was
pointed him, as even Moses in [whole] in his HOUSE.
τω οϊκω αΰτοΰ. 3Πλείονος γαρ ούτος δόξης 3 For he has been es-
the house of him. Of more for this glory teemed worthy of More
Glory than Moses, as
παρά Μωϋσήν ήξίωται, καθ' δσον much as the BUILDER has
than Moses has been esteemed worthy, so far as More Honor than the
πλείονα τιμήν έχει τοϋ οίκου ό κα- HOUSE itself.
more honor he has of the bouse the one 4 (For every House is
built by some one; but
τασκευάσας αυτόν. *(Πάς γαρ οίκος κα- | H E HAVING BUILT all
having built itself. (Every for house is things is God.)
τασκευάζεται υπό τίνος* ό δέ · * [τά] 5 And Moses, indeed,
built by some one; he but [the thingsj was faithful in his Whole
HOUSE, as $a Servant,
πάντα κατασκευάσας, Θεός.) 5ΚαΙ Μωϋσής $for a Testimony of the
all having built, God.) And Moses THINGS to be SPOKEN ;
μέν πιστός έν δλω τώ οίκω αύτοϋ, ώς 6 but Christ as a Son
indeed faithful in whofe to'the house of him, asover his HOUSE, $ Whose
House we are, if we should
•θεράπων, είς μαρτύριον τών λαληθη- hold fast $the CONFI-
a servant, for a testimony of the things going DENCE and the EXULTA-
β TION of the HOPE.
σομένων Χριστός δέ, ώς υΙός έπΐ τον as the 7 Therefore,
HOLY SPIRIT says, $"To-
οίκον αύτοϋ· ού
οίκος έσμέν ημείς, έάν- "day, if you will hear his
hold i of him; of
house whom a house are we, ri tif "VOICE,
τό &γιον·
περ παρρησίαν έάν
την Σήμερον. καΐ της
τό φωνής
τής 8 "harden not your
the the confidence
To-day,' if
and the boasting
the voice ofof him
8 "HEARTS, as in the BIT-
άκούσητε, μή τέλους
ελπίδος * [μέχρι σκληρύνητε τάς κατάσχω-
βεβαίαν] καρδίας "TER PROVOCATION, in
you w i l l hear not you should, harden the hearts
hope [till end firm] we should "the DAY of the TRIAL
υμών, ώς 7έν τώ παραπικρασμφ, κατά την "in the DESERT ;
μεν. Διό, καθώς λέγει τό πνεϋμα
ήμέραν τοΰ πειρασμοί) έν xft έρήμω, 6οδ "THERS 9 "where your FA-
day of the temptation in the desert, not tried, proved, and
έπείρασάν *[με] ol πατέρες υμών, έδοκίμα- " WORKS Forty
tempted [me] the fathers of you, proved
σάν *[με,] καΐ είδον τά έργα μου, τεσ- "provoked 10 "Therefore, I was
with *that
[me,] and saw the works of me, "GENERATION, and said,
προσώχθισα " 'They always err in
οαράκοντα έτη· διό
forty years; therefore I was provoked " 'HEART ;' but they did
"not acknowledge my
τη γενεφ εκείνη, καΐ είπον 'Αεί "WAYS ;
with τη
the generation καρδία*
that, and αυτοί
said; δέAlways
ούκ 11 "so I swore in my
they wander in the heart; they but not "INDIGNATION—Ί f they
έγνωσαν τάς οδούς ΐ',ου· α1ώς ώμοσα " 'shall enter my REST !' "
they acknowledged the ways me; so I swore 12 Beware, Brethren,
έν τη όργη μου· ΕΙ είσελεύσονται είς την lest there should ever
in the wrath of me; If they shall enter into the be in any one of you an
κατάπαυσίν μου. 12Βλέπετε, αδελφοί, μήπο- evil, Disbelieving Heart,
rest of me. Take you heed, brethren, lest by APOSTATIZING from the
τε έσται έν τινι υμών καρδία πονηρά Jiving God;
ever shall be In any one of you' a heart evil
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. Whole—omit. 4. the things—omit. 6. Firm to the
3 — o m i t . 9. m e —omit twice. 10. this GENERATION.
$ 2 N i 7 5 ί iii 9
Chap. 3:13.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 4:3.
απιστίας, έν τφ άποστήναι άπό θεοΰ ζώντος· 13 but exhort each
of unbelief, in the to fall away from God living: other every Day, while it
λά παρακαλείτε εαυτούς κ α θ ' έκάστην is called TO-DAY, SO t h a t
but do you exhort yourselves in each no one among you may
ήμέραν, αχρις οδ τό σήμερον καλείται, be hardened by a Delu-
day, t i l l of which the to-day i t is called, sion of SIN ;
Ινα μή σκληρυνθη έξ υμών τις 14 for we have become
so that not may be hardened from of you any oneAssociates of the ANOINT-
άπάνη της αμαρτίας. "Μέτοχοι γαρ ED, §if indeed we hold
by a delusion of the sin. Partakers for fast the BEGINNING of
τοϋ Χρίστου γεγόναμεν, έάνπερ την our CONFIDENCE firm to
the End.
αρχήν της υποστάσεως μέχρι τέλους 6ε- 15 With regard to the
beginning of the confidence till an end firm
DECLARATION — $ "To-day,
βαίαν κατάσχωμεν. 1 5 Έ ν τ φ λέγεσί>αι·
we hold fast. In respect to the to be said; "if you should hear his
Σήμερον, έάν της φωνής αύτοΰ άκούσητε· "voice, harden not your
To-day, if the voice of him you may hear; "HEARTS, as in the BIT-
μή σκληρύνητε τάς καρδίας υμών, ώς έν τώ "TER PROVOCATION ; "
16 §for who, having
not harden you the liourts of you» &s in. the
heard, did provoke? Did
παραπικρασμω. 1 β Τίνες γαρ άκούσαντες πα- not ALL those who CAME
b i t t e r x^rovoctiti on* So in Θ if Ο Γ h&v in£ Ii6Ard diet out from Egypt under
ρεπίκραναν; άλλ' ού πάντες ol εξελθόν- Moses ?
τες έξ ΑΙγύπτου διά Μωϋσέως; 1 7 Τί- 17 And with whom was
he displeased Forty
out from Egypt by means of Moses? With Years? Was it not with
Oh δέ προσώχθισε τεσσαράκοντα δτη; ουχί THOSE Who SINNED?
τοίς άμαρτήσασιν; ών τ ά κ ώ λ α $Whose CORPSES fell in
Turitli thoso liftvinjj sinned* οι wliom the inenibers the DESERT?
έ*πεσεν έν τχί έρήμφ. 1 8 Τίσι δέ ώμοσε 18 And §to whom did
f e l l in the desert. To whom but did he swear he swear t h a t they should
μή είσελεύσεσθαι εις τήν κατάπαυσιν αΰ- not enter his REST, if not
not to enter into the rest of tO t h e DISBELIEVING?
του, ει μή τοις άπειθήσασι; Καί
htmself, if not to those having disbelieved? And 19 $And we see That
βλέπομεν, δτι ουκ ήδυνήθησαν είσελθείν they were not able to en-
ter because of Unbelief.
δι' άπιστιαν. ΚΕΦ. δ ' . 4 . ιΦο-
βηθώμεν οδν, μήποτε, κατάλειπομένης έπαγ- 1 Therefore, §we may
may fear then, lest ever, being l e f t be afraid, lest at any time
γελίας είσελΟ^είν εις τήν κατάπαυσιν αύτοΰ, a Promise to enter his
f him, REST, being left, any one
δοκτ) τις έξ υμών ύστερηκέναι. among you should seem
should seem any one from of you to have failed. to come short of it.
K a i γάρ έσμεν εύηγγελισμέ-
addressed with glad 2 For we also have been
νοι, forκαθάπερ we are having beei
κάκείνοι· άλλ' ούκ ώφέ- evangelized even as they
tidings, even as also they; but not did were; but the WORD of
λησεν ό λόγος της ακοής εκείνους, μή συγ- the REPORT did not profit
profit the word of the hearing them, not hav- them, not being mingled
κεκραμένος xr\ πίστει τοίς άκούσασιν. with FAITH in the HEAR-
ing been mixed with the faith to those hearing. ERS.
Είσερχόμεθα γαρ εις τήν κατάπαυσιν ol 3 §We, however, HAV-
W e enter for into the rest those ING BELIEVED, enter the
REST ; according as he has
πιστεύσαντες, καθώς εϊρηκεν Ώ ς ώμοσα said, $"So I swore in my
caving believed, as he has said; So I swore "INDIGNATION — 'If they
έν τχι όργη μου* ΕΙ είσελευσονται εις τήν " 'shall enter my REST ;' "
in the wrath of me; If they shall enter into the
t 14. verse 6. t 1 5 . verse 7. $ 16. Num. xlv. 2 , 4 , 1 1 , 3 0 , 3 4 ; Deut. i . 3 4 , 3 6 ,
38. t 17. Num. xiv. 2 2 , 2 9 , e t c . ; xxvi. 6 5 ; P s a . cvi; 2 6 ; 1 Cor. x. 5 ; Jud.e 5 . I 1 8 .
Num. xiv. 3 0 ; Deut. i. 3 4 , 3 5 . % 19. Heb. iv. 6. $ 1. H e b . xii. 1 5 . ί 3 . H e b . i i i .
14. $ 3 . P s a . xcv. 1 1 ; H e b . i i i . 1 1 .
Chap. 4:4.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 4:12.
κατάπαυσίν μου· . καίτοι των έργων άπό namely, from the WORKS
rest of me; namely from the works from done at the Foundation
καταβολής κόσμου γεννηθέντων. Εϊ- of the World.
α laying down of a world having been done. It has 4 For it has been some-
ρηκε γάρ που περί της εβδόμης where spoken concerning
be. n spoken for somewhere concerning the seventh the SEVENTH day, thus,
$"And GOD rested on the
οίίτω· Και κατέπαυσεν ό Θεός έν τη ήμερα "SEVENTH day from all
t l)u si And rested the God in the day "his works."
τη εβδόμη άπό πάντων των έργων αύτοΰ·
the seventh from a l l of the works of h i m s e l f ; 5 And again, in this
κα1 έν τούτω πάλιν ΕΙ είσελεύσονται εις manner, "If they shall
"enter my REST/'
την κατάπαυσίν μου. β ΈπεΙ οδν άπολείπε-
the rest of me. Since then it is left 6 Since, then, it is left
ταί τινας είσελθείν είς αυτήν, καΐ ot πρό- for some to enter, | a n d
some to enter into her, and those THOSE who formerly re-
ceived glad tidings did
τερον εύαγγελισθέντες ουκ είσ- not enter on account of
ηλθον having received glad tidings
άπείθειαν 7 not τινά
πάλιν Unbelief,—
7 he again defines a cer-
ορίζει ήμέραν, Σήμερον, έν Δαυίδ, λέ- tain Day, "To-day,M say-
he defines a day, To-day, by David, say-
ing by David, after So
γων, μετά τοσούτον χρόνον (καθώς εϊρη- long a Time, (as *it has
ing, after so long a time; (as it has
been said before,) $"To-
ται·) Σήμερον, έάν της φωνής αύτοΰ "day, if you will hear his
"VOICE, harden not your
άκούσητε, μή σκληρύνητε τάς καρδίας ύ-
you may8 hear, not harden you the hearts of "HEARTS."
μών. Ei γάρ αυτούς 'Ιησούς κατέπαυσεν, 8 For if Joshua caused
Them to rest, he would
ούκ αν περί άλλης έλάλει μετά not, subsequently, have
spoken of Another Day.
ταϋτα ημέρας. "Αρα απολείπεται σαβ- 9 Therefore, a Sabbath-
1 0 rest remains for the PEO-
βατισμός τφ λαφ τοϋ Θεοΰ. Ό PLE of GOD.
ing of a. sabbath for the people of the God. The 10 For HE HAVING EN-
γάρ ε!σελ#ών εις την κατάπαυσιν αύ-
for one having entered into the . rest of TERED his REST, will also
του, καΐ αυτός κατέπαυσεν άπό των έργων himself rest from his
Ju i ΤΪΧ | & 1 s ο h i ΓΏ s e l f cuused t o r e s t f r o in t h e w ο r k s WORKS, like as GOD from
αυτοί), ώσπερ άπό των Ιδίων ό Θεός. HIS OWN.
of himself, I ike as from the own the God.
31 11 Let us earnestly en-
Σπουδάσωμεν ούν είσελθείν deavor, therefore, to enter
TVe should earnestly endeavor therefore to enter That REST, that no one
ε!ς έκείνην τήν κατάπαυσιν, ινα μή έν may fall §by the SAME
into that the rest, so that not by Example of UNBELIEF.
αύτφ τις ύποδείγματι πέστ] της άπει-
same any one example may fall of the un- 12 For the WORD of
θείας. 12
Ζών γάρ ό λόγος τοΰ Θεοΰ, GOD is $living, and ener-
belief. Living for the word of the God, getic, and §more cutting
καΐ ενεργής, καΐ τομώτερος υπέρ πάσαν than Any $two-edged
anci energetic, and more cutting beyond every Sword, cutting through
μάχαιραν δίστομον, καΐ διϊκνούμενος άχρι even to a Separation of
sword two-mouthed, even cutting through to Life and Breath, and of
μερισμού ψυχής * [τε] καΐ πνεύματος, αρμών Joints and Marrow, §and
able to judge the Thoughts
καΐ μ\*ελών, καΐ κριτικός έν- and Intentions of the
ft ιι d of in & r ι* ο Λν & f & n d flole t o j u d § e ofHeart;
VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 7 . it has been said before. 12. both—omit.
t 4. Gen. ii. 2 ; Exod. xx. 1 1 ; xxxi. 17. t 6. Heb. iij. 19. i 7. Psa. xcv. 7;
F^b. i i i . 7. t l l . H e b . i i i . I s ! , 18, 1 9 . t 12. lsa. xlix. 2; Jer. xxiii. 29; 2
Co-, x. 4, 5 ; 1 Pet. i. 23. $ 12. Prov. v. 4. $ 12. Eph. vi. 17; Bev. i. 16; 11. 18.
$ 12. 1 Cor. xiv. 24, 2 5 ,
CHap. 4:13.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 5:5.
6-υμήσεων καΐ εννοιών καρδίας*κα1 ούκ 13 §and no Creature is
thoughts and of intentions of heart; and not concealed in his sight,
έ'στι κτί,σις αφανής ενώπιον αύτοϋ, but all things are naked
is a creature out of sight in presence of him,
and §exposed to his EYES,
πάντα 5έ γυμνά και τετραχηλισμένα whose WORD is addressed
a l l things but naked and having been laid open
to us.
τοίς δφθαλμοΐς αύτοΰ, προς δν ήμίν ό 14 Having, therefore, $a
to the eyes of him, with whom for us the
great High-priest, $who
λόγος, has passed through the
HEAVENS, Jesus, the SON
"Εχοντες οδν αρχιερέα μέγαν, διελ,η- of GOD, $we should firmly
Having therefore a high-priest great, having
retain the CONFESSION.
λυθότα τους ουρανούς, Ίησοΰν τον υΐόν τοΰ 15 For §we have not
passed through the heavens, Jesus the son of the
θεοΰ, κρατώμεν της ομολογίας. Ού
a15 High-priest unable to
God, we should lay hold of the profession. Not
s y m p a t h i z e with our
WEAKNESSES ; but one
γάρ εχομεν αρχιερέα μή δυνάμενον συμπα-
for we have a high-priest not being able to suffer Shaving been tried in all
θήσαι ταίς άσθενείαις ημών, πεπειρα-
respects like ourselves,
with the weaknesses of us, having been §apart from Sin.
€?μένον δέ κατά πάντα κ α θ ' όμοιο fore, 16 §We should there-
tempted but in a l l things according to a like-
approach with Con-
τητα, χωρίζ αμαρτίας.

Προσερχώμεθα fidence to the THRONE of
«Less, apart from sin. We should come FAVOR, that we may re-
οΰν μετά παρρησίας τώ θρόνω της ceive Mercy and Favor
for seasonable help.
χάριτος, Ινα λάβωμεν ελεον, καΐ χάριν
ϊ may receive mercy, and favor
fa vor, so that

*{έ{$ρωμεν] εις εΰκαιρον βοήθεια" ΚΕΦ. 1 For Every High-priest

[we may find] for seasonable help. having been taken from
ε ' . 5.
Π ά ς γάρ άρχιερεύς έξ άνθρώ-
Men is appointed in behalf
Every for high priest from men of Men, over THINGS re-
ηων λαμβανόμενος, υπέρ ανθρώπων
lating to GOD, $that he
having been taken, on behalf of men may offer both Gifts and
«αθίσταται τά προς τόν Θεόν, Sacrifices for Sins,
2 being able to deal
is placed over the things relating to the God,
ίνα προσφέρχι δώρα τε καΐ θυσίας gently with the IGNORANT
so that he may offer gifts both and sacrifices and Erring, since he him-
Φπέρ αμαρτιών 2
μετριοπαθείν δυνά- self is also surrounded by
<m behalf of sins; to suffer a measure being Infirmity;
μένος τοις άγνοοΰσι καΐ πλανωμένοις, 3 and §on this account,
able with the ignorant ones and erring ones, as for the PEOPLE, SO
έπεί και αυτός περίκειται άσθένειαν ^ α ΐ also for himself, he is
since also himself surrounds weakness; and
obliged to offer *for Sins.
$ιά ταύτην οφείλει, καθώς περί τοΰ 4 §And no one takes
on account of this i t is fitting, as concerning the the HONOR on Himself,
λαου1, οΰτω καΐ περί έαυτοΰ προσφέ- but he BEING CALLED by
people, so also concerning
4 himself to offer GOD, even as $ Aaron was.
ρειν υπέρ αμαρτιών. Kai ούχ έαυτώ τις 5 $And thus the
on behalf of sins. And not to himself any one
ANOINTED one did not
λαμβάνει τήν τιμήν, αλλά καλούμενος ΰπό glorify himself to become
takee the honor, but be being" called by
a High-priest; but H E
του θεοί), καθάπερ καΐ *Ααρών. O;iftra> καΐ who SPOKE concerning
the God, as even Aaron. Thus and him, §"Thou a r t my Son,
6 Χριστός ούχ εαυτόν έδόξασεν γενηθηναι 'To-day have I begotten
the Anointed not himself did glorify to become "thee."

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.-—16\ we may find—omit. 3. concerning Sins.

$ 13. Psa. xxxiii. 13, 1 4 ; xc. 8 ; exxxix. 11, 12. t 1 3 . Job xxvi. 6 ; xxxiv. 2 1 ;
Prov. xv. 1 1 . t 14. Heb. i i i . 1. t 14. Heb. vii. 2 6 ; ix. 12, 24. t 14. Heb. x . 2 3 .
t 1 5 . H e b . i i . 1 8 . t 15. Luke xxii. 28. t 2 1 . 2 Cor. v. 2 1 ; Heb. vii. 2 6 ; 1 Pet.
ii. 2 2 ; 1 John i i i . 5 . ί 16. Eph. ii. 1 8 ; i i i . 1 2 ; Heb. x. 19, 2 1 , 22. t 1. Heb.
viii. 3, 4 ; ix. 9 ; x. 1 1 . t 3 . Lev. iv. 3 ; ix. 7 ; xvi. 6, 15, 1 7 ; vii. 27. ί 4 . 2
Cbron. xxvi. 1 8 ; John i i i . 2 7 . % A. Exod. xxviii. 1 ; Num. xvi. 5, 4 0 ; 1 Chron.
- B i l l . 1 3 . % S. Jofcn Tiii. 54. % 5, Psa. i i . 7 ; Heb. i . 6. .
Chap. 5:6.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 6 : 1 .
αρχιερέα, άλλ' δ λαλήσας προς αυτόν 6 as also in another
a high priest, but the one having spoken to him; place he says, §"Thou
Ylog μου εί συ, έγώ σήμερον γεγέννηκά "art a Priest for the AGE,
A son of me a r t thou, I to-day have begotten "according to the ORDER
σε· καθώς καΐ έν έτέρω λέγει· Σύ Ιερεύς "of Melchizedek."
7 He (who in the DAYS
εις τ ο ν αΙώνα, κατά τ η ν τ ά ξ ι ν Μελ-
of his FLESH, having gof-
χισεδέκ. " Ο ς έ ν τ α ί ς ή μ έ ρ α ι ς τ η ς σαρκός fered up both Prayers and

Melchizedek. Who in the days of the flesh Supplications, $Crying a-

αύτοΰ, δεήσεις τε καΐ Ικετηρίας προς τον loud with Tears to HIM
of himself, prayers both and supplications to him who was ABLE to deliver
δυνάμενον σώζειν αυτόν έκ θανάτου, μετά him out of Death, and was
Ο© 1 Ώ.^3 ilfo I © t o {ΧβΙΐνβΓ h i HI OH t O f CL6 & t i l j ΛΛΓ 1 t i l heard for his DEVOTION,)
κραυγής Ισχυρας καΐ δακρύων 8 $though, being a Son,
learned ^OBEDIENCE from
καΐ εισακουσθείς άπό της ευλάβειας, what he suffered ;
and having beei* heard from the piety,
8 9 and $having been per-
(καίπερ ων υΙός,) δμαθεν,
άφ' ων
hings fected, became a Cause of
έπαθε, την ύπακοήν κα1 τελειω- aionian
9 Salvation to all
ho suffered, the obedience; and having been THOSE who OBEY him ;
θείς έγένετο τοις ύπακούουσιν αύτφ 10 having been declared
perfected he became to those obeying
him by GOD, a High-priest,
πάσιν αίτιος σωτηρίας αΙωνίου, προσα- ^according to the ORDER
toall a cause of salvation age-lasting, having
of Melchizedek ;
γορευθείς ύπό του Θεοΰ άρχιερεύς κατά
been declared by the God a high-priest according to 11 concerning, whom in
Our DISCOURSE §we have
την τάξιν Μελχισεδέκ. ^ΠερΙ οδ
the order of Melchizedek. Concerning whom Much to say, and of dif-
πολύς ήμίν ό λόγος καΐ δυσερμήνευτος
ficult interpretation, since
you have become sluggish
great to us the word and hard to be explained HEARERS.
λέγειν, έπΐΐ νωθροί γεγόνατε 12 For even when you
ταίς άκοαίς. ΚαΙ γάρ £φείλοντες είναι ought, by this TIME, to be
in the hearing. Even for being obiigated to be Teachers, you again have
διδάσκαλοι διά τόν χρόνον, πάλιν Need of one to TEACH you
χρείαν έ"χετε του διδάσκειν ύμας, τίνα τά of the ORACLES of GOD;
need you have of the to teach you, certain the and have become such as
στοιχεία της αρχής τών λογίων του have Need of $Milk, and
elements of the beginning of the not of Solid Food.
of the oracles

Θεου* και γεγόνατε χρείαν έχοντες γά- 13 EVERY ONE, how-

ever, PARTAKING of Milk,
λακτος, και ού στερεάς τροφής. Π α ς γάρ is unskilled in the Word

of milk, and not of solid food. Everyone for of Righteousness; for he

ό μετέχων γάλακτος, άπειρος λόγου δι- is §an Infant;
the partaking of milk, unskilled of a word of
καιοσύνης* νήπιος γάρ ^στι· 14
τελείων 14 but the SOLID F^ood
righteousness; a babe for
δέ έστι ή στερεά he is; των
τροφή, for perfect την is
διάones for Adults^-for THOSE
possessing FACULTIES HA-
but is the solid food, for those by the
£ξιν τά αίσθητήρια γεγυμνασμένα BITUALLY EXERCISED §ίθΓ
habit the perceptions
the discrimination both of
having been exercised
Good and Evil.
εχόντων προς διάκρισιν καλοϋ τε καΐ
having for a discrimination of good both and CHAPTER VI.
ΚΕΦ. σ τ ' . 6. ^ ι ό αφέντες
Therefore leaving 1 Therefore, §leaving
$ 6. Psa. ex. 4 ; Heb. vii. 17, 21. % 7. Matt. xxvi. 39, 42, 4 4 ; Mark xlv. 36, 3 9 ;
John xvii. 1. % 7. Psa. xxii. 1; Matt, xxvii. 4 6 , 5 0 ; Mark xv. 34, 37. t 8. Heb.
i i i . 6. t 8 . Phil. i i . 8. t 9. Heb. ii. 1 0 ; xi. 40. % 10. verse 6 ; Heb. vl. 20.
$ 1 1 . John xvi. 1 2 ; 2 P e t . l i i . 16. t 12. Heb. vi. 1. $ 1 2 . 1 Cor. iii. 1-3.
t 13. 1 Cor. xili. 1 1 ; xiv. 2 0 ; Eph. iv. 1 4 ; 1 P e t . i i . 2 . $ 14. Isa. vii. 1 5 ; 1 Cor.
ii. 14, 15. % 1. Phil. i i i . 12-14; Heb. v. 12.
Chap, 6:2.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 6:10.
τόν τής αρχής του Χριστοί) λόγον, the FIRST principles of the
the of the beginning of the Anointed word, DOCTRINE of the ANOINTED
έπΐ την τελειότητα φερώμεθα μή one, we should progress
towards MATURITY ; not
towards the perfection we should progress; not again laying down a Foun-
πάλιν θεμέλιον καταβαλλόμενοι μετανοίας
again a foundation laying down for reformation dation for Reformation
άπό νεκρών έ'ργων, καΐ πίστεως επί Θεόν, Death, from §Works causing
and of Faith in
from dead works, and of faith in God, God ;
6απτισμών διδαχής, επιθέσεως τε χειρών, 2 *of the §Doctrine of
of dippings teaching, of Laying on and of hands, Immersions, and of the
αναστάσεως τε νεκρών, καΐ κρίμα^ Jlmposition of Hands,
of a resurrection s and of dead ones, and of a judg-
τος αΙωνίου. Kal τοΰτο ποιήσομεν, έάνπερ and of §the Resurrection
ment age-lasting. And this we w i l l do,
if of the Dead, and of §the
έπιτρέπχι ό Θεός. Αδύνατον γ ά ρ , τους aionian Judgment.
may permit the God. Impossible for, those
3 And This we will do,
όίπαξ φωτισθέντας, γευσαμένους τε $if GOD should permit.
once having been enlightened, having tasted and 4 For THOSE $once EN-
τής δωρεάς τής επουρανίου, καΐ μετόχους LIGHTENED, and having
of the gift of the heavenly, and partakers
γενηθέντας πνεύματος αγίου, κα1 καλόν GIFT, and 5 tasted the HEAVENLY
having become of spirit holy, and good Jbecome Par-
γευσαμένους θεοΰ ρήμα, δυνάμεις τε μέλ- takers of holy Spirit,
having tasted of God word, powers and about Good Word of God and
5 and having tasted the
λοντος αιώνος, βκα1 παραπεσόντας, πάλιν the Powers of $the Com-
άνακαινίζειν είς μετάνοιαν, άνασταυιροΰν- ing Age,
to renew for reformation, having crucified 6 and having fallen
τας" έαυτοίς τόν υΐόν του θεού καΐ away, $it is impossible to
again for themselves the son of the God and renew again to Reforma-
παραδειγματίζοντας. ΤΓή γάρ ή ποιούσα tion, $they haying re-cru-
exposing ! to shame. Earth for that having drunk cified and are exposing to
τόν έπ αυτής «ολλάκις έρχόμενον ύετόν, contempt the SON of GOD.
the on ber often coming rain, 7 For That Land HAV-
καΐ τίκτουσα βοτάνην ευ*θετον έκείνοις, δι' ING IMBIBED the RAIN
and producing herbage useful to them, *-- frequently FALLING on it,
ους και γεωργεϊται, μεταλαμβάνει ευλογίας and producing Vegetation
whom also it is tilled, receives a blessing useful to those for whom
άπό του θεοΰ· 8έκφέρουσα δέ άκανθας καΐ also it is cultivated, re-
from the God; producing but thorns and ceives a Blessing from
τριβόλους, αδόκιμος καΐ κατάρας εγγύς, G O D ;• · •
thistles, rejected and a curse near, 8 $but that yielding
% τό τέλος εϊζ καΰσιν. Thorns and Thistles is
'. which the end "for burning.
disapproved, and near to
Πεπείσμεθα δέ περί υμών, a Curse; the END of
Having been persuaded you, which is for burning.
αγαπητοί, τα κρείττονα καΐ 9 But respecting you,
Ijelovecl ones* • tli© tilings b e t t e r fln ti Beloved, we confidently
μένα σωτήριας, •el καΐ οΰτω λα- hope for BETTER things,
of salvation, though even thus we even those connected with
possessed 10
λουμεν. Ού γάρ άδικος ό θεός, έπιλαθέ- Salvation, though even
epeak. Not for unjust the God, to be forget- thus we speak.
σθαι του ε*ργου υμών καΐ τής άγάπής, $\ 10 For GOD is not un-
ful of the work of yon and of the love, whic just, so as to be forgetful
ένεδείξασθε εις τό δνομα αύτον, διακονή- of tyour WORK, and the
you manifested for the name of him, having
LOVE which you man-
t 1. Heb. ix. 14. ί 2. Acts xix. 4, 5. t 2. Acts viii. 14-17; xix. 6. ί 2. Acts
xvii. 31, 32. ί 2. Acts xxiv. 2 5 ; Rom. ii. '16.
" % 3. A
' 3 Acts
t xviii. 11; 1 C
iii 11 Cor. iiv. 10.
t 4, Heb. x. 32. $ 4. Gal. iii. 2, 5; Heb. ii. 4. ί 5. Heb. i i . 5. t 6. Matt. xii.
31, 32; Heb. x. 26; 2 P e t i t 20. 2 1 ; 1 John v. 16. $ 6. Heb. x. 29. t 8. Isau v.
€. $ 10. 1 Thess. i. S. $ 10. Bom. xv. 2 5 ; 2 Cor. viii. 4 ; ix. 1, 12; 2 Tim. i. 18;
Chap. 6:11.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 6:20.
σαντες τοις δια,κονοϋντες. ifested for his NAME
άγίοις καΐ
ministered to the holy ones and are ministering. having served the SAINTS
Επιϋυμουμεν δέ, ε"καστον υμών την αυτήν and are serving.

We desire but, e&cli of you the same 11 But we earnestly de-

ένδείκνυσθαι σπουδήν προς τήν πληροφορ'ιαν sire each one of you to
to show diligence for the full assurance show the SAME Diligence
της ελπίδος άχρι τέλους* ΐνα μη νω- $for the FULL COMPLE-
of the hope till an end; so that not slug- TION of the HOPE to the
θροί γένησθε, μιμηταΐ δέ των End;
gish ones you may become, imitators but of those 12 in order that you may
διά πίστεως καΐ μακροθυμίας κληρονομούν- not become sluggish, but
Imitators of THOSE who
των τάς επαγγελίας. Τφ. γάρ 'Αβραάμ through Faith and Patient
the promises. To the f Abraam endurance ARE INHERIT-
έπαγγειλάμενος ό Θεός, έπεί κατ» ούδενός ING the PROMISES.
having promised the God, since by no one 13 For GOD having
είχε μείζονος όμόσαι, ώμοσε καθ* έαυτοΰ, promised ABRAHAM, since
ho Imd 2 r C£i t e r t o s w* GSXV ^ lie s w^ ore by hi m s 61 £ y he could swear by no one
λέγο>ν· Η μην εύλογων ευλογήσω σε, καΐ greater,
Τ §he swore by
saying: Surely blessing ιε
I w i l l bless thee, himself,
καΐ πληθύνων πληθύνω σε. ΚαΙ οΰτω
and m u l t i p l y i n g I w i l l m u l t i p l y thee. And s o
14 saying, "Surely,
"blessing I will bless
μακροθυμήσας επέτυχε της επαγγελίας, "thee, and multiplying I
having waited long he obtained the promise. "will multiply thee;"
16"Ανθρωποι * [μέν] γάρ κατά τοΰ μείζονος 15 and so, having
δμνύουσι, καΐ πάσης αύτοΐς άντιλογίας πέ- waited long, he obtained
swear, and a l l to them the PROMISE.
ntradictlon an 16 For Mec swear by
ρας εις βεβαίωσιν ό δρκος. 1 7 Έν φ περισ- the GREATER, and §the
OATH for Confirmation
σότερον βουλόμενος ό θεός έπιδείξαι τοίς terminates Every Dispute
abundantly wishing the God to show to the among them.
κληρονόμοις της επαγγελίας τό άμετάθε- 17 Therefore GOD, wish-
heirs of the promise the unchangeable-
ing to show more abun-
τον της βουλής αυτοί), έμεσίτευσεν 8ρ- dantly to $the HEIRS of
ness of the purpose of himself, interposed with
the PROMISE §the IMMU-
«ω, ^'ίνα διά δύο πραγμάτων αμετάθε- TABILITY of his PURPOSE,
interposed with an Oath;
των, έν οίς αδύνατον ψεύσασθαι θεόν, 18 so that by Two un-
able, In which impossible to deceive God, alterable Things, in which
Ιοχυράν παράκλησιν δχωμεν ol κα- it is impossible for God
strong consolation we might have those having to deceive, WE might have
Strong Consolation, HAV-
ταφυγόντες κρατησαι της προκειμένης ING FLED AWAY to lay
fled away 19to lay hold of the being placed before hold of the PROPOSED
ελπίδος· ήν ώς άγκυραν £χομεν της ψυχής HOPE,
hope; which as an a n c h o r we have of the life
19 which we have as an
άσφαλη τε καΐ βεβαίαν, καΐ είσερχομένην Anchor of the LIFE, both
sure both and firm, and entering sure and firm, and §en-
είς τό έσώτερον του καταπετάσματος, δπου tering the ±place WITHIN
Into the within the vail, where the VAIL,
πρόδρομος υπέρ ημών είσηλθεν Ίησοΰς, 20 § where Jesus, a
a forerunner on behalf of us entered Jesus,
Forerunner on our behalf,
κατά τήν τάξιν Μελχισεδέκ άρχιε- entered, §having become a
according to the order of Melchizedek a high- High-priest for the AGE,
ρεύς γενόμενος είς τόν αΙώνα. ΚΕΦ. according to the ORDER of
priest having become for the age. Melchizedek.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—16. indeed—omit.
± 1 9 . The word place is supplied. The Apostle evidently alludes to "the holy place
Within the vail." See Lev. xvi. 2.
t 1 1 . Col. ii. 2. t 13. Gen. xxii. 16, 17; Psa. cv. 9; Luke i. 73. 16. Exod.
xxii. 1 1 . ί 17. Heb. xi. 9. $ 17. Rom. xi. 29. t 19. Lev. xvi. 2, 1 5 ; H e b .
ix. 7. $ 20. Heb. iv. 14; viii. 1; ix. 24. $ 20. Heb. iii. 1; v. 6, 10; vii. I T .
Chap. 7:1.] HEBREWS. [Chap, 7:10.
£'. 7. ϊΟδτος γάρ ό Μελχισεδέκ, βασι- CHAPTER VII.
This for the Melchizedek, king
1 For This person,
λεύς Σαλήμ, Ιερεύς τοϋ Θεοΰ του ύψί- $MELCHIZEDEK, King of
of Salem, priest of the God of the most Salem, Priest of the MOST
στου, (ό συναντήσας 'Αβραάμ ύποστρέ- HIGH GOD, (HE who MET
high, (the one having met Abraam returning Abraham returning from
φοντι άπό της κοπής τών βασιλέων καΐ εύ- the DEFEAT of the KINGS,
from the smiting of the kings and hav-and blessed him,
λογήσας αυτόν, 2 φ καΐ δεκάτη ν άπό πάν- 2 to whom also Abra-
1HJJ Dx6SS6u JUIUI^ tO Whom &1SO £1 t>6Iltll f ΓΟΙΪΪ Of
ham divided a Tenth part
των έμέρισεν Αβραάμ,) πρώτον μέν έρμη- of all;) being translated,
all divided Abraam,) first indeed being indeed, first, King of
νευόμενος βασιλεύς δικαιοσύνης, έπειτα δέ Righteousness, and then
καΐ βασιλεύς Σαλήμ, (δ έστι, βασιλεύς εί- also, King of Salem, that
alpo a king of Salem, (which is, a king of is, King of Peace.
οήνης,) 3
άπάτωρ, άμήτωρ, άγε- 3 ± Without father, with-
peace,) without a father, without a mother, with- out mother, without gene-
νεαλόγητος, μήτε αρχήν ήμερων μήτε alogy, having neither a
Beginning of Days, nor
out a genealogy, neither a beginning of days nor an End of Life; but hav-
ζίοής τέλος ε*χων, άφωμοιωμένος δέ ing been made like to the
of life an end having, having been made like but SON of GOD, remains a
τφ υΐφ του θεοΰ, μένει Ιερεύς εις τό Priest PERPETUALLY.
to the son of4 the God, remains a priest for the 4 But consider how
διηνεκές. θεωρείτε δέ, πηλίκος οΰτος, great this person was, §to
continuance. Consider you but, how great this, whom even Abraham, the
φ καΐ δεκάτην 'Αβραάμ ε'δωκεν έκ τών PATRIARCH, gave a Tenth
to whom even a tenth Abraam gave out of the part of the SPOILS.
άκροθινίων, ό πατριάρχης. Β
ΚαΙ λαμβάνον-
ol μέν 5 And indeed §THOSE
έκ τών υΙών Λευΐ την Ιερατείαν of the SONS of Levi, who
from the sons of Levl the priesthood receiving,
τες, έντολήν £χουσι άποδεκατουν τόν RECEIVE t h e PRIESTHOOD,
A commandment . havo to tithe tho have a Commandment by
the LAW to tithe the PEO-
λαόν κατά τόν νόμον, τοΰτ' ε*στι, PLE, that is, their BRETH-
τους αδελφούς αυτών, καίπερ έξεληλυθότες REN, though they nave
the brethren of them, though having come come out of the LOINS of
έκ της όσφύος 'Αβραάμ· β ό δέ μή Abraham;
out of the loins of Abraam; he but not not 6 but H E whose PEDI-
γενεαλογούμενος έξ αυτών, δεδεκάτωκε from them, has tithed
Abraham, $and has
* [τόν] 'Αβραάμ, καΐ τόν Ιχοντα τάς blessed §HIM who HAD
• [the] Abraam, and the one having the the PROMISES.
επαγγελίας εύλόγηκε. τχωρίς δέ πάσης άντι- 7 And, beyond All Dis-
p r o m i s e s h e has b l e s s e d . W i t h o u t but a l l c o n t r a - pute, the INFERIOR is
λογίας, τό8 έ'λαττον ύπό του κρείττονος εύ- blessed by the SUPERIOR.
diction, theΚαΙ less <δΐ ; μέν the
by δεκάτας greater άποθνή-
is 8 And here, indeed,
blessed. And here indeed tithes dying
Men receive Tithes who
σκοντες άνθρωποι λαμβάνουσιν εκεί δέ, die; but there, one of
δ whom it is affirmed That
μαρτυροΰμενος δτι £fi. Καί, ώς Ιπος
being testified that he lives. And so a word he 9lives. And, (so to speak,)
είπείν, διά 'Αβραάμ καΐ Λευΐ ό even THAT Levi, who re-
ceives Tithes, has been
δεκάτας λαμβάνων δεδεκάτωται· δτι γάρ tithed through Abraham;
tithes receiving has been tithed; yet for 10 for he was yet in
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 6 . the—omit.
± 3 . Of whose father, mother, pedigree, birth, and death we hare no account.—
Waicefleld; who prefers this intelligible though free translation of the original to what
must appear a strange paradoxical account to common readers.—Improved Version.
% 1. Gen. xiv. 18, &c. ί 4. Gen. xiv. 20. % 5. Num. xviii. 2 1 , 2 6 . % 6. Gen.
xiv. 19, % 6. Bom. iv. 1 3 ; Gal. iii. 16.
CHop. 7:11.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 7:21·
έν τη όσφύϊ τοΰ πατρός ήν, δτε συνήν- the LOINS of his FATHER,
in the loins of the father he was,n
when met when MELCHIZEDEK met
τησεν αύτφ ό Μελχισεδέκ. E l οΰν him.
him the Melchizedek- If then 11 $If, then, Perfection
were through the LEVITI-
τελείωσις διά της Αευίτικής Ιερωσύνης ή"ν· CAL Priesthood, (for with
(Λ λαός γαρ through the Levitical priesthood was; it the PEOPLE had re-
(the people for π' avrfi νενομοθέτητο·) τΙς
ith her law had received;) what ceived the law,) Wnat
Need was there yet for
ϊτι χρεία, κατά τήν τάξιν Μελχισε- Another Priest to arise
according to the ORDER of
δέκ δτερον άν'ιστασθαι Ιερέα, καΐ ού Melchizedek, and not to
be named according to the
κατά τήν τάξιν 'Ααρών λέγεσθαι; ^Ms- ORDER of Aaron?
according to the order of Aaron to be named? 12 For the PRIESTHOOD
τατιθεμένης γάρ της Ιερωσύνης, έξ άνάγ- being changed, of Neces-
Being changed for the priesthood, from necessi- sity, a change of Law
κης * [καΐ νόμου] μετάθεοις γίνεται. 1 3 Έ φ ' also occurs.
ty [also of law] a change occurs. Concerning 13 For he concerning
δν γάρ λέγεται ταύτα, φυλής έτέ- whom these things are
wliom for is spoken these things, of Λ tribe an- spoken has partaken of
ρας μετέσχηκεν, άςρ' ής ουδείς another Tribe, from which
no one has attended at
other has been a partaker, from which no one
προσέσχηκε τφ θυσιαστηρίω* πρόδηλον γάρ, the ALTAR ;

has attended to the altar; * evident for, 14 for it is very plain

δτι έξ 'Ιούδα άνατέταλκεν ο Κύριος ημών, That $our LORD has
that from Juda has sprung the Lord of ua, sprung from Judah, re-
specting Which Tribe Mo-
εις fiv φυλήν ουδέν περί Ιερω-
ses spoke Nothing con-
rospecting which tribe nothing concerning prJest- cerning Priesthood.
σύνης Μωϋσής έλάλησε. ^ΚαΙ περισσότερον
hood Moses spoke. And more 15 And it is yet more
£τι κατάδηλόν έστιν, el κατά * [τήν] p l a i n l y manifest, if
yet evident it is, if according to Ethel another Priest arises ac-
ομοιότητα Μελχισεδέκ άνίσταται, Ιερεύς §τε- cording to the Likeness
likeness of Melchizedek arises a priest an- of Melchizedek;
ρο$, 1β
δς ού κατά νόμον έντο- 16 who has become so,
other, who not according to a law of a com- not according to a fleshly
Command, but according
λής σαρκίνης γέγονεν, αλλά ?«ατά
to t h e Power of an im-
mandment fleshly has become, but according to
δύναμιν ζωής ακατάλυτου. 17Μαρτυρεί γάρ· perishable Life.
a power of l i f e enduring. It testifies far; 17 For *it is testified,
"Οτι σύ Ιερεύς είς τόν αΙώνα κατά τήν i"Thou a r t a Priest for
"the AGE, according to the
That thou a priest for 1 8the age according to the
τάξιν Μελχισεδέκ. Ά$έτησις μέν γάρ "ORDER of Melchizedek."
order of Melchizedek. An abrogation indeed for 18 For indeed an Abro-
γίνεται προαγούσης εντολής, gation of the Preceding
takes place of a preceding commandment, Commandment takes place,
διά τό αυτής ασθενές καΐ άνωφε- on account of its $being
on account of the her weakness and unpront- WEAK and unavailing;
λές· 19 for the §LAW per-
(ούδέν γάρ έτελείωσεν 6 νόμος·) έπει- fected Nothing; but is an
(no thing for perfected the law;) after Introduction of $a Better
σαγωγή δέ κρείττονος ελπίδος, δι' ·ζς Hope, through which we
introduction but of a better hope, through which draw near to GOD.
έγγίζομεν τφ Θεφ. 20 ΚαΙ καθ' δσον ού 20 And inasmuch as i t
we draw near to the God. And in as much as not wasiiot without an Oath,—
χωρίς ορκωμοσίας* (ol μέν γάρ χωρίς 21 for they, indeed,
without swearing; (they indeed for without
ορκωμοσίας είσΐν Ιερείς γεγονότες·
also of Law—omit. 15. the—omit. 17. it is testi-
swearing are priests having become; he but
t 11. Gal. ii. 2 1 ; verses 18, 19; Heb. viii. 7. $ 14. Isa. xi. 1; Matt. i. 3 ; Luke
iii. 3 3 ; Rom. i. 3 ; Rev. v. 5. t 17. Psa. ex. 4; Heb. v. 6, 10; vi, 2 0 . $ 1 8 .
Rom. viii. 3 ; Gal. iv. 9. t 10. Acts xiii. 3 9 ; Rom. iii. 20, 21, 2 8 : viii. 3 ; Gal.
ii. 16; Heb. ix. 9. $ 19. Heb. vi. 18; viii. 6 .
ϋίιαρ. 7:22.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 8:Χ.
μετά ορκωμοσίας, διά του λέγοντος προς have become Priests, with-
with swearing through the one saying to out an Oath ; but HE with
αυτόν "Ωμοσε Κύριος, καΐ ού μεταμεληφή- an Oath, through HIM who
him; Swore a Lord, and not w i l l change; says to him, §"The Lord
σεται. Σύ Ιερεύς εις τόν αιώνα * [κατά "swore, and will not
Thou a priest for the age [according to "change, 'Thou art a
την τάξιν Μελχισεδέκ·]) ^κατά τοσούτον " 'Priest for the AGE.' " —
the order of Melchizedek;]) by so much 22 but by so much Has
κρείττονος διαθήκης γεγονεν Εγγυος Ίησοϋς. Jesus become a Pledge of
a Better Covenant.
SBKal ol μέν, πλείονες είσι γεγονότες 23 And, indeed, THOSE
And they indeed, many are having become having become Priests are
Ιερείς, διά τό θανάτφ κωλύεσθαι πα-
prlests, on account of the death to be hindered to many, on account of be-
ing HINDERED by Death to
ραμένειν 24ό δε, διά τό μένειν αύ- continue;
continue; he but, on account of the to continue
τόν εΙς τόν αΐ&να, άπαράβατον έχει τήν 24 but HE, on account
of his CONTINUING for the
χι 1 ΧΧΧ f o r
the &&^$ uncliflii§©flb 1 β ΧΙΘ j^sts tlxei
AGE, possesses the PRIEST-
Ιερωσΰνην ^δθεν καΐ σώζειν είς τό παν- HOOD which changes n o t ;
priestl*ood; hence and to save for the eom- 25 and, hence, he is able
τελές δύναται τους προσερχόμενους δι' αν~to save COMPLETELY
pletely i s able those drawing near through him
χοϋ τω θεω, πάντοτε ζών, είς τό GOD through him, always
to the God, always living, in order to the living $to INTERPOSE on
έντυγχάνειν υπέρ αυτών. Τοιοΰτος γάρ ήμίν their behalf.
interpose in behalf of them. Such for to us 26 For such a High-
επρεπεν άρχιερεύς, όσιος, άκακος, άμί- priest *also was proper
Was proper a high-priest, holy, free from sin, un- for Us,—$holy, harmless,
αντος, κεχωρισμένος άπό των άμαρ- undefiled, separated from
etilllieiij XlftViu^ OG^Il S 6 J)£l F £1V Q U ΙΓΟΙΪ1 til θ g 1Π" SINNERS, and having be-
•τωλων, καΐ υψηλότερος των ουρανών γενόμε- come $more exalted than
aers, and more exalted of the heavens having
νος' 8ς ούκ £%ει καθ* ήμέραν ανάγκην, the HEAVENS,-—
.become; who not has every day necessity, 27 one who has not
ot αρχιερείς, πρότερον ρον υπέρ τών daily Necessity, like the
the high-priests, first
fit on behalf of the
HIGH PRIEST, §first, to
Ιδίων αμαρτιών θυσίας άναφέρειν, ίίπειτα offer Sacrifices for their
own sins sacrifices to offer, * then
OWN SINS, Jthen for
τών του λαού· τοΰτο γάρ έποίησεν εφά- THOSE of the PEOPLE ; for
παξ, εαυτόν άνενέγκας. Ό νόμος γάρ άν- tThis he did once for all,
2 8

having offered Himself.

once, himself offered. The law for men 28 For the LAW ap-
θρώπους καθίστησιν αρχιερείς, έχοντας άσθέ- points §Men High-priests,
appoints high-priests, having weak- having Weakness ; but the
νειαν ό λόγος δε της ορκωμοσίας της WORD Of THAT OATH,
jness; the word but of-the swearing of that which was after the LAW,
a Son, §who has been
μετά τόν νόμον, υίόν είς τόν αΙώνα τετελειω- perfected for the AGE.
μένον. ΚΕΦ. η ' . 8» CHAPTER VIII.
been perfected A head thing 1 The chief thing, how-
δέ έοιΐ τοίς λεγομένοις, τοιούτον ϊίχομεν άρ- ever, among THOSE we are
but to those being spoken, such we have a high- discussing is, that we have
χιερέα, 8ς έκά^ισεν έν δεξι§ το© θρόνου Such a High-priest, §who
priest, who sat down at right of the throne sat down at the Right
της μεγαλοσύνης έν τοίς οΰρανοίς, 2τόδν hand of the THRONE of the
of the majesty in the heavens, of the MAJESTY in the HEAVENS;
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.— 2. and—omit. 4. If then. 4. the PRIESTS—omit.
also was proper.
* L 2 1 · ^ 1 · , 0 * · 4 · * * 2 5 · B o t a · T l l l i 3 4 ^ Ϊ Tim. ii. 5 ; Heb. ix. 2 4 ; 1 John ii. 1.
t 26. Heb. iv. 15. $ 26\ Eph. i . 20; i v . ' l G ; Heb. yiii. 1. t 27. L e ^ ix. 7;
wrt 6j2 %
Heb..2 v,8
3 ; ix. 7. t 27. her. xvi. 15. $ 27. Bom. vi. 10; Heb. ix. 12, 2 8 ;
H e b
?« \ 'π - · v. 1,2. % 2 8 . Heb. ii. 10; v. 9. $ 1. Eph. 1. 2 0 ; Col.
iii. 1; Heb. i. 3 ; x. 12; xii. 2.
Chap. 8:2.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 8:9.
αγίων λειτουργός, καΐ της σκηνής 2 a Minister of $the
holy things a public servant, and of the tabernacle HOLIES, and of §theTRUB
της αληθινής, ηΎ επηξεν ό Κύριος, *[καΙ] TABERNACLE, Which the
of the true, which fixed the Lord, [and] LORD fixed, not Man.
ουκ άνθρωπος. 3 Πας γάρ άρχιερεύς εις 3 For §Eyery High-
not man. Every for high-priest in order to priest is aOpointed to OF-
τό προσφέρειν δώρα τε και θυσίας καθ'ι- .FER both Gifts and Sacri-
tho to offer gifts both and sacrifices is ap- fices ; hence §it was neces-
σταται· δθεν άναγκαίον, εχειν τι καΐ sary for this one also to
pointed; hence necessary, to have something also have something which he
τοΰτον ο προσενέγκτ). 4 El μεν γάρ ή" ν might offer.
tliis γης,
επί which ΙΙΘ might αν
ούδ' offer· fjv
If indeed for he
Ιερεύς, was
δντων 4 *If then, indeed, he
on earth, not even could Jie be a priest, being were on Earth, he could
* [των Ιερέων] τών προσφερόντων κατά τόν not be a Priest, there be-
[of the priests] those offering according to the ing THOSE Who OFFER
νόμον τά δώρα* 6(οΐτινες ύποδείγματι καΐ GIFTS according to the
law the gifts; who in an example and LAW ;
σκιςί λατρεύουσι τών επουρανίων, καθώς κε- 5 (who perform divine
χ service for a Symbol and
ίΐχ & shadow servo of the heavenlies even as had $ Shadow of the HEAVEN-
χρημάτισται Μωϋσής, μέλλων έπιτελείν
LIES ; even as Moses,
been divinely warned Moses, being about to finish when about to construct
αήν σκηνήν "Ορα γάρ, φησί, ποιή- the tabernacle, was divine-
the tabernacle; See thou for, he says, thou
οης πάντα κατά τόν τύπον ly admonished ;for,§"See,"
says he, "that thou make
τόν δειχθέντα σοι "all things according to
έν τφ βρει·) "THAT PATTERN shown to
βthat having been shown to thee in the mount;) "thee on the MOUNT ; ) "
νυν1 δέ διαφορωτέρας τετευχε λειτουρ-
now but more excellent he has obtained a service 6 but now $he has ob-
γίας, 8σω καΐ κρείττονος έστι διαθή- tained a Superior Service,
κης μεσίτης, ήτις επί κρείττοσιν έπαγγελί- the Mediator •even by so much as he is
of a Better
nant a mediator, which on better promises Covenant, which has been,
αις νενομοθέτηται. 7
Ei γάρ ή πρώτη i n s t i t u t e d on Better
has been instituted. If for the first Promises.
εκείνη fjv δμεμπτος, ούκ δν δευτέρας έζη- 7 $For if that FIRST
that was faultless, not would a second be one were faultless, a Place
τείτο τόπος. 8Μεμφόμενος γάρ αΰτοίς λέ- would not be sought for;
a Second.
γει* Ιδού, ήμέραι Ερχονται, λέγει Κύριος, 8 But finding fault, he
says; Lo, days are coming, says a Lord, says to them, §"Behold!
καΐ συντελέσω επί τόν οίκον 'Ισραήλ καΐ 'Days are coming, says
and I w i l l finish with the house Israel and 'the Lord, when I will
'complete a new Cove-
επί τόν οίκον 'Ιούδα διαθήκην καινήν 'nant with the HOUSE of
with the house of Judah a covenant new;
'Israel and the HOUSE of
•ού κατά τήν διαθήκην η*ν έποίησα 'Judah;
not according to the covenant which I made
9 "not according to the
τοις πατράσιν αυτών, έν ήμερα έπιλαβομέ- 'COVENANT which I
w l t h t h e f a t h e r s of t h e m , i n a day h a v i n g l a i d 'made with their FATH-
νου μου της χειρός αυτών, έξαγαγείν 'ERS, in the Day when I
bold of me of the hand of them, to lead out 'took them by the HAND
αυτούς έκ γης ΑΙγύπτου· 8τι αυτοί ούκ ένέ- 'to lead them out of the
xheiix out ol 1 aQ-u of •Ecyptz DQC&USG they not did 'Land of Egypt;—Be-
μειναν έν rfj διαθήκχι μου, κάγώ ήμέλησα 'cause they did not abide
abide in the covenant of me, and I cared not 'in my COVENANT, I

• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. and—omit 4. If then. 4. the PRIESTS—omit.

t 2. Heb. ix. 8, 12, 24. % 2. Heb. ix. 11. t 3. Heb.v. 1. % 3. Eph. v. 2 ; H e b . i x .
14. t 5. Col. ii. 17; Heb. ix. 2 3 ; x. 1. % 5. Exod. xxv. 4 0 ; xxvi. 3 0 ; xxvii. 8 ;
Num. viii. 4 ; Acts vii. 44. % 6. 2 Cor. i i i . 6, 8, 9 ; Heb. vii. 22. % 7. Heb.
Tii. 1 1 , 1 8 . % 8. Jer. xxxi. 31-34.
Chap. 8:10.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 9:3.
αυτών, λέγει Κύριος "Οτι αυτή ή διαθήκη "also slighted them, says
fur them, says a Lord For this the covenant
"the Lord.
flv διαθήσομαι τω οϊκω 'Ισραήλ 10 "For §this is the
Which w i l l covenant with the house of Israel "COVENANT which I will
μετά τάς ημέρας έκείνας, λέγει Κύριος, δι- "covenant with the HOUSE
"of Israel; After those
δούς νόμους μου εις την διάνοιαν αυτών, καΐ "DAYS, says the Lord, I
"will put my Laws into
έπΐ καρδίας αυτών επιγράψω αυτούς· και "*Heart "their MIND, and on their
will I inscribe
on hearts of them I will write them; and "them; and $1 will be
εσομαι αύτοΐς εις θεόν, . καΐ αυτοί έ'σονταί "to them for a God, and
I w i l l be to them for a God, and they shall be "they shall be to me for a
μοι εις λαόν. n K a i ού μή διδάξωσιν "People.
to m e for a people. And not not they m a y teach 11 "And §they shall
έκαστος τόν πολίτην αΰτου, καΐ εκα- "not teach each one his "FELLOW-CITIZEN, and
each one the fellow-citizen of himself, and each "each one his BROTHER,
στος τόν άδελφόν αύτοΰ, λέγων Γνώθι
one the brother of himself, saying; Know you "saying, 'Know you the
τόν Κύριον 8τι . πάντες είδήσουοΊ με, άπό " 'LORD ;' Because all
the Lord; because all shall know me, from "shall know me, from the
μικρού * [αυτών] έ'ως μεγάλου αυτών, "least even to the great-
least [of them] even to greatest of them. e s t of them.
12 12 "For I will be merci-
"Οτι Ιλεως εσομαι ταΐς άδΐκί- "ful to their UNRIGHT-
Because merciful I w i l l be to the unrighteous-
"EOUSNESS, and $their
αις αυτών, καΐ τών αμαρτιών αυτών *[καΙ " S I N S will I remember no
nesses of them, and of the sins of them [and "more."
τών ανομιών αυτών] ού μή μνη- 13 % By SAYING "New,"
he has rendered the FIRST
of the iniquities of them] not not I w i l l re- one old ; now, THAT which
£ti. Έ ν τω λέγειν καινήν, πεπα- is DECAYING and growing
old is near vanishing away.
λαίωκε τήν πρώτην τό δέ παλαιούμενον
declared old tho first; that but becoming old CHAPTER IX.
καΐ γηράσκον, εγγύς άφανισμοϋ. ΚΕΦ. 1 Then, indeed, the
and advancing
tl CIV ft 11C I R E in age,
\XXft SO* near
I10ft Γ disappearing.
CJ1 SJippG&rlDfif· FIRST one had Ordinances
θ'. 9. ΈΙχε μέν οΰν *[καΙ] ή πρώτη of Worship, and §the
SANCTUARY furnished;
Had indeed then [both] the first
2 §for a Tabernacle was
δικαιώματα λατρείας, τό, τε αγιον κοσμικόν. prepared—the FIRST—§in
ordinances of service, the, and holy furniture. which were both §the
Σκηνή γάρ κατεσκευάσθη ή πρώτη έν LAMP-STAND and §the
Δ tabernacle for was prepared the first, in TABLE, and the LOAVES
δ fj τε λυχνία καΐ ή τράπεζα of the PRESENCE, *±and
$the GOLDEN Altar of in-
which Indeed both a lamp stand and the table cense ; this is named,
καΐ ή πρόθεσις τών άρτων, ή*τις λέ- "The HOLY place."
3 §And behind the SEC-
γεται δγια* 3μετά δέ τό δεύτερον καταπέ- OND Vail, THAT Taber-
named holies; behind but the second vail nacle which is NAMED,
τασμα σκηνή, ή λεγομένη δγια άγι- *"The HOLY of the HO-
α tabernacle, that being named holies of LIES ; "
* VATICAN MANUSCBIPT.—10. Heart. 11. of them—omit. 12. and their INIQUITIES
—omit. 3. both—omit. 2. and the GOLDEN Altar of incense. 3. The HOLT of the
± 2. The reading of the Vatican MS. has been adopted as giving a solution Of an
acknowledged difficulty, and as perfectly harmonizing with the Mosaic account.
« * ο10"H*eb· x> 16
' * 10
· Zech· viii
· 8
· * n- Isa
· liv
· 1 3
i J o h n vi
· 45
·* ! J o h n

li. 27. $ 1 2 . Rom. x i . 2 7 ; H e b . x . 1 7 . t 1 3 . 2 Cor. v . 1 7 . $ 1. Exod.

xxv. 8. t 2. Exod. xxvi. 1. t 2. Exod. xxvi. 3 5 ; xl. 4. Φ 2. Exod. xxv. 3 1 .
t 2 . Exod. xxv. 23, 3 0 ; Lev. xxiv. 5, 6. ί 2. Exod. xxx. 1-10. * 3 . Exod. xxvi.
31, 3 3 ; xL 3 , 2 1 ; Heb. yi. 10.
Chap. 9:4.] HEBREWS. [Chap, 9 : 1 1 .
ω ν *[χρυσοΰν] έχουσα * [Φυμιατήριον, καΙ] 4 having $the ARK of
holies; [a golden] having licenser, and] the COVENANT, covered on
τήν κιβωτόν της διαθήκης περικεκαλυμμένην all sides with Gold, in
the ark of the covenant having been covered which was §a golden Vase
πάντοθεν χρυσίω, έν χ\ στάμνος χρυσή containing the MANNA, and
on a l l sides with gold, in which a pot golden §the ROD of Aaron which
έχουσα τό μάννα, καΐ ή ράβδος 'Ααρών BLOSSOMED, and §the TAB-
ή βλαστήσασα, καΐ at πλάκες της διαθήκης· 5 and §above it were
that having budded, and the tables of the covenant;
Β the Cherubs of Glory, over-
1ΛΛ Λ δε αυτής χερουβίμ δόξης κατα- shadowing the MERCY-
" " but her cherubim of glory overshadow-
SEAT ; concerning which
σκιάξοντα τό Ιλαστήριον περί ών things it is not necessary
ing the me cerning which things now to speak particularly.
ούκ εστί νυν λέγειν κατά μέρος. Τούτων 6 Now these things hav-
ing been thus prepared,
δέ οΰτω κατεσκευασμένων, εις μέν την §the PRIESTS performing
now thus having been prepared, into indeed the
πρώτην σκηνήν διαπαντός είσίασιν ol Ιερείς, Tabernacle, at all times ;
7 but into the SECOND,
τάς λατρείας έπιτελοΰντες· 7ε1ς δέ τήν δευτέ- the HIGH-PRIEST alone,
ςαν άπαξ τοϋ ένιαυτοΰ μόνος ό άρχιερεύς, once ±ANNUALLT,—not
without Blood, which §he
once of the year alone the high-priest. offers on behalf of himself,
χωρίς αίματος, προσφέρει υπέρ
not without blood, whic and the SINS OF IGNO-
he offers on behalf ol RANCE of the PEOPLE ;
έαυτοΰ καΐ — — του λαοΰ άγνοημάτων
himself and for the of the people ignorances; 8 §the HOLY SPIRIT
8 showing This, t h a t the
τοΰτο δηλούντος του πνεύματος του άγιου, WAY into the HOLIES has
this showing of the spirit of the holy, not yet been brought to
μήπω πεφανερώσθαι την τών αγίων view, while the FIRST Tab-
όδόν, ε*τι της πρώτης σκηνής έχούσης στά- ernacle has a Standing;
9 (which was a Figura-
σ ι ν η*τις παραβολή εις τον καιρόν τον ένε- tive representation Cor
ing; which a parable for the season that hav- THAT SEASON which was
«τηκότα, καθ' δν δώρα τε then PRESENT ;) according
ing been present, according to which g i f t s both to which both Gifts and
καΙ θυσίαι προσφέρονται μή δυνάμεναι κα- Sacrifices are offered.
&1XC1 S&CX*i£LC6S ft Γ © OffGTOCl StOt 1)θίΐ3.£Γ £&i)l6 RC *** §which are not able to
τά συνε'ιδησιν τελειώσαι τον λατρεύ- perfect the WORSHIPPER
cording 10to conscience to perfect the one serv- as to the Conscience;
οντα, μόνον επί θρώμασι καΐ πόμασι, καΐ 10 being imposed (to-
ing, only as to foods and drinks, and gether with §Meats and
διαφόροις δαπτισμοίς, δικαιώμασι σαρκός, Drinks and ^Various Im-
verious clippings· I*1S?1I1J€OUSIIGSSGS of flesh* mersions,—*fleshly $Ordi-
μέχρι καιρού διορθώσεως επικείμενα, nances,) only till a Period
till a season of correction Is being imposed. of Emendation.
Χριστός δέ παραγενόμενος, άρχιερεύς 11 But Christ having
Atnointed but being "come, a high-priest become a High priest of
τών μελλόντων αγαθών, διά της μεΐ- $the FUTURE GOOD things,
οι tli© fixture jjoocl txilu^Sf *^y m©iiiis of ttio Jby means of the GREATER
and More perfect Taber-
ζονος καΙ τελειοτέρας σκηνής, ού χειροποιή- nacle, not made by hands,
greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made by that is, not of This CREA-
του, (τοΰτ* έ*στιν, οΰ ταΰτης της κτίσεως,) TION ;
hand, (that is, not of this the creation,)
* VATICAN MANUSORIOT.—4. and GOLDEN Censer—omit. 10. and.
± 7. Or, on one day annually, that is, on the day of atonement. See Lev. xyi.
$ 4. Exod. xxv. 1 0 ; xxvi. 3 3 . $ 4. Exod. xvi. 3 3 , 3 4 . t 4. Num. xvii. 10.
t 4. Exod. xxv. 1 6 , 2 1 ; xxxiv. 2 9 ; xl. 2 0 ; Deut. x. 2 , 5 ; 1 Kings vtll. 9, 2 1 ;
2 Chron. v. 1 0 . t 5 . Exod. xxv. 1 8 , 2 2 ; Lev. xvi. 2 ; 1 Kings viii. 6, 7 .
$ 6. Num. xxviii. 3 ; Dan. viii. 1 1 . % 7 . H e b . v. 3 ; vil. 27. ί 8. Heb. x. 1 9 . 2 0 .
% 9 . Gal. i i i . 2 1 ; Heb. v i i . 18, 1 9 ; x . 1 / 1 1 . % 10. Lev. xi. 2 : CoL ii. 16. % 10.
Num. xix. 7. t 10. Eph. i i . 1 5 ; Col. i i . 2 0 ; Heb. vii. 16. % 11. Heb. x . 1 . % 1 1 .
Heb. viii. 2.
Chap. 9:12.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 9:19.,
δι' 12 he entered, once for
αίματος τράγων καΐ μό-
uot indeed by means of blood of goats and young all, into the HOLY places,
not indeed by means of
σχων, δια δέ τοϋ Ιδίου αίματος, είσ- §the Blood of Goats and
bul locks, by means of but of the own blood of Bullocks, but §by
means of his OWN Blood,
ί]λ#εν εφάπαξ εις τα αγία, αίωνίαν $ having found Aionian
λύτρωσιν εύράμενος. ^Εί γάρ τό αίμα ταύ- 13 For if $the BLOOD of
redemption having found. If for the blood of * Goats and of Bulls, and
ρων καΐ τράγων, και σποδός δαμάλεως ραντί- §the ASHES of a Heifer,
ζουσα τους κεκοινωμένους, αγιάζει προς την sprinkling the POLLUTED,
cleanses for the PURIFICA-
k I ixi^£ til Θ polluted ones* clGsiuses for tli© TION of the FLESH ;
της σαρκός καθαρότητα· 14πόσω μάλλον τό
of the flesh purification; how much more the 14 how much more
αίμα τοϋ Χριστωΰ, δς § shall the BLOOD of the
διά ANOINTED one, $who,
blood of the Anointed Okie, who by means of through an aionian Spirit,
πνεύματος αιωνίου εαυτόν
αριι προσήνεγκεν αμω-
a spirit age-lasting clei
himself offered spot- offered Himself spotless to
μον άπό
υμών τφ νεκρών
Θεφ, καθαριεΐ
έργων, εις τήν λατρεύειν GOD,
τόσυνείδησιν $cleanse *your CON-
SCIENCE from Works of
lessyoutofrom of death
the God, " ""works, for the to serve Death, for the SERVICE of
θεφ ξώντι. ι ΚαΙ διά τοϋτο δια-
of a the living *God?±
God living. And on account of this 15 And on this account,
θήκης καινής μεσίτης έστιν, δπως θα- $he is Mediator of a new
covenant new a mediator he i s , so that of a Covenant, §so that Death
νάτου γενομένου εις άπολύτρωσιν having taken place for a
a redemption
death having taken place, for Redemption of the TRANS-
ιών έπΙ τχί πρώτχι διαθήκη παραβάσεων, GRESSIONS against the
of the tinder the first covenant transgressions, FIRST Covenant, THOSE
τήν έπαγγελίαν λάβωσιν ot having
κεκλημέ- might been INVITED
the promise might receive those having been
receive the PROM-
κληρονομίας. "Οπου ISE of the AIONIAN In-

της αΙωνίου
d of the age-lasting inheritance. Where heritance.
γάρ διαθήκη, θάνατον ανάγκη φέρεσθαι 16 For where a Cove-
a covenant, death necessary to be produced nant exists, the Death of
έπΙthat which has RATIFIED
β ε ν υ
,. _ ? 1 * ^ _ * , _ . /διαθήκη γάρ
it is necessary to be pro-
νεκροϊς βεβαία, έπεί μήποτε Ισχύει δ'τε duced ;
dead ones firm, since never i t i s strong when 17 because $a Covenant
18 is firm over dead victims,
ζίί ό διαθεμένος. "Οθεν ούδ* since it is never valid
l i v e s that having been appointed. Hence not even when that which RATIFIES
ή «βτρώτη χωρίς αίματος έγκεκαίνισταί.
the first without blood ha» been dedicated. it is alive.
^Λαληθείσης γάρ πάσης εντολής κατά FIRST18 §Hence not even the
as been instituted
νόμον ύπό Μωϋσέως παντί τφ λαφ, λα- without Blood.
law by Moses t o a l l the people, having 19 For Every Command-
merit in *the LAW having
βών τό αίμα των μόσχων καΐ τρά- been spoken by Moses to
taken the blood of the young bullocks and of
All the PEOPLE, taking the
γων μετά δδατος καΐ έρίου κοκκίνου καΐ BLOOD of §BULLOCKS and
of * GOATS, §with Water,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—13. Goats and of Bulls.
* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—14. our. 14. and true GOD. 19. the LAW. 19.
± 14. From this verse io the end at the book the Vutican M8. is defective, and the
various readings are copied from Dr. Woidffs Collation of the Alexandrian Manuscript.
t 12. Heb. x. 4. $ 12. Acts xx. 28. t 12. Eph. i. 7 ; Col. i. 1 4 ; 1 Pet. i . 1 9 .
t 1 3 . Lev. xyi. 14; 1 6 . $ 1 3 . Num. xix. 2, 17. t 14. 1 Pet. i. 1 9 ; 1 John i. 7 ;
Rev. i. 5. t 14. Rom. i. 4 ; 1 P e t . Hi. 18. t 1 4 . H e b . i . 3 ; x . 22. ί 1 5 .
Heb. v i i . 2 2 ; viii. 6 ; x i i . 24. % 15. Bom. i i i . 2 5 ; v. 6 ; 1 Pet. i l l . 18. $ 17.
Gal. i i i . 1 5 . % 1 8 . Exod. xxiv- 6 . $ 1 9 . Exod. xxiv. 5 , 6 , 8 ; Lev. xvi. 14,
15, 18. % 19. Ler. xiv. 4, 7, 49, 41, 52.
Chap. 9:20.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 9:28.
ύσσώπου, αυτό τε τό βιβλίον καΐ πάντα and scarlet Wool, and
hyssop, i t s e l f both the book and all Hyssop, he sprinkled both
τόν λαόν έρράντισε, λέγων* Τούτο τό αίμα the BOOK itself, and All
the people he sprinkled, saying; This the blood the PEOPLE,
της διαθήκης, ής ένετείλατο προς υμάς ό 20 saying, $"This is the
of the covenant, which enjoined on you the "BLOOD of the COVENANT
θεός· κα1 την σκηνήν δέ καΐ πάντα τά "which GOD enjoined on
God; also the tabernacle and and all the "you."
σκεύη της λειτουργίας τφ αΐματι 21 And he in like man-
vessels of the p public service -with the blood
ner §sprinkled with the
ομοίως έρράνΐισε. Kai σχεδόν έν BLOOD, t h e TABERNACLE
in like manner And almost by also, and All the UTENSILS
αΐματι πάντα he sprinkled
καθαρίζεται κατά τόν
blood all things are cleansed according to theof the PUBLIC SERVICE.
22 And, according to the
νόμον, καΐ χωρίς αίματεκχυσίας ού γίνεται LAW, almost all things are
law, and without blood-shedding not takes place purified by Blood, and
άφεσις. ^'Ανάγκη ουν τά μέν ύπο- ^without an Effusion of
δείγματα των έν τοις ούρανοίς, τούτοις κα- Blood no Forgiveness
of those in the heavens, by these to takes place.
θαρίζεσθαι· αυτά δέ τά επουράνια 23 I t was necessary
bo cleansed; themselves but the things heavenly then, indeed, for §the
24 COPIES of the THINGS in
κρείττοσι θυσ'ιαις παρά ταύτας. Ού γάρ εις the HEAVENS to be cleans-
with better sacrifices than these. Not for into ed by These, but the
χειροποίητα δγια είσηλθεν ό Χριστός, αν- HEAVENLY things them-
τίτυπα των αληθινών, άλλ' εις αυτόν selves with Better Sacri-
j)i*Gsentfttions οι tliQ ti*uo ones but into i t s e l f fices than these.
τόν ούρανόν, νυν έμφανισθηναι τ φ προσώπω 24 For §the ANOINTED
the heaven, now to appear in th*e presence one did not enter Holy
places made by hands, the
του Θεοΰ υπέρ ημών. Ινα Antitypes of §the TRUE
of the God on behalf of us. Not indeed, that ones, but into HEAVEN it-
πολλάκις προσφέρη εαυτόν, ωσπερ ό άρχιε- self, §to appear now in
often he should offer himself, even as the high- the PRESENCE of GOD on
ρεύς εΙσέρχεται είς τά αγία κ α τ ' ένιαυτόν our behalf.
25 Not indeed that he
§δει should present himself of-
έν αΐματι άλλοτρίφ· (έπε1
ten, even as the HIGH-
with blood other; (since It was necessary PRIEST who enters the
αυτόν πολλάκις παθείν άπό καταβολής HOLY places Annually
him often to have suffered from a laying down with Other Blood ;
κόσμου·) νυν δέ δπαξ επί συντέλεια τών 26 (since, in t h a t case,
of a world;) now but once for a l l at an end "of the he must have suffered of-
αΙώνων, είς άθέτησιν αμαρτίας διά της ten from the Foundation
ages, for a removal of sin by means of the of the World; but now
θυσίας αυτοί) πεφανέρωται. ^ Κ α Ι $once for all, a t a $ Com-
pletion of the AGES, he
sacrifice of himself he has been manifested. And has been manifested for a
κ α θ ' δσον απόκειται τοις άνθρώποις άπαξ Removal of *Sin by the
as i t awaits the men 28
once SACRIFICE of himself.
άποθανείν, μετά δέ τοΰτο κρίσις· ουτω 27 $And as it awaits
to die, after but this a Judgment; so
MEN to die once, b a t after
καΐ ό Χριστός άπαξ προσενεχθείς this §a Judgment;
also the Anointed once for a l l having been offered 28 so also the ANOINTED
είς τό πολλών άνενεγκείν αμαρτίας, έκ δευ- one, having been once for
for the of many to carry away sins, a second all offered for $the MANY,
* ALEXANDRIAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 4 . the—-omit. 26. S I N .
t 20. Exod. xxiv. 8 ; Matt. xxvi. 28. t 2 1 . Exod. xxix. 12, 3 6 ; Lev. viii. 15, 1 9 ;
xvi. 14-19. $ 22. Lev. xvii. 11. t 23. Heb. viii. 5. ί 24. Heb. vi. 2 0 . t 2 4 . H e b .
v i i i . 2 . % 24. Bom. viii. 3 4 ; Heb. vii. 2 5 ; 1 John ii. 1. t 26. Heb. vii. 2 7 ; verse
12; x. 1 0 ; 1 Pet. i i i . 18. $ 26. 1 Cor. x. 1 1 ; Gal. iv. 4 ; Eph. i. 10. $ 27. Gen.
iii. 1 9 ; Eccl. i i i . 20. $ 2 7 . 2 Cor v. 10. $ 28. Matt. xxvi. 2 8 ; Rom. v . 1 * .
Chap. 10:1.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 10:9.
τέρου χωρίς αμαρτίας όφθήσεται, τοις to bear away Sin, will
time without sins w i l l be seen, by those appear a Second time
aiVtov άπεκδεχομένοις είς σωτηρ'ιαν. ΚΕΦ. without a Sin-offering, to
liini expecting for s&lv&tion· THOSE who are $EXPECT-
t ' . 10. ^ κ ι ά ν γαρ έχων ό νόμος των ING Him, in order to •Sal-
A shadow for having the law of the
μελλόντων αγαθών, ούκ αυτήν την είκό- CHAPTER X.
about coming good things, not very the image
1 Moreover, the LAW
να τών πραγμάτων, κατ' ένιαυτόν ταίς αύταίς having §a Shadow of the
of the things, every year by the same ^FUTURE GOOD things,
θυσίαΐζ δς προσφέρουσιν είς τό διηνεκές, not the Very IMAGE of the
sacrifices which they offer for the continuance,
ουδέποτε δύναται τους προσερχόμενους τε- THINGS, is by $no means
never is able the ones drawing near to able with the SAME Annual
Sacrifices which they offer
λειώσαι. 2 ΈπεΙ ούκ αν έπαύσαντο προσ- CONTINUALLY, $to per-
perfect. Otherwise not would they cease to be fect THOSE Who DRAW
φερόμεναι, διά τό μηδεμίαν εχειν Μ,τι NEAR.
offered, because that no one to have longer
ο'υνείδησιν αμαρτιών τους λατρεύοντας, 2 Otherwise, would they
not cease being offered?
άπαξ κεκαθαρμένους; άλλ' εν αύταίς because THOSE SERVING,
once having been cleansed? but In these having been once cleansed,
άνάμνησις αμαρτιών κατ' ένιαυτόν. 4 Άδύ- would no longer HAVE any
α remembrance of sins every year. Im- Consciousness of Sins.
νατον γαρ αίμα ταύρων καΐ τράγων άφαι- 3 §But in these there
poseible for blood of bulls and of goats to take is an Annual Remem-
ρείν αμαρτίας. ΒΔιό είσερχόμενος είς τόν brance of Sins;
4 for §it is impossible
κόσμον, λέγει· Θυσίαν καΐ προσφοράν ούκ for the Blood of Bulls and
world, he says; Sacrifice and offering not of Goats to take away Sin.
ήθέλησας, σώμα δε κατήρτισα) 5 Therefore, entering
the WORLD, he says,
thou didst desire, a body but thou didst provide Z"Sacrifice and Offering
μοι^ όλοκαυτώματα καΐ περί αμαρ- "thou didst not desire,
"but a Body didst thou
τίας ούκ εύδόκησας. Τότε είπον 'Ιδού
not thou didst delight in. Then I said; Lo "provide for me;
6 "in Whole burnt of-
ffyco, (έν κεφαλίδι βιβλίου γέγραπται ferings, even for Sin,
I come, (in a head of a book it has been written "thou didst not delight;
περί έμοΰ,) του ποιήσαι, ό Θεός, τό 7 "then I said, 'Behold,
" *I come, Ο God, to PER-
θέλημα σου. 8 Άνώτερον λέγων "Οτι θυσίαν "the "FORM thy WILL !' In
volume of the Book
"it has been written con-
καΐ προσφοράν καΐ ολοκαυτώματα καΐ περί "cerning me."
8 Having said above,
αμαρτίας ούκ ήθέλησας, ουδέ εύδόκη- * "Sacrifice and Offering
sin not thou didst desire, nor didst delight "and Wholeburnt off erings,
σας· (αΐτινες κατά *[τόν] νόμον προσ- "even for Sin, thou didst
in; (which according to Cthe] law are "not desire, nor didst de-
δ "light in," (which are of-
<ρέρονται·) τότε εΐρηκεν Ιδού, ή*κω τοΰ fered according to Law ;)
offered;) then he said; Lo, I come of the
9 then he said, "Behold,
ποιήσαι τό θέλημα σου. 'Αναιρεί τό πρώτον, Ί come to PERFORM thy
to do the w i l l of thee. He takes away the first, WILL ! " He takes away
ίνα τό δεύτερον στήση. 1 0 Έ ν φ θελήματι the FIRST, that he may
so tb& t» t o e second ΐι Θ tti&y 6 s t £t ο Χ isu* *^y ^rp ι CD 1w A * λ establish the SECOND;
* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—28. Salvation by Faith. 8. Sacrifices and Offerings
and. 8. the—omit. ,_
t 28. Titus ii. 13; 2 Pet. v. 12. t 1. Col. ii. 17; Heb. viii. 5; ix. 23. t 1.
Heb. ix. 11. t 1. Heb. ix. 9. t 1. verse 14. t 3. Lev. xvi. 2 1 ; Heb. ix. 7.
$ 4. Micah vi. 6, 7; Heb. ix. 1 3 ; verse 11. X 5. Psa. zl. 6; 1. 8; Isa, i . 1 1 :
Jer. vi. 2 0 ; Amos v. 21. 22.
Chap- 10:10. ] HEBREWS. [Chap. 10:20.
ήγιασμένοι έσμέν διά της προσφοράς 10 $by Which Will we
having been sanctified we are through the offering have been sanctified
τοϋ σώματος Ίησου Χρίστου εφάπαξ. u K a l § through the OFFERING
of the body of Jesus Anointed once for all. And of the BODY of Jesus
πας μεν Ιερεύς Βστηκε καθ' ήμέραν λει- Christ once for all.
every Indeed priest has stood every day 11 And indeed every
τουργών, καΐ τάς αύτάς πολλάκις προσ- •Priest has §daily stood
publicly serving, and the same often offer- publicly serving and offer-
φέρων θυσίας, αϊτινες ουδέποτε δύνανται ing frequently the SAME
ing sacrifices, which never are able Sacrifices, which are never
περιελείν αμαρτίας. ^Αΰτός δέ μίαν υπέρ able to take away Sin;
to take away sins. He but one on behalf 12 but §he, having of-
αμαρτιών προσενέγκας θυσίαν, εις τό διηνε- fered One ENDURING Sac-
of sins having offered a sacrifice, for the con- rifice on behalf of Sins, sat
κές έκάθισεν έν δεξιςί του Θεού, 1 3 τό down at the Right hand
tinuance sat down at right of the God, thence- of GOD;
λοιπόν έκδεχόμενος εως τεθώσιν ot ing §till his ENEMIES may
forth waiting till may be placed the be placed UNDERNEATH
εχθροί αύτοϋ ύποπόδιον των ποδών αύτοΰ. his FEET.
14 of liim s, fooitstoo-1 for the £cct of iiim* 14 For by One Offering
Μιφ γαρ πρόσφοροι τετελείωκεν εις τό διη- $he has PERMANENTLY
By one for offering he has perfected for the con- perfected THOSE BEING
νεκές τους άγιαζομένους. ^Μαρτυρεί δέ
tinuance those being sanctified. Testifies but SANCTIFIED.
ήμϊν καΐ τό πνεΰμα τό αγιον. Μετά γαρ τό 15 Moreover, the HOLY
"to us ft. 1 sο tliο spirit *th© lioly· ^Lftcir for tJi&t S P I R I T also testifies
προειρηκεναι* 16
αυτη ή διαθήκη, η*ν [this] to us, for after it
t o 1ι&ν& SH.1C4 beior©· t i l l s to.β co*V6U£ixit· w^li i cfa HAD *said,
διαθήσομαι προς αυτούς μετά τάς ημέρας 16 $"This is the COVE-
I will ratify to them after the days
ΐεκείνας· λέγει Κύριος· Διδούς νόμους μου
"NANT which I will cove-
those; says a Lord; Giving laws of me n a n t with them; After
επί καρδίας αυτών, καΐ επί τών διανοιών αύ- "those DAYS, says the
in hearts of them, and on the minds of "Lord, I will put my
τών επιγράψω αυτούς, 17κα1 τών αμαρτιών "Laws in their Hearts,
them I w i l l write them, and of the sins "and on their *MINDS
αυτών καΐ τών ανομιών αυτών ού μη "will I inscribe them;"
of them and of the iniquities of them not not 17 [it adds,] "and their
μνησθώ £τι, ω"Οπου δέ δφεσις "will remember no more."
I may remember more. Where now forgiveness 18 Now where there is
τούτων, ούκετι προσφορά περί αμαρτίας, a Forgiveness of these, an
of these, no longer offering for sin.
Offering for Sin is no
*Έχοντες ©δν, αδελφοί, παρρησίαν εις longer needed.
Having therefore, brethren, confidence for 19 Having, therefore,
την εΐσοδον τών αγίων έν τφ αϊματι Ί η - Brethren, § Confidence re-
the entrance of the holies by the blood of specting §the ENTRANCE
of the HOLIES, by the
σου, ^ήν ένεκαίνισεν ήμίν όδόν πρόσφα- BLOOD of Jesus,
Jesus, which he consecrated for us a way recently
20 which §Way he
τον καΐ ζώσαν, διά του καταπετάσμα- c o n s e c r a t e d for us,
killed and yet living, through the vail, through the VAIL, (that
το£, (τοϋτ' εστί, της σαρκός αυτού,) ^καΐ is, his FLESH, recently
<that is, the flesh of himself,) and killed and yet is living;)

* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSOBIPT.-T-II. High-priest. 15. SAID, Tlus is. 16. MIND.

t 10. John xvii. 19; Heb. xiii. 12. % 10. Heb. ix. 12. $ 11. Num. xxvili. 3 ;
Heb. vii. 27. ί 12. Heb. i . 3 ; Col. i l l . 1. $ 13. Psa. ex. 1; Acts it. 3 5 ;
1 Cor. xv. 2 5 ; Heb. i. 13. ί 16. Jer. xxxi. 33, 34; Heb. viii. 10, 12. t 19. Bom.
v. 2 ; Eph. i i . 1 8 ; i i i . 2 2 . $ 19. Heb. ix. 8 , 1 2 . % 20. John x. 9 ; xiv. 6 ;
Heb. ix, 8.
Chap. 10:21.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 10:30.
Ιερέα μέγαν επί τόν οίκον του θεοΰ· ^προσ- 21 and having §a great
α priest great over the house of the God; l e t Priest over $the HOUSE of
ερχώμεθα μετά αληθινής καρδίας έν πλη- GOD;
us approach with a true heart in l u l l 22 $we should approach
ροφορία πίστεως, έρραντισμένοι τάς with a True Heart, $in
conviction of faith, having been sprinkled the Full conviction of Faith,
καρδίας άπό συνειδήσεως πονηράς· ^καΐ λε- our HEARTS having been
hearts from a consciousness of evil; and hav-
sprinkled $from a Con-
λουμένοι sciousness of evil.
ing been bathed τό σώμα ΰδατι καθαρώ, κα- 23 $The BODY, also
τεχωμεν τηνbody
the όμολογίαν
in water τηςpure, we having been bathed in
should hold fast the confession of the ελπίδος pure Water, $we should
firmly hold the CONFES-
άκλινή· (πιστός γάρ ό έπαγγειλά- SION of the HOPE, without
without declining;
(faithful for the one having declining; (for $HE is
μένος·) κα1 κατανοώμεν αλλήλους
promised;) and we should bear in mind each other Faithful who PROMISED ;)
εις παροξυσμόν αγάπης καΐ καλών έ'ργων,
24 and we should bear
each other in mind, for an
for an excitement of love and of good works, Incitement of Love and
^μή έγκαταλείποντες την έπισυναγωγήν Good Works;
not leaving off the assembling together 25 §not forsaking the
εαυτών, καθώς έ'θος τισίν, αλλά πα- ASSEMBLING of ourselves
of ourselves, as a custom with some, but together, as is a Custom
ρακαλοΰντες* καΐ τοσούτω μάλλον, δσω with some; but exhorting
exhorting; and by much more, by so much to it, and §so much the
βλέπετε έγγίζουσαν την ήμέραν. 2β Έκουσίως more as you see §the
you see drawing near the day. Voluntarily DAY drawing near.
γάρ άμαρτανόντων ημών μετά τό λαβείν 26 For $if we should
for sinning of us after the to have received voluntarily
no longer respect- sin $after
τήν αμαρτιών της αληθείας,θυσία·
έπίγνωσιν απολείπεται πε- HAVING
ούκέτι^φοβερά RECEIVED the
tho knowledge of the truth, a sacrifice; fearful
sins is left there is no longer a Sac-
δέ τις εκδοχή κρίσεως, καΐ πυρός ζή-
but some expectation of judgment, and of a fire of rifice left for Sins,
27 but some Terrible
λος, έσθίειν
έσθίειν μέλλοντος
μέλλοντος τους
τους ύπεναντίους.
ύπεναντίους. Expectation of Judgment,
indignation, to eat
tion, to eat up
up being
being about
about the even of a §fiery Indigna-
the opponents.
Άθετήσας τις
τς νόμον
μο Μωϋσέως,
ϋ tion which is about to
Having violat ny one a law of Moses lth- consume the OPPONENTS.
Having violated any one a law of Moses, 28 $Any one having
ρίς οίκτιρμών επί δυσίν fi τρισΐ μάρτυσιν violated a Law of Moses
out mercies by two or three witnesses dies without Mercy, §by
αποθνήσκει· ^πόσω, δοκείτε, χείρονος άξιο>- Two or Three Witnesses ;
dies; by how much, think you, worse will 29 $how much Worse
θήσεται τιμωρίας ό τόν υΐόν του Θεοί) Punishment do you think
lie bo deserving pun I slim en t lie tho son of the Ood will HE deserve, HAVING
«αταπατήσας, καΐ τό αίμα της διαθήκης TRAMPLED on the SON of
having trampled on, and the blood of the covenant GOD, $and esteemed as a
ήγησάμενος, * [ έ ν < •
common thing the BLOOD
κοινόν ήγιά- of the COVENANT by which
a common thing having esteemed, [by rhich he was he was sanctified, §and
σθη,],] «αϊ τό πνεύμα της χάριτος ένυ- insulted the SPIRIT of FA-
ti and the spirit of the favor having VOR?
βρίσας; Οϊδαμεν γάρ τόν είπόντα· ΈμοΙ 30 For we know HIM
Insulted? W e know for the one saying; To me who says, § "Retribution
* ALEXANDRIAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 9 . by which he was sanctified—omit.
t 2 1 . Heb. iv. 14. t 2 1 . 1 Tim. tit. 15. t 22. Heb. iv. 16. $ 22. E p h . i i i . 1 2 ;
James i . G; 1 John i i i . 2 1 . t 22. Heb. ix. 14. $ 23. Eph. v. 2 6 ; Titus iii. 5. t 2 3 .
Heb. iv. 14. $23. 1 Cor. i. 9 ; x. 1 3 ; 1 Thess. v. 2 4 ; 2 Thess. iii. 2 ; Heb. xi. 1 1 .
t 25. Acts i i . 4 2 ; Jude 19. $ 25. Rom, xiii. 1 1 . ί 25. 2 Pet. I i i . 9, 11, 14.
$ 26..Num. xv. 3 0 ; H e b . v i . 4 . t 26. 2 Pet. ii. 2 0 , 2 1 . % 27. 2 Thess. i. 8 ;
Heb. xii. 29. % Heb. ii. 2. % 28. Deut. xvli. 2, 6 ; xix. 1 5 ; Matt, xviii. 16. t 29.
Heb. i t . 3 ; x i i . 2 5 . t 29. 1 Cor. xi. 2 9 ; Heb. xiii. 20. $ 29. Matt. xii. 3 1 , 3 2 ;
E p h . tv. 3 0 . t 3 0 . Deut. xxxii. 3 5 ; Rom. x i t . 1 9 .
Chap. 10:31. ] HEBREWS. [Chap. 1 1 : 1 .
έκδίκησις, έγώ ανταποδώσω, λέγει Κύριος· "is Mine; I will repay,"
vengeance, I w i l l repay, says Lord; says the Lord. And
καΐ πάλιν Κύριος κρίνει τόν λαόν αύτοϋ. again,1 $"The Lord will
and again; Lord w i l l Judge the p e o p l e of h i m s e l f . "judge his PEOPLE."
Φοβερόν τό έμπεσείν εις χείρας ΘεοΟ 31 §It is af earful thing
to FALL into the HANDS
ζώντος. 32Άναμιμνήσκεσθε δέ τάς πρότερον of the living God.
living. Remember you but the former
32 But remember the
ημέρας, έν αίς φωτισθέντες πολλήν FORMER Days, in which
dny s« in \^h i ch h&v 1 u s fo© ©ix 6ΙΙ11(ΓΪΙ£ΘΧΙ&€Ι SL Κ Γ ©ft t ^having been enlightened,
ά*θλησιν ύπεμε'ινατε παθημάτων* ^τοΰτο μεν, you sustained | a Great
contest you endured of sufferings; this Indeed,
Contest of Sufferings;
όνειδισμοίς τε καΐ θλίψεσι θεατριζό- 33 partly, indeed, by be-
by reproaches both and by afflictions being made
μενοι* τοΰτο δέ, κοινωνοί των οΰτως taclemade ing $a public spec-
both to Reproaches
ft sp©ctfi,cl©j tills but* partners34 of thos© trills and to Afflictions; and
αναστρεφόμενων γενηθέντες. ΚαΙ γαρ τοις
being overturned having become. And for with the partly, by ^having become
δεσμ'ιοις συνεπαθήσατε, καΐ τήν άρπαγήν those who are similarly Joint-participators with
prisoners you sympathized, and the seizure
των υπαρχόντων υμών μετά χαράς προσε- treated.
of the goods of you with joy you sub- 34 For indeed you sym-
pathized with *the PRIS-
δέξασθε, γινώσ·κοντες Ιχειν έαυτοΐς ONERS, §and submitted to
w i t ted to, knowing to have for yourselves the SEIZURE of your POS-
κρείττονα ΰπαρξιν *[έν ούρανοίς] καΐ μένου- SESSIONS with Joy, know-
35 ing that you have for
σαν. Μή άποδάλητε οΰν τήν παρρησίαν yourselves a Better and an
Not do you cast away therefore the confidence enduring Possession.
υμών, ήτις έχει μισθαποδοσίαν μεγάλην. 3β«γ. 35 Therefore, cast not
of you, which has a reward great. Of away your CONFIDENCE,
πομονής γαρ έχετε χρείαν tva τό Φέλη- §which has a Great Re-
μα του θεοΰ ποιήσαντες, κομίσησθε τήν ward.
patience for you have need; so that the w i l l

of the God having done, you may receive the 36 For you have Need
έπαγγελίαν. "Ετι γάρ μικρόν δσον δσον, of Patience, so that hav-

promise. Yet for a l i t t l e while very very, ing done the WILL of GOD,
δ ερχόμενος ήξει καΐ οΰ χρονιεϊ. §you may receive the
t h e t h e c o m i n g o n e w i l l c o m e a n d n o t w i l l d e l a y . PROMISE.
O δέ δίκαιος έκ πίστεως ζήσεται* καΐ έάν tle37 For §yet a very lit-

The but just one by faith

while indeed, §the COM-
shall live: and if ING ONE will come and
ύποστείληται, ούκ ευδοκεί ή υ
"Ψ χή Μ-ου will not delay,
hd should draw back, not delights the soul of m e 38 but *"my §JUST
έν αύτώ. 3 9 Ήμείς δέ ούκ εσμέ ν υποστολής, "one by Faith shall live;
ID him.* We but not are "and if he should shrink
for shrinking back,
"back my SOUL does not
αϊζ άπώλειαν αλλά πίστεως, είς περιποίησιν "delight in him."
to destruction; but for faith, to a saving 39 But we are not of
those ^shrinking back in-
to destruction; but of
Faith in order to a Pre-
ΚΕΦ. ι α ' . 11. servation of Life.
Έστι δέ πίστις, έλπιζομένων CHAPTER XI.
Is but faith, of things being hoped for 1 But Faith is a Basis of
ύπόστασις, πραγμάτων έ'λεγχος ού βλεπομέ- things hoped for, a Con-
a basis, of things a conviction not being seen. viction §of things unseen.

• ALEXANDRIAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 4 . me in my BONDS. 3 4 . in Heavens—omit. 3 8 .

t 3 0 . Deut. xxxii. 3 6 ; Psa. 1. 4;exxxv. 14. ί 3 1 . Lukexii. 5. t 3 2 . H e b . v i . 4 .
t 3 2 . P h i l . i . 2 9 , 3 0 ; Col. i i . 1. % 33. 1 Cor. iv. 9. $ 33. Phil. i. 7 ; iv. 1 4 ;
1 Thess. ii. 14. t 34. Acts v. 41. ί 35. Matt. v. 12. $ 36. Col. iii. 2 4 ; 1 P e t .
i. 9. $ 3 7. Luke xviii. 8; 2 Pet. iii. 9. t 3 7. Hab. ii. 3, 4. ί 3 8 . Rom. i . 1 7 ;
Gal. i i i . 1 1 . $ 3 9 . % Pet. ii. 20, 21. $ 1 . Rom. viii. 24, 2 5 ; 2 Cor. iv. 1 8 ; v. ?.
Chap. 11; 2. ] HEBREWS. [Chap. 11:8.
νων. 2 Έ ν ταύττ] γάρ έμαρτυρήφησαν oi πρε- 2 For $by this the AN-
By this for were attested the
CIENTS were attested.
σβύτεροι. 3 ΠΙστει νοοϋμεν κατηρτί- 3 In Faith we perceive
that the f AGES have been
σθαι τους αιώνας ρήματι Θεοΰ, εις so thoroughly adjusted by
adjusted the ages by a word of God, in order God's Command, that not
τό μη έκ φαινομένων τά βλεπό- from THINGS then MANI-
μένα t γεγονέναι. 4 FEST *the THINGS now
Tls t o t O thigs Πίστει
r i i i ^ tπλείονα
h e t l i ^ s θυσίαν
SEEN have come to pass.
seen to have happened. In faith more sacrifice 4 In faith §Abel offered
"Αβελ παρά Κάϊν προσήνεγκε τφ Θεφ, δι' to GOD a Better Sacrifice
$\ζ έμαρτυρήθη είναι δίκαιος, μαρτυροϋντος than Cain, by means of
which he was attested to be righteous, testifying which he was attested to
επί τοις δώροις αύτοΰ τοΰ θεοΰ· καΐ δι' be righteous, GOD testify-
οη the gifts of h i m of the God; and through ing on his GIFTS ; and
αύτης αποθανών ετι λαλεί. 5 Πίστει Ένώχ με- through it, having died,
:f:he still speaks.
her having died yet speaks. In faith Rnoch was 5 In Faith §Enoch was
τετέθη, τοΰ μή ίδεΐν θάνατον καΐ οΰχ translated so as not to
εύρίσκετο, διότι μετέθη^εν «ύτόν ό SEE Death; and he was
he was found, because translated him the not found, because GOD
θεός· πρό γαρ της μεταθέσεως *[αύτοϋ] translated him; for, be-
Godi before for the translation [of him] fore his TRANSLATION, he
had been attested to have
μεμαρτΰρηται εύηρεστηκέναι τφ been well-pleasing to GOD.
he had obtained testimony to have well pleased the 6 But without Faith it
θεφ. βΧωρΙς
σαι· δέ πίστεως
πιστεϋσαι γάρ αδύνατον δει εΰαρεστη-
is impossible to have
προσ- pleased ; for it is necessary
pleased; to believe for it is necessary the one for HIM Who COMES NEAR
ερχόμενον τφ Θεφ, δτι £στι, καΐ τοις
coming near to the God, because he is, and to those to GOD to believe That he
έκζητοΰσιν αυτόν μισθαποδότης γίνεται. 7 Π ί - exists, and that to THOSE
who SEEK him he becomes
seeklng him a rcwarder he becomes. In a Rewarder.
στει χρηματιστείς Νώε περί τών 7 In Faith §Noah, hav-
ing been divinely admon-
faith being divinely Noe concerning the ished concerning THINGS
μηδέπω βλεπομένων, εύλαβηθείς rot then SEEN, moved
not yet things being seen, havingbeenpiouslyafraid Ark with pious fear, §built an
κατεσκεύασε αύτοΰ· κιβωτόν
δι* είς η"ς σωτηρίανκατέκρινε τοΰ τόν for the Preservation
built an ark for a preservation of the of his FAMILY ; through
κόσμον, καΐ της κατά πίστιν δικαιοσύ- which he condemned the
world, and of the according to faith righteous- WORLD, and became an
νης έγένετο κληρονόμος. Πίστει καλούμενος NESS according Heir of $the RIGHTEOUS-
to Faith.
'Αβραάμ ύπήκουσεν έξελθείν είς τόν τόπον, 8 In Faith § Abraham
was obedient, *HE BEING
* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. THAT which is SEEN did not arise. 5. hi
omit. 8. HE BEING CALLED to go out into a Place.
Chap. 11:9.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 11:16.
δν ήμελλε λαμβάνειν είς κληρονομίαν, CALLED to go forth into
-which he was about to receive for an inheritance, the PLACE which he Avas
in future to receive for
καΐ εξήλθε, μή επισταμένος που ερχε-
an Inheritance; and he
&ΐΐ(1 ΪΙΘ *yyΦ ΙΛ t f o r t h not* j t n o w i u ^
ται. 9 Πίστει παρώκησεν εις *[τήν] γήν της went forth, not knowing
Tyliere xio ^^iis
going. In faith he sojourned in [the] land of the where he was going.
επαγγελίας ως άλλοτρίαν, έν σκηναίς κατοι- 9 In Faith he sojourned
in the LAND of the PROM-
promise as A stranger» in tents having ISE, as a Stranger, having
κήσας, μετά Ισαάκ καΐ 'Ιακώβ των συγκλη- dwelt in Tents $with
OTvelt· Λν*ιth j[saao and Jacob of the joint*™ Isaac and Jacob, §the CO-
ρονόμων της επαγγελίας της αύτης· 10έξε- ISE ;
heirs of the promise of the same; was 10 for he was expecting
δέχετο γαρ την τους θεμέλιους εχουσαν πόλιν, $that CITY having the
waiting for that the foundations having city, FOUNDATIONS, $of which
η"ς τεχνίτης καΐ δημιουργός ό Θεός. GOD is the Designer and
of which a designer and architect the God; Architect.
Πίστει καΐ αυτή 2άρρα δύναμιν είς κατα- 11 In Faith, also $Sa-
In faith also herself Sarah power for a lay- rah herself received Power
όολήν σπέρματος Ιλαβε, καΐ παρά for Conception, even be-
ing down of seed received, even beyond a proper yond the proper period of
ρόν ηλικίας, έπεί πιστόν ήγήσατο τόν έπαγ- Life, since she regarded
HIM §faithful who PROM-
time of life, since faithful she regarded the one ISED.
γειλάμενον. 12Διό καΐ αφ' ενός έγεννή- 12 Therefore also *were
Φησαν, καΐ ταΰτα νενεκρωμένου, κα-
born from §one, who even
and these things having been dead, like as to these things had be^
θώς τά δστρα του ούρανοϋ τφ πλήθει,
come lifeless, [aposterity]
the ήstars of theή heaven $like the STARS of HEAVEN
καΐ ώς άμμος παρά forτόtheχείλος multitude,
for MULTITUDE, and like
and like the sand that byω the shore of the THAT SAND on the SHORE
θαλάσσης ή αναρίθμητος. Κατά πίστιν άπέ- Of t h e SEA, INNUMERABLE.
sea the innumerable. In faith died
13 All these died in
θανόν οδτοι πάντες, μή λαβόντες τάς
Faith, $not having re-
these all 9 ceived t h e
not having received the PROMISED
blessings, b u t ^having
επαγγελίας, αλλά πόρρωθεν αΰτάς Ιδόντες seen and saluted them
καΐ άσπασάμενοι, καΐ όμολογήσαντες, δτι from a Distance, and §hav-
and having saluted, and having confessed, that
ing confessed That they
were Strangers and So-
ξένοι καΐ παρεπίδημοί είσιν επί της γης. journers on the LAND.
14 For THOSE who SAY
i*Ot γάρ τοιαύτα λέγοντες έμφανίζουσιν δτι
Those for such things saying make known that Such that
things §make known
they are seeking a
πατρίδα έπιζητοΰσι. 15ΚαΙ εΐ μέν εκείνης Country.
a country they seek. And if Indeed that 15 And if indeed they
"έμνημόνευον άφ' ϊ\ζ they cameέξηλθον, were mindful of that from
forth, which they came forth,
they remembered from which
είχον αν καιρόν άνακάμψαι· Μνΰν they would have had an
Opportunity to have re-
they would have had a season to have returned; now turned ;
δέ κρείττονος ορέγονται, τοΰτ' δστιν έπου- 16 but now they long
for a better, that is, a
but a better they long after, this is, heaven- h e a v e n l y [country.]
ρανίου. Δι^ ονκ έπαισχύνεται αυτούς ό θεός, Therefore GOD is n o t
Iy. * Therefore not MANUSCRIPT.—9.
ALEXANDRIAN Is ashamed of them the God,12. were made.
t 9. Gen. xli. 8; xiii. 3, 18; xviii. 1, 9. $ 9. Heb. vl. 17. $ 10. Heb. xii. 22;
xlil. 14. t 10. Heb. 111. 4. % 11. Gen. xvii. 19; xviii. 11, 14; xxi. 2. t 11»
Bom. ix. 21; Heb. x. 23. t 12. Rom. iv. 19. $ 12. Gen. xxii. 17; Rom. ix. 18.
t 13. ver. 39. $ 13. John Till. 56. $ 13. Gen. xxiii. 4; xlvii» 9; 1 Chron. xxlx.
15; Psa. cxix. 19; 1 Pet. 1. 17; 11. 11. t 14. Heb. xiii. 14.
Chap. 11:17.] HEBREWS. [Chap, 11:25.
θεός έπικαλείσθαι «ύτων ήτοίμασε γάρ αύ- ashamed of them $to be
ft GrO(J t o D© C&l 1@Q O i Xft^Klj XIΘ J)F6{)!lfOd ΙΟΓ ΙΟΓ called their God; for $he
τοις πόλιν. 17 Πίστει προσενήνοχεν 'Αβραάμ is preparing for them a
them a city. In faith offered up Abraam City.
τόν 'Ισαάκ πειραζόμενος, καΐ τόν μονογενή 17 In Faith $ Abraham,
the Isaac being tried, and the only-begotten being tried, offered up
Λροσέφερεν ό χάς επαγγελίας άναδεξάμενος, ISAAC; and HE who had
was offering up he the promises having received, RECEIVED t h e PROMISES
18 $was offering up his ONLY-
πρός 8ν έλαλήθη· "Οτι έν 'Ισαάκ κληθή- EEGOTTEN,.
to whom it was said; That in Isaac shall be 18 to whom it was said,
σεταί σοι σπέρμα· 19λογισάμενος, δτι καΐ ±"For in Isaac shall Thy
calloci to ΐϊιββ & s66d» 1
Inferring · tliftt even. "Seed be called;"
έκ νεκρών έγερεϊν δυνατός ό θεός· 19 inferring that GOD
out of dc3.<3 ones to raise up i s Able tlio Godj
δθεν αυτόν και έν παραδολρ έκομίσατο. Jis able even to raise up
Λν^ΐιβηοο Λ i τη ft 1 so in & si m ilitudo lie re cover ed· from the dead; whence
εύλό- also, in a Similitude, he
ΠΙστει περί μελλόντων recovered Him.
Ιη faith concerning things being to come blessed
20 *In Faith also con-
γησεν 'Ισαάκ τόν 'Ιακώβ καΐ τόν Ήσαΰ. cerning future things,
Jlsaac blessed Jacob and
^Πίστει 'Ιακώβ αποθνήσκων Ικαστον τών Esau.
21 In Faith Jacob, dy-
In faith Jacob dying each of the ing, §blessed each of the
υιών 'Ιωσήφ ευλόγησε· καΐ προσεκύνησεν επί SONS of Joseph; ±$he
sons of Joseph blessed; and bowed down on
Πίστει bowed down also on the
τό άκρον της ράβδου αυτοί).
the top of the staff of himself. In faith TOP of his STAFF.
'Ιωσήφ τελευτών περί της εξόδου 22 In Faith ^Joseph,
τών υ'ιών 'Ισραήλ έμνημόνευσε, καΐ πε- at the close of life, re-
of the eons of Israel reminded, and con- minded the SONS of Israel
ρΐ τών όστέων αύτοϋ ένετείλατο. 2 3 Πί- concerning the DEPART-
cernlng the bones of himself gave charge. In URE, $and gave orders
οτει Μωϋσης γεννηθείς έκρύβη τρίμηνον about his BONES.
faith Moses being born was hidden three months 23 In Faith §Moses, be-
ύπό τών πατέρων αυτοί), διότι είδον ing born, was hidden three
Months by his PARENTS,
toy thΘ p8.rents ox liimselfj because they s^w because they s a w the
άστείον τό παιδίον καΐ ουκ έφοβήθησαν τό they did not was Beautiful; and
fear $the
διάταγμα τοΰ βασιλέως. 24 Πίστει Μωϋσής EDICT of the KING.
μέγας γενόμενος ήρνήσατο λέγεσθαι υΙός having 24 In Faith $Moses,
great having become refused to be called a son become mature, re-
fused to be called a Son
θυγατρός Φαραώ, ^μάλλον έλόμενος of Pharaoh's Daughter;
of a daughter of Pharaoh, rather choosing 25 $choosing rather to
συγκακουχεϊσθαι τφ λαφ του Θεοΰ, ή πρόσ- &uffer evil with the PEOPLE
to suffer evil with the people of the God, than for
of GOD than to have a
καιρόν εχειν αμαρτίας άπόλαυσιν 26μείζονα Transient Enjoyment of
* ALEXANDRIAN M A N U S O R I P T . — 2 0 . In Faith also.
± 2 1 . Or, according to Sampson, this sentence may be translated "and rendered wor-
ship (to God,) on account of the height of his (Joseph's): ensign." He contends that
rabdos, a rod, also means ensign, because according to Lev. xvii, twelve rods were to be
borne by the twelve princes of Israel with the names of the tribes written thereon, as
ensigns. Akron means top, summit, height; and epi with an accusative he would render,
on. account of, or in respect to. The,patriarch Jacob, then, "worshipped God on account
of the height of Joseph's power," when he with prophetic vision saw the future greatness
of Ephraim and Manasseh. The reader is left to choose which rendering he prefers.
t 16. Exod. 111. 6 . 1 5 ; Matt. xxii. 3 2 ; Acts vii. 32. t 16. Phil. Hi. 2 0 ; Heb.
xiii. 14. t 17. Gen. xxii. 1, 9. ί 17. James ii. 21. $ 18. Gen. xxi. 12; Kom.
ix. 7. $ 19. Rom. iv. 1 7 , 1 9 , 2 1 . t 20. Gen. xxvii. 27, 29. t 2 1 . den. xlviii.
5, 16, 2 0 . t 2 1 . Gen. xlvii. 3 1 . t 2 2 . Gen. i . 24, 2 5 ; Exod. xiii. 19*
t 2 3 . Exod. ii. 2 ; Acts vil. 2 0 . $ 2 3 . Exod. 1. 10, 2 2 . t 24. Exod. ii. 10, 1 1 .
ί 2 5 . P s a . lxxxiv. 1 0 .
€hap. 11:26. ] HEBREWS. [Chap. 11:35.
πλοΰτον ήγησάμενος των Αιγύπτου θησαυ- 26 having regarded $the
wealth having regarded of the Egypt treasures
ρών τόν όνειδισμόν του Χρίστου· απέβλε- ED Greater Wealth than
πε γάρ εΐζ την μισθαποδοσίαν. 2 7 ΠΙ- for he looked off toward
avray for towards the reward. In $the REWARD.
στει κατέλιπεν Αϊγυπτον, μή φοβηθείς τόν 27 In Faith §he left
faith he left Egypt, not fearing the Egypt, not fearing the
θυμόν του βασιλέως· τόν γάρ άόρατον ώς WRATH of the KING; for
wrath of the king; the for unseen one as he was strong as seeing
28 the INVISIBLE one.
όρων έκαρτέρησε. ΠΙστει πεποίηκε τό 28 In Faith $he ap-
SCG ΐH£f ΙΐΘ W & S StrODCT» IQ f & i t h 110 lid S IllckuO vli©
pointed the PASSOVER, and
πάσχα καΐ τήν πρόσχυσιν του αίματος, tva the ASPERSION of the
passover and the pouring on of the blood, so that BLOOD, so that the DES-
μή ό όλοθρεύων τά πρωτότοκα, θί- TROYER of the FIRST-
not the one destroying the first-borns, might BORNS might not touch
29 them.
γτ| αυτών. Πίστει διέβησαν τήν 29 In Faith $they
touch of them. In faith they passed through the passed through the Red
έρυθράν θάλασσαν ώς διά ξηράς* ής Sea as through a dry
red sea as through a dry place; which place; which the EGYP-
πείραν λαβόντες ol ΑΙγύπτιοι, κατεπόθη- TIANS attempting, were
a trial 30 attempting the Egyptians, were swal- swallowed up.
σαν. ΠΙστει τά τείχη *Ιεριχώ δπεσε, 30 In Faith $the WALLS
lowed up. In faith the walls of Jeiicho fell, of Jericho fell down, hav-
κυκλωθέντα επί επτά ημέρας. 3 1 ΠΙ- ing been encompassed
στει Ραάβ ή πόρνη ού συναπώλετο Seven Days.
faith Rahab the harlot not was destroyed
31 In Faith §Rahab,
τοις άπειθήσασι, δεξαμενή τους κατα- the HARLOT, did not per-
with those unbelieving, having received the spies ish with the UNBELIEVERS,
σκοπούς μετ' εΙρήνης. ^ΚαΙ τΐ £τι λέ- t having received t h e
with peace. And what further may SPIES in Peace.
γω; Έπιλείψει γάρ με διηγούμενον ό χρόνος 32 And why should I
I say? Will fall for me relating the time say more? for the TIME
περί Γεδεών, Βαράκ * [τε καΐ] Σαμ- will fail me to discourse
concernlng Gideon, Barak [also and] Sam- concerning $Gideon, §Ba-
rak, § Samson, § Jepthah ;
ψων, * [καΐ] Ίεφθάε, Δαυίδ τε καΐ Σα·$David also, and §Samuel,
son, [and] Jepthah, David also and Sa- and the PROPHETS ;
μουήλ, καΐ των προφητών οϊ διά 33 who by means of
muel, and the prophets; who by means of Faith, subdued Kingdoms,
πίστεως κατηγωνίσαντο βασιλείας, είργάσαν- performed Righteousness,
faith subdued kingdoms, performed ^obtained Promises, $shut
το δικαιοσύνην, έπέτυχον επαγγελιών, έ'φρα- Lions' Mouths,
righteousness, obtained promises, closed 34 § quenched the Power
84 of Fire, {escaped the
ξαν στόματα λεόντων, ε*σ6εσαν δύναμιν πυ- Edges of the Sword, $from
up» mouths of lions» Quenched power oi. Weakness were m a d e
ρός, Ιφυγον στόματα μαχαίρας, ένεδυναμώ- strong, §overturned the
fire, escaped mouths of sword, were made
Camps of Foreigners.
Οησαν άπό ασθενείας, έγεννήθησαν Ισχυροί έν 35 ±§Women received
their DEAD by a Resurrec-
πολέμω, παρεμβολάς έκλιναν άλλοτρίων ^ λ α -
* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—32. also and—omit. 32. and—omit.
± 3 5. Forcjiinps
Women, overturned
is a reading oof
f foroisrners*
the Syriac. re™
6ovt 26.γυναίκες
Heb. xiii. έξ
13. αναστάσεως
$ 26. Heb. x. τους
35. $νε-
27. Exod. x. 2 8 , 2 9 ; xii. 3 7 ; xiil.
1 7 , 1 8 . t 2 8 . Exod. xii. 2 1 . t 29. Exod. xiv. 22,29. t 30. Josh. vi. 2 0 .
t 31. Josh.women
vi. 2 3from
; Jamesa resurrection
ii. 25. t 31. the
Josh. dead
i. 1. $ 32. Judges vi. 1 1 . t 3 2 .
Judges iv. 6. $ 32. Judges xiii. 26. % 32. Judges xi. 1; xii. 7. t 32. 1 Sam. xvi.
1, 1 3 ; xvii. 45. % 32. 1 Sam. i. 2 0 ; xii. 20. % 33. 2 Sam. vii. 11. ί 33. Judges
xiv. 5, 6; 1 Sam. xvii. 34, 3 5 ; Dan. vi. 22. % 34. Dan. iii. 25. % 34. 1 Sam. xx.
1; 1 Kings xix. 3 ; 2 Kings vi. 16. X 34. 2 Kings xx. 7. % 3 4 . Judges xv. 8, 1 5 ;
1 Sam. xiv. 13. t 35. 1 Kings, xvii. 2 2 ; 2 Kings iv. 3 5 .
Chap. 11:36.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 12:3.
κρούς αυτών άλλοι δέ έτυμπανίσθη- tion; but others were
ones of themselves; others but were beaten to beaten to death, not ac-
σαν, ού προσδεξάμενοι την άπολύτρωσιν, ίνα cepting the DELIVERANCE
death, not having accepted the redemption, so that [offered,] in order t h a t
κρείττονος αναστάσεως τύχο>σιν. ^"Ετε- they might obtain a Better
a better resurrection they might obtain. Others Resurrection.
ροι δέ εμπαιγμών καΐ μαστιγών πείραν έλα- 36 And others received
but of mockings and of scourges a trial re- a Trial of Mockings and
βον, ετι δέ δεσμών καΐ φυλακής· Scourges, and also $of
ceived, further but of bonds and of imprisonment; Bonds and Imprisonment.
έλιθάσθησαν, έπρίσθησαν, έπει- 37 §They were stoned,
they were stoned, they were sawn asunder, they sawn asunder,· ±tempted ;
ράσθησαν, έν φόνφ μαχαίρας άπέθανον they died by slaughter of
were tempted, by slaughter of sword they died; the Sword; they went
περιήλθον έν μηλωταίς, έν αίγείοις δέρ- about in Sheep-skins and
they went about in sheepskins, in goat skins, in Goat-skins, being des-
μασιν, ύστεροΰμενοι, θλιβόμενοι, κακουχού- titute, afflicted, ill-treated ;
being in want, being afflicted, being i 11 -
38 (of whom the WORLD
(ών ούκ fjv άξιος ό κόσμος,) was not worthy ;) wander-
ing in Deserts, and in
έν έρημίαις πλανώμενοι καΐ δρεσι, καΐ Mountains, §and in Cav-
erns, and in the HOLES of
σπηλαίοις καΐ ταίς όπαίς της γης. 30 Καί the EARTH.
IX) ciiv©s ΑΙΚΙ in tlie holes of tlio QfLrtli· And 39 And all these having
οΰτοι πάντες μαρτυρηθέντες διά της been attested by means of
these a l l having been attested by means of the the FAITH, did not obtain
the PROMISED blessing.
πίστεως, ούκ έκομίσαντο την έπαγγελίαν,
faith, not did obtain the promise, 40 GOD having foreseen
*°τοΰ ΘεοΟ περί ημών κρείττον τι προ- §something better con-
the God concerning us a better thing hav- cerning Us, so that not
βλεψαμένου, tva μή χωρίς ημών τελειω- apart from Us §theymight
lujy foi*Gs©Gii| s o thtit mot· iipftΓ11rorti u s to©y xzi i£»ht be made perfect.
be made perfect.
ΚΕΦ. ι β \ 12. 1 Therefore also we
α having Such a Cloud of
Τοιγαροΰν καΐ ημείς, τοσούτον Εχοντες Witnesses surrounding us,
περικε'ιμενον ήμίν νέφος μαρτύρων, δγ- Jlaying aside every En-
«ον αποθεμένοι πάντα, καΐ την εύπε- cumbrance, and th e
ρίστατον having" l&id Aside δι'
άμαρτίαν, every, and thoύπομο-
close— CLOSE-GIRDING Sin, $should
run $with Patience the
girding sin, by means of patient en- Course MARKED OUT for US,
νης τρέχωμεν τόν προκείμενον ήμίν
2 looking away to the
durance we should run the being laid out for us LEADER and Perfecter of
αγώνα* άφο<>ώντες είς τόν της πίστεως άρ- the FAITH, Jesus, §who
course; looking away to the of the faith for the JOY set before him,
χηγόν καΐ τελειωτήν Ίησουν, 8ς Αντί endured the Cross, disre-
leader and perfecter Jesus, who In return garding the Shame, and
της προκειμένης αύτώ χαράς, ύπέμει- $has sat down a t the
for the being placed before him Joy, endured Right hand of the THRONE
δεξι§ τε τουαίσχύνης
θρόνου καταφρονήσας,
του Θεοϋ κεκάθι- of GOD.
νβ σταυρόν, έν
right and of the throne of the God has sat 3 $For consider HIM at-
Άναλογίσασθε γαρ τόν τοιαύτην tentively who has EN-
down. Attentively consider you for the such DURED Such Opposition
± 3 7. Some would read here epeiratheesan, pierced through, instead of the textual
reading. See Wakefield and Newcome.
$ 36. Jer. xx. 2 ; xxvii. 15. t 37. 1 Kings xxi. 1 3 ; 2 Chron.xxiv. 2 1 . t 38.
1 Kings xviii. 4 ; xix. 9 . $ 4 0 . H e b . v i i . 2 2 ; viii. 6. t 40. Heb. v. 9 ; xii. 2 3 ;
Rev. vi. 11. t 1. Col. i i i . 8 ; 1 P e t . i i . 1. t 1. ί 1. 1 Cor. ix. 2 4 ; Phil. iii.
1 3 , 1 1 . t 1. Bom. xii. 1 2 ; Heb. x. 36. % 2. Luke xxiv. 2 6 ; Phil. ii. 8 ; 1 Pet.
ii 1 1 . % 2 . P s a . ex. 1 ; Heb. i. 3» 1 3 ; viii. 1 ; 1 Pet. iii. 22. % 3. Matt. x.
24, 2 5 ; John xy. 20.
Chap. 12:4.] HEBREWS. [ϋΐιαρ. 12:12.
ΰπομεμενηκότα ύπό των αμαρτωλών ε'ις αύ- from SINNERS, so that you
one having endured from the sinners towards him- may not be wearied, being
τόν άντιλογίαν, ϊνα μή κάμητε discouraged inyour SOULS.
self opposition, no that not you may be wearied
4 §You did not yet re-
ταίς ψυχαΐς υμών εκλυόμενοι. Οΰ- sist to Blood, contending
in the souls of you being discouraged. Not against SIN.
πω μέχρις αίματος άντικατέστητε προς την
yet even to blood you resisted with the 5 And have you forgot-
άμαρτίαν ανταγωνιζόμενοι· 5 καί έκλέλη- ten the EXHORTATION
sin contending against; and you have for- which reasons with you as
σθε της παρακλήσεως, ήτις ύμϊν ώς with Sons? $"My Son,
gotten the , exhortation, which with you as 'slight not the Discipline
υίοΐς διαλέγεται· ΥΙέ μου, μη ολιγω- "of the Lord, neither be
ρεί παιδείας Κυρίου μηδέ έκλύ- 'proved by himwhen
slight discipline of Lord, neither be thou dis-
6 "for $whom the Lord
ου ύπ' αύτοΰ έλεγχό-ιενος δν
γαρ 'loves, he disciplines, and
couraged by him being reproved; for he scourges Every Son
ayaxoq. Κύριος, παιδεύει· μαστιγοί δέ "whom he receives."
loves Lord, he disclpl ines; he scourges and
πάντα υΐόν 8ν παραδέχεται. 7 El παιδείαν 7- $I£ you endure Dis-
every son w h o m he receives. If discipline cipline, GOD deals with
υπομένετε, ώς υΐοίς you as with Sons ; for is
you endure, as with sons there any Son whom a Fa-
θεός· τΙς γάρ έστιν υΙός, δν ού παιδεύει ther does not discipline?
ijodj &oy 8 for is son ι whoili not disciplines
8 But if you are with-
πατήρ; Εί δέ χωρίς έστε
παιδείας, out Discipline, §of which
a father If but without you ar discipline,
all have become Par-
of whlel μέτοχοι γεγόνασι πάντες, δρα takers, then truly you are
Spurious, and not Sons.
νόθοι έστέ καΐ ούχ υΙοί. βΕΙτα τους μεν
bastards you are and not sons. Then those Indeed
9 Have we then indeed
της σαρκός ημών πατέρας εϊχομεν παιδευ- received discipline from
of the flesh of us fathers we have dlsciplina-
τάς, καΐ ένετρεπόμεθα· ού πολλφ μάλλον and we reverenced them ;
rians, and we reverenced; not
by much . more
shall we not much rather
ύποταγησόμεθα τφ ΠατίρΙ των be submissive to §the
shall we be submissive to the
Father of the FATHER of SPIRITS, and
πνευμάτων, καΐ ζήσομεν; Ol μέν γάρ live?
spirits, and we shall live? They indeed for
προς ολίγας ημέρας, κατά. τό δο- for10 a For THEY indeed,
Few Days disci-
for a few days, according to that seem-
plined us, according as it
κουν αύτοίς, έπαίδευον ό δέ έπΐ τό
ing right to them, disciplined; he but. for that SEEMED RIGHT to them*
συμφέρον, είς τό μεταλαβείν της but HE for our ADVANTAGE,
being profitable, in order that to partake of the tin order that we may
άγιότητος αύτοΰ. 1 Χ ΙΙασα δέ παιδεία προς PARTAKE Of h i s HOLINESS.
holiness of him. All but discipline as to 11 But All Discipline,
μέν τό παρόν ού δοκεί χαράς εΐ- indeed,
as it respects the
seems not to be
indeed that being present not seems of Joy to
ναι, αλλά λύπης· ύστερον δέ καρπό ν είρη- of Joy, but of Grief; yet
be but of grief; afterwards but fruit peace- afterwards it returns $ the
peaceful Fruit of Right-
νικόν τοις δι' αυτής γεγυμνασμένοις eousness to THOSE who
ful to those through her having been trained
have been TRAINED by it.
άποδίδωσι δικαιοσύνης. Διό τάς πα-
12 Therefore, §brace up
ρειμένας χείρας καΐ τά παραλελυμέ- the WEARIED HANDS, and
ing been wearied hands, and the having been en- the ENFEEBLED Knees;

X 4. Heb. x. 32-40. $ 5. Prov. i i i . 1 1 . % 6 . P s a . xciv. 1 2 ; cxix. 7 5 ; Prov.

iii. 1 2 ; James i. 1 2 ; Rev. iii. 19. t 7. Prov. xiii. 2 4 ; xix. I S ; xxiii. 1 3 . t 8 .
1 P e t . v. 9 . t 9 . Num. xvi. 2 2 ; xxvii. 1 6 ; I s a . xlii. 5 ; M i . 1 6 ; Zeeh. xii. 1.
t 10, Lev. x i . 4 4 ; xix. 2 ; 1 PeU i. 15, 16. % 11. James iii. 1 8 . $ 1 2 . Job i i i . 4 ;
Isa. xxxv. 3 .
Chap. 12:13,] HEBREWS. [Chap. 12:22.
να γόνατα άνωρθώσατε· ^καΐ τρο- 13 $and make level
feebled knees do you brace up; and paths Paths for your FEET, SO
χιάς όρθάς ποιήσατε τοις ποσίν υμών, ίνα that §the LAME may not
be t u r n e d aside, b u t
μη τό χωλόν έκτραπχί, Ιαθη rather be healed.
hot the lame may be turned out, may be healed 14 §Pursue Peace with
δέ μάλλον. 14 Είρήνην διώκετε μετά πάν- all, and that HOLINESS
but r a t h e r . Peace d o you p u r s u e w i t h a l l ,
^without which no one
των, καΐ τόν άγιασμόν, ού χωρίς ουδείς shall see the LORD ;
and the holiness, which without no one 15 ^looking carefully,
δ'ψεται τόν Κύριον. 15 ΈπΊσκοποϋντΕς, μή lest any one fall back from
shall see the Lord. Looking carefully, lest
the FAVOR of GOD ; §lest
τις ύστερων άπό της χάριτος
του any Root of Bitterness
any one falling back from the favor of the
springing up may dis-
θεοΰ· μή τ ι ς ρίζα πικρίας ανω φύο«- turb you, and through
God; lest any root of bitterness upward spring-
it *Many be poisoned ;
σα ενοχλώ, καΐ διά ταύτης μιαν- 16 $lest there be any
ing may disturb, and by means of this may
Fornicator, or Profane
θώσι πολλοί* 1 β μή τις πόρνος, ή βέβη- person, like Esau, §who
for one Meal sold his
λος ώς Ήσαυ, δς αντί βρώσεως BIRTH-RIGHT.
fane person 11-ke Esau, who on account of eating 17 For you know That
μιας άπέδοτο τα πρωτοτόκια αύτου. " " Ι - $when, a f t e r w a r d s , he
of one sold the birthrights of himself. You wished to inherit the
BLESSING, he was re-
στε γ α ρ , δτι καΐ μετέπειταθέλων κλη- fused ; for he found no
know for, that even afterwards wishing
to Place for a Change of
ρονομησαι την εύλογίαν, άπεδοκιμάσθη· με- mind, though he sought it
inherit the blessing, he was rejected; for earnestly with Tears.
τανοίας γαρ τόπον ούχ εδρε, καίπερ
18 For you have not ap-
a change of mind for a place not he found, though proached to a ^Mountain,
μετά δακρύων έκζητήσας αυτήν. 1 8 Ού touched and scorched with
with tears having earnestly sought her. Not Fire, and to a thick
γαρ προσεληλύθατε ψηλαψωμένω *[8ρει,] Cloud, and to Darkness,
and to Tempest,
for youhave approached being touched Camountain,]
19 and to a Sound of a
καΐ κεκαυμένφ πυρί, καΐ γνό- Trumpet, and to a Voice
duel 1ι& ν ins* been burnt w i t h fire» &nd t o & thick of Commands, the HEAR-
φω, καΐ σκότφ, καΐ θυέλλη,κα1 σάλ-ERS of which §entreated

cloud* ftud xo diirltDLGS3| fi.uo, t o t©mp©stj mid οι that not another Word
should be added to them ;
πιγγος ?ίχω, καΐ φωνή ρημάτων
a trumpet to a sound, and to a voice of words 20 (for they could not
endure the INJUNCTION,
$\ζ ot άκούσαντες παρητήσαντο, μή
$"If even a Beast should
of which those having heard entreated, not "touch the MOUNTAIN it
προστεθήναι αύτοΐς λόγον (ούκ εφερον "shall be stoned;"
to be added to them a word; (not they endured 21 §and so terrible was
γάρ τό διαστελλόμενον Kttv θηρίον "θά-
for that being enjoined; If even a wild-beast2 1 may the SCENE, that Moses
γη τοϋ δρους, λιθοβοληθησεται· καί, said, " I exceedingly fear
touch the mountain, i t shall be stoned; and, "and tremble.")
[ούτω φοθερόν ·?ίν τό φανταζόμενον,] Μωϋ- 22 But you have ap-
σής ε ί π ε ν "Εκφοβός είμι καΐ έ'ντρομος·)
said; Affrighted I am and tremble;) proached to Zion, a Moun-
άλλά προσεληλύθατε Σιών βρει· καΐ tain and City of the living
God—$the heavenly Jeru-
but you have approached Sion a mountain; and
πόλει Θεοΰ ζώντος,
* ALEXANDRIAN M A N U'Ιερουσαλήμ έπουρανίω*
S C B I P T . — 1 5 . MANY. 18. a Mountain—omit.
to a city of God living, Jerusalem heavenly;
t 13. Prov. iv. 2 6 , 2 7 . ί 13. Gal. vi. 1. $ 14. Psa. xxxiv. 1 4 ; Bom. xii. 1 8 ;
Xlv. 9 ; 2 T i m . i i . 2 2 . % 1 4 . M a t t . v . 8 ; 2 Cor. v i i . 1 ; E p h . v. 1 . t 15. 2 Cor.
Vi. 1. t 15. Gal. v. 4. $ 16. Eph. v. 3 ; Col. i i i . 5 ; 1 Thess. iv. 3 . ί 1 6 . Gen.
ixv. 3 3 . t 17. Gen. xxvii. 34, 36, 38. ί 18. Exod. xix. 12, 18, 1 9 ; xx. 1 8 ; pent,
iv. 1 1 ; v. 22. t 19. Exod. xx. 1 9 ; Deut. v. 5, 2 5 ; xviii. 16. $ 20. Exod. xix. 13.
t 2 1 . Exod. x i x . 1 6 . J 2 2 . Gal. iv. 2 6 ; Rev. i i i . 1 2 ; xxi. 2, 1 0 .
Chap. 12:23.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 13:2.
καΐ μυριάσιν, αγγέλων πανηγύρει· salom; and to Myriads of
and to myriads, of messengers anentireassembly; Angels,—
^καΐ εκκλησία πρωτοτόκων, άπογεγραμ- 23 a full Assembly ; and
and to a congregation of first-borns, having been to a Congregation of First-
μένων έν ούρανοίς· καΐ κριτή Θεφ πάντων borns, ^having been en-
enrolled in heavens; and to a judge God of all; rolled in the Heavens;
καΐ πνεΰμασι δικαίων τετελειωμένων and to a Judge who is
God of all; and to Spirits
and to spirits of just ones having been perfected;
of the Righteous made
κα1 διαθήκης νέας μεσιτχι, Ίησοΰ· perfect:
καΐ αΐματι ραντισμοΰ, κρείττον λα- 24 and to §a Mediator
and of blood of sprinkling, 25a better thing speak- of a new Covenant—
λοΰντι παρά του "Αβελ. Βλέπετε, μή πα- Jesus; and to a §Blood
ing than the Abel. Beware you, not you
οf Sprinkling speaking
ραιτήσησθε τόν λαλοΰντα. Ει γάρ εκείνοι something Better than
should refuse the one speaking. If for those
ούκ £φυγον, τόν επί γης παραιτησάμενοι
not escaped, him on earth having refused 25 Beware, lest you
χρηματίζοντα, πολλφ μάλλον ημείς should reject H I M who
now SPEAKS ; $f ο r if
divinely admonishing, by how much more we
ot τόν &η* ουρανών άποστρεφόμενοι· those did not escape who
who him from heavens are turning away from; rejected HIM who ADMON-
οΰ ή φωνή τήν γήν έσάλευσε τότε· ISHED them on Earth, how
of whom the voice the earth shook then; much less we, who TURN
νυν δέ έπήγγελται,
— ,, λέγων* "Ετι AWAY from HIM who ad-
ounced, saying: Yet monishes us from Heaven ;
now butout It it has b
nas Deen announced, l e t once
παξ έγώ σείω ού μόνον τήν γήν, αλλά 26 $whose VOICE then
for a l l I shake not only the earth, but shook the EARTH ; but
καΐ τόν ούρανόν. 27 Τό δέ, ϊχι δπαξ now it has been an-
also the heavens. The but, yet once for all nounced, saying, $"Yet
δήλοι τών σαλευομένων τήν μετάθε- "once for all I *will shake
"not only the EARTH, but
σιν ώς πεποιημένων, * [ίνα μεί- "the HEAVEN also."
as of things having been made, [so that may 27 Now THIS, "Yet once
vn. τ ά μή σαλευόμενα.] 28
Διό "for all," denotes the
remain the not things being shaken.] Therefore ^REMOVAL Of t h e THINGS
SHAKEN, as of things
βασιλείαν άσάλευτον παραλαμβάνοντες, £χω-
made, so that the THINGS
a kingdom unshaken receiving, may not SHAKEN may remain.
μεν χάριν, δι* η"ς λατρεύω- 28 Therefore, receiving
we hold fast favor, by means of which we may an unshaken Kingdom,
μεν εύαρέστως τφ Θεφ, μετά αίδοΰς καΐ may we hold fast the Fa-
serve acceptably to the Qod, with reverence and
ευλάβειας. ^ΚαΙ γάρ ό θεός ημών πΰρ vor, through which we
piety. Even for the God of us a fire may serve GOD acceptably
καταναλίσκον. with Reverence and Piety.
29 For even §our GOD
is a consuming Fire.
ΚΕΦ. ι γ \ 13.
Χ 2
Ή φιλαδελφία μενέτω. Τής φιλο- 1 Let % BROTHERLY-
The b r o t h e r l y l o v e l e t c o n t i n u e . Of t h e k i n d - LOVE continue.
ξενίας μή έπιλανθάνεσθε· διά ug ταύτης 2 §Be not neglectful of
to strangers not be you neglectful; through ξενίσαντεςthis
g entertained HOSPITALITY ; for through
γάρ ε"λαθόν τίνες this §some unconsciously
for without knowing some having entertained Angels.
αγγέλους. 8Μιμνήσκεσθε τών δεσμίων, ώς
mindful of the prisoners, will shake. as
27. so that the THINGS not
SHAKEN may remain-—omit.
Chap. 13:3.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 13:12.
συνδεδεμένοι· των κακουχου- 3 §Be mindful of the
i f having been bound t o g e t h e r ; of those being Ill-
PRISONERS, as if bound
μένων, ώς καΐ αυτοί δ ντε ς έν σώματι, with them ; and of THOSE
treated, as also yourselves being in body. ILL-TREATED, as being
Τίμιος ό γάμος έν πασι καΐ ή yourselves also in the
Honorable the marriag and the Body.
all, 4 Let MARRIAGE be
κοίτη αμίαντος πόρνους δε καΐ μοι- honorable among all, and
bed unde filed; ornicators but5 and adulter- the BED be unpolluted;
χους κρίνει ό Θεός. Άφιλάργυρος $*for Fornicators and
e r s w i l l judge tjie God. Not a love of mouey Adulterers GOD will judge.
ό τρόπος· άρκούμενοι τοις 5 Be not of an avari-
the turn of mind; being satisfied with the things cious DISPOSITION ; $be
παροϋσιν αυτός γαρ εΐρηκεν Ού μη σε satisfied with PRESENT
being present; he for has said; Not not thee THINGS, for he himself
άνώ, ούδ' ού μη σέ έγκαταλίπω* has said,—§"No, I will
may I leave, not even not thee may I forsake; "not leave Thee; no, no,
θαρροΰντας ήμας λέγειν Κύριος " I will not forsake Thee."
so that being confident us to say; A Lord 6 So that, taking cour-
έμοί βοηθός, καΐ ού φοβηθήσομαι· τΐ ποιή- age, we may say, $"The
for me a helper, and7 not I w i l l fear; what shall "Lord is My Helper, and
ο ει μοι άνθρωπος; Μνημονεύετε των ήγου- " I will not fear; what
do to me a man? Kemember you of those lead- "can Man do to me?"
μένων υμών, οϊτινες έλάλησαν ύμίν τόν λόγον
ing of you, who spoke to you the word 7 § Remember your
του Θεοΰ· ών άναθεωροΰντες τήν LEADERS, 1 h O S e wllO
of the God; of whom viewing attentively the spoke to you the WORD of
GOD ; and viewing atten-
Εκβασιν της αναστροφής, μιμείσθε τήν πίστιν. tively the RESULT of their
result of the mode of l i f e , i m i t a t e you the faith. CONDUCT, imitate their
Ίησοΰς Χριστός χθες και σήμερον ό FAITH.
Jesus Anointed yesterday and to-day the 8 Jesus Christ, Yester-
αυτός, καΐ είς τους αΙώνας. 9Διδαχαίς ποι- day and To-day is $the
SAME, and for the AGES.
9 $Be not you therefore
κίλαις καΐ ξέναις μή παραφέρεσθε· καλόν led away by various and
various and strange not be you led away; good foreign Doctrines; for it
γαρ χάριτι βεβαιοΰσθαι τήν καρδίαν, is an Excellent thing for
for by favor to be established the heart,
the HEART to be establish-
ού βρώμασιν, έν οίς10> ούκ ώφελήθησαν
ot περιπατήσαντες. Έχομεν θυσιαστή- ed by FAVOR; §not by
those having walked about. We have an altar, Aliments, in which THOSE
were not profited who
ριον, έξ οδ φαγεΐν ούκ εχουσιν έξου- WALKED in them.
10 §We have an Altar
σίαν ot xfi σκηνή λατρεύοντες. Qv from which THOSE who
γάρ είσφέρεται ζώων τό αίμα * [περί have no Right to eat.
for i s brought animals the blood [concerning 11 For §the BODIES of
αμαρτίας] είς τά δγια διά του άρχιε- those Animals, whose
sinj into the holies by means of the high- BLOOD is brought into the
ρέως, τούτων τά σώματα κατακαίεται £ξω
priest, of these the bodies are burned outside HOLY PLACES Ly the
της παρεμβολής. ω Διό καΐ Ίησοΰς, Ινα HIGH-PRIEST, are burned
of the camp. Therefore also Jesus, so that outside of the CAMP.
12 Therefore, Jesus al-
άγιάσχι διά του Ιδίου αίματος τόν so, that he might sanctify
he might sanctify through the o w n blood the the PEOPLE through his
* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—4. for Fornicators. 11. concerning Sin—omit.
t 3. Col. iv. 18. t 4. 1 Cor. vi. 9 ; Gal. v. 1 9 ; Col. iii. 5, 6. t 5. Matt. vi.
25, 3 4 ; Phil. iv. 11, 1 3 ; 1 Tim. vi. 6, 8. $ 5. Gen. xxviii. 1 5 ; Deut. xxxi. 6, 8 ;
Josh. i. 5 ; Psa. xxxvii. 25. t 6. Psa. xxvii. 1; lvi. 4, 11, 1 2 ; exviii. 6. $ 7 .
verse 17. t 8. John viii. 5 6 ; Heb. i. 1 2 ; Rev. i. 4. t 9. Eph. iv. 1 5 ; v. 6 ; Col.
ii. 4, 8 ; 1 John iv. 1. % 9 . Bom. xiv. 1 7 ; Col. ii. 1 6 ; 1 Tim. iv. 3. $ 10. 1 Cor.
Ix. 1 3 ; x . 1 8 , X 1 1 . Exod. xxix. 1 4 ; Lev. iv. 1 1 , 1 2 , 2 1 ; vi. 3 0 ; lx. 1 1 ;
xvi. 2 7 ; Num. xix. 3.
Chap. 13:13. ] HEBREWS. [Chap. 13:21.
λαόν, εξω της πύλης έπαθε. ^Τοίνυν OWN Blood, ^suffered out-
people, outside οί the gate suffered. Now then side of the GATE.
έξερχώμεθα προς αυτόν ε"ξω της παρεμ- 13 Let us, then, now go
let us go forth to him outside of the camp, forth to him outside of
βολής, τόν όνειδισμόν αύτοΰ φέροντες· 1 4 ον the CAMP, ^bearing RE-
IROACH for him ;
γάρ εχομεν ώδε μένουσαν πόλιν, αλλά την
for we have here abiding a city,
14 $for we have not
but the here an Abiding City, but
μέλλουσαν έπιζητοΰμεν. 1 5 Δι' αύτοΟ we are seeking for the
one being about to come we seek. Through him FUTURE one.
οΰν άναφέρωμεν θυσίαν αίνέσεως δια- 15 ^Through him, there-
fore, let us offer §a Sacri-
παντός τφ Θεφ, τοΰτ' έ'στι, καρπόν χει-
fice of Praise to GOD con-
tinually to the God, this is, tinually,
fruit of that is, the Fruit
λέων όμολογούντων τφ ονόματι αύτοΰ. Της of Lips celebrating his

l i p s inscribing j) r it ι s Θ to tli© ud me of hi TP^ · Ο f t ti 6 NAME.

bk εύποίΐας καΐ κοινωνίας μη έπιλανθά-
but doing good and fellowship not be you neg- to be BENEFICENT and to
16 §But do not forget
νεσθε· τοιαύταις γάρ θυσίαις εύαρεστεϊται Distribute r for $with
Such Sacrifices GOD is
ό Θεός. 17
Πείθεσθε τοις well-pleas· ed.
the God. Be you obedient to those leading17 $Obey your LEAD-
υμών, καΐ ύπείκετε· αυτοί γάρ άγρυ- ERS, and be submissive;
you, and b;e you subject; they for watch for §they keep watch on
πνοΰσιν υπέρ τών
your behalf, as going to
ψυχών υμών, ώς λό- render an Account; so

γον άποδώσοντες· ίνα μετά χαράς τοΰ- that they may do this
account going to render; so that with joy this
with Joy, and not with
groanings ; for this would
TO ποιώσι, και μή στενάξοντες* άλυσιτε- be unprofitable to you.
they may do, and not groanings; disastrous
18 18 $Pray for u s ; for
λές γάρ ύμίν τοϋτο. Προσεύχεστε περί
for to you this. Pray you for we have confidence, Be-
cause we have $a Good
ημών πεποίθαμεν γάρ, δτι καλήν Conscience, wishing to
conduct ourselves well
ουνείδησιν εχομεν, έν κασι καλώς θέλον- among all;

τες άναστρέφεσθαι· 19 19 §but more especially

περισσοτέρως δέ I entreat you to do This,
ing to conduct ourse.lves; more earnestly but so that I may more speedi-
παρακαλώ τοΰτο ποιησαι, ίνα τάχιον ly be restored to you.
I entreat this to do, so that more quickly
2 20 Now may $THAT
αποκατασταθώ ύμίν. °'Ο δέ Θεός της GOD Ο f PEACE, jwho
I may be restored of you. The now God of the BROUGHT UP from the
εΙρήνης, ό άναγαγών έκ νεκρών Dead $THAT SHEPHERD
peace, the one having led up out of dead ones of the SHEEP, (become
τόν ποιμένα τών προβάτων τόν. μέγαν GREAT by $the Blood of
an aionian Covenant,)
έν αίματι διαθήκης αιωνίου, τόν Κύρι- even our LORD Jesus,
ον ημών Ίησοΰν, ^xaxaQXiaai ύμας έν 21 $knit you together
of us Jesus, knit together you in in Every Good *Work, in
παντί έργω άγαθφ, εις τό ποιησαι
every work
M A N U Sin
C Rorder
I P T . — 2 1the
. Work to doWord, to DO his WILL, producing in
you by Him THAT.
t 12. John xix. 17, 18 ; Acts vii. 58. % 13. Heb. xi. 2 6 ; 1 Pet. iv. 14. $ 1 4 . Mieah
ii. 1 0 ; Phil. i i i . 2 0 ; H e b . x i . 10, 1 6 ; x i i . 2 2 . t 15. Eph. ν. 2Θ; 1 Pet. ii. 5.
t 15. Lev. vii. 1 2 ; P s a . 1. 14, 2 3 ; lxix. 30, 3 1 ; cvii. 2 2 ; cxvi. 17. t 16. Rom. xii.
13. t 1 6 . 2 Cor. i x . 1 2 ; P h i l . iv. 1 8 ; H e b . v i . 1 0 . t 17. Phil. ii. 2 9 ; 1 Thess.
v. 1 2 ; 1 Tim. v. 1 7 ; verse 7. $ 17. Ezek. iii. 1 7 ; xxxiii. 2, 7 ; Acts xx. 26, 28.
$ 18. Rom. xv. 3 0 ; Eph. vi. 1 9 ; Col. iv. 3 ; 1 Thess. v. 2 5 ; 2 Thess. i i i . 1.
t 18. Acts xxiii. 1 ; xxiv. 1 6 ; 2 Cor. i. 12. $ 19. Philemon 22. t 20. Rom. xv. 3 3 ;
1 Thess. v. 2 3 . % 2 0 . Acts ii. 2 4 , 3 2 ; Bom. iv. 2 4 ; viii. 1 1 ; 1 Cor. vi. 1 4 ;
xv. 1 5 ; 2 Cor. iv. 1 4 ; Gal. i. 1 ; Col. ii. I i . 20. Isa. xl. H ; Ezek. xxxiv. 2 3 ;
xxxvii. 2 4 ; John x. 1 1 ; 1 Pet. ii. 2 5 ; v. 4. ί 20. Zech. ix, 1 1 ; Heb. x. 22. * 2 1 .
2 Thess. i i . 1 7 ; 1 P e t . v. 1 0 .
Chap. 13:22.] HEBREWS. [Chap. 13:25.
τό θέλημα αύτοΰ* ποιων έν ύμίν το εύά- order to DO his WILL ;
the will of him; doing in you the w e l l - §producing in you THAT
ρεστον ενώπιον αύτοΰ, διά Which is WELL-PLEASING
pleasing thing in presence of himself, through in his presence, through
Ίησον Χρίστου· φ ή δόξα εις τους Jesus Christ; $to whom
Jesus Anointed; to w h o m the glory for the be the GLORY for the AGES
of the AGES.
αιώνας των αΙώνων αμήν.
Παρακαλώ δε ύμας, αδελφοί, άνέχε- Brethren, 22 Now I entreat you,
bear the WORD
σθε τοΰ λόγου yoi) της παρακλήσεως· καΐ γαρ of EXHORTATION ; for in-
With the word of the
with exhortation; indeed for deed, I sent it to you in
διά βραχέων έπέστειλα ύμίν. ^Γινώσκετε brief.
Ι χ\ Ι β AV W ΟΓ(Ζ8 • I SOnt t o yOU· XOU ΐζΤΐΟΜΓ
τόν άδελφόν ΤιμόΦεον άπολελυμένον, μεθ' 23 You know t h a t
tli© brother Timothy having been sent away, "with been
^BROTHER Timothy has
ού, έάν τάχιον έ'ρχηται, δψομαι ύμας. whom sent away, with
if he arrive soon,
whom, if quickly he comes, I shall see you.
Άσπάσασθε πάντας τους ήγο\>μένους υμών, I shall see you.

Salute you all the leaders of you,

24 S a l u t e all your
y,al πάντας τους άγιους. 'Ασπάζονται υμάς ^LEADERS, and All the
and all the holy ones; Salute you SAINTS. THOSE from
ol άπό της 'Ιταλίας. 25
Ή χάρις μετά ITALY salute you.
πάντων υμών αμήν. 25 $The FAVOR be with
all of you; So be i t . you all. Amen.
$ 21. Phil. ii. 13» t 21. Gal. i. 5; 2 Tim. iv. 18; Rev. i. 6. $ 23. 1 Thess.
iii. 2. ί 24. verse ^ IT. ί 25. Titus iii. 5.


ΚΕΦ. α'. 1. CHAPTER I.
Ίάκω6ος, Θεοΰ καΐ Κυρίου Ίησοΰ Χρίστου 1 §James, $a Bond-
James of God and of Lord Jesus Anointed servant of God and of the
δούλος, ταίς δώδεκα φυλαίς ταίς έν Lord Jesus Christ, $to
a bond-servant, to the twelve tribes to those in THOSE TWELVE Tribes in
ττ| διασπορά, χα'ιρειν. 2 Πάσαν χαράν ήγήσα- fthe DISPERSION, greet-
the dispersion, health. All Joy do you
σθε, αδελφοί μου, δταν πειρασμοίς περι-
esteem, brethren of me, when 2 §Esteem it All Joy,
temptations you
ηέσητε ποικ'ιλοις· 3γινώσκοντες, δτι το δο- my Brethren, $when you
mayfall into various; knowing, that the fall into various Trials ;
κ'ιμιον υμών της πίστεως κατεργάζεται ύπο- 3 ^knowing That the
proof of you of the faith works out PROOF of your FAITH pro-
μονήν. 4 e H δε υπομονή έργον τέλειον έχέ- duces Patience.
p a t i e n c e . The but p a t i e n c e work p e r f e c t let 4 But let PATIENCE
τω, ίνα ίιτε τέλειοι καΐ δλό- have a perfect Work, so
have, so that you may be perfect ones and com- that you may be perfect
Ei δε and complete, deficient in
pie έν μηδενΐ λειπόμενοι.
τις υμών λείπεται σοφίας, αίτεί- 5 §And if any on*e of
any one of you is destitute of wisdom, let him you be deficient in Wis-
τω παρά τοΰ δίδοντος θεοΰ πασιν dom, let him §ask it from
ask from of the one giving of God to all GOD, who IMPARTS liber-
απλώς, και μη όνειδίζοντος· καΐ δοΦήσε- ally to all, and does not
l i b e r a l l y , and n o t censuring; a n d i t w i l l be censure; and $it will be
ται αντφ. ΑΙτείτω δέ έν πίστει, μηδέν given to him.
given to him. Let him ask but in faith, not 6 §But let him ask in
διακρινόμενος· ό γάρ διακρινόμενος εοικε
hesitating; the for one hesitating is like Faith, not hesitating ; for
κλύδωνι θαλάσσης άνεμιζομένω καΐ ριπι- HE who HESITATES is like
to a wave of sea being wind-agitated and being a Wave of the Sea, agitat-
ζομένω. 7Μή γάρ ο'ιέσθω ό άνθρωπος έκεί- ed and tossed by the wind.
tossed.* Not for let thinK the man that, 7 For let not that MAN
νος, δτι λήψεταί τι παρά τοΰ Κυρί- think That he shall receive
ου. that ho shall receive δίψυχος,anything
from the'Lord. έν anything fromtheLoRD,—
Άνήρ double-soul, unstable 8 §a Man of two-souls,
πάσαις ταίς ofόδοίς αύτοΰ. 9Καυχάσθω δέ ό unstable in All his WAYS.
all A man the ways doiof himself. Let boast but the
9 But let the HUMBLE
αδελφός ό ταπεινός έν τφ ΰψει αύ- BROTHER glory in his EX-
brother the humble in the humiliation of him- ALTATION ;
τοΰ· ό δέ πλούσιος, έν τη ταπεινώσει αύ- 10 and the RICH in his
τοΰ· δτι ως άνθος χόρτου παρελεύ- HUMILIATION ; Because
h i m s e l f ; b e c a u s e a s a flower of g r a s s he w i l l §as a Flower of Grass, he
will pass away.
σεται. "'Ανέτειλε γάρ ό ήλιος συν τφ
11 For the SUN rose
καύσωνι, καΐ έξήρανε τόν χόρτον, και ΓΟ With SCORCHING HEAT,
according heat, and withered the grass, and the and withered the GRASS,
ανθός αύτοΰ εξέπεσε, καΐ ή ευπρέπεια τοΰ and its FLOWER fell off,
flower of i t f e l l off, a n d t h e beauty of t h e
προσώπου αύτοΰ άπώλετο· οντω καΐ ό πλου- and the BEAUTY of its AP-
face of i t perished; thus also the rich PEARANCE perished; thus
σιο<τ έν ταίς πορείαις αύτοΰ μαρανθήσεται. also will the RICH man
man in the ways of h i m s e l f w i l l fade a w a y . fade in his WAYS.
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — T i t l e — T H E E P I S T L E OF J A M E S .
ί 1. Acts xii. 17; xv. 1 3 ; Gal. i. 19; ii. 9 ; Jude 1. t 1. Titus i. 1. ί 1. Acts
xxvi. 7. ί 1. Deut. xxxii. 2 6 ; John vii. 3 5 ; Acts ii. 5; 1 Pet. i. 1. X 2. Matt. v.
12; Acts v. 4 1 ; Heb. x. 3 4 ; 1 Pet. iv. 13, 16. $ 2. 1 Pet. i. 6. $ 3. Rom. v. 3.
ί 5. 1 Kings i i i . 9, 11, 12; Prov. i i . 3. ί 5. Matt. vii. 7; xxi. 2 2 ; Mark xi. 2 4 ;
Luke xi. 6; John xiv. 1 3 ; xv. 7; xvi. 23. ί 5. 1 John v. 14. t 6. Mark xi. 2 4 ;
1 Tim. ii. 8. $ 8. James iv. 8. ί 10. Job xiv. 2 ; Psa. xxxvii. 7; xc 5, 6; cii. 1 1 ;
ciii. 1 5 ; Isa. xl. 6 ; 1 Cor. vii. 3 1 ; James Iv. 14; 1 Pet. i. 2 4 ; 1 John ii. 17.
Chap, 1:12.] JAMES. [Chap. 1:23.
Μακάριος άνήρ, ος υπομένει πειρασμόν 12 $Happy the Man
Blessed man, who bears up under temptation; who endures Trial; Be-
δτι δόκιμος γενόμενος λήψεται cause having become an
because approved having become he w i l l receive approved person, he will
τόν στέφανον της ζωής, δν έπηγγείλατο receive $the CROWN of
LIFE, $which *the LORD
the crown of the l i f e , which promised promised to THOSE who
ό Κύριος τοις άγαπώσιν αυτόν. ^ΜηδεΙς πει- LOVE him.
the Lord to those loving him. No one being 13 Let no one, when
ραζόμενος λεγέτω· "Οτι άπό Θεοΰ πειρά- tempted, say, " I a m
tcmpted let say; That from of God I am
ζομαι· ό γάρ Θεός άπείραστός έστι jca- tempted by God ;" for God
tempted; the for God not tempted Is of is incapable of being
κών, πειράζει δέ αυτός ούδένα. 14*Έκαστος tempted by Evil things,
evils, tempts and he no one. Each one
δέ πειράζεται, ύπό της Ιδίας επιθυμίας and he tempts no one;
but i s tempted, by the own In»ordinate desire 14 but each one is
έξελκόμενος καΐ δελεαζόμενος· εΙτα ή dinate desire, 15 tempted by his OWN Inor-
being drawn out and being entrapped; then the out and allured.
being drawn
επιθυμία συλλαβοΰσα τίκτει 15 Then §INORDINATB
inordinate desire having conceived brings forth DESIRE having conceived
άμαρτίαν ή δέ αμαρτία άποτελεσθείσα produces Sin; and SIN be-
sin; the but sin having been perfected ing perfected ^brings
1β forth Death.
άποκύει θάνατον. Μή πλανασθε, άδελ- 16 Do not be led astray,
brings forth death. Not be you let astray, breth- my beloved Brethren.
φοί μου αγαπητοί. 17Πάο*α δόσις αγαθή, 17 §Every goodGiftand
ren of me beloved ones. Every gift good,
καΐ παν δώρημα τέλειον, ανωθέν έστι Every perfect Gift is from
and every gift perfect, from above Is above, coming down from
καταβαΐνον άπό του Πατρός τών φώτων, t h e FATHER Of LIGHTS,
παρ' down not
coming ουκ ενι
from oe of παραλλαγή,
the Father
change, of ή
the τροπής
or of turning §with whom there is No
with 18 Change, or the least Varia-
άποσκίασμα· 6ουληθε1ς άπεκΰησεν ήμας λό- tion.
a shade; having willed he begot us by
γω αληθείας, είς
18 ^Having willed it,
τό είναι ήμας, άπαρ- he begot us by the Word
a "word of truth, ' order -~ "--•'
that --to *--
be ---
us, ----
ζήν τ ί ν α τών 1β of Truth, §in order that
αύτου κτισμάτων. "Ωσ- we might BE a $First-
ruit a kind of the of himself creatures. There- fruit of H I S Creatures.
τε, αδελφοί μου αγαπητοί, feVtoo πάς
fore, brethren of me beloved ones, l e t be every 19 Therefore, my be-
άνθρωπος ταχύς είς τό άκοΰσαι, loved Brethren, $let Every
man quick in order that to have heard, Man be quick to HEAR,
βραδύς είς τό λαλήσαι, βραδύς Slow tO SPEAK, SlOW to
slow In order that to have spoken, slow Anger;
είς όργήν. ^ Ό ρ γ ή γάρ ανδρός δίκαιο- 20 fo'r Man's Anger does
\χ\ ΟΓΟΟΓ t o ^yrfttilt iVrittli foi* of m&Q. a r 1 Q\I tοous— not work out God's Righte-
σΰνην θεοΰ ού κατεργάζεται. Ai6 άποθέ- ousness.
ness of God not works out. Therefore putting 21 Therefore, $discard-
μενοι πάσαν ρυπαρίαν καΐ περισσείαν κα- ing All Impurity and Over-
away all filthiness and superabundance of flowing of Malice, embrace
κίας, έν πραΰτητι δέξασθε τόν §μφυτον with Meekness THAT IM-
badness, in meekness receive you the implanted
λόγον, τόν δυνάμενον σώσαι τάς ι1>υχάς ABLE PLANTED Word $whieh is
word, that being able to save the lives to save your SOULS.
υμών. 22
Γίνεσθε δέ ποιηταΐ λόγου, καΐ μή 22 But §become Doers
of you. Become you but doers of word, and not of the Word, and not
* VAJIOAN M A N U S C E I P T . — 1 2 . he promised.
* 12. Job v. 1 7 ; Prov. iii. 11, 1 2 ; Heb. xii. 5 ; Bev. ill. 19. $ 12. 1 Cor. ix. 2 5 ;
2 Tim. Iv. 8 ; James i i . 5 ; 1 Pet. v. 4 ; Rev. ii. 10. $ 12. Matt. x. 2 2 ; xix. 28, 29.
James ii. 5. t 1 5 . Job. xv. 3 5 ; P s a . vii. 14. $ 15. Rom. vi. 2 1 , 2 3 . X 17.
John iii. 2 7 ; 1 Cor. iv. 7. $ 17. Num. xxiii. 1 9 ; 1 Sam. xv. 2 9 ; Mai. iii. 6; Rom.
x i . 2 9 . t 1 8 . John i . 1 3 ; i i i . 3 ; 1 Cor. iv. 1 5 ; 1 Pet. i. 23. t 18. Eph. i. 12.
t 18. Jei. ii. 3 ; Rev. xiv. 4 . t 19- Eccl. v. 1 , 2 ; Prov. x. 1 9 ; xvii. 27. t 2 1 .
Col. iii. 8 ; 1 P e t . i i . 1. $ 2 1 . Acts xiii. 2 6 ; Rom. i. 16; 1 Cor. xv. 2 ; Eph. i. 1 3 ;
Titus ii. 1 1 ; Heb. ii. 3 ; 1 P e t . i. 9. ί 22. Matt. vii. 2 1 ; Luke vi. 4 6 ; Rom. ii. 13.
Chap. 1:23.] JAMES. [Chap. 2:3.
μόνον άκροαταί, παραλογιζόμενοι εαυτούς, Hearers only, deceiving
only hearers, deceiving yourselves.
23 yourselves.
*Ότν εί τις ακροατής λόγου εστί καΐ 23 For §if any one be a
Because if any one a hearer of word is and Hearer of the Word, and
ού ποιητής, οΰτος Ιοικεν άνδρΐ κατανοοΰντι
not a doer, this i s like a man viewing not a Doer, he resembles a
t o πρόσωπον της γενέσεως αύτοΰ έν έσό- Man Viewing his NATU-
the face of the birth of himself in RAL FACE in a Mirror;
24 24 for he viewed him-
πτρίρ* κατενόησε γάρ εαυτόν, «αϊ άπε- self, and went away, and
a mirror; he viewed for himself, and went immediately forgot what
λήλυθε, καΐ
έπελάθετο όποιος kind of person he was.
away, 2 5 and immediately
?)V. *O δ έ παρακύψαςforgot ε ιwhat sort
ς νόμον 25 But §HE who LOOKS
ho was. He but having looked Intently into a law INTENTLY i n t o THAT
τέλειον τόν της ελευθερίας καΐ παραμεί- which is the perfect $Law
perfect that of the freedom and having con- of FREEDOM, and con-
•νας, * [ ο ί τ ο ς ] ούκ ακροατής έπιλησμονής tinues in it, not becoming
a forgetful Hearer, but a
γενόμενος, αλλά ποιητής Ιργου, οΰτος μα- Doer of its Work, $this
having become, but a doer of work, this man will be blessed in his
«άριος έν τχί ποιήσει «ύτοΰ εσται. DEED.
blessed in the doer of himself shall be. 26 If any one think to
^Εϊ τις δοκεί θρήσκος είναι, μή χα- be religious, who does not
If anyone thinks religious to be, not
^restrain his Tongue, but
λυναγωγών γλώσσαν αύτοΰ, άλλ' απατών deludes his own heart,
bridling tongue of himself, but deceiving this man's RELIGION is
καρδίαν αύτοΰ, τούτον μάταιος ή θρησκεία. vain.
heart of himself, ©f this vain the religion.
27 27 Pure Religion and
Θρησκεία καθαρά καΐ αμίαντος παρά τφ undefined with the GOD
Religion pure and undefined with the
Θεφ καΐ Π α τ ρ ί , αυτή εστίν, έπισκέπτεσθαι and Father is this,—$To
take the oversight of Or-
God stud Father, this is> to oversee phans and Widows in their
ορφανούς καΐ χήρας έν Tf\ θλίψει αυτών, AFFLICTION, $and to keep
άσπιλο ν εαυτόν τηρεΐν άπό του κόομου. Himself unspotted from
oaspotted himself to keep from the world. the WORLD.
ΚΕΦ. 6 ' . 2. ϊ'Αοελφοί μου, μή έν CHAPTER I I .
of me, not with
προσωποληψίαις ^χετε τήν πίστ σ τι ν του 1 My Brethren! do not
a respect of persons do you hold the faith fai of the hold the FAITH of Jesus
Κυρίου ημών Ίησοΰ Χρίστου της δόξης. Christ, o u r ^GLORIOUS
Lord of us Jesua Anointed of the glory. LORD, with $ a Respect of
Έ ά ν γάρ είσέλθη είς την συναγωγήν persons.
If for may enter into the synagogue 2 For if a Man enter
υμών άνήρ χρυσοδακτύλιος έν your SYNAGOGUE, having
of you a man having gold rings on his fingers in gold rings on his fingers,
έσθήτι λαμπρά, είσέλθη δέ «αϊ πτωχός in a splendid Robe, and
a robe splendid, may enter and also a poor man there enter also a Poor
έν ρυπαρφ έσθήτι, 3 κα1 έπιβλέψητε επί man in Dirty Clothing ;
in dirty clothing, and you should look on
τόν φοροΰντα τήν έσθήτα τήν λαμπράν, καΐ 3 and you look on the
the one wearing the robe the splendid, and one WEARING the SPLEN-
ειπητε* Σύ κάθου ώδε καλώ λώς, καΐ DID ROBE, and say, "Sit
you should say; Thou s i t here honor; orably, and thou here in an honorable
τφ πτωχφ είπήτε* 2 ύ στήθι έχει, place;" and say to the
to the poor man you should day; THOU stand there, POOR man, "Stand *thou;
f[ κάθου * [ώδε] ύπά τ6 ύποπόδιόν μου· or sit there on my FOOT-
or sit thou [here] under the footstool of me; STOOL ; "
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—25. this-T-omii. 3. here—omit. 3. t h o u 5 or sit there
t 23. Luke vi. 47. See James ii. 14. $ 2 5 . 2 Cor. iii. 1&. % 25. James ii. l a .
$ 2 5 . John xiii. 1 7 . t 26. Pea. xxxiv. 1 3 ; xxxlx. 1 ; 1 Pet. iii. 10. $ 27. Isa. i.
16, 17; lviii. 6, 7 ; Matt. xxv. 36. % 27. Rom. xii. 2 ; James iv. 4 ; 1 John v« 18*
$ 1. 1 Cor. i i . 8. t 1» Lev. xix. 15; Deut. i . 1 7 ; xvi. 19; Piov. xxiT. 2 3 ;
ixviii. 2 1 ; Matt, sxik 16; verse 9 ; Jude 16.
Chap. 2:4.] JAMES. [Chap. 2:14.
*[κα1] ού διεκρίθητε έν έαυ- 4 do you not make dis-
fandj not did you make a difference among your- tinctions a m o n g your-
selves, and become Judges
τοίς, καΐ έγένεσθε κριταί διαλογισμών πο- from evil Reasonings?
selves andδ became judges reasonings of 5 Hearken, my beloved
νηρών; Άκούσατε, αδελφοί μου άγαπη-
evil things? Hear you, brethren of me beloved Brethren ! $Has not GOD
τοί, ούχ ό θεός έξελέξατο τους πτωχούς chosen the POOR of the
ones, not the God chose the poor WORLD, $rich in Faith,
and Heirs of the KING-
του κόσμου πλουσίους έν πίστει καΐ κληρο- DOM §which he promised
of the world rich ones in faith and heirs to THOSE who LOVE him ?
νόμους της βασιλείας, η"ς έπηγγείλατο τοις 6 But $you dishonored
of the kingdom, which he promised to those the POOR. Do not the
άγαπώσιν αυτόν; β *Υμείς δέ ήτιμάσατε τόν RICH domineer over you,
loving him? You but dishonored the
and §do they not drag
πτωχόν. Ούχ ol πλούσιοι καταδυναστεύουσιν you into Courts of Jus-
poor. Not the rich ones domineer over tice?
υμών, καΐ αυτοί έ'λκουσιν υμάς ε'ις κριτή- 7 Do they not revile
you, and they drag you into courts of THAT HONORABLE Nam©
ρια; 7
Ούκ αυτοί βλασφημουσι τό καλόν which has been NAMED on
justice? Not they revile the honorable you?
όνομα τ6 έπικληθέν έ φ ' υμάς; 8 Et 8 If indeed you keep a
royal Law according to the
name that having lt>een named on you? If SCRIPTURE, §"Thou shalt
μέντο* νόμον τελείτε βασιλικόν, κατά "love thy NEIGHBOR as
indeed a law you keep royal, according to "thyself," you do well;
την γ ρ α φ ή ν 'Αγαπήσεις τόν πλησίον σου 9 but if you respect
the writing; Thou shalt love the neighbor of thee
persons, you commit Sin,
ώς σεαυτόν, καλώς ποιείτε* 9 ε1 δέ προσω- being convicted under the
as thyself, well you do; If but you re- LAW as Trangressors.
ποληπτείτε, άμαρτίαν εργάζεστε, έλεγχόμε- 10 For whoever shall
spect persons» siu you workj toeing con— keep the Whole LAW, but
νοι ύπό του νόμου ώς παραδάται. shall fail in one point, has'ted under
the law as transgressors. become §guilty of all.
"Οστις γαρ δλον τόν νόμον τηρήσει, πταί- 11 For HE who SAID,
O γ£ρfor εΙπών whole theΜη law keeps, μοιχεύ- shall
σει δέ έν ένΐ, γέγονε πάντων ένοχος, $"Thou shalt not com-
f a i l forb u tonei nhaving
o n e , said;
h a s b Not
e c o m ethou
o fmayest
all gcommit
uilty. "mit adultery," said al-
*Ο yaQ είπεεΙπών·
udul't καί· Μή Μή φονεύσης* el so, "Thou shalt do no
tery, aaid also; Not thou mayest murder; If "murder." Now if thou
dost not adultery,
ού μοιχεύσεις, φονεύσεις but dost murder, thou
γέγονας παραβάτης νόμου. 1£Ου"τω hast become a Trans-
gressor of Law.
λαλείτε »ml ουτω| ποθείτε, ώς διά 12 Thus speak, and thus
speak you and thus do you, as by means of act, as being about to be
νόμου ελευθερίας μέλλοντες κρίνεοθαι. -»*Η judged by $a Law of Free-
a law of freedom being about to be judged. The dom ;
γά<? κρίσις άνίλεως τ φ μή ποίησαν- 13 for $ JUDGMENT is
for judgment merciless for him not having prac-
merciless for him who has
δλβος* κατακαυχαται &λεος κρίσεως. not PRACTISED Mercy;
mercy; glories over mercy judgment. Mercy triumphs over
l *ftfo] βφελος, αδελφοί μου, έάν Judgment.
at Cth«] profit, brethren of me, if
14 $What Advantage,
πίστιν λέγη τις ^χειν, ^ργα δέ μή my Brethren, has any one,
though he say he has
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 . and—omit. 14. the—-omit.
t 5. John vii. 4 8 ; 1 Cor. i. 26, 28. $ 5. Luke xii. 2 1 ; 1 Tim. vi. 1 8 ; Be*. 11. 9*
% 5 . Exod. xx. 6 ; 1 Sam. i i . 3 0 ; Prov. viii. 1 7 ; Matt. v. 3 ; Luke v i . 2 0 ; x i i .
3 2 ; 1 Cor. i i . 9 ; 2 Tim. iv. 8 ; James i . 1 2 . ί 6 . 1 Cor. xi. 2 2 . t 6. Acts xiii.
50. xvii. 6 ; xviii. 1 2 ; James v. 6 . $ 8 . Lev. xix. 1 8 ; Matt. xxii. 3 9 ; Rom. xiii.
S, β ; Gal. v. 1 4 ; vi. 2. $ 10. Deut. xxvii. 2 6 ; Matt. v. 1 9 ; Gal. i i i . 10. t 1 1 .
Exod. xx. 13, 1 4 . J 1 2 . James i. 25. ί 13. Job. xxii. 6 ; Prov. xxi. 1 3 ; M a t t vi.
1 5 ; xviii. 3 5 ; ZX7. 4 1 , 4 2 ; Luke svi. 25. t 14. Matt. vii. 2 6 ; James 1. 2 3 .
Vhap. 2:15.J JAMES. [Chap. 2:25.
fe'XO» Η-ή δύναται ή πίστις σώσαι αυτόν; Faith, but have notWorks ?
may have? not is able the faith to save him?
15 This FAITH is not able to
Έάν δέ αδελφός fj αδελφή γυμνοί ύπάρ- save him.
If but a brother or a sister naked ones should
,ωσι, καΐ λειπόμενοι ώσι της εφήμερου 15 Now suppose a
b e, and wanting maybe of the daily Brother, or a Sister, be
τροφής, 1β
εΐπ·η δέ τις αύτοίς έξ naked, and in want of
food, may say and any one to them from DAILY Food, ,
υμών *Υπάγετε έν εΙρήνη, θερμαίνεσθε 16 and §any one of
of you; Go you away in peace, be you warmed you should say to them,
καΐ χορτάζεσθε· μή δώτε δέ αύτοίς "Go in Peace; be warmed
and be you filled; not you may give but to them and be filled;" but do not
τά επιτήδεια του σώματος, τΐ *[τό] give them the THINGS
the things17 necessary of the body, what [the] NECESSARY for the BODY,
όφελος; Οΰτω καΐ ή πίστις, έάν μή Ιχχι what Advantage is it?
profit? Thus also the faith, if not if may have 17 Thus also the FAITH,
Εργα, νεκρά έστι καθ' έαυτήν. 1 8 Άλλ' if it has not Works, being
works, dead i t is by itself. But by itself, is dead.
έρεΐ τις· Σύ πίστιν έχεις, κάγώ
w i l l say someone; Thou faith hast,
18 But some one will
and I say, "Thou hast Faith,
έ'ργα εχω· δείΐτόν μοι τή/ πίστιν σου χω- and I have Works; show
works have; show to me the faith of thee with-
ρίς τών έργων *[σου,] κάγώ δείξω
me thy Faith, without
σοι Works, and I will show
out the works [of thee,] and I w i l l show to1βthee * T h e e my FAITH by
έκ τών έργων μου την πίστιν *[μου.] Σύ Works.
by the works of me the faith [of me.] Thou
πιστεύεις, δτι ό Θεός είς έστι· καλώς there 19 Thou believest That
is *One God ; thou
believest, that the God one is; well dost well; §the DEMONS
ποιείς· καΐ τά δαιμόνια πιστεύουσι, και also believe, and tremble.
t h o i ] dO©St§ ©νβΛ til© uGIUOUS DGl I O T 6 | 8,11(1
φρίσσουσι. ^Θέλεις δέ γνώναι, ω άνθρωπε 20 But dost thou wish
shudder. Wishest thou but to know, 0 man to know, Ο vain Man,
κενέ, δτι ή πίστις χωρίς τών έργων νεκρά That FAITH without
vain, that the faith without the works dead WORKS is *dead?
έστιν; a
'Αβραάμ 6 πατήρ 21 Was not Abraham
Abraam the father ημών ούκ έξ
of us not by" our FATHER justified by
§ργων έδικαιώθη, άνενέγκας Ί- Works, $when he brought
wbrks was made righteous, having brought up up Isaac his SON to the
σαάκ τόν υΐόν αύτου έπΙ τό θυσιαστήριον; ALTAR?
22 22 Thou seest §That
Βλέπεις, 8τι ή πίστις συνήργει τοις the FAITH co-operated
Seest thou, that the faith worked with the with his WORKS ; and that
&ργοις αύτοΰ, καΐ έκ τών εΌγων ή πίστις the FAITH was made com-
works of him, 23and by the works the faith plete by the WORKS ;
έτελειώθη; ΚαΙ έπληρώθη ή γραφή 23 and THAT SCRIPTURE
was perfected? And was fulfil
lea the writing
was verified, which says,
ή λέγουσα* Έπίστευσε δέ 'Αβραάμ τφ Θεώ, $'And Abraham believed
that saying; Believed but Abraam the God, 'God and it was counted
καΐ έλογίσθη αύτφ εις δικαιοσύνην καΐ •to him for Righteous-
and it was counted to him for righteousness; and 'ness;' and he was called
Όράτε, δτι §'a Friend of God.' "
φίλος Θεού «λήθη.
έκλ r
a friend of God he w as called. Do you see, that 24 You see That a Man
έξ ε'ργων δικαιούται άνθρωπος, καΐ ούκ is justified by Works, and
by works Is made righteous a man, and not not by Faith alone.
έκ πίστεως μόνον; ^'Ομοίως δέ καΐ Ραάβ 25 And in like manner
by faith alone? In like manner and also Rahab also §was not Rahab the
ή πόρνη ούκ έξ ε'ργων έδικαιώθη, ύποδε- HARLOT justified by Works
the harlot not by works was Justified, having re- when she entertained the

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—16. the—omit. 18. of the©—omit. 18. Thee. 18. of

me—omit. 19. One God. 20. Unproductive?
t 16. 1 John iii. 18. t 19. Matt. viii. 2 9 ; Mark i. 2 4 ; v. 7; Luke iv. 3 4 ; Acts
xvi. 17; xix. 15. % 2 1 . Gen. xxii. 9, 12. t 22. Heb. xi. 17. t 23. Gen. xv. 6; Bom.
iv. 3 ; Gal. iii. &. $ 23. 2 Chron. xx. 7; Isa. xii. 8. $ 2 5 . Josh. ii. 1; Heb, xi. 3 1 . ;
Chap. 2:26.] JAMES. [Chap. 3:8.
ξαμένη τους αγγέλους, καΐ έτερα όδφ MESSENGERS, and sent
them out by Another Road ?
έκβαλοΰσα; '"Ωσπεο *[γάρ] τό σώμα χω- 26 As the BODY without
having sent out? As tior] the body with- Breath is dead, so also the
(?1ς πνει'ματος νεκρόν έστιν, ούτω καΐ ή FAITH, without WORKS, is
out breath dead is, so also the dead.
πίστις χωρίς των έργων νεκρά έστι. CHAPTER I I I .
faith without the works dead is. 1 §Do not Many of you
ΚΕΦ. γ ' . 3. become Teachers, my
Μή πολλοί διδάσκαλοι γίνεσθε, αδελφοί Brethren, ^knowing That
Not many teachers become you, brethren we shall receive a Severer
μου, ε'ιδότες, δτι μείζον κρίμα λη- 2 For in many things
©£ m Θ · isLmοvrius»ι tlist t jr r Θ& t Θ r condemiis.tXon w θ
ψόμεθα. 2 Πολλά γάρ πταίομεν άπαντες· εί we all are faulty. $If any
shall receive. Many ior we stumble a l l ; if one does not err in Word,
τις έν λόγω ού πταίει, οδτος τέλειος $he is a Perfect Man, able
άνήρ, δυνατός χαλιναγωγήσαι καΐ όλον τό to control the Whole BODY.
man, able to bridle and whole the 3 Behold! §we place
σώμα. 3 " Ι δ ε , των ϊππων τους χαλινούς el ς BITS into the MOUTH of
body. Lo, of the horses the bits into the HORSES to make them
OBEDIENT to us, and we
τά στόματα βάλλομεν προς τό πε'ιϋε- direct their Whole BODY.
the mouths we put in order that to make 4 Behold! the SHIPS
σΟαι αυτούς ήμΐν, καΐ δλον τό σώμα αυ- also, though *so GREAT,
and driven by violent
τών μετάγομεν. 4 Winds, yet they are direct-
&αΰτα δντα, καΐΊύπό δ ο ύ ,σκληρών
και τάάνεμων πλοία, έλαυ- τηλι-
ed by a very Small Rudder,
ti 1 V t OUt
gieat being, and byI O violent
ftlSO til θ S l l l } S
winds being SO
wherever the WILL of the
νόμενα, μετάγεται ύπό ελαχίστου πήδα- PILOT chooses.
Cti'lveu· ει r e turn eel jiliout t)y & very sin ο, 11 Jioliiiy 5 Thus a l s o |the
λίοι), οπού αν ή ορμή τοΰ εύΦΰνοντος TONGUE is a Small Mem-
ber, and boasts $greatly.
βούληται. ΒΟυτω καΐ ή γλώσσα μικρόν με- Behold! How Large a
]pl6HS6S· T i l U S & 1 S Ο t i l © t O I l ^ U e 21 l i t t l O UX6IH —
λος έστι, καΐ μεγαλαι^χεί. 'Ιδού, ολίγον πϋρ Mass of fuel *a Little Fire
ber i s , a n d g r e a t l y b o a s t s . L o , a l i t t l e fire kindles !
ήλ'ικην ΰλην άνάπτει. ΚαΙ ή γλώσσα 6 (And §the TONGUE is
how great a ' . . . . tongue a Fire,—the WORLD of
πΰρ, ό κόσμος της αδικίας· * [οΰτως] ή WICKEDNESS *,) thllS IS
a fire, the world of the wickedness; [thus] the THAT TONGUE rendered
γλώσσα καθίσταται έν τοις μέλεσιν ημών, among o u r MEMBERS,
tongue is placed among the members of us, which ^DEFILES the
ή σπιλοΰσα δλον τό σώμα, καΐ φλογίζουσα Whole BODY, and sets on
that spotting whole the body, and setting on fire
fire the WHEEL of NATURE,
τον τροχόν της γενέσεως, καΐ φλογιζομένη and is set on fire by GE-
the wheel of the nature, and being set on fire
ύπό της γεέννης. 7 Πασα γάρ φύσις θπρί- HENNA.
7 For Every Species
wild both of Wild beasts and of
<ον τε καΐ πετεινών, ερπετών τε και
beasts both and of birds, of reptiles both and Birds, both of Reptiles and
εναλίων δαμάζεται καΐ δ εδά- of Fishes, is subdued, and
has been subdued by the
μασται ΧΎ\ φι'σει τχ\ άνθρωπίνη· HUMAN RACE J
dued by th nature by that belonging to man; 8 but the TONGUE of
τήν δε γλώσσαν ουδείς δύναται ανθρώπων men No one is able to
the but tongue no one is able of men subdue—an Irrestrainable
δαμάσαι· άκατάσχετον κακόν, μεστή ίοϋ Evil, Jfull of death-pro-
an un-ruly evil, f u l l of p o i s o n ducing Poison.
to subdue;
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—26. For—omit. 4. So GREAT. 5. How great a Fire i t
$ 1. Matt, xxiii. 8, 1 4 ; Horn. ii. 20, 2 1 ; 1 Pet. v. 3. % 1. Luke vi. 3T. % 2.
Psa. xxxiv. 1 3 ; James i . 2 6 ; 1 Pet. i i i . 10. % 2. Matt. x u . 37. t 3. Psa. xxxii.
9. X 5. Prov. xii. 1 8 ; xv. 2. t 5. Psa. xii. 3 ; lxxiii. 8 , 9 . ί 6. Pro ν. xvi. 2 7 .
t 6. Matt. xv. 11, 18-20; Mark vii. 15, 20, 23. $ 8. Psa. cxl. 2.
Chap. 3:9.] JAMES. [C?iap. 4:1·
θανατηφόρου. Έ ν αΰτχί εύλογοϋμεν τόν 9 By it we *bless the
death-producing. By her we bless the GOD and F a t h e r ; and by
Θεόν καΐ Πατέρα, καΐ έν αύτη καταρώμεθα it we curse THOSE MEN
§who have been MADE ac-
τους ανθρώπους τους καθ' δμοίωσιν cording to God's Likeness;
the men those according to a likeness 10 out of the SAME
Θεοΰ γεγονότας* έκ τοΰ αΰτοΰ στο-
of God having' been made; out of the same mouth Mouth proceeds a Bless-
ing and a Curse. My
ματος εξέρχεται ευλογία καΐ κατάρα. Ου Brethren, these things
ought not so to be.
χρή, αδελφοί μου, ταΰτα ο(5τα> γίνε- 11 Does a FOUNTAIN
ought, brethren of me, these things
send forth from the SAME
σθαι. "Μήτι ή πηγή έκ της αυτής Opening SWEET and BIT-
Mot the fountain out of the same TER water?
οπής βρύει τό γλυκύ καΐ τό πικρόν; 12 Can a Fig-tree, my
opening send forth the sweet and the bitter? Brethren, produce Olives;
N<Μή δύναται, αδελφοί μου, συκή έλαίας or a Vine, Figs? *Ncither
ποιήσαι, ή άμπελος σύκα; ούτως οΰτε άλυκόν can a Salt spring produce
t o produce, or a v i n e figs? thus n e i t h e r s a l t Sweet Water.
γλυκύ ποιΓ,Γαι ΰδωρ. ^ΤΙς σοφός καΐ έπι- 13 §Is any one wise and
sweet to uia'xe water. Any one wise and discreet' among you? let
στήμων έν ύμίν; δειξάτω έκ της him show by HONORABLE
discreet among you? l e t him show out of the Conduct his WORKS with
καλής αναστροφής τά ε*ργα αύτοϋ έν Meekness of Wisdom.
honorable conduct the works of himself wltn 14 But if you have §bit-
πραΰτητι σοφίας· εί δέ ζήλον πικρό ν ^χε- ter Rivalry and Strife In

your HEARTS, §do you not

τε καΐ έριθείαν έν rft καρδία υμών, μή boast, and speak falsely
have and strife In the heart of you, not
concerning the TRUTH?
δίατακαυχασθε καΐ ψεύδεσθε κα- 15 $This is not the
do you boast and do you speak falsely con· WISDOM which c o m e s
τά της αληθείας; 15Ούκ Ιστιν αίίτη ή down from above; but is
οοφία άνωθεν κατερχόμενη, άλλ' επίγει- earthly, cal,
animal, demonia-
ος» ψυχική, δαιμονιώδης. 16"Οπου γάρ ζήλος 16 For $ where Rivalry
ly, soulical, demoniacal. Where for rivalry and Strife are, there Dis-
καΐ έριθεία, εκεί ακαταστασία καΐ πάν φαϋ- order is, and Every Vile
and striio, there disorder and every foul Deed.
17 But §the WISDOM
λον πράγμα. 1 7 Ή δέ άνωθεν σοφία πρώ- from above, is indeed, first
deed. The but from above wisdom first pure, then peaceable, gen-
τον μέν αγνή έστιν, έπειτα είρηνική,
indeed pure i t i s , then peaceable, tle, easily persuaded, full
επιεικής, εΰπειθής, μεστή ελέους καΐ of Mercy, and of good
gentle, easily persuaded, full of mercy and Fruits, without partiality,
καρπών αγαθών, αδιάκριτος * ΓκαΙΤ άνυ- ^without hypocrisy.
of fruits good, without partiality [and] with- 18 §Now the Fruit of
πόκριτος. 18
Καρπός δέ δικαιοσύνης έν Righteousness is sown in
Peace by THOSE who
out liyjiocrisy» £ΓΙΊΙ1( &RCI of righteousness in PRACTISE Peace.
ειρήνη σπείρεται τοις ποιοΰσιν είρήνην.
peace i s sown by those making peace. CHAPTER IV.
ΚΕΦ. δ ' . 4. i n όθεν πόλεμοι καΐ μάχαι
1 Whence Wars and
Whence ware and fightings
έν ύμίν; Ούκ εντεύθεν, έκ των ηδονών • Contentions among you?
among you? Not hence, from the pleasures Do they not come hence,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—9. bless the LORD and Father. 12. Neither can Salt
Water yield Sweet. 17. and—omit. 1. whence Contentions.
t 9. Gen. i. 2 6 ; v. 1; xi. 6. $ 13. Gal. vi. 4. $ 14. Rom. xiii. 1 3 . $ 1 4 .
Rom. i i . 1 7 , 2 3 . t 15. James i. 1 7 ; Phil. iii. 19. $ 1 6 . 1 Cor. iii. 3 ; Gal.
v- 2 0 . t 1 7 . 1 Cor. i i . 6 , 7 . t 17. Rom. xii. 9 ; 1 P e t . i . 2 2 ; i i . 1 ;
1 John iii. 18. $ 18. Prov. xi. 1 8 ; Hoshea x. 1 2 ; Matt. v. 9 ; Phil. i . 1 1 ; H e b .
xii. 11.
Chap. 4:2.] JAMES. [Chap. 4:11.
υμών των στρατευομένων έν τοις μέλεοαν from THOSE LUSTS of
οί you of those warring in the members yours $which WAR in your
υμών; ^Επιθυμείτε, καΐ ούκ έχετε· MEMBERS ?
of you? Xou strongly desire, and not you have; 2 You strongly desire,
φονεύετε και ζηλοΰτε, καΐ ού δύνασθε έπι- and have n o t ; you kill,
you murder and are zealous, and not youareable to are are envious, and are
not able to obtain; you
τυχείν μάχεστε καΐ πολεμειτε, ούκ έχετε, fight and war. You have
obtain; you fight and you war, not you have, not, because you do not
διά τό μη αίτεϊσθαι υμάς' 3αίτείτε, ASK ;
because the not to ask you; you ask, 3 §you ask and do not
καΐ ού λαμβάνετε, διότι receive, ^because you ask
κακώς αίτείσθε, wickedly, so that you may
and not you receive, because wickedly you ask, waste it on your LUSTS.
ίνα έν ταίς ήδοναίς υμών δαπανήσητε. 4 Adulteresses! do you
* [Μοιχοί καΙ] μοιχαλίδες, ούκ οϊδατε, οτι not know That § t h e

CAdulterers andj adulteresses, not know you, that FRIENDSHIP Of t h e WORL»

ή φιλία τοΰ κόσμου έχθρα του Θεοί) is Enmity against God?
th o f r i e n d s h i p of t h e w o r 1 d enxnity of t h e Gtod $W h ο e ν e r. therefore,
έστιν; 8ς αν οΰν βουληθη φίλος είναι wishes to be a Friend of
is? whoever therefore may wish a friend to be the WORLD, is rendered a n
τοϋ κόσμου, εχθρός τοΰ Θεοϋ καθίστα-
of the world, an enemy of the God is rendered. Enemy of GOD.
ται. ε ' Ή δοκείτε, δτι κενώς ή γραφή T h5 a tOr tdo you suppose
Or «think you, that vainly the writing speaks falsely? Does the
λέγει; Προς φθόνον έπιποθεί τό πνεϋμα
«peaks? T o envy s t r o n g l y i n c l i n e s t h e s p i r i t SPIRIT that dwells in us
8 κατώκησεν έν ήμίν; 6Μείζονα δέ δίδωσι strongly incline to Envy?
which dwelt in us? Greater but i t gives 6 Indeed, it bestows Su-
χάριν διό λέγει· *Ο Θεός ύπερηφά-
favor; therefore it says; The God to haughty perior Favor; therefore i t
νοις αντιτάσσεται, ταπεινοίς "self is said, §"Gop sets him-
in opposition to the
ones sets himself in opposition, to l o w l y ones "Haughty, but gives Fa-
δέ δίδωσι χάριν. "vor to the Lowly."
but he gives favor. 7 Be you subject, there-
*Υποτάγητε οΰν τφ Θεφ· άντί- posed fore, to GOD. $ Stand op-
to the ENEMY, and
Be you subject therefore to the God; be op- he will flee from you.
στητε τφ διαβόλφ, καΙ φεύξεται άφ' 8 §Draw near to GOD,
posed to the accuser, and he w i l l flee from
υμών 8έγγίσατε τφ θεφ, καΐ έγ- you.and he will draw near to
§ Cleanse your hands,
you; draw you near to the God, and he w i l l Sinners ! and §purify your
γιεί ύμίν καθαρίσατε χείρας, αμαρτωλοί, Hearts, §men of Two-
draw near to you; cleanse you hands, sinners,
Ταλαι- souls !
καΙ άγνίσατε καρδίας, δίψυχοι. 9 §Lament, and mourn,
fill Ο purify you he&rtSj t\t^o~souled ones· L&ment and weep; l e t your
«ωρήσατε καΙ πενθήσατε καΐ κλαύσατε* ό LAUGHTER be turned into
you and mourn you and weep you; the Mourning, and your JOT
γέλως υμών εις πένθος μεταστραφήτω, καΙ
laughter of you into mourning l e t be turned, and into Sadness.
10 Be humbled in the
ή χαρά είς κατήφειαν. 10Ταπεινώθητε ένώ- presence of the LORD, and
the joy into sadness. Be you humbled in he will lift you up.
jriov τοΰ Κυρίου, καΙ υψώσει υμάς. 11 $ Speak not against
p r e s e n c e o f t h e L o r d , a n d h e w i l l l i f t u p y o u . each other, Brethren, HE
Μή καταλαλεϊτε αλλήλων, αδελφοί· ό Who SPEAKS AGAINST a
Λ ο t sj^e&lc you evi 1 of e&ch other» brethren* the j Brother, *or § judges his
* VATICAN άδελφοΰ, καΐ κρίνων τόν
M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 . Adulterers and—omit. 11. or judges.
onet speaking
1. Bom. evil
vii. 2 of
3 ;& brother,
Gal. v. 1 7 ;&nd judging
1 Pet. ii. 11. thet 3. Job xxvii. 9 ; xxxv. 1 2 ; Psa.
xviil. 4 1 ; Prov. i . 2 8 ; I s a . i . 1 5 ; J e r . x i . 1 1 ; Micah i i i . 4 ; Zeeh. vii. 13. $ 3.
Psa. Ixri. 1 8 ; 1 John iii. 2 2 ; v. 14. t 4. 1 John ii. 15. $ 4. John xv. 1 9 ; xvii. 1 5 ;
Gal. i. ί α . t 6. Job xxii. 2 9 ; Psa. exxxviii. 6 ; Prov. iii. 3 4 ; xxix. 2 3 ; Matt, xxiii.
1 1 ; Luke i. 5 2 ; xiv. 1 1 ; xviii. 1 4 ; 1 Pet. v. 5. t 7. Eph. iv. 2 7 ; vi. 1 1 ; 1 Pet. v.
9. $ 8 . 2 Chron. xv. 2. ί 8. Isa. i. 16. t 8. 1 Pet. i. 2 2 ; 1 John iii. 3. $ 8.
James i. 8. t 9. Matt. v. 4. $ 11. Eph. iv. 3 1 ; 1 Pet. ii. 1. $ 11. Matt. vii. 1 ;
Luke vi. 3 7 ; Bora. i i . 1 ; 1 Cor. iv. 5 .
Chap. 4:12.] JAMES. [Chap. 5:3.
άδελφόν αύτοΰ, καταλαλεί νόμου, καΐ BROTHER, speaks against
brother of himself, speaks evil of law, and the Law, and judges the
ς νόμον, εΐ δέ νόμον κρίνεις, ούκ LAW. But if thou judgest
the Law, thou a r t not a
εΐ ποιητής νόμου, αλλά κριτής. Ις Doer of the Law, but a
thou a r t a doer of law, but a Judge. One Judge.
δστιν *[ό] νομοθέτης καΐ κριτής, ό δυνάμε- 12 There is One Law-
is [the] lawgiver and Judge, the one being giver and Judge, §HEW1IO
νος σώσαι καΐ άπολεσαι· αύ δέ τΙς εί is ABLE to save and to des-
SL\} 1 © t o siive 3,iicl to destroys thou. but τνϊιο u r t thou troy ; $but who art thou,
*THOU who a r t JUDGING
δς κρίνεις τόν Ετερον; 13 "Αγε νϋν ol λέ- thy NEIGHBOR?
γοντες* Σήμερον καΐ αΰριον πορευσώμεΰα 13 §Come now, YOU
ing; To-day and to-morrow we may go who SAY, "To-day a n d
ε'ις τήνδε την πόλιν, καΐ ποιήσωμεν εκεί To-morrow let us go into
into this the city, and we may stay there Such a CITY, and continue
there one Year, and Trade,
ένιαυτόν gva, καΐ έμπορευσώμεθα, καΐ κερ- and make gain ! "
a year one, and may trade, and may 14 (who know not WHAT
υμών; will become of your Life
τό της αυριον οϊτινες
(ποία ούκ* [γαρ ή] ζωή έπ'ιστασθε
of t h e m o r r o w ; ( w h a t [ f o r t h e ] l i f e of you? on the MORROW ; |for *you
άτμίς γάρ έστιν *[ή] προς ολίγον φαινόμενη, are a Vapor, for a little
a v a p o r f o r i t i s [ t h a t ] f o r a l i t t l e a p p e a r i n g , while APPEARING, and
έπειτα δέ άφανιζομβνη·) 15άντ1 του λέγειν then disappearing ;)
15 instead of which you
-υμάς* 'Εάν 6 Κύριος θελήσχ) καΐ ζήσω- ought to SAY, $"If the
you; I f t h e L o r d m a y b e w i l l i n g a n d w e m a y LORD b e willing, w e
μεν, καΐ ποιήσωμεν τοΰτο ή εκείνο* 1βνΰν δέ * shall both live and do
live, and we may do this or that; now but this or that."
«αυχάσθε έν ταίς άλαζονείαις υμών. Πάσα 16 But now you boast
you boast in t h e proud speeches of you. A l l
καύχησις τοιαύτη πονηρά έστιν. Ε!δότι $A11 such Boasting is evil.
boasting such evil is. Knowing 17 %He therefore who
οΰν καλόν ποιείν, καΐ μή ποιοϋντι knows how to do Right,
νϊΙβΓΘΙΟΓ© Γ I £>»Xl t t o UOy SIIICL SlOt OO iΓ1Q
and does not perform it,
αμαρτία αύτφ έστιν. to him it is Sin.
sin to him it is.
ΚΕΦ. ε ' . 5. 1 §Come now, you
"Αγε νυν ot πλούσιοι, κλαύσατε όλολύζον- RICH, weep and lament
Come now the rich ones, weep you crying aloud over THOSE MISERIES of
yours which are AP-
τες επί ταΐς ταλαιπωρίαις υμών ταΐς έπερ- PROACHING.
χομέναις. 2*Ο πλοΰτος υμών σέσηπε, καΐ 2 Your RICH stores have
ing. The wealth of you has decayed, and decayed, and §your GAR-
τά Ιμάτια υμών σητόβρωτα γέγονεν ό MENTS have become moth-
the garments of you moth-eaten have become; the eaten.
χρυσός υμών καΐ ό αργυρός κατίωται, 3 Your GOLD and SIL-
gold of you and the silver ha e become rusty, VER have become rusted ;
καΐ ό Ιός αυτών ε'ις μαρτύριον ύμίν εσται, and the RUST of them will
and t h e r u s t of t h e m f o r a w i t n e s s t o y o u w i l l be, be for a Testimony against
και φάγεται τάς σάρκας υμών ώς πΰρ· έθη-you, and consume your
£>nd w i l l e a t the bodies of you as fire; you BODIES like Fire. $You
σαυρίσατε έν έσχάταις ήμέραις. 4 Ί δ ο ύ , ό have laid up treasures for
laid up treasure in last days. Lo, the the Last Days.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. the—omit. 12. THOU who art JUDGING thy NEIGH-
BOR? 14. for the—omit. 14. you are 14. that—omit. 15. shall both live.
Chap. 5:4.] JAMES. [Chop. 5:12.
μισθός των εργατών τών άμησάντων 4 Behold ! $ T H A T H I R E ,
τάς χώρας υμών, ό άπεστερημένος άφ' WITHHELD from THOSE
υμών, κράζει· καΐ αϊ 6οαΙ τών θερισάν- your F I E L D S , cries o u t ;
and $the LOUD CRIES of
των εις τα ώτα Κυρίου σαβαώθ είσεληλύθα- the REAPERS h a v e entered
lnto the ears of Lord of armies have entered. the EARS of t h e L o r d of
σιν. Έτρυφήσατε επί της γης, καΐ έσπα- Armies.
You lived luxuriously on the earth, and were 5 $You have lived lux-
ταλήσατε* έθρέψατε τάς καρδίας υμών uriously on t h e LAND, a n d
wanton; you nourished the hearts of you been licentious ; you h a v e
*[ώς] έν ήμερα σφαγής. Κατεδικάσατε, nourished your HEARTS i n
[as] in a day of slaughter. You condemned, a D a y of S l a u g h t e r .
έφονεύσατε τόν δίκαιον ούκ αντιτάσσεται 6 $You have con-
you murdered the just on©; not he opposes demned,—you have mur-
ύμίν. dered the RIGHTEOUS
jrou. one; he does not oppose
Μακροθυμήσατε οΰν, αδελφοί, έΌ)ς της you.
B e you patient t h e n , b r e t h r e n , till t h e 7 Wait patiently, there-
παρουσίας τοΰ Κυρίου. 'Ιδού, ό γεοοργός fore, Brethren, till the
presence of the Lord. Lo, the husbandman COMING of the LORD.
έκδέχεται τόν τίμιον καρπόν της γης, μακρο- Behold! the HUSBANDMAN
expects the PRECIOUS
θυμών έπ' αύτφ έ'ως άν λάβχι *[ύετόν] Fruit of the EARTH, wait-
Ing p a t i e n c e f o r i t t i l l he may r e c e i v e [ r a i n ! ing patiently for it, till
πρώϊμον καΐ δψιμον 8μακροθυμήσατε καΐ he receive the early and
early and latter; be patient also latter harvest.
8 Be you also patient;
ύμείς, στηρίξατε τάς καρδίας υμών, δτι establish your HEARTS,
$Because the COMING of
ή παρουσία τοΰ Κυρίου ήγγικε. Μή the LORD has approached.
the presence of the Lord hits B.i)i)i*oiiched. Not 9 JMurmur not against
στενάζετε κατ' αλλήλων, αδελφοί, ίνα each other, Brethren, that
murmur you against each other, brethren, so that
you be not judged; be-
μή κριθήτε* ιδού, ό κριτής πρό τών hold ! $ t h e J U D G E is
not you may be Judged; lo, the judge before the standing before the DOORS.
10 §As an Example of
θυρών έ'στηκεν. Ύπόδειγμα λάβετε, SUP^FERING EVIL and of
PATIENCE, my Brethren,
αδελφοί *[μου,] της κακοπαθείας και της take the PROPHETS who
b r e t h r e n Cof m e , ] o f t h e s u f f e r i n g e v i l a n d o f t h e spoke in the NAME of the
μακροθυμ'ιας, τους προφήτας, οι έλάλησαν 11 Behold! $we call
THOSE happy who PA-
τω ονόματι Κυρίου. η
Ίδού, μακαρίζομεν TIENTLY ENDURED. YOU
have heard of $the PA-
τους υπομένοντας· τήν ύπομονήν Ί ώ β TIENCE of J o b , a n d you
ηχούσατε, καΐ τό τέλος Κυρίου εϊδετε, δτι have seen t h e | E N D of t h e
Lord ; Because | t h e LORD
πολύσπλαγχνός έστιν ό Κύριος καΐ οίκτίρμοιν. is very compassionate and
very compassionate is the Lord and merciful. merciful.
12 B u t above all things,
^Πρό πάντων δε, αδελφοί μου, μή ομνύε- my Brethren, $swear not;
τε μήτε τόν οΰρανόν, μήτε τήν γήν, μήτε n e i t h e r by t h e HEAVEN,
nor t h e EARTH, n o r a n y

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—5. as—omit. 7. rain—omit. 10. of me—omit.

± 4. Lev. xix. 13; Job xxiv. 10. 11: Jer. xxii. 13; Mai. lit. 5. $ 4. Deut. xxiv. 15.
1 5. Job xxi. 13; Amos vi. 1, 4; Luke xvi. 19, 25; 1 Tim. v. 6. X 6. Acts iii. 14, 15;
v. 30. t 8. Phil iv. 5; Heb. x. 25, 37; 1 Pet. iv. 7. $ 9. James iv. 11. t 9.
Matt, xxiv 33; 1 Cor. iv. 5. ± 10. Matt. v. 12; Heb. xi. 35. % 11. Matt. v. 10.
± 11. Job i. 21, 22* ii. 10. $ 11. Job xiii. 10. $ 11. Num. xiv. 18; Psa. ciii.
? 12. Matt. v. 34
CHap. 5:13.] JAMES. [Chap. 5:20.
άλ,λον τινά δρκον ήτω δέ υμών τό ναί, ναί, other Oath ; but let your
other any oath; let be but of you the yes, ye*, YES be Yes, and your NO,
jcai τό οΰ, ού· Ενα μη ύπό κρίσιν πέ- No; so that you may not
and the no, no; so that not under Judgment you fall under Judgment.
σητε. 13Κακοπαθεί τις έν ύμίν προσ- 13 If any one among
m a y f a l l . Suffers e v i l a n y o n e a m o n g vou, lei
you suffers evil, let him
ευχέσθω, εύθυμεί τις, ψαλλέτω. 14>Α- pray ; if any one is cheer-
him pray, Is cheerful any one, let him sing. Is ful, §let him sing praises ;
σθενεζ τις έν ύμίν, προσκαλεσάσθω 14 if any one among you
sick any one a m o n g y o u , let h i m call for is sick, let him call for the
τους πρεσβυτέρους της εκκλησίας, καΐ προσ- ELDERS Of the CONGREGA-
the elders o f t h e coii&i*€fk£Ltioii itud l e t TION, and let them pray
ευξάσθωσαν in' αυτόν, άλεί/ψαντες * [αυτόν] over him, ^having anoint-
them pray over him, having anointed [him] ed him with Oil in the
έλα'ιφ, έν τω ονόματι τοϋ Κυρίου. 15ΚαΙ NAME of the LORD ;
w i t h oil, in the name of the Lord. And 15 and the PRAYER of
ή ευχή της πίστεως σώσει τόν κάμνον-
the prayer of the faith shall save the one being FAITH shall save the sick
τα, καΐ έγερεί αυτόν ό Κύριος· κδν person, and the LORD will
sick, and w i l l raise him the Lord; and ii raise him up, $and if he
αμαρτίας f\ πεποιηκώς, άφεθήσε- have committed Sins, they
sins may be having been done, they shall be shall be forgiven him.
ται αύτφ. 1βΈξομολογείσθε άλλήλοις τα 16 Confess * therefore
παραπτώματα, καΐ εΰχεσθε υπέρ your SINS to each other,
άλλή- and pray for each other,
faults, and pray you on behalf of each so that you maybehealed.
λων, δπως Ιαθητε· πολύ Ισχύει §The Earnest Supplica-
other, so that you may be healed; greatly prevails tion of a Righteous man is
very powerful.
δέησις δικαίου ενεργούμενη. 1 7 Ήλίας άν- 17 Elijah was a Man of
θρωπος ήν όμοιοπαθής ύμΐν, καΐ §like infirmity with u s ;
a man was of 1 ike infirmities with us, anu and the prayed in Prayer
that it might not RAIN ;
προσευχή προσηύξατο τοΰ μή βρέξαι· καΐ ουκ §and it did not rain on
£βρεξεν επί της γης ένιαυτούς τρεις καΐ that LAND for three Years
it rained on the earth years three and
μήνας ?ξ· *%al πίλιν προσηύξατο, καΐ ό and six Months.
months six; and again he prayed, and the 18 And again §he
ουρανός ύετόν ^δωκε, κοί ή γη έβλαστησε prayed and the HEAVEN
heaven rain gave, ana the earth put forth
gave Rain, and the EARTH
τόν καρπόν αυτής. 19>Αδελφοί, έάν τις put forth her fruit.
the fruit of herself. Brethren, if anyone 19 *My Brethren, §if
έν ύμίν πλανηθή άπό τής αληθείας, καΐ any one among you wan-
among you may wander from the truth, and
der from the TRUTH, and
έπιστρέψη τις α'τόν, 20γινωσκέτω, δτι some one turn him back;
δ έπιστρέψας άμαρτωλόν εκ πλάνης 20 *know you, That HE
the one having turned a sinner out of a wandering who TURNS BACK a sinner
from his Path of Error
όδοϋ αύτοϋ, σώσει ψυχήν έκ θανάτου, καΐ Jwili save *his Soul from
καλύψει πλήθος αμαρτιών, Death, and §will cover a
w i l l hide a multitude of sins. Multitude of Sins.*
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 4 . him—omit. 16. therefore your SINS. 19. my
Brethren. 20. know you, That. 20. a Soul from its Death. Subscription—OF JAMES.
$ 1 3 . Eph. v. 19; Col. i i i . 16. t 14. Mark vi. 12; xvi. 18. $ 15. Matt. ix. 2.
$ 16. Gen. xx. 1 7 ; Num. xi. 2 ; Deut. ix. 18-20; Josh. x. 12; 1 Sam. xii. 1 8 ;
1 Kings xiii. 6; 2 Kings iv. 3 3 ; xix. 15, 2 0 ; xx. 2, 4 ; Psa. x. 17;xxxiv. 15;cxlv. 1 8 ;
Prov. xv. 2 9 ; xxviii. 9; John ix. 3 1 ; 1 John iii. 22. $ 17. Acts xiv. 15. $ 17.
1 Kings xvii. 1. $ 17. Luke iv. 2 5 . $ 18. 1 Kings xviii. 42, 45. t 19. Alatt.
xviii. 15. t 20. Roin. xi. 1 4 ; 1 Cor. ix. 2 2 ; 1 Tim. iv. 16. ί 20. Prov. x. 1 2 ;
1 P e t . iv. 8 .

ΚΕΦ. α ' . 1. 1 Peter, an Apostle of
Πέτρος, απόστολος Ίησοΰ Χρίστου, έκλε- Jesus Christ, to the So-
Peter, an apostle of Jesus Anointed, to journers of $the Disper-
κτοίς παρεπιδήμοις διασποράς Πόντου, sion, of Pontus, Galatia,
clio s en ones sojourn©ns of tt dispersion of Ρ ο Ω til s p Cappadocia, Asia and Bi-
Γαλατίας, Καπαδοκίας, 'Ασίας καΐ Βιθυνίας, 2 Jchosen, according to
§the Foreknowledge of
κατά πρόγνωσιν Θεοΰ Πατρός, έν God the Father, in $Sanc-
tiiication of Spirit, in order
άγιασμφ πνεύματος, εις ύπακοήν καΐ ραντι- to Obedience and a Sprin-
kling of the Blood of Jesus
σμόν αίματος Ίησοΰ Χρίστου* χάρις ύμίν Christ; may Favor and
Peace be multiplied to you.
kling of blood of Jesus Anointed; favor to you 3 Blessed be THAT GOD
καΐ ειρήνη πληθυνθε'ιη. 3Εύλογητός ό Θεός
and peace may be mul t ipl led. Blessed the God and Father of our LOUD
καΐ Πατήρ τοΰ Κυρίου ήμων Ίησοϋ Χρίστου, Jesus Christ, who accord-
ά κατά τό πολύ αύτοΰ £λεος άνα- ing to his GREAT Mercy,
$lias begotten us again to
γεννήσας ημάς είς ελπίδα ζώσαν δι' ανα- a living Hope, ^through
the Resurrection of Jesus
στάσεως Ίησοΰ Χρίστου έκ νεκρών, Christ from the Dead,
4 to an Inheritance in-
ε1ς κληρονομίαν άφθαρτον καΐ άμίαντον καΐ corruptible, and undefiled,
and unfading, ^preserved
άμάραντον, τετηρημένην έν ούρανοϊς είς in the Heavens for YOU,
unfading, having been kept in heavens for 5 $who are GUARDED
υμάς, 5τούς έν δυνάμει Θεοΰ φρουρουμένους δια by the Power of God,
you, those by power of God being guarded through through Faith, for a Sal-
πίστεως είς σωτηρίαν έτοίμην άποκαλυφθή- vation prepared to be re-
β vealed in the last Time.
ναι έν καιρφ έσχάτω* έν .φ άγαλλιάσθε, 6 $In which be you
glad, though now §for a
ολίγον δρτι (εί δέον εστί) λυπη- little while, (since it is
a little while now (if necessary it is) having necessary,) §you are dis-
θέντες έν ποικίλοις πειρασμοΐς, ίνα tressed by various Trials,
l)G6n d i s t r e s s e d , by manifold trials, so t h a t 7 so that §the PROOF of
τό δοκ'ιμιον υμών της πίστεως πολύ τιμιό- Your FAITH, being much
more precious than THAT
τερον χρυσίου τοΰ άπολλυμένου, διά Gold which PERISHES,
precious of gold of that perishing, by means of though proved by Fire,
πυρός δέ δοκιμαζόμενου, εΰρεθη είς ίίπαινον $may be found to Praise
fire but being proved, may be found to praise and * Glory and Honor,
καΐ τιμήν καΐ δόξαν, έν αποκαλύψει Ίησοϋ at the Revelation of Jesus
&ud honor anu §loryi at a revelation of Jesus Christ;
δν ούκ είδότες αγαπάτε, είς 8 whom, not having
Anointed; whom not seeing you love, on seen, you love ; $on whom,
not now looking, but be-
δν, δρτι μη όρώντες, πιστεύοντες δέ, άγαλ- lieving, you rejoice with
λίάσθε χαρά άνεκλαλήτω καΐ δεδοξασμέ- Joy i n e x p r e s s i b l e ami
rejoice with a Joy unspeakable and having been glorious,
± 1 John vii. 35; Aetr n. 5, i, 10 James i. 1. % 2. Eph. l. 4; 1 Pet. ii. 9.
± 2. Rom. viii. 29· d. 2. % 2. 2 Thess. ii. 13. ± John iii. 3, 5; James i. 18.
ί 3. 1 Cor. xv. 20. i i. Col. i. 5; 2 Tim. iv. 8. % 5. John x. 28, 29; xvii. 11.
12, 15; Jude 1. % 6. Matt. v. 12; Bom. xii. 12; 2 Cor. vi. 10; 1 Pet. iv. 13.
± 6. 2 Cor. iv. 17· 1 Pet. v. 10. $ 6. James i. 2. ί 7. James i. 3, 12; 1 Pet. iv. 12.
$ 7 . Rom. 11. 7, 10; 1 Cor. iv. 5; ί Thess. i. 7-12. % 8. John xx. 29; 2 Cor. v. 7;
Heb. xl 1, 27.
Chap. 1:9.] I. PETER. [Chap. 1:17.
νχ\, κομιζόμενοι τό τέλος της πίστεως 9 obtaining §the ISSUE
glorified, obtaining t h e e n d of the faith of the FAITH,—even your
*[ύμών,] σωτηρίαν ψυχών. ΠερΙ ής Salvation.
Cof you,3 a salvation of souls. Concerning which 10 ^Concerning Which
Salvation THOSE Prophets,
σωτηρίας έξεζήτησαν καΐ έξηρεύνησαν προ- who PROPHESIED concern-
ing the FAVOR towards
φήται, οί περί της εις υμάς χάριτος
you, sought out and inves-
11 tigated,
προφητεύσαντες* έρευνώντες, εις τίνα
f^ ποίον καιρόν έδήλου τό έν αύτοίς πνεΰμα 11 examining closely to
or w h a t season d i d point t h e i n t h e m s p i r i t what things, or What kind
* [Χρίστου,] προμαρτυρόμενον τά εις Χριστόν of Season, $the SPIRTT
[of AnoiotGcijjl t e s t i f y i n g b e f o r e t h e f o r A. no i n t c cl which was in them was
παθήματα, και τάς μετά ταϋτα δόξας· pointing out, when it pre-
viously testified the SUF-
su/ieriugs, and the after these things glorious; FERINGS for Christ, and
οϊς απεκαλύφθη, δτι ούχ έαυτοίς, after these the GLORIES ;
ύμίν διηκόνουν αυτά, 12 to whom it was re-
tor y vealed. That §not for
νΰν άνηγγέλη ύμίν δια των themselves, but for you,
aw h i c h things n o w w e r e told to you through those they ministered those
εύαγγελισαμένων υμάς έν πνεύματι things, which now were
having announced glad tidings y o u w i t h spirit declared to you through
άγιο) άποσταλέντι ά π ' οΰρανοϋ, είς THOSE Who EVANGELIZED
holy having been sent from heaven, into you with $holy S p i r i t s e n t
8. έπιθυμοΰσιν άγγελοι παρακύ- from Heaven ; into which
tilings JAngels e a r n e s t l y
ψαι. desire f t o look.
attentively. 13 Therefore, J h a v i n g
Διό άναζωσάμενοι τάς όσφύας της girded up t h e LOTNS of
Therefore having girded up the loins of the your MIND, and being | vig-
διανοίας υμών, νήφοντες, τελείως έλπίσα- i l a n t , do you hope per-
m i n d s of you, being vigilant, perfectly do you fectly for t h e G I F T to l;e
τε έπί την φερομένην ύμίν ^χρχάριν i n BROUGHT t o you $ a t t h e
ίf t Revelation of J e s u s Christ.
hαποκαλύψειf t hΊησοϋ
e U e i b Χρίστου·
h t t 14ως ί f tτέκνα i
14 As obedient Children,
υπακοής, μή συσχηματιζόμενοι ταίς | d o n o t conform your-
selves t o ' t h e F O R M E R
πρότερον έν τη άγνοια υμών έπιθυμίαις, L u s t s J i n your IGNO-
άλλά κατά τον καλέσαντα υμάς 15 $but a s H E w h o
but according to the one having called y o u CALLED you is holy, do
άγιον, καΐ αυτοί άγιοι έν πάση you also become holy i n
holy, a n d yourselves holy ones i n a l l * All your C o n d u c t ;
αναστροφή γενήθητε· 1 6 διότι γέγραπται· 16 F o r i t h a s been writ-
ten, $*"You shall be holy,
"Αγιοι γένεσθε, οτι έγώ αγιός * [ειμί.] "because I a m holy."
H o l y ones I)t?cοxi\eyou ( b e c a u s e I lioly £ iim• 3

ΚαΙ ει Πατέρα έπικαλείσί^ε τον άπροσωπο- 17 And if you invoke
And i f a F a t h e r y o u c a l l o n h i m w i t h o u t r e - THAT F a t h e r who $impar-
λήπτος κρίνοντα κατά τό εκάστου tially JUDGES according to
the WORK of each one,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—9. of you—omit. 11. of Anointed—omit. 16. you shall
be holy. 16. am—omh.
t 12. In parakuiisai there is supposed to be an allusion to the Cherubim, which were
placed in the inner tabernacle v;ith their faces turned down towards the mercy seat.
t 9. Rom. vi. 22. $ 10. Ma;t. xiii. 17; Luke x. 24. $ 11. 1 Pet. iii. 19;
2 Pet. i. 21. i 12. Heo. xi. 1^. 39 40. % 12. Acts ii. 4; Heb. ii. 4. } 12. Exod.
xxv. 20. t 13. Luke xii. 35 Τ ph. vi. 14. t 13. Luke xxi. 34. $ 13. Luke xvii. 30;
1 Cor. i. 7; 2 Thess i. 7. χ 14. Rom. xii. 2; 1 Pet. iv. 2. ί 14. Acts xvii. 30;
1 Thess. iv. 5. % 15. Heb xii. 14; 2 Pet. 115. 11. $ 16. Lev. xi. 14; 2 Pet.
iii. 11.. % l'i Deut. \ 17· Acts x. 34: Rom. ii. 11.
Chap. 1:18.] I. PETER. [Chap. 2:2.
έργον, έν φόβω τόν τής παοοικ'ιας υμών $pass the TIME of your
work, in fear* the of the sojourning of you SOJOURNING in Fear ;
χρόνον άναστράφητε· είδότες, δτι ού φθαρ- 18 knowing §That you
time pass you; knowing, that not by cor- were redeemed from your
τοίς, άργυρίω f| χρυσίω έλυτρώ- FOOLISH Conduct, trans-
ruptible things, by silver or by gold you were mitted from your fathers,
θητε έκ της ματαίας υμών αναστροφής not by corruptible things,
bought off from the foolish of you conduct by Silver or Gold,
πατροπαράδοτου, 19
άλλά 19 but $by the Precious
τιμίω Blood
handed down from your fathers, but with precious
of Christ, as of $a
αΐματι, ώς άμνοΰ άμωμου καΐ άσπιλου, spotless and unblemished
blood, as of a lamb spotless and unblemished, Lamb;
Χρίστου* προεγνωσμένου μέν προ20 tforeknown, indeed,
of Anointed; having been foreknown indeed before before the Foundation of
καταβολής κόσμου, φανερωθέντος the World, but manifested
a laying down of a world, having been manifested in these Last TIMES on
δέ έπ' εσχάτων των χρόνων δι' υμάς, UR account,
but in last of the times on account of you, 21 who through Him
^τούς δι* αύτοΰ πιστεύοντας εις θεόν, *are FAITHFUL to THAT
those through h i m having believed in God,God who RAISED him from
τόν έγείραντα αυτόν έκ the Dead, and $gave Him
νεκρών Glory
καΐ δόξαν αΰτώ δόντα, ώστε την πίστίν ; so that your FAITH
and glory to him having given, so that the faith and Hope are towards
υμών καΐ ελπίδα είναι εις Θεόν. God.
22 §Having purified
^Τάς ψυχάς υμών ήγνικότες έν τχ\ your LIVES by the OBE-
DIENCE of the TRUTH, to
Ί?1ι© l i v e s o f y o u jiftV 1 u££foeΘΙΙ pui* i ficd i n ill ο
υπακοή τής αληθείας *[διά πνεύματος] εις unfeigned §Brotherlylove,
obedience of the truth [through spirit] to love each other from the
φιλαδελφίαν άνυπόκριτον, έκ * [καθαράς] Heart, intensely ;
bxotherly kindness unfeigned, out of [a purej
23 ^having been regener-
2S ated, not from corruptible,
καρδίας αλλήλους αγαπήσατε εκτενώς· ava- but from incorruptible
heart each other love you intensely; having
Seed, ^through the living
γεγεννημένοι ούκ έκ σποράς φθαρτής, αλλά and enduring Word of God.
24 $"For All Flesh is
άφθαρτου, 24 διά λόγου ζώντος Θεοϋ και "as Grass, and all its
μένοντος. Διότι πάσα σαρξ ώς χόρτος, και "Glory as the Flower ot
remaining. Because a l l flesh l i k e grass, and
"Grass. The GRASS with-
πάσα δόξα αυτής ώς άνθος χόρτου· έξη- "ers, and the FLOWER
all glory of her l i k e a flower of grass; w i t h -
ράνθη ό χόρτος καΐ τό άνθος * [αύτοϋ] έξέ-
"falls off;
ered t h e grass a n d t h e flower [ o f i t ] f e l l 25 "but the WORD
πέσε* ^ τ ό δέ ρήμα Κυρίου μένει
"the Lord continues to
ε'ις τόν
off; the but word of Lord abides "the AGE.-" Now this is
to the
αιώνα* τοΰτο δέ έστι τό ρήμα τό εύαγγε-
THAT WORD which has
age; this now is the word that having been ANNOUNCED as glad
λισθέν εις υμάς. ΚΕΦ. 6 ' . 2. !'Απο- tidings to you.
been announced to you. Having CHAPTER I I .
θέμενοι οΰν πάσαν κακίαν καΐ πάντα 1 ^Having put away,
put away therefore a l l · malice a n d a l l
therefore, All Malice, and
δόλον καΐ υποκρίσεις καΐ φθόνους καΐ πάσας All Deceit, and Hypoc-
guile a n dhypocrisies a n denvies a n d a l l
risies and Envyings, and
καταλαλιάς, 2ώς άρτιγέννητα βρέφη, τό λο-All Evil speakings,
©vil~spesilcin§'s$ iis ne w ~ t)o r n foul) GS, tlio 2 as New-born Infants,
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 1 . are F A I T H F U L to THAT God. 22. through Spirit—·
omit. 22. a Pure—omit. 24. of it—omit.
t 17. Heb. xii. 2 8 . $ 18. 1 Cor. vi. 2 0 ; vii. 2 3 . t 19. Acts xx. 2 8 ; Eph i 7 ;
Heb. i x . 1 2 ; Rev. v. 9 . t 19. Isa. liii. 7 ; Jo'in i. 29, 3 6 ; 1 Cor. v. 7. t 20.
Horn. i i i . 2 5 ; E p h . i i i . 9 ; Titus i. 2. t 2 1 . Matt, xxviii. 1 8 ; Phil. i i . 9 ; Heb.
ii. 9. t 2 2 . Acts xv. 9 . $ 2 2 . Rom. x i i . 9, 1 0 ; H e b . x i i i . 1 . ί 2 3 . John
i. 13; i i i . 5. % 1 3 . James i . 1 8 . % 2 4 . P s a . c i i i . 1 5 ; Isa. xl. 6 ; i i . 1 2 ; James
i. 10. % 1. Eph. iy. 2 2 , 2 5 , 3 1 ; Col. i i i . 8 ; H e b . x i i . 1 ; James i . 2 1 ; 7. 9.
Chap. 2:3.] I. PETER. [Chap. 2:11.
γικόν άδολον γάλα έπιποθήσατε,t- earnestly desire the PURE
rational sincere milk earnestly desire you, so ^RATIONAL Milk, so that
8 you may grow by it to Sal-
να έν αύτφ αύξηθήτε είς σωτηρίαν ει vation.
that by it you m a y grow to salvation; if 3 since you have §tast-
*[περ] έγεύσασθε, 8τι χρηστός ό Κύριος. ed the Kindness of the
[indeed] you tasted, that gracious the Lord. LORD.
Πρός δν προσερχόμενοι, λίθον ζώντα, υπό the4 living Drawing near to him,
Stone, ^rejected
To whom drawing near, a stone living, by indeed by Men, but by
ανθρώπων μεν άποδεδοκιμασμένον, παρά δέ God chosen, honorable,
men indeed being rejected,
ε with but
Θεφ έκλεκτόν, έντιμον, κα1 αυτοί ώς 5 be you yourselves al-
God chosen, honorable, and yourselves as so built up, as living
λίθοι ζώντες οίκοδομεΐσθε, οίκος πνευματι- Stones, §a spiritual House
stones living be you built up, a house spiritual, *for §a holy Priesthood, to
κός, Ιεράτευμα αγιον, άνενέγκαι πνευματικάς offer $ Spiritual Sacrifices,
a priesthood holy, to offer spiritual
θυσίας, ευπρόσδεκτους *[τφ] Θεφ δια Ί η - well-pleasing to God
eacrifices, well-pleasing
β [to the} God through Je- through Jesus Christ;
cov Χρίστου. Διότι περιέχει έν *[τχί] 6 because it is contained
BUS Anointed. Because it is contained in Ithej
in the Scripture, §"Be-
γραφή* 'Ιδού, τίθημι έν Σιών λίθον άκρογω- "hold, I place in Zion *a
"Foundation-corner Stone,
νιαίον, έκλεκτόν, Ιντιμον καΐ ό πιστεύων "chosen, honorable; and
foundation, chosen, honorable; and the believing "HE who CONFIDES in it
"shall not be ashamed.'*
έπ' αΰτφ, ού μη καταισχυνθη. 7Ύμίν οΰν 7 The HONOR, there-
on it, not not may be ashamed. To you therefore fore, is for the BELIEVERS ;
ή τιμή τοις πιστεύουσιν άπειθοΰσι δέ, but to the *disbelieving,
the honor to those believing; to disbelieving but,
this Stone which the
λίθον δν άπεδοκίμασαν ol οίκοδομοΰντες, οΰ- BUILDERS rejected, was
ft stone wliiclx rejected those IJUi \d 1 nc made into the Head of a
τος έγενήθη είς κεφαλήν γωνίας, καΙ λίθος Corner,—
this became for a head of a corner, and a stone
προσκόμματος, καΐ πέτρα σκανδάλου· 8
8 §even a Stone of
of stumbling,
Stumbling, and a Rock of
and a rock of offence; those Offence; and $*being un-
προσκόπτουσι, τφ λόγω άπειθοϋντες, είς believers, they stumble a t
s turn I) I i n£) to trie TV ord Del ο us disobcdieiit» for
the WORD, §to which also
δ καΐ ετέθησαν. Ύμείς δέ, γένος they were appointed.
which even they were appointed. You but, a race 9 But you are a § chosen
έκλεκτόν, βασίλειον Ιεράτευμα, έθνος δγιον, Race, $a Royal Priesthood,
chosen» & royftl priesthood* SL imtioui boly a holy Nation, $a People
λαός είς περιποίησιν, δπως τάς άρετάς έξαγ- may for a purpose; that you
declare the PERFEC-
A people for SL purpose, so tb&t tlie virtues you TIONS Of HIM Who CALLED
γείλητε τοΰ έκ του σκότους υμάς καλέ- You from ^Darkness into
ixx3,y t l e c l i i r e of t h e o u t of d&Fkixess you one h&V"~ His WONDERFUL Light;
σαντος είς τό θαυμαστόν αύτοϋ φως· 10 $who once were not
ing called into the wonderful of himself light; a People, but now are
10 God's People ; who had not
οϊ ποτε ού λαός, νυν δέ λαός Θεού· obtained mercy, but now
those Once not ^^Άγαπητοί, ft people now παρακαλώ
but ft people ώς of πα-
God* have obtained mercy.
oE ούκnercy. ήλεημένοι,Beloved ones, I νυν
entreat δέ as έλεη- 11 Beloved! I entreat
those not having obtained mercy, now but having you, §as Strangers and
θέντε_ Sojourners, $to abstain
obtained m
ροίκους καΐ MANUSCEIPT.—3.
παρεπίδημους,indeed—omit. 5. for a holy. 5. to the—omit. 6. the
—omit. 6. a chosen Stone, a Foundation-corner, honorable. 7. disbelieving. 8.
being unbelievers.
t 2. 1 Cor. iii. 2 ; Heb. v. 12, 13. $ 3. Psa. xxxiv. 8; Heb. vi. 5. $ 4. Psa.
cxviii. 22; Matt. xxi. 42; Acts iv. 1 1 . % 5. Heb. i i i . 6. $ 5. verse 9. t 5.
Bom. xii. 1; Heb. xiii. 15, 16. t 6. Isa. xxviii. 16; Bom. ix. 33. $ 8. Isa. viii.
14; Luke ii. 3 4 ; Bom. ix. "33. t 8. 1 Cor. i. 23. $ 8. 1 Thess. v. 9; Jude 4.
$ 9. 1 Pet. i . 2. $ 9. Bev. i . 6; v. 10. $ 9. Acts xv. 14. % 9 . Acts xxvi.
18; Eph. v. 6; Col. i. 13. $ 10. Bom. ix. 25. $ 11. Heb. x i . 1 3 ; 1 P e t . i . 1 7 .
t 1 1 . Bom. xiii. 14.
Chap. 2:12.] I. PETER. [Chap. 2:20.
ιών σαρκικών επιθυμιών, αίτινες στρατεύ- from FLESHLY.. Lusts,
from the fleshly lusts, which war which f wage war against
ονται κατά της ψυχής. Μτήν άναστροφήν the LIFE ;
against the life; the conduct 12 §having your CON-
υμών έν τοις Ιθνεσιν *[Ιχοντες] καλήν DUCT upright among the
of you among the Gentiles [having] upright; GENTILES, so that in what
Ινα έν <>
j καταλαλοΰσιν υμών ώς they may speak against
so that in what they .speak against you as you as Evil-doers, §from
κακοποιών, έκ τών καλών Ιργων έποπτεύσαν- the GOOD Works which
evil-doers, from the good works having looked
they behold, they may
τες, δοξάσωσι τον Θεόν έν ήμερα έπι- glorify GOD in a Day cf
on, they may glorify the God in a day of
σκοπης. 13 §Be you subject to
Inspection. Every Human ±Creation
*[οδν] πάση ανθρωπινή on account of the LORD ;
Be you subject [therefore] to every human whether to the King, as
κτίσει διά τόν Κύριον είτε βα- 14 or to Governors, as
creation on account of the Lord; whether to sent by him for the Pun-
σιλεί, ώς ύπερέχοντι· 14είτε ήγεμόσιν, ώς ishment of Evil-doers, and
& king, as being prc-eminent j or to governors* fts $the Praise of Well-doers;
δι' αύτου πεμπομένοις εις έκδί,κησιν 15 (for thus is the WILL
by means of him being sent for punishment of GOD, that by doing
15 good you may silence the
κακοποιών, επαινον δέ άγαθοποιών (δτι IGNORANCE o f INCONSID-
of evil-doers, praise but of good-doers; (because ERATE M e n ; )
οΰτως εστί τό θέλημα του Θεοΰ, άγαθοποι- 16 as ^Freemen, and
thus it is the will of t h e God, w e l l - d o i n g
yet not using this FREE-
οΰντας φιμοΰν την τών αφρόνων ανθρώπων DOM as a Covering of
άγνωσίαν) 16ώς ελεύθεροι, καΐ μη ώς επικά- Wickedness ; but x God's
λυμμα έ'χοντες της κακίας την έλευθερίαν, 17 $be respectful to All;
ing having of the badness the freedom, §love the BROTHERHOOD ;
17 $fear GOD ; honor the
άλλ' ώς δοΰλοι θεοΰ. Πάντας τιμήσατε· KING.
but as slaves of God. All do you honor;
τήν αδελφότητα αγαπάτε* τόν Θε*ν φοβεΐ- ^SERVANTS be subject
the brotherhood do you love; the God do you
σθε· τόν βασιλέα τιμάτε. 18
ΟΙ with All Fear
ο'ικέ- MASTERS ; nor only to their
δεσπόταις, οΰ to the
fear; the kingμόνον
do youτοις
honor. άγαθοίς καΐ
The household GOOD and Gentle, but also
mtei* not only to the good ones &no
ται, ύποτασσόμενοι
έπιεικέσιν, άλλα καΐ τοίς έν παντί φόβφ19Τοΰ-
σκολιοίς. τοις to the PERVERSE.
3,9 For this is $ Well-
το γαρ χάρις, εΐ διά συνειδησιν Θεοΰ pleasing, if any one
through a Consciousness
υποφέρει λύπας, πάσχων αδίκως. of God sustains Sorrows,
griefs, suffering unjustly. suffering unjustly.
Ποίον γάρ κλέος, εΐ άμαρτάνοντες καΐ 20 For §What Credit is
What for credit, if sinning and it, if when you sin, and
κολαφιζόμενοι ύπομενείτε; άλλ' εΐ άγαθο- but beaten, are you endure it ?
if, when you do good,
being beaten you shall endure? but if doing
* VATTOAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 2 . having—omit. 13. therefore—omit.
± 13. or Creature. Some render ktisei ordinance, institution, establishment, govern-
ment, authority. The Syriac has it as follows—"Be you submissive to all the sons of
m e n ; " which Parkhurst says is probably the sense of Peter's injunction, as enforced by
exhortations to various classes in the following part of his letter; and which he closes
by giving a general rule in chap. v. 5, "'yea, all of you be subject to each other."
t 11. James iv. 1. X 12. Rom. xii. 1 7 ; 2 Cor. viii. 2 1 ; Phil. ii. 1 5 ; Titus, ii. 8 ;
1 P e t . i i i . 1 6 . t 1 2 . Matt. v. 1 6 . t 1 3 . Matt. xxii. 2 1 ; Rom. xiii. 1; Titus iii. 1.
$ 14. Rom. xiii. 4 . $ 14. Rom. xiii. 3 . X 16. Gal. v. 1, 13. $ 16. 1 Cor.
vii. 22. ί 17. Rom. xii. 1 0 ; Phil. ii. 3. - X 17. Heb. xiii. 1 ; 1 Pet. i . 2 2 . X 1 7 .
Matt. xxii. 2 1 ; Rom. x i i . 7. % 18. Eph. vi. 5 ; Col. i i i . 2 2 ; 1 Tim. vi. 1 ;
Titus i i . 9. t 19. Matt. V. 1 0 ; Rom. xiii. 5 ; 1 P e t . i i i . 14. % 20. 1 Pet.
iv. 14, 1 5 .
Chap. 2:21.] I. PETER. [Chap. 3:4.
ποιοΰντες καΐ πάσχοντες ΰπομενεΐτε, τοΰτο and suffer, you shall bear
good a n d suffering y o u shall endure, thisit patiently, t h i s is Well-
χάρις παρά θ ε φ . 21Ε"ίς τοΰτο γαρ έκλήΦητε·
pleasing with God.
21 F o r §to t h i s you
δτι καΐ Χριστός έ"παθεν υπέρ υμών,
were called ; Because even
$ Christ suffered on your
because even Anointed suffered on behalf of you, behalf, ^leaving you a
ύμΐν ύπολιμπάνων ύπογραμμόν, Ινα έπακολου- Copy, so t h a t you m a y
θήσητε τοίς ϊχνεσιν αύτοϋ* 22 ος άμαρτίαν follow in h i s F O O T S T E P S ;
follow In the steps of him: who sin 22 §who committed n o
ούκ έποίησεν, ουδέ ευρέθη δόλος έν τφ στό- Sin; neither w a s Deceit
not did, n o r w a s found g u i l e i n t h e found in h i s M O U T H ;
μάτι αΰτοϋ* ^δς λοιδορούμενος ούκ άντελοι- 23 | w h o being reviled,
m o u t h of h i m ; w h o b e i n g r e v i l e d not reviled did n o t revile in r e t u r n ;
δόρει, πάσχων ούκ ήπείλει, παρε- suffering, he did n o t
t h r e a t e n ; b u t delivered
δ'ιδου δε τφ . κρίνοντι δικαίως· himself u p to H I M w h o
1ιiΓΪΙs61 χ up but to t h Θ one juQ^tosr riEht©ouslyj JUDGES righteously;
δς τάς αμαρτίας ημών αυτός άνήνεγκεν 24 Jwho carried u p o u r
Who the sins of u s h i m s e l f c a r r i e d up S I N S himself in his own
έν τφ σώματι αύτοϋ επί τό ξύλον, ίνα BODY t o t h e TREE, $ t h a t
we, h a v i n g died t o S I N S ,
ταίς άμαρτίαις άπογενόμενοι, τη δικαιοσύ- may live to RIGHTEOUS-
to the sins having died, to the righteous- N E S S ; $by whose SCARS
vn. ζήσωμεν ol· τφ μώλωπι * [αύτοϋ] you wTere healed.
ness we may live; of whom by the scars Cof him] 25 You $were like Sheep
Ιάθητε. Ήτε *[γάρ] ώς πρόβατα going astray, b u t have
now t u r n e d back t o §the
πλανώμενα* άλλ' έπεστράφητε νΰν επί τον S H E P H E R D a n d Guardian
going astray but have turned back n o w to the of your LIVES.
ποιμένα καΐ έπίσκοπον των ψυχών υμών.
ΚΕΦ. γ'. Όμοίως * [αϊ] γυναίκες,
In like manner 1 I n like manner, $let
[the : wive,,
ύποτασσόμεναι τοίς ιδίοις άνδράσι, ί- Wives be subject t o their
submitting yourselves to the own husbands, so OWN Husbands, so t h a t if
some a r e disobedient t o
να *[και] ει τίνες άπειθοϋσι τφ λόγω the WORD, $*they m a y
that CevenJ if some are disobedient to the word, without a Word be gained
t h r o u g h t h e CONDUCT of
διά της των γυναικών αναστροφής άνευ their wriyES ;
2 2 having seen your Con-
λόγου κερδηθήσονται, έποπτεύοντες την duct CHASTE w i t h F e a r .

έν φόβω άγνήν άναστροφήν υμών. Ων 3 §Whose Decoration,
In fear pure conduct of you. Of whom let i t n o t be t h a t EXTER-
Εστω ούχ ό έξωθεν εμπλοκής τριχών και NAL one, of Braiding t h e
l e t b e n o t t h e o u t s i d e , of b r a i d i n g of h a i r s a n d Hair, a n d P u t t i n g on of
περιθέσεο)ς χρυσίων ενδύσεως Ιμα- Gold chains, or Wearing
placing around of golden cha r wearing of of A p p a r e l ;
τ'ιων, κόσμος· άλλ* ό κρυπτός της καρδίας 4 b u t decorate $the
HIDDEN Man of the
άνθρωπος, έν τφ άφθάρτω του πραέος καΐ HEART With WHAT IS IN-
man, with the incorruptible of the meek and j CORRUPTIBLE, a *MEEK
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T — 2 4 . of him—omit. 2 5. for—omit. 1. the—omit. 1.
even—omit. 1. they shall without. 4. QUIET and Meek.
% 2 1 . Acts xiv. 2 2 · 1 Thess. iii. 3 ; 2 Tim. iii. 12. t 2 1 . 1 Pet. iii. 18. $ 2 1 .
John xiii. 1 5 ; Phil, ii r · ι Johr ii. o. t 22 Isa. liii. 9 ; Luke xxiii, 2 1 ; John
viii. 4 6 ; 2 Cor. ν 2 1 ; Heb iv. l b . ? 23. Isa. liii, 7 ; Matt, xxvii. 3 9 ; John
viii. 48, 4 9 ; Heb. xii. 5. X 24. Isa M i · 4 - 9 , 1 1 ; Matt. viii. 1 5 ; Heb. ix. 28.
t 24. Rom. vi. 2 1 1 ; vii. 6. % 24. Isa. liii. 5. t 25. Isa. liii. 6. t 25. John
x. 11, 14, 1 6 : Heb. xiii. 2 υ , 1 Pet. v. 4. $ 1. 1 Cor. xiv. 3 4 ; Eph. v. 2 2 ; Col.
iii. 1 8 , Titus Λ. 5. i i . 1 Cor. vii 16. t b. 1 Tim Ii. 9 ; Titus ii. 3. $ 4. Psa.
xiv. 1 3 ; Horn. ii. 2 9 , vii. 2 2 ; 2 Cor. iv. 16.
Chap. 3:5.] I. PETER. [Chap. 3:12.
ήσυχίου πνεύματος, δ έστιν ενώπιον του and Quiet Spirit, which
quiet spirit, which is in presence of th is very precious in the
θεοΰ πολυτελές. Ουτω γαρ ποτέ 5
καΐ αϊ sight of GOD.
God very p r e c i o u s . Thus for f o r m e r l y a l s o t h e 5 For thus formerly also
αγιαι γυναίκες, αϊ έλπίζουσαι επί τον Οεόν, THOSE HOLY Women, who
holy women, those hoping in the God, hoped in *God, adornsd
έκόσμουν έαυτάς, ύποτασσόμεναι τοις Ιδ'ι- themselves, being subject
adorned themselves, submitting to the owr to their OWN Husbands ;
οις άνδράσιν βώς Σάρρα ύπήκουσε τι
C as Sarah obeyed
'Αβραάμ, κύριον αυτόν καλοΰσα, $\ς έγενή- ABRAHAM, ^calling Him
j^ X\ r j^lifl TO 1 ο ι* cl» li i ΓΪΙ culling} ο f lie r youLord; Whose Children
θητε τέκνα, άγαθοποιοΰσαι καΐ μή φοβού- you are become, doing
Lecame children, doing good and not fear- good, and not fearing Any
μεναι μηδεμ'ιαν πτόησιν. 7 * [Ot] δνδρες Terror.
ομοίως, συνοικοϋντες κατά γνώ- 7 $In like manner,
llke manner, dwelling with according to knowl-
Husbands, dwell accord-
ing to Knowledge with the
σιν ώς άσθενεστέρω σκεύει τω γυναικεία», FEMALE as the $ Weaker
edge as a weaker vessel with the female* Vessel, bestowing Honor,
απονέμοντες τιμήν ώς καΐ συγκληρονόμοι as being also Joint-heirs
bestowing honor as also being joint-heirs
χάριτος ζωής, εις το μή έγκό- of the Gracious gift of
of g r a c i o u s g i f t of l i f e , i n o r d e r t h a t n o t t o be Life, £in order that your
PRAYERS may not be HIN-
πτεσΦαι τάς προσευχάς υμών. DERED.
the prayers of you.
Τό δέ τέλος, πάντες όμόφρονες, συμ- 8 FINALLY, $be all of
The but end, all of like mind,
sympa- like mind, sympathizing,
παθείς, φιλάδελφοι, ευσπλαγ- tloving as brethren, $com-
χνοι, ταπεινόφρονες, Β
μήαποδίδοντες passionate, humble;
ones, humble-minded ones, not returning 9 $not returning Evil
κακόν αντί κακοΰ, ή λοιδοριαν αντί for Evil, nor Reviling for
Reviling; but, on the
λοιδορίας· xotVvavTrlov δέ εΰλογοΰν- contrary, invoking bless-
ings ; Because for this you
τες· *[είδότες,] δτι εις τοΰτο έκλήθητε,
ings; [knowing,] that for this you were called, were called, that you may
inherit a Blessing.
ίνα εύλογ'ιαν κληρονομήσητε. 1 0 Ό γαρ θέ-
10 "For | H E WISHING
λων ξωήν αγαπάν, καΐ Ιδεϊν ημέρας άγα- "to enjoy Life, and to seo
wishing life to love, and to see days good "good Days, $let him ro-
•&άς, παυσάτω τήν γλώσσαν *Γαΰτοϋ] "strain his TONGUE from
let him restrain the tongue [of himself] "Evil, and his Lips from
άπό κακοϋ, καΐ χείλη * [αύτοΰ] τοϋ μή "SPEAKING Deceit;
λαλήσαι δόλον* ^έκκλινάτω άπό κακοΰ, και 11 "let him $turn away
t o s p e a k d e c e i t ; l e t h i m t u r n a w a y f r o m e v i l , and "from Evil, and do Good ;
ποιησάτω αγαθόν ζητησάτω ειρήνην, καΐ $let him seek Peace, and
l e t h i m do good; let h i m seek peace, and "pursue i t ;
διωξάτω αυτήν. "Οτι ol έφθαλμοί Κυ- 12 "for the EYES of the
let him pursue her. Because the eyes of 'Lord are on the Right-
ρίου επί δικαίους, καΐ ωτα αΰτοϋ εις 'eous, and |his Ears to-
Lord on just ones, and ears of h i m (vards "wards their Prayer ; but
δέησιν αυτών πρόσωπον δέ Κυρίου επί "the Face of the Lord is
prayer of them; a face but of Lord against "against Evil-doers."

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—5. God. 7. t h e — o m i t , 9. knowing—omit. 10. of

himself—omit twice.
ί 6. Gen. xviii. 12. % 7. 1 Cor. vii. 3 ; E n h . v . 2 5 ; Col. i i i . 1 9 . t 7. 1 Cor.
x i i . 2 3 ; 1 Thess. iv. 4 . $ 7. Job. xlii. 8. t 8. Rom. xii. 1 6 ; xv. 5 ; Phil. i i i . 1 6 .
t 8 . K o m . x i i . 1 0 ; H e b . x i i i . 1 ; 1 P e t . i i . 17. t 8. Col. i i i . 1 2 ; E p h . iv. 3 2 .
t 9. Prov. xvii. 1 3 ; xx. 2 2 ; M a t t . v . 3 9 ; R o m . x i i . 14, 1 7 . t 10. Psa. xxxiv. 12.
t 10. James i. 2 6 ; 1 P e t . i t . 1. 22. t 1 1 . Psa. xxxvii. 2 7 ; Isa. i. 16, 1 7 . $ 1 1 .
Kom. xii. 18. $ 12. John ix. 3 1 ; James v. 16.
Chap. 3:13.] I. PETER. [Chap. 3:21,
«οιοΰντας κακά. ^ΚαΙ τις δ κακώ- 13 §And who is HE that
tliose doing evil. And who tbe one w i l l bo will INJURE you, if you
σων ύμας έάν του άγαθοΰ μιμηταΐ γέ- become * Imitators of the
GOOD one?
Jnjuring you if of the good imitators you
14 §But even if you suf*
\ησθε; Άλλ' εΐ καΐ πάσχοιτε διά δικαιο- fer on account of Right-
fceeome? But if even you suffer because of right- eousness, you are blessed
σύνην, μακάριοι. Τον δέ φόδον αυτών And fear not with their
eousness, happy ones. The but fear of them FEAR, nor be alarmed;
μη 15
15 but sanctify the
δέ τόν θεόν μηδέ
φοβηθήτε, ταραχθητε·
αγιάσατε Κύριον
έν ταίς καρδίαις •ANOINTED Lord in your
but the God do you sanctify in the hearts
HEARTS, and $be always
υμών έτοιμοι δέ άεΐ προς άπολογίαν παν- prepared with a Defence
of you; prepared and always with a defence to for EVERY one DEMANDING
τΐ τφ αίτοΰντι υμάς λόγον περί an Account of the HOPE
that is in you; but with
της έν ΰμίν ελπίδος, μετά πραΰτητος καΐ Meekness and F e a r ;
the in you hope, with meekness and
φόβου* 36συνειδησιν έχοντες άγαΦήν, ίνα 16 §having a good Con-
fear; a conscience having good, so that science, §that in what
έν ώ καταλαλώσιν υμών * [ώς κακο- they may speak against
ln what they may speak against you [as of e v i l - you, THEY may be ashamed,
ποιών,] καταισχυνθώσιν ol έπηρεάζον- Who SLANDER Y o u r GOOD
doers,] they may be ashamed those slandering
Conduct in Christ.
Τες υμών την άγαθήν έν Χριστφ άναστροφήν. 17 For it is better, if the
of you the good in Anointed conduct. WILL of GOD permit, to
Κρείττον γαρ άγαθοποιοΰντας, εΐ Οέλοι suffer for Doing good,
Better for doing ^ood, if may w i l l
than for Doing evil.
τό θέλημα τοϋ θεοΰ, πάσχειν, Ϋι κακοποι-
tho will of the God, to suffer, or doing 18 Because Christ even
οΰντας· 18 δτι καΐ Χριστός άπαξ περί §once suffered on account
of Sins — the Righteous
αμαρτιών έπαθε, δίκαιος υπέρ άδί- for the Unrighteous,—that
he might lead Us to GOD,
sins suffered, a just one on behalf of unjust $being indeed put to
jtcov, tva ήμας προσα. Φ Θεώ, θα-
ones, so that us he might 1 death in the Flesh, but
the God, being $made alive by the Spirit;
νατωθείς μέν σαρκί, ζωοποιηθείς
put t ' •"•""'"" ·

* - ' · ....... 19 by which also ±he
δέ πνεύματι· έν φ καΐ τοις έν φυλακή πνεύ- preached to the SPIRITS
1)Ut in spirit; by which also to those in prison §in Prison,

μασι πορευθείς έκήρυξεν, άπειθήσασ1 20 who formerly dis-
having gone he published, having disobeyed obeyed, §when the PA-
ποτε, δτε άπεξεδέχετο ή τοΰ Θεοϋ μακροθυμία, TIENCE of GOD was wait-
once, when was waiting the of the God patience, ing in the Days of Noah,
έν ήμέραις Νώε, κατασκευαζόμενης κιβωτού, while §an Ark was being
In days of Noe, being prepared an ark, prepared, t i n which a few,
είς ή*ν όλίγαι (τοϋτ* εΌτιν οκτώ) ψυχαΐ that is, Eight Persons,
in which a few (this is eight) lives were carried safely
διεσώθησαν δι* ύδατος* ^8 καΐ through the Water.
Were carried safely through water; which also 21 And Immersion, §a
ήμας άντίτυπον νυν σώζει βάπτισμα, (ού Representation of this,
σαρκός άπόθεσις ρύπου, αλλά συνειδή- now §saves U s ; (not a
Of flesh a putting away of filth, but a conscience Putting away of the Filth
* VATICAN M A N U S C B I P T . — 1 3 . zealous of. 15. ANOINTED Lord. 16. as of Evil-
± 1 9 . "Having gone and preached" is used pleonastically for " h e preached." Eisner
has produced examples, in pr(of, from the Scriptures, and from Demothenes. See
t 13. Prov. xvi. 7 ; Bora. viii. 28. X 14. Matt. v. 10-12. $ 1 5 . Acts. iv. 8 ;
Col. iv. 6 ; 2 Tim. i i . 2 5 . $ 1 6 . Heb. xiii. 18. t 16. Titus ii. 8 ; 1 P e t . i i .
12. ί 18. Bora. v. 6 ; Heb. ix. 2 6 , 2 8 ; 1 Pet. ii. 2 1 ; iv. 1. $ 1 8 . 2 Cor. xiii.
4. t 1 8 . Col. i . 2 1 , 2 2 . t 1 8 . Bom. i . 4 ; viii. 1 1 . t 19. I s a . H i . 7 ;
xlix. 9 ; lxi. 1. t 20. Gen. vi. 3 , 5 , 1 3 . $ 20. Heb. xi. 7. t 2 0 . Gen. v i i . 7 ;
viii. 1 8 ; 2 Pet. i i . 5. $ 2 1 . Eph. v. 2 6 . % 2 1 . Acts i i . 3 8 ; xxii. Ι δ .
Chap. 3:22.] I. PETER. 4:7.
σεως αγαθής έπερώτημα είς θεόν,) δι' of the Flesh, $but the
good seeking after towards God,) through seeking of a good Con-
αναστάσεως Ίησοΰ Χρίστου· ος έστιν έν science towards God,)

^through the Resurrection

δεξίφ *[τοϋ] θεοΰ, πορευθείς εις ούρανόν, of Jesus Christ;
22 who, having gone to
ύποταγέντων αύτφ αγγέλων καΐ Heaven, $is at the Right
having been subjected to him messengers and hand of God, §Angels and
εξουσιών καΐ δυνάμεων. Authorities and Powers
having been subjected to
ΚΕΦ. δ ' . 4.
Χριστοΰ οΰν παθόντος *[ύπέρ] ή- CHAPTER IV.
Anointed then having suffered [on behalf of 1$ Christ then having
μών] σαρκΐ, καΐ ύμεϊς την αυτήν έννοιαν suffered in the Flesh, arm
yourselves also with the
όπλίσασθε (δτι παθάη SAME Mind, (for $HE
*[έν] σαρκί, πέπαυται αμαρτίας,) είς has ceased from *Sins;)
[in] fleshy h&s c o & s e d froin s i n , ) i n order 2 so as no longer j t o
τό μηκέτι ανθρώπων έπιθυμ'ιαις, αλλά θελή- LIVE the REMAINING Time
that no longer of men to desire, but to
in the Flesh according to
ματι Θεοϋ τόν έπίλοιπον έν σαρκί βιώσαι the Lusts of Men, but ac-
8 cording to $the Will of
χρόνον. Άρκετός γαρ * [ήμίν] ό παρε- God.
time. Sufficient for [for us] the having
3 For the TIME which has
ληλυθώς χρόνος *[τοϋ 61ου] τό θέλημα των PASSED AWAY is sufficient
$to have performed the
εθνών κατεργάσασθαι, πεπορευμένους έν WILL of the GENTILES,
trentiles t o hftve~τνrou^htj hiiν 1 o^ wΗ 1 JSLΘd in having walked in Licen-
άσελγείαις, έπιθυμ'ιαις, οίνοφλυ- tiousness, Inordinate De-
sires, Excesses in Wine,
γίαις, κώμοις, πότοις, καΐ άθεμί- Dissolute Revels, Intem-
perate B a n q u e t s , a n d
τοις είδωλολατρειαις· 4έν φ ξενί- Lawless Idolatries ;
4 in which they are
ζονται, μη συντρεχόντων υμών εις την αυτήν greatly surprised that you
do not run with them the
της ασωτίας άνάχυσιν, βλασςρημοΰντες· 5οί SAME Dissolute course of
PROFLIGACY, blaspheming;
άποδώσουσι λόγον τω έτοίμως εχοντι 5 who shall give an Ac-
shall give an account to hi*m in readiness having count tO HIM $WhO iS PRE-
κρίναι ζώντας καΐ νεκρούς. Είς PARED to judge the Living
to judge living ones and dead ones. In order to and the Dead.
τοΰτο γαρ καΐ νεκροίς εύηγγελί- 6 For to this purpose
were glad tidings an-
σθη, ίνα κριθώσι μέν nounced also to the Dead,
so that indeed they might
κατά Ανθρώπους σαρκί ζώσι δέ be judged, in Flesh, ac-
According to ΙΪΙ on ί n fie sii they in i^lit l i v e but cording to Men, but, in
κατά Θεόν πνεύματι. 7 Πάντων *[δέ] Spirit, according to God.
according t o G o d i nspirit. A l lt h i n g s [ b u t ] 7 $But the END of all
τό τέλος ήγγικε· σωφρονήσατε things has approached;
the end h&s & j)j) ι* oti cli cd j be you of ss in Θ ΏΪ i nd $be you, therefore, of a
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 2 . of the—omit. 1. on behalf of us—omit,
omit. l . Sins. 3. for us—omit. 3. of LIFE—omit. 7. but—omit. 7. the—omit.
21. Rom. x. 10. % 21. 1 Pet. i. ° -• -« - -
Chap. 4:8.] I. PETER. [Chap. 4:16.
ofv, καΐ νήψατε εις τάς προσευχάς. sober mind, and be atten-
therefore, and be you vigi lant in the prayers. tive to Prayers.
Πρό πάντων δέ την εις εαυτούς άγάπην 8 §Above all things
Above a l l things but .the among ** [ήΐ αγάπη καλύ-
yourselves love have fervent LOVE among
εκτενή έχοντες· δτι [ή!
Cthe] love will yourselves ; Because §Love
fervent having; because
ψει πλήθος αμαρτιών 9φιλόξενοι •covers a Multitude of
εις Sins.
cover a multitude of sins; hospitable ones towards
9 §Be hospitable to each
αλλήλους, άνευ γογγυσμών §καστος καθώς other, ^without Murmur-

έλαβε χάρισμα, εις εαυτούς αυτό διακονοϋν- 10 §As each one has
received a Free gift, so
τες, ώς καλοί οικονόμοι ποικίλης χάριτος minister it among your-
as good stewards of manifold favor selves, as $Good Stewards
of the Manifold Favor of
Θεοΰ. u El τις λαλεί, ώς λόγια Θεοΰ· God.
11 §If any one speak,
ει τις διακονεί, ώς έξ Ισχύος ής let it be as the Oracles of
If any one serves, as from strength which God ; §if any one serve,
χορηγεί ό Θεός* tva έν πάσι δοξά- let it be as from the
e u p p l i e s the God; s o that i n a l l t h i n g s m a y b e Strength which GOD sup-
ξηται · ό Θεός διά Ίησοϋ Χρίστου, plies ; so that in all things
glorified the God through Jesus Anointed, IGOD may be glorified
4? έστιν ή δ ό ξ α και τ ό κ ρ ά τ ο ς εις τους through Jesus Christ;
αΙώνας των α ι ώ ν ω ν α μ ή ν . Jwhose is the GLORY and
the POWER for the AGES
ages of the ages; so be it. of the AGES. Amen.
Άγαπητοί, μη ξενίζεσθε τη
12 Beloved, be not sur-
έν ύμΐν πυρώσει προς πειρασμόν ύμΐν γι-
among you burning for a trial to you be- prised at $the FIRE among
νομένγι, ώς ξένου ύμίν συμβαίνοντος· you, occurring to you for
coming, as of a strange thing to you befalling; a Trial, as though some
13 strange thing was befall-
άλλά καθό κοινωνείτε τοις τοΰ ing you;
but according to you partake in the of the 13 but as $you partake
Anointed sufferings; rejo 5 you, so that also
Χρίστου παθήμασι, τηςχαίρετε,
έν τη αποκαλύψει δόξης αύτοΰ ίνα καΐ of the SUFFERINGS of
χαρή- the
i u t h e r e v e l a t i o n of the g l o r y of h i m you may ANOINTED one, rejoice; so
τε άγαλλιώμενοι. ΕΙ 14
όνειδίζεσθε έν that at the REVELATION of
rejoice exulting. If you are reproached in his GLORY, you may re-
δνόματι Χρίστου, μακάριοι* δτι τό της joice exultingly.
name of Anointed, happy ones; because the of the
14 §If you are re-
δόξης καΐ τό τοΰ θεού πνεϋμα έφ' υμάς proached in the Name of
glory and the of the God s p i r i t on you
Christ, happy are you ; Be-
αναπαύεται· [κατά μέν αυτούς βλασφη-
rests; according to indeed them he is evil cause the SPIRIT of GLORY
and THAT of GOD rests on
μείται, κατά δέ ύμας δοξάζεται.] you.
spoken of, according to but you he is glorified.J
15 For §let none of you
φονεύς suTTer as a Murderer, or a
Μή γάρ τις υμών πασχέτω ώς
Thief, or an Evil-doer, or
^ κλέπτης ή κακοποιός, η" ώς άλλοτριεπίσκο- as a Meddling person ;
ΟΓ a thief or an evil-doer, or as a meddl ing person; 16 but if as a Christian,
πος· εΙ δέ ώς χριστιανός, μη αίσχυνέσθω, let him not be ashamed,

if but as a Christian, not let him be ashamed tbut let him glorify GOD
δοξαζέτω δέ τόν Θεόν έν τφ μέρει τού- *in this NAME.
let him glorify but the God in the respect to
* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 8 . covers. 14. indeed according to them he is evil
spoken of, but according to you he is glorified—omit. 16. in this NAME.
t 8. Heb. xiii. 1; Col. iii. 14. % 8. Jamesv. 20. ί 9. Rom. xii. 1 3 ; H e b . xiii. 2 .
$ 9. 2 Cor. ix. 7; Phil. i i . 14. t 10. Rom. xii. 6; 1 Cor. iv. 7. t 10.
Matt. xxiv. 4 5 ; xxv. 14; Titus i . 7. $ 1 1 . Jer. xxiii. 2 3 . t 1 1 . Rom. xii.
6-8; 1 Cor. i i i . 10. % 11. Eph. v. 2 0 ; 1 Pet. ii. δ. t 11. 1 Tim. vi. 16; 1 P e t .
v. 1 1 ; Rev. i . 6. $ 12. 1 Cor. i i i . 1 3 ; 1 Pet. i. 7. % 13. Rom. viii. 17; 2 Cor.
i. 7; iv. 10; P h i l . i i i . 10; 1 Pet. v. 1. 10. t 14. Matt. v. 1 1 ; James i. 1 2 ; 1 Pet.
i i i . 14. % 1 5 . 1 Pet. ii. 20. % 16. Acts v. 41.
Chap. 4:17.] I. PETER. [Chap. 5 : 5 .
τω. "Οτι ό καιρός τοΰ άρξασθαι το 17 Because the SEASON
this. Because the season for the to begin the is coming for §the JUDG-
κρίμα άπό τοϋ οϊκου τοΰ θεοΰ* ει δέ πρώ- MENT to BEGIN from t h e
j'udgment from the house of the God; if but first HOUSE of GOD ; and if it
τον άφ' ημών, τΐ τό τέλος των άπει- begin first from us, $what
from of US} Tyliftt the end of thos© οβίΐΐβ the END of THOSE who a r e
θούντων τφ τοΰ Θεοΰ εύαγγελίω; disobedient to the GLAD
disobedient to'the of the God glad tidings?
18 18 And if the RIGHT-
κα1 ε'ι ό δίκαιος μόλις σώζεται, ό άσε- ous person scarcely is safe,
ancl if the just one scarcely is safe, the impious
19 where will the IMPIOUS
6ής και αμαρτωλός ποΰ φανείται; ωστε and the Sinner appear?
one a nol d πάσχοντες
sinner w h e r eκατά τό θέλημα
w i l l appear? τοϋ
a l s o those suffering a c c o r d i n g t o t h e w i l l o f t h e 19 Therefore, let even
θεοΰ, * [ώς] πιστώ κτίστη παρατιθέσθω- THOSE who are SUFFERING
God, [as] to a faithful creator let commit according to the WILL of
σαν τάς ψυχάς * [εαυτών] έν άγαθο- GOD, ί commit their
the lives [of themselves] in doing LIVES in doing good to a
ποιια. Faithful Creator.

ΚΕΦ. ε ' . 5. CHAPTER V.

Πρεσβυτέρους * [τους] έν ύμίν παρακα- 1 The Elders, * there-
Elders [the] among you I exhort, fore, who are among you
λώ, ό συμπρεσβύτερος καΐ μάρτυς των I exhort, who am a co-
the fellow-elder and witness of those ELDER, and %Ά Witness
τοΰ Χρίστου παθημάτων, ό και της μελού- of the SUFFERINGS of the
of the Anointed sufferings, the and of the being ANOINTED one, and §a
σης άποκαλύπτεσθαι δόξης κοινωνός* 2ποι- PARTAKER of that GLORY
about to be revealed glory partaker; do you
which is GOING to be re-
μάνατε τό έν ύμϊν ποίμνιον τοΰ Θεοΰ, vealed ;
2 §tend the FLOCK of
* [έπισκοποϋντες] μη άναγκαστως, άλλ' έκου- GOD which is with you,
overseeing not by con-
σίίος· μηδέ αισχροκερδώς, αλλά π^οθύμως· straint, but voluntarily;
tarily; nor for base gain, but promptly; ^neither for base gain,
but readily;
* [ μ η δ ' ώς κατακυριεύοντες τών κλήρων, 3 *[ neither as $being
lords of the HERITAGES,
άλλα τύποι γινόμενοι τοΰ ποιμνίου·] 4κα1 φα- but being ^Patterns to the
νερωθέντος τοΰ άρχιποί μένος, κομιεί- FLOCK ;]
been m a n i f e s t e d of t h e chief shepherd, you w i l l
σθε τόν άμαράντινον της δόξης στέφανον. 4 and when the J C H I E F
obtain the unfading of the gfory crown. SHEPHERD is manifested,
Όμοίως νεώτεροι ύποτάγητε πρε-
you will obtain the UN-
οβυτέροις· πάντες δέ άλλήλοις 5 In like manner, let
* [ύποτασ-
seniors; all but to each other the Younger persons be
σόμενοι,] την ταπεινοφροσύνην έγκομβώσα- subject to the Seniors;
subject,] the humility be you clothed and $all of you submit to
each other, and be clothed
σθε· οτι ό Θεός ύπερηφάνοις άντιτάσ- with HUMILITY ; Because
With; because the God to haughty ones is in oppo- |GOD is opposed to the
σεται, ταπεινοίς δέ δίδωσι χάριν. Ταπει- Haughty, $but he bestows
sition, to lowly ones but he gives faVor. Be you Favor on the Humble.

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 9 . as—omit. 19. of themselves—omit. 1. the—omit.

1. therefore. 2 . overseeing—omit. 3.—omit. 5. being subject—omit.
t 17. Mai. iii. 5 . t 1 7 . Luke x. 12, 1 4 . t 19. Psa. xxxi. 5 ; Luke xxiii. 46.
% 1. Luke xxiv. 4 8 ; Acts i . 8 , 2 2 ; v. 3 2 ; x . 3 9 . $ 1. Bom. viii, 1 7 : Rev. i 9.
t 2 . John xxi. 15-17; Acts xx. 2 8 . ί 2 . 1 T i m . iii. 3, 8 ; Titus i . 7. t 3.
2 Cor. i . 2 4 . $ 3. 1 Tim. iv. 1 2 ; Titus ii. 7. t 4. Heb. xiii. 20. t 4. 1 Cor.
ix. 2 5 ; 2 Tim. iv. 8 ; James i . 1 2 . $ 5 . Rom. x i i . 1 0 ; Eph. v. 2 1 ; P h i l . i i . 3.
$ δ. James iv. 6 . $ 5. Isa. M i . 1 5 ; lxvi. 2.
CHap. 5:6.] I. PETER. [Chap. 5:14.
νώθητε οδν ύπά τήν κραταιάν χείρα 6 §Be you humbled,
bumbled therefore under the mighty hand therefore, under the
του θεοΰ, Ινα υμάς ύψώστι έν καιρφ· MIGHTY Hand of Gop,
of the God, so that you he may exalt In a season; that he may exalt You in
πάσαν την μέριμναν υμών έπιρρί/ψαντες έπ' due Time;
all the anxious care of you having cast on 7 §having cast All your
αυτόν, δτι αύτώ μέλλει περί ANXIETY on him, Because
him, 8 because with him is care concerning he cares for you.
υμών. Νήψατε, γρηγορήσατε· δ αντίδικος
you. Be you sober, be you watchful; the opponent 8 $Be sober, be vigi-
υμών διάβολος, ώς λέων ώρυόμενος, περι- lant ; your OPPONENT, the
of you an accuser, like a lion roaring, walks Enemy, like a roaring
πατεί, ζητών τίνα καταπίη* °φ άν- Lion, is walking about,
(ιkout seclcizi£f w^hom ikQ ixi&y j£uli) doTt^ii· t o "wrhom be •seeking to devour;
τίστητε στερεοί χχ\ πίστει, είδότες, 9 $to whom be opposed,
standing firm in the
τα αυτά των παθημάτων τη έν κόσι σμω FAITH ; ^knowing that
the same kinds of the sufferings by the orld
άδελφότητι έπιτελείσθαι. Ό δέ Θεός fully endured by YOUR
brotherhood to be ful ly endured. The and God
Brotherhood in the World.
πάσης χάριτος ό καλέσας ήμας είς την
of all favor that one having called us into the 10 And THAT GOD of All
Favor, $who has CALLED
αΐώνιον αΰτοΰ δόξαν έν Χριστφ * [ Ί η - *you to His AIONIAN
age-lasting of himself glory by Anointed [Je- Glory, by *the ANOINTED
σοΰ,] ολίγον παθόντας, αυτός καταρτί- one, when you have suf-
eus,] a l i t t l e having suffered, himself to com- fered a short time, *will
himself ^complete, con-
σαι * ίνμαζ,Ι στηρίξει, σθενώσει, firm, strengthen you.
p l e t e Cyou,] h e w i l l confirm, he w i l l s t r e n g t h e n ,
* [θεμελιώσει.] ^Αύτφ * [ή δόξα, καΐ] τό 11 §To him be the
GLORY and the POWER for
[ho w i l l establish.] To him [the glory, and] the the AGES. Amen.
κράτος είς τους α'ιώνας *[τών αιώνων] αμήν. 12 By $ Silvanus, a
power for the ages [ o f t h e a g e s ; ] s o be i t . FAITHFUL Brother to you,
Διά Σιλουανοΰ ύμΐν τοΰ πιστοΰ (as 1 think,) I have $ writ-
By means of Silvanus to you of the faithful ten briefly, exhorting and
strongly testifying that
άδελφοΰ, ώς λογίζομαι, δι* ολίγων ίίγρα- this is the True Favor of
GOD in which *you stand.
ψα, παρακαλών καΐ έπιμαρτυρών ταύτην
κατε. 13
Άσπάζεται 13 THAT CO-ELECT
written, exhorting and υμάς
stronglyή testifying thi
have stood.
είναι άληθ·ή Salutes
χάριν τοΰyou Θεοΰ,she είς ην έστή- tCongregation in Babylon
to be true favor of the God, in which you salutes you, and $Mark
έν Βαβυλώνι my SON.
In Babylon
14 $ Salute each other
συνεκλεκτή, καΐ Μάρκος ό υΙός μου.
with a Kiss of Love.
chosen jointly, and
Mark the son of me. $ Peace be to YOU All in
Άσπάσασθε αλλήλους έν φιλήματι αγάπης.
Snlute you each other with a kiss "' Christ Jesus.*
Ειρήνη ήμίν πασι
* VATICAN τοις έν Χριστφ
MANUSCRIPT.—8. seeking*[Ίησοΰ.]
to devour. 10. you. 10. the Anointed one.
10. Jesus—omit. 10. will himself. 10. you—omit. 10. he will establish—omit.
11. the GLORY and—omit. 11. of the AGES—omit. 12. you should stand. 14. Jesus
—omit. Subscription—FIRST OF PETER.
± 13. The word Congregation is supplied by the Syriac, Vulgate, and by other ancient
versions. Grotius approves the addition, and Beza observes that Peter omitted the word
ecclesia as is often done with regard to words in common use. But Mill and Wall think
the translation should be, "She who is in Babylon," and that the apostle meant his own
wife, or some honorable woman in that city. Lardner says it is not probable that Peter
would send a salutation to the Christians of so many countries, from a woman not named.
6. James iv. 10. $ 7. Psa. xxxvii. 5 ; Iv. 2 2 ; Matt. vi. 2 5 ; Luke x i i . 1 1 , 1 2 ;
H e b . xiii. 5 . t 8 . Luke xxi. 3 4 , 3 6 ; 1 Thess. v . 6 . $ 9 . E p h . vi. 1 1 , 1 3 ;
James iv. 7. t 9. Acts xiv. 2 2 ; 1 Thess. i i i . 3 . $ 1 0 . 1 Cor. i . 9 ; 1 T i m .
vi. 12. t 10. Heb. xiii. 2 1 ; Jude 24. t 11. 1 Pet. iv. 1 1 ; Rev. i . 6. $ 1 2 .
2 Cor. i . 1 9 . t 12. H e b . xiii. 2 2 . X 13. Acts xii. 1 2 , 2 5 . t 24. Horn. xvi.
1 0 ; 1 Cor. xvi. 2 0 ; 2 Cor. xiii. 1 2 ; 1 Thess. v. 26. $ 14. Eph. v i . 2 3 .

ΚΕΦ. α'. 1. CHAPTER I.
Συμεών Πέτρος, δοΰλος καΐ απόστολος 1 Simon Peter, a Bond-
Simeon Peter, a bondman and and an apostle
servant and an Apostle of
Jesus Christ, to THOSE
Ίησοΰ Χρίστου, τοις Ισότιμον ήμίν who have OBTAINED §an
of Jesus Anointed, to those equal ly precious to us Equally precious Faith
λαχοΰσι π'ιστιν έν δικαιοσύνη του θεοΰ with us, by the Righteous-
having obtained faith by righteousness of the God
ness of our God and
2 Savior Jesus Christ ;
ημών καΐ σωτήρος Ίησοΰ Χρίστου· χάρις 2 $may Favor and Peace
of us and a savior Jesus Anointed; favor be multiplied to You by a
ύμΐν καΐ ειρήνη πληθυνθείη έν έπιγνώσει
to you and peace may be multiplied by a knowledge Knowledge of GOD and of
τοΰ Θεοΰ, καΐ Ίησοΰ τοΰ Κυρίου ημών. 3 Ώ ς Jesus our LORD ;
of the God, and of Jesus the Lord of us. As 3 even as his DIVINE
πάντα ήμίν της θείας δυνάμεως αύτοΰ τά Power has granted to us
«1 i to us of the divine power of him the things All THINGS relating to
Life and Piety, $ through
προς ζωήν καΐ εύσέβειαν δεδωρημένης, the KNOWLEDGE of HIM
in respect to l i f e and piety having been granted,
§who CALLED us ±by
βιά της έπιγνώσεως τοϋ καλέσαντος alory and Virture;
through the knowledge of the one having called 4 §on account of which
ών VERY GREAT and Precious
ημάς δια ϊναδόξης δια
δώρηται, καΐ αρετής·
τούτων (δι* γένη- Promises have been be-
us by means of glory and virtue; (through which stowed on us, so that
τά μέγιστα θείας
ήμίν καΐκοινωνοί φύσεως άποφυ-
τίμια επαγγέλματα δε- through these you might
become §Partakers of the
γόντες της έν κόσμω, έν επιθυμία Divine Nature, ^having
fled away from the COR-
φθοράς·) ^αΐ αυτό τοΰτο δέ σπουδήν RUPTION that is in *the
corruption;) also very this thing and diligence WORLD through Lust;
all παρεισενέγκαντες· επιχορηγήσατε έν 5 and for this very thing
τχ\ πίστει υμών την άρετήν, έν δέ τη άρε- also, $using all Diligence,
superadd to your FAITH
τχ\ την γνώσιν, βέν δέ τη γνώσει τήν FORTITUDE, and to FOR-
έγκράτειαν, έν δέ τη εγκρατείς τήν ύπο- 6 and to KNOWLEDGE
μονήν, έν δέ τη υπομονή τήν εύσέβειαν, SELF-CONTROL PATIENCE,
p&tidxcOy to find the p&ticucG the pi©ty^ and to PATIENCE PIETY,
έν δέ τη εύσεβεία τήν φιλαδελφίαν, έν δέ 7 and to PIETY BROTHER-
to &Tiuφιλαδελφία
the piety theτήν άγάπην. 8Ταΰταtoγαρ
orotherly~kinciii0ss· find
tho brother Iy—kindness the love· Xhese things for LY-KINDNESS, and §tO BRO-
ύμίν υπάρχοντα καΐ πλεονάζοντα, ούκ άρ- 8 For these things be-
to you belonging and abounding, not idle
ing in You and abounding,
γούς ουδέ άκαρπους καθίστησιν εις τήν they will not permit you
οΐι Θ s ιι ο r vxux r\i i t f u I one s t h e y DQ ills ο you \xk the
to be inactive $norunfruit-
τοϋ Κυρίου ημών Ίησοΰ Χρίστου έπίγνωσιν ful in the KNOWLEDGE of
of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed knowledge; our LORD Jesus Christ;
± 3. by a Glorious Kindness.—Wakefield. By his own illustrious perfections.—
Dickenson. A different reading, and fron\ the authorities by which it is supported appear-
ing to be a genuine one is as follows;—"by his own glory and power," or "by his own
glorious power."
t 1. Rom. i. 12; 2 Cor. iv. 1 3 ; Eph. iv. 5 ; Titus i. 4. t 2 . 1 P e t . i . 2. $ 3.
John xvii. 3. ί 3. 1 Thess. ii. 12; iv. 7; 2 Thess. ii. 14; 2 Tim. i. 9; 1 Pet.
ii. 9; iii. 9. ί 4. 2 Cor. vii. 1. % 4. John i. 12; Bora. viii. 1 3 ; 2 Cor. i i i . 18; Eph.
Iv. 2 4 ; Heb. xii. 10; 1 John i i i . 2 . ί 4. 2 Pet. ii. 18, 20. $ 5. 2 Pet. iii. 18.
t 7. Gal. vi. 10; 1 Thess. iii. 12 ; v. 1 5 ; 1 John iv. 21. ί 8. John xv. 2 ; Titus iii. 1 4 .
Chap. 1:9.] II. PETER. [Chap. 1:17.
°φ γαρ μή πάρεστι ταϋτα, 9 for he who is not pos-
to whom for not is present these things, blind sessed of these things $is
έοχι, μυωπάζων, λήθην λα- blind, closing his eyes,
having become forgetful
is, being short-sighted, a forgetfulness having of $the PURIFICATION of
6ών τοϋ καθαρισμού his OLD Sins.
Διό μάλλον,τωναδελφοί,
πάλαι αύτοό
αμαρτημάτων. σπου-
10 Therefore, Brethren,
δάσατε βεβαίαν υμών την κλησιν καΐ more earnestly endeavor
to make Your CALLING
έκλογήν ποιείσθαι· γαρ ποιοΰντες and Election sure; since
election to make; tJ ταϋτα by doing These things
©ύ μή πταίσητέ ese things for χ1 doing §you will never fall;
ποτέ. έ. Ουτω
So γαρ γρ
not not you may fall at any ti f 11 for thus richly will be
πλουσίως έπιχορηγηθήσεται ύμίν ή είσοδος furnished to you the EN- for
richly will be furnished to you the entrance TRANCE into the AIONIAN
είς την αίώνιον βασιλείαν τοΰ Κυρίου ημών Kingdom of our LORD
Into the age-lasting kingdom of the Lord of us and Savior Jesus Christ.
και σωτήρος Ίησοΰ Χρίστου. 12 Διό ούκ άμε- 12 Therefore §1 will
nncl Savior Jesus Anointed. Therefore not I will mind *not neglect always to re-
λήσω άεί υμάς ύπομιμνήσκειν περί You of these things,
τούτων, καίπερ είδότας, καΐ έστηριγ- ^although you know and
thcse things, although knowing, and being es- are established in the
μένους έν τΫ[ παρούση άληθε'ια. 13 Δίκαιον PRESENT Truth.
tablished in the present truth." Right 13 And I think it right,
$as long as I am in This
δέ ήγοΰμαι, έφ' δσον ειμί έν τούτω TABERNACLE, to excite
and I think, in as much as I am in this * you by Remembrance;
τω σκηνώματι, διεγείρειν ΰμας έν ύπομνήσει· 14 ^knowing That the
the tabernacle, to s t i r up you by a reminding; LAYING ASIDE of t h e
είδώς, δτι ταχινή έστιν ή άπόθεσις TABERNACLE is at hand,
knowing, that near at hand it is the laying aside even as $our LORD Jesus
τοΰ σκηνώματος μου, καθώς καΐ ό α5Κύριος Christ declared to me.
ημών Ίησοϋς Χριστός έδήλωσέ μοι. Σπου
δάσω u s J e s uδέ
s καΐ
A n o i nεκάστοτε,
t e d d e c l a r e εχειν
d t o m ύμας
e. w i l l deavor Now
I μετά 15 I will

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