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©rigimt'I <&xn\\ f&nt


(According to the Recension of Dr. J. J. G ne<ihacK)




No. 1209 in the Vatican Librarv,






Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the / e a r 1864,
In the Clerk's Office of the District Court oftlie United States for the
Northern District of Illinois.
To trouble the reader with any lengthy remarks on the important advantages to
be derived from a new translation of the Sacred Writings, is deemed altogether un-
necessary. Much information on this point has been given by others, who have
published modern Versions of the New Testament, with the reasons which hare
induced them to do so. Those reasons will serve in a great measure also for thia.
It is generally admitted by all critics, that the Authorized or Common version of
the Scriptures, absolutely needs revision. Obsolete words, uncouth phrases, bad
grammar and punctuation, etc., all require alteration. But this is not all. There
are errors of a more serious nature which need correction. The translators of the
Common version were circumscribed and trammelled by royal mandate; they were
required to retain certain old ecclesiastical words, which accordingly were left
untranslated. Thus the minds of many who had no means of knowing'the meaning
/*f the original words have been misled and confused. Biblical criticism, however,
during the last two hundred years, has done much to open up and elucidate the Word
of God, by discovering many things which were unknown to the old translators,
\.i&king great improvements in the text, detecting numerous interpolations and er-
rors, and suggesting far better renderings of many passages. Many modern versions
have availed themselves of this valuable assistance, and it is believed they have
thereby been enabled to give the English reader a "feettex understanding 0/ what was
originally written.

Without presuming to claim any superiority for this, &g a translation of the New
Testament, over any other modern version, it is thought that the present Work pre-
sents certain valuable features, not to be found elsewhere, and which will be of real
practical utility to every one who wishes to read the books of the Evangelists and
Apostles, as they were written under the guidance and inspiration of the Holy
Spirit. These features are;—An approved Greek text, with the various Readings of
the Vatican Manuscript, No. 1209; an Interlineary literal Word for Word English
translation; a New Yersion, with the Signs of Emphasis; a copious selection of
References; many appropriate, illustrative, and exegetical Eoot-notes; and a valu-
able Alphabetical Appendix. This combination of important items cannot be found
in any other book. The reader will find further remarks on this subject, on the
page headed," Plan of the Work;" and he is also invited to read the pages with the
respective captions;—"To the Reader;" "History of the Greek Text;" and "His-
tory of English Versions." Also, on another page will be found the " Letters and
Pronunciation of the Greek Alphabet," for the special benefit of those who may
wish to obtain a rudimentary knowledge of that language.

The intelligent reader will at once perceive the utility" and importance of this ar-
rangement. Readers who are familiar with the original tongue, obtain in this Work
one of the best Greek Testaments, with important ancient Readings, well worthy of
fcfcei? a&eutioti, and, ft is presumed, that there are evea few Greek scholars, wfcoajja
BO far advanced, but may derive some help from the translation given, Those whft
have only a little or no knowledge of the Greek, may by careful reading, and a little
attention to the Interlineary translation, soon become familiar with it. This Work,
in fact, places in the hands of the intelligent English reader the means of knowing
and appropriating for his own benefit, with but little labor on his part, what it has
cost others years of study and severe toil to acquire.
Scrupulous fidelity has been maintained throughout this version in giving the
true rendering of the original text into English; no regard whatever being paid to
the prevailing doctrines or prejudices of sects, or the peculiar tenets of theologians.
To the Divine authority of the original Scriptures alone has there been the most
humble and unbiassed submission.
In the preparation of this Work for the press, all available help to be derived from
the labors of great and learned men, has been obtained and appropriated. Lexicong,
Grammars, ancient and modern Versions, Commentaries, critical and explanatory^
Cyclopedias, Bible and other Dictionaries, etc., have been consulted and culled from.
Also, the suggestions, opinions, and criticisms of friends, on words, phrases, and
passages, have been duly considered, and sometimes adopted. It is not presumed
that this "Work is free from faults or errors. Infallibility is left for others to claim.
©seat care, however, has been exercised to make it as correct as possible.

The Work is now sent forth to the public, to stand or fan on its own merits. True^
it cannot boast of being the production of a council of learned men, as King James'
version, but let it be remembered that TYNDALE alone, under very disadvantageous
circumstances, did far more for the English Bible than that learned body, for they
Dnly followed in the wake of his labors.
This Volume, principally designed for the instruction and advantage of others, is
now reverently committed to the blessing of our Father in the heavens, with an
earnest and sincere desire that many of those who peruse its pages may be led
by the knowledge, faith, and obedience inculcated theiein, to obtain an inheritance
in the aionian kingdom of Jesus the Anointed one.
- „ »—©—3 ~ — =»

^5|S2sQ|HE following condensed ac- were then known. These various React
(WT|ra| count of the different editions ings, with some additions, were given in
^ ^ ^ 1 of the Greek New Testament, the Greek Testament, published by
{f^s^m will introduce the reader to the Bishop Fell, at Oxford, in 1675.
history of the Greek Text, and the va- I n 1707, Dr. MILL'S Greek Testament
rious steps taken by learned men for appeared. His Text is simply taken
the purpose of editing it with greater from Stephens' as given in Walton's
critical accuracy. The history will com- Polyglot; his collection of various Read-
mence with the first printed editions. ings was extensive, and these were made
The first printed edition of the whole the ground for a critical amendment oi
of the Greek New Testament was t h a t the Text.
contained in the Complutensian Poly Dr. EDWARD WELLS published the first
glot; published by Francis XIMENES de critical revision in parts at Oxford, be-
OISNEROS. The principal editor of the tween 1709 and 1719, with a translation
work was Lopez de Stunica, I t was and paraphrase.
printed in Greek and Latin, and com- BENGEL followed on in the same work
pleted January 10th, 1514. I n conse- and published his edition in 1734, and
quence of the delay as to the publica- in his " Apparatus Criticus" he enlarged
tion of this edition (from 1514 to 1520) tlje stock of various Readings,
that of ERASMUS was commenced and • WETSTEIN published his Greek Testa-
completed, and was published in 1516, ment in 1751-2, but only indicates in
being the first edition published of the his inner margin, the few Readings
Greek New Testament. Like the Com- which he preferred to those of the El-
plutensian edition, this was also in zevir edition. But in the collection of
Greek and Latin. The latter part of the critical materials he did more than all
book of Revelation being wanting in his his predecessors p a t together,
MS. he supplied the same by translating • GRIESBACH, in critical labors, excels
the Latin Vulgate into Greek. by far any who preceded him. He used
The Greek Manuscripts used for these the materials others had gathered. His
two editions were few in nnmbtr, of lit- first edition was commenced in 1775;
tle critical value, and therefore do not his last completed in 1806. He com-
possess much real authority. I n 1535, bined the results of the collations oi
Erasmus published, his fifth edition, Birch, Matthasi and others, with those
which is the basis of the common Text.* of Wetstein. I n his Revision ho often
In 1546, and again in 1549, ROBERT preferred t h e testimony of the older
STEPHENS printed, at Paris, two beauti- MSS. to the mass of modern copies.
ful small editions of the Greek New Since the publication of Griesbach's
Testament; and in 1550 his folio edition Text, three or four other critical edi-
with various readings from several Man- tions have been published, and have re-
uscripts—he collated some 15 MSS., ceived the examination and approval of
but chiefly followed the Complutensian scholars. Of these, the edition of Scholz,
eopy. has passed through numerous editions.
BEZA published five editions of the His fundamental principle of criticism
Greek Testament; the first in 1565, the was, that the great majority of copies
last in 1598. deckle as to the correctness of the Text;
I n 1624, the ELZEVIR, printers at Ley- hence, those who prefer the more ancient
den, published a small and beautiful documents, will consider t h e Text of
Greek Testament, the editor of which is Griesbach preferable; while those whose
wholly unknown. I t differs little from judgment would favor the mass of tes&i-
Stephens' folio edition. The printers m onies, would prefer that of Scholz.
gave to this Text the name of " Textus In addition to Scholz's collation, Lach-
Receptus." mann, Teschendorf, Tregelles, &c, have
In WALTON'S POLYGLOT of 1657, the given t~ the world the result of their
Greek New Testament was given accor- critical labors, and which are acknow
ding to the Te cfc of Stephens: and in ledgecl to be of the highest authority.
the last volume there was a collection The number of MSS. now known, and
of various Readings from such MSS. as which have been examined, is nearly
700; t h u s affording now a far better
* Erasmas, in his third edition of 1523, in- chance, to obtain a correct Greek Text,
serted, the text, 1 John v. 7, on the authority than when the authorized version was
of a MS. now in Dublin. Tynd:i]e used thi's at first published.
edition to revise his English versio-n-

HE first English version of the , vise the translation then in -use.5 They
New Testament was that made were ordered to use the Bishops Bible
by JOHN WICLIF, or WICLIFFE, as the basis of the new version, and to
about the yiear 1367. I t was alter it as little as t h e original would
translated from the Latin Bible, verba- allow; b u t if t h e prior translations of
tim, without any regard to the idiom Tyndale, Coverdale, Matthew, Cranmer
of the languages. Though this version or Whitchurch, and the Geneva editors
was first in point of time, no part of it agreed better with the text, to adopt the
was printed before t h e year 1731. same. This translation was perhaps the
TYNDALE'S translation was published best that could be made at the time, and
in 1526, either at Antwerp or Ham- if it had not been published by kingly
burg. I t is commonly said that Tyn- authority, it would not now be venera-
dale translated from the Greek, b u t he ted by English and American protest-
never published it to be so on any title- ants, as though it had come direct from
page of his Testament. One edition, not God. I t has been convicted of contain-
published by him, has this title—" The ing over 20,000 errors. Nearly 700 Greek
Newe Testament, dylygently corrected MSS. are now known, and some of them
and compared with t h e Greke, by Wil- very ancient; whereas the translators
lyam Tyndale, and fynesshed in t h e of the common version had only the ad-
yere of oure Lorde God, A. M. D. and i vantage of some 8 MSS., none of which
xxxiiij. in tl'ae moneth of Nouember." were earlier t h a n t h e tenth century.
I t is evident he only translated from Since 1611, many translations of both Old
the Vulgate Latin. and New Testaments, and portions of the
same, have heen published. The following
COVERDALE published the* whole Bible are some of the most noted.
in English, in the year 1535. He " fol- The Family Expositor: or a Paraphrase and
lowed his interpreters," and adopted Version of the New Testament, with Critical
Tyndale's version, with the exception Notes. By Philip Doddridge. 1755.
The Pour Gospels translated from the Greek.
of a few alterations. By George Campbell. 1790.
MATTHEW'S BIBLE was only Tyndale A New Literal Translation, from the Origi-
and Coverdale's, published under t h e nal Greek, of the Apostolical Epistles. By
feigned name of Thomas Matthews. James Macknight. 1795.
A Translation of the New Testament. By
HOLLTBUSHE'S NEW TESTAMENT was Gilbert Wakefield. 1795.
printed in 1538, " b o t h in Latin and A Translation of the New Testament, from
English, after t h e Vulgate text," to the original Greek. Humbly attempted by
which Coverdale prefixed a dedication Nathaniel Scarlett, assisted by men of piety
and literature. 1798.
to Henry V I I I . The New Testament in an Improved Ver-
THE GREAT BIBLE, published in 1539, sion, upon the basis of Archbishop Newcome's
purported to be " translated after the New Translation, with a corrected Text. 1808.
veryte of the Hebrue and Greke textes," theThe New Testament, in Greek and English;
Greek according to Griesbach: the Eng-
b u t it is certain that it was only a revi- lish upon the basis of the fourth London edi-
sion of Matthew's, with a few small al- tion of the Improved Version, with an attempt
terations. I t was named ' - t h e Great to further improvement from the translations
of Campbell, Wakefield, Scarlett, Macknight,
Bible," because of its large size. and Thomson. By Abner Kneeland. 1822.
CRANMER'S BIBLE, published in 1540, A New Family Bible, and improved Version,
was essentially the same as the Great from corrected Texts of the Originals, with
Bible, but took his name on account of The Critical,
Notes &c. By B. Boothroyd. 1823.
Sacred Writings of the Apostles and
a few corrections which he made in it. Evangelists, translated from the Original, by
THE GENEVA BIBLE was published at Campbell Macknight, and Doddridge, with
Geneva in 1560. The New Testament in various Emendations by A. Campbell. 1833.
1557. Coverdale was one of the Geneva Testament. A New and Corrected Version of the New
By R. Dickinson. 1833.
brethren who issued it. The Book of the New Covenant, a Critical
THE BISHOPS' BIBLE was a revisal of Revision of the Text and Translation of Com.
the English Bible, made by the bishops, mon Version, with the aid of most ancient
MSS. By Granville Penn. 1836.
and compared with the originals. I t The Holy Bible, with 20,000 emendations,
was published in 1568. By J. T. Conquest. 1841.
THE DOWAY BIBLE appeared in 1609, The Good Nev?s of our Lord Jesus, the
and was translated from the autlientical Anointed; from the Critical Greek of THt*
man. By N. N. Whiting. 1849.
Latin) or Vulgate. A Translation of the New Testaments from
KING JAMES' BIBLE, or the Authorized the Syriac. By James Murdock. 1852.
Version, was published in 1611. I n t h e Translation of Paul's Epistles. By Joseph
year 1604, forty-seven persons learned Tnrnbull. 1864.
The New Testament, translatedfromGriee»
jn th© languages, were appointed to re- bach's Teatt. By Samuel Sharps.
r H A T " A l l Scripture, divinely inspired, " i s probable were also t h e t r a n s l a t o r
is profitable for Teaching, for Convic- " opinions. T h a t their translation is par-
tion, for Correction, for T H A T Instruction " t i a l , speaking t h e language of, and giv-
which is in Righteousness," is t h e t r u t h - " i n g authority to one sect." And
ful testimony of t h e Sacred Writings according to Dr. Gell, it was wrested a n d
about themselves. "We rejoice to express partial, " and only adapted to one s e c t ; "
our conviction t h a t t h e Word of God was out h e imputes this, not to t h e transla-
perfect and infallible as it emanated from tors, b u t to those who employed them,
those holy men of old, t h e Prophets and for even some of t h e translators com-
Apostles, who " s p o k e , being moved b y plained t h a t t h e y could n o t follow their
t h e Holy Spirit." As a revelation of Jeho- own j u d g m e n t i n t h e matter, b u t were re-
vah's will to the h u m a n race, i t was requi- strained by "reasons of s t a t e . "
site t h a t i t should be an u n e r r i n g guide. The Version in common use will appear
Amid t h e ever conflicting strife of h u m a n more imperfect still, when the fact is known,
opinions, and t h e endless diversity of that it was not a translation from the Origi-
nal, but merely a revision of the Versions
thought, we needed such a standard, to then i n use. This is evident from thefollow-
lead u s safely through t h e perplexing ing directions given by King James to the
problems of life, to counsel u s under all translators, viz.: " The Bishops' Bible to be
circumstances, t o reveal t h e will of our "followed, and altered as little as the Origi-
" nal will permit. And these translations to
Heavenly P a r e n t , and to lift on high a " b e used when they agree better with t h e
celestial light, which streaming through "text than the Bishops' Bible—namely, Tyn-
t h e thick darkness t h a t broods around, " dal's, Matthew's, Coverdale's, Whitchurch's,
shall guide t h e feet of his erring and be- "Geneva." None of these were made from
the Original Greek, b u t only compared with
wildered children to their loving Father's it—being all translated from the Vulgate
home. W e needed therefore a testimony Latin. Hence it follows, that the authorized
upon which to repose our faith and hope, version is simply a revision of the Vulgate.
free from all error, immutable, and harmo- And the Greek Text, with which i t was com-
pared, was compiled from Eight MSS. only,
nious in all its details—something to tell all of which were written since the tenth
us how to escape from t h e evils of t h e century, and are now considered of compara-
present, and attain to a glorious future. tively slight authority. The " Textus Recep-
With reverence and joy wc acknowledge these his," or Received Greek Text, was made from
MSS., and is now proved to be the very
the Sacred Writings to be such, as they worst Greek Text extant, in a printed form.
were originally dictated by t h e Holy And there was only one MS. for the Book of
Spirit. How important t h e n t h a t t h e y Revelation, and part of that wanting, which
should be correctly read and understood! was supplied by translating the Latin of the
Vulgate into Greek ! Since the publication
B u t can i t be fairly said t h a t such is t h e of the " Textus Recepfus," and the Common
case with our present English Yersion? Version, some 660 MSS. have been discovered,
We opine not. Though freely acknowledg- some of which are very ancient, and very
i n g t h a t it is sufficiently plain to teach valuable. The best and oldest of these is one
marked B., Cod. Vaticanus, No. 120&, of the
men t h e social and religious duties of life, fourth and fifth centuries. The second mark-
and t h e p a t h to Immortality, yet i t i s a ed A., Cod. Alexandrinus, of the fifth century.
notable fact t h a t King J a m e s ' Translation The third marked C , Cod. Ephrem., aboutthe
is far from being a faithful reflection of fifth century, and the fourth, marked D„, Cod,
Cantabujiensis, of the seventh century,
the mind of t h e Spirit, as contained in the Besides valuable assistance from ancient
Original Greek in which t h e books of t h e MSS., the DIAGLOTT has obtained material
New Testament were written. There are aid from the labors of many eminent Biblical
some thousands of words which are cither Critics and Translators. Among these may
be mentioned,—Mill, Wetstein, Griesbach,
mistranslated, or too obscurely rendered; Scholz, Lachmann, Teschendorf, Tittman,
besides others which are now obsolete, Tregelles, Doddi-idge, Macknight, Campbell,
through improvement i n t h e language. Home, Middleton, Clark, Wakefield, Bloom-
Besides this, it has been too highly colored field, Thompson, Murdock. KneelancL Booth-
royd, Conquest, Sharpe, Gaussen, Turnbull,
i n many places with t h e p a r t y ideas and Trench, &c, &c.
opinions of those who m a d e it, t o be Should any person doubt the propriety of
worthy of full and implicit confidence the Translation, in any particular part, let
being placed in i t as a genuine record. him not hastily censure or condemn till he
has compared it carefully with the various
I n t h e words of Dr. Macknight, " i t was authorities on which i t is based; and even
" m a d e a little too complaisant t o t h e should he see reason to differ in some re-
King, in favoring his notions of predes- spects, a correct Greek Text is given, so t h a t
t i n a t i o n , election, witchcraft, familiar cases the Original may be always appealed to in
of doubt. However imperfect the
" s p i r i t s , and kingly rights, a n d these it Translation may be considered by the Crit»
lev i t cannot adulterate feha Original.
and Phrases intimately connected with
to CrFcek T e x t a n d I n t e r l i n e a r y
lVa>;siadoii.—The left hand column doctrinal subjects, alphabetically arranged.
contains the GREEK TEXT according to These will be critically examined, and the
Dr. J. J. Griesbach, and interlined with it light of Biblical science thrown upon such
a LITERAL WORD-POR-WORD T I I A N S L A - as have given rise to sectarian disputes,
TIOI*, wherein the corresponding English and t h e cavils of infidels.
is placed directly under each Greek word,
The Sectional Divisions are those of the Va- SIGI-NS O F E M P H A S I S .
tican and Alexandrian MSS. Greek Words The Greek article often finds its equivalent
enclosed in brackets (.thus,] though authori- in the English definite article the, but in the
zed by Griesbach, are omitted by the Vat. MS. majority of cases it is evidently only a mark
The advantages to be derived from such an of emphasis. I t frequently precedes a sub-
arrangement must be apparent to the Bible stantive, an adjective, a verb, an adverb, a
Student. The learned have a Greek Text ac- participle or a particle, thus pointing out the
knowledged to be one of the best extant, emphatic words. The Greek article and Em-
while the unlearned have almost an equal phatic Pronouns exercise a most important
chance with those'acquainted with the Origi- influence on the meaning of words, and some-
nal, by having the meaning and grammatical times throw light on doctrines of the highest
construction given to each word. This part interest. The sacred penmen of the New
of the work will be a desideratum by many, Testament were, in the opinion of many emi-
but more adapted for criticism than reading. nent persons, guided by Divine inspiration in
Although by adhering to the arrangement of the choice of their worjls: and in the use of
the Original, the Translation may appear un- the Greek article there was clearly a remark •
couth, yet the strength and beauty o£ many able discretion displayed. I n fact, the Signs
passages are thereby preserved. of Emphasis are incorporated with the words
The frequent recurrence of the Greek arti- in such a manner, that the latter cannot be
cle of emphasis, and an occasional ellipsis, stated without conveying at the same time
often interfere with the sense and elegance to the intelligent mind, an idea of the very in-
of a sentence, but this cannot well be avoided tonation with which the sentence was spoken
in a word-for-word Translation. The advan- when it was written down. This peculi-
tages, however, accruing to the diligent inves- arity of the Greek language cannot be pro-
tigator of the Divine Word by persuing this perly expressed in English except by the use
plan are many, and will be duly appreciated. of typographical signs ; such as, Initial Capi-
tal letters, italics, SMAL£ CAPITALS, and
£ • N e w V e r s i o n . — T h e column on CAPITALS.
the right hand side of the page is a N E W The Common Version of the New Testa-
VERSION for general reading. This ren- ment fails to give the reader a full conception
dering is based upon that in the left hand of the meaning designed to be conveyed by
Column, and the labors of many talented the Greek original, in regard—
Critics and Translators of the Scriptures. 1st. To those Words which are connected
with the Greek Article;
The Readings of the oldest Manuscripts 2d. To those Pronouns Substantive which
now known are sometimes incorporated, are intended to carry in themselves a peculiar
and always referred to. In this Column emphasis; and,
the E M P H A T I C SIGNS are introduced, by 3d. To those Adjectives and Pronouns
which obtain a comparative importance, by
which the Greek Words of Emphasis are reason of the position which they occupy in
designated. Eor the use and beauty of the Greek Text, with reference to some other
this arrangement, the reader is requested words.
to examine the annexed remarks on Signs To remedy these deficiencies, the following
System of Noattion is employed in the Eng-
of Emphasis. lish column of the DIAGLOTT.
The Chapters and Verses of the Common 1. Those Words rendered •positively em-
Version have been retained, principally for phatic by the presence of the Greek article, are
convenience of reference. The reader however, printed m Small Capitals: as, " The LIFE was
by following the paragraphs in the opposite t h e LIGHT Of M E N . "
column, need not be governed by these arbi- 2. Those Pronouns Substantive which, in
trary divisions. Chapters and Verses were the Greek, are intended to be positively em-
not introduced till the middle of the 16th cen- phatic are printed in Black Letter: as, "~i§Z
tury. must increase, but 5 must decrease."
So F o o t N o t e s a n d R e f e r e n c e s . 3. Those Adjectives and Pronouns which in
—The various Readings of the Vatican the Greek are comparatively emphatic, as in-
dicated by their position, are printed with an
MS., Notes for the elucidation of the text, Initial Capital Letter : as, "One Body, and
and References, are introduced at the bot- One Spirit, even as ye are called in One Hope
tom of the page. The Notes are critical, of your CALLING."
illustrative, explanatory, and suggestive. 4. All Greek Substantives, as being of more
importance than other words, are also com-
Old Testament quotations are always re- menced with a Capital Letter.
ferred to, and copious parallel passages in By adopting these Signs of Emphasis, it is
the New. believed certainty and intensity are given to
passages where they occur, as well as vivacity
4 . A p p e n d i x . — I t is intended to add and earnestness to the discourses in which
an Appendix to the Work, containing all they are found; thus rendering the reader, a
the Geographical and Proper Names hearer, as i t were, of the life-words of Hiia
" who spoke as never man spoke," or whiofe
found in th@ Niew Testament; with Words were enunciated by His inspired a$osti@g.
Aa Alpha a % * ACCENTS are said to
B j8 Beta b sometimes assist the reader
to discriminate between
T 7 Gamma g hard, as in be^in w>rdr* which are alike in
Delta d ftfrm, frnt different in mean-
A 5 ing; but as they ai'e by no
E € Epsilon e shortj as i n met means necessary, cither for
the pronouncing or under-
zC Zeta z standing of the Greek lan-
fuage, and as the earliest oi
H 7] Eta e long, as in keen 11 the manuscripts of the
© 0 Thata th Greek Testament is without
accents, i t has been thought
I I Iota i best to omit them in the
DIAGLOTT, leaving the sense,
K K Kappa k in doubtful cases, to be de-
Lambda 1 termined by the context. If
AA accents favor a particular
M fi Mu m sense, it may be an erroneous
one, and then they are inju-
N f Nu n rious -, and if they do not fa-
vor any particular sense,
H I Xi X then they are unnecessary.
Oo Omicron o short, as in lot
n IT Pi P erable discrepancy of opinion
pP Eho r prevails among the learned
concerning the proper sound
]$ (r, final s Sigma s of some oi these letters, and
as i t is impossible at this dis-
T T Tau t tance of time to ascertain
T !> Upsilon u the mode of pronunciation
among the ancient Greeks,
* 4> Phi ph the simplest plan is to con-
sider each Greek letter as
XX Chi ch hard, as in dtard corresponding in sound to
^ tj/ Psi ps its correlative letter in our
own alphabet, as shown in
£1 co Omega o long, as in throne. the Table.

The LETTERS are divided into seven vowels and seventeen con-
The VOWELS are e, o, short; 77, «, long; and a, j , u? doubtful.
DIPHTHONGS are formed of two vowels joined together, and are
twelve in number; six proper, cu, av, et, ev, 01, ov and six im-
proper, a, 77, tp, 7)v, oov, vi. The little stroke under a, ??, ^, stand-
ing for Iota, called Iota subscript, is not sounded, but merely
serves to show the derivation.
The LABIALS, (TT, /3, </>,) the PALATALS, (K, 7, ^ , ) and the D E N -
TALS, ( T , 5, 0,) are
named according to the organs of articulation
employed in pronouncing them. To each of these classes belongs
a double letter, so called because combining the sound of s with
that of another consonant; thus, the Labials, TTS, /8S, <ps, are
equal to ip, the Palatals, KS, ys, xs, to £, and the Dentals, rs, 8s,
The letter v can stand only before Dentals; before Labials it be-
comes fi' before the liquids, (A, p, v, p,) assimilation takes place,
so that before A it becomes A, before p it becomes p, &c. Before
Palatals v is converted into y b u t observe, that whenever 7 is
found before another 7, or either of the other Palatals, it is al-
ways pronounced like n ; thus ayyzAos (angel) is pronounced a%-
gelos, not aggelos,

Every -word having a vowel or diphthong for the first letter is,
in most printed books, marked at the beginning either with an
aspirate, or rough breathing, ('), as yKtos, [sun,) pronounced as
if written Helios ; or with a smooth one, ('), as (bn, (upon,) simply
read epL The former one of these breathings is only of necessary
use, and may be considered as having the force of the English
letter h. The aspirate is placed over p and v when they stand at
the beginning of a word; thus fiotiop, {a rose,) pronouncedrhodon.
In diphthongs the breathing is placed over the second vowel;
thus vios, (a son,) pronounced why-os. When p is doubled, the
last one takes the aspirate, as eppoxxo, pronounced errhoso.
Words in Greek ar© of eight kinds, called Parts of Speech;
viz., Article, Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Participle, Adverb, Preposition,
and Conjunction.
The Article, Noun, Pronoun, and Participle, are declined with
Gender, Number, and Case.
There are three Genders; the Masculine, Feminine and Neuter.
There are two Numbers ; the Singular, which speaks of one, as
\oyos, a word; and the Plural, which speaks of more than one, as
\oyot, words. C :
To these the Greeks added a third number, called the Dual, which only sp a of two, but
this number was not much used, and is not found either in the Septuagint, or New Testa-
There are five Cases; the Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusa-
tive, and Vocative.
The Article 6, TJ, TO, generally answers to the definite article
the in English. When no article is expressed in Greek, the Eng-
lish indefinite artiele a is signified. Thus avdpcairos means a man,
or man in general; and 6 avdpcairos, the man. It is thus declined:
Mass. Fem. Neut. — Masc. Fem. Neut.
.Jom. 6, 7\, TO, the. Nom. ol, at, ra, the.
Gen. TOl/, TTJS, TOV, of the. Gen. TCCV, TOSV, TOOV, of the.
Dat. TCf, T77, TCp, to the. Dat. TOIS, T a t S , rots, to the.
Ace. TOV, T7]V, TO, the. Ace. TOVS, ras, ra, the.
The Article has no vocative ; a, which sometimes precedes a
noun in the vocative, is an Interjection.
The Article takes the consonant r in every Case, except in the
nom. sin. masc. and fem. b, rj, and in the nom. pi. masc. and fem.
ot, at, where the r is superseded by the aspirate (').-
The gen. pi. in all genders and in every declension, enas in lov.
The Personal or Primitive Pronouns are t h r e e : tyw, I, plural
ijfieis, we, of the first person ; <rv, thou, plural vpsis,, you, of the
second; Gen. ou, he or she, plural a-^eis, they, of the third.
The Relative Pronouns are 6s, TJ, 6, who, which, and at/Tos, avrrj^
avro, he, she, it, & c , & c , &c.
To those wholly unacquainted with Greek, the foregoing remarks will give some, thougli
perhaps but little satisfaction. If a further knowledge is desired, the reader had better pro-
cure a Grammar. A very good book to commence with has been published by Bagster &
Sons, London, entitled, " A Practical Guide to the first Study of the Greek Testament/' de-
signed for those who have no knowledge of the Greek language.

A O O O K D I N G TO M A T T H E W .
KE$. L 1. .
1 1 A Register of the
Bij3\os yevvearecos Irjcrov "KpiGTOV, VIOV
A record of descent of Jesus Christ, BOS of J Lineage of Jesus Christ,
Aavid, vtov Afipaa/uL. 2
Aftpaa/J. €yevv7}0~6 rov Son of David, Son oi
David, son of Abraam. Abraam begot the Abraham.
Icraa/r Icaa/c 8e eycvvTjffe rov IctKcafi' Ia/ccy/3 2 From J Abraham pro-
Isaac; Isaac and begot the Jacob; Jacob ceeded ISAAC ; from Jlsa-
8e eyevvjja'e rov lovdav Kai rovs aSe\<povs ac, J A C O B ; from X Jacob,
and begot the Judaa and the brothers JUDAH and his BRO-
avrov. Ioi/Sas 8e eyevvTjcre rov &apes (cai rov THERS ;
of him. Judaa and begot the Phares and the
Zapa e/c rf]S ®a/j,ap. <bap€s 8e eyevvqo'e rov 3 from Judah, PHAREZ
Zara by the Thamar. Phares and begot the and ZARAH, by T A M A R ;
4 from Pharez, HEZRON ;
Ea'pOO/JL' Eapoo/ii Se eyevvrjo'e rov Apa/u' Apafx
Esrom; Esroin and begot the Aram; Aram from Hezron, RAM ;
Se eyevvr)o~€ rov AfjuvaSa^ A/xivaSa/3 Se 4 from Ram, AMMINA-
and begot the Aminadab; Aminadab and
D A B ; from Amminadab,
eyevvyce rov Naao'o'oov Naaacrcov Se eycvvTjo'e NAHSHON ; from Nah-
begot the Naasson; Naasson and begot
5 shon, SALMON;
rov ^aXfMoov ^CLXJACOV Se eyevvrjo'e rov Boo£
the Salmon: Salmon and begot the Booz 5 from Salmon, BOAZ,
€K ri]s c P a x a / 3 . fioo£ Se eyevvr}o~€ rov flj3rjd CK by R A H A B ; from Boaz,
by the Kachab. Boos and begot the Obed by OBED, by R U T H ; from
TT]S 'VovQ. X2j8r?S Se cyevvijo'e rov Ietrcraf Obed, J E S S E ;
the Ruth. Obed and begot ^the Jesse;
Ie<rcrai Se eyevvrjo'e rov Aavid rov /ScwnAea. 6 and from J Jesse,
Jesse and begot the David the king.
DAVID the KING. David
had $ SOLOMON by the
AaviS Se ^[<3 jScunAeus] eyevvrjo'e rov ^o\ofxcova [WIDOW] of U R I A H ;
David and [the king] begot the Solomon
e/c rrjs rov Ovpiov. 7 ^oKofioov Se ey€W7]o~e 7 Solomon had J R E -
by the of the Urias. Solomon and begot HOBOAM ; Rehoboam had
rov 'Po&oa/JL" 'Po&oa/Jt, Se zyevvrjo'e rov Afiia- ABIJAH ; Abijah had
the Roboam; Roboam and begot the Abia; ASA;
Afiia Se eyevvrjo'e rov A c e r 8
Ao~a Se eyevvrjo'e 8 Asa had J E H O S H A -
Abia and begot the Asa; Asa and begot PHAT ; Jehoshaphat had
rov IcoarcMpar' looo'acpar Se eyzvvqo'e rov Icopa/j.'
the Josaphat; Josaphat ana begot the Joram ;
f JEHORAM ; Jehoram
9 had UZZIAH;
Icopa/ui Se eyevvrjo'e rov O^Lav Octets Se eyev-
Joram and begot the Ozias; Ozias and begot 9 Uzziah had JOTHAM ;
VTjcrc rov la>adajix' Ic^aOaja Se eyevvrjo'e rov Axa£ Jotham had AHAZ ; Ahaz
the Jotham; Jotham and begot the Achaz; had H E Z E K I A H ;
A x a C ^ 6 *yevvr)0'€ rov E £ e / a c w 10
E£eKias Se 10 Hezekiah had M A -
Achaz and begot the Ezekias; Ezekias and N A S S E H : Manesseh had
Byevvrjo'e rov Mavao'crr)' Mavaao'rjs Se eyevvrjare AMON ; Amon had J o -
begot the Manasses; Manasses and begot SIAH :
rovA/xcov A/ncov Se eyevvrja'e rovlcociav Ieocrms
the Amon; Amon a i d begot the Josias; Josias 11 and t Josiah had
J E C H O N I A H and his BRO-
Se eyevvrjce rov lexoviav tcai rovs adeA<povs
and begot the Jechonias and the brothers THERS, near the time of
avrov, eiri TTJS fisrotKearc Ba&vAwvos. Babylon.
of him, near the removal Babylonian.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—Title—According to Matthew. 3. the KING—omit.

t 8. By reference to 2 Chron. xxii., and following chapters, it will he seen that the names
Of Ahaziah, Joash, and Amaziah, the immediate descendants of Jehoram, are omitted in the
text. t i l . Some MSS. read, " Josiah begot Jehoiakim, and Jehoiakim begot Jechoniah,"
probably inserted to make up fourteen generations, as mentioned in v^rse 17. Doddridge,
atacknight, Clarke, and some others, adopt this reading. It is not found in the oldest MSS.
1 1 . Luke iii. 23. X 2. Gen. xxi. 2; xxv. 26; xsix. 35. t 6. 1 Sam. xvi. 1; xrii. 12»
<l Sara. xii. 24. tt 7, 1 Chron- iii. 10.
C%ap. "i; 19. j MATTHEW. (Jhap. 1: 21.
Mera5<? Tr)v/jL€ToiKeo'iav BaftvAawoSi l$xoVLas 12 And after the CAR.
After and the ' removal Babylonian, Jeehonias IIYING-AWAY to Babylon,
rytvvrjcrc Tov~ZaXo£iqX. ^,aXa6ir}X 8e eyevv7]cr<s from Jeconiah descended
begot the Salathiel.
Salathiel and begot S A L A T H I E L ; from Sala-
TOP ZopofiafieA' 13
Zopo/3a/3eA de eyevvrjo'e TOV thiel, ZERUBBABEL;
the Zorobabel; Zorobabel and begot the 13 from Zerubbabel, A-
Aj8ioi>8° Afiiovd Be eyevvrjo'e TOV EXiaKeifi" EXia- BIUD j from Abiud, E L I A -
j Abiud; Abiud and begot the Eliakirn; Elia- K I M ; from Eliakirn, AZOR;
Keijx de eyevvrjo'e TOV A^cop' 14 A^cop 8e eyevvrjoe 14 from Azor, ZADOC;
kim and begot the Azor; Azor and begot from Zadoc, ACHIM ;
TOV Hadoafc ^$ada)K 8e eyevvrjo'e TOV A%ei/r A^etyi from Achim, E L I U D ;
tho Sadok; Sadok and begot the Achim; Achim 15 from Eliud, E L E A -
8e eyevvrjo'e TOV EXLOV8' 15 EXiov8 8e eyevvrjare ZAR ; from Eleazar, MAT-
and begot the Eliud; Eliud and begot THAN ; from Matthan,
TOV EXej^ap' EXea^ap 8e eyevvrjo'e TOV MaT0:iv
the lleuzca-; Eleazar and begot the Matthan ; 16 and from Jacob,
0 l6 JOSEPH, the HUSBAND of
MaTdav 8e eyevvrjoe TOV Ia/cco/3 laKcaj3 8e Mary, of whom was born
Matthan and begot the Jacob; Jacob and
THAT Jesus, who is NA-
eyevvrjoe TOV Ia)Or}<p3 TOV av8pa Mapias, etc rjs MED Christ.
begot the Joseph, t h o husband of Mary, of w h o m
17 f [All the GENERA-
eyevvrjOrj ITJO'OUS, 6 Xeyo/mevos XpiCTOs. TIONS, then, from Abra-
was born Jesus, t h a t being n a m e d Christ.
ham to David, arc four-
^Ylaoai ovv at yevvzoA airo Afipaa/n ecus Aavi83 teen Generations % from
All t h e n t h e generations from Abraam till David,
David till the CARRYING-
yeveai BeftaTeocrapes' /cat aivo Aavi8 eoos TTJS AWAY to Babylon, four-
generations fourteen; ancl from David till the
teen Generations; and
juLeToiKecias BafBvXcovos, yevscu 8eicaTeooapes° from the CARRYING-
removal Babylonian, generations fourteen;
A W A I to Babylon till the
KOLI a/KO TTJS fxeTOiKsOLas BafivXoovos ecos TOV M E S S I A H , fourteen Gen-
and from the removal Babylonian till the
XpicTTOv, yeveai Beaareocrapes, 18 Now the % NATIVITY
Christ, generations fourteen.
18 of the *CHRIST Jesus was
Tov 8e Irjoov 'Kpiorov TJ yeveens OVTCOS TJV. thus: Mary his. MOTHER
Of t h e now Jesus Christ the birth thus was.
had been pledged to J O -
Mvrjo'TevOeLOrjs yap TTJS firjTpos avTov Mapius T(p S E P H ; but before they
Being espoused for t h e m o t h e r of h i m Mary t o t h e
united, she was discov-
looOrjcj), Trpiv rj ffvveXdeiv avTovs, evpeOrj ev ered to be pregnant by
Joseph, before either c a m e together them, she was found in the holy Spirit.
yaOTpi eyovoa etc rrvevjj.aTos ayiov. ^loocrrjcp 8e 19 Then Joseph, her
womb having by a spirit holy. Joseph and
affianced HUSBAND, being
6 av7)p avTTjs, 8IKUIOS u>v /cat \xr\ deXcav avTTjv a just man, and unwilling
the husband of her, a j u s t man being and n o t willing her to expose her, purposed to
TrapaSeLyjLiaTio'ai, e@ovXr]6rj Xadpa airoXvcrai % divorce her privately.
to publicly expose, was inclined secretly to release
20 20 But while he was
avTrjv. T a u r a 8e avTov evBvfxrjQevTOs, i8ov, reflecting on these things,
her. These b u t of him thinking on, lo,| behold! an Angel of the
ayyeXos Kvpiov /car' ovap ecpavrj avTfp, Ae7&?y Lord appeared to him in
a messenger of a lord in a dream appeared to him, saying; a Dream, saying, "Joseph,
looorjcp, vlos Aav 18, JJLTJ (pofirjOys irapaXafieiv Ma- Son of David, fear not to
Joseph, son of David, n o t t h o u shouldst fear to take Ma- take Mary, thy affianced
piafi TTJV yvvaaca GOV TO yap ev avTrj yevvrj6ev0 W I P E ; for THAT BEING
ry _ the wife of t h e e ; t h a t for in her being formed, FORMED in her is by the
€K irvev/xaTos eOTtv ayiov Te£ercu 8e viov, tcai holy Spirit:
by a spirit is holy; she shall bear and a son, and 21 she will bear a Son,
KaXeffeis TO ovofj.a avTov Irjcrovv avTos yap ooooet and thou shalt J call his
t h o u shalt call the name of him Jesus; he for shall save NAME f Jesus; for he will


t 17. Penn omits this verse; Newcome, Pearce, and others regard it as a marginal gloss.
i 18. Fifth year before the common Anno Domini. t 21. Jesus—Heb. YaHva-SmtA, i. •.,
Yah-shna, or Joshua. YAII, or JAH, I shall be; and SHUA, Poiverfid—hence the name signifies,
I shall be the Powerful. "Thou shalt call his name J E S U S , " for this reason, "Because HE
will save his PEOPLE from their SIN S ." See Acts vii. 45, Heb. iv. 8, and Appendix, word Jesus-
J.S8.,Luk@X '2?. .4.19. Deut. xxiv,l,-,' •$&. Lukei.31 \ ii>2k-
*Chrip. 1: m MATTHEW. l®*8- 2: 7.
TOV Xaov avrov airoTcova/jLapTicov avTO)v°22(TovTo X save his PEOPLE from
the people of him from tha sins of them; This tlieir SINS."
5e oXovyeyovev, Iva irXrjpcadr) TO pyOev 22 (All this occurred,
and all that the WORD SPOKEN
was done, so that might be fulfilled the word spoken by
TOV Kvpiov <5ta TOV irpocprjTOv, AeyovTOS' 2 3 c 15ou, by the Lord through the
the lord through the prophet, saying; "Lo, PROPHET, might be veri-
7} irapdevos ei> yao'Tpi e^ei, KCU re^erai vtov, fied, saying:
the virgin in womb shall have, and shall bear a son, and 23 % " Behold! the VIR-
KaXeo'ovo'i TO ovofxa avTOv E/x/xaj/oi^A.*" 6 earn ""bear G I N shall conceive, and
a Son, and his
they shall call the name of him Emmanuel;" which is
"NAME shall be called
fxedepfi^vevo/Jievov, fx^G'
THXOOV * [ O ] Qeos.) " -f Imma-nu-el;" which
being translated, with us [the] God.
2A signifies, God with us.)
AieyepQeis Se 6lcco'7]<t> airo TOV VTTVOV, CTTOITJO'GV
Being aroused and the Joseph from the sleep, he did
24 And JOSEPH, being
raised from SLEEP did as
cos irpoo'eTa^ev avTcp 6 ayyeXos Kvpiov nai irape- the ANGEL of the Lord
as commanded to him the messenger of a lord; and took had commanded him, and
AaySe TTJV yvvaiKa avTov, "25 KCLI OVK eyivccCfcev took his W I F E ;
the wife of him, but not he knew
25 but he knew her not,
avTTjy ecos ov eTe/ce * [ T O Z / ] viov *[avTr)s TOV till f she brought forth a
her' till she brought forth [ the ] son [ of her the Son, and called his NAME
TpcDTOTOKOv^Kai e/caAe<re TO ovo/naavTovlrjcovv. Jesus.
first-born; ] and called the name of him Jesus.
KE<f>. £ ' . 2.
1 And J E S U S being born
Tou 8e IYJO'OV yevvrjOevTos ev BqOXee/j. TTJS in Bethlehem of JUDAEA,
The and Jesus being born in Bethleem of the in the Days of Herod, the
lovficuas, ev Tjfxepais 'Hpcadov TOV fiacriXtcos, L8OV9 KING, behold, t Magians
Judea, in days of Herod the king, lo, from the East, came into
fxayoi airo avaToXcov TrapeyevovTO eis 'lepoffcXv- Jerusalem; saying:
wise-men from an east country came into Jerusalem, 2 "Where is the NEW-
/*a, XeyovTes' '2TIOV eo'Tiv 6 T e n e t s jSatnAeys TOOV BORN KING of the J E W S ?
saying; Where is the new-born king of the for we saw his STAB at
lovdaioov; Gifio/xev yap avTov TOV ao~Tcpa ev TT\ its RISING, and are come
Jews ? we saw for of him the star in the
to do him homage."
avctToXri) 3
KCU yXdofiev Trpoo"Kvv7}o~cu UVTO). A/cou-
3 Now * Herod, the
rising, and are come to do homage to him. Having
KING, having heard, was
alarmed, and All Jeru-
&as 5e'HpwSTjs o fiaffiXevs eTapaxOy, Kanraaa salem with him.
h«»ard and Herod the king was alarmed, and all
4 And having assembled
'lepocroXv/xa fX€Tf CLVTOV 4KCU ffvvayayoov TTCLVTCLS
Jerusalem with him-, and having called together all
Scribes of the PEOPLE, he
TOUS apxiGpsis ^ai ypafx/xaTeis TOV Xaov,
eirvv- inquired of them where the
the chief-priest* and scribes of the people, he in- MESSIAH should be bom.
6av€T0 Trap* avTcov, TTOV 6 Xpio'Tos yej/i/arat. 5Oi 5 And THEY answered,
quired of them, where the Anointed should be born. They " I n Bethlehem, of J U -
5e eiirov avTcf Ev BrjQXeejj. TT)S lovSaias' OVTCO DAEA ;" for thus it is
•and said to him; In Bethleem of the Judea; thus written by the PROPHET :
yap yeypairTai 8:a TOV irpocpTjTov 6 " K c » o'v BrjO-
6 X "And tfio u Bethlehem,
for i t is written by the prophet " Land of J U D A H , art by
"And thou Beth-
Aee/i, yv\ lovda, ovda/noos eXax^TT} ei €V TOLS " n o means least as to the
leem, land ofjuda, by no means least art among the "PRINCES of Judah; for out
7}y€fxoo'iv IouScr etc GOV yap e^eXevffcTai Tjyovjue- " of thee shall come forth
princes ofJuda; out of thee for shall come forth a prince, " a Prince, who shall rule
vos, 6o~Tts TTOLixavei TOVXaov pov, TOV lo~par]X." " m y PEOPLE I S R A E L . "
who shall govern, the people of me, the Israel." 7 Then Herod, having se-
?ToT€ 'HpcodTjs XaOpa tcaXetfas TOVS fiayovs, cretly called the MAGIANS,
Then Herod privately having called the wise-inen,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—23. a God. 25. a Son. 25. of her the first-horn.—<m.; so
Lachmann and Teschendorf. 3. the KING Herod.
t 23. Heh. IMIVIA, with; wu,us; and EL, God—the future name of Jesus; showing that he
will he " a God with us." I t is not emphatically " GOD" who will he with his people nnder
the name of Immaiiuel; hut "God," in the same sense in which it is said ' T h e WOJB
was God."—John i. 1. (See Dr. Middleton on the Greek Article.) 1. A Sect of Philosophers.
% 21. Isa. lix. 20; Rom. xi. 26, 27- t 23. Isa. vii. 14. J 25. Luke ii. 7. J 6. Micah v. %,
Chap. %% S.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 8: 10.
7]Kpi$<a<T€ wap> avTGov TOV xpovov TOV (paivo/JLevov ascertained exactly from
learned exactly from them the time of the appearing them the TIME of the
acrreposy Kai nefi^as avTOvs eis BrjdKeefi, STAB'S APPEARING;
a star, and sending them into Bethleem, 8 and sending them to
€i7rf Hop€vd€i/res, aKpifloos e^eracrare ir€pi TOV Bethlehem, lie said, " Go,
he said; Passing on your way, exactly inquire about the search strictly for the
C H I L D ; and as soon as
7rcuo*Lov eirap 8e cvprjre, airayyeiAare fioi, dircos you have found him, bring
infant; as so on as and you have found, bring word t o m e , that
me "Word, that JE also may
K&ryoo €\0covirpoa'Kvj/rjo'co avTq>.9Oi5e aKovcravres go and pay him reverence."
I also going pay homage to him. They and having heard
9 And THEY, having
TOV fiatfiXeoos erropevOrja'ap. Kai idov, 6 aa'T7]pi heard the KING, departed;
of the king departed. And lo, the star, and behold! the STAR
bv e*5W ev TTJ avaroAy, irporjyev avTovs, ecos which they saw at its RI-
which they saw in the rising, went before them, till SING, preceded them, till it
eXdow €a'T7) eiravco ov TJV TO ira&iov. IdovTes came and stood over the
going it stood over where was the infant. Seeing place wh ere the CHILD was.
dtTou atfTepa, ^xaP^(rav XaPav ^ l ^ W fftyodpa' 10 And seeing the STAR,
and the star, they rejoiced a joy very great; they rejoiced with very
Kai €AdoyT€s eisTrjyoiKiay^eidovTo Traidiov fieTa great Joy.
and being come into the house, they saw the infant with 11 And coming into the
Mapias TT)S fi7]Tpos avTov,Kanrecroi/T€sf'jrpoo'€Kv- HOUSE, they saw the
Mary the mother of it, and falling down didhomage CHILD with Mary his MO-
yr)crayavT(piKaiayoL^auT€STovs07]O'avpovsavT(aPy THER ; and prostrating,
to it, and opening the they honored him. Then
treasuries of them,
irpoG"r\veyKav avTop Soopa, yjpvGbv Kai Xifiavov Kai opening their CASKETS,
they offered to it gifts, gold and frankincense and they offered, as Presents to
ap.vpvav. 12 K a i xP7JIJiari0'^€J/T€S KaT
' ovap, yu.77 him, Gold, Irankincense,
myrrh. And being warned in a dream not and Myrrh.
avaKajxtyai irpos 'Hpcodr]]/, 5Y aWrjs odov ave%w- 12 And being warned in
to return to Herod, by another way they a Dream not to return to
pr)cray as TT\V X0}Pa'v CLVTWV. Herod, they went HOME
withdrew into the country of them. by Another "Way.
'Ai/ax<wp?7(ravTco^ de avrcov, idov, ayyeXos 13 But they having Re-
Having withdrawn but of them, lo, a messenger tired into their own COUN-
Rvpiov (pcuveTcu KCIT' ovap Tcp Icoo'T]^, Keyoov TRY, behold! an Angel of
of a lord appears in a dream to the Joseph, saying; the Lord * appeared to J O -
SEPH in a Dream, saying:
Eyepdeis irapaXafie TO iraidioy Kai Tif\v firjTepa "Arise, take the CHILD
Arising take the infant and the mother
and his MOTHER, and fly to
avTOv, Kai <pevy€ eis AiyvTTT0V9 Kai io~di €K€i,Egypt; and remain there,
of it, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there, till I speak to thee; for
€<as av eiirco a'oi' fxeWeiyap 'Hpoodrjs £Y)T€IVTO Herod is about to seek the
till I speak to thee; is about for Herod to seek the CHILD t o DESTROY h i m . "
waidiov, TOV aizoX^crai avTo. 'O 5e eyepdeis
14 Then H E , arising,
infant, to kill it. He then arising
took the CHILD and his
>rape;\ajSeT07rai$ioi/ KaiTr\v jxyjTspa avrov VVKTOS, MOTHER, by night, and
took the infant and the mother of it by night, withdrew to Egypt;
Kai avex(*>Prl<rev eis AiyvKTov 15
Kai t]v e/ce: eoos 15 and remained there
and went into Egypt; and he was there till till the DECEASE of Herod;
TTJS T6\€VT7)S 'Hpcodov iva ir\r\pa>Qr} TO prjdev so that the WORD SPOKEN
the death of Herod; that might be fulfilled the wordspoken by the *Lord through the
6iro irov Kvpiov 81a TOV 7rpo<p7]Tov, XeyovTOs* PROPHET might be verified,
by the lord through tho prophet, saying; saying: | " f r o m Egypt I
" E | AiywKTOv eKaXeo'a TOP viov fiov" have called back my SON."
"Out of Egypt I called the son of me." 16 Then Herod, perceiv-
Tore 'HjowS^s idow OTI eveiraixQv) VTTO rcav ing That he had been de-
Then Herod seeing that he was mocked by the
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—13. retired into their own COUNTRY. IS. appeared. 15. Lord.
t 11. The homage of prostration, which is signified by this Greek word, in sacred
authors as well as in profane, was throughout all Asia, commonly paid to kings and other
superiors, both by Jews and by Pagans. It was paid by fitoses to Eis father-in-law, Exe$
Xviii. 7, called in the E. T. "obeisance."— Campbell.
% t6. Hoshea xi. 1.
Chap. 2: 17.] MATTHEW, IChap. 2: 23.
fiaycoVf c6vfico67f Xiav Kai airoareiXas aveiXe eeived by the MAGIANS,
wise-men, was enraged much; and sending forth he slew was greatly enraged; and
wavras rovs f i r a t S a s rovs ev BT}6XG€/JL Kai ev despatching emissaries he
all the boys the in Betbleem and in slew all I T H E MALE CHIL-
iraca rois dpiois avrrjs, airo Sierovs Kai Karoo- DREN in Bethlehem and
all the border* of her, from two years and under, in All its VICINITY, from
repcOf Kara rov x?ovov &v riKpifioocrs irapa roov the age of Two-years and
according to the time which he exactly learnt from the under, according to the
TIME which he accurately
(xayoov. l?Tore eTrXrjpcadr] ro j)7]0ey viro'lepe^iiov learnt from the MAGIANS.
fcise-men. Then was fulfilled the wordspokenby Jeremiah
rov irpocprjrov, Xzyovros, 18ii
<$>oop7) ev 'Vafia 17 Then was verified the
WORD SPOKEN * through
tiie prophet, saying, " A voice in Rama
Jeremiah the PROPHET,
rjKova'OTiy *[0p7]vos Kai\ KXavOfios Kai ofivp/uos saying,
was heard, [lamentation and] weeping and mourning
18 $ " A Voice was
TTOXVS' 'Vax^iX KXaiovaa ra reKva avrrjs' Kai " heard fin Ramah, Weep-
great; Rachel bewailing the children of herj and i n g and great Mourning;
OVK TjdeXe TrapaKArjdrjvai, on OVK eio'i." "Rachel bemoaning her
not is willing to be comforted because not they are." " C H I L D R E N , and unwil-
" ling to be comforted, Be-
TeAevrrjO'aj/TOs 5e rov 'EpooBov, iSov, a y -
"cause they are no more."
Having died and of the Herod, lo, a 19 When H E R O D was
yeXos Kvpiov Kar9 ovap tyaivsrai rep looo~7)(p ev dead, behold! an Angel
messenger of a lord in a dream appears to the Joseph in of the Lord appears in a
Aiyvirrw, Xsyoov JLyepd€is irapaXafie ro Dream to J O S E P H in E-
Egypt, saying; Arising take the gypt, saying:
ira&iov Kai rt\v pyrepa avrov, Kai iropevov eis 20 " Arise, take the
infant and t h e mother of it, and go thou into CHILD and his MOTHER.
yt]v lo'parjX' r^QvrjKao'i yap ol farovvres rt]v and go into the Land or
land Israel; they are dead for the seeking the Israel; for THEY are dead
21 who SOUGHT the CHILD'S
ipvxyv rov iratdtov. ' O Se cyepdets irapeXafie
life ofthe infant. He and arising took LIEE."
ro TraiSiov Kai rrjv jxrjrepa avrov, Kai TjXOeu eis 21 Then H E , arising,
the infant and the mother of it, and came into took the CHILD and his
yt]v larpayjX. ^ AKovcas 5 e , Sri Apx^Xaos MOTHER, and * entered
land Israel. Hearing and, that Archelaus into the Land of Israel;
fiao'iXevet eiri rr]s lovdaias avri 'Ylpoofiov rov 22 but hearing That Ar-
was reigning over the Judea instead of Herod the
chelaus was reigning over
JUDJEA instead of his FA-
irarpos avrov, €(j)o{Zr}dT] e/cet aireXdsw xprifxa- THER Herod, he was afraid
father of him, he was afraid there to g o ; being to return there; and being
ricrOees 8e Kar* ovap, avexupyo'ev €is ra warned in a Dream, re-
warned and in a dream, he withdrew into the tired into the DISTRICT of
fiepr) TTjs FaAiXaias, ^ Kcu eXdoov KarcpK'qcrev GALILEE ;
region ofthe Galilee. And coming he dwelt 23 and coming into a
cis TCOXIV Xeyo/n€V7]V Na^aper' Sircos TrX^pwdr) City named t Nazareth, he
Into aeity named Nazareth; that might be fulfilled abode; that the WORD
ro prjBev $ia roov irpo^rjroov, Sri Nafapaios SPOKEN through the PRO-
the wordspoken through t h e prophets, that aNaiarite PHETS might be verified,
RX7j6r}0'<erai. "That he will be called
he will be called. " t a Nazarite."
* 17. through Jeremiah—Lachmann & Teschendorf. VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—-18. lam-
entation and—omit. 21. entered into.
116. THE MALE-CHILDREN. The Greek article being masculine, it defines the sex. In nine
other places in this chapter, infant is in the neuter gender. 18. in Ramah. A city
not far from Bethlehem in Judea, on the confines of the territory of Benjamin. Origen
and Jerome say that the Hehrew term rendered in Ramah, by the LXX, should be trans-
lated, on high. Matthew, or his translator, followed the Septuagint. 23. Nazareth—a
small city of the Zebulonites, in Galilee, about 75 miles north of the city of Jerusalem.
23. a Nazarite. Matthew evidently understood this the same as a Nazarene, or a native
of Nazareth. A Nazarite was one under a vow of self-denial. In Judges xiii. 5, Samson
is called a Nazarite. The apostle Paul was accused by TurtuUus, before Felix, as being
"a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarites," Acts xxiv. 5. Some derive the name from laa.
xi. 1, where the promised Messiah is called a Nazar,or branch.
% 18. Jer. xxxi. 15,
Chap. 3 : 1.1 MATTHEW. [Ohap. 3 : 1

KE<!>. 3. CHAPTER I I I .
Ev Se TOILS 7}fi<spais eicewcus Trapayiverai. 1 Now in those DAYS
In now the dayo those comes appeared John the I M -
MERSER, i n t h e fDESEET
looavvrjs o fiairTi(rT7}s9 Kypvcrcroov <sv rr) eprj^Kp
John the dipper, proclaiming in the desert
of JUD^SA, publicly an-
2 nouncing,
rrjs lovhaias, \_Kai~\ Xeycoy Meravoeire'
of the Judea, [and] rsaying ; Reform yc; 2 +" Reform! because
r)yyLK€ yap r) f^aciXeta roov ovpavcov. Ovros the HEAVENS has ap-
has come nigh for the majesty of the heavena This
yap e(TTiv 5 prjOeis viro 'Hcafov rov irpocjyrjrov, 3 For this is HE of
for is he spoken of by Esaias the prophet,
€J/ Tj7 <spri/Aq>° whom Isaiah the PROPHET
hcyOVTOS' " &00V7) fiotoVTOS
SPOKE, saying: $ "A Voice
saying; "A voice crying out in the desert;
€T0l/JLa(TaT6 Tf)V d$OV KVpLOV, evdeias TTOIGLTI
" proclaiming in the DES-
make ye ready the way of a lord,
" ERT, ' Prepare the WAY
straight make ye
" 'for the Lord, make the
ras rpt-fiovs avrov." " ' HIGHWAYS straight for
the beaten tracks of him."
4 e T0 v vJa "'him.'"
AUTOS 8e 6 Icaavvrjs €ix * ?> l ' ®>vrov 4 r Now J O H N wore a
He and the John had the outer garment of him MANTLE of Camel's Hair,
airo rpi%(av Ka/j.r,Xov, Kai (jtivqv depp.arivqv with a leathern Girdle en-
from hairs of a camel, and a belt made of skin circling his WAIST; and
ir<spi rrju o<T<pvu avrov 7} 8e rpo(pr) avrov t\v his FOOD wa3 Locusts and
around the loins of him; the and food of him was wild Honey.
axpiSes /ecu fxeXL ay piov. T O T € e£e7roo€ueTO 5 Then resorted to him
locusts and honey wild. 'i'hen went out Jerusalem, and All Ju-
irpos avrov 'lepoffoXv/Aa, tcai iracra q lovBaia, BMA, and All the COUN-
to him Jerusalem, and all the Judea, TRY along the JORDAN ;
Kat iracra 7] irepix^pos rov lopficvov tcai 6 and were immersed
and all the country about of the Jorc'an; and by him in the * River
efiaTCTL&i'TO €U rep lop^avy VK' avroi/c, G^ofioXo- JORDAN, confessing their
were dipped in to the Jordan by him, confessing SINS.
yovfievot ras afAapnas avrcav. 7 But seeing many of
the sins of l-Lom. the P H A R I S E E S and sad-
7 iScov 8e roXXovs r&v <£>apitfww?/ Kai SaSSou- ducees coming to *the
Seeing and many of the Pharisees and Sadducees IMMERSION, he said to
Kaieov epyofizvovs ein TO fiairricr/jLa avrov, enrev them; %"Q Progeny of
coming to the dipping of him, he said Vipers! who has admon-
avrois' Teyvrifxara €XL0*V(ai/'> rLS
vTreBei^ev ished you to fly from
to them; O broods of venomous serpents, who pointed out t h e APPROACHING VEN-
vfiiv (pvyew airo TTJS fA€AAovo~r}S opyrjs; GEANCE ?
to you to flee from the coming wrath P 8 Produce, then, Fruit
Iloi7)o'are ovv Kapirou a^iov ftcravoias, worthy of BEFORMATION :
Bring forth then fruit worthy of the reformation, 0 and presume not to
Kai fir) Bo^rjre Xeyeiv sv kavrois" Uarepa say to yourselves, ' We
and not think to say in yourselves; A father have a Father,—ABRA-
exoyttej/ rov AfBpaafi' Xeyco yap vyuv^ on dvvarai HAM; for I assure you,
we have the Abraain; I say for to you, that is able That GOD is able out of
6 6eos €K rwv XiBoov rovroop eyeipai TSKVO, 'rep these STONES to raise up
the God out of the stones these to raise up children to the Cluldren to ABRAHAM.


f 1. DESERT. This does not always mean an uninhabited region, but one comparatively
barren, with a sparse population. See Joshua xv. 61, 62, where mention is made of "six
cities with their villages," in the wilderness. # 2. Reform. The word " r e p e n t " does not
express the force of the original; which signifies a change of character, a permanent altera-
tion of the dispositions and habits. The same remark may be applied to the noun of the
same meaning in verse 8.—Gannett. 2. Basileia means kingly power, authority, royal dignity,
majesty, fyc, as well as kingdom, realm, or reign. The prophet Daniel uses kings and king-
doms synonymously, (Dan. ii. 44); so also the evangelists. See Matt. xxi. 5, 9; Mark xi. 9,
10; Luke xix. 38; and Zech. ix. 9. John's mission was " t o go before the face of the Lord,
to prepare his ways," (Luke i. 76); and to point out the Messiah. See John i. 6—8, 29—31,
34; Acts xiii. 24, 25. Therefore he called on the people to " Reform, because the Majesty ol
the heavens (God's Anointed) has come."
X 8. I&a, xL 3. $ 7 Luke iii. 7—9.
Oiap. 3 ' 10.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 3 : 17.
ie 10 Even now the AXB
APpaafz. H5?j de *[KCU~] fj afyvq irpos r ^ j
Abraara. Now and [even] the axe lies at the ROOT of the
to the
pi£av row h<zvhp(r)V KetTui' nap ovp §eph*pov (At)TREES ; Ev^ry Tree, there-
root of the trees lies; every therefore tree not fore, not producing good
TTOIOVP KapiTOP Ka\0V9 €KKOTrT€Tai9 KCU €IS ITVp Fruit, is cut down, and
bearing fruit good, is cut down, and into afire cast into a Fire.
fiaWerai. ~Eya> \t.ev fiaimfa v^as eu uScm, 11 E, indeed, t immerse
is cast. I indeed dip you in water, you in Water in order to
ets fJLeravoiai/' 6 de oirioro) [xov epxofiepos9 Reformation; but HE who
into reformation; he but after of me coming, is COMING after me, is
iGxvporepos fiov earrip, ov OVK eifii IKCLVOS ra more powerful than 1,
mightier of me is, of whom not I am worthy the t Whose SANDALS I am
vTroSyi/xara fia(rrao~ai' avros vfias ficvKTurei ep not will
worthy to carry; Jbe
immerse you in holy
sandals to cany; he you will dip in
l2 Spirit and in Fire.
•^pevfiari ayicp KCLI irvpi. Ov TO irrvov ev 12 Whose WINNOWING
Bpirit holy and fire. Of whom the winnowing shovel in
T SHOVEL is in his HAND,
V X€lPl &vr(>viKca BiaKaOapiei ri\p aXtova and he will effectually
the hand of him, and he will thoroughly cleanse the threshing floor cleanse his THRESHING-
avrov Kai cvpa^et vov crirop avrov eis rr}p FLOOR J he will gather his
of himj and he will gather the wheat of him into the WHEAT into *his GRA-
airoOyKTiv, ro Be axvpov ranavo'ei irvpi NARY, but the CHAFF he
storehouse, the but chaff he will burn up in fire
will consume with Fire
a&fiearrcp. inextinguishable."
inextinguishable. 13 Then comes J E S U S
T o r e irapayiverai 5 lycrovs airo rrjs ra\i~ from G A L I L E E to the J O R -
Then comes the Jesus from the Galilee DAN, to be IMMERSED by
Aaias €iri TOP loptiavT)!/ irpos TOP Icaavprjv, rov JOHN.
to the Jordan the to
John, of the 14 But * H E refused
^a7rrt(r6r]pai inr' avrov14'O Se IcaappTfjs dieK<»\vev him, saying; "3E have
to be dipped by him; The but John refused Need to be immersed by
avrov, keycap' Eyco xpeiav ex& viro (rov Maimer- thee, and thou comest to
him saying; I need to have by thee to be m e t "
Orjvai) tcai av epxv ^P0* Me * l0 AiroKp^Beis 5e 5 15 But J E S U S answer-
dipped, and thou comest to me? Answering and the ing, said to h i m ; "Permit
Irjffovs enre irpos avrop' A<pes apri' o'n<o yap it now i for thus it is be-
Jesus said to him; Permit now; thus for coming us to establish
irpeirov ecrip rifitp, vrAripcccraL iracravfiiKaioavP'iqv, Every Ordinance." Then
eooming it is to us, to fulfil all righteousness. John suffered him.
TOT« a<pi7)0"iv avrov. 16Kou {3aTrrio~9ets 6 Vqcrovs 16 And J E S U S being
Then he suffered him. And having been dipped the Jesus immersed, went up from
areBn evdvs airo rov vdaros' ttai itov, aveq>X~ the WATER ; and, behold!
went up immediately from the water; and lo, were instantly the HEAVENS
dyjaav * [ a v r o j ] ol ovpapoi, ro irpevfACt, were opened, and *the
teat eide
opened £to him] • the heavens, and was seen the spirit Spirit of God appeared,
rov Qeov aaraftawov wo'et irepicrrepap, [KCM] descending, like a Dove,
of the God descending like a dove, [ancTJ and % resting on him.
€pxo}iepop 67r' avrop* *? Kat tdov, (pcoprj etc rcop 17 And, behold! a Voice
coming on him. And lo, a voice out of the from the HEAVENS, say-
ovpctPccp9 Keyovo'a' Ovros effrip 5 vtos fiov 6 ing ; % " This is my SON.
heavens, saying; This is the son sfmethe the BELOVED, in whom I
yyaTTTiros, ep co evdoKTjO'a* delight."
beloved, in whom I delight.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—10. even—omit. 12. hisfiBANAR*. 14. HB refused. 16. t o
him—omit. 16. the Spirit of God. 16. and—omit,
f 11. immerse you in Water. Baptizo, and its root Bapto, signify to dip, t o plunge, to
immerse, and was rendered by Tertullian, ting ere, the term used for dyeing cloth, which
was by immersion. I t is always construed suitably to this meaning-. Thus it is en hudatee
jntolordanee.—Campbell. 11-. Whose SANDALS, &c. The office alluded to, though of a
servile description, was performed by disciples for their instructors, as i t appears from the
Talmudists and Eusebius. 12. The allusion in this passage is to an ancient process in
agriculture, by which the chaff was driven towards afire prepared fox burning it, in order
that it might not be blown back and mixed again with the wheat.
+.11. Acts i.5; i i . 2 - 4 xi. 16. Isa. xi. 2 ; lxL 1. % 17. Isd alii. 1 ; I ufce iX. S9>
Chap. 4ti 1.] MATTHEW. '[efoop. 4 s 11.
KE#. 8*. 4. CHAP. IV.
* T O T € 5 I^crovs avyjxQt) &s rrjv eprjfiov biro
1 Then J E S U S was con«
ducted by the SPIRIT into
Then the Jesus wa» led into the desert by
the DESEET, to be tempt-
rov irvevfxaros, ireipacrOrjvai biro rov BiafioXov. ed by the ENEMY.
the spirit, to be tempted by the accuser. 2 And after fasting for-
Kat VT}<TT€v<ras rijxepas reao'apaKovra Kai VVKTCLSty Days and forty Nights,
And fasting days forty and nights he was hungry.
retrcapaKovra, vcrrcpov cireivaffe. Kai irpoo~- 3 Then the TEMPTEB
forty, after he was hungry. And coming approaching him, said;
tXdoov avTcp b ireipafav, enrev E : vios ei rov "If thou be a Son of
to him the tempter, said; If a son thou be of the GOD, command that these
0eov, e/7re, iva 01 X1B01 ovroi aproi ysvoovrai. STONES become Loaves."
God, speak, that the stones these loaves may become. 4 But H E answering,
4 li
' 0 5e airoKpiQeis ei7re* Teypairrai' OVK CTT3 said; " I t is written,
He but answering said; It is written 5 " N o t by % * ' MAN 'shall not live by
apT(p fxovcp fao'erai aydpovrros' aXX' eiri iravri ' Bread only, but by Every
bread alone shall live a man; but by every ' Word proceeding from
p7]iiari eic?rop€vofJt,ev<p Sia crofxaros deov." 'the Mouth of God.'"
word proceeding from mouth of God." 5 Then the ENEMY con-
T O T € irapaXajuPavei avrov 6 fiiafioXos eis rrjv dncts him into the HOLY
Then takes him the accuser into the City, and places him on
ayiav iroXiv, Kai ia'rrja'iv avrov eiri ro irrepvyiov the BATTLEMENT of the
holy city, and places him on the wing TEMPLE,
rov iepov 6
Kai \eyei avrcp' Ei vlos ei rov deov, 6 and says to him, " If
of the templet and says thou be a Son of GOD,
to him; If a son thou be of the God,
0aXe ceavrov Karoo* yeypairrat yap' " ' O r : rois cast thyself down; for it
cast thyself down; it is written for; "That to the
is written, J ' He will give
'his ANGELS charge of
ayyeXois avrov evreXeirai irepi o'ov Kai eiri 'thee; they shall uphold
messengers of him he will give charge of thee; and on
'thee on their Hands, lest
y^eipwv apov&i <re, ^TTOTG trpoo'Ko-tyris irpos 'thou strike thy FOOT
hands they shall raise thee, lest thou strike against 'against a Stone.'"
Kidov rov iroda ffov." ** Ecfyrj avrcp 6 ITJO'OVS' 7 JESUS answered;
a stone the foot of thee." Said to him the Jesus: " Again, it is written,
XlaXiv yeypairrai' '* OVK eKireipao'eis Kvpiov %' Thou shalt not try the
A gala it is written j " Not thou shalt put to the proof Lord 'Lord thy G O D . 5 "
TOP $€0V O'OV."
the God ofthee." 8 Again, the ENEMY
TlaXip irapaXafifiavet avrov 6 SiafioXos eis takes him to a ^very high
Mountain, and shows him
Again takes him the accuser into
All the KINGDOMS of the
opos b^Xov Xiav9 Kai fieiKweiv avrcpiraffas t WOULD, and the GLOBY
a mountain high exceedingly, and shows to him all
of them;
ras fiaciXeias rov KOC/UOV Kai TT\V Zo^av avTwv, . 9 and says to himj
the kingdoms ofthe world and the glory ofthem, I "All these will I give thee,
Kat Aeyei avrc^9 Tavra tvavra vol 8a><r&>, eav if prostrating thou wilt
and says to him: These all to thee I will give, if worship me."
iT€(ro)V irpoo,Kvvr)o-ris fioi. 10
Tore Xeyei avrcp 10 Then Jesus says to
falling down thou wilt do homage to me. Then gays to him him; "Get thee behind
6 Irjcrovs* 'Tiraye OTVLCCO (XOV, aarava* yeypair- me, Adversary; for it is
the Jesus: Go thou behind of me, adversary: it is written written, % ' Thou shalt
r a t yap* " Kvpiov rov Oeov cov irpoo'KvvTjo'eis, 'worship the Lord thy
for j "Lord the God of thee thou shalt worship, ' GOD, and him only shalt
Kat avrep fiovcf Xarpevoreis." " T o r e a<pnrio'iv * thou serve. 5 "
and t o him only thou shalt render service." Then leaves 11 Then the ENEMT
avrov 6 SiafioXos* Kai i8ov9 ayyeXoi tzpoa"f]XQov leaves him; and behold\
him the accuser! and lo, messengers came Angels came and minis-
Kat Bi7}Kovovv avrcp, tered to him.
and ministered t o &im.
y 8. WOBLD. Kosmos, here translated world, may be restricted to the Land of Palestine^
as it is in Eom. iv. 13; though in Luke iv. 5, hee oikoumenee is found, which may possibly
Include the Roman empire, m which acceptation it is frequently used.
$ 4. Dent, viit.3. % 6. Paa. icLll,12. % f, Deufe, vi.16. % 20. Dent. vi. IS,
(Map. 4 : 1 1 ] MATTHEW. [Chap. 4 : 23.
12 12 Now JESUS, hearing
A/cou<ras Se 5 lijo'ovs, SrilcaavvrjsirapedoOr},
Hearing now the Jesus, that John That John was imprison-
was delivered up,
co r a €J/ €ls r v 13 ed, retired into GALILEE ;
avex P ) ' ^ raA.fA.atcw. K a t Kara- 13 and, having left
he withdrew into the Galilee. And having
NAZARETH, resided at
Aiircov rt\v Na^aper, eAOccv KarcpKrjo'ev THAT Capernaum, by the
left the Nazareth, coming dwelt at lake, in the Confines of
Kcnrepvaovfi rrjv irapaQaAao'criav, ev dpiois Zebulon and Naphtali;
Capernaum the by the sea-side, in borders 14 so that the WORD
ZafiovAoov Kai NetyOaAei/J.' u Iva ivA^pcaOr) ro SPOKEN through Isaiah
of Zabulon and Nephthalim; that might be fulfilled the the PROPHET, might be
priOev 8ta 'Hcratou rov irpocprjrov, Aeyovrosm verified, saying;
word spoken through Esaiaa the prophet, saying; 15 %" Land of Zebulon
15 ii
Vri ZafiovAcov Kai yrj NecpOaAeifx odor " and Land of Naphtali,
"Land of Zabulon and land Nephthalim way " situate near the lake, on
QaAaffffris irepav rov lopdavov, TaAiAaia row " t h e JORDAN, Galilee of
of the sea by the Jordan, Galilee of the " t h e NATIONS;
eOvcav. 1 6 < 0 Aaos 6 KadTjfievos ev o'Korei et'Se <pcos 1 6 " THAT PEOPLE,
nations. The people who are sitting in darkness saw alight " dwelling in Darkness,
(i€yam KCU rois Kadrj/nevois ev XwPa KaL
&Kia " saw a great Light; and
great; and to those sitting in a region even a shade "to THOSE INHABITING
davarov, <f>ccs avereiAev avrois.' " aKegion, even a Shadow
of death, alight has arisen to them." " of Death, a Light arose."
ATTO rore rjp^aro 6 Irjcrovs KTjpvo'o'eiv, Kai 17 From that time J E -
From that time began the Jesus to proclaim, and SUS began to proclaim,
Aeyetv Meravoeire' rjyyiKe yap 7} fiao'iAeia and to say; " Reform ; for
to say; Reform; has come nigh for the royal dignity the ROYAL MAJESTY of
reov ovpaveov. the HEAVENS has ap-
of the heavens. BaAaffffav rrjs proached."
Uepiirarcav 8e irapa rr}V sea of the 18 And walking by the
"Walking and by the LAKE of GALILEE, he saw
^Zi/ncova rov Two Brothers, THAT Si-
TaAiAaiaSy et-Se dvo adeAcpovs, Simon the
Galilee, he saw two brothers, mon who is SURNAMED
Aeyofxevov Herpov, Kai AvBpeav Peter, and Andrew ' his
rov a$eA<pov
called Peter, and Andrew the brother BROTHER, casting a Drag
avrov, fiaAAovras afupifiArjcrrpov eis rrjv QaAao~- into the LAKE ; for they
ofhim, casting a fishing-net into the sea; were Fishermen.
&av Tjo'av yap aAieis. 19
Kat Aeyet avrois' 19 And he says to them,
they were for fishers. And he says to them; "Follow m e ; and I will
AeuT€ OTvicroj JJLOV, Kai iroirjcrco vfxas aAieis make you Fishers of Men."
Come behind of me, and I will make you fishers 20 And THEY, imme-
avdpccTTiov. 20
O t 5e evOecos acpevres ra SiKrva, diately leaving the NETS,
of men. They and immediately leaving the nets, followed him.
Y]KoAovOr)(rav avrcp. 21
Kai irpofias eKeidev, eifiev 21 And going forward
followed him. And going on from thence, he saw from thence, he saw Other
aAAovs dvo adeA(povs, laxoofiov rov rov Ze/8e- Two Brothers, James the
Other two brothers, James the of the Zebe-
son of ZEBEDEE, and John
his BROTHER, in the BOAT
Saiov Kai Icoavvrjv rov adeAcpov avrov, ev rep with Zebedee their F A -
dee and John the brother of him, in the
THER, repairing their
TrAotcp iJLera Ze/3e8c«oi/ rov irarpos avrcov, Karap- NETS ; and he called them.
ship with Zebedee of the father of them, mend-
22 And THEY, instantly
ri^ovras ra diKrva avrcov Kai eKaAecrev avrovs. leaving the B OAT and their
ing the nets of t h e m ; and he called thern.
t22 FATHER, followed him.
Ot 8e evdecos acpevres ro irAoiov Kai rov irarepa
They and forthwith leaving the ship and the father 23 And * JESUS jour-
avrcov, 7}KoAov6r]o'av avrcp neyed throughout All GA-
LILEE, teaching in their
of them, followed him.
23 SYNAGOGUES, and pro-
Kai irepiTjyev dAyv rr\v TaAiAaiav 6 ITJCTOVS, claiming the GLAD TI-
And went about all the Galilee the Jesus,
didao'Kcav ev rais cvvaycoyais avreov, Kai Krjpvo'-
teaching in the synagogues of them, and preach-
• VATICAW MAWUSCBIPT—25 lie went about throughout All.
% IS. lea, ix. 4,3,
,;&mp. 4 : U.] MATTHEW. \Ghap. S: 9.

&<av ro evayyeXtov (Sao-iXeias, Kai Oepairevwv and healing Every kind

ing the glad tidings of t h e
kingdom, and curing of Disease and Infirmity
iracrav voaov Kai iracrav fxaXaKiav ev rw Xaca. among the PEOPLE.
every disease and every malady a m o n g t h e people. 24 And his FAME spread
24 through All SYRIA : and
Kat anT7]\6ey 7) aKorj avrov eis oXrjv rt\v
And Trent t h e report of h i m into all the they brought to him All
l&vpiav the SICK, having Various
Kat irpo(T7)U€yKau avrtp rcavras Disorders, and arrested rovs
Syria; and they brought t o hirn all the
KCLKOOS exovras, nvotKiXais vocrois KCLI fiacravois by Severe Complaints;—
sick having various diseases a n d torments demoniacs, and lunatics,
(TvyexofjL€yovs,*^Kai^ daifxovi^ojxevovs, KCU crehT)- and paralytics;—and he
seized with, [and] demoniacs, and lu- healed them.
via^ofxevovs, Kat irapaXvr IKOVS' Kai eOepaTrevo'eu 25 And great Crowds
natics, and paralytics; and he cured followed him from GALI-
avrovs. 25 Kat r)KoXovdrjo~av avrcp oxXoi troXXoi LEE, and Decapolis, and
them. And followed t o h i m crowds great Jerusalem, and Judeea,
X7ro T7)s TaXtXaias, Kai AtKaTroXccos, Kat 'Iepo- and from the vicinity of
from t h e Galilee, and Decapolis, and from the Jordan.
croXvfjaau, Kai lovSaias, Kai vepav rov lopdavov. CHAPTER V.
.Jerusalem, and Judea, and beyond of the Jordan.
1 And beholding the
KE4>. L 5. CROWDS, he ascended the
•{-MOUNTAIN, and having
ISeov $e rovs oxXovs}ave$y} eis ro opos' Kai sat clown, his DISCIPLES
Seeing and t h e *came u p :
multitudes, he went u p t o t h e m o u n t a i n ; and
Kadicravros avrov, ivpoo"r)X9ov *\_avrw~\ olfxadr)- 2 And opening his
having seated himself, came [to h i m ] t h e disci- MOUTH, he taught them,
rai avrov Kai avoi^as ro cro/xa avrov, edi- saying:
ples of h i m ; and opening the mouth of him, he 3 " Happy the % POOR
8ao~K€V avrovs, Xeycow MaKapioi ol irrc*>x01 TCp (in SPIRIT) ; for theirs is
taught them, saying; Blessed the poor t o t h e the KINGDOM of the HEA-
irvevfxoiTi' dri avrcou ecriu fj fiao'iXeia rcav VENS 1
spirit; because of thern is the kingdom of t h e 4 Happy the % MOURN-
ovpavoov MaKapioi ol irei/Oovures' on avroi ERS ; seeing that then will
heavens. Blessed the mourners; for they be consoled!
TrapaKX7)97](rovrai. MaKapioi ol irpaeis' on 5 Happy the J MEEK ;
shall be comforted. Blessed the meek; for because tfien will possess
avroi KXTjpouo/j.rjo'ovcri rr]u yrju. MaKapioi ol the LAND !
they shall inherit the earth. blessed the 6 Happy % they who
Treivcovres Kat Si^eovres rrjv SiKaioo'vvTjv* on HUNGER and THIRST (for
hungering and thirsting the righteousness; for righteousness); sincet^en
xvroi x°praa'^7lo'oyrai. ? MaKapioi ol eXerj/no- will be satisfied 1
they shall be satisfied. Blessed the merciful; 7 Happy the MERCI-
ves' on avroi €Xe7]6r)o'ovrai. FUL ; because then will
for they shall obtain mercy. receive mercies 1
8 8 Happy the $ PURE (in
MaKapioi ol KaOapoi rrj KapSiq* Srt avroi
Blessed the clean to the heart; for they heart); for tftej) will b&-
9 holdGod!
rov Oeoj/ oxj/ovrai. MaKapioi ol eipy]v OTTO tor
the God shall see. Blessed the peace-makers; 9 Happy the PEACE-
10 MAKERS ; because tfjen
Sri avroi vloi 6eov KXr\9f]ffovrai. MaKapioi ol
for they sons of God shall be called. Blessed those will be called Sons of God \

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—24. and—omit. l. came up. 1. to him—omit.

t 1- Some particular mountain in the neighborhood of Capernaum is generally supposed
to be here intended, probably Mount Tabor, or an elevation well known in that vicinity.
•t 3. Wetstein thinks this phrase ought to he construed—"Happy in the Spirit's account
are the poor;" and Geo. Campbell renders it—"Happy the poor who repine not." Both do
•violence to the original. The former interferes with the arrangement of the words, and the
latter paraphrases rather than translates. I n Luke vi. 20, we have l^e sentence j u s t as our
Lord uttered i t ; but here i t seems Matthew explains the metaphor, parenthetically, by add-
.ing " in spirit." So in verses 6 and 8. For a further illustration, see James ii. 6. The article
and noun is in the dative case, and conveys the same meaning as our preposition in.
t 3. Luke vi. 20; James ii. 5. t 4. Isa. lxi. 2, 3. J 5. Psa. xxxvii. 11, 89.
£ 8. Isa,lv, 1. t 8. 1 J o h n i i u a , 3.
C%ap. 5 : 10.] MATTHEW. [Chap.$: 19.

dedicay/ievoi eveKev diKaioo'vvrjs' Sri avTcov eo'Tiv 10 Happy the % PER-

being persecuted on account of righteousness : for of theiri is SECUTED on account of
7] fiacriAeia TCOV ovpavcov. ll
MaicapLOL ecrre, Righteousness; for theirs
the kingdom of the heavens. Blessed
are ye, is the KINGDOM of the
orav ovcidio'wcriv vfxas Kai 5ia>£co<n, Kai GITTUXTI HEAVENS!
whenever they rejiroach you and persecute, and say 11 Happy are you, when
irav irovrjpov f>7]/j.a /cafl' bjxoov, xl/evdo/xevoi, CVGKEV they revile and persecute
every evil word against you, speaking falsely, because
you, and, on my account,
falsely allege, Every kind
e/nov. 12 Xaipere Kai ayaAAiao'Oe' OTL 6 /JLKTOOS of Evil against you.
of me. Rejoice ye and exult ye, for the reward
12 Rejoice and exult,
v^icov TTOAVS ev TOIS ovpavois' ovrco yap efiioo^av Because your J REWARD
of you great in the heavens; in this way for they persecuted
will be great in the HEA-
rovs TTpo<pr)Tas TOVS TTOO VJJLCOV. 13 eT/j,eis ecrre V E N S ; for thus THOSE
the prophets those before you. You are PROPHETS who preceded
TO a\as TTJS yrjs. Ecw 5e TO a\as ixwpavQr), ev you were persecuted.
the salt of the earth. If but the salt become tasteless, with 13 ;©ou are the % SALT
TiviaXio'Orjo'eTai; sis ovbev i<rxv^1 er
h ei
A 17 ? of the EARTH. But if the
what shall it be salted ? for nothing is it of service any more, except f SALT become insipid,
fi\r)9r)vai €£(*), Kai KarairareiffQai viro
Tcav how shall it recover it9
to be cast out, and trodden under foot by the savor ? I t is then worth-
avdpooTrcov. less, except to be cast out
men. and trodden down by MEN.
"fycets ears TO <pcos TOV KOO'/JLOV. Ov dvvaTai 14 j©au are the J LIGHT
You are the light of the world. Not possible of the WORLD. A city
iroXis Kpvfirjvat eiravco opovs Kei/uievr)' 15 ouSe being situated on a hill
a city to hide upon a hill being situated; nor cannot be concealed:
Kaiovffi Kuxvov, Kai Tideao~iv avrov biro TOV 15 nor is a Lamp light-
they light a lamp, and place him under the ed to be placed under the
t CORN MEASURE, but on
/xo^ioVf aAA' 67M TT\V \v%vtav' Kai Aafxirei ira<Ti the LAMP-STAND ; and it
measure, but on the lamp-stand; and it gives light to all
Ol>T0) \a/JL\paT(0 TO <p(0S
gives light to ALL the FA-
those in the
house. Thu3 let it shine the light
16 Thus, let your LIGHT
v/j.(av c/jnrpocrdev TCOV avOpoonccv, OTTOOS tdcoo'iv shine before MEN, that
©f you in the presence of the men, that they may see they may see your GOOD
ifjoav Ta Ka\a eoya, Kai ho^affcaffi TOV Trarepa works, and glorify THAT
of you the good works, and may praise the father FATHER of yours in the
vfxwv TOV ev TOIS ovpavois. HEAVENS.
of you that in the heavens. 17 Think not, That I
^MTJ"qT£) OTI f)\Qov KaTakvo'ai Toy have come to subvert the
Not think ye, that I have come to destroy the LAW, or the PROPHETS : I
vofxov r) TOVS 7rpo(f)r)Tas' OVK rjXOov /caraAtxrcu, have come not to subvert,
(law or the prophets; not I have come to destroy but to establish.
aAA* irXrjpooo'ai. 18 A/nrjv yap Xeyca vp.iv, ecus 18 Eor, indeed, I say
but to fulfil. Indeed for I say to you, till to you, Till HEAVEN and.
av irape\6r) 6 ovpavos Kai r) yr), icoTa kv 7) [xia EARTH pass away, one
pass away the heaven and the earth, iota one or one
Iota or One Tip of a letter
shall by no means pass
Kepaia ov JAT) irapeAOrj airo TOV VO/JLOV, eeos av from the LAW, till all be
fine point in no wise pass from the law, till
19 accomplished.
ira^Ta yevrjTai. 'Os eav ovv Xvo"r) fxiav TOOV 19 Therefore, whoever
all be fulfilled, Whoever therefore breaks one of the

t 13. Perhaps allusion is here made to a bituminous and fragrant species of salt, found
at the Lake Asphaltites ; great quantities of which were thrown by the priests ever the
sacrifices, to counteract the smell of the burning flesh, and to hasten its consumption. This
substance, however, was easily damaged by exposure to the atmosphere ; and the portion of
it thus rendered unfit for the purpose to which it was ordinarily applied, was strewed upon
the pavement of the temple, t o prevent slipping in wet weather. MaundrelL in his travels,
states that he tasted some that had entirely lost its savor.—Trollope. f 15. The modius
was a measure, both among the Greeks and. Romans, containing a little less than a peck;
but it is clear that nothing nere depends upon the capacity of the measure.
% 10. 2 Tim. ii. 12; Acts xiv. 22; Rev. iii. 21 X 12. Rom. viii. 18. % 18. Lufce
jar. 84, 35. % 14. Phil. ii. 15.
Ck&p i ) MATTHEW T -$:' 26
eKax^rwv] Kat o\5a£fl ourco rovs shall violate one of.i"he
least, : . . p i ind teach thus LKAST of tlieSC COM-
the men,
(Kaxio'ros K\7]07](TeTat ev rr\ fiaaiAeiq, rov MANDS, and shall t o r n
V; least ;' V, h e shall-be called . " i n . the king>loin of t h e MEN SO, Will bo CI 11 PO-
ovpavuwV" 6s 5' a y Trotrjcrr] /ecu §<8a£?7, o u r o y llUte in the KINGDOM of
heavens i who but ever shall di- , and . teach, t h e same the MtAVENS, but who-
fxeyas KAy Oliver at ev rrj BacriAeia, ruv ovpavuv. teach shall ever practise and
them, will lie called
great shall be called in the Kingdom of the heavens.
2Q great in the KINGDOM uf
Aey(ayap VJJ.LV, on eav /AT] ire purer every 7] the HEAVENS. •'••!< t*C
I say for to you, t h a t except .^ , abound ,..., t h e
20 For I tell you, that
liKaiocrvvT) v/acov irAeiov rwv ypajxfxarewv Kat unless your RIG'IIIEOUS-
righteousness ofyou more oftk.e scribes ' and
NKSS excel that of the
,4>apio~aiuv, ov jurj eLcreAOrjre ets rrjv ftacriXetav SCRIBES and Pharisees,1,
Pharisees,- by no meana you may enter into _ t h e / kingdom, ,
you shall never enter into
,rwv ovpavcov^ the KINGDOM of the HEA-J
of the heavens.' ;1
•VENS. >:? '-t*: :'•#
21 H
UKovcrare, 6rt eppe$r} rots• apx^ois'J,* Ovit was said to the AN.
21 You have heard That
You have heard, that it was said to the ancients ; V . J '• Not
CIENTS, % 'Thou shalt not
<povevcreis' 6s 5' av (povevarr), cvoxos ear at ry ' k i l l ; and whoever shall
thou shall t i l l , who and ever shall kill, , ) liable ' shall be to t h e
' kill, will be famenable toj
Kpicrei" 'PEyw 5e Aeycc vfxiv, drt ?ra$ 6 opyi- ' the J U D G E S . ' -*VH •-•wf
tribunal."- }^C: > I hut say t o you, t h a t all the
22 But 2 say to you, being
(opevos rep atieAepep avrov *[e/K7?,] evoxos
tcrrat That every one BEING
angry t o t h e brother • of him ; [without cause,] liable shall b e
rt) Kpteref; e)s 6° av emy rep cc5eA</>^ avrov shall be amenable to the.
t o t h e tribunal i who and ever shall say to t h e brother ..**,. of him j
JUDGES : and whoever
pana, evoxos ecrrat rep eriJveSpiep' 6s 5 au etttr,' shall say to his BROTHER,
vile fellow, liable shall be t o t h e sanhedrim ; who and ever, shall say j
Fool 1 will be subject to,
fAwpe, , evoxos eerrat ets rt]v yeevvav rov irvpos^ the HIGH COUNCIL; but
O fool, / ' l i a b l e , shall be to t h e ' Gehenna ; of the % fire. ^
whoever shall say, Apos-
^Eav\ ovv , 7r-potrepepys ro 5eopov crov CV<. V TO tate wretch 1 will be ob-
ft- If ' therefore i thou bring ;'*• t h e ' ' gift •£' of thee ' to % t h e
noxious to the PUENINQ.
6u(rta<rT7)piovp Katcet fivrjerOys, 6ri 6 a8eA<po$ of GEHENNA. ' .- *('
Y-.V '•- altar, v * ? ^ and there remember, •••'; that theU,. brother ;,
€l 23 lf: therefore, thou
trov *x rt Kara crov^^aepes enet roooopov bring thy GIFT to the AL*
«fthe« has somewhat .cgainst thee i (^ J leave , there t h e gift',,
TAR, and there recollect
crov e/xirpoerOev rov Ovcrtaerryjptovl Kat viraye, That thy BROTHER has
o f thee before X t h e (^">«3:'; altar, '.^J^M, a n 4 r £ 0 . %°< ° P ought against thee, '.
irpearov StaAAayrjQt rep adeAepa) (rov,: Kat rpre 24 leave there thy GTFT
V first be thou reconciled t o the brother ofthee, and "then before the altar, and go,
*\6(tiV rrpo(T<p4pe ro tcopop crov. * lcr6t C evi/owv first be reconciled to thy
coming' l; offer; v. t h e gift ofthee- Pe tbou willing to alaree BROTHER, then come, and.
Tcf avTtdtKtpcrov raxvi *°°s orov
*t eu rr) t)B<p present thy GIFT, V
•with t h e opponent of thee quickly, 95 Agree quickly with
while thou art ip t h e . w a y
per* avrov firjirore ere irapadtf 6 avriSiKos r$ thy PROSECUTOR, while
jfeith ' ; hirnj lest thee deliver u p t h e . o p p o n e n t t o t h e thai art on the ROA D with
•Kptrr), Kat 6 upirrjs [ere irapaBq}! : ?<$ •. VTnjperr}, him; lest the PROSECU-
judge, apd the judge [thee deliver u p | t o t h e v- officer,
TOR deliver thee to the
Kat as <pvKaKV)V $Ar)67]a'r). v, Afir)v Keyia, croit JUDGE, and the JUDGE to
fend into prison. ' t h o u shall be cast. '' Indeed I s a y ' t o thee, the OFFICER, and thou
ov /j.ri e^e\6r}s €K€i6a>, ews ay arrodevs rov be cast into Prison. -
jby no means thou wilt come out thence, '"' til} t h o u hast paid the. /26 Indeedj I say to thee,
fffxaTdv Ko^pavryiv/"~ ^ ' Thou wilt by no means
Y be released, till thou hast
laat " " farthing,/^
../ J4 paid the LAST Farthing. (
\* VATICAN MANUSCBIPT-^-22. without cause—afnit.^sr^'f 25. deliver thee—omit/
+ 21; The Jews had a Common Court consisting of twenty-three men, which had power to
sentence criminals to death, by_ beheading or strangling;; this was called the Judgment, of
Court of Judges. The Sanhedrim or High Council consisted of seventy-two men, being the
Court of the Jews, before which the highest crimes were tried. This Omirt alone had power
Jo punish wiihjieath by^toning. Thijs was thought a more terrible death than the former,
Chap. 5 : 27-] MATTHEW. [Ctiap. 5 : 35.

? UKovcrare, brt epfieQr}' *(0u 27 You have heard That
You have heard, that i t was s a i d ; it was said, J' Thou shalt
" Not t h o u shalt commit
' not commit adultery ;'
adultery.- I b u t say t o you, t h a t all who looking a t 28 but IE say to you,
yvvaiKa irpos ro eiridvfxTicrcu a i r r ^ s , T^STJ e/xoi- That every man GAZING
a woman in order t o lust after her, already has AT a Woman, in order to
X^vffev avTf)v ev TT? tcapdia avrov. *- 2 9 Et 5e 6 C I I E 1 U S H I M P U R E D K -
debauched h e r , i n t b e heart of him. , I f and t h e SIUE, has already com-
ocpOaX/xos crov 6 Sextos crKav8a\i£ei <re, e£eAe mitted lewdness with her
eye of thee t h e right { ^: ensnare thee, tear o u t in his HEART.
avrov, Rat $aKe CLTTO crov crvfxcpzpet yap crot, 29 Therefore, if thy
it, a n d cast i t from t h e e ; i t i9 profitable for t o thee, RIGHT EYE insnare thee,
tva airoKfjrai kv rcav fie\cov crov, /cat [xt] oXov away: itit out, pluck and throw it
is hetter for thee
t h a t should perish one of the members .of thee, a n d n o t whole
ro ffcofxa (Toy fiX-qQr) .sis ycevvav. J*°Kdt et T\ BERS, to lose one of thy MEM
the body of thee should be cast i n t o Gehenna, [jj A n d if .the
than that thy Whole
€l BODY should be cast into
8 e | t a crov x P (TKavda\i^€icrei' CKKO^/OV avrrjv, Gehenna. .- ->m Jg&
right of thee hand •; • ensnare j , * ^ - X thee j}J, c u t 'off . . h e r ,
30 And if thy BIGHT
kat /3aAe arco ffOV\, crv/JL^>sp€t yap crot Iva airo- Hand i'nsnare thee, cut it
and cast from t h e e ; •-. it is profitable ^ for t o thee t h a t should
off, and throw it away: i t
Kf)rat 4i/ rcov fxeXcav crov^ Hat [.ir) $Xov ro crcafxa is hetter for thee to lose
perish one of the members of thee, a n d n o t -whole t h e body
one of thy MEMBERS, than
cov &Xr)Qr) ets y€cvvav^~^" that thy Whole, BODY
of t h e e should be cast into' G e h e n n a ^
should * be cast Into G&?
Epf>e97) ?€, ^oTt os av airoXvcrr) Ti)v yvvatxa henna; ••-• •:,- -••^'- W^'/
It waa said and, »' t h a t whoever shall release t h e wife 31 was said,
abrov, db?a> avry^airo&rao'iov^ ^JLyto' d$ Xf ' Whoever shall dismiss
of him, let h i m give h e r ..("•); a bill of divorce," I' but his WIFE, let him give
hzyoo vfxtv, drt 6s av airoXvcrrj rv\v yvvauca a y - ' her a Writ of Divorce.' j
say to you, that whoever may release the , wife • of 32 But 5 say to you,
rov, TrapeKros Xoyov ' iropvstas, irotst avrrjv That * EVERY-ONE who
him, except on account pf fornication, makes her DISMISSES his •WIFE, ex-
acr ai KaL s cejpt on account of Whore-
fto{% ^ ' & eav Q.TTO\€\VIJL€VT]V yafj.rjcrr}, dom,. causes her to commit
to commit adultery; a n d whoever - • h e r being divorced m a y » lla rry,
adultery; and * H E who
gjLoixarai. ^ MARRIES t h e divorced
.commits adultery*
Woman, commits adultery.
^TtaXiv 7}Kov(far^'6rt zppeOri rots apx^tots' 33 t Again, you have
Again y o u have heard, t h a t it was said t o t h e ancients; heard That it was said to
Ovtc €TnopK7}o*£ts* airodooo'Gts §e rep Kvpi(p the ANCIENTS; J'TllOtt
" N o t t h o u shalt swear falsely; shalt perform b u t t o t h e Lord 'shalt not perjure thyself,
rovs dpnovs crov" 3 4 E7W 8e Xzyco VJJ.IV (JLTJ ofxoyai ' but shalt perform to the
the oaths of t h e e . " ?- I b u t say t o y o u n o t swear ' L 6 R D thine OATHS ; '
oXccs' /Jirjre €V T<J> ovpavcp, on Opovos ecrrt rov 34 hut JE ^ay to you,
at all; n o t even by t h e ' heaven,
. for a throne i t is of the }Swear not-at all; neither
6ebw jtnjte €V rr) yp^ brt vrroiro^tov €&rt roSy by the HEAVEN, for it i s
God; ' n o r b y t h e earth, for ••. a footstool , i t u ' of t h e GOD'S Throne;
IXQ^WV avrov _ firfre eis .'lepawoAujaa, brt iroXts 35 nor by t h e EARTH,
feet of h i m ; neither b y '>'i Jerusalem, for because it is a Footstool
a city
e a r i rov 'fJLGfaXoit fiao-tXfary ® ^ T € ev T77 for his FEET; neither shalt
it is of t h e ''^-great ^7Xr,- king; v < ^ )'- » o r ' b y t h e thou swear hy Jerusalem,
x ,
W h o MARBIBS. , ^-'•-v^Sr,-':•^^fv3•^
. . A .
. . . »( )Mmc-i
• . t 33. The morality of the Jews in regard to oaths was truly execrable. They maintained
that a man might swear with his lips, and annul it at the same moment in his heart. They
also held that oaths are binding only according to the nature of the thing by which a man
swears: asserting that the law, which our Sav«.or here cites, referred to those oaths only
which were of a binding nature. Instances of this distinction, which they made between
oaths'that were and were not binding, are expressly cited and condemned by our Lord in
Matt, xxiii. 16—22; and the injunction here given against swearing by Heaven, by Jerusalem,
&c., is in relation to a variety of frivolous adjurations which were constantly in their mouths,
i t 27. Exod. xx. 14. t 31. Deut. xxiv. l; Matt. six. 3—9; Mark x« 2—13. % j §3. j>ett^
\ p Ui, 2\-rP \ Num. xxx. 2., , * 34. Jamosy. 12.
Chap. 5:36.] MATTHEW. [Cftap. 8: 47.
K€(paXr) (Tov ofioo"r)s, OTI ov dvpao'cu fjuap rpixa for it is the % city of the,
head of thee shalt thou swear, for not thou art able one hair GREAT K I N G ;
KevKTjV 7} /xeXaipap Troirjo'ai. ^ E(rrw 5e 6 Xoyos HEAD,36 nor by thy
white or blackto make. Let be but the word because thou canst not
VjJLO)P' PCU PCU' OV OV TO 5e -Kcpurcrov TOVTCOP, make One Hair white or
of you; yes yes; n o ; that for over and above of these, black.
€K TOV TTOVYipOV 60'TLPi 37 But let your Yes be
of the evil is. yes; and your No, no: for
UKovcrare, OTI epfeOr)' " OcpdaX/iiop CLPTI whatever EXCEEDS these,,
proceeds from EVIL.
You have heard, that it was said; An eye for
39 38 You have heard That
ocpQaXfiov, KCU odovra auri OSOPTOS." E7&? 5e it was said, %' Eye for
an eye, and a tooth for a tooth." I but
' E y e , and Tooth for
Xeyca V/JUP, JXT] aPTiaTTjpcu Tcp iroprjpcp' aXX> do'ris ' Tooth;'
say to you, not resist the evil; but whoever 39 but 5 say to you,
<re pairi&et eiri TT\P de^iap o"ov o'layopcc, crTpsipop t oppose not theINJURI-
thee shall slap upon the right of thee cheek, turn OUS PERSON ; but if any
avro) KCU TT\P aXXyp' KCLI Tcp OGXOPTL Got Kpi- one strike thee on thy
to him also the other; and to the purposing thee to sue Cheek, turn to him
Br}uai3 KCU TOV xLr(ava (T0V
Xa&eip, acf>€s avT<p also the LEFT ;
at law, and the tunic of thee to take, give up to him 40 and WHOEVER WILL
KCU TO Ifiartov KCU OCTTLS O"€ ayyapevcrei (JLLXIOP sue thee for thy COAT, let
also the mantle; and whoever thee shall force to go mile him have the MANTLE
ep, vTraye ^uer5 avTov dvo. 4'2Tcp CUTOVPTI o'e also.
one, go with him two. To the asking thee 41 And if a man t press
Sidov Kai TOV OeXopTa caro o~ov $av€io~ao~daiy thee to go one t Mile with
do thou give; and the wishing from thee to borrow money, him, go two.
fir) cnrocrTpcKprjs. 42 i Give to HIM who
not do thou repulse. SOLICITS thee; and H I M ,
HtfoixraTe, OTI eppeOr}' " Aycnrrjo'eis TO who WOULD borrow from
You have heard, that it was said; " Thou shalt love the thee, do not reject.
vXr](riov Gov, K<U fiio~7i(reis TOP ex&pop GOV." 43 You have heard That
neighbor ofthee, and hate the enemy ofthee." it was said, X ' Thou shalt
Eyw 5e Xeyca VJXIP, ayairaTe TOVS €)(dpovs V/ULOOP, ' love thy NEIGHBOR, and
I but say to you, love the enemies of you, 'hate thine ENEMY ;'
*[€VXoy€lT6 TOVS KCLTCLpWfXZPOVS V/JLCLS, KCtXOOS 44 but I say to you,;
[bless those cursing you, good Love your ENEMIES, and
7roieiT€ TOIS fiio'ovo'tp v[ias,] KCU npocevxeo'de pray for THOSE who
do to those hating you,] and pray * PERSECUTE you;
virep TUP [eirrjpea^oPToop vfias KaC\ dicaKovroop 45 that you may re-
for those injuring you and] persecuting semble THAT FATHER of
beets' ^ OTTOOS ycP7](r6e viol TOV irarpos V/JLOOP, yours in the HEAVENS,
you; that you may be sons of the father of you, who makes his SUN arise
TOV ep ovpapois' OTI TOP TJXIOP CLVTOV ctpcLTeXXei on Bad and Good, and
of the in heavens: for the sun of him it rises sends rain on Just and
€7Tl ir0P7)p0VS KCLI CiyaOoVS, KOA j8/?6X6i 67Ti BlKCU- Unjust.
on evil and good, and it rains on just 46 For if you love THEM
ovs KCU. adiKovs. ^ Eap yap
ayaTrrjcrrjTc TOVS only who LOVE you, What
and unjust.If for you love those Reward can you expect ?
ayaircoPTas v/txas, TIPCL /LUO'OOP ex€T€ >' ovxt KCU Do not even the TAX-
loving you, what reward have you ? not even GATHERERS the SAME ?
01 TeXoopai TO avTO TTOLOVO'L ; ^ KCU eap ao"ira- 47 And if you salute
the tax-gatherers the same do? and if you your BRETHREN only, in
crrjo'de TOVS
•ahite the adeXcpovs
brothers V/J,COP
efyou JHOPOP,
only, TI
what trepicro'op
more what do you excel ? Do

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—44. bless THOSE who CURSE you, do good to THOSB who HATB
you—omit. 44. PERSECUTE you.
t 41. An allusion to the Angari, or couriers of the Persians, who had authority to impi'ess
into their service men, horses, and ships, or any + hing that came in their way, and which
mig-ht serve to accelerate their journey. From tue Persians this custom passed to the Ro-
mans, and it is still retained in the East. t 41. I h e ItomaJi milion, or mile, measured
a thousand paces.
% 35. Psa. xlviii. 2.' X 88. Exod. xxi. 24; P^vt xix. 21. i 39. Prov. xx. 22; xxi^,
2Q; Rom. xii. 17—19. X 42. Deut. xv. 7~11. X 4». -*>v. xix, ig^ Tj®vkk xxiii' &
Gnap. 5: 48.] MATTHEW. [map. 6: 7.

/cat oi edviKot ovrca TTOIOVCTIV ; not even the GENTILES

do you P not even the Gentiles so do? * the SAME.
^Etreo-fle ODJ/ vfJLGis reKeioi, oocrirep 6 irarrip 48 J Be g o u therefore
Shall be therefore you perfect, as the father perfect, even as *youi
of you, who in the heavens, perfect is. perfect.
KE*. $'. 6. CHAPTER VI.
1 Beware, that yon per-
E[poa'€X€Tfc Tt]V dLKCU0(TVP7)Vi VfJLCOV fXT} 1TOl€tV form not your RELIGIOUS
Take heed the righteousness, of you not to do
DUTIES before MEN, in
ffLirpoffdep TOOV avdpooirwv, irpos TO OeaOrjvat order to he OBSERVED by
in the presence of the men, so as to be exhibited them; otherwise, you will
avroLS' €i §e fX7]ye, fiicrdov OVK £X* napa fty obtain no Reward from
to them; if but otherwise, reward not you have with to the THAT FATHER of VOUTS i n
irarpi V/JLOOV, rep ev TOLS ovpavois. 'Orai/ ovv the HEAVENS.
father of you, to the in the heavens. When then 2 When, therefore, thou
Troiys eX€7]^ocrvvr]v,
fir] craXiricrys GfjLTrpocrQsv t givest Alms, proclaim it
thou doest alms,not sound a trumpet in the presence not by tsound of trumpet,
crov, oocrirep ol viroKptrat TTOLOVCTIV ev reus crvva- as the HYPOCRITES do, in
ofthee, like the hypocrites do in the syna- the ASSEMBLIES and in
yooyats KOLI ev rats pvjxais, OTTOOS do^acrdoocrtv the STREETS, that they
gogues and in the streets, that they may have praise may be extolled by MEN.
VTTO TOOV avOpooiroov. Afjirjy Xeyoo VJXLV, airexovcn Indeed, I say to you, They
oi the men. Indeed I say to you, they obtain have their REWARD.
rov fxicrOov avToov. 3 %ov de ITOLOVVTOS eXerjfxo- 3 But thou, when giv
the reward of them. Of thee but doing alms- ing Alms, let not thy
crvvr\v, fir) yvooToo i) apicrTepa crov, TI iroiei r) LEFT hand know what
giving, not let it know the left of thee, what does the thy RIGHT hand does;
8 e | t a crov ^OTTOOS y crov r) eXerjfiocrvvr) ev Tcp 4 so that Thine ALMS
may be PRIVATE J and
right of thee; that may be of thee the alms-giving in the
THAT FATHER of thine,
KpVTTTO}' KCLI 6 TTCLTyp COV, 6 fiXeTTOOV €V T(p who SEES in SECRET, will
secret; and the father of thee, who seeing in the recompense thee.
KpvwTcp, *[<XVTOS~\ arrodoocreL croL *[ev T<p(pavep(p.~\ 5 And when * you pray,
secret [himself] will give back to thee [in the clear light.) you shall not imitate the
Kcu oTav irpoo'evxxii OVK ecrrj oocrirep ol HYPOCRITES, for they are
And when thou prayest, not thou shaltbe like the fond of standing up in the
viroKpiTar OTL cpiXovcriv ev TCUS crvvayooyais Kai ASSEMBLIES and at the
hypocrites; for they love in the synagogues and CORNERS of the OPEN
ev TCLIS yooviais TOOV irXaTeioov eo'TooTes irpocrev- SQUARES to pray, so as to
in the corners of the wide places standing to be OBSERVED by MEN.
•>Xe&6ai, O7rcos av (pavoocri TOLS avdpooirois. Afirjj- Indeed, I say to you, They
pray, that they may appear to the men. Indeed have their REWARD.
^.eyco v/utv, OTL airexovcri TOV fiiorQov avToov. 6 But tf)rju> when thou
I say to you, that they have in full the reward of them. wouldst pray, enter into
Hv de, OTav 7rpocr€vxy, eicreXOe eis TO rafxi- thy PRIVATE ROOM, and
Thou but, when thou prayest, enter into the retired having closed the DOOR,
eiov o'ov, K<XL KXeicras TTJV Ovpav crov, irpocrev^ai pray to THAT FATHER of
place of thee, and locking the door of thee,
Kai pray thou
o TraTTjp thine who is INVISIBLE ;
and the father
to the father of thee, to the in the secret; thine, who SEES in SE-
crov, 6 fiXeiroov ev Tcp KpvrrTcp, airodoocrei croi CRET, will recompense
of thee who seeing in
the secret place, will give to thee
*[ev T(p <$>avepooJ\ ? Upocrevxofievoi de fir] fiaT- 7 And in prayer, j use
(in the clear light.) Praying but not bab-
not foolish repetitions, as
the * HYPOCRITES ; for
ToXoyrjcrrjTe, oocrirep ol eOviKoi' 8OKOVO~I yap STI
like the Gentiles; they imagine
the SAME. for that
your HEAVENLY FATHER is perfect.
5. you pray, you shall not. 7. HYPOCRITES.
t 2. The phrase of sounding a trumpet before them seems only a figurative expression to
represent their doing it in a noisy, ostentatious way—Doddridge. Erasmus and Beza justly
observe, that theatkanai in verse 1 is a theatrical word,; that hypokritai signifies disguised
players in masks; and that Bounding a trumpet may allude to the rnvsic of the stage.
% 48. Luke vi. 86; Eph. v. 1. . siS. % 7. Seslee. v. %,
Chap. 6 : 8 . ] MATTHEW. [Chap, 6; 2(1

€F T?7 • 7roA.v\o7«ot abreast eteraKoverO'qo'ovTat. they think that by using

in the wordiness oftheui they shall be heard, MANY WORDS that tiity
Mr) ovv 6f,iot<ti6r)T€ aurois' bide yap 6 irarrip will be accepted.
N o t therefore you may belike to thein ; knows for the father 8 Therefore, do not imi«
vfxwt/y hv xoslap €
XeT€* 1*9° rou
ty401* tate them; for *GOD your
FATHER knows your Ne-
Of you, of what things need you have, before of the you
airr)(rai aurov. * Obreas OVV irpoo'evx^o'Oe v/xets' cessities, before you ASK
ask him. In this way then • pray ^ you;
him. .-'
Tlai-ep 7i/AU)Vi 6 ev rots ovpavots9 aytaerOrjrea 9 Thus/then, pray gou :
! father of us, who in the nea'vens, reverenced the
Father, THOU in the
HEAVENS, Revered be thy
cuo/xa crow w^\9er(o rj fiaen\e.taerov' ysvrjdrfrea NAME ! A*.-V
I Dame o*ftbee; let come thp kingdom of t h e e ; let be done
10 let thy $ KINGDOM
TO 0e\r]fjLa (TOu9 &s ev ovpavep% Kat etti rrjs yr}S' come; thy WILL be done
the will of thee, as in heaven, also
the earth j on
11 upon EARTH, even as in
rov aprov Tjfieav rov eirtoviTiop.
T\}XIV hos Heaven.
the bread of us the » sufficient give thou to ua
ffrj/jLepov l 2 Kai aepes rjfxiv ra o$ei\rjjj.aTa TJ/XODV, 11 Give us This-day
Our N E C E S S A R Y FOOD ; :
to-day; and discharge to ua the ;>:s debts f ; , > o f us,
12 and J forgive us oui
&s icai 7]/j.eis aeptefxev rots oepet\erats i)fxeav a3 * toe have for-
ua even we discharge t o the !; debtors ),'. o f u s ;
13 given OUr DEBTORS ; > <
tcai [ii\ GiffcveyKys rjfxas els netpacrfioi/, a\Aa 13 and J abandon us not
and not bring v-'r U 3 into temptation, ., but
4 to Trial, but % preserve us
Pvcrat 7)/ arro rou irovrfpov, ? Ecw/ yap a<pr)T€ from E V I L ,
save us from the evil. >•>•% i If for you forgive
TOIS avOpcoTrois ra icapaTrrea^ara avrcav, acprjcrei MEN" 14 For if you % forgive
t o the men the- faults - : . Y of them, will forgive
rcai vjxiv 6 warrjp vfxoov 6 ovpavios' 15 your HEAVENLY FATHER
eav de /try will also forgive you; / '
plso to you the father of you the heavenly; i f ' but n o t
aeprjre rots avOpconots ra Ttaparrrcafiara avrwv% not v 15 but if you $ forgive
forgive to the men . the :••*.. faults ' ; : j - , ^ v of them, MEN their OFFENCES,
ouBe 6 7rcar7}p vpuav aeprjeret ra iraparrrcapaTa neither will your FATHED
h e i u e r the father of you will forgiva thti•_/ •vfaultay^ H forgive your OFFENCES.
tiuoov. 16 Moreover, when you
ofyou. ' | fast, be not as the HYPO-
'Orav $e WfyorrevyitZ) fit) ytveffOi^ tibeniepotCRITES, of a melancholy
When en.I yuufast, not be, i,^;;^.. like aspect; for they distort
{j-iroKpiTai, &Ku6po3fror atyavt^overi yap ra itpoa-their FEATURES, that they
I hypocrites, of a s a l face; they disfigure for the fa- may seem fasting to MEN,
(oira ajTcoVy oirois epaveacri rots avOpcoTrots Indeed, I say to you, They
eei of them, so that they inny seem to the ' )'. m e n : >t' have their REWARD, H
yrja'revovres. AJUTJV Aeyea vfitv, dri airexovert - 17 But thou, when fast-
to be fasting. Indeed I say to you, that they obtain ing, anoint thy head, and
rov fAta&oy a'jrenv. l7
2 y 8e vqerrevoovy ahet\pat wash thy face; ..\
the reward ofthem. Thou but fasting, .-'vfr anoint . 18 that thy fasting may
uov rr\v K*<pa\r)vt Hat ro npoo'ooTrov crov vtxpaf not appear to MEN, but td
of thee the head, and the face ) of thee w a s h ; THAT FATHER of thine
} A direos (xi\ tpavrjs rots avOpcoTrots vf]eyreveav, who is INVISIBLE ; and
s o that not thou inayebt seem to the ;;. men } : : : , fasting, ; THAT FATHER of thine
a\\a rep trarpt crou, rep ev rep Kpvrrrep* /ecu 6 rra- who SEES in SECRET, will
'but to the father of thee, that in the . secret; and the fa- recompense thee.
,T7jp aov, 6 ftAeTroov cv rep Kpvirrep, afrodeacrei erot. 19 Do not accumulate
[ther of thee, who seeing in the secret, (^ _; will give to thee. for yourselves % Treasures
Mr} Qrjcravpifere vfxtv Orja'avpovs em rrjs yys, upon the EARTH, where
Not lay up t o you treasures ' on the earth, Moth and Rust consiune,
Srrov o"f)s Kat (Speeds aepavt^et, Kat dirov ic\€7rrat and where Thieves break
where moth and rust destroys, and where thieves through and steal;
btopvcr(Tovo~i Kat KKeTrroverf 2° Orjcravpifere 8e 20 but deposit for your-
dig through and steal; lay up but j selves Treasures in Hea<

• VATICAN MANUSCIUPT—8. G O D your FATHER. 12. iae h a v e f o r g i v e n .

t 9 . Lukoxi.2. t 10. D a n . i i . 4 4 . t 12. Matt, xviii.21—35. "'j 13. 1 C o r . x . 1 3 '
• 1 3 . J o h n x v l i . 15. J 14- M a r k x i . 25, 26. $ 15. J ^ m e s i i . 13. t 16. I s a , lviii.,&
t IQ, P r o v . xjtili. 4 ; 1 Tiua. v i . 10,17—19.
Chap. 6: 21.J MATTHEW, [Chap. 8: 29.

ifxw Byjcavpovs ev ovpapcp, OTTOV OVTG CTJS OVTG ven where neither Moth
to you treasures in
heaven, where neither moth nor nor Rust can consume,
fipooffis a<paviCel> Kai OTTOV KKeirrai ov diopvcr- and where Thieves break
rust destroys, and where thieve* not dig not through, nor steal.
(Tovcriy ovds KXtirrovcriv. 21
'OTTOV yap ecriv 6
21 For where * thy
through nor steal. Where for i» the TEEASUKE is, there * thy
HEART will also be.
07]cravpos vficop, eK€i ecrrcu Kai T) tcaptita bfjuov. 22 JTne LAMP of tha
treasure of you, there will he also the heart of you.
22 BODY is * thine EYE ; if,
'O Kvxvos rov crcofxaros eariu 5 ofyQaXfxos. therefore, thine EYE be
The lamp of the body is th« eye.
clear, thy Whole BODY
Eav ovv 6 o<pdaXfios crov atrXovs #, oXov
will be enlightened;
If therefore the eye of thee Bound maybe, whole 23 but if thine EYE be
TO ccu/jia aov <p<t)T€iPov eo'rai. Eap 5e 6 o<p6aX- dim, thy Whole BODY will
the body of thee enlightened will be. If but the eye be darkened. If, then,
fios o~ov TTourjpos y, bXov TO ccc/xa crov O~KOT€I- THAT LIGHT which is in
of thee evil may be, whole the body of thee darkness thee be Darkness, how
vov earTat. Ei ovv TO cpa)S, TO ep croi, CKOTOS great is that DAEKNESSI
will be. If then the light, t i a t in fc thee, darkness 24 X No man can serve
effTt, TO CKOTOS TT060V; Two Masters; for either
it, the darkness how great f he will hate ONE, and love
^QvSeis tvfGTat fivo'i Kvpiots SOVXGVGIV t) the OTHEE; or, at least,
No one is able two lord* to serve j either he will attend to One, and
•yap TOP eva ixio"r)crei, Kai TOU eTepop aya7rr]o~€C neglect the OTHEE. You
for the one he will hate, and the other he will love j cannot serve God and
7] epos apde^eTCii, Kai TOO eTepov KaTacppopyoret. t Mammon.
er ona he will cling to, and the other he willslight. 25 Therefore, I charge
Ov Svpacrde Gecp dovXeveip Kai fxafxcapa, 25 Aia you, $ B e not anxious
Not you are able God to serve and mammon. For about your L I F E , what
TOVTO Xcyto v/nip' Mrj fiepiftpaTG TTJtyvKrjVJUOOP, you shall eat, or what you
thU I say to you; N o t be over careful the life of you, shall drink; nor about
vi <f)ay7}Ts, Kai TI TTI-QT^' fiTjde TO? o'tafj.aTi your BODY, what you shall
what youmay eat, and what you may drink; nor to the body wear. Is not the L I F E of
vfAtoV) TI cpdvarjo'de. Gv%i V ty^X7) KXeiop €O~TI more value than FOOD,
of you, what you may put on. Not the life more is and the BODY than R A I -
T7]S TpO(p7)S9 Kai TO CTOO/Lia TOV €P§VfiaTQS i 2 6 E/X~ M E N T ?
the food, and the body the clothing t Look 26 Observe the B I B B S
j8Aex|/are ets T « ireTtipa TOV ovpapov, 6TI OV of HEAVEN ; they sow not,
attentively at the birds of the heaven, for not nor reap, nor gather into
crirsipovo'ip, ouSe Oepi^ovo'ipy ou5e cvpayovo'ip ets Store -houses; J but your
they sow, nor reap, nor gather into HEAVENLY F A T H E E feeds
aTTo6r}Kasm Kai 6 iraTrjp VJXOJP 6 ujpapios Tpe^ei them. Are not gou of
barns; and the father of you the heavenly feeds greater value than they ?
avTa. Ou% vfxeis fiaXXop dia(f>epeT€ avT (CP ; 27 Besides, which of
them. Not you greatly excel them ? you, by being anxious,
Tis 5e e£ VJJLCOP fxepifxpcop SvvaTai Trpoardeipai can prolong his LIFB one
Which and by of you being over careful is able to add Moment ?
cm T7]p rjXiKtap avTov TTTJXVP hpa ; 2 8 Kat irepi 28 And why are you
to the ago of him span one ? And about anxious about Raiment?
€p5v/jiaTos TI fi€pifipaT€; KaTa/naOeTe Ta Kpiva Mark the t L I L I E S of the
clothing why be over careful ? Consider the lilies FIELD. HOW do they
TOV aypov rrcas av£apei m
ov Komq, ou5e vnfler bor nor spin; neither la-
grow ? They
of the field hovr it grows ; not it labors, nor spina;
Aeyco SC^/AIP, OTL ou5e ^oXo/nccp ep Trao'r) TTJ not29even
yet I tell you, That
Solomon in All
I say but to you, that not even Solomon in all the
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—21. thy TREASURK. 21. t h y H E A R T . 22. thine BY*.
+ 24. Mammon is a Syriac word for riches, which our Lord beautifully represents as a per-
son whom the folly of men had deified. t 28. Syriac—wild lilies, or lilies of tho
desert. Supposed by Kitto and Sir J . E. Smith to be the amaryllis lutea, a golden lilaceoua
flower, which grows wild in the Levant, and blooms i n Autumn. Dr. Bowring thinks i t TM
the Martagnon lily, which grows profusely in Galilee, and is of a brilliant red color.
t 22. Luke xi. 34. J 24. Luke xvu 13. t 25. LukexiL22; PhiJ.iv.fli I?e&r, 8*
% 2$. Job xxxviiiu 40.; Psa» ccdsnL &
Chap, ti SO.] MATTHEW, [Chap>1°- 6.

So£|7 CLVTOV TT€pl€@aX€TO CCS kv TOVT60J/. ^° El his SPLENDOR, was as-

glory of him was clothed like one of these. If rayed like one of these.
Se rov x°PTOl/ rov
aypov, crrjfxepov ovra Kai 30 If, then, GOD SO
tlien the grass of the field, to-day existing and decorate the HERE of the
avpiov eis KXifiavov fSaXXojAGvov, 6 Oeos ovrcos FIELD, (which nourishes
to-morrow into an oven is being cast, the Ctod so
To-day, and To-morrow
will be cast into a Eur-
afxtpievvvcriv, ov iroXXcp fxaXXov vfias, oXtyoiricr- nace,) how much more
clothes, not much more you, O you of weak you, 0 you distrustful!
3511 , .
M?7 ovv f^epi/uvricrrfre, Xeyovres" Tt
roi; Not therefore you may be over careful, saying; What 31 Therefore, be not
faith ? anxious, saying, What
cpaycc/uLev, rj ri mcofiev, 7} ri rrepi^aXccfxeOa; shall we eat? or, What
may we eat, or what may we drink, or what may we put on ? shall we drink ? or, With
" YlavTV, yap ravra r a eOvr} errifarer oide yap what shall we be clothed ?
All for these the Gentiles seeks ; knows for 32 for all the nations
6 warrjp vficov 6 ovpavios, dri XPvCqg6 TOVTOOV require these things ; and
the father of you the heavenly, that you have need of these y o u r HEAVENLY FATHER
airavrccv. 33
Zrjreire &€ irpcorov rr\v ftacriXeiav knows That you have need
all. Seek you but first the kingdom of all these things.
rov deov Kai rr}v diKaioo~vvr)v avrov Kai ravra 33 But % seek you first
of the God and the righteousness of him; and these
M KINGDOM; and all these
navra 7rpocrre6r}crerat b/niv. Mr} ovv /xept/ui-
things shall be superadded
all shall be superadded to you. Not therefore be orer
to you.
vqcvqre eis rrjv avpiov r) yap avpiov fiepifx- 34 Be not anxious, then,
careful for the morrow; the for morrow will be over
about the MORROW; for
vrjcret * [ V a ] eavrrjs. Apxerov rrj rjjxepa T) KaKia the MORROW will claim
careful [the] of herself. Enough to the day the trouble anxiety for itself. Suffi-
avrrjs. | cient for each DAY is its
of her. OWn TROUBLE.
KE«i\ £ ' 7. I CHAPTER VII.
Mr] Kpivere, iva fj.r} KpiOrjre. 2 e
Ev q> yap 1 $ Judge not, that you
Not do you judge, that not you may be judged. In what for may not be judged;
Kpt/aari Kptvere, KpiOecrecrde' Kai ev 'cp fxerpcp 2 for as you Judge, you
judgment you judge, you shall be judged; and in what measure will be judged; and fby
fjierpeire, /nerprjOrjcrerai VJXIV. 3 T J 5e fiXeireiy the Measure you dis-
you measure, it shall be measured to you. Why and seest thou
pense, it will be measured
to you.
ro Kapcpos, ro ev rep ocpdaX/xcp rov adeXcpov
the splinter, that in the of the eye
brother 3 X And why observest
* h o u THAT SPLINTER i n
crov, rr]V Se ev rep crcp ocpQaXfxcp BOKOV ov Kara- thy BROTHER'S EYE, and
of thee, that but in thine-own eye beam not per-
perceivest not the THORN
voeis ; 4 7) TTCOS epeis rep adeXepepcrov Aepes, in THINE-OWN Eye?
ceivest ? or how wilt thou say to the brother of thee; Allow me, 4 or, how wilt thou say
€Kf3aX(c ro Kapcpos airo rov oepdaXfxov (rov Kai to thy BROTHER, Let me
I can pull the splinter from the eye of thee; and take the SPLINTER from
i§ov, r) SOKOS ev rep o<pQaX[xep crov ; 'TiroKpira, thine EYE ; and, behold, a
l.o, the beam in the eye of thee? O Hypocrite, THORN in thine-own EYE?
eKfiaXe rrpcorov rr\v doKov eK rov ocpOaXfiov crov, 5 Hypocrite! first ex-
pull first the beam out of the eye of thee, tract the THORN from
Kai rore SiafiXeipeis eKfiaXeiv ro Kapcpos €K rov thine-own EYE, and then
and then thou shalt see clearly to pull the splinter out of the thou wilt see clearly to
ocpdaXfAOv rov adeXepov crov. take the SPLINTER from
eye . of the brother of thee. thy BROTHER'S EYE.
Mr} Score ro ayiov rois KVCTI, jj.r}de fiaXrjre 6 X Give not SACRED
Not you may give the holy to the dogs, neither cast THINGS to DOGS, nor
rovs fiapyapiras v/uoov e/jnrpocrOev recv %oipeov throw your PEARLS before
the pearls of you before the swine; S W I N E ; lest they tread

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—33. his RIGHTEOUSNESS and KINGDOM. 34. t h e t h i n g s

t 33. L u k e xii. 31. 1 1. Lulse vi. 3?; Eom. ii. 1; xiv. 4; 1 Cor. iv. 5; James iv. 11,12,
t 2. Hark i^> M. t 8= Lukevt.4SL. $&, Prov.iXc7»8; xxxuLlk
Chap. 7:7.] MATTHEW.. [C%>. 7: 18.

p,r}Trore KaraTrarrjo'uo'iv theni under their FEET,

avrovs ev rois 'KOO'IV
lest they should trample or turning again they tear
them under the feet
avrcov, Kai crrpacpevres prj^cocriv v/xas, \ you.
of them, and turning they should rend you. 7 % Ask, and it will be
? Aireire, given
KCU dodrjcrerai bfxiv Qqreirt KCLL TVill find; you; seek, and you
Ask, and it shall be given to you: seek, and
knock, and it
8 will he opened to you:
evpy}(T6re' Kpovere, Kai avoiyr]crerai VJXIV. I I a s 8 for JEVEEY-ONE who
you shall find; knock, and ic shall be opened to you. All
ASKS, receives; and every
•yap 6 aircov Xa/xfiavei' Kai 6 Qqrcav evpurfcei' one who SEEKS, finds;
for the asking receives; and the seeking finds; and to HIM who KNOCKS,
Kai rep Kpovovri avoiyq&erai. H ris ' [eo"Tiv] the door * is opened.
and to the knocking it shall be opened. Or what [is there] 9 Indeed, J What Man
e£ vficov avBpooiros, bv eav airrjcrr) 6 vlos avrov among you, who, if his
of you a man, who if ask the son of him SON request Bread, will
aprov, [xri XiOov eTntkocei avrcp; Kai eav i%Qvv offer him a Stone ?
bread, not a stone will give to him? or if a fish 10 or, if he ask for a
airrjcrr}, /uir} o<piv eiridwo'ei avrq); Ei ovv ufxeis^ Fish, will give him a Ser-
he asks, not a serpent will give to him ? If then you, pent ?
irovrjpoi ovres, oifiare So/xara ayaOa $L$ovai rois 11 If Dou, then, being
bad ones being, know gifts good to give to the evil, know how to impart
renvois v/uicov, iroo~cp fiaXXov 6 Trarrjp VJJLCOU, good
6 Gifts to your CHIL-
children of you, how much more the father of you, that DEEN, how - much more
ev rois ovpavois, dcoo'ei ayada rois airovaiv Will THAT EATHEE of
in the heavens, give yours in the HEAVENS
good to those asking
avrov; Havra ovv, bcra av OeXrjre Iva give Good things to THOSE
him ? All therefore, as much soever you may will that who ASK him ?
Troioocriv VJXIV ol avdpccTTOL, ovroo Kai vjxeistroieiri 12 X "Whatever you wish
should do to you the men, even so also you do that MEN should do to
avrois' ovros yap ecrnv b VO/AOS icai oiTrpocprjrai. you, do gflit the same to
' to them; this for is the law and the prophets. them; for this is the LAW
Eio'eA0eTe dia rr]s a'revrjs TVVXT\S' on and the PEOPHETS.
Enter you in through the strait gate • for 13 X Enter in through
irXareia T) TTVXT], Kai evpvx^pos i) bdos i) the NAEEOW Gate; for
wide the gate, and broad the road that wide is the GATE of D E -
airayovo'a €is ryv aTra>\€iav\ Kai iroXXoi eicriv STRUCTION, and broad
leading into the perdition; and many are THAT WAY LEADING thi-
ol eio'epxofJievoi 52 avrrjs. 14
T J (rrevr) r) irvXr), ther; and MANY are they
those entering through her. How strait the gate, who enter through it.
Kai reOXifJifievT} r) 6§os r) airayovcra eis rrjv 14 How narrow is the
and difficult the road that leading into the GATE Of LIEE ! llOW diffi-
farjv Kai oXiyoi ei&iv ol evpicTKovres avrrjv. thither! and how EE w are
life; and few are they finding her.
15 € Te e airo Tl0V they who EIND it.
Upoo~ex ' ^ ^^vdoTrpocprjrcov, 15 J Beware of EALSE
Beware ye and of the false prophets,
TEACHEES, who come to
olrives epxovrai npos vjxas ev evdvfiacri Trpofia- you in the Garb of Sheep,
who come to
you in clothing of sheep, while inwardly they are
rcaVy eo'oodev Se eicri XVKOI apirayes. A7ro ravenous Wolves.
within but they are wolves ravenous. By 16 J By their EEUITS
rcav Kapirwv avrcov eiriyvcao'ecrde avrovs. Mrjn you will discover them.
the fruits of them you shall know them. What Axe Grapes gathered front
crvXXeyovcriv airo aKavdcov crra<pvXr}v, rj aivo Thorns, or rigs from
do they gather from thorns a cluster of grapes, or from Thistles?
rpifioXoov ffvKa; ^ Ovrco irav Sevfipov ayaOov 17 X Every good Tree
thistles figs ? So every tree good yields good Eruit; but
KapTrovs KaXovs iroLei' ro 8e crairpov Sevdpov the BAD tree produces
fruits good bears; the but corrupt tree bad Emit.
Kapirovs irovTjpovs iroiei. Ov fivvarai fievdpov 18 A good Tree cannot
fruits evil bears. Not is possible tree
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—8. is opened. 9. is there—omit.
% 7- Matt. xxi. 22; Mark xi. 24; Luke xi. 9 ; John xv. 24; James i. 5. *• -
11 \ Jer. xxix. 12, IS. J 9. Luke xi. 11—13. % 12. Luke vi. 31.
t 8. Prov. viii.
t 13. Luke xiii.24.
i 15. 2 P e t . i k l - ^ | 1 JolmiY.l; Actsxx.2S~80. t 16. Luksvi.4k, \H.
€ka$.%\ 19.] MATTHEW. icimp.ti n,
ttyuBov tcapirovs Trourjpovs iroieiUy ovSe fievfipov
yield bad Fruit; iior Q
.good -fruits .' evil t o bear, neither tree
bad Tree, good IVuiL
\ffairpotf Kapirovs KaXovs trotety. 19 I l a ^ devdpov., 19 $(Pvery Tree not
corrupt ifruits good t o bear. Every tree,
producing good Fruit, is
Hn}iroiovv KapTTov KakoVy €Kicoirrerai Kat as irvp cut -down, a^d. cast into
ajot 'bearing. • fruit good is cut down and i n t o a fire-
20 a Fire.)
fiaWtTat.' Apaye ano roov Kapiroov avrwv
is cast. Tlierefore by t h e - : _ fruits of t h e m 20 Therefore, by theif
ERUPTS you will discover
€Triyi/(acreo'6e avrovsi them.
,you shall kjiow them.
iQv zras 6 Ae7&>*/ JJLOL' Kvpte, nvpi€y czo~eAeu- 21 Not EVERY-ONE who
Not aU who saying t o m e ; O Lord, O Lord, shall enter SAYS to rne, % Master,
"irerat eis Tf\v fiacrtXeiai/ rcou ovpavaw aAA* Q Master, will enter into
into the kingdom of t h e heaven?; but h e the iawGDOM of the n HA-
-aroicoif TO Qe\.t)p.ct. rov irarpos {xov-y rov ev ovpavots.VENS ; but HE Who PER-
•doing t h e 'will of t h e father of rrie, of'that in heavens,; roui\ts the WILL of THAT
'^JloAAoJ! epovci fxot ev etceipr} TT; j]' Kvpi*, TATIIEB of mine in " the
Many shall sny to m e .in; that the day; O Lord, HEAVENS.
Kvpiefcv TO) (Toi 02/0/iari TrpoecprjrcucrafxeVy Kat 22 Many will say to me
0 Lord, n o t t o t h e t h y name have we prophesied, and in That DAY, Master,
rr&j, &qj ouoptart dai/jiovta e^jSaAo/te^ teat rep Master, have we not
t o t h e .thy name demons have we cast o u t , and to. t h e taught, in THY Name?.
<rcp .oyo\x.ari dwajj-etsTroWas. cTvot^aa^v; ^ Kcu andln THY Name expelled
$hy name wonders many have we d o n e ? ' And Pcmons? and in TI|Y
rrore d/JLoXoyrjcrco avrois' ' O n ovdenoTe .typcav Name performed many
then I w i l l declare to them; Because never <I knew Wonders ?
&jj,as' aTroxMpejT'e orf C/JL-QV ol ^pya^ojxevoL TT\V' 23 And then I will
>; .depart . f r o m ine those working the
plainly declare to them,.
% I never approved of you.
.'lawlessness. _ 'l)epart from nuyYOU who-
Has ovv ~ V&.T.IS~ alcove i ^fxov rovs Aoyobs P R A C T I S E I N I Q U I T Y .
All -therefore .whoever" 'hears of me ' the .'-words
frovTovSy Kat wotet avravs, d/ioicoffo avr'ou aydpt 24 ^Therefore, whoever
these, and 49^ t h e m , , I will ecmipare h i m t o a man hears these PRECEPTS O&
$>pOVip.(£j 6(TTLS'toK.6%0}X'f](Xt: Tt\V' OIKKXV aVTOV-ZITl
Mine, and obeys -them)
\ .prudent,. .Yvho, ibuUt the house of him. upon
* he will be compared to ;v
lcaL rprudent Man, who built
trjjjt TvtTpav ^icai.rKaT€(37i u) fipoxih ??A0OJ> v
* i n s House on the ROCK ;
j thq rock; .and fell down the rain, and came
01 ifQTafJLoi, Kat €7ri/€V<rav ol avzfiot) 25 for though then A IN
teat irpoo'f
(the floods, and -blew the fell, and the TORRENTS
.winds, -and beat
QTcaoy TTJ oiKiy eKetft}' Kat OVK €7re<T€' TeOe/JieAi- came, find the W I N D S
Against t h e h o u s e that; and not it fclL; i t was founded blew, and rushed lipon
<4),TQ yap €7Tl Tf]V TTCTpai/^ that HOUSE, it felt, not,1
\ ttot on- t h e j-ock." --, because i t was founded
i'' 2 C K a t 7T«S .0 d'.COVCOV [XOV T.OVsK'6'yQVS'TOVTOV$9 on the.ROCK.
<A.nd- -all who hearing of me the words \these, 2 6 B u t EVERY-ONEAVha
<aai /X77 iroicav avrovsi bfxoi<aOrtcr€TaL'ai>§pi}x<>opte,HEARS these PRECEPTS &$
'»nd n o t doing (them^ .shall be c o m p a r e d ^ t o - a man:.foolish, Mine, and disobeys them-,
dams' q}tcodo/x7]creTf}u oikiauabTov£TttTrqv ap-p-ov will be compared to a
.who -built tt'ic house of him .upon t h e sand; •foolish Man, who built
3&iKai fcarefir)' % fipoxv, KCLl i]hQovol irorafiou : tnjs House on the SAND ;
j. vand -fell down t h e rain, ' and came t h e floods,
scat €TtV€v&av ol 'Cwe/.toi, ucat 'irpo'vcKotyav T77 27 for when lire RAIN
•and -blew the winds, and ; dashed ngainat the :
fell, and the TOURKNTS
came,, and the WINDS
KXtKta- (KGii/rj-yHcai €7rea€' 'Kati]v 'ij TTTOOITLS avrys blew, and dashed against
^.Lcuse that, t and itjfell^ and was.tiie^^ fall ber
that HOUSE, >it fell, and'
3. jtpeat. ,
great was-.its R U I N . "

VATICAN T\'Ususo&ii"P^2l.j:EliiiJBii4KES.8». S4i Sia^ylU be-comparei '24.-»i^

IKpase. 2'G. ins iltmsc. 1
'••( *-rt 10- Matt.lit.
j£s3.;i«uke iiivSZ,-10: "-+ 21. Matt, xxv.ll; Lukc-vL -45, xiii.55i Hamuli. UX James'"5, '
Chap. 7:S8.] MATTHEW- [Chap. 8: 9.
Kai eyevero, 6re crwereXeo'ev 6 Irjcrovs 28 And it happened,
And it came to pass, when had finished the Jesus when JESUS had finished
rovs Xoyovs rovrovs, e^ivX7](TcroPTO oi oxXoi this DISCOURSE, that Jthe
PEOPLE were struck with
the words these, were astounded the crowds
29 awe at his mode of I N -
eiri rr\ diSaxy avrov. Hv yap didacrKoov STRUCTION ;
at the teaching of him. He was for teaching
60Z/ Kai 0V s 0L 29 for he taught them
avrovs tbs el-ovo'iav eX > X & yp^* as possessing Authority,
them as authority having, and not as the 3cribes. and not as *their SCRIBES.
KE<i>. -h. 8 . 1 Being come down
Karaftavri 8e from the MOUNTAIN, fol-
avrcp airo rov opovs, TJKOXOV- lowed by great Crowds,
Coming down and to him from the mountain, followed
2 2 behold, % a Leper com-
Brjcrav avrtp o%Aoi TTOXXOI. Kai t5ou, Keirpos ing, prostrated himself,
after him crowds great. And lo, a leper saying, " Sir, if thou wilt,
eXOcov Trpotfetcvvsi avrcp, Xeyccv Kvpie, eav thou canst cleanse me."
coming prostrated to him, saying; O sir, if 3 And JESUS extending
OeAyis, dvvacrat fie Kadapicrai. €Kreivas his HAND, touched Mm,
thou wilt, thou art able me to cleanse. And putting forth
saying, " I will; be thou
T7}i' X€lPa> VxPaT0 avrov 6 1TJ(TOVS7 Xeyoov OeAw, clean:" and instantly he
the hand, he touched him the Jesus, saying; I will, was t purified from His
Ka9apio~8r)Ti. Kai evOeoos €Kadapicr6r] avrov 7] LEPROSY.
be thou cleansed. And immediately was cleansed of him the 4 Then JESUS says to
Xeirpa. 4 Kcu Xeyzi avrcp 6 lr)(Tovs' 'Opa /JLT)B<EVI him, "See that thou tell
leprosy. And says to him the Jesus; See no one no one; but go, J show
€t7rrjs' aXXa viraye^ tfeavrop 8e*£oj> rep lepei, thyself to the PRIEST, and
thou tell; but go, thyself show to the priest, present the t OBLATION
Kai irpo(T€f/€yK€ TO (Soopov, 6 irpotfera^e Mcoo'rjs, enjoined by Moses, for
and oifer the gift, which, commanded Moses, t Notifying [the cure] to
eis [xaprvpiov avrois. the people."
for a witness to them. 5 X And having entered
EicreXBovri §e avrq> sis K.airepvaov/ji9 irpocr- Capernaum, a f Centurion.
Having entered and to him into Capernaum, came came to him, earnestly
7]\&€v avrcp eKaroyrapxos, irapaKaX&v avrov, accosting him,
to him a centurion, addressing him, 6 and saying, " Sir, my
Kai Xsyw Kvpis, 6 irais ftov (SefiXyrai ev ry SERVANT is laid in the
and saying; O sir, the boy of me is laid in the HOUSE, seized with palsy,
oiKia irapaXvriKos, deiucos fiaa'avi^ofisvos. ? Kai being greatly afflicted."
house a paralytic, greatly being afflicted. And 7 * He says to him, " 3£
Xeyei avr<p 6 ITJO'OVS' E7C0 eXdow OepaTrevoroo am coming, and will cure
says to him the Jesus; I coming will heal him."
avrov. 8
K a i airoKpideis 6 kKarovrapxos ecpy}' 8 *An& the CENTURION
him. And answering the centurion said; answered, " Sir, I am not
Kupte, OVK eifxt trcavos iva fiov VTTO rr\v o'reyTjv worthy that thou shouldst
come under my ROOF;
Osir, not l a m fit that of me under the roof
but only command by
eiarcXdys' aXXa fiovov enre Xoyq>, Kai iaBf]- word, and my SERVANT
thou shouldst enter; but only apeak a word, and will be
o~erai o -jraisr JJLOV. 9 K a i yap syoo avOpoonros <EI/M will be cured:
healed the boy of me. 9 for even I am a man
Even for I a man am
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—29. their SCRIBES. 7. He says. 8. And. the CENTURION.
t 3. By such a sign did Moses convince the house of Israel that God had sent him; and the
Jews themselves confess that leprosy is the finger of God, a disease peculiarly of his sending
and removing; and that it is not lawful for the physician, or any but the priest directly
appointed in his course, so much as to attempt the cure of it.—Townson. t 4. A sin-
offering, and a burnt-offering with the meat-offering, and the priest shall make atonement
for him.—Lev. xiv. 31. t 4. for notifying [the cure] to the people—so Geo. Campbell
translates. The oblation could not be an evidence to the priest, as he had the privilege to
inspect the man in private, before he was permitted to enter the temple to make an oblation.
The ceremony consequent upon obtaining this permission, was the testimony of the priest
to the people, that the man's leprosy was removed, and that he was no longer excluded^from
society. T 5. A Roman officer, who had the command of one hundred soldiers.
% 28. Mark i. 22; Luke iv. 32. % 2. Mark i. 40-44 j Luke V, 18—14 X 4 Levi,
gl?» $-§2. % 5. Lukej8JLJC5$i'
tihap.Sl loj MATTHEW, [Chap. 8 : 18.

biro e^ova'iay, syjuv VT? efxavrov cr pandoras' * appointed under Autho-

Under authority, having under myself soldiers; rity, having soldiers under
Kai Xeycc rovrcf Uopevdrjri^ Kai iropeverai' icai me, say to this one, ' Go,'
and I say to this ; Go, and he goes; and and he goes; to another,
aXXcp' E p x o u , Kai e p ^ e r a r Kai rq> dovXcp /nov 'Come/ and he comes;
and to my SERVANT, Do
to another; Coine, and he comes ; and to the slave of me;
10 this,' and he does it."
TloiTjcroy TOVTO9 Kai iroiei. AKOVCTCLS Be 6
Do this, and he does. Hearing and the 10 And JESUS listen-
Irjcovs, edav/uao'e, Kai eiire rois ing, was astonished, and
Jesus, was astonished, and said to those following;
with him, " Indeed, I say
AfjLTjj/ Xeyco vfxiVj ovde ev rep lo-payX rocravrrjv to you, I have not found.
Indeed I say to you, not even in the Israel so great So-great Faith * among
wtcrriv evpov. -11 Aeyco Se VJXIV, on iroXXot aito any in ISRAEL :
faith I have found. I say but to you, that many from 11 and I assure you,
avaroXow Kai Stxr/xcoj/ ri^ovGi, KaiavaKXiOrjo'ovrai % That many will come
east and west will come, and will lie down from the East and from
(i€ra Afipaapi Kai IcraaK Kai Ia/cco/8 ev ry $a<nX- the "West, and will recline
with Abraam and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom with Abraham and Isaac
eiq, roav ovpavcav. Oi de vioi rrjs fiatfiXeias andJacoh, in the KING-
©fthe heavens. The but sons of the kingdom DOM of the HEAVENS;
€KfiXr\df\(rOVTCLl GIS TO (TKOTOS TO €^C0T€pOI/' 6/C61 12 $but the SONS of
shall be cast out into the darkness the outer; there the KINGDOM will he
ecrrai 6 KXav6p.os Kai 6 fipvy/nos rcoy odovrcov. :iriven into the t OUTER
willbe the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth. DARKNESS, where will he
K a i enrev 6 Irjffovs rep kKarovrapxv 'Y7raye, WEEPING and GNASHING
And said the Jesus to the centurion; Go,
of TEETH."
* [ / « u ] ws eiria'revo'as yevr)67]ra) troi. Kai ia6r] 13 Then
J E S U S said to
[and] as thou hast believed let it be done to thee. Andwashealed the CENTURION, " Go; he
6 ivais avrov ev rr\ copq, GKeivrj. it done to thee as thou
the boy of him
in the hour that. hast believed." And *the
Kai €Xda)V 6 1T)(TOVS eis rt)V oiKiav Tlerpov, SERVANT was IMMEDI-
And coming the Jesus into the house of Peter, ATELY restored.
eiSe rrjy irevdepav avrov ^e^Xrjfieprjj/ Kai irvpecr- 14 $Then JESUS enter-
saw the mother-in-law of him being laid down and burning ing into Peter's HOUSE,
o'ovcrav. K a i ytyaro TT)S xelP0S avrrjs, Kai saw his WIFE'S MOTHER
with fever. And he touched the hand of her, and lying sick of a fever:
a<pr)K€V avrt]V 6 Trvperos' Kai TjyepOT], Kai $ir)- 15 and he touched her
left her the fever; and arose, and minis- HAND, and the EEVER left
Kovei avrois. Oij/ias Se yevopLevqS) irpoo'7)vey- her; and she arose, and
tered to them. Evening now being come, they brought entertained *.Mm.
KOV avrcp daifAOvifr/uej/ovs rrroXXovs' Kai e£e/3aAe 16 J Now, in the even-
to him being possessed many; aud he cast out ing, they brought to him
ra TTj/evfiara Xoycp, Kai vavras rovs KaKoos many demoniacs; and he
the spirits by a word, and all those sickness expelled the SPIRITS with
exoyras edepairevo'ew ^ OTTCOS irXripoodri ro a Word, and cured ALL
having he healed; that might be fulfilled the the SICK;
prjdev fiia 'Uo'aiov rov Tcpocprjrov, Xeyovros' 17 that the WORD SPO-
word spoken through Esaias the prophet, saying; KEN through Isaiah the
PROPHET might be veri-
" A u r o s ras acrdeveias 7)/ncoi' eAa/3e, Kai ras fied, saying, $ t " H e has
"Himself the weaknesses ofus hetookaway, and the
"himself carried off our
vocrovs ejSacTTacrej/." " INEIRMITIES, and borne
diseases he removed."
18 "our DISTRESSES."
Idcou de 6 ITJO'OVS iroXXovs oxXovs irepi 18 And JESUS seeing
• Seeing and the Jesus great multitudes about
" * VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—9. appointed under. 10. among any in. 13. and—omit.
13. the SERVANT. 15. him.
t 12. Our Lord continues the image of a feast: the banqueting room was in the night illu-
minated with many lamps. He who is driven out of it and the house, is i n darkness, and the
further he is removed, the grosser the darkness.—Wetstein. t 17. " This man beareth
away our sins, and for us he is in sorrow."—Thomson's Septtiagint translation o/Isa. liii. 4.
t 11. Luke xiii. 29. t 12. Matt. xxi. 43. t H . Mark i. 29—21,- Lukeiv.&&
% 16. Mark i. 32; Luke iv,JQ. . %JlK Isa. liii, 4, • - -
dhap. 8: 19.] MATTHEW: ['fiay 8 28

avTov9 €K€A€V(Tev aireXQetv ets TO irepav. 19

Kai *a Crowd about him, gave
him, h e gave orders to depart to t h e other aide. And orders to pass to t h e f O P -
Tfpo(Te\9coj/ els ypa[A/j.a,T€vs, enrev avrop' AiSacr- POSITE-SIDE.
coming one scribe, said to h i m ; O teacher, 19 And a certain Scribe
KaXe, aKoAovOricrco tfoi, Sirov eav airepxy- 20
Kai approaching, said to him,
I will follsvr t h e e , where ever t h o u goest. And i " Rabbi, I will follow thee
Xeyei avT(p b \7]<rovs' At aXooireKes (poeXeovs wherever thou goest."
says to him the Jesus; The foxes dens 20 And J E S U S says to
€Xov(Ti, Kai ra irereiva rov ovpavov KaTacrKrjvoo- him, " The EOJ.ES have
they have, and t h e birds of t h e heaven nests; Holes, and the B I R D S of
H E A V E N places of shelter,'
<T€is' 6 de vtos rov avOpcoirov OVK e% 6 i j ^ov rrjy
t h e b u t son of t h e man n o t he has, where the b u t t h e S O N of M A N has
21 e not where h e may recline
Kf,<pa\7]u KXIVYJ. Erepos Se TOOV fiadrjToov
head he may rest. Another and of t h e disciples his HEAD."

avrov enrev avrq)' K u p j e , eiviTp^ov /JLOL irpoorov 21 A n d another, one of

of h i m said t o h i m ; O master, permit t h o u me first * t h c D I S C I P L E S said to
him, J "Master, permit me
aireXQeiv, KCU Oaipai TOP Trarepa fiov. ^ ' O 5V
to go, and t o bury the father of me. The but
first t o go a n d b u r y m y
lrj(Tovs enrev dVTcp' AicoXovOei /HOI, KCCL acpes
Jesus said to h i m ; Follow me, and leave
22 B u t J E S U S * says to
him, " F o l l o w m e ; and
rovs veKpovs Oaxpai rovs kavroov veicpovs. leave t h e DEAD ONES to
the dead ones to bury t h e of themselves dead ones.
23 inter T H E I R own Dead."
Kcu sfifiavri avrcp eis TO TTXOIOV, rjKoXovdr)" 23 T h e n going on board
And entering to him into the ship, followed
24 * a Boat, his DISCIPLES
crew avTcp ol fxaQr)Tai avrov. Kai idov, followed him.
to h i m t h e disciples of h i m . And lo, a commotion
24 J And beheld, there
jxtyas eyeveTO ev TTJ daAacrffr), wo're TO TTXOLOV arose a violent Tempest in
great arose in the sea, so as the ship
the LAKE, SO t h a t the
/caAv'/TTeardai VTTO TOOV KVfxaroov avTos 5e e/ca- BOAT was being covered
t o cover by the waves; he but was
25 by the B I L L O W S ; but fje
devde. Kai irpoo'eXOovTes oi imaOrjTai yyeipav was asleep.
asleep. And coming the disciples awoke
25 A n d *they came and
avTov, Xzyovres' Kupte, o'oocrov \J]jxas,~\ airoX- awoke him, saying, "Save,
him, saying; O master, do t h o u save [us,] we
M a s t e r ; we perish 1"
Xv/xeOa. K a i Xeyei CLVTOIS' T t deiXoi eo're, 26 And he says to them,
perish. And .he says t o t h e m : How timid y o u are,
" W h y are you afraid, O
oXiyoiricrroi; Tore eyepOeis €Tr€Ti]iL7jo'€ TOLS you distrustful?" T h e n
O you of weak faith? Then arising he rebuked the arising, h e rebuked t h e
ave/jiois Kai TXJ daXXacry /cat eyevero yaXrjvrj W I N D S a n d t h e S E A , aaad
winds and t h e sea; and there was a calm there wras a great Calm.
fityaXi), 0 i 5e avdpooTroi eOav/xaa'au, XeyovTes' 27 And t h e M E N were
great. T h e and men were astonished,' saying; astonished, saying, " How
Tlorairos eo*Tiv OVTOS. OTl Kai Ol avzfxoi Kai 7) great is this man', for
"What is this, that even t h e winds and the even t h e "WINDS and t h e
daXacro'a viraKovovo'iv avTcp ; SEA obey h i m . "
sea hearken to him? 28 t And coming to t h ?
Kat GXQOVTL avTq) eis TO 7repav, eis rrjv O P P O S I T E - S I D E , into t h e
And coming to him to t h e other side, i n t o the REGION of the * GADA- .
%uipav TOOV Tepyecrrjvoov, vrrrjVTTjo'av avTqp dvo U E N E S , t h e r e m e t h i m two
country of t h e Gergesenes, met him two Demoniacs, coming forth
Sai/j.ovi(ojLi€voi, €K TOW jmvrj/neioov e^epxo/nevoi, from t h e M O N U M E N T S , SO
being demonized. out of t h e sepulchres coming forth, very furious, t h a t no one
X&Xeiroi Xiav, ware fir) io~x w Tiva irapeXdsiv was able to pass alon^ b y
fierce very, so t h a t n o t t o be able any one t o pass along that ROAD.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—18. a Crowd. 21. the DISCIPLES. 22. says. ;o. a

Boat—so Lachmann and Tischendorf. 25. they came. 25. "us—omit. 28. \..-. ..>A-
RBjyftS—so Tischendorf; but Lachmann reads GERASENES.
1 18. Opposite side or shore of the Lake Gennesareth. Crossing this lake does not always
denote sailing trom the east side to the west, or inversely; though the river Jordan, both
above and below the lake, ran southwards. The lake was or such a form, that, without any
impropriety, it might be said to be crossed in other directions, even by those who kept on
the same side of the Jordan.—Campbell.
t 19. Luke ix. 57. J 21. Luke ix, 59. % 24. Mark iv. 87; Luke viik 18.
% 28. Mark y 1 ; Luke viii. 26.
Vhap.Qi 89.] MATTHEW, [Chap. 9: %

dia TT)V $$ov eK€LPr}$. 29

Kai iBov, €Kpa£av 29 And, behold, they
by the way that. And lo, they cried out cried out, saying, " What
Xeyovres' Ti 7]jxiv Kai (TOi, vfc rov 9eov; HA- hast thou to do with us,
saying; What to us and to thee, O son ofthe God? Comest 0 Son of G O D ? Comest
30 thou hither before t h e ap-
6es « § e irpo Kcupov f$ao~avio~ai rj^xas; H y Se pointed Time, to torment
thou here before a destined time to torment us? There was now
fxoLKpav a?r' avrcav ayeXrj %oipcav TTOXXGOV
at some distance from them a herd of swine many
30 Now there was a\,
31 some distance from then?
(3o(TKO{i€V7). O i de Bai/j,oj/es TrapeKaXovv avrov, a great H e r d of Swine
feeding. The and demons implored him,
Xcyoures' EL cKfiaXXeis Tj/xas, airocrreiXoy rj/Ltas 31 And the DEMONS
saying; If thou cast out us, sead us
32 implored him, saying, " If
e/s ry\v ayeXrjy rooy -)(pip(av« KCCL siirev avrois' thou dismiss u s , send u s
to the herd ofthe swine. And he said to them;
away to the HERD of
'Yirayerc. Oi $ e e£eA0oz>T€s aTvqXQov eis rovs SWINE."
(?o; They and coming out they went to the
32 And he said to them,
Xoipovs. Kai iSov, oop{xr)cre Tracra 7) ayeXrj Kara " Go." And T H E Y , going
swine. And lo, rushed whole the herd down
forth, went away t o t h e
rov KpyfAvov eis ry\v QaXacrcrav^ Kai aiveQavov ev S W I N E ; a n d behold, t h e
the steep place into the lake, and died in Whole H E R D rushed down
rois vDacriv. ^ 0 / 5e $oo~Kovres ecpvyov, Kai t t h e P R E C I P I C E into t h e
the waters. They and feeding them fled, and L A K E , and perished i n t h e
aireXdovres eis TT\V TXOXIV, airqyyeiXav Travra, WATERS.
arriving at the eity, related all, 33 T h e n t h e S W I N E -
Kai ra rcav haijxovi^ojxevcov. K a i ifiov, Tracra H E R D S fled, a n d reaching
and that of those being demonized. And lo, whole t h e C I T Y , related all this,
7} TTOXIS e^r]X0€U eis crvvavry\criv ray Irjcrov Kai a n d t h e T H I N G S concern-
the city went out to a meeting to the Jesus; aud ing t h e D E M O N I A C S .
iDovres avrov, irapefcaXecrav, biroos fxera&r) 34 A n d presently t h e
seeing him, they entreated, that he would depart Whole CITY came forth to
aira Tu>v opieov avroov. meet J E S U S , a n d seeing
from the coasts of them. him, they entreated t h a t
h e would retire from their
KE#. B'. 9,
K a t e/nfias eis ro irXoiov^ BieTrepacre, Kai CHAPTER IX.
And stopping into the boat, he passed over, aud 1 Then stepping on
7]X0€y eis ri}v idiuy iroXiv. K a i ifiov, Trpocrecpepov board * a Boat, he crossed
came to the own city. And lo, they brought t h e lake, a n d came to his
aVTCp, TTOLpaXVTlKOV) €7Ti KXlV7}S fiefiX7)lAej/0V. X OWN City.
to him, a paralytic, upon a bed lying. 2 A n d they brought to
K a : idoov 5 lr)crovs rrjv Tricrriv avrcav^ enre rep him a paralytic, lying on
And seeing the Jesus the faith of them, he said to the a Bed: and J E S U S per-
irapaXvTiKcp' ©apcrei, reKVov a(pecoi/rai *[cror\ ceiving their E A I T H , said
paralytie; Take courage, son; are forgiven [thee] to t h e P A R A L Y T I C , " Son,

* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T — 1 . a Boat. 2. thee—omit
t 32. The following1 extract from "Hackett's Tour in the Holy Land," will serve as an illus-
tration :—"COUNTRY OS THE GADABENES.—I spent a night, and part of two days, in the vi-
cinity ofthe Lake of Tiberias. My tent was pitched near the Hot Baths, about a mile south
ofthe town of Tiberias, and, consequently, near the south end ofthe lake. In looking across
the water to the other side, I-had before me the country of the Gadarenes, where the swine,
impelled by an evil spirit, plunged into the sea. I was struck with a mark of accuracy in the
sacred writers, which had never occurred to me till then. They state that ' t h e swine ran
violently down the steep place or precipice,' (the article being required by the Greek,) 'and
were choked in the waters/ I t is implied here, first, the hills in that region approach near
the water; and, secondly, that they fall off so abruptly along the shore, that it would be na-
tural for a writer, familiar with that fact, to refer to it as well known. Both these implica-
tions are* correct. A mass of rocky hills overlook the sea on that side, so near the water,
that one sees their dark outline reflected from its surface, while their sides, in general, are
so steep, that a person familiar with the scenery would hardly think of speaking of a 'Steep
place or precipice, where so much of the coast forms but one continuous precipice. Our
translators omit the definite article, and show, by this inadvertence, how naturally ine mor«
exact knowledge ofthe Evangelists influenced their language."
% 1. Mattiv.IS,? t 2. Mark ii. 3 : Luke v. 18.-
diqp. 9: 3.] MATTHEW. [Map. 9: 13.
at ajuaprtai <rov. s K c u i$ov, rives rcav ypappia- take courage; Thy SINS
the sin* of thee. And lo, some of the scribes are forgiven."
T€0)v eiirov ev kavrois' Ovros jSAacr^rj/xei. 4
Kcu 3 And behold, some of
said among themselves; This blasphemes. And the SCRIBES said among
^(DV 6 Irjarovs ras evdv/xrjcreis avr^v, enrev themselves, " This man
knowing the Jesus the thoughts of them, says; blasphemes." -_
'Iran vfieis evdv/jieicrde irovypa ev rais Kapdiais 4 But JESUS discerning
Why you think evils their THOUGHTS, said,
in the hearts
fi(tiv; 5
T f yap ecrriv evKOTVCOTepov ; eiiretv "[things]
Why do you think evil
in your HEARTS ?
-^youP Which for is easier? to say;
5 For, which is easier ?
htyecovrai crov at aftapriai; 77 emeu/' Eyeipat to say, * Thy SINS are for-
Are forgiven of thee the sing? or to say: Arise
given; or to say, [with
Kai Ttepnrarei; ^Iva §e etdrjre on e^ovo'ia.v effect,] Arise, and walk ?
and walk? That but you may know that authority 6 But that you may
e^ei 6 vtos rov avdpcairov eTri rrjs yr)s acpievai know that the SON of MAN
has the son of the man on the earth to forgive has Authority on EARTH
ctfiaprtas' {rore Xeyei rep irapaXvriKy} TLyep- to forgive Sins," (then he
sins; (then he says to the paralytic;) Arising says to the PARALYTIC,)
Qeis apov o~ov ryv KXIVTJV, Kai i>7ra'ye eis rov "Arise, take up Thy BED,
take up of thee ihe bed, and go into the and go to thy HOUSE."
OIKOV cov. ? K c u eyepOeis a7rr]X6ev eis rov OIKOV 7 And arising, he went
house of thee. And arising he went to the house to his HOUSE.
avrov. Idovres <5e oi o%A.oi eOav/uiacrav, Kai 8 And the PEOPLE see-
of him. Seeing and the crowds wondered, and ing it, *feared and praised
efto^aaav rov 6eovy rov dovra e^ovcriav roiavrr^v THAT GOD who had GIVEN
glorified the God, that having given authority so great such Authority to T&EH.
rots avOpooTTois. 9 % And JESUS, parsing
to the men. on from thence, sa.v a
K a i ivapayoov d ITJO'OVS eKeidev, eiSev avdpco- Man, named Matthew,
And passing on the Jesus from thence, he saw a man sitting at the t TAX-OE-
irov Kadrjiaevov eiri ro reXooviov, MarOatov EICE ; and he says to him,
sitting at the custom-house, Matthew "Follow me." And he
Xeyofievov Kai Xeyei avrcc' AxoXovOei JHOL. arose, and followed him.
being named; and he say6 to him; Follow me.
10 10 And it came to pass,
Kai avacrras rjKoXovOrjcrev avrcp. Kai eyevero, as he was reclining at ta-
And rising up he followed him. And it happened,
ble in his HOUSE, behold,
avrov avaK.ei}xevov ev rr\ oiKiq, Kai idov, TTOXXOI % Many Tribute-takers
of him reclining at table in the house, and lo, many
and t Sinners coming,
reXoovai Kai ctfiaprcoXoi eXOovres crvvaveKeivro reclined with JESUS and
publicans and sinners coming reclined his DISCIPLES.
rep l7]crov Kai rois /xadrjrais avrov. Kai 11 And the PHARISEES
with the Jesus and the disciples of him. And observing it, said to his
idovres oi 4>apio~aioi eiirov rois fiadrjrais avrov DISCIPLES, J " W h y does
seeing the Pharisees said to the disciples of him; your TEACHER 3f,t with
A i a n fxera rcov reXcovcov Kai a/naprcoXcov eo'diei TRIBUTE TAKERS and
Why the with
publicans and sinners Sinners ?"
6 didacTKaXos VJXCOV ; 1 2 f O he lycrovs aKovcras, 12 But * HE hearing iC,
the teacher of you? The and Jesus bearing' says, " THEY who are in
€nrev*[avrois,~] Ov ^peiav eyjivciv oi laxvovres HEALTH have no need of
says [to them;] No need have those being well a Physician, but THEY
13 who are SICK.
larpov, aAA.' oi KaKoos e%ovres. TlopevOevres
of a physician, but those sick being. You are going 13 But go, and learn
ii what that is, J ' I desire
§€ fxaOere, ri eo~riv EXeov OeXoo, Kai ov
but learn what is; Mercy I wish, and not
* VATICAH MANUSCRIPT—5. Thy s i n s . 8. feared—so Lach. and Tisch. 12. HE
hearing. 12. to them—omit.
t 9. Probably an office erected on the side of the lake for collecting toll of passengers, and
receiving the customs for goods carried by water. t 10. The word hamartoolos, sinner, is
generally ased in the Gospels, and indeed throughout the N. T., either to signify a Gentile,
or such of the Jews who, from their illicit practices, were looked upon i n the same light
with the Gentiles. See Gal. ii. 15.
t 9. Mark ii. 14; Luke v. 27» t 10. Mark ii. 15; L.\ike v. 29 t H . Luke xv. %
:18, Hos, vi. 6; Matt. xii. jr.
Cfaqp. 9: 14.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 9 : S3.

Bvcriav." Ov yap rjXdov KaXecrai SLKCUOVS, aXX3 ' Compassion, t and not
a sacrifice." Not for I arm come to call just persons, but ' a Sacrifice;' for I came
not to call Righteous men,
afiaprcaXovs. but Sinners."
14 14 Then John's DISCI-
ToTe irpoffepxoPTcu avrcpol fiaOrjrai \<aa,vvov, PLES accosting him, said,
Then came to him the disciples
of John,
t" S2Ee and the P H A E I -
Xeyoyres' Atari rj/neis Kai ol $apio~aioi yv^rev SEES fast, why not also
saying; Why we and the Pharisees fast thy DISCIPLES?"
o/xej/*[7roAAa,] ol $€ /Liadyrai crovov vrjcrrevovxri; 15 And JESUS says tc
[much,] the but
disciples of thee not fastP them, J "Can theBELPE..
Kai ewe? avrois 6
IT}0"OVS' M77 hvvavrai ol vloi MEN mourn, while the
And says to them the Jesus Not are able the sons B1UDEGB.OOM is With
T0V VVjACpQOVOS TTevdtlV) €(fi OtfOV [AST* aVTOOV them ? But the Time will
of the bridal chamber to mourn, in as much with them
come, when the B E I D E -
ccrriv 6 yv/Kpios ; EAevoWTai 5e Tj/nepaL, brav Gitooir will be taken from
is the bridegroom? Shall come but days, when them, t and then they w i'l
airapdj) air3 avrwv 6 j/v/acpios, Kai rore i/yicrrev- fast.
may be taken from them the bridegroom, and then they shaH 16 No one puis a Piece
crovcriv. 16 Ou&eis 5e eirifiaXXei €7nj3A7]]ULa patcovs of undressed CUoth on an
fast. No one now puts a patch of cloth old Garment; because the
ayvacpov eiri t^anc*) nraXaicp' aipzi yap TO TTXTJ- PATCH itself w uld tear
unfulled on to a mantle old; takes away for the patch the GARMENT, and a worse
poofia avrou arro rov lfiariov9 Kai y^ipov o*xio~{xa Rent be made.
of it from the mantle, and worse a rent 17 Neither do persons
yiverai. ^ Ou5e fiaXXov&iv oivov yeov ets put new Wine into old
becomes. Nor do they put wine new into T Skin* ; for if they do, tbe
affKovs TfaXaiovs' ei 8e fi7]ye9 pv}yvvvraiol acnoi^ SKI i > • burst, and the
bottles oldj if but not, burst the bottles, WINE is spilled, and the
Kai 6 oivos eKXtiTai, Kai ol affKoi aitoXovvrai' SKINS are destroyed: but
and the vrine is spilled, they put new Wine into
and the bottles are destroyed;
aXXa fiaXXovcriv oivov VGQV eis affKovs new Skms, and both are
but they put wine new into bottles preserved."
Kai afjuporepoi crvvrypovvrai. 18 % While he was thus
and both are preserved together. speaking to them, a cer-
Tavra avrouXaXovj/Tos, avrois, iSov, ap%(av tain Ruler coming, pros-
These of him speakings to them, lo, a ruler trated to him, saying,
els eXOwy irpoo'eKvi/ei avra>v Xeyoov " On 7) " My DAUGHTEB, IS by
uertam coming prostrated to him, saying; That the this time dead; but come,
Ovyarijp fiov apri ereXevrrj&ei/' aXXa €X6ooi/ lay thy HAND on her,
daughter of me now is dead; but coming
anc? she will revive."
eirides TV)V X*LPa <rov e7r
' avrrju, Kai ^qcrerai. 19 And JESUS arising,
lay the hand of thee upon her, and she shall live. with his DISCIPLES, fol-
K a i eyepdeis 6 ITJO'OUS 7}KOXOV6T)0'6I/ avrep, lowed him.
And arising the Jesus went after him,
•20 t And, behold, a Wo-
man, having been afflicted
Kai ol jLiadTjrai avrov, -20 K a i idov, yvvr) at/nop- with an hemorrhage for
and the disciples of him. And lo, a woman having a
Twelve Years, coming be-
poovara 5a>5e/ca en), irpoo'eXOovcra oirio'Oev, liind, touched the TUFT of
flow of blood twelve years, approaching behind, his MANTLE ;
7]\f/aTO rov Kpacriredov trov l/jtariov avrou. EA- 21 for she said within
touched the tuft of the mantle of him. She herself, " I f I can only
eye yap ev eavry ILav fxovov a^wjuai T V Ijxariov touch his MANTLE, I shall
said for within herself; • If only loan touch the mantle be cured.'"'
avrov, o'oodrjO'o/JLai. ^'O §e lycrovs eiricrpanels 22 J E S U S turning, and
of him, I shall be healed. The but Jesus turning1
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—14. much—omit.
t 13. " I desire mercy, rather than sacrifice."—Septuaffint. t 15. The force of our
Lord's answer will appear more appropriate from the fact that John was now in prison,
BO that his followers were fasting in consequence of their master's removal from them.
•f 17. Skins of the kid were very much used by the ancients for their wine. They were used
whole, and the openings for the legs and head, were tied up with strings. They were net
strong enough to be used a second time for the same purpose.—Samuel Sharpe.
% 14. Mark ii. 18: Luke v. 33. t 15. John iii. 29. X 18. Mark v. 22; Lilkc viii t 41.
t §Q. Mark v„ 2S j Luke viii. 4§.
Chap. § : SS.] MATTHEW. '[Chap. 9 : 33.

/cat i8oov auT^y, enre* %aptfei, dvyarep' 7) seeing her, said, "Talc
sad seeing her, said; Take courage, daughter; the courage, Daughter; thy
maris crov (recr&Ke ere. K a i ecooBr] 7) yvvy\ cnro FAITH has cured thee."
faith of thee has saved thee. And was well the woman from And the WOMAN was wel
rj]S wpas €K€iv7]s. 23
Kai eXQcov 6 Irjtfovs eis from that HOUR.
the hour ofthat. And coming the Jesus into 23 X J E S U S being come
T7]v oiKiav TOV apxovros, KCU tdoov TOVS avATjras, into the RULER'S HOUSE,
and seeing the f FLUTE-
the house of the ruler, • and seeing the flute-players,
24 P L A Y E R S and t h e CROWD
Kai TOV oxXov Qopvfiov/Jievov, Xeyei *[avrois'^ making lamentation,
and the crowd making a noise, says [tothern;]
24 says to them, "Leave
Apax^perre* ov yap aireOave TO Kopaaiov, aXXa the place ; for the GIRL
"Withdraw; not for is dead the girl, but is not dead, but sleeps."
KaOevfiei. K a i KareyeXcvv avrov. ' O r e 8e And they derided him.
sleeps. And they derided him. When but 25 But when the COM-
££e(3\7)d7) 6 o%Aos, eio~eXdccv eKparrjcre TTJS PANY was excluded, he
they put out the crowd, he entering took hold
of the entering in, grasped her
XeLpos avTTjs' KOU rjyzpdr) TO Kopaciov. Kai HAND, and the GIRL was
hand of her;
and was raised the girl. And raised.
f^XOev i) (pr}jU7) auTT) ets OXTJV TTJV yrjv etteiVTjv. 26 And the REPORT of
went forth the report this ista all the land that. tliis [miracle] went forth
through All that REGION.
27 And J E S U S passing
^K-ai irapayovrt €K€iO€V T(t> Irjcrov, TJKOXOU- from thence, Two Blind
And passing oa fromthere the Jesus, went men followed, exclaiming,
drjaav "*[auT^] dvo Tu</>Aoi, Kpa&vres Kai " 0 Son of David, have
after Thim] two blind men, crying out and compassion on uci!"
XeyovTes' EXer/irov rj/nas, vU Aavid. ~EX9ovri 28 And being come into
saying; Have pity on us, O son of David. Being come the HOUSE, the BLIND
8e eis TT\V oiKiaVy vrpoo-rjXdov avrcp ol rvcpXoi, men came to hmi; and
and into the housC| came to him the blind men, JESUS says to them, " Do
Kai Aeyei avTois 6 Irjo'ovs' Uio~reveT£> on dvva- you believe That I can do
and says to them the Jesus; Do you believe, that I am this ?" They reply to him,
fiat TOVTO iroi'fjcrai; Aeyovcriv avrcf N a : Kvpie. "Yes, Master."
able this to do ? They say to him; Yes O master; 29 Then he touched
•"9ToT6 7)\^aro roov ocpQaXjxoiv avrcav, Xsyoov their EYES, saying, "Be it
Then he touched the eye» of them, saying done to you according to
KaTa TT)U Trier iv V/AOOV yevr\9r]T(a vfxiv*
Kai your F A I T H . "
According to the faith. of you be it done to you. .» 30 And Their EYES
av^cpx%7]<rav &VT<JOV oi o<pQa\fxoi. K a i eveftpifjnj- were opened; and J E S U S
were opened of them the eyes. And strictly strictly charged them,
(faro avrois o Irjcrovs, Xeyaw 'Opare, jj.7}8eis saying, " See that you in-
form no one."
charged them the Jesus. saying; See, no one
3 1 31 But THEY, having
ytvcocrKercc. 0 / 8e e£eA0ovres die(pr)fxicav
departed, spread his fame
knows. They but having gone published
32 through Alt that LAND.
avrov ev oXy ry yy GKzivy. Avrcov 8e e^ep- 32 Now, as these meis
him in all the land that. These and going were going out, behold,
XOfxevcov, idov, irpocrrjvzyKav avrcp avdpcoirov J there was brought t©
away, lo, they brought to him a man him a Dumb man, being
Koo<pov, SatiJLOvi&fievoVo ^ K a i eK^XTjOevros TOV demonized.
dumb, being demonized. And having cast out the 33 And the DEMON
daifxoviov, eXaXrjarQy 0 Kcacpos. Kai edav/nacrai? having been expelled, the
demon, spoke the dumb. And wers astonishcc' DUMB man spoke, and. the
oi o%A.oi, Xeyovres' Oudeirore s(f>avr} ovroos ev PEOPLE were astonished,
the crowds, saying; Never was it seen thus in saying, "Never was it
thus seen in I S R A E L ! "

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—24. to them—omit. 27. him—omit.

t 23. Servius on Virgil says, " T h e funerals of the elder sort with the trumpet, and those
of the younger with the flute." Lightfoot remarks, "On the death of his wife even the poor-
est Jew will afford not less than two pipes (or flutes,) and one woman to make laouentation,."
Bee 2 Chron. xxxv. 25; Eccles. xii. 5; Jer. ix. 17; xlviii. 36.
X 23, Hark v. 38; Luke viii. 61. X 32. MiM. sii. 22 ; Luke m. J4*
Chap, 9; 84.]; MATTHEW.^ I Chap, 10: 5.

r<p I&parjX. 34
Oi 5e $apio,aioi eXeyov Ev r<j> '*' 34 But the PHARISEES
t o t h e Israel. The but Pharisees said; By the said, %" He expels the
apxovri rcav fiaifioj/icov 6KJ3aXXei ra haijxovia. DEMONS by the PRINCE
yrince of t h e demons he casts out the demons, of the DEMONS."
35 irepiriyev 6 Irjcrovs ras iroXeis iracras 35 $And JESUS went
And went about the Jesus the cities all through all the CITIES
KCU ras Kcv/nas, diSctcrtceoi/ eu rais o~vvayooyais and VILLAGES teaching
and the villages, teaching in the synagogues in their SYNAGOGUES, and
avrcov, KCU Krjpvcro'oov ro avayyeXiov rrjs fiacriX- announcing the GLAD TI-
ofthem, and publishing the glad tidings of t h e kingdom, DINGS of the KINGDOM,
etas, Kai Oepanevoov iracrav vovov KCU Traaav
and curing Every Disease
and healing every disease and every and Every Malady.
IxaXcLKiav. 36 X And beholding the
malady. CROWDS, he deeply pitied
I S W F 5e rovs ox^ovs,' ecirXayxvio'dT] irepi them, Because they were
Seeing and the crowds, he was moved with pity for being harassed and dis-
aVTGOV, OTl 7](TavJ SCTKvX/LL<cVOl KCU eppifJ.fJLei'Ol, persed, as Sheep having
them, because t h e y were jaded and scattered, no Shepherd.
Qi&ei TrpoPaTa fJLTf 6%or'Ta iroi^eva. T O T 6 Xeyei 37 Then he says to his
like sheep not having a snepherd. Then he says
TOIS fxadr^rais avrov e O p.ev bepio'/nos TTOXVS, O! VEST indeed is great, but
to t h e disciples of h i m ; The indeed harvest plenteous, t h e
the REAPERS are few;
5e epyarai oXiyoi. ^ AerjOrjre ovv rov Kvpiov 38 beseech, therefore,
but laborers few. Implore then the lord
the LORD of the HAR-
rov dtOKT/xov, birws , €K{3aXr) epyaras €is TOP VEST, that he would send
of t h e harvest, that h e would send o u t laborers into the
1 Laborers to REAP it."
Oepio-jnov avrov. KE<I\ i. 1 0 . Kai Trpocr-
harveet of him. And having
KaXecrajxepos rovs 5&>5eKa fxaGrjras avrov, edco-
called the twelve disciples of him, he 1 And having summon-
K€V avrois e^ovcriav Trvevfxarcav aKaOaprccj/, ooo're ed his TWELVE Disciples,
gave to them authority spirits unclean, so as X he gave them Authority
eKfiaXXeiv avra, Kai Qepaireveiv iratfav voo^ov to expel impure Spirits,
to cast out them, and t o heal every disease and to cure Diseases and
Kai tcao~av \xaXaKiav. Maladies of Every kind.
and every malady. 2 Now these are thf
. 2 T W 5e dcodeKa aTrocrroXeov ra ovofxara 1
Of t h e now twelve apostles the names Apostles; The first, THAT
eo'ri ravra' irpcoros^ ~%i\xwv 6 Xeyo/xei/os Simon, NAMED Peter, and
are these; first, Simon that being called Andrew his BROTHER ;
TLerpos, Kai Avdpeas 6 a5eX<f)os avrov laKco- THAT James, son cf Z E B E -
Peter, and Andrew the brother of h i m ; James D E E , and John his BRO-
j3os 6 rov Zefiedaiov, Kai \ooawf\s 6 adeXcpos THER ;
that ofthe Zebedee, and John the brother 3 Philip and Bartholo-
avrov ^LXLTTTTOS, KaiBapdoXo/naios' &oojxas,Kai mew; Thomas, and Mat-
of h i m ; Philip, and Bartholomew; Thomas, and thew the TRIBUTE TA-
Mardaios 6 reXcourjs' laKoofios 6 rov AX<paLov, KER; THAT James, son
Matthew t h e tax-gatherer; James that ofthe Alpheus,
of A L P H E U S ; and Thad-
Kai *[Ae/3/3cuos 6 eTriKXrjdeis^ ©addaios' 4^i/ncov deus ;
and [Lebbeus that surnamed] Thaddeus; Simon
4 Simon the Canaanite;
6 Kavavirrjs, Kai lovdas 6 lo'Kapicorrjs, 6 Kai and THAT Judas Iscariot,
t h e Canaauite, and Juda» that Iscariot, w h o even
who even delivered him
Trapadovs avrov, up.
delivered u p him.
Tovrovs rovs 5<ySe«:a atrecrreiXev 6 IrjcrovSy 5 These TWELVE J E S U S
These the twelve sent forth the Jesus commissioned, instructing
irapayyeiXas avrois, Xtyoov Eis odov eOvoov fxrj them, Away to
saying, " Go not
the Gentiles, and
commanding them, saying; I n t o a load of Gentiles n o t
aneXOrjre, Kai eis iroXiv ^ajxapzircov fxr) eicreX- enter not any city of the
Samaritans j
you may go, and i n t o a city of Samaritans n o t you m a y

* VATICAN MANUSCB.IPT—3. TEAT Lebbseus, surnamed—omit.

J 34. Mark iii. 22; t 35. Mark vi. 6; Luks xiii. 22. % 33. Mark vi. 34; Esek.
^X3.v. 5 j Jesr, xxxii, !•—4, % 3?. Lube x. 2; John iv. g % 1. Mark i i i 18; ix. 1*,
tihap. 10: 6.] MATTHEW. ®**P- 10: 17-
6r]T€o 6
liopet>eo w 0e § e fiaXXop wpos ra irpofiara 6 % B u t go rather to the
inter. Go you but rather to the sheep PERISHING SLEEP of t h e
TCL airoXcoXora OLKOV l<?pa7]X, ? U.opevojj,<spoL 5e Stock of Israel.
the perishing house of Israel. Passing en yoi;.- way and 7 t A n d a s J 0 1 1 S°> P r o '
Kr)pv<T<T€Te, Xeyopres' 'On fiacriXeia claim, s a y i n g , The K I N G -
rjyy LKGV T)
preach you, saying; DOM of t h e riEAVENs h a s
That hr.-; come nigh the kingdom
roop ovpavcau. 8
ACTOGPOVPTCIS Oepairevere? P€K~ approached.'
of the heavens. Those being sick heal, dead 8 H e a l the Sick, f [raise
povs eyeipere, Xeirpovs KadapL^ere, Scu/nopia t h e ^lead,] cleanse Lepers,
ones raise up, lepers cleanse, demons expel D e m o n s ; freely you
€/c$aAAeT€* deopeap eAa/3e-re, Scepeap Sore. have received, freely give.
cast out; freely you have received, freely give. 9 Provide neither Gold,
9 nor Silver, n o r Copper, i n
M17 KrvcriaQe xPV(Tot/i I^V^€ apyvpop, /jL7)de
your t G I R D L E S ;
Not provide gold nor silver, nor
X^XKOP as ras £eovas V/JLCOP- 10fX7] Trr\pav €is o$op, 10 carry h o Traveling
copper ia the belts of you; not a bag for a journey, Bag, n o spare Clothes,
JJL71§€ dvo %ircoi/as, /nr]de birodrjfiaTa,/jtrjde pafifiov. Shoes, or Staff; £ lor t h e
nor two tnnics, nor sandals, nor a staff. W O R K M A N is worthy of
Ai-ios yap d epyarrjs TTJS Tpo(p7]S avrov ecrrip. his M A I N T E N A N C E .
Worthy for the laborer of the food of him is. 11 A n d whatever City
Eis T)P S 5 av TTOXLP 7) KoofJ/qv eLcreXdTjre, or Village y o u enter, in-
Into what and ever city or country-town you may enter, quire w h a t worthy person
e^eracrare, ris €p avrrj a^ios ecrrr KctKet, /j.eipare, resides t h e r e ; and remain
search out, who in her worthy i s ; and there abide, with h i m till you leave
€00S CLP e^€K07]Te. 1
^JLl(T€pXOfJ>€J'OL 5e €LS T7]P the place.
till you go thence. Entering and into the 12 W h e n you enter t h e
OLKLCLP, aenracracrde avrTjp. 13
Kcu eap JULSP rj H O U S E , salute t h e family
house, salute her. And if indeed maybe 13 A n d if t h e P A M I L I
7} QiKia a £ m , eXOerco i) eipy]vr] v/acop CTT' avrrjp. he w o r t h y , let t h e P E A C E
the house worthy, let come the peace of you on her; you wish come upon
sap 5e fir) y a^ia, 77 eLpqprj VJXOOP itpos v/nas t h e m ; b u t if nmworthy,
if but not may be worthy, the peace of you to you let your PEACJ, return
€TTL(TTpa^)r)rco. 14
K c u 6s cap fir} defyrai vfias, * upon yourselves.
let it turn. And who if not may receive you, 14 A n d whoever will
fxrjde aKovffr) rovs Xoyovs b/jtoip, e^pxo/uepoi TTJS not receive you, nor hear
nor hear the words of you, coming out of the y o u r W O R D S , i n departing
oiKias 7] TTJS TTOXSGOS eK€ij/rjS, eKrij/a^are TOP from t h a t H O U S E or CITY,
house or efthe city that, shake off the s h a k e t h e D U S T off your
dust of the feet of you. Indeed I say to you, 15 Indeed, I say to you,
a,P€KTOT€pOP kffTOLl yj) 'SoSo/il&P .iCLlYojAOppOOP €P Jit will be more endurable
more tolerable will be land of Sodom and Gomorrah in for t h e Land of Sodom
7)(X€pa Kpi(T€60S, 7} T7} TTOXei €K€IPT}. 16
l$OV> tyO) and Gomorrah, i n a Day
a day of trial, than the city 'hat Lo, I of J u d g m e n t , t h a n for
airocrreXXco v/bias ws TrpofSara ep fiea'co XVKCOP. that CITY.
send you as sheep in midst of wolves, 16 J Behold! $ send
Tipzcrdc OVP (ppopifjioi &s ol o<peis, Kai cuczpaioi you forth as Sheep * into
Be ye therefore wise as the serpents, and artlesa the Midst of Wolves; be,
&s at TrepuTTepcu. therefore, sagacious as
aa the doves. SERPENTS, and innocent
Upocr^x^re $e aixo reap apOpcoTrcop. Tlapa- as D O V E S .
Take heed and of the men, They will 17 B u t beware of these
^oocrova'L yap V/JLCLS eis crvpcdpLa, KCLI -y rats M E N ; J for they will de-
hand over for you to sanhedrims, and in the liver you u p to High

VATICAK MANUSCRIPT—13. upon you. 16, into

t 8. [Kaise the Dead.] This clar.-o, though found in the Vatican, is -wanting in a great
number of MSS„ Griesbach excluded iu from his first edition of the Greek text, but inserted
it in subsequent editions, marked as doubtfuL Campbell, Wetstein, and Wakefield reject it.
Macknight, Whitby, and Doddridge think it better to retain the clause, as i t is evident some
passages in this discourse refer to events which did not immediately take place. See verses
18, 21, 23. t 9. Their purses were commonly in their girdles.
J a. Isa. 1111. a; .Acts xiii, 46. t 7„ Mark vi. a; Luke ix. 3 j s . 7. % 10. U Tim. T. 1%
;i5. Haft. xi. 2% n. % 10. i u k e - . 3. % 17, Mafct. xxiv. 9.
map. 10: 18.] MATTHEW, {Chap. 10: 26

rvvaycayais avrcov fiao'Tiycoo'ovo'iv Councils, and scourge you

vjuas' 18
synagogues ot them they shall scourge you; and
in their SYNAGOGUES ;
18 and they will bring
eiri yytfxovas 5e /cat fiao'iXeis a%0?7(r€cr0e kvsKtv you before Governors and
before governors and also kings you shall be lead on account
Kings, on my account, to
e/xov, as fiapTvpiov avrois /cat rois eOvecriv. bear Testimony to them
of me, for a witness to them and to the nations. and the GENTILES.
Orau §e itapa^L^wffiv, fxi) fjLepi/JLU7]o'riT€i 19 % But when they de-
When but they shall deliver up you, not you may be anxious, liver you up, be not anxi-
ircos 7\ ri \a\r)rrrjT€' BoOrjceraL yap v/uiv ev ous how, or what you
how or what you must speak; it shall be given for to you in shall speak, because what
eK€tvri TT) oopa, n XaXTjo'ere. Ov yap v/neis you should say shall be
that the hour, what you shall speak. Not for you suggested to you in That
€<TT€ ol XaXoovres, aXXa TO irvevfxa TOU irarpos MOMENT.
are the speaking, but the spirit of the father 20 For it is not gou
vfACoV) TO XaXovv ep VJXIV. 2 1 Uapadcoo'eL 5e that shall SPEAK ; but the
of you, that is speaking in you. Will give up and SPIRIT of your FATHER is
aSeX(pos adeXtpov ets Oauarov, tcai irarrip TZKVOV THAT which SPEAKS by
a brother a brother to death, and a father a child; you.
icai €7ravao'T7}(rovTai reKva e-nrt youeis, icai Qava- 21 J Then Brother will
and sha.l rise up children against parents, and deliver deliver up Brother to
Tcoffovcnv aurovs' ^ Kai €(feo"de jxicrovixevoi viro Death, and a Father his
to death them; and you will be being hated by Child; and Children will
itavTow dia TO ovofxa JJLOV. 'O §e virofxeivas eis rise up against Parents,
all for the name of me. The but persevering to and cause them to die.
reAos, ovros o'codrjo'eTai. 22 And you will be
and, the same shall be saved, hated by all on account of
my NAME. But H E who
the End, will be saved.
'Ora*/ 5G dicoKcafriv vfxas ev ry TTO\GI ratm?, 23 But when they per-
When but they persecute you in the city this secute you in this CITY,
<p€Vy€T€ €LS T7)U GTepaV H.CLV €K TaVT7]S dlOOKWO'lV fly to the O T H E R ; t[and
flee into the other, and if out of this they persecute from that, if they perse-
v/xas, (pevyzTe €ts Tt)V aXXr\v« Kixr\v yap X&yco cute you, take refuge in
you, flee into the other. Indeed for I say A N O T H E R ; ] for indeed I
bfjLiv, ov fi7) ,.s\€0'7]T€ Tas iroXeis TOV lo'parjX, declare to you, you will
to you, in no wise ;'ou may finish the cities of the Israel, not have gone through
loos av eA0j? 6 vtos TOV avOpcoirov, 2 4 OVK SO'TL the CITIES of *Tsrael, till
till may come the son of the man. Not is the SON of MAN be come.
fjtaOrjrrjs virep TOU didao'/caXov, ouSe SovXos virep 24 % A Disciple is not
a disciple above the teacher, nor a slave above
above his TEACHER, nor
25 a Servant above his MAS-
Toy Kvpiov avTov, ApiteTov Tcp /LiaOrjTTi iva TER.
the lord of him. Sufficient to the disciple that
25. I t is sufficient for
yivr)Tai oos 6 SiSarrTcaAos avrov, icai 6 dovXos cbs the DISCIPLE that he be
he be as the teacher of him, and the slave as as his TEACHER, and the
6 nvpios avTov. Et TOU oiKoSecnroTTji/ BeeA£e/3of A SERVANT as his MASTER.
tin lord of him. If the master of the house Beelzebul
If they have called the
eTreKaXecrav, Troccp fxaXXou TOVS oiKiaKovs avTov; HOUSEHOLDER Beelzebul,
they have named, how much more the domestics of him? how much more THOSE of
M77 own (f>ofir}6r)T€ avTOvs. OvBev yap SCTTI his HOUSEHOLD P
Not therefore you may fear them. Nothing for is 26 $ Therefore, fear
neKaXv/jLjuLcvov, 6 OVK aTroKaXv<p6r)o~€Tai' Kai them n o t ; for there is
waving been covered, which not shall be uncovered; and nothing concealed, which
will not be discovered;
+ 23. This sentence is not found in the Vatican MS., though it is approved by Griesbach.
Clarke says—"This clause is found in MSS D L, and eight others; the Armenian, Saxon, all
the Itala except three ; Athan., Tkeodor., Tertul., August.,, Hilar., and Juvencus. Bengel
in his gnomon, approves of this reading. On the above authorities, Griesbach has inserted
it in his text. It probably made a portion of this gospel as written by Matthew."
% 19. Mark xiii. 11; Luke xii.ll. t 21. Luke xxi, 16. % U. I J 1 % i* 4*
John xiii 16; 3rv. 20. ? 26. Mark tr. 93; Luke viii. 17; xii. 2.
(}hap. 1 0 : 2 7 - ] M A T T H E W . Cftap. 10: 37-

KpvirroV) 6 ov yycoo'drjo'eTai. ^ 'O Aeyoo VJXIV ev

and hid, which will no\
secret, which not shall be known: What I say to you in
be made known.
rr, or/coTia, eiirare ev rep <pa)rr Kai 6 eis TO ovs 27 What I tell you in
the DARK, publish in the
the darkness, speak in the light; and what in the ear
LIGHT ; and what is whis-
aKOvere, Kiqpv^are €iri rcou ScD/jLaroov ^ K c u fxrj pered in your EAR, pro-
you hear, preach you on the house-tops. And not
claim from the f HOUSE-
(pofieicrde airo TOOV CLTVOKTZVOVTQOV TO tfcofia, TT)V TOPS.
be afraid of those killing the body, the 28 Be not afraid of
8e tyvxw A17? fivvafieveoj/ airoKTeivai' (po/37]6r)T€ THOSE who KILL the
but life not being able to kill; be afraid BODY, but cannot destroy
$e fxaXXov TOV SvvafJLevov KCU ^v%y]V KCLI crco/xa the [future] f LIFE ; but
but rather that. being able both Jite and body
rather fear HIM who CAN
awoXeaai ev yeepurj. Oi»xt dvo arpovQicL
utterly destroy both Life
to destroy in Gehenna. Not two sparrows and Body in t Gehenna.
acrcrapiov 7rcoAeiTcu ; Kai kv e£ avrcov ov Treo'ei- 29 Are not Two Spar-
an assariua are sold? and one of them not shall rows sold for an t Assa-
TCLl €1U T7)V yf\V UV€V TOV TTCLTpOS V/UOW. '^'"CfJLOW rius ? Yet neither of them
fall upon the earth without the father of you. Of you shall fall on the GROUND
5e Kai aiTpixzs rrjs KecpaXrjs iraorcu rjpiO/JLrj/uevai without jyour PAT HER.
and even the hairs of the head all being numbered 30 And even the HAIRS
€10*1. 3 1 Mr) ovv <pop7)dr)T€' TTOXXQOV crrpovQuav of Your HEAD are all
are. Not therefore learyou; many sparrows numbered.
dicupepere vfieis. 31 Fear not, then; gnu
are better you. are of more value than
Has ovv OO'TIS d/jLoXoyrjo'ei ev C/JLOI e/unrpoo1- Many Sparrows.
All therefore whoever shall confess to me in presence 32 $ Whoever, therefore,
9ev TCOP avdpcoircay, SfioXoyrjo'co icayca €U avrcp shall acknowledge me be-
of the men, I will confess even I to him
fore MEN, 5 also will ac-
knowledge him before
€fiirpo(rd€j/ TOV irarpos fiovy TOV ev ovpavois. THAT EATHER of mine in
in presence of the father of me, of that in heavens.
i3 *the HEAVENS.
'Oo'Tis 5' av apvr}a"r)rai fie tfnrpocrOej/ TOOV 33 But whoever shall
Whoever but if may deny me in presence of the
renounce me before MEN,
avdpooircov, apyTjco^ai avrov Kayco €fnrpoo~6ei' 2 also will renounce him
men, I will deny him even I in presence before THAT EATHER of
TOV irarpos fiov, TOV ep ovpavois.
mine in * the HEAVENS.
ef the father of me, of that in heavens,34 t Think not That I
M77 T/o/Jiio'7]T€i OTI rjXdov fiaXsiv eipr]V7]V ewiam come to send forth
Not you must suppose that I am come to send peace upon Peace on this L A N D ; I
TK)V yy]v OVK. rjXQov fiaXeiv eipy]vt\v^ aXXa am come not to send
the earth; not I am come to send peace, but Peace, but War.
fia%aipav. ^ HXdov yap 5i%a(raf avQpooirov KaTa 35 Tor my coming will
a sword. I am come for to set a man against set $a Man against his
TOV 7raTpos auTov, Kai OvyaTtpa KaTa TTJS fir)- EATHER, and a Daughter
the father of him, and a daughter against the mo- against her MOTHER, and
TpOS aVTTjS, Kai VV{lcf)7)V KaTa T7]S TT€J/8epaS a Daughter-in-law against
ther of her, and a daughter-in-law against the mother-in-law her Mother-in-law;
36 36 so that a MAN'S En-
avTrjS' Kai ex^poi TOV avOpooTrov, ol oiKiaicoi
of her; and enemies of the man, the household emies will be found in his
of him. 37 J H E WIIOLO-VES Fa-
37 e ther or Mother more than
O (piXoov TraTepa 7] juirjTepa vvep e,ue, OVK me, is not worthy of me;
He loving father or mother above me, not and H E who LOVES Son
ecfTi /nov agios'. Kai 6 (piXcov vlov r) dvyaTepa or Daughter more than
is of me worthy; and he loving son or daughter me, is not worthy of me.
t 27- The houses were flat-roofed. Compare Deut. xxii. 8, Josh. ii. 6, Neh. viii. 16, Isa.
xv. 8. Jer. xxxii. 29, Acts x. 9. t 28. See Appendix and verse 3S . t 29. Assarion—
in value about one cent and five mills, or three farthings sterling.' ' t 29. Some Greek
copies read in this place tees boulees—the will of.
t 32. Luke xii. 8: ix. 26; Mark viii. 38; Rom. x. 9; 2 Tim. ii. 12. £ 34. Luke xii. Sk
t 35. Mieala vii. & J 37- Luke xiv. 24,
Chap. 10; 38.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 1 1 : 7.

i>7T€p e/xe, OVK earn. jLiov agios' ^ Kai 6s ov Xafx- 38 % And he who does not
ahove me, not is of me worthy} and who not takes take his CROSS, and. follow
\ZVGZ TOV aravpov avrov, Kai aKoXovOei oirio'co me, is not worthy of me.
the cross of himself, and follows after 39 H E who PRESERVES
fioejg OVK etfTi fxov a£ios. 39 cO evpcov TTJV tyvxw his L I T E shall lose it j but
mo, not is of me worthy. He finding the life HE Who LOSES h i s L I F E ,
avrov, cwroAeerei avrrjv* Kai 6 airoXeo'as TT)V on my account, will pre-
of himself, shallloBe her; and he having lost the serve it.
fax?}? avrov evGKev C/JLOV, evprjo'ei avrt]v. 40
' O 40 J He who RECEIVES
life of himself on account of me, shall find her. He
you, receives me, and HE
who RECEIVES me, re-
Sexo/meyos vuas, €fxe Se^erou* tiai b €fxe dexo/n- ceives HTM who SENT me.
receiving you, me receives; and ho me receiv-
41 41 HE who ENTEB/
€POS9 Sex^rat TOV aTrocrrciXavra }xe.
'O TAINS a Prophet, because
ing, receives him sending me. He he is a Prophet, will ob-
dexofievos irpocprjrrjv eis ovo/aa 7rpo(pr}rov, fucr- tain a Prophet's Reward;
recoiving a prophet in a name of a prophet, a r e - and H E who ENTERTAINS
dov 7rpo(f>7}Tov X7)^/erai' Kai 6
$<sxofi*vos a Righteous man, because
ward of a prophet shall obtain; and he receiving he is a Righteous man,
diKaioy €is ovofxa biKaiov, fxia-Qov hiKaiov will obtain a Righteous
a just man in a name of ajust rnari, a reward ofajustman man's Reward.
Xr]^erai. ^ Kai 6s eav ironcy eva rcav fiiKpoov 42 {And whoever shall
shall obtain. And whoever may give to one of the little-ones give a single Cup of Cold
rovrcov TroTTjpiov tyvxpov [xovov, sis ovofxa fia- water, to refresh one of
these a cup of cold only, in a name of a these LOWLY ONES, be-
Orjrov, a\xt\v Xcyca v/niv, ov \x/f\ airoXeffrj TOV cause he is my Disciple,
disciple, indeed I say to you^ not not may lose the I assure you, that by no
/jLiffdov avrov. means will he lose his RE-
reward of himself. WARD."

KE«i>. ia'. Ho CHAPTER XI.

1 1 And. it occurred, when
Kai eyevero, 6re ereXzo'ev 6 lyjo'ovs Siara&- JESUS had concluded in-
And it happened, when had finished the Jesus eharg- structing his TWELVE Dis-
o~oov TOIS Ho0$€Ka fiaOrjrais avrov, /ncre/Sri ciples, he departed thence
ing to the twelve disciples of himself, he departed to TEACH and to proclaim
eKeidev, TOV SidatfKeiv Kai Krjpvaaeiv ev rais in their CITIES.
thence, of the to teach and to preach in the 2 X Now J O H N , having
TroXeaiv avroov. ' 0 5e la>avvr)s aKovcras ev rca heard in PRISON of the
cities of them. The and John having heard in the WORKS of the MESSIAH ;
decrfxoorrjpicp ra epya TOV HpiffTov, Tre/x^as fivo sending *by his DISCI-
prison the works of the Anointed, having sent two PLES,
s 3 said, to him, J " A r t
fiaOrjrcov avrov, enrev avrcp' 2 u ei oepxofievos,
disciples of himself, said to him; Thouartthe coming one, thou the COMING ONE, or
7] irepov irpocrSoKco/Liev; 4
Kai airoKpideis 6 are we to expect another?"
or another are we to lookfor? And answering the 4 And JESUS answering,
lyjo'ovs enrev avrois' airayyeiXare said to them, " Go, tell
Jesus said to them; Going away relate John what you have heard
Icoavvr) a aKOvere Kai fiXeirere' 5rv(pXoi ava- and seen;
to John what you hear and see; blind ones see 5 J the Blind, are ma£e
fiXeirovoi, Kai %coAoi irepnrarovo'i, Xeirpoi to see, and. the Lame to
again, and lame ones are walking about, lepers
walk; Lepers are cleans-
ed; the Deaf hear; the
Kadapi&vri, Kai Kwcpoi aKovovcri, veKpoi eyei- Dead are raised; and glad.
are cleansed, and deaf ones are hearing, dead ones are
6 tidings are announced to
povrai, Kai TTTWXOI evayyeXi^ovrai' Kai fxaK- the Poor;
raised up, and poor ones are addressed with joyful news; and blessed
6 And happy is he, who
aptos eo~Tivy 6s eav fXT] o'KavdaXicrdr} ev e/xoi. shall not stumble at me."
is, whoever not may be offended in me.
7 7 And as they were
Tovrcov Be iropevo/xevccv, rjp^aro b lrjcrovs
These and going away, began the Jesus
* VATICAN MANuneairT.—2. by his DISCIPLES.
t S8. Matt. xvi. 24; Mark viii. 34; Luke ix. 23; xvii. S3; John xii. 25. J 40. Luke
x. 18; John xiii. 2 0 . ^ - - ^ t 42._Majrk#xi. j.1.^ «y V^J 3.^Luke vii. 18., | 8. Gfen. xlLx.
x10; Dan. ix. 24. • $ 5. Isa. xxxv. $jjxi,lr
'Chapr-llVB.] MATTHEW, [aap.ll: \%

keyeiv roii oxkois irepi \wavvov departing," J J K S U S pro-

Tt e^-qkO^r?
to say to t h e crowds concerning John; ceeded to say to the
Whnt « \ n l you. out
eis Tf]v eprj/jLou OeacracOai; Kaka/noy vrro avepov CROWDS conceniin'y John,
into the desert losee? :
a reed _ by wind *" Why went you out into
(ra\£vojj.€VOv; _ Akka ri e£r]A0€Te iSez//; ai/Qpa- the DESKUT? To see a
being shaken ? ' B u t what w e n t y o u o u t • t o see? & man Reed shaken by the Wind?.
TTOU €V fxakaKots IJXO!,TIOLS 7)(A(piz(rfjL€vo!/; Idqv, 8 But why went you
soft garments having been clothed j Lo, out ? To see a man roncd
ol ra fxdkaKct <popovt/T€s, zv rois OIKOIS TZOV in Soft llainient? Behold!
those the soft (garments weaimg, i q ' t h e • houaeS of t h e THO^tf YVEAfilNG FINE
fiacrikecov 'eifftv. $ Akka rt €^T]\0ST€ tSziv; clothing are in EOYAL
kings But what w e n t y o u o u t • t o see? P A L A C E S . >•• '•(').. **s • )
7rpG<p7}TY)V; Ncu, key® vfxtP, Kai rrepto-crOTtpoi/ 9 But why went you
a prophet ? ..o,
Yes, I Bay to" you, and out ? - To see a Prophet ?
\ much more t
QUTOS * [ 7 « p ] €<rrt, irept, ). qb Xes, I tell you, and one
of a prophet. This [fjr] is, concerning Whoin in ore excellent than -a
yeypanr at* tl l5ou, eyco aicoarekkoo rov ayyekoi/ Prophet...; r; f > * ' v
it <s written , Lo, I send t h e messenger 10 This js' lie concern-
fxov npo TTpocrwirov crov, 6s KaracTK€vcto'€L rr\v ing whom* it is written,
cfuae before toe face of t h e e , who shall prepare- the J ' Behold 1 I send my MES^
65ov (Too tfxirpooQeif crou." J 1 Aycqv k^ryca vfxiu^ ' SENGEB. before thy 1'ace,
way of Uiee In presence of t h e e . " Indeed I say t o y o u , ' who will prepare thy w AY
OVK tyriyepiai tv yeuurjTois yvvaiKoov fieifai/, 'before thee 1' . *.-.{
11 Indeed, I say to you,
not nas risen among born of wOuian greater,
Among t hose born of Wo?
Icoavvou rov fiarrriarov 5 5e jiUKporepos <EV TYI men, there has not arisen
• ofJonn the dipper; the but less in t h e
& greater than John the
(SacriAeLX T<XJV ovpavoov, fxzifai/ aurov ccrtv. IMMERSER; yet the LEAST
kingdom ci itie heavens greater of h i m 16. <
in the KINGDOM: of the
*2 Atro 06 revv y/Aepcov looavvov rov fiairricrrov eo>s HEAVENS is superior to
From and the days of J o h n the dipped • <
, till
him. • •'" ;.,• ' ~i*t i
apri, 7) fki.o~i\€ia row ovpavtsv /3<a£ereu, Kai
now, the kingdom t •o^tile. heavens has been invaded, and
12 X And from the DA.YS
Of J o h n t h e IMMERSEIt
ftiacrrai apTra£ovG'w;uvrr)v. ^llavres yap ol till now, the KINGDOM of
invaders seize on her. AH for the
Trpocprirai icat 6 pofxgs &&S looavisov, TTpoecprjrev- the HEAVENS has been
prophets and t h e law till John, prophase!.
forcibly assailed, and tho
14 violent seize it. • ' ' • \
crew. Kai €i fleAere Be^acr6ai$ avros €<rxw 13 f 1,'or All ihe CRO-
And if you are willing to receive, this .• is
,s> PHETS and the LA.W in-
Hkias, 6 fxekkcov epxocrflcu. O ex 6 *" *ffa structed till.John. <( • i
EHSSK ^ that, being about • t o come. lie havini? ears
14 And if yon are dis.
*£cuzoveipi'] aKOV€To>. posed to receive it. he is
{"to hear,] let him hear.. THAT $ Elijah who is to
come. r?v{ """ "~y*-+ •.
15 He HAVING Ears,
let him hear. ^( -W**
^ T i v i S e SjJLoicixrco T7ivyevsav ravryv; 'Ojitoia 16 But to what shall X
To what but shall I compare t h e generation this? Like compare tins GENERA-
sari TTcuSiois sv ayopais KaQy\fx5voLS, Kai Trpoo"r T I O N ? I t is like Boy3
it is boys in markets sitting, and , call- sitting in Public Places.
tpavovcri rots eratpois aoTtav, 1 7 * [ « ; a i ] keyov- and calling to *orHEUs;
ing t o t h e companlona of them, [and] saying; 17 saying. Wo have
Giv Hvkr)G'afi£V vfMtv, Kai OVK copxwo'a.crOe' played to you on the flute,
We have played on the flute t o y o u , a n d n o t you have danced; but you have not danced:
tOpTji/rjcrafiep vfxiv% Kai OVK eKO\pacr$e. 1 8 HA0c we have sung inournlul
we have mourned t o y o u , a n d n o t you have lamented. Came songs to you, but you
have not lamented.
*YATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—'7. Why went you out into the DESEBT ? To see a Reed shaken
by the Wind? 8. But why went you out? To see a Man, &c 9. But why went you out?
To see a Prophet? LO.'For—omit, 15. to hear—omit. 16. oiuEfis. 17. And—omit.
t 13. I t was a common saying with the Jews before the birth of Christ, that the prophets
prophesied only till the times of the Messiah. .•,•.?,.•:•••.«/' y-•<•..<&>•:>.;.;>-, . $ ,
* t 7. Luke vii. 24. '' I 10. MaL iii. 1; Mark i. 2 ; Luke i. 7Q.> J 12^ Luke Xvi. 10,
% \h Mai.iv.5j Matt. xvii. Jl. J ip. Luke viu_81./ "
Chap, i l : 18.] MATTHEW. Chap. 11: 26.

yap Icaavvrjs, fJL7]re eo~6ioov UTJTC TTLVCOV icai Xey- 18 Tor John came ab-
for John, neither eating n o r drinking; and they staining from meat and
over Aai/jLouiov e^e*. HXOev drink, and they say, He
6 vtos rov
say A demon h e has. Camehas a Demon;
the son of the
avOpwiroVj ecrdiccv Kai TTLVCOV Kai XzyovCiv iSou, 19 the SON of MAN came
man, eating and drinking; and t h e y s a y ; Lo, partaking of meat and
Kvdpooiros (payos KCU oivoirorris, reXcovoov (j>iXos drink, and they say, Be-
a man glutton a n d a wine drinker, of tax-gatherers a friend hold, a Glutton and a Wine
KCII afiaprcoXoov. Kai eSiKaiwQyi 7) (rocpia airo rccv drinker! an Associate of
and sinners. But is justified t h e wisdom by the Tribute-takers and Sin-
TGKVWV avrrjs. ners V But WISDOM is vin-
children of her. dicated by her CHILDREN.
T O T € rjp^aro ovzidifeiv ras iroXsis, €V ats 20 {Then he began to
Then h e began t o reproach the cities, i n which censure the CITIES hi
eyevovro at TrXzicrrai Swa^eis avTOV, on ov which MOST of his MIRA-
were done the most mighty works of him, because n o t CLES had been performed,
Ovai aoi, Xopa^iv, ovai <roif Because they did not re-
l^revorjcav form.
they reformed; W o e t o thee, Chorazin, woe t o thee,
IvqBa'aidav' OTL ei ev Tvp<p KCU. ^.idcavi syevovro 21 Woe to thee Chora-
Bethsaida; for if i n Tyre ana Sidon had been done
zin ! woe to thee, Beth-
at dwa/xeis, at yevo/xevai ej> vfj.Lv, iraXai saida! For if THOSE
av MIRACLES which are B E -
the mighty works, those being performed in j'Ou, long ago would I N G PERFORMED in you,
€V (TaKKcp Kai o"iro§q> fxerevoiQcfmp. UX7]V 22
in sackcloth and ashes had been done in Tyre
t h e y have reformed.
Xsy<a vfxiv Tvpcp Kai ~%i$covi weKrorspov and Sidon, they would
I say t o you.- Tyre and Sidon more tolerable long since have reformed
€<rrai ev rjfJiepa Kpicrecos, t\ V/JLLV. 23
Kai <rv, in Sackcloth and Ashes.
will be in a day of trial, than you. And t h o u , 22 Therefore, I say to
Kairepvaovfi, 7] ecus rov ovpavov irtycoOeiara, you, it will be more endu-
Capernaum, which even to t h e heaven art being exalted, rable for Tyre and Sidon,
kcas 'adov Kara^i^ao'drjay OTL et ev ^o^o/xois in a Day of Judgment,
t o invisibility shalt be b r o u g h t down for if iu Sodom
than for you.
eyevovro at bwa/jteis^ at yevo/Jievzi ev <roi, 23 And tbotl, Caperna-
/iad been done t h e m i g h t y works, those being done in thee, um, THOU which art BE-
c/xeivav av ^%P l T7 S
1 o'7]fxepov 24 U\r]V Xeyca
But I say
J wilt be brought down to
it had remained till this day. tHades; for if THOSE
vfAiV) on yy HodofJiCtiV aveKrorepov sffrai ev MIEACLES which are B E -
to you, that land of Sodom more tolerable will be in
I N G PERFORMED in thee,
rjjjLepa, KpuretoS) 7} croi. had been done in Sodom,
a day of trial, than thee.
it had remained till T H I S -
24 But I say to you,
That it will be more endu-
rable for the Land of
Sodom, in a Day of Judg-
Ev €K€ivq> rtp /ceupeo airoKpiOeis 6 Irjcovs ment, than for thee."
On that t h e occasion answering the Jesus 25 JOn That OCCASION,
eiirev E^ofioXoyov/xai (Toi, irarep, Kvpie rov J E S U S said, " I adore thee
said; I adore thee, O father, O lord of the O Father, Lord of HEAVEN
ovpavov Kai rrjs yrjs, Sri aireKpvtyas ravra atro and EARTH, Because, hav-
heaven a n d of t h e earth, because t h o u hast hid these from ing concealed these things
o"o<poov Kai crvvercov, Kai aTT€KaXv\\/as avra from the Wise and Intel-
wise m e n a n d discerning men, a n d t h o u h a s t revealed them ligent, thou hast revealed
vrjiriois. ^ Nat, 6 irar^p, OTL ovroos cyevero them to Babes.
t o babes. Yes, t h e father, for even go it was 26 Yes, EATHER, For
evdoKia cjjLTrpoo'Oev o~ov. 2/
Ttavra fioi irapeBoOr] thus it was well pleasing
good in presence of thee. All tome are given in thy sight."

t 23. Hades—from a, not, and idein, to see; and literally means hidden, obscure, invisible.
^It ia found eleven times in the New Testament. In the Common Version, it is rendered
grave in 1 Cor. xv.55, and in all other places hell; hut the latter is now universally admitted
to be an incorrect translation. See Appendix—word hades.
£ 20. Luko x. 13, 23. Isa. xiv. 15; Eze-k. xxviii. & %$&, J*ukex.8l»
ffi.p. \\\ 17.] MATTHEW. [Chap.n:§<

(HTO rov Tfarpos JJLOW K<XI ovdtis €iriyiv&o'K<£i rov 27 J All things are imr.
by the father of me j and no one knowB the parted to me by my FA-
T H E R ; and no one, but
vlov, (i [AT) 6 irarrjp' ovde rov warepa ris *7rt-^
son, if nut the father. neither the father anyone the FATHER, knows
yti/carrKiiy et fxy] 6 w o s , nai '(? sav ftovXiqrai SON ; nor does any one
knows, if n u t the son, and to whom may be willing know the FATHER, except
6 vhs cnrOKa\v\l/ac. ^ A e u r e rrpos fxe iravrzs ol the SON, and he to whom
the son t o reveal. Come t o _ine all the the SON is pleased to re-
KOTTioovTss teat TrzcpopriV'iJ.evoij Kayw avairavcrw v. e a28 l him.
Come to me.
toiling and being burdened, a u d i will cause t o rest
29 LABORING and burdened
vfxas.. A p a r e rov (jjyov JJLOV e^>' v/xas, KOU
ones, and £ vvill cause
you. .' Take the yoke of me upon you, and
fxaOers air'' e/xotr bri irpaos ei/jit, /ecu rarrsivos you to rest..
29 Tyke my YOKE on,
be informed by me; for meek lain, and humble
ry Kap5ia- Kai (:vp7)(reT€ a^arravaiv rats \\/vx&is lvou, and be tuugM by me;
o r 1 am meek and lowly
to the heart; and you shall find a rest 10 t h e lives . v
30 Kai r o m HEART; and your LIVES
bfxojv, ' O yap £vyos (xov xpvo'ros, will find Ja Resting-place. The lor yoke of me easy, and the
. 30 % Tor my YOKE 19
(popnov fxov e\a(ppov GCTTIV.
easy, and my BTJBDEN IS
burden of me light is.
KE*.-|j8'. 12. "CHAPTER "XII
1 1
Ej> €Ktivq> r(p Katpeo cTtopsvOr} 5 Iiij&ov$"rois on theAt That TIsi E t J E S U S
At that the season passed t h e Jesus toihe
i SABBATH went
through the SHIELDS O P
>ra$$affi 8ta r(av cnropi/JLoaw ol Se /uaSrjTcu avrov GRAIN ; ami Ins D I S C I -
sabbath through t h e corn-nelds; t h e and disciple9 of him
PLES were hungry, andi
encivao'av, Hat r]p^avro rtWeiv o~raxvast Hat began to pluck «ff £ars of
were hungry, and began to pluck ;: ears of com, and
2 Grain, and to eat. '.
€crOt€iv. O t 8c QoLpicraioi i8ovr€si strrov avrca 2 Now the P H A B I S E E S ,
to eat. The and Pharisees seeing, •; said to h i m ;
observing, said to him,
I5ou, ol iA7)Qr)Tat crov trotovatv, 6 OVK e^eari "Behold, thy D I S C I P L E S
Lo, t h e disciples of thee , are doing, t h a t n o t is lawful
are doing what is not law-
7roteit> ev o'aftiBa.TCt). 3 *Q §e tnrev avrois' OVK ful to do on a Sabbath."
t o do on a sabbath. He b u t said to them; Not
3 But HE said to themv
avtyvcore, rt €irotr)0'€ Aavtd, ore e-rrGivao'z, KCU I" Have you not read what
have you known, what did David, when he was hungry, and
David did, when *he was
ol JU,€T' avrov; ^ trots etcrr)\6ev eis rov QIKOV hungry, and TH,OSE who)
those with him? how he entered into the house
were with him? . v ^ - - >
rov 0€oi>, KCU rovs aprovs rrjs TrpoOeaecos ecpaysv^ 4 how he t entered into
of the God, and the loaves of the presence :•..; did eat,
ovs GVK €^ou t)v avry <payzivt ovde rots fjizr' and ate the LOAVES of the
which n o t lawful was to h i m to eat, neither to those with
PUESKNCE, which were
avrov^ €i JJ.7) rois lepzvcri fxovois; ^H OVK not lawful for lum to eat,
him, except the priests . alone? ^ • OY not
not* for THOSE who were
aveyvcore eu rep VO/AW, ofi rois o'afi&aav ol with him, hut for the :
hrive you read in the law, that to the sabbaths the
PRIESTS alone ? •%$&$*• -
Upeis tv rep lepqj TO arafUParov (He&rjAovcrt, tcai 5 $ 0 r , have you not
priests in the tein?lc t h e sabbath < violate, and
6 read in the LAW, fhat
avairtot €tffi; Aeyca 5e vfxiv, bri rov Upov •f the PRIESTS in the T E M -
bl&melea9 are? i say b u t t o you, that of t h e temple'
PLE profane the REST to
be observed on the SAB-
BATHS and are blameless?
':. 6 But 1 say to you,
t 1. SAD3ATH—with us, Satilrday, ov rather Friday at sun-set to Saturday at sun-Ecfc, fof
sotho Jews reckoned. + 4. By-comparing 1 Sam.sxi.l—6, and Lev.xxiv.5—9, it-will
appear that this also transpired on a Sabbath. . t 5. From Num. xxviii. 9, it appears
that two additional lambs were sacrificed on the Sabbath, by which the ordinary work 6i
the week was doubled. Compare Exod. xxix.SS. pi&gm^'
t 27. Matt, xxviii. 18; John iii. 25; vi. 46; x. 15. % 29. John xiv. 3; Heb. iv 9—11,
J. 30. 7 John v. 3. t 1, Mark ii. 23; Luke vi, ; H?ut, jesiu. 2 5 ^ ^ ^ I 3. 1 Sain. xxi. l~%
I 5. Lev. xxiv. 5; Num. xxviii. 0., ~~ ~
Chap. 12 j 7.3 MATTHEW. tihap. 1ST: 1&

is€t«jW €(Trtv wSe. ^ Et Se eyj/co/ceiTe, T I ecru'* That one greater than the
greater ia here. If b u t you had known, w h a t TEMPLE is here.
EAeop 0eAco, ftrai ov Ovcri&j/'" OVK av tcare- 7 If, then, you hacj
"JJercy I desire, and n o t a sacrifice;" n o t would you known what this i s ; % ' I
dmacrarc rovs avairiovs, G
Kvpios yap ecrri 'desire Compassion, and
b a r e condemned t h e blameleBB. A lord for is 'not a Sacrifice,' yon
TOV crafifiaTov 6 vios ram avdpccirov. would not have con-
Of t h e cabbath t h e son ©f t h e maa. demned the INNOCENT;
8 for the SON of MAN is
Master of the SABBATH."
•K(U fjierafias etcsiCev^ vhOsv ets Tt\v ffvva- 9 J And having left that
And j aaing on from thence, h e came i n t o t h e syna- place, he went into their
ytayqv avroov. 10
Kai i&ov, avQpoowos rjv TT\V SYNAGOGUES J
gogue of them. And lo, a man there was t h e 10 and "behold, there
X*lPa ^X'0dV %ypav- Kax errrjpwr7}(Tau avrov, was a Man who had *a
hand having withered. And t h e y asked him, withered Hand. They
Ksyovrzs' Ei e£eo"n Tots <raP&a(ri 0€pa7reveiy; asked JESUS, with a de-
saying; If i t is lawful t o the sabbaths t o heal? sign to accuse him, J " Is
Iva KaT7iyopr](rco(Tiu avrou. n
' 0 <Je enrev avrois' it lawful to heal on the
that they m i g h t accuse him. He but said to t h e m ; SABBATH ? "
Tis €(Trat e£ vfxcov avQpooTros, Ob- 4£ei Trpofiarov 11 And H E answered
"What shall be a m o n g you a man, who shall have sheep them, "What Man is Jiere
iu, KCU eav e/nTrecri TOVTO TOLS fra/3(3a(TLU eis among you, who, having
one, and if should fall this to the sabbath i n t o one Sheep, t i f it fall into
fioOvvov, ov%i KpaTTjcei UVTO, KCU e y e p e i ; a pit on the SABBATH,
a pit, not seine it, and raise i t u p ? will not lay hold on it,
Uo(rq> ovv diacpepei avdpwKos irpofiarov; 'QCTTG
and lift it out ?
H o w m u c h t h e n is superior a man of a s h e e p ? So t h a t 12 Does not a Man
ej-ecrrt TOLS (rafifiaen KCCACOS TTOIZIV. 13
Tore greatly surpass a Sheep ?
itislawful to the sabbath good to do. Then Therefore, it is lawful to
Acyet rep avOpcaircp' ~EKT€LVOV TY)V X€lPa (T0V
' do good on the SAB-
h e says t o t h e man; BATH."
Stretch out the hand of thee.
Kai e^ereu/e' Kai airoKaTeCTaOr} vyirjs, q>s MAN, 13 Then he says to the
i t was restored whole, as
" Stretch out Thine
And h e stretched it out j a n d H A N D . " And he stretched
it out; and it was restored
the other. to soundness, like the
Ot 8e 4>api(raioi (TvfifiovXiov €Aa/3ov tear' 14 Then the P H A R I -
The t h e n Pharisees a council held against SEES, departing, held a
avrov e^e\6oj/T€s, dircos avrop aTroAeffaxriv. Council concerning him,
him going out, how him t h e y m i g h t destroy. how they might destroy
15 f
O Be l7]<rovs yvovs auex^pv^^^ cKGi&ew Kai him.
The b u t Jesus knowing withdrew from t h e n c e ; and 15 But J E S U S knowing
7)Ko\ov6r}<Tay avrcp oxAoi iroXKoi' Kai eQepa- it, withdrew from them,
followed him crowds great; and h e and * many followed him,
TtevG'ev avrovs Travras, Kat ^Treri/nTjo'ev and he healed them all;
healed . them all. and charged 16 and charged them
avrois^ iva /JLT} (pavzpov avrov woirjo'ooo'iv ^divots not to make him known 1
them, that not known h i m t h e y should m a k e ; so t h a t 17 so that the WOKD
'wKripcoOrj TO prjdev hia 'Hcraiov rov Tpo- SPOKEN through Isaiah
i t m i g h t be fulfilled t h e word spoken t h r o u g h Esaias the p r e - the PKOPHET might be
(prjToV} Aeyovros' " I8ov, 6 irais fiov, bv verified, saying; -
phet saying; "Lo, t h e servant of m e , w h o m 18 %i"Behold, my SEE-
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—10. a withered Hand. 15. many followed.
t 18. The following-is from the Septuagint version of Isa. xlii. 1, translated by Thomp-
son:—"Jacob is my servant, I will uphold h i m ; Israel is my chosen one, my soul hath
embraced him. I have p u t my spirit upon him; he will publish judgment to the na-
tions: he will not cry aloud, nor urge with vehemence,, nor will his voice be heard abroad.
A bruised reed he will not break, nor will he quench smoking flax, but will bring forth
|udgment unto truth,—and in his name shall the nataong trust {or hope)„ v The words
Jacob and Israel, added by the authors of the Septuagint, have obscured thus jaropheey.
J f. Hog. vi.6j Matt*ix. 13. % 0. M a r k i i i . I t Luke v t , $ . 119. Luke xiii. Iff
Kir. %; J«lm i x . m. % 11. Exod. xxiii. 4, % Dsu& xxii. 4. . I, J?a. xlii. lo.
Chap. 1 3 : 19.] MATTHEW. Map. 12: 28.

'ypcTicra, 5 aya?rri?o$ fj.ov> as &P evSotcrjO'ep fy " VANT, whom I have cho-
jl'have chosen, t h e beloved of me, in w h a m takes delight t h e "sen, my1 BELOVED, iii
" whom 2 take delight: I
$VXQ Mov* Ow® ^° w^et/ia fio& €TT' avrop, "•will put my SPIRIT upon
soul of roe; I will p u t tho spirit of me upon him,
89 "him, and he shall pro-
KM KpifftV rois edpeffu? avayyeXet. Ou« c l a i m Justice to the NA-
and judgment t o t h e nations h e shall declare. Not
epicrei, ovd(- Kpavyacrei, ovds axovcrei rts ep 19 "Hewill not strive
h e shall strive, nor cry out, nor Bhall hear any one in
"nor cry out, nor will any
rats trXareiais rvtv <f>&)P7}P avrov* ^ teaXafjLOP
"one hear his VOICE ia
the wide places the voice of h i m ; a reed
Gvi>TZTpQi}xii£vov ov icar<sa^ei, KGI XIPOP rv4>pix- 20 " He will not break
having been bruised n o t he shall break, and flas i. smoking
" a bruised Reed, and a
€vov ov <rfie(rc-L' ecos ay ZKfSctXtj €t$ VIKOS
" dimly burning Taper he
n o t he shall q u e n c h , till he bring forth t o avictory
2l "will not extinguish, till
rt\v Kpuriv. Kat top ePofxan avrov *8PT)
"he send forth the JUDG-
the judgment. And to the name of hitn. nations " M E N T to victory.
eXTnovn-^* 21 " The nations also
will h o p e . " "will hope in his name."
22 JThen *they brought
Tore Tpoa"r}v^xBni avrt? dai{n6vt^ofjL€^os9 to him a demoniac, blind
Then was brought • t o him a demoniac^ and dumb; and he cured
rv<pXo$ teat K(v(pos' teat eOepaTrevarsp avrop9 WO'TG him, so that * the DUMB
blind and dumb; and h e healed him, BO that man spake and saw.
TOP rv<pXop KCLI K&tyop teat XaXeiv Hat fiXeTretp. 23 And All the PEOPLE
the blind and dumb both t o speak and t o see. with amazement, asked,
Kai ^tffrapro rravres oi o)(Xoi, teat eXeyoy " I s this the SON of Da*
And were amazed ) a l l : > t h e . crowds, and said; vid ?"
24 24 But the PHARISEES
MTJTI OVTOS Gcrrip 6 ijlos AaviS Oi §6
Not this is the BOn ( y David? T h e and hearing them, said, " This
fijapiffaioi aKOvcavT€s9 sitroy Qvros ovtt %K- man could not expel DE-
PhariseeB hearing, 'said; This not MONS, except through
fiaXXa ra daifiopia, «" JLITJ SP rep B<s€X(€fiovXt Beelzebul, the Prince of
casts'out the demons, if n o t by t h e Beelzebul, the DEMONS."
apXoPTi reap dcujuopicoy, ^EiBcos 25 And *he knowing
Be 6 l7jo~ov$
s. prince of the ctemona. their thoughts, said unto
Knowing b u t t h e Jesus
ras €P0vfjL7}ff€i$ avTQjp? ei-rct-p avrois' Uaara /3a- them, "E\ery Kingdom
being divided against it-
the thoughts -of them, said to them; Every
self, is desolated; and" No
(rikeia ^piffBeirta na97 l a u r ^ s , ^prifiovrav tcai City or House being di-
kingdom being divided against JtBslf, SB laid waote; and
vided against itself, can.
7?ao~a TTOXIS 7} oitcia pepwdeiG-a tmO' ! s i m ? s , OV stand.
every eity GJ? houee being divided against itself, not
26 Now if the ADVER-
crad'oortrai. ^Kai et 6 erarcipas TOP aarapap SARY expel the ADVER-
will stand. A n d if t h e adversary the adversary
SARY, he is at variance
efc0aXXst9 e(p3 eavrop e/^epiar0}]' ircos OVP ara-
with himself; how then
casts out, with himself h e is at variance, hct7 then
Oticrerai 7) fiaffiXzia. avrov; ^ Kat ۥ&. eye* ep 27his will KINGDOM stand?
Besides, if I through
.willstand t h e kingdom of h i m ? A n d if I by
Beelzebul expel DEMONS,
"BceA&BovX GKfiuXXw ra §aifj.opia? ol vlot vfjtcw through whom do your
Beehebul cast o u t the demons, t h e cons of you
soevs expel them? There-
€P ript €K$aXXovsi; Aia rovro avroi h^dop fore, tficg will be Your
fcy whom d o they cast o u t ? In this they of you
28 Judges. . •A *f
€o~nvrai Kpirai. Et Be SP Tfpsvfiari 6eov zyw 28 But, if it be by Di-
shall be .judges. If b u t by spirit of God I
vine co-operation that It
iK^aXXb) ra Zaifxopia, apa ecpBacep g<£' cast out DEMONS, then
sast out the demons, then has suddenly come among

* VATICAN MANUSCRIJPT.—22. they brought. 22. the DUMB man spake and saw.
25. he knowing. .
t 28. See note on Basileia, Matt. iii. 2. I t is not according to fact, to make Jesus say,
that "the.kingdom of God has come unto you," as rendered in the Common Version, and
followed by modern translators. The context shows that our Lord is speaking of himself
These miracles were .proofs of his Messiahship. See John iii. 2 j v. SO; vtj„3L,
% 22. Luke i i .fcj,* J 34. Mark iii. 22,
Chap. 12: 29.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 12: 37-
29has unexpectedly appear*
vfias r) fiacriXeia. rov Beov. H rrcos dvvarai
. yoa the majesty of the God. ed among you.
Or how is able
ris eicreXOeiv ets rr\v oiKiav rov t&xvpov, Kai 29 Moreover, how can
anyone te enter into the house of the strongman, and any one enter the STRONG
ra TKevrj avrov ^lapiracrai^ eav fir) jrpcorov one's HOUSE, and plunder
the household stuff of him to plunder, if not first his GOODS, unless he first
b*7)0"r) rov KTXvpov; Kai rore rrjv oitciav avrov hind and
the STRONG one?
then indeed he may
he should bind the strongman? and then the house of him
plunder his HOUSE.
diapiracrei. ^'O fir) oov fier' e/xou, tear0 efiov 30 H E who is not with
he shall plunder. He not being with me, against me
me, is against me; and HE
ko~rr Kai 6 fir) crwaycov fier* e/uov, ffKoprrifei. Who GATHERS n o t w i t h
is; and he not gathering with me, scatters.
31 me, scatters.
A m rovro Xeyco vfiiv Tiaca afiapria Kai 31 t Therefore, I say to
Therefore this I say to you; All sin and
you, Though every other
f5Xa<r<pr)fiia acpe8r)crsrai rots avOpcowois' r) de Sin and Blasphemy will
evil-speaking shall be forgiven to the men; the but be forgiven *to YOU M E N ;
rov rrvevfiaros $Xa(Tcp7)fxia OVK a<pedr)0~erai yet the BLASPHEMY of
of the spirit evil-speaking not shall be forgiven
the SPIRIT will not be
~*[rois avOpoorroiS'J ^ Kai 6s av enrrj Xoyov forgiven.
[to the men;] and who ever may speak a word 32 For whoever may
Kara rov vlov rov avOptotrov, atysOrjcrerai avrcp' speak a Word against the
against of the son of the man, it shall be forgiven to him; SON of MAN, it * t will be
os 5' av eiirr) Kara rov wevfxaros rov ayiov, forgiven him; but he who
who but ever may speak against of the spirit of the holy, may speak against the
OVK acpsOrjcrerai avrcp, ovre ev rovrcp rep aiccvi, HOLY SPIRIT, *it will in
not it shall be forgiven to him, neither in this the age, no wise be forgiven him,
ovre ev rep fieXXovn. H iroirjcrare TO dev~ neither in this nor in the
nor in the coming. Either make you the tree coming AGE.
dpov KaXov, Kai rov Kapwov avrov tcaXov rj 33 JEither call the TREE
good, and the fruits of him good; or good, and its FRUIT good;
7roiy~i<7ar€ ro devdpov ctairpov^ Kai rov tcapirov or call the TREE bad, and
make you the tree corrupt, and the fruits its FRUIT bad; for we
avrov cairpov0 e/c yap rov Kapirov ro SevSpov know the TREE by the
of him corrupt; by for th/s fruit the tree FRUIT.
yivcocTKerai. ^Tevvvtfiara sxi0*vu>v-> '}rcos 34 O Progeny of Vipers!
is known. O broods of venomous serpents, how
J how can you, being evil,
speak good things? for
dvvao~6e ayaOa XaXeiv, Trovrjpot ovres; etc yap out of the EXUBERANCE
are you able good (things) t o speak, evil (men) being; out of for
of the HEART the mouth
rov irepia'crevfia'rQs rrjs ro ctrofia XaXzi. speaks.
the fulness of the heajt the mouth speaks.
35 35 % The GOOD Man out
'O ayaOos avOpcaircs eit rov ayadov drjeravpov of his GOOD Treasure pro-
The good man out of the good treasure duces * good things; and
e/cj8aAA.ei ra ayada° Kai 6 irovrjpos avdpcciros the E T I L Man out of his
brings forth the good (things); and the evil man
BAD Treasure produces
eK rov rrovrjpou Brjoravpov etcftaXXei evil things. 7rovr)pa.
out of the evil treasure brings forth evil (things). 36 But I say to you,
Aeyco 5e vfiiv? 6TI irav pr)fia apyov, b eav That for Every pernicious
I say but to you, that every wovd idle, which if Word which MEN may
XaXytTcocriv ol avdpmitoi^ arro^oicroven^ irepi utter, they shalt be Re-
may speak the men, they shall give account, concerning sponsible, on a Day of
avrot" Xoyov ev flfiepq Kpicrecos' S7
EK yap rcov Judgment.
this word in a day of trial. By for the 37 For by thy WORDS
Koy&v ffov BiKaia>6r)0"r), Kai etc rcav Xoyeov crov thou wilt be acquitted;
words of thee thou ohalt be acquitted, and by the words of thee and by thy WORDS thou
Kara8iKao'Qr)0"!] „ wilt be condemned."
thou shalt be coHBck-'incd,
* VATICAN JIANUSCRIPT.—31. to YOU MEN. SI. to MEN—omit. 32. not he forgiven
him. .32. in no wise be forgiven him. 35. of the IIB-^BT—emit. 35. good things.
t 32. The Vet. MSS. here reads, "it shall not he forgiven him/' which is contrary to
what is stated in verse 31, and the parallel passage in Luke xii. 10. Probably it is aa
error of the transcriber. For this reason it has notfcee?:inserted la the text.
t 31. Mark iii. 28; Luke xii. 10; 1 John v. 16. ^ J; S8» Matt, rii. \%r L*&e vi, 43,44.
t 84. Ma#„ Mi. 7; xxiii. S& I 85. Luke vi. 45*
<$($$; K s 88.]
MATTHEW <3ft«p. 1 2 : 4b.

^Tore aireKpidr}0'ap rives reap ypa/xfjictrecov 38 J T h e n some of tht

Then answered some of t h e scribes S C R I B E S * answered him,
* [ / « « 4>ap<<raiwv,] Xeyopres' AidacTKaXe, 0e.\- saying, " Teacher, we de-
[and Pharisees,] saying; O teacher, we sire t o witness t a Sign
o/xei/ cnro (Tow oy^xeiop ibeip. 39
' O 5e airoKpiOeis from thee."
wish from thee a sign to see. He but answering 39 B u t H E answering,
enrep avrois' Tepea nopripa Kai fxoixaXis o"t]- said to them, J " A wicked
said to them; A generation evil and adulterous a and faithless Generation
demands a Sign; b u t no
fieiop eiviQr]rei' Kai cr^jxeiov ov dodrjcreraA awy,
sign demands; and a sign not shall be given t o her,
Sign will he given it, ex-
40 cept t h e SIGN of J o n a h
ei /jtrj TO o"r)ixeiov Icopa rov wpo<J>r)TOv. Tlo-irep
the P R O P H E T .
if n o t t h e sign of J o n a s , the prophet. Like as
40 J For as J o n a h was
yap t\v \o>vas ep TT) KOIXIO, TOV KT)TDVS rpeis
for was Jonas in the belly of t h e fish three Three Days and Thiee
Nights in t h e S T O M A C H
rj/xepas teat rpeis PVKTO.S' ovrcas earai 6 vlos
of the GREAT E I S H ; SO
days and three nights; so shall be t h e son
will t h e SON of M A N be
rov avQpcaitov ep rr\ tcapdiq TTJS yrjs rpeis fjfxepas Three Days a n d Three
of t h e man in t h e heart of this earth three days
4l N i g h t s t in t h e H E A R T of
Kai rpeis PVKras. Avdpes Nipevirai ixudcrrT)- the EARTH.
and three nights. Men Ninevites shall utand
41 T h e Ninevites will
crovrai ep rr\ icpicet fiera rrjs yepea:, ravrrjs, stand u p in t h e J U D G -
up in t h e j u d g m e n t against the generation of ihis,
M E N T against this G E N -
Kai KaraKpiuovfrip aiirrjp' on fim evo'qeap E R A T I O N , a n d cause i t t o
and shall give j u d g m e n t against her; for I hey reformed
be condemned; $For they
eis ro icrjpvyfia Icova,' Kai idov irXeiop Icapa a>§e. reformed a t t h e W A R N I N G
at the preaching of J o n a s ; and lo a greater ofjotas here.
of J o n a h ; and behold,
Ba<Ti\i<TQ'a vorov cyepdrjcerai ep TTJ Kpicrei something greater t h a n
Queen of south shall rise u p in the judgment Jonah is here.
/nera rrjs yepeas ravrrjs, Kai KavaKpipei 42 { T h e Queen of t h e
against t h e generation of this, and shaU give j u d g m e n t against
I South will rise up at t h e
avTrjy bri rjXQep eic rcop Tveparwv rr)s yrjs J U D G M E N T against this
her; for she came from the ends of t h e earth
G E N E R A T I O N , and cause
a.Kov&at rrjp o"o(f)iav ^oXofJuavos' icai tSou, irXeiop it to b e condemned; for
to hear the wisdom of S o l o m o n ; and lo, a greater she came from a D I S T A N T
^oXofxcopos w§6. ^'Orap Se ro aKadaprop LAND to hear the WIS-
of Solomon here. When but the unclean DOM of Solomon; and be-
irpevfxa e^eXOy airo rov av8pa>7rov, diepx^rai hold, something greater
spirit may come o u t from the man, i t wanders about t h a n Solomon ir; here.
5i' avvhpoov TOTTGOP QQTOVP apairavcrip, /cat ovx 43 % W h e n t h e I M P U R E
through dry places seeking a resting-place, and n o t Spirit is gone out of the
eupio~K€i. Tore Xeyei' ULiwyrpetyu) eis TOV M A N , i t roves through
it finds. Then i t says; I will return into t h e Parched Deserts, seeking
OIK OP {AOV9 66ep e^rjXOop. Kai eXOop evpiCKei a Place of Rest, and finds
house of me, whence I came. And coming it finds i t not.
cxoXa^opra, cecrapcofxepop, Kai K€Koo~iJ.r,[jievoPo 44 Then it says, I will
it being empty, having been swept, and having been set in order. return to my HOUSE,
^Tore iropeverai, Kai rrapaXajuBapei yU€0' eavrov whence I came. And
Then i t goes, and takes with itself coming, it finds it empty,
sirra erepa Trpev/xara, iroprjporepa eavrov, Kai swept, and furnished.
seven othei' spirits, m o r e wicked of itself, and 45 I t then departs, a n d
eicreXQopra Karoucei eKsr Kai yiverai ra takes with itself Seven
they entering finds an abode there; and becomes the Other Spirits, more wicked

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—38. and Pharisees—omit. 38. answered, him, saying.

y 38. This was a demand often made—see Matt. xvi. 1; Mark viii. 11; Luke xi. 16—and
probably founded on the prophecy of Dan. vii. 13, which describes the Son of Man as coming
in the clouds of heaven. It was almost a characteristic of the Jews to ask a sign. See
1 Cor. i. 22. They demanded one from heaven—some celestial phenomenon—which would be
the strongest test of Jesus' pretensions.—liloomjield. t 40. That is, simply, in the
earth. So Tyre is said to be in the heart of the sea, Ezek. xxviii. 2, although it was so
near the continent, that, when Alexander beseiged it, he carried a causeway from the land
to the city.—Trollope. t 42. I n the Old Testament—Sheba*
t 38. Luke xi. 20. J. 39. Matt. xvi. 4. J 40. Jonah i. l7o X 41 - Jonah iii. 5.
% 42. 1 Kings x. 1; 2 Chron. ix. I. i 48. Luke xi. 24-
Chap: 12: 46.} MATTHEW. [Chap,, IS :• 4.

ccrxaTa TOW avdpconov etteivov x€lPova than itself, and entering,

last (state) of t h e man that worse they abide there; and
of t h e
'xpooTQiV. Ovrcas ecrrat Kat rri yevea ro.vrr, X the LAST state. of that
(lest. Thus will be and t h e generation this MAN is worse than the
FIRST. Thus will it also
4T) TTQt/r)pa.
the wicked.
be with this EVIL GENE-
46 46 While he was yet
En fie avrov XaXovvros rots oxXois,
iSov, talking to the CROWDS,
While and he is talking to the crowds, lo,
| behold, his MOTHER and
rj fxrjrrjp tca>. ol adeXcpoi avrov e(aTr]Keio'av e£a>, his BROTHERS stood with-
the mother a n d t h e brothers of him stood without,
£TITOIJI/T€S avTCf) XaXrjo'ai * [ 4 ' E i 7 r e 5e ns him.out, desiring to speak to
seeking l o him t o speak [Said then one
47 *[And one said to
tfJTrp' I § O U , T) fXY)T7)f) CTOV Kat 01 afieXcpOl GOV
fu him, Lo. th«> m o t h e r of thee and t h e brothers of thee
him, "Behold, thy MOTH-
4S< ER and thy BROTHERS are
€£o> karrii<ao~it £r)rovvr€<; o~oi XaXtfTat,] 0 standing without, wishing
without stand, seeking t o thee to sjjeak.] He
to speak to thee."]
5e airoKpidei? €LTT£ rco erxovrt avry Tis effrtv 48 But HE answering,
but answering said t o t h e mrt.ii informing' h i m ; Who is
said to the PERSON I N -
7] firjrrip fxov; KCLI rives elatv ol adeXcpoi fJ.ov ; FORMING him, + " Who is
t h e mother of m e ? and who ate the brothers ofmc?
49 €l a my MOTHER? and who
Kat €KTGivas rrjv X P UVTOV €iri rous are my BROTHERS ?"
And stretching out the hand . f hiin towards the
49 And extending his
(xaOrjras ai/n)w, eiirzv 18ov, i] fxrjrrjp fxov, itai HAND towards his DISGI-
disciples of him, said; Lo, the mother olme, and
5 c I'LES, he . said, " Behold
ol aSeXcpot fxov. ° O(TTis -yap av iroi^crr} ro my MOTHER, and my
the brothers of me. Whoever for may do the BROTHERS I
OeKrj/jLa rov irarpos /JLOV, rov ev ovpavois, avros 50 % For whoever shall
will of the father . o f me, t h a t in heavens, t h e same do the WILL of THAT
fxov a$€X<pos K*cu a$eX(pr) aai fi^nqp eariv> FATHER of mine in the
of me a brother and a sister and a mother is. HEAVENS, that one is
my Brother, or Sister, or
KE$. (7', 1 3 . CHAPTER XIII,
1 1 On that DAY, JESUS,
Ev Be rrj yjuep^eKeivrj e^eXOcov 6 lr)crow$ airo
In btit t h e day that departing t h e Jesus from having gone out of the
2 HOUSE, $ sat by the SIDE
Tr\s oiKiasj €tca6r)To irapa ry\v OaXaacrav Kat
the house, he sat by the sea, and Of the LAKE;
CvvrixOyvav rrpos avrov ox^-oi iroXXoi, ojo~re 2 but so many People
were igathfred to him crowds great, so that gathered around him, that
avrov eis ro TrXotoV e^avra icaOrjorOat' Kat 7rftv lie entered *a Boat, and
he into t h e ship entering t o be seated; and all sat down ;.and All the PEO-
6 oxXos eirt rov atyiaXov eio'rynei* 3
Kat PLE stood on; the SHORE.
the crowd on the shore stnod. And 3 Then he discoursed
eXaX-qaev avrois noXXa ev 7rapa@oAats9 Xeyoov much to them in Para-
hespaUe t o them much in parables, saying; bles, saying; {"Behold,
IdoVy e^rjXOev 6 crireipcav rov o'lreipeiv. 4
Kat the SOWER went forth to
Lo, went out t h e sower of t h e (oeeel) to sow. And sow.
ev r(p (Tweipetv avrov9 a fiev evreae irapa rrjv 4 And in SOWING, some
in the sowing it, some indeed fell on the seeds fell I by the ROAD;
ddov Kat iqXQe ra irereiva, Kat Karecpayev aura. and the BIRDS came and
path} and came the birds* and ate them. picked them up.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—47. And one said to him, "Behold, thy MOTHER and thy BRO-
THERS are standing without, wishing to speak to thee"—omit. 2. a Boat. 5. EARTH.
t 48. To suppose thnt our Lord here intends "to put any slight, on his mother would be
yery absurd; he only took the opportunity of expressing his affection to his obedient disci-
ples in a peculiarly endearing manner; which could not but be a great comfort to them,
11 appears from Luke vii i. 2, Susanna, Joanna, Mary Magdalene, and others were then with
him.* t 4. The ordinary roads or paths in the East lead often along the edge of the fields,
which are unenclosed. Hence, as the sower scatters his seed, some of it is liable to fall be-
yond the ploughed portion, on the hard beaten ground, which forms the way-side.—Hackett.
t 45. Heb. vi. 4- x, 26; 2 Peter ii. 20—22. t 43. Mark iii, SI ; Luke viii. 19. $ 50,
John xv. 14: Gal, iii. 28: Heb. ii, 11. t 1. Mark iv, 1, % 3.*Luke viii. 5.
rr%r ;Gka$Ti$TVk
AAAct 5e GTtQGsv eirt ra vsr peahen dirov OVK 5 Arid others fell on
Others and fell on t h e rocky ground, where not GEOUND. where
fl they had not much Soil;
X € y^v "ffoWrjv' Kai evOeoos elaz^retAe, cues and immediately vegeta-
It had earth, : much; and immediately sprvigup, through ted. through not HAVING
ll/ 6 a Depth of * EARTH ;
TO fiy €X* &&Qos yvs' ^Aiov'5e avarsr
the not to have a depth of e a r t h ; , sua and having 6 -r and when the Sun
XCLPTOS, GKavjj.artaOr)1 Rat ftta ro fir) ^x€iV had risen, they were
arisen, it was scorched. / and through t h e n o t t o have scorched, and HAVING no
7 Root, they withered.
p^au, €%r}pav6y}.' AAAa 8e eirscrev eirt ras 7 And others fell among
a root, was dried u p . Others and fell among the
ITHOENS; and thexHOBNs
UKavOas' Kaiave^Tjrratf at anavOai, Katatreiri/t^av choked them.
thorns; and sprung u p the thorns, and choked, , 8 But others fell oo.
aura. 8
AAAa 8e eTrecrey €irt rr)U yt\v rrju GOOD GEOUND, and yield-
them. Others \ and fell on t h e ground t h e ' ed Increase; ONE a hun-
1 dred, ONE sixty, and ONE
tcah-qp Kai eSz&ov Kdpirdvf 6 fiev knarou, 6 thirty.
good, and bore •' fruit t h e one a hundred, t h e
9 H E HAVING Ears to
8e kfyfiKovra, 6 Se rpiaKovra, j , ' 0 c-x&u ccra hear, let him hear.
Other sixty, t h e other"' thirty;* H e having ears 10 t Then the DISCI-
wtovetv, dKoOeru)* ln
Ka* 'itpOffsKQovrts ol PLES approaching, said to
t o hear, let him hear* And coming t h e him, "Why dost thou
speak to them in Para-
fjLa9r)Tca GITTOV awry Atari • €U irapafiokcus bles?" .
disciples said t o him j ; Why in parables.
11 H E answering1, eaid
AaAetS avrots > ** 'O 5e airoicpiOeis emsu av- to them, "Because You
speakest thou t o them? H e and answering eaid to are permitted to know the
rots* 'On vjxiu BeSorat yvwvai ra_ jxvcrifjpia SECRETS of the KINGDOM .
them; Because t o yoQ i t is given to know t h e . secrets of the HEAVENS; but toj
them this privilege, is not
rrjs fiacriXzias reap ovpavoov* sKtivqis Se ov given.
of the" kingdom , of t h e „.; heavens; to them but not
12 For whoever has, to
deSorat. '0<fTis yap e ^ e i , doOricrerat avrq>t him more will be given,
i t is given. Whoever for Las, it (shall be given t o h i m , and he shall abound; but
Hat Trepifr(TevQT)<rGTat<' oo-rtsBe OVK eX€i, Kai whoever has not, from
s n d he will be gifted with abundance ^whoever b u t n o t ha«» even
him will be taken even
e 13
that which he has.
6 ex '» ap6r,o'€rat air* avrov. A tee rovro 13 For this reason I
what he has, shall be taken. from him.. \. Therefore thia I speak to them in Para-
ev irapa{$o\ais avrois AaAco, on fiAeirovres ov bles; Because seeing, they
in parables t o them I speak, for . seeing n o t do not perceive; and hear-
ing, they do not under-
j3Ae7rQu<n, Kai aKouos/rss OVK aKovovGtv, ov$e stand; nor do they regard
they see, and hearing ; : , n o t they hear, neither
14 And in them 'is ful-
Wvviovfft. Kai ayarrXrjpovrat avrots rj wpo* filled THAT PROrHECY of
do they understand. And is fulfilled to them the Isaiah, which says; t ' By
<pr}r€ia 'Haraiov, r) Xzyovara' AKOTJ aKovcere, 'Hearing you will hear,
prophecy ofEsaias, that s a y i n g ; " B y hearing you shall hear, ' though you may not un-
' de-rstand; and seeing, you
kai ov p.7) crvvriTG' Kai fiXeirovrss /3AeiJ/eTe, ' will see, though you may
and not not you may understand; and seeing youwillsee,
' not perceive.
Kai ov fj.rj i57?Tet lsEiraxvpOr} yap rj Kapdia rov 15 ' F o r the "UNDKR-
and not not you may see. H a s grown fat for t h e ' heart of t h e ' S T A N D I N G Of t h i s PEO«


t 0. In Palestine, during the seed time, (which is in November,) the sky is generally
overspread with clouds. The seed then springs up even in stony ground; but when the sun
dissipates the clouds, having outgrown its strength, it is quickly dried away.—Rosenmullsr.
1 7. among THORNS—or rather, upon thorny ground." The field sown may be considered
to, consist of the different varieties of soil specified; viz., the rocky, the thorny, and the
good ground.
t 10. Mark iv. 20; Luke viii.9. % J4 Isa. vi. 9; .John, j i h 30^_Acta,xxyiiiv 26}
JEJom. xi. 8. v
map. IS,- 16/j MATTHEW, [Chap.M: §8.

kaov rovrov, Kai ; SHS cco'i fiapecos yKOvcav, Kai ' F L E is stupified; they
people this, and with tES ears heavily they hear, and 'hear heavily with their
rot s o<p6a\/j.ovs ai/rcei? €Ka/u/JLvcrav9 [xrjirore ' E A E S , and their EYES
the eyes of them they shut, iesf. 'they elose; lest seeing
'with their EYES, ana
•ideocri rois o<pQaKjiois9 Kai rois oociv CLKOV- ' hearing with their EARS,
they should see with the eyes, and with the ears they should ' and comprehending with
rooo'if Kat ry Kapdia cwcoo'i, Kai etrto'rpe- 'their M I N D , they should
kear, and with the heart should understand, and they should 'retrace their steps, and
' I should restore them.'
wcocri, Kai lao' avrovs. 16 J But blessed are
turn, and I should heal them. Of you but
Your EYES, because they
ftcucapioi oi o(pQaK[xoi bri $K<£TTOVO~I* Kai ra cora see; and EAES, because
blessed the eyes for they see; and the ears they hear.
*[v/xoov,] ori aitovet* 17 Tor indeed I say to
^ A/urjv yap Ktyca v/miv,
[of you,] for they hear. Indeed you, J That Many Pro-
for I say to you,
hets and Righteous men
on iroKKoi 7rpo(pr}raL Kai SiKaioi eTreOvfirjCav
that many prophets and righteous men hare desired ave desired to see what
you behold, but have not
iBeu/y a ftKeirere, Kat OVK etfiov Kai axovcrai, seen; and to hear what
to see what you see, and not saw; and ti* hear, you hear, but have not
a aKovere, Kai ovic 7}Kovo~av. heard.
what you hear, and not heard. 18 J Understand gmt,
T/jL€is ovv aKovffare rrjv 7rapa0o\rjv rov therefore the PAEABLE OI
the SOWEK.
You therefore hear the parable of the
19 When any one hears
ffireipovros. Tlavros a,Kovovros rov Koyov the $ WOED of the KING-
sower, Any one hearing the word DOM, but considers it not,
TTJS fiao'iKeias, Kai fir) (Tvvievros, epx^rat b the EVIL one comes and
of the kingdom, and not understanding, comes the snatches away THAT hav-
rrovrjpos, Kai apwa^ei ro ^(nrapjxevov €V rrj KapSia ing been sown in his
HEART. This explains
wicked (one,; and snatches that having been sown in the heart
THAT which was s o w s
avrov ovros €o~riv, b Trapa rrjv bdov (Tirapeis. by the EOAD.
of him; this ia, that on the path being sown. 20 T H A T which was
20 sown on EOCKY
' O Se €7rf ra irerpooSr) crirapsis, ovros ecrriv, GROUND,
That but on the rocky ground being sown, this is, denotes him, WHO HEAE-
I N G the WOED, receives
b rov Koyov aKovoov Kai cvOvs xaPas it immediately with Joy;
who the word hearing and forthwith with joy
21 yet, it having no
KafxfSavoov avrov OVK e%ei de pifev ev eavrcp, Root in his mind, he re-
receiving it; not he has but a root in himself, tains it only a short time;
aXKa TcpoffKaipos ecrrt' yevo/nevrjs Se OAixf/eoos f] for when Affliction or Per-
but transient is; arising and trial or secution arises, on ac*
count of the WOED, he
diwyfiov 5:a rov Koyov, evOvs CKavBaKi^erai. instantly stumbles.
persecution through the word, immediately he ia offended.
22 THAT which was
' O 5*6 ets ras aicavdas crirapeis,
sown among THOENS, de- ovros eo~riv9
That but into the thorns being sown, this is, notes THAT HEAEEE, in
6 rov Koyov aKovoov, Kai 7] {lepL/mva rov aioovos whom the CAEES of *the
who the word hewing, and the care of the age AGE and the DECEPTIVE
NES3 Of RICHES, cholt,
rovrov, Kai r) airarT] rov rrKovrov o'vfnrviyei the WOED, and render L6
this. and the delusion of the riches chokes
nov Koyov Kai aKapnos yiverai. 'O Se CTTI 23 But THAT which was
the word; and unfruitful becomes.sown on GOOD SOIL, and
That but on
rrjv yr\v rrjv KaKrjv a"rrapeis9 ovros eo^riv, 6 rov produced fruit, ONE a
the ground the good being sown, this is, who the hundred, ONE sixty, and
\oyov aKOvcov, Kai o~vvioow 6s drj KapTro<popei9 ONE thirty, denotes HIM,
word hearing, and understanding; who really bears fruit, who not only hears and;
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—16. your—omit. 22. the A6B.
i 16. Luke x. 23. $ 17. 1 Peter i. 10,11. % 18. Mack iv. 14; Luk« viii. 11,
J8t M»H. iv. 23.
(Map. /§-. U.] MATTHEW. Chap. I S : S i .

ttcu iroiei, 6 fiev eKarov, 6 §e ktyicovra, o considers, but obeys tha

and yields, the one a hundred, the other sixty, the WORD.
Se rpiaKOvra, 24 He proposed to them
other thirty. another Parable, saying,
2i The KINGDOM of the
AXXr}v irapafBoXrjp TrapeOrjKzv avrois, Xeycov HEAVENS may be com-
Another parable he proposed to them, saying;
pared to the FIELD in
TIJUOIOOOT] r) fiao'iAeia rcav ovpavoov avOpcoircp which the Owner sowed
May be compared the kingdom of the heavens to a man
Good Grain;
cnreipovri KaKov (nrep/xa ev r<$ aypep avrov. 25 but while the M E *
sowing good seed in the field of him.
25 SLEPT, His ENEMY cauae
Ev de rep KaOevdeiv rovs avOpcoTrovs, r)\6ev | and sowed t Darnel suuong
In and the to sleep the men, came the WHEAT, and wer,t
avrov 6 ex^pos, Kai cenreipe fyQavia ava fiecrov away.
of him the enemy, and sowed darnel through midst 26 When the BLADE
rov CTLTOV Kai cLTrrjAOep. 2 6 'OTe 5e efiAaffrrjo'ev shot up, and put forth the
of the wheat; and went forth. "When and was sprung up Ear, then appeared also
6 xopros Kai Kapnov €Troir)o~€) rore zcpavi) Kai the DARNEL.
the blade and fruit yielded, then appeared also 27 And the SESYANTS
ra £i£avia. ^TlpocreXOovres <5e ol SovXoi rov Of t h e HOUSEHOLDER,
the darnel.. Coming and the coming said to him, Mas-
slaves of the
oiKodeo'Trorov, enrov avrcp* Kvpie, ter, thou didst sow Good
ou%t KaXov
householder, said to him; O lord, not good Seed in THY Field;
o"iT€pfxa €0"ir€tpas ev rq> area aypep; iroQev ovv e%ef whence, then, has it Dar-
seed didst thou sow in the thy field? whence then has it nel?
£i£avta; O 8e e<f>7) avrois* E%0pos avOpoowos 28 He replied, an Ene-
darnel? He and Baid to them; An enemy a man my has done this. * And
rovro ciroiricreu. Ol 5e SouAoi enrov avrcp* THEY say to him, Dost
this has done. The and slaves said to him; thou wish then, that we
(deXeis ovv aTreXdovres <TvXXeJ-co/j.ev avra; should weed them out ?
Dost thou wish then going forth we should gather them? 29 And H E said, No;
^ ' O 5e €(p7]' Ov firjirore, ffvXXeyovrzs ra ^i^avia, lest in weeding out the
He and said; No; lest, gathering the darnel, DARNEL, you also tear up
eKpi^cao"T}re a/xa avrois rov airov. ^ A ^ e r e the WHEAT.
you should root up with them the wheat. Leave them 30 Let both grow to-
evvav^avscrQai apuporepa ^XPL T0V
Oepia/nov gether till the HARVEST;
and in the TIME of HAR-
to grow together both till the harvest;
VEST, I will say to the
Kai ev Kaipcp rov Qepio~jiov epco rots Oepicrrais* REAPERS, First gather the
and in time of the harvest I willsay to the harvesters;
DARNEL, and bind it in
SuAAe^are Trpoorov ra Q^avia, Kai hrjcare avra Bundles for B U R N I N G ;
Gather you first the darnel, and bind you them J then bring together the
eis Seo'/jLas, irpos ro KaraKavcrai afTcr rov Se wheat into my GRAN-
into bundles, for the to burn them; the but ARY."
criroy ffvvayayeris eis rr\v aTrodrjKrjv fxov. 31 % Another Parable
wheat bring together into the barn of me. he proposed to them, say-
3 AXXrjv irapafioXyv TrapedrjKev avrois,
Xeywv ing j The KINGDOM of the
Another parable he proposed to them,
HEAVENS is like to a saying;
'O/Jioia €(Triv 7] fiaffiXeia rcov ovpavcav KOKiccp Grain of Mustard, which
Like is the kingdom of the heavens to a grain a Man planted in his
tfivairecos, 6v Xaftcav avQpooiros co'Treipev ev rep E I E L D :
of mustard, which taking a man sowed in the
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—28. And THEY say to him.
t 25. A plant which bears a striking' resemblance to wheat. The following remarks by
H. B. Hackett, will fully illustrate this •.—"In passing through the fertile country of the an-
cient Philistines, on the south of Palestine, I asked the guide, one day, a native Syrian, it
he knew of a plant which was apt to make its appearance among the wheat, and which re-
sembled it so much that it could hardly he distinguished from it He replied that it was
very common, and that he would soon show me a specimen of it. Soon after this he pointed
out to me some of this grass, growing near our path; and afterwards, having once seen it,
I found it in almost every field where I searched for it. Except that the stalk wai not so
high, it appeared otherwise precisely like wheat, just as the ears hegin to show themselves.
and the kernels are swelling out into shape. I collected some specimens of this deceitful
weed, and have found, on showing them to friends, that they have mistaken thera ^uite iar
Variably for some species of grain, such as wheat or barley.1*
t 80. Matt. iii. 12. % 81. Mark iv. 30i Luke xiii. 18.
IS: 32.] 'MATTHEW: (Chap. 1 3 : 3 0 .

ftypy ahrov. ~6Z82"Q jxuzporepov fisv crrrt iravroyp 32 which indeed is on©
field of him. Which Icaa indeed i» of all of the f least of All SEEDS*.
TQ)U (TTT^pfxarajv hrav 5e avi-7}67), fxsi^ov TWV but when grown it is
of t h e seeds; wliert b u t it may be grown, agreater oftha larger than any HEEBJ,
A.a^avwi/€0"Tt, /cat yiuzrai devdpoy, w e r e ekBeiv f and becomes a Tree, so
he&bs is, and become* . a tree, no t h a t tocouie that the-BIRDS of HEAV»
TO. TreTGiva, rov ovpavov, feat KaracrKrivovv €f EN come and build theit
the birds of t h e • heaven, and t o make uesta ia nests on its BRANCHES.
TOIS KKadois avTov, 33 J Another Parable
the branches ©fit. '• lie spake to them; "The
Ak\r)i/ TrapafioKtiv ^ha\r)(T€yavrois* 'Ofjtoia KINGDOM Of the HEAV-
Another parahle -t . henpake totheth; Like ENS resembles Leaven,,
Gffrw 7) fiacriXeta rcov ovpavcav tyjxri, yv KafSovva which a Woman taking-,
is the kingdom of t o o heaveno t o leaveo, which t a k i n g mingled in three t Mea-
yvurj &vsKpvy\tGir <EIS akcvpou trara rpia9 ecos ov sures of Meal, till tfec^
a woman mixed in of m e a l measures t h r e e , till of it whole fermented."
G&IIWQV} bkov. ^Tavra, "KavTa shu,\riff£P 6 . 34 All these thingg J E -
c?aa leavened whole. These all spake ' t% t h e
SUS communicated to the
IT)(TOVS ev wapa0o\ais rois ox^oi$9 teat x ^ P ^ CROWDS in Parables, and
Jesus ia- parables totho crowds, and without
35 without a Comparison iie
srctpajSoAfls OVK eAaAe* avrois' 'o7ra>s ir\7)- taught them not;
n parable apt hespake to them; so that i t might
QwOrj TO firjdev Bia rov Trpo^prjrov, keyoi/ros' 35 so that the WOBD
befi*l$ilsd t h e word spoken through t h e prophet, saying, SPOKEN through the PKO-
**AI/OI£G> €P TiapafioXous TO oroua (xov epeu- PHET might be verified,
' I will opeaj£ k» parablea the inuuth of m e , I will saying; + J " I will open
Hoficu KeKpvfifjLGva ano\ Ka,Tafio\7}s "my mouth in parable^
Dpenly declare t h i n g s having been h i d • - from a beginning " I . will openly ~declari
*[/co0>ioi/."] "things having bsen hid
[of t h e world."]
"from the beginning."
^'ToTg a<pei$ rous ox^-ovs9^7}k9?p zis rriv 36 Then - J E S U S leav-
Then leaving the crowds, mesal into the ing the PEOPLE, retired to
QtKtav 6 ITJCTQVS, Kai TTpofffjhBov' csxnoa ol the HOUSE j and his dis-
house the Jesus. A And • camo } iohiaa $&e ciples approached him,
fjLa87)rai avTovt XzyovTGS* 4»paow 7)p>w Tips saying, "Explain to usi
dkcipleo of h i m , s a y i n g ; .( Explain touis ' S&ffl the PARABLE of the DAB;
wapafioX'qv rcav £t£ai/icoir rov aypov, \%??0- Be NELinthe F I E L D . "
parable of t h e darnelo of t h e field. Ho and 37 H e answering,'said,
(LW0Kpi&€lS €tW€V *[aUTO(S*] 'O (TlfQipaV tO " He who sows the GOOD
enaweri. j said [to them j] He v sowing ths Seed is the SON of MAN ;
KaKov cTTrep/ia, eo'nv 6 vlos rov avOpwwov' 38 the F I E L D is tho
' good C ' seed, -< is . "" t h e eon." of the V;. m a n ; •;
38 WO&LD; the GOOD Seed
6 Be aypos, effrit/ 6 tsocr/xos' ro Be ttakov are the SONS of the KING-
the and field, ,. ia • t h e world; v t h e and' goodr
DOM J theHABtfEL are tha
cnrepfiaj ovroi eiffiv dt vtoi rris /3aeriAe*as° ra SONS of the KViz. one ;
seed, ihey are t h e sons of t h e kingdon.; ' the
39 39 THAT ENEMY who
de £i£avia9 €io~w ct vloi vov Trovrjpow- 5 Ss
and darnel, are t h e of t h e wicked (one); t h e asid SOWED them is the AD-
cX^pos, 6 enreipas avraf earn? 6 dia0oAos° 6 Be VEESAKY; t h e HARVEST
erierhyV fcc having sown t h e m , ' ;• i» t h e adversary; t h e at id is the End of the * Age;
0epi(rt lO$~ &VVT£h€lV. €&TIW ol Be and the EEAPEES are Mes«
rov aiwvos sengera.
harvest, e n d ••<">».-".-
of t h e age is; the nod

• VATICAN MAHUSCBIPT.—35. of the World—omit. 8?. to them—Htmit. S6. he left.

89. A g e . — v •• •:,,,:,•• ,
t 32. That is, of all those seeds with which the p"5ople of Judea were then acquainted.
Our Lord's words are to be interpreted by popular use. And we learn from Matt. xvii. 30,
that like a grain of mustard seed was become proverbial for expressing a very small quart"
tity.—Geo. Campbell. f 32. And becomes a tree. It attains a large size in Judea. Light-
foot says, R. Simeon Ben Chalaphta mentions one "'into which he was wont to climb, a3
tn0-1 are wont to climb into a fi^-trec." Trench quotes a traveler in Chili who had ridden
Iin4er0ne. t 33. A measure containing about a peck and a half, wanting a little moro
lhan a pint. Three of them made an ephah. t 35. *' J will open my mouth in nar^hiest
I will utter-dark sayings which have been from the beginning,'—Si? L. C. L Br°.ntoii>'4 4Syjfiio*
«tnt.iranslation o/Psa, lxxviii. 2. -
.83. Lukexiii.2Q. U 35. Psa. Ixxviiijt
?e?itfpr!3?"4trf MATTHEW. Chap. 13: 49.
rOepicrTui) ayyeXoi €io~iv 40 'Q,cnr€p ovv o~vX- 40 As tlrerefore the
\ reopens, messengers' are. As
As therefore
theretore arc DARNEL is gathered and
XeyeTai TK £i£ai/ia, /cat irvpi Kcuerar OVTWS burned in a Fire, so will
gntlieiel the darnel, and in ;i lire are burned) so , 'it befn the END of M the
If&Tttt *?€v. TV crvvTcXeia. TOV aioovos TOVTOV. AGK.
ii-iit it be -V
' in ^tlic \ end of t h e age this^ \ 41 The SON of MAN will
-!1 A7rocrTeA€t h vlos TOV avdpoo'trov TOVS ayytXovs J send forth his MESSEN-
Will send j|-; t h e son o f t h e . ' mm ' the messengers GERS, who will gather out
7.JT0V, Kai (rvXXe^ovcriu CK Tr)$ /3acnAems avrov Of his KINGDOM All SE-
of hiin, and ,.v they will gather o u t o f the ;.- kingdom of him DUCERS a n d I N I Q U I T O U S
iravTd Ta (TKavdaXa Kai TOVS "Koiovvras Tt\v avo- PERSONS;
all t h e j s 4 -Seducers % a n d those working the l.-ov- 42 % and will i\ row
p.iav] \i-'• KCLI fiaXovaiv avrovs sts Tt\v najxivov them into the FURN-ICE
lessness, / a n d they will cast "'§ them • into the furnace of FIRE -, there will he the
TOV 7rvpo5-' 6Ke: £(TTCU o KXavd/xos Kai 6 fipvy/uos WF.E'PING and theGNJ.SH-
of the fire; %there B h a l l b e t h e . weeping and t h e IN G of TFF.TH.
TCOV OSOVTCOV. - ;i TOT6 ol SiKaiot eKXa/jL^ovcriy, 43 JThen will them Gii-
ofthe teeth^ yThen t h e righteous shall shine,
TEOUS he resplendent as
tos d yXiosfev T'V (Za&iXeia Tov^iraTpus avTcav, the SUN in the KINGDOM
M t h e '.;• 8iin, c^, in t h e t kingdom ofthe father . oftheui. of their FATHER. HK
'O ex ^ W T a ^ [ a K o u e i y , ] a/coueTW. who HAS ears3 let liini
lie lining ears ^ -•• [ t o hear,] let hiui hear. hear.
V ^"[llaAij/] 6/iOia. earn/ ->/ fia&iXeia TCOV 44 The KINGDOM ofthe
[Again] • J l
lika is the > kingdom ofthe
HEAVENS is like a hid-
ovpavuu Qvaavpr*) /ceKpu/x/xei/aj ej/ TU> aypfp, bv den Treasure in a FIELD,
heavens i,- t o a treasure having Leen hid , in the held, which
a aS
which, a Man hnding, he
€VpWJf--MyOpOJTTOS ^€KpV\l/€, KCLI aiTO T7}S XP covers up, and, from his
.finding' jaiTian Hie hides, and from the joy
JOY, he goe3 and sells all
auTov vnayei) KCU iravTa. 6o~a e x 6 t wXei, Kai that he lias, and buys that
of him he goes, and ;fe all aa much aa ke has sella, and
ayopafct Toy aypov eKtivov.
\ buys'' the field ", that. \ J 45' Again, the KING-
45 DOM of the HEAVENS is
riaAxy bjxoia ecmv 7} fiacriXcia TWV ovpavoov
Again ' like is the kingdom ofthe heavens like a Pearl of Great
*[av0pw7roj] e/xTropy, QT]TOVVTI KaXovs ixapaypi- value;
[to a man] a m e r c h a n t , ,; peeking choice pearls. 46 which + a Merchant,
Tas. Evpcav 8e eva TtoXvTipiov /jLapyapiTyv, who was^seeking Choice
Finding and one ' costly peail, Pearls, having found, went
aireXOoov ireirpaKG iravTa~ 6o~a eiX 6 i nai rjyopa- and sold all that he had,
going he6old ^ all , as much as h e had, a n d bought and bought it,
<76V aVTOV. 47 Again, the KING-
it. ;
DOM of the HEAVENS re-
*iTlaXiv 6/noia~€(TTii/'i] fiaaXeia
TU>V ovpavcov, sembles a Drag-net, being
Again like is the kingdom
heavens ofthe
cast into the SEA, and en-
cayyvy, PXv6eio~v €ts TT\V OaXarrorav, Kai e/c closing 'fishes of Every
to a drag-net, being cast into t h e sea, . a n d . of Kind;
ircLVTOs'yzvovs ffwayayovcrv' r ^ , <5re €7TXT]- 48 which, when it is
every kind bringing together j which, tvheii it is
pooOrj) avafiificLO'avTts eirt TOV aiyiaXov, Kai full, they draw to the
SHORE, and sitting down,
full, drawing to the shore, and .
gather the GOOD into ves-
KaQi&avTes 'cvv&X^av r a /caAa €is ayytia, Ta sels, but throXv the, ius£-
sitting down they collected t h e good into vessels, , t h e
49 LISSS away.
$e caTTpa, e^co e&aXov. QVTWS SCTTCCI tv TV
|jut bad away t h e y cast. So it will be .in the 49 So will it he tit the

"VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—40. the AGE. , 43. to hear—omif. 41. Again—omit.

45. Man—omit.
i 40. To translate aioon, by t h e word world, haa a tendency, to lead the reader astray, " H o
less than thirteen difi'erent meanings are attached to this word, in the Common Vel'sioiu1
The'meaning is age, and this rendering can always be understood. . The context will deter*
mine, generally, what age is referred to—the Jewish, Christian, Messianic, or the endlesa
succession of ages. For further remarks, see Appendix. t 40. Such as those found i ^
tiie East, who travel about buying or exchanging jewels, pearls, or other valuables^,
i 41. Matt, sxii 7. J 42. Mat't. Hi. 12. - ' % 43. Dan. xii. 3.
Chap, 13; 60.] MATTHEW. [Ckap.l'6i 58.

crvvTeXaq rov ai.a>i?Qsa 'Q^GAC-VGOVTCU ot ayye- END Of the AGE. TIi

end ofths a£<% Shall po forth She messen- MESSENGEE3 'Bill gv
KOL9 KO& a£op60v<Tc <rov§ irop^pojs fxcdov rcoufortk, and will sepaxufK
gers, and shall separate tha <?icked the WICKED from among
from among
diKatooj/? 'Mtiiat fiaAov&iz? cwroos <sis TTJP tca/uupop t h e BiGiiTEOUS;
just, fi.jd ahallcast them into the furnace 50 and will throw them
rov Trvpos0 cKst so'Tat 6 icXavdjios aai 6 (Spvy/ios into tho EUENACE of
sfthe fire; thare will bo the weeping and the gnashing riEE; there will be the
Txtiv OSOVTOOVO 5 1 *[Aeyet avrois 6 l7]o~ovs,^\ WEEPING and the GNASH-
of the teeth. [Says to thena the Jesus.] ING of TEETH.
'Svpyjfcare ravra i?apra ; Aeyovo~ip avrcp* 51 Have you under-
Have you understood these things all? They say to him; stood all these things?"
Ncu [rcvpie.J 53<
0 §e siwep avrots° Aia rovro They answered, "Yes."
Yes [O lord.] He then 3aid to them; Therefore this 52 Then HE said to
was ypa/ji/xarevSf fiaOrjrevdeis rr\ fiacriXeLq rcop them, "Every Scribe.
Svery scribe, being instructed to the kingdom of the therefore, being ins-tnir1
ovpavcopy SfioLos stfrip avdpwircp oiKo^eo-irorrj^ ed *in the KINGDOM of
heavens, like is to a man an householder, the HEAVENS, is like a
JCTTIS eftfiaWei e/c TOV Orjcravpov avrov Kaiva Householder, who pro-
c/ho brings out of the treasury of him new duces fruu his TREAS-
tccu sraAcua. -. URY, new things and
a-id old. old."
s,> 53 And it occurred
Kcje. eysperOc, STG ereAeo'ej' 6 1T)<TOVS fas when J E S U S had co7.°
And it came to pass, when had concluded the Jesus the
eluded these PABAJBLES,
rapafioXas ravras3 fierypsp eiteiOep. ^KM he departed thence.
parables those, he departed thence. And
eXdcop <c-ts TIQZ/ icaTp&da avrov adidacrKep avrovs 54 % And. coming into
coming into She country of him., he taught theo • thlC OWrl CITY llO BO
ep rr, ffvpayooyt? avrcop,ercTrkrjTTGG'Bastaught tho inhabitants in
in tho »ynagogue ofthpm, so aa to aiitonish their SYNAGOGUE, that
avrovs, tmi Azytiv* Uodsp >Tovrcp y cro^m they were astonished, ana
said, "Whence has this
them s and to jay. "\7hence this the wisdom
56 man, this WISDOM, and
avrrj? ccat at dvpa/aeiss Ovx ovros ecrrip 6 these MIEACULOUS POW-
this and ihe!$3 powers? Not this is the
TOV TQfcrovos vtoSo' ovx& V ^VTVp avrov Aeyerat, 55 J I s not this ihe
of the carpentec aonV not the mother of him is called
MapboLfis ztai .o$ adeXfpoe, avrov la,Kivfiosd K<XI
hisMOTHER called Mary?
Mary? and xAic brothers o'him James, and
and do not his BROTHERS,
looo'rf'S, KCLI l$i/ncop9 teat lovbas i 'oQccai at a&eA(/>a& James, and f Joses, and
jf'-oses, ancl Simon, and Judas? and iilie sisters
Simon, and Judas,
avrov ovxL ^ccuai irpos TJJUCCS ctcn; '-rodep ovv
O* him not alt with U3 are P whence then 5G and all his t SISTERS,
Tcvrcp ravra irapra; 5
?Kai edcavdaXi^ipro ep live v/ith us? "Whence,
this these all? And they found a difficulty in then, has he ait these
€f,vrq.o c
O §e ITJ&OVS eiirep avrois° Ovtt ea'n things."
him. The and Jesus said to them; Not is 57 And they Jstumblcd
irpo<pr}rr)s arifios, e* /LIT] ep ry Trarpidi avrov at him. But J E S U S said
a prophet unhonored, if not in the country ofhim, to them, " A Prophet is
fxa& <BV rrj oiKia avrov. Kcti OVK €7rOl7)Cr€V not without honor, except
anc? in the house ofhiai. And not he did do in his OWN COUNTRY, and
<&tce& Svpa/jieis iroAAas^ (kc r??^ aTTicrriav in his own F A M I L Y . "
the'ro mighty works many, because oi? the unbeliefof 58 J And he did not
avrcop0 perform many Miracles
tho-aa. there, because of their

* 'VISICAW MANUSCRIPT.—51„ J E S C S says to them—omit. 51. Lord—omit. 52. in.

V 51. I h a t i s , Nazareth, where he had been brought; u p ; Luke iv. 16, 23. t 55. J o .
5eph—so read Lachvnami, Tiscliendorf, and Tittman. f 56- According to Theophyhacfc,
tne names of the sisters of Jesus were Mary and Salome.
J 51. Matt. ii. 23; Mark vi. 1„ J 55. John vi. 42. J 5?. >£aiit, xi.Cs I»a. ^ ^ 14;
(ora. ix. 32, 33; 1 Peter-ii. 8. J 58. Mark vi. 5, G,
dhap. 14: t ] MATTHEW. 14: 1 1

KE«S>. tS'. 1 4 .
1 At That TIME, J Her-
Ev €K€ivcp rep Kaipep rjKovcrev 'Bpcodrjs 6 od the + TETRARCH, hear-
At that the time heard Herod the ing of the TAME of Jesus,
2 2 said to his SERVANTS,
TGrpapxys Tt)v aKorjv Irjcrov, Kai enre rois
tetrarch the fame of Jesus, and said to the "This is John the IM-
iraiGiv avrov Ovros ccrriv leaavvrjs 6 fSaivriGrys* MERSER ; h e is raised from
servants of him; This is John the dipper; the D E A D ; and therefore
avros riyepOr} arro rcav vtKpoov, Kai dia rovro at MIRACLES are performed
he is raised from the * dead, and therefore this the by him."
Svva/Jieis evepyovcriv zv aura). 3c
O yap 'HpcoBrjs, 3 Tor % HEROD *then
mighty powers work in him. The for Herod, had caused JOHN to he
Kparrjcras rov Teaavvrjv, edrjerev avrov, Kai eOero seized, hound, and put in
seizing the John, had bound hira, and put
* PRISON, on account of
e f Herodias, his BROTHER
zv (pvXaKri) dia Hpo)5ta§a rt]v yvvaiKa 4>fA- Philip's "WIFE ;
in prison, on acsount of Herodias the wife of
4 4 for John had said to
iinrov rov adzAepov avrov. EA676 yap avrcp 6 him, f i t is not lawful
Philip the brother of him. Had said for to him the for thee to have her."
IcoavvrjS' OVK extern croi ^X€lp &VTT}V. 6 K a i 5 And "wishing to kill
John; Not it is lawful to thee to have her. And him, he feared the PEO-
OeAeav avrov airoKreivai, eepofir}97) rov Q%AOJ>, PLE, % Because they es-
wishing him to destroy, he feared the people, teemed him as a Prophet.
on cus rrpocprjrrjv avrov €ix<*v, Yeveericcv 5e 6 But when HEROD'S
for as a prophet him they esteemed. Birth-day of hut Birth-day was kept, the
ayofievcov rov 'Hpoodov, wpx'HO'aro 7) Ovyarrjp t DAUGHTER of H E R O D I -
was being held of the Herod, danced the daughter AS danced in the MIDST,
rr)S 'HpooSiaoos €V rep jiterep' Kai rjpecre rep and pleased HEROD ;
ofthe Herodias in the midst; and pleased the 7 whereon he promised
'Hpccdy ? 6Qev /xed' bpKov cc/xoAoyrjcrev avry with an Oath to give her
Herod; whereupon with an oath he promised to her whatever she might re-
8 C
fiovvai) 6 eav airr\crr\rai. H §e 3 irpofii- quest.
to give, what soever she might ask. She and, being 8 And SHE, being insti*
fixcrdeio'a vivo rrjs fj.7]rpos avrrjs, Aos fxoi, gated by her MOTHER,
incited by the mother of her, Give t o m e , said, " Give me here, on a
<pr)o~iv, cvBe €TTL TTLvaKL rr)V KeepaArjV looavvov Platter, the HEAD of J O H N
she said, here tlpon a plate the head of John the the I M M E R S E S . "
9 9 And the * K I N G , be-
^airrierrov. Kat eXvirrjOr] 6 fiacriAevs' S/a Se
dipper. And was sorry the king; because of but ing sorry on account of the
rovs opKovs Kai rovs o'vvavaKeifxevovs, e/ce- OATHS and the GUESTS,
the oaths and those commanded that it should
reclining at table, he com-
Aetxre boOrjvai. 10 be given her.
Kat Tre/xif/as aireK€(paAicre
manded it to be given. And sending he cvit off the head of 10 Accordingly, by his
rov Iwavvrjv ev ry (pvAaKy u
Kai7)V€x6rj r) order, JOHN was behead-
ed in the PRISON.
the John in the prison. And was brought the
11 And his HEAD was
KecpaArj avrov eiri irivaKi, Kai sdoOr) rep Kopa- brought on a Platter, and
head of him on a plate, and it was given to the little
presented to the GIRL;
cricp' Kai 7}V€yK€ rr\ /nrjrpi avryjs. ^Kanrpocr- and she carried it to her
girl; and she brought it to the mother of her. And coming MOTHER.
tAOovres 01 fia6r)rai avrov r\pav ro crca/xa, Kai e6- 12 And his DISCIPLES
the disciples of him took the body, and they
coming, carried off *the
a\j/ay avro' Kai eAdovres airrjyysiAav rep Irjcov, DEAD-BODY, and buried
buried it; and departing they told it to the Jesus.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. then had. 3 PRISON. 9. KING, being sorry on
account of the OATHS and the GUESTS, commanded, 12. the DEAD-BODY.
t 1. Properly, the governor ofthe fourth part of a country; commonly used as a title in-
ferior to a KING, and denoting chief ruler. The person here spoken of was Antipas, a son of
Herod the Great. The name KING is sometimes given to tetrarchs. See verse 9.—Geo.
Campbell. t 3. He had married a daughter of Aretas, an Arabian prince, whom he put
away, after he had. induced Herodias to qmt her husband; this occasioned a war between
Herod and Aretas. t 6. Named Salome, daughter of Herodias by her former hus-
band.— Josephus, Ant. xviii. v. 4.
X 1. Mark vi. 14; Luke ix. 7. X 3. Mark vi. 17 ; Luke iii. 19,20. X 4. LGY* xvift
16; xx. 21. % 5. Matt. xxi. 26; Luke ix. <L
<*qp-14: 18.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 14: §2.
Kai aKovcas 6 Irjcrovs, avex&pyo'tJ' eiceidev i t ; and departing, told
And 1.a,'ing heard the Jesus, withdrew from thence
13 J. And JESUS having
iv Tc\oi(j> eis e^fiou roirov Kar* idiav tcai anov- heard, privately withdrew
in a ship into a desert place by himself; and having
from thence, by Boat, into
iravres oi o%Aot, TjKoXovdtjo'ay avrcp 7re£77 airo a Desert Place; of which
neard the crowds, they followed him by land from the PEOPLE being inform-
TGOV iroXzcov. Kai e^sXdocv 5 Irjcrovs etde ed, followed him by Land
the cities. And coming out the Jesus saw from the CITIES.
rroXvv oyXov Kai eo'trXayxv^Qf) €TT3 avrois, 14 And * coming out, he
great a crowd; and he was moved with pity towards them; saw a Great Crowd; and
icai eOepairevcre rovs appeotrrovs avrcov. he had compassion on
and healed the sick of them. them, and healed their
10 15 JAndf Evening hav-
Oxj/ias 5e yei/ofievrjs, irpocrrjXOoi' avrcp oi
Evening and having come, came ing arrived, *the DISCI-
to him the
uadrjrai avrou, Xeyovres' Eprj/nos eorriv 6 roiros, PLES came to him, saying,
disciples of him, saying; A desert is the place, " The PLACE is a Desert,
Kai 7} wpa i}$7) 7rapr}\d€Pm aTvoXvaov rovs and the HOUR is now
and the hour already has passed by; dismiss the jmst; dismiss the crowds,
oxXovs, iva aireXOopres eis ras Ktojxas, ayo- that they may go to the
erowds, that going into the VILLAGES, and buy them-
villages, they
pao'ooo'iu eavrois ^pco/nara. 16 selves Provisions."
' O §6 l7)(T0VS 16 But J E S U S said to
inay buy themselves victuals. The but Jesus
eiirev avrois' Ov xpziav ^xov(Tlv (ffleXdeiu' Sore them, "They need not de-
said to them; No need they have to go away; give part; jjou supply them."
17 17 THEY, however, re-
avrois V/JL€LS (payeiu. Oi fie Xeyovo'iv avrcp' plied to him, " W e have
to them you to eat; They and say to him;
here only Five Loaves and
OVK ^xofxev code, ei /XT] irevre aprovs Kai Svo Two Pishes."
Not we have here, except five loaves and two
l8 18 And HE said, "Bring
iX^vas. '0 S<= enre* 4>6pere /AOI avrovs cwde. them here to me."
fishes. He and said; Bring to me them here. 19 And commanding the
Kai KeXevo'as rovs oxXovs avaKXiQy\vai eiri PEOPLE to recline on the
And directing the crowds to recline upon grass, he took the PIVE
rovs x°PTOVS> Xaficoi/ rovs irevre aprovs Kai Loaves and the TWO
the grass, taking the fire loaves and Fishes, and looking tow-
TOVS 8uo ix^vas, avafiXexpas €is rov ovpavov, ards HEAVEN, Upraised
the two fishes, looking up to the heaven, God; then f breaking the
evXoyrjo'e- Kai KXacas, edcoKe TOIS juadrjrais LOAVES, he gave them to
he gave praise; and breaking, he gave to the disciples the DISCIPLES, and the
rovs aprovs, oi Se /uadrjrai rois oxXois. disciples distributed to
the loaves, the and disciples to the crowds. And the citowDs.
€(payov TTaures., Kai exopraffO^crav Kai ripav 20 And they all ate and
they ate all, and were filled; and they took up were satisfied; and of the
TO Trepicrcevov ro>v KXac/uarcov, deodeKa Ko<pivovs REMAINING FRAGMENTS
that over and above of the fragments, twelve baskets they gathered i Twelve
irXrjpeis. 21
Oi 5e ecdiovr^s rjcrav avftpes wcrei Baskets M i
full. Those and eating were men about 21 Now THEY who had
irevraKia'xiXioi, Kai Traidioov, EATEN, were about five
xcupfs yvuaiKcou
five-thousand, besides women and children. thousand men, besides wo-
K a i evOcws 7]vayKacr€V rovs fiadrjras e/nfiyvai men and children.
And immediately he urged the disciples to enter 22 And immediately
*he constrained the D I S -
CIPLES to enter * a Boat,
* VATICAN MANUSCTLIFT.—14. he went. 15. the DiscipiEs. 22. he con-
strained. 22. a Boat.
i 15. Thefirstevening, which commenced at three o'clock. The second evening, which
began at sunset, is that mentioned in verse 23. t 19. The Jewish loaves were broad,
thin, and brittle; so that a knife was not required for dividing them. t 20. Thes£
were small wicker baskets, which the Jews carried their victual's in, when from home; and
by the number here particularized, it would seem that each apostle filled his own ba*r
' t 13. Mark vi. 32; Luke ix. 10; John vi. 1, 2. t 35. Mark vi. 35; Luke ix-12;
loiin vi. S. *49. Matt. xv. 36. .
Chip. U: 23.] MATTHEW. Chap, 14: S3.

*is TO irkoioV) KCLI Trpoayeiy avrov zi? TO irepav, and precede him to the
OTHER S I D E , while he dis,
into t h e ship, and ' to go before h i m t o t h e other side,
23 missed the CEOWDS.
icos ov aTToKvcry] TOVS OX^OVS* Key'" CMTO- 23 X And having dis,
while he should dismiss t h e crowds. A n d " having missed the CROWDS, he
\vo~as rovs ox^-ovs, itvefir) eiy TO opos Kar' privately ascended t h e
oent^iway the crowds, >he went up into t h e mountain by MOUNTAIN to pray; an<i
iftiav TrpoJev^aaQai.. O^/tas §e y^vo^ev^s., {JLOVOS remain-ad there alone tilt
himself to pray. Evening and having c o m e , . ^ alone it was Late.
Se •KXOIQV 7}§17 /iscroif TTJS 24 By this time the
he was there. The and ship now i a t h e midat of t h e BOAT *was many Fur,
longs distant from the
CaXaonrrjS TJV, fiaoravi£ojj.€vov biro rwv KVfxaTcav LAND, tossed by the
oea w a s , having been tossed by the waves;
WAVES ; i'or the WIND
v\v yap evavTtos 6 awsfxos. ^TsrapTp 8e (J>v\aicr] was contrary.
was for contrary t h e wind. I n fourth a n d watch 25 And in the t Fourth
TTJS vvtcTos airykB* wpos avTovs9 TrepmaTcoi/ eiri Watch of the NIGHT, he
of t h e n i g h t he went to them, . walking u p o n went towards them, walk;
rrjs 6ahacr(r7]s. 2S Kat i§ofT<£$ QLVTOV oi fxaQTjrai ing on the LAKE.
the 6ea. A n d seeing h i m t h e disciples 26 And when the DIS,
CIPLES saw him twalk,
em TT\V OaXaffarav TrepnraTovi/TOi &TapaxQv)(Tdp, ing on the LAKE, they
upon t h e sea walking, they were terrified,
were terrified, and ex :
KsyovTes' ' O f i (payTacrfm ecm* aai awo rov Claimed, *'It is an Ap-
saying; That an. apparition is; a n d .from, t h e parition!" and they cried.
<$>G$OV zicpa^av. ? EvOscos 8e eAaXrjcreu avrois aloud, through fear.
fear they cried aloudi I m m e d i a t e l y b u t .* * spake t o them 27 But Jesus immedi,
<5 lr)(rovs, Ksytoir OapcrtiTe, eyca ei/nr pr) cf)o- ately spoke to them, say,
the Jesus, saying, Take courage, .1 ( ' a m ; c o t b e ing, " Take courage, it n
j8ei<r0€. 28
AiroKptBeis §€ avTcp 6 TlsTpos SJSTC* 5 ; be not afraid."
afraid. ' Answering And h i m t h e Peter said; 28 And PETER answer-
ing, said to him, "Mas-
Kupie, 6i cv e*, KGKZVCTQV fxe vrpos ere €/\0eo> ?7rt ter, if it he thou, bid me
Olord, \t t h o u art, bid me to t h e e t o come u p o n come to thee on. the WA-
Tct vdara. ' 0 §€ etwew E\6<s, Kat ttaTafias TER."
the water. He and saidj Come. A n d descending 29 And JESUS said,
wro TOU irKoiov 6 XleTposj, jtepL£iraT7)<rGP errt TO, "Come." Then* Peter de-
from t h e boat .the Peter, j|r{' y he walked upon t h e scending from the BOAT,
CiSara, G\Beu? irpo$ TQV \r\(fovvt walked on the WATER,
water, t o come t6 the JeausiT Seeing b u t *and came to JESUS.
30 But perceiving the
TOV dvsfJLOv i(rxvpov?%<po$7}Qrri kat apfafxevos WIND strong, he was
the wind strong, ^ g . h e waa afraid; and beginning
afraid; and beginning to
KaTairQVTi&cQai, €Kpa£e, Keycap* Kvpie, craxrov sink, he exclaimed, "Mas-
t o sink, Y h e cried, ;,;* saying; Olord, 6ave ter, save me!"
'fie. EvOeoos Ze & lycrovs €KT€ivas rr}y X€lPat 31 And JESUS instantly-
me. Immediately a n d t h e Jesus stretching o u t t h e hand, extending his HAND, took
€7re\aj8€TC avTov, kat ksyei avrw OhtyoTrKTTe, hold of him, and said to
t o o k hold of him, a n d eays t o h i m ; O distrustful man, him, " 0 distrustful man!
32 why didst thou doubt?"
eis TI eStcrracras; K a t €fj.fiauT(ov avToov eis 32 And * going up into
for why didst t h o u d o u b t ? And enteiing , of t h e m into
«* 33 the BOAT, the W I N D sub.-;
TO TTKOIOV) GKOTtcurcv 6 ave/AOs. Oi fie eu rqj sided.
;the ship, ceased t h e wind. They' a n d in t h e
33 Then THOSE in the
* VATICAN IV!ANTJSCRIPT.—24. many Furlongs distant from the IAMD, tossed. 29. Peter,
29. arid came to. $2. going up into.
. t 25. Between the hours of three and six in the morning. Grotius observes, that this was
the Roman division of the night, taken by them from the Greeks; and that the Jews from
the ti me of Pompey, after they were become a dependent people, had adopted this mode of
reckoning, instead of their own; which originally consisted of three watches only. 126. In
Job ix. 8, this is a prerogative ascribed to God, and which is freely rendered by the LXX,
thus; "Walking upon the sea, as upon a pavement." An Egyptian hieroglyphic for e^.
pressing impossibility was, a picture of two feet walking oo, th§ s$a;)u^--~'~ ~
| j $ . 30; Joh» vi. ^6,
Chap. 1 4 : 3 4 ]
MATTHEW. [Chap. IS: 8.

frXoiq), *[eA0oj>Tes'] TrpoceKvvrjo'av avrcp9 Key- B O A T , did homage to him,

ship, [coming] prostrated to Mm, say- saying, % "Assuredly, thou
ovres' A\7]6oos Qeov vtos ei. 34
Kai Siaire- a i t God's Son."
ing; Certainly of a God a son tbou art. And having 34 % And having passed
So over they c a m e * t o L A N D
paffavres, 7]K6ov eis rrjv yqv Tevvqcraper. Kcu
passed over, they came to the land Gennesaret. And at Gennesaret.
erciyvovres avrov ol avh^pes rov TOTTOV etteivov, 35 And the ME if of that
knowing him the men of the place that,, PLACE recognizing him,
cnrecTTeiAav eis oKrjV rrjv irepLX^pov eKeivqv sent through All t h a t
they sent into all the country round about that; COUNTRY, a n d b r o u g h t to
Kai TrpocrrjveyKav avrce iravras rovs KCLKWS Mm A L L t h e diseased;
and they brought t o him nil those disease 36 a n d implored him,
exovrasy 36
KCU. irapeKaXovv avrov iva fiovov t h a t they might only
having, and besought him that only t o u c h t h e T U F T of h i s
aipcovrai rov Kpavirehov rov l/xanov avrov M A N T L E ; a n d as m a n y
they might touch the tuft ' ofthc mantle ofhimj as touched, were cured.
Kai oo'oi 7]\j/avro, diecrcoOyjcav. C H A P T E R XV.
and as many as touched, were made whole.
1 J T h e n came to J E S U S
K E $ 0 KS" 15. * Pharisees a n d Scribes
1 , from Jerusalem, saying,
T O T 6 irpoG epxovra& rep Irjo'ov of afto 'Iepo~ 2 " W h y do t h y D i s c i -
Then came 1) the Jesus thosetfrom Jcru^
P L E S violate t h e t T R A D I -
ctoXv/jicov ypa/xpiareis scat Qapicraioi, Aeyovres0 T I O N A R Y P R E C E P T of t h e
salem scribes and Pharisees, nayiug; E L D E R S ? for t h e y do not
Atari ol fiadrjTai crov irupafiaivovo't TTJV '-sapa* w a s h * t h e i r H A N D S be-
Why the disciples of thee transgress tlia C?adi~ fore Meals."
Sotfiv rcov Trpstffivrepcav, ov yap vnrrovfa& ras 8 B u t H E answering,
tion of the elders? s o t for theyOash iho said t o them, " Why do
Xzipcts avreov, dray aprov ecrOiooa'iVo Q 8e YOU also violate t h e COM-
hands of them, whenever bread they may eat. He but M A N D M E N T of G O D by
airoKpideis eircev avrois' Aiari Kai vfxeis irapa- your T R A D I T I O N ?
answering said to them; Why also you trans- 4 For G O D *said, J ' H o -
fiaivere rr\v evroXrjv rov Qeov, $ia Typ irapa° 'nor F A T H E R and MOTH-
gress the commandment ofthe God, through the tradi- ' E R ; ' a n d % ' H E who R E -
4 t
Soanv vpccou; O yap $eo$ evereiXaro^ Xeycov' ' V I L E S F a t h e r cr Mother,
tion ofyouP The for God has commanded, 3aying; ' s h a l l be pumshed w i t h
ii u e
Ti/jLa rov irarepa Ka& <%i\v p,r\repa^J c-cai" O 'Death/
i °*Honor the father and the mother;" and; IIc 5 B u t got! assert, c I f
KaKoXoyoov irarepGi i] ^r}repa9 davarcp reXev- any one say t o E A T H E R
reviling father as mother^ death let him or M O T H E R , An Oifering
Tar eo, eyera° Os av enrrj rca is t h a t b y which thou
die." You but cay; Whoever may say to the mightest derive assist-
irarp& 7] ry [xtirpo,0 (Atojoo^c, 6 eav e£ efiov ance from m c ;
father or the mother; A gift, whatever out of me 6 t h e n * h e shall b y n o
acpeXrjdys" cccw ov JJLT} rijX7}o"ri rov irarepa m e a n s honor his E A T H E R . '
thoumightestbeprofitod; then not not may houor the father T h u s , b y your T R A D I -
zvrov *[?7 rt]v /j,t)repa avrov„] K a i rjKvpoocrare TION, you annul the
of him [or the nother of him.] And you annul * W O R D of G O D .
r\}v evroXrjv rov dso& dia nyy wapadocriv vjxoov. 7 ^Hypocrites! well did
the commandment of tlic Got2&iirough the tradition of you. Isaiah prophesy concern-
' "YiroKpirat, KaXas ^poecprjrevg'c ire pi VJXCOV ing you, saying,
O hypocrites, well prophesied concerning you 8 J ' T h i s people t [ d r a w
VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—34. to LAND at Gennesaret, L Pharisees and Scribes from
Jerusalem. 2. the HANDS,. 4. s a i d , ' H o n o r £.-._ HEB,/ 6. He shall by no mean*
honor his FATHER. Thus. 6= or his MOTHER—omit. 6. WORD.
t 2. He that eatetli with unwashed hands is guilty of death.—Rabbi Abiba. t 8. The
words in brackets are found in the prophecy from which they are taken, both in the Hebrew
and Septuagint. They are omitted by the Vatican and several other excellent MSS., and by
some ancient Versions. Erasmus, Mill, Drupitis, and Bengal, approve of the omission; and
Griesbach hnr left it out ofthe text. But as they arc found in tno place from which they are
quoted, it ha, been, thought best to insert them in the text.
t 33. Matt, xxvii. 54. J 34. Mark vi. 53. % 1. Mark vii. 1. J 4. Exod, xx. 12;
Deut. v. 16; % 4. Exodoxxi. 17* Lev. xx. 9} DeutoXSYii.18; Pro¥. xx» 8§.
& f. Jiiask via. & J 8. Isa. jsajis. !&
Chap. 1 5 : 9.] MATTHEW. Chap, l b : 20.
'Hcraias, Xeycov s 6t
' O ?^aos ovros rois xeiXeo'i 'nigh to ME with tkeii
Esaaas, saying; "The people this with the lips 'MOUTH, and] honor Me
/Lie Ttjucr 7} 5e KapSia avTQov iroppoo airsx*1 air 'with their LIPS; hut
me honor; the but heart of them far oil is removed from ' their heart is far rernov-
eyaof. 9
MaTyv 5e aefiovTai jue, SiSao'/covres ' ed from me.
me. Without profit hut they reverence me, teaching 9 ' But in vain do they
SiSac/caAtas, euraX/xara avdpcoircov.33 10
Kcu ' worship me, teaching as
doctrines, commandments ofmeu." And 'Doctrines, the Precepts
'of Men.'"
irpoo'KaXeo'a/JLzvos TOV OXXOV, enrev avrois' 10 t A n d having called
having called the crowd, he said to them;
ll the CB,OW.D, he said to
A/cou6T6 Kai o~vviere. Ov TO eio~epxofievov eis them, " H^ar, and be in-
Hear you and be instructed. Not that entering into structed :
TO o'To/j.a KOIVOL TOV avdpco7rov aXXa TO QKirop- 111 Not THAT ENTER-
the mouth pollutes the man; but that proceed- ING the MOUTH, pollutes
t i n MAN, b u t THAT PRO-
ing out of the mouth this pollutes the
12 CEEDINGfrom t h e MOUTH,
avOpcoirov. ToTe irpoo'eXdovTzs ol /jLaOrjTca
man, Then having come the disciples pollutes the MAN."
auTOu, etirov avTcp' Oiftas, OTI ol ^apjo-cuoi, 12 Then *the DISCIPLES
of him, said to him; Knowest thou, that the Pharisees,
approaching, say to him,
13c "Didst thou observe That
aKovcravTes TOV Xoyov, eo'Kav^uXicrOrjo'av; O the PHAR T SEES were of-
hearing that saying, found a difficulty? He fended, when they heard
8e airoKpideis eiire" Uacra tyvTeia, TJV OVK. ecpv- that S A Y I N G ? "
but answering said; Every plantation, which not has 13 But H E answering,
Tevo~ev 6 TraTrip fxov 6 ovpavios, €Kpi£a>9r]o'eTaL. said, "Every Plantation,
plaated the father of mo V *» heavenly, shall be rooted up. which my HEAVENLY PA-
A^)€Te avTovs* d§r)yo& eio - : Tvcpkoi ^ [ r u ^ A w / / . ] TH EH has not planted,
Let alone them; guides they arb blind [of blind.] shall be extirpated.
TvcpXos 5e TvcpXov eav SdTjyrj, afMpOTepoi as 14 Leave them; J they
Blind and blind if
may lead, both into are blind Guides; and if
(ioOvvov TteffovvTai. AiroKpideis Be 6 TLerpos the Blind lead the Blind,
a pit will fall. Answering and t h e . Peter both will fall into the Pit."
enrev avT(p' Qpaorov 7]JXLV TT\V ^apaj3oXr]v TavT7]p* 15 $ Then P E T E R reply-
said to him; Explain to us the comparison this. ing, said to him, "Explain
'O §6 Iqcrovs eiirev AK[AT]V KCLI b/jieis &G,VV€TO& to us *that SAYING."
The and Jesus said; Yet also you unintelligent 16 And * H E said, "Are
eo"Te; ^ O u ^ i r o o ^ vosiTe, OTI TTCLV TO eiG'uopcv- J)0U also yet without un-
are? Not [yet] perceive you, that all that enter- derstanding ?
ojxevov eis TO o"TO/xa9 eis TT]V KOiXiav xcoPcg^ 17 I)o you not perceive,
ing into the mouth, into the belly passes, T h a t WHATEVER ENTERS
Kdi €is acpedpwva eicfiaXXeTaL; 18
T a 8e eiaropev- the MOUTH, passes into
and into a privy is cast; Those but proeeed- the BELLY, and is ejected?
o/xeva €K TOV o"TO/j.aTos, e/c TI\S Kapdias e | e p - 18 But % those THINGS
ing out of the mouth, from the heart issues PROCEEDING o u t o f t h e
XeTou, Kqtceiva, KOLVOL TOV avOpcoirov.
E/c yap MOUTH, issue ftm*. *£s
forth, and they pollute- the man. From for HEART;, and tf)<?2 pollute
TT\S icapBias e^epxovTai SiaXoyt.o'ij.ot Trovypor the MAN.
the heart comes forth purposes evil;
19 X -For out of t i n
eiai HEART proceed iniqui-
(povoL, yaotx > Tropveiai,
icXoirai, tyevd,o/j,apTV- tous Designs;—Miiaxders,
murders, adulteries, fornications,
thefts, false testuno- Adulteries, Fornications,
ptat, fiXacr(p7ifuai. ^ T a u T a eo"Ti Ta icoivovvTa Thefts, false Testimonies,
nies, evilBpeakings. These is the (things) polluting Calumnies.
TOV avdpcairov TO 5e avntTois X 6 P c r i cpayeiv ov 20 These are the THIN GS
the man; that but with unwashed liauda t o cat not which POLLUTE the MAN ;
KOIVOL TOV avQpooirov. hut to EAT with Unwash-
pollutes the maa. ed Hands pollutes not the

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. the D I S C I P L E S approaching, say. 14. of t h e Blind.—omit.

i5. t h a t SAYING. 16. H E said- 17. yet—omit.
X 10. M a r k vii. 14. X 1A. I s a . ix. 1 6 ; Mai. i i . 8 ; M a t t . xxiAL 16; Lu3ae vi. 89. 115. Maris
v i, Yg, 118, J a m e s i i i . 6. % 19. M a r k v i i . 2 1 .
@iap. 16: 21.} MATTHEW. I0hap.l&s 31,
J1 SI JAncl JESUO depart«
Kcu g | e A 6 W €K€i6<;V 6 Irjtfovs au^xwpv^^^
And departing thence the Jesus withdrew in^ tliencc, withdrew into
fas r a juep^ Tvpov /ecu Hifoyj/os. ^ K o u i5oy, the CONFINES of Tyra
into t h e confines of: Tyre and Sidon. And lo, and Sidon.
yuz/77 Xai/ayafa, airo roov opioov GKZLVOW ej-eXOov 9,2 And behold, a Ca-
u woman Canaanitish, of the parts ihoso coming naanitish "Woman coming
Va, etcpavyaorsv avr(p9 Xeyov&a0 EAe^Co^ ^Cj from those PAETS, cried
Out, cried o u t t o liiru, sayings Pity me, out to him, saying, "Havo
Kvpie, vU Aavid° 7] Ovyarrjp $JLOV KCLKOOS dauiovt" compassion on me, 0 Mas-
Olord, O s o n David j t h e d a u g h t e r »»'no sadly is <. ter, Sou of David! my
{erai. 23e
O 8e OVK aireKpidi] avry Xoyopa i\a& DAUGHTER is sadly de-
ized, He but not answered Jicr a word, And monized."
irpocreXdovres oi fiaOrjrak avrov, Tjpcjrcoi/ avrov^ 23 J3nt he answered her
coming t h e disciples ofliim, besought him, not Q "Word. And his dis.
Xeyovres' AnroXvffov avrrjv^ on Kpa^tsc, QificrQev ciples coming^ entreated
saying; Send away her, for she cries at f'-e back him, saying, "Dismiss her;
O 8e airoKpideis zmtv' Qvcc air€(XTa~ For she cries after us."
of u s . He hut answering said; Not Earn 24 But H E answering,
XrjPy et JUT] eis ra Trpofiara nra airoXooXora, ouwv said, J " I am only sent to
gent, except to the aheep the perishing h o u s e of t h e PERISHING SHEEP of
IcrparjX. 25
' H 5e eXdovcra TTfocreKvuet a u i y3 the Stock of Israel."
Israel. She t h e n coming prostrated t o 1:4,1, 85 Yet advancing SHE
Xeyovcrw Kvpie, fiorjdei fxoia 26
'O 8s airoKpiOeis prostrated to him, saying,
saying; Olord, give aid t o m e . He but nnswcrirjj " 0 Master, help mcP'
enrev OVK ecrri KaXop Xafieiv re; aprop fcov 26 But H E answering,
said; Not i t is right t o take filre bread oftlie said, " I t is not proper
2 to take the CHILDREN'S
re/ciscois, Kai $aXeti> rots Kvvapiois. ^ ' H de BEEAD, and throw it to
children, and to throw t o the dogs. She b u t
f J the DOGS."
ei7re. Ncu, Kvpie' Kai yap ra Kvvapia eadiei 27 But she said, " I be-
said; True, Olord; even for the dogs Cat rot
seech thee, Sir; for even
TO row I\ILXKJOV rcau Tnirrovrwp airo ri]s rpaTre^ the DOGS eat THOSE
t the crumbs of t h e falling from the table
28 CBUIIBS which TALL from
fas ro)V Kvpuiov avrcvi/o T o r e airoKpiQeis 5 their MASTEES' T A B L E . "
of t h e masters of t h e m . Then answering the
28 Then Jesus answer-
Irjcrovs enrev avrpc £1 yvvai, fieyaXr) c-ov r) ing, said to her, " 0 Wo-
Jesus said to her 5 O woman 3 great of thee t h e
man! great is Thy EAITHJ
TTKTTLS' ycv7]dr]TC0 COL, &s 0eAeKo Kai iadrj he it to thee as thou &e~
' faith; let i t b e t o thee, as t h o u wilt. A n d was healed
sirest." And her DAUGH-
7) Ovyarrjp avrrjs airo rrjs oopas GKSIVTJS.
TER was cured from that
t h e daughter ofher from t h e hour that. very MOMENT.
K a i jxeg-a^as eKeiCev 6 Irjcrovs, rjXOe irapo, 29 J And Jesus, having
And departing thence t h e Jesus, came near
left that place, came to
TTjy QaXaaraav rrjs FaXiXaias' Kai avafias eis the LAKE of G A L I L E E ;
the sea of t h e Galilee; a n d ascending into
and ascending the MOUN-
TO opos, €Ka6r)To e/cei. 3° Kai irpocrTjXOov avrcp TAIN sat down there.
t h e m o u n t a i n , h e sat down t h e r e . And came to him
3 30 And great Crowds
o%Aoi TTOXXOI, exovres fie6 kavroov ^wAous, came to him, bringing
erowds great, having with them lame, with them the lame, *the
rvcpXovSy Kcc(povs, KVXXOVS, Kai erepovs iroXAovs' t crippled, the blind, the
blind, deaf, maimed, and others many; deaf, and many others,
Kai epfiixpav avrovs irapa rovs irofias rov Irjcrov, and laid them at *his
and they laid them at the feet of t h e Jesus, EEET, and he cured them:
Kai edepairevcrev avrovs' obcre TOVS oxXovs 31 so that the CEOWDS
and h e healed them; so that the crowds beheld, with wonder, Jthe
Qav/xatfai, fiXeirovras Kcccpovs XaXowras, KVX- Deaf *hearing, the Crip-
to. wonder, beholding deaf speaking, maimed pled restored, the Larie
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—30. crippled, blind, deaf, and. 30. his FEET. 31. hearing.
t 26. The Jews likened the heathen nations to dogs.—Lightfoot. f 30. The original
word kullos, properly signifies, one whose hand or arm has been cut off; (see Mark ix. 43.)
but it is sometimes applied to those who were only disabled in those parts. To supply a lost
'kab was a creation, satA therefore an astonishing miracle
-„ 121. Mark vii. 24, & 24. Matt. x. 6; Acts iiL 26; E sm. s v . 8. $ 2&» Maito TiL @>
'• 9$, Marl?: vii SI. % 8u Jsa, xxxv„ 6,6U
.Cftap.-'15TS2.] MATTHEW.-. ChapZlBi L
kovs vyieis, xooAovs irepnrarovj/ras, walking, and the Blind
Kai rv<pXovs
sound, lame walking, - seeing; and they glorified
and blind
fiXeirovras' Kai edo^ao'av rov Qeov lo'payjX.^ 32e
O ,the GOD of Israel.
seeing; and they glorified t h e God of Israel. The 32 t Then J E S U S having
5e lyorovs, irpoo'KaXecra/j.evos rovs fxadrjras av- called " I
his D I S C I P L E S , said,
have compassion on
then Jesus, having called the disciples of
L 0 J aL e 7 r i T0V 0V TL the CROWD, because they
Tou, eiire' '^lirXayx^ C l - °X^ > ° have continued with me
him, said; I have compassion on t h e crowd, for
three Days, and have no-
•*[77577] Tjfxepcu rpeis, irpocr/xevovo'i {JLOL, Kai OVK thing to eat; and I do not
[already] days three, they have remained with m e , a n d n o t
wish to dismiss them fast-
exovcri ri cpaycocrr Kai airoXvcrai avrovs ing, lest they should faint
they have a n y t h i n g they m a y e a t ; and t o send away them
on the ROAD."
vrjffreis ov OeXca, fMrjirore eKXvOcocrLU ev rrj 68q>. 33 And his DISCIPLES
fasting n o t I will, lest they m a y faint i n t h e way.
33 say to him, J "How can
Kcu Xsyovav avrcp ol fiadrjrai avrov Uodej/ we get so many Loaves in
And they say to him t h e disciples of h i m ; Whence
o Tao aL a Desert-place, to satisfy
7]fxiv ep eprj/jLLa aproi roo'ovroi, GCXTTG xP ' such a Crowd?"
t o us i n a desert place loaves so many, so as to satisfy
34 34 And J E S U S says to
ox\oi/Tocrovrov ; K c u Xeyei avrots 6 l-qaovs' them, "How many Loaves
a crowd so great? And says to them the Jesus;
c have you?" And THEY
Uocrovs aprovs e ^ e r e ; 01 5e ei'irov E7rra, Kai said, " Seven, and a Few
How many loaves have y o u ? They and said; Seven, and
Small fishes."
oXiya ixQvdia. ^ K a i etceXevcre rois OXXOIS 35 Then he commanded
a few small fishes. And he directed the crowds
the PEOPLE to recline on
avaireo'eiv eiri ry\v yr\v. ^ K a i Xafioov rovs the GROUND;
to recline upon the ground. And taking the
36 and taking the SEV-
eirra aprovs KCLI rovs ix^vas, evxapio'rrjo'as VN Loaves and the FISH-
seven loaves and the fishes, giving t h a n k s ES, J he offered thanks,
cKXatfe Kai eSco/ce rots [xaO^rais avrov, ol Be and broke them, and gave
he broke and he gave to the disciples of him, t h e and to his D I S C I P L E S , and the
{jLaOrjrai rep oxXcp. ' K a * €<payov iravres, Kai DISCIPLES distributed to
disciples t o t h e crowd. And they ate all, and the CROWD.
exoprao'drja'av Kai ypav ro irspio~o~evov roov 37 And they all ate and
were filled; and they t o o k u p t h a t over a n d above of the were satisfied; and of the
KXao'/aarcop, eirra onrvpiBas irXrjpGis. Ol 5e REMAINING FRAGMENTS
fragments, seven large baskets full. They a n d they gathered Seven large
e&diovres rjcrap rerpaKio~xL^-LOL avdpes, X°°PIS t Baskets full.
eating were four t h o u s a n d men, besides 38 Now THET who had
yvvaiKccv Kai iraibiccv. Four EATEN were * about
women and Ghildren. thousand Men, besides
"Women and Children.
39 $And having dis-
Kai airoXvo~as rovs oxXovs, az/e,6?,- eis missed the CROWDS, he
And having sent away the crowds, he went i n t o went' into the BOAT, and
ro TTXOBOV, Kai 7]Xd^v eis ra opta MaydaXa. came to the f COAST of
the ship, sad came t o t h e coasts of Magdala. * Magdala.
KE<I>. is'. 1G0 1 K a : Trpoa'eXOoures ol Qapio'aioi CHAPTER XVI.
And coming the Pharisees
/cai ^abdovKaioi, ireipa^ovres eir^pcor^aav avrov, 1 J Then the P H A R I -
and Sadducees, tempting they asked him, SEES and SADDUCEES
2c drew near, and tempting
GTipLtiov e/c rov ovpavov eiri^ei^ai avrois. O
a sign from t h e heaven t o show to them. He asked him to show them a
Sign from HEAVEN.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—32. already—omit. 38. about. 39. Magadan—so also
Lachmann and Tischemdorf.
+ 37- Baskets of larger capacity than the wicker baskets mentioned in Chap. xiv. 20—large
enough to contain a man's body. See Acts ix. 25. 139 The modern name is Ard el-
Mejdel,fieldor coast of Mejdel. Mejdel, from which the plain takes its name, is a paltry
village, about an hour from Tiberias, near where a line of high rocks overhangs the lake.
This "/as the ancient Magdala, called in Mark viii. 10, Dalmanutha; the birth place of that
Mary, out of whom were expelled seven demons.
% 82. Mark viii. 1. X 33. 2 Kings iv. 43. J. Matt, xiv,lot liuka xxia. 1&
% Pa. Mark vdii. 10. X 1. Matt. xii. 38.
6%ap. 1(3: MATTHEW. [Oliap. 16: 12.

$s arroKpiOeis eiirev avrois' ^[^Oxpias 2 But he answering,

but answering said to them; [Evening
said to them, * [ " I n the
Evening, you say, ' I t will
beyerc Euoicr wvppafei yap 6 ovpavos. Kai he Fair weather, for the
y o u s a y ; Fair weather; reddena for t h e heaven. And SKY is red;5
irpooi° ^qjxepov x^ifioov Trvppa^ei yap crrvy- 3 and in the Morning,
in t h e m o r n i n g ; To-day a storm; is red for low- 'There will be a Storm
va^oov 6 ovpavos. "TiroKpirai, ro fiev irpocrooirov To-day, for the SKY is
Dring t h e heaven. Hypocrites, t h e truly face red and lowering.' Hypo-
crites! you can correctly
TOV ovpavov yivcoo'Kere diaKpivsiv, ra Se ffrjiiQia judge as to the APPEAR-
of t h e heaven y o u know t o judge, t h e b u t signs ANCE of the SKY, hut can-
roov Kaipcav ov dvvao'Oe;] T€vea irovrjpa icai not discern the SIGNS of
of t h e times not can y o u ? ] A generation evil and the T I M E S . ]

fioix^Xis o"f}fxeiov eiriQqrei' Kai (r7]/ueiov ov do- 4 J A wicked and faith-

adulterous a sign seeks; and a sign n o t shal less Generation demands
a Sign; but no Sign will
drjcrerai avrj], €i fir} ro crjfxsiov loova *[<rou be given it, except the
!>3 given t o her, except the sign osf J o n a s [the SIGN of Jonah." And lea-
Trpo(p7}TOV.^ K a a KaraXi^oov avrovs, air^XOz. ving them, he went away.
prophet.] • And leaving them, h e went away. 5 X Now, *the D I S C I -
5 PLES passing to the OTH-
Kai sXQovr^s oi fiaQrjrai avrov eis TO irepav, Eit SIDE, had forgotten to
And coming t h e disciples of h i m to t h e other side,
take Loaves with them.
sireXaQovro aprovs Xafieiv. O 8e ITJCTOVS snrev 6 And Jesus said to
! forgotten loaves to take. The and Jesuu said them, J "Observe, and be-
avroLS" 'Opare KCA 7rpo(Texere arro rrjs Cu^ys ware of the LEAVEN of
to t h e m ; Look and t a k e heed of the leaven the P H A R I S E E S and Sad-
roov Qapicraioov Kai ^afidovKauov. ? Oi de fiieXo- 7 And THEY reasoned
tf t h e Pharisees and Sadducees. They a n d rca-
among themselves, say-
yi^ovro zv kavrois, Xeyovrss' On aprovs OVK ing, "Because we have
goned a m o n g themselves, Baying; Because loaves not "brought no Loaves."
t\a$ofiev. Vvovs Se b VQGOVS eiirev T t did- 8 But Jesus knowing
we have b r o u g h t . Knowing "tad t h e J e s u s said; "WTiy r e a - it, said, " 0 you distrust-
XoyifecrOe ev eavro*-s, GXiyoiricrroi, on aprovs ful! anions
Why do you reason
yourselves, Be-
son y o u a m o n g your&faVi^ O y o u of weak faith, because loavoo
cause you have no Bread?
OVK *\_eXafier€;] ^OVTTOO POSITS, ovde fivrjfio?/" 0 Uo you not yet per-
not [ y o u have b r o u g h t ? ] N o t y e t perceive you, Kor rcmem-
ceive, or recollect J the
cvere rovs ITCVTG apfovs roov ivsvraKia'x Xioov0 FIVT. Loaves of the F I V E -
fceryou the five iogiv«ti of t h e five-thousand, THOUSAND, and How ma-
10 ny Baskets you took up ?
Kai 7ro(Tovs Ko<pivovs eAa/3ere; Ovde rovs
and how many baskets you took u p ? Nor the 10 nor $ the SEVEN
Loaves of the FOUR THOU-
errra aprovs roov rsrpaKio'X'-Xioov, Kai iroa'as
seven loaves of t h e four t h o u s a n d , a n d how m a n y SAND, and How many
ll large Baskets you tookupi
{nrvpiSas eXafiere; Xioos ov voeirz, on ov 11 How is it that you
large baskets you took up ? W h y n o t do y o u perceive, t h a t n o t
do not comprehend, That
irspi aprov eiirov VJXIV 7rpoo'€X€lJ/ a7ro T7 S 1 5
1 C '/^ ' I spoke not to you about
about bread I spoke t o y o u t o take heed of the leaven Bread, *but beware you of
roov $>apio~aioov Kai %addovKaioov; T o r e o'v- the LEAVEN of the P H A R -
ofthe Pharisees and Sadducees? Then they ISEES and Sadducees?"
vr\Kav, on OVK eiirf irpoo'exzw enro rrjs ( ^ u ^ s 12 Then they under-
understood, t h a t n o t h e d i d say beware of the leaven stood That he did not tell
them to beware of the
rov aprovs aXX* aito rrjs Sifiaxys TOOV Qapuraioov LEAVEN Of BREAD, b u t
of t h e bread, but <?£ the doctrine of t h e Pharisees
of the DOCTRINE of the
Kai ^aSdovKaiooVo * SADDUCEES and Phari-
and Sadducees. sees.
* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 a d #—omit- i. t h e P U O P H B T — o m i t . 5. t h e D I S C I P L E S .
8. brought—omit. I I . b u t b e w a r e y o u of. V2. S A D D U C E E S and P h a r i s e e s .
X 4. M a t t . xii. 39. t 5. M a r k v i i i . 14. X 6. L u k e x i i . l , % 9. Mat*, xiv. 1%.
t 10 M a t t . x v . 84.
Chap. 16 s 13. } MATTHEW. €hap. 16: 81.
K\6o)v tie & Irjffdvs eis ra /xeprj Kanrapeias 13 And J E S U S coining
Coming andth* Jesua into the parts ofCesarea into the PARTS of t Cesa«
rr}S «$jAnnrou, vtpcora rovs /xaOrjras avrov, Xe~ rea P H I L I P P I , questioned
his DISCIPLES, saying,
ofthe Philip, asked the disciples of him, say-
J "Who do TflK Bay that
yoov Tiva fie heyovfftv ol avQpwiroi eiuai, rov *the SON of MAN is ?"
Jog; Who me say the men to be, the
14 14 And THEY replied,
vlov rov avOpcairov; OZ 8e enrov Ol fiev, " SOME, John the IMJIEB*.
son of the man? They and said; Some, S E E ; * SOME, Elijah; and
looavvrfvrov P<xirTi<yTT)v aXXoi $e, BXiav erepoi others, Jeremiah, or one
John the dipper; others and, Elias; others of the PEOPHETS."
5e, 'lepefiiav, r) eva roov irpo^rcov. Aeyei 15 He says to them,
and Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He says
" B u t who do gou say
avrois' 'Tfieis 8e riva jme heyere eivai; ATTOK-that I am?"
tothem; You but who me say to be? Ans- 16 Simon Peter answer-
pideis 8e ^ifiuv Herpos snre° 2 v ei 6 Xpicrros, ing, said, $"2Fhou art the
wering the Simon Peter said; Thou art the Anointed, CHEIST, the SON of the
d vtos TO V ' tieov rov favros. Kai airoKpiQeis LIVING God."
the son of t i e God the living. answeringAnd 17 And Jesus answer-
6 Irjcrovs *"irev avrcp? Maxapios iBi/ncov fiap ing, said to him, "Happy
the Jesus said to him; Blessed art thou, Simon son art thou, Simon, son of
Icwva* on traph, K(ti ai/aa ovic aireKaXvipe co*, Jonah; for Mesh and
of Jonas; for flesh snd blood not it has revealed to thee, Blood has not revealed
aAA.' 6 Trarrjp /JLOV, 6 ev rois ovpavois. 18
Ka7a> this to thee, but THAT
but the father of me, tfcat {n the heavens. Also I FATHER of mine in the
8e croi Xeyoo, on ev e; Herpos, Kai eiri ravrrj * Heavens.
and to thee say, that thoa a;t a rock, and upon this 18 Moreover, 3£ also say
T7) irerpq, oucoSofirjO'a; fioxi rr)v eKKXrjo'iav, Kai to thee, That tfiou art J a
the rock I will build Qfine the church, and Bock, and on % this ROCK
rrvXai 'aSov ov Kario~xvtrovoiv avrrjs. 19
K c a I will build My CHTJECH,
gates of hades not shall prevail against her. And
and f the Gates of Hades
shall not triumph over it.
dcccrci) croi ras tckeis rrjs fiwiAetas rccu ov-
I will give to thee the keys of the ' kingdom of the hea« 19 And I will give thee
fthe KEYS of the KING-
pavcav Kai 6 eav d^cys eirt T-TJS 777s, ecrrai DOM Of the HEAVENS;
veus; and whatever thou mayest bind upon the earth, shall be X and whatever thou shalt
dede/nevov ev rois ovpavois' Kai 6 eay Xvays bind on the EAETH, shall
bound in the heavens; and whatever thou mayest loose be bound in the HEAV-
ewi rj]s 717s, ecrrai XeXvfievov ovpavois. E N S ; and whatever thou
ev rois
upon the earth, shall be loosed i s the heavens. shalt loose on the EARTH,
Tore diecrreiXaro rois fiaBrjra^s a u r c u , Iva shall be loosed in the
Then he charged the disciples of htm, that HEAVENS."
firjSevi enrooariv on avros effnv 6 'Kpie'ros, 20 JThen he command-
no one they should, tell that he is the Anointed.
ed * the DISCIPLES that
they should tell no one,
that he is the MESSIAH.
Airo rore ypi-aro 6 Irjcrovs BeiKwetv rois 21 From that time, J E -
From that time began the Jesus to show to the SUS began to disclose to
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—13. the SON of MAN is? 14. SOME. 17. Heaven*.
£0. the DISCIFLES.
113. This town was Bear to the spring-head of the Jordan, and was built by Philip,
tetrarch of Galilee, in honor of Tiberius Ca?sar; and to distinguish it from the sea-port town
of Oesarea, mentioned frequently in the Acts of the Apostles, it was called Cesarea Philippi.
See Josephus, Ant. xviii. 2,1, and xx. 8, 4. 118. Parkhurst says, "This expression
seems allusive to the form of the Jewish sepulchres, which were large subterraneous caves,
with a narrow mouth or entrance, many of which are to be found in Judea, to this day. The
LXX render the corresponding phrase from the Heb. of Isa. xxxviii. 10, the gates of the sepul-
chre. The full meaning of our Lord's promise seems to be, that his church on earth, how-
ever persecuted and distressed, should never fail till the consummation of all things and
should then, at the resurrection of the just, finally triumph over death and the grave." Com-
>arc 1 Cor. xv. 54, 55. 119. It is said, that when the Jews made a man a doctor of the
1aw, they used to put Into his hands the key of the closet in the temple, where the sacred
books wore deposited, and also tablets to write upon; signifying that they gave him author-
ity to teach and to explain the scriptures and law of God to the people.
i 13, Mark viii. 271 Luke ix. 18. % 16. Mark viii. 29; Luke ix 20s John i. 45; vi. 69;
ji.27. 118. Johni.43. 118.Eph. ii.20.°i.lo. Jehu**.28.
•'' 30. Matt. xvii. 0 \ yiw& viii. 30; Luke ix. 21.
map. 16: 22.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 17: 1.

fiaO^rats avrov, on Set avrov aTreXOeiv eis 'lepo- his DISCIPLES, % That he
diaciples of him, t h a t must ha to g s to Jeru- must go to Jerusalem, and
troXvfia, Kai iroXXa iraOeiv arco rcvv irpecrfivrs- suffer much from the EL»
s&lem, and many (things) t o suffer from the elders DEES, and High-priests,
pcov Kai apxtef>ea!j> Kai ypafi/xarecov, uai auroK- and Scribes, and he killed,
and high-priest* and scribes, and and that on the THIRD
t o be
ravQt]vai, Kai ry rpiry 7)/J.epq eyepOyvai. ^ Kai Day he must he raised up.
killed, and the third day t o be raised. And 22 And PETER taking
TrporXafiofievos avrov 6 Tterpos, Tjp^aro ZTcirifiqv him aside, and * rebuking
t a k i n g aside
h i m t h e Peter, began t o reprove him, said, " B e this far
avrcp, Xeycov IAeeos croi, Kvpie- ov JJLT] carat from thee, Master;5 this
him, l a y i n g ; B e i t far from thee, O l o r d ; n o t n o t shall be shall not be to thee. '
o~oi rovro. ^ ' O 8e crpa<peis enre rep Tier pep' 23 But HE turning, said
to thee thiB, He b u t turning said t o t h e Peter;
to PETER, "Get thee be-
"Tiraye OTCICTOO fxov, carava' CKavdaXov p.ov hind me, Adversary; thou
Go t h o u behind of m e , adversary; a stumbling-block of me
art a Stumbling-block to
ei* ori ov (ppovzis ra rov 6eov, aXXa ra me; for thou regardest
t h o u a r t ; for n o t t h o u regardest t h e (things) of t h e God, b u t those not the THINGS of GOD,
r<av avdpcvirwv. T o r e 6 Irjaovs enre rois fia- b u t T H O S E Of M E N . "
of t h e men. Then t h e Jesus said t o t h e dis-
Qy\rais avrov Ei ris OeXzi oiricrco jxov eXOeiv, 24 Then J E S U S said to
ciplei of h i m ; If any one wish after me to come,
his DISCIPLES, X " If any
one wish to come after
aTrapvK]oao~Q<ti kavrov, Kai aparoo rov orravpovme, let him renounce
let h i m deny himself, a n d let h i m bear t h e cross
2 5 himself, and take up his
avrov, Kat aKoXovOaro) JJLOI. '0S yap av CROSS, and follow me.
of h i m , and follow me. "Whoever for
0€Xy ri\v "tyvxW avrov ffojcrcu, aivoXeaei avrr\v 25 JFor whoever would
may wish t h e life of h i m t o sau.~, shall lose her; save his L I F E , shall lose
6s 5' av aTroXeffj) rrjv tyvxw avrov eveicev it; and whoever loses his
whoever a n d may lose the life of h i m on account LIFE on my account, shall
e/xov, €vpy)o €i avrqv. , 26 find it.
Tf yap cocpeXeirai av-
ofrn", shall find her. W h a t for is profited a 26 For what is a Man
Opcovos, zav rov KOCT/JLOV oXov KepSrjcry, rr}v Se profited, if he should gain
man, if the world whole he may win, t h e and the whole WORLD, and
TfU'Xrjv' avrov (jt)fAiu>6y; 7} n 8ooo~€i avOpwiros forfeit his L I F E ? or what
lifo of h i m h e may forfeit? or w h a t shall give a man will % a man give in Ran*
avr aXXay/xa rrjs tyvxys avrov; MeXXet yap som for his LIEE ?
in exchange for t h e life of h i m ? Is a b o u t for 27 | For the SON of MAN
6 vios rov avdpcoTTOv epx^o'Oai ev ry Soj-y rov i s about to come in the
the ion of t h e man t o come in t h e glory of t h e GLORY of his FATHER,
Trarpos avrov, fiera rcov ayyeXcav avrov, Kai
with his A N G E L S ; and
father of him, with the messengers of h i m , a n d then he will recompense
rore cwroScotrei eKao'rcp Kara rrjv irpa^iv JO each one according to
then lie will render t o each one according t o t h e behavior /iis CONDUCT.
avrov. 28 J Indeed I cay to you,
of him.
28 * That there are SOME of
A/JL7]v Xeyoo vfxiv, eiari rives
rcov wSe effrco- those STANDING here,who
Indeed I say t o you, t h e r e are s o m e of those here having
will not taste of Death, till
rwv, olrtves ov pr) yzvo'cavrai Qavarov, hcas av they see the ::,ON of MAN
stood, who not not shall taste of d e a t h , till
coming in his ROYAL MA>
tdwo'L rov vlov rov avQpcoirov epxo^svov GV ry JESTY."
they m a y see t h e son of t h e man coming in the
fiatriXeiq avrov. KE4>. «f. 1 7 . Kai ped'
foyal majesty of h i m . And after CHAPTER XVII.
y/iepas e£ TrapaXa/uifiavei 6 lycrovs rov Xlerpov, 1 $And after six days,
days six takes the Jesus the Peter, J E S U S took P E T E R , James,
Kai JaKwfSoVy Kai Icoavvrjv rov afieXcpov avrov and John the BROTHER of
and James, and John the brother of h i m ; James, and privately con«
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—22. rebuking him, said. 28. That there are.
X 21. Matt xvii. 22; xx. 17; Mark viii. 31; ix. 31; x. 33; Luke ix. 22, 44; xviii. 31; xxvv-06,
xx 7.
% 24. Matt. x. 38; Mark viii. 34; Lukeix.23; xiv.27. ... J 25. Luke xvii 33 •, Johnxii. 25.
t 26. Psa. xlix. 7, 8. X 27. Matt. xxv. 31—46: Mark viii. 38; Lxike ix. 26.
ix. 1; Luke ix. 27. 1 1 . Mark ix. 2; Luke ix. 28. $ 28 Mark
Chap. 17: 2.] MATTHEW, [Chap. 1 7 : 12.

Mi avacpepei avrovs €is opos v^rikov /car' ifiiav. ducted them up a loftj
and teads up them into a mountain high. privately. Mountain;
Kcu /xerefxop(f)(t)6rj efXTtpoadev avrcov, Kai 2 and he was trans*
And h e was transfigured in t h e presence ot them, and formed iu their presence;
eAa//i//e ro irpotfooTrov avrov cos 6 rjkios' ra 8e his EACE shone as the
shone the face of him as t h e sun; t h e and SUN, and his GARMENTS
3 became white as the
lp.aria avrov eyevero kevita ws ro (poos. Kai
garments of h i m became white as the light. And LIGHT.
idovy cccpdrjcrav avrois Mcvcris Kai HAias, 3 And behold, Moses
lo, appeared t o ihem Mose» and Elias,and Elijah appeared to
ATTOKPLOGIS 5e 6 Tierpos them, conversing with
avrov o~vkka,kovvres.
him talking. Answering and t h e Peter him.
€LiT€ rep Irjcov Kvpie, Kakov ecrriv 7]/xas w8e 4 Then P E T E R address-
said t o t h e J e s u s ; O lord, good i t is us here ing J E S U S , said, "Master,
eivaf ei Oekeis, nroirifftefjiev d>5e rpeis o~KT)vas, it is good for us to be
to b e ; if t h o u w i t t , we may make here three tents, here; if thou wilt, * I will
(Tot /xiav, Kai Mcocrp /aiav, mat fxiav YLKia. 5
En make here three Booths;
t o thee one, a n d Moses one, and one Elias. Still one for thee, one for Mo-
avrov kakovvros, idov, vefpsXi) (pooros eirccr- ses, and one for Elijah.''
of him speaking, lo, a cloud of l i g h t over- 6 While he was speak-
Kiarrev avrovs' Kai f5ou, (peevrj etc rr]s vecpekrjs, ing, behold, J a Cloud of
shadowed them, and lo, a voice o u t of t h e cloud, light covered them; and
keyovcra' "Ovros eo'rtv 6 vlos JJLOV 6 aya-jrrjroSy behold, a Voice from the
saying; "This is t h e »on of m e t h e beloved, CLOUD, declaring, f ' T h i a
ev (cp £udoK7]o~a' avrov aKovzre.33 6
KaiaKov~ is my SON, the BELOVED,
in whom I delight; of h i m hear jon." And having in whom X delight; hear
cravres ol \xaQv\rai, eir<=o~ov eiri irpoffomov avrcov, him!"
heard t h e disciples, t h e v fell upon face i'them, 6 And the DISCIPLES
Kat €(pofi7]dr]crav tfepodpa. ? Kai 7rpocr€kdccv 6 having heard it, fell on
and were frightened greatly. And coming near the their Faces, and were
Irjcrous, ijij/aro avrcov, Kai eiirev Eyepfl^Te, Kai greatly frightened.
Jesus, touched them, and said; Be y o u raised, and 7 And JESUS approach-
[M7] (pofieicrQe. 8
Eirapavres Se Toys ocpQakjxovs ing, J touched them, and
said, "Arise, and be not
Hat b« afraid. Lifting up then the syes
avrcov, ovfieva etSoy, ei \xt] rov ITJCTOW [AOVOV.
of t h e n , no one they saw, except the Jesus alone.
8 Then raising their
9 EYES, they saw no one,
K a i Kara^aivovrcov avrcov, e/c rov opovs, except JESUS.
And descending ofthem, from t h e mountain,
9 % And as they were
everzikaro avrois 6 l7]crovs, keycov MTJBZVI €i~ descending the MOUN-
charged them the Jesus, saying; To no one you
TAIN, J E S U S commanded
•jrrjre ro 6pa/j,a, ecos ov 6 vlos rov avQpcoirov etc them, saying. Tell the VI-
may tell t h e vision, till t h e son of t h e man from
SION to no one, till tbe
veKptov avarrrr). SON of MAN be risen from
"lead (ones) should be raised.
10 the Dead.
Kai 6TT7]poorr]o~av avrov ol /naOrjrai avrov, 10 And the DISCTPLES
And asked him t h e disciples of him,
asked him, saying, t " Why
keyovres* Ti ovv ol ypo^fxareis keyovcriv, on then do the SCRIBES sa}
saying; Why then the scribes say, that
u That Elijah must first
Ekiav Set ekOeiv irpoorov; '0 Se Irjtrovs come r"
Elias must to come first? The but Jesus
11 * H E answering, said,
airoKpideis eiirev ' ^ a u T O i s ' ] Hkias fxzv epx^TOA "Elijah indeed * comes,
answering said [to t h e m ; ] Elias truly comes
l2 and will restore all things.
Trpcorov, Kai airoKaracrrrjo'ci iravra' kzyco 5e 12 But I say to you,
first, and shall restore all t h i n g s ; I say b u t
% That Elijah has already
v/iiv, on Hkias rjdr} 7]kQey Kai OVK sirsyvcocrav come, and they did not
to you, t h a t Blias just now came, and not they knew recognize him, but have
avrov, akk' €Troi7)crav ev avrco Sera riOekTjtrav done to him whatever
him, but have done to h i m as m u c h as they wished; they wished. Thus also
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—4. I will make here three Booths 11. HB answering.
II. comes, and will restore.
t 5. 2 Peter i. 17; Matt. iii. 17; Mark i. j11; Luke iii. 22. t 7- Ban. viii. 18; x. 9,10, 18:
Rev. i. 17, X 9. Mark ix. 9. t --0. Mai. iv. 5. t 12. Matt, xi.14; Mark ix. 13&13.
Chap. 17: IS.] MATTHEW. \Chap.Yl\ 23.

9vra> K « I 5 vlos rov avrpcarov jxeWei iraaxeLV the SON of MATT is alm&
thus also the eon of the man is about to suffer to suffer by them."
vif' avrwv. 13
T o r e cvvrjKav ot jjiaO^rai, 13 Then the DISCIPLES
on understood
by them. Then understood the disciples, that
That he spoke
r to them concerning John
vepi Icaavvov rov fia rricrrov enrev avrois. the IJOIERSER.
concerning John the dipper he spoke to them.
14 14 J And they having
Kai eXOovrcov avrcjv irpos rov ox^-ov, 7rpo<r- come to the CROWD, a
And having come of them to the crowd, Man came to him. kneel-
lj\0ev avry avOpoiros* yovvirercov avrov» /cat ing and saying,
came to him a man, knee-falling him, and 15 " O Sir, have com*
Aeywv Kvpie, eKerjo'ov jxov rov viov on o'eKr]- passion on My SON ; for
aayingj Olord, have pity on of me the Bon; for i e is he is a lunatic, and * sick-
via^erai, Kai KCLKCOS iraaxei' iroWaKis yap ly; for he frequently falls
moon-struGk, and sadly suffers; often for into the PIKE, and fre-
irivrti eis TO 7rup, Kai iroWaKis eis ro vdcop. quently into the WATER.
he falls into the fire, and often into the water. 16 And I brought him
K a i trpoo"i]V€yKa avrov rois fiadrjrais (rov, Kai to thy DISCIPLES, but
And I brought him to the they could not cure Him.'>
disciples of thee, and
OVK Tjtivvrjdrjcrav avrov Oepairevo'ai. Airoicpi- 17 Then JESUS answer-
uot they were able him to heal. Answer- ing. said, " O unbeliev-
Geis 5e 6 Ir}(fovs enrev XI 7evea aificrros Kai ing and perverse Genera-
lng and the Jesus said; O generation unfaithful and tion! how long must I be
dieo'rpa/xfj.evr}' ecos irore eerofiai /J,e6\ V/JLCOV; with you? how long must
having been perverted; till when" shall I be with you? I endure you ? bring him
ecos irore ave^ofxai v/xcov; (pepere fxoi avrov code. here to me." .
till when shall I bear you? bring you to me him here. 18 And J E S U S rebuked
K a t €7ceri[i7}o~€V avrcp 6 Irjcovs, Kai efyAdev him, and the DEMON came
And rebuked him the Jesus, and came out out of him; and the BOY
air7 avrov ro cjaifioviov icat edeparrevdr] 6 irais was HOUR/
restored from that
of him the demon; and was cured the boy
19 19 Then the'DisciPLES
airo T7)s oopas SKeivqs. T o r e irpoo-eXOovres coming to JESUS private-
from the hour that. Then coming *
ly, said, "Why were £oe
ot fiadrjrai rep lrjcrov Kar} ifiiav, eitrov Atari not able to cast it out?"-
the disciples to the Jesus by himself, said; > Why
20 And * HE says to
rjfjieis OVK 7]dvvrj67}/j.€v €Kf3a\€LV avro; " 2 0 ' O 8e them, "On account of
we not were able > to cast o u t ' it? The and your *LITTLE-FAITH; For
ITJOTOVS enrev avrois* Aia rrjv am&riav vfxecv. indeed I say to you, % If
Jesus oaid to them; On account of the unbelief ofyou.~ you have Faith, as a Grain
A/xrjv yap Xeyco V/JLIV, eav e^T/Te iricrriv cos KOK- of Mustard, you might
Indeed for . 1 say to you, if you have faith a3 a say to this MOUNTAIN,
KOV crivaireoos, epeire rep opei rovrcc, Mera- Uemove there from here,
grain of mustard, you will say to the mountain ; this Be thou and it would remove; and
ftT}6i evrevOev eKei, icai fiera^o'erai' Kai ovdev nothing would be impos-
removed from here there, and it will remove; and nothing sible to you/.
a^vvarrjaren vfxiv.*- 2 1 ~*[TOUT© Se ro yevos OVK . 21 * t [This KIND, how^
will be impossible to you. [This but the kind not ever, goes not out but by
eKTropeverat,*, ei ]xf\ ev irpoo'evxy Kai vr)(rreiq.~\ Prayer and Tasting."] f
. goes out, if not in prayer a n d ' fasting.] • 22 % Now, while they
? Avao'rp€(pojiX€VCiov 5e avrccv ev ry TaAiha.ia, were traveling in . GALI-
1 "Were traveling and of them in the Galilee, LEE, JESUS said to them,
knrev^ avrois 6 Irjcrovs' MeWei 6 vtos rov av~ "The SON of MAN is about
said to them the Jesus; Is-about the son of the •' to be delivered up ^into
dpioirov f.wapadidoo'Oai eis .x^tpas* avOpcoircov, •the Hands of Men ;.
• 23 and they will "kill
man io bG delivered up into hands of men,
23 him, and the THIRD Day
Kai airoKTevovcriv avrov icai rrj * rpirrf j]^epq he will *rise. And they
and :'•>(; they will kill him; and the third day
were exceedingly grieved,
eyepOrjo'eraic Kai eXvrrridrjcrav crcpocjpa.
he *will be raised.MANUSCRIPT.—15.
VATICAN And they were grieved
sickly, exceedingly.
20. HE Bays. 20. LITTLE-FAITH. 21.—omit.
23. rise. -
t 21. This verse is wanting in the Coptic, Ethiopic, Syriac hicros, and i n one Itafa MSS„\
i 14. Mark ix. 14; Luke ix. 37. t 20. Matt.xxi. 21; Mark xi. 23; Luke xviu 6i 1 Cos?
xiii. 2. X 22a Matt. xvL 21 i xx. 18 \ Mark ix. 30,31 \, Luke ix, 44>
Chap. 1 7 : 2 4 ] MATTHEW. [Ohap. 18: 4.
2 24 J And having arrived
* E\6OVTQ)V Be avrcov eis Ka7repj/aoi//ii,
Having arrived and of t h e m at Capernaum, at Capernaum, the COL«
irpo(f7]XQov ol ra BiBpaxpa Xafufiavoyres rep LECTOKS o f t D L D K A C H M S
came those t h e didrachmas receiving to the came to P E T E R , and said,
Uerpcp, teat arrow ' O 8i8aCKa\os v/xcoj/ ov reXei "Does not your TEACHER
Peter, and said; The teacher of y o u n o t pays pay the D I D B A C H M S ? "
ra $i§pax/*ct; 25
A e 7 e r Ncu. Kcu ore €io"t]\- 25 He s a y s / ' Yes." And
the didrachmas? He says; Yes. And when h e was when *they were come
Bsv as rt]v oatiav, irpoeepdaa'eu avrov 6 Irjo'ovs, into the HOUSE, J E S U S
come i n t * t h e house, anticipated him the Jesus, anticipated him, saying,
Atyoow Ti <roi 5o«:ei, ^IJAOOV; Ol fiacriXeis " What is thy opinion, Si-
saying; W h i c h to thee seems right, Simon? The kings mon ? From whom do the
K I N G S of the EARTH take
TT]S yrjs airo rivicv Xafxfiavovcn reXrj 7} nrfvcrov;
o r t h e earth from whom d o they take taxes or census? Tax or Census? from
airo roiv viccv aurcav, y\ ano row aXXorpiwv ; their own SONS, or from
from the sons of them, or from the aliens? OTHERS?"

^ A c y e t avT(p 6 Yltrpos' ATTO rcou aXXorpiwp. 26 * And when he said,

Says to him the Peter^ From the aliens. "Of OTHERS," Jesus says,
Ecprj avrcp 6 lyffovs' Apaye eXevdcpoi euw/ ol " T h e SONS then are ex<
Says to him the Jesus; Then exempt are the empt.
vloi. 2
' *lva Be fir) crKavBaXicrwfxev avrovs, 27 But lest we should
•ons. That but not we m a y offend them, offend them, go to the
iropevdeis as TT]V daXacrcrav, £aA.e aynurrpov, LAKE, throw a Hook, and
going to the sea, cast t h o u a hook, take the first F I S H COM-
ING UP, and opening its
KCU rov avaftavra irpcorov ix^uu a
pw #«* avoi- MOUTH, thou wilt find t a
and the ascending first fish take u p ; and open-
Stater; take That, and
|ccs TO ffrofxa avrov, ebprjo'eis crrarrjpa' eKeivov give it to them, for me
ing the mouth of him, t h o u wilt find a stater; that
and thee."
AafScov, Bos avrois avri ejiov Kai o~ov.
taking, giv« to them for me and thee.
KE*. IT]'. 18. 1 *And at That TIME
the D I S C I P L E S came to
V..v €K€ivr) rt) cvpa 7rpoo"qXdou ol fxaB^rai rep JESUS, saying, J "Who
la that the hour came t h e disciples t o t h e then is greatest in the
Irjcrov, Xeyovres' Tis apa fieifav ecrrtu eu rri K I N G D O M Of t h e H E A V -
JCBUS, saying; Who then greater is in the ENS?"
fiacriXeiq rtav ovpavtov; Kcu irpoo'KaXeo'afxevos
2 And *he having called
kingdom of t h e heavens? And a Little child, placed him
having called
& lytfovs iraiBtov eo'rrio'eu avro ev fxeo'cp avrccv, in the Midst of them,
tk« Joous
a little child placed it in midst of them, 3 and said, "Indeed I
Kai <cLirev' A/urjv Xeyca vfxtv, eav fxt] <TTpa<pr)Te say to you, ^Unless you
and oaid; Indeed I say t o you, if n o t y o u be changed he changed, and become
Kai yevqo'Oe ws ra iraiBia, ov /JLTJ eicreXOrfre eis as LITTLE CHILDREN, you
•ad become ao t h e little children, n o t n o t y o u may enter i n t o will never enter the KING-
ri\v fiao'iXciav rcou ovpavtov. Ocrris ovv DOM of the HEAVENS.
the kingdom of t h e heavens. Whoever therefore 4 Whoever, therefore,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—25. they were come. 26. And when he said, "Of OTHKRS,"
Jesus says. 1. And at. 2. he having called.
t 24. A half shekel, in value about 30 cents, or Is. 3d. It appears from Exodus xxx. 13,14,
that every male among the Jews, of twenty yeavs old and upwards, was commanded to give
a certain sum every year, as an offering to the Lord, for the service of the temple at Jerusa-
lem. Scott refers to Jos. Ant. xviii. 9,1, to show that the Jews continued to send the same
sum every year, wherever they lived; which Philo too particularly mentions, de Monarch.
ii. 835, ed. col. "Sums of money, on account of the Jews, were carried every year out of
Italy and all your provinces to Jerusalem." Cic. pro Flac. 8. "Every Jew, despising the re-
ligion of the country in which he lived, sent his donations and tribute to Jerusalem and the
temple." Tac. Hist. lib. 5. Josephus (B. J. vii. 27) says, "the Roman emperor Vespasian
imposed upon every Jew the same contribution for the Capitol, as they had before paid to
the Temple." "Titus imposed on them a yearly tribute of a didrachm to Capitoline Jupi-
ter." Xiphil. Dion. lib. lxvi. These tribute gatherers must have been sent by the superin-
tendents ot the Temple, and have acted by the authority of the high priest; for the force oi
oar Lord b argument depends upon this particular.—Wakefield. t 27- A shekel, or hall
au ounqe of silver, in value about 60 cents, or 2s.fid.,at 5s. per ounce.
J 74. Maiktx.M. t l . Mark ix.33; Luke ix. 46, xxii. 24. % 8. Matt. xix. Hi
ftl&rk. a )5; Lufe* srlii 17; 1 Cor. xiv 20; 1 Peter iL2.,
Chap. 18$ 5 J MATTHEW, [Chap. 18; 1L

7rat§iO*' TOVTO, ovros may humble himself like

may humble himself as the little child this, he this LITTLE CHILD, h e
eo'rip 6 fjL€i£o0V ep TJ/ fio.<Ti\eia, rwu ovpaucov. will be the GREATEST in
is the greater the in kingdom of the heavens. the KINGDOM of the HEA-
*Kaj 6s tap h^7\rai TVOUSIOV TOIOVTOV kv eim T(p VENS.
! And whoever may receive a little child such one on the 5 J And whoever may
ovojxari fiov, €fie dex^raio 6
'Os 8' av CKavha- receive one such Little
name of me, me receives. Who but ever mayin-
child in my NAME, re-
ceives Me.
\io"t) hva TCOP jxiKpwv TOVTCOP, TWP TTKrrevourwv 6 % But whoever shall
snare one of the little-ones these, of the believing
insnare one of the LEAST
eis e/ue, tfvfjLcpepei avrcpj iua Kpe/xacdr) /LLVXOS Of THESE Who BELIEVE i n
into me, it is appropriate to him, that should be hung a millstone me, it would be better for
o.viKos eiri TOP Tpaxv^op avTOv, Kai Karcnrov- him that an + upper Mill*
upper on the neck of him, and he should be
stone were hanged about
TurOr) ev Tcp ireXayei TTJS 0a\a<rfff]s. his NECK, and that he
sunk in the depth ofthe sea.
were sunk in. the DEPTH
? Ovac rep Kocr/xcp airo TOO? <TKap$a\cov0 Apay ofthe SEA.
"Woe to the world from the snares. Neces- 7 Alas for the WORLD,
K7] yap £(TTIV e\d€ip ra cncapSaka TTXTJP qvai because of SNARES! for
•ary for it is to come the snares; but woe it must be that SNARES
Tip OvdpCOTTCp €K€lP(p 5t OV TO ffKctvSaXov come; but alas for that
to the man to that through whom the snare MAN through whom the
epxeTcu. E i Se r) X*lP &ov t] 6 irovs <rov SNARE comes.
comes. If therefore the hand of thee or the foot of thee 8 J If, then, thy HAND
(TKavBaXifei (re, eKKorpop avra9 or thy TOOT insnare thee,
Kat /3aAe airo
insnares thee, cutoff them, and cast^ from
' ] cut it off, and throw it
0)r v
GOV KCLXOV (rot £O~TLP eicreKdeip eis T7]P C ) away; it is better for thee
thee; good to thee it is to enter into the life < to enter LIEE * crippled or
X&Xov rj Kv\\ov$ 7} 5vo x€lPas V dvo irafias lame, than having Two
lame or a cripple, than two hands or two feet Hands or Two Feet, to be
exoPTa fi\7idrjpcu ets TO irvp TO aicapiop. 9 K a i cast into the f AIONIAN
having to be cast into the fire the age-lasting. And EIRE.
et 6 ocpOaXfios o~ov o*Kapda\i.£ei are9 e^eAe avrop, 9 And if thine EYE in-
if the eye of thee
insnares thee, tear out it, snare thee, pluck it out,
Kai fiaXe atro vow KOKOP ffoi COTTI fiopo<p9a\/jiop and throw it away; it is
•nd cast from thee; good to thee it is one-eyed better to enter LIEE one-
t t s TT]P farjp €io~€\deip, 7) Bvo o<p6ah[xovs exovra eyed, than having Two
into the fife to enter, than two eyes having Eyes to be cast into the
10 BURNING of G E H E N N A .
fiArjdriPcu eis TTJP yeeppap TOV irvpos. 'OpaTe,
to be cast into the Gehenna ofthe fire. See, 10 Take care, that you
fXT] KaTa<f>poP7]crr)T€ epos reap fxiKpoop TOVTW do not despise one of tlu
not you may despise one ofthe little-ones these; LEAST of these; for I as'
Ae7<y yap vfxip, OTI ol ayyehoi avTWP ep ovpa- sure you, that $ their AN-
• I say for to you, that the messengers of them in hea-
continually behold the
POIS SiaTraPTOS fi\€irovo'i TO Tvpoo'coitop TOV EACE of THAT FATHER of
vens perpetually see
face the
mine in the Heavens.
iraTpos /JLOV, TOV ep ovpapois* * [ n H A 0 e yap 6 , 11 * T t [For the SON of
father of me, that in heavens. [Is come for the 1 MAN is come to save THAT
vlos TOV apdpcoirov o'coa'cu TO 07roAa;AoSo] 1 2 T i : which was LOST.]
son ofthe man to save the having been lost.] "What
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—8. crippled or lame. 10. the HBAVENS. 11.—omit.
See also Lachmann and Tischendorf,
T 6 A mill-stone turned by an ass, and consequently much larger than one turned by the
hand ' The punishment of death by drowning, though not in use by the Jews, was so amon^
-he surrounding nations. It seems to have grown into a proverb for dreadful and inevita-
ble ruin t 8. Jioonion. This word is the adjective of aioon, age, and as we have no
word in°English which exactly conveys the idea attached to it in the original, it has been
left untranslated. The adjective form of the word, however, cannot rise higher in meaning
than the noun from which it is derived, and must always be governed by it. See Note on
Matt xiii 40 and Appendix. t 11. This verse is omitted in the Vatican and several
oth*»r MSS . and marked as doubtful by Griesbach. In Boothroyd's translation it is ap-
pended to the 1'ourteenth verse, as making a better connection.
1 5 Matt, x. 42; Luke ix. 48. t 6. Mark ix. 42; Luke xvii. 1,% t & Matt, v,
50 30- Mark ix « . 45. t 10. Psa, xxxiv. 7 -.Luk«. i. 19, 111. Luke ix. 56; xix. \Qi
XUp. 18: 12-7. MATTHEW: fichapAB*. 26.
— , ^
vixiv dotca i cap yzvy}Tcu TIPI apdpwircp kuarop *• 12 What, do you think?.
to you seems right t if. should have a n ; man. a hundred $lf a Man have a Hundred
irpo/HaTa, nai irkavi\Qri kv e£ avrtop' ov%i acpets Sheep, and one of them go
sheep, and should go a»tray one from them; not leaving astray, *will he not leave
Ta tUPtprjKOPratppea €vi ret, oprj, rropevOets Cv" the NINETY-NINE Sheep
ne On the MOUNTAINS, and go
the ninety-nine upon the mountains, goinf*
Tft Vo vkap(ap.evop / 13
Kcu cap yevrfrai evptiv and seek the STRAY ONE ?
seek* that having strayed? And if he should happen to find 13 And if he happen to
auTo, a/xrjp \zy<a v/xtpt 6ri xaiP€l 67r
' wry find it, indeed I say to you,
it, indeed 1 say to you, that he rejoicco Over it that he rejoices more over
jxaKKoP, 7} €7T( TOIS ePP€P7JK0PTG€PP^a9 TOIS fX7)
it, than over THOSE NINE*
more, than ovef the ninety-nino, those not T Y - N I N E W h i c h W E N T NOT
7r€Tr\aiftyjLei>ots. , Ourws QVK tern 6eAr)/xa
having been led astray. " Thus
not it is will 14 Thus it is not the
€/jrTrpo<r9sv TOV trarpos vpuov, rov ep ovpapots, Will * Of THAT FATHER Ot
In the presence of the father of you, of that in heaven*, mine in the Heavens, that
iVa airohf}Tat us reap fxwpcvp rovrap, Ecu/ in his presence one of the
4hat should perish one o f t h e little-ones ofthem. If LEAST, of these should ba
8e ajj.aprr)0"t} *[ets tre] 6 adtkepos (Tov, viraye, lost.
and should be in error [against thee,] the brother of thee, go, 15 J!Now, if thy BRO-
€\ey£op avrop (izral^v GOV teat avrov be in. error, go, con-
test him between thee and him vict him, between thee
tap ffov a/fovcr??, <EKspSr}o"as TOV aSeXcpov GOV and him alone. £ If hd
II tbee he may hear, thou hast won the brother of thee;. hear thee, theu hast gain-
cav 5e (xr) anovcrriy 7rapaAa/3e /xera &ov e r i ed thy BROTHER.
if brut not he may hear, take with thee besides 16 But if he hear the©
\pa t\ hvo' Iva 67rt cro/xaros 5vo /xaprvpcop rj not, take with thee one or
one o* t w o ; that by mouth (. two of witnesses or two niofe;1 Jthnt by the
rpnap araQr) Trap firj/xa,. 17 "Eap 8e tra~ TcstimoMy of Two or three
of three may be proved every word. : If and he Witnesses, Every Thing
paKOvcrj avru)!/, wrre rr) cKickricrta,' tap 5e may be proved.
should disregard tbedn, tell thou to the congregation; if and 17 But if he disregard
icat rns €KK\7}<Ttas Trapanovcrr), tcrrca them, inform the CON-
ffoi GREGATION ; and if- he
also of the congregation he should disregard, let him he to thee
1S disregard the CONGREGA-
oj<nrep 6 eOviKOS Hal b re\cov7)s, A/xrjp TION also, $ let him be to
as ,,. the GeVUile and the tax-gatherer. . Indeed
thee as aPAGAN and a
\tyca VJXIP, baa cap §7}Q7)TZ tin rrjs 777s, TRIBUTE-TAKER.
J say to you, whatever you may bind on the earth,
18 Indeed, I say to you,
ecrrcu SeSejuera ep rep ovpavtp' Kat Sera tap
X Whatever you may bind
shall be having becyi bound in the heaven; and whatever
on EARTH, will be as hav-
kvcrrjre tin TY\S yns, tcrrai AeAi/^e^a tp ing been bound in * Hea-
yon may loose o u j ^ t b e earth, shall be having hocn loosed inp ven; and whatever you
Ttp ovpapep, may loose on EARTH, wUl
the heaven. .^ be as having been loosed
UaKiP ksyco tfyiiV, on cap Suo V/XCOP ffv^Kpca- in i9 * Heaven.
*Agnin, indeed, I say
Again 1 say to you, that if two ofyon may
to you, That if two ot
Vt\(Jl)>CtiV 67Tf Tt\S yir$, ITCpl TTCLPTOS 7rpayfXCt,TOS,
agree upoa the earth, about any matter,
you on EARTH may agree,
about any thing which
ov tap aiTTjaoopraij ytprtcrtTai avroir irapa rov
they may ask, it will jba
whatever, they may ask, it shall be to theiri from the.
20 done for them, by THAT
trarpos /uoy, rov ep ovptwots* O u yap aai FATHER of mine in the
father of me, of that in heavens. Whore for are
5t>o 7} rpeis cvr^y/xepoi €is TO G/XOP opojxa, e/cej 20 For where two or
iwo oi thrti having come together Jn the my name, there
three are assembled in MY:
tip.i iP fxeffcp avrcop.. . a l T o T 6 irpocrehdcop avrtp Name, I am there in the
I am jn the midst ofthem. Thes coming to him Midst of them."
* "VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. will he not leave the NINETT-NINK Slieep on the Moofi
TAINS, and RO and seek. 14. of THAT TATUEII of mine. 15. against thee—onrft*
18. H*avsn. •h;
18. Heavee^ 19. Again, indeed, I say.
1 tuke xv. 4. ^" t 15. Lev. xix. 17; Luke xvii. 3. "" t 15. Jfimes v. 19, 20
1 16. Den*, xix. 15; John viii. 17; 2Cor. xiii.l. - J. 17* Rom. xvi. 17 • 3 Tbesa. iU. 6,14
I la. Matt. 4Vi,10idQlma.£ 23-r
€hap. 18 s 21.3 MATTHEW. [Chap. 1 8 : 8 1 .

6 Uerpos, eiir*' JLvpie, irocaKis afiaprrjo'ei sis 21 Then Peter coming,

the Peter, said; Olord, how often shall sin against *said to him, $ "Lord,
€jU€ 6 adeX<pos fxov, Kai a<pr)(TCio avrcp; kcoshow often shall I forgive
me the brother of me, and I shall forgive him ? till my B R O T H E R , if he re-
kirraKis; ^Aeyet avrcp peatedly trespass against
6 IrjCovs' Ov, Aeyco
seven times? Says to him the Jesus; Not, I say
me? till seven times?"
trot, eo)s kirraKis, 3
aXX eeos efidofitiKovraKis " I 22say
J E S U S says to him,
to thee, Not till
to thee, till seven times, but till seventy times
seven times only, b u t till
€7rra. ^ A m rovro oDfxotcoOr] 7) (iaariXeia seventy times seven.
seven. Therefore this has been cpmpared the kingdom
23 In this, the KING-
rwv ovpavcov avQpwrrcp fiacriXei, 6s 7)de\7)<re o~v- DOM of the HEAVENS has
ofthe heavens to a man king, who wished to been compared to a King,
vapai Xoyov fxera rwv dovXcav avrov. Ap|a- who determined to settle
settle an account with the slaves of him. Having Accounts with his SER-
fxsvov Se avrov o'vvatpetv, Trpoo,i)V£X®rl avr
V €L
begun and of him to settle, they brought to him one
24 And having begun
o(p€iX€rr}s fxvpicav raXavrwv. M?7 exovros
to settle, they brought to 8e
a debtor of ten thonsand talents. Not having but him one l>ebtor of Ten
avrov airohovvai, eKeXevcrev avrov 6 Kvpios av- thousand t Talents.
ofhim to pay, ordered him the lord of 25 B u t he not having
rov irpadrjvai, Kai rt]v yvvaiKa avrovt Kai r a means to refund, * t h e
him to be sold, and the wife of him, and the M A S T E R , to obtain t pay-
rsKva, /cat iravra Sera et%e, Kai airofiodrjvat. ment, ordered that he,
children, and all as much as he had, and payment to be made. and his W I F E and C H I L -
^Tlecoov ovv 6 SovXos irpoffeKwei avrcp, D R E N , a n d all t h a t he
Palling down therefore the slave had, should be sold.
he prostrated to him,
Xsyccv * [ K v p t e , ] fiaKpodv/jLTjcrov CTT1 e/xoi, 26 The S E R V A N T , then, Kai
saying; [Olord,] have patience with me, and falling down, prostrated
7rayra o~oi aw od 00 era). 27
^.irXayxvicrOeis 8e 6 to him, saying, ' Have pa-
all to thee I will pay. Being moved with pity then the tience with me, and I will
Kvptos rov dovXov eKeivov, aireXvcrcv avrov.) Kai pay thee all.'
lord ofthe slave ofthat, loosed him, and 27 And the M A S T E R of
ro daveiov a<j>r)K€V avrcp. 28
E£eA0coj/ 5e 6 *the S E R V A N T , being com-
the debt remitted to him. Going out but the passionate, loosed him,
BovXos *[eK6ivos,^ evpev kva rccv Gvvb*ovXcav and remitted the D E B T .
slave [that,] found one ofthe fellow-slaves 28 B u t t h e SERVANT go-
avrov, 6s cacpeiXev avrcp eKarov Srjvapia' Kai ing out, found one of his
of him, who owed to him a hundred denarii; and
owed him a Hundred I De-
Kparrjcras avrov eirviys, Xeyoov Arrodos fxoi et narii; a n d seizing him he
seizing him he choked him, saying; Pay t o m e if choked him, saying, ' Pay
Tt ocpeiXeis* Ilecrcav ovv 6 crvvSovXos * whatever thou owest.'
any thing thou owest. Falling down therefore the fellow-slave 29 A n d his FELLOW-
avrov, irapeKaXzt avrov, Xeycov MaKpo0vfX7}(rov SERVANT falling down,
of him, besought him, saying; Have patience entreated him, saying,
€ir' cfioi, Kai ^[iravra] aTroBcocrca croi. ^'O 5e ' H a v e patience with me
with me, and [*il] I will pay to thee. He and and I will pay thee.'
OVK TjOeXev aXX* airsXBcav efiaXev avrov ets 30 B u t H E would n o t ;
not he would; but going away he cast him into and departing, committed
(pvXaKrjv, ectis ov airoficp ro ocpeiXopievov. I$ov- him to Prison, till he
prison, till he should pay that he was owing. See- should pay t h e D E B T .
T6S 5e oi (TvvdovXoi avrov ra ycvofieva, eXvirrj- 31 * W h e n , therefore,
ing and the fellow-slavea of him that having been done, were His FELLOW-SERVANTS
Orjcrav crcpoBpa' Kai eXdovres Biecracpyja'av rep seeing W H A T was D O N E ,
grieved much; and going they related to the they were indignant; amj

* * VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. said to him,"Lord." 25. the MASTER. 28. <f

lord—omit. 27. the SERVANT. 28. that—omit. 28. whatever thou owest
29. all—omit. 31. When, therefore, His FBLLOW-SERVANTS.
t 24. Of silver; gold is never to he supposed, unless mentioned.—Bloomfield. 125. II
was usual among the Jews for the family ofthe debtor to he sold for the benefit of the cred?
itor. See 2 Kings iv. 1; Neh. v. 8. This bondage, however, only extended to »ix year*
f 28. This was a Roman coin worth about 14 cents, or 7d.
t 21. Luke xvii. 3. A.
Chap. 18; 32.] MATTHEW. Idkap. 19; ) .
32 going to their MASTER,
KVplty avrcov iravra ra ycvo/xeva. Tore
lord of them all that having been done. Then they related ALL that had
TcpoffKaXzcrafitvos avrov 6 Kvpios avrov3 Ae-yet OCCURRED.
having called him the lord 32 Then his MASTEB,
of him, says
avrcp' Aov\eTrov7)pe, irao'av rt]v o<pei\7]V eKeivrjv having called him, said to
to him} O alav* wicked, all the debt that him, ' 0 wicked SERVANT!
acprjfca o~oi, €7rei irapeKaXecras/JLS' 33 OVK edet All that DEBT I forgave
I remitted to thee, because thou besought me; not was it binding thee, because thou didst
Kai ere eAerjo'ai rov arvvdovAov aovf a>s Kai syoo entreat me;
alio thee to have pitied the fellow-slave of thee, as also I 33 was it not binding
<re 7iAe7io~a; M Kai opyi&Oeis 6 Kvpios avrov on thee also to have had
thee pitied? And being provoked the lord of him pity on thy FELLOW-SER-
TrapeSeoKev avrov rots jUao'avto'rais, k(as ov aitoBcp VANT, as j£ also had pity
delivered him to the jailors, till he may pay
on thee V
34 And his MASTER be-
Trap ro otyetAofievov *[auTcp.] ^ Ovrco Kai 6
ing provoked, delivered
all that owing [to him.] So also the
him to the JAILORS, till
Traryp JJLOV 6 enovpavios Trotrjcei vfxiv^ ecw fir} he should discharge the
father of me the heavenly will do to you, if
not DEBT.
a<f)rjTG ixacrros r<p a S e A . ^ avrov airo TCOV 35 Thus also will my
you forgive each one tho brother of him from ^hk. HEAVENLY FATHER treat
Kapdiwv vfxcoVc you, unless you from your
hearts ofyou. HEART, each one J forgive
KE$ C i&o 1 9 .
Kai eycvero, ore ereAeffev 6 ITJO'OVS rovs
1 J And it happened,
And it came to pass, when ended the Jesua
when J E S U S ended these
Aoyovs rovrovs, fierrjpev CLTTO rvp TaAiXaias* WORDS, he departed from
words these, lie departed from the Galilee,
Galilee, and came into the
Kai 7]\$€V eis ra opia rrjs Iov8aias, irepav rov CONEINES of J U D E A , be-
and came into the confines of'he Judea, beyond tho yond the J O R D A N .
loptiavov. Kat TjKoXovOrjo'av avrcp o%Aoi
Jordan. And followed him crowd*
2 And great Crowds fol-
lowed him, and he cured
rroXXor Kat eOeparrcvo'ev avrovs eK€i0 their sick.
great; and he healed them there.
Kai irpoo'riKdov avrtf ol 4 apio atoi3 > ,
ireipa- 3 And the * Pharisees
And came to him the Pharisees try- came to him, trying him,
£ovr€S avrov, KaiXcyovres "*[at>TGtr] Et e^ecrriv and saying, | " I s It law-
tag him, and saying [to him;] If it is lawful
ful for a man to dismiss
his WIFE for Any Cause?"
avOpcorrcp arroXvo'ai rrjv yvvatim avrov Kara
to«man to release the wife of him upon 4 And He answering,
iracav airiav ; *'0 Be airoKpiQeis eiireu avrois' said to them, " Have you
every cause; He and answering said to them; not read, That the CREA-
TOR, at the first, % made a
Ot/K aveyvoore, on 6 noir)o~as an' apxys apcrsv male and a female;
Not have you read, that the Creator from a beginning a male
Kai OrjXv eirotTjo'ev avrovs; 5
Kat eiirev 5 and said, $ ' 0 n ac-
and a female he made themP and says; count of this a man shall
"On account
rovrov KaraXet^et avOpcoiros rov trarepa Kat leave FATHER and MOTH-
of this shall leave » man the father and
ER, and adhere to his
W I F E ; and they TWO shall
rr]v firjrepat Kai irpo(rK0XX7]6r]O'€rat rrj yvvatKi become one Flesh ?'
the mother, and shall be closely united to the wife
avrov Kat earovrai oi Suo €ts o'apKa [Aiav." 6 So that they are no
of him; and shall be the two into flesh one." longer Two, but one Flesh.
''HfTTe ovKeri eirfi 8uo, aXXa o~ap^ /xia. *0 What GOD, then, has uni-
So that no longer they are two, but flesh one. What ted, let no man sever."
ovv 6 0€os o'vve^ev^v, avQpwrros jxr] x(aPt£eTW- 7 They say to him,
then the God has joined together, a man not disunite*. f ' W h y then did Moses
' Acyovfftv avr(p' Tt ovv MCOO'TJS €V€r€iXaro command to give a Writ
They say to him; Why then Moses did enjoin
* VATICAN MAMUSCRIPT.—34. to him—omit. 3. Pharisees. 3. to him—omit.
t 35. Prov. xxi. 13; Matt. vii. 1, 2. X 1. Mark x. 1. X 3. Mark x. 2. X 4, Gei\,
i. %7i Mai ii. 1&. % 5. Ctea. iu 24; 1 Cor. vi. 16; Eph. v. 8U J 7- D<mt- Xxiv. I.,
Chap. 19: 8.J MATTHEW. (Cftop.19: 16.

ftovvat PifiXiov airocrrao'tov, of Divorce, mid dismiss

avrrju; her?" KCU airoXvcrai
to give i» i.-roll of separation,
herP and to release
8 He says to them,
*Ae7€t auTOis* ' O r i M&xnjs 7rpos T/?*/ fftcXy}- "Moses, indeed, permit-
Hesays tothciiij That Moses for the hardness
ted you to divorce your
poKapSiav vfxoov erctrpe-tyev vfxiv airoXvcrai ras WIVES, on account of your
of heart of you suffered you to release the
yvvaiKas vixwv cnr' apxys 5e ov yeyovsv
obrca. but from the Beginning it
wives of you; from a beginning but not it was so. was not so.
Ae7&) 5e vp.iv, on 6S av airoXvvr? rrjv yvvaiKa 9 % But I say to you,
I say but to you, that whoever may release the wife Whoever dismisses his
avrov, /Hi) em nopveia, nai ya/jLT)crr} aXXr)V. WIFE, except *on Account
of him, except for fornication, and may marry another, of Whoredom, causes hei
pLoixaTcu' KOLI 6 airoXzXvfxevyv yafirjo-as, fxoi- to commit adultery; and
commits adultery; and he her being released marrying, com- HE who MARRIES the di-
Xarai. Aeyovo*iv vorced woman, commits
avrcp oi fxaOrjrai avrov
mits adultery. They say to him the disciples of him; adultery."
Ei ovroos ecrriv 7] curia TOV avOpcoirov fiera rrjs 10 *The DISCIPLES say
If thus is the case of the man with the to him, " If the CASE of
yvvaiKos, ov o'v/JKpepei yafi7]0'ai. ' O 5e enrev the HUSBAND with his
woman, not it is profitable to marry. He but said WIFE he thus, it ia not
avrois' Ov iravres xcoPovcri ToV
rovrov, good to marry."
to them; Not all admit the word this, 11 But H E answered,
aXX3 ois tietiorai. l2
Et(ri yap evvovxoi, $"None can admit *the
but to whom it has been given. There are for eunuchs, WORD, hut those to whom
oirives €/€ KoiXias jxrirpos eyevvr}67]0'av ovrca* it is given.
who fro-nti womb of mother were born so; 12 For there are some
KCU eifflV 6VV0VX0L, oWlVtS eVVOVX^Q^Taif VTTO Eunuchs, by natural con-
and there are eunuchs, who were made eunuchs by stitution ; others have
rcov avdpooircov nai €ienv evvovxoi, oirives evvov- been made Eunuchs by
the men; and there are eunuchs, who made MEN ; and f J others have
X^cav kavrovs 5ta rr\v fiao'iXeiav rwv ovpa- made themselves Eunuchs
eunuchs themselves on account of the kingdom of the heav- on account of the KING-
voov. ' O ^vvajxevos x°iP*iVi XwPelT<a' DOM of the HEAVENS.
ens. He being able to admit, let him admit. H E who is ABLE to do
13 this, let him do it."
T o r e vpocrivex^f] avrcp irai^ia, iva ras
Then were brought to him little children, that the
13 % Then they brougM
to him Little children,
X*ipas sTriQr) avrois, KCLL Trpoo'ev^rjrar oi that he might place his
hands he might lay on them, and he might pray; the
14t HANDS on them, and pray;
8e /xadrjrai eirerifjirjo'av avrois. O 5e Irjcrovs
and the DISCIPLES rebu-
nut disciples rebuked them. The and Jesus ked them.
eiirev A(pere ra Traidia, /cat /JLT} KooXvere ai»Ta 14 But Jesus said, "Let
laid ; Suffer the little children, and not hinder them the LITTLE CHILDREN
eXdeiv irpos ixc rcov yap roiovroov eo'riv T\ alone, and forbid thenj
to coroe to me; of the for suchlike is the not to come to me; Jbe-
fiacriXeia rcav ovpavoov. K a i eirideis avrois cause to SUCH as THESE
kingdom of the heavens. And laying on them belongs the KINGDOM of
ras x e i p a s , eiropevOr] eKeidev. the HEAVENS."
*the hands, he departed thence. 15 And having laid his
16 hands on them, he depar-
Kai tSou, els irpoffeXOoov, enrev avry Ai-
ted thence.
And lo, one coming, said to him; o
16 | And behold, one
Sa&KaXe ayaOe, ri ayaBov TroiTja'co, Iva e%w approaching, said *to him,
teacher good, what good must I do, that I may have
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—9. on Account of Whoredom, causes her to commit adultery;
and HE who M A R R I E S . 10. The DISCIPLES. 11. the WORD. 16. to him,
said, "O Teacher!"
+ 12. A highly figurative mode of expression, similar to what is found in Matt. v. 29, 30;
xviii. 8, 9. The amputation of the desire, not of the member, is here intended, as is evident
from the two species of eunuchism previously mentioned. I t was so understood by Justin
Martyr, Chrysostom, Tertullian, &c, except Origen, who not only interpreted t h e word8
literally, but is said ta have exemplified them upon himself.—See Jnalecta Theologica. -
I tO. Matt. v. 32; M a r k s . 11; Lukexvi.18; 1 Cor. vii. If- J 11.1 Cor vii.2,7,9,17.
X 12. 1 Cor. vii. 32—34. J 13. Mark x. 13. t 14. Matt v. 3 ; xviii. 3.
% 18. Mark x. 17 ; Luke xviii. 18.
tihap. 19: 17-1 MATTHEW. tiamp. 10:n.
£oor)p aicaviov; ^'O 5 e tnrev T i jue "Good T e a c h e r ! w h a t good
life age-lastiag? He and h e said t h i n g m u s t I do, t h a t I
to h i m ; Why me
eparqs irepi rov ayaOov; els ecrrw 6 ayados. may obtain aionian Life ? "
u k e B t t h o u conoeming t h e goodf one is the good. 17 A n d H E said to him,'
E t 8*e OeXeis eicreXdeiv sis TT)V C&Wf r^prjo-oj/ * t " Why dost thou call M e
It b u t t h o u wishest t o enter into the life, keep sti-ictly GOOD ? G O D alone is good^
ras evroXas. Aeysi avrcp' Uoia?; ' O Se If, however, thou, desirest
t h e commandments. H e says to h i m ; Which» T h e and to enter t h a t L I F E , keep
IT)<TOVS €LTT€' T O * " Ov (pov^vaeis' Ov fxoi- t h e COMMANDMENTS."
Jesus said; This; N o t t h o u shalt k i l l ; Net 18 H e says to h i m , '
Xtvcreis' Ov KKeipeis' Ov $€v§opaprvprj- " Which ?" J E S U S ans-
c o m m i t a d u l t e r y ; N o t t h o u shalt steal; N o t t h o u shalt testify wered, " T h e s e ; $ ' Thou
l9 •' shalt n o t commit m u r d e r ;
areis' Tifia rov irarepa K<XL rrjv fxrjrepa." Kar c Thou shalt n o t commit
falsely; Honor the father and t h e mother;" and;
' adultery; Thou shalt n o t
" Ayair7)<T€is rov irXrjo'iov <rov &s aeavrov." 1 s t e a l ; Thou shalt n o t
" T h o u shalt love the neighbor of thee as thyself." ' testify falsely;
2n 19 ' Honor t h y TATnEK
A € 7 6 i avrcp 6 veavurKOS* TLavra ravra e<pv-
Says to him the young m a n ; AH these I ' and thy MOTHER ;' and
' J ' T h o u shalt love t h y
Xa£a/xr)v *\ZK veorrjros / x o i r ] ri ert vcrrepco ;
kept [from childhood of m e : ] what more d o I want ? ' N E I G H B O B . a s thyself.' "
E<£>?7 avrcp 6 lr}(rovs' E* OeXets
reXeios says to. him, " A l l these
Said to him the Jesus: I f t h o u wishest perfect
have I k e p t ; what w a n t I
eiycu, fara-ye, ireaXrja'ov (rov ra vivapxovra^ KCU more ?"
to be, go, sell of thee t h e possessions, and 21 J E S U S replied, " I f
$os 7rTCi)X°is' Ka* e£ets dyo'avpov sv ovpa- thou desirest to be perfect,
give to poor: a n d t h o u shalt have treasure in h e a - go. sell t h y P O S S E S S I O N S ,
and give to t h e * P O O E ;
vcf>' Kat devpo, aKoXovdet jxoi. %2 AKOvo'as 8e 6
ven: and hither, follow me. Having heard and t h e
and thou shalt have Trea-
sure i n Heaven; and come,
veavicntos r%v Xoyov, airyXde Xvrrov/jLrjvos' r\v follow m e . "
young m a n the word, went away sorrowing: h e was
22 B u t t h e Y O U N G M A N
(av 23
^X KTTj/jLara \r\crovs having heard this W O U D ,
iroXXa. ' O 8e
yap having possessions many. The and Jesus went away sorrowing; for
etTre rois p.aQt]rais avrov A/xrjv Xeyco V/JLIV, on he h a d great * Riches.
said to t h e disciples of himself: Indeed I say t o you, t h a t 23 Then J E S U S said to
his D I S C I P L E S , J " I n d e e d
(JVCTKoXtoS TrXoVO'lOS €lO~€\£VO"OVTai €LS T7]V fiaCTl-
with difficulty a rich m a n shall enter into the kin§-
I say to you, That i t will
be difficult for a Rich m a n
Xeiav rcav ovpavcov. TlaXtv §e Xeyco bfxiv, to enter t h e K I N G D O M of
dom of t h e heavens. Again and I say toyou: the H E A V E N S .
euKoiroorepov earn KafxrjXov S i a rpvirrj/xaros
24 And again I say t o pa-
easier i t is a eamel through a hole
you, f i t i s easier for a of a
</H8OS €io~€A0€ivt 7] irXovcriov ets rrjv fHa-ffiAeietp Camel t o pass through a
neadle to pass, t h a n a rich m a n i n t o t h e kingdom Needle's E y e than for a
rov Oeov tiffeXQsw. ^ AKovo~avr€s fie ol padr}- Rich m a n to enter t h e
ofthe God t o enter. Having heard and the disci. K I N G D O M f of G O D . "
rat, e^eirXy(rcrovro artyodpa, Xeyovres' Tis apa 25 And t h e D I S C I P L E S
pies, ' were amazed exceedingly, saying: ~~"
Who then hearing, were greatly as-

* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 7 . " W h y a s k e s t t h o u Me c o n c e r n i n g T H A T w h i c k is GOOJJ?
One is t h e GOOD : b u t if thovi w i l t , " 20. fro m m y childhood—omit. ' 21. r o o a .
22. t h i s W O R D 22. Eiches
t 17. The Common reading has been preferred to either Griesbach's text, or the Vatican
MS. George CampbeHregards the evidence for it from t h e majority of MSS., to be vastly-
superior. The versions on both sides nearly balance each other; b u t the internal evidence
arising from the connection of the thoughts, is decisive on the point. Besides i t corres'
ponds with both Mark and Luke, who record the same conversation, i n nearly the same
words, and ho different reading is noted. t 24. Rabbins, as well as Arabs, were accus-
tomed, in describing an impossibility, or a high degree of improbability, t o say, " I t will not
happen before a camel, or a n elephant^ has crept through the eye of a needle."—Marsh*a
Translation of MichaUs. . t 24. oftaEAVEN.—Lachmann ty Ttschendorf.
% 18. Exod. xx. 13 ; Deut. v. 17'. % 19. Lev. xix. 18, % 23. Mark x. 24; Luke
xviii. 24 i l.Tim. vi. 9,10.
®iap. 19: 26.] MATTHEW. [&hap. 20: 4.
26 tonished, saying, "Wins
hvvarai o'caO-qvai; E/tj3A.ei|/as 5e 6 Iijtrous
is able t o be saved? Looking but the Jesus then can be saved ?"
enrep avrois' Tlapa avQpwirois rovro a^vvarov 26 JESUS looking at
said to h i m : With man this them, answered, "With
e<TTi' irapa 5e Oew iravra Svvara. Men this is impossible;
is: with b u t God all possible. but with God everything
is possible."
T o r e airoicpiOeis 6 Uerpos tnrsv avrcf iSov, 27 X Then P E T E R reply-
Then answering t h e Peter said to him; Lo, ing, said to him, "BehoW,
7}fj.€is a(pT]KafX€V iravra, Kai rjKoXovdrjo'aiJiev VOL* $ foe have forsaken all,
we left all, and followed thee; and followed thee; what,
rt apa earat TJIJIIV; 2 8 ' O 5e Irj&ovs €nr€V av- therefore, shall uit ob-
what then shall be t o u s F T h e and Jesus said to tain?"
rots' Afiyv \eyco V/JUV, on vfieis oi aiw\ov07)~ 28 And J E S U S said to
them; Indeed I say to you, that you the having fol- them, " Indeed, I say to
(ravres fJLoty eu rrj iraKtyyevco'ia Srav Kadicrr} 6 you, That in the RENOVA-
lowed m e , in t h e new birth day when m a y sit t h e TION, f when the SON of
vlos rov avQpcairov eirt Opovov dotys avrov, MAN shall sit on the
son of t h e man upon a t h r o n e of glory of h i m , throne of his Glory,
Kaditfecrde tcai v/xeis cirt dcoSena Opovovs, Kpivov- t SOU, my EOLLOWERS,
shallsit also y o u u p o n twelve thrones, judg- shall also sit on Twelve
res ras S&jSe/ca QvAas rov lo~par}Xa 29 Kai iras Thrones, judging the
ing the twelve tribes of t h e Israel. And all TWELVE Tribes of I S -
6s a<f>r)K€V otKias, 7j ade\<f)ovs, t] RAEL.t\ adeAQas,
who left houses, o r brothers, or sisters, or 29 f And whoever has
irarcpa, f\ /jujrepa, *[T7 yvvaiKa,] rj reKva, 7] forsaken, *on account of
father, or mother, [or wife,] or children, or MY Name, Houses, or Bro-
aypovs, evened rov ovofxaros /xov, eKarovra- thers, or Sisters, or Fa-
fields, on account of t h e name of roe, a hundred ther, or Mother, or Wife,
irAao~iova A^i/zeTcu, Kai £cor)v atwiov KArjpo- or Children, or Lands,
fold shall receive, and life age-lasting shall shall receive * Manifold,
vo(X7}<rei, and shall inherit aionian
30 J But many shall be
3°TloA\oi 8e ecrovrat irpcorot, eu'x aT0t
* Kat first, that are last; and
Many but shall bo first, lastj and last, that are first.
earxwroi, irpoorot. K E $ . K\ 2 0 . 'Ofxoia yap CHAPTER XX.
last, first. Like for
*o~riv ^ fia&iAeia ro>v ovpavcov avQpootrcp oiKodecr- 1 For the KINGDOM of
is the kingdom of t h e heavens to a man a house- the HEAVENS resembles a
Householder, who went
7*0X7], dcrts etyAOev a,ua irpcot fxio'dcocracrOai out early in the Morning,
holder, who went o u t with morning t o hire
to hire Laborers for hia
epyaras ets rov a/xircXcova avrov. ^"Zvjx^xa- VINEYARD.
laboier* into the vineyard of h i m . Having 2 And having agreed
vr)<ras 8e fxera roov epyarojv ac hiqvapiov rrjv with some LABORERS for
agi'eed and with the laborers for a denarius the a tDenarius a DAY, he
rjfxepav, arrecrreiXcv avrovs eis rov afnreXcova sent them into his V I N E -
day, he sent them into the vineyard YARD.

avrov. 3
Kcu €^€\6cov irepi rptrrjv 3 And going out about
oopav, eiSej/
of him. And going out about
the t Third Hour, he saw
third hour, h e saw
others standing unem*
aXXovs kcrrcaras ev r\) ayopa apyovs' 4 K<XK€L- ployed in the market-
others standing in t h e market-place idle: and to place ;
VOLS enrev 'Tirayere Kai V/JLCIS ets rov a/xircXoova'
4 and he said to THEM,
them h e said: Go also y e a into t h e vineyard: Go YOU also into the

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—29. on account of MY Name. 29. or Wife—omit. 29.

t 28. That glorious moral, social, political, religious, and physical change which will be
introduced by the Messiah, who says, " Behold, I make all things new," Eev. xxi. 5. t 2. A
denarius is the eighth part of an ounce—value 14 cents, or 7d. t 3. Nine in the morning,
1 27. Mark x. 28«, Luke xviii. 28. t 27. Matt. iv. 20; Luke v. 11. 1 28. Luk«
*xii. 30 t 29. Mark x. 29, 30 ; Luke xviii. 29, 30. % 30. Matt. xx. 16; IMW xiii. g&
Cfhap. 2 0 : 5 . j MATTHEW. [Chap. 2 0 : 16.

V I N E Y A R D , a n d whatever
Kai S eav
whatever may be
7) diKaiov
5o>a" co VfJLlV*
I will giv t o YOU,
or 5e is reasonable, I will give
and They and
5 you.' And T H E Y w e n t .
airrjXdov* UaXiv e^eXdcov Tvepi eKT7}V icai
vent away. . Again going out sixth
5 Again having gone
about and
6 Tlepi
out about the + sixth hour,
tvvarrjv copav, eTroirjcrev Cocravrcos. 8e and about the t ninth, h e
' ninth hour, he did in like manner. About and
did in like manner,
rrjv kvheKarrjv •^[copav] e^eXdeov, evpev aXXovs 6 And about t h e tELEv-
the eleventh [hour] going out, he found others E N T H , going out, he found
ecrrcoras, Kai Xeyei avrois' Ti a>5e ecrrrjKare others standing, a n d says
standing, and he says to them: "Why here stood you to them, ' Why stood you
*>Xr\v rrjv rjfiepav apyou ^Aeyovcriv avrcp' 'On here All t h e day u n e m -
all the day idle? They say to him: Because ployed?'
ovdeis Tjfias e/jucrdcocraro, Aeyei avrois' "Tira- 7 They say to him, ' B e -
no one us hired. Hesayg tothom: Go cause no one h a s h i r e d
yere Kai vfieis €is rov a/j,TreXo)va° *[Kai 6 us." H e says t o them,
! also you into the vineyard: [and whatever ' G o y o u also into t h e
TI ZiKaiov, Ao?\|/e(T0e.] 0\pias 8e yevo- 8 And Evening having
maybe just, you shall receive.] Evening and having come on, the OWNEB of
iievrjs, Xsyti 6 Kvpios rov a/xireXcovos rep the VINEYARD says to his
come on, gays the lord of the vineyard to the STEWA RD, ' Call the LA-
eirirpoxcp avrov KaA-eow rovs epyaras, Kai BORERS, and give them
steward of him; Call the laborers. and their "WAGES, beginning
airoSos avrois rov JJUCTOOV, ap^afxsvos airo rcov with the LAST, and end-
give to them the hire, beginning from the ing with the F I R S T . '
9 9 And THOSE who came
effx&rooV} ecos rcov TTpcorcov, K a i GhQorrGS 01
aboui the ELEVENTH
last, till the first. Auc1, having Gome those
hour, received, each one,
irepi rrjv kv§eKary)v oopav, eXa$0D cvc* oyvapioVo a Denarius.
about the eleventh hour, received each c. denarius. 10 Then THOSE who
EX9ovrGS Se ol itpooroi^ evofxicrav? on wXeiova camcEiRST, expected t h a t
Having come then those first, supposed, that more they should receive m o r e ;
Xrj^ovrat' /cat shafiov Kai avroz, ava $r]vapiov* and tfieji also received,
they shall receive, and received also they each c. denarius. each one, a Denarius.
^ Aafiovres 5e eyoyyv^ovKararov oiKodecnrorov, 11 But having received
Having received but they murmured, against the householder, it, they murmured against
Xcyovres' O r t ovroi ot G&X0^01 ^OI,'J c:pav 12 saying, 'These LAST
aying; That these llic last one hour have worked One Hour,
iTtoir]0'avi Kai i&ovs rjfxii' avrovs QTroirjctas^ rots and thou hast made them
worked, and equal to va ihem thou hast made, to the equal to us, who have E N -
fiacrracracri ro fiapos rr\s rjfiepasy icai rov Kav- DURED the BURDEN and
having endured the burden oithe day, and ihe burn- t h e -iCOUCHING H E A 2 of
crcovao 13<
Q 8e atroKpt.0<sis enrev l/i avrcov the D A Y . '
ing heat. He but answering said to one of them; 13 H:i answering said
' E T c u p e , OVK aftucco o~e° CW%J o*7]vapiov ervveepco-
t r o n e ^x them, 'Iriend,
Friend, not I wronr; thee; not Of r„ denarius didst thou
I do not injure thee; didst
not uhou agree with me
vrjcras jxoi; ^Apov ro GOV? nai hnayeo @eAw for a Denarius?
agree tome? 'x'akc the thine, and go. I wish 14 Take THAT which is
Se rovrcp rep ecx^'rep Sovvai cos Kai croip H T H I N E , and go thy way ;
and to this the last £o niyc as also to thee. Or *J£ will give to This LAST,
OVK e^ecrri /not iroirjcrcu o 6<sXw zv rois e/nois; even as to thee.
not is it lawful to mo to do Whet I will with tlic my own ? 15 I s it not lawful for
j\ 6 o<p6aX}xo\ (rov Ttov7]po$ edriv^ 6ri eyco me to do what I please
or the eyo of thee evil io, because I with MY OWN? I s thine
1G EYE envious, Because 32
ayaOos eifii; Qvrcss zcrowai oi e c r ^ a r o i , am liberal?'
good am? Thus shall be the last, 16 Thus the LAST shall
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—;6. hour—omit. 7. and whatever may be right, you shall
receive—omit, 14. ft will.
t 5. Noon. t 5. Throe o'clock in the afternoon •y 6. Five o'clock la tks
map. 20s n^ MATTHEW; w[Cftap. 20: 25.

yrpooToi" Kai 01 TipooToi, 6cr%aroi *l! noAA.04 | be % first; and the EIRST,
first; and the first, last. last." [Many
y a p ei<ri KXrjTOi, oXiyoi 5e e/cA.e/crOi0] 17 JAnd *when J^sus
for are called, few but chosen.] was about to go up to
*? K a i avafiaivow 6 1T}(TOVS €LS 'lapocoXv/jia, j Jerusalem, TWELVE
he took the
Disciples pri-
And going u p the JCSUG to Jerusalem,
vately, * and said to them.
srapeAajSe rovs dcodeKa /uaOrjras itar* idiciv ev on the WAY,
he t o o k tho twelve disciplec privately in
T17 odepy Kai enrez> avrois" i8
l5ou? avafiaivo^sj/ 18 J"Behold;Ave go up
the w a y , a n d said Co t h e m ; Lo, wo go u p to Jerusalem j and iho
<=is 'lepcxroXvfAa? Kai 3 vios rov audpwirov irapa- SON of MAN will be de-
to Jerusalem, a n d t h e e o n of t h o man will bo livered tO tho HIGlf-
dodnjaerai rois cspxtepeuorfi ccat ypa/xfiarevcrs,0 Kai paiL3Tu and Scribes, and
deliverediip t o tlio high-jpriesto
KaratcpivovGw avrov ^^OavarcpsJ
thcy will coudcirro feiO
and scribes;
^rccft, irapa-
[ t o dcath,J
and they will condemn him;

&'>V t h e y will
19 and will deliver him
to the G E N T I L E S , to be
dacovav <&WOV *ro4S QOVQGIV a&2 ^ 0 cfirai^ai^ MOCKED, and scourged,
deliver u p ElilS lOC&O Gentiloa So? C'j.0 C<J m o c k , and crucified, and on the
scat fia&Te,jcx?c:&9 tsC'Ji GTavpcMfCj,0 &GG <?$ rp&rri THIRD Day he will rise.
and iozcoiivge, cS3Cl $OCrueJ?s?; G3C3 ili
tfcO third' 20 $ Then the MOTHER
of Zobedee's CHILDREN
day h e will staati ; i > came to him with her
23 SONS, prostrating, and re-
Toretf/j>ocrjjA.0Gz?awrtj? § fi'^ip TW vltav questing something from
ca'OO t o M m Cuo Euothcr of t h e oonc
Ze/Sc5afows /ACTC raw vlwv C&TTJS? irpo<TKvj/ov(ra9 21 Anc2 HE said to her,
ofZebedee, with the nons of her, prostrating,
2i "What dost thou wish?"
Kai aiTovffa, Ti nap' Trap" avrovo
auroiio ' O Be enrev *And SHE said, "Com-
and asking t o m e t h i n g from him. H o a n d said mand, that in thy K I N G -
avry Ti 6e\€is ; Aeycs • * [ a u r J J J ° J E n r e , «^a DOM, one of These my
to h e r ; W h a t wilt t h o u ? She rsays [tohio;] Say, t h a t TWO Sons may sit at thy
KaBtffcacrw abrot ol dvo vioi fJLOv? els €K fte^icov Eight hand, and the other
may s i t these t h e t w o sons o f m c , ono at right
at thy Left."
(rov, Kai els e£ svtovvfjLwv crov, eu ry fiao'lAeia 2® But Jesus answer«
ofthee, and one aj laffc ofthces in t h e kingdom
ing, said, " You know not
(TOUa 22 AltOKpiOsLS S c 6 lfjO~QV§ G&TTGW OufC 01°
ofthee. Answering but the Jesus Laid; Not you
what you request. Can
you drink of J the CUP,
5 a r e ? ri aireicrGa. AvvaarQs TTISIV TO woT7}pioy9 of which I am about
know, w h a t y o u ask. Arc y o u r.ble t o d r i n k t h e cup,
to drink?" They say to
6 €yco fxeAKco Tr&veiv: Aey ovffiv avrcp° Av- him, " We can."
whlch I a m a b o u t t o drink P They sa^r t o h i m j Wo
23 H e says to them,
vajxeOa. ^*\Kai\ \ey<st avroio* To /u.ev TTO-X "Yon will, indeed, drink
are able. [ A n d j h e saya Co t h e m ; V h e indeed
of my C U P ; but to sit at
T7\piov iJ.ov Trieade' TO £e Ka,0&o~az ecc del;Leo?? my Right hand, and at
sup of me y o u shall drink s t h e b u t t o sic a£ r i g h t
*tno Left, is not mine to
fxov Kai c£ zvoovvfjKav picvy CVK ecru' <s[.iov dovvai? give, except for whom it
of mo a n d a t left of m e , n o t is mir>C torjivOj
has been prepared by my
aAA* ots ^Totjuao-Ta* viro rov iraTpos fJ.ovQ F A T H E R . "
but t o w h o m i t has been prepared by t h e f a t h e r of inc. 24 % And the TEN, hav-
Kai aKovcravres ot 5e«a, riyavaKTricav Kspi ing heard, were indignant
And h a v i n g heard t h e t e n , were angry o n account of against the TWO Brothers.
raw 8vo aBe\(f>ci>Uo 2 5 ' O 8e lirjaovs, rrpoCKaXe- 25 But J E S U S , having
the two bsrothera. The but Jesus, having called them, said, "Yots
* VATICAN MAWUCCUIJ?T.—10. Tor many are called, but few chosen—omit. 17 when
Jesus was about to go u p t o Jerusalem, he took. 17. and said to them on tho WAY
18. to Death--omit. 21» And SUE said. 21. to him—omit. 23. And—omit
28. the Left.
t 23. This was fulfilled, when "Herod killed James, the BROTHER of John with a
sword," Acts xii. 2; and when John was banished to " THAT ISLE which is CAiLED^Patmos
for the WORD of GOD, and for the TESTIMONY of Jesus Christ," Eev. i. Q. '
t 16. Matt. xix. 80. J 17: Matt. xvi. 21 5 Mark x. 32; Luke xviii. 31 • John xii 19
t 20. Matt. iv. 21; Maik x. 35. J 22. Matt. xxvi. 39, 42; Mark xiv. 36: Luk" ixii 42-
John xviii. 11. J 23. Acts xii. 2; Rom. viii 17; 2 Cor. i. 7: Rev. i. 9. 1 94 Mavfc'
«. Ui Luke xxii. 24. * rt *
:#». 3©s 96-j MATTHEW, [Cfoap 2c

VfrfJievos avrovs, einep Oibare^oi* ot apxovres know That the FRINCISP

Called them, said; You know, t h a t t h e rulers f the NATICKS rule9 im-
rov €01/0)? KaraKvpievovffiv aureus, Kai olfieyaXoi periously QL'OS iham and
of t h e n a t i o n s domineer over them, and the great the GREAT exercise au»
26 thority over them.
Kare^ovo'ia^ovo'LV avrojv. OVK. OVTMS eo'rai
exercise authority over them. Not •'ihus i t shall b e 26 J i t *is not so among
ev V/JLIV aAA' 6s eav OeXy ev vp,iv {JLeyas you; hut whoever may
among you; but whoever m a y wish, a m o n g you great desire to become great
yeveo~6ai, ecrroo v/noov diaKovos' ^ Kai 6s eav among you, let him be
to become, let h i m be of you aservanti and whoever Your Servant;
deXy ev itfxiv eivai irpooros, ecrrco vp-wv 27 $and whoever may
may wish among you tube first, l e t h i m be of y o u desire to he chief, let him
SouAos0 28
wo"jrep v vlos rov avdpwirois OVK 'if]X6e be Your Slave j
a slave: even as t h e son of t h e man not came 28 J even as the SON
SiaKovTiOrjvai aAAa diaKovqcai, Kai hovvai ri\v of MAN came not to bo
t o be served but to serve, and t o give She served, but to serve, and
tyv%W avrov Xvrpov avn iroXXcov. -. % to give his L I T E a Ran-
life of h i m a ransom for many. som for many."
K a i eKiropevo/Jievcov avrcav arro e
Xeptx&>, 29 j ; And departing from
And departing of t h e m from Jericho B Jericho, a great Crowd
TjKoXovdrjarev avrca o^Xos iroXvs. 30
K a i iSou, followed him.
followed him a crowd great. And lo, 30 And behold, Two
5vo rvcpXoi, KadrjfJLevoi irapa rr}v bbov, aKovcrav blind men sitting by the
two blind (men,) sitting by the way, hear. ROAD, hearing That J e -
sus passed by, cried out,
res on ITJO'GVS irapayei, cKpafav, Xeyovres" saying, " O Master, Son of
ing that JJSUS passes b y , cried out, saying;
2l David, have pity on us I"
EAerjaw rj/xas^ Kvpie, vlos A a i u 5 . * 0 5e ox^os 31 And the PEOPLE re-
Pity us, Q lord, s o n of David. The and crowd
proved them, that they
eirerifjLTjo'ev avrois, Iva tfiwirrjcreooriv* 'Oi de might be silent; but THEY
reproved them, t h a t t h e y m i g h t b e silent.
They b u t
cried the louder, saying,
fjiei^ov €Kpa£ov, Xeyovres' EXerja-ov yfias? Kvpie, "OMaster, Son of David,
more did cry out, saying; Pity us, O lord,
have pity on us 1"
vlos Aavifi. ^Kai arras 6 Irjcovs e!<*)~ 32 And JESUS stopping,
son of David. A n d having stopped t h e J e s u s he
called them, and said,
V7]o~€v avrovs^ Kai eiire T t OXere iroiYicra) "What do you wish I
called them, and saids W h a t do y o u wish I s h o u l d do
should do for you ?"
VJXIV; ^Aeyova'iv avrcp. K.vpie9 Iva avoixQwenv 33 They say to him,
to y o u ? They say t o h i m ; O'iord, t h a t m a y b e o p e n e d
Bi "Sir ; that *our EYES may
TJIJLOOV oi otydaXfJioic ^,irXayxvicrdeis 8s 6 be openedt*v
of us the eyes. Being moved with pity a n d i h o
34 And Jesus being
ITJO-OVS, 7/iJ/aTo rwv 0(p6aX{jLWV avrcov fecu GU~ moved with compassion
Jesus, h e touched thti fcyes of t h e m ; r,nc2 ; m -
touched *Their EYES J and
Oecos avefiXeipav avrwv oi ocpdaXfioi" Kan 7}KO- *they received sight, and
mediately saw again of t h ? m t h e ayess wad t h e y
followed him.
XovOrjcrav avrcp.
followed him, CHAPTSB, XXI. '
1 % And when they wers
Kai 6T<S r,yyi(JC& ess 'lepczroKvfia,, Kai rjXOov nigh to Jerusalem, ana
And when t h e y wcit? ysgli 'So Jerusalem, and h a d come had come to Eethphaga
CL§ BrjBtyayr] irpctf '>"C ooos vow eXaioov, Tore 6 ne&r to the MOUNT of
ta Bethphagc by t h e mountain of t h e olive-trees, t h e n t h e OLIVES, then Jrssus sent
Irjorovs aireo-reiXe Svo jxadyras, Xeycov avrois' Two Disciples, saying to
Jesii3 sent away two disciples, saying to them: them, i
YlopevQi)re eis TT\V Koofjirjv rijv airevavri vfAoov, 2 " G o to THAT VIL-
'Sou m a y go to t h e village t h e over against you, LAGE which is OVER-A-
Kai evdeeos evprjo'ere ovov bede/xevrjv, Kai ircoXov GAINST you, and you will
t n d immediately y e u will find an ass having been bound, and a foal immediately find an Ass

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT,,—26. is not so,, 33. our E Y E S . 34. Their ETCES„

34. they received sight.
t 26. Matt, xxiii. 11; 1 Pet. Vc 3. % 27= Matt, xviii. 4 ; Mark ixc 85 % x. 43. X 28. Luk«
\xn. 27; John xiii. 4,1 i j P h i i iic7» 128. Isa, l i i i 10,11; Dan. ix. 24,26g Matt. xxvi. :ig
i Sim. k 6; Tit as li,^?, Ii3D.iz«28. - % 1- LukexSs,^.
Chap. 2 1 . 3.]' MATTHEW. [Gimp. 2 1 : 1L
pier" avT7]S' Xvcravres ayayere K a i eav | tied, and a Colt with her;
with her; having loosed bring if ' loose them, and bring
tome. And
Tl$ VfALV €L7i-T] Ti, ep€lTe' ' O T £ 6 . them to me.
any (one) to you should say any (thing,) you shall say; That the I _ 3 And if any one ques-
tcvpios avrcav xP €iaj/ 6
X er
evdecos 8e a-rrocr- j tions you, reply, 'That
lord ofthera need has; immediately and he will ! the MASTER wants them;'
4 and he will send them
reXXei avrovSo Tot»TO de oXov yeyovev, Iva promptly."
send them. This and all has been done, that 1 4 Now all this was per-
Tv\T)p(t>dri TO prjdev 8ia rov TrpocprjTov, formed, that the WORD
might be fulfilled the word spoken through the prophet, i SPOKEN through the PRO-
Xeyovros' 8ii
Enrare ry dvyarpi 3,icvv° Idov, PHET might be verified,
saying; "Say to the daughter saying,
ofZion; Lo,
5 %"SaytotheDAUGK- I
5 fiaiTiXevs ffov epxerai cot nrpavs, Kai cTrip<s- " T E R of Zion, Behold thy
the king of thee comes to thee meek, and having "KING comes to thee,
firjKcos €7ri ovov, Kai iraXov vlov viro^vyiov."
"lowly, f being seated (Si
been set on an as», even a foal a son of a beast of burden." " a n Ass, even * o n a Colt
Hopevdevres 8e ol juaOrjrai, Kai iroir}(javrcs " of a Laboring Beast."
Having gone and the disciples, and having done 6 J And the DISCIPLES
i went, and having done as
Kadcas Trpoffera^ev avroLS 6 Irjarovs, ? rjyayov
as commanded to them the Jesua, they led JESUS directed them,
7 they led the ASS, and
rrjv ovov Kai rov ircoXov, Kai eireOrjKav erravco the COLT, and $ put their
the ass and the foal, and they placed upon MANTLES over them, and
avrcav ra Ifxaria avrcav Kai eireKadi(Tev eiravco made him ride.
them the mantles of them; and they caused to nit on (one) 8 And a GREAT PART of
avrcav. 8<
0 8e 7rXeio~ros oxXos ecrrpcaca.v eav- the Crowd spread * Their
ofthem. The and greater crowd spread ofthem- own GARMENTS on the
ROAD; and others cut
rcav ra i/xaria ev ry Sdy aXXoi Se CKOTTTOV
Branches from the TREES,
selves the mantles in the way; others and cut off
and scattered them on
KXadovs atro rcav devdpcav, Kai ecrrpcavvvov ev the EOAD.
branches from the trees, and scattered in 9 And THOSE CROWDS
ry 65ca. Ol 8e o%Aoi at irpoayovres Kai ol * PRECEDING him, and
the way. The and crowds those going before and those THOSE that FOLLOWED,
aKoXovdovvres eKpa&v, Xeyovres' Ticavva rep shouted, saying, f " H o -
following didery, saying; Hosanna to the sanna to the SON of Da-
vid ! J'Blessed be HE who
vlcp Aavib*' evXoyqixevos 6 epxofievos ev ovojuari 'COMES in the Name of
son of David; worthy of blessing he coming in name 'Jehovah/ Hosanna in
Kvpiov cacravva ev rois inpicrrois. eureX- the HIGHEST heaven!"
ofLord: hosanna in the highest. And having 10 J And having enter-
Oovros avrou eis 'lepocroXv/na, ecfeia'Ori iracra ed Jerusalem, the Whole
entered of them into Jerusalem, was moved all CITY was in commotion,
u asking, "Who is this?"
7} rroXis, Xeyovca' Tis ettriv ovros; Ol
the eity, saying: Who is this? The 11 And the CROWDS
Se ox,Xoi eXeyov Ovros eo'riv Irjo'ovs 6 irpocpt]- answered, "This is J e -
and crowds said: Thi3 is Jesus the prophet, sus, THAT PROPHET who

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—5. on a Colt. 8. Their-own GARMENTS. 9. PKH-

CBDING him, and.
t 5. Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem riding on an ass, has been objected to as
mean and ridiculous, but i t ought to be remembered that this circumstance was an exact
fulfillment of Ezek.ix. 9, and exemplified at the same time his strict observanee of the di-
vine law. Eastern asses are much larger and more beautiful than ours, and. kings and
patriarchs did not disdain to ride on them. Compare Gen. xxii. 3; Exod. iv. 20; Num. xxii.
21; Judges v. 10; x. 4; 2 Sam. xvi. 2; xvii. 23; xix. 26; 1 Kings i.33, 34. When Solomon and
succeeding princes multiplied horses they were rebuked by t h e prophets, and chastised by
God for it. See Isa. ii. 6,7; xxxi. 1 ; Hos.xiv. 3. Compare also H o s . i . 7; Micah v. 10,11;
Zech. ix. 10. t 9. Hosanna, is a Hebrew word, signifying, " Save, we beseech t h e e ! "
and in this place is similar to the Trench "vive leroi," or the English "God save the king."
"Hosanna to the SON of David/' is equivalant to "God preserve the SON of David."
t 5. Isa. lxii. 11; Zech ix. 9; John xii. 15. J 6. Mark xi. 4. J 7. 2 Kings ix. IS5
J, 0. Psa. cxviii. 20. t 10- Mark xi. 15,
Chap. 2 1 : 12.] MATTHEW, • 21731.
TT)S, 6 airo Na^apeT TT\S YaXiXaias. KeiJ is from Nazareth in GALIS
that from Nazareth of t h e Galilee. And LEE."
eia"r)\d€i/ 6 h/covs ets ro Upov *[TOU 0€ov^ 12 {And J E S U S went
entered the Jesus into t h e temple [ofthe God,] into tthe TEMPLE, and ex-,
Kat e£e/3aA.e Travras rovs irooXovvras Kat ayopa* pelled All THOSE SELLING
aad cast o u t all the selling and buy« and huying, and over-
£GVTCLS *V rep lepcp, itat ras rpcnrefas rcav KOXXV turned the TABLES of the
ing in t h e temple, a n d the tables ofthe money- BANKERS, and the SEATS
$t,0T(tiV /caTetrrpeu/e, Kat ras fcadedpas rcov of the SELLERS of DOVES ;
ehangers overturned and the seats ofthe 13 and said to them,
irccXovprcov ras irepicrrepas0 13
Kat Xzyet av- " I t is written, J ' M y
aelling the doves: a n d h e says to ' HOUSE shall be called a
TOIS' Teypairrat' " ' O OIKOS fJt-ov, OIKOS irpocrevxvs 'House of Prayer;' hut
them: I t i s written: " T h e house of me, a house of prayer gou *make it a Den of
K\7}dr}(T(:raL' vpteis 8e avrov eTronqaare (nrrjXatov Robbers."
shall be c a l l e d : you but it have made a den 14 And and
\r)(TT<tiV. ,i 14
K a i irpoo"r]XQov avrcp rvepXot Kat Lame came to him in the
of r o b b e r s . " And came to him blind and TEMPLE, and he healed
X&Xoi €V rep iepep, Kat edepairevo'ey avrovs. them.
lame in t h e temple, a n d h e healed them. 15 But when the H I G H -
Idovres 8e ot apxiepeis Kat oi ypajxptarets ra PRIESTS and SCRIBES saw
H a v i u g s e e n b u t t h e high-priests a n d t h e scribes t h e the WONDERS which he
Oavfxacridi a eironjae, icat rovs iraidas Kpa- performed, and * THOSE
wonders, which he did, and the boys cry- BOYS who were CRYING
£ovras zv rep Upcp, Kat Xzyovras* 'Claavva Tcp in the TEMPLE, "Hoeanna
to the SON of David!"
kng in the temple, and Baying; Hosanna to the
they were exasperated,
vl(p AauiS* 7}yavaKT7]o-aj/, 16 Kat envoy avrcp'
son oi David; t h e y were angry, and said to h i m ; 16 and said to him,
AKOVUS ri ovrot Xeyovcrtv; 'O be lrj(rovs these are "Dost thou hear what
H e a r e s t t h o u w h a t these are saying? The and Jesus
saying?" And
iie JESUS says to them,
Aeyei avrots' N a r ovdeirore aveyvcorf Ori " Y e s ; have you never
says to them; Yes; never have y o u r e a d ; "That
read, {'Out of the Mouth
€K o~rofxaros vr]iTicav Kat dyjXa^ovrcop Karyp- of Infants and Nurse-
outaf mouth oi babes a n d of sucking (ones) t h o u hast
l lings thou hast perfected
rto'ca aivov;" ? Kat KaraXtivoov avrovs, Praise.'"
perfected praise?" And having left them,
17 And having left
e^rjXdey e^ca rj]s iroXeoos €is Bydaviav, Kat them, he went out of the
he went o u t oi t h e city into Bethany, and
CITY, {to Bethany; and
rjoXicrdrj GKZI* passed the night there.
he lodged tbere.
npuiias §€, airavaycov eis rr\v TTOXIU, eiret- 18 % Returning to thri
Early but, returning into the city, h e was CITY, in the Morning, ha
vacrs. 19
K a i idoov avicqv fxiav CTTI rrjs odov, was hungry;
hungry. And seeing a fig-tree one by the way, 19 and seeing a single
rjXBei/ 671-' avrrjv, Kat ovoev evpev ev avrrj et /H7) Fig-tree by the ROAD, he
he r a m e t o her, a n d n o t h i n g found in her except went to i t ; but finding
(pvXXa fxovov Kat Xeyet avry MrjKert e/c crov nothing on it, except
leaves alone; a n d h e says t o h e r ; No more by thee Leaves, he said, " May no
Kapitos yevrjrat eis rov atcava. Kat e£?7- fruit grow on thee to the
fruit may be produced to the age. And with- A G E ! " And the EIG-TREE
pavOr] 7rapaxpviJ'a V O"VKT}. 20
K a i tfiovres oi instantly withered.
ered immediately the fig-tree. And seeing the 20 J And the DISCIPLES
p.a87]rat edavp.aa'av, Xsyovres* Tltcs Trapaxpv^ seeing it, were astonished,
disciples wondered, saying: How soon saying, "How soon is the
21 EIG-TREE withered!"
€^7]pay0r} f) o'vicq; ATTOKptdets Se 6 lrjaovs
withered t h e fig-tree ? Answering and the Jesus 21 Jesus answering,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. of GOD—omit. 13. make it. 15. THOSE BOYS
who were CRYING. , < -v.*.
112. The TEMPLE—to hieron. This was not the naos, house, or Temple strictly so called,'
including only the vestibule, the sanctuary, and the holy of holies. To this our Lord him-
self had not access, because not ofthe posterity of Aaron. The traffic was carried an in th©
outer courts. These courts the Pharisees did not account holy. ...<• --••--
112. Luke xix. 45; John ii. 15. X13. Isa. lvi. 7. 116. Psa. viii. 2.,
John xi. 18. i 18. Mark ix. 12. X 20. Mark xi. 20.
Chap. 21s 83.3 MATTHEW, [Chap. 21 i 80o

€i7rej/ avrois' AJJL7}V Xeyw vfAiv, eav exTjre said to them, " Indeed, 1
said to them: Indeed I say to you, if you may have say to you, J If you have
VKfriv, Kai fir] diaKpiOyre, ov piovov ro an unshaken Faith, you
faith, and not should doubt, not only the (miracle) will not only do THIS
TT)S rrvKTisiroiTjo'ere, aXXa Kav rep opei rovrcp miracle of the EIG-TREE,
of the fig-tree you shall do, but also if to the mountain this hut also, if you should
say to this MOUNTAIN,
enrrjre' Apdfjrt, KCU ^Xrjdrjri eis rr\v 'Be thou lifted up, and
you should say; Be thou lifted up, and be cast into the
22 thrown into the SEA,' it
daXacrcrav yevrjaerai^ K a i navra, bcra av will be done."
sea; it shall be done. And al), whatever
aiT7}<TT}TG €V TT) ItpOffeVXXIi TTtffTeVOVTeS,
22 % And whatever yoil
you shall ask in the prayer, believing, shall ask in PRAYER, be-1
lieving, you will receive.'
you shall receive. 23 % And having en-
K a i tXQovri avrep eis ro Upov, irpoo'7}Xdov tered the TEMPLE, the
*And having come to him into the temple, came HIGH-PRIESTS and EL-
avrep SidaatcovTi oi apx^p^i^ Kai ol TrptcrfivTepoi DEES of the PEOPLE,
to him teaching the high-priests and the elders
came near, as he was
teaching, and said, " B y
rov Xaovf Xeyovres* Ev irota e^overia ravra What Authority dost thou
of the people, saying;
By what authority these (things) perform these things? and
7roi€is; Kai ris eroi €$CVK€T7)V clover lavravrrjv; who EMPOWERED thee."
doestthou? and who to thee gave the authority this? 24 Jesus replying, said
^AnoKpideis 8e 6 ITJCTOVS enrev avrois' Epcorrjcrco to them, " # will also ask
Answering and the Jeeus said to them; I willj^ak you one Question, which
vpas Kayw Xoyov ez>a. bv eav eiiryire p,oi, if you answer me, 2 also
you also! word one; which if you may say tome, will inform you by What
nayw vp.iv epw, ev iroia e^overia ravra Authority 1 do these
also I to you will tell, by what authority these (things) things.
iroico' ro Pannerpa Icoavvov irodev f\v; e| 25 Whence was * THAT
ldo; the dipping of John whence was? from which was of
ovpavov, 7] e£ avOpcoTrcov ; Ol 5e
hieXoyi^ovro John? From Heaven, or
heaven, or from men ? They and reasoned from Men?" And THEY
irap' eavrois, Xeyovres' Eav enrw/neVy e£ ovpa- reasoned thus among
ainong themselves, saying; If we should say, from hea- themselves, "If we say,
vov epei Tjfiiv Atari ovv ovtc cTTierreva'are From Heaven, he will re-
ven; he will say to us: Why then not did you believe tort, Why then did you
avrep; 26
E a ^ S e enrca/nev, e | avOpooircov' epofiov- not believe him ?
to him: If but we should say, from men: we 26 And if we say, From
fjLeda rov ox^-ov iravres yap exoveri rov leaavv7]v Men, we dread the
fear the crowd: all for hold the John CROWD; for they all re-
us irpoeprjrrjv. ^ K a t airoKpidevres rep Ir)o~ov gard JOHN as a Prophet."
as a prophet: And they answering to the Jesus 27 They, therefore, said
enrov OVK oiSapev. Eef>Tj avrois Kai avros' to J E S U S , in reply, " We
said: Not we know. Said to them and he: cannot tell." And fje said
OuSe eyeo Xeyea vp.iv ev iroia e^ovcia ravra to them, "Neither do JE
Neither I say to you by what authority these (things) tell you by What Au-
TTOKA). 2 8 T I 5e vp.iv doKet; AvOpunos ei;e e thority things.
I perform these
I do. What but to you seems right? A man had
28 But what is your
TtKva 8uo* Kai irpoereXdcov rep irpurep, sure' opinion of this ? A Man
children two: and coming to the first, he said: had*Two Sons; and com-
TeKVOV, viraye, errj/ncpov epya^ov ev rep a/jL-rrcXuvi ing to the EIEST, he said,
Son, go, to-day work in the vineyard 'Son, go work To-day in
pov. ^ ' O 5e anoKpiOeis enrev Ov OeXco' my VINEYARD. 3
of me. He and answering said: Not 30I will
Kai 29 H E answered, *"IE
verrepov Se ;iteTa/ueA.7?0ets, aTrrjXde. And will, sir,' but went not.
afterward but having changed his mind, he went. 'O 8e 30 And coming to the
jrpoaeXBuv rep erepep, eiwev ucravreas He and SECOND, he said the same.
coming to the other, ha said just the same
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—25. THAT IMMERSION which was of John. 28. Two Sons.
2f.' 5 will, sir;' but went not. 80. And coming to the SECOND, he said the same. And HIT
answering, said, ' I will not;' hut afterwards he repented and went.
. X 21. Matt. xvii. 20; Luke xvii. 6; James i. 6; 1 Cor. xiii. 2. % 22. Matt. yii. 8; Marl?
\j,24; Jametv. 16; U o h n Hi. 22; v, 14. X 23. Mark xi, 275 Lukexx. I.
Chap. 91: 31.] MATTHEW. l^p. n: 88.
aTTOKpiOcis enrev E^w Kvpte, Kat OVK atrrjKOe. And HE answering, said,
answering said; I lord, and not went. ' I will not;' but after-
81 wards repenting, he went.
Tis €K rcov b*vo ciroirjo'e ro 9€Xrj/j.a rov trarpos; 31 Which of the TWO
"Who of the two did the will of the father?
performed the FATHER'S
A.syovo,tv*\avr<p%~\ c
O irpcaros. Aeyet avrots 6 WILL ?" They say, " The
They say [to him;] The first. Says to them the * LATTER." J E S U S said
Irjarovs' Ajxrjv Xeyw v/xtv, 6rt ol reXcovat Kat to them, X "Indeed, I say
Jesus; Indeed I say to you, that the tax-gatherers and to you, That the TRI-
at iropvat irpoayovo'tv vfxas eis rrjv fiaaXetav BUTE-TAKERS and the
the harlots go before you into the kingdom HARLOTS precede you in-
rov Qeov. HA0e yap Trpos v/xas la>avvr]S ev to the KINGDOM of G O D .
of the God. Came for to you John in 32 For % John came to
68cp dtKatoo'vvrjs, KCLI OVK eTrto'rtvo'are avrcp' ol you in a Way of Right-
a. way of righteousness, and not you believed him; the eousness, and you be-
Se reXcovat Kat at iropvat 67rto~revo~av avrcp' lieved him not; but the
but tax-gatherers and the harlots believed him; TRIBUTE-TAKERS and the
bfitis Se tfiovres ov /x€T€in€\7}6r)r€ vcrrepov, rov HARLOTS believed him;
you and seeing not repented afterwards, of the yet 8oil, having seen it,
TTta'Teuerat avrcp. did not afterwards repent,
to believe him. so as TO BELIEVE him.
AXXrjv 7rapa&oXr)v aKovcrare' 33 Hear Another Para.
* [AvQpcairos"\
Another parable hear you; ble. There was a House-
[A man]
t\v otKo8eo"norr]s, Scrrts ecpvrevcrev ajATreXcova, holder, Jwho planted a
was a householder, who planted a vineyard, Vineyard, and enclosed it
Kat (ppay/xov avrcp irepieOrjKe, Kat copv^ev ev with a Hedge, and digged
and a hedge to it placed around, and digged in f a Wine-press in it, and
built a Tower, and leased
avrcp Xt)vov, Kat cpKodofXTjcre irvpyov Kat e | - it to Cultivators, and left
it a wine-press, and built a tower; and let
34 the country.
CSOTO avrov yewpyots, Kat aTreSrifirjo'ev. 'OT€
out it to husbandmen, and went abroad. When
34 And when the VIN-
TAGE approached, he sent
5e rjyytcrev 6 Katpos row Kapircov, arrecrretXe his SERVANTS to the CUL-
and drew near the time of the fruits, he sent TIVATORS, .to-receive the
rovs 8ovXovs avrov, Trpos rovs yewpyovs, Xa- FRUITS.
the slaves of him, to the husbandmen, to 35 But the % CULTIVA-
fietv rovs
the Kapnovs
fruits avrov,
of it. K a t Xafiovres
And ol
having taken the TORS having seized his
ysoipyot rovs SouAous avrov, 6v fjtev edztpav, SERVANTS, severely beat
husbandmen the slaves of him, him indeed they flayed, one, and murdered ano-
6v §€ aircKretvav, bv 5e eXtdo&oXrjcrav. ^TlaXtv ther, and stoned another.
him and they killed, him and they pelted with stones. Again 36 Again, he sent Other
airso'TetXei/ aXXovs BovXovs, TrXztovas rcav Servants, more honorable
he sent other slaves, greater the than the EIRST, and they
3 treated them in a similar
TTpctircov Kat errotrjcrav avrots axravrcos. ^'Tcr-
first; and they did to them in like manner. After- manner.
repov Se aTrecrreiXe irpos avrovs rov vlov avrov, 37 Finally, $ he sent
wards and he sent to them the son of him, his SON to them, saying,
Xsycav JZvr pairrjcrovrat rov vlov fxov. ^ Ol 'They will respect my
saying; They will regard the son of me. The
38 But the CULTIVA-
8e ytcapyot, tcjovres rov vlov, enrov ev eavrots' TORS seeing the SON, said
but husbandmen, seeing the son, said among themselves;
among themselves, ' This
Ovros ecrrtv 6 KX7}povofJ.os' devre, anoKret- is the H E I R ; J come, let
This is the heir; come, we may
us kill him, and forcibly
veofiev avrov, Kat Karacrx^^v rrjv KXr}povo/j.tav hold the I N H E R I T A N C E /
kill him, and may retain the inheritance
• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—31. to him—omit. 81. LATTER. 33. A man—omit.
t 33. Leenon, wine-press, is the word used by Matthew, while fiupoleenion, wine-vat, is used
by Mark, eh. xii. l. Dr. Robinson saw a wine-press at Hebleh, which was hewn out of a
rock, and divided into two parts. The upper and more shallow part was the place where the
grapes were put, the lower and deeper one was the place for receiving the liquid pressed out
of them. These two places served for both wine-preas and wine-vat. This fact will serve to
illustrate the words of Jesus as recorded by the two historians.
181. Luke vii. 29. t 32. Matt, x l 18; Luke vii. 33. J 83 Cant. viii. 11 • Isa. v. 1
Mark xii. 1; Lukexx. 9 36. Heb. xi. 38, 37. 87. Heb. i. 2; 1 John iv. tf
$ 88. Matt. xxvi. 2—4; Joha 3a. &3
Ohap. g l : 39.] M A T T H E W . [Chap. 22: S.
Kcu Aafiovres avrov, e£e/3aAoy e£w 39 Then seizing him,
avrov. they J thrust him out of
of him. And having taken him, they cast out
40< the VINEYARD and killed
rov afxire\covos, icai a7T€Kreivav. Orav ovv him.
of the vineyard, and killed. When therefore
40 When, therefore, the
€\dr} 6 Kvpios rov afXTC^Kdovos, ri iron}(T€i OWN EH Of t h e VINEYARD
may come the lord of the vineyard, what will he do
comes, what will he do to
rois yecapyois tKetvois; Aeyovo~iv avrcf those OCCUPANTS?"
to the husbandmen to thoseP They say to him; 41 They reply to him,
Kcc/covs KaKtos airoX^aei avrovs' Kai rov a/jurc- X •' He will put those
Wretches wretchedly destroy them; and the vine- wretches to a wretched
Xcava eicdcocreTai aXXois yecopyois, olrives airo- death, and will lease the
yard will let out toother husbandmen, who will VINEYARD to Other Cul-
Scoo'ovo'tv avrcp rovs Kapirovs ev TOIS Kaipois tivators, who will render
render to him the fruits in the seasons him the FRUITS in their
avrccv. Aeyei avrois b ly&ovs' Ovdeirore SEASONS."
of them. He says to them the Jesus; Never 42 JESUs«says to them,
aveyvoore €V rais ypcxpais- "Aidov *>:• airtdoKi- "Have you never read
have you read in the writings: " A stone which rejec- in the SCRIPTURES, t f A
/j.aa'av ol oiKo^Ojiovvres, ovros eyevrjOrj as ' Stone, which the B U I L D -
ted they building, the same ' E R S rejected, the same
was made into
KecpaXrjv ycavias' irapa nvpiov ' i s made the Head-stone
eyevcro avrj],
! ahead of a corner; from Lord was this, 'of the Corner; this Je-
Kai €(TTi 6av/xaarrr} *v ocpQaXfxois TJ/JLCOVJ" 43 Aia 'hovah has effected, and
and it is wonderful in '•yes of us?" On account of ' i t is wonderful in our
rouro Xcyco vfxiv, on apO^ffcrai a<p* v/uicev 7}
this I say to you, that shall be taken from you the 43 Because of this, I
fiaffiXctq rov deov, Kai ^oOrjorerai eOvei TTOIOVVTI tell you, $ That the KING-
kingdom of the God, and shall tie given TTCGTCOP t o a n a t i o n €7Tt
making DOM of GOD will be taken
44 TOV from you, and given to a
rovs Kapirovs avrr)s. K t u 6 falling on the People who will produce
the fruits of her. And he €(f>' bv 8' av its proper n i u i x s .
Xidov rovrov, crvi/d\a(f9i](reTui on whom but 44 J And HE who PALLS
stone this, shall be broken:
on this STONE, will be
7recT77, XiK(xr}CT€L avrov. bruised; and him, on
it shall fall, it will crush to pie»e» him. whom it shall fall, it will
crush to pieces."
45 45 And the HIGH-
Kai afcovo,avT€s o! apx^p^is Kai ol $api- PRIESTS and PHARISEES
And having heard the high-priests and the Phari-
having heard his PARA-
ffaioi ras irapafioXas avrov, €yvwo~av,
knew that he wasbrt irepi BLES,
sees the parables of him, knew, that about speaking about them.
avrcov Xeyei. Kcu forovvres avrov Kparycrat, 46 And seeking to ap-
them he says. And seeking him to seize, prehend him, they feared
e<t>o@7)6r)o~av rovs oxXovs' eTreiSy] ws irpo<pr]T7)v
the CROWDS, for they es-
they feared the crowds: since as a prophet teemed him as a Prophet.
avrov cixov. KE«f». K$'. 2 2 . K a i airoKpiQeis
him they held. And answering CHAPTER XXII.
6 Irjo'ovs iraXiv smsv avrois ev rcapafioXais, 1 And JESUS contin-
the Jesus again said to thern in parables, uing to discourse to them
2 in Parables, said,
Xeycav 'D./JLOIGI>9Y) TJ fiacriXsia row ovpavcov 2 "The KINGDOM of the
»»ying: Has been likened the kingdom of the heavens
HEAVENS may be com-
avQpcoivu) fiaffiXei, bar is €Troir]o~€ yafxovs r(p pared to a Royal Person,
to a man a king, who made marriage-feasts to the who prepared a Marriage
vicp avrov, Kai aTrecreiXe rovs dovXovs avrov^ festival for his SON,
son of him, and he sent the slaves of him, 3 and he sent his SER-
t 42. "A Stone, which the BUILDERS rejected." An expression borrowed from masons,
who, finding a stone, which being tried in a particular place, and appearing improper
for it, is thrown aside, and another taken: however, at last, it may happen that-the very
stone which had been before rejected, may be found the most suitable as the head atone of the
' t 39. John xix. 17,18; Heb. xiii. 11—13. t 41. Mark xii. 9 ; Luke xx. 16. t 42. Psa.
exviii. 22; Acta iv. 11; 1 Pet. ii. 7. X 43. Matt. viii. 12; Luke xiii. 28, 20. % 44. Isa.
tfiii. 14,15', Daa. ii. 34, 44, 45.
(hap. 23: 4.} MATTHM. [Chap. 22: IS.

VANTS t o Call THOSE w h o

KaA.L"-^: TOUS KeK\r)fj.€Vovs eis rovs yafxovs'
to call the having been invited to the marriage-feasts had been INVITED to the
4 FESTIVITIES ; and they
Kai OVK TjdeKov €\0€iv. TlaAiv aicecrreiXsv refused to come.
and not they would to come. Again he sent
4 Again, he sent Other
aWovs SovXovs, Azyoov Ei7raTe rots K€KATIIJL€- Servants, saying, 'Inform
other slaves, saying; Say to the having been
THOSE who are I N V I T E D ,
pots* Idov, ro apiffrov fxov 7]roi/jiao'a° ol ravpoi % Behold, I have prepared
called; Lo, the dinner of me I prepared; the bullockg my ENTERTAINMENT; my
fiov nat ra airtcra reOv/xeva, Kai iravra eroi/jLa' OXEN and FATLINGS are
of me and the fatlings having been killed, and all (things) ready, killed, and all is ready;
5euT€ as rovs yafxovs. Ol Se a/xe\r)0'avr€S9 come to the FESTIVAL.'
come to the marriage-feast*. They but neglecting, 5 But THEY, disregard-
arrrjAdov 6 fxev eis rov iStov aypov, 6 8e eis ing it, went away, ONE to
went away; he indeed to the own field, he and to his CWN Farm, and ONE
r-qv eixiropiav avrov. Oi 5e Aoiirot Kparrj- to hia MERCHANDISE ;
the traffic of him. The and remainder having 6 and the REST seizing
ffavres rovs fiovAovs avrov, vf&picav /cat aireKrei- his SERVANTS, insulted,
•eized the slaves ofhinii insulted and killed. and killed them.
vav. ^A/coucras 5e b fiao^iAevs, (apyiffOt)' Kai 7 *And the K I N G was
Having heard and the king, was wroth: and indignant; and having
irefxxj/as ra crrparevfiara avrov, airooAto'e rovs sent % his MILITARY FOR-
having sent the armies of him, destroyed the CES, destroyed those MUR-
(poveis cKeivovs, /cat rt]v itoAiv avrcoi? eveirpyjo'e. DERERS, and burned their
murderer* those, and the city of them burned. CITY.
T O T € X€76t Tots dovAovs avrov 'O fisv 8 He then says to his
Then he says to the slaves of him: The indeed SERVANTS, 'The ENTER-
ya/jios krot/jios eo'rtv, ol 8e K€K\r)fxevoi OVK TAINMENT indeed is rea-
marriage-feast ready is, they but having been called not dy, hut THOSE who have
TjO'av a£tot. 9
Hop€V€0'de ovv em ras diej-otiovs been INVITED, were J un-
were worthy. Go you therefore to the outlets
9 Go, therefore, into
rcw dfiow, Kai daovs av evpt]re, KaAecrare eis the PUBLIC ROADS, and
of the ways, and whoever you may find, call you to
10 whoever you may find,
rovs yafxovs. K a i e£eA0ovres ol HovAoi invite to the NUPTIAL-
the marriage-feasts. And having gone forth the slaves
ras SBovs, avvrjyayov iravras, 10 And those SERVANTS
those the ways, they brought together all, went out into the ROADS,
bo~ovs evpov, irov-qpovs re Kai ayadovs' Kai and brought together all
as many as they found, bad ones both and goodoneB: and that they met, Good and
u Bad; and the FEAST was
eirknerdy) 6 yafxos avaKei/xevow. Eio"eA9a)v
was filled the marriage-feast of reclining ones. Having entered well supplied with guests.
Se 6 (SacnAevs OeaaaaQai rovs avaKeifxevovs, 11 Now the KING hav-
and the king to see the reclining ones, ing entered to view the
GUESTS, saw there a Man
ei8ev €K€t avOpwirov OVK evSeSvfxevov evfiv/xa t not clothed with a Wed-
saw there a man not having been clothed a garment ding Garment;
yafxov 12 Kai Aeyet avr<p° 'Eraipe, ireos 12 and lie says to him,
•f marriage: and he says to him: Friend, ' Friend, how earnest thou
wv here, not having a Wed-
eio"r}A0es w8e, fxr} $x ^vdv/xa yafxov; how
didst thou enter here, not having a garment ding Garment ?' And HE
Se €(pifia)6r}. 13
envev of marriage: He was struck speechless.
but was struck speechless. Then
said the 13 The K I N G then said
6 fiao'iAevs to the SERVANTS, 'Bind
rois BiaKovois' Ay)o~avres avrov TroSasking /cat his Hands and Feet; take
to the servants: Having bound of him feet and him, and thrust *him
Xetpray, a p a r t avrov, /cat e/c/3a\eT€ eis ro O~KOTOS into the OUTER DARK-
hands, take him, and cast into the darkness NESS ;' there will be the
ro efarepov €K€i effrai 6 nAavO/xos Kai 6 WEEPING and the GN A SH-
the outer: there shall be the weeping and the IN G of TEETH.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—7. And the KING was indignant. 13. bim.

t 4. Prov. ix. 2. t 7. Dan. ix. 26. % 8. Acts xlii. 46. J 11. 2 Cor. v.g;
Bev.Ui.4; xvi.15; xix.8.
&uzp. 22: 14.] MATTHEW. iOhap. 22: 84.
u 14 For there are Many
fipvyjiios Toov odovrcov. UoXXoi yap €i<ri
gnashing of the teeth. Many for are invited, b u t Few selected.
KXrjroi, oXiyoi 5e eKXeicror 15 J T h e n t h e P H A R I *
called, few but picktvd out. SEJES h a v i n g w i t h d r a w n ,
,. 16
T o T e Tropevdcvres oi Qapioaioi arvfifiovXiov consulted how. they might
Then having gone the Pharisees counsel entrap h i m i n Conversa-
~\afiovt Sircas avrov irayidevcrooo'iv ev Xoycp. tion.
took, how him th&y might insn are in word. 16 A n d they sent t o
K o » airoo'reXXova'iv avrcp TOVS /xadrjras avrwv him their D I S C I P L E S with
And they sent away to him the disciples of them t h e H E R O D I A N S , saying,
jiera rcov 'Hpcodiaucav, Xeyovres. AiSaovcaAe, " Teacher, we know That
with the Herodians, saying; O teacher, t h o u a r t sincere, and
oi^a/nev, on aXrjdrjs et, Kai rr)v 68ov rov teachest t h e WAX of G O D
we kuow, that true thou art, and the way oflhe i n T r u t h , neither carest
0eou ev aXrjdeia didacrtceis, Kai ov fieXei croi t h o u for a n y o n e ; for
God Jn truth thou teachest, and uot there is care to thee t h o u lookest n o t to t h e
Tepi ovScvos' ov yap fiXeireis eis irpocrcoirov Appearance of Men.
about • no one; not for thoulookest into lace 17 Tell u s , therefore,
wdpwircov. ^ Eiire ovv 7]JXIV, ri (Tot, SOKGI;
t h y opinion; I s i t lawful
OI men. Say therefore to us, what t o thee seems right?
to p a y Tax to Cesar, or
l8 not?'5
e^eo'ri Sovvai Krjvtfov Kaiffapi, 7] ov; Tvovs
i» it lawful to give' tribute to Cesar, or not? Knowing 18 B u t J E S U S knowing
t h e i r W I C K E D N E S S , said,
5e 6 Vqaovs rrjv Trovrjpiav avrcov, €i7re* Ti fxe
Sut the Jesus the wickedness otthem, said; Why me
"Hypocrites! whydo}rou
try me ?
TC€ipa£*T€ vrroKpirai; ^Eirtdei^are fioi ro
temptyou hypocrites? Showyou tome the
19 Show m e t h e T A X -
C O I N . " And T H E Y handed
pojxio'ixa rov KTJVO'OV, Oi Se irpoo"f]V€yKav avrcp him a Denarius.
coin of the tribute. They and brought to him
20 A n d h e says to them,
§r)vapiov. %°Kai Xeyei avrois* Tivos T) eiKoov f " Whose L I K E N E S S a u d
a denarius. And he«ay» to them j OI whom t h e likeness
21 I N S C R I P T I O N is this ?"
%vrr) Kai i) €7rtypa(pr); Aeyovo~iv ^[auTor]
thi» and the inscription? They say (to h i m ; ] 21 They say, "Cesar's;"
K.ato"apos. Tore Xeyst avroLS' Airofiore ovv Then h e replies t o them,
Of Cesar. Then he says to them; Give you back then | ' / R e n d e r , therefore, t h e
T H I N G S of Cesar, to Ce-
ra Kato'apos K.aio'api' Kai ra rov 6eov
the (things) of Cesar to Cesar; and the (things) of the God s a r ; a n d t h e T H I N G S of
22 GOD, to G O D . "
rep 6e(p. Kai aKovtfavres €6avfjLao~av itat
to the God. And having heonj they wondered; and 22 A n d having heard
acpevres avrov airrjXOov- this, they wondered; and
leaving him they departed. leaving him, they w e n t
Ev €K€ivr] rrj 7)fxepa Trpo^yXOov avrcp 2 a 5 - away. ,
In that the day came to him Sad- 23 J On t h a t d a y , * Sad-
SovKaioi, oi Xeyovres, fJ.7] eivat avaffraaiv tcai ducees came t o him, w h o
ducees, they saying, not to be a resurrection; and say t h e r e i s n o f Resur-
eir7)pcorY]<rav avrov, 24
Xeyov?s$m AiSacrtcaXe, rection, and asked him,
they asked him, saying; O teacher, 24 saying, "Teacher,/
Majors enrev " Eav ris aitoQavri /nrj G^OOV J Moses said, f I f a man'
Moses said; " I f anyone should die not having die, having n o Children;,
Te/cva, GirtyafJ.fipevo'ei 6 aSeXcpos avrov rr\v h i s B R O T H E R ssLall m a r r y
children, shall marry the brother of him the his W I D O W , and raise u p

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. to him—omit. 23. Sadducees came to him, who s a y

t 20. Dr. Lightfoot tells us that the Jews have a tradition among them, that to admit of
the title of any prince on their current coin, was an acknowledgment of subjection to him.
Their acceptance of this coin when offered to them in payment, was i n effect a confession
that they were conquered by t h e Romans, and that t h e emperor had a right to their
tribute. t 23. This is rendered/wtare life b*/ some modern translators; which is, as
Dr. Bloomfield very justly observes, " no version at all, but merely an explanation." Anas-
tasis can only mean future life, by implication; i t s prJmary signification being a standinff or
rising up. If a future life De understood by the term, then i t evidently depends upon, and
follows a resurrection. t 24.. The words of the Law are not quoted verbatim, but ac-
cording to their sense. The intention was that children by the second marriage should be
reckoned in the genealogy of the deceased brother, and inherit his property.
j + 15. Mark xii. 13; Luke xx. 20. t 21. Rom. xiii.7. t 23. Mark xii. 18; Luke
xx: 27; Acts xxiii. 8. t 24. Deut. xxv. 5.
Chap. 22: 25.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 23: 38.
Offspring to ' his BRO-
yvvaina avTov, /cat ava&rrio'zi (Tirepfia rep THER.
wife . of him, and shall raise seed t o the
a8e\<pq) avrov" 25
Ucrau $e nrap 7)JJLIV krvra 25 Now, there were
.' brother •> of h i m . " There were now with us seven with us Seven Brothers;
and the FIRST, having
a$eA</>or Kai 6 TrpcoTOS, ya/x^craSi ereXzvrrjo'e'
brothers: and t h e first, having married, died: married, died; and .hav-
/cat jiT) ^%(MV (Tirspfia, acprjice rr\v yvvauw avrov ing no issue, left his W I F E
and n o t having seed, left the wife of him to his BROTHER.
rep adeXtyq) abrov. ^'O/xoicos /cat 6 Seurepos, 26 Thus also the SEC-
t o t h e brother of him. Likewise also t h e second,
OND, and the T H I R D , even
Kai 6 rpiros, ecos rcav krrra. 27 tr
£arspov 5e to the SEVENTH.
and t h e third, till the seven After and 27 And last of all, the
Ey rr} ovv WOMAN also died.
Tcawrwv cmsQavz /cat 7] yvvrj.
of all died also t h e woman. In t h e therefore 28 At the RESURREC-
TION, therefore, To which
avao'raa'ci, TWOS rcav eirra etrrat yvvn]; rravres
resurrection, of whom of t h e seven shall b e a wife? all of the SEVEN will she be
yap ecrxov avrrjv. 29
AnoKpideis 8e 6 Irjarovs a W I F E ? for they all mar-
for had her. Answering and t h e Jesus
ried her." i
29 JESUS answering,
enrev avrois' TlXavao'de, fxr} eidores ras ypa- said to them, "You err,
said to them; You go astray, not knowing the writ- not knowing the SCRIP-
e s , /xrjde TT)V dvva/xirV rov deov ^ Ev yap TURES, nor the POWER of
ings, neither the power of t h e God. In for GOD ;
ry auaa'racrei ovre yafiovcriv, ovre e/cya/xt- 30 for in the RESUR-
the resurrection neither t h e y marry, nor are given in RECTION [state], they nei-
' £ovrai, aXX' ws ayyeXoi *[TOU 0€OV] ev ther marry, nor are given
marriage, but as messengers [of t h e God] in in marriage, but are as
ovpavcp eiffL.. Tlepi 8e rrjs avaara&ecos r<av ANGELS i n * HEAVEN.
heaven are. About but the resurrection of t h e
31 But concerning the
V€Kp<*>v OVK aveyveoTG ro prjQev
vfxiv viroR E S U R R E C T I O N o f t h e
dead (ones) n o t have y o u read t h a t having been spoken t o y o u b y
32 DEAD, Have you not read
rov 6eovf Kzyovros' " Eyw sipi 6 deos the WORD SPOKEN to you
the God, saying: I am t h e G o d by GOD, saying,
A(5paa/x, Kai 6 dtos Itraa/c, /cat 6 deos Ia/cco/3;" 32 J'JE am the GOD of
«f Abraam, and t h e God of Isaac, and t h e God of J a c o b ? "
'Abraham, and the GOD
OVK earnf 6 0eos, Oeos j/e/epcov, aAAa favrwv. ' of Isaac, and the GOD of
Not is t h e God, a God of dead (ones,) b u t of living (ones.) 'Jacob?' * He is not the
K a t aKov&avres oi oxAot, e^errX'qo'o'ovTO eiri GOD of the Dead, but of
And having heard t h e crowds, were astonished at the Living."
rr} StSaxi? auTOu. 33 And the CROWDS
t h e teaching of h i m . hearing this, were amazed
at his TEACHING.
34 34 % Now the P H A R I -
Ot Se <bapicraioi, aKovffavres bri e^t/Awce SEES hearing That he had
The and Pharisees, hearing that he silenced
67ri ro
silenced the SADDUCEES,
rovs ^abdovKaiovs, cvvqx^o'av nocked about Him. avro'
the Sadducees, were assembled on t h e s a m e ; 35 And one of them,
3o ,
/cat €ivr)po)T7)o £V ets e£ avrcw, vofitKos, rreipa- J a Lawyer, trying him,
and asked o n e o u t of t h e m , a lawyer, t e m p t - proposed this question;
fav avrcav *[nai X€ycov~\ 3 6 AcSacritaXe, vroia 36 " Teacher, which is
mg him [and s a y i n g ; ] O teacher, which the great Commandment
evroXr) fieyaXr) ev rep vofxcp; 3 7 e O 5e lrjcrovs in the LAW ?"
commandment great in t h e law ? The a n d Jesus 37 * And H E said to
him, V ' T h o u shalt love
e(pr] avrcp' AyaTrrjcreis Kvpiov rov Osov aov 'Jehovah thy GOD with
said t o h i m ; T h o u shalt love Lord the God of thee
' All thy HEART, and witlj
ev oXr) rr) /capita crov, /cat eu oXr) rr) tyvx\l <rov, 'All thy SOUL, and with.
in whole t h e heart of t h e e , a n d in whole t h e soul of thee, 'All thy M I N D . '
38 earrL 38 This is * the GREA7
/cat ev dXr) rr} diavoia, &ov." AUT?7 irpcorr)
and i n whole t h e mind of t h e e . " This is first and First Commandment"
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—30. of GOD—omit. 30. HEAVEN. 32. He is not the GOB
55. and saying—omit. 37- And HE said. 38. the GREAT and F i r s t Commandment?
I 3-2. Exod. iii. 6: Mark xu. S6| Luke xx. 37; Acts vii. 32; Heb. xi. 16. t 34. Maris
*il. *28. X 35- Luke x. 25. $ 37. Deut, vi. 5 ; Luke x. 27*
Chap, 22 § 89.} MATTHEW. [Chap. 23; 5

K06 gjyzyaXri tsuTokijo m

Aaurap® dc 6/Jt.oia avrr}' 39 *The Second is simi-
'.ad |n"cn£ COHJCiradcjcnt. Seeenc! and liks to i t : lar ; J ' T h o u shalt love
'thy N E I G H B O E as thy-
* h.yaTr>)GG is Toy ^Xjiaiov GOV*, &§ oreavrov."
" T h o u ohafc l o r e VoO aeighbor o f t h c c a sa thyself." 'seff.? J

ViV Tavrca.2 TG«S %VGW euroXais oXos 6 VO/JLOS 40 J On These TWO
In ihese St\0 t w o c o m m a n d m e n t s whole t h e law Commandments * depend
tan, oi 'irpcxprjTa^ ccpeftavrai, the Whole LAW and the
and t h e prophets are hung. PROPHETS."

' ^Izvvyiyfievcav 8e rcov^apKraieov, eirypcarrjO'ev 41 J A n d

while the
Having been assembled a n d of t h e Pharisees, asked were assem-
avrovs b Ir)<rovs, 4 2 Xeycav Ti v/xiv SoKei irepi bled, JESUS asked them,
them the Jesus, s a y i n g ; "What t o y o u t h i n k s a b o u t 42 saying, "What is
rov XpKTrov; rivos vlos ecri; Aeyovo'iv M E S S Iopinion
your about the
A H ? Whose Son is
the Anointed? of w h o m a son ishe? They Bay
avr(f>' Tov Aavid. 43
Aeyet avrois' IJ.cos ovv he?" They say to him,
Jo h i m ; Of t h e David. H e says t o t h e m ; Hovsr t h e n
AaviS ev irvevfiari Kvpiov avrov KaXei; Xeycov "How 43 H e says to them,
David in spirit Lord of him calls? saying;
then does David,
by Inspiration, call him
" E l 7 T € J / 6 KVpiOS Tip KVplCf> flOV "KadoV €K
"Said the Lord t o the Lord of m e ; Sit thou at
his Lord? saying,
crov 44 J ' J E H O V A H said to
tie^icav fxoVf eccs av doo rovs ex^povs vito- my L O R D , Sit thou at my
right ofma, till I m a y place t h e enemies of thee a f o o t -
4o ' Kight hand, till 1 * put
•jroStop rcov iroZcav crov." Et ovv Aavio KaXet 'thine E N E M I E S under-
stool of t h e feet of t h e e . " If then David calls
46 'neath thy FEET?*
avrov Kvpiov^ ircos vlos avrov earn; Kai ovdeis 45 If, therefore, David
him Lord, how a son of h i m ishe; And no o n e
call him Lord, how is he
edvvaro avrcp airoKpidyvai Xoyov ovde eroX/j.rjo'e his Son ?"
was able to him t o answer a woi'f.j nor dared
46 And no one was
rts at? eKeivrjs rrjs r}/nepas Qft'QpcoTrjo'ai avrov able to answer him a
any one from that the day i o ask him
Word; nor did any one
ovKtrio from That DAY presume
any m o r e .
to question him any more.
T V r e S Irjcrovs ctAaXTjca rois ox^ois feat 1 Then ^'ESUS spoke to
Then the Jcsua spoke to the crowds and the CROWD,0, and to his
wo is p.adr}?ais avrov5 Xeyoov* ETTI TTJS Moore COS DISCIPLES,
Jo t h e disciples of him, oaying; Upon the Moaco
2 saying,"'Ac SCRIBES
Kadedpas ectaQiorav oi ypay.fxareis Kai oi <$api- and P H A R I S E E S sit in the
rseat sit the scribeo and t h e Phari-
Chair of M O S E S ;
(raiou ^Tlavra ovv, OCTG av enrtao'iv bfiiv
Bees. All therefore, whatever 3 therefore All things
t h e y say toyou
^[TTjpsiyJj rrjpeire Kai iroieiTe* 8e T O whatever they command
\tO observe;] observe you a n d d o y o u ; according t o b u t t h e you, * do and observe;
e^yct avroov fir] iroieirs* Xeyovcri yap, Kai ov but do not according to
works ofthera not do you; t h e y say for, a n d n o t their WORKS ; for they
t?oiov<n0 5 Aecr/u<3vovo't yap cpopriu fiapea Kai say and do not perform.
thcydo» They b i n d *or burdeno heavy and 4 *And they prepare
buo'fiua,raccTcii Kat ^•wirideao'iv eiri rovs cc/novs heavy and oppressive Bur-
oppressive^ and placo upon t h e ahoulders dens, for other MEN'S
tmp ayOpcoircov rep de BaKrvXa avrcav ov SHOULDERS, but *ti}f£j
eifjho mcr.: of t h e a n d linger of t h e m n o t will not move them, v/ith
(khovGt, ccivrja'ai avra, s
TJavra de ra epya their FINGER.
Cbcy wiK t o move them. All but the works 5 And they perform ail
avrcop iroiovo'& irpos ro QeaQf]vai tois avdpcoirois. their woRKs'tobe OBSER-
eftben theyde to the tobesecu t o the men. VED by MEN ; * for this
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—39. The Second is similar. 40. depends. iufc thine
ENEMISS unt erneath thy FEET. S. observe—omit. P-. do and observe. ' 4 An<l
Jhcy. 4 thto will not move thorn with their ruror.G. 5. fort..ey.
t 39. Lev. xix. 18; Mark xii. 32 ; ^uke s. 27; i1om„ r "". 9; Gal. v. 14; Jas. ii.f. J -iO.
Matt. vii. 12 ; 1 Tim i 5. J 61. Mark xii. 35; Lu~. xx3 U. ,t Psa. ex. 1 A;t«
;M; Hob. i. 13- % 4. Luke xi. 40; Acta xv. 10,
®iap. 2 3 : 8. MATTHEW. [OhapM: 15.

H\arvvov(rt 5e TO. <pv\aKTf)pta avrow, Kat they widen % their f P H Y -

j They widen and the phylacteries of them, and L A C T E R I E S , a n d enlarge
H*ya\vi/ov(ri ret Kpacnreba *[T£OZ/ tfiartcav au- their T U F T S . (
) they enlarge the tufts [of the mantles of 6 t and love t h e U P P E R
TCOJ/*] 6
<f>t\ov<rt T6 TT]U irpcoTOKXicriav ev rots COUCH at FEASTS, and
them;] they love and the upper eouch in the t h e P R I N C I P A L S E A T S in
Benrvots, Kat ras TrpooroKadedptas tv rats crvva- the SYNAGOGUES,
j feasts, and the first seals in . the syna- 7 and S A L U T A T I O N S i n
ywyats, ' Kat rovs aairao'fxovs ep TOLLS ayopats, the PUBLIC PLACES ; and
gogues, and the salutations m the markets, to be called by M E N ,
Kat KaXetffQat VTTO rwv apOpccircov pafifit, < Rabbi.'
and to be called by the men rabbi, 8 J But g o u should not
*[pa0;3'.] 8
'relets 5e w KAT?07?T€ £a/3/3r els be called R a b b i ; because
[rabbi.] You but not may be called rabbi; one one is Your * T E A C H E R ,
yap ecrrtv viutiv 6 Ka07]y7}rT}S' iravres Se v/xets and all YOU are Brethren.
for is of you the leader; all but you 9 A n d style n o m a n on
9 t h e E A R T H your F a t h e r ;
a5eA</>oi ecrrt. Kat irarspa (xi) KaXccrrire v/xcou
for one * i s Your H E A -
brethren are: And father not you may call of you
€7Tt rrjs yr)S' els yap eo'rtu 5 irarrjp bfxcav, 6
on the earth: one for is the father of you, he
10 N o r assume t h e title
10 of L e a d e r s ; because one
€V rots ovpavots. M'/jSe K\r]Qr]re KaOr^yrjrat'
is Your LEADER, the
in the heavens: Neither be ye called leaders:
l(rros MESSIAH.
€ts yap bfxtov €o~rtv 6 Kady}yr)Tr}s, 6 xp ' 11 J B u t let t h e G R E A T -
one for ofyou is the leader, the anointed:
11 E S T of you, become Your
'O 5 e /j,€i£a>v V/JLCOU, €<rrat vvoov StaKovos. Servant.
The but greater ofyou, shall be ofyou a servant.
12 12 J A n d h e w h o shall
'Ocrrts 8e fycoo~€t eavrov, raTretpcodrjo'erar exalt himself, will be
Who and shall exalt himself, shall be humbled:
humbled; and he who
Kat Sens raweivwcret iavrou, v\pcodr)0'€rat. shall humble himself, will
and who shall humble himself, shall be exalted.
b e exalted.
®Ovat 5e V/JLIU, ypafxptarcis Kat fyaptcraioi, VTTOK- 13 f Woe to you, Scribes
( Woe but to you, scribeB and Pharisees, hypo-
and Pharisees, Hypo-
ptrat' brt Kareffdiere ras oiKtas row xvpwi crites! Because you p l u n -
crites: because you devour the houses of the widows, der t h e F A M I L I E S of W I D -
Hat irpO(pa(T€i fxaKpa irpofT^vxofxevot' 5ta rovro OWS, a n d for a Disguise
and for a show long are praying: through this make long P r a y e r s ; there-
Ai7vJ/6<r06 ireptcro'orepov Kptfxa. fore, y o u will receive a
jfou shall receive heavier judgment. Heavier J u d g m e n t .
,14-*[Oi/at v{xtv\ ypafijAaTtts Kat Qapto'atoi, 14 * [Woe to you, Scribes
[Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, and Pharisees, Hypo-
biroKptrai' brt K\ei€Te ri)v $ao~t\etav roov crites'. Because you s h u t
hypocrites. because you shut the kingdom of'he t h e K I N G D O M of t h e H E A -
ovpavwv ejuLTpoffdev r<av avdpcairwv vfxets yap V E N S against M E N ; gou
heavens in presence of the men: you for neither e n t e r yourselves,
OVK €tcr€px*o~6e, ovSe rovs eto'epxo^yovs a<ptere nor permit THOSE A P -
not enter, nor the entering you permit PROACHING to enter.]
15 15 Woe t o you, Scribes
eio'eXOeiu.^ Ouat vfxtv> ypafifiartts Kat $apt-
to enter.] Woe to you, scribes and Phari- and Pharisees, Hypo-
aatoty vTTOKptrai' 6rt Treptayere rt]v QaKaffcrav crites ! Because you trav-
sees, hypocrites: because you go about the sea erse S E A a n d LAND to
Kat rt\v £r)pav, irotrja'at kva itpoo"r)\vrof' Kat make One + Proselyte, and
and the dry, to make one proselyte: and when h e is gained, you

* "VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—5. of their MANTLES—omit. 7. Rabbi—omit. 8. TEACHKK.
9. is Your HBAVENLY FATHER. 14.—omit.
t 5. These were small slips of parchment or vellum, on which certain portions of the law
were written. The Jews tied them about their foreheads and arms, for three purposes.—
1. To put them in mind of those precepts which they should constantly observe. 2. To pro-
cure them reverence and respect in the sight of the heathen. And 3. To act as amulets or
charms to drive away evil spirits.—Clarke. t 13. Lachmann and Tischendorf omit this
verse. t 15. A convert to Judaism.
i + 5. Num. xv. 38 ; Deut. vi. 8; xxii. 12. % 6. Mark xii. 38, 39; Luke xi. 43; xx. 46.
\ 8. James iii. 1. * 11. Matt. xx. 26, 27. X 12. Luke xiv. 11; xviii. 14 i Jasa«s iv. 6$
1 Peter v. 5.
&iap. gS: 16.] MATTHEW; {Chap. H : SSIK

bTOLV y€V7}Tai, TT0161TQ (XVTOV vtoV y€€VV7]S make Mm o Son of Gc«

when h e becomes, y o u make him a SOP. of Gehenna hcnniv, doublv more thai
BiirXoTepov V/JLCOV. Ovct6 V/J,IV3 ddrjycn rvcpXoi^
double of y o u - W o e t o you, guides blind* 1G Woe t® you, % blind
oi \<syovT€s° "Os av ofxoar) <sv rep vacp5 ovdev Guides! YOU T/IIO GAY, TC
the aayingj Whoever ewear by the TEMPLII, it
may swear b y t h e ieuaple. n o t h i n g
*HTTIV 6s 8 av ojxocrr} <sv rep xP vo-ov* iz nothings aut to swear
itis; w h o b u t ever m a y s w e a r b y t h e gold o f t h c temple, by the GOLD of the TEM-
ocpetAet. ^Mcapoz Kat TvcpXor TIS yap /xzifav PLE, it is binding.
he is bound. O fools and blind; which f o r greater 17 Foolish and Blind!
€<JTIV/ 6 xPv<T0Si V <5 vaos, 6 hyta^wp TO? for which is more, sacred,
in? tho gold, o r t h e t e m p l e s chat sanctifying the —the GOLD, % or THAT
18 Q
Xpv&ov; Kar Os *av> ofAoarri cv rep ducriatr- T E M P L E * W h i c h C O N S E -
gold ? Alaoj Whoever mayswearby the altar, CRATED t h e G O L D ?
rr}picp9 ov8ev ecrrtv 6s 5' av ofxoo'r) tv Tcp 1C- And, to swear by the
nothing i t is j w h o b u i ever m a y swear- by iho ALTAIL, it is nothing; but
deapep ftp G-Kavca avrov, Mcopoi Kat to
ocpetXeto 19
swear by THAT OFFER-
which is upoL. it if:
gift that upon it, h e is b o u n d . O fools and
rv(pAo£° ri yap juet^ov; TO doopov, 7} TO 19 Foolish and Blind?
blind J which for greater? tho gift, or the
for which is more sacred,
dvo'iao'TTjpioPf TO ayia£ov TO Swpov ; 2 0 l i O ovv —the OFFERING, % or
altar, t h a t sanctifying t h e rjiffc j H e then
T H A T A L T A R w h i c h CON-
Ofjiocras <zv r<p Ovo'tao'Trjpicp, o/xvvet ev avTcp Kat siicBATES the OFFERING?
swearing b y t h e altar, swears by it and
ev iracTL TOIS eiravc*) avTov 21
Kat 6 ofxocras 20 H E therefore who
by all t h e (things) upon it; and he swearing SWEARS by the ^JLTAB,

ev Tcp vaoi) 0/j.uvet ev auT^> Kai cv rcp Karot- makes oath by it, and by
toy. t h o t e m p l e , swears by it a n d b y t h e (one) having all things on it j
K7]o*avTi avrov ^ Kat 6 0/j.ocras ev TOO ovpavco, by21the and H E who SWEARS
T E M P L E , riakes
inhabited it; a n d h e swearing b y t h e heaven,
ofxvvtL <cv TO Bpovca TOV deov Kai, cv TO KaQiq^ oath by it, and by HIM
who DWELT in i t ;
swears by t h e t h r o n e of t h e G o d a n d b y t h e (one) sife°
22 and H E who SWEARS
fi7]i/Q> eiravca avTOv. "j}y H E A V E N , makes oatb
ting upon it.
by f the THRONE of G O D ,
and by HIM who sits on it.
Ovat V/LUV, ypa/j.fiaT€i$ Kai ^ap£(ja&oiv23 Woe to yoiL, Scribes
Woe t o you,
scribes r.nd Pharisees, anci Pharisees, Hypo-
ptTat' Sri anodeKttTovre TO 7}§VOO~JJ.QVS Kat TO crites ! JBecause '>\m pay
criteo; because you tithe the jnint, a n d t h e tithe of M I N T , an&i DILL
avydov, Kat TO KVJUIVOV Kai aeprjKare TCC fiapv- and CUMMIN, ^:but neg-
dill, ancl t h e c u m m i u j and pac.i b y t h o weigh tier lect the MORE IMPORT-
•T€pa TOV voyLOv^ TTJU Kpiciv, Kat TOV eXeov, Kai ANT matteis of the U w ;
(things) of t h e law, the justice, ancl tho mercy, anc2 •—JUSTICE., C O M P A S S I O N ,
T7?;/ irto'Tii'o TavTa 5e eSef irotrjcrai, KCLKQIP® and FAITH. These things
the faith. 'i!hcse you ought to practise and
b u t i t i s binding to do, and t h o s e
yjj a<pt€Pato ^'Odrjyot Tv<pXor ot dtvXt^ovTes not to omit those.
not t o omit. Guides blind; t h e straining o u i 24 Blind Guides I f whp
TOV Kcovcoira TTJV 5e KajurjXois KaTairtvovTss* filter out the GNAT, yet'
the gnat the but camel swallowing do'.vu. swallow the CAMEL.
S3 Woo to -ou, Scribes
Ovat vp.tv9 ypa/afxareis teat ^apicratoi^ VTTOK-
and Pharisees:, Hypo-
Woe t o you, scribes and Pharisees, hypo- crites? $ Because you pu-
piTay on KaQapt&TG TO ^wBev TOV irovt\piov rify the OUTSIDE of the
CUP and the DISH, but
jiiitei; because y o u cleanse the outside ofthc cup


f 24. An allusion to tho ouston of the Jews (also Greeks and Eomans) cfpassing theii
•-vines through a strainer. The Jewr did it from, religious "scruples, the Gentiles from
t 16. Matt. xv„ 14. y. 17. Exod. xxx„ 29. . % 19. Exod. xdx. nV- J 22. Matt
v. 34. t 23. Luke xi. 42". J 23, 2 San? XV. 221 Mieali vi„ d j Matt. xii. 7- t 25
Slark vii. 4 •, Lvdse xi, 39.
Chap. g3: 26.] MATTHEW. \Chap. 2 3 . 35.

Kai rrjs irapotyiSos, etfcoQev Se yefiovo'iv e£ ap- within, they are full oi
and of the dish, within b u t they are full of ra- Rapine and Injustice.
7ra77js Kai afiiKias. 26
&api(rai€ rvtyXe, KaQapicrov 26 Blind Pharisee! first
pine and injustice. O Pharisee blind, cleanse purify the I N S I D E of the
irpccroVTO evros rovTrorr}piov Kai rr]s Trapoipidos, CUP and the D I S H , that
first the inside of t h e cup a n d of t h e dish, the OUTSIDE of them may
Iva yevqrai Kai ro CKTOS avrcov Kadapov. also become clean.
t h a t may become also t h e outside of t h e m clean. 27 "Woe to you, Scribes
and Pharisees, Hypo-
Ovai vfXLV, ypafi/xareis Kai<bapiffaioi, VTTOK- crites! J Because you re-
Woe t o you, scribes and Pharisees, hypo- semble whitened Sepul-
pirar on 7rapo/uoia^6T€ racpois KeKoviafievois, chres, which indeed, out-
eritee; because y o u are like t o t o m b s having been whitened, wardly, appear beautiful;
oirivss e^codev jxev (paivovrai copaioi, erreodev 8e but within, are full of the
which w i t h o u t indeed appear beautiful, within but Bones of the Dead, and of
yefjLovo~iv ocrrecov vtKpcov Kai iratfris aKadapcrias, All Impurity.
are full of b o n e s of dead and of all uncleanness. 28 Thus also sou, in-
^Ovrco Kai v/j.€is e^coOev fxev (paivecrde rois deed, outwardly appear
So also you without indeed appear to tho righteous to M E N ; but
avdpconois SiKaioi, ecroodev 8e fieo'roi €(T7re VTTOK- inwardly you are full of
men just, within but full are of h y - Hypocrisy and Iniquity.
puftcas Kai avo/mias. 29 "Woe to you, Scribes
pocrisy and of lawlessness. and Pharisees, Hypo-
29 crites ! J Because you
Ovai vjiiv, ypafjifxareis nai <bapi<raioiy VTTOK- build the SEPULCHB.ES of
Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypo-
the PROPHETS, and orna-
pirai' bri oiKodojueir^ rovs ra<povs rcov irpotyr}" ment the MONUMENTS of
crites; because y o u build the tombs of t h e prophctss
the JUST,
rcov, icai Kocr/JLeire ra fiv7]/uL€ia rcov SiKaiwv^
30 and say, If we had
and adorn t h e m o n u m e n t s of t h e just,
80 lived in the*DAYs of our
Kai K^yere' Et rj/neda 'ev rais 7]fxepais rc-w F A T H E R S , we would not
and say; I f we h a d been in t h e days Oitho
have been Participators
irarepcov 7]/J,covf OVK av 7}fjie6a KOIVCOVOI avrcov with them in the MUR-
fathers ofiw, not we h a d been partakers of t h e m
31 DER. of the PROPHETS.
ev rep aljxari rcov Trpo<pT)rcov. 'Clare fxaprv- 31 Thus you testify
in the blood of t h e prophets: So t h a t you
against yourselves, J That
peire eavrois, on vtoi eo're rcov <povevcravrcov you are the SONS of
testify t o yourselves, t h a t sons y o u are of t h e having killed
rovs Trpo<j)7}Tas. K a i vfxeis iv\t]pcoa'are ro the PROPHETS.
the prophets. And you fill you the
32 J g o u also will fill
\x.erpov rcov irarepcov V/JLCOV. ^Ocpeis, yevvrifxara up the MEASURE of your
measure o f t h a fathers of you. O serpents, O broods EAT H E R S .
exiSvoov Trees (pvyrjre airo rrjs Kpio'eoos rt]S 33 Serpents, J Progeny
of vipers; how can y o u flee from the judgment of t h e of vipers! how can you
yeevvrjs; Aia rovro, i$ov, eyco airocreXXco escape the JUDGMENT of
Gehenna? Because of t h i s , lo, I eend the GEHENNA.
irpos vfxas Trpo<p'r]rasi Kai cofpovs, Kai ypa/ufxa-
34 On account of this,
to you prophets, and wise men, a n d scribes: % Behold, K send to you
reis° Kai e£ avroov airoicreveire Kai erravpeo- Prophets, and Wise men,
and out of t h e m you will kill and will cru- and Instructors; and some
fT6T€, Kai e£ avrcov fiacrriycocrere ev rats of them you will kill and
»ify, a n d o u t of t h e m y o u will scourge in the crucify; and others yen
o'vvaycoyais VJJLCOV Kai hico^ere a-rro TroXecos eis will scourge in your SYN-
synagogues ofyou and pursue from city to AGOGUES, and persecute
iroXiv ^ OJTCOS eXOrj €(/>' vf.tas nrav aifxa from City to City;
city: so t h a t m a y come upon you all blood 35 so that All the in-
SiKaiov, eKXWO/J-tyov i i"f)s yys «7ro rov nocent Blood being shed
righteous, being shed upon the earth from the upon the LAND, may
alfxaros AjSeA. rov Sucaiov ecos rov alfiuros come upon you, from the
blood of Abel the just to the blood BLOOD of Abel the JUST,

t 27. Luke xi. 44; Acts xxiii. 3. J 29. Luke xi. 47. t 31. Acts vii. 51, 52
1 Thess. ii. 15. I 32.1 Thess, ii 16. J 33. Matt. iii. 7 ; xii. 34. X 34.. Matt
xxi, 34,35; Luke xi. 49,
Chap. 23: 36,] MATTHEW. Ztikap. 24 f 8.

Zaxapiov vtov Bapa%fou, OP €<poP€vo"are fiera^v to t h e BLOOD of | Zecha-

of Zecharia* a son of Barachias, whom you killed between riah, t S o n of Barachiah,
TOO vaov Kai rov QvGiaGrf)piov. ^ Afirjp Xeyco whom you will murder
the temple and the altar. Indeed I say between t h e S A N C T U A R Y
a n l the ALTAR.
vfiip, on 7)i;€i ravra iravTa eiri rr}P yepeap 36 Indeed, I say to you,
to you, that shall come these (things) all upon the generation
3 < That all these things will
ravrrjp. ' lepova'a\7]/jL, *lepovcra\r}fji, rj airoK- come upon this G E N E -
this. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the kill- RATION.
reipovo'a rovs Trpocprjras, Kai KiQofSoXovo'a rovs 37 J O Jerusalem, J e r u -
ing _ the prophet*, and stoning tho salem! DESTROYING t h e
a7r€<TTa\/Li€Vovs irpos abrr\p° iro&aKis r]de\r}o'a
PROPHETS, and stoning
having been aent to her; how often I desired THOSE S E N T to t h e e ,
emo'vpayayeip ra reKPa (rov, dp rpowop eiria'v- how often have I desired
to gather the children of thee, what manner gathers to assemble t h y CHILD-
payei opvis ra poo'oria eavrrjs viro ras irrepvyas; R E N , as a Bird collects
her YOUNG under her
a bird the brood or herself under the wings?
38 W I N G S ! h u t you would
Kai OVK 7]de\r}0'aT€o l8oi>, acpierai vfjiiv 6 not.
and not you were willing. Lo, is left to you the
39 3 8 Behold, your H A B I -
OIKOS vfMtiV *[ep7i/uos<,^ A € y o ) yap vfxiw Ov T A T I O N is left to y o u ;
bouse of you [a desert.] I say for to you; Not
39 for I tell you, You
{XT] yite idrjre a7r' apri, eas av enrrjre, EtM.0777-
shall n o t see m e from t h i s
not me you may see from now, till you may say; Having been
fjL€VOS 6 €pXOl*€VOS €P OVOjXOLTL KVpiOV„ time, till you shall say,
blessed he coming in name of Lord. $< Blessed he H E w h o
' C O M E S i n t h e Name of
KE<f>0 /c5'0 24. CHAPTER XXIV.
Kcu €£eA0W 6 Irjo'ovs siropevsro airo rov 1 % And J E S U S being
And being eomo out the Jesus was going from the come o u t was going from
Upov0 Kai 7rpoa"rj\6op oi fjLaOrjrai avrov andet^ai tDhI eS C ITP EL ME SP Lcame
E i and his
to show
temple;, and came tha disciples of him to point out
2 him the BUILDINGS of
awry ras omodofias rev hpov. 'O 8e lrjo'ovs the TEMPLE.
to him ihe buildings of tho Jemple. Tho and Jesuo
2 A n d * H E answering,
<mcp avrots0 Qy j8A€7r€T€ Trauma ravra; a/nrjp said t o t h e m , " D o you
•aid to then:: j Not see you ali those; indeed not oee all these things ?
\eyc3 v\uv« ov fir) acpcdr} £)de Xidos JTTI I assure you, J There shall
I lacy Co you, not notahoiiklbc left &crc fi stone upon n o t b e left here a Stone
AtOop, 6§ ov KaraKuQ^a'^raa.o upon a S t o n e ; all will be
aoionos which not cbalE be thrown £ovru<> overthrown."
* KaOrjfKcPOv da avrov STTI TOW opovs reap 3 A n d as h e w a s sitting
Sitting anC of him upon ihc mountain ofthe on t h e M O U N T of O L I V E S ,

* VATICAN MANUSCBIPT.—38. a desert—omit. 2o HE answering, said.

*Jr 35. There aro z variety of opinions among critics, as to ^/ho is here meant. Some t h i n s
3fc is the Zechariah, son of Jehoiadah, mentioned in 2 Chron. xxiv. 20, 21; but this leaves tha
Jews innocent of She blood shed during nearly nine centuries of the most scandalous years
of their history. Others think reference is here made to " Zechariah, the son of Berechiaij
and the grandson of Iddo," Zech. i. 1; of whose murder mention is made in the Targum. ox
Chaldee paraphrase of Jonathan Ben-Uziel, (said to be a cotemporary of Jesus Christ,) I n
reply to this complaint of Jeremiah, (Lam. ii. 20,) "Shall the priest and the prophet be slain
in the sanctuary ofthe Lord?" he says, e<:Was it well in you to slay a prophet as you did
Zechariah, the sor. of Hiddo, i n the House ofthe Lord's sanctuary, because he endeavored to
withdraw you from your evil ways ?" This Zechariah lived some 320 years after the one
previously mentioned,, yet operiod of over 500 years of Jewish history is left out. Were not
oho Jews more responsibleS^r innocent blood shed during the last preceding five centuries
of their history t h a n they could be for blood shed before the deluge ? Others are of opinionf
that Jesuc spol? this prophetically of t h a t Zechariah who was massacred " i n tho middle o
the holy place,'three years before the final destruction of Jerusalem. Of him, Josephu*
says, he was ajust man. Thus Abel was the first, and this Zechariah, the last just person
wliose blood being spilt upon the land, should be required of that generation. This view
a"-i*ees with the context, and recorded ficts; and in agreement with the same, ephoneusate.
r word in the first aorist tense, has been thrown into t h j future, instead ofthe past.
f 35. 2 Chron. xxiv. 20, 21. j37-L-ukexiu,34. X »9. Fsa, exviii, 2C 5 Matt„ xs.1 91
% 1. Mark. xiii. 1 i. Luk.6 ^.xi. 5. £ 2- Luk: six, 44™
Oiap. 24 i 4. J MATTHEW. [Chap. 24: U

eAaiWy irpoa-qhOov avrcp ol /xaQ-qrai tear' i$iav, the DISCIPLES came to

olive trees, came ,-"- t o hiui t h e disciplea privately, him privately, saying,
\tyoyrss' EiTre 7jjiux>, irore ravra ecTTai ,• Kai "Tell lis, when theso
saying; Tell t o us, when these (things) shall be? and things will h e r " and
Tt T O GTfyU.etOJ' T7]S (TTJS TtapOVGlOLS ICdl T 1 ] S "What will be the SIGN
what t h e sign ofthe t h y presence a n d of the of THY presence, and of
<rvvre\eias rov aizwos; 4
Kat airoKpidsis 6 the cow SUMMATION of
end_ ofthe age? -And answering t h e the AGE ?"
lj}(rovs e-7re^ auTOis* BAeireTe, JUT? ris {j/xas 4 And JESUS replying
Jesus said to' t h e m ; Take heed, n o t any one you to them, said, |"Beware,
wAavqcrri. 5
HoWot yap eXevcrovrai iirt rep that no one deceive you;
may deceive. Many for shall come -K in the 5 for many will assume
ouo}xari fiovy k<syovres\'E,yco c ^ u p Xpicrros' my NAME, saying, ' 5 am
name of me, :, saying; '•, i I • .>*'_ a m t h e Anointed; the M E S S I A H ; ' and ,;
KCU TCOWOVS Tr\ayr}<Tov(ri. ^ M.e\\7](T€T6 5e deceive many.
and- many they shall deceive. ; You shall be about a n d 6 And you will soon
aicovsiv 7ro\e ( uous, kai aKoas TroAe/Aou^ opart, hear ports
of Conflicts, and lie-
of Battles; but take
t o hear wars, a n d reports, of wars; •"( ) see,
care that you he not
fx-q 6posi(Tde' Set yap "^jVcu'TaJ yevecrOai' alarmed; for these things
#iot you be disturbed ; i t behoves fof < [all] ^ t o tafte ptaco;
must occur; but the END
ak\y ovTTCt) €(Tri ro re\os; J Eyepdr)(ferai yapis not yet.
but n o t yet is the end. v Shall be raised u p for
7 For Nation will rise
zQvos €7rt eOvos, Kai jSatrtAeta eir.t fiaffiXetav Kai against Nation, and King-
nation 'against nation, a n d kingdom against k i n g d o m ; and
dom against Kingdom ;
tcrovrai Ai^oi, *['(£ai Aoi/xdt,] Kai (Tc-ta'fxoi Kara and there will he in vari-
there shall be famines, ' [and plagues,] and earthquakes in
ous places, Famines and
TOirovs. ® riavTa Se ravra * apj/r] cohivow, Earthquakes. .
places. All, but these a.beginning ofsorrowa. 8 Yet. these are only a
* Tor?- TrapaSoo&ovcrii/ ets 0\irpiv, icat anoK- Beginning of Sorrows.
T h e n they shall deliver u p y o u t o •affliction, and shall 9 JThen they, will ^de-
Tzvovenv vixas* icat rcrecrflf fxicrov^voi VTTO liver you up to atiliction,'
till you;. and you s h a l l l i e being h a t e d by and will destroy yon; and
iravtbiv roiv (sOvoov dia ro ovofxa fiov All the you will he detested by
all . ofthe nations on account of the name of me.
NATIONS, on ac-
count of my NAME.
Kai TOTC <ricavda\i(rQr}&ovrai TTOWOI' Kai
10 And then f'Many
And then SUE.11 be caused to stumble many; and
will be insnared, and wiil
aWrjXovs irapado)&ov<rii Ktxi. ixi<rr\(TQv(nv a\\rf- betray their associates,'
each other . shall deliver up, and shnil hate <>ach and abhor them.
Ao*'S. l l Kai 7roAAoi xJ/euSoTrpo^'jjTOi syepQrj- .11 And t Many False
o t h .«. And many false-propheu shall bo Prophets will arise, and
wrai, nai trKavticrovert TTOAAQUS* 12 fcai $ia will deceive Many;
32 and because "VICE
raised up, and shall deceive many.: a n d because of
will abound, the LOVK of
TC '/r\y)BovQr}p rrjv avofxiav^ •tyvyria'trat 7) the MANY will cool.
th» t o he incrers the lawlessness, shall be cooled t h e
13 % But HE who PA-
ayairr] r<av TrokXtov. I 3 t O de vTro[izivas ets TIENTLY ENDURES tq the
love oftK* many. " He b u t holding o u t t o End, will be saved.
TeAoy, tiros ccoOrjcr^rat. ^ K c u icqpvxOrjrrerat 14 And These JGLAD
end, t h e same l u l l be saved. And shall be published T I D I N G S Of t l l C K I N G D O M
TOUTO ro evar/yeXioif rrjs (3ao~i\(ias wi be published in the
cv 6\rj TT?
this the glad tidings ofthe kingdom Wuole HABITABLE, for a
in whole the
testimony to all tho NA-'
oiKovfitvr), cts jxdprvpiov iravi rots iBp^cri" Kai T I O N S ; and then will the
liabitable, for a testimony t o all the nations; and
END come.
T 0 T 6 ? ) £ € * TO T C A O S , . ' O T C » / OVV (Sr/TC T O 15 When, therefore, you
then shall come t h e end. When therefore you may sec t h e shall sec, stationed on
fideXvyfxa rris ep-q^wericas, ro p-qQev holy Ground, THAT DE-
abomination o f t h e desolation, t h e word having been spoken ST11UCTIVI5 % ABOMINA<

• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—0. all—omit. 7. arid plagues—omit.

1 4. Eph. v. 6; 1 John iv. 1. t 9. Mark xiii. 0; Luke xxi. 12; John xv. 20. 110,
Tira. 1.15. % 11. Acta xx. 29; 2 Pet. ii. 1. J 13. Matt. x. 22. J 14. Matt, iv. 23;
Koto- *• 18 * is.. 35: Col, i. Q S3. * IB. Dan. i s , 27; xih 11,
Cfiap. 24 % 16tf MATTHEW, [Chap. 24: 27,

Sia AavirjA rov Trpotyyrov, Jrrrcos ev roirep TION, which is SPOKEN

through Daniel the prophet, having- stood in place of through Daniel the
ayKO0 (o avayivaxTKcov voeira)0) 16
rore ol ev tend!) ,• _
holy: (he reading iet him t h i n k : ) then they in
16 f " t h e n letJTHOSE
rr) JovSaia, (fyevyercocrav eiri ra opy]° ?6 in JVDJEA escape to the
the Judea, l e t them flee to the mountains: he MOUNTAINS ;

em rov fi&ixcLTOS) fit) Karaftaiverw, apai ra eK 17 let not HIM "who'is

upon t h e roof, not let him go down, t o take t h e o u t of on the HOOF descend to
take the things from his
r?7S oiKias avrov Kai 6 ev rep aypcp, jxi] HOUSE;
the house of h i m j and he in the field, not 18 and let not HIM who
e-mcrrpetyaroo OTTICTCV, .fvi ra tfxaria avrov. is in the FIELD, return to
let h i m turn hack, t o take the mantle of him. take his MANTLE.
Ovai 5e rais ev yaarpi exovcrais mat rats 19 J But alas for. the
Woe and to the in womb having and to the
ING WOMEN in Those
BrfXa^ovaais ev eKeivais rais yfxepais. Tlpoo"- DATS !
giving»uck in those the days. 20 Pray, therefore, that Pray

evx^o'Be 5e, iua fxr] yevqrai your F L I G H T be not in

T] (pvyrj vjxtav
•you and, t h a t n o t may be the flight ofyou the Winter, nor on a Sab-
^ifxwvos^ fiySe arafifiarop, 2 1 Eo'rai yap rore 21 for'%then there will
of winter, nor in sabbath. Shall be for then
be great Distress, such as
QXixpiS jiieya\7}, ola ov yeyovev air0 oipx^s never happened from the
nflliction great, sucn as n o t has been from a beginning beginning of the world till
KoCfAOV ecos rov vvv, ovb" ov firj yev7]raia Kcu NOW, n o nor ever will be.
of world till t h e now, nor not not maybe. And 22 | And unless those
ee fxr] €KoAo(5wdT]0'av at rjfxepai €Keivaty OVK av DAYS were cut short, No
except were shortened the days those, n o t should One could survive; but
on account of the CHO-
eccodrj iracra cap£° Sia Be rovs €K\eKrovs
SEN, those DAYS will be,
ot saved all flesh; on account of b u t the chosen
KoXof$<t)6y)(rovrai al rjfiepai eKeivaio Tore eav 23 % If a n y one should
shall b e shortened the days those. Then if
say to you then, 'Behold !
ris VJJLLV enrrj" 'iSov, o>5e 6 X9l(r'T0SJ V ^ e * A"? here is the M E S S I A H , ' OI,
a n y t o y o u should say; L o , here t h e anointed, or h e r e ; n o t ' there;' believe it not;
Trio'revarrjre. ^JZye pOycrovrai yap xj/evdoxpio'roi 24 because False Mes-
believe y o u . Shall be raised for false anointed ones siahs and False Prophets
Kai xj/evSoTrpotprjrai, KaiSet>crovo~io~7]/u.eia ixeyaXa pose will arise, who will pro-
and false p r o p h e t s , a n d shall give signs great
great Signs and
Prodigies j so as to de-
Kai repara, cocrre TrXavrjo'ai, ei Svvarov Kai lude, if possible, even the
and wonders, So as t o deceive, if possible even
25 26
rovs €K\efcrovsa iBov, TrpoeipyKa v/utv. Eav 25 Remember, I have
the chosen. Lo, I have foretold t o you. If forewarned you.
ovv eirrcocriv V/JAV IBov, ev rrj eprjficp eo'rt' /txr] 26 If, therefore, they
t h e n t h e y should say t o y o u ; Lo, in t h e desert he i s ; not say to you, 'Behold, he is
ei-eXdrjre0 IBov, ev rois ra/neiois° fxf] TTicrrev- in the DESEET!' go not
you should ga o m t ; Lo, in the retired p l a c e s . n o t y o u should forth; or, 'Behold, he is
(T6T6o D,o"irep yap rj avrpairr) e^epx^rai airo believe it not.
believe. As for the lightDing comes o u i from
27 $ For as the LIGHT-!
avaroXoov, Kai <paiverai ecos BVG'/HCOV, ovroos N I N G emerges from the
castj and shines to west, aa East, and shines to the
116. Not only the temple, and the mountain on which it stood, hut the whole city of Jeru-
salem, and several furlongs of land round about it, were accounted holy. t 16„ Jose-
phus and Eusebius inform us that when the Eomans under Ccstius Gallus made their first
advance towards Jerusalem, they suddenly withdrew again, in a most unexpected and in-
deed impolitic manner; at which Josephus testifies his surprise, since the city might then
nave been easily taken. By this means they gave as it were a signal to the Christians to
retire; which, m regard to this admonition, they did, some to Pella, and others to Mount
Libanue, and thereby preserved their lives.—Doddridge.
t 19. Luke xxiii. 29= , i 21. Pan. ix. 26. % 22. Isra. IxvL 8, 9. f'§3, Mas*
xiii, 21; Luke xvii. 23; sxu & $27<> Luke xvii. 24.
•&iap.terM\ tTTfiEW. fflfcaja. &|.: $f.

ecrrai tcai r) irapovarta rov viaw rovavOpcoiroVo AVcst; so will lie tlia
Jiiill ho aiso t h e tr:«?jit;nce of t h e sou of t h e man. P K E S E N C B Of t l i e S O , \ o f
'*y'OITO-J * [ 7 « p ] eay ]? To^irrcojua, e/cet <ruva;£- MAN.
Where I fur)' eves may be t h e carcass there nvir l o 28 Wherever the DEATJ
Orjaovrai ol aerot. *'JEv9eo:s fie..fiera rr}Vy6ki.\pw CAECAss may he, thero
gathered t h e cables, ImmeJiatcly b u t after the affliction the % EAGLES will he col-
TCO'U 7}lJL€pC0y €K€IVWV3 6 ?}ALQS <TKQTl(r6T](T€Tai),,
of the. d;«ys those, the sun shall be darkened, 29 And speedily after
/ecu 7} aekr\viq ov dcccrei ro tpeyyos aurriSt /cat the A I T L I C T I O N -of those
a i d tho uioon n o t sh^il^ive the light of her, and DAYS, J the SUN will he
cl acrrepes Trevovvrai cnto rov ovpavov, icai at obscured, and the MCCN
'he 1 stare shall fall from the heaven, will withhold her LIGHT,
and the
Bwaptets TOOV ovpavwv uakevdy]crovrat. m
Kat and the STARS will fall
jjcnver3 oftho hcevenb shall be shaken. A n d from, H E A V E N , and the
t o T f <pa.yr)<jeT<xi ro (rrjptetov rov vlov rovP O W E B S Of t h e H E A V E N S
tUt-n shall appear the. sign ofilf, stw of-the will he shaken.
audpooTTOu ev rep ovpavcp* Kai rore ico^\iovrai 30 And the SIGN of t h e
man in tho heaven: and then shall la weuZ • SON of MAN will then ap-
iraaai at cpvkcu TTJS yrjs, KCU otyovrai rov vlov pear in * Heaven; J and.
ail t h e tribes of t h e e a r t h , a n d they shall see t h e soa jtlien All the TRIBES cf
rou avOpooircM epxop^vov em roou ve<pek(dv rov .the L A N D will lament;
ol'tho man coming upon, t h e clouds of t h e and they will see the SON
ovpavov, fiera duua/xecos icat 5o£?is Trokkrjs* of MAN- coining on the
C L O U D S Of H E A V E N , w i t h
heaven, with power and glory much;
Kai airoa-Ttkei rovs ayyekovs avrov jj.era> great Majesty and Power.
31 $ And he will send
and h e will send the messengers of him with
his .MESSENGERS with a
ffakrriyyos (pcvvTjs jJ.eyak7}S" Kai eTrto-ova^ovo'i loud-sounding Trumpet,
of t r u m p e t a voice great; and they shall gather
TOWS eickeKrovs avrov eic rcov reaaapwv aucfxcoy, his and they will ^assemble
the chosen'(ones) of him from t h e four winds,
CHOSEN from the
air* atepcav ovpawv iocs atepwv avtcov. 3J
Kiro Extremity of Heavenone
rouR Winds,—from
from extremities of heavens t o extremities o f t h e i n . From
the other.
Se rr]s avKrjs fxaQere rrju irapafiokw brav 33 Now learn a PARA-
but t h e fig-tree learn y o u the parable; when
BLE from the riG-TRKKi
o)5?i b Kkaftos avT7)s yevrjrat anakos, Kai ra When its BRANCH is yet
already the" branch of h e r maybe tender, and the
tender, and puts forth
jfyvkka, tKcpvrjy yipooo-KerSf brt eyyvs ro leaves, you know that
leaves may p u t forth, y o u know, that near the
SUMMER is near.
€spos' ^ Ourca Kai fyueis, brav tdrjre iravra 33 Thus also, when you
tuinmetj So also you, when you may see all
shall see All these things,
ravra, ytv<ao~Kere, on eyyvs effriv em Qvpais. know, That J he is nigh
these, know you, that near it is at doors. at the Boors.
AprjU keyca bfuv, ov fxrj irapekdy r) yevea 31 Indeed,! say to you v
Indeed I say . t o you, n o t n o t may pass away t h e generation
3j *That this J GENERATION
avTYi, ecos av iraura ravra yeurjrai. 'O will not pas9 away, till
this, till all these may be done. T h e All these- things be ac-
ovpavos Kai ?j 717 rrapekevoreraf ol de koyot complished.
heaven' and t h e earth shall pass a w a y ; the but 'words 35 The .HEAVEN and
fxov ov fxr} •KapekQooa'i. the EARTH will fail; but
of me n o t n o t jnay pass away. my WORDS cannot fail.
33 36 $ But no one knows
Tlept Se TTJS yptepas eKeiu-qs Kai upas ovfieis
About and t h e day that and hour no one concerning that DAY and.
oi$ex>, ovde ol ayyekoi rcov ovpavoov} et fxrj b * Hour j no, not the AN-
'knows, nor the messengers of t h e heavens, except t h e
*nor the SON, but t h e
irarrip fiovos. ''£lcnr€p Se at ?;/zepai rov Na>e, FATHER onlv.
father alone, Aa and the days oft) 1 K o e , 37 * For "as the DAYS

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—28 for—omit. 30. Heaven. 31. That this. 3flt

3Iour. 36, nor the SON, hut the FATHER only. 37 For as.
' t 28. Dest. xxviit.49. t 20. Marlcxiii. 21; Luke xxi. 25 i Acts il. 20. J SOi
Itev. i. 7. X 31. Matt. xiii. 411 1 Cor. xv. 52; 1 Thess. iv.16. I 33. James v.&
i 34; Matt, xxiii 36; Mark xiii. §0 \ Luke x,xi. 33, ; go.
0M>- 24; S8.] M A T T H E W . Idhcp. H: 49.

ovroos ecrrai * [ / c a t ] 7) trapova'ia rov vlov rov of N O A H , thus will be the

even s o will be [also] the presence of t h e s o n of t h e P R E S E N C E of t h e SON o f
38 MAN.
avdp&irov* 'Clarirep yap 7)<rav ei> rais rj/xepais
man. As for they were in the days 38 % Tor as in those
DAYS, THOSE before the
r a t s 7rpo rov KaraKAvo~/j.ov Trpcoyovres Kai
the before the flood eating and DELUGE, they were eating
and drinking, marrying,
Trivovres, ya/uovvres tcai GKya^i^ovres, &XP1
and pledging in marriage,
drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, till
till the Day that Noah
7]S 7}/il€paS €t(T7j\6€ N « 6 €IS T7)V KlfitoroV,
ofwhich day entered Noe into the ark,
entered the AUK,
Kai OVK eypa)(Tav9 iocs rjAdev 6 KaraKKvo'/xos till39 the and understood not,
DELUGE came>
and n o t t h e y knew, till came the flood
and swept them all away;
tcai ypsv airavras* ovrtas ecrrai "^[/cat] i) thus will be the PRES-
and t o o k away all; even so will be [also] t h e
40 ENCE Of the SON Of MAK.
Trapova'ia rov vlov row avdpoorcov. Tore Suo 40 J Two men shall then
presence of t h e s o n of t h e man. Then two
be in the FIELD; * one
GGOVTOLI ev r(p ayp<p% 6 els irapaAafi^averai, will be taken, and the
siifcllba in tho field: t h e oneis t a k e n away,
41 * other left.
Kai 6 els acjyierai, Auo aXrjOovo'ai ev ra> 41 Two women shall
an,i the one i s left. Two grinding in the
be grinding at the MILL ;
fjivXwvi' fjiia TrapaAafifiaverai, Kai /una acpierai. one will be taken, and the
mill; one is taken away, and one is left.
42 other left.
Tprjyopeire ovv, ort OVK oiSare, irota a>pa 42 J Watch, therefore,
Watch you therefore, because n o t y o u know, in what houif
43 Because, you do not know
6 Kvptos V/JLCOI/ epxerai. E«:eivo 5e yivwcicere, atwhat*I>c.y your MAS-
•"-ha L o r d o f you comes. This but know y o u ,
TER will come.
6rt ei r)$ei 6 oiKodecrjrorrjs, rroia, (pvKaKrj 6 43 But you know this,
t h a t if had kr.own t h e feouseholder, in w h a t watch the
that if the HOUSEHOLDER
KAe^rrrjs epxerai, eyprjyoprjo'ev ay, Kai OVK knew at What Hour of
thief comes, h e would have watched, and no', the night * the* T H I E F
av eiar/e diopvyr)vai rrjv oiKiav avrov. would come, he would
h e would have allowed t o b« d u g - t h r o u g h t h e
house of h i m . watch, and not suffer him
Ata rovro aai vfxecs yivecQe eroifioi' on, to break into his HOUSE.
O u account of this also you be ready; because, 44 Therefore, be got!
'•p copa ov BoKeire, 6 vlos rov avOpwirov also prepared; Because
in which h o u r n o t y o u t h i n k , t h e s o u of t h e matt the SON of MAN will come
epxerai. at an Hour, when you do
somes. not expect him.
45 % Who then is the
45 EAITHEUL and prudent
Tts apa cmv 6 trio'ros BovAos KOLI (ppcvifios, Servant, whom his MAS-
W h o : hen is this faithful slave and prudent,
TER has placed over his
bv Kareo~r7]cr€V 6 Kvpios avrov riri rrjs depc- HOUSEHOLD, to GIVE
ferhom placed ' he lord of h i m ever of t h e domes-
them FOOD in due Sea-
ireias avrov, rov dovvai avrois ^rjv rpo<p7]v eu son?
Ucs of h i m , of t h e t o give t o them the food in
46 Happy that SER.
Kaiptp ; ^MaKaptos 6 SovAos eKeivos, ou eAQoov VANT, whom his MASTER(
season? Blessed t h e islave t h a t , whom c o m i n g
on coming, shall find thus
6 Kvpies avrov evprjeet nroiovvra ouroos. ^AJUTJU employed!
t h e lord of him shall find doing so. Indeed
47 I Indeed, I say to
Ae'yco vfxiv, Srt eiri jracri rois bivapxovo'iu avrov you, That he will appoint
I gay t o y o u , t h a t over all the possessions of him
48 him over All his POSSES-
Karao~rr)o~ei avrov. Eau Se et7r?7 6 icaKos SIONS.
hewillplace him. If b u t should say t h e br.d
48 But if that Servant
BovAos txeivos ev rrj Kapdiq avrov Xpovi^ei 6 should WICKEDLY say in that in t h e heart of h i m ; Delays the
49 his HEART, ' My MASTER
Kvpios fxov *[eA.0ejy] Kat ap^r\rat rvnreiv rovs delays ; s
lord of m e [to come;] a n d should begin t o strike the
49 and sh. uld begin tfl
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—37. also—omit. 8?. also—mitt. 40. one. 40. othei
42. Day, 48= to come—omit.
t S8.—5; v i i . 5 ; Luke xvii.26; 1 Pet. iii. 20. I 42. Matt xxv. 13 ; Mark » i i
83; Luke xxi. 36. J 43. Luke xii. 89; 1 Thess. ;.) g Pet. iii. 101 Rev. iii. 3 j svi. lr;
%49 Ma'fc *xv 21 n fcwkwwui. 28.
Chap. £5:8.] M A T T H E W . [Cfcop- 25: 20.

At 8e fjicopat rais «ppovi/AOi§ enrol/0 Aore TJ/JLLU 8 And the YOOLISH

T h e b n i voolish t o t h e prudent said; the PKUDKNTJ
Give to us said to
ej« ""ou eXaiov vp-oov, bri at Aa/jnrades rifxcov ' Give us of your OIL ; for
But o. t h e ciTi O y o u , because t h e lamps of u s our LAMPS are going out.3
9 9 But the P K U D E N ^ re-
vfteyvvvraio Air€Kpi6ri(rap> * [ 5 e ] a t <ppovi/j.oL,
are extinguished. Answered [ b u t3 t h e prudent, plied, saying, ' Lest there
Kzyovcrcu0 MrjTrors OVK apneay vynv KOU vfj.ip° be not enough for us and
say'ng-, Leot n o t i t m i g h t suffice t o us a n d t o y o u ; you, go rather to THOSE
who SELL, and buy for
Tropevecrds fiaXXov ivpos TOVS irooXovvras? ROLL yourselves!'
go y o u sathcr to the selling, iJid
ayopcKTare kavrais0 10
ATrepxoficpcou <5e avroov 10 And while they were
buy t o yourselves. Going away a n d of t h e m going away to buy, the
aycpaaaif TjXOev 6 pvfx<pios° Kai at kroifxoi BRIDEGROOM came; and
t o buy, came t h e b r i d e g r o o m ; a n d t h e prepared ones THEY, who , were P R E -
€ia"r}\6ou per' avrov eis TOVS ya/j,ovs° Kai e/c- tPARED, entered with him
entered with hirr; into t h e nuptial-feasts; a n d was
Aeiffdy) 7] 6vpaa 1?i
"larepov de epxovrai Kai $ and the DOOR was shut.
closed t h e door. At>~-wards and 11 Afterwards came
came also
at Koitrai itapQeu^i, Xeyovaai Kvpie9 a
Kvpie, also the OTHER Virgins,
the r e m a i n i n g virgins, laying, Olord, Olord, saying, J'Master, Master,
avoi^ov 7\iAivrj i 2 O 8e airoKpideis enrej/0 A/xr}V open 12
i t for u s ! '
But H E answering,
open t o uu0 iic out answering r.aid; Indeed
said, 'Indeed, I say to
\€y<0 vfjuv.i CVK OIOJL vfias* u Vprjyopsirs ovvcj you, I recognize you not.'
iiccs" t o y o u . rj'.t _'.'.'_",C\V y c u . Watch you therefore^
13 J "Watch, therefore,
dm OVK oid%re rrjv rjiicpav? ot>8e TT\V &f}cw0 because you know neither
because n ' t y o u know t h e day, nor the hour.
lv the DAY nor the HOUR.
Clcnrep yap wdpooiros airodrj/JLcou eicaXcae TOVS 14 J Again, [it is] like
iLike for «man goiny abroad called ;ho
a Man, who, intending to
Siovs SovXovs, Kai irapshoonev avrois ra l'rrap~ travel, called his OWN
own slaves, r.nd delivered t o them the goody
15 Servants, and delivered to
Xovra. avrov Kai ta> /neu ebooKe Trevre them his GOODS.
Oi-'him. a n d t o hitK indeed h e gave li-.'C
15 And to ONE he gave
waXavra? cp £ t dvo, (q> 5e ez/° eKa,o~rq> Five t Talents, to ANO-
&alents, to h i m and t w o , t o him and o n e ; t o each
T H E R two, and to ANO-
Kara rt)v idiai/ 8vva/juv° Kai airebrjfxr}erev THER, one ; X to each
according Co t h e own power; and went abroad according to his RESPEC-
€vdews0 FLopevdeis "*[8e] 6 ra irevre TIVE Capacity; and im-
Immediately. Going [and] he the five mediately departed.
TaXavra Xafiow, eipyao'aro €U avrois? Kai 16 He who had RE-
talents having received, traded with them, and CIEVED the EIVE Talents,
erroiyja'sy aXXa irevrc ^^raXavra.l 'Clcrav~
went and traded with
made other five [talents.] Like
them, and * gained Other
rcos *£/cai 6 J ra Suo, e/cepSrjo'e Kai avros aXXa five.
wise [also h e ] t h e t w o , gained also he other 17 And in like manner
Suo. 1 8 ' O S e T o ! j / XafSoav a-rreXOcou copv^z^ HE who had received the
two. H e b u t t h e o n e having received having retired digged TWO, gained Other two."
e|/ T KaL a7r 18 But H E who had re-
* C ] V yy> eicpv\p€ TO apyvpiop rov ceived the ONE, went, and
[ia"l t h o earth, a n d hid the silver of t h e
19 digged the EARTH, and
Kvptov avrov,, Mera 8e x?ovov ^°Xvv cpxerai hid his MASTER'S MONEY,
lord of him. After but time much comes 19 After a long Time
6 Kvpios TOOV SovXoov cKeivoov? Kai Gvvaipei the MASTER of those
tho lord of t h e slaves those, and adjusts SERVANTS returned, and
U€T* (XVTWV Xoyov. ^ Kai TrpocreXOoov 5 ra reckoned with them. .
with them an accounto And coining he the 20 Then HE, who had

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—9. butr— omit. 16. And—omit. IGo gained Other

five. 16. Talents—omit. 17» he also—omit. 18. in--omito
t \5. A talent is estimated by different writers to be in value somewhere between ?00 and
2.250 dollars, or £140 and £560.
t 10. Luke xiii. 25. t 12. Matt, viu 91, 22. % 13. Matt, xxiv, 42, 44; Mark xiiij
83. 35. % 14. Luke xix. 12. % 15. Horn. xii. 6i 1 Cor. xii 7,11, 29; Eph. iv. 11."
Oiap. U. 50,] MATTHEW. [Chap, 25 • 7.
beat his FELLOW-SEE.
(TvvdovoAos, effdir) Se Kai iriurj fiera rcov JULGOVOV-
fellow-slaves, may eat and also may drink with the96 getting V A N T S , and should eat
50 and drink w i t h t h e I N -
rcow 7]^et 6 Kvpios rov BovXov eneiuoo ev TEMPERATE ;
drunk j shall come the lord of the slave that ia 50 t h e M A S T E R of t h a t
7)/JL€pq,i rj ov TrpccrdoKa, icai ev oopay '?) ov
S E R V A N T will come i n a
a day, in which not he expects, Day when h e does n o t
and in an hour, in which not
yivcoaitGi' 51
K.CU Sixoro/birjcreL avrov, expect him, and at a n icai ro
he knows; and shall cut asunder hiui s and tho H o u r of which h e is not
uepos avrov fiera rcau vTTOKpircov Buffer gxei 51 and will cut h i m off,
part of him with the hypocrites v. illpla;e; fcfasrG and will appoint his POE-
eo'rou 6 icXavOfios teat 6 fipvyfios rcou oBopffrWo TION with the HYPO.
t will be the weeping and the gnashing of the tee' C R I T E S ? % t h e r e will b e
the W E E P I N G and the

KE<f>u fee',, 2 5 , CHAPTER XXT.

3 1 T h e K I N G D O M of t h e
Tore SfioLcoOYjtrerat 7} fiaffiXeLa rcov ovpavwv H E A V E N S , a t t h a t t i m e ,
Then will ba compared the kingdom of tho heavon3 may b e compared to Ten
Setca irapOeifOis^ alrives^ Aafiovcrai ras Xa/niradtss f Virgins, who, having
ten virgins, who, having taken the lamps t a k e n their L A M P S , went
avTcaVj €J-r)\9oy eis <sjtavrr\o'iv rov vvfMpiov., o u t f to meet J t h e B R I D E -
of them, went out to a meeting of the bridegroom,, GROOM.
2 2 N o w five of them
IIez>Te 8e rjcrav e£ avroou (jypovifxoi, icat irei/re
Five and were cf them prudent, and fivo wore * foolish, a n d five
were p r u d e n t .
p.copai. 3AiTives ficDpaL, Xafiovo'ai ras Aaimwadas 3 *For the FOOLISH
foolish. Who ioolishj having taken tho lamps took t h e i r LAMPS, but
avrcav, OVK eAafiov JASO' eaurcoi/ eAaioi/. ^"A! carried n o Oil w i t h t h e m .
of them, not took with themselves oil. The 4 T h e P R U D E N T , how-
de (ppovLfxoi eAa&oj/ eXaiov sv rois ayyeuis ever, besides * their own
but prudent took oil in the vessels L A M P S , took Oil i n the
*[auT6ov~\ fiera reap Xaja-rradcop abrcov. ° Xpovi-VESSELS,
[ofthem] with the lamps of them. Delay- 5 While the BRIDE-
frvTos 8e rov pv/xcpiov? Gwcrra^av Tracratt uaz G R O O M delayed, J they
ing and the bridegroom, nodded all, d^ all became drowsy, a n d
etcaQevfioVo 6
M<so"r}S 8e VVKTOS icpavyrj yeyopev0 fell asleep.
did sleep. Of middle and night aery was raised, 6 A n d a t Midnight a
Idov, 6 vvfjityios *[e/3X6Tar] e^epx^cde eis airav- Cry w a s raised, ' Behold,
Lo, the brideguoom [comirj;] go out to a meet- t h e B R I D E G R O O M ; go out
rt\(Tiv avrov,, ?Tore TjyepBrjcrap iracrat at TrapOevoi a n d *meet h i m ! '
ing ofhim. Then arose all the virgin'* 7 Then All those
G I N S arose, $ and
eKeivcti, Kai sKoapsqcrav ras Xa/inraSas abrtmv, t h e i r L A M P S i n order-
those, and put in order the lamps oftheisa.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. foolish, and five were prudfmt. 8. For the FOOLISH.
4. their own, 6. comes—omit, 6. to the Meeting.
•"• i. Virgin signifies a chaste or pure person, and is applied to both sexes i n hhe sacred
writings. See Rev, xiv. 4. I t has been thought best to retain the word here. t 1. An
eyc-wituess of a Hindoo marriage, gives the following' .itriking illustration of this cus-
tom s---" The bride lived at Serampore, to which place the bridegroom was to come by water.
Affcorc waiting two or three hours, at length, near midnight, it was announced in the very
'crd ' oi'Scripture, c Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.' All the per-
, employed now lighted their lamps, and ran with them in their hands to fill up their
stations in the procession; some of them had lost their lights, and were unprepared, but it
'-as then too late to seek them, and the cavalcade moved forward to the house of the bride;
at which place the company entered a large and splendidly illuminated area, before the
house, covered with an awning, where a great multitude of friends, dressed i n their best ap-
"iarel, were seated upon mats. The bridegroom was earned in the arms of a friend, and
Placed in a superb seat in the midst of the company, wuere he sat a short time, and then
went into the house, the door of which was immediately shut, and guarded by sepoys. I
aad others expostulated with the door-keepers, but in vam. Never was I so struck with QUI
Lord'r; beautiful parable as at this moment—e And the doac was s h u t . ' "
t 51- Matt. viii. 12 % xiii. 42 ; xxv. 30. v, &%&* v.. 2P, 30; Rev. xix 7; xxi. 2.3
; X 1 Th^sso v. 6, %7° Luke xiu 3§„
Chap. 25: SI.] M A T T H E W . [Gimp. 25: 29.

irevre raXavra Aa/Scoy, Trpoo"r\veyKev aAAa RECEIVED the FIVE Tal.

Arc talents having received, brought other ents, came and presented
rive Talents more, say-
srevre raXavra, Xeycav Kvpie, irevre raXavra ing, 'Sir, thou gavest over
five talents, saying; O lord, five talents to me Tive Talents; see,
jxoi TrapedcoKas" t5e, aAAa irevre raXavra I have gained Five other
to m e thou deliveredst; see, other five talents Talents.'
e/cepS^tra *[e7r' avroi.sJ\ 21
JZcpr) avrcp 6 Kvpios 21 His MASTER said to
> I gained [upon them,] Said t o h i m t h e lord him, 'Well done, good and
faithful Servant! thou
avrov Ey, SovXe ayaOe /cat irio're' eiri oXiya hast been faithful in a
of h i m ; Well, O slave good a n d faithful; over a few (things) Few things, $ I will ap-
7]S TTlffrOS, 67Tf TToXXdOV 0*6 Karao'r7]O'C0° point thee over Many;
t h o u wast faithful, over many thee I will p l a c e : partake of thy MASTER'S
eiffeXOe eis TT)V yjapav JOY.5
rov icvpiov crov. 22 H E also who had
enter into the joy of t h e lord of t h e e .
the TWO Talents, coming,
^YlpoffeXOoov Se icai 6 ra dvo raXavra *[Aa~ said, ' Sir, thou gavest
Coming aud also h e t h e two talents [having
over to me Two Talents;
/3coz>j] €iir€' icvpie, $vo raXavra \JLOI irape8ooKas° see, I have gained Two
received,] said: O lord, two talents t o m e t h o u deliveredst; Other Talents.5
iSe, aAAa Svo raXavra eKepdrjcra *[e7r 3 avrois'~\ | 23 His MASTER said to
lo, other two talents I gained [upon them;] i him, 'Well done, good and
E(pr] avrcp 6 icvpios avrov EL>, BovXe ayaOe ; faithful Servant! thou
Said t o h i m t h e lord of h i m : "Well, O slave good hast been faithful in n
Tew things, I will ap-
/cat irio're' eiri oXiya 7)s iricrros, em point thee over Many;
and faithful; over a few (things) t h o u wast faithful, over
partake of thy MASTER'S
iroXXcov ere Karao'rrja'co' eio"eX8e eis rrjv %apav JOY. 5
many thee I will place; enter into t h e joy
24 Then H E who had
rov tcvpiov crov. 24 TlpoceXdcvv Be icai 6 ro kv ItECEIVED t h e S1NLGE
of t h e lord of t h e e . Coming a n d also h e t h e o n e Talent, approaching, said,
raXavrov eiXrjcpcos, eiire- Kvpte, eyvcov ere, bri 'Sir, I knew thee that
talent having taken, said; O lord, I knew thee, t h a t thou art a Severe Man,
reaping where thou hast
(TKXrjpos ei avdpcoiros, Oepifav orrov OVK ecnrei- not sown, and gathering
hard t h o u art a man, reaping where n o t t h o u s o w - where thou hast not scat-
p a s , /cat crwayoov odev ov Sieo'icopiucras' /cat tered ;
edst, and gathering whence n o t t h o u scatteredst; and 25 and being afraid, I
(po^rjOeis, aireXdoov eupvxpa ro raXavrov crov ev went and hid thy TALENT
being afraid, going away I hid the talent of thee in in the EARTH ; see, thou
26 hast THINE own.'
rt] yrj° ide, ex^is ro crov. AiroKpideis 5e 26 His MASTER answer-
the earth; l o , t h o u hast t h e thine. Answering a n d
ing, said to him, ' Wicked
6 Kvpios avrov eiirev avrcp' Uovrjpe fiovXe nai and indolent Servant,
th.3 lord of him said to him: O wicked slave and didst thou know That I
to/cvrjpe, y$eis, ' on Qepi^ca birov OVK. ecrireipa, reap where I have not
(slothful, didst t h o u know, t h a t I reap where n o t I sowed, sown, and gather where I
2 have not scattered ?
//cat crwayca 66ev ov BiecrKopmcra; ^EcJet ovv 27 Thou oughtest then
and gather whence n o t I scattered ? I t behoved t h e n
to have given my MONEY
ere fiaXetv ro apyvpiov fxov rots rpaire^irais' to the BANKERS, that at
thee t o east the silver of me to t h e bankers: my return, 3E might have
/cat eXOwv eyco eKO/iicfafirjV av ro €/LLOV crw received mine OWN with
and coming I m i g h t have received tho mine with Interest.
28 Take from him,
roKcp, ^ A p a r t ovv air pvrov ro raXavrov, therefore, the TALENT,
' interest. Take you therefore from him the talent,
and give it to HIM who
Kai bore rep e%ovn ra Sena raXavra. Tcp has the TEN Talents;
'and give t o him having the ten talents. To t h e 29 J for to EVERY ONE
* VATICATI MANUSCRIPT.—20. upon them—omit. 22. having received—omit
22. upon then*—omit.
% 21. Matt. xxiv. 47; Lukexii. 44; x i x . f ? ; xxii, 29, 30. $ 29. Matt.xiii.12; Mark
iv. 25.: Luko viii. 13; xix. 23.
Map. & : 30.] MATTHEW. hWp. 2 5 % -S%.

wlio HAt, more shall

yap ^xoVTt ^avri ftodrjCGTatf §cai irepiaro'ev be given, and he shall
for having all shall be given, and ae shall
abound; but from HIM
Brjo'eTai' airo 8e rov fir) e^ox/Tas, fear d e%€i, who HAS not, even that
abound: from but the not having, even what he has, which he has shall! lie
apOrjfferai air7 avrov0 30
K a i TOP axp^t-ov taken away.
shall be taken away from him. And ihc uselesa 30 And thrust oho tm«
dovXov e/cjSaAere eis TO CTKQTOS TO z^tcTepov PROFITABLE Servant into
slave east you into 0,he darknrr.'; Ohe outer: the OUTER DARKNESS '.
e/cet ecrrai b KXavdfios /cat c ftpvyfios TCOP jthcre shall be the WEEP-
there shall be the woeping osy". jhc .'jnanhing of the I N G and the aw ASHING
teeth. 31 $Now when the SON
' O r a v Se eXdrj 6 vies rov avQpwirov ev rrj of MAN shall come in his
When and may come the son of the 7'.an i;i the GLORY, and All the A N -
doily avTov, Kai iravTes oi ayyeXot fieT3 avrov, GELS with him, then will
glory ofhim, and all lie sit upon his Glorious
the messengers with him,
Tore Kadio~ei ein Qpovov $o£r)s avTov, Throne? izai
then shall he sit on a throne of glory ofhim, and 32 J a n d All the N A -
TvvaxQyo'eTcu e/unrpocrOep avTov iravTa. TCL eOvr)' TIONS will be assembled
will be gathered in presence ofhim all the nations; before him^ and he will
Kat acpopiei GVTOVS air* aXXrjXooPy wcrirep b separate them from each
and he will separate them from each other, as the other, as a SHEPHERD
7T0Lfl7)U a<pOpi^L TU TTpofiaTCl CLTTO TOOP epKpCDP' separates the SHEEP from
shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; the GOATS ;
KOLI o~Kr)(r€i TO, fiQV irpoflaTa eic 5e£to>;/ avTov, 33 and he will place tho
and he will place the indeed sheep by right ofhim p SHEEP at his Right hand,
T « 8e epi(pia e£ evcavvfxwv. T O T € epei 6 but the GOATS at his Left.
he and goats by loft. Than will cay the 34 i'hen will the KING
fiao'iXevs TOLS eic fie^ioop avTov Aevre ot say to THOSE at his Eight
king to the by right ofhim;, Come the hand, ' Come, you BLES-
€vXoyr)/J.evoi rov iraTpGs fiov, K\r)povofir}J<ZTe SJID ones of my TATHER,
hftring been blessed of the father of me, inherit inherit the KINGDOM
t prepared for you from
rrju i)T oifia&fievr}v vfiip fitto"iXeiap enro Kara.™ the Formation of the
the having been prepared to you kingdom from aioun- World;
f}o\r)$ Kocrfiovo E7Tfefa<ra yap? Kai eSaKaTe 35 for I was hungry,
dation of world. I hungered for, and you gave and yon gave me food; I
fioi cpayeiv tSiiprjo'a, Kai ewoTicaTe fiec was thirsty, and you gave
to me to eat; I thirsted, and you gave drink to ma; me drink; I was a Stran-
£evos rjfirjv, Ka& tfvi/riyayeTe fie' ^6 yvfivos3 ger, and you entertained
a stranger I was, and you entertained me; naked, me;
KanrepiefiaXere fie° rjo'devrjo'a^ Kai e-weCKe^acrQe 36 I was naked, and
and you clothed me; I was sick, raid 5011 visited you clothed me; I was
sick, and you assisted
fie0 ev (pvXaKT) r)/j.r)y9 teat 7)X9ere vrpos fie. me; I was in Prison, and
me: in gprison I was, and you ca: "C ;o me. you visited me.'
^ToT6 airoKpiOrjo'ovTai avTq> ot St/taiOGj Xeyop- 37 The RIGHTEOUS will
Then Bhall answer to him the just ones., saying; then reply, saying, 'Lord,
f€S° Kvpie, TTOT€ ore adofiep ireivcavra, Kai when did we nee thee
O lord, when thea we ssvj hungering., and hungry, and feed thee?
eOpetyafiev; rj Sirpoovra, Kai erroTicra/LLep; SG
T1OT6 or thirsty 3 and give the8
nourished? or thirsting, and wc gave drink ? When drink ?
5e o'e eifiofiev l-ei/op, teas, orwriyayofizv; r) 38 And v?ien did we
and thee we saw a stranger, and wc entertained? or
see thco & Stranger, and
33 entertain thee ? or naked,
yvfivov, icai TrepiefiaXofiep; ITor6 §e ere and clothe thoe?
naked, and we clothed? When and thee 39 And when did we
ei5o,u.ej/ acrdeurjj 7] ev (pvXaKTj^ Kai rjXdofiev irpos see thee sick, or in Prison,
we saw sick, or in prison, and we came to and came to thee ?'

t 81. Zech. xiv. 5; Matt. xvi. 27; xix. 28; Mark vU. 38; 1 Thess. iv. 16; 2 Thess. i. 7; Jude
14; Rev.i.7- J 32. Rom. xiv. 10; 2 Cor, v. 10; Rev. xx= 12. % 34. Matt. xx. 2S&
Iftark x. 40; 1 Oor. ii. 9 •, Kab. xi= 13,
Chap. S5? 40.] M A T I HEW. [Chap. %\ %.

ire; 40
K a i airoKpiOeis 6 fia(ri\€vs epei avrois' 40 And the KING ans-
thee? And answering the king will say to them; wering, will say to them.
kjxqv heyca vjxiv, €(/>' bcrov eiroiTicrare evi t' Indeed, I say to you,
Indeed I say to you, in whatever you did to one That since you have done
TOVTCOV ray adehcpoov fxov roov eXax^TcoUf efxoi it to one of These the
of these ofthe brothers of me of the least, to me
ewoiTjo'are. you have done it to me.'
you did. 41 He will then also
T O T 6 epei Kai rois e£ evwvvfioiW Tlopeveo'de say to THOSE at his Left
Then he will say also to the of left; Go
hand, %' Depart from me,
<X7r' €fJLOV Ol KaTTJpCLfJLtl'Ol €IS TO TTUp TO aiCOPlOl/f you -CURSED ones, into
from me the having been cursed into the fire the age-lasting, THAT AIONIAN TIRE,
TO 7)Toi/jLacrfxevov rep fiiafioAtp Kai rois ayyeKois which is PREPARED for
the ADVERSARY, and his
that having been prepared to the accuser and to the messengers
fjiurov. 'Eireivaara yap, Kai OVK edooKare /JIOI 42 for I was hungry,
of him. I hungered for, and not you gave t o m e
but you gave me no food;
cpayeiw edityrjo'a, Kai OVK eirono'are fie' I was thirsty, but you
to eat; I thirsted, and not you gave drink to me; gave me no drink;
^evos TlfxriV) Kai ov avvqyayere yue* yvfxvos> Kai 43 I was a Stranger,
}»tranger I was, and not yon entertained me; naked, and but you did not entertain
ov TrspiefiaAere fie' acrBevris, Kai ev (pvXaKY}, me; naked, but you did
not you clothed me; sick, and in prison, not clothe me; sick, and
Kai OVK eirecTKetyaarOf- fie. T O T E airoKpt6r)<rop- in Prison, but you did not
and not you visited me. Then will answer relieve me.'
rat Kai avroi, Xeyovres- K u p i e , 7TOT€ <re 44 Then will THEY also
and they, saying; O lord, when thee answer, saying, ' Lord,
e&ofiev new ultra, 7) Siipoovra, i) %evov, 7} when did we see thee
we saw hungering, or thirsting, or a stranger, or hungering, or thirsting,
yvfxvov, 7] ao"9evr), 7) ev (pvAaKy, Kai ov SITJ- or a Stranger, or naked,
naked, or sick, or in prison, and not we or sick, or in Prison, and
Kour}(Ta/JL€U ffoi; ^ ToTe airoKpidycrerat avrois, did not assist thee V \
•erved thee; Then he will answer them, 45 Then he will reply
Keycov AfiTjv Aeyco vfiiv, ecf? bcrov OVK ewoiT}- \ to them, saying, ' Indeea,
saying: Indeed 1 say to you, in as much not you I say to you, That since
ovBe ejULOi
(fare evi rovrwv rcau eXaxiorrcov, neither to me you did it not to one of
£id to one of these ofthe least, the LEAST of These, you
46 oiVroj eis did it not to me.'
eTTOiTjaare. Kcu aireXevcrovrat these into
you did. And shall go away 46 ± And these shall go
eis &7]V forth to the aionian f cut-
KoXacriv aiwviov ol Se hiKaioi into life
ft cutting-off age-U«ting: the and just ones ting-off; but the RIGH-
aicoviove TEOUS to aionian Life."
1 % And it happened,
Kat eyevero, dre ere\eo'ev 6 IT}(TOVS iravras when J E S U S had finished
And it happened, when had finished the Jesus all this DISCOURSE, he said
rovs Koyovs rovrovs, enre rois fiadrjrais avrov to his DISCIPLES,
the words these, he said to the disciples of him: 3 "You know That Two
Oibare, Sri fiera Suo Tj/uepas ro irao'xa yiverai" Days hence comes the
You know, that after two days the passover comes on: PASSOVER; then th.e SON
Kat 6 vlos rov avOpcorcov Trapafiifiorai eis ro of MAN will be delivered
and the son ofthe is delivered into the up to be CRUCIFIED."
t 46. That is, in the fire mentioned in verse 41. The Common Version, and many modern
ones, render kolasin aionioon, everlasting punishment, conveying' the idea, as generally inter-
preted, of basinos, torment. Kolasin in its various forms only occurs in three other places
in the New Testament,—Acts iv. 21; 2 Peter ii. 9; 1 John iv. 18, It is derived from kolazoo,
which signifies, 1. To cut off; as lopping off branches of trees, to prune. 2. To restrain, to
repress. The Greeks write,—"The charioteer (kalazei) restrains nis fiery steeds." 3. To
chastise, to punish. To cut off an indivdual from life, or society, or even to restrain, is es-
teemed as punishment;—hence has arisen this third metaphorical use of the word. The pri-
mary signification has been adopted, because it agrees bette^rwith the second member ofthe
sentence, thus preserving the force and beauty ofthe antithesis. The righteous go to Uf§
the wicked to the cutting off from life, or death. See 2 Thess. i. 9»
±40 Mark ix. 41. 1 41. Matt, vii. 23 5 Luke xiii. 27° t 46» Dan. xih 2; Johia
«. 2©; Bom. ii, 7,.'8. £ l» fat xtoo 15 Luke i<%M. 1 % Johjx xiii. 1,,
Ctiiap. 26:" 3.], MATTHEW.N iCliap. 26: 15,

arravpcaOTjyaio 3
T O T € GrvvrfX^Tja'av oi apx^peis, 3 J About this time, the
to be crucified. Then were assembled the high-priests, HIGH-PRIESTS, and the
K<xi ol ypaftjutareis, Kai ol irpeo'^vrepoi rov \aov, of the PEOPLE, were con-
and the scribe?, and the elders of the people,
vened in the PALACE
eis rrjv av\t]V rov apxiGpGMS, rov Xeyofievou Of THAT HIGH-PRIEST,
'nto the «ourt of the high-priest, that being called
NAMED Caiaphas,
Kaiacpa0 4
KCLI avvefSovKeva'avTo, Iva rov 4 where they consulted
Kaiaphas: and they consulted, that the
Kparr)O'0)O'i Kai airoKTeivaicriv how they might seize J E -
lr}crovv Bo\u SUS by Stratagem and
Jesus with deceit they might seize and might kill,
EAeyoj/&<F* te.4 ev ry eoprrj, Ivct, fir} dopvfios destroy him.
They said but; Nofc in the fesst, that not atumvJt 5 But they said, " N o t
during the FEAST, lest
yevyrai ev rep Xacpo there should be a Tumult
there should be among ihe people,
among the P E O P L E . "
T o u 5e ITJ&OV yevofj,evov ev firjOavia, ev oiKia 6 % Now while JESUS
The and Jesus having arrived in Bethany, in a house was at Bethany, in the
^I/JLOOVOS rov keirpoV} ? TrpocrrjXQev avrcp yvvt], House of Simon the
of Simon the leper, came to him a womaa, LEPER,
aXa(3acrrpov fivpov exovca fiapvri/xov, Kai 7 a Woman came to
an alabaster box of balsam having great value, and him, having an Alabaster
Karex€€U e7ri Tr
? ^ Ke<paXr)V avrov avaKei/ievov. box of Balsam, very val-
she poured upon the head of him being reclined. uable, which she poured
on his HEAD while re-
^Idovres Se 04 fiadrjrai avrov, TjyavaKrrjo'av,
• ^ng and the disciples ofhim, were displeased,
clining at table.
y 9 8 JAnd *the DISCI-
key't, es' Ets ri i) airwXeia avrt\; 'H8u- PLES seeing it, were dis-
&aying; On account ovT/hat the loss this? She was
pleased, saying, " W h y
varo yap rovro TrpaQrjvai TTOAAOI/, Kai SoOrjvai this EXTRAVAGANCE ?
able for this to have sold of much, and to have given
l0 9 For This might have
irrooxoiSo Vvovs 5e b Irjarovs enrev avrois" been sold at a great price,
to poor. Knowing and the Jesus said tothemj and given to the POOE."
Ti KOTTOVS irapex€T€ T
V yvvaiKi; epyov yap 10 J E S U S knowing it,
"Why troubles present ;rou to the woman? a work for
11 said to them, " W h y do
KCLKOV eipyacraro as efie. Havrore yap rovs you trouble the WOMAN ?
good »he has wrought for mc, Always for the She has rendered me a
ovs e eTQ 6
Trra>x X A* ^' t&vroiv efie 8e ov wavrore kind Office.
poor you have with yourselves: me but not always 11 For you have the
€%€T6. BaAov(ra yap avrrj ro fivpov rovro POOR always among yon;
you have. Having cast for she the balsam this but Me you have not
eiri rov o'wfiaros fiov, -rrpos ro evra<piacrai fie always.
upon the body of me, to
the to prepare for burial me 12 For in pouring this
eiroirjo'ev. Afirjv Xeyco vfiiv, OTTOV eav Krj- BALSAM on my BODY, -he
nhe did. Indeed I say to you, wherever may be did it to EMBALM me.
pvxQw TO evayyeXiov rovro, ev oXco r<p KOO-JAO), 13 Indeed, I say to
published the glad tidings this, in whole the world, you, Wherever ther-c
XaXrjdrjo'erai Kai 6 eiroirjo'ev avry3 zis fivqfxo- GLAD TIDINGS may be
shall be spokem also what did she, Tor a memo- proclaimed in the whole
crvvov avrys. WORLD, what she has
rial of her. done will also be spoken
of to her Remembrance "
Tore rropevOeis els rwv dcodeKa 6 Xeyofievos 14 % Then THAT one of
Then going one of the twelve Pie being named t h e TWELVE, NAMED J l l -
lovSas IffKapitar-qs, irpos rovs <xpx ie P 6 ^> et7re' das Escariot, proceeding
Judas Iscariot, to the high-priests, said; t o t h e HIGH-PRIESTS,
15 said, "What are you
TV 8eXere fioi dovvai, Kaycj bfxiv irapadojcoo willing to give me, and ff
What are you willijg to me to give, and I to you will deliver up
will deliver him up to
avrov; Ol Se effrrja'av avrcp rpiaKovra ap y o u ? " And THEY paid
him? They and paid to him thirty pieceo him Thirty Shekels.
t 3. John xi. 47; Acts iv. 25. % 6. Mai-te xiv. 3; John xi. 1, *il. 1-3. % 8. Joha
rii. 4 % 14,. Mark xiv. 10; Luhe xxii. 3; John xiii. 3., SO.
Chap. 26: 16.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 26; 26.

yupta. 16
Kcu airo Tore e ^ T e z evKaipiav, iva 16 And from that time
of silver. And from then he did seek opportunity,
he sought a fit Occasicit
that to deliver him up. --
avrov 7rapadcp.
him he might deliver up. 17 t Now on the FIRST
day of the $ UNLEAVENED
^T|7 §6 irpccrr) ru>v afrfioov irpoo"r}A6ov
The and first of the feasts of unleavened bread came came to J E S U S , saying,
ol fxaOriTai rep Irjo'ov, Atyovrts *[avrcp'^ Hov "Where dost thou wish
the disciples to the Jesus, saying [to him;] Where that we prepare for thee
OeXeis eroifiao'co^v aoi (payetv ro iracrxa> 1 8
0 the PASCHAL S U P P E R ? "
wilt thou we make ready to thee to eat the passover ¥ He 18 H E answered, "Go
5e ctirev "Tiray^re sis rrjv iroAtv irpos rov into the CITY to a CER-
and said; Go you into the city to the TAIN person, and say to
Seiva, KCU c u r a r e avrcp' 'O diSacncaXos Aeyei0 him, The TEACHER says,
certain one, and say to him; The teacher says; ' My TIME is near; I will
irpOS (T€ TTOICO TO celebrate the PASSOVER
0 naipos jJ.ov eyyvs eo~rf at thy house, with my
The season of me nigh is; to thee Iwillmake the 5
Tratr^a fiera rcov fjLadrjrcov JLLOV.
Kai eTroi7]o~av D I S C I P L E S . "
19 And the DISCIPLES
passover with the dssciples of me. And did did as J E S U S had ordered
ol fMaOyrcu ws o'vvera^ev avrots 6 'ITJO'OVS' icai them; and they prepared
the disciples as commanded to them the Jesus; and the PASSOVER.
7]Toi/u.a<rav TO Traffic*. 20 J Now Evening be-
they prepared the passover. ing come, he reclined at
Orpias Se yevofievrjs avetceiTO fiera rwv table with the TWELVE;
Of evening and beingcoine he reclined with the 21 and as they were
So>8e/ca. 2 1 K a t €o~diovreov avrccv, eiircv Afxr)v eating, he said, "Indeed,
twelve. And of eating of them, he said; Indeed I tell you, That one ot'
Azyoo bfj.iv, OTL els e£ vfxcav irapadco(ret /xe. 22 Kcu you will deliver me up."
1 say to you, that one of you will deliver up me. And 22 And being extremely
Avirovjxsvoi ff/uodpa, rjp^avro Aeyciv avrcp sorrowful, they began,
being grieved exceedingly, they began to say to him each one, to ask him,
eKacrros *[avroov~\ Mrjri eyco ei/ju, Kvpie; " Master, is it 5 ?"
each one [ofthem;] Not I am, Olord? 23 And H E answering,
'O Se airoKpideis enrev 'O efifiaipas /^,6T' said, J " H E who has lx;en.
He but answering said; He dipping with D I P P I N G his HAND with
€fjLov ev rca rpvfiAup Tt\v x€lPa> ovros fie irapa- mine in the D I S H , this
me in the howl the hand, this me will de- one will deliver me up.
o'coo'et. 24
' 0 fxsv vlos TOV avQpcairov virayei, 24 The SON of MAN
IWerup. The indeed son of the man goeB,
indeed gees away [to
death], % as it has been
KaOoos ysypairrai irepi avrov ovai 8e rep written concerning him;
as it has been written about him; woe hut to the
but alas for that MAN
avQpcaircp eKGLVcp, oY oh b vlos rov avOpcairov through whom the SON
man that, through whom the son of the man of MAN is delivered u p !
TrapadtSorai' KaAov t]v avrca, ei OVK eyevvrjOr) J Good were it for that
is delivered up; good it was to him, if not was born MAN if he were not
AiroKpideis 5e lovdas, born."
Answering and Judas, 25 Then THAT Judas
6 Trapadidovs avrov, ej7re° M?7Ti eyco CI/JLI, who delivered him up,
he delivering up him,
paj8/3i; Aeyei avrcp' 2 v snraSo
said: Not I am, inquired, "Rabbi, is it
rabbi? He says to him :
5?" He says to him,
Thou hast said. "fthou hast said."
EcrOtovrcov Se avrcov, Aafdcav 6 lyjcrovs rov 26 J And as they were
Eating and of them, having taken the Jesus the eating, J E S U S taking *a
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—17. to him—omit, 22. of them—omit. 26. a Loaf,
t 17. The Passover feast began yearly on the fourteenth day of the first moon in the Jew-
ish month Nisan, and it lasted only one day; but it was immediately followed by the days ol
unleavened bread, which were seven. See Josephus, Ant. iii. 10, 5. So that the whole lasted
eight days, and all the eight days are sometimes called, "the feast of the passover," and
sometimes "the feast (or days) of unleavened bread." See Luke xxii. 1,7.
t 17. Ji;xod.xii.6,18 j Markxiv.12; LukexxiL7- t 20. Mark xiv. 17—21; Luke
Xxii. 14; John xiii. 21. t 23. Psa. xli. 9 % Luke xxii. 21 •, John xiiL 18. £ 24, Psa.
xxii« Isa. liii; Dan. ix.26; Mark ix. 12; Luke xxiv. 25, 26,46? Acts xvii. 3; xxvi. 22,23'
ji/'or. xv. 3. % 24c John xvii. 12*> X 26» Mark xiv,22 i Luke xxii. 19.
Chap, 26: 27. T MATTHEW. [Chap. 28 s gg.

uprop, teat cvXoyi)oras9 uttXaare, nai Loaf, and giving praise,

loaf, and having blessed, broke, he broke, and gave it tc
aud did give to the
p.aOTjrais. KM snee* Aafiere, <f>aysre' rovro the DISCIPLES, and said,
disciples, and aaid: ifflkc you, oat you: this
" Take, eat; $ this is my
eo*Ti TO fftofia p,ov. ^ Kat AajScov ro iroTi}ptov3 27 Then taking* a Cup,
ia the body of me. And having taken the cup,
and giving thanks, he
nai evxapiw'l&as*, cfiafceir avrois, Xeycav Titer* gave it to them, saying,
and having given thanks, he gave to t h e n , oaying; Drink you
J "Drink all of you out
e£ avrov Ttavrss* ^ r o v r o yap eo'ri ro atfia of it.
out of it all; this for is the blood
28 for * this is my
/Ltou3 ro TTjs Kaivrjs ftiaOrjfcrjs, ro irept TTOXXWV BLOOD Of t h e COVENANT,
of me, that of the new covenant, that about many THAT Which is POURED
€KXWOfi€i>ov eis atyecrtv afxaprtoou. Acyco $e OUT J for Many, for For-
being shed for forgiveness of sins; I say but giveness of Sins.
v'/xtu9 dri ov fiT) 'T&co arr' apri e/c rovrov rov 20 J B u t I tell you,
to you, that not not £<?ill drink from now of this the That 1 will not hence-
ycuvTjfiaros T ^ S c^7reAou ? ews rrjs Tjfxepas forth tlrink of This PBC-
product Of the vine, till the day DUCT of the VINE, tiK
cK€tv7)S3 brav avro TTLUCO /LLCO* u/xcoy tcatvov €V rythat BAY when I drink
that, when it I drink with you new ia the it nev.- with you in my
fiacriXeia rov Trarpos fJtova K a t v/jLvrjcravres^ JTATREE'S KINGDOM.
kingdom of the father of me. And having sung a hymn, 30 And having :iung,
^r\Xdov ets ro opos r<av cXatcaUo they departed to the
they departed to the mountain of the olive-trees. MOUNV of OLIVES.
T O T C Xeyei avrois 6 Irjcrovs" TIavres v/j.€ts 31 Then J E S U S sayc
Then he says to them t h e Jesuo; All you to them, " 3 9 0 t t w m A1J
ifKavBaXiG'Orjcrea'Oe €V saot ev ry WKri ravrrj" stumble on, tny account^
will be stumbled at int» in tho night this; this N I G H Tc • 'for it ia
ysypairroLi yap° ce
Hara'^co rov iroi/jteva, Kat written, ;': I will smite
it is written for: "lwillsmite the shepherd, and ' t h e QHEPHEBD, and the
' S H E E P of ohe FLOCK will
diao~Kop7Tto'OTjfrerae rot. itpo&ara rrjs irot/Jtvys." 'be ^lispersed.,
will be scattered the sheep of the fold."
32 32 But after 1 am
Mercs fie ro eyepOrjvat /Ae, Trpoa£a> ujias ois RAISED, %1 will precede
After but tho to be raised mc, I will go before you t o
33 you to GALILEE."
ri\v YaXiXaiav* AirntcpiOQis §e b Herpos
33 And Peter answer-
the Galilee. Answering and tho Peter ing, said to him, " I f alt
tnrsv avrcp- Ec Havres J'KavBaXicrdrjO'oprai sv should stumble with re°
said to him: If al2 shall be stumbled at spect to thee, JE never will
ffoi} (=70? ovdztTorc ®,Kavb*aXio'd7)aro]j.oua 3 4 E<pr) be made to stumble.75
ihoc, E never- tvill be 3tumblodo Said 34 J E S U S said t o him,
avr<p o Irjo'ovs* Kfxr\i/ <\ey<w ffoi9 drc ep ravrrj $ " Indeed, I say to thee,
to him the Jesus: Indeeu ~ say to thee, thai in this That This NIGHT, before
T7j ^veen, irptv ahetcrop& fycovrjo'ai, rpis aTrapvt)- f the Cock crow, thou
She night, before r.cock t o have crowed, thrice thou wilt xvilt thrice disown me."
G-.j [XG° 3 5 Aeyet avrop 6 Merpos" Kav> Sey 35 PETEB, says to him,
fleny inc. Says to him She Peter: And ic i"i xaay behove "Though doomed to die
p.e aw cot airoOaveiVc) ov fxfi ere airapvf\a' with thee, I will not dis-
mc with, thee to die, n o t n o t thee I will deny. own Thee." And All t b ;
"Ofioicos KM irai/res ot fxaOrjraL znroVo 3G Tore DISCIPLES said the same.
In like manner aUo all CIic disciples aaid. Then
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT,, -27, a Cup. 28. this is my BLOOD of the COVETTANI, UKLT
which is POURED ODT.
t 34. That is, " befor« a watch trumpet will r:oimd," etc. I t is well known that no cocks;
Were allowed to remain i n Jerusalem during: the passover feast. The Romans, who had a
strong guard in the castle of Antonia, which overlooked the temple, divided tho night into
four Y/atches, beginning at six, nine, twelve, and three. Mark xiii. 35, alludes t o this divi„
sion of time. The two last watches were both called cock-crowings. Tho Romans relieved
uard &J- each watch by sound of trumpet: tho trumpet of the third watch was called the
t 1-st, ana that of the fourth tho second cock. And when it was said the cock crew, tho
meaninp" is, that the trumpet oi ; the third watch sour.dec'. •, v/hich always happened at
t 20. a Cor. x. 16. t 27. Mark xiv. 23. + 28. Exoc". DXiv. 8 ; Lev. xvii. 1'/; M a t t
%z. 28; Heb.ix. 22. X 2tf. Mark xiv. 25, Luko :::cii. 13. t 31. Matt, xi.G; ""Tart
:;U. 27; John xvi. 32
&9. M, Mark xiv. 301t 3'i.
kukeZech. xiii.
x:di. 3'J7.i Jolm
_ X'62.
siii. 1 MwfeCsxviiL ?s 204 Mark i .2£^/
Chap. 26: 36.] MATTHEW. [Cftop.-26: 4&.

epX€Tai M67"' UVTIIOV 6 IT](TOVS eis xc:>9l0v Xsyo-36 X Then comes JESUS
coinee with them the Jesus into a placo with them into a Place
(levov VeOcrrffxavrj, Kai Xeyci TOIS fxaOrjrais- called Gethsemane, and
tailed Gethsemane, and he says to the disciples: says to his DISCIPLES,
Kadia'are avTov, ecos ov aireAdeov Trpoo'ev^cofxai " llemain here, while I go
Sit you hete, while going away I shall pray there and pray."
3 37 And taking with
eff.ei, ? Kcu irapaXafiwv TOV TlsTpov Kai rovs
there. And having taken the Peter and the him PETER, and the JTWO
dvo viovs Ze/3e8aiou, rjp^aro XvireiarOai Kai adr}- Sons of Zebedee, he be»
two sons of Zebedee, he began to be sorrowful and to be gan to he filled with sor-
yoveiv. ^ T o r e Xtyei avrois' TlepiAvrros row and anguish.
in anguish. Then ho says to them; Extremely sorrowful 38 Then he says to
ecrriif r) tyvxw ft-ov ews [AtivaTe wSe them, X" My SOUL is
is the soul of mo to death; remain you here surrounded with a deadly
Kai yprjyopeiTe fxeT CjJLOVo 39 Kai TrpoeXOcov anguish; stay here, and
and watch you with me. And going forward watch with me."
\UKpOV, €TT€0'€V €1U TpOffOOTTOV aVTOV, irpocrev- 39 And going forward
A little, ho fell on face of him, pray-
a little, he fell on his
Xo/xevos, Kai Aeyeov UaTep fxov, ci dvvaTov Face, X supplicating and
ing, and saying; O father of me, if possible saying, " 0 my lather,
ecrri, wapeXdeTcn air* ejxov TO iroTTjpiov TOVTO' if it bo possible, J let this
it is, let pass from me the cup this; CUP be removed from mc I
TTXTJV ovx &s €ya> 0€Ao>9 aAA' ws crv. Kai yet not as 3E will, but as
but not as I will, but as thou. And thou wilt."
e p x e r £ U npos rovs ixaOrjTas, Kai evpiaKet avrovs 40 And he returns to
he comes to the disciples, and finds them
the DISCIPLES, and finds
KaOevdovTas, Kai Xeyei Tcp TlzTpcp' OVTCOS OVK them sleeping, and says
sleeping, and he says to the Peter; So not
to PETER, " I t is so, then,
to'xvo'aTe jxiav wpav ypi)yop7]crai /^€T5 e/uov; that you could not keep
could you one hour to watch with me?
41 awake with me a Single
Fpr)yop€iT€ Kai 7rpo<revxecr0e, iva fir) zio'eX- Hour?
\Tatclfyou and pray you, that not you may
OTJTC eis ireipaCfAov TO fxev irvevfia rrpoOv/noVy 41 J Watch and pray,
enter into temptation; the indeed spirit ready, that you enter not into
7] 5e o~ap% aaQevqs. Trial; the SPIRIT indeed
is willing, but the FLESH
the but flesh weak.
42 is weak."
TlaAiV} €K bevTepov aireXOoov, Ttpocrrjv^aTO,
Again, a second time going away, he prayed, 42 A second time reti-
*[Xeyoov] TiaTep fxov, €i ov dvvaTai TOVTO r n g , he supplicated, " 0
[saying;] O father of me, if not it is possible this my Father, if it cannot
*[TO TXOTf)piov\ rrapeXOeiv * [ a i r ' e^ou,] eav /M) be that This be removed;
[the cup] to pass [from me,] except
if I must drink it,—thy
43 WILL be done."
avTo Trip), yevrjOrjTO) TO OeXrjfia arov. Kcci
it I drink, be done tho will of thee. And 43 And returning, he
eXOcov evpio'icet avTovs iraXiv KadevSovTas' finds them still sleeping;
coming he finds them. again sleeping; (for Their EYES were over-
^Tjcav yap avTcov oi 6(j>0aXfioi fiefiaprjfievoi') powered.)
(were for of them tho eyes weighed down;) 44 Again, leaving them,
Kai a(peis avTovs, aireXOcov itaXiv, Tvpoo,r\v^aTo he went and prayed a
and leaving them, going away again, he prayed third time, using * again
€K TpiTOv, TOV avTov Xoyov enr<av. ToTe the SAME Words.
a third time, the same word speaking; Then 45 He then comes to
epx€rai irpos rovs jiaOrjTas avTOv, Kai Xeyei *the DISCIPLEC, and says
he comes to the disciples of him, and says to them, "Do you Sleep
avTois' KaOevdeTe TO Xonrov Kai avairavecrOe; NOW, and take your rest ?
to them; Sleep you the remainder and restyouf * for behold, the HOUR is
j$ov, rjyytKev r) oopa, Kai 6 vlos TOV avOpcorrov arrived, and the SON of
lo, has come nigh the hour, and the son of the man
* VATICAN IIANUSCRIPT.—42. saying—omit. 42. CUP—omit. £2. from m&—emtt.
44. again the SAME Words. 45. the DISCIPLES.
45. for behold.
t 36. Mark xiv. 32—35 ; Luke xxii. 39; John xviii. 1. J 37. Matt. iv. 21. J 38. John
xii. 27. X 39. Mark xiv. 36; Luke xxii. 42; Heb. v. 7- X 39. John. v..."50; vi. 38; Phil,
Vi.°. X 41. Mark xiii. 33 •, ::iv. 38 j Luke xxii. 40, 46; Ej>h. vi. 18.
dhap. 26 s 46.1 MATTHEW. [Ohap, 9M°. 66.

'•.rapadifiorai eisx€lPas a}xapT03>o)vQ ^Eysipco'Oe, MAN is delivered into thq

is delivered up into hands of sinners. Arise, Hands of Sinners. *
ay(Cfi€p' iSou, yyyiKep 6 irapadidovs fie0 46 Arise, let us go; be-
let us go : loj has come nigh he delivering up me,
hold! HE, who BETRAYS
me, has come."
?Kcu zri avrov XaXovpros, ifiov, lovSas*, eis 47 Now J while Jesus
And while ofhim speaking, io, Judas, one was speaking, behold, Ju-
rwp §&>5e/ca, TjXOe, Kai fier' avrov oxXos TTOXVS das, one of the TWELVE,
©fthe twelve, came, and with came, accompanied with
him a crowd great
fiera fxaxaipcop Kai £vX<ap, airo reap a great Crowd, armed
with swords and clubs, from the high-priests with Swords and Clubs.
Kai i?pQO~f$vrzp<tip rov Xaov* 4 8 t O 8e irapa$i§ovs from the HIGH-PRIESTS
and elders of the people. He and delivering up and Elders of the PEOPLE.
tzvroji ^ucoK€v avrois orriixeiop, Xeyeop0 'OP ap 48 And H E , who DE-
him, gave to them a sign, saying; "Who ever LIVERED him up, had
ipiXycra);, avros ecrri° Kparrjcrare avropa 43 given?, them a Sign, say-
I may kiss, he itiij* seize him. And
ing, " f ^ e it is, whom I
may k i s s ; hold him fast."
svOecos wpoo'eXQcav <T(f Irjcrov, €/7re° Xaipe pa/3/3i° 49 And immediately ap%
immediately approachinp Soihe Jesus, ho said; hail rabbi;
proaching J E S U S , he said,
Kai Kare<f)LX7)0'ep avroPo s o < 0 5e Irjo-ovs enrev " H a i l , Rabbi I" and re-
and kissed him. The but Jesus s^aid peatedly kissed him.
avrcp* 'Eraipe? €(f>' h ffapet; T o r e TrpoffsX- 50 But J E S U S said to
•ohiinj Companion, for what art thou present? Then coming him, "Companion, for
si as € 7 r ; T0V
dovres errefiaXop ras x P I'HO'OVP, what purpose art thoiv.
they laid the Jiando on the Jesus, present?" Then coming,
Kai eKparq&ap avrop. K a i iSov, cts rcop they laid HANDS on J E -
and they seized him. And lo, ono of the SUS, and secured him.
\iera Irjcrov, eKreivas ry\p x^ipa, airecriraare rt\p 51 And behold, J one of
with Jesus, stretching the hand, drew out the THOSE who were *with
fxaxaipap avrov Kai irara^as TOP SOVXOP rov him, laying his HAND on
sword o f h i m : and striking the slave of the his SWORD, drew it, and
apx 6 t P e C t , s> atyeiXep'avrov ro (ariop. b2
Toro striking the SERVANT of
high-priest, cutoff ofhim the ear. Then the HIGH-PRIEST, cut off
Ae-yet avrcp 6 l^ffovs" Afifoo'rpe^op (fov rt]p Hie XJAR.
nays to him the Jesus: lie turn thee the 58 Then J E S U S says to
€ls T0P him, "Return Thy SWORD
yLaxMpw Toirov avr7]s° ^apres yap oi
sword into the place of h e n all to ifcy PLACER I for All
for the
Xafiovres {Jiaxaipap, ep %jt,ax&ipa awoXovprau WHO have RECOURSE to
taking a sword, by a sword shall perish. the Sword, shall perish by
53 itapaKa- the Sword.
H iioKQiSi
Or thinkest thou, on ov Bvpajuiai
that not I am able *\_apri~] to en-
A.e<rcu rou irarepa. /btov, Ka& [now] 53 Or, dost thorn think
of me, and irapao'rrio'ei
That I cannot entreat my
treat the father fxoi FATHER, and he will send
TTXCIOVS 7} deoSeKa Xzyecopas ayyeXoov ;
will furnish tome
to my relief more than,
more than twelve legions of messengers? Uccs Twelve Legions of Angels?
ovp TrXripocQcao'iP at ypa<pai, ore How
then should be fulfilled t h e writinga3 thus it must 54 But, in that case,
how could the SCRIP-
yepecrdaio TURES be verified, J That
be done.
thus it must be ?"
55 55 J E S U S at the same
EP €Keipip rr} copa GIIFGV o lyo'ovs rois
In that the hour said the Jesus 1K> the TIME said to the CROWDS,-
oxXots' 'Cls e-mXrj<Trr)VG%r)X9Grc psra fxaxaipcop "As in pursuit of a Rob-
crowds s Ac upon a robber came you out with swords ber, have you come with
wcu |t>Acov, o-vXXa$eiP fie- rca0' -fj^epap *[irpos Swords and Clubs to take
and cJubs, tot alto aifli everyday [with me? I sat teaching in
v/xasl sKaQe&fxyv d&acrKcop €p rep lepcp, Kai OVK the TEMPLE every day,
and you did not arrest me.
you] I did sit teaching in the temple, and not
SKparrjO-are /jie* 5 G T O U T O 8C bXov yeyopep, ipa 56 All this, however,
jZ-x seized mo, Shio b u t all lias been done, that has been done, thai the

* VATIC AH MATJUSCRIPSO—51. with him, 53. now—omit*

+ 47 Mark xiv. 43; Luke cxiiu 47; John xviii. C j Acts i. 1C: t 51» John xviii, 10;
h 52o Gen. is. Gj Kev. xiii. 10. % 54. Isn. liii. o j Luko zxir. 25, 44,46,
Chap. 26: 5?.] MAT"! E E W , {Chap. Mi 65.
wkrjpccOcocrtp at ypacfxii TWP irpo<p7}T(»)p9 T o r e
might be fulfilled tba writings of t h e PHETS might be verified."
prophets. Then
ol fxaQrfrat iravT€s9 a<ptVT€$ avrop9 e<pvyop- Then all *his D I S C I P L E I
t h e disciples all, leaving him, t h e y fled, deserting him, fled.
? Of §€ tcparvjcravTes TOP T7]0"OVP9 anriyayop P R67 J And THOSE who AP-
E H E N D E D J E S U S , con-
T h e y ancl seeing the Jesus, thiyled
ducted him to Caiaphas
vpo§ Kaiacpav TOP apx te P 6CC » ^ 7r °w ol ypa/j.jj.aTeis the H I G H - P R I E S T , where
to Caiaphas t h e high-priest, where t h e scribes
5S the S C R I E I s and ELDERS
Kai ol fpeor/BvTepQi o~vvr)xQ'ilo~ap. 'O $e were assembled.
and the elders were assembled. The but
58 But PETER followed
Xlerpos T(KoXovdet avrcp airo f.iaKpodep9 icos rr/s him a t a distance, t#
Peter followed hira at a distance, to the
the PALACE of the HIGH*
avkrjs TOV apx^P^^S* ttat eio'eXdccp ecrca9 GKaOriTOP R I E S T ; and having en-
palace o f t h e h i g h - p r i e s t ; a n d having gone in, sat
tered, sat with the AT-
fiera reap vTT7]percoyt iSeiv ro Tehos. T E N D A N T S to see the
with the attendants, t o see t h e end.
Of 8e a p x t 6 P 6 t ? *[_icat ol irpeo-fivrepotj Kai 59 Now ihe HTGH-
T h e a n d high-priests [and t h e elders] and
PRIESTS and the whole
TO ffvpefipiop 6\OP eCrjTovv tyevdofxaprvpiav Kara SANHEDRIM sought False-
the high-council whole sought false testimony against
testimony against JESUS,
rov IT)O~OV, OTTOOS avrop Oavaroocrooai. K c u so that they might deliver
the Jesus, so that h i m t h e y m i g h t deliver t o d e a t h .
A n d him to death;
ov% evpop9 TTOXXCOP \pevdo/j.aprvpoop irooo'eA- 60 and they did not find
n o t t h e y found, many false-witnesses having it, though % Many False-
QovrcWe "TffTcpov Se Trpoo'ehOoPTSS 8uo *£u/eu- witnesses came. But at
coine ; Afterwards b u t comiug two [fal*e- last, Two approaching,
So/xaprvpes,^ enrop* OVTOS €(f>rf Avvafxai 61 said, "This man de-
witnesses,] said; This affirmed; I am able clared, %'I can destroy the
KaraXva'at TOP VOLOP TOV 6eov9 Kai Bia Tpicop TEMPLK of G O D , and in
t o destroy t h e temple of t h e Uod, and in three Three Days rebuild i t . ' "
Ttfiepcop oiKodojj.rjo'ai CLVTOP* K C U avaarras 6 62 Andthe H I G H - P R I E S !
daya t o build it. And answering, said to him,
rising u p t h e
JtpXiepeus enrep avr<p' Ov$€P airoKpiPT); TI "Answerest thou >»iChing
hiph-priest said to him; N o t h i n g answerest t h o u ? what to what these testify
ovroi crov Kara/jLaprvpovcrip i 6 3 < 0 5e Irjaovs against t h e e ? "
these Oi thee testify against ? The but Jesus 63 | But Jesus was si-
fOMcorrt. K a i ^l^arroKpideis'] 6 apxtepevs enrep lent. Ana the H I G H -
was e l ent. And [answering] t h e high-priest said P R I E S T said to him, f " I
auTw° E£ooKi£a> ere K a r a TOV Oeov TOV fapros9 adjure theefeythe LIVING
ft-hf:*» I adjure thee by t h e God of t h e living, GOD, that tnou inform us,
tva %fiip enrys, et av €t d XpiCTos^ 6 vios TOV whether ifmu art the M E S -
thi* t o u s t h o u tell, if t h o u art t h e Anointed, t h e son of t h e S I A H , the SON of GOD. 1 *
Qtov, Aeyci avr(p 6 ITJ 'ovs' 2v eiiras, 64 J E S U S says to him.
God. Saya to him
Jesus; the T h o u hast said. "STfiott hast said; more-
TlAyp Keyco v/j,ir? air3 apri ouVeerfle TOP vlop TOV over I declare to yon,
Besides I say t o y o u , from n o w y o u s h a l l s e e t h e s o n o(Tthe J Hereafter you shall see
apppooirov KaOrjjuercv *« Sel-ioop rys Svpa/jiecos9 the SON of MAN sitting on
mat} sitting at light of t h e power, the Right hand of POWER,
teat epxo/xepop €irt *r<av peep Acop TOV ovpapov, and coming on the CLOUDS
and coming upon the clouds ofthe heaven. Of H E A V E N . 5 "
66 ie €V 65 Then the H I G H -
T o r e 6 apx P $ 8 t 6 p ^ | e K a Ifiaria avTov,
Then t h e bigh-pnest rat the viot&oe of him, PRIEST rent his. CLOTHES.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—58. his DISCIPLES deserting. 59. and the elders—omit;
BO Lachmann and Teschendorf, 60. false-witnesses—omit, &6. *nsweringf—omit.
t 63. A solemn adjuration, which a Jew was bound to answer. Lev. v. 1. Aiter such an
adjuration by n magistrate or superior, the answer returned was an answei Upon oath; r
false answei was perjury, and even the silence ofthe person adjured was not deemed inno.
cent. Hence it was that the high-priest had recourse to this measure upon our Lord's dis-
daining to answer the unfounded accusations which were brought against him, from th«
conviction that hia judges were predetermined, and that every thing he eould say would
be of no avail,
I 57. Mark xiv.53; Luke xxii.54{ John sviii.l-^ld. 24„_ t. 60- Mark xiv; 66^-%
01 Matt, xxvii. 40; John ii 19—22. u liii 7 o Matt, xxvii. 12,14.
X 63. Isa. % 64. Daife
.t/8 •Jobal.Ui 1 Thew.iv Ifi,- liev.A^^
<m 1 '•; Mat*, svi. 27 j xxiv. 80; xxv. a^ % Luke xxi
tlkfip. 2 8 : 6S.] MATTHEW. iGhap. 28: 71

saying, " H e has spoken

heyw 'On t^Xaa'^VM0'^' what further need blasphemy; what further
Baying j That he Waspnemesj Need have we of "Wit»
eXojxev fiaprvpcav; fSe, vvv Y)K0V0~ar€ Tf]V
nesses? behold, now you
have we of witnesses? see, now you heard the
Cb have heard *the BLAS-
(3Xacr<p7}[Jiiav avrov, T* v/j-tv fioicei; ol 8e PHEMY.
What to you thinks? they and
blasphemy of him. 66 J What is your opin-
airoKptdevres tnrov EJ>O%OS Qavarov ecrrt. ion r" And THEY answer-
answering said; Liable to death he is. ing, said, " He deserves tm
^ T O T 6 eveirrvaav eis TO irpocrcoirov avrov, KCU Die."
Then they spat into tha face of him, and 6f J Then they spftt in
CKo\a(piarau avrov ol de eppairiffav, his FACE, and beat him
beat with the fist him; they and struck with palms of their hands,
with their fists j and soars
Xeyovres* Ylpo<pr)r£i>o~ov f}fAtvf xPl<rT€> r i s
struck him on the cheek
saying; Prophesy to us, O anointed, who with the open hand,
effrtv 6 iraio~as ere ; 68 saying, t " Divine to
is he striking thee? us, O Messiah, "Who is H E
69 STRIKING thee?"
' O 5e Herpos e£&> eKadrjro ev rrf avXrj. 69 $ Now P E T E B sat
The and Peter without sat in the court-yard. without in the COURT*
Kat irpoo~7]X0ev avrtp fjua TraiSicrKT), Xeyovo~a' YARD ; and a Maid-ser-
And came to him ona maid-servant, saying; vant came to him, saying,
Kat &v rjorda /xera lrjo'ov rov TaXtXatov, ?° ' O " Cfjou also wast with J B -
Also thou wast with Jesus of the Galilee. He sus the G A L I L E A N . "
8e ripv^ffaro e/jiirpoardev avrcav iravrcav^ Xeycov 70 But HE denied it be-
but denied in presence of them all, saying; fore them all, saying, " I
OVK oida, rt Xeyeis. ? Ei-eXOovra 5e avrov ets know not what thou say-
Not I know, what thou sayest. floingout and he into est."
rov irvXcova, etdev avrov aXXr}9 Kat Xeyet rois 71 And passing out int«c
tha portico, saw him another, and says to those the PORTICO, another saw
€Kcf Kat ovros yv /xera Iqffov rov Na£wpcuou. him, and says to THEM,
there; Also this was with Jtesus of the Nazareth. "This person was also
K a t waXiv rjpvTjo-aro jitec? hpKOV 'Ort OVK otda there with Jesus the N A -
And again he denied witB Ml oath; That not I know ZARITE."
rov avOpairov. 7d
MeTa fitvtpov 8e wpocreXOovres 72 And again he denied
the After alittle and with an Oath, " I know
ol €0"roor€s, enrov it? \Urp(p' A\7]6r}5 Kat not the MAN."
those having stood by, said to tu3 Peter: Certainly also 73 And after a while,
ffv e£ avrwv e r Kat yap 7} XaXia ffov 8r)Xov ere THOSE who STOOD BY, ap-
thou of them art: even for the speech of thee manifest thee proaching, said to PETER,
iroieu Tore ypljaro Karadefxart^tv, Kat " Certainly, tfiair also art
makes i Then he began to curse, and one of them j for even
ofjivveiw *Ort OVK olSa rov avOpooirov. Kat thy DIALECT makes Thee
to swear. That not I know the man. And known.
evQeus aXeKr(op e<pcovr}(re ? 5 Kai efiwqo'dr} 6 74 Then he began to
instantly a cock erew. And remembered the curse and to swear, " 1
U.€rpos rov pijuaros rov Iwcrov, etprjKoros know not the MAN " And
Peter of the word of the Jesus, declaring instantly t a CocK crew.
* f a u T w ] 'On irpiv aXeKropa <p<avr}o~at9 rpts 75 And Peter recollected
Ttohim:l That before acock crows, thrice the DECLARATION of J&*
airapyrjo-y /ut€. si/6, $"That before a Cock
Kat e^eXdoov e^w, €KXavo"e crows, thou wU;t thrice
thou wilt deny me. And going out, he wept
TTIKPCDS. disown me.'* And going
bitterly. out, he wept bittexiy.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—65. the BLASPHEMY. 75. to him—omit.

t 68. In this insulting taunt there seems to be an indirect sneer at the popular belief Is.
our Lord's Messiahship; which is rendered still more apparent by the sarcastic use o the
word propheeteuein. This word is sometimes used generally in relation to things unknown,
so as to correspond with the English guess. It should be remembered that Christ was now
blindfolded, as appears from Mark xiv. 65; Luke xxi i. 64.—Kuineel, t 74 See Not*
on verse 84.
t 60. Mark xiv. 64. t «f- Lsa. 1. 6; liii. 3; Luke xxii. 68,64. $ 6$ Mark xlr.
66: Luke xxii. 55; John %n iii. iA—J 8,25—27. J 75. See verse 34\ Hark xiv. 81 j Lukj
soul. 61,62; John xiu. 3$.
m$p. §Ts 1.] MATTHEW. [W*P- 27: 9.
TIpcaias 8e yepofievrjs, crviifiovXiov eXafiov 1 $Now, at the Dawn of
Morning ana having come, a council held day, All the HIGH-PRIESTS
rravres ol apxeipets Kai oi irpea-jivrepoi rov and the ELDERS of the
all the high-jjriests and the elders of the PEOPLE, held a Council
against J E S U S , in order to
Xaov Kara rov Irjcov, oxrre Oavarcocrai
avrov. deliver him to death.
people against the Jesus, so as to deliver to death him.
2 2 And binding him, they
K a t drjcavres avrov, airriyayov, Kai Trapefiooimv led and delivered him up
And binding liim, they led, and delivered up to Pilate, the GOVERNOR.
avrov *\jlovTi(ti] TLiXarep TOO 7}yefxovi. 3 % Then THAT Judas
him £to Pontius] Pilate the governor. who DELIVERED him. up,
T o r e idoov lovcjas, 8 Trapafiidovs avrov, on perceiving That he was
Then seeing Judas, that betraying him, that condemned, repented; and
KareKpiOrj, fierafxeXrjdeis airetrrpetye ra *rpia- returned the THIRTY She-
kels tO the HIGH-PRIESTS
he was condemned, repenting he returned the thirty
and the ELDERS,
KOVTOL apyvpia rois apxt*p*vcri Kai rois irpeorfiv-
4 saying, " I have sin-
pieces of silver to the high-priests and to the elders,
ned in betraying innocent
repots, Keycap. 'Hjuaprov, irapaSovs atfia Blood." But THEY said,
saying j I sinned, having delivered up blood " W h a t is that to u g !
<z9caovt Ol 5e enrov Ti irpos rjixas; "%v oipei. &hou wilt see to that."
nnocent, They but said; What to us? Thou wilt see 5 And hurling the SHE-
KELS in the TEMPLE, he
*Kou p n j / a s r a apyvpia avex(aPrl0'€' withdrew, $ and having
ev rep vacp,
And hurling the pieces of silver in the temple, he withdrew j
6 gone away, strangled him-
Kai aireXQoov airrjy^aro. Oi 5e apx^peis, self.
and having gone forth strangled himself. The and high-priests, 6 And the HIGH-PRIESTS
Kafiovres ra apyvpia, enrov OVK e^earri fiaXew taking the MONEY, said,
taking the pieces of silver, said; Not it is lawful to put " It is not lawful to put it
avra eis rov Kopfiavav, eirei rtfirj aifxaros ecrt. into the f CORBANAN, see-
them into the treasury, since price of blood it is, ing it is the Price of Blood.
? ^vfiftovXiov pe Xaftovrest Tjyopacav e£ avrcov 7 And taking Counsel
Counsel «&id taking, they bought with them
they bought with it the
rov aypov rov icepa/xecos^ eis racprjv rois £r)vois. burial-place for f STRAN-
She field of the potter, to bury the strangers. GERS.
Aio GK\r)6y} 5 aypos €K€LVOS9 aypos
8 Therefore that FIELD ai[xaros9
Therefore is called the field is called, $The field of
that, afield of blood,
evos T7]S (TTjfxepov. 9 ToT€ GirXypooSri TO $y\Bev Blood, even to THIS-DAY.
to the day. Then was fulfilled the word spokea 9 Then was verified the

* VATICAN MAKOSCRIPT.—2. Pontius—omit.

t 0. The sacred treasury for the gifts which had been vowed to the temple. It was so
named from Corban, a gift. See Mark vii. 11. # It was a large chest with a hole in the lid,
and it stood in the court of" the altar, on the right side as you face the house of the Lord.
gee 2 Kings xii. 9. . This chest was out of the reach of those who brought their money to it,
They delivered their money to the priest, who placed it in the chest. Hence Judas, when
his money was refused, had to throw it on to the ground. The Corbanan, or chest, in the
court of the altar, must he distinguished from the gazophulakion, the treasury, mentioned in
Mark xii. 41, and John viii. 20. This was a name given to the court of the women, because
therein were placed chests for voluntary gifts to "the temple. They were there placed be-
cause the crowd was greatest in that court; and it was into these chests that a Jew could
drop a gift so privately that his left hand should not know what his right did.—S.'Sharpe.
t 7. It was just without the wall of Jerusalem, south of mount Zion, and was originally
called the potter'sfield,because it furnished a sort of clay suitable for pottei**s ware. Acel-
dama, aa late as the seventeenth century, was used as a burying-place by the Armenian
Christians in Jerusalem. But according to Robinson, it has long been abandoned for sepul-
chral purposes. It is not fenced in, and the charnel house, now a ruin, is all that remains
to point out the site. + 7. The article is significant in the original, though our lan-
guage will not hear it. Fo r it shows that strangers in general, people o f a different -country
and religion, are not meant; but strange Jews only; Jews who were not natives of Jerusa-
lem, but might come ther* to worship at the temple, or on other business. Where ~v »ud&
specification is intended, tha article is omitted: Eph. ii.12; Heb. xi. 13.—Wakefield,
11. Mark xv. 1 \ Luke xxii 66; John svMi, 28. 13. Mal;t. xxvi, 14,15„ %b *-
j.18. X 8. Acts i. 19,
Chip. 27 i i-O.j MATTHEW. [Chop. 27* 11.
6.a 'lepejiuov TOV ttpo(p7)Tov9 Keyopros* * Kca t Jeremiah the PROPHET,
through Jeremiah the prophet, Baying; "And
saying, % "And I took
e\a$ov ra rpiatcovra apyvpia, rr\v rifirju rov "the THIRTY Shekels, (the
i took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of the "price at which they val-
rerijj.rnj.eiwt, 6v ertjuLr)o~avro airo vicov IcrparjXj "ued the PRECIOUS ONE,)
having been valuea, whflin they valued from sons of Israel," "from the Sons of Israel,
KCU etiooKctv avra eis TOP arypov rov Kepa/tiecos' 10 " and gave them.
and gave them for the field of the potter j "for the POTTER'S FIELD,
KaQa cvverai-e p.01 fcvptos. " even as the Lord directed
gven as directed me a lord." "me."
11 e
O Se Jrjcrovs €0~rr) e/xirpoorOev rov fjyejuovos' 11 And JESUS stood be-
The and Jesus stood in presence of the governorj fore the GOVERNOR? and
<ai €Trrjp6orr)o~ei/ avrov 6 r)yep.oov3 Xeycow 2HE v asked
$"Art tfiott
him, saying,
the KING of
and asked him the governor, saying? Thou
the JEWS ?" And JESUS
el 6 fiacriAevs rtav lovdatow; 'O 5e Irjcrovs replied, " 2Tf)0tt sayest."
art the king of the Jews? The and Jesua 12 Imt he made no re-
€<pY) avrep' 2v \eyets. Kai ev rip Karrjyo-ply to the accusations of
said to him; Thou sayest. And in the to be ae- the HIGH-PRIESTS and the
peicOat avrov biro row apx^p^^v rcov ELDERS.
«used him by the high-priests and the 13 Then PILATE says to
irpecrfivTepoov, ovSev aireicpii/aro. 1 3 Tore Aeyet him, "Dost thou not hear
elders, nothing he answered. Then says how many things they
avrcp b HiXaros' OVK atcoveis, Trocra aov testify against thee?"
to him the Pilate; Not thou nearest, how many things of thee 14 And he gave Mm
Karafxaprvpovffi; 14
Kai OVK aireKpiOr) avrcp Word; no answer, not even one
they bear witness against ? And not he answered him
so that the GOV-
ERNOR was greatly sur-
Trpos ovde kv prifxa' wo^re Oav/uafeti/ rov rjye- prised.
to aot even one wordt aoaa to astonish the gov- 15 $ And at each Feast
fxova. hiav. the GOVERNOR was ac-
ernor greatly. customed to release to
Kara Se ioprrjp sicoOei 5 rjyefxow airo- the CROWD cne Prisoner,
At and ft feast was accustomed the governor to whom they wished.
Avetv epa rep o%A$> deo'fiiovt bv 7]9e\ov. 16 And they had then
release one to the crowd prisoner, whom they wished. a well-known Prisoner,
Eixov Se rore deffjutov eirio-rj/xov, Keyojxevov named f Barabbas.
They had and thea a prisoner noted, being called 17 Therefore, being as-
&apafil3ave ^^vvr]y/j.€vccv ovv CLVTCOV, eiirevsembled, PILATE said to
Barabbas. Having being assembled thea of them, said them, "Which do you
avrois 6 VLtAaros9 Tiva OeAere airoXvo'co tfjuv; wish that I release to you?
t o tthem the quotation
0. This Pilate j from
Which wish you hasI greatly
the prophet release puzzled
t o yon?the critics. The passage is not
found in Jeremiah; and only something very like i t 111 Zechariah. Several solutions of the
difficulty have been offered. 1. A corruption of the names arising from MS. abbreviations j
e. g., some copyist mistaking Zou, Zechariah, for Iou, Jeremiah. 2. That Matthew simply
wrote, through the prophet, omitting, as he often did, the name of the prophet. The ancient
Syrian and Persian versions omit the name, and some Greek MSS., but a large majority of
MSS. insert it. 8. Mede and Kidder suppose that Jeremiah in the first instance wrote t h e
chapter from which these words are taken, as well as t h e two former, and that the Evan-
gelist was influenced by this opinion. 4. Whitby says, " We know, from Jerome, t h a t there
was still extant in his timo, a n apocryphal book of the prophet Jeremiah, in which was
found every letter of the words quoted by Matthew." Dr. Gaussen, remarks on /,his;—"We
know also t h a t the Second Book of Maccabees (ii. 1—9) relates many of the actions and
words of Jeremiah, which are taken from another book than t h a t of his canonical prophe-
cies. Why,then, might not t h e words quoted by the evangelist have been pronounced really
by Jeremiah, ana have remained i a the memory of the Church to the days of Zechariah, who
might thea have again given them a place theopneustically in holy Scripture, (as is the case
with the unwritten words of Enoch, quoted in the Epistle of Jude, (verses 14 and 15.) or the
unwritten words of Jesus Christ, quoted by St. Paul in the Book of Acts ? (xx. 35.) What
confirms this supposition is, t h a t part only of the words quoted by St. Matthew are found in
Zechariah. Besdes, it is known that this prophet was ford of recalling the words of Jere.
miah. (See Zech. i. 4, and J e r . x v i i i . i l ; Zech.iii.8, and Jer.xxiii.5.) t 16. Some
very ancient authorities cited by Origen, read "Jesus, the son of Abbas;" which Michaslv
eays is undoubtedly the original reading. The word " J e a u s " was omitted in later copies
in honor to the name.
t 9. Zech. xi. 12,13. $ 11. Mark xv< 2; Luke Xxiii, 3; John xviii. t i§
Mark xv. 6 i»«ke xxiil. 17» John xviiu 39»
€hap. 37: 18.] MATTHEW. Cfiap. 27: 2?.

BapajSjSap, t\ iTjffov, Xpi(rrov; Barabbas? or THAT Jesul

rov Xeyo^svov
Barabbas P er Jesus, theChrist? who is named Christ?"
being called
Hi8e« y<x,p9 6rt Sta <p8ovov irapedcaicav avrov, 18 For he knew That
He knew for, that through envy they had delivered up him. they had delirered him up
Ka9r)iH€vov 5e avrov €7T£ TOW f3r]fjLaros9 curetT-. through Envy.
Being seated and of him upon the tribunal, sent 19 And while he was
retXe irpos avrov r\ yvvr} avrov9 Xsyovva,* sitting
on the T R I B U N A L
W I F E sent to him, say*
to him y t h e wife of him, saying;
ing, " Have nothing to eta
M^Sey (rot KCU rep 8iKaia> etceivcp' iroXXa yap with that JUST person:
Nothing t o thee and to the just one that; many things for
for 1 have suffered much
eiraOov Grifxspov Kar3 ovap oY avrov, 20
O i f this-day, in a Dream, be-
I suffered this day in a dream because of him. The cause of him."
8e a p x f e P 6 t s Kat °* Trpecrfivrspoi eireurav rovs 20 % B u t the HIGH-
but high-priests and the •„ , elders persuaded the PRIESTS and the ELDERS
oxXovs, iva airrjcrcovrai rov "Bapafifiav, rov 5e persuaded the CROWDS to
crowds, that they should ask the Barabbas, tha and ask for BARABBAS, and to
\T)<TOUV airoXecrojo'iv, ' ^AiroKpideis §€ 6 7]y€/nu>vdestroy J E S U S .
Je*us they might destroy. Answering and the governor 21 And the GOVERNOB
ei7rej> avrois' Tiva QeXsre airo rwv fivo airoXvo'cti amvering, said to them,
said to them; Which wish you of the two I shall release "Which of the TWO da
vjxtv; Oi 8 e €nroi/% Bupafifiav. 22
A e ^ e i a u - you wish me to release
to you P They and said; Barabbas. He says to to y o u ? " And they said,
rots b YliXaros" Ti ovv TTOITJO'CO Irjarow, rov* " B A R A B B A S . "
them the Pilate} What then shall I do Jesus, the 22 P I L A T E says to them,
Xeyofievov Xptcrrov; Aeyovariv *[avrtp~\ iravres' "What then shall I do to
being called Christ? They say £tohim] all; M A T Jesus, who is named
"ZravpaoOyrca. ^ ' O §e rjyefxcov £<{>??• Tt yap Christ?" They all say,
Let him be erucifled. The and governor said; What for " Let him he crucified."
tcaKov eTTOiTjcrev; Oi de rnrepto'crcos GKpa&v, 23 A n d * H E said, (No;)
evil has he done? They but vehemently cried, "for what Evil has h e
Xsyovres, 'SravpGoOrjroo. done?" But THEY vehe-
gaying; Let him be crucified. r . mently cried, saying, "Let
I8cav 5e 6 UtXaros 6ri ovftev oxpeXst, him be crucified."
Seeing and the Pilate that nothing profits, 24 And Pilate, perceiv-
aXXa [xaXXov Qopvfios ywerai, Xa&ow vSoop, ing that he had no influ-
but rather a tumult is made, taking water, ence, but rather a Tumult
airevityaro ras X P ei as
vmsvavri rov oxXov, wa3inade, $ taking Water,
he washed the hands before the crowd, he washed his hands be-
Xeycov A0&JOS apt euro rov ai/xaros *[rov fore the CROWD, saying,
saying: Innocent lam from the blood [of the " I am innocent of * this
Sifcaiov] rovrov vfieis o\f/eo"0e. 2 5 K a t airoKpi- BLOOD ; see gou to it."
just] of this i you shall see. And answer- 25 And All the PEOPLE
Qeis iras b Xaos enre* To aifxa avrov e<|> 9 answering, said, $ " H i s
Tjfias, BLOOD
ing all the people saidj The blood of him upon us,
rest on us, and ou
26 our C H I L D R E N . "
Kat eTTt ra re/o/a TJ/JLWV, Tore aireXvffev 26 H e then released t o
and upon the children of us. Then he released
them BARABBAS J and
avrois rov Bapafifiav, rov Se Irjo'ovv (ppayeX- having scourged J E S U S ,
to them the Barabbas, the and Jesus baling he delivered him up to be
Xcocras -napeficaicev^va aravptaQr), crucified.
scourged he delivered up, that he might be crucified. 27 Then the SOLDIERS
' T o r e oi arpariwrai rov 7}ye/xovos irapaXa- of the GOVERNOR having
Then the soldiers of the governor taking
• * VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. BARABBASS. 22. to him—omit, 23. HE said.
24. JUST—omit. 24. this BLOOD ; see.
t 19. I t is to be observed, that by this day is meant this night. This may seem a Strang!
interpretation, till i t is considered, that the day, according to the reckoning i n Judea, began
on the evening before Pilate's wife sent this message to her husband; and that therefore the
mgltt in which she had her dream, was a constituent part of what she meant by this day.
Tins is agreeable to what we read in Gen. i. 5 ; " t h e evening and the morning were the first
day."—Bishop Pearce. .
t 20. Mark xv. 1 1 ; Luke xxiii. 18; John xviu. 40; &.cts Hi.14. i 24. Peut. xxi. 0
*s 25. Deut. xix. 10; Acts v. 28.
Chap. 27 88.] MATTHEW,. [Chap. %1i 37.

fiovres rov Irjffovv cts TO irpca* copiov, (rvvqya- led J E S U S into the f PR^B-
the Jesus into the judgment hall, they gathered TORIUM, gathered togethei
yov eir' avrov dXrjv TTJV crireipav. 2H
Kai etcdv- against him the Whole
togethet %o him whole the company. And having COMPANY..
vavres avrov, jrepiedrjKav avrcp %Aa,ut>§a KOKKL- 28 And * clothing him,
stripped him, they put on
$they put on him a sol-
to him a soldier's cloak scar-
dier's t scarlet Cloak.
VT)vt ^ K a * wXegavres ffrecjyavov eg aKavOcov,
let. And braiding a crown of thorns, 29 $And wreathing a
eireOrjtcav eiri TT]V Ke<paXr}V avrov, Kai KaXajuov placed Crown of Acanthus, they
it on his HEAD, and
placed upoa the head of him, and a reed
put a Reed in his EIGHT:
€7rt rr}V degiav avrov Kai yovvirer^capres hand; and kneeling before
on the right of him; and bending the knee
him, they mocked him,
efxirpcxrOev avrov, €V€7rai£ov avrcp, Xeyovres' saying, "'Hail, *King of
in presence of him, mocked him, eaying; the J E W S ! "
Xcupe;, 6 pao'iXevs rcov lovSaiav. Kai efiirrv- 30 $ And spitting on him,
II ail, the king ofthe Jews. And spit- they took the REED. and
arapres eis avrov, eXafiov rov KaXajuov, Kai struck him on the HEAD.
ting en him, they took the reed, and
31 31 And when they had
ervirrov eis rt)V K€(paX7)V avrov. K K J ore insulted him, they divest-
struck on the head of him. And when ed him of the SOLDIER'S
€U€7raigau avrcp, el-edvcrav avrov rr)V xAa/xuSa, CLOAK, and clothed him
they had mocked him, they took off him the soldier's cloak, with his own RAIMENT,
Kai eveovarav avrov ra ipiaria avrov Kai airi)- and led him away to be
and put on him t h e garment* ofhimj and led CRUCIFIED.
yayov avrov cis ro cravpcoffat. 32 JAnd going out, they
away him into t h e t o be crucified. met a Cyrenian, named
Going out
5e, evpov avBpooTTov Kvpyjvaiov, ovofian ^ifxccva*Simon; htm they compel-
and, they met a man a Cyrenian, byname Simon; led to carry his CROSS.
rovrov rjyyapeva'av, tva aprj rov eravpov 33 And having arrived
him they compelled, that he might carry the cross at a Place called Golgo-
avrov. Kat eXOovres €i$ roirov Xeyo/jLevov tha, which is called, a
of him. And coming into a place being called Place of a Skull,
ToXyoOa, 6 ecrri Xeyojuevov Kpavwv roiros, 34 t they gave him
Golgotha, which is being called of a skull a place, -Wine to drink, mixed
edcvKav avrcp metv o£os piera X0^VS pe/uiy- with Gall; which, hav-
they gare to him to drink vinegar with gall having been ing tasted, he would not
(AGVOV Kai yevo"ajuevos, OVK 7)6eXe irieiv. drink.
«iixed; and having tasted, not be would drink. 35 J And after nailing
^^ravpcoaavres Be avrov, diefxepiaavro ra him to the cross, they
Crucifying and him, they divided the distributed his GARMENTS
ifxaria avrov, fiaXXovres KXrjpov. 2G
Kzt icaOr}- by36 Lot. f
And sitting down,
garments of him, casting a lot. And being
they watched him there.
/j-evoi errjpovv avrov eicei. ^ Kai eiredrjKav 37 And over his HEAD
seated they watched him there. And they placed

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT,—28. clothing him, they put on him. 29. King- of the
JEWS. 34. Wine.
+ 27. The palace ofthe Eoman governor was so called. But here the court-yard in front
ofthe Prsetorium seems meant. The E^man Prretorium had heen Herod's palace. _ I t stood
to the west ofthe temple. The road from the Pratorium entered the temple by a bridge over
the valley at the south-west corner. t 28. The color distinguished i t as suitable for a
man of high rank in the army; but in shape the clamys was the same for the emperor and
for the common soldier. This was put on him to ridicule his pretensions to the title of a
king, t 29. I t does not appear, that this crown was intended to torture his head, but
rather to mock his claim t o royalty. Dr. Clarke soys, "Mark, chap. xv. 17; Mid John, chap.
xix. 5, term it stephanon akanthinon, which may very well be translated a n acanthine crown,
or wreath formed out ofthe branches ofthe herb acanthus, or bear's foot. This, however, is
a prickly plant, though nothing ' like th
thorns, in the common meaning of that word."
t 35. The clause found in the Common Version, "that it might be fulfilled which was spoken
by the prophet, 'They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast
lots,'" is found in comparatively few MSS., and has no place in the ancient versions.
$ 27. Mark xv. 16; John xix. 2. t 28. Luke xxiii. 11. | 29. Psa. lxix 19
t 30. Isa. 1. 6. 132. Mark xv. 21; Luke xxiii. 26. J Psa. lxix. 21- X 35
Psa xxii.lS-. John xix. 23.
Chap, 27: 38.] .MATTHEW. [Chap. 27: .48

erravta rrjs Ke<paXr)s avrov rt]v airiav avrov | they placed his ACCUSA*
above the head of h i m the accusation TION in writing, " This ia
of him
yeypa/x/JLevrjU' "Ovros earns Ir]0~ovs 6 fiao'iXevs Jesus, the KING of thu
having been w r i t t e n ; "This is Jesua the kiug JEWS."
rcav \ovZai<tiv.' 88 J At the same time,
of t h e Jews." Two Robbers were cruci-
^ I W e aravpovvrai ctvv avrrp Suo Xyo'rar fied with him, one at his
Then were crucified with hira two robbers; Right hand, and the other
els eK defycov, teat els e£ evcavv/Awv. Ot at his Left.
one by right, and one bt: left. Those 39 J Now those passing
5g irapairopevojxevoi e^?\ao'(()7]jUOvv avrov, by, reviled him, shaking
»nd passing a l o n g reviled him, their heads,
Kivovvres ras *Ke<paXas avrcov9 icai Xeyov- 40 and saying, "DES-
shaking the heads ofthem, and say-
res' O KaraXvoov rov vaov, KOA ev rpicnv and Builder of it in Three
ing; He overthrowing the temple, and in th)ee
Days, save thyself. If thou
rjfxepais oiKodo/JLoov^ GUKTQV o'eavrov ei vlos art a Son of * God come
days building, save thyself; if a son
down from the CROSS."
ei rov 6eov9 Karafirjdt airo rov crravpov.
t h o u art of t h e God, comedown from the eros9. 41 I n like manner also,
'OfxoLcos Se Kai ot apx^peiSt e^irai^ovres the HIGH-PRIESTS with
fiera the SCRIBES and Elders,
Likewise a n d also t h e high-priests, mocking w i'•'
deriding, said,
rcav -ypafJLfxarecav Kai 7rpearfivrepcov , €, ,eyOV
the scribes and elders, saidi 42 " He saved Others ;
AXXovs T]0'u)0~ev9 eavrov ov Svvarai ccocrai' ei Himself he cannot save.
Others h e saved, himself n o t is able t o sav^- if *Is he the King of Is~-
fiacriXevs lo~par)X eari, Karafiarca wv ano rov rael ? let him now descend
a king of Israel h e is, let h i m c o m e down now from the from the CROSS, and we
cravpov, Kai irio'revo'ojj.ev avrcp. '^TleiroiOev will believe *on him.
cross, and we will give credit t o h i m . H e trusted >' He confided in GOD %
eiri rov Oeov* f>vo~acr6a> vvv avrov9 ei 6eXeilet him rescue now, if he
in the Godj l e t him rescue n o w him, if h e wishes delights in him; for he
avrov enre yap- 'OTL Qeov eifii vtos. T o said, * I am God's Son.'"
him j h e said f o r j Tiiat of God l a m a s o n . That 44 THOSE ROBBERS also,
8' avro Kai oi Xr)o~rait oi a'vo'ravpooOevres who were CRUCJETED with.
through i t also t h e robbers, t h o s e being crucified him, reproached him.
avrw, ccveidi^ov avrov* 45 % Now from the Sixth
Kith h i m , reproached him. Hour there was f Darkness
ATTO Se €Krr}s o>pas CKoros syevzro eiri on All the LAND till the
F r o m now sixth hour darkness was on ninth Hour.
vacrctv rr}V yw> * w s wpas evvarrjs. 46
Uepi Se 46 And about the NINTH
all t h e land, till hour ninth. A b o u t and
Hour, JESUS exclaimed,
Tt]V €war7]V vopav avefiorjerev 6 TTJO'OVS tfxavr) with a loud Voice, saying,
the ninth hour cried o u t t h e Jesus with a voice
"Eli, Eli, lama sabach-
lityaXj), Xey<av HA(, 7)Xi' Xa/na aafiayjdavi; thani?" that is, "My God!
gieat, saying; Eli, Eli; lama sabaohthani?
my God! why hast thou
rovr* ecrrr @ee fiov, dee JXOV Ivan fxe eyKare- forsaken me ?"
that isj O God of m e , O God of m e : why m e hast t h o u
XnreSj 4
~Tive$ Se rcov eKei kc'raorcav, aKov- 47 And some of THOSE
forsaken? Some a n d o f t h o s e t h e r e standing, having STANDIN G there, hearing
aavres, eXeyov ' O T * HXiav (pcovei ovros, him, said, " H e calls for
^Kai Elijah."
heard, said: For Elias h e cries this. And
evOeas dpajxwv els e£ avroov, Kai A.a/3aw 48 % And immediately
immediately running one of them, and taking one of them ran, and tak-
ffTroyyov, TrXrjcras re o^ovs, Kai irepiOeis ing a Sponge filled it with
a sponge, filling and of vinegar, and a t t a c h i n g Vinegar, and putting it

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—40. God. 42. Is he the King of lsreel ? 42. on him.

t 45. The darkness which occurred at this time was noticed as a prodigy by the heathens
themselves. TertuUian appeals in Apol. c. 21, to the record of it in the Roman archives.
It is highly improbable that it extended any further than the land of Judea.
f 37. Mark xv. 28 v Luke xxiii. 38; John six. 19. t 88. Isa. liii. 12. $ 39. Fsa.
*xi$. 7; ets. 25. % 45. Mark xv. 33; Luke xxiii. 44. t 48. Psa. Ixix. 21.
Snap. MATTHEW. [Chap. 2 7 : 57-

Ka.\afjL<py €Tvort^€p avrop. Of 8e Aoiivoi on a Reed, gave him t(
t s a reed, gave to drink bim. The but other* drink..
€\eyop' A(pex' ISOO/AGP, €i epx^rat HAias, 49 B u t O T H E R S said,
said; Leave alone; wemnysee, if comes Elias, " L e t h i m alone; let lis see
(TQjaruv avTov. ' O 5 e 1T}(TOVS, iraXiv tcpa^as whether Elijah will come
will be saving him. The then Jesus, again crying to save * h i m . "
(pcopf} jxtyaXriy a(pr]K€ TO Trpsvjxa. 50 % Then J E S U S crying
with a voice great, resigned the breath.
out again with a loud
Kai idov, ro KaraTrcraCfxarov paov ecrx^Or} Voice, expired.
And lo, the curtain ofthetemple was rent
51 % And, behold, f t h e
eis dvo, airo aveeOev coos Karoo' /ecu TJ yv €0— V E I L of t h e T E M P L H was
into two, from above to below; and the earth, was rent in Two from top to
fiffdri, K<XI a! irerpai iO,x^Bf)0'avi 52
Kai r a b o t t o m ; a n d t h e E A R T H
shaken, and the rocks were rent, and the trembled, a n d t h e R O C K S
(iv7]fj.€ta avetoxdyo'w troXXa ccofxara TOSV w»re r e n t ;
tombs were opened; and many bodies of the
KeKoifxyifxtvwv ayicou lyyepOr], 53
Kai e^eXdovres 62 a n d t h e T O M B S were
having been asleep holy ones were raised, and coming forth opened; a n d Many Bodies
<EK r<av IXVT)IJ.*IQOV) fM€Ta Tf]V eyepcrip avrov of t h e S L E E P I N G S A I N T S
from the tombs, after the resurrection were r a i s e d ;
, 53 a n d coming forth
sio"nXQov eis rt\v kyiav TTOXIP, Kai ep€<papio dr}o'ap
went into the holy city, and appeared from t h e T O M B S , after his
ITOWOIS. R E S U R R E C T I O N went i n t o
to many. t h e H O L Y City, a n d a p -
peared to Many.
' O Se €Karovrapxos Kai oi JJL*T3 avrov
The and eeaturion and those with him 54 % Now t h e C E N T U -
witching the Jesus, seeing the earthquake him W A T C H I N G JESUS,
Kai ra yevofxcua, e^o^drja'ay o~<podpa, seeing t h e E A R T H Q U A K E .
and the things being done, they were afraid much, and t h e E V E N T S occurring,
Xeyopres' AXrjOcas deov vtos t\v ovros. were greatly afraid, say-
laying; Truly of God a son wa« this. ing, " This was certainly a
h5 Son of God."
Hcrap 8e €K€i yvuaiKcs iroXXai atro \xaK-
Were and there women many from a dij- 55 A n d many Women
podev d^oopova'ar airipes t\KoXovBr\a'av rep Irja'ov were t h e r e , + beholding a t
tance beholding; who followed the Jesus a d i s t a n c e ; t h e s e h a d fol-
airo rrjs TaXiXaias, diaKOPovo'ai avr<p' eu lowed J E S U S from G A L I -
from the Galilee, ministering to him; among L E E , ministering to h i m ;
als 7]V Mapia rj MaytiaXrjpr], Kai Mapia 77 rov 56 among t h e m were
whom was M»ry the Magdalene, and Mary the ofthe M a r y of M A G D A L A , a n d
laKca/Hov Kai l(aa"rf jxrjr^p, Kai TJ fx-nrnp TCCP Mary t h e MOTHER of
James and Joses mother, and the mother ofthe J A M E S a n d J o s e s , a n d t h e
vloiv Ze/S«5cuou. M O T H E R of t h e SONS of
sons ofZebedee. Zebedee.
O^ias de yepofxeprjs, fjhdep apQpooiros
Evening and being come, came a man
57 A n d Evening b e i n g
come, a rich Man came
ivKovcnos airo Apt/xadaias, rovpofxa Ico<ri7</>, 6s from Arimathea, named
rich from Arimathea, byname Joseph, who

* V A T I C A K M A N U S C R I P T . — 4 9 . h i m . And another took a spear, and pierced his SIDE

and there came out Blood and Water.
t 51. I n Solomon's Temple the sanctuary was divided from the holy of holies by a wall,
beyond which the veil fell; but in Herod's Temple, as Maimonides relates, a second veil, at
the distance of a cubit from the first, supplied the place ofthe wall. That i t was the inte-
rior veil, belonging to the holy of holies, which was rent at the crucifixion is clearly inti-
mated i n Heb. IX. 8; x. 19, as well as by the term which the Evangelist has employed to
designate it. t 55. So Mark and Luke; nor are they inconsistent with J ohn xix. 25,
where our Lord's mother and the other two women are said to have stood beside the cros3.
They kept at a distance for a while; and afterwards as the darkness came over, gath-
ered courage, and came so near that Jesus had an opportunity to speak to them, before he
e xpired.—Macknight-.
I 50. Mark xv, 87; Luke xxiii. 47. I 51. Exod. xxvi. 3 1 ; 2 Chron. iil. 14 t 54,,
Mark xv. 42; Luke xxiii. 50; John xix. 38.
Chap. 27 s 58.] MATTHEW. {Chap.m% 66.

*cu avros efJLttB-rfrevs'e T(p It/trow. 5s

0 5 r » s % Joseph, who also himself
aho himself was discipled t o the Jesus. He was discipled to J E S U S .
rrpocreXdccu rep UiXar<p r)T7)o~aro ro ffcofxa rov 58 f^e going to P I L A T E
coming to the Pilate body of the requested the BODY of J E -
requested the
Iritrov, T o r e 6 TliXaros eKeXevffev airododrjuai SUS. Then P I L A T E or-
Jesus. Then the Pilate ordered to be given dered * it to he given.
TO crco/xa, fi9Kaf \a$<av ro a-cofxa h loocrricp, 69 And J O S E P H , taking
the body. And taking the body the Joseph, the BODY, wrapped i t in
evervXi^ev avro vivfiovi /cat eOrjKeu pure, fine Linen,
wrapped it fine linen cloth clean t
and laid 60 J and laid it in his
avro sv rep Kaivcp avrov fj.P7]/j,€iq}9 6 €\aro/j.rj- own NEW Tomh, which
it in the new of himself t o m b , which he had he had excavated in the
(rep €V Tf? Trerpa* Kat TrpoCKvXicras XiOov [isyav ROCK ; and having rolled
hewn In the rock} and having rolled a stone great a great Stone to the DOOR
T}7 Qvpa rov fivriixeiov9 airrjXdev. Hj/ Se of the TOMB, he departed.
of the door of the tomb, hewentuway. Was and 61 And MARY of M A G -
€K€i Mapia i) MaydaXyjvr}, /cat T) aXXrj Mapia, DA LA was there, and the
there Mary the Magdalene, and the other Mary, OTHER Mary, sitting op-
KaQ7)fX€vai atrevavrt rov racpov. posite the TOMB.
sitting over against the sepulchre. 62 Now on the MOR-
T T 7 Se €Travpiov9 yTis tart fteTCfe rr\V trapa- ROW, which is after f the
The now next day, which is sifter the prepa- PREPARATION, the H I G H -
<TK€V7)v9 ffvvrjxOyVM' oi apx«epeis Kai ol &apt- PRIESTS and PHARISEES
ration, were assembled the high-priesta and the Phaii- convened hefore Pilate,
aaioi irpos TLiXarov, ^ Aeyovrss* Kvpie, 63 spying, " Sir, we re-
sees to Pilate, sayingj O sir, collect that tfiat imposter
Q{AV7}(r9r}fjL€i'9 brt €K€ivos b TrXavos etirei/ €Tf said, while living, $'Af-
we remember, that that the deceiver eaid while ter Three Days I will
£oov M e r a rpeis yfiepas eyeipofxai. Ke- arise.'
living; After three days I will arise. Do 64 Command, therefore,
Xevcrov ovv acr<paXicr87]i/ai rov ra<pov Icos the TOMB he made se-
thou command therefore to be made fast the tomb till cure til J the THIRD Day,
rr]S Tpirrjs 7]fxepas9 fxeirore eXOovres oi ixaQf]- lest * the DISCIPLES come
the third day, lest coming the disci- and steal him, and say
Tat avrov9 KXetyuxriv avrov9 Kat etiroo(rt r<p to the PEOPLE, ' H e is
pies of him, might steal him, and might say to the raised from the dead;'
Kay HyepQyj airo rcov vtKpcow Kai ecrai and ?o the LAST Error
people j He has been raised from the dead; and will be would be worse than the
i) tcr^arr) irXavt] yjzipcav rrjs TrpooTTjS, 6 5 E<p7] TIRST."
the last fraud worse of the first. Said 65 P I L A T E said to them,
avrots 6 n t A a r o s * E%ere Kovcrrcob'iaw virayere, f " You have a Guard; go,
to them the Pilate; You have a guard; go you, make i t as secure as you
acr(paXicrao~d€9 ws oibare, Oi be Tropcvdevres know how."
make fast, as you know. They and going 66 And departing, THEY
7}(T<paXio-ayTO rou ra(f>ovt creppaytoravres rov secured the TOMB with the
made fast the tomb, having sealed the GUARD, % having sealed
Xi9ov9 //.era rrjs Kovo'Twdias. the STONE.
stone, with the guard.
* YATICAH MANUSCRIPT.—58. it to be given. 64. the DISCIPLES.
"t 62. Paraskeitee denoted the day preceding any sabbath or festival, as being that on whicA
the preparation for its celebration was to be made. t 65. The Jews had a Eoman
guard appointed them for the security of the temple. It was usually stationed in the castle
of Antonio, but removed during festivals to the outer court of the temple, to quell any tu.
mult that might arise in the city. Pilate gave them leave to employ; this guard for their
present purpose. t 66. A mode of security in use from the earliest times, and which
supplied the place of loclcs. See Dan. vi. 17. I t was usual to affix the seal to the extremities
of a cord or leathern band, passing over the stone. But how futile were the machinations
of his enemies in order to prove him to be an impostor ! Let it be remembered thatthe torn!
was new, and excavated out of the rock—was contiguous to Jerusalem—a great stone wa*
placed at the entrance, and wassealed to pa-event deception—and a guard to protect the body
All these facts are strong presumptive proofs of the reality of the resurrection.
X 57. Mark xv. 42; Luke xxiii. 50; John xix. 38. J 60. Isa. liii. 9. J 63. Matt
xvi.21; xvii.23; xx.19; xxvi.61; Mark viii.Sl; X.S4-, Lukeis.22; xviii.83; xxiv.6,7'
John ii. 19. t 66. Dan. vi. 17.
Chap. S8: 1.] MATTHEW. lOhap. 28: 10
K E $ . Krf. 2 8 . CHAPTER XXVIII.
OxJ/e §e ffafifiarcov, ry ejicpcocrKOvcrr} eis 1 % Now after the Sab-
After now sabbath, to the dawning into bath, as it was DAWNING
\KI\V tfafifiarooj/, rjXOe Mapia r) MayhaXywr), to the first day of the
fir3t of week, came Mary the Magdalene, Week, Mary of MAGDALA,
KCU r) aKXt) Mapia, decoprjcrai rov ratyov, * Kai and the OTHER Mary,
and the other Mary, to see the tomb. And went to see the TOMB.
tSov, creia/xos eyevero fieyas' ayyeXos yap
lo, a shaking occurred great; a messenger for 2 And, behold, a great
tcvptov, KctTafias e | ovpavov, irpocreXQwv aireKv- Shaking occurred; for an
ofalord, descending from heaven, approaching rolled
Angel of the Lord descend-
ing from Heaven, came
Xio~e rov Xidov ^[WTTO TTJS flvpas,] Kai eKadrjro and rolled back the STONE ;
ftway the stone [from the door,] and sat
3 and sat upon it.
eiravco avrov, Hv de T) idea aurov ws aarpa-
upon it. Was and the aspect of him like light- 3 % And his APPEAR-
TT7), Kai ro evbvfxa avrov XSVKOV ooarei XiO0V' ANCE was like Lightning,
King, and the garments of him white as snow. and his VESTMENTS white
A7ro Se rov (pofiov avrov ecreio'drjo'av ol as Snow;
Ercin and the fear of him shook the 4 and from FEAR of him
TYjpovvres, Kai eyevovro ooo~ei veicpoi. ATTOK- the GUARDS trembled, and
keepers, and became as dead (men.) An-
M17 became as Dead men.
piOets 5e 5 ayyeXos
iwering and the messenger
to the
women; Not 5 And the ANGEL an-
ipofieicrde vfieis' otSa yap, on Ir]o~ovv rov swering, said to the WO-
be afraid you; I know for, that Jesus that MEN, " Be not sou afraid;
£o~TavpoofX€Vov fareire. OVK eernv o>5e. for I know That you seek
having been crucified you seek. Not he is here; THAT Jesus who was CRU-
qyepdr] YaP> Kadeos eiire. A e v r e , idere CIFIED.
he has been raised for, even as he said. Come, see 6 He is not here; for he
TOV T0TT0V, 01T0V €K€lT0 6 KVpiOS. 7 Kai raxv has been raised, even as
the place, where lay the Lord. And
quickly he said. Come, see thtt
TtopevQeicrai enrare t3il rois
the fiadrjrais
disciples avrov,
of him, on PLACE where *he lay.
arro rcov veKpcov Kai idov, irpoayei 7 And immediately go
rjyepOy] and tell his DISCIPLES
he has been raised from the dead; and lo, he goes before That he has been raised
bfxas eis rr)V TaXiXaiav eKei avrov o\j/ea6e' from the DEAD ; and, be-
yoit into the Galilee; there him youwillsee; hold, J he precedes you to
l$0V, €ITT0V V/JLIV.
G A L I L E E ; there you will
lo, I told you.
8 see Him; behold, I have
K a i e^eXQovaai raxv arro rov fxvqjjieiov told you."
And coming out quickly from the tomb
fxera (pofiov Kai x&pus fieyaXTjs, 8 And coming out im-
edpa/xov airay-
with fear and joy great, mediately from the TOMB,
they ran to in-
yeiXai rois /xadrirais avrov. 9
* £ ' , Q s Se errop- with Fear and great Joy,
form the disciples of him. [As and they they ran to tell his D I S -
evovro atrayyeiXat rois /J.a9r]rais avrov,~\ Kai CIPLES.
went to inform the disciples of him,] and 9 % And, behold, JESUS
tSov, 6 Irjo'ovs aTrrjvrrjerev avrais, Xeywv met them, saying, " R e -
lo, the Jesus met them, saying; joice!" And THEY having
Xaipere. At 5e Trpo&eXOovcrai eKparrjo'av avrov approached, clasped his
Hail you. They and having approached laid hold of him FEET, and prostrated to
rovs 7ro5as, Kai irpoo'eKvvrjo'av T o r e him.
avrcc. 10

the feet, and prostrated to him. Then 10 Then J E S U S says to

Xeyei avrais 6 Iriaovs' Mr} (pofieicrde' virayere, them, " Be not afraid; go
says to them the Jesus; Not be afraid; go you, % inform my brethren, so
airayyeiXare rois adeX(pois /xov, Iva aweXOcoo'iv that they may go to GALI-
inform to the brethren of me, SQ that they may go LEE, and there they will
eis rr\v TaXiXaiav, KaKei fie otyovrai. see Me."
into the Galilee, and there me they shall see.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2: from the DOOR—omit. 6. he l a y ; so Tischendorf
9. as they were going1 to tell his disciples—omit: so Lachmann and Tischendorf.
$_1.- Mark xvi. 1; Li\ke xxiv. 1; Jo^n xx. L J 3. Dan x. 6. \ 7. Matt. xxvi. S2.
Ma\k xvi. % % 9. Mark xvi. % 4 Ohn xx. 14. t 10. John xx. 17; Eom. viii, 29.
ttoap. 231 1 T l MATTHEW. \Chap. 2 5 : 20.
11 11 And as. they were
Tiopevo/xevcov ue avroov* /Sou, rtuss Trjs'
Going away an<l ofthein, lo, some of the going away, some-of the
iKOVffTCodias, €\0oVT€S €IS Tf]V TToXlV, aTT7]yy eiXttV GUARD, entering the CITY,
licepcrs, coming into the city, told told tO the HIGH-PRIESTS
rots apx^p^vcriv o-TtavTa. TO. yevojxeva. 12 Kat All the THINGS which had
to t h e high priests all t h e (things) having been done. And HAPPENED.
cvvaxOej/res wfTa T W ^ TrpeafivTcpuv, <rv[j.fiov- 12 And being assembled
"being assembled with the Elders, counsel with the ELDEiis, and talc-
Ktou T€ Xafiovres, apyvpia tKava sScaicav TOIS ing Counsel, they gave &
and taking, pieces of silver sufficient -they gave t o t h e good many Shekels to the
CTpaTtbiTais, Xzyovres' Et7raTe, ' O n ol SOLDIERS,
soldiers, sayingj v Say you, That t h e 13 saying, "Say you,
ifiaOfiTOL avTov* VVKTOS .eAfloyres, cicXe^av ' that His D I S C I P L E S came
disciples ot h i m Ly n i g h t coming, stole by Night, and"stole him,
CVTOUJ 7}nav Koiixcv/Jisvoov. K a t eav aKovaOr] .while we slept;"*
him, olus being asleep. And i f should be reported
14 and if this should he
T0VT0 €7Ti TOLf TiytjAOVOS, 'i]fA€l$ ir$lCTO}X£V aVTOU, reported to the GOVERNOR,
this to the governor, . we will persuade: him,
15 foe will persuade him., and;,
KCU ujuas a/j.€ptfji.vovs iroiyaroiitv. Ot Se Xaj8- make you safe."
ftnd you free Irom care we will make. They and • having
15 AndtfjfTj having re-
OVTSS TO. apyvpia, cTvovqo'au us e8i5ax0i7fraj/. ceived the SHEKELS, did
received t h e pieceB of.eilver, did as they were t a u g h t .
as they were instructed ;
Kat dte(p7}/xt<r67] 6 Xoyos OVTOS /rapa lovdaioisand this SAYING IS cur-
And is spread abroad t h e word this among Jews
cntly reported among the,
p.€'XPl T71S vny-Gpov, Jews to * T H I S day.
till the day.
16 And the ELEVEN Dis-
Ot Se kvdeua juaO^rat crropfvBrjo'ay tts TTIV ciples went, to G A L I L E E ,
The and eleven disciplea went to the to the MOUNTAIN where
TaXtXaiav, as TO opas, 6u eTa^aro avrois b JESUS had ordered them.
Galilee; to. t h e mountain, where had appointed t h e m t h e 17 And seeing him, they
ITJCTOVS. W Kat iSovres CLVTOV, 7rpoo~&Kvr}a~av(indeed) prostrated to him;
Je«js. And seeing him, they prostrated
but SOME doubted.
avro)' ot 5e eStcracrav. Kat TrpoacXOcvv 6 18 And J E S U S approach-
tohitn; they but doubted. And approaching t h e
ing, them, saying,
Irjcrovs, €\a\€&ev UVTOIS, Xey<av% E5O0TJ p.oi
% "All Authority has been
JesuB, spoke t o thero, s a y i n g ; Haa been Riven to ine
19 imparted to me, in Heaven
iracra e£otxna ev ovpavcp /cat eirt yrjs. Tlopev- and on Earth.
all authoriry in heaven a n d on earth. Going
Sevres ^a(h)T€u<raT€ 7rar>Ta Ta.edvr}, fiaTTTt^ov- -19 J Go, disciple-All t i n
forth disciple you all t h e nations, immera- NATIONS, immersing them
TCS avTovs as TO ovofxa TOV Trarpos Kat rov into the NAME of the F A -
lag them into the name of t h e father and o f l h ? THER, and of the SON, and
viov Kat TOO ayiov irj/evfxaTds* 20
hixo.o~KOVTiS of the HOLY Spirit;
son nnd of t h e holy epirit; teaching 20 J teaching them to
avrovs T'ypav irauTa, eveTetXajX-nv vpav. observe-all things which
them t o observe all, whatever I have charged you. 1 have • enjoined upon
Jiat iSoVy.eyco jj.e6y b/x<av eifxi iraaas TasTjfxzpas, you ; and,- behold, 3E. am
And to. I with you am all the ^aya, with you all the DAYS.,
icos TY}S ffWTeiXaas TOV aitavos, till the CONSUMMATION oi!
till t h e end ofihe age, the A G E . "

t IS. Matt xt.?7: John i " . 3 5 ; V.22; x n i . 3 ; xvii.2; R o m . x i v . 9 ; 1 Cor. xv. 27 ; Kph.«,
10, 21; Phil, li 9 10:1 Pet.iii. 22. J 13.Markxvi.15; Lukexxvi.47; Rom. x.l&,»
Col, i. 23. I 20. Acts ii. 42.
^ • [ E Y A i r E A A i e N ] KATA MAPKOW.

KE<2>. a ' . 1c CHAPTER 1.
*Apxv TOV wic-vyyehiov Irjo'ov Xpurrov, vtov 1 The Beginning of the
A beginning of the r;lad tidings 01 Jesus CLrut, stoa GLAD TIDINGS Of JeSU9
rov 0€ov. rep wpo- Christ, the Son of * God;
* fis yey p::.irraiev"Haata
of the God. As i* is written
he pro- in Esaias
2 as i t is written * f i n
<f>7}Tip° 6tISov9 eyas aTrocrreAco rov ayyeAcv the PROPHETS, $"Behold,
phetj "Lo, I send the messengei " * I send my MESSENGER
jLtou irpo irpoawirov (rov, 6s Karao~K€vao~et rrjv "before thy Face, who will
of me before face of thee, who will prepare the "prepare thy WAY.
68ov Gov. s$>ccwr} f&ooovros ev rr) ep^jucp' "Erot- 8 | " A Voice proclaim-
way of thee. A voice frying out in the desert; Make
i n g in the DESERT, 'Pre^
fMacrare rt)V ddov Kvpiov, evdeias iroieire
ras "pare the WAY ftr the
you ready the way ofalord, straight make you the
4 "Lord, make the H I G H -
rpifiovs avrov" E y e r e r c looaWTjs fiatrrifap "WAYS straight for him.5*
beaten ways of h i m ; " Was John dipping
€*> ry eprjuo), teat K7];vcawv fia-rrriarfxa jx^ra- 4 $ John was immersing
in the desert, and publishing a dipping ofrefor- in the DESERT, and pub-
voias etc a(p€(Tiv atxapricav, 5
Kai ej-eiropevero lishing an Immersion of
matioa in*o forgiveness of sins. And went out Reformation for Forgive-
irpos avrov Tracra 7} lovSaia x®P i a Kai
°* I*po~ ness of Sins.
to him all the Judea country, and the Jeru- 5 % And resorted to hiKi
<roAv/uLtTai rravres' KCU efiairrt^ovro eu rep All the COUNTRY of J u -
gal era all; and were dipped in the DEA, and all THOSE of
lopSavri Trorajxcp bir 9
avrov, e^ojxoAoyovfxevoi Jerusalem, and were im-
Jordan river by him, confessing mersed by him in the
ras %/JLaprtas avrcov. 6
UP 5e \u>avv7}s evSeSt/- RIVER JORDAN, confessing
the sina of them. Was now John having been
their S I N S .
fxtvos rpix&$ KafX7]\ov, Kai £(*)vy]v Sepfiarivqi/ 6 J Now John was cloth-
elothr ' hair* ofacainei, and a belt madeofskia ed in Camel's Hair, with
ir-pt ry)v o(T(pvu avrov, Kai eadio)v axpidas Kai a Leathern Girdle enoir-
ground the loins cfiiitn, and eating locusts and cling his WAIST ; rnd
fitXt ajpiov. E p x 6 T £ U eating Locusts and Wild
- Kcu €K7]pv(T(T€ Aeycov
hoany wild. And he cried out saying; Comes Honey.
5 urxvporepos /xou oiricrco *[/xov,] ov OVK 7 And he proclaimed,
the mightier of me after [me,] of whom not saying, J "The POWERFUL
eifxi luavos Kvrpas Avo'ai rov Ijuavra roov ONE comes after m e ; for
lam worthy bowed down to loose the string of the whom I am not worthy
vTro8r)/u.ara>v avrov. 8
Eyco *[/uev~\ z$aTrrio~a to stoop down and untie
sandals of him. I [indeed] dipped the STRINGS of his SAN-
v/xas ev vdarr avros Se Pairricrei bjxas ev
you in water; he but 8 $ 3E immerse y c ; in
will dip you in
vvevfxart aytcp. "Water, but fje will im-
npiiit holy. merse you in holy Spirit."
* [ K c u ] eyevero ev €K€ivais rais rj/xepais, 9 $And it occurred, in
[And] i t came to pass in those the days, Those DAYS, that Jesus
rjAdet* Irjo-ovs atro Na£aper T?79 TaAiAaras, hat came from Nazareth of
came Jesus from Nazareth, of the Galilee, and GALILEE, and was im-


the PROPHET. 2. I send. 7- me—omit, 8. indeed—omit. 9. And—omit.
T 2. As the common reading has an immense majority in its favor, and some noted ver.
sions; as the quotation is from two different prophecies, Mai. iii. 1, and Isa. xl. 2, 8, of which
the nearest is not from Isaiah, but from Malachi; and as the Jews often sav, "As it is ivrit*
ten in the Frophets," yetit is never saidin the N. T. written in a prophet, but by him ; there
seems to be no just ground for departing from the received text.—Campbell, Whit by, Light foot.
1 2. Mai. iii. 1; Matt. xi. 10; Lukevii.27. J 3. Isa. xl. 3; Matt. iii. 3; Iukeiii.4;
John i. 23. J 4. Matt. m. 1; Luke iii. 3; John iii. 23. J. 5 Matt. iii. 5. f&
Matt. iii. 4 t 7. Matt. iii. 11; John i. 27; Actsxiii.25. t 8. A2ts i. 5 J ii. 2—4,
si. l&j xix. 411 Cor. xii. 13. t 9. Matt. iii. 13 j Luke iii, 31.
Vfiap. \ : 10 f MARK,. [Chap. 1:20.
*$a-xTi<rQ-r\ VTTO Iwavvov tt$ fnvtopfiav'qv. merscfl by John h\ the
was dipped by John into the Jordan. And JOEDAN.
*u0eajs avaffaivoov airo rov uSctTos,. et5f <TXLC°~ 10 | And a3Gendinp from
immediately ascending from the water, he saw rend- the WATER, instantly he
fxevovs TOUS ovpavovs, t<at ro ^Trvevfxa, ws saw the HEAVENS open-
Ing the heavens, and the ing, and the SPIRIT, like
Trepicrrepav, narafiaivov €7<-' avrov. il
Kai a Dove descending upon
a dove, .* descending ' upon him. And him.
<PMV7) eytvsro €K roov ovpaveov " 2 u «i 6 11 And a Voice cams
• voice cune o u t of t h e heavens; " T h o u art t h ehorn the HEAVENS, say-
vlos fxov 6 aytzirriTos, c-v (f> evdoKii&a." ing, J " 2I{jou art mysoN,
son of me the beloved, i n whom 1 delight." the BELOVED; in thee I
Kcu €vOvs ro irvev/xa avrov e/c/3a\\et eis delight." • • ••<•.
And immediately t h e opirit h i m ., ;. casts into 12 X And immediately
V7\v CDTJJUOJ/. i3
K a t r\v ev rri €prjfxo} rj/jitpas the SPIRIT sent Him forth
iUi desert. And he wa* i n t h e desert days into the DESEET.
no'o'apaKovra, 7reipa(ojjt.evos VTTO rov crarava, 13 And he was in the
forty, being tempted by , t h e adversary, DESEKT forty Pays, heing
Kat t)v fj.era rcav Brjpicaw icat ot ayyc\oi StTJ- tempted by tltc ADVER-
and was with t h e wild beasts^ a n d t h e messengers xnin* SARY ; and was among
KOVOVV avrco. the WILD BEASTS ; and
tiatered to him. the ANGELS served him.
Mera 8e ro irapatioOrivat rov luavvijv, 14 | Nov/ after" JOHN
After now t h e t o be delivered u p the John, wa3 .imprisoned^ JESUS
ykOev 6 l-q^ovs eis rrjv TaKihaiav, Ki)pv(T(T<av came into GALILEE, pub-
came the Jesus into the Galilee, „. preaching lishing the GLAD TIDINGS
ro evq.yyz\ioif *[rr)s fiacriXeias^ rov 6eov, of GOD,
the glad tidings [of t h e kingdom] oftho God, 15 and saying, J "The
Kat Xtywv *© r* itetrXripcoTat 6 leaipos, Kai TIME* has been accom-
and saying; ^liat ban been fulfilled t h e season, and plished, and GOD'S ROYAL
tiyyitcev T\ 8a<r«Aeta rov Oeov fAQravoetre, Kai MAJESTY has approached;
has come nigh t h e majesty of t h e God; reform you, .''and J Reform, and "behevo in
iricrrevere fv>rcp $vayys\icp, „ 1 6 Xlzpnrarwv 5e the GOOD MESSAGE."
believe y o u in t h e good message. Walking ;a'r and
16 | * And as he was
irapa rrjv OaXaccav TTJS VaXiXaias, etSe ^Zi/awva passing along by the LAKE
by the eea of t h e Galilee, . h e saw Simon of G A L I L E E , he saw Si.
teat Avdpeav rov a$€X<pov avrov, a/AtyifiaXXovras mon, and Andrew *the
and Andrew t h e brother of him, . casting BEOTHEB of Simon, cast-
a/Ji<pi^Xr}a rpov GV rr) ^aAao'crp' 7}o~av yaping a Drag into the
a fishing n e t in the sea; they were f o r XAKE; for they were JFish-
aXieis. ^ K a i enrev avrois & Irjorovs' A e u r e ernien.
fiahers. And said to them t h e Jesus; Come 17 And J E S U S said to
oirio'U} jJLOVf /cat woirjo'ca vfxas ytveadat aAieisthem, " Come, follow me,
aftei DiCj a n d 1 will make you t o be fishers and I will make yon Fish-
avdpuntav* Kcct tvBt&s a</>evTes ra Sittrva ers of M en.
of men, And immediately leaving the ' nets 18 And instantly t leav-
r.vr<av, r}Ko\ov$7]o'au avrcp, Kai rrpofias ing *the P.TETS, they fol-
of»b°.m f they followed him. And going lowed him.
*[sK€iQ€!f'\ oXiyov% eiB*v lafttofiov rov rov 19 | And going forward
[thence]' & little, h e saw James m the of the a little, he saw THAT
Zefitdaiov, Kai \<&avvt\v rov a$€\<pov avrov, James who is the son of
Zebedee, and John the brother of him, ZEBEDEE, and John his
Kai avrovf cv r<f TrXoicp Karaprt£ovra$ ra BROTHER; they also were
p.nd themselves ia the ship were mending ~ t h e in the BOAT repairing the
BiKTva' '^ Kai evdecas eKaks&ev avrovs, "Kai NETS;
nets; a n d immediately h e called them. And 20 and he immediately

* VATICAH MANUSCRIPT.—11. thee I delight. 14. of the KINGPO"—omit. 10.

And as he was passing alonp by. 16. the UBOTBEB of Simon, casting. 18. the
KET3. 19. thence—omit.
1 10. Matt iii, 18; John i. S2. J11. Mark ix. 7. , J 12. Matt. iv. 1; Luke iv. 1.
% H. Matt. iv. 12,28. I 15. Dan. ix.25; Ga'l.iv.4; Eph.i. 10. J 15. Matt. iv. 17.
% 16. Matt, iv. 10; Luke v. 4. t 18. Matt, xis. 27; Luke v. U. J 19. Watt. iv. 21.
(Mp. 1 1 SI.] MARK. [Chap, h Si.

&<p€VTe$ rov Trarepa avrcopev called them; and leaving

leaving the father in their FATHER Zebedee in
of them Zebedee
T$> rcXoitf) \Lsra, rcov fXio"Bu>riap9 airrjXdou the BOAT with the H I E E B
the ship with the hireling*, they went SE EVA NTS, they followed
oirio'ct) avrov. him,
after him. 21 J And they went to
Kai eiairopevoprat as KaTrepvaov/j,* Kai Capernaum j and on the
And they went into Capernaum ; and
SABBATH, entering the
SYNAGOGUE, he taught
*v6e(0S rois araPfiao'ip eicreABwp eis rr\v crvua- the people;
immediately to the sabbath going into the oyna-
22 22 t and they were
y*)yr]P, eSidacTKe. Kai e^irK7]o,o,ovro em struck with awe at his
gogue, he taught. And they were amazed at mode of INSTEUCTION ;
T7] diSaxj} avrov t\v yap BidacrKcov avrovs &s for he taught them, as
ihe teaching ot him; he was for teaching them as possessing Authority, and
€%ovcriav ^X0oy3 KaL 0VX &s °* ypa/u/j.areis. not as the SCRIBES.
authority having, and not as the scribes. 23 JNow there was in
Kai 7]V ev rrj ffwayooyy avroov avBpooiros cv their SYNAGOGUE, a Man
And wa« in the synagogue of them a man in with an impure Spirit;
Trvev/Aari aKadaprtp,
unclean, Kai aveKpa^e,
and hecriedout,
and he exclaimed,
Kai cot, lr/cov Na^aprjue, thou 24 say'wig, "What hast
[Let alone,] what to us and to thee, Jesus O Nazarene, to do with us, Jesus
Tjfxas; oida o~e ris et, 6 Nazarene? Comest thou
r]\des cnroXecat to destroy us ? I know
tomestthon. to destroy us; I know thee who thou art, the
25 thee who thou art, the
ayios rov deov. Kai €TT€TlfA7]0'€l' aVTCp 6
HOLY ONE of G O D . "
holy of the God. And rebuked him the
ITJO-OVS, Aeyo>v* ^ificaBrjri, KX e^eABe e£ avrov. it,25saying,
And J E S U S rebuked
:£"Be silent,
Jesus, saying; Be silent, ad come out of him,
36 and come out of him."
K a i o'Trapa^ap avrov ro Tri/et^a ro aKaBaprov, 26 And the IMPUEE
An-d convulsing him the spirit the unclean..
SPIEIT, ^having convulsed
Kai Kpa£av <p<*>vr) fxeyaKr}, e^r\XBeu e | avrov.
him, and having cried
and crying a voice great, eame out of him. with a loud Voice, came
W K a i eBafifirjBrjcrap Travres, oxfre (rvfareip out of him.
And they were astonished all, BO as to reason 27 And they were all so
irpos avrovs, Xeyovres* T t ecrri rovro t rts 7) astonished, as to reason
among themselves, saying; What is this? what the *with themselves, saying,
Sifiaxtf V KCUVT) avrr}; bri Kar* e^ovo'iav Kai "What is this? * A new
teaching the new this; that with authority even Doctrine? With Author-
rois icvev/uao'i roLS aKaOaprois emracrcrei, Kai ity he commands even the
to the spirits to the unclean he enjoins and IMPUEE S P I E I T S , and they
VTraKovovcriu avrcp. E£??A#e 8e TJ aKorj obey him."
they hearken to him. Went out and the report 28 And his FAME soon
avrov evOvs ets oXrjy rr\v irepi^copov rrjs spread abroad * every-
of him forthwith into whole the country ©f the where throughout the En-
TaXiXaias. tire EEGION of G A L I L E E .
Galilee. 29 1 And being come
K a i evBecos, CK rrjs cfvuaycayrjs e^eXBopres, out or the SYNAGOGUE,
And instantly, out of the synagogue being come, he immediately went into
rjXBov eis rrju oiKiav ^ificopos Kai Avdpeov, the HOUSE of Simon and
he went into the house of Simon and Andrew, Andrew with James and
jtcera laKcofiov Kat looavpov. 30
' H 8e rrevBipa John.
with James and John. The and mother-in-law 30 Now Simon's MOTH-
"SifictiPos KareKeiro irvpeccrovora' Kai evBews lay sick of a
of Simon was laid down having a fever; and fever, and forthwith they
31 spoke to him about her.
Xeyovffiv avrcp rrept avrrjs. K a i rrpocreXBcop
they spoke t o him about her. And Coming 31 And approaching, lie

* VATICAN MANUSCRIP*.—24. Let alone—omit. 27. with themselves. 27-4

new Doctrine ? With Authority. 28. everywhere throughout.
% 21. Matt. iv. 13 j Luke iv. 31. $ 22. Matt. vii. 28. J 23. ^uko iv. S3, t2*
Matt. viii. 29. J 25. ver. 34; Mark iii. 12. J 26. Mark ix. 20. t Mc**
viii. 14; Luke iv. 38.
Chap. 1 : 82.] MARK. \Ohap. 1 : 43.

jfyetpey avrj]v, Kpariqo'as rr}s X€lP0Sa u n ) s # i took hold of her HANDJ

h e raised her, having laid hold cfthe o f h e r j I raised her up, and the
Kat a<[>y]K€v avT7]V d irvperos *[ei»06cos*] KaiFEVEB left her, and she
and left her the fever [ i m m e d i a t e l y ; ] K R 4 served them.
dl7JK0V€i ttVTOLS. 32 % And Evening being
ministered t o t h e m . come, when the SUN was
Otyias 5e yevofievrjs, ore 6 yhtos, set, they brought to him
Evening and being come, when set the sun, ALL the SICK, and the
etyepov rrpos avrov iravras rovs Kaxoos exovras, DEMONIACS ;
they brought to him all those sickness having, 33 and the whole CITT
3 3
Kai TOVS 8cU/J.OVt£o(A€VOVS' KCU 7) TTOAlS assembled at the DOOB.
and those being demonized; and the city
34 34 And he cured Many
OATJ eirtcvyrUfxtPT} t\v trpos rr\v Ovpav. Kai sick of Various Disorders,
whole having been assembled was at the door. And
and expelled many De-
tOtpairevo'e iroXAovs KCLKOOS GXOVTOLS TTOIKIXCLIS mons; J and permitted not
he healed many sick having various the DEMONS to speak, be-
vocrois' Kai da>./jLovia iroAXa e£e/3aAe, Kat OVKcause they knew * him to
disease*; a n d demons many h e cast o u t , a n d n o t be th« Christ.
7](p!,€ AaXciv ra dai/utov.a, OTI ySeicav avrov, 35 JAnd having arisen
allowed t o speak *he demon's, because they knew him. very early in the Morning,
K a t irpwt, evwxov Xiav, ava&ras etyXGe, he went out into a Desert
And early, night much, having arisen h e went o u t , Place, and there prayed.
*[/cai aTT7]\dei>j eis tprjfxov roirov , KaKei 36 And * Simon and
"[and denaitedj into a desert place, and there THOSE with him eagerly
Trpocr^vx^ro. K a i KareStco^av avrov 6 2i/*cyj> followed him.
prayed. A n d eagerly louowed h i m t h e Simon 37 And having found
Kai ol fter 5 avrou. ^ Kat evpovres avrov, him, they say to him, "All
a n d t h o s e with him. And having found him, seek thee."
Xeyovo'iv avrcp' 'On iravres far overt <re. 38 And he says to them,
t h e y say to h i m ; That all seek thee.
38 J " W e must go * else-
K a t Aeyet avrois' Aywfxev as ras ^xofi- where, into the ADJA-
And he says t o theu*; W e must go i n t o the Heigh- CENT Towns, that I may
evas KOOJJLOTTO\€IS, iva Kai €KZt KT^pv^CO* €LS proclaim there also ; for
boring towns, that also t h e r e I may p r e a c h ; f o r this I have come forth."
rovro yap €^€\r}\vda. 39
K a i 7}V K7)pVO-6WV
this because I have come out, And h e was proclaiming 89 % A n < 1 * *'e w e n t
sis ras avvaycoyas avrccv, €ts bXyv rrjv TaAi- and proclaimed to them
in th« synagogues of t h e m , in whole the Gali-
40 throughout All GALILEE,
Aaiay, Kai ra Zaifxovia €K$a\\cov. Kat and cast out the D E -
lee, and t h e demons casting out. And
epX^rat irpos avrov Xeirpos, irapaKaXoov av/o^^ 40 % And a Leper comes
cornea to him a leper, beseeching hix^
to him, beseeching him,
"^[/cai yovvirercav avrov, /cat] Xeycov avi'f saying, " I f thou wilt, thou
[and kneeling him, and] saying t o hVM»
canst cleanse Me."
' O r i eav OeXys, Svvacrat fi€ KaOaptaau ^ "O 41 And *he, being move-J
That if t h o v wilt, t h o u a r t able m e t o cleanse. 'A'bc
with pity, extending *hls
de Irjo'ovs a-irXayx^io-Qeis, sKreivas rr\v X€lPai HAND, touched him, arid
a n d Jesu* being moved with pity, stretching o u t t h e hanr^
7\y\iaro avrov, Kai Xeyei avro>' ©eAco, KaQa- thou says to him, " I will; be
touched of h i m , and says to him: I will, be t h o u
pi(r6r)ri. 42
Kai *\_znrovros a u r o u , ] ev&sas 42 And immediately the
cleansed. And [having said of him,"] immediately LEPROSY departed from
OLirriABev air* avrov rj Xeirpa, Kai aKadapifBr]. him, and he was cleansed.
departed from him t h e leprosy, and h e was cleansed. 43 And having strictly
K a i €fM^pifxr)o'aiJi.evos avrcp, evdews ei-efiaXev charged him, he forthwith
And having strictly charged h i m , immediately h e sent forth sentliim away,

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—31. immediately—omit. 34. him to be the Christ.

85. and departed— omit. 36. Simon. 38. elsewhere, into. 39. he went
and proclaimed to them in. 40, and kneeling down to him, and—omit. 41. he,
being moved. 41. his HAND.
t 32. Matt. viii. 16; Luke iv. 40. i 34. Mark iii. 12; Luke iv. 41; Acts xvl. 17, IS
I 35. LuVe iv. 42. t 38. Luke iv. 43. t 89. Matt, iv. 23; Luke iv. 4k
% 40. Matt. viti. 2 , Luke v. 12.
®iap U 44.] MARK. [Chap. 2: 8.

»vroy9 44
teat Xeyet avrcp* 'Opa, ji^fvi 44 and says to himj
him, and says to him; See, J"See, that thou say no<
t o no one anything
enrrjs' aXX' viraye, creavrou Sei^oy rep tepei, thing to any one; but
go, show Thyself to tha
Jii-tmtell; b u t "go, thyself show t o t h e prieBt
PRIEST, and present for
Kai 7rpo(T€veyK€ Trepi rou Kadapicrfiov crov h thy PURIFICATION, those
and offer for t h e ' purification of t h e e what
4 5
tilings which Moses com-
TTpO(T€Tai;€ Mo)(T7]S, €IS fiaprvpioy CIVTOIS. 'O
enjoined Moses, for a witness to them. He
manded, t for Notifying
(the cure) to the people."
Be e^eXdcoy 7}p£aro K7]pvo~o~eiy iroXXa Kai Siaepr]- 45 % But HE going out,
b u t going o u t began t o publish m a n y (things) a n d spread
€lt/ T0V began to publicly pro«
ttnC hoy ay9 cocrre firjKeri avroy SvyacrOai claim and divulge the
abroad the word, so as no longer him t o be abla
THING, so that he could
<payepcos ets troXiy etereXOziy aXX* e£a> ey no longer openly enter a
publicly into a city to enter; but w i t h o u t in
City, but was without in
Cprj/JLQIS TOTTOIS T\V9 Kai Tjpxovro irpos avroy Desert Places; and they
desert places h e was, and they went to him
resorted to him from all
Travraxodey, parts.
f r o a all p a r t s .
KE$. &. 2.
1 And after some Days,
Kai waAiy eio"r]X9ev eis Kairepyaovfi oY J he again entered Caper-
And again h e went into Capernaum after naum ; and it was re-
Tjfxepcoy Kai TjKovcrdyi, on ets OIKOV earn. ported That he was in a
days; and i t was reported, t h a t into a house he i s . House.
Kcu *[eu0etoy] (Tvyr)x9r}cray iroXXoi, chare 2 And Many were gath-
And [immediately] were gathered t o g e t h e r m a n y , *o as ered together; so that (the
firjKeri xcaP*lu A^^e ra irpos ry\v dvpaw Kai house) could not contain
n o l o n g e r t o contain n o t even t h e places near the door; and them, nor the PARTS at the
eXaXet avrots rou Xoyov. K a i epxovrai irpos DOOR; and he spake the
h e spake to them the word. And they c o m e to WORD to them.
avroy irapaXvriKoy cpepoyres, aipo/xevoy vtro 3 And they come * bring-
him a paralytic bringing, being carried by ing to him a Paralytic,
4 carried by Four.
recro'apcoy. K c u firj Swafxeyoi irpocreyyio'ai
four. And not being able t o come nigh 4 And being unable to
avrcp $ia roy o^Ao^, aireo'reyao'ay rrjy approach him, because of
to him through the crowd, t h e y uncovered the the CROWD, they uncov-
areyrjyj OTTOV qy Kai e^opv^avres ^aAoxn ered the ROOF where he
roof, where h e was ; a n d having dug t h r o u g h they let down was; and having dug
roy Kpafifiaroy, ecp* ccp b irapaXvrIKOS Kare- through, they lowered the
the bed, u p o n which t h e paralytic was t COUCH on which the
xeiro. 5
Idcoy 5e b Irjcrovs rt]y irio~riy avrwy, PARALYTIC was laid.
laid. Seeing a n d t h e Jesus the faith of t h e m , 5 Now JESUS perceiv-
Xeyei rep irapaXvriKcp' Tewoy, acpecoyrat o'ov ing their FAITH, says to
says to the paralytic; Son, are forgiven of thee the PARALYTIC, " Son, thy
at afjcapriai. Horay de rives ypafi/xarecoy SINS are forgiven."
the sins. Were b u t some of t h e scribes 6 But there were some
€K€t Ka9r)fji€i/oi Kai BiaXoyi^o/xeyot ey rais of the SCRIBES sitting,
there sitting and reasoning in the and reasoning in their
KapSiais avrcav ?Tt ovros ourco XaXei fiXacr- H E A R T S ,
hearts of t h e m ; W h y this thus speaks blas- 7 * " Why thus speaks
(prifjiias? ris Dvvarai acpievai ap.aprias9 ei fir) this man? l i e blasphemes!
phemy? who is able t o forgive sins, if n o t Who can forgive Sins, but
ets 6 9eos; 8
K a i ev9ecos eiriyvovs b lr)o~ovs the One GOD ?"
Sue t h e God? And immediately knowing the Jesus 8 And JESUS, immedi-

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. immediately—omit. 3. bringing to him. 7 That

this man thus speaks ? He blasphemes ! Who can.
t 44. See Notes on Matt. viii, 3, 4. f 4. Eastern beds are light and moveable con.
si ting of a mattrass and two quilts. Dr. Russell tells us, that their beds consist of a mat
trass laid on the floor, and over this a sheet, (in winter a carpet, or some such woolen
covering,) the other sheet being sewed to the quilt. A divan cushion often serves foi
a pillow.
% 44. Lev. xiv. 8, 4,19; Matt. viii. 4; Luke v. 14 £ 45. Luke v. 15. t 1. Man,
ix. 1 j Luke v. 18.
,<Piaf. V s I.J K.
,i\!., t&ap. %i 16.

rq>- •irmvy.aTH mvvov? bin *[o"3rt?«J a u r a s DsaAo- a:eH;f ^jrceiviEg /ra hk

toiae opirfc o J ^ i a d d f o Shafc Johns'] fcay i'ea- spiaiT, that they reaodn*
ji^oprcii €V tavrots9 e&wsv @VTOZS° TI ravra ed among themselves, -"he
ooned ataoug'ifcam^eives, said i d t h e m j W h y thsse (things) says to them, " W h y $6
5iaXo^8^€(r0(i €?> rows Kapd&ais vuoov; 9
T^ T/ou reason thus in yorac
re&soayo* ia ilv? hocsrto a? you? Which
€<TTIP mtsowoorepov / emsiv r<p frcipahvTiK(p° 9 J "Which is easier? to
is easier? foaay iotlia jpa-'alyticj say to the PARALYTIC,
Afacwras trov ai afiapTiaa / ^ GiTfe^F 3
Eye^pe, 'Thy SINS are forgiven;'
Are forgiven of thee t h e nines oar fto."oy.; or to say (with effect,}
aiJOS? C^W TO?/ Kpe?j8j8&TO^s KCM 7T€pi1TaTe& /
'Arise, take Thy COUCH,
t a l e u p <Dfihee t h e fcadj and walk?
and walk?'
lva 8<g t£5^Te 3 ^T3 €|ov<y,ia^ exes 6 w o s TOU know But 10
that yon may
the SON of
Thatfcrasfty o n may know, Shat authority hac t h e s o n o£ iiie
MAN lias Authority on
avOpoowm €iri TTJS yrjs aty&Gvat afiapna^ (Xeyet EARTH to forgive Sins, 0
oao o a t h e a a r t h t o forgive sins; fhesays
n (ho says to the PAEA-
rq> irmpaAvTiKcp') 2o<s Xeyw° Eyeipe. <&po!/ L Y T I C , )
ftotho paralytics} T o thee I s a y ; Arise, take u p
11 " I say to thee, Arise,
TQV ctpa00aroBf <fovB Kai viray^ ess fou omov take up thy COUCH, and
the bed of thee, a n d go into tho house
B2 go to thy HOUSE."
(rovo Kas fiyepOr) <sv9eoos, scat mpas fov
12 And he was raised
©fthoo, A n d h e wae rained immediately;, a n d i a k i n g u p t h e
immediately, and taking
$£pa$@aTOV}> s^XOev zvawnov 7?ai?TQ}V axxraup the COUCH, went out
beel, vronC; ou& i n presence of all; so as
in presence of ali ?, GO that
alwTauQm masf-rass Kai dofa&w <?G>V 9SOV<, they were all amasedU and
60 as'.oaish all, cocl £o glorify tho God,
glorified GOD, najing,"We
'h^yoyfas0 ' O n ovdeirofe OVTCOS <sidofio^. never say anything like
Drying £ That never 'ihua we saw. this I"
3&c:e e£??A0€ 7caA&v> napa rrtu BaXaarcrav 13 And he went- out
And he wen; o u t again by the eea. again hy the JL.AKE; and
Km was 6 o%Aos 7}px*ro ^pos awov, Kat €8i- All the CROW© resorted
and all t h e crowd came to him, and h e to him, and he Jaught
da<7K<sV avrovSo 14
K a i Tcapaywv etSe Asviv tovthem.
taught them. A n d passing o n h e saw Levi the 14 J And passia^ along.
rov AX(paiov9 KaOrifx^pop €in ro TGXOOPIOP, Kai he saw THAT Levi who ML
o f t h s A2pheus« sitting a t t h e c u s t o m h o u s e , a n d the son of A L P H E U S , sit-
A.€7€e a u T y A/£oAou0es ftoi. Kat avaaras ting at the SAX-OFFICE,
says to him: Follow me. And rising u p and says to him, u Follow
TjKoKovd7]cr<sV avrq). me." And arising, Iko M -
he followed him., lowed him,
Kat €X€P€ro a/ rep KaraK€t(r6ai avrop ev 15 $ And it occurred,
And i t happened i n t h e t o recline r.t iable him i n while he R E C L I N E U A T
Ti? oiKia avrov9 Kai TTOKXOI reXcauai Kat afiap- TABLE in Ms UOUSE,
ifoe Sio«ee ofhim, and many publicans and nin- Many Tribute-talfers and!
jvXoi (TvvavsKeiVTO rq> hjarov ccairots fxaO^rais Sinnero also reclined with
Hers i'eciiiiod with t h e Jesus and the disciples J E S U S and his JDISCIPXE-S;
$,VTOV° ty&av yap (cat T]KoXovQri(rav for they were Ma&y, &a«l
ofhim: thetr trore Jok* and many,
t h e y followed they followed Shim,
a6 16 And the scaiBEs *oi
avrcpo Ka& Oi ypa/n/JLareis Kai oi ^apiaaic:
hira. i-iiid iiie ecribea and ttoo Pharisees the PHARISEES observing
iboures avrou ecrOiovra fxera TOOV TQXCOVWV Kai him eating with the SRiu
seeing bim aating with the publican'; __ a n d UTE-ffAKERS and $ Sin-
ajxaprcaXwv? ekeyop rots }ia9r}rais avrov **'* [ T i ] ners, paid
to hm DISCI*
sinnarss said to the disciples Okhim: [Why] PLES, H e eats with
&T& ixefci rav yeXwvitiV Kai afLaprwXwv €(r6i€i TRIBUTE-TAKEES Olid 9m
Uiaft with citiaa ptebisicaus and b e eats iters 1"

VATECAK MAKurscaspSo—8. thus—emit. , 8. he says to them. ift cr* x k
PaABZSEES saw him eat. W, Why—ojaj
t i6. By amartoohi; sinners, ine Gentiles or'heathen aro generally understood iatfy BkK?
pels, :*or tbis was a term the Jewc saever applied to any ®t toemselves,,—Clarke.
% 9. Matt. Is. 6. % l<k Mc&%, $s. Q i SrtUsfl r, Si?. % X5, Matt, is. JO.
Chap. 2 : 17.] MARK. [C&op. S . 24.
*[KCU Trtj/ct ;~\ ?Kcu cucovcras 6 \r\aovs \zyet 17 And JES*TS having
[and drinks?] .And hearing tho heart! it, says to them,
Jesus eays
ttVTOis' Ov xpeiap exovcrtv oi urxvovres J'"THEY being in HEALTH
to them j No need have. those being well have no Need of a Physi-
lurpov, a\\ oi icaKcos exovTes. OVK r)\0ov cian, but THEY who are
it a physician, b u t those sick beinsr. ..Not . I came SICK. I came not to call
Kahecrat Sacaiovs a\\a ajAapToohovs. the Righteous, but Sin-
to call just (ones) but Burners. • rv _ ners.." ".
liai rjcrap oi fAaOrjrcu Icoap'vov Kai oi $apt- 18 tKow the D I S C I P I E S
Aud were t h e disciples of J o h n .. and the- Phari- of John and the PHARI-
G'atot v7](TTcvour€S' Hat cpxo^ratf Kat Xeyovcrtp SEES were fasting j and
sets fasting; 'find they come, and they eay they come and say to
currp-' A;fir; oi fiaOrjrat Iteavvov kai oi rwp him, " Why do the DIS-
lYhiut; Why t h e disciples ' \ of J o h n ' a n d those of the CIPLES of John, *and tho
frapicaLoov vr)0'Tevovo'iv>~oi 5e * o*o* fxaOrjrat DISCIPLES of the PHAE-
Phariseea • fast, • i : j ^ tho^e b u t to thee ^ disciples ISEES fast, but THINE fasti
cv vi]0~T€vovo'i; Kat emcy avrots $ lyrrovs' not p ;
not fast? A n d . - »aid'$: to them t h e . jcstiej
* 19 And JESUS replied,
M.ri Svi'aprai oi vioi rov j/vjMpwpbs,* cz*V & "Can the BRIDEMEN fast,
Not w e able . t h e of t h e bride-chamber, ; iu .which the
while the BBIDEGHOOJI 13
vufx<pios fxer aurcou ccrri, vi)crreveiu i $ 6ff0v with, them? During the
bridegroom with t h e m . ( ': *3» ,/,( , t o fasfcf ^ ( ^ ao long
time they have the BIUDJS-
Xpovov fiLzt/* eavTcev £X0Vcrt- *°V MfAcfrtop, ov GROOM with them, they
a lime with themselves. they have t h e bridegroom, not
cannot fast.
hvvavrai pr}o~Tev4iP. ^'EAevcroyfat fie T^uepat,
are able t o fast. ,I Willcorho jl b u t '>i days, 20 But the Days will
trap airapBri \ air* avTtaVj 6 ypvfMpios, teat come, when the BRIDE-'
when m a y be taken away from ; t h e m ' t h e bridegrooW, a n d GROOM will be taken from
rare yt)crT€vo'ovo'iv €p aceivr) rrj 7](J.epa. 2 i 0 ^ 5 e i s them, and then they wUJ
then they will fast that t h e „• day. No one fast in That DAY. ^
eirt0\7)j.ia pdkoys ayvacpov „ STrippairrGk em 21 No one sews a Piece
ft patch • of cloth unfu|led «£. j,*( , eews ;&-,{ ; on of undressed Cloth on to
{/.larifp 7ra\a«ju' el $6 fMTjf aip'et ro Tr\r)p(a{xa an old Garment; if so, the
*o z, mantle old; if b u t n o t , takes away t h e % p a t c h „•; NEW PIECE of itself takes
avTov ro KQLIPQV rov ira\aiov t', /cat %eipoy away from the OI.D, and a
pfitself the pew
pfthe worse worse Rent is made.
rx'f A r ta
ytver<ti. Kdt ovo*ei$f'0a\\€t OIPOV
22 And no one p\xt3 new
a rout become*, ( A n d •-'• n o one/fs^yj p u t s wine
Wine into told Skins; if
PCOP €is aaicovs iraKaiovs' ci 8e fA7], faa'arci b so, the WINE *will burst
new into bottles old; , , if b u t u-pt, &j bursts the
the SKINS ; and the WINE
oivos 6 "^fVeos] roys 'acntevs,}$&ai: 6 qiuos will be lost, and tho
wine the [ n e w ] ' - . j , t h o ^ ) bottles, ?£[ . ^ n d tbo wine SKINS ; but new Wine
i K ^ e i r a i , tca.i oi ao~koi aTroKovvfar cAAa otvov into new Skins.'
19 epilled, a n d t h e bottle6 ^ arelostj _ Y i)ut wipe
VIOP as a&Kovs Kaivovs J3\7]reop, 23 X And it happened,
new i n t o bottles n e w , ; m u s t b e put, [ that he * was passing;
P Kai eyevero Trapairopsvceidcu"avroVeu'rots through the EIEWDS OK
And it came to pass . ; ; t o go , ^ 7 . ; ' bitn in the GRAIN on. the SABBATH,
Gq.B$ao-i 8ia raiv o-nropifxcou^'. kai' r\p\avro oi and his DISCIPLES began*
• ihbAih t h r o u g h t h e , corn-fiiolds, $£ a n d began V#f t h e as they *made their way,
fjtaOr,i at javroy ofiop iroYsiu^TIWOVTSS rovs to pluck the HEADS o£
di»cij.lei ofhitn
a w a y _ io mako vmL plucking • d ) . the L
(TTaxuas. *Kat oi Qapiaaioi * 2 i Anil the PHARISEES'
€\eyov avrcf
tare o> corn. And t h e Phariaeea t said t o h i m ; said to him, " See, why do
r x

I 5 t , TI Ttoiovcriy cv rots o~a{30aQ~ipf , v 6 OVK they on the SAguATH what

See, why do they t?3 the sibbmth, what n o t is not lawful ?"

* VATICAN M A T H ; S C R I P T . — 1 6 . a n d drinks--omif. 18. a n d t h e D I ^ C I P L K S o f t h e

P H A R I S E E S fast, h i t x n i N ^ last n o t ? 22. JJEW—omit. 22. will b u r s t t h e S K i \ g
nnd the W I N K will be lost, a n d the S K I N S ; b u t n e w W i n e i n t o jiew S k i n s . 2& wa,$
passing t h r o u g h . 23, m a d e t h e i r w a y , t o p l u c k .
* 'it. See >^ote in M a t t . i x . 17.
• t 17 Matt i x . T 2 , 1 3 ; L u k e V.31.S2, t U.~Matt Is. ! • ; ' L u ! : e v . » t i?
JJIAUJ aft ti L u k a v k l .
Chap. 3 : 25.] MARK. ZCffiap. 3 : 6 ,

is lawful?
av€yvooTG9 ri eiroiTjo'e A a w 5 , ore xP*iav
X e » he had Need, and was e(r

fcave you known, what did David, when need he had, hungry, fie, and_THOSE
Kai eireivao'ej/, avros Kai ol fjier' avrov; with him? .
land was hungry, he and those with him; 26 How f he went" into
* T n w s l no"r]X6ei/ «ts rov OIKOV rov Oeov, t h e TABERNACLE of GOD,
' [How] he
' went
' into
- — ^' the house ofthe
*—— " * " - God,
"~ J
, „ , .to Abiathar (son) of the
« w AjSioflap rov apxiepecos, KM TOVS aprovs U ^ H . ^ S T v a n d a t e t t h e
to Abiathar ofthe Ingh-pnest, and the loaves » L 0 A V E S of t h e pKESEKCB
rr}S Trpodevews e<payev3 ovs OVK ^ < ™ 0 a 7 e t * j t which none but the
ofthe presence did eat, which not is lawful to eat | p R I E S T S c o u l f l lawfully
if ;uif
not Tots
the lepeva-L,
priests, icai
and ^he gave
^ Ka,i
also torois^ crvuj e a t . a n a he gave aiso to
those with
avrcp ovo'i; ? Kai eXtyev avrow To o~afi-\ THOSE with him."<
him being? And he said to them; The sab-1 27 He also said to them,
_ , e • " The SABBATH was made
Parou Bia rov av9pcairov eyevero, ovx o Itfor
h e MAN, and ;not MAN for
bath because of the man was made, not the ' + l i p28s A1VR
%&-> ,
A T W that
the SON of
avOpooiros dia ro (Tafifiarov, D,(TT€ Kvpios MAN is Lord even of the
man because of the sabbath. So that a lord SABBATH."
eo'riv 6 vlos rov avOpwirov Kai rov o'afifiarov. CHAPTER I I I .
is the son ofthe m<n\ even ofthe sabbath.
KE4». y\ 3. 1 J And again he enter-
ed into the SYNAGOGUE,
Kai ei(rr)\de irakiv ei$ rrjp (rvvayioyrjv where was a Man who had
And he entered again into the synagogue; a Withered HAND.
Kai *r\v eicei avOpceiros efypa/iXfJievYiv ex°°v Tr v
) 2 An/1 they watched him
and was there a man having been withered having the closely, (to see) if he would
;j£ezpa KCU Traperrjpovv avrov, €* rois o~a(3- cure him on the SABBATH ;
hand; and they closely watched him, if to the sab- that they might accuse
fiao-t 6€paiT€vo'€L avrov, Iva. nari)yopy)cr<io(riv him.
t .i l-_ - l t l , __1 l-.i %-»-• tliii+ f I i / n r - m i n.'-.+ l o m i r - n f*
bath he will heal him, that they might accuse 3 And he says to T H A I
avrov. K c u Xsyei rep avOpcoircp rep e^rjpafi- MAN HAVING the With-
him. And b-6 says to the man to that having been ered H A N D , " Arise in the
€l a
fievyv exovrt rif]V X P ' Eyeipe eis ro fi€o~ov. MIDST."
withered having the hand; Arise in the midst. 4 And he says to them,
Kai Xeyei avrois" E£eari rois caftfiaaiv " I s it lawful to do good
And he says to them; Is it lawful to the 6abbath on the SABBATH, or to do
ayadoTTOLTjcat r\ KaKOTroiricai; ^ X 7 ? * ' o'ooo'ai, evil? to save Life, or to
to do good or to do evil? a life to save, destroy P" But THEY were
f] airoKreivau Ol 5e eotwircov. 6
Kcu TrepifiXe- j silent.
or to destroy ? They but weie tilent, And looking 1 5 And .surveying them
ytyafisvos avrovs / i e r ' opyqs, (TvXXvirovfjievos -—"'with "* eiri Indignation, being
found them with anger, being grieved at grieved at the HABDNESS
rrj TToopcoo'ei rr]S Kapdias avrcav, Xeyei rep of their HEARTS, he says
the hardness ofthe hearts of them, he says to the totheM^N, "Stretch out
€L a (rov * thine HAND. 5 5 And he
avQpwny EKreivov rt\v X P - Kai stretched it out, and his
man; Stretchout the hand of thee. And
HAND was restored.
e^erei^e* Kai a-rreKarecradrj 7) XclP av
rov. 6 J And the P H A R I S E E S
he stretched it out; and was restored the hand of him.
going out, immediately
Kai e^eXdovres oi Qapitfaioi, evOecos fxera rcov
the *held a Council with f the
And. coming out the Pharisees, immediately with " "
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—25. he said. 3. How—omit. 5. the HAND.
I. gave Counsel.
•\ 26. David went to the house of Ahimelech at Nob, with whom the tabernacle then wa^
and the ephod, and other holy things. See 1 Sam. xxi. t 26. These loaves wer<
placed en a table on the north side, and at the right hand of him who entered the '"l-em*
cle. Exod xxv 30; Lev. xxiv. 5, 6, 8. T 6. The Herodians were a political party
vh'o began to becomfi eminent in the days of Herod the Great, as favoring his claims, msi
those of his patrons, the Komans. to the sovereignty of J udea.
;| 25 1 Sam. xxl. 6. A J.%2626Exod.
32,83. J 28. Matt, xii. 8. £3-Mat!
xa 9'v Lukevi 8, 4. 0. Matt. sii. 14,
Chap7$i7.T. MARK, t&iap.$i 28.

*Hpoo$iav<tiV GVfx&ovKtov eirotovv tear9 avrov, Herodians, against him,

Herodians " aeouacil held against him, how they might destroy
bvws avrov aTro\€<r(ti(ri, him.
Jiow • him they might destroy. 7 But J E S U S with Ms
DISCIPLES retired to the
7 K.~at S' li\crovs fiera rcov fjtaBrjrojv avrov L A K E ; and a Great Mul-
And the Je*ua with the disciples of him titude followed him from
avextopyo'tv eis rt\v daAaa'o'av Kai tro\v 7TAT7- GALILEE, J and from Ju«
withdrew to the seo; and a great multi- DEA,
0os airo rrjs TaXiAaias 7}KoAov6r}o,av avrcp" icai 8 and from Jerusalem,
tude from the Galilee followed him; and and from IDUMEA, and
8 from beyond the JORDAN ;
OJKO rrjs lovSaias, Kai' airo lepoo'o\vij,cov> Kai
from the Judea, and from Jerusalem, and also a great Company from
airo T7)s Idovfiaios, Kai irepav rov lopdavov9 Kai about Tyre and Sidon, hav-
from the Idumea, and beyond the Jordan, and ing heard what *he had
* [ o i ] ircpi Tvpov Kai ^idcova, TTXTJBOS TTOAV, done, came to him.
[those] about Tyre and Sidon, a multitude great, 9 And he spake to his
aKova'avres otra eTroiei, r^KOov irpos avrov. DISCIPLES, that * a Small
having heard what things he did, came to him. boat should attend him
K c u enre rois [laQrirais avrov, irXoiapiov because
Iva of the CROWD,
that they might not press
And he spake to the disciples of him, that a small vessel
upon him.
cTKaprcpr) avrcp, 8ia rov oxXov, Iva JXTJ 10 For he had cured
should attend him, because of the crowd, that not
Many; so that as many
OXifioocriv avrov. ^IloWovsyapeOepairevo'ev, as had Diseases rushed to-
they might throng him. Many for he cured, wards him in order to
wcrre eTrnriirrGiv avrcp, iva avrov atytavrai, touch him.
go as to rnsh to him, that him they might touch, 11 J And the IMPURE
oo'oi eixov fjiaariyas. K a i rairvev/jiara
ra SPIRITS, when they be-
as many as had scourges. And the spirits the held him, fell before him,
aKadapra, Srav avrov eOeoopei, irpoceirtirrev and cried, saying, " Qtyou
unclean, when him gazing on, fell before art the SON of GOD."
avrcp9 Kai e/c/m^j keyevra* Ori cv ei 6 vtos 12 And he repeatedly
him, and cried, saying; That thou art the son charged them, that they
rov 0€ov. Kai 7roAAcs c-rren/jia avrois, iva should not make Him
of the God. And many times he charged them, that known.
fxrj (pavspov avrov TTOITJO'CCO'I. Kai ava$ai- 13 $ And he ascended
not known him they should make. And he goes the MOUNTAIN, and called
vei eis ro opos, Kai rrpoo'KaXeirai ovs TjdeAev whom i)e would; and they
up into the mountain, and calls whom would went to him.
avros' Kai airy\\Qov irpos avrov, 14 And he appointed
he; and they came to him. * twelve, that they should
*4Kc« €7T0tr}O'e ScoSeKa, iva cotri fier' avrov,accompany him, and that
And he appointed twelve, that they should be with him, he might send them forth
Kai "^[fVaJ airo(rr€\\ri avrovs K7)pvo,(r€iv9 15Kai to pro claim j
and [that] he might send them to preach, and 15 and to have Author-
e%€t^ e^ovffiav ^^depaireveiv ras poaovs^ KCU] ity to expel DEMONS.
to have authority £to cure the diseases, and] 16 * Now the TWELVE
€K$aAXeiv ra fiai/uovia. K c u €ir€6r]K€ rq) he
16 appointed, were $ S I -
MON", to whom he gave the
to cast out the demons. And he put on to the
Name of P E T E R ;
^ifxcovi ovo/xa Uerpov ^ Kai laKiofiov rov rov 17 and THAT James, son
Simon a name Peter j and James that of the
of Z E B E D E E , and John
Ze/3e$ouot;, Kai leoavvTjv rov aBeAcpov rov the brother of J A M E S ; to
Zebedee, and John the brother ofthe whom he gave the Names
laKwfiow Kai eireOTjKev avrois ovo/narct, Boav- of Boanerges, that is, Sons
Janaes; and he put on them naaies Boan- of Thunder;
cpyes, o €(rriv9 vioi 0povr7)s° Kai Avdpeav, 18 and Andrew, and
Brges, that is, eona ofthunder; and Andrew,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—8. THOSE—omit. 8. he does. 9. Small vessels.
14. twelve, whom also he named Apostles, that. 14. that—omit. 15. to curs
DISEASES,and—omit. 16. And he appointed TWELVE; both SIMOH whom he sur«
named PETJEB.
J 7. Lufco vi. 17. t 11. Mask i. 32, 34; Lmke iv. 41. % 13. Mat*, x. 1< Luk© vk
12; ias. 1, % 1& John L 43. <
(8iap. 8» B ] MARK, t&iap. S: gg,

tcai $iXnrirov, feat "Bap9oXo/xaiov9 «at MarOaiovJ Philip, and Bartholomew,

an4 Philip, and Bartholomew, and l and Matthew, and Tho«
KCLL ©ccfxav, Kai laicwfiov TOP TOW AXcpaiov, /cat mas, and THAT James, son
and Thomas, and James that ofthe Alpheus, and of ALPHEUS, and Thad-
@a58atov, /cat 2t/uoya TOJ/ Kavaviryv, 19
/cat deus, and Simon, the CA-
Thaddeus, and Simon the Canaanite, and
19 and Judas Iscariot,
lovftav lo"Kapicorr)V, 6s /cat 7rap€5co/ce?' avrovJ who even delivered him up.
Judas. Iscariot, who even delivered up him. [
€ts 20 J And they went into
2° K a t epxovrat OIKOV. Kat (Tuvepxerar' a House. And the Crowd
And they come into ahouse. And came together a assembled again, so that
iraXiv oxXos, worre JJLT) dvvcecrOat avrovs pyre,they could not even eat
again a crowd, so as not to be able them not even' Bread.
aprov tyayeiv. K a t a,Kovo~avres oi trap" 21 And THOSE with him
bread to eat. . And having heard those with having heard, went out to
avrov, c^rjXOov Kparrjo'ai avrov* eXeyov yap' restrain M m ; for they
him, went out to restrain him; they said for; said, f " He is transported
'On sherry. ^ Kat ot ypa/xfxareis, oi airo too far."
That he is out of place. And the scribes, those from 22 And THOSE SCRIBES
'lepocroXv/jioov Karaftavres, ' O n BeeA.- who had COME DOWN from
Jerusalem having come down, said; That Beel- Jerusalem said, J " H e h a s
£efiovX e x e f Kai' 'Ort ev rep apxovri rwv Beelzebul," and, " By the
zebul he has; also; That by the chief ofthe RULER of the DEMONS, he
daipovitou e/c/3aA.Aet r a daifiovia. Kat irpocr- expels the DEMONS."
demons he casts out the demons. And having 23 $And having called
Ka\eo~afji€i/os avrovs, ev irapafioXais eXeycv them, he said to them,
ealled them, in parables he said "How can an Adversary
a u T o t r Has Svvarai aaravas o~aravav eicfiaX- expel an Adversary ?
to them; How is able an adversary an adversary to cast 24 And it a Kingdom is
Xtiv; 24
K a t eav fiaanXeia e^)' iavrrjv /iepio~- divided against itself, that
out? And if a kingdom against herself should be di- KINGDOM cannot stand;
6rj, ov dvvarai crraOrjvai T\ fiao'iXeia eKeivrj' 25 and if a House is
vided, not is able to stand the kingdom that; divided against itself, that
Kai eat? oiKta €<p3 eavrrjv fiGpio'Qr), ovdvvarat HOUSE cannot stand;
and if a house against herself should be divided, not is able 26 and if the ADVER-
crraQyvai 7] oLKia CKSIVT}' 26 /cat et 6 o~aravas SARY rises up against him-
to stand the house that; and if the adversary self, and is divided, he
aveo~T7) €(/)' kavrov /cat /xefiepiorrai, ovdvvarai cannot stand, but has an
has risen up against himself and have been divided, not is able end.
ffraQyvai, aAAa reXos e^et. 27 Ovfieis dvvarai 27 * But no one can
to stand, but an end he has. No one is able enter the STRONG man's
ra CKevf] rov io~xvpov, eio'eXdcov eis rt]V HOUSE, and plunder his
the household goods of the strong man, entering into the GOODS, unless he first
oiKiav avrov, diapiracrai, eav fir] irp&rov rov bind the STRONG m a n ;
house of him, to plunder, if not first the and then he may plunder
tcrxvpov §7}o"r) t
Kai rore rrjv oiKiav avrov his HOUSE.
strong man he should bind; and then the house of him 28 Indeed, I say to you,
diapirao'ei. 28
Afxqv Xeyca vfj.iv, Sri iravra That All SINS will be for-
he will plunder. Tndeed I say to you, that all given the SONS of M E N ,
atyeOyjcrerai rois vlois roov avOpcorrcav ra afxaprTj- and the BLASPHEMIES
will be forgiven to the sons ofthe men the with which they may re-
uara, Kai at $Xaff<pT]}iiai, bcras av ^Xao'cpy]^- vile:
and the evil speakings, whatever they may
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—27. but no one.
t 21. Doddridge remarks, " Our manner of rendering these words, He is besides himself, or
He is mad, is very offensive. One can hardly think Christ's Mends would speak so con-
temptibly and impiously of him; and if that sense must necessarily be retained, it would be
much more decent to render the clause, It (that is, the multitude,) is mad, thus unseasonably
to break in upon him." Schotengen contends, that the multitude, and not Christ is here in-
tended. Christ was in the house; the multitude, ochlos, verse 20, went out, krateenai auton.
to restrain1 it, (viz. ochlon, the multitude.) to prevent them from rushing iuto the house and
disturbing their Master, who was taking some refreshment. This conjecture should not
be lightly regarded.—Clarke.
t 20. Mark vi. 31. J 22. Matt, ix. 34; x. 25; Luke si, 15; John rii. 20 j viii. 48,52*
x. 22. t 23. Matt. xii. 25. -
Chap. 3:29.} MARK. {Chap. I: 4
29 39 J but whoever may
trwcrtv 6s S" a* fiXacr^/LLrjay eis TO
who but eve*> may speak evil blaspheme against the
to the
fryevfxa TO ayiovf OVK 6%ei acpeaiv eis TOV HOLY SPIRIT, has no For-
spirit the holy5 no* has t'orgivnesa to t h e giveness to the AGE, but
aiooua, c*AA' CVOXOS tifriv aiooviov Kpurecas. is exposed to Aioniart
age, f«r»t liable .8 of age-lasting j u d g m e n t . * t Judgment."
'On eXeyov Tlvev/ua UKaOaprov e x 6 i * 3 1 ^P~ 30 Because they said,
Because t h e y s a i d ; A spirit unclean. h e has. " H e has an impure Spi-
Xovrai ovv rj /u.7]T7]p avrov tcai ol a$eX(poi rit."
Comes then the mother ofhirn and the brothers 31 His MOTHER and
avrov teat e£w earoores aurecrretXav ivpos avrov, BROTHERS then came, and
of h i m ; and without standing" t h e y sent to standing without, sent to
(pwvovvres avrov. Kai efcadyjro oxXos irept him, calling him.
calling him* And fiat a crowd a b o u ' 32 And a Crowd sat
avrov enrov de avrcp' l8ov9 TJ //.TJTTJP <rov round him, and they said
him; said and to him; L o , t h e m o t h e r of thee to him, " Behold, thy MO-
Kai ol adeX(poi frov e£co fyrovo't <re. ^Kai THER and thy BROTHERS
and t h e b r o t h e r s of t h e e w i t h o u t are seeking t h e e . A n d are without seeking thee."
wneKpiOf) avroiSy heycov Tis ecrnv r) p.f\rr\p 33 And he answered
he answered to them, saying; Who is t h e m o t h e r them, saying, " Who is
ixov, 71 ol adeX(f>oi juuv; *\Kai~\ ir€pi(3k€- my MOTHER, or my BRO-
efme. or the brothers ofme? [And] looking THERS ?"
•tyajxevos KVKhcp rovs irept avrov Kad^juevovs^ 34 And looking about
about round those about him sitting,
on THOSE sitting round
Xeyer I8e r) fir}rrjp (JLOV9 Kai ol a5eA0ot fxov. him, he said, "Behold my
h e says; Lo the mother of me, and the brothers o f me.
35 MOTHER, and my BRO-
'Os * [ 7 a / > ] av iroirjorj TO deXrjfia TOV 6eov, THERSL
Who [for] ever may do the will of t h e G o d ,
ovrcs a&eXcpos /uoi>, Km aSeXcpr} "^[/xov,] Kai the35WILL "Whoever shall de
of GOD, this is
this a brother of me, a n d a sister [of me,] and
^TJTrjp €(TT«.
my Brother, and Sister,
a mother is. and Mother."
KE<£>. 3 ' . 4 .
1 J And again he began
Kai iraXiv rjp^aro 8.i8ao"K€iv wapa rrjv to teach by the LAKE ;
And again he begat t o teach by the.' and so * very great a
OaXao'O'av Kai o~vvt]X®'>i 'frpos avrov oxXos TTOXVS,Crowd gathered about
sea; and was a s s e m b l e fto h i m a crowd great, him, that entering the
wcrre avrov €/j.fiavra em TO irXoiov, KaQ-qardai BOAT, he sat on the
go a s him entering Jute the ship, t o sit LAKE ; and All the CROWD
was by the LAKE on the
ev T7) daXao~o~r)* Kai -nets 6 oxXos irpos TT)V
in the sea: and ali the crowd by the LAND.
daXacrffav CTTI TTJS yr}§ TJV.
Kai ediSaffKev 2 And he taught them
sea on the land was. And he taught many things in Parables,
mvrovs €V irapajioXais 7roXXa9 Kai eXeyev avrois and said to them, in hia
them in parables many, and said to 'hem TEACHING;
ev T7) diftaxy avrov i:
' AKGverQ* ldov9 e^Xdev 3 " Hearken ! Behold,
in t h e t e a c h i n g ofhimi Hearyou: Lo, went out the SOWER went forth to
b Gireipoov TOV crreipato Kai eyevero ev rw * sow.
the sower of t h e (seed) t o sow,, A n d i t happened in the 4 And it happened, in
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—29. Transgression. 34. And—omit, 35. For—omit.
35. ray—omit. 1. very, 3. sow.
f 29. The Vat. MSS. reads Transgression^ and Griesbach has placed the word amarteema-
tos, sins or transgression, i n the margin, with his mark of strong probability. Grotius, Mill,
and Bengel prefer this reading. I t is also the reading of the Coptic, Armenian, Gothic, Yul-
pate, and all the Itala hut two. I t is a Hebraism for punishment, the effect of sin. The sin
against the Holy Spirit is plainly stated to be, ascribing the miracles of Christ and his
apostles to demoniacal agency. They who acted thus, could not be converted to the Chris-
Jain faith, because thev resisted the strongest possible evidence. They remained therefore
in the same forlorn «tate i n svnica Christianity found them; which is expressed by the
phrase, "he has not forgiveness."
t ?9 Malt.xii 81. 89 . L u k e s i i . 10 j 1 John v. 1ft. t 31 Matt ill. 40; Luke vili. Vi,
I 1. Matt, xiii, 1» Luke viii *.
4 : 8.j ( MARK. ZChap. 4 : 18.

ffrrcipeiv, 6 fiev €7reo"e irapa TTJV bSov Kai SOWING, some seed fell
sowings, this indeed fell on the path: and by the ROAD and the
»7A0e Ta 7T6T6i7/a, Kai Karecpayey AAAo BIRDS came and picked
avro. 5

came the birds, and ate it. Another it up.

Se €7re(T€J/ ein ro Trerpoodes, OTCOV OVK e i ^ e yr)v 5 And some fell on the
and fell on the rocky ground, where not it had earth ROCKY GROUND, where it
iroWriv KOLI evOeoos e£aj>eTetAe, Sia TO JJ,T)had not much Soil; and
immediately it vegetated,
much; and immediately it sprung up, through the not
6 because it had no Depth
£%siv fiaOos yr)s. HAiov 8e avareiXapros, of Soil;
to have a depth of earth. Sun and having arisen,
6 * and the SUN hating
€Kavfiaria6r]3 Kai 5ia TO firj £%ziv pi^av^ e£r}- arisen, it was scorched;
it was scorched, and through the not to have a root, was and because it HAD no
pav6r). ? K a i aAAo eTreo'eu ei? aKavOas' Kai Boot, it withered.
dried up. And another fell into thorns; and
7 And some fell among
ave(3rio~av at anavOai, Kai cvveirvi^av avro, Kai Thorns; and the THORNS
sprung up the thorns, and choked it, and
grew up, and choked it,
Kapirov OVK edccKe. 8 K a i aAAo eTrecreu €is Tt]v and it bore no Fruit.
' fruit not it gave. And another fell into the
yt)V Tt]V Ka\7)v Kai ediSov Kap-nov avaftaivovra GOOD 8 And some fell on
GROUND, and yield-
ground the good; and it bore fruit springing up
ed Fruit, springing up and
Kai av^avovra' Kai ecpepcu hv rpiaKopra9 Kai increasing; and one bore
and increasing; and bore one thirty, and
9 thirty, and one sixty, and
€V ££r]K0VTa, Kai kv eKarop. K a i eXeyew 'O one a hundred.'*
one sixty, and one a hundred. And he said; He 9 And he said, * " He
^X<av cora ttKovtiv, aKoverco. HAYING Ears to hear, let
having ears to hear, let him hear. him hear."
' O r e Se eyepero Kara/jiovas^ t\pwrt\ffav 10 JAnd when he had
When and he was alone, asked retired, THOSE about him,
avrou ol irepi avrovt <rw TOIS Bcad€Kas TTJP with the TWELYE, asked
him those about him, with the twelve, the him concerning the * PAR-
n 0 <f ABLE.
irapaf3oA7)v. Kai eXeyev avrois Tfxu/ dedo-
par&bles. And he said to them; To you it is 11 And he said to them,
* " To you is given the
rai yv&vai TO fiv&TTjpiov TT]S fiacriXeias rov SECRET o f t h e KINGDOM
given to know the secret of the kingdom of the of G O D ; but to XTHOSE
Qeov SKeivois Se rois e£&> ev irapafioXais ra WITHOUT, ALL things are
&s*l; to them but to those without in parables the done in Parables^
12 12 % that seeing, they
fravra yiverai' Iva fiXtirovres fiXeirroocri,
all (things) are done; that seeing may see, and not perceive;
they may see,
Kai fir) ifiwo'r Kai aKovovres aKovcvo'i, Kai fxr) hear, and hearing, they may
and not they may see: and hearing they may hear, and not
and not understand;
lest they should turn, and
o'vj/iooo'i' fiYiirore eirio'rp^Qoa'i, Kai acpeOrj * it should be forgiven
they may hear: lest they should, turn, and should be forgiven them."
auTOts Ta afxapT7)fjiara. Kai Ae7€i avrois' 13 And he says to them,,
to them the sins. And he says to them: " B o you not understand
OVK oioVre TTJV TrapafioXrjV ravrTjvj Kai TTCOS this PARABLE? How then
Not know you the parable this? nnd how will you know All the
7rao"as Tas irapa&oXas yvcoO'eo'Oe ; 1 4 r O cnrcipcop, PARABLES?
all the parables will you know? He sowing. 14 % The SOWER sows
15 the WORD.
TOP \oyov cweipei. Ovroi 5e eiffiv ol irapa 15 And these are THOSE
the word sows. These and are
where the WORD is sownthey by
Tt)V ddov, dirov (Tiretperai 6 Xoyos, Kai orav by the ROAD ; and when
the path, where is sown the word, and when they have heard, the AD-
aKovffcoariv, evOeoos epx^rai 6 caravas, Kai VERSARY comes immedj
they may hear, immediately comes the adversary, and ately, and takes awa^

* VATIC AW MANUSCRIPT.—6. and the SUN having arisen. 0. Who has ears.
W. PARABLES. 11. ia given the SECRET. 12. it should "be.
1 10. Matt.xSSi.10; Luke viii 9. t 11. 1 Cor. v. 12; Col.iv.S; 1] Theas. IT. 12
xa>V»i. 26;7.Rem, xl» & % 14. Matt.
X Matt.xlii. 19.14; Lukeviii.10; Johnxii.40; Aet*
€kap> 4>\ 1 6 . ] MARKo (Chap. 4 s §S.

mpet, TOV Xoyov TOV eo-rrapfxevov ev rats Kccpdiats T H A T W O R D which" w a s

takes the word that having been sown in the hearts SOWN * u p o n t h e m .
16 16 A n d these i n like
avTooi Kai OVTOl eicriv oixoioos 01 ein ra m a n n a r are T H O S E S O W N
©f them _ And these are like those on the on t h e ROCKY G R O U N D ;
c '
irerpoodri (rireipofievoi. 01. orau CLKOVCTGOO'L TOVwho, when they hear t h e
Socky ground being sown, who, when they may hear the WORD, receive i t immedi-
Xoyov, evOecss ixera xaPas avrov ately with J o y ;
word, immediately with joy 17 And having no Root
they receive it;
*' Kai OVK exovcri fii^av ev eavTois, aXXa ITpocr- in themselves, t h e y a r e
and not they have a root in themselves, but for a b u t t e m p o r a r y ; then Trial
or Persecution occurring
ttaipoi euriv eiTa yevofievi]s dXixj/eccs r] Sieoyfjiov
season they are; then occurring trial or persecution
on account of t h e W O R D ,
they instantly fall away.
fiia TOV Xoyov, evOeces o~KavdaX&£ovTai. 18 And others are T H O S E
through the word, immediately they are offended.
And who are SOWN among t h e
aXXoi eicriv oi eis TCLS anavQav a"ireipo/iievoi' T H O R N S ; * t h e s e are T H E I ?
others are those into the thorns ibeinnjsown; who have H E A R D t h e
OVTOI eicriv 0! TOV Xoyov CUCOVOVTSS, ^ Kai at WORD;
these are ShosS the word hearing, and the 19 a n d t h e C A R E S of t h e
AGE, X and t h e D E C E I T -
\n.epijivai TOV atG>vo<39 Kai 77 cMta/ry] TOV TTXOVTOV, F U L N E S S of R I C H E S , a n d
enres of the age, r.od the delusioa of the wealth,
t h e S T R O N G D E S I R E S foi
Kai a! urepc Ta Xozira eiriOv/LLiat eicnropevo/uLevai O T H E R t h i n g s entering i n ,
and the afcoul the other (things) strong desires entering in choke t h e W O R D , a n d ren-
(rvfiirviyovcri TOP Xoyov Kai attapiros yiveTai. der i t unproductive.
choks the word; and unfruitful it becomes. SO And *those are T H E Y ,
^ K a t OVTOI siciv 01 €7T£ Tr}v ytpf TT]V icaXrjv who are SOWN on t h e GOOD
And these are those upon the ground the good G R O U N D , who h e a r t h e
W O R D , a n d accept it, and
oiTives aKovovo'i TOV Xoyov,
Kai bear fruit; one t h i r t y , one
bci'.ific &c'.vn, who hear the word, and
sixty, a n d one a h u n d r e d . 5 '
napadexovTar Kai icapirocpopovcriv, ev TpiaKovTa, 21 A n d h e said to t h e m ,
accept; and bear fruit, one thirty, X " I s a lamp brought, t o
Kai iv €^7]icovTa, icai ev eKaT0vo Kai eXeyev he p u t u n d e r t h e CORN-
and one sixty, and one a hundred. And he said MEASURE, or u n d e r t h e
avrois" MTJTI 6 Xvxvos epx^Tai, Iva viro vov C O U C H ? so t h a t i t m a y n o t
to themj Neither the lamp comes, that under the be placed on t h e L A M P -
fjiodiov Tedr), 7) v7ro T7]V icXivTjv; of%' iva
.meaar.iO it may be placed, or under the couch? not
22 J F o r * n o t h i n g w a s
hidden, except t h a t i t
eiri T1]V Xvxvtav QITlT^Or) ; Ov yap etTTl should b e manifested; n o r
the Ilrjnn-Btanc? it may be placed ? Not for is
on was i t concealed, h u t t h a t
Tt KpvTxforjj o eav cpavepoodr) ovde it should come to light.
any &\gsiS$£ hidden, which if mnot it may be disclosed; nor 23 I f a n y one h a s E a r s
eywQTO airoKpv<pov9 aXX3 iva not ets (pavepov eXOy. to hear, l e t h i m h e a r . "
C90fj s t o r e d away, but that into light it may come. 24 And h e said t o them,
23 24
E i Tis €%ei COTO, aKoveiv, a/couerw. K c u I "Consider what you h e a r ;
If any one has ears to hear, let him hear. And by t h e Measure y o u dis-
eXeyev avTois' B A e T r e r e , TI aKoveTe. "EV (p pense, i t will b e measured
he said to them: Consider you, what you hear. In what to * y o u , a n d shall h e a d -
25 ded to y o u ;
fieTpcp /neTpeiTG, jueTprjOrjcreTat VJJLIV. 'Os yap
measure you measure, it shall be measured to you. Who for 25 { f o r whoever h a s , t o
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—15. upon them. 18. these are THEY who have HEARD
the WORD, 20. those are THEY. 22. nothing- was hidden, except that i t should hi
manifested; nor was i t concealed, but that i t should come to light. 24. you, and shall
be added to you.
t 21. By khrveen must be understood the couch, (like our sofa,) which, as Grotius observes,
had such a cavity as to admit of a candelabrum being- put under i t ; nay, i t seems, anything
much larger; indeed, by the citations adduced by Wetstein, i t appears to have been used b j
8he ancients as a common hiding- place.—Bloomfield.
% 19. 1 Tim. vi, 9,17. % 21. Matt. v. 15; Luke viii, 16; xi. S3. t 22, Matt, x,
26 ; Luke xii. 2. f 24. Matt. vii. 2 ; Luke vi. 38. t 25. Matt. xiii. 12 j XXY0 20?
Luke viii. 19; s i x . 20.
&i(f$h 4 : S6'?j Itfwtp. 4: 39.

av GXV> Bodycrerai avrep' KCLI 6S OVK e^ef, tcai him will be given; ancl
over lViay shall be given to him s and who not has, even lie who has not, even what
o *X21 apGrjcrtTai air* avrov. 26
Kcw eAeyez^ he has will be taken from
what he has will be taken from him. And he said: him."
DVTOOS eo*riv 7) fiactXeia rov 0eov9 cbs eav av-
36 And he said, $ " The
KINGDOM of GOD is, aa
Thus is the kingdom of the God, as if a
though a Man should cast
Opoorros fieiXy rev ffircpov eiri rrjs yys, ^ «as SUED on the GSOUND ;
man should cast the seed o« the earth 3 and
&7 and should sleep b^f
KadevBrj Kat eyeiprftfai vvxra Kat Tj/Aspav, itai b Night, and wake by Day,
should sleep and wake night and day., and and the SEED should ger-
ffTTopov f3Xa<rravr) KCU fi7)Kvv7)rai.3 &$ ozxs oiBey minate, and grow up, i)t
seed should germinate and grow up, as not known knows not how.
avros. ^ Avrofiarr) ^r\_yap'] ri yvj ^apirocpopsi, 28 The EAUTH produced
he. Of its own accord [for] the eartli bears fi?jii>„. spontaneously; first the
rov €Lra
Trpzorop, x°P i (Tra-xvv, eira irXTjpr} <rt?ov Plant, then the Ear, after-
firat, a plant, then an ear, then full groia wards the Perfect Grain in
ev rep Gr-ax^t. 29s
Oraz> Be irapaBtp 6 itapTros, the EAR.
in the Gar. When bui may be rijpe ";he fruit, 29 But w?ft.c£"i the GKAIN
evBecas airo(frQKkei, TO dpsTravov? &ra irap -JT7\K.ev IS he
matured, immediately
sends the SICKLE, Be,
immediately he eenck the sickle, for is ready
G 0 cause the HAEVEST is
6 Bepto-fAos. % Kat eX-iyG Tivi S/noioocrco/jie^ ready."
the harvest. And he said; To c h a t marwe compare 30 And he said, $ «c To
T7\v ftacriXeiav rov ©£Ou; fj <sv vroia TrapctfioXr) what may we compare the
the kingdom of the GodP or by what parable
KINGDOM of GOD ? or *by
irapafi a X OO/J. ev avr?}P ; 31
'£ls KOKKOV civa^eco^, What Parable m:_y w" il-
may we compare her? As a grain of lnustaicl, lustrate it'.':
6ss d'faif a"rraprf G?iS T?;:? y # % MJftrpoTeoOS'nW- 31 I t resembles a ©rain
which.whenStmRyfceGO'wn Ca tlio oar(f.v> less of
of Mustard, which, when
sown on the EAUTH 3 713
roov rov crirepf.iafrcottr GCTTI rzw e-rn TTJS
yrjs' tho Hsasi of All THOSE
vSH of the seeds i;.is cfiLose on the
?EHDfj. that are on theearths
Ktxa 5rav enragy^ avafi&uve/!, itai ytverai Trav- EARTHS
and when it may bea&Wiis i i springe up and becomes of 32 but when it is sown,
rwv \a,X<JWV i&G&£<t)V9 Kat TTOI<SL KXCCO'OVS fxeya- % grows up, and becomes
all herbs greater^, and produces branches great, greater than All other
AovS) axrre Bvv<xo~6a,i viro TTTJV cxaaav avrov raHERBS, and produces great
BRANCHES j so that the
so aa 4o bo under the shadow o$ it the
irereiva rov ovpavow :carc/?'i7)Vovv. ^Kcu rov build their nests under the
birds of the hoaren t o build nests. And such SHADOW ol it."
avrais irapa&oXa&s iroXXais e^aXec avrois rov 33 $And with many
like parables many he spoke to thorn the Such Parables he spoke
3i the WORD to them, even as
hoyov9 cmOcos rjd'jvavro afcovetv. Xcupis Be
word, eyen as ihey were able to hear. Without fc?-£ they were able to under-
irapal3o\7]s ovtc eXaXei avroisa tzar* iBiav Be stand.
a parable not he spoke to them j privately but 34 *And without a Para-
ble he did not address
rois fiaOTjrcus avrow eireXve 7ravra» thenir bui; privately he
to the disciples of himself he explained all. explained all things to his
35 OWN Disciples.
Kai Keyet avrois ev eKeavrj rr\ rwiepa^ oiptas 35 J And on That DAY,
.Ind he says '^othem in that tho ' days eveninf; Evening having come, he
yevofievTjs* AieXdcofiev eis ro 7repPiva ^ K a s says to thern, " L e t u s pass
being come j Wc may pass ovor to the other side. And over to the OTHER, S I D E . "
a<pevres rov ox^ov TrapaXaftfiavovo'w av>rov9 cos 36 And having left the
having left the crowd they took him, as CRC WD, they took him aa

* VATICAN MANTISCRITP.—28, ¥ov-^omit. <J0„ in What Comparison shall we place

It? 34. And without.
t 31. See Note on Matt. siii. 32.
% 26. Matt, xiii.24. % 30. Matt. xiii. 81; Luke xiii. 18. I 33. Matt. xiii. 34j
Iohji xvi. 18. % 05. Matt. viii. 18., 2S j hvk& ¥iii, 3$.
Chap, 4 s 37-3 MARK. \Chap. 5: i.

r\v €P rep irXoiy ^ficai"] aXXa t]v he was in the BOAT. And
de irXoia
he was in the ship ; [also} other and Other Boats were with
ships was
jH6T* avroy. 3 ' Kai yiuerai AaiAau/ avefiov jieya- him.
with him. And arose a squall of wind great; 37 And there arose a
Xi}' ra de KVjxara eirefiaXXcv eis TO TTXOLOV, great Gale of Wind, and
the and waves dashed into the ship, the WAYES dashed into the
dxrre CLVTO 7}dr) yefiifccrOcu. K a i T\V avros ev BOAT, so that *the BOAT
so as it now to fill. And was he in was now full.
7rj7 Trpvjuvrj9 €TTI TO irpo(FK.e<paXaiov KaOevdcav 38 And he was in the
the ste:n, on the pillow sleeping; STEKN, asleep on the P I L -
Kai dieyeipovorw avTov9 KCU Xeyovciu avrco' LOW; and they awoke him,
and they awoke him, and they said to him; and said to him, " Teach er,
AiSaffvmAe, ov /neXei coi, OTL aTroXXv/neOa; docs it not concern thee
O teacher, not it concerns thee, that we perish? That we perish ?"
Kai Sieyepdeis €7reT iyU?/o"e TCO av^jxca, Kai enre 39 And arising, he re-
And having arisen hsrebuked the wind, and said buked the wiiND, and said
Tjj BaXcMrcrr)* ^icowa, 7re<^ijucoa'0o Kai eKoiracepto the SEA, "Be silent! he
to the sea; ^ c silent, be still. And ceased still!" And the WIND ceas-
6 ave/jios, Kai eyeveTO ycXr\vf\ jmeyaXr). 4 0 K a i ed, and there was a great
the wind and was ficalm great. And Calm.
enrev CLVTOLS" T I SeiXoi €(Tre * \_ovr<o;] iroos 40 And he said to them,
he said to them; Why timiJ. arc you [so ?3 how "Why are you afraid?
OVK 6%6T6 TCKTTIV * Km*, ecpofSr/dricrav (j)ofiov How distrustful yon are!"
not you have faith'- Am ihey feared a fear 41 And they were ex-
fieyaj/, Kai eXeyov rp t, tiXXrjXovs' TLS apa ceedingly afraid, and said
great, and said ts one another; V h o then to one another, " Who then
OVTOS €(TTLV, OTI Kai 0 ^.i'^fJios Kai 7) QaXaccra is this, That even the WIND
this is, for oven thw ij»hi(i and the sea and the SEA obey him f"
viraKOWtv avTco,
boasften to him. CHAPTER Y.
KE$. tf 60 1 JAnd they came to
the other side of the LAKE,
* Kai yX6:v ets TO Trtpa? TTJS #aAao~crr/s, eis into the REGION of she
And ther came to t h e ©th^r^id'? of thesea, into * GERASENES.
??}& "^oopav TOCV Ta^apr-umVo Z^XOOVTI Kai 2 And having come out
ihe country o f a e Gaclaienes. And having come of the BOAT, thei\ met
avTtp CK TOVTTX AOVS *[@:)<G-c:>s'}aTr7]VT7)ar€i'avircp him out of the f MONU-
f .j him out of the ship, [inwestiataly] met him MENTS, a Man with an im-
€K TCOU fAV7]fjL€i6oi/ avBpociios GP TTvev/j,aTi aKaOap- pure Spirit,
ontofthe tombs a mai> in spirit unclean, 3 who had Iris HABITA-
r%>9 3(5i> rr)y KaToiKT)<riv e ^ 6 ^ eu T0LS i^vf\p,a(Ti' TION in the T O M B S ; and.
whs the dwelling liad in the tombs; no one could bind *him OVTG aXv(Teo~ii/ ov^eiS TjSvvaTO avTOV S^trai, any longer with Chains;
Hid not vjvca with chains 30 one was able him to bind, 4 for many times he had
Sia TO avrojf TroXXaKis '/reSa/s Kai aXvcreo'i been BOUND with Fetters
for the him many t i m e with fetters and chains and Chains, and the
4ed€ff6at9 Kai <Jtea"7racr#ai vir' avTov Tas CHAINS had been wrench-
to have been bound, and to have been burst by him the ed off by him, and the
aXv&eL?) Kai Tasirefias crvi/TeTpicpdai' Kai ovdeis EETTEES broken; and no
Chains, and the fetters t o have been broken; and no one
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT,,--36. also—omit, 37. the BOAT was. # 40. so—omit.
%. GEKASENBS, 2. immediately—omit.3. him any longer with.
f 2. The sepulchres o^ the Jews were formerly amongst rocks, mountains, and other un-
frequented places, in order that there might be as little danger as possible of that pollution
which touching any thing dead produced. They were often as large as a commodious room,
and are now oiten resorted to as places of shelter for the night. Sometimes the wandering
Arabs, during the winter season, take up their permanent abode in them. I t appears that at
a very early period, some of these tombs were used for sue ha purpose; as Isaiah gpeaksol
some, "who remain among the graves, and lodge in the monuments," chap.lxv. 4. Burch-
havdt reports, that he found many sepulchres in the rocks, at Um Keis, (supposed to be the
ancient Gadara,} showing how X*trarally the eonditions of this narrative could have fcse^
fulfilled in that region,
I 1, Ma4fc. viii. $8; L«fe@v»u4%
(jkap. 5: 5,] -MABK. iChap. 5 : 16.

avrov ttr^ue S a ^ a t r a r 5 one was a"ble to subdue

Kai diairavTos, VVKTOS
him was able to tame; and him.
always, night
KCLI 7)fJiepas, ev TOIS \x.vr)\xao'i Kai ev TOIS opearut 5 And he was always,
and day, in t h e tombs and in t h e mountains Night and Day, in the
rjv Kpa^cov, Kai KaTUKOTTTcav kavTov Xidois. SEPULCHRES and in the
he was crying out, and cutting himself with stones, MOUNTAINS, crying out,
Idcav Se TOV \T](TOVV ano (xaKpoOev, edpa/ue, Kai and cutting himself with
Seeing and t h e Jesus from a distance, he ran, and Stones.
irpoo'eKvv^crev avry ''Kai Kpa^as (poovr) juieyaXr), 6 And seeing JESUS at
prostrated to h i m ; and crying o u t with a voice great, a distance, he ran and
€ t 7 T € , Tl €fXOl Kai (TOL, ITJCTOV, Vie TOV 0€OV TOV prostrated to him,
said, what t o m e and to thee, Jesus, O son of t h e God of t h e 7 and crying out with a
v\pio~Tov; bpKiQa <re TOV deov, fxy] yue fiacravi- loud Voice, *said, "What
highest ? I will adjure t h e e t h e God, n o t m e t h o u mayst hast thou to do with me,
ays. 8
(EA.^76 yap avTCf E£eA0e TO Tcvev\xa TO Jesus,—0 Son of GOD—
t o r m e n t . (He h a d said for t o h i m ; Come o u t t h e spirit t h e the H I G H E S T ? I implore
aKaOapTov tK TOV avOpoonov.) 9
Kat eirrjpccTa thee—GOD,—torment Me
unclean out of t h e man.) And h e asked
avTov Ti croi ovojxa; Kai Xeyei avTCf Aeyecav 8 (For he had said to
him: What thy name? and h e says to him; Legion him, "IMPURE SPIRIT,
10 Come out of the M A N . " )
ovofia jxoi' OTI iroXXoi eo'jxev. Kai irapexaXei 9 And he asked him,
name to m e ; for many we are. And he besought
" W h a t is thy Name?"
avTov 7roAAa, Iva /JLT) avTovs airoo~T€iXr) e£co And he says to him, "My
him m a n y times, t h a t n o t them he would send out
Name is Legion; l o r we
TTjs xwPas' 11
H^ 8e €K6i irpos TCO opet ayeXrj are Many.''
of the c o u n t r y . "Was and there near t o t h e mountain a h e r d
10 And he earnestly en-
Xoipcov jxeyaXy] fioo~KO{xevrj. 12 Kai irapeKaXeaav treated him. that he would
of swine great feeding. And besought
not send them, out of the
avTov ot daifxoves, XeyovTes' U<={i\pov 7)/uas eisCOUNTRY.
him the demons, saying Dismiss 11 Now there was by
TOVS X P 10L 0l)S LVa € l s
C l f T O L ' S €lO"€Xd(A>/ULeV. l d
K c u the MOUNTAIN, a great
the swine, t h a t into them we may go. And Herd of Swine feeding,
€TT€Tpe\pev avTois evdeoos 6 Ir)o~ovs. Kai e£eA- 12 And *the DEMONS be-
gave leave t o t h e m immediately t h e Jesus. And having sought him, saying, "Dis-
miss us to the SWINE, that
OovTa Ta irvev/jiaTa TO. aKaOapTa eiarjXOou t t s we may g(» into them.''
some o u t t h e spirits the unclean entered into
oL ovs Kat
13 And *he gave them
TOVS x P ' oop/>l'7]o'€V 7) ayeXr) K a r a TOVleave. And the IMPURE
the swine; and rushed the herd down *bc SPIRITS having come cut
Kprjjiivov eis Tf)v OaXacro'av *\T)&av oe CDS O~LO~- went &to the S W I N E ;
precipice i n t o t h e sea; [they were and abou? iwo and the HEUD rushed down
XiXioi'~\ icai enviyovTo ev TTJ OaXacrarj. 1 4 Ol t t h e PRECIPICE into the
thousand;] and were choked in the sea. Those LAKE, and were drowned
in the LAKE.
5e fioo~KovTes avTovs e(j)vyov, Kai airr^yyeiXav 14 Then the SWINE-
and feeding them fled, and reported
HERDS tied, and reported
ets TT]V TTOXIV, Kai eis TOVS aypovs. Kai e^rjX- it in the c m , und in the
to the city, and t o the villages. A n d tbey came villages. And they came
Qov tdeiVj TI effTi TO yeyovos. K a t spxovTai out to see what THAT was
out t o see, w h a t is t h a t having been done. And t h e y c o m e which had been DONE.
irpos TOV Irjcovv, Kai Becapovcri TOV $aiiJ,ovi(o/j.e- 15 And they came to
t& the Jesns, a n d t h e y behold the b e i n g demonized JESUS, and beheld the DE-
vov Ka6r>uevov * [ / c a t ] IfxaTicrfJievov, Kai GOMppo- HAD the LEGIOH", sitting
sitting [ a n d ] having been clothed, a n d being; of
down, clothed, and in his
vovvTa, TOV ecx^/cora TOV Xeyecova' Kat right mind; and they were
*ane miud, t h e having been possessed by t h e legion ; and afraid.
e<po&7}Qy)o~av. K a i di7}y7]o~avTO avTois ot idov-16 And THOSE SEEING
t h e y were afraid, And related t o t h e m t h o s e having it, related to them what

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—7. says. 12. they besought. 13. be gave thgE|

leave. 13. and they were about Two Thousand—omU
$ Ig. Sea Upte o» Matt. viii. §&>
Chap. 5: 170 J.VL A,Jt\) x v o lOhap. 5: 27.

res, 7r&>s eyepero rep fiaifiopi^ofJLepep, Kai irepi had happened to the DEMO-
seen, how it happened to the one being demonized, and about NIAC, and concerning the
reop -)(pipaiv. *? Kai rjp^avro irapaKaXeip avrop SWINE.
the swine. And they began
him 17 t And they began to
to entreat
aireXdeip airo reap bpiecp avreap. e/xfiap- entreat him to depart from
to depart from the coasts ofthem. And entering their BORDERS.
ros avrov ets ro TTXOIOP, iraptKaXei avrop 6 18 And he having en-
ofhim into the ship,
besought him he tered the BOAT, $ HE who
haifj-opicrdeis, Iva JJLZT3 avrov.
y Kai had beui a DEMONIAC, en-

having been demonized, that he might be with him. Aud treated him that he might
OVK acf)7jK€v avrop, aXXa Xeyei avrep° 'Yirayc be with h i m ;
not he suffered him, but he says to him; Go
19 And yet he did not
permit him, but says to
€t,s TOP OIKOP o~ov npos rovs erovs, Kai apayyei- him, " G o HOME to thy
into the house of thee to the friends, aud relata
PRiEWDs, and tell them
Xop avrois, bcra crot 6 tcvpios TreTroirjice, Kai how much the LORD has
to them, how much to thee the Lord has done, and done for thee, and has had
rjXerjcre ere. 20 Kai aivrjXOe, Kai rjp^aro \cr\pvo'- pity on thee."
hai pitied thee. And he went, and began t o pub- 20 And he went away,
ereip ep rep AeKairoXei, Sera eiroiricrev avrcp 6 and began to proclaim in
lish. in the Decapolis, how much had done to him the DECAPOLIS, how much J E -
lycrovs' Kai irapres e6avXa(op. SUS had done for him; and
and all were astonished. all were astonished.
Kttt biairerpacrapros rovlrjerov ep rep TrXoiep 21 $ And JESUS having
And having passed over t h e Jesus in the ship again passed over in *a
iraXip €is ro irepau, avprix^V o^Xos TTOXVS 67r5 Boat to the OTHER SIDE,
again to the other side, were gathered a crowd great
to a great Crowd gathered to
avrop' Kai 7}p irapa rrjp daXacrcrap. K a i him, and he was by the
him, and he was by the sea. And LAKE.
^"[iSov,] epx*rai eis reap apx<-<f vv ay eayeap, OPO- 22 $ And one of the SYN-
(la,] eomes one of the synagogue-rulers, by AGOGUE-RULERS, named
fxari laeipos' Kai iSeop avrop, Trnrrenrpos rovs Jairus, came, and seeing
name Jairus; and seeing him, he fell to him, he fell at his FEET,
irodas avrov, 2 3 Kai irepeKaXei avrop iroXXa, 23 and earnestly en-
feet ofhim, and besought him much, treated him, saying, " My
Xeyecp' 'On ro Bvyarpiop fiov errxarws e^ei* LITTLE DAUGHTER is at
saying; That the little-daughter of me last end is; the point of death; come,
ei as and put thy HANDS on lies
Ipa eXdoop eTTidrjs avrrj ras x P > oiroos that she may be restored,
that coming thou mayest put to her the hands, eo that and she will live."
acoOr)' Kai fao'erai. 2 4 Kai aTrrjXOe fier 24 And he went with
she may be saved; and she shall live. And he went with him, and a great Crowd
avrov Kai 7]KoXovdei avrep o%Aos TTOXVS, Kai followed him, and pressed
him; and followed him a crowd great, and on him.
crvpedXifiop avrop. K a i yvvt\ " * [ T I S ] oveta 25 And a Woman, $ hav-
pressed on him. And a woman [certain 1 being ing had a Hemorrhage
ep pvo'ei atfjiaros err] ScuSe/ca, 26 Kai iroXXa for twelve Years,
in a flow of blood years twelve, and many things 26 and having suffered
iradovcra vwo TTOXXCOP tarpeop, Kai dairaprjcraer'a much under Many Physi-
having; sufferedunder miny physicians, and having spent cians, and having ex-
3 pended ALL her property,
ra Trap avrrjs irapra, Kai fxrj^ep wepeXrj- and not being benefited,
the things of her all, and nothing having been but had rather become
Qeicra, aXXa fiaXXop eis ro x€lP0V eXdovcra, WORSE,
benefited, but rather inte the worse state having come, 27 having heard *the
% aKovcraffa nxepi rov Irjerov, eXOovaa ep rep things concerning J E S U S ,
having heard about the Jesus, haying come ia the came in the CROWD be.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. a Boat—omit. 22. lo—omit, 25. certain—omit.

27. the things concerning J E S U S .
t 17. Matt. viii. 34; Acts xvi. 39 t 18. Luke viii. 38. t 21. Matfc. ix. 1; Luk«
yiii. 40P J 22. Matt, i s . 18; Luke viii. 41.
j; 25> Lev, xv. 25; Matt. ix. 20.
Chap. 5 • 28.3; t&hap: S9o
ox^tp oiricrOev, 7)i\/aro rov Ijxanov avrov. hind, and touched his.
crowd behind, touched the mantle ofhim. MANTLE.
(EAeye yap' 'Or* Kav roov i/ubaricov avrov 28 For she said, " I f I
She said for; That even can hut touch his GAR-
2 9if the clothes ofhiin
a\p(tiixai, o'codrjcro/xai.),, Kai evOecos e^rjpavdrj MENTS, I shall he cured."
I may touch, I shall be saved.) And immediately was dried up 29 And immediately her
7] irrjyT] TOV at/aarbs avrr}S' Kai eyvco rep ELOW of BLOOD was dried
the source of the blood of her ; and knew to the u p ; and she felt in her
crcuju,aTi, on larai airo rrjs fxacrriyos- ^° K a i Body That she was cured
body, that was saved from the scourge. And of that SCOURGE.
evdeeos 6 lr\o~ovs GTriyvovs ev eavrep rf\v e£ 30 And immediately,
immediately the Jesus knowing in himself the out of JESUS knowing in himself
avrov Ovvafxiv e£eA0ou(raz>, eiricfrpacpeis ev rep t the POWER, proceeding
himself power having gone out, having turned round in the from him, having turned
oxXep, eXzye* Tis fxov r)\^aro rccv Ifiartecv ; round in the CROWD, said,
crowd, soid; Who of me touched the clothes? "Who touched My GAR-
Kai eXeyov avrcp 01 /j.a6r)rai avrov BAe7reis MENTS ?"
And said to him the disciples ofhim; Thou seest 31 And his DISCIPLES
said to him, " Thou seest
rov ox^ov crvvdXifiovra tre* icai Xeyeis' TLS (XOV the CROWD pressing on
the crowd pressing on thee; and sayest thou; Who me
thee, and dost thou say,
rj^aro ; 3 2 Kai irepiefiXeTrero ideiv rr\v rovro 'Who touched M e ? ' "
touched? And he was looking round to see the (woman) this
32 And he was looking
Troirjo'acrav. 3 3 e H 5e yvvrj, (pofirjOeitfa Kai rptjx- round to see HER who had
having done. The but woman, fearing and trem- DONE this,
overa, eidvia 6 yevov€V eir' avry, 7]X6e Kai
33 Then the WOMAN,
bling, having known what was done on her, came and
heing conscious of what
Trpoo~€7reo~€V avrep, Kai enrcv avrep iracrav rrjvwas wrought upon her,
fell down to him, and told to him all the fearing and tremhling,
aXrjQeiav. ' O de enrev avrrj* ®vyarep, 7) came and fell down before
truth. He but said to her; Daughter, the him, an d told him All the
TTlffriS CT0V CT€0~CCK€ CTG<vTraye ets eiprjvrjv, Kai TRUTH.
faith of thee has saved thee go in peace, and 34 And H E said to her,'
&cr6i vyirjs airo rrjs fxacrriyos GOV. 3o En avrov X "Daughter, thy EAITH
bo thou well from the scourge of thee. While ofhim has cured thee; go in
peace, and be entirely free
AaAovvros, epxovrai airo rov apx^crvvaycoyov, from thy D I S E A S E . "
speaking, they came from the synagogue-ruler's, 35 While he waa still
Asyovrts' ' O n r) dvyarrjp GOV airsBavs' ri speaking, some came from
saying; That tho daughter of thee is dead; why the SYNAGOGUE-RULER'S
€TS tfKvXXeis rov OiOacfKuXov; ^ ' O Se Irjcrovs house, who said, "Thy
yet troublest thou the teacher ? The but Jesutj DAUGHTER is dead; why
€v6€cos, aKoveras rov Xoyov XaXovfji<=vov9 Xey^i trouble the TEACHER ?"
immediately having heard the word being spoken, lays 36 *But J E S U S , having
heard the WORD that was
rep apxt-Wvayooycp' Mrj cpofiov, fxovov ivicrreve0 spoken, immediately said
to the synagogue-ruler: Not fear, only believe thou. to the SYNAGOGUE-RULER,
$? Kai OVK a<p7]K€V ovdeva avrcp crwaKoXovOrjcrai," Fear not 5 only believe."
And not he suffered no one him to follow, 37 And he permitted no
ei fir} Tlerpov, Kai laKafiov, Kai Icoavvrjv rov one to accompany *him s
except Peter, and James, and John t h e except Peter., and James,
aOeXepov laKoofiov. 38
K a i ep%erai eis rov OIKOV and John the BROTHER, 01
brother ofJameB. And becomes into the house James.
38 And *they come %@
rov apx^vvayeayov, Kai Oecopet dopvfiov, Kai the HOUSE of the SYNA-
cfthe synagogue-ruler, and he sees a tumult, and GOGUE-RULER, and he sees
KXaiovras Kai aXaXa£ovras TroXXa0 K a i the Confusion, and nruclj
weeping and wailing much. And weeping and lamenting.
cicreXQwv Xsyet avrois* Ti Oopvfieio'Oe teat 39 And having entered,
having entered he says to them : Why are you tronbled and he says to them, "Why do

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—36. But JBSTTS, neglecting to hear the W0BB which was opO'
ken, says. 87= with him. 38. they come toQ
J 30. Luke vi. 19; viii. 48. t 34= Matt. ix. 22; Mark s, 52 % Acts siv 0 a
^dhaprS -. '40.| MARK. tChapT&x t.
wAaiere; TO irdidtov ova aTTcOavev, aAAa icaOevdei, you weep and make confu-
dojouweep? the child not is tieud, but, sleeps, sion? the CHILD is not
Kcu KareyeXvou avrov. travrai^ dead, but J sleeps.»»
'O 8e, €K&a\a:u
And they deiitled Jam. He but, having sent out all, 40 And they tlerided
him. X But putting t theru
irapaXafifiavei rov rrarzpa rov Tratdtov, Kai rt]p all out, *f)e takes the FA-
he takes the father of t h e child, ~ and the
THER and the MOTHER of
(ATjTcpa, icat rovs ^uer' avrov% Kai cio-ir'opcuerat, the CHILD, and THOSE
mother, and those with him, and goes i n . ' with him, and goes in
o7Tov y\v TO iratfitov. Kat Kparrjcras TTJS x*lPos where the CHILD was.
*?here was t h e child. A n d haviug grasped t h e baud 41 And having grasped
rov iraib'iovy heyei avrrj' TaAt#a, KOV/AC 6 eari the HANE> of the C H I L D ,
c l th«* child. h e Bays t o h e n Talitha, c u t n i ; which is he eays to her, "Tulilha-
cumi,1'which, being trans-
fieOepwqvevofjiei/oj/* To kopao~iov, o"oi Xsyca, lated, signifies, ' YOUNG
being t r a n s l a t e d ; The girl, ' to thee I say,. MAIDEN, I say to thee,
eyeipe. Kai evOe&s ctv£0~T7] ro Kopaaiov^ Kat arise,"
arise. A n d immediately arose the girl, and 42 And immediately the
irepiGTrarcr r)v yap $r,<av SoohsKa. K a i €%eo~-YOUNG M A I D E N a r OSe Hn<1
walked a b o u t ; s h e was for years twelve. v A n d they were walked about, for she was
rrjcrav €KO~rao~€i fxzyaXr}. 43
Ko« dt(crrei\aro twelve years old. And
they were exceedingly as-
astonished with au astonishment great. And he charged
avrois 7roAAa, iva firjdets yucp rovro' Kai 43 And J he strictly
thorn much, that no one m i g h t know thisi and
charged them that no one
enre Sodrjvai avry tyaysiv. should know this thing;
epake t o h-avegiven t o her t o eat. and directed to give LCJ
KE<£>. s'. 6. CHAPTER VI.
Kcu etyXQw GKtidev, tcai 7jA0ez/ e«s ryv irar- 1 And J he departed
And he went out thence, and came info t h e country thence, and * comes into
pi§a avrov Kai atcohov6ovo~ii/ avroj ol fxaOrirai his OWN COUNTRY; and
of himself j and follow him t h ehis DISCIPLES follow him.
2 2 And the Sabbath hav-
avrow K a i ysvofievov. crafifiarov, ypqaro ev ing come, he began to
of him.. And being c o m e sabbath, he began in
teach in the SYNAGOGUE,
Ty o'vvaywyyfiiSao'Keiv, "Kai TTOWOI aKovovns and *MANY hearing, were
the synagogue t o teach. And mauy hearing, astonished, and ' said,
€^TT\'T)0'O'OVTO> Xsyovres' TloQzv rovrcp ravra; J "Whence has this man
were astonished, eaying} . "Whence t o this these things? these things? and "What
«cai rts 7} crocpta -Tf SoOeicra avrtp ; Kai Svua/j.fis i s T H A T "WISDOM w h i c h 13
•and what t h e wisdom t h a t being giveu t o him ? and miracles imparted *to him? and
€l (v how are such MIRACLES
roiavrai S/a r(av x P avrov yivovrai. performed through hi 3
BO great ^ through, the hands of him are done.
Ovx ovros so~rtv 6 TGKTcav, 6 vios Maptas, 3 Is not this the CAR-
Not this is the carpenter, t h e son of Mary, PENTER ? the SON of
aSeA^os $e latuafiovy Kai Ia>a°r/, tcai Iof5a, Kai * MARY, and J Brother of
brother and ofjames, and Joses, a n d Juda, and James, and Joses, and J u -

• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—40. Intake's. 1. comes into. 2. MANS. 2. t°

him? and such MIUACJL£3. 3. MARY, and Brother of.
I 40 The persons or crowd here spoken of, were probably a set of people usually hired
en these occasions to attend the funeral, and follow-the procession with their lamentations.
This custom prevailed East. These are the mourning toomen mentioned hy Jeremiah, chapter
fix.17—21; and by Amos, chanter v. 16. They were called rrajicce by the Koinans, because-
they presided over, and began, the funeral dirge. But men seem to have attended amongst
them, as well as women. Dr. Shaw mentions this custom to be still continued in the East ;
and observes, that the women employed on these occasions, perform their parts with such
proper sounds, gestures, and motions, that they rare'vfailto work up the assembly to an
extraordinary pitch of thoughtfulness and sorrow.—Wakefield.
r X 3ft. John xi. 11. '**"' \ 40. Acts ix. 40. " * ^ ^ J 43. Matt. viii. i-t is,. 80.; xii. 10; xv\U
9; Mark iii. 12; Luke v H. J 1. Mutt. xiii. £>i, Luke iv. L0. "~ £ 2. J o h u - v i . « .
| 3. Matt. xii. 40, Gal.1.19j,
Chap. 6: 4.] MARK. Jijhap. 6: 14.

ZLIJXCOVOS ; icai OVK eicrip at avrov w5edas,

a8e\<pai and Simon? and are
not his sisTKiis here with.
) Simon a n d n o t are • t h e sistershere of him
us?* And they were per-
rrpos rifxas; Kai €o~KapbKa\i(oprof sv avrq>. plexed with him.
witVi .;•. us? And they were stumbled in him.
4 • 4< But J E S U S said to
E \ c 7 € 8e avrois 6 l-qcrovs' 'Ort OVK effri. Tcpo- them, I "A Prophet is not
\ Said but to them the ' Jesus j That n o t is a pro-
without honor, except in
<pr)TT)s ari/xos, ei fxt] *p rt} irarpidt avrov, his OWN COUNTRY, and
phet without honor, except in t h e country of himself,
among his RELATIVES,
Kai eu rois (Tvyyeveffi, Kat zv rr) ot,Kta avrov. and in his OWN FAMILY "
ar.d among the relatives, and in t h e house of himself.
6 5 I And he was unwil-
Kai OVK t}b*vvaTo e/te/ ovficfA&ap dvuajj.ii/ 71-0*77- ling to do any MITIAGI.ES
And n o t was able there no one miracle to
there, except a Tew Sick
<rat, a jJ.7] o/.iryois appoxrrois ZTTIOCZS ras x<?spas,persons he cured by lay
do, except a few sick having put on t h e hands,
G ing his HANDS on them.
€0epa7rtuore. Kat eGau/xa<^ bia rt\p airicrnap
6 And he was surprised
were cured. And he wondered because of the unbelief
on account of their UN-
•of them.
BELIKF. t-And he went
round the VILLAGES teach-
Kat itzpirjye *ras Kcopias KVKXCO, BidaCKcap. ing-
Aad heivent rounc* t h e villages r o u n d a b o u t , teaching.
7 J And he called the
7 Kat TrpocTKaksiYai rovs 8w§e/ca, aa, Tjp^aro TWELVE, and sent Them
And he callo t h e [ ; twelve, ••' and h e began
forth in p a n s ; and gave
avtovs aTTocTTqkKety b*uo 5y<r - kai eo\5ov avrois them Authority over the
them , .v. to send 'titfo two-, a n d he gavo to them IMPURE SPIRITS ;
t£ov&ia'v T<AV irvsuixarm /COP aKaOaprwp, Kai
8 and lie charged them,
authority of the spirits of t h e unclean, ( and
that they should take No-
7rapr)yyei\£P avrois, tva fH7]dfP aipwwiv €is thing for the Journey, ex-
he charged them,- t h a t nothing they s h o u l d t a k e for cept a-single Stall'; * n o
OSOP, €< P-V pafiSoy JJLOPOP' #77 rrrjpap, JXT] aprop, Bread, no Traveling Bag.
away, except 2 staff only; no bag, no bread, no Copper in the GIRDLE ;
fx-r} €i$ <cr}v (covrjp xa^K0V' 9
« ^ ^ ' viroSeBefMcvuvs 9 but to wear SANDALS,
ttot i n t o t h e belt copper money : but Laving been shod and not put on Two Coats.
iravda\ia° KOI fx-rj ^pBvat]aQs §vo ^ircopas. 10Kcu 10- And he said to them,.
sandals > a n d n o t y o a may p u t on two coats. A n d "Whatever house you en-
eXtyetf avrois' *OTTOV cav eicreKOrjrz ets otKiau, ter, there remain, till you
he said to them; "Where if y o u may enter i n t o a h o u s e , leave the place.
<K€i fisverc i w j ap z^hdrjre eKttOep, Kat 1.1 And * whatever Place
there remain till y o u may go away from the»ce. And will not receive you, nor
6<ro$ at/fjiti O'S^C&VTCLI y/.tas ? /tt^Se aKov&oao'w vfAcap, hear you, in departing
wl.ocver n o t may receive you, nor hear you, thence" t % shake off that
^KTfop6vo/j,epot stcetSeu, cstrtva^are rov %ovp rov DUST which is UNDEE
going awar from thence, chake o u t ' t h e dust that your EEET, for a Testi-
vTTOKarai rcav TTOBOJP VJUO)P9 SIS fxaprvpiop avrois.mony to them.
under the feet of y o u , for a witness tothem. 12 And having gono
K a i e£eX0Q!/T£$ ZK7}pvcro'oPt ipa ju,jrapo7}o~a>cri% forth, they proclaimed
' And having gone o u t they published, t h a t thev should reform ; that men should reform.
P Kat, Sai/xopia, -JTOAACI f^e^aWop, Kat rjheiQop 13 And they expelled
and demons many t h e y cast o u t , a n d anointed many Demons, and J an-
• €\ai(t) TTOWOVS apfxaffrovs» nat edtpairsvop, ointed many sick persons
with o i l many sick o n e s , a n d they were cured. with Oil, and cured them.
K a i 7)Kov&ev 6 fiacrtkevs 'HpcoSrjSj (<papepop H $And Herod the
And heard the king Herod, (well-known KING heard, (for JESUS
'yap eysvero ro opofia avrov,) Kat G\€yepa *Ort had become well-known,)
for was tho name of him,) and h e said; That and *he. said, "John the

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.— Bread, no traveling Bag. r 11. whatever Placo

•will not. 14. they said. • ( y;;-*,( \w*'--- fl
•t 11. An emblematical action, signifying a renunciation of all furJher concern witl
them. It was very usual among the people of the East to express th'ei: mtentions by ex-
ternal signs. Many singular examples of this species cf language occur both iu Old and
New Testaments. See 1 Kings xi. 29; xkii. 11; 2 Kings xiii.15. .
i 4 Mntt.sciii 57; Johniv.44. t 5. Matuxiii. 58; .Mark ix. 23. $ 6. Matt.
lx.85; LuUexiii.22. . 17. Matt.x.i, Mark in. n, 14; Lukeix. 1. . I i t . Acts
Ixiu.SJiJKviU^j J 13, James v, 14. - t H. Matt.xiv. 1; L u k e s . l b .
Chap. 6: 15.] MARK. tfhap. 6: S3.
Icaavv7}s 6 ficnrTifav e«r veiqpav *has usen from
yyepOrj, Kai IMMERSER
John he baptizing eut of the Dead, and therefore
dead has been raised, and
hia TOVTO evepyovcriv at dvvafxeis ev owrcp. MIRACLES are performed.
through this work the mighty powers in him. by him."
io 15 Others saia, J " H e is
AAAof eXeyov 'On HAias eanv AXXOI de
Others said: That Elias he is ; Others and Elijah;" and others
eXeyov eOri 7rpo(f>7]T7)s eariv, cos els root/ irpo-" He is a Prophe , like one
said: That a prophet he is, like one of the pro- of the PROPHETS.-"
tprjreov. 16
Aicovcras de 6 Hpcodrjs, enrev c
0n 16 J But HEROD having
phets. Having heard but the Herod, said; Thatheard, said, " That John.
bv eyco aireKecpaXicra looavvi]V? ovros rjyepdr] whom 3£ beheaded; f)t is
whom I beheaded John, he i» raised raised."
l 17 For HERO^I himself
*[e/c veKpu>v.~\ ? AUTOS yap 6 'Hpoodrjs-ccirocr-
Q from dead.] Himself for the Herod send-
had sent and seized J O H N ,
and bound him in Prison,
reiXas eKparr]cre rov looavvrjv, Kai edrjerev avrov on account of Herodias,
ing seized ;he John. and bound him
the WIFE of Philip his
ev (pv\aK7), 5ia e Hpco5ia5a, rrjv yvvaiKa <biXiir- BROTHER; for he had mar-
in prison, through Herodias, th? wife of Philip ried Her.
TTOV rov a$eX<pov avrov, on avryjv eya^aev. 18 For J O H N had said
of the brother of himself, for her he had married. to H E R O D , $ " i t is not
EA.67e yap 6 looavvTjs rqj 'Hpoody 'On OVK e£- lawful for thee to have thy
Said for the John to the Herod; That not it is BROTHER'S WIFE."
ecrri ffoi e%eiv TT]V yvvaiKa rov afieXtyov GOV. 19 Therefore ] ERODIAS
lawful to thee to have the wife of the brother
of thee. was incensed against him,
19 f
H Se f Hpo)5ms evei%ev avrcp
Kat TjdeXev and wished to kill him,
The and Herodias had a grudge against him and wished and could not.
avrov airoKreivai' Kat OVK rjdvvaro. ' O yap 20 For HEIIOX % feared
him to destroy; and not was able. The for J O H N , knowing that he
'Hpoodrjs etyofieiro TOV Icoavvrjv, eiBcos avrov av- was a just and holy Man ;
Herod feared the John, knowing him a and protected him; and
Spa diKaiov Kai ayiov Kai orwerrjpei avrov Kai having heard him, he *did
man just and holy; and protected him; and many things, and heard
aKovaas avrov, iroXXa eivoiei^ Kai TjSeuos avrov Him gladly.
hearing him, many things he did, and gladly him 21 And a convenient
rjKove. 21 Kaf yevo/LLev7]S rjfiepas evKaipov, ore Day having come, when
he heard. And having come a day convenient, when Herod, on his BIRTH-DAY,
'HpoeSrjs rots yeveaiois avrov denvvov eivoiei made a Feast for his N O -
Herod to the birthday of himself a feast he made BLES, and for the COM-
,caL MANDERS and C H I E F men
rots fieyiarrao'iv avrov, Kai rois xi^iaPX0iS>
to the nobles of himself, and to the commanders, and of GALILEE ;
rots npoorois rrjs TaXiXaias' 22 22 *the DAUGHTER of
Kai eicreXdovcr7]s
to the chiefs of the Galilee; this HERODIAS having en-
and having entered
riqs Ovyarpos avriqs rrjs 'Hpoodiados, Kai opxv~ tered, and danced, *she
of the daughter ofhei' of the Herodias, and danc- pleased HERGD and the
GUESTS, * and the KING
o~a[AevT)s, Kai apecaarjs rep 'Bpccdy Kai rois said to the GIRL, " Ask me
lng, and having pleased the Herod and those
whatever thou wilt, and I
(rwavaKei/jLevotSf siirev b fiaciXevs TW Kopacnoo' will give it to thee. 5 '
reclining at table, said the king to the little girl;
hirija'ov /xe, 6 eav deXys, Kai Swo'co croi. 23 And he swore to her,
Ask rne, whatever thou wilt, and I will give to thee. {"Whatever thou mayst
^Kai couoo'ev avry ' O n 6 eav fie airycrys, ask Me, I will give to thee,
even to the Half of my
And he swore to her; That whatever me thou mayst ask,
dcoa'co coi) eoos Tjfucovs rr)s fiacriXeias fiov.
I will give to thee, till half of the kingdom of me.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—14. has arisen. 10. from the dead—omit* 20. waa
much perplexed, and heard. • 220 his DAUGHTER Herodias. 22. she pleased.
22. and the KING. »
t 21. The custom of celebrating' stated solemnities, and the anniversary of the birth-day
in particular, was very general in the East, and might be transferred from them to tha
Greeks and Eomans. The solemnization of the birth-da; by a festival is frequently men*
tioned, or alluded to, in ancient atithors.~-JFaA;e/ieM.
t 15. Matto xvi, 14; Mark viii. 28. % 16. Matt. xiv. 2; Luke iii.19, T 18. I<e^
xviii. 16; s s . 21. $ 20. Matt, xiv.5; xsioG. + 23. Esther v. 3, 0; vii. 2.
Chap. 6: §4.] MARK. [Ok*4)767Sl.
' H Se e^eXQovca, enre rrj /JLTjrpi avrys' 24 And SHE going out,
The and going out, said to the said to her MOTHER, "What
mother of herself; "What
£UT7}(TOIJLCU ; CH 5e ei7T€* Tyv KecpaXrjv looavvovshall I ask?" And she said,
shall I ask? She and said; The head of John " The HEAD of John the
TOV fiairTL(TTOVe Kcu eureXOovcra evOecos fiera
the dipper. And coming in immediately with
25 And coming in im-
mediately with Haste to
(fTTov^rjs rrpos TOV fictcriXea, rjrrjo'aro, Xeyovo'a' the KING, she asked, say-
haate to the king, she asked, saying;
®6X0O IVOi fJLOl ScpS €^aVT7]S 67Ti TTlVaKl TT)V
ing " I desire that thou
I will that to me thou wouldst give instantly on a plate the wouldst give me instantly,
on a Platter, the HEAD
K€(pa\7]V looavvov rov /3aTrrL<TTov. 26 Kai ir€pi- of John the IMMERSER."
head of John the dipper. And very
26 X And the KING, be-
Xvwos yevofxevos 6 fiacriXGvs, Sta rovs opKovs ing extremely sorry on
sorry having become the king, because of the oaths
account of the OATHS and
K.CU rovs o"vvavaK€ifx€Vovs OVK TjdeXrjcrev
avrfjvthe GUESTS, would not re-
and those reclining at table hot he would
fuse her. her
aOerrja'ai. ? Kcu zvOecos aivoo'reiXas b fiacriX- 27 And the KING, im-
reject. And immediately sending the king mediately sending one of
evs crireKovXaroopa, sirera^ev zv£~)(Qf}vai rr\v t h i s Guards, ordered his
a guardsman, he ordered to be brought the HEAD to he brought. And
K€<paX7)V avTov. ' O §e arreXOoov aireKetyaXicev HE having gone forth be-
head of him. He and going forth cut off the head of headed him in the PRISON ;
avrov ev rr)<pvXaKy "28Kai yvey K6 rr\v ice<paX7]V 28 f and brought his
him in the prison; and brought the head HEAD on a Platter, and
avrov em irivaKL, Kai e§ct)Kev avrrjv rep Kopao'icp' gave it to the GIRL; and
of him on a plate, and gave her to the little girl; the GIRL gave it to her
icai ro Kopacriov SSCOK^V avrrjv rr) \M)rpi avrrjs. MOTHER.
and the little girl gave her to the mother of herself. 29 And his disciples
Kat afcova'avT€S ol fxaQy]rai avrov, 7]X6ov, Kai having heard, came and
And having heard the disciples of him, came, and carried oft the DEAD-
f]pav TO rcroojji'x avrov, Kai eOrjKav avro GV \JLVT)-BODY, and placed it in a
took the dead bo^y of him, and placed it in a Tomb.
y.eicp. ! 30 X And the APOSTLES
tomb. were assembled to Jesus,
Kcu tfvvayovrai oi cnrocrroXot irpos TOV I and related to him all
And were assembled the apostles to the I things, both what they
Irjcrovv, Kai airrjyyeiXav avrcp iravra, Kai do'a jhad done, and what they
Jesus, and reported to him all, and what
i had taught.
eTTOLiqo'av, Kai 6(ta ebida^av. 31
K a i enrev avrois' 31 And he *said to them,
they did, and what they taught. And he said to them; ! j " C o m e gnu, retire by
AeuTe vfieis avroi Kar* idiav eis ^pr},aov TOTTOU, I yourselves into a Desert
Come you yourselves privately into a desert place, Place, and rest a l i t t l e ; "
Kai avaTravecrOe oXiyov. Hcrav yap ol epxo/Aevoi ^for many were THOSE
and rest you a little; Were for those coming who were COMING and GO-
t 27. The term, spekoulatoora from the Latin speculator, denotes one of the body-guards^
yho were so called, because their principal duty was that of sentinels. They had, however,
tither conMental duties, and among these, that of acting, like Turkish soldiers of the present
lay, as executioners. t 28. Note here, that very remarkable seems the providence of
S-od, in avenging the death, of this holy man upon Herod, Herodias, and her daughter. For
1st, As the war betwixt Herod and Aretas king of Petrea was caused by Herod's wicked^on-
fcract with Herodias to reject the daughter of Aretas, his lawful wife, and to marry with.
Herodias, his brother Philip's wife; so Josephus declares that the Jews looked upon the
putting John to death, as the cause of the miscarriage of Herod's army ; '' God being angry
with him for the death of John the Baptist." 2dly, Herodias envying the glory of king Ag-
rippa, who had that honour given him by Caius, prevailed with her husband to go to Eome,
and accuse Agrippa; whereupon Cams deprived Herod of his government, and her of her
money; and gave them both to Agrippa, banishing Herod and Herodias to Lyons in France *.
"which (says Josephus) was done in punishment of her envy, and of his readiness to hear-
ken to her solicitations." And 3dly, of her daughter i t is related, that she going over the ice
in winter, the ice broke, and she slipped in to the head, which at last was severed from her
body by the sharpness of the ice, God requiring her head for that of the Baptist's she desi-
red; which, if true, was a wonderful providence.—Whitby.
% 26. Matt. xiv. 9, t 34. Luke ix. 10. t 31. Matt, xiv/13; John vi. 1, %
X 31. Mark i n . 20.
&iap. Si 32 J MARK.
Kai 01 vitayovres TroXXbi' Kai ovfie (payeip rjvKai- ING, and they had no lei*
and those going many; and n o t even to e a t t h e y had sure, not even to eat.
povv. 32
' K a i a-KT]\dov eis epy\\xov roivov rco 32 And they went away,
leisure. And they went into a desert place t o t h e by the BOAT, into a Desert
TrXoica Kar' idiau. 3 3 Kai eiSoi/ avrovs virayovras' Place, % to be by them-
ship privately. A n d they saw them. going a w a y ; selves.
Kai eireyvtacrav iroXXoi' Kai ireQr) arro irao'cov 33 But they saw them
and knew many; and on foot from all departing, and many knew
roov woXecou (Tvvedpafiov e/cei. 3i K a i e^eXdwv ther ihem; and they ran toge-
of t h e cities they ran together t h e r e . And comingont
there on foot from All
eidei/ TTOXVV ox^ov, Kai eo"nXayxvio-Qri ^ 34 % And coming out, he
he saw great a crowd, and was moved with pity towards
saw a Great Crowd; and he
avrois, on j\<rav oos ivpofiara, fif] exovra TTOI- deeply pitied them, Be-
them, • for they were as sheep, not having a
cause they were like Sheep
ueva" Kai r\p^aro SidacrKeiv avrovs TcoXXa. having no Shepherd; and
shepherd; and h e began to teach t h e m many things.
35 % he taught them many
Kai 77577 oopas TTOXXTJS yevofievrjs, TrpocreXQov- things.
And already t i m e much having gone, coming
e 35 J And much Time
res avrcp 01 fjiadrjrai avrov, Xeyovaiv Ori epj]- having already gone, his
t o h i m t h e disciples of him, they say; That a
DISCIPLES coming to him,
fxos eo'riu 6 ro7ros, Kai 77817 oopa TTOXXTJ* 3 6 a7ro- say, * " The PLACE is a
desert is t h e place, a n d already time m u c h : dismiss
Desert, and now much
Xvo~ov avrovs, Iva aireXQovres eis rovs KVKXcp Time has passed;
them, that going into t h e surrounding
36 dismiss them, that
aypovs Kai Kcc/jias, ayopaarwo'iv kavrois aprovs' they may go to the adja-
country and villages, they may b u y themselves loaves;
cent TAE.MS and Villages,
ri yap <payo)criv OVK exovdiv. ? f O 8e airoKpi- and buy themselves * what
any for they might eat n o t they have. H e b u t answering they should eat,"
dels enrev avrois' Aore avrois V/JLZIS (payeiv. 37 But H E answering
said to them; Give to them you t o eat,
said to them, " g o t l sup-
Kai Xeyovcriv avrcp' AireXdovres ayopao'co/j.ev ply them.55 And they say
And they say to him; Going may we buy to him, "Should we go and
§7)vapia)v SiaKotfioov aprovs, Kai dco/nev avrois for Two hundred Denarii
denarii two hundred loaves, and give t o t h e m buy Loaves, and give them
3S f
tyayeiv; O Se Xeyet avrois' Uoo'ovs aprovs to eat ?55
He b u t says to t h e m : H o w many loaves 38 And HE says to them,
to e a t ? virayere Kai idere. Kai yvovres, "How Many Loaves have
go y o u and s e e y o u . And having ascertained, you? Go and see." And
have y o u ? Tlevre, Kai 8vo ix^vas. Kai eire- having ascertained, they
Pive, and two fishes. And h e or- say, J " Five, and Two
they say: avaKXivai iravras, a'vviroa'ia Fishes."
ra^ev avrois
them t o m a k e recline all, company 39 And he commanded
dered Tc J 4 a f
crwifocria, eiri rev x^-^PV X°P i ' ° ^ <we- them to make all recline in
company, on the green grass. And they Companies on the GHEEN
iceo~QV Tvpaariai irpacriai, ava eKarov, Kai ava Grass.
realined squares squares, b y a hundred, and i 40 And they lay down
TrevrrjKoura. 4l
Kai Xafioov rovs irevre aprovs in Squares, by Hundreds
by fifty. And taking the five loaves and by Fifties.
Kai rovs 5fo ix^vas, avafiXexpas eis rov ovpavov, 41 And taking the FIVE
and the two fishes, looking up to the heaven, Loaves and the TWO Fish-
es, and looking towards
cvXoyrjo'e, Kai KareKXacre rovs aprovs,
Kai HEAVEN, he praised God,
he gave praise, and broke the loaves,
and broke the LOAVES,
edifiov rois /uLaOrjrais avrov, iva irapaQooo'iv and gave to *the DISCI-
gave to the disciples of him, t h a t they might set before PLES to set before them;
avrois' Kai rovs 5uo ix^vas efxepicre iraa'i. and the TWO Fishes he
them : and the two fishes h e divided t o all. distributed to all.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—35. The PLACE is a Desert. 36. what they should eat,
But HE. 41. the DISCIPLES.
t 32. Matt. xiv. 13. J 34. Matt. ix. 36; xiv. 14. % 34. Luke ix. 11, $35.
Matt. xiv. 15; Luke ix. 12. $ 38. Matt. xiv. 17; Luke ix. 13 j Join. vi. 9.
Ohap. 6? 42.] MARK. {Chap. 6 : &§.
42 42 And they all ate and
Kat e<payov iravTes, KCU €Xopracr6r](rav.
And they ate all, were satisfied.
and were filled.
*3 Kcu 7]pav KXacr/xaTcav ftoodeica Kocpwovs TTATJ- 43 And they took up
And t h e y t o o k u p of fragments twelve baskets full, Twelve Baskets full of
pets, /cat arco TOOU ixOveov. 4 4 K a t 7]<rau oi (pa~ Fragments, [of the Bread,
and of the fishes. A n d were those having and of the T I S H E S .
yovTts rovs aprovsy 7re^ra/ctcr%tAiot avdpzs. 4 4 NOW THOSE W h o A T E
eaten the loaves, five t h o u s a n d men. of the LOAVES were Five
K a t evdecos 7)vayKao~6 rovs f.La6rjrasavrov thousand Men.
And immediately h e urged the disciples 45 J And immediately
of himself
qj,fir]pai eis TO TTXOIOV, /cat irpoayeLV ets TO 7re- he constrained his D I S C I -
to step into t h e ship, a n d t o go before t o t h e other PLES to go into the BOAT,
pav irpos Br) do" aid ay, ecos a u r o s airoXvcr] TOV and precede him to t h e
Bide to Bethsaida, while lie should dismiss t h e OTHER, SIDE, towards
ox^ov. 46
K a t a-KOTa^afxevos airrots, amiXQev Bethsaida, whilefieshould
crowd. A n d having sent away them, h e went send away the CKOWD.
ets TO opos irpoo'ev^ao'OaL. 4
' K a t otyias yeuo- 46 And having dismissed
i n t o t h e mountain t o pray. A n d evening having them, he retired to the
MOUNTAIN to pray.
fxevrjS) f]v TO TCXOLOV ey juecrco TTJS QaXacrcrris'
come, was t h e ship i n middle o f t h e sea; 47 And Evening having
48 come, the BOAT was in the
/cat auTos JAOVOS eiri TT]S yr)s. Kat eidev Midst ofthe LAKE, and fie
and he alone upon the land. And lie saw
was alone on the LAND.
avrovs ^ao^auL^o/xeuovs ev Tea eXaweiv it]V yap48 And he saw them
them tormented in the rowing; was for
toiling at the OAR ; for the
6 avevos evavTtos CLVTOIS. K a t 7rept T€TapT7]v WIND was against t h e m ;
t h e wind opposite to them. And about fourth
and ah out the t Fourth
(pvX0LK7}V T 7 ) S VVKTOS e p X e T C U ^pOS CLVTOVS, 7 T € p t - Watch of the N I G H T , h e
watch ofthe night comes towards them, walk-
comes towards them walk*
ttarcav eiri TTJS 6aXao-o~r)s° Kat TjdeXe irapeXQeiv ing on the LAKE, and
ing on the sea; a n d wished t o pass
49 wished to pass by them.
avrovs. Ot Se, idovres avrov irepiiraTovj/Ta 49 But seeing him
them. They b u t , seeing him walking
walking on the LAKE, they
€7rt TTJS OaXacrcrrjSi e5o£at> (pavTao~/xa eivai, Kat thought i t was an Appari-
on t h e sea, they thought a phantom t o be, a n d
50 tion, and they cried o u t ;
aveKpa^ap, TlafTes yap avrou eidov, /cat
they cried out. All for him saw, and: 50 for they all saw him,
€TapaxOr]crau. K a t evOeoos <EXaXr)o~e ILST* avToov, and were terrified. And
were terrified. And immediately h e spoke w i t h them, immediately he spoke with
/cat XeyeL auTots* ©apcren-e* eyco GLIAL, /AT] <po-them, saying, "Take cour-
and says t o t h e m ; Take c o u r a g e ; I am, n o t b e age, it is E ; be not afraid."
/3et<r0e. 5 l K a t ave$T} irpos avTovs eis TO TVXOIQV* 51 And he went up to
afraid. And h e went u p t o them into t h e boat: them into the B O A T ; and
Kat CKorracrey 6 avefAos. K a t Ata^ * [ e / c ire- the W I N D ceased; and they
and ceased the wind. A n d greatly [ o u t of m e a - were exceedingly amazed
pLo~o~ov\ eu eavroLS e^LG'TavTO, *\_KaL e6av/xa£ov.^ in themselves.
sure] in themselves t h e y were amazed [ a n d wondered.] , 52 For $ they understood
Ou y a p crvvqitav eiri r o t s apTois' rju yap 7) 'not about the LOAVES;
Not for they understood about t h e loaves} was for t h e because their HEAB/T was
KapdLa avToev Treircopcc/AGur), stupified.
heart of t h e m having been stupified. 53 And having passed
53 over, they came to the
K a t 5ta7repacra^Tes y\XBov eiri Tf]v yr\v Tev- LAND of Gennessaret, and
And having passed over t h e y came t o t h e l a u d Gen-
* put to the shore.
vricrapeT' /cat irpocroopfALcrd'^craj/. 5 4 K a t e£eA0oi>-
nesaret: and drew t o t h e shore. A n d coming out 54 And coming out of
the BOAT, immediately
rcav OLVTOOV e/c TOV TTXOLOV, ei/0ea>s vKtyvovTts they recognized him,
of t h e m o u t of t h e ship, immediately knowing
irepLdpafAovTes bXf]v Tf\v irepix^pov 55 and running through
him, running a b o u t whole t h e adjacent country that Whole STJBEOTJNDINQ

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—51. out of measure—omit. 51.. and wondered—omit,

t 48. See Notes on Matt. xiv. 25, 26.
t 45. Matt. xiv. 22; John vi. l£. $ 5 2 . Mark viii. 17, IS.
Olmp. is"66.} MARK. \Cfw&. X%- &i
GKeivnv, f\p\avro eiri TOIS Kpaftfiarois rovs REGION, carried about thu
that, they began ©a the couches those SICK on COUCHES; t»
Kaxcos exovras irepupepeiv, dirov 77/couoy, bn where they heard he was.'
sickness having to carry about, where they heard, t&at
€K€t ecrri. 56
Kai dirov av eiffeiropevero 56 And wherever he en-
there he is. Au3 wherever he entered tered, into Towns, or Ci-
Kco/xasf 7) rroXeis, r) aypovs, ev rais ayopais ties, or Villages, they
placed the SICK in the
towns, er cities, er villages, in the markets
MARKETS, and implored
erivovv rovs ao~0€vovvras9 Kai TtapzKaXovv him, £ that they might hut
they placed tfeoie being aick, and they besough* touch the TUPT of his
avrov, Iva tcav rov Kpaetredov rov i/Ltariov MANTLE ; and as many as
him, that if even thG tuft of the mantle touched him were cured.
avrov aipeovrar Kai ocroi av TJTTTOVTO avrov,
of him they might touch; and whoever touched him,
were saved*
1 J And the PHARISEE s^
KE#. C» To and some of the SCRIBES,
1 having come from Jerusa*
Kai (Tvvayovrai irpos avrov 0! Qapicawi, lem, resorted to him.
And were gathered to him the Pharisees,
UL rives rcov ypa/ji/j.aT€cov9 eX$ovres aito 'Iepo- 2 And observing some
and some of the scribes, having come from of his D I S C I P L E S eating
&o\t;MtiV 2
teat tSovres Tivas rcav /xaOrjrcov BREAD with common, thiai
Balem; and aocing some of the disciples is, with Unwashed Hands;
avrov Koivais X€P<rt> fovrf eorrtv avmrois, 3 (for the PHARISEES^
»fhim with common hands, that is unwashed, and All the J E W S holding
eeOiovras aprovs' (oi yap Qapicraioi Kai 7rav-
the TRADITION of the
eating loaves; (the for Pharisees and all
ELDERS, eat not, unless
Tes 01 Itvdaioi, eav [xrj irvyixy vitytavrai ras
the Jews, if not with 1st they may wash the they wash their HAKBB
%eipas, OVK eadiovcn, Kparovvres irapadoa'iv with the F i s t ;
rrjv j
hands, not they eat, holding the tradition 4 and coming from a
roov irpecrfivrepwv 'Kai arro ayopas, eav fir) Market, unless they * im-
ef the elderst *nd from a market, if not merse themselves, they eat
ParrTicrcovrat9 ovtc eo~6iovo'&* Kai aXXa iroXXa not. And many othei
they might dip, not they eat; and other many things things there are" which
eo~nv, a TrapeXafiov Kpareiv, fia7rri(r/j.ovs norr)- they have received to main-
is, which they received i o hold, dippings of tain,—Immersions of Cups,
pioov, Kai ^crrcav, Kai %aXKi<av% *[^Kat KXIVOOV^) and of Pots, and of Copper
cups, and of pots, and of copper vessels, [and of couches;]) vessels;)
zirtira 67T€p(arcao"tj/ avrov oi $apicraioi Kai 01 5 * both the P H A R I S E E S
then asked him the Pharisees and the and the SCRIBES asked
ypa/uL/uarcts' Atari oi fiadrjrai GOV ov Trepiira- him, " Why do not thy
scribes: Why the disciples of thee not walk DISCIPLES walk according
rovai Kara rrjv TrapaBoo'iv roov irpeo'ftvrep'tiv, to the TRADITION of the
according to the tradition of the elder?, ELDERS, but eat BREAD
aXXa Koivais xePcriJ/ GffOiovcrt rov aprov; ' 0 with common Hands ?"

but with common hands they eat the loaf? He 6 H E said to them, "Well
* [ 5 e airoKpideis] enrev avrois' On KaXcos irpoe- did Isaiah prophesy con-
[but answering] said
to them: That well pro- cerning you, HYPOCRITES,
<p7)revo'ev 'H&aias Trepi VJXOOV rcov viroKpiroov, fasas it is written, $ 'This
phesied Ec?5as about you the hypocrites, as ' P E O P L E honor me with
yeypairrai* Obros 6 Xaos TOIS xeL^€0~l A46 'their L I P S , but their
it is written t "This the people with the lips me
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—4. besprinkle themselves, they eat not. 4. and of
couches— omit. 5. both the PHARISEES. 6. but answering—0J»#.
t 3. The Pharisees, (says Josephus,) delivered many doctrines of the people as belonging
to the law, which were handed down by the fathers, but not written in the law of Moses;
and-for this .reason, the sect of the Sadducees rejects them; maintaining- that those things
which are written, ought to be accounted parts of the law, and that such asare only received
\y tradition from the "fathers oug-ht not to be observed.—Ant. ariii. 18.
1 56. Matt. ix. 20; Mark v. 2,7,28; Acts six,lis. % 1. Matt. s r . 1. . t & ! s a . xxix. IS,
•Ofuxp. 7 s 7 - L MARK
rifjia, 7) 6*e Kttpftia avrcop tfopfeo atre%ee owr' HE^LET is far removed
liocor, the but heart of them from me.
far off is removed from
efiov. ? Mar^jv 5e o~e$ovrai /-te, Stoao-rcoj/Tes 7 ' But in vain do they
In vain but they worship me, te Aching ' w o r s a p me, teaching as
5i5ao7caAias, evraXjxara avdpeaircw" * Aepevres 'Doctrines, the Precepts
teachings, commandments ofmen." Leaving 'of Men.'
*[yap~\',-riv evroX7]V rov 0eou, Kpareire TTJV 8 Laying aside the
[for] the commandment of the God, you hold the COMMANDMENT Of G O D ,
wapado(TLU reav avQpcanccv, *\_$evKrio~iiovs j-ecrroov you retain the TRADITION
Of MENc"
tradition of the men, [dippings of pots
9 And he said to them,
kai irorripieov KCLI aXXaiiapofjLoia roiavrairohfta "Well do you annul che
and of cups; and other similar such like many things COMMANDMENT of GOD,
7roi€iTe.]j K c u eXsyev avrois, KaXcos aOereire that you may keep your
you do„] And he said to them. Well you set aside OWn TRADITION.
rriv evro^Tjv rov 0eov, iva r7\v irapex&oo-iv V/JLOOU 10 Tor Moses said, i ' H o -
the commanament of the God, thnt the tradition of you 'nor thy FATHER and thy
riipqarriTz, MiaffTjs yap enre 0
' 6 TijJia rov ' MOTHER j ' a n d J H s who
you may keep Moses for
"Honor the ' R E V I L E S Father or Mo-
rrarepa. erov Kai rr\v fiTjr^pa crov" /car " ' O ' ther, let him he punished
father of thee and the not?:©.* of thee;" and; " H e 'with Death.'
KaicoXoyo v irarepa rj fir}repa9 Oavarep reXev- 11 But rjou assert, * I f a
cursing father or mother, a death let him man say to FATHER or MO-
rar©," "3fyieis-8e \ey&re° Eaj> ziirr} avdpca- THER, $Be that Corhan,
say; If should say a man that is, an Offering, t h y
die." You but - - - - - -
7ros rep ttarpi T) ry fiTjrpi" Kopfiav (6
eerri, which thou mightest de-
to the father or the motherj is, Corban (which
rive assistance from me %
Scopoj/,) i <av c£ efiov wep<-X7)6r)S' 12 [/cat] 12 you no more permit
a gift,) whatever out of mo thou mightest be profited; [and"]
him to do any thing for FA-
ovKert arhierz avrov ovdev iroirjo'aL rep irarpi THER or M O T H E R :
s o more yo \ suffer him anything to do for i he faiiier
*[a&T0v.,3 T) rrj py\rpi*\abrov,~\'lzcLKvpovvr£s 13 making void the
WORD of GrCD by your TRA-
[of himself,] or for the mother [of himself,] making voi*
DITION, which' you have
rov Xoyjp rov Oeov rr) wapaSocrei v/JLeaVy 7} delivered; and many such
the word of the God i'or the tradition
of you, which
like Things you do."
7rape5:;/cof '€* /cat irapG[jioia raiavra iroXXa iroi-
youf'.Siivered; and similar suchlike many things j o u 14 $A.nd having * again
sj'u'C 4
- Kai irpoo'/caA.ecra/AiDVS iravra rov called All of the CROWD,
*o. And having called cil the he said to them, " Let all
^%X••.--, eAeyei/ airrois 0 AfcoueTe fto^1 i w r e S j listen to me, and be in-
crowd, he said to them; He?c me all, structed.
tctt c u ^ i e r e . lffi
Oi>8e*> €er-?ty s&afley r o v avdpoo- 15 There is nothing from
and bo instructed. Nothing if: out::!''::, ol 'i:e man without the MAN, which
irov9 eicnr^pevo/jLevov t t j cx.vrov9 6 (jvva/J'tio, aiyrov entering in * POLLUTES
entering into him, ^iacU -S able liim him ; but the THINGS pro-
ceeding from *the MAN,
KOiveaerar aXXa ra eKTropevo/ubeva air" avrov, are t h e THINGS which
io make common; but the things proceeccig from him,
16 POLLUTE him.
mtiva eerrt rex, Koivovvra rov avBpearcov. **[Ei 16 * $ [ I f any one has
those ig'^ethingsmakingcommonthe man. [If
VATICAN MANTJSCEIPT.—8. For—omit. 8. dippings of Pots and oi Cups; and
many other suchlike things you do—omit, 12. And—omit, 12. .".as—omit.
r<2. his—omii 14. againlitlled. 15. POLLUTES him. 15. the MAW, are t h e
THINGS which POLLUTE h i m . 16. I f any one has Ears to hear, l e t him hear—omit,
•\ 11. Apiece of history, delivered in the Talmud, will illustrate this subject, aud a t t h e
Bame time exhibit in a clear light the profligacy, superstition, and casuistry of the Jews. A
man of Beth-^oron had made a vow, and declared that his father shouldreap no benefit from
his property. Afterwards, on t h e occasion of his son's marriage, h e wished t o invite # his
father tc the entertainment; and, to evadethe obligation ofhis vow, he transferred his right
and property in the room and feast to a friend, who was engaged to invite his father. This,
however, war >udged to be unlawful, unless he had transferred entirely and truly this part o',
his property x,o his friend, without interposing any condition with respect to the invitatioa
of his father, whom he was bound by all means not to profit. How can vm b® surprised x
the severity with which our Savior rebuked such vile casuistry, such w&Zftt of uateral affec-
tion, end sue" abominable hypocrisy ^Wakefield.
f l \ Exod. xx. 12; Deut. v 16; Matt. av. 4. . t 10. Esod. sxi. 1/j L^T, X S ' , .rov
KX. 20. t 11. Matt. xv. C -.xxiii.18* * l u Matt, x v . l k | 16. Matt. si. 15.
<fc«p. 7: 17.] MARK. [Chap. It ft.
TLS *XeL WTa CLKOV€T<ti.~\
aicoveiv, *? Kai
Ears to hear, let him
any one has ears to hear, let Iiim hear.] And
dre eicrrjKdev eis OIKOV airo rov ox^ov, 17 t And when he went
when he entered into a house from the crowd, from the CEOWD into a
6Tn]pcoToou avrov oi fiaOrjrai avrov rrepi rrjs House, his DISCIPLES
asked him the disciples of him concerning the asked him concerning the
irapafioA7]S. Kai Aeyei avrois' Ouroo Kai PAEABLE.
parable. And he says to them; Thus also 18 And he says to them,
vfiets acrweroi e c r r e ; Ou voeire, on irav ro "Are gnu also so destitute
you without understanding are? Not know you, that all that of understanding? Do you
e^codev, eioriropevo/iievov eis TOV avOpcoirov, ov not perceive, that nothing
without, entering into the man, not from without, ENTEEING
dvvarai avrov Koivoocai; on OVK eicrirop- INTO the MAN, can pollute
is able him to make common? that not goes Him?
everai avrov eis rrjv Kapdiav, aAA* eis rrjv KOI- 19 hecause it enters not
ofit into the heart, but into the belly; into the HEAET, but into
Xiav Kai eis rov acptBpcova eKiropeverai, the BELLY, and passes into
and into the privy goes out, the SIN K, purifying All the
Kadapi^ov ivavra ra ^pcajxara. EAeye oV P O O D . "
cleansing all the foods. He said and, 20 And he said, " T H A T
'On ro €K rov avdpootrov tKiropevo/jievov, eKeivo W h i c h PEOCEEDS OUT O*?
That the OBI o? th» man proceeding forth. that the MAN, tfjat pollutes the
Koivot rov avOpdoirov ^Eo^oodevyap e/c rrjs MAN.
makes common ihe man; Within for out o* the 21 J For from within,
KapSias roov avdpcoircov oi dtaAoyicr/noi ol KaKoi OUt of the HEAET Of MEN,
heart of the men the purposes the evil emanate EVIL PUEPOSES;
eKiropevovrai' fiotx^^t, 7ropv€iatf (pvvoi, —Adulteries, Fornications,
proceeds; adulteries, fornications, murders, Murders,
^Khoirai) irAeove^iai, Trovrjpiai, <5oAos, acreAytta, 22 Thefts, Covetousness,
thefts, covetousnesses, villanies. deceit, Intemperance, Villanies, Deceit, Intem-
o(pdaXfios wovripos, /3\acr(p7]/jLia3 v7T€pr](pavta, perance, Envy, Calumnies,
eye evil, evil speakings, pride, Pride, and Folly;
a<ppoo~W7]' ®* iravra, ravra ra irovqpa €o~co6€V 23 All These EVIL things
folly: all these the things evil within emanate from within, and
eKTTopeveraL, Kai icoivoi rov avdpooirov. pollute the MAN."
comes forth. an 1 makes common the man. 24 % And arising thence,
Kai exeidev avacrras, air7]X6$v (is ra /j.e9- he retired into the CON-
And thence arising, he went into the bor- FINES of Tyre and Sidon;
opia Tvpov Kai ^idcovos' Kai etaeXdcov eis rr\v and having entered into
ders of Tyre and Sidonj and entering tnto the
the HOUSE, he desired no
one to know i t ; b u t he
uiKiav, ovdtva rjdeXe yvcovar Kai OVK 7)dvvr]6r) could not be concealed.
house, no one he wished to know; and not he was able
AaOeiVo ^ AKOvcracra yap yvvrj Trepi avrov rjs 25 For a Woman, whose
to he concealed. Having heard for a woman about him, ofwhom
an unclean Spirit, * imme-
et%e ro dvyarpiov avrr]s irvevfia aKadaprov, diately heard of him; and
had the little daughter of herself a spirit unclean,
having come fell down at
eXOovaa Trpocreireo'e irpos rovs nodas avrov his E E E T ;
havingcome fell down to the feet of him. 26 (now the WOMAN
(rjv 5e 7] yvvi] 'EXXrjvis, ^vpocpoiviKicra'a rep was f a n Hellenist, a NA-
(was nowthewoman a Greek, a Syrophenician to the TIVE of Syrophenicia ;)
yevei') Kai ypoora avrov, iva ro daijuoviov e/c and she entreated him to
birth;) and she besought him, that the demon he expel the DEMON from her
ftaXr) €K rr}s dvyarpos avrys. 2 ^ ' 0 5e Irjo'ovs DAUGHTEE.
would cast out of the daughter of herself. The but Jesus 27 * And he said to her,
enrej/avry Acpes irpoorov x°pra(T^'ni,ai Ta
i~€Kvam " L e t the CHILDEEN first
said to her; Let alone first to be filled the children; be satisfied; for i t is not
ov yap KaAov eo'ri, Xafieiv rov aprov roov reK- proper to take the C H I L -
not for good it is, to take the bread ofitu chil- DEEN'S BEEAD, and throw
voov, Kai fiaXeiv rois Kvvapiois. ^ H §e it to the DOGS."
dren, and to cast to (.he dogs. She but
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—25. immediately heard. 27. And. he said.
t 28. One who spoke the Greek language.
% 17 Matt. xv. lb. t 21. Gen. vi. 5; yiii. 21; Matt, xv. 19 $ 2 4 . Matt. xv. SI.
Chap. 7 j 28.] MARK. [Chap. 7 : 37.

aireKpiOr), Kai Xeyei avrcp' Ncu, Kvpie* teat yap 28 But she answered,
answered, aaad says to him; Yes, sir; even and says to him, "True.
TO, Kvvapia vTrotcara) rrjs rpaire^qs eo'Oiei &,iro Sir; yet even the DOGS
the dogs tinder the table eatest from under the TABLE eat of the
TU>V r|/i%fwy TOOV iraidioov. avry CHILDREN'S CRUMBS."
Kai enrev
of the crumbs ©ftha children. And he said tolifci'j 29 And he said to her,
Aid TOVTOV TOV Xoyov viraye' e^eXyXvOe To "Tor This REMARK, go;
Through this the word go; has come out the the DEMON has departed
Bai/uovLOV €K TT)S dvyarpos K a i a^rsA- from thy DAUGHTER."
demon from the daughter of thee. And having 30 And departing to her
Oovaa eis TOV OIKOV abryjs, evpe TO dai/novtGv HOUSE, she found * her
gone into the house of her, she found the demote DAUGHTER laid upon the
e^eXrjXvdos, Kai rr]V Ovyarepa fte$XrnAevr)V %TU BED, and the DEMON ex-
having gone out, and the daughter having been laid IS*>»n pelled.
TTJS KXIV7]S, 31 $ And again leaving
the bed. the CONFINES of Tyre, *he
K a i TtaXiv e^eXQoov eic rcov opioov Tvpov s:ai came hy Sidon to the LAKE
And again coming out from the borders of Tyre Knd of G A L I L E E , through the
^idoovos, 7}X6ev eis Tt]v &aXao~aav TTJS VayiXaias, Midst of the BORDERS of
Sidon, he came to the sea of the Galilee, Decapolis.
ava fiearov TOJV opioov AeKaTroXecos. 3 2 K a i (j)$p- 32 J And they hring to
througk midst of the borders ot Decapolis. And they him a deaf man who stam-
ovcrii/ avrcp Kco<pov {loyiXaXov, Kai rrapaKaXov- mered, and they entreat
bring to him a deal man r. stammerer, and they entreat him to place his HAND on
criv avTov iva eiriOrj avrcp TT]V xelPa°
^~aL him. 33

him thatZiemightplaee to him the hand. And

33 And having privately
aTToXafiojuevos avTov arro TOV O^AOU KaT* tdiav, taken him from the CROWD,
having taken him from the crowd privately, t h e put his FINGERS into
e/3aAe TOVS <5aicrvXovs avrov eis Ta COTCL avrov, his EARS, and spitting,
he put tn« fingers of himselfmto the ears of him, touched his TONGUE;
icai iTTvo'a.s Tjif/aro TTJS yXoocrcrrjs avrov Kai
and spitting h« touched the tongue
and 34 and looking up to
of him:
avaBXexj/as eis TOV ovpavov, KOA HEAVEN,
he groaned, and
to him, "Ephphatha,"
looking np to the heaven, he groaned, and
that is, Be opened.
Xeyet avTco' ~E(p<pa9a9 d sa'Ti, diavoix^VTi-
rays to him : Ephphatha, that is, be opened. 35 And His EARS were
K a i *[ei>0ecos] dir}voixOr]0'av avrov at aKoai" opened, and the CORD of
And [immediately] were opened of him the eara*. his TONGUE was loosed,
«:ai eXvOr) 6 Secrfios TTJS yXwtfcrris avrov, Kai and he spoke plainly.
and was loosed the bond of the tongue of him, and 36 t And n e charged
aXa\ei opOoos. ^ Kai dieo'retXaro avrois, Iva them that thev should:::tell
he*poke plainly. And he charged them,- that no one; but the more he
fxr]8evt eiirooo'iv' ocrav de avros avrois SiecrreA- charged them, the more
no one thev should tell; what but hQ io them charged abundantly * tften pub-
Aero, fiaXXov itepiu'fforepov eK7)pvo'o'ov0 3 ^ lished it.
more abundantly they published. And 37 And they were as-
bit epirepiff eras e^€7rX7](ro'OPTos Aeyovres' KaXcos tonished beyond measure,
beyond measure thoy were astonished, saying; Well saying, " He has done all
7ra^Ta irenoirjKe' Kai TOVS Kao<povs iroiei aKOv- things well; he makes both
all (thing*) bsba&done; and the deafonea heicakes vo the DEAE to hear, and the
eiv, Kai TOVS aXaXovs XaXeiv* * Dumb to speak.
hear, and the dumb ones to apeafc,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—30. her DAUGHTER laid upon the BED, and the DBMON expelled.
31. he came by Sidon to. 35o immediately—-omit. §6. he charged. 3&. tfieg
published 37. Dumb.
+ 33. Doddridge well observes about this miracle, ""f any should ask Why our Lord useu
these actions, when a word alone would have been sufficient; and such means (if thay can
be called means) could in themselves do nothing at all to answer the end,—I frankly confess
1 cannot tell, nor am I at all concerned to know. * * * * Had Christ's patients, like Naa-
man, (2 Kings v. 11,12,) been too nice in their exceptions on these occasions, I fear they would
have ^ ost their cure, and the indulgence of a curious, or a petulant mind, would hava bees
but a poor equivalent for such a logs."
t 31. Matt. xv. 29, Matt. is. 32; Luke xi. W- t 3& Ma£kv.43i vMi. %k
taidjK&iT) MARK. 1
' ' '
{Chap. 8: 11.
•••"• ;
" •••»

KE<1>. rj'. 8 ? CHAPTER VIII.

Ev €(eeivats rais r}jj.c-paisy Tra/xiroWov ox\ov I % In Those DAYS the
In tliose the days, Crowd * again being great,
very great • crowd
ovTosa icai fir} ^xovroou r l
(paycoari,' wpocr- and having nothing to eat,
calling his DISCIPLES, he
bcing, • anil not h^vin/' any t h i n g tbey could eat, having
«aA.e<rK/iei/o? rovs /j.a9r]Tas a'trou \eyei aurois- says to them,
called the disciples of himself he says to t h e m ; "2 " I have compassion
on the CROWD, Because
? *2.7cXa.yXvlC0liai €7rt
rov ox^ow on 77817 ^/zepar now they have continued
I have pity on the c r o w d ; because now days three Days^ and have no-
rpets, Trporr/jLtvovrTi * [ / A O J , ] Kai ovic exov0~l ri thing to eat;
three, they continue [with cue,] and n o t they have any thing 3 and if I dismiss them
</>aya>m. 3 Kai cay arcoKvaca avrovsyrjareis fasting to their Homes,
t.u-y c m cut. Aud if I dismiss thera fasting they will faint on the
ROAD; for some of them
«is OIKOV avroov, znKvQ-qTourai sv rr} 65cp' rives have come from a great
i n t o house of tuifinselves, they will faint on t h e w a y ; . eome
yap avrttiv fxaKpoOsv rjKoum. 4 Kai aireKpiOria'ai' 4 And his DrsciPLfcs
for o f t h e m a great distancehave come. And answered answered him, "Whence
avrrp 01 fxaOrjTai avrov TIJOZV TOVTOVS 8vvr}0~€- will any one be able to
tohiuithc disciples ofhiin; Whence these will be able satisfy These with Bread
TCU ris OJ5C x°P Ta(rai
aproov eir' eprijiias; 5 Kai here in a Desert place ?"
r.ny one hers to satisfy of loaves i n a desert place ? Aud 5 % And he asked them,
6Te "How Many Loaves have.
67T77pcoTc? avrous' Uocrovs € X aprovs; Ol de you?" And THEY said,
heaskect them; How many {xaveyou luaves? They and
*' Seven "
€t7ro.v 'ETTTa. 6 Kai irapriyyei\€ nrq ox^-ty ava- 6 And be commanded
said; Seven. And be gave orders ">o t h e crowd to the CROWD to recline on
•jrer/eiy em Trjy 777s* Kai \a$(dv rovs kirra the GROUND ; and taking
<Vjline upon the ground; and taking the seven the SEVEN Loaves, + and
aprovs, eux0^"7"7'7?0''15, ^K\aff€t ^at €$i5ou Tots having given thanks, lie
broke them, and gave them
loavee, giving thanks .Kehrok", aud gave to the
to his DISCIPLES for dis-
HaOrjrais avrov, iva TrapaOcocrv KanrapeQ-qxav tribution, and they placed
disciples o/himaelf, t h a t t h e y inightset before : and they set bsfere
them before the CROWD.
n(o ox^V' "* &ai tixov lX®v^ia 0^lla' xat tvAo- 7 And they had a few-
t h e crowd. And they had sm-llli.shes a f e w : ' a n d giaing Small fishes; and having
yya'as, tare irapaQeivai icat avrac E 0 a y o ^ § e , offered praise for them, he
praise, h e said place before eleo t h e m . They are and, said, "Place * These also
Kai cxop'racrOrjo'aU* Kai ripav irepicra'GVfxara before them."
and we refilled; and tbey t o o k u p over and aboves 8 Thus they ate, and
Khacr/j.aTwv, evrT« cirvptfias. Heap 5e of 4>a-* were satisfied; and they
of fragments, eeven large baskets. Were and those hav- took up of the remaining
yovres, ws rerpaKio'x^iOL* Kai atreXvcrGv FragmentsBaskets full.
Seven large
i n " eaten, about four t h o u s a n d ; and h e dismissed
9 And * they were about
avrovs, Four thousand 5 and he
them. ,
dismissed them.
1° K a i €u0ews efifias eis TO TTKOIOU jj.*ra Tiav 10 % And immediafely
And immediately entering i n t o t h e ship, with. the
*f)e entered into the BOAT
fiaOrjroou dvrov^ yKQzv ets TO, fjiepr) Aa\p.avovOa. with his DISCIPLES, and
disciples of himself, he came i n t o t h e parte of D a l m a a u t h a . came into the EEGIOM of
Kai e^7}\0ov ol ^apio-aioi, Kai ripl-apra (Tufa- r Dalmanutha.
And came forth t h e Pharisees, and began to I I JAnd the PHAEISEES
\?€tv avra, farovvTcs Trap' avrov CT\imov atco came forth, and began to
i^rgue with him, teeking t)f hirn a sign from argue with him, seeking
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. again being great. % These. 9. And they
were about. 10., he entered.
-t 10. The same as Magdala; see Matt. xr. 39.
' U Matt. xv. S2. t 5. Matt. xy. 34f Mart vl. 88. t 8. Matt. stv. 19 j Mark
, 1; John vi. SO.
^i. 41. • ; J JO. Matt. xvT 3y. % U• Matt. xii.58; xvi
Chap. 8: 1SJ MARK. [(ftaja, 8: 9&
row ovpavov, T€ipa(ovr€S avTOP,K a i a^a= of him a Sign from H E A -
the heaven, tempting him. And groan- VEN, trying him.
trrQua^m T(p TTj/ev/xari avrov, Aeyet 0 Te 7) yevza 12 And groaning deeply
jng deeply in the spirit o£himself, he says: "Why the generation in his S P I R I T , he says,
&vrr} (TTjixetop eiri&rei; AfxrjV Xeyco *[fyu»'c,] et " Why does this GENERA-
this a sign seeks? Indeed I say £toyou,] if TION seek a Sign ? Indeed,
$o6y)(TeTai ry yei/ea vavTy 0~7)JJL610PO I say to you, no Sign shali
eSaall be given to the generation thia r, sign.
he given to this GENERA-
' 3 K a i acpets avrovs, Gftfias iraXiv *£<ifs TO 13 And leaving them,
And leaving iheia,, entering again [into the re-emharking, he passed
Tf'koiov^\ aivqXBew> ms TO Tepaps Kc« e7reAa- to t h e OTHER SIDE.
ship,] he departed SL» the othec side.they 14 % Now they forgot to
Bovro Xafieiv aprovs, Kai ei fit) sva aprov OVK take Bread, and had but
forgot to take loaves, an<2 except cne lcai' cot One Loaf with theia in
€ixo& fieO' eavrcjv ev Tcp izXoicf. 15 Keu dieo"- the BOAT.
j&eyliad with themselves in the ship. Aad he 15 $And he charged
TGAXGTO avroi,s9 X<syw ' O p a r e , ftXenere airo them a saying, "Ohsorve!
charged Diem, saying; Loohyou, beware yon of Beware of the f LEAVEN of
T7)s {v/t^s TOOU QapiffaicoV) Kai TT]S £vfi7js 'Hpoo- the P H A R I S E E S and of the
the leaven of the Pharisees, and of t c s leavea of He- LEA JSN of Herod."
Sos;. 16
Kcu dteXoyifryro Trpos GhXvjXcvs, * [ A e - 16 And they reasoned
rod. And they reasoned with oii'J another, a
[s y- with one another, * Be-
yoj'fes''] 'OTI aprovs OVK ex@^ey0 ^ K a i yuovs cause they had no Bread.
*ng;] Because loaves not waSiavec And knowing 17 And! •' ihe knew it,
b lfjcovsc, Xeyet avirois0 T i diaXoyi£e(r0€9 STI and do
says to them, '* Why
you reason, Because
••he Jesus, heaayo to them; why reason you 3 because
you have no Bread ? $ Do
apTcvs OVK c x e T 6 * OfTrcy z/oeiT€? ovde you not yet perceive nor
. 4otvea not you have? Not yet perceive you, neither understand ? I s your
JUV&^TG: ^ T e T 0 WGTrcopojLLsvr)!/ e X 6 T € rW ^aP"HEART stupified ?
andeistaa^you? [yet] having bsenstupified have you *he heart
18 Having Eyes, do you
diav V/JLOOP ; 18 QcpOaXfiovs 6%o^rss ov 0X<STT€T€ ;not see? and having Ears,
of you? Ev/cs having not soogrou? do you not heas:-? and de
and ears having not £iearyo»? and not rememher
you not recollect ?
19 19 % "When I broke the
€V€T€ ' O r e TOVS irez^e apTovs s/cAaca eis FIVE Loaves among the
you? When the five losvea I broke to EIVE THOUSAND, HOW
TOVS TrePTaKtcrxi-Xiovsf TTO&OVS §co<j)wov$ ^XTJ- many Baskets full of Frag-
ihe five thousand^ fcow iflnny baskets full ments took you u p ? " They
pei? KXao-fxaToou rjpaT€; Aeyovfftv avrtp0 say to him/" Twelve."
o f fragmenta too k you up ? They cay %& him; 20 f " And when the
AcvSe/ca. 20
' O r e de TOVS l ? r r a <s/,s TOWS Terpa- SEVEN anions: the TOUR
Twelve. When an£ 4hc seven ie the iiow many fowr THOUSAND,
KicrxiX&ovSi TOO'OOV crirvpidoov yrXyjpwpaTa KXao"- Fragments took you Baskets full of
thousand, how many large baskets full of
? 21 And *they say to him,
yiaToov rjpaTe; Of 5e smew E7TTCI0 " Seven/'
ir.gmentc took you up? They and seuds Seven, And 21 And he said to them,
§Xeycv avTois' YIeas ov (jvvieTe; " How is it you do no*
iiesaid to them; How is it not you undarotand J understand?"
22 Kai €px*Tai ets Brjdcratdapo Kai cpepovcriv 22 And *they come to
And he comes to Bethsaida. And theyhring Bethsaida; and they bring

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. to you—omit. 13. into the BOAT—omit. 16.'say*

ing—omit. _ 16. Becairse they had no Bread. 17. he knew it, and sayu,
17. yet—omit. 20. they say to him. 20. they come.
t 15. Matthew joins the Sadducees with the Pharisees, and makes no mention of Herod,,
But there is no real discrepancy, since Herod and the Herodians (i. e. his adherents and
courtiers) were, no doubt, Sadducees, and there is every reason to think that their doctrines
and morals were such as to justify the caution of our Lord. Zutnee, hy a striking metaphor,
denotes the infection oifalse doctrines, (so Matt, xvi, 12,) as well as corrupt morals.—-iiwam-
t 14. Matt. xvi. 5. $ 15. Matt. xvi. 6; Luk<a xiio 1. t 17. Mark vi. 5%
% 10. Ma&. xiv. 5- 3; Msrk vi. 48; Luke ix. If j John vi. 13. £ 20. Matt. xv. 37; Mark viii«»
tihap, 8: 85.] MABK. tlJtep. S: S i
auT<£> wtpKav Kai irapaKaXovcnv avrov, iva a Blind man to him, anel
to h i m a blind m in and beseech him, thatbeseech him to touch Him.
avrov atyrjrai. Kat eiriXafiojULcvos rys 28 And taking the HAND
him h e would touch. And having t a k e n the
of the BLIND man, he con*
X^ipos rov rv<pXov, efyyayev avrov e£co TTJS ducted him out of the VIL-
hand of t h e blind man, h e led him outside of the L A G E ;
$and having spit
KWfiys' Kai TTTvcTas ets ra ofifiara avrov, eiri- on his EYES, and placed
village; and having spit i n t o t h e eyes of him, having his HANDS on him, he
d€ts ras xeLPas a>vr($, eirypoora avrov,
ei asked him whether he saw
placed the hands to him, h e asked him, if any thing.
ri fiXeTrei. K a i avafiXexpas eXsyc BXe^co 24 And looking up, he
a n y t h i n g &e sees. And looking up hesaysj I Bee
said, " I see MEN as Trees,
TOWS avOpooirovs*, cbs devdpa, Tfspmarcvvras. walking."
the men, like trees, walking.
^ EtTa iraXiv eTredrjKe, ras xsgP®-s 67ri
rovs 25 Then he placed his
Then again h e placed the bands upon the HANDS on his EYES again,
<0<p6aX£iovs avrov, icai a m - and *he saw plain J y, and
eToi7]crev avrov
eyes of him, and look was restored, and saw
h e made him
j8Aei|/ar Kai anoKareo~ra6r], Kas. zvefiXexpe every object clearly.
up; and he was restored, asid h e saw 28 And he sent him
rrjXavycos enravras. K a i eireo-reiXev avrov away to his * House, say-
plainly every one. And .he sent him ing, " Go not into the VIL-
€is OLKOV avrov? Xeycov0 Mr)$e eis rrjv KOO/JLTJV LAGE."
to house of him, saying;, Neither into the village
27 t And JESUS and his
eio'eXQys, ^"[^^Se emris rivi ev rrj scco(xr).~\DISCIPLES went out to
Lljayoot t h o u enter, [ n o r mayest t h o u tell any one in t h e village.]
the VILLAGES of Cesarea
2? K a i e^rjXOev 6 Irjo'ovs icai oi [xaQf]rai avrov P H I L I P P I ; and, on the
And departed t h e .Fesus and t h e disciples of hirn
ROAD, he asked his D I S C I -
sis ras KO)/ Kaio'apeias rrjs TliXnr7rova K a i PLES, saying to them,
i n t o t h e villages of Cesarea of t h e Philip. Ant'. " Who do MEN say that I
€v rrj Sdcp GTV7)p(ara rovs fiaOrjras avrov9 Xzyoovam?"
on t h e way h e asked the disciples of himself, saying
avrois' Tiva fie ?^€yovo~&v oi avdpooTroi eivai; 28 And THEY * spoke to
to t h e m ; Who me t h e y say the snen to be? him, saying, J " J o h n the
22 IMMERSER; and others,
Or? 5e aTreKpiQr\crav0 Icoavvrjv rov fiaimo'rTjv0
Thoy and answered; John the dipper; Elijah; and others, One of
Kai aXAoi, HAia^ 0 aXXoi de, Ism TCOV 7rpo-p7]r(av0
and others, Elias 5 o t h e r s and; ono of t h e 29 And he * asked them,
K a i avros Xeym avrois' 'Tjueas Se riva fie " Who say DOtt that I am V"
And JiO Beys to inem; You h~:fc who me And PETEB, answering,
Ae^'STe etvai; AwoKpidezs dig 6 Xlcrpos Xeyei says to him, J " SThott art
you say t o be ? Answering asad t h e Peter says the C H R I S T . "
avrcp" 5f QI & JLpi&roSo K a i eTreri/nrjiJ.ev
30 $ And he strictly
co h i m ; Thou art ihe ATjointGcL And h e strictiy charged
charged them that they
avrots, iva /rnoVr.'c Xsycocn irepi avrov, K a i should tell no one concern-
Shorn, t h a t n o one t h e y should tell a b o u t him, And ing him.
7]p^aTo didaciteiv avrovs, on Sej rov vfov rov 31 And $ he began to
he began t o teach thems that musi the sou of t h e
inform them That the SON
avdpz§ir®v iroXXa 7radsiv, xai aTrodoKifiaaOrjvai of MAN must suffer many
man many things t o sufiex-, and t o be rejected
things, and be rejected by
mTrc rcsv T,p€o~fivrepoov Kai raiv apx^ptw Kai the ELDERS, and the H I G H -
of ihs elders a n d of t h e high-priests and
rwv ypafifiaracov, Kai aTroicravOrji/ai,
Kai fxera, and be put to deathj and af-
of t h e aar.heOv and t o ba killed, and after ter Three Days to rise up,
rpGts riiAQpiiLS avao-rrjvai-1 32 Kai irapprjo'ia rov
tnree days i o ojanc". .Lp; and plainly the 32 And he spoke this
VATICA'J'MANTJSCBEPT.—25.1 be saw plainly, and was restored, and saw every object
clearly, 26. House, saying , "Go notlnto." 26. nor mayest thou tc 11 any one »n
the -VILLAGE—omit. 28- spokfi to him, saying, " J o h n the IMMEBSBU." 29. aslwd
them, saying. cr Who say."
X 23. '-Hark vii. 33. t 27- Matt, xvi.13; L u k e i x . m t 28. Matt. xi\ 9
t 29 Matt x v i . 6 ; J o h n v i . 6 9 ; xi.37^ i 80. Matt.svi.20. Z Si- Matt, xv; SI
XV'i i'ii L u k e i x . %%
Chap. 8: 33/j MARK. [Chap. 9: 1

Xoyov eXaXei. Kai ivpo rXa/3o[ievos avrov

o Tie- WORD so plainly, that P E -
word he spoke. And taking aside P e - TER, taking him aside, be-
him the
rpos, rjp^aro eiriri/JLau avrcc. ' O de eincrrpa- gan to remonstrate with
ter, he began t o rebuke him. He but turning him.
<peis, Kai idcov TOVS jxadrjras avrcv, eTverifxy]o~e 33 But H E , turning
.round, and seeing t h e disciples of himself, he rebuked round and looking on his
rep Uerpoo, Xeyocv Tiraye oirio~co JJLOV, aarava' DISCIPLES, rebuked * Pe-
the Peter, saying; Go t h o u behind me, adversary; ter, and says, " Get be-
OTL ov (ppoveis ra rov Oeov, aXXa, ra hind me, Adversary; for
because n o t t h o u thinkest t h e things of t h e God, b u t t h e things thou regardest not the
rcov avOpcoircov. M Kai TrpocTKaXecrafievos rov T H I N G S Of G O D , b u t T H O S E
of t h e men. And having called the Of M E N . "
oXXov aw TOLS jxa6r)rais avrov, enrev avrois' 34 And having called the
crowd with the disciples of himself, h e said to t h e m ; CROWD with his D I S C I -
'Oo~ris deXei OTvicra fxov aKoXovOetv, airapvrjo'ao'- PLES, he said, * J " If any
Whoever wishes after me let h i m deny one wish to come after me,
t o follow,
doo kavrov, Kai aparoo rov aravpov avrov, Kai let him renounce himself,
himself, and let h i m bear t h e cross of himself, and and take up his CROSS, and
aKoXovdeiroo uoi. 3a c Os yap av QeXrj rrjv tyvxw follow me.
let h i m follow me. W h o . for ever may wish t h e life 35 Por i whoever would
avrov aoocrai, airoXeo'ei avrr]v bs 8' av aTroXeo"p save his L I T E shall lose i t ;
of himself t o save, shall lose her;, who b u t ever may lose but whoever may lose his
T7)v kavrov ytyvxw evenev ef.tov aat rov evay- LIEE on my account, and
t h e of himself life on account o f m e a n d of t h e glad that of the GLAD TIDINGS,
yeXiov, aaxrei avrrjv. ^ (Ti yap cocpeXrjO'ei skall save it.
tidings, shall save her. ("What for will i t profit 36 Por what * does it
avOpcoirov, eav icepdrjo-rj rov KOCT/JLOV oXov, Kat profit a Man to gain the
a man, if he should win t h e world whole, and whole WORLD, and forfeit
£r)/jLioodt) rr\v tyvxf\V avrov; ? 7] ri dcoo~ei his L I F E ?
*•• should forfeit tlie life ofhimself? or what shall give 37 *Por what could a
avOpcoiros avraXXay/xa rrjs \pvxvs avrov;) MAN give to Redeem his
a man i n exchange for the life ofhimself?) LU'E?
' O s yap av eTraio^xwOy jne Kai rovs e/xovs 38 J If, therefore, any
Who for ever may b e ashamed me and the my one shall he ashamed of
Xoyovs ev ri) yevea ravry ry (xoix^Xidi Kai me, and of these MY
Words, among this ADUL-
words in t h e generation this the adulterous and
TEROUS and sinful G E N E -
kfxaprcoXw, Kai 6 vlos rov avQpomov eirai.o'xvi'~ RATION; the SON of MAN
sinful, also t h e son of t h e man will be
will also he ashamed of
07/(T6TCU avrov, orav €X6rj ev rrj 80^77 rov him, when he comes in the
ashamed him, when h e may come in t h e glory of t h e
ivarpos avrov /aera rcov ayytXoov roov ayioov. with the HOLY ANGELS."
father ofhimself with the messengers of t h e holy ones.
KE4». 6'. 9 . Kxi eXeyev avrots' A/J.7]V Xeyoo CHAPTER IX.
And h e said to them; Indeed I say
v/xiv, on eiTi rives rcov code kcrr\Korcov, otrives 1 And he said to them,
to you, that are some of those here having stood, who I "Indeed I say to you,
ov fir) yevo~oovrai 6avarov9 eoos av idcoo'i rt]v That there are some of
not not shall taste of death, till they may see t h e THOSE STANDING herej
fiacriXeiav rov 9eov eXrjXvOviav ev dvvafiei. who willnottaste of Death,
r o y a l m a j e s t y of t h e God having c o m e in power. till they see GOD'S ROYAL
MAJESTY having come
2 y
K a t [ieQ 7]jxepas e£ irapaXajx^avei 0 Irjcrovs with power.
And after days six takes the Jesus 2 X And after six Days,
rov Herpov, Kat rov laKooffov, Kai \coavvt\v, Kai J E S U S takes P E T E R , and
the Peter, and the James, and John, and J A M E S , and John, and pri-
avacpepei avrovs zis opos thJr/jAoy uar* idiav vately conducts them, by
leads u p them i n t o a Mountain high privately themselves, to a lofty

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—33. Peter, and says. 34. If any one wish. §6. does
it, profit a Man to g-ain. 37. For what could a MAN give.
J 34. Matt. x. S8 xvi. 24; Luke ix 23: xiv. 27. t 85. Johnxii. 25. xvi. 28t• 88.
J 1. Matt.
Luku ix,
x. 33: Luke ix. 26 •. xii. 9 • Rom. 1 \ 6 2 Tim. i. 8; ii. 12.
27. t 2- Matt LukaJx 28, „.
$*>p. 9. «.] MARK. jcftop. 9:12.
fAoi/dvs* Kai fi€Ta/j,op<f>(o9ri e/airpocrdev avrcov, M o u n t a i n ; a n d h e w a s
alone; and he was transfigured in the presence of them. transformed i n their pres-
3 ence.
K c u r a l/Jiaria avrov eyevero crriXfiovra, XevKa
3 And his GARMENTS
And the garments ofhim became glittering, whito
became glittering, exceed-
Xiav *\Jos xi(ol/i~\ °ia yva%^vs €iri T7]s yy)s 0 1 / ingly w h i t e ; such as n o
extremely [as snow,] such as a fuller upon the earth not Fuller on t h e E A R T H is
dvvarat XevKavai. Kat HXias able * t h u s to make white.
axpOi] avrois
ic abie to make white. And appeared to them Elias 4 And there appeared to
<rw Maxrer teat qcrav crvXXaXovvres rep lycrou. them Elijah, with Moses;
with Moses} and were talking with the Jesus. and they were conversing
5 with J E S U S .
K a i airoKptdeis 6 Uerpos A.eyei rep lijerow
5 A n d P E T E R answer-
And answering the Peter says to the Jesus.
i n g says to J E S U S , " Rab-
Pafifii, KctXov itrriv rj/xas co&e eivar
Kai Troir)- bi, i t i s good for u s to be
Rabbi, good itis us here
and to be;
wemay h e r e ; a n d 1st u s make
<r<jofX€V crKrjuas rpcis, croi fiiav, Kai M a x r e i /xiav,* Three B o o t h s ; one for
make tents three, to thee one, and Meses one, thee, a n d one for Moses,
Kai HXia fiiav. 6
Ov yap ydei rt XaXr)o-$* anc!l one for Elijah."
and Elias one. Not for he knew any thing he might aay- 6 For h e knew not what
to * say j for they were
t\(Tav yap eK<j>ofioi. ? K a i eyevero i^ecpeXrj ewi- terrified.
they were for terrified. And there came a cloud over-
7 A n d there came a
(TKia(ov<ra avrois* Kai rjXOeepccpr) eK rrjs vecpeXrjS' Cloud, covering t h e m ;
shadowing them; and eame a voice on*. of the cloud; and * t h e r e w a s a Voice
Ovros eerr-tv 6 vlos jxov 6 &,yaTT7\ros* avrov came o u t of t h e C L O U D ,
This is the son of me the beloved; him "This is my BELOYED
aKovere. 8
K a i c^air-iva ovKzri S O N ; hear h i m . "
heax yor.. And suddenly looking round, no longer C And suddenly looking
round, they saw n o one
Qvfieva eifioi/, aXXa rov Irjcrovp aovov juefl' eav- * any longer with t h e m -
no one the satr but tb Jesus aioie with th?m-
selves, except Jesus only.
rcov. 9 Kara^aivovrcov ?e avrcoj/ airo riv opovs, 9 % A n d a s they weie
«e:ves. Coming down and of them from the mountain, descending from the
dieo'rctXaro avrois, iva firjfievi SiTjyrjo'ooi/rai a M O U N T A I N , h e commanded
?iecharged them, that to no one they should relate what them t h a t they should r e -
€ i 5 o ^ , es fir) brav 6 vlos rov avdpcairov e/c v^Kpccv late t o n o one what they
' e - s t w excep wken the son of the mam out of dead ones had seen, till t h e SON of
10 M A N should have risen
avaary. K a t rov Xoyoi/ €Kparr]o'av 7rpos froim t h e Dead,
should be raised. And the word ''bey ke^t So
10 A n d they kept t h e
eavrois, ervfarovvres, ri ecrn ro CK vsKpcav M A S T E R t o themselves,
themselves, arguing, what is that out of dead 03-« anxiously inquiring, what
avao~ry)v®i. K a i crripccrwv avrov, XeyovrQS' THE EISING FROM THE
toberaigrti. An they asked him, sayitsfi D E A D could m e a n .
j * *Ori Xeyovcriv ot ypa/x/jiareis, on HXiav Ifeft ill A n d they asked him
That say the scribes, that Elia« meet saying, " W h y do t h e
12 S C R I B E S say, T h a t Elijah
eXOeiv irpicrov; ' 0 5e anoKpidsis enrev avrois'
m u s t first come ?"
i o come first; He and answering said to thes?;
12 A n d H E * said to
EXtas fJi€V eXOeav irpoorop, a-n-oKadiara, iravra' them, " Elijah, indeed, is
Eli a* indeed coining first, restores all things; coming first * t o restore all
Kai TTCOS yeypa-rrrai CTTI rov vlov rov av&pcoTcov, t h i n g s : t a n d ( a s i t is
and how it is written about the son of the rnrja, written of t h e S O N ot

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. as SHOW— omit. 8. thus t o make white. 5. Three

Booths. 45. a n s w e r ; for. *.• there was a Voice. 8. any longer with them-
selves, except Jesus only 12. said to them. 12. to restore.
1 11. It> is conjectured by Bloomfield that hoti ought to he separated, and t o read ho tl
He has thus edited his text. t 12. There is considerahle.ambiguity about the reading
©f this and following verse, as i t stands in the Greek. The critics have all been puzzled, and
lome have suggested an amendment of the text. If read, however, with the parenthetical
clauses, and the transposition, of the last clause of verse 1% the passage mak®s good sen»$
and agrees with the account in Matthew xvii.
i 0 Ma^fe. svii, <?
©tojJi 9 : 13.] MARK. [Chap. 91 22.

iva iroXXa iraOr), Kai e^ovfievcaQr}. 13

AAAct MAN,) that he must suffe?
that many things he should auffer, and should be despised. But much, and be despised.
\e7c0 v/Aiv, on Kat HXias eXrjXvOe, Kai eiroirjcav 13 But I say to you,
I »ay to you, that both Elias has come, and they have done J That Elijah has even
avrtp ova rideXyrrav, KaOcas yeypairrai err' come, (as it is written of
to him whatever they wished, even as it is written about
him,) and they have done
14 to him whatever they
avrov. Kai eXOwv npos revs fJtaOrjras, eiSev pleased."
him. And coming to the disciples, he saw
14 X And * coming to
oxXov iroXvv irepi avrovs, Kat ypa/JL/marets cvfa- the DISCIPLES, * they saw
a crowd great about them, and scribes dis- a great Crowd about them,
rovvras avrois. K a i evdeeos iras 6 o%Aoy, and the Scribes disputing
puting with them; And immediately all the crowd, with them,
iha>v avrov, e^eGa/xftridr}, Kat irpocrrpexovres 15 And immediately All
seeing him, were awe-struck, and running to the CROWD seeing him,
T)(TTC<X£OVTO avTov. K a i eTrripcorTjo'ev avrovs' were struck with awe, and
sainted him. And he asked them; running to him, saluted
Tt cv^Tiretre irpos avrovs;
^ Kai airoKpiOeis els him.
Wh« dispute you with, them?And answering one 16 And he asked them,
en TOV oxXov €nre* Aidao'KaXe, i^vzyKa rov "About what are you dis-
Out of the crowd naid; O Teacher, I brought the puting with them ?"
vtov fiov irpos fre, exovra irvevfia aXaXov, 1 8 Ka* 17 And one of the
son of me to thee, having a spirit dumb. And CROWD * answered him,
dirov a?' avrov KaraXa&yj, prjcro'ei ainov "Teacher, I have brought
xai to
wherever him. it may seize, ii convulses bir;; and
thee my SON, who has
t a dumb Spirit.
acpf i^et, Kai rpi£et rovs oSovras avrov, Kai 18 And wherever it
he "oains, and grinds the teeth of him, and seizes Him it convulses
fypaiverai. Kai enrop rots fiaOyrais crov, Iva him; and he foams, and
pines away. And I spoke t o the disciples of thee, that grinds *his TEETH, and
auro eK^aXcoai, Kai @vi£ icrx^orav, 19
' 0 8e becomes emaciated. And
it th.2y might cast out, and n o t Uwj" .'sad ponet. He and. I spoke to thy DISCIPLES
to expel it, and they could
airoKpideis avrots A e y e r X2 yevea airio'ros, eeos not."
answering them gays: O generation without faith* kill
19 A n d . H E answering,
Trore irpos vfxas zcrofiai; I w j 7TOT6 ave^o^ai says to them, " 0 unbe-
when with you shall 2 tie r" til?. when 3hallIbcor lieving Generation! how
V/JLCOV ; tyepzra avrov irpos fie. ^ K a j rjveyKavlong must I be with you?
you? Bring you him to me. And they brought how long must I endure
avrov "irpos avrov. Kai idoiv avrov, evdscas TO you ? bring him to me."
him to him. And seeing Mm, <«smediately the 20 And they brought
wvevjxa eo'irapa^ev avrov° Kai Trso'Ztiv etri vr]s him to him ; and seeing
spirit concolsed him: and failing upon the him, X the SPIRIT immedi-
21 ately convulsed him; and
777s, eKvXiero, a(f)pi£oov. Kag GTrirjpcorrjO'e rovfalling on the GROUND, he
ground, he rolled, foaming. And he asked the rolled about, foaming.
irarepa avrov Tlocros XP0P0S GO'TW, &s rovro 21 And he asked his
father of him; How long a time isii, since this FATHER, " HOW long B,
yeyovev avrcp; 'O 5e ejw\=° HaifiioQev Kat time is it since this befell
happened to him? He and said; SVoca a child: and h i m ? " And H E said,
KoXXaKts avrov Kai ets irvp ejSaAe Kai eis vdara^ " Prom childhood.
often him both into fire has cast and into waters, 22 And often it has
Iva anoX<EO~r] avrov aAA', €i TI thrown Him into Fire and
ihat it might destroy him, but if any thing thou canst do, into "Waters to destroy
him; but if thou canst do
BOTIOTJO'OV r}}iiVf GirXayxvinrBeis e</>' Tjjias. any thing, have pity on us,
give aid to us, having pity on us. and help u s . "
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—14. they came. 14. they saw. 17. answered him,
"'Teacher." 18. the TEETH.
t 17. The child was subject to epileptic fits, which were supposed to he brought on by the
power of demons.—See Farmer on Beinonology, p. 107. The particulars described inverses 18»
20 and 2'J. tire, indeed, all symptous of epilepsy. But if we even should suppose the man Jweo
an epileptic; it would not follow that the disorder was not induced hy demoniacal influeaos.
X 14. Matt, xvii 14 ; Luke ix. 37'. X 20. Luke ix. 42.
€9tap. 9 : S3/f MARK, [Cftiap. $ : 88.

23c 23 And J E S U S said ts

O Se I^crous €«r<£^ avrcf To, et Svvaerai
The nnd Jesus said «,ohim; That, if thou art able him, * " I E THOU CANST ?
TTLcrrevcrar Travra ftvvara rep Tncrrevovri. t All things can for the
to believe; all things are possible to the believing. BELIEVING."
^ " ^ [ K c u ] evOecos Kpa^as 6 Trarijp rov iraidiov, 24 The FATHER of the
[And] irnmediatelycrying out the father of the child, CHILD immediately ex-
^\_fX€ra SaKpvcvvJ eAeye* Ylicnreva)' fiorjdzi JXOV claiming, said, " I do be-
[with tears] he said; I believe; help thou of me lieve; help My UNBE-
rrj airier La. 25Idoov §e b Irjcrovs, Sri eirio'vv- L I E F . "
the unbelief. Seeing and the Jesus, that runs to- 25 And JESUS perceiv-
rpe^ei o%Ao.9, eirert}X7](re rep irvev/nari
rep a/ca- ing That the Crowd was
gether a crowd, he rebuked the Bpirit the un- running together, he re-
6aprcp9 Xeycov avrcp' To 7rvev/j,a ro aXaXov Kai buked the IMPURE SPIKIT,
clean, saying to i t ; The spirit the dumb and saying to it, " DUMB and
KOO(J?OV9 eyca rfoi eivirao'erca' E£eA0e e£ avrov,*JDEAF SPIRIT, I command
deaf, I to thee command; Come out of him, thee; come out of him, and
KM }xr]K€ri eiaeXdys Kpa£av, enter him no more."
€is avrov. Kai
and no more enter into him. And crying out,
26 And crying out, and
Kai iroXXa o"irapai-as9 e^rjXOe. Kai eyevero greatly convulsing him, it
and many times convulsing, ic came out. And he became came o u t ; and he became
cocrei veicpos, chcrre iroXXovs Xeyeiv, on arrtOavev. like one dead, so that many
as dead, so that many to say, that he is dead. said, " He is dead."
"^ 'O 5e Irjcrovs Kparrjcras avrov rrjs xeLP0Si 27 But JESUS taking
The but Jesus taking him of the hand, * his HAND, raised him,
rjyeipev avrov Kai avecrrr). and he stood up.
raised up him; and he stood up.
Kcu eitfzXOovra avrov eis OIKOV, ol fiaOrjrai a 28 J And having entered
House, his DISCIPLES
And having come him into a house, the disciples
asked him privately, "Why
avrov eTTTjpGOTOJV avrov /car' iDiav 'On 7}/JL6is could not me cast it o u t ? "
of him asked him privately; That we
OVK 7]dvvr)6r)/Lieu exfiaXeiv avro ; 29
K a i eiirev 29 And he said to them,
not were able to cast out it? And he said "This K I N D can go out
avrois* Tovro ro yevos ev ovfievt Bvvarai e£eA- by nothing, except by
tothem; This the kind by nothing is able to go Prayer."
6eiv9 ei fir) ev rrpocrevxi) *\_fcai vr)crreia."\ 30 And departing from.
out, if not in prayer [and fasting. that place, they passed
Kan exeidev e^eXdovres, Trapeiropevovro fiia through GALILEE, and he
And thence departing, he passed through desired that no one should
rrjs TaXiXaias' Kai OVK ydeXev, iva ris yvep. know i t ;
Galilee; and not wan willing, that any oneshould know. 81 for he taught his
ESidacrKe yap rovs fiv.Hrqras avrov, Kai eXey- D I S C I P L E S ; and he said
He taught for the disciples of himself, and said to them, > X " The SON of
ev ^[avrois''] 'On S vtos rov avdpooirov ivapa- MAN is f being delivered
[to them; That the son of the man is deli- into the Hands of Men,
SiSorai eis x<-ipas avdpco7rG>v, icai airoKrevovcnv and they will kill h i m ;
vered up into hands of men, and they will kill and having been put to
avrov Kai airoKravdeis9 rrj rpirrj 7]/j.epa ava- death, * after Three Days
him; and having been killed, the third day he he will rise."
arrj(T€rai. O / de rjyvoovv ro pr)fxa9 Kai and 32 But THEY did not
will rise. They but did not understand the word, understand the WORD, and
were afraid} avrov
him eirepcarrjaai.
to ask. were afraid to ask Him.
33 K a i rjXdev eis KairepvaovfX' Kai ev rrj oiKia 33 And he came to Ca-
And he came to Qapernaum; and in the house pernaum ; and being in the

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—23. " I F THOU CANST? All t h i n g s / 24. And—omit.

24. with tears—omit. 25. and DEAF. 27. his HAND. 29. and Pasting.—omit.
31. to him—omit. 31 after Three Days he will rise.
t 31. The parallel pass °:e in Matt. xvii. 22, reads—"The SON of MAN is aibout to be de-
Hvered into the Hands of Mer..."
X 23. Matt. ?rvdi. 20; Mark ad. 23. Luke xvii .6; John xi. $ 28 Matt; xvii. lft
31. Matt.xvii. 22; Lukeix. 44.
tihap. 9! S4.3 MARK. [Chap. 9 ; 4S_

yevo/xevos, eirripcora avrovs' T i ev rr) d$c*>HOUSE, he asked the&*,

being, he asked them; the way $"Wliat did you dispute
What on
*[vrpos iavr ovs~\ ^leXoyi^ecdc- ; 3 4 Ol 5e ecioo- about on the ROAD ?"
[araong yourselves] were you disputing? They but were 34 But THEY were si-
ircov ivpos aXXrjXovs yap hieXe^Q'iqo'av ev rrj lent ; for they had disputed
silent; with one another for they had disputed on the with each other, on the
odcpj ris fieifav* K a i KaOio'as, etyoovrjcre ROAD, as to who would he
way, who greater. And sitting down, he called greatest.
TOVS 8a>5e/ca, /cat Xeyei avrois' Et ris deXei 35 And sitting down, he
the twelve, and says to them; If any ons desires called the TWELVE, and
irpooros eivat, ear at ivavrcov eo"xaros, Kai irav- says to them; % If any one
first to be, he will be of all last, and of
desires to he first, he will
be last of all, and a Ser-
rccv diaKovos. ^ Kat Xafioov Traidiov, eo~r7}&>evvant of all."
all a servant. And taking a little child, he placed
36 And % taking a little
avro ev fiecrq) avroov, KCLI evayKaXio'afievos Child, he placed it in the
it in midst of them, and embracing in hiaai-ms
Midst of them, and em-
avro, eiirev avrots* 3 7 ' O s eav ev rccv roiovrccv bracing it in his arms, he
it, he said to them; Whoever one of the such said to them,
Traifiieov defyrai eiri rcf ovofiari fiov, efie dex*~ 37 "Whoever may re-
little children may receive in the name of me, me receives t ceive one SUCH little
T o r Kat 6s eav efie de^rjrat, OVK efie S e x e r a t , Child in my NAME, re-
and whoever me may receive, not me receives, ceives Me; | and whoever
aXXa TOV arroo'retXavra fie. AireKpidr) Be * receives Me, receives not
but the having sent me. Answered and Me, but H I M who SENT
avrcp looavvrjs, Xeyoov AidacrKaXe, eidofiev
riva me."
to him John, saying: O teacher, I saw one 38 % And John * spoke
rep ovofiari Gov eKfiaXXovra daifiovia' Kai eKco- to him, saying, " Teacher,
to the name of thee casting out demons: and we we saw one expelling De-
Xvaafiev avrov, on OVK aKoXovOei TJ/HIV. 3 9 c O mons in thy NAME, and
forbad him, because not he follows us. He we forbad him, Because
5e Irjcovs enre' Mr} KCCXVETQ avroj/. Ovfieis yap he does not follow us."
but Jeaus said: Not do you forbid him. No one for 39 But JESUS said," Do
e&nv, 6s Tcoi7](Tei Bvva/niv eiri rco ovofiari fiov, not forbid h i m ; J for there
who will do a mighty work in the of me, is no one who will do a
Kai dwrjcrerai raxv KaKoXoyrjcrai fie. 4 0 < O s Miracle in my NAME, and
and will be able readily to speak evil of Who be able rashly' to reproach
yap OVK €(TTi KCC0' vfiooV) virep vficcv ecrriv, <Os me. 41

Who 40 For he who is not

for against you, for you is.
against you, is for you,
av iroTicrr} vfias irorrjpiov vdaros, ev 41 X * o r whoever may
yap ever may give drink to you a cup of water,
for give you a Cup of "Water
ovofiari, on xpiarrov errre, afirjv Xeyto vfxiv? ov to drink in * the NAME,
name, because of Anointed you are, indeed I say to you, not That you are CHRIST'S,
fir] aTToXeCT} rov fiicOov avrov. Kat 6s av indeed I say to you, H e
not he may lose the reward of himself. And whoever shall by no means lose his
(TKapdaXio"r) eva rccv fiiKpccv, rccv Tvicrrevovrccv REWARD.
mayinsnare one of the littte ones, of the believing 42 J And whoever may
insnare one of * THESE
eis efie, KaXov ecrriv avrcc fiaXXov, ei TreptKeirai LITTLE-ONES BELIEVING
into me, good it is to him rather, if hangs
in me3 it would be better
XiOos fivXiKOS irepi rov rpax^Xov avrov, Kai for him if a Millstone
a stone of a mill around the neck of him, and should be fastened to his
jSejSArjTat eis rr)v daXacrcrav. 4 3 K a t eav ffKav- NECK, and he should be
has been cast into the sea. And if may thrown into the SEA.
el crov 43 J And if thy H A N D
SaXi(r) ere rj X P 9 cmoKo^ov avrrjw KaXov
jnsnare thee the hand ofthee, cutthouoff her: good insnare thee, cut it off; it
VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—33. among themselves—omit. 37. receives Me«
38. spoke to him. 41. the NAME, That you are CHRIST'S. 42. THESE LITTLE-ONBS.
J 33. Matt, xviii. 1; Luke i s . 46; sxiL 24. X 35. Matt. xx. 26, 27; Mark x. 43,
t 30. Mitt, xviii. 2; Mark x . 16. % 37. Matt. x. 40; Luke ix. 48. J 38. Luke ix. 4a
I 39. 1 Cor. xii. 3. J 41. Matt.x. 42. t 42. Matt, xviii. 6; Luie xvii. &
I, 4i. Peui, xii 6; Matt. v. 29 j xviii. &,
(Map. 9: 44.3 M A R It. [Chap. 10: %
voi €(TTL KVXXOV eis TJ\V £a>y}V eicrzXQeu/, 7) ras is better for thee to enter'
\o thee it is crippled into the life to enter, than the L I F E crippled, t h a n having
&uo xelPas £X0VTCL aweXdeiy eis TTJP ysswav, TWO H a n d s to depart to
two hands having to go into the Gehenna, f G E H E N N A , into T H A T I N -
eis T O wvp TO aafieo~Tov, * [ o 7 r o u 6 (TKCOXT)^ E X T I N G U I S H A B L E F I R E ;
into the fire the inextinguishable, [where the worm 44 f [ where t h e W O E M
avrcou ov reXevra, Kai ro irvp ov crfiZVVVTa*.] dies not, and t h e F I R E is
of them not dies, and the fire not is quenched.] not quenched.]
Kai eav b TTOVS GOV o~Kav§aXi(jri ae, airoKotyop
45 And if t h y EOOT ha-
And if the foot of thee may insnare thee, cut thou off
snare thee, cut i t off; it is
avTov KaXov eo~Ti aoi ei&eXdeiv eis Tt\v &>r\v better for thee to enter
him;* good it is to thee to enter into the life
lame into L I F E , t h a n hav-
%cyAoi/, 7) rovs dvo wodas exoVTCL &Xr)67}vai eis ing TWO Feet, to be cast
lame, than the two feet having to be cast
into into G E H E N N A , f [ i n t o t h e
T7)V yeevvav, * [ e f s TO irvp TO aafieo'Toi', OTTOV UNQUENCHABLE
the Gehenna, [into the fire the inextinguishable, where
46 where t h e WORM dies
the worm of them not dies, and the fire not not, and t h e EIRE is n o t
47 quenched.]
o-fizvvvTai.^ Kai eav 6 ocpQaXfios crov cricav-
is quenched.] And if the 47 And if thine E Y E in-
eye of thee may
SaXify ere, e/c/3aAe avTov naXov aroi eari \JLOVO- snare thee, pluck i t o u t ;
inenare thee, cast thou out h i m ; good to thee it is one- i t i s better for thee to en-
(pOaXfxoy eicreXOeiv eis TT\V fiaariXeiav TOV Oeov, ter one-eyed into t h e
eyed to enter into the kingdom of the God, K I N G D O M of G O D , than
7} fivo ocpdaXfiovs exovTa fiXrjdrivai eis Tt)v ye- having Two Eyes to be cast
thantwo eyes having to be cast into the Ge- into * G e h e n n a ;
svvav *\TOV 7Tfpos,] 4 8 o i r o v 6 CKCOXTJ^ avToov 48 J where t h e i r W O R M
henna [of the fire,] where the worm of them dies not, and t h e E I R E is
ov T e A e u T a , KOLI TO Tcvp ov crftzvvvTcu. lias not quenched.
not dies, and the fire not is quenched. Every one 49 Tor every one shall
yap irvpi aXio'drjo'tTaL' *\_KCLI iraca dvaria be salted with lire; t [ a n d
for with fire shall be salted; [and every sacrifice every Sacrifice shall be
aXi aXto-QrjcrcTai.^ KaXov TO aXas' eav §6 seasoned witli Salt.]
with salt shall be salted.] Good the salt; if but 50 % S A L T is good; b u t
TO aXas avaXov yeveTai, ev TIVI CLVTO apfv- if t h e S A L T become t a s t e -
the salt without taste may become, with what it willyou less, how will you restore
acTe; E^ere ev kavTois aXas, Kai eiprjveveTe I t s saltness ? Have Salt m
season? Have you in yourselves salt, and beyou at peace yourselves, and be a t
ev aXXr}XoiSo peace with one another. 5 '
with one another.
KE*. / . 10. 1 $ A n d arising from
K a f €K€i8ep avaffTas e/?xeTcu cis ra Spia thence, h e comes into t h e
And from thence arising he comes into the borders C O N E I N E S of JuDEA,*even
TTjs lovdaias, diet, TOV irzpav TOV lopfiavov Kai beyond t h e J O R D A N ; and
ofthe Judea, by the otherside ofthe Jordan j and again Crowds come toge-
Q-vfjLiropevovTai ivaXiv o^Xoi KCU, t h e r t o him, and again, as
irpos avTov
eome together again crowds and, he h a d been accustomed,
to him;
cos* eieodei, TraXip edidacntv avrovs. 2
K c u he t a u g h t them.
as he had been accustomed, again he taught them. And 2 J A n d Pharisees ap-
irpoo~£X6ovT€S Qapicratoi €ir7)pcoTr]o~av avTov E i proaching, asked h i m , t o
approaching Pharisees asked him; If try him, " I s i t lawful for
e£e(TTij/ avdpi yvvaiKa airoXvo'ai; ireipa^ovres a M a n to dismiss h i s
it is lawful for a man a wife to release? trying Wife?"

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—44. where the WORM dies not, and the F I R re is not quenched—
omit. _ 45&46. into t h e INEXTINGUISHABLE FIRB ; where their WORM dies not, and the
FIRE is not quenched—omit. 47. Gehenna. 47. of FIRE—omit. 49. and
every Sacrifice shall he seasoned with Salt—omit. 1. even beyond the JORDAN.
t 43. A Hebrew term, meaning1 the valley ofthe son of Hinnom. For futher remarks se«
Appendix. t 44, 45, 40,40. The clauses bracketed in these verses, are not tumid in the
Vatican. They are marked as doubtful by Griesbach, and aie expunged by Tischendorf.
t 48. Isa. lxvi.24. J 60. Matt. v. 13 ; Luk« xiv.&4. J 1. Matt, xix, 1 ; John x. *&j
17 • J 2. Matt. xix. '
&hap. 10; S.] j MARK. [ C W 10:15.
avrov. 3
" '<t
O 5e arroKpiOsis enrep avrois' Tt 3 And H E answering
him. He and answering said to them; What said to them, " "What did
vfxiy evereiXaro Maxrrjs j 4
Ot 5e eiirov Mcoo^s Moses command You ?"
to you did enjoin Moses? They and said; Moises 4 And THEY said, % " Mo-
67T6Tpev|/e j8(/3Aiov aTrotTTacriou ypaipai, nai arco- ses permitted a Writ of
allo^ed a scroll of separation to be written, and to re- Divorce to be written,
Xvarai. 5
K a t ^\^avoKpt9€is~\ 6 Irjcovs enrev to dismiss her. '
iease. And [answering] the Jesus Said 5 And J E S U S said to
avrois' Tlpos rr\v GK.Xr\poKap§iav vfxoov eypaipev them, " Because of your
to them; For the hardness of heart of you he wrote STUBBORN DISPOSITION
6 he wrote you this COM-
v/xiv rt\v evroXrjv ravrr]v. A-rro 5e
apxys MAND.
to you the commandment this. From but a beginning
6 But from the Begin-
KTL<recos apcrev Kai 0r]Xv eiroirjffev avrovs 6 Qeos.ning of Creation, * he made
of creation a male and a female he made them the God. them Male and Female.
? " 'Ej/e/cej/ TOVTOV KaraXentyei avQpcoiros rov 7 $ On account of this
" On account of this shall leave a man the a Man shall leave his F A -
irarepa avrov Kai rr\v /JLrjrepa, ^[^Kai irpocrKoX- THER and MOTHER, * and
father of himself an A. the mother, [.and shall be closely adhere to his WIEE ;
Xy]6r)a'erai irpos
rr\p yvvaiKa avrov~\ Kcu 8 and the TWO shall he-
united to the wife of himself;"] and
3 come one Ylesh; so that
ecrovrai oi 5uo eis crapKa fiiav. 'Clffre ovKeri they are no longer Two,
shall be the two into flesh one." So that no longer hut One Flesh.
eio"i 5uo, aAAa fua o"ap£. ' O ovv 6 Oeos ffvve- 9 What GOD, then, has
theyaretwo, but one flesh. What then the God hasjoin- united, let no Man sever."
£ev£ev, avSpccxos fxr) xooPLC€Tia' 10
K a t tsv rr\ 10 And, in the HOUSE,
ed together, a man not, disunites. And in the * the DISCIPLES again
oiicia iraXiv oi fAaOrjrai avrov Trepi rov asked him * concerning
house again the disciples ofhim concerning ofthe this.
ll 11 And he says to them,
avrov cTrrjpcorrjcrau avrov» Kae
Asyzi X " Whoever shall dismiss
him asked him. And he says his WIEE, and marry ano-
avrois' *Os eav airoXvo"r) rt]v yvvaiKa avrov, ther, commits adultery
to them; Whoever may release the m'.e o: n.rnseif with her.
Kai ya/JLrjcrr) aXXrjv, fxoix^rai eir' avrrjv. 12 And if * gfie who
and may marry another, commits adultery with her. fdismisses her HUSBAND,
Kcu eav yvvv) airoXwr) rov avhpa. avrrjs, KUI shall marry another, she
And if a woman may release the husband of herself, and commits adultery.
*yajA7)Qr) aXXca, fxoix^rai. Kcu 7rpoo~€(f)epov 13 % And they brought
maybemarriedtoanother,commitsadultery. And they brought little Children to him,
avrcp iraidia, iva a^rjrai avroov oi 5e fiaOrjrai that he might touch them;
t o him little children th at he mi ght touch them ; the b ut disciples and the DISCIPLES re-
14 buked *them.
enerijumy rots 7rpoo~<j>£povo'iv, Ibcov Se 5
rebuked these bringing. Seeing but the 14 But J E S U S seeing it,
was displeased, and said to
Xrjo'ovs riyavaKrrjcrc, Kai enrev avrois* Acpere them, "Allow the LITTLE
Jesus was displeased, and said tothemj Allow CHILDREN to come to me,
ra iraiSia epx^vdai irpos /ue, fir) KcoXvere avra' and fcrr-bid them not; for
the little children to come to me, not hinder them; to SUCH LIKE belongs the
rcov yap roiovrcov ecrriv r) fiao~i\€ia rov6eov. KINGDOM of GOD.
ofthe for Burh like is t h e kingdom of the God. 15 Indeed I say to you,
A/j.rjv Xeyco V/JLIV, 6S eav fir) de^rjrat rr\v /3a<n- Whoever does not receive
indeed I fcay to you, whoever n o t may receive t h e king- the KINGDOM of GOD, like

* VATICAN MANUSCKIPT.—5. answering—omit. 6. he made them. 7. an d

adhere to his WIFE—omit. 10. the DISCIPLES. 10. concerning this. 12. JSfj t
who dismisses her HUSBAKB, shall marry another. 13. them. But.
t 12. Strictly speaking, a Jewish wife could not divorce her husband: therefore, apoluaet
may be considered as used with some license, and perhaps, too, with reference to the cus-
toms of the Gentiles rather > nan che Jews, and intended as a rule to the Apostles tor gene'tl
application, and which should put both sexes on the same footing.
% 4. Deut.sxiv. 1; Matt.v.81: six.?. J 1.; Eph.T.8l.
t 11. Matt. v. 32: xix,9; Luke xvi. 18; Boin.vii. 8; 1 Cor. vii. 10, llr % 18. Malt ^ I j .
\Zy L&kexviii.!5v
•: ios 16.3 MARK. [Chap. 1 0 : 34.

Xeiav rov Qeov &s iraidiov, @v [it] eiceXOrj ets a little Child, he will by no
dom of the God like a little child, not not
may enter into means enter it."
avrrjvr Kcu evayKaXt.o'ap.evos avra, riQeis 16 And taking them in
her. - And embracing iu his arms them, havingplaced his arms, and placing his
ras x€lPas 67r
' avra, rjvXoyei avra. HANDS on them, he blessed
the hands upon them, he bles&ed them. them.
7 Kcu ennropevo/bLevov avrov eis 68ov, irpocr- 17 % And going out into
And going out of him into away, run- the Road, one running up,
8pa/xoov els, Kai yovvirerrjcras avrov, eirrjpeora and kneeling before nim,
mng up " one, and kneeling before him, he asked asked him, " Good Teach-
avrov AifiacrKaXe ayaOe, ri TTOITJO'GO, iva £wr}ver ! what must I do, that X
him; O teacher good, what must T do, that life may inherit aionian Life."
aiooviov KhrjpovofXTjcrco ; 18 ' O de Irjcovs enrev 18 And J E S U S said to
age-lasting I may inherit? The and Jesus said
him, Why dost thou call
avrtp' Tt fxe Xeyeis ayadov; ovdeis ayaOos, et Me good ? No one is good,
to him; Why me callest thou good? no one good, if
except one, GOD.
fir\ els, 6 deos. 19 Tas evroXas oidas' il Mr]
not one, the God. The commandments thou knowest; " N o t 19 Thou knowest the
fiOLxevo-ys' Mr) <povevcrr,s' Mr] uXe^/rjs' COMMANDMENTS ; % * D o
tho H. must commit adultery; Not thoumustkill; Not thou must steal; not commit murder; De
Mr} ipevdo/naprvpricrys' *\Mr) aTroo~r€p7)cnjs-~\ not commit adultery, Do
Not thou must testify falsely; [No* thou must defraud 1 not steal; Do not testify
TL/JLO, rov irarepa &ov, Kai rrjv /arjrepa.3" 2 0 O falsely r Honor thy FATHEB
Honor the father of thee, and the mother." He and MOTHER."
8e *[(nroKpLdet,s^\ enrev avr&r Ai^aCKaXe, 20 And HE said to him, ravra
but [answering] said to kin),"Teacher, all these have
O teacher, these
iravra etyvXa^afirjV eK v*sorr]Tos fxov. 2 1 ' 0 5e I kept from my Child-
all I kept from childhood of me. He but hood."
Irjcrevs e/xfiXeityas avrcp? -rjyairrjcrev avrov, tcai
Jesus looking on him, loved him, and 21 And J E S U S looking
enrev avrcp' 'Ev croi vcrreper vnaye, Sera on him, loved him, and
said to him: One to thee lacks: go, whatever
said to him, " One thing
thou lackest; go, sell
ex^is irooXr}0'ov, icai 80s rots TTTCOXOLS* Kai whatever thou hast, and
thou hast sell, and give to the poor: and
give to the * Poor, and thou
ef^eis Orjo'avpov ev ovpavqr Kai 8evpo9 atcoX- shalt have X Treasure in
thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and hither, fol- Heaven; and come, follow
ovOei [xoi, * [ a p a s rov aravpov.^ O Be crrvy- me."
low me, [takingup the cross.] He but looking
vao-as eiri rep Xoyco, airr)X9e Xvirov/ix7)vosm rjv 22 But H E was gdeved
sad at the word, went; away sorrowing: he was
at the WORD, and went
23 away sorrowing; for he
yap ex^ov fcrrjpLara rroXXa. K a i irepL^Xexj/a- had great Possessions."
for having possessions many. And looking
fxevos 6 Irjo'ovs, Xeyei rois [jLaOrjrais avrov 23 Then J E S U S looking
round the Jesus, says to the disciples of himself: round, says to his D I S C I -
PLES, J " With what diffi-
Tloos dvctKoXcos ot ra %pi7^ara e%ovres ets rrjv
How hardly those the nches having into the
culty will THOSE HAVING
24 RICHES enter the K I N G -
fiacriXeiav rov Qeov eiareXevo'ovrat. Ot de DOM of G O D . "
kingdom of the God shall enter. They and
e 24 And the DISCIPLES
fiaOrjrai. eda/Afiovvro eiri rois Xoyois avrov, O
disciples were astonished at the words were astonished at his
of him. The
5t Irjo-ovs iraXiv airoKpiOeis Xeyei avrois' TeKva, WORDS. But J E S U S again
1... Jesus again answering s a y ; to them: Children, answering, says to them,
-, • s dvo~KoXov eo'ri *[rovs TreirotOoras em rois | " Children, how difficult
how difficult it is [th^se having confidence in the it is to enter the KINGDOM
^•p?7/aao'[//,] eis rrjv fiacriXeiav rov Qeov eicreXQeiv. of G O D .
riches,] into the kingdom of the God to enter.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—19. Do not commit m u r d e r ; Do not commit adultery. 19.
Bo not defraud—omit. 20. answering1—omit, 21. Poor. 21. taking up th«
CROSS—omit. 24. those having1 confidence in RICHES—omit,
t 17. Matt. xix. 16; Luke xviii. 18. % 1-J. Exod. xx, 13. Bom. xiii. 9. J 21. Matt.
f i. 1^, 20; xix. 21: Luke xii. 33, xvi. 9. X 23. Matt. xix. 23; Luke xviii. %i. % 2^. Jolj
x x x u ? 4 ^ f P8a.lii.7j lxu.l0k *,17.
Qhap. 10: 25.] MAKKc [Chap- 191 83.
'EvKOTfcorepov ecrrt KajX7]Xov Sta rrjs 25 I t is easier for n
Easier i t is a camel t'trough the Camel to pass through, the
Xia.$ TT)S pacptfios SieAJez^, r\ ickovaiov sis rrrju N E E D L E ' S EYE, than for a
of the needle t o pa^6, than a rich m a n i n t o t h e Rich man to enter the
ftaaiXstav rov 6zov et(reXdGiv. Ol Be irepio'- KINGDOM of G O D . "
kingdom of the God t o enter. They a n d greatly 26 And they were ex-
coos e£6Tv\rio'(rovToi Xeyovres rrpos eavrovs' ceedingly astonished, say-
were amazed, saying among themselves; ing *to him, "Who then
Kai ris Svvarai creoOrjvai ; E/x/3AeiJ/as oV can he saved?"
And who is able t o be saved? L o o k i n g on and 27 And JESUS looking
avroLS 6 I^trof?, A.67er Tlapa avdpooirois aBvva- on them, says, "WithMen
them the Jesus, says; With men impossi- it may be impossible, but
rou aAA' ov irapa rep deep' iravra yap dvvara not with G O D ; for with
ble but not with the God: all for possible * God everything is possi-
eo'ri itapa rep deep. 28
Hp^aro 6 Tlsrpos XeyGiv ble."
is with t h e God. Began the Peter t o say 28 J P E T E R began to say
avrcp' Ibov 7)pi€is a<p7]Ka}x&v iravra^ Kai TJKOX.-to him, "Behold, foe have
to h i m : Lo, we left all, and fol- forsaken all, and followed
ovOTitfapLev (rot. 20
*\_h.T?OKpi6eis~\ b thee."
lowed.- thee. [Answering] the 29 JESUS said, "Indeed
enrev AJULT}I> Xtyco vpuv, ovcyeis corny, bs a(p7)~ I say to you, There is no
said: Indeed I say t o y o u , n o one is, who has one who has left House, or
KSV oiKtav, 7} adeX<pos, 7] abeXepas, 7] Trarepa, 7} Brothers, or Sisters, or l a -
left houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, o r ther, or Mother, * or Wife,
/xrjTepa, ^ [ T 7 yvvaina^ 7} reKva, 7] aypovs^ or Children, or Lands, on
mother, [or wife,] or children, o r fields, my account, and on ac-
£V€KGV efiov Kai eveicev TOV (tvyyeXiov, s o eav countofthe GLAD T I D I N G S ,
on account of me and on account of t h e glad tidings, if 30 who will not receiva
(XT) Xa/Sy kicaTovrairXao-Lova, vvv *v rep X a hundred-fold, now, in
n o t he may receive a hundred fold, now in t h e this TIME,—Houses, and
Kaipcp TOUTCO, ottcias, Kai adeXepovs, Kai adeX- Brothers, and Sisters, and
season this, houses, and brothers, and sis- Mothers, and Childrpn, and
(pasj KOA fiTjTepas, Kai reKva, Kai aypovs, fxera Lands,—but with Perse-
ters, and mothers, and children, a n d fields, with cutions; and in the AGE
bicoyfiwv, Kai ey rta aiwvi rep epxo/xevcp &W to COME, aionian Life.
persecutions, and i a the age to come, life 31 % But many will be
aictiviov. 3 1 UoXXoi Se eaovrai irpwroi, eo~xa~ first, who are last; and
age-lasting. Many but shall be first, l a s t ; last, who are first."
rot' nai e c x a T p t , irpcaroi. 3 2 Hcrav Se ey TT? 32 % And they were on
and last, first. They were a n d i n the the ROAD going up to J e -
6Bcp avafiaivovres ets 'lepocroXv/xa'
Kai 7]v rusalem; and JESUS was
way going u p to Jerusalem: and was preceding them; and they
irpoayoov avrovs 6 ITJCTOVS' icai e0a/x/3owro, were * amazed. And THEY
going before them the Jesus: and t h e y were amazed, who FOLLOWED him were
Kai aKoXovQovres ecpofSovvro. Kcu TrapaXaficov afraid as J he took aside
and following t h e y were afraid. And t a k i n g aside again the TWELVE, and be-
rraXtv rovs ScoSe/ca, Tjp^aro avrois Xeyetv ra gan to tell them the
again the twelve, h e began to them t o t e l l t h e things T H I N G S B E I N G A B O U T t o
p,eXXovra avrcp cfv^atvciv ' O n tSou, ava- befall him.
being a b o u t to h i m to happen: 3?or lo, we 33 " Behold, we are go-
fiaivopiev eis 'IepocroAo/xa, Kai 6 vtos rov avQpca- ing up to Jerusalem, and
go u p to Jerusalem, a n d t h e son of t h e m a n the SON of MAN will be
wov Trapadodrjcrerai rois apxiepeucri Kal rots
delivered up to the HIGH-
will be delivered u p to the high-priests and t o t h e PBJESTS, and to the
ypafx/nar evert' Kai KarenKptvovcriv avrov Qavarcp, SCRIBES j and they will
scribes : and t h e y will condemn him t o death, condemn him to death,
Kai TrapaBoocrovcriv avrov rots eOvecn, Kai and will deliver him up to
and t h e y will deliver u p him to the Gentiles, the G E N T I L E S ;

'* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—26. to Mm, "Who." 27, God. 29. answering—omit.

59. or Wife—omit. 32. amazed. And THEY who FOLLOWED Mm were afraid, ashetoob
t 28. Matt. xis. 27; Luke xviii. 28. J 30. Luke xviii. §Q. t 81. Matt. xix. 30;
Luke xiiL 30. X 32. Matt. xx. 17 j Luke xviii. 30. T %% Marls viii. 8X j ix. 3J$
%.ufe? is. 82 J ssiii. %L
Chap. 10 s 34.] M A R Rc [ Chap. 10 : 4*.

epnrai^ovoriu avrcpy Kai fiarrriywo'ovo'iv avrov, 34- and they will mock
t h e y will m o c k him, and t h e y will scourgo him, Mm, and * spit on liini,
Kai e/.nrrvcrovo'ip avrcp, Kai airoKrevovo'iv avrov and scourge him, and put
a n d t h e y will spit upon kiint. and t h e y will kil?. t '.m ; him to death, and * alter
tcai Tt) rpLTt) 7)/j.epa avao~rricr€Tau 35
K a n ? - ocr~ Three Hays he will rise."
and t h e third day h e will stand u p . And norae 85 And James and John,
iropevoprai avrcp Icucoofios mat, lcaavvr]s<) ol vloi the * TWO Sons of Zebedee,
t o hira James anc1. John, t h e fjons come to him, * saying to
ZefieScuoVs, heyovres 0
A&SacncaXe, Qehofxev^ h/a him5 " O Teacher, we wish
ofZebedee? nayinp.-.. O teacher, wo wish, fhat that thou wouldst do fot
r l us whatever we may * ask
o eay as.T7)a'(t>ixev9 rrc& i)o"ps 7}pnv. thee."
whatever we may ask, '-hou mnyor't d o f o r ua. H e b u t -mid
36 And HE said to themf
avrois* Tt deXerc iroit]0'oi fxe v/uiv / Of §e "What do you. desire me
to t h e m ; W h a t do y o u wish t o do lne for - o u P Tiney -nd to do for you ?"

envoi/ avrcp' Aos r\yav, iva els e/£ de^icov <rov, 37 And;niET said to him,
said t o h i m ; Give t o us, that ©ne a t right o f t h e e ""Grant to us that we may
Kai ets e£ evowvfjLQov cov KaBi(r<api€p ev ry do^y sit, one at *thy Right
a n d one a t left of t h e e w« m a y s i t in t h « glory hand, and the ©ther at
38 * thy Left, in thy GLORY."
GOV. 'O 5e 'irjcrovs €nrev avrois' OVK oidare,
of thee The a n d ilnsus 3aid i o t h e m ; N o t y o u know 38 But J E S U S said to
them. "You know not
Ti aireicrBe. AvvacBe Trteiv TO rrorripiou, 6 what you ask. Can you
what y o u ask. Are y o u able fti" drink t h e c u p , which
drink the CUP which I
eyca Triv<a, Kai TO jBairria'fAaf 6 eyw ^airn^ofiai, drink? *or undergo the
I drink, anc! t h e dippinr? which I a m dipped, IMMERSION with which 2
39 9
$airrio'Br\yai,s O l Be enrop avrcp Avvap.eBa, am being overwhelmed!"
t o b e dipped P They AHd said t o him j W e are able. 39 And THEY said to
'O de Irjorovs enrev avrois0 To ^[yUev] TTOTT] him, " We can." And J E -
The and Jesus said t o them i The [indeed! c u p , SUS said to them, You will
drink the CUP which &
piop, o eyco iriva), TTlGO'Oe'' K(U TO fiaTTTLO'fJLa,drink, and undergo the IM-
which I drink, y o u will d r i n k ; and the dipping, MERSION with which 5
6 eye*) fiairriCo/nai, ^aTvrio,B7)n,ecrBea 4 0 TO 8e am being overwhelmed;
which I a m dipped, y o u v i l l b c di^pnd? 'lie Hit
40 but to S I T at my
KaGicrai e/c de^ioop fxov Kai <si- Gv<avvp.(av? ovss. ecr- Eight hand, ::'or at the
to sit at right of me a n d a t left, r.ot- it Left, iti not mine to give,
TIP ejxov dovpai, aAA' ois Tjroijuiao'rai. except for whom it is pre-
is mine t o give, but t o w h o m i t h a s been prepared. pared."
Kan aicovcravTes ol detect,, Tjp^avro ayavaicreip 41 % And the TEN, hav-
And having heard t h e t e n , t h e y be /ran t o be angry ing heard, were indignant
against James and John,
Trept laKoofiov Kai \ooavvo\s^ 4 2 ' 0 de \y)<rovs 42 * And Jesus, having
about Jamcr. and John. 2 h c hv.t Jesus
called them, he says to
irpoo'KaXeo'afxepos avrovs? Xeyzi avrovs° OiSa- them, £ "You know That
having called them, h e says to t h e m ; Y o u knorv. THOSE presuming to rule
r e 3 on ol SoKovpres ap%ziv TCOP GBPCOP, icaranv- the NATIONS domineer
t h a t those presuming t o rule the nations, over them, and their GREAT
lord it
pievovo~iv avroop, Kai ol [xeyaXoi avroop Karej-ov- ones exercise authority
over them, and the great of'them
over them.
43 43 J But * it is not so
cria^ovo'iu avroov. O u ^ OVTOO de ecrrai ev among you; but whoever
authority over t h e m . Not no b u t i t shall b e a m o n g
may desire to become great
V/JLW aAA3 6s sav BeXy ytvso'Bai fieyas ev among you, shall be Your
you; but whoever m a y wish t o become great a m o n g Servant;
0 44 44 and whoever * among
vp.iv, ecrrai VJJLOOV hiaKovos Kai os eav 6eAv
you, shall be of y o u a servant; and whoever m a y wish you may desire to become

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—34. spit on him, and scourge him0 34. after T h r e e D a y s

he. 35. TWO S o n s . 35. saying" t o h i m , " O T e a c h e r . " 35. a s k t h e e . 37-the
Right. 37. t h e Left. 38. o r . 39. indeed—omit, 40. o r a t t h e Left.
42. A n d J E S U S . 43. : . t i s n o t so among- y o u . 44. a m o n g y o u .
t E5. M a t t . x x . 20, X 4 1 . M a t t . x x . 24, t 42. L u k e x x i i . 2§. % 43- J I » t ^
XX. 20, 28 ; M a r k ix. 35; L u k e i x , 48,
dtop. B : m M A R K. [ C%ap. 11 s 1.

vficov yeveo'Oai irpcoros, Chief, shall be the Slave of

ea"rat TTCLVTOOV dovXos'
ofycu to become first, All.
shall be of all a slave;
teat yap 6 vios rov avOpcoirov OVK r)X0e Sia/coj/- 45 J For even the SON of
and for tba son of the man not came to be MAN came not to be served,
TjOrjvai, aXXa diaKov^cai, Kat Sovvai rrjv x^vx^ but to serve, and to give
served, but to serve, and to give the life his LIIE a Ransom for
avrov Kvrpov avri iroXXcav. many."
of himself a ransom for many.
46 JAnd they came to
46 Jericho. And as he was
K a t epxovrai eis 'Ieptx&r /cat eKiropevofievov departing from Jericho
And they come into Jericho; and going out with his DISCIPLES, and a
avrov atro 'Ieptxw, Kai roov jxad^rcov avrov, Kai great Crowd, * a Blind Beg-
of him from Jericho, and the disciples of him, and gar, + Bartimeus, (the SON
©%Aou iKavov, vios Ti/xaiov, Bapri/xaios 6 rvtp- of Timeus,) sat by the
a crowd great, a son ofTimeus, Bartimeus the blind, EOAD.
Xos, eKaOrjro irapa rr\v odov Trpoo'aircov. ? Kai 47 And hearing That i t
sat by the way begging. And was Jesus the Nazarite, he
aKov&as, on Ir)(rovs 6 NaCoopaios ecrriv, 7}p^aro began to cry ont, and say,
hearing, that Jesus the Nazarite it is, he began * " Jesus, SON of David,
tepa(eiv Kai Xeyeiv O vios Aavid, Irj&ov, eXerj- have pity on m e ! "
koeryout and to say; The son of David, Jesus, have pity 48 And many charged
(rov yue. Kai eirerijuoov avrcp TTOXXOI, iva him to be silent; but HE
an me. And rebuked him many, so that cried out much more, "Son
Q-IOOV7]O'7]' 6 8e iroXXcp /xaXXov €Kpa(eiv Tie of David, have pity on
ke might be silent; he but much more cried out; Oson me!"
49 49 And J E S U S stopping,
AafiS, eXerio-ov fie. Kat arras 6 l^o^ovs,
ef David, have pity on me. And stopping the*said, "Call him." And
enrev avrov (poovrjO^vai' Kai <pcovov(ri rov rvep- they called the B L I N D man,
told him to be called; and they called the blind, saying to him, " Take cour-
Xov, Xeyovres avrcp' (dapffei, eyeipe* (poivei age, arise; he calls thee."
saying to him; Take covirage, rise up; he calls 50 And H E , throwing
<re. s0
' O 8e airofiaXwv ro ifxanov avrov, avao~- off his, f MANTLE, * leaping
thee. He and throwing off the mantle of himself, arising
up, came to J E S U S .
ras r]X9e irpos rov Irj&ovv. 51
K a t aivoKpideis 51 And J E S U S address-
came to the Jesus. And answering
ing him, seid, " What dost
thou wish I may do for
Xeysi avrcp 6 I-qcrovs' Ti deXeis Tfoi7]aroo Goi; thee?" The BLIND man
says to him the Jesus; What dost thou wish I may do to thee?
said to him, f " Rabboni 1
'O Se rvcpXos enrev avrcp' 'PajS/Bouvt, iva ava- that I may receive my
Theand blind said to him; Rabboni, that I may sight."
>3?v.€x|/co. 52 e O 5e lrjcrovs enrev avrcp' Hiraye' 7] 52 And J E S U S said te
see again. The and Jesus said to him; Go; the
him, J " G o ; thy TA1TH
Tri(rris crov ceo'coKe o'e. K a t evdecos avefiXetye, has restored thee." And
faith of thee has saved thee. And immediately he saw again, he immediately received
Kai rjKoXovdet avrcp ev rrj &dcp. sight, and followed *him
Vid followed him in the way. on the EOAD.
K E $ . ia'. 1 1 . CHAPTER XI.
1 1 And % when they drew
Kax 6re eyyi£ovo~iv eis 'lepovaraXrifi, eis near to Jerusalem, to Beth-
And when they drew near to Jerusalem, to
phage, and Bethany, near
BrjOtyayr) KaiBrjdaviaVi ivposro opos rcav eXai- * the MOUNT of OLIVES, he
Bethphage and Bethany, to the mountain of the olive
send9 Two of his D I S C I -
tav, airocreXXei §uo rcav ixaOriroov avrov, Kai P L E S ,
tieei, he sends two of the disciples of himself, and
* VATICAN MANUSCBIPT.—46. Bartimeus, a Blind Beggar, the SON of Timeus, sat by the
ROAD. And. 4,7. Son of David, Jesus, have. 49. said, "Call him." And. 50.
leaping up. came. 52. him on the EOAD . 1. THAT MOUNT which is.
t 48. Bartimeus, is considered by many to be a real name, and not an explication of ho whyoa
Timaion. t 50. Or upper garment. This was of considerable dimensions, and enveloped
the whole body. I n those hot countries, tli3,y threw i t aside when they were at work, o r
pi oughingin the field.—Wakefield. _ t 51. Rabboni, an intensified signification of Rab b i,
meaning My Master; the highest title of honor in the Jewish schools, ft is only used in one
other passage in the New Testament—John xx. 16.
145. Matt. xx. 28. 146. Matt. xx. 29; Luke xviii. S5. J 52. Matt. ix. 22; MarB
v. S4u % 1. Mali, xxi 1; Luke xix. 29; John xii. 14.
Aqp.l 1:^.] MARK fV&ap. 1 1 : 12.
keyei avrois' 'T-7rayeT6 CLS rrjv ICOO/UT}? rrjv 2 and says to them, "Go
says to them: Go you into the town that tO THAT VILLAGE which i s
Karcvavri vficov ECU evQeeos eicnropevo/jievoi OVER AGAINST you, and
opposite you; a n d immediately as soon as you enter it, you
sis avT7}p9 evprjcrere TTCOXOV SedejJievov, ec/>' ov will find a Colt tied, on
into her, you will find a colt having been tied, u p o n which which no Man has *yet
ovSeis avQpooircov KeKaOiKe* Xvcravres avrov sat: loose him, and bring
no one ofmen hassat; havinglooaed him him.
ay ay ere. K a i eav ris I/JJLIV eiiry To iroi- 3 And if any one should
leadyou. And if a n y o n e t o y Q s should say; Why do say to you, ' Why do you
eire TOVTO / eiirare- "^['OriT'o Kvpios avrov this?' say, The MASTER
you this? say y o u ; [ T h a t ] t h e master of him needs i t ; and he will in-
Xpztav G'X€t' K0LL svOews avrov airocrreXXei stantly send it hither."
need hoe; and immediately h i m h e will send
4 And they went and
a>5e. 4 MsfjXQov de, icat evpov TTOOXOV Bede/nevov found a Colt fastened a t
hew. i&ey went a n d , and found a colt having been tied
the DOOR outside, in t e
irpos tTjv Qupisip e£<y ewi rov ajx^o^ov Kai STREET; and they loosed
near Gfcc door without in the street; and
s it.
Xvovffiv avrov, Kat rives rcov e/cei ecrrrjKO-
they loose him. And some of those there stand- 5 And some of THOSE
STANDING there, said c
rcov eXeyov avrois' T i iroieire Xvovres rov them, " Why do you untie
tng said to them; What do yon loosing the
6 the COLT ?"
irooXov ; O i 5e envoy avrois ica6c»s evereiXaro
colt? They and said to them even as 8 And THEY said to them
6 Ir)o?ovs' Kai acprjicav avrovs. yyayov as J E S U S had * directed;
? Kai
the Jesus; a n d they suffered thens. And they led and they allowed them.
rov TTCOXOV rrpos rov Ir)o~ovv9 Kai eirifiaXXovo'iv 7 And they *led the
the colt to the Jesus, and t h e y threw u p o n COLT to J E S U S , and threw
avrcp ra ifxaria avroov Kai eKaOicrev eir* avrca, on it their MANTLES j and
him t h e mantles of themselves; a n d h e sat upon h i m . he sat on it. •
HoAAo* 5e ra ifiaria avroov effrpooffav sis rrjv 8 $And many spread
M a n y a n d t h e mantles of themselves spread in t h e their GARMENTS on the
odov aXXoi de croifiadas eKoitrov etc rcav ROAD; and others cut
way. others and branches c u t off from t h e * Branches, from the
devdp&v, *\_tcai ecrrpcovvvov e&s rrjv odov.^ TREES, and scattered them
trees, [and scattered in fcho way.^ on the ROAD.
Kai oi irpoayovres Kai ol aicoXovOovvres 9 And THOSE PRECED-
And those going before and those following ING and THOSE FOLLOW-
€Kpa£ov} *\_Xeyovres0l[ 'Clo'avya'
evXoyrf/uievos ING, shouted, "Hosanna!"
did cry, [saying. Hosanna} w o r t h y of blessing
:{;"'Blessed be H E who
6 epxo/uevos *\_ev ovofiari Kvpiov^ 1 0 evXoyrj- COMES in the Name of
he coming [in name ofLord;] w o r t h y o f 'Jehovah!'"
fievrj 7} epxojuevr} (SacriXeia rov Tvarpos TJ/JLWV 10 " Blessed be the com-
blessing t h e coming kingdom of t h e father of u s
ll ing KINGDOM Of OUr EA-
AaviS' Socravva ev rots v\fyurrois* Kai eicrrjX- THERDavid!" J "Hosanna
David; Hosanna in t h e highest. And en-
in the HIGHEST heaven!"
6ev eis 'lepoo'oAvp.a 6 lr]o'ovsi ^\_Kai~\ <si$ ro
frered i n t o Jerusalem the Jesua, 11 | And * J E S U S went
[and] into the
lepov Kai •yrepifBXetya/ievos iravra, ofyias rjdrj into Jerusalem, and into
temple; a n d haviu g l o o k e d r o u n d c a all, evening n o w the TEMPLE. And having
looked round on all things,
ovcrr]s rrjs oopas, e^r]Xdev eis BrjOaviav fxera it now being Evening, lie
feeing the hour, h e went o u t to Bethany with
went out to Bethany^ with
roov fioodeKa. the TWELVE,
the twelve*
12 J And the NEXT DAY,
K a i rrj eiravpiov e^eXQovroov avroov airo as they were coming from
And the n e x t day coming out of t h e m from Bathany, he was hungry;

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. yet safc. 2. That—omit. 6. said; and. 7

tiring. 8. Branches, cut down out of the I'IE i, DS. And THEY, 8. and scattered
in the vrxsr—omit. 9. S'-iying—omit. 9. in the name of the Lord—omit. 11. ho
entered. 11. and—omit.
| 10. Psa. oxlviM. !• 111. Ifotfc
t 8. Matt. xxi. 8. t 9. Psa. csviii. 56.
xsi. 12, 112. Matt, xsio 1&,
Chap, l i s 13.] 'MARK/ [Cft«tp..iu.9a.
hf)QaviaS) eveivao'e' Kat tSoov O~VKT)V {xaKpo- 13 a n d observing a Fig-
Bethany, he was hungry; and seeing a fig tree at a dis- tree, at a distance, having
&$v, exovcmv (pvAAa, 7}\9ev, ei apa cvprjcret Leaves, h e went t o search
tance, having leaves, if perhaps he will find for f fruit on i t , (for i t
he went,
Tt €V avry Kat eKOoov eir3 avrrjv, ovfisv was not y e t t t h e * S E A S O N
anything on her; and coming to »-. her nothing for !Figs.) And having
ebpev ei wq <pv\\d' ov yap 7)V Kaipos O'VKCOV. come to it, h e found n o t h -
he found except leaves: not for it was season of figs. ing b u t Leaves.
K a i airoicpidsis enrev avrrj' MrjKert e/c ffov 14 T h e n he said t o it v
And answering he said to her: • No more of theet c t L e t no one eat F r u i i
eis rov aioova fjL7]$eis icapirov (payoi. r Kat of thee t o t h e AGE l " A n i
to the a.,e no one fruit may eat. And his D I S C I P L E S h e a r d him.,
i)Kovov oi jxaOTjrai avrov0 15
Kai epxovrat ets 15 J And t h e y came t o
heard the disciples of him. And they come to J e r u s a l e m ; a n d going i n t o
'lepocroXviJLa' Kai sKTehBoov sis ro iepov rjp^aro t h e T E H P L E , h e drove o u t
Jerusalem: and going into the temple he began T H O S E S E L L I N G and b u y -
€K&aWetv rovs TrooXovvras Kai ayopa^ovras ev ing, and overturned t h e
to cast out those selling and buying in T A B L E S of t h e B A N K E E S ,
a n d t h e S E A T S of T H O S E
rep lepep' Kat ras rpairefas roov KoXXvfitarcav,
the temple: and tho tables the money-changers,
Kat ras Kadzfipas row TrcoXovvrcav ras ircpicrre- 16 and would not permit
Rnd the seats of those selling the dovea any one to carry an Article
pas Karecrrpstye* 16
Kai ris through the TEMPLE, .
OVK ^ i e y , Iva
he overturned: and not suffered, that an;: one 17 He also taught * and
Siei/eyKji o~x€vo$ dta rou hpov, l7
]"iai edtdacr- said. " I s i t not written,
should carry r,n article through the temple. And he taught, t ' M y HOUSE shall be
K€, Xeywv * [ a u T o i s * 3 Ov yeypairrar ** 'On called a House of Prayer
saying \tc them:] Not is it written: " That for All NATIONS ?' but gou
6 OLKOS (JLOV, OIKOS Trpoo'evx'ns KXTjOrjcrerat hiove made i t a Den of
the house of me, a house of prayer shall be called
rracri rots edvza'iv ; V(JLSIS 8e 6Trot7)(TarQ avrov 18 $And the * H I G H -
for all the nations!' you but have made it PKIESTS and the SCEIB S
a'TrrjXatoy Xyo'roov" xCi
ypafj.- heard, and sought bo *
&at r]Kovo*av ol
aden of robbers." scribes they might destroy h i m ;
And heard the
for they feared him, Be-
fiareis Kai oi a p ^ i s p e i S j Kat e&rovv TTW? avrov
and the kigh-priects, and they sought how him
cause All the CSOWD was*
astonished a t his T E A C H -
airoXecrovcnv* €$o$3vvro yap avrov, Sri iras 6
they might destroy: they f ;ared for him, because all the
o%A-os s£€7rA.^a-i3'ST0 Giri rrj 8 i 8 a x # avrov, 19
Kai 19 And when i t was
crowd was araaied at the teaching of him. And Evening, he went out of
6re o\|/e eyevsro, G^eiropevero €£&> rt]S iroXecas. the CITY.
when evening it became, he went out of the city. 20 $And passing along
Kat Trpcai irapairopevofi^voi, eifiov rrjv in the Morning, they saw
And in the morning passing along, they saw the
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—13. SEASON. 17. and said, " Is i t not." 17. t o t h e m
>~omit, 18. HIGH-FBIESTS and the SCRIBES.
t 13. That Jesus had a right to gather figs from this tree, if there had been any upon it,
appears from the law of Moses, mentioned in Deut. xxiiL 24, 25. Josephus alluding to this
iaw, mentions ripe fruits in general, not grapes and corn only. His words are—"Let n o t
passengers, (whether natives or strangers,) he hindered from touching the ripe fruits. L e t
them be permitted to fill themselves with them, h u t not to carry any away." That some ripe
fi^s might be expected on fig-trees a t that time of the year will appear, says Pearce, from t h e
following considerations;—" Jesus went up to this fig-tree on the 11th day of the month N i .
san, i. e. three days before the Passover, which was always on the 14th day of i t . ' O n tha
morrow after the Sabbath' which followed the Passover, the first-fruits were to be offered to
God in the temple." Lev. xxiii. 11. The leaves on the tree indicated that summer was nigh,
Matt. xxiv. 32, and that fruit might he reasonably expected, especially as t h e fig-tree shoots
forthits fruit before the leaves. If, therefore, the tree bore figs, now was t h e period to find
andeatthem. t 13. That is, the season for gathering them. t 14. Somecavillera
object to this miracle of our Savior, and ask, What right had he to destroy this fig-tree ? I n
answer, observe, that the tree was evidently barren, and therefore of no use to anyone; t h a t
It could hardly be private property, for i t was on the public road; and that i t was mada th«
means of inculcating a great moral truth on the mi nds of his disciples.
t 13. Matt. xxi. 19 t 15. Matt. xxi. 12; Luke xix.. 45_; John ii. 14. $ 17. Im,
Wi.7. t 18. Matt. xxi. 45, 40: Luke xix. 47. t 20. Matt. xxi. 19.
€hap, 1 1 : 21.] MARK. tamp, lli 29.
2 1l
ffvicrjv €%r)paiJ,iJ,evr)V e/c pifav * Kat
riat avafx.- the FIG-TREE withered
fi^-tree having lieen withered from rootsj And renem- away from the Roots.
vrjaOeis b n e r p o s , \ey€t avrep' 'Pa/3/3i, fSe, ij 21 And PETER remem-
bering the Peter, says to him; Rabbi, lo, the bering, says to him, "Rab-
(TvKr), i]V Karrjpao'co, c^rjpavrai. bi, behold, the FIG-TREE
fig-tree, which thou didst en se, has been withered. And which thou didst curse, is
anoKpideis 6 Irjcrovs Aeyet avrots- E%6T€ TZHT- withered away.".'
answering the Jesus says to them t Have you faith 22 And JESUS answering
riv dcov, * 3 A/urjv yap Aeyco vp.iv, 6s av says to them, " Have Faith
of God. Indeed for I say to you, that whoever in God. i
eirrt} rep opei rovrep* Apdrjri, Kai PATI&TJTI 23 l r or indeed 1 say to
may say to the mountain this* Be lifted up, and cast you, X That whoever should
eis Tt\v QaKaeraav* Kai (AT) diaKptOj) €v rrj raised say to this MOUNTAIN, ' Be
into the sea i and not should doubt in the
up, and thrown into
the SEA ;* and should not
Kapdta avrov, a\\a irirrreverri ort a \eyei doubt in his HEART, but
heart of himself, but should believe that what he says
believe that * what he says
ytvtraf €o~rat avrcp 6 zav €LTrp. 2 4 A m rovrc is being done; he shall
tomes topussjitshallbe to him whatever he may say.. Through this have it.
Aeyw bfxiv^ iravra Sera av Trpocrevxofxe^ot aireicr- 24 For this reason I
i say to>oiJj all things whatever prayinp -you d.":.?;• say to you, |AU things
$€, iri<rTev€T€ ort Xafj.f3avsre, Kai ecrrai vfjuv, whatever you *pray for,
Relieve you that you receive, and ' t s h r i l b e 4": you. and desire, believe Thut
Ko* drav <TT7}K7)T€ 7rpoo"€i>xoiwej>ot, a<piere9 ei you will receive, and you
And when you stand praying, forgive, if shall have them.
rt €%6Tf Kara TWOS' iva 6 trarrjp 25 J And when you stanc7.
any thing you have against anyone; that also the father praying, forgive, if j o u
vfj.Gov, 6 €V rots ovpavois, a<pri V/JLLV ra rrapair-have any thing against any
ofyou, that in the h.eavens,mayforgiveyou the faults one; that also THAT FA-
rwfiara v/j.(DVe 2 6 E t Se bfieis OVK aepizre, oi'Se THER of yours ir the
ofyou. If but you not forgive, neither HEAVENS may forgive you
b irarrjp tfxcov, 6 ev rots aeprjeret ra your OFFENCES.
the father ofyou, that in the heavens, will forgive the 26 f [ B u t j i f j j o u d o n j ;
irapairr(ajj.ara V/J.OJV, ^ Kat spxovrat va\iv forgive, a e i t . r will THAT
faults ofyou. And they come afraln FATHER of yours in the
«is 'ItpoaoXviia, K a t ev rep Up(p Trepnrarovv- HEAVENS f rgive your OF-
to Jerusalem. And in the temple walking F E N C E S . " ]
ros avrov, epxovrat irpos avrov ol apx^p^ts 27 J And they came
of him, come to him the high-priests again to Jerusalem. And
28 as he ^Tas walking about in
/cat ot ypafAfiarets Kai ol Trpeerfivrepoi, Kai
the TEMPLE, the H I G H -
and the scribes and the elders, and PHIESTS, and the SCRIBES,
Xeyovcriv avrcp* Ev iroia e^ovcria ravra iroteis; and the ELDERS, cams to
they say to him ; By what authority these thingsdoestthou? him,
Kai ris ffoi rrjv ej-ovo~iav ravrrjv eSooKev, Iva 28 and *they said to
and who to thee the authority this gave, that him, " By "What Authority
ravra iroirjs ; 29
' O Se Irjcrovs *[a7rof:pt0eis] doest thou these things ?
thesethlngsthoumayestdo. The but Jesus [answering] * or who EMPOWERED thee
to do them?"
eiirev avrois' JZirepoorvjcra) *[/ca7a>] kva 29 And J E S U S said to
said to them; 1 will ask you [also I ] one them, " I will ask you One
hoyov Kai airoKptdrjTG fiot, Kat epw vfiiv, ev Question; and if you an-
word; and answer you to me, and I will tell to you, by swer me, I also will inform
30 you by What Authority 1
troia poverty ravra iroicc. To pairric/jia
what authority these things I do. The dipping do these things.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—23. what he says is being- done; he shall have it. For this,
24. pray for, and desire, believe you That you did receive. 28. t h e j said. 28. or
who. 29. answering—omit. 29. also I—omit.
t 26. This verse is wanting in Dr. Birch's collation of the Vat. MS., and is omitted by sev-
eral MSS. and Versions.
t 23 Matt. xvii. 20; xxi.21; Luke xvii. 6. % 24. Matt. vii. 7 ; Luke x i . 9 : John
xiv 13; James i, 5. 6. X 25. Matt. vi. 14; Col. iii. 13. % 26. Matt. xviiL »6
* 27- Matt. xxi.23j L u k e x x . l *
Map. 11 : S0. t MARK. {Chap. 12: 7-

"uaavvoy e | ovpavov TJV, r\ e£ avOpcoircav; airoK- 30 Was the IMMERSION

ofjoha' from heaven was, or from men? answer of * J O H N from Heaven,
pidrjre fxoio 31
Kai eXoyi^ovro irpos eavrojs, or from Men? Answer
you to me. And they reasoned amony themselves, me."
Xeyovrss' Eaz> enrcofiep' E£ ovpavov, eper 31 And they reasoned
paying; If we should say; From heaven, he will Bay; among themselves, saying,
Aiari ovv OVK eiricrrevcrare avrcp ; 3 2 AAA* eav Heaven; " If we 'should say, From
Why then not did you believe him; But if
he will say, Why
then did you not believe
enroo/nev E£ avdpcaircow styofiovvra rov Xaov him?
we should say; From men; they feared the people;
32 But * should we say,
hiravres yap tiyjov rou Icoavvrjv, on ovrccs From Men;"—they feared
all for held the John, that really the PEOPLE 5 for all main-
jrpo<pr)rris t\v. 3 3 Kai airoicpidevres Xeyovcri rep tain that X J O H N was really
a prophet was. And answering they say to the a Prophet.
lr}o~ov. OVK oidaftev. Kai 6 Irjcrovs JA'\_airoKpi- 33 And answering they
Jesus. Not we know. And the Jesus [answer- say to J ESU s, " We do not
0efs] ^Xeyei avrois' OuSe eya> Xeyca V/LLIV9 ev know,'* And J E S U S says
ing he says to them; Neither I say to you, by to them, "neither do 5 tell
iroia s^ovena ravra iroico. you by What Authority I
what authority these things I do. do these things."
KE$. /£'. 12. CHAPTER X I I .
Kai rjp^aro avrois ev irapaftoXais Xeytiv
1 | And he began to ad.
And he began to them in 'parables to talk; dress them in Parables.
A/jLTT€Kcaua eepvrevcrav avQpocnros^ Kai irepiedy]Ke " A Man planted a Vine-
A vineyard planted a man, and placed around yard, and placed a Hedge
(ppay/jiov, Kai oopv^ev viroXriviov9 Kai (pKodo/nrjcre about it, and dug a f Wine-
a hedge, and dug a wine-vat, and built vat, and built a Tower, and
irvpyov Kai e£e5oTo avrovyeeopyois, Kai airedy}- leased it to CULTIVATORS,
a tower; and let out it to husbandmen and went and left the country.'e. 2 K a i airecrreiXe irpos rovs yewpyovs rep 2 And he sent a Servant
abroad. And he sent to the husbandmen in the to the CULTIVATORS, at
Kaipy ZovXov, Iva irapa rcov yeoopyeev Kafir) the SEASON, that he might
season a slave, that from the husbandmen, he might receive receive from the CULTIVA-
airo rov Ttapirov rov a/uireXtcvos, 3 Oi 5e Xajiov- TORS of t h e *rftuiT8 of
of the fruit of the vineyard. They bu-t taking the VINEYARD.
Tes avrov, efieipav, Kai airear eiXav Kevov9 4 K a t 3 But * seizing him, they
him, they flayed, and sent away empty. And beat Him, and sent him
iraXiv a7recrT6iAe irpos avrovs aXXov dovXov away empty.
again he sent to them another slave; 4 And again he sent t o
tca,K€ivov XidofioX'Tjo'avres eKecpaXaioon'av, Kai them another Servant;
and this pelting with stones Chsy wounded on the head, and and *f)tm they Wounded
^^atreo-reiXav^ ^rt/icoiuevov. K a i aWov a7re- in the head, and disgrace-
[sent away] having dishonored. And another lie fully treated.
o'reiXe' KCLKGIVOV aireKreivav* Kai iroXXovs 5 And he sent Another,
sent, andi'v^is they killed: and many and htm they killedj and
aXXovSj rovs lies depovres, rovs 8e airoKrcv- Many Others, beating
others, some indeed flaying, some but killing. * some, and killing * some.
vovres. E r t * [ o w ] eva vlov ex^* 7 , ayairrirov 6 * Having yet One be-
Yet [therefore] one son having, beloved loved Son,he senv-him last
*[a!/TOu,[J airto'reiXe ^ [ / f a s ] avrov irpos avrovs to them, saying, "They
[of himself,] he sent [and] him to them will respect my ^ O N . '
ecrxaTO//, Xeyoov 'On evr pairrjcrovr at rov vlov V But Those CULTIVA-
last, saying; That they will regard the son TORS said among them-
fxov, E&eivoi §e . t yecopyoiemrov irpos eavrovs'
ol me.
but the husbandmen JOHN.said to 32«themselves:
should we say. 33. answering—
omit, 2. FRUITS of. 4. hint they wounded in the head. 4. sent away—
6. He had yet one Son, beloved; he sent.
omit. 5. some. 5C some. 6. also—omit,
%. therefore—omit, 6. of himself—omit.
t 1. See Note on Matt. xxi. 33.
t 32. Matt. iii. 5 ; xiv.5 j Mark vi. 20, + 1, Matt, xxi. 23; Luks rxii.9 %
lsa,Y» 1—7.
Chap. 1 3 : 8.] M A R K . [Chap. 12: 16.

*Ott obros €0~riv 6 nXypovofios* airoK- selves; * This is the H E I R ;

Xbat this is Che heir; we may come, let us kill l:im5 and
i€tVj)ijLGU avrov9 Kai rj^oov ecrrai 7) KXTjpouo/uiia.the INHERITANCE will be
kill him^ and of us the inheritance. ours.'
K a i Xafiovres av^ov9 a-rreKreivay, Kai e£e/3a- 8 Then seizing him, they
And having taken him, they killed, and cast killed him, and cast him
KOP e£a> rov afnreXcovos. 9 Ti * [ o w ] Tcon}o~6iout ofthe VINEYARD.
out of the vineyard. What [therefore] will do <D What will t h e LORD
6 Kvpios rov afLrreXeovos ; JZkevcrerai Kai airoXe- of the viNEYARD do ? H e
will come and destroy
the lord ofthe vineyard? He will come and destroy
those CULTIVATORS, and
cei nrovs yecopyovs, Kai dooarei rov a/xireXwj/a givD the VINEYARD to
the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard
i0 others.
aXXots. O v 5 e rrjv ypacprjv ravrrjv aveyvoore' 10 Have you not even
toothers. Not even the writing this have you read; read this S C R I P T U R E ? —
*' Aidov ov airedoKi/uao'ov oi OIKOSOJULOVVTGS, ovros J ' A Stone which the
•'A stone which rejected those building, this BUILDERS rejected, has be-
tytvrjOj) eis K€(paX7]V yoovias' irapot. Kvpiov come the Head of the
was made into ahead of a corner. by a Lord Corner;
eyevero avrT}, Kai earn. 6av/j,acrr7) ev o<pQaXfxais 11 this was performed
was done
and it is wonderful ia eyea by Jehovah, and it is won-
ofu»?' Kat efarovv avrov Kpar^wai, Kai derful in our E y e s . ' "
And they sought him to seize, but 12 t And they sought to
€<po^7)dr](Taif rov ox^-ov eyvooo'av yap, on rcpos apprehend Him, but they
they feared the crowd; they knew for, that to feared t h e CROWD ; for
avrovs Tt]V irapafioXrjv enre. Kai atyevres they knew that he had spo*
them the parable he spoke. And leaving ken the PARABLE respect-
avrov, aiT7]XQov. ing them; and leaving him,
him, they went away. they went away.
K a i airoo'reXXovo'i irpos avrov rivas rcav 13 X Then they send to
And they Bend to him some ofthe him some of the P H A R I -
fyapicrauav Kai raov 'Hpwfiiavcav, iva avrcv aypeu- SEES, an d of the Herodians,
Pharisees and ofthe Herodiang, that him they might that they might ensnare
ircoari Xoycp. 14 Oi de eXdovres Xeyovatv avrq)' Him in Conversation.
>atch in word. They and having come they say to him: 14 And having come,
AidacricaXe, oida/j.€v9 on aXrjOys ei, Kai ov THEY say to him, "Teacher,
O teacher, we know3 that true thou art, and not we know that thou art sin-
fieXei (Toi Trepi ovdevos* ov yap ^XeTreis eis for cere and carest for no one;
cares thee about no one: not for thoulookest into
thou lookest not to the
3 P Appearance of Men, but
avQpwiroQV, aXX €TT aXrjOeias rr)v 6$ov teachest the WAY of GOD
of men, but in truth the way
rov 6eov dtdacTKeis' in Truth, t Is it lawful to
ofthe God
e^etfri KVTJO'OV Kaurapi pay r?ax to Cesar, or not ?
thou teachest: is it lawful tribute to Cesar 15 Shoul.t we pay, or
dovvai V ov; 8&>yu€J', t] fi7] dcD/uev; l o ' O should we nJ: pay ?" But
to give, or not? should we give, or not should we give? He H E , knowing their HYPOC-
8e eifieos avrcov rr\v inroKpio'iv, enrev avrois' Tt RISY, said to ;hem, " Why
but knowing of them the hypocrisy, said to them: l^liy do you try Me? Bring
fi€ rreipafera ; cpepere fxoi dTjvapiov, iva idoo. me a Denarius, that I may
me do you tempt? bring you t o m e a denarius, that I may see, see it."
16 16 And THEY brought
Oi $€ f]veyKav. Kai Xsyei avrois* Tivos y
They and brought. And he says to them: Of whom the one. And he says to them,

* VACIOAN MANUSCRIPT.—9. therefore—omit.

124. The Jews, whose religious system was theocracy, were of opinion, that they could not,
consistently with their allegiance to God their king, comply with paying an acknowledgment
of subordination to an earthly sovereign. Judas of Galilee was the first who endeavored to
persuade the < Jews of the unlawfulness of paying tribute to a foreign potentate. See Jose-
phus Ant. xviii. 1. and B. J . ii. 12. The primitive Christians also helda similar opinion,and
fondly thought, that their subjection to Jesus Christ exempted them from all allegiance to
the power of the magistrate. This idea is the proper clue to lead us to aright understanding
of all those passages in the epistolary writings of the New Testament, which relate to civy
} 10 Psa.cxviii.22. t 12. Matt. xxi. 45, 46 ; Mark xi. 18; John vii. S5, 1% ^4
i 13. Matt xxii.15; Lukexx. 20,
Chap. 12: 17-31 MARK. [Chap. 12: 26.

etKoov avrrij Kai 7} eiriypacpr]; Ol $e eiirov avrcp' " "Whose L I K E N E S S and IN-'
likeneii thia, t o him; SCIIIPTION is this ?" And
and the inscription ?
said They and
x 7
Kat(fapos. * K a t *[_a,TroKpi6eis] 6 lr)<rovs enrsp THEY said to him, "Ce«^
} Of CeBar. • And [answering] the Jesus said sar's."
.*[ouT0is'3 A7ro5oT6 ra Kaurapos Kaicrapi, 17 And J E S U S said,-
[to them ;] Give you back the things of Cesar t o Cesar, "Render the THINGS of
Kai Ta TOV 6iovf rep deep. Kai eOav/nao'ep Cesar, to Cesar; and the
and the things of the God, t o t h e God. And they wondered THINGS of GOD, to God."
€ir} avrtp. 18
Kcu tpxovrcu irpos And they * wondered at
at him. And come Sadducees to him.
avTOVf olripes \tyovo~iv avaffracriv fir) eipar 18 JThen the Sadducees,
him, who say a resurrection not to b e ; who say there is no Resur-
feat €ir7}pcarriodav avrov, \eyovres' 19
AiSaavcaAe, rection, came to him, and
and they asked him, saying; O teacher, asked him, saying,
MONTHS eypatyep TJ/JLIP, " CTI eap TWOS afieAcpos 19 " Teacher, Moses
Mosee wrote for us, "that if any brother wrote for u s , c That if one's
arroBavr}, Kai KaraAnrT} yvpaiKa, Kai reKPa fxr} 'Brother 1
should die, and
should die, and should leave behind a wife, and children n o t leave a Wife behind, and
a<pr), Iva Aafir} 6 adeAcpos avrov TT\V yvvai- 'leaveno Children, that his
»hould leave, that shouldtake the brother of him the wife ' B R O T H E R should take his
Ka avrov, Kai ^avacrrticry cnrep/iia, Tcp a8eA<p<p' W I F E , and raise up Ofl>
of him, and should raise up seed, to the brother 'springfor his BROTHER.*
avrov." 20<
ETTTa adeAcpot T\crav Kai 6 irpuros 20 There were Seven
of himself." Seven brother* were; and the first Brothers; and the EIRST
€Aa/3e yvpaiKa,Kai airoQvriGKwv OVK a<pf]K€fyook a Wife, and dying,
took a wife, and dying not left left no Child.
cnripfia. Kai 6 SevTepos eAafiep avTTjp, 21 And the SECOND took
seed. And the second took her, her, and died, * leaving rvo
Kat airedapt, Kai ou5e avTos a<pr]K€ crirep/xa' Kai Child; and the THIRD in
and died, and neither he left seed: and like manner.
6 TpiTos coGavTots. 22 liai *[sXa{$ov avrr]p] 22 And the SEVEN left
the third in like manner. And [took her] no Offspring. Last of all
ol 67TTa, Kat OVK a<p7}Kap a-rrepfxa. E<rxcm? the WOMAN also died.
the seven, and not left seed. Last
23 23 At the RESURREC-
•jcavTwv airedave Kat TJ yvvt\. E*> TT) *[OI>J>] TION, Whose Wife will she
of all died also the woman. In t h e [therefore]
be of them ? for the SEVEN
ayaoTarret, *\J>Tap ayacrrwrn,] TIVOS avToop had her for a Wife."
resurrection, {_when they shall rise,"} of whom of them
24 And JESUS answering
cffTat yvvT) ; ol yap eirTa acrxop avTijv yvvat- said to them, " Do you not
shall be a wife? the for seven had her a wife
24 err through this,—not
«a. K a t airoKpideis 6 bjrrous eircev avTOis' knowing the SCRIPTURES,
And answering t h s Jesus said t o them;
nor the POWER of GOD ?
Ov dta TOVTO irAapaade, /JITJ eiScrrts TCES ypa<pas,
Not through this do you err, n o t knowin? the writings, 25 ¥or when they shall
urjde TTJP dapa/uip TOV BSOV ; 25
'OTav yap CK rise from t h e Dead, they
neither the power of the God? When for out of will neither marry, nor be
v€Kpwp avaorTcoCiu, ovre yajuLOvo'ipi OVT€
given in marriage; t b u t
dead (ones) they may rise, neither they marry, nor be as * THOSE ANGELS in
1 the HEAVENS.
yafxiffKOPTaiy aAA eio~iv a>s ayyeAot *p TOIS
are given in marriage, but are as messengers i n the 26 But concerning the
ovpavois. 26
Tlepi Se roof veKpcop, OTI eyzipop- DEAD, that they will rise,
beavens. Conceruingbut t h e dead (ones,) that they rise have you not read in the
r a t , OVK avcyvwre ep Ty f$if5Aq> MoocrewSy €7rt BOOK of Moses, at the
not have you read in the book of Moses, at BUSH, how GOD spoke to
rov fiarov ws enrep Aeyww him, saying, | ' H a m the
avT<p 6 0eoy,
the busb. as said t o him t h e God, saving; ' GOD of Abraham, and the
E7W 5 8tos Afipaa/j., Kai 6 Oeos Icraa/c, Kai *'God of Isaac, and t h e
I the God of Abraham, and t h e God of Isaac, and *' God of Jacob?'

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.— 17. answering1—omit. VJ. to them—omit. 17- greatly

wondered at him. 21. leaving no Child, 22. took her—omit. 23. therefore—
•siif. 23 when they shall rise—omit. 25. THOSE ANGELS. 26 God. 26. God
t l.L Matt. xxii. 2S; Luke s s . 27. % 25=1 Cor- ay- 42,40, 52, % 26 Psod iii &
Chap. 12: 27.] M A R K . [Chap. 12: 35.

6 deos e<TTlV 6 0€OS 27 He is not the * God PtKpWP,

the God of J a c o b . " Not is of the dead, but of the
t h e God of dead (ones,)
aK\a faproop. "Tfieis *[ou*/] TTO\V irAavaarOe, Living; * you do greatly
b u t of living (ones.) You [therefore] greatly err. err."
K a i irpogreKdcap els reap ypajxjxarewp^ aKovGas
"And approaching one of the scribes, having heard 28 JAnd one of the
avrcop arv^rovvrwp, eibcos on KaKccs avrois them SCRIBES, having heard
them disputing, knowing t h a t well to them
disputing, and per-
ceivingThat he had ably
aireKpidr], eirrjpoorTja'ep avrov TLoia ecrri Trpoory] answered them, asked him,
he answered, asked him; Which is first
" Which is the Chief Com-
TravToov evroKr]; ^ ' O * [ S e ] lyo'ovs aireKpidrj mandment of all'{"
of all c o m m a n d m e n t ; The [and] Jesuo replied
avrcp' 'On Trpcory] *\_Trapra)P €PTOAT]'~\ Alcove 29 JESUS renlied to him,
to hi a j That first [of all "The.first *is,—J'Hear-
commandment;] " H e a r t h o u
l(rpar)\, KvpLOs, 6 deos vficav, icvpios els ecrrr 'ken, Israel; Jehovah our
Israel, a Lord, t h e God of us, Lord one is r 'GOD is one Jehovah;
Kai ayaTrT}(reis Kvpwv TOP Oeov o~ov e£ 6kr]S 30 ' and thou shalt love
and t h o u shalt love a Lord ths God of thee o u t of whole
'Jehovah thy God with AH
rrjs Kapdias crov, Kai e£ 6\r}s rys tyvxys <rov<, thy * Heart, and with All
of t h e heart of t h e e , and o u t of whole of t h e sou\ pfthee,
<tby *Soul, and with All
Kai e£ OKTJS rrjs dtavotas crov, Kat, e | okrjs 'thy * Mind, and with AH
a n d out of whole of t h e mind of thee, a n d o u t of whole
' t h j STRENGTH.'
of t h e strength of t h e e . " [This firs^ 31 And the second, this,
commandment ]
31 li
K a t bevrepa *[dfioia,] AyaTCTjcrei? —-J*Thou shalt love thy
And second [like,] this: T h o u h a i love "NEIGHBOB £.e thyself:
rop irXrjo'top o~ov cos Geavrop." Met^covrovroop There i s no Other Com-
the neighbor of thee as thyself." Greater of these mandment greater than
a\Krj evroXf) OVK ecrri. 3 2 * [ K a i ] | eiitep avrcp these."
another commandment not is. [ A n d ] said to him 32 The SCEIBE said to
6 ypa/jL/jLarevs' KaAcos, 5t8aa7caAe 3 67r' aXyOeias him, " Of a truth, Teacher.
the BCDibe: Well, O teacheiv ip truth thoii hast spoken well;
eiiras, on eh effri, Kai OVK ecrriv aWos irkr)v for he is One, X and be-
thou speakest, t h a t one he is, a n d n o t is a n o t h e r besides sides him there is no other;
avrov 3 3 Kai ro ayairav avrov e£ 6\r]s rrjs
him: and the t o love him o u t o i whole rfthe b3 and to LOVE him
Kapdias, Kai e£ dhrjs rrjs (rvvecrews, *[«<« e£ with All trie TJNDERSTANB-
heart, and out of whole of t h e understanding, [ a n d out of IJVG, and Willi All *he
7 Kal e vos STRENGTH, and tO LOVE
bXrjs rrjs ^ X ^ * ] £ bXrj£ wrjs
i(rx > one's NEIGHBOR as one ; £
whole of t h e soul,"] and out of whole Of t h e strength,
self, Jis * abundantly more
Kat ro ayarcav rov TrXrjcriop d>s kavrop^ TcXeiop than Allthe WHOLE BURNT
and t h e to love the neighbor as himself more
OFFERINGS and * Sacri-
ecrri iravrcav roov oXoKavrcofxarcop Kai Qvcrioov. fices."
is of all of t h e whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.
Kai 6 Irjcovs, i$cop avrop? on povpex^s arrcK- ?4 And JESUS perceiving
And t h e Jesus, seeing him, that That he had answered
discreetly h e an-
ptQri, envev avrcf Ov [xaKpav ei arro rrjs /3a- wisely, said to him, " Thou
iewered, said to h i m : N o t far t h o u a r t from t h e king- art not far from the KING,
tfiXeias rov Qeov. K a i ovdeis ovKert eroX/j.a DOM of G O D . " J And no
dom of t h e God. And no one no longer presumed one presumed to question
him any further.
avrov err e pear rjcrai. 3o K a i anoKpideis 6 Irjcovs
" him * to ask. And answering the Jesus 35 % And J E S U S said,
eAeye, tiidao'Koop ep rep lepcp' Hcas Xeyovaip ol while teaching in the TEM-
said, teaching in the temple: How say the PLE, " "Why do the SCRIBES

* VAT i CAN MAN use a i FT.—27. God. 27. therefore—omit. 27. you do greatly
err," . -29. And—omit. 29. Commandment of all—omit. 29. is. 30. Heart.
30. Soul, 30. Mind. 80. This the First Commandment— omit. 31. like—
omit. 32. And—omit. 33. and with Allthe SOUL—omit. 33. abundantly
more. 33. Sacrifices.
t 28. Matt. xxii. 35. J 29. Deut. vi. 4; Luke x. 27. J 31. Lev. xix. 18; Matt.
xxii. 39; Eom. xiii. 9; Gal. v. 14; James ii. 8. J 32. Deut. iv. 89: Isa, xlv. 6,14;
xlvi. 9. X 33. 1 Sam. xv. 22; Hoshea vL6 : Micah vi. 6—8. $ 34. Mat*, xxii. 46,
t 35. Malt. xxii. 41; Luke xx„ 41»
Chap. 12 . 36 MARK; :
• .
12: 44..
, " \

ypa/jLuaTcis, Sri O Xpicrros vtos ecrrt Aavift ,• say, That the MESSIAH £ I
tertbca, that the Anointed a son ia of David? a Son of David?|
86 36 For David himself
AUTO? yap AavtB enrtv ev iryev/jLart aytcp'
H'nuelf for David said by a spirit holy; said, by the Holy Spirit,
'* Aeyet 5 Kvpios rep Kvpicp p.ov Kadov CK 5e£t- Jt*Jehovah said to my
Says the Lord to the Lord of me; Sit thou at right ' L O R D , Sit thou at my
\i>v /xov9 ecos av dec rovs €X®P0VS °"ov vtroiroStov 'Eight hand, till I put
of me. till I may place the enemies of thee a footstool 'thine ENEMIES under-,
TOOV iroficov crou." 3 ? AUTOS OVV AavtB Xeyet
' neath thy FEET.'
of the feet of thee." Himself therefore David calls 37 David himself, there*
avrov Kvptov Kat irodeu vtos avrov ecrrt; Kcu fore, calls him Lord, and
him Lord; and whence ason of him is he? And how then is he * His Son V*
6 TTOXVS o%Aos TjKovev avrov Tjdeccs. ^ Kcu And the GREAT Crowd
the great crowd heard him gladly. And heard him with pleasure.
tXeyev *[avrots~\ €V ry difiaxy avrov BXetrere 38 And he said in his
he said Tto them] in the teaciiing of himself; Beware you TEACHING, $"Beware of
airo row ypa/A/jLarecw, revv deXovrovv ev aroXats THOSE SCRIBES who DE-
of t h e scribes, those desiring fn long robe* SIRE to walk about in
Trepnrarcip, Kat affTrafffAovs ev rais ayopais, tLong robes, and Jlove
to walk about, and salutations in the markets, Salutations in the MAR-
89 KETS,
Kat irparoKadedptas ev rats (Tvvaywyais, Kat
and fir;tie&tB in the
synagogues, and 39 and the Principal
irpcaroKXitrtas ev rots detirvots' KCCT €o~0iovo~€V seats in the SYNAGOGUES,
uppercouches at the feasts; those devouring and the Upper couch at
ras otKias rcov xriD<av-> K0U
npcxpao'tt fxaKpaTrpocr- F E A S T S ;
tha feouses of the widows, snd for a ' h o w .'ong are 4 0 % t h o s e PLUNDERING
€ux;o/^eJ'Ot,, ovroi Xf)^ovrat Treptcrvorepov Kptfia. t h e FAMILIES Of WIDOWS,
praying} these will receive heavier and for a Show make long
Ka& KaQi<ra$ * [ 6 lr\orovs"\ Karevavri rov Prayers; these will receive
And flitting [tbe Jesus') over against t h e a Heavier Judgment."
ya£ocpvXaKLOV) sdecopet 7r<t'S 6 oxXos fiaXXet 41 J And sitting opposite
treasury, ijt beheld how the crowd casU to the TREASURY, he be-
\a\Kov ets ro ya(o(pvXaKiov. Kat TTOAAOJ held how the CROWD cast
copper into the treasury. And Saany Money into % the TREAS-
TXovcrtot efiaXXov K a t eXdovo'a fxta URY ; and Many Rich men
rieb. cast much. And coming one cast in much.
X^po, irrcaxVi €j3aAe Xzirra dvo, 6 eart Kod- 42 And a poor "Widow
*.dow poor, cast m.tea two, which is a approaching, cast in two
pavry\s, Kcu irpoo'KaXeo'afJLevos rovs /xa6y)ras Lepta, that is, a f Farthing.
larthing. And havm* called ths disciples 43 And having called to
avrov, etirev avrots' A/JLIJU Xeycc v/xtv, on 7] him his DISCIPLES, he said
of himself, he said to them; Indeed I say to you. that tbe to them," Indeed I say to
XVpu> avrr) 7] irroox'O rrXetov iravrcov /3ej8A»7Ke you, t That this ^OOE, W I D -
widow this the poor more of all haa cast OW has cast in more than
rcvu fiaXovrcav eis ro ya£o<pvXaKiov. Tlav- All Of THOSE CASTING i n t o
ofthose casting into the treasury. All t h e TREASURY;
res yap e/c rov ireptco'evovTos avrots efiaXov 44 for they All cast in
for out of the abounding fulness to them have cast; out of their SUPERFLUITY,
avrr} de e/c rf]s varrepricrecos avrrjs navra bo~a but SHE out of her POV-
this but.out of the poverty of herself all as much a3 ERTY cast in all that she
eixej/ ejSaAey, bXov rov fitov avr7)S. had,—her Whole L I V I N G . "
she had* cast, whole the living of herself.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—S7. His Son. 38. to them—omit. 41. JESUS—omit.
136. I n the original (Psa. cx.l) it is Jehovah. But the Evangelist has adopted the version
of the LXX, who, I suppose, could not venture to translate that word which every Jew re-
garded with the, and could not pronounce i t without danger of for-
feiting his claim to a future state.—Wakefield. t .38. The stolee was a n Oriental
garment descending to the aacles, and worn by persons of distinction, as Kings, Priests and
bonorablepersons, and were affected by the Jurists of t h e Pharisaical sect.—Bloomfield.
t 42. Or rather three-fourths of a farthing, or four mills. Akodrantees (Lat.quadrans,) waa
a Itoman copper coin, equivalent to the fourth part of an assariou, or two Lepta.
1S6 Psa. e x . 1 . J 88. M a t t . x x i i i . l j Lukexx.46. 1 S8. Luke xi. 48. 1M
MaUxxiii.14. ItlTLukexxi.!. $ 41. 2 Kings x i i 9. J « . 8 Cor. v l i t M
(Jhap. 1 3 : 1.] MARK. IChap.lZ: 8.

K E * . iy'. 1 3 . CHAPTER XIII.

1 % And as he was going
K f U " €KTTOp€VOfl€l/OV CtVTOV €K TOV UpOV, out of the TEMPLE, one ol
And • departing of him » u t of t h e temple,
his DISCIPLES says to him,
Ae76i avrcp els TOW ixaOr\rcov avrov AiSatr/caAe, "Teacher, see; t"What
Bays t o h i m one of t h e disciple* of h i m ;
O teacher,
Stones! and What Build-
i5e, irorairot XiOoi /ecu Trorairoi otKodo/xat. ings!"
see, what stones and what buildings.
2 2 And J E S U S said to
Ka* <5 I^crous *[a7roKpt0ets] enrev avrcp' him, "Seest thou These
And the Jesus [answering] said to him;
GEEAT Buildings? tthere
BAeireis r a i n - a s ras fieyaXas oiKoBofxas; ou fir) shall not be * left here a
Seest t h o u these the great buildings? n o t n o t Stone upon st Stone; t a l i
air<p€\ri Xidos em Xtdcp, 6s ou fir) KaTaXvdr). will be overthrown/'
may be left a stone upon a atone, which n o t n o t may be thrown down. 3 And as he was sitting
Kat KvQy]fXGVOv av^ov GLS TO opos TOOV GXateov,on f the MOUKJ of OLIVK*
And sitting of h i m on t h e m o u n t a i n of t h e olive trees, opposite the TEMPLE, Pe»
ttarevavTi TOV hpov, eirrjpeoToov avrou tear* iSiaj/ ter, and James, and John,
over against t h e temple, asked him privately and Andrew asked him
Ylerpos, Kai laicoofios, feat IwavvrjS, KCLI AvSpeas* privately,
Peter, and James, and John, and Andrew j 4 " Tell us, when these
El7T6 VfJitP, 7 T 0 T 6 TCLVTO, €(TTCU9 Kat Tt T O things will be ?" and
Say t o us, when these t h i n g s shall b e , and w h a t t h e "What will fee the SIGI*
arjixeiov, OTO.V fxeXXr} iravra TRVTO. GWTsXsur- when all these thincs are
slgn, when are a b o u t all t h - s e t'.nags t o b e e n d e d ? about to be accomplished?"
Oaii 5 ' 0 de lr\<xovs ^[^airoKpiOe^s avTOis,^ rjp^aTO 5 And J E S U S began to
T h e and Jesus [answering «jem,] began * say to them. ^"Beware,
Xsyew BAeTreTe fir) TIS vfxas irXavqari, thaj no one. deceive You.
to s a y ; Take heed n o t ar.y one you m a y deceive 6 Many will come m my
TloXXoi ^ j ^ a p ] eXevaovTcu ** t *: q> ovofxart fiov,SAME, saying, 'X am he; J
Many [for] shall come n the name of me, an$. will deceive Many.
XeyovT€S' 'Ort eyca €£/**• Kai TTOXXOVS TrXavT}- 7 And when you shall
sayingt That I am: and many they will heas oi Conflicts, and Re-
aovffiv. 1 'Orav §€ aKovcrrire 7roXe[.jvs tcai ports ot Battles, be not
deceive. When a n d ye ai .all hear wars a n d alarmed; for these things
aKoas iroXe/Aoov, fit] 6poeio~d€' Set ^ j / y a p } must occur; but the BNB>
reports of wars, not b e disturbed; i t behoves [forj is not yet.
yevecrOar aXX' ovit<a TO reXos, Eyepdyjorerat 8 Tor Nation will rise
to take p l a c e ; b u t n o t y e t tb.e end. Shall b,- raised u p against Nation, and King-
yap edvos e7ri eQvos, Kat f3ao"iX€ta em fiao'i- dom against Kingdom;
for n a t i o n against n a t i o n , a n d k i n g d o m against k i n g - there will be Earthquakes
Xiav ^ f / c a i j eo~opTat ceurjuoi Kara T07rovs9 in various places, and there; [and] shall be earthquakes in places, will be Famines j these are
* [ K C U ] eo-ovrai Xipoi *[/«** Tapaxai.~\ Apxai the * Beginnings of Sor-
J and J shall be famines (and commotions.) Beginnings rows.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. answering—omit, 2. Ie2t here. 6. answering

them—omit. 5. say to them, "Beware." ^ 6. for—omit, 7. for—omit.
8. and—omit. 8. and—omit, 8. and commotions—omit, 8. a Beginning-of.
t 1. Josephus says that the stones with which Herod built the temple, were "of a white
and firm substance," and that "every one of them was ahout twenty-five cubits in length,
eight in heighth, and twelve in breadth." p A cubit was nearly twenty-two inches of our
measure. t 2. How exactly this prediction wasfulfilledmaybeknown from Josephus.
—He says, Cosar ordered the soldiers to dig up the whole city and the temple; bu + to leave
three of the highest turrets standing; and a part of the wall, as a security to the garrison.
But they so entirely dug up and levelled all the rest of the city, that none who saw it, would
think it to have ever been inhabited." Eleazar, in his animated speech to his countrymen,
thus exclaims: " Where is that great city, the metropolis of the Jewish people, defended by
such walls and such mighty towers ? Where is that city, which was thoughttobe inhabited
by GOD ? It is torn up from its foundations; and the only memorial that remains of it, is
the camp of its destroyers, which is stationed in the ruins." It is also related in the Taanith
of Maimonides, that according to Boman custom, the very foundations of the temple were
dug up, andi that T. Rufus, a Boman commander carried a plough over them. f 8. Prom
thisspotthe whole of Jerusalem was spread before the eye; and its situation, form, build*
ings, boundaries, and different parts, distinctly and individually seenj more especially
Mount Konah and Solomon's Temple, together with its spacious area.
t 1. ! txi, '*"••• v. 1; Luke xsi. 5. t 2. Luke xix. 44. t 6. Jer. xxis.8; Eph, %
(Map. 13 : 9.] MARK. [Chap. 1 3 : 18.

(titivat ravra. % BA.67T6T6 5e vjxtis eavrovs'

9 But Jtake heed to
of sorrows these. Take heed but yourselves. They will de-
you yourselves:
irapaSuo'ov&i * [ 7 « p J v/ eis crvvedpia, /ecu ets liver you up to High Coun-
tbey will deliver up [for] you to sauhedrims, and into cils and to Synagogues;
(Tvpayooyas Sap^o'errAe, /cat €7rt Tjye/jLovcau Kcuand you will be beaten,
synagogues you will be beaten, and before governors and and will stand before Gov-
3atrtA.€(WV o'raO'qfeo'Be, ej>€Kej> e/iov, eis fiaprvpiov ernors and Kings on my
lungs you will stand, on account of me, for a testimony account, for a Testimony
avrois. 10
Koi cis iravra ra *Qvq det, to them.
to them. And among all the nations it behoves- 1 10 J And the GLAD T I -
Tcpwrov Ki)pvxQw aL ro
evayyeXiov. ll
'Oray 5e DINGS must first be pub-
fir«t to be published the glad tidings. Wheo but lished among All the NA-
aywtriv vfias TrapadiSovres, p.r\ irpofxepifxvare
11 % But when they con-
they may lead you. delivering up, not be anxious beforehand
duct you to deliver you up,
n A.a\7jtreT6, "^jU-nSe ^eKerare^ aAA* 6 cav be not anxious beforehand
whatyou should speak, [nor be concerned;] but whatever
what you should speak;
ZoQr) bfxiv ev etc€ivr) rr) wpa, rovro AaAetrg* but whatever may be given
may be given to you ia that the hour, this speaV. you; you in That HOUK, tf)te
ov yap earre 6/j.eis ot \a\ovvres, a\\a ro irveviiaspeak; for it is not YOU
mot for are youi the speaking, but the spirit who will SPEAK, but the
ro ay tov. 12 HapaSaxrei 5e adektyos aSsAtyov HOLY SPIRIT.
the holy. Will deliver up and a brother .a brother 12 And % Brother will
€is davarov, KCU irarrip TZKVOV /cat eTravacrrr}- deliver up Brother to
to death, and father a child; and theyehall Death, and a Father his
crovrai reKva em yoveis, KCU 6avaTco(Tov<rwChild; and Children will
rise up children against parents, and deliver to death rise up against Parents,
avrovs. 13 K a t effevQe fjuarovfxevoi VTTO iravroiVt and cause them to die.
them. And you will be being hated by all, 13 X And you will be
5m TO ovofxa fiov. 'O 8e viro/netvas eisreXos, hated by all on account of
through the name of me. He but persevering to end, my N A M E ; but H E , who
li l
ovros o~a)d7](reTcu. Orav ro j85e- PATIENTLY ENDURES t o
Se idrjre
thh will be saved. When but you may see the abomi- the End, he will he saved.
Xvyfia rt]s epTj/xucrecos ecrccs birov ov 5 e r (o 14 {But when you shall
nation of the desolation having stood where notitought; (he See THAT DESTRUCTIVE
avayivcoffKcov voetrw) oi ev TT? ( Iou5ata, ABOMINATION, standing
reading let him think;) then those in the Judea, where it ought not"—
(pevyera&av eis ra opt)' 15 t *[8e] eiri rov (READER, attend!)—"then
let them flee to the mountains; he [and] on tbo let THOSE in Judea ESCAPE
du/jLaros, fit) Karoofiarca * [ e i s rf]v oiKiav,~\ jurjSe to the MOUNTAINS ;
roof, not let him go down [into the house,] nor 15 f let not HIM who is
eio'e\Ber<ai apai ri e/c rf\s oiKias avrov on the ROOT descend, nor
enter, to takeany thingout of the house ofhimeelf;
enter hijs HOUSE, to take
16 Anything out of i t ;
KM 6 eis TOP aypov cov, [XT] €7no'Tp6i|/ar&> as
and he in the field being, not let him turn &r:to 16 and let not H I M who
ra oirio'ct), apcu ro Ifxariov avrov, l7
Ovat $e is in the TIELD return
BACK to take his MANTLE.
the back, to take the mantle of him. Woe but
rais ev yacrpt, exovo~ais Kal Tais 0^Aa£bv0"axs 17 J But alas for the
t« the in womb having and to the giving suck PREGNANT and NURSING
ev eKeivais rats 7}/j.epais. l8
Be, WOMEN in Those DAYS \
in those tha days. Pray you but, 18 But pray that *it
iva fM\ yevrjrai 7} <pv\yj vficav xel(xcaV0^' may not be in Winter;
not maybe the
MANUSCRIPT.—9. flight of you
for—omit, ofwi»ta*v
11. nor be concerned—omit.
—o>»tf. 15. into the HOUSE—omit. 15. and
18. it may not be.
t 15. The peculiar construction of Eastern houses ia here referred to. They were all of
the same heighth, so that a person could walk at the top of a range of buildings, without
inconvenience, from one end to the other. In Palestine ihsv are still built on this plan. A
staircase is carried on the outside from the top of the house to the bottom. The injunction
in this verse is delivered in a figure, expressive of great eagerness and expedition ; BO that
if a man was walking on the roof, he was directed to go straight forwards, till he got out ot
the city; and not to delay even to go down into the house io *ake the most necessary articles
of food and raiment for his flight.
t 9. Matt. x. 17,18; xxiv. 9; Rev.ii. 10. f 10. Luke xxiv. 14. t 11. Matt. x.
19; Lukexii.ll: xxi-.H. • •• 112. Matt. x. 21; xxiv. 10; Luke xxi. 16. t 13. Mat'tj
8,- Luk« xxi.17. % 14. Ban.ix. 27; Matt. xxiv. 12i Lu&e xxi. 20. J17. L*ke xxiii. 2g
Chap. 1 3 : 19.] MARK. [map. 1 3 : 2S.

Etfovrai yap at rj/Aepai €K€ivai 0AivJ/:s, ola 19 for i n those DAYS
Shall be for the days those affliction, such as will be Distress, J such as
ov yeyove roiavrr) air' apxys Kriceoos, i)s has not been from t h e Be-
not has been so great from a beginning of creation, which ginning of t h e Creation,
eKTurev 6 deos, ews rov vvv, Kai ov fit] yevqrai. which G O D created, till
created the God, till the now, and not not NOW, n o r ever will be.
Kai €i /nrj Kvpios €Ko\ofioo(r6 ras 7}jJL€past OVK 20 And except the Lord
And if n«t a Lord shortened tha days, not cut s h o r t t h e DAYS, N O
av €(TCO6T} iraaa crap£* aAAa dia rovs etf- Person could survive; b u t
should be saved all flesh; but on account of the cho- on account of t h e C H O S E N ,
ACKTOVS, ovs e£eAe£aTO, cKoAofioocre ras 7}fxepas. whom h e h a s selected, h e
sen (ones,) vrhom he has chosen, he has shortened the days. has cut short t h e DAYS.
Kai rore sav ris V\XIV eiirr)* iSov, d>5e 6 8 1 A n d t h e n if any one
And then if any one to you should say; Lo, here the should say to y o u , ' Behold,
XpiffTOS' 7]' IdoV, €K€f /XT] 7TiO"T6L»6Te. 2 2 Eyep- t h e M E S S I A H is h e r e ! * or
Anointed; or; Lo, here; not believe you. Shall ' Behold,—there 1' believe
drjcovrai yap ipevdoxpwroi tyevdoirpocpiirai, it n o t ;
be raised for false anointed ones and
false prophets 22 because False Mes-
Kai, 8cc(rov(Ti o"7]fxeia Kai repara, irpos ro airo- siahs a n d 1'alse Prophets
nnd shall give signs and wonders, to the to de- will arise, a n d exhibit
irKavaV) et < W a r o j > , "^[wrai] rovs CKACKTOVS. Signs a n d Wonders, to D E ^
ceive, if possible, [even] the chosen. C E I V E , if possible, t h e C H O -
23 SEN.
"Yfieis 8e /3A67T6T6* * [ i 5 o i ; , ] irpoeiprjKa v/xiv
You but take heed; [lo,] I have foretold to you 23 J B u t be go U on your
2<1 guard j I have forewarned
travra. AAA.' ev €K€ivais rais rj/xepaiSf fxera
all. But in those the days, after
24 $ B u t i n Those D A Y S ,
TT]V QXvtyiv €Keivr)v, 6 r)\ios o'Korio'Orjo'erai,
after t h a t A F F L I C T I O N , t h e
the affliction that, the sun shall be darkened,
f the S U N will be obscured,
Kai 7} ceArivr] ov hcocrei rotyeyyos avrr}S'
and t h e M O O N will with-
and the moon not shall give the light of herself;
h hold h e r L I G H T ,
* Kai o! affrcpos rov ovpavov €o~oprai eKmirrov- 25 a n d * t h e STARS will
and the Btars of the heaven Bhall be fal- fall o u t of H E A \ E N , and
Tes, Kai at Svpa/ucts, at ep rois ovpapois, T H O S E P O W E R S i n t h e
ling, and the powers, those in the heavens, H E A V E N S will b e shaken.
araXevOrjo'oprai. K a i Tore oxpoprai rov viov
shall be shaken. And
26 t And t h e n they wall
then they shall see the son
rov audpcoTfov epxofxepop(/.era see the S O N of MAN coming
ep pecpeAais,
ofthe man coming on clouds, with in Clouds, with great Pow-
er and Glory.
dvva/jieocs TroAXrjs Kai do^rjs. ^ Kai rore aitoa-
power much and glory. And then he will 27 And then he will send
TeAet rovs ayyeXovs avrov, Kai emo'vpa^eirovs forth * t h e M E S S E N G E R S ,
send the messengers of himself, and he will gather the and assemble h i s C H O S E N
€K\€Krovs avrov avefxcov, from the FOUR Winds, from
€K rcop reo~o~apeop
chosen (ones) of himself from the four winds, t h e Extremity of E a r t h to
a7r' aKpov yrjs ecos aKpov ovpavov. 28
ATTO the utmost bound of H e a -
from an extremity of earth to an extremity of heaven. Prom ven.
5e rt]s trvKTjs fJLadere rr}p Tcapaf$o\T]V' brav 28 N o w learn a P A R A B L E
btit the fig-tree learn you the parable: when from t h e F I G - T R E E , When
avrrjs 77577 6 /cAaSos curaAos yevrjrai, Kai its B R A N C H now becomes
of her now the branch tender may become, and tender, a n d p u t s forth
eK(f)VTj ra <pvX\a, yiPcoo'Kerc, on eyyvs ro L E A V E S , * it is k n o w n T h a t
may put forth the leaves, you know, that near the S U M M E R is near.

* VATICAM MANUSCRIPT.—22. even—omit, 23. lo—omi'\ 25. the STARS will

fall out of HEAVEN, and THOSE POWERS. 27. the MESSENGERS. 28. i t is known That.
t 24. I n Isaiah xiii. 9,10,13, when the destruction of Babylon is threatened, it is thus ex-
pressed, "the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light; the
sun shall be darkened i n his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine. I
will shake the heavens, &c." And the reader may find the same eastern manner of speaking
in the following places of scripture:—Job xxx. 28: Eccl. xii. L 2 ; Isa. xxiv. 23; xxxiv. 4; lx.
20; Jer. iv.23; xv. 9; Ezek.xxxii. 7, 8; Dan.viii.10; Joel ii. 10,30,31; iii. 15; Amos v. 20;
viii. 9 ; 2 Pet. iii. 10,12 ; Rev. vi. 12—14.
X 19. Dan. xii. 1; Matt. xxiv. 21. t 23. 2 Pet. iii. 17- t 24. Matt. xxiv. 29; Luke
xxi. 25. t 28. Dan. vii. 13,14; Matt. xxvi. 64; Mark xiv. 62; Rev. i. 7.
&hap. 13: 29.] MARK. [OJiap. 14: 3.

OepOS €0~TIP. 29
29 Thus also, when gou
summer is. So aho you, shall see these things tran-
when these things
iS^re yivofxeua, yipcoo'Kerey on 677ns ecrriv spiring, know That he is
youmaysee coming to pass, know you, that near he 18 near at the Doors.
€7ri Ovpais. 30
Afirju Xeyca V/LLIP, ort ov JXT] 30 Indeed, I say to you,
at doors. Indeed I say to you, that not not That this GENERATION
irapeXOr] 7) yepsa avry, /jiexpis ov will not pass away, till All
rtapra these things
may pas» away the generation this, till of whom all he* accom-
ravra yeprjrai. 3I
' O ovpavos /cat 7) yrj Trape- plished.
these may be done. The heaven and the earth shall 31 The HEAVEN and
EARTH will fail; hut J my
Xtvarerai' ol Se Xoyot fxov ov fxr] TrapeXdooo~t. WORDS cannot fail.
pa»*away; the but words of me not not may pass away.
32 But concerning that
Utpt Se TT]$ T)fxepcLs €K€IPT]S T7)S copas DAY, *or HOUR, knows no
Concerning but the day that or the hour man ; not even an Angel
ovfieis oifiev, ovde ol ayysXoi, ol ep ovpapq>, in Heaven, nor the SON,
no one knows, nor the messengers, those in heaven, but the F A T H E R .
33 33 J Take heed, watch;
ovde 5 vlos, di fxr] 6 7raT7]p. BA.67T6Te, ay-
nor the son, if not the father. Take heed, watch for you know not when the
puTtveire *[K:CU 7^poo*€t»xea'0e•] OVK oidare yap SEASON i s .
you [and pray you;] 34 $ As a Man going
not you know for
34 e
TTOT€ 6 Kaipos ecrrip. Os avQpwivos axroSr]- abroad, leaving his HOUSE,
when the season is. As a man going and having given the A U -
JJLOS acpets rrjv oiKiav avrov, Kai fiovs rois THORITY tolas SERVANTS,
abroad leaving the house of himself, and having givento the to each his WORK, he also
SovXois avrov Tt\v e^ovcriav, * [ K O » ] eKacrrcp commanded the PORTER to
slaves of himself the authority, [and] to each one watch.
TO epyop avrov Kai rep dvpoopty epereiXaro iva 3 5 Watch, therefore; for
the work of himself and to the porter he commanded that you know not when the
yprjyopr]. Vp^yopeire ovv OVK oidare yap, MASTER of the HOUSE
he should watch. Watch you therefore; not you know for, comes; * whether at Even-
7T0T€ 6 KVpiOS T7]S OIKICLS €/>XeTai, 0^/6, 7] ing, or at Midnight, or at
when the lord of the house comes, evening, or Cock-crowing, or in the
li£0~0VVKTL0V, 7] CC\€KTOpO(p0WaiSt 7] TTpOOf S 6 fjLT]
midnight, or cock-crowing, or morning: lest 36 lest comingunexpect-
GXOQOP s^auppais, evpr) vfjias Kadevdopras. edly he should find you
coming suddenly, he may find you sleeping. sleeping.
' A 5e vfxiu Xtyca, iraat X^yw Tpriyoptire, 37 And what I say to
What and to you. I say, to all I say: Watch you. you, 1 say to all, Watch."

KE<f>. a 8 ' . 1 4 . CHAPTER XIV.

Up §e TO irao~x& Kai ra a£v/j,a /xera dvo 1 J Now after Two Days
was the PASSOVER and
Was now the passover and the unleavened cakes after two
the feast of UNLEAVENED
7)jj,€pas' Kai e^rjrovp oi apx^P^is tcai oi ypa\x- BREAD ; and the H I G H -
days: and sought the high-miests and the scribes.
fiaTeist TTCOS avrov ev SoXcp KparTjo'apres airoK- sought him how they might
how him by deceit seizing they take him by Deception,
retpooGip, EXeyov 5V Mr} €V rrf iopry, and kill him.
might kill. They said but} Not in the feast, 2 * Eor they said, " Not
p.7]7ror€ dopvfios ecrrai rov Xaov. during theEE AST,lestthere
lest a tumult shall be of the people. should be a Tumult of the
Kai ouros avrov ep ftqQapia, ep rrj oiKia 3 % A-n^ ne
being at
And being ofhim in Bethany in the house Bethany, in the HOUSE of
^I/JLOOPOS rov XerrpoVf Karaitei/xepov avrov, 7]X6t Simon the LEPER, while he
of Simon the leper, reclining of him, came was reclining at table, a

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—32. or HOUK knows no m a n ; not even an Angel i n Heaven.

33. and pray—omit. 84. and—omit. 35. whether at Evening. 2. For they
X 81. Isa, xl.8. * X 33. Matt. xxiv. 42; xxv. 13; Luke xii. 40; xxi. 31; Eom. x i i i . l l :
1 Tliesa. v.6. % 34. Matt. xxiv.4o; xxv. 14. t 1. Matt. xxvi. 2; L u k e x x i i . l :
John xi. 55; xiii. 1. J 8. Matt. xxvi. 6 ; John xii. 1, 3 ; See Luke vii. 37.
•Cfiap. U : 4.] MARK, [Chap. M : 12.

yvvr\ f^ourrct aKafiacrrpop fxvpov, papfiov 'wfrfnaa came, having; an

a woman having an alabaster box of balsam, of spikenard Alabaster box of Balsam
iriaTiKYis TTO\VT€\OVS' *[Kai~\ o~vprpi\pao~a TO of genuine Spikenard, very
genuine very costly: [and] breaking t h e costly; and breaking the
a\a&ao~rpopi Kar*x €ej/
avrov Kara rrjs Ke<pa\r)S. BOX, HEAD.
she poured it on his
alabaster box, she poured of i t down on t h e head.
Hcrav Se TIPCS ayavaKrovpres rrpos kavrovs, 4 And some were dis-
Were a n d some being angry to themselves, pleased, saying among
*[/CCCJ Aeyopres'] E i s ri 7] a7ra>Aeta avri) rov themselves, LOSS of the
" Why has this
BALSAM taken
[and saying;] F o r what t h e IOBS this ofthe
fxvpov yeyopep ; 5 KBvparo yap TOVTO ro jxvpop place ?
5 For *This BALSAM
balsam has been made ? Could for this t h e balsam
could have been sold for
Trpadrjvat eTrapco rpiaKOO'icop h-qvapioov^ /cat more than I Three hundred.
t o be sold more three hundred denarii, and
Denarii, and given to the
Sodrjpai rois irrcoxots. Kai €P€0ptjucopro avry. poos," And they censured
t o be given t o t h e poor. And t h e y censured her.
6 f her.
O Se Ir)(Tovs €LTT€W Acpzre avrrjw ri avrrj 6 But JESUS said, " L e t
The b u t Jesus said; L e t alone her; why t o h e r
her alone; why do you
KOITOVS Ttap^x^re; Ka\op ipyop eipyaaaro ep trouble the WOMAN ? She
troubles present y o u ? good a work s h e has w r o u g h t i n
has done a Good Work
epiot. ? Havrore yap rovs irra>xovs *X€Te M 6 ^' for me.
me. Always for the poor y o u have with
7 J For you have the
eavroop, /ecu, trap fleA^re, oWarrfle avrovs ev POOR always among you,
yourselves, and, when you will, y o u can them good
and when you will, you
iroirjaai' €p.e 5e ov rraprore exeT€- 8
' 0 *crX€J/ can * do Them good; but
t o do ; me but n o t always y o u have. t h t caving Me you have not always.
avrr], 67roi7j(re' irpoeXafie fxvpicrat fxov ro aoo/j,a 8 POSSESSING This (Bal-
this, she h a s d o n e ; beforehand t o a n o i n t of me t h e body
9 sam,) She has done it, to
€is rop €PTa(pia(T/jLOP. hfx-QP \syco VJUIP, Sirov anoint my BODY before-
tot the burial. Indeed I say t o y o u , wherever
hand for the BUKIAL.
ap KTjpvxGr} ro evayyeXtop TOUTo eis 6\op TOP 9 * And indeed 1 say to
may be published t h e glad tidings this in whole the
you, Wherever these GLAD
KOC/JLOP, Kai 6 €iron)o~ep avrrj XaKrjOrjfftrai, eis TIDINGS may be pro-
world, also what s h e did this shall be spoken, for claimed in the Whole
(xprj/uocrvpop avrrj s. WORLD, this also which she
a memorial of her. has done shall be spoken
KM 6 lovfias 6 I&Kapicarys, eis TOiP of in Memory of her."
And the Judas the . Iscariot, one ef the 10 J And * T H A T Judas
ScoSe/ca, arrrjX&e irpos TOVS apx^peis, Ipa Iscariot, who was one of
twelve, went to the high-priests, t h a t the TWELVE, went to the
n HIGH-PRIESTS, to deliver
irapadcp avrov avrois' Ot 8e aKovcrapres Him up to them.
h e m i g h t deliver u p h i m to them: They and hearing
11 And hearing it they
exaprjo'ap' Kai eirrjyyeiXapro avrtp apyvpiov rejoiced, and promised to
were g l a d ; and promised him silver give him Money. And he
hovvai. K a i e^rjrei, ireos evKatpeos avrop sought how he might con-
t o give. And he s o u g h t , . how conveniently him veniently deliver Him up.
12 12 % Now on the F I R S T
rrapaficp. K a i rrj ifpcorrj rjfjLepa reap
h e m i g h t deliver u p . And the first day o f t h e Day of UNLEAVENED
BREAD, when the PAS-
aCv/j.wp, 6r€ TO Ttao'xO' edvop, Xeyov- CHAL LAMBS were saeri-
unieavened t a k e s , when t h e paschal l a m b were sacrificed, they heed, hia DISCIPLES say to
aiP avr(p. ot fxadrjrai avrov Tiov deXeisarre\- him, ".Where dost thou
«ay to him the discipieo o'him; where wilt t h o u having wish that we go and pre-
6OPT€S eroifxao'wfxep, Ipa (payrjs ro irao'xa >" pare that thou mayest eat
gone we make ready. t h a t t h o u mayest eat t h e paasoverP the PASSOVER?"

••* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. and—omit. 4/andlaying—omit. 5. This BALSAM

could. 7. always do them. 9. And indeed. 10. THAI Judas Iscariot.
t 5. A Denarius being in value about 14 cents, or 7d. English, the value ofthe box of bal-
sam would be forty-two dollars, or £8.15s.
t 7. Peut.xY. 11. t 10. Matt. xxvi. 14; Luke xxii. 8,4. J 12. Matt.xKvi. IM
Luke xxii. J»
Ohap. H : 13.] MARK. [ Chap. U: 22.
K a i WO&TZXXGI $vo TOOV fiaOrircov avrov, KCU 13 And lie sends two of
And h<: sends two ofth* disciples of himself, and his DISCIPLES, and says to
Xeyei avrcis' 'TircryeTe sis Tf\v voktv feat them, "Go into the CITY,
he says tothciu; Go you into the city; and and a Man carrying a
airavTr)(rei bfxiv avdpooiros uepafnou bfiaros Pitcher of Water will meet
will meet you amm a pitcher of water you ; follow him;
fiaarrafav anioXevdrjaare wry 14
icai oirov eav 14 and whereverhemay
carrying; follow him; and wherever
enter, say to the HOUSE-
eureXOr), enrare T(p outo$tomoTr}° 'On 6 says, "Where is *the GUEST-
he may enter, say to the householder; That the
CI-IAMBER, where I may
$i§a(TKa\os Xeyei* Uov earn TO KaraXvfxa, eat the PASSOVER with my
teacher says? Where is the guest-chamber, D I S C I P L E S ?
OTTOV TO Traffxa f^cra rcou fxaQ-qruv /uov <payca ; 15 And fie will show
where the passover wita the disciples of me 1 may eat? you. a large Upper-room
Kcu auTos vyi.iv 8 u | ? 4 avayaiov j i e y a ecrrpco- t furnished ready j * there
And he to yon will 82»&w an upper room large having prepare for u s . "
fX€V0V €T0l/JL0W 6K€l ^TQl^CLffaT^ 7]/J.lV. 16 And *the DISCIPLES
been furnished ready; there prepare you for us. went forth, and came into
K a i e£r)X6ov ol /jLaOrjrai avrav9 K&I yXOov eis the CITY, and found every
And went forth the disciplct ofhim v and Lime into thing even as he had said
rrjv iroXiv, KCLI eupov K0,0cos enrbv CLVTOIS" Kai to them; and they pre-
the city, and found even as> he sa/? \ o t h e t n ; and pared the PASSOVER.
7]ToiiJ.a<rctv TO iraarxa. Kcu otyias yevofiev-qs, 17 $ And Evening being
they prepared the passover. Au<3 evening,- being come. come, he comes with the
epX 6 T C U j^eTa roov 5co5e/ca. 1 3 Kai a':Mcei/j.€voov TWELVE.
he comes with the twelve. And reclining 18 And as they were re-
avrt/ov KCLI ecrOiovrcov, enras 6 lytrovs' Ayirjv clining at table, and eating,
of them and eating, said the Jesus; Indeed JESUS said, "Indeed I say
Xeyco biu.iv, on els e£ V/JLOOV irapaScoo'e* yue, 6 to you, That * one of YOU
1 say to you, that one of you will deliver u- <a3, who who are EATING with me
ecrdicov' ey.ov. 19 Ol * [ 8 e ] riptiavTQ Xwreicr- will deliver me up."
ls eating with me. They [and] began tobesor- 19 And *they. began to
0cu, Kai Xeyeiv avrcp sis KOLQ* els' MTJTL %y<a; be sorrowful, and to say to
rowful, and to say to him one by one; Not I? him, one by one, "Is it E?"
*[/cai aXXos' MrjTt ey&>;] 2 0 ' O 5e *[_aTcoKpi- 20 And H E said to them,
[and another; Not I?] He but [answjr- " I t is THAT ONE of the
0eis] €t7T€V avroLS' Eis e/c TOOV 5co8e/ca, & TWELVE D I P P I N G in with
ing] said to them; One of the twelve, that ue into the D I S H .
efifSaTCTo/jLevos /xeT5 efxov €is TorpvftXiov. 21
' O gl *The SON of MAN
dipping in with tne into the bowl. The indeed % goes away [to
fiev vlos rov avdpcoTrov virayei, tcaQcas ysypair- death,] even as it has been
tndeed son of the man goes away, even as i t has been written concerning him;
rai irepi avrov ovat Se rep avOpanrcp Gtcsivq), but woe to that MAN
written concerning him; woe but to the man that, through whom the SON of
5Y ou 6 vlos rov avdpooirov TrapaSifioraL' MAN is delivered u p ! Good
through whom the son of the man is delivered u p ; were it for that MAN if he
tcaXov 7\V avTcp, CL OVK eyevvr)9r) 6 avdpooiros had not been born."
good it was to him, if not was born the man 22 JAttd as they were
eKtivos. K a i zcrdiovroov avreov, Xaficev 6 eating, * he took a Loaf,
that. And eating of them, taking the and having given praise,
l-rjaovs aprov, evXoyy\<ras enXao'e, Kai eSooKev he broke it,, and gave to
Jesus a loaf, having biessed ho broke, and gave them, and said, " T a k e ;
atrrots, Kai 61^6* Aa3eT€* TOVTO e&ri TO aco/xa this is my BODY."
to them, and said: Take; this is the body
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—14. my GUEST-CHAMBER. 15. and there prepare.
16. the DISCIPLES. 18. one of YOU who are EATING with me. 19. and—omit.
19. they. 19. and another; notl'i—onut. 20. answering—omit. .21, Be-
cause the son. 22. he took. ^
t 15. Furnished ready, probably alludes to the manner of making the room ready for
the celebration ol the passover ; which was examined in every hole and corner by the light
of wax candles, and cleared from the smallest crumb of leaven with a scrupulous nicety.—
% 17. Matt. xxvi. 20. J 21, Matt. xxvi. 24; Luke xxii. 22; Johnyii. 83.
Chap. 14: 23.] M A R K . [Cliap. 14: 34.
fiov. K c u Xaficoi' ro Troryiptov, svxapio'Trio'as 23 And taking * a Cup,
of me. And taking the cup, having given thanks having given thanks, he
efiooKev avrois' Kat ewtov e£ avrov 7ravres. gave it to them ; and they
he gave to them; and they drank out of it all. all drank out of it.
Kat eiirev *\_avrots.[_ Tovro ecrn TO aifia fxov^ 24 And he said, J "This
And he said [to them.] This is the blood of me, is THAT BLOOD of mine
TO T7}s Kawris dtaOrjKrjs, TO TrcpL TCOXXWV which is of the COVENANT,
that- ofthe new covenant, that concerning many THAT w l l i c h i s POURED
€KXWOJJL€VOV. ^Afirjp Xeyco vfxiv, on OVKGTI OUT for many.
being shed. Indeed I say to you, that no more 25 Indeed I say to you,
ov iur) irica €K rov y^vvr]jxaros TT]S a/JLireXov, ecos * That I will drink of the
not not Twill drink of the product the vine, till PRODUCT of the VINE no
rrjs 7}/uepas eKeivrjs, brav avro itivoo itaivov ep more, till that DAY when
the I-day that, when it I drink new in I drink I t new in the KING-
rrj fiactXeia Kcu v/uvr)craPT€s, DOM of G O D . "
TOV 6eov.
the kingdom. ofthe God. And having sung a hymn, 26 $And having sung,
€^7]\8oy eis TO opos Toov eXatoop. they went out to the
they departed to the mountain of the olive trees. MOUNT Of OLIVES.
? K a i Xeyet avrois 6 lr}<rovs' 'On 7ravres 27 And J E S U S says
And says to them the Jesus;
That all
them, "You will all he
o~iiavda\io~6r}0'€0'9€ *[ej> ejxoi epry VVKTI ravr^'~\ stumbled; because it is
will be stumbled fat me in the night t-his;] written, | ' I will smite the
on yeypcLTTTai' ((IlaTa£ft> rov TroifASva, Kai ' S H E P H E R D , and the
for It is written * 1 will smite the shepherd, and ' SHEEP will be dispersed/
diao~Kopiri(r6r}o,€Tai ra Trpofiara." 28
AAAa 28 J But after 1 am
will be scattered the sheep." But RAISED, I will precede you
jU6Tct ro eyepOrjuat p.e, irpoa^oo v/aas eis rrju to GALILEE."'
after the to be raised me, T will go before you into the 29 J And P E T E R said to
VaXiXaiav. 0 5e Tlerpos €(p7] avrcp' Kai ei him, "Even if all shall be
Galilee. The bnt teter said to him; Even if stumbled, yet 5 wil! not.'"'
irapres o'Kavb*aXi0'dr}O,0VTai, aXX3 OVK eyw. 30 And JESUS says to
all shall be stumbled, yet not I.
30 him, "Indeed I say to thee,
K a i Aeyei avrcp 6 ITJ^OVS' AJII-JV Xeyco o'oi, That iftmt This-day, in
And says to him the Jesus; Indeed I say to thee,
Tin's NIGHT, before a
6n ffv o~i}fjLepov ev rrj VVKTI ravry, irpiv 7) Cock crows twice, wilt dis-
that thou this-day in the night this, before own Me thrice."
Sis aActcropa (pwvqaai, rpis airapvrjar} /JLC. 31 But H E spoke with
twice a cock to have crowed, thrice thou wilt deny me.
31 more vehemence, " I f I
' o $e e/c Trepio'o'ov eXeye fxaXXov Eav /ue must die with thee, I will
He but with vehemence spoke more; If me by no means disown Thee."
berj crvvairoQaveiv o~oi, ov fxrj ere airapprjcroiuai. And they all said the same.
must to die with thee, not not thee Iwil'deny.
32 32 $ And they came to
'flaravrws 8e Kat iravres eXeyov. Kat epxov- aPlacenamedGethsamane,
ln like manner and also all they said. And they and he says to his DISCI-
rat eis xo)PiOVi ou ro
ovo/xa FeOcr^/jLavT)' Kai PLES, "Sit here, while I
same to a place, of which the name Gethsemane; and
* go away and pray."
Xeyet rots ixadyrais avrov TLadio-are o>5e, 33 And he takes with
he says to the disciples of himself; Sit you here,
him PETER, and * J A M E S ,
ews TTpoo'ev^cofxai. ^ Kai irapaXa/x/iavei
rov and J O H N , and began to
till 1 shall pray. And he takes the be greatly amazed and full
Herpov Kat laKoofiov Kai luavprjv ytiefl' kavrov of Anguish.
Peter and James and John with himself;
34 34 And he says to them,
Kat Tjpt-aro eKOa/xfieto-dai Kai aSrj/jtoveiv. K a i t " M y SOUL is encom-
and began to be greatly amazed and to be in anguish. And
passed with a deadly An*
Xeyet avrois' HepiXvTtos ecrriv r) $vxv V-ov e&s
he says to them; Extremely sorrowful is the soul of me even to
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—22. a Cup, 24. to them—omit. 24. THAT BLOOD.of
mine, whichis ofthe COVENANT, THAT which is POURED OUT. 27. at me in this NIGHT
—omit. 32. go away and pray. 33. JAMES, and JOHN.
X 24. Luke xxii. 20; 1 Cor: xi. 25. £ 26. Matt. xxvi. 30. - t 27. Zech. xiii. 7.
t 28. Matt. xvi. 7. t 29. Matt. xxvi. 33, 34: Luke xxii. 33, 34, John xiii. 87, 88,
t 32. Matt. xxvi. 86; Luke xxii. 89: John xviii. 1. £ 34. John xii. 27.
Chap. 14: 35.] [MARK. [Cftap. 1 4 : 45.
\davarov [xeivare &5€, /cat ypiyyopeire. K a t guish; stay here and
death; remain you here, and watch. watch."
irpoeXO&v /jiiKpov, eTrecrtv eirt rrjs yrjs' And 35 And going forward
going forward a little, he fell on the ground; a little, he fell on the
TTpoorrivxtTo, tva, ei dvvarov etr-n, TtapeXdr} air' and GROUND, and prayed, that
prayed, that, if possible it is, might pass from if possible the HOUR might
avrov 7] &pa. 36 Ka* eXeyev A/3/3a 6 Tvarrjp, pass from him.
him the hour. And he said; Abba the father, 36 And he said, " Abba,
iravra dvvara croi' irapeveyKe ro irorrjpiov crn-' FATHER, all things are
ill (things) possible to thee; take the cup from possible with thee; remove
rifxov rovro, AAA' ou, ri e y « 6>eAco, aAAa ri this CUP from me; % yet
me this. But not, what I will, hut what
not what 3E will, hut what
thou wilt."
crv. 37 Kai cpx^rai, Kai ebpio'Kei avrovs Kadev- 37 And he comes and
thou. And he comes, and finds them sleep-
finds them sleeping; and
hovras' Kai Xeyei rep Tlerpy 'SifACov, /cafleu&eis; he says to PETER, "Simon,
ing : and he says to the Peter: Simon, sleepest thou? sleepest thou? couldstthou
OVK kcrxvoas fxiav copav ypi]yop7]crai; tpriyop- not keep awake a Single
not couldstthou one hour to watch? "Watch Hour ?
eiT€ /cat TTpocrevxto-Qe, Iva (JLT] e i c e A ^ r e sis 38 Watch and pray, that
you and pray you, that not you enter into you * enter not into Trial;
Treipa(r/j,ow ro [lev Trvevfxa 7rpo0v/xo*/, 7] Se the S P I R I T indeed is will-
temptation: the indeed spirit ready, the but ing, but the FLESH is
cap\ ao-devr}S. Kai TtaXiv aireXOoov TrpocTTjv- weak."
flesh weak. And again going away
he prayed, 39 And going again, he
£aTO, rov avrov Xoyov enrwv. K a t v-rroo'rpe- prayed, speaking the SAME
the same words saying. And having returned Words.
^/as, evpev avrovs iraXiv KadevBovras* yarav 40 And * again he came
he Sound them again sleeping: were anc!i found them sleeping;
yap ol o(j)6a\[JLoi avrcov {5efiap7)/j,evoi Kai OVK (for Their EYES were over-
for the eyes of them weighed down and not powered ;) and they knevr
•pSeio-av, ri avrcp airoKptOwcri. 4 1 K a t e p x e r a l not what to answer him.
they knew, what to him they might answer. And he comes 41 And he comes the
ro rpirov, Kai Xeyei avrois' KafleuSere TO THIRD time, and says to
the third, and he says to them: Do you sleep the them, " Do you sleep NOW,
Xonrov Kai avairaveo-Qe s arrexej, rjXdev 7) ebpa* and take your rest ? I t is
now and rest you? It is enough, is come the hour: enough, $the HOUR is
idov, irapafiiSorai 6 vios rov avdpanrov €is ras come; behold the SON of
lo, is delivered up the son of the man into the MAN is delivered up mto
X^ipas roov ajxaprooXcov. 4 2 Eyeipecfle, ayoofiev t h e HANDS Of SINNERS.
hands of the sinners. Arise, let us go: 42 JArise, letusgo; he-
iSow, 6 -rcapahibovs jue qyyiKe. hold! HE, Who DELIVERS
lo, he delivering up me has come near.
me up, has come."
43 43 ^And immediately,
Kai evOecos, en avrov XaXovvros, irapayi- while ne was yet speaking,
And immediate y, while ot him speaking, comes
comes* J U D A S , being one
vsrai lovdas, fis uov roov ScuSe/ca, Kai /uer' avrov of the TWELVE, and with
Judas, one being of ihe twelve, and with him him a Crowd, armed with
o%Xos * [ T T O A V S ] (X&ra fiaxctipoov Kai ^vXoov, Swords and Clubs, from
crowd f great] with swords aud clubs, the HIGH-PRIESTS, and the
jrapa roov apx^pcoov Kai roov ypa/uifxareoov Kai SCRIBES, and tbo ELDERS.
from the high-priests and the scribes and 44 And the BETRAYER
roov Trpca&vrepoov. AeScoKei Se b irapadtBovs had given them a Signal,
the elders. Had given and he delivering up saying, " ^ c it is, whom I
avrov o'vo'o'TipLov avrots, Xeyoov 'Ov av (pt- may k i s s ; seize him, and
him a signal t o them, saying: Whoever 1 lead him away safely."
Xrjo-w, avros ecrri* Kparr}crar§ avrov Kai 45 And coming, and
may kiss, he it-is: seize him and immediately approaching
airayayere acrtyaXoos. K a i cXOoov, evBeoos
, lead away safely. And coming, immediately
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—38. come into. 40. againlhe came. 43. JUDAS, bein^
one of the twelve. 4S. great—omit,
% S6. John v. 80; vi. 58. J 41. John xiii. 1. % 42. Matt. xxvi. 46 j John xviii.
1,2. % 43. Matt. xxvi. 47; Luke x^ii, 47 < John xviii. 3,
Chap. 14: 4S.] MARK. {phap.~l4>\' 58.

wpoo'eAOoov avrcp, Aeym* 'Pa/3/3fj * [ p a / 3 / 3 r ] him, he says, "Rabbi,"

approaching to him, hessyi,: Rabbi, [rabbi:] and repeatedly kissed him.
KatKare<pi\'(]o~ev avrov * 4 6
0 J Be eiteftakov e7r5 46 Then THEY laid
and kissed Lira. They then laid on HANDS on him, and seized
avrov ras xelPas ^ftftTtyp,] Kat enparrja'av him.
him the hands [ufthem,] and seized 47 And one of THOSE
avrov. ^ Els de ris roov Trapeo~r7]Koroov, STANDING by drew a
him. One and a certain of those standing, SWORD, and struck a SER-
triraaafjievos rrjv p.axo.ipav, eivaice rov BovAov VANT Of the HIGH-PRIEST,
drawing the sword, struck the slave and cut off His * E A R - T I P .
rov apx^p^cos, Kai acpeiKev avrov ro eoriov. 48 X And JESUS answer.
of the high-priest, and cutoff of him the ear. ing said to them, " As in.
Kat airoKpideis 6 lyorovs snrev avrois' *>Qs pursuit of a Robber, have
And answering the iesus said to them; As you come with Swords and
CTTI Arjo-rrjv ei^rjAOere juera /uaxaipcav Kai Clubs to take me ?
upon a robber came you out with swords and 49 I was with you every
£uAto?v wWafiziv /&€<, K a 0 ' rj/uepav TJ/JLTJV day in the TEMPLE teach-
clubs, to take me. Every day I was ing, and you did not arrest
7rpos v/uas <sv rep lepcp didaffKwv, Kat OVK me. J But the SCRIPTURES
with you in the temple must be verified."
teaching, and not
etcparrjcare f/,€° aA\\ ypa- 50 And leaving him,
ha it-Arjpoodoooriv at
you seized me ,• but, that must ba fulfilled the writ- they all fled.
(pat. Kat a<povres avTcv Travres ecpvyov. 51 And a certain Youth
ings. And leaving Iiim nil they fled. followed him, witli a Linen
K\a& els TLS vsavLcrKos 7]KoXov0€i avrq)9 irept- cloth wrapped about his
And one a certain young man followed him, wrap- naked body; and they
fief3\7)fJL€vos crivdova da yvfivov Kat Kparovo'iv seized him;
ped about a linen cloth on naked; and they seized 52 but leavingthc LINEN
avrov *\ol veavia~KOi,~\ 5 2 ' 0 de KaraAnroov rrjv CLOTH, he fled Baked.
him [the young men."J He hu' leaving the 58 X And they conducted
o~tvSova9 yvjxvos Qyvy^v ^lair* avrcovJ\ JESUS to the HIGH-
linen cloth.., naked he fled ffrcaa them.] PRIEST ; and all the H I G H -
K a s aTTTjyayou ^ovlria'ovv irpos rev apx^~ PRIESTS, and the ELDERS,
And they'.ed
the Jesus to the high- and the SCRIBED, came to-
pea° Kat crvvc-px^ V?C;L avrcp iravres ol apxizpzis, gether to him.
priest} and came together 'oiurn all the high-priests, 54 And PETER followed
Kai oi TrpeG'fivrzpou Kat ot ypajjifxarsts.
Kai him at a distance, even
and the ciders, and the scribes. And into the PALACE of the
6 Herpes airo jAaKpoOsv TKoKovdrjo'ev avrcp eoos H I G H - P R I E S T ; and sat in
the Peter at a distant followed him even company with the ATTEN-
eo~(a eis rt\v avAf]v rov ^%t€p<=(os* KM W &vy- DANTS, warming himself
to into the palace ofthe high-priest; and was sit- before the FIRE.
Kadrifxevos fierc. rcov VTrrjpercov, Kai55 j A n d the H I G H - Sepfxatvo-
ting in company with the attendants, and
warming PRIESTS and the Whole
65 is s
fievos irpos ro epeos. O l 5e apx P ^s Kat SANHEDRIM sought testi-
himself to the light. The and high priests and mony against J E S U S , in
dAov ro o~vi/(sdptov sfyrovv Kara rov Lrjo'ov order TO K I L L him. but
whole the high council sought against the Jesus they found none.
paprvpia:' sis TO Qavarw&ai avrov Kat
56 For many testified ovx
testimony for the
i o ^ u t to doath falsely against him, but
him; and not
Gvpicrnov. HoAAoi yap ^ev^ojuaprvpouv their TESTIMONIES were
they fonnd. Many for ic.rtified falsely insufficient.
Kar* avrov, Kai to'ai at juiapTupiat OVK yj(ray. 57 And some standing
against him, butconsistent tho testimonies not were. up, testified falsely against
Kai irives ai'ao'ravres, e^uBojixaprvpouy war' him, saying,
And some having r..tood up, testified falsely against 58 " Wie heard Mm de-
58 e
avrov, \zyovrs5° Qri fleets 7)Xov(ra/xcy avrov
him, saying; That we heard him
* VATICAN MAI:VSCBIPC.--4&. rabbi—omit. 46. of them—omit. 47. EAR-TIP.
51. the young men—omit. ©2. from them.~*omit.
I 48. Matt, xxvi. 55s Lake sxii. 52. t, 49.
. Psa. xxii, 6; Isa. liii. 7; Luke xxii. o'f;
xxiv. 44. % 53. Matfc, £?i¥i. J$7 j Luke xxii. 5d;.TnVm
uK,A- John-vviii "IX13
xviii. tf KR.
55. Matt;.
Matt. "SfXYl.
xxvi. 59.
Chap. U: £9.] MARK. .[dhap.U.1 68.

Kzyovros' 'On eyco KaraAvcrco rov vaov rovrop dare, J ' 5 will destroy
saying; That 1 wiU destroy the temple this THIS TEMPLE MADE WITH
TOP' X€ipo7roir)TOP$ Kai $ia rpioop rjfiepctip aAAop HANDS, and in Three Days,
the made with hands, and in three I will build Another made
days another
axtipoironiTOP oiKo§o/A7]<rcti. ° 9 K a i ovde ovrcos without h a n d s . ' "
made without hands I will build. And not even thus 59 But not even thus
was their TESTIMONY suf-
i(T7] i)V 7) fiaprvpia avroop* 6 0 Kai apacras ficient.
•onsistentwas the testimony of them. And arising
e 60 AndtheHiGH-PMiiST
6 apxitptvs *s fA€(TOP, €Trr]pooT7}(re TOP Irjo'ovp, standing up in the MIDST,
the high priest in midst, he asked the Jesus, asked J E S U S , saying, "An-
Aeycop' OVK airoKpipy ovdep ; ri ovroi crov swerest thou nothing *to
saying; Not answerest thou nothing? what these of thee what these testify against
KarafxaprvpovcriP ; 6 1 ' O Se ecrzcoTra, Kai ovdep t h e e ? "
testify against? He but was silent, and nothing 61 J But H E was silent,
aTT€Kpipa,TO. UaAiP o apxiepeus eirrjpoora avrop and answered nothing.
he answered. Again the high-priest asked him And the HIGH-PRIEST
Kai Aeyei avrcf ^,v et d Xpiffros, 6 vlos rov asked him, and says to
and says to him; Thou art the Anointed, the son of the him; " Art tfjrnt the M E S -
evAoyrjrov ; ' O 8e Irjcrovs eiirew Eyoo et/xr SIAH, the SON of the
blessed? The and Jesus said; I a m ; BLESSED One?"
kai oxpeo'Oe TOP VLOP rov avQpwirov e/c Be^icap 62 And J E S U S said, "Jt
and you shall see the son am; and you shall see the
of the man at right
Kadrj/nevop rrjs dwafiecos, Kai €pxop.epop jxera SON of MAN sitting at the
Bitting ofthe power, and coming with Bight hand of the MIGHTY
roup pe(pe\<tip rov ovpavov. 63 e
O 8e apxtepeus One, and coming with the
the clouds ofthe heaven. The and high-priest, CLOUDS of H E A V E N . "
Siapprj^as rovs xiriovas avrov, Aeyei' Tf en 63 And the HIGH -PRIEST
having rent the clothes of himself, says; What further having rent his GARMENTS,
XptLav GX°fxev jxaprvpoop ; 64
rr]s says, " What further need
need have we of witnesses? You have heard the have we of Witnesses ?
fiAao'<pr}/j,ias' ri bfxip <patperai; Oi 8c iravres 64J You have heard the
blasphemy; what to you appears? They but all BLASPHEMY ; WhatisyOUT
KartKptpav avrop etpai SVOXOP Oaparov. ^ K a i opinion?" And they ALL
condemned him to be deserving of death. And
condemned him as worthy
of Death.
Tjp^apro rives e/ATTTVttP avrq>, Kai irepiKaAvTrretp 65 And some began to
began some to spit upon him, and to cover
spit upon him, and to
ro irpocrcoirop avrov, Kai KoAacjyt^eip avrop, cover His EACE, and to
the face of him, and to beat with the fist him, beat Mm with the fist, and
Kai Aeysiv avr(f n.po<p7]revo~op. K Anda t the
oi VTTT]at- to say to him, " Divine to
and to say to him; Prophesy. 66
Kai ovros u s ; " and the ATTENDANTS
perai pairia''ip avrop efiaAAop. And being struck Him on the cheek
tendants with open hands him beat.
epx€rai fiia with the Open Hand.
rov Tlerpov €P rr) avAr) Karoo, comes one 66 J And P E T E R being
the Peter in the court-yard below, 6 7 below in the COURT-YARD,
r<ap TraidiCKeop rov apxiepecus' Kai idovcra there comes one of the
and seeing
ofthe maid-servants ofthe high priest: MAID-SERVANTS of the
TOP Hsrpop Oepfiaipo/uepop, e/a^Aex^aa'a avrcp HIGH-PRIEST ;
the Peter warming himself, ahe looking to him 67 and seeing P E T E R
Aeyei' rov Na£opr)pov Irjrrov fjcrda. warming himself, earnestly
Kai <rv fiera
says: And thou with the Nazarene Jesus wast. looking at him, she says,
68 r
O 8e 7ipvr)<rarof Aeycop' OVK oida, oi/5e " ©f)0U also wast with the
He but denied, saying s Not I know, nor NAZARUNE, * J E S U S . "
68 But H E denied, say-
e-rria-ra/Jiat ri crv Aeyets.
K a i et-rjAOep e£a> eis ing, " I * neither know nor
comprehend what thoa sayest. And he went out into understand what thou
ro irpoavAiop* *[KCU aXzKrcap e ^ c o ^ c r e t . ] sayest.'» And he went out
the outer c o t r t : [and acock crew.] into the OUTER COURT',
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—60. Because these. 67. JESUS. &/ neither know
nor understand. 68. and a Cock crew—omit.
J 58. Mark xv. 29: John ii. 19. 160. Matt. xxvi. 62. t SI Matt: xxiv 80'
Matt. xxvi. 64 $ Luke xxii. 69. t 66- Matt, xxyi.58, ,69: Luke xxiLfefc; John xviii if.
Chap. 14: 69.] MARK. {Chap. 1 5 : 6.
69 69 $ and the MAID-SEK.
Kai 7} icait)i(rKy\ idovcra avrov *[ira\w~\ 7]p^aro
And the maid-servant seeing him [again] began VANT seeing him, *said
keyeiv rois irapetfrriKoo'iv' 0n e£ avroov t o THOSE STANDING BY,
to say to those having stood by; That this
of them " Thi8 is one of them."
€(TTiv. 7° e O 5e TraAiv Tjpvaro. K a i fiera 70 And H E denied i t
is. H8 and again denied. And after again. And after a little,
jitKpop iraKiv oi TT ape err cores shsyov rep Yltrpcp* THOSE STANDING BY Said
»little again those having stood by said to the Peter; again to PETER, " Cer-
tainly, thou art one of
A\r)0cos e | avrcov ei' Kai yap TaXiKaios 6i, them; for thou art also a
Truly of them thou art; also for a Galilean thou art,
*[/cai 7} XaXia ffov dfioiafei.'] ?l 'O <Je ypi-aro 71 Then H E began to
[and the speech of thee is like.] He then began curse and swear, " I know
avadefiari^eiv Kai o/jLvvvar 'On OVK oiSa rov not this MAN of whom you
to curse and swear; That not I know the speak."
avdpcoirov rajrov, bv Xeyere. ? 2 K a i €K 5ev- 72 J And * immediate!*
man this, of whom you say. And of sec- for a second time f a Cock
repov aXeKrcop eepcavrjo'e. Kai ave/jLvrjerOrj 6 crew. And PETER recol-
ond eock crew. And remembered the lected the "WORD which
Xlcrpos rov fwifxaros, ov snrev avrcp 6 Irjo'ovs' JESUS spoke to him, "That
Peter the word, of which said to him the Jesus; before a Cock crows twice,
' O n irpiv akeKTopa <f)oovr)crai Sis, arcapvf\o"r) fX€thou wilt disown me
That before acock to have crowed twice, thou wilt deny me thrice." And reflecting on
rpis. K a i eiu&aXoov e/cAaie. it, he wept.
thrice. And reflecting he wept.
K E * . ie'. 1 5 .
1 $ And immediately in
Kat evdews eiri ro irpcoi arvfifiovKiov7roirj- the * Morning, the HIGH-
And immediately on the morning a council having PRIESTS, with the ELDERS
cavres oi a p x t € P 6 t s fiera reav irpeo'^vrepcov Kai and Scribes, even the
been held the high-priests with the elders and Whole SANHEDRIM, held
ypa/JLfj.aT€cov, Kai SXov TO o'vveSpiov, b*7}ffavre$ a Council; and having
scribes, even whole the sanhedrim, binding bound JESUS, they carried
and delivered him up to
rov Irjcovv, airrjueyKav Kai TrapefieoKav rep Hi- * Pilate.
the Jesus, carried and delivered up to the Pi-
2 2 X And P I L A T E asked
Xartp. Kat eTrrjpcorTjo'ev avrov 6 TliXaros' him, " Art thou the KING
late. And askeo him the Pilate; of the J E W S ? " And H E
2t> €i 6 facfiXevs rcov lovdaiwv ; ' O b*e atroKpi- answering, * says to him,
Thouartthr kin.r of the Jews? He and answer- "SThoit sayest it."
3 3 And the HIGH-PRIESTS
0€is enrer avrcp' 2jv Xeyets. Karyyopovv
jng said tc him; Thou say est. And accused accused him of many
avrov oi a p x t 6 P € ' s ?roAAa. 4 'O §*€ TliXaros 4 t T h e n PILATE asked
him the high-priestc many things. The and Pilate
him again, saying, " An-
TtaXiv €TT7)poor7)0'ev avrov, Xeycov* OVK airoKpivr)swerest thou nothing ? See
again asked him, saying: Not answerest thou how many things they * ac-
ovdev; *5e, voca crov Karafxaprvpovo'iv. cuse thee of."
nothing ? see, how many things of thee they testify against. 5 J But JESUS answered
'0 Se hjO'ovs ovKeri ovSev airsKpiOr}*
cocrre no more, so that P I L A T E
The but Jesus no longer nothing answered: so no was astonished.
Savjua^etv rov TliXarov. K a r a 8e eoprTjv 6 {Now at each Feast
to surprise the Pilate. At now feast he used to release to them
aiT€\v€V avrois eva decr/j.iov dvirep yrovvro. One Prisoner, whoever they
he used to released to them one prisoner whoever they asked. asked.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—69. again—omit. 69. said to THOSE. 70. and

thy SPEECH is like it—omit. 72. immediately for a second. 1. Morning.
1. Pilate, 2. says to him. 4. accuse thee of.
$ 72. or a watch-trumpet sounded. See Note on Matt. xxvi. 34.
% 69. Matt. xxvi. 71,73; Luke xxii. 68, 59; John xviii. 25, 26. t 72. Matt. xxvi. 75.
1 1. Psa.ii. 2; Matt.xxvii. 1: Luke xxii. 66: xxiii. 1; John xviii. 28; Acta iii. 13; iv. 26.
X 9. Matt, xxvii. 11. $ 4. Matt, xxvii. 15. t 5. Isa. liii. 7; John xix. 9. t 6. Matt.
&SY&. IB; Luke sxiii. 17; John xviii.3&
Giap. 15 : 7-] MARK. [ (Stop. 1 5 : 19.

\ Up 5e 5 Keyofxepos Bapafifias fxera ro>p ffvara- 7 And there was H E

Was and he being named Barabbas with, the insur- who was NAMED Barabbas,
4Tia(rrcop Sedefxepos, oiripes ep rrj o~raGei (povop having been imprisoned
gents having been bound, who in the sedition murder with the INSURGENTS,
?reTroiriK€i(rap. 8
Kai apafioycras d oxKos who had committed Mur-
had committed. And crying out the crowd der in the INSURRECTION.
8 And the CROWD * go-
tip^aro aireifrOat, KCLBCOS aet eiroiei avrois.
I began to demand, as always he did to them. ing up began to demand
9 what he was accustomed to
' 0 Be HiKaros aireKpiOr] avrois, Keycap' OeKe- grant them.
Thebut Pilateanswered them, saying; Do you
9 But PILATE answered
re airoKvcno VJXIP rop PaariKta reap
lovbcucop; them, saying, "Do you
wish 1 shall release to you the king oftha Jtwtf wish me to release to you
'EytPooo'Ke yap, on SicKpOopop TrapahedooKeicrap the KING of the J E W S ?"
He knew for, that through envy had delivered up 10 For he knew That
avrop oi apxtepeis. Oi 8e apxtepeis apeo~et- *they had delivered him
him the high-priest. The And high-puest* Btiried up from Envy.
crap TOP OXKOP, ipa fxaKKop rop Bapafiftap 11 % But the HIGH-
up the crowd, that rather the Barabbaa PEIESTS stirred up the
12 f
airoKvo't) avrois. O 5e HiKaros airoKpideis CROWD, that he should
he should release to them. The but Pilate answering rather release BAEABBAS
iraKip etirep avrois* T t OVP OeKere Troi7}a-(o OPto them.
again said to them; What then do you wish I shall do whom 12 And P I L A T E answer-
Key ere fiaariKea rcop lovSatoop; O i 5e iraKip ing again, said to them,
you call a king of the Jews? They but again " W h a t * then shall I do to
enpa^aP' ^ravpooo'op avrop, ' O $e HiKaros him you call the K I N G of
cried out; Crucify him. Thn and Pilate the J E W S ?»
eKeyep avrois* T t yap tcaitop eiroLTjo'ep; Oi 8e 13 And THEY again
said t o them; What for evil has he done? They but cried out, "Crucify him."
rcepiffcroos enpa^ap* 'Xravpcoffov avrop, 15 f
O 14 And P I L A T E said to
vehemently cried out; Crucify him. The
them, " For what ? Has he
done Evil?" # But they
Be TJiKaros, fiovKofievos rep oxKq> ro Imvov vehemently cried out, say-
then Pilate, being willing to the ciowd theeatisfactiou ing, "Crucify him."
rroi'qaaif atreKvcrep avrois TOP Bapafifiap, tcai 15 JThen P I L A T E , being
to make, released to them the Barabbas, and willing t o GRATIFY the
srapeSwKe rov IrjO'ovp, (ppayeKKoecraj, ipa CROWD, released BARAB-
delivered up the Jesus, having scourged, that BAS to t h e m ; and having
scourged J E S U S , delivered
&ravpooQr). him up to be crucified.
ah might be crucified.
16 | And the SOLDIERS
Ot de err par Karat airyyayop €o*o> rys led him away into the
The and soldiers led away him within the COURT, which is the Prse-
avKr)s, 6 earn irpairwpiop' Kai crvytcaXovcrip torium; and they called
court, which is a judgment hall; and they call together together the Whole COM-
dArjp rr}P crreipap. ^ Kat epBvovaip avrop
whole the company. And they clothed him 17 And they arrayed him
in a Purple garment, and
iropepvpap, Kat ireptriOeao~ip avrq> irKel-apres intertwining an Acanthine
purple, and placed it around him braiding
Wreath, placed it around
aKapdtPop ffrecpapop, 1 8 Kai Tjp^apro a&ira^eo*- his head j
tm acanthine wreath. And they began t o salute
18 and began to salute
Oat avrop* Xaipe b fiafftKevs r<av Xovdaicop. him,—" Hail, KING of the
him; Hail the king ofthe Jews. J E W S )"
K a t ervirrop avrov
TTJP Ke<paXi]P KaKa/jLCp, 1& And they struck his
And they struck of him the bead with a reed, HEAD with a Reed, and
Kai epeirrvop avr<a, Kat riQevres ra yopara spit on him, and KNEEL*-
and spit upon him, and placing the knees ING, did homage to him.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—8. going up began 10. they had: 12. then shall
1 do to him you call the K IN G oi the JEWS ?
$ 11. Matt, xxvii. 20: ActaiiL 14. % 15. Matt, xxvii. 26: John six. 1, 19. % 18. Matt.
xxvii. 27.
map. 15 : 30.] MARK. C Chap. 1 5 : 8 1 .

TcpoffeKvvovv avrcf. 20
•"" K a i dre evarai^av avrep,20 And when they had
* did homage to him. And when they mocked mocked him, they stripped
€%t$vo~av avrov rr\v irop(f>vpav, icai ev€§vcrav him of the PURPLE gar-
they took off him the purple, and put on ment, and put on him * his
O.VTOV TO. IfACLTieL TCL l8fc«' Kai €^ajOV(TLU CLVTOV, own CLOTHES, and led him
him the clothes the own; and they led out him, out.
* [ i / / a (Travpcoacocrij/ avrov.] Kai ayyapevovcrt 21 t And One Simon, a
[that they might crucify him.] And they compel Cyrenian, the PATHER of
irapayovra riva ^ijicova Kvprjvatov, epxoptvov f Alexander and Rufus,
passing by one Simon a Cyrenian, coming coming from the Country,
air* aypov, {rov irarcpa AXe^avSpov KCU 'POV-was passing by, and they
from country, (the father of Alexander and ltu- compel him to carry his
<pov,) Iva apy rov crravpov avrov. 22
fus,) that he might bear the jross of him. And 22 $ And they bring him
(pzpovcriv avrov em ToXyoOa TOTTOV 6 eari ing* translated,
to GOLGOTHA, which, be-
is, a Place
they bring him to Golgotha place; which is
23 of a Skull.
(jLeOep/MivevOfxevov, Kpaviov rorcos. Kat cdi'Sovv 23 And they presented
being translated, oi a skull a place. And they gave
him Wine mingled with
avvtp *[7Ti6ii/] etrjjivpvurfjLzvov oivov 6 Se Myrrh ; but * HE did not
him [todrinkj having been mixed with myrrh wine; he but receive it.
OVK eAajSe. 24 And *they nail him
not received. to the Cross, % and part his
K a i aravpwffavres av-rov, diafxepi^ovrai ra GARMENTS, casting Lots
And crucifying aim, they divide the for them, what each should
Ifxaria avrov, fiaXXovre* tf.Xr)pov eir' aura, ris take.
clothes ofhim, casting lots on them, who 25 And it was the third
ri aprj. 2 5 Bv 5e oopo, rpirr\> Kai e&Tavpoocrap Hour when they nailed
what should take. I t was and hour third, and they crucified him to the Cross.
26 K cat 7]v 7] 6Triypa<pri rr]s airias avrov 26 And the INSCRIPTION
him. And waathe inscripiioap tofthe accusation ofhim uf his ACCUSATION was
ii c
tTriysypajAfitv'f)' O fiaotXevs roov lov^aicov.}i written over him, "The
wa» written over; The ting of the Jews." KIN G v,f the J E W S . "
27 K a i crvv avrcj) crravpooat Bvo AT? eras' kva e/c 27 And with him they
And with him they crucify two robbers; one at "* crucified Two Robbers;
28 +
de^toov, Kat kva e£ evoovojxoip avrov, " * [ K a i one a his Right hand, and
right, and one a t lelt ofhim. [And the other at his Left.
€Tr\7)pa>67) 7} ypacpr) r) Xeyovaa' K a i (xera 28 *t[AndTHATSCRIP-
was fulfilled the writing that saying; And with TURE was verified, which
OtVOfAoov eXoytcrdrj."'] K a * oi 7rapa7ropevofj.evoiSAYS, % " H e was numbered
l*wle»» ones he was numbered."] And those passing along " with LAW-BREAKERS."]
*0Xa(r<pr}fj.ovv avrov, RIVOVVJSS ras KecpaXas 29 And THOSE PASSING
reviled him, snaking the heads ALONG reviled him, $ sha-
king their HEADS, and
avrwv, Kai Xeyovres' Ova' 6 KaraXvcov rov saying, " A h ! THOU D E -
efthem, and saying; Ah; he destroying the
vaoVt Kai €V rpicriv Tjpiepais and Builder of it in Three
Umple, and in threo days Days,— building;
caio'ov creavrov, Kat Kara&a aivo rov aravpov. 30 save thyself, and
save thyself, and come down from the cross. come down from the
Ofxoicos Kai ot -apxiepeiff efXTrai^ovres irpos CROSS!"
In like"manner also the high-piiests, mocking to. , 81 I n like manner also,
aXXi\Xovs fiera rwv 'ypapijiarecav, eXeyov the HIGH-PRIESTS deriding
one another with the scribes, said; him, with the Scribes, said

*. VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—20. his CIOTHES. - 20. t h a t they m i g h t crucify him--

omit. 22. GOLGOTHA. 23. to drink—omit. 23. H E . 24 they naH him
to the Cross, and part his GARMENTS. 27- crucified. 28.—omit.
t 21. Persons probably w^ll known, and then living at Rome; since Paul, Rom. xvi. 13,
salutes Rufus there. f 28. IVitz. and Tischendorf cancel this verse, and Griesbach marks
it for omission; yet Bloom-field thinks injudiciously, as i t is a remarkaMe fulfilment of pro«
phecy, and is omitted only by a jew MSS.
% 21. Matt, xxvii. 82; LukexSui. 26. Jt 22. John xi
xix. 17. % 24. Psa. xxii. 18«
Lufce xxiii.84; John xix. 23. •*• 2§» ^ ' l i i "1.12
" ;""""i xxii. 37.
Luke: t 29. Psa. xxii. 7
Chap. I B : $2.] MABK. [07iop. I S : « . .

AAAous ecroocrtp, eavrOP ov dvparai caxrat; to each other, " H e saver]

Others he saved, himself not is able others; cannot he save
to save?
^ ' O XpHTTos, 6 fiaaiXevs rov Icrpa^A, Kara- himself?
Tht Anointed, the king of the Israel, let him 82 The MESSIAH ! the
fiar<a vvv arro rov o~ravpov, Ivaihbojxep Kai KING of * Israel! let him
descend now from the cross, that we may see and come down now from the
viGTevffw/jLep. Kai oi avpeo'ravpcofiepoi avrcp cnoss, that we may see
may believe. And those having been crucified with him and believe." Even those,
wj>€itt£ov avrov. ^Tepo/xeprjs Se oopas eKrrjs, Jwho were crucified with
reproached him. Being come and hour sixth, him, reproached him.
o~Koro$ eyepero *$' b\v]P rrrjp yr\ /, ieos wpas 33 And the sixth Hour
darkness was on whole the land, till hour being come, there was
ipvatf]s. Kcu rr) copa rrj eppary efHorj&ep 6 Darkness over the "Whole
ninth. And the hour t h e ninth cried the LAND, till the ninth Hour.
Irjcovs (pwpri fjL€ya\r}y *[\eya)P'~] EAa>t,' 34 And at the * N I N T H
Jesus with a voice loud, [saying;] Eloi, eloi; Hour J E S U S cried with
Ka/JL/xa o'afiaxQapL ; 5 eari fxedepfMripevo/Jiepop' a loud Voice, $ " Eloi,
lamina eabachthani? which i s being translated; Eloi, lamma sabachthani P
'O Oeos povy * [ 6 6eos fxov~\ eis ri fxe eyKare- which, being translated,
Jhe God o f m e , [the God o f m e ; ] t o what me hast t h o u is, " My GOD ! to what hast
Anres; 35
Kai riyes roup irapeffrriKoroop aKov- thou surrendered me ?"
left, And tome of those standing by hear- 35 And some of THOSB
oapres, eXeyop' ldov,H\iap (poopei. 3 6 Apafioov STANDING BY, hearing
in;, said: Lo, Elias he calls. Running this, said, "Behold, he
be €ts, Kai ye/jno'as Giroyyov o£ovs, ireoiQeis re calls Elijah."
and one, and filling a sponge o f vinegar, attaching and 36 $And one ran, and
Ka\afi(f9 errori£ep avrov. Keycap* Acpere* tfica/xep, filled a Sponge with Vine-
to a reed, gave to drink him, saying: Let alone : we may see, gar, and putting it on a
€i €p%erai YLXias Ka8c\eip avrop. 37
'O 8e Reed, gave him to drink,
it comes Elias to take down him. The then saying, " L e t him alone;
lyaovs, atpeis (pcaprjp /j.eya\r)Pt e^errpevcre. let us see whether Elijah
Jesus, uttering a voice loud) breathed out.
will come to take him
Kat ro Karatrerao'/jia rov paov ea'x^o'Qr) eis 37 Then J E S U S uttering
And the curtain of the temple was rent into a loud Voice, expired.
8uo, airo aPooOev CODS Karoo. 3 9 Ificop 8e 6 Kevrv- 38 $ And the V E I L of the
two, from above to below. Seeing but the centu- TEMPLE was rent in Two
from top to bottom.
picoPf 6 7rapeo'rr}K(t)5 e£ epaprias avrov, 6rt
rion, that having stood by over against him, that 39 And THAT CENTU-
EION who STOOD B Y over
ovru) *[Kpa£as] e^errpevo'ev, eirrev
AXrjOcas 6 against him, seeing that
thus {having cried] he breathed out, said:
Truly tht
thus he expired, said, "Cer-
av&pwTTos obros vlos %tv 6eov. Wcrap 5e Kai tainly, *This MAN was a
man this a son was of a god. Were and also Son of God."
yvpaiKes arro /xaKpodev Oecopovcrar €P ats t]V Kai 40 J And "Women also
women from a distance beholding: among whom was also were beholding from a dis-
Mapia 7} MaydaXrjpr), Kai Mapia r) rov JaKcofiov tance j among whom was
Mary the Magdalene, and Mary the of t h e James Mary of MAGDALA, and
41 Mary the MOTHER of
rov fitKpov Kai Iooo"r) fjirjrrip, Kai ^,a\oo/j,r}' at J A M E S the YOUNGEE, and
the little and Joses mother, and Silo me: who
* of Joses, and Salome j
* [ f c a t , ] dre 7}P ev rr} TaAiAtttot, 7}Ko\ov6ovv 41 who when he was in
[also,"] when he was i n t h e Galilee, followed
GALILEE, $ followed him,
a w r y , KGU SITJKOPOVP avrcf Kai aAAcu 7roAAou, and ministered to h i m ;
him, and served him: and others many, and MANY Others, who
at rrvpapafiao'aL avrqt eis 'lepoo'oXvfJLa. CAME U P with him ta
those having come up with him t o Jerusalem. Jerusalem.

* VATICAN MANCSCBIFT.—S2. Israel. 54. NINTH Hour. 34. saying—omxt.

40. the mo-
• 84. my GOD—ovxit. 89. having cried— omit. 39. This MAN.
therJ of. 41. also—omit.
82. Matt.xxvii. 44; Luke xxiii. 39. I 84. Psa. xxii. 1; Matt, xxvii. 46. t 86. Psa.
Ix'x. 21. J 83. Matt, xxvii. 51; Luke xxiii. 45. % 40. Pa». xxxviii. 11. % 41. Luke
fihap. 15: 4$/} MARK. 0\<Xp. 16 : o,
Kai 7)ST] o\ y€Vo/£€vr]s, ( W e * t]v irapa- 42 J And Evening being
And now evening being come, ./(since i t was now come, (since it was
the Preparation, that is,
crK€f77, b €&ri TrpocrafifiaTOi',) 4 3 rjXOey looo-ycp the Day before the Sab-
^ration, t h a t is before sabbath,) ' came Joseph
6 enro hpifxdOaiast wrx^pLtov fcovXevtrjs, Ss 43 THAT Joseph came,
t h a t from Arimathea, of rank. a s e n a t o r , v w h o who was of Anniathea,'ani
<kat avros f]V irpoar^exo/nevos rfjv fiacr'tXetav rov honorable Senator, who>
•also himself was expecting th^e kingdom of t h e himself also was" J expects
6eov, ToXfirjcras :€t<r7}X6e Trpos tltXarov, Rat ing the KINGDOM of GoDj
God, assuming courage w e n t in to Pilate, a n d taking courage, went t o
4i * P I L A T E , and asked foe
j}T7]0'aT0 ro arcd/xa rov l7)ffov. 'O 5e UiXdros the BODY of JESL'S,
asked for t h e . b o d y of t h e Jesus.. The and Pilate
44 And P I L A T E won-»
cQavjiLcCo-ev, «t ySr} rtOprjkt' teat ifpocKaXecra-dered that, he was already^.
wondercd, i f already h e was d e a d ; a n d having dead; and having calkpS
yfitvos rby RGPrvpttova, eirypcorricret' avrov, ei the CENTURION, he i n -
.called the centurion, h e asked him, if quired of him * if he wasv
vraXai aTreOave. 4 5 K a i yPovs ctTro rov k€vrv- already dead.
already h e had died. And knowing frorh t h e cehtu-
45 And Jiaving asccr*
taincd from the CENTL'*
ipiwvosy eSooprjcraro ro o~iap.a rep l(co"r}<p 45 Kat iuoN,he gave the * D E A D -
(tiou, ihe gave t h e body to Joseph..' And
BODY to J O S E P H .
ayopavas atv^ova, ^\_KdC\ KaOeXcou avroP,
46 And having houghs
'having bought linen, Jjand] having taken down h i m ,
Linen, taking him down*
ifvetXf]cre rr) aivSovi' KCU KaredrjKep avrov €P he wrapped him in - t h e
the wrapped the linen; ar^d laid' him LINEN, and *put him in a
ifXPTj/JLCKf), 6 r\v XiXarofxrjfi^ifou €/c rccrpas' Kai Tomb which was.hewn out
ft t o m b , which was having been hewn o u t o f . a rock V and of the Rock, and rolled ft
irpoo'eKvXure XiQov em rrjp Qvpav rov /xPYiuetov. Stone to the ENTRANCE of the TOMB.
rolled a stone against t h e door ofthe .tomb.
' * * ' H 8 e Mapta 7] MaydaXnyr} kat Mapta lucrr) 47 And Mary of ?»1AG-
The b u t Mary the Magdalene ami Mary ofJoses DALA, and * T H A T Mary
ttOecvpovp, irov riOera't. the mother of Joses, saw
beheld, 'where he was laid.
where he was laidt
<KE<J>. le'.l^
1 J And the SABEATIF
'* Kai Siayevo/iievov rov craftBardv,
Mapta T) being past, Mary of MAG-*
And being past 'the sabbath, Mary t h e DA LA, and THAT Mary the
iMaydaX7}V7], Kat Mapta TJ rov laKooBov, Kat mother of J A M E S , and Sa*
Magdalene, and Mary that ofthe .James, and lorac, thought Aromatics^
^aXcop.7) 7)yopaarav apw/iara, ii/a [eXOovrat tliattlicy might come and
Salome -bought aromatics, that coming anoint him.
ta\6ii//wo*ir avrov, Kat Xtav irpcot rr)S ,jj.tas 2 And very early on the
they m i g h t anoiut h i m . .And. very early ofthe first * first day of the WEEK,
sO~a$Qa.rov 9p%ovrai CTTI ro p.vrjfi€top3 avaret- (about sunrise,) they eanifr
ofweek they c a m e to the tomb, „ havin to the TOMB.
•Xauros rov yXiov K a i sXsyov Trpos eavras3 And they said to them-
tiscn the sun. And they said lb selves, " W h o will roll
Tis airotcvXicret y/JLtv TOP XtBov e/c tys Ovpas rov away the STONE for u s
W h o wiL roll away ^forus t h e s t o n e from t h e d o o r o f t h e from the ENTRANCE of the
,fxvritA€tov; A Kac- avafiXexpacrat Oecopovfftv, Sri T O M B ? "
tomb/ And -looking u p t h e y saw, that 4 (for it was very large.j!
atrotceKhXio'tat 6 Xi6cos' T]v yap p.syas o~<po$pa. And looking up, they saw;
had been lolled away t h e s t o n e ; i t was for great very. that the STONE had heel*
. Kat tio'eXOovaai sis ro fxprnxetov, ezSov pe- rolled away.
And having entered into the tomb, they saw a 5 i And * coming to the
"VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—43. PILATE, 44. if ho was already dead. 45 DEAD
'i?°5 T ', J 40. and—/)»uf. 40. p u t him. 47. THAT Mary the mother.
S. first day of the WEEK. 5. coming'to.
% 42. Matt, xxvii. 57 ; Luke xxiii. 50; John xjx. 88. t 43. Luke ii. 25, 38. t 1 Matt
iXxvin. 1 ; L u k e x x i v . l ; John xx. 1. % 1. Luke, xxiii. 50. ,1.5. Lukexxiv.a;
Chap. 16: 6.] M A R K . [Ghap. 16: 14.
WICTKOV Kad7ijj.€vov <cv rois 5e£<ois, 7rept/3<=j8A7)- TOMB, they saw a Youth
yuuth, sitting on the right, having been sitting at the EIGHT side,
clothed with a white Robe;
fxevov crroXrjv XevKyv /cat t^eOa/jLfHridrjo'av. and they were awe-struck.
olothed a robe white; and they were awe-struck.
6, 6 X And HE says to them;
0 5e \eyei avrais' Mr] eKda/j-fieiadt' 1T]<TOVV " B e not alarmed; you
He but says to them; Not be you amazed; Jesus seek Jesus, THAT N A Z A -
{rjT6iT€ rov Na(ap7]vov, rov ecrravpcofji^vov BENE Who Was CRUCIFIED.
you seek the Nazi rene, the having been crucified; He has been raised; he is
rjyepOr], OVK eariv ebSe* t?e 6 TOTTOS, OTTOV not here. See the PLACE
he has been raised, not he is here; see the place, where where they laid him!
edrjKav avrov. AAA' frircryere, et7raT6 rois 7 But go, say to his
they laid feim. But go, say to the DISCIPLES, and to PF.TER,
/xadrjTcus avrov, Kai rop Herpcp, <5TI irpoayei That he precedes you to
disciples of him, and to the Peter, that he goes before G A L I L E E ; there you will
bfxas as ry\v YaXiXaiav acei avrov otysade, see Him, $as he said to
you into the Galilee; there him you will see, you."
8 0 And coming out, they
/cadws eitrev vfiiv. K a t e£eA0oucrat, eepvyov
as he said to you. And having gone out, they fled fled from the TOxMB; for
airo rov fxvr)fxsiov etxe 5e auras rpofxos Kai trembling and astonish-
from the tomb; had seized and them trembling and menthad seized them; and
€KO~ra<ris, Kai ovdevi ovfiev enrov e<pofiovvro they said nothing to any-
astonishment, and to no one nothing they«aid; they were afraid one, for they were afraid.
yap. 9 *[And having risen
early on the first day of the
Week, %he appeared first
^*\_hva(Tras Se irpcci Trpcary crafifiarov (-(pavrj to Mary of MAGDALA, from
[Having risen and early first of week he appeared whom he had expelled
irpovrov Mapia rrj MaybaXrjvr), acp3 T)S afCiSe/3- Seven Demons.
first to Mary the Magdalene, from whom he had 10 % #he went and told
Xr]Kei eirra Saifiovia, EKeivr] iropevOeica THOSE vhohadBEEN with
cast seven demons. She going him, as they were mourn-
airriyyeiAe rois JJLZT' avrov yevo pewits, 7rey- ing and weeping.
brought back word to those with. him having been, uiourn- 11 And if)eg, having
dovai Kai K\aiov(TL. KaKeivoi aKov<ravrG§ heard that he was alive,
ing and weeping. And those having heard and had been seen by her,
ori (j) . Kai €06a07j U7r' avrrjs, 7}7rio~r7]<raVc did not believe it.
that he was alive and had been seen by her, they did not believe. 12 And after THESE
M e r a 5e r a u r a hvaiv e£ avroov Trepnr:<.r^vo~iv things, he appeared in An-
After but these things to two of them wal'dnr other Aspect $ t o two of
ecpavzpcody] ev €Tepa fxopcprj, iropf-vcixtv^i? %".? them, as they were walk'
he appeared in another aspect, going into ing, going into the country.
aypov. vz
KaKeivoi air€Xdovr€S airriyyoiXav 13 And thfg returning
country. And those having gone brought ba<~k word announced it to the OTHER
TOLS Xonrois" avde CKGIVOIS €iriffrevaav. disciples;
did they
neither to THEM
give credit.
to the rest; neither to them
did they give credit.
14 ( 14 % Afterwards he ap-
Yo~repov9 avaKti/xevois avrois rois €V$€Ka peared to the ELEVEN, as
Afterwards, reclining with t h e n to the eleven
they were reclining, and
ecpavepcodiy Kai <yx>et Store rr]V amcrriav avroov censured their UNBELIEF
he appeared; and reproached the unbelief o'them and OBSTINACY, Because
Kai a'KX'qpoKaphiav, on rois Ocao'ic/xcvois avrov they believed not THOSE
and hardness of heart, because to those having seen him who had SEEN him after
eyriyzpixevov ovic eiriarevaav. K a t enrej/ hie resurrection,
having been raised not they gave credit. And said
t 9. From this verse to the end of the chapter is wanting in the Vat. MS., and in many
other ancient copies. Griesbach marks the whole passage of very doubtful authenticity, but
retains it in the text. Tisohendorf rejects the whole clause. But judging from the evidence
with regard to this passage, it is probably an authentic fragment, placed as a completion of
the Gospel in very early times ; and therefore coming to ua with strong claims on cur re-
ception and reverence.
t 6 Matt, xxvih, 5—7. t ?. Matt. xxvi. 32 ; Mark xiv. 28 I 9. Jolm.3x.14.
J 14. Luka :;xiv. SO-
t 10. Lukexxiv.10: John xx. 18. {12. Luke xxiv. 13.
Johnxx. l&i 1 Uoi xv fe.
Chap. U-. 15.] MARK. \Chap I n ; 90.

avrois' Tlopevdwrcs tis TOV KOCT/J.OU airavra, 15 t And he said to

to them j Having gone into the world all. them, "Go into all the
]6 c WOULD, and proclaim the
Krjpv^are TO evayye\iov iracrrj rrj KTHTZI.O GLAD TIDINGS to t h e
publish the glad tidings to all the creation. He
TriffTevtras KOLI fiairrio'deis, crcoBtfjarerar 6 5e 16 H E who BELIEVES
having believed and having been dipped, shall be saved; he but and is immersed will be
(nrt(rT7](ras, Karai<.piQrj<T€rai. ^^rj/JLeta Se rois saved; b u t H E who B E -
not having believed, shall be condemned. Signs and to those LIEVES NOT will be con-
TTMTTevcracn ravra Trapa.KoXevOyjo'er JZp T(p 17 And these Signs will
having believed these shall attend; In the
accompany the BELIEV-
ovo/uan jxov Bat/xovia €Kp>aXovo,i' yXooffcais ERS; J i n my NAME they
name of mo demons they shall cast out; with tongues will expel Demons; J they
XaXijo'ovo'i tcaivais* o(peis apovo~f Kav will speak in new Lan-
they shall speak new: terpents they shall takeup;. andif guages ;
davcKTijxov TL iriwo'iv, ov [XT] avrois PXaxj/er 18 J they will take up
deadly thing they may drink, not not them it may hurt: Serpents; and if they
should drink any deadly
€TTl appC0(TTOUS XelPaS ^T'^Va'ov(rh Kat
KaXoJS poison, it will not injure
upon sick ones hands they shall place, and well
Them; Jthey will lay
k^ovcnv. ' 0 jx€v ovv Kvptos, fxera ro Xa\r]- Hands on Sick persons,
theywillbe. The indeed thea Lord, after the tohave and they will be well."
GCLI avrois, avsXrjcpOrj eis rov ovpavov, /ecu 19 Then, indeed, after
spoken to them, he was taken np mte tho heaven, and the LOBD had SPOKEN to
£Ka6io~€V €K 5e£:ccj> rov Oeov 20 them, J he was taken up
etceivoi 8e e | e A - into
sat at rijrh' «fthe God: those and having
HEAVEN, and sat
down at the Right hand of
dovres €Kt]pv^av Tvavraxov, TOV Kvpiov arvvep- G O D .
gone forth published everywhere, the Lord working 20 And THOSE havine
yovvTOS) /cat TOV Xoyov fiefiaiovvros 81a r<av gone forth, proclaimed
with, and the word ratifying through the everywhere, J the Lmii
€7raKOXov9oWTCOV 0~7},U€l(t)V.~\ co-operating, and ratifying
accompaying signs.] the WOB.D through the
t 15. Matt.xxviii.19; Bom. x. 15—18; Col. i 23. J 16 Acts ii. 38; viii.12; xvi.SI
—33. J 17- Acts v. 16; viii. 7; xvi. 18. t i'/. A c t s h . 4; x. 46; x i x . 6 . t 18. Act*
xxviii.5. t 18. Acts xxviii. 8; Jamesv.14, lb. % 19. Lukexxiv.51; Acts 1.6; ii.
34,35. j SO A c t s v . 12: xiv. 3 ; 1 Cor.ii.4, 5 ; Heb. ii.4.

K E $ . a'. 1 . CHAPTER I .
1 Since many have u n -
EweiSrjrrep vcoWoi sirexelPrla'av avara^acrQaL dertaken to prepare a H i s -
Since many have undertakes to prepare tory of those TACTS, which
$i7}yi}criv Kept reap ireTr\rfpo(pop7]fJL€p(ap *v TJJXIP have been T U L L Y E S T A B -
a narrative about those having been fully established among us, L I S H E D among u s ,
irpay/uLaTow, fcaOoos irapetioa'ap y\xiv oi cor5 2 { e v e n a s T H O S E , who
fact*, even as delivered to us those from W E R E from t h e Beginning
Eye-witnesses and Dispen-
apx^s avrovrai Kat virr^perai. yepofxepoi rov
sers of t h e W O R D , delivered
a beginning eye-witnesses and ministers having been of the
3 them to u s ;
\oyov e8o£€ Kaixoi, Trap7}KoXovd7)Kort apcoOep 3 i t seemed proper for
word; itseemedrightalso tome, having traced fromthefirst me also, having accurately
tracriv atcpiOtos, KaOefys oroi ypa^ai, /cpa- traced all things from t h e
all accurately, in an orderly manner to thee to write, O most first, to write to Thee in
rto're ©eo</>t\e,
Ipa eiriypcps Trepi &p consecutive order, % f Most
excellent Theophilus, that thou mayest know concerning which excellent Theophilus,
4 that thou mayestknov
KaTrixV^V^ Xoywp rrju a<x<pa\€tav. % the CERTAINTY of the
thou hast been taught of words the certainty.
Words, concerning which
Eycpero e// rais rjfxepais 'Hpoofiov, rovj3ao~t- thou hast been taught.
¥M in the days of Herod, the king
5 tin the DAYS of
kecos TTJS I o v S a t a s , lepevs rts ovofxart
Z a x « p t a s 5 Herod, * K i n g of J U D E A ,
of the Jews, a priest certain name Zacharias, there was a certain Priest
e£ t<pr}}xspia.s A # t a ' /cat f] yvpt] avrov €K reap named Zachariah, $ of t h e
of course ofAbia; and the wife of him of the Course of Abijah; and his
Ovyarepoop Aapcop, Kat ro ovofxa &vrrjs EKiaraficr. * "Wife was of t h e D A U G H -
daughters of Aaron, and the name of her Elisabeth. T E R S o f Aaron, a n d her
N A M E was Elizabeth.
' Raav 5 c Sttcaioi afjuporcpoi CPCOTTIOP rov 0eou,
They were and righteous both in presence of the God,
6 A n d t h e y were b o t h
righteous i n t h e sight of
iropevofxevoi ep iraffais rats cvroXais Kai Sucai- G O D , walking i n all t h e
walking in all the commandments and ordi- COMMANDMENTS and I n -
w/JLaai rov Kvpiov ajj.cfjLirroi. 7 K a t OVK t]v
avrois stitutions of t h e L O R D
nances of the Lord blameless. And not was to them blameless.
reKPov, K&OOTI 7] EAtcrajSeT t]P crrctpa, tcai 7 A n d t h e y had no Child,
a child, because the Elisabeth was barren, and because * Elizabeth was
barren, a n d both were far
afACporepoL trpofiefifycores ep rais rjfjiepais avrcep advanced i n Y E A R S .
bo til having been advanced in the days of them
8 8 Now i t occurred, while
t\ffap. Eyep€To 5 e ev r<p fcpartveip avrop h e was P E R F O R M I N G T H E
iv rrj Ta£et rr)s ecprj/btepias avrov cpapri rov G O D , i n t h e O R D E R of hia
in the order of the course of him before of the CLASS
dtov, 9
Kara ro edos rrjs Upareias eAa%f 9 + t h a t i t fell to him by
God, according to the custom of the priesthood it fell to his lo lot, according to t h e c u s -

* VATICAN MANUBCBIPT.—Title- -ACCOHJUMG TO L U K E . 6. King. 5. Wife.

t 3. This epithet proves that Theophilus was a man «f Senatorian r a n k ; probably a pre-
fect, or governor; the same Greek title being applied to the Eoman governor Felix, i n Acts
xxiii. 26, and elsewhere. I t was equivalent to the Latin title optimus, bestowed by t h e Ilo-
mans on their principal senators. t 9 . Prideaux, referring to Lightfoot's Temple Service,
says, that the priests, accordingto David's institution, were dividedmto twenty-four courses,
that each course attended at Jerusalem its week; and every course being divided into seven
classes, each class served its day at the temple; and each priest of that class had his part i n
the service appointed by lot. And Josephus gives much the same account, adding that the
priests entered upon their office on the sabbath-day at noon, and left i t at the same time on
th« sabbath-day following; and that this practice, first settled by David, continued to hig
»wn days.—Pearce.
J 2. Heb. li. 3; 1 Pet. v. 1; 2 Pet. i. 16: 1 John i. 1 j Mark i. 1; John xv 27. t 3. Acts
i. 1. J 4. John xx. 81. £ 5. Matt. ii. 1. J 5. 1 Ohrou xjtiv. 10,19; Neh. xii. i, 1%
Ohap. 1: 10.] LUKE. [Cliap. 1 : 19.

rov 6vfxia<rai, eiffsXQwv lis rov vaov rov Kvpiov TOM Of t h e PRIESTHOOD,
of the to burn incense, entering into the temple ofthe Lord; $to go into the f SANCTU-
Kat irav ro irXydos f\v rov Kaov irpoo,€vxofi€vov ARY of the LORD to burn
and whole the multitude was of the people praying INCENSE.
e|a> rr) copa rov dvfxia^xaros. fl(p6r) 8e 10 I'And the Whole MUL-
without to the hour ofthe incense burning. Appeared and TITUDE ofthe PEOPLE was
avrcp ayy€\os Kvpiov, terras CK de^icov rov praying without, at the
toshiro a messenger of a lord, standing at right ofthe HOUR of t h e INCENSE
Bvaiarrrripiov rov Qvfxiajxaros. K a i erapaxOrj BURNING.
alter ofthe incense. And was troubled 11 And there appeared
to him an Angel of the
Zaxapias ifiafv, Kai (pofios eireTrecrev 67r' avrov. Lord, standing at the right
Zacharias ieeing, and fear fell upon him. side of the ALTAR of I N -
Ei7re §e wpos avrov 6 ayyeXos* MTJ (pofiov, CENSE.
Said but to him the messenger; Not fear, 12 And Zachariah see-
Zaxapia" Siori €io~r)icovo~0Ti 7] Severn crov, Kai 7)ing him, J was agitated,
Zacharias; because has been heard the prayer of thee, and the and Fear fell on him.
yvvf\ Gov EKurafier yevvyo'ei biov cror Kai 13 But the ANGEL said
wife of thee Elisabeth shall bear a son to thee; and to him, ' T e a r not, Zacha-
14 riah ; because thy PRAYER
Ka\eo~*is ro ovofia avrov Iceavvrjv. Kat has been heard; and thy
thoushaltcall the name ofhim John. And WIFE Elizabeth will bear
ecrrai xa?a <roL KaL
CLyaWiacis, Kat iroWoi thee a Son, % and thou shalt
he shall be a joy to thee and exultation, and many call his NAME John.
€7rt rr] yeveffei avrov xu-P^ovrai. Earai 14 And he will be to
at the birth ofhim shall be glad. He shall be thee a Joy and Exultation;
yap fityas CVOJTTIOV Kvpiov KaL oivov Kat ciKepa and many will rejoice on
for great in sight of a lord; and wine and strong drink account of his BIRTH.
15 For he will be great
ov fiT] iriy Kai irvevfxaros ayiov TrXrjcrOrjo'erai in the sight of the LORD ;
»ot not he may drink; and a spirit of holy shall be filled
and J will not partake of
€ri €/c KoiAias fxi)rpos avrov. Kai TTOWOVS Wine and f Strong drink;
yet out o womb of mother of himself. And many but he will be tilled with
rcov vlwv IcrparfX eiriarpetyzi eiri Kvpiov rov holy Spirit, even from his
ofthe sons »flsrael shallheturn to a lord the Birth.
Ocov avrav. ^ K a i avros irpoeXzvcrerai evcoiriov 16 And many of the
God of them. And he shall precede in the sight SONS of Israel will he turn
to the Lord their GOD.
avrov ev irvevfian Kai dvvafiei HAiou, enio-rpe- 17 t And fie will come
ofhim in spirit and power ofElias, to
first into his sight in the
rl/at KapSias irarspoov eiri reKva, KaL a-rretOeis ev Spirit and Power of Elijah,
turn hearts of fathers to children, and disobedient by to turn the Hearts of Fa-
(f>pov7]o~eL SiKaioov, eroi/ Kvpicp Xaov Kare- thers to Children, and the
wudom of just (ones,) to make ready for a lord a people having Disobedient, by the Wis-
ffKevao"ijL€Vov. 1 8 K a i enre Zaxapias irpos rov dom of the Righteous; to
been prepared. And said Zacharias to the make ready for the Lord a
prepared People.
ayyeXow Kara ri yvcocrofxai rovro; eyco yap 18 And Zachariah said
messenger; By what shall I know this? I for
to the ANGEL, % " By what
Gifii irpecrf-ivriis, Kai 7] yvvq JXOV TrpofiefiriKVLa shall I know this ? for .1
am an old man, and the wife of me far advanced am old, and my WIFE is
ev rais r)fxepais avrr\s. K a i airoKpiVeis o far advanced in YEARS."
in the days of herself. And answening the 19 And the ANGEL an-
ayyeXos eiirev avry Eye* eifxi TaPpirjA, 6 swering, said to him, %" $
messenger said to h i m , I am Gabriel, the am THAT Gabriel, ATTEND-

t 9. The holy place where the altar of incense stood, before the veil. Exod. xxx. 1,6—8;
xl. 26. t 15. The original word is derived from a root which signifies to inebriate; anq
denotes wine made from fruits, and particularly from the palm. John was to be a Nazarite.
Jerome says, " A n y inebriating liquor is called sicera, whether made of corn, apples, honey,
dates, or any other fruits." The English word cider comes from the same word.
X 9. Exod. xxx. 7, 8; 1 Sam. ii. 28^ 1 Chron. xxiii. 13 ; 2 Chron. xxix.ll. \ 10. Lev.
xvi.17. t i l . Dan. x. 8; Luke 1.29; ii.9 : A c t s x . 4 ; Rev. i.17. \ 13. ver.60, 63.
I 15. Num. vi, 3; Judges xiii. 4 ; Mark.vii. 83. t 17. Mai. iv. 5; Matt. xi. 14; Mark ix.
12. \ 18. Gen. xvii. 17. I 19. Dan. viii. 16 ; ix. 21—23; Matt, xviii. 10.
map. i: so.] LUKE. [Cfiap.l: 29.

rrape(TTT]Kcos evooirioy ,ov Oeov airecraX^v ING in the presence ol

having attended in presence of the God; and GOD; and I am sent to
I am sent
XaXrjcrai npos ere, icai evayyeXicao'dai cot speak with thee, and to
to speak to thee, and to tell glad tidings to thee tell thee these glad tidings.
ravra. 20
Kcu (Sou, scry cricoircov, Kai {XT] 20 And behold, thou
these. And lo, thou shaltbe having been dumb, and not shalt be silent, and unable
fivvafxevos XaXr}o ai) axp1 ^ s rifxepas
yevrjrcu to speak, till the Day when
being able to speak, till of which day may be done these things are accom-
ravra' avd' wv OVK eirio'revo'as rots plished ; because thou hast
Xoyois not believed my WORDS,
these; because of whi»h not thou hast believed the words
which will be fulfilled in
uou, olrives Trhripa}d7}(TOPTai eis rov Kaipov their SEASON."
of me, which shall be fulfilled into the season
21 21 And the PEOPLE
avT(ov. Kai r\v 6 Xaos Trpoo~§OKwv rov Za%a- were waiting for ZACHA-
ofthem. And was the people waiting for the Zacba- RIAH, and wondered at
piaw Kai eOav/xa^ov ev rep XP0VIC*IV avrov ev his CONTINUING so long
rias; and wondering in the to delay him in in the SANCTUARY.
rep vacp. '^'E.^eXdcav 5e OVK TjSvvaro XaXrjo'ai
22 And coming out, he
the temple. Coming out but not he was able to speak
could not speak to them;
avrois' Kai eireyvcocrav, on oirracriav ecapaKev and they perceived That
to them; and they perceived, that a vision he has seen he had seen a Vision in
ev rep vacp' Kai avros t]V fiiavevwv avrois, Kai the SANCTUARY; for fje
in the temple; and he was making signs to them, and made Signs to them, and
fii€/j.€ve Kaxpos. 2 3 K a i tyevero cos eirX^aOTjcrav continued t speechless.
remained dumb. And it happened as were filled 23 Anditoccurred, when
a! rfjuepai rrjs Xeirovpyias avrov, atvqXOev eis Jthe DAYS of his PUBLIC
the days of the ministration of him, he went to SERVICE were completed,
TOP OIKOV avrov. Mera 8e ravras ras rj/xepas he returned to his own
the house of himself. After and these the days HOUSE.
tTvvsXafisv EA(cra/3er T\ yvvq avrov Kai ircpi- 24 And after These DAYS
conceived Elisabeth the wife of him; and hid Elizabeth his "WIEE con-
€Kpvfiev eavrrjv /uiTjvas irevre, Xeyovo~a' 25
'On ceived, and concealed her-
hesself months five, saying: That self five Months, saying,
ovrca fxoi ireiroi7}Kev 6 Kvpios sv rj/jLtpais, ats 25 " Thus has the LORD
thus to me has done the Lord in days, which done for me, in the Days
eireifiev acpeXeiv ro oveifios ixov ev avQpwirois. when he regarded me, i to
he looked on to take away the reproach o£ me among men. take away my REPROACH
E P 5e rep fxr]vi rep eKrcp aireo-raXr) 6 among Men."
In now the month the sixth was sent the 26 Now, in the SIXTH
MONTH, the ANGEL Gabriel
ayy€Xos TafipiyX VTTO rov Oeov €is TTOXIV TTJS
messenger Gabriel by the God to a city of the
was sent by GOD to a City
2 of GALILEE, named Naza-
TaXiXaias, 'y ovofia Na^apeT, ? Ttpos
irap- reth,
Galilee, to which a name Nazareth, a to
Oevov jbt,efAi'7)o~r€Vf/.€i'r)v avdpi, 'cp ovofjia I(ao"rj<p,27 to a Virgin ^betrothed
virgin having been betrothed to a man, to whom a name Joseph, to a Man whose name was
e | OIKOV AaviS' Kai ro ovofxa rrjs irapdevov, Joseph, of the House of
of house of David: and the name of the virgin,
David; and the VIRGIN'S
NAME was Mary.
Mapiafi. ^ K a i eio'eXdwv 6 ayyeXos trpos
Mary. And coining the messenger to 28 And coming in to her,
avrrjv, enre' Xaipe, K^X^P^TCO/JL^VT]' 6 Kvpios he said, J "Hail, favored
her, said: Hail, having been favored: the Lord one', the LORD is with
fiera o~ov ^^vXoyq^vf) o~v ev yvvai^iv.^ theei"
with thee: [having been blessed thou among women.} 29 But SHE was greatly
' H &€ €7ri rep Xoycp dierapaxQy* KaidieXoyi- agitated at the WORD ; and
She but at the word was greatly agitated, and pon- she pondered what this
f^eTo, irorairos
dered, could
eir)be the salutation ovros.
6 aciracr/jLos this. ^ KAnda t SALUTATION could mean.
* VATICAN MANUSCBIBT.—28. blessed art thou among women—omit.
t 22. or deaf and dumb, for the original word has this double meaning. That Zachariah
was deprived for a time o f both these senses is evident from verse 62, where it is said," they
made signs to the father,''
t 23. 2 Kings xi. 5 ; 1 Chron. ix. 25. % 25„ Gen. xsx. 23 5 Isa. iv. lj liv. 1, 4
J 27 Matt, i. 18 i Mark ii. 4, 6,
Chap. 1: 30.]
LUKE. {Chap 1 : 41.

enrev 6 ayyeXos avrij- M77 (pofiov, Mapia/j.'

30 And the ANGEL said
•aid the meatenger to her; Not fear, to her, "Tear not, Mary;
tvpss yap XaPlv 7raPa' T(t-' 0ey. 31 K a : *5ou, for thou hast found Favor
thou hast found for favor with the God. And lo, * with GOD.
(rvWrfypr) ev yacrrpi, Kai TC^TJ VIOV, KOU 31 J And behold, thou
thou shalt conceive in womb, and shalt bear a son, and
wilt conceive, and bear a
32 Son, and J thou shalt call
KaXeo'eis TO dvo/j,a avrov Irjcrovv. Obros his NAME f Jesus.
thou shalt call the name ofhim Jesus. This 32 f$e will be great, and
€&r"ai fxeyas, Kai vios vtyio"rov KX^drja'crai* Kat will be called a Son of the
shall be word, and a son ofhighest he thall be called; and Most High; and X the Lord
dcao'Gi avrq) tcvpios 6 6GOS rov Qpovov Aavifi rov GOD will give him the
shall give to him a lord the God the throne of David the THRONE of David his TA-
varpos avrov 33
Kai f$acriX€vo~€i eiri TOV OIKOV T H33 KHJ
and J he will
. _ . •
father ofhim; and he shall reign over the house
- over the HOUSE of Jacob to
IcttfwjS eis.rovs aicovas, Kai.rt)s jSao tAetasavrov the A G E S ; and of his KING-
of Jacob to the ages, and of the kingdom ofhim DOM there will be no End."
OVK e&rai reXos. E n r e Se Mapia/J. Trpos rov 34 Then Mary said to
net shall be an end. Said but Maiy to the the ANGEL, " How can this
ayycXov Ucos ecrrat rovro, eirei avfipa ov yi- be, since I know not a
meSsenger; How shall be this, since a man not I Man?"
35 And the ANGEL an-
VWOTKW; ^ Kai airoKpiOeis 6 ayyeXos siirev avrrj* swering, said to her,
know? And answering the messenger said to her;
$"Holy Spirit will come
Tlvev/Jta ayiov eireXevo'erai eirt rre, Kai dvvafits upon thee, and Power from
A spirit holy shall come upon thee, and a power the Most High will over-
wpicrrov eirio~Kiacr*t croi' Bio Kai TO yevvw/uievov shadow thee; and there-
of highest shall overshadow thocj therefore and the being begotten forethatBEGOTTEN, BEING
ayiov, K\y)6r)(T€Ta,t vios deov. 3fi
K a t tSou, HOLY, will be called a Son
holy, shall be called a son of God. And lo, of God.
36 And behold, Eliza-
EAtfrajSer i) o"vyy€vr)s crov, Kai avrrj avveiXrj- beth, thy KINSWOMAN,
Elisabeth the kinswoman ofthee, even she having
even she has conceived a
(pvia viov ev yr)p€t avrrjs' Kai ovros fxr]v CKTOS Son in her Old age; and
conceived a son in old age of her: and this month sixth this is the sixth Month
CO"TIV avrrj rtj KaXovficvp o~r€ipa. ' eOri OVK with HER who is CALLED
is toher the being called barren. For not barren.
aSvvaryorei irapa rq> 0€q> itav pyjfxa. Et7re 8e 37 t For * No Declara-
shall be impossible with the God every word. Said and tion is impossible with
Mapia/j.' I Sou, rj SOVXTJ Kvpiov fxoi GOD."
Mary: lo, the handmaid ofalord: may it be done to me 38 And Mary said, " B e -
Kara ro prj/uia <rov. Kai a-JreXdev air' avrrjs 6 hold, the HANDMAID of
according to the word ofthee, And went from her the the Lord! May it be done
ayyeXos. to me according to thy
messenger. WORD." And the ANGEL
Avao'rao'a 8e Map tap ev Tj/nepais departed from her.
Arising and Mary in She days 39 And Mary arising in
those DAYS, went to X the
ravraiSt eiropevdij eis rrjv opeivtjv jx^ra MOUNTAINOUS COUNTRY
those, she went into the hilly country with
40 with haste, to a City of Ju-
o~Trovdr]S, €is iroXiv lovfia. Kat eiarjXdev eis dah;
haste, into a city of Juda. And entered into
rov OIKOV Zaxapiov, Kai 7)0"iraararo rrjv EAto"a- 40 and entered into the
the house ofZacharias, and saluted the Elisa- HOUSE of Zachariah, and
/3eT. 41
Kat eyevcro, ws r)Kovaev TJ EXicrafier saluted ELIZABETH.
beth. And it happened, as heard
" the Elisabeth
—- . - 41 And when E L I Z A -
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—37. of God No Declaration is.
+ 31. See Note on Matt. i. 21.
X 31. Isa. vii. 14 ; Matt. i. 21. t 31. Luke ii. 21. J 32. 2 Sam. vii. 11,12; Psa
cxxxii.ll; Isa. ix.6; xvi.5; Jer.xxiii5; Acts ii. SO, t 33. Isa, xxir.23: Dan. h. 44:
vii. 14,27; Micah iv. 7; Heb. i. 8. J 85. Matt. i. 20. % 3 * Gen. xviii. 14; J^r,
xxxii.17; Matt.xix.26; Mark x. 27; JUukexviii.27; Rom. Iv. 2L, | 89. Josb.x*. 7,
[Chap. 11 55.
Oftap. 1 : 42.] LUKE.
TOP ao-irao-fAov r-qs Mapias, €(TKiprr}(T€ ro /3pe- BETH heard the SALUTA-
the salutation of the Mary, leaped the babe
leaped in her WOMB ; and
(pos ev ry KOLALO, avrr\s' Kai irXrjaQr) Trpevixaros ELIZABETH was filled with
in the womb of her; and was filled a spirit
holy Spirit.
ayiov r) EAicra/SeT, Kai avecpwvricre (pcovrj fieya\r) 42 And she exclaimed
of holy the Elisabeth, and she cried out with a voice great with a loud * Voice, and
Kai enrcw ~ EV\OJT]/J.€V7] o~v 61/ yvvai^L- nai said, "Blessed art tfjoM
and said; Having been blessed thou among women; and among Women! and bles«
€v\oyr)jj.eyos 6 Kapiros TTJS KoiXias o~ov. 3 Kai sed is the FRUIT of thy
having been blessed the fruit of the womb of thee. Arid WOMB i
iroQsv fMoirovro, Iva ekdrj 7] jJWqp rov Kvpiov 43 But liow happens
whence t o m e this, that should come the mother of the Lord this to me, that the MO-
/xov irpos ,ue; 15ou y a p , cos eyevzro f] cpwvrj THER of my LORD should
of me to me? Lo for, as came come to "me ?
the . voice
rov aa-traTfxov aov eis ra oora fxov, iCKipr^o"^ 44 "For hehold, when the
of the salutation of thee into the ears ofjne, leaped VOICE of t h y SALUTATION
ro fipecpos zv ayaWiacrei ev rrj KOLKKZ JJLOV. came to my EARS, the
the babe in exultation in the womb of me. BABE leaped in my WOMB
K a i fianapia 7] -Kiffrsv (Jaffa, on ecrrai reAeico- for Joy.
And happy she having believed, that shall be a fulfiU- 45 And happy SHE HAV-
ais rots Ke\a\riiJL€UOiS avrr) Trapa Kvpiov. ING BELIEVED that there
ment to those having been told to her
a lord. from will he a Fulfillment of the
Kai et7T6 Mapiafi' M e y a A w e i 7) ^VXTJ fiov WORDS SPO&EN to her by
And said Mary; magnifies the soul of me the Lord."
rov Kvpiov, ^ Kai TjyaXXiaffe TO "KVZVJJLCL /JLOV eiri 46 And Mary said, t "My
the Lord, and has exulted the spirit of me in SOUL extols the LORD,
4S 47 and my SPIRIT ex-
rep 8€(p rep ffWTTjpi fiov 6ri €7re/3AeuW GTTI ults in GOD my SAVIOR;
the God the savior of me; for he looked upon
48 because he kindly
rr\v ratrsivo&ffiv rrjs Bov\r]S avrov. Idou yap, viewed the HUMBLE CON-
the low state of the handmaid of himself. Lo for,
airo rov vvv \xoMapiovffi fie iraffai ai yevear for, behold! from THIS
from the HOW will call happy me all the generations;
on eTronicre fxot fxeyaXeia. o dvvaros"
Kai will pronounce me happy;
for has done t o m e great things the mighty ona; and 49 for tiie M I G H T * One
ayiov ro ovop.a avrovy Kai ro eAeos avrov has done Wonders for sic \
holy the name ofhim, and the mercy ofhim X and holy is his NAME ;
€is ysvzas yevecau rois (pofiovfievots avrov. 50 X and his MERCY ex-
to generations of generations to those fearing him. tends to Generations of
51 Generations of THOSE who
E-n-oiTjcre Kparos e*> ftpaxwvi avrov dieffKop- EEAR him.
He has showed strength with arm ofhimaelf: he has
61 $ He shows Strength
Tricrey vireprjcpavovs Siavoia Kapdias avroov. twith his Arm; he dis-
dispersed arrogant ones in thought of hearts of them. perses those Proud in the
KadetXe ^vvaffras arro Qpovwv, Kai ityaxre Thought of their Hearts.
Ho has cast down mighty ones from thrones, and lifted up 52 J He casts down Po-
raireivovs. 63
Yleivcavras ^V€TrXr]crev ayaOoov, tentates from ;Thrones, and
humble ones. Hungering ones he filled of good things, raises up the owly.
54 53 He fills the Hungry
Kai TrXovrovvras e£a7reo~rei\€ KZVOVS. Avre- with good things, and the
and being rich he sent away empty. He
Rich he sends away empty.
ha&ero IffparjX jraidos avrov, fLvrjo~dr)vai eAeous, 54 He supports Israel,
aided Israel a child of himself, to remember mercy, his own Child, remember-
(/caucus eAaA^cre 7rpos rovs irarepas rj/xoou,) ing Mercy,
(as he spoke to the fathers of us,) 55 (J as he spoke to oui
51. Grotius observes, that God's efficacy is represented by hisfinger,his great power by hia
hand, and his omnipotence by his arm. The plague of lice was thefingerof God, Exod. vii. 16,
The plagues in general were wrought by his hand, Exod. iii. 30. And the destruction oj
Pharoah's host in theKed Sea, is called the act of his arm, Exod. xv. 16.
t 46. lSam.ii.l. t 48, I uke xi. 27. t 49. Psa. cxi. 9. J 50. Psa. eiii
.17,18. t 51. Psa. xeviii. 1. J 52.1 Sam. ii. 8; Psa, exiii. J. t §§. Gfa. xvii
19 •, Psa. exxxii. 11.
Chap. 1: 56.] LUKE. [Chap. 1; 66.

T(j) Afipaafi Kai r<p airepfxan ea>$ aieovos. FATHERS,) to ABRAHAM,

to the Abraara and to the seed and to his POSTERITY, even
of him even to an age.
Efi€LV6 8e Mapia/J. <fvv avrrj uxrei firjvas rpeis' to the Age."
Abode and Mary with her about months three: 56 And Mary remained
with her abcut three
xai virdcrrperpev eis rov OIKOV avrrjs. Months, ana returned to
and returned to the house of her.
her HOUSE.
Tr) Be EAt<ra/8eT €ir\r)0'6r] b %povo$ rov
To the now Elisabeth was fulfilled the TIME to he DELIVERED
time of the
58 was fulfilled; and she
reieeiv avT7]v Kai eyevvrjo'ev vtov. Kai TJKOV- brought forth a Son.
to bear her; andshe brought forth a son. And heard
58 And her NEIGHBORS
crav ol irepioiKoi Kai ol ffvyyeveis avrrjs, OTL and RELATIVES heard That
the neighbors and the kindred ofher, that the Lord Jiad magnified
efieya\vt>€ Kvpios ro e\eos avrov fitr3 avrrjs' his MERCY towards h e r ;
had magnified a lord the mercy of himself towards her; and they rejoiced with her.
Kai GvvsxaLpov avrr}„ S 9 Kai eyevero, ev rr) 59 And, on f the EIGHTH
and they rejoiced with her. And it came to pass, in the Day, X when they came to
circumcise the CHILD, they
oyfior) ij/xepa i]\dov Trepirefieiv TO iratSiov Kai were about to call him
eighth day they came tocircumcise the little child; and Zachariah, after the NAME
€K.ahovv avro, €iri rep ovofian rov irarpos avrov, Of his FATHER;
called it, after the name of the father of him, 60 h u t his MOTHER in-
ta%apiav> ^ Kai aTroKpideicra 7} firjrrjp avrov terposing, said, " N o ; hut
Zacharias. And answering the mother of him £ he shall be called John."
61 61 And they said to her,
nirev Ovxt' a\\a K\r)Or)o'€Tail(i)avvr)s. Kai
said; No: but he shall be called John. And "There is no one among
siirop irpos avrr\v 'On evfieis €&TIV cv rrj thy RELATIVES, who is
Shey said to her; That no one is among the called by this N A M E . "
avyyeveia, arov, 6s Ka\tirai r<p ovofxari rovrcp. 62 Then they asked his
kindred of thee, who is called to the name this. FATHER, by Signs, WHAT
®Ev€V€VO!/ 8e rep irarpi avrov, ro ri av 8e\oi ffiE WISHED HIM TO BE
They made »igns then to the father of him, the what he would desire CALLED.
KaAeiadai avrov. Kai airrjo-as TrivaiaSiov, 63 And requesting +a
to be called him. And havin^requested a tablet, TABLET, he wrote, saying,
eypaxj/e, \eyoov Icoavvrjs eari ro ovofxa avrov. X " H i s NAME is John."
he wrote, aaying: John is the name ofh:m. And they all wondered,
Kai edav/nacrav iravres. AvccpxQi] 8e ro 64 $ for his MOUTH was
And they wondered all. Was opened and the instantly opened, and his
<rro/j.a avrov Trapaxpwiu>a9 Kai r) yXuxro-a avrov TONGUE loosed; and he
mouth ofhim immediately, and the tongue ofhim; spoke, praising GOD.
Kai €v\oycov rov 6eov. 6 5 K a i eyevero 65 And Fear came on
and he spoke blessing the God. And came ALL their NEIGHBORS.
67Ti irayras <pofios rovs rreptoiKovvras avrovs' And All these THINGS were
on all a tear those dwelling around them; talked of through All the
Kat ev 6\7) rrj opeivrj rrjs lovSaias SieAaAeiro XMOUNTAINOUS COUNTRY
and in whole the hilly-country of the Judea talkedofthroughout of J U D E A .
i r a r T a ra prj/xara ravra. Kai edeuro iravres 66 And All THOSE
all the things these. And placed all HEARING, pondered thenv
ol aKovo-avres ev rr} Kapdiq avroov, Aeyovres' in their HEARTS, saying,
those having heard in the hearts of themselves, saying;
t 59. Not before that day, because the mother was unclean seven days, Lev.xii.l, 2; and
so was the child, by touching her, and therefore he Avas not thenfitto be admitted into cove.
nant. The law appointedno certain place in which circumcision was to be done, nor any, and there fore it was sometimes done by women, Exod. iv.25^
and here in the house of Elizabeth, as appears by her presence at it, verse 60. The Jews did
it sometimesin their schools, for the sake of the number of the witnesses. Then also they
named the infant; because, when GOD instituted circumcision, he changed the names of
Abraham and Sarah.—Whitby. Among the Jews, the child was named when it was circum-
cised, and ordinarily the name of the father was given to the first-born son.—A. Clarke.
t 63. A thin board, made out of the pkie-tree, smeared over with wax, was used among the
ancients, as a writing-tablet.
{ 50. Gen. xvii. 12; Lev. xii. 3* t 60. ver. 13, t 63, ver. 13. X 64. ver,
2& t 65. ver. 89*
Chap. 1: 67 ] LUKE. C Chip. 1: 79.

Ti apa ro jrcudiop TQVTO earrai; Kai x€lP " W h a t

then will this
What then the child this will be? And b e ? " *And the
hand CHILD
Hand of the Lord was with
Kvpiov r\v JUCT' CCUTOU. him. \
pfLord was with him. 67 And Zachariah, his
? Kai Zaxoiptas 6 irarrjp avrov eirXrjo'dr} FATHER, was filled with
And Zacharias the father ofniui was filled holy Spirit, andprophesied,
saying, |
frpev/xaros ayiov, Kai irpoGcpnrevo'c, \eycov 68 "Blessed be the
a spirit of holy, and prophesied, saying;
Lord, the GOD of ISRAEL,
Evtoyyros Kvpios, 6 Ocos rov larparjX' on because he has visited and
Blessed Lord, the God of the Israel; for wrought Redemption for
e7r*o*«€i//aro Kai eiroiycre Xvrpwa'iv rep Xacp his PEOPLE ; !
he has visited and wrought redemption to the people 69 and $has raised up
t a Horn of Salvation for
avrov, 6 9 Kai rjyeipe Kcpas (Xcarrjpias 7}/J.U> ev ru> us, in the * House of Da*
ef himself, and raised up a horn of salvation to us in the
vid, his SERVANT ;
oiK(p Aavih* rov iraiBos avrov 7°(/ca06t>s €AaA.7j<re 70 Cteven as he spoke
house of David the servant of himself; (even as he spoke by the Mouth of THOSE
dia trrofxaros rccv aryiccv, rmv av3 aiowos, HOLT ones, his Prophets
through mouth of the holy ones, of those from an age,of the Age;)
l 71 a Salvation from our
irpo<pyfr(av avrov) ? o~oorr}piav e£ e^^pwv yfjuov, Enemies, and from the
of prophets ofhimself;) a salvation from enemies of us, Hand of ALL who H A T E
Kai €K x*ipo$ iravrcov rccv iitcrovvroov Texas' us;
and from hand of all those hating us: 72 to perform his Mercy
7" iroi^crai e \ e # s /JLsra rcov irarepoov rjfjicovj Kai with our FATHERS ; and to
to perform mercy with the fathers of us, and
remember his holy Cove-
livrjffdrjvat ZiadrjKTjs ayias avrov, ? 3 SpKov, bv 73 the Oath which he
to remember covenant holy ofhimself, an oath, which swore to Abraham, our
wooers irpos Afipaa/Ji rov irareptt. 7)JJL(*>V, rovFATHER,—
he swore to Abraam the father of us, of the 74 to permit us, being
4 €l 0S r(av 03V rescued from the Hand of
Dovvai T)}JLIV, f acpoftcas, CK x P ^X^P our E N E M I E S , fearlessly to
to give tout, without fear, from hand of the enemies
worship him,
7]fj.(au pvardevras, Xarpeveiv avrcp €i> bcriorriri 75 by Holiness and
of us having been rescued, to worship him in holiness Righteousness in his sight,
Kai DiKaiocrvvy ei/cairiov avrov, vracras ras All our DAYS.
and righteousness in presence of him, all the 76 And thou, Child,
wilt be called a Prophet of
TjjjLtpas Tjpioou. 76 Kai o~v, iratdtop, irpo<py}rri$ the Most High; for thou
days of us. And thou, little child, a prophet
shalt go J before the Lord
v\f/io~rov KXrjdrjo'r}' Trpoiropevarr) yap irpo *[irpo- to prepare his Ways;
of highest shalt be called; thou shalt go for before [face] 77 to impart a Know-
(TCOTTOV^ Kvpiov, kroifxacrai bftovs avrov, 77 rov ledge of Salvation to his
of a lord, to prepare ways of him, of the PEOPLE in the forgiveness
of their Sins,
Sovvai yvcccriv crccrrjpias rep Xacp avrov, ev a</>e-
io give knowledge of salvation to the people of him, in forgive- 78 on account of the
tender Compassions of our
cret afxapricov avrcov, 78 5ia crirXayxva eXeovs God, by which he has
ness of sins of them, on account of tender mercies visited u s ; a Day-dawn
deov rjficov, ev ois eirecrKsiparo rj/xas avaroXr) e£ from on high,
of God of us, by which he has visited us arising from 79 to Illuminate THOSE
vtyovs, ?9 €iri(pavai rois ev crKorei Kai CTKICL SITTING in Darkness and
on high, to shine to those in darkness and shade Death-shade; to DIRECT

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—66. For also the Hand. 69. the House of David. 76. face
t 69. A horn in Scripture is frequently a symbol of power or principality, and hence this
expression will signify, a mighty Savior, or Prince &£ Salvation*
t 63. Psa. xviii.2; exxxii. 17. X 70. Actsiii.21 ; K o m . i . 2 . t 73. Gen. xii.'S:
x-iii.4j xxii.16,17; Heb. vi. 13,17. t 76. Isa. xl. 3 ; Mai. iii. 1; iv» 5 ; Matt. xi. 10;
ver, 17.
[Ofiap. 2 : ?,
Chap:i\ 80.]
Qavarov KCL97)IJ.6VOIS, rov KarevQvvai rovs
?ro5as our J E E T into t h e Way of
of death sitting, of the to guide the
feet Peace."
Yi/jLcev as 6?>ov eip7]V7)s. ^ T o 5e irai^Lov fiv^ave, 80 Now t h e C H I L D grew,
O'UB into away of peace. The now little child grew,
and acquired strength of
/c«cu etcparaiovro irvevjxarf Kai 7}V ev rats ep7]- M i n d ; a n d h e was i n t h e
and became sttong in spirit; and was in the des- D E S E R T S till t h e Day of h i s
fxoiSy ecos i]^.€pas az/a5ei£ea-s avrov irpos rov public appearance t o I S -
erts, till day of manifestation of him to the RAEL.
1 N o w i t occurred i n
Eyevero Be ev reus Tjfxepais eKeivaiSj €^7}\8e those DAYS, that an Edict
It came to pass and \n the days those, wentforth went forth from Cesar
doyp.a vapa Hcuoapos Avyovo~rov9 airoypzepecr- Augustus, t o register All
a decree from Cesar Augustus, to register t h e f HABITABLE.
Qai iracravr^v oucov/jLevrjv. ( A U T ? 7 TJ airoypacpT} 2 ( t T h i s * w a s t h e first
" all the habitable. (This the registry
Registry of Quirinus, Gov-
irpcoTT} eyevero i\yz jxovevovros rt]s
~Zvpias ernor of S Y R I A . )
first wasmade being govenor of the
Kvpypiov.^ 3
K a i ciroptvovTO iravres airoypa- 3 And they all went to
Cyreniui.) And they went all to be be registered, each into h i s
</>6(T0cu, eKaffTos eis rrjv ifiiav iroXiv. 4
Ave/3?? OWN "City.
registered, each into the his own city. Went up 4 A n d Joseph also went
Se Kai \u><rt}($> ano rqs TaXtAcuas, etc irokecosu p from. G A L I L E E , o u t of
and also Josepn from the Galilee, out of city the City of Nazareth, into
N a ^ a p e T , €t$ rrjv lovficuav, eis iroXiv A a u i & , J U D E A , i n t o t h e % City of
Naiareth, into the Judea, into a city of David, David, which i s called
7}Tis K a A e t r c u BryflAee^j ( 5 t a TO etvai avrov e£ Bethlehem, (% because h e
which is called Bethleem, (becausethe to be him of W A S of t h e House a n d
ottcov tccu 7rarpias Aavid,) aTroypatyaaOai aw Family of David,)
house and family of David,) to be registered
with 5 t o b e registered w i t h
Mapia/J, rrj /j.e/j,vr](rrev/j.€vr) avrcp
" ^ [ y u v a f / a , ] Mary, J his B E T R O T H E D ,
Mary the having been espoused to him La wife,] being pregnant.
ovcry eyKvqj. Eyevero 5 e ev rep ewat avrovs
being withchild. I t happened but in the to be them
6 A n d i t came t o pass
while t h e y W E R E t h e r e ,
€K€i, €Tr\7)crd7}crau at rjfxepai rov renew avryv.
t h e D A T S of h e r D E L I V E R Y
there were fulfilled the days ofthetobear her.
were accomplished.
? Kcu ercKe rov vlov avrrjs rov TrptcroroKov,
Andshebroughtforth the son of her the first-born, 7 J And s h e b r o u g h t
Kai eairapyavccaev avrov, Kai aveKhivev avrov forth h e r F I R S T - B O R N S O N ,
and swathed him, and laid him and swathed him, and laid
ev rrj (f>arvr)' Siori OVK f\v avrois roiros ev rep him i n * f a M a n g e r ; b e -
in the manger; because not was to them a place in the cause t h e r e w a s no Place
KarctXvfxari. for t h e m i n t h e G U E S T -
guest-chamber. CHAMBER.

* VATICAN Mss.—2. This was the first Eegistry. 5. Wife—omit. 7. a Manger.

f 1. Oikoumenee literally means the inhabited earth, and is applied in this place, by some
recent translators, to the lloman Empire. But as no historian mentions a general census at
this time, the meaning* of the word must be restricted to the land of Judea, where this en-
rollment took place. Oikoumenee is used by Luke in chap. xxi. 26, and Acts xi. 28, a n d ap-
plied in this restricted sense. t 7. Wetsein has shown from a multitude of instances,
th&bphatnee means not merely the manger, but the whole stable. The room for g'uests being"
already full, Joseph and Mary retired to a more homely receptacle, called a stabulum, the
middle of which afforded room for cattle, and the sides accommodation for persons. I t was
not properly a stable, b u t was formed for the convenient lodging of both men and cattle.
Bishop Pearce, however, has a note on this verse, which is worthy of consideration. H e
says, " Upon the whole, i t seems to me probable, that Mary was delivered in a guest-chamber,
or lodging-room, (whether i t were in a public house, or t h a t of some friend, is n o t said,) in
somechamber ofahouse, and not of a stable; and that then, for want of a bed i n that guest-
ehamber, wherein to lay her Son J E S U S , she made use of one ol the Eastern mangers, made
of coarse cloth, and fastened, like our seamen's hammocks, to some p a r t of t h e chamber
whereshewas; and there laid him, as having no other place for him. This afforded a cir-
cumstance by which the shepherds were directed to find him. out, and distinguish this holy
babe from all others. See verses 12, 16."
t 2. Acts v. 37. X 4. 1 Sam. xvi. 1, 4; John vii. 42. % 4. M,att. 1. 16; Luke i
11. I 5. Mafcfc. i. 18; Luke i. 27- X 7. Matt. i. 25.
&hap. 2 : 8.] "LUKE. [Chap. 2 : 19.
K a i -Koijxeves 7)<rai' ev ry X°°Pa 8 And there were Shep-
And shepherds were in the country the herds in THAT COUNTRY,
v/ypdvXovvres, Kai (pvXacrcrovres <pv\aKas rr)s residing in the fields, and
labiding in t h e fields, and keeping watches of t h e keeping over their TLOCK
K a i *[i5oi»,] the Watches of the NIGHT.
might over t h e flock of t h e m . And 9 And an Angel of the
ayyeXos Kvpiov erreo'rr] avrois, Kvpiov Lord stood by them, and
Kai So£a
a messenger of a lord stood near t o t h e m , and glory of a lord the Glory of the Lord shone
TrepieXa/uxpev avrovs: Kai e<pojSr)Qy}crav <po$ovround them; and they
shone round them; and they feared a fear were greatly afraid.
fxeyav. 10
Kai enrev avrois 6 ayyeXos' Mr] 10 And the ANGEL said
great. And said to them t h e messenger ; N o t to them, "Fear not; for
<pofieio~6€' idov yap, evayyeXi^ofxai bfxiv %apav behold, I bring you glad
fear y o u ; lo for, I baring glad tidings t o you a joy tidings, t which will be a
fxeyaXrjv,, Yjris sarai rxavri rq> Xacom u on great Joy to All the PEO-
great, which shall be t o all the people: that P L E ;
erex^V vfxiv crwfispov croorrjp, 6s ecrri Xpiarros 11 $ because To-day was
was born to you to-day a savior, who is born for you, in David's
Kvpios, ev TToXei AaviB. 12
K a i rovro VJJLIV ro City, a Savior, who is the
Lord, in city of David. And this t o you t h e Lord Messiah.
o~r]iu.eiov Evpr)o~er€ $pe<pos ea"7rapyav(a/xei-'ov 12 And this will be a
sign; You shall find a babe having been swathe.l *Sign to you; you will
Keifievov ev (parvrj. 13
K a i e^ai(pvr]s eyevero find a Babe swathed, lying
lying in a manger. And suddenly was in a Manger."
aw rep ayyeXcp TTXTJOOS crrparias ovpaviov, 13 And suddenly there
with the laeesenger a multitude of host of heaven,
was with the ANGEL a
aivovvrct)V rov 6eov3 scat Xeyovrccv 14 " Ao£a Multitude of the heavenly
praising the God, and saying; Host, praising GOD, and.
" Glory saying,
ev v\pio~rois deep, Kai ewi yrjs eiprjvr)' ev avdpco-
ki highest heavens to God, and on e a r t h peace; among men 14 " Glory to God in the
highest heavens, on Earth
TTOIS evdoKia."
g o o d will."
Peace, and among Men
Good will."
Kai eyevero, &s arrrjXdov a7r' avroov eis rov 15 Now it occurred,
A n d i t c a m e t o pass,when went from them i n t o t h e when the ANGELS departed
ovpavov ol ayyeXoi, Kai ol avdpcorroi, oi TTOIJJ.€~ from them to HEAVEN, the
heaven t h e messengers, and t h e men, the shep- MEN, the SHEPHERDS, said
ves, enrov irpos aXXrjXovs' AieXOoofiev Br] ews to one another, " Let us'
herds, said to one a n o t h e r ; "We should go now t o go now to Bethlehem, and:
$r)9Xee/iA, Kai i^co/nev ro prjfia rovro ro yeyovos, see this, THING which has
Bethleem, and see the thing this t h e havingbeen done, transpired, which the LORD
6 6 Kvpios eyvoopiaev rjfxiv. 16
Kai r)X9ov has made known to us."
which t h e Lord h a s made known t o us. 16 And they came in
A n d they came
enrevcravres, icai avevpov rr]v re Mapiajx Kai rov haste, and found both
having made haste, and they found the both Mary and t h e MAKY and JOSEPH, and
la>orr]<p, Kai ro /3p€(f>os Kei/xevov ev rrj (parvr).the EABE lying in the(
Joseph, and the babe lying in the manger. MANGER.
^ Idovres 5e, Sieyvcopicav *[7repi~\ rov firj/uaros
17 And having seen it,
Having seen and, they published [around] they published THAT D E C -
the declaration
rov XaXr}9evros avrois rrepi rov iraifiiov rovrov. LARATION which had been
that having been told to them concerning t h e little child this. SPOKEN to them about
K a i rravres ol aKovaavres edavfjiacrav wept this CHILD.
And all those having heard wondered about 18 And All THOSE HAY?
rcov XaXrjdevroov VTTO roov rvoifxevcav irpos avrovs. ING HEARD, wondered at
those having been told by t h e shepherds to them. t h e THINGS RELATED to
'H 5e Mapiajx rravra avverr]pei prjfxara them by the SHEPHERDS.
The but Mary all kept the words 19 But MARY kept All
* [ V a u T a , ] crvfxfiaXXovo'a ev ry Kaphia avrr]s. these words, pondering
[theBe,"j pondering in t h e heart of herself, them in her HEART.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—9. lo—omit. 12. Sign. 17. around—omit. 19, these

X 10. Gen. xii. 3; Psa. lxxii. 17; Jer. iv. T. 11. lsa.ix.0,
@iap. 3 : 20.] LUKE. [diap. 2 : 28.
89 20 And the SHEPHERDS
K a t fcireo'TpeiJ/az' ui TT0I/J.€V€S do^afrvres Kai
And returned the shepherds returned, glorifying and
glorifying and
atvovvres rov Qeov €TTL iracriv ols rjKovcrav Kai praising GOD for all which
praising the God for and they had heard and seen,
all which they had heard
eifiov, Kadoos ZACLATJOT] irpos avrovs. even as it had been de-
seen, even as it had been told to them. clared to them.
Kai ore cir\r]o'67]0'av r)ixepai OKrco rov 21 J And when eight
And when were fulfilled days eight of the Days were ended, the
[time] to CIRCUMCISE him,
irepirepieiv avrov, Kai ^KXTJOTJ ro ovofxa avrov his NAME was called Jesus,
to circumcise him, and he was sailed the name of him
THAT NAME given him by
Irjaovs, TO KArjOev VTVO rov ayyzXov irpo rov the ANGEL before his CON-
Jesus, that being called by the messenger before of the CEPTION.
o~vAkr)<pdr)vai avrov ev TTJ Koikiq. 22 J And when ftha
was oonceived him in the womb. * Days of her Purificatioa
^ K a t ore eirAy)o~9r)o~av at 7),u6pcu rov KaOapur-were completed, according
And when were fulfilled the days of the purifica- to the LAW of Moses, they
fiov avrcov, Kara rov vofxov Maxrecos, avqyayov carried him tip to Jerusa-
tion of them4 according to the law of Moses, they brought lem, to present him to the
avrov ets lepocroAvjua, irapaffrTjcrat rep Kvpiep, LORD ;—•
him to Jerusalem, to present to the Lord, 23 (even as it is written
(tfaflcws yeypairrai ev vofxep tcvpiov " ' O T I in the Law of the Lord,
(as it is written in law of Lord; That that J " Every Male, being
irav aperev diavoiyov fX7]rpav, aryiov rep Kvpiep a first-born, shall be called
every male opening a womb, holy to the Lord holy to the Lord;")
K\7)6r)0-€rai'7') 24/ceu TOU Bovvat 6vn~iav, Kara 24 and to OFFER a Sac-
shall be called;") and of the to offer a sacrifice, according to rifice, according to what is
TO eipy]fj.cvov ev vopeep Kvptov *' Zevyos rpvyo- enjoined in *the LAW of
that having been said in law of Lord; " A pair of turtle the.Lord— J t " A Pair of
VGOV, 7} dvO VGOO'O'OVS 7T6pl0'TepGi»/." Turtle-doves, or Two
doves, or two young pigeons." Young Pigeons."
Kai t$ov7 r)V avOpcoiros ev ^lepov^raXrjfJL, 'cp 25 And behold, there
And lo, was a man in Jerusalem, to whom was a Man in Jerusalem,
ovofxa ^v/aecov Kai 6 avOpeairos ovros StKaios whose Name was Simeon;
a name of Simeon; and the maa this just and he was a righteous and
Kai 6vAafir)St irpoardexojuevos irapaKArjerty rov pious MAN, expecting the
and pious, waiting for consolation of the Consolation of ISRAEL;
lerparjk. K a i irvevjua rjv ayiov sir3 avrov 2 6 Kai and the holy Spirit was on
Israel. And a spirit was holy upon him; and him.
7}V avrep KexpVfjiaTia'lJ'€i'ov v-rro rov irvevfiaros 28 And he was divinely
it was to him having been informed by the spirit informed by the HOLY
TOV ayiov, fxrf ideiv Oavarov, irpiv 7] idrj that he would not
of the holy, not to see death, before he should see die, till he should see the
rov Xpto'rov Kvpiov. ^ K a t 7]\6ev sv rep TTVSV- Lord's M E S S I A H .
the anointed of Lord. And became by the spirit 27 And he came by the
fxari ets ro lepov Kai ev rep tiaayayeiv rovs SPIRIT into the TEMPLE J
into the temple; and ia the to bring the and when the PARENTS
yoveis ro iraifiiov lr)o~ovv, rov iroirjcrai avrovs BROUGHT IN t h e CHILD
parents the little child Jesus, of the to do them Jesus, t t o DO according to
Kara ro £idto"p.£Vov rov vofiov irepi the CUSTOM of the LAW
accordingto that having been instituted of the law concerning concerning him,
auToir 2S Kai avros e§e£aTO auTO cis ras ay/ca- 28 he also took him in
him; also be took it into the arms his ARM s, and praised GOD,
\as avrov, Kai €vkoyno~e rov deov, Kai enre- and said,
of himself, and blessed the God, and said;
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.™22. Days of her Purification. 24. the LAW of.
t 22. That is, thirty-three days after what was termec* the seven days of her uncleannes*
—forty days in all; the time appointed by the law, after the "birth of a male child. See Lev.
xii. 2,6. ' t 24. One for a burnt-offering-, and the other for a sin-offering; See Lev. xii. 8.
These were the offering's of the poorer Jewish mothers. _ t 27. To present him. to the
Lord, and then redeem him by paying^'ve shekels, Num. xviii. 15,13.
J 21. Luke i. 89. t 21. Matt. i. 25; Luke i. 31. £ 22- Lev. xii. 2—6, t 23. &xo«L
xiiL 2; xxii, 29 -, xxxiv. 19; Num. iii. 13 ; viii. 17; xviii. 15. \ 24. Lev. xii. 8.
Cfliap. 2 : 29.] LUKE. [Cffiap, 3 : 40.
Nuy airoXvsis rov bovXop crov, 29 "'Now, O sovereign
Now dost t h o u dismiss t h e servant of thee, Lord, dismiss tliy SERVA NT
O sovereign,
Kara ro pr\fxa crov, sv siprjpr)' 3 0 on eifiov ol according to tliy WOED, in
according t o t h e word o f t h e e , in peace; for have seen t h e Peace;
ocpdaXjxoi ixov TO croorripiop crov, 3 1 6 r)roi}xa~ 30 because my EYES have
eyea of me t h e salvation ofthee, which t h o u hast seen thy SALVATION,
eras Kara irpocrooirop ivavroov rcop Xaoop' ' (pecs 31 which thou hast made
prepared before face of all the people; alight
ready in the Presence of
as airoKaXvtyip eOvoop, Kai bo^ap Xaov crov All the PEOPLE ;
for a revelation of nations, a n d a glory of p e o p l e o f thee
32 X a Light of Nations
IcrparjX. 3 3 K c u TJP 6 irarrjp avrov Kai r) fx^r-^p for enlightenment, and a
Israel. And was t h e father of him and t h e m o t h e r
Glory of thy People Israel."
Qavjxa^ovres e-ru rois XaXovjxepois irepi avrov.
wondering at those being spoken about him. 33 And his FATHER and
K a i evXoyrjcrep avrovs ^v/neoop, Kai ei7re irpos MOTHER were wondering
And blessed them Simeon, and said to at tlie WORDS SPOKEN con-
Mapiafi rrjp ixrjrepa avrov I5ou, obras Keirai cerning him.
Mary the mother of h i m ; Lo, this is placed 34 And Simeon blessed
eis irrcacrip Kai avaerratriv TTOXXOOP ep ra> them, and said to Mary his
for a fall and rising of many in t h e MOTHER, " Behold, this
IcrparjX, Kai eis errj/Jieiop apriXeyouzvov 35
(/cat child is destined for the
Israel, and for asign being spoken against; (also % Pall and Rising of many
/L, 7 z/
crov 5e avrrjs rrjy 4 X 7 SieXevcrerai pofx<paia-^ in I S R A E L ; and for $ a
ofthee and of thyself t h e soul shall pierce t h r o u g h asworcl;) Mark of contradiction;—•
biroos av air oKa?\V(p 6 oocrip etc TTOXXOOP Kapdiwp 35 (and indeed, a Sword
to t h a t m a y b e disolosed of many hearts will pierce through the
diaXoyio'/Aoi. SOUL of Thee Thyself,) that
reasonings. the Reasonings of Many
Kai r\p Appa irpocprjrts, Bvyarrjp QavovrjX, Hearts may be disclosed."
And was Anna a prophetess, a daughter ofPhanuel, 36 There was also a
€K (pvXrjs Ao"7?/r avrr) irpoPeffriKVLa zv rj/xepais Prophetess, Anna, Daugh-
of tribe ofAser; s h e having been advanced i n days ter of Phanuel, of the tribe
iroXXais, Qq&acra err) {/.era avfipos eirra airo of Ashcr; she was far ad-
many, having lived years with a husband seven from vanced in Age, having lived
rrjs irapdevias avrrjs' '^ icai avrr] X^P01, &s €TCv^ with * a Husband seven
the virginity of herself; also s h e a widow a b o u t years Years from her V I R G I N I T Y ;
oyDoriKopra recrcrapcap, r) OVK acptararo airo rov 37 #fje was also a Widow
eighty four, who n o t withdrew from the
* about eighty-four Years,
lepov, vrjo'reiais Kai SeTjcecri Xarppvovcra vvKra who departed not from the
temple, fastings and prayers serving ni-ght TEMPLE, but serving God
Kai rjfxepap. Kai avrr}, avry
rr\ copa ewicr- i Night and Day with
amd day. And she, this the hour s t a n d - Eastings and Prayers.
Taa"a, avQcafxoXoyeiro rep Kvpico, Kai eXaXei rrepi 38 And she standing by
ing by, acknowledged t h e Lord, and spoke about
at THAT very time, praised
avrov iracri rots irpocrdexo/Lievois Xvrpoocrip ep * GOD, an d spoke of him to
him t o all those l o o k i n g for redemption. in
'lepovcraXrj/Ji. ^Deliverance in Jerusalem.
K a i oos (zreXGcrav enravra ra Kara TOP 39 And when they had
And when they finished all t h e t h i n g s according t o t h e finished all things accord-
pofiov Kvpiov, virearpeipap €is rr\p YaXiXaiap, ing to the LAW of the Lord,
law of Lord, t h e y returned i n t o t h e Galilee, they returned to G A L I L E E ,
eis rrjp TVOXIP avroov, Na^apeT. ^ T o 5e Traidtop to their own City Nazareth.
Into the city of themselves, N a z a r e t h . T h e and l i t t l e child 40 J And the CHILD
7)v£ave, Kai eicparaiovro *\_Trp£v/uari,^ irXrjpov- grew, and became strong,
grew, a n d was strengthened [inspirit,] being filled with Wisdom, and
fxivop cro<pias' Kai XaPLS ®eov *(\v e 7 r c&vro, the Favor of God was on
filled with wisdom; and favor of God was on it. him.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—36. a HUSBAND. 37- till eighty-four. 38. GOD, and
•poke. 40. in Spirit—omit.
t 32. Isa.xlii.6; xlix. 6 ; l x . l ; Acts xiii. 47; xxviii.28. , ^ , t.?4 $34. Isa. viii.14; Matt.
^ i ; 4 4 : Rom. ix. 32; 1 Cor. i. 23, 24; l P e t . i i . 7,§. t 84. M . Mi. 3. % 37- Acts
xxvi 7- I Tim. v, 5. X 38. Luke xxiv. 21. 1 40, Luke I- 80, ver,5?,
(Jhap. 2 : 41.]
LUKE. [Chap. 9 : 61.

11 41 A-iid h i s PARENTS
K a i siropevovro ol yoveis avrov KCLT* eros eis
And went the parents of him every year to went yearly t o Jerusalem
'lepovo'aXrj/j. rr\ eoprrj rov irao~xci. t o t h e X F E A S T of t h e PASS-
Jerusalem ofthe feast ofthe OVER.
42 42 And w h e n h e was
K a i dre eyevero STOOP ScoSe«:a, avafiavrcev
And when he was years twelve, having gone up
twelve Years old, t t h e y
went u p according to t h e
avrcov "*[eis ' I e p o c r o A i ^ a ] /caTa T O e6os TTJS
CUSTOM of t h e FEAST.
of them [to Jerusalem] according to the custom ofthe
43 43 A n d having t com-
eoprrjs' /ecu rs\e too a" avrcov ras rj/xspas, €v
pleted t h e D A Y S , on their
feast j and having ended the days, in
RETURN, Jesus, the YOUTH,
rep imocrrpecpeiv avrovs, vir^fxeiv^v Irjcrovs 6 remained in Jerusalem.
the to return them, remained Jesus the
And * h i s P A R E N T S k n e w
ireus ev 'lepovffaXrj/j,' Kai OVK eyvoo looa"f)<p Kai it not.
boy in Jerusalem; and not knew
Joseph and
44 44 A n d supposing h i m
f] iA7]T7)p avrov. No/uiaavres Se avrov €v to b e i n t h e COMPANY, t h e y
the mother of him. Having supposed and him in
went a Day's J o u r n e y ; a n d
rrj (Tvvodia eivcu, TjAdov 7]/xepas 6 < W , KCUthey sought h i m , among
the company to be, they went of a day a journey, and their R E L A T I V E S and A C -
evefarovv avrov ev rois crvyyeveo'i
KCU rois Q U A I N T A N C E S .
they sought him among the kinsmen and the
45 45 B u t n o t finding h i m ,
yvcoerrois. K a i fxr] evpovres, v-rrecrrpetyav they r e t u r n e d to Jerusa-
acquaintances. And not finding, they returned lem, seeking him.
eis 'lepovo'aXrjfx, Qr\rovvrss avrov. Kai 46 A n d i t happened,
to J erusalem, seeking him. And after three Days they
tyevero, jue0 rjixspas rpsis evpov avrov sv rep found h i m i n t h e T E M P L E ,
it happened, after days three they found him in the sitting i n f t h e Midst of
tepep Kadz^ojjievov ev'cp rcov SiftacKaXcov, t h e T E A C H E R S , b o t h h e a r -
t«mple sitting in middle ofthe teachers, ing t h e m , and asking them
Kat aKovovra avrcov, Kai s-Kspcoroovra avrovs. questions.
and hearing of them, and asking them. 47 A n d A L L were a s -
*1 E^to'ravro Se iravres *\_ol aKovovres avrov,j t o n i s h e d a t h i s I N T E L L I -
"Were amazed and all [those hearing him,] G E N C E and R E P L I E S .
67Ti ry crvveo'ei Kai rais aTroKpicecriv avrov. 48 And seeing him, they
upon the understanding and the answers ofhim. were amazed; and his M O -
K a i idovres avrov, e^eirXayqcrav Kaiitpos T H E R said t o him, " Child,
And seeing him, they were amazed; andto why hast t h o u done t h u s
avrov 7) fiTjrrjp avrov enre* TeKvov, ri GTTOIT)- to u s ? behold t h y E A T H E R
him the mother ofhim said; O child, why hast thou and E * seek thee sorrow-
cas 7)JXLV ovroos; idov, b Trarrjp ffov Kayco i n g . "
done to us thus? lo, the father of thee and I 49 And h e said t o them,
odvveo/j.evoi e£rjrov[Aev ere. K a i enre irpos " W h y d i d you seek m e ?
being in distress have sought thee. And he said to Did y o u n o t know t h a t I
avrovs' Ti on efyreire fie ; OVK yfteire, m u s t be i n + t h e [ C O U R T S ]
them; Why for did you seek me? not know you, of m y F A T H E R ?"
bri ev rois rov irarpos fxov Set sivai /ne ; Kai
that in the ol the father of me must to be me? And
50 A n d tfjtrg did n o t
understand the WORD
avroL ov crvvrjKav ro pTj/aa, o e\a\r)o~ev avrois.
which h e spoke to them.
they not understood the word, which he spoke to them.
K a i Karefir) \xzr* avrcov, Kai 7)\6ev tis N a £ a - 51 A n d he went down
And he went down with them, and came into Naza- w i t h t h e m , and came to
per* Kai r\v viroracrcroixevos avrois. K a i r) Nazareth, and was subject
reth; and was being subject to them. And the to t h e m . And his M O T H E R

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—42. to Jerusalem—omit. 43. his PARENTS knew, 47. those

hearing him—omit. 48. seek thee.
t 42. All the males were required to attend at the three festivals a t Jerusalem; and fe-
males, though not commanded, yet used often to attend, especially at the Passover. Child-
ren were excused; but the Rabbinical writers say, that the above obligation was thought
binding at twelve years of age. t 43. That is, been there eight days, of which the feast
of the Passover was one, and the rest were the seven days of unleavened bread. t 46.
They sat on benches in a half circle, and their scholars at their feet, Acts xxii. 3. t 49.
In th3 courts or house of my Father, is now generally admitted as correct. A similar ellipsis
scours in Mark v. 35, and Acts xvi. 40.
| 41. Exod. xxiii. 15, VJ; xxxiv. £3; Deut. xvi„ \. \%
Chap. 3 : 52.] LUKE. [Chap. S: 7.

pL7)T7]p aVTOV $l€T7)p€L TTaVTCL TO. p7]fXaTa TaVTCL k e p t All * t h e s e T H I N G S in

mother ofhim treasured all the words these her H E A R T .
€V TTJ KapSia avrrjs. K a i Irjcovs TrpoeKoirre 52 % And J e s u s advanced
in the heart of herself. And Jesus advanced * i n W I S D O M , a n d in M a n -
ffo(piq, /ecu T]\iKiq> Kai xaPLrl irapa 06<p Kai liness, and i n Favor with
in wisdom, and in vigor, and in favor with God and God a n d Men.
KE$. y'. 3 0 1 Now i n t h e fifteenth
Year of t h e G O V E R N M E N T
Ev era (Je irevT€Kai?)€KaTq> TT)S r)yefj.ovtas of Tiberius Cesar, Pontius
In year now fifteenth of the government Pilate being Governor of
Tifiepiov Kaitfapos, TJJe/xovevovTos Uourtov Ui- J U D E A , a n d H e r o d t e -
of Tiberias Cesar, being governor Pontius Pi- t r a r c h of G A L I L E E , and
Xarov TTJS lovoaias, Kai TeTpapxovvros TTJS P h i l i p h i s B R O T H E R t e -
late of the Judea, and being tetrarch of the t r a r c h of I T U R E A , a n d . t h e
TaXiXaias 'Hpcodov, <!>iAt7r7rou 5 e TOV a$€X(pov, Province .of Trachonitis,
Galilee Herod, Philip and the
brother and Lysanias, t h e tetrarch
avrov rerpapxovpros TTJS Irovpaias Kai Tpax^o- of A B I L E N E ,
ofhim being tetrarch of the Ituria and Tracho- 2 % i n t h e * High-priest-
yinSos x°°Pas> Kat
A-vcraviov TTJS AfiiXrjvrjs hood of t Annas, a n d Cai-
nitis region, and Lysanias of the Abilene aphas, a Command from
TGTpapXOWTOS, €7T£ apX^P^OOS hvVCL Kai God came t o J o h n , t h e
beiug tetrarch, under high priests Annas and Cai- SON of Zachariah, i n t h e
cxpa, eyeveTO pr\p,a, deov etri looavvrjv, TOV D E S E R T .
aphas, came a word of God to John, the 3 J And h e went into All
Z a % a p i o u vlov, ev TTJ eprjpccf}. 3Kai rjXOev eis the adjacent * Country of
ofZaeharias Eon, in the desert. And He went 'nto t h e J O R D A N , publishing a a
Tracrav T7]V TT€pix<*>pov TOV lopSavov, KTjpvo'crav Immersion of Reformation
all the country about the Jordan preaching J for Forgiveness of Sins.
fidTTTlO'lUa fAGTCLVQiaS €LS CC(f)€0~lV CLjXapTi0t>V 4 0)S 4 A s i t i s w r i t t e n i n t h e
a dipping of reformation into aforgiveness ofs>rjs; as Book of t h e "Words of
yeypaiTTai ev /S</3Aes> Xooycov 'Hcraiov TOV irpo- I s a i a h , t h e P R O P H E T ; J "A.
itis written in a book of words ofEsaias the pro- " Voice proclaiming i n t h e
(f)7)Tov, *\_XeyovTes'~] " <boovr) (SOOOVTOS ev TTJ " D E S E R T , P r e p a r e t h e WAY
phet, [saying:"] "Avoice crying in the "for t h e Lord, make t h e
ept]fx(f ' E r o i / x a c r a T e TTJV dfiov Kvpiov, evOeias " H I G H W A Y S straight for
desert; Make you leady the way of a lord, straight " h i m .
7roi6tT6 TUS Tpifiovs avrov Hacra <papay£ 5 " E v e r y Ravine shall
make you the beaten tracks ofhim; Every ravine " b e filled u p , and Every
irA7ipcodr}(T€Tcu, Kai ivav opos icai fiovvos Tairei- " M o u n t a i n and Hill shall
shall be filled up, and every mountain and hill shall be " b e m a d e l o w ; and t h e
J/OOOT)O'CTCU' Kai earai TO. (TKoXia eis evdeiavf " C R O O K E D roads shall b e -
made low; and shah be the crooked into straight, " come straight, and t h e
6 " R O U G H Ways s m o o t h ;
Kai at Tpax^iai eis odovs Xeias' Kai o\perai
and the rough Jnto ways smooth; and shall see
6 % " and All Flesh shall
" s e e t h e S A L V A T I O N of
iracra crapt- TO awrfjpiov TOV deov.' J EXeyev " G O D . "
all flesh the salvation of the God." He said 7 T h e n h e said to t h e
ovv TOLS cKTropevofxevois ox^ois fiaTTTKrdyvai bir* CROWDS COMING EORTH
then to those coming out of crowds to be dipped by to be immersed b y him,
avrov Ysvvv\ixaTa e%(5vcov, TIS i)7re8et£ej/ vp.iv $ " 0 P r o g e n y of Vipers I
him; O broods oivenomousserpents,who pointed out to you who admonished you to fly

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—51. the SAYINGS. 52. in WISDOM and. 2. High-

priest. 3. Country. 4. saying—omit.
t 2. Doddridge says, " I cannot suppose, as some have done, that Annas was high-priest
the former part of this year, and Caiaphas the l a t t e r ; much less that Luke knew so little of
the Jewish constitution, as t o suppose there could he two high-priests properly so called.
The easiest solution is, that one was the high-priest, and the other his sagan or deputy, so
that the title might, with a very pardonable liberty, he applied to both."
1 52. 1 Sam. n . 2 6 ; ver.40. t 2. John xi.49,51; xviii.13; Aotsiv.6. t 3. Matt.
iii.'l; Mark?. 4. % 3- Luke i. 77. t 4. Isa. xl. 3; Matt. iii. 3; Mark i. 3 ; J o h n j ,
23, % 0. Tsa, xeviii. 3; Isa, lii. 10; Listee ii. 10, J tJ, Matfc. iii. ?.
Ctiap. 3 : 80 JLUKE. [Map. 3: If.
tyvyeiv airo TTJS fJL€X\ovo~7}s opyrjs; ^Uoirjcrare from the APPROACHING
to flee from the coming wrathP Bring forth VENGEANCE?
ovv Kapirovs a^iovs rrjs fieravoias' Kai fxr\ 8 Produce, therefore,
then fruits worthy of the reformation; and not Fruits worthy of REFOEM-
ATION; and begin not to
ap^7](rde Xeyeiv ev eavrois' Uarzpa exofiev rov
you should begin to say in yourselves; A father we have the say among yourselves, '"We
have a Father—ABEA-
Afipaa/j.. Aeyco yap v/niv, on hvvarai 6 Oeos HAM;' for I assure you,
Abraam. I say for to you, that is able the God
That GOD is able from
e/c roov KiOcov rovrcov eytipai r^Kva rep Afipaa/j.. these STONES to raise vjt
outofthe Btone3 of these to raise up children to the Abraam.
HST; 8e Kai 7) a£ivr) irpos rr\v pi£av roov devBpcov 9 And even now the AXE
Now and even the axe to the root of the trees lies at the ROOT of the
Keirar ixav ovv devfipov fir) nroiovv Tvaprrov T E E E S ; J Every Tree,
i* placed; every therefore tree not bearing fruit therefore, not bearing good
KCLhOVy €KKOTTT6Tai> Kai €IS TTVp /3aAA€TCU. Fruit is cut down, and cast
good, is cut down, and into a fire is cast. into the Fire."
Kai eirrjpooTcov avrov ol o%Aoi, Keyovres' Ti
And asked him the crowds, saying; What 10 And the CROWDS
n asked him, saying, " What
ovv 7roLr}<To/j.ev; AiroKpiBeis 5e Xeyei avrots' then should we do ?"
then should we do? Answering and he says to them;
'O e^co*/ huo %iTcoi/as, lAerafioTCo TW /ULTJ syjivri' 11 He * answered and
He having two tunics, jethimsharewiththenot having; said to them, i " Let H I M
Kai 6 £X°°V jSpw/^ara, 6/J.OLOOS TTOLSITOO. who HAS Two Coats give to
'and he having meats, in like manner let him do. HIM who HAS none; and
12 let HIM who HAS Food do
H\0ov 8e Kai reXoovai fiairrlaOrjvai, Kai the same."
Came and also tax-gatherers to be dipped, and
eiirov irpos avrov Ai5acr/ca.\e, ri iroir}<rofX£v; 12 i And Tribute-takers,
said to him; O teacher, what should we do? also, came to be immersed,
' O 8e €iTT€ irpos avrovs' Mr)$ev irXeov irapa and said to him, "Teacher-
He and said to them; Nothing more from what should we do ?"
14 13 And HE said to them,
ro Siarzr ay jxevov vpciv Trpacraere. Eirripccroov
that having beenappointed'o vou collect you. Asked "Collect nothing more than
Se avrov Kai o~rparevo/j.zvoi) \eyovres' Kai WHAT IS APPOINTED for
and him also soldiers, saying; And you."
fj/jieis ri TTOirjco/LLev; Kai enre irpos avrovs' 14 And Soldiers, also,
we what should we do ? And he said to them: asked him, * " What also
Mrjdeva diaaeirrire, iur)b\e orvKocpavrrjarfre' Kai should hie do ?" And he
No one may vou ixtortfrom,neithermayyouaccuse wrongfully: and said to them, "Oppress,
apKtiaOe rois otyooviots ifxcov. and falsely accuse, No one;
beyoucontent with the wages of you. and be satisfied with your
UpooSoKoovros Sis rov Aaou, Kai diakoyi£o- WAGES."
Expecting and of the people, and reason- 15 And the PEOPLE were
fievcev iravTcov ev rais /cstpSicus avroov irepi rov waiting, and all were rea-
ing all in the hearts ofiheni about the soning in their HEAETS
lcoavvov, fx-rjirore avros €ir} 6 Xpio'ros, 1 6 OLTVSK- concerning JOHN , whether
John, whether he were the Anointed, an- he were not the M E S S I A H ;
pivaro b \u>uvvr)s arrao'i, Xeyoov "Eyco fiev 16 J O H N answered all,
swered the John to all, saying: I indeed saying, i"3E indeed im-
/ S a n fiarrrifa v/xasm e p x e T a t Se 6 tffxvporspos merse you in Water; but
in water dip you: comes but the mightier a MIGHTIER than I is com-
[lov, ov OVK €1/JLI iKavos Kvcrai rov l/jiavra roov ing, for whom I am not fit
of me, of whom not l a m worthy to loose the strap ofthe to untie the STRAP of his
SANDALS; fiewillimmerse
vTro^rj/narcov avrov avros v/xas fia-n-rio'ei ev
sandals of him: he
you in holy Spirit and Fire.
you willdip in
ivvevfxari ayicp Kai irvpi. ^ Ov ro nrrvov 17 Whose WINNOWING
spirit holy and fire. Of whom the winnowing shovel SHOVEL in his HAND will
ev rrj X€iPL ^VTOV, Kai diaKaOapiei rrjv effectually cleanse hi^
in the hand of him, and he will thoroughly cleanse the
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—11. answered and said. 14. What also should bit doJ
t 9, Matt. vli. 19. ±11. Luke xi. 41; 2 Cor. viii. 14; James ii. 15,16; 1 John iii. 17
\v. 20. $ 12. Matt. xxi. 32; Luke vii. 29. J 16. Matt. iii. 11; Mark i. 7, 3,
Gap. 3 : 18.] LUKE. l&hap. 8: ^
k\cova avrov* KCLI (Tvva^ei rov cirov eis rrjv *THRESH1NG-EL00R; J h e
floor sfhim: and lie will gather the wheat into the will gather the WHEAT into
his GRANARY, but the
aTrodrjKrjU avrov, ro de ayypov KaraKavo~ei Trvpi CHAFF he •will consume
storehouse of himself, the but chaff he Trill burn up
in fire
with an inextinguishable
ao'fieo'Tq). UoXXa fxev ovv Kai erepa Fire."
inextinguishable. Many indeed then also other things 18 And exhorting many
irapaicaXcav evrjyyeXi^ero rov Xaov. 'O 8e other things, he proclaimed
exhorting he preached glad tidings the people. The but glad tidings to the PEOPLE .
f 19 $ But H E R O D the
Hpw5??s 6 rerpapxvst zXeyxo/nevos vir3 avrov TETRARCH being reproved
Herod the tetrarch, being reproved by him
by him on account of He-
TrepL 'HpooSiaSos rrjs yvvaiKos rov «5eA0oi> rodias, his BROTHER'S
about Herodias ofthe wife ofthe brother WIFE, and about all the
avrov, Kai 7repi Travrcov cov €iroi7](r€ Trovrjpcov 6 Crimes which Herod had
oi him, and about all of which had done evils the done,
'HpcvSrjs, 20 Trpoo"€dr)K€ Kai rovro €TTL ira&i, Kai 20 added also this to all,
Herod.' '' '
added also this to all, and —he shut up John in
KareK\eio~€ rov Iwavvrjv ev rr) (pvXaKf). * Prison.
shut up the John in the prison. 21 And it occurred, when
All the PEOPLE were I M -
MERSED, % Jesus also hav-
^Eyevero 8e €V r(p Pairricrdrjvai a-navra rov ing been immersed, and
It occurred and in the to have been dipped all the
praying, the HEAVEN was
Xaov, Kai Irjcrov fiairrio'devros Kai Trpoffevxo- opened,
people, and Jesus having been dipped and P y- 22 and the HOLT SPIRIT,
jxzvov, avecpxOyvai TOV ovpavov, Karafiri- in a Bodily Form like a
^ Kai
ing, to have been opened the heaven, and to des- Dove, descended upon him9
vat ro 7rvevjua ro ayiov croofiariKcp ei5er, ko~ei and there came a Voice
cend the spirit the holy in a bodily form, like from Heaven, saying.,
e "&f)0tt art my SON, tho
ir€pio~T€pav, eir avrov, Kai (pcovyjv e£ ovpavov BELOVED ; in thee I de«
a dove, upon him, and a voice out of heaven light."
yevecrOai, *\\tyovo~av~\ " 2 v ei 6 vlos fiov 6 23 And he, JESUS, was
to have come, [saying; " Thou art the son of me the about $ thirty years old,
ayaTrrjros, ev coi rjvfioK'qo'a." when he began [his work,]
beloved, in thee I delight. being, J a s was allowed, a
* Son of J O S E P H , the t son
Kcu avros f}V 6 \-/}0'ovs wcei troov rptaKovra, of
And he waa the Jesus about years thirty, 24 the son of MATTHAT,
the son of L E V I , the son oj
apxo/^evos, eov, &s evofxi^ro, vlos \cacrri<p, rov M E L C H I , the son of J A N ,
beginning, being, as was allowed, a son ofJoBeph, ofthe NAI, the son of J O S E P H ,
'HAi, 24 rov MarOar, rov Aevi, rov MeA%i, 25 the son of MATTA C
Heli, ofthe Matthat, ofthe Levi, ofthe Melchi, THIAH. the son of AMOS
rov lavva, rov \u>o"r)(p, ^rov Marradiov, rov the son of N A H U M , the sou
• fthe Janna, ofthe Joseph, ofthe Mattathias, ofthe of E S L I , the son of NAG*
26 GAI,
A/J.C0S, rov ~NaovfjL, rov EcXi, rov N a y y c u , rov
Amos, ofthe Naoum, ofthe Esli, ofthe Naggai, ofthe 26 the son of MAATH,
the son of MATTATHIAH,
MaaO, rov Marradiov, rov ^G/JLCI, rov lcoa"r]<pi the son of S H I M E I , the sou
Maath, ofthe Mattathias, ofthe Semei, ofthe Joseph, of J O S E P H , the son of Ju*
q ,
rov lovda, ^ rov Iwavva, rov Vr\a a, rov Zopo- DAH,
nJthe Juda, ofthe Joanna, oftha I&he«», ofthe Zoro- 27 the son of JOHANAH,
jScoSeA, the son of R E S A , the son
babel, of ZERUBBABEL, the son

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—17. to thoroughly cleanse his THRESHING-FLOOR, and to gathesr.

20. Prison, 22. saying1—omit. 23. a Son (as was allowed) of JOSEPH.
t ?3 or son-in-law of Eli, the father of Mary0 Luke gives Mary's ancestry, and Matthew
that of Joseph. See Appen dix.
t 17. Micah vi. 12; Matt. xiii. 80. t 19. Matt. jlv. 3 ; Mark vi.17. , J ?*• M a f i *
iii.13; M a r k i . 9 ; Johni.82. t 23. See Nura.i.v, 3. %,
K 39, 43,47.
* "* «--•".—. - * " «" '« *» t 23. Masfc. xiii
&5; John vi, 42-
[Oha/p. 4 : 2.
&hap. 3 .• 2f, j LUKE. •••••-• I U .__•! I HI—1«

of SALATHIEL, the son ol

28 rov
rov ~2,a\adir)A, rov Nrjpi, rov MeXxh NERI,
ofthe Salathiel, ofth* Neri, ofthe Melchi, ofthe 28 the son of M A L C H I ,
Ao5i, rov, rov EAyUcoSa/z, rov H p , 29 rov the son of A D D I , the son of
Addi, ofthe Cosam, ofthe Elmodam, cftfce Er, ofthe KOSAM, the son of ALMO-
DAM, the son of E R ,
ICOO-T], rov EA*e£ep, rov Iwpeifi, rov Mardar, 29 the son of JosES,the
Jose, ofthe Eliezer, oftha Jorem, ofthe Matthat, son of ELIEZER, the son
rov Aeu*, *° rov ^v/xecov, rov IovSa, rov lwo"rj(j), of JORAM, the son of M A T -
pfthe Levi, ofthe Simeon, ofthe Juda, ofthe Joseph, TATH, the son of L E V I ,
30 the son of SIMEON,
rov loovav, rov EXiaKeifi, TOU MeAea, rov the son of J U D A H , the son
ofthe Jonan, ofthe Eliakim, ofthe Melea, ofthe of JOSEPH, the son of J O -
Maii/au, rov Marrada, NAN, the son of E L I A K I M ,
Hainan, ofthe Mattatha, 31 the son ef M E L I A H ,
the son of H A I N A N , the
son of MATTATHAH, the
TOV Nadav, TOU AaviS, 32 TOV Ieo*o*cu, TOV son of NATHAN, the son of
ofthe Nathan, ofthe David, ofthe Jesse, ofthe DAVID,
32 the son of J E S S E , the
n($7)d, rov Boo£, rov ^aX/jLoov, TOU Naao~o*coj>) son of O B E D , the son of
Obed, ofthe BOOK, cfthe Salmon, ofthe Naasson, BOAZ, t h s son of SALMON,
33 the son of N A H S H O N ,
TOU AyUij/aSa/3, TOU Apajx, rov Eo'poojx, rov
• ofthe Aminadab, ofthe Aram, ofthe Esrom, efthe 33 the son of AMMINA-
DAB, the son of RAM, the
*f»apes, TOU IouSa, -rov ICJKCO/3, TOU I&aaK, son of HEZRON, the son
Fhares, ofthe Juda, of the Jacob, ofthe Israel, of PHAREZ, the son of J U -
34 the son of JACOB, t h e
TOU Afipaafi, rov ®apa, rov Na%cop, ^ TOU son of ISAAC, t h e son of
wfthe Abraam, ofthe Th&ra, ofthe Nachor, ofthe ABRAHAM, the son of T E -
'Stpovx, TOV 'Ptryau, TOU Pa\eK, rov E/3ep, rov RAH, the son of NAHOR,
Saruch, ofthe Ragau, o f t h s Phalec, ofthe Eber, ofthe 35 thesonofSERUG,the
36 son of R E U , the son of P E -
^SaAa, rov Kaivav, rov Ap<£>a£a8, TOU ^yj/a,
LF.G, the son of E B E R , the
Sala, ofthe Cainan, oftha Arphaxad, ofthe Sem,
SAL AH, son of
rov N<we, rov Aa/j.*Xi ? r o v Ma#ouo"aAa, TOU 36 the son of CAINAN,
ofthe Noe, ©fine Laihech, ofthe Mathusala, ofthe the son of ARPHAXAD, the
Ez^cox, rov JapeS, rov MaAeAe^A, TOU Kaivav^ son of SHEM, the son of
NOAH, t h e son of LAMECH,
Enoch, ofthe J»red, ofthe Maleleel, ofthe Cainan,
58 37 the son of M E T H U S E -
rov Evoos, rov ^r}0, rov A5a/x, TOU BSOV. LAH, the non of E N O C H ,
ofthe Enoa, «>i'taa Seth, oftha Adam, oftha God. the son of JAREL;. the son
of MAHALALEET,. \he son
KE*. 5'. 4. 38 the son O O N O S , the
1 1 son of SETH, the son of
Irjo'ovs Se Tri/evfiaros ayiov irXrjprjs v-ireo - ADAM, the son of GOD.
Jesus and spirit ofholy full re_
rpetyev airo rov lopdavov CHAPTER IV. Tjyero ev TO)
turned from the Jordan : andwasledaboutby the 1 And $ Jesus, full ol
holy Spirit, returned from
irpevfian eis ryv t-prjfxov, 7]/jLtpa$ reacrapaKOvra the J O R D A N , and was car.
spirit into the desert, days forty ried about by the SPIRIT
treipa^ofievos VTTO rov 8ia0oAou. Kai OVK* in the DESERT
being tempted by the accuser. And not 2 forty Days, "being
e<payev OV$GV eu rats 7]fX€paLS €KClUaiS' tempted by the ENEMY.
he ate nothing in the days those; % And he ate nothing in
w those D A Y S ; and when
ffvvrcX^crOeiaoou avroov, *[uo Tepov] eireivao-e. they were completed, ho
being ended of them, [afterwards] he was hungry. was hungry.
_^?& •
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. in the DESERT. 2. afterwards—omit.
J 1. Matt. iy. 1 • M a r k i. 12. J 2. Exod. xxxiv. 28; 1 K i n g s x i x . 8.
Chap. 4 : 3.] I/UKE. [Chap. 4 : 1 4

Kai enrev avrcp 6 SiafioXos' E l vlos et rov 3 A n d t h e E N E M Y sa.a

And said to him the accuser; If ason thou art of the to him, " If t h o u a r t a Son
9eov, enre rep XiQcp rovrcp, iva yevrjrai apros. of G O D , command this
God, Bay to the stone this, that it may become a loaf. S T O N E to become B r e a d . "
Kcu aneKpLOr} lycrovs irpos avrov, *[Xeyoov~\ 4 A n d * J E S U S answered
And answered Jesus to him, [saying;] him, " I t is written, J ' M A N
ll ( ' s h a l l not live on Bread
Veypairrar Ori OVK €7T' aprcp (xovq> fycrerai
It ia written; That not on bread alone shall live ' only.'"
6 avdpcoTros, * [ a A A s eiri iravri py]fxari 0eou."] 5 And * taking him u p,
the man, [but on every word of God."] he showed him A' <ie
Kai avayayoov avrov 6 diafioAos eis opos KINGDOMS Of t h e !HAH,i>
And having led up him the accuser into mountain TABLE in a Mon -m, o*
vtyriXoy, efteL^eu avrcp iracras ras fiacriAetas rrjs Time.
high, he showed to him all the kingdoms of the 6 And t h e E K E M V said
OlKOVfXeV7]S €V CTriy/JlT} ^pOVOV K a i CLTTeV to him, " I will give Thea
habitable in a moment of time. And said All t h i s A U T H O R I T Y , ant|
avrcp b 8ia/3oAos* 2 o t Soocrw rrjv e^ovcriav rav- t h e GLOEY of t h e s e ; $ F o r
to him the accuser; To thee I will give the authority this it has been delivered to me,
rrjv airaaav, Kai rr\v S o | a v avroov brt euoi and I give i t t o whom t
all, and the glory of them; that t o m e please.
7rapa5e5oraf, Kai 'cp eav deXoo, SiSco/ju avryv 7 If, then, t$au wilt
it has been prepared, and to whoever I will, I give her; render homage before me,
^ (rv ovv eav TrpocrKvv^arjs evooiriov, JJLOV, eorrai all shall be t h i n e . "
thou then if thou wilt do homage before me, shall be 8 A n d * J e s u s answer*
cov iracra. Kcu aironpiQeis avrcp enrev 6 ing said, to him, £ " I t la
to thee all. And answering to hiru s;iid the written, ' T h o u shalt wor*
\K](TOVS' Teypawrar UpoaKvvrjo'eis Kvpiov rov ' s h i p t h e Lord t h y G O D ,
Jesus; I t is written; "Thou shalt worship a lord the ' a n d H i m only shalt thou
6eov crov, Kai avrcp [xovcf Xarpevo'eis. ' 'serve.'"
God of thee, und to him alone thou shalt render service."
9 J A n d h e brought
Kai yyayev avrov eis 'lepovo'aArifjL, Kai him t o Jerusalem, a n d
And he brought him to Jerusalem, and placed h i m on t h e t B A T -
eo'rrjo'ev avrov eiri ro irrepvyiov rov iepov
Kai T L E M E N T of t h e T E M P L E ,
placed him on the wing of the temple ; and and said to him, " I f thou
enrev avrcp' E J VLOS ei rov 6eov, /3aAe aeavrov art a Son of G OD, cast thy-
said to him ; If ason thouartof the God, cast thyself self down from t h i s p l a c e ;
evrevdev Karoo' 1 0 yeypairrai yap' i( On rois 10 for i t is written, I ' R e
from thiB place down ; it is written for; That to the
'will give his ANGELS
ayyeXois abrov evreXenai irepi crov, rov dta- ' c h a r g e concerning thee,
messengers of himselfhewillgivechargeconceiriingthee, of the to
ll ' t o PROTECT t h e e ;
(pvXa^ai ere' Kai on eiri ~£eipu>v apovcri ere,
11 ' a n d they will u p -
guard thee; and that on hands they shall bear thee,
' h o l d thee on their Hands,
(jw]irore TrpocrKOxl/ys irpos Xidov rov iroda crov."
lest thou shouldst strike against a stone the foot of thee."
' l e s t t h o u strike thy FOOT
12 'against a S t o n e . ' "
K d t airoKpiOeis enrev avrcp 6 lr)0~ovsm (
And answering said to him the Jesus; That 12 A n d J E S U S answer-
eipiqrai' " OVK eKireipacreis Kvpiov rov 9eov ing, said t o him, " I t is
it is said; "Not thou shalt tempt a lord the God 'said, $ ' T h o a shalt n o t
crov. ' t r y t h e Lord t h y G o d . ' "
of thee." 13 And t h e E N E M Y hav-
K a i crvvreXeeras 6 Sia/3o- ing finished every Tempta-
iravra ireipaer/nov
And having ended every temptation ths accu- tion, departed from h i m
3 14 for a Season.
Xos, airecrrr) air avrov a%pi Kaipov. Kai
ser, departed from him for a season. And 14 J And J E S U S r e t u r n e d

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—4. J E S U S . 4. s&y'mg—omit. 4. b u t on every word

of God—omit. 5. bringing him onward, lie showed. 8. Jesus.
t 9. Probably the middle part of the royal portico, the highest part of the temple, and
which could be seen at a distance of many iurlongs. Josephus says. " That the pillars o\
that portico were a hundred cubits high, and the valley below four hundred deep.'*
t 4. Deut. viii.3. $ 6. John xii. 31: xiv. 30. J « Dent. vi. 13; x. 20.
t 9! Matt. iv.5. t 10. Psa. xci.ll. t 12. Deut. vi. 16. t 14, Matt, iv I ' i
John iv. 43; Acts x. 37- • •
Chap. 4 : IS.] LUKE. \_Chap. 4 : 22.

UTrecTTpe^/ev 6 \f]<Tovs ev TJJ fivvafiet TOV irpev- in the POWEB of the SPIRIT
returned the Jesus in t h e power into G A L I L E E J and a Re-
of t h e spirit
fiaros ets TT]V TaXiXaiav KCU <p7]^V tliyXde port concerning him went
into the Galilee: and a report went o u t out through the Whole
Ka6y dXrjs TVs Trepixvpov irepi avTov* 15 Kcu A D J A C E N T C O U N T R Y .
t h r o u g h whole t h e surrounding region a b o u t him. And 15 And he taught in
avros edida(TK€P ev rais cwaycoyais CLVTOOV, their SYNAGOGUES, being
he tau; r in the synagogues of t h e m , applauded by all.
Ho^a^ofxevo viro iravTcav. 16 And he came to
being glorified by all. J NAZARETH, wherehehad
Tt]v Na£ap€ T , f\V been brought u p ; and ac-
Kcu 7}A6GV eis OV
And h e came into the Nazareth, where h e was cording to his CUSTOM on
TeQpafxfizvos' Kai eio"qXQe, Kara TO GIO00OS the SABBATH-DAY, % he
h a t i n g baen b r o u g h t up • a n d entered, according to t h e custom entered the SYNAGOGUE,
avrcp ev T?7 7]/j,epa, TCOV <raj8/3aTO>//, as TK\V and t stood up to read.
to him in the day of the sabbaths, into • the 17 And the Book of
(Tvvaycoyrjv Kai aveo"T7] avayvoovai. ^ Kcu Isaiah the PROPHET was
synagogue: and stood up t o read. And given to him; t a n d hav-
eTrebodr] avrcp fiifiXiov eH<raiov TOV irpo<f>r]Toving m
unrolled the BOOK, he
was delivered t o h i m a roll ofEsaias the prophet: found the PLACE where it
/ecu avaTTTv^as TO fiifiXiov, eupe TOV TOTTOV, was written,
and having unrolled the roll, he found the place, 18 J "The Spirit of the
ou t]v yeypafifievov " tlvevfia Kvpiou eir* "Lord is on me, because
where i t was having been written : " A spirit of a l o r d upon "he has anointed me to
ejue* ov etveKev a%ptcr6 fie svayyeXicacrdai "proclaim glad tidings to
m e : ofwhichonaccountofhehasanointedme t o publish glad tidings "the Poor; he has sent
TTTcoxoiSy aTrecrraXKe fie Kt]pv^ai aix^aXooTois " me f to publish a Release
t o p o o r ones, he has sent me t o publish t o captivea "to the Captives, and Re-
c o v e r y of sight to the
acpeo'i.v, Kai Tv<p\ois avafiXeipiv, atroaraXai "Blind; to dispense "Free-
a. dpliverance, a n d tft blind ones recovery of sight, t o send away
" dom to the oppressed;
Tt8pavo~fA€Vovs ev a(f>eo~€if 19 Krjpv^ai euiavrov 19 " to proclaim an Era
t h o s e having b e e n c r u s h e d i n freedom, t o publish ayear
"of acceptance with the
Kvpiou deKTOV." Kat irTvi-as TO f3if3Xiov^ "Lord."
of a lord acceptable." A n d having rolled u p t h e roll,
20 And having rolled up
aTrodovs T(p bTrrjperr}, e/ca0tcre* Kai iravrcov the BOOK, he returned it to
having given back t o t h e a t t e n d a n t , h e s a t down : and of all the ATTENDANT, and sat
ev Trf o'vvaycoyp ot o(p6aXfioi t]crav arevt^ovres down. And the EYES of
in the synagogue the • eyes were l o o k i n g steadily all who were in the SYNA-
21 GOGUE were attentively
avrq). H p | a r o §e Xeyeiv irpos avrovs' 'On fixed on Mm.
to hirn. H e began a n d t o say to them: That
trrjfiepov TreirXripcarai r) ypcupy] avrrj ev TOLS say21to them,
And he began to
" To-day, &m
to-day i s fulfilled Slu
in t o t h e writing this
SCRIPTURE, which is now
wffiv vfj.Gov. ^ K a i iravres efiaprvpovv avrca, in your EARS, is fulfilled."
ears of y o u . And all bore testimony t<J*him,
22 And all bore testi-
Kai edavfia^ov em TOLS Xoyois TTJS xaPtT°s> TOIS mony to him, and wondered
and wondered at the words of t h e graciousneis s those at $ THOSE WORDS of
eKTropevofievois eK TOV ffTOfiaros avrov, Kai GRACJE PROCEEDING from
proceeding o u t of t h e mouth of him, and his MOUTH. And they
eXeyov Ovx ovros effTiv 6 vlos lcoo"r}(p; 23
Kcu said, " Is not this the SON
said: Not thie> is t h e son Joseph? And of Joseph ?"

t 16. The Jewish doctors, in honor of the law and the prophets, invariably* toodup while
they read them; b u t s a f down while they taught or commented on them. This was our
Lord's custom, as we learn from Ma tt. xx vi. 55—"I sat teaching in the TEMPLE every day."
t 17. The Sacr»d Writing* used to this day, in a'ilJewish Synagogues, are written on skins
of basil, parchment, or vellum, pasted end to end, and rolled on two roftersbeginningat each
end; so that in reading from right to left, they roll off with the left, while they roll OH with
the right. The place that h e opened was probably the section for the day.—Clarke. t 18.
" T o heal the broken i n heart," is omitted both by the Vatican MS. and Griesbach, bui
Bloomfield thinks without sufficient warrant, as it is found in Isa. Jxi. 1.
X 16. Matt.ii. 23; xlii. 54; Markvi. 1, aiiiil-i, xvii. %t.
+ 16. Acts iiii.14, % 18 Isa
\xu 1. X 22. Psa. xlv. 2. £ 22. John
" ' vi. 42,
Ghap. 4: 23.] LtJKE. [Chap. 4 : 8 1

etire vrpos avrovs' Uavrcos epeire fioi rt\v irapa- 23 And he said to them,
he said to them: Surely you will say to me the "You will certainly refer
fio\7)v ravrt]v " Iccrpe, depaireverov acavrov" me to this PROVERB, ''Phy-
tration this; "Physician, heal thyself;" sician, cure thyself; what
things we have heard has
oo~a riKOvcra/xsj/ ysvofxtva eis "Kane pvaovfi, been done in CAPERNAUM,
what things we have heard having been done in Capernaum,
do also here in thy own
iroirjo-ov Kai co5e ev rr\ ivarpi^i GOV. 2 4 Ei7re 5e# COUNTRY.'"
do thou also here in the country ofthes. He said and;
24 But he said," Indeed
AjX7)v Xeyco VJXIV, on ovfieis Trpo(pr)T7]s dacros I say to you, % That no
Indeed I say to you, that no one a prophet acceptable Prophet is acceptable in
effriv €p ry irarpi^L avrov. JZTT' a\7]6eias Se h i s OWN COUNTRY.
is in the country ofhimself. In truth but 25 But in Truth I say to
Xeyoo v/aiv, iroXXai X7ipaL y&av €V Tais 7}fxspais you, % There were Many
I say to you, many widows were in the days Widows in ISRAEL, in the
HAtoi; zv rep I&payjX, o r e eKXeiGOr] 6 ovpavos days of Elijah, when the
ofElias in the Israel, when was shut up the heaven HEAVEN was closed three
€7Ti 6T7] Tpia Kai {A7)V<XS 4 £ , CDS 6 7 6 V 6 T O Xl/iAOS Years and six Months, sa
for years three and months six, BO that came a famine that there came a great
fieyas eiri iravav rr\v yqv 26 Kai irpos ovfie/uiav Famine over All the LAND ;
great over all the land; and to no one 26 and yet to no one of
avreov eircfjLcpQf] JriXias, €i fir} eis ^apeirr-^ rrjsthem was Elijah sent, but
of them was sent Elias, if not into Sa-'pta of the to a "Widow Woman, at
'SiSoovos irpos yvvaiKa xy)Pav' 2 7 aL
^ TTOXXOI Sarepta, of SIDON.
Sidon to a woman a widow And many 27 + And there were
Xeirpot r\Gav e-m EXtaaaiov rov irpoeprjrov ev rep Many Lepers in ISRAEL,
lepers were in ofElisha the prophet in the in [the days] of Elisha the
iGparjX* Kai ovfieis avreov eKaOapiadrj, ei /J.7) PROPHET, and yet no one
Israel; and no one of them were cleansed, if not of them were cleansed, but
Nee/zap 6 ^,upos. Kai eirXrjerdrjo-av rravres Naaman, the SYRIAN."
Naaman the Syrian. And they were filled all 28 And all in the SYN-
dvfiov €v rrj Gvvayccyr), aKovovres ravra. AGOGUE hearing these
of wrath in the synagogue, words, were filled with
having heard these things.
Kat avaaravres e^e^aXov avrov e^co rr]s Wrath;
And rising up they cast out him outside of the 29 and rising up, they
TroXeoos' Kai f]yayov avrov kcos oeppvos rov drove him out of the CITY.
eity; and they led him even to a brow of the and led him even to the
OpOVS, €^) 3 01) 7] TTOXlS avrCCV CpKofiojjLTjrO, WCTT6 f Brow of the MOUNTAIN
mountain, on which the city of them was built, so as on which their CITY was
KaraKpfjfJLVio'ai avrov 30 avros 5e 5ieA0coz> Sia built, to throw him down;
to cast down him; he but passing through 30 but H E , % passing
jj,€o~ov avroov, eiropevero. through the Midst of them,
midst of them, went away. went away.
Kai Karr}X6ev €is TLeirepvaovjj.) TTOXIV ryjs 31 % And he came down
And he came down into Capernaum, a city of the to Capernaum, a City of
TaXiXaias- Kai r\v SifiaGKcov avrovs ev rois GALILEE, and taught them
on the SABBATH.
Galilee; and he was teaching them in the
32 32 And they were struck
o'afifiao'i. Kat €^€7rXr]GGovro ciri ry didaxy with awe at his mode of
aabbaths. And they were astonished on the teaching INSTRUCTION ; % F o r n * s
avrov Sri ev e^ov&ict rjv 6 Xoyos avrov, WORD was with Authority.
ofhim; for with authority was the word ofhim.
33 33 % Now there was a cv rr) Gvvaycoyy t\v avOpcciros £%eov Man in the SYNAGOGUE,
And in the synagogue was a man having
t 29. Behind the Maronite church is a steep precipice, forty or fifty feet high, " on the
brow of the hill;" the very one, it may be, over which the people of Nazareth attempted to
thrust the Savior, on the Sabbath when they took such offence at his preaching in the syna-
gogue. I observed other rocky ledges, on other parts of the hill, so precipitous that a person
could not be thrown over them without almost certain destruction. A worthless tradition
has transferred this event to a hill about two miles to the south-east of the town. But
there is no evidence that Nazareth ever occupied a different site from the present one; and
that a mob so exasperated, whose object was to put to death the object of their rage, should
have repaired to so distant a place for that purpose, is entirely incredible.—Hackett.
t 24. Matt. xiii. 57; Matt. vi. 4; John iv. 44. % 2R. 1 Kings ivii. 9 ; xviii. 1; James
v. 17. J 27. 2 Kings v. 14. X'60.John viii. 59; x. 39. X 81. Matt. iv. VA;
Mark i. 21. T 82. Matt. vii. 28, 29« J 33. Mark i. 2-3.
LUKE. [ &iap. 4 : & .

ffvevfxa daifMoviOK aKaOaprov, aveKpa^e having a Spirit of an f im-

a spirit of a demon unclean, pure .Demon ; and he ex-
and he cried out
fyoopr} ju.€yaXr>, s 4 * [ A 6 y ^ i / - ] claimed with a loud Voice,
E a , TL 7jfJ.IV Kai
<rith a. voica loud, [saying;] 34 "Ah! what hast thou
Ah, what to us and
«rot, lr)o~ev Njzfaprjve ; yAdes airoAeo~at r)fxas' to do with us, Jesus Naza-
iO thee jesus ONazarene? comestthou to destroy us; rene ? Comest th<m to
* H 5 « c e ns ei, d ayios rov Oeov. 3 5 K a r destroy us ? I know thee
iknoff thee who thou art, the holy the God. And who thou a r t ; J the HOLY
iireTifj.r](Teu avrcp 6 lr}o~ovs, Azyoov QI/AOOOTITI, ONE of G O D . "
rebuked him tha Jesus, saying; Be silent, 35 And J E S U S rebuked
Kat e£eA$e e£ avrov. Kai pi^av
avrov TO him, saying, " Be silent,
•ihd come out of him. And having thrown him the and come out of him." And
Saifxoviov eis fiecrov, €%r}A0ev an* avrov, (JLrjfiev the DEMON having- thrown
demon into midst, came out of him, nothing him into the Midst, de-
A\a\pai^ avrov Kat eyevzro fiauftos ciri parted from him, without
feurting him; And came amazement on hurting liim.
^avras' Kat cvveXaXQW irpos aXXrjXovs, Xeyov- 36 And amazement came
all; and talked to one another, say- on all, and they spoke to
'€s* T i s 6 Xoyos ovros, brt ev €%ovo~ia Kai one another, "What WORD
ing: What the word this, for with authority and is this ! For with Autho
ftvvaixei eiriracrcrai rois aKaOaprois irvevinao'i, rity and Power he com-
power he commands the unclean spirits, mands the IMPURE Spirits,
Kai s^epxovrai; K a i e^eiropevero f]X0S irepi and they come out."
And they come out? And went forth areportconceming 37 And a Report con-
avrov eis iravra TOTTOV TTJS irepix<apov, cerning him went forth
him into every placo of the country around. into Every Part of the
Avaffras 8e e«r rrjs avvayooyrjs, Gio~y]X8ev SURROUNDING COUNTRY.
Having risen up and out of the synagogue, he entered
38 % And rising up out
€is rrjv otKiav^Lfxcouos' irevQepa 5e rov^Lfxcouos of the SYNAGOGUE, he
Jnto tho house of Simon: mother-in-lawand ofthe Simon entered the HOUSE of Si-
rjv ffvv^x0^^ ^vperc^ (leyaAcf}* Kat qpoorrjo'av mon. And SIMON'S Mo-
was seized with a fever great: and they asked
39 ther-in-law was confined
avrov 7rept avrrjs. Ka* €TTLo~ras eirava) with a violent "Fever; and
him about her. And Stan din above
avrr)S9 €TT€Tlfl7)Cr€ TCp irvpercp' Kai a(pr]K€V they asked him concerning
he rebuked the fever: and it left her.
avrrjv. Hapaxpy/AU 5e avacrao'a SlTJKOVei 39 And standing over
forthwith and rising up she served her, he rebuked the FEVER,
and it left her; and in-
aVTOLS. stantly rising up, she ser-
them. ved them.
Avvovros Be rov r)Xiov, iravres ocrot etx0J/
Setting and of tha sun5 all as many as had 40 J Now as the SUN waa
setting, all who had any
ttcrOevovvras vocrois ivoiKiXais, rjyayov avrovs sick with various Diseases,
bein^ afflicted with diseases various, brought them brought them to him; and
irpos avrov 6 5e kvt eKacrrca avrcov ras HE, placing his HANDS on
to him: he and one by one separately of them the each one of them, cured
^ e t p a s 67ri06ts, eOepairevcrev avrovs. E£?7p- them.
hands having placed, he healed them. Came
41 And Demons also
Xero 5e Kat dai/uovia airo KOXXOOV, Kpa^oura departed from many, cry-
out and also demons from many, crying out ing out and saying, "STfjou
Kat Aeyovra' ' O T J crv et 6 vtos rov Oeov. Kai art the SON of GOD." And
and saying: That thou art the son ofthe God. And rebuking them, he per-
etririfiuov OVK eia avra XaXeiv, on rjdeio'au mitted them not to say
rebuking not hepermitfcadthem to say, that they knert That they knew him to be
rop Xpicrrov avrov eivat. the M E S S I A H .
the Anointed him to be.
t 33. As demon was used both in a good and b ad sense before and after the time o f t h e
evangelists, the word unclean may have been added here by Luke, merely to express the
quality of this spirit. B i t i t i s worthy of remark, that the inspired writers* never USQ the
word demon in a good sense.—Clarke.
1 84. Psa. xvi. 10 ; Dan. ix. M J 38. Matt. viii. H : Mark i. 29. J 40. Matt.
m i . 16: Mark i. 32.
Okap. 4: 41j LUKE. [ dhap. 5 : 1.
T€vofxev7}s 5 e - ^ e p a s , e£eAJaJi/ eiropevdr} e t s 42 A n d Day having come,
Being corns and day, eoming out he went into lie retired t o a Desert
zprj/xop TOTTOV KCLI ol o%Aoi eireCjiTovv CLVTOP, Place ; and the CROWDS
a desert place: and the crowds sought hirn, sought h i m , a n d came to
Kai TJKOCCV ZOOS avrov, KCU /caT6t%oj/ avTov fit) him, a n d u r g e d h i m n o t ta
and came to him, and urged him not leave t h e m .
43 43 B u t H E said t o them,
TropGvecrOai a7r' avTcov. ' O 5e enre irpos
to depart from them. He but said to " I must proclaim t h e glad
avrovs' 'OTL KCLI TOLLS erepcus iroKccriv evasy- tidings of t h e K I N G D O M of
them; That also to the other cities to publish G O D to O T H E R Cities a l s o ;
yeAia,ao~6ai /u.e Set TT)P ftaffiXziav TOV deov OTL because for this I have
glad tidings me must the kingdom of the God; because been s e n t . "
€LS TOVTO aTre<TTa\fAUL. 44 + And he was preach-
for this I have been sent forth. i n g * i n t h e SYNAGOGUES
K a i r)v K7}pv(T<Tcap ev TCLLS crwaycoyais TTJS of G A L I L E E .
And he was preaching in the synagogues of the C H A P T E R Y.
Va\L\aLas. KE<f>. e ' . 5 . * ~Ey*i/eTo 5 e ep Tcp
Galilee. I t happened but in to the 1 % Now i t occurred, ns
t h e C R O W D P R E S S E D on
the crowd to press him of the to hear the h i m t o H E A R t h e W O R D of
G O D , fte w a s standing by
word of the God. and he was standing by the t h e LA K E Gennesaret;
\LJJ.VT]P Tepp-qaap^T' 2
/ecu etSe dvo TTAOLCL 2 a n d h e saw * t w o
lake Gennesaret; and he saw two ships Boats stationed near t h e
e o r c o T a Trapa, TJ]V \L\ivr\v ol 8 e OLKLSLS airofiap- S H O R E ; b u t t h e F I S H E R -
standing by the lake; the but fishermen having M E N having left them,
T e s a-n-' avTooPj aireirAvvap TO, StKrva. 3
E,u/3as were washing t h e i r N E T S .
gone from them, were washing the nets. Entering 3 And having gone i n t o
5 e € I S kv TO)P TTKOLOOV, 6 7}V TOV ^LjMtiPOS* 7)pO0- one of t h e B O A T S , w h i c h
andintoone oftire ships, which was of the Simon; he was S I M O N ' S , h e asked
T7)o~6p CLVTOP airo TT]S yf)S crravayayeLP oKiyop' hini to p u t off a little from
asked him from the land to put off alittle; the LAND ; and sitting
KCU KaQiaas €<$L$<XO'K€P €K TVV TTKOLOV TOVS down, h e instructed t h e
and sitting down he taught out of the ship the C R O W D S o u t of t h e B O A T .
o%A.ous. ' H s 8 e eiravcaTO XaXcop, et7re irpos 4 A n d w h e n h e ceased
crowds. WheHand he ceased speaking, he said to speaking, h e s a i d t o S I M O N ,
TOV ^LfjLwva' ETraycryaye GLS TO fiaOos, KCLI J " P u t o u t i n t o t h e D E E P ,
the Simon; Put out into the deep, and and l e i d o w n your N E T S
%aA.acraT6 r a Si/cma vfxcov e t s aypav. Kat for a D r a u g h t . "
letdown the nets of you for a draught. And
5 A n d * Simon answer-
airoKpiQsis 6 HL/JLCOV SLTTZV *[_aiyrcjj , ]| E 7 r t c r T a T a , ing, said " Master, w e
answering th« SLLDO* sa'd I to him 1 O master: have 'abored through t h e
5Y OATJS 777? PVHTOS KOTr<.aoavrss, ovfizv eA.a- Whole N I G H T , and. h<v&e
through whole of the night having toiled, nothing we caught n o t h i n g ; y e t , afc
&0/JL€V 67Tt 8 e TCp p7)fXCLTL CTOV Xa^a(Tco TO
t h y W O R D , I will let down
havetakenj at but the word of theel willlet down the
the * NETS.
SLKTVOP. K a t TOVTO TroLTicravTes, o'vveKXei-
net. And this having done, they enclo-
6 And having done t h i s ,
o"av strXridos ixQvaiv iroXv $Lepp7]yvvTO Se TO they enclosed a great MuJ-
sed a multitude of fishes great; was rending and the titude of P i s h e s : and thoi?
* N E T S were rending.
SLKTVOV avTcov. ? Kai KCLTevevaap TOLS /xeTo-
net of them. And they beckoned to the part- 7 And they beckoned t o
XOLS TOLS €P TCp &T€p(p TTXOMf, TOV €\doVT<XS their P A R T N E R S in t h e
ners to those in the other ship, of the coming O T H E R Boat, t o come and
crvXXafieadai OLVTOLS' Kai 7}XQov, /cat eirX^o'av A S S I S T t h e m . A n d t h e y
to help them; and they came, and filled came, a n d filled B o t h t h e

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—44. to the SYNAGOGUES. 2. two Boats. 5. Simoa.

5. to him—omit. 5. NETS. 6. NETS.
+ 1. Called also the sea or lake of Galilee, and the sea of Tiherias. I t was anciently called
the sea of Chinnereth. I t is about five miles wide, and some sixteen or seventeen miles
t 44. Mark i. 39. t 1. Matt. iv. 18; Mark i. 16. t 4. John xxi. &
(Piap. 5 : t.1 LlTKE. {(fhap.ti It.
afxtyoTepa ra irXoia, axrre avra. BOATS, so that they wera
both the ships, so as to sink sinking.
ISCOJ/ de ^1/u.cop Xlerpos, TrpoereTrcarerots •yovaat 8 And Simon Peter see«
Seeing and Simon Peter, fell down to the knees ing it, fell down at the
TOV l7}(Tovt Xtyoov9 E|eA0e air* e/uov, bri aviqp KNEES of * Jesus, saying,
of the Jesus, saying; Depart from me, for a man "Depart from me, O Lord,
afxaprwXos eifxi, Kvpie, 9 ®a/j.fios yap irepi- For I am a sinful Man.55
a s'inner I am, Oiord. Amazement for eeized
9 "For amazement seized
iCx^v avrov Kai irctPTGS rovs O~VV avrcp9 em ry him, and A L L who w u e
him and all those with him, at the
10 with him, at the DHATJGL T
ay pa roov idiocy, 'rj cwzXafiov 6/JLOKOS of Fi-siiES which they had
draughtof the fishes, which they had taken; inlike'tnanner taken;
5e Kai laKoofiop Kat looavvr]V, vlovs Zefiedaiov,
and also Jarneo and John, sons ofZebedee, 10 and in like manner
ot 7)<rav ttoivowoi rep ^,1/LLCOVI, Kai enre irpos also, James and Jolm, Sons
who were partners With the Simon. And said to
of Zebc dee, who w ere Part-
ners with SIMCK. And
rov 2,1/j.cova 6 ITJCTOVS* Mrj (po^ov airo rov vvv * Jesus said to SIMON,
the Simon t h e Jesus; Not fear} from ofthe now
av6poo7rovs ear} faypwv, ll Kai narayayovres thou wilt catch Men/ 5
men thou wilt be catching. And having brought
r a irXoia em rrjv yrjv, a(pevrcs ctTravra, TJKOXOV- 11 And having brought
the ships to the land, having left all, they fol- the BOATS to the L A N D ,
drjo'av avr(p, X leaving all, they followed
lowed him. him.
*2 K a t cyevero ev r(p eivai avrov ev [xia, rwv 13 $ And it occurred,
Andit happened ia to the to be him in one ofthe when he WAS in one of the
vroXecav9 Kat i$ov9 avr\p TrXrjprjs Xerrpas* Kat CITIES, behold, a Man full
cities, and lo, a man full of leprosy; and of Leprosy, seeing JESUS,
tfioov rov Irjcrovv, ireo-oov eirt Trpoaooirov, e8e??(fr7 fell on his Pace, and be*
seeing t h e Jesus, having fallen on face, entreated sought him, saying, "Sir,
avrov, Xsywv Kvpie, eav 0eAr?s, Swavat fjie if thou wilt, thou canst
him, saying; O lord, if thou wilt, thou art able me cleanse Me."
KaOapicai, Kai eKreivas rrjv ^(eipa, r^aro 13 And extending his
to cleanse. And stretching out the hand, Retouched HAND, he touched him,
avrov9 enrcov 0eA&>, Kadapio~8r)Ti.Kat evOeeos saying, " I will; be thou
him, Bayingi I will, be thou cleansed. And immediately cleansed." And instantly
if X.€7rpa air7]X6ev air* avrov. Kat avros the LEPKOSX departed
the leprosy departed from him. And he from him.
irap^yyeiXev avr(p firjfievt enreiv aXXa aireX-
commanded him no one to tell; but going 14 J And he commanded
Qav Bei^ov ceavrov rq> iepei, Kat irpoo'eveyKe him to tell no one; " but
go, [said he] show thyself
show thyself t o the priest, and offer
to the PRIEST, and present
V€pi rov KaOapio'ixov o~ov, Kctdcos wpocera^e an offering on account of
on account of the cleansing of thee, as enjoined
thy CLEANSING, J as Moses
MCOO-TJS, eis fxaprvpiov avrois, commanded, for Notifying
Hoses, for a witness to them. [the cure] to the people.'5
AuqpxGTO 8e [xaXXov b Xoyos irept avrov 15 But the KEPOET con-
Spread abroad but more the word concerning him ;
cerning him spread abroad
Kat crvvqpxovTQ ©xAot rroXXot aKovciv, Kat the m o r e ; and great
and came together crowds great to hear, and Crowds came together to
BepairevecOat *[v7r' avrav^ airo rwv acrOevetoov hear, and be cured of thehf
to be healed [by him] from the weaknesses INEIEMITIES.

* VATICAW MANUSCRIPT.—8. Jesus. 10. Jesus* 15. by him—omit.

t 14. This injunction of our Lord upon the man to show himself to the priest, might hare
had a further meaning than merely a compliance with the direction of the Mosaic law in
this case. The Jewish Rabbins thought that the curing of the leprosy would be character-
istic ofthe Mespiah. Thi s makes the obstinacy and unbelief of the Jewish rulers and people
appear still more inexcusable.
% 10. Matt. iv. 19; Mark i. 17. t H• Matt. iv. 20; xix. 27; Marie i. 18; Luke sviii
28. t 32- Matt.viii 2; Mark i.40. t 14. Matt.viii,4. t 14. Lev. xiv.4,l<k
%1. 22.
Chap. 5 : 16.2 LUKE. tChap. 5 : 84.
avrcav AUTOS 8e f]v v7rox<vpw *V rais spy/iois, 16 $And f)e retired into
of them: He but was vetiring in the deserts, solitary places, and prayed.
Kai TrpdffGVXoiJLePos. 17 And i t occurred on
and praying. one of the DAYS, he was
^ Kai eyevero ev fiia roou f)[JLepow9 K<XL CLVTOS
teaching, and the * P H A R I -
And ithappened in one of the days, and he SEES and Teachers of the
K]V $L^a(TKool/• Kai 7}<rav Kadr){isvoi $>api<Tcuoi teat Law were sitting near,
was teaching; and were sitting Pharisees and having come out of .Every
yo/UoSiSatf/caAoj, ol qcrav eXyXvQores e/c irao"r)s Village of Galilee, and ot
teachers of the law, they were having <.o me out of all Judea, and h'om Jerusa-
K(onr}s rrjs TaXiXcuas uai IouSams, Kai 'lepov- lem ; and the Mighty
^illages ofthe Gali-ed and Judea and .jeru- Power of trie Lord was on
ffa\7}fx* teat Swa/xts Kvpiov t\v ets TO *a<rdcu*him ic CURE.
salems and power of Lord was into -h? to heal 18 £ And, behold, Men
avrovs. K a i iSou, avSpes (pepovres eiri bringing on a Bed a palsied
them. And lo, men bringing on Man, and they sought U
KKLVTJS avdpcoiroVy 6s TJV irapaXeXv^xevos' Kai bring him m , and p ace
a couch. a man, who was having been palsied; and him in his presence.
G(J\TOVV avrov eicreveyKeiv, Kai Oeivai evcairiov 19 And ii ot hiding how
sought him to bring in, and t o place in presence they could bring him in,
avrov. K a i /JLTJ evpovres iroias Gio'evsyKooo-iv on account of ihe CROWD,
of him. And not finding how they might bring in having ascended to the
avrov, §£a rov ox^°vr avafiavres €7rt TO (Jco/xa, HOOP, vhey ioweied him,
him, through the crowd, having gone up to t h e roof, with < lit* LlTTi E frED,
Sta roov KepajJicav KaOrjitau avrov crvv rq> tthrough the TILES, into
through the Ules they let <iown him with the the MIDST before * them
KXivifiicp eis TO fxeorov ^fnrpoo'deu rov Irjcov. all.
little bed into t h e midst in presence ofthe Jesus. SO And perceiving their
K a i idcai/ Tf]v TVio'riv avrcav, enrzw Av9pooiref FAITH, he said, "Man,thy
And seeing the faith of them, he said; O man, SINS are forgiven thee.*'
acpeooPTcu croi at a/xapriai cov. 2 1 K a i Tjp^avro 21 % And the SCRIBES
havebeenforgivento theethe sins of thee. And began and the P H A R I S E E S began
§LakoyL(€o~9ai ol ypaixfiareis Kai ol Qapirraioi, to /eason, Baying, " W h o
to reason the scribes and the Pharisees, is this that utters Blas-
Aeyovres' Tis ecrriv ovros os XaXei fiXaccprj/dtas; phemies ? % Who can for-
saying; Who 18 this who speaks blasphemies? give Sins, except God
Tts 8iu>aTai a<pLevai a/xapnas, et fit) povos 6 only?"
who is able to forgive sins, »t not alone the 22 But JESUS knowing
0eos; "2l&Tnyvovs 5e 6 Irjaovs rovs diaXoyio-fiovs their THOUGHTS, answer-
God? Knowing but the Jesus the reasonings ing, said to rhem, " Why
aVTltiP) a7TOrCpi06tS et7T6 TTpOS CLVTOVS' T t biaX0~
ofthem, answering said to them; "Why do you do you reason in your
yi£eo~9e ev rats Kapdias V/JLCOV ; 2 3 T t ecrriv HEARTS ?
reason in the hearts ofyou? Which is 23 Which is easier ? to
evKOTToorepoy; eiireiw A(pecovrai o~oi at afiap- say, 'Thy SINS are forgiven
easier? to say; Have been forgiven to thee the sins t h e e ; ' or t o say, [with5
rial aov ; rj eiirew JZyeipe Kai ireptirarei; effect,]' Arise, and walk?
of thee? or t o say; Arise and walk P 24 But that yon may
'Iz/a 5e €ISTJT6, on c^ovena? e%e.. <* vlos rov know that the SON of MAN
Thatbutyo*mayknow,that authority has the son ofthe h a s AUTHORITY 0J1 EARTH
avdpooTrov €7ri TT]S yijs acpuvai ay.aprias, (eiire to forgive Sins," (he says
man on the earth to forgive sins, to the PALSIED MAN,) " I
(he said
rep irapaXeXv/Acvcp'^ ^,oi Xeyco' Eyeipe, Kai say to thee, 'Arise, and
to the having been palsied;) To thee I say ; Arise, and taking up thy LITTLE
apas TO KXLVISIOV <rou, iropevov sis t h e BED, go to thy HOUSE.' "
into rov
having taken up the little bed of thee, go
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—17. PHARISEES. 17. him to CURE. And. 19.1&em all.
+ 19. Probably through the door in the roof, which being fastened, waa forced open. See
Mark ii. 4. Because all the roof, except the door, was covered with tiles, it is said, " thej
lowered him through the tiles;" of course, by means of the stairs leading down into the
area or court of the house, where the people were assembled.
X 16. Matt. xiv. 23; Mark vi. 46. J 18. Matt. ix. 2; Mark ik 3. t 21. Matt. U
S- Mark ii. 8,7. X 21. Psa. xxxii,5; Isa. xlia. 25.
Ckap. S: 2&.} LUKE, [Cliap. 5i SS;.

OIHOV oov.
Kat Trapaxpypa avaoras epwitiov 25 And instantly nfising
Louse ol t h e e . And . lnaiautJy arising ift presence in their presence, and tak-
avrtav, apas €<p* '(p • Kateneiro, a.irr}\Qzv ing up that on which he
of t h e m , having taked u p on w l w b he liad been laid, ,went had been lying, he pro-
is rov oiKoy avrov, 8b£a£oov rov Oeof. ?G Kai ceeded to his own HOUSE,
i n t o t h e house ofbiinself, glorifying t<,
h eua God.
w„. And praising GOD.
€K<rra(ris eXafizv avail fas, Kai edo£a(ov rov 26 And astonishment
amazement took 'all, a n d t h e y glorified t h e seized ail, and they praised
Oeov> Kai *ir\r}(rQr)(Tav (pofiov, teyovres" 'On GOD, and were filled with
God: . and were filled ' _ of fear, saying: That Fear, saying, " We havo
etSofxev irapadofa cnjfxepov. seen wonderful tilings to-
kvehave seen wonderful thitvga to-day. day."
Kat /nefg, ravra e£??A0e, Kai eOea&aro 27 % A 1 ^ after this, lie
And after these he went out, and' saw
went out, and saw a Tri-
reXcof-qUf ovo/xari Aeviv, KaOtf/uevoi' errt ro bute-taker, named Levi,
a t tllC
a publican, with a name Xevij eitting sitting at theTAX-OFFicK;
rsXtaviov Kai ztirev avrcp' AKOXOVOGI {JLOL. and he said to him, " Fol-
fcustoni.-honse: and he said !to h i m : Follow uie. low me."
" 8 K a i KaraXnroov artaura, avaq-fas 7]KoXov6riaev 28 And forsaking till, he
And jorsakiiig .' all, rising up he followed
2 J
avTcc. ' ' Kat e7roi7)&€ <5ox*n ^eyaX-rju v
Aevis arose, and followed Jiini,
him, And made ^ a feast grtat '•'. Levi 29 t And * Levi made a
(tvtcp €U rr) oiKici avfov" teat rjv. oxXos reXcovcov great Veastfor him, in hi3
l o him in t h e house ofhiLnself: a n d was a c i o w d of publicans own H O U S E ; and there
vroXvs, Kat aXXoov, oi rio~av [xtr' avroov KaraKei- was a great Crowd of Tri-, • a n d of others, who* were Willi them ^ jeclin- lmte4akers, and of others,
-p,evo9. '^ Kat eyoyyv£ov oi ypapLp-arsis avroov who were, reclining with
lug. And murmured the scribes o f t h e i n them. : i
/cat bi fyapicraioi irpos rovs /J.a9r]Tas avrov^ 30 And *the PHARISEES
and the Pharisees to the. disciples of him, and their SCHIBKS com-
Aeyovres' Atari fj.€ra roov reXcovcov Kai afxap- plained to his DISCIPLES,
saytng: Why with. tho publicans and • sin ' saying, " "Why do juu cat
iu)X(t)V eo-0i€T€ Kat irtvere; 3 1 Kai airoKpiOets o and drink with TiiiuuTE-
*iers doyou'eat and drink? And answering the TAKERS and Sinners r"
ITJOSOVS etire irpds avrovs' Ov xp*lav *X0V0~lJ/ 31 And * Jesus answer-
Jesus said to tnern: needNo ' have ing, said to them, " T H O S K
Oi vyiaivovres tarpov, aXX' ol KOLKUS exovr^s' uho are in JIEAT,TH have
those buinjr in health of a physician, b u t those sick . being; no need of a Physician,
ot//i (XrjXvOa KaXecrai dixaiovs, aXXa ajuapTcc- but THOSE who are SJCK.
not I have c o m e t o call j u s t (ones,} but" sinners
32 J I have not come to
Xovs €ts fiGTavoiav. call the Righteous, but
t o reformation. , . ^.
33 Sinners to Keptmtance."
'01 Se 'etirov Ttpos avrov ^\_Aiari\ ol 33 And THKY said to
I b e y and snid to him: [-Why]. the
him, | " The DISCIPLES of
y.a9rjrai \umvvov vricmvovo'i irvKva, Kat de^ceis John frequently fast and
disciples of J o h n fast often, a n d prayers
Pray; and in like manner
Troiovvrai, b/xoicas Kat olrcov Qapio'atoow oi §e THOSE of the P H A R I S K E S ;
make, in like u i a n n e r a u d th i"e of the Pharisees: those but
34t but THINE eat and drink r"
<roi eadtouat Kat Trtvouaiv'; O oV enre rrpos
t o thee eat and ' drink? .lie and said 34 And he said to them,
aurovs' Mr) SvvacrOe rovs vlovs rov vv/ufpios, iv "Can the BIUDEMEN fast,
them: N o t vou are able t h e sons of the bridal-chamber, in while the BRIDEGROOM is
*cp 6 vvfxrptos /uer' avrcov tort, iroirjaat with them?
which i h e b n d o / r o o i n with them is, t o make 35 But Days will come,
vrjcrrevetu; 3a iLXsvaovrat 5e 7]}xepai, Kat brav when the "BRIDEGROOM
t o fast? AVillcome but dn^s, and when will be taken from them,
a-rrapOr) an* avrcoy 6 vvfx(ptos, rore prjO-Tcvcrov- and then they will fast in
imay be taken from t h e m t h e ' b r u l e g r o o i n , tiicn they will fast Those DAYS."

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—29. Lsvj„ 30. the PHARISEES and their SCBIBE».

31. Jesus. -'
7 27 Matt.ix. 9; Markii.13. li. .... % 29. Matt. ix. 10; Mark ii. 15. t 32. Mutt
ix id; i Aim.1.15, J §;}- Watt. It.U; Mark ii. U, ' ""
Chap. 5 : 36.] IiUKEe [Cfoap.6: S.
S6 36 $ And he also spoke a
&iv €P tfCEivais TOLLS ijfiepats* EXeye de tcai
in those the days. Parable to them; " N o one
He spoke and also
7rapafia\7)V irpos avrovs* 'Ort ovfieis GirifiXrjfjLa puts a Piece * rent from a
a parable to them; That no one a patch new Garment on an old;
ifjLUTLov aaipov eirifiaXXei eirt i/xariov rraXaiov* else the KEW also * will
Df a mantle new sews on to a mantle old: make a rent, and THAT
€1 § 6 fl7]J€, KCU TO KaiPOV (TX^h KaL
P' ^ P Piece from the NEW * will
rt lra aLC

if but not, and the new it rends, and the old not agree with the OLD.
ov (Tv/jL(pcov€i 6irifi\7)fjt,a TO airo TOV KOLIVOV. 37 And no one puts new
jot agrees a patch that from the new. "Wine into f old Skins;
Kat ovfieis fiaXXei oivov vsov eis a&Kovs else the * N E W W I N E will
And no one puts wine new into skins burst the SKINS, and itseli
TraXaiovs' ef 8e /JLrjye, py^ei 6 veos oivos TOVS be spilt, and the SKINS be
old: if but not, will burst the new wine the destroyed.
skins, and he will be spilt, 38 But new Wine must
and the skins
aitoXovvrai' aXXa oivov veov sis acrnovs Kai~ be put into new Skins.

will be destroyed: but wine new into skins new 39 No one having drunk
povs fihr)Teov *[/cc« a/jL<por€poL avprqpovvraL.^ old wine desires new; for
requires to be p u t : [and both are preserved.] he says, * The OLD is
[ K Q U ] ovSeis TTLOOU rraXaiop, *[eu0ecos] OeXei* good.'"
[And] no one having drunk old, Limmediatelyj desires
V€ov XeytL yap- fO iraXaLOS xPr)°"T0'r€P0S GO~TLP.
new: he says for: The old better is. CHAPTEE VI.
K E * . s\ 6 . 1 J And it occurred on
the Sabbath, that he went
^%y€V€TO 8e €p (rafifiarq) ^[devTepOTrpcarq}^ through the * Grain-fields,
I t happened and in sabbath [second-first) and his DISCIPLES plucked
hcviiropevecrdai avrov hia TOOV (Tiropifxcav KCU the HEADS of GRAIN, and
to pass him through the grain-fields: and ate, rubbing them in their
ITIXXOV ol fJL<xQr\Tai avrov TOVS araxvas, KCUHANDS.
plucked the disciples ofhim the ears of grain, and
qcrQioV) ^(axovres TOLLS X 6 ! 007 * 2 T w e s Se TOOV 2 And some of the
ate, rubbing the hands. Some and ofthe P H A R I S E E S said, " Why
bapiffaioop ei7rox/*[auTOis*] TL iroieire, 6 OVK e£- do you J what is not lawful
Pharisees said (to them;) Why do you, which not itis on the SABBATH ?"
€cm*\_iroieLV^ €UTOLS crafifiacri; Kcu airoKpiQeis 3 And * Jesus answer-
lawful [to do] in the sabbaths? And answering ing them, said, " Have you
irpos avrovs ciirev 6 Irjcrovs' Ovde rovro
avey- not even read this, $ which
to them said the Jesus; Not even David did, when hungry,
this have you
poore, 6 €Troir}(T€ AaviS, Snore eireLpao~ep avros fje and THOSE who * were
read, what did David, when was hungry he with him?
KCLL ol fier* avrov OPTZS; oos eicr'rjXdep eis TOP 4 Pie went into the TAB-
and those with him being? how he entered into the
ERNACLE of GOD, and took
OLKOP rov Ozov, Kai rovs aprovs rrjs irpodecreoos the LOAVES of the PRES-
house ofthe Godj and the loaves ofthe presence ENCE, and ate, and gave to
eA.a/3e, Kai ecpaye, icai efiooKe "^[wai] rois THOSE with him; $ which
a so
he took, and ate, and gave [ l ] to those none but the PRIESTS could
/xeT5 avrov ovs OVK e£ecrTi (payeiv, ei fxr) [xovos lawfully eat."
with him; which not itislawful to eat, if not alone
rovs iepeis ; 5
K a i eXeyev avrois' *['On] 5 And he said to them,
the priests? And he said to them; [That]
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—-36. rent from a new. 36. will make a rent, and the PIECE.
30. will not agree with. 37. NEW WINE. 38. and both are preserved—omit.
39. And—omit. 39. immediately—omit. 1. second-first—omit. 1. Grain-
fields. 2. to them—omit. 2. t o do—i)mit. 3. Jesus. 3, weie.
4. how—omit. 4. also—omit. 5. That-=omi£.
•f 37. Bottles of skin or leather, which the Jews used for putting" their wines in. Skins are
used fortius purpose now i n Spain, Portugal, and the East. Newwine, by fermenting would
hurst such as these, if they were old, and dry. See Josh. i x . 4, and Job xxxii. 19.
\ £6. Matt. ix. 10,17; Mark i i . 21,22. t I. Matt. xii. \ ; Mark ii. 23. i 2. JCxod
xx 10. % 3. 1 Sam. xxi. 6. % 4. Lev.xxiv.9,
Chap. 6 : 6.] LUKE. [Chap. 6 : 14.

KVpiOS €(TTLl/ 6 VLOS TOV avdpGOTTOV KCU TOV ( T a / 3 - "The SON of MAN is Lord
alord is the son of the man also of the sab- even of the SABBATH."
fiarov. 6 And it occurred ok
bath. Another Sabbath, that he
Eyevero eia'eK- entered the SYNAGOGUE,
5e * [ / c a i ] ev erepcp aafifiarq*
It happened and [also] to en- and taught. And a Man
in another sabbath
Qeiv avrov eis rrjv arvvayccyrjv, Kai SiSaer/cei//* Kai was there whose EIGHT
ter him into the synagogue, and to teach; and HAND was withered.
7]v etcei avOpcowos, KCLI 7] x P avrov 7) de^ia t\v 7 And the SCRIBES and
was there a man, and the hand of him the right was PHARISEES watched
\r\pa. 7 Tlaperrjpovv Se avrov ol ypafifxareis closely [to see] if he would
jwithered. Watched and him the scribes cure on the SABBATH ;
KCLI ol ^apicraioi ei ev rep crafiftarcp Qepairevcri, that they might find an
and the Pharisees if in the sabbath he will heal, Accusation against him.
Iva evpcoo'i Karriyopiav avrov. Avros de 8 But %z knew their
so thattheymightfind anaccusation ofhim. He but PURPOSES, and said to
7?5ei rovs diaAoyitf/xovs avrwv, Kai enre rep THAT MAN HAVING t h e
knew the purposes of them, and said to the withered HAND, " Arise,
av6pco7rep rep \r\pav e%ovri rrjv X€lPa'
Eyeipe, and stand in the M I D S T . "
man the withered having the hand; Arise, And HE arose and stood.
Kai arrrjdi eis ro fxeerov. eO 8e auao'ras eerrr}.
and stand into the midst. He and having arisen stood. f Thes J E S U S said to
^Eiirev ovv 6 Irjcrovs irpos avrovs* 'Eirepearrjo'ca them, " I ask you, if it is
Said then the Jesus to them; I will ask
lawful to do good on the
SABBATH, or to do evil?
vjxas' Ti e^eerri rots erafifiacriv ; ayaOoTroirjo'ai, to save Life, or to kill ?"
you; What is it lawful to the sabbath? to do good,
77 KaKoiroirjerai ; i\/vxv)V erooarai, i) airoK.ret.vai; 10 And looking round
or to do evil? a life to save, or to kill? on them all, he said to
J° Kai irepiPAexj/a/jLevos Travras avrovs, enrev him, " Stretch out thine-
'And looking around on all them, he said H A N D . " And H E did so;
avrcf EKreivov rrjv X€lPa °rov' ® ^ 6 Gnoirjo'e' and his HAND was re-
(to h i m ; Stretch out the hand of thee. He and did; stored.
kai aTreKareo'radr] rj X€LP avrov
* [ ^ s V «AA?7.]
11 Andtfieg were filled
(and was restored the hand ofhim with madness, and consul-
[as the other.]
*1 Avroi 5e eTcAr\o~Qr\(Tav a.voms, Kai dieXaXovvted with one another, what
They and were filled madness, and they talked they should do to J E S U S .
'/rpos aWrjAovs, ri av iroirjweiav rep Irjerov. 12 % And it came to pass
to one another, what they should do to the Jesus. in those DAYS, that he
Eyevero 5e ev rais r)jj,epais ravrats, e^rjK- went out to the MOUNTAIN
It came to pass and in the days those, he went to pray; and he remained,
6ev eis ro opos Trpocrev^acrdai' xai TJV SiavvKre- through the night, in f the
out into the mountain to pray: and was passing the ORATORY of GOD.
T0V 1S
peveav ev rrj irpocrevxxi 0*ov. K a i ore 13 And when it was
.might in the place of prayer of the God. And when Day he summoned his
eyevero rj/xepa, Trpocreepeavrjcre rws p.adrjras DISCIPLES ; % and having
it became day, he called to the disciples selected from them twelve,
avrov Kai eK\e^a/xevos air* avreav Scy^e/ca, ovs whom he also named
of himself: and having chosen from them twelve, whom Apostles;—
Kai airoaroXovs covo/j,acre' {%iixoova, 6v nai 14 Simon, % whom he
also apostles he named: (Simon, whaaa »i*o
also named Peter, and
covo/'e Tlerpov, Kai AvSpeav rov adz&pov Andrew his BROTHER,
he named Peter, and Andrew the brother James and John, Philip
avrov, laKoofiov Kai leaavvrjv, <friAnnroy Kat and Bartholomew,,
ofhim, James and John, Philip aad
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—6. also—omit. 9. I ask you, if it is lawful. 10. aa
the other—omit. 15. Alpheus.
t 12. Or the place of prayer to God. Nearly all modern critics translate prbsu?:ee in this
passage and Acts xvi. 13, in this manner. A prosukee was a large uncovered building, with
seats, as i n an amphitheatre, and used for worship where there waa no synagogue.
X 6. Matt. xii. 9 5 Mark iii. 1; Luke xiii. 14 ; xiv. 3 j John *x. IQ t 12. K a t t x i v . 2 3
t 13, Matt, x. 1 X 14. John i. 42.
bnap. 6 : 1BJ
Ltrttfi. £€frap.6« 24.
BapQoAofxaiop} MaT0cctop Kai®co}iav,\aKa>^ov 15 Mat+hew and Tho-
Bartholomew, Matthew and Thomas, mas, THAT James, son of
rov rov AX<paiov9 Kai'SijULOovarov KaXov/xevov * Alpheus, and THAT Si-
the of t h e Alpheus, and Simon the being called mon who was CALLED the
•£r}\u)T7}v9 Iovdav laKoofiov Kai lovdav IcrKapi- Zealot.
Zelotea, Judas of J a m e s and Judas Iscar-
16 Judas J the brother
6)rr}V9 6s ^"[/ccnj eyevero irpodorrjs'j *' Kai of James, and Judas Isca-
iot, who [also] became a traitor;) and
riot, who "became a Trai-
tcarafias fier* avra>p9 eary) em roirov ire^ivov, tor ;—
descending w i t h them, h e stood on a place level,
Kai o%A.os fiaOrjrwv avrov, Kai irXrjdos TTOXV 17 and coming down
and a crowd of disciples of h i m , a n d a multitude great with them, he stood on a
rov Xaov airo irao'rjs rrjs lovdaias, tccu 'lepov- level Place, with a*Crowd
of t h e people from all of t h e Judea, and J e r u - of his Disciples, % and a
ffa\7]fjL9 Kai T7/s irapaXiov Tuoow Kai ^itieovos, great Multitude of PEOPLE
salein, a n d of t h e sea-coast of Tyre and Sidon, from All J U D E A and Jeru-
ol 7)\9ojf aKovaat avrov, Kai ladrjpat airo r<x>v salem, and the SEA-COAST
who came t o hear him, a n d t o be healed from the of Tyre and Sidon, who
vocrwis avroow 1 8 Kai oi oxAou^ez/oi airo iwevfxa- came to hear him, and to
dissases of themselves; a n d t h o s e being troubled from spirits be restored from their
r(av aKaOaprcow Kai, edepairevovro, K a t 7ras
unclean; and t h e y were healed. And all
18 and THOSE who were
9 o%Xos 6^V]Tet airreo'dri avrov on dwapiis * distressed by unclean
t h e crowd sought to touch himj for a power
Spirits were cured.
7rap' avrov e^rjpx^To, Kai taro iravras,.
from him went o u t , a n d haaled alL 19 And All the CROWD
20 sought to touch him, $For
K a i avros eirapas rovs ocpdaXfiovs avrov a Power went ou: from
And h e havingliftedup t h e eyes of himself
him, and healed all.
eis rovs fiaOrjras avrov, eXeye' MaKapioi oi
on the disciples o f himself, h e s a i d ; Blessed the 20 Andfie,having lifted
irrwxoi' Sri v/xerepa ecrrtu r) fiacriXeia rov up his EYES on his D I S C I -
poor: for yours is the kingdom of t h e P L E S , said ; % " Happy,
Oeov, 2 1 MaKapioi ol irsivoovrss vvv on x°Pr0La'~ POOB. ones \ For yours ia
God. Blessed the hungering now; for y o u shall the KINGDOM of GOD.
drjo'eo'de. MaKapioi ol K? aiovres vvv on 21 X Happy now, HUN-
be satisfied. Blessed the weeping now; for
GERINGones ! Since you
yeXao'ere. will be satisfied. % Happy
frou a h a l l l a u g h .
now, W E E P I N G ones I Be*
MaKapioi eo're, orav pno"f]a,doa-iv vjxas ol cause you will laugh.
Blessed are you s when may hate you the
avOpcoiroi, Kai dray acpopio'cvo'iv vfias, 22 % Happy are you,
snen, and when t h e y may separate you, when MEN may hate you,
ore iftio" coat, Kai eKfiaXoocri ro ovop.a vpicov cos and separate you, and may
t h e y may revile, and m a y cast o u t t h e name of you as revile and cast out your"
novripov, £v€Ka rov viov rov avBpooirov. 23
X a - NAMES as evil, on account
evil, on account of t h e s o n of t h e man. K.e- of the Son of Man.
prjre ev eKeivy rrj r)pt.epa, Kai crKiprrjo'are' idov 23 % Rejoice in That
joiceyouin that the day, a n d leap y o u for j o y ; lo
DAY, and leap for j o y ;
yap, 6 p,io~6os vpicav TTOXVS ev rep .ovpavcp" Kara for behold, your E E W A E D
) for, t h e reward of you great i n t h e h e a v e n ; accordingto will be great in HEAVEN ;
ravra yap eiroiovv rois Trpo<pr]rais ol Trarepes X for thus their EATHEBS
these for did to the prophets the fathers did to the PROPHETS.
ofthem. » 24 X B u t W o e t o T 0 U >
HXTJV oval vfiiv rots irXovcriois* bn airz- ones; JFor you have RICH
But woe t o y o u the rich; for you have your CONSOLATION.
, —1—t
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—15. Alpheus. 16. also—omit. 17. a great Crowd.
18. distressed by unclean Spirits were cured.
' t 16. Jude 1. t 17. Matt. iv. 25; Mark iii. 7. X 19. Mark v. 30; Luke viii. 46
% 20. Matt. v. 3; xi. 5; James ii. 5. % 21. Matt. v. 6. t 21. Matt. v. 4. J 22. Matt.
i. 11; 1 Pet. ii. 19; iii. 14; iv. 14. % 23. Matt. v. 12•, Acts v. 41; Col.i. 24; James i- S
£ IS. Acts vii. 51. t 24. James v . l .
(fcap. 6l 25.} titTKE. [Chap. 6 : Stf.

j ^ e r e r ^ v irapaK\t]o,iv v/ncou. 2o
Ovai V/LUV, ol 25 "Woe to YOTT who are
jp fulV the comfort of you. Woe to you, those * FULL now I Because yois.
&/j,TrGirXr)0-/jL€vor OTL ireipao'eTe' ovai vfxip, olwill hunger. * Woe to
having been filled; for you shall hunger-. Woe to you, those YOU who LAUGH now! "For
yeXoovTes vvv on irevdyjcreTG Kai /cAauerere. you will mourn and weep.
laughing now: for you shall mourn and you shall weep.
2^ Ovai, orav KaXcos vfxas enrcocriv ol avOpcoiror 26 "Woe, when MEN may
Woe, when well you may speak the men: speak well of you! for
Kara ravra yap ercoiovv TOIS i\/evb*oTrpo<p7}Tais*to thus
their EATHEES did
accordingto these for did to the false-prophets
ol irarepes avrcou, 27 t But I say to YOU,
the fathers ofthem. who HEAR me, Love your
2 ENEMIES ; do good to
^ AAA* V/JLLV Xeyca rots aKovovcrtv A.yairare THOSE W h o HATE y o u ,
' But to you I say to those hearing: Love you
*?dvs ex^povs v}xoov KaXoos TTOI€LT€ TOLS fxicrov- 28 J bless THOSE who
the enemies of you : good do youyou, pray for THOSE
to those hat- CUESE
ffiv vfias' €vXoy€iTe rovs Karapoojievovs
v/nas' who I N J U E E you.
ing you: bless you those cursing you:
irpoo'evx^o'de virep TCOV eirTjpea^ovTcoy v/nas, thee on the CHEEK, present
pray you for those traducing you.
29 the OTHER also ; $ and
T(p TVTTTOUTI o~e €7Tt TY)P ffiayova, irap^xG KaL from H I M who TAKES
To the striking thee on tho cheek, offer also
AWAY thy MANTLE, with-
TK]V aXXyp' Kai aito rov aipovros crov TO IfxaTiov^ hold not even thy COAT.
the other: and from the taking oftheetbe mantle,
Kai TOV XlT(ava f17) KCoXv(T1]S. 30 $ Give to EVEUY fme
also the tunic not th>ou mayest hinder, ASKING t h e e ; and from
HavTi 5Y Tcp aiTOWTi CG didov teat airo TOV what is T H I N E , demand it
To all and those asking thee give thou: and from the
not. 31
aipovTos TCL era, JXK] airaiTei. Kai KaOcas
taking what is thine, not demand back. And all 31 $ And as you would
0eAeTe, ha TTOICOO'IU VJXIV ol avQpwitoi, ~*\_Kai that MEN should do to you,
you wish, that may do to you the men, [also do in like manner to them.
itytets] iroieiTe avrots Sjuoioos. 3 ' Kai €t aya- 32 J And if you love
you] do you to them in like manner. And if you THOSE who LOVE you,
TraTe TOVS ayairccvTas XaPls What Thanks are due to
vfxas, iroia vfxiv
love those loving you, what to you thanks you ? for even SINNERS
€CTi ; Kai yap ol a/uapToaXoi TOVS ayairoovTas Jove THOSE who LOVE
is it? also for the sinners those loving them.
avTOVS ayairoo<ri Kai eai> aya9o7roi7]Te TOVS
And if you should do good those S3 * A n d i f y o u d o good
them love. to THOSE DOING GOOD to
ayadoiroiovvTas vjxas, 7roia v/ntv XaPts G&TI ;
doing good you, what to you thanks is i t ? you, YHiat thanks are due
to you? SINNERS even do
Hai * [ 7 « p J ol ap.apTcoXot TO avTo
'woiovcri, the SAME.
also [f° r ] tiie
do. the same
34 34 * And if you lend to
Kai eai> baP€i(r)Te lrapy &>v eXiu^TG airoXa- those from whom you hope
And if you should lend from whom you hope to re-
to receive, What Thanks
fieiv, iroia. bjjuv XaPLS e^Tt, Kai "^[yap] ol are due to you ? SIKSKTEES
ceive, what to you thanks is it? also [for] the
even lend to Sinners, that
a/xapTcoXoi afxapTooXois Savei^ovo'iu, Iva aitoXa they may receive an E Q U I -
sinners to sinners lend, that they may
/3wo~i TO i&a. da
TLXT)]/ ayairaTe TOVS ex^povs VALENT.
receive the like things. But love you the enemies 35 But love your E N E -
VU.00V, Kai ayadoiroieiTG Kai havei^GTe ixrjhevMIES, and do good and
otyou, and dayougood and lendyou nothing lend, in Nothing despair-

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—25. F u u n o w . 25. Woe, YOU who LAUGH now. / 26. the
SAME did they to the FALSE-PROPHETS. 31. you also—omit 33. Tor if also you
do good. 33. for—omit* 34. for—omit,
1 27. Exod. xxiii. 4; Pro v. xxv. 21; Matt. v. 44; Rom. xii. 20. t 28. Matt, v. 44:
Luke xxiii. 34; Acts vii. 60. J 29. Matt. v. 39. J 29. 1 Cor. vi. 7. X 30. Deut,
xv. 7,8,10; Prov*xxi. 2Sj Matte v. 42. J 31. Matt. vii. 12. % 32. 31 alt. v. 4ft
I 34. Matt. T 43.
(Jhap. 6: 86.] LUKE. [Clmjp. 6: 4 i

aire Air I£OVT€S' Kai GffTai 6 fxiaQos v/xoov iroXvs, i n g ; a n d y o u r R E W A R D

despairing '• and shall be the reward of you great, will be great, a n d $ y o u
rccu eerea-fle vtoi vrpicrrov on avros xPr)(rr0S will be Sons of t h e Most
iind you shall be sons ofhighest; for he kind H i g h : for ije is kind to t h e
eo~Ttv €iu TOVS ax^p«yTovs teat irovripovs. U N T H A N K F U L a n d Evil.
is to the unthankful aud evil.
36 % Be you compas-
I V e ( r 0 € * [ o u z / ] oLKTip/xoves, Kadcos
*[KC&I~\ sionate, as yonr F A T H E R
Be you [therefore] compassionate, even as [also] is compassionate.
6 iraTTjp V/LLCOU oiKTip/ncov eo~TL. ' Kai JA!)
the father ofyou compassionate is. And not
37 + And judge not, a n d
you will n o t be judged ,'
Kpivere, icai ov fin} KpidrjTe* fir) KaTadiKafcre, condemn not, and you will
judgeyou, and not notyou may be judged: not condemn you,
not be condemned; for-
Kai ov fir} KaraSiKacrOr/re' airoXvzTe, Kai arro- give, and you will b e for-
and not not you may be condemned ; release you, and you
38 given i
Xv6rj<recr9e. A i S o r e , icai doBrjo'eraL vfiiw
shall be released. Give you, and it shall be given to you: 38 J give, and i t will be
/xejpov KaXop ireirieajxevov " ^ [ K C U } o~eo~aX>€v- given to y o u ; good Meas-
measure good having been pressed down [and] having been ure, pressed down, shaken
fi€fov * [ K C U J virepeicxwofxepov dwo'ovo'iv as TOP together, a n d overflowing,
shaken [and] running over shall be given into the willbe given into your LAP.
ttoAirov vjbLCoW T(p yap avrcp fjLerpw, *cv F o r by t h e S A M E M e a s u r e
bosom ofyou, by the for same measure, with which
with which you measure,
39 it will be dispensed to you
fierpetre, auri/jiGTprj&rjo'erai vjxiv. Ei7re 5 e
you measure, it shall be measured again to you. He spoke and
TrapafioXrjP avrois' MrjTi dvvari rv(pXos rvcpXoi/ 39 And lie spoke a P a r a -
a parable to them; Not is able a blind blind ble t o t h e m ; J " C a n a
bb*y\yeiv; ovx>> ajxcporepoi eis fioQvvov ireo'ovvrai; Blind m a n lead a Blind
to lead? not both, into a pit will fall? m a n ? Will n o t both fall
into a P i t ?
OVK eo"Tt fjLa9r}T7]S virep TOV ^itacrnaXov
Not is a disciple over the teacher 40 J A disciple i s n o t
avrow Ka,T7)pTio~/ii€i'os de iras CAT at as 6above his T E A C H E R ? bu>
of himself; having been fully qualified but every one shall be as the every one fully qualified
didacrKctXos avrov. 41
T t 5e fiXeireis TO tcap(pos will be as h i s T E A C H E R .
teacher of him. Why and seest thou the splinter 4 1 J B u t w h y observest
TO ev Tcp 0(p6aX{jL<ti TOV abeXcpov crov, Tt)V 5e t h o u T H A T S P L I N T E R i i j
that in the eye of the brother of thee, t h e but t t h y B R O T H E R ' S E Y E , a n d
§0KOV TT)V €V TCp L$l(p OCpOaXfUp OV KUTCLVOGIS; perceivestnotTHA'i T H O R N
beam that in thine owq eye not perceivest? in thine OWN Eye f
42 7rws
^C^l ^vvacrai Xeyeiu rep adeXcpcp cow 42 H o w wilt t h o u say t o
[or] how art thou able to say to the
brother of thee: t h y B R O T H E R , c Brother*
A5eA(£e, a(pes9 CKfiaXoo TO Kap<pos TO $V 7qy let m e t a k e o u t T H A T
O brother, allow me, I can cast out the splinter that 5n the S P L I N T E R i n t h i n e E Y E ; '
0(p6aXficp aov CLVTOS TT)U ev TGJ 0(p6aX/ (Tov thyself n o t seeing t h e
ey« of thee; thyself the in the eye of thee T H O R N i n t h i n e own E Y E ?
%'OKOV ov (iXeiroov ; 'YiroKpiTa, eicfiaXe irpooTov H y p o c r i t e ! first extract
beam not beholding? O hypocrite, cast out first t h e THORN from t h i n e own
Tt]V doicov etc TOV oepdaX/xov o~ov, Kai TOTS E Y E , a n d t h e n t h o u wilt
the beam out of the eye of thee, and then see clearly to extract T H A T
SiafiXexpeLS €Kf3aX€iu TO Kapcpos TO ev Tea ocpduX- S P L I N T E R in thy BRO-
thou wilt see clearly to cast out the splinter that in the eye T H E R ' S E Y E .
fxca TOV abeXcpov crov. O u yap eo~Ti devfipov
of the brother of thee. Not for is a tree 43 $ E o r there is no good
tcaXov, TToiovv KapTvov ffairpov ovde SevSpov Tree 'which yields bad
good, bearing fruit corrupt; nor a tree F r u i t , nor * again a bad

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—36. therefore—omit. 36. also—omit. 88. and

—omit. 38. and—omit. 42. ox—omit. 43. again.
t 41. I n the Talmud are t h e following- proverbs:—"They who say to others, take the
small piece of wood out of thy teeth, are answered hy, 'take the beam out of thine OWH
eyes.'"—Hammand and Lightfoot.
t 85. Matt. v. 45. % 36. Matt. v. 48. t 37. Matt. vii. 1, $ 38. Prov.
six. 17. t 39. Matt. xv. 14. T 40. Matt. x. 24; John xiii. 16; xv. 20. X 41. M«itt,
?ii. 3. X 43. Matt. vii. 10,17-
dhap, dl 'U.% LtTKE. I Chap. 71 &
ttatrpov, Ttoiovv Kapitov Ka\ov. *EKacrrov 7 ap Tree which yields good
corrupt, bearing fruit good.
Every for "Fruit,
devSpov €K rov tdtov Kapirov yivcoo'Kerar ov yap 44 For $ Every Tree is
tree from the I m n fruit is known; not for known by its OWN Fruit.
e | atcavdcop crvWeyovci o"VKa, ovde CK fiarov For they do not gathei
from thorns do they gather figs, nor from a bramble Figs from Thorns, nor do
45 f
Wpvycoo't ara(pv\rjy. O ayaOos aPdpeoTros e/c they pick Grapes from
do they pick a cluster of grapes. The good -,an out of Brambles.
rov ayaOov drjo'avpov TTJS Kapdias avrov irpo-
; the good treasura of the heart of himself brings 45 The GOOD Man out
<l>epei TO ayaOov Kai 6 iroPTjpos * u ^OpcoTros] of the GOOD Treasure of
forth the good; and the evil [man] of *the HEART produces
GOOD ; and the BAD Man
€K rov irovqpov *[6r]o'avpov rrjs Kap^'as avrov"] out of the EVIL produces
out of the evil [treasure of the h^n ofhimselfj
EVIL ; for out of * an Over-
•jrpotyepet ro irovrjpov e/c yap rov
irepio'o'e^fia- flowing; Heart his MOUTH
brings forth the evil; out of for the fulness speaks.
ros T7]s KapSias \a\et ro crofxa av,ov. * 6 T7
of the heart speaks the mouth of him. Why 46 % And why do you
de fie KaAeire, Kvpte, Kvpte* Kai ov troieire a call M e , ' Master, Master,'
and me do you call, Olord* Olord; and not do what and obey not my com-
mands ?
I say r ,
47 + E V E R T ONE COM-
l i a s 6 epxofievos irpos fie, Kai CLKOVWV fiov ING to me, and hearing
All the coming to me, and hearing of me My WORDS, and obeying
ro>v \oyooiff Kai iroicov avrovs, u7rodtt£w
vfjuv, them, I will show 'you
ftte words, and doing them, I will show to you, whom he is like ;
nvi €0~riv bfxoios, 'Ofxoios ecrr-i*- avOpooircf
'•whomheis like. Like he is to a man 48 he resembles a Man
HKoSofiovvrt oiKiav, 6s e&Katye Kai e$a6uvey building a House, who
building a house, who dug an*] went deep,
dug deep, and laid a foun-
dation on t h e BOCK; and
Xat edrjKG BefxeXiov €TTI TTJP irerpav irK^jx^'qas
And laid a foundation on the rockj ofaflood
a Flood having conie, the
STREAM dashed against
$€ yepofiepTjs, irpoo'eppr]^ev b irorafxoi ry oiKia that HOUSE, but could not
and haying come, dashed against the stream
biuse the
shake i t ; * because i t was
€K€ipr}9 Kai OVK iffxvGe oraXevcrai avrrjv rede- WELL-BUILT on the BOCK.
that, and not was able to shake her: i t was
fxeXtcoro yap eiri TTJV irerpav, ' 0 St ,%KOVC as, 49 But H E who HEARS
founded for upon the rock. and obeys not, resembles
He but having heard,
Kai fin) 'TToirjo'as, dfiotos ecrrip avQpiaittp oiKndo- a Man building a Housg
and not having done, like he is to a man having on the EARTH, without a
fiycravTi oiKiav eiri rr)t> yi)v x°°Pls OefxeXiov Foundation; against which
built a house on the earth without a foundation: the STREAM dashed, and it
'77 Trpoa~epp7)£)ei> 6 nora/uos' Kai evOecos en-ece,fell immediately, and great
to which dashed against the stream: and immediately i t all* was the B U I N of that
Kat eyevero ro prjyfia TTJS oiKias eKeivrjs fieya. H O U S E ; '
and became tha ruin of the house that great.
KE$. C• 7, 1 NoVf when he had
1 finished All his SAYINGS
Eirei de ewhrjpooo'e iravra ra prj/uara avrov in the HEARING of tha
Whea and he had ended all the worab of him PEOPLE, % he entered Ca-
€ts ras aKoas rov Xaov, eio"r}\Qsv ets Ka7re/?- pernaum.
in the ears of th« people, he entered into Caper-
2 2 And a Centurion's
yaovjj.. 'EKarovrapxov Se nvi fiov^os Karoos Servant, who was valuable
aaum. Of a centurion and certain slava tacit
to him, being sick, was
*X(av> TjfieWe rekevrav, 6s f\v avry evrifxos. about to die.
being, was about t o die, who was t o him valuable.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—44. the HEART. 45. Man—omit. # 45. Treasure of

tris HEART—omit. 45. an Overflowing Heart 48. becausa i t waa WELL-BUILT on
% 44. Matt. xii. 33. t 43. Matt. vii. 21, 25; Luke xiii. 25. I 47 Matt. vii. 24
I 1. Matt. viii. 5.
Chap. 7 ; 3.] [Cliap. 7 : 11.
• •Atcovcas Se 7repi TOU ITJO'CII, aTrecrrtiXe irpos S And having heard con-
Having heard and about the Jesus, he seat to cerning J E S U S , t h e sent
avrov 7rp6o*j3uT€pous rcav epcorcov Elders of the J E W S to him,
him elders of the Jews, asking soliciting him, that he
avrov, OTTQIS e\doov dLaaoocrr) rev oovXov avrov. would come and save his
him, that coming hewoildsave the slave of himself.
Oi Se rapayevojxevoi irpos rov Xr}(rovv, irapexa- 4 And having come to
Theyand having come to the Jesus, they be- J E S U S , THEY earnestly he-
Xovv CLVTOV crirovdaioos, Xzyovres* 'OTL a£ios sought him, saying, " He
sought hira earnestly, saying;
That worthy is worthy for whom thou
effriv, '(*> 7rape£ei rovro' ayaTra yap ro shouldst do this;
he is, for whom th»u wilt confer this ; he loves for the
5 for he loves our NA-
edvos TJIAOOV, (tat rt\v arwayojyrjv avros cpttofio- TION, and i)e built our
nation of us, and the synagogue he built SYNAGOGUE."
fl7}0~€V T)IXLV. 6 ' O § 6 l7}0~0VS e7TOp6U6TO CTVV
for us. The and Jesus went with 6 Then J E S U S went with
avrois. Uhrj Se avrov ou fiatcpav them; and heing not far
aw^xovTos from
them. Already and of him not far being distant
the HOUSE, t h e C E N -
TURION sent Friends, say-
airo T7)s o t / a a s , eirefiipe *[_irpos avrov] 6 e/ca- ing to him, " Sir, trouble
from the house, sent [to him'] the cen-
not thyself; for I am not
rovrapxos (piXovs, Xeycav avrcp' Kupie, fxrj worthy that thou shouldst
turiou friends, saying to him; O sir, not
come under my ROOF ;
(TKUWOV ov yap eifxi licavosy \va vwo rrjv
be thou troubled: not for lam worthy, that under the 7 therefore, I did not
a-Teyrjv fxov eicreAfl^s' ? Sto ovde efxavrov think myself even worthy
root of me^thou shouldst enter: therefore not even myself to come to thee; but com-
7j|tco(ra irpos <re eXdeiv aXXa enre Xoycp, ROLL mand by Word, and * my
SERVANT will be cured.
I deemed fit to thee to come; but speak a word, and
ia6r)o,*rai 6 rrats fiou. 8
8 Tor even ft am a Man
K a i yap eyca avdpoo-rros
will oe healed the boy of me. Even for Iappointed under Authority,
a man
a/jLi viro e^ovcrtav Tacrffo/xevos, e%a?j/ vir' efxav- having Soldiers under me,4
am under authority being set, having under my- even I say to this one,' Go,
rov Q-Tpariooras' ttai Xeyw rovrcp' Uopsvdi}ri, and he goes; and to an-.
«elt soldiers; and I say to this; Go, other, ' Come/ and he
Krai 7Topeuerai* KCU aXXcp' Epxovy Kai ep%6Tai* comes; and to my SER-
and he goes and to another; Come, and hecomes: VANT, ' D o t h i s / andfe he
Kai T(p SovXcp fiow lioirjcrov rovro, Kai TTOIGI. does it."
and to the slave of me: Do this, and he does. 9 And JESUS hearing
AKOLKTCCS 5e T a u r a 6 lycrovs, edav/xacrev
avrov these things, admired
Hearing and these the Jesus, admired him: him, and turning, said to
« a i arpatyeis, rep atcoXovQovrt avrcp oxXq> cure* the CROWD following him,
and turning, to the following him crowd he said: " I tell yon, I have not
Aeyco VJULLV, ovde cv ra> IffparjX rocravrrjv iricrrLV found, even in ISRAEL,
1 say to you, not even in the Israel so great faith such great Faith."
evpov. Kai vTrocrpexj/avres ot icefupdevres 10 And THOSE who had
I have found. And having returned those having been sent
been SENT, having re-
eis rov oiitov, evpov rov *\joLO~Qevovvra\ SovXov turned to the HOUSE, found
into the house, they found the [being sick] slave the SERVANT restored to
byLaivovra. health.
being well.
K a i eytvero ev ry I£i7s, eiropevero 11 And i t occurred on
And it happened in the next, he was going the NEXT day, that he was
iroXiv Ka\ovjjL€vr}V "Naiv uati o~vveiropsvovro going to a City called
a city being called Nam: and were going tNain; and his DISCIPLES

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—6. to him—omit, 7. let my SERVANT be healed. 10- being

t S. Either magistrates of the place, or elders of the synagogue which the centurion had
built. I n the parallel place in Matthew, he is represented as coming to Jesus himself; b u t
it is a usual form of speech in all nations, to attribute the act to a per son, which is done, n o t
by himself, but by his authority.—Clarke. t 11. Nain, was a small city of Galilee, i n
the tribe of Issacnar. According to Eusebius, it was two miles from Mount Tabora south-
ward, and near to Endor.
<fcap. 7-:12.] LUKE. iOhap. 7:21.
fti»T^ ol fxaQrjTai avrov *[iKapoi,^\ oxXos were going with h i m , and
with him the disciples of him many,] and a great Crowd.
a crowd
noXvs. '-Qs 8e yyyicre rrj irvXy TT)S iroXecos, 12 And as h e approached
great. As and he drew near to the gate of the city, t h e GATE of t h e CITY, h e -
Kai idov, e^€KOjbLi^ero redvrjKccs, /uopoyeprjs hold, a dead m a n was heing
and lo, was being cai'ried out a dead man, a sou only-bora carried out, a n Only Son of
ry fJOf]TpL avrov, KCLI avrr) x^Pa' Kai
oxXos his M O T H E R , a n d s h e w a s
to the mother of himself, and she awidowj and a crowd a W i d o w ; a n d a great
rrjs rroXews iKavos r\v o~vp avry. K a i idoop Crowd from t h e C I T Y w a s
ofthe city great was with her. And seeing with her,
avrrjp o Kvpios, etfTrAayxvivQy e7r5 avry, Kai 13 A n d seeing her„ t h e
her the lord, he had compassion on her, and L O R D h a d p i t y on her, a n d
enrep avry Mr) KXaie. 14
Kai irpoareXdoop said to her, " W e e p n o t . "
said to her; Kot weep. And coming up 14 A n d approaching, h e
7)\j/aTo rrjs cropov ol Se fiacrra£opT€s ecrrjcrap. touched t h e f B IER, and i/:e
tie touched the bier; those and bearing stood still. B E A R E R S stood s t i u . And
Kai 6i7T6' Neavurice, croi Xeyoo, eycpdrjri. he said, " Young m a u ,
And he said; O young man, to thee I say, rise. I say t o thee, Arise.'*
K a i aveKadicreP 6 peKpos, Kai rjp^aro XaXeiP' 15 T h e n H E who h a d
And sat up the dead, ' and began to »peaK been D E A D sat u p , and b e -
Kai eSctiKtv avrov rr\ fi7]rpt avrov. EAa/3e 5e gan to s p e a k ; and h e gave
and he gave hiin to the mother of him. Seized aud h i m to h i s M O T H E R .
(pofios iravras, Kai e$o£a£op TOP Qeop,
16 And fear seized a l l ; Xeyovres'
a fear all, and they glorified the God,
and they praised G o o , sav- saying:
'On Trpo(j)7}r7]s /ueyas ey^yeprai ep TJ/LUP, Rat ing, J " A great P i o p h e t
That a prophet great has risen among us, and has risen among u s •" a n d ,
on eTreo'KeipaTO b deos TOP Xaop avrov. ^ K a i J " G O D h a s visited h i s
that has visited the God the people of himself. And P E O P L E . "
€^y]Xdep 6 Xoyos ovros €P oXy rr, lovfiaiq irzpi
17 A n d t h i s R E P O R T
went out the word this in whole the Judea
concerning concerning h i m pervaded
avrov, Kai * [ t ^ J -rracry ry irepix^p^. All J U D E A , a n d All t h e
him, and [in] all the surrounding country. SURROUNDING COUNTRY.
K a i airrjyyeiXap Icoappy ol ixa07]rai avrov 18 J A n d J o h n ' s D I S C - ,
And told John the disciples of him
19 P L E S told h i m of all these
vrepi iraproov TOVTCOP. Kai irpoffKaXecrafie- things.
about all tliese. And haviagf called
vos fivo rivas TCOP fJLadyreop abrov 6 \taappy\s, 19 And summoning t w o
to two certain ofthe disciples of himself the John, of h i s D I S C I P L E S , J O H N
sent to * t h e L O R D , saying,
eire/xi^e irpos TOP ITJO'OVP, Xzyoop' ~2,v ei 6 spx°~
" A r t tftrjit t h e C O M I N G
sent to the Jesus, saying: Thou art the coining
O N E ? oi' a r e we to expect
fievos, 7] aXXop 7rpocr3oKoo{A€P ; Tlapayepofxepoi
Another ?"
one, or another are we to look for ? Having come
5e irpos avrop ot apdpes enrow Xaxxvvqs 6 /3a7r- 20 And having come t o
and to him the men they said: John the dip- hirn, t h e M E N said, " J o h n ,
rio*T7]S aireo'raXKep rjfxas irpos C€, Xeyoop' ~2v t h e I M M E R S E R , * s e n t u s
per has sent us to thee, saying; Thou to t h e s , saying, ' A r t tfiow
6i 6 epxo/u-evos, i) aXXov irpoo~doKoo/j.ep ; 2 1 Ep t h e C O M I N G O N E ? or are
artthe coming one, or another are we to look for P In we to expect Another ? " '
avri) 5 e ry oopq eOepairewe iroXXovs airo POCTOOP 21 And i n T h a t H O U R he
this and the hour lie delivered many from diseasesdelivered m a n y from Dis-
Kai [xao'riyoip Kai irpev/aaroop iropypcop, Kai eases, a n d Plagues, a n d
and plagues and spirits evil, and evil Spirits; and h e gave

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—11. many—omit. 17- in—omit. 19. the LOUD, say-

ingr. 20. sent.
t 14. The people ofthe East bury the dead without coffins; h u t they carry them t o t h e
grave on a bier which is shaped like one.—Harmer. "Presently a funeral procession, con-
sisting of men and women, came rapidly from the city, (the cemetery is outside ofthe pres
en t Jerusalem,) and halted a t a newly-made grave sunk three or four feet only below ihe
ground. The body was not enclosed in a coffin, but wrapped i n a loose garment and l a d
on a bier carried by hand. My impression is that even the face was partially expose! t,o
view. I t WHS under similai" circumstances that the son of tne widow at Naiu was borne to
the grave."—Huckett.
i 16. Lukexxiv. 19; Johniv. 10; vi. 14; IX. 17. J 16. Lube i. 63. 1 1 8 Matt.
xi 2.
Chap. 7: 21] LUKE. [Chap, ft SO.
rv<p\ois iroXXois zxaPl<raT0 TO Kcu * sight to many Blind per-
fiXeireiv. 22

to blim.onsss many he gave the And sona.

to see.
ciTcoKpLdeLS 6 Ir)o~ovs etrrev avTuis' Xlopevdevrss 22 And. * Jesus answer-
answering the Jesus said to them; Going away ing, said to them, $ " G o ,
a7ra776tAttT6 looavvr) a eiSere KCU rjKovcrare' tell John what yon have
relate to John what you have seen and heard; seen and heard; the Blind
* [ 6 T t ] rvcpXoi avafiXeivovo'i, x00^01 Trtpwar- are made to see, the Lame
[that] blind ones see again, lame ones are walking to walk, t h e Lepers are
QUO-:, Xeirpoi KaOapi^ovrat, Kaxpoi aKovovo~i, cleansed, the Deaf hear,
about, lepers are cleansed, deaf ones are hearing, the Dead are raised, % glad
OL tidings are announced to
vetcpoL eyeipovrai, irro0X evayyeXi^ovrar the Poor;
dead ones are raised up, poor onesare addressed with glad tidings:
Kat [jLCLKapLos temp) 6s eaz> fxf] o'KavdaXio'dr) 23 and happy is he who
and blessed is, whoever not may be stumbled shall not scumble at m e / '
GV 6/XOi. 24 jAlKtJohlt'SMESSEN-
in me. GERS having departed, he
AireXOovroov 8e rcav asyyzXwv Icaavvov, began t o saj i<\ the CROWDS
Having departed and the messengers of John, concern ng John, "Why
QP^CLTO Xeyeiv irpos rovs oxXovs irzpi looavvov went you out into the DES-
h« began to say to the crowds concerning John; E R T ? To see a Reed sha-
Ti s^eXrjXvdare eis rr\v tpTjjxov deacravOcu ; ken hy the Wind ?
What have you eome out into the desert to see ?
2o 25 But why went you
Ka.XoLfA.ov VTTO avzfjLov caXevofAsvov; AAAa riout? To s^e a Man clothed
areetl by wind being shaken? But what in soft garments ? Behold,
e^eXrjXvdarc iSeiVy avdpooivov <zv fiaXafcois l}xa~ THOSE robed in SPLENDID
have you come out to see? a man in soft gar- APPAREL, and living i n
T101S 7)IJL(plS0'IJLeV0V / l 5 o t > , 01 SV l/JLUTLO'fJ.q) luxury, are in ROYAL PAL-
ments having been clothed? Lo, those in clothing
ovre e j / rols ACES.
evdoj;cp Kai rpv(py vTrapx s> /3acri-
showy and in luxury living, royal in 26 But why went you
Xeiois €to"iVo 26
AXXa ri idetv ; out? To see a Prophet?
palaces are. But what have you come out t o - T ? Yes, I tell you, and one
TrpocprjT^v; N a t Xzyoo bfxiv, KOLL irepiaaorepov more excellent than a Pro-
a prophet? Yes I say to you, and much more phet.
Trpocprjrov. ^ Ovros ecm, Trepi oif yeypair- 27 This is he concerning
of a prophet. This is, concerning whom i t is writ whom it is written, %' Be-
Tat* ** iSou, eyoo a-nocrreXXco rov ayyeXov fxou hold! * I send my MES-
ten; "Lo, I send the messenger ofme SENGER before thy "Face,
Trpo irpoffooTTOv c o n , bs Karao~K€vao~ei ri\v ofiov who will prepare thy WAY
before face of thee, who shall prepare the w;vy before thee.'
crov ejj.Tcpoo~6ep crou." ^ Aeyco £ Y p ] vfxiv. 28 I say to you, Among
ofthee in presence of thee.** Tsay ['"or] toyon, those born of Women, there
[AGi((*)V ev ysvvT)Tois yvvcuKcov ^\_7rpo(p7]Tr)s^ is not a greater than. Johrij
a greater among offspring of women [prophet] yet the LEAST in the KING-
looavvov * [ T O V ^aTtrio"rov~\ ovoeis eo~riv 6 S& DOM of GOD is superior to
of John [the dipper] not is; the but him.
ixittporzpos ev rr\ fiatfLXeia rov Oeou, fxei^oiv 29 And All the PEOPLE
less in the kingdom of the God, greater having heard, and the
avrov ecTTi. K a i 7ras 6 Xaos axovcras, icai TRIBTJTE-TA KERS, "justified
of him is. And all the people having heard. and GOD, $ having been im-
oi reXowcU) z§iKaiooo~av rov deov, Banner6evrzs mersed with the IMMER-
the tax-gatherers, justified the God, having been dipped SION of John.
TO /3/c7TTi(T/xa Icoavvov. Oi Se &apLVaioi ttai 30 But the P H A R I S E E S
the dipping of John. The but Pharisees and and LAWYERS set aside the
oi VO/JLLKOI rt\v f$ovX7}V rov deov 7]9eT7](rav eis J PURPOSE of GOD towards
the lawyers the purpose of the God set aside for themselves, not hayingbeen
kavrovs, fxt] fiaTrrLcrdGvres i>7r avrov. immersed by him.
themselves, not having been dipped by him. s
* YATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. sight. 22. he answering. 22. That—omff,
27. I send. 28. For—omit 28. prophet—omit. 28. the dipper—<miU
t 22. Matt.xi.5. X 22. Luke iv. 18. | 24. Malt, xi. 7- 137 Mai lii X
X 29. Matt. iii. 5 ; Luke iii. 12. t 30 AcU XX- 27-
€hap. 7: 31.] LUKE. [Chap ?: 3£
31 Tivi ovv dfioioocrca rovs avdpcoirovs rrjs 31 J To what then shall
To what thes shall I compare the men I compare the MEN of this
of the
. 3 2 'Ofxoi- GENERATION ? and what
yeveas ravrrjs Kai TIVI eictv o/noioi; are they like ?
generation this? and to what are they like? Like
32 They are like THOSE
oi eio~i Traidtois rois €V ayopa Kadrj/ncvois, Kai Boys SITTING in a Public
they are boys those in a market sitting, and place, and calling to o^e
Tpoff<p(avov(Tiv aAArjAots, Kai Aeyovo'iv HvAr}- another, and saying, ' "Vv e
cailing to one another, and saying; "We have played have played for you on
arafisv vjj.iv, Kai OVK oopxHcracrOe' €6pr)vr)o~afi€V the flute, but you have not
the flute foryou, and not you have danced; we have mourned danced; we have sung
mournful songs for you,
v/xiv, Kai OVK CKXavcare. ^ EArjAvde yap but you have not la-
foryou, »nd not you have wept. Has come for
l(aavv7\s 5 ^airrio'rrjs, fxrjre aprov eo'dicov, 33 $ For John the I M -
John the dipper, neither bread eating, MERSER has come neither
fX7)Te oivov irivcov Kai Aeyerc Aaifxoviov e ^ e t . eating Bread nor drinking
nor wine drinking; and you say; A demon he has. Wine, and you say, ' H e
EArjAvOev 6 vios rov avdpcoirov, eaOicov Kai has a Demon/
Has come the son of th« man, eating and 34 The SON of MAN has
come eating and drinking,
TTIVOOV Kai Xeyere* Idov, avdpooiros (payos Kai and you say, 'Behold a
drinking; and you say; Lo, a man glutton and
Glutton and a Wine-drink-
oivoirorrjs, (ptXos reAccvcav Kai afxaprcoXcov. er ! an Associate of Tribute-
a wine-drinker, a friend of tax-gatherers and sinners. takers and Sinners!'
Kai eSiKaiooOi} r) a~o<pia airo rcov rcKvcov avrrjs 35 J But WISDOM is
And is justified the wisdom by the children ef herself vindicated by All her
iravrcov. CHILDREN."
all. 36 J And one of the
Hporra 5e ris avrov rcov <&apicraicav, iva P H A R I S E E S invited him to
Asked and one him of the Pharisees, that eat with him. And enter-
(payrj fxer avrov Kai titfrjXdoov eis rr\v oiKiav ing the HOUSE of the
he might sat with him; and entering into the house PHARISEE, he reclined.
rov ^apicaiov, aveKAidrj. Kai idov, yvvr) 37 And, behold, a t Wo-
of the Pharisee, he reclined. And lo, a woman man * who was of the CITY,
€P rrj TroXei, 7}Tis rjv a/oiaprcoAos, eiriyvovo'a on a Sinner, knowing that he
in. the city, who was a sinner, knowing that reclined in the PHARISEE'S
avaKeirai ev rrj oiKia rov Qapicaiov, KOjxtcrao'a HOUSE, brought an Alabas-
he reclines in the house of the Pharisee, ter box of Balsam,
having brought
aXafiacrrpov [xvpov, ^ Kai crrao'a oiriaco irapa 38 and standing fbe-
an alabaster-box of balsam, and standing behind at hind, at his FEET, weeping,
rovs irodds avrov, Khaiovo'a, Tjpi-aro $pzx*iv she began to wet his FEET
the feet of him, weeping, she began to wet with TEARS, and wiped
rovs iroSas avrov rois daKpvo~r Kai rais Opi£i them with the H A I R of
the feet of him with the tears; and with the hairs her HEAD, and repeatedly
TTJS KG(pa\7]s avrrjs KarccpiAei kissed his F E E T , and an-
e^e/jiao'o'e, Kai
of the head of herself wiped, and kissed ointed them with the B A L .
rovs Trodas avrov, Kai 7]A€i<pe rep fivpcp. 39
Idcov SAM.
the feet of him, and anointed with the balsam. Seeing 39 But THAT P H A R I S E E
who had INVITED him ob=.
8e o^apuraios 6 KaAco'as avrov, enrtv ev kavrcp,
butthe Pharisee that having called him, serving this, spoke within
spoke in himself,
himself, saying, J "This
Aeyoov Ovros ei r\v Tcpo$y\rit}s, eyivwcrKev av, man, if he were a Prophet,
saying; This if he was a prophet, would know,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—37. who was in the CITY, a Sinner.
t 37. There is no good reason for concluding that this woman was a public prostitute, as
many suppose. She was probably only a Gentile, ana therefore in the estimation of the
Pharisee a sinner. Hamartolos, is often used in the New Testamentin this sense. +38. This
is not intelligible, without adverting- to the posture in which the ancients took their meals.
They placed themselves along the couch on their sides, supported their heads with one arm,
bent at the elbow, and resting on the couch; and with the other they took their food, and
were supported at the back by cushions. Their feet of course wese accessible to ono who
came behind the couch.—Wakefield.
% 31. Matt. xi. 16. % 33. Matt. Hi. 4; Mark i. Luke i. 15. t 35. Matt, xi
19, t aG. Matt. xxvi. 6; Marksiv. 3 j John xL 2. I 39. L*ke xv. 8.
Chap. 7 : 40.] JLUKE. [Chap. f. &G.

Tts Kai irorcnrr} 77 yvurj, r,rts aTrrerai avrov would know who and what
Kho and what
the woman, who touche* him; the WOMAN is, that touches
6ri a/JLaprwKos GO'TI. 4 0 Kai airoKpideis b Irjaovs him.; ¥or she is a Sinner."
that a sinner she is. And answering the Jesus 40 And J E S U S answer-
e£7T6 trpos avrov ^,1/J.COU, ex<>> croi ri, said to him, "Simon,
said to him; Simon, I have to thee something tosay, I have something to say
l 4l
O 8e ({>7}o~r AiSaortfaAe, et7re. Avo xpea>(f>€i-to thee." And H E said,
He and says: O teacher, say. debt- " Teacher, say it."
AeTCU i)<rav daveiarr) rivr 6 els «</>etAe drjvapia 41 " A certain Creditor
ors were to a creditor certain : the one owed denarii had Two Debtors* ONE
vevTaKocLa, 6 5e erepos TrevTrjKQVTa. ' M17 owed live hundred I De-
five hundred, the and other fifty. Not narii, and the OTHEB, fifty.
sxo^Tcoy * [ o e ] avrcau (nrofiovvat, a/JLCporepois
42 But not having [the
having [and] of them to pay, both
means] to pay, he forgave
e^apifraro. T t s ovv avrwu^ *£et7re] irXsiov both. . Which of them,
he forgave. Which then of them, [say] more
therefore, will love him
avrov ayairr)ereL; 43A7ro/<:pt6>€ts 5G 6 ^I/JLCW enrev most ?'*
him willlove? Answering and the Simon said:
T-Ko\cifx^av(a, ort 'cp ro irXeiov exapttraTO. 43 And SIMON answer-
I suppose, that to whom the more ing, said, " He, I suppose,
he forgave.
'O fie enrevavry OpOcas €Kpivas. 44
Kcu o~Tpa- to whom he forgave MOST."
He and said to him: Rightly thou hast judged. And turn- And H E said to him, "Thou
<p€is Trpos rr}u yvvaiKa, rcf ^ifxooui e(pr}' BA.67T- hast judged correctly.'*
ing to the woman, to the Simon he said: Seest 44 And turning to the
<eis ravrinu TT)V yvvaiKa; eio-nXQov crov ets TT\VWOMAN, he said to SIMON,
thou this the woman? I came of thee into t h e "Thou seest This WOMAN;
OlKlCLV vddOp 67TI TOVS TToScXS jUOU OVK eSooKaS" I came into Thy HOUSE,
house: water for the feet of me not thou gavest: thou gavest me no "Water
avT-q 5e TOIS ftaKpvffiv e/3pe|e fxov TOVS 7ro5as, for my F E E T ; but she wef
she but with the tears ahewet of me the feet, My F E E T with TEAKS, and
/cat r a t s 6pL%i avrins €£e,ua£e. 45$iXrjfJia fioi wiped them with her H A I E .
and with the hairs of herself has wiped. A kiss tome 45 Thou gavest Me no
OVK eSco/cas* avrrj 5e a(p* ys eio"nXQovi ov Set- Kiss; h u t JSfte, since she
not thougavest: she but fromofher came in, not has
came in, has not ceased
At7T6 Karatyt.Xovo'a fxov TVVS irodas. ^ E A a t y kissing My FEET.
ceased kissing of me the feet. With oil
TT]V K€(paXf}V fxov OVK 7}Aet\|/as* avTT) 8e fxvpep 46 Thou didst not J an-
the head of me notthoudidstanoint: she butwithbalsam oint My H E A D with Oil;
7]A€ii|/6 TOVS 7ro5as fxov. Ov xctPLVi
Xeyca but ssfje anointed my T E E I
anointed the feet of me. with Balsam.
I say
crot, a<p€(avTai at afiapTiai avTTjs at iroXXai, 47 $ Therefore, I say t6
to thee,havebeen forgiven the sins of her the many, thee, Her MANY SINS nave
OTL rjyaTT'qo'e TTOXV *($ 5e oXiyov a^)t€rat, been forgiven; on this ac-
for that she loved much; to whom but little is forgiven, count she loved much; b u t
oXtyov ay<xiva. 4 8 Etvre Se avTy AtyeoovTai he to whom little is for-
little he loves. He said and to her ; Have been forgiven given, * also loves little."
o~ov at a/xapTtat. Kat 7}p^avTo 01 ffvvavaKzi- 48 And he said to her,
ef thee the sins. And began those reclining X"Thy S I N S have been
/xevoL Xeyeiv ev kavTois' T t s OVTOS €0~TII>, 6S forgiven."
with to say in themselves; Who this is, who 49 And the GUESTS be-
/cat a/xapTtas a^tr^cnv; Et7re 8e 7rpos TT\V gan to say among them-
even sins florgives? He said and to the selves ; % " Who is this that
yvvaiKa" *H TTLO'TIS O~OV <reo"co/c6 c c nopevov eis even forgives Sins?"
woman; The faith of thee haB saved thee; go in 50 And he said to the
€ip7]Vt]V, WOMAN , % " Thy EAITH has
peace. saved thee ; go in Peace.'J
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—42. and—omit. 42. sa^—omit. 47. alsolovei.
t 41. A Roman coin worth about) 14 cents, or *]&..
X 45. Psa. sxiii. 5. J 47. 1 Tim. i. 14.__ J 48. Matt. ix_. 2; Mark ii. 5. t 49. Mat*.
jxr3? Markii.7. % 50. Matt. i%, 22-?Mark v, 34; x. 52; Luke viii. •
Chap. 8 : 1.] LUKE. [Chap. 8 : 10.

K E $ . 7)'. 8., CHAPTER VIII.

1 And it occurred AFTER-
l.Rai €j€p€TO eu rep Kade^rjs, Kai avros WARDS that f)e traveled
And it happened in the afterwards, also he through every City and
StwSeue Kara TTOXIP Kai iccc/nrjp, Krjpvcro'oop Village, publishing and
traveled through every .city and village, publishing proclaiming the glad tid-
Kai evayyeXi^opizpos rrjp (SaariXziap rov deov ings of the KINGDOM of
'*nd proclaiming the glad tidings the kingdom of the God; GOD; and the TWELVE
Kai 01 ScodeKa CTVP avrcp, rives, were with him,
KCU yvpaiKes
a»d the twelve with him, and women certain, 2 and J certain Women,
at rjcrap reQepaTvevixevai airo irvzvfxarwp irovrj- who had been delivered
who were having been healed from spirits evil from evil Spirits and In-
poop Kai aaOeveioop' Mapia r) KaXov/xeprj Mayda- firmities, THAT Mary who
and infirmities; Mary that being called Magda- Was CALLED Of MAGDALA,
Ar]pr), cup* rjs dia/nopia kirra Kai $ from whom seven De-
lene, from whom demons seven and mons had been expelled,
had gone out,
looavpa, yvvrj Xov^a emrpoirov 'Hpoodov, Kai 3 and Joanna, the Wife
Joanna, a wife ofChuza asteward of Herod, and of Chuza, Herod's Steward,
^ovcrappa, Kai erepai iroXXai, alripes CJLTJKOPOVP and Susanna, and many
Susauna, and others many, who ministered others, who assisted him
avrcp airo rcvp virapxovrcop avrais. from their POSSESSIONS.
to him from the possessions of them. 4 J Now when a great
.' 4^,vpiopros 8e o%Aou iroXXov, Kai t wp Kara Crowd was assembling, and
Was assemblin and a crowd great, and ofte every THEY were COMING to him
TTOXIP eirnropevofiepcap rrpos avrop, enre dia from every City, he spoke
city were coming to him, he said by by a Parable:
irapajSoXrjs' 5 E^rjXOep 6 crireipccp rou cnreipai 5 " T h e SOWER went
a parable; Went out the sower of the to sow forth to sow his SEED ; and
rov (Tiropop avrov Kai ep rep crireipeip avrop, 6 in SOWING, part fell by the
the seed of himself; and in the sowing it, this ROAD J and it was trodden
yep 67T6<re irapa rrjp OCJOP' Kai KarzTrarrjdr), Kai down, or the BIRDS of
indeed fell by the path: and it was trodden down, and HEAVEN picked it up.
ra irereipa rou ovpapov Karecpayep avro. Kai 6 And another part fell
the birds of the heaven ate it. And on the ROCK j and having
irepop €ireo~ep em rrjp irerpap' (pvep sprung up, it withered
another fell on the away, because it HAD n o
rock^ and havingsprung up
e^rjpapOrj, dia ro fxr) ^%eiv iKjxada. ? Kai Moisture.
it dried up, through the not to have moisture. And 7 And another part fell
erepop eivecrep ep {i€0~q> rccp aKapdcop' Kai crv/u-in the Midstof the THORNS ;
another fell in midst of the thorns' and having and the THORNS springing
(pveurai ai aKapdai aireirpi^ap K a i up with it, choked it.
sprung up with the thorns they choked And it.
8 And another part fell
erepop eirecrep eis rrjp yr]v rrjp ayaOrjp' Kai into the GOOD GROUND,
another fell in the ground the good: and and having sprung up,
(pvep eiroirjcre Kapirop eKarovrairXao'iopa. yielded Increase, a hun-
having sprung up bore fruit a hundredfold. dredfold.'5 And having said
TavTa Xeycop, eefxaver eO e%ccj> cora aKoveip, this, he cried, " H E having
These things having said, he cried: He having ears to hear, Ears to hear, let him hear."
aKoverca. Eirrjpoorcop Se avrop 01 \1aQrjra1 9 $And his DISCIPLES
let him hear. Asked and him the disciples asked him, " What may
avrov, ^[Xeyopres,'] ris eirj rj irapa^oXrj * This PARABLE mean ?"
of him, [saying,] what may be the parable
10 10 And HE said, " T o
avrrj. O de enrep' 'T/uip dedorai ypcvpai ra you it is given to know the
this. He and said; To you it is given to know the SECRETS of the KINGDOM
p.vo'rrjpia rrjs j3ao-iXeias rov 0€ov rois
5s Xoi- of GOD ; but to the OTHERS
secretB of the kingdom of the God; to the but others in Parables; J that seeing
trois €P irapaftoXais' ipa fiXsTropres fxrj ^Xeircoo'i, they may not see, and hear-
in parables; that seeing not they may see,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—9. Tliis PAKABI/E. 10. saying.—omit.
J 2. Matt, xxvii. 55, 56. J 2. Mark xvi. 9. 4. Matt. xiii. 2 j Mark iv, 1.
I 9- Matt, siii. 10; Mark iv. 10. 110. Isa. yi. 9; Mark iv. 12?
Chap. 8; U . ] LUKE, {Chap. 8: 20.

KCU atcovovres \xf\ EcrTt 8e avrr} TJ ing they may not under-
ffvvicocriv. ll
and hearing I s n o w t h i s t h e stand.
n o t they may understand.
KapafioXi)' ' O (riropos, e&Tiv b Kayos TOV 6eov. 11 % NOW the PARABLE
parable; The seed, is t h e word of t h e God. is this: The SEED is the
Oi 5e xapa TT)V o$ov, eicrtv ol aKovovTes' WORD of GOD.
Those and by the path, are t h o s e hearing: 12 THOSE by the EOAB
6iTo epx^rai 6 8ta/3oAos, KCU cupei TOV Xoyov are THEY who H E A R ; then
then comes the accuser, and takes away t h e word the ENEMY comes, and
ano rr]S Kapfitas avTcov, Iva fxt] irio'Tevo'avTes takes away the WORD from
frora the heart of t h e m , so t h a t n o t having believed their HEARTS, that they
o~Godwo~iv. 13
Of oe eiri TT)S Trerpas, ol, drap may not believe and be
t h e y may be saved. They a n d o n t h e rock, w h o , when &aved.
a as 13 T H O S E on the ROCK
aKovcrooo~ii Trera x P Se^oj/Tat TOV Xoyov
t h e y may h e a r , with joy receives the word; are they, who, when they
KCU OVTOL plQoLV OVK £X0V(TLV* ° * ^ P 0 ^ KOLipOV
hear, receive the WORD
wig these a root not t h e y have, w h o for a season with J o y ; and yet these
have no Hoot; they believe
will believe, a n d i n a season of t e m p t a t i o n fall away. for a Time, and in a Time
raio 14
T o 8e e i s TCLS aKavQas irtcrov, OVTOL
of Trial fall away.
That and into the thorns having fallen, these 14 And THAT having
fallen among the
sicriv ol aKovo~avT€Sy Kai VTTO /n^pifivcav /cat are THEY, who, HAVING
are they having heard, and by anxious cares and
HEARD, and going forth
TTXOVTOV Kat rjBovoov TOV /Stow rropevo/xevoi O"V/JL-
are choked by the Anxie-
riches a n d pleasures of t h e life g o i n g forth are
lo ties, and Riches, and Plea-
nrviyovTcu, KCLI OV TeXe&tyopovcri. T o 8e ev sures of LIFE, and bring no
thoked, a n d n o t bear fruit t o perfection. Thatand in
fruit to maturity,
TT} KaXrj yrj, OVTOL eicriv, oWives ev Kapdia 15 But THAT in the
the gooc1. ground, these are, who in heart
GOOD Ground are those,
KaXri Kai ayadrj aKovcraPTss TOV Xoyov, K a r e - who,
having heard the
good a n d upright having heard the word, re-
retain it in a good
16 WORD,
Xovari, Kai tcapTTOcpopovo-iv ev viro/xovy. Ou-and honest Heart, and bear
tain, and bear fruit w i t h perseverance. No
fruit with Perseverance,
beis 8e Xvxvov aif/as, KaXvirTei avTov a'Kevei, 7) 16 J Now no one having
one a n d a lamp having lighted, covers h i m w i t h a vessel, o r
lighted, a Lamp, covers i t
VTTOKaTO) KXll>Y}S Tl9r)(TLV aXX* 6 7 U KVXVIOLS 6TTL- with a Vessel, or puts it
nnder a couch places: b u t upon alamp-stand pla-
under a Couch, but places
T l 0 7 J O * t V , *\_lva Ol 6lG~TC0p£V0}JLeV0l fiXeiTOOO'l T O it on a Lamp-stand, * that
4es, [that those entering m a y see the
<pws.~\ ^ Ov yap ecrTL KpvirTov, 6 ov (pavepov see the L I G H T .
aght.] N o t for is hidden, which n o t manifest
17 + For there is nothing
y€V7)o1€Tcu' ovbe airoKpvtyov, 6 ov yvooo'Qrio'tTai hidden, which will not be
will b e c o m e } nor s t o r e d away, which n o t will b e k n o w n
18 disclosed, nor concealed,
Kai €is (pavepov eXdy. BXeireT€ ovv, iruos which will not be known,
and into light may come. Take heed then, how
and come to light,
a/cov€T6* os yap av exV> SodrjcreTai avTcp' Kai 18 Take heed, therefore,
you h e a r ; w h o f o r ever m a y h a v e , i t will b e given t o h i m : a n d
ds av /JIT] e%77, /cat 6 doKei ex^iv, apdyjo'eTat how who
you hear; % for to him
has, more will be
whoever n o t may have, even w h a t h e seems t o h a v e , will b e taken
given; but from him who
a7r' avTov. has not, will be taken away
from h i m .
19 even that which he has."
HapeyevovTO 8e irpos avTov r) [JirjTTjp Kai
Came and to him t h e mother and 19 $Now his MOTHER
ot a$eX(f>oi avTov9 Kai OVK TjSvvavTo ffvvTvx^iv and BROTHERS came to-
a n d brothers of h i m , and n o t was able t o get near wards him, but could not
avTq> §ia TOV oxXov. 20
Kat airrjyyeXrj get near him, on account
t» h i m o n a c c o u n t of t h e crowd. And ft was t o l d of the CROWD.
e 20 And i t was told him»
UVT(*>, *\_X€yovToov~\ H fir}Trip (Tov Kat ol
V> h i m , [saying;] The mother of thee and the "Thy MOTHER and thy.

'•• VATICAN MSS.—16. THOSE COMING IN may see the LIGHT—omit. 20. saying—omit.
111. Matt. xiii. 18; Mark iv. 14. % 16. Matt. v. 15; Mark iv. 21; Luke xi. S3.
t If. Mat t. x. 20 •. Luke xii. 2. 118. Matt. xiii. 12; xxv. 29; Luke xix. 26. £ 19. Mat^
i n . 4&; Mark ill. 3i„ ''
CJiop. 8 : SJL] jLUKE, [Chap. 8: 87*

a&eXjpoi (Tov effTTjKacrw e£w, itieip <re OeXopres.

stand without, BROTHERS
hrothers of thee
stand without, to see thee desiring. desiring to see thee."
' O Se airoKpiOeis enre irpos avrovs' MrjTrjp 21 But H E answering,
He and answering said to them; Mother
said to them, " My Mother
JJ.OV Kai afieXcpoi /JLOV OVTOI eicrip^ ol TOV Xoyopand my Brothers are THESE
of me and brothers of me these are, who the word who HEAR the WORD of
TOV 9GOV afcovovres Kai TTOIOVPTGS. GOD, and obey it."
• f t h e God hearing and doing.
*2 Kat eyepero ev fita TCOP rjfxepcop^ Kai avTos 22 % And it came to pass
And it happened in one of the days, and he
on one of the DAYS, that
fje went into a Boat with
epefir] eis 7TXOIGP9 Kai 01 fiadrjrai avrov Kai his DISCIPLES ; and he
went into a ship, and the disciples of him 5 and
said to them, "Let us pass
sure irpos avrovs' AieXOwfxep eis TO irepap TTJS over to the OTHER SIDE of
said to them; We may pass over to the other side of the the L A K E . " And they set
0 <Tav 2
KifxvQS Kai av7]X&V « ^^XeopToop
5e avTcop, sail.
iake; and they put off. Sailing
of them, but
a(pvTrv(ti(re° Kai KaTefiiq Xa&Xa\p apepiov eis TTJP 23 And as they were
he fell asleepo And came down a squall of wind on the sailing, he fell asleep; and
Xifxpi]pv Kai avpeirXr}povPT09 icai eKipdvpevop, there came down a Gale of
lake, aud they were filling, and wero in danger.
Wind on the L A K E ; and
UpoaeX&opres $e di7jyeipap avTOP, they were deluged, and
Xeyopres' were
Coming to and they awoke him,
in danger.
E7ri(rrara ? emo'TaTai 24 And approaching,
airoXXvfjieda, ' O 5e eyep-
O masters O manter, they awoke him, saying,
wo are perishing. He and aris-
" Master! Master! we are
deis €TT€Ti/jLr}<Te T(p avefJLcp Kai Tcp KXvdcaui TOV
ing rebuked the wind and the raging ofthe perishing." Then arising,
v5aT0.r Kat eiravo'avTO, Kai eyepeTO yaXrjPTj. HE rebuked the WIND and
water: and they ceased, nad there was a calm. the RA GIN G of the WATER ;
E£7T6 de avTois' Uov eCTip 7) TTIO'TIS V/JLOOP ;and they ceased, and there
He and to them: Where is the faith of you? was a Calm.
QofirjOepTes Se edavp.aa'ap, 25 And he said to them,
Xeyopres irpos
Fearing and
they wondered, saying "Where is your F A I T H ? "
aXXrjXovs' Tis apa OVTOS earip9 on Stat TOIS And being afraid, they
o ne another; Wh© then this is : wondered, saying to one
that even to the
avefx^is etrirao'o'ei Kai T(p vdaTi, Kat vvaKovov- another, "Who then is this
winds he gives a charge and to the water, and they hearken that commands even the
aiv avrct) ; K c u KareirXevcrap EIS TT]U xcoPav WINDS and the WATER,

to him ? And they sailed into the country * and they obey him."
TCOP Tadaprjpcoi' fjrzs <Q~TIP aprnrepap TTJS 26 % And they sailed to
ofthe Gadarenas, which is over-against the the REGION of the * f G E R -
VaXiXatas0 ASENES, which is opposite
Galilee. to G A L I L E E .
'E^eXOowri 5e avrtp eirt TTJP yt]P9 virrjprrj- 27 And going out on
Going out and t o him OU t h e land, met SHORE, * a Certain Man of
(rep avTcp aprjp TIS €K TTJS TroXecas, 6s ei%e the CITY met him, who had
him a man certain out of the city, who had * Demons; and for a long
daijxopia 6K xP0V(av teat \\xaTiov OVK Time he wore no Clothes,
demons from times many, and a mantle not nor remained in a House,
speSidv(TK€T09 Kai ep oiKia OVK e/xepep, aXX9 ep but in the TOMBS.
he put on, and in a house not he remained, but in
* VATICAN' MANUSCRIPT.—25. and they obey him—omit, 26. GERASHNES. 27. a
Certain Man. 27. Demons; and for a long Time he wore.
t 26. " I was afterwards informed by Mr. Thomson of Sidon, who had recently traversed
this region, and whose knowledge both ofthe country and its language gave him great fa-
cilities in picking up information, that nearly opposite Mejdel (Magdala,) or j u s t about op-
posite where we turned south, there is a place called by t h e natives Girsa, which Mr. T.
supposes to be a corruption of Gergesene. Here there is a sharp sloping precipice of perhaps
2000 feet high. This is t h e ' s t e e p place' [kreemnou) Matt. vii. G2; Mark v. 13; Luke viii. 33.
Mark and Luke say it was i n the country ofthe Gadarenes, and we know that Gadara (eight
mile3 from Tiberias according to Josephus, Life, 65) must have been farther south. But the
term Gadarene m a y b e a wide one, and besides, t h e reading i n Mark _ and Luke is a very
doubtful one; the mass of evidence preponderates in favor of Geraseneinstead ot Gadarene,"
22. Matt m i . 23; Matk iy. 35. % 86. Matt. viii. 28; Mark v. I.
Ohap. 8 : 28/! LUKE. J/hap. 8 S6.

rots {ivrj/xcMriv. 28
iS&jf 8e r o y l7}a*oui>, /cat 28 And seeing JESUS, lie
the tombs. Seeing and th« fell down before him, and
Jesus, and
avcLKpa^as, irpoa'eireo'ev avTca, teat (poovr) ja=ya\r) crying out" with a louf
crying out, he fell down to him, and\irith avoice loud Voice, said, " What hasj
6I7T6* Ti ejxoi Kai (Tot, Iritfov, vie TOV Oeov TOV —0 thou to do with me, Jesus,
Son of GOD—the
he said; "What to me and to thee, Jesus, Oson ofthe God ofthe
HIGHEST? I beseech thee,
vtyitfrov ; §eo/JLCLi (rov, fxt] fie fiacravtcrrjs,torment me n; "
highest? I beseech thee, not me thou inayst torment.
29 29 (For lie had. com-
(lIapi777eiAe yap rep irvev/naTi Tea cucadapTcp manded the IMPURE SPIRI T
(He had commanded for the spirit the unclean to come out of the MAN.
€£e\0etj> euro TOV avdpcairov TTOWOLS yap XP°~ For it had frequently seized
to come out from the man; isany for times him j and he was hound
vois (Tvvrjpirafcei avTov Kai eSeff/jLeiro a\varecri with Chains and Tetters,
it had seized him; and he was bound with chains and guarded; andbreaking
feat 7re5a£s, (pvhao~cro[jL<-vos' /cat Btapprjcrcau ra the BONDS, he was driven
and fetters, being guarded; and breaking the by the DEMON into the
Setr/xa, 7}\avueT0 viro TOV dai/xovos eis Tas eprj- DESERTS.)
bonds, he was driven by the demon into the des- 30 And J E S U S asked
uoi/s.) ~E,irr)p(OTr)o~€ 5e avTov
6 ln]o~ovshim,
9 "What is thy Name ? : '
«rts.) Asked and him the Jesus s And HE said, "Legion;"
*[A.€7cwjj T i croi eo'Tiv ovofia; *0 Se 6i7r6' Because many Demona
[saying;] Whattothee is aname? He and »aid; had entered into him.
Aeyecav on Daifxovia iroWa eia"r)\Q$v as avroi/. 31 And he besought him
Legion: for demona many had entered into him. that he would not com-
31 irapeKaXei avTov, Iva fiyj e7rtTa£?? avrois mand them to go out into
Ahd he besought him, that not he would command them the ABYSS.
32 32 Now there was a
ets TI\V afivo~crov aireXdeiv* Uv 5e e«:ei
into the abyss to go. Was and there Herd of many Swine feed-
aye\r) xoiPcav lK.av<av Poo'Koinevcav €V rep oper ing on the MOUNTAIN ;
a herd of swine many feeding and they besought him to
in the mountain:
/cat irapeKaAovv avrov, Iva eirirpetyr} avrois eis permit them to go into
and they besought him, that he would permit them into tfjem. And he permitted
€K€iuovs eio~e\9eiv. K a i eirerperpev avrois. them.
them to enter. And he permitted them. 33 Then the DEMONS
E^eXdovra 5e ra Saifxovia airo TOV avOpooirov, having come out of the
MAN, went into the SWINE ;
Having gone out and the demons from t h e , man,
Kcu and the HERD rushed down
eiffTjKQzv ets TOVS XOIPOVS' odp^V(rei/ V the PRECIPICE into the
they entered into the swine: and rushed the LAKE, and were f drowned.
ayehi] Kara TOV Kpy/xvov eis rr\v Kip,vr]v9 Kai 34 And the SWINE-
herd dowa the precipice into the lake, and HERDS, seeing THAT HAV-
aTTGTTViyr), iSovres 8e ol fioo~KovTes TO ING BEEN DONE, fled, and
were choked. Seeing and those feeding that reported it in the CITY and
yeyovos, zepvyov Kai airrjyyeiAav eis rr\v iroAiv in the VILLAGES.
having been done, fled and reported in the city 35 And they went out to
/cat eis TOVS aypovs. E^rjXOov 5e tdeiv TO see THAT HAVING B E E N
and ia the villages. They came out and to see that DONE. And they came to
yeyouos' Kai r)\Qov irpos TOV lr)o"ovV} Kai JESUS, and found the MAN
having been done: and came to the Jesus, and from whom the DEMONS
evpov KadrjjAsvov TOV avdpcairov, a</>' ob r a had gone out, sitting at
found sitting the man, from whom the the EEET of * Jesus,
Haipiovia e^AyAvdei, IfA.arin'jj.evov Kai o-ca<ppo- clothed, and in his right
deinons had gone out, having been clothed and being (A mind; and they were
vovvra, irapa TOVS iroBas TOV ITJCTOV Kai e4>o/37j- afraid.
sane mind, at the feet ofthe Jesus; and they 36 Then THOSE who
dvi&av. ^ AirriyyeiXav 5* avrois Kai 01 tfiovres, SAW it informed them how
were afraid. Reported and to them and those having seen
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—30. saying—omit. 35. Jesus.
t 33. Some sceptics have objected tothis transaction, as not conformable to the character
of Jeaus. Now as the Jews were prohibited by the laws of Hyrcanus from keeping swine,
and by the law of Moses from using them as food, this act was a just punishment on these
violators of law.. The miracle itself served to manifest Christ's own regard to the law of
God, while the disposition displayed by the people, in desiring him to depart from them,
Showed bow well they needed correction.
[Chap. 8-. 46.
Chap, 8: 37.] LUKE.
iras etrcadr) 6 8ai/j.ovt(rdeis. 37
Kai Tjptorrjcrap the DEMONIAC was re*
how was saved he haying been demonized. And asked stored.
avrov airav ro irXrjdos rr)s Ttepi%(apov roov 37 2 And the Whole
him whole the multitude of the surrounding region of the MULTITUDE o f t h e SUR-
TaSapr]vcovt aireXdeiv cnr' avropv on (pofico ROUNDING COUNTRY of
Gadarenes, to go from them} for with a fear the * GERASENES % desired
ueyaXcp crvveixovro. him to depart from them;
great they were seized. Tor they were seized with
great Fear. And having
Avros Be €jufias eis ro TTXOLOV, hire err petyev. entered the * Boat h* re-
He and having gone into the ship, returned. turned.
^ E S e e r o de avrov b avrjp, cup* ov e£eX7]Xv6et 38 Now J the MAN from
Begged and of him the man, from whom had gone out whom the DEMONS had
ra BaifJiovia, eivai o'vv avru>, ATreXvcre Be gone out, desired to he
the demons,, to be with him. Sent away but with him. But *he dis-
3 9 <r missed him, saying,
avrov 6 Ir)<rovs, Xeyoov fTr o err pe(pe eis rov
Uira the Jesus. saying; Return to the 39 "Return to thy
OLKOV crov, nai oiyyov, Sera eiroi7)o~e croi 6 8eos. HOUSE, and relate how
hous» of thee, and relate, how much has done to theethe God. much GOD has done for
Kai airTjXOe, Had3 oXrjv rrjv TTOXLV Kripvacroov, thee." An d he went away,
And he went away, through whole the city publishing9 and published through the
Sera 67TOLTIO~€V avrq> 6 Iqcrovs. Whole CITY how much
kow much had done to him the Jesus, J E S U S had done for him.
40 And i t occurred, as
*°Ey€V€ro Be ev rq> viroirrpe^ai rov Ir}o~ovvi JESUS RETURNED, the
It happened and in the to return
the Jesus,
CROWD gladly received
afreBe^aro avrov 6 oxXos' ycrav yap iravres him; for they were all
gladly received him the crowd; they were for all waiting for htm.
rrpoo'hoKCtivres avrov, K a i iBov, 7]X6ev avrjp, 41 $And, behold, there
waiting for him. And lo, came a man,
f came a Man, whose name
q> ovofxa laeipos, Kai avros apx^v rrjs o*vva- was Jairus, and i)t was a
to whom a name Jairus, and he a ruler of the syua-
Ruler of the SYNAGOGUE;
yooyr}S b7n\px*' Kai irecrwv irapa rovs iroBas rov and falling at the FEET, of
gogue wa^; and falling at the feet of the * Jesus, entreated him to
IYJO'OV, irapeKaXei avrov eiceXdeiv eis rov OLKOV come into his HOUSE ;
Jesus, besought him to come into the house
avrov 4 2 ori Ovyaryjp /uovoyevrjs r\v avrq? oos Daughter, 43 Tor he had an only
of himself: for a daughter only was to him about
about twelve
Years of Age, and 8i)t was
eroov BccBeKa, Kai avrr} aTredvyjcTKev. Ev Be rep dying. And as he WENT
years twelve, and she was dying. In and to the the CROWDS pressed on
birayeiv avrov, ot oxXpi crweTcviyov
avrov. him.
to go him, the crowds pressed him.
43 43 J And a Woman hav- yvvt] ovo'a ev pvcrei aljuaros airo eroov ing had an Hemorrhage
And a woman being in a flow of blood from years
for twelve Years, who * had
BooBeKa, 7)ris tarpois irpoo'avaXooo'acro oXav rov consumed her Whole LIV-
twelve, who with physicians having expended whole the ING on Physicians, and
PLOV, OVK terxverzv VTT3 ovBevos OepanevOrjvai' could not be cured by any
living, not had strength by any one to be cured; one,
irpoaeXdovcra oirio'dev, 7]\\/aro rov KpaaneBov 44 coming up behind,
coming behind, touched the tuft
touched the TUFT of his
rov tfiariov avrov Kai Trapaxpy/uct, ecrrri 7] MANTLE; and immediately
of the mantle of him: and immediately stopped the
45 the FLOW of her B L O O S
pvcris rov atfiaros avrr]s. Kai enrev 6 liqaovs' stopped.
flow ofthe blood
ofher. And said the Jesus,
Tis 6 a^afxevos /JLOV : Apvovfxevccv Be iravroov, " W45
And J E S U S said,
TOUCHED m e ? "
Who the having touched me? Denying and all,
and all denying it, PETER
enrev 6 Uerpos *\_Kai o! crw avTcp'~] Eirio'Tara, and THOSE" with him said,
said the Peter [and those with him:] O master,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—37. GERASEJTES. 37. Boat. S8. he dismissed him.
41, Jesus. 43. could not be cured by any one, coming up. 45. and. those with him—omit.
J 37. Matt. viii. 34. J 37. Aeis xvi. 39. J 38. Mark v. 18. J 41. Matt
IX. 18; Mark v. 22. J 43. Matt. i i . 5sU.
Chap. 8 : 46 LUKE. {Chap. 8 : 56.

ot OX^OL (Tvuexovcri ere Kai airoQAi^ovci' KCU " Master, the CROWDS
the crowds press on thee and crowd; and press on and crowd thee,
Aeyeis* Tis 6 a\\/afjLevos [AOV ; ' O 8e lr\crovs and dost thou say, 5
gayest t h o u ; W h o t h e having t o u c h e d m e ? Theand
Jesus TOUCHED me?' '
enrev 'Hxj/aro JXOV ris' eyco yap eyvoov 46 And Jesus said,
said; Touched me s o m e o n e ; I for know "Some one touched m e ;
dvvafiiv €^e\9ov(rau air* efiov. 47 ISouera de r\ J for IE know a Power went
apower went out from me. Seeing a n d t h e out from me."
yvvri, 6rt ovtc eAajSe, rpep.ovo'a 7]X9e, Kai 47 Then the won AN,
woman, t h a t n o t she was unnoticed, trembling came, a n d seeing that she was dis-
7rpoo"rre<rov(raavTcp, SY r)v airiav r)\paro avrov, covered, came trembling,
falling down t o him, t h r o u g h what cause s h e t o u c h e d h i m , and falling down, related
cnrrjyyeiAev *[avr££>] GVOOTVLOV TTCLVTOS rov Aaov, to him in presence of All
related [to h i m ] i n p r e s s n e e of all of t h e peopie, the PEOPLE, why she had
Kat cos taQi) irapaxpf]/"•«• 48e
O 8e eiirev avry touched him, and how she
and how she was cured immediately. H e and said was immediately cured.
to her;
* [ © a p r r e i , ] Ovyarcp' 7) maris GOV aecro&Ke ce* 48 And he said to her,
[Take courage,] O daughter; t h e faith of thee has saved t h e e : " Daughter, thy PAITH has
iropevou eis $ip7\vr\v. 49
KaAovvros, cured thee; go in Peace."
E r t avrov
go in peace. While of h i m
speaking, 49 £ While he was still
6TaL TiS 7ra a rou speaking, some one came
*pX P ctpxio'vvayooyov, Xey&v from the SYNAGOGUE-
comas some one from of t h e synagogus-raler's, saying
RULER'S house, who said,
*[auT<jt>*J 'OTi redpr]K€p r) Ovyarijp crow fxr} " Thy DAUGHTER is dead;
[ t o him;*j That is dead t h e daughter of t h e e : n o t
50 trouble *no more the
(TttiMAe rov SiSaffKaAov. ' O §e Irjo'ovs T E A C H E R . "
trouble t h o u the teacher. The but Jesus
50 But JESUS having
aitovffas, aTreKpiOrj avrcp, ~*[AeyoovJ
M77 heard it, answered him,
h i v i n g heard, answered him, [saying:] Not
51 "Fear not, only believe,
<po$ow \xovov irio'r<cve9 Kat (fcoOrjcrerai. E A - and she will be saved."
fear: only believe t h o u , a n d she shall be saved. Com-
51 And coining to t h e
B<ov 5e ets rr\v oiKiav, OVK acprjKcv ei&eAdetv HOUSE, he permitted no
ing a n d i n t o t h e house, n o t h e suffered t o enter
one *to go in with him,
ov$€Pa9 ei jjiTj Tlerpov Kai Icaawqv Kai laKcoftov, except Peter, and John,
no one, except Peter and John and James,
and James,and the PATHER
itai rov irarepa rrjs TraiBos Kai rr\v firjrepa. and the MOTHEB, of t h e
and the father ofthe child and the mother.
EKACUOZ/ <5e naures? Kai ettoirrovro avrrjv.
52 And all were weeping
Was weeping and all, and lamenting her.
and lamenting her. B u t
'O 5e enre' Mrj KAaiere' OVK aireQavev,, aAAa HE said, "Weep not; *for
H e b u t said Not weep y o u : n o t she is dead, but she i s not dead, :£but
Kadevdei, K a t KareyeAcav avrov, eidores ort sleeps."
sleeps. And t h e y derided him, knowing t h a t
54 53 And they derided
a7redavev. A U T O S de *\_eK$a\cov e£&> 7ra*>Tas, him, knowing That she wae
He b u t [having p u t out all,
Kparrjo'as rrjs xeLP0S
s h e was dead. afT^y, e<t)cavr}o'€9
having grasped t h e hand of her, called o u t , 54 But he, grasping he*
and] 55 HAND, called out, saying,
Kat e-irea'rpexl/e ro "MAIDEN, |arise,"
\eyoov ' H irais, eyeipov. And returned the
' saying: T h e child, arise. 55 And her BREATH re-
TTvevfxa avrrjs, Kai turned, and she stood up
breath. of her,
Kai aveo'rr} Trapaxpv^'
and she stood up i m m e d i a t e l y : immediately; and he or-
^tera^av avry SoOrjvai (payeiv. 56
K a t e£e<mj- dered them to give hei
he c o m m a n d e d to her to be given t o eat. A n d svereaston- food.
crav oi yovets avrrjs, ' O 5e TraprjyysiAev avrois 56 And her PARENTS
i s h e d t h e parents of her. H e but charged them were astonished, but % HE
jjLrjfievt, enr€iv ro yeyovos. charged them to tell no
uo one t o tell t h a t having been d o n e . one WHAT had been D O N B .
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—47. to Mm—omit. 48. Take courage—omit. 49. to
him—omit. 49. no more the IBAGUER. 50. saying—omit. 51. t o go i n w i t h
him, except. 52. for she. » 54. having p u t them all out, and—omit.
% 45. Mark v. 30; Luke vi. 19 t 49. Mark v. 05. T 52. J o h n xi-11, IS.
% 54. Lukevii. 14; Johnxi.4.* t 56. Mats, v u i . 4 ; ut.<i0i Mark v . 43.
Chap. 9 : 1.] LUKE. l<%ap. 9 : 11.

K E * . &. 9. CHAPTER IX.

1 J And tiaving convened
^vyKaXecraiuLevos Be rovs BooBcna, CBODKCP the TWELVE, he gave them
Having called together and the twelve, he gave Power and Authority over
avrois Bvpa/uip Kai ei-ov(riav e-rri iravra ra Bai- All DEMONS, and to cure
to them power and authority over all the de- Diseases.
liopia, KCLI vocovs Beparreveip. Ka« airecrrci- 2 And J he sent them
mous, and diseases to cure. And he sent forth to proclaim the KING-
KGP avrovs K7]pucro~€Lp ryjp f&cLffiXetav rov 6eov,DOM of GOD, and to cure
them to publish, the kingdom of the God, *the srcK.
Kai tacrdai *[TOL>S aadevovpras.^ 3
K at et7re 3 X And he said to them;
and to heal [those beingsick.] And said "Take Nothing for the
Trpos avrovs' Mr]Be^ aiptre eis rt\v 6Bov, firjre JOUKNEY, neither Staff,
to them; Nothing take you for the journey, neither nor Traveling Bag, nor
pafSBov, fJirjre irripav, fxrjre aprop, /arjre apyv- Bread, nor Silver, nor have
a staff, nor a bag, nor bread, nor sil-
Two Coats.
LT00Vas € €lu 4 4 $ And into Whatever
piov firjre * [ a ^ a ] Buo x X - K a i House you may enter, there
ver; nor ^each] two coats to have. And
€£S 7]U aV OlKiaP €MTeX9r}T€9 €K€l fjL€U€T€, Kai
remain, and thence depart.
into whatever house you may enter, there remain, and 6 And whoever shall not
eKeidsv e^epx^(T0e. 5
Kai dffoi av fxy] Be^oovrai receive you, when you go
thence depart. And whoever not may receive out from that CITY, X shake
V[JL3.S> Z%£pX°^VOl tXTTO T7JS ITOAeCOS €K€IP7)S, Kai off even the DUST from
you, coining out from the city that, even your EEET, for a Testimony
rov Kovioprov airo reap TTOBCOP V/HOOP airoriva^are, to them."
the dust from the feet of you shake off, 6 $ And going forth, they
eis fJiapTvpiov €7r' avrovs. E£ep%o/xeyo4 Be traveled through the VIL-
for a testimony against them. Going forth and LAGES, proclaiming the
dtrjpxovro :ara ras Kw/nas, evayy eAtfaiuLepoi Kai glad tidings, and perform-
Jhey traveled through th* villages, publishing glad tidings and ing cures- everywhere.
OepairzvoprGS Ttavraxov. 7 J Now Herod, the T E -
healing everywhere. TRAKC ir, heard of ALL that
7 H/couf/e Be 'HpcvByjs 6 r^rpapx^is ra yivo- was D O N E ; and he was
Heard and Herod the tetrarch that being perplexed, because it was
fieua ' X '[^T ^, auTOuj iraura' Kai Bir)Tropei, Bia SAID by some, "John has
done [by him] all; and he was perplexed, because been raised from the
ro KeyecrQai vivo ripoop, on IOOUPPTJS eyqytprai Dead;"
the to be said by some, that John has been raised 8 and by some, "Elijah
€K veKpoop' 8 biro rivoop 5e, org HAias etyavr}' has appeared;" U
and by
eutof dead; by wme And, that Eliashad appeared-. others, * A certain Pro-
a Wow 5e, Sri 7rpo(pr)T7jS els rccp apxaioop aveo'- phet of the ANCIENTS has
others and. that a prophet one of the ancients nas stood risen up."
rr}. 9 Kat eiirev 'HpcvBrjs' looavpyjp eyco a7re/ce- 9 *But H E R O D said,
up. ADd said Herod: John I be- "John 3£ beheaded; but
(paXio'a* ris Be earip ovros, irepi ob eyco who is this of whom * 1
beaded i Tfho but is this, concerning whom I hear such things ?" J And
<IKOV(Oroiavra ; K a i eQrjrei tBeip avrop. he sought to see him.
hear such things? And he sought to see him. 10 $ And the APOSTLES.
Kax vTToarpeipapres oiairoaroXoi Birjyrjcrapro having returned, related to
And having returned the apostles related him what things they had
avrca ocra cirotrjo-ap' Kai irapaAaficop avrovs done. $ Andtakn.g them
to him what things they bad done ; and taking them aside, he withdrew pri-
i>TrzxooP7}(Te (caT' tBtap eis '"\_roirop €py]ixov~\ vately into * a desert Place
he withdrew by himself into [a place ieaertj of a City, called Bethsaida.
froKecos KaXov/neprjs Br)9craiBa. n Ol Be ox^oi 11 And the CROWDS
Opacity being called Bethsaida. The and crowds
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. the SICK—omit, 8. each—omit 7. *by him—omtl.
$. a certain Prophet of the ANCIENTS was. 9. But H E K O D . 9. I hear. 10. «
desert place— omit.
i 1 Matt, x 1: Markiii. 13- vi. 7. t 2. Matt. x. 7 J Mark vi. 12: Luke x. 1,9.
X 3. Matt x. 9-. Mark v i . 8 - Luke x. 4; xxii.35. t 4. Matt. x. 1 1 ; Markvi. 10.
t 5. Acts xiii.5l. t 6. Matt. vi. 12. J 7. Matt. xiv. 1 ; Mark vi. 14. t 9. ink©
£x)ii,8 1 10. Mark vi. SO. X 10. Matt. xiv. IS.
•Chap. 0 : 120 LUKE. [Chap. 9; 36.

yvovrss, 7}K.oXovQy)(Tav avrcp. Se^afLzvos knowing it, followed hir.vL

hay Jig heard, t h e y followed him. and having * gladly re,
And having received
avrovs, eXaXei avrots irept TT]S jSatnAeias TGV ceivea tho:~i, he spoke to
them, he spake t o them concerning t h e kingdom c£V\0 them concerning the KING-
6eov, Kai TOVS xp*iav *Xovras 0epa7reias, aaro0 DOM of GOD, and healed
God, a n d those need .having of healing, h e eurod. THOSE who HAD need oi
'H 5e rj/jiepa, 7]p|r.v'C KXIPCLW irpoo'eXQovres Healing.
The now day bogr.n t o decline; coming 12 J * The DAY already
oe oi 8w5etfa3 ZITTOP avrcp' KitoKvcrov rov C^AG?/, began to decline, when the
^ndthe twelve, said to him; Dismiss the crowd, TWELVE came and said to
Iva. iroptvdevTss 2ia r,s KVKXOJ Kcafxas KOA rovs him, "Dismiss the CROWD,
that having gone ir&o ihe, s u r r o u n d i n g villages and the that they may go into the
aypovSy KctTCiKrcc^-^j&c. :?.ai evpooo'iv eino'irin'fxov'adjacent "VILLAGES and
farms, t h e y may Zci-p&i a n d find provisions; * Farms, to lodge, and find
ori wSe eu €pr)p,cp TCA/QJ eo'/xev. 1 3 Ei7re 5e irpos Provisions; For we are
for here in a desert ";lace we are. H e said b u t to here in a Desert Place."
avrovs' A O T S siurots vfxeis (payety, Oi <Je IS But lie said to them,
them: Give i o ihem you to eat. Shc^ and
" ^ o u supply them." And
eiirov OVK eio~iv 7]jxiv isXsiov 7} ireure aproi, TIIKY said, " W e have no
*aid: Not are t o us snore t h a n five loaves,
more than Five Loaves and
Kai ix@ves dvo, ei (xrjri Tropevdevres 7//xei$ nyo- Two Fishes: unless irje
and fishes t w o , if not going vse may
should go and buy I'ood for
pao~wjj.ev eis iravra, rou Xaop rovrov fipoofxara. All this PEOPLE i"
buy for all t h e people this food.
^Kcav yap cbo~ei avdpes Trevr:iKLo~x.iXioi. Enre l- for they were about
They were for about men Civ t h o u s a n d . H e said JLV thousand Men. And
§6 irpos rovs fiadiqr^s avrov° KaTaKTuj/are he said to his DISCIPLES,
and to the disciples ©f'umoek': M a k e recline "Make them recline in
avrovs KXiaias ava irevrf]Koprm, 1S
K a i 6TTOLT]- Companies of * fifty each."
iher' in coinpaniesseach fift^'c And they 15 And they did so, and
/few ovroOf nai aveitXivav airovras, Aa/3a>j> caused them all to recline.
did BO, a n d they made recline all. Taking
3c r o u s irevre aprovs Kai 'Tovs Suo iX®vas> Loaves 16 Then taking the FIVE
and the five loavoc and the two fishes, and the TWO Fishes,
cu'Coj8A.ei|/as eis rov ovpavov^ evXoyyati/ avrovs' and looking towards HK.-V-
l o o k i n g up to the heaven, h e blessed *;hei:\: VKN, he blessul and broke
(hem, and gave to the
KCU KareKXao~ei Kai e5i5ou rois fiaO-qrais, irapa- DISCIPLES to set before
and broke, and gave t o t h e disciples, io
the CEOWD.
TtQsvat rq> ox^w* ^ Kai e<pay<v, Kaiexopraa-
set before the crowd. And they ate, and weresatis- 17 And they ate end
drjaau iravrss.' Kai rjpdr} ro •Kepicrcevvav av~ were all satisfied; t»nd
ned all: a n d was taken up t h a t having been left t o there were taken up of the
rois KXao-jxarooV) Ko<pivoi ScoSetfa. EEMAINTNG EEAGMENTS,
then of fragments, baskets twelve. twelve Baskets.
Kai eytvero ev rep sivai avrop irpo<revxo- 18 J And! it came to pass,
And i t happened in t h e t o be him praying as he wrAS praying in pri-
fievov Kara/xovas, crvvijorav avra> 01 ^.aQrfrai- vate, the D I S C I P L E S came
i n private, came to him t h e disciples: to h i m ; and he asked
Kai 6TT7}poor'qo-eu avrovs, Xeycov TIVOL fitthem, saying, " Who do the
and h e asked them, saying; Who m e CROWDS say that I am?')
Xtyovffiv ol OXXOL eii/at,; Oi §e airoKpiBsvres 19 And THEY answering
say t h e crowds t o b e ? They a n d answering
said, $ " J o h n the I M M E E -
enrov IcoavvTjvrov fiaTrrio~rr)V aXXoi 5e, HAiaz/, SKE; but others, Elijah;
ssid: John the dipper: others b u t , iilias- and others, that a certain
aXXoi 5e, on irpo<pr]r7]S ris rwv apx&t-w avearrj. Prophet of the ANCIEWTS
others a n d , t h a t a p r o p h e t o n e . o f t h e ancients h a s stood up. has risen up."
20 20 And he said \ 0 them,
Ei7re 5e avrois' 'T/xeis 8e riua /xe A676T6
H e said a n d t o t h e m : You but who me say you " But who do gnu say that

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—11. gladly received. 12. The DAY already began to de-
eline, wnen the TWELVE came. 12. Farms. 14. as it were by.
t 12. Matt. xiv. lo; Mark vi. 35; John vi.l, 6. % 18. Matt. xvi. IS; Marfe yiii. 27.
19, Matt. xiv. 2; ver.J7 8,.
Chap. 9 : 31.] I.UKE. Itihap. : 89.
eivai ; Airoicpideis 5e 6 Tlerpos enre 0 Tov I am? J "And * Peter an-
to be ? Answering and the Peter said; The swering said, "TheCHKisi
21 c
yLpurrov TOV dtovr, O de eiriTifxTjo'as avTOis, of G O D . "
Anointed of the God. He and having strictly charged thern,
22 21 J And HE having
TraprjyyeiXe fiyhtvi Xeyeiv TOVTO° enrcov 'OTL strictly" charged them, or-
commanded to no one to tell this; saying; That
dered them to tell this to
del TOV vlov TOV avdpcoirov iroXXa iraQeiv^ Kai no one;
must the son of the man many things to suffer, and
aTroSoKi[Aao~8r}vai ano TOOV TrpecrfivTepcov Kai 22 saying, $"The SON
to be rejected by the elders and of MAN must suffer many
apx^pecav Kai ypa/j-fiaTeoov, Kai airoKTavOrivai, things, and be rejected by
high-priests and scribes, and to be killed, the ELDERS, and High-
Kai TT\ TpiTYji 7]/nepa eyepdrjvai. priests, and Scribes, and
and the third day to be raised.
be killed, and on the THIRD
23 Day be raised."
EA.676 de irpos irapTas' E J TLS deXei OTTLO'OO
He laid and to all; If any one wishes after 23 J And he said to all,
fiov epx^ffOai, apvrjcracrdoo iavTov, Kai apaT& " I f any one wish to come
me to come, let him deny himself, and let him bear after me, let him renounce
TOV o'Tavpov avTov Ka6' rjfjiepav^ Kai aicoXov- himself, and take up his
the cross of himself every day, and fol- CROSS daily, and follow
OeiTca jxoi. 24
'Os yap avtyvxtiv me.
low me. "Who for ever may wish life the
24 For whoever would
avTov o'cocai, airoXeaei avT7}V° 6s 5° av airo- save his LIEE, shall lose it;
of himself to save, shall lose her; who but ever may and whoever loses his LIEE
Aecrjj TT}V tyvx7]p avTov GVGKCV efjiov, OVTOS o'ooo'ei on my account, he shall
lose the life of himself on account of me, he shallsave save it.
avTTjv. Ti yap ootycXziTai avdpoowos Kep$r)o~as
her. What for is profited a man 25 J For what is a Man
having won
TOV Koo'fxov bXov^ kavTov Se airoXeo'as, 7] fy/jua)- profited, if he gain the
thc world whole, himself and having lost, or having for- whole WORLD, and destroy
6GLS ;
'Os yap av €iraiaxvi/^V M6 KaL T0VS or forfeit Himself.
feited? Who for ever may be ashamed me and the 26 % For whoever is
eftovs Xoyovs, TOVTOV 6 vlos TOV avQpooirov ashamed of me, and MY
mv words, this the son of the man "Words, of fjtm the SON of
eTraicrxwdrjcreTai, oTav eXdrj ev TT\ SO|?? MAN will be ashamed,
will be ashamed, when he may come in the glory when he comes in his own
avTov, Kai TOV iraTpos? Kai TOOV ayioov ayyeXoov. GLORY, and that of the F A -
THER, and of tho HOE'S
ofhimself, and of the father, and ofthe holy messengers.
27 Angels,
Aeystr 5e v/xiv aXr)6cosf eio~t Tives TOOV &5e
I say but to you truly, are some of those here 27 J B u t I tell you truly.
effTooToov, 01 ov 1X7} yevcrccvTai OavaTov, ioos avThere are SOME STANDING!
standing, who not not »hall taste of death, till *here, who will not taste
ideoo~i TT]V fiaGiXeiav TOV 6eov0 of Death, till they sea
they may see the royal majesty ofthe God. GOD'S ROYAL MAJESTY."
RyeveTO Se j£€Ta TOVS Xoyovs TOVTOVS, 28 And it occurred about
It happened and after the words these eight Days after thesa
cocret ijixepai O/CTOJ, Kai irapaXafioov HzTpov Kai WORDS, taking * Peter,
about days eight, and having taken Peter and and John, and James, he
Icoavvrjv Kai latcoofiov, avefir) eis TO opos went up into the MOUN-
John and James, he went up into the mountain TAIN to pray.
irporrev^ao'dai. ^ K a t syeveTO, ev Tq> irpoo~ev- 29 And it happened, as
to pray. And it occurred, in the to he PRAYED, the EORM of
X€0~6ai avTov, TO eifios
TOV irpoGooivov avTov his FACE was changed,
pray him, the form ofthe face of him and his RAIMENT became
€T€pov, Kai 6 l/aaTiafios avTov hevKos e^affrpair- white and dazzling.
different, and the raiment of him whiteness hashing

VATICAN MANTTSCBIPT.—20. Peter. 27. there, who.

t 20. Matt. xvi. 16; John vi. 69. t 21. Matt. xvi. 20. J 22. Matt. xvi. 21; xvh.
22. % 23. Matt. x. 38; xvi. 24; Mark viii. 34; Luke xiv. 27. 1 25. Matt.xvi. 20 ;
Mark viii. 36. J 26. Matt. x. 33; Mark viii. 38 j 2 Tim. i i . 12. J 27 Matt, xvi, ?$
V!ark ix. J,
. 9 : 30.] LUKE. [Chap. 9: 59.

rccp. ^ K o u iSou, avdpes Suo avpeXaXovp 30 And heboid, two Met avrep,
forth. And lo, were conversing with him,
men two were talking with h i m ,
olrives f\aav Moo(T7]s Kai HXias' 3 1 ol ocpdepres and these were Moses and
who were Moses and Elias: they appearing Elijah;
ev 8O£T7, eXeyop rr]P e^ofiop avrov, r,p e\xeXXe 31 who appearing in
in glory, spoke of t h e departure of him, which h e was a b o u t Glory, spolce of his DEPAR-
32 (
irXrjpovp ep lepovaaXrifx. 0 Se Uerpos Kai TURE which was about to
to fulfil in Jerusalem. The but Peter a n d be consummated at Jeru-
ol avp avry rjaruv fie$apnjJLepoi virpcp. A t a - salem.
t h o s e with him were having been heavy with sleep. Hav- 32 Now PETER, and
yprjyoprjaapres Se eifiov rr\P oo^ap avrov, Kai THOSE with him Jwere
ing awakened b u t they saw the glory of h i m , and overpowered with Sleep ;
TOVS 8vo avdpas rovs avpearo)ras avro). 33
K a i but having awakened, they
the two men those standing with h i m . And saw his GLORY, and VHOSE
eyepero ep rcc dia-^ccpL^eadaL avrovs air3 avrov, TWO Men STANDING with
it happened in the t o depart them from him, him.
eiirep 6 Uerpos trpos rop Irjaovp' Ernarara, 33 And it occurred, when
said the Peter to the Jesus: O master, they were DEPARTIN G from
KaXop earIU 7]/xas wSe eipai' Kai iroi7]aoo/j.ep him, PETEB, said to J E S U S ,
good i t is us here to be: and we may m a k e "Master, it is good for us
aK7]vas rpeis, (xiap aoi, Kai fxiap Mooaei, Kai to be here; and let us
tents 'three, o n e for t h e e , and one for Moses a and make three Booths; One
/xiav HAm* (xr) eiScos o Ae7€i. M
Tavrade avrov for thee, and One for Moses,
one f o r E l i a s : n o t knowing w h a t h e says. These and ofhim and One for Elijah;" not
Xeyopros, eyepero pecpeXr], Kai eTveattiaaep knowing what he said.
saying, came a. cloud, and overshadowed 34 And as he was thus
avrovs, ecpofiydrjaap oe ep rq> eKeivovs eiarjXdeip speaking, a Cloud came and
them, t h e y feared and i n the those t o enter covered t h e m ; and they
eis rrjp vetyeXyp. Kai (poovrj eyepero <BK rrjs were afraid when *they
into the cloud. A n d a voice came o u t of t h e ENTEEED the CLOUD.
pecpeXys, Xeyovaa' " Ovros eariv 6 vlos aov 6 35 And a Yoke pro-
cloud, saying: "This is t h e son of me t h e ceeded from the CLOUD,
ayaTTTjros' avrov aKovere." Kai ep T(f saying, % "Thisis my *SON,
beloved: him hear you." And in the the BELOVED; Jhear him."
yepeadai rr\v (pupr]p, evpedr] 6 Irjaovs fiovos. 36 And when the VOICE
t o have been the voice, was found the Jesus alone. had ceased, * Jesus was
K a i a u r o t eaiyqaap, Kai ovdepi aTrvryyeiXap ev found alone. J And then
And they were silent, a n d t o n o one told in were + silent, and told no
eKeipais rats 7)[xepais ovdep cop ecopaicaaip. one in Those DAYS what
thOBe the days n o t h i n g of w h a t they h a d seen. they had seen.
?Eyepero Se ep rrj e^7}s 7][iepq, KareXOoprcop 37 J Now it happened
I t happened and i n t h e n e x t day, having c o m e down the NEXT Bay, when they
avrcov awo rov opovs, avprjprTjaep avro) o%Aos came down from the MOUN-
them from the mountain, met him a crowd TAiN,a great Crowd met
iroXvs. ^ Kai toov, aprjp aivo rov oxXov ape-
great. And lo, a man from the crowd cried 38 And behold, a Man
from the CROWD, cried
jSoTjcre, Xeycav AioaaKaXe, oeofxai aov, 67ri/3Ae- londly, saying, "Teacher,
londly, saying: O teacher, I pray thee, to look I beseech thee, to look on
*J/ai em rop vlop fiov, on {xopoyevris eari fxoi' my SON, Eor he is my Only
on the son c-fme, for only-born he is t o m e ; Child.
Kai idov, Tvpevfia Aa/jcfiapet avrov, Kai e£ai- 39 And behold, a Spirit
and lo, a spirit seizes him, and sud- seizes him, and he suddenly
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—34. they. 35. CHOSEN BON. 36. Jesus.
t 36. Jesus enjoined silence upon the spectators of his transfiguration, (see Matt. xvii.
9), till after his resurrection; and probably one principal reason of this injunction of se-
crecy to the disciples might be our Lord's unwillingness to force the people into a belief oi
his divine character b y a degree of evidence which would control t h e mind, and n o t leave
free scope for the exercise of the moral dispositions and the ingenuous workings of the heart.
He appears to have consulted this purpose, on all occasions, with particular attention.—
I 32. Dan. viii. 18; x. 9. % 35. Matt. iii. 17. J 35. Acts in. 22, J 85, Matt.
xvii. 9. X 37. Matt, xvii, 14; M a r k i x . U , 17-
dhap. 9 : 40.] LUKE. [€fo»i 9 : 4S.

<pvf}s Kpa^et, Kai arrapaao'et piera a<ppov9 cries o u t ; and it so con*

denly he cries out, and convulses with. him
foam, vulses him that he foams;
Kai fioyis cfKoxtopti air' avrov, avvrpifiov avrov. and after bruising him.
and hardly departs from him, bruising him. with difficulty departs from
Kai edeyOrjv rcov piadTjrcov o~ov, iva eK$a\ooo~iv him.
And I besought the disciples of thee, that they might expel 40 And I entreated thy
avro' Kai OVK 7]bvv7]6r]o-av. 4 1 ATroKpiOeis be 6 DISCIPLES to expel it; and
it; and not they were able. Answering andthe they could not."
lrjorovs eiirev Q, y^vea airiaros Kai bieo~- 41 And J E S U S answer-
Jesus said; O generation without faith and having ing, said 5 " 0 unbelieving
rpa/ufxevr)' ioos irore eaofiat ivpos vpias, Kai and perverse Generation!
been perverted; till when shall I be with you, and how long shall I be with
ave^o/xai V/JLOOV ; Tlpoaayaye rov viov o'ov o;5e. you, and endure you? Con-
bear with you? Lead the son of thee here. cluctthy SON here."
"Eride irpoaepxofxevov avrov, epprj^ev avrov 42 And while he was
While and coming to him, dashed down him approaching, the DEMON
ro baijxoviov, Ewer i^7]cre be dashed him down, and vio-
Kai avveairapa^ev.
tb« demon, and lently convulsed him. And
and violently convulsed.
6 \t]0'ovs rca Trvev/nari rep aKaOaproj, Kai iaaarc JSEPSI RUIST rebuked
and cured the
the Jesus the spirit the unclean, and bealed
CHILD, and delivered him
70V iraiba, Kai airebwKev avrov rep irarpt avrov. to his FATHER,.
the child, and delivered him to the father of him.
E|67rA7jo"cro^ro 'Senavres eiri ry pieya^ it or 7}ri 43 And they were »i!
Were amazed BXLA all at the maiesty struck with awe at the JSA
rev 6eov, But while all were wonder-
otthe God.
ing a t every thing which
Uavroev be 6av[xaCovrcov e^ti naaiv oh erroiei J E S U S did, he said to nig
All an* werr wondering at all which did
6 Irjcrovs, enre irpos rovs /j.adr)ras
44 J'-Flace s o u these avrov
the Jesus, he said to the disciples of himself;
44 in your E A R S — WORDS
©eo"0e vfieis e/s ra <x>ra V/JLOOV rovs Aoyovs
The SON of MAN is about
Place you into the ears of you the wo.-di to be delivered into the
rovrovs' 6 yap vlos rov avQpooirov /meWci irapa- Hands of Men."
thesej the for son of the man is about tote 45 % But THEY did not
biboo~6ai €is xeiPas avdpooTTcov 4 5 Ol be
Tjyvoovv understand this S A V I N G ;
delivered into hands of men; They butunderstoodnot and it was so veiled from
•TO f>7)fxa rovro, Kai t]V TrapaK€Ka\vfxiuevov air1them that they might not
the word this. and it was having been veiled from perceive i t ; and they weie
avrwv, Iva fxj] aiaOcovrai afro* Kai €<pofiovvro afraid to ask him concern-
them, that not they might perceive it; and they Mated ing this SAYING.
epoorrjo'ai avrov rrepi rov pf}fxaros rovrov, 46 J And a Dispute arose
to ask him concerning ihe word this.
X6 among them, wi:i ? OF
Eio~r]\6e be bia\oyicr/nos ev avrois, ro, T ; J av 111 EM WOULD BJS faiiEAT-
.rose ancl a dispute among them, that, which
47 EST.
€17] /JL€>,£(t}V avrwv. ' 0 be ITJCOVS ibouv rov 47 But J E S U S , perceiv-
would be greater of them. The and Jesu* perceiving the
ing the THOUGHT of their
oiaXoyiaixov rr]s Kapbias avrcov, eiriXafiofxevos HEART, having taken a
thought of the heart of them, having taken Little child, placed it n?ar
iraibwv, eo~rr]<T€V avro irap} eavrcp, Kai eiirevhimself,
a little child, placed it Dear himself, and said 48 and said to them,
xvrcis' 4 8 'Os- eav befyrai rovro ro ivaibiov eiri J "Whoever may receive
*othera; Whoever may receive this the little child in This LITTLE CHILD in my
~><p ovopiari fiov^ efie 5e%6Tar Kai 6s eav efxe NAME, receives Me^ and
the name of me, me receives; and whoever me whoever may receive Me.
bei;7]rai, bex^^ai rov airiareiXavra fie. ' O yap receives H I M who %Eisr
may receive, receives the having *ent me. He for me; % for H E WJJO i s I E A * ?
p.iKporepos ev iraffiv vfxiv virapx^v. ovros eo~rai among you all, f)p *ehaii
less among all you being, he ebaJi be be great."

* "VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—48. is ^reat,

t 44. Matt. xvii. 22 t 4£>. Markia 32; Lute «.<5<>t xnji.S*. % 46. tost*
A?ill. 1; Markix. 34. % 4a M a t t - x . 4 0 , XVJ j i. i Sla."j j$ ?x. if: lohn all. 4* 5 XJI! JS
J, 48 Matt, xxui-11.12.
Otiap. 9:49.] ''driap.'Q'i"&.
(i€jas. ^AnoKpiOeis 5e c Icoavp^s eeTr.ezr Ericr- 49 % And fr John answer.
great. Answering andtho John aakij Omao-
ing said, " Master, we saw
rdiT«, sfiofxev Txi/c 'iiri rep ovofxari (rov £/Kj8aA.- one expelling * Demons in
ter, we uaw one in tha name of thee casting thy NAME ; and we forbade
Xatfra ra, SatfMovia* teat, GKtoXverajuLsv avrop9 on him, Because he does aot
fufe the demons: and we forbade h i m , becauoe follow us."
mttz aKokovdet. fxtQ* T)fx<av. K a t eirre Trpos
fcot he fo'llowr. with us. And said to 50 But * Jesus said,
&VTOV 5 lr)&ovs' MTJ KaW^re' 6s yap OVK ecrri " Forbid him not; 4 for h e
him t h e Jesus: Nut forbidyou: w h o for not ia who is not againat you is
Had' tfXCOPf VTTGp Vh.;&& t&TW, for you."
against yod, for j on' is.
&1 Now, it occurred,
'^ Eyevera de zv rep ffvfxir\r}pov(r6at ras when the DAYS of his
I t came to pass a n d in the t o be completed the
?lfA€pas rr}$ avaXij^ecos avrov9 KCLI avros ro PLETED, i)£ resolutely set
days of the withdrawing of h i m , and he the
his FACE to GO to Jerusa-
WpOffOHTTOV GLVTQV <i.(TTript^6 TOU lTOp€VGfr0tU €iS
face ef himself firmly eet of t h e t o go to
IzpovffahiqfjL,, "z Kai awecrretheu ayyeXovs
52 And he sent Mes-
Jeruaal^a. And h e sent sengers before him; and
'vrpo TrpbCftjTrow aurov Kat iropevQevrss eurrjKOop having gone, they weafc
before face of himself: a n d having gone they entered into a Village of the Sa-
GJS K(£j£i)if ^aixap^irtav^ ware kroifxaffai avrcp. maritans, in order to mak©
5nto & village of Samaritans, so as to prepare for him. preparation for him.
Kat OVK ede^avro avrov, 6TI TO itpoa^mop
Aud n o t they received " h i m , because t h e face 53 And Jthey did not.
UVTOV TJU TropsuofjLZPov €i$ 'IepovtraKTJ/A.
receive him, Because he
of him was going to Jerusalem. See- was going towards Jerusa-
Tes 8e ol jj.adr)Tcu aurov9 laffcyjSos feat Icoavprjs, lem.
ing and t h e disciples of him, James and John, 54 And *his DisciPLESft
curov Kvpie, OeXas enrcc/xet/ tsvp Hara^r)i/at James and John, observing
saidr O l o r d , wilt t h o u we speak fire to come down this, said, "Master, dosl
euro r o t ' ovpavov, kai avahaxrai a v r o u s , ^[a>s Kai thou wish that we com*-
from the heaven, and t o consume them, [as even mand Fire to rfome down
HAtas €TT0i7]cn ; ] 5 5 2rpa(/)6ts Be erczriix-qa-f-v from HEAVEN, to consume
Elias did?] Turning and he rebuked them?"
avioiS) [/cat enrew OVK otSars, otov Trvevjxaros
them, n(
I.a l sairt: N o t you. know, of what spirit 55 But turning he re«
©CTT€ i>iM€ts ; ] 5 6 Kat eTropeudricrai' cis krepav buked them;
aro you?} And they went to another
56 and they went to Aa
other Village.
57 ^-rjE-yeveTdJ Se 7?opevoju.€va)V avrcav ev ft) 57 t?And as they wen
[ I t happened] and going of them in the travelling on the ROAD, ont
5§y, etire rts irpos avrop' AKO\OV67](T<O <?OI, said to him, '''I will follow
way, aaid oue to him: I will follow thee, thee wherever thou goest
OITOU av airepxy, *[tcvpie.] Ka.t enrev avrq
wherever thou mayest go, [ O master.] And said to him 58 And * Jesus said to
6 Irjcroi's* At a\(aiV€K€S <pco\eovs exovon, Kai ra him, "The FOXES have
Holes, and the BIRDS of
the Jesus: The foxes deng have, and t h e

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.~49, John. 49. Demons. 50. Jesus. 54. the

DISCIPLES. 54. as even Elias did—omit. - 55. and said, " Know ye not of whafe
spirit you are"—omit. 57- It happened—omit. 57. £> master/—omit, 58. Jesus.
t 51. " I think the word analepsoos must signify,©^ jVsns's ret iring or wit hdr awing himself,
and not of his being received up; because the word sumpleerousthai here used before it, de-
notes a time completed, which that of his ascension was not then. The sense is, that the time
was come, when Jesus was no longer to retire from Judea and the parts about Jerusaletn eri
he had hitherto done; for he had lived altogether in Galilee, lest the Jews should have laid
hold on him, before the work of his ministry was ended, and full proofs of his divine rtrib-
ston given, and some of the prophecies concerning lnm accomplished. John says, cha.T>. vi{
1, Jesus walked \n Galilee; for he would not walk in Je\vi\), because the Jews sought to kill Mm.
Let it be observed, that all which follows here in Luke to chap. xix. 45, is represented by
him, as done by Jesus in his last journey from Galilee to Jerusalem."— Pearce. •
I 49- Mark ix. 39; see Nura, xi. 28. J 50. See Matt. xi. 30; Luke si. 23. I 53. Joi);fj
iv.4,9. t 57. Matt, viu. 10. ,
map. 9 -. sti/j LUKE. [ dfa*p- id -. 6.
wereiva rov ovpavov Karao'Krjvooo'eis'o be vios HEAVEN places of shelter;
birds of the heaven but the SON of MAN has
t>.e but son
rov avdpeoirov ovic e ^ e i , irov rrjv KecpaXrjv KXLVT).not where he may recline
of the man not has, where the his HEAD."
head he may rest.
Ei7re oe irpos erepov AKoXovdei [JLOI. ' O 5e 69 J And he said to an-
Hesaidand to another; Follow me. He but
other, " Follow me." But
enre' Kvpte, eiurpeipov fxoL aiteXOovn rrpoorov HE said, "Sir, permit me
luaid; O master, permit thou me having gone first first to go and bury my
Qatyat rov icarepa jxov. Ei7re Se avrcp 6 EATHEE."
to bury the father of me. Said and to him the
1T)0~OVS' Acpes rovs veKpovs datyai TOVS 60 * And he said to him,
eavroov "Leave the DEAD ONES to
Jesus j Leave the dead ones to bury the of themselves
inter THEIR, own Dead; but
venpovs' o~v $e aireXOcov diayyeXXe ryjv fiacri- go tfirnt and publish the
deadones; thou and having gone publish the king-
61 KINGDOM of G O D . "
Xeiav rov Oeov. Enre 5e KCU erepos' AfcoXov-
dom of the God. Said 61 And another also
and also another;
I will
drjcrco croi, Kvpte* p-oi said, " Sir, J I will follow
irpoorov 5e eirirpe^ov
follow thee, O master; first but permit thou me thee; but permit me first
arcora^aadai rois eis rov OLKOV {XOV. 6 2 Ei7re de to set in order my affairs
to bid farewell to those in the house of me. Said but at H O M E . "
*\_7rpos avrov] 6 ITJCTOVS' Oudets einfiaXoov rrjv 62 But JESUS said, " No
[to him] the Jesus; No one having put the
one, having put his HAND
%eipa avrov e7r3 aporpov, Kai fiXeiroov eis ra on the Plough, and looking
hand of himself on a plough, and looking for the things B E H I N D , is properly dis-
OTTto'ca, evOeros effriv eis rr\v (SaatXeLav rov Qtov.posed towards the KING-
behind, well-disposed is for the kingdom ofthe God. DOM of G O D . "

KE3>. if. 1 0 .
Mera de ravra avedei^ev 6 Kvpios * [ K C « ] 1 Now after this, the
Aftei BOW these things appointed the lord [also]
LOED appointed * Seventy
erepovs €(5dojLL7]Kovra9 Kai aireo'reiXev avrovs Others, and J sent them
others seventy, and sent them
two by two before him in-
ava dvo irpo irpoffooirov avrov eis irao'av iroXiv to Every City and Place,
each two before face of him&elf into every city
2 where he was about to go.
Kai ro7rov} ov e/ueXXev avros ep^eo'dai. EXe~
and place, where was about he to go. He 2 * And he said to them,
yev ovv irpos avrovs' ' O jaev depiCjuos TTOXVS, | " T h e IIAEVEST indeed is
said then to them; The indeed harvest great, plenteous, but the EEAP-
oi 5e epyarai oXiyor herjd^re ovv rov tcvpiov EES are few; beseech,
the but laborers few; implore therefore the lord therefore, the LORD of the
rov depLO'fxov, dircos eKfiaXr} epyaras eis rov HABVEST, that he would
ofthe harvest, the send out Laborers to HEAP
that he would send out laborers into
Oept.o'fJLOv avrov. 3
'Tirayere' idov, eyw airocr-it.
harvest of himself. Go you: lo, I send 3 Go; J behold, * I send
reXXoo vp,as cos apvas ev piece? Xvtcooy. 4 M77 you forth as Lambs among
you as lambs in midst ofwolves. Not Wolves.
fiao~ra£ere fiaXavriov, /JLTJ Trrjpav y.r)de virodr)- 4 $ Carry no Purse, nor
carryyou a purse, nor a bag nor san-
Bag, nor Shoes, and salute
fiara' Kai jX7]deva Kara rrjv odov ao"xao"r}o-Qe. no one by the EOAD.
dais: and no one by the way salute.
ELS 7]V 5' av oiKiav eio'epx^o'de, irpwrov Xeyere' 5 J And into Whatever
Into what and ever house you may enter, first say y o u .
House you enter, say first,
6 e
EiprjVTj rep oiKcp rovrcp. eav y etcei ' Peace to this HOUSE.*
Peace to the house this. And if may be there
vlos eipr}V7)S, eTravairavcerai 67T1 avrov 7) eipyjVT] 6 And if a Son of Peace
a son of peace, shallrest on him the peace is there, your PEACE shall
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—60. And lie said. 62. to him—omit. 1. Seventy-
iwo, and sent. 1. also—omit. 2. and he said. S. I send.
t 59. Matt; viii. 28. J 61. See 1 King's xix. 20. i 1. Matt. x. 1: Mark vi. 7,
£ '£ Matt. ix. 37,38; John iv. 35. t 3. Matt. x. 16. | 4. Matt. x. 9,10; Mask vi,
8; Luke ix. 3. J 5. Matt. x. 12.
Chap. 1 0 ; 7.]
LUKE. [Chap. 10 s 16.

vficov ei 8e /xrjye, e<p* vfxas ^Ev rest on h i m ; b u t if not, it

efyou; if but not, oa In shall r e t u r n t o you.
you it shall return.
avrrj 5 e 777 oittia fievere, s&diovTes Kai irivovres 7 % And i n T h a t H O U S E
thii and the house remain, eating and drinking remain, eating a n d drink-
ra 7rap' avTcov a f i o s yap 6 epyarrjs TOV ing t h e T H I N GS w i t h t h e m ;
the things with them: worthy for \hs laborer of the for t h e L A B O R E R is w o r t h y
fiiadov aurov e&n. of h i s REWARD. Go not
reward of himself is. from House to House.
M17 fxeTafialveTe e£ oiKias eis ouciav. 8
Kou 8 And into "Whatever
Not go you from house to house. Also City you enter, a n d they
ets 7]P 8 s av TVOXIV eLCep-^crde^ Kai dex^VTai receive you, eat W H A T i s
intowhat&nd ever city you may enter, and they may receive PLACED BEEORE y o u ;
9 9 a n d J cure t h e S I C K i n
v/Jias, ecrdieTe ra TrapaTidefieva V/ULIV, Kai
you, eat you the things being set before you, and
it, and say t o them, ' T h e
K I N G D O M of G O D h a s a p -
depaireveTe rovs ev avrrj aadevets,
Xeyere proached you.' Kai
cure you those in her sick, and say you
10 B u t i n t o "Whatever
avrois' YiyyiKev e(p* 7} fiao~i\eia TOV deov. City y o u enter, a n d they
to them; Has come nigh to you the kingdom of the God. receive you not, going o u t
Eis T]V 5 ' av TTOKIP eicrep-)(7]0'Qe9 Kai fir) i n t o i t s WIDE PLACES,
Into what but ever city you may enter, and not say,—
Se^a^Tou 'j,uas, e^eXQovres eis ras irKareias 11 % ' e v e n T H A T DTJSX
they may receive you, going out into the wide places of your CITY which adheres
avrrjs, enrare' Kai \ov KoviopTov, TOV KOKKT]- * t o our E E E T , w e wipe off
ofher, say you: Even the dust, that clea- for y o u ; however, know
this, T h a t t h e K I N G D O M of
Oevra 7]}XLV f/c rrjs iroXecos iifxcev,'a'oixeOa GOD h a s approached.'
ving to us from the city
we wipe off of you,
13 B u t I tell you, $tha5
V/JLLV ir\7]v TOVTO yivoocrKere, on rjyyucev 7)
it will be more tolerable
for you: however this know you, thathasapproacliedthe
for Sodom, i n t h a t DAY,
fiaffiXeia TOV deov. Aeyco V/ULLV, on "^odo/uois t h a n for t h a t C I T Y .
kingdom of the God. I say to you, that for Sodom
13 J W o e t o t h e e , Cho-
ev T7] rjjxepa eKeivr) aveicroTepov earTai 77 TT? r a s i n ! woe t o thee, Beth-
jn the day that more tolerable
it will be than the s a i d a ! For if T H O S E M I R A -
7roA.ei eKeivr]. OvaL croi, X.opa£iv, ovai croi, C L E S w h i c h a r e B E I N G
city that. Woe to thee, Chorasin, woe to thee, P E R F O R M E D i n you, h a d
Brj0crat8a' on ei ev Tvpcp eyevovro been done i n Tyre and
Kai ^idcovi
Bethsaida: for if iu Tyre and they would have
Sidon had been done Sidon,
reformed long ago, sitting
at dvvap.eis, at yevofxevai ev v/xiv, iraXai av ev f i n Sackcloth and Ashes.
the miracles, those being done in you, long ago would in
14 B u t i t will be more
o~aKKcp Kai cnrodo} KaQr]}xevai ixerevorjo-av- tolerable for Tyre and Si-
sackcloth and ashes sitting they have reformed.
don, in the JUDGMENT,
UXrjv Tvpcp Kai ^,idoevi aveKrorepov
ev than for you. ecrrai
But for Tyre and Sidon more tolerable it will be in
15 J And tfimt, Caper-
TT) Kpicrei, 7] vpuv. K a i ev, K.aTrepvaov/j., 7) n a u m , T H O U * which a r t
the judgment, than for you. And thou, Capernaum, which B E I N G E X A L T E D to HEA-
ecus TOV ovpavov vxpooOeio'a, Kara- VEN, wilt be brought down
ecas a$ov
even to the heaven art being exalted, even to invisibility down to t Hades.
16 16 I H E who H E A R S you,
fiifiacrdrjo-r]. ' O aKovcev V/JLOOV, efxov aicover
shalt be brought. He hearing you, me hears: hears M e ; a n d H E who
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—11. to our FEET, we. 15. shalt not be exalted to HEAVEN,
thou shalt go down.
f 13. This expression of mourning and sorrow was frequent in the East. Thus Tama r
signified her distress when dishonored by Amnon, 2 Sam. xiii. 9. Thus also, " When Moi\
decai perceived all that was done, Mordecai rent his clothes, and p u t on sackcloth and
ashes," Esther iv. 1. Thus Job expressed his repentance, Job xiii. 6. Thus Daniel " set his
face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplication, with fasting, and sackcloth and
ashes," Dan. ix. 3. Other nations adopted t h e practice, and i t became a very common
method, whereby to exhibit great grief and misery.—Burder. t 15. See note on Matt. xi. 23.
" 7*r Matt.x. 1\. X 9- L u k e i x . 2 . % ll- M a t t - *.14; L u k e i x . 5 ; Acts xiii.51;
xviii. % 12. Matt. x. 15 ; Mark vi. 11. _ J 1*5. Matt. xi. 21 t 15. Matt, xi,
23. t 16. Matt.x. 40; Mark ix. 37; John xiii. 2©.
Chap. 1 0 : 17.]
LUKE. [Chap. 1 0 : 2*.

Kat 6 aderoop v/xas e/xe aderef b 5 e e^ue adercav, R E J E C T S you, rejects Me;
Said h e rejecting you me rejects: he and me rejecting, and lie who R E J E C T S Me,
«0eiT€f, TOV awocrreiAapTa /x€. V rejects H I M who S E N T m e . "
i - eject», the one sending me. 17 And the *SEVENT!
1 returned with J o y , saying,
^'Tir€o'rp€\pav 8e ot k^ojX7]Kovra jxera % a p a s , " L o r d , even t h e D E M O N S
Having returned and t h e seventy with j°y>
are subject to u s by thy
AeyovTes' Kvpie, Kat ra dai/j,ovia vTroTaarcerai N A M E . "
saying: O lord, and the demons are subject
18 And he said to them,
7}fxiu ev rep ovofxari crou. 1 8 Et7re de UVTOIS' E0ea>- " I saw t h e A D V E R S A R Y
to us in t h e name of t h e e . H e said and to t h e m ; I be-
falling from H E A V E N like
povv TOV (raravav &s acnpairrjv e/c TOV ovpavov Lightning.
held t h e adversary as lightning out of t h e heaven
19 Behold, * I have given
irecrovTa. I 5 o u , diBca/xi vfxiv TTJV e^ovcriav yOU A U T H O R I T Y t o T R E A D
having fallen. Lo, I give t o you t h e authority on Serpents and Scorpions,
TOV iraTeiv eiravco ocpeoov Kai crKopiricav, Kai CTTI and on All * T H A T P O W E R
of the t o tread on serpents and scorpions, and on which is of t h e E N E M Y ;
iracrav TT]V fivvajjuv TOV ex^pov Kai ovfiev
x/jxas and nothing shall by any
all the power of t h e enemy; and n o t h i n g y o u means injure Y o u ;
0V [AT] a^LKYjCj}. U\f]P 6V TOVTCp JJL7] XalP€T€i 20 b u t rejoice not in this,
not n o t you may hurt. B u t in this not rejoice, That t h e S P I R I T S are s u b -
Cj ai €T€ e
OTI r a Tri/evfiaTa VJXIV i jroTao~o*€Tai' x P ^ > ject to y o u ; b u t rejoice
that t h e spirits to y o u are subject; rejoice y o u b u t , That J your N A M E S * h a v e
OTI r a ovoixaTa vfxcov eypa(j)7) ev TOIS ovpavois. been enrolled in the H E A -
that the names of you are written in the heavens. VENS."
21 21 X I n T h a t H O U R * he
Ev avTy T7) oopct, TjyaWiacraTO Tcp Trvev/xaTi
In this the hour exulted the spirit exulted in theiiOLYSPiaiT,
h Irja'ovs, Kai enrew E£ofxohoyov/jLOt o"ot, 7 r a r e p , and said, " 1 adore thee, O
flip Jesus, and said; I praise thee, O father, Father, Lord of H E A V E N
Kvpie TOV ovpavov Kai TT)S JT)S9 OTI aireKpvtyas and E A R T H , Because, hav-
O lord of t h e heaven and the earth, that t h o u hast hid ing concealed these things
TavTa aivo o'ocpoov icai CWZTOOV, Kai aireKa\v\pas from t h e Wise and Intelli-
these things from wise men and discerning men, and t h o u hast revealed gent, thou hast revealed
them to B a b e s ; yes, F A -
avTa V7]iuotsm vai, 6 iraTrjp, OTI OVTOOS eyeveTO
them t o babes; yes, t h e father, for even so i t was
THER; For thus it was
well-pleasing in t h y sight.
22 UavTa
evBoKia efxirpoo'Qev o~ov.
fxoi TvapeSoQi]
good in presence of thee. All to me are given 22 J All things are im-
parted to me by my F A -
viro TOV iraTpos JJLOV Kat ovdeis yivooo~Kei, TIS T H E R ; and no one, knows
by the father of m e ; and n o one knows, who
who the SON is, except t h e
eo'TiP 6 vlos €i fxr) 6 iraTrjp' Kai TIS €O~TIV 6 F A T H E R ; and who the F A -
is t h e son if not the father; and who is t h e THER. is, except t h e S O N ,
iraT'tjp, et /XTJ 6 vlos, Kai 6 and he to whom t h e S O N
*cp eav fiovArjTai
father, if n o t t h e son, and to w h o mmay be disposed to reveal
may be willing t h e
vlos. airoicaXvtyai, 23
K a t o"Tpa(peis irpos TOVS him."
son t o reveal. And turning to the 23 And t u r n i n g t o his
fxadrjTaSf icaT3 ideav eiife' Maicapioi ol ocpQaXjxoi, D I S C I P L E S , he said pri-
disciples, privately h e said; Blessed the eyes, vately, $ " Happy are
ol iHXerrovTes, a fiAeireTe. \eyoo
v/uuv, what you see ; yap
those seeing, what y o u see. I say for to you,
24 Tor I tell you, $ T h a t
OTI TTOWOL 7T(>o<p7)Tai Kat /3ao''i\eis 7]9e\7]0~av Many Prophets and Kings
that many prophets and^ kings desired
desired to see the things
ideiu, a v/xeis j8Ae7reTe, Kai OVK etdov: Kai which g o u see, and saw ;
to see, what y o u see, and not saw: a n d them n o t ; and to hear t h e
g.Kovo'ai, a, afcoveTe^ kat OVK 7}Kovo-av* things which you * hear v
t o hear, what you hear, and n o t heard. and heard them n o t . "

, * VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—17. SEVENTY-TWO. 19. I have given. 1&. THAT

POWER which is of the ENEMY. 20. have been enrolled in,' 21. he exulted.
t n t h e HOLY SPIRIT, aad. 24. hear of me, and.
... _ «
J 20. Phil. iv. 3; Heb. xii. 23; Eev.. iii„ 5 ; xxi. 27. J 21. Matt. xl. 27.'- - 1 82. Matt.
xxviii.18; Johniii.35; v.27; xvii. 2. % 23. Matt.xiii.16. % 24. l P . i t i-10.
Chap. 10: 25.3 lAJKfi. . 10: 86.
K a i iSou, vofiinos ris avearrr], eKir€ipa£cav J 25 And,behold, a certain
And lo, a lawyer certain stood up, tempting Lawyer, stood up to try
avrov, Kai Xeycov AidacrKaXe, ri Ttoi7]<ras £oor}Vhim, saying, J "Teacher,
kim, and saying; O teacher, what shall I do life what shall I do to inherit
aicoviov KXrjpovofjirjcrca ; 26 cO 5e €iire irpos avrov aionian Life ?"
age-lasting I may inherit? He and said to him; 26 And H E said to him,
Ey rep vofiu) TL yeypairrai; TTCOS avayivoocrKeis ; " What is written in the
In the law what has been written ? how readestthou? LAW? How dost thou
^ e O de airoKpiQcis enrev " AyairTjcreis Kvpiov read?"
He and answering said: "Thou shalt love Lord 27 And HE answering,
rov deov crov e£ OXTJS rrjs KapSias crov, Kai e£ said, "Jehovah
% " Thou shalt love
thy GOD with
the God of thee out of whole of the heart of thee, andoutof
" A l l thy HE A RT, an d with
oXr)s TT]S tyvxys o~ov, Kai e£ bXr\s rt]s icrxvos " All thy SOUL, and with
whole of the BOUI of thee, and out of whole of the strength
" All thy STRENGTH, and
crov, Kai e£ 6\T]S TT]S Siavoias crov Kai rov " with All thy M I N D , and
of thee, and out of whole of the mind of thee: and the " $ thy NEIGHBOR as thy-
TTXTJCTIOV crov cos crsavrov." Ei7T€ 8e avrcp' " self."
neighbor of thee as thyself." He said and to him: 28 And HE said to him,
OpQoos aireKpiQiqs' rovro rroiei, Kai fy)crr). 'O " Thou hast answered cor-
Rightly thou hast answeKed: this do, and thou shalt live. He rectly ; % do this, and thou
6e 6eXcov diKaiovv eavrov, enre irpos rov \r\crovv shalt live."
but choosing to justify himself, said to the Jesus: 29 But HE, wishing J to
Kou ris ecrn fxov irXyjcriov; 8 0 "YiroXaftoov * [ S e ] 6 justify himself, said to J E -
And who is ofine a neighbor? Replying and the SUS, " Who is My Neigh-
lycrovs enrev AvOpooiros ris KarefiaiVGV airo bor?"
Jesus said: A man certain was going down from 30 JESUS replying, said,
'lepovcraXTi/j. eis 'lepix®, Kai Xycrais Trepieirerrev " A certain Man was going
Jerusalem to Jericho, and robbers fell among: down from Jerusalem to
oi Kai exdveravres avrov Kai irXrjyas eiridevres, Jericho, and fell among
who both stripping him and blows having inflicted, Robbers, who both having
airrjXdov, a(pevr€S7}fxi6avy} rvyvavovra. 31
K a T a stripped him, and inflicted
they departed, leaving half-dead being. By blows, they departed, leav-
crvyKvpiav 5e lepevs ris Karafiaivev ev ry 68a) ing him half dead.
chance and a priest certain was going down in the way 31 And by Chance a cer-
f-Keivr), Kai iDoov avrov, avrnraprjXdev. 52<
0/JLIGOS tain Priest was going down
that, and seeing him, passed along. In like manner that ROAD, and seeing him,
8e Kai A^virrjs, *[yevofievos~\ Kara rov roirov, he passed along.
and also a Levite, [having come] near the place, 32 And in like manner
eXOoov Kai ificov, avrnrapr}X9e. 33
^Zafxapeir^s 5e also a Levite, coming near
the PLACE, and Beeings
coming and seeing, passed along. A Samaritean but
passed along.
ris ooevcov, 7]X6e Kary avrov, Kai ifioov avrov, 33 But a certain J Sa-
certain traveling, came near him, and seeing him,
/ 34 maritan traveling, came
€crirXayxi i'0'6r]. TrpocreXOcov Karedrjcre near him, and seeing him,
he was moved with pity. And having approached he bound he was moved with pity;
ra rpav/xara avrov, eTrixecov eXaiov Kai oivov 34 and approaching, he
the wounds of him, pouring on oil and wine:
bound up his WOUNDS,
eirifitfiacras $e avrov ewtro idiov Krrjvos rjyayev pouring on Oil and Wine;
having set and him on the own beast led and having placed him on
avrov eis Travdox*Lov, Kai Gire{xcXr\Qri civrov. his OWN Beast, brought
him to an inn, and he took care of him.
him to an Inn, and took
Kai 67ri rr]v avpiov ~*\_€J;eXQoov,~\ CKfiaXoov care of him.
And on the next day [having come out,] having takes out 35 And on the NEXT
bvo Srjvapia eSco/ce rep 7raf5o%ef, Kai
enrev DAY, having taken out Twq
two denarii he gave to the innkeeper, and said Denarii, he gave them to
*[awT^>'] Eirifj.€Xr]6rjri avrov Kai 6, ri av the I N N K E E P E R , and said,
[to him:] Take care of him: and whatever ' Take care of him, and
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—30. And—omit, 32. having come—omit. 35. having
come out—omit. 35. to him—omit.
I 25. Matt. xix. 16 ixxii. 35. t 27. Deut. vi. 5. 27. Lev. xix. IS. t 23. Ley.
xvili. 5; Neh. ix. 29; Ezek.xx. 11; xiii. 21; Rom. x. 5. I 2D. Luke xvi. 15. t X*
lohn iv,9.
hap. 10: mj LUKE. [Chap. 11: 8.
-rf..oobaTtav7}(rr)S, cyoo, ev rep eiravepx^O'dai jue, whatever thou mayest ex
Ir • u nrnyest expend more, I,in tfee return me, pend more, f, at my
&TTo§cv(Ta> o~oi. m Tis * [ O U J > ] T0fTa)j/ Tcoy rpicavTURN, will pay thee.
J villpay to thee. Which. [then] of them of the three 36 Now which of These
vArjariov fiotcei croi ycyovevai rov e/jLirecrovros THREE, thinkest thou, was
aneighbor seems to thee to have been to the bavingfallen Neighbor to HIM who FELL
€is rovs Kyaras ; ^7'0 5e eiirev ' O Trocrjcras TO among the ROBBERS ?"
among the robbers; He and said; He havingshownthe 37 And HE said, " H E
eXeos fxer' avrov. Enrev £e avrcp 6 Irjaovs' Who MANIFESTED PITY
pity toward" him. Said and to him the Jesus; towards him." And J E S U S
Uopevov, Hat orv iroiei 6/JLOICOS. said to him, " Go, and dt
Go, and thou do in like manner. thou in like manner."
*[E , yeyeTo] Se ev rep iropevecrOat avrovs, 38 Now as they WENT
[It happened] and in the to go them, on, i)t entered a certain
avros eurTjAdev eis Kco/anp nvam yvwq 5e Tillage; snd a certain "Wo-
he entered into a village certain; a woman and man, named J Martha, en-
ris opofiari MapCa, virtdeEaro avrov ^ [ e z s rov tertained him.
certain to a name Martha, received him [into the
39 89 And SHE had a Sister
outov airrjs.~\ Kairr)de7]V afieAepr) KaAovfxevr] called Mary, who also, J sit-
house of herself.] And to her was agister having been called
ting at *theEEET of the
Mapia, 7] Kai irapaKadtcraaa ivapa rovs irodas LORD, heard his WORD.
Mary, who also having sat at the feet
rov l7]aovt 7)Kove rov Aoyov avrov. 40 C
H 5e 40 But MARTHA was
of the Jesus, heard the word of him. perplexed with Much Ser-
The but
Mapflcs 7r€pieo~7raT0 ivipi iroAArjv Siatcoviav ving; and coming near, she
Martha was-over-busied about much serving;
said, " Master, dost thou
not care That my SISTER
67rtaracra 5e erne* Hvpie, ov fieAei o~oi, on i) has left Me to serve alone?
having come near and said; O lord, notconcems thee, that the
Tell her, then, to assist
a8zA(p7] (JLOV fxovr]V jxe KareAiire hiaKoveiv ; enrt me."
sister of me alone me has left to serve? say
pvv avry, Iva /xoi (TvvavTtAafirjrai. 41
AiroKpi- 41 And * t h e LORD to her, that to me she may give aid. Answer- answering, said to her,
6ets 5e enrev avrr) 6 IT]O~OVS' Map6a, MapOa, "Martha, Martha, thcu
iiig and said to her the Jesus; Martha, Martha, art anxious, and troublest
fxept/avas Kai rvpfiafy) ivepi iroAAa' 42 ivos de thyself about many things;
thou art anxious and troubled about many things; of one but 42 but *of few things,
cart xpeia. Mapia fie rt]V ayaBrjv [xepiDa or of one, is there Need;
is need. Mary and the good part and Mary has chosen the
e£eAe£aTo, 7}ris OVK aepaipeOrj&erai air* avrrjs. GOOD Part, which shall
has chosen, which not shall be taken away from her. not be taken away from
K E * . tof. 1 1 .
Kai eyevero'ev rep eivai avrov ev roircp nvi CHAPTER XI.
And it happened in the to be him in a place certain 1 And it occurred, as he
7tpoo~€vxo^vovi chs eTravcraro, enre ris rcov was PRATING in a ceitain
praying, when he ceased, said one of the Place, when he ceased, one
fia6r)rccv avrov irpos avrov Kvpie, dida^ov rj/uas of his DISCIPLES said to
disciples of him to him: O lord, teach us him, " Master, teach us to
irpoo-evxecrdai, KaBccs Kai Icvavvrjs edifia^e rovs pray, even as John taught
to pray, as even John taupht the his DISCIPLES."
fxadrjras avrov. * Ei7re 5e avrois' 'Orav 7rpoo~-
2 And he said to them,
disciples of himself. He said and to them; " When you pray say, J 0
When you
evxva^€y Aeyere' Tiarrip, ayiaadTjrco ro ovo/ua Father, Revered be thy
pray, say; O father, be hallowed the name NAME! let Thy KINGDOM
GOV zAdercv arov i) fiao-iAeia' rov aprov rj/acov come;
of thee: let come oftheethe kingdom: the bread ofus 8 g i v e US DAT BY DAY
rov tiriovcriov SiSov TJJUIV ro Had* rj/nepav Kai o u r NECESSARY POOD :
the necessary give thou to us the every day: and
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—26. then—omit. 38. I t happened— omit. 88. and
-—omit. 38. into her house—omit. 39. the FEET of the LOKD. 41. the LOBS
answering. 42. of few things, or of one, is there Need; and.
£8. Jchn. xi. 1; xii. 2, a. ; 39. Luke viii. 35; Acts xxii. 3. I 2. Matt vi. Q,
duip. 1 1 : 4.1 LUKE. {'C\ap. 11 -. V

a<p€5 7}fJLiv ras a/xaprias rifxcav^ Kai yap avroi 4 and forgive us our
forgive to us the sins of us, even for ourselves SINS ; for me ourselves
acpiepev iravri ocpetXovri r)fxiv ZKTevty- also forgive every one who'
KCU pr]
forgive all owing us; and not thou mayest
is indebted to u s ; and
5 abandon us not to Trial."
tcys r)pas eis Treipacr/xov. Kcu aire Trpos avrovs' 5 And he said to them,
lead us into temptation. And he said to them;
" Which of you shall have
Tis e£ vfiGov e£ej (pi\ov, KCU Tropevo'erai Trpos a friend, and shall go to
Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go to him at Midnight, and say
avrov'ouvKTLOV;, tcai enry avra)' 4>tAe, to him, ' Friend, lend me
him at midnight, and say to him; O friend, Three Loaves;
Xpwvov fxoi rpeis aprovs' eTveidr) (piXos fxov 6 for a Friend of mine
lend t o m e three loaves; because afriend of me has come to me out of his
irapeyevero e | SSov irpos jxe, KCU OVK ex o Road, and I have nothing
has come from a way to ms, and not I have what to place before him ?'
irapa6r]0'w KUTOD* ? icaiceivos effwdev airoKpideis 7 And f)e answering
Ishallset for him; Audhe from within answering from within should say,
eircy MTJ fxoi KOTTOVS Trapexe* 77877 T) Bvpa ' Do not trouble m e ; the
shouldsay; Not t o m e trouble do thou cause; already the door DOOE, is now closed, and
KeKAeitTTCu, Kcura Traifiia JXOV fxsr* e/xov eis ry\v my CHILDREN are with me
has been shut, and the children of me with me in the m B E D ; I cannot rise to
itoir-qv eicriv ou dovapai avaaras hovvai aoi. give thee.'
bed are; not I ara able having arisen to give tothee. 8 I tell you, $ Though
Asyco v/xiv, et KCU ov Scocrei avrcp avacrras, he will not rise and give
I say to you, if and not will give to him having arisen, him because he i s Hi*
5ia TO eivat avrov cpihov, 8la ye rr\v avaideiav Friend, yet because of his
because the to be of him afriend, throughindeed the importunity IMPORTUNITY indeed, he
CLUTOV eyepdeis Soxre* avrra oawv xpyC* *
1 9
K a - will rise and give lum, as
of him arising he will give to him as many as he wants. And many as he nee^s.
yot vpuv A e y w Aireire, 9 i And K say to yon,
KCU do6r)0~€Tcu vfiiv
1 t o you say; Ask you, Ask, and it will be given
and it shall be given to you;
£r}T€iTe, KCU eup^crers' Kpovere, KCU avoiyrjo~€- you; seek, and you will
tind; knock, and it will be
»eekyou, and you shall find: knock you, and it shall be
opened to you.
rat bp.iv. 10 Has yap 6 aircov Aa/ufBaver Kai 10 For EVERY ONE who
opened to you. All for the asking receives: and
ASKS, receives; and H E
6 (TJTOOV evpLO'KeL' Kai rep Kpovovri avoiyqcreTai. who SEEKS, finds j and
the seeking finds. and to the knocking it shall be opened. to H I M who KNOCKS, the
Tii/a 8e v/JLoovrovTrarepaairrjo'ei aprov, door * is opened.
6 vlos
Which now of you the father shall ask the son 11 i* And "What FATHER
jitTj Xidov €7rt8coo"ei avrcv; 7] Kai ix® > I ) avn vv 17 among you, who, if his
toot a stone will give to him i or also a nal> notinplaceof SON request Bread, will
give him a Stone ? or if he
iX@vos o<ptv eTTidcco'ei avrcp; uy] icai cav airt\ar\ ask for a Fish, will instead
a fish a serpent will give to him: or also if he may ask of a Fish give him a Ser-
<aov, p.7] GTridoooret avrcp crKopiriov; 1 3 Ei ovvpent?
an egg, not will give to him a scorpion? If then 12 oi* also, if he should
vfieis, TTOVY)poi vTrapxovres, otbare hop,ara ask an Egg, will give him.
you, evil being, know you gifts a Scorpion ?
ayada. didovai rois rexvois V/XCOV, irocrcp fiaWov 13 If gou, then, being
good to give to 6ne «hildren of you, howmuch more Evil, know how to impart
6 Trarrjp, 6 e£ ovpavov, Sooo'eLTTvevfxa ayiov rois good Gifts to your C H I L -
the father, that of heaven, will give a spirit holy to those DREN, how much more
v.irovo'tv avrov; will the FATHER, THAT of
HEAYEN, give holy Spirit
asking him?
to THOSE who ASK him ?'*
Kcu r\v GKPaWwv $aip.oviov9 Kai avrov r)v 14 i And he was casting
Ana he was casting out % demon, and it was out * a dumb Demon. And
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—10. is opened. 11. If a SON ask a Fish ol any one of you
that«is a FATHER, will he for afishgive him a Serpent ? 12. or also, if he ask an Eg^, will
he give him a Scorpion ? 14. dumb Demon. And it.
• t 8. Luke xviii. 1. t 9. Matt. vii. 7; xxi. 22; Mark xi. 24; Johnxv .?; James i 0:
1 John iii. 22. J 11. Matt. vii. &. .t 14. Matt. ix. 82 ; xii. 22.
<fcap. 11:15.] LUKE. [dhap. 11: M.
tcoo4>ov eyepero §e TOIV haifxopiov e^eXOopros, it came t o pass, when t h e
dumb: it came to pass and of the demon having come out, D E N O N h a d departed, t h e
eXaXrjo'ep 6 Koocpos' Kai ol o%Aoi. DUMB m a n spoke, and t h e
spoke the dumb: and crowds. CHOWDS wondered,
wondered the
Tipes 5e e£ avroov eiirop' EP BeeA£e/3ovA, 15 B u t some of them
Some but of them said: By Beelzebul, said, " H e expels D E M O N S
apxovri reop dai/xopieop, exfiaXXei ra §ai{xopia' through Beelzehul, * t h e
a ruler of the demons, he cast out the demons: P M N C E Of t h e DEMONS."
krepoi de Treipa^opres, o"r)\xeiop reap3
avrov him,16 And others, X trying
others but tempting, a sign from him
sought of him a Sign
from Heaven.
eQr\rovp e | ovpauov. ^ A U T O S 5e eidoos avrcop 17 B u t % fie knowing
sought from heaven. He but knowing of them
Their T H O U G H T S , said to
ra diaporjfxara, eiireu avrois' Hacra fSaciXeia, them, " Every Kingdom
the thoughts, said to them: Every kingdom, being divided against itself
€<p' kavry\v Sia/nepio'deLcra, eprjjuovrai, Kai is desolated; and House
against herself having been divided, is brought to desolation, and falls against House.
0LK0S €TTl OIKOV TTLTTTei. E i 8e Kai 6 GCLTOLUaS 18 And if the ADVER-
bouse upon house falls. If and also the adversary
> SARY also is divided against
€(f) eavrop 8i€/j.€pur67), TTOOS craOrjcrerai i) himself, how shall his
gainst himself has been divided, how shall stand the KINGDOM stand ? Because
BacriXeia avrov ; on Xeyere, ep BeeA^eySouA you say that I expel D E -
kingdom of him P for you say, by Beelzebul MONS through Beelzebul.
€Kf3aXXeiP jxe ra Saifxopia. E t Be eyca ep 19 Besides, if 5 through
to cast out me the demons. If but I by Beelzebul expel D E M O N S ,
BeeA^ejBouA eKfiaXXoo ra Bai/nopta, ol vlot by whom do your S O N S
Beelzebul cast out the demons, the sons cast t h e m o u t ? Therefore,
'' JXOOV ep rivi €KfiaXXovo~i; Aia rovro Kpirai then will be your J U D G E S .
ol you by whom do they cast out ? Through this judges 20 But if J by a Finger
VJAOOV avroi ecrovrai. "20 E i 5e ep SaKrvXcp Oeov of God I cast out the DE-
of you they shall be. If but by a finger of God MONS, f then God's ROYAL
€/c/3aAAw ra 8ai/JL0Pia, apa e(p6ao~ep ec/T v/ MAJESTY has unexpectedly
I cast out the demons, then has suddenly come upon you come to you.
i] fiacriXeiarov deov. 21<Orap 6 i<rxvP0S KaOoo- 21 J When the S T R O N G
the royal majesty oi the God. When the strong one having one armed guards H I S
irXifffxepos <pvXao~crr} rrjp eavrov avXrjP, ep Palace, h i s P O S S E S S I O N S
been armed should he guard the of himself a palace. in are i n Safety;
eip7)PT) ecrri ra virapxopra avrov 22 eTrap Be 6 22 but whenever one
peace are the possessions of him; as soon as but the * stronger than he, having
laxvporepos avrov e7reX6cov PLKTJO'T) avrop, entered should overcome
stronger of him having entered should overcome him, him, he takes away the
rrjp iraPoirXiap avrov aipei, e(p* 7] eireiroidei, ARMS in which he confided,
the arms of him takes away, in which he hadconfided, and distributes his SPOILS.
Kai ra crKvXa avrov diadidcxxriv. 23
' O jLirj COPme,23isHagainst E who is not with
me; and H E
and the spoils of him distributed. He not being
y who GATHERS hot with
/u,er efiov, Kar' efiov ecrri' Kai b fir) ffvvaycov me, scatters.
with me, against me is; and he not gathering
24 24 | When the IMPURE
/jier' €fxov, o'KopTTL^ei. 'Orap ro anadaprop Spirit is gone out of the
with me, scatters. "When the unclean MAN, it roves through
•7rpevf/.a e^eXdrj airo rov apQpooirov, diepxerai Parched Deserts, seeking a
spirit may come out from the man, passea Place of Best*, and not
5Y apvdpoop rowoop, £rjrovp apairavcriP' Kai finding one, *theo it Bays,
through dry places, seeking a resting place; and I will return tomy HOUSR,
p.7) evpio'KOP, Xeyei' ^Troarpe^oo eis rop OIKOP from which I came out.
not finding, says; Iwillreturn
into the house 25 And coming, i t finds
fxov, bQev e£r)Xdop. K a i eXQop evpio'Kei it * empty, swept, and
of me, whence I caane out. And having come it finds furnished.
G-ecrapcofiepop Kai Kefcoarfxrjfiepop. '26 Tore iropeve- 26 Then i t goes, and
having been swept and having been adorned. Then it goeB
* VATICAN Mss.—15. the PRINCE. 22. stronger. 25. empty swep\ and furnished,
t 20. See Note on Matt. xii. 28.
t 16. Matt. xvi. 1. t 17. Matt, xii 25; Mark iii. 24: John ii. 25. t SO. Exod, wili
JO. * % 21. Matt. xii. 29; Mark iii. 27. $ 24. Matt. xii. 41. **W.TUI.
Chap. 11; 27.] L U K E . [C7iap.ll: 83.

rat icai irapaXa^avei iirra -jrvsv/xara takes with it Seven Other

and takes rvith. seven other
spirit* Spirits more wicked than
irovripoTtpa. eavrov, tcai ei<reXQovra KUTOLK^L itself, and entering, they
more evil of itself, and they having entered dwell abide there; and the LAST
em* KOLL yivzrcu ra avdpodirov state of that MAN becomes
etrxara rov
there; arid becomes the last of the man worse than the F I R S T . "
eKeivov x€LP01/a rwv TpooTtov. 2 'Eye^PTO §6 tv 27 And it occurred, while
that worse of the first. I t happened and ir. he was speaking these
TM Xtyeiv avrov ravra, eirapacra TIS yvvt] i lungs, a Certain Woman
to the to speak him these things, having lifted certain woman fr mi the CROWD, raising
<f)oovr)V €K rov o^Xov, eiirtv avry MaKapia 7]her Voice, said to him,
X " Happy is THAT WOMB
a voice out of the crowd, said to him; Blessed the
which BORE thee, and
KoiXia 7] fiacTTacracra art, Kai pcacrroL O'JS eOr]- those Breasts which thou
womb that having carried thee, and breasts those thou
2fi hast; sucked!"
Xaaas. AvTos 5e eiTre" Mepovvye fxaKapiot. 28 But he said, + " Yes,
hast suclted. He but said; Yea rather blessed rather, happy THOSE who
ot anovovres rov Xoyov rov deov, Kai (pvXao1- HEAR the WORD of GOB,
those hearing the word of the God, and obser- and keep it \"
arovres. 29 And the CROWDS
ving. gathering about him, he
T W §6 ox^wy eiraOpoi^ofxevoov, yptaro began to say, * ' This GEN-
The and crowds gathering together, he began ERATION is a wicked Gen-
Xtyeiv *H 7ej/ea CLVTT) irov^pa earr o~r\ixeiov eration. I t demands a
to say, The generation this evil is; asign Sign; but no Sign will be
e T T i ^ r e r nai o-fijjikiov ov 5o07]<reTcu avrrj, et fit) given it, except the SIGN
il seeks, and a sign not shall be given to her, except of Jonah.
ro (jrjfJLttav loova. 3 0 Ka8cvs yap eyeusro \o)va.s 30 % r'or as * JONAH be-
the sign of Jonas. Even as for became Jonas came a Sign to the N I N E -
ff7)IAsiov TOIS NiyeutTCus, ovrws ecrrai icai o VITES, thus also will the
a sign to the Ninevites, so will be also the SON of MAN be to this
vlos rov avdpcairov ry ytveo: ravry. B a m A - GENERATION.
son of the man to the generation this. A queen 31 J The Queen of the
irraa NOTOU zyepdrjarercu ev rrj Kpiasi ^tra rcav South will rise up at the
of south will be raised in the judgment with the JUDGMENT with t h e MEN
of this GENERATION, and
avfipwv TTJS yivzas ravrrjs^ Kai
naraicptvei cause them to be con-
men of the generation this, and will condemn demned; Beeause she came
avTovs' o n 7}X8iv €K rwv irtparoov rrjs yrjs from the EXTREMITIES of
them, because she came from the ends of the earth the LAND to hear the WIS-
aicovaai rt]v cro^>iav~XoXoixoovos' Kai i8ou, irXziov DOM of Solomon ; and be-
to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and lo, a greater hold, one greater than
~2,oXojj.a)vos o>5e. 32
ApSpes Niyetu avo.crrr\(rovrai Solomon is here.
o' Solomon here. Men ot Nineveh will stand up
32 The Ninevites will
stand tip in the JUDGMENT
iv rrj Kpurei fxera rrjs ysveas ravriqs, KOLL with this GENERATION,
in the judgment with the generation this, and and cause it to be con-
KaraKpLVovo'iv avrrjv on /jLer€V07]o'ap eis ro demned; % Because they
will condemn her; because they reformed at the reformed at the WARNING
Kripvyfia Iccva' Kai i5ou, irXeiop loova cb8e. of Jonah; and behold, one
preaching of Jonas; and lo, a greater of Jonas here. greater than Jonah is here.
33 33 No one having lighted
Ou5eiS 5e Xv%vov ouj/as, e*s
Kpvirr-qp a LAMP, X places it in a
No one and alamp having lighted, into asecretplace
Secret place, neither under
ri.d7)o~iP, ov$e viro rov /.lofiiop, aXX' €TTL rrjv the CORN-MEASURE, but
places, neither under the corn-measure, but on the on the LAMP-STAND; that
XVX^LCLV, Iva ot ti&TropsvojjLevoi ro tyeyyos /3A.e- THOSE ENTERING may see
lamp-stand, that those entering the light may the LIGHT.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—29. This GBPBBATION is a wicked Generation. SO., Jonah.

+ 27 Lukei.28, 48. 1 28. Malt, vii.21; Luke viii. 21; James i. 25. I 30. Jonah
i . l 7 ; i i . 10. t 31. I Kings x*l. \ 32. Jonah iii.5. J 33. Matt, y.15; Mark
i v . 2 1 ; Luke viii. 16.
Chap. 1 1 : 34.]
LUKE. [Cfiap. 1 1 : 43.

iroDcriy* '0 Xvxvos TOV (roop.aros ecrriv 6 34 J T h e L A M P of thf
tee. The lamp of the body is the BODY is * t h i n e E Y E ; w h e t
o(p6a\fj,os' OTOLV " ^ [ o u ^ ] 6 ocpdaXfxos crov airXovs thine E Y E is clear, t h j
eye; when [therefore] the eye of thee sound Whole BODY also is enlight.
77, KCU bXov TO crco/aa crov (pooTGivov eamv ened ; h u t when i t i s dim,
maybe, also whole the body of thee enlightened is: t h y B O D Y also is darkened.
eiray de irovr)pos c
?7, KOLL TO crcofia crov Q~KOT€IVOV. 35 Take heed therefore,
when but evil may be, also the body of thee darkened. t h a t T H A T L I G H T which is
*5^Korrei ovv, JULT] TO (poos TO ev crot, CTKOTOS thee be n o t Darkness.
Take heed therefore, not the light that in thee darkness is. 36 If, therefore, t h y
EL ovv TO crcofxa crov bXov (pcoTeiPov, /JLT] £%OV whole B O D Y be enlight-
. If Aereforethe body of thee whole is enlightened, not having ened, having no P a r t dark,
TI fiepos CKOTGIVOV, eerTcu (poTeivov oXov, cos the Whole will b e enlight-
any part dark, will be enlightened whole, as ened, as w h e n t h e L A M P b;>
OTOLV 6 XVXVOS TJ) aCTTpaiTT} (pCOTL^T) (T6. its B R I G H T N E S S enlighten^
when the lamp by tbe brightness may enlighten thee. thee."
3 37 A n d while h e w a s
? Ei/ SV Tcp XaX7)(rcu, rjpcoTa avTov $>apicrouos speaking a Pharisee invi-
In and the to have spoken, asked lain a Pharisee
ted him f to dine with h i m ;
* [ T * S J STTCOS apLCTTTja-r) Trap' avTcp, Eio'eXOcov and h e w e n t i n , a n d r e -
[certain] that he migh; dine with him. Having entered
5e au€ir€(T€U. ^ ' O de <Papio~aios ifioois edav/ua-
and he reclined. The and Pharisee seeing wondered 38 And % t h e P H A R I S E E
rrev, OTL ov irpooTOV efiairTiady} irpo TOV apicriov. noticing it, wondered t h a t
because not first he was dipped before the d'nner. he cLd n o t first t immerse
EiTfe de 6 KVpsos itpos avTov Nuz> v/aets ol before t h e D I N N E R .
Said and the Lord to him; Now you the 3 9 % And thf L O R D said
Qapio'ttioi TO t^oodev TOV iroTrjpiov KOLL TOV TTLVCL- to him, " N o w j>ou P H A R I -
Phai'isees the outside of the cup and of the plat- S E E S cleanse t h e O U T S I D E
Kos KadapL^eTe' TO Se eo'coBev VJXOOV yefxei of t h e C U P a n d P L A T T E R ;
v c m r
tev you cleanse: the but inside of you is full b u t % I N S I D E is full of
dpirayrjs KOLL iropr]pcas. Acppoves, ou% 6 Extortion and Wickedness.
of extortion and ofeviL O unwise, not he 40 Senseless m e n ! d i d
Troi7)o~as TO e^oodev, KOLL TO eaoodev eiroirjcre; n o t H E who M A D E t h e
having made the outside, also the insjde made? OUTSIDE make the I N S I D E
*l TIX7]V TO, ZVOVTOL ZoTZ €XG7)/L100~V1'7)V' KCLL also?
But the jhings being within give you alms: and
41 J B u t give i n Alms
idov, iravTa Kadaoa bjxiv ecrTiu. AXX*
ovai the T H I N G S W I T H I N , a n d
1:-, all things clean to you is. But wos
benold, ail things are p u r e
vfjuv rois Oapitfcuois, OTL airodtKaTovTe TO to you.
fco you the Pharisees, for you tithe the
ffivo&fAOj/f KOLI TO iryiyavoV) KOLL irav Xaxavov 42 J B u t Woe t o you,
mints a n ' the rue, and every pot-herb: P H A R I S E E S S Because yon
K:.H irapepx^^O T%V Kpicriv KCU TTJU ayair7)V TOV t i t h e of M I N T , a n d Louiv,
and rjCLi"-ass by l^c 'astice and the love of the and Every Pot-herb^ b u t
Oeoio TarTa edc z iroirjo'at^ iictKeiva [xrj disregard J U S T I C E a n d t h e
God. These things ;;ou oujdht to have done* and those not LCVEofGoD; these things
ttcpieycu. ycu ought to practise, a n d
to omit. not to omit those.
^Ovcu bfxiv TOLS &apt.o~atoLsi OTL ayairaTt 43 % Woe to you., P H A R I -
Woe to you the Pharisees, for you love S E E S ! Because you love

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—34. thine BYE. 34, therefore—omit. 37 certain—omit.

t 37. Perhaps, rather, " t o breakfast with him," as ariston. signifies a morning meal. The
Jews made but two meals in the day: their ariston, may be called their breakfast or their
dinner, because i t was both, and was but a slight meal. Their chief meal was their deipnon
or stiver, after the heat of the day was over and the same was the principal meal among
the Greeks and Romans. Josephus, in his life, says, sec. 54, thai the legal hour of the ariston on
the Sabbath ivas the sixth hour, or at twelve o'clock a t noon, as we call it. What t h e hour
was on the other days of the week, he does not say; but probably i t was much t h e game.—
Pearce. t 38. Some critics refer this to the dipping- of the hands; others to t h e im-
mersionf of the whole person. From Mark vii. 3,4, i t is evident, that both were practised,
tis well is various other ablutions. % 38. Mark vii.S. J 39. Matt. xxii. 25. % 39. Titus
i. 15. i 41. Isa.lviii.7s Dan.iv.27; Lukexii.33. X 41. Matt, xxiii, 23. I 4&
Matte xxiii, 6; Mark xii. 38, 39.
Chap. 1 1 : 44.] LUKE. [Chap. 1 1 : tt.

T7)v TrpooTOKaOeSpiav €p rais crvvayooyais9 KM the C H I E F SEAT in the

the first seat in the synagogues, and SYNAGOGUES, a i l d SALTT.
rovs acrirao-fiovs ev reus ayopais. ^ Ovai vfAiv, TATIONS i l l t h e PUBLIC
the salutations in the markets. Woe to you, PLACES,
on etfre cos ra fjivrj/neia ra a^r}Xa, Kai ol 44 J Woe to you! Be-
for you are like the tombs those unseen, and the cause you are like those
stvOpwiroi, ol irzpnrarovvres eiravoo, OVK oL$ao~iv, CONCEALED TOMBS, w h i c h
men, those walking over, not know. MEN WALKING over, know-
AiroKpiOeis Se ns root/ vo/JUKcav Xeyei
avrcf not."
Answering and one of the lawyers says to him;
45 Then one of the LAW-
AifiacTKaXe, ravra Xeyoov Kai Tjfias vfipifeis. YERS, answering, says to
O teacher, these things saying also us thou reproachest.
46 him, "Teacher, in saying
'O Se GI7T6* Kai vfxiv TOLS VO/JLIKOLS ovai, on these things thou reproach-
He and said; Also to you the lawyers woe, for est Us also."
cpopn^ere rovs avQpooirovs (popna fivcrfiao'TaKTa,
you load the men burdens oppressive,
46 And H E said, "Woe
to you, LAWYERS! $"For
Kai avroi evi roof SaKrvXoov VJJLOOV ov irpoa'-you impose oppressive Bur-
and yourselves with one of the fingers of you not you
dens on MEN, and yet, gou
Tj/auere TOLS (popnois. yourselves touch not the
touch the burdens. BURDENS with one of your
^ Ovai vfxiv^ on OIKOO"o/jLeirs ra fMvq/xeia rcov EINGEES.
Woe to you, you build the tombs of the
irp o <p 7] r co Vi ol5e irarepes vfLoov aiteKreivav 47 + Woe to you! For
prophets the and fathers ofyou killed youhuild the SEPULCHRES
avrovs. 48
Apa fiaprvpeire Kai arvv€v<!)OKziT€of the PROPHETS, and your
Therefore you testify and you consent FATHERS killed them.
rots epyois TOOV irarepooi/ vfxoow on avroi fiev 48 Thus you testify that
to the works of the fathers ofyou; for they indeed you approve the ACTS of
aTTSfcrsivav avrovs, vfieis Se oiKofiofieire *[av- your F A T H E R S ; For they,
killed them, you and build [of indeed, killed them, and
rcov ra /mvr)/JL€ia.~\ 4 9 A i a rovro Kai f) o~o<piagrju build.
them the tombs,] Because of this
and the wisdom 49 And because of this,
rov Oeov enrev AiroareXo) eis avrovs irpofpyras the WISDOM of GOD said,
of the God said; I will send to them prophets %'l will send them Pro-
Kai airocroXovs, icai <•£ avroov airoKrevova'i phets and Apostles, and
and apostles, and out of them they will kill some of them they will kill
Kai 6K$ioo};ovonv' 5 0 Iva €K(jqr7]6r) ro alfia irav- and persecute j '
and persecute; so that may be required the blood of 50 so that the BLOOD of
rcov rcov Trpo(p7)Toov, ro €KXVVOIJ.€VOV airo Kara- All the PROPHETS being
all of the prophets, that being shed from a lay- shed from the Formation of
fioXr]s Kocrp.ov, airo rt)s yeveas ravrr)S' b l airo the World, may be required
jng down of a world, from the generation this; from of this GENERATION ;
rov alfxaros A/3eX ecos rov aljxaros Za%apioy, 51 from the * Blood of
»he blood of Abel to the blood of Zecharias, Abel to the * Blood of THAT
rov aitoXofxevov fxera^v rov Qvo'iaa'rripiov Kai Zechariah, twho will perish
ibat having perished between the altar and between the ALTAR and
rov OIKOV. N a i Xeyco v/xiv, (.K^if]r7]Q7]<rerai airothe HOUSE. Yes, I tell
the house. "Yes 1 say to you, it will be tequired from you, it will be required of
Tf)s ysveas Taurus. this GENERATION.
the generation this. 52 % Woe to you, LAW-
Ovai vfxiv rois VOJJLIKOLS, on rjpare rf)v YERS 1 Because you have
Woe to you the lawyers. for you took away the taken away the KEY of
KXeiSa T7]s yvooaeoos' avroi OVK eicy7}X6€Te, Kai KNOWLEDGE , you entered
key of the knowledge; yourselves not you entered, and not yourselves, and THOSE
TOVS eio'epxo^vovs GKooXvo'are. ^Acyovrosfie APPROACHING, you hin-
these entering you hindered. Saying and dered."

* VATIGAW M A N U S C R I P T — 4 8 . T h e i r TOMBS—omit. 5 1 . Blood. 51. Blood.

t 51. See N o t e o n M a t t , xxiii. 35„
X 44. Matt, x x i i i . 27. t 46. M a t t , xxiii. 4. t 47. M a t t , xxiii. 29. i m Matt
Xxm. J 52. M a t t , xxiii. 14.
Chap. 1 1 : 55£ LUKE. [Chap. I S : S.

avrov ravra xpos avrovs, rjp^avro oiypafipLareis 58 And * having gone

»fhiai these things to them, began the scribes out thence, the SCELBES
Kai 01 QapicraiQi Betveos evexeiv, airocrro- and P H A E I S E E S began ta
snd the Pharisees to make be extremely angry, and to
greatly to be incensed, and
p.ari£eiv avrov vepi TrXeiovcov 5 4 evebpevovres press him to speak unv
speak off-hand him about many things; trying to entrap guardedly on many things;
avrov, *\_£r)rovvres~\ Qrjpevo'ai ri eK rou 54 trying to entrap him,
him, see
L King] to catch something out of the and J to catch something
arofiaros ivrov, iva Kar-qyop^crooaiv avrov. from his MOUTH, that they
might accuse him.
mouth of him, that they might accuse him.
KE<£. z/3'. 1 2 . Ev ols eirio-vvaxOeio'cov rcov
In those having assembled of the CHAPTER XH.
fxvptadcov rov o%Aou, wcrre Karairareiv a\\7]- 1 At that time, the
oijriatis of the crowd, so as to tread upon one CKOWD having assembled
AGL^, Tip^aro Keyeiv Trpos rovs piadrjras avrov by TENS o r THOUSANDS,
RBOther, tie iiegan to say to the disciples ofhim»elf; so that they trampled on
TLpwiov Ttpocrexere kavrois airo rr]s (vnys rcov each other, he began to say
Firit take heed to yourselves of the leaven of the to his DISCIPLES, " First,
$apioatoov, rjTLS ecriv ii-zottpiaris. " Ovdev Be % guard yourselves against
Pnanseeu, which is hypocrisy. Nothing and the LEAVEN of the P H A R I -
<rvyKtKa\v/jL/u.evov eariv, 6 OVK airoKakvcpdrjo'e- SEES, which is Hypocrisy.
h»v)n§ been covered is, which not shall be uncovered: 2 % And there is nothing
TUI' Hat Kpvirrov, 6 ov yvcocrOrjo'erai, 3
Avd' concealed, which will not
and secret, which not shell be known. On which be discovered, and hid,
Lv baa ev rrj (TKoria enrare, ev rep (peon which wili lot. \& made
acccontwhat in the dark you apeak, in the light
aKovaOrjcrerai" Kai 6 irpos ro ovs eAaArjcrare ev 3 Therefore, what you
ehsll be heard: and what to the ear you spoke in speak in the DAKK, will be
heard in the L I G H T ; and
rois ra/aeiois, KTjpvxQyo'erai eiri rcov dco/narcov. what you whispered to the
the closets, sha 1 be published on the house-tops.
4 EAE in CLOSETS, will be
Aeyco de v/uiv rois cpiAois [iov Mr] (pofir]dr)T€ proclaimed on the HOUSE-
I say and to you the friends of me: Not you be afraid TOPS.
airo rcov airoKreivovrcov ro arcofia, tcai jitera ravra 4 J But I say to you, my
ef those killing the body, and after these FEIENDS, Be not afraid of
PV £%ovrcov irepiaaorepov ri iroirjcrai. Yiro- THOSE Who KILL t h e BODY,
not having more anything to have done. I will
and after this can do no
dei^co be V/HLV, riva (po^7]67)re' (po/3rj9t]re rov more.
poinc out and to you, whom you should fear: you should fear the
5 But I will show you
[xera ro airoxreivai, e^ovcriav e%ovra e/n/3aAeiv whom you should fear;
after the to have killed, authority having to cast Tear HIM, who, after hav-
eis rt]v yeevvav vai Aeyco v[xiv, rovrov cpojST)- ing killed, HAS Authority
into the Gehenna; yes I say to you, this fear to castinto GEHENNA; yes,
Brjre. Ovxi Trevre crrpovdia rrcoAeirai acraapicov I tell you, Fear f) t'm.
you. Not five sparrows are sold assarii 6- Are not Five Sparrows
bvo ; tcai ev e£ avrcov OVK ecrriv eTuAeA7]o~{j.evov sold for two f Assarii? and
two F and one out of them not is being forgotten yet not one of them is for-
evcorrtov rov deov. ?AAAa Kai at rpixes rrjs gotten before GOD.
in presence of the God. But also the hairs of the 7 But even the HALES of
KecpaATjs VJXCOV iracrai rjpiO/HTjvrai. Mr) * [ o wyour ] HEAD have all been
head of you all have been numbered. Not [therefore] numbered. Fear not; you
<po(Seio~Qe' TTOAAOJV crrpovOicov biacpepere. 8
Aeyco are of more value than
fear you: many sparrows you are better. I say Many Sparrows.
be vpnv Has os av ofioAoyncrr) ev e\xoi ejunrpocr- 8 % And I say to you,
andtoyou: All whoever may confess to me in pres-
"Whoever may acknowledge
me before MEN, the SON of
6ev rcov avdpcoircov^ Kai 6 vlos rov avQpcoirov
ence of the men, also the son of the man
* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 5 3 . having- g o n e o u t t h e n c e , t h e S C R I B E S . 54. seeking—
emit. 7- therefore—omit.
* 6. An assarion was about one cent and five mills in value, or three farthings sterling.
J 54. Mark xii. 13. J 1. Matt, xvi.6; Mark viii. 15. J 2. Matt. x. 26; Marl
iv. 22; Luke viii.17. J 4. Matt. x. 28; 7, 8,12; Jer.i.8. % 8. Matt. x. 33
Mark viii. 38 ; 2 Tim. ii. ' i;l John ii, S3.
tfkap. lg; 1} LUKE. [tihap. IS: 1*.
hlioXoyqvsi ev avrcp e/nTrpoffdep Ttav L%yysXoov MAN will also acknowledge
will confess in him i n presence of t h e messengers him in the presence of the
rov 6sova ' 0 5e OLpVY)<Ta,fA$vo$ fie svooiriov TOW 9 But f)e who has D E -
of t h e God. He but having denied m e in presence of the
NOUNCED me before MEN,
%vdp(jOTca)V9 aTrapvr)9r}(r€Tai evooiriov TCDV ayys- will be renounced ;.n the
men, will be denied i n presence of t h e messen-
w presence of the ANGELS of
Xoov TOV deov. Kai TTOLS 6S epet Xoyovtisrov GOD.
gers of t h e God. And all who shall speak a word against t h e
10 % And every one who
vlov TOV avOpeairoVj acpedrjaeTai avTCf
Tcp Se may speak a Word against
son of the man, i t will be forgiven t o h i m ; t o t h e b u t
the SON of MAN, it will be
eis TO ayiou irvevfia fiXacr(pr]/j.'r}o~avTt OVK cupe- forgiven him; but HE who
againstthe holy spirit having spoken evil not will
il BLASPHEMES against the
OrjceTai. 'OTav 8e Trpoacpepoocriif vfxas
cm HOLY Spirit shall not be
be forgiven. "When and they may may you to forgiven.
•ras ffvvaywyas scat TCLS a p % a s KaL Tas e^ovcias^ 11 J And when they may
the synagogues and the rulers and t h e authorities, bring you to the SYNA"-
LIT] fispiiivaTe, ircos 17 TI airoXoyr)0"r)0'6ei 7} TI GOGUES, and the EULEES,
not be you anxious, how or what you may answer, orwhat and the MAGISTRATES, be
tnrrjTc TO yap ayiov irv^vjxa 5i8a£et vixas ev not anxious how you may
y o u may say; t h e for holy spirit will teach y o u in defend yourselves, or what
avTYj TTJ &pa, a 5ei eiireiv. you may say;
this t h e hour, what it is proper t o say. 12 for the HOLY Spirit
Et7T€ 5e TLS avTcp €/c TOV oxXov AiBao*- will instruct you, in that
Said a n d o n e t o h i m o u t of t h e crowd; O t e a - HOUE, what it is proper to
KaXey enre Tcp afieXcpcp fxov fxepiaracrBai fjt€T' say."
eher, speak t o t h e b r o t h e r of m e t o divide with 13 Then one out of the
14 CEOWD said to him, " 0
€fxov TTJP KXrjpovofxiav. 'O 5e eirrev awrcp*; Teacher, speak to my
me the inheritance. H e and said to him
BEOTHEE to divide the I N -
AvOpeoire, TIS jxe KaTeo'TTfcre SiKao'TTjy r] fi€pia"- HEEITANCE with me."
O man, who m e appointed a judge or a divi- 14 But H E replied to
y 15
TT]U €(p vfias; Ei7re 8e irpos avTovs' 'Opcrre him, %" Man, who ap-
der over you? H e said a n d to them; See you pointed Me a Judge or
Kai (puXacoreo-de airo TTJS irXeove^ias' OTL OVK SV
Arbiter over your"
and beware y o u of the covetousness; because n o t i n 15 And he said to them,
J " See, and beware of * All
T(p TTeptO'O'GVZLV TIVL 7] ^OOT) ttVTOV €0~TLV €K TOOV Covetousness; for one's
the t o abound any one the_%life of him is o u t of t h e
L I F E is not in the A B U N -
virapxovToou avTov. DANCE of his POSSES-
possessions of h i m . SIONS."
16 16 And he spoke a Par-
Ei7re 8e irapafioXr]V Trpos avrovsy Xeywv
H e spoke a n d a parable to able to them, saying, " The
them, saying;
AvdpooTrov TLVOS irXovciov ev(popr)o-ev T) p(;copa. FAEM of a certain rich Man
A man eertain rich yielded plentifully t h e farm. produced abundantly;
17 and he reasoned with-
*? Kai dieXoyi^eTo ev eavTCp, Xeycaw T i Troirjoroo; in himself, saying, 'What
And h e reasoned in himself, s a y i n g ; W h a t shall I do ?
shall I do ? For I have no
STL OVK e x « , nov o~vva£>w TOVS Kaprrovs jxov. place where to deposit my
because n o t I have, where I will g a t h e r the fruits of m«_ EEUITS.5
18 18 And he said, ' I will
K a i enre- TOVTO Tcotyo'to)' KadzXca fxov Tas
And h e said; This will do : I will pull down of m e t h e do this j I will pull down
airo6r]KaSj Kai fiei^ovas oiKohajxrio'ca* Kai avva^oo
barns, and greater T will b u i l d : and I will collect build Greater; and there
I will bring together All
ercei iravTa Ta yeprjfxaTa /xou, Kai r a ay a6 a /JLOV my * WHEAT and my GOOD
there all the products of me, and the fruits of m e :
Kai epoo TTJ t|/fX]? i L t o i r ^vXri'> e
X€ls noXXa 19 and I will say to MY-
and I will say to t h e s o u l of m e : Soul, t h o u hast many SELF, ' Life 1 thou hast an

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—15. AllCevetousness. 18. WHEAT and.

I I»0. Matt. xii. 81, 32; Mark iii. 28; 1 John v. 16. t 11. Matt. x. 19 ; Mark xiii. l l |
fcuke xxi. 14. J 14. Exod. ii. 14. . $ 15. 1 Tim. vi. 7—16.
Chap. 12: 3d.] LUKE. tChap.1%: 20.
Abundance of Good things
ayada K€i^zpa eis err] TTOXAOL' apairavov,
good things being Id!, up (ol years many; rest thou,
laid u p for many Years •
20 t rest, eat, drink, and enjoy
<pay€, 7Ti€, eufypsupov. E i 7 r 6 §e avrcf 6 deos'
eat, drink, be giad. Said but to him the God;
20 B u t G O D said to him,
A(ppop, ravry • T?) PVKTL TTJP tyv%r\v o~ov airai-
' Foolish m a n ! This N I G H T
O unwise, this ' the night the life of thee they
they will demand Jtliy
TOVCTLV airo cov 5e rjroijJLaaas, TLPL L I F E from t h e e ; J and who
require from thee; what and thou hast prepared, for whom
then will possess what thou
eo~rai; OVTOOS 6 OrjaavpL^aip eavTcv, K<XI /j.rj hast provided ?'
shall be? Thus he layiug up treasure for himself, and not
22 21 Thus is H E who
cis dtop TTXOVTOOP. E n r e &V irpos rovs {xaQ-qras AMASSES TREASURE f o r
for God being rich. He said and to the disciples himself, and is n o t J rich
aurov Aia TOVTO vfxip Xeyoo, /xr} fxeptfxpo.Te with respect to God."
of himself; Through this to you I say, not be you anxious 22 And h e said to * t l i e
rrj tyvxy VJJLGOP, TL <payr]Te' /xTjSe rev CTOO/UUXTL, D I S C I P L E S , " F o r t h i s rea-
for the life of you, what you may eat, nor for the body, son I charge you, Be n o t
23 C
TL tvdvarrjerd*. H tyvxv irXeiop SCTTL rr\s anxious about * your L I F E ,
what you may put on. The life greater itis ofthe what you shall eat, n o r for
rpo(f)7}S' KCLL ro ffoojxa rov evdv/naros. K a T a - * t h e B O D Y , what you shall
food; and the body efthe clothing. Ob- p u t on.
voriffare rovs tcopatcas, OTL OV cnreipovo'LP, ovde 23 * F o r t h e L I F E is of
serve you the ravens, that not they sow, nor more value t h a n FOOD, and
the BODY than RAIMENT,
Qtpi^ovcnv' ols OVK eo~TL rajx^iov, ovde airoQrj- 24 Observe t h e R A V E N S ;
reap; for whom not is a store-house, nor a barn;
For they neither sow nor
K7]' KCLL 6 deos rpecpet CLVTOVS. Uoaw fxaXXop r e a p ; have n o Storehouse
and the God feeds them. How innch more nor Granaryj b u t G O D
vfieis 5ia<^epeT€ TCOP irareivoou; 2o
T i s § e e | V/JLOOP feeds t h e m . How m u c h
you are valuable ofthe birds? Which and of you more valuable a r e g o u
than the B I R D S !
/nepifxpccp SVPCLTCLL TrpoaOeivai eiri TTJP J\XLKLO.P
25 And which of you, by
being anxious is able to add to the age
being anxious, can prolong
avrov Ttrixw €Pa ; E i OVP ovre eXax^TOP his L I E E f one M o m e n t ?
of himself span one? If then not even least 26 If, then, you are not
dvpaaOe, TL irtpi TCOP XOITTOOP {jLtpifiPOLTe ; able to do t h e least, why
you are able, why about the remaining oneB are you anxious? are you anxious about t h e
? KaTapo7]o~aT€ ra KpLPa, TTCOS av^aver ov 27 Observe t h e L I L I E S !
Observe you the lilies, how it grows;
How do they grow? They not
/co7rta, ouSe P7]6eL. Aeyco 2 O A O - neither labor nor spin; a n d
5e V/LUP, ovfic
ii labors, nor itspins. I say but to vou, not even Solo- yet I say to you, t h a t n o t
fxoov €U iracrr} TTJ 80^77 al)Tov TrepieQaAzTo cos kp even Solomon m All h i s
mon in all the glory of himself was clothed like one S P L E N D O R , was arrayed
like one of these.
28 roj/ ev rc ) a
TOVT00P. El Se TOP X°P i 7P^> 28 If, then, G O D so dec-
of these. If and the grass in the field,orate t h e H E R B of t h e
o~r]/j.epop OVTCL KCLL avpiop eis KXifiavop {SaXXo- F I E L D , (which flourishes
to-day existing and to-morrow into an oven is being To-day^, and To-morrow will
be cast i n t o a Furnace,)
fX€POPy 6 6eos OVTOOS a/j.<pieppvcriy irocrcj)
/xaXXop how much more you, O you
cast, the God s» clothes, how much more
v/aas, oXiyoiuo'Toi ; Kcu V/ACLS [xt] ^r/T-^iTe, 29 A n d seek go-u n o t
yon, O youof weak faith? And you not ' seek, what y o u shall eat, * a n d

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—22. the D I S C I P I E S . 22. t h e i i P E . 22. your B O D I ,

23, For the L I F E . 29. and.
+ 26. Literally, tP a ( id a cubit ov span to one's life. The phrase of adding a cubit was
proverbial, denoting something minute. The Psalmist wrote—" Lord, let me know the
measure o! my days? Thou hast made my days hand-breadthsl" To add a cubit to one's
stature would be an extraordinary accession of height.
I 19. Eccl xi. 9; 1 Cor. xv. 32 ; James v 5. I 20, J o b x x . 21?; xxvii. 8; Psa. lii 7.
James iv 14 t M Psa, xxxix 6* Jer. xvii. 11. : 21 Matt. vi. 21); ver 33>
\ Tim. ?i IS, 19; James i i . &.
Mp. 121 bO.i LUKE. {Chap. 12: 40.

r t (payers 7} ri mat/ur]/jL6Tea)pi(ecr8e. what you shall drink; and

whatyou may eat or what you may drill It; and not
be you in anxiety. be not in restless suspense.
T a i r r a yap iravra ra eQvr) rov KOCT/JLOV €TTI£T]- SO Por all these things
These for all the nations of the world seeks; do the NATIONS of the
r e r v/xcau 5e 6 irarrjp oidtv, on xpyC€Te fovroov. WORLD seek; and Your
of you and the father knows, that you have need of these. FATHER knows That you
H\7}U Qqreire TTJV fia&iXeiav rov dzov, Kai need them.
But geek you the kingdomof the God, and 31 $ But seek* his KING-
ravra *\jrcLVT(i\ rrpocrredrjaerai VJXIV.
DOM; and these shall be
these [ a il] shall be superadded to you.
superadded to you.
32 32 I1 ear not, LITTLB
M77 (pofioV) ro jjLiKpou iroi(xviov on GV$O~ Flock; % I'or it has pleased
Not fear, the little flock; for it has
your FATHER, to give you
Krjcrep 6 irarrip VJJLOOV dovuai V/JLLV ry\v fiao~iXetav. the KINGDOM.
pleased the father of you to give to you the kingdom. 33 Sell your POSSES-
UcaX^care ra inrapxopra v{J.ooi>, Kai
8oreSIONS, and give Alms;
Sell you the possessions of you, and give you intake for yourselves Pur-
€\€7]jJLO(TVV7}V. UoL7](TaT6 kaVTOLS fiaXaUTia, [AT] ses which grow not old, an
alms. Make for yourself bags not unfailing Treasure in the
iraXatov/xeva, Orjcravpov aveKXenrrov ev rots HEAVENS, where no Thief
growing old, a treasure exhaustless in the approaches, nor Moth de-
ovpavois, oirov KXeTrrrjs OVK eyyi^ei, ovde arjs stroys.
heavens, where a thief not approaches, nor moth 34 Tor where your
34 e
diatpdeipei. 07rou yap €0~rii/ 6 d-qcravpos TREASURE is, there your
destroys. Where for is the treasure HEART will also be.
vfAwv, €K€L Kai 7] Kapdia V/LLOOI/ eerTcu. 35 J Stand with Your
of you, there also the heart of you will be. LOINS girded, and J and
E<TTcocrai> V/XCOP at oacpves Trepie^oocrfieuai, LAMPS burning;
Let be of you the loins having been girded, 36 and be you like Men
Kai ol Xvxvoi Kaioueuor Kai v.fAsts 6/xoioi waiting for their MASTER,
and the lamps burning; and you like when he will return from
avdoctiirois irpoo~§$xolJ'*POLS rou Kvptov kavroov, the NUPTIAL FEASTS; that
to men looking for the lord of themselves, when he comes and knocks,
7TOT6 avaXvasi e/c rcou ya/icav iva eXOovros they may instantly open to
when ke will return from the "marriage feasts; that having come him.
Kai Kpovcavros, evdeoos ovoi^ooaiv avrw. 37 t ^ a P P y a r e those
and having knocked, immediately it may be opened to him. SERVANTS, whom, when
^ MaKapioi ol SovXoi eKeivoL, out eXdcoi/ 6 their MASTER arrives, he
Blessed the slaves those, whombaving come the shall find watching! I as-
Kvpios evpycrei ypr\yopovvras' ajj.r)v Xeyw v/juv, sure you, That he will gird
lord shall find watching; indeed I say to you, himself, and cause them to
Sri irepi^ooaerai, Kai avaKXivsi avrovs, Kai recline, and going forth he
that he will gird himself, and will make to recline them, and will serve them.
irap€\d(dV diaKOPTjcrei avrois. Kcu eav eX- 38 And if he should
going forth he will minister to them. And if he may come in the SECOND, or
By ev rr) devrepa '^\_(pvXaicr]y^\ Kai ev rr; rpirr) in the THIRD Watch, and
eomein the second [watch,] or in the third thus find them, happy are
(pvXaKy *[eA0?7,] Kai evprfiovrco' [xaKapioi eicriv *tftCDl
watch [may come,] and may find thus; blessed are 39 X Now you know this,
ol SovXoi €K€ivoi, 3 J Tovro 5e yivaxTKere, on, That if the HOUSEHOLDER
the slaves those. This and know you, that, had known at What Hour
ei y$et 6 oiKodeo~Trorr)s9 iroia copa 6 KXewryjs the THIEF would come, he
if had known the householder, in what hour the thief would have watched, and
6p%€Tai, eyprjyoprjcrav av, Kai OVK av acpr)K6 not have permitted him to
comes, he would watch, and not would allow break into his HOUSE.
diopvyrjvai rou OIKOV avrov. 4 0 Kcu vpeis ^ [ O U J / J 40 $Be gou also pre-
to dig through the house of himself. And you [therefore]
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—31. his KINGDOM ; and these. 81. all—omit. 38. tfisg.
88. Watch—omit. 38. may come—omit. 40. therefore—omit.
X 31. Matt. vi. 33. t 32. Matt. xi. 25, 26. J 33. Matt. vi. 20; Luke xvi. 0; 1
Tim. vi.19. X 35. Eph. vi. 14: 1 Pet. i. 13. % 35. Matt xxv. 1, etc. % 37< Matt.
xxiv. 46. % 39. Matt.xxiv.43; 1 Thess.v.2; Eev. iii.3; xv,il5. % 40. Markxiii.
$3 ; Luke xxi. 34.
dhap. 13: 41J tAJTtE. tCimp. 14: fjft.
yiveo~d(- eroi/jiQi' oTl, r
6 pared; For at an Hour you
T} oopa ov 5o/c:zre,
be think not, the SON of MAN
prepared; because, in the hour not you think, the
VIOS TOV CLvQpQtTTOV €pX^Tat» 41 comes."
EtTT6 5 e *"[aUT<£>]
•on of the man comes. Said and 41 Then P E T E R saidj
[to him]
6 Herpos' Kvpie, vpog Tjfiag rrjy TrapafioArjv "Master, dost thou speak
the Peter; Olord, to us t!le parable this PARABLE to us, or
ravT7}y Aeyeis, y Kat 7rpo<; navras , even to all?"
this thou sayest, or also to all? 42 And the LORD said,
Ei7re 8e 6 Kvpios' Htg apa scrTtv 6 TTIO~TOS t " Who then is * the
Said and the Lord; Who then is the faithful
OIKOVOfXOS KOLL <f)pOVLj£OS, OV KCLTaO'TTJO'ei 6 KVpiOS ard, whom the LORD will
steward and wise, whom will appoint the lord appoint over his DOMES-
€7n TT)S Oepairetas avrov TOV dtdovat €V Kaipw TICS, to DISPENSE the
over the domestic* of himself the to give in season * proper allowance of food
in its Season.
TO 0'iro/j.erpiop; 4 3 MaKaptos 6 dovAos eiceivos, 43 Happy that SERVANT,
the measure of food? Blessed the slave that,
whom his MASTER, at his
bv eAdwv 6 Kvpios avTov svprjo'et TTOIOVVTCL OVTWS arrival, shall find thus em-
whom coming the lord of him will find doing thus. ployed !
AArjOcas Aeyco V/LLIV, OTI em iracri TOLS virap- 44 $ I tell you truly,
Truly I say to you, that over all to the be- That he will appoint him
Xovffiv CLVTOV fca.Tao'Trjo'ei avTov. Eav ^'e over ALL his PROPERTY.
lodging of himself he will appoint him. If but 45 Eut if that SERVANT
eiwrj 6 dovAos eicetvos ev TTJ Kapdta CLVTOV should say in his HEART,
shouldsaythe slave that in the heart of himself: ' My MASTER delays to
Xpovifei 6 Kvpios fxov epxeo~dai' Kat
ap^rjTat come;' and shall begin
Delays the lord of me to come; and shall begin to heat the SERVANTS and
TVTTT€IV TOVS 7ro»5as Kat TCLS 7rai8i(T/cas, eo'dtetv the MAIDENS, and to eat
to strike the servants and the maidens, to eat and drink and be drunk;
T€ K.a.1 iciveiv KOLL fiev'vo'Keadar 4 6 rj^ei 6 Kvpios 46 the MASTER of that
and also to drink and to be drunken; willcomethe lord SERVANT will come in a
TOV dovAov eKGivov ev rjfjL^pa^ 'ij ov irpoo'doKq, Day when he does not
the slave that in a day, to which not he looks, expect him, and at an
Kat ev wpa. 'rj ov ytveoffKer Kat dixoTOjx7}o~€i Hour of which he is not
and in an hour which not he knows; and shall cut asunder aware, J and will cut him
avTov, Kat TO fiepos avTov fi€Ta TWV aTrto'Twv oif, and will appoint his
him, and the part of him with the unbelievers PORTION with the UNBE-
Brjo'ei. 47 EKGIVQS 5e b SovAos b yvovs TO LIEVERS.
will place. That and the slave who having known the 47 And J THAT SER-
6eAr}/J.a TOV Kvptov eavTov, Kai fir] €Toi{JLao~as, VANT, who knew the WILL
will of the lord of himself, and not having prepared, of his MASTER, and was
firjde TTOLTjO'as irpos TO deAwjua avTov, Saprjo'e-not prepared, nor did ac-
n either having done according to the will of him, shall be bea- cording to his WILL, h*
TCU iroAAasc 48
6 de JJ.7) yvovs% TroirjO'as Se shall be beaten with many
ten many; he but not having known, having doae and
48 X but H E who KNEW
a£*a TrArjyoov SaprjffeTat oAtyas* TlavTt Se 'q> not, and did things worthy
deserving of stripes shall be beaten few. To all andtowhom of Stripes, shall be beaten
eSodrj TTOAV, TTOAV (rjTrjdrjo-eTai nap* avTov with few. And from any
is given much, much will be required from him; one to whom much is given
Kat V irapeOeVTO TTOAV, Trepto'o'OTepov atTT}- much will be required;
*nd to whom they have entrusted much, more they and from him with whom
much has been deposited,
will ask him.
they will exact the more.
49 49 I came to throw Fire
Ilvp qAdov fiaAetv €is Tf\v yr)V Kai TL on the L A N D ; and what
Fire I came to throw into the earth; and what do I wish,—if it were
0€\<y, ei 7)8r} avycpdr}. 5 0 BairTtcrjxa de e^co already kindled?
do I wish, if already it were kindled. A dipping and I have 60 But I have an I m .
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—41. to him—omit. 42. the FAITHFUI. Steward, the WISH,
wifoom. 42. portion of food in.
i 42. Matt. xxiv. 46; xxv. 21. t' 44. Matt. xxiv. 47. t 46. Num. xv. SO; Matt,
wiv.'51. t 47. Deut. xxv. 2; Jam«s iv. 17. J 48. Lev. v. 17; 1 Tim. i. 15.
Chap. 12: 51.] LUKE. [Chap. 1 2 : 59.

fiairr loOrjpar Kai 7TC0S . <TVP€XOfjL(U9 ov mersion

ecus J to undergo; and
how am I pressed, till it
to be dipped; and how I am pressed, till
reXecrOr). 5 1 Ao/ceire, o r t eipriprjp irapeyepo/xriP may 51
"be consummated ?
% Do you imagine
may be finished. Do you think, that peace I came
That I asm come to give
hovpai ev rrj yy ; Ov%h Ae^w b/xtp. aAA.' t\ Peace in the LAND ? I tell
to give in the earth? No, I say t o you, but rather you, No; but rather Divi-
^lafx^pKr/Jiov. Eaop'rai yap airo rov PVP sion.
division. Shall be for from the now 52 Tor from this T I M E ,
irepre ev OIKO) €Pi dia/jLefiepiarinepoi, rpeis erri five in * One House will
five in house one having been divided, three against be divided; three against
53 two, and two against
5u<ri, Kai Svo eiri rpiari. Aia/xepiadrjo'erai three ;—•
two, and two against three. Will be divided
53 J a Father against a
irarrjp ecf>' utcu, Kai vlos eiri irarpr /xrjrrjp eiri Son, and a Son against a
a father against a son, and a son against a father : amothenagainat Father; a Mother against
dvyarpi, Kai Qvyarr}p eiri fj.7jrpi' irevOepa * the DAUGHTER, and a
a daughter, and a daughter against a mother: a mother-in-law Daughter against * the
eiri TT]P pvfMbrjp avrrjs, Kai pvfMpT] eiri MOTHER; a Mother-in-law
againstthe a daughter-in-law of herself, and a daughter-in-law against against her DAUGXITER-IN-
LAW, and a Daughter-in-
T7]p irepQepap avrrjs. law against her MOTHER.
the mother-in-law of herself, IN-LAW."
EA676 8e Kai rois ox^ois' 'Orap i^rjre TX\V 54 And he said also to
He said and also to the crowds: When you see the the CROWDS, J " When you
P€(p€\r]p apareXXovffap airo SIKT^WJ/, evOecos see T * a Cloud rising from
cloud rising from west, immediately the West, you immediately
say, 'A Shower is coming;'
A.676T6' O/xfipos epxerai' Kai yiperai ovrca. and so i t happens.
you say: A sllOwer somes: and it happens so.
5o 5 5 And when f the South
Kai orap NOTOV rrpeopra, Keyerc ' O T { Kav- wind is blowing, you say,
And when South wind is blowing, you say: That burning 'There will be scorching
CO)P 56 ' TiroKpirai, TO Heat;' and it occurs.
ecrrar Kai yiuerai.
heat shall be: and it happens, O hypocrites, the 56 O Hypocrites I you
irpooouirop rr]s yr)S Kai rov ovpavov oihare know how to scan the FA CE
face of the earth and of the heaven you know of the EARTH and of the
SKY ; but how is it, you
hoKi/xa^eLP' TOP 5e Kaipop rovrop TTCOS OV
to discern: the but season this how not
* cannot discern this TIME ?
boKifxa^ere 57 And why do you not,
°7 Ti 5e Kai ac/>' eavrcop ov Kptpere even of yourselves, Judge
do you discern ? Why and even of yourselves not judge you
TO dlKaiOP ; 5 8 Tls yap virayeis /xera rov
what is RIGHT ?
the right? When for thou goest with the oppo- 58 J When thou goest
SIKOV ffov 67r' apxopra, ep rrj &$cp dos epyacriap
ncnt of thee to a ruler, in the way give thou labor to a Magistrate, on the
airriWaxOai air* avrov ROAD
/Jirjirore Karacrvpy <re from him, labor to be released
to be set free from him: lest he may drag thee
lest he drag
thee to the JUDGE, and the •
irpos TOP Kpirrjp, Kai 6 Kpirr/s ere irapadcp rep JUDGE deliver Thee to the
to the judge, and the judge thee may deliver to the
TrpaKTopi, Kai 6 irpaKroop ere jSaAp ets <j>v\a- cast Thee into Prison.
offieer, and the officer thee may cast into prison.
K7]P. 59 Aeyco (roi, ov /AT] e^eKdys eKeiOep, 59 I tell thee, thou wilt
I say to thee, aot notthou mayeut come out thence, by no means be released
eoos ov Kai ro ecrxaTW Xeirrop airodcps. till thou hast paid even
till even the last
the LAST f Lepton ?"
lepton thou hast paid.
* VATICAN MAWUSCBIPT.—52. One House. 53. t h e DAUGHTER. 58. the MOTHER.
>4. a Cloud. 56. cannot.
t 54. The westerly winds in the Holy Land are still generally attended with rain, whilst
the easterly winds are usually dry. t 55. Le Bruyn tells us, there blew when he was
at Kama, a south-east wind, which coming from the desert beyond Jordan, caused a great
heat, and that it continued some days.—Harmer. + 59. Lepton, in value about tw«
mills, ov hal f a faTthing,
X 50. Mark x. 3&. t 51. Matt. x. 84 t 53. Micah vii.6. | 84. Matt. x n . $
% 68. Prov. xxv. 8; Matt. v. 25.
Chap, 13? L]
LUKE. [Chap. 1

KE<f». iy\ 1 3 . CHAPTEK X I I I .

A 1 And some were present
Hap7}(Tau 8<= ripes ep avrcp rep Koupcp, airar/- at That P E R I O D , informing
Were present an d some in t o h i m t h e season, re-
him concerning t h e G A L I -
yeXXopres avrcp irepi roop TaXtXaicop, WP ro LEANS, t Whose BLOOD
porting t o hi in concerning the Galileans, of w h o m t h e
Pilate mingled with their
aljia TiiXaros efu£e fisra TOOP dvo'tcop avreop. SACRIFICES.
blood Pilate mingled with the sacrifices ofthena.
8 3 A n d * h e answering
Kcu airottpiQeLs 6 IT}O~OVS eirrep avrois' AoKeire, said to them, " Do you
And answering the Jesus said to them; Suppose y o u ,
think T h a t those G A L I -
Sri ol YaXiXaiot OVTOI a/j.aprcaXot irapa Trapras L E A N S were t h e greatest
fchat t h e Galileans these sinners above all
Transgressors i n All G A L I -
nrovsFaXiXaiovs eyepopro, on roiavrairsiropQa- L E E , Because they suffered
the Galileans were, because such things *hey have
Such things ?
{Tip; 3 O y % t , Xtyca bfxiv aXX' eav/XTJ ^leraporjre, 3 I tell you, N o ; b u t ,
Buffered? No, I say t o y o u ; but except youreform, unless you reform, you
irapres waravrcos airoXeio'de. H efteipoi ot will all i n like manner be
all in like manner y o u will perish. Or those t h e destroyed.
dena Kai OKTCO, zip3 ovs eirecrep 6 irvpyos ep rep 4 Or, Those E I G H T E E N ,
ten a n d eight, on w h o m fell the tower in t h e on whom t t h e T O W E R i n
^iXwafx, KCU a7reKT€LPep avrovs, doKetre, on SILOAM fell, a n d killed
Siloam, and killed them, suppose you, t h a t t h e m , do you imagine tfteg
OVTOI o<petX<srai eyepopro irapa Trapras apdpoo- were greater Offenders
they offenders were above all men t h a n All T H O S E M E N w h o
itovs rovs KaroiKowras ep 'JepovcraXy/JL; O u % i , D W E L L in Jerusalem r
those dwelling in Jerusalem ? No, 5 I tell you, N o ; b u t ,
Keyco V/JLLP' aXX3 cap /ar] /xeraP07]r69 irapres unless you reform, you
1 say to you; but except you reform, all will all i n like manner be
o/notcos airoXeLcrOe. E A e y e 5e ravrrjp rrjp destroyed."
In like manner you will perish. H e spoke and this the 6 A n d h e spoke This
Trapa(3oX7]P' 'ZVKTJP c-i%e ris ep rep afnreXcoPi P A R A B L E ; % " A certain
parable; A fig-tree h a d one in the vineyard m a n h a d a Pig-tree planted
avrov Tre(pvT€Vfjt.€P7)P' Kai r\XQe fyroop Kapirop in h i s V I N E Y A R D ; a n d h e
of himself having been p l a n t e d : and came seeking fruit came seeking Fruit on it,
ep avTT), Kai OVK evpep. Et7re de irpos TOP but found none.
on her, an d n o t found. H e said a nd to the 7 A n d h e said to t h e
a/JLTreXovpyop' ISov, rpia err] epxo/aai Qr\rcap V I N E - D R E S S E R , ' B e h o l d , I
vine-dresser; Lo, three years came seeking have come Three Years
ICapTTOP €P TY) O'VKT), TaVTT), Kai OV% €VpiO~KW seeking Fruit on this F I G -
fruit on t h e fig-tree this, and n o t t o find; T R E E , a n d find n o n e ; c u t
€KKO\J/OP avTTjP' [pari Kai rrjp yrjp Karapyei; it down, w h y should i t
cut down her; why a n d t h e earth it renders useless? render t h e GROUND unpro-
'0 5e airoKpiOeis Xeyei avrcf Kvpie, acpes d u c t i v e ? '
He and answering says t o him : O lord, leave 8 And H S answering,
avrrjp Kai rovro ro eros3 ecas orov o,Ka\poo ivepi said t o him, ' Sir, leave i t
her also this t h e year, till I may dig about This Y E A S also, till I dig
avrrjp, Kai /8aAco tt07rpja° 9 KCLP jxep 7roi7}o~r/ about it, and manure i t ;
her, a n d T may p u t dung; and if indeed i t may bear 9 a n d * perhaps i t m a y
Kapirop' ei de /nrjye, eis ro /aeXXoP eKKoipets bear F r u i t ; b u t if not, a t a
fruit: if and n o t , i n t h e future t h o u m a y e s t c u t d o w n FUTURE time t h o u mayest
avryp, Up Se SiSaaKcop ep /ata roav cvpa- cut i t d o w n . ' "
her. H e was and teaching in one of t h e syna- 10 And he was teaching

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. he answering. 9. AFTER THAT i t may bear F r u i t ; b u t

if not, thou mayest.
t 1. Josephus says, that Archelaus sent his soldiers into the temple, "who suddenly
falling upon them, as they were sacrificing, telew about three thousand of them." And
Antipater, when he accused Archelaus for this among other crimes before the Emperor
Augustus, is reported by Josephus as saying that he had " cruelly cut the throats of those
who came up to the feast, and were at their own sacrifices." t 4. A tower near the pool
Siloam, which supplied the city with water, and being situated in the midst of Jerusalem
ufc Hie foot of Mount Zion, was a place of great resort.—See John ix. 7 i Neh. iii.55.
t &. Isa„ v. 2 ; Matt. xxi. 19,
tfhap. 13: it.J LUILK (Chap. 13 s W.
yooycav sv r o t s crafifiacri. K a i i8ov, 7U1/77 773^ in one of the SYNAGOGUES
gogues in the sabbaths. And lo, a woman was on the SABBATH.
wvevfjia 6%ouo"a acrQeveias err] Se/ca /cai oarca' 11 And behold, tliera
a spirit having ofinfirmity years was a Woman who had a
ten and eight;
Kai 7}v tfvyKviTTovcra, Kai fxt] Bvva/XGvr) avaxvtyai eighteen Spirit of Infirmity for
and was being bent double, and not being able to raise up
Years, and was
12 hent down, and was not
eis TO iravrsXes, ISoov 8e avrrjv 6 Irjcrovs, able to raise herself up at
for all time. Seeing and her the Jesus, all.
Trpo(re(p(tiV7}<r€, Kai enrtv avry Tvvai, airoKe- 12 And JESTJS seeing
he called to, and said to her; O woman, thou hast her, called to her and said,
Xvaai T7)s affdevetas o~ov. 1S K a i 6ireQr)Ktv "Woman, thou, art released
been loosed of the infirmity of thee. And he placed from thine I N F I R M I T Y . "
etvrr) ras x€lPas' KCLl
^apaxp^jUa avoopOeodr), 13 X ^ n ^ he placed his
to her the hands; and immediately she stood erect, HANDS on her; and im-
li i
Kai e8o£a£e rov Qzov. ArroKpiOeis 5e 6
apx ~ mediately she stood erect,
and glorified the God. Answering and the syna- and praised GOD.
avvaycayos, ayavaKroov, ortrcp o"a$fiarcp eQepa- 14 And the SYNAGOGUE-
gogue-ruler, being angry, because in the sabbath healed RULER, being angry, Be-
7reu<T€*> 0 Ir)o~ovs, e\eye rep ox^(p' 'E£ rj/xepai cause J E S U S had healed
the Jesus, he said to the crowd; Six days on the SABBATH, answer-
eicriv, ev ats 8ei spya£eo~6ar ev ravrais ovv ing, said t o the CROWD,
axe, in which it is proper to work; in these therefore J " There are Six Days in
epxofievoi 9epaTrev€0~det Kai jarj rr\ 7/,uepa rov whiah you ought to labor,
coming be you healed, and not in the day of the in these, therefore, come
(Tafifiarov. 15
AirsKpiOrj ovv avrcp b Kvpios, Kai and be cured, % and not on
sabbath. Answered therefore to him the lord, and the SABBATH."
eiirev "YiroKpira, eKao'ros vfxoov rep erajSfiarop 15 *But the LORD an-
said; O hypocrites, each one of you in the sabbath swered him, and said,
ov Kvei rov fiovv avrov 7} rov ovov airo rrjs " Hypocrites I % does not
not loose the ox o' himself or the ass from the
every one of you, on the
16 SABBATH, loose his ox or
<paivr,s, Kai airayaycov rrori(ei ; Tavrrjv de, his ASS from the STALL,
stall, and having led he drinks? This and,
and lead him to DRINK ?
dvyarepa ovcrav r)v eSrjtrc-^ 6 caravas 16 And was i t not pro-
a daughter of Abraham being, whom bound the adversary
per, that this woman,
i5ot> 8e/ca KCU OKTQO err], OVK cbei XvOrjvai airo J being a Daughter of Abra-
lo ten and eight years, not ought tobeloosed from
ham, whom the ADVER-
TOV $€OIAOV rovrov tr) T/juepa rov crafifiarov; SARY has bound, behold,
the bond this in the day of the sabbath? Eighteen Years, to be re-
^ Kcu ravra Xeyovros avrov, Karri<rxvvovro leased from this BOND on
And these things saying of him, were ashamed the S A B B A T H ? "
Trapi f s 01 avriK€ifX€Voi avrcp' ><,ai 7ras 6 o%A.os 17 And on his saying
all the opponents to him: \d all the crowd tiiis, All L ; s OPPOSERS
*XalP€P 67ri
Trao~i rois evdo^oti rois yivojxevovs were ashamed; and AH
tejoiced for all the glorious things those being done the CROWD rejoiced at All
by him. t which were PERFORMED
E A e 7 e 5V Tivi o/xoia sicriv r) (3ao~i\€ia rov by him.
Be said and; To what like is the kingdom of the 18 And he said, % "What
0€ov; Kai rivi 6JJLOICCO"0) avrrjv; 1 9 '0/xoia eo~riis the KINGDOM of GOD
God; and to whatshalll compare herj Like it is
like ? and to what &l all I
compare it ?
KOKKep civaireoos, ov Aafioov avdpccrros efiaXev 19 I t is like a Grain of
a grain of mustard, which havra g taken a man he cast Mustard, which a Man
ety KTjTTov eavrov Kai rjv^rjcre, Kai eyevero sis took, and planted in his
into a garden o-fhimsellj and it grew, and became into Garden ; and it grew, and
b'zvZpov * [/^67a,] Kai ra irereiva rov ovpavov became a Tree; and the

a tree [great,] and tha birds of the heaven BIRDS Of the HEAVEN

* VATICAM MANUSCRIPT.—15. But the Lord answered him, and said. 19. gveat—omit.
t 13. Mark xvi. 18; Acts ix. 17. t 14. Exod. xx. 9. % 14. Matt. xii. 10; Marls
iii, 2; Luke vi. 7 i xiv.3, i 15. Luke xv. 5. J 1Q. Luke xix, 9. J 18. Matt
xuLSl, Mark iv. 80.
dhap. 13. 20/j LUKE. [Chap. IS: SO.
Ka.T€(TK7iV60(r€i; ev rois KXadois avrov, ^° Kaibuilt their nests in its
lodged in * the branches of it. And BRANCHES."
waXiv enre- Tivi dfxoicocra} rr\v fiao"iX€iav rov 90 And again he said,
again he said: To what shall I compare the kingdom ofthe " To what shall 1 compare
9eov; 21<O/JL0ia earn CvI^Vi W Aa^Soyrra yvvi] the21KINGDOM I t
of GOD ?
resembles Leaven,
efGodP Like it is to leaven,which having taken a woman
which a Woman taking,
evefcpvipev eis aXevpov o'ara rpia, eoos ov e£v- mingled in three t Mea-
mi.xed into of meal measures three, till was sures of Meal, till the
ficodrj dXov 22 Kat Sieiropsvero Kara TroXeis whole fermented."
(earened whole. And he passed throughout cities 22 {And he passed
Kai KoojxaSj ^i^ao'Kwv, Kai Tropeiav Trotov/xevos through Cities and Villa-
and towns, teaching, and went on making ges, teaching, and traveling
ets 'lepovcraXrj/j.. ^ EiTre 8e rts avrcp' Kvpie, towards Jerusalem.
for Jerusalem. Said and one to him: O lord, 23 And some one said
ft oXiyoi ol ffoofr/xevoi; ' O 5e enreirpos avrovs' to him, " Master, are those
are few those being saved: He and said to them: few who are BEING saved?"
Ayeovi£eo~86 etffeXdeiv 5ta rrjs o'revrjs dvpas' And HE said to them,
.Agonize y*u t o enter through the strait door: 24 J " Earnestly endea-
bri iroXXoi, Xeyot) vfiiv, fyrrjo-ovo-tv eio-eXOeiv, vor to enter through the
NARROW Door; For many,
for many, I say to yon, will seek to enter,
25 I tell you, will seek to
Kai OVK iffx^^ovffiv, A<py ob av eyepOy 6 enter in, and will not be
and not will he able. From when may be raised the able.
otKoSefTTrOT/js, Kai airoKXeio*r} rt\v Qvpav, Kai 25 When the HOUSE-
householder, and may have shut the door, and HOLDER shall rise and
ap^7}o~9e €^<a kffravai, Kai Kpoveiv rrjv Qvpav, close the DOOR, and you
you may begin without to stand, and to knock the door, shall begin to stand with-
Ksyovres' Kvpie, ^ [ / c i i / n e , ] avoi^ov rjfiiv Kai out, and to knock at the
saying: O lord, [O lord,] open thou to u s : and DOOR, sayiLg, J ' Master,
open to u s ; ' and he shall
cnroKpideis cpet vfiip' OVK oiSa v/xas, TTOOCU answer and say to you,
answering he will say to yon: Not I know you, whence ' I do not recognize you;
ccrTe. 2 6 T O T 6 ap^ea'de Xeyeiv E<payo/ evoo- whence are y o u r
you are. Then you will begin to Bay: "We ate in pre- 26 you will then begin
wiov GOV Kai ev rais trXareiais TJ/JIUV edida^as. to say,' We have eaten and
fence of thee and in the wide places ofusthouhast taught. drank in thy presence,and
27 Kai epei' Aeyca v/ntv, VjJ.IV, OVK OVK oida *[i5 / uas,] thou hast taught in our
And he will say I say to y JU, not I know
27 i But he will say
iro8ev eo'Te* airoo'rTjre arr efiov iravres ol * to you, ' I do not know
whence you are: depart you from me all the from whence you art,.
epyarat rrjs adiKtas' ^ E/cei ecrrai 6 KXavOjxos Depart from me, all you
workers ofthe wrong. There will be the weeping WORKERS of Wickedness.'
Kai 6 {Spvyfxos Tfov odovroov, orav o^Tjade AfipaafA 28 There will be the
and the gnashing ©/ the teeth, when you may see Abraam W E E P I N G and the GNASH-
ING of TEETH, J when you
tai IffaaK Kai iwisoofi Kai iravras rovsirpocprjras shall see Abraham, and
and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets
Isaac, and Jacob, and All
ev rrj (SaariXcLa rov Oeov, i/jxas 8e eKfiaXofievovs the PROPHETS in the KIN G-
in the kingdom ofthe God, you and being cast DOM of GOD, and DOU cast
€^co. Kai rj^ovo'iv airo avaroXcov Kai 8VO~/J.C0V9 out.
outside. And they willcome from east and west, 29 And they will come
Kai airo Boppa Kai Norov Kai avaKXidrjcrovrai from the East and West,
and from North and South: and will recline and from the North and
South, and will recline in
ev rri fiacriX€ia rov deov, ^ K c u idov, eio'iv the KINGDOM of GOD.
ta the kingdom ofthe God. And lo, they are
30 % And behold, they
* VATICAN MANUSCBIPT.—25. Lord—omit. 27- speaking to you, I know not.
87. you—omit.
1 21. See Note on Matt. xiii. 33.
t 22. Matt. ix. 85; Markvtfi. t 24. Matt.vit.13. t 25. Luke vi. 46.
% 80. Matt, xix.80 ; xs. 10
I 27. Matt. vii. 23; xxv.4l. 1 28. Matt. Tiii. 11.
Maikx. 81.
[Chap. 1 4 : 4
Chap. 15: 31.] LUKE.
€<rxa'TGi, oi ecrovrai trpooror Kat eiffi 7rpcoTot, oi are last who will be first,
last, vfho shall be and they are first, who and they are first who will
(rrovrai ecxuToi. S1
Ev avrrj rr) 7]fiepa rrpocrr]X- be last.
will be last. In this the day approached 31 On That DAT, certain
Qov rives ^apicaioi, Xeyovres avrco* E£eA0e, Pharisees approached, say-
certain oi Pharisees, saying t o him; Come Out, ing, " Go, depart hence ;
KCLI iropevov evrzvdev t
bri Hpwdi)s OeXet <re Thee." For Herod intends to kill
and go thou hence; for Herod wishes thee
airoKreivai. 32
K a t enrev avrois* Vlop€vdevres "Go, 32 And he said to them,
to kill. And he said to them; Having gono
and tell that t r o x ,
Behold, I expel Demons,
enrare rrj aXcoireKi ravry ldov9 e/cjSaAAw 5 a t - and perform Cures To-day
sayyou to the fox this; Lo, least out de- and To-morrow, and on
ixovia Kat tacreis eTTtreXoo frrj/Jiepov Kat avpiov, the T H I R D *Day I shall
mom and cares perform to-day and to-morrow, have finished.
Kai rr} rpiry reXeiov/xai. ^ UXr}v Set fie 33 But I must go on To-
and in the third I shall have ended, But it behoves me day, and To-morrow, and
(T7)iJ.zpov Kai avpiov /cat rr, epxofievr) Tropeveadai' the Say FOLLOWING ; For
to-day and to-morrow and in the coming to go; it is not possible for a
Sri OVK €vBex*rai ^po(p7}r7]V airoXecdat e£co Prophet to perish + out of
for not i t is possible a prophet to perish out Jerusalem.
'lepovaaXTj/jL* 3 4 'lepovcraXrjjJL, 'Iepouo'aA.TjjU, r\ 34 ^ O Jerusalem, Jeru.
of Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the salem I DESTROYING the
airoKT€Li'ov<TG, rous irpocprjras, Kai XtdoXovcraPEOPHETS, and stoning
killing the prophets, and stoning THOSE SENT to thee I how
r o u s aTrecrraX/jievovs irpos avrr)v9 irocra/cts 7]9e- often have I desired to
ihose having been sent to her, how often I de- assemble thy CHILDREN,
X7](Ta. eiricrvva^ai ra reKva o~ov9 6v rpoirov as a Bird collects H E R
si-ed to gather the children ef thee, what manner Young under her WINGS,
opvis rrjv eavT7]s vocrcriav vivo ras irrepvyas; but you would not I
a bird the pf herself brood under the wings? 35 Behold, your H A B I -
Kai OVK. TjdeXrjcrare. ^ I5ou, tupierai i}[xiv 6 TATION is left to you j and
aad mot you were willing. Lo, is left toyouthe I tell you, That you shall
oitcos bftGov. Asyta 5e V/JLLV, on OV fit) fie tdrjre, not see me, till you shall
say, % ' Blessed be HE who
bouse of you. I say and to you, that not not me you may see,
COMES in the Name of J e -
kcos "*[af r)£r) 6 T C ] enrr)re' JLvXoyr)p<evos 6 hovah.' "
till [may come when] you may say ; Having been blessed b.e
epxofx^vos ev ovo/xart Kvptov. CHAPTEK XIV.
coming in name of Lord.
1 And it occurred, on a
KE$. t5'. 1 4 . Sabbath, as he WENT to
1 eat Bread into the House
Kat ev rq> eXOeiv avrov ets OIKOV of one of the RULING P H A -
And it happened in the to corns him into a house RISEES, that they were
rivos roov apxovrwv roov Qapiffaioov o~afi!3arcp watching him.
of one efthe rulers of the Pharisees in a sabbath 2 And behold, there was
tyayetv aprov, Kai avroi y\<Tav nrapar^povfxevoi a certain dropsical Person
to eat bread, and they were watching in his presence.
avrov. Kat tSou, avOpcairos ris f)V vdpeoTriKos 3 And J E S U S answering,
him. And lo, a man certain was dropsical spoke to the LAWYERS and
efXTrpoaQev avrov. K a t airoKpiQeis 6 lycrovs Pharisees, saying, % " I s it
in presence of him. And answering the Jesus lawful to cure u the S A B -
€t7re Trpos rovs vopuKovs Kai <£>apt(raiovs, \ e y c o v BATH * Day, or not ?
said to the lawyers and Pharisees, saying;
4 But THEY were silent.
Et e£e<r.Tt rep o~afij3arq) Oepaireveiv ; Ol 5e
If it is lawful in the sabbath
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—32. cure? 35. may They but
come, when—<Mni£. 8. Day, or
not ? But.
t 32. I t is not certain that Jesus meant Herod here ; he might have only intended to call
that man so, from whom the advice of departing came, (whether from the speaker himselt
or from the person who sent him;) for it is probable that theadvice wa9 given craftily, and
with a design to frighten Jesus, and make him go from that plac'§.—Pearce. * 83. Be-
cause he was only to he judged by the great Sanhedrim, and they were only to pass judgment
on him in that place.—Ltghtfoot.
t 84, Matt, sxiii, S7« I 35. Psa. cxviii. 26. % S. Matfe, xil. 1ft,
Map. 1 4 : 5.] LUKE. [Ohap. 14n 12.

And takin g hold of him, h e

fjo~vxao~-av. Kcu eTriAaff o/j,evos lacraro avrov,
were silent. And having taken hold
cured, and dismissed him.
he cured him,
5 5 And * h e said to them,
Kou aireAvo'e. airoKpiOeis irpos CLVTOVS X " I f a Son or a n Ox of any
and dismissed. And answering to them
of you shall fall into a Pit,
et7re 0 Tivos v/acav ovos 7] fiovs €ts (ppsap e/x7re- will h e n o t immediately
gaid; Of any one of you an ass or an ox into a pit shall
draw h i m o u t on t h e S A B -
o'etrat, KCLI OVK evdecos avao'irao'ei avrov
ev rr\ B A T H D A Y ? "
fall, a n d n o t immediately will draw o u t him in the
6 A n d they could not
'OfJLepa rov (Tafifiarov ; 6 Kcu OVK icrxvo~av avra- reply to this.
day of t h e sabbath? And n o t they were able to
7 And h e spoke a P a r a -
TrQK.pi6r}vcu *[auT6!>] irpos ravra. Die t o T H O S E who had been
veply [to him] t o these t h i n g s .
INVITED, observing how
7 E A e y e SG Trpos rovs K€KA7]/JLZVOVS Trapa(SoAr)v9 t h e y were choosing out t h e
H e spoke and to t h o s e having been invited a parable,
C H I E F P L A C E S ; saying t o
€7f6%a)^ TTOOS ras irpioroKAio~ias e^eAeyovro, them,
observing h o w t h e first reclining places t h e y were choosing out,
8 " W h e n thou art i n -
Aeyoov Trpos avrovs' Orav KATJO^S • biro vited b y any one t o a Mar-
saying to them; W h e n t h o u mayest be invited by riage-feast, do n o t recline
rivos €is ya/jiovs, fx7] KaraK.\iQr)s eis rr]v Tvpoo- i n t h e f C H I E F P L A C E ; l e s t
any one t o marriage-feasts, n o t t h o u mayest recline in t h e first one more honorable t h a n
roKAio'iav {.i7]iroTe evn/xorepos crov r) KEKAT)- thou may have been invited
reclining p l a c e ; lest a more h o n o r a b l e of thee may be having by h i m ;
(M€vos vir'avrov Kai eAOwv 6 ere KOLI avrov 9 and H E who I N V I T E D
been invited b y him; and coming h e thee a n d him Thee a n d H i m , should
KuAe&as, epei o~or Aos rovrcp TOTTOV KCLI come and say to t h e e , ' Give
having invited, s h a l l s a y to t h e e : Give t h o u t o this aplace; a n d this m a n a P l a c e ; ' a n d t h e n
rore «p£]? fieT 3 ui(Txvvr)S TOV ZGXOLTOV with shame t h o u shouldst
t h e n t h o u shouldst begin with C&arac the farthest begin t o occupy t h e L O W -
TOTVOV Karcxeiu' 10
AAA,' drav KArjdys, E S T Place.
place t o occupy; But when t h o u mayest be invited, 10 J B u t w h e n t h o u a r t
TTopsvOeis avairGrrai ezs rov ecrx^^ov roiroov, Iva invited, go a n d recline i n
having gone recline t h o u i n t h e farthest place, t h a t t h e LOWEST Place ; t h a t
when H E who I N V I T E D
brav eAOy b K^KATJKOOS a*e, entr) (Tor
&iAe, thee comes, h e m a y say to
when m a y c o m e h e having invited t h e e , may say t o thee ; O friend,
thee, ' F r i e n d , go u p t o a
TrpoffavafirjOt. avtvrepov. Tore earcu aoi 8 o £ a higher p l a c e ; ' t h e n thou
go t h o u u p t o R l u g h e r place. Then will b e t o t h e e glory wilt have honor i n t h e
evcoTTiov ro)V cvvavaKeifxevcav trot. O r z Tvas presence of *A11 T H O S E
in presence of t h o s e reclining oiththee. F o r e v e r y o n e D E C L I N I N G with thee.
6 vtytvv eavrov9 rair^LVcvOrjo'^raL' KCLI 6 Tcnrei- 11 J For E V E R Y O N E who
t h e exalting 1 himself, s h a l l be h u m b l e d ; and the hum- E X A L T S himself will b e
vcav eavrov vtytvdTjo-erai. 12
E A e y e 5 e KCLI rop humbled, a n d H E w h o
bling himself s h a l l be exalted. H e said a n d also t o t h e H U M B L E S himself will b e
^eK\7]Kori avrov 'Orav Troiys apicrrov 7}
rone) having invited h i m : W h e n t h o u mayest m a k e a dinner or 12 And h e said also t o
SeiTTVOV, /All (pCOVZl TOVS (plA0VS 0~0V, f£7]$€ TOVS
a supper, not call the friends if t h e e , n o r the
him, " When t h o u makest
a Dinner o r a Supper, call
aBeAcpovs (Tov, /rrjSe rovs arvyyeveis crov, firjde n o t t h y F R I E N D S , n o r t h y
brethren of thee, n o r the relations of t h e e , nor BROTHERS, nor thy R E L A -
yeirovas TrAovcriovs" fJLrjTrore Kai avrot o~e T I V E S , *nor r i c h N E I G H -
neighbors rich lest alsa they thee BORS ; lesttfjeg also should

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—5. he said to them, If a Son or an Ox. 6. him—omit.

10. All THOSE. 12. not rich.
t S. Rather, to lie down first: to place themselves first on the couches, whereon the Jews
were used to lay at their meals. Bach couch held three, who sat or rather laid themselves
d >\vn upon i t ; and i t was esteemed the greatest mark of respect to any man, when the mas-
ter of the house desired h i m to place himself first on the couch, i n w h a t p a r t o f i t h e pleased.
Josephus telling us how craftily Herod treated Hyrcanus, says, t h a t fie deceived him by
*' calling Him father, and making him take his place first at feasts."—Pearce.
J 6. Exod. xxiii. 5: Deut xxii 4 ; Luke xiii. 15. t 10. Prov. xxv, 6, 7. t i l . Job
xxii §9^ Psa. xviii 27; Prov. xxix. 23; Matt, xxiii. 12; iiukgs.viii.145 James iv. 6; I Pet*
v 5,
147 "23,
tfhap. 1 4 : 13.] LUKE.
wriKaXecrcoo'i, KCU "' yeprjrat aprairodofxa. i n v i t e ? T h e e a g a i n * a n d a
should invite again, and be made to thee Recompense b e made t h e e .
a recompense.
AAA.' orav Tvoirjs Doxw? icaXei irrcoxovs, 13 B u t w h e n t h o u mak-
But when thou mayest make afeast, invite poor ones, est a Feast, invite t h e Poor)
avairTipovS) xeoAous 9 rvcpXovs' 14
Kai /xcucapios the Crippled >^ the... Lame,
maimed ones, lame ones, blind ones: and blessed
the Blind"; •"""'
ecrrj, on OVK exovcrip avrairoDovpai croi' 14 and t h o u wilt b e h a p ^
fchouwiltbe,because not they hava to recompense to thee : p y ; Because they have n o
means to repay thee, there-
avr air o$o Or) crerai yap croi ep rr, apacrracrei roov
it will be recompensed for to thee in the resurrection of the
fore thou snalt he repaid
15 at t h e R E S U R R E C T I O N of
$iKai(tiV. AKOVCTCLS 8e ris reap crvpapaKeifxepcop t h e RIGHTEOUS.-"'
just. Hearing and one of those reclining
15 And one of " T H O S E
ravra, enrep avrcp' M a f c a p t o s , os (payerai aprov R E C L I N I N G wijh Mm,
these, said to him: Blessed, who shall eat bread
hearing this, said t o h i m ,
ep ry fiacriXeia, TOV deov. O 8e enrep avrcp- % " H a p p y h e who shall eat
is the kingdom of the God. He and said to him: t B r e a d i n t h e K I N G D O M
Avdpooiros ris eiroirjcre benrpop fieya, Kai eKaXecre of G O D . " "
A man certain made s. supper great, and invited 16 % And H E said t o him,
iroXXovs. *' Kcu airecrreiXe TOV BOVXOP avrov " A certain Man made a
many. And he sent the »lave of himself great S U P P E R , a n d invited
rr] oopq rov Denrpov enreip rots KeKXrj/Jiepois'
17 A n d % h e sent h i s
in the hour of the supper to say to those having been invited
S E R A N T , a t t h e H O U R of
E p x e o " ^ e J °rL V^V eroifia ecrri *\jravra.\ 18
Kai t h e S U P P E R , t o say t o
Come you, for novy ready is [ a h.] And T H O S E who h a d b e e n I N -
r\p^apro airo [xias irapaireicrOai irapres. ' O V I T E D , ' C o m e , for i t i s
they began from one to excuse themselves all. The now r e a d y /
irpcoros enrep avrcp* Aypop rjyopacra, Kai e%o> 18 And they all began~
first said to him: Afield I bought, and I have with one accord, to excuse
themselves. The E I R S T
apayK7]p e^eXOeip Kai ideip avrop'
epcarco ere, said to h i m , ' I have bought
need to go out and to see him: I beseech thee,
a Field, and I must go o u t
6%6 /xe Traprirrjfiepop. K a i erepos enre' Zevyrj and see i t ; I beseech t h e e
have me having been excused. And another said: Yokes to have M e excused.'
(Sooop rjyopacra irepre, Kai iropevofxai DoKifxacrai 19 And another said, e I
of oxen I bought five, and 1 go to try have bought five Yoke of
avra' epoorca ere, e%e jxe irapyrrjixepop. 20
K c u Oxen, a n d I a m going t o
them: I beseech thee, have me having been excused. And t r y t h e m ; I entreat thee
to have Me excused.'
erepos enre' TvpaiKa eyrj/xa^ Kai S i a TOVTO OV 20 And another said, ' I
another said. A wife I married, and because of this not
have married a Wife, and,
Dvpafxai eXOeiP" 2 1 Kcu irapay epo/iepos 6 Sov\os therefore, I cannot come.'
I am able to come. And having come the slave 21 And t h a t SERVANT
etcetpos airriyyeiXe rep Kvpiep avrov ravra. Tore having returned, related all
that reported to the lord of himself these. Then t o his M A S T E R . Then t h e
opyicrOeis 6 oiKoDecnror7]s enre rep clovXcp avrov H O U S E H O L D E R , b e i n g a n -
being angry the householder said to the slave of himself: gry, said to h i s S E R V A N T ,
' Go out quickly into t h e
E£eA0e r a ^ e c o s eis ras irXareias Kai pvfxas rrjs O P E N S Q U A R E S a n d Streets
Go out quickly into the wide places and streets of the
of t h e CITY, a n d b r i n g i n
TroXeccs, /ecu rovs irrcaxovs Kat avairripovs Kai h i t h e r i t h e POOR, and
city, and the poor ones and maimed ones and Crippled, a n d * Blind, a n d
X<aXovs Kai rv<pXovs eicrayaye ccSe. 2 2 K c u enrev Lame.'
lame ones and blind ones bring in '--••••'- —
hither. And said 22 And the SERVANT
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—17. All—omit. - , 21. Blind and Lame.
t 15. Instead of artonK bread, some one hundred MSS., with some Versions and Fathers,
read ariston, a dinner. This is probably the best reading, as they were now at dinner.—Clarke.
t 21. Eaint traces remain of indiscriminate invitations to Oriental entertainments a t this
day. See Matt. xsii. 9; Prov. ix. 23. Dr. Pococke speaks of the admission ofthe poor to the
tables of the great. " The Arabs never set by any thing that is brought to table, b u t call in
their neighbors and the poor, and finish every t h i n g " An Arab prince vvill often dine iii
th'3 street before his door, and call to all that pass, ev en beggars, who come and »it down..
| 1^. Rev. xis 6. % 16. MattoXxii. §. % 17. Prov. i x . % §.
&iapi U\ 23TJ ODUKE. tCfiiap. 1 4 : S i-A

K u p i e , ' yiyoveP &s ' e n - e r a £ a s , KCtl said, ' S i r , * 1 have done

tha slave. O lord, . it is done as thou didst order, and what thou didst command,
CTfTOTTOS fe'O-Ti. "™23 "K" at enrtv 6 KvpLos irpos rov and yet t h e r e is Room.*
Still room is. And said the lord to the 23 And t h e M A S T E E said
SovAov?fE^eXde ecs ras odovs Kai (ppayfxovs, Kai to t h e S E R V A N T , ' Go t o t h e
slave; Go out into the ways and hedges, and R O A D S and H e d g e s , and
pLvajKarrov eto'eAdeiv, iva y€/ 6 OIKOS fxov. constrain people to come
, .nrge to enter, that may be filled the house of me, in, t h a t * t h e H O U S E m a y
Aeyco yap bjutvf on ovdeis rcov avdpoov
eKeivoov be filled;'
I say for to you, that no one of the men those
24 for I tell you, i That
T(ov K€KAf]/j.evcov yevcrerat /xov rov denrvov. none of T H O S E M E N who
the haring been invited shall taste of me the supper.
25 have been I N V I T E D shall
^vveiropevovro Se avrcp oxAoi TTOAAOI* tcai t a s t e of My S U P P E R . "
Were going with and him crowds great; and
ffrpa<f)eis ei7re irpos avrovs' 25 And great Crowds
Ei ris 6px*i~ai
turning he said to them; were going with h i m ; a n d
If any one comes
irpos fie, Kai ou fjuo'ei rov irarepa eavrov, KCU t u r n i n g h e said t o them,
to me, and not hates the father of himself, and 26 J " I f any one comes
rijv fxrjropa, Kat rr)V yvvaiKa, Kai ra reKva, KCLL to me, a n d t hates n o t h i s
the mother, and the wife, and the children, and FATHER, and MOTHER, and
rovs aSeAcpovs, KCU ras adeA(pas, en 8e Kat rt]v W I F E , a n d C H I L D R E N , a n d
the brothers, and the sisters, still more and even the BROTHERS, and SISTERS,
%avrov tyvxyv, ou dvvarai fiov fm9r]rr)s eivai, X and still more even * h i s
of himself life, not is able of me a disciple to be. own L I F E , h e cannot be my
^ Kai bcrris ov $ao~ra£ei rov crravpov aurov, DISCIPLE.
And whoever not bears the cross of himself, 27 + * Whoever, t h e r e -
Kai epx^rai oirtcroo fiov9 ov Svvarai fiov eivai fore, does n o t bear his own
and comes after me, not is able of me to be CROSS, a n d come after m e ,
fxaOrjrrjs. ^ Tis yap e£ v/juav, irvpyov he cannot b e My Disciple.
a discipls. Who for of you, wishing a tower 28 F o r who of you wish"
oiKObofirjcraiy ovxi irpcarov Kadirras iprj(pi£ei rr\v ing to build a Tower, does
to build, not first having sat down computes the n o t first s i t down a n d esti-
SairavTjv, ei e%ct eis airapricr/xov, ^ Iva fATjirore mate t h e E X P E N S E , to k n o w
cost, if he has to finish; that lest whether h e h a s t h e m e a n s
devros avrov Oe/neAiov, Kai fxr} io"xvovros e « r e - to complete i t ?
baving laid of him a foundation, and not being able to
29 lest having laid a
Aerrcu, iravres ot Oeoopovvres apt-oovrat efinaifeiv Foundation, a n d not being
finish, all those beholding should begin to deride able to finish, A L L who S E E
avrcp, so Aey ovres' 'On ovros 6 avdpcoiros rjp^aro it begin to deride him,
him, saying; That this the man be?an
31 30 saying, ' T h i s MAW
pueoSo/uieiv, Kai OVK io~xvo~ev eKreAecai, H
to build, and not was able to finish. Or
began t o build, b u t was not
able t o finish.'
ris fiacrtAevs iropevofievos cv/ufiaAeiv erepcp
what king going to engage with another 3 1 O r W h a t King, going
fiacriAei eis iroAefjiov, ovxt KaQicras irpoorov to encounter Another King
king in battle, not having sat down first in Battle, * will n o t first

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—22. I have done what thou didst command. 23. t h e HOUSE.
26. his own LIFE. 27. Whoever therefore does not bear his own CBOSS. 31. will
not first sit down and consult
t 26. This is one amongst many examples i n the sacred writing's of Oriental figurative
_anguage, where the expression is hyperbolical in order to render the t r u t h meant to be con-
veyed i n it more striking 1 and impressive. Matthew, in chap. x. 37> expresses t h e literal
meaning of this passage, when he says, "loves his father and mother more than m e ; " and
in chap. vL 24, uses t h e word hate with similar force. So when we read i n Eom.ix. 13, " J a -
cob have I loved, but Esau have I hated," t h e meaning i s , I have loved Jacob more than
Esau; and that this is no arbitrary interpretation of the word hate, b u t one agreeable to the
If ebrew idiom, appears from what is said in Gen. xxix. 30, 31, where Leah's being hated is
explained by Rachel's being loved more than Leah; see also Deut. xxi. 15—17. Something re-
sembling what Jesus here teaches, is said by Philo (de Monarch, lib.ii. p . 230) concerning
the duty oi a high-pnest; that he was to "estrange himself from all his relations, and not,
out of love to his parents, his children, or brethren, to omit any part of his duty, or act ia
any thing contrary to it;"—Pearce.
X 24. M att. xxi. 43; xxii. 8; Acts xiii.46. J 26. Deut. xiii. 6; xxxiii. 9 ; Matt. x. 37.|
Rom. ix.33. % 26. Rev, xii. 11. J 27. Matt, xvi.24; Mark viii. 34 j Luke ix. 23;
3 7 ' m . u i 12,
[C&ajj. l$>
Chap. 14: S3. LUKE. 7*

jSofAeverar, e( Su^aros eo~riP ep Se/ca xi^ia(TLV sit down, and consult

consult, if abla he is with tea thousand whether he is able witls
airaprr]o~ai TQ fisra eiKocri xiAiafi&p epxo/jievca Ten Thousand, to meel
to meet the (one) witn twenty thousand coming HIM who COMES against
£7r' avrou ; 32
Et 5e fxrjye, ivoppca him with Twenty Thou-
en avrov
against him? If but not, while of him far off sand.
OPTOS, Trpeafieiav airoo~T6iAas, epoora * [ r a ] irpos
32 And if not, while the
being, an embassy having sent, he aska [the] to
other is at a distance, lie
33 sends an Embassy, and
eiprjprjp. Qvrcos ovp iras e£ V/XCOP, 6s OVK asks for Peace.
peace. So then all of you, who not
33 So, therefore, no one
airoTa(T<r€Tai irao'i rois eavrov virapxovo'ip, ov of you who does not forsake
bids farewell ';« all the of himself possessions, not ALL his POSSESSIONS, can
Svparat jxov eipai /mad^r^s- JLaAop ro
aAas be My Disciple.
is able of me to be a disciple. Good the salt; 34 J SALT is good;' fbut
€CCJ> 5e TO aAas fJLcapapQr), ep TIPL apTvdrjo~erai; if * the SALT should become
if but the salt should be tasteless, by what shall it be salted ? insipid, how shall it recover
^ Oi>T6 eis yr}! , ovre eis Koirpiav evQerop ecrriP' its; savor ?
Neither for land, nor for manure fit it is; 25 I t is not fit for Land,
«£« fSakKovffiv a-vro. ' O ^XWV cara a/coueiv, nor for Manure; they
out they cast it. He having ears to hear, throw it away. H E who
aKoveroo. HAS Ears to hear, let him
1st him hear. hear."
KE«f>. le. 1 5 . CHAPTER XV.
1 1 J And All the TBIBUTE-
Ho"ai/ Be cvyi^ovres avrcp TVCLVTGS ot reA(a- TAKEES and the SINNEES
Were and drawing near to him all the tax-gata- were drawing seal' to hear
vou Kai ot afxaprcoAoi, cucoveiv avrov. Kai him.
sr,K« and the sinners, to hear him. And 2 And * both the P H A -
Sieyoyyv^op oi 'kapio'aioi Kai ol ypajx/nareis, EIST^ES and SCEIBJES mur-
murmured the Pharisees and the scribes, mured, saying, " This man
Aeyopres' 'Or~ ovros a/uaprcoAovs 7rpoo~d€X'ETah receives Sinners, J and eats
saying: That this sinners receives, with them."
Kai avv€0~6i€i avrois. Et7re 8e rrpos avrovs 3 Then he spoke this
and eats with them. He said and to them PASABLE to them, saying,
TTJP7iapaBoAi]Vravrrjv, Aeycap. Tis apOpcoiros 4 J "What Man of you,
the parable this, saying: What man having a Hundred Sheep,
t£ vfjioov ex&jj €Karov Trpofiara, Kai airoAeaas and losing one of them,
of you having a hundred sheep, and having lost does not leave the NINETY-
kv e£ avrrjov^ ov KaraAeiirei ra eppeprjitopraeypea N I N E in the DESEXT, and
one of them, n o ; leaves behind the ninty-nine go after THAT which is
€V rrj €p7///,<a, Kai iropeverat eiri ro afroAooAos, LOST, till he finds it ?
in tha desert, and goes after that having been lost, 5 And having found it,
ea>s evpr) avro , 5 Kai evpeap, eiriTiOrjo'iP eiri rovs he lays it on his SHOUL-
till he may find it ? And having found, belays on the DERS, rejoicing.
(tifxovs eavrov yaipoop' 6
Kai eAOcap eis rov OIKOP 8 And coming to the
HOUSE, he calls together
shoulders of himself rejoicing: and coming into the house
(TvyKaAet rovs (piAovs Kai rovs yeiropas, Aeycvp BOES, saying to them,' Re-
he calls together the friends and the
saying neighbors,
joice with me, For I have
avrovs* ^iryxapTjre fj.oi, on evpop ro irpofiarop found THAT SHEEP of mine
to them Rejoice with me, for I found the sheep X which was LOST.'
fiov TO airoAcaXos. ' Aey<a vfiip, on ovrco xaPa 7 I say to you, That
of methat having been lost. I say to you, that thus joy
* VATICAN MA11 «JSCRIPT.—32. the—omit. 34. also the SALT . 2. both the.
t 34„ That this is possible in Palestine, is proved by what Mr. Maundrell says, in des-
cribing the Valley of Salt. He remarks, "Along on one side of the valley, towards Gibul, there
is a small precipice about two men's lengths, occasioned by the continual taking away of the
salt; and m this?, ,a may see how the veins of it lie. I broke apiece of it, of which that part
that was exposed to the rain, sun, and air, though it had the sparks and particles of salt,
YET IT HAD pEBFBCTLT LOST ITS SAVOR s the inner part, which was connected to the rock,
retained its savor • as I found by proof."
t H. Matt. v. lo, Mark ix. 50. % 1. Matt ix. W t 2. Acts xl 3 s Sal ii. 18.
I 4, Matt, xviii. 12. J 6. i Pet. ii. 1% S&,
Ohap. 15 : 8.] LUKE. [Chap. 1 5 : I t .

effrai €V rq> ovpavcp €iri ij/i afxapTooXcp ixeravo- thus there will be more
vrillbe in the heaven over one reform- Joy in HEAVEN over One
ovvri, T\ eirt tvv£VT)KQVTaevvea diKaiois, birives reforming Sinner, {than
ing, than over minety-nine just ones, who for Ninety-nine Righteous
ov X9eiav SX0V(TI fxeravoias. 8
H ris yvpr), persons who need no Re-
no need hava of reformation. Or what woman, formation.
bpaxp-as exov&a Se/ca, eav atroXeari 8pax/*r)P ing8 ten Or, what Woman, hay-
t Drachmas, if she
drachmas having ten, if she may lose drachma
loses one of them, does not
fxiav, ovxt- airrei Xvxvov, Kai aapoi TJ\V OIKLUV, light a Lamp, and sweep
one, not liglits a lamp, and sweeps the house,
9 the HOUSE, and search
Kai £T]T€L 67TL[1€XG0S, €COS OTOV €Vp7] ; Ka£
and seeks carefully, till she finds ? And
carefully, till she finds it ?
evpovcra o'vyKaXeirai ras <pLXas Kai ras yetro- she9 And having found it,
calls together her
having found she callg»together the friends and the neigh-
yasf Xeyovcra.' ^yy^csp^Te /JLOL, on evpov
rr)p saying, 'Rejoice with me,
bors, saying; Rejoice with me, for I found
For I have found the
dpaxfAY)}', i}v airooXe&a; 10 Ovroj, Aeyco vfxiv, DRACHMA which I had
drachma, which. I lost. Thus, I say to you, lost.'
XaPa yiverai evcoirLov rcou ayyeXoov rov 6eov 10 Thus, I say to you,
joy is produced in presence of the messengers of the God there is Joy in the Pres-
e7Tf kvi afxaprooXcp fxsravoovvn. ence of the ANGELS of
»ver one sinner reforming. GOD over One reforming
11 e
Ei7re oV KvQpooiros ris *iX Svo vlovs, Sinner."
He 8aid and; A man certain had two sons. 11 And he said, " A cer-
Kai eiTrev 6 veoorepos avroovrcp irarpr Ylarep, tain Man had Two Sons.
And said the younger of them to the father: O father, 12 And the YOUNGES!
80s fxoi ro eirifiaXXop fxepos rj]s ovcrias.
K a i of them said tohis FATHER,
giTe to me the falling to part. of the property. And ' Father, give me the POR«
ditiXej/ avrois rov $iov. Kai yuer' ov iroXXas TION Of the ESTATE FAL-
he divided to them the living. And after not many LING to me. And * nw
7)fi€pas crvvayayctiv airavra b i/soorepos vlos, divided t his LIVING be-
days having gathered together all the younger son, tween them.
c ) av 13 And not Many Days
«TT eSyjjULT}ffeveis X ' P fiaKpaw Kai eKei after, the YOUNGEST SOP
went abroad into a country distant: and there
having gathered all toge-
diecrKopTrio'e rrjv ovffiav avrov, (^(av ao'ooroos. ther, went abroad into a
wasted the property of himself, living dissolutely. distant Country, and therp
Aa,7rav7]aravTos 5e avroviravra, eyeveroXi/uos wasted his PROPERTY in
Having expended and of him all, came afamine profligate living.
to'x pos Kara rrjv x P ' (a a v
^Keivrji/' Kai avros 14 And having spent all,
mighty throughout the country that: and he a great Famine occurred
Tjp^aro vo'repeio'dai. 15
K a i iropevdeis eKoXXTjdrj in that COUNTRY; and i)£
began to be in want.
began to be in want. And having gone he united
15 Then he went and
kvi rcou TToXirtav T7]S Xrj)Pos ^K€iP7}S' Kai eirefx- attached himself to one a-*
witb. eneof the citizens of the country that; and he the CITIZENS of thatcoUN*
tyev avrov eis rovsaypovs abrov fioo~K6Li/ xoiPovs' TRY, and he sent him into
sent him into the fields of himself to feed swine. his FIELDS-f to feed Swine.
K a i GireOv/nti ye/ncai rrjv KoiXiav avrov airo 16 A/id he longed * to
And he longed to fill the belly ofhlcaself from be fed wtth the CAROB
r<au KepaTtoov, &v rjcrdioy 01 xoiPai' Kal
ovdeis PODS, wfticn t h e SWINE
the pods, which wereeatiog the swine; no one were eating; but no one
edtdov avroo.
avT(p. ^ E : s kavrov 8e eXQoov, enrc gave to him.
gave to him. To himself and coming, he said; 17 And coming to him-
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—12. HE divided. 16. to be fed with t h e .
+ 8. The Grecian Drachma was a>bout the same value as t h e Roman Denarius, i. e. about
14 cents, or 7d. t 15. This prodigal is supposed to be a J e w ; and (if so) as the Jews
were forbidden by their law to eat swine's flesh, the care of awine i n t h a t distant and hea-
then country must have been an employment as inconsistent with his religion as he could
possibly have had. This circunasfcance therefore serves to shew u s to w h a t a very low eondJU
tion he was reduced.—Pearoe.
% 7, Luke v. 32. i 12. Mark xii. 44
Chap. 1 5 : 18.] LUKE. {Chap. 1 5 : 88.

Tlo<roi (JLKTOLOI rov irarpos fioo irepio'C'evovffiv •self, he said, 'How many
How many hired servants o f t b e father of m e of my FATHER'S Hired ser-
have a n abundance
aprcov; eyu> de &>8e Aifxcp airoAAvjutai. 18
Avacr- vants have an abundance
»f bread P I a n d h e r e w i t h hunger a m p e r i s h i n g . Having of Bread, and 1 am perish-
ras TTopevffofJLat irpos rov irarepa, fxov9 Kai epco ing here with Hunger!
fcrisen I will go to the father ©fme, a n d willaay 18 I will arise and go to
avTcp* Tlarep, rjuaprov eis rov ovpavov icai my FATHER, and will say
to h i m ; O father, I tinned against t h e heaven a n d to him, Father, I have sin
sveoiriov cow 19
ovKert eifju a^ios KAijdrjvai vlos ned against HEAVEN, and
bi presence o f t h e e ; n o l o n g e r I am fit tobecalled a son before thee.
cow ironjcov pe &s ivaroov [ucdiwv o"ov. 2 0 Kcu 1 9 1 am no longer worthy
o f t h e e ; make m e as o n e of the hired servants o f t h e e . And to be called thy Son; make
wacras 7]\6e irpos rov irarepa kavrov. Eri me as one of thy HIKED
having arisen h e went to the father o f himself. While S E R V A N T S . '
8'e avrou fxaKpav airexovros, eidev avrov 20 And he arose, and
6 ira-
bnt of h i m a t a distance being, saw him the went to his FATHER. But
Tfp avrov, Kai GCTvAayxvicdif}* Kai dpap,cov while he was yet at some of h i m , and was moved with p i t y ; and r u n n i n g distance, his FATHER saw
fateirecev eiri rov rpaxv)Aov avrov, Kai Kare<pi- him, and was moved with
pity; and running, he fell
hefell on t h e neck of him. a n d repeatedly
21 on his neck, and sepeatedly
hrjcev avrov. EtTre 5e avrcp b vlos' Tlarep, kissed him.
kissed him. Said a n d t o h i m t h e s o n ; Ofather,
f)fiaprov eis rov ovpavov Kai evooiriov cow Kai him, 21 e And the SON said to
I s i n n e d against t h e heaven a n d i n presence o f t h e e ; and
Father, I have sinned
against HEAVEN, and be-
ovKert sipu a^ios KArjdTjvai vlos crov, ^Enrede 6 fore * thee. I am no longer
no longer I a m fit t o b e called a. son of t h e e . Said b u t t h e
worthy to be called thy
iraryp irpos rovs dovAovs avrov E^eveyKare Son; make me as one of
father to the slaves of himself; Bring ^ o u o u t
ri)V croArjv ri}v irpooTijv, Kai evdvcrare zvrov, 22 But the FATHER said
the robe the chief, and clothe yon him,
to his SERVANTS, 'Bring
Kai Sore BaKrvAiov eis rrjv X€lPa avrov
i ^cu *out quickly that C H I E F
and give y o u afinger-ring into the hand of h i m , and
ROBE, and clothe him; and
{nrod71/j.ara eis rovs irodas. &Kai eveyxavr es attach a Ring to his HAND,
shoea for the feet. / A n d having b r o u g h t and Sandals to his FEET ;
rov jxocrxov rov cirevrov dvcare' Kat cpayovres 23 and bring the FATTEB
the calf the fatted do you sacrifice; a n d eating
2 and kill i t ; and let
tvtypavdoo/iev - on ovros b vlos jxov veKpos if]v, us eat, and be joyful;
we m a y be j o y f u l : for t h i s t h e s o n of me dead was,
24 For This my SON was
Kat *\av\tfy]Ct' Kai airoAooA(as rjv, Kai evpeOr). dead, but is restored to life;
and [again] is alive: and having been lost h e was, and is found.
he was even lost, but is
25 Tjp^avro evcppaivecdai. Hv oe 6 vlos found.' And they began
And they began t o be merry. ' ; Was a n d t h e s o n to be joyful.
avrov 5 irpecfivrepos ev ay pop' fcai &s epxojuevos 25 Now his OLDER SON
of him t h e elder i n afield: a n d as h e was c o m i n g was in the Field, and as he
yyyyio'e rr] oiKia, 7]Kovce cvfMpcovias Kai x°?(av* the was comingand approached
near t o t h e house, h e heard a sound of music and dancers.
HOUSE, he heard Mu-
26 sic and f Dancing.
K a t irpoCKaAtca/Jievos hva roov nraifioov, eirvv- 26 And summoning one
And having called t o ©ne of the servants, hein-
of the SERVANTS, he asked
Oavero ri etTj ravra; 'o <5e snrev avrcp' him the reason of this.
quired what may be these t h i n g s ? He and said t e him :
27 And HE said to him,
'On 6 afieAcpos crov rjKei' Kai sOvcev 6 irarrjp ' Thy BROTHER is come;
That the brother of thee is c o m e : and has sacrificed t h e father and thy FATHER has killed
cov rov fiotrxov rov cirevrov. vyiaivovra the FATTED CALF, Because
si t h e e t h e calf the fatted, because safe he has received him is
28 health.'
avrov aireAafiev. ClpyicSr) Se, Kai QVK e0€-
him h e received. H e was angry and, and n o t was dis- 28 And he was enraged,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—21. thee. I am no longer worthy t o be called t h y Son; make
&te as one of thy HIRED SBBVANTS. But. 22. out quickly. 24. again—omit.
+ 25. Choron, probably oug'ht to be rendered a choir of singers. Le Clerc deniec that tb*
word means dancing a t all. Symphonia, translated music, may mean th<? musical uast^^s
gae&ts,, which aosompanied the choir of singers.
(Jkap. 18 s .] LUKE. [0)iap. 16: 5.

Xev eLcreXOew, 'O ovv warr/p z^eXOc&p and refused to enter. * And
posed to enter. The therefore father going out his EATHEE going out, en-
of him
29 e
TcapeKaXei avrov, O 5e a,TTOKpiBsis enrs rq> treated him.
besought him. He and answering said to the 29 And HE answering,
irarpr Idov, rocravrc err) dovXevoo O'OJ, KCU said to liis i'ATHEK, ' Be-
father: Lo, so many years do I slave for thee, and hold, so many years have I
ovBeirore ZPTOXTJP GOV rrapr}X6ow icai e/noi ovde- slaved for thee, and never
never a command of thee I passed by: and to mc never disobeyed thy command;
7TOT6 GdwKaS €pt(p0P^ IvO, flGTU rcoP (ptXooP j-LOV and yet thou never gavest
thou gave3t a kid, that with the friends of me Me a Kid, that I might he
€V(ppav6co, 3 0 ' O r e 8e 6 vtos crov ovros^ 6 tcara- joyful with my FRIENDS ;
I might be joyful. When and the son ofthee this, the having 30 but when THIS SON
(payoop crov TOP f3iop per a iroppoopy TJXOZP? SQV- of thine came, who has
devoured of thee the living with harlots, came, thou hast CONSUMED T h y LIVING
eras avrcp TOP IXQ&XOP rop CLrevrop, 31<
0 §e w i t h PROSTITUTES, tllOlv
sacrificed for him the calf the fatted. He and hast killed for him tho
* TATTED Calf.'
enreit avrcp' T€(&pop9 cv iraprors JIST' S/LWU ei ? 31 And TIE said to him,
said to him: O child, thou always with me ax't,
m 'Child, tljau art always
Kai Trapra ra e/na (ra ecrrip, KvcppapQrjpai de with me, and ALL that is
and all the mine thine is.[ To be joyful but MINE is thine.
teal, ^apripai eSei, on 6 aSeXfyos GOV ovros 32 I t was proper to be
and to be glad it in proper, for the brother ofthee this joyful and be glad; Tor
psKpos 7}P, Kai "k[a/./]e£?7cr6 icai aTro?\coXcos 77V,THIS BROTHER of thine
dead was, and £agam] is alive: and haying been lost was, was dead, but is restored to
icai <£vpe6r]0 life; he was even lost, but
and ift found, is found.'"
KE#„ is\ 1 6 . CHAPTER XVI.
EXeye §€ icai Kpos rovs H'x9r>ras avrov
1 And he said also to
H«>said and also to *;'_„ disciples ofhimsslf; *the Disciples, "There
hvBpcairos ns v\v TrXuvcnos? 6s <£i%ej> omovojiov' was a certain ricli Man,
A man certain was rich, who had a steward j who had a Steward; aadfie
Kai ovros $L€BX7)6tf avrqj cos Qiao'KopTr 1(^001? ra was accused to him of
&no this was accused to him as wasting the wasting his POSSESSIONS.
vivapxovra avrov, 2
K a i (pcoprjo'as avrov, znrep % And having called him,
•possessions O him. And having called him, he said he said to him, 'What is
this that I hear of thee?
avrcp' Ti rovro amoves) rczpi TOV ; arrooos TOP render: an ACCOUNT of thy
t" him; What thisI hear concernningthee? render the
Xoyop rrjs oiKOPO/xias crov ov yap ovpr\o"rj en canst be a Steward no
account ofthe stewardship ofthee: not lo : thou wilt oeablelonger longer.3
oiKOPOf.ieipa 3 EI'JTS de zp eawnp 6 OIKOPOJLLOS' Tt 3 And the STEWARD
to be steward. Said and in himself th»3 steward: What said within himself,' What
7roj77<rfo, orb 6 KvptOs JLIOV a<pa>.pzirai rrqv OLICOPO- shall I do ? Eor my MA STER
shall I do, for the lord of me takss the steward- takes the STEWARDSHIP
jjuav a-ir* efxov; ^icairreip ovic io~x -> etrairsip away
v(!0 from me; I have not
strengh to dig". * and I ara
ship from me? To dig not I have strength, to beg
ashamed to beg.
aia'XVV0lJLato 4
~Eypoop ri iroirjcrco, lpa9 hrav
I am ashamed. I know what I will do, that, vrhan 4 I know what I will do,
that when I am deprived oi
fxeracrraOco rrjs OLicopo^ias^ "Se^ooprat JAG eis the STEWARDSHIP, they
I may be put out ofthe stewardship, they may receive me into
may receive me mto then*
rovs OLKOVS avrcop. Kai. irpo&KaXecra/j.epos own HOUSES. 5
the houses of themselves. And having summoned
G00< €L €roo!/ rov
5 And calling each one
kp& ktzacrrop rcov xp P ^- Kvpiov of his MASTER'S DEBTORS,
one each. ofthe debtors ofthe lord he said to the FIRST, ' How
savrov, eXeye rep -/rpcorcp' Tioo'op ocpetXeis rco much dost thou owe my
ofbiraself, he said to the flisr, How much ovvestthou to the MASTER ?'

* VAHBA:I* MANUSCRIPT.—2-8. And his FATHER. 30. PATTED Calf. «2. again
-®aat. 1. tl«4 Disciples* _^.,_ &» &>&& I tun.
iC7iap. 16'. i &
Chap. 1 6 : 6.] LUKE. ^—.....- . —^
Kvpicp [JLOV; 6 ' O S e £ t 7 i w CE/! t.rrov fiarovs eXaiov. 6 And H E said, f ' A
k>rd of me? tleand said; A hundred hatha of oil. H u n d r e d B a t h s of Oil.'
And * H E said t o him,
K a i etirep avr(f Ae£ca o~ov TO ypajjLjxa0 tcai ' T a k e back * T h y A C -
And he said to him; Receive oftliee the bill, and COUNT, and sit down
KaOtcras rax^ojs ypatyov IT^PTT^KOPTQL^
' ETrenra quickly, and write one for
sitting down quickly write thou fifty. Then fifty.'
erepcxi enve" 5 v §e irovov ocpsiXeis ; e O § e enrsv 7 Then h e said t o ano-
to anotherhesaid, T'IOU and how much owest thou? lie and said; ther, ' And how much dost
t l j o u o w e ? ' A n d H E said,
'EKCCTOV KO,.OVS CTLTOV. " * [ K C » ] Ae-yei avrcp'
Ahundred cors of wheat. [And] lie says tohirn;
t ' A H u n d r e d Cors ol
Wheat.' H e says t o h i m ,
A e | a t ffov TO ypapfia, iccu ypaipov oy^orjKovTa. ' T a k e hack * T h y A C -
Receivo of thee the bill, and write eighty. COUNT, a n d w r i t e one for
K a t eirr}vecrev o Kvpios TOP ontopop,op TTJS eighty.'
And praised tin lord the steward the 8 And t h e M A S T E R a p -
aSi/ao&Sj 6TL typoviixoos €TTOLT)O'GV OTL ol VLOITOV plauded the UNJUST STEW-
unjust, because prudently he had done: for the sous of the ARD, Because h e h a d acted
p r u d e n t l y ; l"or t h e S O N S
aioopos TOVTOV (ppovi/JLQOTepoi virep rovs vlovs TOV of t h i s A G E are more p r u -
age thia more prudent above the sons of the dent a s t o THAT GENERA-
<pcoTOS e t s Tf\v yzvc-ai' TT\V eavrcep efcn. 9 Kayco TION which i s their own,
light for the generation that of themselves are. Audi t h a n J t h e SONS of L I G H T .
VJXIV Xeyoo' YLorqcraTG eavrois (jiiXovs e/£ TOV 9 And 3E say t o you,
to you say; Slake you to yourselves friends out of the } Make for yourselves
fiafxcova TT]S adiKias" Ipa, orap eicXi-TTTjre, Ssfap- Friends with t h e D E C E I T -
mammon of the unjust; that, when you may fail, they may F U L W E A L T H , t h a t , when
1Qt * it fails, they m a y receive
Tat v/xas eis ras auvviovs (ricqvas. O IUO~TOS you i n t o A I O N I A N Man-
receive you into the age-lasting tabernacles. He faithful sions.
ev z\ax<-o~Tcp icai ev iroXXcp rcifrros co~rr Ka>. 6 10 ± I I E who is F A I T H -
in least also in much faithful is: and he E U L i n a little, i s also
ep €\axio~T(x) CCBLICOS, KO. ep TTOXXCO aducos eo~Tii/e faithful i n m u c h ; a n d H E
in least unjust, also in much unjust is. who is U N J U S T i n a little,
is also unjust i n m u c h .
Ei OVP ep Tq> adtitrp fxauo^va TTLO'TOL OVK
If therefore in the unrighteous mammon faithful not 11 If, therefore, you have
not been faithful i n t h e
eyepeffQe^ TO aXriBiPop TLS vpip irio'Tevcreii icai D E L U S I V E Riches, who will
you have been, the true who to you will en trust? and confide t h e T R U E to you.
ei ev TOO aWorpiM TTLO'TOL OVK eyepeo~0e9 TO 12 And if y o u have n o t
if in the another faithful not you have been, the been faithful in THAT
vjuerepop TLS b[iiv Sweet; which is A N O T H E R ' S , who
yours who to you will give? will give y o u T H A T which
13 is * Y O U R O W N ?
Ov^ets oivsTrjs dvpaTai Sucn Kvptois dovXev-
No one domestic is able two lords to servo: 13 J N o Domestic can
serve Two M a s t e r s ; for h e
€LP" 7] yap TOP epa pucrrjcrei^ tea TOP erepov will either h a t e t h e O N E ,
either for the one he will hate, and the other and love t h e O T H E R ; o r h e
ayairrjaer r\ epos apQ^<srai^ tcai T:V eTepov will a t t e n d t o one, a n d
hewilllove: or one lie willcling t o , and the other neglect t h e O T H E R . You
KaTa(ppoP7]&eu Ou dvpacrOe 6ecp dovXeveip xat cannot serve God a n d
he will slight. Notyou arc able God to serve and Mammon.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—6. HE said. 6. Thy LETTERS, and. f. An6.-~omit.

V. Thy LETTERS, and. 9. i t fails. 12. oun ow.N".
t 6. The bath was the largest measure of capacity among the Hebrews, except the homcr^
5>t which i t waa the tenth part. See Ezek. xlv. 11,14. 11 is equal to the ephah, i. e., to seven
gallons and a half of o-nv measure.—Clarke. Josephus states t h a t i t contained seventy-two
sextarii. or about thirteen and ahalf gallons. t 7. The cor was the largest measure oi
capacity among the Hebrews, whether for solids or liquids. As the bath was equal to tbp
ephah, so the cor was equal to the homer. I t contained about seventy-five gallons and fivft
pints English.
% 8. John xii. 36; Eph. v. 8 ; 1 Tboss. v. 5. i 9. Dan. iv. 27; Matt. vi. 19; six. 21 *
.i'Tim. vi. 3.7—16. t 10. Matt. xxv. 21 ; L .ike xix. 27. X 13. Matt. vi. 24,
tfhap. 1 6 : 143 JLUKE. [ Chap. 16. 23.
fua/Jiccva, HKOVOV 8e ravra Travra Kai ol 14 And the PHAEISEES,
mammon. Heard and these J being money-lovers, alsa
all also the
fcapuraioi, (pikapyvpoi vTrapxovres' Kai e^e/uvK- heard all these things, ana
Pharisees, money-lovers being; and they they ridiculed him.
rr)pi£ov avrov. Kai enrev avrois' 'T/XGIS 15 And he said to them,
mocked him. And he said to them; You ";©rjtt are THOSE who
€(TT€ ol dtdatovvres iavrovs evcaiuov roov J JUSTIFY yourselves before
are those justifying yourselves in presence of the MEN ; but GOD knows your
avdpcoirwv 6 Se Geos yivoocricei ras KapBias V[JLQOV HEARTS ; E o r THAT w h i c h
men: the but God knows the hearts of you; is HIGHLY PKIZED among
6ri TO ei/ avdpooTTois vipr)\ov, fiSeXvy/ia svcoiriov Men is an Abomination be-
for that by men highly prized, an "bomination in presence fore * GOD.
rov deov.
ofthe God. 16 % The LAW and the
16 PBOPHETS were till John;
' 0 VOJXOS Kai ol Trpo<p7)rai eoos Icoavuov airo from that period, the KING-
The law and the prophets till John: from
DOM of GOD is proclaimed.
Tore 7] flacriAeia rov O&ov evayyeXifcrai, Kai and every one presses tow-
then the kingdom ofthe God is preached, and ards it.
mas eis avrrjv $ia£erai. ^ EvKOTrcorepov be
every one into her presses. Easier but 17 t Aftd it is easier for
ecrri rov ovpavov Kai TTJV yr\v TrapeXOeiv, rj rov HEAVEN and EAETH to
it i» the heaven and the earth to pass away, than of the pass away, than for one
VOJXOV p.iav Kepaiav Tceo'eiv.
TIas 6 atroKvoov Point of the LAW to fail.
law one fine point to fail. Every one who dismissing 18 t EVERY ONE who
T7}v yvvaiKa abrov, Kai ya\x(av erepav, /noi- DISMISSES his WIFE, and
the wife of himself, and marrying another, commits marries another, commits
%evei' Kai iras o airoXeXvjuevrjv airo avfipos adultery; and * H E who
adultery: and every one who her being divorced from an husband MAEEIES her being di-'
ya/Jiuv, fxoixevei. vorced from her Husband,'
marrying, commits adultery. commits adultery.
AvdpooTTos 5e ris vjv trXovcrios, Kai svedi- 19 tNow there was a
A man now certain was rich, and was certain rich Man, who was
5uo"Kero iropcpvpav Kai t3vcraroi/9 evtypaivofievos clothed in Purple and Fine
clothed purple and fine linen, feasting linen, and feasted sumptu-
KaQ' rj/uepav Kafxirpcos. 2 0 Urcoxos Sens *[rjv~\ ously every Day.
everyday sumptuously. A poor and certain [was] 20 And a certain Poor
ovofxari Aa(apos, *[<5sJ e/3e/3A??TO irpos rov man, named Lazarus, was
named Lazarus, [who] was laid at the laid at his GATE, full of
Trv'htova avrov TjAKeofievos, Kai eiriQvfxcav sores,
gate of him being covered with sores, and longing
Xoprao'drjvai airo rcav \pix"tfv VM iriicroprcav 91 and longing to be fed
to be fed from the crumbs those falling with * THOSE CRUMBS
which FELL from the E I C H
airo r7]s rpaire&s rov TTXOV&IOV aWa kai ol man's TABLE ; but even
from the table ofthe rich: but even the
the DOGS came and licked
Kwes epxofxevoi aireXeixov ra e\K7) avrov. his sores.
dogs coming licked the sorea ofhim.
Eyevero de airoQaveiv rov irrcaxov^ Kai aire- 22 And it occurred, that
It happened and to die the poor, and to the POOB man died, and
i/€XQ7lJ/al avrov viro rccv ayyeAcov eis rov KG\- was carried away by the
be borne away him by . the messengers into the bo- ANGELS to ABEAHAM'S

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—15. the Lord. 18. HE who MARRIES. 20. was—owu*.

SO. who—omit. 21. THINGS which F E U ,
t 19. This parable stands in connection with apalpable eonfusion and interruption of our
SavioPa discourse, which is broken after thefifteenthverse by three verses neither connected
with each, other, nor with what precedes them. Neither is it directly said that our Savioi
did use the parable, but is abruptly introduced, &c. I am unable to learn whether a similar
parable has been recognized in the rabbinical writings Dut the complexion of it certainly
accords with their mode of illustration much better than it does with that employed by our
Savior.—McCulloh. Dr. Lightfoot and others have shown that the Jews in their Gemara
have a parable much to the same purpose.—Doddridge.
1 H. Matt, xxiii. 14. J 15. Luke x. 23. I 16. Matt. iv. 17; xi. 12,18; Lukg
xi?. 9; Mark x. 111 1 Cor, vii. 1(V 1%
m. 29. t 17. Matt. v. 18. 1 18. Matt, v, i
Chap, 16; 23J [Chap, 16: 31.
trop AfSpaap.. AireBave5 e teat 6 w A o i x r t o s , Kai f B O S O M . A n d t h e m c a
ion Abraam. Died and also the
rich, »ad man also died, a n d w a l
CTcKprj. 23
K c u €*> TO) 'a8j? eirapas rovs ocpdaX- b u r i e d ;
was buried. And in the unseen having lifted the eyes 23 a n d i n H A D E S , being
y.ovs avrov, vTrapxcw GP fiao~avois, opa TOP in Torments, h e lifted u p
h i s E Y E S , a n d sees * A b r a -
ofhiuaaelf, being in torments, sees the
Afipaapi. GLTTO fxa^podep, Kai Aa^apop evrois KOX- h a m a t a distance, a n d
Lazarus in f t h e E O L D S of
Abraam from a distance, and Lazarus in the bo-
24 his mantle.
Trots avrov. K a i avros (poopqcras sure' Ilarep
joins of him. And he crying out he said j O father
24 And crying o u t h e
said, ' Father Abraham,
Afipaa/A, eXerjcrov /xe, Kai Tre/xx^/op Aa^apop, iva
Abraham, do thou pity me, and send Lazarus, that
pity me, and send Lazarus,
t h a t h e m a y dip t h e T I P of
j3cu//?7 TO aapov TOV daKrvXov avrov u S a r o s , h i s E I N G E E . i n Water, a n d
he may dip the tip of the finger of himself of water,
cool m y T O N G U E ; F o r I
/cat ttaTaxJ/i>£?j TTJP yXoocrcrap LIOV on oftvpoojxai
am tortured in this FLAME.'
and may cool the tongue of me; for I am in pain
25 25 B u t Abraham said,
*v TTJ <pXoyi TavTYj. Et?re 8e Afipaafi' TSKPOP, < Child, recollect T h a t t h o u ,
in the flame this. Said and Abraam; O child,
d u r i n g t h y L I E E , % didst r e -
fivr}0'dT]TLi on arrsXafiGS TO. ayada
orov GP TTJ ceive t h y GOOD t h i n g s , a n d
remember, that thou didst receive the things good of thee in the Lazarus, i n like m a n n e r ,
((or) croVy Kai Aa^apos OLIOIOOS TCC /ca/ca* vvv h i s E V I L t h i n g s ; b u t now
life of thee, and Lazarus in like manner the things bad; now * here h e i s comforted, and
5e ode TrapaKaXeiraij crv Se ofivpao~ai. K a i t h o u a r t tormented.
but this is comforted, thou and art in pain. And 26 And besides all this,
eiri Tracri TOVTOIS, [xera^v TJ/JLOOP Kai V/JLCCP ^acr^uaa great Chasm i s situated
hesides all these, between of us and of you a chasm between u s a n d y o u ; go
Ltcya eo~T7)piKTaif oircos ot OGXOPTGS Siafirjpai t h a t THOSE WISHING t o
great has been fixed, so that those wishing to pass over pass over hence t o you a r e
GPOGP Trpos vitas, lit] dvpooPTai, iirjde ot GKGLOGP u n a b l e ; n o r c a n * those
hence to you, not is able, nor those thence cross over thence to u s . '
Trpos rjfxas diaTTtpodffiv, Ef7re 5e* EpwTco ovv 27 Then h e said, ' I en-
to us crossover. He said then; I beseech then t r e a t thee, t h e n , Father, t o
«re, iraTGp, tpa Treiixprjs avTOp GIS TOP OIKOP TOV send h i m to m y T A T H E K ' S
thee, O father, that thou wouldst send him to the house of the H O U S E ;
Trarpos fiov exco yap TTGPTG aBe\<povs' oircos 28 For I have Five Bro-
father of me; I have for five brothers: that
t h e r s ; t h a t h e m a y testify
diaixapTvpy}Tai avrois, Iva ii7) Kai avToi GXOCOO'IP fully t o them, lest tf)£g
he may testify to them, that not also they may come also come into t h i s P L A C E
GIS TOP TOTVOP TOVTOP TTjs fiacrapov. Ae7et of M I S E R Y . '
into the place this of the torment. Says 29 * But Abraham Bays,
*[at>T<p] Aftpaafjts E^oum Maxrea Kai rovs % ' T h e y have Moses a n d
[to him] Abraam: They have Moses and the the PROPHETS; let them
irpo(pY}Tas° aKova'aTcocap ° e O 5e eiirep' hear t h e m . '
prophets: let them hear them. He and saidt 80 A n d H E said, ' N o ,
Ou%i, Tsarep, Afipaafi' aXX' Gap TIS airo PGKpoop F a t h e r Abraham, b u t if
No, O latn«r, Abraam: but if One from dead ones one should go to t h e m from
iropevOr) "Kpos avTovs, LiGTaporjo'ovcriP. E f 7 r e § e the Dead, they will reform.'
may go to them, they will reform. He said but 3 1 And h e said t o h i m ,

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—23. Abraham. 25. here he is comforted, and. 26. those.

, But Abraham. 29. to him—omit.
t 22. The expression, "Abraham's bosom," alludes to the posture used by the Jews at t a
ble. This was reclining on couches after the manner of the Romans, the upper p a r t of the
body resting upon the left elbow, and the lower lying a t 1 ength upon the couch. When two
or three reclined on the same couch, some say the worthiest or most honorable person lay
first, (Lightfoot says, in the middle;) the next in dignity lay with his head reclining on the
breast or bosom of the first, as John is said to have done on t h e bosom of Jesus at supper ;
and hence is borrowed the phrase of Abraham's bosom, as denoting t h e state of celestial
happiness. Abraham being esteemed the most honorable person, ana the father of the Jew-
ish nation, to be in his bosom signifies (in allusion to the order in which guests were placed
at an entertainment) the highest state of felicity next to t h a t of Abraham himself
—Burder, t 23. Tois kolpois, being plural, the idea seems to be as expressed in the text
Sen Parkhurst.
t 25. Job xxi. IS; Luk.9 vi. 24. I 29. Isa. viii. 20; xxxiv. 18,* J o n a v. $), 45; Aots MY
81;xvii. 11.
C'tap. 17: 1.] L U K E . [ Cliap. 17 : 10.

&UT&?* E t Mooffeoos teat rwv irpo(pf]rccv OVK &tov~ ' I f tliey hear not Moseg
>o him: If Moses and the prophets not thoy and the PHOPIIETS, $ nei-
ovo'iv, ovde eav ris etc vtKpcjv ava(Trr}9 weicr- ther will they be convinced,
hear. neither if ona out of dead onea ohouldrise» will though one should i*ise
Qvta~ovToAv from the Dead.'"
they be convinced. CHAPTER XVII.
KE#„ LCO VL 1 And he said to * hia
1 DISCIPLES, % " I t i s impos-
Etire §e rrpos TQVS fia6rqras° hvev'Szttrov sible for yis'AKKs not *to
He said and to tha disciples: Impossible come; but Woe to him
ecrri rov /LIT) e\9stv ra 0'Kavda'A.a" ovai 5e ? Si* through, whom they come !
itis of the not to come the suaresj woe but,ir-"augh 2 I t woiud be better for
ov epx^Tai., ' AujrrreAef avrco? es /MVXOS OVLKOS him, if an upper Millstone
tvhom they come. It is profitable for him } if a millstone upper were hanged about hia
TrepLKeirai '<repi rov rpayqKov avrov9 Kai eppnr- NECK, and he be thrown
washung about the neck ofhim, andhavebeeu into the SEA, than that he
TOLL eis rr\v OaXao-(Tav3 7] Iva crKcpdoAtcn] e;/a should'insnare one of these
thrown into the aea, than that he should ensnare one LITTLE OKES.
roov jAiKpaiv Tovrtov. 3
IIpoo~€xer€ eavrois, Eay 8 Take heed to your-
of the little ones these. Take heed to yourselves. If selves; J i f thy BKOTHEli
§e afxaprr * [ e t s ff'e] 6 o,Be\cpos <Tou^ eiririfxricre?/ sins, % rebuke him; and ii
and should sin [against thee] the brother of thee, rebuke he reforms, forgive him. _
avTcp* icai zap /xeraw^er??, a<pe$ avrcp, '* I<Lai 4 And it* seven times in
him; and if he should reform, forgive him. And a DAY lie SLUS against thee,
and seven times he turns
eav eirraKis rr]S 7]/xepas a/.tapry €is 0"e3 Kai to thee again, saying, ' I
if seven time3 of the day he should sin against thee., and
reform ;•' thou shalt forgive
eirraKLs ^"[TTJS 7]uepus~] emarpex^rj^ Azyoov him."
seven times [of the day] he should turn, saying;
6 And the APOSTLES
MeTewoeo* a<pr}creis avrcc. said to the LOKBJ, " I n -
I reform; thoushalt forgive him. crease our Faith."
% Kai eiiroi/ ot airoo'rokoL rqj Kvpiqy Upo/rOes 6 % h-ncL His IiOED gaid,
And said the apostles to the lord; Do thou add "If""you had Faith as a
TjfjLiy iricrriv. EiTre 6e 5 Kvpios- Ei tuyere Grain of Mustard, 'y° u
tons faith. Said and the lord: If you had might say to this BYCA-
Tnemv cos KOKKOV cwaTreoos, eAeyere ap rnj MINErTKEE, Be thoU lip
faith as & grain of mustard, youmighteay to the rooted and planted in the
crvKa/jLivq) ravT7}° F,tcpi^ca67]ri, Kai (pvTevOt)ri ev SEA i and it would obe>(
sycamine-tree this; Be thou uprooted, and be thou planted in you,
T7] daXacrory teat viryfcovo'ey av VLUV. ? TIS Se 7 But which of you hay-
the sea; and it would obey you. Which but ing a Servant ploughing or
eij v/xcav dovXov ex ' apoTpioivra r\ iTomaivopra, feeding catue, will say to
of you a slave having ploughing or feeding cattle, him as lie comes in from
6s eiffeXOovri etc rov aypov tpei° F^vOecas the F I E L D , ' Come immedi-
who having come out of he field vvillsay; Immediately ately, and recline ?*
irape\9cav ava-irecrai; 8 AAA* o u ^ t epei avrca 8 But will he not say t§
going do thou recline P But not will say to him him, * make ready my sup.
'Eroi/jLao'oy ri deiirvrjcroj^ Kai. Ttepi^ooo'afiepos per j gird thyself, and
Make ready what I may sup, and having girded serve me, while 1 eat and
dicLKOvei fioty ices (payco Kai TTICO' Kai fiera ravra drink; and afterwards thou
do thou serve me, till I may eat and drink: and after these shalt eat and drink V
<payeo~ou Kanriecrai o~v; 9M?7 %apiv ex^i rcadovXqj 9 Does he thank *that
shalt eat and drink thou? Not favor has the slave SERVANT 'Because, he did
eiteivqjy on eiroi-qae ra
that, because he did the thing diaraxOevra; *\_Ov what was commanded?
; having been commanded'( [No 10 So also you, when
So/ccoo] 10QvToo tcai vfieis9 orav 7roi7]0'7]re Travra you shall have done All the
'1 think.] So also you, when you shall have done all
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.— 1. his disciples. /J l . should COSIE ; nevertheless Woe*
3. against thee—omit* 4- of the day—-omit^ the 8EKVANT. 9. him. 1 think
X 81. John xii. 10,11. i'l. Matt, xviii. 6^ 7; Marlsfix.42 ; 1 Cor- si. 19. I 3. Matt
xviii. 15, 21. t 3= Lev. x:x. 17 r Prov. xvii. 10; James v. l& 16. Matt, xvii %&•.
%xi. 21; Mark ix. 2S j s i 83.,
tfhap. 17% I I . ] CJiap. 1 7 : 21o,
ra diaraxdevra V/JUP, Xsyeie' Ort
she thiiigshavingbeen commanded you, say yoii: olavea say, ' We are unprofitable
axp^ioi €cr/j,ev° on 6 co(peiAo[A,ep iroirjo'ai, Servants; for we have clone
anprofitable we are: because what we were bound to do, only what we were bound
TreTroirjKm/jiev. to d o . " 3
we have done. 11 A u d i t occurred, as he
K a i eyepero sv ,rcp TtopevGO'Oai avrov eis was P R O C E E D I N G t o J e r u -
And it happened in the to go him to salem, he passed through
lepov(ra\7}{ii iccu avros dt^px^ro °*La fis&ov t h e Interior of Samaria and
Jerusalem, and he passed, through midst Galilee.
Ma^apeias Kai FaAiAaias, 12
KOA eio'Gpxo^epov 12 And a s h e was about
of Samaria and Galilee. And entering entering a Certain Village,
uvrov SLS riva KOO/J.TJP^ airTiprrjo'ap avrcp deica Ten Lepers m e t him, who
of him into a certain village, met him ten stood | a t a d i s t a n c e ;
KeTrpot, a ^ S p e s , ot zcrrrjcrav iropfxaOep. 18
Kai 13 a n d tfjej) lifted u p
leprous men. who stood far off. And their Yoice, saying, *' Jesus,
avroi ripav <pcoVT}V) Aeyopres' Irjcrov eirurTaraMaster, pity u s . "
they lifted up a voice, saying: Jesus master-, 14 And seeing them, he
eAe7j«roi> 7]jxas. 14
Kcci idoop znrep avrois" said to them, % " Go, show
pity us. And seeing he said to them: yourselves to t h e P E I E S T S . "
UopevOepres e7n8ej£ars eavrovs hpevcri. And i t happened, a s they
Going show you yourselves to the priests. were GOING, they were
Kai zyepsro QP rep mrayew avrovs, eKa6apio~8r]-
And it happened in the to go them, they were cleansed. 15 And one of them per-
cap. 15
Eis de e£ avroov, idoop on iaOr], invza- ceiving T h a t h e was cured,
One and of them, seeing that he was cured, turned returned, praising G O D
with a loud Yoice ;
TpexpSj pera <p(t)vr]s /xe-yaA'^s <5o£a£W TOV Oeov
back, with a voice loud glorifying the God: 16 and h e fell on h i s
16 "Face a t h i s F E E T , t h a n k i n g
Kai eiretrez/ eiri irpocroiirop irapa rovs woSas
and fell on face at the feet
h i m ; and he was a Sama-
avTOv^ Qvx^pi-O'TWP avrw° KOA avros r\p ^a\xa-
ofhim, giving thanka to him: and he was a Sama- 17 And J E S U S answer-
ing, said, " Were n o t t h e
perrrjs. ^ AiroKpiOeis § e o irjo'ovs enrsw O u % i T E N cleansed? b u t where
ritan. Answering and the Jesus said: Not
18 are t h e N I N E ?
ol Se/ra eKa6apta0rj(rau; i §e zvvea TTOV ; Ovx 18 Were none foundt o
the ten were cleansed? thebut nine where? Not
r e t u r n to give Praise t o
€vpz67i<rap inrocrpe^/apres hovvai 8 o £ a v rce 6ecp, G O D , except t h i s A L I E N ? "
we;.: found having returned to give glory to the God,
6i (XT) 6 aWoyePTjs ovros ,* 19
K a i enrcp avrty* 19 And h e said to h i m >
except the foreigner this? And he said to him: " Arise, go.thy w a y ; * t h y
Apacras iropevov GOV ffzcrcoice t r e . ] E A I T H h a s saved t h e e . "
^\r} irio~ris go thou: L -* 1 16
faith of thee has saved thee.] SO And having been
Eir€pa)T7]9sis §e vrro TOOP (papLffatcoP) vrors asked by t h e P H A R I S E E S ,
Having been asked and by the Pharisees, when when G O D ' S K I N G D O M was
tzpxerai T) fiacnAzia rov 0<SVV9 aTrettpidi] avrois? coming, h e answered them,
comes the kingdom of the God, he answered them, and said, " T h e KINGDOM
KCHI znrep' Ovx cpx^rai r\ deov of G O D comes not with
fiacriXsia rov
and said: Not comes the kingdom ofthe God outward s h o w ;
fjL<gTa 7rapaT7}p7]o'€0JS' 2 1 ovds epovcrip' idov w 5 e , 21 nor shall 'ihey say,
with careful watching ; nor will they say; Lo here, 'Behold h e r e ! or t h e r e ! '
T^J ^ [ i S o u ] eicsL' idov yap? i) fiaaiAeia rov Qeov for, behold, 1 G O D ' S ROYAL
or, [lo] there, lo for, the maiesty ofthe God M A J E S T Y is among y o u . "

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—19. thy FAITH has saved thee—omit, 21. lo—omit.

t 21. I n this verse it has been found necessary to depart from the usual signification of
hee basileia ton theou, the KINGUOM of GOD, and render as in the text. That this rendering
is admissible and correct, see Note on Matt. iii. %2. Bcmleia here rel'ers tothejwsositowhorn1
the title and honor of king belonged, rather than to his territory or kingdom. Prof. Whiting ,
an able Hebrew and. Greek scholar, says, this clause in the 21st verse ought to be rendered
"theking is among you.** Dr. A. Clarke i n a note on the 21st verse evidently understood
it as relating to the Christ. l i e says, "Perhaps those Pharisees thought, that Messiah wa-3
kept secret, m some private place, known only to some of their rulers; and that by and by
he should be proclaimed in a similar way to that in which Joash was by Jehoiada the prieets
Bee the account, 2 Chron. xxiii. 1—11."
>$ 12. It&V. xiii. 46. t 14. Lev. xiii. g; siv. 2 ; Matt, viii, 4; Lulc© v. 14.
map. 17: 23.3 LUKE. [ Chap. 17: %%

euros v/JLcav eariv. ^ Etrre de 7rpos rovs fxa&7]~ 22 And he said to the
in the midst of you is. Hesaid and to the disei- DISCIPLES, J Days will
come, when you will desire
ras\ EXevcrovrai 7]/nepai, ore eiriQvjA7}o~ere fxiav to see one of the DAYS of
pies: , Will come days, when yon will desire one the SON of MAN, and yon
rccv Tjfiepoop rov vlou rov avdpcorrov ideiv Kai will not see it.
of the days of the son of the man to see; and 23 J And they will saj5
OVK o\]/eo~6e. 2 3 K o u epovaiv vfxiv l5ou o>5e, 7], to you, *'Behold, there!
flot you will see. And they will say to you; Lo here, or, or ' behold, here!' follow
idov ercer /AT) aireXdrjre, fxrjde dico^rjre. 24<£lcrirep not.
lo there; not you may go away, nor may youfollow. Even as 2 4 J T o r a s THAT LIGHT-
yap 7} acrrpairr], r) ao'rpairrovo'a e/c rrjs inr* ONE part under Heaven,
for the lightning, that flashing out of
the under shines to the OTHER part
ovpavov, ets rt\v vie' ovpavov Xajxirei' ovrcos under Heaven; so will the
heaven, to the under heaven shines; so SON of MAN be.
ecrrai 6 vlos rov avdpooirov *[ej> rrj r)fiepa avrov.~\ 25 J But first he must
will be the son of the man [in the day of him.] suffer Much, and be re-
25 jected by this GENERA-
Upcorov de Set avrov iroXXa rraOeiv, Kai TION.
First but it behoves him many things to suffer, and
26 J And as it was in
aTrodoKi/'Orjpai arro rrjsyeveas ravrrjs. 26 Kai the DAYS of Noah, so will
ito be rejected from the generation this. And it be also in the DAYS of
tcaQcos eyevero evrais -fyuepatsMcoe, ovrcos ecrrai the SON of MAN.
as it happened in the days ofNoe, so it will be 27 They were eating,
Kai ev reus r)p,epais rov vlov rov avdpooirov. they were drinking, they
also in the days of the son of the man. were marrying, they were
2 l given in marriage, till the
^ HO'QIQV, eirivov, eya\xovv, e£eyap,i£ovro, aX9 DAY that Noah entered the
They ate, they drank, they married, they were given in marriage, till
ARK, and the DELUGE
7]s r)/j.epas eio~r]X6& Ncoe eis rrjv Kifioorov Kai came, and destroyed them
of which day entered Noe into the ark; and all.
7}A0€P 6 fcaraKXvfffjios, Kai aircoXecev airavras. 28 In like manner also
came the flood, and destroyed all. as it was in the DAYS of
Ofioicos Kai eos eyevero ev rais Tj/mepais AWT* Lot; they were eating, they
In like manner also as it happened in the days of Lot; were drinking, they were
buying, they were selling,
rjcrOiov, eirivov rjyopa^ov, eirooXovv, ecpvrevov, they were planting, they
they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, were building;
(pKofio/Jiow 29'y de rjuepa e^7]X9e Aoor arco 29 but $ on the DAY that
they built: in the but day went out Lot from Lot went out from Sodom,
^odo/jicov, efipei-e irvp Kai Oeiov air ovpavov, Kai it rained Fire and Sulphur
Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and from Heaven, and des-
aircoXeo'ev airavras' 30
Kara ravra ecrrai er) troyed them all.
destroyed all: according to these it will be in the 30 Thus will it be in the
31 Day when the SON of MAM
7)}xepa 6 vtos rov avdpooirov airoKaXv^r^rai. Ev is revealed.
day the son of the man ia revealed. In
31 On That DAY, J let
€K€ivr) rrj rj/xepq, 6s ecrrai eiri rov fioo/uaros, Kai not him who shall be on
that the day, who will be on the roof, and the ROOF, and his FURNI-
ra o'Kevr] avrov ev rr} oiKia, psi) Karaj3arco apai TURE in the HOUSE, de-
tke goods of him in the house, not let him descend to take scend to take it away; and
avra' Kai 6 ev rep ay pep, ofxoioos (XTJ eiricrrpe- in like manner, let not him
them; and he in the field, in like manner not let him who shall be in the * Field
2 turn back.
•tyarco eis ra OTTIOCU. ^ Mvr}/j.ovevere rrjsyvvai" 32 $ Kemember Lotla
turn forthethings behind. Remember you ofthe wife
KOS hear. ^ ' O s eav Crjrrjo-r) rr]v ^vxvu avrov
33 X Whoever may seek
of Lot. Whoever may seek the to * save his L I F E , will
life of himself
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—23. there ! or behold here ! follow not. Eor. 24. in his
OAT—omit. 81. Field, 38. insure his LIPB.
t 22. Matt. ix. 15. t 23. Matt. xxiv. 23; Mark xiii. 21; Luke xxi. 8. % 24. Matt,
xxiv. 27, 1 25. Mark viii. 31; ix.31; x. 33; Lukeix. 22. - t 26. Gen.vii Matt,
XV. 37 A 29. Gen. xix. 16,24. J 31. Matt. xxiv. 17 J Mark xiii. 15. J 88. Ctea
£&.'• I 33/Matt. x. 39; xvi. 25 j Mark viii. 35; Luke ixV24; John xii. 26.
[Ch&p. 18- B.
tp. * 7 ; 34.] LUKE.
erwreu, «7roA.:(T€t avT7}p* KOLI bs eav airoXeffrj lose i t ; and whoever maj
to save, will lose keij and whoever
may lose lose it, will preserve it.
avrriPf faoyoprjcei avrrjv. 3 4 Aeyo* vfiiv Tavrrj 84 % I tell you, in That
her, will preierve her. I say to you: In t n u NIGHT t h re will b: tw«
ry vvmrt tcroprai 8uo em KXiprjs fiias* els napa- on * a B e d ; One will be
the night will be two on bed one; one will taken, and the OTHER left
Xri(j)6r)0'eTaii teat 6 erepos atyeOrjCerai. ^ Avo 35 Two will be grinding
betaken, and the other will be left. Two together 5 the ONE will be
eo~ovrai aXrjdovcrai em TO avro' r) fiia irapaXrjcp- taken, and the OTHER left.''
will be grinding on the same; the one will be
dr)(T€Tcu, KCU r) erepa a(peQr}o,erai. 36 Kcm arroK- said 86 And answering, they
taken, and the other will be left. And an-
to him, %" Where.
f Lord?" And H E said to
piBepres Xeyov&iP avrcf Uov, Kvpie; O 5e them, "Where the BODY.
swering they said to him; Where, Olord? He and is, there * also the EAGLES
eiirep avrois' 'O7rou TO crcafia, €Kei o,vvax®7l(TOV~ will be assembled."
said to them Where the body, there will be gathered
the eagles. 1 And he also spoke a
KE$. irf. 18. Parable to them, t- how
1 that they OUGHT % to pray
EA.eye de Kai irapa$oXr\p avrois9 Trpos TO continually, and not be
h» spoke and ako aparable to them, in order that weary;
heiP iraprore Trpoo'evxeo'dai, KCU fir] eKKaKeip,
ought always to pray, and not to be weary, 2 saying, " There was a
Xeycow KpiTTjs TLS 7\v ep TIVL iroXei, TOU Qeop certain Judge in a certain
saying: A judge certain was in a certain city, the God
City, wh feared not GOD
nor respected Man.
fir) (pofiovfiepos, Kai apdpcoirop at] eprperrofiepos,
not fearing, and man not regarding. 3 And there was a Wid-
^Xrjpade r\p ep rrj TreXei eKeipy Kai f]p%iTo ow in that City; and she
A widow and war in the city that; and she went went to him, saying, Ob-
Trpos avTOP9 Xeyovaa' EKSIKTICTOP fie onro TOV tain justice for me .'ioi'
to him, saying; Do justice me from the my OPPONENT.'
avTidiKov fiov. Kai OVK TjOeXrjo'ep em xpopop.
4 And he would not *or
opponent of me. And not he would for a time.
a time; but afterwards.
Me a be Tavra enrep ep eavrcp' E ; Kai TOP deop he said within himself
Afterwards but these he said in himself; If even the God 'Though I fear not GOB
ov (pofiovfiai, Kai apdpooirop OVK eprpeirofiai' nor regard Man;
not I fear, and man not I regard: 5 J yet, because thit
''biaye TO Ttape%eip JXOI KOTTOP rrjp xvpav ravTrjp, WIDOW importunes me, 1
through the to render to me trouble the widow this, will do her justice, lest fct
GK$iKr)(T(a avT7)v* tpa fir] eis TeXos epxofieprj last her coming should
i t i l l do justice her; that not to end coming weary m e ' . ' "
1-noiTiia^rf fie. 6 Ef7re 5e 6 Kvpios' AKOva'are, 6 And the LOED saic%
sb< should pester me. Said and the lord: Hear you,
7 " H e a r what the U N J U S I
TI h Kpirrjs T7)$ abiKias Xeyei. 'O be deos JUDGE says;
•* hat the judge the unjust says. The and God
ou fir) 7roir)o~€i rrjp eKbiK-^aip reap CKXGKTOOP 7 and $ will not GOD da
tiot not will do the justice for the chosen ones justice for THOSE CHOSEN
ONES of his, who are CRY-
avrov TOW fiocopTcop trpos avTOp rjfiepas Kai ING to him Day and Mght,
of himself those crying to him day and
and he is compaasionata
pvKroSg Kai fxaKpoOvficap eir3 avrois; 8
Aeyco towards them ?
night, and bearing long towards them? I aav
8 I tell you, $That fee
vfiip, h' 1 Troirjo'zi TT]P eKbiKrjarip avroop ep r a x e / .
to you, that he will do the justice will speedily do them jus,
for them in annuitant.
XlXrju 6 vios rov ai'^pcairov eX8cop apa evprjo-ei TICE. But when the sr*
But the son of the man coming indeed will he find of MAN comes, will he findrt
TT)P Triarrip em TTJS yrjs; this B E L I E F on the LAND ?
the faith ©a the earth?
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—34. a Bed. 87. als® will.
t 34. Matt, xxiv.40, 4T- j 1 The». U. V7. X 36. Matt. xxiv. 28. J L Luke xi. 5
Horn. xii. 12; Eph. vi, 18 i 6. Lube xi. & t J. £ev. vi 10, J 8. H^>. x
b \ 2 P e t iri.3»9.
Giap. 18:9.] LUKE. [Map. 18:17.
EiTre §e /ca£ ?rpos rivas rovs TreiroiQoras ecp' 9 And lie spoke this
He spoke and also to some those trusting in PARABLE a l s o t o SOME,
Jwho TRUSTED in them-
eavrois dri eio't BiKaioi, Kcti c-^ovOepovPras rovs
themselves that tlrey are just ones, and despising the selves T h a t they were
\OLTTOVS, TTJV 7rapa(3oXr}p Tctvrrjv- 10
righteous, and despised
others, the parable this: Men OTHERS.
dvo aP€J3rj(rau eis TO lepov trpocrev^acrOar 6 eis 10 " T w o M e n went u p
into t h e T E M P L E to p r a y ;
two went up iuto the temple to pray: the one
11e t h e O N E a Pharisee, a n d
QapiaaioS} icai 6 erepos reXooprjs, O Qapi-
t h e O T H E R a Tribute-taker.
a Pharisee, and the other a tax-gatherer. The Phari-
T0 11 T h e P H A R I S E E s t a n d -
craios, o~ra6eis irpos eavrov^ ravraTrpoo"r)vx^' ' ing by himself, prayed
see, standing by himself, these he prayed:
t h u s ; i'O G O D , I t h a n k
' O 6eos, euxapiffrco croi, on ovic eip,i &o~irep ol thee, T h a t I am not like
The God, I give thanks to thee,that not l a m like the
O T H E R MEN,-—Rapacious,
KOLTTOI TOOI; apQpamcop, apirayes, adixoi, ^oixoh Unjust, Dissolute, or even
others of the men, plunderers, unjust ones, adulterers, like T h i s T R I B U T E - T A K E R .
j) teat cos ovros 6 reXcoprjs. 'Nr)o'revco Bis rov 12 I fast twice i n t h e
or even like this the tax-gatherer. I fast twice of the
W E E K , I t i t h e all t h a t I
ffaft&arov^ airodeKaroo ixavra ocra KTOOJXCU. 1 3 K C U acquire.'
week, I tithe all
what I acouire. And
13 * B u t t h e T E I B U T E -
6 reXa>P7]S [xaKpoOev karoos ovic 7]6e?\.ep T A K E R , s t a n d i n g tit a dis-
the tiui-gatherer at a distance having been standing not would tance, would not even lift
oySe TOWS o<p9aXfxovs eis rov ovpavov eirqpar Up his EYES to HEAVEN,
not even the eyes to the heaven lift u p : b u t smote h i s B R E A S T , say-
aXXi ervicrev *[_eis\ TO CTT^OOS adrov, ?\.eycap' ing, ' 0 G O D , he propitious
but lie smote [on] the breast of himself, saying: to me a S I N N E R . '
' O Oeos, IXacrOrjri fxot rep afxaprcoKq}. Aeyca
14 I tell you, this m a n
The 'wod, be propitious to me the sinner. I say
w e n t down to h i s H O U S E
vfxiv^ Karefir) ouros deduccucofievos eis rov OIKOV justified * m o r e t h a u t h e
to ?*ou, went down this having been justified to the house
other; % For EVERY O N E
aurov, 7] yap eneipos' OTL 7ras 6 v\poop
eavrop, who E X A L T S himself will
of himself, or for that: for every oiiethe exalting himself,
be humbled ; and H E who
retire ipoodiicrerai' 6 8e raireipoop eavrop, yifyooOr)- H U M B L E S himself will be
will be humbled* he but humbling himselfo will he
exalted. ,
15 J And they brought
15 to him their I N F A N T S also,
Tipocecpepop de avrtv icai ra fipecp'qt} Iva
They brought and to him also the infants, that
t h a t h e might touch t h e m ;
b u t t h e D I S C I P L E S seeing
avrooP airrrjTar idopres Be ol /j,a6r)rai eKerijir}-
them he might touch; seeing and the disciples rebuked
it, rebuked them.
trap avrois. ly
' O 5'e IrjVovs vrpocricaXeo'afiepos 16 B u t J E S U S calling
them. The but Jesus calling to them to him, said, • ' P e r -
aura, encew A<pere ra 7rai8ia epxz&dai irpos fie, mit t h e LITTLE CHILDREN
them, .he said; Allow the little children to come to me, to come to me, and forbid
Kai \xr\ KcoXvere avra' rcop yap roiovrcop eorip t h e m n o t ; for to J S U C H
for tlie because suchlike is L I K E belongs the K I N G D O M
and not forbid them;
7] (iaffiXsia. rov Oeov ^ A^ITJP Xeyco VJXIV, 6s of G O D .
the kingdom of the God. Indeed I say to you, who 17 J Indeed I say to you,
eav f.i7] T7)P, fiao'iXeiap
de£rjrai rov Oeov &>$• "Whoever does not receive
ever not may receive the kingdom of the God as t h e K I N G D O M of G O D like
-nraiBiop, ov jiii <ELO~CX.67) eis avrriPe a Little child, he will by n o
a little child, not not may enter into her. means enter i t . "

VATICAN MANUScaira'.—13- But, ilo. on—oniii^ 14. more than the other.
t 11 The following- from Bcreshith Rabba, will illustrate this Pharisaic pride :—-" Eabbi
Simeon the son of Joehai, said: Tlie world is not worth thirty righteous persons such as
our father Abraham, if there were only thirty righteous persons in the world, 1 and my
son should make two of them.; and if there were but twenty, I and my son would be of thfl
number • and if there were but ten, I and my son would be of the number; and if there were
but five.'l and my son would be of the five; and if there were but two, I and my son would
be those t w o ; and if there•yreve but one, myself should be that one."
+ Q'Luke x,29i £vi. iff. t 11- Job xxii. 29; Matt, xxiii. 12; Luke xiv. 11; James iv.
G •' 1 Pet. v. 5> 5. •" " %_15. Matt- six. 13, Mark x. 13» % 16. .1 Cor* xiv. 20 5 1 J J et. ii. 2
£&a>. 1 8 : 30.} [ Cfhap. 18 3.
cv [jit] airoXafir} iroXXairXacriova ev rep iccupqt 30 who will not receive
not not may receive tnany times more in the season manifold, in this TIME, and
rovrep) Kai ev rep aieavi rep epxo/nevep £eo7)V in the COMING AGE aionian
this, and in the age the coming life Life."
aieoviov. 31 % And taking the
age-lasting. TWELVE aside, he said to
31 TlapaXafiwv tie rovs SwSe/ca, eiire Trpos them, " Behold, we go up
to Jerusalem, and All the
Havinsr taken and the twelve, he said to
THINGS WRITTEN t h r o u g h
avrovs' 15ov, avaf3atvojnev eis (lepo(roXv/j,a,
Kai the PROPHETS, will be ac-
them: Lo, we go to Jerusalem, and
complished in the SON 0/
reXecrdrjererai iravra ra yeypafxjxeva dia rwv MAN.
will be finished all the having been written through the 32 For J h e will be deliv-
Trpoeprfrcov rep viep rov avdpecirov. Tlapado6r]- ered to the GENTILES, and
prophets in the son of the man. He will be deliv- will be mocked, and in-
crerai yap rois edveeri, Kai efnraix^'no'erai, Kai sulted, and spit upon;
ered up for to the Gentiles, and will be derided, and 33 and having scourged
vfipicrdrjererat, Kai efjnvrv(r07]creraim 3 3 Kai fxacr- him, they will kill him ;
will be shamefully treated, and will be spit on : and having and the THIRD DAY he
riyeaeravres airoKrevovcriv avrov
Kai r\] Tjfiepa will rise again."
been scourged they will kill him: and the day 34 i But tfjeg understood
rj] rpirrj avao~rr)o~erai. Kai avroi ovSev rov- none of these things j and
the third he will stand up. And they not one of this MATTER was concealed
reav ervvr)Kav Kai t]V ro prj/xa rovro KeKpv/ufxe- from them, and they did
these understood: and was the thing this having been hid-' not recognize WHAT was
vov a7r' avrecv, Kai OVK eyivoocTKov raXeyo/ueva. SPOKEN.
den from them, «uad not they knew thethings being spoken. I 35 $ And it occurred, as
^Kyevero Se ev rep eyyi^eiv avrov eis 'lepix^o, he APPROACHED Jericho,
It happened and in the to draw nigh him to Jericho, a certain blind man sat
begging by the ROAD.
rvepXos ris €Ka6r]ro itapa rr\v 6$ov rrpocraircov.
a blind man certain sat by the way begging.
36 And hearing a Crowd
passing along, he inquired
^AKovcras de o%Aou diatropevo/Jievov, eirvvOavero,
Hearing and a crowd passing along, he asked, what it meant.
3 j 37 And they told him,
rt €ir} rovro ; ' Airr)yyeiXav 5e avrep, on
what may be this? They told and hina, that ' " J e s u s the ISAZARITE is
38 passing by."
\7jerovs 6 Nafopaios irapepx^rai. Kai efiorjere, 38 And he shouted, say-
Jesus the Nazarene . passes by. And he shouted
ing, "Jesus, Son of David,
Xeycov Irjerov, vie AaviS, eXerjerov fxe. Kai have pity on me!"
saying: Jesus, O son of David, pity me. And 39 And THOSE GOING
01 Trpoayovres eiren/nccv avrep, iva criecTT7]crr). BEEORE, charged him to be
those going before rebuked him, that he might be silent. silent; but Ije cried out
AUTOS 5e iroXXeo fxaXXov eKpa£ev Tie AaviS, much more, " Son of David,
He but much more cried out: O son of David, have pity on me 1"
40 40 And JESUS stopping,
eXerjcrov fie. ~Xra6eis
Se o IYJCTOVS eKeXevcrev commanded him to be led
pity me. Stopping and the Jesus commanded to him. And having come
avrov ax^W°-1 "Rpos avrov. "Eyyicravvos 5e near, he asked him,
him to be led to himself. Having come and 41 " What dost thou
avrov9 eTrrjpearrjcrev avrov^x ^[Xeyeov^ Ti croi wish that I should do to
• fhim, he asked him, [saying:] Whatforthee thee?" And H E said,
deXeis 7roir)crco; 'O de enre* Kvpie, Iva ava- " Master, to restore my
thoudesirest I should do ? He and said: O lord, thr.t I may sight."
42 And J E S U S said to
fiXeipc*). 4 2 K a i 6 Irjcrovs eiirev avrep- Kva$Xe him, "Receive thy sight;
see again. And the Jesus said to him: See thou i. thy ifAiTH has cured
\l/ov 7) iricrns (?ov creerecKe o~e. 4 3 Kai irapaxprj/uLa thee.^
again: the faith of thea has saved thee. And instantly 43 And instantly be saw
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—41. saying1—oiait.
X 31. Matt.xvi. 21; xvii. 22; xx. 17; Hark x. 32. % S2. Matt, xxvii, 2 , Luke xxiii
1; John xviii. 28; Acts iii. 13. t ?\. MVirk i*. 35 ; Luke ii. 50; ix. 45; Jolm x. 6 ; xii. l&
t 3», Matt. xx. 29; Maxk. s. 46. % 42. Luke xvii. I®
amp. 18; 18.] 1/OKR, IChap. 18: 21
13 Kai eTTTjpcoTrjcrc ris avrop Xeyoop' 18 J And a Certain Ruler
And asked certaiu him asked him, saying, " Good
ruler, saying;
AtSaaKaXs ayaOe, TI Tvorqaas C !*' aioopiovTeacher, what shall 1 d© 001
O teacher good, what shall I do life age-lasting to inherit aionian Life r"
tcArjpovo(AT)(Tea ; 19Ei7T€ 8e avrq) 6 Iiicovs' Ti fie 19 And J E S U S said to
to inherit? Said and t o h i m t h e J e s u s ; W h y me him, " Why dost thou call
Aeyeis ayaOov; ovdeis ayaOos, GL fir) ets 5 O Me good ? There is none
eallestthou good? no one good, if n o t one, t h e good, except one,—GOD.
deos. 2 0 T a s eproXas oidas' 6i
Mr) /LLOLXZV- 20 Thou knowest the
God. The c o m m a n d m e n t s t h o u k n o w e s t : "Not t h o u mayest COMMANDMENTS ', J D o n o t
v")js' fir) (popcvays' fir) icXexpys' fir) commit adultery, Do not
c o m m i t adultery ; n o t t h o u mayest kill; n o t t h o u mayest s t e a l ; n o t kill, Do not steal, Do not
ipevdo[xapTVf>7]o'?]S' rifia rov 'irarepa crouf Kai testify falsely, Honor thy
t h o u m a y e s t bear false t e s t i m o n y ; h o n o r t h e father of thee, and FATHER a n d MOTHER."
fl6T€pa "' '[o*ou."]
' O 5c enre' Tavra'Trapra 21 And HE said, "All
the mother of t h e e . " ] H e and said; These all these have I kept from my
€<pu\a^ajj.7]i eK peorrjros fj.ov. 22
Aicouffas Sc- Youth."
1 observed from youth of me. Having heard and 22 And JESUS having
^ ' [ r a u T a ] 6 Irjaovs^ enrcp avTCf E T J kv ooi Xei- heard, said to him, " Yet
[thesej t h e Jesus, said t o h i m ; Yet one to thee is in One thing thou art
JT€L' iravra ocra e^e^s TTWA^CTOV, Kai dtados "ITTOQ-
wanting ; % sell all that
(vantmg; all what t h o u hast sell, and give t h o u to poor
thou hast, and give ta the
Poor, and thou shalt have
Xois, Kai C-^GLS Orjtfaupoi/ep ovpapep" icaAdevpo, Treasure in * HEAVEN J
ones, and t h o u shalt have a treasure i n heaven; a n d come,
and come follow me."
aicoXovdei /not, 'J3 'O §e aKovcras ravra, rrepiXv- 23 And hearing this,
follovv me. l i e and having heard these, greatly
HE became very sorrow-
TTOS eyepero" rjp yap irXovorios crcpodpa. ^Ideoude ful; for he was exceedingly
grieved b e c a m e : h e was for rich exceedingly. Seeing a n d '
aurop 6 ITJO'OVS ^[irepiAviroP yspofievop^ eiire' 24 And * Jesus seeing
him t h e Jesus [greatly grieved becoming,] said:
him, said, "With what
liars duaicoXcos ol ra x p ^ / x a r a exoprss €i(reXev- difficulty will THOSE HAY-
How with difficulty those t h e riches having shall
I N G RICHES enter the
aoprai eis rr)p PaaXeiap rov 6eov. '^EvKoircore- KINGDOM of G o d !
enter into the kingdom o f t h e God. Basier 25 I t is easier for a Cam-
pop yap effTi, Kafir)Xov dta rpvfiaXias pacpi^os el to pass through a Nee-
for i t is, a camel through hole of a. needle dle's Eye, than "for a- Rich
eicreXdew? ?7 rrXovaiop eis TT)V fiaffiXziap rov man to enter the KINGDOM
of G O D . "
to enter, than a rich man into the kingdom ofthe
Osov siveXQeip. ^JLLTTOP 5e ol aKovaavrts' Kai ING him, said, " Who then
God to enter. Sard and those having h e a r d : And
2 f
can be saved ?*'
TLS Svvarai o'ooOrjpai; ' O 8<= <snre' 'Fa, advpara 27 And HE said, J " T h e
who is able tobesaved? l i e b u t said: The things impossible T H I N G S IMPOSSIBLE with
rrapa apQpooirois, hvvara €0~TI irapa rca deep. Men are possible with
with men, possible is with the God. GOD."
2s 28 Then P E T E R said,
Ei7T6 8e 6 Uerpos' Idov, r)fic-is a<prjKajuep
Said and t h e Peter: Lo, % " Behold, toe have for-
we IP.'X
iravra, Kai 7)KoXou6r)o'afiep ffoi. 0 oc ertrep saken * our OWN, and fol-

all5 and followed thee. l i e and said lowed thee."

avrois' Afxrjp Aeyw vfiip, on ovdeis eo~rip 6s fl 29 And HE said to them,
to them: Indeed I say to you, that no one is who Indeed, I say to you,
That no one has forsaken
a<pr)K€p otKiap, 7] yoptis, rj a<5<;X(povs3 rj yvpauca^ a House, or a * Wife,
left house, o r p a r e n t s , or brethren, or wife,
or Brothers, or Parents, oi
7} retcva, epeicep rr)s fiao~iXeias rov 6eov9 bs Children, on account of the
or children, on account of t h e kingdom ofthe God, w h o KINGDOM of GOD,

* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 0 . ofthce—omit. 22. those—omit. 22. HEAVEN.

24. J e s u s seeing- h i m , s a i d . 24. b e c o m i n g g r e a t t y grieved—omit. 28. •ur OWN, a n d ,
20. Wife, or .Brothers, o r P a r e n t s , or C h i l d r e n .
1 W. M a t t . x i x . 16; Marie x . 17. 1 20. Exocl. x x . 12, 10, D e u t . v . 10—20; K o m . x i i i 9'
It. M a t t . v i . 10, 20; x i x . 2 1 : 1 T i m . ^ i . 19. 1 2/. J e r . x x x i i . 1 ? ; Zettiu v i i i &
28. M a t t . iv. 18—22; s i x . 2?..
tihap. !§; I.] , tAJKE. [Ch&p. 19: I t

aj>€#\€i|/e, icai TjKoXovdet avrep, rov again, and followed him,

he saw again, and followed him, t h e X glorifying GOD J and all
Beov Kai TTCLS 6 KCLOS idcav, eSooKev aivov itp deep.the PEOPLE seeing it, gave
God; and all t h e people seeing, gave praise t o t h e God. Praise to GOD.
KE$ 0 i6\ 1 9 . CHAPTER XIX.
K a t eicreXOoov oirjpx^ro rtiv 'lepix<>>* 2
Kar 1 And having entered,
And having e n t e r e d h e p a s s e d t h r o u g h t h e Jericho. And he was passing through
iSou, av7]p ovofiari Kakov/xevos ZaK%atos' /ecu JEEICHO;
1«, a man for a name being called 2 and behold, a Man
Zaccheus; and
avros TJV ap%iT€Aoov7]s, Kai ovros irAovo'ios. named Zaccheus, (be was
he was a chief tax-gatherer, a n d this was rich, rich, and a Chief Tribute-
K a i efaret iSetv rov 1-qaovv, ris ecprr Kat OVK taker,)
And, b e s o u g h t t o see t h e Jesus, who he i s ; and n o t
3 sought to see who J E -
71^ war o airo rov ox^ov, on ry TjAiKiq fxiKpos SUS was, and could not on
was abK on a c c e u n t of t h e c r o w d , for t h e stature little account of the CROWD, for
K)v, K a i Trpodpafioov e/A7rpo(T0ej/, ayejS^ ein he was of low STATUBE.
was. A.nd running before, h e went u p o n
crvKOfAopeav, iva idy avrov o n eKeivr}s he4climbed
And running *BEFOHE,
a Sycamore to
a sycamore, t h a t h e m i g h t see h i m ; for that
60 ai 5 see him; Tor he was aoout
-tyjUeAAe Si6px "^ « ^ai &S TjKdev eiri rov to pass by it.
he was a b o u t t o pass b y . A n d as h e came to the
roTrov, ava^X^as 6 Ir)o~ovs **[et5er avrov^ KCU^ 5 And when * Jesus came
place, having looked t h e Jesus [savr him, and] to the PLACE, looking up
et7T6 Trpos avrov ZetKxeue, (nrevaas Kara^rjOf he said to h i m , " Zaccheus,
said to him; O Zaccheus, having h a s t e n e d descend t h o u ; hasten down, for To-day I
crrj/xepov yap sv rep oiKcp crov 5ei [xe fxeivai. must abide at thy H O U S E . "
to-day for in t h e house o f t h e e m u s t m e t o abide. 6 And he hastened down,
Kai o-rrevcras Karefir], Kai virede^aro avrov and received him rejoicing,
And having h a s t e n e d h e c a m e down, a n d hereceived h i m j 7 And seeing it, they all
Xatpcov. f K a t tdovres a-rravres $teyoyyv£ov9 '; murmured, saying, J " H e
rejoicing. And seeing all murmured, I has gone in to lodge with a
Xeyovres' ' O T * 7rapa a/xaprooXcp avfipi eio'TjXOe Sinful man."
saying: That with a sinner a m a n h e went i n
8 i 8 But Zaccheus standing
KaraXvvai. ~ZraQzis Se Za/cxatos €i7re irpos up, said to the LOUD, "Be-
to lodge. Standing u p b u t Zaccheus said to hold, Master, the HALT oi
rov Kvpiov ISou, ra 7)JJLIO~7} roov virapxovrooir*My POSSESSIONS I give
the lord; Lo, the half ofthe possessions to the Poor; and if I have
JJLOV, Kvpie, b*i§tofjLt rots •ffrcoxois* Kai ei rivos extorted any thing from any
ofme, Olord, I give to the poor; and i f o f a n y o n e one, £ 1 restore fourfold."
ri €O'VK0<pavr7)0'a a7ro5i5a>jtu rerpairXovv, 9 And * Jesus said to
any t h i n g I extorted I give back fourfold,
*Et7re 5c irpos avrov 6 Iricrovs' ' O r * trrifxspov him, "To-day has Salvation
come to this H O U S E , since
Said a n d to him the Jesus; That to-day
be also is $ a Son of Abra-
Cwrrjpia rep otKcp rovrcp eyevero* KaOori icai ham.
salvation to t h i house this haseome: since also
avros vios Afipaafx ecrriv 1 0 yXde yap 6 vios 10 X For the SON of MAN
he a son of Abraham is: came for t h e s o n has come to seek and V*
T©U avOpcoTTov ^V/Trjcrat Kai o-ooo~ai ro airoXooXos*save THAT which was
ofthe man t o seek and t o save t h a t having been lost. L O S T . "
II 11 And as they were
AKOVOVTCOV 8e avrcov ravra, TrpoadGis
Healing and of t h e m hearing these things, pro-
these t h i n g s , proceeding
enre napa^oXrjv, Sia ro zyyvs avrov eivat ceeding he spoke a Parable,
h* spoke a parable, because t h e near him t o b e because he was near J era*
'IepovcraXTJ/JL, Kai SOKSLV avrovs, on Trapaxp^wa salem, and they thought
Jerusalem, and t o think them, t h a t immediately ] that the KINGDOM of G O B

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—4. BEPOBB. 5. Jesus. 5. saw him, and—omit1*

8, My POSSESSIONS I give to the Poor. 9. Jesus.
t 43. Luke v ?«. Acts iv. 21 \ xi. 18. t 7. Matt. ix. 11 •, Luke v. 80. t 8. Exod.
xxii. 1; 1 Sam. xu 34 2 Sam. xil«&. t 9. Horn. iv. 11,12,16; Gal.iii. 7, 110. Ifcttf.
Wia3fci9:is.j LUKE, [Chap. 19: gfc.

p,eAAei • r) PacnAeia rov 6eov ava<paiv<zo~Qai. was about immediately te

is about the kingdom of the God to appear. appear.
Enrzv ovi/° AvOpcoiros TLS evyevrjs eiropvdy] 12 Therefore lie said,
He said therefore: A man certain well-born went \ " A certain Man of noble
as x°°Pai/ P-aKPav9 Aafieii/ eavrcp fiacTLAeiav, Kai Dirtli went into a distant
into a couauy distant, to receive for himself royal dignity, and Country to procure for him-
virocrrpexj/ai. KaAeo~as Se daca dovAovs eav- self Royalty, and to return
to return. Having called and ten slaves ofhim- 13 And he called Ten of
rov, edcvKev avrois Seica /uvas, Kai e n r e irpos his Servants, a n d gavs
self, he gave to them ten ininas, and he said to them Ten f Minas, and
]4 {
avrovs' Tlpay/LLarevo'acrOe icas epxo/nai. Ol said to t h e m , Trade till I
them : Do you business till I come. The come.'
8s iroAiraiavrov e[xio~ovv avTov^ Kai aTrecrreiAav 14 B u t h i s C I T I Z E N S
but citizens of him hated him, and sent hated him, a n d sent a n
rrpecrfieiai? orricrco avrov, Azyovres' Ov OeAofiev Embassy after him, saying,
an embassy after him, saying: Not we are willing ' We are n o t willing for
TOVTOV {SatfiAevaai ety' 7]/u,as. l a Kai eyeuero this m a n to reigr over us.'
this to reign over us. And it happened 15 And it occurred, t h a t
as rep eiraveAOeiv avrov ?^a(3ovra rr\v fiaviAeiav^ at his R E T U R N , h a v i n g re-
in the to return him having received the royal dignity, ceived the ROYALTY, he
icai aire (pa)V7]Cr}yj i avrco rovs dovAovs TOVTOVS, ordered those SEE.VAN TS to
and he ordered to be called to himself the slaves those, be called to him, to whom
ots sdcoice r. apyvpiov tva yvzpi ris ri he gave t h e SILVER, t h a t
to whom he gavfi +hc silver: that he might know, what each : he might know what * they
16 | had gained by traffic.
Sieirpay/xarevcraro. Hapeyevero
Se 6 Trpco- j 16 T h e n t h e E I R S T crone,
had gained by trading. Came and the first,
' saying, ' Sir, t h y HiNA k t s
ros, Xeyojv- Kvpic-j TJ \iva crov irpocreipyaffaTO j gained Ten Minas.'
saying: O lord, the mina of thee has gained \ 17 And he said to h i m ,
Se/ca [xvas. ^ K c u er/re*/ avrqr E u , ayaOs dovAe* * ' Well done, good Servant \
ten minas. And ho said to bim: Well, O good slaves L because thou hast been
OTL sv eAax^crrcp iriaros eyevovj i<r6i eqov- % faithful i n a very small
becausein least faithful thou hast been, be thou autho- matter, possess authority
18 over T e n Cities.'
diav ex^i' eiravco dsKa woAeoov, K a i rjAdey
18 And the SECOND,
rity having over ten cities. And came
came, saying, ' Sir, t h y
3 Sevrepos, Azyoov Kvpie9 i) fivacov €7roi7)cre M I N A h a s made Five Mi-
the second, saying; O lord, the mina of thee has madenas.'
fivas. Ei7re d(- Kai TOVTCa°
rovror K a i o~v 19 And he said also t o
five minas. He said and also ttoo tthhiiss:; Also thou ffit's, ' B e ffjcu also ove*
yivov siravoo ircyre iroAeooVo ^ Kcu erepos Eive Cities.'
be over five cities. And another 20 And *the OTHEE
came, saying, ' Sir, behold
7}A6e, Aeyojp' Kvpie, iSov r) jxva crov, T)V eixov
thy MINA, which I had
came, saying: O lord, lo
the mina of thee, which I had
laid u p i n a N a p k i n ;
airoKGtjuevrju e»v aovdapicp. 21 Yi(pofioviA7iv yap
I feared fo r
21 | for I feared thee,
being laid up in a napkin.
because thou a r t a h a r s h
ire OTL apQpooTros avcTTTjpos ei atpeis? b M a n ; thou takest u p what
,hee, because harsh thou art; thoutakestvip, what thou didst n o t lay down,
OVK. eOriftas, icai Oc-pi^GLS, b OVK tcrirzipas, and reapest what thou
not thou didst lay down, and thou reapest, what not thou didst sow. didst n o t sow.'
%2Aeyei de avr<a° E/c rov o'ro/uaros crov Kpipoj 22 And h e said t o him,
He says and to him; Out of the mouth of thee I will judge ± Out of t h i n e own M O U T H

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—15. they had gained. 17- Well done. 20. the OTEBB,
t 12. Our Lord manifestly alludes to the case of Archelaus, who went to Rome to solicit
the Emperor that he misrht be reinstated in his father's kingdom; and the Jews sent an
ambassage after him. to petition and plc;;d against him.. But however he was confirmed in
the kingdom o i J u d e a ; and when he returned, took ample vengeance of his enemies and
opposei'3.—Picwcome. _ t lo. The LXX use the original wcrd mnaa for t h e Hebrew
maneh from which it is evident:y derived, and it appears from Ezek. xlv. 12, to have been
equal to sixty snekels. Now allowing the shekel with Dr. Prideaux, to be three shillings,
fcnen the mina was equal to nine pounds English.-—^. Clarke. Home makes the a«»# equal
c£3. 2s. 6d., or fifteen dollars.
I 17. Matt. xxv. 21; Luke xvi, 10. 21. Matt. xxv. 24. $ 22, Mntt. jm. V
Chap. 19 o 23.] [Cliap, 19: 82.
r e , iroprjpg Sou As* ydets. hre, ejw avBpc^rtOB I will judge thee, Wicked, O evil slave j thou knw/est, that E a man Servant. J Didst thou knov}
that iE am a harsh Man
avcrrrjpos €i/.u? aipwv 6 OUR* eftyfm, icai Oepi** taking up what I laid not
harsh am, taking tip whatnot I laid down, and reap= down, and reaping what 1
fay 6 OVK €OTceipa° ^ Kai S t a r i ova e'ScaKas TO did not sow ?
Ing what not I sowed; and why not thou gayest the 23 Why, then, didst thm
apyvpwv [xov QTTI ri]p rparcs^av^ %yw e A 6 W not place my MONEY i£
silver of me on the table. asd 5 eomiiig the BANK, that coming I

0vv TOKty av crrpa^a avro i • tr, m^n, > 24 ]£ ai »-Qis wapecr might have exacted the
And to those having Same with Interest?'
with interest might have exacted i t ? 9A And he said to THOSE
iwaiv enrev A p a r e an avrov rrjv fxvav^ KOU STANDING BY, 'Take from
Stood by he said; Take you from him the miua, and him the MIJ\TA, and give it
dors T(p ras dtKa, fxvas exovri. (K&£ eiwov to H I M who has i t h e TESJ
give you to the the ten minaa having. (And they said Minas.'
avT<®° Kupi€, €%e£ (5efca fiz/as.) m Acyco *ljya.p~\ 25 (And
they said to
to him; O lord, he has ten rninaa.) I say 1*0!'] Mm, Sir, he has Ten
vfj.iv d'Tt vavrt rco exovrt 8o0r?ersrcu° awo Be Minas,')
to you that to every one the having will be giv-ais; feom but 26 i 1 say to you, % That
rov fjifj e%ov;'os 5 KOA b ex.*1? apQy)&GTa& ^[aw to EYEUY ONE who HAS,
more shall be given; and
of the not having, oven what he has, will betaken [from
from H I M who HAS not,
avrov,~\ ^ TlXrfp rous <sx®P0VS ,UQV GKGWOVS? even what he has shall be
him.] * But. the enemies ofmc those,, taken away.
TOVS }J,7} Qcz'h.T,rnxvras p,€ Ba(nXevo~OA ^ avrovs^ 27 But * THOSE ENE-
tho "tot willing me to reign ever thorn s MIES of mine, who were
cryevyere tb5'es s a t iw/raacpa^ars efiirpovOt-y fxov. not WILLING that I should
bring yon hithei\ and slay in presence of Hie. reign over them, bring
hither, and slaughter them
Xcu enrcov ravra9 ewopevsro e[n?po<r&QV9 in my presence.'"
And havin' said these, he went before, 23 And having said these
avaftaiVGov ets 'lepoaoXvfxa, 29
K<u tsygpero cos things, %\\Q went on be-
going UD to Jerusalem. And it happened as fore, going up t o Jerusa-
riyytffzv ei$ T$7}Q(f)ayrj teat 'By}6ct.vtav9 r?po§ *r© lem. $9 % And i t occurred, as
he drew near t o Bethphagc and Bethany, to She
he drew near to Bethphage
opos TO scaXovp.evov zXauoP0 a?r e err ei As dvo and Bethany, at THAT
mountain that being called of olive-trees, he sent two MOUNTAIN Which is CAL-
rcuv fxa6-r}roov a u r o u , 3 0 *•-"•"•»<• £(
^ LED the Mount of Olives,
of the d.isciplea of himself, Go you into he sent two of *the x>is<
rf\v ' Ka.revavTi itoofxrjv zv *ri ei&'iropepofisvos, CIPLES,
the over-against village- in which entering 30 saying, " G o to the
evprfcreTG urcaXov dc-defxeyov,} c<p' 6v ®vd<-t.s "VILLAGE you, in
which, having en-
youwiilfind. acolt having been tied, ois which no one
tered, you will find a Colt
ir&jTTOTS avQpoxncov GKadiffz" Kvffavres avrovtied, on which no Man ever
ever of men sati having loosed him sat; loose, and bring him.
&yaysr€. Kai zav rts u/xas <£pcora° Aiari SI And if any one asks
bring you. And if any one you may ask: Why you, ' W h y do you loose
A e u e r e ; ovroos e p a r e ""[aur&rj 'On 6 Kvptos him V you shall thus say9
do you loose? thus saw you [to him:] That the lord Because the PASTES
&iav 6 e io S2 wants him.'"
avrov xP X- AwzXdovres Se ol &7reo~° 32 And THOSE who wer©
of him need has. Having gone and those having SENT, went away, and
raXfjepot €vpov7 KCLOWS znrev avroiSo hvov" found it even as he had
been sent found, as he said to them. Loos- told them,

* VATICAN Y[AMUSCB,I?T.~26. For—omit. 28. from hira-^omit* 27, ffHESB.

29. the DISCIPLES. SI. to him—omit*
t 24. Perhaps i t would be well to supply the vv-ord gained here—"Give i t to him who has
pained ten Minus; for 1 say to you, That to every one who has gained, shall be given; and
from him who has not gained, even what ho has received shall be taken away "-—Clarke.,
t 22. Matt. xiv. 26. t 26. Matt xiii.12 ; xxv«29; Mark iv. 25: Luke viii. 18.
t 28. Mark x. 32. J, 20, Matt, xxi. 1; Mark xi. %
€%>. 19: 83.3 LUKE, [Chap. 1% i U.

v&p 8e avrwv TOP WOOXOV, eixo el nvpiot avrov S3 And as they were
tag wad of t h e m the colt, said t h e lords of h i m loosing the COLT, the OWN.
trposavrovs* TOP frcokop* 3 4 0 : Be enrow BKS of it said to them,
te tkemj W a y loose y o a t h e colt: They and saidi "Why do you untie the
*0 tcvptes avrov xPeiav € et
X * 35 ^ c u tiyayov C O L T ? "
Ike lord of him seed has. And t h e y led 34 And THEY said,
avrop frpos TOP ITJ&OVP9 Kat zitippityavres eav- * " Because the MASTEB
hina to the Jesus: and having t h r o w n o f t h e m - wants him,"
Toop va IjxaTia em TOP irooXov^ e7T€0i(3ao"ap TOP T ^ -^ n * ^hey ^eA ^ ^
selves t h e m a n t l e s on t h e colt, they set on t h e J E S U S ; Jand having cast
ITJ&OVV. n.op€vofLeyovd6 avrov9 virecrTpoovvvov the COLT, they set J E S U S
Jesus. Going and of him, they spread under
on it.
TO, tfiarta avTtoV tv rr\ 6dq}a ^ Eyyt£oPTes Se 36 J And as he was go-
t h e mantle* of t h e m i a t h e way. Drawing near a a d ing, they spread their GAE-
avrov ti^ri irpos TT? tcarafiacet rov opovs rwv MENTS on the ROAD.
of kiea BOW to the descent o f t h e m o u n t a i n of t h e 37 And when he was
ehaitop, tip^avTO airap TO TTXTJBOS TWP fiaQyjrcav now approaching, at the
elive^troea, begaa all t h e multitude of t h e disciple* DESCENT of the MOUNT of
OLIVES, all the MULTI-
X&tpopres atpeip TOP 6eop (pwrj fieyakp Trept TUDE of the DISCIPLES
rejoicing t a gr&isa t h e God »ithavx>ice for loud
began to rejoice, and praise
iraff<av UP etSop SvvajLLeooP) ^ heyOPTSS° EvAoy- God with a loud Voice^ for
all whUktLey saw m i g h t y works, saying: Worthy all the Miracles which they
yftepos 6 ipxopepos fiuffikevs ep opofiari tcvptow had seen,
•fbleaaiMgtke coming king in a&ma of L o r d : 38 saying, J "Blessed be
9ipr]pf} ep &vpav(p9 teat, 8oi-a ep vrpto'rots, Kat the COMING KING in the
p*aco ia heaven, a a d glory i s highest, And Name of Jehovah 1 Peace
in Heaven, and Glory in
rtves Ttmv <&api(ratwp &iro rov oxkov enrop irpos the highest heaven."
t e w s e f t he Pharisees from t h e crowd said to
39 And some of the
mrrop9 AtdaffKaXe^ €TTLTt/ji7](fop TOIS (jLadrjratsP H A E I S E E S , among the
him: © teacher, rebuke the disciples CEOWD, said to him,
ffov, *® Kat airoKptBets et-irep * £ a u r o / s ' l Aeyco " Teacher, rebuke thy DIS-
o f thee. And answering h e said [ t o them : j I say CIPLES."
vfur, criooTTTjacao'ip, ol ktdot /ce/c- 40 But answering he
OTI eap ovrot
t e yoa, that if the»e s h o u l d be silent, t h e stones will said; " I tell you, That if
these should be silent,
Ciy o u t ,
$the STONES would imme-
diately cry out."
Kat cos Tjyyt&ep, tBcvp TTJP WOAIP, etcAavcrev 41 And as he drew near,
And as h e drew near, seeing the city, he wept beholding the CITY, % he
e7r* avTT), keyw 'OTI e« eypcas Kat o~v, wept over it,
©ver her, saying; That if t h s u h a d s t k n o w n even t h o u , 42 saying, " 0, that thou
*\jtatye\ ep T # f)/aepa "^jVouJ ravTTj, ra rrpos hadst known, even tfjou,
Latleast] i n t h e day [of t h e e ] this, the things to at this DAY, the THINGS
which are for thy Peace!
etprjprjP crov PVP de etcpufir] airo e<pdaA/xojp But now they are hidde»
peace o f t h e e j n o w b u t i t is hidden from eyes
from thine Eyes.
Gov. 4 3 ' O r i rj^ovcrip yuepat errt eres Kat Trepi- 43 For the Days will
ofthee. F o r willcoine days on t h i s , and will come on thee, when thine
$a\ovo~tp ol ex^pot crov %apatfa crot} Kat irzptKVK- ENEMIES shall throw a
throw w o u n d t h e enemies o f t h e e a r a m p a r t t o t h e e , and willsur- Rampart around thee, and
Xooo'ovo't ere, Kat o~vue^ov<ri ere Travrodev 44
Kat enclose thee and press
iponnd thee, and will press thee on every side; a n d thee in on every side,
44 and will lay thee
€$a<piovo'i f/e, Kat Ta reKpa cov ev o"otm level with the ground, and
willlevel with t h e ground theQ a n d t h e children o f t h e e i n t h e e ;
thy CHTLDEEN in thee
Kat OVK a(pr)crovo~ip ev o'oi KiOov eirt KiOcf auQy and they will not leave 9
and n o t they will leave i a t h e e a stone on a s t o n e ; because Stone upon a Stone in thee

* V. X'ICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 4 . B e c a u s e t h e M A S T E R , 40. t o t h e m — o m i t . 42. a)

Ieast-T(K»t£. 4 2 . of t h e e — o m i t ,
t 3 5 . £ K i n g s ix.. I S ; M a t t . x x i . ?; M a r k x i . 7 ; J o h n x i i . 1 4 . I 86. M a t t . x x i . *
J8. P s , - cxviii. 2 6 ; L u k e x i i i . 35.
i 88. I 40. H a b , i i . 1 1 . X 41. John xi. S6.
ICJiap. SO: V
Chap. I t : 45.] LUKE,
hv OVK eypoos TOP &atpov TT}$ §fct<rKO'srjs &ov*because thou didst not
»f which n o t t h e u k n o w e a t t a e
seasoa o f t h e visitation e f t h e e . know the SEASON of thy
Kcu eiffeXdeop ets ro lepop9 7]p%aro eK$akkeiv V I S I T A T I O N .
And entering i n t o t h e t e m p l e , h e began t o cast o u t 45 t And going into the
rovs TroeXovpras ^^v &vr<p Kai ay opa^opr as 9"\ TEMPLE, he began to expel
thosfc selling [in it and buying,] THOSE W h o SOLD,
Xeycov avrois' TeypaTrrar u
'O OIKOS fJLOV 46 saying to them, " I t
saying t o thena; I t is w r i t t e n ; " T h e house of me is written, J ' M y HOUSE
einos irpoffevxws temp* ewotr)- ' * shall be a House of
vp,eis §€ avrop
a house o f prayer is; m a d e 'Prayerj* but you have
ycu but it
crare <nc7]\aiov Ayarccp." 47
K a i T)P didaaKCOP made it a Dea of Robbers/*
a den of r o b b e r s . " And h e was teaching 47 And he was teaching
TO tta0' fjpbepav ep rep i€pq>* ol de apx^p^iS Kat intheTEMPLE EVEKY DAY ;
the everyday i n t h e t e m p l e : t h e a n d high-priest* and and % the HIGH-PHIESTS
and the SCRIBES and the
&l ypafMfjiareis eQt]rovp avrop aitoXeo~ai9 Kat ol
the scribes sought him t o destroy, and the C H I E F S of the PEOPLE,

trpcoroi row Accou. K a i ou% evpiffKOP TO ri were

seeking to destroy
t h i e f ones of t h e people. And not finding thatwhat
TroiTjoctiGiv 6 Xaos yap airas e^e/cpe/xaro avrov find 48 And they could not
t h e y m i g h t d o : t h e people for all were very attentive h i r a HOW to do it, for all
the PEOPLE were very at-
atcovooPo tentive to hear him.


K a t syeper© sv fit^ row Tjfi^pcap €K€iP<av 1 $And it occurred on
And i t happened ia one of the daya one of * those DAYS, as he
BtfiacrKOPTOs avrov TOP Kaov ep r(p tep6t>, Kai was teaching the PEOPLE
was t e a c h i n g of him tha people in t h e t e m p l e , a n d in the TEMPLE, and pro-
evayyeXt£op:evov9 airecrTjcrap ol apx«epefs Kai claiming glad tidings, the
p r e a c h i n g glad tidings, Stood by the high-priests and HIGH-PKIESTS, and the
2 SCKIBES, with the E L D E E S
el ypa/uLjuaTGts ffvp rots wpecrftvrepois, Kai
the Bcribes with the elders, and came upon him,
KITTOV "Kpos a,vrop9 Aeyoprss' Enre i]flip, ep 3 and said to him, say-
said t@ him, saying; Say tous, by ing, "Tell us, J by What
?ro:ot ei^ovcriq ravra Troieis ; 7) ns earip 6 Authority thou doest These
T»hat a u t h o r i t y these t h i n g s does.1 lb on ? or w h o is he things ? or who is H E that
Sous ooi rf\p e^ovcriav ravrrjp ; 3
AironpiOeis EMPOWERED thee ?"
b saving given to thee t h e authority this? Answering 1 3 And answering he said
§c 6i7re irpos avrovs' EpcoTTjoco ujuas Kqyco epa to them, " 3£ also will ask
»ivi b e j a m to them: WiL: ssi: you also I one you * a Question; and an-
Xoyop') Kai znran e fxoi' To fiairriffpia looappov swer m e ;
wotd, and eayjou tome: The dipping of J o h n 4 "Was the IMMERSIOM
e£ ovpavov t]v9 7} e£ avOpcoTTcop ; Ol 8e (Tvpe-cf John, from Heaven, or
fiom heaven was, o r from mea? They a n d r e a - from Men?"
Koyicrapro irpos eavrovs, Xeyopres' 'On cap 6 And THEY reasoned
Boned a m o n g themselves, sayingj That if among themselves, saying,
eiircop-ep' E£ ovpapov eper Atari *[[ot>z/] OVK " I f we say, 'Prom Hea-
we s h o u M g a y , F r o m heaven h e w i l l s a y ; W h y [ t h e n ] n o t ven/ he will retort, * Why
did you not believe him 'i*
tiriorevaare avrco ; 6 Ecu> 8e enrco/iep' E |
did you believe him? If a n d we should s a y ; P r o m 6 But if we say, 'From
Men/all the PEOPLE will
tepOpooTroop' was 6 Aaos tcaraXiOatfei i)/jLas' STONE US ; % for they are
men j all t h e people will s t e m ; us;
persuaded that John was a
•jreTreio-juepos yap Z&TLP, IcoapprjP irpocprjTTjp Prophet.'*
having been -persuadedfor it is, John a prophet
7 And they answered,
ftpai. 1 Kcci a7tacpt6r](rav fjLTf Gidevai irodev. that they did not know
to b e . And t h e y answered n o t t o have ka&wa whence. whence it was.

* VATICAN MAWUSCPIPT.—45. in it and buying—om«& 45. shall be a HOT; SE.

2, the BATS, 3. a Quest J on.. 5. then—emit.
f 45 Matfe.Jr.xi.iJ; Mart xi.U.15. t 46. Tsa.M.7. J 47. Maikxi. 18. Juhn
vii. lm'viii. 87. 1 I, Matt xxi. 23. J 2. Acts iv* 5 vii. 37. J 6, Matt, xva.
w xx i. 28 s Lukevii,S9.
ffiap. 20; 8 * L U K E , [Cftqp. 30: lb,
Kai 6 l??o*ous e«??ej> a t / r o t f OuSe s^cu T^ycsf'f S And J E S U S said to
And t h e J^3«3 said t o them: Neither I ts>\l \ '$ to, " N e i t h e r d o K t e l l
a b
'&/*»>, sv /roz« e%ov<ria ravra iroia. (?' Y What Authority I
jo^ou, J y wi,at' ?-uthority' these I do. p "form these things."
ApPuro 5e 7rpos r o ^ Aao/> Azysip TTJP iraoa-l .„? And he began to speak
P^bep^-il a n d t o t h e people t o say the para- j t l i i S PARABLE ~t0 t h e PEO-
$oht)v ravrr)P' AvBpooTros e<pvrevo~ep ap.rrsAc^pa. ! *;LE X" A Man planted a
'"le this: A mau planted a vineyard, Yineyard, and leased it ta
Kai e^eSoro avrop ysoopyois' KCU a'ws^'qjXfjG's Cultivators, and left tha
"id let o u t it t o husbandmen : and went abroad country for a long time.
Xporovs itcapovs* 10
K a i ep Kaipca airscrrsiAe 10 And at the Season he
times many. And i n season he sent sent a Servant to the CUL-
irpos rovs yewpyovs BOVAOP9 iva airo rov Kap'/rov TIVATORS, that they should
to the huobandmen a slave, t h a t from of t h e fruit give Mm of the :• RUIT o/
rov a/unrsAooPos doao'LP avrqy ol Se yeoopyoi? the VINEYARD. Ikit the,
of t h e vineyard t h e y m i g h t give t o h i m : t h e b u t husbandmen, CULTIVATORS beat him^
jsipaprss avrop^ e^a/irco'rsiAap KSPOP,
K a i and sent him away empty.
having beaten him, sent away empty. And 11 And again he sent
srpoo'eOsro ire/Aipou irspop dovAov ol ds KCUCZIPOP Another Servant; and
THEY beat ijtni also, and
he proceeded t o send another slave: they b u t clso this
having shamefully treated
bsipaprss KOA ari^acraprss^ s^onrscrrsiAap nsvov3 him, sent him away empty.
having beaten a n d having dishonored, sent away en"J<ty.
j2 12 And again he sent &
Kat -wpoasQsro rcsfjstyai rpirov ol Ss Kai rov- third i and THEY wounded
And h e proceeded t o send athiiu: t h e y b u t also this
hint also, and drove him
TOP Tpaviiaria'avT&s e^efiaAop*. 1 3 Enre 3s 6 out.
having wounded c i s t ovit. Said !.nd th<?
13 Then the OWNER ol
iwpios rov a/xweAoopos' Tj iroirjcra); irs/j^ca TOP the VINEYARD said, 'What
lord of t h e vineyard; W h a t shall I d o ? I will send tl>2
shall I do ? I will send-my
vlop JJLOV TOP ayarn]T0P" lo'cos rovrop itioyrss BELOVED SON" ; perhaps
son of me t h e beloved; pevhaps this seeing
they will respect htm.'
€-JpTpair7)o~opTaio 14 Wovrss 8s avrop ol ycoopyoi9 14 But when the CUL-
t h e y will regard. Seeing out h i m t h e husbandmen,
TIVATORS saw him, they
BieAoyi^opTO irpos eavrovs, Asyopres* Ovros reasoned among them-
theyrensoned with t'iieaiselves, saying; Tliio
selves, saying,' This is the
earni? 6 KArjpopo/ios' **[5euT6,] airoKrsLPco/j,sp H E I R ; let us kill him, that
is the heir; [come,] we may kill the I N H E R I T A N C E may be-
av^op? iva TJJUOOP ysvrjrat v KAy)popo/Liia.
Kaicome ours.'
him, t h a t t o us may be t h e
inheritance. And
15 And having thrust
6K(3O,AOPT€-S avrop sq& rov af/.irsAojpos^ air tiers L- him out of the VINEYARD,
casting him o u t of t h e vineyard, they they killed him. What,
pap. T* ovv irotvo'ei avro^s 6 Kvpios f it a^irs- therefore, will the OWNER
killed. What then will do to them t h e lord oftne vine- of the VINEYARD do ta
AOOPOS ; EAsv6"srai teat a-rroAso'z rovs ysceo- them ?
yard? l i e will come and will destroy those busdand-
16 He will come and de-
yovs TOVTOVS? icai dooo'si TOP a/.ursAcopa aAAois, stroy those CULTIVATORS^
men those, and give the vineyard to o t h e r s . and give the VINEYARD to
AKovaapres 5e envoy Wi.rt yzpoLTOe others." And having heard
Having heard and t h e y said; N o t let i t be, He b u t , it, they said, " Let it not
efjt,(3Ae\pas avroiSy sure' Ti ovp sari, ro yeypa<ri- be."
havmg looked t o them he said; W h a t then is t h a t having been 17 And looking on them,
\xtvop rovro" iC
AAOOP OP aivsdottipxwap ol ouco- HE said, " What ia Tiixis
written this; " A atone which. rejected t h e build- then that is WRITTEN, J ' A
'Stone which the B U I L D -
dojjLOVP'TGSj OVTGS sysprf]8r} sis i€C:(paA7-]p ycopais'ERS z'3 rejected, has become
ing, t h i s h a s been made i n t o a head corner?' 'the Head of the Corner.;
Ml t h e falling uj>on that the stone, will be
that STONE will be bruised;
drjo'drar sip'' OP §' av •irso'i], Aumriasi aw, OP. but on whom it may fall, it
'brvdeed; o a whom b u t i t raay fall, will grind t o powder l i n n , '.nil crush him to pieces.55
' VATIV^AI? M A K U S C I I I F T . — 1 4 . come—omit.
t 8. MaSt. xxi. 3 3 ; M a r k x i i . 1. % V/. P s a . c x v i i i . 2-2 •At.t. x x i . 42.
,.6fcq$!2'68 t9.f LUKE. [chap: m m
—V. •• • '•*. •• «J-I • ii tfj

f9 Kafc e^rrjorav oi a p ^ i e p e i s Kai oi ypafx/jcareis '• 19 In"that very-Holm's

'- And sought t h e high-priest3 and t h e scribes tthe I I I G H - P R I E S T § <and
GirifiaAeii/ eir* avrov ras xelPas e ? / avr
'(l *?% jSCRIBES sought to .lay
to p u t on him the hands in this t h e • HANDS on him, but they
&,pa' itai €<po{3T)Q7)crca> rov Aaov eyvoocrav yap : feared
s the P E O P L E ; for
hour; but t h e y feared the people; they knew for s ;they knew That lie had
oTi irpos avrovs rr\v 7rapa(3oAr}v ravrrjv eiire, ; spoken this PARABLE con*
that to them the parable this h e spoke. cerning them.
K a i 7raparrjp7]0'ai'res aireo-reiAav eyicaOe- 20 :j; And watching him,
And having watched t h e y sent spies,
they sent forth Spies, feign-
TOV$9 vitoKpivojievovs eavrovs SiKatovs eivar ing themselves to be right-
feigning themselves righteous to b e ;
eous men, that they might
Iva eiriAafioovrai avrov Aoyov, eis ro Trapa- take hold of His Speech,
fchat t h e y m i g h t lay hold of h i m of a word,in order to t h e to de-
in order to DELIVER him
Sovvai avrov rrj apxy Kai rrj e^ovarta rov r\yz- up to the COMMAND and
liver u p hira t o t h e rule and to the authority of t h e gov-
21 AUTHORITY of the GOV-
fiovos. K a t eirripcorricrav avrov, Aeyovrzs' ERNOR.
crnor. And they asked him, saying;
Ai5arr/<:aAe, oioafiev, brt opQcos Aeyeis 21 And they asked him,
Kai saying,
O teacher, we know, that rightly t h o u speakest and $ " Teacher, we
hihaffK£is9 Kai ov Aap.ftaveis irpocrcoirov, aAA' e-jr3 and know That thou speakest
t h o u teachest, a n d n o t t h o u dost accept a countenance, b u t in
teachest correctly, and
22 and dost not partially re-
aAqOeias rrjv odov rov Oeov didacnceis. E£eo~- spect personal Appearance,
truth t h e way of t h e God t h o u teachest. Isit
but teachest the WAY of
riv rj/jLiv K.aio~api <popov Bovvai^ 7) ov ; 2 3 Kara' GOD in Truth;
lawful for u s t o Cesar tax t o give, o r n o t ? Per°
vorjeras Se avroov rr\v iravovpyiav, eiice rrpos 22 Is it lawful for us, or
ceiving but oftheni the craftiness, h e said to not, to pay Tribute to Ce-
avrovs* *[Ti /xe Treipa^ere ; j 24 Aei^are fxoi sar ?"
them: C™^»y Ta" tempt you?] Show you t o m e 23 But perceiving Their
Srjvapiov rivos €%€* eiKova Kai Giriypa(pr)V ; CUNNING, he said to them,
a denarius; of w h o m h a s i t a likeness and inscription?
2o< 24 " Show me a Dena-
AtroKpiOevres §€ €nrov Kaicapos. 0 8e e^re^ rius. Whose Likeness and
Answering and they s a i d ; Of Cesar. H e and said
Inscription has it r" And
avrots' Arrodore roivvv ra Kaicrapos? Kaioapi' *THEY said, "Cesar's."
to them: Giveyouback t h e n t h e things of Cesar, t o Cesar:
Kat r a rov 0eow? rcc Qeca. 26 Kai OVK ia"xvo~av 25 And HE said to them,
a n d t h e t h i n g s of t h e G o d , t o t h e God. A n d n o t t h e y were able "Render, then, the THINGS
€7riAa|3ecr0ai avrov pvfiaros evavriov rov Aaov of Cesar, to Cesar J and the
to take hold of h i m of a word in presence ol t h e p e o p l e ; THINGS of GOD, to G O D . "
fcai 6avfxacra,vres eTri ry arroicpio'ei avrov, 26 And they were not
rnd wondering at the an3we? of him, able to take hold of *a
G0'iy7]0~'ai'o WORD before the PEOPLE ;
Hxny were silent. and they wondered at his
"^ TLpoo~eAdovres ds rives rcov ^a^ovKaioov^ ANSWER, and were silent.
Approaching and some ofthe Sadducees,
27 $Then SOME of the
oi avriAsyovrcS avao'rao'iv fir) eivai, eirGpcarrj- *who SAY
those denying a resurrection n o t t o be, asked
28 there is no Resurrection,
aav avrov*, Aeyovrzs* AidaffKaAe, M o r r i s approaching, asked him,
him, saying; O teacher, Moses
zypaipev 7]}xiv9 &i eav rivos absAcpos airoQavrj 28 saying, " Teacher,
wrote forvis, "if anyone a. brother should di^ |Moses wrote for us, ' I f
X w l / yvvaiKa^ icai ^vros arzKvos airodavrj^ iva a man's brother should die,
hwtwg a wife ; and this childless should die, t h a t having a Wife, and * \)z be
AaBy 6 aSeA^os avrov r-qv yvvai\w,9 tcai e£av- without, children, that his
SIIOOM) >,sVe the brother oi him the wife, a n d should BROTHER should take his

ao T7/(7?) crirepina, rep adsAcpcp avrov™

^'Errra IVIYE, and ra.'.se up Off-
i «V seed t o hhc b r o t h e r of himself." Seven spring to his BROTHER.'

* VATICAN M.Ai«ur:<efi.iP'tv-~z3. Why tempt you me—omit, Ii. rHBy said, Cesar's.
2(5 a woa» beiora. 27- who SAT. that there is no Resurrection. 23. fje be without.
t X Matt.xsii.I5. 1 21. Matt, xxii.16; Mark s i i 14. t 27- Matt.xxii.23;
Gwp. 20T 29/) litrfcE. [dhap. 20 •

evp ade\(poi rjcrap' Kat 6 itpooros \a(Scav yvvcuKa, 29 Now there were Sev«
BOW brotfaera were; and t h e first having taken a wife, en B r o t h e r s ; and the
aTrtdavev areKPos. 30
Kat ^"feAa/Bev] 6 devrepos P I B S T , having taken d
i died childless. And [took] the second Wife, died childless.
*\TT]P yvpaiKa, Kai obros airedavav areKvos.^ 30 And the S E C O N D
[th« wife, and this died childless.] 31 a n d t h e T H I R D took
K a i 6 rpiros eAa/3e/> avTrjw de Kat h e r ; and in like manner
And t h e third took her: in like manner and also also the SEVEN ; they died,
Gt 6 7 T T a * ov KCLTGXITTOV TeKva, KCLL
TCKPa, /ecu airzdapop' and left no Children.
t h e seven: HOt they left children, and died: 32 And last, t h e w ^ A N
'Tcrrepop * [ $ e TrapToop~\ airedape Kat rj yvpr). died also.
Last [and of all] died also t h e w o m a n . 33 At the RESURREC-
33 EP , TLPOS T I O N , therefore, To which
rrj OVP apao rao'€L: avrcop yiperat
In t h e therefore resurrection, of which ofthem will be
of them does she become a
yvPTj; OL yap eirra ecrxop avrrjp yvpairca
K a < W i f e ; for t h e S E V E N had
a wife ? t h e for seven had her a wife. And her for a Wife.'*
* [ a 7 r o « ; p i 0 e i s ] enr€p avrois 0 ITJCTOVS' Of vloi 34 And J E S U S said to
[answering] h e said t o them the Jesus: The sons them, " T h e C H I L D R E N of
rov aiojpos TOVTOV yajxovo'i Kat €Kya[Aio~xoPTar'- this A G E marry, and are
of t h e age this marry and are given in marriagegiven i n marriage -,
35 35 b u t THOSE DEEMED
ol $ e Kara^ioodevres TOV atcapos ziceivov
those b u t having been accounted worthy of t h e a g e that WORTHY t o obtain that
T u % e « / , Kai TT]S apaaraarecas TT]S €K peKpoop,
t o o b t a i n , and of t h e resurrection t h a t o u t of dead ones,
TION from t h e Dead, nei-
36 ther marry, nor are given
OVT€ yafjLovcrip, ovre'KOPTar O U T 6 yap
Beither marry, n o r are given in m a r r i a g e : nor for
in m a r r i a g e ;
36 for they can die no
airodapeip en Svpaprat.' icrayyeAoi yap e t m ,
t o die more are a b l e : like angels for they are,
more ; J because they are
like a n g e l s ; and are Sons
Kat viot eicrt TOV deov, TT\S apacrracreoos vloi of * God, being Sons of the
and sons they are ©fthe God, of t h e resurrection sons
opTts, OTI 5e eyeipoprat 01 ptKpoi, Kai M w - 37 B u t T h a t t h e D E A D
being. That but rise t h e dead ones, even M o - rise, even Moses h a s de-
*rt)$ */j,7)Pvo~ep 67rf TT)S (Sarov, ws \eyet Kvpiop, c l a r e d , ! at the B U S H , when
a«« declared at the bush, when he calls a Lord, he calls Jehovah, ' t h e
TOP OGOP Afipaafi, Kat TOP 6eop lo'aaK, Kai TOP ' G O D of Abraham, and
the God of A b r a h a m , a n d t h e God of Isaac, a n d t h e ' t h e *God of I s a a c , and
' t h e * God of J a c o b . '
G^ov laKtvfi. ^ © e o s 5e OVK ecrrt pcKpccp, aAAct
God of J a c o b . A God now n o t h e is of dead ones, b u t
38 Now he is n o t a God
of t h e Dead, b u t of t h e
^COPTOOP' Trapresyap avrcp facrip. A7rotfpi#ez/Tes L i v i n g ; t for to h i m alJ
of living o n e s ; all for to him live. Answering are alive."
5 ; ripes TCOP ypaju/narecap enrop' Aibsao~KaA€, 39 Then some of the
and soma ©fthe scribes said; O teasher, S C R I B E S answering, said,
/caAws enras. OvK€Ttde €TO\/JLOOP ewspooTap " T e a c h e r , thou hast spo-
well t h o u hast spoken. N o longer a n d they presumed fro ask ken well."
avTop ovfiep. 40 * And they dared not
him nothing. question him any more.
Ej7re 8e irpos avrovs' Ileus \eyovo~i TOP 41 And he said to therm
H e said and to them; How say they t h e $ " H o \ v do they say, t h a t

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—30. took—omit. 30. the wife, and this died childless—
omit. 32. And of all—omit. 34. answering—omit. 36. God. 37» God.
S7. God. 40. For after.
+ 37- Many modern critics regard the phrase,—at the Bush,—as referring to the section
in the book of Exodus, commencing at chap. iii. 2, where it is recorded that the angel of Je-
hovah appeared to Moses <- in a flame of fire out of a bush." I n Mark xii 26. we read, Jesug
asks, " Have you not read in the BOOK of Moses, at the BUSH, how GOD spoke to him ?" evi-
dently alluding to the place or section where it was to be found 60 here he savs " l h a t
the dead rise, even Moses has declared at the I section of] The Bush when he calls Jehovah."
&c. Now Moses could only be said to declare this by recording what the angel said See th«j
account in Exodus. t 38 To him who regards the future resurrection of his people ss
though it was present:—"God. who makes alive the dead, and oaUe shines 00c in oeiru? aa
Wiough they were." Kom. iv. 17.
t 86. 1 Cor. xv. 42,49, 52 ; Kom. viiu;23; 1 John iii. ?. r *t. Mail. xxii. 45 ; Mark jjii. j&
Cfrap. go. 483 LUKE. [ Chap. SI: 6.
42 the MESSIAH is to be a Son
Xpicrrov vlov Aavift eiva ; Kai avros Aavifi
Anointed ason of David to be? of David ?
Ai^J yet himself David
Keyet sv fiifiXcp TpaX/JLOov ' Ei7rez> 6 Kvpios T&> 42 * For David himself

says in a book of psalms; "Said the Lord to the

saysin the Book of Psalms,
43 % * ' Jehovah said to my
Vivpiap jxov K a 0 o v e£ 8e£iwv ^ov eoos av 6co ' LOUD, sit thou at m:
lord of me; Sit thou at right hand of me till I may place
' Eight hand,
rovs ex^povs crov vtroirodiov Ttav irofiooi/ o~ov." 43 'till I put thineEN=
the enemies of thee a footstool of .he feet of thee." C E M I E 3 underneath thy
AaufS ovv Kvpiov avrov KaXei, Kai iroos vtos ' F E E T . '
David therefore a lord him calls, and how a son 44 David,therefore, calls
avrov eo'nv; 4 5 AKOVVTOS 8e TTOVTOS TOV Xaov, him Lord, and how then
ofhim heis? Hearing and all ofthe people, is he * His Son ?"
6i7T€ TOIS fiaOrjTais avrov 46
Upoo~ex€Te arro 45 {Then in the hearing
he said to the disciple* of himself; Beware of of All the PEOPLE he said
rcov ypajxfxarecav^ T:«:V QeXovroov Trepnraretv ev t o * t h e DISCIPLES,
the scribes, those wishing to walk in 46 "Beware of THOSJK
(TroXais, Kai (piXovvToov acrnacr/JLovs tv rats SCRIBES W h o DESIRE tO
robes, and loving salutations in walk about in Long robes,
ayopais, KaiirpcaroKaOedpias zvats avvaycoyais, and £love Salutations m
the MARKETS, and the
markets, and first seats in the synagogues,
Principal seats in the SYN-
Kai irp&TOKXto'ias ev TOIS Senrvois' ^ ol Karea'- AGOGUES, and the Upper
and first places in the feasts; they de-
couch at EEASTS ;
Qiovo'i ras oiKias roov x^pcoz', Kai irpotyao'ei 47 J those PLUNDERING
four the houses ofthe widows, and for a show the FAMILIES of WIDOWS.
jua/cpa TTpoaevxovrai' ovroi Xrj^/ovrai
irepio'o'o- and for a Show make long
long they pray; these will receive greater Prayers; these will receive
repov Kpifxa. a Heavier Judgment."
K E $ . KO!. 2 1 . 1 And looking up, | h c
AvafiXetyas 5e eide rovs fiaXXovras ra dcopa saw the KICH CASTING
their GIFTS into the TREA-
Looking and he saw those casting the gifta
avrcav eis TO ya^oXvXaKiov ir\ov(rtos.
2 And he saw a Certam
of them into the treasury rich ones. He saw
aj/ poor Widow casting m
5e * [ / c a i ] nva xvP Trtvixpuv fiaXXov&av ercei there Two f Lepta.
and [also] a certain widow poor casting there 3 And he said, " I assurfc
5uo A€7TTa" 3 Kai znvev AXyOoos Aeyco VJXIV^ on you, That this POORWIDOW
two lepta: and he said: Truly I say to you, that cast in more than al 1;
7] %77pa 7] ITTOJX7] uvrri TTXGLOV Travrcov efiaXev. 4 for ail these have cast
the widow that poor this more of all has cast. among the GIETS out of
'ATravres yap ovroi e/c TO.) Tcepiaro~4vovTostheir SUPERFLUITY ; but
All for they out of the abundance she, out of her POVERTY,
avTois efiaXov eis Ta dcopa * [ T O U 6>eoir] avrr) 8e cast in All the LIVING that
of them cast into the gifts [ofthe she had.
God;] she but
€K TOV vo~Tepr}/LiaTos avrrjs a.TavTa 5 $ And some speaking
TOV fiiov,
out of the want of herself all the living, of the TEMPLE, That it was
bv e i ^ e r , cftaXe. Kai rivoov Xeyovrcov irepi adorned with beautiful
whichshe said, she cast. And some speaking about Stones and Offerings, he
TOV Upov bTi XiQois KaXois Kai avadrifxaai said,
the temple that with stones beautiful and offerings 6 " A s for these things
KeKoo,fxr]Tai, 6i7T6* 6 T a u T a a 9^cop€LT€, eXev- which you behold, the Daya
it was adorned, he said; These which you behold, will will come, in which $ there
aovTai TjfJLepai ev ats OVK a<peb7](Terai XiQos eiriwill not be *left here a
Stone upon a Stone, that
come days in which not will be left a stone upon
will not be thrown down.''
XiOcp, bs ov KaraXvOrjcreTai. ? 'RTrrjpcorTjo'av 5e
a stone, which notMANUSCRIPT.—42.
* VATICAN will be thrown down.
For David.They asked and
42. Lord. 44. His Son, ' 45. his
>isciPiiES. 2. also—omit. 4. of Gor>—omi£. 6. left here.
ft 2. I n value about four mills, or nearly half a farthing,'.
•J 42. Psa. ex. 1; Acts ii. 34.° £ 45. Matt xsiii. 1; Mark xii. 38. J 46. L u k e x ! 43.
t 47- Matt, xxiii. 14. J 1. Matt. xii. 41. J 5. Matt. xxiv. 1; Mark xiii. I. | 6. Luke
xix. 44.
Chap. 2 1 : WJ [etoap. 2i; l a
avrov, Asyopres' AiSac/caAe, Trore OVP ravra 7 And they asked him,
him, saying; O teacher, vrhea then these saying, " Teacher, wlien
then will th ese things he ?"
eorat; KOU ri ro (TJIJJL^IOV^ brav fieAArj ravra and " What will be the
will b e ? and what t h e sign, when m a y b e a b o u t these
SIGN when these things are
yiP€(r6ai; 8 ' 0 5e ef7re* BAeTrere, [JLT] irAaprjOrjre. about to be accomplished ?"
tobedone? He but said; L o o k you, n o t y o u i n a y bedeceived # 8 And HE said, X " See
lloAAoi yap eAzvcroprai €iri rep opofxart fiov, that you be not deceived ;
Many for willcome in the name of m e , for many will come in my
Atyopres' C
OT« cyco ei/jit, Kai 6 icatpos Tjyyuce. NAME, saying, ' 3E am he,J
saying; That I a m , and t h e season has approached^ and the TIME draws near j
go not after them.
Mr} ^[OVP~\ TropevOrjre OTTLCCO avreop* 9 cGrap Se 9 And when you hear of
N o t [therefore] go y o u after them. When and
Battles and Insurrections,
aKovcrrjre TTOAG/XOVS Kai cucaracrrcurias, /AT) TTTO- be not alarmed; for these
you may hear of wars and commotions, n o t y o u may things must _ first occur;
rjdrjrc Set yap ravra yepecrdat irpcorop' «AAS but the END comes not im-
be terrified; m u s t for these corns t o pass first; but mediately/ 1
10 10 $ Then he said to
cvft evOecas r.D r e A o s . T O T 6 eAeyep avrois'
immediately t h e end. Then he said t o t h e m ; them, " Nation will rise
not against Nation, and King-
'EyepOrjo'erai eOpo? STTI eQyos, Kai flacriAeia dom against Kingdom;
Will rise a nation on a nation, and a kingdom
11 "-'and in various Pla-
e7a fiaaiAsiap 11 creLCfAOi re /xeyaAoi Kara, ro~ ces there will be gre^t
on a kingdom; earthquakes and great in many Earthquakes, and 1'aminea,
7TOVS, Kai Al[jLOl9 Kai Aoifxoi effovraf (pofi-qrpa and Pestilences; there will
places, and famines s and pestilences will b e ; fearful sights b^ also Fearful sights and

Tfe Kai (T7](Xeia arc* OVp&VOV (xeyaAa ecrai. great Signs from Heaven.
also and from heaven great will be. 12 X But before all these
12 things they will lay their
Ylpo 8e rovroop iraprcvp €irifio.Aov(TLP €(p' vjxas HANDS on you, and perse-
Before b u t this ail theywilliay on you
cute you, delivering you up
l as a T(av KCLl
Tas x* P v s Sfco^ouct, Ttapa&ihoprss to Synagogues and {Pris-
the hands of t h e m , and t h e y will persecute, delivering u p ons, dragging you before
eis ffvpayooyas Kai (pvAaKas, aycr^epovs ETH Kings and Governors on
so synagogues and prisons, dragging to account of my NAME.
fiacriAets Kai rjyefxovas, kvzKtp rov opo/uaros 13 And it will turn out
iings and governors, on account of t h e name to you for a Testimony.
13 14 J'Settle it m your
{xov. Airo^rja'erai 5e V/LUP as fxaprvpiop. HEARTS, therefore, not to
olme. I t will turn o u t and t o you for a testimony.
premeditate on your de-
®eer0s OVP as ras Kapdias vj-toop, jxt] irpo;.\£- fence ;
Settle y o u therefore in the hearts ofyou, not iopre-
15 for 3E will give you.
Azrq.p aTToAoyrjOrj^aL. Eyca yap hcocroo vfiiv Eloquence and Wisdom,
meditate t o m a t e A. defeace. T for will give to you % which All your OPPO-
(TrofxaKai acxpiap, *7) ov Svpr)<roprai aprenrzLP rj NENTS will not be able to
s mouth and wisdom, which n o t wiU be able t o gainsay or gainsay, or resist.
apri(rr7}P(.u irapres ol avriKZLixepoi v/uiv. 16
YIapa~ 16 And you will be de-
resist all the opponents to you. You wilj livered up even by Parents,
and Brothers, and Rela-
doOiqa'ecrds §e tcai viro yopeoop, Kai adeAcpcop, tives, and 1'Yiends; and
b s delivered up a n d also by parents, and brothers,
some of you they will put
Kai crvyyepoop, icai (f)t.A(ap° Kai Oaparoocrovcrip e£ to death.
and relatives, and friends: a n d they will p u t to death of
17 And you will be hated
v/JLOoy. ^ Kct: ecrecr^e }Ai(rov[xepoi viro iraprcop oy all on account of my
you. And y o u veil! be being hated by all NAME ;
Sia TO ovofxa (xov* Kat 6pi£ €K rrjs KecpaArjs 18 But not a Hair of
through t h e name ojme. And a hair from th head your HEAD wrill perish.
* VATICAU MANUSCRIPT.—8. therefore—onvt. 11. there will be great Earthquakes,
and in various Places Famines, and.
% 8 Matt. xxiv. 4; Mark siii, 5; Eph. v 6; 2 Thess, ii. 3. t 10. "Vlatt. xxiv, 7
X 12. Markxiii. 9. % 12, Acts iv. 3; v. 18; xii. 4.5XVi»24 xxv, 23. t 14. Matt.
5.19; xiii.ll; xii. 11. i lo>_&&&(>«V^
fftap. 21s It. LUKE, [Chap. 2 1 : 30.

%JXWP ov fit} aTToXfjrai. vnofxovr] V/JLCOP 19 By your PATIENT

^ E z / ry
©fyou not not will perish. In the patient endurance ofyou ENDURANCE preserve youl
KTTicrao'Ofs ra$ tyvxas V/JLCOP, LIVES.
preserve you the lives of you. 20 % And when you see
Q T « P § e &57JT6 IWt£A0V[X€Pr]1/ VTTO <TTpUTOir<Z- JERUSALEM smrroundedby
When and you may see surrounded by encampments Encampments, then know
dcaP T^v'IepovcraXyjfi^ rore ypccre, on iiyyiKsp That its DESOLATION has
the Jerusalerns thenyou rnay know, that has cornenear approached.
^ ep7]juica(ris avr'qSo 2 1 T o r e oi ei> ry IOV5'aia, 21 Then let THOSE who
the desolation of her. Then those in the Judea, are in J U D E A , flee to the
tf>€vy<~TO)crai& eis ra op7}° teat oi ep fi€o~cp av- MOUNTAINS ; l e t THOSE
let them flee to the mountains; and those in of who are in the city, depart
rr)s9 e/cxcopeiTaxrai/ ica& ol ep rats' x°°P 9 M7? out
0 j and let not THOSE
who are in the COUSITEY
her let them go out; • and thosein the country places,not
22 PLACES enter it.
€KTepx€<jOooaap eis avrr)pa 'On rijiepai e/cSi- 22 For these are Days cf
let them enter into her. For days of Vengeance, $that All the
fojerecos abrat GMTI^ TOV TrXfjcrO^pat Travr'a ra THINGS WRITTEN may be
vengeance these are, of the to be fulfilled all the things ACCOMPLISHED.
yeypa[A[iepa, ^Ovai * [ ' 8 e ] r a t s epyaarpi e^ou- 23 $ B u t alas for the
haring been written. Woe [but] to the in womb hold- PREGNANT a n d NURSING
o~ai$ Kai rais Or}Xa^ov(Tais €p exeipais rats ^/xe- WOMEN in Those D A Y S !
ing and to the giving suck in . those
the days; for there will be great Dis-
pPAS' earai yap ap ay KTJ (xeyakT] <sirt rrjs yrjs, tress on the LAND, and
will bs for distress great upon the land, Wrath againstthis PEOPLE.
/ecu opyy rq) Aa<p rovrcp' Kai irecrovprai 24 And they will fall by
and wrath io the people this; and they will fall the Edge of the Sword, and
crroixari, /Acxcupasj Kai eu%/AaA&mfr#?7(ro^Ta4 be led captive into All the
kyedge of a sword, and they will be led captive NATIONS ; and Jerusalem
64S iravra ra <E6PT}' icai "lepovcraX7]}i Gcrrai will be trodden down by
ints all the nations; and Jerusalem will be Gentiles, % till * the Times
Ttarovp.ePT} VTTO SQPWP, o^XP1 wXyipwQooo'i Katpot of Gentiles may be accom-
trodden down by Gentiles, till may be fulfilled seasons plished.
GOPOOP, 25 25 J And there will he
Kca ecrrai O~7)/J,C-LO, ev 7]Xicp Kai Q~eXi]p7]
of Gentiles. And will be signs in sun and moon Signs in the Sun and Moon
/cat ao~rpois° KOA tin TT)S yrjs CTVPOXV COPCOP sv and S t a r s ; and on the
and stare s and on the earth anguish ofnationn in EAE.TH Anguish of Nations
airopta '?}X0VS Oa?\acf(T'/}S KOA (ra\ov ano\\!v- in Perplexity? "'Roarings

povplexity of a roar of sea faint- of the Sea and Waves;

and of tossing:
yjopr^iV ap8pG07i*cx)p CTTO (bofiov KOA Tcpoodoicias 26 Men fainting from
iug jnen from fear and expectation Tear and Apprehension of
rcav z'RzpXQ^v^v V oiKovf.tei/7)' at yap dvpafisis t h e H A B I T A B L E ; $ for t h e
of the things coming on the habitable: the for powere
TOOV ovpavojp craXevOrjcoPTai, ^ Kai rore oipop-
ef.-tha heavens will be shaken. And then they will will ha shaken.
27 And then they will
rat TOU vlow vov apOpcorrov epxof.i€pop GP p€(pshr}i see the SON of MAN X com-
nee the son ®fthe man coming in a cloud,
ing in a Cloud with Powei
fxera dvpafAsms Kai do^rjs TTOXXTJS* 2'i Kpxopispcav and great Glory.
with powe^ and glory great. Beginning 28 When these things are
Be TovrcoP yipearQaL9 avaxbvarare Kai ewqpars beginning to occur, raise
and ofihene to occur, raise yourselves and lift up yourselves, and lift up your
-ras KftpaXas vficop" diori eyyt^si 7) a,iToAvTp(aori$ HEADS ; for your DELIV-
the beads of you; because draws near the deliverauca ERANCE m drawing near."
i>fxoop\ 2 9 Kai enre vapaBoX'qv avrots* IdererriP 29 And he spoke a Par-
afyou. Andhcspoko a parable to them; Seeyou the able to them;—"Behold
30 the FIG-TREE, and All the
<7v\v(\v K.0A irapra ra, B<spdpa° or at? irpofiaXoxrtpTREES.
Sg-trea and all the trees; when they shoot forth.
30 When they now put
* VA'.SICAH MAWTJSCKIPT.—23. But—omit. §4. when they should be fulfilled; and
the Tiuies shall be those of the Gentiles. And 25. Roarings of the Sea.
J SO- Matt. zxiv0 la* Mark xiii. 14. % 22. Dan. ix. 26;' Zech. xi. 1, t H- f>aa>,
3di. % • 'Jftom. Ki. 25. % 25. Matt, xxiv. 20: Mark xiil. 24; 2 Pet. iii. 10,12. i M. MaiHi
s^iv. 2&0 % &f* Matt. ssiv. SO i Rev. i. ?„
map. 2 1 : 31.] LUKE. [Chap. 22: &.

ySr], fiXexovres, acp* eavrcov yivwcTKere, bri forth, observing it, you
now, beholding, from of yourselves you know, that kllOW of yOUTSelvCS That
rj^T] eyyvs TO Oepos eo'riv, vfiets, the SUMMER already is
now near the summer is. So also you, near.
brav i$7]T€ ravra yivofieva, yivaxTKere, on 31 Thus, also, when gnu
when you may see these occiirring, know you, that see these events occurring,
eyyvs eo'riv f] fiaaiXeta rov deov. 3 2 AfiTjv Xeyoo know That the KINGDOM
near is the kingdom of the God. Indeed I say of GOD is near.
v/xiv, on ov j.L7] irapeXQr} 7] yevea avrr], ecas 32 Indeed I say to you,
to you, that not not may pass away the generation this, till This GENEBATION will Hot
av iravTCL yeyrjrcu. Kai r) yr\ pass away, till all he ac-
O ovpavos
all may be done. The heaven and the earth complished.
33 The HEAVEN and the
rrapeXevo'ovTar ol Se Xoyoi fiov ov fxrj irapeX-
EAETH will fail; but my
shall pass away; the but words of me not not may pass
34 WOEDS cannot fail.
BOOO'L, Ilpocr€Xere ^ 6 eavro&s, fiTjirore fiapr)- 34 But Jtake heed to
away. Take heed but to yourselves, lest should be yourselves, lest Your
decciv vficov at fcapdiai ev KpanraXy,
Kai Ju-eOy, HEAETS be oppressed by
burdened ofyou the hearts anddrunkenness, Gluttony, and Drunken-
with surfeiting,
Kai iiepijxvais (SiooriKais" Kai aicpviSios ecf>3 vjxas ness, and Anxieties of life,
and anxieties oflife; and suddenly . on you and that DAY should come
dinarr) T) ^fiepa eKsivr]. 3o
'Q.s irayis ya,o eire- unexpectedly upon you.
35 For it will come, like
may come the day that. As r. snare for it will'
a Snare, on All THOSE
"kkVfftTOLi 67T4 TtaVTaS T0VS Kad7]jLl€V0VS Wl TTpO- DWELLING on the Face of
eome on all those dwelling on face the Whole LAND.
rooirov Tracrrjs rrjs yrjs* AypvTrveire 36 J*"Be you watchful,
ovv ev
of all of the earth. Watch you therefore, at all times,
then in
iravrt Kaiptp) deo/jcevoi, Iva Kara^ioodrjre e/c- praying that you may be
every season, praying, thatyoumaybeaccou; ted worthy to regarded worthy to escape
tpvyeiv ravTa iravra ra [xeXhovra yivea6ait ABOUT to occur, and to
•scape these all the things being about to occur, stand before the SON of
Kai o'raOrjvai efxirpoo'dev rov vlov rov avOpeoirov. MAN."
and to stand in presence ofthe son of the man. 37 Now he was teaching
^ Hv 8e ras i)fxepas ev rep lepep didacTKoov | during the DATS in the
Pie was and the days in the temple teaching; TEMPLE, and going out he
ras 8e vvKras e^epxo/uevos 7}vXi^ero eis ro lodged at NIGHTS in THAT
MOUNTAIN which is called
the and nights going out he lodged in the
38 the Mount of Olives.
opos ro KaXovjievov eXauav. Kai iras 6 38 And All the PEOPLE
mountain that being called of olive-trees. And all the came early to him in the
Xaos cep6pi£e irpos avrov ev rep tepep anoveiv TEMPLE to hear him.
people came early to him in the temple to hear CHAPTER XXII.
avrov. KE$„ K^\ 2 2 . 1UyyiCe de r) eoprr} 1 NOW J THAT EEAST
him. Drew near now the feast Of UNLEAVENED BEEAD,
roov a£v/j,oov, T) XeyofxevT] irao'xa' Kai
efarovv which is CALLED the Pass-
oftheunleavenedcakes,that being called passover; and sought over, was drawing near.
o! apxiepeis Kai ol ypafxfiare-is, ro ircosaveXcoCiv 2 AndtheiiPGH-PEiESTs
the high-priests and the scribes, the how they might kill and SCEIBES sought HOW
avrov €(po$ovvro yap rov Xaovc 3
Eio~7]X6e Be theythey
might kill him ; for
feared the PEOPLE.
him; they feared for the people. Entered and
3 + And the Adversary
o'aravas eis lovdav rov eiriKaXov/nevov Io~Kapioo- entered * into THAT Judas,
adversary into Judas that being suniamed Iscariot CALLED Iscariot, who was
rrjVy ovra etc rov apiO/aov roov doodeKa. K a i of the NUMBER of the
bedng of the number ofthe twelve. And TWELVE.

* VATICAN MANUSCKIPT,—36. But watch you, and pray always, that you may prevail to
escape. 3. into TUAT Judas, called Iscariot.
1 34. Rom xiii. 13; 1 Thess. v. 6; 1 Pet. iv. 7. J 36. Matt.xxiv 42; xxv. 13 ; Mark
xiii. S3. t 37. John viii 1, 2'; Luke xxu. 39. J 1. Matt. xxvi. 2; Mark x u . L
I 3. Matt. xxvi. 14; Matt.xiv. 10; John xni. % 27.
[Chap. %%: 1?.
. 23": 4/j LUKE.
%irt\B<av ffvvzXaXriffe TOLS apxispevffi Kai TOIS 4 Andhewent and talked
going h e talked with. the high-priests and the with the HIGH-PRIESTS
officers, the how
might deliver him up t«
h i m h e m i g h t deliver u p t o t h e m .
8 them.
K a i exaprjcrav Kai crvvsOevTO avT(p apyvpiov 5 And they were glad,
A n d t h e y were glad, a n d agreed t o him silver
6 and agreed to give him
lovvai, Kai ^oofxoXoyy]^^' Kai €^r)T€i svfeat- Money.
t o give. And he consented; and he sought oppor-
6 And he consented, and
piOLV TOV Trapadovpat avrov CLVTOIS CLTtp oxXov.sought a Convenient time
tunityofths t o deliver up him t o t h e m w i t h o u t o f a crowd.
to DELIVER, him up to them
? HA#e 8e r) ij/jtepa TOOU afrfAOof, ev '# in the absence of the Crowd.
Came a n d i h e day of t h e unleavened cakes, i n which
7 J NOW the DAY Of UN-
ۤef dveo~6ai TO Tratrxor Kai airso'TeiAe LEAVENED BREAD came,
it is necessary t o sacrifice t h e p a s c h a l l a m b ; and h e sent on which it was necessary
YltTpov Kai Xooavv^v^ enroow UopevOevTts 4TO*- to sacrifice the PASCHAL
~e t e r a n d- J-o h. n , saying} G_o i n g ^re_ LAMB.
jJLaoraTG rjfxiv TO 7racr^a, iva tyayoofxtv. 9 Oi' 5e 8 And he sent Peter and
pare y o u for u s t h e passover, t h a t we m a y eat. They and John, saying, "Go, and
tnrov avTCt)' Tlov BeXeis aTOifJLao'wfxeu; 1 0 ' O Se prepare the PASSOVER for
us, that we may eat."
said t o h i m ; W h e r e wilt t h o u we make r e a d y ? H e and
9 And THEY said to him,
eiifev avTOis* I§oi», e to" € AS OVTOW V/JLOOV eis TT\V"Where dost thou wish
said to them; Lo, h a v i n g entered of y o u i n t o t h e that we * prepare for thee
7ro\iv, crvvavTrjcrei v\xiv avOpooiros Kepafitou to eat the PASSOVEB,?"
city, will m e e t you a man a pitcher 10 And H E said to them,
USOITOS {5a<TTa£oov aKo\ov6r}0'aT€ avTcp €is TK]V "Behold, as you enter the
of water carrying; follow y o u him into the CITY, a Man carrying a
Pitcher of Water will meet
oiKiav, ov eio-iropewzTar Kai €peiT6 Tcp ouco- you; follow him into the
k o u s e , where he e n t e r s ; a n d say y o u t o t h e house
HOUSE where he enters.
dearTTOTr) TT)S oiKias' ll Aeyci <roi 6 StSac/caAos' 11 And you shall say to
SOaster of the house: Says t o t h e e t h e teacher: the MASTER ot the HOUSE,
flov ecTi TO KaraXv/xa, fisTa 'The TEACHER says to thee,
oirov TO 7ra(rxa
Where is t h e guest-chamber, where t h e passover with Where is the GUEST-CHAM-
TOOU jjta6r]Toov JJLOV <payoo ; 12 BER, where I may eat the
Kaicewos VJXLV dei^ei
PASSOVER with my D I S C I -
tha disciples o i m e I may e a t ? And he t o youwillshow
avayiov fxsya so'Tpoop.tvov' €K€i kToifxaffar^, 12 Andfiewill show you
an upper r o o m large having been furnished: t h e r e prepare y o u .
a large Upper-room fwt-
AireAdovTes 8e evpov Kadcos siprjKzv avrois° nished ready § ihere pre*
Having gone a n d they l o u n d even as h e h a d said to them: pare."
Kai 7]'ai/ TO 7ra(r%a. 13 And they went, ar>:l
and t h e y prepared t h a passover. found all even as he harH
- Kai 6T6 tyeveTO 7] wpa, aveTreo'e9 Kai ol said to them; and they
And whea came the hour, h e reclined, and the prepared the PASSOVER.
15 14 % And when the HOUR
SooSeAca airoo~To\oi <rvv avTcp. K«« enre irpos came, he reclined, and *the
twelve apostles with him. And h e said to
APOSTLES with him.
CLVTOVS' ETriOvpua €Tre6v/j.7]aa TOVTO TO 7rao"^a 15 And he said to them,
them : W i t h desire 1 have desired this the passover
" I have earnestly desired
(payeiy fie8* b/jt-wv, irpo TOV JAG Tradziv. Aeyoo to eat This PASSOVER with
to eat with you, before t h e xne t o suffer. I say you before I SUEEER ;
yap vfxip^ OTI *[ou«:6Til ov JJLT} <pay<a
e£ avTov, 16 for I say to you, I
for to you, that [no more] n o t n o t I m a y eat of
it, will not eat * of it, till it
€(o$ drov TrArjpGoOr) €V TT) jSacnAeta TOV Beov.shall be fulfilled in the
till i t m a y be fulfilled i a the kingdom ol t h e God. KINGDOM of G O D . "
*7 K a i 8e£a/*€j>os iroT7]piov9 evx^piCTYjo-as eiire' 17 And taking a Cup,
And having taken % cup, having given t h a n k s he«md: having given thanks, hr
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—9. prepare for thee to eat the PASSOVER. 14 the Are s TLBS
with Mm. 16. no jnore—omit. 16. the same, till.
i 7 Matt. xxvi. L7 \ Mark xiv. IS. 4 14. Matt. xxvi. 20 j Mark xiv. 17
(Map. 2 3 : 18.3 LUKE [Chap. 2 3 : 2 1

AajSeTe rovro, Kai B tape pi (Tare kavrois. Aeyca said, "Take this, and di-

Take you this, and divide you among yourselves. 1 say vide it among yourselves;
yap vfxip, on sv JXT] TCIOO airo rov ycvvi\\$ 18 for % I say to you, 1
for to you, that not not I. may drink of the product will not drink *irorii
rt]s afJLireAov, ecos orov 7) $an\cia rov Qeov HENCEFORTH of the PRO-
of the vine, till the kingdom of the God
DUCT of the VINE, till the
19 KINGDOM of GOD shall
eXQr). Kai Aa&wv aprop, evxapiorrrjo'as come."
may come. And having taken aloaf, having given thanks
19 $ And taking a Loaf,
e/cAaore, Kai edooicep avrois, Aeycop° Tovro ecrri and having given thanks,
he broke, and gave to them, saying: This is he broke it, and gave to
ro o-QOjAa /uov, ro vrrep VJJLCVV dido/u.epop' rovro them, saying, "This is
the body of me, that in behalf of you being given : this THAT BODY of mine which
iroieire eis rr]p efxrju apap,P7)crip. Tlcravroos is GIVEN tor you; do this
do you in the my remembrance. In like manner in MY llememhrance."
Kai ro rrorrjpiop, fxera ro deiirrjo'ai, \eycvp' 20 I n like manner also
also the cup, after the supper, saying: the GUP, after the SUPPER,
Tovro ro irorr)piop3 i) K.aivy\ SiaOrjicr] €P rw saying, NEW
"This CUP is the
Covenant in my
This the cup, the new covenant in the
2l BLOOD, THAT in your be-
alfiari fxov, ro virep v/uoop eicxvpofxepop. Il\7]P half being POURED OUT.
blood of me, thatin behalf of you being poured out. But 21 | But, behold, the
i$ov, 7) XeLP rov wapaSidopres /ne /tier* €/J.OV QTTL HAND 01 II131 wllO DELIV-
io, the hand of the delivering up me with mine on ERS me up is wathmineon
rrjs rpairefys. K a i 6 (xzv vtos rov avQpooirov the TABLE.
the table. And the indeed son of the man 23 * For indeed the SON
Tropeverat icara ro oopio'fiepop' TTXTJP ovai of MAN is going away, ac-
goes avjay accordmgto that having been appointed; but woe cording to THAT which has
been APPOINTED; but Woe
•/cp a.v6pcv7rcp eK€iP(p, oY ov 'jrapafiidorai. to that MAN by whom he
to the man that, through whom he is delivered up. is delivered up!"
'2S K K J avroL rjp^avro avfarzip irpos eavrovs^ro, 23 And iljrrj began to
And they began to inquire among themselves, the, inquire among themselves,
rts apa eir) e£ avrcop b rovro JJLSWOOP irpaJ(r~ WHICH of them it could be
which then it could bo of them the this being about to who was about to do this.
o eiv. 24 J And there was also
do. a Contention among them,
Eyepera Be xai (piXovzucia zv avrois-, WHICH of them should be
There had been and also a strifa among them, thought the greatest.
r c j ris avrtav doicei sipai [xeifav, 2o e
O §e 25 £ And H E said to
the, vttnch of them thinks to be greater. He but them, " T h e KINGS of the
NATIONS exerciseaominion
enrep avrois' Oi iSaciheis rcop edpoop Kvpi^vov over them; and THOSE
said to them; The kings of the nations exercise iordship HAVING AUTHORITY over
(rip avroop' icai oi e£ovcria£opres avrccp0 evep- them are styled t Bene-
over them; and those having authority of them, bene- factors.
yzrai ica\ovprau ^<rtfxeis
8e ovx OVTOJS" aAA.? 26 But gcit must not be
factors are sailed. You but not so; but so; but let the GREATEST
6 /J.€L('CVP €P bfjup, yepzo'dco &s 6 peoorepos' icai among you become as the
tne greater among you, let him become as the younger; and LEAST, and the GOVERNOR
2 as H E who SERVES
5 rjyoufxepos, cos 6 diaKOPcop, ?Tis yap jxei- 27 For who is greater,
th.n governor, as he serving. "Which for greater?
Cwv , 6 apo.tcei/j.epos, rj 6 fiiaicopcop, oi/%i 6 who SERVES? Is not H E
he reclining, or he serving? he who RECLINES ? but ft am

iAPu.K€>/j.epos; zyco de eijxi tp fxzo~o) v\iwv among you as HE who

cbs 6
ieclintng P I but am in midst of you as he SERVES.

VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 8 . from H E N C E F O R T H . 22. lor i n d e e d .
T 25. Euergef.cs, Benefactors, v,"is a n a m e borne b y several k i n g s m E g y p t a n d Syria, a n d
had Lecome p i o v e r b i a i i o r a tyrant.—Sharpe.
I 18. M a t t . x x v i . 29, M a i k xiv. 2r> j 19. i Coi\ x i . 24. J 21. P s a . x l i . 9 •
Matt. xxvi. 21,23, Al.nk • -^ q .; J o h t , x i n . 21, 26. + 24. M a i k i x 34; L u k e i x . 46.'
\ i& M a t t . x x . 25 : i\hu !-S«-£&T3*~~
Chap. 28 s S&3 L.UKK. [Cliap. 2 2 : 38.

28 2 8 And g o u are T H E I
tiuxKovcaVs ' T j U e i s 8e ecrre ol fiia[ieiiiev7}K0TGs
serving. You but are those having continued who have C O N T I N U E D with
fi€T9 e/xov ev TOIS Tceipaarfxois fiov, 29
K.uyc& me i n m y T R I A L S .
tvita me in the trials of me. And K 29 And 3 covenant foi
dLariBefxai v/XiV, KaOoos Bteder.o JULOI 6 fcar-qp you, even a s m y F A T H E R
covenant for you, even as has covenanted forme the father has covenanted for me, $ a
ftou (3acri\£iav9 30
Iva ecr6L7]T6 nai irivrire Giri Kingdom,
of me a kingdom, that you may eat and you may drink at SO t h a t you may eat and
TT]S Tpatrefys (JLOV ev rr} ftutriAeiq fxov KOA drink a t my TAB LIS i n m y
the table of me in the kingdom of me- and K I N G D O M , " J and sit on
Ka9i<Te<rde eirt 6povcov9 Kpivovres ras doiScKa Thrones, Judging the
you may sit on thrones, judging the twelve T W E L V E Tribes of I S R A E L .
(pv\as rov IcrpariXo 81 Simon, Simon, toehold,
tribes of the Israel. t h e A D V E R S A R Y h a s asked
31 for y o u , tik'\r he m a y S I F T
**[Ei7re § e b Kvptos*^ ^L/ULOOP^ 2Et/xwz>3 idov, YOU like W I O U T ;
[Said and the lord;] Simon, Simon, lo,
32 b u t • £ have prayed
b o~aravas efyryaaro L>/xas5 rov aivtaaai ws for t h e e , t h a t t h y EAITI-I
the adversary has asked for jou, the to sift as may n o t fail, a n d when
rov (Tirov* Eyco 8 e ede7]67]P 7rept o~ov^ Iva ixr\ thou hast turned, strength-
the wheat. 1 but prayed for thee, that not en t h y BRETHREN."
eicXeiTTr) 7] ITIGTLS 0~0V. K o » (TV 7C0TG CTTlffrpG-
may fail the faith of thee. And thou when having been 33 And H E said to h i m ,
ipas, ffTrjpi^ov rovs ade?\<povs (rov. ^ ' O §€ " Master, I a m ready to gr
turned, strengthen the brethren of thee He and with thee both to Prison
enrev avroy K u p i e , [ACTO, O~OV eroi/xos ei/.u KOA a n d to D e a t h . "
said to him : O lord, with thee ready l a m both 34 £ A n d H E said, " 1
eis (pvXaicrjP tcai eis Oavarov iropeveuBai. 34
' O tell thee, Peter, a Coclj
to piison and t o death to go. He will n o t crow To-day, * t i h
5e €i7re 0 Aeyco o~ot, Uerpe, ov fxr^ <$>O)VY\O~GIthou shalt thrice deny tha'
but said; I say to thee, O Peter, not not will crow thou knowest m e . "
ffrifAzpov cAe/cTwpj irpiv 7} rpis a^o.pvy]o"^ \xr\ 35 And h e said t o them
to-day a cock, before thrice thou wilt r'eny not f ' W h e i x I s e n t y o u out
eiSevai fxe. 3 5 K c a enrev avroLS' 'Ore aireo - - without a P u r s e , and Bag,
to have known me. And he said to them j When I and Sandals, did you wan)
reiXa vfias ccrcp (3oAavTiov9 KOA Tr^pcts, Kai any t h i n g ? " And THEY.
sent you without a purse, and a bag, and said, " N o t h i n g . "
viro§7]p,aroovf) p.-q rivos vcrrep^o'are; Ol 3 e enrov 86 * A n d h e said to
shoes, not anything wanted you? t h e y and said; them, " B u t n o w , H E who
Ovdevos* EiTrez/ ovv avrots' AAAct vvv, 6 HAS a Purse, let h i m take
Nothing. He said then to them; But now, he it. and i n like maimer, a
eX°° $aXavriov9 aparco, OJAOUJOS Kai TTT)pav Bag j and H E who H A S n o
having a purse, let him take, in like manner and a bag ; Sword, l e t him sell hia
Kai 6 fir} exc*>v9 irooArjaara) roljiariov avrov, Kai M A N T L E , a n d b u y one.
and he not having, let him sell the mantle of himself, and 37 For I tell you, Than,
ayopaa'aro) /.taxatpa^, ^ Aeyca yap V/JUV, on T H I S which h a s been W R I T -
let him buy a sword. 3 say for to you, that T E N m u s t b e fully accom-
* [ e r t j rovro ro yeypa^evov det rzXeo~Or}vai ev plished i n m e , % "AND H E
[yetj this the-baving been written must to be finished in 'WAS NUMBERED WITH
<s[jLot9 ro' " K a i /xara CLVOJAOOV eXoyicrQ-q.^ K a'LAW-BREAKERS
i i' for also
me, that; "And with, law-breakers he was counted." Also t h e T H I N GS concerning me
yap ra irepi ejxov reXos e^et. ^ O i §e enrov have a n e n d . "
for the thingsabont me an end has. They but 3aid: 38 And THEY said,
Kvpie9 i S o v s /u..a%atp(X£ &de dvo„ "O §<? enrev " Master, Behold, here a r e
O lord, lo, swords here two,, B e and said t w o Swords.'* And H E
avrois' 'litavov eo~ri0 said t o t h e m , " I t i s suffi-
to t h e m : Enough i t is. cient."

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—31. And t h e Lord mi&^emit* 34, till thou shalt.

36. And he said. '67. jet—omit.
X 29. Matt, xxlv* -i? ; Luke xii. 32; 2 Cor. i. 5T; 3 Tim, ii. 12; Eev. ii. 26, 27. * so« M a t t
xix. 28; 1 Cor. VL, $ j Eev. iii. 21. . J 34. Matt. xxvi. 34; Mark xiv. SOj J o W xiii. 38,
\ $>. Matt. X. 91, Luke ix- 3 •, x. 4. I 37. Isa. liii. 12; Mark xv. 2§,
Chap. 22 : 39.]
LUKE. [Chap. 22: 49.
39 39 i And going out, h*
Kcu e^eXOooy eiropevdri Kara TO eOos us
going out he went went according to his cus-
according to the custom to
TO opos TOOV eXaioov 7}Ko\ov6r](Tau 5e avrcp torn to the MOUNT of O L .
the mountain of the olive-trees: followed and him IVES; and his DISCIPLES
K<ZL ol fjLa9r)7ai avrov. ^ YtvojjLevos he e%i rov also followed him.
also the disciples of him. Having come and to the 40 And having arriYed
TOTTOV, eiirev avrois" Upoo'evx^o'de JXTJ eiaeXdeiv at the PLA£ES he said to
place, he said to them: Pray you not to enter them, " Pray that you may
eis 7reipa(Tfjiou. 41 Kcu avros aweenraadr] a?rs not enter into Trial."
into temptation. And he was withdrawn from 41 And. fit retired from
avToov coeref \i6ov fio\7]v, Kai OSLS TO, yovara them about a stone's throw,
them about of a stone throw, andhavingplacedthe ?nieea and kneeling down, he
Trpoarivx^TO, Xeyoov 4 2 r i a r e p , et fiovAei ivape- prayed, saying,
he prayed, saying: O father, if thou art willing to take 42 " Father, if thou art
veytcztv TO TTOTTjpiov TOVTO air* e/xov TTXTJP fir] willing, take away *This
away the cup this from me: but not Cup from m e ; yet not my
TO dsXrjfjiafiov^ aWaro crou yevGO-Qca. 43~*[Q,(f)67)WILL, but THINE be done.'
the will of me, but the thine be done, [Appeared
43 f [ And there appeared
5e avTcp ayyeXos air3 ovpavov, GVKTXV^V avTov, to him an Angel from Hea-
and to him amessenger from heaven, strengtneniug him.
44 ven, strengthening him.
Kcu yeuofitvos eu aycovia, eKrevecrrepov
And being in agony, very earnestly 44 And being in Agony,
irpoo'7}vx€TO* RyzveTO Se 6 ISpoos avTov waei he prayed very earnestly ;
he ptayed. Was ana the sweat of him like
and his SWEAT was like
Clots of Blood falling down
Qpoixftoi alfiaros KCLTafSaivovres eiri Tt\v yy)v.~\ to the GROUND.]
clots ef blood falling down to the ground.!
Kai avao'Tds airo TTJS irpoo'evx'OS, eXOoou irpos 45 And rising from
Andhaving stoodupfrom the prayer, coining to PRATER, and coming to the
DISCIPLES, he found them
TOVS fj.a9rjTas, eupev avT«v$ Koifi&ixzpovs airo sleeping
the disciples, he found them sleeping from
from GRIEF,
TT]S \VTT7]S' Kai enrev avTois'
T t KaQevfieTe ; 46 and said to them,
the grief: and he said to them: Why sleep you? "Why do you .steep ? Arise,
auao~TauT6S 7rpoor€vx^o"6e9 Iva /mrj €io~e\97]T€ eis and pray that you may
having stood up pray you, that not you may enter into not enter into Trial."
ireipacr/LLOP. 47 And while he was yet
temptation. speaking, $ behold a Crowd,
? E r t *["oV] avTou ha\ovpros9 idov o%Aos, and H E who Was CALLED
While [and] of him speaking, lo a crowd, Judas, one of the TWELVE,
K<U 6 Xeyo/xepos lovBas9 eis TCOU doodeKa, Tvpor)p- preceded them, and drew
and he being called Judas, one of the twelve, went near to J E S U S to kiss him.
€r0 48 But * Jesus said to
X CLVTOUS, Kai rjyyicre Toy Irjtrov <pL\r)o~cu
be:ore them, and drew near t o the Jesus to kiss him, " Judas, dost thou be-
OLVTOV. ^ 'O de Irjcrovs enrei/ avrcp° JouSa, tray the SON of MAN with
him. The but Jesus said to him; Judas, a Kiss ?"
<pihr)/J.a.Ti TOI> vtov TOV avQpooirov irapafiidcos; 49 And THOSE about
with a kisa the son of the man betrayestthou? him perceiving WHAT was
^ I c W r e s 8e ol irepi avTov enrov about TRANSPIRING, said,
ro effofievov?
Seeing andthose about him the was going to be, said "Master, shall we strike
r ,
^ [avTa> ~j Kvpie9 ei iraTa^o/meu cu fjtaxapia; with *he Sword?"
to him;] O lord, if shall we strike with asworu?
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—42. This Cup, 43, 44.—omit. 47. And—<mit,
4S. Jesus. 49. to him—omit.
t 43. There is no mention of this circumstance in any of the other Evangelists : and it it,
worthy of remark, that among many of the ancients, the authenticity of these two verses,
the 43rd and 44th, has been doubted, and in consequence, they are omitted in several MSS.,
and in some Versions and Fathers, The Codex Alexandrinus, and the Codex Vaticanus, the
two oldest MSS. in the world, omit both verses; in some very ancient MSS. they stand wi th
an asterisk before them, as a mark ot dubiousness; and they are both wanting in the Coptic
fragments published by Dr. Ford. They are however extant in such a vast number ot MSS.,
Versions and Fathers, as to leave no doubt with most critics, of their authenticity.—Clarke.
Griesbach notes them as wanting- in some authorities,but thirks that thev ought not to be
t 3ft. Matt, xxvi.3% Mark xiv. 82; John xviii.l. + 47. Matt, xxvi.47 j Matt, xxr
43; Johnxviii. S,
[Chap. 22: &).
Chap. S 3 ; SO.] LUKE.,
* K a i eirara^ev els vis e£ avrwu rou dovXou rov struck50 And J o n e of them
And struck. one a certain of them the slave of the
the SERVANT of the
HIGH-PRIEST, a u ^ CUt ofl
2pXl€P€00Si KaL
a<£eiA.ey awrov TO OVS ro 8e£ioj>. H i s RIGHT EAR. /•'
high-priest, and cutoff of him the ear the right.
61 51 But*Jesus ^ u ^ e r i n g
AiroKpidets 5e 6 lycovs eiirew EaT€ ecas said, "Let this suffice."
Answering and the Jesns said; Let you be till And he touched * his EAR,
rovrov. Kai aipafisuos rov coriov avrov, iaa"aro and healed him.
this. And touching the ear of him, he healed 52 % Then JESUS said to
avrou. Enre 5e 6 I^trous irpos rovs irapayeuo- the HIGH-PRIESTS, and Offi-
him. Said and the Jesus t c those having cers of the TEMPLE, and
/ueuovs 67rJ avrou apx*6peis, /rai arpariiyovs rov Elders, who were COMING
lome on him high-priests, and offioera of the against him, " As in pur-
iepov, /ecu irpeo~$vrepovs' '-fts 67ri XrjO'rr}U e^eXrj- suit of a Robber, have you
temple, and elders; As on a robber you have come with Swords and
Xvdare fxera /xaxaipcau Kai ^vXoow 5 3 «:a0' rj/xepau Clubs to take me?
come out with swords and clubs; every day 53 "When I was with you
ovros fxov iieQJ vfxeau eu rep Upcp, OVK e^ereiuare every day in the TEMPLE,
being of me with you in the temple, not you did stretch out you did not stretch out
ras xeiPas 67r
' 6 ) u e * aXX* avrt] v/xcou eo'riu 7) your HANDS against m e ;
the hands on me; but this ofyou it is the J but this is Your HOUR,
oopa, Kai 7] e^ovaia rov aKorovs. and the POWER of DARK-
hour, and the authority of the darkness. NESS."
^'SvXXa&oures 8e avrou rjyayou^Kai eio~7)ya~ 54 Then having seizec
Having seized and him they led, and him, they led him awar,
you avrou ets rov OIKOU rov apx^P^^^' O 5e and brought him to the
him into the house of the high-priest. The but HOUSE Of t h e H I G H - P S I E S T .
Herpos TJKOXOUOGI /xahepodeu. 55
*Atyaureou 5e $ But PETER followed at a
Peter followed at a distance. Having kindled and
55 $And they having
Trvp €U /neo'cp rr]s avXrjs, Kai crvyKaOio'aurcau kindled a Fire in the Mids
afire in midst of the court, and having sat down
of the COURT, sat down
avrcou, eKadrjro 6 Tlerpos eu fxecrcp avrccu. together, and PETER sat
ofthem, sat the Peter in midst oftliem. down among them.
^Ibovaa 5e avrou iraiBio'KT} ris KaQy]jxeuou irpos 56 And a certain Maid-
Seeing and him a maid-servant certain sitting by servant seeing him sitting
ro (poos, Kai arzvicracra avrcp, €i7re* Kai ovros by the LIGHT, and looking
the light, and looking steadily to him, she said: Also this steadily at him, she said,
o~vv avrtf TJU. 7 ' Q Se 7]pu7]craro *\_avrou^ " This man also was with
vfith him He but denied [him,] him.
Xeyww Vvuai, OVK oi$a avrou. Kat fiera 57 But H E denied, sa^v
saying; O woman, not I know him. And after ing, "Woman, I do not
&pax v irepos tdoou avrou, ecpr}' K a t ffv e£ know him."
another seeing him, said; Also thou ef 58 % And after a little,
a little another saw him and said,
avrcou ei. ' O 8e Tlerpos eiirev AvOpoare, OVK " Efiou also art one of
them art. The but Peter said: Oman, not them." And PETER said,
€1111. K a i diao~rao~7]s were* copas fiias 9 aXXos " Man, I am not."
I am. Andhavinglntervened about hour one, another 69 And about an HOUR
ris Sucrxvoifcro, Xeycav KM having intervened, another
E7r' aXyOeias
person confidently affirmed, saying s In truth also confidently affirmed, say-
ing, " I n Truth ^this man
ovros (xer3 avrov r\v Kai yap TaXiXaios eo'riu. was also with him; for he
this with him was: also for a Galilean he is. is also a Galilean."
Ei7re 5e 6 Tlerpos' AvOpooire, OVK oi$a 6 Ke- 60 And PETER said,
Said but the Peter : O man, not I know what thosi " Man, I know not what
yeis. K a i irapaxpyfAtt, e n XaXovvros avrovi thou sayost." And im.
aarest. And immediately, while speaking of him, mediately, while he wai

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—51. Jesus. 51. the EAR. 57. him—omit.

% 50. Matt. xxvi. 51; Mark xiv. 47; John xviii. 10. t 52. Matt. xxvi. 55; Mark xiv
48. J 53. John xii. 27. t 54. Matt. xxvi. 58; John xviii. 15. t 55. Matt
xxvi.69*, Mark xiv. 05; John xviii. 1% 18. % 58. Matt. xxvi. 71; Mark xiv. 60 ; ?<$$
^viii. 35.
Chap. 22: 61.] LUKE, {Chap. 23. &.

§(pcoP7]iT€p aXetcroopo 61ol Kai crrpacpsis o Kvptosyet speaking, the cociC

crew acock. And having turned the Lord crew.
eyejSAc-if/e rq> Tlerpcp* Kai vTrc-fivr)(rOr] 6 Uerpos 61 % And the LOED, turn*
looked to the Peter; and was reminded the Peter ing, looked on PETER; and
rov Koyov rov Kvptov, &s c-nrev avrcp' 'On rcpiv PETER was reminded of
of the word of the Lord, as he said to him; That before the DECLAEATION of the
aXeKTopa <pwpT}0'ou, airapvr\o"rj p,e rpis. ' Kai LOED, how he him,

a cock to crow, And "Before a Cock * crows

thou mayest deny me thrice.
e£eA6W e^co, eichavo's ircKpcvs. c3
Kai ol avSpes To-day, thou shalfc deny
going out, he wept bitterly. And the merj me thrice."
rov oy 62 And going out, he
oi ffvvexovres I^°" ^s evsicai^ov avrcpt,
those having in custody the Jesus, mocked him, wept bitterly.
Szpovres' 64xai irzpucaAvtyavres avrov9 ^[ervir- 63 And THOSE MEN who
acourging; And having blindfolded him, [they had * him in CUSTODY, de-
rov avrov ro -Kpocrooirov^ nai Qinipcorcoi/ avrov, rided and beat him -9
struck of him the face,"] and they asked him,
64- and having blind-
?^yovres' Xlpo<p7]revo°ov-y ris c-o~riv o waio'asfolded him, they asked him,
saying; Prophesy, who is he striking saying, " Divine who is HE
<re ; c5 Kai irepa rroAAa $Aaa<p'f)p.ovvrGS zAeyov that STRUCK thee ?'*
thee ? And other many blaspheming they spoka
65 An<3 many other
eis avrov. tilings they blasphemously
against hhn.
66 spoke against him.
K a i o)S syevsro fjpispa^ (FW7]x^V TV wptG''-
And ao it became day, were assembled the elder- 66 $ And when it wm;
fivrepiov rov Aaow9 apxtepeis r e ypajx- Day, the ELDERSHIP of tho
ship ofthe people, high-pricsta and and scribes, PEOPLE, both High-priests
/jLa "is, Kai avyjy ay oi' avrov ets ro &vVۤpiop and Scribes, were assem-

and brought him into the sanhedrim bled, and they led him into
eavTCdv, ? Aeyovres' Ei trv si 6 Xpwros9 eiTre their SANHEDRIM, saying,
ef themselves, saying; If thou art the Anointed, tell 67 " I f if)or* art t h j
Yjpav. EJTTS § S avrois' Eav vpuv <znroj9 ov {irq MESSTAH, tell us." And
us. Heaaidand to tliem; if to you I tell, not not he said to them, " If I in-
7TLO'r&vo'7]rs' 68€av de *£#«*] epcorrjo'o)^ ov ptr}form you, you will not be-
you will believe; if but [also] I ask, not not lieve ;
69 88 and if I interrogate,
airoKpiOrjre ^[{AOI, VJ airoAvo'rjrs.j ATTO rov
you would answer [nie, or v/ould loose.] From ofthe you will not answer.
vvv ecrrai 6 vlos rov avOpooirov icaOrifxevos €/c 69 * But from this TIME
now shall be the son ofthe man sitting at the X SON of MAN will sit
Se^icov rTjs dvva/xsoos rov Qzovo ^° ELTTOP §€ on the Right hand J?
of the
hght hand of ths power ofthe God. Said and POWER of" GOD.
navres' 2w ovv ei 6 vlos rov Oeov; O St irpos 70 And they all said,
all; Thou then art the sou ofthe C4od? He and "EfjGtt art, then, the SON
avrovs ^(prf £p.ei§ Aeyere" on eye*} %tpu, of GOD ?" And HE said to9
them said: You say: that J am. them, " ^ o u say; I am.'
71 Ot oe etiTov TA en %pemy €X0fJiGV piaprvpto.s; 71 Andtheg said, "What
They and said: Whatfurther need have we of testimony? further need have we of
KvroL yap r)Kovoa.p.ey avro rov irro/xaros Testimony? since we our-
Ourselves for we have heard from the mouth selves have heard this from
avrov. KE3>. ity'. 23„ - Kai avacrro.v airav his own MOUTH."
of him. And having stood up whole CHAPTER XXIII.
ro TCXT.BOS avra>P9 t)yayop avrov €TTI rov Ui- 1 And % the Whole MUL-
the multitude ofthom s they led him to the Pi- TITUDE of them rising up,
Karov. led him to P I L A T E .
2 S And they began to ac-
Up^avro ds KanqyopGiv tivrov^ ksyovrgs" cuse him, saying, " We
They began and t o accuse him, sayings
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.~~61. crows To-day, thoushalt. 63. him. 64. struck
^im on the FACE and—0M«£. 68. also—omit* 6S. me, or would loose—omit. 69. But
*Vom tuts TIMK.
t 01. Matt. xsvi. 75 5 Mark xiv. 72. t 66. Matt, xsvii. 1. t 69. Matt, xxvi
t a.'Matt, xxvii. 2; Mark av. 1; John xviiL ga
Chap. S 3 : 3.Y "K" [Chap. 23 : li>.

Toyro^ evpofxsp diacrrpecpopra ro <sQvos9 scat found this man misleading

This we found misleading the nation, and * our N A T I O N , and forbid-
iccoAvopra Kaitrapi (popvs Sidopat, Aeyopra
sav- ding to pay Tax to Cesar,
forbidding to Cesar tax t o give, saying h i m - * and saying*, f that he
3 t
rop Xptcrrop fiacriAea t-ivai.. O §? UtXaros | himself is an anointed
self an anointed king to be. The and Pilate King.
€7rr]pa>Tii<r<:-p' avrov, Xaycav ~ZV GI 6 fiacnAevs
asked him, saying: Thou art t h e ting 3 J And P I L A T E asked
Toov lovfiaioop; 'O B<- aiToicpiOeis avrcp ecpiy ~%v him, saying, " Art thou the
of t h e Jews: H e and answering to him gaid: Thou K I N G of the J E W S ?" And
e H E answering him, said,
Xcyeis. O 5e Tlt^aros enre irpos TOVS apxL^~
saysat. The and Pilate said to the high- " C I j o u sayest."
p e t s icat TOVS oxAovs' Ovdas svpicrtao ainov ep 4 Then P I L A T E said to
priests and the crowds : Nothing I find criminal in the H I G H - P R I E S T S and the
rep apOpcoircp rovrcp, Of oe Z-WUTXVOP9
Aeyov- CROWDS, %"I find Nothing
the man this. Tliey b u t were urgent, saying: Criminal i n this M A N . "
r e s * 'OTL apacr<si€.i TOP Aaop, didwriccav scad1
That h e stirs u p the people, teaching in 5 B u t T H E Y were urgent,
oArjs rrjs lovSatas, apta/nspos aito rrjs TaAiAcuas saying, " H o stirreth up
whole of t h e .Tudea, having begun from the Galilee the P E O P L E , teaching in
eoos chfie. ^'iliAaros Se axovo~as ^^FaAiAaiaP)'] All J U D E A , beginning from
to here. Pilats and having heard [of Galilee,^ G A L I L E E even to this place.
GTrr)piorr}0'avs et 6 avGpcoicos YaAiAo.ios eirri. 6 ISTow Pilate hearing of
h c asked, if t h e man a Galilean is.
Galilee, asked if t h e MAN
^ JLai eiriypovs, bri e/c rrjs e^ovcrias 'Upcadov was a Galilean.
And having learned, t h a t of the authority of Herod
errrtj', ave'/refixpeu avrop irpos f
Hpcod7}P9 ovra 7 And ascertaining That
he i s , he sent him to Herod, bsiug h e was of the J P R O V I N C E
xai avrop <sp 'lepoffoAvjiLots €P vavrais rais of Herod, h e sent him to him in Jerusalsna £a those the * H E R O D , who was also in
y/AGpats, Jerusalem in Those DAYS.
8 And H E R O D I seeing
'0 ds 'Bpcodrjs ib*cap TOP I7]G'OVP3 Xiav J E S U S , was very glad; for
The and Herod seeing the Jesus, rejoiced greatly; he had wished for a long-
•yp yap OeKtcp e£ ticapov id SIP avrov^ diet ro time to see him, because he
he was for wishing of a l o n g t i m e to see h&i, because t h e h a d HEARD about him;
diioveip •K-i|_7roAAaj
rtept avrov e?.ai 7}\7n£e ri and he hoped to see Some
t o hear [many t h i n g s a b o u t him; and h o p e d some Sign done by him.
&7}p.€L0P ideip WIT' avrov yipofiz-pop* Eirripcora 9 And h e questioned
sign t o see by him beiug done. He asked
e ^ him in many Words; b u t
de avrop $v Aoyois iKapots' avros oe ovocv U j e answered him nothing.
and him ia words many; he and nothing
aTveKpiparo avrcp. EicrrrjKGicrap Se ol apxte~ 10 And the HIGH-
answered! him. Stood up and t h e big" P R I E S T S and the SCRIBES
stood u p , and vehemently
p€is KCU oi ypafJLjxareis, evropcos icarTjyopovpres accused him.
priestB and t h e scribes, vehemently accusin g
avrov. ~E>i;ov9epr}cras Be avrop 6 'HpwoTjs WP 11 And H E R O D , with his
him. Having despised and S O L D I E R S , treated him with
him the Herod with
rois crrparevfxacriv avrov, icai epnrai^us, 7r<spi~ c o n t e m p t ; a n d having, in
the soldiers of himself, and having m o c k e d , easting derision, arrayed him in a
fiaAcav avrop ecrdTjra Aa/jnrpap, aPGirep^ev avrov splendid Eobe, sent him
around him a robe splendid, sent again him back to P I L A T E .
rep TliXarcp. ' Eyzpopvo Be <f)iXoi 6 S r<? Xlt-
IS And * HEROD and
lo t h a Pilats. Became a n d friends fchej both Pi-
P I L A T E became Friends to
A a r o s KCLI. 6 Hpwdyjs ev awry ry rjpLzpcz per* each other on That DAY :
late a n d 4Jie Herod in this the day vrith

* V A T I C A N H A N U S C B I P T . - -2. OUT NATION. 9. and saying1. 8. of Galilee—omit.

7. HEROD. 88.. many things—omit, 12. H B R O B and PZ&ASS.
t 2. John xix, \& % 3. Matt, xxvii. 11; 1 Tiin. vi. 13, J 4. 1 Pe4. iL 23
1L ?. Luke iii, i . |' 8, Matt. xiv. 1; Mark vi. 14 j Livke ix= 9.
Chap. S 3 : 18.] LUKE, [Cfiap. 23: $&.

SLWrjXcov 7rpovTT7]pxoy yap ev ex®Pa ovres irpos for before they had bees
each other; formerly for ia hatred being with at Enmity with each other
13 % And Pilate, baring
kavrovs. called the HIGH-PRIESTS,
13 and the RULERS, and the
ILAaT02 J5e (TvyttaKs&aiisvos rov* csp%tepets PEOPLE,
Pilate and having summoned the high-priests
14 said to them, "Yen
KCU rovs apxovras /cat rov Xaov, l i enr<~ irpos have brought this MAN to
and the chiefs and the people, said to me, as one who misleads
avrovs' HpocrrjiseyKCLTG /not rov avdpcorrov rov- the PEOPLE; and behold,
theia; You have brought to m tho man this, having examined him in
ro*>, &s airocrrpecpovra rov Kaov uai tBou eyca yoiu* presence, $ have not
as misleading the people; and lo, I found this MAN guilty of
evoDTTiov 'i\uoop avanptvas, ovBev evpov €ir rep the Crimes you bring
in presence of you having examined, nothing I found i a the against him.
avdpwirtp rourep airiov, &v ec.arr}yopetre tear' 15 Nor, indeed, has Her-
man this afnult, of which you accuse against od ; for * he sent him back
avrov. AAA* ovfie 'Hpcodijs' aveirefitya yap again to you; and behold,
him. But notevem Herod; I seat for nothing worthy of Death
vjxas icpos avrov, teat iBov9 ovdev a^iov Qavarov has been done by him;
you to him, and lo, coining worthy of death 16 having chastised him,
eo~rt Tr&irpayiJLevov avrcp, JJaiSevo'as ovv therefore, I will release
is having been done to him. Havingscourged therefore him."
avrov airoAvo'ca. ^ *[AvayKYjv de €i%ej/ atro- 17 % * ["For it was Neces-
him I will release, [Necessary now it was tc sary to release one to them
Kveiv avrois Kara kopr-qv I f a . ] 18
AveKpa^av at the Feast.]
release to them at a feast one. j dried out 18 Then they all ex-
de TrafiTrX-qOet, Keyovres' Aipe rovrov, airoKv- claimed with one accord,
and all togsther, saying: Takeaway this, release saying, "Take away this
o~ov Se rjfjuv rov f&apaB&av 19 ' O t r r t s r\v dta man, and release to us
and to us the Barabbaaj Who was through
19 (who had been cast
arao'iv rtva yevofxev7]v ev rrs TroAei, KOLI (povov, into * PRISON for a certain
a sedition ceitaia having occurred in the city, and a murder,
Insurrection made in the
PefiArj/ULevos eis cpvAaKrjv. CITY, and a Murder.)
having been cast into prison. 20 P I L A T E , therefore,
UaXiv ovv S I l t A a r o s 7rpo<re</>&>i/?7<re, BeKoov again addressed them,
Again therefore the Pilate apoko to, wishing wishing to release JESUS.
wroKvcrai rov Irjcrovv. 21 O J §e eire(j)coi/ovv, 21 But THEY cried, say-
to release the Jesus. They but cried, ing, " Crucify, crucify
Asyovres* ^ravpcoo'ov, a'ravpooo'ov avrov ^ ' O him."
saying; Crucify, crucify him. He 22 And HE said to :hem,
8e rpirov enre irpos avrovs° Ti yap ttaitov a Third time, " For what ?
and third said to them: What for evil Has this man done Evil?
€Troi7]o~ev ovros » ovfiev atriov Qavarov evpov evI have found No Cause of
hasdon9 this? nothing a cause ofdeath I found in Death in him; having chas -
avra)' iraidevo~as ovv avrov airoKvaco,, 2 3 Oi de tised him, therefore, I will
him; having scourged therefore him .- will release. They but release him."
STT€K€tvro <pwvais fJi€ya\aiSv airovp,evot avrov S3 And THEY were ur-
preised v ith voices loud, demanding hiia gent with loud Voices, de-
&ravpo»dr)vai' Kat Kario'xvov at (poovat avrcov manding him to be cruci-
to be crucified{ and prevailed the voices of them fied, and their CRIES pre-
* [ « a i roov a p x t e p e w p . ] 24t
O Se HiXaros eire- vailed ;
[andofthe high-priests.] The and Pilate 'o- 24 and * Pilate decided
Kpive yev<.o~6at ro airrifia avrcov. 2o
A-rreXwe to satisfy their REQUEST.
eided to satisfy the request of them. Ste released
25 And he released HIM
who had been CAST into
Se rov §ta o'raa'iv Kat (povov i$eft\7}fxevov els * Prison for Insurrection
and the through sedition and murder having been cast into
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—15. he sent him back again to you; an behold, nothing wor
thy of Death has been done by him. 17.—omit. 19. JRISOM. 23. and «J
the HIGH-PRIESTS—omit. 24. Pilate. 25. Prison
J IS. Matt, xxvii. 23; Marls xv, 14; John xviii. 88 j sis. & % 17. Matt, savij,
Hark xv. 6; John xviii.SSK..
(faap* 23: 26.3 LUKE. [amp. 2 3 : 35.

Ti\y tyvKaKiiv, dp TJTOVPTO" TOP Be IT}0~OVP Trape- and Murder, whom they
thc prison, w h o m they asked; the but Jesus h e de- desired; and delivered u p
iootce rep 6e\r)/iAaTi avroop> JESUS to their WILL.
K-aredtothe will of t h e m . 26 And as they led him
Kai Cos anyyayop eiriXafio/LLepoi 2 i - away, having laid hold @t
An<l a s theyUd him, having laid h o l d of Si- Simon, a certain Cyreniaa,
fioovos TWOS Kvprivatov epxo/nepou air3 aypov, coming from the Country,
soon a certain Cyrenian coming from country, they laid the CROSS on him,
eireOricav avrcp TOP ffravpop, (pepetp GTrurdep that 1
he might carry it after
t h e y placed t o him the cross, t o carry after
rov 1K](TOV. 27
HKOXOVOCI Se avrcp TTOAV ITXT]9OS 27 And there followed
tho Jesus. Followed and him a grsat him a Great Multitude ol
Tou Aaov, Kat yvvaiKW a t *[f<rat3 SKOTTTOPTO the PEOPLE, and of Womek
Of t h e p e o p l e , a n d o f women s who Lals03 lamented who lamented and bewailed
xat eOprjvovp avrOP. 28"%rpa<p€is Se irpos avras him.
Bad bewailed him. Turning b u t t o thsm 28 But * Jesus, turning
S Iiyerousj GIITS* (dvyarepes 'lepoucraA.^/x, fir] to them, said, " Daughters
<hc J e s u s , aaidi Daughters Of Jerusalem, n o t of Jerusalem, weep not for
tcXaiere €7r' e/ze, TTATJP ecp' iavras K\ai€Te9 Kai me, but weep for your-
selves, and for your CHIL*
Vjep you for me, but f o r yourselves weep y o u , and
29 e DE.EN.
e7r« ra TGKPCI VJXOOP. Ort «Sov, epxoprai rjfie- 29 For behold, $Day9
for t h e children efyou. i'or lo, come days,
are approaching, in which
pat, €if ais epovcri* Matcaptat at (freipai, Kai they will say, ' Happy tK«
i n w h i c h t h e y will «ay; Blessed t h e barren ones, a n d BARREN ! even the Wombs
KoiKiat at OVK $yepp7)o~ap9 Kat ficuTToi ol ovtc which never bore, and
w o m b s which n o t bore. aod breasts which n o t the Breasts which never
edrjXarrap, ^ T o r e ap^oprat Aeyeip TOIS opecrr 30 Then they will begin
suckled. Then t h e y will begin t o say t o t h e m o u n t a i n s ;
to say to the MOUNTAINS,
Hso'ere €<p' Texas' Kat rois fiovpois'
KaXvtyare ' Fall on u s ; ' and to th©
IV.llyoa on us; and to the hills; Cover y o u HILLS, ' Cover u s /
\/xas, *OT« €t €V rq) vypco | v A ^ ravra irotov- 31 For if these things
us. F o r i f i a * h e green tree these t h e y are done while the Tree ia
VtVi ev Ttp l-vptp Tl y*Vf]Tai ? * Green, what will be done
3©, in t h e d r y w h a t will bo d o n ? when i t is DRY."
33 32 % Now two others,
Kyopro 8 e Kat irepot Bvo Kanovpyot GVP who were Criminals, were
Were led a n d also others ";wo malefactors with
also led with him to be put
&vr(p avaipedrjpai. ^ Kat dre airrjXOop eirt TOP to death.
b i m t o be p u t t o d e a t h . And whea they came to the
83 And Jwhenthey came
TOTOV, TOP Kahovfiepou KpiPtov eicei sffravpea- tO THAT PLACE which ig
place, that b e i n g caKe* skull. there t h e y c r u c J - C A L L E D Skull, t h e y t h e r e
9*v avrop, Kat rovs KaKovpyovs* dp fiep etc nailed him to the cross,
Sect him, wad the malefactors} o n e indeed a'- and the CRIMINALS? one
Selicov, bv 8e e f apiGrepoop. M at his Right hand, and the
^ [ ' O 8e lycraus other
right, one and a t left. | The a n d Jesus
at his Left.
34 *CThen J E S U S said,
f\sye* Xlarep, a<pe§ avrotsn ov yap oida&t rt " Father, forgive them, fa?
said; O f a t h e r , forgive them; s o t for theyknowwhat
they know not what they
TTotouorto] Atafj.€p?^ofjL€vai 8e ra ifxaria aurov9 do."3 And having divided
t h e y do.) Having divided a n d t h e g a r m e n t s of h i m , his GABMENTS, they cast
ej8aA.0F KKripop, ^ K a i elffT7]Kei 6 Aaos Bstapwv Lots.
they east alot. And stood the people gazing > 35 And the PEOPLE stood
€£cfiVKr7]pi£op Se KOI otapxoPT€s *[<ruF avrots,] gazing. And the UTJUY&B
scoffed at and also the rulers [with them,] also scoffed, saying, " Ha
KeyopTes0 AWovs ef/cocre, ffoocrarw eavrop9 et saved others; let him sa79
aying: Others h e saved, l e t h i m gave himself, if himself, *if he is the Son,

* VATICAH MANUSCRIPT.—27. also— tmtt. 28. Jesus. 31. Green. 84. Then
JBSUS said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."—omit. S58 with
fchem—omit 86. if he is the Son, tue MESSIAH, tne CHOSEN of GOD.
1 2d. Matt. xxvi. 19 ; Luke xx1', 23. % 82. Isa. liii. 12; Matt, xxvii. 38. % 38. Matfe
*s* u. 33 j Mark xv. 22t J o h n si*> A?, 1&
$hap. S3 s 36.3 [Ciiap. 2 3 : 46«

§vros £<rrw 6 Xpicrros, 6 rov Beov eKXeicros. the M E S S I A H , the CHOSEN

thia is the Anointed, the ofthe God chosen. of GOD."
86 36 And the SOLDIERS
Rpeirai^op Be avrcp nai oi err par tear ai} irpocr-
Mocked and him also the com. also derided him, coming
epXofievot ^£tt«0 o£os avrcp, near and offering him Vine-
ing near {,antl] vinegar offering to him, gar,
KCLI Xeyopres' Ei av ei 6 fiacriXevs reap lov- 37 and saying, " If tfiou
and saying. If thou art the king ofthe Jevrs, art the K I N G of the J E W S ,
Baicop, crcccrop o'eavrov, Up Se KOLI eiriypacpr) save thyself."

save thyself. Was and also an inscription 38 $ And there was alsc
^[yeypa/ufxepy]^ e7rs avrcp ^[ypafipacriv 'EXXrj an Inscription over him;—
"This is the KING of the
{having been written] over him [letters In
viitois, Kai'~Poi)/JLaiKois, Kat 'EjSpcu/coiS'J Ovros J E W S . "
Greek, and Latin, and HebrewjJ This 39 J And one ofthe CRIM-
ecrrtp 6 fiaeriXevs reap lovBaicoP^ 3 INALS who were f SUS-
is ths king ofthe Jews." PENDED, reviled him, say-
S9 ing, * " A r t not tbott the
EiS Be reap Kpe/jLaadevrcou KaKovpycov ej3Xaer- MESSIAH ? save thyself
One andof those having been hanged malefactor* spoke and u s . "
(prjjjict avrop, *[Ae7coj/'3 EI av ei 5 Xpierros9 40 But the OTHER an-
against him, [saying.] If thou art the Christ,
swering rebuked him, say-
ereoerop creavrop /ecu ^/xas. A-nroKpideis Be o ing, "Dost thou not even
save thyself and us. Answering but the
fear GOD, since thou a r t
erepos eiriri}xa avrcp Xeycov* OuBe cpoftri €rv rov under the SAME Sentence F
other rebuked him saying; Not even fearest thou the
deov, ort ev rep avrcp Kpijxart ei; 41 And Stic, indeed,
K c u 7]/j,eis
God, since in the same condemnation thou art? justly; for we receive what
And we
fjLep BiKaicos' a%ia yap COP eirpa^a/jiep arroXafx^a-is due for the deeds we
have done; b u t this may
indeed justly; due for which has been done we receive:
42 has done nothing amiss."
pofxev ovros Be ovBep aroirov eirpa^e. Kai
this but nothing amisa has done. And 42 And he said to * Je»
eXeye rep Irjcrov Mvrjcrdrjri JJLOV9 "^[/cypte,] sus, "Remember me when
he said to the Jesus; Do thou remember me, [Olord,] thou comest * in thy K I N G -
drat/ eXdrjs ev ry fiacriXeLct crov, 4 3 Kaj emep D O M . "
nhenthoumayestcomeiu the kingdom ofthee. And said 43 t And *he said to
avrcp 6 Irjcrovs' hfir\p Xeyea rroi9 <T7}/xepop per* him," Indeed I say to thee,
to him the Jesus; Indeed Isay t o thee, to-day with This day thou shaft be with
e/xov eerrj ep rep irapaBeicrcp. me in t PARADISE."
mo thou Shalt be in the paradise. 44 | * And i t was now
Up Be cotrei c%pa I/CTT?, /cat cricoros eyepero about the sixth Hour, and
It was and about hour sixth, and darkness c~aie there was Darkness over
€<£>' oXrjp rrjp yr)Pf ioos cbpas ^pparrjs. 45
K a t the Whole LAND till the
over whole the land, till hour ninth. And ninth * Hour;
ecrKoricrOyi 6 r)Xios ttai ecrxi&Ori ro Karaire- 45 the SUN failing, * and
was darkened the aun; and vras rent the veil J the VEIL of the TEMPLE
racr/xa rov paov jmecrop, 46
K a i cptvv7]cras (pooprj was rent in the Midst.
ofthe temple midst. And crying withavoice 46 And J E S U S exclaim.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—36, and-—<>»«£. 38. written—omit. 88. i n Letters

of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew—omit. 39. saying"—omit, S9. Art not tf) OU
the MESSIAH? save. 42. Jesus. 42. Lord—omit. 42. t o . 43. ha said.
44. I t was now about. 44. Hour i the SUM failing, 45. a n d the V E I L
t 39. I t i s likely that the two robberswerenotw6K7«Zto theircrosses,butonlyfte<?tothem
by cords, and thus they are represented in ancient paintings.—A. Clarke. t 43. This
Verse was wanting in the copies of Marcion and other reputed heretics ; and in some of the
older copies in the time of Origen; nor is i t cited by Justin, Irenseus, or Tertullian; though
the two former have quoted almost every text in Luke which relates to the crucifixion ; and
Tertullian wrote concerning t h e intermediate state. See Evanson's Diss. p . 28. I m . Ver.
note. t t 43. The -wovd. paradise is not Greek, but is of Asiatic origin. I n Arabic and
Persian it signifies a garden, a, vineyard. The Septuagint renders Gen. ii. 8, t h u s ; "God
planted a paradise i n Eden." The word only occurs in two other places i n t h e New Testa •
ment—2 Cor. xii. d; and Ilev. ii. 7.
t 88. Matt, xxvii. 37; Mark xv. 26; John xix. 19. t 39. Matt, xxvii. 44; Mark xf
82. $ 44. Matt, xxvii. 45: Mark xv. S3. t .45. Mat t. xxvii, 5 1 ; Mark xv. 38.
Chap. 2 3 : 470
LUKE. [Chap.W: 66.

He^otA]/ 6 \7}<rovSy e n r f eis xetPas

ing with aloud. Voice, said,
Tiarep, (T0V

loud '.he Jesus, sa'd-. " l a t h e r , into thy Hands I

O father, into hands of thee
Trapa&7]<ro}xai ro iri/ev/ixa fxov. Kai ravra enroiv^commit my f SPIB.IT ;** and
I commit the breath of me. And these having said, having said this, J he ex-
<s^€-nvsv<j£v. ^ Idoou 5e 6 eKarovrapxos ro ye- pired.
he breathed out. Seeing and the centurion that hav- 47 % And ttie CENTURION
vofiei/ov, e5o|ao"6 rov 6eov, Xeycov Ovr^s 6 seeing WHAT had oc-
Ing occurred, glorified the God, saying; Truly the CUEHED, he glorified GOB,
avdpcoiros ovros ftiKaios TJV. Kat TTCUSTCS ol saying, "Truly This MAN
man this just was. And all the was righteous."
WixirapcuysvofAevoi oxXot eiu TT)V deccptav rav- 48 And All the CROWDS
having come together crowds to the sight this, who had COME TOGETIIEB
T'-fi't OeoopGWTGS ra yevofieva? rvirrovres to this SPECTACLE, having
beholding the things having occurred, striking beheld the THINGS which
*[!auTa>v] ra arrjOT) virecrrpfxpov, EIOTTT?- OCCURRED, returned, beat«
[ofthemselves] the breasts returned. Stood ing their BREASTS.
tC€i(rap 8e iravres ot yvooo'roi avrov (jtaKpodev, 49 And All his ACQUAIN-
but all the acquaintances of him at a distance, TANCE, - and THOSE WO-
Kat yvvaiKes ut cvvaKokovdrjaraa'at avro) airo MEN who had FOLLOWED
and women those having followed him from him from GALILEE, stood
T7)S FctAtAcuas, bpcoffat ravra, at a distance, beholding
the Galilee) beholding these things. these things.
K a t idov9 avqp ovofxart looo~7}(p9 fiov\evT7]S 50 % And behold, a Man
And lo, a man with a, name Joseph, a senator named Joseph, a Senator,
vrrapxwv* avrjp ayados Kat diKaios9 (ovros a good and righteous Man,
being, a man' good and just, (this
OVK 7]v ffvyKararedetiJLevos rrf fiovXrj Kai rr) 51 (he had not consented
tot was having assented to the will and the to ' their DESIGNS and
DEEDS,) from Arimathea,
irpa^et avreov,) airo Apiftadaias TroXeoos roov a City of the J e w s ; and
act of them,) from Arimathea acity ofthe
who was waiting for the
lovdaioov, 6s Kai frpoo~e$€X€TO *{.Kai (tyros'] rrjv KINGDOM Of GOJJ.
Jew*, who and was looking for [also himself] the
fiaanXsiav rov deov 52
ovros irpocreXOcop rco 52 This man coming to
kingdom ofthe God; this having gone to the P I L A T E , asked for theBODY
Hi\arcp) Yfr-qo-aro ro rrw/m rov l-qaov, K a i of J E S U S . 63

Pilate, asked the body ofthe Jesus. Aud

53 And having taken it
down, he wrapped it in
KaQeXav avro9 evervXi^eu avro crtBovt9 Kai Linen, and laid it in aTomb
having taken down it, he wrapped it in linen, and
cut out of a rock, in which
edriKtv avro, ev fivrjfiart XaJ~evrcp9 ov OVK t]v no one had ever yet been
laid it in a tomb hewn in a rock, where not was laid.
ovdeirco ovdeis Keifnevos. fi4 K a i 7)fiepa rjv '/rapa- 54 And it was the Day
everyet no one being laid. And day was prepa- of % Preparation, and the
ffKev/j, Kai <ra/3@arov eirecjxacrKe. KaraKO- Sabbath approached.
fation, and sabbath approached. Having fol-
55 And the WOMEN fol-
XoxWrja'aa-ai 5e * T / « H J yvvaiK€S9 alrives rjo'av lowing after, who had
lowed after and jj* l women, who were E ccompanied him from
(TvveXrjXvOviat avrq> e/c rrjs FaXiXaiaS) eOea- GALILEE, saw the TOMB,
having been with him out of the Galilee, be- and how his BODY was
ravro ro [ivqfAeiov, Kai ws ere6r] ro o'cofxa avrov. laid.
*ld the tomb, and how they laid the body of him. 56 And returning, they
'Tiroffrpe^aa'ai 5e 7}roi/j,a(rav apoojxara Kai % prepared Aromatics and
Having returned and they prepared aromatics and Ointments; and rested on
p,vpa' Kat ro fi€V caQfiarov iicrvx^^av Kara the SABBATH, according to
ointments j and the indeed sabbath they rested according to the COMMANDMENT.
ri)v evroXrjv.
VATICAN MANUSCBIITT.—i&. of themselves—oatt. 49. and THOSB WOMEN who
SI. also himself—omit. 55. also—-omit.
t 46. My breath or life, Luk« viii. B5.
% 48. Matt, xxvit. 50: Mark xv. 87; John xix. 3®. . t 47. Matt, xrvii, 54; Mark xr. 89
I 50. Matfc. xxvii. 57: Msark :;v. 42; John six. 88. % §4? Matt, xxvii. 62. J 53, Marl
[ Chap. $4 Ifc.
6hap. 24: 1.] LUKE.
KE$. tttf. 24„ 1 J And on the riRsl
T?7 5* fiia rccp arafifiarcap, opOpov /3a0eos, clay of the W E E K , very early
I n t h e a n d first of t h e weeks, of m o r n i n g very early,, in the Morning, they went

tjXOoV €7Tl TO fxv7]fia9 (pepoovo~cu a Tjroifiao'apto the TOMB, carrying the

came to the tomb, bringing w h a t t h e y prepared Aromatics which the;/ had
ttpcofiara' *[fi:a* ripes o~vp airrcus.] Evpop prepared.
aromatic* i [and tome with thern.] They found 2 And they found the
Se TOP XiQopaTroK€Kv\ia[jLevov airorov fjiprj/xeiov. STONE rolled away from
and t h e stone having been rolled from the tornb. the TOMB ;
Kcu eiaeXOovo'at ov% evpop ro croofxarovKvpiov 3 J and having entered,
And having entered n o t they found t h e body of t h e Lord they found not the BODV
Irjcrov, Kcu eyevero eprcp oiaTropeio~6aiavras t of the LORD Jesus,
Jesus. A n d i t h a p p e n e d i n t h e t o be perplexed them 4 And it occurred, as
irepi rovrov, /ecu iftov, avfipes fivo eireo'TTjaav they were in PERPLEXITY
about this, and io, men two Btood about this, t behold two
avrats ep ecrdrjcrea'LP ao'rpaTrrovo'ais. 5 EiMpo-Men stood by them in shin-
^ythem in clothing shining. Afraid ing Clothing.
jScov de yepo/JL€Pe$p avroop$ Kat KXIPOVCTOOP ro 6 And the women being
and having become ofthem, and bowing t h e afraid, and bowing their
Tpoarcairop ets rr}P yyp> etrrop irpos avras' Ti FACES to the EARTH, these
face to t h e e a r t h t h e y said to t h e m : W h y said to them, ""Why do yon
(jjreire TOP fapra [xera raw psKpo>p; 6OVK seek the LIVING one among
seek y o u the living among the dead o n e s ? N o t the D E A D ?
GO-TIP coSe, aAA ^yepQi), WlP7io~6YjTe &s eKa\y]- 6 He is not here, but has
heis here, b u t h a s been raised. R e m e m b e r y o u h o w h e s p o k e been raised. $ Remembel
o~ev vfiip, e n COP ep ry TaXiXaiq., % Keycap* ' O nhow he spoke to you, whila
t o y o u , while being in the Galilee, saying} That he was yet in G A L I L E E ;
Si rop vlop rov avOpooTTov 7rapa§o8r)P<u sis7 paying, ' T h e SON oi
it - t h o v e e t h e s o n of t h e man t o be delivered i n t o MAW must be delivered n p
X**if>as apOpcoTTcop afjLaprcoXcopa Kat <?ravpooQy)Pai into the Hands of Sinners,
h'jids of men of sinners, and t o b e crucified, and be crucified, and the
8 THIRD 1 day rise again.'"
Kat rr\ rpiry Tjfiepa apacrTTjpai. Kat efAPrjO'-
and the third day t o stand u p . And they re- 8 And they recolleeted
9 his W O R D S ;
Qf)dav row prj^aroov avrov Kat vTroa-rp^ao-ou
m'SWferedthe worda of h i m : and having-returnecl 9 X and returning from
the*TOMB, related all these
cmo rov [ip^fxeiov^ airrjyyeiXap "avra irapra things to the ELEVEN, and
& -9JK t h e tomb, t h e y related s&ese all
10 to All t h e BEST.
rois epdetca Kat Tract rots Xonrois, Reap Be 10 Now they were the
-a t h e eleven and t o all the others. Were and
MAGDALAMary, and J o -
rj MaySaXyjpT} Mapia, Kat Icoappa, Kat Mapta anna, and * TH AT Mary the
the Magdalene Mary, and Joanna, and Mary
mothero* JameSj and the
TW^jSou, Kat at Xonrat GVV avrais9 at eXeyov OTHERS with them, who
of J a r es, and t h e Other* with them, who spokt
ll told these things t a the
rpo rovs airocroXovs ravra, Kat etyaprjo-ap A P O S T L E S *
to the apostles these. And appeared 11 J A n d * these WORDS
epot)7?iop avrcov facet Xypos ra prj/xara avroop,appeared to them like idle
in presence of t h e m as an i d l e t a l e t h e words of t h e m , talk; and they believed
Kat Tjiriffrovp avrais* 1 2 eO 5e Tlerpos apaffras them not.
a n d t h e y beSeved n o t t h e m . The and Peter arising 12 f But P E T E R arising
eSpafjiep €iri ro ixPrj/xetov, Kat Tvapaxvipus fiXenei ran to the TOMB, and stoop-
r»» *o t h e tomb, a n d h a ^ i n g s t o o p e d d o w n h e s e e s ing down h e saw only thfl
ra oOopia ^[^K^tfiepaj fiopa* Kat arrrjXde Trpos L I N E N B A N D S ; and he
t h e linen band* [lyj^g] alones a n d h e departed by went away by himself;
eavrop, Qavfxa^wv ro yeyopos* wondering at WHAT had
nimself, wondering t h a t having occurred. HAPPENED.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—I. and some with them—omit, 20. THAT Mary. 11. theca
<roB.i>s. 12. lying—omit,
t 8. Tischendorf omits the words wof the Lord Jesus.'5 t 12, Tischendorf omits
Uris verse.
1 1 . Matt, xxviii. 1; Mark xvi. 1 % John xx. 2. $ 3. Mark xvi. 5. X &' John xx.
12. t'6. Matt. xvi. 21: xvii.23; Mark viii. 31; ix. 31; Luke ix. 22 % a- M»t4
jexvui. 8; Mark xvi. 10. % 11. Mark xvi. ll»
Map. 24: 13.] LUKE. \<3hap. 24: 25.
13 13 J And behold, two oi
Kai tBov, fivo e | avrcav yo'av iropevofxevot ev
And lo, two of them were them were going on the
going in
RUT?? ry rj/xepa eis KcafXTjv airexovo'av (rradiovsSame DAY, to a Yillage
this th« day into a Yillage being distant furlongs called Emm axis, sixty Euif>
s£r)K0PTa airo 'lepovo-aXrjfjL, 'ri ovofxa E/JL/JUXOVS, longs from Jerusalem.
sixty from Jerusalem, to which a name Emmaus. 14 And theg were con-
* 4 Kcu avroi OD/JLIXOVP irpos aXXr}Xovs Trept irav-versing with each other
And they were talking to each other about all ahout All these THINGS
15 which had H A P P E N E D .
roav roop erv/jiftefiTjKOTCov rovrcov. Kai eyevevo 15 And it occurred, while
of the having happened of these. And it occurred
they were conversing and
ep rep dfxiXeip avrovs Kai o~vQr)reiv9 Kai avros 6 reasoning, * Jesus himself
in the to talk them and to reason, even he the having approached, went
lr](Tovs eyyicas avpeiropevero avrois. Oi 8e with them.
Jesua havin gcomenear went with them. The but 16 But Jtheir EYES were
ocpOaXfxoi avrcov eKparovpro9 rov (xt] eiriyvcovai held, so that they did not
eyes of them were held, the not to know RECOGNIZE him.
avrop. ^ Ei7re de irpos avrovs' Tipes oi Xoyoi 17 And he said to them,
him. He said and to them; What the words "What WORDS are these
ovroi9 ovs avrifiaXXere irpos aXXyXovs irepnra- which you are exchanging
these, which you throw to one another walk- with each other, as you
rovvres, (tat. eerie cnzvOpwiroi; AiroKpiOeis 5e *walk? and why are you
ing, and are sad? Answering and dejected ??'
6 e/s, *cp ovofxa KAeoTtas, etire irpos ayrov 18 And the ONE % named
;he out, to whom a name Cleopas, »aid to him: Cleopas, answering, said
%v fiovos TrapoiKeis 'lepovo~aXr][jL9 Kai OVK e y - to him, "Art tfjou the only
Thou alone sojournest Jerusalem, and not thou Sojourner in Jerusalem,
pas ra yepo/xepa ep avry ev rats 7]jj.epais who is unacquainted with
knowegtthe things having been done in her in the cays the THINGS which have
ravrais; 19
K c u enrev avrois* JJoia; Oi OCCUB-EED in it in these
these? And he said to them: What things? They D A Y S ? "
de eiirov avrcp* Ta irept Irjcrov rov Na£a>- 19 And he said to them,
and said to him: The things about Jesus the Naza- " "What things ?" And they
paiov, bs eyevero avrjp irpo(p7]T7)s9 dvvaros ev said to him, " The THIN GS
concerning Jesus, the N A -
rene, who was a man a prophet, powerful in
ZAEITE, J a Man who was
spyep Kai Xoycp evavriov rov deov Kai
iravros a Prophet, powerful in
work and word in presence of the God and all
20 Work and Word before
rov Xaov. 'Oiroos r e irapeScoKav avrov oi GOD and All the PEOPLE ;
the people. How and delivered up him the
apxtepets Kai oi apxovres TJ/JLOOP eis Kpi/xa 6ava- 20 l a n d how the H I G H -
Ui gh-priests and the chiefs of us to a sentence of PRIESTS and our BULERS
rov, Kai earavpcao'ap avrov. 21
'U/xets deijhTri- tence delivered him up to a Sen-
death, and crucified him. We but hoped,
of Death, and cruci-
fied him.
£ofxev, dri avros eanv 6 fieXXcov Xvrpovo-dai
that he it is the being about to redeem 21 But ibe hoped J That
it was H E who WAS ABOUT
rov \crpar)A* aXXaye o~vp iraffi rovrois rpirrjp
the Israel: but besides all these third to redeem ISRAEL ; and
besides all this, * This Day
ravrijp Yjfxepav ayei cy]jxepov9 acp' ov ravra is the Third since these
^ day goes away to-day, from of which these
things were done.
eyevero" ^ a\Xa Kai yvpatKes rives e£ rjfxcop
occurred: but also women some of us 22 But % some of our
e^eo'rrjo'av 7]/xas9 yevofxepai opOpiai eiri ro IXPT]- for having Women also astonished u s ;
aatonished tis, having been early at
been early at
the tomb;
2S the TOMB,
yieiov Kai /XT) evpovcrai ro crwfxa avrov9 7}X8ov}
and not having found the body of him, 23 and not finding his
"keyov&ai Kai otrrao'iav ayyeXcop ecop&,Kevat9 ot they came, saying,
sr.ying also a vision of messengers to have seen, who that they had even seen a
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—15. Jesus. 17. walk ? And they stood still and were sad.
glo This Day is the Third since.
t 13. Mark xvi. 12. J 10. John xx. 14; xxi. 4. % 18. John xix. 25. 19. ]\Tatt.
fcxi. 11; Luke vii. 10; John iiL 2; iv. 19; vi. 14; Acts ii. 22; vii. 22. J 20 Luke xxiiul;
Acts xiii. 27,28= I 21. Luke i. 68; ii. a8; Acfcs i. 0. % 32. Matt, k&Viu*fts Msxjf
%vi. 10 >> John xx. 13.
Ohap. 2 4 , 24.] LUKE. [Chap. 2 4 : 34.

Keyovartu avrov QrjV, 24

K a i airy}\Qov rives Vision of Angels, who said
say him to be alive. And went gome t h a t h e was alive.
rcov aw Tjfiiu 67rt ro fAvrj/Jieiov, Kai evpov 24 And some of T H O S E
efthose with us to the tomb, and found with n s w e n t to t h e TOMB,
* [ O U T W , ] Kadcos Kai at yvvaiKss envoy avrov and fonnd it as t h e W O M E N
[thus,] even ao also the woman 8aid; him had said; b u t H i m they
5e OVK eidov. 25
K a i avros eirre irpos avrovs' saw not."
but not they saw. And he said to. them; 25 Andfiesaid to them,
£1 avorjroi Kai / 3 p a 5 e i s ry KapSia rov Tviareveiv " 0 inconsiderate men, and
O thoughtless and slow with the heart of the to believe Slow of HEART t o BELIEVE
<S7TJ TTao'iv, ots eXa\7]o~av oi irpo<py)rat. 26
Ov%i all which t h e P R O P H E T S
in all, which spoke the prophets. Not have spoken!
ravra e5ei iradeiv rovXpiarov, Kai eio"z\- 26 Was i t not necessary
theseitwasbindingto have suffered the Anointed, and to J for t h e M E S S I A H t o have
Beiv eis rrjv do^av avrov; 2
^ K c u ap^a/aevos airo suffered these tilings, and
enter into the glory of himself? And beginning from to enter his GLORY ?"
Mcoaecos Kai airo iravrcov rcov irpocprjrcov, $ir]p- 27 And beginning from
Moses and from all of the propheta, he Moses, and through All t h e
P R O P H E T S , h e explained to
fir)vev€V avrois ev iraaais rais ypacpais ra
t h e m i n All t h e S C R I P -
explained to them in all the writings the things
28 T U R E S t h e T H I N G S con-
irepi avrov. Kai 7]yyi(rav eis rr\v KOO/UTJV, ov
cerning himself.
about himself. And they drew near to the village, where
28 And they drew near
eiropevovro' Kai avros ivpoo~4iroieiro
it-oppcorepco t o t h e V I L L A G E where t h e y
they were going: and he seemed intending
29 were going; and h z seemed.
iropeveadat. Kai irapsfiiacravro avrov, as intending to go further.
to go. But they pressed him,
\eyovres' Meivov fte0 5 ijficov, on irpos eairepav 29 B u t they urged h i m ,
saying: Abide with us, for toward evening saying, " R e m a i n with u s ,
e t r r i , Kai KSKXIKZV r) 7}fj.epa. K a i €to"q?^6s rov for i t is towards Evening,
it is, and has declined the day. And he went in the and t h e DAY h a s * already
fieivai aw avrois. 30
K a i eyevero ev rt$ Kara- declined. And ho went i u
to A B I D E with t h e m .
to abide with them. And it happened in the to
y 30 And i t occurred, as
KXiOrjvai avrov fier avrcov, Xa/3cov Tov aprov,
recline him witn them, having taken the loaf, he R E C L I N E D with t h e m ,
evXoyqae, Kai KXaaas eiredidov avrois. A u - J t a k i n g t h e L O A F , he bles-
he blessed, and having broken he gave to them. Of sed God, and having bro-
rcov de byi7)voix&yo'av ol otyQaX/uioi, Kai eireyvco- ken it, h e gave to them.
them and were opened the eyes, and they knew 31 And Their E Y E S were
o~av avrov Kai avros air' opened, and they knew
a(pavros eyevero
him: and he disappeared from h i m ; a n d he disappeared
avrcoVo K a i enrov irpos aXXi]Xovs' Ou%£ 7) from t h e m .
them. And they said to lach other: Not the 32 And they said to
KapSia TjfMcov Kaio/j.evr] r\v " ^ [ e z / ^ i y , ] ws eXaXei each other, " D i d not our
heart of us burning was [in us,]
as he was talking H E A R T S f b u r n , while h e
7]ixiv ev rr) b$(p, * [ K : a i ] cos 8i7]v_,yev r)/xiv ras talked to u s on t h e R O A D ,
to us v.\ the way, £and] as he was opening to ue the and while h e unfolded t o
ypatyas ; us the S C R I P T U R E S ? "
writings? 33 And rising u p t h e
K a i avaaravres avrr) rr\ copa, virearpeipav San^e H O U R , they returned
And lisingup in this the hour, they returned to Jerusalem, a n d found
€ts 'lepovaaXr]^' Kai evpov avvr}9poia/j,evovs t h e E L E V E N , a n d T H O S B
to Jerusalem: and found having been assembled with them, assembled,
34 3 4 S A Y I N G , " The L O R D
rovs kvtieKa Kai rovs arvv avrois, Xeyovras*
the eleven and those with them, has indeed been raised,
®'t?t yyepdi) b Kvpios ovrcos, Kai axpdr) ^ i - and h a s appeared to Si-
Thatiias been raised the Lord indeed, and has appeared to Si- m o n . "

VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—24. thus—omit. 29. already past. 82. in us—and—om.

t 32. The Codex Beza has a very remarkable reading- here; instead of kaiomenee* burned,
'it has kekalummenee, veiled, and one of the Itala, has fuit excoecatum, was blinded. " W a s
not- our hearts veiled (blinded) w h m he conversed with ns on the way ,and while he unfolded
feho Scriptures to us," seeing we did not know him.—A. Clarice.
*• W- verse 46; Acts xvu. 3 i 1 Pet. i. 11. J 80. Matt. xiv. 19.
tikap. 24: 35/J IAJKE. I (fhap. 24: 46.
35 35 And tfjeg related
fto^i. Kai airroi e^riyovvro ra ep rr\ odq),
mon. And they related the thin go in the way, what THINGS happened 03
Kat cos eypcotrdrj avrois SP rr\ tchacrei rov aprov. the ROAD, and how he waa
and how he was known to them Ln the breaking of the loaf. known to them in the
Tavra 8e avroop XaKovvroop, avros GCTTT) ep BREAKING of the LOAT.
These and ofthem speaking, he stood in 36 JAnd as they were
[AGcrq) avroop, Kat Aeyet avrots' "Eiprjpy] V/LLLP.saying these things, f)£
midst ofthem, and says to them; Peace to you. stood in the Midst 01 them,
^ H.ro7}devres 5e Kai efxtyofioi yepo/JLep^i, be land says to them, "Peace
Being terrified but and affrighted having Income,
to you."
38 37 But they being
ZBOKOVP 7ri/evfjLa Oetvpeip. Kai enrep avrois' *" troubled and * terrified,
they thought a spirit to see. And he said to them; thought they saw |fa
Vi rerapayfiepoi ecrre; Kai diari BiaXoyfMO'fxot Spirit.
Why having been agitated are you? and why reasonings 38 And he said to them,
apafiaipovcrap GP TOLLS Kapbims V/XOOP; 3 9 I S e r e "Why are you troubled?
rise in the hearts of you? See you and why do Doubts arise
ras xeLPas ^ov Kcu TOVS nodas fiov, on avros in your * HEARTS ?
the hands ofme and the feet ofme, that he 39 % See mv HANDS and
eyca et/uLi' tyrjXatyrjcraTe jiie Kai idere' OTI irpev/na my F E E T , that I am %t;
I am; handle you me and see you; for a spirit handle me, and be con-
crapKa Kai ocTTca OVK e%€*, Kadoos e^ue Oecopeire vinced; For a Spirit has
flesh and bonos not has, as me you perceive not * both Flesh and Bones
^%ovTa. K a t rovro enrtvp, eTredei^ep avrois aa you perceive me to
having. And this saying, he showed to then) have."
T&S x€lPas Kal TOVS irodas. 41
E-n 8e airio'TOvv- 40 f And having said
the hands and the feet. While and notbeliev- this, he showed them his
Twv avroop airo rrfs % a p a s , Kai davfia^opTcov, HANDS and his EEET.
ing ofthem from the joy, and were wondering, 41 And while from JOY
enrep avrois' E%6Tg rt 0ptvo~i/bicvv epOade; they were unbelieving, and
he said to them; Have you anything eatable here? were wondering, he said to
O/ Be eirtocoKap avrcp ix@vos OTTTOV ftenos, them, " Have you any Food
They and gave to him of a fish broiled apiece, here ?"
*[ft:ai airo jxeXio'o'iov Krjpiov.^ 43
K a t Xa&copj Fart 42 And THEY gave him
[and from a honey comb.3 And having taken,
of a broiled Fish;
44 43 and taking it, % he ate
evtviTiov avroov ecpayep. E n r e §€ avrois' in their presence.
in presence of them he eat. He said and totliem;
44 And he said to them,
Ovrm ot h&yoi, ovs e.^Y£\7?wy npos fyias, e n aw j " These are the WORDS
These the words, whieft £ spoke to you, whij*being which I spoke to you, whik
trw bfjLiv, on 8es •tf'Mjp&dijycu iravra ra ^ € 7 - I was yet with you, That
with you, that must to be fulfilled all the things having All THINGS WRITTEN i n
pafxfxeva ep rep PO/JLQ) Maxrecos, Kai irpocprjrais, the LAW of Moses, and in
been written in the Ix^r
of Moses, and prophets, the * PROPHETS , and in th e
Kai \paX/xois, irepiQ/AOU. Torsi dirjpoi^ev Psalms, eoncerning me,
and psalms, concerning me. Then he opened must be fully accom-
avrccp TOP POVP9 rov crvpiepat ras ypacpas' plished."
ofthem the mind, of the to understand the writings; 45 Then he opened Their
Kai enrGp avrois' *Ort ovroi yeypairrai^ Kai MINDS t o UNDERSTANO
and he said to them; That thus it is written, and the SCRIPTURES,
ovrcos eoV. iraQeiv rov Xpiffrop, Kai46 and said to them,
thns it behoved to have suffered the Anointed, and" Thus it is written, * that
to stand
the MESSIAH should suffer,
va% €K peKpoop ry rpiry rj/xepa, 47 Kai Kf\pvx~ and should rise from the
ap out of dead ones in the third day, and to be Dead the THIRD Day;
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—37. troubled, and. 38. HEART. 39. both Flesh and
42. and from a Honey comb—omit. 44. Z-ROFHETS. 40. that the Messiah should
suffer, and snould rise.
t 36. Tischendorf omits, "And says to them, 'Peace be to you.'" t 37- Griesbach
has phantasma, phantom, in the margin, which agrees with Mark vi, 49, t 40. Tisch-
endorf omits tms verse.
t 36. Mark xvi. 14; John xx. 19; 1 Cor. xv. 5. J 37° Mark vi. 49. " J 89. John
xx. 20, 27. X 43. Acts x. 41» % 44. Matt. xvi. 21; xvii. 22 j xx. 18; Mark viii. Sl<
Luke ix. 22; xviiL 81. _
€hap, S4s 47.3 LUKE. [Chap. Mi §S.

$rjvai 67rt rep opo/xart avrov perapoiav

teat a<£e- i $7 and that in his NAMB,
proclaimed in the of him veformation andforgive- ^formation *in order tfl
Giv afxaprioop as iravra ra G&PT], ap^ajiepop (tiro Forgiveness of Sins should
Bess o fains to all the nations, beginning from he proclaimed to All the
NATIONS, beginning at J e -
*Iepovo~a\T\II. ^'Tjtieis 8e eare (xaprvpes TOVTCOV. rusalem.
Jerusalem, You and are witnesses of these.
48 And t s m t are Wit.
Kat i5ou, eye*) cnroa'TeA.Aco rrjp eirayyeXtap nesses of these things.
And lo, 1 send forth the promise 49 And, behold, JE send
TOV irarpos [xov ecp* v/xas* vfieis Se KadtcraTG €P forth J the PROMISE of my
ofth« father of me on youj you but remain you i n PATIIEE upon you j but
/7) 7T0\€l9 i(CS OV €V$V(T7)(r6€ fiwajJLlV f £ V^OVS, remain nmt in the CITY,
the city, till you may be clothed power from on high. till ^oti are invested with
50 Power from on high."
Etyyaye 5e avrovs e£co ecos ets BrjOaviav uai 60 And he led them out
He led and them out even t o Bethany s and t t o Bethany; and lifting
eirqpas ras ^cipas avrov, evXoyrjrrev avrovs, up his HANDS, he blessed
having lifted up the hands of himself, he blessed them, them.
K a t eyepero ev ra> evXoytiv avrov avrovs9 51 And it occurred, while
And i t happened in t h e t o bless him them, he was BLESSING them, he
StetTTT) air9 avrcop9 KCU av€<pepero eis rov ov- was separated from them,
he stood apart from them, and tvas carried up into the hea- f and carried up into HEA-
papop, Ka« avrot 7rpocricvpT]craPT€S avrop, VEN.
ren. And they having prostrated to him, 52 And tfieg f having
bireffrpetyav ets 'lepovaraXrjfJi, fxera XaPas ^y^~ prostrated to him, returned
returned to Jerusalem with joy great: to Jerusalem with great
\rjs' 53/ca« i\<rav Ziaitapros evr<p Upw^ *\JXIPOVP- J o y ;
and were continually in the temple, ^praising 53 and were constantly
r e s KCLC\ evXoyovpr .-s rov 6top. in the TEMPLE, blessing
and] bleising the God. GOD.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—47. in order to Forgiveness. 53. praising and—emit,
fubscription—ACCORDING TO LUKE.
t 51 &52. Teschendorf omits, "and carried uninto HEAVEN," and "having prostrated "&
t 48. I6h». sx. if; Acls 1.8, 22; ii. 82; iii. 16. .$ 49. Atite A ? 60, Afite i. 1&

KE<f>. a ' . 1 .
I I n the % Beginning
1 was the f LOGOS, and the
Eif apxV yv & hoyos, teat 6 Xoyos f\V irpos
LOGOS was with GOD, and
In a beginning was the word,' and the word was with
tne LOGOS was God.
rov 6eov9 KCLL Ocos t\v b Xoyos. ^Ovros f\v ev
% This* was in the Begin-
the God, and a god was the word. This was in
ning witn GOD.
upxv wpos rov deov. Tlavra oV avrov 3' 1 Tnrough it evert
a beginning with the God. All through it thing was done; and with-
"f" eyevGTO' Kai %o>pi£. avrov eyevero ovde kvy 6 out it not even one thing
wag done: and without it wasdone not even one, that was done, which has been
4 done.
yeyovev. Ei> avrcp £cor} yjv, Kai r) farj f\v ro 4 I n it was Life; and
has been done. In it life was, and the life waa the
the L I F E was the LIGHT ol
<pGos T03V avOpcotrcov* teat ro (peas ev ry CKoriq MEN.
light of the mem and the light in the darkness 5 And the J LIGHT shone
(paiveL, teat r) crKoria avro ov KaraXafiev. in the DARKNESS, and the
shines, and the darkness it not apprehended. DARKNESS apprehended I t
JZyevero avOpcoiros airGGraXfievos irapa Oeov, 6 J There was a Man,
Waa a man having been sent from God, named John, sent by God.
evofxcL avrcplcaavvrjs' ? ovros 7}X0ev zts fiarvpiav, 7 He came for a Witness,
a name to him John: this came for a witness, that he might testify con-
cerning the LIGHT, that
Iva ixapTvp7]0"(i Trepi rov <p(aros, Iva Travres ino~- all might believe through
that he might testify about the light, that all might him.
revcrooci 5Y avrov, O u « t]v CKCIVOS TO <£COS, 8 f^f was not the LIGHT,
believe through him. Not was he the liglit, hut to testify concerning
the LIGHT.
aXX3 ha fiaprvprja-rf trept rov (JHcros, 9 Uv TO 9 f h e Titus LIGHT was
bat that he might testify about fehe light. Wag the
that, which, coming into
<p<as ro aXr\6ivov9 5 tyoorifet iravra avOpooirovthe WORLD, enlightens
light the true, which enlightens every man Every Man.
10 Ev 10 He was in the WORLD ,
epxo^vov eis rov xofffAOVo T(p KOCT/JLCp 7)V,and | t h e WORLD was (en-
coming into the world. In the world he was,
lightened) through h i m ;
ttai 6 KOCT/XOS SY avrov eyevero9 Kai 6 and yet the WORLD knew
and the world through him was, Him not.
and the world
ll I I $ He came to his OWN
avrov OVK eyvoo. TZis ra t$ia rjXOe, Kai ol domains, and yet his OWN
him not knew. Into the own he came, and the people received Him n o t ;
idiot aorov ov TapeXa(3ov. 'Ocroi 5e eXafiov 12 but to as many as
ewn him not received. As many as but received received him, % he gave

t 1. I n this and the fourteenth verse logos, has been transferred, rather than translated.
Dr. A. Clarke remarks, "This term should be left untranslated, for the verv same reasons
why the names Jesus and Christ are left untranslated. As every appellative ol the Savior of
tho world, was descriptive of some excellence i n his person, nature, or work, so the epithet
Logos, which signifies a word spoken, speech, eloquence, doctrine, reason, or the facultvoC
reasoning, is very properly applied to him." See 1 John i. 1, for a clear and useful comment
by the apostle John on the proem to this Gospel. t 3. Ginomai occurs upwards of seven
hundred times in the New Testament, but never in the sense of create, yet in most versions
i t is translated, as though the word was ktizo. " T h e word occurs fifty-three times i n this
Gospel, and signifies to he, t o come, to become, to come to pass ; also, to be done or trans-
acted, All things in the christian dispensation were done by Christ, i. e. by his authority.
and according to his direction; and in the ministry committed to his apostles, nothing has
been done without his warrant. See John xv. 4, 5, " Without me ye can do nothing." Com-
pare ver. 7,10,16; John xvii. 8 ; Col. i. 10,17." Cappe's Diss t 10. ho kosmos, the
order, arrangement of things, the human race; here it evidently means that kosmos of hu-
*aan beings which he came t o enlighten and to save. John viii. 12; iii. 16.
t 1. Prov. viii.22, & c ; 1 John i. 1. J 3. Eph. iii. 9 ; Col. i. 16. J 5. John viii*
12 •, ix. 5 ; xii. 35, 40. J 6. Mai. iii. 1 ; Matt. iii. 1;
. , ~_„„
Luke iii.
„ 2 I 11. Matt, xxi'
+ 10 D T
°iSf JHarkxii.7; Luke xix. 14: xx.14. " " " " 4 1K - n Gal.
t 12. "Bxmi.vvii.15; n1
iii. 26,27; 1 John iii. 1
(Map. 1 : 13.1 JOHN. '\ Chap. It 21.

avrop9 edooKep avrois e^ovo'iap reKpa 6eov Authority to become Chil-

him, h e gave to them authority children of Goddren of God, to THOSE
yepearOai, rots Trto'revovo'iv eis TO ovofxa. UVTOV BELIEVING into his NAME ;
to become, t o those believing into t h e name
13 +twho W ere begotten of h i m ;
ol OVK e£ at/uLarcop, ovde etc 9eAr)[i<xT0S (Tapicos, not of Blood., nor of the
w h o n o t from bloods, n o r from a will of flesh, Will of the "Flesh, nor of
ovde en deXTj/aaros avdpos, aAA' CK deov eyeppT}- the Will of Man,but of Godo
nor from a will of a m a n , b u t from G o d were be-
14 14 And the t LOGOS be-
Orjcrav. Kat 6 Aoyos o~ap£ eyevcro, Kat e&ttr}-
gotten. And t h e word flesh became, and taber- came t Flesh, and dwelt
vooaep ev Tjfiip, (icat eOeao'afxeda TTJP Bo£av avrov, among us,—and Jwe be-
Sacled a m o n g u s , (and we beheld the glory of him, held his GLOEY, a Glory as
lio£ap cos fxovoyvovs irapa Trarpos,) TrXrjprjs of an Only-begotten from a
ft glory as of an only-begotten from a father,) full Father,—full of Favor and
XapiTOS Kat a\r]Qe:as. l5
\wavpr}S fxaprvpet itepi Truth.
of favor and truth. John testifies concerning 15 f [John testified con-
avrov9 Kat KeKpaye, Keycap' Ovros TJP, bv cerning him, and cried,
him : and cried, saying; This was, o f w h o m saying," This is he ofwhom
eiTTov° e O oiriaca fxov epx-'Utvos9 e/jnrpco'dep fiov I said, $ ' H E who COMES
I said; He after m.; coming, before m- after me is >n advance oi
yeyopev Sri irpwros ULOV rjp, 1 6 ' O T I e/c TOV me 5 5For he is ra.7 Supe-
has become.*, for first o f m e h e was* B e c a u s e o u t of t h o r i o r / ' ]
TCKT]poojxaTos av^ov rifJiets iraures Qhafiofxep, Kat 16 Fo^ out of his F U L -
fulness of him we all received; a n d NESS Sue all received; aven
%apiv avrt xaPirros» l7<
Ori 6 PO/ULOS 8 i a Mw- Favor upon Favor.
favoir u p o n .favor. For the lav; t h r o u g h Mo>
crews eb'odr) 17 For the LAW was
Bes was given; t h e fevoe a n d ih.o t r u t h through Jesuc given through Moses; t h e
Xpiffrov eyepero, FA VOR. and th.GTB.UTH came
Christ camo. through Jesua Christ.
&eop ovSeis Jcopa/cg Traitor^ o [Aovoyepys 18 No one has ever seen
God no one h a s seen cver; the c n l , ' b e g o t t e n God; the * Only-begotten
vloSf 6 COP eis top KOXTTOP TOV Trarpos tfceipos Son, who iis in the BOSOM.
• on, i n thi bosom ofthe father he of the EATHEE, $e has
e^yrjaaro. K a i avrr) swriv r) ^aprvpic, TOV made him knowia°
h a t made known. And this is the testimony ofthe
19 Now ilrLis the TES-
lwavpov, ore aireo'TeLXav oi loufiatot ej-'Iepocro" TIMONY of J O H N . JWhea
John, when sen;; th" Jews from Zeru° the J E W S sent *t'o him
Xv/noop leptLS Kat A^vtras, I'ja epcorrjo'coo'tp avrop* Priests and Levites to. ask
j&lem nriests a n d JLevite%
thnfc t h e y n r g h t a s k him.;, him, " W h o art tfcrut?"
2 y ris ci: oojjLoXoyr}a,e9 tea* OVK ripvt]- SO he acknowledged andl
Tnouwho art? And h e coufecs;od, and n o t denied; did not deny, but acknow*
craTO' wfxoXoyrfO'ep 'Org OVK fXl Qyco Z> ledged5 " ft 3Q. not tb j
and tionfesMd-. That notMESS3U1II:"
am I the
Xpurros. 21
Kat $ipo)ry)(rup avTov^ Tl 21 Aai2 they nsk. d him t
ovp; K
Who *thei, art tljou?
Anointed* And t h e y aaked hiai. What then P

• VATICAN MANUSCRIFTO—18. Only-begotten Son. H E who is^ 19. to him Priests

21. then arttijatt ? Art thou Elijah ?
t 13. Griosbach notes a different reading of this verse. Instead of hoi.,,,..eyenneethsesaw
he has kos egenneethee; the sinR'nlar pronoun and verb lor the plural; which woulu make
the passage read—"Who was not begotten of Blood3 n r ofthe Will oi? the Flesh, nor of tho
Will of a Man, b u t of God;" t h u s referring'it directly to the physical • veneration ofthe Mes-
siah, by the Spirit of God, rather t h a n to the moral regeneration of believers. t 14. New-
tome i n his Translation ofthe New Testament, remarks, "Jesus, the £oi\ yZ^<M, is called
the Words because God revealed himself or his ivord by him." The following Bingui. •• East-
ern custom may perhaps illustrate the phraseology of the first partJ v.-££his chapter, " I n
Abyssinia, there is an officer uamed Kal Hatze, the ivord or voice of he lang, wh-• stnr. .t-r: al-
ways upon the steps ofthe throne, at the side of a lattice window, wher t h :re i ' ;oL\ cov^
ered in the inside with a curtain of green taffeta. Behind this curtain t c Iiinpf sit.-; an a
speaks through the aperture to the Kal Hatze, who ccmmunicates his command" to tho otii*
cers, j udges, and attendants.—Bruce9s Travels. t 15. Some put this verse after the 18th
t l 3 , Johniii. 5; James i. 18; 1 Pet. i. 23. t 14. Matt. i. 16, 20 ; Luke i. 31, 35 ; ii. 7
1 Tim. i n . 16. X 14. Matt. xvii. 2 ; 2 Pet. i. 17 15. Matt. iii. 11 j Marki.^
Luke iii. 10; ver. 27,30; John iii. 31. I 19. John v. 33
Chap. 1 •. 22.] JOHN. \Ohap. 1: 32.
HAtas et ffv, ^.ai Xeyer Oiv/c ei/xt. O 7rpo- Art thou t E l i j a h ? " And
Elias art thou? And he says: Not lam. The pro- he said, " I am not." " A r t
^pTjrrjs ei (TV ; Kai aireKpidf}' Ov. 2 2 Etirov ovv thou the P R O P H E T ? " And
f^ket arttaouf And he answered; No. They said then he answered, " N o . "
uvTy T/f e i ; Iva aivoKpicriv Scajxsv TOIS Tt^jx- 22 *Thev said to him,
Xo him ; Who artthou? that an answer we may give to those having " Who art {hou ? that we
tyaffLV Tj/jLts' TL KeytLS wept ffsavTOv; 2 3 E ^ T J may give an Answer to
lent us; what sayestthou about thyself? He said THOSE who SENT us. "What
6i dost thou say concerning
EY&T (peov7) fSoowTos ev TTJ eprjfJLO}' Evdvvare thyself?"
I; " A voice crying in the desert; Makeyoustraight
23 He said, J " 3E am a
Tf\v odov Kvpiov," Kadoos enrev 'Hcraias 6 irpo- Voice proclaiming in the
the way of a lord," as said Esaias the pro- DESERT, e Make straight
<pr)T7)s. 24 K a i oi airso~TaXfxevoi yaav €K TCOV ' t h e WAY for the Lord,' as
phet. And those having been sent were of the t Isaiah th< PUOPHET
<fcapio~aioov 2 5 Kai T\pooT7]aav avrov, Kai siirov said."
Pharisees; and they asked him, and said SH Now *those sent were
avrcx}' TL OVV j8a7rTi{eis, ei <rv OVK ei 6 Xpi<r- of the P H A R I S E E S .
to him, Why then dippestthou, if thou not art the Anoin- 25 And they asked him,
TOSj ovre HXtas, ovre TTpocpfirris ; 2 6 AireKpiOr] and said to him, " Why
ted, nor Elias, nor a prophet? Answered then dost thou immerse, if
avrots & leoavvTjs, Xzyciov Eyca {Haim^ca sv thou art not the M E S S I A H ,
them the John, saying; I dip in nor Elijah, nor a Prophet?"
u S a r r /xefros * [ 8 e ] vjxcov eo'TrjKev, ov v/xeis OVK 26 John answered them,
water: midst [out] of you stands, whom you not saying, J " 3E immerse in
0 i 5 a r e , ^ 6 oivio'ca /xov tpxo/xevos, ov eyco OVK Water; *in the Midst of
know, he after me coming, ofwhom I not you, coming after me,
eifMi a£*os, Iva Xvrrco avrov roy Ifxavra TOV stands one whom gou do
am worthy, that I may loose of him t>e strap of the not know,
28 27 the STRAP of Whose
virodrj/jiaTos. Tavra ev "BrjOavta eyevero
sandal. These in Bethany were done SANDAL I am not worthy
rrepav TOV lopfiavov, oirov i)v \wavvt\s (Saiv- to untie."
beyond the Jordan, where was John dip- in 28Bethany
These things occurred
beyond the
ping. J O R D A N , where * JOHN
Ty GTravpiov fiXe-wei TOV \y]ffovv epxo/xevov was immersing.
29 On the NEXT DAY
In the morrow ?ie beholds the Jesus coming
he sees JESTJS coming to
wpos avTQVf Kai Xeyer I 8 e 6 a/xvos TOV 6eov, 0 him, and says, "Behold
to him, and he says: Behold the lamb of the God, he
30 J the LAMB of G O D , who
aipcav TT\V a/xapTiav TOV KOO~IXOV. OUTOS TAKES AWAY the S I N of
taking away the sin of the world. This the WORLD.
€0"Ti, 7repi ov eyca eiirov Oirio'to fxov €p%eTai
is he, about whom I said: After me comes
80 This is he ofwhom £
said, c After me comes k
avqp, os e/xirpoo'deu fxov yeyovev on irpcoTos Man who is m advance of
a man, who before me has become: because first of me ; for he is my Supe-
/xov r)V. 3 1 Kqyw OVK TJSGLV CLVTOV aXX3 iva rior.'
ofmfihewas. And I not knew him: but that
, 31 And 3E did not know
(pavepooOrj TOI lo par)XJ Sia TOVTCO r]X9ov him ; but for this purpose,
he might be manifested to the Israel, because of this am come that he might be mani-
eyco zv T(p uSaTi fia-KTifav. 3 2 K a i e/xaprvpT)- fested to I S R A E L , 5 ana
I in the water dipping. And boretesti- come immersing in * Wa-
crev Icaavv7]s, Xeyoow 'OTL Tedea/xai TO irvevfia ter."
tnony John, saying: That 1 saw the spirit 32 % And John testified,
tcaTafyaivov cos TrepiffTepav e£ ovpavov, Kai e/x€L- saying, " IE saw t h e SPIRIT
comingdown like a dove out of heaven, and i t coming down like a Dove

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—22. They said to him. 24. they who were sent. 26. '/ut
—omit. 25. in the Midst of you, coming after me, stands one whom JJOU do not know,
the STRAP of Whose SANDAL, 28. JOHN. 31. Water.
% 21. Mal.iv.5; Matt, xvii.10. J 23. Matt, iii.3; M?rki.3; lukeiii.4? Johnlii.SS.
% 23. Isa. xl. 3. X 20. Matt. iii. 11. j 29. 1 Pet. i 19; Rev. v. 6. ' t S2. Matt.
iii. 16; Mark i. 10 ; LuUe iii. &&>
map. 1: S3.] JOHN. [Chap. 1 : 4 3 .
VQV sir* avrov. K a ' y w OUK r/Sei// avrov aAA' from Heaven, and resting
obode on him. And I not knew hiin: but on him.
6 Tre/jL^/as fxe ftairri^eiv ev vfiari, eneivos p.oi 33 And I did not know
he having sent me to dip in water, he tome Mm; but H E who SEN*
etirov E(/>' bv av tSys TO 7rvev/xa Karafiatvov, me to immerse in "Water,
said: On whom t h o u m a y e s t s e e t h e spirit c o m i n g down, fie said to me, ' On whom
teat fievov 67T1 avrov, ovros earn/ 6 fiaTmfav sv thou shalt see t h e S P I X I T
fant'. abiding on him, this is he dipping in descending and resting,
frvev/Aari ayi<p. 34
Kayco ecopa/ca, tcai fxejxaprv- this is H E who JIMMESSES
spirit holy. A n d I have seen, and have testi- in holy Spirit.'
prjtca, OTL ovros ecrnv 6 vios rov deov.. 34 And IE have seen a n d
fied, that this i« t h e son of t h e G o d . testified, That fje is t h e
3o SON of G O D . "
T?7 eiravpiov iraXtv elo~T7]K.ei 6 looavvrjs, KQLI 35 On t h e N E X T DAY
The morrow again was standing t h e John, and
36 * J o h n was again standing,
*K rwv fiaQri'Toov avTOv Suo. Kai e/nfi\G\pas a n d two of his D I S C I P L E S ;
*{ the disciples of h i m two. A n d having looked on
36 and observing J E S U S
rep Irjcrov irepLirarovvri, \eyer I 5 e b afivos rov walking, h e says, " Behold
the Jesus walking, he says; B e h o l d t h e l a m b of t h e t h e L A M B of G O D ! "
@*ov. ^ K a t rjKovarav avrov oi dvo /jiaO^rai 37 T h e T W O Disciples
God. And heard him the two disciples hearing this, followed J E -
XaXovproS) /ecu r)Ko\ov67}<rav rep \T\GQV. ^Hirpu- S U S .
gpeaking, and they followed t h e Jesus. Having 38 And J E S U S turning,
<peis 8e 6 lr]o'ovsi tcai Qeavafizvos avrovs atco- and seeing t h e m following,
turned and t h e Jesus, and seeing them fol- says t o t h e m , " W h a t do
Aovdovvras, Xsyei avrois' Ti fyreire; Ot §€ you s e e k ? " And T H E Y said
lowing, h e says t o t h e m ; W h a t seek y o u ? They and to h i m , " R a b b i , ( w h i c h
enrov avrcp' 'Pa/3/3i, ( 6 A e y e T a i kp}X7}V£vofA$- signifies, being translated,
said to h i m , R a b b i , (which means being interpreted, Teacher,) where dwellest
OJ/, 5t8ao"rcaAe s ) TTOV fxeveis ; 3'J A e ^ e * avrois' t h o u ? "
O teacher,) where dwellest t h o u ? H e says to them: 39 H e says t o them,
Epxto~de mat L$€TG. HkQov KCLL eidov, TTOV iXzvzr " Come a n d see." They
Come y o u a n d see you. T h e y came a n d saw, where h e dwells: went, * therefore, and saw
tcai irap' avrcp efxsivav riqv rjfxepav etceivyjv. where h e dwelt, a n d con-
and with him abode the day that. tinued with h i m t h a t D A Y .
'Clpa 7]v cos SeKarr], H / / Avdptas, 6 afieAcpos I t w a s about t h e t tenth
H o u r i t was a b o u t t e n t h . Was Andrew, t h e brother Hour.
*Zijioovos Uerpovj els e/c rcov dvo roov aKovarav- 40 i Andrew, t h e B E O -
of Simon Peter, o n e of t h e t w o of t h o s e having heard T H E K of Simon Peter, w a s
rcov rrapa looavvov, tcai atcoKovQ-qaavroov avrcp. one of T H O S E T W O who
from John, and having followed him. having heard from J o h n ,
Ebpto~Ket ovros irpoorcas rov adeXtpov rov followed h i m .
Finds he . first the brother that 4 1 ?§e first finds his
tdtov HifACova, tcai Aeyet avrcp' ~Evp7]tcapi€V rov OWN BROTiiEE, Simon, and
own Simon, a n d h e says to h i m ; W e have found t h e says to him, " W e have
found the MESSIAH,"
Mecrcriav (6 SCTTI tisOepixrjvevo/jLcvov, Xpicrros.)
Messiah which is being interpreted, Anointed.) (which is, being translated,
42 * [ K c u ] rjyayev avrov irpos rov \r\o~ovv. 42 H e conducted h i m
[And] he brought him to the Jesus. to J E S U S . JESUS looking

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—35. John. 39. therefore, and saw. 42. And—omit.

t 39. I t was the way of the ancients to divide the day into twelve hours, and the nig ight
into as many. The first hour oi'the day was an hour after the sun rose, and the twelfth was
when it set. This was the way in Judea, and to this the other Evangelists adhere. But St.
John appears to have reckoned the hours as we do, from midnight to noon, and again from
noon to midnight. And i t may he observed, that he mentions the hour of t h e day oftener
than any other Evangelist; as if with design to give his readers an opportunity of discern-
ing his method, by comparing one passage with another. If the time here intended was
that which we may call Jewish, (to distinguish it, not from the Greek and Eoman which
were the same with the Jewish, but from the modern; the tenth hour was about four in the
afternoon, or two hours before tha day ended in Judea; with which time neither the words
nor circumstances of the narration seem to agree. For the words, they abode with him that
day, rather imply, thatthey spent a good part of the day withhim. Therefore the most re#*
sonable account of this t s a t h hour is, that it was ten in the morning.—Townson.
% 88. Matt. iii. 11; Aete i. 5; ii. 4 ; x* U; xi. 15. t 40. Matt. iv. 18.
&hap. 1 : 43.] iCthap. 1 : 51.
E/xfiXeipas auraj I ITJCTOUS et7re* 3 u ee ^L/XOOV, 6 at him, said, "&f)Ott art
Having looked to him the Jesus Simon, the SON of Jonas;
said; Thou art Simon, the
vlos Iccva' crv K\r)6r}ay K.r)(pas' 6 epfxr]veverai, $ tbou shalt be called Ce-
son o£Jona; thoushalt be called Cephas; which «aeans phas; (which denotes t h t
UerpoSo same as Peter.)
Peter. 43 On the NEXT D A T he
T]7 e-rravpiov ydcXycrev eis TTJV wished to go to G A L I L E E ,
The morrow he desired to go forth into t h e and finding Philip, * JESUS
TaXiXaiav Kai evpicrrcei $>iXnrirov, KCU Xeyei says to him, " Follow me."
Galilee; and he finds Philip, and says 44 Now £ PHILIP was
avrcp' AKOXOVQGI /AOI. Hv 5e 6 'PiXiinros airo
from Bethsaida, the CITY
te him; Follow me. "Was and the Philip of Andrew and Peter.
Brjdcrcufia, e/c rrjs iroXeoos AvSpeov KCU TLerpov. 45 Philip finds $ N A T H A -
Bethsaida, of the city of Andrew and Peter, NAEL, and says to him,
EvpicTKei ^tXnriros rov Nadava7]X, Kai Xeyei " We have found the person
Pinds Philip the Nathanael, and says described by Moses in t h e
avrcp* 'Ov eypaij/e Mcacrtoos ev rep vo/JLcp, KaiLAW, andby the PROPHETS,
to him: Whom wrote Moses in the law, and THAT J E S U S , t h e * Son of
ol Trpo^>7]raL, ewpTjKa/xez/, lycrovv rov vlov J O S E P H , from Nazareth."
the prophets, wehavefound, Jesus the son
46 And Nathanael said
rov Icocrrjcp, rov airo Na£ape0. 4 6 K a i enrev to him, % " Can any t good
ofthe Joseph, that from Nazareth. And said
thing proceed from Naz-
avrcp NaQavariX' E/c ~Na(ape6 hvvarai ri ayadov areth?" * P H I L I P says to
to him Nathanael: Out of Nazareth is able any good
him, " Come and see."
eivai, Azyei avrcp ^iXnriros' epxov Kat l e
^ «
to be? Says to him Philip; Come and see. 47 * Jesus saw N A T H A -
^ E i S e y 6 ITJCTOVS rov Na6ava7]X epxofievov irpos NAEL coming to him, and
Saw the Jesus the Nathanael coming to said concerning him, *' Be-
avrov, Kai Xeyei irepi avrov ISe aXt]6cos lar- hold a genuine Israelite;
him, and he says concerning him; Behold indeed an in whom is no deceit."
par]\iT7}Sy zv cp SoXos OVK ecrri. 4 8 Aeyei avrcp 48 Nathanael says to
Israelite, in whom guile not is. Says to him h i m , " How dost thou know
Nadavar)X' Uodev fie yivoocTKeis ; AireicpiOri Me ?" Jesus answered and
Nathanael; Whence me knowestthou? Answered said to him, " Before P H I -
ITJCTOVS Kai eiirev avrcp- Upo rov ere <bi\nvitov LIP called Thee, when thou
Jesus and said to him; Before the thee Philip wast under the FIG-TREE,
<f>(0VT}(Tai, ovra biro ry\v O~VKT)V^ eidov ere. I saw thee."
to hare called, being under the fig-tree, I saw thee.
49 49 Nathanael answered,
AireKpidTj 'NadavarjX *[/cat Xeyei avrcp-~\ "Rabbi,tfjou art the SON
Answered Nathanael [and says to h i m : ] of G O D ; tbou art the
'PajSjSi., (Tv ei b vlos rov 0eou, crv ei 6 fiacri- X KIN G of I S R A E L . "
Rabbi, thou art the son ofthe God, thou art the king
Xevs rov IcrparjX. 50
AireKpiOr) Irjtfovs Kai enrev said 50 Jesus answered and
ofthe Israel. Answered Jesus and said
t o h i m ; "Because I
told thee * That I saw thee
avrcp' 'On eiirov croi' EiSov c e viroKarco rrjs under the TIG-TREE, thou
to him: Because I said to thee: I saw thee underneath the believest! Tbou shalt see
CTVKTJS, TTicrrevGis; fxei^carovrcav 01//77. 5 1 K a t greater things than this."
fig-tree, believe»t thou? greater of these thou shalt see. And
Ae7e* avrcp' AIAT)V afir]V Xzyco V/JLLV, *[a7r 3 apri\ "Truly, 51 And he says to him,
he says to him: Indeed indeed I say to you, [from now]
indeed, I say to
you, you shall see the
o^eade rov ovpavov aveccyora, Kai rovs ayye- HEAVENS opened, and the
you shall see the heaven having been opened, and the messen- ANGELS of GOD ascending
Kovs rov 06ov avafiaivovras Kai Karafiaivovras from and descending to
gers ofthe God ascending and descending the SON of M A N . "
€7Ti rov vlov rov avdpooirov.
en the son ofthe man.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—43. JESUS says. 45. Son. 46. P H I I I P . 47. Jesu%
49. and says to him—omit. 50. That I saw. 51. Jrom now—omit.
f 46. Some think allusion is here made to "that good frhmg promised," Je*, xxxiii. 14;
ethers think this a term of reproach.
% 42. Matt.xvi.18. X 44. John xii. 21. J 45. John xxi. 2. J 40. J ohj|
«rii. 41, 42.52. I 3. Matt. xxi. 5; xxvii. 11,42 % John xviii. 37 ; xix. &
Chap, gj l j -JOHN. [dfiap. £ : 10.

KE$. £'. 2.
1 And on the *THIRB
K a i T?7 rjfiepq T?? rpi.Tr) ya/xos eyevero Day there was a Marriage-
And in t h e day the third a marriage-feast occurred feast in Cana of GALILEE ;
gj> Kaz/a rrjs FaAiAams' Kat 17V 7; fJLrjrrjp and the MOTHER of JESUS
ki Cana of the Galilee: and was the mother was there;
2 2 and JESUS also, and
TOV 17}(T0V €K€l. EK\7}6T] 8e /ecu 6 l o o t ' s
MSDISCIPLES, were invited
of the Jesus there. Was invited and also the Jesus
Kat 01 fxaBrjrai avrov eis rov ya/jiov. Kai 3 And the Wine falling
and the disciples ofhim to the marriage-feast. And
short, the MOTHER of J E -
vo~Tepr]0'avTos oivov, Keyei r) /J,rjr7]p rov Irjcrov SUS says to him, "They
taring fallen short
of wine, says the mother of the Jesus have no Wine."
irpos avrov Oivov OVK exov&i. Aeyei avrrj 6 4 J E S U S says to her,
to him: Wine not they have. Says to her the %"0 Woman, what hast
lrjcrovs' Ti e/noi KCLI croi, yvvai ; OVTTCO TJKGI 7) time thou to do with me ? My
Jesus: Whattomeand to thee 3 O woman?
has not yet arrived."
5 5 His MOTHER says to
tbpa fxov. Aeyei 7) fxr]T7]p avrov rois
SiaKovois' the SERVANTS, " Do what-
hour of me. Says the mother ofhim to the servants; ever he may hid you."
' O , ri av Aeyy vfxiv, Troirjcrare. Haav de 6 Now six stone Water-
Whatever he may say to you, do you. Were and jars were there, placed J ac-
e/cet vfipiai \1Q1va1 4£ K€i/j.evai Kara rov KaOa- cording to the J E W I S H
taere water-pots of stone six being placed according to the mode CUSTOM of PURIFICATION,
oo ovo aL ava
each containing two or
picr/nov rusv Iovdaieov$ x P ' ^rpTjras three t Measures.
of cleansing of the Jews, holding each measures
7 JESUS says them, "Fill
dvo 7) rpets. Aeyet avrois 6 Irjaovs' Tejuio'are the JARS with Water."
two or three. Says to them the Jesus; Fillyou And they filled them to
ras vfipias vSaros. K a i eytfuaav auras ecos the top.
the water-pots of water. And they filled them to 8 And he says them,
av<a. 8
Kai Aeyei avrois' AvrArjaare vvv, KCLI " Draw now, and carry to
the t RULER OE T H E
top. And he says to them; Draw you now, and
FEAST. And *they carried
(pepere rep apxiTpiitXivcp. £ls some. Kai TjveyKav.
carry to the ruler of the feast. And they carried. When
9 And when the RULES,
de eyevcraro 6 apx^piKXivos ro vftaop oivov ©F THE FEAST tasted % the
and tasted the ruler of the feast the water wine WATER made Wine, and
yeyev7}jj.€vov' (Kai OVK. ??5ei TCOQZV ttrriv 01 5e knew not whence it was,
having become; (and not he knew whence it i s ; the but (but THOSE SERVANTS
knew who had DRAWN the
diaKOvoi rjdeio'av, 01 7]vr\7]Kores ro vficop'J WATER,) the RULER OF
servants knew, those having drawn the water:)
THE FEAST called the
cpcovei rov vvfx<piov 6 apx^piKXivos^ Kai Aeyet BRIDEGROOM,
calls the bridegroom the ruler of the feast, and says 10 and says to him,
avrcf Has avBpcaivos Trpcorov rov KaXov oivov " Every Man First presents
to him: Every man first the good wine GOOD Wine, and wnenthey

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. T H I R D Day. 8. THEY carried.

t 6. The exact capacity of this measure cannot now he determined. The LXX use the
word in the original for the bath, which contained about seven gallons: and for the seah,
Which contained one-third of the bath. 2 Chron. iv. 5 ; 1 Kings xviii. 32. t 8. The Greek
Word here is a compound, denoting the president of the tridinium, or guest chamber, so called
from its containing' three couches placed in the form of a crescent, on which the guests re-
clined during the entertainment. I t was the duty of this officer to prepare the feast, arrange
the couches, dispose the guests, place the dishes, and taste the wine and viands.—Stockiua
in Verb. Lightfoot, in his Horse Heb. Talmud, adds, " That he performed the duty of chap-
lain also, by saying grace, and pronouncing; those benedictions which were accustomed t«
be givemipon occasion of a marriage. He blessed the cup also prepared for the guests; and
having first drank of it himself, sent it round to the company. I n the Book of Ecclesiastic^
(xxxii. 1) we have an account of his duties.
% 4, John xix.! % 6. Mark vii. 3. .t 9. Johniv.'
OiapIsrilTj JOHN, \Ghcup. 8T18.

TIOTJO'I, /cat 6Ta^ /xedvcrOooo'i, have f drank freely, the

* [ T O T € ] TOJ/
places, and I N F E R I O R ; but thou hast
when they m a y have drunk freely, [ t h e n ] the
<s\acr<rca' <rv rerrjpijKas rov KaXov OIVOV ews apri. kept the GOOD Wine till
worse; thou hast kept the good wine till n o w . now."
Tavrijv eiroiycrG ryjv apxyv TCOV (TTJ/JLZLOOV 6 11 This * First of SIGNS
This did t h e beginning of t h e signs t h e J E S U S performed in Cana
of GALILEE, and displayed
IT}(TOVS €V K a ^ a rrjs TaXiXaias, Kai ecpavepooore his GLORY ; and his D I S C I -
Jesus in Cana ofthe Galillee, and manifested
PLES believed into him.
rr\v do^av avrov Kai eirio'revo'av as avrov 01
the glory of himself; and believed into him the 12 After this he went
down to Capernaum, he,
£ia07}Tcu avrov. and his MOTHER, and his
disciples of h i m .
BROTHERS, and his D I S C I -
MeTa TOVTO Karefiy] eis Kairspvaov/x, avros P L E S ; but they did not re-
After t h i s h e went down i n t o Capernaum, he main there Many Days.
Kat 7] fM'qT^p avrov, Kai ol ab*eX<poi * [ a u T o u , ] Kai
and t h e m o t h e r of h i m , a n d t h e brothers [of h i m , ] and 13 X And the PASSOVER
01 fiad7]rai avrov Kai eKei sfxeivav iroXXas ofJ E S
the J E W S was near, and
U S went up to Jerusa-
t h e disciples of h i m ; and t h e r e remained n o t many
7]/j.€pas. 1 3 Kai tyyvs rjv ro -Jracrxa rwv \ovhai-
days. And nigh was t h e passover o f t h e Jews, 14 i And he found the
cov, Kai avefir) ets clepocroXvp.a 6 ITJCTOVS* 14 K a i M O N E Y - C H A N G E R S s i t t i n g
and went u p to Jerusalem t h e Jesus. And in the TEMPLE, and THOSE
evpev ev rep ispcp rovs irooXovvras jSoas Kai irpo- who SOLD Oxen, andSheep,
he found in t h e temple t h o s e Belling oxen a n d sheep and Doves.
/3ara Kai irepicrrepas, Kai rovs ttepfxancrras 15 f And having made a
and doves, and the money-changers
15 "Whip of Hushes, he drove
Kad-q/xevovs. K a i iroiycras cppaysXXiov etc them all out of the TEM-
sitting. A n d having made a whip o u t of
PLE, with the S H E E P and
«rX0L1/La)J/i rcavras e£e/3aAe*> €K rov tc-pov, ra the CATTLE, and he poured
rushes, all h e drove out of t h e temple, the
out the COIN ofthe BANK-
re 7rpo(3ara Kai rovs fioas* Kai roov tcoAXvfiicr- ERS, and overturned the
and sheep and the oxen; and o f t h e money-chan-
rcojf e | e x e e ro Kepfxa, Kai ras rpanrz^as avear-
gers he poured o u t t h e coin, and the tables16 and said to THOSE
Tpei|/6' 16
Kai rois ras irepicrepas irooXovcriv who SOLD DOYES, "Take
turned: and t o those t h e doveB selling these things hence. Make
ZITTSV Apare ravra evrevdev JXT] iroieire rov not my F A T H E R ' S HOUSE
he said: Take these hence: n o t m a k e y o u t h e a House of Traffic."
OIKOV rov ivarpos }xov OIKOV efxiropiov. ^ 'E/iV7)o'- 17 And his DISCIPLES
house o f t h e father of me a house of merchandise. B e m e m - recollected That it is writ-
67]cap * [ S c J . o t fJLaOrjrai avrov, on yeypa/ji/xevov ten, J " M y ZEAL for thy
bered [and] the disciples of h i m , t h a t having been written HOUSE consumes me."
t( c
earriw O £y]Xos rov OIKOV GOV icaracpayerai
itia: "The zeal ofthe h o u s e of t h e e will consume 18 Then the J E W S an-
jii€." 18
ATreKptd^crav ovv 01 lovbaioi Kai GITTOV swered and said to him,
me." Answered then the Jews and said X" What Sign dost thou
avry Ti O~7]/J.GIOV deutwcis TJ/JUV, Sri show u s , why thou doest
ravra these things
to him; What sign showestthou t o us, that these

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—10. then—omii. 11. First of. 12. his—omit.

17. And—omit.
t 10. The Greek expression here does not imply the least degree of intoxication. The
verbs methusko and methuo, from methu, wine, which, from meta thuein, to drink after sacri-
ficing, signify not only t o inebriate, but to take wine, to drink wine, to drink enough, and
in this sense'the verb is evidently used in the Septuagint. Gen. xliii. 34; Cant. v. 1 • 1 Mac.
xvi. 16; Ecclus. i. 16. And the prophet Isaiah, chap, lviii. 11, speaking of t h e abundant
blessings ol the godly compares them to a well-watered garden, which the LXX translate.
00s keepos metknoon, by which is certainly understood, n o t a garden drowned with watex
but one sufficiently saturated with it, not having one drop too much, nor too little.—Clark*
t 15. I t is probable that this cleansing ot the temple occurred at t h e commencement of oiu
Lord's ministry, and i s not to be confounded with that mentioned by the other evangelists,
which took plac« at its close.
113. Ex. xii. 14; John v. 1 ; vi. 4; xi. 55. {14, Matt. xxi. 12; Mark xi. 15; Luke xix. 45.
tVf. I'sa.V.dx 9. £18. Matt. xii. 38; John
Chap. 2 : 19.] J O H N . [CMP- 3 : 3 .
TroteLs; AireKpiOr] 6 \r}<rovs iccu eiirev avrots' 19 * J e s u s answered and
thoudoest? Answered the Jesus and said to them; said to them, % " D e s t r o y
Av&are rov vaov rovrov, KCLI ev rptatv
7}/ji€pcus t h i s T E M P L E , and i n Three
Destroy the temple this, and in
days Days I will raise i t . "
eyepco avrov. ^Enrou ovv ol lovdaior Tecrcra- 20 T h e n t h e J E W S said,
Iwillraise i t . Said then the Jews; Forty ""Forty a n d Six Years h a s
paicovra Kai e £ ereffiv cvKodofx^Or] 6 vaos ovros' this T E M P L E been i n build-
and six years was being built the temple this; ing a n d wilt thutt erect i t
Kai arv ev r pier iv i)^ pais eyepets avrov , 2 1 E/cef- in Three Days ?"
and thou in three days wilt raise it? He
vos de €\eye ivepi rov vaov rov (Tcvjxaros avrov. 21 B u t he spoke of t h e
but spoke concerning the temple of the body of himself. TEMPLE Of h i s BODY.
' O r e ovv rjyepOr} e/c vexpccv, e/j.vrjo'Orjo'av ol 22 When, therefore, h e
"When therefore he was raised out of dead ones, remembered
the was raised from t h e Dead,
fiaO^rai avrov, on rovro eAeye* Kai eirierrev- t h i s D I S C I P L E S r e m e m -
disciples of him, that this he spoke; and they believed bered T h a t h e h a d said
&av ry ypaeprj, Kai rep Xoycp cp eiirev 6 This ; a n d they believed
the writing, and the word which sa'-d ihe the SCRIPTURE, and the
Irjcrcvs. WORD which J E S U S h a d
Jesus. spoken.
' A s 5e 7}v ev rots 'IzpocroXvimois <cV rev
When and was in the Jerusalem »t the 23 Now while h e was i n
tracrxa *v rr) eoprrj, iroWoi ewicrrevGav eis ro J E R U S A L E M a t t h e F E A S T
of t h e P A S S O V E R , m a n y
passsover at the feast, many believed into the
believed i n t o h i s N A M E ,
ovojxa avrov^ deecpovvres avrov ra o"rj/u.eia a
beholding H i s S I G N S which
name of him, beholding Oxhiia the signs which
he performed.
eiroiei. "2i Avros 5 e 6 ITJCOVS OVK eirurrevev
he did. He but t h e Jesus not committed 24 B u t * Jesua did n o t
eavrov avrois, dia ro avrov ytveaCKeiv iravras" trust himself to t h e m , b e -
himself to them, because the hira to know all: cause h e K N E W t h e m all •
Kai on ov xPeLaV 6f
X e ? / » 'lV0L T i S
25 and required not t h a t
and because not need he had, that any one should testify
any one should testify
vepi rov avQpooirov avros yap eyivojo~Ke, ri concerning M A N ; for he
concerning the man: he for knew, what
knew w h a t was i n M A N .
7]v ev rev avdpcoiTcp.
was in the man.
KE<f>. < / . 3 0 1 And t h e r e was a M a n
Hv 8 e avdpcoTTos etc rcav Qapieraioov, NiKodrj- of t h e P H A R I S E E S , whose
Was and a man of the Pharisees, Nicode- name was Nicodemus, a
(xos ovofia avrea, apx^v rcov lovSatcov ovros Ruler of t h e J E W S ;
mus a name to him, a ruler of the Jews: this 2 he came to h i m by
r)\9e irpos avrov VVKTOS, Kai enrev avroy 'Pa/3- Night, a n d said to him,
eame to him by night, and said to him: Rab- " R a b b i , we know That
/3J, otda/uev, Sri airo deov eXiqXvQas didacTKaXos' thou a r t a Teacher come
bi, we know, that from God thou hast come a teacher: from God; J for no one can
ovfieis yap ravra ra (rrjfxeia cyvvarai Tvoieiv? a work These SIGNS t h a t
no one for these the signs is able to do, which j t h o u workest, unless G O B
(TV iroieis, eav [XT] *7] 6 6eos /xer 3 avrov. be with h i m . "
thou doest, expect may be the God with him. j
3 * Jesus answered and
^Airenpidy} b lycrovs Kai eiirev avrcf fA/arjV afxrjv
Answered the Jesus and said to him : Indeed indeed
said to him, " I n d e e d I

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—19. Jesus. 24. Jesus. 3. Jesus.

119. Or, destroy this very TEMPLE ; perhaps pointing- to his body at the same time. t 20.
Herod began to rebuild the temple in the 18th year of his reign, or sixteen years before Jesus
was born. Jesus was at this time about thirty years old, which makes the term exactly 46
years. Bat although Herod finished the main work i n nine years and a half, yet Josephus
tells us that the whole of the buildings were not completed till Nero's reign, some 80 years
after the 18th of Herod's reign. 1 3 . The repetition of Ameen, among1 the Jewish, writers,
was considered of equal import with, the most solemn oath—Clarke.
X 19. Matt. xxvi. 61; xxvii. 40; Mark xiv. 58; xv. 29, % 22. Luke xxiv. 8. t 2. John
vii. 51); xLx.. 30. J 2. John ix. 16, 33; Acts ii, 22; x. 38.
. S : 4.3 JOHN. Cftiap. 15.

K<syca 6oi, eav \ir\ ris yzpvriBr) apcoOep, ov Svva- assure thee, if any one be
1 Bay to thee, if not any ene maybe born from above, not is able not born from above, h«
r a t iSeip TTJP jSa^ Xeiap TOV 6eov. 4 Aeyei irpos cannot see the KINGDOM:
to see the kingdom of tbe God. Say* to of GOD.
aurov 6 'NiKofirjfj.os' Ucos Bvvarat avOpcotrcos 4 NicoDEMUs says to
him the Nicodemus; How is able a man him, " How can a Man be
*yzvvi]Q'r)vcu yepcau COP ; /J.7] Svparai €is TTJP KQI-born, being old? Can he
to be born old being? not is able into the womb enter a second time into
Aiap T7]S p.rjrpos avrov Sevrepop €i(reA0etz/, Kai his MOTHER'S WOMB, and
be born ?"
of the mother of himself a second tirne to enter, and
y€W7]6rjvai; 5
ArreKpidy] ITJO'OVS' Afxt]p 5 Jesus replied, "Truly
a/j,7)p indeed
to be born? Answered Jesus; Indeed indeed
I say to thee, if any
one be not t born of Water
Acyo) o~oi, eav fxr] ris yepprjOy e£ vfiaros Kai and Spirit, he cannot enter
I say to thee, if n o t any one may be bora out of water and the KINGDOM of GOD.
irpevjuaTos, ov Bvparai eiceXQeip eis TTJP jSatn- 6 THAT which has been
spirit, not is able to enter into the king- BOEN of the I X E S H , is
Ksiap TOV Qzov. To yey6vvr)[A€Vov e/c rr\s Flesh; and THAT which
torn of the God. That having been born
out of the has been % BOEN of the
ffapKos, crap£ earr Kai TO ysyevvqixsvov e/c TTJS SPIEIT, is Spirit.
fleBh, flesh is; and that having been born out of the 7 Bo not wonder, Be-
wj/evfiaTos, irpev/txa ea'rt.
<? Mr) 6av/jiao"r}S, 5 T Jcause I said to thee, you
spirit, a spirit Not thou may est wonder, that must be born from above.
enrop cror Aei vfxas yepp7]67}pai apoodep. 8 To 8 The SPIEIT breathes
I said to thee; Must you to be born from above. The where it will, and thou
irvzv(j.a birov 0eAei irpei' Kai TT)V (poovqv avrov hearest its VOICE, but thou
spirit where it wills breathes; and the sound of it knowest not whence it
aKovets, aAA s OVK OJ5<XS, iroOep tpxtfai, KCU comes, or where 0 it goes;
thou hearest, but not thou knowest, whence it comes, and thus it is with EVEET ONE
TTOV vTrayei' ovroos ecrrt iras 6 yey€Ppr)fxepos e/c who has been BOEN of the
where it goes: thus is every one the having been born out of S P I E I T . "
TOV 7rpevf.iaros. 9
AireKpiQt] 'NiKodijfj.os Kai enrep 9 Nicodemus answered
oftho spirit. Answered Nicodemus and said and said to him," How can
avrqj' Utas dvparai ravra yepc-crdai; 10 AireK- these things be?"
Johim: How is able these to be? An- 10 JESUS answered and
piQj] lyjcrovs Kai enrep avrcc' 2 u ei 6 SiSaCKaAos said to him, "Art thou the
swered Jesus and said to him: Thou art the teacher
n knowest not these things ?
TOV Icrpa7]\9 Kai ravra ov yiPcacKeis; AJXT\P
of the Israel, and theae not thou knowest? Indeed 11 Most assuredly I tell
ap^riv Xcya) coi^ on 6 oida/iev Xakovfxep, Kai 6 thee, That what we know,
indeed I say to thee, that which w<s know we apeak, and what we speak, J and what we
GcopaKa/jiev fxaprvpov/juep' Kai rr\v fxaprvpiav have seen, we testify; and
you receive not our TESTI-
we have seen we testify; and the testimony
l2 MONY.
Yiyuav ov Aa/nfiapere. Ei ra siriyeia GLTTOP 12 If I told you of
of us not you receive. If the things earthly I told
EAETHLY things, and you
VjJiivt Kai ov TTKrrevGTe' TTOOS, eap enroo vfxiv do not believe, how will
you, and not you believe; how, if 1 tell you you believe if I tell you of
ra eirovpavia, rncrTevo'ere ; Kca ouSefs HEAVENLY things ?
the things heavenly, will you believe? And no one 13 % A.nd no one has as-
®,Vafiefi7}K£V €LS TOP QVpaVQV) Gl (AT) 6 6/C TOV cended into HEAVEN, ex-
has ascended into the heaven, except he out of the
cept the SON of MAN who
ovpapov Ka.raf3as, 6 vios TOV avQpcoirov, ^"[6 COP DESCENDEDfromHEAVEN.
heaven having descended, the son of the man, [he being
ep rep ovpavopJ\ u
Kai KaOoos Mco<n?s i>\pceo~z TOP 14 X And as Moses ele-
in the heaven.] And even as Moses raised aloft the
vated the SEEPENT in the
DESEET, so must the SON
ocpip ep TTJ eprifXto^ ovroos v\pco6r)Pai dei TOP of MAN be placed on high ;
serpent in the desert, thus to be raised it behoves the
vlop TOV avOpwirov 1 5 IPa, iras d inffTevwp eis 15 that EVEEY ONE B E -
son of the man: that every bne who believing into
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—IS. he being in HBAVEK-omit.
t 5. Mark xvi. 16; Acts ii. 38. t 6. 1 Cor. xv. 44—46. J 11. Matt. xi. 27; John
i.18; vii. 16; viii.,28; xii.49;
xiv.24, X 13. John xvi. 29; Acts ii. 34; 1 Cor. xv. 4?,-
Uph. IV. y, 10. X - Num. xxi. 9.
Chap. 3 : 16.] JOHN. [CJiap. 3 : 26.

avrop, *\_fir) airoXrjraif aAA'] e%7? C667!1' ai(a

~ LIEVTNG into him ma*
him, [ n o t may be destroyed, b u t ] may have life a§;e- X have aionian Life.
OvTM yap rjyawtjo'ep 6 deos TOP Koo'fjLOP, 16 % "For GOD SO loved
lasting. Thus for loved t h e God t h e world, the WORLD, that he gave
OXTTe TOP vioV aVTOV TOP flOPOyePf) €dc0K€Pt IPO. * his SON, the ONLY-BE<
go t h a t the son of himself t h e only-begotten h e gave, that GOTTEN, t h a t EVERY O N E
fras b mo'Tevccp eis avTOp, fit} ctTroA^rai, aAA' BELIEVING into him may
everyone who believing into him,
n o t m a y be destroyed, b u t not perish, but obtain aio-
XV CC07ll/ CIIOOPIOOP. Ov yap anreo'TeiXep d nian Life.
p a y have life age-lasting. Not for sent the 17 + For GOD sent not
deos TOP VLOP avTov eis TOP KOO~/J.OP, ipa Kptpy hi9 SON into the WORLD
God t h e son of himself i n t o t h e world, t h a t he m i g h t judge that he might judge the
TOP KOCT/JLOP, aAA' Ipa (ready 6 Koo~fios SV WORLD, but that the
the world, but t h a t m i g h t be saved t h e world t h r o u g h WORLD through him might
avTov. 18
' O TTio-Tevcop eis avrop, ov KpiPeTai' be saved.
him. He believing into him, not ie j u d g e d : 18 J H E BELIEVING into
o * [ 8 e ] fir} irio'Teuoop, rjBr} KeKpiTai, OTI fir} rre- him is notjudged; but HE
he [but] not believing, already iajudged, b e c a u s e n o t he not B E L I E V I N G has been
judged already, Because
Trio~TevKep eis TO opofia TOU /uovoyepovs vlov TOV he has not believed into
h a s believed i n t o t h e n a m e of t h e only-begotten s o n of t h e
19 the NAME of the ONLY-BE-
6eov. AI/TT7 8e ECTTIP r) Kpicrts, OTI TO (peas GOTTEN Son of G O D .
God. This and is the judgment, that the light
' 19 And this is the J U D O .
e\r}\v6ep ets TOP Koo~fiop, Kai yyairrjcrav oi MENT, X That the LIGHT
has come into the world, and loved the
has come into the WORLD,
apQpooitoL fiaWop TO CTICOTOS, rj TO (poos* 7)v yap and MEN loved the DARK-.
men rather t h e darkness, t h a n t h e l i g h t ; was for
20 NESS rather than the
vroprjpa avTcop Ta epya. l i a s yap 6 (pavAa L I G H T ; for Their WORKS
evil of t h e m the works. Everyone for t h e vile things
were evil.
irpao~o'topi fjLL(T€i TO (poos, Kai OVK epxtTai wpos 20 For JEVERY ONE who
doing, hates t h e l i g h t , a n d n o t comes to
does Vile things hates the
TO (poos, Ipa fir) eXeyx®XI Ta e P 7 a avrov. 21
' O L I G H T , and comes not to
t h e light, t h a t n o t may be detected t h e works ofliim. H e the L I G H T , that his WOEKS
06 rroioop Tf}P a\r)8eiap, e p x e T C U ^pos TO (poos, may not be detected.
but doing the truth, comes to the light, 21 But H E who DOES the
Ipa (papepooQrj avrov Ta epya, OTI ep Oecp TRUTH comes to the LIGHT,
so t h a t may be m a d e manifest of him the works, that in God so that His WORKS may be
ecrTiv eipyaa/uepa. manifested That they have
i t is h a v i n g been d o n e . been done in God.
22 22 After this, JESUS and
Mercs TavTa r}\6ep 6 Irjaovs Kai oi fiaOrjTai his D I S C I P L E S went into
After these came t h e Jesus a n d t h e disciples
avTov eis Trjp lovSaiap yr)P' Kai eKei dieTpi0e and there he remained with
afhim into the Judean land; and there remained
23 them, and was immersing.
/iter' avToop, Kai efiarrTi^ep. UP Se Kai looap- 23 And * JOHN also was
Witfa them, a n d w a s dipping. W a s a n d also John
immersing i n Enon, near
prjs J3a7TTi£oop ep AIPOOV9 eyyvs TOV ^aXeifi, OTI SALIM, because there were
dipping in Enou, near the Salim, because
many Waters there; and
vtiaTa rroWa r\p e/rer Kai rrapeyipopro, Kai they were coming and be*
waters many was t h e r e : a n d t h e y were c o m i n g , and
ing immersed.
efiarrTL^oPTO. 2 4 OVTTOO yap r\p fiefihrjfiepos eis 24 % For * John had not
were being dipped. N o t y e t for was having been cast i n t o
yet been cast into PRISON.
TrjP (pv\aKr}p 6 looauprjs. 2 5 TZyepeTo ovp Cvrr)~
the prison the John. Occurred then a dig- 25 A Dispute then oc-
o~is €K TOOP fiaOrjToop looappov fiera lovdaiov rrcpi curred among * the D I S C I -
pute of t h e disciples of J o h n with a Jew a b o u t PLES of John with a Jew,
icadapio-fiov. 26
K a i r)\6op irpos TOP looappiqp, about Purification.
cleansing. And t h e y came to the John, 26 And they came to
* VATICAN 15. may noli be destroyed, but—omit.
MANUSCRIPT 16. the s.Qm
18 but—om. 23. JOHN. 24. John. 25. THOSE DISCIPLES who were of' John,
and a Jew, about.
t 15. John vi. 47. t 16. Rom. v. 8; 1 Johniv.9. J 17- Lute Ix. 56; John v.45
viii 15; xii.47; 1" Johniv.14. J 18. John v. 24; vi. 40, 47; xx. 31. J 19- Jofini
4. 6—11; -vin. 12. £ 20, Eph. v. 13. X 24* Matt. xiv. S,
C&ap. 8 : 27-] JOHM.
Kat etirov avrcf 'Pa/3/3t, 6s t]v p.€ra crov irepav J O H N , and said to him,
and said to him; Rabbi, who was with the* beyond "Rabbi, he who was with
rov lopfiavov, 'cp (TV fi€fJLapTvpr}Kas, t5e, ovros thee beyond the JOEDAW,
the Jordan, to whom thou hast testified, behold he t t o wrhom tftau hast testi-
jSaTrn^ei, tcai iravrcs epxovrai. vrpos avrov. fied, behold, HE immerses,
dips, and all to him and all are coming to him."
ArreKpiOr) Icoavvrjs Kai enrep- Ov Svvarai 27 John answered and
Answered John and said; Not is able
e said, % " A Man can receive
avOpwKos XajAfiavsiv ovdep, cap p.7] 7? SeSo^e- nothing unless it be given
a man to receive nothing, except it may be having been him from HEAVEN.
POP avTcp e/c rov ovpavov. Avrot vfxeis fJ.oi
given to him from the heaven. Yourselves ' you to me 28 got* yourselves are
fxaprvpeire, on enrov OVK €tp.i eyco 6 'Kpto'ros, witnesses for me, That I
bear testimony, that I said; Not am I the Anointed, said, %' I am not the M E S -
aAA' on airecrraApLepos si/xi e/mirpocrOev eKeivov. SIAH,' but That I have
but that having been sent l a m in presence of him. been sent before htm.
29 e OOV 1 v
C ^X "^ vvp.cprjv, vv/j.(pLos eariv 6 Se 29 The Bridegroom is
He having the bride, a bridegroom is; the but HE who POSSESSES the
4?L\OS rovvv/Acpiov, 6 €o~rr)Koos /cat aKovcov avrov, BEIDE ; b u t THAT E M E N D
fctend of the bridegroom, that standing and hearing him, Of t h e BEIDEGEOOM w h o
Xapa XaLPel ^La rr v
l §<*vf\v T0V
vvficpiov. Avrrj stands and hears him, re-
with joy rejoice* through the voice
of the bridegroom. This joices with joy, because of
ovv 7} xaPa % €fl7i ^^TfXrjparai. so
therefore the joy that of me has been completed. Him this, therefore, MY JOY has
Set av^aveiv, e/te 8e ' O been completed.
it hehovea to increase, me but to decrease. He
30 f^e must increase,
avcoOev epxojJLevoSf eiravco iravroov eo~riv. 'O but I must decrease.
from above coming, over all is. He
cav e/c rrjs yrjs, e/c rrjs yrjs ecri^ Kat e/c rrjs 31 J H E who COMES from
being from the earth, from the earth is, and from the above is over all. H E who
is from the EAETH, is of
yrjs AaAer 6 e/c rov ovpavov epxofievos, straw the EAETH, and speaks of
earth speaks; he from the heaven coming, over the EAETH. HE who
Travrcov eaTt, *[/cat] yKovo'e, COMES from HEAYEN is
6 eoupa/ce aai
all is, [and] what he has seen and heard, over all.
rovro /xaprvpeL' /cat rrjv fxaprvpiav avrov ovdeis 32 And what he has seen
this he testifies; and the testimony of him no one and heard, tbta he testifies;
\ap.f$av€i. O Xafieov avrov rrjv fiaprvpiav, and no one receives his
receives. He receiving of him the testimony, TESTIMONY.
ea,(ppayLO,€Vi on 6 0eos aXrjdrjs eo'riv. 34
'Op 33 He who EECEIVES
has set his seal, that the God true is. Whom
His TESTIMONY has sethis
yap arrecrreiXav 6 deos, ra prifxara rov Qeov seal That GOD is true.
for has sent the God, the words of the God 34 % For he whom GOD
AaAer ov yap e/c fterpov ^theoenv 6 deos ro has sent speaks the WOEDS
speaks; not for by measure gives the God the of GOD ; for *he gives not
TTvev/jLa. ^ e O Trarrjp ayaira rov vtov, /cat 7ra^- the SPIEIT by Measure.
spirit. The father loves the son, and all 35 The EATHER loves
Ta 8e8co/ce»/ e^ TT? %eipt a u r o u . 36 c 0 TTicrevoov the SON, % and has given
has been given in the hand of him. He believing All things into his H A N D .
as rov vlov, e^ei Cu>y]v aiooviov o 5e aTreidcov 36 J H E BELIEVING into
into the son, has life but disobeying the SON has aionian Life ;
age-lasting: he but
rep vtcp, OVK oiperai C^W aAA' r) opyr) rov Oeov but HE DISOBEYING the
(she son, not shall see life, but the ai«ger of the God SON, shall not see Life; but
fAGpei €7r5 avrov. the Anger of GOD abides
abides on him. on him."

* "VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—32. And—omit. 34. he gives not.

% 26. John i. 7,15, 27, 34. % 27.1 Cor. iv. 7 ; Heb. v. 4; James i. 17. t 28. John
i. 20, 27. X 31. Matt, xxxiii. 18; John i. 15, 27; Eom. ix, b. + 34 John viii. 16.
135. Luke x. 22-, John v. 20, 22 ; xih. 3. xvii. 2; Heb. ii. 8. % 38, John vi. 47; 1 Jon*
€hap. 4: 1.] JOHN* [Chap. 4 : 1 1 .

KE<f>. 5 ' . 4 .
1 When, therefore, t h e
£is OVP eyvw 6 nvpios, on r}Kovo~av ol L O U D knew, T h a t the
•When therefore knew the Lord, that heard the P H A R I S E E S had heard,
l>aptcra:of, on \r\aovs irXeiovas fjLadrjras iroLei J That Jesus was making
Pharisees, that Jesas more disciples made and immersing More Dis-
/ecu /3a7rri£6i, r\ leoavvrjs* (/ccuTOiye Irjffovs ciples t h a n J o h n ;
and dipped, than John; (though indeed Jesus 2 (though Jesus himself
avros OVK Gfiairri^ev, aAA ol /maO^rai avrov) did not immerse, b u t his
himielf not dipped, but the disciples of him;) DISCIPLES;)
a(p7]K€ T7)V lovdatav, icai airyAOe iraXiv eis 3 h e leftJ U D E A , and
he\^.ft the Judea, and went again into went again into G A L I L E E .
4 4 And i t was necessary
rrjv VaXiXaiav. E 8 e : 5e avrov 8iepx<?cr0aj SJGJ
the Galilee. I t behoved and through for h i m to pass through
him to pass
TTJS ^a^xapeias. E p ^ e T a t ovv eis iroXiv rrjs S A M A R I A .
the Samaria. He comes therefore into a city of the 5 H e comes, therefore, to
^a/jiapeias, Xeyo/jievrjv ^.v^ap, TrXr}o~iov TOV a City of S A M A R I A called
Samaritang, being called Sychar, nearby the f Sychar, n e a r t h e F I E L D
Xapiov, ov eda)K€V Ia/ca>/3 loocrr}(p rep vlcp which % Jacob gave * t o
field, of which gave Jacob Joseph to the sonJ O S E P H his S O N .
6 6 And JACOB'S Fountain
avrov. Hv Se €K€i irrjyT] TOV Ia/cw/3. ' O ovv
of himself. "Was and there a spring of the Jacob. The then was t h e r e . J E S U S , t h e r e -
l7)crovs KGKoiriaKoos 6/c TTJS bSoLiropias, e/cafte^e-ro fore, having become weary
Jesus having become weary from the journey, sat down from t h e J O U R N E Y , sat
down over t h e F O U N T A I N .
OUTCOS €TTl T77 TTrfyy d)pa 7}V 6}(T€l €KT7).
thug over the spring : hour was about six. I t was about t h e f sixth
^ Epxerat yvvy\ €K ry\s ^ a / x a p e i a s , a,VT\r]o~ai
Comes a woman of the Samaria, to draw 7 There comes a Woman
vtioop. Aeyei avrrj 6 Irjffovs' Aos (AOI irieLV. of S A H A R I A to draw Water.
water. Say t o her the Jesus: Give t o m e to drink. J E S U S s a y s t o h e r , " Give
8 me t o d r i n k . "
(Ol yap /xaOrjrat avrov aireXrjXvdeLO'av eis TTJV 8 (Eor h i s D I S C I P L E S
(The for disciple* of him had gone into the h a d g o n e i n t o t h e CITY.
TTo\tv9 IVCL rpo<pas ayeopacrcecri.) Aeyei
ovv t h a t they might b u y Pr&
city, that provisions then visions.)
they might buy.) Says
avrcp 7} yvvij r) Ha/uapeins' Tlcos c u , lovScuos 9 The SAMARITAN W O -
to him the woman that Samaritan: How thou, a Jew M A N , therefore, says t o
him, " How dost t h o u , b e -
cov, trap* €{A0V TTieLP CLIT€IS, 0V0~7]S ywaLKOS
being-, from me to drink askest, being a woman
ing a J e w , ask drink of me,
who a m a Samaritan W o -
~%G{iapeiTib*os; (Ov yap Gvyxpuvrai lovdaioi man ? " (X For t h e J e w s do
a Samaritan P (Not for associate with Jewg not associate w i t h Samari-
Hafiap e IT a is.) 10 AireKpiOr] Irjcrovs KOLL enrev tans.)
Samaritans.) Answered Jesus and said 10 J e s u s answered and
Z.VTT)' E f 7}$€LS TYjP SoopeaV TOV 0€OV, KCLl said to her, " I f t h o u didst
to hfer: If thou hadst known the gift ofthe God, and know t h e G I E T of G O D , a n d
who is H E t h a t says to thee,
TIC G<TTIV 6 Xeycvv o~or Aos p.oi TTOLGLV ffv
'Give m e to drink,' t h o u
who is he saying to thee: Give tome to drink: thou
wouldst a s k h i m , a n d h e
av rjrrjo'as avrov, /cat eSw/cev av o~oi vdcop
£oov. would give thee Living
wouldst ask him, and he would give thee water living. W a t e r . "
11 11 * She says to him,
Aeyet avrtp r) yvvr)' K u p t e , ovre avrXrjfxa
Says to him the woman: Olord, nothing to draw with " Sir, t h o u nast nothing t o

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—5. to JOSEPH his sox. 11. She says.

15. Called at first Sichem, or Shechem, and afterwards Sichar. Prom Judges i x . 7, i t
aeems to have been situated at the foot of Mount Gerizam. on which t h e Samaritan temple
was built. t 6. According to John's computation of time, this would be six o'clock i n
the afternoon. See Note on John i, 39. The women ofthe East have stated times for going
to draw water—not in the heat of the day, but in the cool of either morning or evening. I t
was very likely i n the evening that this Samaritan woman came to draw water, because i t
Is said, Jesus had become weary with^ his journey;; and because the Samaritans when the)
came to see him, invited him to remain or lodge with them.
1 1 . John iii. 22, 28. % 5. Gm. xxxiii. 19; xlviii. 22 ; Joshua xxvi. 32. J 9, 2 Kings
fcvii. 24; Luka i s . &2, 53; Acts x. 2&,
Chap. 4 : 12.] JOHN. Cfhap. 4 : 32.

e%6£S, K<XL TO (ppeap earifiaOv iroOev OW 6%ets draw with, and the W E L J
thou hast, and t h e well then hast t h o u is deep; whence, then,
is deep: whence
TO vdcop TO fap, 12
Mr] crv fiei^ooy ei TOV rraTpos hast thou the LIVING WA-
t h e water t h e living? N o t t h o u greater art the father TER.
y/xoov laKcofi; bs eficoKtv r)/juv TO typeap, KCU 12 Art thou greater than
of us Jacob? who gave tons the well, and our FATHER Jacob, who
avTos e£ avTou erne, Kai ol vioi avTov, Kai TCL gave us the WELL, and
he of it drank, a n d t h e sons of him, a n d t h e drank of it himself, and his
6p€/ avTOV. 13 AireKpLOrj \-qo~ovs Kai envev SONS, and his CATTLE ?"
cattle of him. Answered Jesus and said 13 Jesus answered and
avTy Tlas 6 irivcov e/c TOV vfiaTos TOVTOV, Saf/T]- said to her, " E V E R Y ONE
to her; All t h e drinking of the water this, will D R I N K I N G Of t h i s WATER

o"€i iraXiv 14 3
6 s 8 av my €/C TOV u S a r o s , ob will thirst again;
thirst again; who but ever may drink of t h e water, of which 14 b u t I he, who may
eyca Scocrco auTw, ov p.7) b~i\\/r}crr) eis TOV aioova' drink of the WATER which
I Bhall give t o h i m , n o t n o t may thirst to the age; 3E will give him, shall not
aXXa TO i)8cop, 6 Souo'co aura?, yevrjo'eTaL ev thirst to the AGE ; but the
t't the water, which I shall give h i m , shallbe in WATER which I will give
r-'oroj Trrjyr] uSaTos aXXojJLtvov eis C ! ' aiuviov. him, 007 1
shall become in him
Fountain of Water,
U'JCL awell ofv/ater springing into life age-lasting.
^Aeyei irpas avTov r) yvvrj' Kupte, 80s poi Life." springing up into aionian.
Says \o him the woman; Olord, give t o m e
15 % The WOMAN says
rovTO TO vfioop, Iva fxr) Sti|/w, fxrj^e e p x a ^ c u ev~ to him, " Sir, give me This
this t h e water, t h a t n o t I may thirst, n o r may come to
WATER that I may not
0cc5e avTXeiv. lQAeyei avTy 6 Irjcrovs' "Yiraye, thirst, nor * come here to
this place t o draw. Says to her the Jesus; Go,
(poov7)crov TOV avdpa GOV, Kai eX6e evOade. 16 * He says to her,
call the husband of t h e e , and come here.
] "•Go, call thy HL.SBAND,
~ A-rreKpiOr] r) yvvr] Kai enrev OVK 6%^ evSpa. and come here."
Answered t h e woman and said; Not I have ahusband.
17 The WOMAN answered
Aeyei avTy 6 Ir)o~ovs' KaXcos eLiras' 'OTI avdpa and said, " I have no Hus-
Says t o h e r t h e J e s u s ; Rightly t h o u d i d s t s a y : T h a t a h u s b a n d band." J E S U S said toher,

OVK tx ' 00 18
Il6j>Te yap avfipas earxts' KGJ vvv " Correctly thou didst say,
n o t I have. Five for h u s b a n d s t h o u h a s t h a d ; a n d now ' I have no Husband.'
bv e%€is, OVK eo"Ti crov avrjp' TOVTO aXr]8es 18 For thou hast ha3
whom t h o u h a s t , n o t is of thee a h u s b a n d : t h i s truly Five Husbands, and he
19 whom now thou hast is
€tpr}Kas. Aeyzi avTcp r) yvvrj' Kvpte, Oecopco, not Thy Husband; this
t h o u h a s t said. Says to h i m t h e woman; Olord, I see,
thou hast truly spoken."
OTI irpo(pr)Tr)S ei cru. 2 0 Ol 7raT6pes r\\xoov ev Top 19 The WOMAN says to
that a prophet art t h o u . The fathers of us i n t h e him, " S i r , $ 1 see That
op€i TOVTCf Trpoo~eKvv7]o~av Kai v/j.€is Ae76re, thou art a Prophet.
mountain this worshipped: and you say, 20 Our FATHERS wor-
bTt sv 'lepocroXv/JLOis ZO~TIV b TOTTOS, birov dei shipped in this MOUN-
t h a t in Jerusalem is t h e place, where i t is necessary T A I N ; and sou say, That
21 in JJerusalem is the PLACE
irpocrKvveLV. Aeyzi. avTig b Irjcrovs' Tvvai,iricr- where it is necessary to
t o worship. Says t o her t h e Jesus "• O woman, believe
TCVGOV fxoL, OTI epx^Tcu oopa, OTC ovre ev Top ope'. 21 J E S U S says to her,
thou m e , t h a t comes an h o u r , when neither in t h e mountain "Woman, believe me, That
TovTCf, ouTe ev lepoo~oXviJ,ois irpoo'KvvrjcrsTe TOS) an Hour is coming, when
this, nor in Jerusalem yo\i shall worship t h e neither in this MOUNTAIN,
icaTpi. 22
'T/xeis rrpocricvveiTe b OVK ot<5aT€'worship nor in Jerusalem, will you
father. You worship what not
you k n o w ;
22 Jf)oit worship what
7]fjLeis irpocTKvvov/jLev b o&aixtv OTI r) o'ooTrjpia you do not know; bjf wor-
we worship w h a t we k n o w : because t h e salvation
ship what we know ; be-
€K Tcav lovdatcti!/ ecTTiv. 23 AAA 5 epx^rai oopa, cause SALVATION is of the
irom t h e Jews is. But comes an h o u r , J E W S .

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—15. eome over here. 10. He says.

114. John vi. 35; vii. 38. • 115. John xvii. 2, 3; Rom. vi. 23 ; 1 John V. 20. 119. Luke
vii. 16; xxiv. 10; John vi. 14; yii, 4 ^ + 20, Beut. xii. 5,11; 1 King's is. 3; 2Chroa. vii.12
tihap. 4: gS.j JOHN. [Cfhap. 4,: S*.

Kai vvv ecrriv, bre of aArjdipoi TrpocTKvvqrai 23 But an Hour is com-

and now i», when the true worshipper* ing, and now is, when the
irpoo'KVV7}0'ovo't rep irarpt cv Trvev/nari Kai aAr)- TKUE "Worshippers will
shall worship the father in spirit and truth; worship the EATHEE Jin
9eia' Kai yap b icarr\p C^Tet TOVS Spirit and Truth; for the
even for the father Buch like
seeks thase FATHER even seeks SUCH
"npoGKWovvras avrov, 24
Hvsvfxa 6 deos' Kai LIKE as his Worshippers.
worshipping him. A spirit the God: and 24 J God is Spirit; and
rovs irpocrKWovvras avrov, ev -rrvevjxari Kai, must worship in Spirit and
thote worshipping him, 25in spirit and
a\7)9eiq Set TrpoaKweiv Ae76t a u T ^ i) Truth."
truth it behoves to worship. Says trih^-. the 25 The WOMAN says to
him, " I know That 'Mes-
yvvri' Oida, on Meo~aias epx^rar (<5 Aeya/Ji<s siah is coming, (HE being
woman: I know, that Messiah comes: (he being called CALLED Christ;) when he
vos Xpicrros') brav eXOrj CKCLVOS, avayyeAei comes he will tell U3 all
Anointed:) when may come he, hewillrelate things."
rjfxiv iravra. Aeyei avry 6 lr\<rovs' Eyco eifxi^ 26 J E S U S says to her,
to us all. Saya to her the Jesus: I am, t" 3£, who am TALKING tv
6 AaAwv cot, %? K a t rovrcp 7]A9ov ot ixadrj- thee, am he."
he talking to thee. And on this came the disci- 27 And upon this his
Tat avrov, Kai e9avp,a£ov , on /aera yvvaiKos DISCIPLES came, and won,
pies of him, and wondered, that with a woman dered That he was talking
eAaAei. Ovcjets [xevroi sure' Ti fare is ; 7], ri with a Woman; neverthe-
he talked. No one nevertheless said; "What seekest thou; or, why less no one said, "What
AaAeis per3 avrrjs; ^8A(pr]K€V ovv r-qv vhptav dost thou seek?" o r , " Why
talkest thou with her? Left therefore the bucket art thou talking with her?"
avrrjs 7) yvvr), Kai aTrrjXOev ets rt\v iroAiv, Kai 28 The WOMAN, there-
of herself the woman, and went into the city, and fore, left her PITCHES,, and
Aeyei rois av9peo7rois' 29 Aevre, idere avOpcoTrov, and went into the CITY,
Bays to the men; Come you, see a man, and says to the MEN,
6s eiire fxoi iravra baa eiroiyo'a' fxr\ri ovros 29 " Come, see a Man,
who told me all what I did; not this who told me all things
which I have done! la
ecrrtv 6 Xpi&ros; ^°E£T)A9OV e/c rrjs iroAecas, this the M E S S I A H ? "
is the Anointed? They went out of the city,
30 They went out of the
Kai rjpxovro trpos avrov. CITY, and were coming to
and were coming to him. him.
Ev 5e rep fiara^v Tjpcorav avrov of fiadrjrai 31 And in the MEAN-
In and the meantime were asking him the disciples TIME, his DISCIPLES en-
Aeyovres' 'Pafifii, cpaye. 32
'0 avrois" treating him, said, "Rabbi,
Se enrev
saying; Kabbi, eat. He but said to them; eat."
J&yco fipcocriv €%<*> <payeiv, i)v vfieis OVK oiSare. 32 But he said to them,
I food have to eat, which you not know. "3£ haT'e Food to eat, of
which JJOU know not."
^EAeyov ovv of fxaBrirai irpos aAAr]Aovs' Mr]
Said then the disciples to each other; Not 33 Then the DISCIPLES
said to each other, " Has
ris rjveyKev avrcp <payetv; 3 4 Aeyet avrois 6 any one brought him (food)
any one brought to him food? Says to them the
to eat ?"
Irjo'ovs. E/JLOV fipccjxa ecrriv, fva TT^ICO ro 34 J E S U S says to them,
Jesus. My food is, that I may do the
X " My Food is to do the
OeArifia rov Tre/xipavros pee, Kai reAeicvo-oo avrov WILL of H I M who SENT
will of the sending me, and may finish of him me, and to finish His
TO epyov, Oi»% v/neis AeyeTe, on ert rerpa- WOEK.
the work. Not you say, that yet four 35 Do gott not say, That
firjvos scrrt9 Kai 6 Sepicr/nos ep%erai; l<5ov, Aeyw it is yet four Months, and
months it is, and the harvest comes? Lo, I say the HAEVEST comes? Be-
vp.iv, eTraoare rovs OfpQaAjxovs tfiwv, Kai 6ea- hold, I say to you, Lift up
toyou, lilt up the eyes ofyou, and see your EYES, and see tiie

t 23. PhiLiii.3. t 24. 2 Cor. iii. 1?. J 20. John ix. 37. t §4. Jobxxiii
12* John vi, 88; xvii.4; xi&.&O^
map. 4:36.] J O H N . fCfoxp. 4 : 45

CTW0e ras x<wpas, 6 T I Aet/Ktu e t m irpos depto'jj.op F I E L D S ; $That they ara

you the fields, that white they are to karveat already white for Harvest.
7jd7]t 3 6 l O Oept^W /JLKTOOU Aa/j-fiapsi, icai crvva- 36 $ The REAPER, re-
already. He reaping a reward receives, and gathers ceives a Reward, and ga-
•yet Kctpirov eis £COT]P CUMVIOV' Iva, Kat 6 cfTrsipotv thers Fruit for aionion
fruit for life age-lasting; so that both he sowing Life; so that the SOWEB
dfiov xaiPV> KaL ° 8epi£o»v* ^ E ^ yap rovrq> 6 and the REAPER may re-
together may rejoice, and he reaping. In for this the joice together.
Xoyos eariv 6 aXyOiisos, on aXXos CO'TLP d 37 For in this is the
word is the true, that one is he SATING T R U E ; ' T h a t one
enreipcap, Kai aXXos 6 0€pi(oov. ^ Eyco airsa- is the SOWER, and another
sowing, and another he reaping. I sent is the REAPER.
TeiXa v/xas 6epi£eiu 6 ov% VJJLZIS KSKOiriaKare'
38 3E sent you to reap
you to reap what not you have labored:
that on which gou have
aAAos KeKOTTiaKaCL, /ecu vpsis eis TOP KOTVOV
notlahored; others lahored,
others labored, and you into the labor and gou have entered into
avroop eiaeXyjAvQaTS. E K 5e rr/s noXews their LABOR."
of them are entered. Out of and the city
€Keu>7}S iroXXoi €Tci<TT€V(Tav eis avrov TCOP 12,afia- 39 Now many of t h e
SAMARITANS from that
that many believed into him of the Bama-
pCtTWJ', $LCt TOP XoyOV T7]S yWCUKOS) fAdpTV- CITY believed into him,
titans, through the word of the woman, testi- because of the WORD of the
povo,7)S' C
OTI tine fxot iravra Sera, eiroirfo'a. WOMAN, testifying, " l i e
Hying: That he told me all what I did.
told me all things which I
40 have done."
* [ ' n s ] OVP i\Xdop irpos avrop oi ^afxapeirat,
[When] therefore came to him the Samaritans, 40 *Then came the
Tjpcaroop avrop fxeivat Trap avrois' Kat efxeivsp SAMARITANS to him, and
asking him to abide with them; and he abode asked him to remain with
€K€t dvo Tjixspas. 4 1 Kat iroXXa) irXziovs emo~Tcv- them; and he remained
there two days. And many more believed
there Two Days.
xrav hia TOP Xoyov avrov. 42
Trj TZ yvvauci 41 And many more be-
through the word of him. To the and woman lieved on account of his
eXeyop* ' O n OVKGTI dia TI\P Gi\v XaXiav WORD ;
they said; That BO longer through the thy saying 42 and said to the WO-
ino~T€vofi€V avroi yap aKrixoafjLsv9 KCU otSa/xer, MAN, " We no longer be-
we believe; ourselves for we have heard, and we know, lieve because of * THY
bri QVTOS €0~TIV aXrjdcos b a-corrip rov Koafxov Report; for we ourselves
that this is truly the aavior of the world have heard; and we know-
*\b Xpivros.~\ That this is truly the S A -
(_thc Anointed.] VIOR of the W O R L D . "
M e r a 5e ras Suo Tjfiepas ttyXOep ettsiOev, 43 Now after the TWO
After and the two days he went out thence, Days, he went from thence
*[n:ai <nr7)A6zv~\ ei$ Tt]v TaXiXaiav. ^ AUTOS into GALILEE.+
[and went out] into the Galilee. Himself 44 For X JESUS himself
yap Irjo'ovs efiaprvpTjcrev, T?po<p7\rv}S ev rytestified, That a Prophet
for Jesus testified, that a prophet in the has no Honor in his OWN
idiq, TraTptSt TI/JLT]P OVK e ^ e t . 4 5 ' 0 r e ovp t]X6ev Country.
own country honor not has. When therefore hi came 45 When, therefore, he
€is TT\V VaXiXaiav% efie^avro avrop olTaXiXaioi, came into GALILEE, the
into the Galilee, received him the Galileans, GALILEANS received him,

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—40. When—omit. 40. Then came the SAMARITANS to him,

and asked him. 42. thy KEPORT. 43. the ANOINTED—omit. 43. and went—omit.
143. Pearce thinks that some -words have been lost from the end of this verse, which ma?
6e supplied thns ; "Went into Galilee, hut not to Nazareth; for Jesus himself had declared/*
etc. in Matt, xiii.57; Markvi. 4; and Luke iv.24, which are the only texts where Jesus is
said to have declared this, he spoke of Nazareth only, and not Galilee in general, a country
where he lived for the most part, and wrought the greatest number of1 nis miracles, and
made the most converts.—Clarke. There is a probability that something to this purpose has
been very early omitted in transcribing. The casual conjunction gar, for, which introduces
fehe next verse, shows that it contains the reason of what had immediately preceded.—Camp.
t 35. Matt. ix. 37; Luke x. 2, t 86. Dan xii. 8. 144. Matt. xii. 57 -, Mark vi. 4;
Liaise iv. 24.
&iap. 46. JOHN. [Chap. 4 : 54,

iravra ecopatcores a eiroirjcrev ev

'Iepooro\vp.ois X having seen All that he
all having seen what he did
Jerusalem in did in Jerusalem, at the
a so w
ev ry eopry KCU avroi yap 7)\Qov eis rr\v kop- FEAST, for tfteg ^ ^nt
p.t the feast; also themselves for came to the feast. to the TEA ST.
T7)Vf HXQev ovv irakLV eis rrjv- ILava rrjs 46 * Then he came again
He came then again into the Cana of the
VaAiAaLas, OTTOV GTTOL7](T£ TO vdcop oivov. Kai towards Cana of G A L I L E E ,
Galilee, whei-e he made the water wine. And X where he made WATER
f\v ris fiaffiAiKos, ov 6 vlos ycrdevet, ev K a - Wine. And there was a
Wascertain courtier, ofwhomthe son was sick, in Ca- I Certain Courtier, Whose
TrepvaovfA. ^ Ovros atcovcras OTL ITJCOVS 7)K€i i SON was sick in Caper-
pernaum. This hearing that Jesus was come I naum.
etc TTJS lovftaias eis rrjv TaXiXaiav, air^Xde ] 47 ^ t * having heard

ont of the Judea into the Galilee, went

That Jesus was come out
vpos avrov, Kat ypoora avrov, Iva Kara/St), of J U D E A into G A L I L E E ,
to him, and was asking him, that hewould come down : went to him, and asked
teat tacrrjrat, avrov TQV vlov 7]{i€XXe yap airo- him, that h e would come
«nd heal of him the son; he was about for to 1 down and cure His SON ;
OvrjCKsiv. 48Etirev ovv 6 Ir)o~ovs itpos avrov for he was about to die.
die. Said therefore the Jesus to him; 48 J E S U S , therefore, said
Eav p.7] o'rj/JLeia teat, repara fS^re, ov fir} irto'rev to him, J " I f you see not;
If not signs and prodigiesyouniay see, not not you may Signs and Prodigies, you
o"r\rc 49 Aeyei Trpos avrov 6 fiacriXiKOS" Kvpte, will not believe."
believe.. Says to him the courtier: Osir, 49 The COUETIEE saya
KaraB^Bif wpiv arrodavetv ro TraiStov fiov. to him, "Sir, come down,
eouae dowii, before to die the child of me. before my CHILD die."
£9 Atyet avrfy 6 Irjorovs' Hopevov 6 vlos GOV 50 J E S U S says to him,
Saya to him the Jesus: Go: the son of thee " Go, thy SON lives." The
<[y. * [ K a i ] eTTicrevo'ev 6 avdpwKos T(*> Xoycp MAN believed the WORD
[And] believed the the
word which J E S U S said to him,
cp €nre& aurcp Irjcrovs^ Kai etropevero, Hdrj and vvent.
which said to him Jesus, and went. Already
§6 avrov Kara&aivovTos, oi BovXot avrou 51 And now as he was
aTrrjv- going
and ofhira was going down, the slaves of him met
down, his SERVANTS
met him, saying, *"Thy
rijcrav avrw9 *\_Kat awnyyeiXav^ Xeyovres' CHILD lives."
'On 6 him, [and
reported,] saying;
That the irais ffov fy. EirvOero ovv *[Vap9
52 He then inquired
avrcov^ child of thee lives. He inquired * that HOUB in which he
then [of
them] r7]V wpav, ev '?? tcofixporepov eff^6* grew better. *And they
the hour, in wliich better he was. said to him, "Yesterday, at
K a i eiirov avrcf 'Ort %0e-s copav k^ofxyju a^)7j- the f seventh Hour, the
FEVEB left him."
A.nd they c-aid to him; That yesterday hour seventh Left
5 3 Knew
&ev avrouhim 6 Trvperos.
the fever. Eyvoo ovv 6 irary)p9 53 The FATHER, there-
on ev eKeivy ry wpct, ev r, enrev then the father, fore, knew That i t was in
that in that the hour, in wliich said avrcp b 1T]- That HOURin which JKSUS
o~ovs% ' O r * 6 vlos crov <j;« K a t to him the Je~ said to him, " Thy SON
sus: That the son of thee lives And €TTlCrT€Vfl'aV lives." And ije believed
Tovrohe believed
iraXiv and all his HOUSE.
avros, teat T) oifcta avrov OXT], This again
himself, and the house of him all. 7COUS, zXQoQV €K 54 * This again, a Se-
Je3us, havingcomeoutof cond Sign, did JESUS, hav-
deurepov crTj/JLeiov STroirjO'ev 6 I ing come out of J U D E A
rrjs lovdaias signsis rrjv did YaXiXaiav.
a second the
into G A L I L E E .
the Judea into the Galilee,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—48. Then he came again towards Cana. 50. And—omit.
51. and reported—omit. 51. That his sou lives. 52. ofthern—omit.
52. that noUK. 52. Then said they to him. 54. And this again is the Second Sign.
t 52. According1 to John's computation of time this wovild he seven o'clock in the evening.
Mackuightthinks the Roman hour is intended, i. e. seven in the evening; and t h i s h e t h i n k s
is the reason why our Lord did not accompany the courtier: for as Canawas aday'sjonrney
from Caoernaum, had our Lord gone a t that hour, he must have traveled in the night, fronj
which it might have heeninferred, that hecouldnot cure the child without being personalty
present. Harmon;/, vol.i. p. 52.
j4».J©hnii. 23; iiia. i 40. John i i 1,11. J 4 8 . 1 Oor.i. 32.
tikap.B >.!.•} JOHN. i Cftiap. 5 : 10.

KE<*>. e'. 5 . C H A P T E R V.
1 1 After these tilings
Mtra ravra rjv eopr-rj rcou IOVSOAOOP, KCU there was J a Feast of t h e
After these things was a feust of the Jews, and J E W S ; and * J e s u s went
auejSrj 6 Irjcrovs eis "lepoaoXvjxa. Ecri 5 e e^ up to Jerusalem.
went up the Jesus to Jerusalem. Is now in 2 Kow t h e r e is i n J E R U -
rots 'lepocroAvfjiois, ein rrj TrpafiariKr), KOAV/UL~ S A L E M % n e a r t h e S H E E P -
the Jerusalem, by the sheep-gate, a swimming- G A T E , a B a t h , which is
(37i6pa, 7] eiriAeyopLepr} 'EfipaicrriBTiOecrdas vevre C A L L E D i n Hebrew, *f Be-
bath, that being called in Hebrew Bethesda, five thesda, having Five cov-
(TToas exovaa. Ev ravrcus KareKciro irXydos ered Walks.
porches having. In these were lying a multitude 3 I n these were lying a
"*[7roAi/] reap aardeuovvrcou, TV^XOOP, ^COACOV, M u l t i t u d e of t h e SICK,—•
[great] of those being sick, blind, lame, Blind, Lame, "Withered,—•
^TjpCOV *\_<=KdsX0fJiei;ooV Tr V
) rOV
uSttTOS KIVT\(TIV. * t [waiting t h e MOTION
withered waiting the of the water xnoving. of t h e YV A T E H .
AyyzXos yap Kara Kcupov Karzfiaivep $p rrj 4- For a Messenger at
A messenger for at a season went down in
the times went down into t h e
KoXv/uLfirjOpq, KCLL e r a p a t r c r e T O u5co/r 6 ovv 7rpcu- B A T H , a n d a g i t a t e d t h e
swimming-bath, and agitated the water; he then first W A T E R ; t h e E I H S T , t h e r e -
TOS e/x/3as /xera rr\v rapaxvv T0U
vdaros, vyiys fore, stepping i n after t h e
stepping in after the agitation of the water, sound A G I T A T I O N of t h e W A T E R ,
€yii>€TOy '(f S7J7TOT6 yoa-jijUa-rj.] was cured of Whatever
became, who indeed was held by disease.] Disease h e was held.]
Hj> § 6 TiS avOpCOTTOS €/<!€£, TpLCLKOVTCL Kai OKT<a 5 Now a certain M a n
"Was and a certain man there, thirty and eight was there, having been
eT?7 ^X(*)V iV TV ^^Oepeia. 6
TOVTOP idoop 6 Thirty-eight Years i n F E E -
years being in the feeble health. This seeing the B L E H E A T H .
\r](Tovs KaraKetfiepop, KOLI yvovs on TTOXVP TJ^T] 6 JESUS seeing h t m
Jtsua lying, and knowing that long already lying, a n d knowing T h a t
Xpopov e%6f, A ? 7 6 t aurcp' yepeo1- he h a d now been t h u s a
© e A e i s byirjs
time he had been, he say* to him ; Dost thou wish sound to be- Long Time, says t o h i m ,
6ai; f AireKpidy) avrcp 6 aaOepooP' Kvpte, avQpoo- " Dost thou wish to become
eome? Answered him he sick being; O sir, a man w e l l ? "
•KQV OVK 6XW, Iva, orap rapaxOr) ro t)5cop, 7 T h e S I C K person a n -
not I have, that, when may be agitated the water, swered h i m , " S i r , I have
fiaXrj fi€ eis TTJP Ko\vjJL$r\Qpav <ev '&> Se no M a n , t h a t , when t h e
he may pat me into the swimming-bath; in which but W A T E R is agitated, h e m a y
epXonai €700, aXXos irpo epiov Kara^aipei. p u t m e I n t o t h e B A T H ;
am coming 1, another before
goes down. b u t while I am coming,
A « 7 € i avrcp 6 lr)(Tovs' apop TOP tcpafi- another goes down before
Say» to him the Jesus: Rise, take up the bed m e . "
9 8 J E S U S says to h i m ,
fiarov covy tcai Trepnrarei. K a i evOtcos € 7 6 -
ofthee, and walk. And immediately be- X " Rise, take u p t h y
V€TO vyirjs 6 avOpanros, KOLL ripe TOP Kpaf3@arop C O U C H , a n d w a l k . "
came sound the man, and took up the bed 9 And immediately t h e
aurovy KCLI irepteiraTei. Up de crafiftarop GP MAN became well, ami took
of himself, and walked. It was and a sabbath in u p his C O U C H , a n d walked.
€K€IV7) TT) 7][X€pa. 10
E A 6 7 0 V OVV 01 lovdaiOL TO? t N o w T h a t D A Y was a
that the day. Said then the Jews to the Sabbath.
10 The J E W S , therefore,
T€6epaTrev(jL€VW 'SafifiaTov ecrrip' OVK e^etTTi said t o H I M who h a d been
having been healed: A sabbath. itis: not i t i s lawful
CURED, " I t i s a Sabbath;
cot a pa i TOP upaPfiarov.^KpiQy] avrois' X i t is n o t lawful for t h e e
for thee to carry the bed. He answered them: to carry t h e C O U C H . "

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. Jesus. 2. Bethsaida. 3. great—omit. 3, 4—omit.

f 2. Bethesda, signifies the house of mercy. t 3, 4. This clause is without doubt the
addition of some transcriber. Five of the most ancient MSS., either reject the whole or
the principal part of the clause i n brackets. Bloomfieid says, / ( the whole narration savors
of Jewish fancy." Meyer calls it a legendary addition. I t i s omitted by Mill and Tischen-
&or£ and marked as spurious by Griesbach.
t 1. Lev. xxiii. 2; Deut. xvi. 1 ; John ii. 13. t 2. Neb..iii. 1; xii. 39. 1 8. Matt;
ix. 0: Mark ii. 11; Luke v. 24. t 9. John ix. 14. J 10. Exod. xx. 10} Nek. xii*
19* Jm-xvasi. SI} Mafe-t. x i i 2 ; Maisk ii, 24; iii. 4; Luke vi. 2; xiM, 14-
Chap. 5; 1L] J O H N . [<&<&. $'• 21

'O iroir}(ras (AS vytrj, eKeivos fiotenrev Apop rov l i * But he answered
He h i v i n g made m e sound, he tome »aid; Take u p the them, " HE who MADE me
Kpaftfiarov o~ov, Kai irepnrarei. 12
Hpu)T7]0'av well, \)t said to me, Take
bed of t h e e , a n d walk. They asked up thy COUCH, and walk."
* [ " o w ] avrov Tis ecrrip 6 avOpooiros, 6 enroop 12 They asked him,
[then] him; "Who is the man, he saying "Who is the MAN THAT
(Tor Apov TOP KpafSfiarov GOV, Kai SAID to thee, *"Take up
Trepnrarei; thy
t o t h e e ; Take u p t h e bed of t h e e , a n d walkP
COUCH, and walk ?"
' O 8e tadeis OVK yfiei ris eo~riv 6 yap CURED13 But HE who had been
H e b u t having been cured n o t knew who itis; the
knew not who it
Irjcrovs e^evevcrep, o%Xov opros €P rep roircp. was; for JESUS withdrew,
a Crowd being in me
Jesus slipped o u t , a crowd being in t h e place.
M e r a ravra evpiCKei avrov S l-qaovs GP rep 14 After these things,
After these finds him the Jesu* in the
* Jesus finds him in the
fcpep, Kai enrev avrep' I5e } vyirjs yeyovas' (JLT}- TEMPLE, and said to him,
ternple, and said to him; See, sound t h o u hast become : n o
" Behold, thou hast become
Kiri afiapravE) Iva pa/] %sipov croi rt yevqrai. well; J sin no more, lest
longer do t h o u sin, that no worse t o thee anythingmayhj.ppen.
16 somethin g "worse may hap-
A-rrr}X6ev 6 avdpooiros, Kai avrjyyeiXe rois pen to thee.' 3
"Wentaway the man, and told t o the
15 The MAN went away,
lovfiatois, on Irjerovs €o~riv, 6 7roir)cras avrov and told the Jews That
Jews, that Jesus itis, h e having made him
16 Jesus was H E who MADE
vyiT}. K c u dia rovro ediooKov rov lyaovv o! him well.
sound. And through this persecuted the Jesus the
16 And on account of
IouScuoi, Sri ravra 67rotej €p o~af3fiarcp. ^ ' O this the J E W S persecuted
Jews, because t h e s e h e did in a sabbath. The JESUS, because he did
5e lycrovs aivsKpivaro avrois'
' O iraryjp /nov These things on a Sabbath.
and Jesus answered them: The father of me 17 But * HE answered
ccos apri epya^erai, Kayea epya^o/nau Aia and said, * " My FATHER
till now works, and I work. T h r o u g h works till now, and £
rovro ovv fxaXXov efarovv am ov oi lovdatoi work."
t h i s therefore more sought him the Jews 18 For this, then, the
E W S % sought the more to
aTTOKretvai, on ov fiovov eXve ro crafi&a- Jkill him, because not only
t o kill, because n o t only he was breaking t h e sabbath
was he breaking the SAB-
TO/', aAAa Kai irarepa iftiov eXeye
TOP Beov, BATH, J b u t he also said,
but Mso a father his own said the God; that GOD was his own Fa-
icrov kavrov "ROitav rep Seep. 19 AneKpivaro ovP ther, making himself equal
equal himself m a k i n g to t h e God, Answered t h e n with G O D . "
6 Ir)o~ovs Kai €f7rei' avrois' Afxr]v ajurjv Aeyw 19 Tlien * he answered
t h e Jesus and s*id to them: Indeed indeed I say and said, "Indeed, I as-
sure you, The SON can do
vp.iVj ov Svparai 6 vlos iroieiv aep* eavrov ovdev, nothing of himself, except
to you, n o t is able t h e son t o do of himself nothing,
what he may see the F A -
cap piT] ri fiXewr} TOP irarepa iroiovvra' a THER doing, for whatever
if n o t anything he may see t h e father doing: what fje does, these things also
yap av eKeivos TTOIT}, ravra Kai 6 vlos bfxoioos does the SON in like man-
f o r eTer he may d o , these also t h e s o n in l i k e m&nner ner.
iroter 2 0 ' O yap rnrarrfp cpiX€t rov vlop, Kai irav- 20 For % the FATHEU
does: The for father loves tho nan, and all loves the SON, and show
him All what he himse
ra fifiKwaiv avrep, a avros iroier Kai fiszfava does; and Greater Works
shows to him, what he does: and greater
than these will he sho
rovrwv $et£ei avrcp epya, iva bp,eis Bav/xafore. him, that nou may wonder.
oi these shows t o h i m works, s o t h a t you m a y wonder. 21 For as the F A T L B B
'Clffirsp yap 6 7rarrjp eyeipei rois vexpovs Kai raises up and makes alive
As for t h e f a t h e r raises the dead ones and the D E A D , % so also the

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—11. But he. 12. Then—omit. 12. Take up, and,
14. JeBus. 17.. HE answered and said. My FATHER. 19. he answered and said.
% 14. Matt.xii. 45: Jonn viii. 11. J 17. Johnix. 4; xiv.10. J 18. Johnvii. 19
1 18. John x. 30, 33; Phil.ii.6. J. 20. Matt.iii. 17; Johaiu.35; 2P©fc.i.l7. vX «1. Luke
Tii. 14 j wii. 84* Joh» x i . ^ ^ w ^
Chap. 5 : 2 2 . ] J O H N . fCftop. S : SB.

(fiooTroier ovrco Kai b vlos, ovs 0eA.ei, £coo7roiei. SON makes alive "Whom
makes alive: thus also the son, whom he will, makee alive. he pleases.
OvSe yap 6 7raT?jp Kpivzi ovSeva' aXXa.rrjv 22 Eor the EATHER does
Not even for the father judges anyone; but the not even judge any one,
tcpL(fii> irao~av 8e5coKe rep vly 23
tVa iravres but | has given all JUDG-
MENT to the S O N ;
judgment all has given to the son; so that all
23 so that all may honor
TifxcocTi TOV vlov, KaQcas TLfjLOoat TOV waTepa. 'O SON, even as they honor
may honor the sou, even aa they honor the father. He
the FATHER. % H E who
(JL7] TlfjLWV TOV VIOV, 0V TlfXQ, TOV T T a T e p a , TOV
not honoring the son, not honors the father, that HONORS not the SON hon-
24 ors not THAT EATHER wllO
Tre/iityavTa CLVTOV. A/xrjy afxr\v Xzyoo VJJLIV^ 6TI
having sent him. Indeed indeed I say to you, that sent him.
6 Toy Koyov JJLOV CLKOVOOV, Kai ino Tevcavi repyou, H 24> Indeed, I truly say to
E who HEARS my
he- the word ofvne hearing, and believing, the
WORD, and believes H I M
TCefA^aVTl jU€ 6 % 6 t £o07)V UMDVIOV, Kai €IS KpiClV
having sent me has life age-lasting, and into judgment who SENT me, has aionian
OVK epx^Tcu, aAAa jueTajSejS-n/cej/ e/c TOV Oava- Life, and comes not into
Judgment, but has passed
not comes, but has passed out of the death
2 Out Of DKATH i n t o L1EE.
TOV €LS Tf\V &f}V. ° A/J.7JV a/JLTJV A e y w
25 Indeed, I assure you,,
into the life. Indeed indeed I say
That an Hour conies, and to you,
6TI epxeTcu &pa, Kai vw eorTiv, ore at veicpoi now is, when the DEAD
that comes an hour, and now is, when the dead ones will hear the VOICE of the
shall hear the voice of the son of the God; and HAVING HEARD willlive.
ol ctKovo-avTes (rjo-ovTai. '-Qo-7rep yap 6 7ra 26 For as the EATHEIL
those having heard willlive. As for the fa-
has Life in himself, so he
6f 00 ev avrc
T7]p €X C ^ * P' oiiTCtis e5a>/<:e Kai Tep gave also to the SON to
ther has life in himself; so he gave alsotothe have Life in himself;
vlcp (oor]V exeiv *v eavTcp. 2? Kai e^ovcriav edca 27 and he gave him
son life to have in himself. And authority be
Authority also to execute
K€V avrcp Kai Kpiariv Tcoieiv, OTI vlos avQpooirov Judgment, Because he is a
gave to him also judgment to execute, because a son ofman Son of Man.
€a>Ti. 2 8 M77 Qavfia^eTe TOVTO' OTI e p x 6 T a i <*>Pa» 28 Wonder not at t h i s ;
he is. Not wonder you this: because comes an hour, Because an Hour comes in
ev '?} iravTes ol ev TOIS [xvqfieios aKovcavTai which ALL those in the
in which all those in the tombs shall hear TOMBS will hear his VOICE,
T7]S (potiv-qs avTov, ^ Kai eiaroptvcrovTai, ol TCC 29 and will come forth;
the voice of him, and shall come forth, those the X THOSE HAVING DONE
ayada'avT£Si sis avao-Tao~iv fays' ol GOOD things, to a Resurrec-
goodthmgs having done, to a resurrection of life; those tion of Life; and THOSE
* [ 5 e ] T « (pavXa irpa^avTes, eis avao'Tao'iv Kpi- HAVING DONE EVIL things,
[and] the evil things having done, to a resurrection of to a Resurrection of Judg-
Cews. ^ Ov Svva/iiat syoo iroieiv air* cfxavrov ment.
Judgment. Not am able I to do of myself 30 3E am not able to do
ov§€V. Kadcas aKovcc, Kpivoo^ Kai 7] Kpiffis T) anything of myself; as I
nothing. Even as I hear, I judge, and the judgmentthe hear, 1 judge; and MY
e/xrj Si/coua eo~Tiv OTI ov (j\Ta> TO 6e\r)/j.a TO JUDGMENT IS just, Because
mine just is; t h a t n o t I seek the will the I seek not % MY WILL, but
efxov, aKKa TO OeXrjfia TOV Trefi^/avTos /xe. the will of H I M SENDING
miae, but the will of the sending me. me.
Ecw eyoo fxapTvpca irepi efxavTov, r) fiapTvpia 31 t Though E testify
If I testify concerning myself, the testimony concerning myself, +is not
JUOV OVK eo-Tiv aXr]97)s. a 2 AXXos €(TTiv 5 fiap- my TESTIMONY true?
of me not is true. Another is he testi- 32 There i s ANOTHER,
Tvpoov Trepi €/JIOV icai oi5a, OTI aXrjdrjs eo~Tiv who testifies concerning
fymg conceuning m e ; and I know, that true is me; and 1 know That the

* VASICAN MANUSCRIPT.—29. and—omit.

t 31. By translating this interrogatively, this passage is harmonized with John. viii. 14.
+ 22 Matt. xi. 27; xxviii. 18; Luke x. 22; John. iii. 35; xvii. 2 ; Acts xvii. 31; 1 Pet. iv, 6.
1 2'.. 1 Johnii. 23. t 2ft. Dnn. xii. 2; Matt. xxv. 32,33, 46. J !Jv. MaU. x*vi. 8V;
John iv. 34; vi. 38. + 81. John viii. 14; Rev.UL 14.
Cfiajp. 5: 33.] JOHN [Onap 5 : 45.

7] fxaprvpia, r\v fxaprvpei ^'Tfxas TESTIMONY which he tes-

irepi efxov.
the testimony, which he testifies concerning me. You tifies of me is true.
airecrraA/care irpos looavvrjv, Kai /j,e/j,aprvp7]Ke 33?]|ait have sent to
have sent to John, and he has testified John, and he has testified
3 to the TRUTH.
rr\ aXrjdeia. ^ Eyco 5e ov irapa avdpcoirov rr)v 34 But 2 receive not
to the truth. I hut not from a man the
TESTIMONY from a Man
p.aprvpiav Xajifiavoo' aXXa ravra Aeycu, iva (only;) but These things I
testimony receive; but these things I say, that say, that gait may be saved.
v/ueis crcoOrjre. 3OEK€LVOS i)v 6 Xvxvos 6 KCUO- 35 pie was the BURNING
you may be saved. He was the lamp the burn- and shining LAMP; and
[xevos Kai (paivoov vfieis 5e i]9eX7]crare
ayaXXi- gott were willing, for a
ing and shining: you and were willing to re- Time, to rejoice in his
aOrjvai irpos topav ev rep (pccri avrov. ^E-yco LIGHT.
joice for an hour in the light ofhim. I 36 But JE have TESTIMO-
§6 e%o> rrfv [xaprvptav jj-ei^ca rov looavvov ra NY greater than J O H N ' S ;
but have the testimony greater of the John: the for the WORKS which the
yap epya, Iva reXeiceo~w FATHER gave me, that I
a edocice JJLOL 6 irarrjp,
for works, which gave to me the father, that I might finish might finish them, tThese
avra, avra ra epya, a eyco 7roicc, fxaprvpei WORKS which * I do, tes-
them, these the works, which I do, testifies , tify concerning me, That
irepi eixov, on b Trarrjp fxe airecrraXKe. ^' Kai the FATHER, has sent Me.
concerning me, because the father me has sent. And 37 And the FATHER who
6 irep-'pas fie irarrjp avros irepi SENT me, he ha? testified
he having sent me father himself has testified concerning concerning m e; J (though
efxov. Oure <poovr\v avrov aK7]Koare irooirore, you have not, at any time,
me. Neither a voice ofhim have you heard at any time, either heard his Voice, or
ovre eiBos avrov ecopanare. 3S
Kcu rov Xoyov seen his Form.)
nor form ofhim haveyouseen. And the word 38 And his WORD you
avrov ovic e ^ e r e [xevovra ev bjj.iv dri ov airecr- have not remaining in you ;
ofhim not you have abiding in you; because whom sent
Because gou believe not
him whom he sent.
TetXer eKeivos, rovrcp v/JLets ov iriarevere. 39 You searchthescRiP-
he, this you not believe.
TURES, Because goti think
^Epevvare ras ypacpas, bri vpieis DoKeire ev by them ta obtain aionian
Jou search the writings, because you think in Life; Jandtftcg a r e r a o s E
avrais &t)v aicoviov exei1" KaL eKeivai eicriv at TESTIFYING of m e ;
them life age-lasting to have: and they are those 40 and yet you are not
fjt>aprvpovo~at irzpi e/uov ^ Kai ov OeXere eXdeiv willing to come to me that
testifying concerning m e ; andnotyouarewillingtocome you may obtain Life.
irpos /xe, iva £oo-qv exVTe- 41
Ao£av irapa avdpcc- 41 I receive not Glory
to rne, so that life you may have. Glory from men from Men;
ircov ov Xafifiavoo' 4 2 aAAJ eyvceKa v/nas, on rrjv 42 but I know you, That
not I receive; but I have known you, that the you have not the LOVE of
ayair7}v rov deov OVK e ^ e r e ev savrots. 4i
Eycc GOD in yourselves.
love of the God not you have in yourselves. I 43 3£ have come in the
€Xi]Xv6a ev rep ovofxari rov irarpos fiov, Kai ov NAME of my FATHER, and
have eome in the name of the father of me, and not you do not receive m e ; if
Xapiftavere /xe' eav aXXos eXdr] ev rep ovofxari another should come in his
y on receive me: if another should come in the name OWN NAME, htm you will
rep idicv, eiteivov ArjipecrOe. Tlcos SvvacrOe receive.
the own, him you will receive. How are able 44 % How can jirjtt be-
vfieis iricrrevcrai, do^av irapa aXXrjXcov Xapifiavov- lieve, receiving Glory one
you to believe, glory from one another receiving, from another; and THAT
r e s , Kai riqv 5o£av rrjv irapa rov JJLOVQV Qeov ov GLORY from the ONLY God
and the glory that from the only God not you do not seek.
fyreire; 4o
M?7 doKeire, bri eyco Kar7]yopr)o~co 45 Do not think That 1
youseek? Not think you, that I will accuse will accuse you to the

* "VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—86. I do. 44. the ONIY one.

f 33. J ohn i. 15,19, 27, 32. % 3$. John iii. 2 ; x. 25; xv. 24. t 37. Matt iii. 17;
xrii. 5; J ohn vi. 27; vila. Ig. % 89, Deiit. xviii. 15,18; Luke xsiv. 27; John. i. 46.
44. Johnxii.43,
Ouyp, 5 : 46.1 JOHN; \Chap.ti 10.

\\tiay TTPOS. rov varepa' Karr\yop(av FATHER.

ecrrip o * HE Who AC
CUSES you to the FATHER
tfW to the father: is he
vfioop, Mcocr^s, eis bp vfxeis yXiriKars. 46
E i is Moses, in whom 2 oti
you, ' Moses, i n t o whom you have h o p e d . I f have hoped.
yap iTrL<rrev€T€ Mwcrp, e7rio~revere av efjioi' 46 Por if you believed
for y o u believed Moses, y o » would believe me; Moses you would believe
ine, $ for fit wrote about
VTepi. yap e/xov emeipos eypa\ptp. ^ Ei 5e rots me.
"toncemihg for me he If b u t t h e
47 But if you do not
•SKZIVOV ypajuLfiaciP ov Tricrrevere, irccs rois zpiois believe HIS "Writings, how
ofhim writings n o t y o u believe, how t h e my * can you believe MT
$7)jLiacri 7ri(TTev(T€Te. Words?"
words will you believe.
K E $ . s'. 6 . 1 X After these things
Mercs ravra airrjXdev 6 Ir)(rovs irepap rrjs J E S U S went across THAT
After these t h i n g s went the Jesus over the LAKE of G A L I L E E , the TI-
d<x?ua<T7]s TT)S TaXiXaias, TT]S Ti/3eptct5os. BERIAS.
sea that of Galilee, of t h e Tiberias. 2 And a great Crowd
K.CM 7]KoXovBei avrcp oxXos 7roAus, bri koopcov were following him, Be-
And was following h i m a crowd great, because they saw cause they saw the SIGNS
Ta (rrjfieia.) a eiroiet, sin, roop atfQepovprwp. which he was performing
fehe signs, which he was doing on those being side. on the SICK.
AvrjXds 5e eis ro opos b IT) or ovs, icat €K6i 3 And * Jesus went up
"Went and i n t o t h e mountain the Jesus, and there into the MOUNTAIN, and
sKaOrjTo fxera TCOP fxadr}rcop avrov. 4
UP de was sitting there with his
ke was sitting with the disciples of himself. W a s and DISCIPLES.
d 4 And the PASSOVER, the
qyyvs ro ira.a'xa, i] kopry] Tcop lovhaicap. E7rot-
near t h e passover, the feast ofthe Jews. Lifted EEAST of the J E W S , was
pas OVP 6 Irjcrovs rovs cxpdaXfxovs, Kai 6eaara/j.e- near.
ap then t h e Jesus the eyes, and seeing 5 Then J E S U S , lifting up
vos on 7roXvs o%Aos epxerai irpos avrop, Xeyei his EYES, and seeing that
t h a t great a crowd was coming to him, says a great Crowd was coming
irpos TOP $iXnrirop' Uo9ep ayopacro/jitv aprovsy tocc
him, says to * Philip,
to the Philip; Whence shall we buy loaves, "Whence * may we buy
\va <f>ayoo(riP ovroi; 6 (TOVTO de eXeye TreipafapLoaves thatthese may eat."
that may eat these? (This b u t h e said trying 6 (But this he said,
avrov avros yap ydei, n e/xeXXe TroieLP.) trying him; for he knew
him; he for knew, w h a t he was a b o u t t o d o . ) what he was about to do.)
* AireKpiOr] avrtf ^iXnriros' Aiaicoaitjop §7]papLoop 7 Philip answered him,
Answered him Philip; Two hundred denarii " Loaves costing t Two
aproi OVK apKovaiP avrois, Ipa efcao-ros Hundred Denarii are not
of loaves not are enough for them, so t h a t each enough for them, that each
*[auTcoz/J /3/?a%u ri Xafiy. Aeyei avrcp els etc may take a little."
[ofthfcJi] a little may take. Says to him one of
8 One of his D I S C I P L E S ,
r<av /j.a6rjrcop avrov, Apdpeas,
b a8eX(pos 'Xifica- Andrew, the BROTHER of
the disciples ofhim, Andrew, the brother of Si-
Simon Peter, says to him,
pos Uerpov* 9 Earn. Ttaihapiov ep w5e, 6 ^X€l
mon Peter; Is little boy one here, w h o h a s 9 " Here is a Little boy,
irepre aprovs Kpidipovs, itai dvo oxpapia' aXXa who has "Five barley Loaves
five loaves barley, a n d two small fishes: b u t and Two Small fishes; but
ravra ri scrip eis roo~ovrovs ; 10
Ei7re * [ S e ] 6 what are tfteas for so
these what are for so m a n y ? Said [ a n d ] t h e many?"
lyaovs' Uoi-qo'are rovs apBpccirovs aparrecreip. 10 J E S U S said, " Make
Jesus: Make you the men t o recline. the MEN recline." And
Hi/ Be %opros TTOXVS ep rep roirip. Apeirecov there was much Grass in
Was and grass much in the place. Reclined the PLACE. The men,

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—45. HB who ACCUSES you to the FATHER is Moses, in whom.

47. can you believe. 3. Je6us. S.Philip. 5. may we buy. 7- of them—omtt.
10. and—omii.
17- In value about thirty dollars, or about £6.8s. sterling1.
J46. Gaa.lii.15i xii.3; xviii.18; xiii.18; xlix.10; Beut.xviii. 15, 18; Joka i. 45$ ^.Qtj?
xsvi. SX. 11. MaH. xiv. 15 ; Mark vi. 85 j Luke i^. 10,12.
Chap. 6: 11.] JOHN. [Oiap. 6: 21.

ivv ol avdpes rov apiQfxov ooo'ei TrevraKix>-Xtoi. therefore, reclined, in NUM-

therefore the men the number about five thousand. BER about five thousand.
EAa/3e Se rovs aprovs 6 lyaovs, Kai evxapio~- 11 *Then JESUS took
Took and the loaves the Jesus, and having given the LOAVES, and having
T7)(Tas BiedcoKe *[rois fiadrjrais, ol de juadrjrai^ given thanks, he distri-
thanks distributed [to the disciples, the and disciples] buted to THOSE RECLIN-
rois avaKeijuevois' dfxoioos Kai eK rcov oxpaptcov IofN Gthe ; in like manner also
EISUES, as much as
to those reclining; in like manner also of the fishes
12< they wished.
6o~ov rjOeXov. n s §6 eveTrX^aOrjcrav, Xeyei rois 12 And when they were
what they wished. When and they were filled, he says to the
filled, he says to the DISCI-
fiad7]Tais avrov ^vvayayere ra rvepiacevcravra PLES, " Collect the RE-
disciples of himself: Collect the remaining MAINING FRAGMENTS, so
KXaa/xara, iva jurj ri airoXrjrai. Hvviqyayov that nothing may be lost-"
fragments, so that not any may be lost. They collected 13 Then they collected,
ovv, Kai eyefxiffav bcodefca Kocpivovs KXatr/uareov and filled Twelve Baskets
therefore, and filled twelve baskets of fragments with Fragments, from the
€K TtoV TteVTe apTCOV rCOV KptdtVOCV, 0> €TrepiO"- EIVE BARLEY Loaves,
out of the five loaves of the barley, which remained which remained to THOSE
(revere rois fief3pooKoo'LV+ Ol ovv avOpconoi who had EATEN.
to those having eaten. The therefore men 14 The MEN, therefore,
ibovres 6 eiroirjo'e crrjjueiov 6 Irj&ovs, eXeyov seeing the * Sign that J E «
seeing what did a sign the Jesus, said: sus did, said, "This is traty
'On ovros ecrrip aXr}doos 6 Trpocprjrrjs, 6 epxo- J THAT PROPHET .COW.JB 4
That this is truly the prophet, he com- into the WORLD."
/xepos eis TOP Koarfiov. 15 Then Jesus seeing
ing into the world. That they were about t(
Irjcrovs ovv yvovs on fieXXovariv epxecrdai, come and seize him, that
Jesus therefore knowing that they were about to come, they might make him a
Kai ap-rra^eip avrov, Iva rroirjo'cocrip avrop fiao'i- King, retired again into
and to seize him, that they might make him, a king, the MOUNTAIN, himself
Aea, avexo}P7}°~€ rraXiv eis ro opos avros alone.
retired again into the mountain himself
16 % And as it became
fxopos. 16 c£ls Be o\pia eyeverof Karefiycrav ol Evening, his DISCIPLES
alone. As and evening it became, went down the went down to the LAKE,
fiadrjrai avrov eiri rrjv 6aXao~o~av. ^ Kai ejifiav- 17 and having entered
disciples ofhim on the sea. And stepping
the BOAT, were crossing
res eis ro rcXoiov, rjpxovro rrepav rrjs OaXao'O'rjs the LAKE to Capernaum.
into the ship, they were going over the sea And it had already become
ets KaTteppaovjjL. Kai crKoria rjde eyeyopei, dark, and JESUS had not
to Capernaum. And dark now it had become, * yet come to them.
mat OVK eXrjXvOei irpos avrovs b Irjo-ovs. 1 8 C H 18 And the LAKE was
and not had come to them the Jesus. The
becoming agitated by a
re 6aXao~cra, ape/mov fieyaXov rcpeovros dtrjyei- great Wind blowing.
and sea, a wind great blowing was becoming
pero. ld
EXrjXaKor€S OVP cos o'rpadiovs encoai- 19 Having, therefore,
agitated. Having driven therefore about furlongs twenty- driven about twenty-five or
jrevre r\ rpiaKovra, Qeoopovcrt rov Irjo-ovv thirty Furlongs, they see
five or thirty, they see the Jesus
JESUS walking on the
LAKE, and approaching
irepnrarovvra eiri rrjs OaAaarjs, Kai eyyvs rov the BOAT; and they were
walking on the sea, and near the
7rAoiov yLVoix?,vov Kai e<po^7]Qr}crav. 2 0 ' O de
ship was coming; and they were afraid. He but 20 But HE says to them,
Xeyei avrois' Eyea eijxi, fir) (pofteiaQe. 2 1 H0e- " I t is £ ; be not afraid."
says t o them; I am, not fear you. They were 21 They were willing,
Xov ovv Xafieiv avrov eis ro irXoiov Kai therefore, to receive him
willing therefore to receiya him into the ship; and into the BOAT. And im-

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—11. Then JESUS. 11. to ihe .DISCIPLES, and the DISCI-
PLES.-—omit. 14. Signs. 17- yet come.
i 14. Gen. xlix. 10; Deut. xviii. 15, 18; Matt. xi. gj J^ohn i. 21; iv. 19, 25. vii. 4Q.
118. Matt xdv. 23 j Mai?k vi. if.
(tfmp. 6 : n.Z JOHN. I ChapA : St.
evOsoos ro TTXOLOP eyepero eTrt rys yyjs, eis f]v mediately the "BOAT was ai
immediately t h e ship was at the l a n d , t o which the L A N D to which tluy
were going.
bTTTjyov. 22 On the NEXT BAY,
t h e y were going.
Tr) siravpiop 6 o;£Aos, 6 e<Trr}K(as nxzpav rrjs by the side of the L A K E ,
The next day t h e crowd, t h a t standing over t h e seeing That there was no
6aXaao"qSj i 6 W , on trXoiupioi OVK r\v other Boat there, except
sea, seeing, that boat n o t was one, and That J E S U S went
e«et, €L fir) ev, KCU Sri ov (rvpeurriXOe rots not with his D I S C I P L E S into
there, if not one, and that not went with the the BOAT, b u t his D I S C I -
P L E S went away alone;—•
(jLadnircus avrov 6 l7]<rovs sis ro irXoiov, ccAAa
disciples of himselfthe Jesus into the boat, but 23 ( b u t Other Boats
fxopoi ot fiaOrjraL avrov air?\XQop° 23
(aAAa Se came from Tiberias near
alone the disciples of h i m went away; (other b u t the P L A C E where they ate
7}X6e TrXoiapta. e/c Tij8epia5os eyyvs rov rotrov, had the BREAD, when the LORD
came boats from Tiberias near the place, given thanks;-—)
OTTOV ecpayov rov apropt evxapicrrjcravros rov 24 when, therefore, the
where t h e y ate the bread, having given t h a n k s the CROWD saw That Jesus
Kvpiow} ore ovu eiSey 6 o%Aos, on Iqo'ovs was not there, nor his D I S -
Lord;) when therefore can the crowd, that
Jesus CIPLES, tbrg entered the
OVK tcrrip €KSL, ovde ol fiaOrjrai avrov, epefiycrav BOATS, and came to Caper -
not is there, n o r t h e disciples of h i m , t h e y entered nanum, seeking JESUS.
avroi eis ra irXota, /ecu 7}Xdop €LS KaTrep^aou/^, 25 And finding him be-
themselves i n t o t h e b o a t s , a n d came to Capernaum, yond the L A K E , they said
fyrovpres rop \i\o-ovp. Kcu evpopres avrov to him, "Rabbi, when didst
seeking the Jesus. And finding him thou arrive here r"
irepap rrjs OaXao'o'r)si enrop avrcp° 'Pa/3/3*, 7TOT6 26 J E S U S answered them
beyond the sea, they said t o h i m ; Rabbi, when and said, " Indeed, truly I
d>8e ytyovas; ^ AireKpiOr] avrots 6 Irjcrovs ttat say to you, You do not seek
here didst t h o u c o m e ? Answered them t h e Jeans and me Because you saw the
eiirep' ALIYJP a/xrjP Xeyco vfxiv Zrjreire jue, oi»% Signs, but Because you ate
said; Indeed i n d e e d I say t o y o u : Youseek me, n o t of the LOAVES, and were
bri €i5eT6 erTj/xeta, aAA' on e<payere eK roop satisfied.
b e c a u s e y o u saw signs, b u t because y o u ate of the 27 Labor not for THAT
aprcov, KCU exoprao'Brjre. Epya^eade fA.7] rt\p EOOD which PERISHES,
loaves, and were filled. Work you n o t the but for THAT POOD which
fipooGiv rt]v aTroXXvixeprjV, aXXa rr,pfipoocripr-r\p abides to aionian Life,
food that perishing, but the food t h a t which, the SON of MAN will
fxevovo'ap eis £t»T}V M-wviov, 7)p 6 vtosrov apQpca- give you; % for him, the
abiding into life age-lasting, which t h e s o n of t h e man EATHER, GOD, has sealed."
irov vp.iv Severer rovrov yap 6 irarrip eo~<ppayi- 28 They said to him,
t o y o u will give: him for t h e father sealed
28 therefore, " What shall we
&€P o 6eos. Enrop OVP irpos avrop' Tt do, that we may perform
tho God. Said therefore to him: What the WORKS of God?"
TTOiooixep, LPa epyafa/juzda ra epya rov Qeov ; 29 JESUS answered and
shall we d o , that we may w o r k t h e works of t h e God?
29 said to them, % " This is the
ATrettpiOy] 6 Irjo-ovs KCU enreu avrois' Tovro
of G O D , that you WORK
Answered t h e Jesus and saia to them: This
should believe into him.
ecrri ro epyov rov (9eou, Iva irirrreva^re eis dp whom f)t sent."
is t h e work of t h e G o d , t h a t y o u may believe i n t o w h o m
aireo-reiXzp ettetvos. 30
TLiirop ovv avrcp' T i 80 They said to him*
sent he. They said therefore t o h i m ; W h a t therefore, J " What Sign9
ovp Troieis cry O~7)/JL6LOP, Iva I$OO/J.€P ttai irLO'rev- dost thou perform, that we
then doest t h o u sign, t h a t we m a y see a n d w e m a y b e - may see and believe thee ?
Goifxsp o-oi; ri epya^rj; 3 1 Ot ivarepes THJLOOP roWhat dost thou work?
Iteve thee? whatdoBt t h o u w o r k P The fathers of us the 31 X Our PATHERS ate
[lappa ecpayop ev ry eprj^oj, KaOcos eo-ri y^y pafx- the MANN A in the DESERT,
m ami a ate in t h e desert, as i t is having been as i t has been written,

127. Matt.iii.17; xvii.5; Marki.ll; ix. 7; Lukeiii.22; ix.85; Johni.SS; v.37; viii.18;
Acts ii. 22; 3 Pet. i. 17. , X 2 V J o h ? iii. 23. ± 80. Matt. xii. 38 ; xvi. 1; Marls
viii.ll; lGor.L22. %flt«>»HfrjHH.1&\ Num. xi, 7; Neh. ix. 15; 1 Oor. x. &.
Ohap. 6: 32 j JOHN. A%
p.€P0P' Aprop avrois X ' He gave them 1Brea4
eK rov ovpapov edcoKev
written; " Bread from the heaven
them from HEAVEN to eat.' *'
(payeip." Et7re*/ ovv avrois 6 lycrovs' A/j.r)P 33 JESUS then said td
to eat." Said therefore to them the Jesus; Indeed them, " Indeed, I assure
fLfJL7]p Xeyoo v/j.w, ov MOOCTTJS SeSco/ce;/ v/nip rov you, Moses did not give you
indeed I say to you, not Moses has given to you the the BREAD from HEAVEN ;
aprop efc rov ovpavov aAA' 6 irarrjp JJLOV but my FATHER gives
bread from the heaven; but the father of me you the TRUE BREAD from
jives to you the bread from the heaven the 33 Tor the BREAD of
aKyQiPov. 'O yap apros rov Oeov earip
6 GOD is THAT which D E -
true. The for bread of the God is he SCENDS from HEAVEN,
Karafiaipoop etc rov ovpavov, Kai Cooyp diSovs and is giving Life to the
coming- down from the heaven, and life is giving WORLD."
T(p KO&fJMp. 3 4 ElTTOP OVV TTpOS aVTOW Kvpi€, 34 They, therefore, said
to the world. They said then to him: O sir,
3o to him, " Sir, always gi^e
wavTore dos TJ/HIP TOP aprov rovrov. Et7re us this B R E A D . "
always give to us the bread this. Said 35 JESUS said to them,
* [ 5 e ] avrois 6 ITJCTOVS' E*yet> eifii 6 apros rrfs " 3E am the BREAD of u r n
[but] to them the Jesus: I am the bread of the X H E who COMES to ma
(oorjS' 6 epxofispos irpos yue, ov fX7] ireivaffr)' will by no means hunger;
life: he coming
to me, not not may hunger: and H E who BELIEVES into
nat 5 irio'revociy us e^ue, ov \xi] ^ii\z7]crrj irooirore. me will never thirst.
and he believing
into me, not not may thirst ever. 36 But I said to you,
AAA.' eirrov V/JLIP, OTI Kai icapartare ^ue, Kai ov That you have even see
But 1 said to you, that even you have seen me, and not me, and yet you do not be-
TTio'Tevere. ^ Hap 6 SiSoucr: fxoi 6 warrip, irpos lieve.
you believe. All what gives t o m e t b e father, to 37 WhatevertheEA'i.vHER
e/ne rj^er Kai rop epxouepov irpos /ze, ov [x.rj gives me will come to me ;
me wulcome: and the coming to me, not not and H I M , who COMES to
€K/3aAco e£w 38
on ovpa- me, I will by no means re-
KaraftefirjKa e/c rov
I will east out; because I have come down from the hea- ject;
povy ovx <lV0L 7roLCO T0 de\r]fjia ro z/uop, aWa 38 because I havet de-
ven, not that I may do the will the mine, but scended from HEAVEN,
ro 6eA7]/ua rov ire/uty apros fte. 3 9 T o u r o de eo~ri X not that 1 may do MY
the will of the having sent me, This and is WILL, but the WILL of
ro 0€\Y)jULa rov ire/mxpapros yue, tpa 6 H I M who SENT me.
the will of the having sent me, that every one which 39 And this is the WILL
SeSw/ce /not, JXTJ airoAecrco e£ avrov, aWa avao~~ of HIM who SENT me,
he has given to me, not I may lose out of it, but raise X that I may lose nothing
T7}<Jct) avro ep rj) eo'xwp h^Pa' 40
Tovro yapof all that he HAS GIVEN
up It in. the last day. This for me, but may raise it up at
<crri ro Oe\r)/xa rov irefxipapros /xe, Iva was o the LAST Day.
in the will o:' the having sent me, that all who 40 For this is the WILL
deoopcap rov viop, Kai ino~reveop eis avrop, exy of HIM who SENT me, that
accing the son, and believing into him, may have EVERY ONE SEEING t h e
SON, % and BELIEVING into
£<t)7)P aiwviop* Kai apa&r7]o~a) avrov syca rrjhim, may have aionian
Ire age-lasting; and will raise up him J in the Life; and 3£ will raise him.
€(fxarri rjfiepa. up at the LAST Hay."
If. t «k.y. 41 Then the J E W S mur-
Eyoyyv£ov ovv of lovdaioi irtpi. avrou, Sri mured about him, Because
"Were murmuring then the jews about
him, because he said, " JE am THAT
enrev TZyco <eifxi 6 apros 6 e/c rov ov-BREAD which DESCENDED
hesaid; I am the bread that having corm down from the hea- from HEAVEN."
0VT 42 And they said, | " Is
pavov ^ Kai eXeyop' Ovx °s *oriv lijaovs 6
ven; and they*aid; Not this is Jesus the not this Jesus, the SON of

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—35. >ut—omit.

t 31. Psa.lxxviii. 24, 26. t »-• Jofmiv.14; vii. 37. J 38, John v.30 '£39. Jon*
x. 2V; xvii. 12; xviii. &. 140. -John Jii. 15.18; Iv. H. % 42. Matt. xiii. 55: Manrlf
vi, 8; Luke iv. 22. ^
&iap. 6 : 43.3 JOHN. (Chap. 61 63.

utos Ica(rr}<pt ov rjfieis oidafiep rop irarzpa, aai Joseph, Whose FATHER
son of Joseph, of whom we know the father and and MOTHER me know?
TT]P fxr]T€pa; Ucos ovp \eyzt ovros' e
Ori e« How, * then, does he say,
' I have come down from
the mother? How then he says this; That from
HEAVEN ? ' "
rov ovpapov KarafizfUrjKa ; ^ ArreKpiOr) 6 Irjcrovs 43 JESUS answered and
the heaven I have come down? Answered the Jesus
said to them, " Murmur
/cat GITTGV avrois' Mr] yoyyv^ere fitr* aWrjAoop. not one with another.
and said to them: Not murmur you with one another. 44 No one can come to
OuSeis bvparat e\Qeip irpos fie, sap fir] 6 me, unless THAT FATHER
No one is able to come to me, if not the who SENT me draw him;
Ttarrjpy 6 irejn\pas fie, kXKVffy avrop, Kai eyoo and 3E will raise him up at
father, that having sent me, may draw him, and I the LAST Day.
avaffrtfCFco avrop ev r\) ecrx^-Tj) 7) fie pa. ^ Ecrri 45 X I t has been written
will raise up him in the last day. It is C
in the PROPHETS, And
yeypa/JLfLtvov GP rois irpo^>r}rais* " K a i eoroprai 'they shall all be taught of
baving been written ih the prophets: "And they shall be 'God.' Every one HAVING
ffaprss Si5a«:T0t 6eov." H a s 6 arcovcras irapa HEABD and having learned
all taught of God." Every one who having heard from of the TATHEE, comes to
rov irarpos Kai fiaOcop, epxerai irpos fie, 4&Ovx me.
the father and having learned, cornea to me. Not 46 ISTot that any one has
6ri TOP irarepa ris icapaicep, el fir] 6 oop irapa seen the FATHEB, % except
that the father any one has seen, if not he being from HE who i s from *God; %t
rov deov ovros kcopane rop irarepa. 4jr
Afirjv has seen the FATHER.
the God: this has seen the father. Indeed 47 Indeed, I assure yon,
o.\ir\P Keyco vfiip, 6 iriarevoop *\_eis eyuc,] *X€L % H E BELIEVING into me
indeed I say to you, he believing [into me,"J has has aionian Life.
£ooi)p aicopiop. 4S Eya> eifii 6 apros rrjs C(a7is' 48 I am the BEEAD of
life age-lasting. 1 am the bread of the life. LIFE.
Ot irarepes vficop e(payop ro fiavpa €P rrj eprj- 49 Your FATHERS ate
The fathers of you ate the manna in the desert, the MANNA in the DESERT,
fi(fy Kai arreOapop' 50
b eK and dLid.
ovros eo~rip 6 apros,
and died; this is the bread, that from
60 This is THAT BREAD
rov ovpapov Kara/Saipcap, ipa ris e | avrov VEN, so that any one may
the heaven coming down, so that any one of it
eat of it, and not die.
<payr), Kai fir) airodaprj, 6 1 Eyco etfii 6 apros 6 51 5 am THAT LIVING
may eat, and not may die. I
am the bread that BREAD who X HAS D E -
fap> & e/c rov oupapov KaTa/3as*
eap ris (payrj SCENDED from HEAVEN.
living that from the heaven having come down : if any one may eat If any one eat of This
€Krovrov rovaprov, ^qcrerai sis rop auopa. Kai BREAD, he shall live to the
of this the bread, he shall live into the age. And A G E ; and the BREAD is m y
6 apros 8e, * [ 6 y eyw Swoco,] r) <rap£ fiov effrip, FLESH, which $ will give
the bread also, [which I will give,! the flesh of me is, in behalf of the L I F E of the
ifp eyca dcoo'co virep rrjs rov Kocrfiov £oor)s. WORLD."
which I wiL give in behalf of the of the world life. 62 The JEWS, therefore,
E/xaxopro ovp irpos a\\r)\ovs ol
lovdaioi, % were contending with
Were contending therefore with one another the Jews, each other, saymg, " How
Xeyopres' Tlcos hvparai ovros rjfiip dovpai rr\v can fie give us his TLESH
saying; How is able this to us to give the to eat ?"
Capua <payeip / 5 3 Eiirep OVP avrois 6 Irjaovs' 53 Then JESUS said to
flesh to eat? Said then to them the Jesus; them, "Indeed, I assure
AfiTjp afirjp Xeyco vfiip, sav fir] <payr)re rr)P you, J if you do not eat
Indeed indeed I say to you, if not you may eat the the FLESH of the SON of
capKa rov vtov rov apdpooirov, Kai innre avrov MAN, and drink His BLOOD,
flesh of the son of the man, andyoumay drink of him you have no Life in your-
ro alfia, OVK €X€T€ C^W ev eavrois. Be selves.
the blood, not you have life in yourselves.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—42. now then. J. God, 47. into me—omit
51. that 5 will give—omit. >
J45.lsa.liv.13: Jer ; xxxi. S4; Micahiv.2; Heb.viii,10; x.16. 146. Jonni.18; v.37.
47. John iii.ia, 18,80. ; 51. Jobniii.13. t 52. John vii. 43; ix. 16; x. 1&
53. O&L i t 20.
map. 6: 54.] JOHN. [Chap. 6 : 66.

rpcoycov fiov rr\v capna, ttai wtvccv fiov TO alfia0 54 H E who DATS MJ
eating of me the flesh, aud drinking of mo tlie Mood, TLESH, and di-inks My

X 6 i C^v aiooviov teat eyca avao'T^croa avrov ry BLOOD, has aionian Life,
has life age-lasting; and I willraissup him in the and E will raise him up at
€0"xary i)fiepa, 65
'H yap <rap| fiov aATjO&s the LAST Day.
last day. The for flesh. of me truly 65 For my FLESH is * the
ecrrt (Speeds, Kai TO alfxa fiov aX7]0co$ ecrri True Eood, and my BLOOD
is food, and the blood ofme truly ie is * the True Drink.
5G e 56 H E who EATS My
TTOCTLS. O rpcyoov /ULOV TTJV aaptca, icai irivcov PLESH, and DEINKS My
drink. He eating of ine the flesh, and drinking
BLOOD, % abides in me, and
fiov TO aifia, ev efioi fievei9 icayco ep avrq). 2 in him.
of me the blood, in me abides, and I in him.
67 As the LIVING Father
^ KaOoas arrecrreiXe fie 6 £cov ira rv.p, nqyco £<y sent me, and 3E live through
Aa sent me the living father, and I live
the FATHER; SO HE who
dia rov Trarepa,' teat 6 rpcoycov fiet ttctKeivos EATS me, even %z shall
through the father; also he eating me, even he live through me.
6ft6o 58
faaerai oY efi€„ OJTOS eo~riv 6 apros, 6 en. 58 This is THAT BREAD
shall live through me. This
" is the bread, that from
row ovpavov Karaftas Which HAS DESCENDED
ou ttaOoos <c(payov oi from * Heaven. Not as
the heaven having come down; not as ate the * the FATHERS ate and
srarepes hficov, KOU arreOavov 6 rpooycav rovrov died; he who EATS This
fathers of you, and died; he eating this BREAD shall live to the
TOV aprov, £r)o1erat eis TOV OLLOOVO,. S 9 Tavra A G E . "
the bread, shall live into the age. These things 59 These" things he sai#,
eiirev ev (rvvaywyr) diBacricoov ev Kairepvaovfi. teaching in a Synagogue, in
he said in a synagogue teaching ia Capernaum. Capernaum.
^ UOXXOL ouv aicovcravres e/c roov fiaQ-qrcav 60 % Many, therefore, of
Many therefore having heard of the disciples his DISCIPLES, hearing,
avrov, enrov ^r]Xy]pos etfriv OVTOS 6 Xoyos' said, " H a r d is This SAY-
of him, said; Hard is this the saying; ING ; who can hear i t ? "
ris Svvarai airov axoveiv; 61
Eickos de 6 Irjcovs 61 But JESUS, knowing
who is able it to he:u? in himself, That his D I S C I -
Knowing but the Jesus
ev eavrcp, ori yoyyv^oucL irepi rourov ol juadTj- PLES were murmuring
in himself, that were murmuring about this the disci- about This, he said to then^
Tat ajTov9 eiirev avroLS' Tovro vfias ffKavfiaXi- "Does this offend Yon?"
ples of himself, he said to them; This you offends? 62 % What then, if yon
£ei; 62Eaz> ouv Oecoprjre rov vlov rov avOpcoirov ,ascending should see the SON of M A S
where he was
If then you should see the son of the man
avafiaivovra, OTTOV TJV TO irporzpov; To
63 % The SPIRIT is THAT
ascending, where he was the first? The
irvevfia ecrri TO faoiroiow i) cap]- ouic Q)(f)eXei Winch MAKES ALIVE; t h e
FLESH profits nothing; the
spirit is that making alive; the flesh not profits
WORDS which IE *have
ovdev. Ta prjiiara, a eyoo AaXoo vfiiv,
irvsvfia spoken to you are Spirit
no tiling. The words, which I spiritspeak, to you,
and are Life.
ecri aai £OOT) eorrtv. 6 4 AAA.' eio'iv e£ vficov 64 But there are some of
is and life is. But are of you you who do not believe."
rives, oi ov TTLffrevmCLV rj<5<=i yap e£ apyj)s For 6 % J E S U S knew from the
some, who not bdlieve; knew for from beginning the Beginning WHO those were
lrjcrovs, rives eio'iv oi fir) irio'revovres9 ttai ris that did not BELIEVE, and
Jesus, some are who not believing, and who WHO lie was that was about
eo'riv 6 irapadcocrcov avrova ^ Rat eXeye' Aia to BETRAY him.
is he about betraying him. And he said; Through 65 And he said, "Because
rovro eipr)Ka vfiiv STL ovBeis hvvarai eXdeiv of this I have said to you,
this X have said to you that no one is able to come That no one can come to
Trpos fie, eav fit) 'r) dedoasvov avrca etc rov me, unless it may be gives
to me, if n o t may behavingbeen given to hka froxd the him from the * F A T H E R . "
irarpos fiov. ^ E/c rovrov TTOXXOL air7)Xdav rwv 66 From tfits time many
father ofme. Erom this many went tha
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—55. t h e True Food. 55. the True Drink. 1. Heafven,
58. the FATHERS. 63. have spoken to.
X 56. 1 John iii. 24; iv. 15,16. an „ 1 60. Matt. xi. 6. X 62. John iii. 13; Mark xvi
19; Acts i. 9 ; Eph. iv. 8. t &*. I Cor. iii. 6. | 64. John ii. 24, 25; xiiL 11-
CRap. 6 : 67.] JOHN. fCftap.7:6.
liaOrjrcoy avrov ets otrio'ca* ttai ovKeri jier* of his DISCIPLES withdrew,
disciples of him and no longer with. and walked no longer with
avrov irepieirarovv. ^Enrev ovv 6 Irjo'ovs rois him.
Mm were walking. Said therefore the Jesus to the
67 JESUS, therefore, said
68 to the TWELVE, "Do rjcm
dcofieKa' Mr] KOLL vfxeis deXere virayetv; A7re/c- also wash to go away ?"
twelve; Not and you wish to go ? An-
68 Simon Peter answered
ptOr) avrcp ^I/JLOOV Ilerpos' Kvpie, irpos riva aire- him, "Master, to whom
swered him Simon Peter; O lord, to whom Bhall shall we go ? Thou hast the
XevcrofieOa; prifiara (wr)S aiooviov e%eis° 69 Kai ^ Words of aionian Life;
we go? words of life age-lasting thou hast; and 69 and trje have believed
Tj/xeis ireTncrrevKafxev Kai eyvooKajxev, on crv ei and known, J That tfjou art
we have believed and have known, that thou art the HOLY one of G O D . "
6 ayios rov 0€ov. ?° AireKpiOr) avrois 6 liqcrovs' 70 JESUS answered them,
the holy one of the God. Answered them the Jesus j 5." Did 3£ not choose yon,
OVK eyco vfxas rovs SeodeKa e^Xe^afirjV ; Kai e£ the TWELVE, and of you
Not I you the twelve choose? one is an Accuser ?"
and of
vficov els StajSoAos ecrriv, ^ E A e y e 5e rop lov- 71 Now he spoke of
you. one an accuser is He spoke now the Ju- JUDAS, the son of Simon
$av ^I/JMCVOS IcrKapLOorrjP' ovros yap rjf^eXXev Iscariot; for he, being one
daa of Simon Iscariot; this for was about of the TWELVE, was about
avrov irapadifiovai, eis cop e/c roop SwSe/ca, to betray him.
him to deliver up, one being of the CHAPTER TEL
KE4>. ('. 7. 1 And after these things
1 * Jesus walked about in
Kat TrzpusirareL 6 Irjcrovs fiera ravra ev ry GALILEE J for he did not
And was walking the Jesus after these things in the wish to walk in J U D E A ,
TaXiXaia,' ov yap rjdetXev ev ry lovSaia irepiira- $ Because the J E W S were
Galilee; not for he wished in the Judea t o walk, seeking to kill him.
TGIV, Sri €^7]rovp avrov ol lovdaioi anoKreipai. 2 J And the FEAST of
because were seeking him the Jews to kill. the J E W S was near,—the
H v Se eyyvs r) eoprr) rcop lovdaicap, r) CK7]V07r- f FEAST Of TABERNACLES.
Was and
near the feast the Jews, the feast of ta- 3 His BROTHERS, there-
i)yia. Ei7rw ovv irpos aurop ol adeXtpoi fore, said to him, " Remove
bernacles. Said therefore to him the brothers hence, and go into J U D E A ,
avrov TfterafiriOt, eprevOev, Kai viraye sis rrjv so that thy DISCIPLES also
of him; Depart hence, and go into the may see thy WOSKS which
lovSaiav, iva Kai ol [xaOrirai cov decapyjo'oja'L ra thou do est.
Judea, so that also the disciples of thee may see the 4 For no one does Any-
epya arov, a, iroieis. O u 8 e t s yap ev Kpvirra) thing in secret, and * seeks
works of thee, which thoudoest. No one for in secret himself to be in public. If
Tt iroiei, Kai C?jT€i avros ev irapprjcria eivai. thou doest The: e tilings,
anything does, and he seeks himself in public to be. manifest thyself to the
E i ravra iroieis, (pavepocrow treavrov rep KOC/JIC^. WORLD."
If these things thoudoest, manifest thyself to the world. 5 (Tor % not even his
Ovde yap ol afieXcpoi avrov eirio'revop eis avrop. BROTHERS believed into
Not even for the brothers of him believed into him.
6 6 J E S U S then said to
A e y e i ovv avrois 6 Irjo'ovs' 'O Kaipos 6 C/JLOS them, " jlHg TIME is not
Saya then to them the Jesus j The season the mine
* YATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. Jesus. 4. seeks that the same he known.
12. The Feast of Tabernacles continued for a week, and was to commemorate the dwelling
©f the Israelites i n tents. I t is sometimes called the feast of ingatherings. Ex. xxiii. 16, and
xxxiv. 22. The following are the principal ceremonies. (1.) During the entire week of its
continuance, the people dwelt i n booths or tents, erected i n t h e fields or streets, or on the
, were car-
I?sa. cxviii.
25. I t was meant as a prayer for t h e corming of the Messiah Thus was Jesus conducted
(4.) The
ion of the
Holv Snrit. To this Christ alluded, wnen, in tne last uay unuBirasu u c ux-icu, xi any man
S i r s t Iethim come unto me a n d d r i n k . " During the whole festival, music, feasting, re-
joicings, and mumiaations, gladdened the city.—Malcom.
t 68 Acts v 20 169. Matt xvi. 16; Mark viii. 29; Luke ix. 20; John I. 49 ; xi. 27-
% 3. Matt. xii. 46:
170. Luke vi. 13. * 11' John v.10 18.. t 2. Lev. xxiii. 84.
JIark iii. 31; Acts i. H . t 5. Mark iu. 21,
Cfatp. 7 : 7.] JOHN. [Chap. 7 : IS.

OVTTM vapeffrtv* 5 de Katpos 6 vjuerepos iravrore . b u t YOUR TIME

*ot yet is present} the and season the yours always Is always ready.
ecrrtv erotfxos. ? Ov dvvarat 6 Koo'fxos /Aiffetv 7 t T h e WORLD cannot
i» ready. Not is able the world to hate hate you; but it hates Me,
Jbecause 5 testify concern-
v/xas' €fie SG jutcret, on eyco /jLaprvpa) irept ing it, That its WORKS are
you; me but it hates, because I testify concerning
avrovt Snraepya avrov Trovrjpa ecrrtv. 8<T/JL€is
it, that the works of i t evil is. You 8 Go rirju up to * t h e
m FEAST ; fi am not going up
ayafirjre eis rrjv eoprrjv ravryv eyoo ovic ava
go up to the feast this; I not go
to this FEAST, because * M I
Time has not yet fully ar-
ficavca sis rrjv ioprrjv ravrqv, on 6 Katpos 6 rived."
»p to the feast this, because the season the
epos ovira) TreirAripwrai, 9
Tavra enrow avrots, 9 And saying These
mine not yet has fully come. These things saying to them, Tilings tothem he remained
in G A L I L E E . ,
e/xetvev ev ry TaXtXata.
he remained in t h e Galilee. 10 But when his BEO-'
Tls 5e avefirjcrav ol ade\<j>oi avrov, Tore THERS, had gone up, then
When but had gone up the brothers of him, then fie also went up to t h e
FEAST, not openly, but r »
KOU avros avefir} €is rrjv eoprrjv, ov (pavepoos, ther in a private manner.
also he went up to the feast, not openly,
ll 11 J The J E W S therefore
aXX' ws ev Kpvirrcp. Oiovv lovBatoi €(jr\rovv kept seeking him during;
but as in secret. The then Jews sought
the^E AST, andsaid, "Where
avrov ev ry eopry, Kai %\eyov Tlou ecrnv ishYi" 9
him in the feast, and said; Where . is
12 J And there was much
eKetvos; 12 Kat yoyyvfffxos irohvs rrept avrou f\v murmiu'ing about him
ha? And murmuring much about him was among the CROWDS; SOME
ev rots oxXots. Ot /lev eheyov O r t ayaOos said, "He is good;" OTEERS
among the crowds. The some eaid; That good said, " N o , but he is n?is-
eo"rtv aXXot eXeyov Ov aXXa trXava rov leading the P E O P L E . "
he i s ; others said; No; but he deceives the 13 No one, hovrev^
oxXov. Ov$eiS (xevrot Trapf>7]o~tq eXaXeL Treptspoke with freedom WM*T-
crowd. No one however with freedom spake about ceming him, $ becauto 9$
avrov, 81a rov (po/Sov roov lovdauvv. the FEAR of the J E W S .
»iim, because of the fear of the Jews. 14 And now, the ¥vA$fg
H877 8e rr]S eoprrjs fiecrovo"r]S9 avefiri 6 being advanced midway
Now and of the feast being half out, went up the * Jesus went up into tfcs
Lrjcrovs eis ro iepov, Kat eSiSaovce. 15 Kat edav- TEMPLE, and taught.
JeBUS into the temple, and taught. And won- 15 t *Then the J E W S
iia^ov oi lovdatoi, Xeyovres" ypaju.- were astonished, sayings
Tlcas ovros 1
iered the Jews, saying; How this let- "How does this persoi ;
fiara otde9 fiTj tiefAadyKoos 1 AureKptOT) avrots 6 know tetters, not having

ters knows, not having learned ? Answered them the learned ?"
Vt)ffovs Kat etirev *H efirj 8i5a%7j OVK ecrrtv 16 * Jesus thenanswered
Jeans and said; The my teaching not is them, and said, $ " M T
€fir}9 aXXa rov rreintyavros pe. 17 Ecu* rts 6eXy Teaching is not mine, but
H I S who SENT me.
feaine, but of the sending me. If any one may wish an one
TO deXrjfjta avrov irotetv, yvcaa'erai irept rrjs 17 t if y wfeh t o
the will of him to do, he shall know concerning the perform his WILL, he shall
know of the TEACHING,
5tSa%7js, irorepov €K rov Oeov eo'riv, 7j eyca COT' whether it is from GOD, or
teaching, whether from the God it is, or I from
£ am speaking from myself.
efiavrov XaXca. 1 8 ' O a<p3 iavrov AaXoov, rrjv 18 t H E who SPEAKS
myself speak. He from himself speaking, the from himself seeks his own
fio^av rrjv tStav Qqret,' 6 5e forcov rr\v tiofav GLOSY; but H E who SEEKS
glory the own seeks; he but seeking the glory the ©LORY of HIM who
rov Trefityavros avrov, ovros aXrjdrjs ecrri9 Kai SENS him, he is true, and
of the sending him, this true is, ai_d
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—8. the FEAST. 8. MiTime. 14. Jesus. 15. Then
the J E W S . 16. J e s u s t h e n .
17- John xv. 19. 17. John iii. J 9. J11. John xi. 56. ± 12. John ix. I61
X. 19. % John. ix. 22; xii. 42: xix. 38. % 15. Matt. xiii. 54; Mark xi. 2 ; Luke iv. 22;
Acts ii. >. 116. J o h n iii. 11 j viii. 38; xii. 49; xiv. 10, 117- John viii. 4$
118. John v. 41 % viii. §&
•.7:19.3 JOHN. f Chap. 7 : 80.

s&iKia €v a v T ^ OVKeo'riv. Ov M<ao"rjs there is no Unrighteousness

*r.rightaou8neas in him not is. Not Moses in him.
^eduKev VJJ.LV rov VO/JLOV Kai ovSeis e£ v/xoov 19 Has not Moses given
has given t o you t h e law ? and n o one of y o n you the LAW, and not one
rroiei rov vofiov ri fxe ^7]T€LT€ CCTTOKTeiVCU; of you performs the LAW?
does the law; why m e do y o u seek t o kill? Why are you seeking to
® AireKpiOrj o o^Aos * [ K a i em-e^] ACU/JLOVLOV kiU me?"
Answered t h e crowd [and said;] A demon 20 The CROWD answered,
*X €iS
' TiS cre r reL
Ci airoKreivai
ATTCKptdT) 6 % " Thou hast a Demon:
i h o u ' u a s t ; who thee seeks t o kill? Answered t h e who is seekingto killthee?^
\r.ffovs Kai eiirev avrois' 'Ev epyov ewoirja'a, said 21 * Jesus answered and
»/Osus and said to t h e m ; One work I did,
to them, " I have done
tcai icavres Oav/xa^re dia TOVTO. 22 One
Mooo'rjs astonished "Work, and you are aU
and all you wonder because of this. Moses
because of this.
SedctiKCV VfMV T7}V TVepirOjXt]V ( o V % OTl €K TOV
22 J Moses has given you
has given t o you t h e circumcision ; ( n o t t h a t of t h e
it is of MOSES, but of J the
Mwo'eoos eo'riv, aAA* ex rcov irarepcav,) Kai ev F A T H E R S ; ) and you cir-
Moses i t is, but of the fathers,) and in
cumcise a Man on a Sab-
o~a(3fiarq> Trepire/xvere avOpcorrov. ^ Et irepi- bath.
& sabbath yo a circumcise a man. I f circum-
23 If a * Man on a Sab-
ro/nr}V Xajxfiaivei avOpoorros ev <ra/3/3aTa>, Iva fir} bath receive Circumcision,
eision receives a man in a sabbath, that not
so that the LAW of Moses
KvOri 6 vo/xos Moucrews, efioi ^ o A a r e , dn may not be violated, are
may b e loosed t h e law of Moses, with m : are you angry,because
you angry with me J Be-
ij>.ov avdpooirov vyir) erroirjcra ev cra/3/3aTa> ; cause I made a Man entirely
whole a man sound I made in a sabbath i
24 well on a Sabbath ?
Mr) Kpivere KCLT' «yt,v, «,AAa rr)V diKaiav 24 % Judge not according
Not judge y o u accordingto appearance, b u t the righteous
25 to Appearance, but judge
Kpioriv Kpivare. EXeyov ovv rives e/c r<av SIGHTEOUS Judgment."
judgment j u d g e you Said then of -ihe
25 Then someinhabitants
'lepocroXvfiircov Oi»% ouros eo'riv, ov fyirovffiv, t£ Jerusalem said, " I s not
Jerusalemites; Not this i s he, w h o m t h e y seek this he whom they are
airoKreivai >• 2 6 /cai i8e, irapprjO'ia XaXei, /cat seeking to kill ?
t o kill? and lo, boldly he is talking 1 , a n d
2@ And, behold, he is
ovftev auT^j Xeyovo'f firjirore aXrjdoos eyvooo'a.v fcaSking boldly, and they say
nothing t o him they say; not truly did k n o w nothing to him. Do the
01 apxovres, on ovros eo'riv 6 XptcTTos; ^ AAAa. RULERS really acknowledge
the rulers, that this is t h e Anointed? But 'Ihat this is the M E S S I A H ?
rovrov Qifiafxev, iroOev eo'riv 6 Se Xpio~ros brav 27 % B ^ we know Him,
thia we know, whence h e i s ; the but Anointed when whence he i s ; but when
epxwrcu, ovdeis yivcco'Kei, iroOev eo'riv. ^Efcpa- the M E S S I A H comes, no
he comes, n o one knows, whence h e is. Cried one knows whence he is."
£ev ovv ev rep iepep didacTKoov 6 Irjo'ovs, Kai 28 J E S U S , therefore, ex-
then i n t h e temple teaching the Jesus, a n d claimed, teaching in the
Xeyouv Kqfie oifiare, Kai oitiare iroOev eifii' Kai TEMPLE, and saying, " You
saying; And m e y o u know, a n d y o u know whence l a m ; a n d both know Me, and you
ait' efiavrov OVK eXrjXvda, aXX3 eo'riv aXr)6ivos know whence I am, and I
of myself n o t I have come, but is true have not come of myself,
6 rre/j^as fie, Sv vfieis OVK oidare. Eyco oida but H E who SENT me is
b e h a v i n g sent m e , whom y o u not know. I know true, whom you know not.
avrov, on Trap5 avrov ei/xi, KCLKCIVOS fie arreo'- 29 J !E know him Because
hirn, because from Mm I am, and h e me sent. I am from him, and he sent
TeiXev, ^Efarovv ovv avrov iriao'ai' Kai Me."
They sought therefore him t o seize; and 30 Then they sought to
ovdeis errefSaXev 67r5 avrov rrjv x e t p a , 6n OVTTCO take him; and no one laic]
no ena put on him the hands, because n o t yet HANDS on him, Because
his HOUB. had not yet ar-
eXrfXvBei r) ebpet avrov.
had come t h e h o a r of h i m . rived

* VATICAN MAXTJSCRIPT.—20. and eaid—omit. 21. Jesus. 25. MAH. -

1 20. John viii. 48,52; x. 20. J 22. Lev xii. S. X 22. Gen.xvii. 10. 123. Joht
v. 8,9,16^ _J 24. Deut. i. 16,17; Prov. xxiv. 23; viii. 15; James ii. 1. $27. M#t£
siii. 6&j Marjs vi. Sj Luke iv. 2&, 129, Matt. xi. 27; John x. 1ft.
Chap. 7 : 31.]
JOHN. [Chap. 7 : 39.

TloXXoi Se e/c TOW O%AOU eiricrTevcrav sis 31 B u t { m a n y of tha
Many and out of the crowd believed into CBOWD believed i n t o him,
RVTOV, Kai eXeyov 'On 6 Xpicrros drav eXdy, a n d said,- " W h e n t h e M E S -
him, and said; That the Anointed when he may come, S I A H comes, will h e do
liijri irXeiova cijfjieia *[_TOVTO)V~\ Tvovr)o~ei) aw More Signs t h a n what t h i s
sot more signs [of these] will do, which person did ?"
OVTOS eiroirjo'ev; HKOvcrav ol Qapicraiot TOV 32 The P H A R I S E E S heard
he did? Heard the Pharisees of the the CUOWD murmuring
o%Xov yoyyvCovros irepi avrov ravra' Kai these things about h i m ;
crowd murmuring about him these things j and and the * HIGH-PRIESTS
aireo'TciXav oi Qapicaioi Kai ol apxtspeis virTjpe- and t h e P H A R I S E E S s e n t
aent the Pharisees and the high-priests officers, Officers that they might
ras, Iva iriao'cocriv avrov. Enrev ovv 6 lycrovs' seize him.
that they might seize him. Said then the Jesus; 33 J E S U S therefore said,
E n fxiKpov x?ovov Z- 46 ^ vjxoov €IJLLI, Kai
virayco t " Yet a Little Time am I
let a little time with you I am, and I go with y o u ; t h e n I am going
irpos TOV ire/jb^avra fxe. ZrjrrjcreTe fxe, Kai to H I M who S E N T m e .
to the sending me. 5fou will seek me, and 34 % You will seek m e .
ovx ^vprjo'ere' Kai oirov eifii eyco v/j,eis ov and will not find * m e ; a n d
not will find; and where am I you not where 3£ am, * t h e r e jjotl
dwao'de eXOeiv. Eiirov OVV O! lovfiaiot. irpos cannot come."
are able to come. Said therefore the Jewa to
35 T h e J E W S t h e n said
kavrovs' Hov OVTOS /JLCXXSI iropevecrOai, OTI among themselves, " W h e r e
themselves; "Where this he is about to go, that is he about to go, that bit
rj/iieis ovx eupr,o~o[A€v avrov; fxr) eis TJ)V diao"- shall n o t find him ? I s h e
we not shall find him? not into the dis- about t o go to % iihe D I S -
iropav Twv 'EXXrjvoov fiiXXei iropzvecrQai, Kai P E R S I O N of t t h e G R E E K S ,
persioa of the Greeks is about to go, and a n d t o teach t h e G R E E K S ?
diSaaKeiv TOVS (EXXi]vas ; doTis SCTTIV OVTOS 6
36 W h a t is T h i s W O R D
to teaah the Greeks? What is this the
t h a t h e s a i d , ' Yea will seek
Xoyos, ov cnre' Zr/TTjo'eTe /tie, /cat ovx evptjrrcrc'
word, which he said; You will seek me, and not you willfind;
me, a n d will not rind * m e ;
and where E a m u o u can-
Kai oirov etfjii eyco v/ieis ov dvvavOe eXOeiv; not c o m e ? ' "
and where am I you not are able to come?
3 37 t Now i n f '<;he LAST,
' Hv 5 e rrj eo~xarV ^/jiePa T
V ^V^Xr) TTJS eop- t h e G R E A T Day of t h e
In and the last day the great of the feast :FEAST, J E S U S stood a n d
TT)S €io~T7)K€i 6 ITJCTOVS, Kai eicpa^e, Xeyeov Eav cried, saying, X " I f any one
stood the Jesus, and cried, saying; If thirst, l e t him come t o m e
TIS ditya, epxc&dcv irpos /xe, Kai irivercc. and drink.
any one may thirst, let him come to me, and let him drink.
38 38 H E B E L E I V I N G int©
' O irio'Tevccv eis e/xe, KaOoos ciirev 7] ypatyr],
me, as t h e S C R I P T U R E says,
He believing into me, as said the scripture,
J out of H I M shall flow
irorafioi €K T7)s KoiXias avrov pevaovcriv vfiaTos
Rivers of living Water."
rivers out of the belly of him shall flow of water
T O U T O 5 e eczre irepi TOV iruevfiaTOS, 39 X B u t this h e said
living. This but said concerning the spirit, concerning the SPIRIT,

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—31. of these—omit. 32. HIGH-PRIESTS and the PHARISEES

sent. 34. me; and. 34. there. 36. me j and.
t 35. Probably the Hellenists, or Grecian Jews, are here intended. These spoke the Greek
language, and are thus distinguished from the Hebrews, who spoke the Hebrew language at
that time. t 87. The last day grew into high esteem with the Jews, because on t h e
preceding seven days they held that sacrifices were offered, not so much for themselves, as
for the whole world. They offered, i n the course of them, seventy bullocks, for the seventy
nations ol the world; b u t the eighth was wholly on their own behalf. They had then thi'a
solemn offering of water, t h e reason of which is this:—At the passover the Jews offered an
omer to obtain from God his blessing on their harvest; at Pentecost, their first-fruits, to
request his blessing on the fruits of the trees; and in the feast of tabernacles they offered
water to God. partly referring to the water from the rock in the wilderness, (1 Cor. x. 4,) but
chiefly to solicit the blessing of rain on the approaching seedtime.—Lightfoot. At the feast
of tabernacles the Jews drew water from Siloam, with the sound of trumpets and of songs,
to derive a blessing on the rains of the year; this season or September being the beginning
cf the year. There was therefore a pertinency in the images of thirsting, drinking, and
rivers of water.—Nowcome.
% 31. Matt. xii. 23; John iii. 2; viii. 30. X 33. John xiii. 33; xvi. 16. % 34. Hoshea
T. 6; John viiL 21. X 35. James i. 1; 1 Pet. i. 1. J 37- Lev. xxiii. 36. % %7. Isa,
iv. 1; John vi. 86; K«v. xxii. 17. §8. Isa. xii. 3 ; John iv. 14, 180. Joha, jpri* 7.
&Mip 7: 40.3 JOHN. f Chap. 7: 53.

ov €/J,€XXOV Xa/ifiaveiv oi mcrrevovres eti Which THOSK BELIEVING

of which waa about to receive the believing into into him were about to
avrov OVTTCO yap r\v irvzvfia Sri 6 Irjcrovs receive; for the Holy Spirit
him; not yet for was spirit *had not yet been given,
holy, because the Jesus
ot/8e7r« edo^aarOr}. ^HoXXoi ovv €« rov oxXov because JESUS was not yet
not yet was glorified. Many therefore otit of the crowd glorified.
aKovo'avres rov Xoyov, eXeyov Ouros ecrriv 40 Many, therefore, of
having heard the word, said; This is the CEOWD, having heard
aXrjOcos 6 irpocprjrrjs. 4 1 AXXOL eXeyov Ouros is* these WORDS, said, "This
truly the prophet. Others
truly $ the P R O P H E T . "
said; This
ecrriv 6 Xpie'ros. AXXOL 5e sXeyov Mr}41 * SOME said, "This is
is the Anointed. Others but said; the M E S S I A H . " But others
Not for
e/c rrjs TaXiXaias 6 Xpie'ros ep%eTai; 4 2 Ou%f r) said, "Does the MESSIAH,
•utofthe Galilee the Anointed comes? Not the
then, come from GALILEE?
ypatyr) eiirev, on e/c rov cnrepixaros Aauio% Kai 42 JDoes not the SCRIP-
writing said, that of the seed of David, and TURE say, That of the SEED
airo BrjOXee/j, rrjs KG^UTJS, dirov r\v Aavtti, 6 of David, and from Bethle-
from Bethlehem the village, where was David, the hem, % the VILLAGE where
4s David was, the MESSIAH
Xpio~ros epx^rai; ^,xt(TlJia ovv ej/ r( >
f °X^-V comes?"
Anointed comes? A division then in the crowd
43 A Division then oc-
eyevero oY avrov. ^Tives 8e r)6eXov e^avrwv curred, among the CROWD
occurred through him. Some and wished of them
because of him;
iriacrai avrov aXX* ovdzis eire^aXev €7r' avrov 44 and some of them
to seize him; but no one put on him
€L as wished to seize him, but no
ray x P ' one laid HANDS on him.
the hands. 45 The OFFICERS then
^HXOov ovv of virrjperat irpos rovs apxiepeis came to the HIGH-PRIESTS
Came therefore the officers to the high-priests and Pharisees, and tfir g said
Kai ^apto'aiovs, Kai enrov avrois eKeivor to them, "Why did you not
and Pharisees. And said to them these} bring him ?"
Atari OVK rjyayere avrov; *®A.TCtK.pidriG'av oi 46 The OFFICERS an-
Why not did you bring himP Answered the swered, % " A Man never
virrjperai' Ovdeirore ovrcos eXaXrja'ev avOpwrros, spoke thus."
officers; Never thus spoke a man, 47 Then the P H A R I S E E S
* [ & s ovros 6 avdp(tiiros.~\ 4 ' AireKpiOrja'av ovv answered, "Have gou also
[a» this the man.] Answered then been deceived?
* [ a u T 0 £ s ] ol $aptcrai.or Mr} Kai v/xeis ireirXav- 48 $Did any of the R U -
[them] the Pharisees; Not also you have been LERS believe into him, or of
TjCBe; ^ fit] ris e/c rwv apx^vrcov eirurrevcrev the P H A R I S E E S ?
deceived? not any one of the rulers believed 49 But f T H I S CROWD,
€is avrov, r\ e/c rcov &apicraia>v; ctAA' 6
oxXos who do not KNOW the LAW,
into him, or of the Pharisees? but the crowd are accursed."
ovros 6 fir} yLveccrKOov rov VOJXOV erriKaraparoi 50 Mcodemus says to
th» the not knowing the law; accursed them, (I HE who CAME * to
eicri. Aeyet 'NiKodrfjbios 'irpos avrovs,
6 eXOcov him before, being one of
are. Says Nicodemus to them, he coming them,)
yvKros irpos avrov, els ovv e£ avrccv 6 1 Mr} 6 51 "Does our LAW judge
®fnight to him, one being of them; Not the the MAN, unless it first
law of us
vofxos 7}}M*)V Kpivet rov avdpcorrov, eav fir) amov-hear from him, and know
a"r) irap avrov judges irporepov,
the Kai yvcp
xoan, if ri
not iroiei;
it may what he does ?"
hear from him first, andmay know whathedoes?
ArrcKpiOrio'av Kai cnrov avrcp- Mr) Kai &v e/c 52 They answered and
They answered and said to him; Not also thou of said to him, " Art thou also
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—39. had not yet been given. 40. these WORDS, said.
41. SOME said. 46. as this the MAN—omit. 47. them—omit. 50. to him before.
149. The common people were treated by the Pharisees with the most sovereign contempt.
They were termed am ha-arets, people of the earth; and were not thought worthy to have a
resurrection to eternal life.—Clarke.
140. Deut. xvlii. 15,18; Johni. 21; vi. 14. % 42. Pea. cxxxii, 11; Jer. xxiii. 5; Micah
v. 2: Matt. li. 5: Luke ii. 4. 142. 1 Bam. xvi. 1, 4. % 48. Matt. vil. 29, % 48. Joh*
TU. 43; Acts vi. 1 \ 1 Cor. i. 20, 26; ii. S« 160. J«hn ill. 2.
€thap. T% 58?f JOHN.^ [Chap. 8: *.

rrjs TaXiXaias ei; epevj/rjo'ov Kai ide, on irpo- from G A L I L E E ? Search,

the Galilee art? search and see, that a pro- and see, that no Prophet
has been raised f out oi
(prjrTjs €K TT]S TaXiXaias OVK eyrjyeprai. GALILEE."
phet out of the Galilee not has been raised.
53 * [[And every one
53 * ^ K a t eiropevQr) eKacrros eis rov OIKOV went to his own HOUSE ;
[And went every one into the house
117crovs 8e eiropevOrj eis JHAPTER VIII.
avrov. KE3». 7]'. 8,
of Himself. Jesus hut went into 1 hut Jesus went to the
ro opos roov eXaioov. opOpov §e iraXiv
2 And in the Morning he Tcape-
the mountain of the olive-trees. early morn and again he
came again to the TEMPLE,
yevero eis ro lepov, Kai iras 6 Xaosrjpx^ro irpos and All the PEOPLE came
eazne into the temple, and all thepeople came to to him, and having sat
avrov tcai KaQuras edidacTKev avrovs. ^ Ay overt down, he taught them.
him; and having sat down lie taught them. Bring 3 And the SCEIBES and
8e ol ypa/ny-areis Kai 0! &apio'aiot irpos
avrov the P H A R I S E E S bring to
axd the scribes and the Pharisees to him him a "Woman having been
yvvaina ev /JLOIXZLU KareiX7]fXjxevr)v, Kai crrrj- taken i n Adultery; and
a woman in adultery having been taken, and plac- placing her in the Midst,
oravres avrrjv ev fxeo'cp, 4 Xeyovcriv CCVTW* 4 they say to him,
iug her in middle, they say to him; "Teacher, This WOMAN was
AidacrKaXe, avry r) yvvrj KareiXrjcpdr) eiravrotyoo- taken in the very act, com-
O teacher, this the woman was taken in the very act mitting adultery.
pta fioix^voixevq. Ez/ 5 e rep vo/xcp Moocrrjs TJ/JLIV 5 % Now, in the LAW,
committing adultery. In now the law Moses to us Moses commanded ns To
evereiXaro ras roiavras XiOofioXeio'dai' trv stone SUCH LIKE women;
commanded the suchlike to be stoned? thou therefore, what dost tfjott
6 say?"
ovv ri Xeyeis ; T O V T O 5e eXeyov ireipa^ov- 6 But this tliey said, try-
therefore what gayest thou; This but they said tempting ing him, that they might
res avrov, Iva e^&xn Karrjyopeiv avrov. ' O 5e have sometliing of which
him, thatthey mighthaveto accuse him. The«but to accuse him. But JESUS
lrjo'ovs Karoo Kvxpas, rip daicrvXcp eypa<pev eis stooping down, wrote on the
Jesus down stooping, with the finger wrote on GEOUND W i t h M s EINGEE.
rrjv yrjv. 7 Cls Be eirefxevov epooroovres avrov, 7 And when they con-
the ground. When but they continued asking bim, tinued asking him, rising
up, he said to them, " H E
avaicvtyas enre irpos avrovs' 'O ava/ULaprijros w h o i s WITHOUT S I N of
having raised up hesaid to them; He without sin 1 you, $ let him first cast the
V/JLOOV, irpcoros rov XiOov €7r' avry fiaXerce.STONE at her."
of you, first the stone on her let him cast. 8 And again, stooping
Kai iraXiv Karoo Kvxpas, eypacpev eLS ri)V yr)V. down, he wrote on the
And again down stooping, wrote on the ground. GROUND.
Oi $e aKoveravres, Kai viro rrjs ervveidrjo'ecas
HEARD, and being convic-
They and having heard, and by the conscience
ted by their CONSCIENCES,
eXeyxo^evoi, e^rjpxovro els /caO3 els,
ap^a/xevot went out, one by one, be-
being convinced, went out one
beginningby fine,
ginning from the ELDERS,
airo roov irpeo'fivTepoov eoos rocv e&xaroov Kai even to ' the LAST ; and
from the elders even to the last ones; and JESUS was left alone, and
KareXeicpOrj fxovos 6 Iij&ovs, Kai rj yvvt] ev fieffcp the WOMAN standing in the
left alone the Jesus, and the woman in middle Midst.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—53. to viii. 11—omit.

t 52. This conclusion, according to Calmut, was incorrect. Jonah was of (xathheper, in
Galilee; eee 2 Kings xiv. 25, compared with Josh. xix. 13. Hi ahum was a Galilean, for he was
of the tribe of Simeon, and some suppose Malachi was of the same place. t 53. This
paragraph concerning the woman taken in adultery is wanting in the Alexandrian (see
Woide's Preface,) Vatican, Ephrem, and other manuscripts of great authority, and in the
oldest copies oftheSyraic version; and is not cited by Origen, Chrysostora, and other an-
cient ecclesiastical writers. It is found in the Cambridge manuscript though with some
variations from the received text. Griesbach keeps it in Jus text; but with great hesitation.
Improved Versions,
t 5. Lev. xx, 10; Deut. xxii. 2& £?• Deut. xvii. 7 \ Som. ii. 1.
€hwp. 8 : 10.] \Chap. 8 : 19.
ecrraoca. 10
KvaKvtyas 5e 6 I^^roys, /cai fxrjdeva 10 And JESUS raising up
standing. Havingraisedupandthe Jesus, and no one and seeing no one but the
Beaa'a/xevos irAr]V rrjs yvvaiKos, enrev avry C
H "WOMAN, said to her,
seeing but
' the
" said
.- to
. her;
- The
— "WOMAN, where are those,
TTOV eio'iv thine ACCUSERS? Did no
yvvr}, eiceivoi oi Karrjyopoi <rov; one condemn Thee ?"
woman, where are those the accusers of thee?
11C 11 And she said, " N o
ovSeis ere KareKpivev; H Se enrev OvSets, one, sir." And JESUS said
no one thee condemned? She and said; No one, to her, $ " Neither do £
Kvpie. Enre Be avry o Irjo'ovs' OuSe eyta ore condemn Thee; % go, and
0 lord. Said and to her the Jesus; Neither I thee sin no more."]]
KaraKpivw iropevoVf KCU {xy)Keri afxapraveJ\ 12 Again, therefore, J E -
condemn; go, and no longer do thou sin.] SUS spoke to them, saying,
^HaXiv ovv 6 IrjCovs avrois eXaXrjo~e, Xeycov
t % " £ am the LIGHT of
Again therefore the Jesus
to them spoke, saying; t h e WORLD ; H E w h o EOL-
Eyco eifxi ro (poos rov KOCT/JLOV 6 aKoXovOoov efioi, LOWS me shall not walk in
I am the light of the world; he following me, the DABKNESS, hut shall
ov {\v\ irepiirarrjo'ei ev rrj (TKoriq, aXX3 e£ei ro have the LIGHT of L I E E . "
not not shall walk in the darkness, but shallhavethe 13 Then the PHARISEES
</)ws rrjs faf]S. Enroi/ ovv avrcp oi &apicraioi' said to him, J " 2Tf)0U dost
light of the life. Said therefore to him the Pharisees; testify of thyself; thy TES-
2§u irepi o"eavrov /xaprvpeis' Gov TIMONY is not true."
r) fiaprvpia
Thou concerning thyself dflst testify; the testimony of thee 14 Jesus answered and
OVK ecnv aXr}6rjs. 14 AireKpiOr] Ir)o~ovs KCUsaid to them, " Even if £
not is true. Answered Jesus and testify concerning myself,
enrev avrois' K a v eyoo fiaprvpw irepi efiavrvv, my TESTIMONY is true;
said to them; Even if I testify concerning myself, Because I know whence I
aXrjdrjs eo'riv r) fiaprvpia fiov on ot§a, iroQev gou came and where I go; but
true is the testimony of me; becauselknow, whence
know not whence I
came, or where I go.
r)Xdov, Kai irov vTrayw vfieis de OVK oiSare, 15 J©ou judge accord-
1 came, and where I go; you but not know,
15 ing to the FLESH ; X 5 judge
irodey epxo/Jiat, rj irov virayoo. Kara no one. 'Yfieis
whence I caaae, ov where I go. You according to
16 But even if X judge,
rr}v crapKa Kpivere, eyco ov Kpivoo ovdeva. 16 Kai MY JUDGMENT is true; Be-
the flesh judge, I not judge no one. Even cause I am not alone, but
eav Kpivoo 8e 6700, r) Kpio'is 7) efir] aXrjQrjs eo'riv £ and the EATHEK who
if judge but 1, the judgment the my true is; SENT me.
bri [JMVOS OVK eifii, aXX* eyco Kai 6 irefiipas fie 17 And it has also been
because alone not l a m , but I and the having sent me written in YOUR LAW,
TraT7?p. ^ Kcu ev rco vofitp 5e rco vfierepqo 7 6 7 - JThat the TESTIMONY of
father. Also in the law and the your it has Two Men is true.
il c
pairrar Ori 5VO avOpooiroov r) fiaprvpia 18 £ am ONE who TES-
been written; "That two ol men the testimony TIFIES concerning myself,
aXrjOrjS eo'riv." Eyco ei/ni 6 fiaprvpoov irepi and the EATHER who SENT
true is." I am he testifying concerning me testifies concerning
efiavrov, Kai fiaprvpei irepi efiov 6 ivefityas fie me."
myself, and testifies concerning me the having sent me 19 Then they said to
Trarrjp. 1QEXeyov ovvavrcp' irov eo'riv 6 irarrjp him, "Where is thy EA-
father. They said t h e a t o h i m ; where is the father
t 12. TheRabhins denominated the Suprerne Being1 the light of the world, and this title
"being assumed by oitr Lord was a cause of oiience to the Jews. The Messiah was also fre-
uently spoken of by the prophets under the emblem of light. See Isa. lx. 1 ; xlix. 6; ix. 2.
t 'herefore, by applying this symbol to himself, the Pharisees must at once have perceived
that he claimed the Messiahship. Buxtorf in Synag. Jud. c. xxii. tells us, that the 9th day,
or day after the expiration of the 8th, which belonged to " t h e feast of the tabernacles," is a
solemn day likewise, and is called " the feast ofjoy for the law;" because on that day (says
he,) the last section of the law was read, the rest having been read weekly in the com-se of
the preceding sabbaths. H e adds, that on this 9th day the custom of the Jews is to take all
the books of the law out of the chest and to put a candle into it, in allusion to Prov. vi- 23,
or rather Psa. cxix. 105. But perhaps, after all, it was to the light which their understand-
ing received from the reading of the law, that Jesus here alluded to, when he said, " I anv
the light of the world,"
+ 11. Luke ix. 56; xii. 14; John iii. 17. t 11. John v. 14. X 12. John i. 4, 5, 9 ;
iii. 19; ix. 5 ; xii. 35, 36, 46. t VA. John v. 31. t 15. John vii. 24. \ 15. Joha
iii. 17; xii. 47 •, xviii. 30. t 17. Deut. xvii. 6 ; xix. 15; Matt, xviii. 16; 2 Cor. xii. 1; Hefe
x. 28.
(Piap. 8 : '20.3. JOHN., [Chap. 8 : 29.

arov; ATreKpiOr)< IT]crovs' Ovre ovreT H E R ? " Jesus answered,

e/ie oifiare,
of t h e e ? Answered Jesus; Neither . me "You neither know Me,
y o u know, ( nor
TOV itarepa fiov. Ei efieydeyre, KCU rov trarepa nor my F A T H E R ; if you
the father of me. If m e you knew, also t h e father knew Me, you would also
JJLOV ydeire av. 20
Tavra ra prjfiara eXaXrtotev know my F A T H E R . "
of m e you would know. These the words h e spoke 20 % These WORDS he
ev rep ya^ocpvXaKitp3 hiftao'Kcov ev rep lepep' Kai spoke in the TREASURY,
in the treasury, , teaching in t h e temple; and teaching in the TEMPLE ;
ovdeis eiriacrev avrov, on ovnea eXfjXvdei i) oopa and no one seized him, Be-
no one seized him, becausenotyet h a d come t h e hour cause Ms HOUR hadnot yet
avrov, come.
of him.
21 21 Then *he said totheni
Envev ovv iraXiv avrois 6 ITJO'OVS' Eya> again, $ " 3E am going away,
Said therefore again t o them the Jesus; I
and you will seek me, and
{nvaya>, Kai QqrrjO'ere ae. Kai ev ry afiapnq, will die in your S I N ; where
go away, and you will seek me, and in the sin
3E go, jsatt cannot come."
V/JLQOV airoOaveLord€' dirov eyco viraya), vfieis ov
of you you will d i e ; where I go, you not 22 The JEWS therefore
DvvaffQe eXdeiv. EXeyov IouScuor said, " Will he kill himself,
ovv ol
are able t o come. Said then t h e Jews; that he says, Where 3E go,
MTJTI airoKrevei eavrov, 6n Xeyer 'Orrrov eyco gott cannot come ?"
Not will he kill himself, because h e says; Where I
23 And he said to thenar
vTrayoo, vfieis ov Swacrde eXQeiv; 2 3 Kai enrev " g o u are from B E L O W ; &
go, you n o t are able t o come? A n d h e said
am from ABOVE. J g o u
avrots' 'Tfieis e/c roov Karoo eo're, eyco €K roov are of *This WORLD ; 3E am
to t h e m ; You from t h e beneath are, I from t h e
not of this WORLD.
avco eifii° ufieis e/c rov Koo'fiov rovrov ecrre,
above a m ; you from t h e world this are, 24 Therefore I said to
you, That you will die in
eyca OVK ei/XL eic rov Koo'fiov rovrov.
I not a m from t h e world this. I said your S I N S ; for if you "be-
ovv vfiiv, on airodaveicrde ev rats a/xapnais lieve not That I am he, you
therefore to you, t h a t you will die in the sins will die in your S I N S . "
vficov eav yap fir] Trio'revo'rjre, on eyco eijxi, 25 Then they said to him,
of you; if for not you may believe, that am, " W l i o a r t t f t o u ? " * JESUS
aivoQaveicrOe ev rais afiapriais bficav.
EXeyov says to them, Even what I
you will die in the sins of you. They said said to you at the BEGIN-
ovv avrcp' ^v ns ei; Kai enrev avrois 6 NING,
therefore to h i m ; Thou w h o a r t ? And said t o them t h e
26 I have many things
Irjcrovs' Trjv ap%W o, n Kai XaXca vfiiv. to say and to judge concern-
Jesus; T h e beginning what, what even I say t o you.
26 ing you; but H E who SENT
IToAAa exoo ivepi vficov XaXetv,
Kai Kpiveiv me is t r u e ; % and what 3E
Many things I have about you
and t o j u d g e ; t o say,
heard from him, These
aAA' 6 irefvtyas fie aXrjOrjs ecrri' nayoo a TjKovo'a things I say to the WORLD ."
but he having sent me true is; and I what I heard
Trap* avrov, ravra Xeyoo eis rov Koo'fiov. ^ OVK 27 They knew not That
from h i m , thesethings I say to the world. Not he spoke to them of the
eyvooo'av, on rov Trarepa avrois eXeyev. Enrev
they knew, that the father to them he spoke. Said
28 Jesus therefore said,
ovv *[avrois^\ 6 ITJCTOVS* 'Orav v\pcooJ7]re rov vtov% " When you shall lift up
then [to them] t h e Jesus; When you may lift up t h e s o n the SON of MAN, then you
rov avOpooTrov, rore yvoocreaQe on eyco ei/JLi' Kaiwill know That £ am h e ;
of t h e man, t h e n you will know t h a t I a m ; a n d and I do nothing of myself;
aTr' e/navrov iroioo ovSev, aXXa KaOoos ediba^e fie but as my FATHER taught
from myself I do n o t h i n g , but as taught m e me, I say These things.
6 Tra,rr]p fiov ravra XaXcv 2 9 Kat 6 irefityas fie,
the father of me t h e s e t h i n g s I s a y ; and h e having sent m e , 29 And H E who SENT me
ju,eT ejxov eo'nv OVK acprjKe fie fiovov 6 Trarrjp, is with m e ; * h e has not
With me is; not left me alone t h e father, left me alone; {Because ft
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. he said. 23. of This W O B I D . 25. Jesus says.
28. to them—omit. 29. he has not left me.
1 20. Mark xii. 41. I 21. John vii. 34; xiii. 33. i 23. J o h r xv. 19; xvii. 16;
1 John ] v. 5. i 26. John iii. 32; xv. 15. t 28. John xii. 32. t 29. John iv.
34; v. 30; vi. 38,
&u& 8: 80.] J O H N . t&iap.t: 41.

6n syca ra apecrra avrca iravrore. always do the things pleas-

because 1 the tilings pleasing to him do ing to him."
Tavra avrov XaXovvros, itoXXoi eTricrrevcrav 30 As he was speaking
These of him speaking, many believed Thesethmgs, many believed
into him.
as avrov. 31 JESUS therefore said
into him.
31 to the Jews who had B E -
EXeyev ovv 6 \i}(Tovs irpos rovs ireino'rcv- LIEVED him, " If Tjou abide
Said then the Jesus to those having believed in MY WORD, you are cer-
Koras avrcp lovhaiovs' Eav vLieis /xeu/^re ev rep tainly my Disciples.
him Jews; If you may abide in the 32 And you shall know
?^oyep rep efxcp, aXrjdccs fiaOrfrai /xov 6CT€, 3 2 Kai the TRUTH, and Xthe
word the my, truly disciples of me you are, and TRUTH shall make you
yvcacrecrOe rrjv aXrjdsiav, Kai rj aXrjdeia €Aeu0e- tree."
you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make 33 They answered him,
pcccrei v/xas. 3 3 AireKpidrjcrav avrcp' ^irepfxa " W e are Abraham's Off-
free you. They answered him; Seed spring, and have never
Aj3paa/x cc/iev? Kai ovbevi SedovXevKafxev irc*>- been in slavery to any one.
ofAbraam we are, and to no one have we been slaves at How dost thou say, 'You
7rore* TTCCS crv Xeyeis" 'OneXevOepoiyevrjcrecrde; shall become free ? ' "
any time-how thou sayest; That free you shall become? 34 * Jesus answered
A-weKpiOr] avrois 6 Irjcrovs' Afxyv afirjv Xzyca them, "Indeed, I assure
Answered them the Jesus; Indeed indeed I say you, t that EVERY ONE
vfxiv, on Tras 6 TTO'COV rr\v a/xapnav, hovXos DOIN© SIN is a Slave of
to you, thatevery onewhoisdoing the sin, a slave SIN.
tern ry\s auapnas. 3a
' 0 Se dovXos ov /xevet <-v 35 % But the SLAVE does
is of the sin. The but slave not abides in not abide in the HOUSE to
TTJ OLKta eis rov aiccva' 6 vlos fievei eis rov aiccva. the AGE \ the son abides to
the house to the age; the son abides to tha age. the AGE
E a v ovv 6 vlos vjxas eXevdepoocrr}, ovrcos eXev- make 36 If, therefore, the SON
7f then the son you may make free, really free
you free, you will in-
5 deed be free.
Oepoi ecrecrOe. ? Oida, on (Tirepfxa Afipaa/j. eo-re' 37 1 know That you are
you shall be. I know, that seed of Abraam you are;
ABRAHAM'S Offspring; but
aXXa ^rjreire fxe airoKreivai, on 6 Xoyos 6 e/xos you are seeking to kill Me,
but you seek me to kill, because the word the mine Because MY WORD has no
ov xw0il ev
v/xiv. 38 E7C0 6 kccpaKa vapa rep place in you.
not ha* place in you. J Tfbat have seen from the 88 J3E speak what I
ttarpi U 0 » , etopaKare have seen with my TA-
XaXoo' Kai v^ieis ovv 6
father oime- I speak; and and grju, therefore,
you therefore what you have seen THEB.;
irarpi V/JLCCV,
7roieiTe. 39
AirepiOrjcrav do what you have * heard
vapa rep from your EATHER."
from the father of you,
do. They answered
39 They answered and
Kai eiirov avrcp' e O irarrjp T]fxcov ABpaa/j. ecrri, said to him, " Our EATHEB
and said to him: Tha father of ua Abraam is.
is Abraham." JESUS says
Aeyei avrois 6 Irjerovs' Ei reKva rov ABpaa/n to them, % " If you were
Sayg to them the Jesus; If children of the Abraam Children of ABRAHAM, you
etrre, ra e/rya, rov A&paafx €7roi€irem 40
Nvv Se would do the WORKS of
you are, the work* otthe Abraam you would do; How but ABRAHAM.
fareire fxe airoKreivai, 40 But now yon a»e
avOpcoirov, os ry]V aXr}-
you seek me to kill, a man. who the truth seeking to kill Me, a Man
who has spoken to you the
Oeiav V/JLLV XeXaXyKa, r)v 7]KoveraTrapa rov 0eov TRUTH, which I heard from
to you has spoken, whioh 1 have heard from the God; GOD ; This Abraham did
rovro Afipaafx OVK €TTOIT}O~€V. Tjueis noieire ra not.
this Abraam Hot did. You do the 41 -gem do the WORKS
zpya rov trarpos VLICOV. Enrov OVV avrov of your FATHER." * They
works of the father of you. They said then to him, said to limij *' ®2Se have not
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—84. Jesus 88. heard from your FATHER, 41. They
said to lum
i \2 Rom. vi. 14,18 22; viii. 2; Gal. v. 1; James i. 25; ii. 12. 84 Rom. vi 16.20
i Fet i' 16 •• So Gal iv 30 X 38. John iii. 32: v. 19,3U-, siv. 10, 24
\ &y iiom ILS8, is. 7« Gal iii.7.29.
dicrp, 8 ? 42.J' J O H N . taapA^il

'Hixeis e/c iropvetas ov yeyevvrj/xeOa' kva Trare- been liorn of FnrniCHtjon ;•:
We from fornication not h a \ c been b o r n ;
orfe f;i'.lii;r we have One Farher, God. '
pa exo^iev, TOV Oeov, 42 Eiirev avTois 6 \T)O~OVS' 42 * Jesus said to them,
we have, t h e God. Sf.iA to them t h e J e s u s ; X " If GOD were your *: FA- ,
Ei 6 Oeos irarrjp vjxtav TJV, rjyairaTe av e/xe' eyco TH£R, you would love m e ;
L l i t h e God a f m h e r of you was, you would love meji !•' for 2 came forth from GOD,,'
^ a p f/c TOV Oeov e^-qXOov Kai 7]KQOI ovfie yap air* and am come; for I um not
for from tlie God c-ine o u t and r m c o m e ; n o t c v r n for of even come of myself, but'Ije
ffxavTov eXrjXvOa, ccAA' CKZIVOS /xe aTreffTeiXe. sent Me. _
myself I have come, but he me sent: ••'- 43 Wliy do you not. know1
A t a r i TK)V XaXiav Tf]V €p.r}V ov yivcoaKeTe ? JLY s P K v..c H ? Because you
Why the speech the mine not knowyuu? can not hear MY WOILD.
'OTL OV hvvacrOe aKoveiv TOV Koyov TOV ep.ov. v' 44 J J}DU are from the'
Heraus&not you are able t d hear the word the mine
44 F A T i i t R . t h e ACGUSKit, a n d
"Y/xeis €K TOV iraTpos TOV SiafioXov e a r e , Kai the LUSTS of youi' EATIIKR
You from t h e father the accuser are, and
youwislt to do. ^L\z was
Tas GTTiOvfjuas TOV irarpos vfxwv OeXtTe iro&iv a Mnnslayer from tlie Be-
the lust3 of t h e father ofyou you wish to d o ; ginning, and has not stood
ILneivos avOpoorroKTOvos TJV air' apx-7]s, Kai ev TTJ in the TRUTH, Because
He a innntl.nyer was- fromabcjjinmnj', and in t h e there is no Truth in him.;
aXr\Qeia ovx €0~T7]Kev° 6TL OVK CCTTIV aXrjOeia ev When [any one] speaks a
truth not h a s s t o o d ; because not is truth in UALSEH'OOD., he speaks
avTti, 'OTav XaXj] TO ypevfios, €K TWV idiccv from his OWN ;I Because
liim; When m ^ y s p e a k t h e falsehood, from the own his FATHER also is a Liar.
AaAei* on tyevarTrjs CCTTI, icai 6 TraTTjp avTov. 45 But because 5 speak
\\espeaks; because a l i a r i<j, . also t h e f.ither of him.
45 the TRUTH., you do not be-
Eyco 5e on TT)V aXrjOeiav Xeyw, ov irirrTevere lieve me.
I b u t because t h e truth 1 spe.ik, n o t you believe
jxoi. 4fi Tts e£ vfj,a)V cXeyxei p.s irepi ajxaprias ; 46 Who of you convicts
me. W h o of you conwets ine concerning s i n ? me of Sin V If I speak the
f( a\7]d€iaif Ae70>, fiiari vfieis oviricrreveTe JJLOI; Truth, why do jiou not be-
lieve me ? (
if truth 1 speak, why you not believe me?
^ 'O oov €K TOV Oeov, Ta pTj/xara, TOV Oeov axover 47 -J H E who i s from Go D
He beingfrom t h e God, t h e words of t h e God hears; hears the WORDS of God;
dia TOVTO vfxeis OVK aKOveTe, Oeov on this account jiou hear
through this you not hear, God not, because you are_iiot
because from t h e
OVK eo"T6J 48
AireKpiOrjcrav ol lovBaioi Kai enrov from Goo." ""'""""_
not youare< Answered the Jews v. •--' and said. 48 The JEWS answered
avTy Ov KaXcsS Xeyofxev 'hfxeis, oTi^a/xapeiTyjs and said to him, "Do toe
to him; N o t well say WP, t h a t a Samaritan not say well That thou art
€i (Tv, Kat Zaiy.oviov e x e / s ; 40 AireKpiOr} Irjcrovs' a Samaritan, and 1 hast a
a r t thou, and a demon thou h a s t ? Answered Jesus; Demon ?','
E7W daitxoviov OVK e^w, aX\a Ti\xm TOV irarepa 49 Jesus answered, " 5
\" adeuion n o t have, b u t I honor the father have not a Demon-, but I
fxov, teat v/xets aTi/xa(^Te fxe. c o E7C0 de ov Qn rca honor my I'A'I'HKR,, and
ci me, and you dishonor me. 1 b u t n o t seek DOU dishonor mc.
rr/v. So^av fxov CO~TLV o (TJTOOV Kai Kpivxv. 50 But 11! seek not my
the glory .of m e ; i t is he seeking and. judging. GLORY , there is ONE who
Afxr]v aixTfV Xeyco vjxiv, eav Tts TOV Xoyov TOV stiiKS it, and judges.
Indeed i n d e e d I say t o y o u , 'if a n y o n e t h o word the
51 Indeed, I assure you,
cfiov Trjp^crrif 0,avarov ov fjt-T) Oecoprja-rj eis TOV X If any one keep * MY
mine may keep, death n o t n o t h e m^iy see to the Word, he will'by no means
Enrov ovv avTO) oi lovfiawr NVJ/ see Death to the AGE '
.*-. Said
*,<*.,* then t o turn the Jews; Now 52 *The J K W S said to
tyvojKa/xev, STI Zaijxoviov e%€fs*' Afipaa/x cwre- him, " Now \vc know That
we know, thit a demon thou hastj Abiaam died thou hast a Demon. J Abra-

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—13. Jesus. 42. FATHER. r 51. MY Word. 52. The

JEWS said.
t 42. John v; 43; vii. 28, 29. t 44. 1 John Hi. §. J '47. John x. 20, 27; 1 John
6. % 48. John vii. 20; x. 20. % 50. John v. 41; vii. 18. J 51. John v. 24*
>i.28. » % 52. Zech.i.5; Heb. xi. 13.
&iap. 8: SS.'j J O H N . [Chap. 9: 4.
dave Kai ol irpocp^Tai, Kai &v Aey ZLS' Eav ris ham died, and the PRO-
and t h e prophets, and thou sayest; If a n y o n e PHETS ; and tfjou sayest, If
TOV Xoyov [iov Tr)pr}o~T}, ov \XT\ y€vo"f]Tai OavaTovany one keep my WORD, he
the word of m e m a y keep, n o t n o t m a y t a s t e of death will by no means * see
53 Death to the AGE.
€is TOV aicava. Mr? crv fiei^a>v ei TOV irarpos 53 Art thou greater than
to the age. N o t t h o u greater a r t of t h e father
our EATHER Abraham, who
rjficov Aj8paa/x, OOTTIS aTredave;
Kai ot irpo<p7]Tai died, and the PROPHETS
ot u s Abraam, who
died? and t h e prophets died? "Whom dost *thou
aireQavov Tiva o'eavTov rroieis : 5 4 AireKpidr] make thyself?"
died; whom thyself makestthou? Answered 54 Jesus answered, " I f
Irjo'ovs' Eav tyco 5o£a£eo efiavTov, 7] 8o£a (xov * 3E should glorify myself,
Jesus; If I glorify myself, t h e glory ofrae my GLORY is nothing? J H E
who GLORIEIES me is my
ovfiev eo'Tiv. ECTTIV 6 iraTrjp fiov 6 So£a£W JJL€, FATHER, of whom grju say,
nothing is. H e i s t h e father of m e h e glorifying m e ,
oa That he is your God.
ov vjxeis A e ^ e r e , OTL 6eos vfxoov ecrTi, icai OVK 55 And you have not
whom you Bay, t h a t a God of you h e is, and not
known him, bnt i know
tyvcoKCLTe avrov eyco Se oi$a avTov. Kai eav him; and if 1 say, that I
you know him; I b u t know him. A n d if
do not know him, I shall
eiTTCC, OTL OVK 0 l 8 a aVTOV, e&OfXCLl 6/JL010S VflCtiV, be like you a Liar -, hut I
I say, t h a t n o t I know him, I shall b e like you, know him, and keep his
\\Z€VO,TT]S. AAA.1 oifia avTov, Kai TOV Xoyov W O R D .
a liar. But I know him, and t h e word 56 Abraham, your FA-
avTov. T7)p(o. 56 A/3paa/x 6 iraTrjp V/JLCCV nyaXXi- THER, ardently desired.
o f h i m I keep. Abraam t h e father of you ardently that he might see MY DAY;
curctTOj iva iby TT\V 7)fj,epav TT]V €/JI7]V Kai eibe, and X he saw, and was
desired, t h a t he m i g h t see t h e day the my; and he saw, glad."
Kai exapT?. 5 7 Eiirov ow ol lovfiaioi irpos 57 Then the J E W S said
and was glad. Said then the Jews to to him, " Thou art not yet
avTov TievT7)K0VTa eri7 OVTVCO e ^ e i s , Kai Afipaajx Fifty "Years old, and hast
him; Fifty years n o t vet t h o u art, and Abraam thou seen Abraham?"
koopaKas; 58Enr€V avTois 6 Irjcrovs' AJXYJV a\xt\v 58 * J E S U S said to them,
hast t h o u seenP Said to them the Jesus; I n d e e d indeed
"Indeed, I assure you,Be-
Xsyui vfj.iv, irpiv Afipaaji yevecrOai, zyeo et/xi. fore Abraham was born, 3£
1 say t o you, before Abraam t o have been born, I am.
&J am he."
Hpav ow Xidovs, Iva fiaXoio'iv eif OVTOV 59 J Then they took up
Tbev t o o k u p therefore stones, t h a t t h e y m i g h t cast o n him;
Stones that they might cast
Irjcrovs "*[8e3 eKpv&ri, Kai tStfXQtv e/c TOV Upov. at him; hut Jesus hid liim-
Jesus [ b u t ] hid himself, a n d went o u t of t h e t e m p l e . self, and went forth out of
KE3>. 6'. 9 .
Kai 7rapaya)V, tidev avOpaoirov TV<pXov e/c 1 And passing along, he
And passing by, h e saw a man blind from
2 saw a Man blind from
yev€T7]s. Kai 7\pooT7)crav avTov ol fxaBj]Tai Birth.
birth. And asked him the disciples
avTovy X<syovT€S' PajSjSi, TIS 7]fiapTev; OVTOS, asked him, saying, " Rabbi,
ofhimo saying; Rabbi, who sinned? this, X who sinned, he, or his
r) ol yoveis avTov, iva TvcpXos yevvr]6r); 3 A7re/c- PARENTS, so that he was
o r t h e parents of h i m , t h a t blind h e should b e b o r n ? A n - born blind ?"
pidr} Irjcrovs- OUTC OVTOS 7}/JiapT€v, OVTS OL 3 Jesus answered," Nei-
swered Jesus; Neither this sinned, nor t h e ther did he sin, nor his
yoveis avTov aXX* Iva tyavepoody Ta cpya TOV PARENTS, hut that the
p a r e n t s of h i m ; b u t t h a t may bemanifested t h e works o / t h e
WORKS of GOD might be
displayed in him.
Oeov ev avT<x>. 4 E/xe 8ei ^pya^o'Qai Ta epya
God i n him. M e i t behoves t o work t h e works 4 % * I must perform the

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—5 *• se« Death to the Age. 54. 3E should glorify. 68. Jeans.
59. but—omit. 4. We must.
t 54 John v. 41; xvi. 14; xvii 1; Acts iii. IS; 2 Pet. i. 17. t 56- Heh. xi. 13.
t 59. John x. 31,89; xi. 8. 1 2 . ver. M. % 4. John iv. 84; v. 19, S6; xi. 9 -, xii. | 5 ;
svii 4.
(Map. 9 : 5.] JOHN. fCfhap. 0 : l a .

rov rrefjityapTos }xe, eoos rjjuepa eo~nv° epx^rat WORKS Of H I M Who SENT
ot the sending me, while day
comes me while it is Day; Night
it is;
yu£, ore ovbeis fivvarat epya^eo'Oat. 5
'Orav ev comes, when no one can
night, when no one is able to work. While in work.
TOO KOCT/JM}) oo, (poos eifii rov Koo'p.ov. 6 Tavra 5 "While I am in the
the world I may be, light l a m of the world. These things WOULD, $ 1 am the Light
etlTOOV, G7TTV(T€ ^CtyiCU, KCLl €TT0L7}(T€ TTTT/XoV €KTOV of the WORLD."
saying, he spit on the ground, and made clay of the 6 Saying these things,
7TTV(TfJLarOS, Kat €7T6XpL0~€ TOV TT7]X0V 67TJ TOVS % he spit on the Ground,
spittle, and rubbed the clay oa the andmade Clay of the SPIT-
ocpdaX/novs rov rvcpXov, ? Kat etirev avroo' TLE, and * he put the CLAY
eyes of the blind, and said to him.; on his EYES,
"Tiraye, vttyat ets rr\v KoXvjifty)Qpav rov ^tXooajx' 7 and said, to him, " Go
Go, wash thyself in the pool of the Siloam; wash thyself in t the POOL
of SILOAM," (which signi-
(<5 epfirjveverai, aireffraXfievos.) ATrrjXdev fies, Sent) He went away,
(which is interpreted, having been sent.) He went away
8 therefore, and washed
*[ot/j>, Kat eviiparo, Kat ??A0e] fiXeiroov. Oi himself, and came seeing.
[therefore, and washed himself, and came] seeing. The
8 Then the NEIGHBORS,
ovv yetroves, Kat oi deoopovvres avrov roirpo- and THOSE who had PRE-
then neighbors, and those seeing him the be- VIOUSLY seor. him, because
repov, on irpocraiTTjs 7]vy eXeyov Ovx ovros he was a Beggar, said, " Is
fore, because a beggar he was, said; Not this not this BE who was SIT-
eo'rtv 6 KaOrjfxevos Kat irpoo'airoov ; 9 AXXot TPNT',> and begging ?"
is he sitting and begging? Others 9 Some said, "This is
eXeyop' ' O n ovros eartv. AXXot 5e* 'Or* h e ; " "others*said, " N o ;
said; That this is, Others but, That but he 's like h i m ; " ftt
lotos avrca ecriv EKeivos eXeyev Ort eyco \ said, " £ am he."
like him It is; He said; That
10 If* They then said to
EXeyov ovv avry IT cos av^wx^7\°'av him, " How were Thi&e
am. They said thea to him How were opened TYES opened?"
cov oi ocpOaXfjioi ATTZICPLOT) eiteivos *\_Kai l l f ^ e answered, * " The
ot thee the eyesP Answered he [and KAN called. Jesus made
$nrep'2 AvOpooiroSy Xeyo/aevos Irjo'ovs^ TTT]XOV Clay, and rubbed my EYES,
said;] A man, being named Jesus, clay and said to me, " Go to the
€TTOl7}Cf€9 Kat €7T6%/?iO"€ jilOV TOVS O(p0aX/ilOVSf tC Zl SILOAM, and'wash thy-
made, and rubbed ofme tbe eyes, ar-d self;" * I went, therefore,
€i7T6 /not' 'Tvaye ets rov ^iXwafi, Kat vixhai. and washed myseif. and
said tomes G° inta the Siloam,
and wash thyself. obtained sight.
AireXQoov Be Kat vnpa/vtevos, avefiXeipa. ELTTOV 12 *And they said to
Going and and washing myself, I obtained sight. They said : j n , "Where is h e ? " He
ovv avrq>° Uov ecrnv CKSLVOS; A e 7 e r OVK ot8a. "WS, " I do not know."
then to him; Where is he; Hesaya; Not I2cnow. 1.3 They bring HIM that
^ Ay ova" tv avrov irpos rovs ^apiaaiovs^ '-'w was formerly BLIND to
Theybring him to the Pharisees. that the PHARISEES.
Trore rvcpXov* Uv Be (ra&fiarov, 6re rov 14 And it was a * Sab>
once blind. I t was and a sabbath, when the bath when JESUs.made the
TTTJXOV eiroL^Cev 6 Irjo'ovs^ Kat aveco^ev avrov CLAY, and opened His
clay made tbe Jesus, and opened of him EYES.
15 15 Then the PHARISEES
rovs o<f>6aXfiovs. YlaXtv ovv rjpoorcov avrov
the eyes. also asked him again how
Again therefore asked him
Kat oi <&apiffaiot, iroos avefiXeipev. 'O Be enrev he obtained his sight. And
also the Pharisees, how he obtained sight. He and said he said to them, " He put
avrois' UrjXov eTredrjKe JJLOV ewt rovs ocpdaXpovs, Clay on Mme EYES, and I
to them; Clay he put of me on the eyes, washed myself, and see."
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—6. He put the CLAY thereof on his eyes, and mid. 7. there-
fore, and washed, and came—omit. 9 said; "No; but he is." 11. and said—omit.
11. The MAN called. 11. 1 went therefore and. 12. And they said to him. 14 a
Sabbath, on which Day JBSTJS.
t 7. The Pool ot Siloam is described hy recent travellers to have heen " a well built oblong
tank, some fifty teet long, nearly twenty deep, and somewhat less than this wide." I t has
now only about two feet ot water in it. It is supplied from an upper fountain through a
well-cut conduit more than a quater of a mile long.
% 6. John i. &, 9; iii. 19; viii. 12; xii. 35, 4&. % 6. Mark vii. U; viii. S§.
Ghap. 9: 16.] JOHN. [Qiap. 9 : 2 4
16 16 Then some of the
KCU €Vttyap.r}V, Kai fiXeirw. EAcyov ovv etc
and I washed myself, and see. Said therefore of said, "This
roov Qapicraiwv rives' OVTOS 6 avdpcoiros ovic MAN is not from. * God,
the Pharisees some; This the man not Because he keeps not tl 3
e&ri ?rapa rov Qeov, 6TL ro craftfiarov ov rrjpei. SABBATH." Others said,
i» from the God, because the sabbath n o t he keeps. f ' H o w can a sinful Man
AXXoi eXeyov Titos SvvaraL avOpcowos afxap- perform such Signs ?" And
Gthers said; How is able a man a
there was | a Division
among them.
rcoXos roiavra cr^ueia iroieiv; Kat a1%ia'^.a V)v
•inner such signs to do? And a division was 17 *They say to t v 3
ev avrois. ^Aeyov&L rco rvcjiXcp rraXiv ^v ri BLIND man again, ""What
among them. They say to the blind again; Thou what dost tT)ou say concerning
Xeyeis irepi avrov, on r\voi^e o"ov rovs 0(p6a?v- him, Seeing that he opened
gayeat concerning him, seeingthathe opened ofthee the eyes? Thine EYES ?" Andhe said,
fxovs; ' O 8e enrev ' O n irpotyiir7]S earriVo 18 Ou/c $ " H e i s a Prophet."
He and said; That a prophet he is. Not 18 The JEWS, therefore,
eirio'revo'av ovv ol lovSaioi irepi avrov,
orirvcp- did not "believe of him,
believed therefore the Jews concerning him, that blind That he was blind and ob-
Xos t]V, Kai avzfiXeipev, eoos orov £<po)vr\(rav tained sight, till they called
he was, and obtained sight, till when they called the PAHICNTS of H I M who
rovs yoveis avrov rov avaQXeik avros. Kai, DECEIVED SIGHT.
the parents of him the having obtained sight. And 19 And they asked them,
7] poor 7] a av avrov s, Keyovres' Ou'. os ecrrw 6 vlossaying, " I s this your sow,
they asked them, saying; This is the son of whom g 0 it say, ' That he
vfjioov, ov v/ieis Xeyere, on rvcpXos eyevvrjOr); was horn blind?5 How then
of you, whom you say, that blind he was born? does he now see?"
noes ovv apri fiXeirei; 2 0 A7reKpi6r]^ay^\_avrois^\ 20 *Then his PARENTS
how then now he sees? Answered [them]
answered and said, ""We
oi yoveis avrov Kai eiirov Oida/j.ev9 on ovros know That this is our SON,
the parents of him and said; We know, that this and That he was bom blind;
ecrriv 6 vlos TJ/JLOOV, Kai on rvcpXos eyevvrjOrf'
ia the son of us, and that blind he was born; 21 but how he now sees,
7rwy Se vw $Xetrei, OVK oiSa/JLev 7] ris Tjvoi^ev we know n o t ; or who
how but now he sees, not we know; or who opened opened His EYES, m % know
avrov rovs ocpdaX/iovs, 7\ixeis OVK oiZafxev, not; *ask Him, \)Z is of
of him the eyes, we not know, mature Age; he will speak
avros TjXiKiav e ^ e i , avrov epoorr]orare' avros concerning himself."
he full age has, him ask you; he 22 His PARENTS said
irepi avrov XaXrjcrei. ^Tavra eiirov ol this, % Because they were
concerning himsell shall speak. These things said the afraid of the JEWS ; for the
yoveis avrov, on ecpofiovvro rovs lovfiaiovs. JEWS had already deter-
parents ol him, because they feared the Jews. mined, that if any one
H877 yap crvvereOeivro ol IouScuot, iva eav ris should acknowledge him
Already fot had agreed the Jews, that if any one to be the Messiah. %\\z
avrov 6/jioXo^"f]o"rj Xpurrov, aTroo'vvaycojos should be expelled from th-
him should confess Anointed, irom a synagogue
yevf]rai. ^ A / a rovro OL yoveis avrov enrov 23 On this account ] ' •
should be. Through this the parents of him said; PARENTS said, " H e is ^
' O n 7)XiKiav ex 6 t > avrov epoorytfare. 24
E(pa>- mature Age, ask him."
That full age he has, him ask you. They 2-4 They called, therefore,
vt]aav ovv e/c hevrepov rov avdpooirov, 6s TJV a second time, the MAN
called therefore a second time the man, who was who had been blind, an(?
rv(pXos, Kai enrov avry Aos So|aj/ rep dew' said to him, " Give Glory tq
blind, aud said to him; Give glory to the God; GOD ; toe know * That
r)fxeis oi5a/xev, on 6 avQpcairos ovros afiaproiXos This Man is a Sinner."
we know, that the man this a sinner
* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . —16. God. 17. Then they say. 20. Then Ma PAKEWTB.
20. them—omit. 21. ask H i m ; he is of mature Age ; f)£ wilL 24. That This
Man is,
J 16. ver.S3; Johniii.2 % 16. John v i l 12,45; x. 19. t 17. J o h n i v 19- v i . U
% 22. John vii. 13; xii. 42; six. 38; Acts v. 13. t 23. ver. 34; JoKn xvi. 2,
Ohap. 9 ' 25.] JOHN. Cluip.9: S7.

e&TLV. 2 5
ATTCKpidT) OVV €K€lV0S * [ / C a t CITT^V'"]
25 Then fje answered,
is. Answered then he ['and "If he is a Sinner, I know
Ei a/naprcoXos earriy, OVK oidcc £y oifia, OTL not; One thing I do know,
If a sinner h e is, not I know; o n e I know, t h a t That iiaving been blind,
rv<pXos coy, apri fiXeinc. 2 6 Envoy Se avrco now I see."
blind being, now I see. They said a n d t o h i m 26 And trrey said to him,
•*[7raAt7/'] Ti eTroirjo'e cot; Trees 7}voi£e <rov "What did he do to thee?
[again;] What did h e t o t h e e ? how opened of thee How did he open Thine
rovs ocp6a\fjLovs; ATTCKPLOT) avrois' JZnrov VJJ.LV E Y E S ?
the eyes; H e answered them; I said t o you
27 He answered them>
7]drj, Kii OVK rjKovcrare' TI iraXiv QeXere " I told you just now, and
already, and not y o u did h e a r ; why again d o you wish did you not hear? *Why
CLK0V61V ; fAT) Kai Vfl6LS 0 6 A . 6 T 6 OLVTOV /Uddr/TCIL then do you wish to hear
t o hear? n o t also you wish of him disciples again ? are jjott also willing
y€vecr6ai; EXoidop7]cray avrov, Kai eiirov ^$v to become His Disciples ?"
to be? Theyreviled him, and said; Thou
28 *And they reviled
€t /j,ady]rr}s tKeivov rjfieis 5e rov MoocT7]s eCjJievhim, and said, " STftott art
art a disciple of h i m ; we b u t of t h e Moses are
ftfs Disciple; but foe are
jbLadrjTai. 29 cH/j,ei9 oi<$a/nev, OTL Moocrrj XeXa- Disciples of MOSES.
disciples. We know, that t o Moses has
XrjKev 6 deos' rovrov §e OVK oida/xey 29 Wit know That GOD
spoken the God; this but not has spoken to Moses; but
we know whence

KireKpidT] 6 avdpooiros Kai enrev This person,—we % know
Answered the man and said not whence he is."
avrois' Ev yap rovrco 6av/j.acrroy eo~Tiv, on 30 The MAN answered
to them; In for this a wonder is, t h a t and said to them, " "Why,
v/jieis OVK oidare iroOey eo~ri, Kai cwew£e fiov in this is a wonder, That
you not know whence he is, and he has opened of m e got* know not whence he
rovs ocpQaXjxovs* 3 1 QiZafxev * [ 5 e , ] OTL afiap- is, and he opened My EYES !
the eyes. "We know [hut,] that sin- 31 We know $ That Gou
rccXcov 6 dzos OVK aKovei' aXX* zavris Oeocfe- does not hear Sinners; but
ners t h e God n o t hears; but if any one a worshipper if any one be a Worshipper
firjs rj, Kai ro deXrj/LLa avrov iroirj, TOVTOV of God, and performs his
of God m a y b e , and t h e will of h i m may do, this WILL, %im he hears.
aKovei. E/<: rov atoovos OVK TjKovcrdr), on 32 From the (earliest)
he hears. From the age not i t was heard, that
AGE it was not heard, that
77//oi|e ris ocpdaXjuovs rvcpXov yey ^yvin/xevov. any one opened the Eyes of
opened anyone eyes of blind having been b o r n .
one having been born blind.
^ E i j t t ^ f}V OVTOS itaoa Qeov, OVK ydvvaro jroieiv
If n o t was this from God, not were able t o do 33 If he were not from
ovdev. 34
ATrsKpiOijcray Kai znrov avrcp' ~Ev God, he could do nothing.'*
nothing. They answered and said to him; In 34 They answered and
afxapriais crv eyevvqdiqs oXos' Kai crv didacTKeis said to him, "£Tf)ou wast
sins thou wastbox - n wholly; and thou teachest entirely born in Sins, and
35 dost tftou teach us ?" And
7)/ ; Kai e^fiaXov avrov e£w. B.Kovo'ey 6
us? And they cast him out. Heard the they cast him out.
Irjcrovs, Sri e^efiaXov avrov e£ar Kai evpcvv 35 J E S U S heard That
Jesus, that t h e y cast him out; andhavingfound they had cast him out; and
avrov, enrev "^[airror] ^v iricrreveis €is rov having found him, he said
him, said [to h i m ; ] Thou believest into the to him, "Dost thou believe
38 into | the * SON of GOD ?"
vlov rov Oeov; AireKpiQri eKeivos Kai ei-ire'
son of t h e God? Answered he and said; 36 | ^ e answered and
Kai ris ectri, Kvpie, tva Triorrevcra) eis avrov; said, "Who is he, Sir, that
And who is h e , O sir, that I may believe into him ? I may b eh eve into him ?'•'
^Ei7re * [ 5 e ] avrcp 6 Irjcrovs' Kai soopaKas 37 J E S U S said to him,
Said [and] to him the Jesus; Even t h o u h a s t seen " Thou hast even seen him>

* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 5 . a n d said—omit. 26. a g a i n — o m i t . 27. Why then

do y o u w i s h . 28. a n d t h e y reviled. 31. But—omit. 35. to Mm—omit.
35. BON of MAN ? a n d h e said, W h o . 87 and—omit.
% 29. John viii. 14. t 30. John iii. 10. J 31. Joh xxvii. 9; Psa. livi. 18; Pro*.
xv. 8, 2-9; xxviii. 9. t 35. Matt. xvi. 16; John x. 36; 1 John v. 13.
Chap. 9: 38.] J O H N . [Map. 10: 4,

avrov, Kai 6 Ka\oj>v fi^ra eo'riv. and H E who is TALKING

crov, eKewos
him, and lie talking with thee,
is. with, thee is he."
^ ' O Se ecjyri' Uiarevca, Kvpie- Kanrpoo'eicvvrjo'ey SB And H E said, " Lord,
He and said; I believe, Osir; and he prostrated I believe;" and he threw
auToj. 3 9 K a i enrsv 6 Irjcrovs' E t s Kpijxa eyca eis himself prostrate before
to him. And said the Jesus; 3?or judgment I into him.
TOV KOffflOV TOVTOV 9JA0OJ/, iVa 01 [AT) fi\€TT0l/T€S
the world this came, thatthosenot seeing 39 And JESUS said,
/3Ae7rco(n, Kai ot (SXeTrovres rv(pXoi yepoovrat. X " Eor Judgment came 3E
might see, and those seeing blind might become. into this WORLD ; J so that
* [ K c u ] 7}Kovcray eK rcou Qapivouoov ravra oi THOSE not SEEING may
[And] heard of the Phaiisees these things those
may become blind."
QVTSS fier' avrov, Kai eiirov CLVTCJ)' Mrj Kai rjfieis
being with him, and said to him; Not also we 40 T H O S E of the P H A R I -
rvcpXoi €<r[lev; 41
E£7rej> avrois E i SEES B E I N G with him
6 Irjaovs'
blind are? Said to them the Jesus; If heard these things, $and
rvcpXoi r\re, OVK av €i%eT6 afxapriav vvu Se said to him, " Are toe blind
blind you were, not you would have sin; now but also ?"
Xsyere' 'On j8A.67rOjUe*/- T) * [ o w ] a/xapria 41 * Jesus said to them,
you say; That we see; the [therefore] sin + " If you were blind, you
vficov fievei. would not have Sin; but
of you remains. now you say, 'We see;'
your SIN remains.
KE4>. B'. 1 0 .
Kfif}v afxrjv Xeyco vfiiv, 6 fir} ei(Fepx°^vos 1 Indeed, I truly say to
Indeed indeed 1 say to you, he not entering you, H E who EN TEES, not
bia rr}s dvpas eis rrju avXrju rcou Trpofiarcov, by the DOOR into the FOLD
through the door into the fold of the sheep, of the SHEEP, but climbs
aXXa avafiaivcov aXXaxoOev, eneivos KXerrrrjs up another way, he is a
but goin g up another way, he a thief Thief and a Robber;
ecrri Kai XTJ(TT7)S' 6 de eio'epxofteuos ^La r7)s 2 but H E who COMES
is and a robber; he but entering through the
3 IN by the DOOR, is the
Ovpas, 7rotjj.r)y ecri rcou irpofiaroov. Tovrcp 6 Shepherd of the SHEEP.
door, a shepherd is of the sheep. To him the
Bvpoopos avoiyei' Kai ra irpofiara rrjs (poourjs 3 The DOOR-KEEPER
doorkeeper opens; and the sheep opens to h i m ; and the
the voice
avrov atcovei' Kai ra iSia irpofiara KaXei Kar* SHEEP hear his VOICE ;
of him hears; and the own sheep he calls by and he calls his OWN Sheep
ovofjLa, Kai e^ayti avra. 4
* [ K o u ] brav ra idia by Name, and leads them
name, and he leads out them. [And] when the own
Trpofiara eK^aXrj, efXTrpocrOey avroop iropeverai' 4 When he puts forth *a5
sheep he puts forth, before them he goes; his OWN, f lie goes befon
Kai ra irpofiara avrcp aKoXovdei, on oidaari rrju them, and the SHEEP fo|
and the sheep him I'olLows, becausethey know the low him. Because thej
<p<jovf)V avrov. 6
AXXorptc*} 8e ov fir} aKovXov-know his VOICE.
voice of him. A stranger but not not they may 5 But a Stranger thej
Oyio-Qocriv, aXXa ^ev^ourai air' avrov on OVKwill not follow, but will net
follow, but vrsl] flee from him ; because not from him; Because thej
oifiacri roov aXXorpiwv rr\v ^oourjy. 6 Tavrrjp know not the VOICE oj
they know of the strangers the voice. This STRANGERS."

* VATICAH MANUSCRIPT.—40. And—omit. 41. Jesus. 41. therefore—omit

And—omit. 4. all his own, he goes.
f 4. "We see a flock of perhaps threescore black and white sheep returning from thf
hillside where they have been grazing, orfromthe caves in which they have been sheltered
from the noon-heat. Before them slowly walk3 the shepherd, staff in hand, not once looking
behind him. The flock follows quietly, not scattering nor needing the rod or the angrj
shout. He and they seem to know each, other well, and to have mutual confidence. lie
who wrote the twenty-third Psalm must have known scenes like this; and still more He
who said, " when he putteth forth his own. sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow
Urn, for they know his voice."—H. Bonar.
i 30. John v. 22, 27. See John iiL 17 ; xii. 47. X 39. Matt. xiii. 13. % 40. Rom. ii. 19
i 41. John xv. 22-24.
Chap. 1 0 : 6.] f(Map. 10: 16.
TTJP irapoifxiav encev avrois 6 This PARABLE spoke
6 Irjcrovs' eKeivoi
the parable said to them the to them; hut tben
Jesus; they JESUS
Se OVK eyvcatfav, Tiva rjp, a eXaXe avrois. knew not what things they
but not knew, . what was, which he spoke to them. were which he spoke to
7 EtTTev ovv iraXiv *[at/Tois] 6 Irja'ovs' Afir]v
Said then again [to them] the Jesus; Indeed 7 Then said * Jesus
o,fX7)V Xeyw V/JLIV, on ey<a eifxi 7] dvpa r<$v rtrpo- again, ,( Indeed, I truly say
indeed I say to you, that 1 am the door of the sheep. to you, 5 am the DOOR of
8 the SHEEP.
fiarcav. Tlaures oo'oi t)Xdov rrpo e/xov, KXeirrai
8 f All who came before
All aa many as came before me, thieves
fieri Kai Xrjo'rai' ra me are Thieves and Rob-
aXX* OVK 7)Kovcrav avrcau
are and robbers; but not heard them the bers ; but the SHEEP heard
TrpojBara. 9 E^o* eifxi rj dvpa," 6Y SJAOV eav ris them not.
sheep. I am the door; through me ifanyone 9 X 2E am the DOOB,; if
et<rcA0?7, o'ecdrjo'erat, icai Kai any one come in by me, he
may come in, he shall be saved, and shall come in and shall be saved, and shall
e£eAeu<777Tcu, Kai VOIXT\V evprjcrei. 1 0 e O KXeTrrrjs come in, and go out, and
go out and pasture shall find. The thief find Pasture.
OVK epxercu, e* /X77 Iva KXe\pr)y Kai Ovo~y, Kai 10 The THIEF comes not,
not comes, if not that he may stsal, and may kill, and except that he may steal,
airoXeffri' eyoo rjXOov, iva £oor)v e%a>(n, Kai and kill, and destroy; 5
may destroy; I came, that life they may have, and came, that they may have
irepicro'ov e-^ooo'iv. 1 1 E y « ei/mi OTTOL^V 6 KaXos Life, and may have abun-
abundance may have. 1 am the shepherd the good dance.
S Troifx^v 6 KaXos rrjv tyvxyv avrov ridrjo'ipvirep 11 X & am the GOOD
the shepherd the good the life of himself lays down in behalf SHEPHERD ; fche GO<>D
r<av irpofiarow. 'O IJACTOOOTOS 5e, Kai OVK WV SHEPHERD lays down his
of the sheep. The hireling but, and not being LITE in behalf of the
TTOI/XTJV, 06 OVK eitri ra irpofiara idia, Osaopei SHEEP.
a shepherd, ofwhom not are the sheep own, sees
TOV KVKOU zpxofievov, Kai a<pirjO'i ra Trpofiara, 12 But the HIRED SER-
the wolf coming, and leaves the fihetvp, VANT, notbeingaShephewi,
Kai (pevyer Kai 6 XVKOS apna^Gi avra, &a,i whose own the SHEEP arc
not, Boos the WOLF coming,
and flees; and the wolf seizes them- and
13 { an$ Leaves the SHEEP, and
(FKop7n^ei ra wpofoara. 0 8e /HKTOCOTOL flees; and the WOLF
scatters the sheep. The but hireliajj seizes and scatters * them;
(ptvyei, Sri fiiffOuiTos tern, Kai ov /neXzi avrep
flees, because an hireling he is, and not it concerns him 113 Because he is a Hired
•nepi rccv Trpofiarwv. Servant, and cares not for
about the sheep. the SHEEP.
*Eya> eifxi 5 Troifxriv 6 KaXos' 14 $ am the Kai yivw&Kw
ana the shepherd the good; and know S H E P H E R D ; Jand I know
ro €fia9 Kai yiPcoa'KOfjLai VTTO rcov e^acoj', 15 KaOcos
* M I N E , and MINE know
the mine, and am known by the mine, as me;
yivootfKei JAG 6 Trarr]p, Kayoo yivwCKca TOV 15 even as the FATHER
knows me the father, and J know the knows me, and £ know the
irarzpa' Kai rf\v ipvxyv pov ri9r]iLii vitep rwv FATHER ; X a n d I lay down
father; and the life of me I.lay down in behalf of the my LIFE in behalf of thq
irpoftarcav. Kcu aXXa irpo^ara e x w , " 0UK SHEEP.
sheep. And other sheep I have, which not 16 And Other Sheep 1
eariv €K rr)S avXrjs ravrrjs' KaKeiva fie Set have, which are not of thia
is of the fold thia; also them me itbehoves FOLD ; them also I must

* VATICAN MAWTJSCKIPT.—7. Jesus. 7. to them—omit. 12. t h e m ; Because

he is a Hireling, and. 14. MINE, and MIIVB know m e ; even as.
t 8. Panta, all, may be taken in the sense oipolloi, many; thus, " Many who came before
me," &c. Our Savior cannot here mean Moses and the prophets, who were commissioned to
gpeak in the name of Jehovah; but rather those religious leaders who "shut up the kingdom
of the heavens against men," by taking away the " k e y ol knowledge." See Matt, xxiii. 13;
Xuke xi. 52. Such were the priests, scribes, and Pharisees.
t 9. John xiv. 6; Eph. ii. 18. % 11. Isa. xl. 11; Ezek. xxxiv. 12, 23; xxxvii. 24; Heb
;riii. 20; 1 Pet, ii. 25; v. 4. J 14. 2 Tim. ii. 10. % 15. John xv. 13.
3hap. 10; 17.] joiiN. [&iap. 10: $b.

ayayeiv Kai rrjs (pcovTjs fiov aKovvovari^ /cat lead, and they will heai
to lead; and thevoice of me they will hear, and my VOICE, J and there
yevefferai fiia Troifivrj, els aoifirjv. *' Aia rovro shall be one .Flock, One one flock, one *hepherd. Through this Shepherd.
6 TTtxTTip fie ayaTrq, on eyca TLOTJ/JLL rr\v ^^X 7 ?^ 17 On account of this
the father ine loves, because I lay down the life the FATHER loves ME,
fiov, lva 7raA.ii/ Aa/3a> avrjjv l8ov<5eLs aipei avrrjv X Because I lay down my
L I F E , that I may receive it
of me, that again I may receive her; no one takes her
air* efiov, aXX3 eyco TLOTJ/JLL avrr\v air' efiavrov 18 No one takes it from
from me, but I lay down her of myself;
me, hut ft lay it down of
e^ovcriav e;£&> Qeivai avrrjv, Kai e^ovcriav eyja myself. I have Authority
authority I have to lay down her, and authority I have
to lay it down, and I have
vaXiv Xafieiv avrrjv ravrrjv rr\v evroXrjv eXa- Authority to receive it
again to receive her; this the command I re- again. I This COMMAND-
fiov rrapa rov irarpos fiov. ^ x t ( r i u a *[oux/] MENT I received from my
eeived from the father of me. A division [then] FATHER."
iraXiv eyevero ev u ^ s lovdajoLS 5ta re JS Xoyovs 19 % There was a Divi-
again occurred among the Jews through the words
sion again among the J E W S
TOVTOVS. JLXeyov Se iroXXoi e£ avrcov Aai- because of these WORDS.
these. Said and many of them;
20 And many of them
fioviov e%ei> Kai f^^verai' ri avrov aKOvere; said, % " He has a Demon,
demon he has, and is mad; why him hear you? and is mad, why do you
AXXoi eXeyov T a i r r a ra ^ ^ a r a OVK ecrri hear him ?"
Others said; These the words not are 21 Others said, "These
daifiovi^opcevov fit] daifioviov dvvarai rv<pXwv are not the WORDS of a
of one being demonized; not a demon is able blind Demoniac; can a Demon
o<pdaXfiovs avoiyeiv; open the Eyes of the
eyes to open ? blind?"
Eyevero 5© ra eyKaivia ev rois 'lepoo'oXv- 22 * I t was then the
Occurred now the feast of dedication in the
fioLs, Kai xei/nooi/ rjv Kai rrepieirarei 6 Irjo'ovs
J E R U S A L E M ; it was "Win-
lem, and winter it was; and was walking the Jesus
ter ;
ev rep lepcp, ev rrj croia ^oXofiovos. KKVK- 23 and * Jesus was
in the temple, in the porch of Solomon. Sur- walking in the TEMPLE,
Xaxrav ovv avrov ol IouSaiot, Kat sXeyov avrcp' $ i n SOLOMON'S PORTICO.
rounded therefore him the Jews, and said to him;
24 The J E W S , therefore,
'Ecos 7ror6 rrjv tyvxw rjpicov aipeis;
Et <rv ei 6 surrounded him, and said
Till when the life of usdostthoutake? If thou art the to him, "How long dost
XptffTos, ei7re ijfiiv rrapprjo'ia. 2 5 AireitpiOr) avrois thou hold us in suspense ?
Anointed, tell us
plainly. Answered them If'tftou art the MESSIAH,
5 IrjcrovS' EtTiw VJJLLV, Kai ov Trio'revere. Ta tell us plainly."
the Jesus; I told you, and not you believe. The
25 JESUS answered them,
epya, a eyca TTOICO ev rep ovojxari rov irarpos fiov, " I told you, and you did
Works, which I do in the name of the father of me, not believe ; the WORKS
T a u r a fiaprvpei rrepi efiov. 26 AAA' vfieis ov TTIO- which I do in my FATHER'S
) these testily concerning me. But you not be- NAME, tfjeg testify of me.
revere' ov yap eo're €K rcav irpofiaroov rcav eficcv. 26 i But gou believe not,
lieve; not for you are of the sheep the mine. because you are not of MY
*[Ka0cos etirov v/xiv,~\ ? r a irpofiara ra e^a SHEEP.
As I said to you,] the sheep the mine
27 M Y SHEEP hear p f
T7)S (pcavrjs pLov aKovei, Kayoo yivcoo'Koo avra, Kai 'VOICE, and ft know theia 9
the voice of me hears, and I know them, and
and they follow m e ;
aKoXovdovo'i fxoi' ^ Kayca fer)v aitaviov diScofii
they follow me; and! life28 and 31 give them aio-
an give
avrois, Kai ov fir) arroXcavrai eis rov aicova, Kai nian Life; X d they shall
to them, and not not they will perish iBto the age, and
by no means perish ta the

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—19. then—omit. 22. I t was then t h e FEAST OP BEDI-

CATioif at JERUSALEM ; i t was Winter. 23. Jesus. 26. As I said to you—omit.
1 16. Ezek. xxxvii. 22; Eph. ii. 14. J 17- Isa. liii. 7, 8,12; Heb. ii. 9. % 18. John.
ri. 38; xv. 10; Acts ii. 24, 32. f 19. John vii. 43: ix. 16. % 20. John vii. 20; viii. 48, 52.
% 23. Acts iii. 11; v. 12. X 26. John. viii. 47; 1 John iv. 6. $ 28. John vi. 37 ; xvii. l l , 12
&iap. 10 •. 29.] JOMKT. i&iap.lO: 40.

&vx aprrao'ei ris avra ^ ' O AGE, and no one shall wrest
eic rrjs *%eipos fiov.
not wi.l wrest any one them out of the The them out of my HAND.
hand of me.
39 X My FATHER, who
irarrjp fiov, 6s SeSw/ce fioi, fieifav iravroov eo'rr
father of me, who has given to ine, greater of all is;
has given them to me, is
greater than all; and no
/ecu ovfteis Svuarai aprra^eiv e/c rrjs -^eipos one is able to wrest them
and no one is able to wrest out of the hand out of * the FATHER'S
30 HAND.
rov rrarpos /tow "" eyoo Kai o Trarrjp ev ecr/tiev. 30 % 3E and the EATHEB
o ftho father ofme; I and the father one are.
81 are One."
Efiacrrao'av ovv rraXiv XiQovs oi lovSaioi, iva
31 Then the J E W S took
Took up then again stones the Jews, that
32 up Stones again, that they
Xidacrcoaiv avrov. ATreKpiOrj avrois 6 Irjcovs' might stone him.
they might stone him. Answered them the Jesus j 32 J E S U S said to them,
TToAAa KaXa epya edei^a vfiiv e/c rou irarpos "Many *good Works did
Many good works I showed you from the father I show you from * the LA-
flow Sict TTOIOV avrcov epyov Xida^ere fie; THEE ; on account of
of me; because of which of them work do you stone me? which of these "Works do
ATT eKpiQrjo'av avrca ol lovdaioi "^[AeyovTes*] you stone * Me ?"
33 The JEWS answered
Answered him the Jews [saying;^]
him, " We do not stone
Uept KaXov epyov ov XiQa^opiev o"e, aAAa thee for a Good Work, but
Concerning a good work not we stone thee, but for- Blasphemy; and Be-
irepi fiXao'cpTjfiiaS) Kai on o~v, avdpooTros cov, cause tf) oil, being a Man t
concerning blasphemy, and that thou, a man being, makest thyself God."
itoieis, ffeavrov Beov. 34
ATreKpiOrj avrois 6 34 * Jesus answered
makest thyself a god. Answered them the them, % " I s it not written
in your LAW, ' I said, You
lrja'ovs' OVK ecrri yeypcLfifievov ev rep j/oficv are Gods?'
Jesus. Not ia it having been written in the law 35 If he called them
vfieov *' Eyco enra, Oeoi ecrre;^ Ei eKeivovs Gods, to whom the WORD
of you: "I said, goda you are?" If them of GOD came, and the
enre Oeovs, irpos ous 6 Xoyos rov 6eov eyevero, SCRIPTURE cannot be bro-
he called gods. to whom the word of the God came,
3C 36 of Mm whom the F A -
tcai ov duvarai XvOrjvai rj ypacprj' ov 6 Trarrjp THEE, set apart and sent
i ad n o t is ible tone broken the writing; whom the father into the WORLD, do gott
s J
fjyiaare, Kai anecrreiXev eis rov Koo-juovt vfieis say, Thou blasphemest ;
•„et apart, and sent into t h e world, yoa Because I said, ' l a m a
Aeyere' ' O r : /3Xao'(f)Tj/iieis, on enrov, vios rov Son of GOD ?'
§ay That thou blasphemest, because Isaid, a son of the 37 If I do not the WOEKS
3 of my FATHER, believe me
Q^ov etfit ; ' E< ov TTOICO ra epya rov
irarpos not."
tiod lam? (f not I do the works of the
father 38 But if I do, and if
iiov, fiT] TTiG'revere fioi, ^ E( 8e TTOIOO, icav efxoi you believe not me, believe
of me, not you believe me. If but I do, and if me the WORKS, so that you
may know and * believe,
p.rj 7TL0'revr)re) rois epyois TTLcfrevcrare' iva J That the FATHER is in
r>ot you believe, the works believe you; that me, and *3£ am in the
yvcore Kai Trtcrrevo-rjTe, on ev e/aoL 6 Trarrjp, F A T H E R . "
you may know and you may believe, that in me the father, 39 Therefore, they were
Kayot tv avrco, '6->'E^rjrovv ovv rraXiv avrov seeking again to seize
and l in e They sought therefore again him Him; but he went forth,
rciaaai' Kai e^rjXOev e/c r%js %eipos avrojv. out of their HAND.
to*eize; and he-went forth out of the hand of them. 40 And he went away
Kai arrrjXde iraXiv Txepav rov Iopdavovs eis rov again beyond the JORDAN,
And he went again beyond the Jordan. to t h e into the PLACE where

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 9 - t h e F A T H E R ' S HAND. 32. g o o d W o r k s . 82 the

JCATHEB 82. M e . 33. saying—omii. 34. J e s u s . 38, u n d e r s t a n d , T h a t .
88. S a m i n t h e F A T H E R .
t 29. J o h n x i v . 28. t 30 J o h n xvii. U , % 8*. P s a . Jxxxil 6. §8. Johx
Ssiv.10, l i s xviL 21.
(Mp. 10: 41.] JOHN. [&iap. 11: ID.
foiroify 6TTOV 7)V \(aavvf]s ro irpoorov John was immersing at the
place where was John the first MUST ; and he abode there*
Kai €fji€Ll/eU 6K€l. K a i TToXXoi T]X6oV TTpOS 41 And many came to
and he abode there. And many came him, and said, " John, in-
avrov, Kai eXzyov ' O T * Icoavv7]S ixev crjfxeiov deed, performed no Sign-,
him, and said; That John indeed a sign Jbut Whatever John said
eiroifjcrev ovdev iravrvL §e oo'a eiirev looavvrjs concerning htm was true."
did not one; all but what things said John 42 And many believed
irepi rovrov, aXrjdT] 7}V. 4 2 K a i eirio'revcrav into him there,
concerning this, true was. And believed
many there into him. 1 Now there was a cer-
KE<f>. ia'. 1 1 . tain sick man, Lazarus ot
Bethany, from the VIL-
H f 8e ris acrQevwv, Aa^apos, airo ByOavias, LAGE of jMary, and Mar-
Was and a certain sick one, Lazarus, from Bethany, tha, her SISTER.
€K T7]s Koofxrjs Mapias icai Mapdas rrjs adeX(pr}s 2 ( J i t was THAT Mary
Stttofthe village of Mary and Martha the sister Who ANOINTED t h e LORD,
avrrjs. 2
(Hz/ Se Mapta rj aXei^/acra rov Kvpiov and wiped his FEET with
of her. ("Was and Mary the having anointedthe lord her HAIR, whose BROTHEB
fxvpep, Kai ^Kjxa^ao'a rovs rais Lazarus was sick.)
irodas avrov
with balsam, and wiped the feet of him with the 3 The SISTERS, there-
6pi£iv avrrjs- TJS 6 aheXcpos Aa(apos rjcrde- fore, sent to him, saying,
hairs of herself; of whom the brother Lazarus was "Lord, behold, he whom
vai.) 3 Aire<rreiXav ovv at adeX(pai irpos avrov, thou lovest is sick."
sick.) Sent therefore the sisters to him, 4 But JESUS, having
Xeyov&ar Kvpie, ib*e, ov (piXeis, acOevei. heard, said, "This SICK-
saying; Olord, lo, whom thoalovest, is sick. NESS is not to Death, £ but
AKOvo~as Se 6 Irjctovs enrsv Avrt] 7] ao'Oeveia for the GLORY of GOD, I hat
Having heard and the Jesus said. This the sickness the SON of GOD may be
OVK eo'ri ivpos Oavarov, aXX! virep rr)S dotys glorified by it."
not is to death, but on account of the glory 5 Now JESUS loved
rov 0eov, iva dofaaOy 6 vlosrov deov oV avrqs. MARTHA, and her SISTER,
ot the God, ihatmaybeglorifiedthe son of the God through her. and LAZARUS.
H7a7ra 8e 6 Irjaovs ry\v Mapdav, Kai rr\v 6 When, therefore, he
Loved now the Jesus the Martha, and the heard That he was sick,
a§zX<pK)V avr-qs, Kai rov Aa^apov. 'CLs ovv then, indeed, £ he abode in
sister of her, and the Lazarus. 'When then the Place where he was
riKovffev, on acOevei, rore u^v €/xetz/ev ev 'cp Two Days.
he heard, that he was sick, then indeed he abode in which 7 Then, after this, he
7]V roircp 5uo 7/jUepas. ^ JLireira [xera rovro says to the DISCIPLES,
he was place two days. Then after this " Let us go into J U D E A
Xeyei rots fxaOr^rais' Ayoofxev eis rr\v lovfiaiav again."
hesays to the discip'es; Let us go into the Judea 8 The DISCIPLES say to
iraXiv. Aeyovaiv 'Pa/3/3f, him, "Babbi, % the J E W S
avrca' ol /xadrjrar
again. Say to him the disciples; Rabbi, recently sought to stone
vvv eQqTovv <re XiOacrat ol lovdaioi, Kai iraXw thee ; and art thou going
now sought thee to stone the Jews, and again there again?"
VTrayeis CKCL ; 9 AireKpiOr] lr]0~ovs' Oir^t SwSe/ca 9 Jesus answered, " Are
goestthou there? Answered Jesus; Not twelve there not Twelve Hours
zicriv wpai TTJS T}fxepas ; eav ris irepiirary ev ry of the DAY? J If any one
are hours ot the day? if any one may walk in the walk in the DAY, he stum-
7]/j.epa, ov irpocrKOirr6i, on ro (poos rov KQfffiov the bles not, Because he sees
LIGHT of this WORLD.
day, not he stumbles, because the light of the world
10 10 But if any one walk
rovrov /3Ae7rer eav 5e ris rrepnrary ev rr) in the NIGHT, he stumbles,
this he sees? if but any one may walk in the
yVKTl, TTpOffKOTTTet, Oil TO </>C0 9 OVK €CriV €V Because the LIGHT is not
night, ha stumbles, because the light not is in in him/'

% 41 John iii. SO. t t- Luke x. 88, 89. J 2. Matt. xxvi. 7; Mark *iv. 3; John
xH. S. t 4, John ix. 8 ; ver. 40. J 6. Joan x. 40. J 8. John x. SI
\ 9. John is. 4
6hap. i l : 11.1 JOHM. fdhap. 11: U.
avrcp. xl
Tavra e«re* 11 These things he said;
Kai fiera TOVTO Xeyei
him. These things he said; and after tfjts he says to
and after this he says
avrois' Aa^apos 6 <piXos Tjfxccv KeKOi/ULrjTai'them, X " Lazarus, oui
FRIEND, has fallen asleep j
to them; Lazarus the friend of us is fallen asleep;
but I am going, that I.may
aXXa wopevofiai, iva e^virvio'co avrov, ^ ELTTOV awake him."
but I gOj that I may awake him. Said
ovv oi fj.a6r}rai avrov Kvpie,
ei KeKoi/ULTjTai,therefore, said to him,
then the disciples of him; Olord, if he is fallen asleep, " Lord, if he has fallen
(TcodrjcreraL. Eipy)Kei Se 6 Irjcrovs irepi TOV asleep, he will recover."
ke shall be saved. Had spoken but the Jesus about the 13 But JESUS had spo-
Qavarov avrov eKeivoi Be edo^av, OTL irepi TTJS ken concerning his D E A T H ;
death of him; they but thought, that concerning the b u t t o n thought That he
KOLfifjo'ecas TOV inrvov Xeyei. T o r e ovv eiirev was speaking of the REPOSE
repose of the sleep he speaks. Then therefore said of SLEEP.
avrois 6 Irjcrovs Trapprjaia* Aa(apos awedave'
14 Then, therefore, J E -
to them the Jesus plainly; SUS said plainly, "Laza-
L izarus died;
15 ai f>
Kai x P°° ^ v/uiaSy iva v'LO'revo'7]Te, OTL OVK rus is dead;
and I rejoice because of you, that you may believe, that n o t 15 and I rejoice, on your
rjfxrjV e/cer aXX' ayojjmey irpos avrov. Enrev account, That I was not
I was there; but we may go to him. Said there, so that you may be-
ovv ®(*>, 6 Xeyojmevos ALGVJULOS, TO',S a'vixjxaSr]- lieve ; but let us go to him."
th6d Thomas, that being called a twin, t o the fellow-disci- 16 Then THAT Thomas,
TaLS' Aycojxev Kai rj/xeiSy Iva a7rodavcofxev fxer3 who 58 CALLED Didymus,
pies; May go also we, that we may die with said to the FELLOW-DISCI-
avrov. ~EX6a)V ovv 6 Irjo'ovs evpev avrov recr- PLES, " Let U8 also go, that
him. Coming therefore the Jesus found him four we may die with him."
o~apas 7]/nepas 770*77 exovTa €v rep fLvrip.eiC}). 1 8 Uv 17 J E S U S , therefore,
days alreadyhavingb^^nin the tomb. Was coming, found that he had
been already Four Days in
l)e 7) BrjOavia eyyvs T<av 'lepocoXvficov, cos euro the TOMB.
now the Bethany near the Jerusalem, about from 18 Now BETHANY was
CTpahioov heKairevTe. near JERUSALEM, about
furlongs fifteen. fifteen Furlongs distant.
Kat TTOXXOL 6K TCCV lovdaicov eXrjXvOeLo-av 19 And many of the
And many of the Jew* had come J E W S had come to those
with Martha and Mary,
ivpos ras rrepi MapOav Kai MapLav, iva irapaixv- that they might console
to those about Martha . and Mary, that they might
them concerning their BRO-
07]O~(t)VTai avTas irepi TOV adeX(f)ov avroov. w f HTHER.
comfort them concerning the brother of them. The 20 MARTHA, therefore,
ovv Mapda cos rjKovo'ev, OTL Irjo'ovs epx^Tai, when she heard That * Je-
then. Martha when sin heard, that Jesus was coming, sus was coming, went ho
vicr\VT'r\ffiV avrcp' Ma/na 8e ev TCO oLKtp eKade- meet him; but Mary was
met hinr.; Mary but ia the house was sft- sitting in the HOUSE.
^eTo. 21
Enrev ovv 7) Mapda irpos TOV Irjcrovv 21 Then MARTHA
ting. Said then the Martha io to * Jesus, " Lord, ?.f thou
the JCSUB;
hadst been here, my BRO-
Kvpie, €i 7}S code, 6 dSeXcpos /JLOV OVK av THER would not have died.
Olord, if thou hadst been here, the brother of me not would
22 * And even now I
ereOvrjKeL' ^ aAAa xai wv oida, 6TL ocra know, J That whatever
have died; Bat and now I know, that whatever things things thou wilt ask of
av aLT7)0~r) TOV deov, dcocfeicroi 6 6eos. ^ AeyeiGOD, GOD will give thee."
thou mayest ask the God, will give to theeths .God. Says 23 J E S U S said to herj
avTy 6 Irjcrovs' AvacTTrjcreTaL 6 etdeXcpos o'ov. "Thy BROTHER will rise
to her the Jesus; "Will riac again the brother of thee. again."
24 24 * M A R T H A said to
Ae7€t avrcp Mapda* Oi5a, STI avacrrtjO'eTaL,
Says to him Martha; I know, that he will rise again, him, % " I know that he will

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. The B I S C I P L E S , therefore, said t o h i m . 20. J e s u e ,

21. J e s u s . 22. A n d . 24. M A R T H A .
t 11. D e u t . xxxi. 16; D a n . x i i . 2 ; M a t t . ix. 24; A c t s vii. 6 0 ; 1 Ccv. x \ 18,51. $ 22. J o h n
U.KL X 34- L u k e x i v . 14i JUIAU «• 2$.
Chap. 1 1 : 25.] J O H N . [CRqp. 1 1 : 3S.

ey T?7 avacrrao'ei sv rr) ecrxctrr} rifiepct. ** Enrey rise again, in the

in the resurrection in the last R E C T I O N ^ the LAST day."
day. Said
cu/TT? 6 Irjorovs' Eye*) eifxi r) avao'racris icai r\ 25 JESUS said to her, " I
to her the Jesus; I am the resurrection and the
and % the L I E E ; H E B E -
£an]* 6 7ri(rTei;ooj/ eis e ^ e , Kav aivoQavy, Qr\a,€Tar LIEVING into me, even
life; he believing into me, even if he may die, he shall live;
26 though he die, shall live;
KCU iras 6 ^oov KOLI Tucrrevwv eis efxe, ov jxy\ 26 and no one LIVING
and all the living and believing into me, not not
and believing into me, shall
^rroOavy eis rov atccva. Micrreveis TOVTO / die to the AGE. Dost thou
may die into the age. Believest thou this? believe this ?"
' AeyeL avream Ncu, Kvpie' eyco ireir LcrrevKa, 6rt 27 She says to him, "Yes,
She says t o h i n i ; Yes, Olord; I have believed, that Lord, % I have believed that
0~V €L 6 X p i C T O S , 6 VLOS TOV 6eOV, 6 CIS TOV KO<T- tfiou art the M E S S I A H ,
thouartthe Anointed, the son of the God, he into the world
fxov epxo/xevos. Kou ravra eLirovtra,
airyXde, into the WORLD."
coming. And these things saying, ahe went,
28 And saying these
Kai €(po)V7]cre Mapiav ry\v aheX(p7]V avrrjs XaOpa,things, she went and called
and called Mary the sister ofher privately,
Mary, her SISTER, pri-
enrovaa' c O SifiacTKaXos iraptcrri, Kai cpccvei ce. vately, saying, " T h e TEA-
saying j The teacher is present, and calls thee.
29 KaL e CHES is come, and calls
~EK€LI/71 COS 7]Kovo~6V, eyeiperai raxv, PX e "thee."
She when she heard, rises up quickly, and comes
30 29 *And ghe, when she
rai irpos avrov. (OL»7TW <5e eXyXvOei 6 Irf- heard, rose up quickly, and
to hiin. (Not yet now had come the Je- came to him.
o-ovs eis rr}V K0)fjL7]V aX?C r\v ev rco roirco, OTTOV 30 Now J E S U S had not
sus into the village; but was in the place, where yet come into the VIL-
vTrr\vrr\o~ev CLVTO) 7] Mapda.) O i ovv lovfiaioi, LAGE, but was *still in the
met him the Martha.) Thetherefore Jews, PLACE where Martha met
oi ovros /xei"' avrrjs ev ry oiKia KCU ivapafxvQov- him.
those being with her in the house and were coinfort- 31 THOSE J E W S , there-
fxevoi avryjv, iSovres rrjv Mapiav, Ta%eo)S fore, who WERE with her
ing her, seeing the Mary, that quickly in the HOUSE, and were
consoling her, seeing MA-
avearr} KGLL e%7)X8ev, TjKoXovdrjcrav avry, Keyov- RY, That she rose up sud-
she rose up and went out, followed her, saying; denly and went out, fol-
res' C O T I virayei eis T O [ivrHieiov, Iva KXavay lowed her, * saying, " She
Tliat sh.e goes into the tomb, that she may weep is going to the TOMB, that
€K6t. 3 2 ' H ovv Mapia ws 7)X6ev OTTOV rjv 6 ly- she may weep there."
there, The therefore Mary when came where was the Je- 32 MARY, therefore, when
crovs, ifiovo'a avrov, eireaev avrov eis rovs she came where * Jesus
sus, seeing him, she fell of him to the was, seeing him, fell at his
irodas, Xeyovca avry Kvpie, ei 77s wSe, EEET, saying to him, "Lord,
feet, saying to him; Olord, if thouhadstbeen here, if thou hadst been here,
My BROTHER would not
OVK av arreOave jxov 6 aBeX<pos. ^ Ir)(rovs ovv have died."
not would have died of me the brother. Jesus therefore
33 When Jesus, there-
ccs eiftev avrrjv KXaiov&av, KOU rovs avveXOov- fore, saw her weeping, and
whenhesaw her weeping, and those having come the JEWS having come with
ras avry lovhaiovs KXaiovras, evefSpt/xrjcraro rep her weeping, he was greatly
with her Jews weeping, he was agitated in the agitated in his SPIRIT, and
irvev/jLari, KaL erapa^ev eavrov, enrc affected,
spirit, and troubled himself, said; 34 and said, "Where
Tlov redeiKare avrov; Aeyovcriv avrcp' Kvpie, have you laid him ?" They
Where have you laid him? They say to him; Olord, say to him, " Lord, come

epxov, Kat i(5e.

'Edaapvo'ev 6 lrjcrovs. and s e e "
come, and Wept the Jesus. 35 :}: JESUS wept.

* YATICAN MAN use K IF T.—29. Andtfhe, when she heard, rose up. 30. still in the
•PJLACB. 31. thinking. 32. Jesus.
I 25. John v. 21; vi. 89, 40, 44. J 25. John i. 4 : vi. 55: xiv. t ; Col. iii. 4; 1 John i.
1,2; v . n . t27- Matt. xvi. 16; John i. 49; iv. 42; vi. 14,69. % 35. L u k e x i x . i t '
Chap. 11: 36.] JOHN. [Chap. 1 1 : 47.
se EXeyov ovv oi lovHaioi* I5e, rroos e<piXei avrov. 86 The JEWS, therefore,
Said then the Jews; said, "Behold, how he
See, horr he loved him.
^ Tives Be e£ avroov eiirov OVK r)Bvvaro ovros, loved hirn!"
Some but of them said; Not was able this, 37 But some of them
6 avoi^as rovs o(p0aXjj,ovs rov rvcpXov iroirjo'ai, said, " Could notfir,who
hehaTingopenedthe eyes of the blind t9 have caused, OPENED the EYES of $ the
BLIND man, have even pre-
ha KM ovros fir} airodrjV]) ; ^ Irjo'ovs ovv iraXiv
that even this not should die? Jesus therefore vented this man's death ?' ;
3 8 ' J E S U S , therefore, again
efifipificofievos ev eavrcp, epyjerai eis ro fivr}- being agitated within him-
being agitated in himself, comes to the tomb.
self, comes to the TOMB.
fieiov. Hv Be critr}Xaiov', Kai XiOos eireiceiro €7r' Now it was a Cave, and a
It was now a cave, and a stone was lying on Stone was lying upon it.
avrcp. 3 9 Aeyei 6 Irjo'ovs' Apare rov XiOov. 39 JESUS said, "Take
it. Says the Jesus; Take away the stone. away the STONE." Martha,
Aeyei avrcp y) aBeXcprj rov redvrjKoros, Mapdcc the SISTER of H I M who
Says to him the sister of the having died, Martha; *had died, says to him,
Kvpie, r)Br) o£er rerapraios yap ecrn. Aeyei "Lord, he smells now; for
O lord, now liesmells; fourth day for it is. Says it is the fourth day."
avry 6 Irjo'ovs' OVK eiirov o'oi, on eav irio'rev- 40 J E S U S says to her,
to her tha Jesus; Not I said to thee, that if thou wouldst ;'Did I not tell thee, That
0"T)S, 0\p€L T7JV Bo£aV TOV 060V ; 4 l HpaV OVV if thou wouldst believe,
believe, thou shalt see the glory of the God? They took away then thou shalt J see the GLORY
TOV XiOov. CO Be Irjcrovs rjpe rovs ocpdaXfiovs of GOD ?"
the stone. The but Jesus lifted up the eyes 41 Then they took away
avoo, Kai eiire' Uarep, evxapiarco o'oi, on the STONE. And J E S U S
above, and said; O father, I give thanks to thee, that lifted his EYES above, and
4<2 said, "Father, 1 give thanks
ijKovcras fiov. 'Ey(a Be rjBeiv, oniravrore fiov to thee That thou didst
thou didst hear me. I and knew, that always me
hear me.
aKoveis' aXXa Bia rov oxXov rov irepieo'rcara 42 And 3E knew That thou
thou hearest; but on account of the crowd that standing-by hearest Me always; J but
eiirov, iva iricfrevo'ooo'iv, on o'v fie aTfecreiXas. on account of THAT CROWD
I spoke, so that they may believe, that thou me hast sent. STANDING BY I Spoke, SO
Kai ravra eKpavyacre. that they may believe That
eirrcav, (pcovy fieyaXrj
And these tilings saying, with a voice loud he cried out. tftrju didst send Me."
43 And having said these
Aa£ape, Bevpo e£a>. ^ E£r)X6ev 6 reOvrjKcos, words, he cried out with a
O Lazarus, out. Came out he having been dead, loud Voice, "Lazarus, come
BeBe/xevos rovs iroBas Kai ras xeiPas Keipiais, forth!"
having been bound the feet and the hands with bandages, 44 H E who that been
Kai 7} oij;is avrov o'ovBapicp irepieBeBero. Aeyei DEAD came forth, having
and the face of Mm with a napkin bound about. Says his HANDS and FEET bound
avrois 6 Irjo'ovs' Avcrare Kai acpere uira- with Bandages, and J his
to them the Jesus; Loose you Mm, and allow to :FACE bound about with a
45 Napkin. * Jesus says to
yeiv. UoXXoi ovv eK rcav lovdaicov, oi them, " Loose him, and let
go. Many therefore of the Jews, those him go."
eXQovres irpos rr}V Mapiav, Kai Oeaorafievoi a. 45 MANY, therefore, of
having come to the Mary, and having gazed upon what the J E W S who CAME to
erroirjcrev, eiricrrevcrav eis avrov. Tives Be MARY, J and beheld * that
he did, believed into him. Some but whichhehad done, believed
e£ avroov airrjXdov irpos rovs Qapicraiovs, Kai into him.
of them went to the Pharisees, and 46 But some of them
went to the P H A R I S E E S ,
enrev avrois a eiroirjaev 6 Irjo'ovs. and told them what things
told them what did the Jesus. JESUS did.
^vvrjyayov ovv oi a p x i e P e i S KaL
°'L 3»ap*- 47 Then the HIGH^
Assembled then the high-priests and" the Phari-
— • PRIESTS and the FHARI-

* VATICAN MAJJUSCBIPT,- had died, says. 44. Jesus. 45. that which he
had done, believed.
X 37. John ix. 6. t 40. ver. 4, 23. X 42. John xh. 30. X 44. John i i . 7
t 45. John ii. U', x. 42 ; xii. M, 18.
dhap. 1 1 : -48.] J O H N . C ^ O P - 1 1 : 56.

traioi (rwetipiov, tcai eXzyov Ti iroiov[xev; on S E E S convened t h e Sanhe-

sees a high council, and said; "What are we doing? because drim, and said, X " What
OVTOS 5 avOpamos iroXXa Ecu> a<p- are w e doing? Because
(r7]ixeia iroiei. 48

this the man many If we This MAN performs Many

signs does.
»//,€*> avrov ovrco, irai/rts TvicTr^vcovcnv sis avrov Signs.
allow him thus, all will believe into hiui; 48 I f we suffer him t h u s ,
KCLI eXevcrovrai ol Voofiaioi, KCLI apovcriv TjfMcov KCU all "will believe into iiini;
and will come the Romans, and will take away of us both a n d t h e R O M A N S will come
rov TOTTOV KCU ro edvos. 49
E l s Se ris avrwv,
and t a k e away b o t h our
PLACE and N A T I O N . "
the place and the nation. One anda certain of them
49 And a certain one of
KaicKpas, a p x t 6 P e u s °}V r o v
eviavrov eiceivov, them, % Caiaphas, f being
Caiaphas, high-priest being of the year that,
50 High-priest t h a t YEAR, said
enrez/ avrois- 'Tfxets OVK o i S a r e ovdev. Ovde
to them, " g o U know noth-
said t o them; You not know nothing. Neither
ing •
8 i a A . o y t £ W 0 € , OTL cvfKpepeL TJ/JLLV, Iva els avdpco- 50 J neither do you con-
do you consider, that it is better for us, that one man sider T h a t i t is expedient
i r o s airoQavr) virep rov Xaov, KCCL JJLT} bXov ro for u s t h a t One Man should
should die in behalf of the people, and not whole the die i n b e h a l f of t h e P E O -
tOvos airoXyrai. 51
T O U T O Se aft kavrov OVK P L E , t h a n t h a t t h e Whole
nation should perish. This but from himself not N A T I O N should p e r i s h . "
51 B u t h e said this not
eiirw a A A a apx^pevs cov rov evi^vrov exeivov,
he said, but high-priest being of the year that,
from himself; b u t being
High-priest t h a t YEAR, he
TTpoe^Yirevcei/, on eficXXey lycrovs
a.iroOvrjo'Keiv predicted T h a t Jesus was
he prophesied, that was about Jesus to die about t o die i n behalf of
virzp rov edvovs' /cat ov% virep rov eOvovs t h e N A T I O N ;
in behalf of the nation; and not in behalf of the nation 52 a n d n o t only i n be-
fiovov, aXX3 Iva KCLI ra reicva rov deov ra half of t h e N A T I O N , X b u t
alone, but that also t h e children of the God those t h a t h e should also assem-
ble i n t o one, T H O S E C H I L D -
fileo-K.op'Tno'fAsva o"vvayayrj eis ev.
R E N of G O D who have been
hiving been scattered he should gather into one.
Kit' €K€LVT]S OVV T7]S T)fXtpCLS ffVVzfiovXsV- 53 Therefore from That,
From that therefore the day they took counsel DAY, * t h e y took coun-
tfavro, Iva airoKreivoocnv avrov. Irja'ovs ovv sel t h a t they might kill
together, that they might kill him. Jesus therefore him.
ovKeri ivappf]a'ia TrepLeirarei ev rots lovdaiois, 54 * J E S U S , J therefore,
no longer publicly walked among the Jews, walked n o longer publicly
among t h e J E W S , b u t w e n t
a / \ A a airrjXdev eKeiOev eis rr\v yjapav eyyvs rr\s away thence into the
but went away thence into the country near the
COUNTRY n e a r t h e D E S E R T ,
eprj/mov, €is JZcppaL/jL Xeyo/JievTjv TTOXLV KUKZI into a City called f Eph-
desert, into Ephraim being called a city; and there raim, a n d there * abode
fiierpifte fxera rccv fxaQ-qroov avrov. Hv Se with t h e D I S C I P L E S .
remained with the disciples of himself. Was and 55 % A n d t h e P A S S O V E R
eyyvs ro itacfxa roov lovdaioov Kai avefirjo'ajs of t h e J E W S was n e a r ; and
near the passover of the Jews; and went up many went u p to Jerusalem
TTOXXOI eis 'lepoo'oXvfjLa, €K rqs x c o p a s Tvpo rov out of t h e COUNTRY, before
many into Jerusalem out of the country before the the PASSOVER, t h a t they
66 might purify themselves.
7 r c « r x a , Iva ayvi(yo>o'iv kavrovs. "E^rjrovv ovv
passover, that they might purify themselves. They sought then 56 T h e n t h e v sought for

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—53. they took counsel. 54. J E S U S . 54. abode with

t 49. By the law of Moses, Exod. xl. 15, the office of high-priest was for life, and the son
of Aaron's race always succeeded his father. But at this time the high-priesthood was al-
most annual; the Romans and Herod put down and raised up whom they pleased, and ivhen
they pleased, without alluding to any other rule than merely that the person put in this
office should be of the sacerdotal race. Caiaphas held this office eight or nine years.—Clarke.
t 54. A little village in the neighborhood of Bethel. Eusebius and Jerome say i t was abeut
twenty miles north ot Jerusalem.
X 4,7. John xii. 19; Acts iv. 16. t 49. Luke iii. S; John xviii. 14; Acts w. 6. £ BO.
John xviii. 14. X 5'2. Isa. xlix. 6; John x- 16. Eph. i. 10 ; ii. 14—17. + 54- John r*» ]«
3; viii. 1. % S6. John ii. 1S| v. 1; vi. 4.
Chap. 11: St.] JOHN. [Chap. 12: 9.
roj> Irjcrou^, Kai eAeyoy fxer JESUS, and said to one
aAArjAcov ev rq>
the Jesus, and said with each other in the another, standing in the
UpCf) £(TT7}K0T€S' T i doKGl VJJUV ; OTl OV fJLT) TEMPLE, " What think
temple standing; What think you? that not not you ? Will he not eome ta
eAdy as rr\v eoprrjv ; 5 ' AedcoKeio'av §e the FEAST ?"
he may come to the feast ? Had given now 57 Now the HIGH-
* [ / c a t ] oi apx^peis ECU ol $>apio~aioi evroArjv, PRIESTS and the P H A R I -
[both] the high-priestB and the Pharisees a commandment, SEES had given * a Com-
Iva. eav TIS yvco TTOV ecrri, /jLr}vvo"r), OTTCOS mand, that if any one knew
that if anyoneshouldknowwhere he is, he should show, how where he was, he should
iriao'coo'iv avrov* show how they might ap-
they might seize him. prehend him.
KE*. 10. 12. CHAPTER XII.
1 f 1 Then JESUS Six Days
O ovv lyo'ovs Trpo e£ rj/uepcov rov iracrxa before the PASSOVER came
The therefore Jesus before six days the passover to Bethany, J where THAT
i]\8€V eis BrjOaviav, OTTOV rjv Aa(apos * [ 6 red- Lazarus was whom * Jesus
came into Bethany, where was Lazarus [he having raided from the Dead.
V7]K<as^\ 6v rjyeipev e/c veKpcov. ETroirjo'av ovv 2 X They made him,
been dead,] whom he raised out of dead ones. They made therefore therefore, a Supper there,
avrcp denrvov e/cei, Kai i) MapOa dtyKover 6 Se and MARTHA served; but
him a supper there, and the Martha served; the but LAZARUS was one of THOSE
Aa^apos els f]V rcov avaKtijxevoov Cvv avrcp. RECLINING with him.
Lazarus one was of those reclining with him. 8 Then J MARY having
'H ovv Mapta Aafiovo'a Airpav fivpov vapdov taken a Pound of Balsam of
The then Mary having taken a pound of balsam of spikenard genuine Spikenard, very
irio'riK7]S TTOAVTI/AOV, r}Aei\\/e rovs irohas rov costly, anointed the EEET
genuine of great price, anointed the feet of the of * Jesus, and wiped his
Irjffov, Kai e^e/xa^e rais Opi^iv avrr]s rovs irodas EEET with her H A I R ] and
Jesus, and wiped with the hairs of herself the feet the HOUSE was fflled with
avrov 7] §e oiKia zTrATipcodr) e/c rrjs oo'fj.rjs rovthe ODOR of the BALSAM.
of him; the and house was filled with the odor of the 4 *And one of his DISCI-
fivpov. Aeyei ovv eis e/c rcov fJLadrjrcov avrov, PLES, THAT ISCARIOT who
balsam. Says therefore one of the disciples •jfhim, was ABOUT to betray him,
lovdas ^ificovos Icncapicorrjs, avrov says,
6 fxeAAcov
Judas of Simon Iscariot, him 6 " W h y was not This
he being about
irapadiSovai' 5 Aiari rovro ro fivpov OVK eirpaQy) BALSAM sold for Three
to deliver up; Why this the balsam not sold hundred Denarii, and given
rpiaKocnav dyvapieov, Kai edoOr} TTTCOXOIS; GEnre to the Poor?"
three hundred denarii, and given to poor ones? He said 6 Now he said this, not
5e rovro, ovx on irepi rcov TTTOX^V e/aeAev Because he cared for the
HOW this, not hecause about the poor it concerned POOR; but because he was
avrcp, a\?C Sri K\€TTTT}S rjv, Kai ro yAcocrcroKo- a Thief, and J had the BOX,
kim, but because A thief he was, and the box and stole what THINGS
fj.ov e(%€, Kai ra e&ao-ra^ev. were DEPOSITED in it.
he had, and the things being putin he carried off. 7 J E S U S , therefore, stud,
7 Enrev ovv 6 lr)o~ovsm Atyes avrrjv as rrjv * " Suffer her, that she may
Said therefore the Jesus; Let alone her; for the keep it for the DAY of my
TjfMepav rov evra(j)tacrfxov fiov rerrjprjKev avro. EMBALMING.
day of the embalming of me she has kept it. 8 For $ the POOR you
Tovs vru>xovs y&p iravrore kav- have always with your-
e^eTe fittf
The poor for always you have with your- selves ; but Me you have
roov, efie 5e ov Travrore e ^ e r e . 9 Eyvco ovv not always."
selves, me but not always you have. Knew therefore 9 A great Crowd of the
oxAos iroAvs e/c rcov lovSaicov, on e/cet e c r r JEWS, therefore, knew That
a crowd great of the Jews, that there heis; he was there; and they
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—57- Commandments that. 57. both—omit. 1. he
having been dead—omit. 1. Jesus raised. 3. Jesus. 4. And one of his DISCIPLES,
that ISCABIOT who was ABOUT to betray him, gays. 7. Suffer her, that she may keejs
it for the DAT of my EMBALMING.
%l. John xi. 1, 43. X 2. Matt. xxvi. 6; Mark xir. 8. $ S. John xi. 2. t
John xiii. 29. i 8. Matt, x.xvi. 11; Mark xiv 7.
Chap, n s 10.] J O H N . [Cftap. 12 : 20.

KCU rjXOov ov Sta rov ITJCTOVV \LOVOV, a U 1 Iva came, not on account ol
tad they came n o t o s account of t h e Jesus alone, but t h a t J E S U S only, but also that
K<xt rov Aa^apov iScocrij/, bv t]yeipev eic veKpwv, they might see LAZARUS
ilso t h e Lazarus they might see, w h o m h e raised o u t of dead ones. whom he raised from the
Ej3ouA.ev(TavTO §6 ol apx^p^'-s, Iva KUL rov D E A D .
T o o k counsel b u t t h e high-priests, that also the 10 X * And even the
Aa^apov airoKreivoocriv' n on iroXXoi 5Y avrov HIGH-PRIESTS took coun-
Lazarus t h e y m i g h t kill; because m a n y on account of h i m
sel, that they might kill
vivqyov rcov lovfiaioov, KCU eTricrrevov eis rov I17- 11 |Because, on account
w e n t a w a y of t h e Jews, and believed into the Je-
of him, many ol the J E W S
crovv. went away, and believed
12 into J E S U S .
Ty eiravpiov ox^os TTOXVS, 5 eXOcov eis ri\v 12 J T h e NEXT DAY, a
On t h e morrow a crowd great, who having come t o t h e
great Crowd HAVING COMK
eoprrjv, cLKOvoravres, bn epxerai Ir)o~ov$ eis to the TEAST, having heard
feast, having h e a r d t h a t was coming Jesus into
That J E S U S was coming to
'lepoaroXv/xa, 1 3 eXafiov ra j3oua rcov (poiviKcov, Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, t h e y t o o k t h e branches of t h e palm-trees,
13 tjook BRANCHES of
/cat e^yXOov eis VTravrrjcriv avrco, KCU eKpa^ov PALM-TREES, and went out
and went out to a meeting with him, and cried o u t ;
t to meet him, and cried out,
Q,o'avvai evXoyr\jxevos b epxop-evos ev ovofxari t "Hosanna, Blessed is H E
Hosanna, w o r t h y of blessing h e coming in name
who COMES in the Name
xvpiov, b fiacriXevs rov IcrparjX. 1 4 Evpa>v Se 6 of Jehovah, the KING of
of Lord, the king of t h e Israel. Finding and t h e ISRAEL!"
Irio'ovs ovapiovy ettaQitfev eif avro, Kadcos ecrn 14 And J E S U S having
Jesus a y o u n g ass, he sat on it, *3 i t is found a Young ass, sat on
yeypafx/xevov " Mr) cpofiov, Ovyarep ^icov it, as it has been written,
having been w r i t t e n ; "Not fear, O daughter ofSion; 15 J " Fear not, * daugh-
i5ou, b fiacriXevs crov ep%6Tai Kadrjfjievos eiri " t e r of Zion; behold, thy
lo, the king of thee cornea Bitting on " K I N G conies, sitting on
TCCOXOV ovov," Tavra 8e OVK eyvcocrav ol " t h e Colt of an Ass."
a foal of an a s s . " These t h i n g s now n o t knew the 16 Now these things his-
fiadvfrai avrov ro irpcorov aXX* ore edo^acrdrj D I S C I P L E S knew not at
disciples of h i m t h e first; but when was glorified E I R S T J but when J E S U S
b ITJCTOUS, rore efivrjcrO'qo'av, on ravra r\v sir was glorified, % then they
the Jesus, then t h e y remembered, t h a t these things was a b o u t remembered That Thesr
avrcp yeypapifMeva^ ttai ravra eirorqcrav avrcp. things had been written
him having been written, a n d these thing*, they did t o h i m . about him, and they did
^E/xapTupei ovv b o%Xos, b cov juer3 avrov, on these things to Ihn.
Testified t h e n t h e crowd, t h a t being w i t h him, that 17 Then THAT CROWD
rov Aa(apov e<pcovr)o~ev eK rov fivrifjieiov, /catwhich was with him, testi-
the Lazarus h e called o u t of t h e tomb, and fied that he called LAZARUS
rjyeipev avrov eK veKpcov. 1 8 Aia rovro Kai out of the TOMB, and raised
raised h i m o u t of d«ad ones. On account of t h i s also him from the dead.
vTrrjVTTjo'ev avrcp b oxXos, on 7)Kovcrav rovro 18 On this account also
met him the crowd, because t h e y heard this the CROWD met him, Be-
avrov TreiroiTiKevai ro o"f]fxeiov. Ol ovv &api~ cause they heard that he
him t o h ave done the sign. The then P h a r i - had done This SIGH.
craioi enrov irpos eavrovs' ®ecopeire 6ri OVK 19 Therefore the P H A R I -
sees said to themselves; "You see that n o t SEES, said among them-
tocpeXeire ovfiev iSe, 6 KOGfxos oiricrco avrov selves, %'' You see that you
you gaia nothing; see, t h e world after hiin are gaining nothing; be-
aTTTjXOtV. hold, the WORLD is gone
i s g o i n g away. away after him."
20 20 And there were isorae
Hcrav 8e rives 'JZXXrives ex rcov avafiaivov-
Were and some Greeks of those going Greeks of THOSE HAVING
rcov, Iva Trpocncwtqcrcaaiv ev rr\ eoprr). 21
Ot>Tot GONE U P , that they might
up, that t h e y m i g h t worship in the feaat. Those worship during the FEAST.
* VATICAN MANUSCBIPT.—10. But even the HI&H-?BIESTS. 15. DAUGHTER Of Z i o n .

I 10. Luke xvi. SI. 111. John xi. 45. t 12. Matt. xxi. 8; Maik xi. 8; Luke
i 15. Zecjti. ix. 9, 116. John xiv. 3$.
six 35, &c. 113, Psa. cxviii. 25, 26.
X 19. John xi. 47, $8. 1 a). Acts xvii. 4
Cltap. 12; 21.] J O H N . [Giap. 12: 31.

ow irpoo'TjXOov QiXiinrcp, rep airo Br)6(rai$a rr)s 21 These, therefore, came

therefore came t o Philip, that from Bethsaida of theto THAT Philip who was o!
raA.tA.cuas, Kai Tjpcorcvv avrov, Xeyovres' Kvpie, Bethsaida of GALILEE, and
Galilee, a n d were asking him, asked him, saying, " Sir,
saying; O sir,
Oeko/jLev rov Irjaovv iB&v. Epx^rai 22
$iXiir- we wish to see J E S U S . "
we wish the JesuB t o see. Comes Philip, 215 * P H I L I P comes and
TroSf Kai Xeyei rep Aydpey *\_Kai TvaXiv~\ Av- tells A N D E E W ; Andrew
and says t o t h e A n d r e w ; [and again] An- and Philip * come and tell
fipeas Kai <friXnr'jros Xeyovcn rep Irjcrov. 2 3 f O §e J E S U S .
drew and Philip say t o t h e Jesus. The but
23 And JESUS * answers
Irjcrovs cnreKpivaro avrois, Xeyeav EXr\XvQey. i) them, sayaa&a:, I "TheHOUR
Jesus answered thsrn, saying; Has come the
has come that the SON of
ehpa, iva doJ^acrOrj 6 vlos rov avOpeoirov. 2 4 Afxr\v MAN may he glorified.
hour, t h a t m a y b e g l o n f i e d t h e son of t h e man. Indeed
a}xi)v Xeyoo VJJ.LV, eau JAT) 6 KOKKOS rov cirov 24 Indeed, I assure you,
indeed I say t o you, if n o t the grain of t h e w h e a t XIf the 6RAIN Of WHEAT
jreoreov eis rr\v yr)V aTroOavy, avros /xovos /never falling utto the GROUND
falling i n t o t h e ground should die, he alone abides; should not die, it remains
eav 5e airoOavp, TTOXVV Kapirov (pepci. 2 5 'O alone j but if it should die,
if b u t i t m a y die. much. fruit it bears. H e jt hears Much Fruit.
epiXecv rr\v ^vyj]V avrov, airoXeerei avrt]v Kai 25 t Hs LOVING his
loving the life of himself, shall lose her; and L I E E snail lose it, and H E
6 fxierecv rr}v ~^vyj]V abrov ev rep KoeTfxep rovrw, H A T I N G his L I E E in this
he hating the life ot himself i n t h e world this, WORLD shall preserve it to
€Ls £o>?7J/ aiceviov epvXa^ei avrt]V, aionian Life.
into life age-lasting shall keep her. 26 If any one serve me>
Eav €JIXOL HiuKuvr) TLS9 e/xoi aKoXovOeiroo' let hirp follow m e ; J a n d
If me may serve any one, m e l e t h i m follow; where If am, there also shall
Kai OTTOV et/xt eyea, eicei Kai 6 Biaicovos 6 e/jcos MY SERVANT he. If any
and where am 1, t h e r e also t h e servant t h e mine one serve me, him will the
eerrar eav ris e/noi diaKovrj, rifirjcrei avrov 6 FATHER honor.
shall b e ; if anyone me may serve, will serve h i m the
2 27 t Now is my SOUL
Trarrjp. ^ Nvv 7) i^X 7 ? lX0V rerapaKrar Kai ri troubled; and what shall I
father. Now t h e soul of me is troubled; and what
enrea • JJarep, aeacrov fxe CK rrjs evpas say ? Tather, save me from
ravrrjs; this
shall I sayP () father, save m e from the hour this? HOUR? But on this
AAAa dia rovro rjXOov eis rr)v e&pav ravrrjv. account I came to this
Bui on account of t h i s I came to the hour this. HOUR.

^ Tlarep, b*o£ao~ov o~ov ro ovojua. 28 "Father, glorify * Thy

HX6ev ow
O father, glorify of thee t h e name. J Then a Voice
Came then NAME."
<pcav7] e/c rov ovpavov Kai edo^acra, Kaicame from HEAVEN, " I
a voice o u t of t h e heaven; "Both I glorified, a n d both glorified and will
vaXiv 5o|a(TO)." 2 9 r O " * [ o w ] ox^os 6 iefreas glorify again."
again will glorify." The [therefore] crowd t h a t standing 29 T H A T CROWD STAND-
Kai aKovcras, eXeye fipovrrjv yeyovevai. AXXoi ING and hearing, said, " I t
and • hearing, said thunder t o have been. Others was Thunder;" others said,
eXeyov AyyeXos avrea XeXaXr\Kev. 3 0 ATreKpidrj " An Angel has spoken k>
said; A messenger t o b i m has spoken. Answered him."
b Irjerovs Kai enrev Ov St e/xe avry T) (pevvy 30 * Jesus answered and
t h e Jesus and said; N o t on a c c o u n t o f m e t h i s t h e voice
said, "This VOICE has not
yeyovev, aXXa &Y vjxas. 3 1 Nuz/ Kpieris ecrri come on account of me, but
had come, b u t on a c c o u n t of y o u . Nowa judgment is on your account.
7 0v KoeTfxov rovrov vvv 6 ap%tcv rov KOCTJXOV 31 There is now a Judg-
the world this; now t h e ruler of t h e world ment of this WORLD ; J the
rovrov vvv 6 apx^vrov KOO'JJ.OV rovrov eKfiXrj- RULER of this WORLD shall
thi*; n o w t h e ruler of t h e world this will be now be cast out.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—22. PHILIP. 22. and again—omit. 22. come and tell.
23. answers. 28. My NAME. 29. therefore—omit. 30. Jesus.
% 23. John xiii. 32; xvii. 1. J 24. 1 Cor. xv. 36. % 25. Matt. x. 39; xvi. 25j Mark
viii 35: Luke ix. 24; xvii. 33. $ 26. John xiv. 3; xvii. 34; 1 Th.ess.iv 17. $ 17,
Matt. xxvi. 38, 39; Luke xiL SO; John xiii. 21. J 28. Matt. iii. 17. t 51. Jofea xi v
%9. xvi. 11.
(Map. 1 2 : 33.] J O H N . [Cftap. 1 2 : 4.2.

Qr)(T€Tai €£o>. ^ Ka7W cap fyooOtx. €K T ^ S 32 And IE, $ if I be raised

east out. Audi if I should bo lifted up from the 011 high from the EARTH,
777s, iravTas kXKvo'oo irpos e/xavTov. 33
T o i r r o will draw All to myself."
earth, all will draw to myself. This 33 X Now this he said,
Se eXeys, <rt)fAaiva>v iroicp dcwartp rj/JieXXev cnro- signifying by "What Death
but he said, signifying by what death he was about to he was about to die.
QVTJCTKZIV. ^ A-zreKpi67} avTca b oxXos'
e 34 * Then the CROWD
H/xeis answered
die. Answered him the crowd; We
him, J " OTe
heard out of the LAW, That
rjKovcfafiev etc TOV VO/JLOV, on 6 'Xpio'Tos fievei the MESSIAH continues to
heard. out of the law, that the Anointed abides
the AGE; and how sayest
€ts TOV aioova' Kai iroos <Tv Xeyeis^ on 8ei tftott, 'That the SON of MAN
iato the age; and how thou Bay est, thatitbehoves must be raised on high?'
v^cadrjvai TOV vlov TOV avdpooTrov; TIS eo'Tiv Who is This SON of M A N ? "
to be lifted up the son of the man? who is
35 J E S U S , therefore said
ovros 6 vios TOV avOpwrrov ; ^ Enrep ovv avrois to them, % " Yet a Little
this the son of the man? Said then to them
Time the L I G H T is among
h Irjcrovs' ETi [MKpov x?ovov ro ( 00S
P 6V
vpw you. "Walk while you have
the Jesus; Yet a little time the light among you the L I G H T , so that Dark-
€(TTt. nep£7raTetre, hots TO (peas e x ^ e , iva ju.17 ness may not overtake You;
is. Walk you, while the light you have, that not and % H E who WALKS in
ffKOTia vfias KaTaXafiy Kai 6 irepnraTwv €V Ty DARKNESS knows not
darkness you may overtake; and he walking in the where he is going.
(JKOTHg CVK oibe 7rov vrrayei. Eco$ T O (pecs 36 While you have the
darl:ne*c n o t knows where he goes. While the light LIGHT, believe into the
e ^ e r c , 7r«rTet>6T€ eis TO (peas, iva VIOL (pa>Tos LIGHT, that you may be-
you have, believe into the light, that sons of light come Jthe SONS of L I G H T . "
yevrjcrQe. TavTa eXaXrjcrev 6 ITJO-OVS, Kai These things spoke *Jesus,
you may become. These things spoke the Jesus, and and going away he was
aireXOcov eKpvfiy] ar? avTcav. concealed from them.
going away he was hid from them. 37 But though he had
^ TotfavTd 5e avTov C7]fjieia ireTroiyKOTos performed so Many Signs
So many but of him signs having been done in their presence, they did
cfxrrpoo'QiV avTcov OVK eiricTTevop eis avTov ^iva not believe into him;
in presence of them not they did believeinto him; that
38 that the WORD of
b Xoyos H(To«ou TOV irpo(p7]Tov ivXripooOr}, bv Isaiah,the PROPHET, might
the word ofEsaias the prophet mightbefulfilled, which
be verified, which he said,
€i7T€- " Kupie, TIS eiria'Tevo'e TT) cLKoy TJ/JLOOV;X "Lord, who believed our
he said; "Olord, who believed the report of us? "REPORT? and the ARM of
Kai 6 jSpccxiGoj/ Kvpiov TIVI aireKaXvcbO'q;" A t a "the Lord, to whom was it
and the arm of lord to whom was itrevealed?" Onaccountof " revealed ?"
TOVTO OVK T)§VVa,VTO 1TL(TT€V€IV' OTl TTCLXIV €ITT€V S9 On account of this
this not they were able t o believe; because agaia said they could not believe, Be-
'Hcraias' 4 0 £C TeTvcpXcoxev OLVTCOV TOVS ocpdaX- cause Isaiah said again,
Esaias; He has blinded of them the eyes, 40 £ " H e has blinded
IAOVS, Kai TrziroopooKep avTcav TT]V Kapdiav Iva " Their EYES, and hardened
and has hardened of them the heart; so that
"Their HEART, so that they
" should not see with the
jUTi ifiooari TOLS o(p6aX[iois, Kat voqcrooo'i TTJ " E Y E S , and understand
notthey might see with the eyes, and understand withthe " w i t h the HEART, and
Kapdia, Kai erno'Tpacpoocri, KU* iaodw[ avTOVS.' " should turn, and I should
heart, and should turn back, and I should heal them." " heal them." ,
TavTa enrev 'Hcraias, OTI eide TT}V do^av 41 Isaiah said these
These things said Bsaias, because he saw the glory things, because he saw his
avTov, Kai eXaXyo's irepi avTov. ^ 'Ofioos X GLORY, and spoke of him.
ofhim, aad spoke concerning him. Nevertheless 42 Nevertheless, many

* YATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—34. Then, the CROWD. 36. Jesus.

t 32. John iii. 14; viii. 28. 133. John xviii. 82. 134. Psa. lxxrix. 86,37; ex. 4;
Isa. ix. 7, &c. i 35. J o h n i. 9; viii. 12; ix. 5; ver. 46. % 35. J o h n xi. 10; 1 John ii. 11.
136. Lukexvi. 8; Eph. v. 8 5 1 Thess. v. 5; 1 J o h n i i . 9—11. % 38. Isa. liii, 1 j JEJojn- x. ltt,
X 40. Xsa. vi. 9,10; Matt. xiii. 14, % 41. Isa. vi. 1,
Chap. 12: 43.1? JOHN. {Chap. 18: 8.

fievroi tcai e/c rcov apxovroov rroXXoi ema'revo'av ofthe RULERS also believed
truly and of the rulers many believed into him, % but because oi
€ts avrov aAAa dia rovs <bapio~aiovs ov% the P H A R I S E E S they did
into him; hut on account of the Pharisees not not confess him, so that
cofxoXoyovv, lva fir/ aTToorvvayooyoi yevcavrai' they might not be put out
did confess, so that not from synagogues they might bej of the synagogues.
^r/yairr/o'av yap rr/v ho^av rcov avOpairoov 43 % For they loveel the
they loved for the glory of *\& men GLORY of MEN more than
the GLORY of GOD.
fxaXXov, r/rcep rr/v do^av rov OeoUo
more, than the glory ofthe God. 44 But Jesus cried out
44 and said,' % " H E BELIENING
Ir)<rovs Be eKpa^e Kai enrev 'O morrevcav into me, believes not into
Jesus and cried and said; He believing
me, but into HIM who SENT
eis efie, ov TTMTTeveL eis e/xe,, aAA3 eis rov Trefi-me;
Into me, not believes into me, but into him having 45 and % HE BEHOLDING
ipavra jite' ^ Kai 6 Oeoopoov e/xe, Oeeopei rov irefi- me, beholds HIM who SENT
seHt me; and he seeing me, sees him having me.
^avra fie. 4 6 Eyoj (poos eis rov KOO'/JLOV eXr/Xv- 46 % IE have come a Light
sent me. I a light into the world have come, into the WOULD, SO that
6a, lva Tras 6 rncrrevoov eis efie, ev rrj a'Kona * H E BELIEVING into me
that all the believing into me, in the
darkness may not abide in DARK-
fir/ fieivr/. ^ Kai eav ris fiov aK0vo"r/
rcov NESS.
not mayabide. And if anyone of me may hear the 47 And if any one hear,
pr/fiarcov, Kai fir/ irio'revo'r), eyoo ov Kpivco avrov and * keep not My WORDS,
words, and not may believe, I not judge him; 2 do not judge him; % for
(ov yap r/XQov, lva Kpivoo rov KOO'/JLOV, <XAAJ lva I came not that I might
(not for I came, that I might judge the world, but that judge the WORLD, but that
tfoooroo rov KOO'/JLOV) 4 8 6 aOercov e/xe, Kai I might save the WORLD.
I might save the world;) he rejecting me, and 48 H E REJECTING me,
fit] Xafifiavoov ra pr/fiara fiov e%ei rov Kpivovra and receiving not my
not receiving the words of me
judging WORDS, has THAT which
has that
avrov 6 Xoyos ov eXaXr/o'a, eKeivos Kpivei JUDGES him ; J the WORD
him; the word which I spoke, that shall judge which I spoke, that will
avrov ev rrj e<r\;aT?? r/fiepa. 49
'On eyoo e£ judge him in the LAST Day.
him in the last day. Because I from 49 Because JE spoke not
efiavrov OVK eXaXr/(Ta° aAA3 6 Tre/i^as fieivarr/p from myself; but the FA-
myself uot spoke; but the having sent me father THER who SENT me, he
avros (JLOi evroXr/v edcaKe, ri enroo Kai ri *has given me a Command-
he me acommandment gave, whatlshouldsay and what
ment, wiiat I should enjoin,
50 and what I should speak;
XaXr/crco' Kai oida, on r) evroXr/ avrov £oor/ 50 and I know That his
Ishould speak; andlknow, that the commandment ofhim "life
C COMMANDMENT is aionian
aioovios eariv. A ovv XaXoo eyco, KaQoos eipr/- Life. What things & speak,
age-lasting is. "What therefore say I, as hasspo- therefore, as the I A T H E S
tte fioi 6 irarr/p, ovroo XaXoo. has told me, so I speak."
ken to me the father, so I speak.
KE<i>. iy'. 1 3 ,
1 1 Now JESUS knowing,
Upo 5e rr)S eoprr/s rov 7racr^;a, eidoos 6 Irj- before the EEAST of the
Before and the feast ofthe passover, knowing the Je- PASSOVER, That His HOUR
ffovs, Sri eXr/Xvdev avrov r) oopa, lva fierafiy was come, that he should
e/c was come of rovrov
rov himself the rrpos rovheshould
hour, that depart depart out of this WORLD
out of the world this to the father, to the FATHER, haviagloved
ayarrr/o-as rovs ifiiovs rovs ev rca Koa'ficp, eis THOSE his OWN who were
having loved the own those in the world, to in the WORLD, he loved
reXos r/yarvr/o'ev avrovs. 2
Kcu Senrvov yevo- them to the End.
an end beloved them. And supper being 2 And as Supper was pre-

* VATICAN MANUSCBIPT.—£6. HB BBLIKVING. 47. keep not, 49. has given me.
t 42. John vii. 13; ix. 22. X 43. John v. 44. % 44. Mark ix. 37 ; 1 Pet. i. 21. + 4ii
John xiv. 9. t 46. ver. S5, 36; John iii. 19; viii. 12 ; ix. 5, 39. I 47. John iii, 17.
% 43. Deut. xviii. 19; Mark xvi. 10. % 49. John viii. 38 j xiv. 10.
dhap. iS : 8.] JOHN. iCfoap. 13 : i l .
uevov, (rov StajSoAov y\hr\ fiefiXriKoros eis rt\v paring,
the ENEMY haying
put into the HEART
done, (the accuser already haying put into the
of Judas Iscariot, son of
KapSiav lovda ^ifxoovos IcKapLcorov, Iva avrov Simon, that he should he-
heart Judas of Simon Iscariot, that him
3 tray him,
irapadca,) etScos 6 Irjo'ovs, on iravra SeSco/ce?/ 3 * he knowing % That
he might betray,) knowing the Jesus, that allthings had given the EATHER had given him
avrcp 6 irarrjp eis ras x e t p a s , /cat on airo deov Allthings into his HANDS,
him the father into the hands, and that from God and That he came out
e^rjXOe, KCU irpos rov deov v-Kayzi' 4 eyeipzrai X from God, and was going
he came out, and to the God he goes; rises to GOD,
e/c rov Seiirvov, KCU riOrjcri ret i/jLaria, /cat Xa- 4 rises from the SUPPER,
from the supper, and puts off the mantles, and having and puts off his MANTLE,
fioov Xevnov, diefacrev eavrov. Etra fiaXXei and taking a Towel girded
taken a towel, girded himself. Afterward he puts himself.
vdcop eis rov i/LTTTTipa, KCU r)p£,aro VLirreiv TOVS 5 t Afterward he puts
water into the wash-basin, and began to wash the Water into the WASH-BA-
irofjas rcov }xa9rjT(aj/y KCU eKfxao'o'eiv rca Xevricp SIN, and began to wash the
feet of the disciples, and to wipe with the towel EEET of the DISCIPLES,
'cp t\v Ste^oxr/xej/os. 6
E p x e r a t ovv irpos and to wipe them with the
trith which he was having been girded. He comes then to TOWEL with which he was
~%ijioova Xierpov /cat Xeyei avro) €Keivos° Kupte, girded.
Simon Peter; and says to him he; Olord, 6 Then he comes to Si-
o~v [IOV vnrreis rovs irofias ; 7 AireKptOr) Irjo'ovs mon Peter; * fie says to
thou of me washest the feet? Answered Jesus him, " Lord, dost tftotl
/cat enrev avrcp. ' O eyoo iroia), CV OVK oiSas wash My E E E T ? "
and said to hiin. "What I do, thou not knowest 7 Jesus answered and
a p n , yvcfiCy Be \xzra ravra. 8
A e y e t avrcc said to him, "What 3E am
now, thou shalt know but after these things. Says to him
doing, thou knowest »ot
now, but J after this thou
Uerpos. Ov fxr] vityris rovs irodas /LLOV ets wilt know."
Peter. Not not thon mayest wash the feet of ma into
8 Simon Peter says to
rov aiwva, A?reKpiQr] avrcp 6 Ir}orovs° E a y fir) him, " Thou shalt not wash
the age. Answered him the Jesus; If not my EEET to t h e A G E . " *He
vityeo (re, OVK e^eis fiepos juer3 efxov. 9
Ae'}e answered h i m ; " Unless I
Imay wash thee, not thou hast apart with me. Says wash thee, thou hast no
avrcp ~%iji(av IleTpos* Kvpie, fir) rovs irofias fiov PART with me."
to him Simon Peter; Olord, not the feet of me 9 Simon Peter says to
fxovov, aXXa KCU ras x e t p a s , /cat rr\v Kz<paXr)v. him, "Lord, not my EEET
alone, but also the hands, and the head. only, but also my HANDS
Aeyei avr(p 6 Irjo'ovs' ' O XeXov/xzvos ov and my H E A D . "
Says to him the Jesus; He having been bathed not 10 * Jesus says to him,
Xpeiav e%£i V rovs irofias pityacrdaL, aXX3 eo'ri f " H E who has been BATH-
need has than the feet to wash, but is ING, has no need unless to
KaOapos oXos' KCU V/JLGLS Kadapoi ecrre, aAA5 wash his FEET, but is
clean wholly; and you clean are, but wholly clean; and % gam
ovxi iravres. H5et yap rov TrapafiiSovra are clean, but not all."
not all. He knew for the betraying 11 Tor % he knew WHO
avrov Sta rovro eiirev Oi>x* iravres KaOapot was BETRAYING h i m ; on
him; on aceonnt of this he said; Not all clean this account he said, " Xo^
6(TTf. are not all clean."
/ o u are.
* VATICAN MiNuscaifT.- -3. he knowing. 6. he says. 8. He answered.
10. Jesus.
t 5. The washing' of the feet in times of primitive simplicity was performed by the host
or hostess to the guest, hut afterwards it was committed to the servants, and therefore was
accounted a servile employment. When David sent to Abigail, to inform her that he had
chosen her for a wife, she arose and said,—"Behold, let thy handmaid he a servant, to xvask
the feet of the servants of my lord," 1 Sam. xxv. 41. At the time when our Lord performed
this office, it was esteemed'the office of the meanest slaves. This act plainly showed the
humility and condescension of Jesus, and emphatically taught the same to his disciples.
110. It was customary for the Jews to hathe themselves {twice, according to some,) before
eating the paschal supper.
X S. Matt. xi. 27: xxviii. 18; John iM. 35; xvii. 2. t 8. John xiii. 42; xvi. 28. t%
vsr. 12—17. 110. John xv. '6* X 11. John vi. 64.
(Map. 13 : 12.] JOHN. [dhap.13 : 2fc
12 C
O T € OUV evnj/e rov5 7roSas avrcoy, Kai 12 When, therefore, ho
"When therefore h e h a d washed t h e fee(t of t h e m ,had washed their FEET, and
eAajSc r a i/naria avrov, avuireorwv iraXiv, eiirev taken his MANTLE, recli-
ning again he said to them,
taken t h e mantles of himself, falling down again, h e said
" Do you know what I have
avrois' TiycixTKere ri TreiroiriKa v^iiv; 13 "fyiets done to you ?
to them; Know y o u w h a t I have done to you? You
(pooveire jnc 'O didaa'KaXos Kai 6 Kvpios' Kai TEACHEE, 13 t j0ou call me The
and The LOED ;
call m e ; The teacher and t h e lord; and
1 4 and you say well; for I am.
KaXeos Xeyere' eifxi yap. E J ovv eyca evi^/a 14 If JE then, the LOED
well you say; l a m for. If t h e n I washed
and the TEACHEE, have
VJXOOV rovs Trodcisf 6 Kvpios Kai 6 SiSacr/faAos, washed Your EEET, DOU
of you the feet, the lord and the teacher,
ought also to wash One
Kai vfieis ocpeiXere aXXyXwv vnrreiv rovs another's EEET.
aho you are b o u n d of one a n o t h e r t o wash the
15 15 For % I have given
irodas. 'TTro^eiy/xa yap eScotca V/JUV? Iva you an Example,-that, as J
feet. A n example for I gave t o you, that
have done to you, so you
Kadws eyw eiroirjcra V/JLIV, Kai vfieis Troirjre. should do.
as I did t o you, also you should do.
16 16 Indeed, I assure you,
Afxrjy afxf)v Xeyca ufiiv, OVK effn BovXos fAei£(av % a Servant is not greater
Indeed indeed I say t o y o u , n o t is a slave greater
than his LOED, nor an
rov Kvpiov avrov, ovde airoo'roXos jieifav rov Apostle greater than H E
of t h e lord of himself, nor a messenger greater of t h e who SENT him.
irejx\\/avros avrov. ^ Et ravra o i S a r e , fiaKapioi 17 t If y ° u know These
sending him. I f these t h i n g s y o u know, blessed
18 things, happy are you if
€(TT6, eav iroiTjTe avra. Ov irepi iravrcov you do them.
are you, if y o u should do t h e m . Not about all 18 I am not speaking
V/J.COV Xeyca' eyca oi$a ovs eleAela/x??*'* aAA sabout , all of you; S know
of you I speak; I know whom I chose; but, * whom I chose; hut that
iva 7] ypa(p7) irXripooOr)' " 'O rpcoycav pier' efxov the SCEIPTUEE may be ful-
t h a t t h e writing may b e fulfilled; "He eating with me filled, % ' H E that EATS
rov aproy, eirypev eir' e/uie rrjv irrepvav avrov." * c My BREAD, lifted up liia
the loaf, lifted up against m e the keel of himself." ' H E E L against me.'
A7rJ apri Keyco v/xiv, irpo rov yevetfOai, iva
19 I tell you now, before
Prom now I say t o y o u , before the t o happen, that
it OCCUES, that when it
brav yevrjrai, iriareva^re, on eyco eifii, occurs you may b eh eve
when i t may happen, y o u m a y believe, that I am.
20 e That JE am he.
A/JL7]V afxriv Xeyoo v/uiv O Xa/j-fiavoov eav ru/a
Indeed indeed I say t o y o u ; H e receiving if any one 20 Indeed, I assure you»
X H E who EECEIVES one
7T€yUi|/w, ejxe Xa/ufiaver 6 Se e/xe Xafifiaveov, whom I send receives M e ;
I may send, me receivec; he and me receiving,
and H E who RECEIVES Me
Xajxfiavei rov ire/ji^ avra [xe. receives H I M who SENT
receives him having sent me.
'2lTavra enrcov 6 Irjcrovs erapax^V rc
P Trvevfia- 21 Having said these
These t h i n g s saying t h e Jssus was troubled i n t h e spirit,
things *Jesus was troubled
ri, Kai eptaprvprjo'e, Kai enrev A/H7]y a/XT]y Ae'yco in his S P I E I T , and testified,
and testified, a n d said; Indeed indeed I say and said, "Indeed I assure
vfiiv, ori eis e | VJJLCOV irapaSwarei fie. 2 2 E/3Ae- you, That one of you will
t o you, t h a t one of you will betray me. Looked deliver me up."
TTOV *\_ovv~\ eis aXX^Xovs ol fiadrjrai, airopov- 22 ThemsciPLEslooked
[then] t o each o t h e r the disciples, d o u b t - one an another, doubting
[levoi irepi rivos Xeyei. ^ Hv 5e auaKei/nevos of whom he spoke.
ing about w h o m h e was speaking. W a s n o w reclining 23 t N o w there was re-
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—18. same I chose. 18. My BREAD. 21. Jesus.
22. Then—omit.
t 23. As two or more lay on one couch, each resting- on his left elbow, with his feet slop-
ing away from the table towards the back of the couch, he that turned his back on his next
neighbor was said to be lying in his bosom. This position made it easy for John to speak.
to Jesus in a whisper which could not be heard by the other disciples.—S. Sharpe.
X 18. Matt, xxiii. 8,10; Luke vi. 46; 1 Cor. viii. 6; xii. 8; Phil, ii. 11. J 15. Matt. xi.
29; Phil. ii. 5; 1 Pet. ii, 21; 1 John ii. 5. 116. Matt. v. 24; Luke vi. 40; John xv. 20.
117. James L 35. i 18. Psa. xli. 9, Matt. xxvi. 28. % 20. Matt. x. 40; xxv. 40*
Luk<? x. 16.
Miap.W: 24.] • JOHN, [Chap. I S : S3.

e t s €K TWV fiadrircoy avrov ev T(*> KOXTTM TOV d i n i n g on t h e B O S O M of

one of the dissiples ofhiin in the bosom ofthe J E S U S J one of h i s D I S C I -
24 P L E S , whom * J e s u s loved.
Vqaov, ov '^•yoma 6 Irjcrovs. N e f €i ovv rovrtf
Jesus, whom lovad the Jesus. Nods then to him
24 To h t m , therefore,
Simon Peter nods, * a n d
^i/jLcovUerpos, TrvOecOaLTLS av CITJ irept ov says to him, " Inquire who
Simon Peter, to ask who itrnightbeconcerningofwhom it is of whom h e is speak-
Xeyei. 25
he speaks. Palling and he on the breast 25 Andfie,*leaningback
on t h e B R E A S T of Jesus,
rov Irjo'ov, Xeyei avrca' Kvpie, ris
eo"Tiv j says to him, " Lord, who i s
of the Jeaus, he sayB to him; O lord, who is i t ? it?"
26 c
AiroKpiverai 6 Irjcrovs' ~EK€LVOS ea"Tij/, cp 26 * T h e n J E S U S an-
Answers the Jesus; He it is, to whom swers, " | ^ e i t i s , *for whom
e'yoj /3aiJ/as T O \\/OI)[JLIOP e7Ti5cocra>. K a i efxfiaxj/as I shall dip a L I T T L E P I E C E
I havingdippedthe little piece shall give. And having dipped and give i t t o h i m . " Then
having dipped t h e L I T T L E
T O tycafiiov, didcco~iv lovda 'Xi/j.cavos lo'Kapioory. P I E C E , h e took and gave it
the little piece, he gives to Judas of Simon Iscariot. to * Judas, the son of Sirnoa
^ K a i /j.era TO tyoofiiov, T O T 6 eio'rjXdev eis €K€i- Iscariot.
And after the little piece, then entered into him 27 % And after t h e L I T *
vov 6 aaTavas. Aeyei ovv CLVTU> 6 ITJCOVS' 'O TLE P I E C E , then the A D -
the adversary. Says then to him the Jesus; What Y E S S A K Y e n t e r e d into h t m .
* Jesus, therefore, says to
TTOISIS, TT0L7)0-0V Ta%lOV. TOUTO *[8e] ovSeis him " W h a t thou doest, do
thou doest, do thou quickly. This [now] quickly."
zyvoo TCOV avaKeifxtvoov irpos TL er/rey avTco. 28 N o one of T H O S E E E -
knew of those reclining with why he said to him. C L I N I N G k n e w for what he
Tives yap eSoKovv, yXcoo'o'oKo/jiov said this to him.
eirei TO
Some for thought, seeing that the
box 29 For some thought,
seeing % t h a t * Judas had
ei%€j> 6 lovfias, OTL Aeyei avTcp 6 Irjcrovs' Ayo-
t h e BOX, T h a t * J e s u s said
had the Judas, that says to him the Jesus; Buy to him, " B u y w h a t things
paaov odv xpeiaj/ £X°fX€J/ €LS r 7 7* / eopTrjv 7] TOIS we need for t h e F E A S T ; "
what things need we have for the feast; or tq the or, t h a t h e should give
7TTW%0iS IVOL TL 5a>. ^ AafiwV OVV TO something to t h e P O O E .
poor that something he should give Having taken then the 30 f^.e, therefore, hav-
^/(DIXLOV e/ceivos, evdeoos ei-r)\6ev rjv be vv£. ing taken the LITTLE
little piece he, immediately went out; it was and night. P I E C E , immediately went
ai out. And i t was Night.
' O T € e | 7 ] \ 0 e , \eyti 6 \TJO-OVS' ~Nvv eho^ao'Or) 81 When, therefore, h e
"When he went out, says the Jesus; Just now was glorified
went out, * Jesus says,
6 vlos TOV avdpcoirov, Kai 6 Oeos, eBo^ao'dr) ei> J " J u s t now was t h e S O N
the son of the man, and the God. was glorified in of M A N glorified, and J G O D
aiT(f. *[Ei 6 6eos edo^ao'97) ev afTO>,J Kai was glorified by him.
film. fif the God was glorified in him,] also 32 * + [If G O D be glori-
fied by him,] G O D will also
5 0eos h'o£ao~€i avTov ev eavrcp, Kai evOvs glorify him by himself, and
the God will glorify him in himself, and immediately
he will immediately glorify
5o|af/6t avTov. TeKvia, e r f /aiKpov JJ.G6" him.
will glorify him.
dm. yel
O little children, yel alittle with
33 M y Children, yet a
'fXWV ZljXl. Z)7T77CT€T6 jUe* Kai Kadtas eiirov TOIS little wlrie I am with you.
vou I cm. You will seek m e , and as I said to the You will seek me, a n d J as
lovbaiois' ' O T i 07T0U eyoo imayoi), vaeis ov I said to t h e J E W S , ' That
Jews, That where L go, you not where 3£ a m going, g o «

* VATICAM MANUSCRIPT.—23 Jesus. 24. and says to him, "Inquire who i t i s ot whom.
25. leaning* back on the BREAST ol Jesus. 26 Then. J E S U S . 26. for whom I shah
dip a IITTI.B PIECE and give i t to him. Then having dipped the I I T T L E PIECE, he took and
srave. 27. Jesus. 28. now-omi*. 29. Judas. 29. JeBua says to him.
SI. Jesus. 32. J f GOD be glorified by him.— omtt,
X 23. John xix. 26: xx. 2: xxi. 7. SO, 94. t 27. Luke xxii. & \ John vi. 70. 1 29- John
xii. 6. X 81 Johr xii 2S t 81. John xiv 18; 1 Pet. iv.ll % 82. John xvii
I 4—6. 1 83. John vti. U vvu. al.
€hap. 1 3 : 34.j JOHN. iCfiap. 1 4 : k

SwatfOe eXdeiv icai V/J.IV Xeyo> apri. EPTO- cannot come,' I now also

are able to come; even to you I say now. say to you. A com-
Xrjv Kaivrjv §i5o>yiu VJXLV1 iva aya-rrare aXXrj- 34 % A new Command
m a n d m e n t new I give t o you, t h a t y o u may love each ment I give to yon, That
kovs' KwOoiS TjyaTTTjara, v^as, iva Kai v/xeis yon love each o t h e r ; as I
other; as I loved you, that also you loved yon, that g o u also
ayairare aXXqXovs. ^ E v rovrcp yvcco'ovTai should love each other.
m i g h t love each other. By this will know 36 J By this, all will
iravres, on e/aoi [xaQr\rai eo're^ eav ayaTT7)V know T h a t you are My
all, t h a t to m e disciples y o u are, if love Disciples, if you have Love
€ 7 T6 6|/ Sb
X ? akXyXois. Aeyei avroj JZL/ULCOJ' I l e - for each other."
you have i n each other. Says to him Simon Pe-
rpos° Kvpiei irov inrayeis ; AireKpidr) ^[avTtpJj 6 36 Simon Peter says to
ter; O lord, where goest t h o u ? Answered [him] the him, "Lord, where art thou
going ? " * Jesus answered,
Irjo'ovs' 'OTTOV inrayoo, ov dwao'ai JIOL vvv atco-
Jesus; "Where I go, n o t t h o u a r t able m e now to " "Where I am going, thou
canst n o t follow m e n o w ;
XovOrjo'ai* vo'repoy de aKoXovdrjcreis ^"[^oi.] b u t $ thou shalt follow
follow; afterwards but t h o u shalt follow [me.]
^ Aeyet, avrcp Herpos' Kvpie, Start, ov dvvajxai
Says to him Peter; O lord, why n o t I am able 37 Peter says t o him,
croi aKoXovOrjCai apri; TTJV tyvxw fxov virep "Lord, why cannot I follow
thee to follow now? the life of m e in behalf th ee now ? J I * i 11 lay down
crov 07)(Tco. ^ AireKpiQT] avrco 6 Jrjcrovs' Tr/v my L I F E in behalf of t h e e , , :
of thee I will lay down. Auswerec". him the Jesus; The 38 * J e s u s answers him,
~tyvxT]V crov virep e/xou Qrjcreis ; Afxy]vaixr]vXeyoo ""Wilt thou lay down t h y
life of t h e e i n b e h a l f o f m e wilt t h o u lay down? I n d e e d i n d e e d I say L I F E i n my behalf? In-
croi ov fxt) aXettTwp (pcavrjcrei, eoos ov airapvqo'r) deed, I assure thee, t The
to t h e e n o t n o t acock will crow, till n o t t h o u wilt deny Cock will not crow till thou
fJL€ TplS. wilt disown m e three times.
rue t h r i c e .
KE*. iS'. 14. 1 % L e t n o t your H E A R T
Mr) rapacrcfecrdco V/ULOOV 7) KapDia' iricrreverebe t r o u b l e d ; believe into
Not let be troubled of you t h e h e a r t ; believe y o u G O D , and believe into Me.
eis rov OeoVy ttai eis efie Tncnevere. E*> r?) % In my FATHER'S
into the God, and i n t o me believe you. In t h e H O U S E are many Dwell-
oiKia rov irarpos JUOV p,ovai iroXXai eiffiv ei de ings ; b u t if not, I would
house of t h e father of me dwellings many are; if b u t have told * y o u ; Because I
jUT?, enrov av V/JUV. liopevojxai iroi/aacrai am going to prepare a Place
not, I would have told you. I am going t o prepare for you.
TOTTOV vf.ap' 3 Kai eap iropevOco, Kai eroi^xacrco 3 A n d i f l go and prepare
a place for y o u ; and if T should go, and should prepare
a Place for you, % I am
v/xiv TOTvov, iraXiv epxo/J-ai, Kai irapaX^ofxai coming again, and will re-
for you a place, again I am coming, a n d will receive ceive y o u to myself, so that
v/ Trpos e/j,avT0P' iva ojrov eijxi eyoo, Kai % where 3E am gotl also
you to myself; so t h a t where am I, also may be.
VJJL€IS 7}re. 4 Kcu birov eyca virayw oiBa,re, 4 And where 3E am going
you may be. And where I am going you know, you know t h e W A Y . "
* [ / c c u ] TT\V odov f oidare' Aeyzi avrcp ©co- 5 Thomas says to him,
[and] the way you know. Says to him Tho- " Lord, we know not where
mas* Kvpte, OVK oidafxev irov inrayeis; *[Kai~\ thou a r t g o i n g ; * how do
mas; O lord, n o t we know where t h o u a r t going? [and] we know t h e WAY ?"

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—36. J e s u s . 36. him—omit. 36. me-•omit. 88.

Jesus answers. 2. you; Because I . 4. and—omit. 5. and—omit. 5. how do
we know the WAY.
t 38. See Note on Matt. xxvi. 34. t 4. Tischendorf omits the second oidate, on the
authority of several ancient MSS. and versions. The connection seems to indicate that it
ought to he excluded from the text.
t W. John xv. 12,17; Eph. v. 2; IThess.iv. 9; James ii. 8; I P e t . i . 22; U o h n i i . 7 , 8 ; lu-
ll 23; iv. 21. 1 35. 1 John ii. 5; iv. 20. % 36. John xxi. 18: 2 Pet. i. 14. t 37*
Matt. xxvi. 33—35; Mark xiv. 29—31; Luke xxii. 23, 24. 11. ver. 27. J 3. ver. 18, 28-
x3. Johnxii. 26; xvii.24; 1 Thess.iv.l?.
(Jliap. 1 4 : 6.] JOHN. {Oliap. 14: 16.

TTCOS dvva/xeda ri\v ddov eidevai;

Aeyei 6 JESUS says to him,
avrcp 6
how are we able the way to know? Says" I am I the WAY, and
Irjtfovs' E7G' eifxL 7) odos, KOA T) aXrjdeLa, Kai 7) % the TRUTH, and % the
Jesus; I am the way, and the truth, and the
LITE. No one comes to
the FATHER, except by
£co7}* ovfieis ep%eraL irpos rov irarepa, ei fir] 5Y me.
life; »o one comes to the father, if not through
efjLov. ? E t eyvooKeire /xe, Kai rov irarepa fxov 7 If you had known me,
me. If you had known me, also the father of me you would have known my
eyvcoKeire av *\_Kai\ air1 apri yLV(acKere FATHER ; and from this
you. would have known; [and] from now you know time you know him, and
%vrov, Kai ecopaKare avrov. 8
Aeyei aura) have seen him."
him, and have seen him. Says to him 8 Philip says to him,
$iXiinros' Kvpie, deL^ov TJ/XLV TOV rrarepa, itat "Lord, show us the FA-
Philip; Olord, show to us the father, and THEE,, and it is enough for
apfcei TJ/XLV.
Aeyei avrco 6 Irjcrovs' Toaovrov us."
jfc ia enoughforus. Says to him the Jesus; So long 9 J E S U S says to him,
Xpovov /xefl1 vfxoov eifxi, /xe, '• So long a Time am I with
Kai ova eyvooKas
a time with you ami, and not knowestthou me, you, and dost thou not
^LXirrire ; 'O ecapaKcos £fxe, Iwpa/ce rov irarepa' know me, Philip ? H E
HAYING SEEN me has seen
O Philip? He having seen me, has seen the father;
the F A T H E R ; how sayest
* [ « : a t ] TTCOS crv Xeyeis' Ae L^OV i) fxiv rov rr are pa;tfjou, Show us the FA-
[and] how thou sayest; Show to us the father?
10 THER ?
Ov mareveis, OTL eyco ev ry irarpi, Kai 6 10 Dost thou not believe
Not believest thou, that I in the father, and the
That I am in the FATHER,
rrarrip ev efxoi eo~ri; T a p7]fxara a eyw XaXcc and the FATHER is in me?
father in me is? The words which I speak The words which 5 speak
VJJ.LV, arc efiavrov ov XaXoo' 6 8e rrarrjp, 6 ev to you, J I speak not from
to you, from myself, not I speak; the but father, he in myself; and THAT FATHER
e/xoi /xevwv, avros rroLeira epya. Tlio'revere * abiding in me, he does
me abiding, he does the works. You believe the WORKS.
fxoi, on eya) ev rca irarpi, Kai 6 irarTjp ev efxoi, 11 Believe me, because
me, because I in the father, and the father in me, 5E am in the FATHER, and
ei he 1X7], 8 m ra epya avra rncrrevere fxoi. the FATHER in m e ; but if
if but not,onaccountof the works themselves believe not, on account of * his
AfXTjV a]X7]V Xeyca VJJ.LV, 6 rrLcrrevoov eLs cfxe,WORKS believe me.
Indeed indeed I speak to you, he believing into me, 12 % Indeed, I assure
ra epya a ey<a iroioo, naKeivos iroi7]a'eL, Kai you, H E BELIEYING into
the works which I do, also he shall do, and
me, the WORKS which S
do shall he do also; and
fxei^ova rovrcov rroi7]0'ei' brt eyoo rrpos rov greater than these shall
greater of these shall he do; because I to tha he do, Because S am
irarepa fxov iropevofxai, 13 KaL 0, ri av airTjGi)- going to * the F A T H E R ;
father of me am going, and what, anything you may ask 13 J and whatever you
re ev rep ovouari fxov, rovro rroiTjO'oj' Iva may ask in my NAME, tf)t3
in the name of me, this I will do; that I will do; so that the F A -
14 THER may be glorified in
doj-acrdr} 6 irarTjp ev rep vlcp. JLav ri airr\- the SON.
may be glorified the father in the son. Ifanything you
14 If you ask * anything
o-rjre ev rca ovo/xari /xov, eyoo TTOLTJO'CO. 1 5 ~Eav in my name, this 3E will do.
may ask in the name of me, I will do. If 15 % If you love me, *you
a 7 a 7 r a r e fxe, ras evroXas ras e/xas rijpTjo'are' will keep MY COMMAND-
you love me, the commandments the mine keep you; MENTS ;
16 Kai eyw epcorTjcrca rov irarepa, KaL aXXov 16 and 3E will ask the
and I will ask the father, and another FATHER, and % he will give

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—7- and- -omit. 9. and—omit. 10. dwells in me, does

his WORKS. 12. the FATHER. 14. ask me anything in my name, this 3£ will do.
15. you will keep.
1 6. Heb. ix. 8. £ 6. John i. 17; viii, 32. t 6. John i. 4; xi. 25. J 10. John v
19; vii. 16; viii. 28; xii. 49. J 12. Matt. xxi. 21; Mark xvi. 17; Luke x. 17. t 1 3 . Matt
vii. 7; xxi. 22; Mark xi. 24; Luke xi. 9; John xv. 7,16; xvi. 23, 24; James i. 5; 1 John iii.
22;v.l4. £ 15. ver. 21,23; xv. 10,14; 1 John v. 3. J 16. John xv. 26; xvi. 7;
Bom. viii. 1§, 2ft.
(Jimp. U\ ^ . l JOHN. [Chap. 14: 2G.

yrapaickriTOp Scocrzi vfiipy Iva pepy fieQ" V/J.WPyou' Another Helper, that
helper* he will give to you, that he may abide with you he may * be with you to
'sts'rov atcopa'*-1''. ro Trpev/xa TTJS ahi)deias, b 6 the AGE j
into the age; the Bpirit of the truth, which the 17 the SPIRIT of TKUTII,'
Kocrfios ov Swarai KafictP, drt ov Oecopet avro, J which the WOELD cannot
world 'not is able to receive, because not it beholds it; receive, Because it beholds
dvBe yipcoo'Kei avro' u/,«,eis"*[5e] yiPdXTKers avro, it not, nor knows it; but
20U know i t ; Because it
nor • knows it; you LDUt] know it,
abides with you, I and'' will
drt wapy vp.iv pepst, Kai GP vyav scrat. be in you.
Decauso with you it abides, and in you it will be.
18 18 1 will not leave you
OVK cKprjO'od vfias optyavovs* spxopat wposOrphans; I am coming to
Not I will leave you • orphans; I am coming to you.
ifxas. En fxiKpop, Kai 6 Koa^os p,e ovKeri
yon. Yet a little, and the world me no more 19 Yet - a little while,
and the WORLD beholds
Oewper V/J.€LS 5*e Oswpeire /u.€* dri eya) {cu, teat me no more? but gou be-
beholds; you but behold me; because I live, slso
hold me ; J Because £ livo
vjxeis fyiffztrQs, £ 0 Ey €K€IPT} rri yfiepa yptecreaQe gou also shall live.
you ehalllive. In that . -the day shall know
20 In That DAY you
v(A€ts> drt eyco kp r<p irarpi fjLov> Kai vf,t<sis SPshall know That E am in
you, because 1 in the father of me, sad you in iuy PATHER, and gou in
efjiot^ Kayos ep vfjap. 'O $"%mv ras
zvroXas me, and 5 in you.
me, and I in you. He having the commandments 21 J 11K who HAS my
juou, teat rf]p(ap auras? cicetpos GCTIP b &yaira>p COMMANDMENTS, and ob-
of me, and keeping them, that ia he loving serves them, that is HK
fjLC 6 Se ayaiT&y -/.te, ayeLJT7)Qr)G'crai viro t h erovwho LOVKS rnc; and HE
me; he and loving ine, shall be loved by who LOVES me shall be
varpos /JLOV KOA eya ayair^o'cs} avrop9
Kai loved by my FATHER ; and
father of me; and I willlova him, and 2 will 'love him, and will
efupaptcrta avrtp Gfiavrop, manifest myself to him "
will manifest to him , myself, 22 Judas says to him,
A e y e t avnp lovSas (OVK 5 i&K&pKiirrjS') (not the ISCARIOT,)' Lord,
Says to him Judas (not the Iscariot;) what has occurred, That
Kt/p<€, Kai rt yeyopePy drt, TJ^IP $i€\\€i$ €fX(p>a- thou art about to manifest
Olord, and how has it happened, that to us thou arfcabout to mani- thyself to us, and not to
23 the W O R L D ? "
vtfetp creavrop, KCU 0V%« *J"<£> Kocrfxty ; Atr«Kf>i^ 23 Jesus answered and
fest thyself, and not to the world? Answered' said to him, J " If any one
11)0*01/? Kai ernrep avrqr JLav rts aywwa fie9 love me, lie will observe
Jesus and eaid to him; If aaydne love nie, my WORD; and my FA-
TOP Koyov fiov riqpi\<T£L' Kai 6 Trafyp fiov THER will love him*j and
the word of me he will keep; and the father of me we will come to him, and
aytnrrjffm e&vrop9 Kai trpos avrov €K^vffo/j,^$a% tuako m. Abode wi h him*)
will love bim, sad to him vre 'ivilleotae,
24 H E who LOVES me
Kai (xopffp- trap* avf(p &oii\&Qii,ep, ty ' O /JLTJ not, observes not my
and- a dwelling with him we will make. He not WORDS; and % the WORD
ay&irwv fA€>' rovs Koyovs fiovi ov riiper
Kai 6 which you hear is not mine,
loving me, the words but that of the FATHER,
of me not will keep; and the
Koyos hp atcov<ETe9 OVK scrip €jJL0st aWci rov who sent roe.
word which youhear 9 Hot is mine, but of the 25 These things I have:
irefxtyavros /*€ 'srarfioSo ^ Tavra KeKaKytea spoken to you, while abid*.,
sending mo father. These things I have spoken ing with you.
ypup9 Trap9 vfiip fjL^ptaP' ^ 6 §€ yrapaKKrjroSi ro , 26 But % the HELPER,
to you, with you abiding; the but helper, ' the the IIOLY SPIRIT, which
irpevfia ro aytop9 6 -re/LaJ/a 6 varyp €P rep the FATHER will Bend ia
spiri t the ' holy, which will send the fathep in the my NAME, j shall teach

* YATiCAHMASOscRiPf.—16. be with you, 17. but—orotf. 17. is in you.

t 17. John iv. S6; svi. 18; 1 John iv. 6. f 17. 1 Cor. U. 14. 119. I Cor. xv. 2&
t21. ver.15,23; Uohnii. 5; v.S. I 1 John ii. 24; Be*, iii.20. t 24. ver. 10;
'John v. 19,88; viLlOi viji. 2S; xii. 40.. . 26. ver. 1ft; Luke.xsiv. 49; John xv. 26; xvi. ?,
% W. J ohn if. §21 xii, 16 % %vL Id 11 Jpba K^K V*
Ohctp. U: 270 JOEN. iChap. 15 : 5.

OVOfJLCLTl /JLOV, eK€lVOS VfAOLS <5i5a£ei 7TaVTa, KCLl You all things, and remind
name of me, that you will teach all things, and you of all things which I
v7ro/jii/7j(r€L vfxas iravra a enrov vfxiv. said to you.
will remind you all things which I told you. 27 Peace * I leave to
you; MY Peace I give to
^ ~Etp7]Ur}V a^)L7]{jLL VjJ.IV, eip7]V7]V T7]V e/X7JV you; not as the WORLD
Peace I leave to you, peace the mine gives, do I give to you.
SiSoo/xi vfiiv ov Kadoos 6 KO(TJJLOS BiSoocriv, eyco Let not Your HEART be
1 give to you; not as the world gives, I troubled, nor let it be afraid.
diSoofxi VJXIV. Mr] rapaa-crecOoo vfxcov i) Kapdia 28YouheardThatEsaid
giye to you. Not let be troubled of you the heart to you, I am going away
fi7)de deiXtara). HxovcraTe, on eyoo enrov and I am coming to you.
nor let it be afraid. You heard, that I said If you loved me, you would
vfiiv 'Tirayoo, Kai epxo/xai irpos vfias. Et rejoice, That I am going
to you; I am going away, and l a m coming to you. If to the EATHER; Because
riyairare fie, exapr\re i on irpos % my EATHER is greater
you loved me, you would rejoice, that I am going to than I .
TOV TTOLTZpa' OTL 6 TV (XT 7) p [JLOV fiei^WV fXOV CO'Tl. 29 And now I have told
the father; because the father of me greater of me is. you before it occurs, so that
Kai vvv eiprf\Ka VJIIV irpiv yevecrQai, iva orav when it occurs, you may
And now I have told you before it happens, BO that when believe.
yevrjrai, iria,reva,7}Te. ^ OvKeri iroXXa XaXycrco 30 I will not speak much
it happens, you may believe. No more much i will speak more with you ; % for the
/neO' V/JLOOV. E p x e r a t yap 6 rov KOCT/JLOV apx^v, f RULER Of t h e WORLD i s
with you. IB coming for he of the world ruling, coming, and has nothing in
Kai ev e/joi OVK e^ei ovdev. 31
AAA' iva yvcp me.
and in me not lias nothing. But that may know 31 But that the WORLD
6 KOCT/XOS, on ayairoo TOV Trarepa, icai tcadeos may know That I love the
the world, that Hove the father, and as EATHER, and that as % the fioi 6 Trarrjp, ovrca TVOIW FATHER commanded me,
commanded me the father, so I do; even so I do; arise, let us
eyeipecQe, ayco/jev evrevdev. KE<f>. ie'. 1 5 . go hence.
arise you, let us go from this place. CHAPTEB, XY.
E7C0 eifii 7) afMreXos i) aXTjdivy], Kai 6 irar7]p fiov
1 3E am the TRUE VINE,
I am the vine the true, and the father of me
b yeoopyos earn. Uav KXrifxa ev e/xoi fxr} and
2 my EATHER is the
the yine-dresser is. Every branch in me not
2 Every Branch in me
<f>epov Kapirov, aipei avro' Kai irav ro uapTrovnot bearing Emit, he takes
bearing fruit, he takes away i t ; and every one the fruit away; and every one bear-
tyepov, KaOaipei avro, Iva irXeiova icaptrov <pepy> ing ERUIT, he prunes it,
bearing, he cleanses it, that . . more fruit it may bear. thatitmaybearMoreEruit.
HS77 vfxeis KaOapoi ecrre, fiia TOP Xoyov, ov 3 $;©oti are already clean
Already you clean are, through the word, which through the WORD which I
XeXaX7]Ka VJXIV. Meivare ev efioi, Kayco ev have spoken to you.
I have spoken to you. Abide you in me, and I in 4 J Abide in me, and 5
vfj.iv. KaOcas ro KXi)fxa ov Svvarai Kaprcov in you. As the BRANCH
you. As the branch not is able fruit cannot bear fruit of itself, if
<(>ep6LV a<p3 eavrov, eav firj fie ivy ev rrj afiireXea' it abide not in the VINE, so
to bear of itself, if not itmay abide in the vine; neither can gou, unless you
ovrcos ovfie v[ieis, eav fir) ev e/xoi [JieivrjTe. abide in me.
so neither you, if not in me you abide. 5 5 am the -VINE, JSOU
Eyw ei/jti 7) afiireXos, v/xeis ra liXfiixara. ' O are t h e BRANCHES. H E
I aat the vine, you tlie branches. He
t 30. Some ,say the ruler of this world means Satan; some, the Roman government; others,
the Jewish hierarchy and magistracy; but Wakefield, in his translation, thinks that Christ
here speaks of himself; (as he does in chap. xii. 30, and xvi. 11,) not of what he then was,
but of what he shall be, when he comes again. He translates this clause as follows :—"For
the ruler of this world is coming; and I have nothing now to do, but to convince the world
that I love the Father, and do as he commanded me.
i 28. John v. 18; x. 30; Phil. ii. 6. t 30. John xii. ?,0; xvi. 11. t 81. John x. 18;
Phil. ii. 8; Heb. v. 8. X 3. John xiii. 10; xvii. 17; Eph. v. 26; 1 Pet. L 22. X 4. Ook
j . 23"j 1 John. ii. 6^
4$uxp. 15; 6.3 JOHN. [CIiap. 15-: 16.

[Levcov ev e/jioi, itayco €V avrce, ovros <f>epei nap- who ABIDES in me, and 5
abiding in me, and I in him, this bears fruit in him, fie J bears,much
tcov TTOXVV on xMPLS €ftov ov BvvaaOe voieiv Fruit;
from me
Because severed
you cau do noth-
much; because apart from me not you ar8 able to do
6 ing.
ovoev. Eav \iy\ ris fJieivr) ev efxoi, efiXr}6ii
nothing. If not any onemay abide in me, he is cast 6 If any one abide not in
e|co, &s ro KXrjfia, Kai e^rjpavOr)' Kai avvayov- me, he is cast out like the
out, like the branch, and. is withered; and they gather BRANCH, and is withered;
criv avra, Kai eis irvp fiaXXovai, Kaierai. and such are gathered, and
them, and into afire Shey cast, and it is burned. cast into a "Fire, and are
^ Eav fJLSLvrjre ev e/xoi Kai r a prj/xara jxov ev burned.
It you abide in me and the words of me in 7 t If y 011 abide in me,
vixiv (Metur}, 6 &av deXqre f airrjcrecrOei, Kai and my WORDS abide in
jron may abide, whatever you n_. v wish you shall ask, and you, ask whatever you wish,
yevrjcrerai VJXIV. 8 Ev rovrco e8o|aer6ty 6 irarrjp and i t shall be given you.
it shall be for you. In this was glorified the father 8 J i n this is my FATHER
fiov, iva Kaptrov KOXVV (peprjre, Kai yevrjo^ecrOe glorified, that you bear
of me, that fruit much you might bear, and you shall be much Fruit, and you shall
a/xoi (jia6r]Tai. 9 KaOcos Tjyairrjo'e \xe 6 Trarrjp, be My Disciples.
to me disciples. As loved me the father, 9 As the FATHER loved
Kayto rjyavrrjo'a v/uas' [xeivare ev ry ayairrj rrj me, and 5 loved you, abide
and I loved you; abide you in the love the in MY LOVE.
e/xy. Eav ras evroXas jxov rr)pr]crr)re, (xe- 10 X If you observe my
mine. If the commandments of me youmaykeep, you COMMANDMENTS, y o u s h a l l
veire ev rr) ayairy fxov KaOcos eyco ras evroXas abide in my LOVE; as 5
will abide in the love of me; as I the commandments have observed * the PA-
rov irarpos jxov rerr}pr}Ka, Kai fievw avrov ev THEE'S COMMANDMENTS,
of the father of me have kept, and abide of him in and abide in His LOVE.
rrj ayaivy, 11 These things I have
the love.
11 spoken to you, that MY JOY
Tavra XeXaXrjKa vfxivy iva r) %apa r) e/xrj ev *may be in you, and ijouv
These things I have spoken to you, that the joy the mine in
JOY may be completed.
v/xiv /xeivy, Kai 7) %apa v/xcov irXripcoOy. 12 Avrr)
you may abide, and the joy of youmaybe fulfilled. This 12 J This is MY COM-
eariv 7) evroXrj i) e/uir), iva ayairare aXXyXovs, MANDMENT, That you love
ig the comiuandmentthemine, that youlove each other, each other, as I loved you.
KaOcos 7)yairr)(ra vfxas. 13
Mei£ova ravrrjs 13 J N o o n e has greater
as I loved you. Greater of this Love than this, -fchat one
ayairrjv ovheis exei, iva ris rrjv y\/vxw avrov should lay down his L I F E
lov$ no one has, that any one the life of himself in behalf of his FRIENDS.
dy virep rcov (j)iXcov avrov. 'T/xeis 14 X 31 ou are my ^Friends
may lay downinbehalf of the friends of himself. You if you do what things S
(piXoi ixov ecrre, eav iroir\re baa €yoo evreA- command you.
friends of mo are, if you may do what things I com- 15 No more I call you
Xojxai vfxiv. 15 OvKeri vjxas Xeyco SovXovs' Servants; Becausethe SER-
mand you. No more you I call slaves; VANT knows not what His
on 6 SovXos OVK oioe ri iroiei avrov 6 Kvpios' MASTER does; but I have
becausethe slave not knows what does of him the lord; called YouFriends, Because
v/xas 8e eiprjKa cpiXovs, on iravra a. 7]Kovcra all things, which I heard
you but I have called, friends, because all things which I heard from my FATHER I made
irapa rov irarpos jxov, eyvccpiaa v/xiv. 1<5 Ovx known to you.
from the father of me, I made known to you. Not 16 2|ou did not choose
vfxeis fie e^eXe^aaOe, aXX3 eyco e^eXe^afxrjv Me, but 2 chose you, and
you me did choose, but I chose
* VATICAN MAKHSCBIPT.—10. the FATHER'S. 11. be in you.
f 7. Qriesbach. favors the reading, aiteesastke instead of aiteesesthe; which is adopted by
Lachmann and Tischend.orf.
J 5. Phil. i. 11; iv. 13. t 7- ver. 16; John xiv. 13,14; xvi. 23. t 8. Matt. v. 16;
Phil. i. 11. 110. John xiv. 15, 21, 23. J 11. John xvi. 24; xvii. 18; 1 John i. 4'
% 12. John xiii. 34; 1 Thess. iv. 8; 1 Pet. iv 8; 1 John iii. 11; iv. 21. 113. John x. 11,15*
Bona. v,7, 8; Eph. v. gj 1 Johniii. 16. 114. John xiv. 16, £3$ Matt. xu. SO.
£%op.'15: 17.] iChap. 15 : 2a.
ufcas, kai e07}Ka vfias, iva v/xeis virayrire Kai appointed yon, that gott
you, and a p p o i n t e d you, that you m i g h t go a n d may go and bear Fruit, and
Kaprrov (peprjre, Kai 6 Kaprros vfxort fi^vr}' iva that your F R U I T may abide;
fruit m i g h t bear, a n d t h e fruit of you m i g h t a b i d e ; so t h a t so that whatever * you ask
o, ri av air7](TT]re rov irarepa ev rqj ovofxari of the F A T H E R in my
you may ask the father in t h e NAME, he may give you.
fJLOV, $Cp VfXLV. 17 These things I com-
of m e , h e m a y g i v o t o y o u . mand you, so that you may
17 love each other.
Tavra evreWofxai V/JLIV, ayairare
These things I commasd you» that you may love 18 X If ^ i e WORLD hate
ccAAr/Aous. 18 Ei 6 Koafxos vfxas /xio'ci, yevoocr- You, you know That it has
each other. Ifthe world you hates, y o u hated Me before you.
efie Trpccrov vfx<av jxefxio"i]Kev. 19
Kere, on Ei 19 J If you were of the
know, that me before you ithash&ted. if
WORLD, the WORLD would
e«: rov Kocr/xov ??Te, 6 KOO~JAOS av ro ifiiov 6(pl- love its OWN ; but Because
of the world y o u were, t h e world would t h e own kiss, you are not of the WORLD,
Aer on 5e e/c rov Kocrfxov OVK ecrre, aAA3 zyoo but £ chose you out of the
because b u t of t h e world Hot you are, but WORLD, on this account the
e € e a U7 ;/
l ^ l i ? fyuas €K T0V KOCJAOV) Sia rovro WORLD hates you.
chose you out of the world, on account of t h i s
e 20 20 Bememberthe WOSD
(Al0~6l bfias 0 KOCT/JLOS. Mvr]fiovevere rov which 1 said to you, J ' A
hates you the world. Remember y o u tho
Servant is not greater than
Aoyov, OJ syce enrov vjxiv OVK ^crri dov\as his Master.' If they perse-
word, of which I said to you; Not is a slave
cuted Me, they will also
fiei'^cov rov Kvpwv avrov. Ei e/^e edi<a^av9 teat persecute You; if they ob-
gTeater of t h e l o r d of himself. If metheypersecute<3,also
served my WORD they will
i/fxas Sico^ovo'iv ei rov Xoyov fxov erypTjo-av, also observe YOURS.
y o u they will persecute; if the word of me they keptj
Kai rov vjAtrspov ryjprja'ovcriv, 2 1 AAAa ravra 21 But Jail These things
also t h e yours they will keep. But these things
they will do to you, on ac-
iravra TTOITJO'OVO'IV vfxiv Sia count of my NAME, Because
ro ovojxa JULOV, they know not HIM who
all theywilldo t o you on a c c o n n t o f t h e name of me,
6ri OVK oidacri rov Trefx^/avra fie. ^ E i fir) SENT me.
because n o t t h e y know h i m sending me. If not 22 If I had not come and
T)\Qov Kai e\a\f)o~a avroisy afiapriav OVK €i%ov spoken to them, they would
Ihadcameand spoken to them, sin n o t t h e y h a d ; not have had Sin; but now
vvv 5e irpo<pacriv OVK exovci irepi rrjs hfiaprias they have no Excuse for
now b u t an excuse n o t t h e y have a b o u t the sin their SIN.
avrcov. ^ c O e/xe fiicrcov, Kai rov irarepa fiov 23 H E who HATES Me,
of t h e m , He me hating, also the father of m e hates my FATHER also.
fiiCei. ' Et ra epya, fir] eiroir)cra ev avrois, a 24 If I had not done
hates. If t h e works, n o t I h a d done a m o n g t h e m , which among them J the WORKS
ovdeis aAAos TrerroiTjKev, afiapmw OVK ei^ov which no other one had
n o one other has done, sin n o t t h e y h a d ; done, they would not have
vvv 8e Kai ecopaKacri, Kai jxefiio'TjKacri Kai efie had Sin; but now they
now b u t even they have seen, and have h a t e d both m e have even seen them, and
Kai rov irarepa jxov. 2 5 AAA5, iva irXrjpcodp 6 yet have hated both me
and tlvet father of me. But, t h a t may be fulfilled t h e and my FATHER.
Aoyos 6 yeypafifievos ev rco vo/xq) avroov Ori
25 Thus they verify THAT
word t h e having been written i n t h e law of t h e m ; ' " T h a t WORD which was WRITTEN
sjAio'Tjarav fie Scopeav." in their LAW, % 'They hated
they hated me w i t h o u t cause." 'me without cause.'
' Orav 8e ekOr) 6 irapaKKj]ros^ bv eyw 26 % But when the
When b u t m a y come t h e helper, whom I H E L P E R comes, whom 5
irefJApa) vfMiv Trapa rov irarpos, (ro Trvevfia rrjs will send to you from the
will send t o y o u from the father, (the spirit ofths FATHER, the SPIRIT of

* YATICAI? MAHTJ SCRIPT.—16. you ask.

118. 1 John iii. 1,13. X19. John iv. 5; xvii. 14. % 20. Matt. x. 24; Luke vi. 40;
John xiii. 18. % 21. Matt. x. 22; xxiv. 9; John xvi. 3. $ 24. John iii. 2; vii. 81;
ix. §2. t » • Psa. xxxv. 19. 12B. Luke xsiv. 49; John xiv. 17, S3; svi. 7,13 $ Acts ii. 33,
Ohap. 15: 27-] JOHN. [Chap. 16: I I .

aXrjdeLas, 6 icapa rov eKTtopevera.,) TRUTH which, comes forth

truth, which from the father
shall come out,) from the FATHER, \yt will
CKSIVOS fiapTVp7](T€l TTCpi 6/AOW. ^ K(XI VfA€lS 5 e
testify of me.
that will testify concerning me. Also yon and 27 And $ gait also will
3 testify, Because you are
(xaprvpene, 6TL a-n apxos fier e/xov ecrre. with me from the Begin-
shall testify, because from abeginning with me you are. ning.
K B * , is'. 1 6 . Tavra XeXaXrjKa 6/xi.v, Iva fxr) CHAPTER XVI.
These things I havespoken to you, that not
(TKaydaXi<T67]Te, 2 1 These things I have
K.iroo'vvaywyovs TTOLTJCTOVO'IV
you may be ensnared. spoken to you, that you
Prom synagogues they will put
may not he ensnared.
vfias' aXX3 epxerai oopa, iva iras 6 airoKreivas 2 % They will expel you
you; but comes an hour, that every one the killing
from the synagogues; but
V/JLCLS, 5o£r7 Xarpeiav irpocrcpepeiv rep Oe<y. an Hour is coming, when
you, may think a service to offer to the God. EVERY ONE w h o KILLS yott
Kai ravra iroi7]crovo,Lv^ bri OVK tyvcoo'av rov will think to offer Service
And these things they will do, because not they know the to GOD.
irarcpa, ovde e/xe. 4 AAAa ravra XeXaXrjKa 3 And |these things they
father, nor me. But these things I have spoken will do Because they know
VfllV, iv a brav eXOrj rj oopa, /jLvrjfjLovevrjre not the FATHER, nor me.
to you, that when may come the hour, 4 But These tilings I
you may remember have spoken to you, so that
avraov, on eyca eiirov VJXIV. Tavra 5e vp.iv e£ when * their HOUE comes
them, that I said to you. These thing3 but to youfrom you may remember them,
apxys OVK eiirov, on p-eG* vfieov r\\xr\v. 5 Nuj> That 3E told you. And these
a beginning not I said, because with you I was. Now things I said not to you
5e virayca ivpos rov irepxl/avra pe, /cat ouSeis e£ from the Beginning, Be-
but 1 go to him having sent me, and no one of cause I was with you.
6 5 5 And now $ I am going
vfxcov epcara, /J,€' Uov virayeis ; AAA on away to r u n who SENT me;
you asks me; Where goeat thou? But because and no one of you asks me,
ravra XeXaXrjKa U/JLIV, 7] XvTrrj TreTrXrjpooKev 'Where art thou going V
these things I have spoken to you, the sorrow has filled 6 But Because I have
vfxwv rrjv tcapdiav. ? AXX* eyco rr]v aXr)6€iav said These things to you,
of you the heart. But I thu truth SORROW has filled Your
Xeyco hfiiv tfvfMptpsi, vfxiv, Iva eyee aireXdo). 7 But JE tell you the
say to you; it is better for you, that I should go away.
T R U T H ; I t is better ftjr
~Eav yap fir) aireXOot), 6 irapaKXrjros OVK eXev- you That H should go away j
If for Hot I should go away,the helper not will for if I go not away; J the
fftrai irpos bfias' eav 8e ircpevda), irefi^/oo avrov HELPER will not come to
come to you; if but I go> I will send him you; but if I go I will send
8 him to you.
irpos vfias. Kcu eXdoov GKCLVOS eXey^ei rov 8 And having come, ft*
to you. And having come he will convict t h ; will convict the WORLD
Koo"fJiov Trepi ajxaprias, Kai irepi dLKaLocrvvrjs, concerning Sin, and con-
world concerning sin, and concerning righteousness, cerning Righteousness, and
Kai irepi Kpio'ecos. 9 Tlepi afiaprias juevf on concerning Judgment;
aad concerning judgment. Concerning sin indeed,beoau»e 9 concerning Sin, indeed,
10 Because they believe not
ov ino'revovo'i.v eis €/*€• 7repi $iKaiocrvv7)S 5e, into m e ;
»ot they believe imto m e ; concerning righteousness but,
10 but concerning Right-
OTJ irpos rov Trarepa JULOV virayco^ Kai ovKert eousness, Because I am go-
because to the father of me I go away, and no more ing to my TATHER, and you
decapeire fie' irepi de Kpto'cccs, on 6 apx^v behold me no more;
you behold me; concerning and judgment, betausethe ruling 11 and concerning Judg-


% 27. Luke xxiv. 48; Acts i. 8, 21, 22; ii. 82; iii. 15; iv. 20, 33; v. 32; x. 39; xiii. 31; 1 Pe ,
V. 1; 2 Pet. i. 16. % 2. John ix. 22, 34; xii. 42; viii. 1; ix. 1; xxvi, 9—11. J & Joim
xv. 21; Rom. x. 2; 1 Cor. ii. 8; 1 Tim. i. 13. t 5. ver. 10,16; Jolm vii. a s ; xiii. g } »«•- ^
17. Joim vii. &9; xiv. 1$, §8/ xv. 26.
Chap. 1 6 : 12.] JOHN. [Chap. 16: 21.


E T J TTOXXa €%&> ment, Because fthe BULEIJ
sftlie world this has beea judged. Yetmanythingslhave of tliis WOELD has been
Xeyeiy vjxivy a A A ' ov §VVCL(TQG fiao'Ta&iv apri. judged.
to say to youfc but not you are able to bear now. 12 I have yet Many
13 e
Orau §6 eX6y €K<EIVOS, TO iryev/jia rrjs things to tell you, J but you
When but may come he, the spirit of the cannot bear them now.
aXrjOeias, 6dr)yr)o'ei v/aas €ts irao'ay rrjy aXrj- 13 But when he may
tiuth, he will lead you into all the truth.
come, % the S P I E I T of
TRUTH, he will lead you
deiav. Ov yap AeA-ncret cup' eavTov, aXX* oca ay
Not for he will speakfrom himself, but whatever into* all the T R U T H ; for he
aKovcrj, XaXrjo'ei, KCLI ra epxofAeva avayyeXei willnot speakfrom himself;
hemayhear, he will speak, andthethings coming hewilldeelare
he will speak whatever he
li may hear; and declare to
vp.iv. EKeivos e/ji€ Sa^acrzi^ OTL CK rov e/nov you the COMING THINGS.
to you. He me will glorify, because out of the mine
15 14 pjewill glorify M e ;
X7)\p€Tai, KCLI avayyeXei vp.iv. UavTa bo~a Because he will take of
he will take, and will declare to you.
All things what
MINE, and declare to you.
« X e i o 7raT7]p, efjia ecrn. Aia TOVTO envoy, 6TL 15 % All things that the
has the father, mine is. On account of this I said, that FATHER has are mine: on
e/c rov epov XajxQavei, Kai avayyeXei vp.iv. account of this I said, That
out of the mine he takes, and declares to you. out of MINE he takes, and
MiKpoy, Kai ov decopeiTefie' KanraXiv
fiiKpov, will declare to you.
A little while, and not you sea me; and again alittle while,
16 J A little while, and
tcai oxpscrOe fie, ~*\_6TL vivayo) ivpos Toy iraTepa.^ you see me *no more, and
and you shall see me, [because I am going . to the father.] again alittle while, and you
^ EITTOV ovv etc Tcoy fxad7]Tcoy avTOV irpos will see m e . "
Said then of the disciples ofhim to 1? Then some of his D I S -
aXX7]Xovsm Ti 6(TTL TOVTO b XeyeL7)p.iv MiKpov, CIPLES said to each other,
each other; What is this which he says to us; A little while, " W h a t i s this he is saying
Kai ov QeoopeiTe /ne* Kai iraXiv jxiKpov, Kai to us, ' A little while, and
and n o t you see Hie; and again a little while, and you will see me not; and
o\pecr6e pie' Kar 'OTL eyca bTrayoo irpos Toy again a little while, and
you shall seeme; and; Because I am going to the you will see me';' and,'Be-
18 cause I am going to the
iraTepa ; EXeyov ovv TOVTO TI CCTLV 6 ¥ A T H E E , ? 5 "
father? They said therefore; This what is which
18 They said, therefore,
Ae^ei, TO [Aiicpoy; Ova oidap,ey * [ T J AaAe*.] ""What is this that he is
he says, thelittle while ? Not we know [what he says.] saying, ' A * little while?'
EY^CO 6 ITJCTOVS, OTL 7]6eXov avTov epcaTav, We know not."
Ksew the Jesus, that they wished him to ask, 19 * Jesus knew That
KaL eiTTeV aVTOLS' Uepi TOVTOV ^7]TeLT€ JU,6T 5 they wished to ask Him,
and said to them; Concerning this inquire you with and said to them, " Do you
inquire one with, another
aXXrjXeov, on envoy Mucpov, KaL ov decopeire concerning this, Because I
each other, because I said; A little while, and not you see
said, ' A little while, and
pie' Kai ivaXiv pwcpov, Kai o^eade pie ; 2 0 Ap,r)v you see m e not, and again a
me; and again alittle while, and you shall see me? Indeed little while, and you will
ajxriv Xeyco vpuvy OTL KXavo'eTe KOA OprjVTjo'eTe see me?'
indeed I say to you, that will weep and willlament 20 Indeed, I assure you,
vpieis, 6 §6 KOCT/JLOS ^ a p ^ c r e T a f vpieis * [ 8 e ] J That gou will weep and
you, the but world will rejoico; you [and] lament, but the WOELD will
5 rejoice; cou Mali be sor-
Xvirridrjo'eo'de, aAA 7] XVTTT] vjxooy eis yjxpav rowful, but your SOEKOW
will ba sorrowful, but the sorrow of you into joy shall become Joy.
yevrjcreTai. ' H yvvrj OTOLV TLKTT}, Xviviqv exei, 21 X T h e W O M A N w h e n
shall become. The woman when shemay bear, sorrow has, she i s i n labor lias Sorrow,

* VATICAN MAWUSCBIPT.—13. a l l t h e TKUT11. 16. no more. 16. Because I am

going to the FATHER—omit. 18. little while. 18. what he says—omit. 19. Jesus.
20. and—omit.
111. See Note on chap. xiv. 30.
% 12. Mark iv. 33; 1 Cor. iii. 2; Hefc. v. 12. % 13. John xiv. 17, 26; xv. 26; 1 John i i
20, v27. X 15. Matt. xi. 27; John iii.35; xiii. 3 ; xvii. 10. J lfl, ver. 10; John vii
•A3; Xi A. 33; xiv. 19. t 21. Isa. xxvi. 17.
Chap. 16:28.;] J O H N . [Cfcap. 1 8 : S I .

hri TjXdev f) wpa avrrjs' dray yevyrjcrr} Because her TIME hrs
becatt3® has cornethe hour of her; when but shemay haveborne come; but when she has
TO WaiSiOZ', OVK€Tl flV7]IJL0Pevet T7]S 0Atl|/6£OS,
borne the CHILD, she re-
t'.ie child, no more she remembers of the distress,
members the D I S T R E S S no
more, on account of the JOY
$ia TTJV xaPavt OTI eyevvrjOr/ ayOpcairos €ts That a Man was born into
on account of the joy, that wasborn a man into
TOV Ko&fiov. KCM v^eis ovvXVTTTJV fiev vvv
. the world. And you therefore sorrow indeed now
22 And gou, therefore,
a 7 (reTaL now indeed have Sorrow;
ex€Te° waXLV Se o\po/nai vf.La$, Kai •x P l but I will see you again,
have; again but T will see you, and wilibe rejoiced and_ $Your HEABT shall
vjjitov 7} fcapfiia, Kai rrjv yjipav
x/fxoov ovbeis rejoice; and your JOY no
bfyott. the heart, and the joy ofyou no one one takes from you.
aipet a<p VJXOOV z o Kai ey eKtivr} TXJ rifxepq e^ce 23 And in That DAY you
takes from y o u ; • and in that the day me will ask Me nothing. J*In-
OVK epoorrirrere ov$c-v° KfxrjV a/J,r]y Xeya? vfiiv, deed, I assure you, What-
not youwillask nothing; Indeed indeed I say to you, ever you may ask the TA-
OTL So~a ay aLTrjo'rjTe TOV Trarepa ey TOO ovofxaTi T H E R in my NAME, he will
that whatever you may ask the father. in the name give you.
pov, Sootfet, vjj.ii/. 2 4 'Eoos apTi OVK yTrjCaTe 24 Till now you asked
of me, he will give to you. Till now not you asked nothing in mv NAME ; ask,
ovSev ev Tip ovofxaTi fxov cureiTe, KaiX-q^peo'Oc, and you shall receive, so
nothingin the name of me; ask you, andyoushallreceive, | t h a t your JOY may be
iva 7] XaPa ¥ W J / V 7r€7r/Y77peo/xej'?7<, completed.
so that the joy of you may be completed* 2Ef These things I have
TavTa ey irapoipaais XzXaXrfKa vfiiy spoken to you in Figures ;
These thing* in figures I have spoken to you; an Hour is coming, when
€p%erai wpa, 6T€ ovKeTi ev TrapoL/xiaLS Xa\y)crco I will no more speak to you
comes an hour, when no more in figures I will speak in Figures, but I will tell
VJXIV, aXXa Tvapprjo'tq irepi TOV iraTpos avay- ^on plainly about the P A -
toyou, but plainly concerning the father I will THER.
ytX<a vfxiv. E y etasivr, TTJ Tjfxepq ey T<# ovo- 26 I n That DAY you will
tell you. In that the day in the name ask in my NAME, and I do
fxaTi IJLOV aiTTjcrecrOe' Kai ov Xeyca V/J.IV, OTI eyo) not say to you, That £ will
of me you will ask; and not I say to you, I entreat the TATHER for
epccTrjcrca Toy irarepa itepi v/aooy ? avros yap you;
willeiltreat the father concerning you; himself for 27 % f°r t h e FATHER
S Tra,T7)p cpiXei vfias, on v/jLeis e/j.6 7re(piXrjKaTe, himself loves you, Because
the father loves you, because you me haveloved, gait have loved me, and
Kai ireiricTTevKaTe, OTI eyoo irapa TOV deov Xhave believed that 3E came
and have believed, that I from the Sod out from * GOD.
e£r)Xdov. 2 8 E^7]X6oy irapa TOV iraTpos, Kai 28 J I cam e out from the
came out. I came out from the father, and FATHER, and have come
eXrjXvda ets Toy KOGp.ov TtaXiy a(pirjfj.L TOV into the WORLD; again I
have come into the world; again I leave the leave the WORLD, and am
Kocrfxoy^ Kai iropevo/juai irpos TOV iraTepa. going to my F A T H E R . "
world, and am going to the father. 29 His DISCIPLES said
^ Aeyovo'iy * [ a u T w ] ol juaOrjTai avrov I§6, to him, "Behold, now thou
Say [to him] the disciples of him; ]Lo, art speaking plainly, and
yvy irappiqcnq, XaXeis, Kai irapoifxiav ovSe/niay without a Figure.
now plainly thou speakest, and a figure not one 30 Now we know Thafe
Xeyeis. Nuj/ oifiafxev, 6T<L oifias iravTa, Kai thou knowest all things,
thou sayest. Now we know, that thou knowest all things, and and hast no need that any
ov xpeiay e^ets, iva TLS ae epa>Tq° ey TOVTC? one should ask Thee; by
no- need has, that any onetheeshouldask; in this this we believe That thou
TriarTevofiey^ OTI aivo deov ej;T}X6es0 31
AnreK- didst come out from God."
we believe, that from God thou di.'.st c^me out. An- 31 * Jesus answered
VATICAN MANUSCBIPT.—27. the FATHBE. 29. to Mm—omit. 81. Jesus.
i 22. Luke xxiv. 41, 52; John xs. 20. J 23. Matt. vii. 7; John xiv. 13; xv. 16. t 24.
i'ohn xv. 11. i 27. John xiv. 21, 23. I 27. ver.30; J o h n i i i . 13; xvii.8. t 28.
Chap. 1 6 : Sg.J
JOHN. t07iap.Hi 1.

piOrj avrois b ITJCTOVS' Apri x5ow, them, "Do you now be«
w/crevere* 32

swered them the Jesus Now do you believe;

Lo, lieve?"
epxzTca &pa, Kai vvv e\r}\v6ev, iva a'Kopino,6r]re 32 Behold, an Hear is
comes an hour, and now is come, that you will be scattered
coming, and is come, that
you will be scattered every
kKacros eis ra ifiia, Kai €/j.e fxovov expire' Kai one to his OWN home, and
everyone to the own, and me alone you may leave; and will leave Me alone; and
OVK et/ii fiovos, on 6 iraryp /ner3 e/xov eo'ri. yet I am not alone, Be-
aot laia alone, becausethe father with me is. cause the FATHER is with
^Tavra XeXaXrjKa vfxiv, iva sv e/noi ^ipt\vt\v me.
These thing3 I have spoken to you, that in me peace 33 These things I have
spoken to you, that in me
e%7?Te. E v rap Kocrfxca OKixpiv e%6T6* aXKa dap-you may have Peace. J In
youmayhave. In the world affliction you have; but bo you of
the WORLD you have Af-
treire, eyco yeviKrjKa rov Kocrfiov. fliction; but be of good
good courage, I have overcome the world. courage; % 3E have con-
quered the WOULD."
KE$. i f . 1 7 . CHAPTER XVII.
1 1 JESUS spoke these
Tavra eXaXTjcev 6 Irjcrous, Kai eir^jpe rovs
These things spoke the Jesus, and lifted up the things, and lifted up his
EYES to HEAVEN, andsaid,
o(p9a\fxovs avrov eis rov ovpavov, Kai €«re* " Father, the HOUR ia
eyes of him to the heaven, mid said' come; glorify Thy SON,
Xlarep9 eKrjXvB^v i) oopw So^ao'ov crov rov viovt that * the SON may glorify
0 fathes, is come the hour; glorify of thee the son, thee;
l 2 3 % as thou didst give
va *[K:ai] b vlos crov 5o£aer077 <re* /cameos e8a-
that [also] the saa of thee may gloiifythee; as thou him Authority over All
Kas avrtp e^ovo'tav 7rao~T]S (TapK'^s, iva irav 6Flesh, so that every thing
gavesttohira authority over aU flesh, so that allwhich which thou hast given to
him, he may give to them,
fizdecKas avrw9 Scecr-p avrois £OOT)V aia)viov0 even aionian Life.
thou hast given to hira, he may give to them life age-lasting.
3 And this is the AIJ-
^AvrTf §£ ea'riv tj aicovios Ccorjy Iva yevceaK&o'i NIAN Life, that they may
This and ia theage-lastiug life, that they might know know thee, the ONLY TRUE
(Te rov fxovov aAf\Qivov Geov, Kat bv aTretrreiAas God, and him whom thou
thee the only true God, and whom thon hast sent didst send, Jesus Christ.
Irjaovv ~Kpiffrov. 4 E700 c e edo^atfa €TT& rrjs 4 S glorified thee on the
Jesus Christ. I thee glorified on the EARTH, % * having finished
the WORK which thou hast
777s* TO epyov 6T6\eiwcra, b dedooKas /JLOI, iva given me, that I might do
earth; the work I finished, which thou hastgiven me, that it.
Trotrja'Q}. K a i vvv do£ao~ov /.te, crv irarsp, irapei 5 And now, O Father,
1 might do. And now glorify me, thou O father, with glorify thou me with thy-
ceavrcpy ry 8o£r}, 'y et-X > oy
^9° rov roP self, with the GLORY which
thyself, with the glory, which I had, before of the th^ I had with thee before the
KocTfjiov etvai, icapa croi. ~E<pav€pooo~a crov ro
world to be, with thee. I manifested oftheethe 6 I manifested Thy
NAME t'j the MEN whom
ovofxa rois avOpwrrois, ovs deficoxas fioi CK rov thou hast given me out of
same to the men, whom thou hast given to me out of the
the WORLD ; thine they
Koctfxov cot y&av, Kai e/xoi avrovs SeSw/cas* were, and thou hast given
world; thine they were, and t o m e them thou hast given; them to m e ; and they
Kai rov Xoyov tfov rerripr]Kao'i. ? N W eyvca- have kept thy WORD.
aad the word of thee they have kept. Now they 7 Now they know Thr;0*
Kav, or 1 iravra bcra deBooicas fioi, irapa o~ov all things whatever thou
know, that all things whatever thou hast given me, from thee gavest me are from thee,

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. the sow. 1. also—omit. 4. having finished.

t 83. John xr. 19—21; 2 Tim. iii. 12. \ S3. Rom. viii. 87; 1 John iv. 4; v. 4
X 2. Matt. xi. 27; xxviii.18; John iii. So; v.27; 1 COT. xv. 25, 27; Phil.ii.lO. J 4. JohX.
IV. 84; Y . S 6 ; i x . 3 ; xix. 80.
Cfutp. H% 8.3 JOHN, {Chap. 17: 17-

tvrtw 8
bri ra firjfiara a dedooicas /xot, defieana 8 Because I have given
is; beeausethe words whichthouhastgivenme, Ihave given to them the WORDS which
Jthou hast given to me;
avrois' Kai avroi eAa&ov9 /ecu eyvecerav aAT)Qeas9 and thug received and
to them; and they received, and knew Sruly, knew truly that I came
brt rrapa erov e^7}A6ov9 Kai eiricrreverav, Sri &v out from thee, and be-
that fr M thee 1 came out, and believed that thou lieved That thou didst
Lie arrecrreiAas. Eycy irepi avreov ep<area' ov send Me.
toe didst send. I concerning them ask; not 9 2 entreat for them;
not for the WOULD I en-
irepi rou KOfffMov epa>ria9 aAAa icept GOV treat, but for those whom
concerning the world I aak, but concerningwhom thou hast given m e ; Be-
SeSooKas fxoi9 on COL eurr Kat ra e/ua iravra cause they are thine.
thouhastgiren me, because thine they are; and t h e mine all 10 And all MINE are
ca eerri, Kai ra tra e/uie, Kai dedo^aeffxat ev thine, and % THINE are
thine is, and the thine mine, and I have been glorified in mine; an d I have been glo-
ll rified in them.
avrois. Kat ovKert eijxi ev rep tec f?pL(a9 Kat 11 And I am no more
them. And BO more I am in the world, and in the WOULD, but tftsn
ovrot ev rep KOfffxep euri, Kai eyea irpos ere ep%o- are in the WOULD, and J
theae in the world are, and I t o thee am am coming to thee. Holy
fiat. Uarep ayie9 rrjpTjffop avrovs ev rep ovo- Father, keep them in thy
NAME, by which thou hast
eoming. O father holy, keep them in t h e name
given them me, that tin y
fiari o~ov, *ep SeSw/cas fioi* Iva tacriv ev9 may be one, as toe *also
of thee, by whichthou hast given to me; that they may be one are*.
KaOcos 7)/j,€is, 12 ' O r e 7\fxt]v fier' avreav^[-v rep 12 When I was with
as we. 'When I was with them LiU thg them, JE kept them in thy
Koerfiep,"] eyeo erripovv avrovs ev rep ovofxan * N A M E , by which thou
world,] I kept them in the name hast given them me; and I
guarded them, and no one
Gov ovs fiedooKas fioi e<£>uAa£a, Kat ov^eis e | of them was destroyed,
of thee; whom thou hast given to me I guarded, and »o one of except the J SON of D E -
avreov aireoAero, et fir) 6 vlos rrjs airoiAetas, iva STRUCTION ; t that the
them was destroyed, if not the son of the desUucuon, that SCRIPTURE might be veri-
7) ypaepT) irA^peaOrj. 13 N»J> de irpos ere epxofiat, fied.
the writing may be fulfilled. Now and to thee I am coming, 13 But now I am com-
Kai ravra AaAw ev rep Koo~jULcp9 Iva €X<w<rt rj]v ing to thee; and These
and these things I say in the world, that they may have the
tilings I speak in the
a a T
WORLD, that they may
XPv W G\M\V ireirA7]p(jo}xev7]p ev avrois, have MY JOY completed in
joy the mine fulfilled in them. them.
Eyeo dedevKa avrois rov Aoyov cov Kai 6 14 1£ have given thy
I have given to them the word of thee; and the WORD to fli em, % * the
WORLD hated them; Be-
Kocffios efxierrjeTev avrovs, on OVK eieriv eK rov cause they are not of the
world hated them, because not they are of the
WORLD, aa £ am not of the
Kocrfxov, KaBoos eyea OVK eifxi e/c rov Koerjxov. WORLD.
world, as I not am of the world.
16 I entreat not that
* OVK epearea, iva apys avrovs eK rov KOCT- thou wouldst take them
Not I ask, that thou wouldst take them out of the world, ou6 of the WORLD, but
uov, aAA3 iva rrjprjerrjs avrovs eK rov Tcovr\pov. $that thou wouldst keep
but that thouwouldst keep them from the evil one. them from EVIL.
E/c rov Kocr/xov OVK eieri, KaOeas eyea eK rov 16 They are not of th«
Of the world not they are, as I of the WORLD, as K am not of the
Kocfj-ov OVK eifxi. Aylacrov avrovs ev rr\
world not am. Sanctify them in the 17 | Sanctify them ia

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—11. also. 12. in the WORLD—omit. 12. NAME, by

which thou bast given them me; and I guarded them.
i 8. John viii. 28; xii. 49; xiv. 10. % 10. John xvi. 15. % 12. John vi. 70; xiii. 13.
112. Psa. cix. 8; Acts i. 20. % 14 John xv. 18,19; 1 John iii. 13. + 15. Matt, vii
13; 2 Thess. iii. S; 1 John r 18 I 17- John xv.8; Acts xv. 9; Eph. v 26; 1 Pet. i. 23
dhajp. 17 :• 18.3 Itihap. 11 : &.
t\r\Beiq (rov 6 Aoyus 6 <ro$ a\7]6eia GCTTI, •" T r u t h ; % THY WOED i |
truth ofthee; the word the thine truth is. the T E U T H .
KaOoos efie aireffTeiAas eis TOV Koorfiov, ttqyw 18 % A-s thou didst send
A» me t h o u didst send i n t o the world, also I Me into the WORLD, SO ft
tnr€<TT€i\a avrovs eis TOV KOO'/LIOV. Kai vrrep sent them into the WOELD ;
sent them into the world. And i n behalf
19 % and in their behalf
avrwv eyoo ayia^oo kfiavrov, iva Kai avroi iccriv 3E sanctify myself, so thai
of t h e m I sanctify myself, s o t h a t also t h e y m a y b e tftfg also may he sanctified
Tjyiaa'fievoi ey aArjOetq 20
O v irepi rovrwvde in Truth.
sanctified in truth. N o t concerning t h e s e and 20 Nor do I entreat foe
epoorca fiovov, aAKa Kai wept rcov Tncrevovrcov these only, but also for
I ask alone, b u t also concerning t h o s e believing THOSE BELIEVING into me
21 through their WOED ;
8ta TOV Koyov avrcav eis e/ne. 'Iva travres
through the word of t h e m i n t o m e . That all 21 $ so that all may he
kv ooai' tcadeos cry, irarep, ev efioi, Kqyco ev o~ot, one j as % tftou, .Father, art
enemaybe; as t h o u , father, i a me, a u d i in t h e e , in me, and 5 in thee, that
tfitg also may he in us ; go
Iva *KCLI avroi ev rifxiv *\ev\ ooo~iv iva b KOCT- that the WORLD may be-
ikat also t h e y i n us [ o n e ] m a y be* t h a t t h e world
lieve That thou didst send
fios TTio'Tevcry, 6TI arv fie aireo'reikas. ^ Kai Me.
may believe, that thow. mge didst send. And
22 And the GLOEY which
eya> Tf]V Sofav t\v dedwKas /mot, fiedcoKa avrots' thou hast given me, £ have
I t h e glory which t h o u h a s t given t o m e , have given t o t h e m ; given them ; J that they
Iva wcrtv kv, KaQoos 7}fieis kv ecr/uev ^ (eyco ev may be one, as u<s are one^
thattheymay beone, as we one are; (I in
23 & in them, and thotl
avrois, Kai <orv ev e ^ o r ) Iva, oxri rereKeioofie in me, that they may be
them, and thou in me;) t h a t they may b e perfected perfected into one; so that
vol eis kv, ^[KCU'J tva yivooVKr} 6 KOO"JXOS, on crv the WORLD may know That
into one, [ a n d ] t h a t m a y k n o w t h e world, t h a t t h o u tfiott didst send me, and
fie aireffreiAas, Kai 7)ya7T7]o'as avrovs, KaBcas didst love them, as thou
toe didst send, a n d t h o u didst love them, as didst love me.
24 24 J Father, those whom
e/xe 77ya7n]cras. IlaTep, ovs Bcdo)Kas pot,
me t h o a didst love. O father, w h o m t h o u h a s t givento m e , thou hast given me, I wish
that where £ am, tfjcjj also
OeAoo, iva oirov eifit eyco, tcqKeivoi ooo~i fl€T maybe with m e ; so that
I wish, that where am 1, also t h e y m a y b e w i t h
i they may behold MY
efiov iva 0ecopcoo"i rr\v 8c ^av rr\v efi7]v^ f\v GLOEY, which thou didst
me; t h a t they m a y behold t h e ?._*y the m i n e , which give me, because thon didst
kBooKas fioi, on yyaTTTjO'as fie irpo KarafioArjs love me before the Forma-
t h o u didst give t o me, because t h o u d i d s t l o r e m e before a laying down tion of the World.
25 25 O righteous Father,
KOO'JULOV. IlaTep fiacaie, Kai 6 KOCTJIOS ere OVK
ef & world. O father r i g h t e o u s , a n d t h e world t h e e n o t the WOELD did not know
eyvca° eyoo §e are eyvcav, Kai ovroi eyvcocav on Thee,
but 3E knew Thee,
tfjese knew That tfcg\*
knew; I but thee knew, and these knew that
didst send Me.
cv fie aireorreiAas. ^ Kat eyvcopica avrots TO
thou me didst send. A u d I made k n o w n t o t h e m t h e 26 And I made known*
and will make known to
ovofia GOV, Kai yvvpiffw iva 7) ayairi) r}v them thy NAME ; so that
name ofthee, a n d will m a k e k n o w » ; t h a t t h e love which $ the LOVE with which
thou didst love me may b<*
?)yair7}0~as fie, ev avrois y, Kqyco ep avrois. in them, and X in them.
t h o u didst love m e , i n t h e m m a y be,and I in them.

" fATicAir MANUSCRIPT.—17. Truth; THT WORD is theTBUTH. 21. one—-omit.

X 17. 2 Sam. vii. 28; Psa. cxix. 142,151; John viii. 40. J 18. John xx. 21. J 19.
1 Cor. i. 30; Heb. x. 10. T 21. ver. 11, 22, 23 ; John x. 16; Rom. xii. 5; Gal. iii. 28.
t 2i: John x. 88; xiv. 11. % 22. xiv. 20-; 1 John i. 3 ; iii. 24 X 2 4 - J o l m xi»
26; xiv. 3 ; 1 Thess. iv. If. t &>• iolm xv. 9.
Ohap. 18; 1.3 JOHN, [&iap. IS: t\>

KE«1». irf. 1 8 . CHAPTER XVIII.

1 * Jesus, saying These
Tavra SITTCOP 6 Irjo'ovs e£7/A.0e o~vv rots things, J went out with his
These things saying the Jesus went out with the DISCIPLES beyond the
rov t B R O O K K E D R O N , where
[laOrjrais avrov wepav rov X€i/Jiapj)ov
disciples of himself beyond the brook of the was f a Garden, into which
Kedpccv, STTOV rjv K7]iros, eis Sv eicrrjXOe-v avros be entered, and his DISCI-
Kedron, where was a garden, intowhich entered himself PLES.
2 2 Now THAT J U D A S
Rat oi jxaOrjrai avrov, H 5 e i Se Kai IovBas9 6
and tha disciples ofhim. Knew and also Judas, he also, who DELIVERED him
7rapadi8ovs avrov, rov roirov Sri iroWaicis up, knew the PLACE ; Be-
delivering up him, the place; because often cause * Jesus often met
(TVVT)X^V S Irjcrovs e/cef psra roov fiaOrjrcov there with his D I S C I P L E S .
met the Jesus there with the disciples 3 % Then J U D A S , having
3t obtained the BAND and
avrov. O ovv lovdas Xaficav TTJV (rireipav, Officers from t h e HIGH-
of himself. Tha then Judas having taken the band,
PRIESTS and * P H A R I S E E S ,
«ai €K rcov apxizpzMi' Kai Qapuraioov virr^peras, comes there with Torches,
and from the high-priests and Pharisees officers, and Lamps, and "Weapons.
€p%€Tai €K6t fiera <pav<av Kai AafiTradcov Kai 4 Jesus, therefore, know-
comes thers with torches and lamps and ing All T H I N G S that were
SirKoov. 197(Tov5 ovv eidcos iravra ra epx°~ COMING upon him, going
weapons. Jesus therefore knowing all the things com- out, * says to them,
fisva e7T* avrov, e^eXOcov enrev avrois' Tiva £17- " Whom do you seek ?"
ing on him, going out said to them; Whom seek 5 They answered him,
T6iTe; 5 AireKpiOrjo'av avrcp' l^aovv rov N a - " J e s u s the NAZARENE."
you; They answered him; Jesua the Na- * H e says to them, I am
fapaiov. Ae^et avrois 6 I^frous* JZyco etjUi. J E S U S . " And THAT J U D A S
zarene. Says to thera the Jesus; I am. also, who DELIVERED him
(Eitrr^Ket Se Kai IouSas, 6 irapadifiovs avrov, up, was standing with
(Was standing and also Judas, the delivering up him, them.
/U6TS avrcav.) 6
'D.s ovv enrep avrois' e
Ori 6 When therefore, he
with them.) "When therefore he said to them; That said to them, " £ am h e , "
ey<a ei/ni° airt)XBov QIS ra oTrictca, Kai eTreo'op they went back, and fell
I amj they went into the behind, and fell on the Ground.
Xa/mai. ? TiaXiv ovv avrovs eTT7]poorr)o~€' Tiva 7 Then he asked them
on the ground. Again then them he asked; Whom again, " Whom do you
£VjT€iTe; Oi de Gitrov lr}0"ovv rov Nafapaiov. seek ?" And THEY gaid,
seek you? They and said; Jesus the Nazarene. "Jesus, the N A Z A R E K S . "
AireKpiOr) ITJO'OVS' Enrov v/uiv, Sri eya> eifjn- 8 Jesus answered, " I
Answered Jesus; I said to you, that 1 am; told you That 5 am h e ; if,
€i ovv ejj.e fyireire, a<pere rovrovs virayeiv. therefore, you seek Me,
if therefore me you seek, suffer these t o go.
permit these to go."
9 itr 9 That the WORD might
' I ^ a irXripooOp 6 Xoyos9 bv enrey Ori ous be fulfilled which he said,
So that mightbefulfilled the word, which he said; "Thatwhom X"Of those whom thou
Se5u>Kas fxoi, OVK airoXeo'a e | avroov ouSem." hast given me, I lost no
thou hast given to me, not Host of them no one." one."
^,ifxoov ovv TLerpos ^X0iV paxatpav, elXKvo'ev 10 J Then Simon Peter
Simon then Peter having a sword, drew having a Sword, drew it,
avTTjv, Kai eTriao'e rov rov apxiepeeos BovXop, and struck the SERVANT
her, and struck the of the high-priest slave, of the H I G H - P R I E S T , and
Kat av€Ko^/€p avrov ro oortov ro 8e£toz>. Hv 8e cut off hia RIGHT * E A R -
and cut off of him t h e ear the right, Wasnow TTP. NOW the SERVANT'S
ovofxa rq> dov\a> Ma\xos* ^ E w r e y ovv 6 I77- Name was Malchus.
a name t o the slave Malchus. Said therefore tho Je- 11 J E S U S , therefore,
* YATICAK MANUSCRIPT.—1. Jesus. 2. Jesus. 8. PHARISEES. 4. says.
5. He says to them, " E am JESUS." 10. EAR-TIP.
t 1. The name of a small rivulet, and of a valley towards the east of Jerusalem; proba-
bly derived from an Hebrew root signifying to he darkened, the valley being shaded? with
wood. t 1. Gethsemane.
t 1. Matt. xxvi. 36; Mark xiv. 32; Luke xxii. 39. t 8. Matt. xxvi. 47; Mark xiv. 48;
Luke xxii. 47; Acts i. 16. % 9. John xvii. 12. J 10. Matt. xxvi. 51; Hank xiy,
#Ts Luke xxii, 49,60.
fhap. 1 8 : 12.] JOHN. ICthap. 1 8 . SO.
(Tovs rep Uerpep' B a \ e rt\v fxax^p^v ets ryv said to PETES, Put the
sus to the Peter j Put up the sword into the SWOED into the SCAB-
07]K7)V' TO TTOTTJplOV 0 Se<5o)K€ flOL 6 7TaT37p, OV BASD ; % the CUP which
sheath; the cup w h i c h h a s given t o m e t h e father, not the EATHEU has given me,
(XT} TTICO avro; shall I not drink it ?"
n o t should I drink i t ? 12 Then the B A N D , and
12 the COMMANDED, and the
*H ovv cnreipa Kai ol xi^-laPX0S Kat
°* v^V' OFFICERS of the JEV?S ap-
The then band and the commander and t h e offi-
perai rcav lovfiaioov crweXafiov icai prehended
rov lr)o'ovv9
bound him,
JESUS, and
cers of t h e Jews apprehended the Jesus, and
eSrjerav avrov, Kai airyyayov avrov wpos 13 and led him first to
bound him, and led him to Annas, for he was Father-
Avvav irpoorov f]V yap irevQepos rov Kaiaepa, in-law of CAIAPHAS, who
Annas first; h e was for father-in-law of t h e Caiaphas, was High-Priest that
6s f]v apxizpsvs rov eviavrov eKeivov. Hv Y E A S .
rrhowas high-priest of t h e year that. Was 14 J Now Caiaphas was
5e Kaiaepas 6 crvfifiovXevcras rois Xou5cuois? 6TL the one HAVING ADVISED
tow Caiaphas he having advised the Jews, that the J E W S , " T h a t it is ex-
crv/Liepepei eva avOpwwov airoXe<rdai vvep rov pedient that One Man be
i t is b e t t e r one man t o b e destroyed i n behalf of t h e destroyed in behalf of the
Xaov. HKOXOVOSI 5e rep 1T)<TOV ^I/J-COV YLerpos,
people. Followed and the Jesus Simon Peter, 15 % And Simon Peter
followed J E S U S J also the
KCU 6 oXXos fxa6r}T7)s. 'O 5e fjLaOrjrrjs eKeivos OTHEK Disciple. And that
and t h e o t h e r disciple. The and disciple that
DISCIPLE was known to
rjv yveao'ros rep apx^epei,
o~vv€io~r}X6e rep the HIGH-PBIKST, and
was known t o t h e high-priest,
went i n and
with the went in with J E S U S into
1S e
lyo'ov eis rt\v avXrjv rov apx^P^^So O Se the PALACE of the H I G H -
Jesus into the palace of t h e high-priest. The bat PBLEST J
Uerpos elo~Tr)KeL irpos rr\ Ovpy e^oo. "E^yXOev 16 J but PETER stood at
Peter stood at the the DO OK without. There-
door without. Went out

ovv 6 ixa$7\rr\s 6 aXXos, bs 7]V yveao'ros rep fore, *THAT OTH1E DIS-
therefore t h e disciple t h e other, w h o was known t o t h e CIPLE who was the AC-
ie e KaL e t 7 r € r QUAINTANCE of themGH-
apx p h V Qvpwpty-) Kai eierriyaye TOP PEiEST, went out, and
high-priest, a n d spoke t o t h e door-keeper, and broughtin the
spoke to the DOOB-KEKP-
Uerpov. ^ Aeyei ovv r) 7raidi(TK7j 7} Qvp&pos EE, and brought in P E T E S .
Peter. Says then t h e female-servant t h e door-keeper
TW Xierpep' MTJ Kat crv e/c reap fiaGrjreav ei rov SEEVANT, the D O O U K E E P -
to the Peter; N o t also t h o u of t h e disciples a r t t h e EE, says to P E T E S , "Art
avdpwirov rovrov; Aeyei eiceivos' OVK eifj.i, thou also of this MAN'S
man this? Says he; Not l a m . D I S C I P L E S ? " %Z says, " I
I?.lo'T7)K€icrav §e ol dovXoi Kai ol vinqperai av am not."
Stood and t h e slaves and the efficers a 18 And the SERVANTS
6pa.ia.av Treiroi^Kores^ brt ij/vxos rjv, KUI eQep- and OEPICEES having
eoal fire having made, because cold i t was, a n d warmed made a Fire of coals, Be-
cause it was cold, stood
fiaivovro' 7}v 5e fier* avrcov 6 Uerpos ka'rcos and warmed themselves.
themselves; was a n d with them the Peter standing
And P E T E S * also waa
Kai depfiacvo/jievoSi 1 9 e O ovv apx^p^vs Tjpco- standing with them, and
an d w amain g himself. The therefore high-priest asked warming himself.
rr)0"e rov IT}(T0VV irepi reav fiaOrjrevv avrov9 19 Then the H I G H -
the Jesus concerning " t h e disciples of h i m , PRIEST asked J E S U S about
KaL irepi rr)s difiaxys avrov. AireKptBr} his D I S C I P L E S , and about
and concerning t h e teaching of him. Answered h i s TEACHING.

avrep 6 lr](Tovs' Eyea irapprjcncz eAaXr)o~a rep 20 JESUS answered him,

him the Jesus; I publicly spoke to the " 3E * have spoken publicly

* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 6 . THAT O T H E R D I S C I P X E "who w a s t h e A C Q U A I N T A N C E of t h e
HIGH PRIEST, and. 18. a l s o . 20. h a v e s p o k e n .
% 11. M a t t . x x . 2 2 ; x x v i i . 39, 42. J 14. J o h n x i . 50. t 15. M a t t . x x v i . 58--
M a r k xiv. 54; L u k e x x i i . 54. % 16. M a t t . x x v i . 69; M a r k x W . 6 6 ; L u k e xxii. 54.
Chap'. 18: 21:] JOHN. ZChap. 18: 29.

KOfffiy eya) nraprori cdtda^a ev cwaycoy^ tcai to the WORLD ; 2 always

world; I always taught in a. synagogue and taught in a Synagogue and
€U Tip Up™, dirov navres oi lovfiaiot crvvepxov- in the TEMPLE, where All
ia t, e temple, where all the Jews come together, the J E W S come together;
TCU, KClt €V KpVTTT<p fA&ArjtTa QvdtPt 2i
T t / i 6 and in secret I said noth-
and ia secret I Baid nothing. "Why me ing.
€7T€pwTos; sTrepwrrjcrov rovs aK-qKOoras, ri 21 Why dost thou ask
dost thou ask? ask those having heard, what Me? Ask those HAVING
HEARD what I said to
tKahi)o~a avrois' *§ej ovrot oiBacriv a enrov them; behold, tfteg know
II said to them; lo, ihey know what things said
22 what things I said."
€yo). Taura Be avrov <stwovrosf <sis rcov 22 And he having said
I. These things and ofhim havingsaid, one ofthe
these things, J one ofthe
jjWTipercau Trapeo'rrjKcos eBoDKe paTrifffia rco OFFICEBS standing by gave
officers having stood by gave a blow to the JESUS a Blow, saying,
ITJ/TOU, enrcav Qbrais airoKpivri &($ apx^P^i; ." Dost thou thus answej
Jesus, saying; Thus dost thou answer the high-priest? the H I G H - P R I E S T ? " i
^ATreKpiOrj OJVT<$> 6 Iqaovs' E* KCLKOOS eAaA?/- 23 * Jesus answeredhim,
Answered him • the. Jesus; -If evil I spoke, " If I spoke evil, testify
ca, /xarvpprjcrov irepi rov Kaftov ei 5<? KfiAcos, concerning the EVIL; but
testify concerning the evilj it but, wellj if well, why dost thou beat
*ri fx€ Sepeis; '<' Me? 3 '
Why mo dost thou beat? . 24 J f (ANNAS sent him,
f4.A5re(TT€Aay avrov 6 Avvas dedefxevov nrpos having been bound, to Cai-
J^?'^t Sent him the .Annus having been boiind to aphas, the HIGH-PRIEST.)
25 25 And Simon Peter
If&iatyav rov apxiepea- HJ> de"%ifxu>vXlerpos
i'Caiaphaa tho high-priest. Wao and Simon Peter was standing and warming
iffrcos KOLI OepfxaivofjLcvps* JZnrov OVV avroy himself. J Then they said
standing and warming himself. They said therefore to him; to him, "Art not thou also
M77 nat crv GK ra>v pLady)Tow avrov a; Hpv??- of his DISCIPLES ?" f£}e
denied, arid said, " 1 am
Not also thou of the disciple3 of him thouart? Denied
2Q not." (
(Taro eKiiPoSf Kai enrev OVK ei/xt. Aeyei
he, and said; Not lam. &ays 26 One of the SERVANTS
€ts €K rwv hov\o>v rov apx j 6 P 6 W S > (rvyyevys mv of the HIGH-PHI EST, being
one of the slaves ofthe high-priest, a relative being a relative of him Whosii
ou awtKotye Herpos ro wriov OVK <£yw ere EAR "Did
Peter cut off, savs,
not I see Thee 'in
of whom cutoff Petes the ear; Not I thee
the GARDEN with him ?"
eifiov €P roy K7]irq} fier3 avrov ; 2? UaXiP ovv
saw in the garden with him ? Again therefore 27 Then «Peter a^ain
t\pvr)aa/TO 6 JJerpos' KCLI evOecas ahetcrcvp ecp<a- tdenied, % and immediately
a Cock crew.
denied the Peter j and immediately acock crew.
VT)$*V. 28 J Then they lead J E .
Ayovcriv ovv rov ITJO'OVV aivo rov Kaia<pa sus from CAIAPHAS into
the IPR^ETORIUM/ It was
They lead then the Jesus from ofthe Caiaphas
now morning; and tljes
as ro rrpairwpiov r\v de irpoia. Kai aoroi went not into the PR,E-
Into the judgment hall; it wac and morniug. And they TORIUM so that they might
OVK €io"q\6op €is ro wpaircopiov, tva fir] fxiav- not be denied, but f" that
aot went into the judgment hall, that not they might they might eat the PASS-
QaxriP) «AA' tva (pay&fft ro 7racrxa. 2 9 EI17A- OVER.
be defiled, but that they might eat the passover. Went 29 PILATE, therefore,
6ev ovv 6 UiXaros irpos avrovsa icai ci-jre* Tiva went out to them, and
out therefore the Pilate to them, und said; What *said, "What Accusation

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—23. Jesus. 27. Peter. 29. says.

t 24 This clause by some is added to the end of the 13th verse where it seems more
properly to belong. t 27. The trumpet, called the cock-crowing, sounded at the be-
ginning ofthe third watch ; this was at midnight. See Note on Matt. xxvi. 34. t 28.
See Note on Matt, xxvii. 27- t 28. It was probably then thought lawful iwr the Jews
to eat the paschal Limb at any hour between the two evenings, though Exod. xii. 0,8, seems
to require it to be eaten at the time when Jesus ate it.
t 22. Jer. xx. 2; Acts xxiii. 2. t 24. Matt. xxvi. 57. X 25. Matt. xxvi. 69, 71 •
Mark xiv.tiO; Luke xxii.58. t 27- Matt. xxvi. 74; Mark xiv. 72; Luke xxii. 00 ; Jch,H
*iii. 38. | 28. Mutt, xxvii. 2 ? Mark xv. I ; Luke xxiii. 1; Acta iii. 15.
Ohap. 18: 30.] JOHN. [Ohap. 1 8 : 38.

Karyjyopiav fpspere Kara rov av6pa>irov rovro? do yon bring * against this
accusation bring you against the man this? MAN ? "
^AireKpiOrjCav Kasi enrov avrcp- E t JJLTJ rju ovros 80 They answered and
They answered a n d said t o h i i n ; I f n o t wa» this
said to Mm," If he was not
KCtKairoioS} OVK av cot 7tape§ooK<i}xev avrov. * one who does evil, we
an evil-doer, n o t would t o t h e e we delivered u p him.
31 would not have delivered
Riirev ovv avrois 6 XliAaros* A a ( 8 e r s avrov him up t o thee."
Said them to them t h e Pilate; Take him
31 Then * Pilate said to
vfxeis, Kai Kara rov vo/nov vjxcav Kptvare avrov. them, " Take flou him, and
you, a n d according t o t h e law o f y o u judge him.
judge him according to
%ITTOV * [ O I > K ] avrcp oi lovhaior 'H/niv OVK your L A W . " The J E W S
Said [therefore] t o h i m t h e Jews; To u s not
32t said to him, " I t i3 not law-
e^ecrnv airoKreivai ovdeva. I m 5 Aoyos rov ful for UB to kill any one ; "
it is lawful t o kill no one. So t h a t t h e word of t h e
l7]o~ov irprjpooOy, 6v etire, crripcaivccv iroicp 0ava- 32 J that the WORD of
J e s u s m i g h t b e fulfilled, w h i c h h e said, p o i n t i n g o u t b y w h a t death JESUS might be verified,
T a 7)fjLzhKev airoOvrjo'KeiVo which h e spoke, intima-
h e was a b o u t t o die. ting by What Death he
EicryAdev ovv eis ro irpairwpiov iraAiv 6 was about to die.
Went then into t h e judgment-hall again t h e 33 % P I L A T E , therefore,
HiXaros, KCU zepoovrjere rov Irjcrovv, Kai enrev went into the PRJETORTUM
Pilate, and called the Jesus, and said again, and called JESUS,
avrcpy 2 v €t 6 jSacnAeus rcav lovfiaioov ; ^ATTSK- and said to him, " Art thou
to h i m ; T h o u a r t t h e king of t h e JewB P A n - the K I N G of the J E W S ?"
piOt) *[«uT&;] 6 Irjcrovs' A</>5 iavrov cv rovro 34 Jesus answered,
»wered Piim] the Jesus; Esom thyself thou this "Dostthou say this from
Aeyets, 7? aAAoi 0*01 enrov 'wepi e/xov ; 3o
ATTSK- thyself, or did others tell
sayest, or others t o thee told concerning m e ? An- thee concerning me ?"
pi6r) 6 UiAaros" Mrjri eye*) lovSaiois ei/xi; ro 35 PIIATE answered,
»weredthe Pilate; Not I a Jew"Am $ a Jew? T H I N E
am? the
eOvos ro o~ov Kai of apxiepets TtapedooKav <re OWN N A T I O N , even the
n a t i o n t h e t h i n e a n d t h e high-priests delivered u p thee HIGH-PRIESTS have de-
efior rt €Troirj(ras / ^ AirsKpidrj Irjcrovs" ' H livered thee to me. "What
t o m e ; w h a t didst t h o u d o ? Answered Jesus; T h e didst thou do ?"
/3a<nAe« 7)] OVK e&nv e/c rov KOO'JJ.OV rovrov 36 £ Jesus answered,
kingdom t h e mine n o t is of the world this; "My KINGDOM is not of
€i e/c rov KOO'/.LOV rovrov r)V 7) fiacriAeia 7) efj.7], this WOULD. If MY KING-
if of t h e world this was t h e k i n g d o m t h e mine, DOM were of this WORLD,
01 virrjpsrai av ot efioi rjycavi^ovro, Iva firj MY OPPICEIIS would fight,
the officers would t h o s e £or m e contend, that n o t so that I might not be de-
Tjrapadodo) rois lovdatois, vvv Se r) livered up t o the J E W S ;
I m i g h t b e delivered u p t o t h e Jews, HOW b u t t h e but now MY KINGDOM ia
fiacriAeia 7] efiTj OVK ecrriv evrevdev. & Eiwey not from hence-"
kingdom t h e mine n o t is from this place. Said
87 P I L A T E , therefore,
ovv avrcp 6 UiAaros' OVKOVV fiacriAevs ei ctv; said to him, " Art tftou not
then tohiin t h e Pilate; N o t then a king a r t t h o u ? a King then ?" J E S U S an-
ATr^KpiOrj 6 Irjcrovs' 5 v Aeyejs* on fiacriAevs swered, " Kfyou sayest;
Answered t h e J e s u s ; Thou sayest; that a king * I am a King. Tor this J
etjuLt €700. Eyco eis rovrov y$ytvvr\\xai<i Kai have been born; and for
am I. I for this have been b o r a , a n d this 3£ have come into the
eis rovro eArjAvda eis rov KOO~fJ.ov9 iva /naprv-WOELD, that I may testify
for this I have come i n t o the world, that I may tes- to the TiiUTii. f EVERY
prjerca ry aArjOeia. Has 6 cov e/c TTJS aArj- ONE who i s of the TRUTH,
tify to the truth. hears My VOICE."
Every one who being of the truth,
6eias, anovei JJLOV rrjs <pow7)s. ^Ae-yei avrcp 38 P I L A T E says to him,
hears of m e t h e voice. Says t o him
"What is T r u t h ? " JAnd
6 TliAaros' T t ecrriv aArjdeta, Kai rovro enrcov, saying This, he went out
the Pilate; What is truth? And this saying,

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—29. of this MAN. 80. one who does evil, we would.
31. Pilate. 31. therefore—omit. 34. him—otuit. 37* I am.
J 3-2. Matt. xx. 19; John xii. 32, 33. $ 33. Matt, xxvii. It. % 86. 1 Tim. vi. 13.
X 87. Johnviii. 47; l J o l m i i i . 19; iv. 6. % 38. Matt, xxvii. 24; Luke xiiii. 4; John
*ix. 4, 6.
Chap. 18 : 39.] JOHN. tfhap. 1 9 : 8.

iraXiv e^rjXde irpos TOVS lovficuovs, Kai

Xeyei again to the J E W S , and
again he went oat to the Jews,says says to them, " £ find No
avroLS' E ^ O J ovdefxiav airiav evpicnco) ev avrcp. Fault In Mm."
to them; I not one fault find in him. 39 j B u t it is custom*
EcrTt 8e crvvrjdeia V/JLIV, Iva kva vfxiv airoXvcco ary for you that I release
It is but a custom for you, that one to you I release to you One during the
ev rep Tracr^a* fiovXecrde ovv, v/niv airoXvo'ca PASSOVER; are you will-
in the passover; are you willing therefore, to you I release ing, therefore, that I re-
70V fiao'iXea rcav lovSaioov j 4 0 EKpavyao'av ovv lease to you the KING of
the king of the Jews? They cried out then the J E W S ?"
iraXiv *\jravres,~\ Xeyovres' Mr) rovrov, aXXa 40 Then they cried out
again [all,] saying; Not this, but again, saying, % " Not htm,
but BARABBAS." X Now
rov Bapafi&av. Hv 5e 6 Bapafifias Xrjo'rrjs. BARABBAS was a ILobber.
the Barabbas. Wasnowthe Barabbas a robber.
KE<f>. itf. 1 9 . 1 % Then PILATE, there-
T o r e ovv eXafiev 6 UiXaros rov Irjo'ovv, ROLL fore took and scourged J E -
Then therefore took the Pilate the Jesus, and
2 2 And the SOLDIERS,
e/xacprryaxre. Kcu ol a'rpanoorai irXe^avres wreathing a Crown of Ac-
scourged. And the soldiers braiding
anthus, placed it on His
crre(f)avov e£ aKavOcav, eTredrjuav avrov ry fce<pa- HEAD ; and they threw
a crown of thorns, placed of him to the head, around him a purple Man-
Xrj, Kai l/xariov irop<pvpovv TrepiefHaXov avrov, tle,
aud a mantle purple threw about him, 3 * and they came to
Kai eXeyov Xaipe 6 fiao'iXevs rwv lov^aicav him and said, " Hail, KING
and said; Hail the king of the Jews; of the J E W S !" And they
teat eftidovv avrca pair lapiara. E^rfXOev ttaXiv gave him Blows.
and they gave him blows. Went again 4 * And P I L A T E went
e£&' 6 UiXaros, Kai Xeyei avrois' I§e, ayoo XJJXIV out again, and says to
out the Pilate, and says to them; Lo, I bring toyou them, " Behold, I bring
avrov e£a>, Iva yvcare, Sri ev avrca ovde/xiav him out to you, That you
him out, that youmayknow, that in him not one may know that I find % No
airiav evpio'Kca. 5 (JL£r)XQev ovv 6 Irjcrovs e£co, Fault in him."
fault I find. (Came then the Jesus out, 5 Then * Jesus came
(popcov rov aKavdivov crrecpavov, Kai ro ivopcpv- out, wearing the ACAN-
wearing the thorny crown, and the purple THINE Crown, and the
povv 1/u.ariov.) Kai Xeyei avrois' I8e, 6 avOpca- PURPLE Mantle. And. he
mantle,) And he says to them; See, the man. says to them, " Behold> the
'Ore OVV eidov avrov ol apxi*Peis Kai ol MAN !"
"When therefore saw him the high-priest and the 6 jWhen, therefore, the
virrjperai, eKpavyaaav Xeyovres' ^ravpcao'ov, HIGH-PRIESTS and the OF-
officers, they cried out saying; Crucify, FICERS saw him, they cried
crravpcocrov avrov. Ae'ye* avrois 6 UiXaros' out, saying, "Crucify, cru-
crucify him. Says to them the Pilate; cify h i m ! " P I L A T E says
Aafiere avrov vfieis, Kai cravpcacrare' eyca yap to them, " Take him your-
selves, and crucify him;
Take him you, and erucify; I for
for 3Efindno "Fault in him."
ovx evpio'Kca ev avrca airiav. 7 AireKpiBrjcav 7 The JEWS answered
not find in him a fault. Answered
him, X " W£ z have a Law,
avrca ol lovSaior 'H/j-eis VOJJLOV ex^/nev, Kai and by * the LAW he ought
him the Jews; We alaw have, and to die, because J he made
Kara rov vofiov r)jxcav ocpeiXei airoOaveiv, himself a Son of God."
according to the law of us he ought to die, 8 When PILATE, there-
on eavrov, vlov deov eTvoirjaev. 8'Ore ovv fore, heard This WORD, he
because himself, , a son of God he made. Whentherefore was more afraid,
rjKovcrev 6 UiXaros rovrov rov Xoyov, fiaXXov
heard the Pilate this the word, more
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—40. all—omit. 3. they came to him and said. 4. And
PILATE went. 5. Jesus. 7. the LAW.
X 39. Matt, xxvii. 15; Mark. xv. 6; Luke xxiii. 17. X 40. Acts iii. 14. X 40. Luke
xxiii. 19. j 1- Matt;- xx. 19; xxvii. 26; Mark xv. 15; Luke xviii. 33. X 4. John
xviii. 38; ver. 6. X 6. Acts iii. 13. % 7- Lev„ xxiv. 16. % *]. Matt. xxvi.
§5; John v. 18; x. 83.
<%df>. 1 9 : 9.1 JOHN. lOhap. 1 $ : 16.
• 9 and went again int<$
t(pofi7jdT}% 9
KCLI €i&r}\Q(V €is ro rrpairccpiov TraXiv, \
he was afraid; and went into th« judgment-hall again,
says to J E S U S , " W h e n c e
Kai Xeyei rep Irjcrovs' Tlodev ei av; 'O 8 e lr}- art i j o u ? " ^ B u t J E S U S
and says t o t h e J e s u s ; Whence art thou? The b u t Je-
w gave him no Answer.
vovs airoKpio'iv OVK edooKev avrcp. A e y e i ovv 10 P I L A T E t h e n says to
BUS a n answer not gave to him. Says then
him, " D o s t t h o u not speak
avrcpbliiXaros' Eyu.0! ov XaXets; OVK oiftas, to m e ? Dost t h o u n o t
to h i m t h e P i l a t e ; To m e n o t t h o u d o s t s p e a k ? n o t knowest thou,
know That I have Autho-
OTL e£ovariav ^%(a (Xravpcoaai «re, /ecu z^ovcriav rity * to release thee, and
t h a t a u t h o r i t y I have t o crucify thee, and authority
I have Authority to crucify
6X0? airoXvcai ere / n Air^Kpidr) Irjcovs' OVK t h e e ? "
thave t o release thee? Answered Jesus; Not
11 * Jesus answered
ei^es e^ovcrtav ovdz/juav Kar' €{.WV, ei f*.7] him, $ " Thou wouldst
t h o u couldst h a r e a u t h o r i t y n o t any againBt me, if n o t
have n o Authority against
K\V o~oi deBofievcw avca6ev° S t a rovro 6 me, if it had not heen given
It w a s t o t h e e having been given from above ; on account of t h i s he
thee from above. On this
irapadihovs fie troi, fxei^ova a/xapriav e%et. 1 2 E/c account H E who D E L I V -
delivering u p m e t o t h e e , greater sin has. From ERED m e to thee has a
rovrov sfarei 6 HiXaros airoXvcrai avrov. Ol Greater Sin."
this seeks the Pilate t o release him. The
12 Erom this time, P I -
5e lovfiaioi eicpafrv, Xzyovres* Ecu/ rovrov L A T E sought t o release
but Jews cried o u t , saying; If this h i m ; h u t t h e J E W S cried
aTroXv(rr}s, OVK CL (piXos rov Trots 6 out, saying, J " If thou r e -
thoureleaae, n o t t h o u art a friend of t h e Ce»ar; e v e r y o n e t h e lease h i m , thou a r t not a
,6ao~iXeia kavrov TTOICOV, avnXeyei rep Kaicapi. Eriend of C E S A R • t EVERY
king himself making, speaks against t h e Cesar. ONE w h o M A K E S Himself
13 f a King speaks against C E -
O ovv HiXaros aKovcras rovrov rov Xoyov, S A R . "
Thetherefore Pilate having heard this the word,
13 PILATE, therefore,
rjyayev e£cw rov Irjo'ovv, Kai eKaOicrev €TTI rov having heard * these
brought out the Jesus, and s a t down on the WORDS, brought JESUS
(5r)fAaros eis rorrov Ai6 o err poor ov, out, and sat down on f the
tribunal i n t o a place being called Pavement, * Tribunal, in a Place called
Efipaiari Se Ta$f$aQa° 14
(rjv Se irapaTKevr) rov T T h e Pavement, h u t i n
in Hebrew b u t G a b b a t h a ; (it was and a preparation of t h e Hebrew, Gabbatha.
14 J (Now i t was t h e
7rao"%a, wpa 8e wcrei eKr??') Kai Xeyet rois lov- Preparation of t h e P A S S -
passover, h o u r and a b o u t sixth;) and h e says t o t h e J e w s ;
OVER, a n d t h e H o u r was
daiois' I 5 e 6 fiao"iXevs vp.wv. Of 8e GKpavya- about t h e t Sixth;) and h e
See t h e king of y o u . They b u t cried o u t ; says t o t h e J E W S , "Be-
o'av Apov, apov Asyei hold your K I N G !"
o'ravpcao'ov avrov-
Away, away; crucify him. Says 15 * T h e n t b e g cried out,
avrois 6 HiXaros' Tov fiacriXea vfxwv erravpeao'co ; " Away, away, crucify
to t h e m t h e Pilate; The king of you shall I crucify P him!" PILATE says to
them, " Shall I crucify your
AireKpidrjcrav oi ap%iepsis' OVK €%o/xej/
fiao'iXea K I N G ? " T h e H I G H - P R I E S T S
Answered t h e high-priests; N o t we have a king,
answered, % " ~\Ve have n o
ei i*7) Kcuerapa. king, except Cesar."
if n o t Cesar. 1 6 t T h e u , therefore, h e
T o r e ovv irapedcoKev avrov avrois, iva delivered h i m to them t h a t
Then therefore h e delivered u p him t o them, t h a t he might b e crucified.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—10. to release thee, and I have Authority to crucify thee?

11. Jesus answered him, Thou. 13. These WOKDS, brought. 13. Tribunal, in a
Place. 15. Then theg.
t 13. The Tribunal seems to have been placed in the open air, agreeably to what Jose.
phus says of Herod, when he tried his two, sons; " H e came to the tribunal, and that wail
placed in the stadium, (the circus, or place for races,) behind which his soldiers kept guard
unseen."—Pearce. t 13. A spot paved with stones, enclosed and elevated, where the
judge sat in his chair of state. t 14. Six o'clock in the morning. See Note on J o h n i . 39.
t 9. Isa. liii. f; Matt, xxvii, 12,14. J 11. Luke xxii. 53; John vii. 80. 112.
Luke xxiii. 2. J 12. Acts xvii. 7. 114. Matt, xxvii. 62. J 15. Gen. xUxolOt
% IS. Matt, xxvii. 26, 31; Mark xv. 15; Luke xxiii. 2*»
thap. 19: 170 JOHN. [Cfoap. I t : U.
(rravpwOr). TlapeXafiov de rov \r\a-ovv *[/ccu 17 J * Then they took
he might be crucified. Tliey took and the Jesus [and JESUS, and putting the
r)yayov.~\ ' Kai fiao'rafav TOV aravpov avrov, CROSS on him, he went out
led.] And sarrying the cross of himself, i n t o WHAT IS CALLED a
f^7}\dev eis rov Xeyo/jievov Kpaviov roTrov, 6S Place of a Skull, which sig-
he went outinto the being called
of a skull a place, which nifies in Hebrew Golgotha;
Xeyerai Efipaio~ri VoXyoOa. 'OTTOV avrov 18 \yhere they crucified
is called in Hebrew Golgotha. Where him
eVTZV- Him, and two others with
eo'ravpcoo'av, Kai per* avrov aXXovs duo,
they crucified, and with. Mm others two, hence him, one on each side, and
6ev Kai evrevOev, fxecrov 8e rov ITJCTOVV. 19 E 7 - JESUS in the Middle.
and hence, in middle and the Jesus. Wrote 19 $And P I L A T E wrote
paxj/e Be Kai rirXov 6 TiiXaros,Kai edrjKev CTTI rov a Title, and placed it on
and also a title the Fi ,.te, placed upon the the CROSS. Now that hav-
aravpov. Uv 5e yeypa/nfievov *' IT)O*OVS 6 N a - ing been written was,
cross. It was and having been written; "Jesus the Na- " Jesus, the NAZARENE,
fapaios, 6 fiacriXevs rcov lovdaioov" Tovrov the KING of the J E W S . "
zarene, the king o the Jews." This
ovv rov rirXov TTOXXOI aveyvooffav rcov lov- 20 This TTTLE, therefore,
therefore the title many read of the Jews." many of the JEWS read
Scucoj/, on eyyvs r\v 6 rorros rr]s 7roAe&>s, orcov because the PLACE was
because near was the place of the city, where near the CITY, where J E -
SUS was crucified; and it
ecrravpcoOr) 6 Irjcrovs' Kai r)v yzypajLi/j-evov 'E/3- had been written in He-
was crucified the Jesus; and it was having been writen in
aiffri 'EXXrjviorn, ''Poo/xaiari. 2 1 EXeyov ovv brew, * Latin, and Greek.
S ebrew m Greek, in Latin. Said therefore SI Then the HIGH-
rqj UiXarop o! apx^P^s roov lovfiaicow Mr} PRIESTS of the JEWS said
to the Pilate the high-priests of the Jews; Not to P I L A T E , " Do not write,
ypacpe' 'O fiacriXevs rcav lovSai&v aXX3 dri The KTNG of the J E W S , but
write thou; The Mng of the Jews; but that That he said, I am King of
€Keivo's enre' Bao~iXevs ei/jii row lovdaioov. the J E W S . "
hs said; A king l a m oft he Jews.
^KTVZKPIQK) 6 TtiXaros'
O yeypacpa, yeypacpa. S3 PILATE answered,
Answered the Pilate; What I have written, I have written. "What I have written, I
0 / ovv crparucrai, o r e ecravpcoaav rov have written."
The then soldiers, when they crucified the ' 23 J Then the SOLDIERS,
ITJO'OVV, e\a$ov ra 1/j.aria, avrov, (/fat eiroirjcrav when they had nailed J E -
Jesus, took the mantles o him, (and made SUS to the CKOSS, took his
Tecrcapa fJ-eprj, eKaarco o~rparioorr] [lepos,) Kai GARMENTS, and made
four parts, to each soldier a part,) and Four Parts, to Each Soldier
rov xLT0}va' ^v ^ € 0 XLTC0J/ ap/3a<£os, €K roov a Part. But his COAT was
the coat. Was but the coat without seam, from the without seam, woven from
avoodev v<pavros oY dXov 2 4 airov ovv irpos the top through the whole.
top woven throughoutwhole; they said then to
i(rco iA ej/ 24 They said, therefore,
each other; M17
N o t orx
let us ltear
- avrov, aAAa Xaxoo/xev to each other, " Let us
irept avrov, rivos e&rat. him, but we may castlota not tear it, but cast lots
about him, of whomit shal be. 'Iva 7] ypa<p7) TTXT}- for it, whose it shall b e ; "
That the writing might that the SCULPTURE might
pcodrj *[_7) Xeyovrra'J
be fulfilled [that saying J " Aiejuepiaavro ra be verified, % " They di-
They divided the
Ijxaria fxov kavrois, Kai eiri rov i/xario'/jLov fxov " vitled my GARMENTS
mantles of meforttvemselves, and on the raimeut of me " among themselves, and
** upon my RAIMENT they
€@aXov KXrjpov." " cast a Lot." The SOL-
they cast a lot." DIE&S, therefore, did these
Oi fj,€V ovv (TTparicorai ravra tiroirjO'av, tilings.
The indeed therefore soldiers these things did.

. * VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—16. And led —omit 17. Then they took JESUS, and put-
ting the cnoss ou mm. 20. Latin and Greek. 24. that saying—o*nit.
t 17- Matt. xxvu. 81 33; Mark xv. 21, 22; Lukexxiii 26,33. J id. Matt xxvtt £7t
Matk xv. 26-, Lake sxa-i. Sts £ r&. Matt xxvii. 35; Mark xv. 24; Luke xxiit. 84h
% 24. P&a, xxii, 18
Cfkap. 1 9 : 25 j .30Ht '[Chap. 1 9 : /33

}Ll(TTr}K€i(rai> 5e irapa rq> a'ravpo) rovjrjo'ov r) '25 ^ A n d there were
Stood now by the cross of t h e Jesus t h e standing b y t h e CROSS of
J E S U S h i s M O T H E R , and
p.7]rr\p avrov, tcai r) aSeXcprj rrjs fxrjrpos avrov,
mother of him, and t h e sister of t h e mother of him, his MOTHER'S SISTER,
Mapia r) rov KXcoira, /ecu Mapia r) MaydaXrjvrj. f Mary, t h e M O T H E R of
Mary t h a t o f t h e Klopas, and Mary the Magdalene. % CLOPAS, and Mary of
\I]<TOVS ovv idoov rrjv /j,7}repa, KCLI rov fxadrj-
Jesus therefore seeing t h e mother, and the disci- 26 Jesus, therefore, see-
ing Ms M O T H E R , and X t h e
rrjv irapetfroora, bv riyaira, Xeyet rrj /jLrjrpi
pie standing by, w h o m he loved, he says t o t h e
D I S C I P L E whom he loved
mother !
standing near, says to his
avrov Tvvai, *5e, 6 bios crov. ^ Eira Xeyei rca ' M O T H E R , " Woman, behold
of himself j O woman, L o , t h e s o n o f t h e e . Then h e s a y s t o t h e
thy S O N !"
/j.adY]rrj' iSov r) firjrrjp <rov. Kai atf etceivrjs 27 H e then says to t h e
disciple; Lo the mother ofthee. A n d from that
DISCIPLE, " Behold thy
rrjs ojpas cXafiev 6 /xaOrirrfS avrrjv eis ra i$ia. M O T H E R ! " And from that
the hour took the disciple her into t h e own.
28 HOUR the DISCIPLE took
M e r a rovrov zidoos 6 Irjo'ovs, on iravra 7787? 1
her to his OWN [house.]
After this knowing the Jesus, that all t h i n g s already
28 After this, * Jesus
T e r e A e c r r a i iva reXeicody 7) ypa(j)7], A e y e r knowing That all things
had been finished t h a t m i g h t be finished t h e writing, says;
had already been finished,
Aiipw. ^K€vos *j_ 0 U ) ! / J etceiro o£ovs fxeffrov X t h a t the SCRIPTURE
I thirst. A ves»el [therefore] stood of vinegar full;
might be fully accom-
ol Se TrXrj&avrts ciroyyov o^ovs, KCLI vtfcroo- plished, says, " I thirst."
theyand filling a sponge of vinegar, and to a h y s s o p s t a l k 29 A Vessel was placed
TTCfj ircpidevres, Trpocrjveytcav avrov rep a'rofiari.full of Vinegar; J * then a
putting round, brought of him t o t h e mouth. Sponge full of t h e V I N E -
30 GAR, having been attached
'Ore ovv eAajSe ro o^os 6 Ivcrovs, enre*
W h e n therefore t o o k t h e vinegar t h e Jesus, he said;
to a Hyssop-stalk, they
b r o u g h t to his M O U T H .
T€reXeo"rar Kai KXivas rrjv KetpaXrjv, -rrape- 30 W h e n therefore, * J e -
II has been finished; and having inclined t h e head, he gave
sus took t h e V I N E G A R , h e
5w/C6 ro irv€Vjxa. said, " I t h a s been fin*
up the spirit. i s h e d ! " And inclining b i s
O i ovv lovfiaioi (iva pLt} fJLQivrj ein rov H E A D , h e expired.
The then Jewa (that n o t m i g h t remain on the 31 Then t h e J s w s j
(X t h a t t h e B O D I E S might
cravpov ra o"aofiara ev rca crafifiarcp' e'/rzi
cross the bodies in the sahuath; since
not remain upon t h e CROSS
during the S A B B A T H , since
TrapaaKevyj rjv t\v yap fi^ya?,^ r) rtfispa SKGIVOV it was the Preparation; for
a preparation i t was; was for great the day that t h e D A Y of T h a t S A B B A T H
rov aa&fSarov) rfpcorrjo'av rov UiXarov, Iva was a great o n e ; ) asked
of t h e sabbath) asked the Pilate, that P I L A T E t h a t their LEGS
Kareaycocnv avriav ra a'KeXr}, Kai apdeo- might b e broken, and they
m ' g b t be broken of t h e m the legs, a nd they m i g h t b e t a k e n might be taken away.
32 T h e S O L D I E R S there-
criv. ^ HXOov ovv ol crparioorai, Kai rov fxtv
away= Came therefore t h e soldiers, and oftheindeed
fore came, and did, in-
deed, break the LEGS of the
7rpa)rovf Karea^av T a o~KeXr), Kai rov aXXov F I R S T , and of T H A T O T H E R
first, they brake the legs. a n d of t h e other who was C R U C I F I E D with
rov o~vo~ravpo)Qevros avrca. Eiri de rov lyj- h i m ;
that having been crucified with h i m . To b u t t h e J e - 33 b u t having come to
* VATICAW MANUSCRIPT.—28. Jesus. 29. Then—omit. 29-then a Sponge nil 1
of the VINEGAR having been attached to a Hyssop-stalk, they brought to His MOUIK-
30 J'esus.
+ 25. The Greek does not state the relationship between Mary and Clopas, and we must
supply it by conjecture. In other gospels she is called James's Mary, and Mary the mother
of James; and Clopas was probably another name for James, being a Greek translation ol
the Hebiew Jacob 01 James, a thief. Paul tells us that t h e Savior after his resurrection
was seen by James {1 Cor. xv. 7,) which is not mentioned in the gospels or Acts, unless we
•suppose that Cleopas, who walked with him to Eiamaus, was James See Luke xxiv, 18.—
t 25. Matt, xxvii 55; Mark xv. 40; Luke xxiii. 49. t 2ft.
Luke xxiv. 18. J 28 John xin. 213. xx. 2; xxi 7, 20, 24. t 28. Psa. lxix. 21. t 29.
Matt. xxviL 48, f 81. Deufe. xxL 2&
tihap. 19: 34.] JOHN. [Cfe«p. 1 9 : 48.

cow eXQovrss, ws eifiov avrov rjdf} reOvrjitora, JESUS, when they saw that
jus having come, when they saw him already having died, he had. already died, thej
ov tcarea^av avrov ra fffceXr)' 3i
aXXs els rcav did not "break His LEGS,
not they broke of him the legs; bat one of the 34 but one of the SOL-
trpancarcav Xoyxji avrov rr)V irXevpav evv^e, DIERS pierced His SIDE
soldiers with a spear of him the aide pierced, with a Spear, and immedi-
/cat evOvs e^rjXdev aifia Kai vlicap, ^ Kai and ately there came out Blood
s»d immediately came out blood and water. And
6 ecapaKcas fie/JLaprvpTjiCG, Kai aX^Qivt] avrov SEEN has testified, and
he having seen has testified, and true of him
His TESTIMONY is true;
ecrriv fj fxaprvpia* KO,KSIVOS oidev, on aX7)6r) and he knows That he is
is the testimony; and he knows, that truethings saying true things, so that
Xeyet, Iva Kai vfxeis irio'revo'Tjre, Eyevero ECU also may believe.
he says, so that also you may believe. Occurred 36 For these things oc-
yap ravray Iva rj ypacpy TrXrjpcaOT}' " Ocrovvcurred, that the SCRIP-
for these things, that the writing might be fulfilled; "Abone TURE might be verified,
ov o'vvrpifiyarerai avrov," erepa % " A Bone of him shall not
^ Kai iraXiv
not shall be broken of him." And again another be broken."
ypatyr) Xeyer i( O^ovrai eis ov e^eKevrrjorav." 37 And again Another
writing says; 'They shalllookinto whom they pierced." SCRIPTURE says, % "They
38 shall look on him. whom
Mera fte ravra ripcaryare rov XliXarov 6 they pierced."
After and these things asked the Pilate the
38 X And after these
Ift>(Tj?<£> 6 airo ApifxadaiaSj (cav fjiadTjrrjs rov ITJ- things, * Joseph, from Ari-
Joseph that from Arimathea, (being a disciple of the J e - mathea, (being a Disciple
o"ov, K€KpvfjLfx(vos he dia rov (pofiop r<*>v lov-of * Jesus, but a concealed
sus, having been hid but through the fear of the Jews,) one through TEAS of the
SCUCOP,) Iva aprj ro awfxa rov Irjarow JEWS,)asked Pilate, that
thathemight take away the body of the Jesus; he might take away the
BODY of J E S U S ; and P I -
Kai crrerp^ev 6 TLiXaros. HXBev
ovv Kai LATE permitted him. He
and permitted the Pilate, He came therefore and came therefore, and took
ypt- ro crcafxa rov Irjcfov. 3 9 HA0e «5e Kaiaway * his Body.
took away the body of the Jesus. Came and also 39 And J Nicodemus
NiKodrifios, (6 eXdcav irpos rov ITJCTOVV vvKros came also, (hehaving come
Nicodemus, (hehaving come to the Jesus by night to *him by Night at the
ro TTpcorov,) (pepcav y.Ly/j.a CjxvpvY\s Kai aXorjs FIRST,) bringing a Mixture
the first,) bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes of Myrrh and Aloes, about
40 a hundred Pounds.
cos Xirpas eKarov. EXaftov ovv ro crcafxa 40 Then they took the
about pounds a hundred. They took therefore the body
BODY of JESUS, and
rov Irjcrov, Kai edrjcrav avro OBOVLOIS fxera
rcav Abound it with Limn
of the Jesus, and bound the cloths, with the ABOMA-
i t with linen cloths with
apoo/iiarcoVy KaQcas edos ecrrt rots lovdaiois svra-TICS, as i t is a Custom
spices, as customary it is with the Jewa to with the J E W S to embalm.
(f>ia£tiv. 4 l Hv 5e ev ra> roircf, STTOV scrravpcaOr}, 41 And there was in the
embalm. "Was and in t h e place, where he wae crucified, PLACE where he was cru-
K7JTT0S, Kai €V r(f KYJITCa fXVTjfXeiOV KaiVOV, &V '(f
cified a Garden, and in.
the GARDEN a new TOMB,
a garden, and in t h e garden a tomb new, ia which
in which no one was ye (
ouSeirw ouScis trcOr). E K € 1 OVV dia rr\v laid.
not yet no one waslaid. There therefore on account of the
42 There, therefore, on
irapecrKevvjv rcav lovfiaicav, on c v y v s rjv ro account of the PREPARA
preparation of the Jews, because near was the TION of the J E W S , Because
fiV7]fX€iov9 edrjKav rov lycrovv. the TOMB was near, thej
tomb, they laid the Jesus. laid J E S U S .

* VATICAN MAWUSCBIPT.—38. Joseph. 38. Jesus. 38. his Body. 89. hii$
by Night.
% 86. Exod, xii. 46; Num. ix. 12; Psa. xxxiv. 20. % 87- Psa. xxii. 16; Zech. xii. 0
Rev. i , 7. % 88. Matt, xxvii. 5f; Mark xv. 42; Luke xxiii. 50. J 39. John in, J
2; vii- 50. I 40. Acts r . %
Chap. 20: 1.] 'JOHN? [Chap. 20: M,

KE<i». K\ 20. • CHAPTER XX.

1 X And on the F I E S T of
T77 5e /i/a r w y crafifiarwv Mapia f) MayBa- the WEEK, Mary of MAG-
The and first of the Magda- DALA comes early, it being
week Mary tt.3
Xrjvn spxtTOA trpcoi, o'Kortas en ovo'rjs^ €is ro yet dark, t into the TOMB,
lene comes early, dark yet being, into the and sees the STONE, having
livrjiiecov Kai fiXsirei rov XiOov ripfxevov been removed out of the
tomb; and sees the stone having been taken away TOMB.
€K rov fivrifiGiov, 2
rpex^i ovv Kai epx^Tcu 2 She runs, therefore,
out of the tomb, she runs therefore and <somes and comes to Simon Peter,
7rpos Hijuwva Tlzrpov, Kai rrpos rov aXXov fxaQt)- and to the X OTHER Disci-
to Simon Peter,
to the and
other disci- ple whom JESUS loved, and
rt]V, bv styiXei 6 I ^ f o v s , Kai Xzyei avrois' says to them, " They have
pie, whom loved the Jesus, and aays to them; taken away the LORD out
of the TOMB and we know
Hpav rov Kvpiov SK rov ^VTJ/JLGIOV, Kai OVK not where they have laid
They took away the lord out of the tomb, amd not
3 him."
sidafMev, TTGV eOrjKav avrov. ~E^rjXdev ovv 6 3 i P E T E R then went
we know, where they laid him. AVent out then the
out, and the OTHER Disci-
Herpos KCU b aXXos iiadrjrrjs, Kai ripxovro eis ple; and they came into
Peter and the other disciple, and they came into the TOMB.
ro p,vr]fi6Lov. E r p e ^ o ^ 5e ol 5uo bfiov Kai b 4 And the TWO ran to-
the tomb. Ran andthey two together; and the gether; and the OTHER
aXXos /JLadrjrTjs irpoedpafie raxiov r.ov
Uerpov, Disciple outran PETER, and
other disciple ran before more quickly of the Peter, came first into the TOMB.
Kai 7)X9e irp&ros eis ro /nv7]/j.eiov 5 Kai irapaKv- 5 And stooping down,
and came first into the tomb; and stooping he sees i the LINEN
vf/as fiXeirei Keip.evara oQovia' ov fievroi etcrriX- CLOTHS lying; however,
down hesees lying thelinen cloths; not however he went he went not in.
dev. 6 EpxeTcu ovv ^i/xcov Uzrpos aKoXovOcuv 6 Then Simon Peter
in. Comes then Simon Peter following * also comes following him,
avrcp, Kai eio"f)X6ev eis ro jjLV7]fieiov, Kai Oecapei and entered into the TOMB,
him, and entered into the tomb, and sees and beheld the LINEN
ra odovia xaifieva, ? Kai ro ffovSapiov 6 7]V etri CLOTHS lying,
thelinen eloths lying, and the napkin which was on 7 and % the NAPKIN,
rr]s Ke<j>aXr)s
head of avrov,
him, notovwith
fiera thercavlinen
cloths Kei-whioh was on his HEAD,
ths not lying with the LINEN
)L€V0V, aAAa X ^ P 1 5 evrervXiyfxevov eis eva CLOTHS, but having bees
ing» but apart having been folded up into one
8 folded up in a separate
roirov. Tore
ovv eio"r\Xde Kai b aXXos ^..adty- Place.
place. Then therefore went in also the other disci-
8 Then, therefore, THAT
rr}s, b eXOcov irpcvros eis ro fivrijAeiov, Kai OTHER Disciple, who CAME
pie, he eoming first into the tomb, and first into the TOMB, also
eiSe, Kai eiticrrevcrev. Ovdeirco yap ydeiffav went in, and he saw, and
saw, and believed. Notyet for they knew believed [her.]
TTJV ypacprjv, on $ei avrov e/c veKpcov avao1- 9 Tor they did not yet
tha writing, that it behoved him out of dead ones to have know % the SCRIPTURE,
rrjvai. AirrjXdov ovv iraXiv irpos eavrovs ol That he must rise from t h t
been raised. Went then again to themselves the Dead.
fiaOyrai. 10 Then the DISCIPLES
disciples. went away by themselves.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—6. also Simon Peter.

t 1. The very definite manner in which John expresses himself in this narrative, with
reference to going (eis) into and coming (eh) out of the tomb, makes it very probable that
this tomb, had two chambers, an outer and inner one. The body was placed m the inner
one, to the door of which the stone was placed. Hence when they entered the first apart-
ment they were said to go into the tomb, though they might not enter or see what was in
the inner chamber. Such tombs are not uncommon in the East. That which is now called
ihe "Holy Sepulchre" is one of this class.
% 1. Matt, xxviii. 1; Mark xvi. 1, Luke xxiv. 1. % 2. John xiii. 23; xix. 26 xxii. 7
20, 24. 1 3. Luke xxiv. 12. % 5. John xix. &). X 7= John -~" *.&. % 9.
Psa.xvi. 10; Acts ii. 25—31; xiii. 34, 85.
Chap. 2 0 : 11.] JOHN. [Cftap. 90: 1&.

Mapia 8e eiffrijfiet 11 Bui Mary was stand*
irpos rep iivrijxeicp %Aai~
Mary but stands by the ing near the TOMB outside,
tomb weep-
ovcta e|co. '£ls ovv eKXaie, irapeKvtyev eis ro weeping. As she was weep*
ing, therefore, she stooped
Ing outside. As therefore she wept, s h e stooped down i n t o t h e
down into the TOMB,
iiv7)/jL€iop, 1 2 KCCL Oecopei dvo ayyeXovs ev XCVKOLS
tomb, and sees two meciiengers i n wMto 12 and sees TV i Angeh,
icaOe^ofievovs, eva irpos ry K€(f>aXrj, KCM eva in white sitting, one at the
sitting, one a.t the head, and o n e HEAD, and one at the PEET,
vrpos rots iroiTiv, oirov eneiro ro o'co/xa rov li}- where the BODY of JESOS
at the feet, where was laid t h e body of t h e J o - had been laid.
(Tov, 13 Kcu Xeyov&s &vrr) eKeivoi Tvvai, ri 13 And tfieg say to her,
sus. And say t( h:,t~ they; O woman, why " Woman, why dost thou
KXaieis; Aey€L avr ;:;•* ' O r : ypav rov weep ?" * And she says to
w e e p e s t t h o u ? She says t o ti:,r: •j, Because the a tool?, away t h e them, "Because they took
KVpiOV jAOV, KCU O G » J ji$a TTOV edrjKav avrov. away my LORD, and I know-
lord of m e , and n o t . knov* where they laid him. not where they laid him."
Tavra enrot/cra, e >J-:<r&{p',i -is -.a oiuo'cdj Kai 14 % Having said these
These things having s a i i , sfcc t u r n e d i t o t h e behind, and
things, she turned BACK-
(Jeoooei rov l^cr^cy e ro; a /£.:. OVK \ Set, o n WARD, and beholds JESUS
sees the Jesus standing' ,nd n o t knew, that
standing, and % knew not
Irjo'ovs earn. -6 Aeyei a u : y 6 ITJCTOVS* Tvvm, VL That it was Jesus.
Jesus i t is. Says tJ i'ier t h e J e s u s ; i i woman, why
tcXcueis; riva Crjrm ?. EICGIVT), SoKovcra on 6 15 * Jesus says to her,
Weepestthou? whoui seekest t h o u ? She, supposing t h a i t h e '• Woman, why dost thou
K7]Trovpos eo'n . .e.y?i avrcp' Kvpie, et ffv ?/3acr- weep? Whom dost thou
gavdener i t is, s%ys to him; O sir, if t k o u didst seek?'-* Jgfje, supposing
raa"as avrov, et^re ^oi TTOV edrjKas avrov, Kayco that he was the GARDENER,
carry off him, taT; m r where t h o u didst lay h i m , and I says to him, "Sir, if tfjou
avrov apoc. 16
Ae') <=i ajry o Ir}arovs° Mapia. didst carry him off, tell me
h i m will take away. S ; hot tfu Jesus; Mary. where thou didst lay him,
'Xrpatpeiaa sKeivi) X^yei avry 'Yafifiovvi, b and J will take Him away."
Turning r o u n d she sayu to him; Rabboni, which 1 6 * Jesus says to her,
XeyeroA, SiSacrKaXe. ^ Aeyei avry 6 Irforovs' " Mary I" £ij«, haying
means, O •saashe^ Says t o h e r t h a Jesus;, turned, says to him * i n
Mrf jJLOv airrJL • ovine yap o,va@6fi7]ica irpos rov Hebrew, " Eabboni V*
Not me touch; n o t y e t for I have goi»uup to t h e which signifies, Teacher.
rcarepa JJLOV iropevov §e irpos 'ovs afieXcpovs 17 * Jesus says to her>
father of m e ; go but to the brethren " Touch me not; for I have
fiov, Kai 6i7re avrois' Avafiaiveo irpos rov irare- not yet ascended to my
o" me, and say to them; 1 go up to the father F A T H E R ; b u t g o t o J m y
pa fxov Kai irarepa v/ucov, Kat deov /uov Kai Oeov BRETHREN,and tell them,
of me and
of you, even God of me and God I ascend to my FATHEB.,
v/ncov. Epx ra-z Mapia, rj MaydaX7]vr\ airay and your Father; even my
ofyou. Comes Mary tLi. Magdalene t e l - God, and your God."
yeXXovtfa rots (A,i-6:,-rais, on ecopaKe rov Kvpiov, 18 % Mary of MAGDALA
ling the discipis , t h a t she had seen t h e }ord, comes, telling the DISCI-
ica:- ravra eiirev avry. PX-.ES That she had seen the
and these he said t o her. LORD, and he said These
Oi/tTTjs ovv oipcas rr] 7]ix^pa etceivr) ry fiiq things to her.
Being t h e n evening in t h e day first 19 JThen being Evening
that the
rov (rafifiarwV} Kai raw dvp&v KeKXeicrjAevcav, of that DAY, the EIRST of
©fijhe week, and the doors having been shut, the * Week, and the DOORS
oirov 7}ffav ol p.a6rjraL ^[tfvv'qyfxzvoi,] dia rov having been closed where
trhere were t h e disciplea [having been assembled,] t h r o u g h t h e the DISCIPLES were,
(pefiov rojv lovdaiwv, rjXdev 6 Irjo'ovs^ Kai ecrri] through EEAR of the JEWS,
fear of t h e Jews, came the Jesus, and s t o o d JESUS cameinto the MIDST,

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—13. And she says. 15. Jesus. 16. Jesus. 16. in
Hebrew, Rabboni. 17- Jesus. 19. Week.
19. having- been assembled—omit.
t 14. Matt, xxviii. 9; Mark xvi. 9. t 14. Luke xxiv. 16, 31; John xxi. 4. J 17. Psa,
xxii, 22; Matt, xxviii. 10 •, Rom. viii. 29; Heb. ii. 11. % 18. Matt, xxviii. 10; Luke xxir.
10. % 19. Mark xvi. 14; Luke xxiv. 86; 1 Oor xv. $.
tifrap. 20: 20.] JOHN, [Cliwp. SO: 29.

cis ro fieo~ov9 Kai Aeyet avrois" and stood, and says ta

into the midst, and says tothem; them, " Peace be witfe
Peace to you.
K a i TOVTO envccv, edei^ev avrois ras X P you!" €l as
And this having said, he showed to them the hands 20 And having said this,,
Kai Tf\V irAevpav avrov. E ^ a p ^ c a v ovv ol he showed them * his
Ha.A the side of himself. "Were glad therefore the HANDS andhis SIDE. The
21 DISCIPLES, therefore,
% re-
fiad^rai9 ifiovres rov Kvpiov. "Enrev ovv
disciples, seeing the lord. Said then joiced, seeing the LORD.
avrois 6 Irjcrovs iraAiv 'Eiprjvr) vfiiv KaQcos 21 Then J E S U S said tc
to them the Jesus again; Peace to yon; n» them again, "Peacebe with
avecraAKS /ae 6 irarrip, Kayco ire/jiTvco vfias. y o u ; $ as the FATHER has
gent me the father, also I send you. sent me, IE also send you."
Kai rovro eiwcav, eve(pvo'7](T€i Kai Aeyei 22 And having said tins,
And this having said, he breathed on, and says
he breathed on and says to
avrois* Aa/8er€ irvevjxa ayiov. 23
Av rivoov Spirit. them, "Receive the Holy
tothem; Receive you a spirit holy. If of whom
23 $ I f t h e s i N s * o f a n y
CKprjrz ras afiaprias, acpievrai avrois* av one yon may forgive, the;*
you mxy forgive the sins, they are forgiven them j if
are forgiven them; if those
rivccv KparTjre, KeKparrjvrau *of any you may retain,
of whom you may retain, they have been retained.
24 they have been retained."
&a>/xas 5 e , els en rcov deBcoKa, 6 Aeyojxevos
Thomas but, one of the twelve, he being called 24 But Thomas, THAT
Aifiv/Aos, OVK T}V /xer' avrcov ore rjAdev 6 Vr\- one of the TWELVE, J B E I N G
a twin, not was with them when came the Je- CALLED Didymus, was not
fovs. 25
l&Aeyov ovv avrco ol aAAoi fxaOrirar with them, when * Jesus
aus. Said then to liim the disciples; came.
'E&jpa/ca/xev rov Kvpiov. ' O de eiirev avrois' 25 The OTHEE Disciples,
"W« have seen the lord. He but aaid tothem; therefore, said to him," We
Ecu/ fxr) iSco ev rais yjeptriv avrov rov rvirov have seen the L O R D . " But
It not Imay see in the hands ofhira the mark HB said to them, " I f I do
row ijAcov, Kai fiaAto rov daKrvAov jmov eis rov not see in hi3 H A N D S the
of the nails, and may put the finger of me into the LMPEESSION Of t h e NAILS,
€ f S and put my F I N G E R into
rvrrov rodv 7]Acov, nai ^aAco rt\v X6LPa 40
A "
mark of the nails, and may put the hand of me into the IMPRESSION of the
rr\v vAevpav avrov, ov (XTJ irio'revo'oj. NAILS, and put * My HAND
the side of him, not not I will believe. into his S I D E , I will by no
K a i ju.60' jj/JLepas OKrco iraAiv rjcrav eo~&> ol means believe.'*
And after days eight were again
within the 26 And after eight Days
jjiadr}rai avrov, Kai ®wfxas /ner avroov. E p ^ e - his D I S C I P L E S were again
dixciples of him, and Thomas with them. Comes within, and Thomas with
rai 6 ITJCOVS, rcov Ovpcov KeKAeic/j.evccv, icai them. The DOORS having
the Jesus, the doors having been shut, and been closed, J E S U S cornea
effr'f) eis ro fxeo'ov, Kai eiirev JLip7]vr) vfiiv. into the MIDST, and stood,
stood into the midst, and said; Peace to you. and said, "Peace be with
2 you.!"
^ EiTa Aeyei rep Qeofiq,' <f>epe rov daKrvAov ffov
Afterwards he says to tha Thomas; Bring the finger ofthee 27 Afterwards he says t'.
eL as KaL THOMAS, "Reach here th .
d>5e, Kai i8e ras x P MOUJ <£epe rrjv EIN GEE,, and behold m\
here, and see the hands of me, and bring the
H A N D S , and % reach here
X.£ipa o~ov, Kai fiaAe eis rrjv irAevpav ,uov Kai thy H A N D , and put it into
hand of thee, and put into the side of me; and my SIDE ; and be not un-
jU.7? yivov airicrros, AireKpiOT) believing, but believing-"
aAAa incrros. 28
not he thou unbelievi ug^ ljut believing. .Answered 28 Thomas answered and
Boofxas Kai enrev avrcc' O Kvpios JJLOV Kai 6 6eos said to him, " M y LORD
Thomas and said to him; The lord of me and the God and my GOD !"

fAov. ^ A e ' y e i avrcp 6 ITJCTOVS' ' O T I iwpaKas jxe, 29 J E S U S says to him,

of me. Says to him the Jesus; Because thou hast seen me, " Because thou hast seen
* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 0 . h o t h t h e HAWKS a n d t h e S I D E . 23. of a n y o n e .
24. J e s u s . 25. My H A N D .
% 20. J o h n x v i . 22. I 21. M a t t x x v i i i . 1 8 ; J o h n x v i i . 17—19. | 23. M a t t . s . 19;
sviii. 18. % 24. J o h n xi, 10. $ 27. 1 Jojan i. 1.
$*$> 20: 80.] JOHN. tOhap. 21 • 7
TreTrurrevKas' fiatcapioi ol jxr] tdovres, Kai irur- me, thou hast believed
thou hast believed; blessed they n o t having seen, a n d having f happy those who see not>
T€vo"avT€S. 3 0 LToAAa juep ovp Kai aWa crrj/jaia and believe!"
believed. Many indeed t h e n a p other signs 30 JThen, indeed, many
eTroirjcreu 6 IrjtTovs GVGOTTLOV reap /xaOrjroop avrov,Other Signs J E S U S per-
did t h e Jesus ir. presence of t h e disciples of h i m , formed in the presence of
a OVK eo'Ti yeypafMfjLej/a ep TO, /3i/3Aiy rovrtp. * the DISCIPLES, which
which n o t it is having been written i n t h e book this. have not been written in
Tavra de yeypairrai, ipa Tricrrevo'rire, on this BOOK.
These things b u t have been written, t h a t y o u may believe, that 31 X But these have been
lrj(rovs €<TTIV b Xpicrros, 6 vtos rov 6eov, Kai written, that you may be-
Jesus is t h e Anointed, t h e son ofthe God, and lieve That J E S U S is the
Iva iriffrevopres £oor)p e ^ r e ev rep orofxan MESSIAH, the SON of GOD :
that believing life y o u m a y have in t h e name andthat, believing,youmay
avrov, have Life in his NAME.
of h i m .
KE<f». « a ' . . 2 1 .
1 After these things
Mera ravra ecpauepcocrep eavrop TraXiv 6 * Jesus manifested himself
After these t h i n g s manifested himself again t h e again to the D I S C I P L E S , at
lrjcovs rois fiaUrjTais €TTI rrfs 6aha*o~Y)s rrjs the LAKE of T I B E E I A S ;
Jesus to the disciples on the sea o.rthe and in this manner he ap-
Tifispiados. ^(pavrjpeocre 5e ovrwa. H a w peared.
'Rbeiias. H e manifested and thus. Were 2 Simon Peter, and
SfjLov ~Zi}Awv Jlerpos9 Kai ©o^uas 6 Ae-vo/.ieyos THAT Thomas CALLED
together Simon Peter, and Thomas he being called Didymus, and $ THAT Na-
AiSvuos, Kai Na6avaT}\ 6 airo Kava rrjs TaXi- thanael of Cana in GALI-
a twin, and Nathanael h e from Cana ofthe 3ali- LEE, and i the SONS of
Aaias9 Kai ot rov Ze/SeScuou, Kai xWoi ete reap Zebedee, and two others of
lee, a n d they o f t h e Zebedee, and othersf the his D I S C I P L E S , were to-
IAa9r}TO)if avrov Suo. Aeyei avrois %IJJLOOP I l egether. -
disciple* ofhira two. Saya to t h e m Simon Fe- S Simon #eter says to
rpos* 'T7rcty&> aALeveip, Asyovcrip avTW' Ep- them, " I am going a fish-
ter; I am goitig to fish. They say o him ; Are ing." They say to him,
Xo/meOa Kai Tjfieis <rvp croi. E^r]\6op, Kai €P€- "Simealsogo with thee."
going also we with. t h e e . They a went out, a n d en- They went out, and entered
$r}(TaV €IS TO TfAoiOP *\_6vdvS,] Kai €V €K€IP7J into the BOAT, and during
tered into the snip [immediately,] and i n that That NIGHT they caught
T7) VVKTI eiriacrau ovdep, Tlpanas de Tjfiri nothing.
the night t h e y caught nothing,. Morning but now 4 But now Morning be-
yepofxeprjs, earrr) 6 Irjcrovs eis TOP aiyiakop* ov ing come, * Jesus stood on
being come, stood t h e Jesus on the shore; not the SHOBE. The DISCI-
fievroi rjSeMrap of fxaOrjrai, Sri In&ovs e<m. PLES, however, J knew not
fe^wevO*-' knew the disciples, that Jesus That it was Jesus.
i t is.
£i676i OVP avrois 6 lr}(rovs' Jlaidia, 5 Then % * Jesus says to
/JLTJ ri
Cc-lJU therefore t o t h e mthe Jesus; Children, them, " Children, have you
n o t any
Trppc'dx&yiop G%6T6 . ATretcpiOrja'aP avrcp' Ov. any food?" They answered
food have y o u ? They answered him; N o . him, " N o . "
* ! 0 Se eeirep avrois* BaAere en- ra 8 e | j a fxepr] 6 And HE said to them,
He a n d said to them; Cast y o u i n t o t h e sight p a r t s t"Throw the NET on the
rov ffAoiov ro SiKrvop, Kai evpr)o"€re. EjSaAov BIGHT side of the BOAT,
ofthe ship the net, a n d y e u will find. They cast and you will find." Then
rov they threw it, and were no
ovv, :^ai ovKen avro eAKvcrai io~xv(rav a7ro
then, and no longer it t o dravf were able from t h e longer able to draw it, from
irXr}6o', s rwp IXOVCOP. 7 Atyei ovp 6 jj.adr)r7}S the MULTITUDE of F I S H E S .
multitude o f t h e fishes. Says therefore t h e disciple 7 JThat D I S C I P L E there-
€K€ipos dp riyaira 6 Irjarovs, rep Herpcp' 'O fore, whom Jesus loved,
that whom loved the Jeous, to the Peter; T h e says to P E T E E , " I t is the

• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—80. the DISCIPLES. 1. Jesus. 8. immediately—owi*-

4, Jesus. 5. Jesus.
1 29. 2 Cor. v. 7 j l Pet. i. 8. t 86. John xxi. 25. % 81. Luke i. 4. t 81. Johs
iii 15,16; v. 24; 1 P©*. i. % 12. John i. 45. J 2. Matt. iv. 21. t 4 John xs. 14
t & Luke xxiv. 41. I 6. Luke Y. 4,6, 7. % 7. John xii. 28; xx. 2.
Chap. 2 1 : 8. [CTiap. 2 1 : 16.
tcvpios ecrrr ^Lfjtoov OVP JJerpos, anovcras Sri 6 L O R D . " Then Simon Petei
lord it i s , Simon then Peter, having heard t h a t t h elav rag heard that it was
Kvp'jos ecrTL, rov <nrGv8vT7}v bLzfatraro' rjv yap the LORD, girded on 1*JS
larQ. i t is, t h e upper garment ne girded -, he was for UPPER GABMPvKT, (for h e
yvavos" nai efiaXev eav> ov eis ri]V was + naked,) and firew
B-aked; and ihrew himseff into th<3 sea. himself into the LAKE.
0 / 5e aKXoi pLaOrjrai rep TrXotapup rjXQoi/ (ou 8 But the OT'iiE'iB J)is-
The b u t o t t e r disciples by t h e l i t t l e s h i p came ( n o t cirles came hy the BOAT ;
yap rjcra-v fxaKpav airo T?]S yr]s, aXX3 a,s airo ('lor they were not far from
for they were far ioom the 1-and, but about fpom t'he LAND, but about two
iriffcoov diatcafrewv,^ avpovrss TO hwrvov rva> hundred Cubits off,) drag-
cubit* vw»o nundjed,) drp^gjng the net ottSe ging the NET with the
ixOvcov* 9'£ls (rv?* aTrefrwcrav eis rt\v yr)v, fiAe- E I S H E S .
flshes. W h e n theiefoac they «wen£ up t o t h e l a n d , they 9 When, therefore, they
irovonv avOpatuav Kap^vr^^ nai o^apiop tTrifcei- went out to the LAND, they
see a fire of co-aJs ljiin^g, and a fish lying see % Fire of coals lying,
.juef OV) Kan aprou, 10
Azyet avrois 6 1T]<TOVS' Bread. ana a Fish lying on it, and
on, and bread. Sa^s toithern t h e Jesus;
Epe-yKcsre airo rcau oipapiwv, &v etriaaare 10 * Je.sus says to them,
vvv. "Bring
Bring yon from the fishes, which you c a u g h t j u s t now.
of trie PISHES which
11 yoa just now caught."
Went up Simon Peter, and drew the net
11 * Simon Peter went
on hoard and diew the NET
e7n T'qs yy]S, p.€(TTov ix^vcov (jayaXcou euarov to the LAND, full of great
to t h e laod, full of fishes g»eat a hundred
Pishes, a hundred and flfty-
ir€VT7)Kaurarpta)V' nai roo~ovrcop ourcap, OVK thiee; and though there
fl4ty-th?ee; and so m a n y being, not
were so many, the NET was
€O"XIO6TI ro ftittrvov, l~ Azyzi avrois 6 1r)o~ovsm not torn.
was t r r u t h e net. Says t o t h e m the Jesus j
12 * Jesus says to them,
Aevref apiorrrjorare. OuSetj * [ 5 e J eroX/na t " Come and breakfast."
Came, breakfast you. No one [and] presumed
'No one of the DISCIPLES
-foov juadrfrccu e^eracfaL avrov ^v ns
ei ; pi esumed to ask him, "Who
of t h e disciples t o ask him; Thou who artP arttfjoitT*
eibonsy brio Kvpios eo'rip. EpxeTa* 6 Ir]- 13 * Jesus comes, and
knowiog, t h a t t h e Lord it is. Comes t h e J e - '
takes the BJIJCAD. and gives
o~ovS) Kat Kajx^auiL rov aprop, nai didcoaLp to them, and the FISH in
sua, and takes the bread, and gives
like man er.
avrois, Kat TO ox^apiop 6/xotcos. 1 4 T O U T O 77^77
t o them, and t h e fish in like maoncr- This already 14 This % third time now
rpiTov €<papepoo6r} 6 IT)<TOVS TOLS /maOTjrais avrov,was*Jesus manifested to
third was manifested t h e J e s u s to t h e disciples of himself, * the DISCIPLES, having
zyspOeis etc P€Kpo>p. been raised feom the Dead.
having been raised out of dead ones. 15 When, therefore, they
15 e
OT€ OVV r}pio~T7i<raV) Xeyei rep ^ipLcovihad breakfasted, J E S U S
W h e n therefore t h e y had breakfasted, Bays t o t h e Simon eays to SIMON Peter, " S i -
Xlerpcp 6 Irjcrovs* ^I/LLOOP Icvpa, a-Jrairas jue TTXCLOP mon, son of Jonas, lovest
Peter t h e Jeaus; Simon of J o n a , lovest t h o u m e more thou me more than these?"
TOVTCov ; Aeysi avrcp* Ncu, Kvpie, o~v oiBas, on He says to him, " Yes,
of t h e s e ? H e s a y s t o h i m ; Yes, O lord, t h o u knowest, t h a t Lor«d; "thou knowest That
I affectionately love thee."
tpiXtp o"e. Aeyet avrcp' Borr/ce T O appiajnov. He says to him, "Feed
I dearly love t h e e . H e says to him; Feed t h e lambs ofjme^
my LAMBS."
Aeyei avrcp rraXip devrcpop' ^ipicap lapa,
16 He says to him again,
H e says to him again a second t i m e ; Simon of J o n a ,
a second time, "Simon, son
ayairqs fie ; A6761 avTw* Na:, Kvpie, o~v oidas, of Jonas, lovest thou me V
lovest t h o u m e ? H e says to h i m ; Yes, O l o r d , thou knowest, He says to him, "Yes,
Sri (piXoo o~€' Aeyet avrtp' Uoi/j.ati>e ra irpo- Lord; thou knowest That,J
t h a t I dearly love t h e e ; H e says t o h i m ; Tend t h o u t h e sheep I affectionately love thee.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—10. Jesus. 11. Then Simon Peter. 12. Jesus.

12. and—omt. 18. Jesus. 14. Jesus. 14. the DISCIPLES.
-) 7. So the Jew^ called those who were clothed in their under garments antyv—Neyicome,
' AS. Acts x. 4,1, I 14. See John xx. 19, 26,
%ap. Sis 1?.} JOHN. [Chap, ill 29L.
He says to him, $"Tend mj
@ara fiov. ^Aeyei avrtp TO rpirov Hzifiwv SHEEP.
of m e . H e says t o him the third; 8imou
17 He says to him the
Icoua, <pL\eis fie; EXvirrjOr) 6 Hcrpos, &n THIRD time," Simon, son oi
of J o n a , dearly lovest t h o u m e ? Was grieved t h e Peter, because
Jonas, dost thou affection-
enrep avry ro rpLrou, QIXGLS jxe; Kat znvev ately love me ?" Peter was
lie said t o h i m t h e third, Dearly lovest t h o i i u i e ? a n d h e said
grieved, Because he said to
""•[auT^'] Kvpte, (Tv rtavra oidas" cvyiuooo'KeLS, him the THIRD time," Dost
[to h i m ; ] O lord, t h o u all t h i n g s k n o w e s t ; t-hou knowest, thou affectionately love
on (pity) ere' Aeyei avrqj 6 lr\o~ovs' Bocr/ce me?" And he said, "Lord,
t h a t I dearly love t h e e ; Says t o him t h e Jesus; Peed thou knowest All things;
Ta Trpofiara /iov. l8
A/j,r]P a/xrjy Xeyca CJI, ore J tftou knowest That I af-
the sheep of me. Indeed indeed I say t<? ihee, when fectionately love thee."
* Jesus says to him, " "Feed
qs veoorzpoS) e^copyves creavrop, Kat irep leirareis my SHEEP.
thouwast younger, t h o a didst gird thyself, and didst walk
18 $ Indeed, I truly say
OTTOV rjdeAes- dray 8e yrjpcurys, etcrevets to thee, When thou wast
Ivhere t h o u didst wish; when b u t t h o u art old, t h o u wilt stretch out younger, thou didst gird
Kal thyself, and walk where
ras x€LPas tfov? Kai «AAOS <?€ Cw<T6i>
the hands of thee, a n d a n o t h e r thee will gird, a n d thou didst wish; but when,
oicei OTTOV OJ deXeis.
Tovrv §e enre, arj- thou extend
art oM, t thou wilt
thy HANDS, and
will carry where n o t t h o u w i B h e s t . This now hesiricL, s i g -
another will gird thee, and
paivcov, Troict) Qavarcc do^acrei rov Gzov. Kat earsy thee where thou dost
oifying, by what death h e will glorify t h e 6od. And
rovro enroop, Xsyei avroy i*[zo\®vCfet &DI.19 N'T7'6p-bhe said, in-
this having said, he says to him; PoUoC?tiriatin-j %7srr fWhat Death
ETTHrrpatyeis * [ S e ] 6 Tlerpos fihcTrca ct'uf he woiilci glorify GOD.
Having turned about [and] t h e Peter seer ih'„ And h&viiap said this, he
fxaQr\rrjV, bv r^yaira 6 ITJO'OVS, <XKO\OVBOVVT&: says ; i j i m 3 "Follow me."
disciple, whom loved t h e Jesus, following; 20 PE^ESShaving turned
ahouvj sues t":.e DISCIPLE,
(6s KCU aveTrecrei/ zv rep S e n n ^ ZTTI TO (TTTJOOS following '|',urhom J s s u s
(who also reclined at t h e supper on the breast loved i (vb3 also reclined zt
avrov, icai enrem Kvpie, ris eanv 6 irapafiiftovs the snJpyEBxnhis BIIBAST.
of h i m , and said; O lord, who is he betraying and said, "lord, who i<3 HE
ere;) ' TOVTOV f 5 W 6 TLerpos Xeyei rep IT)O~OV BETRAYING thee?"
thee?) H i m seeing t h e Peter says t o t h e Jesus; 21 * JPETER, therefore,
Kvpie, OVTOS Se ru 2 2 Aeyei avrcp 6 Itjcrovs' seeing ht'm, says to JHSUS,
Olord, this and w h a t ? Says to him the Jesus; "Lord, and what of this
man ?"
Ear/ avrov QeXca fieyeiy ioos epxoficu, ri irpos 22 J E S U S says to him,
If him I wish t o abide till I come, what t o
" I f I wish him to abide
ere; ffv ctKoXovdei p,OL. 2 3 E^r]X6eu ow 6 Xoyos X till I come, what is it to
thee? t h o u follow me. W e n t out therefore t h e word thee ? follow thou me."
OVTOS ets TOVS ad<sX<povs9 0Ti 6 jxaOrjTTjs etceivos 23 * This REPORT, there-
this a m o n g t h e brethren, t h a t t h e disciple that fore, went out among the
OVK a7To6i>7)0 K€i. Kai OVK enrev avrcp 6 ITJO'OVS, BRETHREN,
, That that DIS-
CIPLE would not d i e ;
isot dies. And not said tobimthe Jesus,
* hut J E S U S did not say to
bri OVK QLTroOvqcrKer aXX* E a v avrov deXcoMm, "That he shall not
that not h e dies; but; If him I wish d i e ; " but, " I f I wish him
ueveiv coos €p%ofxai, ri irpos ere; OVTOS ecrrip to abide till I come, what
t*o abide
. ,. ,-n
till 1T come, —,'Un-l
what +t .-.
o *t lhmefe. 9? 'PI* TO
Thia i~ is it to thee?"
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—17. to him—omit. 17. Jesus. 20. and—omit. 21. P E T B B
therefore. . 23. This. 23. hut.
f 18. Wetstein observes, that it was a custom in Eome, to put the necks of those who
were to he crucified, into a yoke, and to stretch out their handsl and fasten them to the end of
it and having thus led them through the city, they were Gamed out to be crucified.—Clarke.
t 19. Many ancient writers say that Peter was crucified with his head downwards, a short
time before the destruction of Jerusalem.
i 16. Acts xz. 23; Heb. xiii. 20 % 1 Pet. ii. 55; v. 2, 4. t 17. John ii. 24, 25; xvi. SO'
18. John xiii. 30 ; Acts xii. S, 4. t 19- 2 IM._i. 14. t 20. John xiii. 23, 25; xx, 8.
%i. Mfitfc. xvi. 27, 28; xxv. 31; X Cor. Xv. 5; x i g8 j Rev. ii. 25; iiL 11; 2335M. £
Chap. 2 1 ; 24.] JOfHST. {Chap. 2 1 : 25.

24 This is THAT DISCI-

fiaprvpcav irepi rovroau, Kat] ^r>E, who * both TESTIFIES
tha disciple, he testifying concerning these things, and of these things and WROTE
ypatyas favra' Kai oiSafAcv, on a\7]d7]s these things ; and J we
having weiiten these things; and we know, that true knoW That " ^ i s TESTI-
€<TTIV 7] fxaprvpia avrov ,. ^ EcTTi de KCLI aWa MONY is true. J
is the testimony of him. Is and also other 25 JAnd there are many
7roA.Aa Sera e-Koirjcrsv 6 IT)J"OVS, ariva cav ypa- other things which JESUS
many thijiga did the Jesus, which if they should performed, which, if they
should be written, every
(prjraL /caO' kv, ov$e avrov ot/xcu TOP KOCT^QV one, I I suppose that not
be written everyone, not even him I suppose the world even the WOULD itself
%cop7jo"ai TO. ypacpo/jLeva fii/SAia. would contain the WRIT-
to contain the beiag written books. T E N BOOKS.
* A C C O R D I N G TO J O H N .
VATICAN MANUSCRIPT. both. 24. His. Subscription—AC«QBDING- TO
f 25. This is a ver j strong eastern expression, to represent the great mvmbe* c f miracles
which Jesus wrought. But however strong and strange this expression may seem to us of
the western world, we find sacred and other authors using hyperboles of t h e like kind and
signification; some instances of which it may be proper to lay before the reader. I n Num.
xiii. 33, t h e spies, who returned from the search of t h e land of Canaan, say they saw giants
there of such a prodigious size, that they were " i n their own sight as grasshoppers/' I n
Deut.i. 28, cities with high walls round about them are said to be "walled up to heaven." I n
Dan. iv. 11, mention is made of a tree, whereof " t h e height reached unto the heaven," and
t h e sight thereof unto the end of all the earth;" and t h e author of Ecclesiasticus, i n chap.
xlvii. 15, speaking of Solomon's wisdom^ says, " T h y soul covered the whole earths and thou
filledst i t with parables;" as t h e world is there said to be filled with Solomon's parables, po
here, by one degree more of hyperbole, it is said that the world would not contain all t h e
books which should be written, concerning «dsus 5 miracles, if the particular aco^un* <*i
every one of them were given.—Pearce.
t 24. John six. 35 •, 3 John 1% J o n a ^ . gQ,

K E # . a'. 1. CHAPTER I.
1 1 The FORMER History
Tov \xev Trpcarov Xoyov eiroLtjaa/xey wept compiled, X O Theophilus,
The indeed first Account I luade concerning
concerning all things which
iravTcov, a» ©eocpiXe, CDV rjp^aro S I^covs * Jesus began both to do
all things, O Theophulus, which began iae Jasus and to teach,
Troieiu re KCU didacnteip, 2 ap%i ys Tjfiepas, <gy~ 2 X even to the Day in
to do and also to teach, even to which day, \w- which, X having given com-
reiXafxevos rois airo&ToXois, 5/a irvevfiaros mandment, through the
ing given charge to the apostles, through spirit holy Spirit, to the APOS-
ayiov ous e£eAe£aTo, aveXfl}(p6i]o 3 Ols ftcu TLES whom, he had cho-
holy whom he chose, he was taken up_ To whom also sen, he was taken u p ;
irap€(TTr](rey kavrov ^oovra fiera ro iradeii/ 3 J to whom also he pre-
he presented himself living after the to suffer sented himself living, af-
avTov9 ev iroXXois reK/niipiois, 6Y yfjLtpoov re<T- ter his SUFFERING, by
kim, in many clear proofs, through days forty Many Infallible proofs; be-
ffapoLKovra OTTTauo/neyos avrois, KCLL Xeycau ra ing seen of them forty
being seen by them, and saying the things Days, and speaking the
Trepi rrjs fiacriXeias rov Oeov. 4 Kcu <rvvaXi- THINGS concerning the
concerning the kingdom of the God. And assem- KINGDOM of GOD.
4 XAnd assembling them,
£O/UL€VOS TraprjyyeiXev avrois., airo
'lepocroXv/awv he charged them "not to
bling them he commanded them, from Jerusalem
depart from Jerusalem,
\LT\ xcopi£ecr0cu, aAAa irepifxeveiv rr\v eirayyeXiav but to wait for the PRO«
not to depart, but to wait for the promise MISE Of the FATHER,
rov irar pos, r\v rjKovo'are /nov on \ooavv7)S J which you heard from
efthe father, which you heard from me; that John me;
(xev sfiaiTTio'ev VSCLTL, itfieis 5e (3>cnrTi(r6ri0'€(rQe 5 % that John, indeed,
indeed. dipped in water, you but shall be dipped immersed in Water, but
jmu will be immersed in
ev iri/evfiari ayica, ov fierce iroXXas ravr^s 7]/xe- holy Spirit, after a few
in spirit holy, not after many these days. Days."
pas. Oi fjL€p ovv vvveXOovres eirqpoorow 6 THEY, therefore, hav-
They in deed thereforehaving come together, asked
ing come together, asked
avrov Xeyovres' Kvpie^ ei ev rto XP P Tovrq> him, saying, "Lord, wilt
him; saying; Olord, if in the time this thou, at this TIME, J re-
airoKaQitfraveis rt\v fi&rriXeiay rep IcrpayA; store the KINGDOJI to IS-
thourestorest the kingdom to the Israel? RAEL?"
7 Ei7re 5e vpos avrovs' Ovx VJULCOV earn yvcovai 7 *Then he said to them,
He said and to them; Not foryou itis to know " I t is not for you to know
Xpovous f] Kaipovs, ovs 6 iraryjp eQero ev ry the Times or Seasons,
time* or seasons, which, the father placed in the which the FATHER ap-
pointed by his OWN Au-
idia e£ovcria. 8 AXXa Xytyecrde Swap.-?? eireX- thority.
own authority. But you shall receive power h&v-
8 But you shall receive
Qovres rov ayiov Trvevfiaros ecp' v/xas' KCLL Power by the HOLY Spirit
ing come the holy spirit upon you; and coming upon you; and
e&eo'Qe fxoi fiaprvpes ev re <Iepova,aXr}fii KCLL Xjou snail be My Wit-
you shall be to me witnesses in both Jerusalem, and nesses both in Jerusalem,
ev irary ry lovficuq Kai^apapeia, KCLI eces e<r%a- and in All J U D E A , and in
la all the Judea and in Samaria, and evendt© farthest Samaria, and even to the


t 1. Luke i. 81. t 2. Mark xvi. 19; Luke xxiv. 51; ver. 9; 1 Tim. iii. 10. J 2.
Matt, xxviii. 19; Mark xvi. 15; John xx. 21; Acts x. 41, 42. t 8- Mark xvi. 14; Luke
xxiv.86; Johnxx.19, 26; xxi.l, 14; 1 Cor. xv. 5. J 4. Luke xxiv. 43, 49. 14
Luke xxiv. 49; John xiv. 16, 26, 27; xv. 26; xvi. 7; A^ts ii. ag. t 5. Matt.iiLll;
Acts xi. 16; xix. 4. J 6. Isa. i. 26; Amos ix. 11; Micah iv. 8 ; Acta iii. 21. £ §,
&uke xxiv. 48; Jolan xy. 27; Aets ii. 8?
Vhap. 1 : 9.] [phap. 1: 1 1
9 remotest parts of the
:ov TT]S yrjs. Kcu ravra enrooVj fiXetrovToop EARTH."
lart of the land. And. these things having said, beholding
9 And having said These
avrcau eTrrjpOr}' KCU pe<peXr) irweXafiev avrop airo things, as they were look-
of themhe wasliftedup; and a cloud wLu irew him from
10 ing on he was lilied u p ;
TOOP o(pdaX/j.o)P auTwp. Kai ws arevi^ovTts and a Cloud carried him
the eyes of them. And as fixedly gazing away from their SIGHT.
rjo'av eis TOP ovpavop, iropevojxepov avrov^ KCU 10 And while they were
they were into the heaven, going away of hirn, and fixedly gazing towards the
L8OV, apfipes dvo irapeio'TrjKeLO'ap CCVTOIS ep effOr] HEAVENS, as he was going
lo, men two were standing by them in rai- up, behold, two Men were
ri AevKfj, llol Kai etirop' Apdpes TaXiXaioi, TI standing by them, in white
ment white, they and said; Men of Galilee, why Kainient;
€0"T7]KaTe ejuifiXeTroPTes eis TOP ovpavov; ovros 11 who also said, "Men
stand you looking into the heavenP this of Galilee, why do you
6 ITJCTOUS, 6 apaXr,(f>6eis a<p' vp.oop eis TOP ovpa- stand looking towards the
the J*esus, he being taken up from you into the heaven, HEAVENS? This J E S U S ,
POP, OOTOOS eXevceTai, OP TpoTrop eOeaora&de who is taken up from you
thus will come, which manner you saw into the HEAVENS, J shall
avTOP iropevofiepop eis TOP ovpapop. 12
T o r e so come in the manner in
him going into the heaven. Then which you saw him go in-
vTT€0"Tp€ipap eis 'lepovraXrjiJ. airo opovs TOV to the HEAVENS."
they returned into Jerusalam from a mountain that 12 J Then they returned
tcahovfxzvov EACUCOJ/OS, 6 eo'TiP eyyvs tIepo xra- to Jerusalem, from THAT
being called of olive trees, which is near Jerusalem, Mountain CALLED the
Xrj/x, (TaftfiaTov exop 6$OP. 13Mount of Olives, which is
Kat 6T€ eio"qX~
a sabbath being distantjourney.
near Jerusalem, being dis-
And when they came
tant a Sabbath-day's Jour-
6OP, aP€^7]crap eis TO virepwop, ov rjfrap KctTa- ney.
into, they went up into the upper room, where were re-
13 And when they came
fiepoPTes, 6, Te TleTpos KCU ICLKOO&OS, Kai Iccau- into the city, they went
maining, the, both Peter and James, and John up into the UPPER SOOM,
P7]s Kai ApBpeas, $iXnriro$ Kai ©co/ias, where were remaining both
and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, PETER and * John, and
BapdoAo/JLCtios KCLI MctT0cnoy3 laKcofiov AX<pai- James and Andrew, Philip
Bartholomew and Matthew- of Alphe- and Thomas, Bartholomew
and Matthew, James the
ov Kai "Zifiwp 6 ^7]XCCT7]S Kai lovfias laKoofiov. son of Alpheus, and Simon
us also Simon the zealot and Judas of James. the ZEALOT, and Judas the
OuTot 7rayres 7}o"ap irpoo~KapTepovPTes Sfxodv- brother of James-
These all were being constantly engaged withone 14 All these were con-
fiadop Trj TrpocrevxVy a"ov yvuai^i, Kai Mapia, TT) stantly engaged with one
mind in the prayer, with women, and Mary the mind in PRAYER, with the
[irjTpi TOV ]7]0~0Vy Kai o~vp TOIS adeXcjyois avTov.Women, and with Mary
mother ofthe Jesus, and with the brother ofhim. the MOTHER of * Jesus,
15 and with his BROTHERS.
Kai ep Tais Tj/xepats TavTais apao'Tas I l e - 15 And in these DAYS,
And in the days these having stood up Pe-
Peter standing up in the
Tpos ep fiecro) TOOP fiadr]Tcop, enrep' {T\P Te Midst of the * BRETHREN,
ter in middle ofthe disciples, he said; (was and (the Number of Persons
Q\\XOS opo/narcop, eiri TO OAJTO OOS SKUTOP eiKocrw} assembled were about a
a crowd of names, in the same about ahundred twenty;) hundred and twenty,) said,
Avdpes a$eX(poi, e5ei irXrjpcodTjpai TTJP 16 " Brethren, it was
Men brethren, it was necessary to be fulfilled the necessary for * the SCRIP-
TURE to be fulfilled, J which
ypa(pr]p TavT7]p, 7)v irpoenre TO irpev/jia TO aywp the HOLY SPIRIT, through
writing this, which spoke before the spirit the holy
the mouth of David, fore-
8i<x o~TO[j,aTos Aavifi, trepi IouSa TOV yepojj,epov told concerning THAT Ju-
through mouth of David, about Judas that having become das % who BECAME a Guide

* VATICAN MAWUBCRIFT.—13. John, and James and Andrew. 14. Jesus. 15.
i 11. Dan. vii. 13; Matt. xxiv. SO; Mark xiii. 26: l u k e x x i . 27; J o b n x i v . 8 ; 1 Thess. i.
10; iv. 16; 2 Thess. i. 10; Rev. i. 7. X 12. Luke xxiv. 52. X 16. Paa. xli. 9; John
xiii. 18. % 16. Luke xxii. 47 i Joliw xvlii«S.
Chap. 1 ; 17.] A C T S . [Ohajp. 1 : 86.
l t. THOSE who APPRE
fiS^yov Tots arvXXafiovo~L rov Irjcrovv ? Sri
* guide to those having sewed the Jesus; HENDED * JeSUS.
tcarr]pi9jj.7][A£i'os TJV ev r)/uuv, KCU €Aa%e rov 17 For $he was num-
having been numbered hewasamong us, and obtained the bered among us, and ob-
18 tained the LOT of this
KXrjpop rrjs KiaKovias ravrrjs. QVT0S jU€P SERVICE."
lot of the service
service tins.
this. This indeed
18 (JThis man, there-
ouv eKTr}rr&.ro ^oopiov €K fitcrOov rrjsafiiKias- fore, purchased a Eield
therefore bought afield out of a reward of thewickedness; with the "WAGES of the
teat Kpr)vr}s yevo/j.<=vosf eXaicrio'e fisffos, KOLI e£e- WICKEDNESS, and falling
and head-foremost having fallen, he burst in middle, and were head foremost, lie hurst in
XvQy Tcavra ra arrXayxvci avrov 39 teai yvcacr- the middle, and All hia
BOWELS were poured out;
poured out all the bowels of him ; and known
19 and it was known to
rov eyeyeTo rraairois KaroiKovcnv 'lepovcraXrjju, all those DWELLING at
became to all those dwelling in Jerusalem, Jerusalem; so that that
wcrre tcXrjOrivai TO xo)Ptov t'tzwo TJ} t^ia Sia- FIELD is called in their
30 as to be ealled the field that in the own lan- OWN Language, *Acelda-
A.6KT0* avrcav, AiteXdafxa^ rovr3 eari, ^wpiov mach, which is, & Eield o£
guage of them, Aceldama, this is, a field Blood.)
aifxaros. 20
Ycypairrai yap ev fiifiXcp ^/aXfxcov SO "For it is written in
of blood. I t is written for ia book ofPsalma; the Book of Psalms, % 'Let
r 'his DWELLING he deso-
Tev qdr)T(0 r) erravXLS avrov eprj/aos^ tcai fir) etrrco 'late, and let no one
Let be the dwelling of him, desolate, and not let be ' D W E L L in it;' and J'Let
S KaroLKoov €V avry Kai' Tr)v €TriQ~K07rr)p> avrov'another take his or-
the dwelling in her; andj The charge ofhirn 'FICE.'
Xafiai erepos. Aet ovv roov crvveXdov- 21 I t is necessary, there-
let take another. I t is necessary therefore of those having associ- fore, that from those MEN
ro)v r\(xiv avftpoov ev iravri -fcpovca^ ev j> eio1- HAVING ASSOCIATED with
ated -with us men in all time, us all the Time in which
in whieh went
3 the LORD Jesus went in
r]X6e Kai efyXOev ecj> rj/aas 6 tcvpios ITJO'OVS, and out among us,
in and went out among us the lord Jesus,
ap^a/uevos airo rov ^airriCfxaros Icoavvov seas 22 % beginning from the
beginning from the dipping of John to IMMERSION of John, to
3 the DAY on wliich he was
rr]s 7)f*€f>as 7)s av€Xy)(p$7] a(p TJJLLOOV, fxaprvpm rrjs taken up from us, one of
the day vtbichhewastakenupfrom us, a witness of the these BECOME with us a
avaffraaeoos avrov yevecQat crvv r)fxiv iva TOV- Witness of his KESUEEEC-
resurrection of him to become with us one of T I O N . "
rcov: K a t ecrrv,crav Suo, Icacrrjcj) rov KaXov- 23 And they set forth
these. And they set forth two, Joseph that being two, THAT Joseph, CALLED
fievov Baptfafiav, 6s erreKXr]d^ Kai .|*Barsahbas, who was sur-
called Barsabas, who was surnamed and named Justus, and Mat-
MarSiav. 2
Kai TrpoGev^afxevoi eiirov l£v,
Matthias. And praying they aaid; Thou, 24 And praying, they
said, "HThou, Lord, Jwho
Kvpte, Kapfiioyvtocrra rravrwv, ava^ei^ov OP e£e- knowest the hearts of all,
O lord, heaxt-knower of all, show which thou
show which one of These
Ae£cy €K rovrcav rcav Svo eva, ^ Xafiziv rov TWO thou didst select
didst select out of these the two one, to take the
25 to take *the PLACE
KXrjpov rrjs diaxovias ravrrjs Kai a7roo"~oXr]s, of this SERVICE and Apos-
lot of the service this and apostleship, tleship, from which Judas
e£ 7}s Trapeftr) lovfias, rropevOtfvat eis royrorrov stepped aside, to go into
Sromwhichsteppedaside Judas, to go into the place his OWN PLACE."
26 26 And they gave *the
rov ifiiov. K a i e§a)nav KXrjpovs avrcov Kai
the own. And they gave lots of them; and Lots to them •> and the LOT
VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—16. Jesus. 19. .Aceldamach. 23. Barsabbas. 25-

J 17. Matt. x. 4; Luke vi. 10. J 18. Matt, xxvii. 5, 7, 8. J 30. Psa. lxix. 25
220. Psa. cix. 8. t 2>. John xv. 27; ver. S; Acts iv. SS. J 23. Acts xv. 22, j2-i
3Sam. xvi. 7 ; 1 Chron. xxviii- D; X-xix. 17 s Jer. xi. 20 \xvii. 10 '-.Acts xv. 8 sliev. ii. 23.
fihap. %% I . ] ACTS. [Chap. 2 : 10.

VK€(T€V b tcXfipos €iri MarOiap,crpyKare^f}- fell on Matthias, and h{

feil the lot on Matthias, was counted with the ELE»
and be was eounted
tt>co"$Tj fiera rcop epfieKCL airoffroKdiv, YEN Apostles.
with the eleven apostles. CHAPTER I I .
KE$. 0'. 2. 1 And when the J DAT
Kat ev T(p (rvfnr\7]povo~0ai rt)p 7}jj.epap TTJS COME, % they were all with
And in the to be fully come the day of the
one mind in the same
TT€PT7]K0<TT7}S, 7)0~aP airdVTtS SfJLOdv/JLCldoP eiTl TO place.
Pentecost, were all with one mind in the
2 And suddenly there
O.VTO. * KcU €J€V€T9 CMpPOS €K TOV OVpaVOV came a Sound from HEA-
same. And were suddenly from the heavenVEN, like a violent "Wind
V}%os a)0"irep tyepofizprjs TTPOY)S fiiaias, KCU CTTATJ- rushing; and it filled the
a sound as of a rushing wind violent, and it Whole HOUSE where they
$>axT€p 6XOP TOP OIKOP ov r)o~ap Ka07]fJL€Poi'were sitting.
filled whole the house, where they were sitting; 3 And Divided Tongues
KCU u>(j>d7)(rap avrois dia/LL€pt£ojnepcu yXoocrtraiappeared to them, like
and they saw with them being divided tongues Eire, and one rested on
0)0~€t TTVpOS' €K(X,dlO-€ T€ €<p* hv<X €Ka<TTOV aVTCCP, each one of them.
like fire; sat and on one each one of them, 4 And they were Jail
KCU iirKy\ar6no'ap airapres irpevfiaros ay iov9 filled with holy Spirit, and
and they were filled all spirit holy, began to speak J i n Other
KCU rjp^apro XaXeip erepats yXcoa'cratSj KaOcas Languages, as the SPIB.IT
and they began to speak with other tongues^ as gave them utterance.
ro rrrpevfia cSzSou avrois airotyBeyyeffOai. ^Hffap 5 'Now there were so-
the spirit gave to them to speak. Were journing i s Jerusalem,
5e ep cl€povo~aA7}/u, KaroiKOVpres lovdaioi, apdpes Jews, pious Men, from
now in Jerusalem dwelling Jews, men Every Nation under HEA-
svXafieis, euroirapros sdpovs roop VTTO TOP ovpapop. VEN.
pious, from every nation ofthose ui lei* the heaven. 6 And t this KEPOKT
Tepo/nePTjs 5e TTJS <pcopy)s ravTTjs, trvprjXOe TOhaving been circulated, the
Having happened and thd sound this, came together the MULT.TUUK came togeth-
irXydos, KCLI ffvpexv®7)' <?T£r f)KOVOV € i $ e/cao'Tos er, a i d wore perplexed,
multitude, and were perplexed, because heard one each Because e y one heard
TT} iSiq SiaKeKTif) XaXovprccP QJTCOP, 7
F " rr- th( m sp-r-akiug in his OWN
in the own language speaking of them. Wera as- Language.
TO.VTO 8e *[7ra^T€S^ KOA eQavao^ov, Xeyourc-s 1 And they were aston*
tonishedand [all] and wondered, saying isl'^d a^d wondered, say-
*[7rpos aAA7]Aous"] OVK fiov Travrzs OVTOL iLg, "iJihold, are not all
[to each other;]" No! 3o all tlieee TiiESB, v iio are SPEAK-
etrfip ot XaXovpres ; 8 Kcu iroos yfieis ING, %Gn leans?
are who are Bpeaking Galileans? An'. how we 8 And how do me hear
aKOVOjjLSV eKacrros rr) idta StaXeicrcp ri/xoiv, ep 'rj each one in our OWN Lan-
hear each one in the own language of us, in which guage, in which wa were
GyepprjdTjfiep, 9 HapOoi /cat Mydoi KCU EAa/.urcu, born;—•
We were born, Parthians and ftTedes and Elamites, 9 Parthians and Medea
KCU olKaToiKovvrcsT7)p MecroTTora/uLLap, lovdaiap, and Elamites, and those
andthose dwelling the Mesopotamia, Judea, DWELLING in MESOPOTA-
MIA, both in IJudea and
r e Kai KaTrir ad OK Lap, TIOPTOP /cai TT)P Ao~iap, Cappadocia, in Pontus and
both and Cappadocia, Pontus and the Asia,
Qpvyiap re KCU HafMpvXiap, Aiywirrop KCU ra 10 both in Phrygia and
Phrygia both and Pamphylia, Egypt and the Pamphylia, in Egypt and
fj.€p7\ riqs Aifivys rr)s Kara Kvprjprjp, KCU ol the PASTS of THAT Lybia
parts oftho Lybia that upon Cyrene, andthose about Cyrene, and the
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—7. sH—omit. 7- to each other—omit.
t 6. I t is difficult to determine whether it was the voice of those speaking i n foreign lan-
guaees ; the report or rumor of the transaction -or the supernatural " rushing sound," which
is indicated here. t 9. Pearce renders Judea as an adjective, th IB ; ''DWKILBIIB in
Jewish Mesopotamia." Bloomfield thinks there may have heen a. corruption of the text.
changing Idourmou, Idumea, to Ioudian, Judea.
t 1. Lev. xxiii. 15; Deut. xvi. 9; Acts xx. 16. t 1- Acts i. 14. J 4. Acts I. 4.
1 4 Mark xvi. 17; Acts x. 48; xix. 6; 1 Cor. xii. 10, 28, 30; xiii, 1; xiv. 5!. t 7- Acta i . l l .
Omp. S: 11.] ACTS. [Chap, g: 81.
sirifirjpiovpres ' P w ^ a i o i , louSatot T S ;cai irpoo'iq- Roman STRANGERS, both
sojourning Romans, Jewa both and prose- Jews and Proselytes,
A.UT01, u Kp7)res Kai Apa/Ses, atcovojjiev XaXovv- 11 Cretans and Arabi-
lytes, Cretans and Arabians, we hear speaking ans ; we hear them speak-
TO?;/ avrav rais 7](j.eTepai$ yXcacaats T « fjizya- ing in OUB Tongues the
them in the our tongues the great GBEAT THINGS o f G O D . "
A.6ia r o y 8eou; 12
E|icrTai>TO §e 7rai>Tes Kai 8*77- 12 And they were all
things of the God? Were astonished and sll and per- astonished and perplexed*
saving one to another,
iropovv, aXXos vrpos aXXop AeyovTeS' Tt av "What can this b e ? "
plexed, one to another saying; What
13 But others scoffing,
deXoi TOJTO eivai ; 13 Erepoi §e chaxAewa£o*"res said, "They are full ol
will this to be? Others but deriding Sweet wine."
eXeyov 'On yXevKOvs jit/near TOO fie vol eio'i. 14 But Beter standing
said; That sweet wine having been filled *heyare, with the ELEVEN, lifted
^radc-is Se Uerpos crvp rois &p-d€Ka9 eirype up Ms VOICE, and said to
Standing up but Peter with the eleven, lifted up them, " J e w s ! and all who
rrju <poovr}v avrovy tcai aire^Oey^aro avrois. are SOJOURNING in Jeru-
the voice of himself, and said to them. salem ! let this he known
AvSpss lovdaioi, Kai oi KWTOLKOVVTSS "lepovcra- to you, and listen to my
Men Jews, and those dwelling in Jerusa- WORDS.
Xrjfx airapres, rovro V/XIP yvcaarov eo°Ta>9 Kai 15 I1 or these are not
lem all, this to you known let be, and drunk as go it suppose, J for
ei/ODTicrao-Qe ra pyjfiara fJLOVo 15 Ov yap, cosit is the third Hour of the
listen you the words of me. Not for, as DAY;
itpieis VTToXaufiavere, ovroi fis6vova'ip° ecn yap 16 hut this is WHAT wa«s
you suppose, these are drunk; it is SPOKEN through the PRO-
eopa rpirrj rr\s r) pis pas' aXXa rovro gcrri ro PHET J o e l ;
hour third of the day; but this 17 J'And it shall be *in
ir~ ^ that
€ipr)/j.epop Sta rov Trpocpyrov I&J9?A° Kai 'f t h e LAST Days, says GOD,

having been spoken through the prophet Joel; and I will pour out of my
effrai ev rais eo'xaTaLS raLS
'hfJLGPaLS9 ^676* 6 ' Spirit upon All Flesh;
it shallfeein the last the days, says the 'and your SONS and your
'DAUGHTERS shall pro-
6eos, e/cx e t y a7ro rov Trpevjuaros JULOV CTTI irao'av 'phesy; and your YOUNG
God, I will pour ontfrom of the spirit of me upon all
' M E H shall see Visions,
CapKa' Kai Trpopyjrevo'ova'iP oi vloi VJAUIV Kai m 'and your OLD MEN shall
flesh; and shall prophesy the sons of you and the 'dream Dreams.
Ovyarepss vjxa-p, Kai oi peapiarKoi vpmop opao'eis
daughters of you, and the young men of you visions 18 'And indeed on my
otyovrat, Kai 01 irpzcrfivrepoi V/JIOJV epvirviois
shall see, and the old men of you dreams
'those DAYS 1 will pour
epvirpiacrOrfffoprar 18 /caiye eiri rovs SovXovs /mov 'out of my SPTRTT, and
shall dream; and even on the male-slaves of me
' they shall prophesy.
Kai em ras dovXas fiov cp raisi)/j,epais eaeipais
and on the femalealaves of me in the days those 19 ' And I will give Pro-
'digics in the HEAVENS
e/cxeo? airo rov irvevp.aros fiov, Kai wpo<pi]- 'above, and Signs on the
I will pour out from of the spirit of me, and they
19 'EARTH below; Blood, and
revcrovo'i. Kai <5ao~<n) rspara €P ra ovpava'Eire, and a Cloud of
shall prophesy. And I will give prodigies in the heaven ' Smoke.
aj/co, Kai o~7][A€ia eiri ri]s yr\s Kara, aijua Kai
above, and signs on the earth below, blood and
20 J ' T h e SUN shall be
'turnedinto Darkness,and
irvp Kai arp.ih'a Kairvov 20 6 i)Xios pLeracrrpa<pr]- 'the MOON into Blood, be-
fire and a cloud of smoke; the sun eh all be turned
• fore THAT great and illus-
(T6TCU eis CKoros, Kai i) o-cXt]PT] €is aipua, irpiv 'trious Day of the Lord
into darkness, and the moon into blood, sooner 'come.
7] eXOeip rrjp rjfiepav Kvpioit rr\p fxsya) y)p Kai
than to come the day of lord the great and
21 ' A n d i t shall be, ^ev-
21 'ery one who may invoke
fRKpavt). Kai ecrrai, iras 6s av eTTLKaXecr)- 'the NAME of the Lord,
illustrious. And it gfhall be, every onewho may call upon
' shall be saved.'
rai ro ovopia Kvpiov, o~adr)o~erai.
A T I Cname
A N M A KofU lord,
S C B I P T .shall
— 1 7 .beafter
saved.t h e s e t h i n g s , s a y s G O D .
% 15. 1 T h e s s . v . 7. 1 17. J o e l i i . 28,29. X 18. A c t s * x 1 . 4, 9 , 1 0 ; 1 Cor. x i i . 10,
2 8 ; xvi. 1. % 20. M a t t . xxiv. 2 9 ; M a r k x i i i . 24; L u k e x x i . 25. X 21. B o m . x. IS-
tfoap. 2 : g2.] ACTS. [Chap. 2 : 30.
Aj>8pe$ lo'parjXirai, aKovffare rov$ koyov$ 22 Israelites! hear thesa
Men Israelites, tear you the WOILDS.
words Jesus, the NAZA*
RENE, a Man from GOD S
TOVTOVS' lf\<rovv rov Na£copaiov9 avhpa onto rov
these; Jesus the Nazarene, a man from the celebrated among you J by
Miracles, and Prodigies,
Oeou airodedeiyfMevov eis v/xas dvvafxzo'i tccu and Signs, which GOD
God having been pointed out to yon by mighty works and
wrought tlirough him in
repacri Kai ffrj/xeiois, (ots eTroiyo'e 6Y aurov 6 the Midst of you, as you
prodigies and signs* (which did through, him the yourselves know;
6eos ev jjiecrcp V/J.CJV9 tcada>s *[K:GU] avroiot^are,)
God in midst ofyo^. as [alsoj yourselves you know,) 23 htm, J given up by
rovrov ry wpur/xevr) /8ouA]j Kai frpoyvcccrei the FIXED Counsel and
Foreknowledge of God, *by
this by the having been fixed purpose and foreknowledge
the Hand of Lawless ones,
rov Oeou exdorov Xstj3ovres9 8ia ^eipcop avo- J you nailed to the cross,
ofthe God given up haviag been taken, by hands oflaw- and killed;
24 e
/xcav irpoo"iv7)^avT6s aveihare. Ov 6 6eos
leu ones having affixed to you killed. Whom She God 24s % whom G O D raised
aveo'rrjo'e' Xvo'as ras coSivas rou Qavarov, PAINShaving
up, loosed the
of D E A T H ; a8 it
raised up; havingloosed the pains ofthe death,
was impossible to hold him
KaOort OVK f]V hvvarov KpareicOat avrov UTT' under it.
inasmuch as not was possible to be held bins under
avrov. 25 For David says con-
it. cerning him, $ ' I saw the
AcuuS yap heyei eis avrov' UpowpwfAijv 4'LOUD always before me,
Because he :'s at my Eight
David for says concerning him; i saw
^'hand, so that I may not
rov Kvpiov evooiTLOv fiov diaTravras? Sri eit 5t£/&;z>
the lord in presence of c?.e always, because at right hand be moved.
fxov €o~riv, iva ,ttr> caXevdco. 26
Aia rovro 26 'On account of this
of me he is, eo that Hot I may be shaken. Through this ' * M y heart rejoiced, and
my TONGUE exulted; and
evcppavOr) 7] KapSia fxov, teat rjyaWtao'aro TJ cmoreover, my FLESH, also
rejoiced the heart of me, and exulted the
'sJaaii impose in Hope j
yXcavcra /xov en §e Kai T) <rap% fxov H,aracrKr]-
tongue of me; rapreoverand also the flesh of me willrepose 97 * because thou wilt
vo>o~ei €-3r' eA7TiS,; ^ on OVK eytcaraXei^eis ' n o t abandon my SOUL in
ia hope; because not thouwiltabandon 'Hades, nor give up thine
Tt\v fyvxT]V I-LOV eis 'qb'ov, code dojcreis '{H O L Y ONE to gee Comvp-
*he life of me to invisibility, nor th<m wilt abandon tion.
'ov oaiov crov ifieiv diaepdopav. ^Eyvoopio'as 28 'Thou didst make
l/x holy oneofthee to see corruption. Thou didst make known 'known to me the Ways of
fioi ofiovs £OOT)S' KrXrjpooo'eis fx€ evtypoffvvrjs fxera 'Lifej thou wilt make me
t o m e wayo of life; ,ho-.: wilt fill me of joy with 'full of Joy with thy
rov Trpocrcoirov crov., 'COUNTENANCE.'
'Sic face of thee. 29 Brethren! I may
AvSpes aSeXcpoi, e£ov enreiv jnera frappy}- speak to you, with free-
Men brethren, it is lawful to speak with freedom dom, concerning the P A -
o~ias irpos v/xas ivept rov irarpiapxov Aavid9 TRIARCH David, that he
to you concerning the patriarch David, both died and was buried,
Sri Kai ereXevrrjo'e Kai eracpri^ Kai ro jivrjfxa and his TOMB is among us
that both he died and was buried, and the tomb to this DAY.
avrov ecriv ev TJ/XIV a%pi r%\s Tj/xepas ravrrjs. 30 Being, therefore, a
of him
is among us till of the day this. Prophet, J and knowing
Tipo<p7}rr)S ovv &7rap%o)v, Kai eidcos Sri 6pKu> That GOD swore to him
A prophet therefore being, and hnowingthat with an oath with an Oath, that of the
t>)fj.oo~ev avr(p 6 deos, eK napirov rv.s oo'<pvosFruit of his LOINS he would
swore to him the God, out of fruit of the loina cause one to sit upon bis
avrov KaOicrai ciri rov Opovov avrov. YLpot- TII110NE :
t>f him to cause to sit on the throne ofhinx. foresee-
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT—22. also—omit. 23. by the Hand of Lawless ones,.^!)
nailed to the cross and killed. 26. My HEART..
$. 22, John iii. 2; xiv. 10,11; Acts x. 38. X 23. Matt. xxvi. 24; Luke xxii. 22; <x:h
14; Acts iii. 18: iv. 28. X 23. Acts v. 80. 124. ver. 32. % 25. Psa. xvi.^
% 30. 2 Sam. vii. 12,13; Psa. exxxii, 11; Luke i. 32,69; Rom. i. 3; 2 Tim. ii. &
Chap. 2 ; Sl.J AOTSi [Chap. 2 : 41.

Soov eXaXrjcre irepi rrjs avaffraffeoos rov Xpiarrov, 31 foreseeing he spokd

fog he spoke concerning the resurrection of the Anointed, concerning the RESURRECT
bri ov KareXeufyOr} eis ouSe 7} <rap£ TION of the MESSIAH,
that not he was abandoned into nor the flesh 'that he was not left in
avrov eiSe diacf)6opav. 3 2 Tovrov rov \T]O'OVV ' Hades, nor did his FLESH
of him saw corruption. This the Jesua ' see Corruption.'
avecrr^o'ev 6 Oeos, ov iravres rjfMeis eo'fxev 32 GOD raised up this
raised up the God, of which all we are JESUS, X of which feoc all
Ty 5e£ict ovv rov Oeov v-tyca are "Witnesses. •
witnesses. To the right handthereforeofthe God havingbeen 33 Having been, there-
fleiy, rrjv re eizayyeXtav rov ayiov irvev^aros fore, exalted to the RIGHT
HAND of God, % and hav-
exalted, the and promise of the holy spirit
ing received from the FA-
Xafioov irapa rov irarpos, e£e%ee rovro, 6 THER the PROMISE of the
having received from the father, he poured out this, which
34 * HOLT SPIRIT, J he poured
v/j-ets fiXeirere Kai aKovere. O y yap AaviB out this which sou *both
you see and hear. Not for David see and hear.
avefir] ets rovs ovpavovs' Xeyei <$€ avros' Enrev 34 For David ascended
ascended into the heavens; he says but himself; Said not to HEAVEN, but he
6 Kvpios rq> Kvpicp fxov KaOov €K de^ioov
fiov, says himself, $ ' JEHOVAH
the lord to the lord of me; Sit thou at right hand of me, ' said to my LORD, Sit thou
ews av 8co rovs exOpovs cfov viroirodiov rcav £ at my Right hand,
till I may place the enemies of thee a footstoo*. for the 35 ' till I put thine E N -
TTodow o~ov. 3 6 AccpaXcos ovv ytvcao'Kerca iras ' EMIES underneath thy
feet of thee. Certainly therefore let know all ' EEET.'
outos I c p a ^ A , 6ri KCLI Kvpwv avrov Kai Xpio'rov 36 Therefore, let all the
house of Israel, that both lord him and Anointed House of Israel certainly
6 Oeos eiroirjo'e, rovrov rov iTjaovv, bv v/xeis know, that This JESUS,
the God made, this the Jesus, whom you whom DOU crucified, I G O D
eo"ravpcao~are. ^ Aicovcravres 8e Karevvyyjo'av made him both Lord and
crucified. Having heard and they were pierced Messiah."
rrj /capSia, eivov re irpos rov Utrpov /cat rovs 37 And having heard
to the heart, said and to the Peter and the this, they were pierced to
Xonrovs airoffroXovs' Ti TroiTjo'ofj.ev, avfipes the HEART, and said to
other apostles; What shall we do, mea PETER and the OTHER
Apostles, "Brethren! what
adeXcpoi; ^FLerpos 5e *[e<j>7i^ irpos avrovs' shall we do?"
brethrenP Peter and [said] to them;
38 And Peter said to
hxcravorjo'are, Kai fiairrio-Orjru) eKacrros VJXOOV them; J "Reform, and let
Reform you, and be dipped each one of you each of you be immersed
67rt ra> ovofxan lycrov Xpio'rov, eis atyeo'iv afxap- in the NAME of Jesus
• in the name of Jesus Anointed, tor forgiveness of Christ, for the Forgiveness
riooVf Kai X7]^€0~9e rrjv doopeav rov ayiov irvev- *of your S I N S ; and you
sins, and you shall receive the gift of the holy spirit. will receive the GIET of
fiaros. ^'Tfitv yap eamv 7) ertayyeXia Kai the39HOLY Spirit.
Tor the PROMISE is
To you for ia the promise and
to you and J to your
rois reKvois vucov, Kai Tract rois eis fxafcpav, CHILDREN, and f t o ALL
to the children of you, and to all those at a distance, who are far off, as many
Serous av irpoa'KaXeo"(]rai Kvpios 6 Oeos fjficav. as the Lord our GOD may
as many as may call lord the God of us. call."
'Erepois re Xoyois irXeioffi diefxaprvpero, 40 And with many Oth-
Other and words with many he testified, er Words he testified and
rccu irapeKaXei, Xeyoov ^co97]re airo rr]s yeveas * exhorted them, saying,
and exhorted, saying; Be saved from the generation "Be you saved from this
ry]s o~KoXiasravrr)S. 4l
Oi jxev ovv *[ao~jjLevcos^\ PERVERSE GENERATION."
of the perverse.. this. *Khey indeed therefore [gladly] 41 Then THOSE who RE-
VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—S3, HOLY SPIRIT. S3. both see. 38. said—omit.
38. of the SINS. .40. exhorted them, saying1.
t 32. Acts i. 8. . . % 33. Acts v. 81; Phil. ii. 9j Heb. x. 12. J 33. John xiv. 26; xv.
26; xvi. 7, 13; Acts i. 4. . £ 84. Psa. ex. 1; Matt. xxii. 24; 1 Cor. xv. 25; Eph. i. 20—22:
Heb. i. 18; x. 12,13. J 36. Acts v. 81. J 38. Luke xxiv. 47; Acta iii. 19. * 5ft
Acts iii. 25, v X 39- Acts x. 45; xi. 15,18; xiv. 27; xv. 3, 8,14; Eph. ii. 13, 17.
Chap. 2 : 42.]
ACTS; >,

air 08 e£a fie VOL TOV Xoyov cjBoYrrvtrdTfaw • C E ^ i ? \si§ -WORDS Wfttt
having received the word immersed j a n d on t h a t
of him,
were diypei.;
tccu irpoarereOrjcrai/ rrj f)fiep% atewy ipvxcu wtret DAY about t h r e e thousand
and were added the dfcy tLat souls about Souls were added.
rpicrxiAtaz. Htfav Be irpocntapTepovvTes ry 42 X And they were con-
three thousand. Were and Constantly attending to the stantly attending t o t h e
didaxy TGOV airoo'To\Q(,i/i KCU TT) Koivcavia, * [ / c a i ] TEACHING Of t h e APOS-
teaching of the apofetleg, and to the distribution, [and] TLES, a n d t o t h e f C O N -
rrj • KXacrei TOV aprov, KOLI TOLLS irpoo'evxoLis. T R I B U T I O N , a n d to t h e
to the breaking oftho loaf, and to the prayerB. BREAKING of t h e LOAi1,
EyeveTo 5e T-aory tyvxy (pofios, 7roAAa r e a n d to t h e P R A T E R S .
Came and to every soul fear, many and 43 And Fear came upon
repara KOLI &ri/y,<sia, dia rcav airocrroXoov cyi- E v e r y S o u l ; a n d $ M a n y
prodigies and s'^ns through the apostles were Prodigies a n d Signs were
vero. ^YtayTF.s 5e ol ivio'TevovTes rjcrav eiri done t h r o u g h t h e A P O S *
done. All and those believing were in TLES.
TO auTO, Krj eixov airavTa KOiva, KOLI r a
44 A n d A L L t h e B E -
the same, and had all things common, and the
L I E V E R S J * h a d all things
KT7]/j.ara KO.I TCLS virap^eis eTrnrpacrKov, KOLI <5(€- common t o g e t h e r ;
possession^ p,ad the goods they were selling, and they
45 a n d sold t h e i r P O S -
[iepi£ov avra irao'i, KUOOTI av TIS X9elay €i
were dividing tiiem to all, as anyone need had. S E S S I O N S a n d GOODS, a n d
K a 0 ' rijxepav T€ irpo(TKapTepovvT€S bjxoQvfxadov divided t h e m t o all, a s a n y
Every day and constantly attending with one mind one h a d Need.
ev rep tep&j, KkoovTes r e KCIT* OLKOV apTov, fieTe- 46 A n d constantly at-
fn tho temple, breaking and at home bread, they tending with one mind J i n
Xafifiaj/ov rpocprjs ev ayaXAiacrei KOLI a<peXoT7]Ti t h e T E M P L E every d a y ,
were partaking of food in gladness and singleness and breaking B r e a d a t
KapSias, ^ aivovvTes TOV Oeov, KOLI exovres Home, they partook oi
of heart, praising the God, and Food i n Joyfulness a n d
Xapiv it-pas dXov TOV Xaov. ' O de Kvpios irpocre- Simplicity of H e a r t ;
favor with whole the people. The and lord was 47 praising God, a n d
Tide/, TOVS croo£ofj.ej/ovs Ka6y rj/jLepav * [ T T / CKKXT)- having Eavor w i t h all t h e
fidding those being saved every day £to the eongre- P E O P L E . A n d % t h e L O R D
<ri'x.] daily added T H O S E B E I N G
g^tion.] SAVED to t h e CONGSEGA-
7•' 3.
ETTi TO avTo de TleTpos KOA Icoavprjs aveficu- CHAPTER I I I .
In the same now Peter and John were going 1 Now P e t e r a n d J o h a
vov eis TO lepov eiri TI\V &pav TTJS irpoo'(:VX7]S were going u p T O G E T H E R
n.'p into the temple at the hour of the prayer into t h e T E M P L E , at the
<7t]V evvaT7}v. Kcu TIS avrjp %coAos e/c KOL- H O U R of P R A T E R , b e i n g
the ninth. And a certain man lame from womb t h e N I N T H h o u r .
Xias /iirjTpos avTov vivapx^v, efiaffTa^ero'
3 A n d a Certain M a n , bv
of mother of himself being, was being carried; whom
5 lame from h i s Births w a s
eTiOovv /car 7][xepav irpos TTJP Ovpav TOV lepov being carried, whom t h e y
they placed everyday at the door of the temple placed daily a t fTHAT
TJ]V Xeyo/j.ei>7]p oopaiavy TOV aiTeiv eXeTjjaoo'vvrjV GATE of t h e T E M P L E which
that being called beautiful, the to ask alms i s C A L L E D Beautiful, to
3 A S K Alms of T H O S E E N -
irapa TOiV eio"iropevoixev<av eis TO iepov 'Os
from those entering into the temple. Who TERING into the T E M P L E .

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—42. and—omit. 44. had all things common together;

and sold. 47. t o the congregation—mutt.
t 42. See the following passages where the same original word is used:—Rom. xv. 26;
2 Cor. viii. 4; ix. 13; Phil. i. 5: Heb.xiii. 16. Also Appendix. t 2. This gateis said
to have led from the court of the Gentiles into t h e court of the Israelites on t h e eastern
side of the temple. I t was built by Herod the Great, almost or quite wholly of Corinthian
brass. The folds of this gate were fifty cubits high and forty broad, and covered with
plates of g old and silver.
+ 4<> Heb. x. 25. J 43. Mark xvi. 17; Acts iv. 33; v. 12. t 44. Acts iv. Z%
J. 40. Lukexxiv.53; Acts v, 42. % 47. Acts v. 14; xi.24.
[Cuup. 3 : 13.
Chap* B:_8.1 ACTS.
ibuv Ylerpov KCLI Iwavvrjv /neXXovras 8 who seeing Peter and
seeing Peter and John being about John being about to go
to go
eis ro lepov, rjpcara eXzr)[JL0G~vv7)v Xafieiv. 4 A T Cinto - the TEMPLE, asked
into the temple, asked alms to receive. Looking Alms.
vivas 5e Herpos eis avrov (Tvv rep Iwavvp, enre" having 4 And Peter, with John,
steadily and Peter on him with the John, said;
earnestly fixed his
5 c v 4 eyes on him, Baid, "Look
PXe\(/ov eis r\fJLas. O &e 67reix^ avrois, vrpoo - on us."
Look on us. He and gave heed to them,. ex-
6 5 And HE gave heed t%
doKwv ri Trap* avrcov Xafietv. Etire 8e I l e - them, expecting to receive
pectingsomething from them to receive. Said and Pe- Something from them.
rpos' Apyvpiov KCLI XPV(TL0V OVX virapx*i A*04' 6 But Peter said, "Sil-
terj Silver and gold not are possessed by me; ver and Gold I have not;
o 8e e^co, TOVTO aoi S&oojxr Ev rep ovofxari but what I have, This I
what but I have, this to thee I give; In the name give thee; $ i n the NAME
Ir](rov Xpicrrov rov Na(copaiov ^[eyeipai KCU~\ of Jesus Christ, the NAZA-
of Jesus Anointed the Nazarene [do thou arise and] EENE, walk."
irepnrarei. ? Kat TTiacras avrov TTJS §e£:as 7 And having taken him
walk. And having taken him the right by the BI-GELT Hand ke
XeLpos yyeipe' irapaxpVfJLa $e effrepeooOrjerav raised *him u p ; and im-
hand he rose up, immediately and were strengthened mediately *his F E E T and.
avrov at fiacreis Kat ra ffepvpa. Kcu sfaXXo- ANKLES were strength-
ofhim the feet and the ankle-bones. And leaping ened;
(A€Vos, ecrr??, Kai irepieir^rei* Kai €ia"r}X96 &vv 8 and leaping up, ke
up, he stood, and walked; and entered with stood, and walked about,
avrois €is ro lepov, Trep-nrarav Kai aXXojJievos9 and entered with them in-
them into the temple, walking and leaping, to the TRMPLE, walking,
Kai aivoov rov Q&ov* 9
Kat eifiev avrov was 6 and leaping, and praising
and praising the God. And saw him all the GOD.
Xaos Trepnrarovvra Kai aivovvra rov Qeov 9 % And All the PEOPLE
people walking and saw him walking and
praising the God;
cireyivoHTKov ra avrov9 bri ovros 7)V 6 irpos praising GOD ;
they knew and him, that he wa3 who for 10 and they knew him,
rrjv eXsr)/j,ocrvv7}7s KaOti^xevos -TTI ry wpaia irvXy who SAT H E was the ONE
for ALMS at the
the alms sitting at the beautiful gate
BEAUTIFUL Gate of the
rov Upov Kai €7rX7)o~dr)0'av dajufiovs Kai e/CTa- T E M P L E ; and they were
of the temple; and they were filled with wonder and amaze- fiDed with Wonder and
(T€(vs em rep o~vju(3(s@riKori avrcp, 11 KparovvrosAmazement at WHAT had
ment at that having happened to him. Holding fast HAPPENED to him.
Se avrov rov Xlerpov Kat looavvrjv, (Tvve8pa/JL€
11 And while he held
and of him the Peter and John, ran together
fast to P E T E R and John,
irpos avrovs iras d Xaos eirt ry ffroa ry KaXov- All the PEOPLE ran toge-
to them all thepeopls to the porch that being ther to them, into THAT
fievy 'SOXO/JLOOVOS, eKOa/jL^OL. 12 IScov Se Herpos POUTICO % which is CALL-
called of Solomon, awe-struck. Seeing and Peter ED Solomon's, greatly as-
aireicpivaro ivpos rov Xaov AvBpes lo"pa7]Xirai} 12 And * PETER seeing
answered to the people; Men Israelites, it, answered the PEOPLE,
ri 6av{ia£er€ €7riTovr(p ; rj TJ/LUV rt arevtfere, "Israelites! why do you
why do you wonder at this? or to ua why lookyou earnestly, wonder at this ? or why da
cos iSicc dwa/jL€L fj everefieia ireiroir}Koo~t rov you look intently at Us, as
as by own power or piety having been made of the though by Our Power or
irepnrareiv avrov j 13
' 0 deos A/3paa/j, Kat IcaaK to Piety we had oauaed him
to walk himP The God ofAbraara
walk. and Isaae
13 $ The GOD of Abra-
Kai la/ccojS, b 6eos <?&>v Trarepoov 7}fJL(av9 e8o£acre ham, and of Isaac, and of
• »d Jacob, the God of the fathers of us, glorified Jacob, the GOD of our TA-
lov ira&a avrov lr)crovv9 dv vfxets ,uev Tra,peoa>- TH"EB,S, glorified his SER-
the servant of himself Jesus, whom you indeed delivered VANT Jesus, whom yoa

VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—6. rise up and—omit. 7- him. 7. his FEET. 12.

t 6. Acts iv. 10. t 0 . Acts iv. 16, 21. i 11. John x. 25; Acts v. 12. t !§.
As^p v. 80.
6hap$%ylL] ICfhap. S: z3
uare, teat ^pprjaraffBe ^[avroy] Kara 7rpG<ra)?ropindeed delivered up, and
ap, end denied [him] ia face
Xrejected in the Presence
54 of Pilate, when he resolved
TLi\arovi Kptvavros exetpov airoXevetP. _ 'T/xsts to release him;
of Pilate, having judged he • to seleaae. You
14. But gou rejected the
§€ TOP ayiop Kai BtKatop ypprio'ao'Be, teat |7TT?- HOLY and Righteous one,
but the holy and righteous denied, and asked and asked a Murderer to
(ra<r6e avdpa (povta KaoiffB^pai vfxip^ 15TOP 5e be given you,
a man a murderer t o t e granted to you, the and 15 and killed the PRINCE
apxvyov TV* fays artsKTCwarۥ
bv d.Oeos vryet- of LIFE; whom GOD raised
prince of the life yqu killed; whom the God raioed from the Dead, of which
pep €/c peicpcap, ov 7)fJLC-t$. fxaprvpes foe are Witnesses.
out off dead ones, of whom we witnesses are; 16 And by the FAITH
ttat em ry wicrrei rov opofiaros a u r o u ,
rovrop Of his JVAME, Jllis NAME
and by the faith _ of the name of him, this strengthened This Man,
6v decapeirs Hat g«§aT<£, €<rrepe(e)0'G ro ovofiawhom you behold and
whom you behold and lino*?. strengthened the name know; and THAT FAITH,
avrov teat 7) Tncris 7) &£ avrou eS&>K€^ ®OT&? througfi him, gave him
of him; and the faith thatthrougb him gave to him (his PERFECT SOUNDNESS
TTJP dkoKXrjpiap ravrrjp awzpaprt fravr w VJA&P, in the presence of you all.,
the perfect soundness Ibis ia presence of &H • of you. 17 And now, Brethren,
? K a t PUP9 a§€k<poit oifia, djt/cara a-vvuca& I know That in $ Igno-
And aow, brethren, I know iuafcia ignorance rance you did it, aa also
€7r/m£eT<£p wo"tr§p Hat oi apxdPt^S $/X&WJ ' © you? RULERS. ' >
you did, as also the rulers 'of you. ' The 18 But GOD thus fulfil-
Se 6eos a irpoKar^yyetXQ dta (TTQp.aro§ ^aPTcap led J what he *oretold by
but God what he foretold through mouth of all the Mouth of All *ihe
r&v 7rpo<priT(aP ai/rov^ ira,6etp *COP Xpitrrop,PROPHETS, I that his AN-
of the prophets of himself, to suffer the Anointed,'
OINTED should suffer.
1& 19 $ Reform, therefore,
€ir\r}p(a(rsp ovT®, Meravoycrare ovp not and turn, that Your SINS
he fulfilled thus. ."' • Reform you therefore and
smo'TpeyparGy sis to elahu<pQy]vai vfxmv ras that Seasons of Refresh-
turnyou, in order that the tobewipedout of you the ment may come from the
oLfiapTiaSf 6ir(s>s ap eXdwfft Kaipot avatyp£sws awo Presence of the LORD,
sins, .rov
that may come seasons of refreshing from SO and he may send him
fate of the Kvptov3 teat aTroffTeiKr) rrop HAVING BEEN BEFORE
lord, . and he may send him DESTINE© 1 for you, Jesus
•srpofcex€lPlcrtx€J/op vp.ip IrjtTovy Xpiafop' 2l
dp Christ;
having been before destined for you Jesus •.. Anointed; " whom 2.1 whom, indeed, Hea-
Bet ovpapop fj.ep de^a&Bat &.XP& Xpoptap airoKa1 ven must- retain till the
must heavea indeed to receive till' times of restora- Times of Restoration of all
racraa'^ws irapr&sf^ WP GhaXrjo'sp d Qsos Bta things wliich GOD spoke
tion of all things, whioh spoke the GodtLrough by the Mouth of HIS HOLY
errofiaros aw* tuao- Prophets, from of Old.
rwp aytcop avrou rrpo^rjrap
mouth ofthe holy ofhimself prophets from aa 22 Moses indeed said,
vos.' . ^ M.G0vo"t]S fiep *\jwpos rovs wafspasl^J'The Lord your God shall
age. Moses indeed [to the fatjiirs]
'raise up to you, from your
'BRETHREN, a Prophet,
€ITT€P' 'On 7rpo(j>i)T7iP VJAIP apa<rrr)(ret nvptos 6'like me; Him you shall
said; That- a prophet' to you shall raise up lord the ' hear in all things which
&eos vficap, SK rcop aBeXfyeop fifiajp* &§ €/£€• 'he may speak to you.;
God ofyou, from ofthe brethren ofyou; lite me; 23 ' and it shall be, Ev-
avrov a&dvcreo'Qz uara rraprav Sera ap XaXrjffr) 'ery Soul which may riofc
of him you shall hear in alt things, which he may speak 'hear that PROPHET, shall
irpos vfxas* 2 3 Eo*Ta* 8 e , r a c r a ^u%^ yrts ap fir] 'be destroyed from among
to you. It shall be and, every soul whatever not ' t h e PEOPLE.
9 rovMANUSCBIPT.—13.
VATICAN ftpotyrjrov €KGWQV sfoXoBpevBrio'e-
$ IS. t h e PBOPEET3 h i s ANOINTED. St.
of hear the
HOLY, prophet "" FAiHEits—omit.
22. to the that, shall be destroyed (.«,
t 13. Matt, xxvii. 20; Mark xv. 11; Luke xxiii. 18, 20, 21; John xviii.40; xix. IB; Acts
xiii. 28. t 16. Acts iv. 10. I 17- Luke xxiii. 34; John xvi. 3; Acts xiii. 27; 1 Cor.
ii. 8; 1 Tim. i. 13. I 18. Lukexxiv. 44; Acts xxvi. 23. t, 18. Paa. xxii.; Isa. liii. j
Dan. ix. 20j 1 Pet. i. 10, U. , X 19. Acts ii- 88, t 22. Deut. xvuU 10,18.19$ Acts
Ohap. %: '24.5 ACTS, [Chap. 4 : 7.
24 24 And also All the PRO-
TOLI QK rov Xaov. K a t iravres 5e ol TrpocpT}-
out of the people. Also all and the prophets PHETS from Samuel, and
rai euro ^a/xovr}X Kai roov Kade^yjs oaoi eXaXrj- THOSE succeeding in or-
from Samuel spoke, der, as many as spoke, alsa
and those succeeding as many as
irav, KCLI KarrjyyeiXav ras Tjfiepas ravras. announced these DAYS.
also told of the days these. 25 J2Pou are *Sons of
2D the PROPHETS, and of the
'T/x€is ecrre ol vloi roov TrpocpTjrcav, Kai rrjs
COVENANT which GOD ra-
YQO are the sons of the prophets, and of the
tified with our FATHERS.
8i<~d7]K7)S, 7]s SieOero 6 Qeos irpos rovs Trarepassaying to Abraham, % 'And
covenant, which ratified the God to the fathers
' i n thy SEED shall all the
rifioov, Xeycov irpos Afipaa/j." Kai ev rca (Tirepfxari 'FAMILIES of the EARTH
ofus, saying to Abraam; And in the
'be blessed.' seed
o~ov ev€vXoyr]6r)o'ov rai irao~ai at irarpiai rrjs 26 GOD having raised
of thee shall be blessed all the families of the up his SERVANT, sent him
yr/s. ^ "Y/JLLI/ irpoorov b 0eos, avao'rrjo'as TQV J first to you, to bless each
earth. To you first the God, having raised up the one who shall TURN from
iraifta avrov, aireo'reiX^v avrov evXoyovvra his EVIL WAYS."
servant ofhimself, sent him blessing
vfj-as, €V rep a,Tcoo'Tpe<p€iv eKacrrov CLTTQ rcov CHAPTER IV.
you, in the to turn each ona from the 1 And while they were
TVOVTipiOOV "*[&/-{.&>V.] speaking to the PEOPLE,
evil deeds [of you.] the * HIGH-PRIESTS, and
KE<f>. 8'. 4 . the COMMANDER of the
TEMPLE, and the SADDU-
AaXovvrcov 5e avrcav Trpos rov Xaov, Kai CEES, came upon them,
Speaking and ofthem to the people, and 2 *being grieved because
ETrecrrrjcrav avrois ol fcpeis Kai b crrparrjyosrov they TAUGHT the PEOPLE,
came upon them the priests and the of the and announced THAT RES-
lepov Kai ol ^addovKaioi, 2
diairovavfievoi dia URRECTION from the Dead
temple and the Sadducees, being grieved through in J E S U S .
ro didao'Keiv avrovsrovXaov, Kai icarayyeXXeiv 3 And they laid HANDS
the to teach them the people, and on them, and placed them
to announce
ev rep lrjCov rrjv avacfracritf rrjv e/c veKpoov. in Custody till the NEXT
DAY; for it was now Even-
in the Jesus the resurrection that out of dead ones.
3 ing.
Kai eire/SaXo? avrois ras xelPas> Kai ^Oevro 4 But many of THOSE
And they laid on them the hands, and put
eis rrjprjo'iv eis rrjv avpiov rjv yap ecfirepa Tjcjr/. believed; and the NUM-
nto keeping to the morrow; it was for evening now.
4 BER of the MEN became
HoXXoi §e roov aKovcravroov rov Xoyov eiricr- about five Thousand.
Many butof those having heard the word be-
revcrav Kai eyev7]6r] 6 api6/j.os roov avBpoov cocrei the5 NEXT And it occurred on
DAY, that Their
lieved; and became the number of the men about
RULERS, and *the ELDERS,
XiXiades irzvre. "Eyevero de e-rri rr\v avpiov o~vv- and the SCRIBES assem-
thousand five. It happened and on the morrow to be bled at Jerusalem;
axQr]vai avroov rovs apxovras Kanvpsfffivrepovs 6 and J Annas, the HIGH-
assembled of them the rulers and elders
6 PRIEST, and Caiaphas, and
Kaiypa/Jifxareis eis 'lepovcraXTj/x' Kai Avvav
rov John, and Alexander, and
and scribes at Jerusalem; also Annas the
as many as were of the
apx^pea, Kai Kaiacpav Kai \ooavvi\v Kai AXe^av- family of the High-Priest-
high-priett, and Caiaphias and John and Alexan- hood ;
Spov, Kai oo'oi rjcrav e/c yevovs apx/epart/cov. 7 and having placed
der, and as many as were of a family of highpriesthood.
them in the Midst, they
^ Kat o~rf]0'avres avrovs €V /xecrq^ etrvvQavovro' asked, t" By What Power,
And having placed them in middle, they asked;
or in What Name, have
Ev iroia dvva/Jiei, rj ev iroicp ovojxari erroirjcrare gou done this?"
By what power, or in what name did
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—25. the Sons of. 26. of you—omit. 1. HIGH-PKIESTS
and. 5. and the E I D E E S and the SCBIBES.
X 25. Aet3 ii. 39; Eom. ix. 4, 8; xv. 8. J 25. Gen. xii. 3; xxii. 18; Gal. iii. 8. t 2&.
Matt. x. 5; xv. 24; Luke xxiv. 47; Acts xiii. 82, 33, 46. t 2. Matt. xxii. 23; Act*
xxiii. 8. % 6. Luke iii. 2; John x.i. 49; xviii. 13. X f. Matt. xxi. 23.
€ftap. 4 : 8.] ACTS, [Chap. 4 : 17.

ToT<2 UtTpOS TrXTjCO^lS TTV€VfMO- 8 % Then Peter being
this you ? Then Peter filled with holy Spirit, said
being filled with spirit
TOS ayiov, enre wpos avrovs' Apxovres rov to tliem, "Rulers of the
lioly, saiii to them; Rulers of the PEOPLE, and Elders of I S -
Aaou, Kai irpecrfivrepot * [ T O U Icrpa^A,] 9 eiTjfxeis RAEL !
people, and elders [ofthe Israel,] if we 9 if ioz are to-day ex-
(rrjfxzpov avaKpivojxzda €iu €vepy€0"ia avQpwjrov amined about a Good Deed
to-day be examined to for kindness a man
conferred on the sick Man,
10 by what means he has been
acrOzvovs, ev ovros o'ecrcao'rai' TVCOO'TOV
sick, by what he has been saved. Known
10 be it known to yon
ztfrco Tracriv vfiiv Kai iravri rep Xacp lerpa^A, on all, and to All the PEOPLE
be it all to you and to all the people of Israel, that of Israel, J That by the
ev rep ovojxan Irjcrov Xpivrov TOV Na^wpaiov, NAME of Jesus Christ, the
in the name of Jesus Anointed the Nazarene, NAZARENE, whom go it
bv vfxeis ecrravpojerare bv b Oeos rjyeipsv e/c crucified, J whom GOD
whom you crucified whom the God raised out of raised from the Dead, by
veicpoov, ey rovrcp ovros TrapscrrrjKev evcciriov htm has this man stood
dead ones, by him this has stood iu presence before you whole.
vjxcov vytrjs. Ovros ecrriv b XLQOS b e^ovdevr]- 1 1 J T h i s i s 'THAT STONE
ofyou sound. This is the stonethat having beed 'which HAS BEEN R E -
6zis v<p3 vficcv
TOW OIKOBO/JLOVVTCOV, b ysvofxe-J E C T E D by You, the
despisedby you the builders, the havingbeen ' B U I L D E R S , THAT which
vos eis KecpaXrjv yccvias. K a i ovtc *CTTIV ev ' H A S BECOME the Head of
made into ahead of a corner. And not is in ' the Corner.5
aXXcp ovSevi 7) o'ear^pia' ovde yap ovofxo, €o~riv 12 And there is no SAL-
another to any one the salvurtion; not even for a name i* VATION in any other; for
erepov viro rov ovpavov, rov dedofievov ev there is no other Name
another under the heaven, that having been givon among under HEAVEN, which
avOpcairois, ev ecp Bei o'ooOrjvai rj/nas. HAS BEEN GIVEN among
men, in which must to be saved us. Men, by which we can be
©ecapovvres SV rr\v rov Tierpov wap^Tjciav saved."
Seeing and the ofthe Peter boldness 13 And seeing the BOLD-
Kai Icaavvov, Kai KaraXafio/jievoi, on av6pcoir@i NESS of PETER and John,
and of John, and having perceived, that men {and perceiving that they
aypa/ji/JLaroi eici Kai ifiioorai, edav/Jia^ov, eireyi- were illiterate and ungift-
unlearned they are and ungifted, they wondered, they ed Men, they wondered,
VWO'KOV re avrovs, on o'vv rep Irjcrov t\oav and recognized them That
knew and them, that with the Jesus they were;
they had been with J E -
14 SUS.
rov §6 avOpcoirov fiXeirovres o'vv avrois eorco- 14 And beholding THAT
the -and man beholding with them stand-
who had been CUREDMAN
ra rov redepairev^vov, ovdev eiyjov
avrenreiv. standing with them, they
ing that having been healed, nothing they had to say against. had nothing to say against
KeXevoavres oV avrovs e£<a rov ovveopiov it.
Having ordered and thern outside ofthe high-couneil 15 But having ordered
aireXOeiv, owefiaXov irpos aXXrjXovs, 16 Xeyov- thera to withdraw from
to go, they consulted with each other. saying; the SANHEDRIM, they con-
ferred with each other,
res' Ti Troirjcro/nev rois avOpcoirois rovrois; on
What shall we do to the men these? that 16 saying, J "What shall
we do to these M E N ? for
/xev yap yvcoorov orj/meLov yeyove 5Y
avroov, that, indeed, a Signal Sign
indeed for known a sign has been done by them, has been wrought by them,
Tracrirois KaroiKovoriv 'lepovcraX^fi cpavepov, Kai is manifest to All THOSE
to all those dwelling in Jerusalem manifest, and DWELLING in Jerusalem;
ov owafxeQa apvr]oaodai. AAA5 iva fir) eiri and we cannot deny it.
not we were able to deny. But that not to 17 But that it may
irXeiov ^lavejxrjQri as rov Xaov, *[a7reiA?7] anrei- spread no further among
morr it may spread among the people, [with a threat] let us the PEOPLE, let us threat-

Y A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 8 . of I S R A E L — o m i t . Vj. w i t h a t h r e a t — o m i t .
X 8. L u k e xii, 11,12. J 10. A c t s i i i . 6.16. % 10. A c t s ii. 24. X 11. P s a .
ixviii. 22; I s a . xxviii. 16 $ M a t t . x x i . 42. J 13. M a t t . x i . 25; 1 Oor. i. 27. X 16.
lolin xi. 47.
'. 4 s lb/} ACTS. [Chap.

KycrooiAtOa avrois, /j,r)Keri XaXeiv em r<p ovofiari en them, to speak no

threaten them, n o longer t o apeak
name more to any Man in this
in the
rovTcp fjL7}$evt avOpooirov. Kxi KaXetfavres A M E . "
this t o any man. And having called 18 And having called
wrovs, iro^priyyeiXav avrois ro KadoXov [AT] them, they commanded
them, they charged them n o t at all n o t *that they should not
tydeyye' rai fx^e diBaCKeiv em rep ovo/xari rov speak at all nor teach in
to spp-.a: nor to teach in the name of t h e the NAME of J E S U S .
hjffox. 19<
0 5e Uerpos Kai Iwavvrjs airoKpidev- 19 But PETEB, and
Jesus, The b u t Peter and John answering, said to them,
res irpos avrovs eiirov Et diKaiov effriv evcamov J "Whether it is righteous
to them said; If just i t is i n presence in the sight of GOD to
rov Oeov, v/xcav aKoveiv /xaXXov t\ rov 6eov, Kpi- judge obey you rather than GOD,
o f t h e God, you t o h e a r k e n rather than the God, judge you;
vare. 20
O u dvva/xeda yap 7]/jieis, a eiBojxev /ecu bear to speak 20 Jfor me cannot for-
you. ' Not are able for we, what we saw and
of the things
20 we Jhave seen and heard."
^Kova'afiev, iLt\ XaXeiv, O / 5e irpocraireiXi]- 21 And THEY, having
heard, n o t t o speak. They and having again t h r e a t -
again threatened them,
trafxevoi aireXvcrav avrovs, txyhev evpiCKOvres dismissed them, finding
ened t h e m dismissed them, nothing finding
Nothing HOW they might
ro ircos KoXacrcovrai avrovs, dia rov Xaov dri punish them, Jon account
t h e h o w they m i g h t punish t h e m , o n a c c o n n t o f t h e p e o p l e ; because
of the PEOPLE ; because
iravres edo^a^ov rov Qeov em rep yeyovori. all glorified GOD for WHAT
all glorified the God on account of t h a t havingbeen done.
was DONE;
22 Ercov yap r\v irXeiovcov recrapaicovra 6 avCp'jo-
22 for the MAN on whom
Years f o r was more forty the man,
this SIGN of HEALING had
iros, €(p* bv eyeyovei ro trruxeiov rovro rrjs been performed, was more
on w h o m was w r o u g h t t h e sign this of t h e
than forty Years old.
ia0~€Q)S. 23 And being dismissed,
they went to their OWN
^AiroXvdevres 5e rfXOov irpos rovs ifiiovs, friends, and related all that
Having been dismissed a n d they came to t h e own friends, the HIGH-PRIESTS and E L -
Kai airrjyyeiXev Sera irpos avrovs ol ap%iepeis DEES had said to them.
and related what t h i n g s t o them the high-priests
24 24 And THEY, having
KaL o! irpecrftvrepoi eiirov. O j 5e
aKov&avres, heard it, lifted up their
and t h e elders "said. They and having heard,
Voice to GOD with one
bjxoQvfxa^ov rjpav (pcovrjv irpos rov 6eov9 Kai mind, and said, " 0 Sove-
with one mind lifted u p a voice to the God, and
reign Lord, thou who didst
enrov Aeffirora, o~v *["6 Oeos,~\ 6 iroirjo'as rov make the HEAVENS, and
said; O sovereign, t h o u [th : God,] t h a t h a v i n g made t h e
the EAKTH, and the SEA,
ovpavov Kai rrjv yr\v Kai rrjv daXao'o'av, Kai and ALL things in them;
heaven and the earth and the sea, and
25 25 who didst say *hy
iravra ra ev avrois' 6 dia o'rofxaros the Mouth of thy S E B -
all the things in them; who t h r o u g h mouth
VANT David, %' Why did
Aavid iraidos o~ov eiircvv Ivan eeppva^ev eQvri, 'the Nations rage, and
of David a servant of thee having said; W h y raged nations, 'the Peoples devise vain
Kai Xaioi e/xeXerrjcrav tceva; Uapeo'rrjo'av ol ' things ?
and peoples devised r a i n things? Stood u p the 26 'The KINGS of the
fiacriXeis rt]s yr}S, Kai ol apxovres o~vvy\%Qt]o'av 'EAB.TH stood • up, and
kings of t h e earth, and the rulers were assembled 'the HULEBS assembled to-
' gether, against the LOED,
em ro avro, Kara rov Kvpiov, Kai Kara rov 'and against his ANOINT-
in the same, against the lord, and against the
Xpitfrov avrov. ? ^vvqxd^av yap eir aXrj- 27 Tor truly, in this
Anointed of him. "Were gathered for in truth, both Herod, and
deias ev rrj iroXei ravry em rov ayiov iraida Pontius Pilate, with the
in the city this against t h e holy servant Gentiles and People of Is-

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—18. that they shoiild not speak at all nor. 24. the God—
omit. 25. through the holy Spirit, by the mouth of our FATHER David thy Servant
hast SAID.
t 19. Acts v. 29. t 20. Acts i.8. % 20. Acts ii. 32. t 21. Matt. x.xi. 26;
Luke xx. 0, 19; xxii. 2 ; Acts v- 33. J 25. Psa. ii. 1.
. 41 %:\ ACTS. [&hap. 4-: §7.

(Too lr]<rovj/9 6v e x p e c t s , 'Hpwdrjs r e teat tlov- rael were gathered toge*

o f t h e e Jesus, w h o m t h o u d i d s t anoint, H e r o d both and Pon« ther against thy HOLT Ser>
TLOS UiAaros, crvp eBvtcri aai Xaois I c p a ^ A , vant JesuS;, whom thou
hast anoint edj
tius Pilate, w i t h Gentiles a n d peoples of Israel,
2S e i (T0V 28 % to do what thy
TTOITI&CU Sera 7) % P naif} (3ouX7j*[o'ov^ HAND and COUNSEL before
t o do w h a t tilings t h e h a u d of t h e e and t h e will [of thee]
irpowpure yspcorQai. 2 9 Kcu ravvv, Kvpie9 €7rtSe appointed to be done.
"29 And NOW, O Lord,
before marked o u t t o be d o n e . And now, Olord, look thou
look upon thei.: THREATS •
tin ras airetXas avrwv, aai §os rots dovXois and grant to thy SERVANTS
' pon the threats of t h e m , and grant t o t h e slaves
to speak thy WORD with all
Gov fxera Tvappi)(rias iracr^s XaXeip TOP- koyov Freedom,
of t h e e with freedom all t o speak the word
80 while thou art EX-
c o v , 3U ey TIJ) rrjp %etpc* <rov eKreipeiv (re CLS TENDING thy HAND for
oftheej iu t h e the h a n d of t h e e t© s t r e t c h o u t t h e e f o r
healing'. % and while per-
Ia(TiP9 Kai arj^eia KCLI repara yipecrOai Szct TOV forming Signs and Prodi-
healing, a n d signs a n d prodigies t o do through the
gies through the NAME of
oyofJ.aros TOV ayiov iraidos (Tov lr}qrov0 3 1 Kcu thy HOLY Servant Jesus."
name of t h e holy child of t h e e Jesus. And
31 And while they were
deyOepTOop avrccp earaXevdy] b TOTTOS, GP '&> rjffap praying, J the PLACE was
.laving p r a y e d o t h e m was shaken t h e place, i n which they were shaken where they were
0-Vl/7)yfl£y0l' RaL €TT\7}O'67}0'aV CLTTCLPTeS TtVeVjACL- assembled; and they were
assembled? and t h e y were filled all of a spirit all filled with *the H O L T
TOS ayioVf KZL eXaXovu TOV Xoyov TOV Beov /nera Spirit, and they spoke the
holy, and spoke the word o f t h a G o d w i t h WORD of G O D with Free-
Trappyjo'ias* dom.
freedom, 33 And of the MULTI^
Tou 8e TrXyOovs TOOU iria'Teva'aP'rcDV f\V 7} TTJDE Of those HAVING BE-
Of t h e a n d multitude of t h o s e having believed was t h e LIEVED J the HEART and
Kapdict, tcai f} tyvxtl yuw KCU ovfie els ri TCOP the SOUL was one. and no
heart and the soul on ; a n d n o t even o n e a n y of t h e one said that any thing of
vrrapxoPTcap avrca eXcyev ifiiop €ipait aXX' t\p his POSSESSIONS was hia
possessions to him said his own t o be, butown; J but all things weffe
V.VT01S airapTa fcoiPa, ™ Kcu fxeyaXrj Svpa/jieLcommon among them*
to them all things common. A n d w i t h great power 83 And with * great
swreStSoi/i' TO fiaprvpioy of CLTTOO'TOXOI Tr\s avacr- Powe? the APOSTLES de^
gave the testimony the apostles of t h e resur- livered the TESTIMONY oi
ra<T€0}S TOV fcvpwv Irjo'ov xaPLS r e j^e-yctA?! VV the RESURRECTION of t h e
rection of •'••he l o r d Jesur- favor and great wac LORD Jesus j and great
67ri itavras avrovs. OuSe yap epdeyjs T&s Favor was upon them all.
on all them. N o t even for poor anyone 84 For no one among
vTrripxev zv avrois' oo'oi yap KT^ropes xcoPloop them was in want? J for
was among theur; s u c h as for owners of l a n d s such as were Owners of
17 OLKLCOP virripxop, TTOOXQVPTGS efyzpov TO.S Tifxas Lands or Houses were con-
Off houses were a v/ere selling bringing the prices stantly selling andbringing
S5 the VALUE of WHAT was
TCOP irnrpacrKo^evcop, tcai endow irapa, TOVS S O L D ,
>f t h o s e being soldj a n d '.vere placing at the
35 and placing it at the
trodas TCOP CL'rroo'ToXctiP0 diedi^^ro de
kftaa'rop,E E E T Of t h e A P O S T L E S J
feet of t h e apostles; i t wac divided a n d t o each o n e : and it was distributed to
KaOori av TLS ^ p e t a v eix^P. Icoo'rjs Se„ © each as any one might hava
according a s m i g h t one need have. Josea a n d , h e Necessity.
eTriKXrjQeis Bappafias VTTO TCOP airocrroXcop. ((5 86 And THAT Joses, whe
being surnamed litirnaba3 by the apostleaj which by the APOSTLES was SUR-
NAMED Barnabas, (which
€0"TL /j.e6fO!xr]i/(voiJie7/op9 vlos irapanX'qa'eoos,^ signifies, being translated,
is bt-iug 6;.anslatedj, r. a o a of e x h o r t a t i o n , )
a Son of Exhortation,) a
fievLTys, Kviroios T(? y^pei^ 3 7 virapxoPTos avrcp Levite, a Cyprian by birth,
aLevitej a Cyprian by t h e b i r t h , having to him 87 having" a Field, sold
* VATICAU MANUSCRIPT-—2&. of thee—omit, SI. the HOLY Spirit. S3, great
% 28. Acts ii. 23 • iii. Jl». X 80. Acts ii. 43 % y.12. $ 81. Acts ii. 2, 4; xri. 26
t 31. ver. 29o t 32. Acts V 12; Rom. xv. 5, 6 :2 Cor. xiii. 11 ; Phil. i. 27 ; ii. 8 - 1 Pet
jii. 8. t 32o Acts ii, 4A. * 34» Acts ii. 45.
CfoUp. 5 : 1.] ACTS. [Chap. 5 : §.
.»— 4

apyov, irooX7](Tas rjveyKe ro xP if '> r ia KaL 6

^ K € it, and brought the MONEY,
a field, having sold brought the price, and placed and laid it at the FEET oi
irapa rovs irodas roov aTrotfroXoov*
at - t h e . feet of t h e apostles. CHAPTES V.
KE<f>. e ' . 5 . 1 And a certain Man,
Ananias by name with Sap-
AvT]p de ris hvavias OVO/LKXTL, ffvv 'Baircpei- phira his W I E E , sold ~w
A m a n b u t certain Ananias by n a m e , with Sapph-ira Estate,
PV TV 7VJ/aLKt ctvrov, eTrcoXrjce Krrifxa* 2 nai 2 and appropriated a
the wife of himself, sold a possession; a n d part of the P K I C E , *his
epocrtyuraTO aire rrjs TI/XTJS, crweidvias Kai TTJS W I P E also knowing of i t ;
kept back from t h e price, being privy also t h e and having brought a Cer-
yvvaiKos avrov Kai eveyKas fiepos ri9 irapa tain part, Jlaicl i t at the
wife of him j and having b r o u g h t a p a r t certain, afc 1 E E T Of t h e A P O S T L E S o
3 8 t Bnt Peter said, •' An-
rovs irodas r<av airocroXcov eOr\Kev, E n r e de
the feet of t h e apostles placed. Said a a daniass why has the | A D -
Ylerpos0 Avavia, diari eirXrjpcoo'ey 5 traravas VEKSAEY filled thine
Peter; Ananias, why has filled t h e adversary HEAB.T to deceive the HOLY
SPIB.IT, and to appropriate
rrjp Kap^iap <rov, x^evo'ao'dai ffe ro icvevfxa ro a part of the P E I C E of the
the heart of t h e e , t o deceive thee the spirit the
ayiop, Kai vocrcpicacrBai airo rys rifirjs rou ^co- 4t While remaining un-
holy, a n d t o keep back from t h e p r i c e o f t h a Sand? sold was it not thine ? and
piOV i_4 OvXt fl€VOP9 CTOL €/J.€J>€, Kai t
Stj)7~> when sold, was i t not
N o t remaining, t o t h e e i t remained, a n d having fceeu at thine own disposal?
Why is i t that thou hast
6ev, ev TY) o"ri c^ovcria virepx* t ri 6rt admitted this thing into
sold, i n t h e thine authority i t was? w h y fehat
thine H E A R T ? Thou hast
e8ov , ev ry Kapftiq o'ov ro Trpayjxa rovro; not lied t o Men, but to
hast t h o u placed i n t h e heart of t h e e t h e thing this? GOD. 5S
OVK etyevcra) avQpooiroiS) aXXa rq> 0ew.
5 And A N A N I A S , hav-
not t h o u hast lied t o men, but to the God,
ing heard these WORDS,
AKOVOW de 6 hvavias rovs Xoyovs rovrovs, J fell down, and expired.
Having heard and t h e Ananias the words these, And great Eear came on all'
ireo'oov e£ei|/u£e. Kai eyepero <pof3os jxeyas eict THOSE who H E A E D these
falling doTTO breathed o u t . A n d came a fear great o n thingSo
6 o Then the YOUNGEK
Tiayras rovs aKovovra ravra. ^Kvacrravres 8e
disciples arising, J wrapped
.all those having heanf "^hese. Having arisen a n d
him up, and carrying him
0! vewrepoi o'vveo'reixxi/ avrov- Kai t^eveyitay- out, biuied him.
t h e younger ones wrapped u p him, and having carried
7 A u d i t occurred after
res eOaxpau. ? E y e v e r o 5e cos ebpeev rpiuiv Bia- an interval of about fihree
out t h e y buried. I t happened a n d a b o u t houra three apart,
Hours, his W I F E also came
(7T7?/«g, Kai 7] yvvT] avrov p.7] eidvia ro yeyo- in, not knowing WHAT had
• and t h e wife of h i m n o t h a v i n g k n o w n t h a t having been D O N E .
vos eio"r}X0ep. 8 KtreKpiQi) 5e avry 6 Xlerpos° 8 And * Peter answered
been done came i n . Answered a n d t o her t h e Peterj her, " Tell me whether you
EiTre fxoi, ei roo'ovrov TO x°}Pl0v airefiocrde; ' H sold the LAND for so
Tell m e , if for so m u c h t h e land y o u sold? S h e much ?" and S H E said,
&€ 6f7re° Ncu roo'ovrov. 9e
O Be Uerpos enre Yes, for so much.'*
and said j Yeg for so m u c h . The and Peter Baicl 9 And Peter said to her,
wpos avrrjp' Ti bri a'vvecpoovqQ'r) vp.ii?vrezpaam gether Why have you agreed to-
'to h e r ; Why t h a t i t h a s b e e n agreed upon by y o u t o t e m p t
# t o try the SPIKIT
of the Lord ? Behold^ the
ro Trvev/xa Kvpiov; ISov 01 irodes roov Oatf/avToop EEET of THOSE who have
the spirit of l o r d ? L o t h e feet of t h o s e haying 'boricd feeea BURNING thy HUSC
rov avfipa o'ov, em ry Qvpa^ Kai e^o&ffovffi <f€o BAisra ajfb at the BOOE^ and 8
the husband of thee, a t t h e door, and t h a y will! carry ©a$t£i03o they will carry thee out/

? VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. the WIFE, &, Peter.

*2 Acts iv. 37. t So Num. xxx. 2 °, Detit= xxiii SI • EccL v.. 4 ? A t u k e sxit.
5. ver. 10.11. J* 6.
" Judgesxix„40.
""* °~ °n %ft,'Matt- iv..'
&kap. 5: 10.] ACTS. {Chap. 5 : 20.
10 10 And she fell down
E7re<re Se irapaxpi] pa irapa TOVS ?ro§as a v r o u , immediately at his FEET,
She fell and immediately at the feet ofhhn, and expired; and the
real z^etyv^ev eio'eXBoyres 5e ot PCUVLCTKOL evpov YOUNG MEN coming In,
B.pd breathed out; having come in and the younger one* found found her dead, and hav-
avrrju vstcpav, Kat e^veyKavras tdatyav Trpos ing carried her out, buried
her dead, and having carried out they buried with her by her HUSBAND.
rov avDpa avr-rjs. Kat eyeuero <po&os fteyas 11 J And great Feat
the husband of her. And came . a fear great came on the "Whole ASSEM-
€(p* SXrjV T7}V ^KKKt)(TiaV9 KCCl 67TI 'KCLVTOLS TOVS BLY, and on ail THOSE who
oa whole the assembly, and on all those HEAED these things.
aKovovras ravra. ; 12 J And many Signs and
having heard these things. Prodigies were performed
Aia Be TOOV ^ipoov TCOV airoffroXccp eyiver,, among the PEOPLE by the
Through and the hands of the apostles were done HANDS of the APOSTLES -
o"f]jj,eLa feat reparcc sv rep Xaq> iroXXa° KCU rjcrav(and they were all with one
signs and prodigies amongthepeople many; andtbeywere mind in Solomon's POETI-
Qp.oQv}ia}>ov airavrss sv Ty (Tract, lz,oXo[x(iovos\c o s
with one mind all in the porch of Solomons j 13 and of the SEST, HO
TCOV 8e Xonrcov ovDeis KoXkaaOai one presumed to unite
of the and others aoeno presumed to join himself himself to them; J but the
avroLS. AAA.3 S[x^ya?^vveu avrovs 6 Aaos* PEOPLE magnified them;
to them. But magnified them the people; 14 and Believers were
(fiaXXov fie irpocreriQevro iritTrevovrGS r w added the more to the
(more and were added believing to the LORD, Multitudes both of
Kvpicp irXf)6y) avfipeev r e /cat yvvaiKoov} * 'Oo~Te Men and Women ,)—

Lord multitudes of men both and women;) so that 15 so that they brought
Kara ras irXareias encpepeiv TOVS affOeveis, tccu the the out SICK *even into
in the open squares to bring out the sick ones, and
laid them on Beds and
Tidevei sin KXIVCCV KCLI fcpafifiaroov, lv<x epxo^vov Couchs, that at least the
to place on bed^ and couches, that coming SHADOW of Peter, coming
Tlzrpov Kqv i) ®KILX eiriorKiao-ri TIVI avrcov0 along, •might overshadow
of Peter if even the shadow might overshadow 30 me of them. some of them.
^'Swrjpxt'ro ds KCU ToirX7}6osTa)V 7repi,% TTOA- 16 And the MULTITUDE
Came together and also the multitude from the surrounding cities came together even from
eccv eis l€povo~aXr}iJ,, cpspovres arrOej/^ts tcai the C I T I E S surrounding
into Jerusalem, bringing sick ones and Jerusalem, bringing Sick
ox^ov/xevovs viro Ttv^vfxarccv aKaBaprcav olrivss persons, and those troubled
those being troubled by spirits impure; whom by impure Spirits; all of
eOepcnrevoj/TO airavres. ?Kvawras Se 6 apxl^~ whom were cured.
were healed all. Having arisen and the high- 17 And the HIGH-
pevs /ecu Travres oi o~vv avrw, 7) ovcra alp ear is PRIEST arising, and All
priest and all those witb him, the being sect THOSE who were with him,
18 —being the SECT of the
TCCU ^aSfiovKaicoj/, eirXT} arOrjcray £r}Xov» Kat SADDUCEES,—were filled
5fthe Sadducees, were filled of anger. And
with Anger.
eirefiaXov TasX€LPaS ^\_CLVTtov~\ eirtrovs aivoffro- 18 and. laid HANDS on
laid the hands [of them] on the apostles, the APOSTLKS, and put
Xovs, icai edevro avrovs dr)[io(ria. them into the public Pri-
zv rriprjtrei
and placed them in priaen public. son.
AyytXos 8e nvpiov 8ia TT)S VVKTOS rjuoi^e Tas 19 J But an Angel of
A messenger but of a lord by the night opened the of the Lord, in the NIGHT,
opened the DOOBS of the
Ovpas T7]s «puAa/<:?7s, G^ayaycav r e avrovs enre* PEISON, aad bringing them
doors of the prison, hairing brought out and them said;
out said,
TropevecrOe, Kai Gradevres XaXeire €i' rce lepcp 20 " Go, stand and speak
go, and standing speak you in the temple in the TEMPLE to the PEO.
rep Xasg iravra TO, prjixara, rrjs fays ravrrjs. PLE All the words of this
to the people all the words of the life this. LIFE."

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—15.-even Into. 18. of them—omit.

t 11. Acta ii. 43; xis. 17. 1 12. Acts xiv. 3 -, xix. 11; Rom. xv. 19; 2 Cor. xii. 1*
Heb. ii. 4. t 13. Acts ii. 4ft iv. 21. J 19- Acts siL 7; xvi. 26.
(Jhap. 5: 21.3 .'ACTS. [Chap. 5 : 9§.
** A K O U O W T C S Se €KT7]X0OV VTTOTOV opQpop eis TO 21 And having heard
Having heard and they entered at the dawn into the this, they entered into the
t'epov, KCU efitdatTKov. TEMPLE, early in the
temple, and taught. MORNING, and taught.
Tlapayevofxtvos Se 6 apx^pevs Kai ol cvv | And the HIGH-PRIEST
Having come and the high-priest and those with coming, and THOSE with
aura, crvveKaKetfav TO crvvedpiop KCCI iracrav TT\V him, called the SANHE-
him, they called together the high council even all the DRIM together, even All
yepov<nav TCOV vioov I&parjA, KCU eirecrT^LXav €is the SENATE of the SONS
senate of the sons Israel, and Bent into of Israel, and sent to the
ro deo'iu.ojT'rjpioi', a%Qv)vai avrois, ^ OL §e VTTTJ-PRISON to have them
the prison, to have brought them. The but offl-
22 But the OFFICERS
ptrai irapayzvofxevoi ou% evpoy avrovs cv rrj
ters having gone not found them in the
going did not find them in
the PRISON ; and having re
(pvXaKy auao'Tpe^avres §e aTcrjyyeiAav, 2 3 Aey- turned, they reported,
prison; having returned and reported, say-
23 saying, " W e found
OJ/TCS' 'On TO "^[/nep] decrficarrjpioif evpofj,ev K€- the PRISON closed with All
ing; That the [indeed] prison we found hav- Safety, and the GUARDS
sXeicrfjievov €V iracrr) acr<pa\€ia9 KCU TOVS <pv\a- standing * a t the DOORS ;
^ng been closed with all safety, and the guards hut having opened them,
teas €(TT(OTa,s irpo reap Qvpoov avoi^avTts de, eo'co we found no one within."
standing before the doorsj having opened but, within 24 And when they heard
ovdeva eupofiev, £2s §e 7]Kovcrav TOVS Xoyovs these WORDS, Jhoth the
no one we found. When and they heard the worda COMMANDER of the TEM-
TOVTOVS * [ o , r e tepevs KCLI\ 6 CTparrjyos TOV P L E , and the HIGH-
these [the, both priest and] the commander of the PRIESTS were perplexed
lepov KCU o i a p x i 6 P 6 i S s ^i-r}iropovy ircpi avrcov, TI concerning them, how this
temple and the high-priests, they doubted concerning them, what thing could be.
avyevoiTO TOVTO. 2o Xlapayevop.evos 5e TLS ainqy- 25 B u t some one having
might be this. Having come but one told come, told them, " Behold,
yeiXev avTois' *OTL idov, ol avdpes ous sOeo'de the MEN whom you put in
them; That lo, the men whom you put the PRISON are standing
ev Tj) <j>vXaK7)9 eicriv ev TU> Uptp eo'TOores KCU in the TEMPLE, and teach-
In the prison, are in the temple standing and ing the PEOPLE."
25 26 Then the COMMAN-
didao"KovTes TOV Xaov. Tore cnreXdwv b
teaching the people. Then having gone the DER going away with the
crTpaTTjyos GW TOIS vTT7}p€Tcus, rjyayev avTovs, OFFICERS, brought themr
commander with the officers, they brought them, without Violence; t f °
ov fiETa fiias° ecpojiovvTO yap TOV Xaov, lvc% far) they feared t h e PEOPLE,
not with violence; they feared for the people, that not lest they should be stoned.
XiOacrdcccrii'. 2 7 AyayovTss §e CLVTOVS eo'rrjcrav ev 27 And having brought
they might be stoned. Having broughtand them they stood in them, they stood before
Tea ffweSpLcp. Kai eiTTjpooTTjo'ev avTovs 6 apxie~ the SANHEDRIM ; and the
the sanhedrim. And asked them the high- HIGH-PRIEST asked them,
pevs, 28Xeyoov' Oo irapayy&Xiq, irapTjyyeiXafxev saying,
priest, saying; Not with a charge we charged 28 * J " W e charged yon
l)pUV) fJLT} dldaCTKeiV 67T* Tty OVOfJLdTt TOVT(p ,* Kai strictly not to teach in this
you, not to teach in the name this? and NAME, and behold, you
idov, ireTrXTjpooicaTG TT\V tl^povo,aXi}fx TT]S di^a- have filled JERUSALEM
lo, you have filled the Jerusalem of the teach- with your TEACHING, and
Xrjs vfxwv, Kai fiovXecrOe eirayayetv e^>' 7}jxas TO X wish to Firing this MAN'S
jng of you, and you wish to bring on us the BLOOD oa u s . "
ai\ia TOV avQpooifov TOVTO. A-TroKpideis 5e 6 29 And PETEB answer-
blood of the man this. Answering and the ing, and the APOSTLE s s
TLeTpos Kai oi CVKOO'TOXOL, enrov- HeiOapx^iv said, $ " I t is necessary to
Peter and the apostles, said; To obey obey God, rather than
Set deep [jiaWop 7] avQpoo'irois. ° c O Qeos Men.
It is necessary God rather than men. The God
* VATICAN MAKUSCRIPT.—23. indeed—omit. 23. at t h e DOORS. 24. both the
PRIEST, and—omit. 28. We charged you strictly not.
% 21. Acts iv. B,i % 24. Lukexxii. 4 ; ActsiVol. t 26. Matt. xxi. 2&
* 2a Acts iv. 18. 1 28. Acts ii. 2d, 36; iii. 15; vii. 52. % 29. Acts iv. 19.
(Map. 6 : 30.] ACT; [Chap. 5: 39

TCOP irarepwv TJJXCOV iqyeipep Ir/crow,

hv v\xeis 80 J The G O D of ouj
of the fathers of us raised up Jesus, whomyou FATHERS raised up * J E -
Siexejpjo'ao'^e,'avres evi £uXov ^lrovrov SUS, whom, having hanged
laid violent hands upon, having hanged on across; him on a Cross, gotl killed.
6 Oeos apxvyoJ/ K<XL
crcoTTjpa vtywcre rr\ Se^a 31 'fLj tnt, a Prince and a
the God a prince and a savior has lifted up to the right hand Savior, GOD has lifted up
a u r o u , fiovvai fxerauoiau rep IcrparjX, Kai acpecriv to his own EIGHT-HAND,
of himself, to give reformation to the Israel, and forgiveness J*to GIVE Reformation to
afxapricav. t® K a i r)fxeis ecrfieu avrov jxaprvpes ISRAEL, and Forgiveness
ofsins. And we are of him witnesses of Sins.
row pTifxarcou rovrcap, icai TO 7rvev/j,a be TO 32 And me are Wit-
of the matters these, and the spirit also the nesses * in him of these
ayiov, 6 ebooicev 6 6eos rots ireida.pxovo'w avru>. T H I N G S ; J and GOD gave
holy, which gave the Godto those submitting to him. t h e HOLY SPIRIT t o THOSE
Ot be aKovaraures bieirpiovro, icai efiovXevovro who SUBMIT to him."
They and having heard were sawn throvigh, and took counsel 33 And THEY, having
aueXeiv avrovs. heard this, were enraged,
to kill them. and took counsel to kill
34 them.
Kvao'ras be ris ev rep cwebpicp $apuraios$ 34 But a certain Phari-
Having arisen and one in the high counsel a Pharisee,
see in the SANHEDRIM,
)VOfxari YajxaXir\\ vofjLobtbao'KaXohy rifxios irav- named Gamaliel, a teacher
byname Gamaliel a teacher of law, honored by of the law, honored hy All
ri rep XcL'p, eKeXevo'ep e|<a j8pa%u ri rovs the PEOPLE, standing up
all the people, ordered without a little while the ordered *the MEN to be
UTTOO'TOXOUS iroi7)(ra,L. Ei7re re irpos avrovz° put out for a little time.
apostles to be put. He said and to them j 35 And he said to them,
Aubpes IcrparjXirai, irpocrexere eavrois, ein rois "Israelites! take heed to
Men Israelites, take heed to yourselves, to the yourselves what yon are.
avQpanroLS rovrois ri /ueXXere itpacrceiv^ about to do to these MEN.
men these what you are about to do. 36 For before These
TIpo yap rovrcav TOW rjfiepcoj/ ave<frr\ ©evbas, DAYS Theudas stood up,
Before for these the days stood up Theudas, saying that he was some-
Xeyccv eivai riva iavrov3 ep TrpoeTeKoXXrjdr) body; to whom a Number
saying to be someone himself, towhom adhered of Men, about four hun-
aptd/uos avbpeav wo~ei rerpaitoo'iiov' 6s avppeOr], dred, adhered; who was
a number ofmen about four hundred} who was put to death, put to death, and all, as
Kai iravres bffoi eTTteQovro avrep, dieXvdrja'av many as obeyed him, were
and all as many as listened to him, were dispersed dispersed, and came to
/cat eyevovro ejs ovbev, 3
? ¥ i c - r a r o v r o v aveerrt] nothing.
and came to nothing. After this stood up 37 After him stood up
IouSas <5 TaXiXaidS) ev rais rjfiepais rrjs aivo- Judas the Galilean, in the
Judas the Galilean, in the days ofthe regis- DAYS of the REGISTERING,
ypaeprjs, Kai aTreffryjo'e Xacv *\IKOLVOV~\ oiricrto and drew away PEOPLE
terin", and drew aw-.y people [much] behind after h i m ; and he was
avrov tcaiteivos air^Xer /, Kanra,pres ocroieirei- asdestroyed, and all, as many
himself- and he was destroyed, and all as many as lis-
obeyed him, were dis-
38 persed.
Qovr'j avTO), dieeTKopTricr T\o~av. Kai ravvv 38 And NOW I say tq
tened to him, were dispersed. And now
you, Keep away from these
Keyo \)}iiv> airocr^re airo ra>v avdpcairoov rov~ MEN, and let them alone;
I say to you, withdraw from the men these J Because if this COUNSEL
Toov, Kai eacrare avrovs, on eav rj e£ avdpca- or this WORK be from
and let alone them, because if may be from men Men, it will be overthrown;
irwv 7] fiovXr} avry) 7} ro epyov rovro, KaraXv- 39 but if it be from God,
the counsel this or the work this, it will be you are not able to over-
drjererar ei be etc deov ecrriv, ov bvvatfde throw them; be not you
Dverthrovvnj if but from God it is, not you are able found fighters against
KaraXvtfai avrovs9 {jnqirore Kai Oeofiaxoi evpe- God."
to overthrow them, not and fighters against God fou
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—31. to GIVE. in him of these THINGS ; and GOD gavo
the HOLY srmiT to THOSE who SUBMIT to him. 34. the MEN. 87. much—omit.
% SO. Acts iii. 13, 15; xxii. 14. J 31. Luke xxiv. 47; Acts iii. 26; xiii. 3S t 32. Acts
,4; x. 44. t 38. Pro v. xxi. 30 j Isa. via. 10; Matt. xv. 13.
Chap. 5 : 40.] A C T S . [Cftop. 6 : 4.

Orjre. 40
^TreMrdrjcrav Be avrcf Kai irpoffKa- if 40 And they were per.
should be fouad. They were persuaded and by him;
and having
suaded by him; and hav-
ing summoned the APOS-
Xeo-a/xevoi rovs aTvocrroXovs^ dsipavres trapay- TLES and %.scourged them,
called the apostles, having beaten theycom-
they charged them not to
yeiXav /xij XaXeiv tTvirca ovofxa.TL rov I^crou, KCLI speak in t h e NAME of J E -
tnanded not to speak in the name of the Jesus, and SUS, and dismissed them.
4 1
aireXvarav avrovs. 0 / fxzv ovv eTropevovro 41 Then indeed THEY
released them. Tliey indeed therefore went went J rejoicing from the
Xaipovres OLTTO 7rpo(foDTTQv rov crvvefipiov, 6ri
Presence of the SANHE-
rejoicing from presence of the high council, beeause DRIM, Because they were
vtrep rov ovofiaros Karrj^icoOrjcrav arij^a(r8r)vai. deemed worthy to t>e dls<
in behalf of the name they were accounted worthy to be dishonored. honored on account of the
TLcLffav r e yfxepav ev T W lepov KOA icar* OIKOV NAME.
Every and day in the temple and at home 42 % And every Day, in
OVK eiravovro StSacrKWres /ecu €vayy£Xi£o{i€Voi the TEMPLE and at Home,
not they ceased teaching and announcing glad tidings of they ceased not teaching
l7]<rovv rov Xpicrov. and preaching the glad
Jesus the Anointed. tidings *of the ANOINTED
K E $ . s'„ 6 . Jesus.
Ey $e rats 7]/uepai$ ravrcus 7rXr}9vvovrQ)P 1 And in those DAYS,
In and the days those increasing the DISCIPLES increasing,
root? fJLadrjToov, eyevero yoyyvo'fios nroov 'JLXXTJ-there arose a Complaint of
the disciples, came a murmuring of the Helle- the f X H E LI/EN TSTS against
vitfTtav rpos rovs 'F,fipaiovs3 izapedecapovvro the H E B R E W S , Because
nists to the Hebrews, because were overlooked their WIDOWS were neg-
cv rr\ Bicucoviq, ry Kadrjixtpipy at X^PaL avrcov. lected in the % DAILY SER-
in the service the daily the widows of them. VICE.
2 S And the TWELVE,
Tlpo(rKa\€crap.%voi 8e ot dooSeita ro TrXrjOos
Having called and the twelve the multitude having summoned the
rcov p.aOrjrcov, €Ltrov' OVK apecrrov effriv 7jp,as MULTITUDE of the D I S C I -
ef the disciples, said; Not proper it is u» PLES, said, " I t is not pro-
KaraXeixpavras TOP Xoyov rov deov, §t.aKoveiv per for us to leave tbs
having left the word of the God, to serve WORD of GOD and serve
rpaire^ais. s
E7rio~Keipao~6€ ovv, adeXtyoi, Tables.
tables. Look you out therefore, brethren, 3 * Therefore, Brethren,
avdpas e£ v/acov fxaprvpovfxevovs eirra, 7rXr)p€LS look out from among your-
men from of you being attested seven, full
selves, seven Men of good
reputation, full of Spirit
irvevjxaros KOA o~o<pias, ovs Karacryjctofiev eiu and Wisdom, whom we
of spirit and wisdom, whom we will appoint to
may set over this BUSI-
rrjs xP€las ravrrjs' 4 ri^eis 5e rrj irpoffevxy Kai NESS ;
the need this; we but to the prayer and 4 but iae will constantly
rrj SiaKoviq rov Xoyov irpoo'KaprepTja'ojLLeV' attend to PRAYER, and to
to the service of the word will constantly attend. the MINISTRY of the
Kcu ypto'ev o Xoyos ZVOOTTIOV itavros rov TTXT)- WORD."
And pleased the word in presence of all of the multi- 5 And the PROPOSITION
6ovs' KOLI e^eXe^avro avfipa 7rXr}pr] was pleasing to All the
tude; and they choose Stephen,
a man full MULTITUDE ; and they
TUO'rtGds Kai irvevjjiaros ayiov, KCLL ^LXLTVKOV, selected Stephen, a man
of faith and spirit holy, and Philip, full of Faith and holy Spirit,
and $ Philip, and Procho-
Kat Upoxopov, KCLL ~NiKavopay Kai Tijuoova, Kai rus, Nicanor, and Timon,
and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and and Parmenas, and Nico-
U.ap/nevav3 Kai NiKoXaov 7rpoo"7]Xvrov Avriox^a' laus, a Proselyte of Anti-
Parmenas, and Kicolaus a proselyte ofAntioch; och;

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—42. of the ANOINTED Jesus. 3. But, Brethren, we will

look out among you.
t 1. Proselytes to the Jewish religion, or foreign Jews who spoke the Greek language.
t 40. Matt. x. 17 ; xxiii. 34 ; Mark xiii. 9. % 41. Matt. v. 12; Rom. v. S ; James i. 2;
1 Pet. iv. 13,16. t 42. Acts ii. 46. + 1. Acts ix. 29. % 1, Acts iv. SS-
& 5. Acts viii. 5, 28 i xxL &-
Cliap. 6: 6.] ACTS. fCftop. 6: 15.
b 6 w, ,om they set before
ous ecrrrjcrap evoomov roop airocrroXttiV tcai
whom t h e y placed i n presence of t h e apostles; the A P O S T L E S ; $ and they,
irpocrev^a/xevob eTreOrjicav avrois ras ^eipaSo having prayed, % laid
having p r a y e d t h e y piri t o them the haads. HANDS on them.
^ Rcu 6 hoyos rov 8eov 7}u^aue9 Kai eirX^Ovyero 7 t And the WOSD of
And the word ofilie God grew, and was multiplied GOD grew; and the NUM-
6 apiOfios Toov fiadr]TO)y ev 'lepovffaKrjfi <r7ro5p&e BER of the D I S C I P L E S was
t h e nuinbor of the disciples in Jerusalem greatly multiplied in Jertu.
iroXvs re o%Aos roov lepeav VTTJJICOVOV ry Tnerrsi. salem; and«a great Crowd
great a n d c c r o w C o f t h c of the tPBiESTS obeyed
priests wer o b e d i e n t t o t h e
~%rs<pavos Be 7rA7?0^s yapiros csai dvvafxecas the F A I T H .
Stephen and full offavor and ofpower 8 And Stephen, full of
eiroiei repara teat, (77]p.eia fxeyaXa ev Tip Xacp, Ifavor and Power, per-
performed p r o d i g i e s a n d signs great a m o n g ;he people. formed Prodigies and great
Au€(TT7]<Tav de rive's TOOV etc TTJS trvvayoo- Signs among the PEOPLE.
Stood u p and s o m e of t h o s e f r o m t h e syna- 9 And there arose some
goguoof t h a t b e i n g called o f Libei'tioes, and of Cyrenians, is CALLED of t h e t Liber-
itaL AXe^avdpecov, Kai TCOV airo T&.aXuaas nai tines, and of the Cyrenians
and of A l e x a n d r i a n s , a a d of thosefrom Cilicia a n d and Alexandrians, and of
Ao~i®.s9 a'v^rjrovvres rep H&recpavM' 10 /cat OVK. THOSE from Cilicia and
Asia, disputing with, t h e Stephen; and n o t Asia, disputing with S T E -
Mf%vov avricrnqvai rrj crocpiq, tcai tq> itvevyLari P H E N 5
were able' t o resist t h e wisdom and the spirit 30 and J they were not
'$> sXaXeic T o r e virefiaXQV avdpas, able to resist the WISDOM
with which h e s p o k o . '5hen t h e y t h r u s t under men, and the S P I B I T with which
Xeyovras' *Ori Ct,Kr}Koa/ULep avrov XaXovvres he spoke.
saying; That we have hoard him speaking 11 Then they bribed Men
pr}jxara ^Xacrcpvfia ei§ Moovcrjv ttat, rov deov. to say, " W c have heard
words blasphemous against Koses a n d ftho G o d . him speak blasphemous
^'ZvveKivqcav r e rov Xaov i«xi rows irpeorfivre- Words against Moses and
They stirred u p and t h e poople and the elders GOD."
povs iccu rovs ypafifia'TGis, aai Giriffravres 12 And they excited the
and the scribes^ a n d having come u p o n
P E O P L E , and the ELDEES,
Gvviqp'KOLVav avrovc) nai -rjyayov SLS TO cwedpiov, andthescEiBEs; and com-
t h e y seized laini a and led i n t o t h e h i g h council, ing suddenly, they seized
e&TTjo'av r e {xapfvpas \|/eu§€£s, Xeyovras* ' O him, and led him into the
stood up n a d witnosseo falaC;, saying; Th" SANHEDB.IMJ
avdpooTTOS ovros ov iraverai pi)p.ara, XaXoov K a r a 13 and introduced false
man this n o t ceases Ciorcfc speaking against
"Witnesses, saying, "This
rov TOTTOV rov ayLOV /cat rov pofxov. i 4 Ai<.r\Koa- MAN is incessantly speak-
thc place of t h e h o l y and the S a c W e have-heard
s ing against the HOLY
piev yap avrov Xeyovros' Or& &%&ovs 6 "Na^oo- PLACE, and ihe LAW?
for him saying; Tha$ JCOUJS the Naza^
paios ovros KaraXvaei 14 % for we have heard
rov TQTTOV rovrov, Kai
rene Shis c-illdcotroy him say, That this Jesus,
the place tliic, and
the N A Z A K E N E , J will des-
«AAa£e* cfa <S6T}7 a trapehoxKev 7]JUIV Ma>vo"}]s. troy this PLACE, and will
wiliclianr;^ *hc c.13tons,which dehvered tour. Moses.
change the CUSTOMS which
Kai areviffavres eis avrov airavres ol tcade- Moses delivered to us."
And having gazed on him aU those being
15 And ALL those BEING
^ojxevoi ev rep crvvedpup, eiftov TO Trpoffovirov SEATED in the SANHE-
seated in. t h e high-council, saw tho face DRIM , looking steadily at
avrov obcrei 'wpocrooirov ayyeXov. him, saw his EACI; like the
of h i m like a face of a messenger. ^ace of an Angel.

f li. The number of the priests must have been quite large about this .'ime, as i'j appears
from Ezra ii. 36—39, that 4280 priests returned from the captivity. f 0. These persons
seem to have been Jews, who having been carried captive to Rome, were freed by their
masters, and thus became/rced-me». Some think ihey received their name from the place
where they lived.—Owen.
% 6. Acta i. 24. X J. Acts xiii. 3; ]• Tim. ,v. 14. /. 22; U Tim. i. i % 7 Acts
xii. 24; xix. 20- 1 10. Luke xxi. 1C; v. 39. % 14. Acts rxv. 8 V A Da»
ix. 28: Matt. xxii. ?«
Chap. 7 : 1 . ] ACTS. [Chap. 7: 8.


J 1 Then t h e H I G H - P R I E S T
E(7T6 8e 6 apxiepevs, Et*[apa] ravraovT&os
said, " A r e these things
Said and the Mgh-priest, If [then] theaa things fehas so?"
e%ei; ' O 8e ecpy]' Avdpes ads\<poi ttantarepes,
are? He and said; Men brethren and fathers, 3 And H E said, % " B r e t h -
aKOvvare. ' O 0eos TJ]S $O£T)S 6)(p6ri rty irarpi ren a n d Fathers., h e a r k e n !
hear you. The God of the glory appeared to the father The G L O R I O U S G O D ap-
Tjjxoou Afipaa/j. ovri zv r-p Mzcroirorafxiaj irpij/ rj peared f to Our FATTIER
ofus Abraham. being in the Mesopotamia, before Abraham, when i n M E S O -
KaT0iK7]<Tai CLVTOV irpos P O T A M I A , before h e resided
ev Xapbaw K a i ei7re
to dwell him in Charran; and said to in H a r a n ,
avrov E£eA6>6 €K TT)S 777s arov, icai € « TT]S 3 a n d said to him, J ' De-
him; Go out from the laud of thee, and from the' part from t h y COUNTRY,
ffvyytveias <rov, Kai Bevpo &01 and from t h y K I N D R E D ,
eis 'yWt W ^
kindred of thee, and come into aland, which to thee and come into * t h e L A N D
5et|&>. 4 T o r e e£eA0eoj/ e/c yrjs Xa\$aicaVy Karcp- which I will show thee. J
I may show. Then going out from land of Chaldeans, he dwelt 4 T h e n J going o u t from
K7]creu ev Xapmv /ca/ce£#ej/, /xera TO airoBavsty the L a n d of t h e Chaldeans,
in Charran; and thence, after the to have died he d w e l t i n H a r a n ; from
TQV irarepa aurov, fieryKiffev avrov €is rr\v thence also, f after t h e
the father of him, he caused to remove him into the D E A T H of his TAT H E R , h e
yrjv Tavrrjv, eis 7]V v/xeis vvv KaroiKeire' Kai removed h i m into this
land this, in which you now dwell; and L A N D i n which jmu now
OUK eda)K€V avrtp KXfjpovojxiav ev avrr), ov5 dwell;
not he gave to him inheritance in her, not even
5 a n d gave h i m $ n o I N -
fiqfxa TTOBOS' Kai €7rr}yyei\aro avrcp fiovvai
eis H E R I T A N C E in it, not even
nfoot-breadth; and he promised to him to give for
t h e b r e a d t h of h i s r o o t j
Karacrxefiv avrrjv, Kai Top O"Kep/xari avrov /APT* I b u t h e promised to give
a possession her, andtothe seed of him after i t to h i m fur a Possession,
avrov, OVK. ovros avrrp reKVOV. EAaA??cre 5e and t o h'S S E E D after him,
him, not being to him a child. Spoke and though h e h a d n o Child.
ovrcvs 6 6:os' 'On eo'rai TO cirep/xa avrov
thus the God; That shall be the seed of him
6 A n d G O D spoke thi/s,
$ ' T h a t h i s S E E D should be
irapoiKov ev yrj aWorpia,,- Kat fiovAooarovo'iv
a stranger in a bind foreign, and they will enslave
a Stranger i n a foreign
L a n d ; a n d t h a t they will
avro Kai KCLKOOCTOVO'IV err) TerpaKocria' ? Kai TO
enslave a n d oppress it
it and they will oppress years Jour hundred; and the
Xfour h u n d r e d y e a r s ;
e8vos, cp zav SovAeuo'ooo'i, Kpivo? eyco, snrsv
7 and the NATION to
nation, to which they may be enslaved, willjudge I, said
which t h e y shall be en-
o 6eos° Kai /xera ravra e^eX^vcovraiy Kai slaved % S will j u d g e , ' said
the God; and after these things they shall come out, and G O D , ' a n d after that, t h e y
\aTpevo~ovo~i fxoi ev rep TOTTOIJ Tovrcp. ( K c u shall come o u t a n d serve
shall render service t o m e in the place this. (And me i n t h i s P L A C E . '
cdowev avrca hiaO^Krjv irzpiro/xrjs' Kai OJ~OOS 8 $ A n d h e gave h i m a
hegave to him a covenant of circumcision; and this Covenant of Circumcision]
£yewr}o~G rov leraatf, KOA wepiere/xzv avrov TT) % and t h u s he begot I S A A C ,
he begot of the Isaac, and circumcised Mm the and circumcised h i m t h e

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. then—omit. 3. t h e IJAND,

t 2. I t seems probable "hat tephen here followed the Jewish tradition, (adopted by
'.cTiilo,) that God appeared twice to Abraham,—1st, when living1 in Chaldea, and Mly, when
resident i n Haran. He left Ur at the first cail, and came to Haran with his father Terah,
(Gen. xi. 31;) lie left Haran at tha second call, and came into the promised land. I n this
way the account harmonizes with the cail as narrated i n Gen. xii. 1: " N o w t h e Lord had
said unto Abraham/' &c. t 4. By recurring to Gen xi. 26, 32, and xii. 4, i t will appear
that Terah lived 60 years after the removal of Abraham, and yet here he is said to have died
before Abraham left Haran. Unless with some we suppose Abraham to have been the
youngest ofTerah's sons, and born when his lather was 180 years old we must presume that
Stephen followed some traditionary account of the transaction.—Owen. The Samaritan
copy makes the age of Terah at his death, to be 145, or 00 years less than the Hebrew text.
t 2. Acts xxii. 1. % 3. Gen xii. 1. % 4, Gen. xi. 31 : xii. 4, 5. + 5. Heb.
xi. IB. t 5. Gen.xii.7; xiiL 15; xv. 3,18; xvii. 0; xxvi. 8; Heb. xi. 8, 9. % 6. Gen.
xv. 13,16. ' % 6. Exod. xii. 40; Gal. iii. VI. % 1. See Exwi. vii—xi. % 8. Gen.
svii. 9—11. X 8. Gen. xxi. 2—4,
Ohap.7; 9-3 ACTS. [dhap. 1: It.
rjfxepa TTJ oyfior)' tcai 6 Icraan TOV Ia/c&>/3, Kai 6 EIGHTH D A T ; and ISAAC,
day the eighth; a n d t h e Isaac the Jacob, a n d t h e JACOB, and JACOB the
laKcafi rovs ScoScKa -Karpiapxas. 9
Kai ol TWELVE Patriarchs.
Jacob the twelve patriarchs. And the 9 $AndtlieT'ATKTAECHS
Trarpiapxcu £7iXooo~avTes TOV \oocrif)<p cnrefiovTo envying JOSEPH, sold him
patriarchs envying the Joseph sold into Egypt; $ but God was
€ i S AiyVKTOV KCLI 7}V 6 0€OS fLtT* aVTOV, 10
KCLI with him,
into Egypt; a n d was t h e God with him, and 10 and delivered him
c^eiXeTo avTov eK Traaoov TCOV OXttyewv avrov, from All his AFFLICTIONS,
delivered h i m o u t of all of t h e afflictions of him, and gave him Favor and
Kai edo)Kev avrcp XaPiy KaL <^0(Piaj/ evavTicov Wisdom in the sight of
ymd gave t o hirn favor a n d wisdom in presence Pharaoh, King of Egypt,
Qapacti (SatfiXeoos Atyvirrov, Kai Korea Ty]ffev who constituted him lluler
ofPharaoh king ofEgypt, and placed over Egypt, and All his
him ruling over Egypt and whole the
11 X And a Eamine came
OIKOV avTov. upon All the LAND of
h o u s e of himself.
11 Egypt and Canaan, and
UXOe §e XijuLos e^)' oXrjv TTJP yt)V AiyvirTov great Distress; and our
Came a n d a famine o n whole t h e land ofEgypt
FATHERS found no Provi-
ecaiXavaav, KaidXiipisju.eya.A7)' KM ovftevpiaKov sions.
Rnd Canaan, a n d affliction great; and n o t found
%opTacr/aaTa ol iraTepes 7jfic*>v. 12 AKOVCTUS 8e 12 J But Jacob, having
provisions the fathers efus. Having heard and heard that there was Grain
Ia/co>/3 ovTaa'tTa ev AiyvrrTcp, e^airecTTeiXe TOVS *in Egypt, sent our FA-
Jacob being grain in Egypt, h e sent the THERS the first time;
Trarepas T)/JLWV irpoorov. K a i ev Tcp devTepcp IS % and at the SECOND
fathers ofus first. And in the second time, Joseph was mad,
aveyvoopio~87] lcao-r)<p TOLS adeX(pois avTov, Kaiknown to his BROTHERS;
w s made known Joseph to the brothers of himself, and and * Joseph's FAMILY
(• ayepov eyeveTOTca Qapaoo TO yevos TOV looo"q<p. was shown to PHABAOH.
shown became t o t h e P h a r a o h t h e family of t h e Joseph.
14 14 JAnd Joseph sent
Airoo~T€i\as 5e Icocrrjcp fieTeKaXecraTO TOV and invited his FATHER
Having sent and Joseph called for the
Jacob to him, and J All his
iraTepaavTovlaKQofi, Kanvacav TT]V crvyyeveiav, ICIIVDEED, f seventy-five
father ofhimself J a c o b , and all the kindred,
15 Souls.
ev \fyvxcus €j3So/x7j«:oj/ra irevTe. KaTefir) Se
in souls seventy five. "Went down a n d 15 And Jacob went
IaKcojS * [ e i s AiywKTov,~\ KaL ^TeXevT7]crev CLVTOS down into Egypt, and died,
Jacob [into Egypt,] and die-'' he be, and our EATHEKS ;
Kai ol irarepes TJJJLCOV. Kcu fjL€TeTe9r}0~av eis 16 and f they were car-
and the fathers ofus. A n d t h e y were carried into ried to Shechem, and laid
I^uxe/x, Kai eTeOr/crav ev TCO jJivrifxa-Tiy 'o> wvy)- in the TOMB which + Ja-
Sychem, a n d were placed in the tomb, which, bought cob bought for Money of
caTO Afipaajj, TLJJ.7]S apyvpiov irapa TWV vlcov the SONS of Hamor * in
Abraam for a price of silver from the sons SHECHEM.
E/ijiiop TOV 2^x e A<") *' K-ttQcos 8e 7)yyi£ev 6
of L m m o r of t h e Sychem.) When b u t drew near t h e 17 But when J the TIME
Xpovos TT]S eirayyeXias, rts w/xoaev 6 6tos TCC of the PROMISE drew near,
time of t h e promise, which swore t h e God t o t h e which God % * solemnly

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. for Egypt. 13. Joseph's FAMILY. 15. into

Egypt—omit. 16. i n Shechem. 17. solemnly made to ABRAHAM.
t 14. I t states i n Gen. xlvi. 26, "All the souls that oame with Jacob into Egypt, which
came out of his loins, besides Jacob's sons' wives, all the souls were three score and six." Ste-
phen adds to this number nine of Jacob's sons' wives, which makes the number of seventy-
five. These though, noil ofhis blood, were of his kindred, as Stephen expresse8it,beingrelatedto
him by marriage. t 16. I n Gen. 1.13, i t is stated, " that Jacob was buried in the cave
of the field of Machpelah, before Mamre;" and in Josh. xxiv. 32, that Joseph was buried in
Shechem; and here we have the authority of Stephen that the rest of the twelve patriarchs
were interred in the same place. t 16. The best critics are of the opinion t h a t Abraham,
as found i n the text, is spurius, and has been inserted by some officious transcriber. Tha
Word Jacob ought to be supplied.
J 9. Gen. xxxvi. 4,11, 28; Psa, cv. 17. J 9. Gen. xxxix. 2, 21, 23. 110. Gen. xli. 37; xlii. §
1 1 1 . Gen. xli. 54. t 12. Gen. xlii. 1. ; 1;J. Gen. xlv. 4, 16. 1 1 4 . Gen. xlv
0* 27. f 14. Gen. xlvi. 27; Dent. x. 22. + 17. Gen. xv. 13. % 17:Exod. i.f—9
diap."?: 18/f ACTS. lOhap.^iS
made t o ABRAHAM, t l *
Afipaafi, yv^rjo-ev 6 Xaos KCU GTrXrjBvvdvj ev PEOPLE grew and wei o
Abraam, grew t h e people a n d were multiplied in
ls multiplied in Egypt,
hiyvirrcp- axpis ov avearr} fiao'iXevs irepos, 18 till another King
Egypt; till for whom stood u p a king another,
19 * arose, who did not ac-
bs ovtc yfiet rov Icacricp. Owros Karaaotyi- knowledge Joseph.
who n o t kuew the Joseph. This having dealt
19 ^ e, having outwitted
(Tafievos TO yevos rjfMcav, eKafcoocre rovs irarepasour RACE, ill-treated * our
deceitfully t h e family of us, ill-treated the fathers FATHERS, causing their
rjfjLcav, rov iroteLV etcOera ra. /8pe</>7] avrcov, eis I N F A N T S t o b e E X P O S E D
of us, of the to cause to be exposed the babes of thern, in orderin order that they might
ro jur} faoyoveivdai. 2 0 Ev 'w Katpcp eyevvij- not LIVE.
t h a t n o t t h e y m i g h t b e preserved. I n which season was born 20 %kt which period
§T] Movcrrjs, KCU TJV acrreios rrp deep' 6s avsrpa- Moses was born, and % was
Moses, a n d was beautiful t o t h e God; w h o was nursed DIVINELY beautiful; and
t r\ /nrjvas rp€is ev rep oiKcp rov irarpos. he was nursed in his FA-
months three in the house of t h e father. THER'S HOUSE three
^ EKreOevra ds avrov, aveiXero avrov 7] Qvya- Months;
Having exposed a n d h i m , took up him t h e daugh- 21 J but having exposed
rrjp^apaoo, KaiavsOpetyaro avrov saury eis viov. him, the DAUGHTER of
ter of P h a r a o h , a n d nursed him herself for a son. Pharaoh took him up, and
Ken eirai^cuOr] Mcoucrrjs irauy ffipia. Aiyvir- cherished him for her own
And was t a u g h t Moses i n all wisdom o f E g y p - Son.
ri(av f\v 5e dvvaros ev Xoyois KCLL ev epyois 22 And Moses was edu-
tians; was a n d powerful ia words and in works cated in Ail the Wisdom of
23t the Egyptians, and was
avrov. H s 5e eirXripovro avrca reo'o'apaKov- J Powerful in his Words
of himself. "When b u t was completed t o h i m forty
and Works.
raerrjs xpovos, ave&r} etri rr\v Kapdiav avrov 23 J And when he was
year* of time, i t came u p i n the heart of him full t forty years of age, it

67Ti(T/C€i|/aa'0ai TOVS afieXcpovs avrov, rovs vlovs came into his HEART to
t o visit the brethren of himself, t h e s o n s visit his BRETHREN, the
lo"par)X. 2 4 K a t idoovriva a^LitovjxevoVy Tj/J-waro, Sons of Israel.
of Israel. A n d seeing o n e being wronged, h e defended, 24? And observing ono
wronged, he defended and
teat eTV0i7]0~€V CKBIK^O'IU r(p Karairojfov/j.eucp,executed judgment for HIM
and did justice to him being oppressed,
who was OPPRESSED, smit-
rrara^as rov Aiyvnriov. Evo/uL^e Be cruvievai ing the E G Y P T I A N .
having smitten t h e Egyptian. Hethoughtandtounderstand 25 Now he thought that
rovs a§zX(povs abrovy Sri 6 deos dia %eipos his B R E T H R E N understood
the brethren of himself, t h a t t h e God by h a n d s That GOD by his Hand
avrov SLSOOO'LV avrois trccrrjptav oi Se ov cvvq- would give them Deliver-
ance; but they did not un-
ofhim gives to them salvation; they but not under- derstand.
l a y . 2 6 T?7 8e eiriovo"^ 7]piepa <a<pQ"/\ avrois 26 % And on the FOL-
•stood, Inthebut next day h e appeared t o those
LOWING Day, he presented
ILaxo^vot-Si crvvntXaa'ev avrovs eis
eipr\vr\v, himself to them as they
contending, and urged them to peace, were contending, and urged
envcov ApSpes, afieXcpoi, ecrre vjxeis' Ivart them to peace, saying,
saying; Men, brethren, are you; why ' Men, * you are brethren;
atineire aXXrjXovs ; ^ ' O de adiKcav rov 7rXr]0'iov> why do you injtu-e each
wrong y o u each o t h e r ? H e b u t wronging t h e neighbor, other?'
avooo'arca avrov9 enrccv Tis a'e Kareo'rrjcrev his NEIGHBOR, thrust hies.
thrust away him, saying; "Who t h e e has appointed
r away, saying, J. 'Who made
ipXOvra KCU ditcao'TrjV ecp3 r\ 2 8 Mr) aveXeiv Tkee a Ruler and a Judge
a ruler and a judge over us; Not to kill
over us ?
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—18. rose tip in Egypt, who knew. 19. the FATHERS
26. you are.
t 23. This was a general tradition among- the Jews: "Moses was 40 years in Pharaoh's
?ourt, 40 years in Midian, and 40 years he served Israel."—Clarke.
t 20. Exod. ii. 2. % 20. Heb. xi. 23. f 21. Exod. ii. 8—10. t 23- Luke
ii. 19. t 23. Exod. ii. U , 12. J 26. Exod. ii. 13. X 27. See Lukf xii. H
Aotsiv .7.
Ghap. 7 : 28/) ACT^S, [Chap. 7i 87.

p.e eru 0eAeis, 5v rpoirov aveiXes %0es ro?/ 28 Wilt thou kill me as
me thou wishest, in which manner thou didst killyesterday the thou didst the Egyptian
Aiyvirriov; 29
E ^ u y e 5e Mcovcws ev rep Xoyq> yesterday ?' f*\
Egyptian ? l?led and Moses at the word 29 % And Moses fled at
TOVTW, Kai eyevero irapoiKos ev yrj Madia/*, ov that SAYING, and became a
this, and became a sojourner in land ofMidian, where Sojourner in the Land of
eyevvrjo'ev vtovs Svo. m
Kai irXrjpcoOevrcov erwv Midian, where he begot two
he begot sons two. And being completed years Sons.
recrcrapaKovra, wepdr) avrcp ev ry epr)/nca rov 30 % And forty Years be-
forty, appeared to him in the desert of the ing completed, there ap-
peared to him in the D E -
epovs ~2,iva ayyeXos "^[/cuptou] ev
(pXoynrvpos SERT of MOUNT Sinai, an
laountain Sinai a messenger [of Lord] in aflame of fire
sl Angel in a Elame of lire,
fiarov. ' O de MCOVCTTIS idevv eOav/ua£e ro in a Bush.
of a. bush. The but Moses having seen admired the SI And MOSES having
opa/jia-' 7rpo(repxojiieyov 8e avrov
Karavorjcrat, seen, admked the SIGHT ;
sight; coming near and of him to observe, and coming neat to look at
eyevero (p&VT) K-vpiov ^\_irpos avrov~\ 3 2 €70) 6 it, a Yoice came from the
came a voice oflord [to him;] I the Lord, saying,
Oeos r<av irarepwv crov, 6 deos Afipaafi, icai * [ o 32 % < 3E am the GOD of
God of the fathers of thee,the God ofAbraam, and [the flay FATHERS,—the GOD of
0eos] IcraaK, Kai * [ 6 0eos] laxoofi. Evrpo/aos Abraham, and Isaac, and
God] of Isaac, and [the God] of Jacob. Terrified Jacob.' And Moses being
5e yevo/uevos Mcovo-qs OVK eroX/na Karavorjo'ai. afraid dared not look at it.
and being Moses not dared to look. 33 % 4nd the LORD said
E«T6 8e avrcp 6 Kvptos' Avnov ro VTrodri/JLato him, 'Loose thy SAN-
baid and to him the Lord; Loose the sandals DALS from * Thy E E E T ;
rwv irodoov cow 6 yap roiros ev ((p ecrrrjicas9 for the PLACE on which
oi the feet o t t h e e ; t h e for place in which thou standest, thou standest* is holy
yr) ayta eariv. 34
Idoov eidov rr\v Kaiccoo'iv Ground.
proundho.y is. Having seen I saw the evil treatment 34 J I have surely seen
rov Xaov JULOV rov ev Aiyvirra), Kai rov crevay- the EVIL TREATMENT «f
ofth«peop.e oi me of that in Eg.ypt, and the groaning THAT PEOPLE of mine in
nov avroov rjKovcra, Kai Karefi-qv e^eXeo-Qai Egypt, and I have heard
of them I have heard, and am come down to deliver their GROANING, and am
avrovs' Kai vvv Bevpo, aTvoffre^Xeo o*e eis AiyvK- and come down to deliver them;
them; and now come, I will sent? thee into Egypt.
now, come, I will send
thee into Egypt.'
Tovrov rov Moovo'7]V OV Tjpvycraro, eiirov- 35 This is the MOSES
This the Moses whom they denied, say-
whom they renounced, say-
ing, ' W h o made Thee a
res' lis o"e Kareo'rrjrrev apxovra KOAhiKacrrjiv; lluler and a Judge ?' * even
\ng- Who thee appointed a ruler and a judge?
Him GOD sent to be a Ru-
rovrov 6 deos ap%ovra Kai Xvrpoorrjv aireo"- ler and a Redeemer, * with
this the God a ruler and a redeemer sent the Hand of J THAT Angel
retXev ev XetPl ayy6^ov rov
otydevros avrqj which appeared to him in
by hand of a messengerof that having appeared to him the BUSH.
ev rrj fiara. ^ Ouros e^rjyayev avrovsy iroir)- 36 %%z led them out,
in the bush. This led out them, having
having J performed Prodi-
eras repara Kai crjfxeia ev yrj Aiyvirrcf, Kai ev gies and Signs in E G Y P T ,
done prodigies and signs in the Egypt, and in X and in the Red Sea, J and
epvdpa 6aXao~o~r), Kai ev ry ep^/xw, err] reo'cra- in the DESERT forty years.
red sea, and in the desert, years forty.
37 This is THAT MOSES,
paKovra, ^ Ouros ecrriv 7} Moovcr-qs, 6 enroov who SAID to the SONS of
Thi3 is the Moses, he saying
Israel, J C A Prophet will
rois vtois lo'parjX' TlpocprjTYjV VJXLV avarrrjo'ei GOD raise up for you from
to the son* of Israel; A prophet for you will raise np
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—30. of the Lord—omit. SI. t o Mm—onui. 82. t h e
GOD—omit. 32. the GOD—omit. 33. Thy FEET. 85. even. 35. w i t h
the Hand.
t 29. Exod. ii. 15, 22; iv. 20; xviii. 8, 4 t 30. Exod. iii. 2. J 82. Matt. i x i i .
32; Heb. 3d. 16. X 83. Exod. iii 5 ; Josh. v. 15. % 34. Exod. iii. 7. J 35.
Exod.xiv.19; Num.xx.16. % 36. Exod. x i i . 4 1 ; x s x i i i . l . J 36. Exod.vii—xi,
t i v . IVa, cv. 27. t 36. Exod. xiv .21, 27—20- - * &&> Exod. svi.".. S5. J 37.
t>eut. x n i i . 1&
tihap.lx 38.1 AdTS. tdhap.1i 44.

*[_Kvpios~\ 6 deos €K TOOVadeh(p(t)V V/JLOJV, OJS efxe' among your BRETHREN",

[lord] the God from of the brethren of you, like me; like me.'
*[avrov aKovo'eo'Oe.^ ^Ovros ecrriv 6 yevop.e- 38 % This is H E who W A S
[him you shall hear.] This is he
being, in t h e C O N G R E G A T I O N in
vos, ev ry <£KK\r)cria ev ry eprj/xcpy fxera
rov the D E S E R T , w i t h J T H A T
in the congregation in the desert, with the A N G E L who S P O K E to h i m
ayyeXov rov XaXovvros avrq> ev rep opei 'Siva on M O U N T Sinai, and with
messenger that speaking to him in the mountain Sinai, our F A T H E R S ; % who r e -
Kai reov irarepcav r)p.o)v, 6s ede^aro Xoyia
favra ceived t h e living % Oracles
and of the fathers of us, who receivedto give to u s ; oracles living
dovvai 7]fxiv 3 9 cp OVK rjOeXrprav VTTTJKOOI 'ysvecr- 39 to whom our F A T H E R S
to give to us; to whom not were willing obedient to becom«
3 would not become obedient,
6ai ol irarepes 7)/JLCVV, aXX aircoo'avro, Kai ecrrpa- b u t t h r u s t away, and i n
the fathers of us, but thrust away, and turned their H E A R T S turned back
(py](Tav rais Kapdiais avrcov eis AiyvTrrov, into Egypt,
back in the hearts of them into Egypt,
eiirovres rep Kapcav UotTjaov rjfxiv Oeovs, ol 40 % saying to A A R O N ,
saying to the Aaron; Make for us gods, who ' Make us Gods to go b e -
irpoTropevo~ovrai rjfieov 6 yap Mcov(T7]s ovros ds fore u s ; for t h i s M O S E S ,
shall go before us; the for Moses this who who led u s out of t h e Land
e^rjyayev rjfias CK yrjs Aiyvirrov, OVK oihafxev of Egypt, w e know n o t
led out us from land Egypt, not we know what has happened to him.'
ri yeyovev avrcp. Kai e/mocrxoTToirjcrav ev 41 | And they made a
wh»t has happened to him. And they made a calf in Calf i n those D A Y S , and of-
rais 7]/j.epais eKeivais, Kai avt\yayov 6vo~iav rep fered a Sacrifice to t h e
the days those, and offered a sacrifice to the I D O L , and rejoiced in t h e
eidcoXcp, Kai evcppaivovro ev rois epyois rcov WORKS of their own
idol, and rejoiced in the works of the H A N D S .
%eipwv avrcav. Etrrpeifye 5e 5 Oeos, Kai 42 % B u t G O D turned,
hands of them. Turmd and the God, and and gave t h e m u p to serve
TrapeSooKev avrovs X&rpeveiv ry crrpariq rov J t h e H O S T of H E A V E N ; as
gave up them to serve the host of the it is written in t h e Book of
ovpavov Kadoos yeypawrai ev (iifiXcp roov irpo- t h e P R O P H E T S , J ' Did you
heaven; as it is written in book of the pro- not oifer Victims and Sac-
(pTjrcov* My (repay la Kai Ovcrias 7rpoar}veyKare rifices to m e forty Years i n
phets; Not victims and sacrifices did you offer t h e D E S E R T , 0 H o u s e of
fxoi err] recfirapaKovra ev ry e.p^ficp, OIKOS I s r a e l ?
to me year* forty in the desert, house
43 43 And yet you took u p
I(Tpa7)X ; Kai aveXafiere rt]v o~K7)vr]v rov t h e T A B E R N A C L E of M O -
of Israel? And you took up the tabernacle of the
L O C H , a n d t h e S T A R of t h e
MoXox Kai ao~rpov rov deov vfxoov 'Pe/jupav, rovs GOD t R e m p h a n , t h e F I G -
Moloch and star of the god of you Remphan, the U R E S which you made to
rvTrovsf ovs eiroiyo'are irpoftKvveiv avrois' Kai worship t h e m ; I will even
images, which you made to worship them; and cause you. to remove beyond
fieroiKio) vjxas eireKeiva BafivXeovos. ** ' H t Babylon-'
Iwillcausetoremove you beyond Babylon. The
had 44 Our EATHERS
<TK7]U7] rov jxaprvpiov 7]v ev rois Trarpacriv TJ/JLWVt h e T A B E R N A C L E of
tabernacle of the testimony was with the fathers of us T E S T I M O N Y i n t h e DESERT,
ev ry eprj/xcp, KaOcos diera^aro 6 XaXoov rccMcav- as H E who S P O K E to M O -
in the desert, aa directed he speaking to the Mo- SES directed h i m | to make
cy, Troirjo'ai avrrjv Kara rov rvrrov bv eoopaKei' it according to t h e P A T -
scs, to make her according to t h e form which he had seen; T E R N which he h a d s e e n :

* YATICAM MANUSCRIPT.—37. Lord—omit, S7. him you shall hear—omit. 43. the
t 43. Remphan or Raipkan was the narrie of the same Idol in Eofypt, which was called
Chiun in Syria, and represented the planet Saturn. t 43. Both the Septuagint, from
which, this appears to be a quotation, and the Hebrew, read Damascus, instead of Babylon.
Woomfield thinks it is a marginal reading which has crept into the text.
% 38. Exod. xix. 3,17. % 38. Isa. lxiii. 9 ; Gal. iii. 19; Heb. ii. 2. % 38. Exod.
XJ&. 1; Deut. v. 27, 31; xxxiii. 4; John i. 17. J 38. Eom. iii. 3. J 40. Exod. xxxii.
1. % 41. Dent, ix.16; Psa. cvi. 19.' X 42. Psa. Ixxxi. 12; Ezek. xx. 25, 39; Horn.
i. 24; 2 Thess. ii. 11.-" £ 42. Dent. rv\ 19; xvii. 3 ; 2 Kings xvii. 16; xxi. 3; Jer. xix. IS.
t 42. Amos v. 25, 26y $ 44 E x i ^ x x y ^ O i xxvi. 30; Heb. viii. 5.
Chap. 7 : 45.] ACTS.. [C!iap. 7 : 55.
7]V Kai eio"r)yayov fiiade^afxevoi of rrarepes 45 % Which also our PA-
which also brought havingreceived bysuccessionthe fathers THERS, having received it
by succession, brought in
v,fxu>y fiera l7)crov ey ry Karao'x.eo'ei rcay hQvoov, with Joshua into the POS-
of us with Jesus in to the possession of the nations,
ojy efao'ey 6 Oeos atro irpocrooirov rcay
irarepajy X whom GOD drove out be-
Cvhich drove out the God from. face ofthe fathers fore the Face of our FA-
7]/xcay, eojs rcoy rjfxepcav Aavid' os evpe %apiy THERS, to the DAYS of Da-
of us, till the days of David; who found favor vid ;
ZVOOTUOV rov $€0vy Kai rjrrjo'aro evpsiv o'Krqveajxa
46 ^who found Favor in
in presence of the God, and asked to find a dwelling
the sight of GOD, and % re-
quested to find a Dwelling
rep deep laKwfi. ^ ^.oXojjioov de cpKo^ofjirjcrsy for the * GOD of Jacob.
for the God of Jacob. Solomon but built 47 J But Solomon built
avrcp OIKOV. ^AAA.' ov% 6 vipio'ros ey x*lP°~ for him a House.
for him. a house. But not the Most High in hand 48 Yet % the MOST HIGH
iroirjrois KaO<as b 7rpo<prjrrjs Aeyer dwells not in things made
made things dwells, as the prophet says; with hands; as the PRO-
49 PHET says,
o ovpavos }xoi dpoyos, r) 8e yr] viroTrofiiov rcoy
49 X'HEAVEN is My
the heaven tome a throne, the and earth a footstool ofthe
Throne, and the EARTH
TroSooy fJiov. Tloioy OIKOV oiKo8o/jLr}(rer€ fxot; my TOOT STOOL ; What
feet of me. What house will you build formeP
House will you build for
Aeyei Kvpios' 7] ris roiros rt]S Karairavo'eoos me ? says the Lord ; or
says Lord; or what place ofthe dwelling wha<fc is the PLAGE of my
fxov ; Ovxi V X€lP lJ'0V €TT0irjo'€ ravra rravra; REST ?
ofmeP Not the hand of me made these things all? 50 Has not my HAND
51 made all these things ?'
^KATjporpay^Xoif Kai aircpir/Lirjroi rrj KapSia 51 O stiff-necked and
O stiff-necked, and uncircumcised in the heart
uncircumcised in HEART
icai rots voo'iy vfxeis aei ru> iryevjaari rep ayicc and EARS ! gott always
and the earsj you always the spirit the holy fight against the HOLT
aprnrnrrere, ws oi irarepes v/movy Kai v/uiets. SPIRIT; as your FATHERS
fight against, like the fathers efyou also you. did gou also do.
TiJ/a rcoy irpo(pr]rooy OVK efiioo^ay 01 rrrarepes 52 JWhiciiof the PRO-
Whichofthe prophets not persecuted the fathers PHETS did not your FA-
THERS persecute ? And
vjxdov ; Kai airsKreivay rovs -KpoKarayy^iXavras they killed THOSE who
otyou? and they hilled those having foretold FORETOLD the COMING of
irepi rif]s eXeucecos rov SiKaiov, ov yvyvfxeis the RIGHTEOUS O N E ; O£
concerning the coming whom gou now have be-
of the righteou8,of whom HOY? you
irpodorai Kai <poveis yeyeyrjo'de' eAcr come Betrayers and Mur-
betrayers and murderers have become; who re derers :—-
jScre rov vofioy €is Starayas ayyeXooy, Kai OVK 63 % you who received
ceived the law by injunctions of messengers, and boj the LAW by Injunctions oi
54 Angels, and kept it not."
eipvXa^aTt. AKovoyres 8e ravra, Sieirpioy- 54 And having heard
you kept, Having heard and thesethings,theyweresawn these things, they were
TO rais Kapdias abroou^ Kai efipvxoy rovsodow enraged in their HEARTS,
through the hearts of them, and gnashed the teeth and gnashed their TEETB
ras €7r' avroy. "T7rapx&y §e 7r\7)p7}$ Trvevp.aros uposQ him.
on him. Being but full of spirit 5 5 But being full of holy
ayiovy areyicras eis r^v ovpavov^ tide ho^av Spivi I, and looking steadily
holy, having gazed intently into the heaven, he saw glory towards HEAVEN, he sav?
(he Glory of God, and Je'
0eou, Kai Irjcrovy eo'rwra GK dc^iwi' rov 6eov^ sua standing at the rigW
DfGod, and Jesus having stood at right dfthe God, hand of GOD,


% 45. Josh. iii. 14. t 45. Neh. ix. 24; Psa. xliv. 2; Ixxviii. 55; Acts xiii. 19.
J 46. 1 Sam. xvi. 1; 2 Sam. vii. 1; Acts xiii. 22. % 46. 1 Kings viii. 17 ; 1 Chron. xxii.
7; Ps«. exxxii. 4, 5. I 47. 1 Kings vi. 1; viii. 20. t 48. 1 King-3 viii. 27; Acts
xvii 24. J 49. Matt. v. 84, 85. £ 52. Matt. xxi. So; xxiii. 34, 87- J 53. Exod.
3£x. 1 •. Gal. iii. 19; Hcb. ii. 2.
Map. 7: 56.]
ACTS. lOhap.Si b.
Kai eiTrev Idov, Oecopca rovs ovpavovs avecpy-\ 56 and said, % " Behold,
and said; Lo, I see the I seethe HEAVENS opened,
heavens having been
yievovs, Kai rov vlov rov avOpanrov e/e de^icov and the SON of MAN stand-
opened, and the son of the man at right ing on the right hand of
ecrrwra rov Oeov. ^ Kpa^avres de cpoovrj ftzya- God."
having stood of the God. Having cried and with a voice loud, 57 And crying out with
AT? 9 o'vveo'xov ra ara avroov, Kai wpfjirja'aw a loud Voice, they stopped
they shut up the ears of them, and they ran their EARS, and rushed
dfA&Qvjtiadov eir* avrov e£<a upon him with one accord;
Kai eK0aXovres
with one mind on him; and having cast outside 58 and % having cast him
T7)S TroXecos, eXidofioXovv. Kai ol fxaprvpes out of the CITY, they stoned
the city, they stoned. And the witnesses him. And J the WITNESS-
airedevro ra Ifiaria avrcov irapa rovs irodas ES laid down their MAN-;
laid down the mantles of them at the feet TLES at the FEET of a!
peaviov KaXov/uevov ^XavXov, eXidofioXovv Young man, named Saul,
©fa youngman being called Saul, and they stone*! 59 and they stoned STE-
rov Hiretyavov, e7r tKaXov/aevov Kai Xeyovra' PHEN, as he was invoking
the Stephen, calling upon and saying; and saying, "Lord Jesus,
Kvpie ITJCTOV, de£ai ro irvevfia JUOV. ®eis X f receive my S P I R I T . "
O lord Jesus, do thou receive the breath of me. Having placed 60 And bending his
de ra yovara eicpa^e <poovrj fieyaXrj' Kvpie, JXT]KNEES he cried with &
and the knees he cried out with avoice loud; O lord, not loud Voice, £ " Lord, place
(TrrjO"rjs avrois rrjv dfxapriav ravryv* Ka: not * This Sin against
thoumayestplaceto them the sin this, And
them." And having said
rovro enroov, eKoijurjOT)* This, he fell asleep.
this having said, he fell asleep.
KE$. 77' 8*
1 1 Now % Saul was con-
5 a v A o s de rjv cwevdoKcav rrj avaipeo'ei senting to his DEATH.
Saul and was consenting to the death
And in That DAY there was
avrov. "Eyevero de ev eKeivy ry rjfxepa diooy/j,os a great Persecution against
of him. Was and in that the day a persecution THAT CONGREGATION in
fjLTjyas QTTI rrjv eKKXrjcriav rr\v ev 'lepoo'oXvp.ois' Jerusalem ; and J they
great against the congregation that in Jerusalem; 1
were all dispersed through
iravres re diecTTraprjcrav Kara ras %wpas T7)s the REGIONS of JUDEA
all and were scattered in the regions of the and Samaria, except the
lovdaias Kai ^a/uapeias, TTXTJV roov airotfroXoov. APOSTLES.
Judea and Samaria, except the apostles. 2 And pious Men buried
2 ^vveKOfiKfav de rov ~%re$avov avdpes evXafleis, Stephen, and made great
Buried and the Stephen men pious, Lamentation over him.
Kai €iroir]o'avro Korrerov \xeyav eir* avrcp. 3 J But Saul ravaged the
and they made lamentation great for him. CONGREGATION, entering
^$avXos Be eXvfxaivero ryjv eKKXTjcriav, Kara
and violently seiz-
Saul hut was outraging the congregation, into
ing Men and "Women, he
rovs OIKOVS eicnropevop.evosi crvpccv re avdpas committed them to Prison.
the houses entering, dragging and men 4 Then THOSE HATING
Kai yvvaiKaSy irapedidov eis <pvXaK7]v 4 01 fxev BEEN DISPERSED, went
and women, was delivering up into prison; theyindeed about preaching the glad
ovv diacfirapevres dirjXOov, evayyeXi^ojxevoi tidings of the WORD. :
therefore having been scattered wanderedabout, preaching glad tidings
5 5 And Philip going down
rov Xoyov. QiXiirrros de KareXdcov eis iroXiv to *the CITY of SAMARIA,
the word. Philip and going down into a city
proclaimed to them the
rijs ~$a/j.apeias, eKTjpvo'o'ev avrois rov Xpi&rov. M E S S I A H .
of the Samaria, proclaimed to them. the Anointed.
t 59. Dexai may also he rendered sustain or support. Booth, in his Lexicon of Primitive
Greek words, gives this as one of the significations of the word. The prayer of Stephen then
srould read, "Lord Jesus, sustain my spirit," or "assist me to suffer/'
t 56. Ezek. i. 1; Matt. iii. 16; Acts x. 11.' X 58. 1 Kings xxi. 13 ; Luke iv. 20; Heh.
xiii. 12. t 58. Deut. xiii. 9,10; xvii. 7. t 59. Luke xxiii. 46. J 60. Matt.
r. 44; Luke vi. 28; xxiii. 34. J 1. Acts vii. 58; xxii. 20. t 1. Acts x i . 19.
t 3. Acts vii. 58; ix. 1, 13, 2 1 ; xxii. 4 ; xxvL 10, 11; 1 Cor. xv. 9; Gal. u 13; Phil. iii. 6t-
Ohap. 8: 6.] ACTS. [Ohap. 8: 16.
Ylpoareixov re OI o^Ao: TOis Xeyo^evois VTTO 6 And tlie CEOWDS witlj
Assented and the crowds t o t h e t h i n g s b e i n g spoken by one mind attended to tha
rov $iXnnrov dixoQvfxahov? ev rep axoveiv avrovs
the Philip with o n e mind 9 in the to hear them L I P , as tliey HEAED and
Kai fiXeireiv ra cr7}jxeia h, erroieL,, ? TloXXcop yap saw tlie SIGNS which he
and t o see the Bigns w h i c h h e d k l . Many for performed,,
rcav exovrcay irvevjiara aKaQapra, (Sooevra (fxavy 7 J Por many of THOSE
of t h o s e possessing spirits unclean, crying with a voice POSSESSING impure Spi-
fxeyaXy e^px^TO' TVOXXOI Se TtapaXeXvfxevoi rits, crying with a loud
loud came o u t ; many and having been palsied
Voice, were dispossessed *
Kat x^^oi edepairevOrjaav. Kai eyevero %apa lame and many paralytic and
and lame were cured. And
persons were cured.
jieyaXr] ev r ^ voXei eKeivrj, 8 And there was *Much
great in t h i city that.
Joy in that CITY.
9 9 Now a certain man,
Aprjp Se ris, ovofiari %1/j.toy, irpovirripx^v named Simon, came be*
A m a n b u t certain, b y n a m e Simon, formerly
fore into the CITY fusing
ev rr\ TroXet, fiayevcov, Kai e^icrroov ro eBvos magic, and astonishing tlie
in t h e city, practising m a g i c , a n d amazing the nation
TTJS ~%afj.apei.aS) Xeycov eivai riva eavrov fxeyav ing that lie himself waa
of t h e Samaria, saying t o b e somebody himself great;
10 c somebody great;
w irpo(T€ixoy itavres airo fxiKpov eoos ft€7a- 10 to whom all attended,
t o whom t h e y assented all from least to great-
from the least to the great-
Xovj Xeyovres" OVTOS ecrriv 7] dvvajxis rov 6eov est, saying, " This is THAT
est, gayingj This is t h e power ofthe God
which is CALLED the
7} KaXovfxevy] p.eyaXri» ll Tlpocreixov de avrq>, G E E A T P O W E B o f G O D . "
w h i c h i a b e i n g called great. They attended and to bim,
11 And to him they gave
8ia * o iKavca XP0V(P rais fiayeiais e^etfraKevai heed, because that for a
because t h a t f o r a l o n g t i m e w i t h t h e magic arts t o have amazed Long Time he had aston-
avrovs, *Ore de eirierrevo'ay rq? QiXnnrca ished them with his MAGIC
them. "When but they believed the Philip AETS.

•^[VaJ irepi
rrjsfSao'iXeias lieved 12 But when they be-
evayyeXi^oja^vcp P H I L I P announcing
a n n o u n c i n g glad udings fthe thin s j concerning t h e kingdom
glad tidings J concerning
TOV deov Kai rov ovofxaros Irj o~ov XpiCTTOV^ the KINGDOM of GOD, and
ofthe God and the name of Jesus Anointed^ the NAME of Jesus Christ,
efiafrri&VTO avSpes re Kat, yvvames, they were immersed, both
t h e y were dipped men both and women. T h e a n d Men and 'Women.
13 And SIMON Mmself
\%ifxcov Kai avros eiricrrevo'e^ Kai fiaTrriffdeis r\v also believed; and having
Simon a n d himself believed, andhavingbeendippedhewas
been immersed, he was
rrpocrKaprepcoy r(p 3?iXi7T7rq)° Oeap&y re Swa/neisconstantly attending to
constantly a t t e n d i n g t o t h e Philip j beholding and miracles P H I L I P 5 and beholding the
Kai ff7]jxeia fxeyaXa. yivo/xeva, e^ioJraro, * SIGNS and great Mira«
and signs great being done, he was amazed. cles which were performed,
AKovcayres 5e ol ev'Iepoo'oXvfAOis aTrocrroXoi, he was astonished.
H a v i n g hoard a n d t h e i n Jerusalem apostles, 14 And the APOSTLES

on SedeKrai 7} %a/uapeia rov Xoyov rov in Jerusalem having heard

deov, That SAMAEIA had re-
that h a d received t h e Samaria the word ofthe God,
ceived the WORD of GOD,
aivecreiXav irpos avrovs rov Tierpov Kai la&y™ sent to them P E T E E and
t h e y sent to them the Peter and J o h n ; John;

V7]V 15 olrives Karafiavres 7rpoo'r)v£avTO irepi 15 who, having gone

who having g o n e down offered prayer concerning down, prayed for them
avrwv, dircvs Xafiooo'i rrvevfia ayiov* 16
(Qmreo that they might receive the
them, so t h a t they m i g h t receive spirit holy. (Not y e t holy Spirit;
16 X for it was not yet
yap 7]v en"' ovdevi avrcav eirnreirrooKos^ jnovov fallen on any of them; but
for it was on anyone of them having fallen, only
they had only X been im»
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—8. Much Joy. 12. the things—ami*. 13. siasrs
and great Miracle B.
J 7. Mark xvi. 17- J 9- Acts xiii. 6. | 9. Acts v. 3ft, J 12, Acts i. a
J 10. Acts xix. 2. X 10. Matt, xxviii. 10; Acts iL 38.
•hap. 8: l'/.j ACTS. ltihap.8i 87.
*« f3e&aTr?i&fiepoi VTTTJPXOV €is ro ovo/xa rov merscd into the % NAME O\
bnt having been dipped they were into the name of the the LORD Jesus.
WpiuV lr}(TOV.) ^T0T€ €TT€Tld0VJS TCLS X€iPaS 17 Then they J placed
Lord Jesus.) Then theyplaced the hands their HANDS on them, and
CTT' avrovs, Kai eXafifiavov Trvtvfxa aytov, they received the holy
on them, and they received spirit holy. Spirit.
I5o>z/8e 6 %i}xwv, on Sza rqs e7ri0€o"6&>s 18 And SIMON seeing
Having seen and the Simon, that through the placing on That through the I M P O S E
roov TION of the HAKDS of the
rcov xeipoov airoo'roXoov didorai ro
Trvevfia APOSTLES, the * SPIRIT
of the handB of the apostles was given the
19 was given, he offered them
ro ayiov, irpocrriveyKev avrois xPr)lJLar0L* A.6-
the holy, he offered to them money, say-
19 saying, " Give me
yoov Aore Ka/moi rr]V e^ovo'iav ravrrjv, iva q) also this "AUTHORITY, that
Ing; Give you also to me the authority this, that towhom- on whom I place my
eiv widci) ras %ejpas, Xafifiavr) Trvevfxa ay toy. HANDS, he may receive the
ever I may place the hands, they may receive spirit holy. holy Spirit."
*° Herpos 5e erne Trpos avrov To apyvpiov (rov 20 But P E T E R said to
Peter but said to him; The silver of thee him, " May thy SILVER go
cw o~oi eir} eis aTrcoXeiav on rrqv Soopeav rov to Destruction with thee,
with thee may be into destruction; because the gift of the Because thou hast thought
Oeov tvopucras dia xP7Hiar(av Krao~9ai. 21 Ov/c to buy J t h e GIET of GOD
God thou hast thought with money to buy. Not with Money.
€crn o~ot (Aepis ov§€ KXrjpos zv r<f Xoycp rovry 21 Thou hast no.Part
is to thee a part nor lot in the word this; nor Lot in this THING ;
v) yap KctpSta ffov OVK effriv evOeia evavri rov for thy HEART is not right
the for heart of thee not is right before the before GOD.
Oeou. ^ yitzravorjcrov ovv airo ms KaKias o~ov 22 Reform, therefore,
God. Do thou reform therefore from the wickedness ofthee from this thy WICKED-
ravrTjs, Kai SsriOrjrt rov 0eou, et apa atyedr}- NESS, and entreat *the
this, and entreat of the God, if indeed maybe LORD, if perhaps the
cerai COL T) einvoia rr]S Kapfiias o*ov. 23
E J S THOUGHT Of t h i n e HEART
forgiven to theethe thought of the heart of thee. may be forgiven thee;
yap XOXTJV wixpias Kai Cvvdeo'/J.ov afiucias dpco 23 for I see that thou
for A gall ofbitternew and a bond art in J the Gall of Bitter-
of wickedness I see
ere ovra. 24
AiroKpiOeis 5e 6 ~Xifiu>v enrem Aerj- ness, and in the Bond of
thee being. Answering and the Simon said} Entreat Wickedness."
24 And SIMON answer-
Orjre VJAGIS virep ejnov Trpos rov Kvpiovf oireos ing, said, % " Entreat gou
you in behalf of me to the lord, that
2o the LORD in my behalf,
(nqdev €7reA% ew' efie &v eiprjKare. Ot fiev that nothing of which you
nothing may come on me ofwhichyouhavespoken. They indeed have spoken may come on
ovv diafxaprvpafxevot Kai XaXTjaavres rov me."
therefore having earnestly testified and having spoken the 25 Then THEY, having
Xoyov rov Kvpiov, vrre(Trpe^av eis 'lepovcraXrj/J,, fully testified and spoken
word of the lord, tuened back for Jerusalem, the WORD of the LORD,
TroXXas re Kwfias roov ^afxapetrojv eviiyyeXi- turned back for Jerusalem,
many and villages of the Samaritans announced and announced the glad
cavro. tidings in Many Tillages
glad tidings. of the SAMARITANS.
26 AyyeAos 5e Kvpiov eXaXr^e 26 And an Angel of th©
irpos QiXiirirov,
A messenger and of a lord spoke Lord spoke to Philip, say-
to Philip,
Xeyoow Avuo'rrjdi, Kai iropsvo > , Kara /xeo'Tj/n- ing, "Arise, and go to-
saying; Do thou arise, and go towards south, wards the South, by THAT
Ppcav, errt rrjv bfiov rrjv Karafiaivovaav airo ROAD LEADING DOWN3
in the way that leading down from from Jerusalem to Gaza;'
'lepovo'aXrifji eis Ta(av avrrj ecriv eprj/nos. this is a Desert.
Jerusalem to Gaza* this is desert. 27 And having arisen,
Kcu avacras eitopevQt]' Kai idov9 avt\p At6io\J/ he went; and behold, an
Andhavingarisen he went} and lo, a man ofEthiopia Ethiopian Eunuch, a Gran-
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—18. SPIRIT was given. 22. the Lord, if.
t 16. Acts s. 48; xix. 5. J 17. Acts six. 6. J 20. Acts x. 45; xi. 17, 12&
Ueb. xii. 15. t 24. Gten. -xx. 7, l7i Exod. via. 8 5 Num. xxi. 7; 1 Kings xiii.6
Chap. 8: 38.] ACTS. {Otap. 8 : 3 ' '

ivvovxos, $vva(TT7)$ KavSaKTjs TTJS ^aaKico-ris dee of Canclace, * Queen

a eunuch, a grandee ofCandace of t h e ofthe Ethiopians, who was
hiOtoircoVy 6s 7]v €7ri wrao"i]s TTJS yafas 6s over All her TBEASUKE,
of E t h i o p i a n s , w h o was over all t h e treasureof her; w h o and who had come to wor«
eXt]\vd€f, irpoaKvv7](Toov eis ^epuvcraXTjfi^ ^TJV ship at Jerusalem,
had come worshipping to Jerusalem, was 28 was returning, and
T 6 VTTQ(Trp£<pQOV K(U K.O.Qy)fJL£V0S €TIL TOV hpfldTOS
sitting in his CHARIOT he
and returning and sitting in tho chariot was reading the P&OPHET
aurov, KCU aveyLvccCKS rov irpocp'rjrrju 'Hccuav. Isaiah.
of himself, a n d wa; reading the prophet Isaiah. S9 And the S P I E I T said
E £ 7 r € § 6 T O TtVeVfXO, TCp $l\LirTTO)* ITpOtT6A.06,
to PiiiLiP, " Approach,
Said a n d t h e spirit to the Philip j Go t h o u near, and join thyself to this
teat KOA\7]6T}TI ra> ap/nan rovrw, ^ U.po(T^pa- C E A E i O T . "
and bejuined t o t h e chariot this. Running 80 And P H I L I P sunning
fxoov 8e 6 ^iXiinros 7]Kovaev avrov ibiward
avayivcaCKov ing * Isaiah heard him read-
to and t h e Philip heard him reading
and he sa d, "Dost thou
ros rov Trp^ipTTTiv *Hcraiavs Kai eivew Apaye indeed understand what
the prophet Isaiah, and said Truly
thou art reading ?'*
yivw(rK6L$9 a ava iVMKeis; ? 1 c O 8e eiire' Ucos SI And H E said, "How
tin ierstande#ithOTi 5 wh<*; t h o u readest* H e b u t said: Hov
can I 3 unless Borne one
yap av SuvaijxyjV) eav fxyf TLS 6^riyr)0"r} /xe/ should guide me?'* And
for should I b e able, if n t s o m c o n e fhou-d guido roer
he requested P H I L I P to
Hap€Kak€(T€ re rov $i\i.Tnrov9 avafiavra, KaOi- come up and sic with him.
H e called and the Philip. having gone u p t o sit
32 Now the POKTios
cat cuv avTW, 3 2 e H Se irepwxjl TTJS ypa^iqs^ of the SCBIPTUBS which
with him. The and portion ofthe writing:
he was reading was this,
r]V aueyti/co(rK€i/3 r}V aOrrj '£ls Trpoft^TOP em J 4 'A3 a Sheep he was led
which he was readings was this; As 1 sheep CO s :
to Slaughter, and like a
€T(payr}V 'J,%^^9 Kai &® afivm eva»Tiop TOV KZI- "Xamb before the SHEAR-
slaughter was led, a n d a s ~'_ami before *he o n e " E B i& dumb, so he, opens
povTos avrov a<pwvos9 OVTOJS OJK 'avoiyei TO "not his HOUTH.
shearing him is dumb, sfe not h e opens the 83 «• I n * his HTJMTLTA-
CTOfia avrov. E v ry Tcnreivcacrei avrcv r\ "TION
mouth ofhimbelf. In the l o w estata of h i m t h e taken away 5 and who
KpiCis avrov ypOrj' rrjv 5e yeveav avTov TIS "willtell of his GENERA-
u d g m e n t of himself was t a k e n away; t h e a n d j c n e r a t i C " of him who " mow ? Because his
" L I T E is taken from the
§11777)tTeTcu; OTI aiperai airo rr}S 7175 7) far) " E A R T H , "
shall declare? because i s takenaw;^ from the earth t h r iife
84 And the EUNUCH
avTov. AireKpiOeis Oe 3 evvovxos rep $ answering P H I L I P , said,
ufhim. Answering but the eunuch t o the Philip " I beseech thee, of whom
irq) €J7T€° Acofxat cov, Tvepi rivos 6 7rpo<pr}T7]Sspeaks the PROPHET this
s a i d ; - I beseech thee, c o n c e r n i n g w h o m J h e prophet —of himself, or of som-
Keyei rovro; rcepi <zavrov% 'J trepi irepov other person="
says this? c o n c e r n i n g himself, or concerning another 85 Then P H I L I P open-
TIVOS ; ^ Avoi£,cz§ de b &t\nnros r* cro/ua ing his MOUTH, J and be-
ona? Having openod a n d t h e Phihp the m o u t h ginning from this SCRIP-
TURE, announced the glad
avrov, Kai ap^a/xevos airo rrjS ypa<pr\s ravrrjs, tidings o:r JESUS to him.
«f himself, a n d having begun froc the writing thi8,
iJ 86 And as they wera
evriyy€ktcraTO avrcp rov Irjcovv ' n $ 0€ eiro- going on the ROAD, they
announead glad tidings t o h i m t h e esus., ..'i» a n d they
came to a Certain Water s
pevovro Kara rrjv odov, yXtiov em vi i'dcop" tcai and th? EUNUCH said.
were g o i n g ia ^t way- t h e y ^ r ^ n s t o a c e r t a i n ^ a t e r a n d "Behold, Water ! twhai
tyrjcnv 6 evvovxos* l5ou vdwp* ri KwXvei fie hinders my being immer-
8 aid the eunuch Lo -.yater- w h a t hinders sed?" f
* VATICAN MANUSCSIPT.—27. Queeno 80» Isaiah the l-uoraET, and said. 33. the
t 86. Verse 87 ofthe common version is spurious,, It is not found in the Vatican MS.,
nor in the ancient Syriac. Grieshach rejects i t ; and it ia cancelled or rejected by Grotiua-
Uill, Wetsiein, Pearce, Tittman, Knapp, Lachmann, Tischeuuoiij and others.
J 82. Isa, liUf Sk & t 85* ^^k 0 ^v- 2?; Acts xviii. 28. J 80. Acts x. 47.
Chap,*i 38.3 ACTS. [Chap.%; &,

QairTMrdrjvai; ^ Kae eKeXevcre cr^vai 88 And he ordered the

TO appLo.-
to be dipped ? And CHAEioTtostop; and they
he ordered to stand the chariot;
Kai nearefir)crav apL(porepoi ei? TO vdoop 6 , re both went down into the;
and they wen dotra both into the water She, both WATER, both P H I L I P anci
the E U N U C H , and he im-
ffriXiinros Kai 6 evpov^os* teat efSairrLo'ev avrov. mersed him.
Philip and the eunuchi and he dipped him.
' O r e Se avefirjeav etc TOV vdaros9 Tri/ev/xa tip89
And when they came
of the w ATEE, Jthe
Whea and thjy cauic ir". out of the water, spirit
Spirit of the Lord seized
Kvpiov Tjpiracre TOV ^lAnr-TroT/* Kai ovfi eidep P H I L I P ; and the EUNUCH
of lord seized the Philip* and aot saw saw him no more, for he
avrov OVKCTI v* evvovxos' eiropevero yap r*t)v w n(- *His WAX rejoicing.
him no longer the eunuch; he went for tho 40 Philip, however, was
dSois avrov xaip°°u» 4Q
&iXnnros 5e ^vpeOrf eis •%und at Azotus; and pas-
way ofhimseli rejoicing. Philip but was found into sing through, he announ-
A^CJTOV Kat biepxopi^j/ JS evrjyyeXi(ero Tas ced the glad tidings in alj
Azotuaj and passing through he announced glad tidings the t i o CITIES; till he C A M
TTOXSIS irao~as9 koos TOV eXOeiv avrov sis Kaicra- t<? Cesar ea.
CJties till of the to some kiia aats Cesa-
yea. 1 And iSaul, still breath-
KE#. 0'„ 9. ing out Threatenings and
1 e Slaughter against the DiSv
O 8e SauAos en epnrvecop aireiXrjs /ecu CIPLES of the L O E D , pro*
The vn<k Saul 3tiil breathing of threatening and ceeding to the HIGH.
<povov i ' S rovs jtia0:<7ras rov Kvpiov9 irpoo'eXdoop E&IEST,
Blaug>.tci'tor-„^rda''ih« disciplas ©fthe Lord, coming S asked from him Let-
Tea ap%iepei, '• yrrjo'arQ irap' avrov ^TCiaroXas ters to the SYNAGOGUES
io the high-prf^t, he desired ftom him letters at Damascus, that if he
eis AafiacrKoP 7tpo$ ras &vi>ayooyas9 CTOO$ %av should fLad Any ol $ hat
to Damascus to the, that if RELIGION, whether *Uen
rivas evprf Tj%s i^Sor; ©vras9 audpas r e tcai or "Women, hs might bring
any he mig!:.t find o? the way being, men J;oth and them bound to Jerusalem.
yvvaiK.as9 Bedejueuovs eiyaytf sis 'lepovffaXrjfA,, 5 JAaduahewasGoiNQ
women, having been bound lie might lead into Jerusalem,, ALONG, he came noar to
Ez> 5e rep TFopev£o~dai9 eyevero GOTOP gyyifap DAMASCUS; and suddenly
In and the to go- came him t o draw near a Light from HEAVEN
T?7 AafxaCK^ icai e%ai(pV7]S Trepirjarrpaxpep avrop flashed around hirp
to the Damascus: and suddenly flashed around fcini 4 and having fallen to
(poos airo TOV ovpavow 4 Kai trecrccv 67rt TTJP yrjp^ the BABTH, he heard a
alight from the heavenj andharingfallen t o She earth. Voice saying to him,
TjKovcre <poour}P Xeyova'ap avrcv 5&aovX9 S a o v V 9 " Saul, Saul, why dostthou
he heard avoice saying to him: Saul, Saulj $ persecute Me ?"
ri fxs diooxeLSg 5 Enre 5e* ris eiy nvpie; *0 6 And he said, " W h o
why medostthoupersecute He said and;, who artthou, Q lord'* The art thou, Sir?" And * H E
5e Kvpios eiirew Eya) eLfxi ITJCTOUS 6V &V o\w- t|)ou said," I am Jesus whom
and Lord said; I am Jesus whom thou persecu-
Q 6 But arise, and go intft
Keis* aXXa, avaerrr)Qi Kai eiaXOe eis rr)V TroXivi t h e e I T T , and i t shall be
test} but stand thou, up and oater into the city, told thee what thou must
Kai XaXTjOrjcrerm trot TI ere Set iroieiv, do."
and it shall be told t o theewhat theeitisnecessary to do. 7 i And THOSE MEN
7 Oi 5e avdpes ol Gwohzvovres avray, €i(TT7)Kei- traveling with *iim, stood
The and men those traveling with him, stood speechless, hearing indeed
tfav evveoi9 aKovovres p-tv rrjs <poovr]s9 firjSeva the VOICE, but seeing no
dumb, hearing indeed the voice, no one one.
5e OewpovvreSo 8Hy€p6rj 5e 6 l$avXos airo rrjs 8 And Saul arose from
but seeing. Arose and the Saul from the the E A E T H ; and his EYES
yr)S' av€teyp.epo!>v §6 TCOU ocpOaXfAOoy avrov, having been opened, ha
earth; having been opened and t h e eyes of him,
t 89. 1 Kings xviii. 12; 2 Kin^a ii. 10; Ezek. iii. 12,14. % 1. Acts viii. S; Gal. L13
1 Tim. i. 13. t 2. Acts xix. 9, 23. % 8. Acta xxii. 0; xsvi. 12. J 4. Matt,
fcyv. 40. t f. Dan. x. f j Acts xxii. 9 j 3Pcvi. J^,
Ckap. 9 : 9.] ACTS. [Chap. 9 : 17.

dvfteva efiXeTrs' ^ipaywyovvres eio"(]- saw N o o n e ; b u t leading

Se avrov
no one he saw; lending by the hand and him they him by t h e hand they con-
9 ducted him to Damascus.
yayov eis Aafxao':cov Kai r\v 7]fxepas rpets firj
le^ into Damascus; and he was days three not 9 A n d h e w a s three
BXeiroov KOA OVK ec^ct-yej/, ovBe eivr {•"*% Days without sight, and
seeing; and not i:tos nor dr..
neither ate nor drank.
1C 10 Now there was in
Hv 5e ris /j,a07]T7]s ev AapaarKcp ivofxaTi
"Was andacertain disciple in Damascus byname
Damascus a certain Dis*
ciple, % named Ananias ;
Avavias, Kai eiire irpos CLVTOP 6 Kvpios ev opa- and t h e L O K D said to h i m
Ananias, and said to him the Lord in a
c in a Yision, " Ananias."
fAarr Avavia. O de eiirev* Idov eya>, Kvpie. And H E said, "Behold, I
vision; Ananias. He and said; Lo I, O lord.
]1 am here, Lord."
' O 5e Kvptos Trpos avrov Avacras TropevOrjri 1 1 A n d t h e L O E D said
The and Lord to him; j laving arisen go th.;u
to h i m , "Arise, a n d go
e.Tci rvv pvjjLTjy rr\v KaXovjxevriv zvQzictV) Kai into fTHAT S T R E E T which
to the street that being called Straight, and
is C A L L E D Straight, and
£r)Tt)(fov ev oiKia I o u S a ^avXov vofxari,
Tap- inquire i n t h e house of
seekior in house of Judas Saul byname, cfTar- J u d a s , for $ a m a n of
crea' idov yap irpocrevxerai, xai etBev ev opa- f Tarsus, n a m e d S a u l ; for
sus; lo for he prays, and saw in a feehcld, h e is praying,
fiari avfipa ovofxari Avaviav, ei 'eXBovra Km 12 a n d h a s seen i n a
vision a mai byname Anrv: ias, having come in and Yision a Man, named Ana-
6i a 13
eiridevra avrzp x P » SITUS .:>: c/3.\?ij/?7, A i r e t t - nias, eatering, a n d laying
having placed to him a han^ ; that h i migh receive sight. An- l i i s * H A N D S on h i m , t h a t
piOr] §e Avav LCIS' Kvpie., aK7]Koa airo iroXXcov h e might recover h i s
swered and Ananias; 01or'\ I hav. heard from manj- sigM."
7T€pt TOV avhpOS TOVTJV, 0(T<X KaKCt, 6TT017)- 13 And Ananias an-
conceming the man this, what thiigs bad he did swered, " l o r d , I have
re rots ayiois (Tov <EV 'lepovcraXrj/A. 14
Kcu cjj§^ heard from many concern-
to the saints of thee in Jerusalem. And ;ere ing3 t h i s M A N , how much
Evi . he h a s done to thy
e%6i e^ovo'iav nrapa, roov apx'^p^&v, Srja'ai irav
SAINTS in Jerusalem;
he has authority from the high-priests, to bind all
1 4 a n d here, h e h a s A u
ras rovs eiriKaXoviievovs ro ovojxa o~ov. E n r e t h o r i t y from t h e H I G H -
those calling upon the name of thee. Said P E I E S T S t o b i n d A L L who
5e Trpos avrov 6 Kvpios' Uopevov, on CKevos J INVOKE t h y NAME."
and to him the Lord - Gc thou ; because a vessel 15 Ba"i t h e L O R D said
eKXoyqs fAoi ecrriv ovros, ro ovo- to him, " G o ; Because fts
rov paaracrai
chosen t o me 13 this s of the to bear the name is t o m e t a chosen Vessel.
juct 'fXOV evooiriov edvcov, Kai fiaTiXecav, vlccv re t o SUAE, m y N A M E before
of mi- before acii; no, and tings, sons and Nations, and * Kings, and
16 Sons of I s r a e l ;
lo-paiqX. Eya> yap viro^ei^ca avrw, dffa
of Israel. I for willpoint out to him, wh&.t thin g s 16 ion? J -L will point ou]
to h i m w h a t things hr
5ei avrov virep rov ovofiaros fxov iraQeiv. must suffer in behalf of my
it behoves him in behalf of the name of me to suffer.
ArrrjXOe de Avavias Kai ^io"r)X8eu eis TQV 17 A n d Ananias d, -
Went awr.y and Ananias and entered into tfatk
parted, a n d entered th^
ixKiav nat eiriQeis CTT' avrov ras xeipas, e w e * HOUSE, and placing his
house; and having placed on him the hands, hesaidj H A N D S on him, said, " B r o -
"XaovX adeX(pe, 6 Kvpios aireo'raAKe /ae, (l7]orov$ ther Saul, t h e L O R D sent
Saul O brother, the Lord has sent me, (JCSUR me, eve:. T H A T J e s u s who

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. HANDS on him. 13. also Kings.

i 11. This street has continued tinder the same name to the present day. I t runs i n a
direct line from the eastern to the western gat?, a distance of three miles. t i l . Tar-
sus, was the capital of Cilicia, situated on the banks of the Cnidns, which flowed through
the midst of it. I t is now called Tarasso. As a seat of learning, i t ranked with Athens
an£ Alexandria. I t s inhabitants, i r the time of Julius Cesar, were endowed with all the
privileges of Eoman citizens.
t 10. Acts xxii. 12. t 11. Acts xxi. 39; xxii. 3. % 14. Acts vii. 59; verse 21 j
xxii. 16; 1 Cor. i. 2 ; 2 Tim. ii. 22. t 15. Acts xiii. 2; xxii. 21; xxvi. 17; Eona»*« 1$
JEph.iii.7,'8. $ 16. 2 C o r . » . 83.
Chap. 9 : 18.] [Chap. 9: 27-
6 ocpdeis (Toi ev Ty o8(t> l7] ripxov,) Sircos ava- APPEARED to thee on tha
hehavingappearedto t h e e i n t h e wayinwhichthoucamest, t h a t t h o u the EOAD in which thou
/3A€if/r?s, Kcti TrK^aOrjs irvev^aros ayiov. 18
Kou earnest, in order that thou
mayestreceweaight, and mayestbefilled of spirit holy. And mayest receive sight, and
evdecos aireivzo'ov airo TOOU o<pBa\fxoop %vrov be filled with, holy Spirit.
immediately fell from the eyes cfhira 18 And immediately
oxrei AeTrtSes, afe^Ae^e r e 1 Kat avacrras €/3ct7r- something fell from * His
as i t were scales, ho recovered s i g h t a n d ; a n d having arisen h e was EYES, like Scales, and he
TKTOT}, 1 9 K C « Xtjicoy rporpyju evia-^vcrev. Eye*'- recovered sight j and ris-
• dipped. A n d h a v i u g t a k e n food h e was strengthened, H e ing up, he was immersed.
ero de (j.era TOOU ev'Kca fxad^rcoif 7]fxepas 19 And having received
wag a n d w i t h t h e i n Damascus disciples days Food he was strenghtened:
rivas. 20
K a t evdecos ez> TCUS crvuaycoyaLS and was with the D I S C I -
several. A n d immediately i n the synagogues
PLES in Damascus several
eKripvcrffe TOV ly]crovu, STL OUTOS ZCTTLV 6 vios 20 And immediately in
he proclaimed t h e Jesus, that this is t h e son
l the SYNAGOGUES he pro-
TOV dsov. % E£LCTTai/TO Be Travres oi cucovovres, claimed J E S U S , That fie
of the God. Were amazed and all t h o s e having heard,
is the SON of GOD.
fcai eXeyoy Oux OUTOS ZVTLV 6 TvopQ^aas sv 21 But ALL who heard
and said; Not this is t h e one having wastedin
him were astonished, and
lepovfra\7}jn TOVS eTTLKaXov/xepovs TO OVOJXCL said, $ " I s not this H E
Jerusalem those calling upon the name
who in Jerusalem spread
TOVTO ; KOLI o?5e e i s TOVTO eXrjXvOeL, iva SeSe- DESOLATION among THEM
thiB ? a n d h e r e for this h a d come, that having
who CALL on this NAME,
uevovs avrovs ojyayr) eiri TOVS apx^peis. and had come here for this
bound them h e m i g h t lead t o the high-priests. purpose, that he might lead
HavKdS 8e jxaXXov evefivvafAovTO, KM o~vve- them bound to the H I G H -
Saul but more was strenghtened, r;\d perplexed PEIESTS?"
Xwe TOVS lovfiouovs TOV KCLToiKovvTas ev A a - 22 But Saul increased
the Jews those dwelling in more in power, X and * per-
plexed THOSE Jews DWEL-
naancv, o~vix$i$a£(av, STL OVTOS eorTiv 6 XpiCTos. LIN G in Damascus, demon-
rnascus, proving, that this is t h e A n o i n t e d . strating That this is the
'ns 8e eirXypovpTO ^jaepai licavai, crvvefiov- MESSIAH.
When a n d were fulfilled days many, consulted 23 And when t many
\svo~avTO ol lovftaioi aveXeip CLVTOV 2 4 eypcocrOr) Days were fulfilled, $ the
together the Jews t o kill him; was made known J E W S conspired to kill
oe T(p *£avX<p rj tirifiovXy) OLVTW irapeTrjpovp 24 but their PLOT was
but t o t h e Saul the plot of them ; t h e y were watching
made known to Saul. And
r e Tas 7rv\as Tjfxepas r e Kat VVKTOS, OTTCOS OLVTOVthey * also watched the
»nd t h e gates day b o t h and night, that him GATES both Day and Nisrht,
av(:Xco(Tt. 25Aa/3oz>Tes 5e avTov oi jxaBfjTai that they might murder
they m i g h t kill. Having t a k e n but him the disciples him.
25 But the DISCIPLES
VVKTOS) KixTrjKai/ Sta TOV T€ixovs> Xa^-acraJ/Tes took him by Night, and
by night, they l e t down t h r o u g h t h e wall, lowering
J through the WALL lower-
tv crirvpibi. ^TLapayevo/nevos 8e eis 'lepovcra- ed him down in a Basket.
m a basket. Having eome and into Jeruscdem,
26 J And having come
XTjpLy tweipaTO KoXXaaQai TOLS fxo.6r)Tais* Kai to Jerusalem he attempted
he tried t o unite himself t o t h e disciples; and to associate witli the DIS-
iravTes e<pofiovvTO CCVTOV, fir] irurTevopTes STL ; but they all feared
all feared him, not believing him, not believing That he
2Jr was a Disciple.
€<TTt jjLaOTiTTjS* Bapvafias 8e ewiXafio/Lievos
he is a disciple. B:u-nabaa but having t a k e n 27 But Barnabas taking
24. also watched the SATES.
t 23. The mUny days here alluded to, probably ineluded the three years mentioned by Paul
in Gal. i. 18, during" which he preached in Damascus and visited Arabia.
X 21 Acts viii. 8 : verse 1; Gal. i. 13, 23. t 22. Acta xviii. 28. % 23. Acta xxiii.
13: xxv. S; 2 Cor. xi. 2(5. i 25. Josh. ii. 15 ; 1 Sam. xix. 12 j 2 Cor. xi. 83. % 26-
Ac'tsxxii.lT: Gal. i. 17,10,
Map. 9 : 28.] ACTS. [Cliap. 9: 36.

avrov, yyaye irpos rovs arcocrroXovs^ Kai dirj- him, conducted him to the
him, brought to the apostles, and re- APOSTLES, and related to
yrjcraTO avrois, TVOOS €V TTJ bdcp eiSe TOV Kvpiov,them how he saw the LORD
lated to them, how in the way he saw the Lord, on the ROAD, and That he
spoke to him, and how he
Kai brt eXaXrjcrev avrrt), KCLI iroos ev AajuarrKw J spoke publicly in Damas-
and that ' he spoke to him, and how ia Damascus
cus in the NAME of JESUS
eTrap^>7](TLa(raTO ev ru> ovofxari rov 17/crov. ^Kai 28 $ And he was with
he spoke boldly in the name of the Jesus. And
them coming in and going
Y]u fier* avrcov eicnropevo/jLevos Kai eKTropevofxevos out at Jerusalem, speaking
he was with them, coming in and going out
publicly in the NAME of
ev lepovcraK-rj/x, *[/ccu] Trappierla^ofjievos ev TOJ the LORD.
in Jerusalem, [andj speaking boldly in the 29 And he spoke and
ovofxari TOV Kvpiov "*[i7)crou.J ^EXaXet TE disputed with the Helle-
name of the Lord [Jesus.] He spoke and nists; £ they however un
•Kai crwefarei irpos TOVS 'EXXrjvicrras' ot be dertook to kill him.
and contended with the Hellenists; they but 30 But the BRETHREN
eTTGXeipow avrov avtXeiv. ^Eiriyvovrss 5e ol having been informed of
took in hand him to kill. Having known but the it, conducted him to Cesa-
adeX<pot Karrjyayov avrov sis Kaurapsiav, Kai rea, and sent him to Tar-
brethren they brought down him to Cesarea, and sus.
<b£aTrzo~Tzi\av avrov sis Tapffoy. At f-tev ovv 31 Then the * CITTJRCF
sent away him into Tarsus. The indeed then had Peace in All 3UDIU
€KK\r)CTLQU KuO* bXyjs TTJS lovSaias Kai TaXtXaias and Galilee, and Samaria
congregations in whole of the Judea and Galilee and being built up, and
Kai T^afxapcias si%ov eip^vrjv, oiKode/xovjuevai walking in the PEAK of the
and Samaria had peace, being built up Lord, and in the admoni-
Kai TTopzvofxevai rq> zpo$tp TOV Kvpiov Kai T?; tion of the HOLY Spirit,
and proceeding in the fear of the Lord and the was increased.*
irapaicX^o'ei rov ayiov rtvevfxaros, €TrXr)9vvovro. 32 And Peter, passing
consolation of the holy spirit, were multipled. through all places, hap-
32 /
E7ev€TO Se HerpoVy dispx°P>si ov §ta rrav- pened to go down also to
l t happened and Peter, passing through all, those SAINTS DWELLING
TOJV, KareXOeiv Kai irpos rovs ayiovs TOVS at Lydda.
to have gone down also to the saints those 33 And he found a cer-
Karoifcowras Af55ay. 3 3 Evpe §e e/cet avOpco- tain Man named Eneas,
dwelling Lydda. He found and there a man who, being palsied, had
TTOV Tiva, Aiveav ovofxari, e£ ercov OKrco tcara- lain on a bed for eight
ceruin Eneas byname, from years eight being Years.
Keifievoy e7Ti KpajSjSaT^, 6s t]V TrapaXeXvfxsvos. 34 And P E T E B said to
laid in bed, who was a paralytic. him, "Eneas, J Jesus the
K a i enrev avrcp 6 Yltrpos' At^ea, larat Ce MESSIAH, restores thee;
And said to him the Peter; Eneas, cureB thee arise, and make the bed
ITJCOVS 6 Xpirrros' avao'T7)6iy Kai crrpcccov ce~ for thyself." And he in-
Jesus the Anointed; arise thou, and makethebed for stantly arose.
avTty. Kai evdeoos av&art], ^ K a i eidov avrov 35 And ALL THOSE
thyself. And immediately he arose. And saw him DWELLING in Lydda and
ivavrss oi KaroiKovvres Au85a// icaiTOV^apoova, SHARON saw him ; | and
all those dwelling Lydda and the Saron, they turned to the LORD.
OITIVCJ €ir€(rrp€^a.v <ETTI TOV Kvpiov. ^ Ev IOTT- 36 And there was in Jop-
who turned to the Lord. In Jop- pa a Certain femaleDisciple
7T?7 §6 ris r\v \xaQr\rpi<x ovopari Ta(3i6a, f) ftiep- named i Tabitha, (which
pa andcertain waa a female disciple by name Tabitha, which being being translated signifies
fji^vevofievri Xeyerai Aopitas' avrj} f\v ^Xf\pi\s Dorcas;) sft£ was full of
translated is called Dorcas; she was full good "Works and Charities
ayaOcav spytav Kai eXeTi/Jioo'vvcov wv eiroiei, which she did.
of good works and of alma which she did.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—28. and—omit. 28. Jesus—omit. 81. the CHUBCH.
81. was increased.
t 33. Tabitha, is a Syria word, and Dorcas a Greek word, both signifying an antelope.
The name here is expressive of beauty; as " antelopes are particularly remarkable for their
beautiful eyes." See Parkhurst.
% 27. verse 20, 22. J 28. Gal. i. 18. J 29. verse 2S; 2 Cor. xi. 26. t 84.
Acts iil.G, 18; iv. 10. % 85- Acts xi. 21.
Chap. 9 : 37-3 ACTS. [Cliap. 10 *

^ Eyevero 5e ev rais rjfiepais zKeivais acrOevT]- 37 And it happened in

Ithappened and in the days those having those DAYS, that she was
o'ao'ay avT7}y"ua,Tro6ay€i^' Kovo'avTes $s *[avTr)V^ sick and died; and having
been sick her to have died; having washed and [her] washed they placed her in
edrjKav *v vTrepqity. ^ Eyyvs §€ OVCTTJS AUSSTJS an upper room.
they laid ia an upper room. Near and being Lydda 38 ~Now Lydda being
rr) IOTTTTT}, ol jULadrjrai aKovcavres Sri JJ^rpos near to J O P P A , and the
to the Joppa, the disciples having heard that Peter DISCIPLES having heard
eCTLV ey avrr}, a-wectTeiXey dvo avdpas irpos That Peter was there, sent
is iu her, sent two men to Two Men to him entreat-
WTO?, irapaKaXovvres fii} oicvrjou SizXOeiv icos ing, * " Do not delay to
him, entreating not to delay to come over to come over to us."
avrcav. Avacrras 8e Uerpos o'vyrjXOeu avrois' S9 And Peter arose and
them. Having arisen and Peter came with them; went with them; and hav-
bv Trapayeyojj.zvov avqya.yov €is TO virepMov, ing arrived they conducted
whom having come they led into the upper room, him to the TJPPEE KOOM ;
Kai Trapc<TT7}o~av avrcp irao'ai at xrjpai icXaiov-and All the WIDOWS stood
and stood beside him all the widows weeping, beside him weeping, and
(Tat, Kai eTn^€iKvv/j,c>'ai yj-rtavas Kai //.tana, showing the Tunics and
andmantles, Mantles which DOBCAS
and showing tunics
d&O, 67T0161 fX^T3 CLVTtoV OV(TO, 7]Aop.'cas. made, while she was with
as many as she inads with them being the Dorcas. them.
ExftaX&v 5e e£co iravras 6 Tlerpos, Ocis 40 But PETEB. % putting
Having put and ' out all the Peter, having placed
them all out, kneeled down
ra yovara 'Kpoo'-qv^aro* Kai e'trio'Tpzipas irpos and prayed; and turning
the knee* he prayed; and having turned to to the BODY, J he said,
T© o~atfia, et7re' Taftida, ai/acrrr)6i. *H 5e " Tabitha, arise !" And
the body, said; Tabitha, do thou arise. She and SITE opened her EYES ; and
7}voL^e r&vs ocpdaX^iovs avrijs' Kai tdovcra rov beholding P E T E S , she sat
opened the eyes of herself; and seeing the up.
Herpou, avtKadiore. Aous §e avrr} yeipa,
Peter, sat up. Having given and to her a hand,
41 And giving her his
Hand, he raised her; and
avecTTTicrfp avrrjv <pcav7)cras 5e rovs ayious Kai having called the SAINTS
he raised her; having called and the saints and
and WIDOWS, he presented
TOLS xvpas> irapecrrrjaev ^ Yvooo1- her living.
avrr]U ^wffav.
the widows, he presented her living. Known
TOP 3e eyevero KaQ3 OXTJS rrjs Io7nrr)$° Kai 42 And it became known
and it became in whola of the Joppa; and through All * Joppa; and
iroXXoi eiwTTevcrap €iri rov Kvpiov. ^Eysvero J many believed in the
many believed in the Lord. I t happened
de 7)fjL€pas iKavas fxeivai avrov ev loirirr), irapa
43 And it occurred, he
and days many to remain him ia continued many DAYS in
rivi ^ZifxcoVL fivpcrei. Joppa, with One % Simon a
ene Simon a tanner. Tanner.
KE*. / . 1 0 .
Avr)p 5e TLS ep Kaicrapeiq, ovo\io/ri Kopyr)- 1 And a certain Man in
Aman and certain in Cesarea, byname CJIUS- Cesarea, named Cornelius,
Xios, €K.a.T0VTap-)(7]S tf o'ireip7]s TTJS KaXov[izvr\sa Centurion of THAT Co-
lius, a centurion of a cohort that being called hort CALLED the Italian,
IraXiKrjSy 2 evcrefirjs Kai (j>oftov/j.ei/os TOV Otov 2 J a pious man, and one
Italian, pious and fearing the God
fearing GOD with All hia
crvp iravri TOJ OIKW avrov, iroieov * [ V e J eA^/xo- HOUSE, doing many Chari-
with all the house ofhimself, doing [and] alms
ties for the PEOPLE, and
Cvyas TroAAas TG* Xatp, Kai deofievot rov OGOV praying to GOD always,
many to the people, and praying of the God
3 3 J saw distinctly in a
hiairavros' e/8e*/ ev opafiari (pavepoos, oocmi
he saw in a vision clearly, about Vision, * about the ninth
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—37- her—omit. 38. Do not delay to come over to us,
42. Joppa. 2. and—omit. 3. as if about.
% 40. Matt. ix. 25. J 40. Mark v. 41, 42; John xi. 43. J 42. John xi. 45- sxu 11
* 43. Acts x. 6. X 2. verse 22. J 3. verse 30; s i . 1,%
Cfiap. 101 4.] iCJiap.10: U .
hpap €vvart]v rrjs 7)/JL*pas9 ayyeXoi/ 6eov Hour of the DAY, an Ange}
hour nintb. of the day, a messenger of the God
of GOD coming in to him,
and saying to nim, " Cor-
eiffeXBovra irpos avrov^ tccu eiwovra avrcf nelins!"
having come to Mm, and saying to Mm;
4 4 And steadily gazing
KopvrjXie. ' O Be arevicras avrqt KCU at him, and becoming
O Cornelius. He andhavinglookedateadily toliim and afraid, he said, " What is
efAtpo&os yevopevos, enre* Tt €0~rtt tcvpu; it, Sir!" And he said to
afraid becoming, he said -t What is it, O sir? him, "Thy PBAYEES and
Et7re de avrcc' At 7rpoo"€vxai o~ov Kai at eXerj- thine ALMS went up as a
Hesaidand toliim; The piayei* otthee and the alms Memorial before GOD.
uoffvvai <rov avtPrjfrav €LS /JLVTJ/J.OCTVVOI' evooiriov 6 And now send Men to
of thee wentup for a memorial before Joppa, and invite one Si-
rov 6eov. 6 Kai wv Tre/jupov eis loTnrrjV avdpas, mon, who is surnamed Pe-
the God. And now send into Joppa men, ter;
teat fxeraTrsfixpai ^,t/j.cova, 6s eiriKaXeirai Jlerpos' 6 he lodges with J One
and send after Simon, who is surnamed Peter; Simon a Tanner, whose
ovros ^tvi&rai irapa rivi ^ifxcovi ftvpcrei, *(p House is by the Sea.
be lodges with one Simon a tanner, to whom 7 And when THAT A N -
ZVTIV OLKia irapa BaXaacrap, 7 *Hs $e airyXdzv GEL which srOS.E to him
is a house by aea. When and went away was gone away, he called
d ayytXos, 6 XaXwv avrcp, (poovqeras fivo rcov two of * t h e HOUSE SEE-
themessenger, that speaking t e him, having called two of the YANTS, and a pious Soldiei
oiKtrutv avrov, /cat ar par tear i}V evcrefir) rccv of THOSE Who ATTENDED
house servant* of himself, and a soldier pious of those constantly on him;
wpotfKapi epovvrcap avrq), 8 Kai ety)yr\(raiAevos 8 and having related to
constantly etttnding him, and having related them all things, he sent
o.VTOts aivavra, WireQreiXev avrovs eis rt]V them to J O P P A .
to them al5 tLingn, he sent them into the 9 And on the NEXT DAY,
Io7T7r7jj/, 9
lr; £e SBonropovvrcov f while tfjeg were pursu-
Joppa On tha aud morrow, pursuing the journey ing their journey, and
GKCIVOOV, KCL ry iroAec eyyi^ovrcov, avefir) Uer- drawing near to the CITY,
ofthem, 1
ant , to the city drawing near, wentup Pe-
% Peter went upon t the
KOOF to pray, about the
pos €Tfi ro dco/ja irpocev^acrOai, irepi copav sixth Hour.
ter to the rooa to pray, about hour
k.Krr\v, ' 0 Eye^ero Be irpoo'ireivos, 10 And he became very
fcai 7]6eX€
sixth. H~ becamo anfj very hungry, hungry, and wished to eat;
and wished
yevcracrOai' irapacraevc^ovrcov Be €K€ivoov, €7re- but while they were mak-
to eat; making sready and of them, fell
ing ready, a Trance fell on
ireo'ev eir' avrov eKcrraais, ^lKai Oeoopei rov ovpa- 11 and he beheld J H E A -
on him atraoce, andhebeholds the heaven
VEN opened, and a certain
vov avstpyixevoV) Kai Karafiaivov anevos ri ws Vessel like a great Sheet
having been opened, and coming down a vessel certainlike
descending, * being let
oOovrjv fxeyaXrjv, reffcfapaiv apx&is BeBe/xevoVy down by the Tour Ends to
a slieet great, four ends having been bound, the EARTH ;
12 c
tcai Kadie/Jievov €Trt rrjs yrjs' ev (p virripx* 12 in which were * AH
and being lowered down to the "earth; in which were the QUADRUPEDS and
iravra ra rerpairoBa rrjs yr)S icai ra drjpia Kai REPTILES Of t h e EARTH,
13 Kai
ra allepirera
Kai ra rrereiva rov and thewildbeasts
ovpavoxr and and BIRDS of HEAVEN.
the creeping things and the birds of the heaven; and 13 And a Voice came to
eyevero (pcavr) vpos avrov Avao'ras, TIcrpe, him, " Rise, Peter, kill and
came a voice to him; Having arisen, O Peter, eat."
Bvo'ov Kai (j>aye O Be Uerpos eiire* MyBa- 14 But P E T E R said
sacrifice and eaJ". The frufe Peter said; By no "By no means, Lord,'

* VATICAN MANWSCMFT.—7- the HOTTSK SERVANTS. 11. b e i n ^ l e t down by t h e F o u r

Ends to the EARTH 12, All the QUADRUPEDS and REPTILES of. the -.ABTH.
t 9 I t -was aboti.fc forty miles from Joppa to Cesarea, -therefore the messengers must have
travle'd a part e:?t ie night- t o reach Joppa towards noon o:: ^he next day. f 9. I t l;as
Deen remarked bei oro, thV t h e houses in Palestine had flat :•<&>£*> on v/hieh people walked,
loijversed, medita ed'ani prayed.
v. a Acts ix. 4b *• Actsxi. S. J «S. ix-i.'i wd.88.
Chap. !0s 11,1 ACTS. [Chap. 10: 24.

(iocs, Kvpte' 6ri ovdeirore ecpayov irav % For never did I eat any
means, O lord; because never I ate thing common and im-
any thing common or
aKaOaproy. 16
Kai (pcoyij TraXiv etc devrepov pure."
unclean. And a voice again a second time 15 And a Voice came to
•npos avrov. 'A o deos eKaOapicre, crv firj Koiyov. him again a second time,
to him. What the God has cleansed, thounot pollute.
X " What GOD has cleansed,
16 do not tfjotl regard as cont.
TOVTO 5e eyevero eiri rpis° Kai iraXiv aveXrj- mon.
This and was done for three times; and again was taken
l7 16 And this was done
(f>07) ro o~Kevos eis rov ovpavov. 'D,s Se eythree times j and * imme-
up the vessel into the heaven. As and in diately the VESSEL was
eavra) diyiropei 6 Uerpos, rt ay en] ro opafia taken up into HEAVEN.
himself was ponderingthe Peter, what might be the vision 17 And as P E T E R was
6 fctSe, Kai iSou, oi avdpes oi
aTreo'raX/j.evoi pondering in himself, what
whichhe saw, even lo, the men those being sent the VISION which he saw
airo rov KopvyXiov, ^iepcar7]crayres rr\v oiKiav might mean, behold, even
from the Cornelius, having inquired for the house THOSE MEN who were
HijjLoeyoSy eirea'r'qa'av em rov irvXcova' 1 8 Kai SENT * by CORNELIUS,
of Simon, ttood at the gate; and having inquired for the
(JHayrjcravTcs eirvvdavovro, ei ~Zifxwv 6 eirutaXov- HOUSE of * Simon, stood
having called aloud they asked, if Simon he being called at the GATE ;
pevos Ylcrpos evQafte ^evi^erai. 18 and calling aloud,
Peter here lodges. they asked, " Is THAT Si-
19 mon who was SURNAMED
Tov 5e ITerpov ZievOv^iovjievov irepi rov
The and Peter reflecting concerning the Peter lodging here ?"
dpa/naroSf enrev * [airroj] ro irvev/jia' iSou, avfipes 19 Now while PETER
vision, said [to him] the spirit; Lo, men was reflecting concerning
rpeis £r)rovo~i ere' 20
aAAa Kara- the
" Behold, * three Men
three are seeking thee; but having arisen do thou
are seeking thee;
&7)6i9 Kai iropevov crvy avrois, fx^ev 5ia- 20 J arise and go down,
go down, and go with them, nothing doubt_ and go with them, without
Kpivofxevos Sri eyca aireo'raXKa avrovs. 2 1 Kara- any hesitation, Because 5
iug because I have sent them. Having gone have sent them."
8as 5e Herpes irpos rovs avdpas, enrev I5ou, 21 Then Peter having
clown but Peter to the men, said; Lo, gone down to the MEN,
eyto €ifxi, bv fareire' ris 7] airia, 5Y said, " Behold, 3£ am he
yv whom
I ana, whom youseek; what the cause, on account of which
you seek; what is
*the Cause of your com-
vapecrre ; ^ Oi 5e envoy KopvrjXios eKarovrap- ing ?"
you are present P They and said; Cornelius aeenturion,
22 And THEY said,
XVsf wnp SiKaios Kai (pofiovfievos roy
deov, X " Cornelius, a Centurion,
a man just and fearing the God, a righteous Man, and one
fxaprvpovfieyos re viro bXov rov edvovs rcav lov- fearing GOD, J and es-
being testified of and by whole of the nation of the Jews, teemed by all the NATION
daioov, expy/J-cirIO~6T) viro ayyeXov [xera-* of the JEWS, was divinely
was divinely instructed by to instructed by a holy Angel
a messenger holy,
to send after thee to his
ire/jnpaardai (re eis roy OIKOV avrov, Kai aKovcrai HOUSE, and to hear WORDS
send after thee to the house of himself, and to hear from thee."
prjfiara Trapa crov. Eio'KaXea'aiJ.eyos ovv 23 Having, therefore,
words from thee. Having called in then invited them in, he enter-
avrovs e£evio~e. Ty §e eiravpiov avao'ras tained them. And on the
them he lodged. On the and morrow having arisen NEXT DAY he arose and
etylXQe ffw avrois, rcav aSeXcpcav, ry>v went with them, and some
Kai rives
be went out with them, and some of the brethren, those of THOSE BRETHREN from
airo loTnr7}Sy crvvrjXOov avrcp. 24
Kai ry eirav Joppa accompanied him.
from Joppa, went with him. And on the mor- 24 And on the DAY FOL-
* "VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—16. immediately the V E S S E L 17. by CORNELIU3.
17. SIMON. " ,19. to him—omit. "" 19. two Men. 21. the Cause.,
t 14. Lev. xi. 4; xx. 25; Deut. xiv. 3, 7; Ezek. iv. 14. % 15. verse 28. X 10. Acts
|L 12* X 20. Acts xv. 7./ %'&> verses 1, 2. % 22. Acts xxii. 12.
ACTS. [Cftap.10: S3.

piov eio'rjAOov eis r-qv Kaxrapeiav. 'O 5e Kop- LOWING they entered CE :
•ow they entered into the Cesaiea. The and Cor- SAREA. A n d CORNELIUS
VTJAIOS rjv Trpoo~$oKoov avrovs, o'vyKaAso'afitvos^was expecting them, haying
aelius was expecting
them, having assembled assembled his RELATIVE;/
rovs s'vyyzveis avrov K<XI TOVS avayKatovs and INTIMATE Friends.
the relatives of himself and the intimate 25 And as P E T E I ; ',/;*•
(ptAovs. 'tis de eyevero rov eureAdeii/ TOV COMING I N , CORNULIUS
friends. When and came the to enter the met him, and falling down
Tltrpov, o1vvavT7]o'as avrcp 6 KopvrjAtos, irto'&v at his EEET he worshipped
Peter, having met him the Cornelius, him.
€iri rovs irodas, TrpoffeKvvTjcrev. 26 f O 5e Tlerpos 26 But PETER raised
to the feet, he worshipped. The but Peter him up, saying, J "Arise;
avrov riyeip€) Azycov Avao'r^Or Kcpyo) avros 3E also am a Man."
him raised up, saying; Do thou arise; also 3 myself 27 And conversing with
avdpooiros ei/JLi. 2 6 Kai (rwofiiAcov avrcv, e/mjAfle, him, he went in, and found
a man am. And talking with him, he went in, many gathered together.
Kai €vpLO"K€L o"vp€Ar}Avdoras iroAAovs. E(/>7?
and finds having been assembled many. He said 28 And he said to them,
T6 Trpos avrovs' 'Tjuteis eiucrrao'de, ws aBcjutrov unlawful $"-©ou know that it is
and to them; You know, how unlawful
for a Jew to as-
sociate with a Foreigner;
eo'rip avdpi lovdaicp, KoAAaadat 7] irpocrepx^o'dai % hut GOD has showed Me
it is for a man a Jew, to unite or come near
aAAocpvAcf)' Kai e/JLOl 6 0€OS rdstpi {JL7]§£Va not to call any man com-
to a foreigner; to me
and t o m e the God
God has shown, not mon or impure.
icotpov 7} aKaOaprov Azyeiv avdpooirov. Ato 29 Therefore, being sent
common or unclean to say a man. Therefore for, I also came without
(cat avavrippr\roos rjAdov fAerairefjupdets. TLvvda- hesitation. I ask, there-
also without hesitation I came ha-ving been sent after. I ask fore, for what reason you
vofxai ovv, rtvt Aoycp p.ereTrefx^ao'de / x e ; sent for me ?"
therefore, for what reason you sent after me?
30 SO And CORNELIUS said,
Kai 6 KopvrjAios €<pr]' Airo reraprrjs rjixepas •'Four days ago * I was
And the Cornelius said; From four days fasting till This HOUR ;
p.*Xpi ravrrjs rrjs copas, 7]/JLT]V vrjo'revoov, Kai and at the N I N T H Hour I
till this the hour, I was fasting, and was praying in my HOUSE,
rif)V evvart]V upav irpoo'Gvxo/J.evos
ev rep oiKcp and behold, % a Man stood
the ninth hour praying in t h e house before me in J splendid
fj.ov Kai idov, avrjp, e<TT7) epanriov fxov ev ecrdr)- Clothing,
ofme; and lo, a man, stood before me in cloth-
ri Aafiirpa, Kai ($>r)cri' KopvrjAie, eto~7}Kovo~dr] 31 and said, ' Cornelius t

ing shining, and he said; O Cornelius, heard thy PRAYER is heard, and
thine ALMS are remem-
o~ov 7] Trpoo'evx7]i f w cti eAerj/LLoarvvai cfov €jj.vr]rr- bered before GOD.
oftheethe prayer, and the alms of thee are re-
Qrjcrav cvooirtov rov 6eov, 3 J TLe/x-^/ou ovv eis 32 Send therefore to
membered before the God. Send therefore into Joppa, and invite Simon,
Ijinrrjv, Kai /xeraKaAerai^ifxcava 6s zTrtKaAeirai whose surname is Peter;
Joppa, and call for Gimon who is surnamed be lodges in the HOUSE of
Uerpos' ovros ^eviferai ev oiKta HI/JLWVOS fivp- Simon, a Tanner, by the
Peter; he lodges in a house of Simon a tan- Sea; who, when he iz
0-ectfS irapa QaAao~?av° Trapayevo/Jtevos come, will speak to thee,'
ner by sea; [who having come 33 Immediately, there-
AaA7]CT€i f/oi.] 3 3 E^avrrjs ovv sire^a irpos fore I sent to thee, ant]
will speak to thee.] Immediately therefore I sent to thou hast done well m hav-
ae' (rv re KaAias ^iroirjcras Trapayevo/aevos. ing come. Now therefore
thee; thou and well didst having come. me are all present before
Nvv ovv iravres T)/JLGIS evwmov rov Otov irapzcr- God to hear AH THINGC
Nowtherefore all we before the God are pre- which * the LORD hue
(JLSV, aKOvaat ixavra ra. irpoorrerayfjieva. cot viro COMMANDED thee."
sent, to hear all the things having been commanded thee by
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—30. till This Ilour, I was at t h e NINTH praying in m y HOUSE.
32. w h o h a v i n g come w i l l s p e a k t o thee—omit. 33. t h e L O R D .
t 26. A c t s x i v . 1 4 , 1 5 ; R e v . x i x . 10; xxii. 9. i 28. J o s h , iv. 9 ; x v i i i . 2 8 ; A o t s x L S ' '
Gal. i i . 12,14. J 28. A c t s x v . 8 ; E p h , iii. 6. % 30. A c t s 5. 10. 1. o0. Mar*,
x x v i i i . 3 ; M a r k x v i . 5 ; L u k e xxiv. 4.
Chap. 10: 34.] ACTS. [CIiap. 10: 43.

rov Oeov. 34
Avoi^as 34 And Peter opening
de TIsrpos ro o'rojua, enrcv
the G o d . Having openedand liis MOUTH, said, % " I per-
Peter the mouth, said;
E7T1 a\r)deias tearaka/nfiapQ/JLCLI, bri OVK ecrn ceive in Truth That GOD is
In truth I perceive, that not is not a Respecter of persons,
7rpo<T<a7ro\r)TrrrjS 6 0€os' 3a a\\3 ev TXOLVTI zdvtc 35 but in Every Nation,
a respecter of persons the God; hut in every nation lie who FEARS him and
6 (pofiovfievos avrov, Kai epya^o/j-evos St/cato- works Righteousness is ac-
he fearing him, and working righteous- ceptable to him.
o'vvrjv, denros avrcp eo~ri. Tov \oyov bv S6 * He sent the WORD
ness, acceptable t o h i m is. The word which to the SONS of Israel, J an-
a7T€(TTfi\e rois vlos €vayyeXi£o/j,€Vos nouncing glad tidings of
he sent t o t h e sons of Israel, pro claming glad tidings of Peace, through Jesus
ttprjvrjv hia lyo'ov Xpia"roir ovros earn iravrcov Christ—fie is Lord of all—
peace through Jesus Anointed; this is of all 37 (* you know that
Kvpios. Sj "YfjLtis oidare ro yevo/j.€vov prjfia WORD which was SPOKE N
s iord. "You know t h a t havingbeen aspokenword through All J U D E A , J be-
KOLQ b\r\s TT)S lovhaias ap^a/xevov arro rrjs Ta\i- ginning from G A L I L E E ,
ia whole of t h e Judea beginning from t h e Gali- after the IMMERSION
Aaias, /uera ro fiaTCTio'jJLa 6 eicrfpv^ev la>avvr)S' which John preached;)
ee, after t h e d i p p i n g which was preached of J o h n ; 38 even THAT Jesus
\y\ffovv rov airo 'Nafaper, cos £XPlffiV a>vrov b from Nazareth, how JGon
Jesat t h a t from N a z a r e t h , hovr a n o i n t e d h i m t h e anointed him with holy
Beos Trvev}ia.ri ayicp Kai dwa/uti, bs ScqXdev evep- Spirit and Power; who
God with spirit holy a n d power, w h o w e n t a b o u t d o i n g went about doing good,
y*T<op Kai LWfitpos iravras rovs KaraSvvao'rtv- and curing ALL who were
gooa and curing all those b e i n g oppressed OPPRESSED by the ENEMY ;
ojxtvovs vtro rov Sia&oXov, 6 0eos r\v fier' X Because GOD was with
by the accuser, because t h e God was w i t h him.
avrov 39 39 Andfoeare Witnesses
Kat 7]fX€Ls fiaprvpzs iravrcov, o>v tiroir)- of all things which he did,
him; and we witnesses of all, which h e did
W TC0}/
both in the COUNTRY of
(TiV €V T € rYj X P% lovdaLOOV KCLl €V 'itpOV- the JEWS, and in Jerusa-
in b o t h t h e c o u n t r y of t h e Jewi and in Jerusa-
lem; whom also, having
<ra\rjfx' bv KCU aveiAov KpejuacavTe? tTrt
£v\ov. hanged on a Cross, they
Jem; whom also t h e y killed having hanged o n a cioss. killed.
Tovrov 6 Qeos yyeipe rj} rpiry rj^pa, Kai 40 l^im GOD raised up
This t h e G o d raised u p t h e third day, a nd the THIRD Day, and per-
*5coK€j> avrov e/j.(f>avi) yeveadai, 41
ov iravri rep mitted him to become
gave him manifest t o become, n o t t o all t h e manifest,
Aaw, a\\a fiaprvo'i rois TrpoKexeiporovri/jLevois 41 not to All the P E O -
people. b u t t o witnesses t o t h o s e having been chosen before PLE, but to THOSE Wit-
inro rov Oeov, ilfuv, olrtves o"vve(f>ayofAtv Kai nesses PREVIOUSLY CHO-
by the God, t o u s , who ate with a nd SEN by GOD, to us, J who
did eat and drink with him
crvveTno/ncv avrcp fiera ro avarrrrjvai avrov e/c after he ROSE from tlis
drank with h i m after t h a t t o have raised h i m o u t of
VSKpOOV Kai TrapriyyeiXtv y]{xiv, Krjpv^ai rca 42 And J he commanded
dead ones. And he commanded us, t o publish co t h e
us to proclaim to the PEO-
\a<p Kai diajjLaprvpacrOai, on avros
ecrriv 6 PLE, and to fully testify
people a n d t o fully testify, that he is t h e * That this is HE % who has
wpio'fJLevos VTTO rov 6zov Kpirrjs favroov Kai been APPOINTED by GOD
fearing been appointed by the God a j u d g e of living ones a nd the Judge of the Living
43 and the Dead.
V€KpC0V. Towr{j* 7ravres ol 7rpo(pr}rai fiaprv
dead ones. To h i m all the prophets bear testi- 43 To htm All the PRO-

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—36. He sent the WORD to the SONS of Israel. 37. You
know. 42. That this is HE.
1 84 Deut. x. 17; 2 Chron. xix. 7; Job xxxiv. 19; Eom. ii, 11; Eph. vi. 9; Col. vi. 25; 1
p e t i 17. % 30. Matt, xxviii.18; Rom. x. 12; 1 Cor. xv. 27: Eph. i. 20—22; 1 Pet. iii.
2-2 • 'ilev. xrii. 14; xix. 16. t 37. Luke iv. 14. J 38. Luke iv. 18; Acts ii. 32; iv.
27- Heb. i. 9. 1 S8. John iii. 3. t 41. Luke xxiv. 30, 43; John xxi. 13. J 42. Matt.
xxviii.19, 20; Acts i 8. t 42. John v. 22,27; Acts xvii. 31; Rom. xiv. 9; 2 Cor. v. 10.
lTim.iv.11-,1 Pfet iv. 6,
(ffiap. 10: 44.1 ACTS. [Chap. 1 1 : 5.

Qov&iVy a<pe(Tiv aii&prtwv 8ta rov ovo- PHETS bear testimony; and
»ony, forgiveness of sins name EVERY ONE BELIEVING in-
to receive through the
fiaros avrov icavra rov irta'revovra ets avrov, to hira shall receive For-
of him everyone the believing into him, giveness of Sins, through
E T I XaXovvrosrov Tier pov ra f>T\}iara ravra, his NAME.
While speaking the Peter the words these,
44 While P E T E B was yet
speaking these WORDS,
etreireo'e ro irvevfia ro ayiov eirt iravr&s rovs % the HOLY SPIETT fell on
fell the spirit the holy oa all those
aKovovras rov Xoyov. ^ Kat e^efrrrjo-av ol CK all THOSE HAVING HEARD
hearing the word. And were astonished those of the WORD.
irtpiTO/iJLTjs irio*Toi oaoi <TW7]K6ov rep tlerpcp,
circumcision believers as many a» fcame with the iPeier, EES of the Circumcision,
* who came with Peter,
bri Kat eirt ra edvn] TJ hcopea rov ayiov trvevfxa- were astonished, % Because
becausealso on the gentiles the gift of the holy »«)irit
the G I F T of the HOLY
ros *KK€XvraL* ^riKovov yap avrcvv
XaXovprcov Spirit was even poured out
has been poured out; they heard for them speaking upon the GENTILES ;
yXwo'crais, Kai fxeyaXvvovrcov rov Btov. Tor'P 46 for they keard them
with tongues, and magnifying the God. The* speaking with Tongues,
aireKpiQri 6 Herpes* ^ juyjTt ro uScop KaiXvcra*. and magnifying GOD.
answered the Peter; not the water to forbid Then answered PETER,
fivvarai nsy rov p.r} fiaTrricrQrivai rovrovs, 47 " Can any one forbid
is able any. that n o t to be dipped these, W\ATER, that these uhould
otrtves ro wvevfia ro ayiov eXafiov tcadws Kat not be IMMERSED, who re-
who the spirit the holy received as even ceived the HOLY SPIEIT,
rjfxets ; 4 3 Ttpoo'era^e re avrovs fiaTrriffdrjvai ev evLii as toe did':"
we? He directed and them t o be dipped in 48 t And he ordered
Tore Tjpcorrjo'av avrov them to be immersed in
rq> ovofiari rov Kvpiov. the name of *the L O E D .
the name of the Lord. Then they asked him
Then they desired him to
eTTi/ixeivai Tjfjtepas rivas. remain soi»e Bays.
to remain day* some.
K E * . id. 1 1 .
1 1 And the APOSTLES
HKovarav Se ol airocrroXoi Kat ol a8eX(poi ol and THOSE BRETHREN
Heard and the apostles and the brethren those
who WERE in JUDEA heard
ovres Kara rt\v IouScucw, brt Kai ra eBvt) e5e£- That the Gentiles also had
being in the Judea, that also the gentiles re- received the WORD of GOD,
avro rov Xoyov rov Oeov. Kat dre avefir} 2 And when Peter went
ceived the word of the God. And when went up up to Jerusalem, THOSE of
Xlerfos avrov the Circumcision contend-
ets 'IepotroAujua, SteKptvovro irpos
pcier into Jerusalem, him ed with him,
disputed with
ol €K irepirojj.7}s, 3 Xeyovres' 'On irpos avtipas 3 saying, J * That he
those oi «ircutncision, saying; That to men went in to Men uncircum-
aKpofivo'rtav exovras eto"r)X6es, Kat o'vvetyayrjs cised,
and did eat with
tin circumcision having thou wentest in, and thou didst eat
avrois. 4
Ap^a/xevos Se 6 Herpos
e^ertdero begun, 4 But * Peter, having
with thgm. Having begun and the Peter
set forth
set it fortli in order
5 to them, saying,
avrots Kadetys, Xeycov eyto r)fxr}V ev TroXet
to them in order, saying; I was in city
5 " JE was in the City ol
Joppa praying, % and in i
loirrrri Trpoo'evxofxevos' Kat etSov ev eKarracret Trance I saw a Vision, \
ofJoppa praying; and I saw in a trance certain Vessel like a grea<
Spa/ma, Karafiaivojr tfKevos rt ws OOOVTJV fxeya- Sheet descending, bein|
a vision, coming down & vessel certain like a sheet great let down, by the Four Enda
XrjVy rea'crapfftv apx^s KaBte}xevi)v eK rov ovpa- out of HBAVEN, and it camf>
four ends beinglowered out of the hea- to me.

• VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—45. who came with. 48. Jesua Christ. S. That h«

went in to Men uncircumcised, and did eat with them. 4. Peter.
t 44. Acts il. 2; xi. 15. J 45. Acts xi. 18; Gal. in. 14* 48. Acts ii. 88; *iiul5.
% 3, Act* x. 28, t 5. Acts x, 9, &c
Chap. I I : 6.j ACTS. [CIiap. 11, 17.

vov, Kai 7}\6€p ap%is efiow 6

cis t\v artvicas 6 And looking atten-
ven, and came asfaras me; i n t o which having looked tively into it, I observed
Karcvoovv Kai eidov ra rerpairoda TTJS yyjs Kai and saw QUADRUPEDS 0!
I observed and saw t h e four-footedbeastsof t h e earth and the EARTH and WILD
ra dypta Kai ra epirera teat ra irereiva rov ov-
t h e wild beasts and t h e reptiles and t h e birds o f t h e hea- and BIRDS of HEAVEN.
pavov. 7 HKov<ra 5e (poovr\s Xeyovcrys fxor 7 And * I also heard a
ven. I heard and a voice saying to me; Voice saying5 to me, 'Arise,
Avacrras, Uerpe, 6vGov Kai <j>aye. 8
~Enrov 5e kill and eat.
Having arisen, O Peter, sacrifice and eat. 1 said but; 8 But I said, ' B y no
MtySa/Acos, Kvpie' 6ri tcoivou rj aKadaprov ovdc- means, "Lord; For a com«
By no means, O l o r d ; because c o m m o n or unclean never raon or impure thing never
irore eitfrjAQev ets ro nrofxa /xov. ^AireKpiOr] entered into my MOUTH. 1
entered into the mouth ofnie. Answered 9 And a Voice answered
§6 fjioi (fxavq €K devrepov e«: rov ovpavov 'A 6 me a second time from
b u t t o m e a voice a second time o u t of t h e heaven; W h a t the HEAVEN, ' What GOD has
Ofos eKadapKTe, crv /JLT) KOIVOV. 10
Tovro de cleansed, do not tftott re-
God cleansed, thou n o t pollute. This and gard as common.'
€yej/6T0 €7ri rpis' Kai iraXiv avecnrao'Qf) cnrav- 10 Aud this was done
was done f o r t h r e e t i m e s ; a n d again was drawn np all three times; and again all
ra €is rov ovpavov. n
Kai iSov, e£zvT7]S rptis were drawn up into H E A -
into the heaven. And lo, immediately three VEN.
avfipts €TTeo'rr)o~av zirt rrjv oiKiav ev '77 y/Ayv, 11 And Behold, immedi-
men stood at the house i n which T was, ately Three Men stood at
aiveo'raXfxevoi airo Kaicapetas irpos fie. Ei7re the HOUSE in which 1 was,
having been sent from Cesarea to me. Said having been sent to me
5e fxoi ro irvevfxa, tfvveXdetv avrois, fxrj^ev 5:a- from Cesarea.
andtomethe spirit, t o go with them, nothingdoubt- 12 And J the SPIRIT
Kpivofievw rjXOov Se crvv e/xoi Kai 01 e£ adeX- commanded me to go with
ing; went and with m e also t h e six breth- them, without any hesita-
tyoi ovroi, Kai eio"r\XQo}xev €is rov oucov rov tion. And % these six
ren the»e, and we entered into the house ot t h e Brethren also went with
avdpos. Airriyytike re rjfJLiv, ircos fi8<= ^ovme, and we entered the
man. Hevelated and t o us, h o w h e sa" he MAN'S HOUSE.
ayyeXov ev rep OIKO> avrov arradevra Kai eirc^v 13 J And he told us how
messenger i n t h e h o u s e of himself standing and saying he saw the ANGEL in his
ra *[avT<JtrJ AiroareiXov eis IOTTTTTIV, tcai say- fiera- HOUSE, standing and
[tohim;] Se-nd send ing, ' Send into Joppa, and
into Joppa, and
irefiipai Ziijicava rov eirtKaXovfifvov tlerpov invite THAT Simon, sur-
after Simon that having been surnamed Peter; named Peter;
os XaXyaai py]fxara irpos ere, ev ois o~codr)o"r) 14 who will speak Words
who will speak words t o thee, by which mayest be saved to thee, by which thou
crv Kai iras 6 OLKOS crov. 15 Ev de rca ap£a<T6ai mayest be saved, and All
thou and all t h e house of t h e e . I n a n d t h e t o have begun thy HOUSE.
jiie XaXetv, e-Keireo'e TO irvev}xa ro ayiov en3 15 And as I BEGAN to
me t o speak, fell the spirit the holy on
speak, the HOLT SPIRIT
avrovs, cocrirep Kai ecp* rjfJias ev lull on them, Jevcn as on apxV' 16
them, a» also on us in beginning. I
us in the Beginning.
VT]0~d7}V Se rov fafxaros rov Kvpiov, <ws eXeyev
rememberedand t h e words ofthe Lord, how h e said; 16 And I remembered
the WORD of the LORD,
Iwavvrjs jxev efiairricrev v8ari,
v/xeis be fiairrio'- how he said, I ' J o h n in-
John indeed dipped in water, you b u t shall be
deed immersed in Water;
Brjo'eo'de ev irvevaari ayicp. l* Ei ovv rrjv but gott shall be immersed
dipped in spirit holy. If t h e n t h e in holy Spirit.'
:a"f]V Scapeav eSwKev avrois 6 6eos cos Kai rjfjuv, 17 Since, then, GOD im-
like gift gave t o t h e m t h e God as even t o us, parted the SAME Gift to
mo'Tevcrao'iv eiri rov Kvpiov Irjarovv Xpiarov, them, who believed on the
having believed on t h e Lord Jesus Anointed, the LORD Jesus Christ, as

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—7. I also heard. 13. to him—omit.

t 12. John xvi. 13; Acts x. 10; xv. ?, 1 12. Acts x. 23. J 13. AetSx. 3tt
% 15. Acts 11. 2 ; x. 44, 4". I 16. Matt. iii. 11; John i, 26, 33; Acts i. 5; xix. 4.
Chap. II i 18.] ACTS. I0hap.ll: 2ft4-

eyo) 5e ris rj/xr^v, dvvaros deov; even to us, who was I , that
KcoAvcrat rov
I and who was, having power God? I should be able to restrain.
to restrain the
AKov&avres 5e ravra, rjcrvxct'O'avy Kai e5o£a- G O D ? " 1
Having heard and these, they were silent, and glori- 18 And having heard .
£ov rov Oeov, Xeyovres* Apaye Kai rois eBvecriv silent, things, these
they were
glorified GOD,
fied. the God, saying; Then also to the gentiles
19 L saying, % " Then to the
6 deos rt\v fieravoiav edooKev eis C^W- ® G E N T I L E S also has GOD
the God the reformation gave into life. Those
/xev ovv Siacnrapevres arro ryjs 6Xi\pecos ri\s Life."'
indeed thereforehavingbeen scattered from the affliction that
19 % Then THOSE indeed
yevojuevTjs etri ^,re<pav(p9 Bir}X6ov eeos $oiviK7)S HAVING BEEN DISIlHtSED
having happened about Stephen, went through to Phenicia on account of THAT A F -
mat Kvrrpov Kat A^Tio%6ms, pirjdevi XaXovvres which AHOHE
and Cyprus and Antioch, not about Stephen, traveled to
rov \oyov et /07 fiovov lovdaiois. 20
Hcrav Be Phenicia, and Cyprus, axid
the word if not alone to Jews.. Were and Antioch, speaking the WOED
to no one, except to Jews
rives e£ avrwp avdpes Kvirpioi Kai Kvpqvaioi, only.
some of them men Cyprians and Cyrenians,
20 But some of them
otrives, eXOovres eis Avriox^o-v eXaXovv irpos were Cyprians and Cyre-
who, having come into Antioch ipoke to nians, who, having come
rovs 'EAA^as, evayyeXi^o/xevoi rov Kvpiov to Antioch, spoke * also to
the Greeks, announcing glad tidings of the Lord the GKEEKS, announcing
Irjo~ovv. 21
Kaf rjv X P €l v l0V
Aier' auTcyj', LOED Jesus. the glad tidings of the
Jesus. And was
with hand
them, of Lord
21 J And the Hand of
TTOAVS re apiO/xos mo-rev eras eireffrpe^/ev eiri the LOED was with them,
great and number having believed turned to
* and a Great Number hav-
rov Kvpiov. ^ HKOVO~07) 5e 6 Xoyos eis ra Kara ing believed, turned to the
the Lord. Was reported and the word into the ears LOED.
rrjs eKKXrjo'ias rrjs ev 'lepoo'oAv/u.ois irepi avrcow 22 And the EEPOET con-
of the congregation that in Jerusalem concerning them; cerning them came to the
Kai e^a-rreffrecXav Bapvafiav SieXdeiv ecos Avrio-
and they sent out Barnabas to go through to Anti- GATION which WAS in
23 Jerusalem; and they sent
Xeias , '0s irapayevofxevos Kai tBcov
rrjv forth Barnabas to An-
och. Who having come and having seen the
tioch ;
%apiv rov deov, ex^pVy Kal irapeKaXet Travras, 23 who having come
favor of the God, rejoiced, and called on all, and seen * THAT FAVOR of
T7? irpoOecrei TTJS Kapfiias irpoo'/xevetv rep Kvpiq>' GOD, rejoiced, and called
with the purpose of the heart to adhert to the Lord; on all to * continue in the
6rt rjv avrjp ayaOos, Kai rrXrjprjs rrvevfxaros LOED with PUEPOSE of
for he was a man good, and full of spirit HEART;

ayiov Kai mo'recos. Kai irpoaereOrj o%Aos iKa- 24 for he was a good
holy and faith. And was added Man, and full of holy Spirit
a crowd great
25 and Faith. And a consider-
vos ra> Kvpicp E^rjX0e 5e eis Tapo-ov *[<5 able Number were added
to the Lord. "" • • Tarsus
~ [the
to the L O E D .
Bapva$as,~\ avaQtjrrjGai ^avXov
25 And * he went toKai evpcov
Barnabas,] to seek Saul; and having found
% Tarsus to seek Saul j and
*"[auTOJ>,] rjyayev *[avrov~\ eis Avrioxetav. having found hint he
[him,] he brought [him] to Antioch. brought him to Antiodi.
TZyevero Be avrovs eviavrov oXov crvvax^rjvai 26 And it occurred that
I t happened and them a year whole to assemble during a whole Year they
ev rrj eKKXrjo'iai Kai diSa^ai O%AOJ> iKavov, associated with the CON.
in the congregation, and to teach a crowd great, GEEGATION, and taught a

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—20. also to the 21. and THAT Great Number.

22. THAT CONGREGATION Which WAS. ' 23. THAT FAVOR. 23. continue i a the Loan*
25. Barnabas—omit. 25. him—omit. 25. him—omit.
t 18. Rom. s . 12; xv. 9,16. J 19. Acts viii. 1. t 21. Acts ix. 35* t
Acta ix. 80.
Chap. 1 1 : 27.] ACTS. [C%ap. 12: 6

XPfiCLTicrat T€ irpcarov tv Avriox^^ rovs /xaOr}- great Crowd. And the D I S -

to have been styled and first in Antioch the disci- CIPLES were styled t Chris-
ras Xpurriavovs. tians first in Antioch.
pies Christians. 27 And in Those DAYS
2 t Prophets came down
? Ev ravrais 8e rats rjfiepats KaryAdov airo from Jerusalem to Anti-
Tn these and t h e days c a m e down from
och ;
ItpocroAvfxuv irpo(f>r}Tai eis Avriox*ia-v> 2 8 Avacr- 28 And one of them,
Jerusalem prophets into Antioch. Having
named J Agabus, standing
ras 5e eis «£ avroov, ovofxart Ayafios, ecrrifxave up signified hy the SPIRIT
arisen and one of them, by n a m e Agabus, signified
tli at a great Famine was
dia rov ivvevfxaros, Ai/xov fxeyav fxeAAetv ecrea'- about to come on the
throughthe spirit, a famine great about is going
Whole HABITABLE ; which
dat €<fi oArjv rrjv otKovjxevqv 6<rris Kai eyevero also happened under Clau-
to be over whole t h e habitable? which also occurred
€7T( KAavdiov. "9Tcav 5e fiaQ-qrwv KCLQCOS rjviro- 29 And the DISCIPLES,
under Claudius. T h e a n d disciples as was
according to the ability of
peiro TIS, topicrav eKaaros avrcar eis Siaitoviav each, determined to send
able each, determined each o n e of t h e m for a relief
J Relief to the BRETHREN
ire/jixpai rots Kccroifcovcrtv evrt) lovdaia aSeAcpots' DWELLING in J U D E A ;
to send t o t h e dwelling in the Judea brethren;
80 30 % which also they did,
6 K<zi eiroLrjfrav, airoffreiAavres npos rovs sending to the ELDERS by
which also they did, sending to the
the Hand of Barnabas and
Trpcfffivrepovs Sta x*lP0S Bapva/3a Kai ^$avAov. Saul.
elders through hand of Barnabas a n d Saul.
KE4>. tj3'. 1 2 .
1 Now at That T I M E
Kai tKeivov 5e rov Kaipov eirefiaAev'Hpwdris Herod the KING put forth
In that and t h e
season p u t forth Herod his HANDS to injure SOME
6 $ao~iAevs ras x€lPa*y KCLKOQCTCU rivas rcov airo of the CHURCH.
the king the hands, t o afflict s o m e of t h e from 2 And he killed J James
T7)s i{CKAy\o,iaSy 2 aveiAe 5e laKwfiov, rov a5eA- the BROTHER of John with
o f t h e congregation, h e killed a n d James, the b r o - the Sword.
<pov looavvov, fxaxcupa- Kcu i5wj/, brt
3 And seeing that it apecrov
ther of J o h n , with a sword. pleased the J E W S , he pro-
And havingseen, t h a t pleasing
60"n rois lovdaiots, irpoareQero o~vAAa@€tv Kai ceeded to arrest Peter also;
it is t o t h e Jews, h e proceeded to take also (and it was during the
TJerpov (yjcrav 5e at rjjxepat r<av a^vficov) bv D A Y S Of U N L E A V E N E D
Peter; (they were and t h « days oft he unleavened cakes;) whom BREAD])
Kai irtaoras edero ets cfyvAaKrjv, irapadovs reo~-
4 and having seized he
alsohavinyseized he placed i n t o a prison, having delivered to
put him in Prison, deliver-
ffaptri rerpaSiois errpar LOOT <av <pvAAao~eiv avrov,ing him to Four Quarter-
four sets of four soldiers t o watch him, nions of Soldiers to guard
fiovAojxevos jAtra TO irao~xa ctvayayeiv avrov him, intending after the
intending after t h e passover t o lead o u t him PASSOVER to lead him out
rep Aacp. 5 ' O jxev ovv Ylerpos ery}p€iro ev rr) to the PEOPLE.
tothepeople. T h e indeed therefore Peter was watched by t h e
5 Therefore, indeed, P E -
(pvAaKrf irpo&tvxT) 8e t\v eKrevt)s yivo/xevrj VTTO TER was watched by the
guard; prayer b u t was earnest was made by GUARD ; % but earnest
TT}S eicKATjrrias *[irpos avrov. Prayer was made * in his
rov Qeov~\ virep
the congregation [to the G o d ] in behalf of h i m . behalf hy the CHURCH.
6 6 But when H E R O D was
' O r e 8e ejueAAej/ avrov ivpoayeiv 6 Hp(o8r)s>
When b u t was a b o u t him to bring before th« Herod, about to bring him forward,

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—5. to GOD—omit. 5. concerning him.

126. This name is only found in two other places in the New Testament, viz. Acts xxvi.
28, audlPeV iv.16. Some understands to havebeen^iven by Divine authority and so translate
it; some think that it was a term of reproach applied to the followers of Christ, by their
enemies; while others with much more probability suppose it was adopted by themselves,
\oth -»»-r convenience, and to keep out a term of reproach. t 1. Herod Agrippa, grand-
son of Herod the Great,
X 27. Actsii. 17; xiii. 1; xv. 32; xxi. 9; 1 Cor. xii.28; Eph. iv. 11. t 28. Acts xxi. 1«.
X 29. Rom. xv. 20 ; 1 Cor. xvi. 1; 2 Cor. ix. 1. J 30. Acts xii. 25. X 2. Matt. iv. 21;
xx. 23. t 5. 2 Cor. i. 10 ; Eph. vi. 18; 1 Thess. v. 17*
C * ^ IS i 70 ACTS. iChap.1%-. 13.

TJ) VVKTl €K€IVT) f]V 6 XltTpOS on that NIGHT P E T E R was

KQlfJUtilieVOS jU.€Ta£u
m the night that was the Peter sleeping f between Two
sleeping between
5uo crrpancarcav, Sedefxevos a\v<rs<ri Sucn, Soldiers, bound with two
two soldiers, having been bound with chains two, Chains j and the Guards
(pvKanes re trpo rrjs dvpas errjpovv rt\v <pv\a- before the DOOR were
guards and before the door watching the prison. watching the PRISON.
K7}V. ? Kai t8ot>, ayytXos Kvpiov eireo'rr], Kai 7 And behold, % an Angel
And lo, a messenger of Lord stood by, of the Lord stood by him,
(peas zXa/uxpev ev rep oiKt]fiari' irara^as Se ryv and a Light shone in the
alight shone in the building; havingstruck and the Building ; and striking
irXevpav rov TIerpov, rjyeipev avrov, Xeycav PETER on the SIDE, he
side of the Peter, aroused him, saying, awoke him, saying, " Arise
Avacrra ey r a % e i . K a i e^e-ireo-ov avrov at aXv- quickly." AndHiscHAiNS
Arise in haste. And fell off of him the chains fell from his HANDS.
(feis €K rwv x€lPQ>y' Enre r e 6 ayycXos irpos 8 And the ANGEL said
from the hands. Said and the messenger to to him, " Gird thyself, and
avrov Uepifafrai, Kai inrodrjerat ra cravSaXia tie on thy SANDALS." And
him; Gird thyself, and bind under the sandals he did so. And he says to
<rov. 'Eiroiyo'e 8e ovrco. Kai Xeyei avrcp him, " Throw thy MANTLE
of thee. He did and so, And he says to him; around thee, and follow
UepifiaXov ro tp.ariov (rov, Kai aKoXovdei fXOl. me."
Throw around the mantle of thee, and follow me. 9 And going out he fol-
Kai t^eXdcav TJKOXOVOCI *[_avrc?'~\ Kai OVK ytiei, lowed him; and knew not
Andhavinggoneouthefollowed [him;] and not knew, That WHAT was DONE by
ort aXrjOes ecrri ro yivofievov 5ja rov uyytXov, the ANGEL was real, but
that real it is that being done through the messenger, thought %\\e saw a Vision.
e$OK€i 8e bpafxa. fiXtireiv. AieXdovres 8e 10 And having passed
thought but a vision to see. Passing through and through the First and sec-
TTpcortju (pvXaKTjv Kai Sevrepav, yXdov €TTI rt]v ond Guard, they came to
first guard and second, they came to the THAT IRON GATE t h a t
TTVXTJV rrjy cridrjpav rr]v cpepovcrav eis rrjv iroAtv, LEADS into the CITY,
gate the iron that leading into the city, % which opened to them of
Tjris avrofiarTj rjvotxOr] avrois' tl^eXdovres itself; and going out they
which fell-moved opened to them; went forward one Street;
and having gone out
irpoTjXdov j)vfir}V fxiav, Kai evdeccs aire(rTij 6 and immediately the A N -
went forward street one, and immediately stood the GEL withdrew from him.
ayyeXos air* avrov. Kai 6 Xltrpos yevofievos 11 And PETER becom-
messenger from bim. And the Peter having come ing self-possessed, said,
GP eauTw, €t7re* ~Nvv otda aXqdctis, 6rt t^a-irea'- " Now I know truly, % That
ln to himself, said; Now I know really, that sent forth the Lord sent his ANGEL
reiXe Kvpios rov ayyeXov avrov, Kai ei-eiXaro and + delivered me from,
Lord the messenger of himself, and delivered the Hand of Herod, and
(Me eK xeiP°s 'Hpo>5ov, Kai iraCTjs rys Trpoo'- All the EXPECTATION of
m« out of hand of Herod, and all the expec- the J E W I S H PEOPLE."
SoKias rov Xaov roov lovfiaiwv. ^vyi^cov re
12 And reflecting, J he
tation of the people of the Jews. came to the HOUSE of
Considering and
rjXdcv eiri rrjv oiKiav Mapias ryjs /xrjrpos Icoax'- Mary, the MOTHER ^f
he came to the house of Mary the mother ofJohn^ % THAT John, surnamed
vov, rov €iriKa\ov/j,€yov MapKov, ov T\trav iKOr MARK ; where many were
that being surnamed Mark, where were many assembled, and were pray-
vol (TW7]dpoio'/Li€voi Kai Ttpoff^vxo^voi. 13
Kpu- ing. ^
assembled and were praying. Having 13 And as he was knock-
ffavros oe avrov rrjv dvpav rov irvXcovas, irpocr- ing at the DOOR of the
knocked and him the door of the gateway, came

* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 9 . him—omit.
t 6. Peter was bound to each of the soldiers, so that the least movement on his part to
free himself from the chains, would awaken his guard. Two keepers were also stationed at
the doors to prevent any ingress of his friends, or any egress on his part.
•t 7. Acts v. 19. J 9. Acts x. 3, J7; xi. 5. { 10. Acts xvi. 26. t 11. Psa.
xxxiv. 7; Dan. iii. 28; vi. 22; Heb. i. 14. "J 11. Job v. 19; Psa. xxxiii. 18,19; xxxiv. 22 4
xli. 2 ; xcvii. 10; 2 Cor. i. 10,- 2 Pet. i t 9. % 12. Acts iv. 23» % 1%. Acts XY. 37»'
(Map. 12: U.T ACTS. CCfcap.l2: r 21.

rjAfle iraiB'-crKT} viraKovcrai, ovofiari /rat GATE, a female servant


a, female servant to listen, named Rhoda, came to lis-

by name Rhoda; and
emyvova'a rr)V (poovrjv rov Herpov, airo rrjs 14 And having recog-
knowing the voice of the Peter, from the
nised PETER'S VOICE, she
%apas OVK r)voi%€ rov irvXcova' eirrdpa/j.ovo'a Se opened not the GATE from
joy not she opened tke gate; having run in and JOY, but running in, told
airrjyyciXev, kcrravai rov Uerpov irpo rov TTVXM- them that Peter was stand-
told, to have stood the Peter before the gate. ing at the GATE.
vos. Oi 5e irpos avrrjv eiirov Maivy. 'H 5e
15 And THEY said to
The but to her said; Thou art mad. She but her, " Thou art mad." But
^ii(rxvPiC€ro ovrws ex^tv. 16
O* 5e eXeyov e
O SHE strongly asserted that
confidently affirmed thu8 to be. Theyand said; The it was so. And THEY said,
ayyeXos avrov eo~Tiv. 'O 5e. Uerpos ene/xeve " I t is his ANGEL."
messenger of him it is. The but Peter continued 16 But PETER continued
Kpovcov avoi^avres Kai e^co'rr}- knocking;
8e eidov avrov, opened they
and having
saw him, and
knocking; having opened and they saw him, and vrere amazed.
were astonished.
<rav. ^ Karaffeicas 8e avrois ry %e:pw tfiyqv, 17 + And waving his
Having waved but to them the hand to be silent, hand for them to he silent,
birjyrjo'aro avrois, TTCCS 6 Kvpios avrov ei-jjyayev he related to them how
he related to them, how the Lord him led the LORD conducted Him
6Kr rrjs <pv\aKrjs. Ex7T6 5V AirayysiXars lafca- out of the PRISON. And
out ol the prison. Said and; Report you to James lie said, "Tell these things
to James and to the BRE-
ficp ttai rots aheX<pois ravra. Kai e^iXdoov
T H R E N . " And going out,
and to the brethren these things. And going out
he went into Another
tTropevOrj €is krepov roTrov. Place.
he went into another place. 18 Now when it was
Tzvofievrfs 8e rjfxepas, rjv rapaxos OVK SXI- Day, there was no small
Having become and day, was astir not small Commotion among the
70s ev rots arparicvrais, T I apa 6 Uerpos eye- SOLDIERS, as to what had
among the soldiers, what then the Peter was become of PETER.
vero. 19
"Hpojbrjs 5e €7ri(y)rr]0~as avrov, 19 And Herod having
Kai jurj sought
become. Herod and having sought him, and not
for him, and not
finding him, examined the
€opo>)v, avanpivas rovs (pvXaKas, €K€Xevo*€V GUARDS, and commanded
having found,having examined the guards, commanded them to be led away to
vai Kal
aTrax^V ' KareXOcov airo rrjs lovdaias as execution. And going
to be led off; and going down from the Judea iato down from J U D E A to C E -
rrjv Kaiaapeiav fiierpifiev. 20
Hv 8e Qv\xo}xax^v SAREA , he abode there.
the Cesarea he remained. He was and beinfj-enraged 20 And he was highly
displeased with the Tyrians
Tvpiois Kat~2,ib*ooviois' 6/Aodv/j.ab'ov be Trapr}<rav and Sidonians; but they
with Tyrians and Sidonians; with one mind but was present
came with one accord to
irpos o.vrov, Kai irei&avres BXao'rov, rov €wi him, and having persuaded
with him, and having persuaded Blastus, that over THAT Blastus who was
rov Koircovos rov fiaviXeeos, yrovvro eipyjvrjv over the KING'S CHAMBER,
the bed-chamber of the king, desired peace; they desired Peace; be-
r7 s cause J their COUNTRY was
hta ro rpe(p€o~Qai avrcav rr\v x(J°Pav a7ro
because that to be nourished of them the country from of the NOURISHED from that of
2X the KING'S.
$ao~iXiK7}S. TaKrr} 5e Vixepa 6 'Hpccdys
21 And on f an ap- evhv-
king. On a set and day the Herod having
pointed Day, :i: Herod, hav-
aa/xevos effOrfra fia&iXiKrjv, Kai Kaduras CTTI rov ing put on Ins regal Robes,
put on apparel royal, and having satdowu 01 the and sitting upon the
firj/JLaros, eZ-qfxrjyopei irpos avrovs. ' O de THRONE, made an oration
throne, made a speech to thein. The but to them.

* VATICAH MAN-ffscsiiPT.—21. Herod.

t 21. This appointed day appears to have boen the second day of the Games then cele-
brating' in honor of Cesar. This history is remailkably confirmed by Josephua. fcieo Ant.
%\x. 7, 2,
% 17. Acts xifl 16, xix'. 18. xxi 40. ) 20. 1 Kings v. Q, 11.
Vhap. 12: 22.'] ACTS. [C'hap. 13: 6.

Srjfios eirecpwvei' &eov cpatvr], KCU OVK avBpcoirov. 22 And the PEOPLE
• people shouted; Of a god a voice, and n o t shouted, " It is the Voice
of a man,
Uapaxpy/Aa, 5e eirara^ev avrov ayyeXos of a God, and not of a
Immediately and struck him a messenger Man."
Kvpiov, avQ* &v OVK ebooice So|av rep deep' Kai 23 And instantly an An-
of Lord, because n o t he gave glory t o t h e G o d ; and gel of the Loi'd smote him,
yevofievos arKaXrjKofipotTos, e£ev//v|e/>. 2 4 'O Se because he gave not Glory-
being 1 eaten of worms, he breathed o u t . The and to GOD ; and being eaten
\oyos rov Qeov 7)v£ave Kai eirXrjOvveTO. 2a Bap- with worms, he expired.
word of t h e G o d grew a n d was multiplied. Bar- 24 But the WORD of
vafias 5e Kai %avXos vireo~Tpeipav c£ 'lepovo'a- * God grew and multiplied.
aabas and and Saul returned from Jerusa- 25 And Barnabas and
XTJ/X, irXrjpcoo'auTes rrju diaKopiav, crvfAirapaXa- Saul returned from Jerusa*
lem, having fulfilled the service, having brought lem, having fulfilled the
fiovres Kai \(aavvr(\v TOV ettiKXr\9evra MapKov. SERVICE, % taking with
along also John t h a t having been surnamed Mark. them also THAT John who
KE*. iy\ 13. f ' )
Ucrau 8e * [ T I Z > € S ] ev Avriox^ia Kara rr\v 1 And there were Pro-
Were a n d [some] in Antioch ia the
phets and Teachers in the
ovrrau cKKArjo'iap irpo(f>7)rai Kai Sifiao'KaXoi, 6, CONGREGATION at An-
being congregation prGpheta and teachers, the,
tioch ;—BARNABAS, and
re Bapvafias Kai ^v/j.ecou 6 KaXovfievos Nryep, THAT Simeon CALLED
b o t h Barnabas and Simeon that b e i n g called Black,
Niger, and Lucius, the
Kai AOVKIOS 6 Kvprjvaios, Mavarju re, 'HpcoSov CYRENIAN, and Manaen,
and Lucius t h e Cyrenian, Manaea also, of H e r o d a foster-brother of Herod
rov TGrpapxov crvvTpotyos, Kai ^avXos. A e t - the TETRARCH, and Saul.
tue tetrarch a foster b r o t h e r , a n d Saul. Serv- 2 And while they were
rovpyovvnav Be avrcoy rep Kvpicp Kai vr\o~revov- serving the LORD and
LUr a n d of t h e m t h e Lord and fasting, fasting, the HOLY SPIRIT
rcopy et7re TO Trvevfxa ro kyiow A<popicrare 8r) said, " Separate to me
said the spirit t h e holy; Separate you indeed BARNABAS and SAUL for
lioi rov Bapvafiav Kai *[TOI/J ^avXoy eis TO the WORK to which I called
for me t h e Barnabas and [the] Saul f o r t h e them."
epyop, 6 Tvpoo,K€K\K]}iai avrovs, 3 T o r e t/rjerrev- 3 Then £ having fasted
work, which I have called them. Then having and prayed, and laid their
o~avre$ Kai irpoo'ev^aixevoiy Kai ciridevres Tas HANDS on them, they sent
fasted and having p r a y e d , a n d having laid t h e them forth.
Xttpas avrois, aTreXvaav. Ovrot fiev ovv 4 SEfjcg, therefore, hav-
hand» t o tnein, they sent forth. These indeed t h e n ing been sent out by the
eKirefMpdevres viro rov Ttpev/jiaros rov ayiov, * HOLY SPIRIT, went down
having been sent forth b y the ipirit the holy, to * Seleucia ; and from
KarrjXOov eis rrjv ~2,eXevKeiav, eKeiOei/ re aire- thence they tailed to * Cy«
went down i n t o t h e Seleucia, thence a n d saile,j prus.
irXevcrau eis rrjv Kvirpov. Kcu yevofxei/oi ev 5 And having arrived at
int» the Cyprus. A n d having arrived i n Salamis, they announced
^aXafiiuif KartiyyeXoy rov Xoyou TOV Oeou ev the WORD of GOD in the
Salaniis, they a n n o u n c e d the word of t h e Cod in SYNAGOGUES of the J E W S ;
and they also had John
Tais cvvaycoyais rcov \ovBaioov ei%ov Be Kaifor an Attendant.
the synagogues of t h e Jewsj they h a d a n d also
6 And having gone
\ouxvvr\v vTv7)peT7)v, 6 AieXdovres Be oXrjv rrjv through the Whole I S -
Joha an a t t e n d a n t . Having gone t h r o u g h and whole t h e
LAND to Paphos, they
vrjaov a%pi Ua<pov, evpov Tiva fiayov, iJ/euSo- found % * a Certain Ma-
island to P a p h o s , t h e y found a certain magian, a f aUe gian, a False-prophet, a
wpocf>r)Tr)V lovBaiovt l
cp ovofxa Baptv}o~ovs>7 6s Jew, whose Name was
prophet a Jew, t o whom a n a m e Barjesus, w h o Bar-Jesus,

* VATICAN MANUSCUIPT.—24. the LOBD grew, 1. some—omit. 2. the—omit.

4. HOLY Spirit. . 4. Seleucia. 4. Cyprus. 6. a Certain Man, a Magian, a
J 25. Acta xiii. 5,13; xv. 37. % 3. Acts vi. 6. J 6. Acts viii. 0.
dtiap.Ui 7-"] ACTS. [Cfiap.'lt: 15.

f\v O~VP rep avdvivarcp ^epyicp TlavX(py avdpi 7 who was with the
was with
the proconsel Sergius Paulus, a man PROCONSUL, Sergius Paul-
(Tvverco. OVTOS 7rpoo~KaX€ora/u.epos Bapvafiav Kaius, an intelligent Man.
intelligent. This having summoned Barnabas and This man having called
HavXov, eTre£r}T7]<r€V afcovcrai TOV Xoyov TOVfor Barnabas and Saul de-
sired to hear the WORD of
Saul, desired to hear the word of the
8 GOD.
deov, AfdiorraTo 8e avrois JLXvpias 6 fxayos, 8 But Elymas, the M A -
i God. Stood against but them Elymas the magian,
GIAN, (for so his NAME is
(OUTU yap fxcdepfxr]several TO ovofxa avTovy) translated,) opposed them,
(thus for is translated the name of him,)
seeking to turn away the
£t]Ttov dicurrpexpai TOV apdvirarov airo rrjs mc- PEOCONSUL from the
seeking to turn away the proconsul from the faith. EA1TH.
reus. ^ZavXos 5e (6 icai TlavXos) irX7)0~d6is
9 Then THAT Saul, also
Saul but (he also Paul) being filled
called Paul, being filled
iryevfxaros aytov, "^[/cai] aTtvicras ets avrov, with holy Spirit, looking
of spirit holy, [and] havinglooked?arne«tly on him, intently on him, said,
€nr€V H irXy]pr]s TTCCVTOS dovXov Kai irao"rjs 10 " 0 full of All Deceit,
said; O full of all deceit and of all and of All Imposture! Son
{tadiovpytas, vis SiafioXov, *X®P€ ir<zo~Vs ftiKaiocrv- of an Accuser ! Enemy
ready working, O son of an accuser, enemy of all righteous- of all Righteousness ! wilt
VTJS, ov Trav<rr) §iao~Tps<p(fiv r a s oSous Kvpiovrasthou not cease to pervert
ness, not wiltthou cease perverting the ways of Lord the the STRAIGHT WAYS of the
cvOeias ; Kai vvv idov, XelP ^VPL0V
«""* 0*€j Lord ?
straight? And now lo, a hand of Lord on thee, 11 And now, behold, the
Kai eery Tv<pXos, firj $Xtiro)i> TOP 7]XIOP a>XPL Hand of the Lord is upon
and thoushaltbe blind, not seeing the sun till thee; and thou shalt be
Katpov. Uapaxpy/Aa 8e eTreTrearsv err' uvrov blind, not seeing the SUN
a season. Immediately and fell ou him for a Season." And im-
axXvs Kai CTKOTOS' Kai rrepiayoop efarcL x*LPa~ mediately a Mist and dark-
a mist and darkness; and going about he sought guides. ness fell *on him, and
^coyovs. ~Tore ideou 6 audvTraros TO yeyopos, going about he sought
Then seeing the proconsul that having beendone,
: 12 Then the PROCON-
€TTl0~TeV0'€P, €KTrX7}0 '0~0fA€P0S 67TI TT} S i S a ^ ? / T0V SUL seeing THAT HAVING
believed, being astonished at the teaching of the
BEEN DONE, believed, be-
Lord. ing astonished at the
13 TEACHING of the LORD.
Avax^€UT€5 Be airo TYJS Hacpov oi irepi TOP
Having set sail and from the 13 And sailing from PA-
Paphos those about
THOSE with * Paul
TLavXop, rjXdov TTJS TLaiu.<pvXtas. PHOS,
eis Hepyrjv came to Perga in Pam-
Paul, came into Perga ofthe Pamphylia.
phylia; % but John having
la>appT]s 8e, arrox^p^o'OLS a r ' avTCov, uirearTpe- withdrawn from them, re*
John but, having gone away from them, returned turned to Jerusalem.
\\/€P ets 'lepocroXvfia. AVTOI 5e SieXdovres
into Jerusalem. They and having passedthrough 14 And t f ; m , having
airo TTJS TIepyr}s irapeyevovTo cis APTIOX*W>
passed through from P E R -
from the Perga went to Antioch
GA, came to Antioch in
P I S I D I A , and J went into
TTJS Tlio~idias, Kai eicreXQoPTss eis TTJP o~vpayco- the SYNAGOGUE on the
ofthe Pisidia, and having entered into the synagogue DAY of the SABBATHS, and
yr\p TT\ 7]/jiepa TOOP a"a/3/3aTwv, €Kadi<rap. M e T a sat down.
in the day ofthe sabbaths, After they sat down.
15 And % after the
5e TT)V avayvcoo'iv TOV po/xov Kai TUP irpotyriTow, READING ofthe LAW and
and the reading ofthe law and the prophets,
airto-TeiXap oi apxi&vvaywyoi irpos avTovs, GOGUE-RULERS sent to
sent the synagogue-rulers to them,
them, saying, ''Brethren,
Xeyopres' Avdpes afieXcpoi, ei eari Xoyos €p if *any one among you
saying; Men brethren, if it a word in have a Word of Exhorta-
vp.iv irapaKXrjo'eas irpos TOV Xaov, Xsyere- tion for the PEOPLE, speak."
you of consolation to the people, say you.
•VATICAN MANUSCIUPT.—9. and—omit. 11. on htm—omit, 13. Paul.
lp. any one among: yon have a Word of.
J 13. A.ct3 xv. 88. t 14- Acts x vi. 13; xvii. 2 ; xviii. 4, t 15. Luke iv. 16;
er. 37.
tthap. 1 3 : 16."J ACTS. [Ohap.lZ: S4.
Avacrras 5e riauAos, /ecu Karacreitras TT; x€lPl> 16 Then Paul standing
Having stood up an4 Paul, and having waved the hand, up, and waving his HAND,
enrev AvSpes lo'parjXiTai, iccu ol (pofiov/jizpoi said, " Israelites ! and YOU
said; Men Israelites, and those fearing who fear GOD, listen!
Tov 0eoy, aKovcrare, ^'OOeosrov Aaov TOV- 17 The GOD of * the
the God, hear you. The God of the people this PEOPLE Of ISKAEL JcllOSe
rov e|eAe£aTO rovs irarepas 7]pLcav Kai rov our EATHERS, and elevated
chose the fathers ofyou; and the the PEOPLE % during their
kaov v^cocev ev T7) irapouciq, ev yrj Aiyvirra}, EXILE in the Land of
people exalted in the sojourning in land of Egypt, Egypt, % and brought them
/ecu /nera f$paxiovos v^V^ov ^rjyayev avrovs e£ out of it with an uplifted
and with an arm lifted up he brought them out of Arm.
avrrjs* 18 tcai cos Te<raapaK0VTa€T7} XP0V0V €r 18 And X for a period of
P°" Forty Years he nourished
her ; and about forty yearB time he them in the DESERT j
<j>o(popr)(rev avrovs €V TT) epr)fi(p' 1 9 * [ x : a i ] Kade- 19 and J having cast out
nourished them in the desert; [and] having seven Nations in the Land
Xoov SQVT} eirra €j> yr) Xavaapy s£04TeK\r\povo- of Canaan, %\ie * distri-
east out nations seven in land of Canaan, he distributed buted their LAND to them
(M7]o'ev avrois Tt\v yr\v avrcov. 20 Kai /J.STO. by Lot.
by lot to them the land of them. And after 20 And after these
things, % he gave Judges
ravra cos erecri TerpaKocriois Kai TrcvT^KovTa about f four hundred and
these things about years four hundred and fifty fifty Years, J till Samuel
€$a)K€ Kpiras, coos ^afiovrjA rov irpotyrjTOv. the PROPHET.
ko gave judges, till Samuel the prophet. 21 J And then they asked
KaxeiOev r)Tt\GavTO fiacriXea, Kai eBccKtv for a King; and GOD gave
And then they asked for a king, and gave them SAUL, the Son of
Kish, a Man of the Tribe
avrois 6 Oeos TOV ^ZaovX vlov Kis, avSpa e/c of Benjamin, for forty
to them the God the Saul son ofKis, a man of
t>v\rjs Beviafiiv, €T7) recrcrapaKoura, Kai 22 And X having removed
tribe of Benjamin, years forty. And him, j h e raised up to them
Aeracfrrjcas avTov, yyeipev avroLS TOV Aavifi DAVID for a King; to
having removed him, he raised up to them the David whom also giving testi-
e mony, he said, $' I have
^is /3arJiA.ea, y Kai elite fiapTvp^cras* TZvpov 'found David, the son of
for a king, to whom also be said having: testified; I found ' J E S S E , % a Man according
Aavid) rov rov lecro'ai, ^[ct^SpaJ Kara TT\V 'to my HEART, who will
David, that of the Jesse, [a man] acsording to the ' perform All my WILL.'
naphiav fJiov, os Troi^o-ei iravTa ra tfeA-n/xara 23 % From This man's
heart of me, who will do all the wilL POSTERITY, J according to
fxov. T o u r o u 6 6eos atro TOV (nrepfiaTos tear* Promise, God brought forth
of me. This the God from the seed according to to ISRAEL J a Savior, J e -
errayyeAiav rjyaye rq> lcrpar]\ (Totrripa, liqaovv, sus;
promise brought forth to the Israel a Savior Jesug, 24 J John having previ-
TrpoK7)pv£avros Icoavvov irpo irpoa'coirov rrjs ously proclaimed, before
having-announced before of John before face of the his APPEARANCE, an Im-

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—17- the PEOPLE of ISBAEL. 19. And—omit. 19. gave

their LAND for an inheritance, about four hundred and fifty Years. And after that he gave
fhem Judges till Samuel the Prophet. 22. a man—omit.
f 20. A difficulty occurs here which has very much puzzled Biblical chronologists. The
date given here is at variance with the statement found in 1 Kings vi. 1. There have been
Inany solutions offered, but only one which seems entirely satisfactory, i. e., that the text
in 1 Kings vi. 1, has been corrupted, by; substituting 1 the Hebrew character daleth (4) for hay
(5 ) which is very similar in form. This would make 580 years (instead of 480) from the ex-
ode to the building of the temple, and exactly agree with Paul's chronology.
J 17. Deut. vii. 6, 7. 117. Psa. cv. 23, 24; Acts vii. 17. J 17. Exod. xiii. 14,16
t 18. Num. xiv. 33, 34; Psa. xcv. 9,10; Acts vii. 36. J 19- ^eufc. vii. 1. T. 19. Josh.
xiv.l, 2; Psa. lxxviii. 55. I 20. Judges ii. 16. • 20. 1 Sam.iii.20. % 21. 1
Sam. viii. 5 ; x. 1. t 22. 1 Sam. xv. 23, 26, 28; xvi. 1; Hosea xiii. 11. t 22. 1 Sam.
xvi 13- 2Sam.ii. 4; V. 3. J 22. Psa. lxxxix. 20. J -22.1 Sam. xiii. 14; Acts vii. 46.
t 23. Isa. xi. 1; Luke i. 32, 69; Acts i i. 30; Rom. i. 3. J 23. 2 Sam. vii. 12 j , Psa. cxxxU
' ti. ' % 23. Matt.i. 21. $ 24. Matt. iU 1; Luke iii. 3.
a up. 13 : 25.1 ACTS. [Chap. IS: 3S.
mersion of Reformation to:
fftroSov a v r o u jBairrio"fia pzrapoias iravri rep All the PEOPLE of ISRAEL..1
entrance of him a dipping of reformation to all the 25 And as John was fuk
\acp IrpccnA. ' n $ 5e eirArjpov 6 \ooapvr\s TOP filling his RACE, lie said,'
people Israel. As and was fulfilling the John the X * ' Whom do you suppose
8poju.oj>, €\eye' Tiva (xe viropoeLre etvai; OVK me to "be? 3E am not h e ;
race, he said; Who me do you suppose to be? not but behold, one comes
tifii eycat aAA* ifiovt epx^rai /iter5 e/xe, ov OVK after me, the SANDALS of
am J, but lo, comes after we, of whom not Whose TEET I am not wor-
ci}ii al-ios TO vTroBr}fj.a roov iroficov Kvaat. thy to untie.'
I am worthy the sandal of the feet to loose. 26 Brethren, sons of the
Apfipes a$€\(poi, vioi yeuovs A@paa/j., ttai Family of Abraham, and
Men brethren, sons race of Abraham, and THOSE among you who
oi (i/ vfj.iv (pofiovfjLcvot, TOP Oeov, v(uv 6 Koyos FEAR GOD, X to you is the
thoseamong you fearing the God, to you the word WORD of this SALYATION
rt\s ffo)T7]pisji.s ravTTjs airetfra*"), Ol yap * sent.
ot the salvation this is sen; Those for 27 For THOSE DWELL-
KaroiKovpres ep 'lepovaaArj/x, K&4 ol apxovres ING in Jerusalem, and
dwelling in, Jerusalem, and the rulers their RULERS, J not know-
avrcop, TOVTOV aypor}(raprest KCU ras (poovas ing fjtro, nor the DECLA-
oi them, him not knowing, and the voices RATIONS of the PROPHETS
T(JOV rrpocfiyjTcov ras Kara irav avayi- J which are READ Every
oithe prophets those in every
sabbath being Sabbath, % have fulfilled
vcaaKofJLevas, Kptvapres ^TrX^poocav. 28
Kat [XT]- them in judging him.
«ead, judging fulfilled. And no
28 J And without hav-
ing found any Cause of
bcfjiiau airiav Qavarov evpovrzs, r)rr)o~apro Death they desired Pilate
one cause of death having found, they asked
to kill him.
TliXaroy avaip^Br\vai avrou. 2 9 < Hs 5e ereAeffap 29 And wheia they had
Pilate to kill him. When and they finished finished ALL things WRIT-
iravra ra 7repi avrov yeypa/ifxtpa,
nadehov- TEN concerning him, % hav-
ull tha thmg»concerning him having been written, having takening taken him &own from
res a-jro rov |i»Aou, eQy\i<.av eis fJ-PTj/x^LOp. 3 0 < O the CROSS, they laid him
down iron* the cross, they placed in a tomb. The in a Tomb.
5 t Oeos qyeiptp avrou e/c peKpcvp, hl 6s wcpOr) 30 J But GOD raised
but God raised him out of dead ones, who appeared him from the Dead;
ew* 7]/jL€pas nXeiovs rots o'vpavafia&ip avro> airo SI t and he appeared
oa day* many to thosehaving gone up with him from for several Days to THOSE
T7}$ VaKiXaias as 'IepoucraA^/i, olrives are who went up with him
of the Galilee into Jerusalem, who from G A L I L E E to Jerusa-
fxaprvpts avrov npos TOV Kaov, 3 2 K ai 7]fxeis lem, who are bis Witnesses
witnea&ea oi him to the people. And we to the PEOPLE.
vfjLas tvayytXiCojJitQa ri)v irpos rovs 32 And toe announce
you address with glad tidings that to the glad tidings to you, % the
€7rayy€\iav ytPOLiepiiP, on ravrt\p b 9eo$ €K~ PROMISE which was made
piomise having been made, that this the God has to the FATHERS ; because
GOD has fulfilled this to
Jrfc7rA?7/>ctfK€ TOIS renvois avr&v TI/JLIP, avao~rv)o~a<i* us their CHILDREN, hav-
fulfilled to the children of them to us, having raised up
ing raised up Jesus;
\i)aow ws Kai €V rep irpooro) xJ/aAyUtfj ytypair- 33 as it is written also
J«8us; as also in the tiist psalm it is written. in the f * SECOND Psalm,
rtu* Ttos fJ.ov et. JTU, eyw cr]/JLipop yeyepprjna % ' SCfjou art my Son; this
A son of me art thou, I to-day have begotten 'day & have begotten thee.'

* "VATICAN MAwuscRirT.—25. What thinlr you that. 26. sent forth. For. 32. our
CHILDREN, having. 3o. SECOND Psalm.
1 33. The two first Psalms as they slaud in our editions, were anciently joined together.
See Wetitein. Gntsback has followed some JV1SS which have first instead oi second, bo also
Tfischendoii. Thecomniou reading, however, has been adopted, which agrees with the
J 25. Matt.iii.11 ; Mark i.f ; Luke iii. 16; John 1. 20, 27. t 26. Matt.x.G; Luke
sxiv.47: Actsui.'26; ver. 40., J 27. Luke xxiii. 34; Acts iii. 17; l C o r . i i . 8 . J 27.
Acts xv. 21. J ?./. Luke xxiv. 20> 44; Actsxxviii.'23. J 28. Matt, xxvii.22. &e.;
Actstti, 13, 14. J 29. Matt, xxvii. 59, &c. J 30. Matt, xsviii.6: Acts ii. 24 ; iii.
13, 15, 26; v. 30. t 31. Acts i. 3 ; 1 Cor. xv. 5— 7. t 32. jien. xii.3 ; xxii. 18 j Atts
AXVI. 6 *, Gal. iii. 16. t 33, P«a. ii. 7; Heb. i. 5; v. %
Chap. 13; 34.] ACTS. [Oiap. 1 3 : 43.
ce. 'OTI o*e aV€(TTy]0'€v avrov CK veKpwv, 34 And because ha
thee. Because and he raised him oufcof raised him from the Dead,
dead ones,
no more to return to Cor«
ftrjKeTi fisXXovra VTTOCTTp$<p$iv €is Sia(p6opav, ruption, he has spoken
no more being about to return to corruption,
thus, $ * I will give you
OVT(tiS €ip7]K€V ' O T * SwfjCO Ujltt^ TC& ^CTm A«Ut8 ' t h e SURE MERCIES of Da-
thus he said j 'via.'
That I will give to you the holy things of David

ra TTLcrra. 35 Aio KCU tv (Tcpq) \eyer Ov 35 Therefore also in

the faithful. Therefore also iu another hesay»; Not another place he says,
(Jcotreis rov Sfftov <rov iSeiv 8ia.(p9opay. X * Thou wilt not permit
thou wilt permit the holy one of thee to see corruption. 'thy HOLY ONE to see Cor-
35 ' ruption.'
Aaui$ fiey yap idia yeyea vrrrjp ericas ry 36 For David, indeed,
David indeed foi own generation having served by the
having in his Own Gen-
rov Beov fiovKyi eKOI/J,7)dr}y /ecu TtpoaereOr) Trpos eration served the WILL
of the God will feU &jleep, and was laid with of Got>, J fell asleep, and

rovs irarepas SLVTQV KCU et5e h'ia.<pdopaw 3 ' o v 8e was laid with his FATHERS,
the father* of himself and saw corruption; whom but and saw Corruption;

S 0€os rjyeipev, OVK €*Se Siacpdopav, ^ Tvwo"- 37 but he whom GOD

the God raised up, not saw corruption. Known raised up tsaw not Corrup-
rov ovv €GT<a vyuv, ccz/5pes a5eA.c/>oi, 6TL §ia
therefore let it be to you, men brethren, that through 38 Be it therefore known
to you, Brethren, % That
TOVTOV vfuv a(p€CTis afiapricov KarayyeWerar through htm "Forgiveness
this to you forgiveness of sins is announced;
of Sing is proclaimed to
^KCU airo Tvavrcov, coy OVK 7)hvPT]d7]T€ ey r&)you; ~
and from all things, which not you are able by the
39 Jand by htm EVERY
vojxy Mcocecos SiKaiooOrjyat, <EV rovrcp iras 6 ONE w h o BELIEVES i s
tarr ofMose» to be justified, in him every one th e justified from all things,
irurrtvcav BIKCUOVTCII.
BAe7rere ovv, fxr) from which you could not
believing is justified. See' then, not be justified by the LAW of
3 Moses.
€Tre\6p €<p vfias TO eiprj/xeyov *v TOLS Trpo<f>r)~
may come upon you thathavingbeenspolcen by the prophets; 40 See then that WHAT
41 is SPOKEN in | the PRO-
rais' t5er6 oi Kara(f>povy]rai, teat 0au/*ao w aT€, P H E T S may not come upon
behold youthe despisers, and wonder you,
KOU a<pavia,d'f\r&' on spyov €y& spyaCofxat ev 41 k
and disappear you; because a work I ' work in e
and wonder, and ' dis-
rais r}/JLzpais V/JLOOV, epyov, '<? ov jxt) Tria'rev-'Work inFor 'appear; I perform a
your DAYS, a
the days of you, a work, which not not you frould
' Work which you will by
crrjrc, ear rts €Kbirjyr]Tai vjxiv. ~E^tovrcoy Se 'no means believe, though
believe, if one should narrate to you. Having goneout and 'one should declare it to
auT<#v, irapeKakovv eis TO fxsra^v (rafifiaroov ' you.* '-*
of them, they desired on the next sabbath 42 And they having gone
XaAriOrivai CLVTOLS ret prj/xetTa ravra. 42
Avda- out, * it was thought pro-
ta be spoken to them the words these. Being broken per that these WORDS
should be spoken to thera
o-ris 5e TTJS Cvyaycoy7)s» rjKoXovQ^crav TTOWOI on the NEXT Sabbath.
up and the synagogue, followed many
43 And when the SYNA-
rosy lovZaiow itai ro>y cre(3dfAeyoov irpocrjAvrooy GOGUE was broken up,
of the Jews and of the worshipping proselytes
many of the JEWS and R E -
T(? TlavAqj KOU TOJ Bapyafiq' olrives, irpocrAa- LIGIOUS Proselytes fol-
ths Paul and the Barnabas; who speaking lowed P A U L and BARNA-'
"hovyres avrois, GireiOoy avrovs irpoar/xeyeiy TTJ BAS, who, speaking to
to them, persuaded them to continue in the them, persuaded them to

* VATICAN MAHuscBirT.—42. it was thought proper that these WORDS should be spoken
I 34. 8. I 3"). Psa. xvi.10; Acts ii. 31. t 36. 1 Kings ii. 10; Actsii-
20. t S3. Lule xxlv. 47.. t R9. Rom, iii. 28; viii. 3; 1 John ii. 12. i »0. Isa*
.Mi*. 14; Hub. t. 5.
Chap. 13: 44.] [Ohap.14: 1.
Xapirt rov Oeov. 44
T y r e e%o/j,€j/<p aafifiary continue in the FAVOR oj
favor of the God. On the and coming sabbath, GOD.
ffX^ 0V
cetera -^ iroAis GvvrjxOr} aKovffai 44 And onfeheFOLLOW-
r o v ING
almost all the city came together to hear the
Sabbath, almost the
45 Whole CITY assembled to
Xoyov rov deov, I 5 O J / T € S fie oi Iouficuoi rovs hear the WORD of GOD.
word of the God, Seeing and the Jews the
45 And the JEWS seeing
oXAot/s, eirArjcrdrjo'av ^VjAov, Kat
avreXtyov the CROWDS, were filled
crowds, they were filled of zeal, and spokeagainst
with Envy, and opposed
rois viro rov YlavXov Keyofievots, *[avriAe- the things spoken by *Paul,
the thing* by the Paul being spoken, [contra- blaspheming.
yovres KaC\ fi\aa'(j)€/jLovpT€s. 4 8 Happyjaiacra- 46 And both P A U L and
dicting and] blaspheming. Speaking BARNAB AS speaking freely,
fxevot, fie 6 Hav\os Kai 6 Bapvafias enrow said, $ " I t was necessary
freely and the Paul and the Barnabas said; for the WORD of GOD first
'TyUty f]V avayKtxiov irpcorov \a\r)drivai
rov to be spoken to you; £ but
To you it w-as necessary first to be spoken the since you thrust it away
Koyov rov Oeov €7T6i5r? * [ 8 e ] a-n-oodeiade avrovf from you, and judge your-
word of the God: since [but] you thrust away him, selves unworthy of AIO-
KO: OVK a£iovs Kpivere iavrovs rr)S aicovtov NIAN Life, behold, J we
and not worthy judge yourselves of the age-lasting turn to the G E N T I L E S .
C<*>ys, ifiou, crrpetyofxeQa. eis ra (EBVT). 4 7 Ovrco 47 For thus the LORD
life, lo, we turn t o the gentiles. Thus has commanded us; J ' I
yap evrera\reu rjfxiv 6 Kvpios' Tefleifca <re eis ' have set thee for a Light
for has commanded us t h e Lord, I have set thee for 'of Nations, that thou
<pws €di/(ov9 rou eivai ere as arcvrrjpiav k<as e&xa~ ' shouldst BE for Salva-
c light of nations, the t o be thee for salvation to end ' tion to the Extremity of
rou ri\s yr\s. ^ hnovovra fie ra edvrj ex P i ' t h e E A R T H . " *
ai 0J/

of the earth. Having heard and the t entiles rejoiced, 48 And the G E N T I L E S
KCU e5o|a^of rov Koyov rov Kvpiov Kai tiricr- having heard this, i ejoiced,
and glorified the viord «£ the Lord; and be- and glorified the WORD of
r^vo~av 6o~oi rjorav rerayfx^voi eis £<wr)v aiowiov. * the LORD ; and as many
liared as many as werehavingbeendisposedfor life age-lasting. as were disposed for aio«
Ai€<pepero fie 6 \oyos rov Kvpiov fit 5
Shys nian Life, believed.
Wa» published and the word of the Lord through whole 49 And the WORD of
&() the LORD was published
T7/f x&>pas. 0 / fie JovSaioi ivapcorpvvav ras through the Whole of the
ef the country. The but Jens stirred up the
trefio/jLtvas yvvaiKas ras e v c x ^ o y a s , tcai rovs 50 But the JEWS excited
religious women the honorable, and the
irpcarovs TTJS iroAeoos, Kai Girrjyeipav hiwyfxov ORABLE Women, and the
chiefs oftha city, and raised a persecution FIRST MEN of the CITY,
tTTi now TlavXov Kai rov Bapvafiav, Kaiel;efia\ov and raised a Persecution
agamstthe Paul and the Barnabas, andcast out against PAUL and * Barna-
avrovs euro row Spioov aurwv. Ot fie turwa- bas, and expelled them
theia from the borders of them. They but having from * their BORDERS.
51 X And THEY, shaking
£aa*voi rov Kovioprov rwv itohjov avrcov €7r' off the DUST of * their feet
shaken off the dust of the feet of them against
against them, went to Ico-
avrovs, y]KQov eis lnoviov. nium.
them, came iuto iconium. 52 And the DISCIPLES
Oi fie fxadrjrai errXripovvro XaPas Kcu
twere filled with Joy and
The and disciples were filled joy holy Spirit. and spirit
Haros ayiov. K E 3 \ ih\ 1 4 . l Eyevero fig ey CHAPTER XIV,
holy. I t happened and in 1 And i t occurred at
lK0j>ty, Kara ro avro GKTeKOtiv avrois eis rr)v Iconium, that they went
Iconium, at the same to enter them into the TOGETHER into the SYNA-

•VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—45. Paul, blaspheming. And Paul and. 45. contradict-

ing and—omit. 46. but—omit. 48. GOD ; and as many. 50. Barnabas.
50. the BORDERS. 51. the YEET.
I 46. Matt. x. 6; Acts iii. 26; v. 26; "Rom. i. 16. t 46. Matt. xxi. 43; Horn. x. 19,
t 40. Actsxviii.6; xxviii. 28. t 47. Isa. xlii. 0; xlix. 6; Luke ii,32. t 51. Matt. x. 14;
Mark vi. 11; Luke ix. 5; Acts xviii. 6. J 52. Matt. v. 13 ; John xvi, 22 ; Aets ii. 46.
Ghap.U: 2.] [Cliap. 1 4 : ".i
avpayooyy\v roov lovtiaiccp, Kai XaXrjaai ovroos, GCGUE of the J E W S , and
synagogue of the Jews, and spoke in such a manner,
to speak BO,
ware marevaai lovoaiwv re Kai "EXXTJPOOP iroXv that a Great Multitude
that to believe of Jews and also Greek* a great both, of the Jews and
2 Greeks believed.
TTX7]6OS. 0 i 8 e aireidovpres lovtiaioi eirrjyei- 2 Bllt the UNBELIEV-
multitude. The but unbelieving Jews stirred up ING J ews excited and em-
pav Kai eKaKwaav ras tyvxas rwv edpcov Kara bittered the MINDS of the
and imbittered the souls ©fthe Gentiles against GENTII.ES against the
roov aoeXcfxap. ^'\Kavov fxev ovv x?ovov titer pi- BRETHREN.
ths brethren. Considerable indeed then time they re- 3 For a considerable
tyav 7rappr]cna^o/nepoi em rep tcvpup, rep fiaprv- Time however, they con-
mained speaking freely about the Lord, that testifying tinued there, speaking
boldly in the LORD, % who
povvri rep Koycp rrjs %apiros aurov, bitiopri TESTIFIED tO t h e WORD
to the word of the favor of himself, granting of his FAVOR, hy granting
at)}xeia Kai repara yipeaBai tiia roof -^eipwv Signs and Prodigies to be
signs and prodigies to be done through the hands perform ed by their HANDS.
avrcop. 4
Ea'x' ( 7 '^'7 ^ 6 T0
^XrjdosiroXews of 4theButCITY
rrjs the MULTITUDE
was divided;
otthern. Was divided and the multitude of the city
and SOME were with the
Kai oi fxev r\aav avp rois lovfiaiois, ol tie J E W S , and SOME with the
and these indeed were with the Jews, those and APOSTLES.
aw rois airoaroXois. 'Cls tie eyevero
5 And as a violent at- dpp.7]
with the apostles. As and was a rush
tempt was made, both by
rcou edpwu re teat lovtiaicov aw rois apxovaip the GENTILES and Jews,
• fthe gentiles and also of Jews with the rulers with their RULERS, J to
avrcop t i/fipiaai Kai XidofioXrjaai avrovs, wantonly disgrace and
of them, to insult and to stone them, stone them,
awitiovres naretyvyov eis ras iroXeis rr}s 6 knowing it, % they fled
seeing they fled into the city of the to the CITIES of LYCAO-
AvKaopias, Avarpau Kai Aep$T)P, Kai rrjp NIA, Lystra and Derbe,
Lyconium, Lystra and Derbe, and the and the SURROUNDING
rcepixoopov 7KaK€i yjaav tvayyeXi^ofxepoi. COUNTRY;
surrounding country; and there they were preaching glad tidings. 7 and there they pro-
Kai ris avrjp ev Avar pots atiwaros rots claimed glad tidings.
And a certain man in Lystra unable in the 8 J And there was sit-
iroaiv eKadrjro, %co\os €K KoiXias firjrpos avrov, ting a certain Man at Lys-
feet was sitting, lame from womb of mother of himself, tra, disabled in his FEET,
6s ovtieTrore irepieTreTTarrjKeu 7}Kove lame from his Birth, who
who never had walked about. heard had never walked. This
9 Tins man heard PAUL
rov UavXov Xa\ovvros' 6s areviaas avrcp, speaking; who, looking in-
the Paul speaking; who having looked intently to him,
tently on him, and % seeing
Kai iticop Sri Triarip e% 6 i rov croodrjpat, 1 0 enre That he had Faith to be
and seeing that faith he has of the to be saved, said RESTORED,
jj.eyaXr) ry (poopy hvaarr\6i eirt rovs irotias aov 10 said with a *Loud
loud with the voice; Do thou stand upon the feet of thee Voice, " Stand erect on
n thy F E E T . " And lie leaped
opBos. Kai yXaro, Kai Trepieirareu Ot tie up, and walked about.
erect. And he leaped up, and walked about. The and
11 And the CROWDS see-
oxXot, itiopres 6 eitoir^aep b TlavXos, eirypap ing what P A U L did, they
crowds, seeing what did the Paul, lifted up
lifted up their VOICE in
rr\p (pcoprjv avrtcv, AvKaoviari Xeyopres* Ot the Lycaonian language,
the voice ot them, in Lycaonian language saying; The saying, J " T h e GODS, re-
Qeoi bfxotwOepres apdpooirois KareBt]aap irpos sembling men, have come
gods being like men came down to down to us."
12 12 And they, indeed*
ifixas, EKaXovu re rov fxep Bappafiap, Aia'
«s. 'Thef called and the indeed Barnabas, Jupiter; called BARNABAS, Jupiter ;


J S. Mark xvi. 20: Heb. ii. 4. t 5 . 2 J 6. Matt. x. 23. % 8. Act*
Ml. 2. I 0. Matt. Yiii. 10; x. 23, 29. 1 11. Acts viii. 10; xxviii. 6-
amp. 14: 13.] A C T S . [Map. 14: 2t.
and PAUL, Mercury, be-
the and Paul, Mercury; because he wasthe cause he was the CHIEJ
rjyovfjievos rov Xoyov. 13
' 0 8e lepevs rov Aios SPEAKER.
leader of the word. The and priest oftheJupitei 13 And the P R I E S T of
THAT [image of] J U P I T E R
rov ovros ??po rrjs 7roAecos, ravpovs Kai cre/j."
of that being before ~ the city, bulls and gar-
which WAS t before the
CITY, brought Bulls and
fiara CTTI rovs irvKwvas eveyitas, crw rois Garlands to the GATES, and
lands to the gates having brought, with the
u wished to sacrifice with the
ox^ois 7)de\€ dveiv. AKovo~avres 8e olairoa'- CROWDS.
crowds wished to sacrifice. Having heard and the apostles 14 But the APOSTLES,
roAoi Bapvafias Kai TlauAos, hiapfi^avres
ra Barnabas and Paul, hav-
Barnabas and Paul, having rent the ing heard of it, rent their
ijxaria avraiv, €^€7rr}d7jo'av as rov o%Aoy, Kpa~ MANTLES, and rushing
mantles of them, rushed out into the crowd, crying out among the CROWD, ex-
£ovres lo Kai Xeyovrzs' Avfipes, rt ravra TTOI- claiming
out and saying; Men, why these things do 15 and saying, "Men,
€ire ; Kai f)[i€is SfLoiOTradeis ecrfxev bfxiv avOpco- whydo you These things ?
you? . also we being like are to you mea, X l i t are also Men, sub-
Trot, evayyeki^ofievoi v/xas airo rovrcav roov ject to frailty with you,
announcing glad tidings you from these the proclaiming glad tidings
fxaraicav eiriffrptcpeiv eiri rov Otov rov £oovra, to turn you from These
superstitions to turn to the God the living, VANITIES to the LIVING
os €iroi7)0~€ rov ovpavov Kai rrjv yrjv Kai ry\v GOD, I who made the HEA-
who made the heaven and the earth and the VEN, and the EARTH, and
6a\a<ro~a.vy Kai iravra ra6s €V the SEA, and all THINGS
ej> avrois' 16

sea, and all the things in them; who in in them;

rais Tvap(fXt)lXivais ytveais eiacre iravra ra 16 i who, in PRECED-
the having gone by generations permitted all the ING Generations permitted
eOvq rropeviO'Oat rais oftois avrcov. l
? Kairoiye All the G E N T I L E S to walk
nations to go in the ways of themselves. Although indesd in their own WAYS;
OVK a/xaprvpov eavrov acprjKev, ayaOoiroioovt 17 t though indeed he
not without witness himself left, doing good,
left not Himself without
testimony, doing good,
ovpavoOev vfxiv verovs fiidovs Kai Kaipovs Kap- % giving you Rains from
from heaven to you rains giving and seasons fruit-
heaven, and fruitful Sea-
iro<popovs, €jj.7rnrXccv rpo<pr)S Kai .evcfypoo'vvrjs sons, and filling your
ful, being full of food and of joy HEARTS with Food and
ras Kapdias vjmcov. Kai ravra Aeyovres, Gladness."
the hearts of you. And tiese things saying, 18 And saying These
fxo\is Kareiravcrav rovs ox^ovs rov {XT] dveiv things, they with difficulty
hardly they restrained the crowds the not to sacrifice restrained the CROWDS
avrois. Ein)\0ov 5e airo A P T t o x ^ i a s KailKO- from SACRIFICING to
to them. Came and from Antioch and Ico- them.
viov lovdaior Kai ireiaavres rovs o^Aous, Kai 19 But X Jews came from
mum Jews; and having persuaded tha crowds, and Antioch and Iconium, and
\idao'avT€s rov TIavAov, €o~vpov e|<w rrjs having persuaded the
having stoned the Paul, they dragged outside of the CROWDS, and J having
20 stoned PAUL, they duagged
7roA6C0S", vo/JiiaravT€S avrov reOvavai. KVK-
city, supposing him to be dead. Sur- him out of the CITY, sup-
\axravrcov 8e %vrhv roov jU.a07JTO>V, posing him to be dead.*
avaaras 20 But the DISCIPLES
rounding " *\nd him the dieciples, having arisen having surrounded him,
€icn]\dev eis rrjv iroKtv. Kcu ry ciravpiov he rose up and entered the
he entered into the :v* city, And on the morrow CITY. And on the N E X ?
etyAde aw ra> Bapva.Sa €is Aepfirjv. Eu ay- DAY he departed with BAR-
h« went with the Barnabas into Derbc. Havinp NABAS to Derbe.
t IS. As was common in that day, cities were placed under the protection of heathen
Aeities. The city of Lystra had the image of Jupiter, before its gates. ,.
t 15. Jame3V. 17; Kev.xix. 10. $ 15. 1 Thess. 1.9. ' J 16. Psa.lxrri.12; Acts
xvii. 30; 1 Pet. iv. 3. J 17. Acts xvii. 27; Rom. x. 20. X 17. Lev. xxvi. 4; Deut.
sd. 14 ; xxviil 12; Job v. 10; Psa. lxv. 10: lxviii. 9; cxlvii. 8; Jer. xiv. 22; Matt, v 45. % 19.
lets *iii.45i t 19. 2.Cor xi. 26 j 2 Tim. iii. U.'
(Map. U : 21.] ACTS. [<?%>. 15: S.
y^Xicafxepot Te r ^ y TTOXLV eKeiprjv, Kai fxaQt]- 21 And having preached
preached glad tidings and the city that, and the glad tidings in that
CITY, and Jmade many dis-
T€v<ravTGs tKapovs, vrrefrrperpap ets rr\p hvcrrpav ciples, they returned to
made disciples many, they returned to the Lystra,
LYSTRA, and Iconium, and
/cat IKOVIOV /cat Avriox^^o-v ^ eirto~rr)pi£ovrss Antioch,
and Iconium and Antioch; confirming 22 confirming the SOULS
ras ^vx^s rcov fxady]roov, irapaKaXovvres efx/xeveiv of the DISCIPLES, and J ex-
the souls of the discipleg, exhorting to abide horting them to continue
ry iricrrei, Kai Sri fiia TTOXXCOV QXttyecov Set in the F A I T H , Xand That
in the faith, and that through many afflictions it behoves through Many Afflictions
we must enter the KING-
rifxas et<rriX$etv €LS rrjv fiatftXetav rov 9cov. DOM. of G O D .
us to enter into the kingdom of the God.
23 23 And X having ap-
Xetporovycrapres 5e avrots Trpecrfivrtpcvi Kctr' pointed ELDEits for them
Having appointed and for them elders in every in every Congregation, and
eKKXricriav, Trpocrev^afxevot fxera vr}o~reiu)V irape- having praytd with Fast-
congregation, having prayed with. fasting they ing, they commended thtm
to the LORD, into whom
dsvro avrovs r<p Kvpt<ff €is ov ireTrto'rcvKei- they had believed.
commended them to the Lord, Into whom they had believed.
24 And passing through
<raj>. Kat BteXdovrcs rrjv Uiatdtav, 7}X6ov P I S I D I A , they came to
And having passed through the Pisidia, they came * PAMPHYLIA ;
ets Ua/j.(pvXiaw 2a 25 and having spoken
Kat XaXrjcravres ev Tlepyr)
into Pamphylia; and the WOBD in Perga, they
having spoken in Perga
26 went to Attalia;
rov XoyoVf KarsfSyaav eis ArraXetav /ca/cet- 26 t and thence they
the word, they went down into Attalit; and thence sailed to Antioch, whence
6*€v aireTrXevo-av eis Aprtoxttav, bOev 7}(Tav they were $ recommended
they sailed into Antioch, whence they were to the FAVOR of GOD for
Trapa8e8ofj.€Pot rrj x P a iri T0V
deov €ts ro epyov, the WORK which they ful-
having been commendedto the favor ofthe God for the work, filled.
27 27 And having arrived,
6 €TfXf]p03(rav. Hapayevofievoi
avva- and assembled the CON- Se Kat
which they fulfilled. Having arrived and aud
having GREGATION. Jthey related
yayopres rr\v £KKXt)cnav$ avrjyytiXav ocra what things GOD did by
assembled the aongregation, they related whatthings them, and that he had
eTroi7)(T€V 6 9eos /xcr* avroop, Kat ort yjuoi^ rois X opened a Door of Faith t<?
did the God with them, and that he opened to the the G E N T I L E S .
f6v€(Ti Qvpav 7ri<rT€07S. 2b
Aierpi0ov Se xpovov £8 And they remained
Gentiles a door of faith. They remained and a time not a little Time with the
OVK oXiyov <TIP rots (xaQr]raisa K E $ . ts\ 1 5 .
not h. little with tha disciples. CHAPTER XV.
Kat rives KareXdovrcs airo rrjs
1 And X some having Iof§ata?,
And some having come down from tho Judc*, come down from J U D E A
rftdaaKQv rovs ub*€X<povs' 'On cap fir) Trepirefi- taught the BRETHREN,
jwere teaching the brethren; That it not yoa are cir- X " If you are not circum-
cised according to the CUS-
vrjcrOs rep €0et Mcovffecas, ov §vpao~de crcoOrjvat. TOM of * Moses, you can-
cumcised with the rite ot Moses, not you are able to be saved. not be saved."
Vevo/uLevris ovv aracreccs Kai fyrjifftcos OVK 2 There being, therefore,
Being therefore a dispute and discussion Sot a Contention, and PAUL
oXtyrjs r<p IlavXcf) Kat r<p fiappafia irpos avrovs, and BARNABAS had no lit-
a little the Paul and the Barnabas with them, tle Debate with them, they
era^av avafiaivetv TlavXov /cat Bapva&av /cat decided % to send up Paul
they decided to send up Faul and Barnabas and and Barnabas, and some


t 21. M a t t , xxviii. 19. X 22. Acts xi. 2 3 ; xiii. 43 t 22. M a t t . x. 88; x v i . 24;
L u k e xxii. 28, 29 ; R o m . viii. 1 7 ; 2 T i m . i i . 11, 12, iii. 12. t 23. T i t u s i. 5
Acts xiii. 1, 3. t 26. Actsjc v. 40. % 27. tActs t 27. I COr.
xvi. 9 ; 2 Cor. ii. 12 ; Gol. iv. 8 ; E e v , i i i . 4. 1. Gxv.
a l . ii,i . 12;
1 2 . xxi. 19. X 1. J o h n v i i . 2 2 ;
y e r . 5 ; Gal. v. 2 ; P h i l , iii^ 2 ; Col. i i . 8,11,10. t 2. Gal. ii. 1.
Cliap. 15: 3.] ACTS. [Chap. 15:11.

rivas aXXovs e£ avriov irpos TOVS airoffroXovs others of them, to the

some others of them to the apostles APOSTLES and Elders at
Kai rcpeafivrepovs eis Iepovo"a\r}jj.i irepi rov Jerusalem, about this
and elders at Jerusalem, about the QUESTION.
farri/xaros rovrov. 3
0 / jxev therefore, hav-
ovv TrpoTre/jupOev- 3 THEY,
question this. ing been sent forward by
They indeed therefore having been sent
res VTTO rt)s eKKkrjcrias, bi7]pxovro ry\v Qoivi- the CONGREGATION, went
fonvard by the congregation, passed through the Pheni- through PHENICTA and
Kt]V Kai ^a/j.apeiav, eKbirjyov/jievoi rr\v eirio~rpo- CONVERSION Samaria, % relating the
of the G E N -
cia and Samaria, narrating the turning
a ai/ TILES, and caused great
<pr)V ru>v eQvwv Kai eiroiovv X P Ju^yaA^v Joy to All the BRETHREN.
of the Gentiles; and caused joy great
4 And having arrived
iraai rois abeX<pois, 4 Hapayevofxevoi be eis at Jerusalem, they were
to all the brethren. Having come and into
received by the CONGRE-
'lepovcra\T]fi9 airebex^'HO'av VTTO rr)s eKKXrjanas GATION, and the APOS-
Jerusalem, they were received by the congregation TLES, and the ELDERS, and
Kai rcava/Koa'roXcav Kai row TtpeGfivrepoov, avqy- X related what things GOD
and the apostles and the
they performed with them. elders,
yeiXav re 6o~a 6 Oeos tTroirjo'e fier* avrcov. 6 But SOME of those
.elated and what things the God did with them. having BELIEVED, from
E£aueo~rTjo~au Be rives roov airo rrjs alpecrecas the SECT of the P H A R I -
Stood up and some of those from the sect SEES, stood up, saying,
row Qapia'aicov ireirio-revKOTes, Xeyovres'
' O T Z " I t is necessary to cir-
•»t the Pharisees having believed, saying; That cumcise them, and to com-
bet Tceptrefxveiv avrovs, rrapayyeXXeiv re mand them to keep the
it is necessary to circumcise them, to command and LAW of Moses.
TYjpeiv rov vofxov Mowerewso 6 2,vvr]xdyo~av be 6 And the APOSTLES
to keep the law of Moses. Assembled and and ELDERS weTe gathered
oi airocrroXoi Kai oi irpecrftvrepoi ibeiv irepi rov together to see about this
the apostles and the elders to see concerning the MATTER.
Xoyov rovrov. 7 And there being much
^TloXXrjs be av^-qr^aeoos yevo-
word thi3. Much Debate, Peter arising said
and debate being,
fievTjs, avaaras Xlerpos eiire trpos avrovs' to them, % " Brethren, gou
having arisen Peter said to them ; know That in former Days
Avbpes abeXcpot, i/fieis etriffracrOe, Sri n<pl ij/Lif GOD chose among us, that
Men brethren, you know, that from days by my MOUTH the GEN-
poov apx&MV o Oeos ev rjfiiv e|eAe£aro bia rov should hear tha TILES
former the God among us chose through the WORD of the GLAD TI-
ffrofxaros fxov aKovcrai ra eOvrj rou Xoyov rov DINGS, and believe.
mouth ol me to hear the Gentiles the word of the 8 And God, the HEABT-
8 to SEARCHER, testified
evayyeXiov, Kai Tu&revaai. Kai 6
Kapbioy- them, % giving to them the
glad tidings, and to believe. heart- And the
HOLY SPIRIT, even as to
vcoo'T'rjs deos e/xaprvpy]o'€V avrois, bovs avrois U S ;
knowing God testified to them, giving to them
9 JAnd made no dis-
no irvev/jia ro ayiov, KaBoos Kai rj/jtiv 9 Kai tinction between us and
the spirit the holy, as even to us, and them, % having purified
ovbev bieKpive fxera^v T)/JLOOV re Kai avrcov, rr]their HEARTS through the
nothing judged between us and also them, by the FAITH.
iria-rei KaQapiffas ras Kapbias avrcav.
10 Now, therefore, why Nvv
iaith having purified the hearts do you try GOD, J to put a
of them. Now
ovv rt Treipa^ere rov deov, eiriQeivai £vyov Yoke on the NECK of the
thereforewhjr do you tempt the God, to place »yoke DISCIPLES, which neither
em rov rpax^ov roov jxaOrjrciov, 6v ovre ol our FATHERS nor toe were
on the neck of the disciples, which neither the able to bear?
Trarepes TJULOJV ovre 7)(xeis io~xvo~aiJiev fiawraaai; 11 But through the
fathers ofu» nor we were able to heaT? FAVOR of the Lord Jesus
AAAa bia rrjs xaPlT.os TOV Kvpiov Irjcrov iriff-
But through the favor of the L«>-d Jesus we be-
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—8. to them—omit.
} S- Actsxiv.27. - 1 4 . ver.12; xxi. 19. % 7- Acts x.-20; xi. 12. t S.
Acts x. 44. t 9. K o m . x . U , t ft. Acts x. 15, 28, 43; i Cor. i. 2; I Pet. i. 22,
t 10. Matt, xxiii.4; Gal V.jl«
Cfiap. 15 : 12.3 ACTS. i&W- " S : &&•
Tevofxev (Ttodrjvai, Kad' bv rpotrov we trust to be saved; i*
KaKeivoi. like
I'eve t o be saved, in which manner also they.
manner theg also.
y2 12 And All the M U L T I -
1L<nyy)cr€ Se irav TO TrXridos, Kai TJKOVOV &ap- TUDE was silent, and heard
Was silent and all t h e multitude, and heard Bar-
Barnabas and Paul relate
vafia Kat HavXov e\f\yov\iev(av, baa eiroirjarev What Signs and Prodigies
nabas and Paul narrating, what did
GOD I performed among
b deos cn)jxeia Kai repara ev rots edveat oV the G E N T I L E S through
the God signs and prodigies among t h e Gentiles through
avr<av, 13Mera oe TO atyrjcrat avrovs, aireK- 13 And after they wera
them. After and t h e t o be silent them, an-
S I L E N T , % James answered,
piBr) IaK<af$os, Xeytav Avopes aoeX<f>oif aKovaare saying, "Brethren, heal
swered James, saying; Men brethren, hear y o u
/J.0V. 14^v/j.€wif etyyvo-aro, KaOcos irpwrov 6 14 X Simon has relateq
of me. Simeon related, how first the
how G O D first looked to
deos eireffKe^aro Xafietv e£ edvoov Xaou em rep take out gf the Gentiles
God looked t o take out of Gentiles a people for t h e
15 a People fojliis NAME. avrov, K a i rovrcp avfKpojvovo'iv ct 15 And with this th«
name of himself. A n d with this harmonize the
l& WORDS of t h e PROPHETS
\oyot ra>VTrpotyr)T(i)v9 Kadus yeypairrat* fxera harmonize; as it is writ-
words of the prophets, as i t is written; after ten,
ravra avatfrpetyco Kai avoiKoZojx-qo'u) rr\v VKT)- 16 X' After these things
these things I will returx and I will build again t h e taber-
' I will return; and I will
vrjv Aavio rt]V ireTrrcoKviav Kai ra KareffKa/n.- 'rebuild THAT TABERNA-
nacle of David that having fallen down; and t h e ruins 'CLKof David which has
fieva avrrjs avoiKooofxrjcrwy Kai avopdeoaco avrrjv ' F A L L E N D O W N ; and I
of her I will build again, and 1 will set up her; 'will rebuild its RUINS,
*? Siroos av €KC'>1TVO'OOO'IV oi KaraXotiroi rcov ' and will re-establish i t ;
so that may seek the rest of the 17 ' i n order that the
avOpcoiroov rov Kvpiov, Kat iravra ra e6vr}9 € 0 ' ' ' R E M A I N D E R o f M E N m a y
men t h e Lord, and all t h e nations, o n 'seek the LORD, even All
ovs einKfKXrjTai ro ovofxa fiov €7r" avrovs, 18 Xe~ ' tha GENTILES upon
whom has been called t h e name oi me over thew> says ' whom my NAME'has been
yet Kvpios *[<$] TTOLWV ravra yvcoara av1 aicovos,
Lord [ h e ] doing these things known from an age. 1
18 * says the Lord, who
i9 does these things,' which
A<o eyco Kpivco ptr} irapevoxXetv rois ava TWP were known from the Age.
Therefore 1 judge n o t t o trouble those from t h e
19 There/ore i 5 judge
eQpwv eiriarpe<povffiv em rov Beov 2° aXXa that we should not trouble
Gentiles turning to the God; but THOSE, who from among
ewtcrreiXai avrois rov airex^o'Oai airo rcov the G E N T I L E S are TURN-
tosendwoid to them the t o abstain from t h e ING to G O D ,
aXio~yi}fj,aTCi>v rcov eificoXeov Kai rr\s iropveias Kai 20 but write to them
pollutions of the idols and t h e fornication and to ABSTAIN from the POL-
rov ITVIKTOV Kai rov ai/xaros, Mu>vcrr}S yapIDOLS, and X FORNICA-
the strangled and t h e blood. Moses for
TION, and THAT which is
e'/c yeveoov apx^tcov Kara iroXiv rovs Kripvcr- STRANGLED, a n d $ BLOOD.
ftorn generation* of old in every city 21 For from ancientGen*
those preach-

aopras avrov €t
e% > * v rais
Kara erations Moses has, in every
lug him has, in the synagogues in City, THOSE who PREACH
him, being read in tha
irav (rajidarov avayivwcTKOfievos. 2*Tore eoo^e SYNAGOGUES Every Sab-
every sabbath being read. Then it seemed good
r o i s aicoffroXois Kat rots irpt.o~f3vTepois aw bXy 22 Then it seemed good
to the apostles and t h e elders with whole
to the APOSTLES and EL-
T77 €KKX7}aia, eKXe^aptevovs avbpas DERS, with the Whole CON •
e | aurcov
the congregation, having chosen men out ol themselves GREGATION, to send Men

* YATICAK MANUSCRIPT.—18. he—omit.

. % 12. Acts xiv. 27. J 13. Acts xii 17 J 14. ver. 7 % 16. Amos Jx. II. 11
t 10. ver 28. t 20. ver. 29; Acts xxi. 25; lCor.vni.1, Rev. it. 14, 20. t 20, 1 Cor.
v.i.9, IS; Gal. v. 19; Epli. v. 8, Col. in. 5, 1 Thess. iv.8; 1 Pel. iv.S. J 20. Gen ix.ii
Lev. hi. 17; Deut. xii. 16, 23.
&hap; III 23/] ACTS. [Cffiap. 15:32.

TT€fM\pai ets kvriox<£iav (Tvv rep TlavXcp Kat Bap- chosen from among them-
to send to Antioch the with
Paul and Bar- selves to Antioch. with
yajSos, lovSav rov eniKaXov/jievov Bapaa&av, Kai PAUL and Barnabas;—
nabas, Judas that being called Barsabas, and THAT Judas * being called
^iXav, avSpas Tjyovfxevovs ev rois aSeXtyois' Barsabbas, and Silas, lead-
Silas, men leading among the brethren; ing Men among the B R E T H -
ypaipavres 8ia xeLP05 avrcov * [ T a o V ] REN ;
having written by hand of them [thus;] 23 having written by
Oi anoo'roXoi Kai oi Trpecrfivrtpoi Kai oi their Hand, thus : —"The
The apostles and the elders and the APOSTLES and * ELDERS
adeXcpoi, rois Kara rt\v Avriox^iav Kai ~%vpiav a n d BRETHREN, to THOSE
brethren, to those in the Antioch and Syria BRETHREN i n ANTIOCH
Kai KiXiKiav adeXcpois, rois e | eOvoov, xaipeiv. and Syria and Cilicia, who
and Cilicia brethren, those from Gentiles, health. are of the Gentiles, greet-
ETT€<8?7 7]Kov(ra/neUy on rives e£ rjfxccv "*[e£eA- ing.
Since we have heard, that some from us [having 24 Since we have heard
dovres~\ erapa^av v/xas \oyois, avao~K€va£ovres That % some having gone
gone out] troubled you with words, unsettling out from ns troubled you
ras tyvxas v/xwv, ^[Xeyovres Trepire/j.veo'Oai with Words, unsettling
the souls ofyou, [saying to be circumcised your MINDS, to whom we
Kai rypeiv rov vo/xov^ ols ov ^leareiXa/xeda' gave no commands;
and to keep the law,] to whom not we gave commands; 25 i t seemed good to us,
e5o£ev q/xiv yevo/xevois 6jXoQvfxa^ov, eKXe^a- being of one mind, to chose
it seemed good to us being of one mind, having out men to send to you,
fievovs avdpas ireptyai irpos v/xas, o'vv rois aya- with your BELOVED Bar-
chosen out men to send to you, with the be- nabas and Paul,
Tvqrois 7)/J.OW BapvajSa Kai YlavXcc, 2 6 avOpccirots 26 % Men who have
loved of us Barnabas and Paul, men given up their LIVES in be-
irapaSeficoKoo'i ras ^ i r ^ a s avroov virep rov ovo- half of the NAME of our
having given up the lives of them in behalf of the name LORD Jesus Christ.
27 We have therefore
fxaros rov Kvpiov rifitv li\crov Xpicrov. ^ Aireo*- sent Judas and Silas, who
of t h e Lord ofug Jesus Anointed. "We
will also tell you the SAME
raXKa/xev ovv lovSav Kat iSiXay, Kai avrovs things by Word.
have sent therefore Judas and Silas, and thsm 28 For it seemed good
<$ia Xoyov anayyeXXovras ra avra. E5o£e to the * HOLY S P I R I T , and
through word announcing the same things. Itseemedgood to us, to lay on you no Ad-
ditional Burden besides
yap rw ayi(v Tcvev/xari Kai TJIU.IV, /xrjdev trXeov *These NECESSARY things^
for to the holy spirit and to us, no more
€Triri9eo-6ai vfiiv fiapos, irXrjV rwif e-rravayKes 29 To abstain from
to lay to you a burden, beside* the necessary things things offered to Idols, and
Blood, and That which is
rovroov, -g airex^o'dai eidccXodvrccp Kai alfxaros Strangled, and Fornica-
these, to abstain from things offered to idols and blood
tion; from which if you
Kai irpiKrov Kai iropveias' e | oov Biarrjpovvres keep yourselves you will
and strangled and fornication; from which keeping do well. Farewell." -
eavrovs, ev irpa^ere. Eppa>o-0€. 3 0 Oi jxev 30 THEY, therefore,, be-
yourselves, well you will do. Farewell. They indeed ing dismissed, * went down
ovv airoXvdevres r\XQov eis Avrioxeiav Kai to.Antioch, and having as-
therefore being dismissed went to Antioch; and sembled the MULTITUDE,
avvayayovres ro irXrjdos, e7re§a>Kcw rr]V €TTICT-delivered the LETTER.
having assembled the multitude, delivered the let 31 And when they had
€TTt ry read it, they rejoiced at
roXyv, Avayvovres 5e, ex^pt\a,av
%et. Having read and, they rejoieed at the EXHORTATION. .
33 32 And Judas and Silas,
trapaKXy]ff€i. IouSas re Kai 'SiXas, Kai avroi
exhortation. Juda* and and Silas, also themselves also themselves being ready

* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 2 . b e i n g called B a r s a b b a s , " 23. t h u s — o m i t . 23.

ELDER BRETHREN. 24. h a v i n g g o n e out—omit. 24. s a y i n g , t o be c i r c u m c i s e d ,
a n d t o k e e p t h e LAW—omit. 28. HOI/X S P I R I T . 28. T h e s e . 30. w e n t d o w n
t 24. vev. 1 ; Gal. ii. 4, 5 , 1 2 ; T i t u s i. 10,11. t 20. A c t s x i i i . 50; x i v . 1 9 ; 1 O o r . x v
30; 2 Cor. x i . 23, 20.
Chap-15: 33.] ACTS. [ChapAGi 1.

' TrpocpriTai ovres, 8ia Xoyov iroXXov TrapetcaXe- speakcrs, exhorted the
prophets being, through a word great exhorted B R E T H R E N i n a long D i s -
33 course and confirmed t h e m .
o~av rovs a5eA</>ous, KOA eirearrrjpt^av. ITOITJ-
83 And haying s p e n t
th'e brethren, and confirmed. Having
some Time, t h e y were dis-
vavres 5e XP0J/0V> arczXvQ'qo'a.v /ACT' eiprjvrjs missed w i t h Peace from
spent and a time, they were dismissed with peace
t h e BRETHREN to tllOSG
airo TSAV a5tX<pu>v irpos rovs airo&reiXavras H A V I N G S E N T t h e m .
from. the brethren to those having sent
34 S4 * f [ B u t i t seemed
avrovs. "*[E5o|e be rca ~2iXa CTri/neivai good to S I L A S t o r e m a i n
them. [It seemed good but to the Silas to remain
3a there.]
avTOv.~\\ HavXos 5e teat Bapvafias disrpifiov
35 % And P a u l and B a r -
there.] Paul but and Barnabas remained
nab as remained a t An-
ej> Avrioxeta, d&acncovres /cat e u a y y e A - ^ o / x e f o f , tioch, teaching and pro-
in Antioch, teaching and announcing glad tidings, claiming t h e glad tidmga
j u e r o / c a i erep.ccviroXXoov, rov Xoyov rov Kvpiov. of t h e W O R D of t h e L O R D ,
with also others many, the word of the Lord. with m a n y others also.
M e r a 8e rivas Tj/nepas enre HavXos irpos Bap- 36 A n d after Some Days
After and some days said Paul to Bar- P a u l said t o B a r n a b a s ,
vafiay 'E'Kio'rpe^avres §7? eTno"Ke\\/cojj.eda rovs " L e t u s r e t u r n a n d visit
nibas ; Having returned indeed we may visit the the B R E T H R E N fin *Every
a^eXcpovs Kara ivawav TTOXLV, zy als Kar-qyyet- City i n which we pro-
, brethren in every city, ih which we have claimed t h e WORD of t h e
Xafxev rov Xoyov rov tcvpiov, ireas e%ouff"f. L O R D , a n d see how t h e y
preached the word of the Lord, how they are. a r e . "
Bapvafias 5e efiovXzvo'aTO tfvuirapaXafiziv Kai 37 And Barnabas wished
Barnabas and counselled to take with also to t a k e also with them
IwavVTjv rov KaXovjiievov MapKOV. TlavXos X T H A T J o h n , who was
John that being called Mark. Paul S U R N A M E D Mark.
$e rj^iov, rov airocrravra air* -avrcov airo S8 B u t P a u l deemed it
Dut deemed fitting, the having gone away from them from improper t o take H I M with
TlapupvXias, Kai JUT) cvveXdovra avrois €ts ro t h e m , J w h o D E S E R T E D
Pamphylia, and not having gone with them to the them from Pamphylia, a n d
epyov, p.7] ffvfnrapaXafiecv rovrov. ^Eyevero did n o t go w i t h t h e m to
work, not to take him. Occurred the W O R K .
ovv 7rapo^vo"fxos, cocrre airoxu>pio~dr]vai 39 A sharp Contention
therefore a sharp contention, so as to separate therefore ensued, so as t o
airy aXXr)Xa>v? rov T€ Bapvafiav TrapaXa&ovra, separate t h e m from each
other ; and BARNABAS
from one another, the and .Barnabas having taken
having t a k e n M A R K sailed
rov MapKov aarXevo'ai CLS Kvjrpov, to Cyprus.
the Mark. sailed ts Cyprus. 40 B u t P a u l having se-
HavXos 5e GirtXe£afi*vos ~2,iXav e^Afle, lected Silas, departed, J be-
Paul but having selected Silas went out, ing commended to t h e E A -
TrapaSoOeis r\] xaPLTl r o v
Qeov VTTO TOOV VOR of * t h e Lord by t h e
havingheencommendedto the favor of the God by the BRETHREN.
adiX(po>v. 41
Ai7)px*TQ 5e rf\v ~%vpiav Kai KLXI-
41 And lie went through
S Y R I A and Cilicia, % estab-
biethren. He passed through and the Syria and Cili-
lishing t h e CONGREGA-
KiaV) €7rio'TTipi((0V ras eKKXrjo'ias.
KE<f>. is''. TIONS.
cia, confirming the congregations. CHAPTER XVI.
16. YLarf]vrr\o~(: 5e eis Aepfi7]V Kat hvcrpav 1 And h e came * both to
He came and to Derbe and Lystra; % Derbe and to Lystra. A n d
rcai i$ov, fiaOrjrris ris rjv €K€ty ovofxari Tifxo- behold a certain Disciple
and lo, a disciple certain was there, byname Timo- was there, J named Timo-

* VATICAN MAJVUSCRIFT.^34. omit. 89. every City. .40. the LOUD. 1.

.both to Derbe and to.Lystra.
t 34. This sentence is omitted by the Vatican, and a great number of other MSS; also
by the Syrie, Arabic, Coptic, Slavonic, and Vulgate. Griesbach marks i t as doubttul, and
to be expunged. .
| 35. Acts xiii. 1. I 36. Acts xiii. 4,13,14,51; xiv. 1, 6, 24, 25. X 37. Acts xii.
12. 25; xiii. 5 ; Col.iv. 10- S T i m . i v . l l ; Philemon 24. % SS. Acts xiii. 13. t 40.
Acts xiv. 26. % 41. Acta xvi. 5. { 1. Acts xiv. 6. % 1. Acts six. 22; Roirp
svi. 21; 1 Cor. iv. 1?; Phil. ii. 19 •, 1 Xhess, iii. 2 ; 1 Tim. li. 2 5 % Tim. i. 2.
Chap. 16:2.] ACTS, [Cfcap. 16:11.

Oeos, vios yvvaiKOS lovb*aias irierrris> irarpos 5e thy, ^a % Son of a believing

thy, a son of a woman Jew believing, father but Jewess, but of a Greek
VTTO reap ev Aver- Tather;)
'EXXTJPOS' 6s efiaprvpeiro
» Greek; who was testified to by tho*e in Lys- 2 to whom the BRETH-
TOVTOP TjdeXrjcrep REN in Lystra and lco-
rpois KCU iKOPiep aSeXepcau-
tra »nd lconium brethren. This wished nium, gave | good test!
6 TlavAos ervp avrep ej-eXbcw Kat Xafieap irept- mony.
the Paul with him to go out; and having taken he cir- 3 f^tm PAUL wished to
ere^ev avrop, 5:a rovs lovbaiovs rovs opras go forth with him; and
eumcised him, on account oi the Jews those being % he took and circumcised
him on account of THOSE
iv rois renvois CKCIPOLS' ySeterap yap arravres J E W S who were in those
in the places those; they knew for all
4 PLACES ; for they all knew
TOP irarspa avrov, bri 'EXXrjp vwrjpxv^' *&$ That his FATHER was »
the father ot him, that a Greek he was. As Greek.
8e hi€TropevovTo ras troXeis, irapedifiovp avrots 4 And as they went
and they went through the citiet, they delivered to them through the CITIES, they
<f)v\a(T(T€ii/ ra hoyjuara, ra K^Kpt/xepa VTTO delivered for their obser-
to keep the decrees, those having been determined by vance THOSE DECREES
reap arcoerroXeap Kat reap irpcerfivrepeap roup ep X which had been made
the apostles and the elder* those in by * THOSE APOSTLES and
'ItpovcraXrifA. A t /J.ep OVP eKKXrjo'iat ecrrep- Elders in Jerusalem.

Jeruialem. The indeed then congregation* were es. 5 Then, indeed, the
€OVPTO rrf iri(TT€i9 Kai cirepicrcrevop rep apiO/xep
tabhshed in the faith, and were increased in the number
established m the FAITH,
and were increased in
Ka0* rjfiepap. AtcXdoprcs 5e rt]P $pvyiap Kai NUMBER every Day.
svery day. Going through and the Phrygia and 6 * And they went
rt\v YaXariKt]V yeapap, KeaXvdevres VTTO rov through the Country of
the Galatia eountry, being forbidden by the PHRYGIA and Galatia, be'
ayiov irpeOfxaros XaXt)crairop Xoyop ep ry Aeries, ing forbidden by the HOLY
holy spirit to speak the word in the Asia, Spirit to speak the WORD
in A.SIA",
' eXdopT€$ Kara ry\p Mveriap, €iripa(op €t$ rr\v 7 and coming by MYSIA.
coming by the Mysia, they attempted into the
they attempted to go mto
BiOvpiap iropeveerdar Kat OVK eiarrep avrovs ro BITHYNTA; and the SPIRIT
Bithynia to go; and not permitted them the
of Jesus did not permit
TTPsv/xa \T)CTOV. 8 HapeXdopres oe rr)p Mvertap, them.
spirit of Jesus. Having passed by and. the Mysia, 8 And having passed
Kare&rjerav eis TpooaSa, '* Kat dpa/xa Sia rr)S by MYSIA, X they came
they came down to Troas. And a vision ia. the down to Troas.
9 And a Vision was seen
WKros eaepdr} rta YlavXep* aP7]p ris r)P Matte- by PAUL in the *JVight;
nigbt was seen by the Paul; a man certain was ofMace- a certain t Man of Mace-
Scap ecrrevs, TrapctKaXeap avroPy Kai Xeyeay Aia- donia was standing, and
domahailbeenstanding, beseeching him, and saying; Having entreating him, and say-
&as as MaKeSouiap, f$OT]67icrop 7}fup. I 0 ' , Q s 5 eing, " Come over into Ma-
passed overtnlo Macedonia, help thou us. When and cedonia, and help us."
10 And when he saw
ro opafia eiSey, tvdtcas e^rrjerafnv c^tXdzip ets the VISION, we immedi-
Ihf vision Desaw, immediately we sought to go out into ately sought to go % into
rt)v Mafffcuoviay, crvju.j3i/iJa£oyTes, on irpoo'KSK- MACEDONIA, interring
toe Macedonia, iaiemng, that had called that * the LORD had cailed
Xi)7at i]jxas b Kvpios tvayyeXioaaOat avrovs. us to announce glad tid»
to v» the Lord t« announce glad ttdiuja ta> them. mgsfeothem.
AvaxQit'Tes ovv atro rrjs Tpeaabos, tvdvbpo- I t Having sailed, there-
Htving aaiud tborcior* ttom the lioas, we run a fore, from IROAS, we run
VATICAN MAHUBCBHT.—4. of * HOSB ATOSTIBS and Eldeip. 6. And they went
ttuougli the Country ot I'H&YG/A and Galatia. 9. Night. 10. GOD called us.
J I % Tim i& 1 3 . Acta vi. b I S 1 Cot ys. ?o. Gal. ii. 5. 4. Acbi
xv. 38 29. 15 Arts XT 41. I S 5 Cor. n. 32, 2 Iini. iv. IS Id.
S(». I 10. 2 Cor.iJ. J3.
Chap. 16: IS.} ACTS. [Gtap. 16: 18.

/j.7)<rafiYiy eis ^afjioOpaKrjy, rrf re eiriovcy eisa direct course to Sam».

direct course to Samothracia, the and succeeding to tlmicia, and the NEXT day
NtairoXiv eneiQev re eis &iXiinrovs, Tjris ecrri to Neapolis ;
Neapolis; thence and to Philippi, which is 12 and thence to % Phi-
TCptoTT) ri)S fJ.€pl$OS T7)S M.aKedoVlClS TTOXlS, K0- lippi, which is the Chief
firit ofthe part that Macedonia city, a of its * District, a City of
Xcovia. Hfiey 5e ev ravrp rrj iroXei Ziarpifiov- MACEDONIA, a Colony.
colony. We were and in this the city abiding And wo remained several
res 7}fxepas rivas. Trj re rjfiepa row o~a$$a- Days in That CITY.
days tome. On the and day ofthe sab- 13 And on the SABBATH
rosv e^7)\6ofxey e£oo rr}s iroXecas irapa TrorafxoVc, DAY WJ went out of the
baths we went out ofthe city by a river, *CITY by a River, where
ov eyofxi^ero Trpocrevxi] sivai, wai KaOiarayres there was allowed to be an
where was allowed a place of prayer to be, and having sat down f Oratory; and having sat
eXaXov/j.ey rais o~weX9ovacus yvvai^t. down, we spoke to the WO-
we spoke to the having come together women. MEN who were ASSEM-
Kcu ris yvvq ovo/xari Av5m, Trop<pvpoir<a-BLED.
And & certain woman byname Lydia, a seller of pur- H And a Certain Wo-
Xis iroXeoos &vareipcoy veftoixevq rov deov, man named Lydia, a Seller
pie of a city ofThyatira worshipping the God, of purple, of the City of
rjfcovey* fjs b Kvpios dtrjvot^e rrjy Kapdiav, Thyatira, a worshipper of
heard; for whom the Lord opened the heart, GOD, heard ; % Whose
Trpocrex^iy rocs XaXovfievois viro rov HavXov. HEART the LORD opened,
to attend to those being spoken by the Paul, to attend to THOSE things
'fls 5e effaTrrKrdT], /ecu 6 OIKOS avrys, irape- SPOKEN by * Paul.
When and she was dipped, and the house of her, she en- 15 And when she was
KaXecre, Xeyovaa' El KeKpinare fie iricrryv r(p immersed, and her FAMI-
treated us, saying; If you have judged me faithful to the LY, she entreated, saying,
Kvpup eivai, eureXOovres eis rov OIKUV fiov, " I f you have judged me To
Lord to be, having entered into the bouse of me, be faithful to the LORD, en-
fieivare. Kat Trape&taararo rjfias, ~Eyevero ter my HOUSE, andremain."

abide you. And she forced us. It happened % And she compelled us.
5e Tropevofxevoov rj/xcoy eis irpocevxyv, iraiSio'Kqv 16 And it occurred, as
and ffning of us to a place of prayer, a female-servant we were going to the
riva exovo'ay iryevjxct irvdoovos airavrrjo'ai 7}fiivf * ORATORY, a certain Fe-
certain having a spirit of Python to meet us, male-servant, % having a
7}ris epya&iav TroXXrjy rrapeixe rois Kvpiois Spirit of t Python, met us,
who gain much brought the lords who brought her MASTERS
aurrfS) fxayrevo/jieyr}. ^ Avrr) KaraKoXovdr}o~acra much Gain by divining.
of herself, divining. She having followed closely 17 £>f)£ having closely
rep TlavXcp Kai rjfiiy, eKpa('e Xeyovca' Ourot oi followed * Paul and us,
the Paul and us, cried saying; These the eried saying, "These MEN
av6pa>Troi SovXot rov Oeov rov v\pio~rov eiffiv, are the Servants of the
men bond-servants of the God the most high are, MOST H I G H GOD, who are
oirives KarayyeXXova'iv 7]fxiv 68ov aoorypias. proclaiming
to us the Way
who are proclaiming to us a way of salvation.
Tovro tie eiroiei eirt TroXXas fjfMepas. Aiairo- 18 And she did this
This and she did for many days. Being for Several Days. But
vyjdeis 5e d TlavXos, KCLI eiricrrpetyas, rep irvev- PAUL, being grieved, turn-
.grieved but the Paul, and having turned, to the spirit ed and said to the SPIRIT,
fxari enrc YlapayyeXXu ffoi ev rep ovofxari lr\- " I command thee in the
he said; I command thee in the name of Je- * Name of Jesus Christ to

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. District. 13. GATE. 14. Paul. 16. ORA-

SOBI. 17. Paul. 18. Name.
T 13. A place of prayer. See Note on Luke vi. i2. t 16. Or of Apollo. Pytho was,
1 fable, a huge serpent, that had an oracle at Mount Parnassus, famous for pre-
dicting future events; that Apollo slew this serpent, and hence he was called Pythius, and
became celebrated as the foreteller of tuture events; and that all those who either could,
or pretended to predict future events, were influenced by the spirit oi Apollo Pythius.—-Clarke.
% 12. Phil. i. 1. J 14. Luke xxiv. 45. % 15. Luke xxiv. 29 ; Heb. xiiL 2-
% 13. 1 Sam. xxviit. 7-
£&ap, 16:,19.4 ACTS. (Chap, 16.7 m

(TOV Xpicrov, ~€J;€\6eiv air* avrrjs.

Ka: come out of \her." J And
JUS Anointed, t o come o u t from her.
And it came out in That Hour.
€^7]\dey avry ry copa. Idopres 5e ol Kvpioi 19 And her MASTERS
it came o u t in t h a t t h e hour. Seeing a n d t h e lords
seeing That the HOPE of
avrrjs, Sri etyXdep if eXms TTJS epyao~ias their GAIN was gone,
of her, that came ou& t h e hope of t h e gam J seizing PAUL and S I -
avrcw, €Tn\afio/uL€Voi rop TlavXop kai rop LAS, Jthey dragged them
of them, having taken hold of t h e Paul and t h e into the MARKET, to the
TBiXap, tlXicvcrav ets rt]V ayopav €TTl TOVS
Silas, they dragged into the market to the
20 Kai 20 and they having con-
apxovras' nrpocayayopres ducted them before the
rulers; and they having led them
rois erparyyoiSy CITTOP' Ovroi ol apOpcorroi COMMANDERS, said, "These
to the commanders, said, These the men MEN, being Jews, $ greatly
enrapaao'ovo'ip T]/J.COP rr)p TTOXIP, lovdaioi virap- disturb our CITY/.
greatly disturb of us the city, Jews being, 21 arid preach Customs.,
XovreSy Kai narayyeXXovcrip €07], a OVK which it is not lawful for
and preach customs, which n o t us to receive or observe,
t^tarip rijxtv 7rapab*€Xeo~QaLi ovo*€ TTOICIP, 'Poo- being Bomans."
it is lawful for us t o receive, or to do, Ro- 22 And the CROWD rose
fxaiois ova'i. 22 K a i avptirearr] 6 o^Aos /car* up together against them ;
mans being. And rose u p t o g e t h e r t h e crowd against and the COMMANDERS
avrwp, Kai ol crrparrjyoi irepipprj^avrGs avrcop having torn off their MAN t
them, a n d t h e commanders having t o r n off of t h e m TLES, J gave orders to bea
Ta fyiaria, tKeXevop fiafSbifctv TroXXas re them with rods.
lha mantles, they ordered t o beat with r o d s ; many and
23 And having laid
eiriOepres avrois TrXyyas, efiaXop eis (pvXaKyp, Many Stripes on them,
having laid on t h e m blows, they cast i n t o prison, they cast them into Pri-
vapayyet Xapr es 7oi beGjjiocpvXaKi, ao-tpaXws son, charging the jailor to
having charged the
the jailor, securely keep them safely;
TYiptiv avrovs- *4 6s
*< 6s trapayyeXiap roiavrrjp
to keep them; who
who A charge such
24 who, havmg received
€/A??$Gt>s, cfiaXyp avrovs t i s rrjp etfcorepav into the such a Charge, cast them
I N N E R prison, and
having received, cast them into the inner
<pvXaKT]i>, Kai TOVS rrobas avrcvp rjocpaXiaaro made their FEET fast in
prison, and the feet of them were made fast
eis ro £vXop. 25 And at MIDNIGHT,
into t h e stocks. Paul and Silas praying,
Kara 5e ro /jLdO-opvKriop TlavXos Kai ZsiXas sung a hymn to GOD ; and.
At and t h e midnight Paul and Sila» the PRISONERS listened to ;
irpoo'evxo/JiGPOL v/npovp rov Beop' eirqKpooopro 5e them.
praying sung a h y m n t o t h e G o d ; listened t o and 26 J And suddenly there-
avrcvp oi Secr/iiOi. 26 Acppco 8e a'eio,{xos eyepero was a great Concussion,
them t h e prisoners. Suddenly a n d a s h a k i n g occurred so as to shake the FOUN-
lityas, d>CT€ oaXiv97]pai ra GejueAia rov 5e<rjuco- DATIONS of the PRISON ;
great, so as to shake t h e foundations of t h e pri- and Jail theDOORS were
rrjpiov ave(j)X^Vffav T€
*\j ra P a XP y )l Jia ~\ a1
9vPai opened, and the FETTERS
%ou; were opened and [^immediately] d o o r s of All were loosed.
?r curat, Kai iraprcov ra Secr/xa apeOr). 2 7 Ei-virpos 27 And the JAILOR,
all, and all t h e b o n d s were loosed. O u t of sleep
awaking from sleep, and
5e ytpojxtpos 6 beo~fAO(pvXa£, Kai ihcop apecvy- seeing the DOORS of the
aud having arisen t h e jailor, a n d oeeing having been
PRISON opened, drew a
fxepas ras Qvpas rrjs (pvXaKrjs, airacrafxepos SWORD, and was about to
opened the doors of t h e prison, having drawn
kill Himself, supposing
/xaxaipapg tpeXXep kavrop apatpeip, voyu&v that the PRISONERS had
a sword, was abou4 himsell t o kiiL supposing
sxnecpevyepai rovs 5eo~fJiiovs. 2S E<pcvP7)o~€: 5e
10 hava been fled the prisoners. Cried o u t and 28 But P A U L cried with

* "VATICAN MAWDsciti?r.—26. immediately—omit.

t 18. Mark xvi.17. t 19. 2 8. i 19. Matt. x. 18. J 20. Acta
xvu ft J 22. 2 Cor. vi. 5} xi. 23, 25; i Xhess, J. 2. J 28. Acts iv. 31. t 26.
Act* v. 19, xii. 7» i0.
'Chap. 16: 29.^ A C T S . [Cfcap. 16: 39.

fyowr) jjLeyaXrj 6 TlavXos, M^Sej/ Trpa^rjs a loud Voice, saying " J)<i
with a voice loud the Paul,Not thoumayest do thyself no harm ; for we
(reavTto KCLIIQV, airavrts yap eo'/mep evdaSe. are All here."
to thyself harm, all for we are here. 29 And having asked
Airrjo'as 5e <pwra ettreTnjS^o'e, Kai sprpofios for Lights, he rushed in,
Having askedand lights herushedin, and terrified
and being in a tremor,
fell down before P A U L and
ysvofxevos Trpoo'eirea'e rep UavX(p Kai rep %tXq,.
having become he fell before the Paul and the Silas. * SILAS.
Kai irpoayaycvP avrovs 30 And
e£a>, €<^7j* conducting Kvpioi,
And having led them
them out, he said, %" Sirs,
out, he said; O sirs,
what must I do that I may
ri fjie dei iroisip, iva cccOcc; 3 1 Oi Se eiirov be saved ?"
.what me it behoves to do, that I may be saved? They and said;
31 And THEY said,
Believe thou in the Lord Jesus Anointed, and X"Believe in the LORD
<Toody)crri crv Kai 6 OIKOS O'OV. 32
K C U eXaXqcrap
Jesus Christ, and thou
shalt be saved thou and the house of thee. And they spoke
shalt be saved, and thy
avrcp rop Xoyop rov Kvpiov, CVP tracfi rots €P 32 And they spoke to
to him the word of the Lord, with all those in
him the WORD of * the
T7) oiKia avrov. 33 Kou irapaXafiwp avrovs ep LORD, and to ALL those in
the house of him. And having taken them in his HOUSE.
€K€iyrj ry oopa rr]S PVKTOS, €\ov<reu euro reap 33 And taking them in
that the hour of the night, he washed from the That HOUR of the NIGHT,
"xKyyoov Kai efianTMrOY) avros Kai oi avrov he washed them from their
stripes; and was dipped he and those of him STRIPES, and was imme-
Travres rrapaxpTip-a- Avayayccv re avrovs €ts diately immersed^ fie and
all immediately. Having led up and them into all HIS-.
rop OIKOV avrov, 7rap€67]ice rpa-rrefyp, Kai TjyaX- 34 And having brought
the house of himself, he set a table, and re- them into * his HOUSE,
Xtao'aro ivavoiKt tr^irio'r^vKcas r<p deep. % he set a Table, and re-
joieed with all his house, having believed in the God. joiced with all his house-
33 f
H/mepas de yePojuepTjs, aireareiXap oi crrpa- hold, believing in GOD.
Day and hnving become, sent the com- 35 And when it was
rriyoi rovs £>afi8ovxoos, Xeyopres' AiroXvaop Day, the COMMANDERS sent
manders the rod bearers, saying; Release th,<?u the O F F I C E R S , saying,
rovs avQpwirovs €KeiP0vs. 3<i
AirriyyeiXe Se 6 " Let those men go."
the men those. Told and the 36 And the JAILOR told
5e<r/no<pvXa% rovs Xoyovs rovrovsrrpos ropHav- * these WORDS to PAUL,
jailor the words these to the Paul; "The COMMANDERS have
Xop' ' O n aireo-raXKao'iP oi (rrparrjyoii iua arro- sent to release you; now
That has sent the you therefore depart, and go
commanders, that
XvOrjre' vvv ovv €^eX0opresy TropevecrOe ep in Peace."
may be released; now therefore going out, do you go in 37 But PAUL said to
€ip7}prj. 3 ' 'O Se FLavXos z<pf) irpos avrovs' them,
"They have beaten
publicly uncondenined,
peace. The but Paul said to them;
Xbeing Bomans, and cast
Aeipavrcs rjfxas S ^ o f r t a , aKaraKpirovs, avdpw- us into Prison; and now
Having beaten us publicly, uncondemnned, men
do they privately cast Us
irovs 'Peo/naiovs inrapxopras, efidXop eis (pvXa- out? No, indeed; but let
Romans being, they cast into prison, them come themselves and
KrfPy Kai PVV Xadpa 7]fxas €K&aXXovo~ip; Ov conduct Us out."
and now privately us do they cast out? No
38 And the OFFICERS
yap' aXXa eXdoprts avroi rjuas
ej-ayayerceffap. related these words to the
indeed; but having come themselves us let them lead out. COMMANDERS; and they
ApyjyyeiXap 5e rois crrpa'-^yois oi fia(3dovxoi were afraid when they
Told and to the commanders the rod-bearer« heard that they were Ro-
ra prj/mara ravra' Kai e<po(37)671 crav, aKovcavresmans.
the words these; and they were afraid, having heard
39 39 And they came and
bri 'Pcvfxaioi eici. K a i eXdovres rrapaKaXe-
that Romans they are. And having come they entreated
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—29. Silas. 32. GOD, with ALL that were. 84.the
HOUSE. 38. t h e w c - K D S .
t 30. Lukeiil.10; Acts ii. 37 ; ix. 6. J 31. Joba iii. 16,88; vi.47; U o h n v. 10
% 34. Luke v. 29 i xix, 6. X 37- Acts zxii. 25.
Chap. 16; 40.] ACTS. (Map. 17: 7.

ffav avTovs, Kai e^ayayopres npoorwv ^rjXSeip entreated them; and con.
them, and havingled out they asked to go out ducting them out, asked
40 them J to depart * from the
rrjs iroXecos. E^eXdopres 8e eK TTJS QvXa-
o'the city. Having gone and out of the prison CITY.
KT]S eio"f)\Qop irpos rr)P AvSiaw 40 And going out of
teat iBoures rovs
they came in to the Lydia; the PRISON, J they entered
and having seen the
aSeX<povs> napeKaXeffav avrous, Kai e^X&op. into the house of LYDIA,
brethren, they exhorted them, and went out. and having seen the
BRETHREN, they exhorted
KE«i>. t£'. 1 7 . * Aiofievo'aprcs Be rrjp A/x(pi- them, and departed.
Having passed through and the Amphi-
iroXiv Kai AiroXXooi/iap, rjXdoy eis ©ecro'aXopi-
pohs and Apollonia, they came into Thessalonica,
1 And traveling through
KTJP, OTTOV 7]V 7} cvpayooyri rcou loudaicap. Amphipolis snd Apollonia
where was the synagogue ofthe Jews. they came to * THESSA-
Kara Be ro eiwOos TW HavX<p eio"qX0e irpos LONICA, where was * a
According to and the custom the Paul went in to Synagogue of the J E W S . _
avrovs, Kai €7ri o~a/3/3ara rpia BieXzyero av-
2 And according to his
them, and for sabbaths three reasoned with
J went in CUSTOM, P A U L
rois euro rcop ypacpwv 3 Aiapoiycop Kai irapari- to them, and on three Sab-
them from the writings; opening and setting baths reasoned with them
Qefxepos, Sri rov Xpicrrop eBei iraQeiv Kai from the s CRIPTURES,
forth, that the Anointed it was necessary to have suffered and S opening and setting
avao'rrivai eK peKpoop, Kai dri ovros ecrrip 6 forth, J That the MESSIAH
to have been raised out of dead ones, and that this is the ought to suffer and to rise
Xpiffros IrjrrovSy bv ey<a KarayyeXXoo VJUIP. from the dead, and That
Anointed Jesus, whom I announce to you. "This is the ANOINTED Je-
4 sus whom. £ announce te
K a i Tires e£ avroop eireio'Oria'av, Kai irpoa-e- you."
And some of them were convinced, *nd joined
4 % And some of them
K\y]p(*)Qr\o~av TW TlauXtp Kai rep 2 i A a , rcov re believed and adhered to
themselves to the Paul and to the Silas, ofthe and PAUL and % * Silas, and of
0~e$0fAeptoV 'EXXTJPOOP iroXv irXrjOos, yvvaiKwv the r r o u s Greeks a * great
pious Greeks a great number, women, Multitude, and of the
re r<av irpoorwv OVK oXtyai. CHIEF Women not a few.
and of the chief not a few. 5 But t h e J E W S taking
s some evil-disposed M<n
TlpoaXafSojievoi Be ot lovdaioi rcov
ayopaicop from the MARKET-LOUNG-
Having taken to themselves and the Jews ofthemarket-loungers
ERS, and gathering a
rivas apdpas Troprjpovs, Kai ox^^oirja-apres, crowd, alarmed the CITY;
some men of evil, and having gathered a crowd, and having assailed the
edopvfiovp ryp iroXw eiriarapres re T ? | OIKIO, HOUSE of % Jason sought
they disturbed the city; having assaulted and the house to bring them * fortli into
lacropos, eQqrovp avrous ayayeip ets rop BTJ/^LOP' the assembly of the PEO-
oi Jason, they sought them to lead out into the people; PLE ;
/iir] evpopres Be avrovs, eo'vpov rov lacrova 6 "but not finding them,
not having found and them, they dragged the Jason they dragged * Jason and
some ot the Brethren to
Kai ripas aBeX<povs em rovs iroXirapxys, fioovp- the RULERS of the CITY,
and some brethren to the city-rulers, crying. crying out, J " T H E S E men
res' ' O n oi rrjp oiKov/xeurjp apacrarcoaapres, who have disturbed the
That they the habitable having disturbed, EMPIRE, are come here
uvroi Kai evdaBe Trapeicrip' ? ovs virofieBeKrai also j
these also here are present; whom has received 7 whom Jason has re-
laaw Kai ovroi Tvavres a-nepapri rcop Boy/na- ceived ; and all these op-
Jason; and these all against the decrees pose the % DECREES of Ce-

* VATICAN MANUSCBIJFT.- -39. from the CITY. 1. THESSALONICA. 1. a Syna-

gogueoi. 4. Silas. 4. great Multitude. 5. fortli to the PEOPLE. 6.
J ason.
t 39. Matt. viii. 31. t 40. Ter. 14. t 2. Acts ix. 20; xiii. 5,14; xiv. 1 ; xvi. IS;
xix. 8. t 3. Luke xxiv. 26, 48; Acts xviii. 23; Gal. lit, 1. J 4. Acta xxviia. 24.
t 4. Acts xv. 22,17, 39, 40. % 5. Rom. xvi. 21. % 6. Acts xvi. 2<t. % 7. J,uka
t x i i i . 2 ; Johuxix.12*
Vhap. 17; 8.J ACTS, [Chap. 17: 16.
% *,v Kvuvapos irparrovo'i, jSamAea XsyopTes sar, saying that there is
**f Cesar do, a. kinff saying another Ring, Jesus."
«T**)CJ> t^vai, ITJCTOVP, ^ETapa^eu S.r TOVOX^OV 8 And they alarmed the
another to be, Jesm. Troubled aao; tb*» crowd CROWD and the RULERS of
*^,i TO\$ iroXtTapxas aKovovras ravri Kai the CITY, when they heard
and the city-rulers having heard these things. And these things.
hw.$ovT*s TO iitapop trapa TOV lacr PO<* Kai TOOP 9 And having taken SE-
having taken the security from the Jason and the CURITY from Jason, and
KQITTOOV) aireXvaap avr^vs O t Se a§eX(pot. the REST, they let them
rest, they let go them. The and brethren
evBews Sta TTJS VVKTOS ^^ve^ap TOP TC
immediately by the night sent away the both 10 But the BRETHREN
JlavXop Kai TOP^iXap eis BepoLav irapa- immediately,
OITIVCS by * Night,
t s e n t away P A U L and S I -
Paul and the Silas into Berea j who
LAS, to Berea; who, hav-
yevofxevoiy eis TTJP crvpaywyrjp TWP lovdaicov ing arrived, went into the
ing arrived, into the synagogue of the Jews
airijecrap. OUTOI^€ rjcrap evyeve&repoi rcav 11 And These v ere of a
went. These and were more candid of those
more noble disposition than
ep ®eo~o~aXopiKrii oWipes ede^aPTO TOP Xoyov THOSE in Thessalonica, for
in Thessalonica, who received the word they received the WORD
fxira Travis irpoOvfxias, TO KaQy rj/nepap apaKpi- with All Readiness, DAILY
with. all promptness, that every day closely X examining the SCRIP-
POPT6S Tas ypcupas, ei e%oi TavTa OVTOOS. TURES whether
Bcru.tinizing the writings, if was these things thus.
things were so.
IloXXoi fxep ovp e£ avTcop eirio'Tevo'ap, Kai 12 Many of them, there-
Many indeed therefore out of them believed, and fore, believed; and of the
r<op 'EXXtiPtSwv yvpaiKcop TOOP evo~xil/*oP60p Kai HONORABLE GREEK WO-
t>t the Greek women of the honorable and MEN, and Men not a
apbpcov OVK oXiyot. 'Hs 5e eypooo'ap ol airo few.
men not a few. When but knew those from 13 But when the J E W S
rrjs ®€(T(ra\oPiK7)s lovdaiot, OTI Kai ep TTJ Bepoia of THESSALONICA knew
the Thessalonica Jews, that also in the Berea That the WORD of GOD
KaTTjyyeAi) VTTO TOV UavXov 6 Xoyos TOV Beov, was preached by PAUL at
was preached by the Paul the word of the God, BEREA, they came there
rjXdop Kaxei <raXevoPTes TOVS OXXOVS. 14 EV decos also exciting *and troub-
they came also there stirring up the crowds. Immediately ling the CROWDS.
5e r o r e TOP HavXop e^aireo'TeiXap ol afteXtyoi 14 % And then the
and then the Paul sent out the brethren BRETHREN immediately
iropevearQai cos e m T7}p 6aha<rcra,v virefiepop 8e were to go towards the PAUL away, as if he
to go as to the sea; remained and
15 SEA ; but SILAS and T I M -
o, T€ ^,iXas Kai 6 TipoOeos eKei. Ol de KaOicr- OTHY remained there.
the, both Silas and the Timothy there. They but conduct-
Toui'Tes TOP TlavXop rjyayop"^[aurox/J ecas A6T}~ DUCTING P A U L led him
ing the Paul led [him] to Ath-
to Athens; and having
pcov Kai XaftoPTes epToXrjp icpos TOP ZZiXap Kai received a charge for S I -
ens j and having received a charge to the Silas and LAS and * TIMOTHY to
TijjLoQeop9 Ipa o>s Taxi-o'Ta eXOcocri irpos avTOp, come to him as soon as
Timothy, that assoonaspossibletheyshouldcometo him, possible, they departed.
etyeo'ap. EP Se r a t s Adrjpats eK^exo/nepov 16 Now while PAUL
they departed. In and the Athens waiting was waiting for them at
avTOvs TOV UavXov, irapca^vpeTO TO Trpevfia ATHENS, J his SPIRIT was
them ®f the Paul, was stirred up the spirit stirred within him, on be-
avTOv ev avTtp, BeoopovPTi KaTeidwXop oxxrap holding the CITY was t full
of him in him, beholding full of idols being of idols.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—10. Night. 13. and troubling the CROWDS. '15-
him—omit. 15. TIMOTHY.
t 16. This expression denotes the appearance of Atheng to the eye of a stranger. "A per-
aon could hardly take his position any where in ancient Athens, where the eye did not range
over temples, altars, and statues of the gode almost without number." Bib. Sac. Vol. vi. p. 339
% 10. Acts ix, 25; ver. 14. % 11. Luke xvi. 29; John v. 39. % 14. Matt, x 23,
\ J6. 2 Pet. ii, 8.
Chap. 17: 17-1 ACTS. [Chap.YI: 24.
l 17 He reasoned there-
Tt)V TTOKIP. ? AteXeyero /xep OVP €p rr) cvpa-
the city. He reasoned indeed then in the fore in the SYNAGOGUE
yooyr} rois lovSaiois Kai rois o'efio/j.epois, Kai with the J E W S , and with
gogue with the Jews and with those being pious, and the PIOUS persons; and
(P rr} ayopa Kara iracrap rj/m^pap irpos rovs in the MARKET every Day
\a the market during every day with those with THOSE he happened
rraparvyxapopras, Tipts de rcop ^LiriKovpeKap to MEET.

happening to meet. Some but of the Epicureans 18 But some of the E P I -

Kai reap H,T<aiK(t)p (piXoffcxpcap o"vp€$a\\op avry
and of the Stoics philosophers encountered him;
tered him. And some
Kai TIP€S e\*yop' Ti ap 6e\oi 6 crirepfjLoAoyos said, " "What does this
\nd some said; What may intend the seed-picker f BABBLER wish to say ?"
ovros \eyeip Ol 5V Izepocp daifiopicop fioK€t And OTHERS, " H e seems
this to say? They and; Of strange demons he seems to be a Proclaimer of
KarayyeXevs eipar on TOP Iriffovp Kai ry\p Strange Demons;" Because
aproclaimer to be; because the Jesus and the he announced glad tidings
19 concerning JESUS and the
apaaratfip *[avrois~\ evrjyyeXi^ero.
resurrection [to them] he announced glad tidings. Having
BO/AGPOI T€ avrovy €7rt rop Apeiop Trayop 7]ya-
19 And laying hold of
taken hold and of him, to the Mars hill they
him, they led him to
the f AREOPAGUS, saying,
yop, \eyopres' Avpajxeda yp&pai, rts f) Katprj " Can we know what This
]«d, saying; Are we able to know, what the new NEW Doctrine is, which is
avTT] 7} viro crov Ka\ov/jL£p7) Si^axv >" 2 0 aepi^op- spoken by thee ?
this that by thee being spoken teaching? Strange things SO For thou bringest
ra yap riva eio"<p€peis eis ras aKoas TJ/AODP* certain strange things to
for certain thou bringest to the ears of us. our EARS j we desire,
BovXofxeOa ovp ypcopai, rt ravra therefore, to know what
ap OeXot
We desire therefore to know, what may intend these things these things mean."
eipai. 21
Adrjpaioi 5e irapres Kai ol iiridr^fiovp- nians, 21 Now all the Athe-
to be. Athenians and all and the sojourning
and the RESIDENT
STRANGERS among them,
res i-evot, eis ovdep krepop evKaipovp, rj Atystp spent their time in noth-
strangers, in nothing else spend lesiure, than to tell ing else but to tell and
rt Kai aKOueip Katporepop. hear something new.
something and to hear newer. 22 And PAUL standing
^raOeis 5e 5 HavXos Apeiov in the niidstof the AREOPA-
ep fxea'cp rov
Having Btood up and the Paul in midst of the Mars GUS, said, "Athenians, I
irayov, €$77* Apdpes A9r)paioi9 Kara irapra perceive that in all things
hill, said; Men Athenians, in all things you are t extremely devoted
to the worship of Demons.
ws heicri^atfiopecrrepovs v/xas Oecapco* 2 3 Step-
as it were worshippers of demons you I perceive; pass- 23 For as I passed
through, and beheld the
XOfiepos yap Kai apaOecopccp ra crefiac/nara OBJECTS of your worship,
ing through for and beholding the objects of worship I found also an Altar on
bfxwp, evpop Kai ficojjLOPy ep '<*} eireyeypairro' whicli was an inscription,
of you, I found also an altar, in which had been written; ' To an Unknown God/
Aypwcrcp Oecp. *OP OVP aypoovpres evGe&eirt, * "What therefore you wor-
To an unknown God. Whom therefore not knowing you worship, ship without knowing,
rovrop eyco KarayyeW® vfjup. 24 ' O 6eos 6 This 3E announce to you.
this announce to you. The God that 24 That % GOD who
made the WORLD and All
tronjo'as rop Kocrfxop Kai irapra ra ep avrw, THINGS in it, Tje being
having made t h e ' world and all the things in it,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—18. Stoics. ,18. to them—omiti 23. What therefore
you worship without knowing.'
t 18. Literally, a seed-picker, a name given to crows, etc., and applied to a person who
picks up scraps of knowledge, which he imparts to others without sense or purpose, and
upon any and every occasion.—Owen. t 19. The supreme court of Athens. t 22,
<Qr, more religiously inclined than others..
1^24 Acts xiY. 1&,
Chap. 17: 25/} ACTS. IChap. 17: 32.
OUTOS ovpavov KOU yr)$ tcvpios vrcapxw,$ Lord of Heaven and
this of heaven and earth. Lord Earth, % dwells not in
being, not
ev x P°' i'irotr r0iS
vaoiois Karoucei, 23
ovde into Temples made with hands;
in hand-made temples dwells, nor by 25 nor is he served by
\etpoov avQpcoircov Oepaireverai, 7rpoo~b*eofievos the HANDS of MEN, $as
hands of men is served, wanting needing anything ; t he
Kat K0U having given to all Life,
riv*s, avros SiSovs iraci &W ^^°f\v and Breath, and all things;
anything, he giving to all life and breath, and
ra iravra' 26
eiroir]o~€ re e£ evos ^[^at/xarosj Every 26 and made from One,
the things all, made andoutof one [blood]
Nation of Men to
dwell on * the Whole Eaee
irav edvas avdpooircov K&roiKeiv eiri irav TO Txpo- of theEA&TH; having de-
every nation of men to dwell on all the face
termined the appointed
aiottov T7}s yrjs, opicras TrpoarreTayjJLevovs Kai- Seasons, a r d J t h e IMXED
of the earth, having fixed having been appointed se*- LIMITS of their HABITA-
povs Kai ras dpoOeffias r-qs KaroiKtas avroov TION ;
sons and the fixed limits of the habitation of them; 27 $to seek GOD, if per-
-7 faq-cu, rov Q€0v, et apaye tyrjXacprjcreiav avrov haps they might feel after
to seek the God, if indeed they might feel him and find h i m ; % and in-
Kat evpotev, KCLLToiye ov ij.afcpav airo evos €/ccc<r- deed he is not far from
and might find, and indeed not far from one each every one of us ;
TOV rjjxcav vTtapxovra. EJ> avrcp yap fafxev 28 for in him we live,
of us being. In him for we lire and move, and exist; as
Kat Kivovjisda Kai ecr/xev ws Kai rives reov Kad' even some of f YOUE OWN
and are moved and we are; as also some of those with Poets have said, 'Eor also
vfias TTOI7\T(X)V eipr)Kao~r Tov yap Kai yevos we H I S Offspring are.'
you poets have said; Of the for also offspring 29 Being, therefore, the
eo-fiev. 29 Tevos ovv inrapxovres rov deov, Offspring of GOD, J we
we are. Offspring therefore being of the God, ought not to imagine a
OVK o<f>ei\ojuev vofxi(eiv, xpvcrcp 7) apyvpp 7] Gold or Silver or Stone
not we are bound to suppose, gold or silver or Sculpture,—a work of Art
KtOcpy xaPayfJLWri TexvT]S teat evOv/xrjaeccs avOpca- and human Skill,—to he
••tone, a sculpture o/art and device efman, like the DEITY.
irovy ro Qetov eivat ofxoiov. 30 Tovs ixev ovv 30 Therefore, indeed,
the Deity to be like. The indeedtherefere overlooking % the TIMES of
Xpovovs T7)S ayvoias virepi^wv 6 Oeos, ravvv commands all MEN, in
times of the ignorance overlooking the God, now
every place, t o reform ;
•napayyeXKei rots avQpomois tract iravraxov 31* because he has es-
he commands to the men all in all places tablished a DAY J m which
ixeravoeiv hiori eo'rrjo'ev r)fiepav, ev '?? he is about to judge the
to reform; because he established a day, in which HABITABLE in Righteous-
/LieWet Kpivetv rrjv 0tK0vaev7}v ev BtKatocrvvrf^ ness, by a Man whom
he ii about to |udge the habitable in righteousness, he has appointed*, having
furnished a Proof to all by
ev avdpi '<p wpio'e, rciariv irapacrxoov itao~iV) X raising him from the
by a man whom heappointed,aguaranteehavingfurnished to all,
avao~rr)cras avrov eK veKpccv - AKOvaav- 32 And when they heard
having raised him out of dead ones. Having heard of the Resurrection of the
res §e avaaraaiv veKpwv, ot jxev exXevafav Dead, SOME derided; but
and a resurrection of dead ones, these indeed mocked; OTHEES said, " We will
ot 8e enrov hKovcrofxeda GOV icaXiv irepi rov- hear thee * again about
thosebut said; We will hear thee again about this. this.

* VATICAN MANUscRirx.—26. Blood—onttf. 26. The Whole Pace of. 32. also
i 28. The Phenomena of Aratus, and Cleanthes' Hymn to Jupiter, contain this quotation.
Aratus was a Cilician, one of Paul's countrymen, with whose writings Paul was probably
well acquainted.
t 24. Matt.xi.25. ' £ 24.*Acts vii.48. J 25. Psa. 1.8. t 25. Gen. ii. 7;
INum. xvi. 22; Jobxii. 10; x x v i i . 3 ; xxxiii. 4; Isa. xlii. 5; lvii. 10; Zech. x i i . l . t 26.1
Deut. xxxii. 8. J 27. Rom. i. 20. t 27. Acts xiv. 17- t 29. Isa. xl. 18.
: 30. Acts xiv. 16; Horn. lii. 25. J 30. Luke xxiv. 47 ; Titus ii. 11,12 j 1 Pet. 1.14 j iv. &
i 81. Acts x. 42; Eotn. ii. 16; xiv» 10. i .81. Acts ii. 24.
dfiap. 1? : 34.3 [Ohap.\8: 8.
rov. Kai OVTGOS 6 JlavAos e^t]A6ev CK /neaov 33 And thus Paul went
And thug t h e Paul went o u t from midst out from the midst of
avrwv. them.
ef t h e m . 34 But Some Men ad-
34 Tives 8e avSpes KoAAijdevres avrcp, eiuar- hering to him, believed ;
Some but men having associated with him, be- among whom were Diony-
revcrav ev 01s Kai Aiovvmos 6 Apeoirayiri]s, sius the * Areopagite, and
lieved; a m o n g whom also Dionysius the Areopagite, a Woman named Uemaris,
Kat yvvr\ ovofxart Aafxapis, Kai erepoi o~vv and others with them.
and a woman by name Damaris, and others with
KE*. 117'. 1 8 . CHAPTER XVIII.
aVTOLS. MeTa 8e ravra
them. After and these things 1 And after these things
X&pio~deis b UavAos e/c rwv Adrjvcov, r)A(tev eis * P A U L withdrawing from
having withdrawn t h e Paul from the Athens, came into A T H E N S , came to Corinth;
2 2 and having found a
Koptvdov. Kai evpuv riva lovdaiov ovo/xar^,
Corinth. A n d having found acertain Jew byname Certain Jew named
AKvAav, TlovTiKov rep yevet, irpocrcparoos eAijAv- JAqiula, a native of Pon-
Aquila, Pontus by t h e race, recently having tus, recently come from
dora airo rrjs IraAias, Kai TLpio-KiAAav yvvatKa ITALY, and his wife Pris-
come from the Italy, and Priscilla wife cilla, (because * Claudius
avrov, (dta ro btarerax^vai KAavdiov X P~
01 him, (because t h e t o have commanded Claudius to with- to withdraw from ROME,)
£eo*0cu iravras rovs lovfiaiovs eK TTJS 'Poofxys,) he went to them.
draw all the Jews from the Rome,) 3 And because he WAS
irpocrriAQzv avrois' Kai 5 m ro ofxorexvov of the same trade, he re-
he went to t h e m ; a n d because t h e same trade mained with them, J and
eivai, e/xeve Trap' avrois' Kai eipya^ero' r\o'av * labored ; for they were
to b e , he remained with them; and worked; they were Tent makers by trade.
yap CKTJVOTTOIOI rr\v rexvi]v. AieAe7€T0 Se ev 4 I And he reasoned in
for tent-makers the trade. He reasoned and in the SYNAGOGUE Every
rt] crvvayooyy Kara Tray craBfiarov, eireiOe re Sabbath, and persuaded
th« synagogue during every sabbath, persuaded and Jews and Greeks.
lovSatovs Kat 'EAAyvas. '£ls 8e KarrjAOov 5 % A.nd when Si LAS and
Jews and Gree-ks. When b u t came down
TIMOTHY came from M A -
airo rt)s MaKeSovias d, re ^lAas icat 6 Ti/jio6eos, CEDONIA, PAUL was con-
from the Macedonia t h e , b o t h Silas and the Timothy,
fined to the WORD, ear-
avveix^ro rep Aoycp 6 TlavAos, ^tafxaprvpojjievos nestly testifying to the
was confined t o t h e word the Paul, earnestly testifying J E W S the ANOINTED Je-
rois lovdaiois rov "Kpicrrov IrjO'ovy. Avrirac- sus.
to the Jews the Anointed Jesus. Resisting
6 X But when they re-
ffofxevoov 5e avrcav Kai ^Aac(p7]fxovvrcov, eKriva- sisted and blasphemed,
but them and blaspheming, having
shaking his CLOTHES, he
qa/ieuos ra l/maria, enre irpos avrovs' To alfia said to them, " Your
shaken t h e mantles, h e said to them; The blood
BLOOD be upon your head!
VJXOOV eiri ri)v KecpaArjV V/JLOOV, KaQapos eyco,£ am pure; from this TIME
of you on the head of you, pure I,
I will go to the G E N T I L E S . "
airo rov vvv eis ra edvr] 7 Kai
from tha now t o t h e Gentiles I will g o . And 7 And having removed
litrafias eKeiOev, rjAdev eis oiKiav rivos ovo- thence he went into the
having removed thence, h e went i n t o a house of one by House of one named Jus-
jxari lovarrov, o'efio/aevov rov 6eov, ov 7) oiKia tus, a worshipper of GOD,
name Justus, worshipping t h e God, of whom the bouse Whose HOUSE was adjoin-
i]V avvofxopovcra rrj ffwaycayrj. 8Kpimros 5e 6 iug the SYNAGOGUE.
was adjoining t o t h e synagogue. Cnspus but the 8 And J: Crispus, the
upxicrwayaiyos eirio"revo~e rep icvpicp crvv oA<p RULER of the SYNAGOGUE,
synagogue-ruler believed i u t h e Lord with whole believed i,i the L O R O , with
i(p oiK(p avrov Kai iroAAvi roov KopivOoov aKou- All his HOUSE ; and many
(he house of himself; a n d many of t h e Corinthians bear- of the CORINTHTANS hear

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 4 . A r e o p a g i t e . 1. h e d e p a r t e d f r o m . 2. A l l J E W S
were C O M M A N D E D t o w i t h d r a w from R O M E . . they labored.
1 2. R o m . x v i . 8 ; 1 C o r . x v i . 19; 2 T i m . i v . 19. S S. A c t s x x . 8 4 ; I Cor. i v . 12; 1
Thess. it 9 ; 2 Tliess. i i i . 8. t 4. Acts xvii. 2. I 5. A c t s x v i i . i A . 15. i 6.
\ctes xyiii. 45, 4 0 , x x v m . 28«^ ^ a j j ^ o r . i. 14.
Chap. 18: 9.j ACTS. [&iap. 18: 1&.
bvres €0"t(TT6uo^, Kai €J3airTi£ovro° enre Se 6 ing, believed, and were im-
ing believed, and were dipped; said and the mersed.
Kvpios Si3 bpafxaros ev VVKTL r<p UavXcf Mr? 9 % And the LORD said
Lord through a vision by night to the Paul; Not to PAUL, in a Vision by
(pofioVy aXXa XaXei /cat ^77 o-tcoTr^a^s* diori Night, " Pear not, but

fear, but speak and no be silent; because speak, and be not si-
eyco €i/JLi fjLtra o~ov, Kai ovheis eiriOrjo'erai cot lent ;
1 am with thee, and no one shall attack thee 10 J for 3t am with the»;
rov KaKcocrai ere* S I O T : Aaos eo~ri fxoi TTOXVS ev and no one shall attack
ot the to hurt thee; because people is forme much in tiiee, to HURT thee; for
ry iroXei ravrrj. u
EKadicre r e eviavrov Kai me there are many People for
the city this. He continued and a year and
in this CITY.
11 And he remained
firjvas e£, $i$ao~K(av ev avrois rov Xoyov rov there a Year and six
months six, teaching Among them the word ofthe
Months, teaching among
6eov. them the WORD of GOD.
12 12 But when Gallio was
TaXXicovos de avOviranvovr^s TTJS A ^ a m s , Proconsul of ACHAIA,
Gallio and being proconsul ofthe Achaia, the J E W S with one mind
Kareirecrrrio'av bfxoQvjxa^ov oi lovoaioi rco Ylav- assaulted PAUL, and
rushed with one mind the Jews to the Paul, brought him to the TRIBU-
Aty, Kai rjyayov avrov eiri ro JSTJ/XC*, 1 3 Xeyovres' NAL,
and led him to the tribunal, saying; 13 saying, "This man
' O T J irapa rov VO/LLOV ovros avairtiQei rovs persuades MEN to worship
That from the law this persuades the GOD contrary to the
avOpoowovs o~e/3eo~0at rov Bzcv. MeAAovTOs L A W . "
men to worship tho God. Being about 14 And PAUL being
5e rov UavXov avotyeiv ro crro/na? eiirev 6 about to SPEAK, GALLIO
but the Paul to open the mouth. said the said to the J E W S , % " I f
TaXXicov Trpos rovs lovBaiovs" f\v indeed it was an act of In-
E i ,aej> ovv
Gallio to the Jews; justice or reckless Evil, O
If indeed thereforeit was
a6iKf}}xa ri, y] paSiovpyrj/ua i^ovqpov^ co lov- Jews* according to Rea-
mjustice any, or reckless evil; O Jews, son I would bear with
daioi, Kara Xoyov av ^vecrxo^-V^ V/JLCDV 15 ei you;
according to reason T would bear with you; if 15 but if it be a Ques-
Se £i7T77/xa eari irepi Xoyov Kai ovofxaroov Kai tion concerning Doctrine,
but a question it is about a word ind names and and Names, and THAT Law
vo/biov rov Ka&* vfias, o\pecSe Kpirrjs which is among you, see
otalaw of that with you, you wilL see yourselves; ajudge jmu to it, for ft will not be
'^['yap] eyoo rovroov ov /SouAo/xa etvai. 16
Kcu a Judge of these things."
[tor] 1 of these not chooso to be. And 16 And he drove them
vnr7]Xao~6V avrovs CLTTO rov jS^/xaros. *' E"*rtAa- from the TRIBUNAL.
he drove them from the tribunal. Having 17 And they All took
dojuevoi 6e Travres ^[GL 'EAA^yesJ ^wrQevrjv JSosthenes, the RULER of
taken hold and all [the Greeks] ot Soathenes the SYNAGOGUE, and beat
rov apx'-o'vvayooyov^ crvirrov t/jnrpoo-Qev rov him before the TRIBUKAL.
the synagogue-ruler, they struck before the But GALLIO cared for
firjfiaros' Kai ovfitv rovrwv rep YaWuavi €jue- none of these things.
tribunal, and nothing of these tha Gallio cared. 18 And PAUL having re-
AeiA ' 0 5e HavXos ert TcpoLjAtivas
7)jj.epas mained yet many Bay?,
The and . Paul yet having remained days bidding farewell to the
iKavas, rois adeX<pois a7rora£a/j.€vosy e£e?rAei BRETHREN, sailed thence
many, to the brethren having bid farewell, sailed out for SYRIA, in company
€is rr\v Hvpiav, Kai <rvv avrcp Tlpio'iaXXa
aai with Priscilla and Aquila;
into the Syria, and with him Priscilla and % having shaved his HEAD
AKvXas, Keipa[~€vos rrjv tC€(pa\r)V ev Keyxpeais' in % Cenchrea, for he had a
Aquila, having shaved the head in Cenchrea; Vow.
c i x e yaP $vxy)v. ls
Kar7)VTY}&e: Sg eis E^ecrov, 19 And he came to
he had for a vow. He came and to Ephesu3,
* VATICAN MANUSCBIPT.—15. for—omit. 17- the GREEKS—-omit.
1 9. Acta xxiii. 11. f 10. Jer. i. 18,19 ; Matt, xxvih. 20. + 14. Acts xxiii.29;
jatv. U, 19. t 17- 1 Cor. i. i. J 18. Num. vi. 12; Acts xxi. 24. % 18. Rom. xvi. %
i/hap. 18: 20„3 ACTS. [O/iap. 18: 2'/.

Kctuzivovs KareXnrep avrov avros 8eet(reA.- Ephesus, and left tf)cm

andthem he left there: he b u t having e n -there; as fie entered into
6oop eis rrjp a'ppc.ycoyrjp, dieXexO'q rois the SYNAGOGUE, and rea-
tcred into the synagogue, reasoned with t h e soned with the J E W S .
lovbaiois. Epcorcoproop 5e avrcop eiri irXeiopa 20 And when they re-
Jews. Asking and them for longer quested him to remain a
Xpovov /xeipai ^\_Tvap> avrois,~\ OVK eirepevo'ep' longer Time, he did not
a time t o remain [with them,] not h e consented; consent;
aXA' airera^aro * [ a i r r o i s , ] enrcop' *'*"[Ae* fxe 21 but bade them fare-
but he bade farewell [to them,] saying; [ I t b e h o v e s m e well, saying, " I will return
iravroos riqp eoprrju ri\v epxo/J.eP7]P iroirio'ai eis to you again, % GOD will-
byallmeans t h e feast that coming t o keep i n t o ing." And he sailed from
'IfpocroXvjj.a''] iraXiu * [ S e ] avaKa/xxpco irpos E P H E S U S ;
Jerusalem;] again [but] I will r e t u r n to 22 and coming down to
vfxas, rov Oeov OeXovros* ' x "[Kau] avr}x6r} airo Cesarea, and going up, and
you, t h e God willing, [ A n d ] h e sailed from saluting the CONGREGA-
rr]S Etyetfov Kai icareXOcop eis Kaicrapeiap, TION, he went down to An-
the Ephesus, a n d having gone down t o Cesarea, tioch.
apafias, nai aairaa'a/ixepos ri]V eKKXrjcriap,
having gone u p , a n d having saluted tho congregation, 23 And having spent
23 ovov some Time there, he de
Karefi-q eis Aprtox^t-ccv. Kcu iroiTjvas x? parted ; going through the
he went down to Antioch. And having s p e n t time
T<va, e^-qXQe, Siepxa^vos KaOe^vs, rrjp FaXa- COUNTRY of % GALATTA
some, he went out, passing t h r o u g h i n order., the Gala- and Phrygia,in order, X es-
7LKI]P xo)Pav Kai
^pvyiap) eirio-rripi^oM navras tablishing All the D I S C I -
tia country and Phrygia, establishing ill PLES.
rovs ixaQt]ras. 24
lovhaios Be ris AitcXXoDS 24 J And a certain Jew
the disciples. A Jew i n d certain Apollos named Apollos, a Native of
opo/uLari, AXe£ap$pevs rco yei'et^ avqp Xoyios, Alexandria, an eloquent
byname, an Alexandrian by t h e birth, a man eloquent, Man, being powerful in the
xarqprrjcrep eis Etyecrop dvparos on' ep rais SCRIPTURES, came tc
came to Ephesus powerful being i n the Ephesus.
ypa<pais. Ovros f)P Karrixyv-zvos TH\V OSOP 25 This person was be-
writings. This was having been instructed t h e way ing instructed in the WAY
rov Kvptov Kai £eeop rev Trpev/jiari, eXaXei Kai of the LORD, and being fer-
o) t h e L o r d ; andbeingierventin the spirit, h e spoke and vent in SPIRTT, he spoke
€5i5a<r/<:ey aKpijBcos ra irepi rov w.vpiov, and * also taughtaccurately
taught accurately t h e things concerning t h e Lord, the THINGS * concerning
etr icrrafxepos \LOPOV ro (3 air riafia Icvappov. J E S U S , £ being acquainted
being acquainted with only the dipping of J o h n , only with the IMMERSION
Ovros re -qp^aro irapprjala^earOai ev ry o~vva- of John.
This and began t o speak boldly in t h e syna-
26 And he began to
yo>yr\. AKovaavres §e avrov AKvXas Kai speak boldly in the SYNA-
gogue. Having heard and of h i m Aquila and
GOGUE. And * Aquila and
TLpic>Ki\Xa, npocrc-Xafiopro avrop, Kai aKpifieo~- Priscilla explained to him
Priscilla, took him, and more accu- more accurately the WAY
repop avroj e^eOepro rr\v rov Oeov odop. Ti Bov- of GOD.
»ateiy t o h i m explained t h e of t h e God way. Wish-
Xofxepov Se avrov dieXOeiv eis rrjp Axaiap, ivpo- 27 And when he was
iBg and ol him to pass t h r o u g h i n t o t h e Achaia, hav- wishing to pass over into
Tpe\^ajuepoL ol adfXcpoi eypa\l/av rois ixaQr\rais ACHAIA, the BRETHREN
ing exhorted t h e brethren they wrote to the disciples wrote exhorting the D I S C I -
airobe^ao'Oai avrop' 6s irapayepo^pos, o~vpe- PLES to receive him; who,
to receive him , who having arrived, he having arrived, J he greatly
a L assisted THOSE BELIEV-
fiaXero TTOXV rois Treirio'revKOO'i hia ry]s X P ~ ERS, by his G O T ;
faelped much those having believed through t h e grace.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—20. Avith them—omit, 21. to them—omit. 21. It

behoves me to keep the COMING FEAST in Jerusalem—omit, 21. but—omit. 21. And
—oMtt. 25. also taught. 25. concerning JESUS. 20. Priscilla and Aquila,
J 21 1 Cor. iv. 19; Heb. vi. 3 ; James iv. 15. J 23. Gal. i. 2 j iv. 14.
1 t 23. Acts
t 25. Act»
xiv. 22; xv. 32, 41. t 21. 1 Cor. i. 12; iii. 5, 6; iv. 6; Titus iii. 18.
Six. 3. t 27. 1 Cor. iii. 6„
Chap. 18 : 28.] A C T S . [Chap. 19: 9.
28 28 for he strenuously
ros. Evrovcos yap rocs lovbatois SLCUCCCTT]-
Strenuously for with t h e Jews discussed with the J E W S
he was discus-
Xey^ero bri/uocriq, eTTibeinvvs oia roov ypadyoov, in public, | proving by the
sing publicly, proving by the writings, SCIUPTUHES that Jesus is
eivai rov Xpio'rov lytfovv.
to be the Anointed Jesus. CHAPTER XIX.
1 And it happened, while
KE*. id'. 1 9 . i APOLLOS was in Corinth,
Eyevero be ev TOI rov ATTOXXCO eivai Paul,
ev through having passed
I t happened and in the the Apollos t o be in
the UPPER Parts,
came t o ' E p h e s u s ; and
KopivBcp, TiauXou bteXOovra ra avcorepiKa fieprj, having found Some Disci-
Corinth, Paul having passed t h r o u g h t h e upper parts, ples,
eXdeiv eis E(pe&ov. Kai evpoov rivas /uaOrjraS} 2 he said to them,
to come t o Ephesus. A n d having found some disciples, " Have you received the
6I7T6 Trpos avrovs" E i tvvevp.a ayiov eXafiere holy Spirit 5
since you be-
he said to thern; If a spirit holy you received lieved? ' And THEY said
to him, % " We- have not
iriarevcravres ; Oi be enrol' Trpos avrov AAA' even heard whether there
having believed; They a n d said to him; But
be any holy Spirit."
ovbe ei TTvevjixa ayiov ecrriv, 7]Kovo~a/j.ev. 3 Ei7re 3 And he said, " I n t o
nolevenif a spirit holy is, we have heard. H e said
what then were you im-
re ~*\jirpos avrovs'1 Eis ri ovv e$a-wrio~Q7\re ; mersed ?" And THEY said,
and [to them,.] I n t o what t h e n were y o u dipped ? % " Into J O H N ' S IMMER-
Oi be eiirov Eis ro Icoavvov fiaimcrfta, Ei7re S I O N ? "
They and s a i d , Into the of J o h n dipping. Said 4 And Paul said,
be UavXos' looavvrjs efiairricre Panna/ua jjiera- X John administered the
and Faut, John dipped a dipping ofrefor- Immersion of Reformation,
saying to the PEOPLE, that
maj, rw Xaco Xeyoov, eis rov ep^o/j-evov fier* they should believe into
mation, t o t h e people saying, into him coming after
ii j M that was COMING
avrov iva iriarevercom' TOUT' eariv, eis rov after him, that is, into Je-
him t h a t they should believe; that is, i n t o t h e sus."
Irjcovv. ° hKovaavres be efiairriaOricrav eis ro 5 And having heard this,
Jesus. Having heard and they were dipped i n t o t h e they were immersed J into
ovojxa rov itvpiov l^ffou. K a i eiriBevros the NAME of the LOUD
same of t h e Lord Jesus. And having placed Jesus.
avroLS rov YlavXov ras xefpas, 7]X6e ro irvevfxa 6 And Paul J putting
to t h e m the Paul the hands, came the spirit ins * Hands on them, the
ro dyiov eir' avrovs, eXaXovv re yXcva'rrais KCU HOLY SPIRIT came on
the holy upon them, they spoke and with tongues and them, and X they spoke
i with Tongues and pro-
Trpoe<p7]revov. \{o~av be ol iravres avbpes waei phesied.
prophesied. Were and t h e all men about
s 7 And ALL the Men
beKabvo. Eio'eX6cov be eis riqv cr v v ay coy 7]V, were about twelve.
twelve. Having entered and i n t o t h e synagogue,
8 And having entered
eirapprio'ia^ero, eiri jarjvas rpeis hiaXeyojuevos (he SYNAGOGUE, he spoke
he spoke freely, for months three reasoning
boldly for three Months,
Kai ireiQoov * [ r a ] ivepi rijs PacriXeias rov reasoning and persuading
and persuading [the things] concerning t h e kingdom of the I about the KINGDOM of
Oeov. 9 Tls be rives ea'KXiqpvvovro Kai rjTrei- GOD. •
God. W h e n and some . were hardened and disbe- 9 But when some were
0ovv, KaKoXoyovvres rt]V bbov evcoiuov rov hardened, and disbelieved,
lieved, speaking evil of the way in presence of t h e speaking evil of the WAY

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. Ephesus, and found Certain Disciples ; and he said to them.
3. to them—omit. 0. Hands. 8. the things—omit.
t 23. Acts ix. 22; xvii.3 ; ver. 5. t 1-1 Cor. i. 12; iii. 5, 6, • % 2. Acts viii. 10.
I 3. Actsxvm.25. t 4.; John i. 15, 27, 30; Acts i. 5; xi. 16; xiii. 24, 25.
f 5. Acts viu. 10. X G- A c t s v i * 6 : v u i - 17- i Q- A c t s i1- 4 i x - *6> X 8P
\c\.% xvii. 2 . xyjii.4, t 8. Acts i, 3; xxvm. 23,
Ohap. 1 9 : 10.] ACTS. [Cftop.19: 17.

vXrjOovs, airocras air* avroov,

acpoopicre rovs before the PEOPLE, having
multitude, having departed from the them, he separated
departed from, them, he se-
uaOrjraSj tcad3 r)fiepav diaXeyofxevos ev rrj parated the DISCIPLES,
disciples, every day reasoning in the
reasoning daily in the
r^oA?^ Tupawou *[Tfyos.] 10Tovro 8e eyevero SCHOOL of Tyrannus.
school of'Tyrannus [one.] This and was done
€7Ti err) Svot oxrre Travras rovs KaroiKovvres 10 % And this was done
for years two, so that all the dwellers
for two Years, so that All
TTJP Acriav aKovcrai rov Xoyov rov Kvpiov, lov- the INHABITANTS of Asi A,
th« Asia to hear the word of the Lord, Jews heard the WORD of the
daiovs re Kai 'EXXrjvas. Avvajieis re ov ras LORD, both Jews and
both and Greeks. Miracles and not the Greeks.
rvxovffas eiroiei b £eos dia row xelPoov
common ones
did the God through the 11 And % God performed
TLavXov oxrre Kai eivi rovs ao~Qevovvras EXTRAORDINARY Miracles
of Paul; so that even to those being sick by the HANDS of Paul;
eirKpepeffOai ano rov XPCOTOS OLvrov crovSapia 7}
to be brought from the skin of him napkins or 12 Jso that Napkins or
CifiiKivdia, Kai airaXXaorcrecrOr) air* avrwv ras Aprons were bronght from
aprons, and tobeseifree from them the him to the SICK, and the
vocrovs, ra re irvev/xara ra ixovr\pa eKiropevecr- DISEASES departed from
diseasea, the and spirits the evil to be cast them, and the EVIL SPIR-
ecu. ITS were cast out.
13 13 J And some of the
Eirexeiprjaav 5e rives airo roov irepiepxo- TRAVELING Jewish exor-
Tookinhand and some from of those going cists % undertook to name
jjievoov lovdcuwv e^opKicrrcov ovajxa^eiv eiri rovs the NAME of the LORD Je-
about Jews exorcists to name on thosesus over THOSE HAVING
exovras ra irvevjxara ra irov7]pa ro ovofxa rov EVIL SPIRITS, saying, " 1
having the spirits the evil the name of the adjure you by JESUS whom
Kvpiov Ir)o~ov, Xeyovres' ^QpKi^oo vfxas rov PAUL pueaches."
Lord Jesus, saying j I adjure you the
Irjo'ouv, ov 6 UavXos 14 And there were some
K7)pvo~crei. 14
Hcrav 8e
Jesus, whomthe Paul * Seven Sons of One Sceva,
preaches. Were and
rivss vioi ^Keva lovdaiov apx^pecos eirra, ol a Jewish High-priest, who
some sons of Sceva a Jew a high-priest seven, who did so.
rovro TTOiovvres. 15 AiroKpiQev fie ro 15 But the EVIL SPIRIT
this were doing. Answering andthe spirit the
answering, * said to them,
7Tovr)pov enre* Tov Irjcrovv yivooo'Kco, Kai rov "Jesus indeed I know, and
evil said; The Jesus I know, and the
Paul I know, but who are
UavXov eiricrrafxai' vjxeis Se rives eo~re; 16 Kai gou?"
Paul I am acquainted with; you but who are? and
etyaXXofievos 67r' avrovs d avOpcoiros, ev 'as t]v
16 And the MAN in
leaping on them the man, in which was
whom the EVIL SPIRIT was
ro Tvvevpia ro Tvovt]pov^ Kai KaraKvpievcas leaped on them, and hav-
the spirit the evil, and having overcome ing overcome * them, pre-
avrcav, iffxvGe nar* avrcov, coffre KVJXVOVS Kai vailed against them, so
them, prevailed against • them, so that naked and that they fled out of that
rerpav/JLario~/j.evovs eKcpvyeiv eK rov OIKOV HOUSE naked and wound-
having been wounded to have fled out of the house ed.
€K€ivov. ^Tovro 5e eyevero yvoocrrov iraaiv
that. This and became known to all 17 And this became
lovtiaiois re Kai ''EXXrjo'i rois KaroiKovcri rrjv known to ALL, both Jews
Jews both and Greeks those dwelling the and GREEKS, dwelling in
an ear
E</>€0W Kai eTreTTecre (pofios eiri iravras avrovs?Ephesus ; X d f fell
Ephesus; and fell a fear on all them,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—9. one—omit. 14. Seven Sons of One Sceva.
said to them, J E S U S indeed 1 know, and. 16. them both, and prevailed.
1 10. Acts xx. 31. J 11 Mark xvi. 20; Acts xiv. 3. J 12. Acts v. 15; See 2
Knits iv. 29. t 13. Matt. xii. 27- t 13- See Matt. i s . 38; Luke vs., 49. £ 17.
Jvuke i. 05; vii. 19; Acts ii. 43; v. 5, U.
Cfiap. 19; 18.] [Chap. 19: 26.
Kai efj.eya\vv€TO ro ovofxa rov Kvp.:ov lr}o~ov. on them all, and the NAMB
and was magnified the name of the Lord Jesus. of the LORD Jesus was
ELoAAoi TC TCOJ/ irsirurTevKOTCtiv ypxcwro e£o- magnified. i
SCany and of those having believed came con- 18 And MANY of those
lioXoyovfjLevoi Kai avayyeXXovres ra.s irpa^is who BELIEVED, came,
feasing and declaring the deeds confessing and declaring
avrccu. 19
'luavoi §e roav ra irepiepya vrpa^av- their DEEDS.
ofthem. Many and ofthosethe magical arts practis- 19 And many of THOSK
TWV, orvveveyKaures ras fiifiXovs, KarzKaiov PRACTISING MAGICAL
ing, having brought together the books, burned ARTS, having brought to-
evooTTLov iravToow KCU avp€\\/7)<picrav ras TI/JLCLS
gether their BOOKS, burnt
in presence of all; and they computed the prices them before all; and they
avTOov, icat, eupov apyvpLov jxvpiadas computed the value of
irepre. them,
of them, and found pieces of siver myriads five.
and found it to tots
20 fifty thousand pieces ol
OUTGO Kara Kparos 6 Xoyos rov Kupiov Silver.
Thus according to power the word of the Lord
21 c 20 Thus the WORD of
Tju^ave KOLI icxvsy. Hs 5e eTrX-qpooOr] ravra, * the LORD powerfully in-
grew and prevailed. When and was fulfilled these things, creased and prevailed.
edero 6 YiavXos ei> rep irvevpLari, SieA^coy 21 % And when these
was disposedthe Paul in the spirit, having passed through
things were accomplished,
rr\v .McLKtdovicu/ nai A%euax>, TropeveardaL eis £ PAUL was disposed by
the Macedonia and Achaia, to go into
the SPIRIT, having passed
'lepov(Ta\7]fi, etiroow ' O T J jxera ro yevecrdat /-te through Macedonia and
Jerusalem, saying; That after the to be come tae Achaia, to go to Jerusalem,
€K€i, §€i JAG KaL <P(c/JL7]i' ideas. 2 2 Airoo~reiXassaying, " After I have
there, it behoves me also Ronie to see. Having sent BEEN there, $ I must also
5e eis rt]V MaK&oviav Bvo roov ftiaicovovvriav see Home."
and into the Macedonia two of those ministering 22 And having sent two
avTcv, TifioBeop teat Epacrroi/, avros etrecrx€ Of X THOSE Who MINIS-
to him, Timothy and Erastus, he remained TERED to him, Timothy
Xpovov ets rf]V Acriav. ^~Eyev€ro Se Kara rov and Erastus, into Macedo-
a time in the Asia. It happened and during the nia, he remained for a
Kaipov eKeivov rapaxos OVK oXiyos irepi rrjs Time in ASIA,
season that a tumult not small eoncerning the 23 And X there occurred.
65ou. during that PERIOD, no
way. small Tumult concerning
24 J that WAY.
Ar)iJ,7)rpios yap TLS ovo/jcan, apyvpoKoiros,
Demetrius for a certain byname, a silversmith, 24 For a certain man,
named Demetrius, a Sil-
TCOIOOV vaovs *\jxpyvpovs~\ Apre/y,i8os, irapsix^TOversmith, making t silver
making temples [of silver] for Diana, brought Temples of Diana afforded
rots r$xi/Lra,-s epyaaiau ovic oXiyrjv. 25
Oi5s $no * Small Gain to the
to the workmen gain not a little. Whom WORKMEN.
ffwaQpouraSj Kai rovs Trepi ra roiavra epya- 85 whom he having as-
having brought together, and those about the suchlike work. sembled, with THOSE em-
ras, enrev Avdpes, eiricrraaOz, OTL e/c rav- ployed about the LIKK BU«
taen, said; Men, you know, that out of this SINESS, said, "Men, yocr
26 KaL know That from This WORS
rrjs rrjs epyao'ias rj eviropia TJJXOOV ecri'
the work the wealth of us is; and
deoopeire Kai aKOvere, on ov jiovov E<£>ecroi>, 26 and you see and hear,
you see and you hear, that not only ofEphesus, That not only at Ephesua

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—20. the LORD. 24. silver—omit. 24. Small Gain.

t 24. Portable representations of this temple, which were bought by strangers as mat-
ters of curiosity, and probably of devotion. The temple of Diana was raised at the expense
of all Asia Minor, and yet was 2-10 years in building, before i t was brought to i t s sum of per-
fection. I t was in length 425 feet, by 228 in breadth, and was beautified by 127 columns,
which were made at the expense of so many kings ; and was adorned with the most beauti-
ful statues.—Clarke.
t 21. Rom. xv. 25 ; Gal.. i. 1. \ 21. Acts xx. 22. t 21. Acts xviii. 21 ; xxiii.
II; Rom. xv. 24—28. i 22, Acts xiii. $ i ?3. % Cor. i. 8. t 23. Se Ac<£ ix, %
% <>'». A c t s x v i . JO, \ ? ,
Chap. 1 9 : 27.] ACTS. [Chap. 1 9 : 34.

aXXa (TX*$0V Traarjs TTJS A<rias 6 TlavXos OVTOS but almost All A S I A , t l r s
but almost all the Asia t h e Paul this P A U L h a s persuaded and
irtKTas /j.^T€crrr](re}/ IKCLVOV O % A O ^ , Xsyoov, turned aside Many People,
having persuaded misled large a crowd, saying, saying, That J T H E Y are
071 OVK €L(TL OeOl 01 $ia X€lP(j0V yWO/JLtVOl. 27 Ov not Gods which are MADE
t h a t Hot are gods those by hands being m a d e . N o t by H a n d s .
\xovov 5e TOVTO Kivdvvevei T\\XIV TO fxzpos as 27 And not only This
only and this i n danger t o us t h e craft into WORK of ours is in danger
tt.Trz\c-yiJLOV zXQeiw aXXa Kai TO TT)S /xeyaXrjs of being brougbt into con-
contempt to c o m e ; but also t h a t the great tempt, b u t also t h a t the
deas ApTe/jabos Izpov e t s ovdev Xoyio~6r}vaii TEMPLE Of t h e GHEAT
goddess Diana temple into nothing t o be despised, Goddess Diana should be
fieXXeiv Te KCU KaBaipeurQai rr\v fxeyaX^toTf]Ta despised, and her G R A N -
t o be a b o u t and also t o be destroyed the magnificence D E U R destroyed, whom
All A S I A and. t h e H A B I T A -
avrys, i}v oXr] 7) ACTIO. Kai 7] oiKOV^zvr) cejSeTCU.
o t h e r , which whole t h e Asia and t h e habitable worships. B L E worships."
AxovcravTes S e , Kai yevo/Atvoi tvXripeis 6V/J,OV, 28 A n d having h e a r !
Having heard and, a n d having become full of wrath, this, they were full J.
Wrath, and cried out, say-
sKpa^ov, Xtyovres' M^yaXr] r\ ApT^/xis Ecpecricov.
they cried out, saying; Great the Diana ofEphesians.
ing, " G r e a t is t h e D I A N A
of the E p h e s i a n s . "
Kai eirXTjadr) r\ TTOXLS *[oXr]~] TTJS (rvyxwews' 29 And the CITY was
And was filled t h e city [whole) the confusion;
filled w i t h Confusion; and
lopiirj(Tav Te bfxoQvjxahov eis TO QsaTpov, crvvap- having seized % Gains and
they rushed and with one m i n d i n t o t h e theatre, having X Aristarchus, Macedo-
TracavTes Yaiou Kai ApiffTapxov MaiceSovas, nians, Paul's Fellow-trav-
seized Gaiua and Aristarchus Macedonians, elers, they rushed with
30 one mind, into t h e T H E A -
crvv€K$7ifj(.ovs UavXov. Tov 5e UavXov Bov- T R E .
fellow-travelers otPaul. The and Paul wish-
30 And * P A U L desiring
XOJIZVOV eicreXdeu/ eis TOV hrj/mov, OVK etwv to enter t h e T H E A T E R , the
mg t o enter into theassembly of the people, notsuffeied D I S C I P L E S did not permit
avTov ol jj.a9r)Tai. Tzz^es8e Arrtap- him.
him t h e disciples. Some a n d even of t h e rulers of 31 And. some even of t h e
Xoou OVTZS avTcp (piXoi, irefityai'Tes irpos avTOP, T A S I A R C H S , who were his
Asia being t o h i m friends, having sent to him, Friends, sent to him, ad-
vising h i m not to venture
irapeKaXovy fxj] dovvai kavTov €is TO QeaTpov. into t h e T H E A T R E .
besought n o t t o venture himself into the theatre.
32 Some therefore cried
AXXot fxiv ovu aXXo TL €Kpa(ow f\v yap 7] one thing, and some ano-
Some indeed therefore some t h i n g cried; was for t h e ther ; for t h e ASSEMBLE
iKKXf}(na avyKex^fM^y-n, Kai ol irXeiovs OVK was confused, and t h e
assembly having been confused, and the greater not GREATER part did not
rjbeicrav, TIVOS kveKev GvvzXriXvQeKTav. 33
EK know w h y they were come
knew, for w h a t p u r p o s e t h e y were come t o g e t h e r . Outof together.
33 And they pushed
8e TOV oxXou Trposfitfiao'aj' AAe^a^Sooj/, irpo- Alexander out of t h e
Snd t h e crowd they pushed forward Alexander, thrust-
CROWD, the JEWS thrust-
ftaXovTtoV avTov TO>V lovb'aiwv 6 be AXe^au- ing him forward. And
iugforward him the Jews; t h e and Aiexan- % ALEXANDER % having
5pos KaTaaeicras TT\V X 6 i P a > r]deXev c,7roXoyet<r- waved t h e H A N D wished k
<ier having waved the hand, wished defend himself in t h e AS?
t o defend himself
Out T(v drj/uKp. ^EiriyvovTes de o n lou-
in t h e assembly of t h e people. Knowing but that a 34 B u t knowing that he

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—29. Whole—omit. 30. Paul.

•f 81. These persons presided over religious observances and the public games. Thay
•were ten. in number, chosen by the cities from persons of wealth and influence, and approved
by ihe proconsul- One of them styled the chief Asiarch. resided at Ephesus; the other*
Yvere hiB associates and advisers.
1 3ft. >'?a cxv.4; Jsa. xliv.10—20; Jer. x . S . J 29. Horn. xvi. 23; 1 Cor. 1.14. t 29.
Acts s x. 4; xxvil.2 ; Col.iv.10; Philemon 24. % 33. 1 lixn. i. 20; 2 Tim. jy. I f
% £3. Actaxii 17. ' '
[C/hap. 20:
tffiap.19'. 35.1 ACTS.
daios 6(TTt, <pcov7] eytvero fAia eK iravroov, coswas a Jew, one Voice came
Jew •yoice one from all, a b o u t from all for -'.bout twj
€7Ti copas Suo Kpa^ovroov MeyaXrj 7] Aprefiis Hours, crying, "Great is
for hours two crying; Great the Diana the DIANA of the * Ephe*
KaracrreiXas 5e 6 ypay-fxarevs rov sians?"
of Ephesians. Having stilled and the scribe the 35 And the RECORDER
oxXoi/y c^rjo'iv Avfipes lL<peo~ioi, ris yap e&nv having quieted the CROWD,
crowd, h e said; Men Ephesians, w b a t for is said, " Ephesians 1 What
avOpoo-jroSy bs ov yivcao~Kei rr)V 'Ecpeo'ioov icoXiv Man is there who does not
man, who n o t knows the Ephesians city know that the CITY of the
veooKopov ovcrav TTJS jueyaXys Apre/xidos EPHESIANS
Kai keeper is Temple-
temple-keeper being of t h e great Diana and of the GREAT Diana,
and of that which EELL
rov AioTrerovs ; 3 6 Auavrippr\roov ovv ovroov EROM J U P I T E R ?
of t h a t fallen from J u p i t e r ? C a n n o t be denied therefore being
rovrcov, 5eoy ecrriv v/ias KarecraXfjLevovs 36 These things, there-
these t h i n g s , necessary i t is you fore, being indisputable, it
h a v i n g been quiet
virapx^iv, KOU fiTjdey irpoireres 7rparr€iv. is necessary for you to
to be, and nothing rashly to do. be quiet, and to do noth-
3 ing rashly;
^ Uyayere yap rovs avopas rovrovs,
avfipas ovre
You b r o u g h t for the men these, neither 37 for yon have brought
these MEN, which are
Upoo~vXovs, OVTZ fiXacrtyrj/LLOWTas rrjv Oeov neither Temple-robbers,
temple-robbers, nor blasphemers eeftne goddess
nor Blasphemers of your
bfxoov 3 8 E i fi€v ovv Arj/xrjrpios Kai oi crvv G O D D E S S .
of y o u ; I f indeed therefore Demetrius a n d t h o s e with
38 If, therefore, Demet-
avrcp r^x^irai ^%ovffi irpos riva Xoyov, ayopaioi rius and the ARTIFICERS
him workmen have against any a word, courts with him have a Charge
ayovrai, Kai avdviraroi eiciv eyKaXeircocrav against any one, Courts
are held, and proconsul* are; l e t t h e m accuse are held, and there are
39 Proconsuls; let them ac-
aXXrjXois. Ef 5e n irepi erepccv eTrifa- cuse each other.
each o t h e r . If b a t anything about other things youin-
retre, ev ry evvofMw eKKXyja'tq. eiriXvOrjo'erai. thing 39 But if you seek any-
quire, in t h e lawful assemhly i t shall be settled.
* further, it shall be
settled in the LAWPUL As-
Kai yap Kivdwevo/JLev eyKaXeitfOai
o'rao'ecos sembly.
Even for we are in danger t o be accused of t u m u l t
40 Eor we are even in
K€pL rr]s crrjfxepov, fxrj^evos airiov virapxov- danger of being accused
eoncerning t h e day, n o t one cause being,
about the Tumult of TO-
TQS) Trepi ov BvP7]a'ofJLe6a airofiovvai Xoyov rr]SDAY ; there being no cause
about which we are able t o give a reason for t h e by which we can excuse
m>ffTpo(p7)s ravrrjs. Kai ravra enroov, aire- this CONCOURSE."
^athering this. A n d these having said, h e d i s - 41 And having said this,
Kvae T7)v eKKXrja'iav. he dismissed the ASSEM*
wissed the . assembly. BLY.

KM>. K'. 20. CHAPTER XX.

1 1 ~Now after the TU-
M e r a 5e ro ira.vcrao'dai rov Oopvfiov, irpoo~- MULT was allayed, P A U L ,
After and t h e \o b e restrained the tumult, having * having summoned the
KaXeaajxevos 6 UavXos rovs /JLaOrjras, Kai ao"Ka- DISCIPLES, and embracing
<!alled t o the
Paul the disciples, and having them, X depprted to go in-
crafievos, e^rjXOe TropevOrjvai eis rrjv MaKedoviav. to MACEDONIA.
jmbraced, he went o u t t o go into the Macedonia. 2 And passing through
AieXOoou §e ra fiepr] €Keiva, Kai irapaKa- those PARTS, and. exhort-
Having passed t h r o u g h and t h e p a r t i those, a n d *•** having ex- ing them with many-
Aecras avrovs Xoyca woXXy, TjXdev eis rrjv Words, he went inte?
horted them with a word great, h e went into' the GREECE.

* VAMCAW MANUSCKIFT.—34. Ephesians! Great is the Di AW A of the Ephesians !

the. 39. further, it shall l>«- 1. sent for the DISCIPLES, and exhorting and erabra^
sing them, he departed for.,
M<,lCor.xvi.5; 1 T u #
Chap. 20: 3.] A C T S . {&iap. 20: l l .
EAA.aSa# 3
Troiyoras re fivuas rpeis, yevojxevi\s 3 And having remained
Greece; having continued and m o u t h s three, being formed three Months, % a Plot
avrcp eiri&o'jArjs viro roov lovficuoov, ^eXXovri being laid for him by the
him a plot .against by the Jews, being a b o u t JEWS, as lie was about to
avayeo'dai eis ryjv Hvpiav, yvoo,ur} rov sail into SYRIA, he resolved
t o sail into the ijyria, came to RETURN through Mace-
a resolution of t h e
viroo~rpe<peiv 8ia Matcedovias. 4
Hvvemzro Se donia.
t o return through Macedonia. \.'s:nt with. and 4 And there went with
avrcp *[axpi TT)S A c n a s ] Hooirarpos Uvppov B<r- him into ASIA, Sopater,
him [as far as t h e Asia] Sopater o f P y r r h u a a B e - the son of Pyrrhus, a
poiaios. ©effffaXoviKeow fie, Apicrrapxos Kai Berean ; Irat % Aristarchus
rean. Of Thessalonians and, Aristarchus and and Secundus of the Thes-
'SSKOWSOS, Kai Taios Aep(iaios Kai Ti/uoOeos' salonians ; and Gaius of
Secundus, and Gaius of Derbe and Timothy; Derbe, and % Timothy;
Acriavoi 5e, TVXIKOS Kai Tpocpipios. 5 Guroi and % Tychicus and J Tro-
Asiatics and, Tychicus and Tiophimus. These phimus, Asiatics ;
Tvpo^XQovres ep^vov Tjjaas ev Tpooadi' 7){/.eis 5e 6 5 * these going before
going before awaited us in Troas; we b u t waited for us at Troas.
e^eirXevcrapiev fxera ras 7](xepas roov a^v/acov 6 And ine sailed out
sailed out after the days of theunleavened eakes from Philippi, after the
airo 4>iA£7T7rco^, Kai 7]X6op,iV irpos avrovs eis riqv BREAD, and came to them
from Philippi, and came to them into the
at J TROAS in five Days;
TpooaSa a%P t s 'hp-epcov irevre, ou hierpi^ap.ev where we continued seven
Troas in days five, where we remained Days.
TjjAtpas eirra. ? Ev Se rrj fxia rtov caftQaroov, 7 And on J the FIRST
days seven. In and t h e first of t h e sabbaths, day of the WEEK, we hav-
vvvriy/uevoov TJ/JLOOV KXacrai aprov, 6 UavXosing assembled J to break
having been assembled of u s t o break bread, the Paul Bread, Paul, intending to
bieXeyero avrois, pieXXcov e^ievai ry eiravpuv depart on the NEXT day,
discoursed to them, and
discoursed t o tlieni, being a b o u t t o depart o n t h e morrow;
continued his SPEECH till
irapereive re rov Xoyov ^expi pieo'ovvKriov. MidnigLcf. '
continued a n d t h e discourse till midnight.
8 8 And there were many
H c a j ' 8e Xa/Lnrabes iKavai ev rep virepwca, ou Lamps in the % UPPER
•Were and lamps many in t h e upper room, where ROOM where we were as-
rjfiev ffvvTjyjuevoi. KaO^/nevos 5e ris veavias, sembled.
we were assembled. Was sitting and a certain y o u t h ,
9 And there was a Cer-
ovo/nari Evrvxos, eiri rrjs dvpiSos^ Karatpepo- tain Youth, named Euty-
by name Eutychus, in the window, being over- chus, sitting in a WINDOW,
jxevos virvo) fiaOei, SiaXeyo/nevov rov TLavXov being overpowered with
powered with sleep deep, discoursing the Paul deep Sleep; and as P A U L
eiri TrXeiov, Karevex^eis airo rov virvov, erceyev prolonged having been
Ins discourse,
overcome by
for a longer time, havingbeen overcome from t h e sleep, fell
SLEEP,, he fell from the
airo rov rpicrreyov Karoo, Kai 7]pQt] veKpos. THIRD STORY down, and
from the third story down, and was taken up dead. was taken up dead.
Kara^as Se 6 UavXos eireireo'ev uvry, Kai 10 And PAUL going
Having gone down and t h e Paul fell upon him, and down, I fell on him, and em-
ffvfxirepiXa^oov enre- M77 QopvfieiaQe' 7) yap bracing him, said, J " Be
having embraced said; Not be you t r o u b l e d ; the for not troubled; for his LIFE
tyvxy avrov ev avrqj ea'riv. n
5e, Kai is in him."
life of him in him is. Having come up a n d , and 11 And having come
KXacras aprov Kai yevcra/xevos, e<£>' iKavov re up and broken * Bread,
having broken bread and having tasted, fov a l o n g e r t i m e a n j and tasting it, and con-

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—4. as far as AsIA^ omit. 5. And these going. 11. BUEAJJ.
t 3. Acts ix. 23 ; xxiii. 12 ; xxv. 3; 2 Cor. xi. 26. J: 4. Actsxix.29; xxvii. 2-} Col.
iv. 10. t 4. Acts xvi. 1. I 4-. Eph. vL 21; Col. iv. 7; 2 Tim. iv. 12; Tit. iii. 12.
t 4. Acts xxi. 29; 2 Tim. iv. 20. 1 6. Exod. xii.14,15; xxiii. 15. _
•J6. Acts xvi.
8 V 2 Cor. ii. 12; 2 Tim. iv. 13.
ICor. x 16; xi.20. ti • J .7. 1 Cor. xvi. a; Rev. i. 10. J 7- 1 Cor. ii. 42 j
1J0. Molt. ix. 24 Acts i. JJ3. % 10. 1 Kings xvii. 21; 2 Kings iv. 84,
Cliap. 20: 12.] A C T S . [Cfcap.20: 21.

bjj.i\7)(Ta.s CLXPLS avyrjs, ovrcos e^-qXdtv. 12

Hya- \versed for a long time.
having conversed till day-break, so h e departed. They even till Day-break, he m
you 5e rov iraiba (<JOVTCL, K^L TrapeKXTjd-qcau ov departed.
broughtand the youth living, and were comforted not 12 And they brought
[xerpiws. 'Hfxeis 5s TrpoeXdoyres eir. TO the YOUTH, alive, and were
a little. We but g o i n g before to ; h e not a little comforted.
TTXOIOV, O,VI)XQT)IA£V eis TO Kacrov^ CKCLOSP /j.eX- 13 But frit, having gone
ship, sailed to the Assos, there i n - before to the SHIP, sailed U
KOJ/T€S avaXajxftavziv rov TlavXov OJTOO yap r\v Assos, there intending to
tending t o take in again the Paul; so for i t was take P A U L in again; for it-
diareray/uej/os, fieXXoou avros Trs^eveii'. 'D,s was so arranged, ije being
having been arranged, being a b o u t himself t o go on foot. W h e n about to go by land.
§6 o~vv€fi<xX€V IIJLUV eis Tf}v Ao'cof, avaXaRovrts 14 And when he met
and he m e t with u s a t t h e Assos, having again received us at Assos, we received
avrov 7]X6OIJL€]/ eis MiTvXriV7)w 1 5 KCLKZIBZV airo- him, and came to Mity-
him we came to Mitylene; and thence h a v - lene.
TrXevcravres, ry eniovcrr) KOJTrr\vrt]o'ix^v avriKpv 15 And sailing thence>
i n g sailed away, o n t h e m o r r o w we came opposite
on the NEXT day we came
X.LOV. Ty 8e erepa, TrapefiaXo/xev €is ~Xx'txov opposite to Chios; and on
Chios. I n t h e and a n o t h e r we touched at Samos;
* the NEXT we arrived at
*\_KCU fjLSivavTts €v TpooyvXXiw ,~\ ryi
Samos; and having re- ^x°lL^vV
[and having remained m TrogylUum,] in the following
1S mained at TrogyIlium, on
7)XdofA6j/ eis MLXWTOV. KzKpLKei yap 6 TLav- ihe FOLLOWING* we came
we came to Miletus.Ha<l determined for t h e Paul
to Miletus.
Xos TrapairXevcrai. rr\v Ecpetoy, OTTCOS /XTJ y^vyjraL
to sail by the Ephesus, so t h a t n o t i t m i g h t be 16 For PAUL had deter*
avrcf xp P & l0J/0T i r (TaL
V A° ' 6CiTeu56 yap, mined
eJ/ T ria to sail by E P H E S U S ,
that i t might not be neces-
for hiin tospendtitne in the Asia; h e was hastening for,
sary for him to spend time
€1 SwaTOV 7)V avTO), Tf]V TjjXtpaV TTjS ir€VT7)KOO~- in A S I A ; !for he was has-
if possible i t wasfor h i m , t h e day of t h e pentecost
tening, if it were possible
T7)s yevso~6ai eis Iepoo"oAi'/ua. ^ ATTO Se TTJS for him, J to be at Jerusa-

to be in Jerusalem. From and the lem on % the DAY of PEN-

MIXTJTOU TT€/x\pas €is Ecpe&op, ^ereKaXecraro
Miletus having sent to Ephesus, he called for 17 But sending from
TOUS irpeo-fivrepovs rys eKKX-qcnas. la
'&s 5e MILETUS to Ephesus, he
vhe eiders of t h e congregation. W h e n and calh d to him the ELDEES
Trapeyej/oi/ro trpos aurou, znrev avrots'
18 And when they were "T/.i$ts
they were come to him, h e said to them; You
come to him, he said to
S7rto'Tao'66, airo irpcoT-qs yjnepas a<p" i]s 67re/3?7y them, " $ou know, J from
know, from first day i n which 1 entered the First Day in which I
€is rr]v AcTLav, TTCOS /^.efl' V/AOUV TOU iravra XP0V0Vcame into ASIA, how I
into t h e Asia, h o w with you t h e whole time was the WHOLE Time with
iy(:UOjjL7]U, 1!} dovXevoov rep Kvpup fxera Tracrjsyou,
I was, serving the Lord with ail 19 serving the LORD
with all humility, and with
raTT€ivo(ppocrvv7]S Kai daKpvoou /ecu Treipacr/jLoov,Tears, and THOSE Trials
lowliness and tears and temptations,
which happened to me J by
TOUT/ aufx&ai/Toov jxot ec rats eirL^ovXacs rcou the PLOTS of the i EWS ;
of those having happened t o m e by the plots o! the
20 how % 1 kept b a d '
lovbaicvp' ' a>s ovdeu vTrecrreiXa/nrju rcou cri/,u- iv o TH rN G t hat was pROEIT^
Jews, how n o t h i n g 1 kept back ofthat bein;; ABLE; neglecting not to
(pepoPToou, rov JJ.7] avayyeiXai bfxiv /cat SiSa^cu declare to you and to teach
profitable, the not t o declare to you and t o veach von publicly, and at your
21 iiouses;
v'xas b*7)/j,oo~La icai tear* OLKOJS' Ziajjuxpropoixf:-
you publicly and in nouses; earnestly tescifyin^ 2L earnestly testifying

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT —15. in Die EVENING we arrived. 15. and remained at

'% 16. Acts xviii. 21; xix.2l; xxi.4,1'2. t 16. Acts xxiv,l/\ \ 16. Actsii.l;
Cor. xvi. 8. X 18. Acts xvm. ID ; xix. 1, 10. % 19. verse 3. 2 20. verae 37-
Chap. 2 0 : 2 2 . ] A C T S . {Chap. 2 0 : 29.

vos lovZaiots re Kai 'EWrjiTi rr\v eis rov deov both to J e w s a n d Greeks,
to Jews both and Greeks t h e towards t h e God Jof R E F O R M A T I O N towards
ixeravoiav, Kai TTKTTIV rr]V eis rov y\\x<av God, and T H A T I'aith
reformation. rind faith t h a t towards t h e Lord of us winch is towards our L O R D
\y}(rovv yZpi&rov. 22
K a i vvv idov, dede/nevos Jesus Christ.
Jesus Anointed. And n o w l o , having been bound 22 And now behold, J b e -
eyca rev irvevjuari, iropevofxai eis 'lepovo'aXrjfx, mg constrained by t h e
1 in the spirit, t o go to Jerusalem, S P I R I T , E go to Jerusalem,
ra ev avry avvavrrjcrovra etSous-, not knowing t h e things
/JLOL fxrj
t h e things in her shall be h a p p e n i n g t o m e n o t knowing. which will happen to me
* 3 irKrjv on ro ivvevjxa ro ayiov Kara iro\iv t h e r e ;
except t h a t t h e spirit the hoiy every city 23 except That % t h e
dia/Jiaprvperai /xoi, Xeyov, on dea/na p.e /cat HOLY S P I R I T testifies to
witnesses tome, saying, that bonds m e a n d me in every City, saying
dAixpeis fxevovtriv, ' 4 AAA* ovbevos Xoyov TTOIOV- That Bonds and Afflictions
afflictions await. But of no acconnt I make, aVvait Me.
fxai) oi>5e exco rrjv \pvxyv pou Ti}xiav e/jtavrcc, 24 { B u t * o f N o Ac-
nor I the life of m e valuable t o myself, count make I L I F E pre-
cos reXeiooffai rov dpo/nov fxou * [ | U t T a ^ ; a p a s , J cious to myself, so t h a t I
so t h a t t o finish. the course of m e [with ioy,l may finish my COURSE.
Kai T7}v biaKoviav 7}v eXafiov irapa rov tcvpiov even t h e S E R V I C E winch
»ad the service which I received from the Lord 1 received from t h e L O R D
l7]arov, diafxaprvpaaOai TO. evayyeXiov 77)S Jesus, earnestly to declare
Jesus, t o earnestly declare the glari tidings of the t h e G L A D T I D I N G S of the
Xapiros rov deov. Kai vvv o i 6 a , F A V O R ol G O D .
ibov, eyco
lavor of t h e God. Aud now l o , I know, 25 And now, behold, % E
ori otKeri oij/ecr0e ro irpoo~ooirov fj.ov v/j.eis irav- know That g o u all, among
t h a l no ' o n g e r will see t h e face of me you all, whom I have gone pro-
res, ev ols hirjXOov uripvcrcrtvv rrjv fiaffiXeiav claiming t h e K I N G D O M of
a m o n g whom I have gone a b o u t proclaiming t h e kingdom G O D , will see my F A C E no
*[TOV diov.~\ A<o fiapTvpo/xai
more. V/JLLV ev rrj
[o* t h e God.) Therefore T testify t o you. in t h e
26 Therefore I testify to
(Tt]f.tepov rj/uepa, OTL naOapos eyev airo. rov you THTS Day, T h a t * I am
this day, that clean I from the
2 pure from t h e BLOOD of
aijuaros iravrcvv ' ov yap virea-rei\a/J.7}v rov A l l ;
blood ofallj not for I kept back o' the
27 for I kept not back
[AT] avayyetXai V/JLLV iraffav rrjv]V fiovh
fiovXrp/ rov
not t o declare t o you all t hee will of the
from announcing * All t h e
c W I L L of G O D to you.
deov ' Tlpocrex^re
" *[_ovv~] eavrois Kai iravri
God. Take heed [therefore] t o yourselvesand t o all 28 X Take heed to your-
rev iroifxvicVf ev 'cv v/xas ro
ro irvev/na ro ayiov selves, therefore, a n d to
the flook, i n which you the spirit the holy All the FLOCK among
edeio eitia'Koivovs., eKKXr\o'iav whom t h e H O L Y S P I R I T
"woi^aiveiv rr\v
placed overseers, t o feed the . congregation made you Overseers, to
rov Kvpiov^ 7]V TrepieTTOirjcraro S i a rov aljxaros feed f t h e C H U R C H of G O D ,
of t h e Lord, w h i c h h e purchased through t h e blo-od % which lie acquired by the
rov idiov. 29
E y o ? yap oida * [ T O U T O , ] OTL eio~~ B L O O D of his O W N .
0fthe own. 1 for know L ^ s , ] that shall 29 For 3E know, That
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—24. of No Account make I LIFE precious to myself. 24.
with Joy—omit. 25. of GOD—omit. 26. I am pure. 27. All the WILL of
GOD to you. 28. therefore—omit. 28. the CHURCH of ©oso. 29. this—omit.
t 28. The Common Version and Vatican MS. have been followed in the above rendering.
Griesbach, and nearly all modern editors, read "Church of the Lord." The phrase ecclesia
ton Kurwu nowhere occurs i n the New Testament, while ecclesia tou theou occurs about ten
tunes m Paul's epistles. There are no less than six different readings o1 this phrase in the
MSS., which have probably arisen from a presumed difficulty i n understanding i t in con-
nection with the latter part ol the sentence—"purchased with his own blood." But read it
as it stands in the original, and i t still makes good sense, without rejecting the reading ol
the most ancient MS. and some of the oldest Peshito Syriac copies. The reader can sup-
ply the elliptical word after own, whether it be Son, or Lamb, or Sacrifice. Thus, "feed the
CHUIICH of GOD, which he acquired by the BLOOD of his OWN [Son.]
X 21. Luke xxiv. 47 : Acts ii. 88. I 22. Acts xix. 21. t 23. Acts xxi. 4, 11; I
Thess. iii. 3. t 24. Acts xxi. 13; Rom viii. 35; 2 Cor. iv. 16. J 25. ver. 38; Rom.
xv. 23. t 28. 1 Pet. v. 2. t 28. Eph. i . 7 , 1 4 ; Col.i. 14; Heb. ix. 12; 1 Pet. i. 19;
Lev. v. 9;
(Jhap. 201 30.1 fCftap.20: 38.
eXevaovrat. fxera rrjv a<pii-iv JJLOV XVKOL jSapeis after my DEPARTURE % ra-
enter after the departure ofnae wolves rapacious pacious Wolves will come
sis v/xas, fxr) (peido/xevoi rov TTOIJXVIOV 30
KCLI in among you, not sparing
among you, not sparing the , flock; and the FLOCK.;
e£ vfAoiv avrcov avacrrrjcovrai tzySpes XaXovv-
30 % and * of you will
from yourselves will arise men speaking
Men arise speaking per-
res biecrrpa/LLjueya, rov a,Troo"Kav rovs /JLadrjras verse things, to DRAW
perverse things, the to draw away the disciples AWAY DISCIPLES after
oirio'co avroov. 3 1 ALO yprjyopeire, fxvr\fxoviv- them.
after them. Therefore watch you, rernember-
31 Therefore watch, re-
ovres, OTL rpieriap VVKTOL KCU Tjfxepau OVK sirav- membering That for three
ing, that three years night and day not 1 years, by Right and by
crajj.7}u / / e r a daKpvtov vovQsrwv kva eKacrrov. Day, I ceased not to ad-
ceased with tears admonishing one each. monish every one with
Kai ravvv TrapaTide/u.a.1 v/, "*"[a5eA$>of,] rep y Tears.
And now 1 commend you, [.brethren,] to the
deep KCU rep Xoycp rrjs xaPtT0S wrou, rep Svva- 32 And NOW I commend
God and to the word of the favor of him, to that being j'you * to GOD, and to THAT
fxev(p €TroiKo8o/jL7]craL, KCU hovvai VJXIV KXrjpopo- I WORD of his FAVOR, which
able to build up, and to give you an inheri- is able to edify, and to give
33 you Jan Inheritance among
uuav eu rocs rjytao'fx.^vocs Tvaaiv. Apyvpiov 7} all THOSE who were SANC-
tance among those having been sanctified all. Silver or
Xpvcriov 7} i/Liaricr/uov ovUevos eireOv/nYjcTa'
gold or raiment 33 I have coveted no
of no one I coveted;
man's Silver, or Gold, or
*" avroL yivoocTKere, on reus ^pe-icus /nov /cat Apparel;
yourselves you know, that the necessities of me and
rots ova /X€T' €/J.OV v-K^perficrav ol x€ip*s 34 you yourselves know
curat. $That
those being with ine supplied the hands these.
these HANDS have
35 served my NECESSITIES,
Xlavra iWedeL^a V/UUP, ort ovrco
Koiriccvras and THOSE who WERE
Allthings Ipointedout to you, that so laboring with me.
5e* avriXajJ.fiaveo~6cu rccu acrOei/ovvrcov,
it is necessary to aiU those being weak,
35 I have showed you in
Allthings, J That by thus
/nvrj/j.oveveii' re rcav Xoycov rov Kvpiov Irjcrov, laboring you ought to as-
to remember and the words of the Lord Jesus, sist the WEAK, and to re-
6ri avros etxe* MaKapiov ecn jxaXXov §i§ovaii member the WORDS of
that he said; Blessed it is more to give, the LORD Jesus, That he
7} Xafifiaveiv. 36
K a i ravra enrwv, deis said, ' I t is more blessed
lhan to receive. And these things having said, having placed to give than to receive.'"
ra yovara aurov, cup iracriv avrois irpocrrjv^aro.
36 And having said
the knees of himself, with all those these WORDS, he kneeled-
he prayed.
^ 'iKavos §6 eyeyero KXavOfxos itavrcav KCU and prayed witli them all.
Much and was weeping of all; and 37 And there was much
eirLTreo'oyres eiri rov rpax'QXov rov UavXov, weeping among them all;
having fallen on the neck of the Paul, and falling on PAUL'S
Kar€<ptXovi/ avrov odvycv^ieyoi jxaXLcrra NECK, they affectionately
they affectionately kissed him; sorrowing most of all kissed him,
67ri rep Xoycp cp etprjKeL, on ovKeri, JULCXXOVCTL 38 grieving chiefly for
for the word which he spoke, that no more, they are about the WORDS which he
ro Trpovtoirov avrov detvpeiv. Upoeire/Lnrov Se spoke, That they should
the face of him to see. They accompanied and see his FACE no more.
avrov eis ro TTXOIOV. And they accompanied him
him to the ship. to the S H I P .

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—30. of you will men arise. 32. brethren— omit: 32.
to the LORD, and to THAT WORD.
t 29. Matt. vii. 15; 2 Pet. ii. 1. J 30. 1 Tim. i. 20; 1 John ii. 10. J 32. Acts
xxvi. 18; Eph. i. 18; Col. i. 12 ; iii. 24 ; Beb. ix. 15 ; 1 Pet. i. 4. J 34. Acts xviii. 3; 1
Cor. iv. 12; 1 Thess. ii. 9 ; 2 Thess. iii. 8. J 35. Rom. xv.1; 1 Cor. ix. 12; 2 Cor. xi. 9,
12; xii.13; Eph.iv.28; 1 Thess. iv. 11; v. 14; 2 Thess.iii. 8.
Chap, 2 1 : 1.] ACTS. [Chap. 2 1 : 10.

KE$. tea. 2 1 . CHAPTEU XXI.

Tls be e'yevero apax^yvai 1 Now ft occurred,
rj/nas airoo'irao'Oev-
When a u d i t happened t o have sailed us when we had separated
having separated
ras air1 avroov, ev6v^poixy](ravres 7]XQojxev eis i'rom them, and had sailed,
from them, haviug'run a s t r a i g h t course we came to having run a straight
ry\v Kco, rr) be e£r}s eis rr\v 'PoSov, KaiceiOev eis course we came to Coos;
the Coos, t h e and next to the Rhodes, a n d thence to and on the FOLLOWING
Harapa. 2
Kcti evpovres irXoiov biairepojp eis day to RHODES, and thence
Patara. And having found a ship passing over to to Patara.
&OIPLKT)V, eirifiavTes aprfX^VI^^^' Apa<pavev- 2 And having found a
Plienicia, going on board we set sail. Having c o m e i n Ship passing over to Phe-
res be rrjv Kuirpop, Kai KaraXnrovres avrrtv nicia, going on hoard we
»iew and the Cyprus, and having left behind her sailed.
Guoopvfxopy e-rrXeofxev eis Hvpiav, /ecu Karr^x^V 3 And arriving in view
on t h e left. we sailed isjto Syria, and were brought
of CYPRUS, and leaving it
)xev eis Tvpov eKeicre yap rjv ro TTXOIOP airo- on the left, we sailed into
to Tyre; there for was t h e ship un-
4 Syria, and landed at Tyre;
(popri^o/xevov rov yo/j.ov. Ka: avevpovres for there the SHIP was to
loading the freight. And having found
unload its FREIGHT.
rovs uiadrjras, eireixeivafAev avrov 7}/j.epas eirra'
the disciples, we remained there days seven; 4 And having found the
DISCIPLES we remained
oinves rev TlavXty eXejov bia rov irvev/uaroS) there seven Days; J and
these t o t h e Paul said through the spirit, these told P A U L , through
IJL7] avaftaiveip eis 'lepocroXv/na. °(Ore be eye-the SPI BIT, not to go up to
not t o go up to Jerusalem. When and i t Jerusalem.
vero i]fxas et,aprio~ai ras Tjnepas, e^eXOopres 5 And it happened
happened us to have completed t h e days, having gone out when we had completed
ftropevo/iieOa, Trpoweixirovroov ii/mas iravrwv tfvv the DAYS, we went our
ws went our way. accompanying ua all with way; they all accompany-
ing us with Wives and
yupai^i Kai reKPOis, eevs e£co rrjs iroXeoos' Kai Children, till out of the
Wives and children, till outside of t h e city; and
CITY ; and |kneehng down
Oivres ro yovara eiri rov aiyiaXov, irpomqv- on the SHORE, we prayed.
haviug placed t h e kneea on t h e shore, we prayed.
6 And having embraced
^a/neOa. 6 Kat acriraa'a/jievoL aXXiqXovs, eirefiy}- ea^h other, we entered
And having embraced each other, e n - the S H I P ; and then re-
uev eis ro TTXOIOV eKeivoi be virecrrpe^/av eis turned to J their OWN
teredinto the ship; they and returned i n t o homes.
ra i§ia. ' 'H/xets he rov irXavv biapvcravres, 7 And having finished.
lUe own. We and t h e voyage having finished, the VOYAGE, from Tyre
airo Tvpov KaT^pr-qcra/mev eis UroXejuaiba' Kai we went down to Ptole-
/com Tyre we came down to Ptolemais; and mais, and having embraced
the BRETHREN, we re-
aa-iraaa/jLepai rovs abeX(povs, e/xeipajxev 7]{xepjxv mained one Day with
having embraced t hhee brethren, we remained day them.
fxiav reap auroiS, ST?7 §e eiravpiov e^eXdovres 8 And departing on the
one with them. On t h e and morrow having gone out
NEXT day we came to Ce-
7}X6o/iiev as Kaicrapeiav Kai eio'eXOovres eis sarea; and having entered
we came into Cesarea, and having entered into the house of THAT P H I L I P
rov oiKov <f>.AkTJrou rov evayyeXiarov, ovros I the EVANGELIST, J who
the house of Philip the Evangelist, being WAS one of the SEVEN, we
lodged with him.
€K rwv errra^ e/xeipaixiv Trap* auTou. TOUTW
from o! l b s seven we remained with him. To this 9 Anil this man had
four Virgin Daughters,
be 7}<rav Ouyarepts irapQtPoi recaapes irpocpr}- I who prophesied.
snd ««r« daughters virgins four being
Ttvoii<rai- 10
ETrt/nzpovTcvv be QJX(X)V 7]jnepas
J 10 And as we continued
gifted with, prophecy. Continuing and ofss days there many Days, a Cer-

t 4. ver. 1$ ; Acts xx. 23. I 5. Acts xx. 30. % 6. John i. 11. % 8. Et>h.
iv 11; 2 Tint. W. 5. £ 8. Awfcs Yt. 5; viii. 20, 40. t 9. Joel ii. 28; Acts ii. 17.
Ohap. 2 1 ; 11.] A C T S . [Cfiap. 2 l : 10.

TrAe^ofs, KarrjKOe ris airo rrjs lovdaias Trpofprj- tain Prophet, named X Aga-
many. came down a certain from the Judea a p r o - bus, came down from JU-
n DEA.
rrjs ovo^ari Ayafios' Kai eAOcev irpos 7}JJLO.S,
rhe? byname Agabus; a n d having c o m e to us, 11 And coming to us,
vat apas ry\v favqv rov UavAov, $7)0"as Te taking PAUL'S GIRDLE
and having taken the girdle of t h e Paul, having bound and and having bound his
airoij ras xeipas Kai rovs irodas, eiire* Tade * PEET and HANDS, he
of himself t h e hands and the feet, said; Thus said, "Thus says the HOLY
Aey€i ro Trvevjia ro ayiov Tov avdpa, oh S P I R I T , % So will the J E W S
says the spirit. the holy; The at Jerusalem bind the
m a n , of whom
eo~rtu i] £oovi} auTT), ovroo $r)0~ovo~ii/ ev 'lepovaa- MAN who owns this GIR-
i» t h e girdle this, so snail bind in Jerusa- DLE, and deliver him into
Xrjfx oi luvbaioi, Kai irapafiwaovo'iv eis xeiPas the Hands of the Gen-
lem the Jews, and deliver into hands tiles."
eOvcov. l2'Q,s 8e yKovcraixev ravra, TrapsKa- 12 And when we heard
o< Gentiles. When a n d they heard these t h i n g s , entreated these things, both. me and
Xovfxtv TI/JLGLS re Kai ol evroTTioiy rov fif] ava- THOSE of that place, en-
we b o t h a n d those of t h e place, of t h e n o t t o treated him not to GO UP
fiatveiv avrov eis'lepovo~aAr}/j.. AireKpiQr) 5e to Jerusalem.
go up him to Jerusalem. Answered and
13 But PAUL answered,
6 TIavAos' Ti iroieire, KAaiovres Kai o'vvdpvrr- X " What do you, weeping
the Paul; What d o you, weeping and breaking
and breaking My HEART ?
rovres \iov ry\v Kapdiav; eyco yap ov fxovov for 5 am ready not only to
of m e the heart? I for not only be bound, but also to die
heOrjvai, aAAa Kai airoOaveiv €is 'lepovcaArjjj, at Jerusalem m behalr of
t o be bound, but also t o die in Jerusalem the NAME of the LORD Je-

eroi/xcos €%<w vrrep rov ovofxaros rov Kvpiov sus."

i n readiness I in behalf of t h e name of t h e Lord 14 And he not being
Tr]o~ov. 14 Mr} ir&idojaevov Se avrov, rjcrvxaaa- persuaded, we were silent,
Jesus. JNot being persuaded a n d of him, we were silent, saying, J " Let the WILL
of the LORD be done."
fxev, eiirovres' To BeAy/JLa rov Kvptov yevecrOoo.
saying; The will of t h e Lord let i t b e done. 15 And after these
lb DAYS, packing up our bag-
MeraBeras 7)fxepas ravras airoo~Kevao~a- gage, we went up to Jeru-
After and t h e days these p a c k i n g u p bag-
fxevoi avefiaivofxev ets 'lepovaaAiqfx. ^,vvr]A- 16 And some of the
gage we went u p to Jerusalem. W e n t with
DISCIPLES also from Ce-
dov §€ Kai rcvv /jiaOrjrcav a-rro Kaicrapeias crvv sarea accompanied us, con-
and also ol t h e disciples from Cesarea with ducting us to one Mnason,
TJ/JUVJ ayovres irapy *y £evio~d(a/j.ev, Mvao'cavi a Cyprian, an Old Disci-
us, leading with whom we m i g h t lodge, t o Mnason ple, with whom we might
nvi Kvirpias, apxaicp fiaOrjrr}. 17
Yevojxevoov de lodge.
one a Cyprian, an old disciple. Having arrived and 17 X And on our arriv-
rifxtiov eis 'lepoaoAv/jia, acr/xevoos eb*e£avro rj/uas BRETHREN received us ing at Jerusalem, the
ol us to Jerusalem, gladly received us
oi ah*eA<f>ot. 18Tj7 Se eiriovar} eicrrjei 6 TlavAos 18 And on the FOLLOW «
t h e brethren. On t h e and next had enteredthe Paul
ING day, PAUL went in
cw T]\xiv irpos \aKwBov iravres re irapeyevov- with us to % James; and
with us to James; all and were pi-esent all the ELDERS were pre-
ro ol irpecrfivrepoi. Ka: acri^ao'ajxevos avrovs, sent.
the elders. And having saluted th'em, 19 And having saluted
e^rjyeiro /ca0' kv eKaarov, wv eiroii)o~ev b Oeos them, $ he particularly re-
he related one by o n e , which did t h e God lated what things GOD did
ev rois eQveo'i hia rrjs diaKovias avrov. 20
Oi among the G E N T I L E S by
among the Gentiles t h r o u g h t h e service ofkim. They X his MINISTRY,

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—11. FEET and F XDS, he said. ,

X 10. Acts xi. 28. X 11. ver. 33; Acts *x. 23. t 13. Acts xx. 24. J M
Matt, vi, 10; xxvi, 42; Luke xl. 2; xxii. 42. J 17- Acts xv. 4. 1 18. Acts xv. 13
Gal. i. 19; II. 9.' X 19. Acts xv, 4,12; Rom. xv.18,19. J 19, Acts xx. 24,
Ohap. ^1: 20.'j ACTS. LChap. 21: 2?.
Se aKovcravres efto^a^ov TOV deov GITTOP r e 20 And THEY, having
and having1 beard glorified the heard, glorified GOD, and
God; they said and
avrcv- ®*:&p<sisf adeXcpe, irocrai [xvpiadas ei&Lv said to him, " Thou seest,
to him; Thou seest, O brother, how many myriads are brother, how Many My-
lovhaitov roov Treir LcrrevKorcov mat rravres ^ A c o - riads * there are, among
ofJews of those having believed; and all zealots the J E W S , of THOSE who
21 who BELIEVE, and all are
rai rov VOJJLOV virapxovo'L. Kar7ix7Jdvcraj/ 5e
of the law being. X Zealots for the LAW.
They were informed and
Trepi crov, brt aTTOcrraaiau 21 And they hare been
8tdaaK€ts airo
Concerning thee ; that apostacy thou teachest from informed concerning thee,
Mccvcrecos TOVS Kara ra e6v7) iravras lovSaiovs, That thou teachest AH
Moses those among the Gentiles all Jews, the J E W S among the GEN-
\zyoov\ JXT} irepLrepLveiv avrovs [irfe TILES to apostatize from
ra TGKva,
saying, not to circumcise them the children, nor Moses, telling them not to
rots e6eo~i TrepLTrareiv. 2 2 T t ovv tern iravroos circumcise their C H I L -
the customs to walk. "What then is it? certainly DREN, nor to follow the
* [ 5 e i TTKTJOOS ovv€\9eiu°~\ aKovcrovrcu * [ y a p , ] CUSTOMS.
uaaust a multitude to assemble;] they will hear [for,] 22 What is it then?
o n £\7}\v6as. 23
T O U T O ovv Troir}(Tou, 6 COL They will certainly hear
that thou hast come. This therefore do thou, what to thee That thou hast come.
\eyo/j.ev 'Eicriv rijxiv avSpes Tetrerapes evxvp 23 Do this, therefore,
we say; Are to us men four avow which we say to thee.
tXovTts p* eavrtov. ^Tovrovs irapaXafiwv, We have four Men who
having \ipon themselves. These having taken, have a Vow on t h e m ;
ayviaQ'qTi crvv avrots, Kat daTravyaov eir 24 take tftrmt, and be
be thou purified with them, and be at expense for purified with them, 'and
avrois, iva ^vp7]croovrat TTJV KetyaXyv, Kat yvoo- be at expense for them,
• them, that they may shave the head, and will that they may X shave the
crovrat iravres, brt tov Karrix^vrat rcepi H E A D ; and all will know
know all, thatthethingstheyhavebeeniuformedconeeming That those things of which
crov ovdev ecTTtv, aXXa (Tro^is Kai avros rov they were informed con-
thee nothing is, but walkest orderly also himself the cerning thee are not cor-
vofjiov <pvXao~crcov. 25 TLspL 5e roov 7r6Tuo~T€VKo- rect; but that thou thy-
law keeping. Concerningbut those having be- self walkest orderly, keep-
TCCV eOvccv 7}(xeLS €7T€0'reiXa/j,6V9 Kpivavres ing the L A W .
lieved of Gentiles we sent word, judging 25 But concerning the
[nothing such like to observe them, if n o t j to have sent word, judging
Xao'o'ecrOai avrovs TO, r e CLSOJXOOVTOV teal ro that they avoid WHAT I S
keep themselves the, "both things offered to idols and the OFFERED TO IDOLS, and
'al/xa Kat TTVIKTOV Kat iropveiav. BLOOD, and what is Stran-
blood and strangled and fornication. gled, and Fornication."
T O T 6 6 XlavXos ivapaXaftoov TOVS avdpas,
Then the Paul having taken the men, 26 Then P A U L took the
MEN, and on the FOLLOW-
TTJ exofJ-evrj 7]/nepa crw avrois ayviffOeis
eio-rjei ING Day being purified
on the following day with them being purified
with them, % entered the
€LS ro lepov, diayyeXXcov rrjv eKTrX^pcccriv reap TEMPLE, X announcing the
into the temple, announcing the completion of the
7]fj.€pcov TOV ayvKT/nov, ices ov
TrpocrrjvexQy Of PURIFICATION; t i l l t h e
days of the purification, till of which they offered OFFERING should be of-
inrep kvos kxacTTov avTccv 7} Trpoo~<popa. 27'vQs fered in behalf of each one
in behalf of one of each of them the offering. When of them.
!<?€ efxeXXov at evra ypLepat o'WTeXeio'Oai, oiairo 27 But when the SEVEN
and were about the seven days to be completed, those from DAYS were about to be
T7\s Acnas lovfiaioi deao-ajnevoi avrov ez> TOO lepep, completed, the Jews from
the Asia Jews having seen him in the temple, Asia seeing him in the
* VATJCAN MANUSCRIPT.—20. there are among: the JEWS, of THOSE who BELIEVB. 22.
the .Multitude.must assemble—omit. 22. for—omit. 25. that they observe no
such thing", except—omit.
1 20. Acts xxii. S; Bom. x. 2; Gal. i. 14. % 24. Num. vi. % 18,18; Acts xviii, 1&
$i.25.,Acte xv. 20, 29. J 2G. Acts xxiv.18, % 26. Num. vi.13.
Chap. 2 1 : 28.] ACTS. [Chap. 2 1 : 35.

Gweyjeov iravra rov 67r' TEMPLE, stirred up All

O%AOJ/, Kai eirefiaXov
stirred up all the on the CROWD, $and laid
crowd, and put
avrov ras %eipas, 28 Kpa£ovresm Avbpes ItfparjXi- HANDS on him,
him the hands, crying; Men Israel- 28 exclaiming, "Israel-
rai, fioyQeire" ovros eariv 6 avOpcorros, 6 Kara ites, help! This is THAT
Stes, help y o u ; this is the man, who against MAN X who TEACHES all
rov Xaov nai rov vopiov Kai rov roirov rovrov men everywhere against the
the people and the law and the place this PEOPLE, and the LAW, and
iravras rcavrayjov bibacr-Koov en re Kai 'EXXTJ- this PLACE ; and besides
all everywhere i s t e a c h i n g ; besides and also Greeks he brought Greeks into
vas eiarjyayev eis ro iepov, Kai KeKoivccKe rov the T E M P L E , and made
h e led i n t o t h e temple, and has made c o m m o n t h e this HOLY Place common."
ayiov roirov rovrov. (llcrav yap TrpozcopaKo- 29 (For they had pre-
holy. place this. (Were for having seen before viously seen JTrophimus
res Tpocpifxov rov 'Ecpeo'iov ev ry TroXei o~vv the E P H E S T A N , in the
Tropliimua the Ephesian in the city with CITY with him, whom they
avrcp, bv evopn(ov on eis ro lepov eio"qyayev 6 imagined That P A U L had
him, whom they supposed t h a t i n t o t h e temple led t h e brought into the T E M P L E . )
TlavXos.) SOEKLV7]0T] re 7) TTOXLS 0A77, Kai eyeve- 30 X And all the CITY
Paul.) Was moved a n d t h e city whole, and was
was moved, and there was
ro ffvvbpofir) rov Xaov Kai eiriXafiofxcvoi rov a running together of the
a r u n n i n g together of the p e o p l e ; and having taken hold of t h e
PEOPLE -, and having
TJavAov, CIXKOV avrov e^oo rov lepov Kai seized P A U L they dragged
Paul, t h e y were dragging h i m outside of t h e temple; and him out of the TEMPLE ;
evdews eKXeiaOyjcrav at Ovpai. Zrjrovvrwv and the GATES were in-
immediately were closed the gates. Seeking stantly closed.
be avrov airoKreivai, avefiy] cpacris ru> xi^iaPXc?31 And while they were
and him t o kilt, went u p a r e p o r t to t h e commander seeking to kill Him, a Re-
rrjs o"ireipy)si on bXrj crvyKexvrai 'lepoucraA-n/r port went up to the COM-
of t b e band, t h a t Whole was in confusion Jerusalem; M A N D E S of the COHORT,
os eh,avrrjs TrapaXaficov arpariwras Kai eKa- That All Jerusalem was in
who immediately having t a k e n soldiers and ceu- confusion;
ropvapxovs, Karebpa/xev eir' avrovs. 32 $ who immediately
Ot be having
furioDs, ran down upon them. They and
taken Soldiers and
L La 0U Kcu T0u
Centurions, rushed down
ibovres rov x ^ PX s orrparicoras., upon them, and THEY, see-
see>ng the commander and the soldiers, ing the COMMANDER and
erravaavres rvmovres rov YlavXov. T O T € I he SOLDIERS, ceased beat-
Cta»ed beating the Paul. Then ing P A U L .
eyyuras b y_iXiapxos €7r6Aaj8ero avrov, Kai 33 Then the COMMAND-
bav\ng e p p r o a c h e d t h e commander l a i d hold EE coming near, seized
ot m m , and
eKeXevrfe be07jvai aXvareffi bvar Kai eirvvda- him, and } ordered him to
ordeiied t o be bound with chains two; and inquired, be bound with two Chains;
vero, TLS av eir}7 Kat ri ecrri •neiroi'qKoos. and and inquired who he was,
wbo i t m i g h t be, a n d what i t is having beendone.
what he has done.
AAA01 5e aAAo ri efiooiv ev rca oxXy. M77 CROWD34 And some among the
O'heta a n d a n o i b ^ v t h T n g w ^ t e c t y i n g in t b e crowd. Not shouted one thing,
and some another; andnot
bvva/nevos be yvwvai ro arrOaXes bia rov Oopv- being able to ascertain the
bemgable a n d t o know t h e certainty through the tumult, TRUTH on account of the
/3ov, eKeXevcrev ayeffdai avrov
ets rr\v irapep:- TUMULT, he ordered him
he ordeied t o be b r o u g h t him into the castle. to be led into the CASTLE.
BOXTJV. 3 5 ' O r e be eyevero eivirovs avafiadfxovs, 35 But when he was
When and b e c a m e on t e e steps, upon the STEPS, it hap-
o~vve/3r) ^aara^eoSai avrov vivo roov arparioo- pened that he was borne
it happened t o be carried bim by tbe soldiers away by the SOLDIERS,
ro>v b\u ^y)v $mv rov o x A o f 36 7]KoXov6ei yap because of the VIOLENCE
through t h e violence of t b e c r o w d ; followed for of the CROWD.

X 27. Acts xxvi. 21. t 2S. Acts xxiv, 5, G. t 29. Acts xx. 4. % 30. Acts
xxvi 21 t '6'i. Acts xxivi. 27; xxiv. ?, J 33. ver, 11; Acts xx. 23,
Chap. 2 1 ; 36.] ACTS. [C!mp. 22: 4.

TO irXrjdos rov Xaov, icpa^ov Aipe CLVTOV. 86 for the MULTITUDE

the multitude of the people, crying; Lift up him. of the PEOPLE followed,
? MeAAwv T6 eicrayecrdaL CLS ry\v irapefifioXrjV 6 crying, J "Take him
Being about and to be led into the castle the away I"
TLauAos, Xeyei rev xi^-LaPXcP' Et e^ecrri /noi 37 And PAUL being
Paul, he says to the commander; If it is permitedfor me about to be led into the
CASTLE, he says to the
eiireiv ri irpos ere; 'O 5e e<pr}' ''EXXrjvio'ri COMMANDER, " May I be
to say anything to thee? He and said; Greek
allowed to say something
yivoocTKeis; 3 8 OVK apa o~v ei 6 Aiyvirrios, 6 to thee?" And HE said,
understandestthou? Not then thou art the Egyptian who " Dost thou understand
irpo rovrtvv roov rj/aepcov avacrarooras Kai Greek?
before these the days having raised an insurrection and
stayayevv €LS rrjv epy)p.ov rovs TzrpaKLcrxiXiovs 38 Art tljou not then
having led out into the desert the four thousand
THAT f Egyptian, who
39 didst before These DAYS,
avdpas revv aiKapitvv ; Ei7re 5e 6 UavXos' eyev excite a Sedition, and lead
men of the Siearii? Said and the Paul; I
out into the DESERT FOUR
avOpcoiros /J.ev eipii lovdaios Tapcrevs, rr\s KIXI- THOUSAND Men of the
a man indeed am a Jew of Tarsus, of the Cili-
Kias OVK acrrjfxov iroXeoos TTOXLTTJS' Seo^tai §e 39 But PAUL said, $"3E
cia not of a mean city a citizen; I beseech and
am a Jew, of Tarsus in C I -
<rov, eirirpetyov fxoL XaXt]crai irpos rov
Xaov. LICIA, a Citizen of no In-
otthee, permit me to speak to the people.
40 considerable City; and I
ETriTpevj/avTes §6 avrovy 6 UavXos icrrevs eiri entreat thee, permit me
Having permitted and him, the Paul having been set on
to speak to the P E O P L E . "
rcav avafiaQjxoov /caTecreure rr) XeLPL TCP ^a(p'
the steps waved with the hand to the people; 40 And having given
iroXXrjs 5e aiyrjs yzvop.tvqS) irpocrecpcavrjo'e rrj him p er mis sio n, P A U L ,
great and silence occurring, he spoke in the standingon the STEPS,
X waved the HAND to the
'EBpaidi SiaAe/rrw, Xzycvv PEOPLE ; and when there
Hebrew dialect, saying;
was Great Silence, he ad-
KE<f>. KJ8'. 2 2 . dressed them in the H E -
1 BREW Dialect, saying,
Avfipes adeXcpoi Kai irarepes, aKovcrare jxov
Men brethren and fathers, hear you of me
2 1 " Men, % Brethren,
rt)s irpos vfxas vvvi airoXoyias. Axovcravres
the to you now apology. Hearing and Eat hers, hear now
5e 6ri ry E&paidi SiaXeKrcp irpoo"€<poovei, avrois, My APOLOGY betore you."
and that in the Hebrew dialect he was speaking to them, 2 (And hearing that he
fxaXXou Trap£o~x V X ov (rv lCLl/
' ^ai cpriaiv 3
€70? spoke to them in the H E .
more they kept silence. And he said; I BREW Dialect, they kept
jj.€V eijj.t avr]p lovdaios, yeyevvrjiuevos ev Tapccp greater said,)
silence; and he
indeed am a man a Jevv, having been born in Tarsus
3 | " I a m a Jew, born
rrjs KiXitcias ; avareOpa/a/ievos de ev rr\ iraXei in Tarsus, of CILICIA, but
of the Cilicia? having been brought up and in the city
having been brought up jn
ravrrj, irapa rovs irodas TapLaXiTjX ireiratdev/xe- this CITY, at the EEET of
this, at the feet of Gamaliel having been taugh t J Gamaliel, and accurately
vos Kara aKpifiziav rov irarvcvov VO/JLOV, CTJXOO- instructed m the ANCES-
with accuracy the ancestial law, a zea- TRAL L A W ; X being a Zea-
rrjs virapx&v <>v dsov, KaBoos iravres i/fxeis eare lot for GOD, J as rjou all

. ot being of the God, even as ail you are

a re To-day.
(Tijixepov 4
6s ravrt]V rf\v bo^ov eSico^a axpt 4 And 1 persecuted
today; who this the way I persecuted till This WAY to Death,
t 38. Josephus mentions this Egyptian as having raised a mobof 30,000 men. (or as some
think it originally read 4,000.) which he led against Jerusalem, as lai as Mount Olivet, but
was suddenly dispersed by Felix. t 38. The Siearii were a body oi rebels mentioned
by Josephus, Wars b. vii, c. 10, § 1.
t 36. Lukexxiii.lS; Johnxix.15; xxii. 22. t 38. See Acts v 36. . i 39. Acts
ix. 11; xxii. Z. J 40. Acts XIL 17- X 1- Acts vii. 2. J 3. Acts xxi. 39 j %
Lor. xi 22; Phil. ili. 5. X 8. Acts v. 84. J 3. Acts xxi. 20; Gal. i. 14. j &,,
Bom. %. 2.
Chap. 22: 5.3 AGTbt [Chap. 22: 13.

Oavarov, SecrjLLtvcov RCLI TrapafiiSovs as (puXcutas binding and delivering i n k

death, binding and delivering into prisons Prisons both Men and Wo-
aidpas re Kai yvvaiKas, 5
ws Kai 6 apx^p^v.- men;
men both and women, as also t h e high-priest 5 as the HIGH-PRIEST
fiaprvpei /xoi9 Kai irav ro 7rp€o~&vr€piov' Trap* also *is my witness, J and
testifies t o me, and all the eldership; from All the ELDERSHIP ;
oov Kai eTTLcrroAas Se^afxsvos irpos rovs a5eA- J from whom also receiv-
whom also letters having received to the breth- ing Letters to the BRETH-
(povsy eis Aajxamcop eTropevojiiTjv, a^oov Kai REN, I went to Damascus
ren, to Damascus I went, going t o lead and to bring THOSE who WERE
Toys efceure ovras, dedefxepovs ets 'lepov<TaX7]juLs there bound to Jerusalem,
those there being, having been bound i n t o Jerusalem, that they might be pun-
iva rifAcoprjOcocriv. IZyevero §e fjioi iropevofxevep ished.
t h a t they i n i g h t b e punished. I t h a p p e n e d and t o m e traveling 6 t-^nd it occurred, aa
Kai eyyt^ovn ry AafxacrKw, rrepi fA€0~7][iPpiav I was traveling and draw-
and drawing near t o t h e Damascus, about noon ing near to Damascus,
i^at(pV7}s e/c rov ovpavov irepiao-roipai efxes iKa- about noon, suddenly a
suddenly out of t h e heaven t o s h i n e r o u n d a l i g h t great great Light from HEAVEN
vov Trepi 6/U6" s eiYtcrov re eis ro edatpos, KOLI shone around m e ;
aboui me; fell and on the ground, and 7 and I fell to the
r}KOvo~a (poovqs Xeyovcrrjs fxor 2aouA, 2aouA, n GROUND, and heard a
heard avoice saying to me; Saul, Saul, why Voice saying to me, ' Saul,
ywe SuoKeis; ^ILyoo 5e aTreKpidrjv Tis ej, Saul, why dost thou perse-
m e persecutest t h o u ? 1 and answered; W h o a r t t h o u , cute MD V
nvpie; Ei7rc; re irpos fie' Eyco eijxi lycrovs 6 8 And 3E answered;
O six <* H e said a n d io mc; I am Jesus t h e 'Who art thou, Sir P*
Nafapaios, 6v crv Siooaeis. 9 Ol 5 e (TVV €/AOl And he said to me, ' I
Nazareno, w h o m t h o u jpersecutest. T h o s e a n d with ma am Jesus the NAZARENE,
whom tljou persecutest.'
cures ro fxsv tycos eOeacavro, *[Kai e/j.(poj3oi
bain* t h e indeed light M:\V, [and terrified 9 And % THOSE who
WERE with me saw indeed
eysvovro^ rrjv 5e (poovy]V OVK TjKovcfav rov 'he LIGHT, hut they un-
theywero,] tho bui voice not t h e y keard of t h e
l0 derstood not the VOICE of
XaXovvros [noi. Eiirov 5e* Ti 7roir\o,(ai
Kvpie; HIM who SPOKE to me.
speaking to me. I said a n d ; W h a t shall I d o , OLord?
10 And I said, 'What
' O §6 xvpios enre irpos fie' hvaaras iropevcv shall I do, Lord?' And
I'he an-1 Lord said to m e ; Having arisen go t h o u
the LORD said to me,
as AajxaVKov KCLKSI O~OI XaKf]Qr\o'erai irept 'Arise, and go into Da-
into Damascus; and t h e r e t o thee i t shall be told concerning mascus, and there it shall
•KCLVTWV) oov reraKrai croi\ iroiricrai. li
'Clsh. be told thee of all things
all thii.gc, which have been appointed for thee t o d o . As and which are appointed for
thee to do.'
not 1 saw fr„rn the glory of t h e light of t h a t , 11 And as I could not
VOV.) X(=lp3>yc*,y0Viiiei'0S Vlr0 r(al/
see from the GLORY of
being led by t h j h a n d by those being with me, that LIGHT, being led h j
the hand of THOSE who
rjXOov €i3 AafxaffKov. vi ERE with me, 1 came into
1 came into Damascus.
Avavias 8s ris, avrjp evcre(3r]s Kara rov 12 And J one Ananias:
Ananias and
and one,
one, a man pious according to t h :
a pious Man according to
VOJUOV, /naprvpov/mevos tiro irauroov rwv Karoi- the LAW, J.having a good
law, being testified to by all the resi- tesimony from All the
Kovvrcov lovSaiooV) ^eX9oov TTOOS ae Kai €7ria- J E W S RESIDING there.
dm<* Jews, having come to me and having 13 coming to me, and
SaouA a5eA</>e, avaBAetyov. standing by, said to me.
ray enre /J.OI' ' Brother Saul, look up.»
»tood said to m e ; Saul O brother, look u p .

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—5. did bear me witness. 9. and they were terrified—o»tt<

| 5 Luke xxii.66; Actsiv. 5. J 5. Acts ix. 2; xxvi. 10,12. t 6. Acts ix. 3
xxvi. 12, IS. t 9- Acts ix. 7; Dan. x. 7. . J 12. Acts ix. 17. J 13. Acts x. 3!
X Vi. \ Tim. iii. 7-
Chap. 22: 14.] ACTS. [Chap. 2 2 : 23.

Kayoo avry ry copa avefiXetya ' O And in That HOUR I looked

eis avrov. 14

And 1 in this the hour looked upon him.

on him. He
8e enrej/' O Oeos rcov irarepcov 7]}xoov 7Tj0O6%6ipi- 14 And HE said, {' The

and said; The God of the fathers of us destined GOD of our FATHERS J ap-
o'aro ere yvcovai TO 8eXf]fJLa avrov, Kai ifieiv TOP pointed thee to know his
thee to know the will of himself, and to see the WILL, and to X see that
SIKCUOV, Kai aKovcai (pwvrjv e/c TOV ffTOjxaros hear | RIGHTEOUS ONE, and£to
righteous one, and to hear a voice out of the mouth
a Voice from, his
avrov on ecrrj (xaprvs avrtp irpos iravras
15 X for thou shalt be a
o' him; because thou shalt be a witness for him to all
Witness for him to All
av6pa)7rovs oov ecopa/cas tcai rjicovo'as. Kai Men of J what thou liast
men of what thou hast seen and thou hast heard. And seen and heard.
vvv TL fi-XXsis; avacrras fiairrio~aL, Kai airo- . 16 And now, why dost
now why dostthoudelny ? having arisen be thou dipped, and wash thou delay? Arising, be
\ovo~ai ras afiaprias Gov, eiriKaXeo'ajj.evos ro immersed, $and wash thy-
thyself from the sins of thee, having invoked the self from thy SINS, J hav-
ovo/j.a avrov. Eyevero 8e jioi virocrrp^avri ing invoked his NAME.'
name of him. It happened and to me having returned 17 t A n d it happened,
eis 'lepovcraXrj/jL, Kai TvpocrevxofJievov fxov €V TOOwhen I returned to Jeru-
to Jerusalem, and praying oi me in the salem, and was praying in
tepo), yevto~6at fj.e ev sKcrrac'ei, 1 8 Kai idetv the TEMPLE, I was m a
temple, to have been me in an ecstacy, and to see Trance,
avrov Xzyovra fxor ^-wevaov, Kai e£eA0e ev 18 and saw him saying
him saying t o m e ; Do thou hasten, and come out with to me, ' Make haste, and
Td%€i e£ lepovo'aX7]fjL' Biori ov irapade^ovrai go quickly out from Jeru-
speed from Jerusalem; because not they will receive salem ; because they will
<rov rr\v jxaprvpiav irepi efxov. 19 Kayo) enrov not receive * Thy TESTI-
of thee the testimony concerning me. And 1 said; MONY concerning me.'
Kvpie, avroi eiricrravrais on eyw 7]lar]V <pvXa- 19 And IE said, 'Lord,
O Lord, they know, that 1 was impris- tf)f D know That 3E was im-
Ki(oov Kai htpow Kara ras ffvvayooyas rovs iria- prisoning and beating in
omng and beating in the synagogues those be- the SYNAGOGUES THOSE
revovras eiri <re* 20
icai ore e^e^etTo ro ai
V a BELIEVING on thee;
lieving on thee; and when was poured out the blood 20 • % and when the
^re<pavov rov /xaprvpos aov, Kai avros Tj/nrjv BLOOD of Stephen, thy
of Stephen the martyr of thee, and myself was poured out,
e(f)€crrcos, Kai o'vvevSoKoov, Kai (pvXao'o'wv ra and consenting, 3E also was standing by
having been standing, and approving, • and keeping the
and hav-
21 ing in charge the MANTLES
ifxaria rcov avaipovvroov avrov. Kai eiire of THOSE who KILLED
mantles of those killing him. And he said him.'
Trpos fie' Uopevov on eyoo eis eOvr] \xaKpav 21 And he said to me,
to me; Go thou; for I to nations atadistance % ' Go; for K will send thee
€|a7ro(TT€Aa». ae. . . . 22HKOVOV 5e avrov a%pt to NATIONS far away.'" . .
will send thee. They heard and him till 22 And they heard, him
TOVTOV TOV Xoyov, Kai eirypav rr\v <pcovr]Vto This WORD, and then
tliis the word, and they raised the voice raised their VOICE, saying,
avroov, Xeyovres' Aipe airo TT]S ytjs rov rotov- X " Take away SUCH a man
of them, saying; Lift up from the earth the such a from the EARTH, for it is
rov ov yap KaOrjtcev avrov (rjv. Kpavya- not fit that he should live.''
person; not for it is fit him to live. Crying 23 And as they were
£ovrcov 8e avrcav Kai pnrrovvroov ra Ijxaria, Kai crying out, and tossing up
out and of them and tossing up the mantles, and their MANTLES, and throw-
Kovioprov fiaXXovrwv eis rov aepa, 2 4 eKeXevcrev ordered ing Dust into the AIR,
dust throwing into the air,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—18. Thy Testimony concerning-me.

t 14. A c t s i i i . 1 3 ; v . 30 I 14. A c t s i x . 1 5 ; xxvi. 16. t 14. 1 Cor. ix. 1 ; x v . 8.

J 14. A c t s i i i . 14; v i i . 5 2 . X 14. 1 Cor. x i . 23;,G;il. i. 12. £ 15. A c t s xxiii. 11.
X 15. Acts i v . 2 0 ; xxvi. 10. t 10. A c t s i i . 3 8 ; T i t u s i i i . 5 ; H e b . x. 21. 1 16. A c t s
ix. 14; R o mi.. x x .. 1io;
3; 1 Cor.
i w i . i.
i. 2
*-,; 2* Tr ii m
m .. iii.
i . 22.
22. X 17. A c t s i x . 26; 1 Cor. x i i . 2. X 20.
Acts vii. 58 i 2 1 . A c t s i x . 15; xiii. 2, 46, 47 ; x v i i i . G ; xxvi. 1 7 ; R o m . i . 5 ; xi. 13; ; xv.
16; G a l . i . 15, 1 0 ; n . 7 , 8 ; E p h . i n . 7, 8 ; 1 T i m . J i. 7 ; 2 T i m . i . 11. X 22. Acts xxi 36;
xxv. 24.
Chap. 22; 24.] ACTS. 'Chap. S 3 : 2.

6 xiXiapxos eicrayecrOai avrov eis rrjv irap^fx- 24 the COMMAKDIE or-

the commander to lead him into the castle, dered him to be led into
fioXrf]V> eiTcoov fiacrri^LV avrov the CASTLE, and to be ex-
saying with scourges to examine him ; amined with. Scourges, so
Iva eTrtyvu) di i\v airiav ovrcos eir€<p(a- what that he might know for
that he might know, on account of what cause thus they were
reason they thus
25 c cried against him.i
vow . avrtp. Cls §e irpoereivav avrov rois
crying againsthim. As and they stretched out him with the 25 And as they extended
him with the THONGS,
ifACLCTLp, €j7re Trpos rov icrrcora eKarovrapxov 6
PAUL said to the CENTU-
thongs, said to the standing by centurion the
TlauXos" Et avOpooirov Vcejxaiov KCLI aKaraKpirov it lawful to scourge a Man,
Paul; If a man a lloman and uncondemned a Roman, and uncon-
e^ariv vpuv fxacrn^iv; AKOVOas §e b iica- demned ?"
it is lawful for you to scourge? Having heard and the centu- 26 And the CENTURION
roprapxoSf 7rpoo'eX6oov ra> Y^Ampv^ a'wqy- having heard, went and
lion, having gone to the commander rerjorted, told the COMMANDER, say-
yeiXz, Xeyoov ri fizXXeiSTroieiv; oyapavOpca- ing, "What art thou about
saying; what artthon about to do ? the for man to do? for this MAN is a
7T0S OVTOS 'P(x)fJ.CUOS €(TTL. ? TlpOCTeXOcoV d<£ 6 Roman."
this a Ionian is. Having come to and the 27 And the COMMANDER
Xihtapxos €i7T€V avro)' Ae-ye /uoi, <TV 'Pooptaios coming near said to him,
commander said to him; Tell me, thou a Roman "Tell me, art tfyou a Ro-
ei; ' O 5e e ^ - Nc». 2 8 Air€Kpi6r) re 6 xL^LaP~ man ?" And H E said,
a r t ' He and said; Yes. Answered and the comman- "Yes."
Xos' Eyco TTOXXOV Ke<paXcuov T7]v iroXirsiav 28 And the COMMAN-
der; of a great sum of money the citizenship DER answered, "3E pur-
c chased this CITIZENSHIP
ravrr)V eKT7j<raiJL7)v O 5e TiavXos ecpr)' Eyco with a Great Sum of
this purchased. The and Paul said; I
29 money." And PAUL said,
5e icai yeyevvrifxat. EvOeoos ovv aTrecrrrjcrav " R u t 3E have even been
but even have been born. Immediately then went away born'so."
air' avrov 01 fieXXovres avrov avera^eiv. Kai 29 Then THOSE being
from him those being about him to examine. And about to examine him, im-
6 xL^LaPX0S ^€ e(/)o/3?}077, eiuyvovs Sri ^Voojxaios mediately departed from
the commander also was afraid, having ascertained that a Roman him; and the COMMAN-
DER also was afraid, having
€(TTi, Kai on 7}V avrov dsdeKcas. T?7 8e e7rau- ascertained That he was a
heis, and that he was him having been bound. On the and morrow Roman, and Recause he
piov fiovXopevos yvoovai ro aorcpaXzs, TO ri Ka- had bound him.
wishing to know the certainty, that what he
30 And on the NEXT
TTiyopeirai irapa roov lovdaioiv? eXvaev avrov, DAY, desiring to know the
was accused of by the Jews, he loosed him, CERTAINTY of WHAT he
Kai etteXevcrev o'vveXOnv rovs apx^ptt-s Kai irav was accused by the JEWS,
and ordered to come together the high-priests and all he loosed him { and ordered
TO (fvvedpiov Kai Karayayoov rov UavXov, car- the HIGH-PRIESTS and all
the sanhedrim; and having led down the Paul, he the SANHEDRIM to come
together, and having led
T7]o'€v eis avrovs. PAUL down, placed him be-
sieod among them. fore them.
KE<p. / r / . 2 3 . CHAPTER XXIII. -
Arevicas de 0 TiavXos rca o"vve?>puti, 1 And PAUL earnestly
Having looked intently and the Paul to the sanhedrim, looking on the SANHE-
GLirev Avdpts, afieXtyoi, o'vveidricrei DRIM, said, "Brethren!
eyoo irao-p
said; Men, brethren, I in all conscience J. 3E have lived before GOD
ayaOy -KeivoXirevjxai rep Otca a%pt ravr'qs TTJF- in All good Conscience to
good havebeen as acitizento the God till this the This DAY."
2 2 And the HIGH-PRIEST,
rifxepas ' 0 5e apx^pevs Avavias 67re-
day. The and high-priest Ananias gave Ananias, ordered THOSE

t .25. Acts xvi. 37. t 1. Acts xxiv. 1G ; 1 Cor. iv. 4; 2 Cor. i. 12; iv. 2; 2 Tim. i. 3;
Heb. xiii. 18.
dkapM- 3.1 ACTS. [Cfcap.33: 10.

ra£e TOIS trapeo'Tooo'LV avrcp, rvirreip avrov STANDING BY llim, J t o

•u charge to those havingbeenstanding by him, to strike of him strike him on the MOUTH.
3 3 Then PAUL said to
ro o-rofia. T o r e 6 YlavXos 7rpos avrov enre'
the mouth. Then the Paul to him said; him, " G O D is about to
Tvrrreiv o"e /xeAAei 6 deos, Tor^e K€KOPLa/jL€V€' strike thee, 0 whitened
To strike thee is about the God, O wallhavingbeen whitewashed; Wall! and dost thou sit
KaL o~v Kady Kpivoov fxe Kara rov POJXOV^ Kai judging me according to
and thou sittest judging me according to the law, and the LAW, Jand yet, viola-
irapapo/ncvp KeAevets /ig rvirreo'Oai; 4
O t 8e ting the law, commandest
violating the law thou orderest me to be struck? Those and me to he struck ?"
7rapeo~rc*)T€s siirov TOP a p x i 6 P e a T0V Geov BY said, " Dost thou revile
having been standing by said; The high-priest of the God
5 the HIGH-PRIEST of G O D ? "
Aoidopeis ; E(p7] re 6 TIavAos' OVK ydeiv, 5 And PAUL said, " I
revilest thou? Said and the Paul; Not I had known,
did not know, Brethren,
ab*eA<pot, on SGTLV apxiepeus* y^ypairrai yap- That he was a High-priest;
brethren, that it is a high-priest; it is written for; for it is written, %' Thou
Apxovra rov Aaov crov OVK eptLS KaKtos* ' shalt not speak evil of the
A ruler of the people of thee not thou shalt speak evil. 'Ruler of thy P E O P L E . ' "
TPOVS 5e 6 TIavAos, on ro kv /xepos ecrn 2 a 5 - 6 And PAUL perceiving
Knowing and the Paul, that the one part is of Sad- That the ONE Part were of
SovKatoov, ro 5e erepop ^apicraLOop, eKpa^ep ep the Sadducees, and the
ducees, the and other of Pharisees, he cried out in OTHER of the Pharisees, he
rep o~vveb*piu>' Apfipes a5eAc£>o/, tyoo Qapicraiosexclaimed in the SANHE-
the sanhedrim; Men brethren, I a Pharisee DRIM, "Brethren, J3E am
ei/xt, vlos $apio~aiow irzpi eA7ri5os nai avacr- a Pharisee, f a Son *of
am, a son of a Pharisee; concerning hope and aresur- PHARISEKS ; concerning
raaecos peKpoop eyca Kpivajxai. Tovro 5e avrov % the Hope and the Resur-
rectiou of dead ones I being judged. This and of him rection of the Dead * 1 am
AaAr}o~aprosi eyepero err acts reap -^apicraiiap being judged."
having spoken, was a dispute of the Pharisees 7 And having said lliis,
Kai reap ^aBdovKaiccpt KaL ccrx^Or} ro irA-qOos. there was a Dispute be*
and the Sadducees, and was divided the multitude. tween the PHARISP.ES and
JZaSSovKaioi /xep yap Asyovcn fxr) eivai auaara- the SADDUCEES ; and the
Sadducees indeed for say not to be aresurrec- MULTITUDE was divided.
8 % i'or indeed the Sad-
o~iv, /j.r]^e ayyeAop /x^fe Trpev/na' Qapicraioi 5e ducees say, there is no
tion, nor a messenger nor a spirit; Pharisees but Resurrection, nor Angel,
b^xoAoyovo'i ra a/ncporepa. ^ Eyepero 5e Kpavyr) nor Spirit; but the Phari-
confess the both. Was and an outcry sees confess BOTH.
fxeyaAr)' Kai avacrrapres oi ypafxjxareis rov 9 And there was a great
great; and having arisen the scribes of the Clamor ; and * some of the
fxepovs rcov Qapicraiccp hiejAaxoPTo, Aeyopres' SCRIBES of the PARTY of
party of the Pharisees contended, saying; the PHARISEES arising
OvSep KaKOP evpio~KOjxep ZP rep apOpcaircp rovrcp' find contended, saying, J "We
Nothing evil we find in the man this;
no Evil in this MAN ;
X and what if a Spirit or an
€i Se TTpevp.a eAaAycrep avrtp, 7] ayyeAos Angel spoke to him?"
if but a spirit spoke to him, or a messenger.
10 10 And the Dispute be-
UoAArjs 5e yepo/u€P7]S o'rao'ecos, $vAa(3r)d€is 6 coming vehement, the
Great and becoming dispute, fearing the COMMANDER, fearing that
XiAiapxos fir] ZiacfKacrOr) 6 TIavAos vir* avrcop, Paul would be torn in
commander lest would be torn to pieces the Paul by them, pieces by them, ordered
GKsAevo'e ro crrparcv/na Karafiap apiracraL avrop the Troops to go down and
he ordered the armed force having gone down to take him take him by force from the

* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — Q . of P H A R I S E E S . 6. I am being judged. 9. some

sf t h e S C R I B E S .
t 6. Or, a Disciple of the Pharisees.
' X 2. 1 Kinps xxii. 24; Jer. xx. 2; John xviii. 22. J 8. Lev. xix. 85; Deut. xxv.
1, 2; John vil.51. J 5. Exod. xxii. 28; Eccl. x. 10; 2 Pet. ii. 10; Jude 8. % 6. Acta
xxvi.5; Phil. ill. 5. t 6- Acts xxiv. 15, 21; xxvi.6; xxviii. 20. % 8. Matt. xxii.
28; Mark xii. 18; Luke xx. 27. - X 9« Acts xxv. 25, 81. % 9. Acts xxii. 7,17,18.
Chap. 23: 11.J ACTS. Cffiap. 2 3 : 10
ex /ACfrovavroov, ayeiv*[re~\ cisrnvirapefx^oXTjv. midst of them, find to lead
from midstof them, tolead [and], nto the caatie. Mm into the, CASTLE.
T?7 5e i7TLoua"r) VVKTI ernoras avrco S Kvpios 11 {And on the FOL-
Ontheand next ni^Ut havingstoodby him the Lord LOWING Night the LORD
aire' @a,parei' cos yap diep,aprvpca ratvspi standing by him, said,
said; Take courage- as for thou didst testify thethingsconcerning " Take courage ; for as
e/nov €is 'lepourra?\7]jjLf ourco O"€ 8e* tcai eis'Pco- things thou didst testify the
me in Jerusalem, 60 theeitbehovesabo in Home
concerning me in
Jerusalem, so thou must
p.t\v naprvp-qfai. also testify at Rome."
to testify.
V2 13 And. when it was
Vepolu£i'T1s 8e 7]fxep®.s, irotiqcravres crvcrrpo- Day, J the JEWS, forming
Becoming and day, having formed a conspir- a Conspiracy, hound, them-
(pyjv oi loj^aiot, aveQejxaricrav kavrovs, Xeyov- selves with a Curse, declar-
acy the Jews, they bound with a curse themselves, saying ing that they would nei-
res /JLrjTG cpayeiv pL7]re ivieiv ices ov arcoKreivcao'Lther eat nor drink till they
neither to eat nor drink till they might kill had killed Paul.
rov YlavXov ldr)rrav be TrXeiovs reacrapaKovra 13 And THOSE HAVTNG
the Paul, were and more forty
oi ravT7]V rt]V o'vvoop,oo'iav ircTroir]Kores' olri- ACY, were more than forty;
thnse this the conspiracy having been engaged; who
t/es TrpoTeXOovres rots apxitpevcn teat rots irpeo'- 14 who having come to
the HIGH-PRIESTS and the
having come to the high-priests and the elders,
KLDKRS, said, " W e have
fivrepoiSf enrov AvaOejxari aveOejj.aTiffajj.ev cursed ourselves with a
said; With a curse we have cursed Curse to taste nothing till
eavrovs, p,r}$evos yewavdai eoos oh airoKreivco- we have, killed PAUL.
ourselves, of nothing t o taste till we have kilted
p.ev rov TlauXov. l o Nvv ovv v/u,eis ejj.d>avio~are rev DOU, 15 Now therefore, do
the Paul. Now therefore you make known to the
with the SANHEDRIM,
intimate to the COMMAN-
XiXtapxty o~vv rep ffvvedpKp, dircas avrov Kara- DER, that he may bring
comuaander with the sanhedrim, in order that him he mayhim down to you, as if you
yayrj irpos v/uas9 ws fieXXovras diaytvcatrfeeiv wero about to examine-
lend down to you, aa being about to examine more accurately thethings
axpifiecrrepov ra trepi avrov 'qjxeis 8 e , ivpo concerning him ; and foe,
more accurately thethings concerning him ; we and, before before he COMES NEAR,
rov eyytcrai avrov, erot/xoLeo"iJ,ev rov
avsXetv are ready to KILL him."
of the to have come nigh him, ready we are of the to kill
16 16 But the SON of
avrov. Axovcras de 6 vlos rrjs adeX(p7}s Ylav- Paul's SISTER having
hhn. Having heard but the son of the sister of Paul heard the PLOT, came up,
Xov rrjv evedpavt Trapayevoixevos teai, eitreXBjiv and going into the CASTLE,
the lying in wait, having come near and having gone told PAUL.
€is rrjv Trape/j,{3oXr}V9 aTry-yyeiXe rep TlavXcp.
into the castle, he related to the Paul. 17 And PAUL, having
^ TlpocrKaXscrafAsvos 8e 6 UauXos eva recv ktea- called one of the CENTU-
RIONS to him, said, " Con-
Having summoned and the Paul one of the cen-
duct This YOUNG MAN to
rovrapxwv, ecpri' Tov veaviav rovrov airayaye the COMMANDER,, for he
tuiiona, he said; The young man this lead thou has something to tell
irpos rov ^iXiapxov *Xel yaP r i airayyeiXai him."
to the commander; he haa for something to relate
Id Then H E took him
avrci). 1 8 ' 0 fxiv ovv irapaXaficov avrov yjyaye and led him to the COM-
to him. He indeed then having taken him led
MANDER, and said, " Paul
ivpos rov xi^iaPX0V) Kal
tyy&W ' O 5err,iuos the PRISONER, calling me
to the commander, and said; The prisoner to him, asked me to con-
UavXos TrpocncaXecrajxevos fie, Tjpcorrfcre rovrov duct This YOUNG MAN to
Paul having summoned me, asked this thee, who has something
rov veavtav ayayeiv irpos ffe, exovra Tl AaAr?- to tell thee."
the young man tolead to thee, having something to say
19 19 And the COMMAN-
rrat coi. EirtXafio/jLevos 5e rr\s x*lP0S avrov DER., taking him by i;.9
to thee. Havingtaken and the hand ofhiui

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—10. and—omit.

% 11. Acts xviii. 9 ; xxvii. 23, 24. % 12. ver 21, 30?, XX7.8.
Gkap. 2 3 : 20.] ACTS. [Otiap. 23: 2?.

HAND, and having retired

the commander, and having retired by one's self, he in- by himself, he inquired,
davero' Tt ecrriv 6 e%ets airayyeiKai fxoi; " What is it that thou hast
quired; What is it which thou hast to relate tome? to tell m e ? "
ei7re 5e* cOri ol lovSaioL o'vvedevTO TOV epcc- 20 And he said, $ " The
he said and; That the Jews agreed together of the to ask JEWS have agreed together
TTjcai (T€, bines avpiov cis TO o~vvedpiov KaTaya- to ASK thee that thou
thee, that to-morrow into the sanhedrim thou rnayest lead wouldst bring down P A U L
yys TOV UavXov, cos fieXXovTes TI afcpi/3eo~T6- To-moirow into the SAN«
HEDRIM, as if about to in-
down the Paul, as being about something more accu-
21 vestigate something more
pov irvvOaveo'dai irepi avTOv. 2f ovv firj accurately concerning him.
rately to investigate concerning him. Thou therefore not
21 Therefore, be not tfrcti
ireicrdys CLVTOLS' ereSpeuoucn yap avTov e£ persuaded by them; for
shouldst be persuaded by them; lie in wait for him of more than forty Men of
avTcov avdpes irXeiovs Teo'arapKovTa, ofaives ave- them lie in wait for him,
them men more forty, who bound who have bound them-
OepLaTLO'ay ectvrovs, pirjTe tyayeiv {AIJTS ivieiv selves with a curse, nei-
with a curse themselves, neither to eat nor to drink ther to eat nor drink till
ices ov aveXcoaiv avTov /ecu vvv kjoifxoi eion they have killed him; and
till they killed him; and now reader- tb?v Are now they are ready, look-
Trpoo'd^xofJiepoL TI\V euro crov eirayyzXiaVc > ing for the PROMISE from
looking for the from thee promise. thee."
22 f
O /xev ovv xL^iaPX0S aTeAutre TOV vea- 22 Then the COMMAN-
The indeed then commander dismissed the joun g DER dismissed the YOUNG
viav, irapayyetXas Tavra MAN, charging him, " I n -
firjdevi e/cAaA^ccu, OTL
man, having charged to no one to speak out, that these things form No one That thou
tvecpapio'as irpos fX€. 2 3 Kcu irpoffKaXzarafAzvos hast told me these things."
thou didst report to me. And having summoned 23 And having sum-
dva Tivas TCOV eKaTOVTapx^v, eiirev 'ETOt/jLa- moned * Certain. Two of
two certain of the centurions, he said; Make the CENTURIONS, he said,
(raT€ (TTpaTieoTas diaKotfiovs, diroos iropcvdcocriv " Prepare two hundred
ready soldiers two hundred, that they may go Soldiers to go to Cesarea,
ktas KaLO'apeias, KCU iinreis efidofxrjKovTa, KCCI and seventy Horsemen,
to Cosarea, and horsemen seventy, and and two hundred Spear-
Ssj;ioXafiovs SiaKocnovSy airo TpiTijs copas Ti)s men, after the Third Hour
spearmen tw» hundred, from third hour of the Of t h e N I G H T ;
PVKTOS' 24KT7}V7} T 6 TTapCLO'TTJO'ai, iva, €7ri/3tfia- 24 and provide Animals
night; animals and to have provided, that having on which to place PAUL,
cravTes TOP UavXov ZiacrcocrcocTL irpos 3?r\XiKa that they may convey him
mounted the Paul they might convey safely to
Felix safely to f I'elix, the GOV-
TOV rjycfiova' 25
ypaxpas eiricrToXrjv ir€pt€xovo~av ERNOR."
the governor; having written a letter containing 25 And he wrote a Let-
KXavdlOS AvCTLdS T(p ter having this FORM :—
the form this; Claudius Lysias to the 26 " Claudius Lysias to
KpaTLCTTca r)ys}JL0Vi $I)XIKI %cupetj\ ^ Tov the MOST-EXCELLENT Gov-
most excellent governor Felix health. . The ernor Felix, greeting :
avdpa TOVTOV o~vXXi]<p6€VTa OTTO TOOV lovbtiLiov, 27 J This MAN having
jaam this having been seized by the Jews, been seized by the JEWS,
Kai pLcXXovTa avaipeio~6ai VK aVTCOV, €7TICT- and being about to be killed
and being about to be killed by them, having come by them, I rescued, having
Tas o~vv Ttp cTTpaTev/naTi e^eiXo/uriv ^[^avTov^ come suddenly upon them
suddenly with the armed force I rescued [him,] with an ARMED FORCE.
fiadccv 6TI 'Pcop-aios CO'TU
BovAojiievos 5e Having learned that he is
having learnedthat a Roman he is. Wishing and a Roman,

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—27- him.—omit

f 24. Eelix was a freed man of the emperor Claudius, and brother of Pallas, chief favorite
of the emperor. Tacitus gives us to understand that he governed with all the authority of
a king, and the baseness and insolence of a quondam slave. He was an unrighteous govern-
or,' a base, mercenary, and bad man.
% 20. ver.12. J 27. Acts xxi.83j xxiv.?.
Chap. 2 3 : 28.1 ACTS. iOhap.U-. %.

yvcovai rr]v airiav 5Y 7]V evaKaXovv avrq>, 28 tan^ desiring to

to know the cause onaceountof which they wereaccusing him, know the CRIME of which
Karrjyayov avrov e*s TO avvedpiov avrcvv bv they accused him, I led
I led down him. into the sanhedrim ofthemj whom him down into their SAN-
ivpov eyKaXovfxevov irepi Qqrt]\iaroiV rov VOJXOV HEDRIM ;
I found being accused concerning questions 29 whom I found being
of the law
avrcov, jj,7}$ev 5e a^iov davarov 7] decrjmcov eyKXrj- accused J concerning Ques-
ofthetn, nothing hut worthy ofdeath or bonds an accu- tions of their LAW, J b u t
}xa exovra. "l) Mr)Vv6ei.o'7)S 5e /JLOL eTrifiovXrjs eishaving no Accusation wor»
sation having. Havingbeendisclosedbuttome a plot against thy of Death or Bonds.
rov avdpa fxeXXeiv ecreo"0cu viro roov lovdaioov, 30 % But it having been
the man to be about to be by the Jews, disclosed to me that a Plot
e£auT?7S eirepi^/a irpos o"c, irapayyeiXas KCU rots was about to be formed
instantly I sent to thee, having commanded also the
against the MAN by the
J E W S , I instantly sent to
KarrjyopoLS Xeyeiv ra irpos avrov €iu (rov. thee, % having commanded
accusers to say the things against him before thee.
his ACCUSERS also . * to
•^[Eopwcro.] 3 1 Of \x.ev ovv o~rpa.riGoraii Kara speak against him before
[Farewell.] The indeed therefore soldiers, accordingto thee/'
TO diarerayjxevov avrois, avaXafiovres rov 31 The SOLDIERS, there-
that having been commanded them, having taken the
fore, according to THAT
HavXov, rjyayov fiia rr\s
VVKTOS eis rrjv Avri- which was COMMANDED
Paul, they led through the night into the Anti- them, took Paul, and con-
irarpida. Tr] 5e eiravpiov eacavres rovs lir- veyed him by * Night to
patris. Ontheand morrow havingleft the horse- ANTIPATHIS.
ireis Tropeveo'Oal o~vv avrq>, virearp^xj/av €LS rrjv 32 And on the NEXT
men to go with him, they returned to the DAY they returned
to the
Trape/J.fio\r}v. ao'eXdovres
OITIPGS ets rrjv CASTLE, having left the
castle. Who
having come into the HORSEMEN to proceed with
Kaio'apztav, KM avaBovres rrjv eiricroXriv rep him;
Cesarea, and having delivered the letter to the 33 who, having entered
rjye/j.ovL, nape errrjaav icai rov HavXov avrw. CESAREA, and delivered
governor, presented also the Paul to him. the LETTER to the GOV-
Avayvovs 5e, Kai sTrepoorrjcras e«: Troias eirap- ERNOR, they also presented
Having read and, and having asked from what. province PAUL to him.
34 And having read it,
XLa$ eCTi, KCU irvBofxevos Sri airo
KiXiKtas' he asked of "What Province
he is, and having understood that from Cilicia; he was; and be'ng in-
SiaKovcrofxai GOV, ecprj, brav mi oi Karrjyopoi formed That he was from
I will fully hear thee, he said, when also the accusers X Cilicia,
o~ov irapayevoovrat. E/ceAsurre re avrov cv rcc 35 he said, J " I will
ofibee may arrive. He commanded and him in the fully hear thee, when thine
Trpairoipicp rov 'HpcvSov (pvXao'o'errdai. ACCUSERS are also come."
iudgment-hall of the Herod to be kept. And he commanded him to
be kept in X HEROD'S P R E -
KE$. KB'. 24. TORTUxM.
M e r a 8e irzvre rj/JLtpas Karefir) 6 apx^pevs
After and five days went down the 1 And after i Five Days
Avavias fiera rcov irpearpvrspovv feat prjropos the HIGH-PRIEST, J Ana-
Ananias with the elders and an orator nias, went down with * the
ELDERS, and a certain
TeprvXXov rivos, olrives evefyavitfav rq> rjye- Orator namec? Tertullus,
Tertullus certain, who appeared before the gov-
2 and appeared before the
fxovi Kara rov HavXov. KXrjdevros 5e avrov, GOVERNOR against P A U L .
ernor apainst the Paul. Having beencalled and of him, 2 And he toeing calkd,
rjp^aro Karyyopeiv 6 TeprvXXos, Xzyoov iroX- TERTULLUS began to ac-
began io accuse the Tertullus, saying; great cuse him. saymg;

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—30. to speak against him before thee. 30. Farewell—omit.

51. Night. 1. certain Elders.
t 28. Acts xxil. 30. X 29. Acts xviii. 15; xxv. 19. t 29. Acts xxvi. 31.
% 30. vev.20.
xxiv.l, 10; xxv. 16. 1 30. X Acts
35. xxiv.
Matt, 8; xxv.27.
xxvii. 6. IX34. Acts xxi.
1. Acts xxi. 27.
39. J 35. Acts
t 1. Acts
xxiii. 2,30, 35; xxv. 2.
Chap. 24: 3.] A C T S . [Chap. 24: 12.

\7}s zipy}V7}s rvyxavovres 3 " Having obtained

Sta crou, Kai Karop-
piv.ce enjoying through thee, Great Peace through thee,
and worthy
Occfxarccv yiuofxevccv rip eQvei rovrcp $ia rrjs O-Y}S and * worthy Deeds being
deeds being done to the nation this throughoftheof thy done for this NATION by
Trpovoias, iravTr} re Kai Tvavraxov airobexo^eQa, THY. Forethought, and in
foresight, in every thing and and everywhere we accept,
every thing and every-
where, we accept it, Most
Kpariffre <i>r?At£, fi$ra Tracn}S €v%apt(TT/as. excellent Felix, with all
O most excellent Felix, with all thankfulness.
4 Thankfulness.
'Ij>a <5e /bLT) eiri wXeiov ere eyKo^rco, TrapaKaXco 4 But that I may not
That and not to longer thee T may detain, I beseech
further detain, thee, I be-
aKJvaai ere TJ/XOOU crvvrojiLoos rrj o~r) e-jrieiKeia. seech thee to hear us
to hear thee of us briefly in the thy clemency. briefly, with THY usual
Ejpovres yap rov avdpa rovrov XOI/HOV, Kai Candor. •
We have found for the man this a pestilence, and 5 J For we found this
Kivovvra crraaiv Tvaai rois IOVSOUOLS rots Kara MAR a Pestilence, and ex-
exciting a sedition in all the Jews those in citing * Seditions among
rrjv oiK0v/nev7}V, irpcoroo'Tarrjv re rr]S rcov N a - All THOSE J E W S through-
the habi able, . a leader and o f t h e o f t h e Na- out the EMPJBE, and a
£opaioov aipecreccs, 6s KCLI ro tepov eireipacrz Chief of the SECT of the
zarenea sect, who also the temple attempted JNAZARENES ;
(SefiriXcecrai' 6v Kai eKparrjcrauev, * [ K C U Kara 6 X who even attempted
to profane, whom also we apprehended, [and according to to profane the TEMPLE,
rov 7]}xerepou VOJJLOV 7\6eXr](ra^ev Kpivetv. Hap and whom we apprehendedj
the our law we wished to judge. [and wished J to judge ac-
eXdcov 5e Avtfias b xL^LaPX0S9 Mera 7roAA7ys cording to OUR Law;
eome but Lysias the commander, with a great 7 J but Lysias, the COM-
fiias eK roov xeLPWJ/ hfxoov awrjyaye^ 8
KeXevcras having come
force out of the hands of us with a Great Force, took
led away, having commanded
rovs Karr]yopovs avrov epx^crOai eiri <re'~\ irap'' him away out of our
the accusers of him to come to thee;] from HANDS,
8 % commanding his AC-
ou §W7}(Tr) avros, avaKpivas irepi CUSERS to come to thee;]
whom thou wilt be able thyself, having examined closely,concerning from whom tiiou wilt be
iravrwv rovroov eiuyvoovai, ccv 7]fxeis Karr]- able to learn for thyself,
all of these thingsto have knowledge, ofwhich we ac- on examination, of all these
yopov/JLev avrov. ^^vveireQevro be Kai ol lov- things of whichfcoeaccuse
euse him. United inimpeaching and also the Jews, him."
Sato*, (pa<TKoures ravra obrtos *XeLV' l0
A7re/c- 9 And the J E W S also
asserting these things thus to be. Answered
jointly impeached him, as-
serting that these things
oiBr\ Se 6 UavXos, vevcravros avrrv rov 7]ye/j,o- were so.
andtlie Paul,
nodding to him the governor 10 And the GOVERNOR.
vos Xeyziv EK TTOXXOOV eroov oyra ere Kpir-qv rep having made a sign for him
to speak, From many years being thee a judge to the tospeak, P A U L answered,
edvei rovrcp eiriirjajxevos, ra " Knowing that thou hait
nation this knowing, been for Several Years a
more cheerfully the things
Tvtpi e/xavrov airoXoyovfiai' n
Suva/Ltevov o~ov Judge of this NATION, * I
eoncerning myself I defend; being able of thee
cheerfully defend myself;
yvcvvai, on ov irXeiovs eicri \xoi 7]/j.epai SeKadvo, power 11 it also being in thy
to know, that not more are to me days twelve,
to ascertain, That
it is not more than twelve
a 0 ' 7)S avefir/v irpoa'Kvv'qcroov ev 'lepovcraXrjfx. Days since i I went up
from which I went up to worship in Jerusalem. to worship at Jerusalem.
Kai ovre ev rep lep<p evpov fxe irpos riva dia- 12 J And they die" not
And neither in the temple they foundme with anyone dis- find me disputing with any
Xeyojxevov^ 7] eiritrvcrrairiv voiovvra ox^ov, one in the TEMPLE, or
puting, or a tumult making of a crowd, making an Insurrection of

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. Eeformations are going' on in this NATION. 5. Sedi-

tions among. 6—S. omit. 10. I cheerfully.
t 5. Lukexxiii.2; Acts vi. 13; xvi. 20 ; xvii.6; xxi.28; 1 Pet. ii. 12,15. J 6. Acts
xxi. 28. t 6. John xviii. 31. t 7- Acts xxi. 33. £ 8. Acts xxiii. 3a
% 11. ver. 17; Acts xxi. 26.' J 12. Acts xxv. 8 ; xxviii. 17-
Cfliap. 24: 13.1 A C T S . [dhap. U: 22.

oure ep rats crvpaycoyai'Si ovre Kara rr\v TTOXW the Crowd, either in the
nor in the synagogues, nor in the city; SYNAGOGUES, or in the
13 CITY;
ovre irapao'rrjo'ai dvpaprai, irepi OOP vvv
18 nor are they able to
nor to prove are they able, concerning which
prove the things concern- now
Kar7]yopov(Tt fxov. O/jioXoyca 5e rovro o~oi, ing which they now accuse
they accuse me. I confess but this to thee, tne.
bri Kara rrjp OBOP, r\v Xeyova'ip aipeo'ip, ovr<a 14 But this I confess
that according to the way, which they called a sect, so to thee, that according to
the WAY which tney call a
Xarpevoo rep irarpucp Oecp, irirrrevoop iraffi rois Sect, so serve I the GOD oi
I serve the patriarchal God, believing all things those my TATHEES, believing
Kara rov PO/XOP Kai rois ep rois irpo(p7]rais * the THINGS which are
according to the law and those in t\e prophets according to the LAW, and
15 cov els T0P THOSE which have been
yeypa^jxepois' eXirida ex 6*op, rjp written in the PEOPHETS ;
Having been written; a hope having in the God, which
15 having a Hope in
Kai avroi ouroi Trpoo'Sexoprat, avao~ra<tiv fieX- GOB, which even they
even they themselves are looking for, a resurrection about themselves are looking for,
\eip eo'ecrdai *[peKpct>p,] diKatccp re Kai adi- —Xtliat there is to be a
to be [of dead ones,] of just ones and also unjust Resurrection both of the
16 Righteous and Unright-
KWP. EP rovrcf 5e avros atfKco, aTvpoffKoirov eous.
on^s. In this and myself I exercise, a clear
16 And in this I exer-
<rvpei?>r]0~ep exew irpos rop Qeop Kai rovs apQpc:-cise myself, always to have
conscience to have towards the God and the men J a clear Conscience to-
irovs hiairaproS' ^ Ai creep de irXeiopoop wards GOD and MEN.
always. In the cour»e of years and many 17 But in the course of
jrapeyepo/jLrjp eXerj/xocrvpas iron)o~wp eis ro edpos several Years J I came
I came alma bringing to the nation bringing Alms to my NA-
18 TION, and Offerings;
fiov, Kai Trpoo~(popas. Ep oh evpop fxe 7)y-
ofme, and offerings. In which they found me having 18 at which time they
found me purified in the
pKTfxevop ep r<p tepec, ov fiera o%Aou, ovde jxera Ti MPLE, n e t er with a
been purified in the temple, not with a crowd, nor with Crowd, nor with Tumult.
Qopvfiov. Tipes he airo rrjs Acrms lovdaioi, X But there are some Jews
& tumult. Some and from the Asia Jews, from A S I A ,
ovs eSei eiri crow irapeii/cu, Kai Karrjyopeip ei 19 J who ought to be
who ought before thee to be present, and to accuse if present before thee, and to
20 accuse, if they may have
ri exoiep irpos fie. H avroi obroi etira- anything against me.
anything they may have against me Or these themselves let 20 Or let these them-
rcoo~ap, ri evpov ep e/uoi a S i / c ^ c t , crapros selves say, "What Crime
them say, what they found in me crime, having stood they found in me while I
21 stood before the SANHE-
fxov eiri rov (TVPeBpiov 7} irepi fxias rav- DRIM ;
of me before the sanhedrim; or concerning one this
21 unless it be fc-r This f
ri)s <f>(*)P7}s, 7}S enpafa ecrcos
0n ep avrois'
One Declaration which £
voice, which I cried out stauding among them; That made while I. was standing
trepi apaffracrews peKpoop eyca Kpwofiai tfrifxe- among them,—J 'That con-
concerning a resurrection of dead ones I am judged to-day cerning the Resurrection
y 22 of the Dead E am'judged
pop i><p VJXOOP. ApefiaXero 5e avrovs 6 <3??7A.J£, by you This day." 5
by you. Put off but them the Felix,
22 But FELIX knowing
aKpifiecrrepop eidcos ra irepi rr]s
obov, more accurately about that
more accurately knowing the things concerning the way, WAY, put them off, saying,
eiircop' 'Orap Avcrias 0 x ^ PX i La 0S
Kar7]fir), "When Lysias, the COM-
saying; When Lysias the comuiandermaycoinedown, MANDEE, comes down, I

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—14. the THINGS according to Law. 15. of the dead—omit.

t 15. Dan. xii. 2; John v. 28, 29. J 16. Acts xxiii. 1. £ 17. Acts xi. 29, 30;
xx. 16; Rom. xv. 25; 2 COY. viii. 4; Gal. ii. 10. J 18. Acts xxi. 26, 27 xxvi. 21. J 19.
Acts xxiii. 30; xxv. 16. t 21. Acts xxiii. 6; xxviii. 20.
Gimp. 24; 23.] ACTS. {Chap. 2 5 : 8.

8icryvco(rofxai ra lead* v/ias. 23

Atara^afxevos will inquire about your
I will inquire into the things about you. Having given orders MATTERS,"
re TW eKarovrapxy rripeiaQai avrov, 23 And lie commanded
*X(:IV T6

and to the centurion to keep him, the CENTURTON to keep

to have and
aveviv, KOLI /jLTjdeva KcoXveiv roov ifiioov avrov him, and let him have Lib-
iiberty, and no one to forbid of the own friends of him
erty, J and to forbid none
of his FRIENDS to assist
virf]pereiv, * [ T ? Trpocrepx^crdai] avrcp. him.
to assist, [or to come] to him.
24 ,'A And after some Days,
M e r a 5e i]fiepas rivets Trapayevojicvos o $7]- F E L I X coming with I Dru-
After and days some having come the Fe- silla, * his WIFE, who was
A i | crvv ApovcriXXy rrj yvvaiKi, ouari
lovdcua, a Jewess, sent for P A U L ,
lix with Drusilla the wife, being a Jewess, and heard him concerning
fier$7re/j.iparo rov UavXov, Kai TjKovcrev avrov the FAITH in * Christ J e -
he sent for the Paul, and heard him sus.
Trepi ry)S eis ~Kpiffrov Tricreoos. 2 5 AiaXeyo- 25 And as he was dis-
concerning the into Anointed faith. Discours- coursing concerning Jus-
pavov 8e avrov irepi SiKaiocrvvr)S icai eyicpa- tice, Self-government, and
ing and of him concerning justice and self-con- THAT JUDGMENT a b o u t t o
reias (ecu rov Kpifxaros rov pieXXovros, cpL(j)o- COME, F E L I X , being terri-
trol and of the judgment that being about to come, terri- fied, answered, " Go for the
(Zos yevopavos b $T]XL}; cnreicpiOr]' To vvv exoj/ PRESENT ; and when I find
fied being the Felix answered; The present being an Opportunity I will call
Tropzvov Kaipov §e ixeraXa&wv fteTaKaAecropcu for thee."
go thou; a season and having found I will call 26 At the same time
ere. 26 'A//a KCU eXirifav, ort xpVtJ-aTa $067)- also hoping that Money
thee. At the same time also hoping, that money will be would be given him by
o'erat ^[afT&t] vtro rov UavXov9 *[O?T6DS Xvari P A U L ; and therefore he
given [to him] by the Paul, [so that he might loose more frequently sent for
avrov~\ hio Ka,L TTVKVorepov avrov pLeraTre/x- Him, and conversed with
him;] therefore and oftener him sending him.
irofiepos wfiiXei avrw. 27
Aierias 5e irXrjpooOei- 27 But when two Years
for talked with him. Two years but being ended were ended, F E L I X had a
Successor, Porcius Festus;
o~7}S eXafir) Siadoxov 6 $7]XL]; YiopKiov ^rju'rov and FELIX, Jwislung to
received a successor the Felix Porcius Festus;
be favorably regarded by
SeXcov re xaPLras KaraOea'Oai rots lovBaiOLS 6 the J E W S , left PAUL a
wishing and favors to lay in store for himselfwith the Jews the prisoner.
&r}Xi£, KareXtTre rov TJavXov dede/nevov.
Felix, left the Paul having been bound. CHAPTER XXV.
KE<f». ice'. 2 5 . 1 Festus, therefore, hav-
ing entered upon his GOV*
^rjcrros ovv c-mfias ry etrapx^^ fxera KRNMENT, after Three
Festus therefore having enteredupon the perfecture, after Days went up from Cesa-
rpeis ypicpas avefir} ei$ 'lepoaoXvpta airo Kcucra- rea to Jerusalem.
three days went up to Jerusalem from Cesa- 2 % And *the H I G H -
peias. Evetyavicrav Be avrw 6 apx^p^vs Ka± PRIESTS and the C H I E F S
rea. Appeared before and him the high-priest and of the JEWS appeared
ol irpccroi roov lovdaioov Kara rov UavXov, KCU against PAUL, and en-
the chiefs ofthe Jews against the Paul, and treated him,
irapeicaXovv avrov, airov/acvoi. XaPLV KaT
* 3 asking a Favor against
entreated him, askiffg a favor against him, that he would send
avrov, diroos pierairepi\py]raL avrov eis 'lepovo'a- for him to Jerusalem,
him, that he would send for him to Jerusa- % forming an Ambuscade
Xrjfi' evehpav irotovvres aveXeiv avrov Kara to kill him on the s o AD.
lem; an ambush. forming to kill him in
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—23. or to come—omit. 24. HIS OWN Wife. , 24. Christ
Jesus. 26. to him—omit. %. so that he might loose him—omit. 2. tha
t 24. Drusilla was the youngest daughter of Herod Agrippa, and had been married to
Azizus, king of Emessa, whom Felix had persuaded her to abandon, in order to an adulter-
ous marriage with himself.
X 23. Acts xxvii. 3; xxviii. 16. J 27. Acts xii. S; xxv. 9,14, % 2. Acts kxiv,
kj.ver.15,. I 3. Acts xxiii. 12,15.
Chap. 2 5 : 4.] ACTS. [Chap. 2 5 : 12.
4t 4 But FESTUS answered
T7\v Sdov. O fxeu ovv $7}O~TOS aTrtKpidrjy
the way. The indeed then Festus answered, that P A U L should be kept
T7ipGio*0ai TOV UavXov cv Kaicrapeia, eavrou 5e at Cesarea, and that he
to be kept the Paul in Cesarea, himself but himself would go down
/neXXtiv <EV raxeL eKiropeveadai, 5
Of ovv ev there shortly.
to he about with speed to go out. Those therefore among 5 " Therefore," said he,
"let THOSE among you
vfj.iv, (prjcri, Svvaroi, crvyKarafiavres,
TI who ei
are ABLE go down
you, he says, being able, having gone down with, if anything
with me, J and * if there is
€O~TIV ev rep av$pi, tcarrjyopeiTCxJO'av avrov. any tiling amiss in the MAN ,
is in the man, let them accuse him.
6 accuse him.
Aiarpiipas 5e <EV avrois TjfAepas ov irXeiovs OKTO) 6 And having continued
Having remained andamong them days not more eight among them eight or ten
7} 5eKa, Karafias eis Koucrapeiaj/, TT) eiravpiov Days, he went down to Ce-
or ten, having gone down into Cesarea, on the morrow sarea; and on the NEXT
Kadiaas ern TOV jS^/xaros, e/ceAeixre TOV DAY, sitting down on the
having sat down on the judgment-seat, he commanded the TRIBUNAL, commanded
HavXov ax®i}Vai. ? Tlzpaysvo/JLevov 8e
avTov, PAUL to he brought.
Paul to be led forth. Having approached and of him, 7 And he having come,
Tr<zpi€o'T7icrav ol enro 'lepocfoXv/xoov KarafiefiriKO- the J E W S who had COME
stood around the from Jerusalem having been come DOWN from Jerusalem
r e 5 lovdaioi, 7roXXa KCLL fiapea acrLafiara (pepov- stood * round him, % bring-
down Jews, many and heavy accusations bring- ing down Many and Heavy
r e s * [/caret T o v n a u A o u , ] a OVK I&X VOV
a7ro?)6i£ar Accusations, which they
inS [against the Paul,] whichnotthey were able to point out;
were not able to prove,
8 8 * while PAUL main-
airo\oyovfxevov avTov 'OTL OVTC ets Tovvofxov tained in his defence,
saying in defence of him; That neither against the law X " Neither against the
TCOV lovdaicov, OVTG eis TO fcpnv, oure eis Kai- LAW of the JKWS, nor
ofthe Jews, nor against the temple, nor against Ce- against the TEMPLE, nor
(Tapa TL 7]/napTov. 'O 4>7}O~TOS 5 e , TOLS lovdar against Cesar, have I sinned
sar anything did I wrong. The Festus but, with the Jew s in anything."
ois BeXcov a lv
xP KaraQcffOai, airoKpiBeis Tcp 9 But FESTUS, J wish-
wishing a favor to lay up for himself answering to the ing to gratify the JEWS,
answering PAUL, said,
UavXca eiTre* ©eAeis eis 'lepoo'oXv/jax avafias, X " Art thou willing to go
Paul said; Art thou willing to Jerusalem having gone up, up to Jerusalem, and there
e/cet 7T6p( TOVTWV Kpivso~Qai CTT' e/xou ; 10 Ei7re he judged before me con-
there concerning these things to be judged before me? Said cerning these things ?"
de b YlavXos' E 7 n TOV fiyj/AaTos Kaicrapos eo~TO)S 10 And PAUL said, " I
but the Paul; At the judgment-seat of Cesar standing am standing at Cesar's
TRIBUNAL, where I ought
etfjLi, oh fie 5et npivecrQai. lovSaiovs ovdev to be judged. I have done
lam, where me it behoves to be judged. Jews nothing
no wrong to the Jews, as
rjditcrio'a, o)s Kac o*v KaXXcov eircyivcoa'KeLs- tljou also very well know-
I have done wrong, as also thou full well hast ascertained. est.
E t fxev yap adiKco, nai a^iov OavaTov Tveirpa- 11 % * For if,, indeed, I
If indeed for I am unjust, and worthy of death I have do wrong, or have done
%a Ti, ov TrapaiTovfiaL TO airoQavew ei 5e anything deserving of
doneaRthing,not I refuse the to die; if but Death, I refuse not to die;
ovSev €CTTIV wv OVTOI KaTrjyopovori [xov, ovdeis but which
if there be nothing of
they accuse me, no
nothing is of which these accuse me, no one
one can give Me up to gra-
jue SvvaTai aureus xapi<Tacr#at. Katcrapa e7ri- tify Them./ %I appeal to
me is able to them to give as a favor. Cesar I call Cesar."
KaXovjxai. T o r e 6 ^TJO'TOS a'vXXaX7]a'as jxeTa 12 Then FESTUS, hav-
upon. Then the Festus having conferred with ing conferred with the

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—5. if there is anything amiss in the man, accuse him. 7«

round him, bringing down Many. 7. against Foul—omit. - 8. P A U L answering.'
11. If, then, indeed.
X 5. Acts xviii. 14; ver. 18. t 7. Mark xv. 3; Luke xxfti. 2,10 ; Acts xxiv. 5/18
% 8. Acts vi. 13; xxiv. 12; xxviii. 17. X 9- Acts xxiv. 27. $ 9. ver. 20. - % \l\
ffer. 25 5 Acts xviii. 14; xxiii. 20; xxvi. 31. % 11. Acts xxvi. 32; xxviii, J9f
Cliap. 25 : 13.;
ACTS. [Oliap. 2 5 : 2 1 .

rov (TVIJLI3OV\IOV9 aireKpiOr)' Kairrapa €TTLKZK\7]- C O U N S E L , answered, " T o

the council, answered; Cesar thou hast called Cesar thou hast appealed;
(Tar €TTL Kato'apa -rropevcrr). to Cesar thou shalt go."
upon; t o Cesar thou shalt go. 13 And after some Days,
'H/j-epcop $e biayepo/xepoop TIPCOP, Aypnriras f Agrippa t h e K I N G a n d
Days and having intervened some, Agrippa Bcrnice came down to Ce-
6 /3ao~iAevs KCU Bepyticr) KarrjPT7]crap CLS Kaica- sarea, to pay their respects
the king and Berniee came down to Cesarea, to I ' E S T U S . "
14 14 And when they h a d
peiap, acriracro/ievoi rov ^rjcrrov. 'Cls Se
paying their respects to the Festus. and spent Many Days there,
irXeiovs i'1/J.epas disrpi^ov eKei, 6 4>T]O'TOS TOO F E S T U S s u b m i t t e d P A U L ' S
many days they remained there, the Festus to the CASE t o t h e K I N G , saying,
fiatfiXzi avtOero ra Kararov TiavXop, Xzyoov X " There is a certain 'Man
king submitted the things against the Paul, saying; left a Prisoner by 1'elix;
Av7\p ris €(TTL KaTaX^K^ifxfxevos vrro ^"TJALKOS 15 J concerning whom,
A man certain is having been left behind by Felix when I was i n Jerusalem,
decr/juos' lo
Trepi ob, yevo/nevov /aov eis ' I e p o - t h e iriGH-PETESTS a n d t h e
a prisoner; concerning whom, being of me in Jeru- E L D E R S of t h e J E W S * ap-
tfoAvfxa, ol a p x i e p e j s KCLI ot Tvpe&fiv- peared; asking a Sentence
salem, gave information tha high-priests
and the elders of j u d g m e n t against h i m ;
repot. roov lovSaLwv, atrov/j.evoi Kar* avrov 16 J to whom I answered,
of the Jews, asking against him That i t is n o t a Custom for
blK7]V* lG
llpOS OUS aTT€Kpi6r)V9 OTL 0VK ZO'riP
Romans t o make a present
a judgment. To whom i answered, that not it is of A n y Man, before t h e
edos 'Potfiaiois xaPLC€<T^al rLva
avQpcoTrov, irpiv y\ SERS Tace to Face, and an
a custom for Romans to give as a favor any man, before
Opportunity is allowed for
6 Ka.ry]yopovjx^vos Kara irpoo'ooirov exoL TOVS defence concerning the AC-
he being accused face to face may haye the
narriyopovs, TOTTOV re airoXoyias Aafioi ivzpi
accusers, an opportunity and of defence he may take concerning 17 Therefore, when they
arrived here, J making no
rov €yi<\7]aaTos. ^ ^ZvpeXQovrav ovv *\avr<Av\
Delay, the N E X T D A Y , sit-
the accusation. Having come therefore [of them]
ting down on t h e T R I B U -
epdafie, apafioXyv /H7]8efuav
Troi7]o~a/JL€Pos9 rrj N A L , I commanded t h e
here, delay none
having made, on the
MAN t o be brought;
el;7)s KaBivas eiri rov fSy)[iaTos, eKeXevcraax
next dayhavingsatdown on the judgment-seat, I commanded to be
18 concerning whom the
18 A C C U S E R S having stood
drjvat rov avdpa. Hepi ov crraOepres ot up, brought N o Charge of
brought the man. Concerning whom having stood up the
* s u c h Evil things as I
Karriyopoi ovdepiap atriav eirecpepov^ cbv vxe- s u p p o s e d ;
accusers no one accusation brought, of things sup-
19 19 % b u t had certain
voovv . ey ^7]T7]juara 8e riva irepi rrjs Questions with h i m about
posed I; questions but certain concerning of the
their O W N Religion, and
iSias beio'L^aijiioj/Las siX0V *xpos avrov, Kai about One Jesus who died,
own religion they had with him, and whom P A U L affirmed to be
TTcpi rivos \y\irov redprjKoros, dp ecpaCKev 6 alive.
concerning one Jesus having been dead, whom affirmed the 20 And S being in doubt
UavXos QTJV. Airopov/nepos 5e eyee eis rrjp on t h a t concerning this
Paul to be alive. Being in doubt but 1 on that Q U E S T I O N , I inquired if he
irepi rovrov ^7]ry]0'LP, eXeyov, ei
fiovXoiro would be willing t o go to
concerning this question, I said, if he would bewilling Jerusalem, a n d t h e r e be
nopeveaOai eis elepovo'aXr]/j., Kanei xpiveo'dai j u d g e d concerning these
to go to Jerusalem, and there to be judged things.
irepi rovrcov. Tov 5e I l a u A o u eirinaXecra- 21 B u t P A U L having ap-
cencerning these things. The but Paul having appealed
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—15. appeared, asking-a Sentence of judgment. 17. of
them— omit. 18. such Evil things.
t 13. This was the son of Agrippa, whose miserable death is recorded in Acts xii. 23. I n
A. D .5 5, he was transferred from the kingdom of Chalcis, which he had received from Claudius,
when only 17 years old, to the provinces possessed by his father, viz., Uatanea, Trachonitis,
Auranitis, and Abilene, which h e governed with the title of king. He died A. D. 100, after
a reign including that over Chalcis, of Gl years.—Owen.
£ 14. Acts xxiv. 27. % 15. ver. 2, 3. 116. ver. 4, 5. % 17. ver. 6, % 19,
Acts xviii, 15 i xxiii. Z%
Chap. 2 5 : 22.] ACTS. {Cliap. 2 5 : 27.

ixevov TTjprjQTivai avrov GLS Tf\v rov ^fiaarrov pealed to b e kept for t h e
to be kept himself for the of the Augustus D E C I S I O N of t A U G U S T U S ,
Ziayvoxriv, €Ke\evo~a T7)peio~Qai ecas ov I ordered h i m to be kept
decision, I commanded to be kept him, till till I could send him * to
7T€jiu|/co. avrov irpos Kaitfapa. 22
Aypnriras 5e Cesar.
I could send him to Cesar. Agrippa but 22 And Agrippa said to
irpos Toy <&K]crTQv "^[e^Tj*] E^OVXOJJL^P /ecu F E S T U S , " I myself also
to the Festus [said;] T was wishing also desire to hear this M A N . "
avros rov avdpooirov aKovcrai. 'O 8e avpiov, And h e said, " To-morrow,
myself the man to hear. The and morrow; thou shalt hear him.'-*
(prjcriv, a/covo"?] avrov. 23
Ty ovv eiravptov 23 On t h e N E X T D A Y ,
he said, thou shalt hear him. On the therefore morrow therefore, AGRIPPA and
eXdovros rov Aypnnra KCLL TT]S BepviKys fizra B E R N I C E having arrived
having come the Agrippa and the Bernice with with Great Pomp, and hav-
iroA\7)s (pavraCLas, KOLI zLcreXOovrcvveis ro ing e n t e r e d into t h e P L A C E
OE H E A R I N G , with the
great display, and having entered into the
l ia 0lS KaL * Commanders a n d T H O S E
aKpOCLTTjpiOV, (TVVTt TOIS X ^ PX OLvdpaO'L Men who were of Distinc-
place of hearing, with both the commanders and men
tion in t h e C I T Y , a t t h e
rots HOLT* tiioxyv "*[oucriJ TT]S iroXeooSy Kat Ke- COMMAND of FESTUS,
those principal [being] of the city, and hav-
24 P A U L was brought.
Xevcavros rov ^crov, 7]X^ri 6 UavXos. Kat
2 4 A n d F E S T U S said,
ing commanded the Eestus,wasbroughtthe Paul. And
" K i n g Agrippa, and All
<pt]o-iv 6 <br)o~Tos' Aypnnra /3<xTiAeu, /ecu iravres t h e M E N P R E S E N T w i t h
Baid the Festus; Agrippa O king, and all
u s ! you see this m a n ,
OL 0-VfXTTO.pOVTeS 7]jXlV avdpeS, 6e00p€LT6 TOVTOV, about "whom % All the M U L -
those being present with us mes, you see this,
T I T U D E of t h e J E W S a p -
7T€pt OV TtaV TO TTXf]QoS TOOV lovdaitoV €V€TV~ plied to me, both in Jerusa-
conceming whom all the multitude of the Jews applied lem a n d here, crying o u t
%ov fxoi €v re 'lepoo'oXv/jLOLS KOLI ev6a$€, eiri- that he ought % not to live
to rne in both Jerusalem and here, cry- any longer.
ftoctivres fXf] deiv Qrjv avrov fA-qneri. Eya> 25 B u t when I detected
ing out not to be right tolive him longer. 1 Nothing which J he h a d
5e Ear aXa (3 0/j.evos i u^5ez' a£iov Qavarov avrov done deserving Death,
but having detected nothing worthy of death bim "{[and h e also having ap-
7r€7rpaxeycu, KCLL avrov 8e T O U T O U tTUKaXsara- pealed to f A U G U S T U S , I
to have done, also of him and of this having appealed determined t o send h i m ;
jjLtvov rov ^$e/3acrToi>, acpiva irefnreiv *[_avrov.~\ 26 concerning whom I
to the Augustus, I resolved to send [him.]
26 have nothing definite to
nepi ov ao~(paXes ri ypatyai rep
KvpL(p write to t h e t S O V E R E I G N .
Concerning whom certain anything to write to the
Therefore I have brought
OVK e x w > °^° Trpof)yayov avrov $<p* vfioov, uat him before you, a n d espe-
not 1 have, therefore 1 led forth him before you, and cially before thee, King
LiaXicrra €7ri o~ov, fiacn.Aev Aypnnra, OTTCOS TTJS Agrippa! t h a t on E X A M I -
especially before thee, O king Agrippa, so that the N A T I O N , I may have some-
avaicpio'ecos ysvojizvTis ^%(a ri ypatyai. thing t o write.
examination having taken place I may have something to write.
27 For i t appears to Me
? AXoyov yap /xoi 5oK€i irz^irovra ^GO'/JLLOV, fxrj unreasonable t o send a
Absurd for t o me it seems sending a prisoner, not Prisoner, and n o t t o sig-
Kai ras Kar' avrov CUTICCS af\\iavai. nify t h e C H A R G E S alleged
and the against him charges to signify. against h i m . "

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. up to Cesar. said—omit. 23. Commanders

and. 23. being—omit. 25. him—omit.
T 21 & 25. Although Sebastos,teusually translated Augustus, and the Eoman emperors gen-
erally assumed this epithet, which signifies no more than the venerable, the august; yet
here i t seems to be used merely to express the emperor, without any reference to any of his
attributes or titles. t 26. The title Kurios, Lord, both Augustus and Tiberius had ab-
solutely refused; and forbad, even by public edicts, the application of i t to themselves.
Tiberius himself was accustomed to say, t h a t he was lord of his blaves, emperor of the troops,
and prince of the senate. See Suetonius, in his life ol this prince. The succeeding emperors
were not so modest; they affected the title. Nero, the emperor, would have i t ; and Pliny
the younger is continually giving i t t o Trajan, in his letters.—Clarke.
t 24. ver. 2, 8,7. t 24. Acts xxii. 22. % 25 Acts xxiii. 9, 29; xxvi. 81. % 26.
Chap. 2 6 : 1.] [Ohap. 2 6 : ID.
KE$. KS'. 26. C H A P T E R XXVI.
1 1 And Agrippa said to
A7pi7T7ras 5 e 7rpos TO*/ UavXov e(pr}' ~ETTL-
PAUL, "It is permitted
Agrippa and to the Paul said; I t is
thee to speak in behalf of
rpeirerai aroi virtp ceavrov Xzyziv. Tore 6 thyself." Then P A U L ex-
permitted for thee in behalf of thyself t o speak. Then t h e
tending his H A N D , spoke
UavXos aTreAoyetro, eKreivas rr\v XelPa' his defence.
Paul made a defence, having stretched o u t t h e hand;
2 2 "Concerning all things;
irept iravToov oov eyitaXov/uai viro lov~ of which I am accused b y
concerning all t h i n g s of which I am accused by Jews,
the Jews, I esteem myself
daioov, fiaffiXev Ay piinra, y\yr\ixai zfiavrou /Jiaica- happy, King Agrippa! t h a t
O king Agrippa, I esteem myself happy,
I am about This day to
piop, em arov jjieXXccv <rr\ix£pov aTroXoyeio~6ai' speak m y defence before
before t h e e being a b o u t to-day t o make a defence;
§ thee;
/xaXirrra yucoiryji/ ovra <re nxavro>v roov Kara 3 especially as thou a r t
especially acquainted being thee ofall ofthe among
acquainted with all t h e
lovdaiovs edoov re ttai ^r^jmarcav. Aio deo- CUSTOMS and Questions
Jews c u s t o m s and also questions. Therefore I e n - among t h e Jews, therefore,
jxai "^[{Toy,] ixoLKpoQvjxoos aKovcrai JLLOV. Tr]y I entreat thee, to hear m e
treat [thee,] patiently t o hear of me. T h e patiently.
fxev ovv fiitoo'iv jxov rrjv CK veoryros, rj]v 4 My MODE OF LIFE,
indeed therefore mode of lifeof m e t h a t from youth, t h a t from m y Youth, T H A T
arr' apxys yevojj.€vi)V ev rep eQvei /JLOV ev'Iepo- which W A S from t h e Be-
from b e g i n n i n g b e i n g a m o n g t h e n a t i o n of m e i n J e r u - ginning among my own
dokvjubois, icrao'i iravres ot lovhaioL" 6 irpoyiveocr- N A T I O N , * a n d in J e r u s a -
salem, know all the Jews; previously know- lem, is known to All the
Kovres fxe avwOev, ( e a y OeXoocri fiaprvp^iv^) on * J e w s ;
ing me from t h e first, (if they would be willing t o testify,) that 5 who, knowing me from
Kara rrjv aKpt^eo'Tarr}V a\pzo~iv rrjs i)fxere- the first, if they would,
according t o t h e m o s t rigid sect ofthe our might testify, That accord-
pas 6pr](TK6Las e(rjcra $api(raios. Kcu vvv o r 1 ing t o tthe M O S T R I G I D
religion I lived a Pharisee. And noir for Sect of our Beligion, I lived
eXirtdi rrjs irpos rovs irartpas zirayyeXias yevo- a Pharisee.
h o p e of t h a t t o the fathers promise being 6 t And now I stand on
lievrjs viro rov Oeov, eo~rr)Ka Kptvojj.ei/os0 ? ets trial for t h e Hope of that
made by the God, I have stood being j u d g e d ; to P R O M I S E made by G O D to
7]V ro dooBeicacpvXoy 7}/J.a>y, ev eKrevetq, WKra Our FATHERS ;
which t h e twelve tribes of us, in intently night 7 to which our J T W E L V E
Kai 7]jx^pav Xarpevoy, eXiri^ei Karaurrjcrar T R I B E S , earnestly serving
and day serving, hopes to attain; Night and Day, hope to
irept Tjs eXtridos eyKaXov/, fiao^iXev a t t a i n ; concerning Which
concerning which hope I am accused, O king Hope, O King, I am ac-
*\_kypLiTTra,~\ VTTO lovdatcay. Tt ; aiviffrov cused by t h e Jews.
[Agrippa,] by Jews. What? incredible 8 W h a t ! is it,judged by
Kptverai nap IJ/JLLV, ei 6 Qeos veKpovs eytipzi.; you as a n incredible tiling,
i s i t judged by you, if t h e God dead ones raises? that God should raise the
Eyco " ^ [ M ^ ] OVV e§o£a ejxavrcp irpos ro Dead ?
I [indeed] therefore t h o u g h t i n myself to the 9 % Therefore, indeed, I
ovo\xa \r\o~ov rov Na^wpatov Sew iroXXa evavria thought within myself that
name of Jeans t h e Nazarene o u g h t many t h i n g s against I ought to do Many things
10 f against t h e N A M E of Jesus
ivpa^ai. O Kai eiroiriva ev 'lepoaoXv/aois' t h e N A Z A R E N E ;
t o practise. Which also I did in Jerusalem;
10 X * which even 1 did
Kai TTOXXOVS rcov ayitev eyco ev (pvXaKais Kare- in J e r u s a l e m ; and Many
and many ofthe saints I in prisons s h u t o f t h e S A I N T S £ shut u p in
KXeicra, rr\v irapa rcov apx^pecov e^ovo'iav Xa- Prisons, having received
up, the from ofthe high-priests authority having AUTHORITY % from the

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. thee—omit. 4. and in Jerusalem. 4. the Jews.

7. Agrippa—omit. 9. Indeed—omit. 10. Therefore also I did.
X 5. A c t s x x i i . 3 ; xxiii.6; xxiv.15, 22; Phil. iii. 5. t 6. Gen. xii. 3 ; xxii. 18; xxvi.
1; P*a. cxxxii. 11. X 7. James i, i . X 9r 1 Tim, L 13.. I 10, Gal, i. 3, % \%
^Ctw i x . J.4; 21 ; xxii, j?p
Ofiap. 2 6 : 1 1 . ] A C T S . [Map. 26: 18.
H I G H - P R I E S T S ; a n d when
ficov avaipovjxevwv r e avrwv^ Karj]veyKa
\\jy}<pow they were killed I gave my
received; being killed and of them, I brought against a vole; vote against t h e m .
Ka< Kara 7ra(ras ras cruj/a7&>"yas' iroXXaKis ri- 11 J And punishing them
and in all the synagogues often pun- often i n All t h e SYNA-
ixcapoov avrovS) 7}va^ Ka^oy fiXa(T<p7)iAeiv
irepio'- GOGUES, I compt lied tin m
ishing them. I \\ us c .inpelling to blaspheme; exceeil- to blaspheme ; a n d being
crcos * [ T f ] dfAuaivouzpos avrois, edicaKov e w s exceedingly furious towards
o'y [and] being furious towards them, 1 pursued till them, I pursued them even
Kai €is ras e^ooiroXeis. ~Eu ols "^[/<:ai] iropev- to F O R E I G N Cities.
even into Ihe foreign cities. In which [also] going 12 X At which time, as 1
otxevos eis rr\v Aa/ e£ovo~ias Kai eiu- was going to D A M A S C U S
to the Damascus with authority and acom- with Authority, and a Com-
TpoTrrjs rrjs ^"[Trapa] r<x>v apxiepecoz/, 7]fj.epas mission from t h e H I G H -
mission of that [from] the • high-priests, of a day PRIESTS,
fi^arjs, Kara rr\v bh*ov eifiop, /BatTiAeu, ovpavo- 13 a t Mid-day—I saw
middle, in the way I saw, O king, from heaven on t h e R O A D , 0 King—•
from heaven—exceeding
Bel/, virep rt\p Xafjnrporrjra rov jjXiov, the B R I G H T N E S S of t h e
above the brightness of the sun,
SUN-—a Light shining
irepiXa^av jU€ (poos icai rovs <fvu e/uoi iropevo- r o u n d m e , a n d T H O S E
hiiving shone round me alight and those with, me going. G O I N G with me.
fievovs. UavToov?)e KO.raTreo'ovrwv'k\_7]jx(A)v'\ eis 14 And all of u s having
All and having fallen down [of us] oil fallen to the EARTH, I
T7)V yv,Vj rjKovcra. (pcourju XaXavaav irpos fie, heard a Voice speaking to
the earth, 1 heard a voice speaking to me, me in the H E B R E W Lan-
guage, ' Saul, Saul, why
•^"[KCCI Xeyovrrav~\ rrj ' E / 3 p a i 5 i SiaXeKro)° 2«oi»A, dost t h o u persecute-Me?
[and saying] in the Hebrew dialect; Saul, I t i s hard for thee to kick
SaouA, ri fxe Sicoxeis ; crKXrjpov aoi irpos against the Goads.'
Saul, why me porsecutest thou? hard for thee against 15 A n d 3E said, ' w h o a r t
Kevrpa XaKri^eiy. ^ E - y o ; Se enrow TJS et, thou, Sir ?' And * H E said,
sharp points to kick. I and said; Who art thou, ' ft a m J e s u s whom, thou
Kvpie ; e
O be envev ~E,yo) eifxi I^cous, bv o~v persecutest?
Osir? He and said; I am Jesus, whom thou 16 B u t arise, a n d stand
16 on thy TEET; since for
dicoKeis. AAAa avacrrr]6i9
Kai (TTTJQL CTU this purpose 1 have a p -
persecutest. But arise thou,
and stand up on
peared to t h e e , £ to consti-
rovs 7ro8as <rov eis TOVTO yap axpQrjv crot, tute thee a Minister a n d a
the feet of thee; for this for I appeared to thee Witness, both * o f what
TrpoxetpttfaTflai ae VTvrjpery\v teat fxaprvpay cov thou hast seen, and of those
to constitute thee a minister and a witness, of what things in which I will ap-
re eiSes, cov re 0(p6-r}(T0/j,aL aoi' ^ e^aipov- pear to t h e e ;
boththoudidst see, of whatand I will appear to thee; deliver. 17 delivering; thee from
t h e P E O P L E and t h e G K N -
fizvos o~e e£ rov Xaov Kai rwv eOvoiv, eis ovs
T I L E S , J t o w h o m ft send
ing thee from the people and the Gentiles, to whom
eyca o~e airoc'reXXoo, avoi^ai o<p6aXfxovs avroov,
18 t o open their Eyes,
I thee send, to open eyes of them, J to T U R N t h e m from Dark-
rov eTnarpe-tyai airo ffKorovs eis cj)&s, Kai rr]s ness t o Light, a n d from
of the to have turned from darkness to and of the the D O M I N I O N of t h e A D -
e^ovo'ias rov crarava eiri rov Qeov^ rov Xafieiv VERSARY t o G O D ; Xthat
authority of the adversary to the God, of the to receive they m a y R E C E I V E For-
giveness of Sins, a n d an
avrovs atyeffiv ajxapricav, icai KXrjpoy ev rots I n h e r i t a n c e among T H O S E
them forgiveness of sins,
and inheritance among those H A V I N G B E E N X S A N C T I -
7]yiao~fxevois, iricrei ry eis e/xe. ^'OOev,
fiacri- F I E D t h r o u g h T H A T F a i t h
having been sanctified, faith bytheinto me. Thereupon, O king which leads into me.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—11. and—omit. 12. also—omit. 12. from—omit.

14. of us—omit. 14. and saving—omit. 15. the LOUD said. 16. in the which
thou hast seen me, and of those things.
t 11. Acts xxii. 19. t 12. Acts ix. 3; xxii. 0. t 16. Acts xxii. 15. % 17.
Acts xxii. 21. t 18. 2 Cor. vi. 14; Eph. iv. 28; v. 8 Col. i. 23; 1 Pet. ii. 7, 25. J 18-
Eph. i. 11 v Col. i. 12. t 18. Acts xx. 32.
Chap. 26; 19.] ACTS. [Map. 2G: 27-
Xev Aypnnra, OVK eyevo/nyv aTreidrjS ry ovpavico 19 Wherefore, 0 King
Agrippa, not Iwas disobedient to the heavenly Agrippa, I was not disobe-
oTrraaia' 20
aAAa TOIS ev Aa/xao'Kcf rrpcoTov /cat dient to t h e HEAVENLY
vision; but to those in Damascus first and Vision;
'lepocroAv/uois, eis nvacrav r e TJ\V yjapav rrjs 20 but % declared first
in Jerusalem, in all and the country of the to THOSE * in Damascus
lovdaiaS) Kai rots edvecriv, air^yyeWoy fxera- and in Jerusalem, and in
Judea, and to the Gentiles, I declared to re- All the COUNTRY of Ju-
VOtlV, Kai €TTLO'Tpe<p€LV 67TI T0V 6?0V, O^IO, T7]S DKA, and to the GENTILES,
form, and to turn to the God, worthy of the that they should reform,
TOVTOOV and turn to GOD, perform-
lierapoias epya irpaffcrovTas. 'EVZKO,
reformation works doing. On account of these ing % Works worthy of RE-
fie oi lovdaioi (TvWafiofAevoi ev rep ieptp €7ref-
me the Jews having seized in the temple at- 21 On account of these
22 things, J t h e J E W S , having
pwvTo §iaxe£picra(rOat. JZiriKovpLas ovv T U " seized Me in t h e T E M P L E ,
tempted with violent hands to have killed. Help thereforehav- attempted with violent
x 0LS
X<>w TTJS itapa TOV Oeov, CL%91 T7JS hf ^P hands to kill me.
ing obtained of that from of the God, till the day 22 Having obtained,
T<XVT7}S IcrTr/Kra, fjLaprvpovTjfVos fiiKpep T C KCLI therefore, THAT Assistance
this I have stood, testifying to small both and which is from GOD, I have
fieyaKa), ovdev CKTOS Ae-yeo*/, 6>v T ^ oi irpo(pr)Tai continued to this DAY,
to great, nothing beyond saying, of what both the prophets
testifying both to small
and jreat, saying nothing
tXaXt]ffaP /ueAAovrcoj/ yiveo"Qai, KCLI Mcovcrris' beyond what X the PROPH-
spoke being about to take place, and Moses; ETS and + Moses spoke as
6i Tradrjros 6 Xp:o"Tos, ei irpuoros e^avacra- being Jbout to transpire;
that liable to suffer the Anointed, that first from aresurrec- 23 i That the MESSIAH
creccs VGKpoov (poos fxeWei KarayyeWav TCO would be a sufferer—would
tion of dead ones alight he is about to announce to the be % the first from the Re-
Aa<jj Kat TOIS eOvecn. surrection of the Dead—•
and would communicate
people and to the Gentiles. X * Light both to the PEO-
Tavra de avrov airoXoyov/uzvov, 6 &Y}(TTOS PLE and to the G E N T I L E S . "
These things and of him saying in defence,
Eestus the
24 And while saying
ueyaXj} TY) <pcovy e<p7}* Maivy, XlauAe* ra icoX- these things in his defence,
loud with the voice said; Thou art mad, O Paul; the much R E S T U S said with a Loud
Act <re ypafifxara eis fxaviav Trepcrpeirei. 25
' O VOICE, " J T l i o i i a r t mad,
thee learning into madness turns about. He P a u l ; t h y GREAT Learn-
ing has turned Thee into a
§6* Ov fxaivofJiaL, <p7]cri9 KpaTio'Te ^rjcrTe, aAA J Madman."
but; Not I am mad, he says, O most noble Feotus, but
25 B u t * P A U L replied,
aArjdetas KCLI craKppofrvvrjs py)jJLara airocpOeyyo- " I a m n o t mad, Most ex-
of truth and of sanity words I utter. cellent JTestus, b u t u t t e r
jxai. 'ETrio'raraL yap irepi TOVTOOV 6 fiavi- Words of T r u t h and Sanity.
Is acquainted for concerningthese things the king, 26 F o r t h e K I N G knows
A e u s , irpos bv *[fca:]J iraphrio'iatofAevos AaAcw* about these things, to
to whom [also] being confident I may spetk; whom 1 speak with free-
dom; for I am persuaded
\av6aveiv yap CLVTOV TI TOVTWV OV irzido- t h a t none of these things
unobservedby for him any of these things not l a m have escaped h i s n o t i c e ;
fxai ovftev ov yap e(TTiv ev yu>via treTrpayjue- for this was not done i n a
persuaded nothing; not for it is in a corner having been Corner.
vov TOVTO. ^ TlicTTeveis, f$a(Ti\ev Aypnnra, 27 King Agrippa! dost
ilone this. Believestthou, O king Agrippa, thou believe the PROPH-
TOIS 7rpocp7)Tais ; O i S a , OTL TricTTeveis. ' O 5e ETS ? I know That thou
in the prophets? 1 know, that thou believest. The and believest."

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—20. in Damascus, and also in Jerusalem, and All the COUN-
TRY of JUDEA. 23. Light both to the FHOPLE. 25. Paul. 26. also—omit,
X 20. Matt. iii. 8. tsi.
i. £,
Oliap. 26: 28.; ACTS. \_Ol>ap.ri: fi.

AypLTVTras irpos rop TlavXop ^[e^T?*] EP oXiycp 28 And AGUIPPA san't

Agrtppa to the Paul [said;] to PAUL, * " Thou almost
Within a lilt.e
jite ireiOeis Xpicrriapop yepevQai' 'O Se persuadest Me to become
me t h o u persuadest a Christian t o become. T h e and a Christian."
UavXos ~*\_eiirep°~\ ~Ev^aifji.r}P av rq) Qe(pf Kai 29 And P A U L said, J " I
Paul [said;] I would pray t o t h e God, and would to GOD, that not
ep oXiyw i-cai ep iroXky, ov fxovop ere, aXXa only thou, but also All
within a little and within much, n o t only t h e e , but who HEAE me This day,
Kai irapras rovs aKovovras JJLOV ffqinepop, yeverr- were both almost and al-
also all those hearing me to-day, t o be- together sucli as JE am, ex-
flat TOLOVTOVS, diroios Kqyco ei^u, iraptKros rcop cept these CHAINS."
eome suciu as oven I am, except the 30 And the KING arose,
Beo'/J.wp rovroopa ^Aveo-rr} re 6 fiacriXevs Kai and the GOVERNOR, and
chains these. Arose and t h e king and BERN I C E , and THOSE "who
6 rjyefxdovy r) re 'QepvLK7}9 Kai ot crvyKaQrijievoi SAT with them;
t h e governor, t h e and Bernice, and t h o s e being seated with 31 and having retired,
avroLS' 3 1 Kai avaxMprjcrxvres eXaXovp srpos they spolce to each 'Other,'
them; and having retired theyspoka to saying, J "This Man does
aXXyXovs, Xeyovres' 'On ovdep Oauarov a^iov nothing deserving Death or
each other, saying; That nothing of death worthy Bonds/'
7} decrpitdP irpacrcrei 6 apOpcoiros ouros. 3 2 Aypnr- 33 And Agrippa said to
or of bonds does the man this. A^rippa FESTUS, "This MAN might
iras be ra> ^-qcrra) e<pr)' AiroXeXvcOai efivparo 6 had have been released, Jit" he
and t o t h e Festua said; T o have been released m i g h t t h e not appealed, to Ce-
apOpooTTos ovros, ei \JLT\ enxeKenX-qro Kaicrapa. sar,"
man this, if not h e h a d called o n Cesar.
KE<i>. KC\ 2 7 . 1 And when it was de-
'fls 5e €Kpi9r] rov airoirXeip rjfjias sis rrjp termined foF US tO SAIL
"When and itwas determine/! of t h e t o sail u» to the
to ITALY, they delivered
PAUL, and some Other
IraXiap, irapedidovp rov re TlavXop Kai ripas Prisoners, to a Centurion
Italy, they delivered the both Paul and some
of the Cohort of Augustus,
krepovs fiecr/xcoras eKaroprapxy, opofxari lov- named Julius,
other prisoners t o a centurion, by name Julius,
Xiq>, crireipr)s iSejSacfT^s. 2
Ein^avres DeirXoiw 2 And embarking in an
ofacohort of Augustus. H a v i n g gone on board and a ship Adramyttian Ship, which'
Abpa/j.vrrr}P(pt fxeXXoures irXeiP rovs Kara rrjp was about to sailto PLACES
Adramyttium, being a b o u t t o sail the in the in ASIA, we were put vO
Aviap T07rous, avrix^jxep, opros CVP TJ/JLIP sea, % Aristarchus, a Mace-
Asia places, we were, p u t t o sea, being with us
donian of Thessalonica, be-
3 ing with us.
Apicrrapxov MaKeSopos ©earo~aXopiKeoos* Ty 3 And on the NEXT day
Aristarchua a Macedonian of Thessalonica. On t h e
re erepq Kanqx^^fJ-ev eis ^.i^cova' (piXavOpcaTroos we were brought to Sidon;
and J U L I U S % trea-tii g
and next day we were b r o u g h t to Sidon; humanely
rf (Ta x V0 PAUL with much kindness,
re 6 lovXios rq> HavXca xp l 'l * S) eirerpe^e permitted him to go to his
and t h e Julius to the Paul having treated, permitted
Friends to receive atten-
irpos rovs (piXovs rcopevQevres emfxeXeias tion.
to the friends having gone care
4 4 And having put to sea
rvx^f-v, KaKeidep apax®evr*s vireirXevcra- from thence, we sailed un-
t o have obtained. A n d f r o m thence having p u t t o sea we sailed under
der CYPRUS, because the
jnep rrjp Kvirpop, 8ta ro rovs apefxovs
eipai WINDS WERE contrary;
the Cyprus, because t h e the winds t o be
epavriovs. 5
T o , re ireXayos ro Kara 5 and having sailed
rrjp through
contrary. The, and deep that by the the SEA by Ci-
KiXiKiap Kai UafKpvXtav diarrXevo-apres, KarrjX- LICIA and Pamphylia, we
came to *Myrrha, of LY-
Cilicia. and Pamphylia having sailed t h r o u g h , we came
9o/j.ev eis Mvpa rr\s AvKias. 6
Ka/tet evpcop 6 CIA.
down to Myra of t h e Lycia. Andtherehavingfoundthe 6 And there the CENTU-

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—28. said—omit. 28. Almost thou persuadest to make

Me a Christian. 29. said—omit. 5. Myrrha.
i 29. 1 Cor. vii.7.t -•,3. ActsJ xxiv.
31. Acts
23 ; xxiii.p, 2,9; xxv. 25.
xxviiiiMh. % 32 Act3 xxv. 11. •%•%•
fiicts.xiss 20.
map 27: 7.] ACTS. [Cliap. 2 7 : 15.

BKarovrap^os TTXOLOP AXf^ap^ptpov as T U R I O N having found an

centurion a ship Alexandrian Alexandrian Ship bound
sailing for
TT)V \raXiav, epefiifiao'ep TI/JLOLS ZLS avro. ? E y for I T A L Y , p u t u s into it.
the Italy, put us into it. In 7 And having sailed
tuavais 8e rj/apais /3pa8u7rA.oouvTes, Kai fxoXts slowly for Several Days,
many and days sailing slowly, and scarcely and scarcely being by
yevofiievoi Kara TT)P KPISOP, J.LT] irpocrtooPTOS t C N I D U S , t h e W I N D n ot
being by the Cnidus, notpermitting »n approach permitting u s , we sailed
7)/ rov ave/uov, vTT€TrX€vcra/j.ep rrjp Kpr/Trjp under C R E T E , hy Salmone;
us of the wind, we sailed under the Crete 8 a n d w i t h difficulty
Kara ^aXjuoopyp' 8
fioXis r e TrapaXeyo/JLeuoi av- passing by it, we came to
by Salmonej with difficulty and sailing by her, a certain Place called
TTJP, TJXOOJULSV eis TOTTOP ripa KaXov/uzpop KaXovs
f l a i r Havens, near which
we came to a place certain being called Pair is t h e City Lasea.
XijjLtvas, '(p tyyvs v)p iroXis Aacraia. 9
iKauov 9 B u t Much Time hav-
ing b e e n spent, and S A I L -
havens, to which near was a city Lasea. A'ong
ING being now hazardous,
8e Xpovov hiayevofjizpoV) Kai OPTOS r\hr} tTriocpa-
(because even t h e f F A S T
and time having elapsed, a n l being already hazard
bad already passed by,)
Xovs TOV TTXOOS, 8 t a TO Kai TT\V priareiap 17817
P A U L advised,
oui of the sailing, Vecause the even the fast already
10 10 saying to them,
TrapeX^XvOepai, Tvapyvei 6 TiavXos, Xeyoop fC
Men, I perceive That t h e
to have been past, advised the Paul, saying
VOYAGE is about to be at-
avrois' ApBpes, Oeoopoo, bri fiera vfipeoos
Kai tended with Injury a n d
lothem; Men, 1 perceive, that with damage and
Much Loss, not only of t h e
TroXXys £r)ixias ov fiopov TOV (popriov Kai TOV CARGO a n d t h e S H I P , buv
much loss not only of the freight and of the also of o u r L I V E S . "
TTXOIOV, aXXa Kai ZCOP I|/I>XOOJ/ 7]pt-oop fxeXXeiu
11 B u t t h e C E N T U R I O N
ship but also of the lives of us to be about
n was persuaded by t h e P I -
fffeo'dai rov irXovp. ' 0 5 e eKaToprapxys Tcp LOT a n d t h e O W N E R OP
tote the voyage. The but centurion by the
THE S H I P , rather than hy
KvfieppiiTj] KCU rep vavKXf]pcc GTreidero jJiaXXop, the W O E D S S P O K E N by
pilot and by the owner of the ship was persuaded rather, PAUL.
7) TOIS VTTO TOV TlavXov Xeyofiepois. ApevOe- 12 And t h e H A H B O R
thanby those by the Paul being spoken. Inconve- ing inconvenient to winter
rov Se rov XI/LLCPOS virapxovTos Trapax^^a' m, t h e greater part ex-
nientand of the harbor being to winterin, pressed a desire to sail
from thence also, and, if
(Tiap, ot TTXGIOVS €0€PTO fiovXrjp apaxfyvai
the greater part placed a wish to be led out
possibly, they might be
able to reach Phenice, a
tcaKciOep, eiirvs dvpaipro KaraPTrja'apr^s eis Harbor of C R E T E , looking
from thence also, if possibly they might be able having come to towards t h e South west
Qoipiica TrapaxeL/u-ao'aL, XijAtva T7]sKpr}T'f)s &Xe- and N o r t h west, to win-
Pheniee to winter, a harbor of the Crete look- ter there.
13 13 And t h e South wind
vovra Kara Ai/3a Kai Kara Xcopou. 'T7ro-
fng toward* south-west and towards north-west. Hav- blowing gently, supposing
wp€VO~avTos 5e N o r o u , 5o£aj>res TTJS •jrpoOeo'ecos that they had attained
ing blown gently and South wind, supposing the purpose their PURPOSE, weighing
anchor, they passed close
KCKparrjKepai, apapTes, ao"o~op irapeXeyopro by C R E T E .
to have been attained, having raised up, close passed by 14 B u t n o t long after,
rr\v Kp7)T7]P. MeT 3 ov iroXv 8e e/3aAe Kar* T H A T Tempestuous Wind
the Crete. After not much but beat against C A L L E D Euroclydon, beat
avTTjs apefios rvcpccpucos, 6 KaXovfxepos Evpo- against i t ;
her a wind tempestuous, that being called Euro. 15 a n d t h e S H I P , having
~%vvapTvaaBepros 8e rov TTXOLOV, Kai been caught, and not being
»lydon. Having been caught and the ship, and able t o bear u p against t h e

t 7- This was a city of Caria, situated on the extremity or tongue of land lying between
Rhodes and Cos. The distance from Myra to Cnidus is about l:;6 geographical miles. Sa-
lome was the eastern promontory of Crete, or the present Candia, and is now called Cape
Salomon. t 8. Yair Havens, near Cape Matala, midway between the eastern and
western extremities of the island Lasea, a city lying between the harbor and the cape, a
short distance inland. t 9- The day of expiation, the great Fast on the tenth of the
month Tisn. about the tenth of October.
Chap. 27: 16.] ACTS. laiap. 27: 25.
WIND, we surrendered, and
,0,77 Svvafi€vov avrotydaX/JLeivroj ape/ncp, eirifiovres were driven.
not being able to bear up against the. wind, having given up 16 And as we ran under
e<p€po(jLcda. 'NTJO'LOV Se ri vTroSpafiovTss a certain little Island,
we were driven. Asmallisland and certain having run under called * Clauda, with diffi-
KaXovfxzvov KXavbrjv, fxoXis itfxv0'alx*v ^^pi- culty we were able to be-
being called Clauda, scarcely we were able mas- come masters of the B OAT ;
Kpareis yeveo'dai rrjs arKacprjs' T)V apavres, 17 which having hoisteo!
tera to become ofthe boat; which having taken up, up, they used Helps, f un-
/3orj0etcus exp&VTO, viro(oovvvvT€S TO TVXOIOV dergirding the S H I P ; and
helps they used, undergirding the ship; fearing lest they should
(pofiov/xej/oi r e \x.7} eis Tf\v 1,vpTiv eKiretfcacri, fall into the QUICKSAND,
fearing and lest into the quicksand they should fall, lowering the MAST, they
XaXacravTes TO antzvos, OVTQOS €<pepovTo. were thus driven.
having lowered the mast, thus were driven. 18 And we being ex-
15 el Jia o J €V00j;
^,cf>odpoos Se x l C l ' TlP-MVy TT? e^rjs ceedingly storm-tossed, on
Exceedingly and being storm-tossed of us, on the next the NEXT day they began
sicfiohT)!/ eiroiovvro' 19 KCU rrj rpirr] avTox^ip^s to throw overboard;
a throwing out they began; and on the third with their own hands 19 and on the THIRD
rr]U o~Kevy)V TOV irXotov sppityav. 20
Mr}T€ 5e day I they threw out with
the furniture ofthe ship they threw out. Neither and their own hands the FUR-
NITURE ofthe S H I P .
rjAiov, ytoire a&rpoov €Tri(paivovTcov eiri irXeiopas 20 And neither Sun nor
sun, nor stars appearing for many
eL x<j0VOS Te 0VK Stars appearing for Several
7)/j,€pas, x l oXiyov eiriKZL/jievov, Days, and no small Tem-
days, a tempest and not small pressing,
pest pressing on us, * all
Xonrop irepiripeiTO iracra eXiris TOV o'oo^o'Qai remaining Hope of our be-
remaining was taken away all hope ofthe to be saved ing saved was taken away
7}fxas. 21YIOXXT)S Se acriTias birapxovo~7]s, T O T 6 21 But there having
us. Long but abstinence existing, then been a Great Want of food,
O-TCLQUIS 6 UavXos ep perrc? avTOOp, entev E5etthen PAUL standing in the
standing the Paul in midst of them, said; Itwasproper Midst of them, said, " 0
jtte^, co avSpes, Treidapxyo'ai'Tas [xoi fir] apayeo"- Men ! you ought, indeed,
iudeed, O men, having taken advice to me not to have having taken my advice,
Oai airo TT]S Kpr]Tr)s, icepdrjorai r e TT)V vfipip not to have loosed from
loosed from the Crete, to have gained and the damage CRETE, but have avoided
TavTi]V KCU Tv\v (rj/juap. 22 Kcu TCLVVV irapaLpco this INJURY and LOSS.
this and the loss. And now I exhort 22 And now ',1 exhort
ufxas evQvjjieiv aTTOjSoA.?] yap (pvx^is ouSe/xia you to take courage; for
you to take courage; loss for ofalife not one there will be no Loss of
Life among you; but only
ecrrcu e£ V/JLOOV, TTXTJP TOV TTXOIOV. 2ZTIap€crTr}ofthe SHIP.
shall be from of you, except the ship. Stood by
23 % Tor there stood by
yap fxoi TavTTj TT] VVKTL ayyeXos TOV Oeov, ov me This NIGHT, an Angel
for me this the night a messenger ofthe God, of whom of the GOD whose I am,
eifxi 'y Kat, XaTpevoo, 2 4 Xzyoov M77 (pofiov, and % whom I serve,
I am to whom also I offer service, saying, Not fear, 24 saying, ' Fear not,
IlauAe" Kaio'apL ere Set itapaa,T7}vai' Kai ifiov, Paul; thou must be pre-
OPaul; To Cesar theeitbehoves to be presented; and lo, sented to Cesar; and be-
a Tca <T0L eos Irayras hold, GOD has graciously
KeX P'°" ° ® ' TOVS irXeopTas given thee All THOSE SAIL-
has graciously given to thee the God all those sailing ING with thee.'
fieTa (Tov. 25 A10 evOv/xeiTe, apSpes' irio~T6v*) 25 Therefore, take cour-
with thee. Therefore take you courage, men; I believe age, Men; % for I believe
yap T(f 0eo> OTL OVTOOS errTcu /c«05 dp Tpoirop GOD, That it will be so,
for in the God that thus it shall be in which manner even as it was told me;
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—16. Cauda. 20. all Hope.
t 17. Dr. Schmitz says, " the hupozoomata were thick and broad ropes, which ran in a
Horizontal direction around the ship from the stern to t h e prow, and were intended to
keep the whole fabric together." Such also is the opinion of Pres.Woolsey, who well remarks
that if ropes had passed under the keel, the boat would have been needed in the operation,
and yet the boat was first lifted on the deck.—Owen.
X 19. Jonah i. 5. i 23. Acts xxiii. 11. J 23. Daa. yi. 16; Rom. i. 9 \ 2 Tim. i 3
X 25. Luke i. 45; Horn. iv. 20, 21; 2 Tim. Ll'i
Chap. 27: 26.] ACTS.

\€\a\T]TCU {101. 26
ElS VT)(TQV &*€ TIVO, 5ei 26 b u t we m u s t be cast
it'has been told t o m e . On an island b u t certain it is necessary upon % a certain Island."
rifxas iKirecreip. 27 And on t h e Four-
• us- to be cast.
teenth Night, when we
. ^'fls 8e reo'crapeo'Kai^eKarr} vv£ eyepero, were driven along i n t h e
When and fourteenth night was come, f ADRIATIC, about MID-
biacpepo/nepoop 7]/j.cav ep rep Adpia, Kara /neo'op NIGHT, the SAILORS sus-
being driven along of us in the Adriatic, about middle p e c t e d f t h a t Some Coun-
TT]S VVKTOS virtvoovp ol pavrai irpocrayeip riva try drew near to t h e m ;
of t h e night suspected t h e sailors t o draw n e a r some
abrois %(x>pav 2S
/cat fioXtvapres, evpop opyvio.s 28 and having sounded,
to them. country; they found twenty Fath-
and l i a v i n g h e a v e d t h e l e a d , t h e y f o u n d fathoms
eiKocrr fipaxv 8e diao'Trjcravres, Kai iraXip oms; a n d a short space
twenty; a little and having intervened, and again having intervened, and
fioXurapres, evpov opyvias StKairepre' 29
(po~ sounding again, they found
havingheavedthe lead, they found f a t h o m s fifteen; fear- fifteen F a t h o m s ;
fiovfjievoi re, firjircas eis T p a % e i s roirovs eKire- 29 and fearing lest we
ing and, lest on rough places should f a l l o n r o c k y Places,
aca/xep, €K Trpvjj,v7]s pi^apras ayxvpas recrca- they cast o u t four Anchors
should fall, out of stern having t h r o w n anchors four, from t h e S t e m , a n d were
pas, TJVXOVTO T]jiepav yepecrOai. Toop Be wishing for Bay to break.
• they were wishing day t o be. The and
30 And the SAILORS
pavrcap ^Tjrovprcop (pvyeip etc rov irXoiov, Kai seeking to flee from t h e
sailors seeking t o flee o u t of t h e ship, and
S H I P , and having lowered
XaXao~aprcap rj]U o'Kacpyp eis rr\p QaXacnrav, the B O A T into t h e SEA, un-
having lowered the boat into the sea,
der Pretence of being about
Tpocparrai oos eK irpcopas fieXXovrccp ayKvpas to carry forthAnchors from
(or an excuse as out of prow being about anchors
3I the Bow,
eKreipeip, enrep 6 TlavXos rca eKaroprapxy
t o let down, said the Paul to the centurion 31 PAUL said to the
Kat rois o"r par Karats' E a y fxr] ovroi fxeipcao'ip C E N T U R I O N and the SOL-
and to the soldiers; If not these
remain D I E R S , " U n l e s s these men
ep rca irXoica, vfiets acaOfjpai dvvao~6e. remain i n t h e S H I P , gou
in the ship, you t o be saved n o t are able. cannot b e saved."
Tore oi o'rpartcorai aireKotyap ra o"xoivia ri]s 32 T h e n t h e S O L D I E R S
Then t h e soldiers cut off the ropes of the cu,t off the ROPES of the
crkacprjs, Kai eiacrtp avrrjp eKtrerretp. Axpi
Se. BOAT, and allowed her to
boat, and allowed her to fall. Till and drift away.
ov efxeXXep TjjjLepa ytpeadai, nrapeKaXei 6 Tlav- 33 A n d when Day was
while a b o u t day to be, called upon t h e Paul
about to dawn, P A U L urged
Xos atrapras fieraXafietp rpo(p7]s, Xeycav T e c - them all to partake of Food,
all t o partake of food, saying; Four-
saying, " T h i s Day, t h e
o'apeo'KaideKaTTjv orrj/J-epop T]jxepau irpocrb'oKoop- Fourteenth Day that you
teenth to-day day l o o k i n g for,
have watched, you continue
res, actroi htareXetre, p.fjb'ep irpoo'Xafioixepoi. fasting, having t a k e n N o -
without food y o u c o n t i n u e , n o t h i n g having t a k e n . thing.
A to irapaicaX(a bfxas /xeraXafieip rpocprjS' 34 Therefore, I entreat
Therefore I entreat you to partake of food; you to partake of Food ;
rovro yap irpos rrjs vfxerepas o'carriptas urrapx^^' for this concerns YOUR.
this for to the your salvation is; Safety; % for t not a Hair
shall perish, from the H E A D
ovfiepos yap vficap Opt^ en rj]S KecpaXrjs airo-
of n o t one for of you a hair from of t h e head will
of any one of you."
\etrai. 3a
E i 7 r w j / 5 e ravra, Kai Xafioop aprop, 35 And having said these
perish. Having said a n d these, and having taken bread, words, lie took Bread, % and

t 27. Not the Gulf of Venice, hut the portion of the Mediterranean south of Italy and
•west of Greece. t 27. A nautical hypallage, originating in the optical deception, by
which, on approaching a coast, the land seems to approach to the ship, not the ship to the
land.—Bloomfleld. t 34. A proverbial expression, for you shall neither lose your lives,
nor suffer any hurt in your hodies, if you follow my advice.—Clarke.
1 26. Acts xxviii. 1. t 84 1 Sam. xiv. 45 ; 2 Sam. xiv. 11 ; 1 Kings i. 52 ; Matt. x. 30;
l i u k e x i i . 7 ; xxi,18. £ C5. Matt. xv. 36 ; Mark viii. 6 •, John vi. 1 1 ; 1 Tim. iv. 3, 4.
Chap. 2 7 : 36.] A C T S . [CTtap. Jtf:'44.

€VX^ptcrr7}(T€ rcf) Oecp evooiriov iravroW) Kai KXa- gave thanks to GOD in the
he gave thanks to the Gud in presence of all, and having presence of all; and having
tras Tjp^aro ecrdteiv. 3 6 'Evdv/J.oi 8e yevofievoi broken, he began to eat.
broken began to eat. Encouraged and becoming 36 And being encour-
iravres, Kai avroi Trpoo'eXafiovro rpo(pr\s. aged, thrg also received
all also they received food. Food.
H/xez> 8e ev rep Tr\oiq> at iraffai -tyvxcii, * [ 8 m - 37 And ALL the Souls
We were and in the ship the all souls, [two in the S H I P were two hun-
Kocrtcu] k^hofxy]KOVTa e£. 3 8 Kopecrdevres 5e dred
and seventy-six.
And being satisfied
hundred] seventy six. Being satisfied and
with Food, they lightened
rpocprjs, €Kov<pi£ov ro trXoiov, tKfiaXXofxevoi rov the SHIP, throwing out the
of food, they lightened the ship, throwing the
39 WHEAT into the SEA.
trirov €is rt\v daXaa'o'av. ' O r e 8e rj/xepa 39 AndwhenitwasDay,
wheat into the sea. When and day they did not know the
eyevero, rrjv yr\v OVK eireyivcaaKov KOXTTOV 8e LAND ; but they perceived
i t was, the land not they knew; a bay but a certain Bay, having a
viva, Karevoovv ex aiyiaXov, eis bv efiov- Shore, into which they
they perceived having a shore, into which they wished, if they were able,
Xev&avro, ei fivvaivro, efao'ai ro irXoiov. ^ Kai to force the ship.
wished, if they were able, to force the ship. And 40 And having cut off
ras ayKvpasirepieXovres eiwv eis rr\v 6aXao~o'avJ the ANCHOKS, they left
the anchors having cut off left in the sea, them in the SEA ; having,
afia, avevres ras £evitrr)pias rcov TTTJ^U- at the same time, loosed
at the same time having loosed the bands of the rud- the + BANDS of the BUD-
Xiwv Kai eirapavres rov aprejxova rr) irveovo-r), DEBS, and hoisted the
ders; and having hoisted the foresail to the wind, FORESAIL to t h e WIND,
Kartixov eis rov atyiaXov. HepLireo'ovros 5e they pressed towards the
they pressed towards the shore. Having fallen and SHOBE.
eis roirov SidaXao'o'ov, eircoKeiXav rr^v 41 But having fallen
Into a place withaseaon both sides, they ran aground the into a Place with two cur-
Kai T) [lev Trpcopa epeicaca e/j-eivev ao"aXevros, rents, they ran the YES*
and the indeed prow having stuck fast remained insmoveable, SEL aground; and the
r] 5e irpvfxva eXvero I/TTO rr}S fiias *\r(av KVJX- BOW sticking fast, remain-
thebut stern was broken by the violence [of the waves.] ed immoveable, but the
STEBN was broken by the
arcovJ\ 42Ta>;/ 5e arparioorwv fiovXi] eyevero,
The and soldiers design was, T
1 42 !S ow it was the De-
ivarovs be a"floor as airoKreivooo'i, fit] ris eKKoXvfx- sign of f the SOLDIERS to
that the prisoners they should kill, leat any one having kill the PRISONERS, lest
/Sutras ?jia<pvyri. ' O 8e eKarovrapxos j8ou\o- any one by swimming out
swum out should escape. The but centurion wishing should escape.
jj.«vos hiao'cocrai rov TlavXov^ eKcaXvarev avrovs 43 But the CENTURION
to save the Paul, restrained them wishing to save PAUL, re-
rov fiovXtjixaroSf eKeXevce re rovs dwa/xevovs strained them from their
from the purpose, ordered and those being able PURPOSE, and ordered
THOSE ABLE *to swim
KoXvpifSaVy airoppityavras irpoorovs eiri rf\v yi\v out to plunge in first, and
to swim, having thrown off first to the land get to L A N D ;
e\ievav Kai rovs Xoitrovs, ovs fxev eiri cravi- 44 and the REMAINDER,
to go out; and the remaining ones, some indeed on boards, SOME on Boards, and SOME
civ, ovs 8e eiri rtvcov roov airo rov TrXoiov- on things from the SHIP,
some and on things of the from of the ship. And thus it happened that
Kai ovrcos eyevero iravras diao'codrjvai em rt\v all reached the LAND in
And thus i t happened all to be safely on the safety.
* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . -37. two hundred—omit. 41. of the WAVES—omit. 48.
to swim out.
t 40. The ships of the ancients usually had two rudders, oneon either side of the ship. As
one helmsman managed both, they were joined by a pole, so that both rudders would be
parallel. The zeukteeriai were the ropes by which these rudders were fastened to the sides
of the ship, and by which they were moved by the helmsman. t 42. The military
discipline of the Romans was such, that had the prisoners escaped, the soldiers would have
been answerable with their lives.—Owen*
Chap. 2 0 : 1.] ACTS. \ Cliap. 2 8 : 8.

yr]V. KE<£. KT)'. 2 8 . 1

Kai diao-oiOevres, rore CHAPTER XXVIII.
land. And having safely escaped, tlien 1 And having safely es
GTreyvcco-av bri MeXirrj 7) vrjaos KaKtirai. caped, * we then ascer-
they knew that Melita the island is called. tained J T h a t t h e ISLAND
Ot 8e fiapfiapoi irapeixov ov rt\v rvxovo~av was called f M e l i t a .
Tha and barbarians rendered not the ordinary 2 And t h e I i B A R B A -
(piXavdpctiTriav rjfJLiw avatyavres yap Trvpav, R I A N S t r e a t e d ua w i t h no
kindness to u s ; having kindled for a lire, ORDINARY Philanthropy;
Trpo&eAafiovTO ivavras 7)jJLas, 5 i a rov verov rov for having kindled a l''ire,
they brought to all of us, because of the rain that t l u y brought us all to it,
€(pe(rrcoTay KCU 8ia ro \pvxos. ^u<Trpe- on account of t h e T A L L I N G
having been present, and because of the cold. Having E A I N , and the C L D .
tyaVTOS §e TOO UauAov (ppvyavcov Tr\wdos, Kai o A n d as P A L L was col-
gathered and the Paul of sticks a bundle, and lecting a Bundle of Sticks,
eiriOevros tin rrjv irvpav, c;£io>a e/c T17S Bepaws and placing them on t h e
hiving placed on the fire, a viper from the Yieat E I R E , a Viper uaving come,
€^\9ou(Ta KaT7]Tpe rrjs xeipos avrou. ^'£ls 5e out from the H E A T , fas-
having come out fastened on the hand of him. When and tened on hie H A N D .
eidov 01 fiapfiapoi Kpefxafxevov ro Qripiov CK TT]S 4 And when t h e BAR-
saw the barbarians hanging the wild beast from. the B A R I A N S saw t h e S E R -
P E N T hanging from his
X^ipos avrov, tKzyov trpos aKX.r\\ovs' TLavrcos
hand of him, they said to each other;
H A N D , they said, to each
other, " T h i s M A N is cer-
(pnvevs eariv 6 avdpcoiros ovros, bv BiacrcoOevra tainly a Murderer, whom,
a murderer is the man this, lyhom having been »aved though saved from t h e
€/c T7)s OaXao'o'rjs rj AiKt\ (yv OVK eiao'ev. 'O SEA, f J U S T I C E lias not
from the sea the Justice to live not permitted. He permitted to live.*
aei/ ovv aironva^as ro Qiqpiov e<s roivvp, 67ra- 5 Then, indeed, he shook
jndeed then having shaken offthe wild beast into the fire, suf- off t h e S E R P E N T i n t o t h e
6 E I R E , a n d % suffered n o i n -
8ev ovfiev KOLKOV oi 8e irpoo'edoKcov avrou jury.
fered nothing bad; they but were expecting him
6 B u t T H E Y were expect-
,j.^W€iv Tn/jL-rrpacrdai, t] Karairnvreiv a<pvoo veK- ing him about to swell u p ,
io be about to swell, or t o fall down suddenly dead. or to fall down suddenly
pop. Eiri iroKv 5e avrcov, irpocrftoKoovriuv, Kai dead; a n d waiting a long
For along and of them, expecting, and time, a n d seeing nothing
dewpovvroov iir)$€v aroTrov eis avrou yivo/nevov, extraordinary happen t o
seeing nothing out of place to him happening, him, changing their m i n d s
X they said, " H e is a
fierafiaWo/uzvoi eAeyov, Qeov avrov aval, ? EJ> God."
changing their minds they said, a god him to be. In
7 And i n t h e V I C I N I T Y
Se rois irepi rov roirov GKeivov virrjpxe ^ a i p t a of t h a t P L A C E w e r e t h e
and to those about the place that were farms L A N D S of t h e C H I E E of t h e
T(p TTpcorcp rrjs vrjo'ov, ovojuari HoTrXicf
bs ava- I S L A N D , whose N a m e was
to the chief of the island, byname Poplins; who having f Poplius; who having r e -
8e^a/jievos 7)fxasy rptis Tjfiepcis (pihocppovcos e £ e - ceived us, for * three .Days
received us, three days kindly enter- benevolently entertained
8 us.
vicrev. E76V6T0 5 e rov irarepa rov Tlo-rrAiov 8 Now it happened, that
tained. I t happened and the father of the Poplius
the F A T H E R of P O P L I U S ,
irvperois Kai Svo'evrepia o'vvexofJ.evov KaraK€to~- being seized with Fevers
with fever* and desentery being seized was lyin,, and Dysentery, was lying
dar rrpos bv 6 TlavAos eio'eAOeov, Kai Trpoarev- m bed ; to whom P A U L
down; to whom the Paul going in, and having having entered % and
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. we then. 7. three Days.
t 1. The recent investigations of Smith show conclusively, that the island now called
Malta, was the scene of the shipwreck. See Bibloth. Sacra. f 2. A name applied by
the Greeks and Romans indiscriminately to all foreigners. f 4. Hee Dikee was the
proper name of the heathen goddess of justice. She was the daughter of Jupiter, and was
ca'led also Nemesis. t 8. Poplius is thought to have been the deputy of the prsetor
of Sicily, as in the time of Cicero, Malta was under the iurisdiction of the Sicilian praetor.
X 1. Acts xxvii. 26. J 2. Rom. i. 14; 1 Cor. xiv. 11; Col. iii. 11. X 5. Mark xvi,
IS; Luke x. 19. i 8. A«ts xiv. H . IB. James v. 14,15.
Cliap. 2 8 : 9.] [Chap.ZS; 16.
^afxevos, tiridtisras x€LPas auTo>, laeraro avrop, prayed, % p u t h i s H A N D S
prayed, having placed the hand to him. healed him. on liiin, a n d cured h i m .
Tovrov ovv yzvofxevov, ieat ol Xoiiroi oi txov~ 9 This, therefore, hav-
This therefore being done, and the other* those hav- ing been, done, t h e O T H E R S
res acOc-Vfias ev rrj vrjo'ep, TrpoaripxovTO, KOLL also i n t h e I S L A N D , H A V -
ing sicknesses in the island, came, and I N G Diseases, came, a n d
OL Kai TToXXctlS Tl/JLCUS €TlfJL7](raV were c u r e d ;
were healed; who also with many rewards rewarded 10 a n d T H E Y presented
-i)/jLas, fceti avayofizvois sweOepro ret itpos rrjv us with Many % Presents ;
us, and leading out they placed on the things for the and when w e left, p u t on
board T H I N G S for our
need. WANTS.
11 11 And after Three
Mera, 8 e rpeis firjvas avr\x^^v *v irXoicp Months we s e t sail in an
After and three months we sailed in a ship Alexandrian Ship, which
Trapaicex^Lp-aKOTi ep rr\ ^rjtry, KXe^ap^pipep, had wintered i n t h e I S -
having been wintered in the island, Alexandrian, LAND, w i t h t h e Sign of
Trapa(TT]iJiCf AiocrnovpoLS. Kai Karax^^vrcssis t h e t Dioscuri.
with an ensign Dioscuri. And having been led down to 12 And having landed
^vpaKovcras, cire/j-eipafiep 7]{A.€pas rp€LS° 1 3 odep at t Syracuse, we remained
Syracuse, we remained days three; whence three D a y s ;
l 13 whence, coasting
•rrepieXdopres Kanf]prr\aajxev eis ¥f]yiov KOU
iiaving gone round we came to Rhegium; and
round, we came to f l l h e -
gium ; an d after One Day, a
/ x e r a /xtap r\fJL$pa,v eiriyevofxevov NOTOU, devre- South wind having sprung
after one day having sprung up a south wind, second up, w e came in Two days
paioi 7]\6ofji€V as UorioXovs' 14
ov evpopTss to t P u t e o l i ;
day we came to Puteoli; where having found 14 where w e found
a$eX(f)ovs irap€KA7)6r)/ULev eir* avrois eTrijueipai Brethren, and were invited
brethren we were invited by them to remain
by t h e m to remain seven
D a y s ; and t h u s w e went
rijxepas arret' Kctt ourecs zis rrjp 'POO/JLTJP TJXOO- towards Rome.
days seven; and thus towards the Borne we
15 A n d thence, t h e
fxsv, KaKtidzp ol ctSeXepoi. anovcrapres ra B R E T H R E N having h e a r d
went. And thence the brethren having heard the things a b o u t o u r A P E A I R S , came
irtpi jjficop, ^t]\Qop cis a7raPT7]<Tip rjfxtv ctXPls out t o m e e t u s as far as
concerning us, came out to a meeting with us as far as t Appii Forum, a n d t h e
ATTTTLOV (popov, /cat Tpiecp rafieppecv ovs iSeop 6 t-Three T a v e r n s ; whom,
Appii forum, and Three taverns; whom seeing the when PAUL saw, he
thanked G O D , a n d took
HavXos, evxapL&TTjffas rep 6ecp, eAajSe Oaperos.
Paul, having given thanks to the God, he took courage. Courage.
' O T e 5e 7)A6O/JL€P CLS "PcofM'OP, *[<5 eKaroPTap- 16 And w h e n we * came
to Rome, t h e C E N T U R I O N
When and wa came to Home, [the centuriou
delivered t h e P R I S O N E R S
Xos TrapeficoKG rovs hecr/xiovs rep (rrpetroTrefiap- t o t h e f PREFECT OP THE
delivered the prisoners to the prefect of the Preto- PllETORIUM CAAIP ; b u t
XV'~] V ^ [ ^ e l TlavXtp eTrerpairr) /xepeip Ka6>' ^ P A U L w a s p e r m i t t e d t o
rium camp;] the [but] Paul was permitted to abide by dwell by himself, with t h e
eavrop, crvp rep (pvXaercopri avrop errparieo- SOLDIER W h o GUARDED
himself, with the watching him soldier. him.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—16. were entered Rome. 16. the CENTURION delivered

t h e PRISONERS to the PREFECT OE T H E PRETORIUM CAMP—omit. 16. but—omit.
t 11. Castor and Pollux, children of Jupiter, the tutelary deities of sailors. t 12. The
port of this celebrated city was directly in the course from Malta to Italy. # t IS. A
maritime city of lower Italy, opposite Messina i n Sicily. I t s present name is Reggio,
t 13. Puteoli is now called Puzzuoli, andlies six miles south-west from Naples. t 15.
About 52 miles from Rome, a town on the Appian way, a road paved from Rome to Campa-
nia. t 15. Another place on t h e same road, some 33 miles from Rome. t 16. The
usual title given to the chief of the fortress. He commanded the garrison of Rome, a body
oi 10,000 men, who were lodged in the Pretorium camp, an enclosed fortress of about 40 acres,
outside ol the city, and about a mile and a half from the emperor's palace.
J S. Mark vi. 5 ; vii. 32 ; xvi. 18; Luke iv. 40; Acts xix. 11,12 •, 1 Cor. xii. 9, 28. 1 10.
Matt. xv. 6 ; 1 Tim. v. 17- t * 6 ' A c t s xxiv. 25; xxvii.3.
Chap. 2 8 : 17.] ACTS. fC%a». 2 8 : 24,
17 17 And it occurred, after
ry. E 7 C V € T O 5e juera 7](xepas rpeis
ffvytcaXe- three Days, he called toge-
It happened and after
days three to have called ther the C H I E F men ofthe
cracrOcu avrov rovs ovras roov lovbaioovitpwrovs. J E W S . And they having
together to him those being of the Jews chiefs, convened, he said to them,
^vveXdovruv he avrcov, eXeye irpos avrovs' " Brethren, £ though I
Having come together and of them, he said to themj have done nothing con-
AvSpes adeXtyoi, eyca ovdev epavrioy iroii]Gas trary to the PEOPLE, or to
Men brethren, I nothing against having done t h e PATERNAL CUSTOMS,
rep Xacp 7} rots edecri rois irarpyois,
deGfJLios yet £ I was delivered a
to the people or to the customs those paternal, a prisoner Prisoner from Jerusalem
e | 'lepoaroKv/LLCDP TcapehoQi\v eis ras x€lPas T(av
into the HANDS ofthe Ro-
from Jerusalem I waB delivered into the hands of the MANS:
'VoofxcLKtiv 18 oinves ava.Kpiva.pres fxe efiovXovro 18 who, £ having ex-
Romans; who having examined me wished amined me, wished to re*
airoXvcrai, dia ro /j.r)hefiiav airiav Qavarov lease me, because there
to release, because that no one cause of death WAS No Cause of Death in
virapxeiv ev efioi. 19
AvriXeyovrcov Se revv me.
to be in me. Speaking against and the 19 But the JEWS speak-
lovdaicov, 7]vayKa<r6T]V eiriKaXecracrBai Kaicrapa' ing against it, J I was com-
Jews, I was forced to call upon Cesar; pelled to appeal to Cesar;
ovx i y rov eOvovs fxov ex<*>v ri Karr)yopr}o~ai.not as having anything of
not as of the nation of me having anything to accuse. which to accuse my NA-
Aia ravri\v ovv rrjv airiav irapenaXecra TION.
Because of this therefore the cause 1 called 20 For This REASON,
therefore, I called you, to
tytas ifieiv Kai irpoo~XaXi)o~ai' eveaev yap rrjs see and speak with you;
you to see and to speak with; on account for of the
£ for on account of the
eXirifios rov \apar\X rr\v a.Xvo'iv ravrrjv irepi- HOPE of ISRAEL I wear
hope of the Israel the chain this I wear | this C H A I N . "
Kei/xai. 21 Oi 5e irpos avrov etirov 'Hfieis ovre 21 And THEY said to
around. They and to him said; We neither him, " me neither re-
ypajxfxara irepi o~ov eSe^afieOa airo ri)s lov- ceived Letters from J u -
lettera concerning thee received from the Ju- DEA about thee, nor did
BaLasf ovre irapayevofxevos ris rcov abeXfyoov any one of the BRETHREN
•lea, neither having come anyone of the brethren who came relate or speak
airrjyyeiXev i\ eXaXrjcre ri irepi o~ov irovrjpov. Any Evil concerning thee.
related or spoken anything concerning thee evil. 22 But we deem it pro-
A^iovfxev tie irapa Gov afcovo~ai, a typoveis' per to hear from thee what
We deem proper but from thee to hear, what thou thinkest; thou thinkest; for indeed
irepi fiev yap rtfjs aipetfews ravrrjs yvcacrrov it is known to us concern-
concerning indeed for ofthe sect this known ing this SECT, J That it
ear iv T)JJ.IV, on iravraxov avrtXeyerai. T a - is every where spoken
is to us, that «yerywhere it is spoken against. Hav- against."
^afxevoi de avrw 7]p.epav, TJKOV Trpos avrov eis 23 And having appointed
ing appointed and to him a day, came to him to him a Day, many came to
£eviav irXeioves' ots e^eridero hiafxaprvpo- him into his LODGING ;
lodging many; to whom he set forth testifying earnestly £to whom he set forth,
uevos ri)v fiacriXeiav rov Oeov, ireiOcov re earnestly testifying the
the kingdom ofthe God, persuading and KINGDOM of GOD, and per-
avrovs * [ r a ] irepi rov \TJO~OV, airo re rov suading them concerning
them [the things]concerning the Jesus, from both the J E S U S , both from the LAW
of Moses and the PROPH-
VO/JLOV M<tivo~ec*>s Kai roov irpocprjrccp, airo irpcoi ETS, from Morning till
law ofMoses and ofthe prophets, from morning Evening.
tcos eairepas. K a i oi fxev eireiBovro rois 24 And X SOME were
till evening. And these indeed weje persuaded by the persuaded by the WORDS
Xeyo/Jiepois, oi 5e r\irio~rovv. Aav/jupovoi 5e BEING SPOKEN ; b u t S O M E
words being spoken,those but believed not. Not agreed and believed not.

X 17. Acts xxiv. 12,14; x x v . 8. J 17. Acts xxi. 33. X 18. A c t s xxii. 2 4 ; xxiv.
10; xxv. 8 ; xxvi. SI. J 20. A c t s x x v i . 0, 7. t 20. A c t s
x x v i . 2 9 ; E p h . i n . 1 ; i v . 1 ; vi. 20 ?2 T i m . i. 1 6 ; i i . 9 ; P h i l e m o n 10,13. J 22. Acts xxiv.
5, 14; 1 P e t . i i . 1 2 ; i v . 14. 1 23. L u k e x x i v . 27 ; Acta x v i i . 3 ; s i x . 8. % 24. A c t s
Xiv. 4; xvii. 4 ; xix. 9.
€lhap. 28: 25.] ACTS. [Cftap.28: 31.

ovTts irpos aXXrjXovs, airsXvovTo, 25 And not being agreed

eiirovros TOV
being with with, each other, they
each other, they were dismissed, saying of the
were dismissed, P A U L say-
XlavXov iSrjfxa kv 'OTI KaXcos TO irvevfxa ro ing one Word, "Well did
Paul word one; That well the spirit the
the HOLY SPIRIT speak
ayiov e\aky)(T€ Sta 'Hcraiov Tovirpo<f>r}Tov irpos through Isaiah the PROPH-
holy spoke through Esaias the prophet to] ET t o Olir FATHERS,
TOVS irarepas ^fxwv^ Xeyov Xlopevdr}Ti irpos 26 saying, %' Go to this
the fathers of us, saying; Go thou to 'PEOPLE, and say, Hear-
TOP XaOP TOVTOP, Kai 617TW AKOT} aKOVCGTZ, ' ing you will hear, though
the people this, and say thou; "With ears you will hear ' you may not understand;
' and seeing, you will see,
K(Xl OV (ATI (TUV7JT6* KCLL fiX€TTOPT€S /8A6v|/€Te,
and not not you may understand; and seeing youwillsee
' though you may not per-
' ceive.
KCLI ov fit) i$r}T€. ? Eiraxwdr] yap 7] napfiia 27 'Tor the HEART of
and n o t not you may perceive. Unfeeling for the heart 'this PEOPLE is stupiiied;
TOV KaOV TOVTOV, KCLI TOLS (tiCTl j8ap60DS I^KOVCTaV, 'they hear heavily with
of the people this, and with the ears heavily they hear a ' t h e i r EARS, and their
KCLI TOVS 0<p6aXfjLOVS aVTCOP eKafJLfAVVCLV /JL7}TTOT€ ' EYES they have closed;
and the eyes of them they closed; lest at anytime 'lest at any time they
' should see with their
i5co(Tl TOLS O(p0a\fJ.OlS, KCU TOIS (0O-IV aKOV- ' E Y E S , and hear with their
they should see with the eyes, and with the ears they ' EARS, and understand
(roocriy Kai TT) Kaptiia crvpooo-i, /cat eirio'- 'with their HEART, and
ihouLl hear, and with the heart they should understand, and should 'shouldretrace their steps,
Tp^cacriy Kai taaoofxai avTovs, 28
TPOOCTTOP OVV ' and I should heal them. 1
return, and I should heal them. Known therefore 28 Be it known to you,
therefore, That* This SAL-
VATION of GOD is sent % to
l e t i t be to you, that to the Gentiles is sent the salva-
the GENTILES, and tfjeg
piov TOV 8eov avToi Kai aKovo~ovTai. * [ K c u will hear it."
tion of the God; they and will hear. [And 29 *[Andwhen he said
TavTa avTov ZITTOPTOS, airriXQop ol lovfiaioi, these things, the J E W S
these things of him saying, went the Jews, departed, having Much
opres €J/
^avTois O'V^TTJO'IP.^ 30
Efxei- Discussion among them-
unuch haying among themselves discussion.] He abode
30 And he dwelt two
v€ 5e b*i€Tiav 6Xr)P ev ibicp fiio'dcofxaTL' Kai aire- whole Years in his Own
and two years whole in own hired dwelling; and received
Hired house, and received
5 c x € T 0 TtaPTas TOVS eia"iropevofitpovs irpos ALL t h o s e COMING I N t o
all those coming in to him;
avTov, 3 1 Kripvo'Q'toV TV\V fiatfiXsiav TOV Qeovy 31 % proclaiming the
him, publishing the kingdom of the God, KINGDOM of GOD, and
teaching the THINGS con-
Kai StSaoTecoj/ T« irspi rov Kvpiov Irjcov cerning the LORD Jesus
and teaching the things concerning the Lord Jesus
Christ, with Entire Free-
XpiCTov fieTa iracrrjs irappi]o'iasi aKo:XvTcos. dom of speech, and without
Anointed with all freedom of speech, unrestrained. restraint.
* A C T S OF A P O S T L E S .
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—28. This SALVATION. 29. omit. Subscription—ACTS
X 26. Isa. v i . 9 ; J e r . v . 2 1 ; Ezek.xii. 2; Matt.xiii.14,15; Markiv. 12; Luke viii. 10; John
xii. 40; Bom. xi. 8. £ 28. Matt. xxi. 41, 43; Acts xiii, 46, 47 ; xviii, 6; xxii. 2 1 ; xxvi
17,18; Rom. Xi. 11. X 31. Acts iv. 31; Eph. vi. 10.

*TO T H E R O M A N S .
K E * . a'. 1 . CHAPTER I.
1 Paul, a Servant of
° IlavAos, 8ov\os ITJO'OV Xpurrov, KXTJTOS * Christ Jesus, J a Consti-
Paul, a servant of Jesus Anointed, called tuted Apostle, i set apart
QLiroaroXoS) a(poopio~/xepos ets evayyeXiop deov, for the Glad Tidings of
an apostle, having been set apart for glad tidings of God, God,—
( 2 6 TrpoeivqyyeiXaro dta. reap Trpoeprjrcop avrov 2 (X which was previ-
(which he promised before t h r o u g h t h e prophets of himself
ously announced J through
ep ypatyats ayiais,) ^irepi rov vlov avrov, his PROPHETS in the holy
in writings holy, concerning t h e son of himself, Scriptures.)—
(rov yepofxepov e/c cnrepfxaros Aavid icara 3 concerning THAT SON
(that having been born from a seed of David according to of his, J who was horn of
crapKa' 4 T O U bpicrQevros vlov deov ep the Posterity of David as
flesh; t h a t having been distinctly set forth a son of God in to the Flesh;
4 who was J designated
Svpa/xei, Kara irpev/xa ayioocrvprjs, e£ apao~- the Son of God in Power
power, according t o spirit of holiness, from a resur-
as to the Spirit of Holi-
raaecos peKpoop,) Irjaov Xpicrrov rov Kvpiov ness, hy his Resurrection
rection of dead ones,) Jesus Anointed of t h e Lord from the Dead,—Jesus
rj/xoop, 5 (5i 5 ov eXaftofxep xaPlJ/ KaL cwoerTo- Christ our LORD ;
ofus, through, w h o m we received favor and apostle- 5 through whom we re-
Xrjp eis viraKorjP irurreus ep Tram rois edpeaip^ office, in ceived Favor and Apostolic
ship for obedience of faith in all the nations,
order to the Obe-
6 dience of Faith among All
vwep rov opo/xaros avrov ep ois eo~T& Kaithe NATIONS, on account
in behalf of t h e name of h i m ; among whom are also of his NAME ;
v/xeis, KXrjroi Irjcrov Xpicrrov) irao'i rois 6 among whom gou are
you, called ones of Jesus Anointed;) t o all those also the Invited ones of Je-
ovo~iv tv 'Pco/xy ayairrjrois deov, KXrjrots ayiois' sus Christ;—•
who are i n Rome beloved ones of God, called saints; 7 to A L L who ARE in
Rome, the BELOVED of
%apLs VJXLP Kai eiprjprj airo deov irarpos TJ/XOOP,
God, Constituted Holy
favor t o y o u and peace from God father of us,
ones; Favor and Peace to
Kai Kvpiov Irjcrov Xpicrrov. Upcorop (xep you from God our Father,
and lord Jesus Anointed. Pirst indeed and the Lord Jesus Christ.
€VX&pio'ra) rep deep [xov dia ITJO'OV Xpicrrov 8 And first, $ I give
I give t h a n k s to the God of m e t h r o u g h Jesus Anointed thanks to my GOD through
virep iraprcap v/xeap, Sri r) iricrris b\xecp Karay- Jesus Christ * concerning
e n account of all of you, because t h e faith of you is cele- you all, Because, your
9 EAITH is celebrated in the
yeXXerai ep oXcp rep Kocr/xep. Maprvs yap jxov Whole WORLD.
brated i n whole t h e world. A witness for of me
9 For $ GOD is my Wit-
temp 6 deos, ep Xarpevea ep rev irpev/xari ness, whom I reverently
is t h e God, t o whom I am a servant in t h e spirit serve with my SPIRIT in
/xov ep rep evayyeXiep rov vlov avrov, cos aDia- the GLAD TIDINGS of his
of m e i n t h e glad tidings of t h e s o n of him, how unceas- SON, how incessantly I
Xenrrcos /xpeiap VJXCOP Troiov/xai, 10 iraprore eiri make mention of you;
ingly r e m e m b r a n c e of y o u 1 make, always in 10 { always asking in
my PRAYERS, that if by
roop Trpoo~evx<*>v l*>ov 8eo/xepos, enrcas 7)8r) irore any means, now at length,
the prayers of m e asking, if possibly n o w a t l e n g t h I may have a prosperous
evodcodrjcro/xai ev rep deXrj/xari rov deov journey, J h y the WILL of
I shall have a p r o s p e r o u s j o u r n e y by t h e will of t h e God GOD, to come to you.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—'Title—To THE ROMANS. 1. Christ Jesus. 8. con-
ceniing1 you all.
t 1. Acts xxii. 21; 1 Cor. i. 1; Gal. i. 1; 1 Tim. i. 11; ii. 7; 2 Tim. i. 11. j 1. Acts
ix. 15; xiii. 2; Gal. i. 15. J 2- Gen. xxii. 18; Deut. xviii. 15; 2 Sam. vii. 12; Isa. ix. 6, 7 ;
Matt. i. 6,10;
Jer. xxiii. 5, 6 Luke i. 32;
; xxxiii. Acts ii.
14—16; 30; xxxiv.
Ezek. 2 Tim.23;ii. 8.Dan. ix.X24.4. Actsi xiii.
2. Acts
33. iii. 21. % 9. Rom.
J 3.
xi. 1; 2 Cor. i. 23 ; Phil. i. 8 ; 1 Thess. ii. 5. ~ % 10. Rom. xv 23, 32; 1 Thess. iii. 10.
J 10. James iv. 15, t
i ^iap. 1 : 11.] ROMANS. [OfiapA. SO.

e\0eiv Trpos vfias. U

ETTITTOOCO yap ifteiv u/tas, 11 For I greatly desire
tacome to you. I long for to see you, to see you, J that I may
iva ri fxeraboo ^ a p / c ^ a i/fXiv TrvevfiariKov, eis impart to you Some spirit-
that some I may impart gift to you spiritual, for ual Gift, for your iirm ES-
ro (Try)pixOy]vai vjxas' TOVTO Se ecrri, CTVJX-
the to be established you;. this and is, to be 12 and tf)is
is, that I
TrapaKXrjdrjvaL, ev v\xiv 5ia rt]s a\\-r)\ois may be comforted among,
comforted together, among you through the in each other you, through the MUTUAL
13 Faith both of you and me.
Trzo'TecoSj iffxcov re icai C/JLOV. Ov OeKco Se 13 But I wish you not
faith, of you and also of me. Not I wish but
to be ignorant, Brethren,
bfxas ayvoeiv, aSeXtyoi, on iroWaicis TrpoeOe/uLrjV % that 1 often purposed to
you to be ignorant, brethren, that many times I purposed
come to you, (though hin-
eKOeiv Trpos u/nas, (KOU eKooXvOr^v axp* TOU dev- dered till NOW) that I
to come to you, (and was hindered till the pres- may have t Some Fruit
po,) \va riva itapirov o~xoo Kai € ^ vfj.iv, KaOws among you also, even as
ent,) that some fruit £ might have also among you, as among the OTHER Na-
KOU ev rois Xonrois edveaiv.- 'EXX7)o-ire
itai tions.
even among the other nations. To Greeks both and 14 % Both to Greeks and
fiapfiapois, (To<pois re Kat avorjrois otyetXerrjS Barbarians, both to Wise
to barbarians, to wise ones both and to simple ones a debtor and Simple, I am a Debtor;
„,e„^„ „-0 Kar* 6 ^ € j TrpoBvfxou icai vp.iv
15 OUTGO 15 so that ACCORDING
1 am; thus, , according to me, I am eager even to you TO my ability, I am eager
TOIS €V 'PCO/JLT) evayyeXio'ao'Qai.
Ov yap among to announce glad tidings
to those in Rome to announce glad tidings. Not for
YOU also in Rome.
16 i For 1 am not
eTraio'xvi'o/ ro evayyeXiov Swa/nts yap Oeov ashamed of the GLAD T I -
I am ashamed the glad tidings; power for of God DINGS ; J because they are
eo-riv eis croor^piav iravri rep Trto~revovrii lov- the Power of God for Sal-
is for salvation to all to the believing, to vation to Every ONE BE-
LIEVING ; both to Jew
haico re *\jcp<OTrov~\ fcai 'EXXrjvi. ^ AinaiocrvvT) and to Greek;
Jew both [first] and to Greek. Righteousness
17 % For the Righteous-
yap Oeov ev avr<p atroKaKvirrerai en iriarrecvs ness of God by Faith is re-
for of God in it is revealed from faith vealed therein in order to
eis TTICTTIV, KaOcos yeypairrai', f
O 8e SiKaios CK Faith; as it has been writ-
in order to faith, as it has been written; The and just by ten, J " B u t the RIGHTE-
OUS by Faith, shall live."
TTLtfreoos, faarerai. 18 J Besides, the Wrath
faith, shall live.
18 of God is revealed from
A7roKa\u7rT€T«i yap opyr). Oeov a7r' ovpavov Heaven in regard to All
Is revealed besides wrath of God from heaven Impiety and Injustice of
eiri ixaauv acefietav Kai aBiKiav avOpwireov, THOSE MEN, who, through
on all impiety and injustice of men, Injustice, SUPPRESS the
roiv rrjv aXrjOeiav ev aSiKta Rarexovrow. TRUTH.
of those the truth by injustice holding down. 19 Because the KNOW-
19 LEDGE of GOD is apparent
ALOTL ro yvoocrov rov Oeov (pavepov CO-TIP ev
Because that known of the God .-manifest is among
among them; for GOD dis-
closed it to Them ;
avrois' 6 deos yap avrois e<pavepo3ffe' ^° (ra 20 for % his INVISIBLE
them; the God for to them showed; (the things
things, even His ETERNAL
yap aopara avrov airo Krtorecos ico&fjLOu, rois Power and Deity, since
for unseen of him from creation of the world, in the the Creation of the World
TToiy]{xarri voovjxeva naOoparat, T) re aidios are clearly seen, being per-
things made being perceived is clearly seen, the both eternal ceived by the THINGS
avrov ^vva/jLLS icai Oewrrjs') eis ro eivai avrovs which are MADE; SO that
of him power and deity;) in order that to be them they are inexcusable.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—16. first—omit.

X 11. Rom. xv. 29. t 13. Rom. xv. 23. t 13. Phil. iv. 17. t 14- 1 Cor,
ix. 15. t 10- Ps a - xl.9 ; Mark viii 38; 2 Tim. i. 8. % 16. 1 Cor.i. 18; xv. 2.
IB. Rom. iii. 21..
Acts xvii, 30; Eph, v. 6; J 17. Hab.ii. 4 j Johniii. 36; Gal. iii. 11; Phil, iii.9; Heb.x.38.
6 ; Col. iii. a.' J 20. Psa. xix. 1; Acts xiv-. 17; xvii. 27.
Ohap. 1: 21.3 ROMANS. [Cliap. 1 : 29.

avairoXoyrjrovs. 21
A/or yvovres rov 6eov, 21 Because, though the?
inexcusable. Because having k n o w n the God, knew GOD, they did nof
ovx ws Beov eho^acrav 7} 7)vxapia,rr)o'av* aXX* glorify or thank him as
not aa God t h e y glorified or they gave t h a n k s ; but God, but Jbecame vain iii
efiaraiaOrjaav ev rois diaXoyio'fj.ots avrcov, Kai their REASONINGS, and
were vain in the reasonings of t h e m , and Their PERVERSE Heart
cffKoria-df] 7) ao~vveros avrcov Kapfiicr ^ <paff- was darkened;
\\&B darkened t h e perverse of them heart; assert- 22 assuming to be Wiso
Kovres aval (rotyoi, eiicopavQr)o,avi 23
Kai TjXXa- men, they became foolish ;
iug t o be wise ones, they were foolish, and changed 23 and they changed the
£av rrjv So^av rov a(j>6aprov 6eov ev SfMOicofiart G L O B Y Of t h e I N C O R R U P -
the glory of t h e incorruptible God i n TI BLE X God into an Ini-
a likeness
etKovos (pQaprov avdpcoiroVy Kai Trereivcov Kai age-likeness of Corrupti-
of an i m a g e of corruptible man, and birds and ble Man, and of Birds, and
rerpairodcvp Kai epirercov. 24
Aio *£KCM]
of Quadrupeds, and of Rep-
of four-footed beasts a n d creeping t h i n g s . Therefore [also]
irap^coKev avrovs b deos ev 'rats eiridufxiais rcov 24 X Therefore GOD de-
delivered them t h e God i n t h e Justs o f t h e livered them over, through
the LUSTS of their H EASTS
Kap^icov avrcov eis aKadapciav, rov arifia£ecr6ai for Impurity, | to D I S -
hearts of them t o impurity, o f t h e t o be dishonored
ra ffcofiara abrcov ev eavrois* 2 6 OlTlUiS fl€TT)\-
among themselves;
the bodies of them i n themselves; Who exchanged
Xa£av rrjv aXrjdeiav rov deov ev rep \f/evBei Kai 25 X who exchanged the
f TRUTH concerning GOD
the truth ofthe God in t h e falsehood, and
for a FALSE religion, and
ecrt^aa'drjerav Kai eXarpevcrav rr) Kriarei ixapa reverenced and served the
reverenced and served t h e created thing" m o r e than
CREATURE rather than the
rov Kricavray 6s eo'riv evXoyr/ros €is rovs CREATOR, who is worthy
him having created, w h o is worthy of praise into the
26 of praise to the AGES.
aicovas' a\xy]v. A m rovro irapedcoKev
avrovs Amen!
ages; so be i t . On account of this delivered them
26 On this account God
6 Beos eis TraOr) arifxias. At re yap BeXeiai delivered ihemover'to in-
t h e God t o passions of infamy. T h e even for females famous Passions; for even
avrcov /xer7]\Xa^av mv <pvo~iK7)V xprjffiv €ts ri\vtheir FEMALES changed
of them changed the natural use into that the NATURAL Use for
THAT which is UNNATU-
irapa <pvcriv ^ bfxoicos re Kai 01 appeves RAL ;
in violation of n a t u r e ; i n like m a n n e r a n d also t h e males
27 and m like manner
a(pevres rrjv (pvffiKrjv xpt)Giv rrjs BrjXeias, f£«- also the MALES, leaving
havingleft the natural use ofthe female, were
the NATURAL Use of the
KavOrjarav ev rr\ ope\ei avrcov eis aXXr)\ovs, FEMALE were burnt up
inflamed with t h e lust of t h e m for each other, with their furious LUST for
apaeves ev apcreffi rr)v aarxvt - ' ' l J oa vl 7 l/
Karepya- each other;—Males wi h
males with males the indecency working Males committing JNDK-
(o/xevoi, Kai rrjv avrifjucrBtav, r)v eb*et9 rrjs CENCY, and receiving back
out, and t h e lecompence, which i t was proper, of t h e
among themselves that
•jrXavrjs avrcov ev eavrois airoXafx^avovres. ROR which was proper.
error of t h e m in themselves receiving back.
28 28 And as they did not
Kat KaOcos OVK eZoKifxaaav rov Beov e%eiv ev cnoose to possess the
And as not they did try the God t o have in
Knowledge or GOD, GOD
eirtyvcoo'et, rrapeScoKev avrovs 6 Beos eis adoKi- delivered them over to a
knowledge, delivered them t h e God to . a worth- Worthless Mind, to do IM-
jbLov vovvi TTOieiv 'ra Te7rXr}- PROPER THINGS ;—
fir} Kadr/Kovra'
legs mind, t o do tlit t h i n g s n o t fitting;29 abounding In Every
having been
pcofxevovs Tracy adiKia, Trovrjpiq, irXeovel-tq, Ka- Iniquity;—in Wickedness,
filled with all i n i q a i t y , i n wickedness, in covetoiuusss, i n in Covetousness, in Malig-

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—24. also—omit.

I 21. 2 Kiners xvii. 15; Jer. ii. 5; Eph. iv. 17,18. % 23. Deut. iv. 16; Psa. cvi. 20 ;
Isa. xKl8, 26; Jer. ii. 11; Ezek. viii. 10; Acts xvii. 29. £ 24. Psa.lxxxi. 12; Actsvii.
42 ; EDh. iv. 18,19; 2 Thess. ii. 11, U. i 24. Lev. xviii. 22; 1 Pet. iv. S. J 25. Jer.
x. 14; Jonah ii. 8; Hab. ii. 18.
Chap. 1 : 30.1 ROMANS. \_ehap.%

Kiqf fxecrrovs cpQovov, cpovov, $o\ov, nity; full of .Envy, Mur-

malignity; full of envy, murder, strife, der, Strife, Deceit, Bad
KaKorjdeias, tyiQvpurTas' 30
KaraXaXovs, Qsoo -1 Habits; Secret Slanderers,
bad disposition, whisperers; revileis, God-
SO Revileis, God-haters,
Insolent, Proud, Boasters,
Tuyeis, vfipiorras, virepr}(pavovs, aXa&vas, Devisers of Evil things,
haters, insolent ones, proud ones, boasters, Disobedient to Parents,
e ^ e u p c r a s na/toou, •yovsvo'iv airziQeis, 3 1 anrvve- 31 Obstinate, Covenant-
lnventors of evils, to parents disobedient, obstinate breakers, destitute of Na*
tural Affection, without
TOUS, atfvvderovs, affropyovs, ^[^ao"iroydovs^'\ Pity;
sues, covenant-breakers, unaffectionate ones, [implacable ones,]
32 who, though they
aveKcrj/novas' 3 2 olrives TO ZiKaico/xa rov Otov know the ORDINANCE of
unmsrcifulones; who the ordinance of the God GOD, (That' THOSE who
€TTiyPOl>T€S, (&TL OL T O TOiaVTO, Trpa<T<TOVT£S PRACTISE SUCH things are
having known, (that those the things such doing % deserving of Death,) not
only * are doing Them,
a^toi Oavarov €tcrtj/,) ov [xovou avra iroiovcrw but even are approving
worthy of death are,) not only them they do; those who practise them.
a\\a /ecu trweuSoKoum rots irpaGffovtri. KE$. CHAPTER I I .
but even are well pleased with those doing.
1 Therefore thou art in«
/3'. 2 . Aio ava-rroXoyr^ros ei, <a avBpcaire excusable, 0 Manl THOU
Wherefore inexcusable thou art, O man who JUDGEST all; $ for
Tras 6 KpivoiV. E J / *cp yap Kpii/eis rov ircpov, in what thou judgest ANO-
every one who art judging. In which for thou judgest the other, THER, thou condemnest
creavrov uaratcptveis' ra yap avra Ttpaa1- Thyself; since THOU, the
JUDGE, j dost practise the
thyself thou condemnest, the things for same thou
2 SAME things.
o~eis 6 Kptvcov. Oihafxev 5e, on ro Kpi/aarov 8 But we know That the
doest who art judging. We knowbut, that the sentence of the SENTENCE of GOD is ac-
Oeov eo~ri Kara aXr}Beiav CTTI rovs ra roi- cording to TRUTH upon
God is according to truth upon tho»e the things such those WHO PRACTISE SUCH
avra irpacrcovras. Aoyify 5e TOUTO, <a av- things.
doing. Thinkest thou and this, O man 3 And dost thou think
Opooire 6 Kpivwv rovs ra roiavra this, O Manl THOU wiio
who art judging those the thing* such doing,
ING SUCH things, and yet
Kai iroioov avrat on
o~v €K(pev^rj ro Kptfxa rov art doing the same, That
and art doing them, that thou shalt escape the sentence of the thou shalt escape the SEN-
deov ; 4 H rov rrXovrov rif]S %p'>]O'T0T77TOS avrov TENCE of G O D ?
God? Or of the wealth of the goodness of him 4 Or dost thou despise
/ecu rt]s avox*]S itat rrjs fiaKpodvfjuas Karacppo- the % ABUNDANCE of his
asd of the forbearance and of the patience thinkest thou GOODNESS and FORBEAR-
r (TroJ/ rou f ANCE and PATIENCE, X be-
y€LS, ayvooov, bri ro xP l ^ o u eis ing ignorant That this
wrong, being ignorant, that the goodness of the
God to
GOODNESS of GOD entices
/xeravotau o"e 0,761; 5 Kcrra Se rr\v o~nXy)po- thee to a Reformation ?
reformation thee leads? According to but the hardness 5 According to thy
rrjra GOV /ecu afierauorjrov KapZiav, drjcravpi^Ls HARDNESS and unchanged
of thee and unchanged heart, thou treasurest Heart, X thou art treasuring
up Wrath for thyself in a
creavrcp opyi\v ev yp-epa opyrjs Kai air oKaXvtyeccs Day of Wrath and Revela-
to thyself wrath in a day of wrath and of a revelation
tion of GOD'S Righteous
§LKatoKpicrias rov 0eou, 6 6s atraStocrti sKaarrcp judgment;
of righteous judgment of the God, who willrender to each 6 J who will award to
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—31. Implacable— 32. are doing thorn, hut even are
approving those who.
t 1. Whitby, in his note on this verse, quotes passages from Josephus, by which it ap-
pears that the Jews were guilty of most ot the crimes enumerated in the first chapter.
t 32. Rom. vi. 21. X 1. 2 Sam. xii. 5—7; Matt. vii. 1; 2 John 8, 9. t 4. Rom;
ix. 23; Eph. i. 7; ii. 4, 7. t 4. Isa. xxx. 18; 2 Pet. iii. 9,15. X 5 James v. 4.
i 6 Jobxxxiv.ll; Psa.lxii.12; Prov. xxiv.12; Jer.xvii.lO; xxxii.19; Matt. xvi. 27; Rom.
xlv. 12 ; 1 Cor. iii. 8-, 2 Cor. v. 10; Rev. ii.23; xx. 12; xxii.12.
Chap. 2: 7.'J "ROMANS. [Chap. 2 : 16.

\ara ra epya avrov ?TOIS fxev Kad' viro/no- each according to his
accordingto the works of him; to those indeed by perse- WORKS ;
V7\u epyov ayadov, 8o£a;/ Kai rifjirju Kai cxpdap- 7 aionian Life, indeed,
verance of a work good, glory and honor and incomip- to T H O S E who, by Perse-
o~iav proven, £O>TJI/ aiwviow 8
rois 8e e£ epidei- verance i n Good Works,
tibility are seeking, life age-lasting; to those but from a party are S E E K I N G for Glory a n d
a s , Kat axeidovo'i fxev ry a\r]9eia, ireiOojuevois Honor and Incorruptibili-
spirit, and disobeying indeed the truth, obeying tyj
9 8 b u t Indignation and
5e rr\ adiKia, opyt] Kai OJJULOS. ©Xupis Kai
but the unrighteousness, wrath and indignation. and W r a t h to T H O S E who are
<rT€Vox<*>pi& €TTL iraaav ^vyj\v avQpcotcov rov % F A C T I O U S , and % obey
distress on every soul of man of the not t h e T R U T H b u t obey
Karepyafofievov ro KaKOV, lovdaiov re irpoorov UNRIGHTEOUSNESS ; —
working the evil, of Jew both first 9 Affliction and Distress
10 on E V E R Y Soul of Man
Kai 'EXXrjpos' 5 o | a 5e Kai rifxt] Kai eiprjj/r]
and of Greek; glory but and WORKING EVIL; first of
honor and peace
TTCLVTI rw epya^o/Aevcp ro ayadov, lovfiaicp re the J e w , a n d then of t h e
to every one the working the good, to Jew both Greek;
n 10 b u t Glory and J Hon-
7rpa)T0J> Kai 'EXXrjvi. Ov yap ecrri itpacooivo-
or and Peace to EVERY one
firat and to Greek, Not for is respect of
WORKING GOOD; first to
Xrjxpia irapa rep Beep.
persons with the God.
the Jew, and then to the
l2< Greek;
O(T0i yap avojxeas rinaprov, avojxecs Kai 11 for % there is no Par-
As many as for without law sinned, without law also
tiality with G O D .
airoXovvrai' Kai ocroi ev voixcp rifxaprov, 5:a 12 Therefore, as many
shall perish; and as many as under law sinned, by as sinned without law, will
vofxov KpiQrjcrovrai, (ov yap ot aKpoarai rov perish also without l a w ;
law shall be judged, (not for the hearers of the and as many as sinned
vofiov dutaioi irapa rep 0eo>, aXX* oi Troirjrai under Law, will be judged
law just ones with the God, but the doers by L a w ; —
13 (for not J t h e H E A R -
rov vofiov fiiKaiood7]croprai. ^'Orav yap eOvr) ERS of * Law are j u s t be-
of the law shall be justified. When for Gentiles fore G O D , b u t t h e D O E R S
ra [At) vofxov ex i (pvo'ei ra rov vofxov of * Law will be j ustiiied.
those not a law having, by nature thethings of the law 14 When, therefore,
Troij), OVTOI vofxov fit] e ^ d ^ r e s , tavrois fieri T H O S E Gentiles n o t H A V -
may do, these a law not having, to themselves are ING a Law, f naturally
VOJXOS' 1 5 olrives evZeiKVvvrai ro epyov rov perform t h e T H I N G S of t h e
a law; who show plainly the work of the LAW, these, though they do
not possess a Law, a r e a
yofxov yparrrov ev rais Kapdiais avrccv, cv/btjj.ap- Law to themselves;
law written in the hearts of them, testify-
15 who demonstrate t h e
rvpovo"r}S avrcov rr)s crvveio%7io~ea)s, fcai fiera^v f W O R K of t h e L A W writ-
ins with, them the conscience, and between ten on their H E A R T S , Their
aXXrjXcov rwv Koyior/ucov Karrjyopovvrcou, r) Kai C O N S C I E N C E co-attesting,
«ach other of the reasonings accusing, or even and t h e R E A S O N I N G S be-
arroXoyovfxevcov.) 16
E*> 7]fiepa ore Kpivti 6 tween each other, accusing
defending.) In a day when shall judge the or defending;)—•
Oeos ra Kpvjrra riav avQpccjrccv, Kara ro 16 in a Day when, ac-
God thethings secrets of the men, according to the cording to m y G L A D T I -

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—13. Law. 13. Law.

t 14. Pkiisei, by nature, means also "an-infuseddisposition, which is become, as it were,
atural. And in this view, I apprehend, after attentive consideration, i t is used in that
famous passage, Eorn. ii. 14,15. This passage relates, I think, not to unconverted, but to
converted Gentiles. See verse !26; and Jer. xxxi. 31—35 with. Hrb. viii. 0—13 ; x. 1G ; 2 Cor.
iii. 3. Ignatius uses the word in the same view when he thus addresses the Ephesian church,
-$ 1; "Having heard of your name much beloved of God, which you have attained by your
righteous disposition, (Pkusei,) according to the faith and love which is is in J CUM Christ
our Savior.'" See Parkhurst on the word. t 15. Matter or substance of the taw, or by
a pleonasm,, the law itself.
• t 8. i T i m . vi.3, 4. J 8. 2 Thess. i. 8. + 10. 1 Pet. i. 7. t 11. Deut. x. 17;
2 Chron. xix. 7; Gal. ii. 6; 1 Pet. i. 17. \ J 13. James i. 22, 23.
Cfcaj>.2s 170 R O M A N S . [Cftop.2'27-
evayyeKiov /xou, 8ia 1170-ou Xtna'Tou. Ei 8e INGS, GOD will judge the
glad tidings of me, through Jesu» If but % HIDDEN tilings Of MEN,
through * Christ Jesus.
crv lovfiaios eTTOvo/j.a£r), icai eiravairavy Top 17 But if thou | art
thou a Jew art named, and dost vest in the named a Jew, and dost
vofA(A}, itai Kotuxacrcu <EV 0 e y , 18 /ecu yivcocnceis rorest in Law, and boast in
law, and dost boast in God, and knowest the God,
18 and knowest % his
0€A.?7/xa, /ecu SoKtjUa^eis ra Sta^epo^Ta, WILL, and dost % discern
will, and discemest the things differing, SUPERIOR THINGS, being
KaryixovfjLtvos CK TOV vofxov 19 instructed out of the LAW ;
7r€7roifaj r e 19 and hast brlieved
being instructed out of the law; hast believed *nd thyself to be a Guide of
azavTov 6dr)yov eivai TvcpKoov, (poos TOOV ev the Blind, a Light of
thyself a guide to be of blind ones, a light of those in THOSE in Darkness,
(TKOTet, 20
TrouSeuTT?*/ acppovcov, di^acTKaXov 20 an Instructor of the
darkness, an instructor of simple ones, a teacher Simple, a Teacher of Ba-
bes ; having the J FORM
i'7]7Ticov, exopTa rr v
) P-optyaxriv TT)S yvw&eeos of KNOWLEDGE and of
ot babes, having the form of the knowledge TRUTH in the LAW •,—
xai TT\S a\r}6eias ev Tcp vop*op' 2 1 6 ovv 5i5acr- 21 t dost X THOU, then,
and oftlie truth in the law; who then art teach- who art TEACHING ano-
ther, not instruct Thyself ?
KOOV erepov, crtavTov ov 5i5acr/<:eis; 6 Kypvcrcrwv THOU who art PREACH-
ing another, thyself not dostthou teach? who art preaching ING, " Do not steal," dost
in) nAeTrreiv, K\€ITTSLS J 2 2 6 Xtyoov /JLT] [JLOIX*V- thou steal?
not to steal, dost thou steal? who art saying not to commit 22 THOU who art say-
ing, " Do not commit adul-
eiv, lAoix^veLs ; 6 jSo'eAuercro/Ae^os ra tery !" dost thou commit
Adultery, dost thou commit adultery? who art detesting the
adultery? THOU who A B -
eiScoAa, hpocrvXeis ; 6s ev vofxcp navxacrcu, HORREST IDOLS, dostthou
idols, dost thou rob temples? who in alaw boastest, rob temples ?
Sice rrjs TrapaBacecos TOV vofxov TOV 6eov 23 Thou who dost boast
through the violation of the law the God in a Law, through the
ari/aa^eLS ; To yap OVO/JLCL TOV Oeov Si1 v/jias dost thou dishonor GOD ?
dost thou dishonor? The for name of the God through you 24 Yov, even as it has
fthatfty-filAziTcu ev TOLS e0z/ecrt, ttadais yeypairrai. been written, J"The NAME
is blasphemed among the nations, even as it has been written. of GOD is blasphemed on
your account among the
* YltpnopLT) [A$V yap a>c/>eAet, eav vofiyv Trpao"- NATIONS."
Circumcision indeed for profits, if law thou 25 Now Circumcision
indeed profits, if thou dost
ays' tav 8e 7rapaj8aT7]s VOJXOV r?s, 7} irepi- practise Law ; but if thou
practisest: if but a violator of law thoumayest be, the cir-
art a Violator of Law, thy
TO/JTJ aov aKpofivffria yeyovev. Eaz> ovv T) CIRCUMCISION has become
cutneision of thee uucircumcision has become. It therefore the Uucircumcision.
aKpofiuama Ta Stwatco/xara TOV vo/xov (pvAao~o~"r], 26 If therefore the % UN-
uucircumcision t h e ordinances of the law may keep, CIRCUMCISION observe
the ORDINANCES of the
oux* h ttKpofiv(TTLa avrov eis Tc^piT0fX7]V \oyio~- LAW, will not his UNCIR-
not the nneircumcision of him for circumcision will be CUMCISION be accounted
2 for Circumcision ?
Qrjo'eTai; ? itai Kpivet r\ €/c cpvcreccs a/cpo/3ucr-
counted? and will judge the from nature 27 And the UNCIRCUM-
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—16. Christ Jesus. 17. Law.
t 21. The Jewish priesthood was very corrupt in the apostolic age. This is very evident
both by the Scriptures, and the testimony ot Josephus. He charges them with "theft,
treachery, adultery, sacrilege, rapine, and murder ••" and he adds, that "new ways of wicked-
ness were invented by them ; and that of all their abominations, the temple was the recep-
t 16' Luke viii. 17. t 17- ver. 28. X 18. Psa. cxlvii. 19, 20. t 18. Phil. i. 10.
t 20 2 Tim. 113; iii. 5. t 21. Matt, xxiii. 3. t 24, Isa. lii. 5, Ezek. xxxvi. 20, 28-
J 25. Gal. v. 3. j 26. Acts x. 84 35,
Chap. -2: 28.] ROMANS, [Of'up. fe

Tia, TOV vofiov ypafi/xa- cis ION, from a state :J

Te\ovo~a, ere TOV dice
cision, the law perfecting, letter nature, peifyctingthe I A W »
*hee who through.
28 will X condemn, THEE, who
ros KCU ireptrofir/S irapa$aT7]V vofiov ; Ovyap with the Written law and
and -circumcision a violator of law? Not for Circumcision art a Violator
b ev rep (pavepep, lovdeuos eariv, ovfie 7) ev Tcp of Law.
he in the outward appearance, a Jew is, nor that in the 28 For not J THAT which
(pavepep, ev (rapid, TrepLTOfxi] 0 29
aAA' 6 ev r<p is EXTEKNAL makes the
Jew, nor that which is EX-
outward appearance, in flesh, circumcision 5 but he in the
TERNAL in the Flesh CIR-
KpvirTCt) lovdaios, Kai irepirojur] Kapfiias, ev CUMCISION ;
hidden a Jew, even circumcision of heart, in 29 but the Jew is H I D -
Trvevfxari, ov ypa/n/j,aTC ov 6 eiraivos OVK e£ DEN within, even % Cir-
spirit, not letter; of whom the praise not from cumcision of the Heart,—•
avOpcoircov, aAA1 €/c TOV Oeov. Spiritual, not Literal;
men, but from the God. Whose PRAISE comes not
from Men, but from GOD.
KE<f>. y . 3 .
Tt ovv TO irepurcrov TOV lovdeuov j 7] TIS T) 1 What then is the SU-
What then the pre-eminence of the Jew P or what the
2 PERIORITY of the J E W , or
axpeAeia TTjs irepiTo/bLTis; IToAi/, KaTa irav- What the PROFIT of the
profit of the circumcision? Much, according to every CIRCUMCISION?
TOLTpoitov. Jlpcorov jxev yap, OTL eivio'TevdT}- 2 Much in every Re-
mode. First indeed for, because they were en- spect ; but first, indeed,
<rav T « Xoyia TOV Oeov. 3
T i yap ; eir}7ricr- X Because they were en-
treated with the oracles of the God. What for? if believed trusted with the ORACLES
of GOD.
T-qcrav Tives, p,7) 7} airio'Tia avTcov TT\V iricmv 3 For what J if some
not some, not the unbelief of them the faith
4 did not believe ? will their
TOV Oeov KaTapyr)<rzi ; M97 yevoiTO' yiveaOoo UNBELIEF annul the F I -
of the God will make void? Not let it be; let be DELITY of G O D ?
be b Beos &Ar}0r]s, iras 5e avdpooiros 4 By no means ! but let
but the God true, every but GOD be true, though Every
man aliar,
KaOoos yeypairTai' 'OTTOOS av hiKaiooOrjs ev TOLS Man be False; even as it
even as it has been written J That thou mayest be justified in the has been written, X "That
Xoyois (Tov, Kai viKrjn-ps ev Top KptvecrOai ere. •'in "thou mayest be .justified
words of thee, and mayest conquerin the to be judged thee.
thy WORDS, and inay-
" est overcome in thy
E ( 5e 7) afiucia y/JLwv deov diKaiocrwTjv o~v- " J U D G M E N T . "
lf but the unrighteousness of us of God righteousness es- 5 But if our UNRIGHTE-
VKfTrjCi, TI epovjuev; 6 6eos 6 em- OUSNESS establishes God's
fxr} adixos
tablisbes, what shall we say? not unrighteous the God that in- Righteousness, what shall
we say? Is THAT GOD un-
cpepoov TT)V opyrjv; {KaTa avdpcairov Xeyco.) righteous who INFLICTS
flicting the wrath? (according to man I speak.) WRATH ? (I speak accord-
M77 yevoiTO' eirei TTCOS Kpivei 6 Oeos TOV KOO~JUOV ing ; to Man.)
Not l e t i t b e ; otherwise how will judge the God the world? 6 By no means ! other-
7 Ei yap 7) a\r)9eia TOV Oeov ev TW e/xcp ypevar/aa- wise, f how will GOD judge
If for the truth of the God by the my falsehood the WORLD?
7 For if the TRUTH of
TL €TrepiO~0"€VO-eV €LS TTJV do%O.V aVTOV, T t eTL GOD abounded by MY
abounded to the glory ofhim, why yet Falsehood to his GLORY,
Kayco OJS afxapTcoXos Kpivojxai; Kai [XT] (KaOooswhy am I also yet judged
also I as a sinner And not as a Sinner ?
am judged?
fiXao'cpTijLiov/ueOa, *[KaC] KaOoos <paari Tives rjjxas 8 And not, (as we are
we are falsely accused, [and] affirm some of us falsely accused, and as

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—8. and—omit,

t 27. Matt.xii.4142. t 28. Matt, iii.9; Johnviii.39; Rom. ix.6, 7; Gal. vi. 15.
t 29. Col. ii. 11; Phil. iii. 3. J 2. Psa. cxlvii. 19, 20; Rom. ix. 4. J 3. Rom. x.
J6; Heb. iv. 2. J Psa. li. 4. J 6. Gen. xviii. 25; Job viii. 3; xxxlv. 17. t&
Kom.v. 20; vi. 1, 15.
Oliap. 3 : 9.
ROMANS, [Chap.S: 20.

\ < ? 7 e i v , ) o n IToiTj(Toofiev ra tcaita, Iva eXOy ra some affirm t h a t w e say,)

to say,) that the evil things, BO that may come the t T h a t w e may do E V I L , SO
we may do
t h a t GOOD m a y c o m e ;
ayaOa ; oov TO Kpifxa evb*iKoi> ecrri. 9 T i ovv; W h o s e CONDEMNATION i s
good things? of whom the judgment just is. What then? just.
9 What t h e n ? Do we
vpoexofieOa; Ov iravTcos' irporjTiao'afjLeda
yapy excel ? N o t at a l l ; for we
do we excel P Not at all; we before convicted
before convicted both
lovfiaiovs r e KCLI 'EWrjvas irauras vcp' a/xap- J e w s a n d Greeks to b e all
Jews both End Greeks all under sin under S i n ;
10 even a s i t h a s been
riav eivaf KaOcas yeypanrar 'On OVK eo~Tt written, %" There is none
• to b e ; even as it has been written ; That not is " r i g h t e o u s , n o t even o n e ;
l l
11 T h e r e i s * n o n e t h a t
blKCLLOS 0 U § 6 €iS° OVK €0~TIU 6 WVKtiV) OVK 60*- " u n d e r s t a n d s , there is
just not even one; not is heunderatanding, not is
" n o n e t h a t seeks God.
TIV 6 eK^VjTOJi/ TOP deov 12
Trai/Tts eJ-eKXivav, 12 " They all h a r e
ha seeking out t h e God; all turned aside, " t u r n e d a s i d e ; they a r e
" altogether worthless;
hfxa yxpel(t}Qyo'a>j;' OVK ecrri iroioov xpr}o*TOTY)- " t h e r e i s none t h a t does
togetherthey were unprofitable; not is doing goodness, "Good, there is n o t even
13 " one.
TCC, *[OVK ea'Tiv'j ecos svos. Ta(pos avecpy/JLt-
[not is] even one. A sepulchre having been
13 t J " An opened
" Tomb is t h e i r T H K O A T ;
yos 6 Kapvy\ avrcav rats yXootfcrais avroov " w i t h t h e i r T O N G U E S t h e y
openedthe throat o f them; with t h e tongues ofthem " d e c e i v e ; J t h e Poison of
" A s p s is under their L I P S .
eb*o\iovo*av. los acririfiooi/ biro TCL %^iKr] avrcov, 14 % " T h e i r MOUTH is
they deceived. Venom of asps under the lips ofthem, " f u l l o f Cursing a n d Bit-
'Civ TO CTOfxa apas Kai -nriKpias ye/nei, t e r n e s s . "
Of whom the mouth of cursinrj and of bittern-ess is full. 15 | "Their PEET are
15 16
" swift t o shed Blood;
0 | f is ol nodes avTxav e ^ e a t aljxa* avvTpi\x- 16 " R u i n a n d Misery
Swift the feet of them to pour out blood; ruin " a r e in their P A T H S ,
jxa Kai ToXcuirwpia eu TCLIS SSOLS avToov ^ KCLI 17 " and a Peaceful
and misery in the ways ofthem; and " Road they have n o t
" known.
65OJ> etprjvrjs OVK. eyvcao'ap. 18 OVK eiTTt cpofios 18 X" There is no Feau
away of peace not they knew. Not ia fear "of God before their E Y E S / '
0eou airevavTi TLOV otydaXfJLcov avTtov. 19
OiSa- 19 B u t w e know T h a t
»i God before the eyes ofthem. We know v hatever things % the L A W
says, i t speaks t o T H O S E
fxev 5 e , 6TL dtfa 6 vo^xos \eyei, TOIS
t=v Tea under t h e L A W ; so t h a t
and, that what things the law eays, to those under the Every Mouth may be
vop.op A a A e r tvct, irav CTOjxa -ppayy, teat inrodt- stopped, a n d t h a t All t h e
law i t speaks; that every mouth may be stopped, and liable to W O R L D m a y become a m e -
20 nable t o God.
KOS yevyjrai iras 6 Ko&fxos TOO Beep, AIOTL e£
penalty may become all the world to the God. Therefore from 20 Therefore b y Works
of Law N o H u m a n being
epyoop vofiov ov dataioeOrjo'zTai ~rao*a trap% evco- shall b e justified in h i s
works of law not shall be justified all flesh before presence j % for through
-TLojf avTov h*ia yap vofiov eTriyvcocis afxapTias. Law t h e r e is a n Acknow-
him; through for law an acknowledgement of sin. ledgement of Sin.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—11. none that understands, there is none t h a t seeks God,

12. not is—omit.
t 13. This, with all the following verses to the end of the 18th, are found in the Septua-
gint, but not i n the Hebrew t e x t ; and i t is most evident that i t was from this Version t h a t
the apostle quoted, as the verses cannot be found i n any other place with so near an ap-
proximation to t h e apostle's meaning and words.—Clarke. Some contend, however, t h a t
the Apostle quoted from different parts of Scripture.
t 10. Psa. xiv. 1—3. t 13. Psa. v. 5; Jer. v. 16. i 14. Psa. cxl. 8, t 14.
Psa. x, 7. t 15- Prc-v. i. 16; Isa. lix. 7, 8. I 18. Psa. xxxvi. 1. t 19. John
x. 34 ; xv. 25. t 20. Rom. vii. 7; Gal. ii. 16.
Cfiiap. 3 : 21.[ ROMANS. [Chap. 3 : 31.
il W IS 21 % But now, apart from
NVVL 5e X P vofxov dtKaioarvvrj deov 7T€<pa- Law, God's Righteousness
Now but without law a righteousness of God has been
has been made manifest,
vepcorai, fxaprvpovfievT] vivo rov vo/aov itai roov % being attested by the
made manifest, being attested by the law and the LAW and the PROPHETS ;
irpocprjrcov fiiKaio(rvv7] Se deov 5ia irio'recas
2:2 even God's Righte-
prophets; a righteousness even of God through faith
ousness, $ through the
*[l?7crt)u] Xpiffrov, eis tvavras *[KCU eiri irav-
Faith of Christ, to All
[o( Jesus] Anointed, to all [and upon all]
•WHO BE LIE \'E;—for there
T0VS 4
rasli TTHTTevovras ov yap earn hiarrroXiq. is no Distinction,
the believing; not for is a distinction. 23 for Jail have sinned,
Uavres yap rjfxaprov, Kai vvrepovvrai rr\s and come short of the
All for sinned, and come short ofth e GLORY of GOD ; —
24 24 being justified freely
$oi;7]s rov 6eov, b^iKaiovjxevoi Soopeaf, ry
glory ofthe God, being justified freely, by the by iris Favor, J through
avrov xapiri, 5ia rr]S airoXvrpooCews ev THAT REDEMPTION Which
of him favor, through the redemption that in is by Christ Jesus;
2o 25 whom GOD has set
Xpto'TO) IYJO'OV bv irpoedero 6 deos iXao'rrjpiov forth to be f J a Mercy-
Anointed Jesus; whom set forth the God a mercy-seat seat, by H I S OWN Blosd,
dia rrjs irLo'recas ev rep avrov alfxari, eis evdei- through the F A I T H ; for
through the faith by the of him blood, for apoint- an Exhibition of his RIGHT-
^iv rrjs biKaiocrvurjs avrov, 5m rrjv irapeo~iv EOUSNESS % in PASSING BY
ing out ofthe righteousness of himself, through the passing by the SINS FORMERLY com-
mitted, during the FOR-
roov rrpoyeyovoroov hfxaprrjfxaroov ev ry avoxv BEARANCE of GOD ;
of the formerly committed sins in the forbearance
2G 26 and for an Exhibition
rov Oeov irpos evdet^iv rrjs ^iKaio<rvvrjs Of h i s RIGHTEOUSNESS a t
ofthe God; to a pointing out ofthe righteousness the PRESENT Time, in
avrov ev rco vvv Kaipcp, eis ro eivai avrov order that he may B E
of himself in the present time, in order that to be him Righteous while justifying
SiKaiov, /ecu dittaLovvra rov e/c iri&rteos Irjcrov. 11 IM who is of the "Faith
righteous, and justifying him of faith of Jesus. of Jesus.
2 27 "Where then is BOAST-
^ TIov ovv 7] Kavxyo'is; e^eKXeicrQrj. Aia TTOLOV ING ? It is shut out.
Where them the boasting? it is shut out. Through what kind Through What Law? Of
VOJXOV ; roov epyoov; ovxh aXXa dia vofiov WORKS? No, but by the
of law? ofthe works? no, but through a law Law of F a i t h ;
rricrews' 28 Xoyi^ojxeOa yap, ditcaiovo'dai mcrrei 28 for we reckon that
of faith; we reckon for, to be justified by faith Man is justified by Faith,
apart from Works of Law.
avQpoorrov, X^P15 spy001* vofxov. 29 H \ovSaieov 6 29 Or is he the GOD of
a man, without works of law. Or of Jews the
the JEWS alone ? and not of
Oeos fxovov; ovx*
Kai eOvoov; vai Kai eOvcav. the Gentiles ? Yes, of the
God alone? not and of gentiles? yes also of gentiles. the Gentiles also;
~Eirenrep eis b Oeos, 6s SiKaieocrei Trepirofjirjv e/c 30 since it is % the One
Since one the God, who will justify circumcision from GOD who will justify the
iricrecos, Kai aKpofiv&riav 5ia rrjs marcois. Circumcision by Faith,
faith, and uncircumciiion through the faith. and the Uncircumcision
through the FAITH.
No/iov ovv Karapyov/xev dia rrjs merecos; Mrj 31 Do we then nullify
Law then do we nullify through the faith ? Not Law through the FAITH ?
yevoiro' aXXa VOJXOV lo'rcofxev, By no means; but, we es-
let it be; ' but law we establish, tablish Law.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—22. Jesus—omit. 22. and on all—omit.

f 25. The word hilasteerion never signifies "propitiation," as it is translated in the com-
mon version; but it is always used wherever it occurs, both in the Old Testament and the
New, to express the mercy-seat; which was the golden lid ofthe ark, upon which the She-
chinah or cloud of glory rested, and from which oracles were dispensed. See Exod. xxv. 22 ;
Num. vii. 3, 9; Lev. xvii. 2; Heb. ix. 5.—Im. Ver. Note.
X 21. Acts xv. 11; Bom. i. 17; Phil. iii. 9. % 21. John v. 46; Acts xxvi. 22. J 22.
Bom. iv. t 23. ver. 9; Rom. xi. 32 ; Gal. iii. 22. X 24. Matt. xx. 28 ; Eph. i. 7 ;
Col. i. 14; 1 Tim. ii. 6; Heb. ix. 12 ; 1 Pet. i. 18,19. + 25. Heb. ix. 5. J 25. Acts
xiii- 38, 39; 1 Tim. i. 15. % SO. Rom. x. 12,13; Gal. iii. 8, 20, 28.
CViop.4: 1.] R O M A N S . lChap.Ai 11.

KE5». S'. 4. CHAPTER IV.

Tt ovv epovfiev A^paa/x rov irarepa 7)ixwv 1 What, then, shall we
say of % Abraham, our
"What then shall we say Abraam the father of us
* FOREFATHER according
^\_evpt}Ktvai\ Kara capita; E i yap Afipaa/A e£ to the Flesh? have found] according to flesh ? If for Abraain from 2 For if Abraham was
0l> % justified by "Works, he
tpyuv eSiKcuwflTj, e^et Kavxv^y *\\' ^ P 0 * has a ground of boasting;
works was justified, he has boasting, but not towards
hut not before GOD ;
roy Qeov. 3 T i yap T\ ypa<p7j Xeyti; Err iffr ever e 8 for what says the
the God. What for the writing says? Believed SCRIPTURE? % " And Abra-
"ham believed GOD, and
Se Afipaa/J. r<p 6e(p, ttai sXoyiaQT] avrcp as oV " i t was accounted to him
' and Abraam the God, and it was counted to him for right-
" for Righteousness."
Kaioo'vvrjv. T y 5e epya^o/xevw 6 fiio~6os ov 4 J Now to HIM who
eousness. To him but working the reward not WORKS, t h e REWARD is
Xoyi&rat Kara XaPlu> « ^ ocpetXq/jLa' not accounted as a Favor,
is counted according to favor, but according to debt; but as a Debt;
5 5 but to HIM who does
rep 8e fjcrj epya^o/jLevcp, irio-rtvovri 8e eiri rov not WORK, but who be-
to him but not working, believing but on the lieves on HIM who JUSTI-
HiKaiovvra rov aaefir}, Xoyi(srai T) irio~ris F I E S $ t h e UNGODLY, his
one justifying the ungodly, is counted the faith FAITH is accounted for
, 6 Righteousness.
avrov eis hiKaioo W7)V' KaQanf-p /cat AatnS
of himself for righteousness; even as also David 6 Even as David also
speaks of the BLESSED-
Xeyet rov fiaKapio'/xov rov avOpcoirov, 'cp 6 6eos NESS of the MAN to whom
speaks the blessedness of the man, to whom the God GOD accounts Righteous-
Xoyt£erat diKaioo-vvrjv X0*?13 cpyw 7
fiaicapioi, ness apart fr«m Works,
counts righteousness without works; blessed ones, 7 saying, X " Happy are
"they Whose I N I Q U I T I E S
oov atyzdycrav at avofxiai, nai oov €ir€KaAv(p6i)- " are forgiven, and Whose
of whom are forgiven the iniquities, and of whom are covered over " S I N S are covered;
<rav at a/xapnai' 8
'cp ov (17) " t8o whom
fxaicapios av7)p, "happy is the Man
the Lord will
the sius; blessed man, to whom not not
"not account Sin."
Xoyio"f]rat Kvpios afxapriav. 9 'O ixa\capio~}xos ovv 9 I s this BLESSEDNESS,
may count Lord sin. The blessedness tvien then, on the CIRCUMCI-
ovros, €7ri rt]V irepirofxrjv 7] Kat crrt rrjv aKpo- SION ? or also on the UN-
this, on the circumcision or also on the uncir- CIRCUMCISION ? for we
affirm, FAITH was ac-
fivarrtav ; Aeyo/xcv yap, * [ 6 T J ] eXoytorQr) rep
counted to ABRAHAM for
cumcisiou? We say for, [that] was counted to the
Afipaa/x 7] TTLo~ris €is diKaiofrvvrjv. Ilcos ovv
10 How then was it ac-
Abraam the faith for righteousness. How then counted ? When he was
sXoyicrdrj ; €V irepirofir) ovn, 7] ev aKpofivarriq ; in Circumcision, or in Un-
was it counted? in circumcision being, nncircumcision ? circumcision? Not in Cir-
cumcision, but in Uncir-
OVK cv irepITofir), aXX* ev aKpoftva-riq' Kai cumcision.
Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcition; and
11 And | he received
CT7]}X^LOV eXa&e irepiroixYjs, acppayifiaTTfs dotaio- the Symbol of Circumci-
a sign he received of circumcision, a seal of the righteous- sion, as a Seal of the
<rW7)S T7]S TriffTGOOS T7JS tV TT) aKpO$V(TTia' CIS FAITH which he had while
sesa ofthj faith of that in the uncircumcision ; in order in UNCIRCUMCISION; in

ro sivai avrov irarepa iravrooif roov iriGrevov- order that he might be the
that to be him a father of all oftuose believing Father of All uncircum-

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. FOREFATHER. 1. to have found—omit. 9. That

% 1. Isa, H. 2; Matt. iii. 9; John viii. 83, 39; 2 Cor. xi. 22. \ 2. Rom. iii. 20, 27, 28.
J 8 Gen. xv. 9; Gal. iii 6 ; James ii. 23. j , t 4. Rom. xi. 6. £ 5. Josh. xxiv. 2.
% 7. Psa. xxxii. 1, 2. J 11. Gen. xvii. V*
Cliap. 4 : 12.] ROMANS. l&iap. 4 : 19.

T<i>v 8T cLKpoQuaTias, (eis TO koyi<r6y}vcu "^[wai]cised BELIEVERS; that the

through uncireumcision, (in order that to be counted [ a l*°] RIGHTEOUSNESS may be
12 ACCOUNTED to them ;
avrois Tf\v diKaLoo'vvrji',) Kai irarepa irepiro- 12 and a Father of Cir-
to them the righteousness,) and a father ofcircum- cumcision, not only to
/i??s, rois OVK €K ir€piTO/j.y}s jxouoVy aXXa Kai THOSE who are of Circum-
cision, to those not from circumcision alone; but also cision, but to THOSE also
who TREAD in the FOOT-
TOIS aroixovcrL rots txv6(rt r7 s
l €J/
aKpofivo'ria STEPS of the FAITH'of our
to those treading in the footsteps of the in mi circumcision FATHER, Abraham, which
TTiarscos rov itarpos T)/JLCCU Afipaa/x.
Ov yaphe had in Uncircumci-
faith of the father of us Abraam. Not SION.
13 Tor the PROMISE to
5ia vofxov 7] zirayyeXia rca Afipaapi, t\ rca ffirep- ABRAHAM and to his
through law the promise to the Abraam, or to the seed SEED, $ that he should be
TO KXt]povo}xov avTov tivai KOCT/JLOV, an Inheritor of a World,
fxari avrov,
of him, that
a possessor him to be of a world, was not through Law, but
through a Righteousness
aXXa 5m diKaioo~vvr)S irio'Tews. E i yap ol e/c of Faith.
but through a righteousness of faith. If for those of
14 X For if THOSE of the
P0/LL0V, KXrjpOVO/LLOtf KGKSVOOTai 7] TTICTTIS, Kai Law are Heirs, the FAITH
law, possessors, has been made void the faith, and becomes useless, and the
15 PROMISE abrogated.
KarrjpyrjTat, y) eirayyeXia' 6 yap VOJXOS
15 Besides, J the LAW
has been multiplied the promise; the for law
works out Wrath; * but
opyrjv KaTepyaferar ov yap OVK etfTi yo/uos, where Law is not, there is
wrath works out; where for not is law, no Transgression.
16 16 On account of this it
oi>8e Trapafiaaris. Aia TOVTO f K 7rt<rreajs,
neither transgression. On account of this from faith, is from Faith, J that it
may be according to Fa-
tva Kara xaPLV' €ls T0
*iVal jSe/Scucw rrjv vor, J i n order that the
so that according to favor; in order that to be sure the PROMISE might BE sure to
ewayy^Xiav fcavTi Tcp ffirepfiaTi, ov TW SK TOV All the SEED j not to THAT
promise to all the seed, not to that from the of the LAW only, but to
THAT of the Faith of Abra-
po/uov IAOVOV, aXXa Kai T(p €K Afipaaju ham, % who is a Father of
law alone,but also to that from faith
us all,—•
6s eo'Ti iraT'fip itavrcov i)fxcav *' (tcaOoos yeypair- •17 as it has been writ-
who is a father of all of us; (even as it has been ten, J " A Father of Many
"Nations I have consti-
rar ' O f t iraT€pa TTOXXWV tOvoov redciKa <re') t u t e d thee,"—in the
written; That n father of many nations I have placed thee;) presence of THAT God
KarevavTi ov eirio'Tevo'e 6eovf TOV ^oooiroiovvTos whom he believed, J who
in presence of whomhe believed of God, of that making alive MAKES ALIVE the DEAD,
and calls % THINGS not in
rovs venpovs, Kai KaXovvros ra }XT) ovra cos BEING, as though EXIST-
the dead ones, and calling the things not being as ING ;
18 l
ovra. Os nap* eXirifia eir* eXirifii €TricrT€v- 18 who, contrary to
being. Who contrary to hope in hope believed,
Hope, believed with Hope,
0-ey, as TO yevecrOai avTov TraTepa iroXXwv that he should BECOME a
in order that to have become him a father of many Father of Many Nations,
according to THAT which
(QvuiVy (Kara TO eipruuevov OVTCOS (ffTai TO had been SPOKEN, $ "Thus
nations, according to that having been spoken; Thus shall be the " shall thy SEED be."
cnrtpfia o°ov) Kai fxr\ acrQtvqaas TTJ 7ricrrei, 19 And not having
seed of thee;) and not having grown weak in the faith, grown weak in the FAITH,
* VATICAN MANUSCKIPT.—11. also—omit. 15. but where.
J 13. Gen. xvii. 4, & c , Cai. iii. 29. X 14. Gal. iii. 18. J 15. Kom. iii. 20; v. 18,
20; vii. 8,10,11; 1 Cor.xv. 50; 2 Cor. iii. 7, 9 ; Gal. iii. 10,19; 1 John iii. 4. t 16. Rom.
iii 24. X 10. Gal. i n . 22. i 16. Isa. li. 2; Rom.ix. 8. X 17. Gen. xvii. 5.
J 17. Rom. viii. 11; Eph. ii. 1, 5. J 17- Rom. ix. 26 ; 1 Cor. i. 18; 1 Pet. ii. 10. % 18.
Gen. xv. 5.
Chap. 4 : 20.] lVJiap.% : B.
*"£oy] Karevorj&e ro kavrov coD/xa *[i}Sr)~\ vev*- though he regarded H I S
[not] h e regarded t h e of himself
body [already] having OWN Body as deadened,
KpwfxzvoV) exarOPTaerys irov uirapxoop, /cat TTJP being somewhere about a
been deadened, a n h u n d r e d years old thereabout* b e i n g , a n d t h e Hundred years old, and
veKpooctp TT)S fxrjTpas kappas' 20
as 5e rrjp the DEADNESS of Sarah'*
deadnest of t h e womb of S a r a h ; against a n d the WOMB ;
20 he did not dispute
aTrayyeXiav rov Oeov ov fiieKpiOr) rji airio'Tta, against the PROMISE of
promise of t h e G o d n o t h e disputed i n t h e unbelief,
aAA' ev€§vvaiJL<tidri rj) TTKTTCL, tiovs 5o£cw rep was made strong in the
but was m a d e s t r o n g i n t h e faith, giving glory t o t h e FATTH, giving Glory to
6e(pt 2 1 /cat 7r\r]po(f)opr}d€is, on 6 sirqyytXTai, G O D ;
God, a n d having been fully assured, t h a t w h a t h a s been promised, 21 having been fully as-
22 sured, That what has been
SVPCLTOS ccrri Kai irofqcrai. Ato * [ K C U ] eXo- promised, J h e i s able also
able h e is also t o do. Wherefore [also] i t was
to perform.
yiaQr\ avrcp €is diKaioo~vpr)p. OVK eypa<prj tie 22 Therefore, it was ac-
c o u n t e d t o h i m for righteousness. N o t i t was written b u t counted to him for Righte-
biy avrop fiopop, on eXoyio'Or) avrcp' 2 4 aWa ousness.
on a c c o u n t of h i m »lone, t h a t i t was counted t o h i m ; but 23 But | it was not writ-
teat 5i* Tj/xas, ots fxeXXei Xoyi£eo~6ai) rois ten for him alone, That it
also on account of us, t o w h o m i t is a b o u t t o be counted, t o t h o s e was accounted to him,
24 but also for us, to
iricrrevovcrip em TOP tyeipavra Irjcovp TOP whom it is about to be ac-
believing on t h e o n e having raised up Jesus t h e counted, even to THOSE
Kvpiop rj/JLcop €K ptKpeop" 2 5 6s irap&oQr] <5taw h o B E L I E V E J o n H I M
Lox-d of us o u t of dead o n e s ; who was deliveredup on a c c o u n t of who RAISED UP Jesus our
ra irapwrrrcofiaTa rjfxcop, Kat eycpOr) dia TTJP LORD from the Dead;
the offences of us, and was raised up on account of the 25 Jwho was delivered
StKataxrtp 7}JXU>P. up on account of our OF-
justification ofus. FENCES, J and raised for
KE*. e'. 5. CHAPTER V.
AlKCUa>d€PT*S OVP €K 1TlO'T€(t}St €ip7}PY]V
1 Having been justified,
Having been justified therefore by faith, peace
therefore, by .Faith, we
exo/JLCP irpos TOP 6GOP Sta rov Kvpiov T)IJ.OOP have | Peace with GOD,
we have wi*u the God t h r o u g h t h e Lord ofus through our LORD Jesus
IrjO'ov X.pto~Tov 2 5t' ov Kai rrjp Trpocraycoyrjp Christ;
Jesu» A n o i n t e d ; t h r o u g h whom also the introduction 2 through whom, also
Ka xr t/
€0"xv l l T
*[ 1? mffrei] eis Ti)V xa?lv f a u - we have been INTRO-
we have [by t h e faith] into the favor t h i s , DUCED into this FAVOR in
TTJV, cv 'T) e<rTr}KafX€V Kat KavxtopeOa. eir' which we stand; % and we
in which we have s t o o d ; and we boaat in boast in Hope of the
SXTTI^I rys So^rjs rov 6eov. Ov /HOPOP §e,
hope of t h e glory of t h e God. Not alone and, 3 And not only so, but
X we triumph also in A F -
aAAcc Kai /cat/x&ytefla €p rais dXixpeo'ip, eidores FLICTIONS, ^knowing That
but also we b o a s t in the afflictions, knowing
dri 7} OXi^is vTroixoyrjp Karepyaferai, r) Se Endurance;
t h a t t h e affliction endurance works out, t h e and
4 | and ENDURANCE,
v7ro/j.opr) 8oKi(jir)Pf r) 5e SoKifir} eXirtda, r) dc Approval; and APPROVAL,
endurance a p p r o b a t i o n , t h e a n d approbation hope, t h e a n d Hope;

eXiris ov KaTaio,xvv*li ori

V otyairr] rov Osov 5 % and this HOPE IS
hope n o t is p u t t o s h a m e , because t h e love of t h e G o d not put to shame, because

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—19. not—omit. '19. already—omit. 22 also—omit-

2. in the FAITH—omit.
I 21. Psa. cxv. 3; Luke i. 37, 45; Heb. xi. 19. t 23. Eom. xv. 4; 1 Cor. x 6.11.
t 24. Acts ii. 24; xiii. 30. t 25. Isa. liii. 5, 6; Rom. iii.'25; v. 6; viii. 82, &c. I 25
1 Cor. xv. 17; 1 Pet. i. 21. J 1. Eph.ii. 4; Col.1. ^0. t 2. Heb. iii. 6. I I. Man.
v. 11; Acts v, 41; 2 Cor. xii. 10; Phil. ii. 17 • James i. 2,12:1 Pet. iii. 14 I J, James
I. S-. % 4. James i. 12. % 5. Phil. i. 20. *
Ohap. 5 : 6 . ] R O M A N S . t&iap. 5 : 1 4 .

eKKexvrcu ev rais Kapfiiais 7}p.eov Sia irveip.a- X the LOVE of GOD lias been
has been poured out in the hearts of us through spirit diffused in our HEARTS,
6 through THAT holy Spirit
ros ayiov rov dodevros 7)/LLIV. *[ETJ] yap which has been GIVEN to
holy of that having been given to us. C^ e t] for us.
Xpi&ros, ovrcav Tjfxcov acrOevcov en, Kara KCLL- 6 * Besides we being yet
an Anointed one, being of us with out strength still, according to a helpless, Christ at the pro-
pov virep acrefioov aireOave. ? MoXis yap per Time, died in behalf of
season in behalf of impious ones he died. Scarcely for the Ungodly.
inrep dacaiou ns airoOaveirar virep yap half 7 Now scarcely on be-
in behalf of a just person any one will die; in behalf of though
of a Just person wLl
any one die, though, pos-
rov ayadov raya ris Kai roXfxa airoQaveiv sibly, on behalf of the
the good possibly some one even might dare to die; GOOD, some one might
crvvi(TTr](Ti Be rrjv eavrov ayairrjv ets 7]juas 6 even venture to die.
recommends but the of himself love to us the 8 J But * GOD recom-
Oeos, OTi, en afiaprccXcov ovrwv Tjfxoov, Xpiaros mends H I S OWN Love to
God, because, still »inners being of us,an Anointed one us, Because we being yet
9 Sinners, Christ died on our
virep ij/Jicoy aireOave. JJoXXcp ovy fxaXXov, behalf.
in behalf of us died. " By much then more,
9 By much more, then,
diKaiwdevres vvv ev rca aljuari avrov, o~oo9r)- having been now justified
having been justifiednow in the blood ofhim, wesnaLbe :j:by his BLOOD, we shall,
ffojxeOa oV avrov airo rrjs opyr]S.E i yap through him, be saved
saved through him from the wrath.
If for from WRATH.
eydpoi ovres Karr}XXayr]jLiev rep deep hia rov 10 For if, being Ene-
enemies being we were reconciled to the God through the mies, X we were reconciled
to GOD through the DEATH
Oavarov rov vlov avrov, iroXXcp fxaXXov
KaraX- of his SON, by how much
death of the son ofhim, by much more having been more, having become re-
Xayevrzs o'caO^cro/neOa ev rr\ ^ooy avrov. Ov conciled; shall we be saved
reconciled we shall be saved in the life ofhim. Not % by his LIFE ?
fxovov 5e, aAAa Kai icavx^f-^voi 11 And not only so, but
ev rep deep 5ta
only and, but also boasting we even boast in GOD
in the God through
rov tcvpiov 7)fxu>y lrjo'ov Xpicrov, SY OV VVV through our LORD Jesus
the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, through whom now
Christ, through whom we
12 have now received the RE-
rrjy naraXXayr]V eXafiojxev, Aia rovro CONCILIATION ;
the reconciliation we received. On account of this 12 for this reason,—as
&o"irep SY evos avQpooirov f] ajuapria ets rov J through One Man SIN
as through one man the sin into the entered into the WORLD,
KOiTfj.uv eicrrjXde, Kai 8ia rrjs afxaprias 6 6ava- (in whom all sinned,) and
woild entered, and through the sin the death; through SIN, J DEATH; so
to*' Kai ovroos eis Travras avOpwirovs 6 Oavaros also, DEATH passed upon
and thus to all men the death All Men.
Zi'qXOev, e(p' f(p iravres y/xaprov. 13
Axpi yap 13 For till the Law, Sin
passed through, in which all sinned. Till for was in the World, but
VOJXOV afxapria t]V ev Kocrpicp' a/xapria 5e OVK | Sin. is not accounted
law sin was in world; sin but not where there is no Law.
eXXoyeirai fxr} ovros vofxov. 14 AAA5 efiaonXev- 14 DEATH, however,
is counted not being law. But reigned reigned from Adam till
o'ev 6 davaros airo Aba/a /xexpt- Mcovo-e&s Kai Moses, even over THOSE
the death from Adam tilj Moses and who had not SINNED in the
eiri rovs fxr] a/xapr'qeravras eiri ra> o/xoicojuari SIMILITUDE of the TRANS-
over those not having sinned in the likeness GRESSION of Adam, J who
rrjs irapafiao~eeos Ada/m' 6s eo~ri rviros rov fieX- is a Type of that BEING
ofthe tran»gression of Adam; who is a type of the one ABOUT TO COME.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—6. If, then, we being-yet helpless. 6. yet—omit. 8.

he recommends.
X 5. 2 Cor. i. 22; Gal.iv.0; Eph.i. 13,14. J 8. John xv. 1",; 1 Pet. iii. 18; 1 John
iii.16; iv.9,10. 19. Horn. iii. 25 ; Eph. ii. 13; Heb. ix. 14; 1 John i.'/• I 10. 2 Ccr.
v, 18,19; Eph.ii.16; Col. i. 20, 21. t 10. John v. 20; xiv. 19; 2 Cor. iv. 10.11.
i 12. Gon. hi. 6; 1 Cor. xv. 2L 1 12. Gen. ii. 17; Rom. vi. 23; 1 Cor. xv. 2V % 13.
Rom.iv.I5; 1 John iii. 4. % 14. I Cor, xv. 21, 22, 45.
Chap. 5 ; 15.] ROMANS. lChap.6*. l .
Xovres. AAA' ou% 60s TO TrapairToo/j,a ourca 15 But not as the TALL,
being a b o u t to come. B u t not as the fall, so is the GRACIOUS GIFT.
"*[/<;cu] TO xapicrua. Ei yap TW TOV evos For if by the FALL of the
[also] the gracious gift. If for by t h e of one one ONE, the MANY died, much
TrapairTto/jLaTi oi TTOXXOL airedavov, TTOXXC? jxaX- more the FAVOR of G O D ,
fall the many died, by much m o r e even THAT Gracious GIFT
Aov 7] XaPis rov
®eov Kcu
V Scopea ev xaPLTL T
V by the ONE Man, Jesus
the favor of t h e
G o d and t h e gift by favor by t h a t Christ, abounded to the
TOV evos avdpooTTov ITJO'OV XpicrTov eis TOVSTTOX-
ofthe one man Jesus Anointed to the many 16 And not as through
Xovs eirepia'o'evo'e. 16
Kai ou% ws SY ivos One having sinned, is the
abounded. And not as t h r o u g h o n e FREE GIFT. For indeed
aluapT7](ra.i'T0S, TO 8(apr)u,a. To /uiev yap Kpijj.a, the SENTENCE was from
having sinned, t h e free gift. The indeed for sentence, One to Condemnation;
but the GRACIOUS GIFT is
e | evos eis KaTaKpifxa' TO 5e xapiayxa, e/c from Many Offences to
from o n e to condemnation; t h e b u t gracious gift, from
1Jr Righteousness.
iroXXcov irapaTrToo/xaTcou eis SutOAOOfxa. Et yap
many offences t o righteousness. If for 17 Besides, if by the
r w TOV epos TrapaiTTMjj.aTL 6 davaTos e/3am- FALL Of t h e ONE, DEATH
by ilia of t h e o n e fall the death reigned reigned through that ONE ;
Xevtre dia TOV evos, iroXXcp fiaXXov ol TT\V much more will THOSE
through the one, by much more t h o s e t h e HAVING RECEIVED the
•jrzpicro'eiav TTJS x P *[_TT]S Scopeas] TTJS
abundance ofthe favor and [ofthe gift] of the
reign in Life through the
diKaiowvrjs XajxfiavovTes, ev £oor) fiaaiXevaou- ONE—the * Anointed Je-
righteousness liaving received, in life shall reign
cri 5ia TOV evos ITJCTOV XpiCTOV. ls Apa ovv 18 Therefore, indeed,
through t h e one Jesus Anointed. Indeed t h e n
as through One Offence,
cos oY evos TrapairTcoixaTOs, ets nravTas avdpco- sentence came on All Men
as t h r o u g h one offence, on all , men
to Condemnation; so also,
TTOVS eis icaTaKpL/na' OVTOO KaL oY evos SucaLco-
to c o n d e m n a t i o n ; so also t h r o u g h o n e r i g h t e o u s -
through One Righteous
act, sentence came on All
/xaTos, eis iravTas avOpcoirovs ets diKaicoaiv Men to Justification of
Mess, on all men to a justification
£co7]s. 19 'tlcnrep yap dia TTJS irapaK07]s TOV 19 Tor as through the
oflife. As for t h r o u g h t h e disobedience o f t h e
evos avdpcoiTov ajxapTwXoi KaTeo~TaQr]0'av ol Man, the MANY were con-
one man sinners were c o n s t i t u t e d the
stituted Sinners, so even
iroXXoi' OVTOO Kai 81a TT]S vTraK07]s TOV evos through the OBEDIENCE
many; »o also t h r o u g h t h e obedience o f t h e o n e
of the ONE, the MANY will
fiiKaioi KaTao,TaQi}o~ovTai ol iroXXou be constituted Righteous.
righteous persons shall b e constituted the many. 20 And Law supervened,
No/xos 8e irapeL0'7]Xdev, Iva irXeovacrrj TO so that the OFFENCE might
Law but supervened, so t h a t migtit abound t h e
abound; but where SIN
irapairTCti/j.a' @v 8e enXeovao~ev i) af.iapTia, abounded, FAVOR super-
offence; where b u t abounded the sin, abounded ;
vnepeirepicrtfevtfev i) XaPls' 2 1 'LVCL w°' 7 r e / } €J3ao"i- 21 that as SIN reigned
jsuperabounded t h e favor; that aa reigned by DEATH, so also FAVOR
Xtvo'ev 7) ajxapTia ev T(p QavaTcp, OVTOO Kai r) might reign through Right-
the sin in the death, so also t h e
eousness for aionian Life,
XaPls PaftXevary 8 i a $iKatoo~vvr)S eis £OOT)V aioo- through the * Anointed Je-
favor m i g h t reign t h r o u g h righteousness i n t o life age- sus, our L O R D .
vicov, 8ta lrjcov Xpio'Tov TOV tcvpiov T)/J.OOV.
lasting, t h r o u g h Jesus Anointed the Lord CHAPTER V I .
KE<*>. $'. 6 . T t ovv epovjxev ; eTrijj.evoojj.ev 1 "What then shall we
"What t h e n shall we say? o u g h t we t o continue say? Ought we to continue
TT; afxapTia, Iva T) xaPls TrXeovao-r] •' 2 M17 in S I N that FAVOR may
in t h e sin, sothatthe favor mayabound? N o t abound?

* VATICAN MATCUSCKIPT.—15. also—omit. 17- o f t h e GIFT—omit. 17.. Christ

Jesus. 21. Christ Jesus our L O R D .
t 15. Isa. liii. 11; Matt. xx. 28 ; xxvi. 28. 1 18. John xii. 32 ; Heb. ii. 9. J 20.
John xv. 22 ; Kom.iii. 20; iv. 15; vii. 8; Gal. iii. 19, 23. % 20. Laike vii. 47; 1 Tim. i. 14.
Chap. 6: 2.] ROMANS. [Wiap. 6 : IS.

yevoiro. Olrtves aTredavofitv rrj ajxapTia, 2 By no means. How

let it be. Wh0 we died by the sin, shall we, who have J died
by SIN, live any longer in
e n £7)<T0fi*v tv IVTTJ ; 3 H ayvotire, on Scroi it?
still shall we live ia itP Or are you ignorant, that as many as
3 Or are you ignorant,
e^aTrricrdrjfxeu €is Xpicrrov *[l77o~ouj/}] €is rov that J as many as have
were dipped into Anointed [Jesus,] into the been immersed into Christ,
davarov avrov e$<nrTi<rQrifXGV ; ^^vveracprifxevhave been immersed into
death of him were dipped? We were buried together his D E A T H ?
4 We have therefore
ovv avrco dia rov f$airrio~fxaros *is rov Qava- heen { entombed with him
thereforewith him through the dipping into th§ death, by the IMMERSION into
rov, iva wairep yyepOr] XpL<rros €K vefcpcov that D E A T H ; that as Christ
that as was raised up Anointed out of dead ones was raised from the Dead
by the JGLOKY of the
5ia rrjs do^rjs rov irarpos,
ovroo Kai rjfxeis cv FA THEE, SO also f»C Should
'through the glory of the father, so also we in
walk in a New Life.
KcuvoTyri fays irepnrarTio'oo/j.ei'. 6 Ei yap vvfi- 6 $ For if we have been
newness of life should walk. If for planted planted together in the
tyvroi yeyova/xep rea dfioico/uiart t ov LIKENESS Of h i s DEATH,
toyethw we have become in the likenesss of the death certainlv we shall he also
a v r o v , a\\a Kat rrjs avacrrao~€co$ earoju^Oa' in that of Ms EESUEBEC-
ofhim, certainly also o / t h e resurrection we shall be ;
6 6 * knowing this, That
rovro yivwcTKovres, bri 6 ira\aios 7]fi(av avOpco- $ our OLD Man was cruci-
this knowing, that the old of us man fied with him, so that the
7ros (rvvearTavpcoOrjf iva, Karapyrjdrf TO BODY of SIN may be ren-
was crucified with, that might be rendered powerless the dered powerless; that we
croofxa rr)s apaprias, rov firjKert SovXeveip r]^<xs may no longer be E N -
body of the sin, of the no longer to be enslaved ua
7 for XHE who DIED
rrj ajxapria* ? 6 yap airoOavcov fiefiucaicarat cnro has been justified from
in the sin; he for having died Las been justified from SIN.
rrjs afjiaprtas* E i tie airtQavofxev crvv Xpiffrcp, 8 J And if we olea with
the sin. If but we died Anointed, Christ, we believe That we
TrKTrevo/uey, drt Kai (Tt/^rro/xej/ avrcp, 6*5Vres, shall also live with him ;

we believe, that also we shall live with hiin5 knowing, 9 knowing that J Christ,
6rt Xpurros cyepdets €K vetcpcav, ovKeri airoQ- having been raised from
that Anointed having been raised out of dead ones, no longer dies; the Dead, dies no more;
Wicrw davaros avrov ovKeri Kvpievei. 10
' O Death no longer lords it
over him.
death ofhim no longer lords over. Which
10 For [the death] which
yap arreOave, rrj afiaprta arreOavev c^arra^1 he died, J h e died by SIN
for he died, by the sin he died once for all; once; but [the life] which
b <5e £??, (jy rep deep. n Ourco Kai v/ieis he lives, he lives by GOD.
which but he lives, he lives by the God. So also yoa 11 Thus also do you ac-
\oyifeo-6e iavrovs veicpovs fitv rrj a(xapriay count yourselves dead in-
count yourselves dead ones indeed by the tin, deed by SIN, % but living
by GOD in the * Anointed
(wvras 8e rep flequ, cv Xptcrrtp Irjffov. Jesus.
Jiving ones butby the God, in Anointed Jesus.
12 % Let not SIN, there-
Mrj ovv (3acri\ev€rQ0 r) afiapria ev rep fore, reign in your MOR-
Not therefore let reign the sin, in the TAL Body, in order * to
dvrjra) vficov (Tcofiari, as ro inraKoveiv 13yU7j5e OBEY i t s DESIKT..S J
mortal of you body, in order that to obey} nor 13 nor prcsait your

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. Jesus—omit. 11. Christ Jesus. 12. to OBEY its

X 2. ver. 11; Eom. vli. 4; Gal. ii. 19; vi. 14. J 3. Col. iii. 3; 1 Pet. \\. 24. X 4.
Col. ii 12. t 4. John ii. 11; xi. 40. X 5. Phil. iii. 10,11. J 6. Gal. ii. 20; v.
24; vi 14: Eph.iv.22; Col.iii. 5, 9.
t 9. Kev. 1.18. X 10. Heb. ix. 2% 98. t 7- 1 Pet. iv. 1. X 8. 2 Tim. ii. 11.
«xix. 135. t 11. Gal. ii. 19. J 12. Psa. xix. 13;
Chap. f): 14.1 KOMANS. [Chap. 6: 22.

tcapiaravere ra fxeXrj vyicov birXa afiiKias X MEMBERS to SIN, as In-

present you t h e members of you weapon* of unrighteousness struments of Iniquity;
but % present yourselves to
rr) afxapria' aXXa irapaffrt^a'are eavrovs rip GOD, * as if alive from the
to t h e sin; but present you yourselves t o t h e
Bead, and your * Members
0€q>y ws eK veKpmv (&vras> /cat ra /JieXfj VJXOOVto GOD, as Instruments of
God, as o u t of dead ones living, and t h e m e m b e r s of you Righteousness.
dirXa <$iKaioo~vvr)S ry Beep. 14 'Afiapria yap 14 For % Sin shall not
weapon* of righteousness t o t h e God. Sin for lord it over You; for you
vfuav ov Kvpievo'ei' ov yap €0"T€ VTTO VOjAOV) under are not under Law, but
of you n o t shall lord over; n o t for you are under law,
15 What t h e n ? * Should
aXX3 i/rro xaPlJ/- 15
T t ovv ; aixapr^o-o/xev, bri we sin, X Because we are
b u t under favor. What then? shall we sin, because not under Law, but under
OVK effpiev VTTO vop.ovy aXX VTTO %apiv; MTT, ye- Favor ? By no means.
Mot we are under law, b u t under favor? Not let 16 Do you not know,
voiro. 16
OVK otSaTe, bri *<# irapicrravere sent yourselves That X to whom you pre-
it be. N o t you k n o w , t h a t t o whom you present
Slaves for
Obedience, his Slaves you
eavrovs bovXovs eis viraKoyv, SovXoi effre 'qu are to whom you are obe-
yourselves slaves for obedience, slaves you are t o w h o m dient, whether of Sin to

vnraKovere, 7]roi a/xapnas eis Bavarov, t\v Death, or of Obedience to

you are obedient, w h e t h e r of sin to death, o r Righteousness?

viraKOT]? sis BiKaioo'vvr]V; l7

Xapis de ra> Beep, That 17 But thanks to GOD,
of obedience t o righteousness? T h a n k s b u t t o t h e God,
though you were
Slaves of SIN, yet you
on 7]re SovXoi rys afxaprias, virr]Kov(Tare 8e obeyed from the Heart
that y o u w e r e slaves of t h e sin, y o u obeyed y e t J that Mould of Instruc-
€« KapBias eis bv irapeBoBrjre rvirov S t S a x ^ s . tion into which you were
from heart i n t o which y o u were delivered a form of teaching. delivered;
'EXevdepcaBevres 8e airo rrjs a/j.apTias9 efiov- 18 and, $ having been
Having been freed a n d from the sin, y o u w e r e emancipated from SIN, you
19 became subservient to
XeaBrjre ry dtKaioo'vvy. (AvBpcoirivov Aeyco, R I G H T E O U S N E S S .
enslaved t o t h e righteousness. (According t o m a n I speak,
19 (I speak humanly,
Sta ryv aerBeveiav rrjs aapKos vfitav.} 'Hfr- "because of the WEAKNESS
on a c c o u n t of t h e weakness of t h e flesh of you.) As of your T L E S H ; ) for as

7rep 7 a p Trap ear t] (Tare ra jxeXin VJXOOV hovXa ry you presented your MEM-
for y o u presented t h e m e m b e r s of you slaves t o t h e BERS enslavedto IMPU-
aKaBaperia Kai ry avojxia * [ e t s r-nv avofiiav~\ now present your MEM-
uncleanness and t o t h e iniquity [for the iniquity;] BERS bound to R I G H T E -
ovrea vvv irapaarrrjo~aT€ ra fieXrj v/xcov dovXa ry OUSNESS for Sanctification.
so now present you t h e m e m b e r s of y o u slaves t o t h e 20 Por when you were
^iKaiovvvy eis ayiacTfxov. ' O r e 7 a p dovXot Slaves of SIN, you were
righteousness for sanctification. When for slaves free as to RIGHTEOUS-
rjre rrjs a/xaprms, eXevOepoi rjre ry diKaiocrv-
y o u were of t h e Bin, free youweiretothe righteous. 31 What Fruit, there-
VT). 21Tiva ovu Kapnov ei%sre rare; ecp* ots fore, had you at that time
ne'ss. W h a t therefore fruit had you then? i n t h e t h i n g s in things of which you are
now ashamed? J for the
vvv €Trai<rxvvea'Q€' T0 yaP TeAos eKeivcov, Bava- END of those things is
now y o u are a s h a m e d ; t h e for end of those, d e a t h . Death.
ros. Nuj/t Be eXevBepcoBevres aivo rys ajxap- 22 But now, having
Now b u t h a v i n g been freed from t h e sin, been emancipated from
r m s , SoVXooBevres 5e rep Beep, e%fTe rov Kap-- SIN, and. having become
having been enslaved and t o t h e God, you have t h e fruit bound to GOD, you have

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—13. as if alive. 13. Members. 15. Should we sin.

19. for the INIQUITY—omit.
t 13. Rom. vii. 5; Col. iii. 5; James iv. 1. t 13. Rom. xii. 1 j 1 Pet. ii. 24; iv. 2.
t 14. Rom. vii. 4, 6; viii. 2; Gal. v. 18. J 15. 1 Cor.ix. 21. I 16. Matt. vi. 24 ;
John viii. 34; 2Pet.ii. ig. t 17. 2 Tim. i. 13. t 18. John viii. 82 ; 1 Cor. vii. 22*
Gal. v. 1; 1 Pet. ii. 16. % 21. Rom. i. 32.
Oliap. 6: 23.] ROMANS. [Map. 7 : ?.

irov vjxcav €is ayiacrfxov' ro fie reXos, C<tif)V aico-your F R U I T in Santifica*

ofyou in sanctification; t h e and end, life age- lion, and the END aionian
23 Life.
viov. T a yap otyoovia rrjs afiaprias, Oaparos' 23 For J the WAGES O^
lasting. T h e for wages of t h e sin, death;
SIN is Death; $but the
a(T xa
ro 5e X9 l rov dtov, ^cor] aicopios ep Xpicrrcp GRACIOUS G U T of GOD is
t h e b u t gracious gift of t h e God, life age-lasting in an Anointed aionian Life, by the Anoint-
Irjcrov rep KVpicp rjfxoov. ed Jesus, our LORD.
Jesue t h e Lord of us. CHAPTER VII.
KE<f>. f . 7 . 1 Are you ignorant
1 Brethren, (for I am speak-
H aypoeire, a5eA</)Of, (yipoxTKovcri yap ing to those who are ac-
Or are y o u ignorant^, brethi - en, (to t h o s e knowing j o r quainted with Law,) That
VOJXOV AaAco,) on 6 POJUOS uvpievei rov apOpca- the LAW controls a MAN
law 1 speak,) t h a t t h e law lords over t h e m a n , for as long a Time as he
0V0V 2 a lives ?
iroVf e<£* bcrov XP Cv > ^ 7 P virapfipos 2 Hence i the MARRIED
._• for as long as a t i m e h e lives? T h e for bound t o a m a n
Woman is bound by Law
yvvf] rep £COPTL apDpi dederai vofxcp' cap 5e airo- to the LIVING Husband;
womantothe living husband is bound bylaw; if but m a y but if the HUSBAND die,
Qavri 6 apv\p, nar^pyerat airo rov POJLLOV rov
she is released from the
die t h e husband, s h e is freed from the law of t h e LAW of the HUSBAND.
3 3 So then, $ while the
apfipos. Apa ovv favros rov avhpos jxoixaXis XPV- HUSBAND is living, she
husband. So t h e n living t h e husband an adulteress she will will be declared an Adul-
fiano'ei, cav yeurjrai avZpi krtpy eavSz airoOa- teress, if she belong to
be called, if she should be t o a m a n a n o t h e r ; if b u t should another Man; hut if the

prj b avr)p, zAevQepa. ecrriv airo PO/JLOV, rov fir) HUSBAND die, she is free
die t h e husband, free she is from law, of t h e n o t from the LAW ; so that she
is not an Adulteress,
ewai avryv ,uo/xaAi8a, yzvofiwqv avhpi krspcp. though she belong to ano-
t o be her an adulteress, having become t o a m a n a n o t h e r . ther Man.
'flo're, aSeAepoi juov, Kai vjxeis eOauarcoOrjrc 4 Therefore, my Breth-
Therefore, brethren of me, also you were p u t t o death ren, you also were J put
to death by the LAW,
rep poficp 8ia rov crcojaaros rov Xpicrrov, eisro through the BODY of the
by the law t h r o u g h t h e body of t h e Anointed, in order t h a t A N O I N T E D one, in order
yepecrOat vfias erepep, rep etc vtKpoov eyepdep- that you may BELONG to
to become y o u t o a n o t h e r , t o him out of dead ones having been another,—to H I M who
Tf, iva Kapiro(popr)a'ca/ii€i/ rep Oecp. 5
'Ore yap was RAISED from the
raised, so t h a t we should bring forth fruitto t h e God. When for Dead, that we should
% bring forth fruit to GOD.
7]fM€U ep ry crapta, ra TraOrjfiara rcop afxaprieop, 5 For when we were in
we were in t h e flesh, the passions of t h e sins,
the ELESH, those SINEUL
ra fiia rov POJLLOV, eprjpyeiro ep rots fJceXeap PASSIONS, which were
those through the law, worked in the members through the LAW, J worked
7}}xoi>v, eis ro KapTToepopricrai rw Qavarcp. 6 NVPL in our MI MBERS Jto BRING
of us, in order t h a t t o b r i n g f o r t h fruit tothe death. y Now FORTH FRUIT to DEATH.

§e icar7]pyr)9r]/j.6V arro rov airodapopres, web are

But now, having died,
released from the
but we were freed from the law,
having died,
LAW, by which we were
ep 'cp Kareixo/JieOa' cva're dovAeveip 7]{ias ep held; so that we may
in which we were held; so t h a t t o serve us i n serve J i n Newness of
Kaiporrjri irvevjxarosy Kai ov iraAaiorrjri ypafx- Spirit, and not in Oldness
newness of spirit, and n o t in oldness o f l e t - of Letter.

fxaros. ?Tt ovp epov/nep; b POJLLOS a/uapria; 7 "What then shall we

ter. W h a t t h e n shall we say? the law sin? say ? Is the LAW Sin ? By

t 23. Gen. ii. 17; Eom. v. 12; James i. 15.. J 23. Kom. ii. 7; v. 17, 21; 1 Pet. i. 4.
J 2. 1 Cor. vii. 39. J 3. Matt. v. 32. t 4. Rom. viii. 2 ; Gal. ii. 19; v. 18 ; Eph. ii.
15; Col. ii. 14. t 4. Gal. v. 22. J 5. Eom. vi. 13. t 5. Rom. vi. 21; Gal. v. 19;
Barnes i. 15. J 6. Rom. ii. 29; 2 Cor. iii. 6.
Cfcap 7 : 8 . ] ROMANS. [Cliap.7: 17.
no means. Indeed, % 1
Mrj yevoiro0 aAAa ry\v a/xapriau
OVK eyvoov^ e( did not know SIN except
Not let it be; but the sin not I knew, if through L a w ; for even.
jx-T) 5ia yofiow TT\V re yap €iriflvjj.iau ovKyfiew, STRONG DESIKE I had not
not through law; the even for strong desire not I knew, known, if the LAW had not
a {AT) 6 vofxos eKeyew Oy/c €7n0u,U77crets. said, %" Thou shalt not
if not the law said; ' Not thou shalt lust. covet.'*
8 8 But SIN having taken
A(popfjL7]v Be \a/5ov(ra r) a/xapria, dia TTJS GV- Opportunity, through the
Opportunity and having taken the sin, through the com-
roArjs KareipyacraTO
ez/ €/J.OI ircurau eTriOvfiiaw in me All Strong desire.
mamiment worked out in me all strong desire; % Apart from Law, how»
Xcopts yap pofxov afxapria vexpa. E7C0 8e ever, Sin is dead;
apart from for law sin dead. I and 9 and IE was formerly
w l
€^WJ/ X P $ VOjJLOU 7T0T6' tAdoVO'rjS $ 6 T7}S
living apart from Law ;
was alive apart from law then; having come but the but the COMMANDMENT
having come, SIN lived
evToKTiSf 7] a^apria avefatrev, €70* 8e aireOa- again, and E died;
commandment, the sin "Mved again, I and died; 10 andTHAT COMMAND-
10 C01 V
vow /cat eupeOrj fxot f) tvroXr)
rj cis C 7 ) MENT intended J for Life,
and was found by me the commandment that for life, the same was found by me
avrr) eis OavaTov, ll
H yap apapria acpopfxrjv for Death.
same for death. The for sin opportunity 11 Tor SIN having: taken
\afiovo~a, 81a TYJS evroXrjs e^rjirarrjO'G fie, Opportunity, through the
having taken, through the commandment deceived me, COMMANDMENT, deceived
me, and through it killed
Kai 8L avTTjs air€KT€ivei/. 'CLGT6 6 fxev me.
and through it killed. So that the indeed 12 And so the J LAW in-
VOJXOS ayios., Kai 7) euroXr) ayia Kai diKaia Kai deed is holy, and the COM-
law holy, and the commandment holy and just and MANDMENT holy, and just,
aya8rj. 1 3 To ovv ayaOou, €/ULOL yeycve Bavaros ; and good.
good. That then good thing, to me hasbecome death? 13 That GOOD thing,,
Mr) yej/oiro* aAXa r) kfiapria' foe: then, has become Death tc
(pavy me?
Not letitbe; but the sin; so that it might appear
By no means, buv,
SIN has; that Sin might
a/j.apriaf 5ia rov ayaBov fxoi Karepya^o/xePTj be manifest, through that
sin, through the good to me working out GOOD thing producing
davarov, iva yeur}rai icaO* vTrepfioXrjp afxaprca- Death to m e ; so that SIN,
death, so thatmightbecome in excess a sinner through the COMMAND-
14 MENT, might become an
Xos 7) cLjxapna 5ta TTJS svroAiqs. 0/^a,aej/ exceedingly great Sinner.
the sin through the commandment. We know
14 Besides, we know
yap, or 1 6 i/ofios Tn/ev/nariKOS ecrriw eya> $e That the LAW is spiritual;
for, that the law spiritual is; I but but 3E am fleshly, % having
(xapKivos €t/xf, ireirpafjitvos VTTO TT\V apapriay, been sold under STN.
fleshly am, having been sold under the sin. 15 For what I work out,
15 e I do not approve; since
O yap Karspya^ofAai, ov yivoocrKco' ov yap 6 I do not practise X what I
What for 1 work out, *ot I know j not for what desire ; hut what I hate,
0eAco, TOVTO irpa(T<Tco' aAX* 6 fxicrco, rovro fyiS I do.
I wish, this I practise; but what I hate, this 16 But if what I desire
iroLCio. 16 E i 5e 6 ov OcAo), rovro TTOICO, crvfx- not, tfjis I do, I assent to
I do, If butwhatnot 1 wish, this I do, I as- the LAW, That i t is excel-
<p7]fxi ray vofxcp, ori KaXos. ^ N U Z / J 8e OVKCTI 17 and now, no longer
sent to the law, that excellent. Now but no longer I am working it out, but
eyca Kar€pya(ojJLat avro, aAA* r) oiKovtra €v the S I N * DWELLING in
I work out it, but the dwelling in me.


% 7. Rom. iii. 20. X 7- Exod. xx. 17, Deut. v. 21 ; Acts xx. 33; Rom. xiil. 9.
t 8. 1 Cor. xv. 56. t 10. Lev, xviii. 5 ; Ezek. xx. 11,13, 21; 2 Cor. iii. 7. I 12. Paa
xix. 8; cxix. 38,137; 1 Tim. i. 8. J 14. 1 Kings xxi. 20, 25-, 2 Kings xviL17. X 15,
S a l . v. l'i
'C.i&p.7l 18.] ROMANS. [Gliap. 8 ; 2.

tfxoi afxapria. 18
Oida yap, 6ri OVK OIKCI ev 18 For I know That Jiu
me sin. 1 know for, that not dwells inme, that is, in my I L E S H ,
efxot, TOUT' ecrriv ev T»7 crapKi fiov, ayaBov ro there dwells no good
me, this is in the flesh of me, a good thing; t h e thing; for to DESIRE is
present with me, but to
yap BtXeiv Trapafceirai JJ.OI9 ro Se Kartp ya&aBai WOKK O U T W H A T 13 E X -
for t o will i s present with me, the b u t t o work o u t
C E L L E N T I find n o t .
ro KaAov, ovx tvpiarKoo. Ov yap 6 0eA«,
19 For I do not the
the excellent, not 1 know. Not good which I desire, but
for what I wish,
TTOIQ} ayaBov a\\3 6 ov 0eAo> KaKOP, rovro the evil which I desire not,
I do a good thing; but w h a t n o t I wish an evil thing, this tfjfs I practise.
irpacerco. 20
E i 5e 6 ov Bekoo * [ € 7 c o , ] rovro not, 20 But if what I desire
I practise. If b u t w h a t n o t wish [I,] this
this I do, 5 no longer
work it out, but the SIN
7roioj, ovtceri eyca Karepya^ofxai avro, aAA* i\ DWELLING in me.
I &o, n o longer I work out it, but the SI I find therefore this
21 LAW, when I am willing
oiKovcra ev €fxoi afiapria 'Evpio' apa rov
dwelling in m e sin. I And therefore the to do EIGHT, That the
vofjiov rep BeXovri e/xoi TTOICIV ro na\ov9 6rl WKONG lies near me.
law in t h e wishing t o m e t o do the excellent, becaus e 22 For I am pleased
tfxoi ro Kattov irapaKzirat. ^"^vvrjBofiai yap with the LAW of * God ac-
with me the evil thing lies near. I am pleased for cording { t o the INWAED
rep vop.ep rov Beov Kara rov €<ra> avBpeeirov
with the law of the God according t o the inside man; 23 but { 1 perceive Ano-
f&\$irea Se erepov VOJXOV €V rois fie\€(rt fiov ther Law in { m y MEM-
BEES, warring against the
1 see but another law in the members of me
LAW of my MIND, and
avrterrparevo/mevov rep vofiep rov v os fiov, Kai making me a captive to
warring againat tho law of the mind of me, and T H A T L A W Of S I N E X I S T *
aix/*ah(*)rt(opra jite rep vo/jLep rrjs a/xaprias
rep ING in my MEMBEBS .
making a captive me to the law of the sin t o that
24 "Wretched Man that
OPTi ey rots fie\**rt fiov. 24Ta\aiirwpos eyea I am! who will rescue Me
existing in the members of me. Wretched I from f this BODY of
avBpeaicos' ris fie pvcrerai e/c rov a'oofxaros rov D E A T H ?
man; who me will rescue from t h e body of the 25 J*Thanks to GOB,
Bavarov rovrov; ^Evx^p^ra rep Beep 8ta by means of Jesus Christ
death this? I thank the God by means of our LOUD. Consequently,
Irjcrov Xpiarov rov Kvpiov ovv then, indeed, J£ myself, by
7]p.cov. Apa
the MIND, am in subjection
Jesus Anointed of the Lord ofus. So then
to the Law of God, but by
avros eyeo rep fi*v vol SovXzveo vo/nep Beov the FLESH to the Law of
myself I with theindeed mind am in servitude to a law DfGod; Sin.
rrj 5e o~apni, vofxea afxaprias. KE<£. if, 8 .
with the but flesh, t o a law of sin. CHAPTER VIII.
Ovdev apa vvv KaraKpifxa rois tv Xpio'rep i There is then ISTo Con-
No therefore now condemnation t o those in an Anointed demnation now to THOSE
Irjerov. ' 0 yap vojxos rov irvsvfxaros rr}s Cwr}S in the Anointed Jesus;
Jesus. The for law of the spirit of thelife 2 for {the LAW of the
cv Xpierrep lrjcrov, rjXevBepoocre fie airo rov SPIBJT of LITE by the
by an Anointed Jesus, freed me from t h e Anointed Jesus, liberated
vofiov rrjs a/naprias tcai rov Bavarov. To yap * me from the LAW of SIN
law of the sin and of the death. The for and of DEATH.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—20. I—omit. 22. the MIND. 25. Thanks to God.

2. thee.
t 24. There seems to be here an allusion toranancient custom of certain tyrants, who
bound a dead body to a living man, and obliged him to carry i t about, till the contagion from
the putrid mass took away his life.—Clarke.
J 18. Gen. vi. 5 ; viii. 21.. ^ ? 22. 2 Cor.'ifc 16 ; Eph. iii. 16; Col. iii. 9,10. <* 23*
Gal. v. 17 X 23. Kom. vi. 1$, 1W X 25. 1 Cor. xv. 57.' J 2._John viii. Z$$
Horn..vL 18,-22 ;„G;dt U» 19, y..l.
i/71-ip. -8: 3,] KOMANS. [Wiap. 8 : 12.

uftvvuTOV rov vofxov, ep 'cp rjO~6epti Sta TTJS 3 For J what was IM-
inability of the in that it wa» weak through the POSSIBLE for the
law, r
LAW, in
crapKos, 6 6eos rop eavrov vlop ire/jupas ep O/JLOI- the FLESH, $ G O D , through
that it was w eak
flesh, the God the «f himself son having sent in a form
sent his OWN Son in a
ajfACLTi aapKos afiaprtas, KCU irepi a/j.aprias,Form of the Flesh of Sin,
of flesh of sin, and on account of sin,
4 even [by an offering] for
Ka.T€Kpive rrjp a/xapnap ep ry aapia' Iva. ro Sin, condemned SIN iii the
condemned sinthe in the flesh; so that the
fiiKaitojxa rov VOJJAV irKrjpoodr) ep T)IAIP, rots fxf) 4 so that the RIGHTE-
righteousness of the law might be fulflUedby us, by those not OUSNESS of the LAW may
Kara, crapxa irspLirarovo'ip, aWa Kara be fulfilled by us, who are
according to flesh walking, but according to WALKING, not according
irvevfxa. Ol yap Kara crapKa opres, ra to Flesh, but according to
spirit. Those for according to flesh being, the things Spirit.
rr}s aapKos (ppopovcrw ol 5e icara Trpev/xa, 5 For J THOSE who
of the flesh are minding; those but according to spirit s LIVE according to Flesh,
5 arc minding the THINGS
ra rov irpevfxaros To yap cppoprjfJLa rrjs Of t h e FLESH; b u t THOSE
The for mind of the
the things of the sj>irit. v/ho livo according to
aapKOS, Oaparos' ro Se <ppoP7]jxa rov irpevfxa- Spirit, % the THINGS of the
fiesh, death; the but mind of the spirit, OJ?;:RIT.
TOS, {cor] Kai eiprjpr). 7 Awn ro (ppovrjina rrjs 6 % For the MIND of the
life and peace. Because the mind of the FLESH is Death; but tlie
craowos, €%0pa ets Beop' r(p yap vo/xca rov 6eov niND of the SPIEIT is Life
flesh, enmity to God; to the for law of the God and Peace.
8 7 Because the MIND ^f
ovx virorao'crerai, ovde yap hvparai'ol 5e ep the FLESH is J Enmity to
not i t i s subject, neither for it is able; those and in God; for to the LAW of
capici ovres, Beep apeaai ov Bvpavrai. 'T/xets GOD it is not subject r
flesh being, to God to bepleasingnot they are able. You % nor, indeed, can it be.
Be OVK effre ev <rapKi9 «AA' ev irvevjxari, eitrep 8 T H O S E , then, who
but not are in flesh, but in spirit, ifindeed ARE in a Sensual state, are
irpevfxa Qeov oiKet ep VJXIP. Ef de rts rvpevfxa unable to please God.
9 But gou are not Sen-
spirit of God dwells in you. 11 and any one spirit
sual, but Spiritual, because
Xpivrov OVK ex*h ovros OVK e&rip avrov. J the Spirit of God dwells
of an Anointed onenot has, he not is of him. in you. But if any one
E i 5e XptcfTos ep vuip, ro fxep (reofjea veKpop possess not % the Spirit oi
If but an Anointed in you, the indeed body dead Christ, he is not of him.
6Y a{xapriap' ro 5e rrpep/^a £corj dm 1C And if Christ be in
with respect to sin; the but spirit life with respect to yon, t&e BODY indeed is
dead ar: to Sin: but the
diKaiotfvprjp. ^ Et de ro rfpevjxa rov eyetpap- SPIRIT i:; Life as to Right-
righteousness. If but tha spirit of him having raised eousness.
TOS Irjo-ovp €«: peicpoop oiKei ep VJAIP, 6 eyei~ 11 And if the SPIRIT OC
np Je»us out of dead one3 dwells in you, he having J H I M wrho RAISED Jesus
pas rop 'Xpicrrop CK peKpcop, faorroirjo'et KOA from She Dead dwell in
taised the Anointed out of dead ones, will make alive also you, % H E who RAT SEE
ra dprjra cccfiara V/LIOOP, Bia TO CPOLKOVP avrov * Christ from the Dead,
the mortal bodies ofyou, throughthe indwelling of him will also make alive yom
rrpev/xa ep VJXIP. MORTAL Bodies, through
the INDWELLING of his;
spirit in you.
12 Spirit within you.
Apa ovpi aSeA</>oj, o<pei\erat, etffxep ov rr) 12 % So then, Brethren,
So then, brethren, debtors we are not to the we are not Debtors to the
crapKi, rov Kara crapKa (rjp. Ei yap FLESH, to live according
flesh, of the according to flesh to live. If for to the Flesh.
* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 1 . Christ,
% 3. A c t s x h i . 3 9 ; Rom. i i i 20; Heb. v i i . 18.10; x. 1, 2.10.14. t S. Gal. i i i . 1 3 ; 2
Coi v. 21. I b. J o h n i i i 6 ; 1 Cor. ii. 14. % 5. Gal. v. 22, 25: J 6. Rom. vi.
2 1 ; ver. 1 3 ; Gal. vi. 8. \7 J a m e s i v . 4. J 7. 1 C o r . i i . 1 4 ,
iG; vi 19. t 9. G a L i ? 6 P h i l . i. 19. t i l A c t s ii. 24.. J 9. 1 Cor. iii.
i 12. B o m . v i . 7,14. i l l . Bom. VL 4a
5 ; 1 Coi. vi. 14 s 2 Cor. i v 14; £ p b i\, 6.
Cliap. 8 : 13.] ROMANS. [Cliap. 8 : 22.

Kara (TapKa CvT€f /UeAAere aTro6v7](TK€tw €i 13 For J if you live ac-

According to flesh, you live, you are about to die; if
cording to the Flesh, you
are about to die; but if,
8e -KViviian ras irpa^eis rov aoofiaros Bapa- by the Spirit, Jyou put to
but by spirit the practices of the body you put death the DEEDS of the
TOVTC, £r}(T€(r8€. '0(roi yap irpsvfAari 6eov BODY, you shall live;
to death, you shall live. As many as for by spirit of God 14 because J as many as
16 are guided by God?s Spirit,
ayoprat, ovroi ZIO'IP vloi Oeov. Ov yap e\a- tbes£ are Sons of God.
are led, these are sons of God. Not for you 15 % For you did not re-

/3ere Trvevfxa oovXeias iraKiv eis <popop, aAA ceive a Slavish Spirit back
received a spirit of bondage back to fear, but again for % fear; but you
received % a Spirit of Son-
eXafiere irpev/na vloQsaias, ep *a> Kpa^ofAew ship, by which we crv,
you received a spirit ofaonship, by which we cry; |"Abba! FATHER!"
16 16 J The SPIRIT itself
A/3/3a, 6 irarrjp. Avro TO Tvvzv[xa (rv/u/uaprv
Abba, the father. Itself the spirit testifies toge- testifies together witli our
SPIRIT, that we are Chil-
pet rep irpev/uari rj/ucopy on ztfjAtv retcpa 6eov. dren of God.
ther with the spirit of us, that we are children of God.
17 And if Children, also
Ei Se TtKva, Kai K\r)popo/j.or KXripovofxoi (ACP Heirs; J Heirs, indeed, of
It and children, also heirs j heirt indeed God, and Joint-heirs with
0e6f, crvyKXrjpoj/o/jLOi 8e Xpio'rov enrep o~vfx- Christ; Jif indeed, we suf-
of God, joint-heirs and of an Anointed j if indeed we suf- fer together, so that we
may be also glorified toge-
Tra(rxofiGV9 Iva Kai <rvpdo^ao~6^/jLep. 1 8 Aoyifa- ther.
iex with, so that also rre may be glorified with. 1 reckon 18 For I consider That
/uai yap, 6rt OVK a£ia ra TraBrjfjLara rov vvv J the SUFFERINGS of the
for, that not comparable the sufferings of the now PRESENT Time, as un-
worthy of Comparison with
Kaipov irpos rrju p.eXXovo'ap do^au airoKaXvcpdr]- the FUTURE GLORY to be
season with the being about glory to be revealed
revealed in us.
pai eis 7)fias, 1 9 ' H yap airoKapadoKia TTJS KTL- 19 Indeed, J the EAR-
in us. The for earnest desire of the crea- NEST EXPECTATION of the
cews rf\v airoKaXtftyw rcov vtcop TOO Oeov aireK- fREVELATION
CREATION longs for the
of t h e SONS
tion the revelation of the sons of the God looks
of God.
20 T77 yap
Sexual. fiaTaioryri 7) KTICTIS 20 For J the CREATION
fr,r. To the for vanity the creation was made subject to
FRAILTY, (not voluntarily,
vTrerayr), (ovx eKOvrra, ctAAa dia rov virora- but by H I M who PLACED
was placed under, (not voluntarily, but through him having
it UNDER;)
£apra,) eif* eAmSi, Sri Kat avrr) r) KTIO~IS 21 in Hope That even
placed under,) in hope, that even itself the creation the CREATTON itself will
cAevdepwdTjareTat airo TTJS SovXeias rrjs (pOopas be emancipated from the
will be freed from the bondage of the corruption
into the FREEDOM of the
ets rr\v e\evdepiav rr)s bo^rjs reap TGKPOOP rov GLORY of the CHILDREN
into the freedom of the glory of the children of the of GOD.
Oeov. 2 2 Oida/uep yap, 6ri irao'a r) Kriais <TV<T- 22 For we know That
God. We know for, that all the creation groans the "Whole CREATION
23 groans together and trav-
repafci Kai (TvpooBiPei axpi TOV PVP' ov [XOPOP ails in pain together till the
together and travails together till the now; not only PRESENT time.
t 19, 20, 21,22. Ktisis, creation, has the same signification here as in Mark xvi. 15; " Pro-
claim the GLAD TIDINGS to the Whole CREATION," that is, all mankind; and also Col. i. 23,
where a similar phrase occurs. That the brute and inanimate creation is not here spoken
of, hut mankind, is evident from the hope of emancipation from the " SLAVERY of CORRUP-
TION "held out in the 21st verse, and the contrast introduced in the 23rd verse, tetween
the ktisis and those "possessing the FIRST-FRUIT of the SPIRIT."
t 13. Gal. vi. 8. % 13. Eph. iv. 22; Col. iii. 5. t 14. Gal. v. 18. t 15. 1
Cor. ii. 12; Heb. ii. 15. X 15. 2 Tim. i. 7; 1 John iv. 18. \ 15. Gal. iv. 5, 6.
X 15. Mark xiv. 36. X 16- 2 Cor. i. 22; v. 5; Eph. i. 13; iv. 30. J 17. Gal. iii. 29;
iv. 7. X 17- Acts xiv. 22; Phil. i. 29; 2 Tim. ii. 11,12. J 18. 2 Cor. 1/ , / ; l P e t .
'i. 6„7;iv. la, X 19. 1 John iii. 2. t 20. Gen, iii. 19.
Chap. 8 : 23.] ROMANS. [Chap. 8 : 32.

5e, aXXa KCLI CLVTOI TT)V airapxyv TOV Trvev/xaTOs 23 And not only it, but
and, but also ourselves the first-fruit of the spirit ourselves also, possessing
6%0Z/T6S, K£U * [ ^ / X 6 l s ] aVTOt €V eaVTOLS <TT€Va~ X the FIRST-FRUIT of the
having, and [we] ourselvetin ourselves groan, SPIRIT, J even we ourselves
£ofiev, vto9e<riav a7T6/c5e%o/x€^oi, rr]v airoXvTpoo- groan within ourselves,
& sonship looting for, the redemption J waiting for Sonship,—
civ TOV (Tcojuaros TJJAOOV. 2iTrj yap eXiridi ecrco- t h e X REDEMPTION of 0U1'
ofthe body of us. By the for hope we BODY.
6r)/LL6V. EA7ns 5e fiXeiro/jLevr), OVK CCTIV sXirts' 24 For we were saved
were saved. A hope but being seen, not is a hope; by the HOPE J $ but a
6 yap fiXeTrei TLS, TI * [ / c a i ] tXiri^ei; 2o Hope which is seen is not
E J 8e Hope;
what for sees one, why [also] hopes? If but
for why does any
0 OV fiX€1T0jJ.€V, eXlTl^O/JLeV, SY VTTOfXOUrjS one hope for what he
whatnot we see, we hope, with patience sees?
aTreK?>€XO(j<.<r6a. 2 6 'Cltfavroos 5e Kai TO irvep/JLa 25 But if we hope for
we wait. In like manner and also the Bpirit what we do not see, we
wait for it with Patience.
(rvvapTi\ajj.(3avsTai rais acdeveiais Tjfxcov TO 26 And in like manner
helps the weaknesses of us; the also the SPIRIT assists our
yap TL irpocsv^cafizda. KaOo dei, OVK oifiafiev, * W E A K N E S S ; for we do
for what we should pray as it behoves, not we knew, not know WHAT we should
aAA avTO TO irvzvjxa virepevTvyxavei *[t>7rep pray for as we ought; but
but itself the spirit intercedes [on behalf
| the SPIRIT itself inter-
2 f
cedes with unspoken
7}iioov~\ o*T€vayjjLois a\aXt]Tois. ^ O Se cpcv- groans.
of us] with groans unspoken. He but search- 27 and HE wiio SEARCH-
vccy Tas Kapdias, of5e TI TO <ppovr\jxa TOV ES the HEARTS, knows
ing the hearts, knows what the mind ofthe what is the MIND of the
Trvcv/uaTos, 6TL Kara Oeov svTvyyjavti vTrep SPIRIT, Because % accord-
spirit, because according to God it intercedes on behalf ing to God it intercedes
on behalf of Saints.
of holy ones. 28 And we know That
28 * all things work together
Oi5ayuej> 5e, OTL TOIS ayatrooci TOV deov for good to THOSE who
We know and, that to those who love the God LOYE GOD,—to THOSE
rcavTa crvvepyei eis ayadov, TOLS KaTa irpo- BEING INVITED according
all things work together for good, to those according to a pur- to a Purpose;
29 C
Otciv KXTJTOIS ovcriv. OTI OVS irpoeyvoo, icai 29 because those whom
pose called being. Because whom he foreknew, alsohe foreknew, he also prede-
irpo&picz cvp,jxop<povs TT)S CIKOPOS TOV vtov termined to be Copies of
he before marked out copies ofthe likeness ofthe son the LIKENESS of his SON,
for him TO BE % a First-
avTov eis TO eivai avTov irpcoTOTOicov ev iroX- born among Many Breth-
of himself for the to be him a first-born among many ren ;
Xois adeX<pots. 30 Ovs de trpocopice, TOVTOVS 30 and those whom he
brethren. Whom and he before marked out, those
predetermined, he also in-
Kai eKaXece' KOA OVS €KaX€0"€, TOVTOVS Kai vited; and whom he in-
also he called; and whom he called, those also vited, these he also justi-
eSiKauvCev obs §e efiucaiwce, TOVTOVS Kai fied ; and whom he justi-
he justified; whom and he justified, those also fied, those he also glorified.
e$o£ace. Ti ovv epovfiev Trpos TavTa; EJ 31 What shall we say,
he glorified. What then shall we say to these things? If then, to these things?
6 deos vTrep rjfjLwv, Tis Kad' 7)/J,COV ; 32 Tlcye Since GOD is for us, who
the God on behalf of us, who against us? Who indeed can be against us ?
TOV idiov vtov OVK ecpeicaTO, aAA' inrep TJ/AOOV 32 Surely he who spared
ofthe own son not. spared, but on behalf of us not his OWN Son, % but de-

,..* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—23. we—omit. 24. also—omit. v 26. WEAKNESS-

28. on behalf of us—omit.. .28. GOD works all things together for good.
t 33. 2 Cor. v. 5 ; Eph. i. 14. J 23. 2 Cor. v. 2, 4.- % W. Luke xx. 26. t 23.
Luke xxi. 28; Eph. iv. 30. X 24. 2 Cor. v. 7; Heb. xi. 1. t 26. Eph. vi. 18. J 27.
1 John_v. 14. " % ,29. Col.'i. 15,_18j„Heb. i. 0; ,Bev. L 5. j 32. Kom. iv. 25.
Chap. 8: 33.] ROMANS. [Chap. 9 : 2.

livered him up on behali

iravrcov TrapeSooKev avrov ircos ovxL
Kai <rvv of us all, how will lie nd
all delivered up him; how not also with
with him also graciously
a L<r€TaL
avrcp ra iravra 7](JLIV x P > ^ Tts give us ALL things ?
him the things all to us will he graciously give? Who 33 Who will bring a£
accusation against God's
eyKuXecrei Kara eKXeKrccv deov; ®eos 6 Chosen ones ? Will THAT
will bring a charge against chosen ones of God? God that
God who J U S T I F I E S ?
SiKaitav; '^Tis b Karatepivoov; Xpto'ros 6 airo-
34 Who is H E who CON-
justifying? Who he condemning? Anointed that having D E M N S ? Will THAT A-
nointed one who DIED ;
Qavoov; fxaXXov Be *[KC«] eyepOeis; 6s Kai and, still more, who has
died? still more a«d [also] having been raised? who als 0
been raised; who also is
eo'rtv ev Be^iq rov Qeov; bs Kai evrvyxavei at the Eight hand of GOD,
is on right of the God? who and intercedes and J who intercedes on
35 a> l(T€l a7ro Tr S our behalf?
V7T€p 7)fA00V; TiS TjfiaS X P ) 35 Who shall separate
on behalf of us? Who us will separate from the
us from THAT LOVE of
ayairrjs rov Xpicrrov; ©Xiipis; 7] crrevoxvpia; * GOD, which is in the
love of the Anointed P Affliction? or distress? Anointed Jesus ? Shall
Affliction, or Distress, or
7) Sicay/Aos ; 7] Xifios ; 7] yvfivorTjs; r\ KIVSVVOS ; Persecution, or Famine,
or persecution? or famine? or nakedness? or peril?
or Nakedness, or Peril, or
36 Sword ?
7] fxaxaipa; (KaOoss yeypa-nrat' 'On eveKev
or sword? (as it ha« been written; That on account 36 (even as it has been
written, J " On account of
o~ov 9avarovjj,e6a SXTJV rrjv 7)fiepav' eXoyio'dr)- thee we are put to death
of thee we are put to death whole the day; we were ac- the Whole DAY; we are
fxev w5i tcpofiara o~(f>ay7)S.) 37
AAA S ev rovrois accounted as Sheep for
counted as sheep of slaughter.) But in these Slaughter.")
37 t But in all these
iracriv vTrepviKcafiev tiia rov ayairrjo'avTos r)/ things we do more than
all we more than conquer through the one having loved us. overcome, through HIM
38 who LOVED us.
rieTreio-juai yap, bri ovre Oavaros ovre £O'7?J
I am persuaded for, that neither death 38 For I am persuaded life,
that neither Death nor
ovre ayyeXoi ovre apx^i, ovre evecrrcora Life; neither Angels nor
nor messengers nor principalities, nor things being present Principalities ; neither
39 Tilings present nor Things
ovre fieXXovra, ovre dwajxeis, ovre future; nor Powers,
nor things being about to come, nor - powers, nor
89 nor Height, nor
tyco^a ovre fiaOos, ovre ris Kricris erepa SVVTJ- Depth, nor any other thing
height nor depth, nor any creation other will be in Creation, will be able to
oo LO ai a7ro rr s
arerai r)fxas x P ~ l ayair7]S rov deov, separate Us from THAT
able us to separate from the love of the God, LOVE of GOD, which is in
the Anointed Jesus, our
77]S ev Xpicrrcp ITJCTOV rco Kvpicp Tjfiw. KE<E>0 LORD.
of that in Anointed Jesus the Lord of us.
6'. 9 . l
AXTjOeiav Xeyco, ev Xpicrry ov $ev$o- CHAPTER IX.
Truth I speak, in Anointed; not
1 I J speak the Truth in 1 utter

fiat, [crvfjL/jiaprvpovo'Tjs fioi rr\s o'vveihrjo'ecos Christ, I do not speak

falsehood, (bearing testimony togethor to me the conscience falsely, my CONSCIENCE
co-attesting with me, in a
IJLOV,) ev irvevfjLari ayicp' ort XVTTTJ fioi eo~ri holy Spirit,
of me,) in a spirit holy; that grief t o m e it is 2 that I have great Grief
fieyaXr}, Kai adiaXetirros odvvT} rrj Kapfiiq fxov. and Unceasing Anguish in
great, and unceasing anguish in the heart of me. my HEART,

* VAT. MANUSCRIPT.—34. also—omit. 35. THAT LOVE of GOD which is in Christ Jesus 1
t 34. Heb. vii. 25 ; ix. 24; 1 John ii. 1. t 35. Psa. xliv. 22; 1 Cor. xv. 30, 31; 2 Coy
iv.ll. t 37. 1 Cor. xv. 57; 2 Cor. ii. 14;-1 J o h n i v . 4; v. 4, 5; Rev. xii. 11. _J \
Rom. i . 9 ; 2 Cor. i . 2 3 ; xi. SI; xii. 19; Gal. i. 20; Phil. i. 8; 1 Tim. ii. 7.
Chap. 9: 3 j ROMANS. [Chap. 9 : 12.
3 3 on account of my
Hvxofiriv yap avros tyca avaOefxa eivai atro
Was wishing for myself I an accursed thing to be from BRETHREN, m y KINSMEN
according to the Flesh;
rov Xpicrrov virep rcov aSeXcpcov fxov, rcov crvy- (X for I myself was wish-
the Anointed one on behalf of the brethren of me, of the rela- ing to be accursed from
yevwv fiov Kara o'apKa' olrives €10*11/ lo'pa the ANOINTED one;)
tives of me according to flesh; who Isra- 4 who are Israelites;
to whom belong J the SON-
7}Xirai, GOV 7) vlod<=o~ia, Kai 7) $o£a, Kai at dia- S H I P , and the GLORY, and
elites, oftirhom the sonship, and the glory, and thecove- * the J COVENANTS ; and
the LAW-GIVING, and the
OrjKaiy Kai 7) vo/uodecria, Kai 7) Xarpcia, Kai at rites of SERVICE, and $ the
aanti, and the law-giving, and thereligious service, and the
zirayyeXiai, GOV oi rrarepes, Kai e% wv 6 5 whose are the F A -
promises, of whom the fathers, and from whom the THERS, and Jfromwhomis
Xpicrros ro Kara o'apKa, 6 GOV eiri
iravrcov cording to the Tlesh; H E
Anointed that according to flesh, he being allover who is over all, God blessed
deos evXoyrjros eis rov aionvas. A/LLTJV, to the A GES. Amen.
God worthy of praise into the ages. So be it. 6 But not as implying
6 that the WORD of GOD has
Ovx olov 8e, bri eKTreirrcoKev b Xoyos rov fallen; for J ALL those
Not so as but, that has fallen off the word of the who are from Israel, tfteg*
$eov ov yap iravres 01 e£ lo'payjA, ovroi larpa- are not Israel.
God; not for all those from Israel, these Isra_ 7 Nor Because they
are the Seed of Abraham,
r}X. f OuS' on eicri crrepfia A^paaju, iravres are they ALL Children; but
el. Nor because they are seed of Abraam, all $ " In Isaac shall thy Seed
reKva, aXX* ev lo'aaK. KXTjOrjcrerai tfoi cnrep/bia, " b e called."
children, but in Isaac Bhall be called to thee a seed, 8 That is, the CHIL-
8 3
DREN of the ELESH, these
rovr eo'nv, ov ra reKva rrjs crapxos, ravra are not of G O D ; but the
this is, not the children of the flesh, these % CHILDREN Of the PROM-
reKva rov Beov aXXa ra reKuarrjs airayyeXias ISE are accounted for the
children of the God; but the children of the promise Seed.
9 TOT this is the WORD
Xoyi^rai ets o-irep/na. JLirayyeXias yap 6 of Promise—t" According
are counted for seed. Of promise for the " t o this SEASON I will
Xoyos ovnos* Kara rov Kaipov rovrov eXev- "return, and Sarah shall
" have a Son."
word this; According to the season this I will
10 10 And not only this,
o"Ofiai9 Kai ecrrai rrj Happa vtos, Ov fxovov but also to X Rebecca, when
come, and shall be to the Sarah a son. Not only she had conceived twins
8e, aXXa Kai 'PefieKKa, c£ kvos Koirrjv sxov(Ta by One,—by Isaac our
*nd, but also Rebecca, from one conception having EATHKR j
lo'aaK rov irarpos 7]f.ioov. Mrjirco yap yevvrj-
11 (for they not having
Isaae the father of us. Not yet been born, nor having
for they having
Oevrcov, fiTjde vpa^avrcov rt ayaOov 7} KaKov, done any tiling good or bad,
been born, nor having done anything good or bad, so that GOD'S PURPOSE, aa .
to an Election, might
(iva 7) Kar* cKXoyTjVTrpodecrisrov 8eov /xez>??, abide,—-not from Works,
(so that the aecording to an election purpose oftheGodmightabide, but from H I M who CALLS ;)
OVK e£ €pycav9 aXX* €K rov KaXovvros,) 12 epprj- 12 it was said to her,
not from works, but from the one calling,) it was X" The SUPERIOR shall
6T) avrrj' 'On 6 fieifav SovAeutm rep zXacrvovr " be subject to the I N F E -
jaidtoher; That the greater shall be subjectto the lesser: RIOR;"


t 3. Exod. xxxii. 82. % 4. Exod. iv. 22; Deut. xiv. 1; Jer. xxxi. 9. 1 4 . Acta
AL 25. X 4. Acts xxvi. 6. J 5. Luke iii. 23. X 6. John vhi. 89; Rom. n.
!8,29;iv.l2,16; Gal. vi. 16. 1 7- Gen.xxi. 12; Heb-xi.18. t 8. Gal. iv. 28.
\ 0. Gen. xviii. 10,14. J 10. Gen. xxv. 21. t 12. Gen. xxv. 23.
Chap. 9 ; 13.J ROMANS. [Olmp. 9 : 23.

18 13 even as i t has been

Ka8(a$ yeyparrrar Tov IaKoc/3 yycnrrjcra, TOP
as ifchas been written; The Jacob Iloved, the written, J " J A C O B I loved,
14 " b u t E S A U I hated."
5e Htfav efiio"r](ra. T t ovp epovfxep; /x->j adi-
14 "What shall we say
but Esau I hated. What then shall \ve sayP not injus-
t h e n ? I B n o t Injustice
Kia irapa ra> Oecp ; MTJ yepoiro. Tcp yap with G O D ? B y no means.
tice with the God? Not let it be. To the for 15 lor to MOSES hq
Moovcrri Xeyei' dp ap eAetw, Kai GIK- says, % " I will pity whom
MoBes he says; I will pity . whom I should pity, and I will " I should pity, and I will
" compassionate whom J
T€ip7)(TCt) OP aP OlKT£ip(tio Apa OVV OV TOV " should compassionate."
compassionatewhom I should compassionate. So then cot of the
16 So, then, it is n o t oi
®e\oPTOs9 Qvde TOV Tp^xopres9 aXXa TOV eA.e- t h e o n e W I L L I N G , nor oj
one willing, nor of the one running, but of the
pity- t h e one R U N N I N G , b u t oi
OVVTOS Oeov. ^ Aeyei yap 7} ypa<p7) Tcp 4?apaco' G O D w h o P I T I E S .
ing God. Says for the writing to the Pharaoh; 17 Besides, t h e SCRIP*
T U B E says t o P H A R A O H ,
' O n ets CLVTO TOVTO efyyeipa <re, oircos ep<$e*|&>- t " For t h i s very purpose
That for same this I raised up thee, that I might " f l raised thee u p , thai
fxai €p cot Tr\v Bvua/jLLp fiovy Kai oircos diayyeXy " I m a y exhibit i n thee
show in $iee the power of me, and that may be declared " m y P O W E R , a n d t h a t my
" N A M E m a y be declared!
18 A p a ovv bv
TO ovojxa fxov €V iracrr) TV? yy. " i n All t h e E A R T H . "
the name of me in all the earth. So then whom 18 So, then, whom he
6€\ei, eAeer OP 8e, ffKXrjpvpei. ^'EpQis pleases, h e pities, an<j
he wills, he pitieB; whom and he wills, he hardens. Thou vriit say whom h e pleases, h e hard-
OVP fiof T t 6Tt fxe/jLcpeTai ; Top ^\jyap~\ fiovXf}- 19 T h o u wilt then saj
then tome; Why Btill does he find fault? to the [for] will to m e ; " W h y does h«
f*aTi VLVTOV TLS apOecTTTjKS ; ^Mepovpye, w av- still find fault? for whe
ofhim who has been opposed? But indeed, O man, h a s resisted his W I L L ?'-*
dpOOTTC, (TV TLS 6 1 , 5 aVTCLTTOKptVOfXEVOS T(p Gecp ; SO B u t indeed, 0 M a n
thou who art, the one answering again t o t h e G o d P who a r t t h o u R E P L Y I N G
against G O D ? J Shall th<
Mr] epei TO irXao'/ma T(p irXao'avTi' T t /ue
T H I N G F O R M E D say to it»
Not shall say the thing formed to theoae having formed; Wliy me
M A K E R , " W h y didst t h o i
ewoirjO'as OVTCOS ; H OVK *X€l *%ovo"iap 6 tcepa- make m e t h u s ? "
madestthou thusP Or not has
potter authority the
21 Or has not t h e % POT.
/*evs TOV TTTJXOV, etc TOV avTov <pvpa/naTos
TTOIT}- T E R Authority over th<
ofthe clay, out of the same mixture
t o make CLAY, o u t of t h e S A M J
0~ai, 6 JUL€P CIS TlfXTJP CTKCVOS, 6 § 6 CIS aTlfXtap; Mixture t o make % On*
this indeed for honor a vessel, that and for dishonor? Vessel for Honor, and Ano-
22 ther for Dishonor P
Ei 8e BeXcop 6 dtos spdeij-acrOai ryp opyrjp,
It but wishing the God to show the wrath,
22 B u t if G O D , wishing
to exhibit his INDIGNA
Kai yvcapicrai TO SwaTOP avTov^ r}PeyK€p ev T I O N , a n d to m a k e k n o w i
and make known the power of himself, bore in h i s P O W E R , did carry w i t l
TroXXy [AanpoOv/jLiy ffKzvt] opy7]S KaTypTifffispa with Much Longsufferinj
much long-suffering vessels of wrath having been fitted % t h e Vessels of Wrath
j fitted for Destruction j
€is aircoXeiav Kai iva. ypoopicry TOP TTXOV
23 a n d that h e mighl
for destruction; and that hemight make known the wealth
make known $ t h e R I C H E S
TOP T7JS 8o%7]S O.VT0V €7TL 0~K€V7) eAeOUS, OL of h i s GLORY on t h e Ves.
of the glory of himself on vessels of mercy, which sels of Mercy, which wor


i 17. I n the Hebrew, the words addressed to Pharaoh literally signify, " I have mada
thee to stand;" accordingly, they are translated hy the LXX, " F o r the sake of this,"
namely, of showing1 my power, "thou hast been preserved." The apostle's translation o\
this passage, " For this very purpose I raised thee up," does not alter its meaning.—Macknight,
% 13. Mai. i. 2, 3. t 15. Exod. xxxiii. 19. J 17. Exod. ix. 19. t 20. Isa. xxix.
16; xlv. 9 ; lxiv. 8. t 21. Prov. xvi. 4; Jer. xviii. 6. I 21. 2 Tim. ii. 20.
I 22.1 Thess. v. 9. X 22. 1 Pet. i i . 8 ; Jude 4. I 23. Rom. ii. 4 ; Eph. i. 7\ Col. i.27.
Chap. 91 2 4 ] ROMANS. [Chap. 9 : 33.

trporfTOifxao'^v eis <5o£cw ovs Kai €KaXecrev % previously prepared foi
were previously prepaid for glory; whom even
he called Glory;
24 even us, whom he
yftas, Ov fxovov €£Ioi>5cuco/>, aXXa Kai e | eOpoow called, not only from the
us, not only from of Jews, but also from of Gentiles; Jews, but ^Iso from the
cos Kai ev r<p 'tierce Xeyei' KaAecrco rou ov Gentiles 5
as also in the Hosea he says; I will call that not 25 as also he says by
HOSEA, % " I will call
Xaov fiov, Xaov JJLOV Kai ri\v OVK rjyairri/Aeprji', " TKAT-which was not my
apeople of ine, a people of me; and her not beloyed, " People,' my People,' and
"IIEB, who was not be-
f]yaTV7]ix€Vi]v. Kai €(TTCU3 ep rep roirca ov
ep- "loved, 'beloved;'
beloved. And it shall be, in the
place where it 26 % " and it shall be, in
" the PLA CE where it was
^7}6T} *[at»Tois*] Ov Xaos [iov i/fiets, €Kei KXT]- "said, '29ou are not my
Tf as said [to them;] Not a people of mo you, there they "People, 5 there they shall

Orjo'oprai vloi 6eov £COJ/TOS. ^ Htrcaas 5e ttpa- " b e called Sons of theliv-
shall be called sons of God living. Esaias but cries
i n g God."
27 But Isaiah cries on
£et virep rov la'payX' Kap tr\ 6 apiBfxos reap behalf of ISRAEL, % " If the
on behalf of the Israel; If should be the number of the " NUMBEE Of t h e SONS of
vloov l(rpar)X CDS 7} afjLfios T7]s 6aXacro~ris, TO "Israel should be as the
eons of Israel as the sand of the sea, the " S A N D of the SEA, J the
28 " E E M N A N T only shall be
KaTaXeiijLfia croodiqcrcrai. Aoyop yap o~vpre- " saved.
remnant shall be saved. An account for he is finish-
28 " F o r *he is fmish-
Xcav Kai crvvrefxvwv CP diKaioavpy on Xoyov "ing and cutting short his
Sng and cutting short in righteousness; because an account "Account in Righteous-
" n e s s ; J Because the Lord
crvprer/ULrjfiepop TroLTjo'ei tcvpios eiri rrjs yrjs. " will perform a brief "Work
having been cut short will make a Lord on the earth. "upon the L A N D . "
Kai Kadcos irpoetprjKGP Htrouas* Ei fxrj Kvpios 29 And, as Isaiah pre-
And as before said Esaias; If not Lord viously said, % " If the
"Lord of Hosts had not
ffafiawQ eyKareXnrep Tjfxip o-nspfxa, cos 2o5o/xa "left us a Seed, $we
of hosts left to us a seed, aa Sodom
"should have become as
av eyewqOrjfJLev, Kai cos To/noppa av wfJLOicaOr)-" Sodom, and should have
W« should have become, and as Gomorrah we should have been " resembled Gomorrah."
jU€i/. 30
Tf ovu epovfxev; ' O n cOurj T « fir) say? 30 What then shall w e '
made like. "What then shall we say? That Gentiles those not
That THOSE Gentiles
not PURSUING Righteous-
SieoKOpra ?>iKaioo'vpr)Pi KareXafie 8iKaioo~vpr]P, ness, laid hold on Righte-
pursuing righteousness, laid hold on righteousness, ousness, JevenTH AT Right-
eousness from Faith;
diKaioo'vpyju fie rr)V €K mcrrecas' lcrparjX 5e
a righteousness even that from faith 5 Israel but 31 but Israel % pursuing
a Law of Righteousness,
diwKcav vofiov *[diKaioo"vvris,~\ €is vo/xov §i- attained not a Law of
pursuing a law [of righteousness,] to a law o, Righteousness.
Kaio<Tvvt]S OVK €(pdao"€. 32
Atari ; 'On OVK CK 32 Why? Because they
righteousness not attained. Why? Because not from pursued it, not from Faith,
but as attainable from
Trio'recos, aXXy &s e£ epyoop *\VOJJLOV.~\ Upocr- Works of Law. For J they
faith, but as i t were from, works [of law.] They struck against the STONK
eKotyav yap rca Xi6(p rov irpoo'KojJLfxaros' ^ Ka~
•truck against for the stone of the stumbling; even 33 as it is written*

* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 6 . t o them—omit. 28. finishing a n d . c u t t i a g s h o r t , t h e L O R D

will m a k e a R e c k o n i n g ' o n t h e E A R T H . 31. of Righteousness—omit. 32. of Ijaw—omit.
t 23. R o m . v i i i . 28—80. t 25. H o s h e a i i . 2 3 ; 1 P e t . i i . 10. J 26. Hosea i. 10.
1 27. I s a . x. 22, 23. j 2?. R o m . xi. 5. X 28. I s a . xxviii. 22. % 29. I s a . i . 9.
I 30. R o m . i v . 11 j x.20. 80. R o m . i . l f . , Sl.Rom.xi.7. t 82. L u k e i i . 8 4 ; i C o r . i- *&
Chap. 1 0 : 1.] ROMANS. lOhap. 10: 9.

00)$ ycypairrai' iSou, riQyjjxi CV Sicoy XiBov J "Behold, I place in Zion,

is i t hag been written; Lo, 1 place in Sion astone " a Stone of stumbling,
vpoaKofxixaroSf Kai ircrpav cntavdaXov tcai 7ras " and a Rock of Offence •
of stumbling, and a rock of offence; and every one " X and yet no one RELY-
6 Tnarevecv or' avrcp, OVKUTaiarxwyo'erai.- I N G on it shall he dis-
the relying on it, not shall be disappointed.
" appointed."
KE"f». i'. 1 0 . ASeA^oi, r\ fxcv cvfioKia rys CHAPTER X.
Brethren, the indeed good-will of the 1 Indeed, Brethren, the
c/xrjs Kapdias, KCLL 7) Berjcris * [ T / ] npos rov t?eoi/, and THAT PRAYER 1 offer
my heaort, and the prayer [that] to the God,
to GOD on their behalf is,
virtp avrecv as oroorripiaVe ^Maprvpca yap for their Salvation.
en behalf of them for salvation. I testify for 2 "For I testify to them,
avroLs, on fy\Xov 6cov exovcriv, aXX* ov tear* That they possess % a Zeal
to them,' that a soal for God they have, but not according to for God, but not according
crriyveco'iv* 3
Ayvoovvrcs yap rr\v rov dzov $i- to Knowledge.
knowledge. Being ignorant for the of the God right- 3 For being ignorant of
KaiocrvvTjVy Kai rrjv ibiav farovvrcs crrrio'ai, ry GOD, and seeking to es-
eousaeaB, and t h e own seeking to establish, to the
tablish % their OWN, they
SiKaiocrvvr) rov 6cov ovx vircrayrjn'av. were not submissive to the
righteousness of the God not they were brought under. RIGHTEOUSNESS of GOD ;
^TcXos yap vofiov Xpurros, cis diKaioo'vpyjv 4 since J Christ is the
An end for oflaw Anointed, for righteousness End of the Law for Right-
ft eousness to every one BE»
iravri rep irLcrrevovri. Moov<rr]S yap ypaepci LIEVING.
to every one to the believing. Moses for writes
5 For Moses writes of
rr\v hiKato(Tvvr\v rt\v SK rov vofiov 'On 6 iroirj- THAT RIGHTEOUSNESS
the righteousness that from the law; That the having which is from the *Law,
jas avra av6pa7ros, Qricrzrai cv avrois. 'H t " That the MAN P E E -
<2one these things man, shall live in them. The " FORMING these things
<5e CK iricrrcecs SiKaiocrvvr) ovreo Xeyci" M77 " shall live by them."
but from faith righteousness thus speaks; Not 6 But t h e RIGHTEOUS-
NESS from
I'aith thus
enrrjs cv rrj Kapdia (rov Tis avafi-qtrcrai speaks ;—" Say not in
thou mayest say in t h e heart of thee; Who shall ascend "thine HEART, J "Who shall
cis rov ovpavov; rovr3 ccrri, Xpicrrov fcarayayeiv. "ascend into H E A V E N ? "
into the heaven? this is, an Anointed to lead down. that is, to bring Christ
^H" Tis Karaftycrerai cis rt]V afivcrarov; rovr* down;
Or; Who ghallgodowu into the abyss? this 7 or, J " W h o shall de-
€0*Ti, Xpiffrov CK vcKpeov avayayciv. 8
AAAa " scend intc-tthe ABYS-S ?'
is, an Anonted out of dead onco to lead back. But that is, to bring back
Christ from the Dead.
ri Xeyci; JLyyvs crov T O pf]\xa ccrrtv, cv rep 8 But what does it say ?
what says i t ? Near thee the word is, in the X " The WORD is near thee,
arofxari crov, Kai cv rr) tcapdia crov TOUT' ccrri, " i n thy MOUTH, and in thy
mouth of thee, and in the heart of thee; this is, "HEART;" that is, the
TO pr}jxa rrjs rvicrrceas 6 Kypvorcro/jLcv 9 6ri, cay WORD of EAITH which we
the word of the faith which we publish; that, if publish;
dfxoXoyr)0~r)s cv rep arofxari crov Kvpiov Irjerovv, * openly 9 that, % if thou wilt
thou wilt confess with the mouth of thee Lord Jesus,
confess with thy
MOUTH That J esus is Lord,
Kai iricrrevcrrjs cv rr) napdia erov, on 6 Ocos av- and wilt believe with thy
and thou wilt believe in t h e heart of thee, that the God him HEART That GOD raised
TOJ> yycipcv CK vcKpecVy o"0)dr)O"p. 10 (KapSia Him from the Dead, thou
raised out of dead ones, thou shalt be saved. (In heart Bhalt be saved.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. that—omit. 5. Law. 9. openly confess the BECLAHA.

TION with thy MOUTH That J esus is the Lord, and wilt believe.
t 33. Psa. cxviii. 22 ; Isa. viii. 14 ; xxviii. 16; Matt. xxi. 42 ; 1 Pet. ii. 6—8. J 88. Rom.
s.. U . I 2. Acts xxi. 20; xxii. S; Gal. i. 14; iv. 17. . I 3. Rom. i. 17; ix. «o
X 3. Phil. iii. 9. % 4. Matt. v. 17; Gal. iii. 12. % 5. Lev. xviii. 6; Neh. ix. 2fJ;
Ezek. xx. 11; xiii. 2 1 ; Gal. iii. 12. J 6. Deut. xxx. 12. $ 7. Deut. xxx 15
J 8. Deut. xxx. 14. t 9. Matt. x. 32; Luke xii. 3.
Chap. 1 0 : 10.] ROMANS. [Chap. 1 0 : 19.

yap irio'reverai eis diKaioo'vi/riv crojuari Se 10 For with the Heurf

for it is believed for righteousness; with, mouth and it is believed for Righte-
ll ousness, and with the
bp.oXoyeirai eis ff<arr\piav?) Aeyet yap 7} Mouth it is confessed for
i t is confessed for salvation.) Says for the
ypa(f>7}' Has 6 iricrrevcev eif avrcp, ov Karaior- 11 Hence the SCRIP-
writing; Every one the believing on him, not shall be TURE Says, % " EVERY ONE
XvvOrja'erai. 12
Ov yap eo'ri SiacrroXr] lovdai- " B E L I E V I N G on him shall
ashamed. Not for is a distinction of Jew "not be ashamed."
12 J P o r there is no
ov re nai 'EAAT/VOS* 6 yap avros itvpios ivav- Distinction either of Jew
both, and of Greek; the for same Lord of or of Greek; since the
rcov, irXovroov eis iravras rovs eTriKaXovjxevovs SAME Lord of all is rich
all, being rich towards all those calling upon towards ALL THOSE CALL-
avrov. l i a s yap 6s av eiriKaXecrrirai ro ovo- IN G upon him.

him. Every one for who may call on the name 13 % For " every one
" who may invoice the
[ia KvpLov, (Toodyjo'erai. Titos' ovv eiriKaXeaov- " NAME of the Lord shall
of Lord, shall be saved. How then shall they call on, " b e saved."
rai, eis ov OVK eirifrrevcrav; iroos 8e ina'rev- 14 How then shall they
into whom not they believed P how and shall they call on him into whom
they did not believe ? And
crovcriVf ov OVK rjKovctaj/; TTCCS 5e aKovcrovo'i how shall they believe,
believe, where not they heard? how and shall they hear
where they did not hear ?
Xwpis icrjpvo'o'ovros ; 15 rices' 5e Krjpv^ova'ip, eav And how shall they hear
without one proclaiming P How and shall they proclaim, if without one proclaiming ?
(XT) airocraXooo'i; KaOcos yeypairrar 'D,s copaioi 15 And how shall they
not they should be sent? as it has been written; How beautiful proclaim if they should not
ol Tropes roov evayyeXi^op^evcav ^^eiprivrjv, r<av be sent ? as it has been
written, % " How beautiful
the feet of those announcing glad tidings [of peace, of those
" the F E E T of THOSE PRO-
tvayye\i(oiiev(i)v ra] ayada. AAA* ov " CLAIMING GLAD T I D -
announcing glad tidings the things] good. But not " I N G S of Good things!"
travres virr)KQVGav rep evayyeXico. Koraias yap 16 But all did not obey
all obeyed the glad tidings. Esaias for the GLAD TIDINGS; for
Isaiah says, J "Lord, who
keyer Kvpie, ris eirio'revo'e ry atcorj THJLCCV ;"believed our REPORT ?**
says; O Lord, who believed the hearing ofusP
17 So then FAITH comes
(Apa 7} -Kiaris e£ aKorjS' r) 5e aKorj Sia prifxa- from a Report, and the
(Then the faith from hearing; the and hearing through a word REPORT through the Word
ros deov.) 18
AAAa Xeycc Mr} OVK rjKovo'av; of* God.
of God.) But I Bay; Not not they heard? 18 But I say, Did they
Wievovvye eis iraaav rrjy yrjp e£eXdep 6 (pdoyyos % "their not hear? Yes, indeed;
SOUND went out
Yes indeed into all the earth went out the sound
"into all the LAND, and
avrcopf Kai eis ra nvepara rrjs oiKovfxevr}s ra " t h e i r W O R D S to the EX-
of them, and into the ends of the inhabited earth the " TREMITIES of the HABI*
19 " TABLE."
prj/jiara avrwv. AAAa Aeyar M77 IcrparjX OVK
words of them. But I say; Not Israel not 19 But I say, Did not
eyvca; Tlpcoros Moovcrrjs Xeyei' JLyoo irapafyXoo- Israel know ? First Moses
knew? First Mosea I will provoke to 3eal- says, %" IE will provoke
"you to jealousy by that
aco ifxas e-K OVK eOpei, eiri edvei acrvvercp "whichis no Nation; by
•usy you by not a nation, by a nation unenlightened " an unenlightened Nation
irapopyico v/xas. 20 Hcraias Se aTroroXfAa, " I will provoke you to an-
1 will provoke to anger you. Isaiah but is very bold, "ger."

* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 5 . even a s . 15. of P e a c e , of T H O S E A N N O U N C I N G GLAD

TIDINGS—omit. 17. Christ.
J 11. I s a . x x v i i i . 16; xlix. 2 3 ; J e r . xvii. 7 ; R o m . i x . 33. J 12. A c t s xv. 9 ; E o m . i i i .
22 ; Gal. i i i . 28. I 13. J o e l i i . 22; Acts i i . 2 1 ; A c t s i x . 14. J 15. Isa. Iii. 7 ; N a h u m
i. 15. t 16. Kora. i i i . 3 ; H e b . iv. 2. t 16. I s a . liii. 1 ; J o h n x i i . 38. % 18. P s a .
xix. 4 ; M a t t . xxiv. 14; xxviii. 19; M a r k xvi. 1 5 ; Col,, i. 6, 28. * £ 19. D e u t . x x x i i . 21 jj
Bom, x i . l l . •• •' ' ' ' :
Cliap. 10; 30.]
ROMANS. [Cfcop. 11« 7„

Kai \ e y e t ' EvpeOyv TOIS e^ue ^ QT]TOVO1IV9 e/n- 20 Besides, Isaiah, is

and says; I was found by those me not seeking, mani- very bold, and says, J " I
" was found * by THOSE
(pavrjs tyevofiev TOIS e^ue ^,77 eirepcoTcoo'io "who did not SEEK me; I
fest ' \ became to those me not asking. "was made manifest to
Upos 5e TOV IcparjX Xeyer Tt)V 7)fM€- " THOSE who did not ASK
In respect to but the Israel he Bays;
the day "for me."
21 But in respect to I S -
pav e^TT€ra(Ta ras x€LPas lJ-0V Trpos KOLOV atrei- RAEL he says, % " The
I stretched out the hands of me to a people dis- "whole DAY I stretched
Qovvra Kai avriXeyovra. KE<f>. ictf. 1 1 . Aeycu " o u t my HANDS to a dis-
obeying and contradicting. I say " obedient and contradict-
"ing People."
ovv M77 a/Kcacra/ro 6 deos TOV Xaov avrov; M77
then; Not did put away the God the people of himself? Not CHAPTER XI.
yevoiro' Kai yap eycc lo'parjXiTTjs eifxi, €K o"irzp- put1 Iaway say then, J Did GOD
his own PEO-
letitbe; even for 1 am. Israelite lam, of seed
PLE? By no means; for
fiaros Aftpaa/j., cpvXrjs OVK airw- even J I am an Israelite
ofAbraam, of tribe of Benjamin. Not did put of the Seed of Abraham,
of the Tribe of Benjamin.
craro 6 6GOS TOV Xaov avrov, bv irpoeyvoo. H 2 GOD has not put away
away the God the people of himself, whom he before knew. Or his PEOPLE whom he for-
merly acknowledged. Do
OVK 0L$aT€, cv HXia TI Xeyei TJ ypa<pr] ; cos you not know what the
Bot know you, in Elijah what says the writing? as SCRIPTURE says in [tho

sVTvyx&v^ TOJ dew Kara TOV IcpaTjX- Kup£e, history of] Elijah, how he

he complains to the God against the Israel; O Lord, complains to GOD against
Tm*ipl p. -i
TOVS irpocprjTas o"ov aireKTzivav, 8 J " 0 Lord, they killed
*\_Kai~\ TCC
the prophets of thee they killed, " thy PROPHETS ; they
[and] the
"dug down thy ALTARS;
dvcriacrTTjpia o~ov KaTzo'Katyev Kayoo vireXeKpdrjv " and 5 was left alone;
altars of thee they dug down; and I was left "and they are seeking my
J 0V 4 1
fxovoSf Kai frrovo'i TTJV "tyvxyv f - > AXXa TI " L I F E . '
alone, and they are seeking the life of me. But what 4 But what riays the
Xeyei avTcp b xpVftaTio'fjios ; KaT€Xnrov e/xavTcp %"I reserved for myself
sayu to him the divine oracle ? I left to myself
" Seven thousand Men,
eirTaKto'x^ s lov
avfipas, OITIVGS OVK €Ka/j,\pav " who bent not a Knee to
" BAAL."
Beven thousand men, who not bent
5 5 J And in like manner,
yovv TT) BaaXo Ovrcos ovv Kai ev rep vvv Kai- therefore, at the PRESENT
& knee to the Baal. Thus then even in the present sea- Time, there is a Remnant

pq> Xeifx/iia /car* eKXoyrjv xaPiros ytyovev. according to an Election

son a remnant according to an election of favor has been made.
of Eavor.
6 - B u t J if by Eavor,
Ei 5e xaPLTLi OVK€TI e£ epyeov €7rei 7} XaPls no longer from Works;
If but by favor, no longer from works; otherwise the favor otherwise the FAVOR i%
a ls no longer a Favor.
OVK€TL yivtTai xP ' T* ovv; 'O eTTi^ret
n» longer is favor. "What then? What seeks 7 What then? The thing
J Israel earnestly seeks,
lo'parjX, TOVTO OVK eireTvx^v, r) 5e eKXoyr) eire- thtg he did not obtain;
Israel, thia not he obtained, the but chosen ob- but the CHOSEN obtained

* VATICAN MAWU8CBIPT.—20. among THOSE who did not SEEK Me; I became manifest
among THOSE who. 3. and—omit. 6. But if by Favor, no longer from Works;
otherwise FA VOK is made no longer Favor. But if from Works, no longer Favor; other-
wise WORK is no longer Favor.
t 20. Isa, lxv. 1 ; Rom. ix. 30. % 21. Isa. lxv. 2. J 1. 1 Sam. xii. 22; Jer. xxxi.
87 X 1. 2 Cor. xi. 12 ; Phil. iii. 5. J 3. 1 Kings xix. 10,14. J 4. 1 Kings xix. 1$.
I $. Rem. ix. 27- t 6. Rom. iv. 4 , 5 ; Gal. v. 4 J 7- Rom.ix. 81; x. $•
map. lis 8J( ROMANS* i&uv. ittll
8 it, and the REST wen*
TVX*V ol 8e Aofjrot tiroopooOrjo'av, (KC.0<WS
tained; the and remaining ones were hardened, (as blinded;—
yeypairrai' EScortey avrots 6 deos irvev/ma Kara- 8 as it has been writ-
£t haa been written; Gare to them the God a spirit of deep
ten, % " GOD gave to them
" a Spirit of Stupor, Eyes
vvj^eoos, 0(j)6a\fM0vs rov fxr) fiXcTrciv, Kat oora " that they should not SEE,
sleep, eyes of the not to see, and ears "and Ears that they
rov /XT] aKovetv,) ecus T7?s o"7)/j,€pov rjfxepas. " should not H E A R / ' —
of the not to hear,) till the to-day day. till T H I S very Day. 1
9 9 and David says, £ "Let
Kat Aavtd Ae-yer Tevrjdrjroo r) rpane^a avroov
And David says; Let be made the table of them "their TABLE become a
eis Trayifia, Kat eis Orjpav Kat eis o~Kav$aXov, Kat "Snare, " a
and a Trap, and
Stumbling-block, and
into a snare, and into a trap and into aatnmbling-block, and
lQ " a Recompense to them;
eis avrairodo/jia avrots' crKoricrOrfrcoarav ol 10 " l e t their EYES be
into arecompence to them; let be darkened the "darkened so as not to
otyQaXiioi avroov, rov fir] fiXeireiv Kat rov vca- " S E E , and bow down their
eyea of them, of the not to see; and the back " BACK continually. '*
rov avroov htairavros (TvyKajx^ov. 11 I say then, Did they
Aeyoo ovv
of them always bow down. stumble that they might
I say then;
fall ? By no means; but
Mr] €Trraio~av, Iva Tre-rrcco'i; Mrjyevoiro* aXXa X by THEIR Eall the NA-
Not didtheystumble.sothattheymightfall? Not l e t i t b e ; but
rep avroov irapairrcofiart T) o'oorrjpia rois eOvecrtv, in order to excite them to
by the of them fall the salvation to the nations, EMULATION.
eis ro irapa^rjXoocrai avrovs. E* 8e ro 12 But if their EALL is
in order that t o excite to emulation them. the Wealth of the World,
If but the
irapairroofia avroov irXovros KOO'/XOV, Kat ro and their FAILURE the
fall efthem wealth of a world, and the Wealth of the Gentiles,
how much more will their
Tjrrrjfxa avroov irXovros edvoov irocrcp fxaXXov full acceptance be ?
failure of them wealth of nations; how much more 13 *And I speak to
ro TrXrjpoofxa avroov : You, GENTILES ; (there-
the full acceptance of them? fore, indeed, inasmuch as
"Tfiiv yap Xsyo) rois eOvetfiv eft ocrov \i<cv 5Gentiles, am X an Apostle of the
I shall honor my
To you for I speak t h e Gentiles; in ac much indeed
ctjiii 67a) sOvoov aTrorTToAoSg rt\v tiaKovtav fiov
14 if possibly I may' ex-
am I ofGentilea an apostle, the service
cite My KINDRED of me
to emu-
ma save
So£oc£c0, 14 enrces irapa^rjXooo'ca jxov rt]V capita, lation, and X y
I shall glorify, if possibly I may excite to emulation of me the flesh, some from among them.
Kai o~ooo~(a rivas e£ avroov0 15 Ei yap 7} atro- 15 Eor if their REJEC-
and I may save some from of them. If for the casting TION be the Reconcilia-
tion of the World, what
fioXr) avroov KaraXXayy KOO~IHOV ris r) irpoo*- is their RECEPTION, if not
off of them a reconciliation ©fa world; what the receiv_ Life from the Dead ? '
• Xrjtyts, ei p.yj far) €K veKpoov; 16 Ei 5e 7) airapxv 16 And if J the EIRST-
ing, if not life out of dead ones? If and the first-fruit ERUIT be holy, so also the
M A S S ; and if the ROOT
ayta, Kai ro (pvpaLia* Kai ei 7) pife ayta, Kat ot be holy, so also the
holy, also the mixture; and if the root h')ly, also the
/cAaSot. ^ Ei Se rives roov KXadoov <£eKXao,6r}-
17 But if X some of the
branohes. If but some of the branches were broken
were broken BRANCHES
o~av, ffv de aypieXaios oov eveKevrpicr6r]s ev oif, X a n d thou being a
off, thou and a wild olive being wast ingrafted instead of Wild olive wast ingrafted
avrots, Kai Gvynoivoovos rrjs pi^rfs Kai rrjs irio- instead of them, and didst
them, and a partaker of the root and of the fat- become a Partaker of the

. * VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—13. And I speak to Tou, GENTILES ; therefore indeed inas-

t 8. Isa. xxix. 10. t 9- Psa. lxix. 22, 23. % 11. Acts xiii. 46; xviii. 6; xxii. 18.
21; xxviii. 24, 28. t 13. Acts ix. 15; xiii. 2 ; xxii. 21; Rom. x v. 16; Gal. i. 16; ii. 2, 7—9;
Eph. iii. 8; 1 Tim. ii. 7; 2 Tim. i. 11. J 14. 1 Cor. vii. 16; ix. 22 ; 1 Tim. iv. 16; Jara«8
V. 20. \ 16. Lev. xxiii. 10-, Num. xv. 18—21. J 17. Jer. xi. 16. i 17. Acts ii. 89,'
tfkap. 1 1 ; 18.] l&ha>p.\\\ U.
T7]TOS TT}S eXaias cycvov, 18
/JLT] KaraKavxoo BOOT and EATNESS of tho
nesa of the olive thou didst become, not do thou boast OLIVE;
18 t do not boast against
TOJV KXaSoov €i 5e ttaraKavxaffai, ov &v Tf\v the BRANCHES; but it
of the branches; if but thou dost boast, n o t thou, the
thou dost exult ever them,
fii^av fiao-rafcis aXX' 7) pi£a o"e. Epeis ovv tfiou dost not sustain the
root sustainest but the root thee. Thou wilt say then; BOOT, but the BOOT thee.
'E^eKXao'Orjo'ap KAaSot, Iva eyta 19 Thou wilt say then.
Were broken oif branches, so that I "The Branches were bro-
might be grafted in.
ken off, so that £ might ba
*°l£aXa>s* rrj amo'Tia et-etcXao'OTjo'av, trv 5e grafted in."
True; by the unbelief they were broken off, thou and
20 T r u e ; they were
rrj irKrrei eTT^/cas* fitfj v\l/7]\o<ppov€Lt aXXa broken off by U N B E L I E P ,
by the faith hast been standing; not he high-minded, but and tfiou hast been estab-
tpofiov. 21
Et yap 5 6eos TOOV Kara <pv<riv lished by FAITH. % Be
jfear. If for t h e God those according t o nature not haughty, but J fear;
21 for if GOD spared not
Khabow OVK e(})€i(TaTO, fir)TroDS ot»5e tfov (jyeio'e-the NATURAL Branches,
ftranches not spared, not even thee will he *he may not even spare

rcu. 22
15e ovv xP l 7 crr0T Ta
V ' Kai
airoro/iiav Thee.
spare. See then kindness and severity 22 Behold, then, the
Qeow €7ri fitv rovs TT€(Touras, airoro/juap' eiri Kindness and the Severity
of God; towardaindeed those having fallen, seyerity; towards of God; Severity, indeed,
8e (re, xPyla"rorr\rai €av
eiriixeii/ris TTJ XP7}^' FALLEN, *but the Kind-
bntthee, kindness, if thou shouldst remain in the kind- ness of God towards thee,
rOT7}Tl' 67T61 Kai 0~V €KK0Tr7](Tr]. 23
KaKeLPOL {if thou continue in that
negg; otherwise even thou s h a l t b e c u t off. Also they KINDNESS ; for otherwise
Jtfirju even shalt be cut
Se, sav fir) eiri/'i rrj airicmq, eyKevTpio*- off.
but, if not they should remain in the unbelief, shall be
23 But tfjeg also, % if
Qt\tfovTai* Svvaros yap eo-riv b 6eosiraXiv they continue not in U N -
ingrafted; able for is the God again BELIEF, shall be grafted
cyKevrpio'ai avrovs. 24
EJ yap o'v e«r rrjs i n ; for GOD is able to
to graft them. If for thou out of the graft them in again.
Kara <pvo~w e^eKOTrrjs eypieXaiov, Kai 24 Tor if thou wast
according to nature wast cut off wild olive, and cut off from an Olive, wild
by Nature, and, in violation
ttapa (pvcriu ep€K€urpLo,6r]s eis KaXXieXaiop, of Nature, wast grafted
in violation of nature thou wast ingrafted into a good olive, into a Good olive, how
Tro(Tcp jjiaXXov ovroi ol Kara (pvav, eyicev- much more shall these, the
by how much more these who accordingto nature, shall be Natural branches, be graft-
TpicrOrjo'oi'Tai ry iSios eAa:x. 2 5 Ov yap 6eXo) ed into their OWN Olive ?
ingrafted in the own olive. Not for I wish 25 For, Brethren, that
v/iias ayvoeiv, a5eA^)0f, TO \JiVO~Tf)piav TOVTO, you may not be t con-
you to be ignorant, brethren, the secret this,
ceited with yourselves, I
wish you not to be igno-
(tva jj,7) 7}T€ ivap kavrois <ppovi{Loi)) on Trcapco- rant of this SECRET, That
(that not you may be with yourselves wise,) that hard- {Hardness in some Mea-
cis ct7ro fiepovs TCf} IcpayjX yeyovev, &XPls ou T 0 sure has happened to
ness from apart to the Israel has happened, till the ISRAEL $ till the EULNESS
26 of the G E N T I L E S may
irXypoofxa rcou eOvoop eicreXOy Kai ovrco iras come in.
fulness of the Gentiles may come i n ; and then all

IcrparjX cr<*>6r)o~eTai, KaQoos yeypaTrroA' 'H£ei 26 And then all Israel

Israel shall be saved, as it has been written; Shallcome will be saved, as it has been

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. he may n o t even spare Thee. 22. but the Kindnesf
of God towards thee, if t h o u continue i n t h a t KINDNESS.
t 20. Rom. xii. 16. % 20- Prov. xxvii. 14; Isa. lvi. 2; Phil. ii. 18. t 23. 1 Cor.
xv. 2; Heb.iii. 6,14. t 22. John xv. 2. J 23. 2 Cor. iii. 16. 1 25. Rom, xii
10. X 25. ver. 7; 2 Cor. iii. 14. $ 25. Luke xxi. 24; Rev. vil. 9.
Chap. 1 1 : '27.] ROMANS. [CRop. \%\ IV

e«: Siojj/ <5 fivofxevos, Kai airocrrpeityei a&efieias written, J " The DELIV-1
out of Sien the deliverer, and ungodliness "EB.EE shall come out of
shall turn away
" Zion, and shall turn
airo laKcafi. ^ Kai avrr} avrois T) trap* epiov " away Ungodliness fronj
from Jacob. And this with them the from me " Jacob •"
StaOriKr), dray atyeX&fjLOi ras afiaprias avrccv. 27 And + " this is tho
covenant, when I may take away the sins of them. " Covenant with them
Kara /xev ro evayyeXiov, ex^poi 5i' vfias' " P R O M ME, when I shall
According to indeedthe glad tidings, enemies on account of you; " take away their S I N S . "
28 I n relation to the
Kara Se rt]V eKXoyrjv, ayawrjroi dia rovs GLAD TIDINGS, indeed,
according to but the election, beloved on account of the they are Enemies on your

Afiera/xeXTjra yap ra xapicrpiara account; hut in regard t&
fathers. Things not to be repented of for the gracious gifts the ELECTION, they are
< % Beloved on account of
Kai 7] KXr/cris rov Oeov. ^ D,o"irep yap v/neis the FATHERS ;
and the calling of the God. As for you
29 because the GRACI-
TTOT6 7] IT € 107] o1 are rep Oew, vvv Se 7]Xe7)07]re rr\OUS GIFTS and CALLING
once disobeyed the God, now but obtained mercy by the of GOD are | not things
to be repented of.
rovrcov aTreiOeiq' 3 l ovrca Kai ovroi vvv 7}TT€I67)-
of these disobedience; thus also these now disobeyed,
30 Besides, as gov
% once disobeyed GOD, but
tray, r<p vjxerepca eXeei iva Kai avroi CXCTJOCOO'I. now obtained mercy by
tn the your mercy that also they may obtain mercy. their Disobedience;
32 31 so also, now, thesb
^vveKXeicre yap 6 deos rovs iravras cis disobeyed, so that then
Shut up for the God the all for
*may obtain mercy Oy
aTT€i6eiav, Iva rovs iravras eXeTjo-T). 3 3 H /3a- YOUR Mercy.
disobedience, so that the all hemight compassionate. O depth 32 For J GOD shut up
60s rrXovrov Kai o~o<pias Kai yvcao'eeos 0€ovo '0,s together ALL for Disobe*
ofwealth and ofwisdom and of knowledge of God. How dience, that he might have
mercy on ALL.
ave^epevvTjra ra Kpip.ara avrov, Kai ave£ix~ 33 0 the Depth of t h b
unsearchable the judgments of him, and untrace- Biches and Wisdom and
viacrroi at odoi avrov. ^Tis yap eyvoo vow Knowledge of God! % How
able the ways of him. Who for knew mind unsearchable his JUDG-
MENTS, and % untraceable
Kvpiov; 7} ris o'vp.fiovXos avrov eyevero; 35 1\ his WAYS !
of Lord? or who a counsellor of him became? or
34 % For who knew the
ris irpoeSooKev avrcc, Kai
avraTroSoOrjcrercii Mind of the Lord ? or
who first gave to him, and it shall be given in return who was his Counsellor?
avrtp; 3 6 'On e£ avrov, Kai SY avrov, Kai eis 35 or X who first gave to
to him ? Because out of him, and through him, and fot him, and it shall be given
avrov ra Travra' avrcp 7) So^a eis rovs aioovas. to him again ?
him the things all; to him the glory for the ages. 36 X Because out of him,
and through him, and for
So be it.
him, are ALL things. To
him be the GLORY for the
KE$. i&'. 1 2 . AGES. Amen.
UapaKaXo) ovv iifxas, afieXcpoi, dta rcov
I entreat therefore you, brethren, through the 1 I entreat you, there-
fore, Brethren, by the
oiKripfjicov rov Oeov, irapaar^crai ra Cgoofxara TENDER COMPAfiSIONS ot
tesider compassions of the God, to present the bodiffO
GOD, to present; your J BU-
vpiwv dvcriav facrav, ayiav, evapecrrov r<p deep, S I E S a living Sacrifice,
of you a sacrifice living, holy, well-pleasing to the God, holy, well-pleaaing to GOD
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—31. may now obtain mercy.
t 26. Isa. l i s . 20. See Psa. xiv. 7. J 27. Isa. xxvii. 9 ; Jer. xxxi. 31~-S4; Heb. viii
8; x. 16. I 28. Daut. vii. 8; ix. 5 ; x. 15. J 29. Num. xxiii. 19. J 30. Eph,
ii. 2 ; Col. iii. 7. i 32. Eom. iii. 9; Gal. iii. 22. % 33. Psa. xxxvi. 6. t 33. Jofi
Job' 7xxxv.
; Psa.7xcii.
; x l i5..ll. J J34.
36.Job xv. viii.
1 Co*, 8; Isa. xl. 15;
6; CoL Jer. xxiii.X18;
L 10. 1,
I. Rom. ii.13.16,19.
16. + 35
Ghap. 1 2 : 2.] ROMANS. [Chap. 1 2 : 10.

ryv Xoywrjv Xarpeiav v/xeov 2

crvefXH^' —your EATIONAL religious
Kai firj
the rational religious service of you; service.
and not conform your-
2 % And do not conform
ri^eo'Qe rep aiccui rovrep, aXXa (JLera/xopcpovo'de yourselves to this AGE,
•elves to the age this, but transform yourselves X but transform yourselves
ry avaKaivooo~ei rov POOS '*[t'yu«*>,] eis ro by the BE NOVATION ol
by the renovation of the mind [of you,] in order that your MIND, that you may
8oKi/LL<z(eiv b/jias, ri ro OeXrjfJLa rov deov, X ASCERTAIN what is the
to prove you, what the will of the God, the WILL of GOD,—the GOOD,
and well-pleasing, and
ayaOov Kai evajeo'rou Kai reXeiov, Aeyco yap perfect.
good and well-pleasing and perfect. I say for 3 Tor I say, through
THAT FAVOR which has
$ia rrjs yapiros rrjs doOeicrrjs fJLOi, iravri been GIVEN to me, to
through, the favor of that having been given to me, to all
EVERY one among you,
rep ovri V/JUV, eu fjarj vrrepeppoveiv 7rap*
6 J not te think beyond what
to him being among you, not to think above beyond what he ught to think; but to
Set - <f>poveivy aXXa eppoueus CLS ro areaeppoveiv, think so as to be SOBER-
MINDED, as GOD to Each
it behoves to think, but to think in orderthat to be of sound mind,
distributed a Measure of
eKacrrea ws 6 dsos e/xepiere \xerpov mcTreeas, Faith.
to each one as the God divided a measure of faith. 4 For, $just as in One
4 Body we have many Mem-
Ka0cc7rep yap ev evi Goijxari fxeXr] TroXXa € % O - bers, but all the MEMBERS
Just a8 for in one body members many we
have not the SAME Action;
jtA€*/, ra 8e /neXrj tcavra ov rrjv avrrjv €%ei fc so Jvve, the MANY,
have, the but members all not the same has are, One Body in Christ,
Tcpai-iw 5 ouroos ol iroXXoi ev cTcafj-a, ecrfxev evandiND,. IDUALLY Mem-
operation; thua the many one body we are in bers C: each other.
0 I" Now having differ-
Xpifrrep) 6 Se fcafl' els, aXXrjXccv fxzXrj. E%oi/- ent firracious gifts, accord-
Anointed, the but each one, of each other members. Having ing oO THAT PAVOK, Which
res 8e -)(api(T}xara Kara rrjv %apiv rrjv SoOei- is IMPARTED to us;—Jif
but gracious gifts according to the favor that having
Prophecy, speak according
to the ANALOGY of the
cav rjfxiv fiiacpopa" eire trpoeprjreiav, Kara FAITH ;
been given to us of different kinds; if prophets, accordingto
7 or if a Service, per-
rrjv avaXoyiav rrjs mo'recos' ' eire fiiaKoviav, ev form that SERVICE. The
the analogy of the faith; if service, in TEACHEE, in the TEACH-
rrt diaicovia' eire 6 fiib'acrKetiv. €j/rrj BtSacTKaXia'
the service; if the teaching, in the act of teaching; 8 t the EXHORTER, in
eire 6 rrapaKaXovv, ev rrj irapaKXrjo'er 6 fierafti- the DISTRIBUTOR, act with
if the exhorting, in the exhortation;
one Disinterestedness; the
dovs, ev arrXorrjrr 6 rrpoicrrafxevos^ ev enrovdrj' PRESIDENT, with Dili-
(iving, with simplicity; the one presiding, with diligence; gence ; the SYMPATHIZER,
with Cheerfulness.
b eXeeo'v, ev iXaporrjri. ' H ayairr}, avvrroK-
9 J Let LOVE be un-
the one pitying, with cheerfulness. The love, unfeigned;
feigned. Detest the EVIL ;
piros' airoerrvyovvres ro rcovrjpov^ KoXXw/nevoi adhere to the GOOD.
detesting the evil, adhering
10 JWith B R O T H E R L !
r<a ayadep. ry epiXafieXepia, eis aXXrjXovs KINDNESS towards each
to the good; in the brotherly kindness, towards each other other be tenderly affection-
(piXocrropyor rr) rijurj aXXrjXovs Trporjyovfxevoi' ate ; J in HONOE preferring
tender affections; in the honor each other going before; one another.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. of you—omit.

t 2. 1 Pet. i. 14; 1 John ii. 15. t 2. Eph. iv. 23; Col. iii. 10. X 2. Eph. v. 10,
17. t 3. Rom. xi. 20. t 4. 1 Cor. xii. 12; Eph.iv.16. % 5. I C o r . x . 17;
xii. 20, 27 ; Eph. i. 23 ; iv. 25. t 6. 1 Cor. xii. 4; 1 Pet. iv. 10,11.
10, 28; xiii. 2 ; xiv. 1, 6, 29, 31. t 8. 1
Cor. xiv. 3 $ 9 . l T l m . i . 5 . t 6. 1 Cor. xii.
% 10„ 1 Pet, v.5 . J 10. Eeb,
xiiL 1; 1 Pet. i. 22 ; ii. 17 5 iii. 8 ; 2 Pet. i. 7.
Chap. 1 2 : 11 .j ROMANS. [tikap. 13: 1.
T77 0"7T0I/Sj; fJLT] OKPTJpOl' TCp TTPeVfXaTl £tOPT€S' 11 I n DUTY be not sloth-
in t h e industry n o t idle o n e s ; i n t h e spirit ful. I n the S P I E I T be fer-
being fervent;
rep tcatpq) dovXevopres' 12
rrj eA7ri§t ^aipopres' vent, * serving the LOUD.
in t h e season serving; in t h e hope rejoicing; 12 J I n the HOPE be
rr/ dXixpei vTTOjuepopres' ry Trpoffevxy irpocrKap- joyful; J i n AFFLICTION
in t h e affliction being p a t i e n t ; in t h e prayer constantly patient J J in PBAYEE per-
TOOP ayieop KOIPOOPOVP- severing.
l3 eiaLS
repovpres' rcus xP
attending; to the wants of t h e holy ones c o n t r i b u t i n g ; 13 X Contributing to the
res' TT]P (piXo^epiap dtcoKOPres. 14 EuAo'yerre "WANTS O f t h e S A I N T S , — •
t h e kindness t o strangers following. Bless y o u J pursuing HOSIPITALIIY.
14 jBless THOSE who
rovs SLOOKOPTCIS *[_v/nas'~\ evAoyeire,
fxr) PERSECUTE you ; bless
those persecuting [you;3 not bless you, and
15 and curse not.
KarapacrQe. Xaip€ip ficra xcupopTWP, Kai 15 $ Rejoice with the
curse y o u . To rejoice with rejoicing ones, and joyful, and weep with the
tcAaizip /meres, KXaiopToop, 1 6 T o avro sis aXXr)- gorrowful.
t o weep with weeping o n e s . T h a same f o r each other 16 $Be of the SAME

Xovs (ppopovpres' fir) ra v^Xa (ppopovpres, Disposition

other. Regard
towards each
not HIGH
minding; u o t t h e t h i n g s high minding,
things, but conform your-
aAAa rois raTreiPois crvvairayofxtpoi. M77 selves to the lowly. .% Do
but to the low ones conform yourselves. N o t not become wise in your
yLpearde (ppopifioi icap eavrois. ^ MrjdePL KOMOP own estimation.
become y o u wise w i t h yourselves. To no o n e evil 17 J To no one return
aPTi KCZKOV airodidoPTes* "rrpopoov/nepoi tca- Evil fop Evil. J Provide
in r e t u r n for evil giving b a c k ; providing honorable honorable things in the
presence of All Men.
Aa epcoiriop TTCCPTWP apOpcawcop* 1 8 ei dvparop 18 I f possible, on YOUB
t h i n g s i n presence o f all men; if able
part, % live peaceably with
TO e£ vjucop, fjiera iraprtap apQpcairiw etprjpevop- All Men;
t h a t f r o m of y o u , w i t h all men being a t peace; 1 9 } not avenging Your*
res' 19/LIT] eavrovs €K^iKovpres, ayairrirof aAAa selves, Beloved, but give
not yourselves avenging, beloved ones, but Place to the WKATH [of
SOT6 TOTTQP rr) opyp' ycypairrai yap" "E/noiGod;] for i t has been writ-
give y o u a place t o t h e w r a t h ; i t h a s been written for; T o m e ten, % " Vengeance belongs
€K$iK7)o~is' eyca aPTairo86oo~a)9 Xeyei Kvpios. " t o m e ; * will repay,"
vengeance; I will repay, Bays Lord.
says the Lord.
"Eaj/ OVP ireipq b ex^pos G° i 'J'fctyu^e CLVTOP' v 20 Therefore, J "if thine
If t h e r e f o r e m & y h u n g e r t h e enemy of t h e e , do t h o u feed h i m ; " E N E M Y is hungry, give
" h i m food ; if he is
cap 8iiJ/a, Tvori^e avrop. TOUTO yap " thirsty, give him drink;
if h e m a y t h i r s t , give drink t o him. This for "for, doing this, thou wilt
Kotow, apOpaicas irvpvs ffo&pev&eis Girt Tt]V tcecpa- " heap Coals of l i r e on his
doing, coals of fire t h o u wilt pile o n
of fire the head " HEAD."
Arjy avrov. 21 M ? 7 PLKC0 VTTO TOW ttatcov, aAAa 21 Be not subdued by
of h i m . N o t be overcome by the evil, but
EVIL, but subdue E V I L by
vtaa ep rep a7at/i TO KaKOP. GOOD.
overcome by t h e good the evil.
KE*. iy\ 1 3 ,
1 Let Every person % be
^JJacra ^vxv cl-ovo'ias virepexovo'ais biroTao'- submissive to the superior
Every soul t o authorities being above l e t be s u b - Authorities; % for there
crecrOoo. Ov yap ecrrip s^ovcria ei /JLT] airo 6<-ov is not an Authority, except
raisoive. Not for is a u t h o r i t y i f n o t from G o d ; from God; and THOSE

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—11. serving the LORD. 14. you—omit.

t 12. Phil. iii. 1; iv. 4; Heb. Hi. 6. J 12. Heb. x. 36; xii. 1. t 12. Col. iv. 2;
Eph. vi.18; lThess. i.17. t 13.; xiii.16; 1 John iii. 17. t 13. Heb-
xiii.2. t 14. Matt. v. 44; 1 Pet ii. 23; iii. 9. i 15. 1 Cor. xii. 26. 1 16. Rom.
xv. 15. t 16. Prov. in. 7. t 17- Matt. v. 39; 1 These, v. 15. J 17. 2 Cor.
viii. 21. t 18. Heb. xii. 14. X 19. Prov. xxiv. 29. % 19. Deut. xxxii. 35.
j 30. Prov. xxv. 21, 22. % 1. Tit. iii. 1; 1 Pet. ii. 13. . J 1. Dan. ii. 21; iv. 32 ; Jofcn xix. 11,
OhtyTISx 2.3 ROMANS.
at 5e ovffaij viro Qeov r e r a y ^ e r c u eio~iP. 2 EXISTING have been ar
thoseand being, under God having been arranged are. ranged tinder GOD ;
2 so that he who sett
r« 6 avTiracrcro/Jievos TTJ e^ovcria, TT) rov himself in opposition U
Jhe one octting himself in opposition t o t h e a u t h o r i t y , t o t h e of t h e the AUTHORITY, oppose?
Oeov diarayr} ap6eo'T7}K€P' oi 5e avdearrjiico- t h e INSTITUTION of GOD J
God institution has been opposed; t h e y b u t having been act i n and the OPPONENTS wii
3 procure Punishment foi
res, eavrois Kpifxct XytyopTai. Oi yap ap- themselves.
opposition, t o themselves j u d g m e n t will receive. T h e for rul-
3 For RULERS are not
Xovres OVK euri <pofios reop ayaOcov epyoov, aXXa a terror * to a GOOD Work,
era n o t are a t e r r o r of t h e good works, but hut to an E V I L . And dost
TOOP KaKcop. OeXets 5e /AT) (pofieicrOai Tt\v e£ou- thou wish not to he afraid
of the evil ones. Wishest thou and not to fear the autho- of the AUTHORITY ? J Do
GOOD, and thou shalt have
r i a l ' i TO ayaOop TTOLCL' Kai i^eis siraipov e£ Praise, from i t ;
rity? the good do t h o u ; and t h o u wilthave praise from
4 for he is God's Ser-
avTTjs' 4 Oeou yap diatcovos etrrt, <roi eis TO vant for thy * Good. But
her; of God for aservant h e i s , t o thee' for t h e if thou do EVIL, he afraid;

ayadop. "Eav Se TO tcaKop TTOITJS, (pofiov ov for he bears the SWORD

good. If b u t t h e evil t h o u shouldst do, fear t h o u ; n o t not in vain; since he is
God'c avenging Servant
yap siKiq TI\V ixa%aipav cpoper 6eov yap 5ta/co- for Wrath on him doing
for i n vaia the sword h e b e a r s ; of God for aservant EVIL.
vos <CO"TW9 eicdiKOs ets opyrjp rep TO KaKOP Tvpao1- 5 Wherefore it is neces-
b c i s , a n avenger for w r a t h t& h i m t h e evil practis-
sary to be subordinate,
crovTt. 5
Aid avayKT) vTvoTaoro €cr6ai9 ov not only on account of the

ing. Wherefore necessity t o b e submissive, n o t WRATH, J but also on ac-

ptopop dia Tf)v opyrjv, aXXa Kai dia TT\P cfv- G For on this account
only o n account of t h e w r a t h , b u t also on account of t h e c o n -
also you pay Taxes; be-
veiSTja'iy. Aia TOVTO yap Kai <}>opovs reAei- cause they are God's pub-
acienee. On account of t h i s for also taxes p a y lic Ministers, constantly
r e v XeiTovpyoi yap Qeov eicrip, eis avTO TOVTO attending to this very
y o u J public ministers for of God they are, to same this thing.
vpocTKapTepovvTes. ? A7roSore *[ot>;/| iraai 7 % Render, therefore,
constantly a t t e n d i n g . Render [therefore] t o all to all their DUES ; to
WHOM TAX is due, TAX ;
ras oQeiXasr TCO TOV (popop, TOP <popov Tcp t o W H O M CUSTOM, CUS-
the duos; to him the tax, the tax; to him
TOM i t o W H O M PEAR,
TO reAos, TO reAos" rep TOV <po$ov, TOP (pofiop- P E A R ; t O "WHOM H O N O R ,
th8 crurtom, t h e c u s t o m ; to him the fear, the fear; HONOR.

TO> T7]P TlfX7]V, T7]P Tt/JL7}P. 8

Mj]dePl /UTjSeV o Owe Nothing to any
t o him the honor, the honor. To no o n e nothing one—unless LOVE to each
other; for J H E who
o<£>e*Aere, ci fXT) TO aXXi)Xovs ayatrqp' 6 yap LOV2F. ANOTHER has ful-
owe y o u , if not that each o t h e r y o u should love; t h e for filled the Law.
ayarrca'v rov erepop, pofiop ircirXr]pcoK€. To 9 For this, % " Thou
loving the other, a law h a s fulfilled. That "shalt not commit adul-
yap' Ov /j.oix*vcreis° Ov Kpopevcreis' "tery, Thou shalt not
for; N o t t h o u shalt c o m m i t adultery; N o t t h o u shalt c o m m i t murder; " commit murder, Thou
"shalt not steal, Thou
Ov xXeipeis' OVK €Tri6v/j.r)cr€LS' /cat et TLS "shalt not covet,*' and ii
N o t t h o u i h a l t steal; Not t h o u shalt covet; and if any Any Other Commandment,
erepa GPTOXT], ep TOVTO) Ttp Xoycp apatc*<paXat,- it is briefly summed up in
other c o m m a n d m e n t , i n this the word i t is b r o u g h t unde* This PRECEPT, namely,

* VAT. MANUSCBIFT.—3. a GOOD Work, but to an EVIL. 4. Good. 7- therefore—omit.

t 3. 1 Pet. ii. 14; iii. 13. J 5. 1 Pet. ii. 19. \ 7. Matt, xxii 21; Mark xii. 17
Luke xx. 25. X 8. Gal. v. 14; Col. iii. 14; 1 Tim. i . 6 | James ii. 8, X 9. &XQ&
xx. 18; Dent. v. 17; Matt.xix.l& •
tikup.lSx 10.] [Chop. \i: 4
DVTCU, €P TGT Aya7r7)(T€lS TOP irXTJCTLOV (TOV 00S J "Thou shalt love th$
jnehead, in this; Thou shalt love the neighbor ofthee as " NEIGHBOR ac thyself."
10 LOVE to the NDIGH>
tavroVo H ayaini Tq> irX7)(riop KCLKOV OVK BOB, works no Evil;
thyself. The love to the neighbor evil not | L O V E , then, is the Ful-
spya£<£Tai° irXrjpoofia ovv PO/JLOV T) ayairr}, K a i filling or the Lnw. n

works; a fulfilling then of law the 11 Aaac do tfits, know-

love. And
ing the SEASON, That it is
T 0 U T O 9 € £ $ 0 T € S TOP KaipOP, 6TI OOpCL TjfXaS Tjdrjalready the Hour for us j t a
thia, knowing the season, that an hour us already
wake up from Sleep? foe
e£ virvov cycpOrjpaL" {VVP yap eyyvrepop 'qjxwv now is Our SALTATION
out of sleep to be aroused; (now for nearer of us nearer than when we be-
7) (T(VT7}pia, 7} bre eTriffTevaa^ev 12
r) pv£ icpos- lieved.
the salvation, than when we believed; the night is far 12 The NIGHT is far ad-
vanced, and the DAY has
/cotj/ej/, 7) Se rjfiepa 7)yyiK€P°) airodoo/jieGa ovv approached ; % we should,
advanced, the and day has approached;) we should put off therefore therefore, lay aside the
ra epya TOV (TKOTOUS, Kai epdvffcafizOa ra SirXa X should put on the ARMOE
the works of the darkness, and should put on the weapons
Of L I G H T .
TOV <p(t)TOS* 'Xls ep 7]/x€pay evaxvf^opoos 7repi- 13 As in the Day, J we
of the light. As in day, decently we should walk becomingly;—
t not in Revelries and
Trarrja'cofxep, fit] Kcafiois Kai fxeOais, {XT} icoirais Carousings; not in Whore-
should walk, not in revelings s.nd in drinkings, notin whoredoms doms and Debaucheries;
Kai affeXyeiais, firj spidi Kai foXy u
aXXJ not in * Strifes and Envy-
and in debaucheries, not in strife and in rage; but ings;
tpdv&ao'de TOP Kvpiop Irjcrovp Xpio~rop9 Kai rrjs 14 but % put you on the
put you on the Lord Jesus Anointed-, and of the
* ANOINTED Jesus, and
J make no Provision for
q^apKos rrpopoiap fir} iroizio~Q<c ess eir&dv/juiias* the Lusts of the FLESH.
flesh provision not make you for 3usto.
KE<f». itf. 14.* i

1 ! 1 Wow X receive to ycrt&j,

Top 5e a&QtPovpra T\) Wio'TCi, TrpocrXa/Jifta- selves the WEAK in the
The but weak in the faith, take to your- FAITH ; not, however, for
:, flTI StaKpiffeis ^iaXoy iffpew. ' O s Doubtful Reasonings.
selves, not for differences of reasoningo. Who
2 One, indeed, believe 8
pep irio~T€veL <payeip navTa' 6 8e affdepcop he may eat all things; but
indeed believes to eat all things; the but cmobeing weak the WEAK eats Vegetables
Xayjtpa effOieio 3«' O SffOlCtiP? TOP fJL7) SffOlOPTCt,
The one eating, the not one eating
3 Let not H I M who
hftrbs eats. EATS despise H I M who
yU G%ov6eveiToo° Kai 6 fxrf €ff8icopy TOP e&9iopTa EATS n o t ; and let not
soi despise; and the not eating, tho one eating HIM who EATS not con-
fXT) kpiV€T(ti' o deos yap avrop nrpoffeXa- demn H I M who E A T S ; for
riot judge; the God for him receivedto GOD received him.
4 4 Who art THOU CON-
&6T0. 5 u TIS 6i 6 Kpipcap aXXoTpiop oiK€-
• himself. Thou who art the judging belongingto another household DEMNING the Domestic of
Another? To his OWN
f t]v; T(p idiq> Kvpiov ffTTjKei 7} irnrrei' CTadr)- Master he stands or falls;
servant ? to t h e . own lord he stands or befalls; he shall be and he shall be made to
o~€Tai &V dvpaTos yap effTip 6 0€os ffTTjffai stand, for * GOB is able to
nlade to stand and; able for is the God to make stand make him stand.

, * VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—13. Strifes and Envyicgs. 14. ANOINTED Jesus. 4?

tne LORD.
t 9. Lev. six. 18; Matt. xxii. 39; Mark xii. 31; GaL v. 14 ; James ii. 8. t 10. Matt.'
xxii. 40. t 11. 1 Cor. xv. 34; Eph. v. 14; 1 Thess. v. 5, 6. t 12. Eph. v. 11; CoL
iii. 8. t 12. Eph. vi. 13 ; 1 Thess. v. 8. % 13. Phil. iv. 8; 1 Thess. iv. 12; 1 Pet. ii. 12.
$13. 1 Pet. iv. 8. J 14. Epli. iv. 24; Col.iii.10. i 14. Gal.v. 16; 1 P«t>
| 1. Roto. xv. 1,7; 1 Cor. viii. Q, 11; is* 22.
'. 141 5.3 ROMANS. [Chap 1 4 : \C
s 6 J One indeed osteemg
avrov. *Os fxev Kpivei 7]{xepav Trap" TjfxepaVy
him. One indeed esteems one LV' better than ano-
a day from a day,
6s ther Day; but anothei
€ Kpivei ira&ap rj/xepav 4/catrros €V rep esteem;- Every Day. Let
another but esteems every day; each in the
each one be fully assured
idiep VOL TrXrjpoepopeicrOco, Q "O eppoveov Tt]V in nib own Mind.
own mind let be fully assured. He minding the 0 H E who MINDS the
rjftepav, Kvpiep eppovet' "^[/cat 6 /.AT* <ppoveav rrjv DAY, minds i t for the
day, to Lord minds; [and he not minding the Lord; and H E who MINDS
not the DAY, minds it not
r}/j.epav, Kvpiep ov eppovei.^ Kai 6 aerOieav, Kvpiep foir the Lord. And HK
day, to Lord not minds.] And he eating, to Lord
who EATS, eats in regard
ecrdiei9 ev%apierrei yap rep Beep' teat 6 fir) etr- to the Lord, for J he gives
eats, he gives thanks for to the God; £\nd he not eat- thanks to G O D ; and H E
Oioov, Kvpicp OVK. ecOiei, Kai evxapierrei rep Beep. who EATS not, eats not in
lag, to Lord not eats, and lie gives thanko to the God. regard to the Lord, and
gives thanks to GOD.
^ Ovdeis yap 7]jxeev eavrep £rj, aai ovdeis eavrep 7 For $ n o one of us
No one for of you to himself Uvea, and no one to himself lives for Himself, and no
a7roQvr)cTK€i. 8 Ea*> re yap £oo[iev9 rep Kvpiep one dies for Himself;
dies. If both for we live, to the Lord 8 for both, if we live,
fop-tv' eav re aTroQv7)crKeafxev9 rep Kvpiep airoO-we live for the LORD, and
welive; if and we die, to the Lord we if we die, we die for the
LOED ; whether, therefore,
vrjeTKOfiev Eav re ovv fajueVy eav re airo6vr}(T- we live, or die, we are the
die. If both therefore we Eve, if and we die, LOED'S.
K&fjiep, rov Kvpiov eerjxev. ^Eisyap _ 9 $ For Christ died and
of the Lord we are. Tofor lived for this end, that i he
Xpierros *[Kai^\ aireBave Kai efoerev,, iva Kai might rule over both the
Pead and the Living.
Anointed [both] died and lived, so that both 10 But t?)0U, why dost
veKpeav Kai £euvre>ov Kvpievcry. 10 2;v 5e, ri Kpi- thou condemn thy BEO-
of dead ones and living he might be lord. Thou but, vrhy judgest THEE ? or why dost tf) ni
Pets rov adeXepov cov ; r; Kai crv9 ri e^ovOeveis despise thy BEOTHEK ?
the brother of theeP or also thou, why settest at nought $ for we shall all be placed
rov afieXepov erov ; iravres yap itapaerr^erofieBa CHETST. before the TEIBUNAL of
the brother of thee? all for shall stand before
n 11 For it has been writ-
rep &7)/JLari rov Xpierrov. Teypairrai
yap' ten, i "3£ live, says the
the judgment-seat of the Anointed. I t has been written for; "Lord, Because to Me
lev eyea9 Xeyei Kvpios, on efioi Ka^tpei wav "shall bend Every Knee,
^».o I, says Lord, because to me shall bend every " and Every Tongue shall
" confess to GOD ."
yovv, Kai iraera yXeaareta e^ofioXoyrjcrerai rep
knee, and every tonguo shall confess to the 12 $ Each one of us,
Oecpo 1 2 A p a * [ o u j / ] eKacrros 7}fiecv irepi eav- therefore, Account
shall * give an
concerning him-
God. So [then] each one ofus concerning him-
13 self to GOD.
rov Xoyov fieaeret efcp Beep. Mr] Ken ovv
an account shall give to the God. No longer therefore 13 No longer, then, we
ahould judge each other;
aXXrjXovs Kpivea/mev aXXa rovro Kpivarz fiaX- but judge you this rather,
each other we should judge; but thiB judge you rather, J not TO PLACE a Stum-
Aovs ro fir} ri&evbi nrpoo'Kopip.a rep adeXepep ^[77 bling-block before a BEO-
that not to place a stumbling-block to tho brother [or THEE. ,
CKavdaXovJ] 14
OiSa, Kai irsTreto'/biai ev Kvpiep 14 I know, and have
ncau3e of fall.] I know, and have bcenporsuadadiu Lord been assured by the Lord
* VATICAN MANTTSCRIPT.- -6. and HE who MINDS iiot the DAY, minds it not for the Lord
—omit. 9. both—omit. 12. then—omit. 12. render an Account. 18. or a cause
of iall—omit.
' 1 6 . Gal. iv. 10; Col. ii. 16. t 6. 1 Cor. x. 31; 1 Tim. iv. 8. % 1. 1 Cor. vi. 19,
20: Gal. ii. 20; 1 Thess. v. 10; 1 Pet. iv. 2. \ 9. 2 Cor. v 15. * % 9. Acts x. 86.
t 10. Matt. xxv. 81, 32 ; Acts x. 42; xvii. 31; 2 Cor. v. 10; Jude 14,15. t 11. Isa. xlv.
35; Phil, i t 10. J 12- Matt. xii. 86; Gal. vi. 5; 1 Pet. iv. 5. t 13, 1 Cor. viii. 9,18; X. 82*
Chap. 14 T15.3 iChap. 1 4 : 23.

Irjfrou, on ovdev KOIVOV SI 5 avrov9 ei fir) rep Jesus, % That nothing ia

JCBUS, that nothing common'through itself, if nottohim common of itself; yet J to
HIM who BEGABDS any-
Xoyi^o/xevcp ri KOIVOV civai, etceivcp KOIVOV thing to be common, to
regarding anything common to be, to him common; t)im it is common.
Et 8e 8ia fipcafia 6 afieXcpos GOV Xvrreirai, 15 But if, through thy
If but through food the brother of thee is grieved, Pood, thy BEOTHEB is
OVK€TL Kara ayairrjv rrepnrareis. Mr} raj fipoo- grieved, thou walkest no
no longer according to love dost thou walk. Not with the food longer according to Love.
X Do not, with thy TOOD,
fiari crov eKeivov airoXXve, virep ov Xpiu'ros ruin htm on whose behall
of thee him do thou destroy, on behalf of whom Anointed Christ died.
aireQave. Mr) ^Xaa,(pr)fxeio'Q(a ovp VJXOOV ro 16 Let not, then, Your
died. Not let be evil spoken of therefore of you the GOOD be evil spoken of.
ayaOov. 1
^ Ou yap ecrriv r) (Bao'iXeta rov 0€ov 17 I1 or the KINGDOM of
good. Not for is the kingdom oftha God GOD is not Food and
Drink, hut .Righteousness,
/3pwrm Kai TTOCTLS, aXXa §iKaLoo~vvr} Kai Giprjvr) and Peace, and Joy in a
eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace holy Spirit;
Kai XaPa €U Trvevfxari ayi<p' 1S 6 yap €V rovrcp 18 for H E who in this
and joy in spirit holy; he for in this SEEVES the ANOINTED
SovXevoov rep Xpicrrcp, evapecrros rq> 6t(p, Kai one, is well-pleasing to
doing service for the Anointed, well-pleasing t o the God, and GOD, and. approver by
SoKl/JLOS T0LS avdpCtiTTOtS. A p a OVV T05 T7JS 19 % So then we should
approved by the men. So then the things of the pursue the THINGS of
€ipr)vr}s diooKoo/uiev, Kai ra rr)s oiKodofxrjs rrjs PEACE, and THINGS for
peace we should pursue, and the things of the building up i f that t the EDIFICATION of each
eis aXXyXovs. 20 Mr) evexev fipca/naTos KaraXve 20 Do not, on account
for each other. Not on account of food demolish
of Tood, demolish the
ro epyov TOV deov. Tiavra fizv KaOapa' aXXa woEKof GOD. All things
the work of the God. All things indeed pure; but indeed are pure, but Evil
KaKOV rep avOpcarrcp rep dia TTpocrKoixjxaros eo~- t o THAT MAN Who EATS
evil for the man for that through a stumbling-block eat- so as to cause stumbling.
Qiovri. 21
KaXov TO fxr) epayeiv Kpea, fjirjde TTICLV 21 I t is good not to EAT
itig. Good the not to eat flesh, nor to drink % Flesh, nor to drink Wine,
nor to do any thing by
oivov, fxr)^€ ev *cp 6 afieXepos (Tov irpoffKoirrn, which thy BEOTHEE stum=
wine, nor by which the brother of thee stumbles, bles, or is ensnared, or is
7) ffKavfiaXiCerai, 7] a<r0ez/ei„ ^ 2 » Triariv weakened.
or is ensnared, or is weakened. Thou faith 22 *£fcou hast Faith;
*X ' eis
Kara creavrov e x sveomov rov 6eov. it fastrespect
€ with to thyself hold
in the presence of
hast; according to thyself hold i t in presence of the God.
GOD. % Happy is HE who
MaKapios 6 \xt) Kpivoov eavrov ev 'cp BoKifia^ei. does not CONDEMN him-
BleBsed he not judging himself in what he approves- self ki what he approves!
' O 8e diaKpivopievoSf eav <payr), KaraKeKpi- 23 But HE who makes a
He but discerning a difference, if he should eat, has been con- DISTINCTION, if he should
eat, ia condemned j be-
TCU, on OVK €K mo'Teas' rrav
5e b OVK €K cause it is not from Con-
demned, because not from faith; every thing and which not from
viction ; and every act
iriarecos, afxapria ecrriv, j * which is not from Convic-
faith, sin is. tion, ia a Sin. f
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—22. The Faith which thou hast, have ti)0U to thyself.
t 23. Griesbach inserts here the doxology found Eom. xvi. 25—27 ; but as it is not autho-
rized by the Vatican MS., nor by the most ancient versions, the Greek texthas been trans-
ferred to its proper place. I t may be proper to observe that Grotius, Hammond, Mill,
Wetstein, Matthias, Knatchbull and Clarice approve of its insertion here; while on the other
hand, Knapp, Estius, Macknight, Bloomfield, Stuart, Lachmanm Teschendorf, &c, do not
approve ot the transposition.
t 14. 1 Cor. x. 25; 1 Tim. iv. 4; Titus i. 15. % 14. 1 Cor. viii. 7,10. J 15. 1 Cor.
viii.ll. X 19. Psa. xxxiv. 14; xii. 18. % 19. Eom. xv. 2 ; 1 Cor. xiv. 12; 1 Thess,
V. 11. X 21. 1 Cor, viii. 13, J 22. 1 John xii. 21.
Chap. 1 5 : 1.] ROMANS. [CftapTlS: %.

KE$. ie'. 1 5 . , CHAPTER XV.

1 1 Now Jme, the STEONG,
O(pei\ofiep 5e rjfieis oi dvparoi ra acrBevK}-
Are bound and we the strong ones the infirmities
are bound to bear the J IN-
f i a r a rco// advparaip Kai fxr\ eavrois and not to seek to please
of those without strength to bear, and not ourselves Ourselves.
2 J Let each one of us
apeo'Keip' 2 eKao'ros TJ/JLOOP rep TTXTJO'IOP apecTKerco please his NEIGHBOR, SO
to please; each one of us to the neighbor let please
far as is GOOD for Edifica-
ets TO ayadop irpos K a i yap 6 tion ;
for the good to building up. Also for the 3 % for even the ANOINT-
ED one sought not. to
Xpicrros ovx eavrca 7)pecrep, aAAa, icadoos 7 6 7 - please Himself, but, as it
Anointed one not himself pleased, but, as it has
has been written, J "The
pairrai' Oi opet.Sio'fAoi reap opetdi£oprcop ere, " EEPEOACHES o f THOSE
been written; The reproaches of those reproaching thee, " who EEPEOACHED thee
" F E L L on m e / '
eireTrecrop 67T5 e/xe. 4
'Oca yap *\_Trpo~]e- 4 JEor *what things
fell on me. As many things as for was [fore]
were before written for
ypa(p7], eis ryp r)/j,erepap dtdacTKaXiap *[irpo~\e- OUB, Instruction, were
Tvritten, for the our instruction was [fore] written that we through
the PATIENCE and * the
ypacprj' iva $ia rr)s virofiorTts Kai rrjs
of the
written; so that through the patience and of the conso-
SCE.IPTUE.ES might possess
KXrjcrecos reap ypaepcop, TT)V eATnSa ex^ojuiep. ' O the HOPE.
lation of the writings, the hope we might have. The 5 J And may the GOD
5e 6eos TT]S VTTOJXOPV}S Kai rrjs of that PATIENCE and that
irapaKXytreoos CONSOLATION
and God of the patience and of the consolation
give you
5w77 VJXIV ro avro (ppopeip ep aWrjKois, wards each other, accord-
may give to you the same to be minded among each other, ing to the Anointed J e -
6 sus;
Kara Xpicrrov lycrovj/' ha Sfxodvjua^op ep
according to Anointed Jesus; that with one mind with
6 so that with one mind,
and with One Mouth, you
hvi crro/uari do^a^rjre rop Oeov Kai irarepa rov may glorify the GOD and
one mouth you may glorify the God and father of the Father of our LOED Jesus
Kvpiov TJ/LLCVP Irjcrov Xpicrrov. ? Ato irpocrAa/u-Christ.
Lord of us Jesus Anointed. "Wherefore take to your- 7 Therefore kindly re-
fiapecrde a\\r]\ovs, ceive each
KaOcos Kai 0 Xpicrros irpocr- the ANOINTED one other, even as
selves each other, as also the Anointed took to
kindly received *you, to
e\a$ero u}xas eis bo^ap Oeov. 8 Aeycv de> *[lr)~ the Glory of God.
himself us for glory of God. I say but, [Je- 8 *Eor I affirm, that
crovp] Xpicrrov diaKOPOP yeyepqcrdai Trepiro/unis, Jesus X Christ became a
8us] Anointed a servant became of circumcisien, Servant of the Circumci-
sion, on account of the
virep aXrfOeias 6eov, eis ro fiefiaioocrai ras Truth of God, in order to
on behalf of truth of God, in order that to confirm the CONEIEM t h e PEOMISES of
9 the P A T H E E S ;
eirayyeXias reap warepoop' ra 5e eOprj virep
promises of the fathers; the and nations'on account of 9 and that the GEN-
TILES should glorify GOD
eXeovs Do^aaai rop 6eop, Kadoos
yeypairrai* on account of Mercy; as it
mercy to praise the God, as it has been written j
has been written, J " B e -
Aia rovro e^opioXoyr}crofj,ai croi ep eOpecri, " cause of this I will con-
Because of this I will confess to thee among nations, " fess to thee among the

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—4. all things whatever were written. 4. fore—omit.

4. fore—o»u£. 4. through CONSOLATION of the SCKIFTUKES might have the HOPB of
CONSOLATION. 7- us. 8. Por. 8. Jesus—omit.
t 1. Gal. vi. 1. t 1. Rom. xiv. 1. £ 2. 1 Cor. ix. 19, 22 ; x. 24,, 33; xiii. 5 ; Phil. i i . 4, 5.
t 3. Matt, xxvi. 39; John v. 30 ; vi. 38. J 3. Psa. lxix. 9. t 4. Horn. iv. 23, 24;
1 Cor. ix. 9,10; x. 11; 2 Tim. iii. 16,17. t 5. Rom. xii. 16; 1 Cor. i. 10; Phil.iii. 16.
J 8. Matt. xv. 24; John i. 1 1 ; Acts iii. 25, 26; xiii. 46. J 9. Psa, xviii. 49.
Chap. 1 5 : 1 0 . ] ROMANS. IGTictp. 1 5 : 18.

10 " Nations, a n d sing to t h y

KCLL rep ovofxari <rov tyaXta. Kai rraXiv Xeyei*
and to the name of thee sing praises. Aad again i t says; " KAIE."
10 A n d again i t says,
"EvcppavOrjre eOvrj, jxera rov Xaov avrov, Kai % " Rejoice, y o u N A T I O N S ,
Rejoice you nations, with. the people of him. And " with h i s P E O P L E . "

•KaXiv Aiveirz rov Kvpiov iravra ra SQVY}9 Kai 11 And again, % " Praise
again; Praise you the Lord all the nations, and " t h e L O R D , All NATTONS J
" a n d * extol him, All P E O -
eiratvecrare avrov iravres ol Xaoi.
iraXiv " P L E S . " Kai
extol you him all the peoples. And again 12 And again Isaiah
Ho'aias Xeyer "Errrai 7) pi£a rov lecrcrai, Kai 6 says, %" There shall be
Esaias say3; Shall be the root of the Jesse, and he " a R O O T of J E S S E , even
" H E who shall STAND U P
avicrrafxevos ap%eiv eQvcav, eir' avrcp edvr] CXTTI- " t o r u l e N a t i o n s ; i n him
standing up to rule nations, ou him nations »hall " shall Nations hope."
13 13 And may t h e G O D of
ovtriv. ' O 8e dsos rrjs eXirifios irXTjpoxrai t h a t H O P E * fully establish.
hope. The and God of the hope to fill
you w i t h J All J o y and
vfias rrrao'rjs %apas Kai eiprjvrjs ev rep iricrreveiV} Peace i n B E L I E V I N G , in
you all of joy and of peace in the believing, order t h a t you may A -
BOUND in that HOPE, by
*[ejs ro ireptcrcreveiv^ b}xas~\ ev ry eXiridiy
ev the E n e r g y of t h e holy
[in order that to abound, you] in the hope, in
Swa/nei irvev/naros ayiov. I I oreio'imai Se, 14 And I am assured,
power of spirit holy. I have been persuaded but, my Brethren, % even 5 my-
afizXcpoi fioVy Kai avros eyoo rrepi vfieov, on self, concerning you, t h a t
brethren ofme, and myself I concerning you, that gou also are full of Good-
ness, having been filled
Kai avroi /xecrroi ecrre ayadoocrwrjs, 7re7rXr)pco- with * All K N O W L E D G E ,
also yourselves full you are of goodness, having been being able also to admon-
pievoi irao'rjs yveccreoos, dvvajxevoi Kai aXXrjXovs ish each other.
filled all of knowledge, being able also each other 15 * B u t I have written
vovdereiv. 15
ToX/n7]porepov §e eypaxpa U/JUV, to you, w i t h more free-
to admonish. More boldly but I wrote to you, dom, partly a s reminding
you, J t h r o u g h T H A T F A -
afieXcpoi, airo fiepovs, oos eirava/iiLiULV7)o~Koov vfias, VOR which h a s been I M -
brethren, from of a part, as reminding you* PARTED to me*from G O D ,
5ia rr[V %apiv rr\v dodeurav fiot VTTO rov 6eov? 16 i n order t o m y B E -
through, the favor that having been given to me by the God,I N G X a public Servant of
ets ro eu/ai fxe Xetrovpyov Irjo'ov Xpiffrov the * Anointed J e s u s t o
in order that to be me a public servant of Jesus Anointed t h e G E N T I L E S , ministering
"^[eis ra e0vr))~\ lepovpyovvra ro evayyeXiov the G L A D T I D I N G S of G O D ,
[for the nations,] administering as apriestthe glad tidings t h a t t h e O B L A T I O N of t h e
G E N T I L E S * m i g h t become
rov Oeov, tva yzvrjrai 7] irpocrcpopa rcav eOvoov acceptable, having been
of the God, so that maybe the oblation of the nations sanctified b y t h e holy
evirpoo'deKTos, rjyLao'/JLevrj ev irvev/j,ari ayica. Spirit.
well-pleasing, having been sanctified by a spirit holy.
17 I have, therefore,
^ E%co ovv KavxTiCiv ev Xpicrrcp Irjcrov
ra * cause of boasting i n t h e
I have thenagroundforboasting in Anointed Jesus the things Anointed Jesus, as t o t h e
irposQeov ovyap roXfMTjcrca XaXeiv ri &v T H I N G S p e r t a i n i n g to G O D .
to God; not for 1 will dare to speak any ofthoscthings 18 F o r I will n o t pre-
ov Kareipyacraro Xpicrros oY e/nov, eis vira sume t o speak anything of
not worked out Anointed through me, fo; Obe- % what Christ did n o t work

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.-—11. let All the PEOPLES praise him. 13. fully establish
you with All Joy. 13. t h a t you may ABOUND-—omi£. 14. All KNOWLEDGE.
15. But I have written. 15. from GOD. 16. Anointed Jesus. 16. to the
GENTIIES—omit. 16. might become acceptable. 17. CAUSE OF BOASTING.
+ 10. Deut. xxxii. 43. % 11. Psa. cxvii. 1. % 12. Isa. xi. 1,10; Rev. v. 5; xxii.
16. t 13. Rom. xii. 12 ; xiv. 17- I 14. 2 Pet. i. 12; 2 John ii. 21. J 15. Rom.
i. 5 ; xii.3; Gal. i. 15; E p h . i i i . 7 , 8. % 16. l i o m . x i . 1 3 ; Gal.ii. 7—9; 2 Tim. i. 11; Phil.
ii. 17. 1 18. Acts xxi. 19 ; Gal. ii. 8»
Chap. 1 5 : 19.] ROMANS, [Chap. 15: #7*

Korjv eBuuv, Koytp Kai epyq>9 evBvvafiei<rv)fiei(i>v * through me, t for tho
(hence of nations, in word and wort, by power of signs Obedience,of the Gentiles,
19 by Word and by Work :'
Kai r<sparwy, e p Bvvafiei iryevfiaros ^[ayiov] % by the Power of Signs and
and of wonders, * by power ofspirit [holyj] Prodigies:
G)(TTe fie afro 'lepovaaKTifi teat KVKAcp, j u e x P * r o u 19 by the Energy of Iho
so that me from Jerusalem and in a circuit, even to the Spirit j so that, from J eni.;
IWvptKOV, WG7T\7)pC0K€Vai TO 6VayyeAiQV TOV saiem, and in a Circuit its
Illyricum, to have fully set forth the glad t i d i n g s / ; ofthe far as ILLYRICUM, 1 have
fully set forth the GLAD)
Xpto*Tov i0ovT<o 8e (piKorifiovfievov €vayyeAi~ TIDINGS Ofthe ANOl'NtW
Anointed; thus and being ambitious to announce
one. • •••••; u-/'
feaQat, ovx fiirov eayofiaadrj Kpicrros^ iva, /u^ 20 And I was thtts nmhi.
glad tidings, not where was named " Anointed, eo that not tious to evangelize where
€ir' aXAorpiov BefieAtov owoBofiw •_ ^ akkas Christ was not named, % so
on another foundation 1 should buildj but, that I might not build on*
Another's foundation;
KaQcos yeypairrar Oh ovK avTiyyeX-Q; irepi Si but as it has been
as ithas been written } To those not it was told concerning
written,-J"They shall see
avrovf o^ovrai" Kai ol OVK aKTjKdao't, O'vvTiO'oy* " to whom nothing was
him. shall see; andthosenot had heard, , shall under- " told concerning him; and,
A to Kai eveKoirrofiTjy : ra woAka " those who had not heard
Stand Wherefore also I was hindered the things ID any " shall understand."
" 22 Wherefore, also, %J
rov eABeiy irpos bfias, '--^"Nvt/i Be firjKert rowoy was * frequently hindered
'Of the to come to .. you. Now but wo longer a place from COMING to you.
*X ev {Tois K}iifJLaffiTovToisB GTriiroBiav B® 23 But now having no
having in. the '(. \ regions these, _r:\ a great desire and longer a Place in these
*X<av T0V zABeiv irpos v/xas atro ?roh<kcatr er'ouv REGIONS, and having f6r
having- ofthe to come ^ to.''"" you .' from many year&j Many Years a Strong de-
24 sire to COMB to you.
6)$ eav yroptvcofiai eis rrjy %iraviavi eKirifa
whenever I may go to the Spain, , I hope
24 whenever I may go
into SPA IN, I hope, pass-
Bta^opevofievos BeacraaBai vfiasf Kai v<f>* v/icaying through, to see you,
i passing through to eee you, and by you and J to be sent forward
TTpOTT€fx<p6r}pai euei, eay 6/j.coy irpatroy airo fiepovs *by you there, if first I
to be sent on my way there, if ofyq«._ttsiirsfc from 8 part should be partly satisfied
with your society.
I should be fllied. 25 But how J I am going
to Jerusalem, ministering
^Nvyt Be iropevofiat cts 'lepovffaArjfii BtaKo- to the SAINTS.
Now' but I am going to Jerusalem, xninis-
26 26 For Macedonia and
vcov rois ayiois. 'EvBoKrjo'av yap MaKeBovia Achaia % were pleased to
tering to the eaints. "Were pleased for Macedonia make some Contribution
Kai Axaia Koumviav riva KdivjaraaBai sis rovs for the POOR of THOSE
and Achate - contribution some to make for the SAINTS who are in Jerusa«
TTTCOXOVS rtay ayicav ray 'lepova'akrifi, lem.
poor ones ofthe saints of those in"
Jerusalem. 27 They were pleased [ I
EvBoKrjerav yap, Kai otyeiAerai avrc&y eiffiv. say,] and their Debtors
They were pleased for, and debtors of them they are. they are; for if the G E N -
TILES have {participated
Et yap rois Tryev/iariKois avray GKOivwvricrav in their SPIRITUAL things,
It for in the " spiritual things of them ' became sharers X they are obligated also t o
ra edvru o<pei\ovo~i Kai ey rots crapKiKois Aei- serve them in things per*
shc Gentile., tney are bound also in the fleshly things toren- taining to the FLESH. ^

° "WncA* HIJANDSCBIPT.—18. by my Word. 19. holy—omit, 22. frequently

fciudered. 24. from you. , > t.-,,..>-,., .,,,
X 18. Rom. i. 5." xvi. 26. J 18. ctsxix. 11- 3 Cor. xii.12. t 20. 2 Cor. x. 13.15,
IS. Z 21. Isa. Iii.15. t 22. :om. 1.13; 1 T h e s s . i i . 17.18. t 2-i. Acts x tf.3.
i 25. Acts xix. 21: xx. &L; Wfi*'. 17. I 20. I Cor. jsci. i 2 ; 2 Cor. viii. 1 j ix. 2.14,
; 27. tyv.m.'xj,l7/ J 27. 1 Cor. Jx.ll } GdLvi.6, —
. 15: 28.3 ROMANS. [Chap. 1 6 : 8.

^TOVTO ovv 28 Having, then, com-

Tovpyrjcrai avrois pleted this, and havhur se-
der service to them. This then baring finished,
cured to them this FRUIT,
KCLI <r<f>payicraiJ.€vos *[avrots^ roy naptrov rov-I will go through your
and having sealed [to them] the fruit this, country into * Spain;
roy, aireKsvcrojxai §i vfxa>v eis ri\v ^iraviav. 29 X and I know that
I will go through of you into the 8pain. when I come to you, I
shall come with the Full-
^ O t S o 5e, on epxo/xevos irpos vfxas, €V ir\r)p<a- ness of the Blessing of
I know and, that coining to you, in fullness Christ.
fiari evXoyias XpKrrov eKevn'o/JLai. 30 And I entreat you,
of blessing of Anointed I will come. Brethren, by our LOKD
HapaKaXeo 5e v/nas, *[a5eX<|)of,] dia rov Jesus Christ, and by the
I entreat and you, [brethren,] by the LOVE of the SPIRIT, Jto
strive together with me in
Kvpiov 7]fx<av IT)(TOV XpKTrov, KCLI 8:a rr\s aya- your PRAYERS to God on
Lord ofua Jesus Anointed, and by the lore my behalf;
TTTjs rov rrveu/xaTos, cwayoovicao'dai poi ev rais 31 I that I may be de-
of the »pirit, to strive together with me in the livered from THOSE that
Trpoo"€vxais virep efxov irpos roy Oeow S1 iva OBEY NOT in J U D E A ; and
prayers on behalf of me to the God;
that ING of mine may be ac-
jivozQco airo rcoy aireiQovvroov tv ry IouScuoc, ceptable to the SAINTS in
I may bedeliveredfrom those being disobedient in the Judea, Jerusalem;
Kai Iva 7] HiaKovia fxovy f} as 'lepovo'aXrjjj.y ev- 32 so that with Joy I
and that the service of me, that for Jerusalem, well- may come to you X through
the wi]l of * God, and be
irpoo~§€Kros yevrjrat rois ayiois' 3 2 Iva ev XaPa refreshed together with
pleasing maybe to the saints; so that with joy
e\6ca irpos bfxas dia 0€\i)/jLaros deov, * [ « a f 33 And Jthe GOD of
I may come to you through will of God, [and PEACE be with you all.
away air avcroofxai v/xiv.~\ ^ 'O 8e Oeos rrjs eipij- Amen.
may take rest together with you.] The and God of the CHAPTER XVI.peace
vr)s fxera iravreov vfioiv. Afiyv. KE3». is', 1 6 .
1 I now recommend to
with all of you. So be it.
you Phebe, our SISTER, be-
^VVIO,T7)IJLI 8e vfxiv $oi07)y, T7)V a$e\(f>7}V rjfiav, ing * also a Servant of the
I recommend and to you Phebe, the sister of us, CONGREGATION in X f Cen-
ovo~av ZiaKovov rrjs eKKXrjo'ias rrjs Keyxpe~ chrea,
being a servant of the congregation of that in Cenchrea; 2 X that you may receive
2 her in the Lord, in a man-
cus* iva avrrjv irpoo~b'e£r)o~de cv Kvptcp a^iwsner worthy of the SAINTS,
that her you may receive in Lord worthily
and assist her in the Busi-
rcov ayicav, feat irapao'rrjre avrrj ev q> ay V/JLOOVness in which she may
of the saints, and you may assist her in which of you have need of you; for shr
XPvCy irpay/xarr Kai yap avrrj trpoo^raris also has been an Assist-
she may need business; also for she a patroness ant of Many, and especially
3 of me.
•KoXKoav eyevrjdr), Kai avrov euov. Ao'iracrao'- 3 Salute JPriscilla and
ofmany became, and myself Dfme. Salute you Aquila my FELLOW-LABO-
6e YlpiffKav Kai AKvXav, rovs cwepyovs JJLOV ev RERS in the Anointed Je-
Prisca and Aquila, the fellow-workers of me in sus.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—28. to them—omit. 28. Spain. 30. Brethren—omit.

31. THAT GIFT-BEARING of mine may be acceptable to the SAINTS in Jerusalem. 32.
the Lord Jesus. And. 32. and may take rest together with you—omit. 1 also
a Servant.
f 1. Cenchrea was the eastern seaport of Corinth, about nine miles from the city, and
situated on the east side of the isthmus which joined the Morea to Greece. Lecheum was
on the west side of the same isthmus, here about six miles wide. I t was between these two
ports that the Isthmian games were celebrated, to which Paul makes so many allusions.
X 29. Rom. i. 11. J 30. 2 Cor. i. 1 1 ; Col. iv. 12. t 31. 2 Thess. iii. 2. t 82.
Acts xviii. 21; 1 Cor. iv. 19; James iv. 15. X 33. Rom. xvi. 20 ; 1 Cox. » v . 88; 2 Cor.
xiii. 11; Phil. iv. 9; 1 Thess. v. 23; 2 Thess. iii. 16; Heb. xiii. 20. J I. Acts xviii. IS.
J 2. Phil. ii. 29; 8 John 5, 6. % 8. Acts xviii. % 18, 28 j 2 Tim. iv. 19.
''tlfiap. 16: 4.3 ROMANS, ttitap.Mi 14
Xptcrry \r\(rov - (otripss vTrzp TI}$ I^VX7)* £iOU
4 These persons on be*
Anointed Jesus; (who on behalf of t b e half of my L I F E , laid down
life fcftiiii
TOP kauTuiv Tpa-xy\\ov vtrtOriKav' oh ovtz <s.ya>their OWK Neck; to whom
t h e of them elves neck they placed u n d e r ; t o w h o m n o t I not 2 aloHs give thanks,
V-ovos €ux a P' ( r T & , > aAAa KCLI Trao~ai at €KKAy)<rtai but also All the ceraciiH-
alone give thankis, but also all the congregations GATIGFJS Of t h c G E N T I L K S .
TCOV tdi/cvw) b
KCLI r-qu /car* oofoi' avrtav stat&r}-' 6 Salute also % the cow-
of the Geutiles:) also the in house oftbesa at their House.
e-iagrvija- GUEGATI ON
fTiav. AffTra&curQe Ewcm/froy, TOP ayaTTTjroy Salute Epenetus, my BE-
tiun. Salute you \ Epeiietus, the ' fc*lo»rd©Re LOVKD, wlto is % the First-
Mov, bs earif cnrapxTl vri$ Acrias tt-s' XpitTroi/* fruit of t ASIA to Christ.
1 of me, who is a flrst-fr^it o f t h e Asia i n t o . Anointed. 8 Salute Mary, who
AcnracrafrQe Mapiafi, ^ r j s <7roAAs (Stso^rtacnp labored nuich for vs.
Salute you Mary, who much ; I'nboreJ 7. Salute Ancrronicus
<=:s TJ/JLCLS. 'AcnracraarQe AvdpoviKOP Kailovv*ay9 and Juntas, my KELA-
.for us. Salut^you ., y An ironicus and Juni»s s TIVSS, and Fellou'-prison-
TOVS evyyeueis fxov KCLI (rvvaixy-&\(tirQv$
<3rs, who are highly es-
the relatives of me a n d ^ ,. fellow-prhoners . teemed among' the APOS-
of me,
I , £ 8 , and who % were im
oiritfts ntfiv itna"fifxoi GV rots p^offroKots^ m TChrist before me.
who ai6 noted among t h e — epostlss, Who
KCLI trpo ifxov ysyovacriy €1/ Xpt<T7cpe/ 8
Acnra- B Salute *THAT Am-
and before me h,\ve been i n ':.' A u p i n t e d . ' Salute pliaa who is BJSLOVED in
rracrQ* AtxTrXiav, TOP aycnryTov fiov $v Kvpi<p, the Lord.
you Ainplias, t h e . beloved o n e of me i n LoavJ. 9 Salute Urbanus, our
Acnracraffde OvpfiavoV) TOP uvvtpyov ytxctiy c?> and Stachys, my in
Fellow-laborer Christj
Saluteyou Urbanus, t h e fellow-worker ofus in
10 Salute THAT Apelles
Xpicrrty, Kat %T<XXVV, _TOV . &yairr}TQV (xov. who is approved in Christ.
j Anointed, and Siachys, 'the h
beloved o n e of me. :
}0 Salute THOSE who are 0^
Acnracrcurds A7re\A77>, TOV doftipoi/ tv Xpt&rcp, the family of ARISTOBU.
fc*luteyou , Apelks, , t h e approved otieiti Anointed.
AcnrcMTaard* TOVS €/C TOOV Apiarofiovhov, ,.l l &&" 11 Salute Herodian, my
gs/ftteyou those from of t h e r Aristobulua. > ; / Sa-

fraoacrde 'HpcaSitava, TOV '"q'vyyewij fiou, Aff- of the family of NAECIS-;

list, y o u Herodian. -f_ t h a ''•• relative o f i a e . ( ) 8a>
sus, THOSE BEING in th©
i?aaao'6!€ TOVS *K rebv Napxicrcrov,
ovras sv Lord. . . . TOVS
lute you t h o s e from of t h e
Narcissus,; being in those
12 Salute Tryphena and
Kvpiq), J 3 Ao"vacraa$e TpvtycuvaV KCU Tpv^w Tryphosa, THOSE sister^
Lord. Salute y o u Trypheisa . and Tryphosa,
LA BOEING in the Lord.
eavy Tas komweras ep Kvpitp. ,L Aa-iraaaffBe 0 e p - Salute Persis, the B E -
those laboring in Lord. ( i' Suluteyuu v Per-
LOVED, her who labored
cnScr, Ti)v ayaTTtjrrjy, rjris iroAAa acoiriad'sif ev much in the Lord.
iiis, the beloved one, trho m u c h - ^ )- labored in
Kvpicf). , s Acr-fracra&Be 'Poy^oy, TOV^ ZKXSKTOV 13 Salute THAT Rufus
who was % CHOSEN in the
Lord. .-,', Salute y o u . , Rufus, t h e v i chosen :
$V KVpIV, Kat T1\V flf)T€p& CLVTOV Hat G/40V.
Lnrd, and his MOTILEB, and
in Lord, end the m o t h e r ' ofhirn • a n d ottne,
A<rita<ra<r6e AcrvyKpirov, ^Aeyoyrcs, 'Kpfiav, 14 Salute Asyncritus,'
Saluteyou Asyncritu9, V . Phlegon, ' Hermas, Phle»on, Hermas, Patro-
TkaTpo&aV) 'EpjUtji/," teat TOVS VVV avrois a5eA- bas, Hermes, and the BB.E.
Patrobas, . Hermes, and tbe with ihen* lircthrsn, THEEN with them.


t 5. The common version reads of Achaia; but the best MSS. have Asia. In 1 Cor. xvi.
15, the house of Stephanas is said to be "the first fruits of Achaia." Sharpe in his Notes
on this passape says:—" This is nn important change, as helping to prove that the persons
here greeted dwelt in Ephesus; where the apostle had numerous friends, and not in Rome,
where he was unknown. Thus Prisea and Aciuilas in particular dwelt in Ephesus ; and it
seems not improhab'e that this chapter, together, perhaps,with ich, 1 - x v. 7, formed part of
an epistle to the Ephesians ; which by a mistake ofthe editor has been added on at the entl
of the epistje to the Romans. This remark is not a little supported by those IVfSS. which
say that the epistle now titled aato the Ephesfans was written not to that church, but to
the Laodiceuis.'' »f
t 5. 1 Cor. xvi. 19, Col. \v, \§; JPbilemon 2., t 5. I Cor svi Vi. t 1- Gal., i. 22.
•;'i8. S J o h a - l . ' - •""—" •
Chap. 1 6 : 1 5 . f ROMANS, [Chap. 1 6 : 23.^

(povs. 15
Acrirao'ao'Oe QiXoXoyov Kai lovXiav, 15 Salute Philologus
Salute you Philologus and Julia, and Julia, Nereus a n d his
Ni7pea tcai rr\if afieXcpTiv avrov, ucu OAvfiirav, S I S T E R , and Olympas, and
Nereua and the sister of him, and Olympas, ALL the- SAINTS with
Kai rovs (Tvv avrois iravrasAcrira- them. ayiovs,

and the with them all saints. Salute 16 t Salute each other
(TcurOe aXX7]Xovs €V <ptXr}/nari ayicp. Acnra£ov- with a holy Kiss. All
you each other with a kiss holy. Salute the CONGREGATIONS of
rat vfias at eKKXrjcriai iracrai rov 'Kpio'rov. t h e A N O I N T E D one salute
you the congregations all of the Anointed. you.
^HapaKaXo) 5e vfias, adeXcpoi, GKOTCZIV rovs 17 N o w I entreat you,
Brethren, to watch THOSE
I entreat now you, brethren, to watch those
who are % M A K I N G T A C -
ras SixoorTcurias rara ffKav^aXa^ irapa TTJV
T I O N S and laying S N A R E S ,
the separations and the stumbling-blocks, contrary to the
contrary to t h e T E A C H -
hidaxyv 7]U vfJLeis e/jLaOere, TTOLOVVTCLS' Kai e/c- I N G which gou have
teaching which you learned, are making; and turn
learned, a n d J t u r n away
KXivare CCTT1 avroov, 18
O i yap roiovroi TOO from t h e m .
away from them. They for such like ones tothe
18 F o r S U C H L I K E ones
KVpiOS 7\llOOV XpMTTCx) OV dovXtVOVfflP, CCAAtt T7? as T H E Y a r e n o t i n subjec-
Lord of us Anointed not are in subjection, but t o t h e
tion to our Anointed L O R D ,
zavrtov KoiXiq* Kai Sia rrjs xpV(Tr°Xoyias Kai but t o their OWN J Appe-
sfthemselveg belly; and through the fair speaking and
tite; and by KIND and
evXoyias c^aitaroDO'i ras Kapfiias r<x>v anaKcou. Complimentary words they
good speaking they deceive the hearts of the simple ones. deceive t h e H E A R T S of t h e
19 e
H yap VJXOOV viraKorj €is iravras acpiKtro. U N S U S P E C T I N G .
The for of yon obedience for all went abroad. 19 Y O U R Obedience, in-
Xaipca ovp *[ro^ €(py vfxiv QeXas <5e
b^ias deed, i9 reported to all.
I rejoice therefore [that] in respect to you; I wish but
you Therefore, I rejoice on your
crocpovs*[iuei'~] tivai eis roayadoVj anepaiovs a c c o u n t ; b u t I wish you,
wise ones [indeed] t-obeiareapsettJ>tho good, blameless ones t o fee J w i s e with respect
8c sis TO KaKbv, O 5 e Oeos rrjs eiprjvrjs t o T H A T w h i c h i s . GOOD,
butin respect to the evil. The and God of the peace
and H A R M L E S S with res-
<rvvTpi\pei rov craravav viro rovs TroBas VJXOOV ev pect to T H A T which is E V I L .
will crush the adver»ary under the feet of you in SO A n d t h e G O D of
PEACE will soon bruise
Ta%6i. 'H xaPLS T0V
the ADVERSARY under
ashprttime. The favor of the Lord of us Jesua
your E E E T . T h e T A V O R
'^[Xpio'rov'] fieO* v/jKaj/. Ao"rra(ovrai vfias of our L O R D J e s u a Christ
[Anointed] with you. Salute you be with you.
Tijuo0eos, 6 crvvepyos fj.ovy Kai AOVKLOS Kai 31 $ Timothy, m y E E L -
Timothy, the fellow-worker ofme, and Lucius and L O W - L A B O R E R , a n d % Lu-
Yao'oov Kai 3,(00-nrarpoSy oi ffvyytvzis fxov. 22
A < r - cius, a n d J Jason, a n d
Jason and Sosipater, the relatives ofme. Sa- $ Sosipater, my RELA-
T I V E S , s a l u t e you.
ira^O(jiaL v/ eya> Teprios, 5 ypatyas rt]v
lute you I Tertius, theonehavingwritten the
22 £, Tertius, who
WROTE t h i s L E T T E R , Ba-
eirio'roXTjv, ey Kvpica. Ao"Ka^rat vfxas lute you i n t h e Lord.
letter, in Lord. Salutes you
S3 J Gaius, t h e HOSPI-
Tcuos, 5 %€vos fxov Kai rrjs zKKXrjmas SXrjS' T A B L E friend of m e and of
Gaius, the host ofme and of the congregation whole. t h e whole C O N G R E G A T I O N ,
Ao~ira£erai v/xas "Epacrros, 6 OIKOVOJXOS rr)s salutes you, $ Erastus,
Salutes you Erastus, the treasurer of the t h e T R E A S U R E R of t h e
7roX€cos, Kai Kovapros 6 a§eX(pos. * [ 2 4 *H CITY, salutes you, a n d our
city, and Quartua the brother. [The B R O T H E R Q u a r t u s .

* VATICAN MANUSCBIPT.—19. that—omit. 19. indeed—omit. 20. Anointed—

omit. 24. omit.
t 16.1 Cor. xvi. 20; 2 Cor. xiii. 12; 1 Thess. v. 26 ; 1 Pet. v. 14. % 17. Acts xv. 1, 5,
24; l T i m . i v . 3 . % 17. 1 Cor. v . 9 , 1 1 ; 2 Thess. iii. 6,14; 2 T i m . i i i . 5 ; Titus iii.10; 2
John 10. £ 18. Phil. iii. 19 ; 1 Tim. vi. 5. X 19. Matt. x. 16; 1 Cor. xiv. 20.
t 21. Acta xvi. 1 : Col. i. 1 ; Phil. ii. 19; 1 Thess. iii. 2 ; 1 Tim. i. 2; Heb. xiii. 23. t 21.
Acts xiii. 1. J 21. Acts xvii. 5. t 21. Acts xx. 4. J 23. 1 Cor, i. 14. t SS. Acts
six. 22; S Tim. iv. SO.
U.3 BOMANS. [Cfiap. 16: 2?.

Xapts^rov tcvpLov 7]fiup ITJ&OV Xpicrrov fxera 24 * [The PAVOR of out

fiyor of the Lord ofwa Jesus Anointed LORD Jesus Christ be
25 with you all. Amen.]
iravnav vficoi/. AfirjvJ] T<p Se Dvva[AGV(p 25 Now % to HIM who is
all of us. So be it.] ^ To him now being able ABLE to establish You ac-
vfxas (TT7}pi^ac Kara ro ^uayyeXtov fiov nai cording to my GLAD TID-
yoa t o establish according t o the glad tidings of me and INGS and the PROCLAMA-
ro KTjpvyfjLa Irjo'ov Xpicrrov, 'mra airoKaXv- TION of Jesus Christ, a-
the proclaiming of Jesus Anointed, according t o a revelation greeably to the Revelation
of the Secret, £ kept con-
\piv fxvo'TTjpiov xp0J/0ls aiooviois crecriyrj/ueuov cealed in the Times of the
of a secret in time* of ages has been concealed; Ages,
(pavzpoodsvTos Se vvv9 dia re ypa<pcoy Trpocpr}- 26 but Jnow having been
having been manifested but now, through and writings pro- disclosed; and through the
Prophetic Writings, a c
riKoov, Kar* eiviray7]v rov aiooviov Oeov, eis cording to the Appoint-
phetic, according to an appointment of the age-lasting God, for ment of the AIONIAN God,

viraK07}p iriffrews, sis traura ra t6i>7) yvoopiar- has been made known to
obedience of faith, to all the nations having been All the NATIONS, J i n order
to the Obedience of Faith;
devros* 2iT[xov(j> cro<p(p 0e<pf Sta Irjo'ov Xpicrov, 37 J t o the Wise God
made known; to only wise God, through Jesus Anoip*"d, alone, through Jesus Christ,
'y 7} do£a eis rovs aicouas. A/uyv. to him be the GLOEY for
to him the glory for the ages. Sobeit. the AGES. Amen.


X 25. Eph.iii. 20; 1 Tness.iii.13: 2 Thess.ii.17; iii. S; Jude 25. t 25. Eph. i.9;
iii. 3—5; Col. i. 27. t 25. 1 Cor. ii. f; Eph. iii. 5, 9; Col. i. 26. J 26. Eph. i.
8; 2 Tim. i. 10; Titus i. 2,8; 1 P@*. i- 2G. J 2S. Acts vi. 7; Eom. L6j xv. 18. t 27.
1 Tim. i. 17; vi. 16 j Judo 24.
fnmKTnnm VIRBT.


KE*. a. 1. CHAPTER I.
1 Paul, %& Constituted
TlavXos, KXTJTOS arro(froXos 1T)0"OV Xpiarrov, Apostle of the * Anointed
Paul, called an apostle of Jesus Anointed, Jesus, by the Will of God,
5ia 0€\7)iAa.Tos 6eov, Kai ^(txrOcprjs 6 a8eA<£>os, and % Sosthenes, the BRO-
through will of God, and SoBthenes the brother, THEE,
rr} €KK\7\<fiq rov deov rr) ovary ev KopivOcf, TION 2 to THAT CONGREGA-
to the congregation of the God to that being in Corinth,
of GOD which is in
Corinth, having been sane-
Yiyiaaixtvois sv Xpitfrcp Irjo'ov, KXTJTOIS ayiois titled in the Anointed J e -
having been sanctified in Anointed Jesus, called saints sus, Constituted Holy
<rvv tract rois tiriKaXovuevois ro ovo/xa rov ones, with ALL THOSE
with all those calling upon the name of the X INVOKING the NAME of
Kvpiov rjficau lyarov XpiGrov €i> iravri roTrcp, our LORD Jesus Christ in
Lord ofus JeBus Anointed in every place, Every Place,—theirs and
avrwv " ^ [ r e ] /ecu TJ/JLCCV X P 3 a ls
v^w ^ al
^iprjpr] ours;
3 JEavorand Peace be
of them [both] and ofus; favor to you and peace
with you from God our
airo 6eov irarpos rjfiwj/, Kai Kvpiov Irjcrov Xpior- Eather, and the Lord Je-
from God father ofus, and Lord Jesus Anointed. sus Christ.
rov. EvxapL&TO) rq> Oecp *[/xoi/] irat/rore 4 %1 give thanks to
I give thanks to the God [of me] always GOD always concerning
7T€pt V/J.0W, €1TL T\] X<XpiTl T0V &€0V T\) So~ you, for THAT FAVOR of
conceming you, for the favor of the God for that hav- God which has b<mi I M -
5 PARTED to you in the
0€io"r) vfJLiv ev Xpitfry Irjarov
on <=v iravriAnointed Jesus;
in g been given to you in Anointed Jesus; that in every thing
5 because in every thing
€Tr\ovTi<r6r)T€ €V avrcp, ev iravrt hoycp Kai you were enriched by him,
you were enriched in him, in every word and J i n Every "Word, and in
Tratfr) ypcocrei, 6 (KCLOOOS ro fiaprvpiov rov Xpicr- All Knowledge,
all knowledge, (when the testimony of the Anointed 6 (% when the TESTI-
rov e(3ef3aioo6T] ev u/xt/>*) ? u>o~re vfias fxr) vcrre- MONY of the ANOINTED
vt as confirmed among you;) eo that you not to be was confirmed among you,)
7 so that you are not
peio'Oai ev jUTjSei/i %ap iff pari, aireKdexo/xivovs inferior in Any one Gift,
inferior in any one gracious gift, waiting for | waiting for the REVELA-
TTJJ/ cnrofcaAuij/iy rov Kvpiov rjfxcov \t]ffov Xpiff- TION of our LORD Jesus
Ihe revelation of the Lbrd ofus Jesus Anointed; Christ;
rov* 8 6s Kai j3e/3cMco<rei vp,as ews TCAO^S auey- 8 who also will confirm
who also will confirm you to an end irre- you to the End, Irre-
K\r)rovs ev rr) rjjxepa rov Kvpiov rjfxccp Irjffov proachable in the DAY
proachable ones in the day of the Lord ofus Jesus of our LORD Jesus Anoint-
Q ed.
Xpiffrov. Tliffros 6 deos, oY ov €KXr)dr)re
Anointed. Jaithful the God, through whom you were called 9 JEaithful is GOD, by
whom you were invited
eis Koivwviav rov vlov avrov ITJO'OV Xpiffrov, into % the Fellowship of
into fellowship of the son of him Jesus Anointed,
his SON Jesus Christ, our
rov Kvpiov fjfioov. 10 UapaKaXco 5e u/ias, a5eA- LORD.
the Lord ofus. I entreat and you, brethran, 10 Now I entreat you,
<£>ot, dia rov ouofiaros rov Kvpiov r)u.<av ITJO'OV Brethren, through the
+Virnu«rh the
through the name
name ofthe Lord ofus Jesus NAME of our LORD Jesus


both—omit. 4. of me—omit.
% 1. Rom. i. 1. t 1. Acts xviii. 17. % 2. Acta ix. 14, 21; xxii. 10; 2 Tim. ii. 22.
1 8. Rom. i. 7; 2 Cor. i. 2; Eph. i. 2; 1 Pet. i. 2. X 4. Eom. i. 8. t 5. 1 Cor. xii. 8; 2
Cor. viii. 1. X 6. Heb. ii. 8', 4. t 7- Phil. iii. 20; Titus ii. 13; 2 Pet. iii. 12.
I 9. 1 Cor. x. 13; 1 Thess. v. 24; 2 Thess. iii. 3; Heb. x. 23. X 9. John xv. 4; xvii. 21;
i Johni. S; iv.13.
Chap. 1 : 11.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 1 : 19.

Kpicrrov, iva ro avro Xeyrjre Christ, X that you all speak

tccu JXTJ the SAME thing, and that
Anointed, that the same thing you speak and not all,
there may be no Divisions
rj ev vfxiv (rxur/uLara, rjre Se Karripricr/xevoi among you; but that you
may be among you divisions, you may be but knit together may be knit together in
the SAME Mind and in the
tv r(p avrco VOL Kai ev ry avrrj yvoofxy. " E5??- SAME Sentiment.
in the same mind and in the same sentiment. I t was 11 For it has been de
XcoOr) yap /JLOI irepi V/JLCOV, adeX<poi fxov, viro clared to me, my Brethren,
declared for to me concerning you, brethren of me, by by THOSE of the family of
Cnloe, That there are Con-
TOOV XXorjs, Sri €pides ev v/niv eiffi. ^ Aeyco 8e tentions among you.
those ofChloe, that contentions among you are. I say and 12 And this I say, % Be-
TOVTO, on eKacrros VJXCOV Xeyer Eyw fxev et/xi cause each C
one of you
this, because each one of you says; I indeed am says, * 3E, indeed, am of
Paul," but, " I of $ Apol-
UavXov eyca Be, ATTOXXCV eyca Be, Kr)(pam eyco los, and, "ftof J Cephas,"
of Paul, I but, of Apollos; I and, of Cephas; I and, " I of Christ."
13 13 Has the ANOINTED
Be, XpiCrov. Mejuepicrrai 6 Xpurros
; JUT] one been divided? "Was
And, ofAaointed. Has been divided the Anointed? not
Paul crucified on your be-
TlavXos ecrravpooOrj virep V/LLCCV; rj ets ro ovofxa half? or were you immer-
Paul was crucified on behalf ofyouP or into the name sed into the NAME of
UavXov €/3a7TTLcr6r)T€; *T&vxapio~roo rq) 0 e « , 14 * I give thanks to
of Paul were you dipped P I give thanks to the God, GOD that I immersed none
on ovBeva V/JLCOP efiairno'a, €i fir) Kpicnrov Kaiof you, except $ Crispus
that no one of you I dipped, if not Crispua and and X Gaius;
15 15 so that no one may
Yaiov iva fxrj ns envy, OTL eis ro efxov say that I immersed into
Gaius; so that not any one may say, that into the my MY OWN Name.
16 16 And I immersed also
ovojULa efiairncra. E/3a7TTi(To& Be Kai rov
name I dipped. I dipped and also the the Family of J STE-
PHANAS ; besides, I do
^recpava OIKOV XOLTTOV OVK oiBa, ei riva
aXXov not know whether 1 im-
Stephanas house; remainder not I know, if other any
mersed Any Other.
ffiairrio'a. 17
Ov yap aTrecrrsiXe jue Xpicrros 17 For the ANOINTED
I dipped. Not for sent me Anointed one sent me not to im-
merse, but to announce
j8@wrTt£e{j>, aXX3 evayyeXi^o'Sar OVK e# tronpta glad tidings; J not in
to dip, but to announce glad tidings; n o t tix wisdom Wisdom of Speech, so that
the CROSS of the ANOINT-
Aoyov, Iva /LLI) KevcoOrj 6 crravpos
rov ED one may not be frus-
ef speech, so that not may be of no effect the cross of the trated.
18 c
Xpicrrov. O Xoyos yap 6 rov cravpov rois 18 For this WORD, (that
Anointed. The word for that of the cross to those of the CROSS,) is indeed
Foolishness $ to THOSE
fiev airoXXvjxevois /nwpta eo~n, rois Be coo^o}xe- who are P E R I S H I N G ; but
jndeed being destroyed foolishness is, to those but being saved to THOSE who are J being
VOLS TjfiLV Biva/u,is 0eov ea"ri 19
a Teypairrai yap° SAVED, even to us, it is
to us power of God it is. It has been written for; the J Power of God.
19 For it has been writ-
AiroXa rrjv crocpLav roov cro(f)(av9 Kai rrjv crvve- ten, $ " I will destroy the
1 will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the learn- " W I S D O M of t h e WISE,
civ ricv cvvercav aderrjo'oo. 20
IToi; cro(f>os; " and I will set aside the
" L E A R N I N G of the I N T E L -
ing of the intelligent ones I will set aside. Where a wise man,'J>

* VATICAN MANUSCIIIPT.—14. 1 give thanks That I immersed.

% 10o Kom. xii. 16; xv. 5; 2 Cor. xiii. 11; Phil. ii. 2; iii. 16; 1 Pet. iii. 8. J 12. 1 Cor.
iii. 4. J 12. Acts xviii. 21; xix. 1; 1 Cor. xvi. 12. t 12. John i. 42. J 14. Acta
xviii.3. J 14. Horn. xvi. 23. t 16. 1 Cor. xvi. 15,17. T 17- 1 Cor. ii, 1, 4, r<;
2 Pet. i. 16. I 18. 2 Cor. ii. 15. % IS. Acts ii. 47. | 18. Eoni. i. 16.
t 19. Isa. xxix. 14.
Chap. 1 : 20 J I. CORINTHIANS. [Cliap. 1

TTOU ypajxjxarevs i TTOV crvfarrjrys rov 20 Where is a Wise

where ascribe? where adisputer of t h e man? Where r. Scribe?
Where a Disputant of this
rovro ; Ou%i e^xcopavev 6 6eos rrjv o~o<piav rov AGE ? % Did n ° t GOD make
this? N o t did m a k e foolish t h e God the wisdom of t h e
foolish the WISDOM of
Koo~fjLov *\_rovro,-] E7T6i8^ yap ev T7} o'ocpia * this WOULD.
world [this?] "When for in t h e wisdom 21 J Tor when, in the
WISDOM of GOD, the
rov 0€ov OVK eyv<a 6 tcoc/xos $ta rrjs o'o^ias WOULD by WISDOM
of t h e God not knew t h e world t h r o u g h t h e wisdom
not GOD, GOD was pleased
rov deov, evdoKrjarev 6 6eos, dia rrjs /xcopias rov through " the FOOLISH-
the God, was pleased t h e God, t h r o u g h t h e foolishnesB of t h e NESS " of this PROCLA-
MATION, to save the BE-
KTfpvyfxaros <rcocrcu rov iricrrevovras. ffi l&TreiSr] L I E VEIIS.
proclamation t o save t h o s e believing. Although
22 And although J Jews
Kai Iovdat.01 a"r]fxeia airovcri, Kai 'EWrjves are demanding Signs, and
and Jews signs are asking, and Greeks Greeks are seeking Wis-
dom ;
ffotyiav £r)rovo~ii>' 2 3 7]fieis 5e KijpvcrcrofjLev Xpicr- 23 yet fjoe proclaim a
wisdom are s e e k i n g ; we yet proclaim an
crucified Christ, the
TOP eo'ravpcafxevov, lovbaiois fiev CKavdaXov, Jews, indeed, a Stumbling-
A n o i n t e d having been crucified, to Jews indeed astutnbling-block, block, and to the Gentiles,
edvecri de /xcopiav ^ avrois 5e rots KXTJTOIS,
24 but to THOSE who
to Gentiles and foolishnesas; t o those but to the called ones,
are INVITED, both Jews
lovdcuois re Kai 'EAA^fTt, Xpio~rov deov dvvafxiv and Greeks, Christ, the
Jews b o t h and Greeks, Anointed of God power {Power of God, and the
25 <
J Wisdom of God.
Kai 6eov o"ocpiav. On ro fxcapov rov 6eov,
and of God wisdom. Because t h e foolishness of t h e God, 25 Because " t h e POOL*
ISHNESS " of GOD is wiser.
crocpoorepov roov avOpooiroov ecrrr Kai ro ao'deves than MEN ; and " the
wiser of t h e men is; and t h e weakness
rov 9eov, io~x P v OT€ 0
Pv ' avOpcaireov ^ [ e t r r i . ] stronger than MEN.
of t h e God, stronger of t h e men [is.] 26 Tor behold your I N V I -
"BXeirere yap rr\v KXTJCTLV vpccv, a$eX<poi, bri TATION, Brethren, J That
Yousee for the calling ofyou, brethren, t h a t not Many are Wise ac-
cording to the Flesh, not
ov TTOKKOI o~o<poi Kara o"apKa, ov TTOXXOI Many Powerful, not Many
not many wise ones according t o flesh, not many Noble;
hvvaroi, ov iroXXoi evyeveis' ^ aXXara fxoopa 27 but J GOD selected
s t r o n g ones, n o t many well-born; b u t t h e foolish things the EOOLISH things of the

rov Kocr/nov e£eAe£aTO 6 6eos, lva rovs ffotpovs WORLD, that he may
of t h e world chose t h e God, t h a t the
shame the WISE ; and God
wise ones
selected the WEAK things
KaraiCx V' vv KaL r a a c r e z / ?
^ 7 rou
KOCTJIMOV e£eAe- of the WORLD, that he
he may shame; and t h e weak t h i n g s of the world c h o s e may shame the POWER-
\aro 6 Qeos, ha KaraMX}>vr\ ra io,xvPa* 28
the God, that he may shame t h e powerful ones; and 28 and the IGNOBLE
tilings of the WOULD, and
ra ayevr} rov KOO^'/XOV icai ra e^ovQevr]}xeva the THINGS that are DES-
the low-bora o f t b e world and t h e t h i n g s having been despised
PISED, God selected, and
e£eAe|aro 6 Qeos, Kai ra fj,rj ovra, lva ra % the THINGS not existing,
chose t h e God, and t h e t h i n g s n o t existing, t h a t t h e t h i n g B that he may {bring to
nothing existing THINGS.
ovra Karapyrjcrr]' OTTOOS /JLTJ Kavx^crarai
existing h e m a y b r i n g t o n o t h i n g ; so t h a t n o t m a y boast 29 so that No Mesh

* VATISAN MANUSCRIPT.—20. this—omit. 25. is—omit.

% 20. Eom. i. 22. % 21. Eom. i. 20, 21, 28. t t 22. Matt. xiL 38; xvi. 1; Mark
viii. 11; Luke xi. 16; John iv. 48. { 23. Isa. viii. 14 ; Matt. xi. 6 ; xiii. 57; Luko ii.S4;
Eom. ix. 82; Gal v. 11; 1 Pet. ii. 8. t 24. Eom. i. 4,16. t 24. Col. ii. 3. 1 20.
John vii. 48. % 27. Matt. xi. 25; James ii, 5. J 28. Eom,lt7.lfc, *-<. $ 28* 1 Cor. ii. 0.
Cfhap. 1 : 3 0 J I. CORINTHIANS. [Otiap. 2 : 8.

irao'a crap£ epcoiriov TOV 6eov. ^ E | avrov8e may boast in the presence
all flesh in presence of the God- Out of himof G O D .
VfM€lS €(TT€ €P Xpi(TT(p 'IrjO'OV, OS €yeP7]d7} TjfXIP 30 But from him jjott
you are in Anointed Jesus, who became t o us are in the Anointed Jesus,
o"o<f)ia avo 0eou, diKaioo'vprj re Kai ayiao'fxoswho became *our J Wis-
wisdom from God, righteousness also and sanctification dom from God, { Righteous.
ness also, and % Sanctifica-
Kai aTcoXvTpooffLS' 3 1 iVa, KaBoos yeypairrai' ' O tion, and % Redemption;
and redemption; so that, even as i t has been written j He
31 that, as it has been
KavxcD/AZJ'os, ev Kvpicp Kavxao'Oa). written, J " L e t him who
boasting, is Lord l e t him boast. " BOASTS, boast in the
KE*. 0'. 2. " Lord."
Kayco e\0cop irpos vfias, a$eX(poif r}X0op ov CHAPTER I I .
And I haying come t o you, brethren, came not 1 And when 3E came to
Kaff vircpox^v Xoyov 7) cotyias, KaTayyeXXcop you, Brethren, %1 came
according to excellence of speech or of wisdom, declaring not with Excellency of
2 Speech, or of Wisdom, de-
vfxiv TO fiaprvpiop TOV deov. Ov yap €Kpipa claring to you the TESTI-
to you the testimony of the God Not for I determined
Tl €lb*€Pai €P V/J.IP, €1 fX1) Ir)0*OVV XplffTOP, 2 for I determined to
anything to make known among you, i f n o t Jesus Anointed, make known Nothing
Kai TOVTOV eo'Tavpco/jiepop. s Kai eyca ev ao"0€- among you, % except Jesus
and him having been crucified. And I in weak- Christ, and htm crucified.
p*iq, Kai sp <pofi(p Kai ep Tpofjup TroXXcp eyepo- 3 % And I , in J Weak-
IICII, and in fear and in trembling mnch was ness, and in Pear, and in
4 much Trembling, was with
fxi)V irpos vjxas* Kai 6 Xoyos fiov Kai TO KTjpvy- you.
with you; and the speech of me and the preach- 4 And my DISCOURSE
e d fxov OVK ep ireidots ffocpias Aoyois, aXX* ep and my PROCLAMATION
ing of me n o t i n persuasive wisdom of words, but in X were not in Persuasive
arrotiei^ei irpevfiaTos Kai SWa/ieees* 5 iva 7) iricr- Words of Wisdom, J but
a display of spirit and of power; s o t h a t t h e faith with a Demonstration of
TIS v/jLcev JJ.7) 'TJ €V aocpia ap0pooircopf aXX' €p Spirit and of Power;
of you n o t may be i n wisdom o f men, but in 5 so that your F A I T H
6 might not be by the Wis-
8vpafi€i 8eov. ^o<f)iqp 8e XaXovfxev ep rots dom of Men, but by the
power of God. Wisdom but we speak among the
Power of God.
TeXeiois' o"o<j>iap 8e ov TOV aicopos TOVTOV, ouSe 6 Wisdom, however, we
perfect ones; wisdom but n o t of tha age this, nor speak among the PER-
TCOP a.pxwr(tip TOV aioovos TOVTOV, TCOP KaTap- F E C T ; X but Wisdom, not
ofthe rulers of t h e age this, of those coming t o of this AGE, nor of THOSE
7 R U L E R S Of t h i s A G E w h o
yovfiepcop' aXXa XaXovfxep deov o"o(piap €P
an end; but we speak of God wisdom in X are coming to an end;
flVO'TTjpiq), T7]V aTT0K€KpVfjlfJieP7]P, 7}V TTpOCOpi-
7 but we speak the Wis.
a mystery, that having been hidden, which previously m a t . dom of God, which was
HIDDEN in a Mystery, and
C€P & 8eos irpo TCOP aicopcop, as do^ap ijfxcop' X which GOD previously
ked out t h e God before t h e ages, for glory of u s ;
designed, before the AGES,
7)p OVSGIS TCOP apxoPToop TOV aicopos TOVTOV for our Glory;
which no one of the rulers of the age this 8 X which no one of the
*ypcoK€P" (ei yap eypcocrap, OVK ap TOP Kvpiop RULERS of this AGE knew;
has known; (if for they knew, n o t would t h e Lord for if they had known Jthey
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—30. our Wisdom from God, Righteousness also, and Sanctifi-
cation, and Bedemption.
t 30. ver. 24. t 30. Jer. xxiii. 5, 6, Eom. iv. 25; 2 Cor. v. 21; Phil. iii. 9. J 30.
John xvii. 19. t 30. Eph. i. 7- X 31. Jer. ix. 23, 24; 2 Cor. x. 17. 1 1 . 1 Cor.
i. 17; ver. 4,13; 2 Cor. x. 10; xi. 6. J 2. Gal. vi. 14; Phil. iii. 8. J 3. Acts xviii.
1,6,12. X 3. 2Cor. iv.7; x. 1,10; xi. 30 ; xii. 5, 9 ; Gal. iv. 13. t 4. 1 Cor. i. 17;
2 Pet. i. 16. t 4. Eom. xv. 19; 1 Thess. i. 5. i 6. 1 Cor. xlv. 20: Eph. iv. 13;
Phil. iii. 1*; Heb. v. 14. t 6. 1 Cor. i. 28. X 7- Rom. xvi. 85. 20; Eph. iii. 5, 9;
Col. i. 20. J 8. Matt. xi. 25 ; John vii. 48; Acts xiii. 27; 2 Cor. iii. 14. J 8. Luks
xxiii. 24; A*ts iii. 17.
Chap. 2 : §.] I. C O R I N T H I A N S . [Chap. 2 : 16.
TTjs Soj-rjs e&Tavpooo'ar'), KaOws yeypav- would not have crucified
o f t h e glory they crucified ;$ but, even as i t has beea the LORD of GLORY;
9 but, as it has been
rar a otydaXfxos
OVK e*Se, /ecu ov$ OUK written, % " Things which
written; what things not saw,eye
and ear not
Eye has not seen, and Ear
7)KOVO~€, Kai eiri KapSiav apOpooirov OVK apefir}, has not heard, and to
heard, and t o heart of man not ascended, which the Heart of Man
has not aspired—things
a TjToi/JLaartv 6 6eos TOIS ayarrcocip avTov. which GOD has prepared
what prepared the God for thoEe loving him. for THOSE who LOVE
w 5
'H/u,tp 2>e aTre/caAtnJ/ev 6 Oeos 5ta TOV irpev/xaTOS him; '
To us but revealed t h e God through the spirit 10 J GOD has revealed
even to us through the
* [ a u r o i r ] TO yap tcpevfxa iravTa tpevpq, Kai Ta S P I R I T . [For the SPIRIT
[of himself;] t h e for spirit all thing* searches, even t h e
searches all things, even
fiady] TOV 0€ov. llTisyap oidep apOpcoircop Ta TOV the D E P T H S of God.
depths of the God. Who for knows of men the things of the 11 For Who of Men
knows the THOUGHTS of
avdpooirov, ei /JLTJ TO irpev/j.a TOV avOpooTrov TO €Pthe MAN, J except THAT
man, if not the spirit of the man that i n
S P I R I T of the MAN which
avTw; ovrctiKai Ta TOV deovovdzis oifitp, eifirj is in him? J so also, the
him? so also the things of the God no one knows, if not THOUGHTS of GOD no one
12 knows, except the SPIRIT
TO irvevfxa TOV 6eov. 'Hfieis 5e oy TO irvevjxa TOV of G O D .
the spirit of the God. We b u t n o t t h e spirit of the
12 Now iat have re-
KOCTfXOV €\afio/JL€V9 CtAAc* TO 7TU€VjJ.a TO €K TOV ceived, not the SPIRIT of
world received, but the spirit that from t h e the WORLD, J but THAT
0€ovt lvaei5(i)/j.<zu Ta VTTOTOV Oeov -^aptaOev- SPIRIT which is from GOD,
God, that we may know the things by t h e God having beengra- that we may know the
Ta 7]flip* a Kai \a\ov/j.epf OVK ep EN to us by GOD J
eiously given t o u s ; which things also we speak, not by
13 $and which things
SidaKTois ap6ptoirii/r)S aocpias aAA* €P we speak, not in Words
teachings of human wisdom in words, but by taught by Human Wisdom,

fiifiaKTois trpevjxaTOS^ irvevfxaTUtois TcvsvjxaTiKa but by the Teachings of

teachings o f spirit, t o spiritual ones spiritual things the Spirit; * unfolding
spiritual things to spirit-
ffvyKpiPOpTes. ^WVXIKOS 8e avQpooiros ov 5e- ual persons.
explaining. A n animal but man not re-
14 J Now, an Animal
p^€Tat Ta TOV irpevfxaTos TOV deov jxoopia Man does not receive the
eeive3 the things of the spirit of the G o d ; foolishness THINGS of the SPIRIT of
yap avrcp e c r i , Kai ov dvvaTai ypoopar OTI GOD, % for they are Fool-
for to him i t is, and n o t he i s able t o know i because
ishness to him; and he is
J not able to understand,
frviVjxaTiKcas apaKpiveTai. ' O 8e TrpsvfxaTi- Because they are spiritu-
spiritually i t is examined. The but spiritual ally examined.

/COST apaKpipei fiep iraPTa, avTos 8e vir' ovdevos 15 {But the SPIRITUAL
man examines indeed all things, himself but by no one man examines, indeed, all
16 things, yet he is examined
apaKpipeTau T i s yap eypco povp Kvpiov, 6s by no one.
i s examined. W h o for knew mind of Lord, who
16 J For who has known
crvufiifiao'ei avTOP, 'H/iets 5e POVP XpiaTovs the Mind of the Lord?
will instruct him? We but mind of Anointed who will teach it? But

we possess the Mind of
have. * Christ.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—10. of himaelf—omit. 18 unfolding spiritual things

spiritually. 16. the Lord.
t 9. Isa. lxiv. 4. v- t 10. Matt. xiii. 11; xvi. 17; John xiv. 26; xvi. 13; J John ii. 27.
t 11. Prov. xx. 27; xxvii. 19; Jer. xvii. 9. t 11. Kom. xi. 33, 34. % 12. Eom. viiv.
15. I 13. 2 Pet. i. 16. J 14. Matt. xvi. 23. J 14. 1 Cor. i. 18, 23. * £14.
ftpm. viii, .5—7 j Juda 19. £ 15.1 John iv. 1. J 16. Bona. xi. 84
Chap. 3 : 1.] I. C O R I N T H I A N S . [Cliap. 3 : 11.

KE<J>. y'. 3 . CHAPTER I I I .

1 1 And 3E, Brethren, was
Ka^coj abeXcpoi, OVK TjbvprjOrju XaXrjcai ofxiv notable to speak to you
And I, brethren, not was able to speak to you as to spiritual, but as to
OJS Tvj/ev/aariKOtSy aAA3 cos (TaptciKois, c%s vqiriois fleshly persons, as to Babes
as to spiritual ones, but as to fleshly ones, even as to babeg in Christ.
2 2 % Milk I gave you—•
ev XpKrrop. Ta\a v/ errorura, GV fipce/na* not solid Food; for you
In Anointed. Milk you I give to drink, not solid food;
were not then able; nor,
ovrrco yap ebvvao'de. AAA' ovbe *[eTf] vvv indeed, are you even now
not yet for were you able. But not even [yet] now able;
bvvatfQe' 3
en yap (TapKiKot. ecrre. 'Orrov yap 3 because you are still
are you able; yet for fleshly ones you are. Where for
fleshly. For whereas
Envy and Strife exist
ev VJXIV £r)\os Kai epts *\_Kai Si^ocrracnaijj among you, are you not
among you envy and strife [and divisions,] fleshly, and walk according
to Man?
ovxi capKiKOL ecrre, uai Kara avBpooirov rrepi- 4 Besides, when says
not fleshly ones are you, and according to man walk one, %" 3E, indeed, am of
rvarevre ; 4 c
Oraj> yap Xeyy TLS' Eyco jxev eifj.1 Paul," and another, " I
you? When for may say any one; I indeed am am of Apollos," are you
n o t * fleshly?
TlavAov erepos be' ~Eyoo, ArroXXoo° ot>%f cap- 5 *"What then is Apol-
ofPaul; another and; I, ofApollos; not fleshly los, and what is Paul?
KLKOI ecrrz; 5
TLS OVV ecrri UavXos, ris be Servants, through whom
ones are you? Who then is Paul, who and you believed ; and to Each
as the LORD gave.
ATTOWOOS ; AiaKovoi, oY cov erricrrev(Tare,
6 J I planted, t Apollos Kai
Apollos ? Servants, through, whom watered; but J GOD caused
you believed, and
aKacTTcp cos 6 Kvpios ebooicev. &~Eyco ecpvrevcra, it to grow.
to each as the Lord gave. I planted, 7 J So that neither the
^.rroXXcos eiroTicrej/j aAA' 6 Oeosrjv^avew ? ware PLANTER is anything, nor
Apollos watered, but the Godcaused to grow; so the WATERER, but God
3 w h o CAUSES i t TO GROW.
sure 6 (pvrevoov ecrri ri, ovre 6 TTOTL^OOP, aAA
(teitherhe planting is anything, nor he watering, but 8 Now the PLANTER
8 and the WATERER are
6 av^avcov Qeos. ' 0 (pvrevcov be Kai 6 TTOTI-
one; J and each will re-
hecausing to growGod. He planting but and he watering
ceive his PROPER Reward,
£oov ev eio~iv eKacros be rov ibiov fiiadov Xrj- according to his OWN La-
one are; each and the own reward will bor.
xperai icara rov ibtov KOTTOV. 9 9 t For we are God's Co-
®eov yap workers;
receive according to the own labor, Of God for
you are God's
Field; you are J God's
eo-fxev ffvvepyoi' 6eov yecopyiov, Oeov oiKobo/nr] Building.
we are fellow-workers; of God a farm, of God a building 10 According to THAT
ecrre. Kara rrjv %apiv rov Oeov ri)V boOei-
you are. According to the favor of the God that having BEEN IMPARTED to me,
as a Skilful Architect, J I
tfav fxoi, cos o"o(pos ap%ireK.rwv OejxeXiov have laid a Foundation,
been given tome, as a wise architect a foundation and Another person is
reBeiKa' aXXos be erroiKobofxei' etcacrros be building u p ; but let each
Ihavelaid; another but builds up; each one but one see how he builds
n up.
fiXerreroo, TTOOS erroiKobofxei. QefxeXiov yap
let see, how he builds up. -Foundation
- . for 11 For no one can lay

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. yet—omit. 3. and Divisions—omit. 4. Men,

5. What then is Apollos, and what is Paul ?
t 2. HeTa. v. 12,13; 1 Pet. ii. 2. I 4. 1 Cor i. 12. J 6. Acts xviii. 4, 8,11; 1 Cor.
iv 15 • ix. 1; xv. 1; 2 Cor. x. 14,15. t 6. Acts xviii. 24, 27; xix. 1. J 6. 1 Cor.
xv 10 t 7. 2 Cor. xii. 11; Gal. vi. 3. t 8. 1 Cor. iv. 4, 5, Gal. vi. 4, 5; Kev. ii. 23.
t 9. .2 Cor. vi. 1. t 9. Eph. ii. 20; CoL ii. 7; Heb. iii. 8, 4; 1 Pet. ii. 5. $ 10. Eopj,
xv. 20, .
Chap. 3: 12.] I. C O R I N T H I A N S . [Chap. 3 : 22.
aXXov ovdeis bvuaraL deivai irapa TOV Keifxevov, another $ Foundation be-
another no one is able to have laid besides that being laid, sides THAT which is LAID,
6s €0~TLV lycrovs Kpicrros, 12
Et 5e TLS CTTOLKO- t which is Jesus Christ.
12 And if, on this
who is Jesus Anointed. If but any one builds
80jU€l 6"7Ti TOV 6e/J.€\lOV *\jTOVTOV, build up Gold, Silver,
j ^pVCTOV,
on the foundation [this,]costly Stones; Wood, Hay,
i gold,
apyvpov, Xtdovs TL/XIOVS, £t>Aa, yjoprovy KaXa- Straw-;
silver, stone* costly, wood, bay, straw; 13 J the WORK of each
will become manifest; for
fX7]V €Ka(TTOV TO epyOV <paV€pOV jeV7)0'€TCU° 7) J t h e DAY will show it,
of each one the work manifest shall become; the Because it is revealed by
yap 7]jJ.£pa SryAoxret, on ev ivvpi airoKaXvTTTe- Eire; and so every one's
for day will show, because in fire it is revealed; WORK, whatever it is, * the
Tar /cat etcao~Tov TO epyov brcoiov eo-iri, TO irvp same EIRE will prove.
and of each one the work what kind it is, the fire 14 If the WORK of any
14 one remain, which he
^OKifJiacrei. Et epyov fxevei 6 eirqKo- built up, he will receive a
willtry. If of any one the
work abides which he built
dojjLTjO'e, fxicrQov XijtyeTai' 15 et TWOS TO epyov 15 if the WORK of any
up, a reward he will receive; if of any one the work one shall be consumed,
KaTaKar)0'€Tai) fo/JucodrjcreTai' avTos Se o'cody}- he will suffer loss; he him-
ishall be consumed, he will suffer loss; he himself but shall be self, however, will be
16 saved, but so as through
ceTai, OUTCO be ws §ia irvpos. OVK oiSaTe, a Tire.
saved, inthiswaybut as through afire. Not knowyou, 16 J Do you not know,
OTL vaos deov eo~Te, Kai TO irvev/jia TOV 6eov That you are a Temple of
that a temple of God you are, and the spirit of the God God, and the SPIRIT of
oiKei ev VJXLV : l? Ei TLS TOV vaov TOV 6eov (pBei- GOD
dwells among you ?
If any one destroy
dwells in you? I f a n y o n e t h e temple of the God des-
pei, (pdepei TOVTOV b Oeos' b yap vaos TOV deov will destroy htm; for the
troys, will destroy him the God; the for temple of the God TEMPLE of GOD is holy,—
ayios eo'Ttv, oWives ecrre MrjdeLs which DOU are.
v/nets. 18

holy is, whoever are you. No one 18 Let no one deceive

himself. If any one
eavTov e^ajraTaTco' ei TLS fioicei crocpos eivai ev among you think to be
himself let deceive; if any one seems wise to be among
wise in this AGE, let him
Vfjuv ev Tcp atccvL TOVTcp, fioopos yevecrQoo, Iva become a Fool, that he may
you in the age this, a fool let him become, so that become wise.
yevrjTai crocpos. ' H yap o~o<pia TOV KOO'/XOV 19 For J t h e WISDOM of
he may becoms wise. The for wisdom of the world this WORLD is Foolishness
TOVTOV, fxoipia irapa Tcp deep ecTTr yeypairTai with GOD ; for it has been
this, foolishness with the God i s ; it has been written written, J " H E CAPTURES
" t h e WISE in their CRAF-
yap' ' O dpacrcrofxevos TOVS o~o<povs ev TYI irav- T I N E S S . "
for; He is catching the wise ones in the crafti-
20 20 And again, J " T h e
ovpyia avToov /cat iraXiv
KvpLos yivcao'KeL " Lord knows the REASON ?
ness of them; and again; Lord knows
" I N G S of the WISE, That
TOVS diaXoyMT/xovs TO>V crocpoov, OTL CLO'L [xaTaioL." they are vain."
the reasonings of the wise ones, thattheyare vain.
21 21 J Let no one, there-
'HTTe jJLTjdeis navxao~Q(ti ev avdpcoirois' fore, boast in Men; for
Therefore no one let boast in men;
X all things are yours;—
7ra^ra yap V/JLOOV eo'Tiv, 22 eiTe JJavXos, eire
all things for of you is, whether Paul, or 22 whether Paul, or
AiroAXtos, €LTC Kr)(f)as, eiTe Koa/aos, eiTe £corj, Apollos, or Cephas; wheth-
Apollos, or Cephas, or world. or life, er the World, or Life, or

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. this—omit. 13. the same.

t 11. Isa. xxviii. 16; Matt. xvi. 18; 2 Cor. xi. 4; Gal. i. 7. t 11.
X 11. Eph. ii. 20. t 18.
!Cor. iv. 5. t 13. 1 Pet. i. 7; iv. 12. £ 16. 1 Cor. vi. 19; 2 Cor. vi. 16; Eph. ii. 21,
11; Feb. iii. 6 ; 1 Pet.X ii.
21.5.1 Cor. i. 12;
t 19.iv.1 6COB. i. 20; L i. 6. ^J .19.
. . Job v. 13. X 30.
Psa. xeiv. 11
P a n »'i»;*r 11 + 01 1 f l / w 1 1 0 . i i r A
t* O21.
l ft P n » i v K I I
2 Cor. iv„ 5,15.
Chap. 3 : 23.] [Chap. 4 : &.
I. C O R I N T H I A N S .
are Qavaros, eire evearroora, eire fieXXovra' Death; whether Things
or death, or present things, or present, or Things future;
being about to be;
23 —all are yours;
yravra vficov ^[eo'Tiv^ v/neis 8 e , Xpicrrov 23 a n d | g o u a r e Christ's,
allthingi of you [is;) you and, of Anointed;
and Christ is God's.
XpuTTos $e, 6eov. K E $ . 8 ' . 4 . 1 Ovrcos r)fias CHAPTER IV.
Anointed and, of God. Thus ua
1 Let a Man thus es-
koyi£e<rda) avOpanros, o?s virrjperas Xpicrrov, teem us as { Ministers of
let regard aman, as assistants of Anointed, Christ, and Stewards of

Kai OlKOVOflOVS /J.V(TT7}piCt)V 0€OV. 2

' O 8e Xoi~ the Mysteries of God.
and stewards of mysteries of God. "What but re- 2 But, moreover, it is
7ro r T€lTal €f/
required in STEWARDS,
'V C I TOIS OIKOVOflOlS, Iva TVKTTOS TIS that every one should be
maining, itisrequiredin the stewards, that faithful one found faithful.

evpedy, 3
Efioi 5e eis eXax'-o'Tov earrtvf Iva i/cj)3 3 Therefore, to me it is
should be found. To me but for least thing it is, that by of very little importance
that I should be con-
vficav avafcpiOoo, t] VTTO av6pcairivr)s ijfiepas' demned by you, or by a
you I should be condemned, or by a human day; Human Day of Judgment;
aXX* ou5e e/navrov avaKpivw 4
(ovb*ej/ yap ifiav- because I do not even con-
but not even myself do 1 condemn; (nothing for in my- demn Myself;
4 (for I am conscious to
rca (TvvotSa, aXX* OVK ev rovrcp SeSiKaicofiar) 6 myself of Nothing evil;
self I am conscious, but not in this I have been justified;) he though I am not by this

5e avaKpivosv fit, Kvpios effriv. 5

'Q.o're fir) irpo justified;) but H E who
JUDGES me is the Lord.
but condemning me, Lord is. Therefore not before
5 X Therefore, judge you
Kaipov ri Kpivere, eoos av zXQy o Kvpios9 6s not Anything before the
proper season anything] udge you, till may come the Lord, who proper Time, till the LORD
come, who % both will
Kai (j)Ci)ri(T€i ra Kpvwra rov CTKOTOVS, Kai bring to light the SECRETS
both will bring to light the things bidden of the darkness, and
of DARKNESS, and will
<j>ai>epa}(T€i ras ftovXas roov KapDicow Kai rore make manifest the PUR-
will make manifest the pnrposes of the hearts; and then POSES of the HEARTS ;
and % then the PRAISE
6 eiraivos yeyrjo'erai eKao~rq> CITTO rov Oeov. will be to each one from
the praise shall be to each one from the God. GOD.
6 6 Now these things,
Tavra 5e, aSeXcpoi, fiGrecrxv/U''a eis efiav-
These things and, brethren, i figuratively applied Brethren, J I figuratively
to myself
applied to myself and to
vov Kai ArroXXa) OY v/uas, Iva ev r)fiiv [xaOrjre Apollos on your account;
and Apollo a on account ot you, that by UB you may learn that by us you may J learn

ro fir) vTrep 6 yeyparrrai (ppoveiv, ha fir) cis NOT to think ABOYE what
that not above what has been written to think, so that not Dae has been written; that no
one of you may, on behalf
vircp rov evos (pv&iovardz Kara rov erepov. of the ONE, be puffed up
on behalf of the one you may be puffed up against the other. against the OTHER.
eLS 7 For who distinguishes
?Tis yap ere SiaKpivei; ri 5e ex > &
Thee? and J what hast
Who for thee distinguishes? what and hast thou, whichnot
thou which thou didst not
eXafies; ei 8e Kai eXafies, ri Kavxacrai receive ? and if thou didst
thou didst receive? if and also thou didst receive, why dost thou boast receive, why dost thou
boast as not having re-
ODS fir) Xafioov ; 8H§r) KeKopeo'fieuoi ecrre, rjfir) ceived.
as not having received? Already having been filled you are, already
8 You are already filled!
€ir\ovrr)0'aT€f XwPLS VP'(av efSaonXevcrare' Kai you are already enriched !
you were rich, without ua you reigned; and you have reigned without

t 28. Rom. xiv. 8; 1 Cor. xi. 3 ; 2 Cor. x. 7 ; Gal. iii. 20. J 1. 1 Cor. i i i . 5 ; ix. 17; 2 Cor.
vi 4- Col. i. 25. t 5. Matt. vii. 1; Rom. h . 1,16; xiv. 4,10,13; Rev. xx. 12.
t 5. Rom. iii. IS. t 5. Rom. ii. 29; 2 Cor. v- 10. X 6. 1 Cor. i. 12; iii. 4. % §,
Rom., xii. 8. t 1 John i. 17; 1 Pet. iv. It).
Chap. 4 : 9.3 I. C O R I N T H I A N S . [Chap. 4 : 17.

9(peXov ye efiacriXevo'aTe, iva teat 7}fJ.€is vfJ.iv us f and I wish, indeed,

I wish indeed you did reign, BO that also we with you you did reign, that toe
a,v/jL@ao,L\ev(roo/.i€i'. 9 AOKCO yap, * [ < 5 T J ] 6 0€os also might reign with you.
might reign together. I think for, [that] the God 9 For I think GOD ex-
fjfias rovs airoCroXovs e&xarovs aire<5ef£ev, cos hibited us the APOSTLES
us the apostles last Bet forth, as
t last, as % devoted to
death; % For we are made
eTTiOavariovs, on Oearpoy eyeprjOrjjuep rep a Spectacle to the WOULD,
appointed to death, because a spectacle we wore mide to the
l0 both to Angels and to
Koaficp Kai ayyekois Kai avOpoorrots. 'HfX€is Men.
world and messengera and to men. We
10 j O T e a r e J Fools on
ficopia fiia XpLCTTov, vjjieis 8e (ppoui/xoi ep Xpi<f- account of Christ, but goo
fools on account of Anointed, you but wise ones in Anointed;
are wise in Christ; X &*
rep* 7]jj.eis arrdevets, vfiets Se io~xvPOL' ^M e i s are weak, but |jOU are
we weak oneB, you but strong ones; yon strong; gouare honorable,
ei/8o£oi, T]/JLCLS 5e ari/jioi. A%pt rrjs apri but toe are f disgraced.
honorable ones, we but ignoble ones. Till the present 11 JTa the PEE SENT
copas Kai TT€LU(*)jj.epj Kai Si^oojuLep, Kai yv/nvqrev-Hour we both hunger
hour both we hunger, and we thirst, and we are naked, and thirst, and are in want
o/jL€Pt Kai KoXacptCo/iieOa, Kai acrrarovfxep, 1 3 Kai of clothing; we are buf-
and we are beaten, and we are homeless, and fetted about, and are
Koiri(ti/j,€V epya^o/xepoi rats idiais ^ e p o v Xotfio- 12 and J we labor, work-
welabor working with the own • hands; being
ing with our OWN Hands.
pov[x€voi, ev\oyov/mep' SiooKOfievoi, apexofxeQa' | I k i n g reviled, we bless;
reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure; being persecuted, we en-
f5\ao~<p7ifJiov/u,epoi9 irapaKaXovfxzv cos irepiKa-dure;
being blasphemed, we eihort; a» purgations 13 being calumniated,
dapfxara rov Kotr\xov eyep-qdri/nep, iraprccp irepi- we expostulate; J we are
ofthe world we became, ofallthinga off- become as f Hie Purgations
14 of the WOELD, the Refuse
^97yua ecos apri, OVK eprpetroop v/xas ypacpco of all things till now.
scrapings till now. Not shaming you I write
14 I do not write these
ravra, ccAA* cos reKva fxov ayairrjra povOeroo. things to shame you, but
these things, but as ehildren of me beloved I admonish. as my beloved Children I
Eap yap fivpiovs irai^ayooyovs e x ^ r e ep Xptcr- admonish you.
If for myriads child-tenders you may havein Anointed 15 For though you may
rq>y aAA* ov iro\\ovs irarepas' ep yap Xpurrcp have Myriads of Leaders
but not many fathers; in for Anointed in Christ, yet not Man
*[lrj(rou] 8m rov evayyeXiov eyco vfias eyep- Fathers; for X in Christ
[Jesua] through the glad tidings I you be- begot you through the
got. 16 Therefore, I exhort
TlapaKaXco ovp vfxas, fii/Jirirai fiov yipecrOe. you, to become $ Imitators
I exhort therefore you, imitators of me become you. of me.
*7 Aia rovro eire/ux^a V/XIP Tificodeop, 6s e(fri 17 On this account I
On account of this 1 sent to you Timothy, who is sent to you t Timothy,
reKPOP /J.ov ayaTrrjrop Kai ivKTrop ep Kvpicp, 6s who is my beloved and
a child of me beloved and faithful in Lord, who faithful Child in the Lord,
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—9. That omit. 15. Jesus—omit.
t 9. Alluding to those last exposed on the theatre, to fight with wild beasts, or with
each other; and who were devoted to certain destruction. t 10. The atimoi were
held to be outlaws, and might be slain as well as ill-treated with impunity. _ f 18. The
words perikatharmata andperipseema are thought to allude to those human expiatory sacrifi-
tea which were offered to infernal deities among the Greeks and Romans, selected from the
lowest of the people, and loaded with curses, affronts and injuries while on their way to
J 9. Rom. viii. 36; 1 Cor. xv. 30, 31; 2 Cor. iv. 11; vi. 9. t 9. Heb. x. 89. t 10
1 Cor. ii. 8. t 10. Acts xvii. 18; xxvi. 24; 1 Cor. i. 18; ii. 14 ; iii. 18. t 10. 2 Cor-
xiii.9. t 11. SCor.iv. 8; xi. 23—27; Phil. iv. 12. J 12. Acts xviii.3; xx.84;
1 Thess. ii. 9; 2 Thess.iii. 8; 1 Tim. iv.10. J 12. Matt. v. 44; L u t e xxiii. 34; Acts vii.
00; Rom. xii.14, 20; 1 Pet. ii.23; iii. 9. J 13. Lam. iii. 45. J 15. Acts xviii. 1 1 ;
James i. 18. t 16. 1 Cor. xi. 1; Phil. iii. 17; 1 Thess. i. 6 ; 2 Thess. iii. 9. | 17.
\ c t s s i x . 22-, 1 Cor. xvi. 10; PhiL i i . 19.
Ohap. 4 : 18$ I. CORINTHIANS. [CV.-ap.

v/xas avafjLvrjcreL ras odovs JJLOV ras €P Xpicrrcp, who will remind you oi
you will remind the ways of me those i n Anointed, THOSE WAYS of mine which
are in Christ, even as I
tcadoos uravraxov €p iracry €KKXr)(ria
SiSacKw. teach everywhere, + in
even as every where in every
I teach. congregation
every Congregation.
'Cls fxt] €pxolu<?J'ov 5e JJLOV irpos v/nas, ecpvo'i- 18 And some are puffed
As not coming but of me to you, were puffed up, as though I were not
aidrjcrap rives. 19
'EXevo'ojuoL 8e rax^ws irpos coming to you;
up some. I will come but quickly to 19 but I will come to
you soon, $ i f the LORD
vjuas, eav 6 Kvpios 6eXrjo~7], KCLI yvoocro/maL ov will, and I will know, not
you, if the Lord should will, and I will know Bot
the WORD but the POWER
TOP Xoyov reap Tre<pvo'LCd/ji,£va)i/, aXXa rrjp Swa- of THOSE who are PUFFED
the word of those having been puffed up, but the power. U P .
p.iv "° ov yap cp Aoyq) r) fiaaiXei,a rov Oeov, 20 J For the KINGDOM
not for in word the of GOD is not in Word,
kingdom of the God,
3 21 but in Power.
a\\ tv dvva/j,€i. T * fleAere; ev pafiucp zXQca 21 What do you wish ?
but in power. What do you wish? with a rod I shouldcome
:{: that I come to you with
irpos vfiaSf rj ei> ayairy] Trvev/uaTt re Trpaorrjros ; a Hod, or in Love, and in
to you, or in love in a spirit and of meekness P a Spirit of Meekness.
K E $ . e'. 5 . 1OXoos aKoverai ep VJJLLP iroppeta, CHAPTER T.
Actually is heard among yon fornication,
KCLI roiavTT) iroppeia, r)ns ov$e 1 Incest is certainly
ev rois eOvecriP,
and such fornication, which not even among the heard of among you, and
Such Incest as is not even
ware yvvauca rcva rov irarpos ex^i-P- 2 Kai vfieis among the GENTILES,
an a wife one of the father to have. And you
J that one has his F A -
irecpvonoofxepoi effre ; Kai ou%t fxaXXop eirepOrj- THER'S Wife.
having been puffed up are? and not rather lamented, S And gou have been
ffare, Iva apOr} eK ixeaov VJXOOP 6 ro epyov puffed up, and did not
so thatmightberemovedfrom midst of you he the work rather lament, so that H E
rovro iroi7]0'as; Eycofxepyap *[<ys]
air cap might be removed from
this having done ? I indeed for [as] being absent
the midst of you.
ro} coofiari, irapoop 8e rep 7rpevjuari, 7)$i) Ketcpitca 3 For f, indeed, J being
in the body, being present butin the spirit, already have judged absent in the BODY, but
d>s irapotp, rov ovrco rovro Karepyao"/nepopt ev present in the SPIRIT,
as being present, him thus this having practised, i n have already judged, as if
present, H I M who thus
rco ovofxari rov icvpiov TJ/JLOOP ITJO'OV * [ X p i f f r o v , ]HAS PERFORMED "this
the name of the Iiord of us Jesus [Anointed,] ACT;—
((TvvaxBevrcov V/JLOOV Kai rov efxov irvevfxaros^) 4 in the NAME of our
(having been assembled of you and of the my LORD Jesus, you being as- spirit,)
sembled, and MY Spirit,
CVP ry Bvpa/JL€L rov Kvpiov T)/HOOP ITJO'OV "^[Xpjo--
with the power ofthe Lord ofus Jeous [Anointed,] X with the POWER of our
5 LORD Jesus,
rov, ] irapafiovpai rop roiovrov r<a crarava eis
to deliver up that one to the adversary for 5 J to deliver up THAT
oXedpov rr)s ffapKos, Iva ro irvev/j,a cooOrj ep rr} RY, for the i Destruction of
destruction of the flesh, s o t h a t t h e spirit may be saved in the the FLESH, that t h e
7}fJL€pq rov Kvpiov ^\\r](rov.~\ O v icaXop roSPIRIT may be saved in
day ofthe Lord [Jesus.] Not good the the DAT of the LORD.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. as—omit. 4. Anointed—omit tivice, 5. Jesus—

t 5. Or the infliction of bodily disease. I t is evident the apostles had the power to pun-
ish offenders miraculously with disease and even death. See Acts v. 1—11; xiii. 9—11;
1 Cor. iv. 21; 2 Cor. x. 6; xiii. 1, 2,10.
t 17. 1 Cor. xiv. 33. J 19. Acts xviii. 21; Eom. xv. 32; Iieb. vi. 3 ; James iv. 15.
t 20. l C o r . i i . 4 ; 1 Thess.i.5. t 21. 2 Cor.x. 2 ; xiii. 10. J 1. Lev. xviii. 8;
Dent. xxii. 30; xxvii.20. t 8. Col. ii. 5. J 4. Matt. xvi. 7.9; xviii. I85 John xx.
23; 2 Cor. xiii. 8,10. t 5. Job ii. 6; Psa. eix. 0; 1 Tim. i 20.
0iap. S : «/| I. C O R I N T H I A N S . C^«P- 6 : 1.

OVK Ot5aT6, OTl 6 % Your BOASTING ig

boasting of you. Not know you, that a little leaven not good. Do you not
know That % a Little Lea-
oAoy T O (pvpafia (vfxoi.; ' EKKadapare rrjv ven ferments the Whole
whole the mass let'vens ? Cleanse out the MASS.
waAataj' (v/urjp, iva rjre veov (pvpa/ua, 7 t Cleanse cat the OLD
aid leaven, that you maybe a new mass, Leaven, that you may he a
New Mass, as you are Un-
e(TT€ a£vfxor KCLI yap ro ircurxa 7]fxoov *[i>7rep leavened; J for even our
you are unleavened; even for the paschal lamb of us [on behalf
7]}x(av\ trvdr], XpurTos. 'Clare kopra^ojix^v^
was sacrificed.
of us] was slain, Anointed. Therefore let us keep the feast 8 Therefore, let us Jkeep
V 7r
(AT) ev C I^V « ^ ? > ^ ^ai e €Z/ V
C P-V KaKias KCLI Leaven, the festival, not with old
not with leaven old, nor with leaven of vice and
nor with i Leaven
3 of Yice and Wickedness,
TTovriptas, a\\ ev a£v{iois ziXiKptveias KCLI tiki] hut with the Unleavened
wickejness, but with unleavened things of sincerity and (of principles of Sincerity and
Betas. 9
EpycuJ/a vyav €V rrj eTricrroXr), fir) &v- Truth.
truth. I wrote to you in t h e letter, n o t to be 9 I n that LETTER I
10 wrote to you J not to be
vavafAiypvcrdaL iropvois. * [ K a < ] ov 7TCLVT01S associated with Fornica-
associated with fornicators. [And] not altogether tors ;—

TOIS TTOpVOlS TOV KOCTjULOV TOVTOV? 7] TOLS ItXeOV- 10 in no wise with the
with the fornicators of the world this, or with the covetous FORNICATORS of this
WORLD, or with the COVE-
€KTCUS, 7] apTra^iv, 7] eiBcoXoAarpaiS' eirei o<pei- TOUS *and Extortioners,
or extortioners, or idolaters; since you are or Idolaters, since indeed
A 6 T 6 apa €K TOV K0O~/U0V e^e\6€LU. )6
you are hound to come out
bound indeed frora the world to come out. Now but from the "WORLD ;—
11 but now I write to
eypaxpa VJULP, JUT] crvvavafiiyvvo'dai, eav rts, you t not to be associated
1 wrote to you, not to be associated, if any one,
with any one, named a
a8e\(f)os ovofxa^ofievos, 7} iropvos, 7] rrXeoveK- Brother, if he be a Fornica-
* brother being named, may be afornicator, or a covetous per- tor, or a Covetous person,
or an Idolater, oraEeviler,
rrjs, 7] eib'wXoXarpTjs, 7] XoiSopos, 7] jxeQva'os^ 7] or a Drunkard, or an Ex-
son, or an idolater, or areviler, or a drunkard, or tortioner; with SUCH a
ap7ra£* rep roiovrco /urjbe cvj/ecrOiew 12
Tf person not even to eat.
an extortioner; with the such like not even to eat; what 12 For what is i t to me
to judge THOSE WITH OUT ?
yap fxoL * [ « : a i ] rovs e£co Kpiveiv; Ov%i rovs Do not gou judge THOSE
for tome [also] those without to judge? Not those WITHIN ?
etreo vfxeis Kpivere ; T o u s Se e£cy 6 6eos Kpi- 1 3 B u t THOSE WITHOUT
within you judge? Those but withoutthe God will GOD will judge. J Put
out from among yourselves
vet; E | a p a r e rov irovripov e£ V/JLCOP avrcov. that EVIL person.
judge? Put out the evil one from of yourselves.
KE<f>. s'. 6.
1 Dare any one of you,
ToAfAct TLS vjjioov, Trpay/ia e%<av irpos
rov having an Affair with
D&re anyone of you, a matter having with the ANOTHER, be judged by
krepov, npiveo'Qai eiri rcov adifcooi', Kai ov%i eiri the UNRIGHTEOUS, and
otter, to be judged by the unjust ones, and not by not by the SAINTS ?

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—7- on our behalf— omit. 10. And—omit. 10. and

•^Extortioners. 12. also—omit.
t 7. The Jews were commanded to put away all leaven, before they ate the passover, as
being an emblem of wickedness, which sours and corrupts the mind, as leaven does t h e
[Lump into which it is put, if i t remains in it long- unbaked,—Macknight.
% 6. i C o r . i i i . 21; iv. 19; James iv. 16. t 6- l C o r . x v . 3 3 ; Gal. v . 9 ; 2 Tim. ii. 17.
X 7. Isa. liii. 7; John i. 29 ; 1 Pet. i. 19 ; Eev. v. 6,12. X 8. Exod. xii. 15; xiii. 6,
t 8. Luke xii. 1. t 9. 2 Cor. vi. 14; Eph. v-11; 2 Thess. iii. 14. J 11. Matt, xviii,
17; Rom. xvi. 17; 2 Thess. iii. 6,14; 2 John 10. t 13. Deut. xiii. 5 ; xvii. 7; xxi. 22; xxii
21, 22, 24.
Ghap. 6 : J8.] I. C O R I K T H T A N ! [(Map. 6: 11,
2 2 Do you not know
roov ayioov; H ovx. otdars9 bri ol ay toi rov
the saints? Or not know you, that t h e saints the t That the SAINTS shall
judge the WORLD ? And
KOftjxov Kpivovcri; KOA ei ev vjxiv Kpiverat 6 if by you the WORLD is
world will judge P and if by you is judged the judged, are youinadequate
to decide trivial Causes ?
KOCTJAOS, ava^ioi eare KpiryjpLoov eXax^^^v '>
world, inadequate are you for tribunals smallest? 3 Do you not know
That we shall judge An-
ou/c OfSaTe, bri ayyeXovs Kpivovjxev s fxr^riye gels ? Why not t V n
not know you, that messengers weshalljudge? muchmorethen tilings pertaining to Uiis
fitter IKCL; ^BLOOTIKO, fiev ovv Kpirrjpia eav
things of this life? Things of this lifeindeed then judgments if 4 I f then, indeed, you
e 7 T6
should have Causes as to
X 7 9 TOVS e^ovOevrjpievovs ev rrj eKKXrjcriq, the things of this life, do
Jroumay have, those havingbeenof no accountia the congregation, you appoint THOSE, the

rovrovs Ka6t('ere; ^ Tipos evrpoirr\v vfiiv Xeyoo' LEAST ESTEEMED i n t h e

thoBe do you cause tosit? For shame to you lapeak: CONGREGATION?
5 Tor shame to you, J
ovrcos ovft evi ev VJXIV ao(pos * [ o v 8 e els,"] bs say it. I t is so, that there
thus not one among you wise [not evea one,] who is not among you a wise

^vvyjcrerai Siatcpivat ava fxecrov TOV a5eX(f)ov man—-not even one—who

shall be able to decide between the brethren shall be ahle to decide
between his BRETHREN ?
aurov; 6 aXXa adeXcpos pera afieXcpov icpiverai, 6 but Brother with
of himself? but a brother with brother is judged,
Brother is judged, and
H§7J fl€V OVV bXo)S 7)T- this by Unbelievers ?
and this by unbelievers? Already indeed then certainly a 7 Therefore, indeed, it
rrj/xa vjxiv ecru*, on Kptjiara e%€Te fxed eavroov. is now a great Fault in
you, Because you have
fault to you itia, that law-suits you have with yourselves. Law-suits with each other.
Why not rather $ suffer in-
Atari ov%f paXXov afiiKeiade ; Stan ou%t [A.aX- iustice? why not rather
Why not rather suffer injustice? why not rather be defrauded?
Xuv airoorrepeto'Oe ; AXXa vfxeis adtKeire, tcai 8 But goU injure and
be defrauded? But you injure, and defraud- -even tftfse things
aTroo~repetre, KCCL ravra a$eX(povs. 9
H OVK you do to Brethren
defraud, and these things brethren. Or not 9 Do you not know,
That Unrighteous p r i o n s
otdare, on afitKoi 6eov fiaffiXeiav ov ttXi)povo- shall not inherit God's
know you, that uujust ones of God a kingdom not shallin-
Kingdom ? Be not de-
fjL7)0'ovo~i; M77 irXavacrOe' ovre iropvoi, ovre ceived; neither % Forni-
herit ? Not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor cators, nor Idolaters, nor
Adulterers, nor Effemi-
eidooXoXarpai, ovre fiotxoi, ovre JACLXOLKOI, nates, nor Sodomites,
idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminates,
10 nor Thieves, nor
ovre apcrepoKoircu, 10 ovre KXeirrai, ovreirXeov- Covetous persons, nor
nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor eovetous Drunkards, nor Revilers,
nor Extortioners, shall
€/CTCU, ovre fiedvo'oi, ov Xoifiopoi, ovx aprrayes, inherit the Kingdom of
persons, nor dmnkards, not revilers, not extortioners,
BaffiXeiav Oeov ov KXr)povo/JL7]crovo'i. n Kat 11 % And such charac-
a kingdom of God not shall inherit. And ters were some of y o u |
retvra rives rjre' aXXa aireXovcacde, aXXa but you were $ washed,
these things some you were; but you washed yourselves, but but you were separated,

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—5. not even one—omit.

t 2. Psa. xlix. 14; Dan. vii. 22; Matt, xix.28; Luke xxii. 30; Eev.ii. 26; xii. 21; xx. 4.
t 7. Prov. xx. 22; Matt. v. 39, 40 ; Luke vi. 29; Rom. xii. 17,19; 1 These v. 15. t&
1 Cor. xv. 50; Gal. v. 21; Eph. v. 5; 1 Tim. i. 9; Heb. xii. 14; xiii. 4 ; Eev. xxii. 15. t 11.
1 Cor. xii. 2; Eph. ii. 2 ; iv. 22; v 8; Col iii. 7; Titus iii. S. J 11. 1 Cor. i SO; H e *
x. 2«
Ghapi 6 : 13.]
I. CORINTHIANS. [CJiap. 6: 20.

T}yiaffQr}T£y aXX €$tKaiQ)9r}T€ ev TU> ovofxari TOV but you were justified b]
you were separated, but you were justified
in t h e name of the the NAME of *the LORE
Jesus, and by the SPIRIT
Kvpiov ITJCTOV, Kat €V rep irvevfiaTt TOV Oeov
of our GOD.
Lord Jesus, and in the spirit of the God
12 i " All things are
Tjfxoiv. 12Tlavra fiot e£e<TTij/, aXX' ov travra allowed to me;"—but all
of ua. All things t o m e is lawful, but n o t all things things are not proper.
" A.U things are allowed to
(rvfupepei- iravra (xot e^ttfTiv, aXX9 OVK €70? me;"—but 3£ will not be
is beneficial; all thingsto me is lawful, but not I brought into subjection by
ei;Ovo'iao~dr)(rofAai VTTO TWOS. 13 T a fipcvjuaTa any one. <e
trill be brought into subjection by any one. The foods 13 % ALIMENTS for
the STOMACH, and the
TJJ. icoiAia, KCU r) KoiXia TOLS $p(a\x<xcnv 6 8e STOMACH for A L I M E N T S ; "
for the belly, and the belly for the foods; the but •—but GOD will put an
Oeos Kat TavT7]V Kat ravra KaTapyycrei. To end both to it and tftnn.
God both this and Th e Now the BODY is not for
these will make useless.
TORN 1 CAT 1 ON, but for the
5e ffoojxa ov TT\ iropveiq, aXXa TW Kvpica9 Kai 6 LORD ; % and the LORD
and body notfor the fornication, but for the Lord, and t h e for the BODY.

Kvpcos Tcp orco/nart' 14

6 8e Oeos Kat TOV Kvpiov raised 14 And GOD both
the LORD, and
Lord for the body; the and
God both the Lord
* will raise up Us by his
vjyeipe, Kat 7)fxa$ cj-eyepet Sta TTJS dvpa/xecas POWER.
raised up, and as will raise up through the power 15 Do you not know
15 t That your BODIES are
avrov. OVK otdaTe, ort ra croi^ara V/JLOOV Members of Christ? Hav-
of himself. Not know you, that the bodies of you ing taken away, then,
(xeXr) X.pto'rov ecrrit/; qpas ovv ra jueXr) the MEMBERS of CHRIST,
members of Anointed is? Having taken away then the members shall I make them mem'
bers of an Harlot ? By no
TOV Xpio~Tovf TTOtrjcrco iropvqs JULZXT) ; M?; yepot- means!
ofthe Anointed, shall I make of an harlot members? Not letit
16 What! do you not
TO. H OVK otfiaTG, bri 6 KoXXoofxepos TTJ know That he who adhered
be. Or not know you, that the one being joined to the to the HARLOT is One
iropvrjy kv arco/na ecTiv ; [kcoPTat yap, cpricnp, Body; (for J " t h e TWO/
harlot, one body
it says, " shall be for one
is? (theyshallbe for, it says,
ol dvo eis o"apKa fjLtap'^) -1' 6 de KoXXoofxevos TOO 17 % but that HE who
the two for flesh one;) the but one being joined to the ADHERES to the LORD is
Kvptcp, kv Trvevpa GCTI; <f>e wye-re TTJV irop- One Spirit ?

Lord, one spirit is; Flee you the for- 18 JFlee from FORNICA-
r TION ! Every Crime which
vetav. Uav a/jLapTrj/jLa 5 eav Koir\o"r) avdpomos, a Man may commit is ex-
nication. All sins which if may do a man, terior to the BODY; bu£
CKTOS TOV o-cafxaros eo~Tiv 6 8e Tropvevoov the FORNICATOR sin
outside of the body is; within his OWN Body.
he but committing fornication
19 19 What! %do you no
as TO tBtov coo/na a/jiapravet. H OVK otdaTe, know That your BODY is a
against the own body sins. Or not know you,
Temple of that * holy
on TO crcofia v/x(av vaos TOV ev VJXIV aytov irpev- Spirit in you, which you
that the body of you a temple of the in you holy spirit have from God ? J Be-
sides, you are not your
fxaTos €0~TIP, ov e%6re aivo 6eov, Kai OVK eo~Te own;
is, which you have from God, and not you are
20 % for you were bought

* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . - -11. our LORD Jesus Christ. 24. raised up Us. 19-

holy Spirit.
t 12. 1 Cor.x. 23. J 13. Rom. xiv.17; Col. ii. 22, 23. X 13. Eph. v. 23.
t 15. Rom. xii. 5; 1 Cor. xii. 27; Eph. iv. 12,15, 10; v. 30. % 16. Gen. ii. 24; Matt. xix.
5; Eph. v. 3. t 17. John xvii. 21—23; Eph. iv. 4 ; v. 30. + 18. Rom. vi. 12,13;
Heb. xiii. 4. J 19. 1 Cor. iii. 16 ; 2 Cor. vi. 16. J 19. Rom. xiv. 7, 8. t 20.
Acts xx. 28; 1 Cor. vii. 23 s Gal. iii. 13; Heb. ix. 12 ; 1 Pet. i. 18,19. 2 Pet. ii. 1; Rev. v. &
€/hap. 7 : 1 J I. C O R I N T H I A N S . [Chap.7 : - l l .
kavrttiv; HyopacrOriTe yap TL/J.7JS' So^acrare with a Price ; glorify GOD,
ef yourselves? You were bought for a price; glorify you then, in your BODY.
5T] TOP Beop CP rep coo/nan V/JLOOP. CHAPTER YII.
therefore the God in t h e body of you.
1 Now concerning the
KE#. £'. 7. things of which you wrote;
l l e p t 5e wp eypaxpare *[/JLOI,~\ ttaXov ap- — J i t is well for a Man
not to touch a "Woman.
Concerning but what things you wrote [to me,] good for
2 But on account o\
OpooTTcp yvpaiftos /J.7} arrreaOaL' " dia 5e rasTORNICATIONS, let each
a man a woman not to touch; on account ofbut the man have a "Wife of H I S
iropPGias &Kao~Tos Tt]P eavTov yvpaiKa e^erto, OWN, and Jet each woman
fornications each man the of himself wife let have, have her OWN Husband.
nai lKa<TTf) TOP idiop apdpa e^eTa*. 3 Ty yv- 3 +Let the HUSBAND
and eachwoman the own husband let have. To the wife render to the WIFE the
conjugal OBLIGATION ;
vaiKi 6 apyjp TTJP o<p€iXy]p ct7ro5i5oTW bjioioos 5e and in like manner also,
thehusbandthe debt let render; in liks manner and the W I F E to the HUSBAND.
Kai 7) yvpf] Tcp apfipi. H yvpr] TOV ifiiov 4 The WIPE controls
also the wife to the husband. The wife of the own not her OWN Body, but
cwfjiaTosovK e^ovcriafeiy aXX3 6 aprjp'bjioioos the HUSBAND ; and in.
body not controls, but the husband; inlikemanner like manner also, the H U S -
BAND controls not his OWN
Se Kai 6 ap7]p TOV idiov (raj/xaros OVK s^ovcria^ei, Body, but the WIPE.
and also the husband the own body not controls, 5 % Do not deprive each
s 5
aAA 7) yvprj. M77 airoo-TtpeiTe aXXr]Xovsf other, unless by agreement
but the wife. Not do you deprive each other, for a Season, that you may
ei \XT)TI ap eK crvixcpoopov irpos Kaipop, ipa have leisure for PRAYER;
f not from agreement for a season, so that
and again you should BE.
UNITE, so that the ADVER-
(rxoXao-r]T€ TTJ Trpoaevxj)' Kai iraXip e m TO SARY may not tempt you
you may be at leisure for the prayer; and again to the through your INCONTI-
avTO 7}Te, ipa \XT) Treipa^y i/nas 6 caTapas NENCE.
same you may be, so that not may tempt you the adversary 6 But this I say as a
$ia TTJP aKpacriap "^[y/xcor.] 6TOVTO de Xzyoo Concession—not as an In-
through the incontinence [of you.] This but I say junction.
5 7 For I wish All Men to
Kara CvyypccfAep, ov /car GiriTayr\p. 7©eXoo
aB a concession, not as an injunction. I wish be even as myself; but
7 a p rrapTas apQpanrovs ewai 00s Kai e/xavTov each one has his appro-
for all men to be as even myself;
priate Gift from God; one,
indeed, of one kind, and
aXX* eKacrTos ifiiop £%£i xaPLarlLl'a *K Geovy 6s another of another.
but each own has gift from God, one 8 To the UNMARRIED
fiep OUTCOS, bs 5e OUT . Ae7co 5e TOLS
aya- men, however, and to the
indeed so, another and so. I say but to the un- WIDOWS, I say, I t is well
fiois Kai Tais xVPais' KaXop avTois, tap (ASIPOO- for them, if they should
marriedand to the widows; good for them, if they should remain even as I do;
9 9 J but if they do not
arip cos Kayco' ei Se OVK eyKpaTevoPTai,
remain aa even I ; if but not they possess self-control, possess self-control, let
them marry; for it is bet-
yafXTjcaTcco-ap' Kpeicrcrop yap CTTI ya^crai, 7] ter to have married, than
let them marry; better for it is to have married, then to be inflamed.
irvpovo-Qai. Tois 8e yeyaKrjKoa irapayysX- 10 And to the MARRIED
to be inflamed. To those but having been married I charge it is not E t but the LORD
Ao>, OVK €700, aXX* 6 KvpLos, yvpaiKa airo vriio commands, that a
not I, but the Lord, a wife from "Wife must not be separa-
) La r l/aL ll ted from her Husband;—
apftpos fir) x° P 'Q ) i (*av ^e Kai xwPl(T~
an husband not to be separated, (if but even she should be 11 but, if she should

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. to me—omit. 5. of you—omit.

t 1. ver. 8, 26. __ t 3..ExocL xxi. 10; 1 Pet.iii. 7. % 5. Joel ii. 10; Zech. yjk<S,
&£<? Bxod. xix. 15? 1 Sam. xxi. A\ 5. % 9. 1 Tim. v. 14.
Chap. 7: IS J I. CORINTHIANS. ICIiap. 7: 18.

Br), fxevsTca aya/mos, 7} Tcp avdpi KaraWa- be separated, let h e r r&

peparited, let her remain unmarried. or to the husband let her 0 re- main unmarried, or let he*
b e reconciled t o h e r HUS*
yrjTov) Kat av^pa yvvcuKa fxrj a<pievai. Tois B A N D ;—and t h a t a H u s .
tonciled;) andahusband a wife n o t to dismiss. To the band do n o t dismiss hi*
Be Xoiirois eyoo Xeyco, oi>x b Kvpios* €i rts
12 Btlt t o t h e REMAIN-
but. remaining things I fcpoak, not the Lord, it *ay ING matters I speak, t h e

a$€\(pos ">\raiKa 6%et airKTrov, cvvev- t L O R D does n o t ; — I f any

broth^r * wife has an unbeliever thinks Brother have a Wife, an
and she
unbeliever, a n d she ia
fioKti oiKeiv /tier' avrov9 ixt] acpitTca avrrjv pleased t o dwell with him,
well to dwell with him, not let him dismiss her; let h i m n o t dismiss h e r ;
13 13 and if a n y Wife have
Kat yvvT) T]T is €%ei avfipa, aTricrrov9 Kai avros a H u s b a n d , an unbeliever,
and a wife who has a husband an unbeliever, and he
and fie i s pleased t o dwell
«rweu(5oK:ei OIKZIV j u e r ' avrrjs, p-TJ altera? avrov, with her, l e t h e r n o t dis-
thinks well to dwell with her, not let her dismiss him. miss * t h e H u s b a n d .
14 For t h e UNBELIEV-
"Kytacrrat yap 6 avy\p b airitrros zv rrj yvvai- I N G H U S B A N D i s s a n c t i -
Gas been sanctified for the husband theunbel-ievingin the wife, fied i n t h e believing W I F E ,
rtf, Kai yyicMTTat 7] yvvrj T) airuTTos eif rca W I F E i s sanctified i n t h e
and has been sanctified the wife t h e unbelieving in the
* B R O T H E R ; otherwise, in-
avftpr eiret apa ra rettva, bfxcav aKaBaprz deed- ± y o u r C H I L D R E N
husband; othsrwise indeed the children of you unclean were impure, b u t now they
are holy.
ecTTJ, wv 8 e ayia, ecrnp, E t de 6 anKTros 15 B u t if t h e U N B E -
is, now but holy is,
Tf but t h e unbelieving LIEVER, withdraw, let h i m
withdraw; the BROTHEB
^copi^raL, xo0PlC*°'Q00° ov
SeBovXeorai b a5eA- or t h e S I S T E R i s n o t en-
withdraws, let him withdraw; n o t is enslaved t h e brother
slaved in S U C H cases;—
7) r) ade\(p7} ev rots TOIOVTOLS. E V Se Gtpr]vr) but % in Peace G O D h a s
or the sister with the such like. In but peace called us;—•
16 for h o w knowest
K€K\r)K€v ijfjLas 6 Qeos, T i yap oifias, yvvai, thou, O Wife, whether
has called us the God. How for knowest thou, O wife, t h o u s h a l t save t h y H U S -
B A N D ? o r h o w knowest
6i TOP avfipa crcixreis; 7) ri oifias? avep, ei thou, O Husband, whe-
if the husband thoushalt Bave? or howknowestthou,Ohusband, if
ther % t h o u shalt save t h y
ryv yvvaiKa (rcorreis. -1' E t fir} knarry ws W I F E ?
the wife thou shalt save. If not to each as 17 I f not, as" t h e L O R D
h a s apportioned t o each
€/J.€pi(T€lf 6 KVpLOS, ZKaVTOV WS KeK\r)K6J/ 6 BeOS one, even a s G O D h a s
distributed the Lord, each oue even as has called the God called each one, so let h i m
walk. A n d % t h u s i n a l l
oura) TrepiirareiTOO. Kai ovrcos GV rais CKKATJ- the C O N G R E G A T I O N S I a p -
co let him walk. And thus in the congre- point.
ls 18 W a s a n y one called
ciais Tracrais ( J t a T a m r o / u u . U.€pirGTjU7]iuevos
gations all I appoint. Having been circumcised having been circumcised?
let h i m n o t become u n -
rts €KXY]6T}9 fir} €Trio"ira(r6w cv atcpo- circumcised ; i n Uncir*
any one was called, not let him be uncircumcised; in uncircum- cumcision * h a s any o n e

f$V(TTiq TLS €K\7)6ri, JLL7) 7T€ptreflJ/€(r8w. 19

' H been called? % let him not
cision anyone was called, not let him be circumcised. The be circumcised.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT. -13. the Husband 14. BROTHER. 28. has any
one been called.
t 12. These words do not intimate that the apostle was not now under t h e influence of
the divine Spirit: but that there was nothing in the sacred writings which bore directly on
this point.—Clarke.
I 14. Mal.ii. 15. J 15. Bom. xii. 18; xiv,19; 1 Cor. xiv. 33: Heb. xii. 14. + 16.
i Pet. in. 1. I 17. l C o r . i v . 1 7 ; 2Cor.xi. 28. J 1& A c t e x v . l , 5,19, 24, 2S; Gal, yf %
Map. 1: 19.] I. C O R I N T H I A N S . [ Chap. 7 : 2S

fl-epiTOju/rj ovfiev tan, aai T) aKpofivffria ovdev 19 J CIRCUMCISION h

jircumcision nothing is- and the uncircumcision nothing nothing, and UNCIRCUM-
CISION is nothing; % bu-i
tffTiv, aXXa rriprjtris tvroXcov 6<EOV. ^ KEKacr- Keeping God's Command
is, but keeping of commandments of God. Each ments.
20 Let each one remain
one in the calling in which he was called, in this let hinwemain. in that VOCATION in which
AouAos €Kk7]6r]s, (XT)(TOL ju^AeTW aXX9 et he was called.
A slave wast thou called, not to thee let it be axarej but if 21 Wast thou invited
when a Slave? Let i t not
KCLI hwavai eXevOepos ytvecrOai, fxaXXou XP^~ give thee concern; (hut if,
also tbov» ant able free to become, rather use indeed, thou art ahle to
(Tai. ^ O yap ev Kvpiq> KXrj&eis dovXos, aire- become free, prefer it;)
He for in Lord being called a slave, a 22 for the Slave BEING
Xevdepos icvpiov earnf bjxoiws *\_Kai~\ 6 eXevOepos CALLED by the Lord, is
ireedman of Lord is in like manner [alsol the freeman
J the Lord's freedman ; in
like manner the FREEMAN
KX7]6eis, SovXos e t r n XpKTrov. TVi7$ 7)yo- being called is J Christ's
beii* called, a slave is of Anointed. For a price you Bond-servant.
pa(r0y]Tf /JLTJ yivecrde SovXoi avOpwirow. 23 f Have you been
were bought; not become you slaves of men. bought with a Trice? Be-
come not the Slaves of
°4'EK:acrTos zv \J CKXTJOT], adeX^>oi9 eP rovrcp Men.
Each one in which he was called, brethren, tliia
24 Brethren, $ let each
jU.6i>€Tco irapa 0eeo. one remain with God in
let him remain with God, that vocation in which he
Tlepi Se T(av Trapdevow, eTrirayr}^ Kvptov was called.
Concerning and the virgins, a commandment of Lord 25 And concerning the
DVK 6 ^ 0 ) ' "yV<a]XT\V § 6 S l S a ^ i , COS 7]X^T}/J,€V0S fviRGiNs, I have not t a
not I have", a judgment bust I give, aa having obtained mercy Commandment of the
26 Lord, but 1 give my Judg-
VTTO KVpiOV TTLOrTOS ZlVOLl. N o f l l {(O OVV, to^.Q
ment, as % having received
from Lord faithful to be. I declare then, this
mercy from the Lord J to
KCLXOP virapxtiv 8ta ry]v evsarrwo'av avayK7]vi be faithful.
well to be because of the having been present distress, 26 I declare this to be
on KaXou avQpooivco ro ovrws eiva^ ^ AeSe- well, then, on account of
that well for a man the thus to be. Art thou hav- the PRESENT Distress;
aat yvvcwu, jxrj farei Xvcriv XeXvcai Because it is well for a
in j been bound to a wife, not seek thou arelease; hast thou beenloosed Man to be thus ;—
2S 27 Art thou bound to a
atro yvvaiKos, [iri Qr)T$i yvvaiKa,
yvvaiKa. Ea*> 8e Wife ? seek not a Release.
from a wife, not seek thou a wife. If but
Art thou loosed from a
nai yrjfArjs, ov% f/ixapr^s' Kat sav Wife ? seek not a Wife.
even thou ahouldst have married, not thou didst sin ; and if 28 But even if thou
yq/xy 7) TrapOzvos, ov% 7)(J.a.pT€* OXityivshouldst marry, thou dost
should have married the virgin, not she sinned; affliction not sin; and if * a Virgin
should marry, she does not
Se TT) ffapKi Qovviv oi TOLOVTOI' eyco 8e v/xcov sin; but Affliction in the
b u t i n t h e flesh shall have those suchlike; I but you FLESH SUCH will have;—
c^etSo^cu. 29
T O U T O 8e <$>7)fJLif a$eX(poi, 6 Kaipos however, IE spare you.
spare. This but I say, brethren, the season 29 But this I say,
o-vvza'TaXjxevos TO XOLTTOV €(TTIP' LVCL KCLI 01 Brethren, J t h e TIME be-
having been shortened the remainder is; that boththose ing shortened, i t remains,

* VATICAN MANTJSCBIPT.—22. also—omit. 28. a Virgin.

t 23. So rendered interrogatively by Whitby, Wakefield, and Turribull. t 25. The
word parthenos, a virgin, signifies, i n this place, a young unmarried person of either sex,
as is evident from verses 26, 27,32—34, and Rev. xiv. 4. t 25. See Note on verse 12.
X 19. Gal. v. 6; vi. 15. t 19- John xv. 14-, 1 John ii. 3 ; iii. 24. t 22. John viii.
36-, Rom. vi. 18, 22; Philemon 16. \ 22.1 Cor, ix. 2 1 ; Gal. v. 13; Eph. v i . 6 ; 1 Pct.ii.16-
t 24. ver. 20. t 25. verse 10; 2 Cor. viii. 8. % 25, 1 Tim. i. 12. i. Jjy. Matt.
^ i y . SJ2 ; Rom xiii. 1 1 ; 1 Pet. i v . 7 .
Chap. 7 : 3 0 . ]
I. C O R I N T H I A N S . [Chap. 7 : 36.

30 t h a t both T H O S E H A V I N G
eXwres yvvcufcas, cos fjcrj exovres coo"i' KOLI
having wives, as not having should b e ; and Wives, should be as n o t
having t h e m ;
oi KXaiovres, cos JIT) KXaiovres* KCU ol xaLP0V~
30 and T H O S E who are
those weeping, a3 not weeping; and those
rejoicing, "WEEPING, as not w e e p i n g ;
and T H O S E who are R E -
res, cos fXT] x c u p o ^ T e s * Kai ol ayopa^ovres, cos
J O I C I N G , as n o t rejoicing;
as not rejoicing; and those buying, as
and T H O S E "who are B U Y -
j«77 Karexopres' 31 Kai Ol XP00^?01 r(
P KOO'/J.Cp I N G , a s n o t possessing;
hot possessing:, and those using the world 3 1 and T H O S E who are
rovrcp, cos [X7] Karaxp^^voi. TJapayei yap U S I N G t h i s W O R L D , as n o t
this, as not abusing. Passes by for using i t ; % for t h e t S C E N E
of t h i s W O R L D is passing
TO o'xVH-^t, rov Koo'fxov TOVTOV. OeAco 5e away.
the form of the world this. I wish but 32 B u t I wish you to b e
vfAtxs ajiepifivovs eivcu. ' O aya/mos fxepifivq ra without anxiety. % The
you free from anxieties to be. The unmarried caresfor the things U N M A R R I E D m a n i s con-
cerned for t h e T H I N G S of
rov Kvpiov, ircos apeo~ei rca Kvpicp* 3 3 6 Se ya-
t h e L O R D , how * h e m a y
ofthe Lord, how he shall please the. Lord; he but having
please t h e L O R D ;
firjo'as fiepijxva ra rov KOO'JLLOV^ TTCOS apso'ei S3 but H E HAVING
married cares for the things of the world, how he shall please M A R R I E D i s anxious about

rri yvvaiKi
Mef^pio'rai T) ywr\ Kai 7} irap- t h e T H I N G S of t h e W O R L D ,
the wife. Has been divided the wife how * h e m a y please h i s
and the virgin.
W I F E , — a n d is divided.
Qevos' r) ayajxos [Aspijxvq ra rov Kvpiov, iva
3 4 And t h e U N M A R R I E D
the unmarried cares for the things of the Lord, so that
W O M A N , even t h e V I R G I N ,
r) ayia Kai ccofxari Kai Trj/evjuarr 7} 5 e ya- is concerned for the
may be holy both in body and inspirit; the but one T H I N G S of t h e L O R D , t h a t
she may b e holy both i n
[i7}crao~a fiepifiva *[Va rov KOC/ULOV^ TTOOS
*BODY a n d i n M I N D ; but
having married cares for [the things of the world,] how
apeo'et rep avfipi. 35 Tovro dc irpos ro u/ncov anxious how *she may
she shall please the husband. This and for the of you please her H U S B A N D .
avroov crvfMpepop Xzyco' ov% iva fipoxov V/J,LU 35 B u t I say t h i s for
yourselves benefit I say; not that a snare to you T O U R OWN Advantage %
not t h a t I may throw f a
€TTifta\co, a A A a Trpos ra evarxm^op Kai evirape- Snare over y o u ; b u t for
I may throw, but for the decorum and devoted_
t h e H O N O R A B L E and con-
Spov rcc Kvpicp aTrepio'irao'rcos. Ef 5e ris stant attention to t h e
ness to the Lord without solicitude. If butanyone L O R D without distraction.
acrxv^ov^i-v siri r7\v Trapdevov avrov vo/jiifei, 36 B u t i f any one thinly
to behave indecently toward the virgin of himself thinks, he acts improperly f i n re-
maining single, if he be
eav 7] virepaK/nos, Kai our cos ocpeiXet yiveo"- past age, a n d t h u s i t is fit-
if she may be beyond age, and so it is fitting to b e ; ting t o be married, let him
6ar 6 6e\ei iroieirco, ovx afiapraver yafxeirco- do what h e wishes, h e sins
whathe wishes let him do, not he sins; let them n o t ; f let t h e m marry.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—32. he may please. 33. he may please his WIFE,—and

is divided. And the UNMARRIED WOMAN, even the VIRGIN, is concerned. 34. BODY
and in MIND. 34. the THINGS of the WOSID—omit. 34. she may please.
t 31. Probably a reference to the shifting scenes in a theatre. t 35. An allusion
to a small casting net, something- like the lasso of the South Americans, which was in use
among- the Romans and Persians, t o throw on the heads of their adversaries, and thus
entangle them. t 36. Parthenos, commonly translated virgin, has been rendered
as meaning- also a state of virginity or celibacy. t 36 Many think—"let him marry"—
the true reading, which is supported by many MSS. However, there are different views en-
tertained by critics on the whole of this difficult passage ; some referring i t to the power of
fathers over their daughters; others to the young women dedicated to the service of God in
the primitive church, who were called virgins; and others again to young men, who had re-
nounced matrimony, and devoted themselves to the Lordo The latter view has been adopted,
jn the text.
$ 31. 1 J o h n i i . l £ £ 32. 1 Tim. y . W
€hap. 7 : 37.] I. C O R I N T H I A N S . lOliap. 8 : 6.
3/ 37 But lie who stands
tfav. 'Os 8e earTTjxep efipaios €V rr) fcapfiia,
marry, "Who but he lias stood settled in the firm in his HKAKT, not
fXT] exccu avayK7)v, e^ovfftau 5e e ^ e : tr^pi rov having Necessity, but has
not having necessity, control but has concerning t h e Control over his OWN Will,
and has determined this
iSiov OeAri/JLaros, Kai TOVTO KtKpiKev ev TT) Kap- in his HEART, to maintain
own will, and this haB resolved in the beart HIS Celibacy, * does well.
Sios avrov rov Trjpeiit TT]P eavrov nxapQzvoV) 38 so that even HE who
of himself ihe to keep the of himself virgin, * M A E K I E S , does well;
tcaXeos iroi€i. 3 8 'Hare Kai 6 eKyajuufav, KaXcos b u t H E Who * MAKEIES
well does. So that even he giving in marriage, well NOT, does better.
voter /cat 6 /nr] yajui^cop, upeicraov Trotet. 39 % A Wife is bound
does; and he not marrying, better does. as long as her HUSBAMD
Yvvq SeScTat *(p3 bcrov ^povov £rj 6 avqp BAND lives; but if *her H U S -
A wife is bound for so long a time may live the husband
be deceased, she is
free to be married to whom
avrrjs' sav 5e KoifxrjQr) 6 avr\p avrrjs, eXev- she pleases;—J only in the
ofher; if but should fall asleep the husband of her, free Lord.
6epa dcrrtv 'cp deXei ya{ii]6r]i/a.if fxovov €V 40 But she is happier,
she is to whom she wills to be married, only in if she should so remain,
KvpLcp. 4 0 MaKapicvrepa Se €o~nv9 eav ovrco according to MY Judg-
Lord. Happier but she is, if thus ment; * and I am certain
that even 2 have the Spirit
IAGLPT), Kara rrjv efxrjv yvoo;xy]V SOKCO of God.
»he should remain according to the my judgment; I think
5e Kayca irv^vp-a Qeov eyj:iv. CHAPTER VIII.
and even 1 spirit of God to have.
1 Now concerning the
KE4>. if. 8 . JIDOL-SACKIIICES, "we
know/' (Because % we al]
riepi §6 rcou €idccXodvT6ov, oiHafiw (ort have Knowledge. KNOW-
Concerning and the things offered to idols, we know; (because LEDGE puffs up, but LOVE
TTCLi/Tts yvooffiv exo/uev V yvcocris (pvcrioi, r) Sebuilds rip.
all knowledge we have; the knowledge puffs up, the but 2 J If any one is con-
ayairrj oiKodo/ner 2 €f * ^ 5 e J ns SOKGI eidevai fident of knowing any-
love builds u p ; if [but] anyone thinks to have known thing, he knows it *not
yet as he ought to know.
Ti, ovSeTrco ovSev syvooxe KaOoos Sei yvoo- 3 B u t if any one love
something, not yet nothing he has known ag it behoves to have
God, the same has been
var e i §e ns aya-rra rov Oeov, ovros eyvoocr- acknowledged by him.
known; if but any oneshouldlove the God, this has been 4 Therefore, concerning
rat V7r3 avrov^ 4
Trepi rrjs fipooffeoos ovv the EATING- of the IDOL-
acknowledged by him;) concerning the eating therefore SACRIEICES, 'we know,)
rcov eihooXoQvTcav, 0ib*a/j.ev, on ovdev GL^COXOV That an J Image is noth-
of the things offered to idols, we know, that nothing an idol . ing in the World, % and
That * no one is God but
€V KocrjAcp, Kai on OVSCLS Oeos erepos, ei fir) zts. one.
jn world, and that no one God other, if not one
5 For though there are,
Kai yap enrep euri Xeyofievot Qsoi, e:re ev indeed, J Gods so called,
Indeed for thougk they are being called gods, whether in whether in Heaven ox*
ovpavcp, etre €in yrjs' (ooairep eicfi deoi TTOXXOL, on Earth; (as they are
heaven, or on earth; (as they are Gods many, many Gods, and many
6 Lords;)
jxai Kvpiov iroXXoi') * [ a A A ' ] r)fiiv zls 9cos 6
jnd. lords many;) [but] to its one God the 6 yet to ns there is but

* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 3 7 . s h a l l do w e l l . 38. M A R R I E S h i s V I R G I N s h a l l do
w e l l ; a n d h e w h o M A R R I E S n o t , s h a l l do better. 39. t h e H U S B A N D . 40. for I
am. 2. But—omit. 2. n o t y e t a s . 4. n o o n e i s God b u t o n e . 6. but—omit.
t 39. E o m . vii. 2. J % 39. 2 Cor. vi. 14. J 1. A c t s x v . 20, 2 9 ; 1 Cor. x . 19.
* l . E o m . xiv. 14, 22. jf 2. 1 Cor. xiii. 8, 9,12 ; Gal. v i . 3 ; 1 T i m . v i . 4. t 4. I s a .
x l i . 2 4 ; 1 Cor. x . 19. X 4. D e u t . i v . 39; vi. 4 ; I s a . x l i v . 8 ; M a t t , x i i . 29; verse 6 ; Eply*
iv. 6; 1 T i m . ii. 5. % 6. J o h n x . 34. i
Chap. 8 : 7.]
I. C O R I N T H I A N S . [Chap. 9-. 1.

rrarrjp, e| ou ra iravra, avrov J One God, t h e F A T H E R ,

Kai rjfieis eis
father, out of whom the all things, and weJ out of whom are A L L
for him;
things, a n d ioc for h i m ;
/cat els Kvpios, Irjcrovs Xpio"ros, SY ov ra and X One Lord, Jesus
and one Lord, Jesus Anointed, through whom the
Christ, J through whom
iravra, Kai i)fieis 5Y avrov. AAA' OVK ev are A L L things, and me
all things, and we through him. But not in through h i m . "
iracriv 7] yvooa'is' rives 5e rrj crvveidrjo'ei rov 7 But this KNOWLEDGE
all the knowledge; some but in the conscience of the is not i n a l l ; a n d some,
eidooXov eojs aprt cos eiftooXodvrov ecrdiovcri, tcai X with the •CONSCIOUS-
idol till now as offered to an idol they eat, and N E S S of t h e I D O L t i l l now
eat as of a n Idol-Sacrifice;
7/ o'vveidrjoris avrcov, ao'Oevrjs ovcra,
fxoXvverai. and t h e i r C O N S C I E N C E ,
the conscience of them, weak being, is defiled.
heing weak, J i s denied.
'Bpco/j.a 8e r)(xas ov irapicrrrjai rq> 0 e o r ovre 8 " And X Tood does n o t
Food but us not brings near to the God; neither hring u s before G O D ;
" ^ [ y a p ] eav (paywjxev, irepicro'evoixev ovre eav for * neither if we should
[for] if we should eat, do we abound; nor if not eat, a r e w e deficient,
9 nor if we should eat, do we
jj.7] (pay(a{xev, vo'repovjxeQa. BA67T6T6 5 e , fii)-
not we should eat, are we deficient. Look you but, lest
9 B u t J take care lest,
7rcos 7} e^ovo'ia V/J,COV avrr] "KpoGKop.\JLayevy\rai in any way, this you?
in any way the liberty of you this a stumbling-block may becom e R I G H T become X a Stum-
roLs aadevovaiv. ~Eav yap ris ifir) ere,
rov bling-block to THOSE BE-
to those being weak. If for any one may see thee, the ING WEAK.
e^ovra yvooaiv, ev ei^coXeicp KaraKeifxevov, ovx1 10 For if any one should
one having knowledge, in an idol-temple reclining, not see * THEE who HAST
r) o'vvdthricns avrov, acrOevovs oiKodofxr)- Knowledge, reclining i n
the conscience of him, weak being, will be built an Idol's temple, will n o t
Orjcrerai eis ro ra eidooXodvra eo'Qieiv; u
Kai J t h e C O N S C I E N C E of h i m
up in order that the things offered to idols to eat? and who is weak be strength-
ened for t h e EATING of
airoXeirai 6 acOevcov aSeX(j)os em ry cry yvcacrei t h e I D O L - S A C R I F I C E S ?
will be destroyed the being weak brother by the thy knowledge
12 11 * And will n o t t h e
oV ov Xpiffros airedavev. Ovrco de
W E A K Brother, on account
on account of whom Anointed died. Thus but
of whom Christ died, perish
(ifiapravovres eis rovs a$eX<povs Kai
rvrrrovres by this T H Y Knowledge ?
sinning against the brethren and smiting
12 A n d t h u s sinning
avroov rr}V crvveibricriv aaOevovcrav, eis Xpio'rov against t h e BRETHREN,
of them the conscience being weak against .Anointed and smiting Their weak
a/mapravere. Aioirep ei fipoo/na o~Kav$aXi£ei C O N S C I E N C E , X y ° u si*1
you sin. Wherefore if food ensnares against Christ.
rov adeX<pov jxov, ov jxr] (payca Kpea ets rov 13 Wherefore J if Food
the brother of me, not not I may eat flesh to the ensnare my BROTHER,
aioova, Iva firj rov afieXcpov fiov o'KavdaXiara). I will N E V E R eat F L E S H ,
age, sothatnot the brother of me I may ensnare. lest I should ensnare my
KE<f\ 0 ' . 9 . CHAPTER IX.
OVK eifAi eXevOepos; OVK eifxi airocrroXos 1 Am I not a F r e e m a n ?
Not ami a freeman? not ami an apostle? X Am I n o t an Apostle ?
Ovx<- Irjo'ovv *[_Xpio-rov~\ rov Kvpiov y/Aoov eco- J Have I not seen J e s u s
Not Jesus [Anointed] the Lord ofus have Christ our LORD ? Are

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—7. CUSTOM of the IDOL. 8. for—omit. 8. neither

if we should not eat, are we deficient, norif we should eat, do we abound. 10. HIM
who HAS Knowledge. 11. For by the KNOWLEDGE t h e AVEAK Brother perishes, on. ac-
count of whom Christ died. 1. Anointed— omit.
t 6. Mai. ii. 10; Eph. iv. 6. t 6. Acts xvii. 28; Eom. xi. 36. % 6. John xiii.
13; Acts i i . 36 ; 1 Cor. xii. 3 ; Eph. iv. 5 ; Phil. ii. 11. t 6. Col. i. 16; Heb. i. 2.
17.1 Cor. x. 28, 29. t 7- Rom. xiv. 14, 23. J 8. Rom. xiv. 17. J 9. Gal. v.
13. I 9. Rom. xiv. 13, 20. J 10. 1 Cor. x. 28, 32. J 12. Matt. xxv. 40, 45.
J 13. Horn. xiv. 21 ; 2 Cor. xi. 26. J 1. Acts ix. 15; xiii. 2, &c. J 1. Acts ix. 3,17, &c.
Vhap. 9: 8.] X. C O R I N T H I A N S . [Oiop. 9; 12.

paKa; ov TO epyov flow vfieis €0"re ev Kvpicp ; Hot jirju my WOEK in the
seen? not the work of me
are in youLord? Lord?
Ei aXXois OVK eifxi airocrroXoSy aXXaye V/JLLP 2 If to others I am not
If to others not I am an apostle, at all events to you
an Apostle, yet certainly
I am to you; for got* are
eijuu' 7) yap o~(ppayis rrjs efj,r)s airoo'roXr}S vfxeis J the SEAL of * My APOS-
Lam j the for seal of the my apostleship you TLEBHIP in the Lord.
ecrre ev Kvpicp. 3 ' H e/j.7] airoXoyta TOLS e/j,e 3 MY Defence to THOSE
are in Lord. The my defence to those me who CONDEMN Me ic
avaKpivovffiV) avrr) exofiey this;—•
earn. 4
condemning, this is. Not not have we 4> % Have we not a
e^ovcrtay tyayeiu icai ttieiv ; Mrj OVK exo/^ei/ drink? to eat and to
& Right
aright to eat and to drink? Not not have we
5 Have we not a Bight
e^ovtfiav a$€\<p7]V yvvaiKa irepiayeii/, ass KCU ol to lead about a Sister—•
aright a sister a wife to lead about, as also thea Wife, as the OTHER
XOLTTOL airoo'ToXoiy KCLL ot afieXcpoi rov Kvpiov, Apostles, and % the BRO-
others apostles, and the brothers of the Lord5 THERS of the LOUD, and
6 % Cephas ?
KCU Kr}(}>as ; H fiovos eyca Kai Bapvaftas OVK 6 Or £ and Barnabas,
and Kephas? Or only 1 and Barnabas not
% have we alone no Righi
€XOfi€i/ e^ovaiav rov fir) epya£eo~Qai; ? Tis * to abstain from labor ?
have we aright of the not \o work ? Who 7 % Who serves in war
tfrpareverai 18101s o^caviOiS irore ; ris (pvTcvei at his Own Expense at
serves in war withhisown wages anytime? who plants any time? Who % plants
ap-TreXowa, Kai * [ e « ] rov Kapirov avrov GOK a vineyard, and does not
a vineyard, and [from] of the fruit of it not eat the FRUIT of i t ? or
who tends a Flock, and
eo^diei; 77 ris iroifxaiuei Troijxvqv, Kai CK rov does not eat of the MILK
eats? or who tends aflocka and from of the ofthe FLOCK?
yaXaKros r7)s Troifxurjs OVK etfQiei ; Mr] 8 Do I speak These
milk ofthe flock not eats? Not things according to Manr
Kara apdpcoirou ravra AaAco; t] ou%i Kai or does not the LAW also
according to man these things Ispeak? or not also
say these things ?
9 9 For in the LAW of
6 vofxos ravra Xeyei; E y yap rep Mcovcrecos MOSES it has been written,
the law these things says? Tn for the Moses
% " Thou shalt not muzzle
vojX(p yeypairrat' Ov (pijuoocreis fiovv aXooov- "the Ox threshing?" Is
law it has been written ; Not tnou shalt mnzzle an ox threshing. GOD concerned for OXEN?
ra. Mr] TOJV fiooov /j.eXei rep deep; 7] 81' 10 or does he say it
Not for the oxen cares the God? or onaccountof altogether on our account ?
y\fxas iravroos XeyeL ; Ai 7]/Lias yap eypa- It was written certainly,
us altogether he says? Onaccountof us for it was on our account; Because
it is right for the X PLOW-
(prj, on 67r5 eXiridi ocpeiXei 6 aporpiwv apo- MAN to plow in Hope, and
written, because in hope i t is right he plowing to the THRESHER to PARTI-
rpiav Kai 6 aXooov, eir3 eX-mbi rov [xerexeiv.
CIPATE in that Hope.
plow; and he threshing, in hope of that to partake. roe n a v e
11 X If sown
Ei r)fxeis v\iiv ra TrvevjaariKa
ecnreLpa/ULev, for you SPIRITUAL things,
If we to you the spiritual things sowed, is it too much if me
[xzya, ei 7]/JL€LS II/JLOOV ra o'apKiKa Oepiarofiev; shall reap your FLESHLY
a great thing, if we of you the fleshly things shall reap ? things ?
Ei aXXoi rr]S U/JLOOV e^ovo'ias fxerexovaiv, ov 12 If others are partak -
If others ofthe ofyou right partake, not ing of this Right over

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. My APOSTLESHIP. 6„ to abstain from labor.

t 2. 2Cor.iii. 2; xii. 12. J 4. verse 14; I T h e s s . i i . 6; 2 Thess. iii. 9. J 5. Matt.
xiii. 55; Mark vi. 3; Luke vi. 15; Gal. i . 19. t 5. Matfc. viii. U. J 6. 2 Thess.
iii. 8. * 7. 2 Cor.x. 4; 1 Tim. i. 18; vi. 12 ; 2 Tim. ii. 3 ; iv. 7- t 7. Deut. xx. 6 ;
Prov. xxvii. 18 ; 1 Cor. iii. 6—8. J 9. Deut. xxv. 4; 1 Tim. v. 18. % 10, 2 Tim. ii.
fi. t 11. Rom. xv. 27; Gal. vi. 6,
Ciiap. 9 ; 13.] I. C O R I N T H I A N S . [Chap. 9: 2&

\iaXXov rifieis; AAA5 OVK exP7l(rafX€Qa T

V 6
£ o u ~ you, ought not toe rather?
rather we! But not we did use the right % But we did not use this
RIGHT ; but we endure all
tria ravTy aXXa rravra o'Teyofxev,
Iva fit] tilings, J that we may not
this; but all things we endure, BO t h a t n o t
cause any Hindrance to
tyKOTrrjv TIVCL doofiev TW evayyeXicp rov Xpicr- the GLAD TIDINGS of t h e
hinderance a n y we may give-to t h e glad tidings of t h e Anointed. A N O I N T E D .
rov. OVK otdarey on ol ra lepa epyafa- 13 J Do you not know
Not know y o u , t h a t t h o s e t h e holy t h i n g s performing, That THOSE who PER-
fievoi, €K rov lepov scrQiovaiv; ol TOO dvcriao~-
from of t h e temple eat?a l t e r VICES, eat from the TEM-
those to the
P L E ? — t h a t THOSE AT-
T7}pLcp 7rpoo~e$pevovTes, rep 6vcriao'T7]picp crvjx- TENDING to the ALTAR
attending, with t h e altar are are partakers with the
14 ALTAR ?
jJLtpi^OVTCU ; OvTCO KCLl 6 KVpiOS (5ieTCt£e T01S
partakers? Thus also t h e Lord has appointed for t h o s e 14 Thus, also, $ the
TO evayyeXiov KaTayyeXXovcriv, CK rov evay- LORD has appointed to
the glad tidings proclaiming, from of t h e glad
GLAD TIDINGS, {tolive by
yeXiov fyiv. Eycc 5e ov Kexp^P-^ ovfievi. t h e G L A D T I D I N G S .
tidings t o live. I but not have used n o t one
15 J But 3E have not
TOVTCCV. OVK eypaipa 5e ravra, Iva OVTCO used any of these things;
of these t h i n g s . N o t I did write a n d these things, t h a t thus and I did not write these
things that thus it should
yevrjrai ev e/j.or KaXov yap /xoi juaXXov a be done to m e ; {for it
it may be done t o m e ; well for t o m e rather > io is good for me to die,

Oaveiv, T\ TO Kavx^l^a lxov lpa rLS Kevoocrr}. rather than that any one
die, than the boasting of me t h a t any one should make void. should make my BOAST-
ING void.
Eav yap evayyeXL^cojuai, OVK €0~TL /LLOL
16 For if I should
If for I may announce glad tidings, n o t i t is tome
evangelize, it is no cause
Kavxv/u-a' avayKrj yap fioi eTLKciTar ovai of (exultation to me; J be-
a cause of boasting; necessity for t o m e lies o n ; w o e cause Necessity is laid on
l7 Me j Woe, indeed, there is
yap pot ecTTiv, eav /LLTJ svayyeXifafxai. EL for me if I should not
for tome is, if n o t I should preach glad tidings. If
yap eKwv TOVTO irpao'croo, /JUO~6OV €%w ei de 17 For if I do This
for willing this I do, a reward I h a v e ; if b u t voluntarily, J I have a
TLS Howard; but if J I have
aKoov, oiKovofxiav 7T67r jt/reu,:iai.
unwilling, a stewardship I have been entrusted with. W h a t been entrusted with a
Stewardship reluctantly,
ovv fxoi eo~TLV o'Oos ; *\va zvayyeXi^o/xevos 18 what is my Reward
then to me is t h e reward? So t h a t announcing glad tidings
then? So that evangelizing,
aSairavov O^aco TO evayyeXiov *[rov Xpio"- I will establish the GLAD
w i t h o u t expense I will place t h e glad tidings [of t h e A n o i n t e d , ] TTDINGS without expense,
row,3 €ls T0
W KaTaxpyaao-Qai so as not to USE my entire
TTJ e^ovcrta AUTHORITY in the GLAD
in order t h a t not t o fully use the authority
jxov €V T(p evayyeXicp. EXevOepos yap cov
19 For, being free from
of me i n the glad t i d i n g s . Free for being
all, I enslaved myself to
€/c iravTcov, iracnv efjiavTov eSouAcocra, Iva TOVS all, that I might gain the
from all, t o all myself I was enslaved, t h a t t h e more.
rrXeiovas Kepdrjcrto' 20 Kai ey€vo/j.7]V TOLS lovdaL- 20 And J to the J E W S
more I m i g h t gain; and I became t o t h e Jews I became as a Jew, that

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—18. of the Anointed—omit.

t 12. Acts xx. 33; verses 15,18; 2 Cor. xi. 7, 9; xii. 13; 1 Thess. ii. 6. t 12. 2 Cor.
xi. 12. t 13. Lev. vi. 16, 26; vii. 6; Num. v. 9,10; xviii. 8—20; Deut. x. 9; xviii. 1. J 14.
Matt. x. 10; Luke x. 7. t 14. Gal. vi. 6; 1 Tim. v. 17- J 15. Acts xviiii. 3; xx.
34; 1 Cor. iv. 12; verse 12; 1 Thess. ii. 9; 2 Ihess. iii. 8. J 15. 2 Cor. xi. 10. J 16.
Horn. i. 14. I 17- 1 Cor. iii. 8,14. J 17. 1 Cor. iv. 1; Gal. ii. 7; Phil. I.17; Col. i.
25. $ 18. 1 Cor. x. 8 3 ; 2 Cor. iv..5; xi, 7. J 20. Acts xvi. 3 ; xviii. 18 j xxi. 23.
&hap. &: 2i.] I. C O R I N T H I A N S . [Map. 9: 27.

o i s &>s IouScuos, fVa IouScuous Kepdrjcroo" TOLS I might gain t h e J e w s ; to

as a Jew, that Jews I might gain; to those T H O S E UKDEE Law, aa
under Law, ( n o t being
VIVO VOjJLOV WS VIVO V0/U0V, ({17} COV (ZVTOS VTTO myself u n d e r Law,) t h a i
under law a» under law, (not being myself under I might gain T H O S E U N -
21 D E R Law ;
yofiov,) Iva rovs VTTO VOJJLOV Kapdrjo'cv TOLS
law,) that those under law I might gain; to those 2 1 t o THOSE WITHOUT
LAW, as without Law, (yd
avo/xois d>$ avofjLOSg ([XT] oov avojxos aXX3 not being * without God's
without law as without IXTT, (not being without law to Godc but Law,, b u t u n d e r Christ's
svvojjios XptCTcp,) iva Kepdrjffw avofiovs' law,) t h a t I m i g h t gain
within law to Anointed,) that I might gain lawless ones; THOSE WITHOUT LAW.
22 T o t h e W E A K , I be-
22 €yevofj.7)V TOLS aaOeve&iv "*[o>s] ao'Oevrjs, iva came weak, t h a t I might
I became to the weak [as] weak. that gain t h e W E A K ; J to t h e m
ALL I have b e c o m e * All
TOVS atfOepeis K€p$7)o~a)m TOLS Tvawi yeyova ra
things, t h a t I might by all
the weak ones Imigi>tgaiu; to them all I have bocome the
means J save f Some.
iravTa, iva iravrcos Tivas ccocrooQ T O U T O Se 23 And I do * all things
all things, that by all means some I may save. 'i'his but on a c c o u n t of f t h e G L A D
T I D I N G S , that I may be-
TTOLOO diet, TO evayyeXiov, iva cvyKoivoovos come a Joint-partaker of
I do oa account of the glad tidings, that a co-partner
t h e same.
avTov yeviafxai. O w OL^af€, Sri ol ev o~?a- 24 Do you not know,
of it I may become. Not know 70:^ that those in - ••s&ce.
that T H O S E R U N N I N G in a
Sup TpexovT€s, irayTes [Ji@y rpexovcriv, sis6e Race-course,—all indeed
course running, all indeed run, ea„ 6>ut run, b u t one receives t h e
PRIZE ? J Thus run, that
Xafxfiavsi TO fipaBeiov ; Cvrw rpe^^Te, iva you may obtain.
receives the priac? T?:ua TOXL you,^ that
25 $And EVLRT COM-
KaTaXa/Srjre. Has Ste 6 ayoov&^ofitvos, iravra B A T A N T i s f t e m p e r a t e
you may obtain. Eycrj" ouobutthc contending, all things in all things;—tfjcg, i n -
€yKpaT€verai0 etcQivoi fiev ovvn Iva (pBaprov deed, t h a t they may r e -
possesses self-control; they indeed therefore, that a perishable ceive f a Perishable Crown;
b u t m e , J one Imperish-
o~T€(pavov \afiteo-iv Tjfxets $€ 9 acpdapTOVo ^ Eyoo able.
wreath they may receive j we .b*t, an imperishable. £
26 2 therefore so r u n ,
TOIVUV ovrca TQ^X )00
^s OVK afirjXcos* ovrw as n o t u n c e r t a i n l y ; I so
therefore thus run, as not uncertainly;, thus strike, a s n o t beating t h e
27 Air;
1TVKT6VO0, ws OVK aepa depair' aXX* vircoTTia^cc?
I box, as not air beating} but I brow-beai > 27 t D u t I severely dis-
cipline My BODY, J and
(AOV TO a~(f)fxa nai dovXaycoyco, fx^Trcos
aXXots make i t subservient; lest
of me the bsdy and lead it captive, lest possibly toothers possibly, havingproclaimed

Krjpv^as, avros adoKifios yevca/maic to Others, I myself should

having proclaimed., myself withoutproo^'diould become. t become one unapproved.

* VATICAX.' MANUSCRIPT.—2L without ^fod's law, but under Christ's law, tha£ I might
gain THOSP wciiows LAW. 22. as—omit. 22. All t t i n g s . 23. all things.
t 2Si. Somaiio&porte&^LiSSS., read pantas0 all, instead oitinas, some, which reading i&
adopted by Pearcs :^cl T/a&eJield as agreeing better with chap. x. 33. * 23. Clarke
thinks thavi 2u euar^pel'ior^ j l a d tidings, shorld he rendered here prize orrewavd, -which he
says is frequently its meaning. f -25. The apostle here^alludes to the course of training
jO which each ot".„..:-.-. subjected, ., ho contendedfor the prizes given at the Isthmian games,
which were celebi/^toc. a n i o n s t h e Corinthians. The training regulated their diet, theii
hours of exercise and rest, t h e restraint o^'the passions, the kind of exercise, &c„ > + 25.
The crown won by t h e victor,in the Olympian games was made oi' the wild olive; i n the Py-
thian games* of laurel, i n the Numean games, ofparsley ; and i n the Isthmian games, of the
pi7ie;~ all of which, though evergreens, soon withered.
t 22. 1 Cor. x. S3. t 22. Rom. xi. 14. J 24. Gal. ii. 2 ; v . , Phil. ii. 16; iii. 14,
2 Tim. i v . 7 ; Heb. xii. 1. t *&. S Tim. ii. 5. t 25. 2 Tim.iv. ;•• James i. 12 ; 1 Pet.
v. 4 ; Eev. i i . 10; iii. 11. t 2'1- Horn. viii. 13, Col. iii. 5. £ 27. Rom. yi. 18, 19.
i 27. Jer. vi. 50; 2 Cor. ziii. 5, o.
Ctap. 10: 1.] X. C O R I N T H I A N S . [Chap. 1 0 : 10.

KE«f>. i\ 1 0 . CHAPTER X.
Ov OeXco yap v/xas ayvoeiv, adeX(poif on ol 1 For I wish you not
N o t I wish for you to beignorant, brethren, that the
to be ignorant, Brethren,
That our FATHERS were
irarepes TJ/XCOV nravres VTTO rr\v ve<peXyjv 7}o~av, all under % the CLOUD,
fathers of us all under t h e cloud were, and all passed through
KCU iravres 5m rys 6aXao o"qs dirjXdov, , 2
Kai J the SEA ;
and all through t h e sea passed, and 2 and that all were im-
mersed into MOSES in the
iravres eis rov Mwvatjv efiaivricravro ev rrj CLOUD and in the S E A ;
all into the Moses were dipped in the
3 and that all ate Jthe
ve(paXrj Kai ev ry BaXacrcry, Kai iravres ro SAME t spiritual Food,
cloud and in the sea, and -U the 4 and all drank J the
avro {Spoofia irvevfxariKOV ecpayov, 4
'siai iravres SAME spiritual Drink; for
same food spiritual did eat, and all they drank [water] from
a Spiritual Rock which
ro avro Trofxa irvevfiariKov eiviov {etvivov followed them; (but the
the same drink spiritual did d r i n k ; (they drank
yap CK irvevjxariKTis aKoXovOovo'Tjs Trerpas' 7] 5 With the MOST of
for from spiritual following a rock; the
them, however, GOD was
de rrerpa 7]V 6 Xpio'ros') aXX3 ovtt ev rots not well-pleased ; J for
but rock was t h e Anointed;) but n o t with t h e they werelaid prostrate in.
irXeiocriv avroov evdoKyo'ev 6 6eos' Karecrrpoody]- the DESERT.
greater number of t h e m was well-pleased t h e G o d ; t h e y werelaid pros- 6 Now :
these things
crav yap ev ry eprjficp. 6
Tavra 5e rvrcoi TJ/XOOV were m e f Types for us,
t r a t e for i n t h e desert. These t h i n g s b u t t y p e s of us in ordei that T*® might not
be Cravert> Sifter Evil
eyevrjdrjcrav, eis ro jurj eivai Tj/xas ewiOvjuyjras things, % evcsi a p tfteg
were made, i n order t h a t n o t to be us lusters craved.
KaKcav, Kadoos tcaKeivoi eTredv^ffav. ? M-^Se 7 Nor become you Ira-
of evil t h i n g s , as even t h e y lusted. Nor age-worshippers, like some
eidooXoXarpai yivecrOe, KaOcos rives avroov &s of them; as it has b j t
image-worshippers b e c o m e y o u , as some of t h e m ; as written, J " T h e PEOPLE
yeypairrai' "EKaOicrev 6 Xaos (payeiv Kai irietv, f ' s a t down to eat and
i t has been written ; S a t down t h e p e o p l e t o e a t a n d t o drink "drink, and stood up t»
Kac avecrrfa'av irai^eiv* Mr]$e Tropvevoo/uev,
and stood up t o sport. N o r s h o u l d we fornicate, 8 Nor should we prac-
tise fornication as some of
KaOoos rives avroov eTropvevcrav, Kai eiretfov ev them committed it, % and
as s o m e of t h e m fornicated, and fell i n fell in One Day twenty-
/juq 7)/J.epa eiKocrirpeis xtA-iaSes* 9 M?75e eKirei- three thousand.
one day twenty-three thousands. Nor should 9 Nor should we tempt
pa^oojxev rov Xpio'rov, scaOoos *[/ccu] rives *the LORD, J as some of
we t e m p t the Anointed, as [also] s o m e them tempted him, and
avroov eireipacrav, Kai viro rcov ocpeoov airco- were destroyed by the SER-
of t h e m tempted, and by the serpents were PENTS.

Xovro. 10
MTI^G yoyyvfere, 10 Neither murmur you,
KaQcas *\_Kai~\ rives
••• destroyed. Nor m u r m u r you, as % as some of them mur-
[also] some
avroov eyoyyvvav, Kai aicooXovro viro rov oXo- mured, % and were des-
ofthem murmured, a n d were destroyed by the des- troyed by the DESTROYER.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—9. the L O B D . 0. also—omit. 10. also—omit,

t 3. Or perhaps to he used i n the sense of typical. See Rev. xi. 8. t 6. A type, fig-
ure, pattern, or example. The same phrase occurs, 1 Pet. v. 3. t 7. I n ancient times
the Hebrews always sat at meat, Gen. xliii. 33. I t was i n later times only, that, in compli-
ance with the manners of t h e Greeks and Romans, they lay on couches a t their meals.—
t 1. Exod. xiii. 21; xl. 34—38. &c. X 1. Exod. xiv. 22; Num. xxxiii. 8, &c. t 8.
Exod. xvi. 15, 35. t 4. Exod. xvii. 6. t 5. Num. xiv. 29, 32, 35; xxvi. 64, 65: Psa.
evi. 26; Heb. iii. 17; Jude 5. i 6. Num. xi. 4, 33, 34; Psa. cvi. 14. t 7. Exod.
xxxii. 6, J 8. N u m . xxv. 1, 9 ; Psa. cvi. 29. X 9. Exod. xvii. 2, 7 j Num. xxi. 4—$
r 10. Exod. xvi. 2 ; xvii. 2 ; Num. xiv. 2, 29; xvi. 41. % 10. Num. xiv. 37* xvi. 4$,
Chap. 10 s I t J [Cfiap. 10: 20.
u 11 *But these things
Bpevrov. Tavra 5e 7ra^Ta rviroi cvveftaL-
troyer. These things and all type9 occurred to them typically,
vov eKeivois' eypacpT) 5e irpos vovBecriav 7]/ncav and % were written for our
Admonition, on whom the
to them; was written and for admonition of us,
ENDS of the AGES * have
eis ovs ra reXr} rcav aicovoov Karrjurrjcrev. come.
on whom the ends of the ages met. 12 Wherefore, J let H I M
'Clare 6 SOKOOV katravei, fiXeirerco fir) who is T H I N K I N G that he
So that the one thinking to have stood, let him take care lest has stood, take care lest he
Treo~r). 13
lieipav/Lios v/nas ovte eiXr\(pev ei fir] fall.
he should fall. A temptation you not has taken if not 13 ISTo Trial has assailed
You except what belongs
avdpooinvos' TTICTTOS 5e 6 Beos, OJ OVK eacrei to Man; and GOD is faith-
belonging to man; faithful but the God, who not will permit ful, X who will not permit
vjxas TretpacrOrjvaL inrep 6 dwavBe, aXXa iroiy]- you to be tried beyond
you to be tempted above what you are able, but will your ability; but with
o~€i (Tvu TW TreLpacr/Acp KCU rrjv eKfiao'LV, rovthe TKTAL, will also direct
make with the temptation also the way out, that the ISSUE, that you may
be ABLE to bear it.
SwacrBat vireveyKeiv. 14 Wherefore, my Be-
you may be able te bear up under. loved, J flee away from
AtoTrep9 ayaTrrjTOt fiov, ipevyere airo rrjs IMAGE-WORSHIP.
"Wherefore, beloved ones of me, flee you from the 15 I am speaking as
eificaXoXarpeias. 15
'Cls typovifAois Xeycv, Kpi- to wise men; judge JJOU
what I say.
image-worship. As to wise men I speak, judge
16 16 J The CUP of BLESS-
vare vfieis b <p7]jxi. To Trorrjpiov rr)s
evXoycas ING, for which we bless
you what I say. The cup of the blessing
God,—is it not a Partici-
6 evXoyovjxevy ou%f KOIVGOVIO, rov aljxaros rov pation of the BLOOD of the
which we bless, not a participation of the blood of the ANOINTED one ? $ The
Xpiffrov eo~ri; rov aprov bv KXco/j,ev, ov%i KOL- LOAE which we break,—
Anointed is it? the loaf which we break, not a par- is it not a Participation of
the BODY of the ANOINTED
voivia, rov acofxaros rov Xpio'rov
eo~nv; one?
ticipation of the body of the Anointed iaitP 17 Because there is
W 'On eis aproSf ev crccfxa ol TTOXXOI ecrfxev ol One Loaf, J we, the MANY,
Because one loaf, one body the many we are; these are One Body; for we ALL
partake of the ONE Loaf.
yap iravres €K rov ivos aprov fxerexofiev. 18 Look at ISRAEL a c
for all from of the one loaf partake.
cording to the Mesh; are
BA.67T6T6 rov lo~pa7)A Kara capica* ovx1- ol not THOSE J who EAT the
See you the Israel according to flesh; not those SACRIFICES Partakers with
the A L T A R ?
ecrBiovres ras Gvffias Kowcavoi rov Bvcriaarr]-
eating the sacrifices partakers of the altar 19 Why then do I affirm
this? Because *what is
piov eicn; Ti ovv (p7)/ui ; on eidcoXov ri sacrificed to an image is
are? Why then do I aay? because an idol anything anything, or Because Jan.
eariv; 7) on ei^ooXoBvrov ri ecrriv; 20
AXXy, Image is anything ?
is? or because an idol sacrifice anything is? But, 20 No; but Because
what * they sacrifice,
bri & Bvei ra eBvr)y dai/noviois Bvei, tcai ov Jthey sacrifice to Demons,
because whataacrifice the GentileB, to demons they sacrifice, and not and not to God; and I do
Bee*)' ov BeXca §€ vfias KOIVWVOVS rcov daifxovicov not wish you to become
to God; not I wish and you partners of the demons Associates of the DEMONS.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—11. But these things occurred to them typically. 11.

have come. 19. what is sacrificed to an image is anything, or Because an Image is
anything? 20. they sacrifice, they.
t 11. Rom. xiv. 4; 1 Cor. ix. 10. t 12. Rom. xi. 20. J 13. 2 Pet. ii. 9-
t 14. verse 7; 2 Cor. vi. 17; 1 John v. 21. t 16. Matt. xxvi. 26—28. 1 16. Acts ii,
42; 1 Cor. xi. 23, 24. t 17- Rom. xii. 5 s 1 Cor. xii. 27. J 18. Lev. iii. S; vii. 16,
119.1 Cor„ viii. 4 % 20. Lev. xvii. 7 » Deut. xxxii 17 5 Psa» ovi, 87.
Chap. 10: 21. [Chap. 10: 31.
I. C O R I N T H I A N S .
2l 21 J You cannot drink
yivsadai. Ov SvvacrOe irorypiov icvpiov iriveiv
to become. Not you are able the Lord's Cup, and % the
a cup of Lord to drink
Cup of Demons; you can-
Kai irorr\piov Baifjiovicav ov dvvao'de rpairefas not partake of the Lord's
ar.d a cup of demons; not you are able a table Table, and the Table of
itvpiov fi€T€X eLJ/ KaL
T parrels §<xifxovi(av, 2 2 H Demons.
of Lord to partake and a table of demons. Or 22 Do we provoke the
LORD to jealousy ? Are we
irapa^Xov/jiev rov Kvpiov ; firj
i&xvporepoi. stronger than he?
do we provoke to jealousy the Lord? not stronger 23 t" All things are al-
23 3 lowed."—But all things
avrov ecrfiep ; TLavra, i^crriv, aXX ov rravra are not beneficial. " A1J
.of him we are ? All things it is lawful, but not all things
things are allowed."—But
o'VfKpeper iravra e^eo'riv, a\X3 ov rcavra OLKO- all things do not edify.
are beneficial; all things it is lawful but not all things builds 24 % Let no one seek
24 HIS OWN, but that of
hofx^i. Mrjdeis TO kavrov ^rjreiroo, aXXa ro ANOTHER.
rip. No one that of himself Jet him seek, but that 25 J Eat EVERYTHING
rov erepov. ro ev piaKeXXcp .TrwAoufie- which is SOLD in the
"" Tlav
ofthe other. Every thing that in market is being sold Market, asking no ques-
tions on account of CON-
vov €O~0i€re, fxyhev avaKpivovrzs, dia rrjv SCIENCE;
cat you, not asking questions, on account of the
26 for % " t h e EARTH is
avveidrjcnv rov yap Kvpiov vt yrj Kai ro TTXTJ " t h e LORD'S, and the EUL-
conscience; of the for Lord the earth and the fulness " H E S S of it."
pctijxa avrrjs. ^ E J *[5e] ris /mAei vfias rcav 27 If any UNBELIEVER
of her. If [but] any one inv:tes> you the invite you, and you wish
to go, % eat EVERYTHING
afriarcov, Kai deXere iropevzo~Qai, irav ro w h i c h iS PRESENTED t o
unbelieving, and you wish to go, everything thatyou, asking no questions
TrapariOejUievoj/ VJUWS eo~dier€9 /nqSev avaKpivov- on account
of CON-
is being presented to you eatyou, not asking questions,
28 28 But if any one should
res, 5m rr\v arvveiSrjcnv. ULav §e rts V/ULIVsay to you, "This is *an
on account of the conscience. If bnt anyone to you I D O L - S A C R I F I C E ; " d o n o t

enrri' Tovro e&oaXodvrov ecrrr JXT] ecOteTe, eat, J o n account of HIM

should say; This an idol-sacrifice ia; not eatyou, who INFORMED you, and
5Y utzivov rov ix7)vva avray Kai rr\v ffvvci- 29 Now, I say Con-
on account of him the one having disclosed, and the con-
science, not THAT of thine
29 ownself, hut THAT of the
brjaiv. Hvvei$7}art.v Se A e 7 « , ovxi TTJV eav
science, Conscience now 1 Bay, not that of thy OTHER. %" But why is
my FREEDOM judged by
rov, aXXa rt]V rov erepov. *Ivari yap 7] eXev- the Conscience of Ano-
«ell but that ofthe other. Why for the free- ther ?
depia ixov tcpiverai viro aXXTjs ffweifirjo'ecos; SO If Hi. partake with
dom ol me isjudged by another conscience? Gratitude, why am I de-
3C a iTL xer6 Ct, Tl
famed on account of that
E i eyco x P / X j fiXao~<pr}/jLov]mai X for which I give
If ] by favor partake, why am I blamed thanks ?"
vrrep ov eyoo evx^p'-O'rca ; EtTe ovv eadiz- 31 J Therefore, whether
on account of which I give thanks? "Whether then you you eat, or whether you
re, erne inv^re, eiTe T I iroieire, ivavra eis drink, or do anything, do
eat, or you drink, or anything you do, all things for All for the Glory of God.

* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 2 8 . offered i n sacrifice.

1 21. 2 Cor. vi. 15,16. t 21. Deut. x x x i i . 38. ? 23. 1 Cor v i . 12. X 24
Rom. x v . 1, 2 ; v . 3 3 ; 1 COT. xiii 5 ; P h i l . i i . 4, 21. J 25. 1 T i m . i v . 4. t 26. E x o d .
x i x . 5; D e u t . x. 14 ; P s a . x x i v . 1 ; 1.12. % 27- L u k e x . 7. J 28. 1 Cor. viii. 10,12.
I 29. B o m , x i v . 16. J 30. B o m . xiv. 0 ; 1 T i m . i v , 3, 4. % 3 1 . Col. i i i . 17; 1 P e t .
iv. 1L
Chap. 10 : 32.] I. C O R I N T H I A N S . [Cliap. 1 1 : 8.
32 32 %Be you inoffensive
lo^av deov TTOL€LT€. KitpoffKoivoi yivzcBe KOLI\
glory ofGod do you. Notcausesof sturnblingbeeomeyou both. both to Jews and Greeks,
and J to the CHUECH of
tovhawis Kat 'EXXTJCI KCU TT) eKKA-rjcriq TOV G O D ;
to Jews and Greeks and to the congregation of the
Qeov ^ KaQcas Kayos Traura iracriv apzcrKco, fir) 33 even as J3E also
God; even as also 1 all things all men please, not
please all men in all
things, not seeking in
^TjTWP TO €/LiaVTOV (TV/U,<f>6p0l', aXXa TO TU>V TTOX~ OWN Advantage, but THAT
seeking that ofmygelf being profitable, but that of the many, of the MANY, so that they
KiaVf Iva (ftoQoofft. may be saved.
that they may be saved.
KE4». taf. 11„ 1 Become J Imitators of
Vli[iy}Tai fxov yiP€0"6e, KaQcas Kayo) XpurTOv. me, even as 5 also am of
Imitators of me become you, even as also I of Anointed. Christ.
ETrawco 5e vfxas, *[a5eA</)OJ,] on iravTa fxov 2 And, Brethren, I
I prais>e and you, [brethren,] because all things of me praise yon, J Because you
have remembered all My
fie/j.j/Tjo'Qe, Kat KaQoos TrapedccKa v[xiv r a s [instructions,] and retain
you have remembered, and as I delivered to you the the OBSERVANCES as I
% padonreis KaTex^re, <dsXca 5e vfias eiSe- delivered them to you.
traditions you retain. I wish but you to haveknow- 3 But I wish you to
pat9 5TI ivavTos avdpos 7f K€(paXrj 6 Xpto~Tos know, J That the ANOIN*
ledge, that of every man the head the Anointed TED is HEAD of Every
ecrTi' Ke<f>aA.7) 5e yvvaiKos* 5 avrjp* KecpaXr} 5e Man; and the $ Head of
is; head but of woman, the man; head but
Woman, the MAN ; and
J the Head of the Anointed,
Xpi(TT0Vy O 06OS. 4 Has avi)p TrpoTetr^o/Aer/os t] GOD.
of Anointed, the God. Every man praying or
4 Every Man praying
irpocpriTevtcif KaTa KC<paXr}S e%<wz/s KaTaio~xweior prophesying, having
prophesyiug upon head having, disgraces his Head covered, dis-
Tt]V Ke<pa\7)P avTov. nacre* 8e yvvt) irpocrev- graces his HEAD ;
the head of himself. Every but woman praying 5 but Every Woman
Xo/j.€i/7} 7} 7rpocf>7)Tevovcra avarraKaXvKTip TTJ praying or prophesying
or prophesying uncovered with the with her HEAD uncovered,
K6(pa\7}9 KaTaio~xvvei rt)v KecpaXyv eavTrjS' kv disgraces her H E A D ; for
head, disgraces the head ofheraelf; one
it is just the same as if it
were SHAVEN.
fap effTi trai TO avTo TX) zi-vprj/jievr). 6 E : 6 For if a Woman be
itia and the same with the having been shaven.
unveiled, * let her hair
}/ap ov KaTaKa\virT€Tai yvvrj, Kai KetpacrOct)' €t also be cut off or shaven;
for Mot is covered a woman, also lether hair be cut off; if but if it is J Disgraceful to
!/.' aiffxpov yvvaiKt TO Keipacrdai rj ^vpao-Oai, aHAIR Woman to have her
CUT o r r , or to be
i>ut ^ disgrace to a woman the hair to be cut off or to be shaven
shaven, let her be veiled.
%ai?aKa\vTTT€(T6(ti. * h.vr\p \xtv yap OVK o<peiXei 7 Now a Man, indeed,
let her be covered, A man indeed for not it is fitting ought not to cover the

t&aTaKaXvivTso-Qai TT]V K€<paXr]V^ encccu xai Bo£a HEAD, he being God's

to be covered the head, a likeness and glory Glorious Likeness; but
Woman is Man's Glory;
Beov virapxtoV ywr\ 5e 5o£ct avfipos eo~Tty
of God being 4 a woman but glory of a man is; is. 4 for Man is not from
ov yap €0~TLV avrjp e/c yvvaiKOS^ aXXa yvvt) e£ Woman, but Woman from
not for i« man from woman, but woman from Man;

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. brethren—omit. 6. let her hair also be cut off of

J 32. Rom. xiv. I S ; 1 Cor. viii. IS; 2 Cor. vi. 3. i 32. Acts xx. 28; 1 Cor. xi. 221
t S3. Rom. xvo 2 ; 1 Cor. ix. 19, 22. J 1. 1 Cor.iv. 16; Eph. v. 1; Phil. iii. 17; 1 Thess.
i . 6 ; 2Thess. iii.O. J 2. 1 Cor.iv. 17. t 3. Eph. v. 28. X 3. Gen iii. 16; 1
Tim. ii. 11,12; 1 Pet. iii. 1, 5, 6. J 3. John xiv. 28; 1 Cor. iii. 23; xv. 27, 28; Phil. ii. 7—9.
t 6. Num. v. 18; Dent xxii. 5. i 8. Gen. ii. 21, 22«
Chap. 1 1 : 9.3 ICiiUjs. 1 1 : 1£
9 9 { for Man also was not
apopos' Kai yap OVK GKTKTOT] avt]p dia T7]p
man; even for not ' wascreatedj man on account of the created for the WOMAN,
10 but "Woman for the MAN.
yvpaiKa, aAXa yvpr)< <$Laurop'.ai/Spas . Aia 10 Therefore the WO-
woman, . '•, b u t . woman on accountof the i\ man./ On account of MAN ought $ to have f Au-
rovro OTfeiXei'TJ yvvi} ej-ovViau ex^iv €TTI'rrjs thority on the HEAD, on
this it is fitting the woman! ! authority to have on ' the account of the ANGELS.
11 11 However, {neither
2€€(paA7]s, fiia rovs ayyeXovs. is Woman without Man,
head, on account of the messengers. - But nor Man without Woman

ovre yvprj X^P^ avdpos, ovre avrjp X°°PIS yvvai- in the Lord.
neither woman without man, nor man without woman, 12 For as the WOMAN
is from the MAN, SO also
(COS, ep Kvpicp. "12* nanrep yap i) yvprj €K rov the MAN is by the WO-
m Lord. As for the woman from the MAN; % but ALL things
apdpos, ovrca ttai 6 aprjp dia rrjs yvvaiKos" ra are from GOD.
man. . so also the man through the woman $ the
13 Judge for Your.
selves; is it becoming foi
Se iravra e/c rov deov. 5 3 E y V/LLIP avrois Kpi- a Woman to pray to GOB,
but all things out of the God. In yourselves judge unveiled ?
14 Does not N A T U E I
pare' rpeirop errn yvvaiKa aKaranaXvirrop rep herself teach you, That
you; becoming is it a woman uncovered to the if a Man indeed should
Qeca irpoo'evxeo'Oai ; 14 H ovde avrrj 7) <pvcis wear long Hair, it is a
God to pray? Or not even herself the nature disgrace to him ?
15 but if a Woman
vfjLas? on aPTjp /nep eap KOfia. shonld wear long Hair, it
teaches you, that a man isndeed if he should wear long hair,
is a Glory to her; Because
arifxia avrcf eo~n; 15TVPTJ be cap KOfia, her HAIE. has been given
a disgrace to him it is ? A woman and if 3he'shouldwearlonghair, to her instead of a Veil.
do£a avrrj ecrnp; on r) ICOJULT) apn irepifioXaiov 16 If, however, { any-
a glory to her it is ? because the hair instead of a covering one is disposed to be con-
16 tentious, % bit have no
Seftorai avrrjo E* 5e ns Sohzei (piXopeiEOS Such Custom, neither
has b«en given to her. If but any one thinks contention;: have the CONGKEGATIONS
etpai, rjjieis roiavrijp crwqQeiav OVK €}{Op<5V) of GOD.
to be, such like custom not, 17 But in noticing this
ovde ai eKKXrjffiat, 17
To&fo Se matter, That you come to-
rov 1eov„ gether not for the BETTER
nor the congregations of the God. TI^~ but
but the WOBSE, I do not
irapa,yye\?±oo\i OVK eTratpca, dn OVK CLS ro Kpier- praise you.
announcing not I praise, because not for the better,
18 For indeed, in the
TOP, aXX' eis ro t\rrop avpepxecrde. 18 JJpcorop first place, I hear that,
but for the worse you come together. First on your coming together
in the ASSEMBLY, there
fiep yap, tfvpepxojJ-evop V/bLCOP €P €KK\7]0'ta, are Divisions among you;
being come together of you in an assembly,
indeed for, and, as to a certain part I
axovo) cr^Jtr/xaToc ep V[XLP virapx^w Kai fxepos believe i t ;
L hear divisions among you to bej and of apart 19 {for it is necessary
19 Set yap Rat aipeaeis that there should be Fac-
Tucrrevev ep tions among you, { so thii
certain I believe; it is necessary for heresies among

f lo. Benson, gives it as Ms opinion, that because the Hebrew word radid, (which comes
fi'om the word radad, to have power,) signifies a veil, t h e apostle uses the word exousin,
authority, to denote a veil, because the Hebrew women veiled themselves in presence of the
men, i n token of their being under their power or authority. The veil used by t h e Eastern
women was so large as to cover a great part of their body. Ruth's veil held six measures of
barley. Ruth iii. 15. A veil of this sort, called a plaid, was worn not long ago by the women
of Scotland.—Macltnight. Poiver seems to have been the name of the head-dress; so called,
perhaps, because, like a diadem or turban, i t was sometimes a mark of rank.—Sharpe.
t 9. Gen. ii. 18, 21, 23. I 10. Gen. xxiv. 65. $ 11. Gal. iii. 28. % 12. Rom. xi. 36.
t 10. 1 Tim. vi. 4. X •«*• 1 Cor. vii. 17; xiv. 33. t 19. Matt, xviii. 4; ]>ake xvii. 1; x x. 30; 1 Tim. IV. 1; 2 Pet. ii. 1, 2. J 19. Luke ii. 35; 1 John ii. 19.
Chap. 1 1 : 20.] [Chap. 1 1 : 3s.
V\JLIV ttvui, iva ol SoKifioi epavepoi yevcoprai €V the APPROVED may be ap-
you to be, so that the approved ones manifest may become among parent among you.
V[XIV. 20
^Zw€pXO/J.eV60V OVV VflCOV 67TI TO CSUTO, 20 Then, again, your
you. Coming together therefore of you to the same, coming together to the
OVK ecrri KvpiaKov denrvov eKaffros SAME place, is not to
(payeiv 21

not it is Lord's supper to eat;eat the Lord's Supper;

each one
yap ro ifiiov Seinvov TrpoXa/xfiavei ev rep (payeiv, 21 for each one takes
for the own supper takes before in the to eat, first his OWN Supper at
Kai 6s fxtv Treiva, bs 8e fitOvti. 22
Mr} yap the M E A L ; and one, in-
deed, is hungry, and ano-
and one indeed is hungry, one but is filled. Not for
ther + is satisfied.
oiiaas OVK. €XeTe 6 i S ro tfQieiv Kai TUVCIV ; t] 22 Have you not Houses
houses not have you for the to eat and to drink? or
in which to EAT and
TT]S eKKAr)o~ias rov Osov Karacppoveire, Kai drink? or do you despise
the congregation of the God despise you, and the CONGREGATION of
Karaio~xvvere rovs fxr] ^xovras> T i vfj.iv enrco; GOD, and put tq shame
shame you those not having? "What to you may I say? XTHOSE who are POOR?
iiraiveo'ca vfxas; Ev rovrca OVK eiraiva}. Eyw What shall I say to you ?
shall I praise you? In this not I praise. I Shall I praise you ? I n
yap irapeAafiov airo rov Kvpiov, 6 Kai irapcfiooKa this 1 praise you not.
for received from the Lord, what also I delivered 23 % Tor 3E received from
VJJ.IV, on 6 KvpLos "^[ITJCOUS] ev ry vvKri '?? the Lord, what I also de-
to you, that the Lord [Jesus] in the aight i s which livered to you,—That the
TrapeSiSoro, eXafiev aprov, 2 4 Kai evxapto'rrjcras LORD, J o n the NIGHT in
he was delivered up, took a loaf, and having given thanks which he was delivered
eKXao'e, Kai enrz- Tovro fxov eo~ri ro ffcvfia ro up, took a Loaf,
he broke, and said; This of me is the body that 24 and having given
inrep U/JLOOV *\KXoofievov'~\ rovro iroieire €tsthanks, broke it, and said,
on behalf of you [being broken;] this do you for "This is THAT BODY of
25 t
rrjv ifxrjv ava/JLvrjcriv. £lo~avrcasro mine, which is broken on
the my remembrance. In like manner also the your behalf j this do you
Trorrfpiov, fxtra ro §€nrvr)0'ai9 Xeyoov 'Tovro ro for MY Remembrance.
cup, after the to have supped, saying; This the 25 I n like manner, also,
irorrjpiov 7) Katvr] diadrjKrj ecrriv ez> rep Gfxct)the CUP, after the SUP-
cup the new covenant is in the my PER, saying, "This CUP
aifiarr rovro iroieire, ocraKts av iriV7]re9 eis is the NEW Covenant in
blood; this do you, as ofte8 a s you may drink, for
MY Blood; this do you,
as often as you may drink,
rrjv zfxrfP avajxvqcriv. ^'Offaxis yap av e&dirj- for MY Remembrance."
the my remembrance. As often as for you may eat
26 For as often as you
re rov aprov rovrov, Kai ro Trorrjpiov *[TOL>TOJ may eat this BREAD, and
the loaf this, and the cup [this] drink this CUP, you de-
7nz/77Te, rov davarov rov tcvpiov /carayyeAAe- clare the DEATH of the
you may drink, the death of the Lord you announce LORD, J till he come.
T6 axpt-s ov eXdy. 'Here 6s av ecrdiy rov 27 J So that whoever
till of whom may come. So that who may eat the may eat the BREAD, or
aprov, 7} Trivy ro Trorrjpiov rov Kvpiov avaj-ioosi drink
the CUP of the
loaf, ormaydrinkthe cup ofthe Lord unworthily, LORD, unworthily, will be
evoxos ecrrai rov acofiaros Kai rov alfxaros an offender against the
an offender against will be the body and the blood BODY and BLOOD of the
rov Kvpiov. AoKifjafera) 5e avBpcvnos kav-
of the Lord. Let examine but a man him-28 J But let a Man
rov, Kai ovroos CK rov aprov eo'dierco, Kai efc examine himself, and thus
self, and thus from of the loaf let him eat, and from let him eat of the BREAD,

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—23. Jesus—omit. 24. being broken- -omit. 26. this

t 21. Or, is filled to t h e full; for the word methuein does not necessarily mean drunken.
gee Note on John ii. 10.
J 22. James U. 6. J 23. 1 Cor. xv. 3 ; Gal. i. 1,11, 12. J 23. Matt. xxvi. 26 <
Markxiv.22; Lukexxii. 19. t 26. J o h n x i v . 3 ; xxi. 22; Acts i.11 ; 1 C o r . i v . 5 ; xv.
23 ; 1 Thsss, iv. 16; 2 Thess.i. 10; Rev. i. 7. % 27. John vi. 51, 63, 64; xiii. 27 ; 1 Cor-.
X. 21, % 28. 2 Cor.xiii. 5; Gal. vi. 4 "
Map. 11: 29.] J. C O X ^ I N T I H A N S . Caiop.18 : S.
rov irorrjpiov iriveroo'
6 yap eo'Bioov Kai TTLVOOVand let him drink of the
of t h e cup let h i m d r i n k ; the for o n e e a t i n g a n d drinking CUP;
29 for H E EATS and
^\_ava.i,ioos^~\ Kpi/xa eavrcp eo'diei nai irivei, fir) drinks Judgment to Him-
[unworthily,] j u d g m e n t t o himself eats and drinka, n o t self, who eats and drinks
30 not discriminating the
SlCLKplVCtiV TO (TOOjXa *[TOV KVpiOV.[\ Aia B O D Y .
discerning the body [of t h e Lord.] Through
30 Through this, Many
TOVTO CU VfXLV TTOWOL acrdeveis Kat apfioxrroi, are weak and sickly
this among you many weak ones and sickly ones, among you, and Some
Kai KOifxoovrai iKavoi. Ei yap eavrovs 5ie- 31 *If, however, J we
and are asleep some. I f for ourselves we examined Ourselves, we
should not he judged;
KpiVO{X£V, OVK av eKpivofxeQw 3 2 Kpivojxevot Se
examined, not we should be j u d g e d ; being judged b u t 32 but being judged by
the Lord, $ we are cor-
V7T0 Kvpiov, Traidevofieda, iva fXT] aw TO? Koo'fxcfrected, so that we may
by Lord, we a r e corrected, so t h a t n o t with t h e world not be condemned with
33 the WORLD.
KaraKptdcojULeu. Tlcne, a$e\<poi jxov, o~vvep- 33 Therefore, my Breth-
we s h o u l d b e condemned. Therefore, brethren of m e , being
ren OB coming together
XOfievoi eis TO (payew, aWrjXovs e/cSexetrfle. to EAT, cordially receive
c o m e t o g e t h e r for t h e t o eat, each o t h e r y o u receive from. each other.
34 If any one is hun-
34 Ei rts ireiya, ev oiK(p ecrdierco' LVO. gry, let him eat % at Home;
I f a n y o n e should be h u n g r y , i n a h o u s e l e t h i m e a t ; t h a t n o t that you may not come to-
gether for Judgment. And
eis Kpifxa o'vvepx'no'Qe. Ta 5e Xonra, cos the OTHER matters I will
for j u d g m e n t y o u may come t o g e t h e r . T h e b u t o t h e r t h i n g s , w h e n
arrange J when I come.
€\0eof Siarajjofxai. CHAPTER X I I .
I may comt, I will arrange.
1 And concerning % SPI-
KE$. «£'. 12. RITUAL persons, Brethren,
1 I wish you not to be igno*
ITepi §e Tcyy irvzv/naTiKoojSy ade\cj)oi9 ov OeAoo rant.
Concerningand t h e spirituals, b r e t h r e n , n o t I wish
2 (Yon know That you
v/jias ayvoeiv. O f S a r e , on edvrj 7]re, ivpos ra were Gentiles, being hur-
y o u t o be i g n o r a n t . You know, t h a t Gentiles y o u were, t o t h e ried away after J those
efiwAa Ta a<poova, cos au ijyecrde, atrayojx^voi' as you happened to be
idols t h o s e speechless, even a s y o u m i g h t be led, being hurriedaway; led.)
3 Therefore, I assure
dlO yvoopi^oo >$> VJXLV, on OV0*€lS iruevfiari you, t That no one speak-
t o you, t h a t no one by spirit
wherefore I declare ing by God's Spirit says,—
Bzov \a\oov, Xeyei avaOefxa Irjrrovv Kat ovdets "A. Curse on Jesus!"—>
ot-Kxad speaking, says Jesus; and n o one and J that no one is able to
say—"Lord J e s u s ! " ex-
Svvarai enreiv Kvpiov 1T)O~OVV9 ct JULTJ ey TTVcv/uartcept by the holy Spirit.
is able t o say Lord Jesus, if n o t by a spirit
4 Now X there are Va-
rieties of Gracious gifts,
ayicp. Aiaipecreis Se ^apia'/xarcav €io~i, ro Se but the SAME Spirit;
holy. Varieties a n d of gracious giftB are, the but
5 J and there are Varie-
avro Trvevfxa' Kai diaipecreis SiaKovioov eicri, ties of Services, and the
same spirit; and varieties of services are, SAME Lord.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—29. unworthily—omit. 29. of the LORD—omit. 81.

But if.
t 31. Psa. xxxii. 5; 1 John i. 9. t 32. Psa. xciv. 12,13; Heb. xii. 5—11. t 34.
verse 22. t 34. 1 Cor. iv. 19.
Mark ix. 39; 1 John iv. 2, 3. t 1. 1 Cor. xiv. 37. t 2. Psa. cxv. 5. t8
Pet. iv. 10. $ 5 . Kom. xii. 6- t 3. Matfc. xvi. If. J 4. Rom. xii. 4; Heb. ii. 4 ; I
8; Eph.iY'Uv
€ftop.-12: 6.3 X. C O R I N T H I A N S . [Cliap* 12: ' 1 5 .

tfcu 6 a u r o s Kvptos' 6
KCU Smipetreis evepyrj/jia- 8 and there are Varie-
andthe same Lord; and varieties ofinworkings ties of Woi kings, J and
*lhe SAME God is H E who
TCOV eiaiv, 6 5e auTos OeoSj 6 evepycov ra iravra WORKS ALL things among
are, the but same God, who is working the all things all.
ev rcaaiv. 1 '1LKaarq> oe oihorai ^ (pavepooais 7 % And to each is given
is all. To each one but is given the manifestation
rov irvevfxaros irpos TO av/mcpzpov ' u j fxev
yap the SPIRIT for the B E N E -
of the spirit for the benefit; to oneindeed for FIT of all.
Oia rov irvevfiaros SiSorat Xoyos aocpias, 8 Tor to one is given,
through the spirit is given a word of wisdom, through the SPIE.IT, % a
aXXcp de Xoyos yvwaecos, Kara ro avro irvev- Word of Wisdom ; and
to another and a word of knowledge, according to the same spirit; to another, % a Word of
9 Knowledge, according to
fxa' erepco oe iriaris, ev rw avrcp irvev\iari' the SAME Spirit;
toanotherand faith, by the same spirit;
9 and to another,
aXXo) de yjxpia^ara lajxaroov^ evrq> avrcp Trvev- % Faith by the SAME Spirit;
toanother and gracious gift? of cures, by the same spirit; and to another, % Gifts of
(xarr 10 aXXoi oe evepyqjiara ovvafxecov^ aXX& Cures by the SAME
toanotherand inworkiags of powers, to another Spirit.
£s 7rpo(j)7]reia, aXXy oe diaKpieaets irvevfxarcaVy 10 And to another,
and prophecy, toanotherand discernings of spirits, % Operations of Mighty
works; and to
erepca 5e 76/^17 yXcoaacov, ^[aXXcp Se ep/nrj- XProphecy; and another,
to ano-
to anotherand kinds of tongues, [to another and xa interpreta- ther,'J Discriminations of

veia ybcoaaoov.^ -11 Tlavra 8e ravra evepyei Spirits; and to another,

tioa of tongues.] All but these things works % Different Languages ;
and to another, Interpret
ro ev Kai ro avro TrvevjjLa, Siaipovv i$iq e/cao*- tation of Languages.
that one and the same spirit, distributing particularly to each
11 But All these things
rca KaOa>s fiovXerai. KaOa-rrep yap TO ffoo/aa performs the ONE and the
one as it wills. Just as for the body SAME Spirit, distributing
to each in particular as it
kv earty Kai fieXr] e%er iroXXa, iravra de ra will.
one is, and members has many, all but the
12 % "For just as the
fxeXr] rov aw/naros *[rov evos^ iroXXa ovra, BODY is one, and has
members of the body [of the one,] many being, many Members, but All
kv can acofia' ovrco Kai 6 Xpiorros. 13
Kai the MEMBERS of the BODY,
being many, are One Body;
one is body; thus also the Anointed. Even
so also the ANOINTED.
yap ev evi irvevjxari fifxeis Travres eis ev acofxa 13 For, indeed, by One
for in one spirit we all into one body Spirit JSne were all im-
e^airriaO^fxev eire IouSouot, eire 'EXXrives, mersed into One Body,—•
weie dipped; whether Jews, or Greeks, whether % Jews or Greeks,
whether Slaves or Free-
eire ZovXoi, eire eXevOepoi* Kai Travres * [ e t s j men ; and % \vere all made
whether slaves, or freemen; and all [into-i to drink One Spirit.
kv Trvev/jia eironaBy)jxev. Kai yap ro aca/Jia 14 For the BODY also
one spirit were made to drink. Also for the body is not One Member, but
OVK ear iv kv fxeXos, aAAa iroXXa. 15
Eav eiirrj many.
hot is one member, but many. If should say 15 If the FOOT should

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—6. and the SAME God is HE. 9. the ONE Spirit. 10.
and to another, Interpretation of Languages—omit. 12. of the one—omit. 13.
J 6. Eph. i. 23. t 7- Rom. xii. 6—8; 1 Cor. xiv. 26; Eph. iv. 7; 1 Pet. iv. 10,11.
t 8. 1 Cor.ii.6, 7. J 8. 1 Cor. i. 5 ; xiii. 2; 2 Cor. viii. 7. t 9. 2 Cor.xiii.2.
t 9. Mark xvi. 18. J 10. verse 28; Gal. iii. 5. J 10. Eom. xii. 6. | 10. 1 Cor. xiv. 29.
1 10. Actsii. 4; x. 46; xix 6. t 12. Rom. xii. 4,5; Eph. iv. 4, 16. J 13. Bora, vi, 4, 5,
I 13. Gal. iii. 28; Eph. ii. 13,14,16s CoL iii, 11. % 13. John vi. 63; vii. 37—39
Ohdp 1 2 : 16.2 I. C O R I N T H I A N S . t&iap.l$-y$6.

d TTOVS' s
Ori OVK e/yiu X€lPi 0VK el ul
i €K T0V say—"Because I am noi
t h e foot ; Because not lam a hand, not l a m from of the a Hand, I am no part oi
the B O D Y , " — i s it for t h i s
aoo/Liaros' ov irapa TOVTO OVK eanv
€K rov o~oo- n o t of t h e B O D Y ?
body; not from this not is i t from of the body? 16 And if t h e E A R
tiaros; 16
K a t e a f GLTTY} TO OVS' 'OTI OVK zifxi should say, " Because I
And if should say the ear; Because not Iaui am not a n "Eye, 1 am n o t
of t h e BODY,"-—is i t for
ocpdaXjuos, OVK ei/xL ZK TOV crco/naros' ov Tzapa this not of t h e BODY ?
an eye, not l a m from of the body; not from 17 I f t h e Whoje B O D Y
were a n Eye, where is t h e
TOVTO OVK earrtv eK TOV ctoofxaros ; ^ EL
the. HEARING ? if the
this not is it from of the body? If
Whole were Hearing,
oAov TO o"a)fj.a ocpdaA/aos, TTOV r] aKorj; et oAov where is t h e S M E L L ?
whole t h e body an eye, where the hearing? if whole 18 B u t n o w , J G O D h a s
placed t h e M E M B E R S , each
CLK07), TTOV 7} O0~(pp7)0'lS S Nwi 5 e 6 06OS £0eTOOne of t h e m i n t h e B O D Y ,
hearing, where.the smell? Now but the God placed Xas h e would.
19 A n d if t h e WHOLE
ra fJ>€\7)) kv eKacrrov avroov ev rep croo/uaTi, were One Member, where
the members, one each of them in the body,
is t h e B O D Y ?
KOLOWS TjdeArjerev. EL §e t)V r a TTCLVTO. kv yae- 20 B u t n o w , indeed,
as he would. If but was the all one mem- there are Many Members,
20 but One Body.
Aos9 irov TO croofxa ; Nvv 5 e TroAAa /xev /ueArj.
ber, where the body? Now but many indeed members, 2 1 The E Y E is n o t abie
to say t o t h e H A N D , "I
kv de o'cofxa. O u SvvaTai 6 ocpOaAjxa^ enreiv have no ]NTeed of t h e e ; "
one b u t body. Not is able the eye to say or again, t h e H E A D to t h e
TTJ X P ' €l L
XpCiaV (TOV OVK 6^ft>" 7} TTaKilP 7] F E E T , " I have n o need of
to the hand; Need of thee not I have; or agaiu '-i" you."
23 B u t ranch more ne*
K€(pa\7] TOLS TToarr Xpeiav v/xcov OVK exo>. cessary a r e those M E M .
head to the feet; Need of you not I have.
B E R S of t h e B O D Y which
AAAa TvoKK(p fioAAov TO. doKovvra fxeArf
rov are T H O U G H T to b e m o r e
But much the seeming members of the feeblej

crccfiaros a c r O e v e o r e p a VTra.pxeLV9 avajKaia effri' 2 3 a n d those parts oi

body more feeble to be, necessary i t is; the B O D Y which, we es-
23 teem to be less honorable,
/cat a doKov/Liev aTi/uorepa eivai TOV C(apiaTost around t h e m w e throw
and those we think less honorable to be of the body, more abundant Honor,
TOVTOLS Ti/nrjv Trepto'o'OTepav TrspiriOe/uev teal ra and o u r U N C O M E L Y p a r t s
to these honor more abundant we place around; and the have more abundant Come-
liness t
ao'xviLloJ/cl "hp-oov eva'xViU0O'v^V3/ Treptrro-orepav
uncomely parts of us comeliness more abundant 24 but our COMELY
parts have n o Need. G O D ,
*X*1' 2 4 r « $* evcxyfiova r)iucov9 ov xPelai/ ^X€l' however, p u t together t h e
has; the but comely parts of us, HO need has. BODY, having given *some-
h\A3 6 deos o'vv€K€pao'e TO coiyua, Tcp bcrrepovv- what more abundantly t o
But the God combined the body, to the part being in- T H A T p a r t which W A S
TL irepiorcroTepav Sovs Ti/xr}Vf ivct /LLTJ 'y
ferior more abundant having given honor, 8< that not maybe 25 so t h a t there may
be n o Division i n t h e
(rxiarfjia cp TC
P o"cojiLaTi9 aAAa TO avro virep B O D Y , b u t t h a t t h e M E M -
division* in the body, but the eauie on behalf B E R S m a y b e concerned
28 E Q U A L L Y for each other j
^.AATJAOOV [Aepiixvcatfi ra fieArj. Kat eire
Bf each other may be fconcerned the members. And whether 26 a n d whether One

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—24. somewhat more abundantly to THAT which, WAS LACK*

| 18. verse 28. J 18. Eom. xii. 3 ; 1 Cor. iii. 5 ; verse 11.
(Jhap. 1 2 : Zf] I. CORINTHIANS. [Cfiap. 1 3 : 4.

iracrx^1 & fieXos, arvfnrao'x^f- rrapra ra fieXr)' Member suffer, All the
Buffers ofne member, suffers with all the members; MEMBERS sympathize;
eire 8o£a£eTai kv fieXos, o'vyxo.ipei rrapra ra or, whether *One Mem-
or is glorified one member, rejoices with all the ber is glorified, All the
27 MEMBERS rejoice with it.
fieXr]. "YfX€is <5e ecrre o'wfia Xpiarov, Kai
members. You but are a body of Anointed, and 27 Now % gou are a
fieXrj etc fJL€povs. ^ Kai obs fiev edero 6 9eos Body of Christ, % and
member*from parti. And these indeed placed the God
Members in part.
28 And those whom
ep rr) eKKXrjcria rrpcorop airoo'roXovs, devrepop % GOD placed in the CON-
la the congregation first apostles,
GREGATION, are first
Trpo(p7]TaSy rpirop SiSaerKaAous., eTretra dvpa- J Apostles; second, J Pro-
prophets, third teachers, after that pow- phets ; third, Teachers;
fieis, eira xaPlo'lxa'ra lafiaroop, apriXr)i\/eis, next, % Powers ; then,
ers, then gracious gifts of cures, helpers, J Gifts of Cures; J Assist-
Kv(5eppr)o"eis, yepr] yXcoo'o'Gop. 29 Mr] irapres, ants; % Directors; differ-
directors kinds of tongues. Not all, ent Languages.
aTTOCTToXOL }xr] rrapres, rrpo(pr]rai; fir] rrapres, 29 AH are not Apostles;
apostles? not all, prophets? not all, all are not Prophets; all
fiifiaffKaXoi • M77 Tra^res, bvpafieis 30 Mr] Trav- are not Teachers; all are
teachers? Not all, powers? Not ail, not Powers;
a l<T JiaTa 30 all have not Gifts of
res, x P f ^XOVCTIP tafiarcop ; fir] rrapres, Cures; all do not speak in
gracious gifts have of cures? not all, different Languages; all
yXooo'o'ais XaXovci; fit] irapres Siepfirjpevovo'i ; do not interpret.
with tongues speak? not all interpret? 31 J But you earnestly
ZrjXovre 8e ra xaPia'fxara' r a
Kpeirropa. desire the * MORE E M I -
You earnestly desire but the gracious gifts those better. NENT GIFTS ; and yet a
much more Excellent Way
Kai en Kad' virepfioXrjP d$ov vfiip deiKPVfii. I point out to you.
And yet a more excellent way to you I point out.
KE4>. iy'. 13. Eap rats yAooao'cus rwv CHAPTER XIII.
If with the tongues of the 1 If I should speak in
apQpooiroop XaXca Kai reap ayyeXoop, ayarrrjp
men I speak and of the messengers, love
and of ANGELS, but have but
fxr) ex&, yey ova xa^K0S 7
iXcav V KVfifiaXop not Love, I have become
not I have, 1 have become brass sounding or a cymbal sounding Brass or a noisy
aXaXa(op. 2
Kai eap €%cy rrpocprjretap, Kai Cymbal.
noisy. And if 1 have prophecy, and 2 And if I have % Proph-
eifica ra fMvcrrr]pia iravra Kai rracrap rrjp yptccrip, ecy, and know all SECRETS
I know the secrets all and all the knowledge, and All KNOWLEDGE, and
if I have All Faith, so as
Kai eap ex00 r^^o'av T
VU mo'rip, ware
opr) to remove Mountains, but
and if I have all the faith, so that mountains
have not Love, I am noth-
[leQivrapeip, ayarnqp 8e fit] e x « , ovdep eifii. ing.
to remove, love but not have, nothing I am,
3 3 % If I distribute all
Kai eap •tyoofiio'oo nrapra ra vrrapxopra fiov,my POSSESSIONS in feed-
And if I bestow all the possessions of me, ing the poor, and if I de-
Kai eap -Kapa^oo ro crcafia jiiov Ipa KarOr]<ra>fiat, liver up my BODY to be
and if I should give the body of me so that it should be burned, burned, but have not
ayairrjP 5e fir] ex&, ovfiep cocpeXovfiai. 4 e H Love, I am profited noth~
love but not have, nothing I am profited. The ing.
reverar 4 ^LoVE suffers long
ayairr] fiaKpoQvfiei, xpy°" V ayairr] ov
love suffers long, is gentle; the love not and is kind. LOVE does
£V?Aor * [ J J ayairr]] ov irepirepeverai, ov <pvcri not envy. LOVE is not
envies; [the love] not is boastful, not is puffed boastful; is not puffed u p ;

* VAT. MANTTSCRIFT.—26. a Member be. 31. MORE EMINENT GIFTS. 4. LOVE—omit.

t 27. Ilom. xii. 5; Eph. i. 23; iv. 12 ; v. 23, 30; Col. i. 24. • J 27. Eph. v. 30. I 28.
Eph. iv. 11. t 28. Eph. ii. 20; iii. 5. t 28. Acts xiii. 1; Bom. xii. 6. - - t 28.
verse 10. J 28. verse 9. J 28. Num.xi.17. .. % 28. Eom. xii. 8; 1 Tim. v. 17;
Heb. xiii. 17, 24. t 31. 1 Cor. xiv. 1, 39. X 2. 1 Cor. xii. 8—10, 28; xiv. 1, &c. See
Jttatt. vii. 23.' % 8. Matt. vi.J, 2. ' % .4. Prov. x. 12 ; 1 Pet. iv. 8.
€hap. 1 3 : 5.] I. CORINTHIANS. [OiapAl:%

ovrai9 5
OVK acrxn^ovci^ ov £T?T6I TO. eauT7js, ov\ 5 acfs not -uatacom*
up, not acta unbecomingly, not geeks the thingB of herself, not '"U'yi. Jse'eks not *THAT
which is not unit OWN; 13
?mpp|v&'€Tcu, ov \oyi(z7at TO KCLKOV) 6 ov
xaiPil not .provoked lo •angerj
is provofced to/angefnot imputes the evil, not rejoices does not i m* p ure EVIL; ,-*
6 % rejoices not with
INIQUITY, J but rejoices
ia the iniquity, rejoices with but the truth, all things
with the.TKuiy;
ra <TT€7€t, irat/ra ino°T<-v€i, 5mj>Ta cAirt^tt, 7 covers" all things ^
covers, all things believes) all things' hopes, believes all things; hopes
for all things; endures ail
Trapra virofxepei' 8 ?? ayairrj ou5e7ror€ ^KS-IVT^I' t h i n g s . • •
all things endures; ' the love not at any time falls off; 8 LOVE fails not at any
«nre 5e irpo(p7}Teiat9 KarapyriOrjo-oPTai* fire time; hut if there bo
whether but prophecies, they will be done aw-ay; whether
"Prophecy in gs," they will
be done away ; or if,
y\w<rarai, Travo-ovrai* sire ypwcis, KaTapyrjOrj- " Languages," they will
tongues, they will cease; vvnether knowledge, it will be done cease; or if, "Knowledge,'*
it will be made useless.
fj€Tai, E K fAcpoys yap yip&o'KOfji.ev, nat f« 9 For Partitively we
away From parts tot' we know, and from know, and Partitively we
prophesy ; ' ' ' ' •
fiepovs irpo<pr)TevofJt,€P* *° orau Se €\6r) TO 10 but when the PKB-
parts tve prophesy j . tsrhea but may come the
FF.CT thing comes, THAT
TSKGIOP, KaTapyyjOrjo'GTai. which is FAfiTiTiVE will be
* [ T O T ( F ] TO sit fJLcpovs
perfect, [then] that from parts will be done away. done away.
11 When I was a Child,
' O r e ' jjfi7]y pysnos, &s PY)mo$ $\a\ovpt 4»s as a Child I talked; as a
Whea./ 4 was- a babe, -as a babe I spoke, as Child I thought; as a
Child I reasoned; but
yrjirios^Gtypopovp, ws prj-jrw? €\oyt£ofi7]p' 6re when I..became a Man, I
a babe 1 thought, as a babe reasoned; since put away the MANKJEBS of
* £ § e j yeyova avrip^ kaTfjpyrjKa, ra rov vrjmov. the CHILD. novf
[but] I have become aman, I have put away thethinge of the babe, 12. For % V>G see
2 through a t [dim] Glass
* JtSAsirofxtp yap apri oY Gffowrpov *p aiPiyp-ari, obscurely; but then we
We see for now through . a glass in an enigma, shall see Face to Face.
Tore de irpoffttiTrov 7rpos TfpoffwKov apri ytPiacr- Now, I know Partitively,
thea but face • to face; now I.know but then. I shall .know*
fully, e^en as also I have
K® «K juepoi/s, TOTS 8*6 tyriypcocofMat KCL&OOS tcaibeen fully known.
from' parts, then but X shall know fully even as also 13 But now these
GTreyvtoardriP. * NWt 'Ss /uej/ei irio'rts, eKfris, THREE remain,—Faith,
I am fully known. Now but abides . faith hope, Hope, Love;—but of these
the greatest is LOVE.
€iyawq, TO. rpta ravra' iisifav 5e rovrcap 7}
love, .the three theee; greater but of these the CHAPTER XiV.
. t'

cryamj, K E # , t$\ 1 4 , * Aiwtcere *rrjp aya- 1 Ardently pursue LOVK,

love. Pursue ypit the love} and X be emulous of the
'fftjp.' Cikovrs §€ ,Trt ^PGVfxariHa^ fxakkop tie SPlBtTUAL gifts ; % b u t
father that yo.u may. pro-
eaiuestly desks but the Bpirituale, rather but
Ipa TrpocpTjrevijTSi ' 0 yap X a \ « j / yKacro-rt, 2 For iiK who is SPEAK-*
ghat you may prophesy. The for one speaking with a tongue, INO in a foreign Language,

* VATICAH MANiiscBiPsy—5. THAS which is not E B B OWN. 10. then—emit.

ii. bufc--ome£.
t 12. The esoptrou is to be understood of some of those transparent substances, which
fehe ancients, in the then imperfect state of the arts, used in their windows ; such as, thin
plates of horn, transparent stone, ill-prepared glass, and such like; through which tliey
saw, indeed, the objects without, but obscurely.r-Bloomfield.
% &. lCor. x.24; Hill. if. 4. t 6. Psa. x . 8 ; Rom. i. 82, t 0. 2 John 4.
% 12. % Cor. iii. 18; v» 7; Phil* iU. 12, • X\.% Cor. iii. 91. X 1. N«m. *i. 25, 39.
Chap. 14: 8.] I. C O R I N T H I A N S . [Cfiap. 14: 10.

OVK avOpooiTOLs XaXei, aXXa rep Bear ovdets yapis not speaking to Men,
not to men speak, but to the God; no one for but to *God; for no one
listens; but, by the Spirit,
aKovei, iTvevfxari 5e XaXei [xvcrriipia' 6 5e he is speaking Mysterious
hears, inspirit but he speaks mysteries; the but things.
3 H E who is PROPHESY-
trpo<pr}T£V<tiV, avOpearrois XaXei oiKodofiTjv KaiING, however, speaks to
one prophesying, to men speaks edification and Men for Edification, and

vapaK\7}(riv KCU Trapa/nvdiav. 4 f

O XaXoov Exhortation,
and Conso-
exhortation and consolation. The one speaking
4 The SPEAKER in a
yXcccrcrj], kavrov OLKodofjLeL- 6 5e 7rpo<f>r)T€vcov, foreign Language edifies
with a tongue, himself builds up; the but one prophesying, Himself; but H E who
PROPHESIES edifies the
(KK\r}0'iau OLicodofiei. &eXca Se iravras
vjxas Congregation.
a congregation builds up. I wish and all you 5 I am willing, indeed,
for you all to speak in dif-
KaXsiv yXooacrais, fxaXXov 5e Iva nrpocpr]- ferent Languages, but
80 speak with tongues, rather but that you may rather that you should

revere' jj.ei£a)i> yap 6 Trpotyrjrevoov 7] 6 XaXcav prophesy; for greater is

prophesy; greater for the one prophesyingthantheonespeakino- HE who PROPHESIES, than
HE who SPEAKS in differ-
yXcocrcrais, CKTOS €i /AT) SiepfjLrjvevr), Iva r) CKKXT)- ent Languages ; unless,
with tongues, unless if notheshouldinterx)ret,so thatthecongrega- indeed, he should inter-
pret, so that the CONGRE-
<ria oiKo§ojj,y)V Xafir}. 6 Nvvi §e, adeXcpoi, eav GATION may receive Edifi-
tion edification may receive. Now but, brethren, if cation.
GXOCO irpos vjxas yXootfcrais XaXoov, ri v/nas 6 And now, Brethren,
I should come to you with tongues speaking, what you if I should come to you
speaking in various Lan-
oocpeXrja'oo, eav /xr) V/JLIV XaXrjO'oo t] ev airoKaXv-guages, what shall I profit
shall I profit, if not to you I shall speak either in a revelation,
You, unless I shall speak
\j/ei, 7] ev yvoocrei, rj ev Trpo(j)r)T€ia, rj ev Si^axy ; to You intelligibly, either
or in knowledge, or in a prophecy, or in teaching? by % a " Revelation," or by
a [word of] " Knowledge,"
f'O/jLoos ra axj/vxa (jyoovrjv StSovra, eire av- or by a " Prophecy," or by
Inlike manner thethings withoutlife a sound giving, whether a a "Doctrine?"
Xos, eire KiOapa, eav btacrroXrjv rois (pdoyyois/nrj 7 In like manner, I N -
flute, or a harp, if a difference to the notes not ANIMATE THINGS giving
a Sound, whether Flute or
Sw, TTOOS yvoocOrjcerat ro auXov/nevov 7] Harp, if they give no
they should give, how shall be known that beingplayed on flute or
* Difference of Sound, how
ro KiQapi^o/xevov; 8 Kcu yap eav a$7]Xov <poovr\v will the TUNE on the
that being played on harp ? Also for if an uncertain sound ELUTE or HARP be known ?
8 Eor also, if a Trumpet
(TaXirty^ Sou, ns irapacTKevacreraL eis iroXe- should give an Uncertain
a trumpet should give, who will prepare himself for battle?
Sound, who will prepare
pop ; Ovroo Kai v/xeis 8ia rrjs yXoocrcrrjs eav himself for Battle?
So also you through the tongue if 9 So even gott by the
p.7] evcT7)fxov Xoyov Scare, TTOOS yvooo~6r)crerai ro TONGUE, if you do not
not a well-marked word you give, how shall be known that give intelligible Speech,
how shall it be known
\aXov;xevov, ecrecrde yap eis aepa XaXovvres. WHAT is SPOKEN ? Eor
having been spoken? you will be for into air speaking. you will be speaking to
10 the Air.
Tocravra, e* rv%oi, yevr\ cpoovoov eo'riv ev KOCT-
So many, if it may be, kinds of voices is in world, 10 I t may be there are
So many Kinds of Lan-
fio), Kai ovfiev ~*[_avrcov~] acpoovov. n Eav ovv guages in the "World, and
and no one [of them] unmeaning. If then no one is unmeaning;

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. God. 7. Difference of Sound. 10 of them—omit

% 0. ver. 26.
Chap. U: 11.3 I. C O R I N T H I A N S . [Chap. 14:

flY] 6 i S « T7]V SwaflLV

11 if, then I do not
T7JS (pOWTjS, €(TOfACU T a
not I know the power ofthe
know the MEANING of the
voice, I shall beto the
LANGUAGE, I shall be to
KaXovpTi \3<xpl$apos° Kai 6 XaXoov, ei> e/xoi /3ap- the SPEAKER a Barbarian,
one speaking a barbarian; and the one speaking, to me a bar- and the SPEAKER will be
a Barbarian to Me.
fiapos. Ovrca KCU vfxeis, €7rei ^Xcarai ecrre 12 So also g u t , since
barian. So also you, since zealots you are you are Zealots for Spirit-
irvsvpLaToov, vrpos Tr\v oiKadopLrju ~rjs €K!c\rj(Tias ual ;ifts, seek them, that
for spirits, for the building up of i he congregation
you may abound for the
£T]T€IT€ Iva Trepi(T(Tevr]re. Aio'rep 6 XaKoov GREGATION.
seek you that you may abound. Wherel »reiheonespeaking 13 Wherefore, let the
14 SPEAKER in a foreign
yXoorrcrrj, irpoo'evx^o'^ca iva diepimrjvevr}.
Eaz> Language pray that he
in a tongue, let him pray that he may interpret. If may interpret.
yap TrpoffevxtotACU yXcocrcr), TO Trvevpca fiov 14 For if I pray in a
for I pray iaatongue; spirit of me foreign Language, my
SPIRIT prays, but my
Trpoo'evx^TaLy 6 8e vovs /nov aicapiros ecrria Ti UNDERSTANDING is with-
prays, the but mind of me unfruitful out fruit. is. What
15 How then is it ? I
ovv €(TTL; Upocrev^o/uai rep Trvev/aarL, 7rpoo"€v- will pray in the SPIRIT,
then iiit? I will pray with the spirit, I will but I will, pray also with

^ofxai 8e Kai rep vol' |a\co Tcp the UNDERSTANDING- ;

pray but also with the understanding ; I will sing praise vrith the
J I will sing praise in the
SPIRIT, but I will sing
irvevpLari ypaXca * [ 5 e ] Kai rca VOL. praise also with J the UN-
spirit I will sing praise [but] also with the understanding. DERSTANDING;
16 otherwise, if thou
E7rei, eau evXoyrjo-ps TTJ irvtvixari, 5 avaivXy)- shouldst bless in the
Otherwise, if thou shouldst bless with the spirit, the one filling SPIRIT, how shall H E who
PILLS the PLACE of the
poov TCOV roirou rov ifiicvrov TTODS epei TO aixrjv PRIVATE person say the
the \;lacc of the private person how shall say the "obeit
" AMEN " ic THY % Thanks-
eiri ry cry euxapicrriai ; eireiBrj ri OVK giving ; aince he knows
on the thy thanksgiving? since what thou sayest not not what thou art saying.
17 For tfjou, indeed,
oids. *' 5 u jxev yap tcaXoos €UX a P i a " r e i ^° a
^^ givest thanks well, but the
he knows. Thouindeed for well givest thanks} but OTHER is nut edified.
o erepos OVK oiKO$o/j.eiTaLv 18 I givs thanks to
the other not is built uTo. GOD, speaking in different
Languages more than ail
Eu%ap£<TTcy rep deep, iravrov v\xwv fiaXXov of you;
I give thanks to the God, all of you more 19 yet, in a Congrega-
19 f tion, I would rather speak
yXeocrcrais, XaXcav aXX ev eKKXrjcna OeXee Five Words through my
with tongues,, speaking; but in a congregation I wish UNDERSTANDING, SO that
rt€VT€ Xoyovs 8za rov voos fiov XaXrjcrat, iva I mighf; also instruct
five words through the understanding of me to \a.\l spoken, tha^ Others, than Ten Thou-
sand Words in a foreign
Kat aXXovs Karyxyo'co, 7} jxvpiovs X )yovs ev Language.
also others Imay-nstruct, than a myriad ivords in
20 Brethren, J become
20 not Little Children in
yXwcrcrr). A5eA<pof, fir} ivaidia yivecrde rais
a tongue. Brethren, not children become you in the THOUGHT; (in EVIL, how-
ever, be infantile;) but in
(ppecow aXXa rrj Kafcia yrjiria^ere. rais 8e THOUGHT become fully
mind: but in the evil be you childlike, in the and mature.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—15. but—omit.
t 15. Eph. v. 19; Col. iii. 16. t 15. Psa. xlvii. 7. J 10. 1 Cor. xi. 24. J 20
Psa. ctxxi. 2; Matt. xi. 25; xviii. 3 ; xix. 14; Rom. xvi. 16; 1 Cor. iii. 1 .• Eph. iv» H; Heb.*£
13,181 l P e t . i i . 2.
Oliap. 14: 21.] I. O O R I N T H I A N S . [Chap, l i rt&
21 21 In the LAW it has
(pp€(TL TeXeiot ytuecrde. Ez/ T<£> z>OjU<j> 7 6 7 -
minds perfect ones become you. la the been written, % " With
law i t has
"Other languages, and
pairrai- ' O n €V erepoyXcvo'o'ois Kai zv xeiXecriv " with the Lips of others,
been written; That by other tongues and by lip» " I will speak to this
srepois \a\7](T(ti rep Xacp TOVT<£9 Kai ov$3 ovroos " P E O P L E ; and neither
others I willspeak to thepeople this, and not even so " so will tliL listen to me,
" says the Lord."
eKraKovcrovrai JJLOV, Xeyei KVfios. ^'fHfTTe a! 22 So that the LAN-
will they listen to me, »ays Lord. So that the
GUAGES are for a Sign,
yX(a(T(rai as cnqfieiop eicrij/9 ov TOIS iriarevov- not to the BELIEVERS,
tongues for a sign are, n o t to those believing, but to the UNBELIEVERS ;
<riv9 aXXa TOIS
airta'Tois* 7) 5e irpocprjTeia ov ever,
but to the unbeliever; the but prophesying not
is not for the UN-
BELIEVERS, but for the
TOIS atno'TotSy aXXa TOIS iria'Ttvovo'iv. Ear BELIEVERS.
to the unbelieving, but to thoBe believing. If 23 If, therefore, the
*[crvv~]eXdr} 7) eKKXrja'ia 0X7} CTTI TO
ovv should come into ONE
therefore should come [together] the congregation whole to the
PLACE, and all should
avro, Kai iravres yXooo'o'ais XaXcao'iv, Gio'eXdao'i speak in foreign Lan-
n&iae, and all with tongues should speak, should come in guages, and there should
$e <8tcoTat, *[T) airicrToi,~\ OVK ^povo'iv, on come in illiterate persons
and unlearned ones, [or unbelievers,] not will they say, that
or unbelievers, will the y
not say, X That you are
/xaivecrde; Ectz> 5e iravTes Trpocprjrevcao'ip, insane ?
you ire mad? If but all should prophesy, 24 But if all should
€io~€X6ri 5e TIS aiticrros^ 7} i^icorr}s9 eXeyx^Tai prophesy, and any unbe-
shouklcomeinandany one unbelieving, or unlearned, he is convinced lieving or illiterate person
VTTO iravTcoVf avaKpivtrai viro ivavrcaVy *° Ta should enter, he is con-
vinced by all, he is exam-
by all, he is examined by all, the
ined by all;
Kpvrrra rrjs fcapfitas avrov <pavcpa yiverai" Kai 25 the SECRETS of his
secrete of the heart of him manifest become; and HEAET become manifest;
ovTOi ireo'ccy eiri 7rpoo~ooTrov Trpoo'Kvvrjo'et repand so failing on his
so falling on a face he will worship the Face, he will worship
GOD, announcing J That
0€o>, enrayyeXXoov, bri 6 0€os ofreos *v VJXIV GOD is really among you.
God, announcing, that the God really among you
26 26 Why then is it,
€0~TI. T i ovv eo'Tiv, adeXtyot; 'Oral* ffvvtp- Brethren, when you as-
is. Why then is i t , brethren? When you may semble, each one has a
Xy&Q*) eKacrros *[&/twj'] tyaXfxov e x e i , dida- Psalm—Jha3 a Discourse
some together, each one [of you] a psalm has, teacn- * h a s a Revelation—has a
Language—has an Inter-
Xf]V *Xel> yXoocraav «Xef> curoKaXvtyiv ex 6£ > pretation ? J Let all things
ing has, a tongue has, a revelation has, be done for Edification.
€L ravra 27 And if any one speak
kpjX7]veiav *X ' f ' vrpos oiKofiofxriv yivzo"-
an interpretation has; allthings for building up let be in a foreign Language, let
27 it be by two, or at MOST
dw. E r r a yXoocro'-p TIS AaAet, Kara fivo, 7] three [sentences,] and in
done. If with a tongue any one speaks, by two, or
succession, and let one
TO TXGIO'TOV Tpeis, Kai ava jxepos' Kai eis Biep- interpret;
•Ihe most three, and in succession; and one let 28 but if there is no Im
p^vtveroo. Eap 5g /nr} 'y diepfirji^evTTjs, terpreter, let him be silent
interpret. If but not may be an interpeter, in the Congregation; and
ffiyarct) €V eKKXrjctia' eavrtp de XaXeirco Kai let him speak to Himself
l;t him be silent in eongregation; t o himself but let him spea'k and and to GOD.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—23. together—omit. 23. or Unbelievers—omit. 26.

».f you—omit. 26. has a Revelation, has a Language, has an Interpretation.
t «n., 12. t 23. Acts ii. 13. t 25. Isa. xlv. 14; Zech. viii.23.
%. 1 C M . S U . 8—10; verse 6. t 26. 1 Cor. xii. 17,' 2 Cor. xii. 19; Eph. iv J,%,
Chap. 14: 29.] I. C O R I N T H I A N S . [Chap. 14: 4$.
29 39 And let two or throo
rep deep. Upo<pr)Tcu Se 5vo ^7 rpeis XaXei-
to the God. Prophets hut two or three let Prophets speak, and % lei
30 the OTHERS judge;
ToocfaVy Kai 01 aXXoi diaKpivereoa'av eav fie 30 but if to another
speak, and the others discern; if but sitting by, there should
aXXcp aTTOKaXvcpdy Kad^fxeva), 6 irpcoros ciya- be a Revelation, let the
to another may be revealed sitting by, the first let be EIUST be silent.
31 For you can all
rw. AvvaaOe yap Ka6i eva iravres Trpocprjrev- prophesy one by one,
silent. You are able for one by one all to prophesy} so that all may learn,
eiv, Iva, iravres fiavOavcco'Lj /ecu iravres irapaica- and all may be com-
that all may lefcirn, and all may be forted.
32 And the Spiritual
Xoovraf 3 2 Kai irvevfxara irpo<pr)rcov irpo<pr)rais gifts of Prophets are Bubject
comforted; and spirits of prophets to prophets to Prophets;
33 for GOD is not a
V7roTa<rO~€Tai' ov yap erfriv aKaraaraffias o God of Confusion, but
are subject; not for is of confusion the of Peace. As in All the
Qzos, aXX' eipr}vr]S. 'tis ev iracrais rais eKKXrj- SAINTS,
God, but of peace. As in all the congre- 34 J let your "WIVES be
34 silent in the ASSEMBLIES ;
ffiais Tcav ayioov, at ev for it has not been per-
gations ofthe saints, the women [ofyou]
in mitted to them to speak,
rats eKKXrjaiais criyarcocav ov yap eirirerpair- J but * let them be sub-
the congregations let be silent; not for it has been missive ; J even as the
LAW also says;
rat avrais XaXeiv, aXX virorao'creo'Oai, KaQcas 35 and if they wish
permitted to them to speak, but to be submissive, as to learn anything, let
Kai b vofxos Xeyei. ^ Er 5e ri fxadeiv OeXov- them ask their OWN Hus-
even the law 8ays. If and anything to learn they bands at Home; for it is
an indecent thing for *a
civ, ev OLKCX) rovs iSiovs avdpas eirepooraroocrav'Woman to speak in the
wish, in a house the own husbands let them ask; Assembly.
aicrxpov yap ecrri ywai^iv ev eKKXr]o'ia Xa- 36 Did the WORD of
an indecent thing for it is women in a congregation to GOD go out from you, or
did it only extend to
Xeiv. H acp3 i/fioov o Xoyos TOV 6eov e^r)X6ev; you?
speak. Or from you the word ofthe God went out? 37 J If any one assume
37 to be a Prophet, or a
7] eis vfxas JXOVOVS KarTjvrrjcrev ; E i ris SoKei Spiritual person, let him
or to you alone did it come? If any one thinks
acknowledge the things
irpo<pr)T7}s eivai 7} trv evfxariKOSy eiriyivoyo'Kera) which I write to you,
a prophet to be or spiritual, let him acknowledge * That they are Command-
ments of the Lord;
a ypacpco V/JLIV, on Kvptov eiciv evro-
the things I write to you, because of Lord they ara command- 38 but if any be igno-
38 39t
rant, let him be ignorant.
Xar ei de ris ayvoei, ayvoeirco. fi,crre, 39 Wherefore, Brethren,
ments; if butany one is ignorant, let him be ignorant. So that, J earnestly desire to PRO-
PHESY; and forbid not to
adeXcpoi, foXovre ro irpocprjreveiv, Kai
ro * SPEAK in foreign Lan-
brethren, be you jealous that to prophesy, and that
XmXeiv yXaxro'ais {if] KooXvere' ivavra 5e 40 % but let all things
to speak with tongues not cinder you; all things but be done in a becoming
ewxTlfJ-ovoos Kai Kara ra^iv yiveo'Ooo. manner, and according to
in a beeoming manner and according to order let be done. Order.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—34. yot„r—omit. 34. let them be submissive. 35. a

Woman to speak. 37. That it is a Commandment of the Lord. 39. speak.
X 29. 1 Cor. xii. 10. % 34. 1 Tim. ii. 11,12. % 34. 1 Cor. xi. 3 ; Eph. v. 22 ; Col.
iii. 18; Titus ii. 5; 1 Pet. iii. 1. % 34. Gen. iii. 16. % 37. 2 Cor.x.7; 1 John.jv.6.
% 39. 1 Cor. xii. 31; 1 Thess. v. 20. X 40. verse 85.
(Map. 15: 1.] I. CORINTHIANS. [Ckap.Ui 10.

KE4>. t e ' . 1 5 . CHAPTER XV.

i 1 Now 1 make know?
Tpa>pi^ca 5e V/ULLUy adeX(poi, TO euaT^eAtoy to you, Brethren, tha
I declare but to you, brethren, the glad tiding* GLAD TIDINGS % which
o ev7}yyeAiara/ii7}v V/JLLU, 6 itai TrapaAajSere, I evangelized to you, and
which I announced as glad tidings to you, which also you received, which you received; in
which also you have stooit,
ev lcp Kai £(TT7)KaTe, 2
5Y ov Kai (ra>£W0e* 2 and through which
in which also you have stood, throughwhichalsoyouarebeingsaved;
you are being saved, if yoi.
(TIVI ?.oyu> €vrjyye\L(ra^u v[xiv ei ttaTexere*) retain a certain Word I
(by a certain word I announced as glad tidings to you if you retain;) evangelized to you; J UP
3 UapedcoKa less, indeed, you believed
6KTOS 61 juiT] €IK7] e7Tl(TTeV(Tare. inconsiderately.
except if not inconsiderately you believed. I delivered 3 For I delivered to
yap vfxiv €V
eu irpooTois
irpcoroLS 6
o Kai TrapeAa/3ov
Kai irap^A.apop' on you among the chiei
for to you amongfirstthings what also T received; that
things, X what also I re-
ceived, That Christ died on
Xpio'TOS aivzQavev virzp TOJV afiapTicou 7)/LUtip} behalf of our SINS X accord-
Anointed died on behalf of the sins of us,
ing to the SCRIPTURES;
Kara ras ypacpas' Kai on eracpr), (cat OTl 4 and That he was
according to the writings; and that he was buried, and that buried; and That he war-
cyrjyeprai ry rpirrj 'fyuepes, Kara ras ypacpas' raised the THIRD D&y
he was raised the third day, according to the writings; J according to the SCRIP-
5 6 TURES;
/cat on co(p6rj Krjcpa, eira rois 8&>5e«:a. E7ret-
5 and That he was sees
and thathe was seenbyKephas, then by the twelve. After that
J by Cephas; then J h y
ra cocpOrj enraivco TvzvraKocriois ade\(pois ecpaTra^,t h e TWELVE;
he was seen above by five hundred brethren at once, 6 afterwards, he was
e£ wv ol 7r\etovs fj^vovciv ecos apri, rives 5e seen by more than five
out of whom the greater number remain till now, some but hundred Brethren at once;
of whom the greater num-
Kai €Koi/ur}d7]o~aj/. ? Eiretra oocpOr} laKooficp' cira ber remain till nov?, but
also have fallen asleep. After thathe wasseen by James; then some have fallen asleep.

rois airoCToXois irao~iv, 8 Eo*xaTov Se irauroop, 7 After that, he was

by the apostles all. Last and of all, seen by James; then, £ by
all the APOSTLES ;
oocnrepei rep €KTpo>/j,ari, wcpOrj Ka/uoi. (Eyco 8 and, J last of all, he
just as if by the abortion, he was seen also by me. {I was seen by me also, as if
yap €LfiL 6 eXaxicrros rwv a,worrroKoov 6S OVK by the ONE PREMATURELY
for am the least of the apostles; who not BORN ;
9 for I am $ the LEAST
Gifxi iKavos icaAeiadai airoo'roXos, diori e5*co|a of the APOSTLES, who am
am fit to be called an apostle, not worthy to be called an
because I persecuted
Tf]V eKK\v)o~iav TOV Oeov. 10
XaplTL § 6 0€OV €l/Lll
Apostle, % because I perse-
the congregation of the God. By favor but of God l a m
cuted the CHURCH of GOD.
10 But what I am $ I
6 €L/HL' Kat 7) xaPts a>vrov V €l$ e /^e 3 OV Kevr) am by the Favor of God ;
what l a m ; and the favor of him that to me, not vain and THAT FAVOR of his to-
wards me was not fruitless;
eyevrjdr], aAAa irspicroiOTepov avrcav iravrccv
X for I labored more abun-
was made, . but more abundantly of them all dantly than all of them;
iKOTTiacfa' OVK eye*) aAA* 7) Xapjs TOV Oeov | yet not I , * but the
1 labored; not but, but the favor of the God FAVOR of GOD with me.


t 1. Gal. i. 11. t 2. Rom. i. 16; 1 Cor. i. 21 t 3. Gal. i. 12. t 3. Psa.,
xxii.15; Isa. liii. 5, 6; Dan.ix. 26; Zecli. xiii.7; Luke xxiv. 26,46; Actsiii.18; xxvi. 23;
1 Pet. i. 11; ii. 24. I 4. Psa. ii. 7; xvi. 10; Isa. liii. 10; Luke xxiv. 26, 46 ; Acts ii. 25—
31; xiii. 33—35; xxvi. 22, 23 ; 1 Pet. i. 11. t 5. Luke xxiv. 34 t 5. Matt, xxviii.
17; Mark xvi. 14; Luke xxiv. 36; John xx. 19, 26; Acts x. 41. t 7- Luke xxiv. 50 ;
Acts i. 3,4. i 8. Acts ix. 4,17; xxii. 14,18; 1 Cor. ix. 1. t 9. Eph. Hi. 8.
t 9. Acts viii. 3; ix. 1; Gal. i. 13; Phil. iii. 6; 1 Tim. i. 13. t 10. Eph. ii. 7, 8. I 10.
1 Cor. xi. 23; xii. 11. J 10, Matt, x, 20; Rpm, xv, 18. 19; 2 Cor, lii, 5 ; Gal. a , § -f ®p&
Hi 7; Phil. ii. 13.
Chap. 1 5 : 11.] [Chap. 1 5 ; 22.
I. C O R I N T H I A N S .
?7 crvv ejULoi.) n
Eire ovv eyca, eire eKeivoi, 11 "Whether I , then, o f
that with me.) "Whether therefore I, o] they, then, t h u s w e preach,
and thus you believed.
OVTGO K7]pvcrcrofxev^ teat, ovrcos e-Tricrr ever are. 12 B u t if it is pro-
thus we proclaim, and thus you believed* claimed T h a t Christ bass
E t Se Xpurros Krjpvo'o'erai, on en veKpoov been raised from t h e '
If but Anointed is proclaimed, that out of dead ones Dead, how say some
among you T h a t there
eyqyeprai, TTCOS Aeyovcri rives ev v/niv9 Sri is n o t a .Resurrection of
has been raised, how say gome among you, that the Dead?
13 13 B u t i f t h e r e is not
avacrrcKTis veKpoov OVK ecnv ; E t de avacrra-
a resurrection of dead ones not is? If but a resurrec- a Resurrection of the Dead,
J neither h a s Christ been
t s veKpwv OVK eo~riv, ovbe Xpio'ros eyr)yeprar raised;
tion of dead ones not is, not even Anointed has been raised;
14 a n d if Christ h a s
*4 ei he X.pi(j-ros OVK. eyrjyeprai, scevov apa, ro not been raised, void cer-
if but Anointed not has been raised, void then She tainly is Our PROCLAMA-
TION, a n d void i s y o u /
K7)pvy/Jia f]{io)V, Kevrj ^ [ S e ] /ecu 7] irio~ri$ vfxeov.
preaching of us, void [and] also the faith of you.
15 And we are found
*5 Eupta7cojue(9a Se Kai ij/evdo^aprvpes 6eov even False witnesses con- TOV
We are ound and even false witnesses of the God; cerning G O D ; % Because
bri e/xaprvprjaa/j-ev Kara TOV deov, Sri Tjyeipe we testified in regard to
because we testified concerning t h e God, that he raised up G O D , T h a t h e raised u p
t h e A N O I N T E D o n e ; whom
TOV Xpmrov, bv OVK 7}yeipev9 etirep apa
veKpoi h e d i d n o t raise u p , if
Vtkt Anoin "d, whom not he raised up, if indeed dead ones
indeed Dead persons are
OVK syeipovrau E i yap veKpoi OVK eyeipov- n o t raised.
not are raised up. If for dead ones not are raised 16 For if Dead persons
r a t , oi'Se Xpirrros eyrjyeprar ^ ei Se Kpicrros are n o t raised u p , neither
up, not even Anointed has been raised; if but Anointed has Christ been raised;
17 a n d if Christ hag
OVK eyrjyeprai, /maraia r) virrris VJUOOV cri eare not been raised, your
not has been raised, deceptive the faith of you; stillyouare
FAITH * is deceptive;
ev rats afiapriais v/j,cav apa Kai ot Koi/jcrjOev X you a r e still i n your
£a the sin3 of you; thea also those havin fallen S I N S ;
19 1 8 t h e n , also, T H O S E
res ev Xpicrrca, airooXovro0 \Li ev rrj fay H A V I N G F A L L E N A S L E E J
asleep in Anointed, perished. If in the life
in Christ, have perished.
ravrrj n\TriKore$ eo~\xev ev "Xpi<rrct) fxovov^ eAe- 19 £If in this LIFE
this having been hoping we are in Anointed alone, more only w e have hope in
eworepoL Travrcav avOpwrrcat? srrfxev. £0
Nvvi Se Christ, w e are more piti-
pitiable of all men we are. Now but able t h a n All Men.
20 B u t now X Christ has
Xpurros eyqyeprai eK veKpcov9 awapxv roov been raised from t h e
Anointed has been raised up out of dead ones, a first-fruit of those
Dead, Xa First-fruit of
having fallen asleep. ASLEEP.
'EireiST) yap S t ' avQpooirov 6 Oavaros, Kai SI F o r X since through
Since for through a man the death, also a Man, t h e r e i s * Death,
X through a Man, also,
•3i avOpooTrov avacrracris veKpcov.. 22-' Clairep there i s a Resurrection ot
through a man a resurrection of dead ones. Aa the Dead;
yap ev TO) Ada/a iravres airo9v7]a'Kovo'iv, ovrco 22 for as b y A D A M X\11
for in the Adam all die, so die, so b y t h e A N O I N T E D
Kai ev rco Xpio~r(p iravres faoiroir]6rio~ovrai. also, will All be restored U
Blso in the Anointed all will be made alive. life.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—14. and—omit. 17. is deceptive. 21. Death.

t 13. 1 Thess. iv. 14. t 15. Acts ii. 24, 32; iv. 10, 33; xiii. 30. % 17. Eom. iv. 35
t 19. 2 Tim. iii. 12. % 20. 1 Pet. i. 3. i 20. Acts xxvi. 23; verse 23 ; Col, i,l&
Uav, i. 5. % 81. Bom. v. 12,17. % 21, John xi 25; Bom. vi, 23,
Chap. 15: 23.] I. C O R I N T H I A N S . [Chap* 15 : 31.
23 23 But % each one it
'EKCMrros 5e ev rep idi(p rayjmarr arrapxv
Each one and in the own band; his OWN rank j Christ a
a first-fruit
First-fruit ; afterwards,
XpttTTos, cTreira ol rov Xpio~rov, €V ry irapov- those who are CHRIST'S at
Anointed, after thatthose of the Anointed, in the presence
cria avrov eira ro reAos, brav irapa- 24 (Then, the E N D ,
ofhimj then the end, when he should have de- when he shall give up the
fi(f> T7]V fiacriXsiav rep O^cp tcai irarpi, brav KINGDOM to the GOD and
livered up the kingdom to the God. and father, Father; when he shall
have abrogated All Gov-
Karapyrjay iracrav apxw icai iracrav e£ou- ernment and All Authority
he should have abrogated all government and all autho-
and Power.
viav Kai dwafxiv. Aei yap avrov fiacriXev- 25 For he must reign
rity and power. I t behoves for him to reign, X till he has placed All E N E -
€ivt ct-XPLS ou av ®V iravras rovs ex^povs MIES under his FEET.
till he may have placed all the enemies 26 Even DEATH, the Last
26 aro 0S Enemy, J will be rendered
vivo rovs irohas avrov. 'E,a'x s *X@P powerless;
under the feet of him. Last enemy
27 for Jhe has subjected
Karapysirai 6 Oavaros* 2^ ivavra yap virera- All things under his EEET
isrenderedpowerleasthe death; all things for hesubjected But when he says that
£e*/ vivo rovs irofias avrov. 'Oraj/ 5e €iirr], All things are subjected,
.under the feet of him. When but it may be said, it is manifest that H E is
Sri ivavra viroreraKrai, drjXov, Sri CKTOS rov excepted, who HAS SUB-
ihat all thing* have been subjected, it is evident, that i» excepted the JECTED A L L things to
28 c him.
inrora^avros avrcp ra rcavra. Orav 8e viro- 28 % And when he shall
one having subjected to him the allthings. When but maybe have subdued ALL thing*
rayr) avrcp ra ivavra, rore * [ K : O » 3 avTOS o vlos to him. % then the SON
subjected to him the allthings, then [also] himself the son himself will be subject ta
invorayrjcrerai rep vivora^avrt avrtp r & ivavra, HIM who SUBDUED ALL
will be subject to the one having subjected ta him tlie allthings,
things to him, that GOD
may be all in All.)
iva. '?/ 6 dtos *[ra^ ivavra e*> ivacriv. 29 E7rei 29 f Otherwise, what
so thatmaybethe God [the] allthings in all. Otherwise will THOSE do who are
ri Tronjcrovcriv ol /3airri£o/u,evoi virep rcav t/€K- BEING IMMERSED on be-
what «halltheydo those being dipped en behalf of the dead half ol the D E A D ? If the
peav, €i bXccs veKpoi OVK syeipovrai; Dead are not raised at
rt tcai all,
ones, if at all dead ones not are raised up ? why and
why then are they im-
mersed on their behalf?
&aivri£ovrai virep avrcvv; TiKai Tjfieis KLV- 30 and % why are Xae in
are they dipped on behalf of them? Why and we are in danger Every Hour ?
Swevo/jLev iracrav copav; 3 1 Ka6* 7]fjLepaif aivoQ- 81 I solemnly declare,
danger every hour? Every day I J b y *the BOASTING con-
VTJO'KOI}, VT] rrjv vfierepav Kavxycriv, TJV ex<w ev cerning you. Brethren,
die, by the your boasting, which I have in which I have in Christ Je-
Xoicrrcp Irjcrov rep Kvpiep TJ/JLCOV. ^ E e Kara sus our LORD, f % that I
Anointed Jesus the Lord of us. If according to am dying daily.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—28. also- -omit. 28. the—omit. 31. xoun boasting,
Brethren, which.
t 29. Clarke, after saying that this is the most difficult passage i n the New Testament,
and quoting Matt. xx. 22, 23; Mark x. 38; and Luke xii. 50, where sufferings and martyrdom
are represented by immersion, he sums u p t h e apostle's meaning as follows:—"If there
be no resurrection of the dead, those who, in becoming Christians, expose themselves to all
manner of privations, crosses, severe sufferings, and a violent death, can have no reward,
nor any motive sufficient to induce them to expose themselves to such miseries. But as
they receive baptism as an emblem of death, in voluntarily going under w a t e r ; so they re-
ceive i t as an emblem of t h e resurrection unto eternal life, i n coming u p out of t h e w a t e r ;
thus they are bapfizedfor the dead, in perfect faith of the resurrection. The the ee following
verses seem to confirm this sense." t 31. Or, that Every Day I am expos&d to death.
t 23. verse 20; 1 Thess. iv. 15—17- t 25. Psa. ex. 1 ; Acts ii. 34,_35 , Eph. i. 22; Heb,
i 13; x 13. t 20- 2 Tim. i. 10; Rev. xx. 14. J 27. Psa. viii.6; Heb. i i . 8 . J 28
Phil, iii.21. J 28. 1 Cor. iii. 23; xi. a. i 30. 2 Cn*. xi. 26; Gal. v. 11. | 3],
\ Thess. ii. 19. t 81. Bom. viii, 30; i Cor iv. 9; 2 Cor»iv. 10,11} * i . 23?
(Map. 15; 32.] [amp. IS: 4&.
I. C O R I N T H I A N S kr>©

sQpctiirov ^dripiojxax^o-a ev Ecpecry, ri jxoi TO 32 If, as men do, % I

man I fought with a wild beast in Ephesus, what to me the fought a wild beast at
Ephesus, of what BENEFIT
o<peXos ; GI vsKooi OVK eyeipovrai, (payoo/xev Kai is it to me? If the Dead
pro it? if dead ones not are raised up, we may eat and are not raised up, + Let us
iriufiev avpiov yap airoOvncTKOfxev. 33M?7 7rAa- eat and drink, for to-mor-
we may drink; to-morrow for we die. Not be you row we die.
vacrde. &Qeipuv<riv rj6r) XRVo'Ta SfxiXiai Kauai. 33 Be not led astray;
led astray. Corrupt habits virtuous companionships evil. % vicious intercourse cor-
EtasT]\paT€ BiKatoos, Kai fxr\ afxapTavtTC ayvoo' rupts virtuous Habits.
Awake you as i t is fit, and not sin you j igno- 34 $ Awake to sobriety,
as it is fit, and sin not;
tfiav yap 6eov rives e^vcr irpos efTpoirriv % for some are Ignorant of
ranee for of God some have; for shame God; % for Shame to you
vp.iv Xeyca. 3 5 AAA* epei ns' Hots eyeipovrai I say it.
toyou I sneak. But will saysomeone; How areraisedup 35 But some one will
ol venpoi ; Troiqj 5e GroofiaTi cp^ovrai; A(p- say, " H o w are the Dead
the dead ones? in what and body do they come? Ofool. raised up ? and in What
Body do they come ?"
pov crv 6 (nreipeis, ov faoiroieirai, eav fir]
ish one; thouwhat sowest, not is made alive, if not
86 O senseless man!
Jwhattfjou sowest is not
airoOavT]' ^ Kai 6 o'ireipeis, ov TO crcajma TO ysvr\- made alive unless it die;
itBkoulddie; and whatthou sowest, not that body that going 37 and as to what thou
o'o/nevov o-ireipeis, aXXa yv\xvov KOKKOV, et sowest, thou sowest not
to be born thou sowest, but a naked grain., if THAT BODY which will be
38 produced, but a Bare Grain,
it may happen, of wheat, or some of the others; the b u t God
it may be of Wheat, or oi
some of the OTHER. kinds;
avTcp diScocri coofia KaOcas 7}0eXr]o~67 Kai kKacrrc^ 38 but GOD gives to i t
to i t gives a body as he willed, and to each a Body, as he designed,
TCOV o-irepfJiaTcov *{Vo]j iftiov ffoop.a. Ov iracra and to Each of the SEEDS
of the seeds fthe] own body. Not all its Own Body.
o"ap^, 7) avTT) cmp£* aXXa aXXT) fxev ay Q p coir GOV > J9 All Elesh is not tn©
flesh, the same flesh: but one indeed ofrnen, SAME Flesh; but there is
One, indeed of Men; and
aXXf] 5e o~ap^ KTTJVCOV, aXXr} 8e lyQvvsv, aXXy Another Mesh of Cattle;
another and flesh of cattle, another and of fishes, another and Another *of Birds,
Se TTTTJVOOV. 40 K a i (Tcopara eirovpavia9 Kai and Another of Kshes.
and of birds. And bodies heavenly, and 40 and there are heav-
enly Bodies, and earthly
cco/xara eiriyeia" aAA' eTepa /iieu 7) rcou eirovpa- Bodies; but the GLORY of
bodies earthly; but one indeed thatof the heaven-
the HEAVENLY, indeed, is
vicov do^a, I r e p a 8e 7} TCOV eirtyeiouv. AXXr] One; and of the EARTHLY,
lies glory, another a n d t h a t o f t h e earthlies. One Another.
So^cs 7]Xiovt Kai aXXrj 8o£a creXrjvrjs, Kai aXXy 41 There is One Glory
glory of sun,. and another glory of moon, and another of the Sun, and Another
Glory of the Moon, and
do£a acTTepoow aarrjp yap a&rspos fiiacpepei ev Another Glory of the
glory of stars; a star for fromaatar differs in Stars; for Star differs from
5o£?7. 42
OUTGO Kai r) avaa'Tacris TCOV veKpoov. Star in Glory.
glory. 3jhu3 and the resurrection of the dead ones. 42 J And thus is the
^.TcipeTai cv <p9opa, eyeiperai ev acpOap&iq* DEAD. I t is sown in Cor-
It is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption; ruption, it is raised in
o'Treiperat ev arifiia, eyeiperai ev 5o£?7* cirei- Incorruption;
it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; . tis 43 | it is sown in Dis-
honor, i t is raised in Glory;
perat cv ao~9eveia, cyeiperat zv Swa/aer it is sown in Weakness^
Bonn in weakness, i t is raised in power; it is raised in Power;
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—38. the—omit. 39. of Birds, and another of Fishes.
t 32. 2 Cor. i. 8. t 32. Isa. xxii. 13; lvi. 12; Eccl.ii. 24; Luke xii. 19. % 88.
1 Cor. v.6. X 34. Rom. xiii. 11; Eph. v. 14. t 34. 1 These, iv. 5. t 84.
1 Cor. vi. 6. X 86. John xii. 24. X 42. Dan. xii. 3; Matt. xiii. 43. J 43. PhiL iii. ?,¥
[Chap. 15; 5 ^
€hap 1 5 : 44.3 I. C O R I N T H I A N S .
(TTreipeTcu aoojxa \\/vxili0V? 44 it is sown an animal
eyeipcrai a-oopa
i t is sown a body soulical,Body, it is raised a spirit-
i t is raised a body
ual Body. * If there is
wj/ev/xariKop. Etrri crco/aa tyvxiKov, Kai eart an animal Body, there is
spiritual. Is a body soulical, and is
also a spiritual Body.
*{V&tyia] TrvsvfiaTiKov. Ovroo Kai yeypairrai' 45 And so it has been
[a body] spiritual. So andithas been written; written, The TIRST Adam
Eyevero 6 irpooTOS *\_avdpooiros^ A$afi eis ^/vx^P X"became a'living Soul;"
"Was made the first [man] Adam into a soul X the LAST Adam, J a life-
^OOGCLV 6 €0"xaros A5a/x eis Trvev^xa (^( Spirit.
living; the last Adam into a spirit life-giving. 46 The SPIRITUAL,
46 however, was not the
AAA* ov Trpwrov TO TTV€v/naTiKou, aWa TO first, but the A N I M A L ;
But not first the spiritual, but the
afterwards, the SPIRIT-
t\lVXl^OV' €7T€lTa TO TTl/eVfiaTlKOU. ^'OlTpUlTOS UAL.
soulical; afterwards the spiritual. The first
$The EIRST Man was 47
avQpooiros, e/c yrjs xoLKOS' avdpcairos, from the Ground, J earthy;
° SzvTepos
man, from earth, earthy; the second man, the SECOND Man is X from
* [ 6 Kvpios^\ e£ ovpavov. 48
Olos 6 xOLKOSyTOl~ Heaven.
[the Lord] from heaven. Of what kindthe earthy, suoh 48 Of what kind the
oiK01 Kal s EARTHY one, such also
OVTOl Kai ol x ' °i° o eirovpavioS) the EARTHY ones; J and
like also the earthy ones; andofwhatkindthe heavenly,
of what kind the HEAV-
TOIOVTOI Kai 01 eirovpavioi' Kai KaOcos ecpopecr- ENLY one, such also the
zvah like also the heavenly ones; and even aa we bore HEAVENLY OlieS ;
HJJ.€V Tf)v siKova TOV x 9 (popevo/JLep Kai TTJP 49 and %eYen a s w e
the image of the earthy, we shall bear also thebore the LIKENESS of the
KiKOva TOV eirovpaviov. 50
Touro Se (pr)/ni, EARTHY one, J we shall
image of the heavenly. This and I say, also bear the LIKENESS Q!
the HEAVENLY one.
adeXcpoi, 6ri o~api; Kai at/xa $a<ri\Giav deov
50 And I say this, Breth
brethren, that flesh and blood a kingdom of God
ren, Because J Flesh and
KKr)povofxYio ai ov Svyaj/Tai, ou§e rj (pOopa TT]V Blood cannot inherit the
to inherit not axe able, nor the corruption the Kingdom of GOD ; nor shall
afydap&iav K\7}p0VO/U€t. 51
ineorruption shall inherit. Lo, a mystery CORRUPTION.
v/nip Aeyev Havres fjiey 51 Behold ! a Secret
ov KoifirjOrjcroiJieda'
to you 1 speak; All indeed not I disclose to you; J We
we shall be asleep;
shall not all sleep, but we
iravTes 5e aWay rj 0*0 jueOa, 6 2 tv aroyttw, ev pi- shall all be changed,—
all but we shall be ehanged, in a moment, i n a t w i n k -
52 in a Moment, in t h e
Trrj ocpOaXfxov, cv Ty ecrxaT]! o~a\7riyyi. (l£aA- Twinkling of an Eye, at
ling of an eye, iia the last trumpet. (It shall the LAST Trumpet; f for
itio-€i yap, Kai 01 pcKpoi eyepOrjaovTai a<p6ap- it
will sound, and thg
sound for, and the dead ones shall be raised incor- DEAD will be raised in-
Toi, Kai 7)/x€is aAAayrjO'ofjieOa.) 53
Aei yap corruptible, and Sx>e shall
ruptible, and we shall be changed.) Itisnecessary for be changed.
53 For this CORRUPTI-
TO (pQapTov TOVTO evdvcrao'Qai acpQapariap', Kai BLE must be clothed with
the corruptible this to be clothed with incorruption, and Incorruptibility, and % this
TO OVT]TOV TOVTO evdvcracrOac adavatfiav. MORTAL must be clothed
the mortal this to be clothed with immortality. with Immortality.
'OTav 8e TO $6apToi/ TOVVO evSvcrrjTai a(f)6ap- 54 And when this COR-
"When but the corruptible this shall be clothed with incor- RUPTIBLE shall be clothed
ffiav, Kai TO Qvr\TOV TOVTO evSvo"7]Tai aOaisacnai/, with Incorruptibility, and
ruption, and the mortal this shall be clothed with immortality, this MORTAL, shall be

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—44. If there is an animal Body, there is also a Spiritual

Body. 44. Body—omit. 45. Man—omit. 47. the LORD—omit.
X 45. Gen. ii. 7- X 45. Bom. v. 14. J 45. John v. 21; vi. 33, 39, 40, 54,57;
Phil. iii. 21; Col. iii. 4. J 47. John iii. 31* % 47. Gen. ii. 7; iii. 19. X 47.
John iii. 13, 81. J. 48. Phil. iii. 20, 21. • t 49. Gen. v. 3. •' '* 1 49. Phil. iii. 21;
1 John iii. 2. % 50. John iii. 3, 5 . J 51. 1 Thesa. iv. 15—17." 1 52. Matt.
xxiv. 3 1 ; John v. 2 1 ; 1 Thess. iv._l& % 53. 2 Cor. v. 4
(top. 15: 55.] , I. CORINTHIANS. l<*aj>' 1 6 : 6.
roTe yevrjorerai 6 Xoyos 6 yeypafXficvos' Kare- elothed with Immortality,
then will happen the word that having been written ; "Was then will THAT WORD be
iroTT) 6 dauaros eis VLKOS. 5 5 Ylov c o n , Qava- accomplished which HAS
swallowed up the death into victory. Where of thee, O death, BEEN WRITTEN, % " D E A T H
r e , TO Kevrpov; vou crov, '9877, ro VLKOS; was swallowed up in Vic-
the atingP where of thee, O unseen, the victory? tory !"
To 8e Keprpop rov davarov, 7) a/xapria' f) de 55 Where, 0 Death! is
The but sting of the
death, the sin; t h e and Thy STING ? Where, 0
dvvafxis rrjs a/xaprias, 6 POLIOS. 6 7 Tcp <Je Beep Hades! is Thy Victory?
power of the sin, the law. To the but God
is SIN, and the % POWER of
Xapis, rtp didopri TJ/UIP, T O VIKOS 8*a rov SIN is the LAW;
thanks, to the one having given to us, t h e victory through the
58< 57 J but Thanks to
Kvpiov riiAoov Ir}o~ov Xpio~rov. Clcrr€, aSeA- THAT GOD, who GIVES >U
Lord ofus Jesus Anointed. 'Wherefore, breth- % the VICTORY, through
(poi fxov aya7rr]roif fdpaioi yipe<r6e9
a/xeraKipr]- our LORD, Jesus Christ.
ren of me beloved, steadfast
immoveable, be you,
TOi, ir€pi<ra'€vovTes ep rep epyep rov Kvpiov 58 $ Wherefore, my be-
abounding in the work of the Lord loved Brethren, be you set-,
iraPTOT€} €ld0T€Sf OTL 6 KOTTOS V/LLGOP OVK €0~TItied, unmoved, abounding
at all times, knowing, that the labor sf you not is in the WORK of the LORD
at all times, knowing That
Kevos ep Kupia. your LABOR is not in vain
vain in fiord. in the Lord.
KE<f>. is'. 1®, CHAPTER XVI,
TIepi 8e rrjs Xoyias rrjs €is rovs ayiovs, 1 And concerning $ the
Concerning and the collection that for t h e saints, COLLECTION which is for
d>o*7rep diarai-a rats eKKXrjo'icus rrjs FaXarias, the SAINTS ;—as I di-
as I appointed to the congregations of the Galatia, rected the CONGREGA-
OUTGO Kar v/xeis TroiTja'are. Kara fxtav tfafifia- dogou.
so also you do. Every first of week
2 f Every % Eirst day of
r<av I/CCUTTOS v/xcav Trap' eavrcp nOtrco, Orj&av- the Week, let each of you
each one of you by itself let him place, treasur- lay something by itself,
pi£cop9 6tri ap evofiwrou* Iva JULTJ dray depositing as he may be
i n g u p , w k t thing he may be prospered; BO that not when prospered, so that when
eA0co, TOTC Koytai yivwvra^ 3
*Orav <5e 1 come Collections may
I may comet, then collections may be made. When and not then be made.
Trapayevwfxai, ovs cap doKiLiaarr}T€, 5Y Girio'- 3 And when I arrive,
I may arrive, whom if you may approve, by let- J the persons whom you
may authorize by Letters,
ro\cop tfovrovs irefxtf/a) air€peyK€iP rrjp XaPlv I will send to convey your
ters these I will send to carry the gift GIFT to Jerusalem;
V/JLCOP €is 'lepovcraArjfjL' cap 8e '?? a^iop rov 4 % and if it be proper
of you to Jerusalem* if but it may be worthy of the that even I should GO,
Ka;xe TTopevzo'Oai, crvv efxoi iropevcrovrai. they shall go with me.
even me to go, with me they shall go.
5 And I will come to
EAeucro/Jiai Se Trpos v/xas, brav MaKeBoPiar you, % when I have passed
I will come but to you, when Macedonia through Macedonia; for
dieXOco' (MaK&oviav yap Siepxofiat') I am coming by Mace-
I may have passed through; Macedonia for I pass through;) donia ;
Trpos vfias 5e rv%ov Trapa/jievoe, 7} Kai irapa- 6 and, perhaps, I shall
with you and it may happen I will remain, or even I shall remain with You, or even

t 2. As kat a polin signifies every city; and kata meena, every m o n t h ; and Acts xiv. 28,
kata ekkleesian, i n every church; so kata mian sabbatoon signifies the first day of every
week.—Mack night.
X 54. Isa. xxv. 8; Heb. ii. 14,15; Eev. xx. 14. t 56. Eoin. iv. 15; v. 15; vii. 5,13.
1 57. Rom. vii. 25. $ 57. 1 John v. 4, 5. t 58. 2 Pet. iii. 14. J 1. Acta xi,
*<0; xxiv. 17; Kom. xr. 26; 2 Cor. viii. 4; ix. 1,12; Gal. ii. 10. % 2. Acts xx. tA
%& % Cor. viiL 19u $ 4. 2 Cor. viii. 4,19. t 5. Acts xix. 21; 2 Cor. i t IS.
€?iap. 1 6 : 7 1 I. C O R I N T H I A N S . idhap. 1 6 : 16.

^6(yua(Too, iVa u/xeis /xe TrpoTrefAiprjrs ov eav irop- psssthe winter, that gott
winter, so that you me may send before where if I may may send Me forward
wherever I may go.
evwfiai, ? Ov 0€Xco yap v/ apri ey irapo- 7 For I do not wish to
go. Not I wish for you now in passing see You now in passing,

8<p tSeiv eXirifa yap -^povov riva eTTi/JLeivai since I hope to remain
by to see; I hope for time some to remain
some Time with you, % if
the LORD permit.
Trpos vjxaSf eav 6 tcvpios STnrpsTrY}. 'EirLfjt.eveo 8 But I will remain at
with you, if the Lord should permit. I shall remain Ephesus till the P E N T E -
$e ev E(p€crq> ecus TTJS 7revr7]Koarrr]S' dvpa
yap _ 9 for J a great and effec-
but in Ephesus til' the pentecostj a door for tive Door has been opened
to Me; yet there are many
fioi avecpye fxtyaXv} nai €vepyj]S9 Kat avriKeifie- $ Opposers.
tomehas been opened great and effective., and opposers
10 Now, J if Timothy
voi iroXXoi. Eav 8e cXdrf Tifxo6eos9 fiXz- should have come, take
many. If andshouldhavecome Timothy, see care that he may be among
you without fear; for % he
"rere, Iva acpofiws yevrjrat ?rpos v/nas' T O yap performs thfc work of the
you, that withoutfear he may be to you 5 the for Lord, even as also ft do.
9 J1
epyov Kvpiov epya^erat ws ^[KcaJ eyco firj 11 J Let no one, there-
Vork of Lord he works as £evenj S; not fore, despise h i m ; but
send him forward J in
ris ovv avrov e^ovOzvrjo'r}. Tlpoirefxipare Se Peace, that he may come
Any one therefore him may despise,. Send on before and
to m e ; for I am expecting
v-vrov ev sip-qvr), Iva eXdy Trpos fie' GfcSexofAai him with the BEETHREN.
him in peace, so that he may come to me; I expect 12 But concerning JApol-
fap avrov *\_fxera rcov aSeAc^wj'.] *2 llept §e los, the 3R0THEE, I en-
-"tor him [with the brethren Concerning and treated *liim repeatedly
that he would come to you
AiroXXca 7ov aSeAcpou, iroXXa TrapeKaXeffa with the <BR.KTHBEN; but
Apollos tha brother, much I entreated
his,Inclination was not at
avrov, iva eXdy Trpos v/xas fiera V(av all to come at present j
him, that he would go to you with t h e he will come, however,
pdeXcpccv' Kat 7tavrcas OVK 7)1/ 0£Xr}fjt,a9 iva vvv when he may find au op-
brethren and at all not was will, that now portunity.
l3 13 J "Watch youf J Stand
e\6r)' cXevcerai $ e , brav evKaiprj&r}. Tprj-
he should go; he will go but, when he may find opportunity. Watch firm in the FAITH ! Ba
manly! | B e strong!
yopeire, arrjKere ev ry iricrrei, avfipL£eo~de9
(ion, atandyou firm in the faith, be you manly, 14 j L e t all your deeda
be done in Love.
stparaiovffOe' ^iravra v/acov ev aya7r?7 yiveaOca. 15 And I entreat you,
be you strong; all things of you in love let be done. Brethren, as you know the
^ TlapanaXoo 5e bfias9 afieXcpor oifiare rrjv £ FAMILY of Stephanas,
I entreat and you, brethren; you know the That it is J a First-fruit ol
ACHAIA, and that they
iKiav ^recpava, on ztfriv airapxH T^S Axaias, have devoted themselves to
<i usehold of Stephanas, that it is afirs;-fruit of the Achaia, J Service for. the SAINTS,
KCU as SiaKoviav rois aywis era^av kavrovs' 16 $ that DOU also be
-ind for service to t h i -vints they devoted i-^mselve*; submissive to SUCH, and
^ Iva Kat vfieis vTtorao'ffTjo'Oe rots roiovrois, to Every one who CO-
that also you should be submissive to the sochlikeperaons OPERATES and labors.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—10. even- -omit. 11. with the BRETHREN—omit,

t 7. Acts xviii. 21; 1 Cor. iv. 19; James iv. 15. t 9. Acts xiv. 27; 2 Cor. ii. 12 ; Col.
i v . 2 ; Sev.iii. 8. t 9. Acts xix. 9. t 10. Acts xix. 22; 1 Cor. iv. 17- t 10.
Eom. xvi. 21; Phil. ii. 20, 22; 1 Thess. iii. 2. t 11. 1 Tim. iv. 12. t 11. Acts xv.
\ 13. Matt. xxiv. 42 ; xxv. 13; 1 These, v. 6; 1 P e t .
f. 8. t 12. 1 Cor. i. 12; iii. 5.
t 13. 1 Cor. xv.'1; Phil. i. 27; iv. 1; 1 Thess. iii. 8; 1 Pet. v. 8. $ 1§. fiph.
fri. 10; Col. i. 11. »• 14. 1 Cor. xiv. 1; 1 Pet. iv. 8. t 15- 1 Cor. i, 18. % 15.
Rom. xvi. & t 15, 2 Cor. viii, 4; ix. 1; Heb. vi. 10. J 16. Heb.xiii. If,
Vhap. 16: 17.] I„ CORINTHIANS, [Ohap. 16: 2 4

KOU iravTi T6j crvvcpyovvTL KOA KotnoiVTi. ^ X c a - 17 And I rejoice at the

andto every one to the one working with and laboring with. presence of Stephanus and
pea 8e €TTL Trf traoovena, S r e ^ a ^ a Kai 4>ovprovva- Fortunatus and Acliaicus;
but on the (..csence of Stephanas and Fortunatus Because these brethren
rov Kai A%a:«:ou, on ro v^ccy vcrrepyjixa OUTOI supplied the Want of you;
and Achaicus, because the of you want these 18 J for they have re-
aVGTrXripwcrav i 8 aveiravcrav yap TO efxov irvev- freshed MY Spirit and
•upplied; they refreshed for the my spirit YOURS. % Acknowledge,
[jLa Kai TO vjA(av. ETriyLPooo'Kere ovv rovs roi- therefore, SUCH brethren.
and that ofyou. Acknowledge therefore the such
OVTOVS. A(nra£bfTcu vfias at €KK\r]o*Lai TTJS
like persons. Salute you the congregations of the
of ASIA salute you. Aquila
and *Priscilla, J together
Actas. Acrira^ovrai v/aas ev Kvptu> iroXXa With the CONGREGATION
Asia. Salute you in Lord much
at their House, salute you
AKvXas Kai Upto'KLWa, o~vv TT) KaT3 OLKOV
much in the Lord.
Aquila and PrUcilla, with the in house
20 20 All the BRETHREN
avTcov eKKKyjeria. Acnva^ovrai vfxas ot a5eA-
ofthem congregation. Salute you the breth- salute you. J Salute each
<poi iravres. Ao"ira(rao~d€ a\\7}Xous eu <pi\i]- other with a holy Kiss.
ren all. Salute you each other with a kiss
21 % This is the SALU>
jxan ayt-ty. 2 1 ' 0 acriraor/jios ry €/j.r) X€lPL ^Iau- TATION of Paul, with a i t
holy. The salutation with the my hand of Paul. OWN Hand.
\OV. 2 E l TIS OV (f)lh£l TOV KVpiOV *[l.7}0"0VV
If any onenothasaffectiozforthe Lord [Jesus 22 If any onsf^lbv-e not
Xpiffrov^ 7}TOO avade/ua' fiapav a9a. 2 3 *K the LORD, % let him be ac-
Anointed,] let him be accursed; the Lord comes. The cursed. J The Lord comes.
•%aptS TOV KVpiOV l7)0"0V ^[XpLCTTOvJ jUtO3 V/JLCOV.
favor of the Lord Jesua [Anointed] with you. 23 J The ifAVoa, of the
'H ayaTry] fxov fiera wavTcov v/xevv ev Xpicrrq) LORD Jesus be with you.
The love of me with all ofyou In Anointed 24 My love be with you
Itjorov. ^[A(XT)V.^ all in the Anointed T*JSUS.
Jesug. [So be it.]

* VATICAN M A N U S C R I P T . — 1 0 . ^risca. 22. J e s u s Anointed—omit. 23. Anointeoi

—omit. 24. So b e it—otntt. Subscription—FIRST TO T H E CORINTHIANS, W R I T T E -
t 18. Col. iv. 8. X 1 8 . 1 T h e s s . v . 1 2 ; P h i l . i i . 29. % 19. R o m . x v i . 5 , 1 5 ; Phile. %
I 20. R o m . x v i . 16. X 21. Col. i v . 18i 2 T h e s s . i i i . 1 7 - t 22. E p h . v i . 34,
t 22. Gal. i. 8, 9. t 22. J u d a 14,15. t 23. R o m %vi, 20.


KE$. a!. 1.CHAPTER I.
• TlavXos}.~airo(TTokos Irjcrov Xpicrrov dia Paul, $ an Apostle 1
of the * Anointed Jesus,
Paul, an apostle of Jesus Anointed through.
by the Will of God, and
GeXTj^aros Oeov, Kai Tt/xoOeos b adeX(pos, ry Timothy the BEOTHEE, to
will of God, and Timothy the brother, to the THAT CONGREGATION of
€KK\T](ric£ rov Oeov ry ovcry ev KopivOa), aw GOD which i s in Corinth,
congregation of the God to that being in Corinth, with J together with all THOSE
rois ayiois iracri rois ovaiv ev bXy ry A%a/a' SAINTS who AEE in the
the saints to all those being in whole the Achaia; "Whole of ACHAIA ;
XaPls vfuv KUI eiprjj/r} airo Oeov irarpos 2 $ Favor to you, and rjfioov,
favor to you and
peace from Peace, from God our Fa-
God a father of you,
Kai Kvpiov IrjfTou Xpicrrov. HLvXoyrjros o Oeos ther and the Lord Jesus
and Lord Jesus Anointed. "Worthy of praise the God Christ.
KOLI irarr/p rov %vpiov j)}i<av Irjcrov Xpiarov, 6 3 J Blessed he the GOD
and father of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, the and Father of our LOED
narrjp roov oiKripjxoov, KOLI Oeos 7rao~Y]s irapu- Jesus Christ, THAT FA-
father of the mercies, and God of all com- THER of MEECIESJ and
tcXrjae&s, 6 irapaKaXoov r)fxas eiu Traay ry God of All Comfort,
fort, the one comforting us in s.11 the 4 who COMFOSTS us in
OXityet 7]ficov, sis ro hwaaQcu i]{xas irupafcaXeiu All our AFFLICTION, in
affliction of us, in order that to be able us to comfort order that we may be
rovs ev iracry OXixpei, Sta rrjs irapaKXycreoos, r)s ABLE to comfort THOSE
those in every affliction, bymeans of the comfort, of which in Every Affliction,through
TrapatcaXovfAeQct avroi viro rov Oeov 5
on KaOcas the COMFORT by which we
we are comforted ourselves by the God; because as ourselves are comforted by
Trepiaaevei ra TraOrjfxara rov Xpicrov eis 7]fxas9
abounds the sufferings ofthe Anointed in us,
5 because % as the SUF-
ovrco bia rov Xpiarov irepiaaevei
KCLL rj irapa- abound in us, so through
so bymeans ofthe Anointed abounds also the
com. the A N O I N T E D , abounds
KXTJCTIS i}ix,(iov. E i r e Se OXifio/ULeOa, virep also our COMPOST.
fort of us. "Whether but we are afflicted, on behalf 6 And whether we be
rrjs v/xooy TrapaKXrjcrf-cos, *['/cai aoorr)pi^s'~\ eire afflicted, J it is * on behalf
ofthe of you comfort, [and salvation;] whether of THAT COMFOET of YOU,
which OPERATES by a Pa-
7rapaKaXovfj.e0a, virep rys VJJLGDV TrapaK?\.7](r^costient
i endurance of the
we are comforted, on behalfof the of you comfort,
SAME Sufferings which Sne
rrjs epepyovfiej/rjs ev virojxovr) roov
avrdop also suffer ; and our HOPE
of that operating ' in patient endurance ofthe same on your account is firm;
iradTJimarcop, &>v /ecu 7]}xem wao'xofiej/' {KOLI T) 7 or, whether we be
sufferings, which also we suffer; (and the comforted, it is for your
eXiris rjfxcoy fiefiaia virep hfXoov) 7 eiSores, Sri Comfort and Salvation,
hope of us stedfaston behalf of you;} knowing, that knowing, % That as you
wcrirep KOIVMVOI eare rcoy •7:adrjLi% (oy, obrcu teat are Partakers of the SUF-

as partakers you are ofthe sufferings, so also FEEINGS, so also of the

TTJS TrapaKXyo'eoos. Ov yap QeXoLiev v/ias ay-
ofthe comfort. Not fo.r we wish you to '-3 For we do not wish
voeiv, afteXcpoi, rv}s tiXupecas T)LLCOP TTJSyou, Brethren, to be ig-
be ignorant, brethren, concerning the affliction of us of that norant concerning THAT


Jesus 6. and salvation—omit. 6. on behalf of THAT COMFORT of YOU which OPERATES
hv a Patient endurance ofthe SAME Sufferings which we also suffer; and our HOPE on your
account is firm; or, whether we be comforted, it is for YOUR Comfort and Salvation, know-
ing, That.
t i l Cor. i. 1; Epbu i 1; Col. i. 1; 1 Tim. i. 1; 2 Tim. 1.1. t 1. Phil, i - 1 ; Col. S. 2.
+ « Rom i 7- l C o r . i . 3 ; G a l . i . 3 ; P h i l . i . 2 ; C o l . i . 2 ; 1 Thess. i. 1 ; 2Thess.i.2; Phile. 3.
* 3* Eph.'i. 3;'l Pet. i . 3 . t 5. Acts ix. 4; 2 Cor.iv. 101 Col. i. 24, t 6. 2 Cor. iy. 15.
T 7,* B o m / v i i i 17 - 5 Tim. tt.12.
dhap.l: 9.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap.l: 16.
yevo/J.r)V7)s *\_inxiv~\ ev ry Acaor., OTL lead' virep- % AFFLICTION o f OUl'S
happening [to us] in the Asia, thataccordingtoexcess which HAPPENED in ASIA,
fioXrjV e^aprjdri/JLev virep ooo'Te e£a- That * excessively above
we were pressed above to be Strength we were pressed,
strength, so that
7ropr]67)vai rj/xas Kai rov Qriv ° aXXa avroi ev so that we despaired even
in despair us even of the life; but ourselves in Of LIFE ;
9 butfoehad the SEN-
kavrois TO airoKpifxa TOV QavaTOv €0")(T\K.OHXS:V',
ourselves the sentence of the death we have, TENCE of DEATH in our-
iva (J.7) iveiroidoTes oo/xev e(p* eavTOts, aXX3 eiri Xselves, so that we might
not trust in ourselves.
so that not having trusted we should in ourselves, but in
10 but in THAT GOD who
TO) Beep Tcp eyeipovTi TOVS veKpovs' 6s €K EAISES up the D E A D ;
the God that one raising up the dead ones; who from
10 J who rescued us
TTJXIKOVTOV QavaTov eppvaaTO rj/xas, Kai pveTai' from so Great a Death,
so great a death rescued us, and doesrescue; and *is rescuing; in
eis bv rjXnriKa/xev, OTL Kai GTL pvffeTai,
o~vvv- whom we have hope that
in whom we have hoped, that even still he will rescue,
co- he will also yet rescue;
vovpyouvTcov KCLL vfMtiv virep TjfJioop Tig Serjcei, 11 you, also, J co-operat-
Operating also you on behalf of us in the prayer, ing by PRAYEK on our
Iva e«r iroXXoov Trpoo'coirwv TO eis 7]/xas xaptoy-ta behalf, so that from Many
that from many faces the for us gift f Mouths thanks may be
dta iroXXcov evxapLCTTjOy virep 7]JXOOV. 12 'H given by Many on our
through many might be given thanks on behalf The behalf, $ for Our GIFT.
of us.
yap Kavxyo~t.s rjfxccv avTT} eo'Ti, TO jxaTvpiov TTJS 12 For our BOASTING
for boasting ofus this is, t h e testimony oftbe is this, the TESTIMONY of
o'vveidrjo'ecos y/xoov, OTL ev airXoT^Ti Kai eiXiKpi- our CONSCIENCE, That
conscience ofuB, that in simplicity and with * the greatest Simpli-
city and J Sincerity, J not
a L
veto, 6eov, (OVK ev co<pia crapfciKt), aXX* ev X P ~ with fleshly Wisdom, tnit
of God, (not in wisdom fleshly, but in favor by the favor of GOD, we
TI 6eov) aveo'Tpacpri/nev ev TW tcoo'pLcp, irepio'o'o- conducted ourselves in
ofGod) we conducted in t h e world, more abun- the WOULD ; b u t more
Tepoos 5e irpos v/xas. 13
Ov yap aXXa ypa<po/xev especially towards you.
dantly but to you. Not for other things we write 13 For we write no
v/xiv, aXX 7) a avayivooCKeTe, ^ [ 7 / a avayivoocr- what you Other things to you, than
to you, but what you read, [or what you acknow-
read, or what you
acknowledge; and I hope
KeTe'~\ eXiri£<a Se, OTL * [ « : a t ] eoos TeXovs eiriy- that even to the End you
Jedge,] I hope and, that [even] till end you will acknowledge;
vcoo'eo'Oe, 14 Kadcos Kai eireyvooTe 7}/xas airo 14 as also you partially
will acknowledge, as also you acknowledged u* from acknowledged us, J That
jxepovs' OTL / c a u x W * vficov eor/xev, KaQairep Kai we are your Boast, i as
parts; because a boasting of you we are, even as also nou also will be ours in
The DAY of *the LORD
v/xsis TJJXOOV, ev T7f ijfxepa TOV Kvpiov lrjo'ov.Jesus.
you ofus, in the day ofiho Lord Jesus.
15 15 And in this CONFI-
Kai TavTtj TTJ ireiroiOrjO'ei efiovXofirjv irpos DENCE J I was purposing
And in this t h e confidence I wished to to come to you a t first;
v/xas eXdeiv irpoTepov, iva SevTepav XaPlv so that you might have J a
you to come before, so that a second favor * Second Favor;
exvr€' 16 KaL
^ f ' VP.G3V SieXOeiv eis MaKedo- 16 and, by You, to pass
you may have; and through you to pass through into Macedo- through into Macedonia;
viav, Kai iraXiv airo MaKedovias eXOeiv Trpos a*nd from Macedonia J t o
nia, and again from Macedonia to come to come again to you, and by
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—8. to us—omit. 8. excessively above strength we were
pressed. 10. will rescue. 12. Pureness and godly Sincerity. 13. or what you
acknowledge—omit. 13. even—omit. 14. our LOBD Jesus. 15. Second Joy.
t 11. Prosoopon, like the Latin persona, is a mask with a open mouth rather than a per-
son. The same Greek word occurs in ii. 10, where though we may use the word "person "
it means " character."—Skarpe.
t 8. Acts xix. 23; 1 Cor. xv. 32; xvi. 9. t 9- Jer. xvii. S, 1. J 10. 2 Pet. ii. 0.
111. Rom. xv. 30; Phil. i. 19; Philemon 22. % 11. 2 Cor. iv. 15. X 12 2 Cor. ii. 17;
xv. 19,
;i. 2. 20, J 12. 110.
2 Cor.1ii.
iy. 9. i 215.
J 14. Bom.
Cor. i. 11.
v. 12. J 14.116. lCor.xvi.5,6v
Phil.ii. 16; iv. 1; 1 Tftiess-
Chap, h 170 IL CORINTHIANS. [Cliap. %-x 2.

(tfias, Kaivcp* ujj.(0i/TrpoTr€(A<p87}vaL ets r?}v Iou- You to be sent forward

yoo, and by you to be sent forward into t h e Ju- into JUDEA.
haiav. ^Tovro ovv /3obAeuoju.€J/os, JUTJTI apa 17 This Ihqrefore, being
dta. This therefore wishing, .not. certainly my intention, did I cer-
TT} mXa<ppia €Xpf)(to1jji7]i'; t) a fiovkevofxai, tainly regard it LIGHTLY °
or fire my purposes formed
in the lightneas did I use? or the things I purpose,
Xaccording, to the llesh,
Kara aaptca fio'vK^vo/, Iva r/ trap 3 tfxot ro that there should be with
according to flesh d o l purpose, that may be with me the
me both the YES, yes, and
valval, tcai ro ov ov; l s HKTTOS 5e 6 Oeos, the NO, no?
yes yes, and t h s no no? Faithful but the God, 18 f But GOD is witness,
tin 6 hoyos 7]/AQDI/ $ frpos v[ias OVK eyzvero That THATWOUD of ours
that the word ofus that to you not was which was toward you * ia
vai Kai ov. 10
' O yap TOv 6GOV VLOS TTJO'QVS not yes and no ;
yes and no. The tos of the God .eoa Jesus 19 for that SON of GOD,
Jesus Christ, v ho was PRO-
XpurroSy <§ <?*/ bfiiu $«'
7]}JLCOV kt]pv%dcis^ CLAIMED to You by Us,—
Aoointsd, thatamong you by means of us having, been preached, by me, and Sihaniis, and
(Si* e/xou Kai "StiKovaifav Kai TifioSeov,) OVK Timothy,—was not yes and
(py means of me and Silvanus and, not no, but was yes in him.
cyej/gro pat tcai oy 3 aWm vai sv avrm ysyovzV) 20 % For whatever be
became • yes and no, but yes in . him has become, the Promises of God, they
20 are in him YES, *and in
(<5<rai yap <sivayyQ\iai Ozov, W avrq> TO VOA^him the Glory
(IS many for promises ofGoii, in hin» the yeo, of GOD through us.
Kai *t> &VT<*) TO-a,u7}ir,) r<p 0G(j> irpos Bo^di/ di' 21 No_W HK ESTABLISH-
and in him the eo belt,) to the God for glory en account ING us with you in Christ,
V/J.60V. 2 1 ' 0 § 6 ^C-j8atWI/ 7]fJLaSS (TVU VfMS/ CIS and J having anointed us,
of us. The "but oneestabliahing us with you for ia THAT God
Xpt&ro'/y Kai xpi(ra$ ^/iay, Oeos- 22
6 uai &(ppa- 23 who also ihas SEALED
Anointed, and havinganoiuted us, God; he and having us, and % given-thc 1'LKDGK
of the SPIKIT in our
yiaa/jLGi'os ^/zas s Kai dovs rov * apfiafitava rov HEARTS.
6ealed tjs. and having given the pledge of the
23 But t £ invoke GOD
'Kvevfiaros ei/ rais icapf>iais TJILM&P* ^"Eyca 8e as a Witness to MY SOU],
i spirit ia the fcoafts "\ ofua. I but
} That, sparing you, I
(xaprvpa rov Qeoir grriKa\ovfx,ai tret rf\v €/J,T}V have not yet come to
& witness the God call upon. 'to the rny Corinth;
tyvxWi &ri tystSofitvos V[A(av oVKeri ^KOov ets 24 not % Because we
soul, that sparing you not yet I came t o domineer over You through
Kopivdov ovx OTi tcvptevofxzv vfxcou rys TTIO'- the TAITH, but because we
Connth; not because we lord it over you of the faith, are Associates of your Joy;
recus-, cAA.cs ffvvzpyoi ecrfiev rrjs xaPas fyi&w t"n for J i n the I'AITU you have
but fellow-workers w e a r e o f t h e joy ofyou; in the stood firm.
yap rtMTrei IfrrTj/care. KE<I>. $', 2 . l Enpiva CHA.PTEB. I L
for faith you have scood. - I decided
1 But I decided this
Se €fxavrcp rovroi ro fxr} traKiif <sP Xvir?} rrpos with myself, + not 10 COM is
but with myself this, that not again in grief to again to you, in Grief
vfxas e\6€iv. Et yap eyco Kvirco vfxasj Kat rts 2 1'or if 41 grieve you,
you to come. If for I grieve you,
indeed who who indeed could MAKK
*[€0"nV] devfypaivcuv /xe, €t p.7) 6 KvTrovfxzvos e£ me GLAD, but the ONE
[is] theoneglaJening me, if not theonebeing gvievedfrom who is GRIEVED by me.

*. YATJCAN MANUSCRIPT.—18. is not yea and no. 20. wherefore also by him AMEN.
S r ,is—omit. ; •
t 18. The original phrase,pistos ho 1heo», is the same form of an oath with The Eternal
liveth! that is, " As certainly as t h e Eternal God liveth." t V0. Ndi, yes, was the woto.1
used by the Greeks or affirming anything; Jmen was the word used by the Hebrews for the
same purpose —Macknight.
t 17. 2 Cor. x.-2. t 20. Rom. xv. 8, 9. I 21. 1 John il. 20, 27. I 22. Eph.
i.I3; iv.So; 2 Tim. ii.19; Rev.ii. 17. t 22. 2 Cor. v. 5 ; Kph.i. 1 i. t 23. Roi*.
••tet 2 Cor. xi.3t; Gal. i. 20; I'hil.i 8. • J 23. 1 (Jor, i v . 2 1 : 2 Cor. ii. 3 ; *Y\. 20; xiii.2, 10.
%.24. t Cor.ili.& -, I l?et» v. 3. %U. I Cor.xv. lf f 1. 1 Cor. i. n\ xii. to, 21; xiiuIQ ?
Chap. 2 : 3.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Cfhap. 2 : 12.

€fiov; 3
Kai eypcnpa ^[vfiiv'] TOVTO
3 I wrote also this very
CCVTO, iva
meP And I wrote [to you] thing, that coming, %1 might
tnis same thing, so that
not have sorrow from thos«
fir] e\6ccv \virt\v ^x00 (Up* 00V €$€l fl€ by whom I ought to re-
not having come grief I have from of whom it behoves me joice; J having confidence
XOUptlV TT€irOl6o0S 67Tf TTCLVTaS VJJLCtS, OTI 7] C/XTJ in you all, That MY Joy
to rejoice; having confided in all you, that the my is the joy ofyou all.
4 For out of Much Af-
XaPa TravTcov V/LLOOV e&Tiv. E/c 4
fliction and Distress of
joy ofall ofyou i t is. Out of for much
Heart I wrote to you
OAiipsoos Kai crvvoxys Kapfiias eypatya V/J.IV dia through many Tears ;
affliction and anguish of heart I wrote toyouthrough X not that you* should be
iroWwv SaKpvoov, ovx 'va Av7rr)9r)T€y aWa rr\v grieved, but that you might
many tear*, not that you might be grieved, but t h e know the LOVE which I
have more abundantly to-
ayarrrjv iva yVMTG, 7}V 6%0» irspicrcroTspctis wards you.
love that
that yyou might know, which I have more abundantly 5 But J if any one has
6*s vfxas Ei 8e TLS \eAvirr}K€v, OVK €/xe AeAu- caused grief, he has not
towardB yovL. If but any one has been grieved, not me he has J grieved Me, except from
TT7]K€Vy aAA* airo /nepovs, iva fi?) Giri&apcv, a p a r t ; that I may not
grieved, but from parts, that nutlmaybearhardupon,
overcharge you all.
6 Sufficient for SUCH a
Travras vfxas IfCaVOJ/ TCp TOlOVTCp 7) €iriTL/Llia person is T H I S J P U N I S H -
all you. Sufficient to the such one the censure MENT, which was inflicted
avTY] 7} biro TOOV irXeiovcov ? oocrre TovvavTiov by the MAJOKITY.
this which by the maj ority ; so that on the other hand 7 t So that, ON T H E
a l(ra(r ai Kai OTHER H A N D , y o u OUght
*\_/xa\\ov~\ vfias xP ^ irapaKaAeffaic, to forgive and comfort
frather] you to freely forgive and
to comfort,
him, lest SUCH an one
(irjircas ry TrepiertTorepa AVTTT) Karaifo6r) d TOI~ should be overwhelmed by
lest by the more abundant grief should be a wall o wed tha such EXCESSIVE Sorrow.

evTos. 8
Aio irapaKaXco vjuas Kvpcocrai as 8 Wherefore, I entreat
One. Wherefore I entreat you to publicly confirm t o
you publicly to confirm
your Love towards him.
9 ELS TOVTO yap Kai eyparpac 9 Besides, I wrote for
avroy ayairrjv.
him love. l a order to this for also I wrote, this purpose also, that I
might know the PROOF of
Iva yveo Tt]v SOKI/HTJV V/JLOOV, €t eis iravTayou, whether you are J obe-
X> that I might know the proof ofyou, if t o all things
dient in all things.
VTTTjKOOl €0~T€. ' H i $6 Tl XaPlC€(T^€9 Kal 10 But to whom you
obedient you are. To whom but anything you freely forgive, also freely forgive any thing, JE
eyw Kai yap eyco o Kexapicr/nai, €i ri /ce%a- do also; for indeed, what
I have forgiven, if 3E have
I; for I what have freely forgiven, if anything I have
forgiven any thing, is on
pio~/, hi
oi VjxaSyv/uas* ev irpoa'<aircp XpiffTov your account, in the pres-
freely forgiven, on account ofyou, in presence ofAnointed; ence of Christ;
Iva (AT) TrXeoveKTTjOoo/uev viro TOV carava' ov 11 that we may not be
that not we should be overreached by the adversary; not overreached by the A D -
VERSARY; for we are not
yap avrov ro vorifiara ayvoovfiev.
for of him the devices we are ignorant. ignorant of His DEVICES.
12 12 But J having come
E\6ccv 5e eis TrjvTpcaafia €isro evayyeXiov to TROAS in order to preach
Having come but to the Troas for the glad tidings
the GLAD TIDINGS of the
TOV Xpi&TOV, Kai Bvpas fXOl aV€CpyiA€V7)S €V A N O I N T E D , and $ a Door
of the Anointed, and a door to me having been opened by having been opened to me
JUOV9 rep by the Lord, JS had no Rest
, Ka
Kvpicp, OVK ea xv OLvecriv Tcp irvev/LiaTt
Lord, not I had rest in the Bpirit of me, byiha in my SPIRIT, because I

* "VATICAN MANT/SCRI?!.—8. to you—omit. 7. rather—omif.

t 8. 2 Cor. i n . 21. t 3. 2 Cor. vii. 16; viii. 22; Gal. v. 10. U . 2 Cor. vii. 8, 0,18.
I 5. 1 Cor. v. 1. t 5. Gal. iv. 12. J 6. 1 Cor. v. 4, 5 ; 1 Tim. v. 20. t 1- Gal.
vi. 1. J 9. 2 Cor. Yii. 15; x. G. J 12. Acts xvi. 8 j xx. Q. I 12. 1 Co*, xvi. ft
% 12. 2 Cor. vii. 6, 6.
Okap.tfjlS.;] II. CORINTHIANS. ((Map.Bt S.
(XT] evpew (X€ TITOV TOV adeXcpov JJ.OV a\ka FOUND not Titus my BRO.
Hot to come me Titus the brother of me; but THEE;
13 but having bid them
airoTa.%<x}A*vos avrois, €%7)\9ov ets Ma/ce8oz>taj/.farewell, I went forth into
having bade farewell to them, I wen, out into Macedonia. Macedonia.
T<p 5e Beep X P a LS T0
? TTCLVTOTG Qpiajx^evovri 14 Now, thanks be to
To the but God thanks to that always leading to triumph THAT G O D , who alway3
t LEADS US forth to TRI-
rj/nas *v rep XpitfTo), Kai TTJV oo'fx'qv TYJS yvcoo'ecas UMPH with the ANOINTED
ua in t h j Anointed, and tha odor of the 'j.noViAedr<$ one, and who diffuses by
aurov (pavepovvri oY rjfioov ev irauri roircp* us the FRAGRANCE of the
of himself is manifesting through us in, every place. KNOWLEDGE of him, in
Every Place.
' O n XpKTrov evoodia eCfxey TW Seep ep rois 15 Because we are a
That of Anointed a sweet odor we are to th« God i n those Sweet odor of Christ t«
(TCti^OfXtVOlS KCLl €V TOLS aTTOWvfieVOlS* 16
OlS GOD, $ among THOSE who
being saved and in those perishing; to these are BEING SAVED, and
J among THOSE who AEE
fiei>, OT/JLT] davarov €is Oavarov ols 8 e , OO~/U,T] PERISHING;
indeed, an odor of death into death; to those but, ;.;. odor 16 i to these, indeed, an
£wr\s €is C !**' K a i Trpos ravra TLS IKOLVOS ; Odor of Death to Death,
of life into life. And for these things who sufficient? and to those, an Odor of
Life to Life; and $for
^ O v 7<Xp €0"IJ.€V COS 01 TTOWOL, KCL7rr]\eVOVT6S these things who is quali-
Hot for we are like the many, adulterating fied?
TOV Xoyov TOV Qsov aAA ws e£ eiXiKpivzias? aXX* 17 For we are not like
the word ofthe God: but as from sincerity, but the MANY, f J trafficking
the WORD of GOD ; but
&s €K Qeovt KarevooiTLOu * [ T O U ] | Oeou, €V "Kpiar- really $ from sincerity,
as from God, in presence [of the] God, in Anointed and as from God,, in the
rep XaXovfiev. KE3>. y . 3 . l ApxofjLedairaXiv presence of God, we speaif

we speak. Do we begin agaia concerning Christ.

eavrovs (TuuccTTaveii/ ; 7) firj XPVC0/^7!^^ CHAPTER I I I .
oui««lre8 to commend? or not we need, as some,
1 J Are we beginning
(TvarariKcou CTTIO'TOXCOV Trpos vfias, t] e£ VJLLOOV again to recommend Our-
%{recommendation letters to you, or from you. selves ? or do we require,
as some, J Recommenda-
^[(TVO'TaTLKOOV ; ] ' H €TTlO'ToX7} 7}{A'JOV V/U.61S tory Letters to you, or from
[of recommendation?] The letter of us you you?
60T6, eyyeypa/nfievri €V rats Kapfiicus 7}/J.cav, 2 J^ottareourLETTEE,
ate, having been written in the hearts of you, (wriiicii on our HEARTS,}
yivaxrfcouevr) /ecu avayLvooKoixevr] VTTO iravrcav known and being read by
being known and being read by all All Men;
avBptoTt&y (pavepov/ULevoi, on eorre GTUOTTOXTI 3 it being plainly de-
men; being manifest, that you are aletter clared that you are a Let-
ter of Christ % delivered by
Kptcrrov hiaKOv-qBzicra v<p3 TJIAOOV) €yy€ypa/j.fjt,evq us, * and written not with
*£ Anointed having been ministered by us, having been written
Ink, but with the Spirit of
ov fieXaviy aXXa Trvev/jLart 0eov £OOVTOS9 OVK ev the living God, J not on.
not with ink, but by spirit of God living, not on Stone-tablets, b u t t on

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—17. of the—omit. 1. of recommendation—omit. 3.

and written,
t 14. An allusion to the custom ofthe victorious generals, who, in their triumphal pro-
sessions, carried some of their relations with them in their chariot. The streets through
irhich the processions passed were strewed withflowers, Plutarch tells us, the streets
were full of incense. t 17. or sophisticating the word of God; referring to the practice
of vinters, who adulterate their wines. Dr. Bentley paraphrases it thus,—"which adulterate
and negotiate the word of God for their own lucre and advantage."
t 15. I Cor. i. 18. J 15. 2 Cor. iv. 3. t 16. Luke ii. 34; John ix. 39; 1 Pet. ii. 7, &
t 16. 1 Cor. xv. 10 ; 2 Cor. iii. 5, 6. i 17. 2 Cor. iv. 2; xi. 13 ; 2 Pet. ii. 3. J 17. 2 Cor-
i.l2;iv.2. J 1. 2 Car. v. 12; x.8, 12; xii. 11. t 1. Acts xviii. 27. 12.
1 Cor. ix. 2. t 3. 1 Cor. iii. 5. J 3. Exod. xxiv. 12; xxxiv. 1. £ 3. Pea. xL
8; Jer. xxxi. 33; Eaek. xi.,19; xxxvi.26; Heb. viii. 10,
Cliap. 3 : 4. J II. C O R I N T H I A N S . [Cfiap S: IS.

irAa|i AtQtvats, aAAaevirAa^t tcapfitas o~aptcivats. fleshly

Tablets of the
tablets of stones, but on tablets of hearts fleshly.
4 4 And such Confidence
HeTroL8rj(fLi/ Be rotavrrjv exofiev 5m rov Xpto"- towards GOD we have
Confidence r but such we have through the Anointed
through the ANOINTED ;
rov Trpos rov 6eov° 5 ou% on tvavot eGiiev cup3 5 Jnot That we are quali-
towards the God; not because sufficient we we from fied of ourselves to reason
eavroov, AoytcracrOai rt, cos e£ eavroovy aAA any thing as from our
ourselves, to reason anything, as from ourselves, but selves, hut Jour QUALIFI-
r) iKauorrjs rtfxoov etc rov deov 6 6s teat ifcavooorev CATION is from GOD ;
the sufficiency of us from ofthe God; . who also qualified 6 who also qualified us
7)jjLas diaKovovs Kcuvr)S dta6r)Krjs, ov ypafi/naros, to be J Servants of a % New
us servants of a new covenant, not of letter, Covenant; not % of the
aAAa irvevjxaros' ro yap ypa/x/xa airoKretyet, Letter, but of the Spirit;
but of spirit; the for letter kills, for % the LETTER kills,
ro 5e Trvevjjta ^oooirotet.? Et be 7] b*ia&cvta rov J but the SPIRIT makes
the but spirit gives life. If but the servict ofthe alive.
Oavarov ev ypa^xfxacriv,
death in
7 Now, if % the DISPEN-
having been engraved
AtOots, eyevriQrj ev 5o£?;, coare /JLTJ dvvacrBai graved in Letters on
Btones, was made in glory, BO that not to be able Stones, was attended with
arevta'at rovs vlovs 'Itrpa^A ets ro ixpoaooTxap Glory, J so that the SONS
to look steadily the sons of Israel were unable to
of Israel into the faee
Moovo'eoos, dta rrjv do^av rov irpocrooTroV atr<ov, look steadily into the
of Moses, on account of the glory ofthe face of him, FACE of Moses, because of
rrjv Karapyovfxevf}V^ tras ovx*- fta?iAov r] 5 m - COUNTENANCE; which
that passing away; how not rather the ser-
9 [dispensation] is PASSING
Kovia rov iruev/utaros eo'rai ev 8o£r); Et yap i) AWAY ; —
vice ofthe spirit shall be in glory? If for the 8 how, rather, shall non
SiaKovia rrjs KaraKptaeoos, 5o£a' roAA^ fiaAAoy the % DISPENSATION of
service ofthe condemnation;, glory; much more the SPTRIT be attended
TTzpirrarevei r) dtaKOvta r ^ s BtKatoo'vvrjs ev 5o|?7. with Glory ?
abounds the service ofthe righteousness in glory. 9 For if the MINISTRY
Kou yap ov dedo^acrrai ro dedo^aa/xevov ev
Even for not has been glorified that having been glorified in Glory, much more does the
rovreo rep fit pet, eveicev rrjs virepfiaAAovarris NESS abound in Glory.
this the respect;, on account ofthe surpassing 10 For even that having
Ef ya ro Karapyovuevov. 5m been glorified has not been
ya TO Karapyov/j,evov, glorified in this respect, on
glory. If for that is being annulled, through account of the SURPASS-
do^rjs' iroAAtp jxaAAov ro iievov, ev 5o|77. ING Glory.
glory; by much more that remaining, in glory. 11 For if THAT is BEING
E % C V T 6 S 0VV otavrrjv irap- ANNULLED through Glory,
eArrtSa, iroAAy
Having therefore such a hope, much free- far superior is this R E -
0} J € a 13 MAINING in Glory.
prjtfia x? f - ^ ' Kat ov, Kadairep Moovcrecos 12 Having therefore
dom we use; and not, as Moses
such a Persuasion, J we
ertdet KaAv/x/xa errt ro Txpocooixov eavrov, irpos exercise much Confidence;
placed a veil on the face of himself, for 13 and are not like Mo-
ro /JLTJ arevtcrat rovs vlovs Io*parjA eis ro reAos ses, % who put a Veil over
the not to gaze intently the sons of Israel to the end bis FACE, for the SONS of
14 5 Israel not to GAZE IN-
rov KarapyovfMevov. ('AAA e Troop do Or} raTENTLYto J the END of
of that passing away. (But were blinded the

* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 7 . in—omit.
t 5. J o h n xv. 5 ; 2 Cor. i i . 16. t 5. 1 Cor. x v . 10; P h i l . i i . 10. t 6. 1 Cor. iii.
5 ; 2 Cor. v. 1 8 ; E p h . i i i . 7 ; Col. i. 25,29; 1 T i m . i. 11,12; 2 T i m . i. 11. X 6. J e r . xxxL
3 1 ; M a t t . x x v i . 2 8 ; H e b . v i i i . 6 , 8. J 6. R o m . i i . 27, 29; v i i . 6 . J 6. R o m . iii.
20; i v . 1 5 ; vii. 9—11; Gal. i i i . 10. J 6. J o h n vi. 63 ; R o m . viii. 2. i 7- R o m . vii.
10. 1 7 . E x o d . xxxiv. 1, 28 ; P e u t . x. 1. I 7. F - o d . xxxiv. 29, 80, 35. J 8. G a l
iii. 5. t 9. R o m . i . 1 7 ; i i i . 21. t 12. 2 Cor. \ \ i . 4 ; E p h . v i . 19. % 13. Exod.
xxxiv. 33, 35. t 13. R o m . x. 4 ; Gal. iii. 23.
Chap. 3 i 14.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 4 : i .

vo7]fxara avr<ay axpi yap rrjs o"t]fx£pov ro avro 14 (But { their H J N D S

minda ofihemj till for the to-day t h e same were obtuse; for to T H I S
DAY, the SAME Veil r,»
KaXv/xfxa eiri ry avayywcrei rrjs TraXaias SiaOr}- mains over the READING
veil on t h e reading of the old covenant,
of the OLD Covenant; not
KTjSf fj,ev<ei9 fxr] avaKaXvirroixevov, drLeyKpiorrcf discovering That it is
remains, not being discovered, because by Anointed taken away by Christ;
tzarapytirai' aXX' ecos arj/Jiepoy, rjyiKa ava- 15 but, even to This
it is taken away; but till to-day; when is day, when Moses is read,
yivuyffKGrai Mccvo-yjs, KaXvfXfxa 67rt rrjy icapfiiay a Veil lies on their HEAET.
read Moses, A veil on the heart 16 But { when i t shall
avroov Keirai. 'Hvina 5' av eirio'rpetyr} trpos turn to t h e Lord, { t h e
of them lies. Whan but it may turn to VEIL will be taken from
Kvpiov, Trepiaipeirai ro KaXvjujxa. * ' ' O de tcvpios around it.
Lord, is taken from around the veil. The but Lord 17 And J the LOED is
ro ity^vjxa ecrriy ov 5e ro iryev^a,
tcvpiov the SPIB.IT; and where
the spirit is; where and the spirit of Lord the S P I R I T of the Lord is,
*[e/cet] €\evdepia.) H/xeis 5e irayres aya- there is Freedom.)
[therej freedom.) We but all having 18 But me all beholding
KeKaXv/ufieycp Trpocrcoirq) ri\v do^ay nvpiou Karo- {the GLOEY of the Lord in
been unveiled in a face the glory of Lord behold- a Face Unveiled, {are
•jrrpi^o/xevoi, rrjy avrrjy eiKoya, jxera/xopcpovfieOa transformed into the SAMJB
in g as in a mirror, t h e eatne image we are transformed Likeness, from Glory to
OLTVO 8o^7js eis 8o£a*>, ttaQairep airo Kvpiov irvev-Glory, as from the Lord,
from glory to glory, even as from Lord of the Spirit.
/xaros K E $ . 5'. 4 . * A i a rovro ^xovresr'qv CHAPTER IV.
spirit. On account of this La fir ^ the
1 Therefore, having
Siaitoviay ravrrjy, Kadcos eXerjOtJixeVj OVK CKKCI-
{this MINISTRY, even as
service this, even as we received mercy, n o t we
we received Mercy, we
Kovfxev 2 a \ A * airenrafieda ra Kpvirra rrjs cucr- faint not;
faint; but vrerefused the secrets of the Bname, 2 but have repudiated
VV7 s 47
X l i A ? •rmirarovj/Tes ey iravovpyia, ju^Se the SECKET tilings of
not walkiis^ in craftiness, nor SHAME; not walking in
Craftiness, {nor falsifying
doXovvres roy Xoyov rov 6eov3 aXXa r-p <paye- the WOED of G O D ; but,
falsifying the word oftha God, but by the manifet- by the EXHIBITION of the
pooo~ei rrjs aXr]6eLas (rvyicrccyres iavrovs Trpos TEUTH, { approving our-
tation ofthe truth recommending ourselves " to selves to Every Human
irao'ay (Tvvsiftrjaiv ayOpooircay, eycamoy rov Qe v. Conscience
in the sight of
every conscience of men, in presence of the God.
3 3 (But if, indeed, our
E i 5e KOLI eo~ri KetcaXv/jLjULeyoy ro evayyeXioy GLAD TIDINGS be veiled,
If but even it if having been veiled
glad tidings the
{they have been veiled to
fjfxcoVj *y rots atroXXv/iLevois /ce/caAu/x/xe- THOSE who are PERSU-
ofus, among those being destroyed i t is having been ING;
vov 4 tv ots 6 Bzos rov aicovos rourov eru<£>- 4 t o t h o s e UN BELIEVE3S,
veiled; in whom the God ofthe age this blinded whose MINDS the GOD of
this AGE blinded, in order
Xcoce ra yorjfxara rccv arncrrooy, eis ro fxrj that they might not see
the minds of the unbelieving ones,in order that not clearly the EFFULGENCE
avyacrc, roy <pooricr/.ioy rov evayyeXiov rrjs of the GLAD TIDINGS of the
to see distinctly the effulgence ofthe glad tidings ofthe GLOEY of the ANOINTED
do^rjs rov ¥Lpio~rov9 6s eo~riy eiKooy rov Qeov, one, { who is the Likeness
glory of the Anointed one, vrho is animage ofthe God. of GOD.)

* VATICAN MANTJSCBII?T.—17. there—omit.

t 14. Isa. vi.10;, 14; John xii. 40; Acts xxviii. 26; Rom. xi.7,8, 25; 2 Cor
iv. 4. t 16. Exod. xxxiv. 34; Rom. xi. 2\ 26, { 16. Isa. xxv.7. t 17. ver.
6; 1 Cor. xv. 45. { 18. 2 Cor. iv. 4, 6; 1 Tim. i. 11. t 18. Rom. viii. 29; 1 Cor. xv.
49; Col.iii.10. X 1. 2 Cor.iii.6. t 2. 2 Cor.ii. 17; 1 Thess. ii. 3, 5. J l
2 Cor. v. 11; vi. 4. J 3. 1 Cor. i. 18; 2 Cor. ii. 15; Thess.ii. 10. J 4. John i. ISt
xii. 45; xiv. 9 ; Phil. ii. 6 ; Col. i. 15; Heb. i. 3.
(faap.4: 5.3 II. CORINTHIANS. trfhrto: 4• i s .
5 5 JFor we do not pro.
Ou yap eavrovs Kripvo'croiiev, aXXa Xpiffrov claim Ourselves, b u t tha
N o t for ourselves we p r o c l a i m , but Anointed Anointed Jesus, as Lord;
Irjcrovv Kvpiov kavrovs 8 e , dovXovs vficay 8i« and ourselves J your Bond-
Jesu3 a Lord; ourselves and, slaves of you t h r o u g h servants on account oi
Ir}orovp0 6
' O n & 6tos 6 enrccv €/c (TKOTOVS Jesus.
Jesus. Because t h e G o d t h a t c o m m a n d i n g o u t of darkne33 6 Because THAT GOD
(poos Xa/xtyai, 6s eXa/Ji^ev <ev rats KapSiais f)/j.covy% W h o COMMANDED t h e
tight t o shine, w h o shone in the hearts of us, LIGHT to shine o u t of
Darkness, $ shone into our
irpos (pooTifffiov rrjs yvcacrews Trjs do^7]-srov 9eov HEARTS for illuminating
for i l l u m i n a t i o n of t h e knowledge of t h e glory of t h e G o d with the KNOWLEDGE of
ev Trpocrwiry *\\r}0*ov~\ Xpio~rov. ? E^o/ze^ ^ 6 the GLORY of GOD in the
in face [of Jesus] Anointed. W e have b u t face of Jesus Christ.
roy 6-qaavpou rovrov *v oa'-paKivois vtcevecriVj 7 B u t we have this
the treasure thi» in earthen vessels, TREASURE in $ Earthen

Iva r) inrepfioXr] rr]S ^wa^ecas y rov 0eov, Vessels, in order J that

the EXCELLENCE of the
s o t h a t t h e euperabounding of t h ep o w e r m a y b e of t h e G o d ,
POWER may be of GOD,
Kai JJLT} e£ 7]/j.eov eu Tvavri dXifio/Jievoi, aXX* ovand not from us ;
and notoutof us; i n everything b e i n g afflcted, b u t &ot
8 % being afflicted i n
o~T€VoxMpov/j.GVoi' airopov/jiepyt, xXX* OVK e £ a -every thing, but not dis-
beingstraitened; being perplexed, but H o t being tressed; being perplexed,
Tropov/uieyoL' 9 SLCOKO/A^VOI, aXX ovm eyKaraXei- but not in despair;
indeBpair; being persecuted, b u t not being forsaken; 9 being persecuted, but
not deserted; being thrown
Trofievor KaTa(3aXXo/j.€VOii aXX' OVR a7roAAu/ie- down, but not destroyed;
b e i n g cast d o w n , but not b e i n g des-
10 $ always carrying
VOL' iravrnre rr\v veKpcacriv rov ITJOOV SV rep about in the BODY, the
troysd; always t h e p u t t i n g t o d e a t h of t h e Jesus i n t h e dying state of JESUS,
cccfxari itepKpepovres^ iva Kai rj £u>7] rov IrjcrovJ that the L I F E of J E S U S
body bearaag abode, t h a t also t h e life of t h e Jesua may also be manifested
ev rep croo/jiari rjficov (pavtptodr). Aei yap ia our BODY.
n the body otgox. m a y be manifested. Always for 11 For me who are LIV-
ING are always delivered
7)fi£is of £<avreSy €is Qavaro}' ^apafiiSo/jieOa Sia up to Death J o n account
we t h e living, to death a r c delivered because of
of J esus; in order that the
hlffovv, iva Kai 7] £0017 rav Irftfov (pavepcoOrf cv LIEE of J E S U S also may be
Jesus, t h a t also t h e life o f t h e J e s u s may b e manifestod i n manifested in our MOETAL
r?; 6vr)Tr} c a p / a 7]fxcoVc '£2o~Te 6 Qavaros cv Flesh;
the mortal flesh ofuB. So t h a t t h e - d e a t h in 12 so that DEATH ia
rj/jiiv svepyeirai, T) Se £ooy] €v VJIIV,
Exovres working in us, but LIEE in
uo works, t h e b u t life in you. Having you.
13 But having J the
Se T O avTO rrvevfxa TTJS iricrTecas, Kara TO
SAME Spirit of F A I T H , ac-
but t h e s a m e spirit ofthe faith, according t o tfhat
cording to that HAVING
yeypafx/uLsvov EwKTreuca, Sio eXaXrjcra* Kai B E E N W R I T T E N ; J " I be-
laving been w r i t t e n ; I believed, therefore I spoke;
also lieved, therefore I spoke;"
f)/j.eis Trio'Tevo/xev, fiio e*5o- me also believe, and there-
Kai XaXov/nev
we believe, therefore a n d we s p e a k ; k n o w - fore we sp eak;
reS; 6TI 6 eyeipas rov *[_Kvpiov^ IT]O~OVV, Kai 14) knowing That J he
ing, t h a t t h e one raising up t h e [Lord] Jesus, also who RAISED UP JESUS,
will also raise Us up * with
7][ias 5 i a ITJO'OV eyeper, Kai irapao'Trjo'ei cw Jesus, and will present us
UB t h r o u g h J e s u s will raise u p , a n d will p r e s e n t with
with you.
ujiiv. T a yap travra oY v/j.ast iva T) XaPls 15 For JALL these things
you. T h e for all things on account of you, t h a t t h e favor are on your account, X that
* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 6 . Jesus—omit. 14. LOKD—omit. 14 with.
1 5 . 1 Cor. i. 13, 23; x. 33. % 5. 1 Cor. ix. 10 ; 2 Cor. i. 24. t 6. Gen. i. 3.
i 6. 2 Pet. i. 19. t 7. 2Cor.v. 1. t 7. 1 Cor.ii. 5 ; 2 Cor. xii.9. J 8. 2 Cos
«ji. 5. J 10. 1 Cor. xv. 31; 2 Cor. i. 5—9; Gal. vi. 17; Phil. iii. 10. J 10. Rom. viii
17 ; 2 Tim. ii. 11,12 • 1 Pet. iv. T?. J 11. Rom. viii. 36. % 13. Rom. i. 12; 2 Pet. i . 1
t 13. Psa. cxvi. 10. t 14. Rom. viii. 11; 1 Cor. vi. 14. t 15. Col. i. 24; 2 T i m . i i . T>f
t 15. 2 Cor. i. 11; Viii. 19 ; ix. 11,12.
Chap. 6i 10. j £ 0!iap.
irXeouacaara $ia rcoptrAeiopcap, rrjy zvxapurriap the -.bounding FAVOR may
having abounded through, t h e many, the thanksgiving overflow, through tha
16 T H A N K S G I V I N G o f MANY,
Tr€pi(ro~€V(rr} eis rt]p do^ap rov 6eov. Aio to the GLORY of GOD.
m i g h t swperabound to the glory of t h e God. "Wherefore
16 Wherefore, we faint
OVK GKKaKovfxeP' akk3 ei Kai 6 e£w TJ/UWP apdpoo- not; but even if our OUT-
not we faint; but if even t h e outward of u s man WARD Man is wasted,
iros dia(pd€iperait a\?C 6 eo~a>Qep avaKaivovrai yet *our J IN NEK man
is wasted, y e t 4he inward i s renewed is renewed Day by Day.
17 Besides, J t h e MO-
rj/nepa Kat Tjfxepa. ^ To yap irapavritca eAacp- MENTARY LIGHTNESS of
byday a n d by day. T h e for momentary light-
the A F F L I C T I O N , works
pov TT]S dAiipecos *[_7}/JLMP,~\ Ka63 virepfioArjj/eis out for us an excessively
ness o f t h e affliction [ o f u s , ] a c c o r d i n g t o anexceeding on exceeding aionian Weight
vTrepfioArjv aicopiop fiapos So^rjs Karepya^erai of Glory;
an exceeding age-lasting weight )-'^lory works o u t 18 J we aiming not at
18 the T H I N G S which are
rj/Ltiw /i7/ (TKOTtovvroop 7]fMCCp ra fiXeirojueva,SEEN, but at the T H I N G S
for u s ; not -oolsing of us t h e t h i n g s being seen,
which are not SEEN ; for
a\Xa ra fir] fiAzfcofieva' ra yap ftXeirojAisva, the THINGS which are
b u t the t h i n g s n o t being sees, the t h i n g s Cx being seen, SEEN are temporary, but
irpo<TKaipa' ra 8e per] fiAcirofxepa, aioovia. the THINGS which are
transient t h i n g s ; t h e t h i n g e b u t n o t beinr?seeii,age-lastingthings. not SEEN are aionian.
KE<I>. e\ 5 . Oi8ap.€p yap? on, zap y 67rt*
We k n o w ^i» that> if t h e earthly
1 Tor we know, That H
yetos f)p,cav oiKia rov (TKVPOvs Kar&t.-?^, OIKO- the TENT of our }EARTHLY
ofus house v'Lft>-i tenft bLouBbe.'-akon d o w n , a b u i l d - Dwelling be taken down,
dop.r]!' e/c 6eov €%o/tfe^, omiav ax^ipoTroi^rop, we have a Building from
God, a House not made by
ing from God w*. have 9 ahr.usc n e t made by h a n d s ,
hands, aionian, in the
aiooptop, CP rots ovpavots* ^ yaiy zv rovrtp H E A V E N S .
age-lasting, i n ti'X heavens. Even L r i n this S Tor indeed, in this
<rreva^ofjL€Vt ro oiKf\rripiov rjacap n -' \ ovpavov $we are groaning, ear-
we groan, ihe .bode of us fch . t : o m heaven nestly desiring to be in-
s vested with TITAT H A B I -
€ircpdvcrao'6at CTrnrcOovpres. Eiye Kai epdv- TATION of ours which is
to be invested earnestly iesiring. If a t least a n d having
from Heaven;
ffauzvoi, ov yvfivoi evpeOriffOjueda. 4 Kai yap 3 and surely, having
been invested, n o t n a k e d onofi we .feaii. S c f < ! ' 3 ^ . I n d e e d f o r been invested, we shall

)i opres ip rip tfKrjpei o~r€Pa£ojuep /Sapov/uepor not be found destitute.

t h o s e being i n the tent groan bein£ oppressed; 4 For, indeed, THOSE
t BEING in the TENT are
e(/>* <a ov OeAojxep €K$vo'ao'dai9 aAA* eTrepfiv- groaning, being oppressed;
in we wish to be uncloihed,
but t o be i n -
in which we desire not to
crao~dat9 ipa KarairoOp re Bp qr^y VTTO rrjs be divested, but % invested,
vested, t h a t m a y be swallowed u p t h e mortal by the that the MORTAL may be
5 absorbed by L I F E .
(porjs. ' O 5e Kar epyacrafxevos rj/nas €IS avro 5 Now H E who has PRO-
life. T h e a n d one having worked o u t ws for same
DUCED us for this same
TVVTO Oeos' 6 "^[tfeu] dovs rjfiip rop appafioopa thing is THAT God who
this. God; that [also] having given t o us t h e pledge % has GIVEN to us the
6 PLEDGE ofthe S P I R I T .
rov vpevjuiaros ©appovpres OVP Traprore, Kai 6 Therefore, being al-
ofthe spirit, B e i n g confident therefore always, and
ways confident, and know-
eibores, Sri epSyifiovpres €P rep ffcapLari, CKST]- ing That being at home
knowing, that being a t h o m e in the body, we are in the BODY, we are from

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—16. our INNEB. 17. of us—omit. 5. also—omit.

t 10. Eom. vii. 22 ; Eph. iii. 16; Col. Hi. 10; 1 Pet. iii. 4. i 17. Matt. v. 12; Bom,
viii. 18; 1 Pet. i. 2, 6; v. 10. t 18. Eom. viii. 24; 2 Cor. v. 7 ; Heb xi. 1. J 1. Job
iv. 1Q; 2 Cor. iv. 7; 2 Pet. i. 13,14. J 2. Eom. viii. 23, f 4. 1 Cor.xv. 53,54,
£ 5. Eom. viii. 23; 2 Cor. i. 22 ; Eph. i. 14; iv. SO.
&iap 5 : 7 ] II. CORINTHIANS. tOiapobtf 15^

UOVjULtV Ct.TO rov kupiow ' ( S x a TTKTTZCVS away from t h e

yap home,
lioai hotne from the Lord , (Uy means of Lo u D :
faith, for
7 (lor % we a r e ti'aSK:ng
Trepnra.TOVfj.ev ov 5 t a ?{5ous") S Oapp'ovfj.ev by FailU, not by Slgint;)
we are wadkmg, n o t by means of oight,) w,e are confident
8 but we a r e coiifefeai,
5 f , KCU €vdoKOv/j.£v p>a\\ov (K^rj/j.rjrrai eK rov and | well-pleased! rat her
b u t ; aluo we are well-pleased rather t o be from h o m e o u t of t h e to be separated from fjfi«
BODY, a n d to be a t hmue
cco/xa-ros, Kai evdrj/x-rjo'di irpos rov icvpjov* 5<o with t h e L O U D .
body, a u d t o be a t Uouaa with t h e Lord.. wherefore Pi And therefore we ar«
very ambitious; whether
Ktxi cpi\orijj,ovfxe6a, t i r e ^v^r^iovvres, are being a t lioine, or being
txliO we are very a m b i t i o u s , w h e t h e r beicg at hoine, or
from- home, to be aceeuH
'(K5r}fjLovvT€5y €vapeo~Toi avry • eivai. Tovs table to hum
L bcing from h o m e , well-pleasHijj to him lobe. The 10 % For we "must ALH»
appear before t h e TRiBy^
yzp 17avras 7}/ <pavepu)Br)vai Set efxtrporr- N A L of t h e A N O I N T E D , )
ifor all U3 t o appear i t is ngcetwary before t s o that each one may r e -

fiev rov &71/LICLTOS fov Xpforrov, Iva KOjxicn)rai ceive t b e T ii i N c s 111 roug,!^
Oltb.3 tribunal ofthe Anointed, that may receive the BODY, according to>
what \\ as performed, w h e -
ekarrjni ra 6 \ a rov o-ctifiaros, rrpos c? eir- ther good or bad.
eacA ofte m e things t h r o u g h t h e . body, according to wfuf was 11 Knowing therefore
the jTERaoit o f t h e L D K D ,
p a £ e j / , tire ayaOov, eire KOLKOV.
In-iotutJ, whether good, or bad.
we are persuading Men j
I but we iiave been nian:-
E i S o r e ? ovv rov <po/3ov rov Kvptov, avQpw ft^sLfd to G o d ; and I hope
Kaowiog therefore t h e fear ofthe Lord, men we have been made mani«
fest also iu your CON»
nous freiOofxev, Oey 8e irecpavepcafxeda' CXTTLC^ S C I E N C K S .
we pertuade, t o God but we have been manifested; I hope
12_Wcarc not Jrecom<>
5? KCU €U rais <Tvv5L^f]Tea iv vpLCovtrefpavepooaBai. mending Ourselves again
und aUo i n t h e * consciences of you tohavebeeiuuanifeated. ^ta you, i)ut are giving you

*' Ov * [ Y a p ] Tra\ty~6avTovs rfWMTravofxeis vfxiv, an Opportunity of boast-

N©t • ffor] agaia ourselves d o we recommend t o you, ing on o u r behalf; t h a t
you may have something
a A A a acpop/irju diSovres VJJ.IV kavxu^aros vrrep for T H O S E who are B O A S T -
\ b u t opportunity giving- t o you of boastiu* on ING i n Appearance, b u t
qucav 7 7 6
iva ex ? " Kpos rovs evTrpoccoTrp KX^X03" not-in Heart.
. vi UB ; t t a t you may have for t h o s e i n face boasting, 13 Tor even if we were-
liej/ovs, KCU ov KapSta. J3
£ x r e yap e£e0*T7LUcV, besides ourselves, i t w a s
and n o in heart. E v e n i f for wear'ebesides ourselves, for God ; and if we are o l
M sound mind, i t is for you.
Ozy *tT€ (jx'ppivovy.zv, v/Atv. 'll yap. aya- 14 For t h e LOVE ot" t h e
*o t i o d ; and ii we are of s«anJ,inuuf, to you T h e fofc love
A N O I N T E D one constrains
mj- Tot; Xpto~rov crvvex^i 7) pas*,Kpivavras us,
©J'tbts Anointed constrains as, h a v i n g judged"
15 judging this, T h a t
Tovro* 6TI €i €iy vrrep TTavroov arrcSai/GP upa t i f one died on behalf of
tail, t h a t it one on b-elinlf of all 'died, t h e n ' all, then' they A L L died ;
ox TravT€$ avsOavov teat vjrsp yravrcay aire'Qa- and $ that Jie died on- b e -
thej all died, a n d o n behalf ofajl h e died, half of all, i n order t h a t
the L I V I N G might no lon-
\veVy Iva. oi favrss fxyj^ert eavrois £oocrtv, a\\a ger live for Themselves,
t h a t t h e living n o l o n g e r t o themsclvesshouldUve, but but for H I M wlto D I E D a n d
rose agaia o n their b e -
\Tcp vtrep avToov airoOai/ovTi Kai eyGpfavri. half.
(tp him on behalf of them h a v i n g died and having been raised up.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. For—"omit,

t 7. Roxrv. viii. 24, 25; 2 Cor. iv. 18. 1 8, Phil. i. 2 ^ t 10 v H«m. %iv. 10.
1 19. Rom. i i . 6 r G a t . v i . 7 ; E p h . v i . 8 : Col. iii.24. 25; Rcv.xdi.12. t i l . Job x.txi.
23;'lfeb. x. 3'-. .ludei.*V. I U . 2 ("or, iy.2. - I 12. SCor.iii 1. £ T5, Horn.
v. i ^ % IS, Row. vi.-lt, 12; xiv. 7, 8; I Cor. v'L 19; Gal. ii. 20; 1 TJ
hess, V . 1 0 ; l l'et. iv.2,
Okap. 5 s 16.] II. OOBINTHIANS. lOhap. 6

'Harre Tjfxets airo TOV vvv ovfieva oifia/jLev Kara 16 So that foe, from this
So that we from the now no one know accordingto time, respect J No one on
account of TFlesh; and
trapKa' ei §e Eat. eyvcoKa/xev Kara
(TapKa even if we esteemed Christ
flesh; if and even we knew accordingto flesh on account of Flesh, yet
Xpi&Tov, aAAa vvv ovKert yivoxTKOfxev. ^'ficr- now we no longer thus re*
Aaoiiited, tut now no longer we know. So gard him.
a t a
17 For, if any one be in
T 6 €1 TIS ev XplGTCp, KO.IV7} KTICTIS' TO. a p X Christ, he i3 J a New Crea-
thatifanyone in Anointed, new cjeation; the things old tion; J the OLD things
7raprj\0€V, iSovt yeyove tcaiva * [ r a iravret.'] have passed away; behold!
passed away, lo, has become new [the all things.] they nave become new.
Ta §€ ira,vra €K TOV 0eov, TOV KaraWa^avros from 18 But ALL things are
THAT God J who has
The but all things outof the God, that one having reconciled
RECONCILED us to himself
7]/xas kavT<$ Sia '^"[irja'ou] Xpi&Tov, Kai
dovros through Jesus Christ, and
ns t o himselfthrongh [Jesus] Anointed, and having given has given to us the M I N I S -
rip.iv Tt\v BiaKovtav TTJS KaTaWayrjs. 19e
to UB the service of the reconciliation. Namely T I O N ;
19 namely, That J Gofl
o n 0eos 7]V ev Xpio~rq> KOCT/UOV KaraWaTcrmp was by Christ reconciling
that God was in Anointed a world reconciling
the "World to himself, not
kavrcp, jar) Xoyi^op.evos avrots ra TrapcnrToo/naTa counting to them their
to himself, not reckoning to them the faulte OFFENCES; and has de-
avroov, (ecu de/xevos ev 7]jxiv rov \oyop '?rjs posited with us the WORB
of them, and having placed in us the word of the Of t h e RECONCILIATION.
20 20 On behalf of Christ,
KaTaAAayrjs. ''Yirtp XpicTTov ovv
irpecfievo- therefore, we are $ ambas-
reconciliation. On behalf of Anointedthereforeweareambas-
sadors; as if GOD were in-
fiev, cos rov 6eov TrapanaXovvros 5Y TJ/AWV viting through us, we en-
sadors, as if the God beseeching through no; treat, on behalf of Christ,
deojiieOa vTrep XpLcrov, KaraXXayTjre T<p 0€cp. —be you reconciled to
we pray on behalf of Anointed, be you reconciled to the God. GOD!
21 21 For t HTM who KNEW
Tov ^ [ y a p ] /j.7} yvovra ajuapriav,
virep TJ/XWV no Sin, he made f a Sin-
Him [for] not having known sin, on behalf
of us offering on our behalf,
afiapriav eiroirjo'ev, Iva ^[xeis yivcafxeOa SiKato- J that foe might become
sin was made, that we might become righteous- God's Righteousness in
ffvvrj Oeov €V avrcp. K E $ . s'. 6 . ' TBvvep-
neas of God in him. Wo-kin™ CHAPTER VI.
yovvTzs o*e teat 7rapatca\ovfiev9 firj €is KGVOV 1 And being also no*
together but also we exhort, not in vain laborers, we exhort you,
2 not to receive the FAVOR
rr]V %apiv TOV Oeov Be^ao"0ai vjxas' (Aeyej of GOD in vain;
the favor of the God t o receive you 5 (he says
2 (for he says, J " I n a
yap' Kaipcp SzKTq) e7rr]Kovo'a crov teat ev 7]}xepa Season acceptable, I list-
for; In a season acceptable I listened to thee and in A day ened to thee, and in a Bay
ccoTripias if$07]Q7]0~a, cot, ISou, vvv tcaipos ev-of Salvation I assisted
of salvation I helped thee. Lo, now a season well- thee." Behold 1 now is a

* YATICAS MANUSCRIPT.—17. all things—omit. 18. Jesus—omit. 21. For—

f 16. or fleshly descent. See Horn. xi. 14, where Paul styles his countrymen his flesh.
Since Christ had died on behalf of all, the salvation of both Jew and Gentile were alike
precious. t 21. There are many passages in the Old Testament; where amartia, sin,
signifies a sin-offering. Hoseaiv. 8, "They (the priests) eat up the sin (sin-offerings) oi
my people." In the New Testament, likewise, the word sin has the same signification.
Heb. ix. 26, 28 ; xiii. U.—Macknight.
1 16. Gal. v. 6. t 17. Gal. vi. 15. J 17. Ep'a. ii. 15; Eev. xxi. 5. % 18. Eom.
v. 10 • Eph. ii. 16; Col. i. 20. £ 19. Eom. iii. 24, 25. J 20. Eph. vi. 20. J 21.
lsa. liii. 6, 9,12s Gal. iii, 13; 1 Pet. ii. 22, 24; 1 John iii. 5. ^ J 21. Eom. i. 17; v. 19; x. 5,
% %. Isa» xlix, §.
Cfiap. 6 : 3 . ] II. CORINTHIANS, [(Map.tit H .

n-pocSe/cTos, iBov, pvp rj/xepa ffooryipias.) well-accepted Season; be«

accepted, lo, now a day of salvation.) hold! now is a Day of SaU
3 vation;)
M^Se/xta? ep /j.rj(jepi diKOpres rKpoo~KOTn]pi Iva 3 J giving No Offence ia
No one in any thing giving offence, BO that
any thing, that the M I N I S -
fj.7] fxcofi7)dri r) StaKoyia' 4 aXX3 ep irapri TRATION may not be
wot may be blamed the service; but in everything blamed;
crvpio'Tojpres eavrovs &s deov diaKOPoi, ep VTTO- 4 but in everything es-
establishing ourselves as of God servants, in pa- tablishing ourselves % as
fiovri woXXr) ep OXityeo'ip, ep apayKais, ep o're- God's Servants, by much
tienee much in afflictions, in necessities, in dis- patient endurance in
5 Afflictions, in Necessities,
yo^cypmis, ep TrXrjyais, ep (pvXaKais, ep aKa- in Distresses;
tresses, in stripes, in prisons, in tu- 5 J i n Stripes, in Pris-
racrrao'iais^ ep KOTTOIS, ep aypvTrpiaiSf ep ons, in Tumults; in La-
mults, in labors, watehings, in bors, in Watehings, in
P7]arrei.ais* ep ayporrjTi, ep ypoocrei, ep /xaKpo- Fastings;

fastings; 6 by Purity, by Know-

in purity, in knowledge, in long-suf- ledge, by Forbearance; by
Qvaia.., ep xP7l(rroT7lTl> ej/
^vevfxari ayup, ep Kindness, by a holy Spirit,
fering, in kindness, in spirit holy, in bv Love unassembled,
ayair-p aPviroKpircp, ? ep Xoyop aXr]deias, ep 7 { b y the Word of
love unfeigned, in a word truth, Truth, by the Power of
Zvpafxel deov fiia reap oirXoop TTJS diKaiocrvpyjs God ; % through THOSE
power of God; through the arms of the righteousness
AEMS of Righteousness, on
tks E I G H T hand and Left;
roop Se^icop Kai apicrepcop^ dia do^rjs Kai ari- 8 through Glory and
ofthe rights and of lefts, through glory and dis- Disgrace; through Bad
juiasy dia 8vo'<pr)/Liias Kai evcprj/nias' cos irXapoi fame and Good fame; as
grace, through bad fame and good fame; as deceivers Deceivers, and yet t r u e ;
Kai aX-qdeis' 9 cos aypoovfiepoi, Kai eiriyipooo~Ko- 9 % as being ignorant,
and true; as being ignorant, and being duly appre- yet beinga s duly appre-
ciated; X dying, yet be-
fiepor oos airodprjcrKOpres, Kai i$ov ^oofjiep' ooshold! we live; as chas-
ciated; as dying, and lo we live; as tised, yet not put to death;
TraiSevofiepoi, Kai fir) Oaparovjjiepoi' 1 0 oos XUTTOV- 10 as grieving, b u t al-
being corrected, and not put to death; as being ways rejoicing; as poor,
fieuoi, aei 5e xalPovres' &s WTO^X01) TTOXXOVS but enriching many; as
grieved, always but rejoicing; as poor, many having Nothing, yet pos=
5e irXovri^opres' oos fxr]dep exovres, Kai Trapra sessing All things.
but making rich; as nothing having, and all things 11 Our MOUTH is opened
ll toward you, O Corinthi-
Karexovres. To cfrojxa T)/J.COP apeooye irpos ans ! our HEAKT has been
possessing. The mouth of us has been opened to enlarged.
i/fiaSy KopipOioi, 7) Kapdia TJJJLOOP ireirXarvprai.
you, O Corinthians, the heart of us has been enlarged. 12 You are not strait-
Ou crT€i'oxa>p€i<r0e ep rj/nip' o'repoxoopeio'de Be ened in us, } b u t you are
Not you are straitened in us; you are straitened but
contracted in your own
ep TOIS atrayxvois vfioop. 13 Trjp 5e avrrjp avri-
n the bowels ofyou. The but same recom- IS But as a re-payment
jiiaQiap, (cos reicpois Aeyw,) TrXaTVpdrjre Kai for the SAME, ( $ I speak
pense, (as to children I speak,) be enlarged also as to Children,) be J)0U
also enlarged.
you. 14 J Be not unequally
M T J yipeo'Oe erepo^vyovvres airiarois' ris yoked with Unbelievers;
Not be you unequally yoking with unbelievers; what for $ What Participation
yap fxeroxv BiKaioCvprj Kai apo[Lia ; ris $e has Righteousness with
for participation righteousness and lawlessness? what and Iniquity ? * or what Com-

* VATICAN MANUSCHIFT.—14. or w h a t .
1 3. 1 Cor. x. 32. t 4. 1 Cor. iv. 1. J 5. 2 Cor. xi. 23. J 7. 2 Cor. iv. 2.
t 7. 2 Cor. x. 4 ; Eph. v i . l l , 13; 2 T i m . i v . 7 . £ 9. 2 Cor. xi.6. J 9. 1 Cor. i v . 9 ;
2Cor. i . 9 ; iv. 10,11. J 12. 2 Cor. xii. 15. t 13. 1 Cor.iv. 14. % 14. Lev. xix.
V) • Dent. vii. 2, 3; 1 Cor. v. 0 ; vii. 89. % 14. 1 Kings x viii. 21 1 Cor. x. - ; Eph. v. 7,11,
Chap. 6: 15.] H. CORINTHIANS. TOftap. 7: 4
TlS Communion has Light with
5e tfVLMpOWT)-
fellowship light with darkness ? What and agreementDarkness ?
o~is Xpicrcf irpos BeXiap ; r\ ris (X€pis Tricrrcp ance 15 and What Accord-
of an Anointed with Beliar? or what portion to a believer
has Christ with T Be- .
liar ? or What Portion has
[Aera airio~rov ; ris §€ arvyKaraOeffis va<$ Bey a Believer with an Unbe-
with an unbeliever? what and connection a temple of God liever ?
{xera eidooXcav; "Tfieis yap vaos deov ecrre £oov- 16 And What Connec-
wlth idols? You for a temple of God are living ; tion has God's Temple
with Idols? Jfor *fioe are
ros' Kadoos enrej/ 6 6&os' 'OTL cvoiK7](t(t) ev a Temple of the living
as said the God; That I will indwell among God; as GOD said, J " I
avrois, Kai ^Liirepnrarrjo'co' Kai to~OLiai avroov "will dwell among them,
them, and will walk about i n ; and I will be to them " and walk among them;
Oeos, Kai avroi ecrovrai LLOL Xaos. ^ Aio e£eA- "and I will be Their God,
a God, and they shall be tomeapeople. "Wherefore come "and tftrg shall be to Me
" a People."
Qere e/c jxetfov avroQV Kai a(popicd7]r€, Xeyei 17 Wherefore, $"depwt
you out from midst of them and beyou separated^ says "from the Midst of them,
Kvpios, Kai ahcaOaprov fit) airrecrOe' Kayca eicrde- "and be separated," says
lord, and of an unclean thing not touch you; and! willre- the Lord, " a n d touch not
%o/ vfxas, 18 Kai GcroLiai vfxiv €ts irarepa, &ai " t h e impure; and I will
eeive you, and I will be to you for a father, and
"receive you,
18 i " and I will be to
bfxeis ecreaOe LLOI €is vtovs Kai Qvyarzpas, Xeyei "you for a Father, and
you shall be to me for sons and daughters, says
"you shall be to Me for
Kvpiov TravTOKparosp. K E $ . £ ' , 7 . 1 Tavras " Sons and Daughters, says
Lord Almighty. These "the Lord Almighty."
ovv exovres r a s
^irayyeXiaSc, ayaTrrjroi, Ka6a- CHAPTER VII.
therefore having the promises, beloved ones, let us
1 Having, therefore,
ptcrcaLiey eavrovs airo iravros JUOXVO'LIOV (TapKos J These PKOMISES, Be-
cleanse ourselves from all pollution of flesh
loved, let us purify our-
Kai 'Kvevfiaros, eirireXovpres ayioocrvprjp cv selves from all Pollution
and spirit, perfecting holiness in of Flesh and Spirit, per-
cpcficp Oeov. 2
Xoop7](Tare Texas' ovdeva TJSIKT)-
fecting Holiness in the
fear of God. Receive yon us; no one
Fear of God.
2 Receive u s ; % we have
{rafj.7)Pf ovdeva ecpBzipafxzv, ovfiepa €7rXeopeKT7]- injured No one; we have
jured, no one we corrupted, no one we defrauded. corrupted No one; we
(TaLiev. 3
Ov TTpos KaraKpuriv Xeyw TrpoeipyjKa have defrauded No one.
Not for eondemnation I speak; before I said 3 I speak not for Con-
yap, ori ev rais Kap^tais i]{xoov e c r e eis ro demnation; J for I pre-
for, that in the hearts ofus you are in order that
viously said, That it is in
cvvaicoBaveiv Kai crvCyv. * TIOXXTJ /uonrappr}-
GETHEK, and to live to-
to die together and to live together. Much with me gether.boldness
aa irpos vitas, TTOXXT] fxoi Kaunas virep VLLOOV 4 J Great is my Confi-
towards you, much with me boasting on behalf of you; dence in regard to you;
X great is My Boasting on
Tr€irXT]pwLiai ry TrapaKX^crei, vTrepirepio'o-evoLiaL your behalf; % I have been
I have been filled with the consolation, I am overflowing filled with CONSOLATION ;
V XP a a e7rl 7racr r LX €l
V V 6^ P ilLioov. 5
K a : yap I am overflowing with JOY
with the joy in all the aflliction ofus. Indeed for in All our AFFLICTION.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—16. m £ a r e .
128. So it is in the Vatican, and the majority of MSS., and in many early ecclesiastical
writers. .BeJia?'is from the S.yriac, literally signifying1 that which profits not, b u t injures,
and is rendered in the Peschito-Syriac, by the word Satan.
i 16. 1 Cor. iii. 16; vi. 10; Eph. ii. 21, 22; Heb. iii. 6. J 16. Exod. xxix. 45; Lev.
xxvi. 12 ; Jer. xxxi. 33; Ezek. xxxvi. 28; Zech. viii. 8. J 17. Isa. Iii. 11. J 18. J e r
xxxi. 1,9. J 1.1 Jo3m iii. 3. t 2. Acts xx. 33; 2 Cor. xii. 17. J 8. 2 Cor. v*
11,12. t 4. 2 Cor. iii. 12. J 4. 1 Cor. i. 4; 2 Cor.i. 11. J 4. Phil.ii. 17; Col.i. 24*
Ohap.7: 5.] II. CORINTHIANS. [.Chap.1i 1*.
cXQovroov 7]}xoov eis Ma/ceSovmv, ov^efxiav eo~xv~ b For, indeed, J we hav-
having come of us i n t o Macedonia, not had ing come into Macedonia,
Kep aveo~LV 7] crap| 7)ixo)v, aAA' ev irapri OXifio- our FLESH had No Rest,
rest the flesh of us, but $we were distressed
b u t i n everything being dis-
fA€Vor e|a>0ej/ /ua%aj ? ecrooOey <pofloi. 6 AAA5 in every way;—outwardly
tressed; without fights, . within fears. But Fightings; inwardly Fears.
6 irapaKaAocv rovs raireii/ovs, TrapeKaXecrev 7}fxas 6 But that tG-OD who
t h e one comforting t h e lowly ones, comforted 119 COMFOETS the DISCONSO-
LATE, comforted u s J by
6 deos ev ry irapovcnq Tirov ? ov JJLOVOV de GVthePEESENCE of TltUS ;
the God b y t h e presence of Titus; n o t only a n d b y 7 and not only by his
ry Trapov&ia avrov, aXXa Kat ej/ ry irapaKXrjo'et PEESENCE, but also by the
the presence of h i m , b u t also b y t h e comfort COMFORT "with which he
y irapeK\r\Qri e</)' VJXIV, avayyeXXooP T\\xtv was comforted on your ac-
with which h e was comforted over y o u , announcing t o us count, narrating to us
YOUR earnest desire, YOUR
Tr\v vfxcav eTTnrod7](TLi/y rov VJJLOOU o^vpjxov, rov Lamentation, YOUB, Zea*
t h e of y o u earnest desire, t h e of you l a m e n t a t i o n , t h e
on my behalf; so that 1
vjxcav Qr)\ov vTrep SJXOV oocrre /xe /xaXXou greatly rejoiced.
of y o u geal on behalf of m e ; so t h a t me more 8 Because if even I
Xaprjvat. ' O r t et Kat eXvirrjTa vfias ev TT] grieved you by the LET-
t o have rejoiced. Bscause i f even 1 grieved y o u b y t h eTEE, I d.o not * repent;
fjno~roXy, ov fiera/JieXofjtai, €i Kat p.erefx^Xojxr]V' and if even I did repent,
letter, not I do r e p e n t , i f indeed Ididrepent; I see That that LETTER
grieved you but for a short
/SAevrco yap on 7] eirta'roXr) €KGLVT]9 ei Kai irpos time.
I see for that the letter that, i f even f o r
9 I now rejoice, not Be-
wpaVy eXvirrjcrej/ iifxas. Nvv x P°°i 0VX &Tt cause you were grieved,
an h o u r , I grieved you. N o w I rejoice, n o t because but Because you were
eXvrrrjdtjrc, aAA3 on eKvirrjOrjre eis fxeravotav grieved in order to Refor-
you were grieved, b u t b e c a u s e y o u w e r a g r i e v e d i n o r d e r t o r«formation; mation ; for you were
€\VTT7)67]T€ yap Kara Qzov, iva ep firi^zvi gTieved according to God,
so that you might suffer
y o u were grieved for a c c o r d i n g t o God, s o t h a t i n nothing
10 loss from us in nothing.
fajjLiooOrjTG e£ r\\xoov. ' H yap Kara dsov 10 % For the SOEROW ac-
youmightsuflferlossfrom us. T h e for according t o G o d
cording to GOD produces
XVTTTJ jjLeTavoiav eis croorrjptav a^ierajxeX^rov Reformation for Salvation,
sorrow reformation for salvation n o t t o b e repented of not t o be repented of;
icarepya^erat' 77 5e TOV KOCT/XOV XVTTT) Bavarov I but t h e SORROW of the
works o u t ; thebutofthe world sorrow death WOELD produces Death.
Karepyafcrat. J1
Idov yap avro rovro ro 11 For behold this very
works o u t . Lo for Bame thisthething thing,—to be GRIEYED ac-
cording to God,—How
Kara deop Xviry]Qr]vat *\_v{ias,^ iroarrjif Kareip- much Earnestness it pro-
according t o God t o havebeen grieved [you,] how m u c h it
duced in you I what an
ya<raro vfxiv tfwovdrjv' aAAa airoXoytav, aAAa Apology ! what Indigna-
worked in you diligence; but a defence, but tion ! what Fear! what
ayavatcrrjcriV) aAAa (po/Sop, aAAa eirivoOrjo'ip, Earnest desire! what
indignation, but fear, but earnest desire, Zeal 1 what a Punishment!
aAAa faXov, aAA5 eK'biK^o'iv' $v iravri crvyeo'- In everything you proved
but zeal, b u t puniakment; i n every t h i n g y o u yourselves to be pure in
this MATTER.
rrjcrars eavrovs ayvovs etvat *[ex>] rep irpay-
12 I f therefore, indeed,
proved yourselves pure t o be [in] t h e rnat-
I wrote to you, it was not
fiari. Apa et nai ^ypaipa V/JLLP OV% eweKev on H I S account WHO suf-
ter. Therefore if indeed I wrote t o you n o t on a c c o u n t fered the WEONG, *nor

rov adiK7)G'auros, ovde etveKev rov adiKr}9ev- indeed on H I S account

of t h e o n e h a v i n g b e e n w r o n g e d , n o r on account of t h e o n e having d o n e WHO did the WRONG, J: but

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—8. repent; and if even I did repent, I see That. 7". yov
-omit, 11. in—omit. ' 12. nor indeed on HIS account.
t 5. 2 Cor. ii. 18. t 5. 2 Cor. iv. 8. J 6. 2 Cor. i. 4. t 6. See 2 Cor i. 19
\ 10. 2 Sam. xii. 13; Malt. xxvi. 75. X 10. Prov. xvii. 22. % 12. 2Cor.ii.+
Chap. 7 : 13.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 8s 6.

ros' aXX* €iV€K€]/rov cpavepoodYifai rrjv <nvov§-t)v in order that THAT DILI-
Irrongj but onaccount of the to have been manife»ted the diligence GENCE of ours which we
have on your behalf might
rjixcov rr\v iirrep vfxoov irpos vfxas, GVOOTTMV rov be MANIFESTED toward
ofu* that on behalf ofyou toward you, in ;©r*eenee of the you in the presence o!
6eov. Aia TOVTO TrapaKeKXrjfJLeOa eirt rrj irapa- GOD.
God. On account of this we wc.c comforted the com- 13 On this account *we
KXqorei VJXOOV irepurcroTtpoos 5e juaXXou exaPV~ were comforted ; and in
fort ofyou; more abundantly and rather we re- our COMFORT, we rejoiced
a a
more abundantly at the
fxev ein rr) x P T J T O U , on auaireTravrai ro JOY of Titus, Because his
joiced in the joy of Titus, becauss has been refreshed the SPIRIT J was refreshed by
7TV€VfJ.a CIVTOV O.TTO TTCLVTOOV VjJLWV 1 4 0 T f €1 you all.
spirit of him from all ofyou; because ifanything 14 Because if I have
avrq> virep V/JLOOV /ceKavx^/xcu, ov Karr)o,xvvQt]Vmboasted in any thing to
to him on behalf of you I have boasted, n o t I was ashamed} Him on your behalf, I
was not ashamed; but as
aXX* &s iravra ev aXr)6eiq eXaXrjcra/iieif vfiiv, we spoke All tilings to
but as all things in truth we spoke to you, you i n Truth, * thus also
ovrio Kai r) Kavxyaris 7]ficov r) CTTI Ttrov, aXrjdeia our BOASTING before Titus
so also the boasting of us that to Titus, truth became a Truth.
eyevTidrj' 1S Kai ra (nrXayxva avrov irspw'o'o- 15 "And his TENDER A F -
became; and the bowel* of him more-abun- FECTIONS are overflowing
rtpws eis vfxas ecrrivi ezpa/JLifJcyrtCKOfiej/ov rrjv toward you, remembering
J the -OBEDIENCE of you
Jantly for yov. is, remembering the
all, how with Fear and
rravrcav V/JLOOP vTraK07]v9 ws / s e r e <po$ov Kai rpo-Trembling you received
of all ofyou obedience, as with fear and trem- him.
ftou e5e£a<T0€ avrov, Xatpco, on ev iravri 16 I rejoice That in
bling you received him. Irojoice, that in every thing every thing % I have con-
Oappca ev V/JLIV, fidence in you.
I have confidence in you.
KE«f». r]'. 8 . 1 Now, Brethren, we
make you acquainted with
Tvwpi^ojjiev 5e v/xiv9 afieXcpot, TTJP %apiv THAT GIFT for GOD which
We make known but t o you, O brethren, the favor has been GIVEN by the
rov Oeov TT]V deSofxevT}!' ev rais eKKXTjcriais rTjs CONGREGATIONS of M A -
of the God that having been given by the congregations of the C E D O N I A ;
MaKedovLas* 2
Sri ev iroXXrf doKijup OXupews 7] 2 That in a Great Trial
Macedonia; that in much trial of affliction the of Affliction, the ABUN-
DANCE of their J O T , even
irept(T(reia TTJS XaPas avrcav9 Kai 7] Kara.
/3a- M their J DEKP Poverty,
abundance ofthe joy oft hern, and the deepin
overflowed in the WEALTH
QJVS irrwxeza avroov, evepio'crevo'ev eis rov of their LIBERALITY j
porerty of them, abounded to the
3 ,3 Because That accord-
frXovroP rrjs airXorrjros avroov* ort Kara ingto their Ability, I tes-
wealth ofthe liberality of them; because accordingto tify, and even beyond their
$vva/j.iv (fiaprvpco) Kai inrep dvva/niv avOaiperot, Ability, voluntarily.
power (I testify) and beyond power of their own accord, 4 with Much Entreaty
ftera TIOXXTJS irapaKXr]trecas deo/uevoi TJJUOOV TT)Vasking us to accept the
with much earnestentreaty asking of us th« GIFT, even the % JOINT
Xapw Kai rr}V Koiveoviav TTJS dtaKovtas rrjs €ts PARTICIPATION Of THAT
favor even the participation of the service of that for SERVICE which is for the
rovs aryiovs. Kai ov KaOcas 7)Xm(raiuL€p9 aXX'
the saints. And n o t as we expected, but § and not as we ex-

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—13. w e were comforted; and i n our COMFORT w e rejoiced

more a b u n d a n t l y . 1 4 t h u s also o u r BOASTING before T i t u s .
i 13. R o m . x v . 32. % 15. 3 Cor. i i . 9 ; P h i l . ii. 12. t 16. 2 T h e s s . iii. 4 ; P h i l e m o n
8, 21. % 2. M a r k x i i . 44» t 4. A c t s x i . 29; xxiv. VJ; R o m . x v . 25, 231 1 U o i . x v i
i, 8,4 i 2 Cor. ix. 1.
Map. 876.] II. CORINTHIANS. t<fcqp. 8: 14
eavrovs sdooicav irpcorov rep rcvpup, KatrjfAiv, fita pected, but they gave
Themselves first to the
themselves t h e y gave first t o t h e Lord, and tous,through
6 LORD, and to us, through
OeXrj/jiaros Ozov e / s TO irapaKaAearai rjfxas the Will of God;
trill of G o d ; i n o r d e r t h a t to intreat us
6 so that % we DESIRED
Tirov, Iva KctOcas TrpoevTjp^aro, ovreo Kat eirtre- Titus, that as he had pre-
Titus, t h a t as h e before began, so also h e would viously began so also he

\eo"r) eis vfias Kat rt\v %aptv ravrrjv. ? AAA. would finish this GIET
perfect a m o n g y o u also the gift this. But among you.
7 But as iyoti abound
wO'Trep ev iravrt irepuro'eveTe, [iricrrei Kat Xoycp in every thing,—in Faith,
as i n e v e r y t h i n g y o u abound, (in faith a n d i n word and in Word, and in
Kai yvcoo~et Kai Ttacrrj (rirovfir), Kai rrj e£ v/xcav ev Knowledge, and in All
and in knowledge and i n all diligence, a n d i n t h e f r o m of you to Earnestness, and in TOUR
Tj/uLiv ayairr)^) Iva Kai €p ravry irepio"-Love
ry yjapirt abound
to us, see that you
us love,) t h a t also i n this t h e favor you may
(revere" ov tear* eirirayr}V Xeyca, aXXa dia 8 11 do not speak this
abound; n o t according t o a c o m m a n d I speak, b u t t h r o u g h by Commandment, but
TT)S krepcav o"irov$r}s, Kat ro rrjs vfjttrepas aya- through the EARNESTNESS
efthe of others diligence, a n d t h a t of t h e your love of OTHERS, I am testing
9 also the REALITY of TOUR
irrjs yvrjaiov doKi/u.a(cav (yivcoo'Kere yap rr}V Love.
reality am p r o v i n g ; (you know for the
9 For you know the
%apiv rov Kvptov j]\x<av Irjffov ^[Xpicrrovf^\ brt FAYOR of our LORD Jesus,
favor of t h e Lord of us Jesus [Anointed,] t h a t X That, being rich, yet on

oY vjxas €irTo>x€V(r€ irXovcrios oov, Iva vjxets your account he was made
on account of you h e became p o o r rich being, 80 t h a t y o u poor, so that, by HIS Pover-
10 ty, gau might be enriched.
rrj eKeivov rcrw^eia TrXovTt)<T7}T€'} Kai yvoo- 10 And i in this I give
by t h e of h i m poverty m i g h t become rich;) a n d an opin-
an Opinion; for this is
fX7]V €V TOVTCp StdcVjULt. ToVTO yap VfXlV CTU/JL^>€- beneficial for you, who,
ion in this I give. This for t o y o u is profit- previously began not only

pel, oinves ov /xovov ro 7rotr)crat, aXXa Kat ro to DO, but also to be WIL-
able, who n o t alone t h e t o do, but also t h e LING, % since the last
OeXeiv irpoev7]p^acr6€ airo Trepvo~r ** vvvt <Je Kai 11 At present, therefore,
t o will before began from l a s t year; n o w b u t also
finish the DOING also, that
ro Trot7)0"at GIT irzXe (rare, oiroos KaOairep 7} irpo- according to the PROMPTI-
the t o do do y o u perfect, that aa t h e p r o m p t - TUDE to WILL, so also
Qvjxia rov deXeiv, ovroo Kat ro eirtreXecrai €K ment, may be the accomplish-
ness of t h e t o will, so also the t o finish o u t of
according to ABIL-
rov ex€*j\ Ei yap r) 7rpo9v/nia irpoKsirai, 12 J For if READINESS
the t o have. If for the promptness i s placed first, OF MIND be present, one
Kado eav e^l? * [ T t s , ] evTrpocrdeKros, ov is acceptable according
according t o w h a t m a y have [any one,] acceptable, to what he may have, and
ei 13 v a a not according to what he
Ka9o OVK ex * ® 7 P> ^ «AAots has not.
according t o what n o t h e h a s . Not for, that toothers
13 Not, however, that
avetfts, vfxiv 5e dXnpts, aXX3 e£ icforr\ros' cvrca to others may be relief,
rest, t o y o u b u t affliction, b u t out o f a n equality; i n t h e and to you distress,
vvv Kaip<p ro bjxoov irepio'o'evfia eis ro eKeivoov 14 but an Equality; at
present season t h e t o y o u abundance for t h e of t h e m THTS Time let YOUR Abun-

uo~T€pr}/jta, 14
iva Kat ro €Keivoov irepio'crevfia dance be for THEIR Defi-
ciency, so that also T H E I R
want, so t h a t also t h e of t h e m abundance
Abundance may be for
yevyrat as ro V/JLOOV vcrreprifjLa, dircas yevrjratYOUR Deficiency; so that
maybe for t h e of you want, so t h a t maybe there may be an Equality.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—9. Anointed—omit. 12. anyone—omit.
t 6. verse 17; 2 Cor. xii. 8. J 7. 1 Cor. i. 5; xii. 8. J 8. 1 Cor. vii. 7. t 9.
Matt. viii. 20; Luke ix.58; Phil. ii. 6, 7- J 10. 1 Cor. vii. 25. J 10. 2 Cox. ix. g.
% 12. Mark xii- 43, 44; Luke xxi. 6.
Chap. 8; 15.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Map. 8: 24
i(T077]s' 15
Kadcos yey pairrai' ' O TO TTOXV, ot;/c 15 even as i t has been
..n equality; even as it has been written; He the much, n o t
written, $ " H E who had
" M U C H , had no surplus;
tirXeovaae' Kai 6 ro oXiyov,OVK 7]Xarrov7)0'e. " and H E who had LITTLE
had over; and he the little,
not had lack.
"had no deficiency."
"Xapis Be rep deep rep BiBovri TT)V avrjjy GTTOV- 16 But Thanks be to
Thanks buttothe God to that having given the same earnest- THAT GOD who has PUT
Brjv virep v/jLoov ey rrj Kapdiq TITOV ^ Sri rr\v into the HEART of Titus,
ness on behalf of you in t h e heart of Titus; because the the Same Earnestness on
your behalf;
/xey TrapaK\7]criy eBe^aro' cnrovBaiorepos Be 17 + because he received,
indeed exhortation he received; more earnest but
indeed, the EXHORTATION;
virapxooy, avdaiperos e^rjeXde vrpos
v/ but being very earnest, he
being, of his own accord he went out to you. went away of his own ac-
^'XvueTre/uxpainey Be /ner* avrov roy aBeXcpov, cord to you.
We sent together and with hiru tha brother, 18 And we sent with
ov 6 eircuvos ey rep evayyeXicp Bia iracrtov him J the BROTHER, whose
of whom the praise in t h e glad tidings through all PRAISE by the GLAD T I D -
39 INGS is throughout all of
rooy eKKXrjcrioov ov fiovov Be, aXXa Kai %ei- the CONGREGATIONS ;
ofthe congregations; n o t only and, b u t also having
19 and not only so, but
porovrjdets vivo rooy €KKX7]O~IO)V crvveKBrjfxos X also he has been voted by
been voted by the congregations a fellow-traveier the CONGREGATIONS our
rjfxooy aw rr) xapiri ravrr), rr) BiaKovovp.evr) Fellow-traveler with this
of us with, t h e gift this, that being administered GIFT, which is BEING D I S -
ixp' 7]{xcav irpos rr)V *\_avrov\ rov Kvpiov PENSED by n s for % the
by us for the [same] the Lord Glory of the LORD, and
20 of our Earnestness;
Boj-ay Kai Trpo6vp.iav TJ/JLGOV orreXXo/ueyoi 90 avoiding this, that
glory and readiness ofmind of us; avoiding
no one should blame Us in
TOUTO, p.7} ris T)(xas,T]crr]rai ey rr) aBporr/n this ABUNDANCE which
this, not any one a s should blame i n the abundance is B E I N G DISPENSED by
ravrr) rr) BiaKovovfiGvri vcp* 71/j.coy 2 l Trpovoovjxe- us.
this the being served by ns; we are purpos- 21 Jfor we are purposing
voi yap KaXa ov fxovov evcoTriov Kvpiov9 aXXa excellent things, not only
ing for good things not only in presence of Lord, but in the presence of the
22 Lord, but also in the pres-
kai evwrnov avdpcoiroov. ^vye7re/.i\pajj,ey Be ence of Men.
also in presence of men. We sent together and
22 And we have sent
avrois roy aZeXepov rj/ucoy, by eBoKifiatfafiev ey with them our BROTHER,
with them the brother of us, whom we proved i n (whom we have often
iroXXois TToXXatcis cnrovBaiov oyra> vvvi Be TTOXV found diligent in many
many things many times diligent being, now but much, things, b u t now much
(nrovdaLOTepoy, Treiroi6r)o~ei TTOXXT) rr) eis vfxas. more diligent,) because of
more diligent, confidence great in that for you. THAT great Confidence re-
23 posed in you.
Eire virep TITOV, -Jivcvyos ejxos Kai eis vjuas 23 And if any inquire
Andif on behalf of Titus, partner my and for you
respecting Titus, he is my
cvvepyos' eire aBeXepoi \iAcav, airocroXoi eic- Partner and Fellow-laborer
afellow-laborer; and if brethren of us, apostles of for you; or concerning our
KXriaiooy, 5o£a Xpicrrov. 24Tr]y ovy evBei^iy Brethren, they are t h e
congregations, glory of Anointed. The therefore proof Delegates of the CONGRE-
rrjs ayair7)S vficvv, Kai r\}x(av Kavxwo'ectis wrep GATIONS, and the J Glory
of the love of you, and of us boasting on behalf of Christ.
vfxooVy eis avrovs evBei^acrde eis irpocrcaiToy rooy 24 Show, therefore, to
otyou, for them point you out i n face of the
them t h e PROOF of your
LOVE, and of Our J Boast-
eKKXr/Cicoy. ing on your behalf, before
congregations. the CONGREGATIONS.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—19. Same—omit.

% 13. Exod. xvi. 18. J 1/. verse 6. t 18. 2 Cor. xii. 18. t 19.1 Cor. xvi.
8, 4. i 19. 2 Cor. iv. 15. t 21- Horn. xii. 17; Phil. iv. 8 ; 1 Pet. ii. 12. £ 23.
Phil. ii. 25. J 24. 2 Cor. vii. 14 j IX. a«.
&iapA-. l . j It. CORINTHIANS. (dhap. § : 9.

KE*. e'. 9. CHAPTER IX.

Uepi {lev yap TTJS diaKovias TTJS eis TOVS 1 For, indeed, concern-
Concerning indeed for t h e service of t h a t f o r the ing % THAT SKKYrCE which
hyiovs Trepurffov fxoi eo~Ti TO ypacpeiv vfxiv. is for the sAils"is it is su-
saints superfluous f o r m e itis the t o write toyou. perfluous for me to WHITE
0 i 8 a yap TT\V irpoOvjxiav v/ncvVy i)v vtrzp v/xoov to you;
i know for t h e readiness of m i n d of you, which on behalf of y o u 2 for I know % your
/caux c o / a a i Ma«:€§ocr(^, 6TI Axaia Trapeo~Kevacr- PROMPTITUDE, % of w'llidl
1 am boastiiag t o Macedonians, because Achaia has been prepaved I am boasting on your
Tat airo irepvai' Kai 6 e£ VJXOOV QqXos 7)pe9io~€ behalf to the Macedonians,
from last y e a r ; a n d t h e from of you zeal stirred up I hat J Achaia was pie-
TOVS TrXeiovas. 3E7re/x\J/a 8e TOVS afieXcpovs, iva pared last Year, and YOUR
the many. I sent but the b r e t h r e n , s o t h a t Zeal has excit 1 d MANY.
fj.7] TO Kavxf)P-a rjjjicav TO virep VJJLOOV KZVOOOT) €V0 % But I sent the BRE-
n o t t h e boasting o f u s t h a t on behalf of y o u should be vain i n THREN, lest THAT BOAsT-
T(p fxepei TOVTcp' iva, Kadoos eXzyov, irtpzffKtv- 1 N G of ours on your behalf
t h e respect t h i s ; so t h a t , as I said, having been should be vain in this
4 R E S P E C T ; in order that
a0~/J.€V0l 7)T€' /JL7]1TC0S €aV cXdooCt <JW €{AOL
prepared maybe; lest perhaps if should come with ine
you may be prepared ;
4 lest, perhaps, if the
MaKedoveSf Kai evpooo~iv bfxas aTrapaaKtvaaTovs, Macedonians should come
Macedonians, and find you unprepared,
wn li ni«, and find you un-
Karaia'xvv^0)(Jiev 7)IAZIS [Iva JLLTJ Azyo)fAtv V/JLZLS)prepared, ine, not to say
should be ashamed we ( t h a t n o t we may say you)
5 gou, should be ashamed
ev TTJ vTtoo'Tao'ei TavTy. Avaykaiov GVV m this CONFIDENT :EX-
in t h e confident expectation this. Necessary therefore
Tjyr)cra/uep1 irapaKaXeffai TOVS adeXtyovs, ivaitpo- 5 I tli ought it necessary,
I thought to exhort the brethren, that they
therefore, to exhort the
eXOoocrtv eis iifxaSf Kai irpoKaTapTicooo'i T-QV BRETHREN, to go on he-
would go before to you, a n d would m a k e ready before t h e
fore to you, and to first
7rpoKaT7iyycA/uL€V7]V svXoyiav vfxoov, TavTrjv make ready this PREVI-
pre-announced blessing of y o u , this OUSLY ANNOUNCED GIFT
€TOI/ULT}V civai OVTOOS CDS evXoyiav, Kai fir} cos of yours, that thus it may
ready t o be thus as a blessing, a n d n o t as be ready as a Gift, and not
as an Extortion.
TtXeovstjav. ®TOVTO 8e, 6 aireipoov (peido/xevcoSj
6 But this I say, J H E
an exaction. This but, theonesowmg sparingly,
who sows sparingly, will
(ptibo/nevcos Kai depio'er Kai d cirdipoov eir' also reap sparingly; and
sparingly also shall r e a p ; a n d t h e o n e sowing i n HE who sows bountifully,
evXoyiais, 67r' evXoyiais Kai OtpiczL. ? 'E/catr- willreapalso bountifully;
blessings, in blessings also shall reap. Each 7 even as each one pur-
TOS Kadoos irpoaipeiTai TTJ Kapdia' /xr} CK Xvirirjs, poses in his HEART, Jiiot
one a» h e purposes i n t h e h e a r t ; n o t from grief, from Grief, or from Neces-
sity; for J GOD loves a
7] e | avayKTjS' iXapov yap BOTTJV ayaira 6 6eos. Cheerful Giver.
or from n e c e s s i t y ; a cheerful for giver loves t h e God.
8 8 % And GOD is able to
AvvaTos Se 6 deos tracrav %apiv rrcpiao'eva'ai make Every Favor abound
Powerful b u t t h e God every favor t o m a k e aboun^
to you, so that always hav-
fis vfj.asf iva *.v iravTOTe iraaav avTapKeiav ing All Sufficiency in every
to you, that in every t h i n g always all-sufficiency thing, you may abound in
BXOVT€S, TT€pio~o'6vr]Te as irav epyov ayadov Every good Work.
haviatf, ~ou may abound i n every work good; 9 as it has been written,
* Kadoos yeypaiTTar Ko'Kopirio'ev, tdooKe TOIS J " H e has dispersed, he
even as i t h*s beeu C r i t t e n ; H e h a s dispersed, h e gave to the "has given to the POOR;
TT£V7)0~IV 7) diKaioffwr] avTov fxepei eis TOP aioo- "his RIGHTEOUSNESS re«
poor ones; t h e righteousness of h i m abides for the age. " mains for the AGE."

X 1. Acts xi. 29 ; Rom. xv. 26; 1 Cor. xvi. 1; 2 Cor. viii. 4; Gal. ii. 10. t 2 2 Cor.
viii. 19. 1 2 . 2 Cor. viii. 24 J 2. 2 Cor. viii. 10. t 3. 2 Cor. viii. 6,17,18, 22.
t 6. Prov. xi. 24; xix. 17; xxii. 9 ; Gal. vi. 7,9. J 7- Deut. xv.7. X 7. Exod. xxv.
2; xxxv. r> - Prov. xi. 25; Rom. xii. 8 ; 2 Cor. viii. 12. £ 8. Prov. xi. 24, 25; xxviii. 27?
Phil. iv. 19. I 9. Psa. xi. 2, 9.
Chap. 9; 10.3 II. OOKINTTHIANS. [Ohap. 101 8.
10 <'O
t Se eiuxopriyeov cnrcpfxa rep 10 And HE twho SUP-
The and one supplying seed to the Seed to the SOWEE,
povri Kai aprop eis fSpcecTiP, xoP7)7V(J'€l Kai and Bread for Food, will
sowing and bread for food, will supply and multiply your SOWING,
and increase the PRO-
irXr}Qvpti rov enropov vfj.ccp9 Kai avtycrei ra DUCTS Of your J RIGHTE-
will multiply the sowing of you, and willincrease the
ytvvqfAcCra. rr]s 8iKaioo~vP7}S vfj.Gov u €P travri 11 you being enriched
products of the righteousness of you; in everything
m everything for All Liber-
irXovrifa/nepoi €is rcaerap aTrXorrjira, rjris Karep- ality, J which produces
being enriched for all liberality, which works through us Thanksgiving
yafercu 5i J TJ/JLCCP evxapicrnap rep deep- 12 on* to GOD ; i
out through us thanksgiving to the God; because 12 because the DISPEN-
7} BiaKopta rr\s Xeirovpyias ravrrjs ov /JIOPOP SING of this PUBLIC SER-
the dispensing of the public service this not only VICE, not only is J amply
6(TTt TTpocravairK'qpovo'a ra vo"repr)iuara
reap supplying the WANTS of
is abundautly supplying the wants of the
the SAINTS, but also is
ayiccp, aXXa Kai irepKro'evovca dia itoXXccp abounding through the
saints, but also is abounding through many Thanksgiving of Many * to
evxapitrricvp rep 6ecpm 1 3 5*a rr)s doKi/btrjs rys G O D ;
thanksgivings to the God; on account of the proof of the 13 for X they are glorify-
SiaKovias ravrrjs do£a£opres rov 6eop ®7rt rrj ing GOD on account of the
service this they are glorifying the God at the PROOF of this MINISTRA-
ifTTorayr) rrjs 6/j.oXoyias VJJLOOP eis ro svayyeXiopTION in your AVOWED
subjection of the profession of you to th« glad tidings SUBJECTION to the GLAD
rov Xpicrrov, Kai aTrXorrjri ri)S Koivccpias eis TTDINGS of the ANOINTED
of the Anointed one, and liberality of the contribution for one, and the Liberality of
14 the i CONTRIBUTION to
avrovs Kai eis iraprasy Kai avrcop 8€7}0~€i them and for all;
them and for all, and of them by prayer
14 and by Their Prayer
ifjrep vfxccVy ewnroOovprcop vfxas, Sia ry\v virep- on your behalf, ardently
on behalf of you, ardently .cving you, because of the sur- loving you on account of
fiaXXovcrap xaPlv T0V ®€0V €(p3 V/JLIV, l a Kapis the SURPASSING J Favor of
passing favor of the God on you. Thanks GOD bestowed upon you.
*T^ l V ® P r €C e7rl T
V aP€Kdir)y7]rcp avrov 15 Thanks to GOD % for
[but] to the God for the inexpressible of him
free gift. CHAPTER X.
KE<f». «'. 10. 1 Now $3E, (the same
Paul, $ who, in Appear-
Avros 8e eyee TlavXos TrapatcaXco vfxas Bia ance, indeed, am humble
Same and I Paul beseech youonaccount among you, but being ab-
T7/s irpaoTT]Tos Kat GirieLKeias rov 'Xpicrrov9 6s sent am bold * toward
of the meekness and gentleness of the Anointed, who you,) exhort you by the
Kara rrpocroocrop fiep raireipos ez> V/XLP, aircop MEEKNESS and Gentleness
according to face indeed humble among yon, being absent of the ANOINTED one;
2 2 and I pray J that I
5e Oappoo eis' Seofiai $ e , ro firj
irapoov may not be BOLD, being
but am bold toward you; I pray but, that notbeingpresent present, with the CONFI-
Qapp7](tai rrj TTeiroiQ'qo'Gi, cr/ Xoyi^ofxai roXfxi]- DENCE which "{presume of
to be bold with the confidence, with which I reckon to have dar- daring to display toward
crai 67Ti rtPas rovs Xoyi^ojxevovs i}jxas &s Kara SOME who regard U3 as
ng toward some those reckoning u» asaccordingto walking according to the
capKa irepnrarovpras. EP crapKi yap 7repn?a~ Flesh.
flesh walking. In flesh for walk- 3 For though we are

* VATICAN MANtrscKin.—11. of God. 12. to the ANOINTED. 15. "but—omit,

1. on account of you.
t 10. 10. t 10. Hosheax.l2;Matt. vi. 1. J 11. 2 Cor. i. 11; iv. 15.
$ 12. 2 Cor. viii. 14. t IS. Matt. v. 16. J 18. Heb. xiii. 16. J 14. 2 Cor.
Tiii. 1. t 15. James i. 17.... t 1« Rom. xii. 1. J 1. verse 10 ; 2 Cor. xii. o, 7,9«
t 2. ;Coi\ iv. 21; 2 Cor. xiii. 2 , i ^
Clhap. 1 0 : 4.]
II. CORINTHIANS, [Ofcop.lO: 12.
rovvreS} ov Kara crapKa ffrparevofx^Qa, ( r a Walking in the Flesh, we
ing, not according to flesh warring, (the are not warring according
yap oirXa rr)s arpar^ias yfxow ov capnifca, aXXa to the "Flesh.
for arms of the warfare of us not fleshly, but
4 {since the ARMS J of
our WARFARE are not of
Svvara rep deep Trpos KaOeiptciv ox^pco/xarcox',) "Flesh, but J DIVINELY
powerful in the God for a casting down of fortresses,) powerful for the Demoli-
Xoyur/xovs Kadaipovpres Kai irav v^/cvfxa cirai- tion of Fortresses;
reasoning* casting down and every height raising 5 { demolishing Reason-
po/nej/op Kara rrjs yvooo~ecos rov 6eov> Kai cu%-rearing ings, and Every Height
it»elfup against the knowledge of the God,
itself up against
and lead-
fxaXwri^ovres trap vor\fxa eis TT)V viraKorjp rov and leading captive Every
ing captive every mind into the obedience of the Mind to the OBEDIENCE
%picrrov> 6 Kai cu eroi/jicp cypres €K8ucr}crai of the ANOINTED O N E ;
Anointed, and in preparation having to punish 6 and $ being prepared
Ttacrav irapaKor)P, dray TrXrjpcoOr) V/JLOOP r) vira- punish All Disobe-
overy disobedience, when may be fulfilled efyou the obe-
dience, when % Your OEE-
DIEN CE may be completed.
K07], 'Ta Kara irpocrooTropfiXeirere; Et ris 7 J Do you look on
dience. The things according t o face do you see? If any one THINGS according to Ap-
TT€iroi6ev eavrcp "Kpicrrov eipai, rovro Xoyifacrdco pearance ? { I f any one
has persuaded himself of Anointed to be, th»s * seems to trust in himstlf
let him consider
3 That he is of Christ, let
7raXu/ a<p kavrov Sri KaOcos avr#s X.pio'rov, him consider this again
again from himself that even as he of Anointed, from himself, That as he is
ovrca Kai i]fxeis Eaz> r e yap Kai irepicrcrorepov of Christ, so also are a u .
so also we. If indeed for evsn more abundantly 8 For if indeed I should
boast somewhat more
ri Kavxv o~oo /Ltai irepi rrjs ei^ovcrias
somewhat I should boast concerning the authority abundantly { of our AU-
THORITY, which the LORD
7]fioou, 7)s eSooKev 6 Kvpios ^["h/nip^ ^is OIKOSO- gave for your Building up,
01 us, which gave the Lord [to us,] for building and not for your over-
p.7]U Kai OVK eis Kadeipeffiv VJXCOP, OVK aicrxvpr}- throwing, % I shall not be
up and not for casting down of you, not I shall be ashamed;
9 l 9 so that I may not
Q'qo' \va p.f) 8o£a> cbs av eKcpofieip vfxas seem as if 1 would terrify
ashamed. So that not Imay seem as I would terrify you you by LETTERS ;
§ia ricv GiriaroXoop' (on at /mev STRO'TOA.CM, 10 because " t h e L E T -
by means of the letters; (because theindeed letters,says he, " are
(priori, fiapeiai Kai io"xvpai' r) 8e Trapovo~ia rov but {the and
weighty powerful;
he says, weighty and powerful; the but presence of the
ENCE is weak, and
crco/naros aaOepTjs, Kai 6 Xoyos e^ovdeprjfitpos') J SPEECH contemptible."
body weak, and the word having been despised;) 11 Let SUCH a one con"
rovro Xoyi^ecrdo) 7) roiovros, o n oloi ecr/mep sider this, That such as we
this let consider the such an one, that such ones we are are in WORD through Let-
ters, being absent, such
rco Xoycp oY eiricrroXcoy airopres, roiovroi Kai also will we be in WORK,
by the word through letters being absent, such like ones also being present.

irapopres rep €pycp0 12 Ov yap roXfxccjxev eyKpi- 12 {For * we dare not

being present in the Wffrk. Not for we dare to rank rank or compare ourselves
with SOME of those who
vai 7] crvyKpiuai eavrovs no'i roav eavrovs trv- COMMEND Themselves;
or to compare ourselves with someof those themselves cam-

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—7. seems to t r u s t in himself. 8. to us—omit. 12.

I dare not.
t 4 Eph. vi. 13; 1 Thess. v. 8. t 4. 1 Tim. i. 18; 2 Tim. ii. 3. t 4. Acts vii.
21- l C o r . i i . 5 ; 2 Cor. v i . 7 ; xiii.8,4. t 5. 1 Cor.i.19; iii.19. J 6. 2 Cor. xih. 2.
10.' t 6. 2 Cor. i i . 9 ; vii. 15. J 7. John vii. 24; 2 Cor. v. 12; xi. 18. % 7. 1 Cor.
xiv.37* U o h n i v . 6 . % 8. 2 Cor. xiii. 10. t 8. 2 Cor. vii. 14; xii. 6. J 10.
1 Cor.ii. 3, 4; verse 1; 2 Cor. xii. 5, 7, 9; Gal. iv. 13. J 10. 1 Cor. i. 17; ii. 1, 4; 2 Co*.
xi.6. J 12. 2Coaciii.l; v.12.
Chap. 10; 13.] [Chap. 1 1 :
pKTTapoP70)P' aXXa avroi ep eavroLs but these,
eavrovs Themselves measuring
mending; but they by themselves themselves
by themselves,
and comparing themselves
(A£TfK>VPT€S, K.CLI (TVyiiplPOPT€S iaVTOVS iaVTOlS, with themselves, are not
measuring, and comparing themselves with themselves,
ov (Tvpiovcrip. Hfji€Ls 5e ovxi as ra afxe- 13 | But foe will not
not are intelligent. We and not for the things un- boast respecting UNMEAS-
rpa /cairj^eroj^uefla, aXXa Kara ro fxerpop rov URED Things; but accord-
measured we will boast, but according to the measure of the ing to the MEASURE of the
Kapopos, ov e/neptcrep rifxiv 6 Oeos /nerpov, ecpi- RULE which the GOD of
rule, of which distributed to us the God of measure, to Measure assigned to us, tot
tcecrdai axpt- Kai V/ULCOP. 14 OV yap, &s fxi) ecpiK- reach even to you.
reach to even you. Not for, as not reach- 14 For we do not, as not
reaching to You, over-
pov/uepoi eis v/nas, vrrepeKreiPopLep eavrovs' stretch ourselves; ( | for
ing to you, we overstretch ourselves; we came even to You with
(axpt yap nai V/XCOP ecp9ao~a/iep ep r<p evayyeXup the GLAD TIDINGS of the
to for even you we came in tha glad tidings ANOINTED;)
lo 15 not boasting with
rov ~Xpi<rrov'} OVK eis ra a/xerpa ftavx&P-*'
of the Anointed,) not for the things unmeasured boasting reference to UNMEASURED
POL ep aXXorpLois KOTTOLS, eXTuSa' exopres, Things,
5e in | the Labors of
Others; but having a
in others labors, a hope; but having,
Hope, your FAITH being
av^apap.eprjs rrjs inarecos V/ULQJP, ep V/JLLP fieya-increased, to be enlarged
being increased of the faith ofyou, by you to be among you, according to
Xvpdy/pai icara rop Kapopa TJJULCOP eis Treptcr- our RULE, for a superabun-
enlarged according to the rule you into s-uperabun- dance ;
atiaPj 16 eis ra vwepeKeipa V/ULCOP evayyeXio'ao'- 16 to announce glad
dance, totheparts beyond ofyou to announce glad tidings in parts BEYOND
Qai° OVK ep aXXorpico Kavopi eis ra eroi/xa you; not to boast concern.
tidings; not by another rule for the things ready
ing Things PREPARED by
l7< Another's Rule.
Kavx't]0'ao'Qai. 0 de Kavxoo,uepos, ep Kvpicp 17 | But H E who
to boast. The but one boasting, in Lord BOASTS, let him boast in
Kavxao'Ooo. Ov yap 6 eavrop avpto-rcap, the Lord;
let him boast. Not for he himself commending, 18 for | n o t the one COM-
eKeipos eo~ri 8OKI/ULOS, aXX' dp 6 Kvpios a'vpio'rT}- MENDING Himself is ap-
he is approved, but whom the Lord com- proved, but J whom the
LORD commends.
mentis. CHAPTER XL
KE<i>. ta. 1 1 . 1 I wish you would bear
1 with me *some little in
O&eAop apeixzo'Oe /JLOV fJUKpop rr/
acppocrvpt)' Jmy FOOLISHNESS; and
I wish you would bear with me ali'tle in the
foolishness. indeed you do bear with.

aAAa Kai aPex^o'Oe /JLOV. 2

ZeXco yap v/xas Oeov me.
but even you do bear with roe. I am zealous for you ofGod 2 For I am ardently de-
£r}Xcp' 7]pfJ.O(Tap.7]P yap v/xas epi avfipi, trapQepop voted to you with a godly
with a zeal; I espoused for you to one husband, a virgin Zeal; J because I betrothed
a~yP7]P Trapaarrjorai rep Xpirrrep' 3 (poftov/xai §e, you for one Husband,—a
chaste Virgin $ to present
pure to present to the Anointed; E fear but
to the ANOINTED ;
(xrtTTws cos 6 6<pis Evap e£r)irary)o~ep ep rp irap- 3 but I am afraid, lest,
'<est as the serpent Eve deceived by t h e craft as J the SERPENT deceived
ovpyta avrov, *[OI>TCO] (f)dapr) ra porj/xara EVE by his CRAFT, your
of himself, Cso3 should be corrupted the minds MINDS i may be corrupted

VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. some little in my FOOLISHNESS. 3. so—omit.

t 13. verse 15. 1 14. 1 Cor.iii. 5, 10; iv.15 ; ix. 1. t 15. Rom. xv. 20. J 17-
Isa. lxv. 16; Jer. ix. 24; 1 Cor. i. 31. t 18. Pro v. xxvii. 2. i 18. Rom. ii. 29;
1 Cor. iv. 5. t 1. verse 161 2 Cor. v. 13. { 2. 1 Cor. iv. 15. j 2. Col. i. 9ft
X 3. Gen. Hi. 4; John viii. 44. I 3. Eph. vi, 24; Col.ii.4,8, 18; 1 Tim. i 3 ; iv. I ; Heb.
xiii.O ; 2 Pef.iii. 17.
(Map. 1 1 ; 4.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap.lli 1%.

vfioois airo TTJS airhorrjros TTJS eis TOV

from " T H A T s I M P L I C I T !
X.pio'Tov. and THAT PUBENESS which
of you from ttie simplicity of that into the Anointed.
is in the ANOINTED.
Ef (xev yap 6 epxopLevos aXXov I'qrrovv Krjpvo'- 4 For if H E who is COM-
If indeed for the one coming another Jesus ING proclaims Another
Jesus, whom we did not
(Tei ov OVK cK7}pvi;ap.ev, 7] 7rv€vp,a erepop
Xa/J.- preach; or you receive
whom not we proclaimed, or a spirit another you a different Spirit which
jScu'eTe 6 OVK eAajSere, 7} evayysXiov eTepov 6 you did not receive; or
receive which not you received, or glad tidings other which X other Glad tidings which
5 you did not embrace, you
OVK. €5e£a<r#e, KCCXMS a^6£%e(T0e. Aoyi£ might well bear with it.
not you embraced, well you might bear. I reckon 5 * And % I reckon my-
*)ap /nrjdev vo'T€p7)K€Vai TOW virepXiav airoarro- self in Nothing to have
for nothing to have been behind those in the highest degree apos- been behind those VEBT
Xcov. Ei $€ KCLI L^icorrjs rep Xoycp, aXX* ov TTJ 6 But even if % I am a
ties. If but even asimple person in the word, yet not in the
simple person in SPEECH,
yvwerer aXX* ev iravri <pavepcc6evTes ev iraonv yet not J i n KNOWLEDGE;
knowledge; but in everything havingbeen manifested in all things but in every way J we have
by all things been mani-
€is v/xas, 7 H afxapnav €Troi7]o~a, ep.avrou fested among you.
among you. Or Sin did I commit, myself 7 Did I commit Sin J i n
Tarreivcov, iva vfieis inpcoOrirs; Sri doopeav TO humbling Myself that goit
humbling, so that you might be exalted? because freely the might be exalted ? or Be-
cause I gratuitously an-
TOV Oeov evayyeXiov evrjyyeXicra/birjv VJULIV ; nounced to you the GLAD
of the, God glad tidings I announced to you? TIDINGS of GOD ?
3 8 I stripped Other Con-
AXXas eKKXqo'ias eo'vXyjcra, Xafioov otyooviov
Other congregations I robbed, gregations, taking Wages
having taken wages
Tipos TT\V vjxcav diaKoviav Kai trapevv irpos vpias ing ior serving YOU; and be-
for the ofyou service; and being present with you
present with you, and
in want, J 1 did not incom-
Kai vo"TepT]deisf ov KaTepaptcrjo'a ovdevos' mode any one;
and having been in want, not did Hazily burden anyone; 9 for | t h e BB.ETHB.EN
(TO yap vo~T€pr]/Lia fiov Trpoo'aveTrXrjpcao-ap olhaving come from Mace-
(the for want of me supplied be'foro the donia supplied beforehand
my D E F I C I E N C Y ; and in
a§eX<poi eXOovTes airo Maicefiovias') Kai zv everything I kept, and will
brethren having come from Macedonia;) and in
keep Myself J from being a
Tra^Ti ajSaprj vpuv tfiavTov £Tr}pr]o'a9 Kai burden to you.
everythingunburdensometo you myself I kept, and 10 $ I t is a Truth of
TYiprjo'ca. 10 ETTij> aXrjQeia Xpio*Tov ev epiot, Christ by me, J that this
will keep. I t i« a truth of Anointed in me, very BOASTING shall not
be silenced concerning me
OTI i) Kav)(7)o'is avTT} ov (ppayrjoreTai eis ejLie ev in the REGIONS of ACHAIA.
that ths boasting this not shallbe stopped concerning me in
11 Why ? t Because I
rots'iTrjs Axcuas. n A t a r i ; * [ O T J ] OVK love you not? GOD knows.
the regions of the Achaia. Why? [because] not 12 But what I am doing,
ayaira) ; ' O Oeos oifizv. 'O 5e TTOLOO, KaiI even will do, i that I
Hove you? The God knows. even may cut off the OPPORTU-
What but I do,
WOlTjO'Ctiy IVa iKK0\p(O T1}V a(f)0pp,7]l' TCtiP OeXoVTCOV
I will do, so that I may cut off the opportunity of those wishing ING an Opportunity; so
that in what they boast,
a(pop/j.7)V, Iva ev '<? KavyjavTai, evpeOwcri they may be found even as
aa opportunity, so that in what they boast, they may be found me.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. THAT S I M P L I C I T Y a n d THAT r u i u s a j i s s wuioii AS i n tiiQ

ANOINTBD. 5. A n d I reckon. 11. because—omit.
t i. Gal. i. 7, 8. t 5. 2 Cor. xii. 1 1 ; Gal. i i . 6. { f?. 1 C o r . 1. 17; ii. 1 , I S ; 2 Cor.
x. 10. I 6. E p h . i i i . 4. t 6. 2 Cor. iv. 2; v . 1 1 ; xii. 12. I 7- Acts x v i i i . 3 ; 1 Cor.
i x. 6 , 1 2 ; 2 Cor. x. 1. t 8. A c t s xx. 3 3 ; 2 Cor. x i i . 1 3 ; 1 T h e s s . ii. 9 ; 2 Thess. i i i . 8,9.
1 9. P h i L iv. 10,15,16. J 9. 2 Cor. x i i . 14,16. % 10. E o m . ix. 1. i 10. 1 Cor.
ix. 15. J 11. 8 Cor. Ti. 11 ; v i i . 3 ; x i i . 15. % 12. X C o n i x . 12.
Chap. 11; 13.] I Cltap. 11: S i
13 13 For SUCH J False
Kadcos Kai 7)/jL€is. Of "yap TOIOVTOL \pev$airocr-
as even we. The for such one apostles, | deceitful Work-
false apostles
iiaTl 0 UL€P01 €LS men, are transforming
roXoi epyarai SoXioi, jj.erao'xVi C l ' themselves into Apostles of
worker* deceitful, transforming themselves into Christ.
avocrroXovs Xpto'rov. Kai ov Oav/nacrrow 14 And it is not surpris-
apostles of Anointed. And not i t is wonderful; ing, for the ADVERSARY
avros yap 6 aarayas [xerao'xVIJiaTlCeTa'1 eLS liwnself transforms him-
himself for the adversary is transformed into self into an Angel of Light.
ayyeXoy (pooros' l o ov fxeya ovyy et Kai oifiictfco- great 15 I t is therefore no
a messenger of light; n o t great therefore, if also t h e servants
wonder, if his SER-
VANTS also transform
vol avrov [xeraorxyf^ari^oyrai cos diaKovot SIKCU- themselves a3 J Servants
ofhim are transformed as servants ofright- of Righteousness; $ Whose
oo~vvr]s coy ro reXos eo'rai Kara ra epya END will be according to
eousness, of whom the end shall be according to the works their WORKS.
avrcoy. 16 Again J I say, Let
of them. no ona think Me a Simple-
16 ton; but if otherwise,
IlaXiy Xeyco, /ir) ris fie doty aeppoya then receive me as a Sim-
Again I say, n o t anyone me should think unwise pleton, so that 3£ also may
eivaf ei fie fiviye, nay cos aeppova de^ao'Oe boast a little.
to be; if but otherwise, even as unwise do you receive 17 What I speak J i n
fie, iva Kayco fiiKpov ri Kavxi)o~cofxat 17 ' o ThiS CONFIDENCE of
me, so that even I a little somewhat may boast. What BOASTING, I do not speak
AaAw, ov XaXco Kara Kvptoy, aAA' cos ev acp as according to the Lord, but
I speak, not I speak according to Lord, but as in fool-
in Folly.
18 J Since many boast
poo~vvr}9 ev ravTTf rr) vivoa'rao'ei TTJS Kavxv according to the Flesh, 3£
ishness, in thia the confidence of t h e boasj, also will boast.
o~eeos. 1 8 Eirei TTOXXOI Kavxcovrai Kara rr\V 19 J For being wise your-
ing. Since many boast according to t h e selves, you readily bear
eapica, Kayco Kavx^o'Ofiat.
'Hdecos yap ave- with the UNWISE.
flesh, also I will boast. Willingly for you 20 For you endure % if
X*&Qe rcav acppovcov, cppovifioi ovres' ^ av€Xecr~ one enslave you; if one
bear with the unwise, wise ones being; you bear eat you u p ; if one take
6e yap, et ris v/ias KarafiovXoi, ei ris Kareo"- from you; if one raise him-
for, if any one you enslaves, ifanyone eatsyou self u p ; if one beats You
in the Face.
Qteiy ei ris Xafiffavei, ei ris e-rraiperat, et ris
up, ifanyone takesyou, if any oneraises himself up, ifanyone 21 As concerning Re-
proach, I say % That ioe
6/ €is Trpocrcoiroy Sepei. 2 1 Kara arifitav were weak; yet J i n what
you on face beats. According to dishonor
any one is daring, (I speak
Xeyco, ws on TJJLLCIS 7}o'dey7]o'afiey ey ecp 5* ay foolishly,) 3E also am
I speak, as that we were weak; in what but daring.
ris roX/iiq, (ey acppoo~vvr) Xeyco,) roXfxco 22 Are they Hebrews?
any one may be bold, (in foolishness I speak,) bold J so am E. Are they Is-
Kayco, 2 2 'Efipaioi eicri ; Kayco' IcrparjXtrai raelites ? so am 2. Are
also I. Hebrews are they? also I ; Israelites they the Seed of Abra-
eiari; Kayco- o'irepfxa Afipaapi. eicri; Kayco' ham ? so am E.
are they? also I; seed ofAbraam are they? also I ; 23 Are they Servants
StaKovoi Xpto'rov eiffi; (irapaeppovcov XaXco,) of Christ ? ( I speak as
servants of Anointed are they ? (being a very fool I speak,) being beside myself,) I
virep eyco' ey Koirois irepio'o'orepcos, ey TrXrjyais am superior; J i n Labors
above I; in labors more abundant, in stripes exceedingly abundant, in,

t 13. Acts xv. 24; Rom.xvi.18; Gal.i.7; vi.12; Phil.i.15;; U o h n i v . 1.

Rev. ii. 2. 113. 2 Cor. ii. 17; Phil. iii. 2; Titus i. 10,11. % 15. 2 Cor. iii. 9.
X 15. PMl.iii.19. J 10. verse 1; 2 Cor. xii.6,11. J 17. 2Cor.ix. 4. J 18. Phil.
iii. 8,4. % 19. 1 Cor. iv. 10. t 20. Gal. ii. 4 ; iv. 9. J 21. 2 Cor. x. 10. $, 21./
Phil. iii. 4. t 22. Acta xxii. 3; Kom. xi. 1; Phil. iii. 5. t 23. 1 Cor. xv. 10.
Chap. 1 1 : 3 4 3 II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 1 1 : 33.

VTrzpfiaXXopToos, €V (pvXaKais Tr€pio~<TOT€pa)s, sv * Prisons frequently, J in

above measure, in prisons more frequently, in Scourges to excess, J i n
Deaths often.
davaroLS iroXXaKis' 24 (u7ro lovdateov irevraKis 24 Five times I received,
deaths often; (by Jews five times
25 by the Jews, J forty stripes
reffarapaKovra irapa /juap eAajSov, rpis eppa/3- less one;
forty except one I received, thrice I was 25 three times I was
^LarOrju, a7ro£ eXidaaOrjp, rpis €pavay7](ra, J beaten with rods; J once
beaten with rods, once 1 was stoned, thrice I was shipwrecked, I was stoned; three times
pvx07]/J.€pov €V TO) fivdq) ircTroL7]Ka') 2 6 odonro- J I was shipwrecked; a
a night and day in the deep Ihave passed;) injour- night and day I have spent
in the D E E P .
neys often; in dangers of rivers, 26 During
in dangers frequent
Journeys, in Dangers from
XyffTCop, KIV^VPOIS €K yevovs, KIPSVPOIS e£ €0- Bivers; in Dangers from
of robbers, in danger* from kindred, in dangers from Gen- Robbers ; J in Dangers
PCtiP, KlpfivPOlS €P TToAei, KlP?)VPOLS SV epTjfAia, from Kindred; J i n Dan-
tiles, in dangers in city, in dangers in desert, gers from Gentiles ; in
KIPSVPOLS ep OaXatfcrr), KIPSVP.OLS eu tyevdafieX- Dangers in Cities; in Dan-
in dangers at sea5 in dangers among false-breth- gers in t h e Desert; in
2 Dangers at Sea; in Dan-
<f)ois' ? *\_€v~] K07rcp Kai yUo%0(jj, ep aypvivviais gers among False-brethren;
ren; [in] labor and toil, in vvatchings
27 in Labor and Toil;
iroXXaKis, ep Xifxca Kai diipei, ep VT)VTGiais TTOX" J i n frequent Watching*;
often, i n hunger and ihirst, i n fastings often J i n Hunger and Thirst;
Aa/as, ev ^v%€i Kai yvfiporrjr^ Xoopis TOOP in frequent Fastings; in
in cold and nakedne^1 Besides t h e Cold and Nakedness.
irapeKTos, 7] eiricrva'Tao'is fJiov 7} Ka6* fjfiepau, 7} 28 Besides these OUT-
outward things, t h e crowding of me that every day, t h e WAKD troubles, J the ANXI-
29 OUS CARE for All the CON-
fAspifAPOt. iracrcau TOOP €KK\f)<ri(jov. Tis affOepei,GREGATIONS, which is
care of all of the congregations. Who is weak,
Kai OVK acrQepo); TIS (TKav^aXi^rai, Kai OVK
29 I Who is weak, and I
and not I am weak? who is made to stumble, and not
am not weak? Who is
eycs> TTvpovfxai; 3 0 Ef Kavx^crOai 8ei, ra made to Stumble, and 3£ do
I burn? If t o boast in necessary, thething» not burn ?
TTJS atfQeveias *[JAOV~\ Kavx^&ofxai. 3 1
' 0 Qeos 30 If it is necessary to
of the weakness [of me] Iwillboast. Th« Gad boast, J I will boast of the
THINGS which concern my
Kai irarrjp rov Kvpiov rjfxcop Irjcrou "^[XpicrTou] WEAKNESS.
and father ofthe Lord ofus Jesus [Anointed]
31 J GOD, even the Fa-
oidep, 6 COP evXoyr]Tos eis TOVS aioopas, OTI OVther of our LORD Jesus, HE
Jsnown, he being blessed for t h e igas, that not t w h o I S t h e BLESSED ONK
\pevbofiar 32
ApeTa.Tov for the AGES, knows That
ep Aa/JLacTKcp 6 zQpapxns
I utter falsehood; in Damascus the ethnarch Aretas otib.0 I do not falsify.
32 J i n Damascus, the
jSatfiAeoos €({)povp€i T'qv Aa^acTKTjpeop iroXtp, ETHNARCH of Aretas, t h e
• king guarded the Damascenes city, KTNG, guarded the CITY of
Triaaai fxe *[QeXw~\ Kai dia Ovpidos ep (rap- the DAMASCENES, wishing
to seize me [wishing;] and through an opening i n a rope to seize m e ;
yapy exaAa(T0?7J/ Sia TOV TGLXOVS, Kai e£e<pv- 33 but I was through an
|>asket I was. owered through the wall, and escaped Opening lowered down the
yop Tas x€LPas avT0V' K E $ . tj3' 0 1 2 . * Kau- WALL in a Rope-basket,
the hands of him. To and escaped from his hands.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—23. Prisons frequently, i n Scourges

to excess, i n Deaths often.
30. of me—omit. 31. Anointed—omit. 32. wishing —omit.
t 23. Acts ix. 16; xx. 23; xxi. 1 1 ; 2 Cor. vi. 4, 5. % 23. 1 Cor. xv. 30—32; 2 Cor. i. 9,
10; iv. 11; vi. 9. J 24. Deut. xxv. 3. t 25. Acts xvi. 22. I 25. Acts xiv. 19.
% 25. Acts xxvii. 41. % 26. Acts ix. 23; xiii. 50; xiv. 5; xvii. 5; xx. 3 ; xxi. 31; xxiii. 10,11;
xxv. 3. t 26. Acts xiv. 5 ; xix. 23. t 27. Acts xx. 3 1 ; 2 Cor. vi. 5. i 27. I Cor.
iv. 11. t 29. 1 Cor. viii. 13; ix. 22. J 80. 3 Cor. xii. 5, 9,10. t 81. Rom. L
B ; i x . i ; 2 Cor. i . 2 3 ; Gal. i. 2; 1 Thess. ii. 8. % 81. &OB& ix.&. £ 82. Aets - s . 24, UJ.
Chap. 1 3 : 1.]
II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 1 2 : 9.

-^aaQai S77 ov cvjxcpepei *|>or] eXevo'ojuaL
boast indeed not is profitable [forme;] I mil come 1 I s it necessary toboast?
it is n o t profitable indeed,
yap eLS oivracrias Kai aTvoKaXvtyeis Kvpiov. but 1 will come even to
for to visions and revelations ofLord, Visions a n d Revelations ai
OiBa avOpcoirov ev XpKrrcp, trpo ercav SeKareo"- the Lord.
I know a man in Anointed, above yeara fourteen; 2 I know a Man, J i n
crapcav, (eire ev (TcojxarL, ovic oi$a' eire CKTOS Christ, who above fourteen
(whether with a body, not I know; or without Years since—(whether with
a Body, I know n o t ; or
^ [ r o u j creojj.aTos, OVK oi$a' 6 deos oidev) apira- without a Body, I know
[thej body, not I know; the God knows;) having n o t ; God k n o w s ; ) — S U C H a
yevra rov roiovrov eoos rpirov ovpavov. one J suddenly conveyed
been snatched away the such a one to third heaven. away to t h e Third Heaven.
3 And I know t h i s V E E Y
** K a i oida rov TOIOVTOV avQponvov^ \eire ev
And I know the such a man, (whether in
Man, (whether with aBody,
or without t h e BODY, I
troo/LiaTL) eire euros rov (rcv/uaros, OVK oifia'
6 know n o t ; G o d k n o w s ; )
a body, or without the body, not I know; the 4 T h a t h e was suddenly
deos oifiev) 4
6ri rjpivayr] eis rov 7rapadei- conveyed away into J P A E A -
God knows,) that he was snatchedaway into t h e paradise, IMSE, and h e a r d indescrib-
able things spoken, which
crov, Kai 7)K0V0~eV apprjra prj/uara, a OVK it is n o t possible for a Man
and heard indescribable thingsspoken,which not to relate.
e^ov avdpooTTcp XaXrjo'ai. 'YTTGP rov TOL- 6 Respecting S U C H a per-
being possible for a man to speak. Concerning the such son I will b o a s t ; + but res-
OVTOV Kavxy<' vrrep be e/xavrov ov Kavxv pecting myself I will n o t
a one I will boast; on behalf but of myself not I will boast, unless i n m y W E A K -
Co/uai, ei jxt) ev rats aardeveiais "^[ftov.] Eav 6 l('or J if I should desire
boast, if not in the weaknesses [ofme.J If
to boast, I shall not be U n -
yap OeXrjorco Kavxyja'acrOai, OVK en'ofxai acppcov wise; for I will speak t h e
for I should desire t o boast, not I shall be unwise; T r u t h ; b u t I forbear, lest
aXrjOeiav yap epoo- (peido/btai 5 e , [XT] TLS eis any one should i m p u t e to
truth for I will say; I forbear but, lest any ona t o Mc more t h a n what h e
sees m e to be, or what h e
€fie Xoyio"qrai virep 6 ftXeirei fie, 7] aKOvei TL hears from m e .
me should impute beyond what he sees me, or hears anything
7 A n d in order t h a t I
e£ e/uov. ? Kai ry virepfioXr} roov aTroKaXvxj/eeov might not be unduly elated
from of me. And by thetranscendaucy of the revelations by t h e T E A N S C E N D A N C Y
\va (XT) virepaLpco/j-ai, edodrj JULOL CKOXO^ rrj of t h e E E V E L A T I O N S , J a
*hat not I should be over-elated, was given to me a thorn in the Thorn i n t h e E L E S H w a s
papKi, ayyeXos crarav, Iva fxr) given t o m e — J a n Angel-
Iva fxe KoXacpi^rj,
flesh, adversary—that i t might
a messenger adversary, t h a t me i t might buffet, that not
8 afflict m e ; so t h a t I should
vwepaipeo/uai. 'Yirep rovrov rpis rov ttvpiov
I might be over-elated. Concerning this thrice the Lord
not be too m u c h exalted.
8 % Concerning t h i s , I
trapeKaXecra^ Iva arrocrrrj air* ejxov 9 Kai e n t r e a t e d t h e L O R D t h r e e
I entreated, that it might be removed from me; and times, t h a t i t m i g h t be r e -
eipr]K€ fioi' ApKet aoi 7) %apis [AOV° 7) yap tvva- moved from m e ;
he said to me; Isenoughforthee the favor of me; the for power 9 b u t h e said to me, " M y
flLS * [ , u o u ] ev ac&eveLct, reXeiovrai. 'Rdio'ra FAVOuissufficientforthee;
[of me] i n weakness is perfected. Most gladly f o r P o w E E i s perfected i n
W e a k n e s s . " Most gladly,
ovv fxaXXov icavxyo-o/j,aL ev rais ao~9eveiais t h e n , I will boast r a t h e r i n
therefore rather I will boast in the weaknesses
W E A K N E S S E S , so t h a t t h e
• ^ [ / x o y , ] Iva erio'KTjvcoa'rj 6TT5 e/xe r) dvvajuis rov P O W E R of t h e A N O T N T E D
£of me,] so that may dwell upon me the power of the m a y abide upon M e .

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. Is i t necessary to boast ? i t is n o t profitable indeed, b u t I

will come even to Visions and Eevelations of the Lord. 1. for me—omit. 2. the
—omit. 5. of me—omit. 9. of me—omit. 9. of me—omit.
% 2. Rom. xvi. 7 ; 2 Gor. v. 17; Gal. i. 22. t 2. Acts xxii. 17. See Acts xiv. 19, 20
X 4. Luke xxiii. 43. J S. 2 Cor. xi. 30. % 6. 2 Cor. x. 8; xi. 16. t 7- Gal.
iy. J.,% 14. i 7. Job ii. 7; Luke xiii. 16. J 8. S&e Deut. Hi. 2S—27; Ittatfc xxvi. 44
Chap. 12: 10.] II. CORINTHIANS. [Chap. 12: 18.

Xpio-rov. 1U
Aio evooKco ev acrQepeiais, ep 10 Wherefore, J I am
Anointed. Wherefore I am well-pleased witli weaknesses, with. contented with Weak-
tifipecrip, ep apayKais, ep dicvyfAois, ep crrepo- nesses, with Insults, with
insults, with necessities, with persecutions, with distres- Necessities, with Persecu-
Xoooiais virep Xpurrov brap yap ao'depca, Tore tions, with Distresses on
sea on behalf of Anointed; when for I may be weak, then
account of Christ; J since
n when I am weak, then I
dvparos ei/ui. Teyopa acppoov vjxeis fie rjvay- am strong.
strong lam. I have become unwise; you me have
Kacrare. Eyco yap oxpeiAop iicff vfxoov o'vpiarao'- 11 Have I become $ a
constrained. I fo^ ought by you to be com-
Simpleton ? g o u have
constrained M e ; for I
6ar ovdev yap vo'reprjo'a TOOP virepAiav airoo"- ought to be commended
mended ; nothing for I was behind those in highest degree apos-
12 by You; J for in nothing I
roXoop, ei Kai ovdep eifii. T a fiep o"r\jxeia rov was inferior to those VERY
ties, if even nothing I am. Theindeed signs ofthe EMTNENT Apostles—even
airocroXov Karetpyacdr] ep vfiip ep nraar} viro- if 1 am nobody.
apostle were worked out among you in all pa- 12 % The SIGNS of the
l/LOPY), ep o"qfieiois Kai repawi Kai
dvpafieai.APOSTLE, surely, were per-
iience, in signs and prodigies and powers. formed among you with Al]
T i yap ecrrw 6 r)TTrj6rjTe virep ras Xoiiras Patience, by Signs and
What for is it which you were inferior beyond the other Prodigies and Powers.
€KKAr)o~ias, ei fir) on avros eyoo ov KarepapKY}- 13 J P o r in what is it
congregations, if not that myself I not was burden- that you were inferior to
o~a vfjicop ; XapicracrOe fioi TTJP adiKiap ravrrjp. the OTHER Congregations,
some to youP Forgive t o m e the injustice this. unless That % 3E myself was
l5ou, rpirop TOVTO eroifxcas e%cw eXBeip irpos not a burden to you ? For-
Lo, a third time this in readiness I a e to come to give me this INJUSTICE !
v/Lias, Kai ov KarapapKr)0"a ^[yftoop^ ov yap t 14 i Behold, this third
you, and not I will burden [youj] no
^ f ° r time I hold myself ready
TCO r a 3 to come to you, and I will
Cv vficcp, aXX vjxas. Ov yap o<peiXei not be burdensome; J be-
j seek thethings of you, but you. I^oii for it is fitting
cause I seek not YOUR Pro-
ra TeKpa rois yovevo'i drjcravpi^eip, aAA5 o& yo- perty, but you; | f o r the
the children for the parents to treasure up, but the par- CHILDREN are not obliged
veis rois reKPois. Eyco de r)hi(rra SarraprjCoo to treasure up for the PA-
ents for the children- II butmostgladly willspend RENTS, but the PARENTS
for the CHILDREN.
Kai GK§aTrapr}6r)crofjLaL uirep roop tyvxoop vfiooi"
and will be utterly spent on behalf of the souls 15 And J l most gladly
of you;
willspend and be utterly
ei Kai wepio'O'orepcas V/JLCLS ayanroop, crya- spent X on behalf of your
if even more abundantly you loving, less
S O U L S ; even if the more
iroofxai. 1 6 E C T C O 5<=' eyco ov ttarefiaprjo'a vfias' abundantly loving You, the
loved. Let i t be sobut; I not did burden you; less I be loved.
aAA* vTra.px&v irapovpyos, ZoAcp v/nas eXafiop- 16 Be it so then, % JE did
but being crafty, with guile you I took. not burden you; but, [it is
^ Mrj ripa OOP air^craXKa irpos bfias, 6Y avrov said,] "being cunning, I
Not any oneofwhom I haveseut to you, through him took You by Artifice."
i8 17 J Did I defraud you
eirAeopeKTrjcra; YlapeKaXeo-aTirop, Kai by any of those whom I
I overreached you? I exhorted Titus, and
sent to you?
rrvpaivecrreiXa TOP a§eX<pop' fxr]ri eirXeopeicri]- 18 J "I requested Titus,
I sent with the brother; not overreached and I sent f the BROTHER
•yev vfxas Tiros; ov TOO avrcp irpevfxari irepie- with him. Did Titus de-
you Titus? n o t i n t h e same spirit we fraud you? Did we not
Trarrjo'afiep; ov rois avrois ix^ecri; ^TlaXiP walk in the SAME Spirit,—
walked? not in the same steps? Again in the very SAME Steps ?

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—14. you—omit.

t 10. Rom. v. 3 ; 2 Cor. vii. 4. t 10. 2 Cor. xiii. 4. J 11. 2 Cor. xi. 1,16,17.
t 11. 2 C o r . x i . 5 . J 12. Rom.xv.18, 19; 1 Cor.ix.2 ; 2 C o r . i v . 2 ; vi. ;•; xi. 6. J 13.
1-Cor.i. 7. t 13. 2 C o r . i x . 1 2 ; 2 Cor. xi. 9. i 14. 2 Cor. xiii. 1. t 14. Acts
xx.33; 1 COJ.X.33. t 14. 1 Cor. iv. 14,15. t 15- 1 Thess. i i . 8 ; Phil. ii. 17.
t 15. J o h n x . i l t 2 Cor.L 8; Col. i. 24; 2 Tim.ii. 10. I 16. 2Cor.xi.9. J 17.
% Cor. vii. % t 18. 2 Cor. viit 6,16, 22. J 18. 2 Cor. v i i i lg.
Cftop.12: 19.] II. CORINTHIANS, tChapAZ: 6.
5oKeiT6, OTL V/JUP aTroXoyov/xcOa ; 19 J Again, do you think
Karep coir LOP
do you think,that to you we apologize? That we are apologizing to
In presence
You ? I n the presence of
rov 0eov, €P Xpiffrcp, XaXovfiep GOD J we speak by Christ;
of the God, in Anointed, vve speak
J but ALL tilings, O be-
Ta5e irapra, ayairTjroi, virep TT]S vficop OIKO- loved, for your Edification.
but aU things, beloved ones, on behalf of the you build- 20 For I am afraid, lest
fiofiris. 20
$ofiov/jLai yap, (xyjirces eXQoop ou% perhaps, having come, I
ingup. I am afraid for, lest perhaps having come not may find you such as 1 do
not wish; and £ E may be
olovs 0eAa? svpoi V/JLCLS, Kqyca evpeQaj VJXIV found by you such as you
such onesi wish Ishouldfind you, audi shouldbefoundbyyou do not wish;—lest there be
OIOP ov fleAere* {irjircos epeis, £rjXoi, 6vfioif Strifes, * Jealousies, angry
inch a one not you wish; lest perhaps strifes, jealousies, angers, Feuds, Contentions, Evil-
speakings, secret Slanders,
epiOeicu, KaraXaXtaif tyiBvpiafioi, <pvcricoo"eis> proud Swellings, Disturb-
contentions, evil-speakings, whisperings, puffings up,-
aKaracTTao-icu' 2 1 jxr\ iraXiu eXOopra fie rarrei- 21 lest, having come
disturbances; lest again having come me should again, my GOD J may hum-
voorrri 6 Oeos fxov Trpos 7/^.as, Kai TvevQT\(rco iroX- ble me before you; and I
huuiblethe God of ms before you, and I»houldlamentovermauy should lament for MANY
of those t who had PRE-
Xovs reap Trporif.iapT7]KOToov9 Kai fir) /usravorjo-av- viousLYsiNiNED,andhave
of those having previously sinned) and not having reformed
not reformed from the I M -
TOOP e-rn TT) aKaQap&iq Kai iropveiq Kai atfeXyeiq, PURITY, and J Fornication,
in respect to the impurity and fornication, and lewdness, and Licentiousness which
Sj tirpa^ap. KE«i». ty . 1 3 . Tpirov l
rovro they practised.
tvhich they practiced. Third time this CHAPTER XIII.
spXOfAai Trpos v/xas' enri crrofxaTos hvo fiaprv- 1 J This third time I
1 come to you; in mouth of two wit-
come to y o u ; J by the
pcop Kai rpiccp craOrjarai Trap prifia* 2 Ilpoet- Mouth of Two Witnesses,
noasesand of three shall be established every word. I have or three, Every Fact shall
p7]ica Kai TrpoXeyca, (cos icapoop,) TO Seure- be established.
said before and I tell beforehand, (as being present,) the second 2 J I have said before,
and I say beforehand, (as
pop, (Kai airoop PVP,) rois TrporijxapTrjKQG'i Kaiwhen present the SECO:F'$»
time, (and being absent now,) to those having previously sinned and
time, though now absent,)
TOIS KOLTTOIS icao'ip, on eap eXdco ei$ TO to THOSE J who had PRE-
to the others to all, that if I should come t o the VIOUSLY SINNED, and to
iraXip, ov (peicrojiau 3
Eire* doKi/xyp Qqreire all the OTHERS, That if I
again, not I will spare. Since a proof you seek come AGAIN, $ 1 will not
rov ep efioi AaXovpros Xptcn-ot/j ( d s eis vfxas 3 Since you seek a Proof
of the in me speaking Anointed, (who towards you of the ANOINTED J SPEAK-
OVK aadepei, aXXa dvparei uai yap €i ING by m e ; (he is not weak
ep vfjap'
not is weak, but is powerful in you; even for if towards You, but is power-
effTavpoodr} e£ ao~Qspeiasy aXXa, ^V eK ^uva- ful among you;
hevrac erucifiei from weakness, yet he lives from power 4 $for though, indeed,
he wa3 crucified from
fxews deov Kai yap Tjfieis ao'Oepov/xev ep avrq), Weakness, yet he lives from
of God; also for we are weak with him, God's Power; and though
aAAa (^Vjco/xefla o"vp avrcp eK Bvpafiecos 6eov we are weak with him, yec
but we shall live with him from power of God we shall live with him from
5 God's Power.)
* [ e t s vfxas'~\) eavrovs Tceipafere, et etrre €P
[towards you;]) yourselves try you, if you are in 5 % try yourselves,

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—20. Jealousy. 4. towards you—omit.

t 19 ° Cor. v. 12. t 19. Rom. ix. 1; 2 Cor. xi. 81. t 19. 1 Cor. x. 2S. t 26.
1 Cor. iV.'2i; 2 Cor. x. 2; xiii. % 10. % 21. 2 Cor.i i. 1,4. 1 21. 2 Cor. xiii.2.
t 91 1 Cor v . l . t 1. 2 Cor.xii.14, 1 1. N u m . xxxv. 30; D e u t . x v n . 6 j Matt.
iviii 10 - John viii. 17; Heb. x . 28. X 2. 2 Cor. x. 2. X 2. 2 Cor. xii. 21. ...12.
2 Cor i hi * 8. Matt. x. 20; 1 Cor. v. 4 ; 2 Cor. ii. 10. % 4. Phil. ii. 7, I* 1 Pc*. uii. 18,
% 5. i^vs sL9&
Chap. 13: 6.3 II. CORINTHIANS. [Ohap. 13: U.
TTJ TTicrrei' eavrovs SoKijuaCere. H OVK eiriyi- whether yon are in the
the faith; yourselves prove you. Or not do you F A I T H ; prove Yourselves.
VG0(TK€T6 eCLVTOVS, OTl l7](TOVS XpiffTOS €V VfJLLU Or do you not know your-
know yourselves, that Jesus Anointed in you selves, % That Jesus Christ
*[ecr'n;>;] ei fxrjri aBoKi/j-oi eorrc. 7 EATTL^CO §e is among you ?—except
[is?] if not without proof you are. I hope but you are without proof.
Sri yycvcrecrde, on rj/meis OVK eafxev 6 But I hope That you
that you will know, that we not are without proof. will know That ine are not
' Evxo/ 8e irpos TOV 6eov, fir] iroiTjo'ai ifias without 7 And
* I wish before
I wish but to the God, not to do you
KOLKOV IA7)§£V Ol>% IV a 7}[l€LS §OKlfXOl (paVOO/JLeV,
GOD, that you may do
evil nothing; not that we approved ones may appear, nothing Evil; not that me
aAA.' iva vfxeis TO KaXov Troirjre, 7]/J.€LS Se &s may appear approved, but
that go il may do what is
but that you the good may do, we but as
GOOD, J though indeed we
ahoKijxoi cofiev. 8 O u yap dwapeOa ri Kara may be without proof;
without proof may be. Not for we have power any against 8 for we have no power
T7]S aXrjdeius, aAA' inrep TTJS aAydeias. X c u - at all against the TRUTH,
the truth, but on behalf of the truth. We hut on behalf of the TRUTH .
pojxev yap, brav Tjfxeis acrOevoo/neVy V/JLZIS 8e 9 We rejoice, indeed,
rejoice for, when we may be weak, you but £when fne are weak, and
n m are strong; and this
dwarot 7)T€a rovro * [ 5 e ] Kat evxoj^eOa, rt\v we wish, YOUR complete
strong ones may be; this [hut] even we wish, the
vuoov Karapricriv, Aia rovro ravra aircov 10 % On this account, be-
ci'you restoration. On account of thi» these things being absent ing absent, I write these
ypacf>ci>, Iva irapcav fxr] airorofxcos xp7io~oo/Liai, things, so that, being pre-
I write, so that beingpreaentnot severity I may use, sent, $ I may not use Se-
Kara rj]V e^ovo'iav, i)V edcvKe JMOI 5 Kvpios verity, % according to the
according to the authority, which gave to me the Lord AUTHORITY which t h e
1J LORD gave to me for Build-
ets OIKO8O/X7]V7 (cat OVK eis KaOaipeo-iv. Aonrov, ing up, and not for Pulling
for building up, and not for pulling down. Lastly down.
a8e\<poi} xalP6T€f KaTaprifeffOe, TrapaKaAeiade, 11 Finally, Brethren, re-
brethren, rejoice you, be you restored, be you comforted, joice ! Be you fully re-
ro avro <ppoveire9 €ip7]vevere' Kai 6 6eos rrjs stored; be admonished ;
the same think you, he you at peace; and the God of the J mind the SAME thing;
ayaTT7]S Kai €ipr]vr}s €o"rai juefl' vfxcov. 12
Acrira- cultivate peace; and the
love and peace shall be with you. Salute
GOD of LOVE and J Peace
shall be with you.
<raards aWrjAovs ep ay up (piXy/iarr ao"na^ovrai 12 J Salute each other
you each other with a holy kiss; salute
with a Holy Kiss.
vfias oi ayioi iravres. H XaPls T0V Kvpiov 13 All the SAINTS salute
you the saints all. The favor ofthe Lord you.
lr}(Tov *\Xpio~Tov,~\ Kai 7) ayaizt] rov Oeov, Kai 14 The J FAVOR of the
JesuB [Anointed,! and the love ofthe God, and
LORD Jesus, and the LOVE
7} Koivoovia TOV ayiov Trvev/uaros fiera 7ravrcov of GOD, and J the JOINT
thejointparticipation ofthe holy spirit with all PARTICIPATION of the
VjMtiV. HOLY Spirit be with you
of you. all.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—5. is—omit. 7> we wish. 9 . but—omit. 14.
Anointed—omit. Subscription—SECOND TO THE CORINTHIANS, WRITTEN FBOM P H I L I P ^ I *
t 5. Eom. viii. 10; Gal, iv. 19. t 7. 2 Cor. vi. 9. J 9. 1 Cor. iv. 10 ; 2 Cor. xi.'
80; xii. 5,9. 10„ J 10. 1 Cor. iv. 21 ; 2 Cor. ii. 3 ; x. 2 ; xii. 20, 21. t 10. Titue i. 13.
t 10. 2 Cor. x. 8. t 11- 1 Cor. i. 10 } Phil. ii. 2; iii. 16; 1 Pet. iii. 8. J 11. Eom
xv. 33. X 12. Rom. xvi. 16: 1 Cor. xvi. 20; 1 Thess. V. 26 j 1 Pet. v. 14. £ 14.
Rom. xvi. 24. % 14 Phil.W«Jw

KE#. d'. k CHAPTER 1.
XlavKos, arcocrroXos OVK a?r* avOpooirwi' ovde 1 Paul, an Apostle,—
Paul, an apostle Dot from wen nur (J pot from Men nor by a
Man, but X by Jesus Cbvist,
St' avQpwiroVy aXX(X fiia lr)<rov yLpurrov KCU and THAT God the Father
through a man, but through Jtsus Anointed and
|who raised him from, ike-
0eov irarpos rov eyeipavros avrov e/c v^Kpcov-' D e a d . , ) — i • • • *
God a father oftb.3 having raised. Litu o u t of deud oaepj 5 and ALL the Brethren
^ Kat ol crvv efioi wavrzs ah*s\(poii rats GKKAIJ' ttwho he
are wifli me, $ to
C O N G R E G A T I O N S Of
and'thooc with mo all ' brethren, to t h e cougrer
GALATIA; v '•" < '- •••/ I
3 a iS
rriais rt)s YaXarias' X P V<MV nai
3 J Favor to you and tiprjv'q
gatiocsofthe Gaiatiaj favor t o you a n d ; .peace Peace iYoni Cod tlu; Father,1
airo deov irarpos, Kai Kvptov r)^coi/ Irjo'ov X/uf- and TU AT Lord of ours, Je-(
sus Christ; .
from God a father, anil Lord of us Jesus Anointed,
4 } who GAVE liimsell
rov, * rov dovros tavrov vrepi rcov afxapriwp on account of our SINS,
' of the, having given hirnaelf concerning t h e , , sins in order that lie might
7)ixu>Vt birws e^Xrfrai r)fids. ex rov ^Peo'rcoros rescue us J from the P R E S -
of us, in order t h a t h e u i i ^ h t rescue us o u t of th'e having been present ENT evil Age, according
to the WILL of our GOD
auavos irov-qpov, Kara TO OsXrj/xa rov 0eov kai and Father; ^
en age of evil, according t o t h e will- of t h e God ©nd
5 to whorn. he the
Trarpos i)fxwv% cp r) Bo^a ei$ rovs oueov&s rcov GLOBY for the AGES, of the
father of us, t o whom t h e .glory, for the ag<"*. of t h e AGES. Amen..
aiwveov afxr\v, 6
®aujua£bp on OVTCQ raxecos 6 I am astonished That
ages; eobeit. 1 wonder, beeause co\- quickly you have so quickly turned
away from HIM who
fj-fTariOfffde airo row KaXerravros iifxas <IP CALLED you hy the Favor
ywu are being changed from t h e one having called you by of Christ, to other. Glad

%aptri Xpt&rov €is irepoi/ evayyeXiov °j 6 OVK Tidings» - •

favor of Anointed t o other g l a d t i d i n g B ; which n o t 7 J not that there are
any other; hut there are
€ffriv aXXo' €i firf rives eitfiv ol raparrcropres CERTAIN persons J who
16 other; if not some are who are troubling are TROUBLING you, and
vfias, Kai OeXovres fi€to:o'Tp€\pai ro wishing to subvert the
svayysXtov GLAD TIDINGS of the
jrou, and wishing t o turn about the glad tidings
rov Xpicrrove AAAa Kai eav 7]/u.€is 7} ayyeXos 8 But even if %fo?»or
of t h e Anointed.. Bui even if we or a messenger an Angel from Heaven,
«£ ovpavou tvayyeXifarai vfxiP9 ''•• yrap1 should announce ghitl
from '^heaveu should announce glad tidings t o y o u , contrary t o tidings to Icui different
from what we announced
6 evr)yye\ioraiJ.*Qa VJXIV, avaOtfia, ceres*. 'Os to yon, let him he accursed.
what we announced t o you, accursed let him be. Ao § As we before said,
even now a<?ain I say,—
irpoftprjKafAGPy Kai apri vraXiv Xeya>' e* ris If any one announces glad
• we before said, even „ a o w again I say; if any one
tidings to You different
vpias svayyeXiferai Trap3 6 Trap c-Xa(3 ere, from what you received,
you addresses with good tidings contrary to what y o u received, let him be accursed.
avade/uia effort. 10
Apri yap avOpantovs irsiOa), 10 For do I now obey
accursed let h i m b e . Now for men do I obey, Men, or GOD ? or do I


t !. ver. 11,12. I 1. Actsix. 0; xxii. 10,15, 21; sxvi. 16; Titus i.S. t 1. Acts
li.24. i 2. PhiLii. 22 ; iv.21. J 2. 1 Cor. x'vi. 1. 1 3. Rom. i. 7; 1 Cor.
i . S ; 2 Cor. i. 2 ; &c. t 4. Matt. xx.28; Bom. iv.25; Gal.ii. 20; Titus ii. 14 t 4.
Johnxvii.14,15. J 7. 2 C o r . i x . 4 t 7» Acts xv. 1„ 24>{ 2 Cor. iL 1?; xi.13; Gal.
v. 10,12. I 8. 1 Cor. xvi. 22.
fCftdp. 1 : 11.] GALA.TIANS. [Oiap. 1 : 20.
71 rov Oeov ; ij (i]T(a avOpooirois aptaKtiv; ft X seek to please Men ? for
or the Gcd? o r do I seek men to ylease ?if if I still pleased Mrn, [
*[7a/>] €Tt avOpcoirots ripzaKov, Xpicrrov dovXos should not be a Servant of
[for] still wen I pleased, of Anointed n slave Christ.
ovic av r\}A7)v. Jl[ Tvwpi^oo <5e vjj.iyy a5eAc/>oi, ro It But I make known
n o t 1 should be. I make known but to you, brethren, . t h e to you, brethren, That
iva.yyiXi.ov ro svayyeXiaOev yit* ejxoVy "on T I I 0 3 K G L A D TIDINGS
glad tidings 'the having been announced by m e , , * t h a t which were ANNOUNCED
CVK ecrri Kara. avQpunrov l2
ovSe yap eyo>. l>y me, that they are not
uot i6 according to man; neither for I. according to Mnri;
•irapa avOpooirov TtapeXaflov avro bvre €§idax6r)V-> 12 lor % 2 neither re^
from tnan received. it nor wi* I tautjbt, ceived nor learned tlieni
aXXa b~i' airoKaXv^ecos Irjfou Xpiarrov, 13 HKOV- from a Man, J hut through
but through r*. revelation , of Jesus Anointed, You a Revelation from Je^us
care yap rt]v zf.Lr,v avacrrpocp'fjv irore ev repChrist.
heard for t h e •_ iny conduct formerly when in the 1.3 For you Heard of MY
lovdaio"/xcpi dri KaO' viT€pj3oXT}i> idicoKov rrivConduct formerly in J UDA-
Jewish religion, that exceedingly I persecuted the ISM, JTliat 1 Exceedingly
€KKX7](Tiap rov Qeov, Kat €7rop6ovp avrr}V-M kai persecuted the CONGRKGA-
congreg-tiou of the God, and ravaged h e r ; - and TION of GOD, and $ laid it
ftpo€KOTrrov ei/ ' T(p lovdaiarficp unep TTOXXOVS waste; . -.•
m a d e progress ia t h e Jewish religioa beyond many 14 and made proficiency
<Tvyt]XiKi<aras ev rep yevet fj,ov,' frepicrcrorepajs in Judaism beyond Many
of the same aye among my
of t h e Earns a g e a m o n g t h e . race . of m e , m o r e earnestly
own BACE, J being an ex-
fyXwTTjs inrapxf*>v toov irarpiKMV JJLOV TrapaSo- cessive Zealot for X tll G
a zealot being , of the fathers ofine traditions,
encov, * ° ' O r e Se evdoKYjcev *[<? 0eos,] 6 a<po-
THIt'RS. ;'•••,- -
Whsa but i t pleased . [ t h e God,] t h a t having
puras fie etc KoiXias firjrpos fiov, Kat KaXcaas 2 5 But when it pleased
bet apart pie from . woml) of m o t h e r of m e , a n d having called THAT GOD who SKT me
a ir Q APART from my Birth, and
hia rris X P °s avrov, l airoKaXvtyat rov vlov CALLED me by his F.WOR,
tbroughthe; favor ofhimself, to reveal the eon
16 to reveal his SON to
avrov ev efioi9 Iva cvayyeXtfa/uat avrov $v me, X that I might an-*
of himself t o m e , 60 t h a t I might announce Lira t o nounce him t o the NA*
rots eQvspivU evdews, ov trpocaviQ^ii^v craptct TIONS, I did not imnie-.
, the n a t i o n s ; - ; immediately, riot • I consulted with flesh diately consult with J i'lesh
Kat a t ^ a r t , ^ ouSe avrjXBov cis 'lepoo~oXvjj.a and Blood;
and blood, nor I went u p to • Jerusalem 17 nor did I go up to
Jerusalem to tuosK who
TTpos rovs trpo G/JLOV. aitoorroXovs> aXX* air^XOov were APOSTLES before in?,
to those before m e . j i apostles, , A b u t I went
but I went away into
as Apafiiav, Kai nqXiv vif€(rrpe\pa eis Aafiao~Kov. Arabia, and returned again
into Arabia, - a n d again . returned to Damascus. to Damascus*
Erreira fiera cry rpid avyXOov eis 'Upoo-oXv- 18 Then, after three
Then. after .years three \ I went tip t o Jerusalem, Years, J I went up to Jeru-
fia, l<rT0p7}crai TltTpoVy ual €Tre/j.eiva trpos avrov salem to visit * Cephas,
to visit > Peter, a n d I remained veith h i m and remained with binv
tjfitpas deicaiievre' i 9 htepoy 5e rtov arrocrroXoov fifteen Days;
'days fifteen; ^ other but of t h e •: iipostlea 19 and I saw no other
ovit e*cW, ei fif) taiicofiov rov a$eX(pov rov of the APOSTLES except
pot I saw, if n o t j $ j . James ,,.• t h e brother of the f X James, the BROTHER of
tcvpiou, 3
° ('A $e ypa<p(& vjxiv^ i$ov tvoomov the LORD.
I Lord. (What nqtf 1 writs to you, lo in preoence 20 (Now, the things I
VATICAN MANUSCBIFT.—10. For.—omit, 15, the Go»—omit. 18. Cephas.
t 19. The Hebrews called all near relations brothers. This James was the son of Alpheus
,by Mary the sister of our Lord's mother.—Masknight.
X 10. 2Thess.ii. 4; James iv. 4. J 12. 1 Cor. xv. 3. J 12. Eph. iii. 3. t 13.
lA.ct.9 ix. 1; xxii. 4; xxvi. 11; 1 Tim. i. 13. i 13. Acts viii. 3. ': 14. Acts xxii. 3 ;
jsxvi.O; Phil. iii.O. I 14. Matt. xv. 2; Mark vii.5. i 10." Acts ix. 15; xxii; 21 i
xxvi. 17,18; Rom. xi, 13 ; Eph. iii. 8. .,, J 10. Matt. xv|, \7;\ Cor. xv.SO; £ph. vi. UA
\ IS, Acts i*. id, J 19. Matt, xiii.flj; M S rkvj,8, -°
map. 1 ; 21.] G A L A T I A N S . [Cfcap 2 : 5.

rov 8eov, 6ri ov \\/€v$o/j,ai.) E7re:ra 7]A0oy' am writing to you, behold,
ol the God, that not 1 am speaking falsely.) Then I went iu t h e presence of G O D ,
X 1 do n o t falsely affirm.
fts ra K\ifiara TT)S ~%vpias Kai rrjs Ki\iKias° 21 After that I went i n -
into the regions of the Syria and of the Cilicia; to t h e % R E G I O N S of S Y R I A
* Mfxr]v §e ayvoovjxevos rep Trpocr&ircp rais e/c- and of C I L T C I A ;
I was but being unknown by the face to the con- 22 b u t I was unknown
personally to T H O S E CON-
K\r}(Tiais rrjs lovdaias rats ev Xpio"r(f /xouov G R E G A T I O N S of JUDEA
gregations of the Judea those in Anointed; only which are i n C h r i s t ;
23 t h e y only having
§ 6 CLKOVOVTGS 7]0~aW 'On 6 ftlQOKOOV 7)fias TTOTS,
but hearing they were; That the one persecuting us once, heard, T h a t " H E who was
once P E R S E C U T I N G US, is
vvv evayyeXi^erai rt\v itricrriv 7}v irore eirop- now announcing as glad
now proclaims as glad tidings the faith which once he was laying tidings t h e F A I T H which he
24 formerly laid w a s t e . "
def Kai edo£a(oj/ ev e^ioirop 6eov. KE<2>. fi''. 24 A n d they glorified
waste; and they were glorifying in me the God.
G O D on my account.
2 . * JLTreira dta §€Kar£cro~apo9V STOOP iraXtP ape-
Theu througij fourteen years again I went CHAPTER I I .
1 T h e n within f Four-
fSi)v €is <lepo(ToXv(xa fiera Bapvafia,
crv/jLTrapa- teen Years I went u p
np to Jerusalem with Barnabas, having taken as again t o Jerusalem with
\a.$<av Kai TITOP. Aptfiyp Be Kara airoKaXv- Barnabas, taking Titus
a companion also Titus. I went up but according to a revela- also w i t h me.
2 Now 1 went u p ac*
^IP, KaiavedefjLTiv avrots TO evayyeXiop 6 KT}-
cording to a Revelation,
tion, and submitted to them the glad tidings which I
and submitted to t h e m t h e
pvcro~oo ep rots tOpccrr Kar* ifitap $e rots doKov- G L A D T I D I N G S which I
publith among the Gentiles; by one's self but to those appearing publish among t h e N A -
TIONS; b u t privately to
<rt, /j.r}Trws eis KZVQV Tpe%cy,
7} tdpa/jLov, T H O S E i n H I G H R E P U T E ,
somewhat, lest for a vain thing I should run, or had run.
l lest perhaps for a vain
tiling I may r u n , or might
AAA 1 ovde TLTOS 6 crvv efxot, 'EXXrjp COP, j have r u n .
But not even Titus he with me, a Greek being,
ji 3 * B u t n o t even Titus,
yvayicacrOr} TrepiTjjLTjOrjpai. Aia 5e
rovs I my associate, though a
was under a necessity to be circumcised. On account of but the Greek, was u n d e r a neces-
sity to be circumcised,
irapeio'aKTOvs tyevdadeXcpovs' (olripes Trapeiar-
secretly introduced false brethren; who stol e 4 on account even of
in to have spied out the freedom of us which (who crept in to spy o u t
our % F R E E D O M which we
^xo/xey €P Xptcrrcp ITJCOV, iva 7]jxas Karadov- possess i n t h e Anointed
we hold is Anointed Jesus, so that us they might Jesus, J so that they might
5 enslave u s - )
Xaxrcovrar) oh ovde irpos wpav €i£a/j.ep ry
enslave;) to whom not even for an hour we yielded by the 5 to whom not even for
an H o u r did we yield by
vTrorayr}, ha 7] aXt]Qeia rov evayyeXiov dia- S U B M I S S I O N ; in order t h a t
submission, in order that the truth of the glad tidings might t t h e T R U T H of t h e G L A D

* VATICAN MAN use RIFT.—3. But not even Titus, my associate, though a Greek.
f 1. Some think that the time specified in this verse, was when the apostle went to Je-
rusalem about the question of ch'cumcision, Acts xv. 4, &c. There is a difficulty in deter-
minining the exact chronology of this visi to Jerusalem, though this was probably the
time, as the apostle says he went up by revelation, and therefore it must have been on im-
portant business. Some contend, however, that (he journey aMuded to was the one men-
tioned in Acts xi. 27, when the congregation at Antioch sent Barnabas and Saul with relief
tor the poor Christians in Judea, but this would not allow sufficient time for the fourteen
years mentioned.
t 20. Rom ix. 1. t 21. Acts ix. 30. t 4. Acts xv. 1, 24 ; 2 Cor. xi. 26. t 4
Gal. v. i, 23. 4. 2 Cor. xi. 2Q ; Gal. iv. 3, 9. I 5. verse 14.
afiap. 2 : 6.] GALATIANS. [Cfcap.2: 14.

6 might remain
p.€ipy Trpos v/uas ATTO 5e Tcav SOKOVP- T I D I N G S
remain t h r o u g h o u t with you. From but of those appearing with you.

reap eipai TJ, oiroioi wore rjcrap, ov$i

ovoep 6 But from THOSE of
t o be s o m e t h i n g , of what sort once t h e y were, n o t h i n g REPUTATION, whatever
, they were formerly is of no
fiot oicupepei-
i t brings; {TrpoareoTTov
(a face Oeos ofavQpamov
God a man n o tov | consequence to me; (J God
AajUjSafer) efioi yap ol doKovpres ovSep] does not accept a Man for
accepts;) to m e for those appearing somewhat n o t h i n g Personal appearance;) for
TrpocravedePTo, ? aXXa rovpapnop, ifiovres, en j TION communicated noth-
communicated, but on t h e contrary, seeing, that
7 But on the CONTRARY,
7Tewicrrevfxai ro evayyeXiop rr]s aKpofivo'- James and Cephas and
I have been entrusted with t h e glad tidings of the uneircum- John,—THOSE SEEMING
riaSy KaQoos Xlerpos yap to be Pillars,—X perceiving
TTJS irepirofxriS) 8
ciiion, even as Peter of the circumcision, he for That I J was entrusted
epepy^o'as Uerpq) eis aTroarroXrjP rrjs for the UNCIRCUMCISION,
h»ving inwardly w r o u g a t in Peter for an apostleship * of t h e even as Peter was for the
irepiro/jirjs, epypyrjo'e nai e/noi eis ra edvr),) C I E C U M C I S I O N ;
circumcision, inwardly w r o u g h t also in m e for t h e gentiles,) 8 (for H E who OPERA-
9 a lv T7 / TED in Peter for the Apos-
Kat yvovTes rrjp x P ?* Sodeurap JXOI^
tleship of the CIRCUMCI-
andhaviugperceived the favor t h a t having been given to m e ,
SION, J operated in me al-
latcoofios Kai Kr)(pas icai Iwapprjs, ol BoKovpres so for the GENTILES ;)
Jame» and Kephas and John, those seeming 9 J and acknowledging
arvXoi eipai, 5e£ms efiooKap ejxoi Kai Bappafiq THAT COMMISSION GIVEN
pillars to b e , r i g h t hands they gave to me and Barnabas to me, gave to me and Bar-
nabas the Right hands of
noipoopias, Ipa rj/neis jxep eis ra edprj, avroi 5e Fellowship, in order that
of fellowship, t h a t we indeed for t h e gentiles, they but
me should be for the G E N -
eis TT)P 7repirojU7]p'
jJLOPOP TCOP 7TTC0XW IV& T I L E S , and tftcg for the
for the circumcision; only of t h e p o o r ones that CIRCUMCISION ;
jxp7]fxopevcojxep' 6 Kai ecnrovdaaa a.vro rovro 10 only urging that we
we should be mindful; which also I strove earnestly same t h i n g this should he mindful of the
n POOH,— % which very thing
•Koi-qaai. 'Ore 8e TjXde Herpos eis Apno- I was even ardently hasten-
to have done. When but came Peter to Antioch,
ing to perform.
Xeiap} Kaira irpoo'coTrop avrq> apreo'rrjp, on 11 But when * Cephas
before face to him I opposed, because came to Antioch, I opposed
Kareyvooo'jxepos r\p. 12
Ylpo rov yap eXdeip Him Face to face, Because
having been blamed he was. Before of t h e for to have come he was blameable.
12 For before certain
rivas airo laKoofiov, fxera TUP eOpoop o'vprjcrdiep' persons CAME from James,
some from James, with the Gentiles he was e a t i n g ;
lie ate together with the
ore 8e yXdop, vireffreXXe Kai a(pccpi('ep eav- G E N T I L E S ; but when they
when b u t t h e y came, he was withdrawing and was separating him- came he withdrew and
13 separated himself, being
rop, (pofHovfMepos rovs Kal afraid of THOSE belonging
e/c Trepirourjs.
gPlf, fearing those of circumcision.
And to the Circumcision.

a-vvvrreKpidrjaap avrq) Kai of Xoiirot lovSatoi' 13 And the OTHER Jews

dissembled with h i m also t h e other Jews; also dissembled with him,
so that even Barnabas was
cixrre Kai Bappafias crvpaTrrjx^f] avrcop rr\ VTTOK- led astray by Their HYPOC%
so t h a t even Barnabas was led astray of t h e m by t h e h y p o c
picrei. AAA' ore eidop, on OVK opQoirodovo'i 14 But when I saw That-
risy. But when I l a w , that not t h e y walk straight
they walked not straight


t 6. Acts x. 34; Rom.ii. 11. t 7- Acts xiii. 46; R o m . i . 5 ; xi. 13; 1 Tim. ii.7 j
2 Tim. i. 11. 1 7 - 1 Thess. ii. 4. X 8. Acts ix. 15; xiii. 2 ; xxii. 21; xxvi. 17, 18 ;;
1 Coi.xv.10- Gal. i. 16; Col. i. 29. t 9. K o m . i . 5 ; xii.3,6; x v . l o ; 1 Cor.xv.lOj'
Eph. iii. 8. % 10. See 1 Cor. xvi. 1 ; 2 Cor. viii. i x .
Chap. 2; 15.] GALATIANS. [ Cfiap. 3 : ^

rrpos T7)V aKydeiav rov evayyeAiov, enrov with respect to % fh<*

with respect to the truth of the glad tidings, iBaid TRUTH Of the GLAD TID-
INGS, I said to * Cephas
rep Tlerpcp e/jLirpoTdei/ iravroov Et <ru, lovdaios Jin the presence of allj
to the Peter inpresencs of all; If thou, aJenf
I " I f tfpu, being a Jew,
virapxw* COUIKCCS £r}S tcai OVK lovbaiKcos, livest like t h e Gentiles,
being, like Gentiles thou livest and not like Jews, and not like the Jews, how
TTCOS ra edvrj avayKa^ns lovfiai^eiv. is it that then dost compel
hov» the Gentiles dost thou compel to Judaize. We the G E N T I L E S to Judaize ?
15 WLe are Jews by
(pvrrti lovfiaioi, Kai OVK e£ cQvt:-v afLaprcoXoi* Natural birth, and not
by nature Jews', and not of Gentile* sinners; X Sinners of the Gentiles;
aborts 8 e , on ov StKaiovrai avQpooiros e£ 16 and {knowing That
knowing and, that not is justified a man by a Man is not justified by
epyoou VO/ULOV, zav /nr) dta irio'rceos Irjrrov "Kpio"- Works of Law, except on
works oflaw, if not on account of faith of Jesus Anointed; account of Faith of
* Christ Jesus, even toe
rov tcai 7]/J.eis €is Xpicrou \T\GOVV ttrio'Tevo'a have believed into * Jesus
and e
we into Anointed Jesus believed, j C h r i s t , SO t h a t w e m a y bff

so that we may be justified by faith of Anointed, and

Because % by Works ol
OVK e£ epycov VO/JLOW SIOTL <?£ epycor vofxov ov Law will no Flesh be justi.
not by works --©flaw; because by worka oflaw not lied."
diKaicodrjcrerai irarra cro^^. ^ Et 8e fyrovpres, 17 But if seeking to be
will be justified all flesh. If but seeking justified by Christ, even
we ourselves are found
direaiwOyjvat sv Xpicrrcp tvptOyfitit tcai avrot Sinners, is Christ then a
to have been justified in Anointed we were found even we ourselves
Servant of Sin? By no
afxaprcoXoiy apa Kpicrros afxaprias fiiaicovos; means.
sinner*, then Anointed of sin a servant? 18 For if £ rebuild those
M'// yevotro. 18
E i yap a KareXvffa, ravra very things 1 pulled down,
Not l e t i t b e . If for what I pull down, these things I constitute Myself a
traXiv oiKofiofia)) irapa^arrju efxavrou (TVUKT- 19 Besides, IE {through
again I build, a transgressor myself Icon- Lsw { died by Law, so that
ravu)% 19 Eyot yap dia vo/xov vojita aireOavov I might {live by God.
etitute. I for on account oflaw bylaw died 20 I have been J cruci-
Iva Beep CT)0~(C. 2 0 "Kpirrrcp avveffravpoajxaf fied'together with Christ;
10 that by God I may live. With Anointed I have been crucified; still I live, yet no longer
E, but Christ lives in m e ;
£eo Se, OVKCTI tyeo, Cv ^ 6 e / / 6/tX0f Xpio'ros* 6 for that life which I now
I live but, no longer I , lives but in me Anointed; the live in the Flesh, { I am liv-
5e vvv £w ev ffapKi, €V Trio'ret £co rjj rov vlov ing * by THAT Faith of the
but now Hive in flesh, by faith I live in the of thar- aon SON of G O D , {who LOVED
rov Oeo-Vy rov ayatrrjerayros fxe Kai irapaBovrosme even to delivering him-
of the God, of that having loved me and having delivered up self up on my behalf.
2i 21 I do not set aside the
kavrov vTrep efxov. OVK aOerca ry\v "xapiv PAVOK of G O D ; {for if
himself in behaif of me. Not I set aside the favor through Law I have Right-
rov Qeov ei yap dia vojxov diKaioffwr), apa eousness, then Christ died
of the God; if for through law justification, then; unnecessarily.
Kpicros doopeav aireQavzv. K E $ . y'. 3 . l H CHAPTER I I I .
Anointed without cause died. O 1 0 Thoughtless Gala-
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—14. Cephas. 16. Christ Jesus. 16. Jesus Christ.
20. by THAT Faith of THAT GOD and Christ, who LOVED me.
t 14. verse 5. { 14. 1 Tim. v. 20. t 14. Acts x, 28; xi. 8. % 15. Matfe.
i x . l l : Eph.ii.8,12. 1 16. Acts xi. 38, S9. + 16. Eom. i. 17; iii.22, 28; yiii. 3;
Gal.iii.24; Heb. vii. 18,10. i 16. Psa.cxliii. 2; Eom.iii.20; Gal.iii. 11. t 19.
Eom. viii. 2. t 19. Eom. vi. 14; vii. 4, 6. J 19. Eom. vii. 11; 2 Cor. v. 15; 1 Thess.
v.10; Heb.ix.14; lPet.iv.2. { 20. Eom. vi.6; Gal. v. 24; vi. 14. J 20o 2 Cor.
v. 15; 1 Thess. v. 10; 1 Pet. iv. 2. t 20. Eph. v. 2; Gal. i. 4 ; Titus ii. 14. $ g.L
Gal. Hi. 21; Heb. vii. 11,
C?iap. 3 : 3.] GALATIANS. \_C1wp. 3 : 11.

avoriToi, Ta\arai, TIS v/nas e^acTKaps ; oh tians! J who has deluded

thoughtless, Galatiam, who you deluded? You, before whose Eyes
to whom
Jesus Christ was previous-
Kar* o<pda\fxovs Irjo'ovs Xpio~Tos irpoeypacpr} ly represented as having
with respect to eyes J«ius Anointed was before set forth heen crucified.
* [ e ^ vfjuv\ earavpoo/jievos. TOVTO fxovov OeXca 2 This only I desire tou
"Among you] having been crucified. This thing only I wish learn from you;—t Did y °
fiadeiv acp* V/JLOOV e£ tpyccv vo/iov TO irvev- receive the SPIRIT on ac-
to hare learned from you; on account of works of law the spirit count of Works of Law,
3 or on account of Obedience
fia eA.a/3€Te, rj e| aKOTjsirio'Tecos; 0 & - of Faith?
did you receive, or on account of a hearing of faith? So 3 Are you so thought-
TCOS avorjTOi €0~T€; evap^a/JLevoi irvev/xaTi, vvv less? JPIaving begun in
thoughtles* are you ? having begun inspirit, now Spirit, are you now being
caput eiriTeXeicrOe ; 4
Tocrairra 67ra06re made perfect in Mesh ?
i» flesh are you being made perfect? So many thing* you suffered 4 Have you suffered so
5f Much for nothing ? if in-
ciKT); eiye Kai HKT], O ovv eyrtxo- deed it i3 for nothing.
without cause ? if indeed even without cause. He then supply. 5 J H E then SUPPLYING
prjyoov i/jLLiv TO Trvevjia, KCU evcpy&v Svva/JLtis ev to you the SPIRIT, and per-
ing to you the spirit, and working miracle* among forming Miracles among
6/uLiVf e£ epycav VOIXOV9 t] e£ atcoris you, does he these on ac-
you, on account of work* of law, or on account of obedience
count of Works of Lav/, or
on account of Obedience of
irio'Ttoos; Kadcos Aftpaa/J. eTrio'Tevo'e TO) Beep, Faith?
of faith? tren as Abraam believed in the God, 6 even as Abraham i"bc-
Kai eXoyto'df] avTcp eis SiKaiocrvvrjv. ? Yivooo"- "lieved GOD, and it was
and i t wa» counted to him for righteousness. Knowyou " counted to him for Right-
K€T€ apd, OTt 01 €K 7TlO'T€C0Si OVTOl €lO"lV VlOl
certainly, that tho*C of faith, these «r« »ons 7 Know you, certainly,
X That THOSE of Faith,
Afipaa/x. TlpoiSovcra 8e 7} ypcupr], STI e/c TTLCT- these are Sons of Abraham.
•f Abraam, Having before seen and the writing, that by faith 8 And the SCRIPTURE,
T6o>s Sittaioi Ta eOvr] 6 Oeos, TrpoevrjyyeAio'aTO having foreseen That GOD
justifies t h e nations the God, before announced glad tiding* would justify the NATIONS
by Faith, previously an-
T(f Afipaa/JL' 'OTI evevKoyqO-qo'oVTai ev o"oi nounced glad tidings to
,o the Abraam; That shall be blessed in thee ABRAHAM, That J "In thee
iravTa Ta zBvr\. 9 "shall All the NATIONS be
' H c r r e ol e/c TTKTTCWS, ev\o- "blessed."
all the nations. So that those of faith, are
10 9 THOSE of Faith, there-
yovvTcu aw T<p iricrTtp Afipaafx. 'Oo'oi yap fore, are blessed with B E -
blessed with the believing Abraam. A» many as for LIEVING Abraham.
e£ epycav VOJXOV eto'iv, viro KaTapav 10 For as many as are
ticriw 'yey-
of works of law are, under of Works of Law are under
a curse they are; i t has
a Curse; for it has been
paiTTai yap' 'OTI ewiKaTapaTos iras 6s ovic €fi- written, J " Accursed is
been written for; That accursed every one who not con- " every one who continues
fi*V€i €V vaGi TOIS ycypa/Ufxevois ev Ty fiifiXici> "not in All those THINGS
tinues in all things those having been written in the book " H A V I N G BEEN WRITTEN
n " i n the BOOK of the LAW
TOV vofjiov, TOV Tronjo'aL avTa. OTI Se ev
of the law, of t h j to have done them. " t o do them."
That but by
11 Besides, That no one
vofxu) ovbeis hiKaiovTai irapa Tq> Bzcp, dTj\ov J is justified by Law be-
law no one injustified before the God, clear} fore GOD is clear; Be-
OTI 6 8iKaio$ I-K irio"T€oos, £r}o-€Tar 12 o 5e cause, X " T h e RIGHTEOUS
Because th* just by faith, *halllive; the but " b y Faith, shall live."

* VATIGAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. among- you—omit.

1. Gal. v. 7- t 2. .Acts viii. 15; Eph. i. 13 t t 3. Gal. iv. 9. J 5. 2 Cor
iii....5. X 6. Gen. I T . 6; Rom. iv. 3, 9, 21, 23 ; James ii. 23. X 7. John. viii. 39
Rom. iv. 11,12,16. X 8. Gen. xii. 3 ; xviii. 18; xmii. 18; Acts Hi. 35. £ 10. Deufc
*xvii. 26; Jer. xi. 3* t 11. Gal. ii. 16. i 1U Hab. ii. 4 \ Rom. i, Vf\ Heb. x. 88.
.•fiap. 3 : 12.]
GALATIANS. [ Cliap. 3 : 20.

VOJXOS OVK earip e/c Tricreoos' aAA' 6 Troi7)(ras 12 Now t h e L A W is not

law not is of faith; of 1'aith; b u t % " H E I I A V -
but the one having done
avra, fao-erai ep avrois. " T N G D O N E these t h i n g s
these things, shalllive by them. usXpl(TTOS
TjfXaS "shall live by t h e m . "
13 % Christ has redeemed
G^Tjyoparrei/ etc rrjs Karapas rov pofxov, yepo/xe- Us from t h e C U R S E of t h e
bought off from the curse of the law, having be- LAW, having become a
pos virep rifxcov Karapa' (yeypairrai yap' Eiri- Curse on o u r behalf; (for
Q onae on behalf of us a curse; (it has been written for; Ac- it h a s been written,
X" E V E R Y O N E who is
Karaparos iras 0 Kpefxafxepos eiri
£ u A o t r ) " H A N G E D on a T r e e is ac-
cursed every one ha
being bung on a tree;)
" cursed;")
Iva 6/s ra eCpyj ?; evXoyia rov Afipaa/LL yevrj- 14 J so t h a t t h e B L E S S -
so that for the nationsthe blessing of the Abraain
might I N G of A B R A H A M m i g h t be
rat ep Xpicrcf} \T)CTOV) Iva rt]p eirayyeXiap rov for t h e N A T I O N S , by Christ
be in Anointed Jesus, that the annunciation of the J e s u s ; and t h a t t h r o u g h
15 t h e F A I T H we m i g h t r e -
irpevparos Xafioofiep dia rrjs iricrrecos. A S e A - ceive t h e A N N U N C I A T I O N
spirit we might receive through the faith. Brethren,
of t h e S P I R I T .
(poi9 Kara avQpooirov Xeyco' Sficvs avdpwirov
15 Brethren, I speak ac-
according to man I speak; though of a man
cording t o m a n ; — n o one
K€Kvpoo/Li€P7]vdia6r}K7}Uovfieis aderei 77 eTTidiarao'- sets aside or superadds
having been ratified a covenant no one sets aside or superadds. conditions to J a ratified
16 Compact, though h u m a n .
(ferai. Tcp 5 e A(3paajj. eppr^dyjcrap at errayyc-
To thenow Abraara were spoken the promi- 16 Now t o A B R A H A M
were t h e P R O M I S E S spoken.
Kiaif tcai TO) crrcepjxan avrov. Ov Xeyer Kcu even for his S E E D . H e
ses, even for the seed ofhim, Not he says, And does n o t say, " A n d to t h e
rots o"irep/jLao~ivi w s etn TTOXXOJP, a A A ' 00s e<£' S E E D S , " as concerning
to the seeds, as concerning many, but asconcerning many, h u t as concerning
hvos' Kcu Tcu o"rrepfxari crov bs earn Xpiaros. one • X " And to t h y
one; And to the seed of thee; who is Anointed. " S E E D , " — w h o is Christ.
17 Now t h i s I affirm,
*? Tovro 5e Xeyco' dtaOrjKrjp irpoKeKvppcofxeprjp
This but I say; a covenant
t h a t a Covenant-engage-
previously ratified
ment previously ratified by
vivo rov Oeov *[eis Xpio'rop^ 6 fxera rerpaKo- G O D , t h e L A W , $ issued
hy the God [concerning Anointed,] that after four hun- Tour h u n d r e d and Thirty
tria Kai rpiaKovra err} yeyopoos VOJXOS OVK afev- Years afterwards does n o t
dred and thirty years having become *law not an- a n n u l , J so a s to I N V A L I -
poi, eis TO Karapyr]o~ai rrjp eirayyeXiap' 18
ei D A T E t h e P R O M I S E ;
nuls, go as the to have canceled the promise; if 18 for if t h e I N H E R I T -
A N C E be by L A W , J i t is no
7 a ^ €K vofxov 7} KXrjpovo/uia, ovKeri e£ eirayye- longer by P r o m i s e ; Inxt
for ^y law the inheritance, no longer by promise;
G O D graciously gave it to
\ias> rev de Afipaafi oY eirayyeXias Ke^anta"- A B R A H A M by Promise.
tothebut Abraam through promise has freely 19 W h y t h e n t h e LAAV ?
rat 6 deos. 19
Ti ovv b POJXOS , TOOP irapafia- I t was appointed on a c -
given the God. "Why then the transgres- c o u n t o f T R A N S G R E S S I O N S ,
law ? The
till X t h e SEED should
s o r XaPiV ereOrj, (axpis ov
tXdrj come to whom t h e promise
sions on account of it was appointed, (to which time should have come
related ; X having been
10 cnrep/na, o> eirrjyyeXrai,) diarayeis instituted by means of
the seed, to whom it has been promised,) having been instituted Angels, i n t h e h a n d of J a
5Y ayyeXoov, ep X(LPL V-eo'iTov. 20
' O 5e Mediator.
by means o messengers, in hand of a mediator. The but SO Of one party, how-
fj.ecrir7]S epos OVK eo'rip' 6 8e deos eis earip. ever, lie is n o t t h e M E D I A -
mediator of one not he is; the but God one is. T O R ; J b u t C O D is one.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—concerning'Anointed—omit..
f 12. Lev. xviii. 5; Neh. ix 20; Ezek. xx. 11; Rom. x. 5. X 13. Rom. viii. 3 ; 2 Cor.
V 21 • Gal.iv. 5. 1 13. Dent. xxi. 23. J 14. E o n . iv. 9,16. X 15. Heb. ix. 17.
t 16.'Gen.xii.7. t 17- ExocLxii. 40,41. 1 1?. Rom.iv. 13; verse 21. t 1&
Rom iv.14. t 19. verse 16. I 10. Acts vii. 53 ; Heb. ii. 2. t 19. Exod. xx,
t% 21, 22 i Dent, v. 5, 22, 23, 27, 31. t 20. Rom. iii. 29, 30.
amp. 3: 21.] GALATIANS. £<***•*»*•
tl r 21 Is the LAW then con.
O ouv VO/AOS Kara rccv eTrayyeXicav *[TOU
The then law contrary to the promises trary to the PROMISES ?
[of the
By no means j for if a
dzov;] MT] ycvoiro. Et 7 a p e5o07j vofxos 6 Law were given which was
God?] Not letitbe. If for was given alaw that
able to make alive, cer-
dvva[i€Vos £c0Oiroi7](rai, ovroos av CK VO/JLOV r\v 7]tainly RIGHTEOUSNESS
being able to have made alive, truly by law was the would come from that
Zutaiovvvrr 2 2 aAAa awe/cAeirrej' T) ypacprj ra Law j
righteousness; but shut up together the scripture the 22 but the SCRIPTURE
fravra VTTO a/xapriav, Iva e/c has shut up itogether
i) eirayycXia n
all things under sin, in order that the promise by under Sin, X order that
the PROMISE by Paith oi
vi(rr€cas Irjcrov Xpiarov 80677 rois iriar^vovo'i. Jesus Christ might be
faith of Jesus Anointedmightbe givento the believers. given to the BELIEVERS.
Upo rov 5e e\Qeiv ri\v iriarriv, VTTO vofxov 23 And before the COM-
Before the but to have come the faith, under law ING of that EAITH, we were
c(ppovpovjj,eBa &vyK£K\eMTp.evoi eis ri)V /xeAAou- guarded under Law, being
«e were guarded being shut up together for the being shut up together for the
crav TTLCTTIV a7roKa\v<pQy]vai. ricrre
vofios revealed. 6
about faith to have been revealed. So that the law 24 So that the LAW has
iraifiaywyos yfxw yeyovev, eis Xpto'rov, iva CK become our + Pedagogue
a child-leader of us has become, to Anointed, that by to lead to Christ, % that w e
TTKfreoos SiKaiooOtofxev 2 5 eXOovcyis 5e rr)S 7ricr- \ might be justified by Paith.
faith we might be justified; having come but the faith, [i 25 But the ^ A I T H hav-
i ing come, we are no longer
Tecos, ovicert VTTO iraiSaycoyov eo~p.€V. Tlav- I under a Pedagogue ;
no longer under a child-leader we are. All 26 since you are all
res yap VIOL Oeov earre dia rrjs Trio'reccs ev • % Sons of God, through the
for sons of God you are through the faith by • EAITH, by Christ Jesus.
Xpio'Tcp Irjffov 2/
6o~oi yap eis Xpicrrov e/3a7r- i you27 Besides, J as many of
as were immersed into
Anointed Jesus; as many as for into Anointed were
. Christ, were clothed with
rio'drjre, Xpicrrov evecyvo'ao'Oe. 2 8 OVK evi lov- j Christ.
dipped, Anointed you were clothed. Notthereis a ; 28 t I n him there is not
Satos, ovde 'EA.A.TJV OVK evi SovAos, ouSe eAev- ' Jew nor Greek; there is
Jew, nor a Greek; not there is a slave, nor a
not a Slave nor a Prce-
jman; there is not Male
Oepos' OUK evi apcrev Kai Qr}\v iravres yap ; and Pemale; for YOU all
freeman; not there is male and female; all for are t o n e in Christ Jesus;
v/xeis eis ecrre ez> Xpiarca \y)o~ov 2 9 et 5e vjxeis Christ, 29 and if YOU belong to
you one are in Anointed Jesus; if but you
certainly you are
ABRAHAM'S Seed, % and
Xpiorrovi apa rov AfBpaafx arirep/jLa ecre, ^[tcai"] Heirs according to Prom-
of Anointed, certainly of th« Abraam Beed you are, [and] ise.
icar* eirayyeXiav K\7\povo}xoi. KE<t>. 5'. 4 . CHAPTER IV.
according to promise heirs.
1 1 Now I say, for as long
Aeyca Se, € ^ 6(Tov XP0V0U 0
(Arjpovo^os a Time as the H E I R is a
1 say now, for as long as a time the heir
Child, he differs in nothing
V7]TUOS ecrr&v, ovdev f)ia<pepei SouAou, Kvpios from a SJave, Lord of all
a child. is, nothing he differs a slave, lord though he b e ;
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. of GOD,—omit. 29. and— omit.
t 24. "Vaidagoogos, from pais, a child, and agoogos, a leader, which among the Greeks
properly signified a servant whose business i t was constantly to attend on his .young mas-
ter, to watch over his behavior, and particularly t o lead [agein) him to and from school,
and the place of exercise. These paidagoogoi were generally slaves, imperious and »evere,
and so better corresponded to the Jewish teachers and Jewish law, to which the term is ap*
plied by Paul."—Parkhurst.
X 22. Bom. iii. 9,19, 23; xi. 32. J 24. Acts xiii. 37; Gal. ii. 16. t 26. John i.
12; Rom.viii. 14-16; Gal. iv. 4,15; 1 John iii. 1, 2. X 27. Rom. vi. 3. t 28* Rom. x. 12;
i G o r . x n . 13; Col. iii. 11. t 28. Eph. ii.14—16; iv.4,15. t 29. Rom. viii. 17,'
iv. 7, '28, Eph. iii. 6.
Chap. 4 : 2.] GALATIANS. [dtidp. 4 : 1 8 .
2 2 but is under Guar-
iravrcov wv aXXa VTTO eTrtrpoirovs eo'ri teat, oi-
ofall being; but under guardians itia and s t e w dians and Stewards, till
Kovofiovs, a>XPl Tr s
i Trpodscrixias rov irarpos. MINED Of the FATHER.
ardB, till tht before-appointed ofthe father.
8 Thus we also, when
OuTtV Kttl 7)fJL€lSy OT€ YjfieV V7J7T10I, VTTO T « we were Children, J were
So alto we, when we were children, under the enslaved under the RUDI-
CTOi^em rov KOfffxov rjfiev SedovXccfxevoi' 6 T € MENTS of the WORLD.
rudiments o f t h e world we were having been enslaved; when 4 But X when the COM-
PLETION of the TIME ar-
Se 7}XBe TO irXripoojxa. rov yjpovov^ e£a7rerrTeiAej/ rived, GOD sent forth his
l)ut came t h e fulness ofthe time,
l e n t forth
SON, J having been pro-
h Oeos rov vlov avrov, yevo/nevov CK yvvaiKOS, duced from a Woman,
the God t h e eon of himself, having been born from a woman, J born under Law,
5 Jin order that he might
having been born under law, i n order that those under law redeem THOSE under Law,
X that we might receive the
e£ayopao~r}t ha rt\v vlodtcriav aTroXaj3(i>/j.€V. SONSHIP.
h e m i g h t buy off, t h a t the sonship we might receive. 6 And Because you are
' O T * 8e eo*T6 vloi, e^aireo-reiXev * [ o Oeos~\ Sons, he sent forth J the
Became and y o u are cons, h e gent forth [ t h e God] SPIRIT of his SON inter
TO irvev/na TOU VLOV avrov eis ras KapSias rjfxccVf our HEARTS, exclaiming,
the spirit o f t h e son of himielf into t h e hearts of us, Abb*! Father!
7 So that thou art no
tcpafrv A/3/3a, d Trarrjp. f'Cl&re ovKert ei longer a Slave, but a Son,
crying; Abba, t h e father. So that n o longer thouart J and if a Son, also an
dovXos, aXX* vlos* et de vios, Kai KXj}povofxos Heir * of God.
a slave, but a s o n ; i f but a son, also an heir
8 But at that time, in-
6eov * [ 5 m Xpicrrov.^ AXXa rore p.evy OVK deed, not knowing God,
o f God [through Anointed.] But then indeed, n o t J you were enslaved to
ciSores dcov, eSovAevrrctTe rois (pv&ei (xi) ovo't THOSE by Nature who ABB
k n o w i n g G o d , y o u were enslaved t o those by nature n o t being not Gods;
deois* 9) vvv 5e, yvovres Oeov, fxaXXov Se yvc*>o~- 9 now, however, haring
gods; n o w but,havingknown God, more and having acknowledged God, (or
rather having been ac-
Sevres VTTO deov, ircos eirtcrrpetyere rcaXiv eiri ra knowledged by God,) X bow
been known by God, h o w do y o u turn back again t o the is it you are returning
atrOevr) Kai Trro>x crrotx^iay ois iraXiv avcoOev again to J the WEAK and
weak and poor rudiments, t o which again as as first Poor Rudiments, to which
i0< again, as at first, you wish
dovX.cveiv OeXtre; HfAtpas nrapar^peicrQci to be in subjection?
be in subjection y o u wish? Days y o u watch narrowly?
10 J Are you observing
Kai firjvas Kai Kaipovs Kai eviavrovs; 4>o£ot>- Days, and Moons, and
and m o o n s and seasons and years? l a m Seasons, and Years ?

fiat vfxas9 [XTJTTOOS CIKTJ KeKomaKa eis vfias. 11 I am afraid for you,
afraid y o u , lest perhaps i n vain I labored hard for y o u . lest J perhaps I may have
labored for you in vain.
TtV€ar0€ &s eyco9 6rt Kqya> ebs v/xeis' aSeX- 12 Brethren, I entreat
B e c o m e y o u as I, for even I as you; breth- you to be as E am, For £

(poi9 Seo/xat hfxo>v ovdev fxe yStKricrare. 13

O i - am as c m were; you in-
ren, I entreat y o u ; n o t h i n g me y o u wronged. "Sou jured Me in nothing j
13 And you know X That
Sare 8e, on 5Y aa-deviav rrjs arapKos evayye- through Weakness of the
know but, that through weakness ofthe flesh I announced FLESH I ORIGINALLY an-


7. through Anointed—omit. 7. through God.
X 8. verse 9; Gal. v. 1; Col. ii. 8, 20; Heb. ix. 10. $ 4. Gen. xlix. 10; Dan. ix. 2i.
Mark i. 15. X 4. Geri. iii. 15; Isa. vii. 14; Matt. i. 23. J 4. Luke ii. 27. t 5:
Gal.iii.13; 1 Pet. i. 18,19. X 5- John i. 18; Gal. iii. 26; E p h . i . 5. X 6« Rom. viii. 15.
X 7. Rom. viii. 16,17; Gal. iii. 29. J 8. Rom. i. 25; 1 Cor. xii. 2. X 9. Gal. iii. 3 ;
Col,ii. 20. : 9. Rom. viii. 3; Heb. vii. 18. % 10. Rom.xiv. 5 ; Col.ii. 16. X -11.*
21 v. 2,4; 1 Thess.iii. 5. t 13. 1 Cor. ii. 3 ; 2 Cor. xi. 30 j xii. 7» 9.
Ifiap. 4 : 14.] [CJiap, 4 ; %4»
XiGap.t\v V/JLIU ro Kat rov Tretpaa/jiov nounced glad tidings to
glad tidings to you the formerly, you;
and the
14 and * THAT TRIAL
fiov TOP ev rrj o'apKt fxov OVK e^ovOfyrja'are ou5e
of me that in t h e flesh of me n o t y o u despised nor of mine which WHS in my
FLESH, you did not des-
s^enrvo'aTf aXX" WS ayyeXov 8eov e5a£afr0e pise; nor did you reject
did you spit out; but as a messenger o f God you received me, but received me J a s a
l5 Messenger of God, X CVLU
/i,e, ODS XpiffTOv Irjarovy. Tts ovv T)V 6 fxaKa- as Christ Jesus.
; ne, even as Anointed Jesus. What then was the benedic-
15 *What then were
pKTfjuos vfuav; fxaprvpca yap v/ntv, on, €i $vva- your" B E N E D I C T I O N S ! f o r
tion c f youf 1 testify for t o you, that, if able, I bear you witness, That,
if possible, you would have
Toy, rovs o<()6aXp.ovs vfioov c^opv^avres ay eSco- dug out your EYES, and
the eyes of you having; dug out would you
given them to me.
Kare fxot. 16 'Q.o're ex^pos v/j,(av yeyova aXrj- 16 So that I hare be-
give tome. So that an enemy of you have I become speak- come your Enemy, | by
li telling you the truth !
Ocvcov bfxiv ; ZTJXOVCIV vjxas ov KaXeos' 17 They love you ar-
i ng truth to y o u ? They show affection towards y o u n o t honorably;
dently. not honorably;
aXXot €KK\€t<rai vjxas OsXovo'iv, Iva avrovs £r)- but they desire *to exclude
but t o have shut out y o u they wish, so that them y o u us, so that you may love
Them ardently.
Xovre. KaXov 8e " ^ [ r o j faXovo'dat ev 18 Now, it *is honorable
may ardently love. Honorable but [ t h e ] t o be ardently devoiedin to be ardently devoted to-

KaXco iravrore, /ecu fxrj fxovov ev rep irapeivat wards a good cause, at all
a good thing at all times, and n o t only in t h e t o be present times; and not only during
lQ my PRESENCE with you,
'/xe rrpos vf/,as. TeKvia /xov, ovs iraXtv ooSivec, 19 O my Little childrenl
me with y o u . O little children ofme, whom again I am bearing,
J whom I am bearing
axpis ob fxop<pcodtj Xpiarros ey v/Lttv 207]deXoy again, till Christ be formed
till may have been formed Anointed in you; 1 could with ill you j
5e irapetvat rrpos v/Jtas aprt, Kat aXXa^at rt\v 20 and I could wish to
but to be present with you now, and to change the
be present with you now,
and to change my TONE ;
<p(nvt]v /xov Sri airopovfxot ey vfji.iv. Aeyere Because I am perplexed
' tone o f m e ; because I am perplexed with you. Speak you concerning you.

/not, ol VTTO vofxov BeXoyres nvai, rov VOJJLOV SI Tell me, YOU who
t o m e , t h o s e »nder law desiring t o be, the law are DESIRING to be under
22 TeypaTrrat
Law, do you not hear the
pK aKOvere; yap, 6rt Aftpaa/j. LAW?
aot do y o u hear? It has been written for, that Abraan>
22 For i t has been writ-
€pm va K r
Svo vlovs eo~x * * VS irat^to'KrjSj Kat ten, That Abraham had
two son* had; one from the bond-woman, and Two Sons; J one from the
23 BOND-WOMAN, and J one
eva €K rris eXevdepas. AAA* 5 ^[[itv'] CK rt)S from the FREE-WOMAN.
• ne from the free-woman. But that [indeed[ from t h e
23 Now, J the one from
iratdto'K7]s, Kara capKa yeyevyrar 6 5e €K the BOND-WOMAN was na-
bond-woman, according t o flesh has been born; that but from turally produced; Jbut
TTJS eXevdepas, 5:a rrjs eirrayyeXias. 24
'Ariva the other from the FRKK-
the free-woman, through th.e promise. Which things WOMAN was through the
f&rtv aXXriyopovfieva' avrat yap et&i 5i/o
24 Which things are al-
is being adapted t o anothermeaning; these for are two
legorical; for these repre-
ZtaOrjKai' fxia fief arro opovs "Stvi, eis SovXetav sent Two Covenants; one
covenants; one indeed from mount Sinai, for servitude indeed from Mount Sinai,

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—14. your TRIAL which was in my FLESH. 15. Where

then. 17. to exclude us, so that. 18. the—omit. 23. indeed—omit,
1 14. 2. Sam. xix. 27; Mai. it. 7. X 14. John xiii. 20. % 16. Gal. ii. 5,14
I 19. 1 Cor. iv. 15; Philemon 10; James i. 1&. J 22. Gen. xvi. 15. + 22. Gen xxi,
% t 23. Rom. ix. 7. X 23. Gen. xviii. 10,14; xxi. 1, 2; Heb. xi. l-l.
iC/iap. &: 2.
map. 4 : 25.]
7e^^cco"a, 7/Tts ea"riy Aya/r 25 TO 7<xp A y c t p , breeding children for Ser<
bringing forth, which is Agar; the for Agar, vitude;—'that is Hagar.
25 Now f H A G A R signi-
2 i ^ a opos €(TTii ev rrj Apafiiq, crvaroixoi Se rrj fies Sinai—(a Mountain in
Sinais-monntain i t is in t h e Arabia, i t corresponds s t n d t o t h e A R A B I A , ) — a n d i t corres-
ponds t o t h e P R E S E N T J e -
vvv *l€pov(fa\i}fi) SovAevei yap jxtra, roov reK- rusalem, for she is in bon-
present Jerusalem, she is in bondage for with t h e children dage with lier C H I L D R E N .
26 26 But the EXALTED
voov avrr\s' 7] 5 e avco 'lepovrraXrun, eXevOepa
of herself} t h e b u t above
Jerusalem represents the
Jerusalem, a free-woman
Krce-woman, who is our
•€(TTII/9 j]Tts £<TTL fX7]rrjft TJ/JLCOV 2? ytypairrai yap' Mother.
is, who is a mother of u s ; i t has been written f o r ; 27 Eor i t has been writ-
ten, J "Rejoice, 0 Barren
Ev<ppavdr}Ti crreipa 7] ov riKrovcra, pTj^ov Kat " w o m a n , W H O dost not
Be thou made glad O barren w h o n o t is bearing, burst t h o u forth and "BRING FORTH! Burst
"forth and shout, T H O U
Bor)(Tov 7} OVK cofiivovcra' on iroWa ra reKva " w h o a r t n o t in L A B O R ;
i h o u t t h o u who n o t is bringing t o birth; because many the children
" T o r m a n y more are t h e
TTjs eprj/j.ov fxaXXov 7] rr]s exovo~7)s rov avfipa. " Cll I L D R E N o f t h e D E S E R -
of thede*erted one more t h a n of the one having t h e husband. " T E D o n e , t h a n of H E R
"having the H U S B A N D . "
-8 'H/u.€is S e , a5eAc/)0£, Kara laaux, 28 Now *gou, Brethren,
"We n o w , brethren, like like Isaac, a r e % Children
Isaac, of a p r o m i s e
of a Promise.
rtKva ecrixev. 2 9 AAA.' oocnrtp rore 6 Kara <rapica 29 B u t j u s t as t h e n ,
children are. But jus* as t h e n heaccording to flesh t t h e o n e BOKN according
to Flesh, persecuted H I M
yevv7\0eis e$iooK€ rov Kara irvev/xa, o'jrca Kat born according t o S p i r i t ;
being born persecuted h i m according to spirit, so also so also now.
30 30 B u t w h a t says J t h e
vvv. AAAcc TI A e y e i f) ypatyrj ; E/c/3aAe r-qv
now. But what says the writing? Cast out the
SCRIPTURE? J " Cast o u t
"the BOND-WOMAN and
Trai3i(TK7]V Kai rov viov avrrjS' ov yap /JLTJ KXTJ- "her S O N ; for J t h e SON
bond-woman and t h e son of h e r ; not for not should "of the BOND-WOMAN
" s h o u l d n o t be an heir
povofirjo-p 6 vtos rris 7raidi(TK7]s fiera rov viov " w i t h t h e SON of the E R E E -
inherit t h e son of t h e bond-woman with the son " WOMAN."
31 3 1 * Wherefore, Breth-
rrjs tXevdepas. Apa, aSeXcpoi, OVK ecr/aev
of t h e free-woman. Then, brethren, not we are ren, we are not Children of
a Bond-woman, J b u t of
7rai5io'K7}s reKva, aXXa rt}s eXzvdepas. KE<£. t h e E R E E - W O M A N .
of bond-woman children, but of t h e free-woman.
C H A P T E R V.
/ ;\ 1
TT; eXevdzpia 7] Tjfxas Xpicrros
€- . In t h e freedom with which us Anointed 1 J In the EREEDOM
with which Christ made
TjAeuflepoxre, crr]Kcr€, Kai fXT] TraXiv fryw $ov- U s free, therefore, stand
mad« free, s t a n d you firm, a n d n o t again in a y o k e of you firm, and do n o t again
be held fast in J a Yoke of
Xeias evexeo'de. I 5 e , eyco, TlavAos Xzyoo vfiiv, Servitude.
bondage be you held fast. Lo, I, Paul say t o you,
2 Behold! 3E Paul say to

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—28. Now SOU Brethren. 31. Wherefore, Brethren, we

are not.
t 25. Grotius says, Sinai is called Hagar or Agar synecdochially, because in that moun;
tain there was a city which bare Hagar's name. By Pliny, i t is called Agar; and by Bio,
Agara; and its inhabitants were called Hagarenes. Psa. lxxxiii. 6. The later Greek writ-
ers likewise call them Agareni. Whitby thinks the allusior is taken from the meaning of
hagar, which in the Hebrew language signifies a rock; for so Sinai is sometimes called,
Exod. xxxiii. 2'2.— Macknirjhf. In Arabic it means a rock, or rocky mountain, and as Sinai
is remarkably such, it might be called to agar, the rock.—Bloomfield.
i 27. Isa.liv. 1. J 28. Actsiil.25; Horn. ix. 8; Gal.iii. 29. J 29. Gen. xxi "
J 30. Gal. iii. 8, 22. J 30. Gen. xxi. 10, IS. \ 30. John viii. 35. 1 31. John
viii. 36; Gal. v. 1,13. t 1. John viii. 32; Rom. vi. 18; 1 Pet. ii. 16. J 1. Acts xv.1
10; Gal.ii.4; iv.9.
Vhap. 5: 3.3 GAL.ATIANS. [ Chap. 5: 13.

Sri sav 7r €pir€/uLvmo-9e, Xpicrros vjmas ovSev oocpe- you, % That if ycu should
t h a t if circurncisedyoushould be, Anointed you nothing will be circumcised, Christ will
\r)(ret* *jAapTvpofxcu 5e iraKiv iravrt avQpcaircp be of no benefit to you.
profit; 1! testify but again to every man 3 And I testify again to
Every circumcised Man,
7repLT€/u,yo^ieucf)t on ocpetXerrjs QITTIV bKov rov % That he is bound to per-
being circumcised, that a debtor heis whole the form the Whole LAW.
VOJXOV Troirjarai. Kary py 7)07}* e CLTTO *\_TOV] 4 % Whoever of you are
law to hive done. You are sec free from [the] justifying yourselves by
%?l<TTOV OITIV6S €1/ VOjXCp SlKCUOV&de' T7}S
Juavv, are separated from
Anointed whoever by law are justifying yourselves; of the Christ; % you are fallen of!
from the FAVOR.
^apiros e£€7recrar€. 5 'H/neis yap Trpevjaari €K 5 ffiSEe, however, are
favor you fell off. We for inspirit from waiting, in Spirit, for a
'iricrreccs eAinSjj tiutaiOffWTjs aireKdexofxeda. J Hope of Righteousness
faith a hope of righteousness we wait for. from Faith.
6 6 For, % in Christ Jesuc,
Ev yap XptcTTca *\_IT}<TOV~\ ours /f^pirofxt) ri neither Circumcision nor
In for Anointed [Jesus] neither circumcision anything Uncircumcision avails any-
iffxvei, OVT€ aKpoftvcma' a\ka mens St5 aya- thing, but J Faith operat-
avails, nor uncircumcisionj but faith through love ing in us by Love.
trrjs evepyovfxsvT). ? E r p e x e T e Ra\c*>s' rts v/ 7 You were running
strongly working. You were running *fell; who you well; who hindered You
from confiding in the
tveKoxpe ¥r[rr)~], a\7]0eia fxe treiQecrQai. 8 'H Truth ?
hindered [in the] truth not to corinde. The 8 This PEKSUASTON is
TreicrjULOvr) OVK e/c rov KaXovvros vfias. Miftpanot from J H I M INVITING
j>ersua»ion not from She one calling you. A little you.
ivp.1} b\ov ro tyvpafxa £VJLLOI„ 10 Eya> ireTroida 9 J A Little Leaven fer-
leaven whole the mass it leavens. I have confidence ments the Whole MASS.
10 J I have confidence
eis vjuas *\_tv Kvpioj,^ on ovdey 0AA0 <ppo- respecting you, That you
re*pectingyou [in Lord,] that no one other thing you will not regard any other
PT}76re- 6 8e rapacrcroot/ vfxas fiacrracrei ro Kpt- thing; but % H E who
TROUBLES you, whoever
Will mind; the but one troubling you shall bear the judg-
he be, % shall bear the
.fjity herns <XP 77. Eyoo §e, aSeXcpot,, ei irzpi- JUDGMENT.
ment, whoever he may be. I but, brethren, IL circum- 11 J And 3E, Brethren,
Toixy]U ert fcr}pv(T(Tcof n en SiccKOfxai ; apa cision, if 1 still proclaim Circum-
cisiou still f publish, why still am I persecuted? then
why am I still per-
secuted? * Has, indeed,
KaTrjpyrjTai ro o~itav$ahov rov cravpov. X the SCANDAL of the
has been abolished the stumbling-block of the cross. CROSS been removed ?
12 f l wish it was;—
*- fOcjyeXov Kat airoKoxpovrai oi avaararovvres but THOSE who are SUB-
I wish even they shall be cut off those overturning
VERTING you shall be cut
v/ 13 trT/j.€LS yap 67r' eXevOepia GK\y)dr)r€, off.
you. You for to freedom were invited, 13 Now, Brethren, gou
were invited to Freedom;
a$e\(poi° /JLOVOV fxrj rr\v e\ev6epiav eis acpopfxrjv only % take care lest this
brethren; only not the freedom for an occasion FREEDOM become an Oc-

* VATICAN MSS.—i. the—omit. 6. Jesus—omit. 7- in the—omit. 10. in Lord—omit.

t 12. Parkhurst says "after all, it may be doubted whether the Greek language will ad«
mit of ophelon being- construed with a future verb ; * * * nor do I know that any one in-
stance of such a construction has been yet produced from any approved Greek writer.
And the uncouthness of the phraseology in Gab v. 12, is farther increasedby the insertion of
tie particle kai before apokopsontai." Bengelius in Gnomen, reads as follows: " Is then th ;
scandal of the cross taken away ? I wish it was. And they shall be cut off thaJ- troublo
you." This rendering has been adopted.
J 2. Acts xv. 1. f 3. Gal. iii. 10. J 4. Kom. ix. 31, 32; Gal. ii. 21. t 1
Heb. xii, 15. t 5. Horn. viii. 21, 25; 2 Tim. iv. 8. t 6. 1 Cor. vii. 10 ; Gal. iii. 28:
'vi. 15; Col. iii. 11. t 6. 1 Thess. i. 3; Jaiies ii. 18, 20, 22. J 8. Gal. i. 6. I 9"
I Cor. v. 6; xv. 33. J 10. 2 Cor. ii. 3; viii. 22. I 10. Gal. i. 7. t 10. 2 Cor'^
x.0. 'i I 11. 1 Cor. i. 23. i 13. 1 Cor. viii-.0; 1 Pet. ii. 10; Jude 4*
B : 14.] GALATIANS. flhap. 8 t 24

TT? crapKiy aAAa 5m rr)s ayairrjs SovXeven aA.-, casion for the FLESH ; but
the flesh, but through the love be y o u subservient to I through LOVE be you
14 subservient to ea£h other.
XT]XOLS. ' O yap iras PO/IOS ep epi Xoycc irKi(]-\
*ach other. The for whole law ill one word i» fully | 14 For X the WHOLE
Law is fully set forth ia
povrai9 ev T(f AyaTrrjcreis rop irXricriov crov as this Single Precept ;—»
tet forth, i n this; Thou shalt love t h e neighbor of t h e e as J " T h o u shalt love thy
feavrop. Et 5e aXXrjXovs fiaKPere Kai " NEIGHBOR as thyself."
thyself. If but , each other y o u bite and. 15 But if you bite and
devour each other, beware
Karecrdiere, (HXeirere, fir} VTTO aXXrjXcop apaXw- lest you be consumed by
each other.
you devour, take you care, leat by each other you maybe
16 Now I say, $Walk
by the Spirit, and fulfil
consumed. not the Desire of the
Ae7o> oV irpevjuari TrepLiraieiTe) Kai crridv^ Flesh.
1 lay butj by spirit walk yaa. and a desire 17 For fthe TL&*LI de-
fiiav crapKos ov /arj reXear}re. ** "R yap yap$ sires the contrary of the
offlesh n o t n o t you should feilfil. The for flesh! SPIEIT, and the S P I E I T the Kara Be irpevfjia contrary of the F L E S H ;
rov Trpevjxaros, ra
desires against the spirit, o t t h e ana spirit i * for these are opposed to
Kara rifjs crapKos' ravra 5e aXXrjXois apriKei~ each ctlier; J so that you
against t h e flesh; these and t o each other are opposed,' do not perform the THINGS
raiy Iva /xrjy a ap BeXrjre, Toirire^ which you wish.
80 that not, the thing* you would wish, these you should do. 18 But $ifyou be led by-
8 Spirit, you are not under
Et 5e Trpev/uLart ayeffOe, OVK ecrre viro vofxoyt Law.
If b u t by spirit you be led, n o t you are under law,
19 Now J the WORKS of
$apepa Se ecrri ra epya rrjs crapKos' artpa the FLESH are manifestly
Manifest b u t i t is t h e work* o f t h e flesh; which things these;—Fornication, Im-
€(Trt Troppeia, afcaOapcrta, affeXyia, 2 0 etSooAoAa- purity, Debauchery,
i t i s form cat is n, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, 20 Idolatry, Sorcery, En-.
rpeia, (papfiaKeia, ex^pai, epeis, Cv^h OV/JLOI,
mities, Quarrels, * Jealou-
sorcery, enmities, quarrels,jealousies,resentments,
sies, Resentments, Alterca-
tions, Factions, Sects,
epidaai^ dt^oaracriat, alpso'€isi 21 (pOovoi, *[</)0- 21 Envyings, Inebrieties,
brawlings, factions, sects, envyings, [mur-
Eevellings, and THiNGb
voi,"] [xeOat, Kcojuot, Kai ra djioia rovrois' SIMILAR to these; respect-
ders,] drunkennesses, revellings, a n d t h e t h i n g s like t o them; ing which I tell you before,
a irpoXeyco v/ntp9 KaOoos *'[xaL^ Trpoenrop, even as I previously told
which things 1 tell before t o y o u , even as [also] I said before, you, % That THOSE who
on ol ra roiaura Trpaacropres f&acriXeiau Ocov PEACTISE SUCH THINGS
shall not inherit God's
t h a t t h e y t h e these things practising a kingdom o f God
ov KXiipopofA7)rrovcriv, 2 2 ' 0 5e Kapirosrov TTPGV- 22 But $the FEUIT of
ngt shall inherit. The but fruit ofthe spirit
the S P I E I T is Love, Joy,
jxaros ccrrip ayairr], xaPa> €iP7Jl/Vy jAaKpodvfAia, Peace, Forbearance, J Kind-
is love, joy, peace, forbearance, ness, X Goodness, Fidelity,
Xprjo-roTTjs, ayaOooa'vpf]i TTIO'TLS, Trpaorrjs, €y Meekness, Self-control;
kindness, goodness, fidelity, roeekness, self- 23 J against SUCH LIKE
Kparaa' 23
Kara reap roiovrcop OVK eo~rt po/aos. THINGS there is no Law.
control; against t h e suchlike not is a law. 24 And THOSE who be-
Ol 5e rov Xpicrrovt rrjp tfapxa ecrravpcoo'ap long to * Christ Jesus,
Those but of the Anointed, the flesh crucified have crucified the FLESH,

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—17. for these. JO. Jealousy. 21. murder—omit,

21. also—omit. 24. Christ Jesus.
t 13. 1 Cor. ix. 19 ; Gal. vi. 2. t U Matt. vii. 12; xxii. 40; James ii. 8. t 14«
Lev. xix. 19; Matt. xxii. 39 ; Rom. xiii. 8, 9. 1 10.; viii. 1, 4,12; xiii. 14?
verse 25; 1 Pet. ii. 11. J 17- Rom. vii. 23; viii. 6, 7. t 17. Rom vii. 15,19.
X 18.; viii. 2. t 19. 1 Cor. iii. 3 ; E p h . v . 3; Col. i i i . 5 ; James iii. 14,15.
X 21. 1 Cor. vi. 9 ; Eph. v. 5 ; Col. iii. 6 ; Rev. xxii. 15. t 22. John xv. 2 ; Eph. v. 9>
* 22. Col. iii. 12; James iii. 17- X 22. Rom.xv.14. J 23. 1 Tim. i. 9*
Chap, 5; 25. ] GAL.ATIANS. [ Map. 6: 10.

crvv TOLS iraBrnxao'L Kai TCUS en-iOvfiiaiS' ei with the PASSIONS and
with the passion* and the desires; if DESIRES.
(oo/nev TTvevjuaTi, irvev/xari Kai Q-TOIX^^P.
35 J If we live by Spirit,
we live by spirit, by spirit also we should walk.
we should also walk by
i6 Spirit.
Mr] yivoojxeda KevoBo^ot, aXkyXovs irpoKa- 26 % We should not be-
Not we should become vain-glorious, each other provoking, come Vain-glorious, pro-
\ov[xevoi> a\\r]\ois cpdovovvres, K E * . <,'. 6 . voking each other, envy-
with each other eavying. ing each other.
A$e\(poi} eav,. Kai Trpo\7}<p6y avQpcowos ev CHAPTER VI.
~ '
Brethren, if, even should be surprised a man in
1 Brethren, J if a Man
:t,vi irapcnrTcafjLaTi, vjxeis ot irvevjuaTLicoi Karap- should be surprised by
'VO' fault, you the spiritual ones do you some "Fault, do YOU, the
r'.feTe TOV TOLOVTOV ev irvev/j.ari irpqorrjTos* SPIRITUAL, reinstate SUCH
*»tate the suchlike with a spirit person with a Spirit of
of meekness j
CKOTTGoy ceavrov, \xt\ Kai ffv ireipaaBris. 2 AWrj-Meekness; J watching thy-
Watohing thyself, lest also thou shouldst be tempted. Ofeach
self, lest tbou also shouldst
be tempted.
Kcov ra fiapr) /3ao'Ta£eTe, Kai ovroos avair\if]p(»)- 2 % Bear you each other's
0' the burdens bear you, and thus fulfil you BURDENS, and thus fulfil
<rave TOV VO/J.OV TOV Xpicrrov. E i yap BoKei Jthe LAW of the ANOINTED
the law ofthe Anointed. If for thinka one.
ris eivai TI, fir/fiev eov, eavrov cppevairara 3 Tor % if any one think
any one to be something, nothing being, himself he deceives
he is something, being no-
thing, he deceives himself;
TO 5e epyov eavrov doKi/aa^Tco ^:\_€Kao~TOSi'] 4 but f let him try hi?
the but work of himself let him try [each one,] own WORK, and then he
Kai Tore eis kavrov /xovov TO Kavxm*<* H*l> Kai will have BOASTING in
and then in himself alone the boastinjrhewillhave,and himself alone, and not in
OVK eis TOV irepov ° efcao'Tos yap ro ISLOV (pop- ANOTHER; e a c u o n e
noi in the otherj each one for the his own bur- 5 for X shall
bear his OWN Burden.
TIQV fiao'rao'eL, Kotvcoveirw 5e 6 Karrixov- 6 $Let the person BE-
deu will bear. Let him communicate but the one being ING TAUGHT the WORD,
uevos TOV Xoyov, rep Karrjxovvri, ev iracriv communicate to the I N -
taught the word, to the one teaching, in all STRUCTOR in All Good
ayadots. ? Mr} irXavarrde' Oeos ov /xvKTrjpi^erai. 7 Do not mistake j J God
good tluags. Not do you mistake; God not is to be mocked at.
is not to be derided. J For
' O ' / a p cav o-nreipy avOpcoiros, TOVTO nut depicrer whatever a Man may sow,
Thatfer if may BOW a man, this also h« willreap; tftta also he will reap;
brt 6 cireipoov eis Tr\v crapita eavrov, CK TTJS 8 % because the one SOW-
because the on* mowing for t h e flesh of himself, from the ING for his FLESH, will
from the TLESH reap Cor-
ffapKOS Qcfxxcrei (pdopav 6 5<? cnreipcov eis TO ruption ; but the one SOW-
flesh he will reap corruption; the but one sowing1 for the ING for the SPIRIT, will
irvevfxa, e/c rov irvev/uaros depiarei ^(JOT\V aicoviov. from the SPTRIT reap aio-
spirit, from of the spirit hewillntap life age-lasting. nian Life.
9 9 Therefore, J we should
To 5e KaXov TTJIOVVTCS p,rj eKKaKcvfiev Kaipcp not flag in Doing WELL ;
The but g o d doing not we should flag; in aseason for we shall reap, at the
yap iSicp depio'o/j.ev, fj.7] eKXvofievoi. Apa proper season, J if we do
for its own we shall r?ap, not fainting. So not relax.
*vv? oos ttaipov exo/J-zv, epyafafxeOa TO ayaQov 10 So then, as we have
then, as opportunity w«. Aave, we should work the good Opportunity, }we should

* VATICAN MANUSCHIITT.—4. each one—omit.

t 25. Eom. viii. 4, 5; ferse 1G. J 26. Phil. ii. 3. J 1. Heb. xii. 13; James v. 19.
| 1. 1 Cor. x. 12. P> J 2. Rom. xv. l. j 2. John xiii. 14,15, 34; 1 John iv. 21.
t 3. Rom. xii. 3. J 4. 2 Cor. xiii. 5. J 5. 1 Cor. iii. 3. t 6. Rom. xv. 27:
1 Cor. ix. 11,14. t 7. Job xiii. 9. t 7- L u k e x v i . 2 5 ; Rom. ii. 6; 2 Cor. ix.6
18. J o b . i v . 8 ; Prov. .<i. 18; xxii.8; I rosea viii. 7; x. 12; Rom. viii. 13 ; James iii. 18
; 9. 2 Thess. iii. 13; I Cor. xv. 58. % %. Heb. x. 3G ; Rev. ii. 10. % JO. l l ' h e s s , v. 15*
dap.. 6: 11.] GALATIANS. [c7<qp.G: i a

7rpos iravras, p.a\t<rra Se ^-pos rovs OIKCIOVS do GOOD to all, b u t espe.

to ftll, especially but to t h e family-members eially to t h e % MF.MBF.HS of
rrjy 7Tt(TT€o<*. I 3 e r f , TT^KIKOIS vpnu
ypaufxtcriv the FAMILY Of the FAITH.
• fthe faith You SCP, Mow many things t o y o u in letters 11 You sec how many
cypaxpa rrj f,ur} X*'P1' 12
'Ocroi Qe\ovo~iv e v - things in a Letter, I have
1 w.'ote with t h e my hand A i m i n y HI wish t o written to \ o u with MT
irpoaooir-qcrai. iv crapKi, ovrot avayKo&vo'iv OWN Hand
appear fair in flesh, these constrain •12 As many as wish to
bfias TTtpirep.vea6ai' fj.ovov^ iva pir) rep crravpep appear fair in t h e Flesh,
you to be circumcised; only, that notforthe cross t!)rse constrain you to he
rov Xpiarov dicon&vrat. Ou<5e yap ol rrepi- circumcised.'only that (hey
• f i he Anointed they should be persecuted. Noteven for those u b e i n g may not be + persecuted
re/xvo/neuoi avroi voixoif (pyKaTcrovariv <x\ka for the CROSS of * t h e
iircuracued themselves a law do they keep; but ANOINTED Jesus.
OfKovcrii' v/xas TreptTffjLveaOai, ha (V rrj vfxs- 13 For not even the CIR-
;_ they wish you t o be circumcised, so t h a t in the your CUMCISED Ihcmselvesk^fr])
repj. aapKi Kavxv<ra)l/Tat' li
E/AOI 5e fir] ycvoi- the Law, b u t they wish
flesh they inijlit boast F o r m e b u t n o t , i t mnybc You to be circumcised, so
TO KavxacOai, €t HI *v ro> o~Tavpu> rov Kvpiov that they may boast i a
t o boast, if n o t ir. t h e " cross of t h e Lord YOUR Flesh. „
TjlJLWV \t)(TOV Xpt&TOW S i ' OV €}JL0l KOCTfAOS 1-i % B u t i t ia not for Me
'(-(us Jesas Anointed; t h r o u g h w h i c h t o me ft world to boast, except in t h e
crrraupcoTat, icqyca *[T<:O] KOO~IAC*>. li>
*[Ev] CROSS of o u r - L O R D J e s u s
lias bcrn crucifieil, and I [to tlic] world. Christ-, through whioh t h e
World has been J crucified
xy(ip *\jipi<TTOV .\T)(TOV~\ OVT€ TTfplTO/JLr} T{ CtTTlV,
• for (Anointed Jesus] neither circumcision anything is, to Me, a n d & to the World.
OVT€ aicpo(3v(TTia> a \ \ a icaiwr] KTHJIS, J6
Ka< 15 j For neither i3 Cir-
neither uncir-cutnctsion, but si new creation And cumcision anything, nor
6(701 T(p KaVOVl TOVTCp 0~TOIXV^OVCTIP', CipTJVT] Uncircumcisionj J but a
aa inanyag "by t h e rule this wiilwallj, peace New Creation.
err' avrovs icai t A e o s , kai art rov lo~pay]\ rov 16 And as many as will
: oo them and mercy, end On the Israel of the walk t h y this R U L E , Peace
and Mercy be On them,
OtOV, ^TOU \01TT0V, KOTTOVS fXOl fX7]^(lS TTap€-
OoJ. Of.the remaining, troubles tome n o one let
J JUi&ori the Israel of G O D .
X^TCC zyat yap ra o~TLy/j,ara rov *\_Kvpwv~\ I77- 17 F I N A L L Y , let no ono
furniah, I for t h e brand-marks of t h e [Lord.] Je- cause me Trouble; £ for I
aov cv r<p o~u)}xari fxov fiaarafa. 18
'H« xaPls bear in my BODY t h e
suit in the body of m e bear- The faror f BRAND-MARKS of JESU3.
rov icvpiov i)p.cov lncrov Xpio~rov fxera rov TTUZV- 18 {The* F A V O R of our
tfihe Lord of us Jesus Anointed with the spirit LORD J e s u s Christ be u itit
jxaros ifxtat/f a$e\(poi hfxriv. you? JBPIRIT, Brethren.
olyou, breihfen. So be i t . Amen.

• YATICAH MANUSCRIPT.—12, the ANOINTED Jesus. 14. to the—omit. 15. ia

—omit. 15. Anointed Jesus—omit. 17. Lord— omit. Subscription—To TUB
t 17* The apostle calls the scars he received from stripes, chains, etc., in the service of
j Christ, (compare 2 Cor. xi 23, etc.,) the marks 0/ the Lord Jesus, by a beautiful allusion to tho
\stiamaia with which servants and soldiers were sometimes marked to show to whom they
j belonged. See Raphelius, Wolflus, and Wet stein, on the place, Dauberg and Faring a on Rev,
jvii. 3 ; xiii. 10, 17, and Lowth on Isa. xliv. b.~Parkhv.r$t,
i' t 10. Eph.ii.19. t 15. chap. v. 11. i 14. Phii. iii.8, 7, 3. J 14. Rom.
[Vi.6; Gal. ii.20. t 15. Gal. v. 6; Col. iii. 1?.. J 15. 2 Cor. v. 17. t 16. 1'hiL
\tii.l6. I 16. Rom.ii. 29; iv.12; ix.6—S; Gal. iii.7,0, 29; Phil.iij. 3, J 17. 2 Cop
MK>, ivilO; xi.23; Col. i. 24. • J 13. 2 Tim. iv. 22; Philemon 25. "
[riATAOT E n H T O A H ] n P 0 2 T2.


• K E $ . a. 1. CHAPTER I.

t n , , ,r t l1 raui,
Paul, an an Apostle
Apostle oo
Uav\os, aTvocrroAos Irjarov Xpi&rov dia * C h r i s t J e s u s tthrougli
Paul, an apostle of Jesus Anointed tnrough. not]5g Will tO THOSE
OeXrjfxaros 6eov, TOLS ayiois rots ovtriv av E<£e-! SAINTS who are in E p h o
will of God, to t h e saints to those being in Ephe- g u s , e v e n t o Believei'8 iU
cry KCLI iritfrois tv Xpio~rcp l7]<rov xaPLS v^W, ^ ^ s * ™.eSUS % A
sus even t o believers i n Anointed Jesus; favor t o yoH * J 1 a \ Or l O J O U , ,,U
_ f I Peace from God our -fca*
Kat <-ip7]V7] airo deov warpos f)p.o>v, KCU Kvpiov t l i e r a n d f r o m the XorJ
and peace froni God a father of us, and Lord Tp«n« C h r i s t
\T)<TOV Xpi<TTov. ^EvXoyrjros 6 dnos *\_KCLI\ 3 JBlessed
GOD be Jesu^
of our LORD THAI
Jesus Anointed. W o r t h y o.f praise t h e God [and
7raT?7p] rov Kvpiov 7)ixoov lr)(rov Xpio~rov9 6 Christ, who has BLESSED
father] of t h e Lord of us Jesus Anointed, he us with Every spirituaJ
Blessing in the HEAVEN-
evXoyrja'as 7]fi<xs ev ivacrri evXoyia irvev/nartKr) LIES, by Christ;
having blessed u s with every blessing spiritual
4 even as J he chose tis
ev rois eirovpaviois ev Xpi&rop* 4 Kadoos e£eAe£- in him before the Founda-
n the heavenlies in A n o i n t e d ; even a» he chose tion of the World, J that

aro 7]{xas ev avrco irpo KarafioXrjS K0<7fJL0v, ewcublameless we might be holy and
us in h i m before a casting down of a world, t o have
in his presence ;
5 having in Love pre-
7]/xas ayiovs KOLI apou/novs Karevcamov avrov* viously marked us out X for
us holy ones a n d blameless ones insight of h i m ; Sonship through * Christ
ev ayairy irpoopuras rjfxas eis vlodecriavSia1 Jesus for himself, accord-
in love having previously marked out us for 30r.ship t h r o u g h ! i n g t o t h e GOOD P L E A S U R E

l7)o~ov Xpicrrov eis avrov, evSoKtav ' of 6histoWILL,

Kara rr}? the Praise of his
Jesus Anointed for himself, according t o t h e goooi pleasure
Glorious Beneficence, with
rov deXrj/naros avrov, 6 eis eiraivov Sofas TTJS which he graciously fa-
of t h e will of himself, for a praise of glory of t h e vored us in f the BELOVED

Xaptros avrov, ev ?? tyjxpiroio-tv 7}fias ev rep one;

fxvor of himself, with which h e favored us in the 7 + by whom, through
his blood, we possess the
T]yanyfjievct), ' ev cp exo,uev rrjv airoXvrpcacriv REDEMPTION—the FOR-
o n e h a v i n g been beloved, by w h o m we have the redemption GIVENESS Of OFFENCES—
hia rov alfxaros avrov, rr\v a<peo-*vroov irapaiT- according to the OPULENCB
throughthe blood of him, t h e forgiveness of t h e fault*, of his FAVOR,

rcufxaroiv, Kara rov irXovrov rys x®P 8 which he caused to

avrov, overflow iros
according t o t h e wealth of t h e
towards us, 'a
tavor of h i m ,
All Wisdom and Intelli-
?ys e-Kepicrcrevcrev eis 7)/xas ev iraffri o~o<pia ttai gence,
which he caused to abound towards us in all wisdom and 9 X having made known
(ppovTjO'ei, 9 yvoopio'as Tjpuv ro jxvo"r7]piov rov to us the SECRET of Vs
intelligence, having made known t o us the secret of t h e WILL, according to h.i
8<cAi1(jLC!lT©s avrov Kararrjv evdoKiav avrov, TJV SIGN, which he previously
will purposed in himself,
Df himself accorclingto t h e good pleasure of himself, which

irpoeOero ev avrcp, 10 ets oiKOvo/jLiav rov TTXT]- 10 in regard to an Ad-

he before purposed in himself, for an administration of t h e ful- ministration of the F U L -

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—Title—To THE EPHESIANS. 1. Christ Jesus. 2. and

fiither—omit. 5. Christ Jesus.
j 1. 2 Cor. i. 1. i 2. Gal. i. 3 ; Titus i. 4. t 3. 2 Cor. i. 3; 1 Pet. i. 3. t 4.
Rom. viii. 27; 2 Thess. ii. 13; S Tim.i. 9; J a m e s i i . 5 ; 1 Pet. i . 2 ; ii.9. I 4. Eph. ii.
1J; v. 27; Col.i.2^; 1 Thess. iv. 7; Titus ii. 12. I 5. John i. 12; Rom. viii. 15; 2 Cor.
vi.18; Gal. iv. o; 1 John i i i . l . i 6. Matt. iii. 17; xvii. 5. I 7- Acts xx. 28; Rom.
iii.24; Col. i. 14; Ileb.ix. 12; 1 Pet, i. 18; Rev. v. 8. t 9. .9^m.3tvi. 25- Eph. iii. 4.9*
eol. i. 2G
fP.ap. i : 1 1 J EPHESIANS. [Cftop.l ; 18

pcofxaros rcav tccupwv, avaKeepaXamtraffBat va NESS Of t h e APPOINTEE

*e*s o f t h e seasons, t o reduce under o n e head t h e t h i u g g TIMES, X to re-unite A H
fravrtx ev rep Xpicrrep, ra ev rots evpvois Kat things under one head,
all JQ t h e Anointed, t h e t h i n g s in the heavens Bud even under the A N O I N T E D
one;—the T H I N G S in the
Td €7T« T T J S 7 7 7 s 1 , 6J> aVTCp, 1 1
€J> tj) « C U €K~ HEAVENS,and the T H I N G S
jhe thing» o n t h e earth, i n him, b y w h o m also we
on the EARTH,-unde*
\r)pcodr}/ut,€v9 irpoopierOevres Karairpo- him,
o b t a i n e d a p o r t i o n , having been previously marked o u t n e c o r d i n g t o a 11 J by whom also we
6eo"tv rov ra iravra evepyovvros Kara rrjv obtained an inheritance,
design of the the things a l l operating a c c o r d i n g t o t h s having been previously
12 marked out according to
^ovXr]V rov 0eXr]/naros avrov, eis TO aval a design of HIM who is
counsel of t h e will o f himself, i n o r d e r t h a t t o b e
rj/ixas eis ewaivov ^ j V ^ s ] dotys avrov, rovsTTpo- agreeably to the couNSEt,"
us for apraise £ofthej glory ofhim, t h o s e having of his own W I L L ;
T]\TriicoTas ev rep Xpicrrq)' 12 $ i n order that we
ev a Kat vju.€is
been before h o p e r a i n t h e Anointed} might BE for a Praise of
i n w h o m alao you
{atiova-avres rov Xoyov rTjs aX7]9eias, ro evay- his Glory, WE who had a
(having heard t h e word of t h e truth, the glad prior hope in the A N O I N T -
E D one;
yeXtov rrjs crcarrjptas VJJLGOV,) ev ep Kai indrev 13 by whom also, gott,
tidings of t h e »alvation of you,) i n w h o m alao having (having heard J the WORD
eravres ecreppayiarOrjre rep irvevfiari rrjs eirayye- of t h e TRUTH, the GLAD
helieved y o u were sealed w i t h t h e spirit of t h e promiae TIDINGS of your SALVA-
14 TION,) by whom [ I say,]
Xtas rep ayiep, 6s scrriv appapcav
KXr\po- you also having believed TTJS
with t h e holy, which i* a pledge of t h e
i n h e r i - were sealed with the S P I -

vofxtas i]{xeav eis airoXvTpwonv rrjs Trepnroirjcrecos, R I T of t h e PROMISE,—the

tanea efu* in a redemption of t h e possoasion, HOLY Spirit,—
15 14 $ which is a Pledge
ets eiratvov rr)s Solans avrov. Aia rovro Of 3 U r I N H E R I T A N C E i n
for apraia8 of t h e glory ofhim. On a c c o u n t of t h i s
X a Redemption of t h e
Kayta atcuvcras TT}U naff vfxas iriffriv ev rep KV- PURCHASE, to the Praise
even I having heard t h e in you faith in t h e Lord of his GLORY.
15 On this account, 3E,
piep Irjcrov, Kat rrjv ayairyv rrjv eis iravras rovs indeed, J having heard of
Jesus, and t h e love that foe all the
YOUR Faith in the LORD
aytovs,16 ov Travofiai evxapwrav virep vjucoVy Jesus, and THAT LOVE
holy one*, not I cease giving t h a n k s o n behalf of y o u , which you have for All the
fiveiav ^[vp,etiv~\ irowvfxevos eirt rcov Trpoefev-
a remembrance [of y o u ] making 16 $ do not omit giving
in the prajcra
thanks on your behalf,
%cwy fiov \va. 6 Beos rov Kvptou Tjfxcov Irjerov making a .Remembrance of
efme; t h a t t h e G o d of t h e Lord of us Jesus you in my PRAYERS ;
Xpirrrov, 6 irarrjp rrjs So^rjs, depy vfxiv irvevjaa 17 That the GOD of our
Anointed, t h e father of t h e glory, m a y give t o you a spirit LORD Jesus Christ, the
coepias Kat airoKaXvipecvs ev eiriyveaerei
avrov give you a Spirit of Wis-
o f wisdom a n d ofrevelation i n full knowledge ofhimj
dom and Revelation in
^He<peari(TfZ€vov5 rovs o(p6aXfxovs rrjs KapSias the full Knowledge of him,'
Having been enlightened t h e eyes of t h e heart 18 the EYES of your
HEART having been en-
VJAOOV, eis ro eidevat v/uas, rts eerriv r\ eXiris lightened, that you may
o f you, f o r t h e t o know y o u , what is the hope
KNOW what is J the HOPE
rr\s KXrjcreeaS avrov, * [ / t o » ] ris i> TTXOVTOS rrjs of his I N V I T A T I O N , what
of t h e calling of yon, [ a n d ] what the wealth of t h e the GLORTOUS WEALTH of

'* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. of the—omit. 15. of you—omit. 18. and—omit.

t 10. J o h n xi. 52; Eph. i i . 14—17- t 11. Acts xx. 32; xxvi. 18; Col. i. 12; iii. 24;
Titus iii. 7; James ii. 5 ; 1 Pet. i. 4. J 12. verse 6,14. £ IS. Acts xix. 4—7- I 14.
2 Cor. i. 22 : v. 5. 1 14. Eph. iv. 30. 1 15. Col. i. 4* Philemon 5. J 10. E o m .
i. 9; Phil. l. 3, 4 ; Col. i. 3 ; 1 Thess. i. 2 ; 2 Thess. i. 3. t 17. Col. i. 9. 1 18. Eph. iv. 4?
£kap. I '• 19.] EPHESIANS, [Cliap. 2 : 4,

$oi;7)$ T7]S KhripOVOfMaS CLVTOV 63? TOIS ajlOlS9 his | INHERITANCE among
glory olthe inheritance oi'him la the holyones, the SAINTS,
19 19 and what the
icai ri ro irtrepfiakkov fieyeOos rr]S Svva/Jiecos SUR«
and what the surpassing greatness of the PASSING Greatness of his
avrov eis rj/nas, rovs iricrrevovras Kara, rrfv POWER towards us who
of him toward* us, those believing according to t h e BELIEVE, J according to
evepyziav rov itparovs rrjs tcrxvos i0
<*>VTOV9 fjv the ENERGY of his MIGHTY
operation of the strength of the might of him, which STRENGTH,
evYipyrjaev ev rep Xp'TTw, eyeipas avrov e/c 20 which he exerted in
he exerted in the Anointed, having raised up him out of the ANOINTED one, $ hav-
vtKpoov Kai €KaQio~ev ev 5e£ja avrov ev rots ing raised him from the
ead ones; and seated at right of himself in th«
Dead, and * having % seat-
2l ed him at his own Right
eirovpaviois, vir€pai>G0 Tracrrjs apxvs xai e£ov- hand in the HEAVENS,
heavenlies, far above every government and author-
21 J far ahove Every
crias /ecu Svva/necos Kai Kvpioryros, Kai Travros Authority, and Govern-
Ity and power aud lordship, and every ment, and Power, and
ovo/j.t.ros ovo/Aa£o/j.€vov ov fxovov €V rep aiccvi Lordship, and Every Name
name being named not only in the age being named, not only in
lovTcpy aWa Kai ev rco jneWovri' Kai travra. this, but also in the r u -
t ht«, but also in t h e one about coming; and all things m J R E A G E ;
virtra^tv 'OTTO rovs TToSas avrov Kai avrov 22 and t subjected All
placed under the feet of him; and him things under his F E E T ;
€§o>Ke K£(paAr}V vwsp rcavra ry €KKkr}(Ti(^$l and constituted Him J a
he gave a head over all things for the congregation, Head over all things for
* r/Tis eari ro aoofia avrov, ro TrKrjpajna rov that CONGREGATION,
which is the body of him, the completenesg of him 23 J which is his BODY,
ret itavra ev irao-i irXyjpovfxevov K E # . / 3 ' .J t h e FULL DEVOLOPMENT
the things all withallthing* is filling; of H I M who i s FILLING
2. Kai vfias ovras veKpovs rois TrapaTrr&fj.a<Tt ALL things with all.
and you being dead ones in the faults CHAPTER I L
Kai rats a/uapriais" 2 (ev ais TTOTS irepieTrarTj-
and the sins; (in which once you walked 1 And you, J being dead
in OFFENCES rjid * S I N S ,
care Kara rov aicova rov KOCT/HOV rovrov, Kara 2 (in which you Jones
according to the age of the world this, according to
walked according to the
rov apxovra rrjs €%ovcrias rov aepos, rov irvev- AGE of this WORLD, ac*
the ruler of the authority of the air, of the spirit cording to the J E U L E B oi
fAO,ros rov vvv evepyovvros ev rots vtois rrjs the AUTHORITY of t h e AIR*
ofthat now operating in the sons ofthe of THAT S P I R I T now oper-
3 ating in the SONS of D I S -
arceideias' ev ols Kai 7]jxeis rcavres avecrpa- OBEDIENCE,
disobedience; among whom also
we all lived 3 {among whom, also,
(f>rjfMev wore ev rats eiriOvixiais rr]s ffapKOS rjficov9me all once lived in J t h q
once in the desires ofthe flesh of us, DESIRES of our FLESH,
rtoiovvres ra 6e\rj/J.ara rrjs crapKos Kai rcav performing the WISHES of
the FLESH and of the
doing the - wishea ofthe flesh and ofthe
THOUGHTS ; and were by
Siavoioov, Kai rjfxev reKva cpvcrei opyrjs, cos Kai Nature Children of Wrath,
thoughts, and we were children by nature of wrath, as also even as the OTHERS ;
ol koiiroi' ^ §£ Oeos, ir\ovcrios cap ev e\eei, 4> but GOD, {being rich
the others; the but God, rich being in mercy, in Mercy, on account of
8ia TT]V TfoWrjv ayairrjv avrov, TJV ^yairyjorev his GREAT Love with
through the much love of himself, with which he lored which he loved us,)
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—20. having 1 seated hira a t his own Eight hand in the HBAV*
ENS, far above Every Authority, and Government. 1. your LUSTS, i n which.
18. verse 11. 119. Eph. iii. 7: Col. i. 29; i i . 12. t JO..Acts ii. 24,33.

+ i. Eom. x.12; Gal. i. 7_.

4>«p.2:B.] EPHLJESIANS, [Cfcap. 2: 14.
5 5 J we also being dead
^/xas,) tcai ovras Tjfxas vetcpws rois 7rapairTa>-
us,) and being us dead ones in the * in OFFENCES, J he made
alive together by the
ftacn, awe fa OTTO IT] are TW Xpiffrcp* {j^apiriANOINTED one—(by .Fa-
he quickened together with the Anointed; (by favor vor you have been saved)—
c o r e creo'aio'fjLepor) Kai o'vpriyeipe, /cat ervve- 6 and raised us up to-
f-ou are having been saved;) and raited up together, and seated gether, and seated us to-
gether in the HEAVENLIES,
KaQure ep rots errovpaptois ep Xpio~T(p Irjo'ov by Christ Jesus,
together in the heavenlies by Anointed Jesus;
7 in order that he might
'1 iva epfieityrai ev rois aicocri rots
eTrzpxofJLevois exhibit, in THOSE AGES
that he may point out in the ages those coming which are APPROACHING,
a LT0S
rev virepfiaWopra icXovrov TTJS x P
the surpassing wealth ofthe favor ofhimself, of his FAVOR, by J Kind-
y ness towards us in Christ
**> xpricrTOTyTt e<p rjixas ep Xpicrcf Irjo'ov. Jesus.
by kindness towards us in Anointed Jesus.
8 % By that FAVOR, in-
s a LTl
iT?7 yap x P €^T€ crearcoar/jLeyot dia * [ T T ; S deed,
] you have been saved,
B»**he for favor you are having been saved through [the] through the FAITH ; and
this is not from you; J i t
7n<rr*.v5* Kai rovro OVK e£ vfxcov 6eov ro is God'S G I F T ;
faith; and this not from you; of God the
9 % not from Works, so
Scopov, *OVK e£ tpyeov iva. fxr) rts
Kavxtlo">yrai. that no one may boast;
gift, not from works; so thatnot any one should boast.
10 for we are % His
Avrov y%p ear/jitp iroiyixa Kna-dspres ev Xpicr- Work, having been formed
Ofhim ftf? we are a work having been formed in Anointed in Christ Jesus for good
rep Irjo'ov f a t spyois ayadots, oh Trporjroifiaa'ep Works, for which GOD
Jesus for *vorks good, in which before prepared before prepared us, that
u we might walk ia them.
8 dto$ Ivu ep ixvrois Trepnrarrjo'wfxep. Aio
the God that in ihera we should walk. Therefore 11 Therefore, J remem-
ber, that gou, once G E N -
jbLP71fAOV€V€.re., 6l t 6jJL€lS 7TOT6 T O e.6p7) €P O'apKl,
TILES in Flesh, (BEING
remember, tKM you once the gentiles in flesh,
CALLED the Uncircumci-
(of \iyojji€voL (kxpofivo'ria vrro rr]s Xeyojaeprjs sion by THAT which i s
('.hose being called umirciimcision by that being called TERMED J the Circumci-
TrepiTOfxrjs €p o"apKi xeiporroirirov,) rjre sion done by the hand ia
circumcision in flesh done by hand,) the Flesh j)that you were
* L 6 I 0 rcP KaiP^ cKeipcx), XfcPLS Xpicrrov, airr}\- that12 J That you were, at
TIME, without an
[in] the season that, without Anointed, having
Anointed one, Aliens from
Xorpicofiepoi rrjs iroAtreisM rov lo'parjA, Kai the POLITY of ISRAEL, and
been aliens from the comffioawei* ofthe Israel, and Strangers from % the COV-
£epoi roup dtadrjKccp rr*s i^ayy€\iasy e\Tri8a ENANTS of the PBOMISE;
stranger* from the covenants ofthto promise, a hope not possessing a Hope,
fxrj exovreSj Kai aSeoi, CP rep KotffACp' 1 3 VVPI 8e, WORLD. and % Godless in the
not having, and godless ones,in the wof'.iij now but,
13 But now, in Christ
iv Xpio~rcc ITJCOU, b/xeis 01 iror< op^c* (xaKpap, Jesus, gott, who formerly
in Anointed Jesus, you those once being far off,
WERE J far off, are made
eyyvs €y€Pr]6r)r€ *p rep at/nan rov Xficrrov. near by the BLOOD of the
near were made by the blood ofthe Anointed. ANOINTED one.
AUTOS yap ecrip r) eiprjpr] rjfuvp, 6 rroirjcras
14 "For \\)t is our PEACE,
He for is the peace ofus, the one having made % h e HAVING MADE BOTH

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—5. i n OFFBNCES and I U S T S , he mado alive together in the

ANOINTED one. 8. the—omit, 13. in—omit.
X 5. E o m . v . 6, 8 , 1 0 ; verse 1„ J 5. E o m v i . 4, 5 ; Col. i i . 12,13 ; i i i . 1, 3 . t 7. T i t u s
iii. 4. t 8. verse 5 ; E o m . i i i . 24; 2 T i m . i . 9. X 8. J o h n i i i . 15,16; E o m . x . 14,
15,17. X 9. E o m . i i i . 20, 27, 2 8 ; i v . 2 ; i x . 1 1 ; 1 Cor. i. 20—31. t 10. 2 Cor. v . 5 , 1 7 :
Epli.iv.24. t 11. E p h . v . 8 ; C o l . i . 2 1 ; i i . 13. t 12. E p h .
iv. 18. % 12. E o m . i x . 4, 8. X 12. Gal. i v . 8 ; 1 T h e s s . i v . 5. T 13. A c t s . i i . 39.
+ 14. Micah v. 5 ; J o h n x v i . 3 3 ; Acts x . 36; E o m . v . 1 ; Col. i . 20. . J 14, J o h n x . 16.
Chap >; 15.] EPHESIANS. [Cliap. 3 : 2 .

7a apcporepa ep, Kai TO \xeo~oroixov rov things one; and having

the things both one, and the middle wall of the removed the ENMITY, the
<Ppayjuov Xvcras, 15
rr\v ex$pav zv rrj <rapKi MIDDLE
WALL of t l l 3 PAH-
fencw having broken up, the enmity^ by the flesh
15 | having by his FLESH
avrov rov POJXOP reap eproXrjp ep 8oy/ annulled the LAW of the
»f himself the law ofthe commandments in ordinance* COMMANDMENTS concern-
ing Ordinances, that he
Karapyrfcas' Iva rovs dvo Kriarrj
ep eavrcp might form the TWO in
having made powerless j so that the two he might form in
himself himself into J One New
eis epa Kaipop apdpcairoPy iroioop eiprjyrjp* 16 Kai Man,—making Peace;
into one new man, making jpeace; and 16 and might J reconcile
BOTH in One Body to GOD,
aTTOKaraWa^rj rovs a/£<porepovs ep epi acap,ari through the CROSS, J hav-
he might reconcile the both in one body ing destroyed the ENMITY
rep 6ecp 5ia rov o~ravpov, rrjp by it.
to the God tin lugb. the cross, having killed the 17 And having come, he
l announced as glad tidings
ex^pap €p avrcp. ? Kat eXOcap evqyyeXt- Peace to you the FAR-OFF,
enmity by it. Andhaving come he announceda» glad
and * Peace to us, the
ffaro etp7]P7]P VJALP rois fiaKpav Kai rois eyyvs, N E A R ;
tiding* peace to you to those far off and to those near, 1H Because, through
18 him, we BOTH have J the
on oY avrov exofxev rrjy TrpoTaywyrjp ol INTRODUCTION to the
because through him we have th« access the FATHER, with One Spirit.
ajxtyorepot ep kvi TPevfxari irpos rop irarepa. 19 So then you are no
both with one spirit to the father. longer Strangers and So-
journers, but *you are
Apa ovp ovKert ecrre £epoi Kai irapoiKoi, aXXa X Fellow-citizens with the
So then no longer you are strangers and sojourners, but SAINTS, and of the $ Fam-
o'v/j.'rroXirat rcop ayicop Kai oiKeiot rov deov, ily of G O D ;
fellow-citizen* ofthe holyones and family-members ofthe God, *S0 having been built on
the FOUNDATION of % the
*° eiroiKodoiirjdfpres em ro> Qe/deXup rcop airoC' APOSTLES and Prophets,
having been built on the foundation ofthe apos- * Christ Jesus being J a
roXcap Kai Trpotyrjrajp, ovros aKpoyoopiaiov avrov Foundation corner-stone
ties and prophets, being a corner-foundation of i t
of i t ;
21 on which All the
\r\crov Xpio~rov 2 1 ep cp vaGa * [ ? ? ] oiKohofirj BUILDING being fitly com-
Jesus Anointed; on which all [thej building pacted together, increases
ffvvapixoXoyovfjiipy} av£ei eis paop ayiop ep into % a holy Temple for
the Lord ;
being fitly compacted together grows up into A temple holy in
22 Jon whom gou are
Kupicp' ep cp Kai vfxeis ffvpoiKoHofAeicrde,ets also built up together, for
Lord} on which also you »re built up together, for a Spiritual Habitation of
KaroiKyryptop rov Oeov ep irpevfxart. KE3». *God.
a habitation ofthe God in spirit. CHAPTER I I I .
l a lv € C0 1 For This Cause £,
- . 3 . Tovrov x P 7 TlavXos, 6 8eo~/u.ios
' " For this cause I Paul, the prisoner Paul, am J the PRISONER
of the ANOINTED Jesus
rov Xpio~rov IrjO'ov inrep V/JLOOP reap eOpcou on account of J you of the
oft lie Anointed Jesus because of you ofthe Gentiles;
^etye 7]Kovcrare rrjp oiKOPOfxiap rr]s xaPLT0S 2 (since indeed, you
if indeed you heard the adnt'tnistration ofthe favor heard J the ADMINISTRA-

*' VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—17. Peace to the NEAR. 19. you are Fellow-citizens,
20. Christ J e s u s . 22. the ANOINTED.

t 15. Col. ii. 14, 20. t 15. 2 Cor. v. 17; Gal. vi. 15; Eph. iv. 24. t 16. Col. i. 20-22v
t 16. Rom. v i . 6 ; via. 3 ; CoL ii. 14. i 18. Eph.iii. 12. t 19- Phil. iii. 20; Heh,
t 2122, 23. t 1*>. G tl. vi. 10. J 20. Matt. xvi. 18. t 20. Isa. xxviii. 1$
1 Cor. iii.
30; Eph.iv. 1; 17; vi.10; 2 Cor.
vi.20. t 1. vi..16.
Col.ii. 24; 2 Tim. e t . i i . 5. 1 2 . Rom.i.
t 22.ii.I P20. t 1. 5; Colxxviii.
Acts i. 25. 1?
Oiap. 3 : 3.] lOhap, 3 s li.
rev deov TT)S SoOeicrrjs fxoi eis vfxas, *[<5Ti[j
o f t h e God, of t h a t having been given t o me for yon, having been GIVEN
[because] GOD

Kara airoKaXvtyiv eyvcapicrOT) fioi ro .fxvffrr)- me for you;

according t o a revelation h e made known t o m e t h e secret; 3 That J by Revelation
X he made known to me
piov (^Kadeos rrpoeypaij/a ev o\iyq>, 4 irpos 6 8v- the SECRET,—as I wrote
x(as I wrote before in brief, by which y o u briefly before,

vao~Qe avayivcoffKovres vomeral rr)v crvveo'tv fxov 4 by reading which, you

are able reading 'to perceive t h e intelligence of m e can perceive my INTEL-
ep T(f)'/nv(TTTipL(t> rov Xpicrrov') 6 irepais ys-of the ANOINTED
in the . ^ s e c r e t ... o f t h e Anointed;) which in other gen-
5 $ which in Other Gen-
veais OVK eyycoptcrOr) TOLS vlois roov avQpooirwV) erations was not made
e r a t i o m n o t was made known t o t h e sons ofthe men, . known to the SONS of MEN,
cos vvv aircKaXvcfyOr) rois 'k\_aTroa-To\ois~\ £ as it has now been re-
at • now i t was revealed . t o t h e holy ones ^ [apostles] vealed to his HOLY Apos-
6 tles and Prophets by the
avrov icai Trpo<p7)rais <ev Trvevfiarr eivai ra Spirit;
of him and prophcta bj,; spirit: t o be t h e
6 that the G E N T I L E S
eBvr] (TvyKAripovo/xa ttai crvo'o'oofia teat ce/x/xeTo- are % Fellow-heirs, and J a
Gcntileg .-.n joint-heiru , ' and r. joint-body and j o i n t - p a r t a k e r s Joint- body, and % Co-part-

%a TT)S €7rayyeXias *\_avrov~\ e y * [ r w ] XptcrTcv, ners of *the PROMISE in

of t h e -" • promise [of h i m ] in [the] Anointed, Christ Jesus, through the

dia . rov \QvayyeXiov % ou eyevofiTjv StaKovos G L A D T I D I N G S ;

through the glad tidings} of which I became ' a servant 7 J of which I became
5- a
Servant, J according tc
Kara , TT)P poopeav njs xapiros rou oeov? rrjs TGOD, HAT GRACIOUS GIFT of
which was IMPARTED
according to t h o gift • o f t h e favor o f t h e God, of t h a t
fioQzLfris JULOL Kara rr)v evepyziav rrjs dvva-to me by the ENERGY of
haviiig been given to me according t o t h e operation o f t h e power his POWER ;
8 8 to me, J the VERY
/news*' avrov epioi rep eXaxi-crrorepcp rravrcov LOWEST of All Saints, was
t o me t h
- inferior
. . . of^
of h i m ; far
this EAVOR given, J t o an
hymv a LS
edodr) r) x P aur
V3 *v roL$ eOveo'iv noimce among the NA- «
holy ones was given t h e favor this, among the nations TIONS the glad tidings,
evayyeXicrao'Oat rov ave^txviao'rov irXovrov of the ANOINTED one;
t o announce glad tidings the unsearchable wealth
9 even to enlighten All
rov Xpurrov, KOL (poortffai OLKO- as to what is the A D M I N I S -
nravras, ns i)
of t h e Anointed, '.- and to enlightenall, what t h e adminis- TRATION of J THAT SE-

vofxta rov /avo'rnpiov rov aTroKSKpvfXjxevov airo CRET, which has been CON-
tration o f t h e ' ) secret ••'" of t h a t ' having been hidden from CEALED from the AGES, by
rcov aieovcov ev rco 9ecp, r(p ra iravra Kricrav- ALL things 5
the ages .•* in the God, in t h a t t h e all t h i n g s having 10 J i n order that now
re Iva ~' yvcapio-Qrj vvv rats apxms Kat J may be made known to
created; so t h a t m i g h t be m a d e k n o w n n o w to t h e governments a n d the GOVERNMENTS and the
rais el-ovo'tais ev rois eiroupaviots, 8t# rr]S E N L I E S , through the CON?
to the authorities i n f. t h e > heavenlies, • through the
eKKXTjffias, 7} TTOXVTTOIKLAOS crocpLa rov.
deov DIVERSIFIED Wisdom ifi
congregation, the manifold GOD, .wisdom efthe God;
Kara irpoBecriv roov aieovoov, 7} eiroiTjcrev ev 11 according to a Plan
according t o apian ofthe ages, which h e formed in of the AGES, which he

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. because—omit. 5. apostles—omit. 6. of him—

omit. 0. the—omit. 6. the PROMISE in Christ Jesus through the GLAD TIDINGSJ
+ 3. Gal. i. 12. I 3. Rom. xvi. 25 ; Col. i. 26, 27. J 4. 1 Cor.iv.l; Eph. vi. 19.
: 0. Gal. iii. 28, 29; Eph.ii. 14.
t 57 Acts x. 28; verse 9. t 5. Eph.ii.20. J.
J 6. Eph. ii. 15,16. t 6. Gal. iii. 14. i 7- Rom. xv. 16; Col. i. 23, 25. j" 7. Rom.
i.i. 5. J 8. 1 Cor. xv. 7
21; Col. i-16; 1Pet. iii. 22v; 1 Tim. i. 13,15. i 8. Gal. i. 16; ii. 8 ; 1 Tim. ii. 7; 2 Tim.
11. 1 9. verse 3; Eph.i.9. J 10. lPet. i.12. t 10. Rom. vtii.38; Eph,
.Chap. 8: 120 EPHESIANS. {VJiap. 8 : 2 1 ,

Xpicrrw ITJCTOV rtp Kvpicp TJ/XCCV 12

CV <p exopev formed for * the ANOINTEB
Anointed Jesus the Lord of us; by whom we have Jesus o\i£ LORD ;
rt]v irappTjcriav Kai rrjv irpo<raya>yr}v ev ireiroi- 12 by whom we have
the freedom of speech and the access with confi- % t i l l s FREEDOM OF SPEECH
and * Access with Confi-
67](T€l9 5ia T7)S Tri(TT€CtiS (IVTOV. AtO aiTOVfXai dence, through the FAITH
tence, through the faith of him. Therefore I aslt of him.
firj €KK.aK€iv ev rais 0Aii//ecn fxov virep
13 % Therefore, I as& vfxcav,
hot to faint in the afflictions of me on behalf of you,
that I may not faint in
7]TLS €(TTl 5o£oC VfUDV. l4
ToVTOV %apiV KafXTTTO* these my AFFLICTIONS on
which is glory of you. For this cause I bend your behalf, % which are
ta yovara fxov irpos rov irarepa * [ T O V Kvpiov your Glory.)
the knees of me to the father [of the Lord 14 For This Cause, J
7}ixc»}V \r\(Tov XpifTrou,] 15 e | ov iraaa irarpta evbend my KNEES to the
of us Jesus Anointed,] from whom whole family in
15 from whom % the
ovpavois KCU em yrjs ovo/xa^erai, ha
fitprj Whole Family in the
heavens and on earth is named, so that he may give
Heavens and on Earth is
vfxiv Kara rov irXovrov rrjs So^rjs avrov, dvva- named,
to you according to the wealth of the glory of himself, with 16 that he may give you
/xet Kparaiccd^vai dta rov irvevfxaros avrov., $ according to his GLORI-
power to bt strengthened through the spirit of himself, OUS WEALTH, J to be
eis rov eo~ca avOpcotrov ^ KaroiK7)o~ai rov Powerfully
Xpio"- through strengthened
his SPIRIT in % the
in the within man; to hare dwelt the Anointed
rov 5ta TTJS irtffreas ev rais icapfiiais V/AOOV, ev 17 | that the ANOINTED
through the faith in the hearts of you, in
one, through the FAITH,
ayairr) eppi^wfxevoi Kai reOe/jLeXico/xevoi iva e%icr- may dwellin your HEARTS;
love having been rooted and
having been founded so that you that % being rooted in Lov:
Xvcryre Kara\a$eo~daL o~vv irao'i rots and well-established, |
may be fully able to understand with all the 18 you J may be fully
ay to is, ri ro vrXaros Kai firjKos Kai fiado* nai able to understand with
holy ones,what the breadth and length and depth and All the SAINTS, what is
19 the BREADTH and Length,
vx^os, yvtovai re rrjv vtrepfiaWovo'av- rr]s and * Depth and Height,
height, to have known even the surpassing of the
19 to know even that
yvooffeoos ayairrjv rov X.pio~rov iva 7r\7}poodr)re Which SURPASSES KNOW-
knowledge love of the Anointed; that you may be filled up LEDGE,—the LOVE of the
eis irav ro TrXrjpcofia rov deov. 20
T O J "Se Zvva- ANOINTED o n e ; so that
to all the fulu«ss of the God. To the now one be- * you may be filled % with
fxevq> virep iravra Trotrjaat inrepeKirepio'o'ov All the FULNESS of G O D .
ing powerful above all to have done far exceeding 20 % Now to HIM who is
above all things, BEING
wv airovfieda t] voov/mev, Kara rrjv Bvva- MIGHTY to effect far be-
what things we ask or we think, according to the power
yond what we ask or think,
fxiv rrjv evepyovjxevqv ev t}/*iv, avrcp r) 5o£a % according to THAT POWER
that operating in us, to him the glory OPERATING i n US,
ev rr) €KK\7}o~ia ev Xpio^rcp Irjo'ov, ets iracras ras 21 X to him be the GLORI
in the congregation by Anointed Jesus, to all the in the CONGREGATION, by
Christ Jesus, to All the
yeveas rov aiavos rcov ateoveev A/LLT)V. GENERATIONS of t h e AGE
generations of the age of the ages; Sobeit.
of the AGES. Amen.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—11. the ANOINTED Jesus our LORD. 12. Access.

14. of our LORD Jesus Christ— omit. 18. and Height and Depth. 19. All the FULNESS
of GOD might be fulfilled.
t 12. Eph. ii. 18; Heb. iv. 16. % 13. Acts xiv. 22; Phil. i. 14. $ 13. 2 Cor. i. 6.
t 15. Eph. i. 10; Phil. ii. 9—11. t 16. Rom. ix. 23; E p h . i . 7 ; Phil. iv. 19; Col. i. 27.
I 16. Eph. vi. 10; Col. i. 11 X 17. John xiv. 23;
Eph. ii. 22. l 17. Col. i. 23;X ii.7.
16. Rom. vii. 22;
18. 2Eph.
Cor. i.l§.
iv. 16.
Eph. i. 23; Col. ii. 9,10, J 20. Rom, xvi. 25, Jude 24. X 19. J o h n i . 16;
J 21. Rom. xi. 36; xvi. 27 ;_Hebi_xiUs.21, I 20. verae7; Col. i. 29.
map. 4: i.; EPHKSIANS, [CJiap.&i 12.

KE<f>. 5'. 4 . CHAPTEll IV.

1 I exhort you, therefore,
TlapaKaXco OVP vfias, eyoo 6 hecr/xws ep I , % the PRISONER for the
i exhort therefore you, I Lord, % to walk worthily
the prisoner in
Kvpicpy a^icas Trepnrarrjaai rrjs K\r}o~ea>s rjs youthewere
of CALLTN G with which
Lord, worthily to walk of the calling with which
2 J with All Humility
eKXrjdrjre, 2 fiera 7rac7iy raireipocppoo'vprjs Kai and Gentleness ; with Pa-
r ou were called, with all humility and tience, sustaining each
TrpaoTrjTos, fiera fiaKpodv/nias' apexofxepoi other in Love;
gentleness, with patience; bearing with
3 using diligence to
preserve the UNITY of the
aWrjXoap ep ayairr), o-irovha^opres rrjpeiu rrjp SPIRIT J by the UNITING
each other in love, using diligence to keep the BOND Of PEACE 5
epor-qra rov rrpev/iiaros 4 there being One
ep rep crwheo'iMti rrjs
oneneis of the spirit by J Body and One X Spirit
the uniting bond of the
as also you were called in
€ipr)V7)s. Ej/ crwfxa Kai ep irpevjxa, nadoos Kai One J Hope of your CALL
peace. One body and one spirit, even as al«o ING;
€K\7]6rjT€ ep pita, eXiuhi 5 One X Lord, One
rrjs KXrjffeeos vfxoov*
you were called i a one hope | Faith, One $ Immersion;
of the calling of you;
els Kvpios, fiia TTLO'TIS, ep j3a7TTicr/xa, Geis 6eos 6 % One God and Father
one Lord, one faith, one dipping, one God of all, H E who is over all,
and J through all, and in
/cat rrarrjp Traprccp, 6 eiu rravroov Kai hia irav- all.
and father of all, he over all and through all 7 But to X each one of us
rooy icai ep iraciu *\_r)/j.Lp.~\ ? 'EPI he eKavrcp was given Favor according
and in all [to u».] To one but each one to the MEASURE of the
Yjjxcap ehooQf] * [ ? / ] XaPiS rrjsFREE
one. ixerpov
of us wai given [the] favor according to the measure of the
hcvpeas rov Xpicrrov. 8
(AioXeyei' Apaftas 8 Therefore it is said,
free gift of the Anointed. (Therefore it says; Having ascended
t " Having ascended on
"high, he J led a multi-
ets vipos ^yaaActfretxrej/ aix^Xooo'iau, Kai " tude of Captives, and
on high he captivated captivity, and "gave Gifts to MEN."
edooKe hofiara rois apQpooirois. 9 T o 8e, ape fir), 9 (But THIS!", J " H E
he gave gift* to the men. This but, he ascended, ASCENDED," what IS i t ,
ri earIP, et fir) on Kai Karefir) eis ra Karco- unless That he also • d e s -
what is it, if not that also he descended into the lower cended first into the LOWER
l0t Parts of the EARTH ?
repa fieprj rrjs yrjs ; O xarafias, avros
parts of the earth? The one having descended, he 10 The one HAVING
DESCENDED, | f ) C i s t h e
ecn Kai o avafias inrepapcv rraprcop reap Olie HAVING ASCENDED
is also the one having ascended far above all of the far above All of the HEAV-
ovpapcop, Ipa •KXrjpooa-ri ra rravra.) avrosENS, J so that he may ful-
heavens, so that hemigh-ttill the allthings.) fil ALL things.)
And he
ehcuKe rovs fiep airocrroXovs, rovs he rrpo(prjras, 11 X And he gave indeed
gave the indeed apostles, the and prophets, the APOSTLES, and the
rovs he evayyeXicrras, rovs he rroifiepas Kai GELISTS, and SHEPHERDS
the and evangelists, the and shepherds and and Teachers,
tiihao-KahovSy rcpos rop Karapr iffflop rccp 12 J for the COMPLETE
teachers, for the complete qualification of the QUALIFICATION of the

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—6. us—omit. 7. the—omit. 9. descended first.

t 1. E p h . i i i . l . £ 1. Phil. i. 27; ColJi. 10; l T h e s s . i l . 12 J 2. Acts xx. 19;
Gal. v. 22, 23 ; Col. iii. 12,13. % 3. Col. iii. 14. t 4. Rom. xii. 5; l Cor. xii. 12, 13;
Eph. ii. 16. J 4. 1 Cor. xii. 4, 11. t 4. Eph. i. 18 t 5. 1 Cor. i. 13; viii.6;
iii. 5 ; 2 Cor. xi. 4. t 5. Jude 3. t 5. Mark xvi. 15, 16; Gal. iii. 27. t 6",
Mai. ii. 10; 1 Cor. viii.6; xii. 6. t 6- Rom. xi. 38. J 7- Rom. xii. 3, 6; 1 Cor. xii. 11.
J 8. Psa. lxviii 13. t 8. Judges v. 12; Col.ii. 15. J 9 John iii. 13; vi. 33, 62.
V10. Acts i. 9, 11. t 10. Acts ii. 33. J 11. 1 Cor. xii. 28. J 12. 1 Cor. xii. 7'
Chap. 4 : 13.] EPHESIANS. [Otap. 4 : 2 1 .

xyioov €is epyov hiciKovias, €is oiKohofxi)V rov SAINTS for the "Work ol
•soly ones for .a work of service, for a building up of the Service, J i n order to the
froofxaros rov Xpicrrov /xexpt fcaravrrjcrcafiep Building up of the BODY of
body of the Anointed; till we may attain the ANOINTED one;
ol irapres as rt\v ei/oryjra rrjs fiTio~rews Kai rrjs 13 till we ALL attain to
the all to the unity of the faith and of the the UNITY of the F A I T H ,
eiriypoocrtcas rov vlov rov 6eov? eis apdpa re- and of $the KNOWLEDGE
knowledge of the son of the God, Co a man per- of the SON of G O D , to J a
Keiopj eis fxerpov TjAiKias rov ir\7]poojxaros rov full grown Man, to the
feet, to a measure of stature oftha fulness of the
Measure ofthe full Stature
of the A N O I N T E D one;
Xpicrrov lilpa fjirjicert co/xev prjirio., K\V§<IOPI- 14 so that we may be
Anointed; so vhat no longer we may be habes, being
Infants no longer, tossed,
('o/xevoi \cai irepKpepofxtvoi TrapTi avzjAcp rrjs and whirled about with
tossed and being whirled about withevery wind ofthe
Every Wind of that TEACH*
didao'KaXtaSy ev rrj Kvfieia roov av6pooTrcavt ev ING which is in the THICK-
teaching, in the trickery ofthe men, fay ER Y of MEN, % by Cunning
Trapovpyia irpos rr]v jxeOoSeiav rr\s TrXavrjs' craftiness in SYSTEMATIC
cunning with the method ofthe deceitj DECEPTION;
aKrjdevovres 5e ev ayawrif av^rjerco/xep eis 15 but being truthful in
being truthful but in love, we may grow into
Love, $\ve may grow up
avrov ra. irapra, os eariv rj Kecpa\7)9 * [ o ] in ALL things into him,
him the all things, who i* the head, [thej % who is the HEAD,—the
Xpio'ros' e £ ov nap ro aoofxa, (jwapjAoXo- ANOINTED one;
Anointed; from whom all th« body,
(beinf; fitly j oined 16 J from whom the
yovfxevov dia Trao'rjs acprjs Whole BODY, being fitly
Kai o-v/j.fiifia£o/xevov
together and being compactedby means of every j o i n t joined and united, by
rrjS eTTixoprjytas tear evepyeiav^ ev fierpcp means of Every ASSISTING
ofthe supply according to inworking,) by a measure Joint, according to the
proportionate Energy of
evos eKacrrov /xepovs rt]V av^rjo'iv rov coojaaros Each single Part, effects
of one of each part the growth of the body
the GROWTH of the B O D S
iroieirai, eis OiKodofirjv eavrov ev ayairrj.
for the Building up of itself
makes, for abuildingup of itself in love. in Love.
^Tovro OVP Xeyco, Kai fxaprvpo/jiai ev Kvpicp, 17 This, therefore, I
This then I say, and testify in JjordD say, and testify in the
Lord, that you no longer
fxr]Keri vjxas Trepnrareip, Kadoos Kai ra^r[_\oiira'] walk, *even as the GEN
no longer you to walk, as also the [others"1
TILES walk, in ^the Vanity
edpyj irepnrarei ep fxaraiorriri rov poos avrcoVy of their M I N D ,
gentiles walks in vanity ofthe mind ofthem, 18 J having been dark*
ea'Koria'fxevoi ry ^lavoia^ ovres aTrrjWorpioo- enedin the UNDERSTAND-
haring been darkened in the understanding, being alienated ING, % being alienated from
the LIEE of G O D , through
fxevoi rrjs £&?}s T0V Q^ov, dia rt]V ayvoiau which rrjv THAT IGNORANCE
from the life ofthe God, through the ignorance that
is in them, because ofthe
ovcrav ev avrois, fiia rrjv iroopwcriv rr]s KapSias STUPIDITY of their HEARTS
being in them, through the stupidity ofthe heart 19 who, being without
avroop' 19 oinves airrjAyrjKoreSf eavrovs icape- feeling, {gave themselves
ofthem; who having become callous, themselves gave up to LEWDNESS, for the
Practise of all Impurity
ScoKap T?7 acreXyeia, eis epyacriav
aicadapcias witn Eagerness.
ever to the lewdness for a work ofimpurity
20 -20 But gou have not
Trao'rjs ev irXeovefya. 'Y/xeis de ovx OVTCOS thus learned the A N O I N T -
all with eigerness. You but not thus
ED one;
e/xadere rov Xpio-rov, 2 1 eiye avrov rjKovgrare
learned the Anointed, if indeed him you heard 21 % if indeed you heard

* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . -15. the—omit. 17- O T H E R S — o m i t . 17. even as

the GENTILES walk.
1 12. 1 Cor. x i v . 26. t 13. Col. i i . 2. XX 13.
13. I1CCor.
o r . xxiivv.. 20-,
20 -, Col.
Col. ii.. 28
28. X 14. R o m ,
xvitlS. 1 15. E p h . i. 2 2 ; i i . 21. I 15. Col. i. 18. j 16. Col. i i . 19. J 17- R o m . i . 2 1
X 18. A c t s x x v i . l S . 1 IS. G a l . i v . 8 j E p h . i i . 1 2 ; l T h e s a . i v . 5 . t 19. 1 P e t . iir *
X 21. E p h . i . l o .
Chap. 4: 22.] EPHIL8IANS. (.Map. 4 i 3ft.

vat ev avrcf e c u S a x ^ r e , aXrjOeia Him, and were taught by

icadcas eo'riv
and oy him were taught, truth him, as the Truth is in
as i*
ev TO) lr)(Tov' airoOQcrOai v/mas, Kara TY\V J E S U S ;
in, the Je»us; to put from you, according to the 22 % to put off, according
irpoTepav avao'Tpotyyjv, TOV rcaXaiov avOpcorroVy to X the FORMER Course
former course of life, the old man, of life, J THAT OLD Man,
TOV (pdeipofxevov Kara ras ewidv/jiias TTJS
that being corrupt according to the inordinate desires of the
aTraT7]S' 23
avaveovcrOai 8e rq> rrvev/xaTi TOV VOOS in 23the
and to J be renewed
SPIRIT of your
deceit, to be renewed and in the spirit of the mind
24 MIND;
vfiwv, Kai evdvcrao'dai TOV Kaivov avOpooirov, 24 and X be you clothed
of you, and be you clothed with the new man,
with THAT NEW Man,
TOV Kara deov KTio~QevTa ev 8iKaioo~vvr) Kai who, according to God),
that according to God having been created in righteousness and has been FORMED in
6O~IOTT} rt TT]5 aXrjdeias. Aio airoQe/xevoi TO Righteousness and Holi-
holiness of the truth. Therefore putting away the ness of the TRUTH.
tyevdos.* XaXeire aXrjOeiav, eKacTTos [xera TOV 25 Therefore, leaving off
falsehood, ipeak yon truth, each one with the FALSEHOOD, J speak you
vrXricrioi avrov OTL eo'/xev aXXrjXcov fieXr], Truth each one with his
neighbor •;>( himself; because we are of each other members, NEIGHBOR, Because we
* 6 Opyifei, OK Kai jar] a/napTaveTe' d TJXIOS \xt] are Members of each other.
Be you angry and not do you sin; the sun not 26 J When angry, do
€TTl$eV€TC0 €Tri*[TCp~\ TTapOpyiO'fXCp VjXCOV 2<? jU7]T€ dot sin; let not the SUN
let it set on ' [the] wrath of you; not even set on your Wrath;
5 i 5 o T 6 T07T0V TCp fiiafioXcp. 28
' O KXilTTOOV yU17" 27 nor give an Opportu-
give you a place for the accuser. The one stealing no nity for the ACCUSER.
K€TL /c\€7rreTOJ, fiaXXovSe KoiriaTco epya^ofxevos no28 Let the THIEF steal
more; J but rather let
more let him steal, rather but let him toil working
him toil, working THAT
TO ayadov Tais x€P°~lJ/i <LVa €
XV peTadidovai which isGOOD with his
the good thing with the hands, so that h« may hare to give so chat he may
TCp XP*lav *X0PTl' Has Xoyos cairpos CK have something to give to
to the one want having. Every word rotten out of Mm who is in WANT.
TOV GTOjxaTos vfiiav }xr\ eKTropevecrOca, aAA , ei 5 29 t Let No corrupt
the mouth of you not let go forth, but, if Word proceed from your
MOUTH, but rather what
TIS ayados irpos OIKOSO/LITJV TTJS XP€LCCS> ^va is good for the USE of
anything good for a building up of the use, that Building up, so that it ma$?
CtK0V0VO"L' 30
Kai JUL7] XVTT€IT€ confer a Benefit on the
Itmay give benefit to those hearing; and not grieve you HEARERS ;
TO irvevjxa TO Lyiov TOV deov, ev cp eo'cppayicr- 30 and grieve not the
the spirifc the holy of the God, by which you were HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, thy
6T]T€ eis 7]fjL€pav airoXvTpaxrecas. vrt/c- which you were sealed, for
. tealed for a day of redemption. All bit- X a Day of .Redemption.
31 ^Let All Bitterness,
pia Kai Qvfxos Kai opyrj Kai Kpavyrj Kai fSXao"- and Anger, and Wrath,
teruess and anger and wrath and clamor and evil-
and Clamor, and J Evil-
<prjfxia apderw acp' vfxccv, crvv irao-p KaKia' speaking, be taken away
• peaking let be taken from you, with all malice; from you, together with
^yiveade * [ 8 e ] eis aXX7)Xovs xp7la"roii ^vcr- All Malice;
become you [and] towards each other kind ones, tender 32 and % be kind towards
TrXayxvoi, xaPlC°lxil/0i eavTois, KaQcas Kai 6 each other, compassionate,
hearted ones, showing favor to others, even as ako the J showing favor to others,
deos ev XpicTTcp exapio~aTO vfxiv. KE4». e'. 5 . even as GOD by Christ
God in Anointed showed favor to you. showed favor to * you.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—26. the—omit. 32. and— omit. 32. us.

J 22. Col. ii. 11. t 22. Eph. ii, 2, 3. t 22. Rom. vi. 6. I 23. Rom. xii. 2 ;
Col. iii, 10. X 24. Rom. vi. 4 ; 2 Cor. v. 17; Gal. vi.15; Col.iii. 10. 1 25. Col.iii. 9.
t 20. Psa. xxxvii, 8. J 28. Acts xx. 35; 1 Thess. iv. 1 1 ; 2 Thess. iii. 8,11,12. t 29.
Matfc. xii. 36; Eph. v. 4; Col. iii. 8. $ 30. Eph. i. 13. J 30. Lukexxi. 28; Rom.
viii. 23. t 31. Col. iii, 8, 19. t 31. Titus iii. 2; J a m e s i v . i l ; 1 Pefc. i i . l .
X $1. 2 Cor.ii. 10; Col.iii. 12,13. t 32. Matt. vi. 14; Mark xi. 25.
Chap. 5 , I.] EPHK.SIANS. £<Vp. h : 11.
Tiveo~6e ovv fiijxrjrat rov Oeov, wsr€Kva aya- CHAPTER V.
JJecome you therefore imitators of the God, a» children be-
1 Become therefore
TTTjTa' 2 /ecu irepnrarctre *v aycnrr), nadws KOLL {Imitators of GOD, US
jovtd; and walk you in love, even as also beloved Children;
2 and { walk in Love,
6 Xpiorros rjyaTrrtcrev r)/, Kai TtapeSwKev iav- even as {the ANOINTED
the Auoifited loved us, and delivered up him" one loved us, and delivered
rov vTrep 7)ixo)v irpoorcpopav Kai 6vo~iav, rep 9e(p himself up on * our behalf
self on behalf of us an offering and a sacrifice, to the God an Offering and a Sacrifice
to GOD for an f Odor of a
€ts o(Tfxr)S evcodias. 3 Hopveia 8e nai wacra aica- Sweet smell.
lor an odor of a sweet smell. Fornication but and all im- 3 Now let not {Forni-
Bapcria t\ TrXeove^ia fxrj^e ovojia&adw ev v/xiv, cation, and All Impurity,
or unbridled Lust, be even
purity er unbridled lust not even let it be named among you,
named among you, (as be-
(/ca0coy irperrei ayiois,) 4
Kat aio'xporrjs, Kat comes Holy persons;)
(a» it become* holy ones,) alio Indecency, and 4 also {Indecency, and
Foolish talking or loose
fiwpoXoyia t\ evrpaireXia^ ra. OVK avrjKovra* Jesting; THINGS not CON-
foolish talking or loose jesting, the things not becoming; SISTENT; but what is
a.\\a /xaXXov evxapL&ria. 5
Tovro yap i&re more becoming, Thanks-
but rather thanksgiving. This foryouknow giving.
5 For This you know,
yivwcTKOvres, Sri Tras iropvos f] aKadapros 17 {That no Fornicator, or
knowing, that every fornicator or impure person or Impur: person, or man of
unbridled Lust, who is an
TrXeovctcrris, 6s eo'rtv eiticcXoXarprjs, OVK *x€l Idolater, has an Inheri-
lascivious person, who is an idoj-worshipper, not has tance in the KINGDOM of
KXTjpovo/JLiap €V rrj f&atfiXtia rov Xpio~rov Kat the ANOINTED, and of God.
&fi inheritance in the kingdom of the Anointed one and 6 Let no one deceive
6 you with empty Words;
$€ov. Mrjfieis v/ias airararto KSVOIS XoyoiS' for on account of these
of God. No on< you let deceive with empty words; things {the WRATH of GOD
Bia ravra yap cpx^rai 7? 0^777 rov Oeov comes on the SONS of D I S -
on account of these things for comes the wrath of the God OBEDIENCE.
7 7 Therefore, do not be-
*7n rovs vlovs TT}S arretBeias. Mrj ovv yivecrde come their Associates.
on the sons of the disobedience. Not therefore become you 8 You were, indeed,
<rvfip.eroxot avr&v. HTe yap irore o~Koros, { formerly Darkness, but
associates of them. You were indeed once darkness, you are now { Light in the
vvv 5e <pws ev Kvpiuf cos reKva tywros irepnra- Lord; walk as {Children
mow but light in Lordj as children of light walk
of Light;
9 9 (since the FRUIT of
reire' (0 yap Kapiros rov (pcoros *v Tract) aya- the LIGHT is in All Good-
yov ; (the for fruit of the light in all good- ness, and Righteousness,
dworvvy Kai aXrjOeta') SoKifxa^ovres ri ecrtv and Truth;)
and truth;) searching out what is 10 { searching out what
€vapeo"rov rep Kvpicp' 11 Kai JLLTJ avyKoivooveire is well-pleasing to the
well-pleasing to the Lord; and not be you joint-partakers
11 And do not be { co-
rois epyois rois aKapyois rov crKorovs, [xaXXov partners with the UiN-
vriththe works with thos* unfruitful of the darkness, rather rKUITFUL WORKS Of D A B t -

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. your behalf.

t 2. In the highly figurative language of the Hebrews, smelling is used to denote the
perception ot a moral quality in another; thus God is said to "smell a sweet odor" from
sacrifice, to signify that he perceived with pleasure the good disposition which the offerer
expressed by such an act of worship.—Macknight.
J 1. Matt. v. 45, 48. Luke vi. 36. J 2. John xiii. 34; xv. 12 ; 1 Thess. iv. 9; 1 John
ii. 11,23; iv. 21. % 2. Gal. i . 4 ; ii- 20. J 3. 1; 2 Cor. xii. 21; CoLiii.
5; l T h e s s . i v . 3 . J 4. Matt. xii. 35; Eph.iv. 29. 1 5 . 1 Cor. vi. 9,10; Gal. v. 19-21;
Rev. xxii. 15. X 6. Bom. i. 18. I 8. Acts xxvi. 18. t 8. John viii. 12.
t 8. Luke xvi.8; John xii. SO. t 10. Kom. xii. 2 ; Phil. i. 10; 1 Thess. v. 21. I l\-
1 Cor. v. 9,11; 2 Cor. vi. 14; 2 Thess. iii. 6,14.
€hap. 5 : 12.] E P H E S I A N S . [tfwp. 5 : 24.

5e Kai €A6-y%€Te. 12
T a y a p Kpvcprj yivojisva HESS, but rather even r e .
but even do you reprove. The things for in secret being done prove them.
13 12 % For the THINGS
JIT* avrcov, aitrxpov €(TTI Kai Xeyeiv. T a Se
them in BEING DONE by
by them, indecent it is even to say. The but
secret, it is indecent ever.
?raj>Ta, e\eyxofi€va viro rov (peoros, (pavepoirar to mention.
nil things, being exposed by the light, are manifested; 13 % But ALL things be-
rcav yap ro cpauepov/aeuov, (poos etrri. 14
Ato ing reproved are manifest-
everythingfor that it being manifested, light is. Therefore ed by the LIGHT ; for it
is Light which makes
Xeyei' Eyeipe 6 KaOcvdoov, Kai avao~ra ac every thing manifest.
it says; Awake thou the one sleeping, and arise thou out of 14 Therefore it says,
rccv veKpoov, Kai eirKpavo'ei ffoi 6 Xpio~ro$. X " Awake, O SLEEPER !
the dead ones, and will shine on thee the Anointed* and arise from the DEAD,
and the ANOINTED one
BA67T6Te OVV, Trees aKpifioos TrepnrareiT
will flhinc upon thee."
See you then,
how accurately youwalkj 15 $ Therefore, take
IL7\ cos acro(poiy a\\ cos o~o(por 16
e^ayopa(ofji€Voi heecl diligently how you
not as unwise ones, but as wise ones; buying foryourselves walk, not like Ignorant
persons, but as Wise men;
rov Kaipov^ Sri at Tjfiepai Trovrjpat €to~i. l? Aia 16 securing the SEASON
the season, because the day* evil are. Because of far yourselves, Because the

rovro jxf) ytpecrde acppoves, aWa O~UVI€VT€S ri DAYC are evil.

this not become you simple ones, but understandingWhat 7i7 J Therefore be not
18 inconsiderate, but * under-
ro 6e\7]/j.a rov Kvptov. Kai fi'ij jLitOvo'KecrOe stand what is the WILL
the will of the Lord. And not be you drunk of the LORD.
OIUW, €V (p eo~Tiv aerooria, aWa TrKrjpovcrde 18 And X be not drunK
with wine, in which is profligacy, with Wine, by which
but be you filled
€V "KVtvfxariy 19 XaXovvres eavrois ^a\jj,ois Kai comes Debauchery; but
with spirit, speaking to others in psalms and be filled with Spirit;
19 speaking to one
vfivois Kai cpfiais ^^irvevfAariKais,] a^oures Kai another, * in Psalms and
hymns and songs {spiritual,] singing and Hymns and Spiritual
xpaWovres €V rrj napBia vfxcov TOI Kvpicp* ^ €V~ Songs, singing and making
making music in the heart of you to tht Lord; giv- music ni your HEART to
the LORD ;
XapicrrovUT€S iravrore virep Trauroov, €i> ovofxari 2 0 2 giving thanics at all
in g thanks at all times on behalf of all, in times on account of all
rov Kvptov r/fxcau Irjcrov Xpurrov, rep 6ecp Kai things t o . t h e GOD and
the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, to the Sod »nd Father t i n the Name of
21 our LORD * Jesus Christ.
irarpi' VTToracro'oixtvoi aXAy}\ois €V (poficp
SI J Be submissive to
to each other fear
father; submitting yourselves each other in the fear of
Xpicrov at yvvaiKes rots tfitois av$pao~iv Chris!,.
of Anointed; the wives to the own husbands 22 | W I V E S , be SUDTUIS-
*[t)7roTa(nrerr0e,3 cos rep Kvpicp- 23 sive tc your OWN Hus-
on avqp eo~ri bands, as"to the LORD;
[be you submissive,] as to the Lord; because a husband is
23 for a % Husband is the
K€<pa\7} rf]S yvvaiKOs, cos Kai 6 Xpirrros KeepaXf] WIFE'S Head, even as %i\\Q
• head of the wife, as even the Anointed ahead ANOINTED one is Head of
rr)S iKK\7]crias' avros " ^ e o - r j ] crccrrjp rov aoo/Jia- the CONGREGATION ; fje is
ef the congregation; he [is] a preserver o^th* body. a Preserver of the BODY.
rosv AAA* *[wo-7T6p] 7] fKKKy]o~ia vTrorao'o'erai 524 But evea as the
But [even as] the congregation iB subjected CONGREGATION is sub-

* VATICAN MANUSCKITT.—17. understand you what the WILL of our LOUD is. 19.
spiritual— omit. 20. Christ Jesns. 22. be you submissive—omit. 23. is— omit.
24. even as—omit.
1 12 Eom. i. 24, 26. t 13. John iii. 20, 21. t 14. Isa. lx. 1; Bom. xiii. 11,12;
1 Cov. xv. 34; 1 Thess. v. 6. £ 15, Col. iv. 5. J 17. Eom. xii. 2 ; 1 Thess. iv. 5 ; v. 18.
: 18. Prov. xx. 1 ; xxiii. 29. t 19. Col. iii. 16. t 20. Col. iii. 17; 1 Thess. v. 18.
• 20. Heb. xiii. 15. t 21. Phil. ii. 3 ; 1 Pet. v. 5. t 22. Gen. iii. 10; 1 Cor. xiv. 34;
Col. iii. 18. t 2~. 1 Cor. xi. 3. t 23. Eph. i. 22; iv. 15; Col. i. 18.
Chap. 5 : 25.] KPHESIANS. [CJiap. 6 : L

rep XpiorTCf), ovrca Kai at yvvaiKes *[i§iois~\ Jected to the ANOINTED

to t h e Anointed, thus aliso t h e wives
[own] one, so also the WIVES to
to the
avfipacriv ev TTCLVTI. 25 0 / avBpes, ayarvare ras their HUSBANDS in every-
husband* i n everything. T h e husbands, love you t h e thing.
yvvaiKas *[eavrwv,~\ Kadoos icai 6 Xpio"ros7)ya- 25 % HUSBANDS, love
wives [ o f yourselves,] even as also t h e A n o i n t e d loved your WIVES, even as the
Tr7]<T€ T7)v eKKATjo'iav, Kai eavrov rrapedcoKevANOINTED one loved the
the congregation, and himself delivered u p CONGREGATION, and J de-
virep avT7)s, 2G
iva avr7\v KaQapirras livered Himself up on her
o n behalf of her, so t h a t h e r h e m i g h t sanctify, having cleansed behalf;
rep Xovrpca rov vdaros ev p7]jxari' 27 iva irapaff- 26 so that, having puri-
in t h e b a t h of t h e water by a w o r d ; that might fied her in % the BATH of
T7](T7] avros eavrcc evdo^ov TTJS eKK\7]0'tavf WATER, he might sanctify
place beside h e himself glorious the congregation, Her % by the Word;
jXf] €X '0VO ai/
VXlAOP 7] pVTlSa 7] Tl roOV TOtOV-
27 J that he might p'ace
not having a spot or blemish o r any of t h e s u c h l i k e the CONGREGATION by his
rcov, a\?C iva y ayia Kai a/noo/nos. Ourcos own
side, glorious, having
Spot or Blemish, or
t h i n g s , b u t t h a t s h e m i g h t b e h o l y a n d blameless. Thus
o<pei\ovo'iv ol avfipes ayairav ras eavreov yvvai- that she might be holy and
are obligated t h e h u s b a n d s t o love t h e of themselves wives,
Kas, cos ra eavreov a'cofiara. ' O ayaircov rrjv 28 Thus * also ought the
as t h e of themselves bodies. He loving the
eavrov yvvauca, eavrov ayaira' 2 9 ovdeis yap OWN Wives, as THEIR OWN
of himself wife, himself loves; no one for
Bodies. H K who LOVES
7Tore rr]V eavrov Capua epLiorrjffes, a\\3 eKrpe™ HIS OWN Wife loves Him-
ever t h « of himself flesh hated, but nourishes
(pet KOA QaXivei avrnv Kadoos Kai 6 Xpicrrosr7)v 29 for no one ever hated
a n d cherishes her; as even t h e A n o i n t e d t h e
HIS OWN Flesh, but nour-
eKtc\r)<rLav '60 ort jueXrj errjuev rov crco/naros ishes and cherishes it, even
congregation; because m e m b e r s we are of t h e body
as the A N O I N T E D one the
avrov, * [ e / c rrjs <rapKos avrov, Kai eK rcov CONGREGATION ;
of him, [ o u t of the flesh 30 because % we are
of him, a n d o u t of t h e
ocrreoov avrov.~\ KaraXeiipei Members of his BODY.
Avri rovrov
bones ofliim.] On a c c o u n t ofthis shall leave 31 J " O n this account
avOpccTTos rov rrarepa avrov Kai rt]V fxrjrepa, "shall a Man leave *|Father
a man the father of himself a n d the mother, " a n d Mother, and shall be
"united to his WIFE, and
Kai Trpoo'KoW'nOTjcrerai irpos rt]V ywaiKa avrov, " % the TWO shall become
ruiA shall be closely ioined to the wife of himself, " one Flesh."
Kai ecovrai ol dvo eis crapKa fiiav. To /j.vo'rri- 32 This is a great SE-
and will be t h e two i n t o flesh one. The secrej CRET ; but 3E am speaking
piov rovro fieya ecrriv eyco 8e \eyco eis Xpio~- concerning Christ and the
this great is; I b u t speak a b o u t Anointed, CONGREGATION.

TOVJ Kai eis rt]v €KK\7]criav. 33

Tlkrjv Kai V/JLCIS
33 But, indeed, let each
and a b o u t t h e congregation. But also you each one of YOU, I N D I V I -
it KaB-1 eva, eicao"ros rrjv eavrov yvvaiKU ovrcos Wife as himself, that even
t h e every one, each o n e t h e of himself wife thus the WIFE may % reverence
ayairarco cos eavrov 7] 5e 7 ^ 7 7 Iva <po@7]rai her HUSBAND.
let love as liimself; t h e and wife so t h a t she may reverence
"ov avdpa. KE4>. s'. 6 . l
Ta rtuva, viraKov- CHAPTER VI.
„he h u s b a n d . T h e children, be you s u b - 1 C H I L D R E N , X obey
ere rois yovevciv V/JLOOV *\_ev Kvpiop'] rovroyour P A R E N T S ; fortius is
ject to the parents of you [in Lord;] thi» t h i n g a just precept,—

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—24. own—omit. 25. ofyourselves—omit. 28. also.

30. of his FLESH, and of his BONES—omit. 31. Father and Mother. 1. i n t h e Lord—omit.

* 25. Col. iii. 19; 1 Pet. iii. 7. t 25. Acts xx. 28; Gal. i. 4; ii. 20. J 26. John
iii.5; Titusiii.5. t 26. John xv.3; xvii. 17. A t 27. 2 Cor. xi. 2 ; Col. 1. ii.
f 30. Gen.ii. 23; Eom. x i i . 5 ; 1 Cor. vi. 15; xii. 27. t SI. Gen. ii. 24; Matt, x i x . 5 ;
Mark x. 7, 8. i 31. 1 Cor. vi. 10. t 33. 1 Pet. iii. 6. t 1- Pro v. xxin. 22.-
Col. iii. ^0.
Cfiap. 6: 2.] EPHESIANS. [Cliap.ft: Vt.

2 2 J " H o n o r t h y FATHER
yap 60"ri hitcaiov. Tifxa TOP irarepa
<Tov Kai "and MOTHER," (which, ia
for is just. Honor the father of thee and
the first Commandment
rf\v /XT]T€pa' (rjris ^\_ecrrip"\ evroXrj irpcorr), with a Promise,)
the mother; (which [is-] a commandment first,
3 3 " t h a t i t may be well
en eirayyeXia') Iva €v <roi yevqrai, Kai " with thee, and that thou
with a promise;) that well with thee it may be, and
4 " mayest be long-lived in
6(77? fiaKp0XP0VL0S €TTl TfjS yiJS' Kai Ol
"the L A N D . "
ihou mayest be long-lived on the land; and the
4 And, J T A T H S R S , d »
irarepes, lit) irapopyifcre re, reKva VJXCOV, aXX* not irritate your C H I L -
fathers, not irritate you t\& children of you, bub
DREN, but t bring them
eKrpe(pere avra eu TrcuSeia Kai vovdeariq, KVpiov, up in t h e Discipline and
bring you up them, in di»cipline and instruction of Lord. Instruction ofthe Lord-
Oi hovkoi, viraKovtrerois Kvpiois Kara crap/ccc, 6 J BOND-SERVANTS,
The slaves, b« you submissive to the lords according to flesh, be subject to your MAS-
fxera <po$ov Kai rpo/jLOV, ev aTrAorrjri rr)S icap- TERS, according to the
with fear and trembling, in simplicity ofth« heart Flesh, with Fear and Trem-
8ias vficw, ws rep Xpiffry fir) tear* ocpOaXfio- bling, i n the Integrity of
ofyou, as to the Anointed; not by eye-service your H E A R T , as to the
SovXziav o>s audpooirapeaKoi, aXX* &s dovXoi A N O I N T K D ;
as men-pleasers, but as slave* 6 not with Eye-service
• ^ [ T O U ] Xpicrrov, iroiovvres ro QeXrjjxa rov deov as Men-pleasers, but as
[of the] Anointed, doing the will of the God Bond-servants of Christ,
etc ^ " X ^ s , 7 /X€T' evvoias fiovXevovres, ws TO) doing the WILL of GOD
from soul, with good-will serving, as to the from the Soul,
Kvpicp Kai ovic auBpcoirois' 8 chores, Sri 6 eau 7 doing service with
,Lord and not to men; knowing, that whatever Good-will, a3 if to the
ri 4/cao*Tos iroirjcr) ayadov, rovro KOfiieirai LORD, and not to * Men ;
any each one may do good thing, this he will receive 8 J knowing That what-
irapa Kvpiov, eire b*ovXos9 e i r e eXzvQepos. 9 Kai ever good any one may do,
from Lord, whether a slave, or a freeman. And this he will receive from
ol Kvpioi, ro aura 7roieiTe irpos avrovst avievres the Lord,~whether a
the lords, thesamethingsdoyou to them, omitting Slave or a Freeman.
rr\v OTTCIXTJP' eifiores, 5ri Kai vfiwv avrwv 6 9 And, J MASTERS, do
the threat; knowing, that also of you ofthem the the SAME things to them,
Kvpios €0"riu tv ovpavois,
Kai 7rpoo~oi)TroXr}ipta X forbearing to THREATEN ;
lord is in heavens, and respect of persons
knowing That * both Their
and % Your MASTER is in
OUK effTt irap' avrca. the Heavens; and J there
not is with. him.
10 is no Partiality of persons
To Xonrov, *[a5€A^)04 fiov^] evdvvafx.ovo'de with him.
The rest, [brethren of me,] strengthen yourselves
10 FINALLY,strengthen
ej> ttvpi(p Kai GV rq> Kparci rt]S to~xvos avrov. yourselves in the Lord.
n Lord and in the power ofthe might ofhim. and % in his MIGHTY
'EvSvo'ao'Oe rr\v iravoirXiav rov 9eov, irpos ro POWER.
Put you on the complete armor of the God, for that 11 $ P u t on the
Svvaa-Oat vfias crrt\vai irpos ras fxedodeias rov PLETE
of G O D , AWMOB
to enable you to stand against the crafty ways ofthe that you may be ABLE to
12 stand against the CRAETT
fiiafioXov^ on OVK cariv i)fiiv y iraXr) irpos WAYS Of t h e E N E M Y ;
accuser* because not is to us the contest with
12 because our CON-
al/uia Kai capKa, aXXa irpos ras apxas, irpos ras FLICT is not with J Blood
blood and flesh, but with the goyernments, with the and Flesh, but with J the
i^ovffiaSf irpos rovs KocrfioKparopas rov CTKO- GOVERNMENTS, w i t h t h e
authorities, with the world-ruler* ofthe dark- AUTHORITIES, With. % t h e

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—2. is—omit. 6. of the—omit. 7. Man. 9.

both Their and Your MASTER is i n the Heavens. 10. my Brethren—omit.
+ 2. Exod. xx. 12; Dent. v. 16. t 4. Col. iii. 21. % 4. Gen. xviii. 19 ; Deut. i v
9- vi 7 20; xi.19; Prov.xix.18; xxii. 26; xxix.17. t 5. Col. iii. 22; 1 T i m . v i . 1 J
Tit i ' i . 9 ; l Pet ii.18. t 8. R o m . i i . 6 ; 2 Cor. v. 10; Col. iii. 24. t 9. C o h i v . L
t 0* Lev. xxv. 43. 1 9. John xiii. 13; 1 Cor. vii. 22. $ 9. Rom. ii. 11; Col. iii. 25.
1 lb Eph. i. 19 iii 16; CoL i. 11. I 11. Rom. xiii. V2 ; 2 Cor. vi. 7; 1 Thesis, v. 8
* 12' Matt. xv*. Vi, 1 Cor. xv. 50. t 12. Rom. viii.38 * E p h . i . 21; Col.ii.15. + U-
t u k e xxii 53; xii. 31; xiv. 30 ; Col. i. 13.
Olia?. 6: 13.]
EPHESIANS. [Chap. 6 : 20.


Bess of this, NESS, with t h e S P I R I T U A L
with t h e spiritual t h i n g s of t h e evil one,
€U rois etrovpapiois. A i a rovro avaXafierG
m the heavenlies. Because of thi» t a k e you u p the HEAVENLIES. ;
13 X On account of this,
rrju iravoirAiav TOV deov, Iva. dvprjdriTe avMrrt)-
the complete armor of t h e God, so t h a t you may b e able t o stand
take u p t h e f C O M P L E T E
ARMOR of G O D , t h a t you
pat iv T7) 77/^epa T?7 Trovqpa, Kai airavra Karep- may be able to resist" in
»gain»tin t h e day the evil, a n d all t h i n g s having
14 the E V I L DAY, and having
<fa(rafX€voi (TT7]vai. 2 T T ; T 6 OVP
irepi^coo'afjLepoi achieved Every thing, to
worked o u t t o stand. Stand you therefore having girded
T7]U oo~<pvv ujJLCov ep a\7]6eia, Kai evhvffajxevoi 14 Stand, then, $ having
the loins of you with truth, and having p u t o n
15 your L O I N S girded around
TOP BoopaKa TT]S $iicaiocrvpr]s, Kai virodrja'afxe- with T r u t h , a n d J having
t h e breastplate of t h e righteousness, and having shod
p u t c n the BREASTPLATE
vol rovs Trodas €P kTOifxaaia TOV
evayyeXiov Of R I G H T E O U S N E S S ;
the feet with * preparation of t h e glad tidings
15 a n d \ having your
TT]S eiprip-qs' eiri irao~iP apa\a(3opTes TOP FEET- shod with t h e Pre-
of t h e peace j besides all having t a k e n u p the
paration Of t h e GLAD TID-
Qvpeop TTJS irio'TGOtis, €P CO dvprja'to'Qe iraPTa INGS Of PEACE;
shield of t h e faith, by which y o u will be able all 16 besides all, having
T<X fieXr] TOV irop^qpov * [ V a ] iretrvpoop.epa f/jSerrar taken u p J t h e S H I E L D of
the d a r t s of t h e eviL one [ t h e ] having been kindled t o quench; t h e F A I T H , b y which you
will be able to extinguish
^ Kai Tf\v TreptK€<pa\aiap TOV ffooTrjpiov Se^arrfle,
also the helmet lofthe salvation take y o u ,
All t h e b u r n i n g D A R T S of
the W I C K E D one;
Kai TT\P /xa%«fpa^ TOV Trpev/xaTos, 6 eo'Ti firjjua 17 t t a k e also t h e H E L -
and. ',be twerd 4'/thR spirit, which ij , a word
0eoi* £i(* ftacnis T\.IOC'€VX;)S Kai
SiYjire&s ^ t L e s w o R i v o f t h e S P I R I T ,
of G o d ; by means t f every prayer and supplication which is God's Word;
TTpOO'€VXO/Ll€POl €P TTaPTt KaipCf) €P TTPCVfXaTl* Kai 18 % praying a t everf
praying in every season in spirit; and Season, f with All P r a y e r
and Supplication in Spirit,
eis avTO *[TOVTO~\ aypvirpovpTcs ep iracrr) irpoo"-
for it [this] watching with all jper-
and J keeping watch for
this with All Perseverance
KapTep7]cT€i icai Sencrei Trepi irapTcvp TOOP aytcop, and $ Entreaty for All
severance and supplication for all of t h e h o l y ones,
Kai virep €fiov, [pa uoi $067) Xoyos €U apot-
19 $ and on my behalf,
and on behalf of m e , t h a t t o m e may be given a word i n t h a t Eloquence m a y be
£ei TOV ffTofxaTOS fiov, ep 7rapp7]0-ia, ypcopicai TO given t o me, in opening m y
i n g of t h e mouth of me, with boldness t o m a k e known t h e MOUTH with boldness, t o
make known t h e SECRET
(xvcrT7)piop * [ T O U evayyeXiov ,~\ 2 0 VTVep OV
Of t h e G L A D T I D I N G S ,
secret [of t h e glad tidings,] on a c c o u n t of which
20 (on account of which
7Tp€0'^€VW €p aXvcrei, tpa *[e^]j avTcp Trapprj- J I execute a n Embassy in
1 am on tea embassy in a chain, t h a t [in] it A m a y speak t a Chain,) t h a t J I m a y

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—16. the—omit. 18. this—omit. 19. of the Gi/ AD

TIDINGS—ontif. 20. in—omit.
t 13. The Grecian armor consisted of two sorts,—Defensive and Offensive armor. Toe
apostle selects from these the following, which he calls the panoply, or complete armor
of God:—1. The Girdle, or Military Belt, tised to brace the armor tight t o the body, and
cover the two parts of the breastplate where they joined; and. to support daggers, short
swords, &c. 2. The Breastplate consisted of two parts,—one reaching from ija.e neck to the
navel, and the other hanging from thence to the knees. 3. The Greaves, made, of gold, sil-
ver, brass, or iron, designed to defend the front of the legs and feet. 4. The Helmet, made
ot various metals, and used to protect the head. 5. The Shield, sometimes round and some-
times square, was made of strong thiclc leather or hides ; sometimes of wood covered with
brass or iron. 6. The Sword, as an offensive weapon. He who had these was completely
armed for combat. + 18. As it was customary for the Grecians to offer prayers to their
gods before engaging in battle, so the apostlQ exhorts Christianwarriors to pray with all
prayer, in every season, always depending on the Captain of their salvation.
t i J 2 Cor. x. 4. t 14. Isa. xi. 5; Luke xii. 35; 1 Pet. i. 13. t 14. Isa. lix. 17 ?
2 Cor. vi.7; I T h e s s . v . 8. I 1 5 - Isa. lii.7; Rom. x. 15. t 16. 1 John v. 4-
1 17. Isa. lix. 17; 1 Thess. v. 8. J 17. Heb. iv.12; Rev.i. 16; ii. 16; xix. 15. t 18-
Lukexviii. 1; Rom. xii. 12; Col.iv. 2; I T h e s s . v . 17. t 18. Matt. xxvi. 41; M.ifk xiii. 33.
I 18. Eph. i.16; Phil. i. 4; 1 T i m . i i . l . t 19. Acts iv.29; Col. iv. 3 ; 2 Thess. iii. 1.
H 20. 2 Cor. v, 20. J. 20. Acts xxvi. 29; xxviii. 20; Phil. i. 7,13,14. X 20. Acts xxviiuSl'
Chap. 6: 21.] EPHESIANS. [Chap. 6 I U.

aiaaccfxai, ws 5ei fii \a\T](Tcu. 'Ij/a 8e 6*877- speak boldly concerning it,
boldly, a» it behove* me to speak. That but may as it becomes me.
3 21 But J that gou also
r e nai i/fxeis ra Kar €,ue, ri Trpatfcrcc, Travra may know the THINGS con-
know also you the things concerning me, what I am doing, all things cerning me, and what I am
vfjuv yvctipurti TVXIKOS 6 ayatr^ros afieAcpos Kai doing, Tychicus, the B E -
to you will make known TychicuB the beloved brother and LOVED Brother and Faith-
TTKTTOS diaKovos ep Kvpicf 22 bv ore/uupa Tvpos ful Servant in the Lord,
faithful •ervant Lord : whom I sent to
will make All things known
to you;
vfias zis avTorovTo, iva yvoore ra irepi 22 J whom T have sent
vou for s&ma this thing, that you may know the things concerning to you for this very pur-
ri/JLCop, Kai TrapaKaXecrrj ras Kapfiias V/J.CVV.pose, that you may know
us, and he might comfort the hearts of you. the THINGS concerning ns,
Eiprjvrj rois a5eA<£oiS Kai ayairrj fiera irur- and that he may comfort
Peace to the brethren and love with faith your HEARTS.
23 X Peace to the BBETH -
recos airo Oeov trarpos teat Kvpiou lr}(Tov Xpurrov. REN, and Love with faith,
from God a father and Lord Jesu» Anointed.
from God the i'athrr, and
'H XaPls A167*06 WVTWV T<av ayairoovroov rov the LOKD Jesus Christ.
The favor with all of the oneslovin0" h« 84 The FAVOR be with
Kvpiov riixwv Irjrrovu Xpiarrov ev acpOapcria. all who $pn"erely LOVB
Lo'd ofug Jesus Anointed with incoruptness. our LORD Jesus Christ.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—Subscript urn—To TUB EruraiANS. W»iTiaK JBOM K.O*DB.
% 21. Col. iv. ?. .t ?f». Col. iv. 8, t 23, 1 VV 9.34. | 24. Xitus u. 7-


K E * . a'. 1. CHAPTER I.
1 1 Paul and Timothy
UavXos KCLI Tijuofleov, $ov\ot l-rjcrovXpio'Tov,
Paul and Timothy, bondmen of Jesu» Anointed, Bondmen of * Christ Jesus,
iracrt rots ayiots ep XpiffTy ITJCTOU, TOLS ovtftp to all THOSE SAINTS Jin
Christ Jesus, who ARE at
to all the holy one* in Anointed Jesus, to those being
Philippi, with the Over-
€P 4>tAl7T7rOiS, (TVV eTTHTKOTTOlS KCLI seers and Assistants;
in Philippi, with overseer* and 2 J Favor to you, and
2 a ls
xP vfxiv KCLl tipyvy awo 0€OV warpos rijxoov, Peace from God our
favor to you and peace from God a father of us, Father, and our Lord Jesui
KOU KVpiOV l7]0~0V XptCTOV. EuXa/HCTTW TCf) 3 XI give thanks to my
and Lord Jesus Anointed. I give thanlcs to the
GOD on Every REMEM-
de(f} }XQV €7Ti TTCUrri TT) jJ.V€ia V/J.WP, 4
God of me Dn every the remembrance of you, always 4 (always, in Every
ep Trao~r) Severe: /xou virep iraPToop V/ACOP, fieraPrayer of mine, making
in every prayer of me on behalf of all of you, with SUPPLICATION on behalf
ofyou all with Joy,)
X&P&S T7]V $€T)<TIV TTO.OVjU.€POS eTTt TTj KOIP00PIO. 5 J on account of your
joy the prayer making in respect to the fellowship PARTICIPATION in the
V/XCOP eis ro evayyeXiop, airo irpcar^s 7}fxepas GLAD TIDINGS, from *tb.9
of you for the glad tidings, from first day FIRST Day till N O W ;
aXPL rov
TreiroiOcas avro TOVTO, ort 6 6 having this same con-
til), the now; having been persuaded same t h i s t h i n j , that the fidence, That H E wh<?
epap^ajxevos ep VJALP epyop ayadop,
eiriTeKeo'eL Work among you, will
one having begun in you a work
good, will complete
continue to complete it
ff-XP Vfitpus lyo'ov Xpto'rov 7 rcaOcos co~Tt til] the Day of * Christ
till a day of Jesus Anointed; as it is Jesus ;
dtfcaiov €fxoi TOVTO (ppopeip virep TVOLPTOOP v/biccp, 7 as it is right for me to
just forme this to think concerning all ofyou, think This respecting you
all, Because you HAD me
Sta TO *x*LV P-€ ev TV Ka-P$ia vfxas, ep Te in your HEART, both in
because the to have me in the hearts ofyou, in both X my BONDS, and in the
the bonds of me and in the defence and connrma- TION Of the GLAD TID-
<T€i rov evayyeXiov, a'vyKoiPoopovs JJLOV TTJS
INGS, you all being joint-
Uon of the glad tidings, joint-contributors of me ©fthe
contributors to me of the
X^piros irapTas bfxas ovras' fxaprvs yap n&ov
8 For J GOD is my Wit-
free gift all ofyou being; ness how I long alter you
a witness for ofme
*[ecrT£x/] 6 Oeos. ws emiroOco Trapras vfxas ep all with the tender Sympa-
[W the God, 'low I long after all ofyou in thies of Christ Jesus.
cnrXayxPois Xpiarov Irjaov. 9
Kcu rovro Trpoo— % 9thatAnd your
This I prayr
LOVE may yet
bowels of Anointed Jesus. And this I
abound more and more in
evxofJLai, Ipa 7] ayairr) V/JLCCP en fiaWop KaiKnowledge, and in all Per-
pray, that the love ofyou yet more and ception,
fiaWop TTeptcro'evr) ep emypwcrei Kai irao"p 10 in order that you
more may abound in knowledge and in all may EXAMINE the D I F -
atcrdrjO'ef eis TO hoKijxa^eip bfxas r a 5m-
perception; for the to examine you the things dif- and that you % may be

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—Title—To THE P H I L I P P I A N S . 1. Christ Jesiis. 5.

the yiKST Day. 6. Christ Jesus. 8. is—omit.
t 1. l C o r . i . 2. t 2. Rom. i. 7; 2 Cor. i. 2; 1 Pet. i. 2. J 8. Eom. i. 8, 0; 1 Cor.
t is Eph.i.15,16; Col.i.S. t 5. Eom.xii.13; xv. 26; 2 Cor. viii. 2; Phil.iv. 14,15.
1*5.1 Thess. i. 3. I 1. Eph. Hi. 1; vi. 20; Col. iv. 3,18; 2 Tim. i. 8. \ 8. Eom.
I. 0; ix. 1; Gal. i. 20; 1 Thess. ii. 5. t 9. 1 Thess. iii. 12. i 10. Acta xiiv. 10 %
l T h e s s . i i i . 1 3 ; v. 23.
Oliap.l: 1L.]
PHILIPPIANS. l$iap. 1 : 20.

ipepopra, iva Tjre cnrpocrKoiroi sincere a n d inoffensive in

eiXiKpiuets KOLI
fering, »o that you may be tincere ones and inoffensive ones t h e Day of Christ;
11 having been filled
i-LS rj/JLcpav Xpurrov, TT€Tr\r)pcafjL€i>oi napiiov with % t h e F r u i t of Righte-
for adiy of Anointed, having been filled fruit ousness through Jesus
<5iKaio(Tvv7}s * j V o ; / ] 5 m Trjcou Xpicrrov, eis Christ, % to t h e Glory and
of righteousness [that] through' Jesus Anointed, to Praise of God.
12 12 Now I wish you t o
do£au Kat eiraiyof deov. YIVUXTK^LV 5e vjxas know, Brethren, That t h e
glory and praise of God. To know but you THINGS which have be-
PovAo/xai, aSzXcpoi, ort T« icar* fiaX- fallen m e resulted rather
I wish, brethren, that the things relating to me rather for the Advancement of
Xov as frpoKoirr\v rou evayyeXtov eXTjXvOa/' t h e GLAD TIDINGS ;
for advancement of the" glad tidings happened; 13 so t h a t m y BONDS
for Christ have become
wcrre rovs de&fxovs fxov Travepovs ev Xptarrcp manifest i n All t h e t P R E -
so that the bonds of me appear in Anointed T O R I U M , and in all O T H E R
yevecrdat ev oXcp rep irpaircopLCt} Katrois Xonrots places;
to have become before all in the judgment hall and tothe others 14 and the GREATER
u NUMBER Of t h e BRETH-
Tracri, Kat rovs irXetovas r<av adeX(pcav cv REN in t h e Lord, having
to all, and the graater number of the brethren in
been made confident by
Kvpicp, TreTroiOoras rots Seor/xois fxov, irepicroro- my B O N D S , have m u c h
Lord, having been assured by the bonds of me, moreabun- more a b u n d a n t courage
Tepojs roXfiav a<po$<a$ rov XaXziv. t o speak t h e * W O R D of
dantly are bold fearlessly theG O D without fear.
word to speak.
15 Some, indeed, pro-
Tiues /JLZV KCU S i a (pBovov Kai tpiv, rives 8 e claim tlie A N O I N T E D one
Some indeed even through envy and strife, some and even through Envy and
KCU hi evfioKiav rou Xpicrrov K.ripvo'o'ovcriv. X Strife, and some also
also through good-will the Anointed they openly proclaim. through Good-will.
16 16 T H E S E , indeed, o u t
O t /J,€V c | ayaTTTjs, a S o r e s , on eis airoXoyiav
These indeed from love, knowing, that for a defence
of Love, knowing T h a t I
am placed for ± t h e De-
rov evayyeXiov Kei/aai' *' oi Se e£ eptOetas, fence of t h e GLAD TID-
of the glad tidings I am placed; thoBe but from strife* INGS j
17 but THOSE o u t of
* [ T o ; / ] Xpicrrov KarayyeXXovcriu ov% ctyvws, Contention are announcing
[thej Anointed are announcing not purely, Christ, n o t purely, think-
dio/xevoi OXi^/iv eTTKpepeiv rois de<r/uois fiov. ing * t o superadd Affliction
thinking affliction to superadd to ihe bonds of me. to m y B O N D S .
18 »pt yap; irXrjU iravrt rpoircp, eire Trpocpacra 18 W h a t t h e n ? * B e -
What then ? Still in every way, whether in pretence cause, i n Every W a y ,
whether in Pretence or i n
€iT€ aX^Oeta, Xptcrros icarayyeXXeraf Kat cz> Truth, C h r i s t i s a n n o u n -
•r in truth, Anointed is announced; and in
ced, even i n this I rejoice,
19 yea, a n d will rejoice.
novro} xaLpc*), aXXa Kat ^apt)(To}xai, Ot§a
Vhis | rejoice, but als«» Iwillrejoiee. I knort 19 * And I know That
•) .p, ort rovro fxot arro^rjo'eraL eis (roorrjpiav this will result i n My D e -
fjr, that this tome will result for deliverance liverance, J t h r o u g h YOUR
Entreaty, a n d t h e Supply
5m rrjs vfxaiV) der}creoos9 Kat iirixopvy^as ^ of
the SPTRIT of Jesus
8hrough the ofyou, entreaty, and asupply ofthe Christ,
Tn/zvjiaros \r\(Tov Xpicrrov^ Kara ri)V wnoKa- 20 according to my
spirit of Jesus Anointed, according to the eager EARNEST EXPECTATION

* VATICAH MANUSCRIPT.—11. that—omit. 14. WORD of GOD. 17. to raise

tip Affliction. 18. Because i n Every Way. 19. And I know.
t 13. Or, in all the Pretorium Camp. I t was either within or near t o this fortress that
the Apostle dwelt in his own hired house. I t was large enough to have many such houses
within i t for shops a i d taverns used by the soldiers, beside the barracks used by the sol-
diers themselves. See Note on Acts xxviii. IQ.—Sharpe.
1 11. John xv. 4, 5 ; Euh.ii. 10; Col. i.6. X 11. J o h n x v . 8 ; E p h . i . 12,14. I 15
Vhil. ii. 3. t 10. vo *s 7 t j 9 . 2 Cor. i. 11.
€hd<p. 1 •. 21.] PHILIPPIANS. 28.

pdSoKiav Kai €\7nda ai<?xvv~ and Hope, $ That in noth-

JUOV, STI €P ouSept
irpectation and hope I shall be ing I shall be ashasaed; but
of me, that ia nothing
orjcrofiai, aAA' ep Tracry irapprjo'ia, &s 7rai>T0T€i J with All Confidence, as at
ashamed, but with all confidence, as always, all times, also now Christ
Kat vvv fJLvyaXvvQriareTou Xpio~Tos ep TM tfoofxari will be magnified in my
also now will be magnified Anointed in the body BODY, whether by Life or
(xov, eiTe 5ia £oor)S are Sia Qavarov. 2 1 E/xoi by Death.
of me, whether by means oflife or by means of death. Forme 21 Therefore, for Me
to LIVE is for Christ, and
yap TO Cyv, Xpio'Tos, Kai T& aTrodapeip, Kep- to DIE, Gain.
therefore the to lire, Anointed, and the t o die, gain, 22 But if to LIVE i n
5os. ^ E t 5e TO £pv ep (TapKij rovro fxo: KapTros the Flesh, this is to me a
If but the to live in flesh, this to me a fruit Fruit of Labor; and what
epyov, Kai ri cup7}cro/Acu, ov ypoopi^oo' 2 8 o"vPe- I should choose I do not
®fwork, and what I shall choose, not I know; I am hard exactly know.
23 I am indeed, hard
XOfiai Se €K TCCP Svo, TT)P eTriOvfiiap eyoop eis pressed by the TWO things;
pressed but by the two, the earnest desire having for —(I have an EARNEST D E -
TO avaAvo'ai, Kat avp Xpio'Tcp eipar TTOAAW SIRE for J f the RETTJRN-
the to be loosed again, and with Anointed to be; much IWG, and X being with
yap (xaWop Kpeicraop' 2 4 TO Be eTrifiepeip ep TYJ Christ, since it is very
for more better; the but to remain in the much to be preferred;)—
25 24 but to REMAIN in
trapKiy avayicaioTepoi/ oY vfxas. Kat TOVTO
the FLESH is more requisite
flesh, more necessary on account of you. And on your account. this
Treirotdcos oi$a, STI fiepca Kai cvfnrapa- 25 J And fully believing
karing been persuaded I know, because Ishall remain and I shall con- this, I know That I shall
fxeuoo iraffip VJXIP us TT)P VJHOOP rKpoCK07ct]v Kai remain and continue with
fcinue with all you for the of you progress and
you all, for YOUR Progress
M and Joy in the F A I T H ;
%apav TT)S Tno~Tt(ax' iva TO Kav%f]p.a vfxoop 26 that your BOASTING
joy of the faith; that the boasting ofyou may abound, by Christ
Trepicrcevp ep XpiCTcp ly&ov ep €/J.OI, dia rrjs Jesus, in me, through JIY
may abound by Anointed Je»u« in me, through t h e Presence with you again
€/j.7)s Trapovo~ias iraXtv wpos v/xas. ^ MOPOP 27 Only J behave your-
my presence again *rith you. Only selves worthily of the
x^icos TOV evayyeKiov TovXpio'ToviroAireveo'de, ANOINTED one, so that
worthily of the glad tidings ofthe Anointed act you as citizens,
whether coming and see-
fj>a, €iT€ e\6eop aircop, ing you, or being absent, I
Kat ificav v/uas9 eire
o that, whetherhavingcome and having seen you, orbeing absent, may hear concerning your
tKov&G) r a irept vfxoov, STI (TTrjKeTe ep kvi AFFAIRS, that you t stand
\ may hear the things concerning you, that you stand firm in one firm in One Spirit, with
One Soul J vigorously co-
TTVcv/jiaTi, /xia tyvxy GvvaOXovPTes TT) irio'Tei operating for the FAITH of
spirit, withone soul co-operating vigorously for the faith the GLAD T I L I N G S ;
rov evayyeKiov, Kat fit] TTTvpo/uepoi ep ftrjoepi 28 and not being terri-
ofthe glad tidings, and not being terrified in anything fied in anything by the
hiro TCOP aPTiKeifxepoop' 7)TIS earip avTOis ep5ei-\ OPPOSERS ; % which is to
by those opposing; which is t o them a token them a clear Indication of

t 23. To analusai, the loosing again or the returning, being what Paul earnestly desired,
could not be death or dissolution, as implied by the word dex>art in the common version, be-
cause it seemed a matter of indifference to him, which of the two—life or death—he should
choose; but he longed for the analusai, which was a third tiling-, and very much to be pre-
ferred to either of the other two things alluded to. The word, analusei occurs in Luke xii.
86, and is there rendered return;—" Be you like men waiting for their master, when he will
return," &c. Jesus had taught his disciples that he would come again, or return, John xiv.
8,18; thus, also, the angels said to them at his ascension, Acts 1. 11. Paul believed this
ioctrine and taught it to others, and was looking for and waiting for the Savior from
heaven, Phil. iii. 20; 1 Thess. i. 10; iv. 10,17, when his mortal body would put on immor-
tality, and so he would " ever be with the Lord." i
t 20. Rom. v 5. t 20. Eph« vi. 19, 20. t 23. Luke xii. 36. J S3. 1 Thess.
iv. 16,17. t 25. Phil, i i.: -k t 27. Eph. iv. 1; Col. i. 10; 3 ThesS. li. 12; iv. 1-
X 27. Phil. iv. 1. J 27. Judo 3. J 28. 2 Thess. i. 5.
€hap. 1 s 29 ] PHILIPPIAN! [Chap. %: §.

%i$ GLTrcoXeias, ifxip 8e ffcorrjpias' teat rovro airoDestruction, but to you &J
of destruction, to yon buS of salvation; and J Salvation, and tht'a fron*
this from
deov ^ on V^IP e^apicrO'/} ro vtrep "Xpicrrov., ov 29 Because to yon ii
God; becausetoyoH i t was given that on behalf of Anointed, not
was graciously given on
only that into hira t o believe, but: also that to BELIEVE into Him, but
el 30 also to SUFFER on His ac*
virtp avrov tra(Tx V' TOP avrop aycova count;
en behalf of him t o (suffer; the same conflict 30 t having the SAME
eXovres, olov iSeTe GV €/AOI9 Kat vvv aKovere SP Conflict which you saw in
having, alike thing you saw in 12G, and now you hear in me, and now hear concern-
5 ing me.
f/iioi. KEO. f$'. 2 . Et ris OVP irapaicAri&is
me. If any therefore CHAPTER I I .
€P Xpurry, €t Ti Tcapafivdiop ayairyjs, ei ris
1 If, therefore, there be
in Anointed, if any soothing oflove, if any Any Comfort in Christ, if
KOipoopia irvev/JLaTos? e« TIS (nrXayxPct Kat OLK-Any Soothing of Love, if
fellowahip of spirit, if any bowels and com- Any Participation of Spirit,
a av
J if Any Sympathies and
Tip/noi' ^irXf]poocrars fxov TTJP x P i ^va ro Compassions,
passions; fulfil you of me the joy, so that the 2 complete My J o y ,
avro (ppovriTe, rt]p avrijp ayaTVj]v exopres, % that you may think the
same thing you may think, the same iovc having, SAME thing, having the
3 SAME Love, united in soul,
(rvjj.tyvxoi, TO ep (Ppovovpres" /LLTI?)€P Kara minding the ONE thing j
united onea in soul, the one thing minding 5 nothing in
3 J doing nothing from
spideiap 7) Kevofio^iav, aXXa rri raTrzipocppoo'vpT) Party-spirit, or Vain-glory;
strife or ?ain-glory, but in the lowliness of mind but in % HUMILTTY esteem-
aXXrjXovs TiyovjAtvoi vtrepexovras kavroov 4
fir] ing others as excelling
others esteeming exceeding yourselves; not yourselves;
4 not each one regarding
ra kavroov eKacrros CKOirovpres^ aXXa Kat HIS OWN interests, but
the things of yourselves each one regarding, but also each one also those of
ra irepcop GKCLITTOL. TOVTO ^\_yap~] <ppo- OTHERS.
the things of others everyone. This [for] 5 X Let this disposition
v€i(T0(a ep vfxip 6 Kat €P Xpicrrcp 5s <EP be in * you, which was also
Irjffov, 6

desired by you which also i a Anointed Jeaua, who in in Christ Jesu3,

6 who, though being in
fiopcprj Oeov vTrapxWs ou% apicayfAop rjyrjcaTo God's Form, yet did not
a form of God being, not a usurpation meditated meditate t a Usurpation
TO sivat t<ra dza), ^ aXh3 kavrop eKepoocre. /xop- to BE like God,
the to be like to God, but himself emptied, a 7 but divested Himself,
<pr]P dovXov Kaftwp, ez> ofMotoofxaTt apOpanrcopt taking a Bondman's
form of a slave having taken, in a likeness of men Form, % having been made
8 y Jia TL in the Likeness of Men;
yevofxepos, Kat o~x )l ' evpedeis ws apQpcoiros' 8 and being in condition
having been formed, and in condition oeing found aa a man; as a Man, he humbled him-
€TaireLPco(T€p €avrop9 yepopepos VTTT]KOOS fi^XP self, {becoming obedient
humbled himself, having become obedient till unto Death, even the Death
QaparoV) Qavarov Se cravpov. 9
Aio Kat 6 of the Cross.
death, of a death even ©fa cross. Therefore also the 9 And therefore GOD

* VATIC'AN MANUSCRIPT.—5. for—omit. 5. u s .

t 0. Harpagmon being1 a word of very rare occurrence, a great variety of translations
grave been given. The following may serve aa examples:—"Who —did not think i t a
matter to be earnestly desired."—Clarke. "Did not earnestly affect."—Cyprian. "Did n o t
think of eagerly retaining."— Wakefield. "Did n o t regard •—as a n object of solicitous
desire."—Stuart. "Thought not-—• a thing to be seized."—Sharpe. "Did not eagerly
grasp."— Knceland. "Did not violently strive."—Dickinson. "Did not meditate a "usurpa-
tion."—TurnbulL I
t 28. Bom. viii. 1?; 2 Tim. ii. 11. t 30. Acts xvi. 19. % 1. Col. iii. 12. 11.
Bom. xii. 16; sv. 5; Phil. iii. 16. % 3. Gal. v. 26; James iii. 14. J 8. Rom. xii. 10.
i 5. Matt. xi. 29; John xiii. 15; 1 P,et. ii. 21. % 7. Matt. xx. 28. $ ?. Gal. iv. 4ei
Be)), ii. 14,17. I 8. Matt xxvi. 39, 42; John x. 18; Heb. v. £; xii, 2.
(Map. 2 : 10.] PHILIPPIANS, [Cftap.2; 19.

0€OS OVTOV f,<T€pV\pO)0~€, KCLl €XaPl(raT0 C-vr(f> X supremely exalted Him,

God him »upir«maljf exalted, and freely granted to him and J freely granted to him
10 THAT Kam e which is above
opofxa rO vTT€p irap opo/aa' Iva ep rw opoaari Every Name;
a n»m« that above svery Biuie; so that in the name
10 J in order that in the
Irjo'ov irap yopv Kafxtyy, eirovpaPLCop Kai eiriysitop NAME of Jesus Every
of Jesus every knee should bfM.4 ofheavenlies and ofearthlies Knee should bend, of those
Kai Karax^ovLoov, ll
Kai ira&a yXooa'ara e^ofjioXo- in heaven, and of those on
and of underground one*j and evcrj tongue should
earth, and of those be-
neath ;
yr}(TT]Tai9 on fcvpios l7)(TGvs XpLtrros, eis Bo£ap 11 and $ Every Tongus
eonfess, that a Lord Jesus Anointed, for glory confess That Jesus Christ
6eov Trarpos, is Lord, for the Glory ^f
of God a father. God the Father.
'f2(TTe, ayainiToi JLIOV, KaO^i iravrore vivq- 12 So that, my Beloved,
So that, beloved ones of me, so always you
as you always obeyed, not
only as in my PRESENCE,
KOVO~a.T€, [AT] COS €P TT} TVapOV(Tia fXOV fJLOPOP, but now much more in my
obeyed, not as in the presence oCrnO only, ABSENCE, Work O u t YOUR
aXXa vvu iroXXcp fiaXXop ep TTI airavcna [JLOV, OWN Salvation with Fear
but now much. more in the absence Of me* and Trembling;
fxera cpofiop KCU rpofxov TTJP eavTOop coor^pLay IB WORKING 13 for X GOD is H E who
with fear and trembling the of yourselves salvation
among you, both to WILL
KaTepya^ecrOe' <5 0eos yap temp 6 epzpyeop ev and to PERFORM, on ac-
wort you out; the God for it is the one working in count Of his feENJSVO-
vfxivKCLI TO BeXeip KCLL TO epepyeip, vnep TTJS evLKNCS.
you both the to will and the to work, on accountof the good 1£ DG All things with-
u out Murmurings and Dis-
doKias. UaPTa TroieiTC ^copjs yoyyvcTfioop KOLI putings;
pleasure. All things
do you without murmurings and
15 that you may be
SiaXoyicr/iLtoV ipa yeprjcrOe a^xefxirToi KCU aKe- blameless and inoffensive,
digputings; that you may be blameless ones and harmless irreproachable % Children
paLoiyTeKva deov a/uc*>iJ.r)Ta ep fiecrwyepeas crico-of God, in the Midst of a
ones, children ofGod irreproachable in midstofagenerationper- crooked and misguided
Generation, among whom
Xias KaLc)Le(TTpa[XfxeP7]S' ep ols (pcupecrOe OJS (poocr- X you appear as t Lumina-
verse and having been misguided; to which you appear as lumi- ries in the World;
T7]peS €P KOa/JLO), ^6 XoyOP ^C07}S €1TGXOVT€S' CIS 16 exhibiting the "Word
naries in world, a word of life holding out; for of Life; for my Exultation.
Kavxypa efxoi eis rjfxepap 'Xpicrrov, on OUK eis in the Day of Christ, That
a boast t o m e in a day of Anointed, that not in I did not run in vain, nor
labored in vain.
Kepop eSpa/uop, ouSe eis KCPOP eKoiriacra. l? AXX3 17 But even J if I f b e
vain I ran, - nor in vain I toiled. But poured a libation on the
6t KCU crirepdojxai eiri TTJ Ovcria KCU Xeirovpyia SACRIFICE and public Ser-
if even I am poured out on the sacrifice and public service vice of your FAITH,
al K0LL aL (a am glad, and rejoice wit
of the faith of you, I am glad and I rejoice with all
you all;
18 and for THIS be YOU
vjjup' TO 5 s avTO Kai v/ieis xa'Lp€r€^ K&L
crvyxat- also glad, and rejoice with
youj the and same also you be you glad, and rejoice me.
peT€ fioi. 19EXTTI£O0 5e ep Kvpioi \T]O~OV, Tifxodeop 19 But I hope in the
you with me. I hope but in Lord Jesus, Timothy Lord Jesus to send Tim-

f 15. Phosteeres is the name given to the sun and moon in the Septuagint. Gen. i. 16.
f 17. An allusion to the wine and oil poured on the meat-offerings to render them accepta-
ble to God, Exod. xxix. 40, 41. Paul was most willing to pour out the costly libation of his
own blood on the offering- of the faith of the Gentiles, (Rom. xv. 16,) to render it more .firm,
and of consequence more pleasing to the Deity.
"t 9. Acts ii. 33; Heb. ii. 9. J 9. Eph. i. 20; Heb. i. 4. J 10. Isa. xlv. 23; Rom
xiv 11 • Rev. v. 13. t 11. Acts ii. 36; Rom. xiv. 9; 1 Cor. viii. 6; 1 Cor. xii. 3. J 13.
ilei>. xiii. 21. t 15. Matt. v. 45; Eph. v. 1. J 15. Matt, v. 14,16; Eph. v. 6'
% 17. 2 Tim, iv. 6; Rom. xv. 10.
Chap. 2 : 20.] PHILIPPIANS. [Chap. 2 : 30.

Taxeeus ire/x^/ai V/JLIV, Iva Kayco €u\|/u%cw, othy to you shortly, that &
shortly t o send t o you, that also I m a y be animated, also may he animated when
I ascertain how THINGS
yvovs TK irepi V/JLOJV. 2 0 Qvfteva yap are with yon.
having ascertained t h e thing* concerning y o u . N o one for
30 Tor 1 have No one
€%&> KTo^vxoVy 6(TTisyv7)crioos ra irepi v/xccv like disposed, who will
I h a r e like-souled, who really t h e t h i n g s concerning y o u really care about your
fispifjLPrjo'er 21 ol iravres yap ra kavroov §q- A I T A I K S ;
will c a r e ; the all for t h e t h i n g s of themselves are 21 for ALL_ J are seeking
22 TIIEIE OWN things, not
rovaiv, ov ra ITJITOV Xpiarov. Tr}V de the THINGS of * Christ
seeking, n o t t h e t h i n g s of Jesus Anointed. T h e b u t Jesus.

^OKifJi7]y avrov yiveoo-Kere, on, cos trarpi reKvovy 22 But of him you know
proof of h i m y o u know, that, as with a father a child, the PROOF, J That as a
trvv efioi edovXevo'zv €ts ro evayyeXiov. 23 Child with a Father, he
T o u - served
with me h e served for t h e glad tidings. Him
with me for th<$
rov fie? ovv sXinfo irefiipai, ws av airidca
28 3£}tm, therefore, I
indeed therefore I h o p e t o send, as I would view attentively
hope to send immediately,
ra irepi €/ne, ^avrrjs' tcsiroiQa 5e ev whenever I see distinctly
t h e t h i n g s concerning me, immediately; having confidence a n d in through the THINGS con-
Kvpiqj, on Kai avros renews eXevcofiai. cerningmej
Lord, that even myself shortly will c o m e . 24 and X having confi-
dence in the Lord, That
AvayKaiov 5c- ^yqcra^v, JLira<ppo$irov rov I also myself will come
Necessary but I esteemed, Epaphroditus t h e shortly.

a5eA(/)oi/ Kai avvepyov Kai crvo'rparioorrjv [iov% 25 I esteemed it neces-

brother and fellovr-worker a n d fellow-soldier of me, sary, however, to send to
you % Epaphroditus, the
U/HODV <$€ airoo'roXov, iccu Xeirovpyov rys XPeiasBROTHEE, and my Fellow-
«>fyou b u t a n apostle, a n d public servant of t h e want workman and Fellow-sol-
/nov9 inre/jupai irpos vfias" eTreidr] eirnroOcav dier, but J Your Apostle,
of JH«, t o have sent to you 5 since l o n g i n g after and % a Minister for my

7]V iravras vfias, Kai adrjfiovcov, diori 7}Kovo~are N E E D ;

he nag all you, a n d being depressed, because y o u heard 26 J since he was long-
ing after you all, and was
6TI 7}0'6ev7}0'€. ^Kat yap rjo'Oevrjo'e irapaivXT}- much depressed because
t h a t h e was sick. Indeed for he was sick n e a r you heard That he was
GWV Bavarcp* aXX* 6 Oeos avrov TjXerjcrev OVK
to death; b u t t h e God him pitied; not t 27 For indeed he was
sick, near to Death; but
avrov 8e fiovov, aXXa Kai e^iie, iva }X7] XVTTTJV GOD pitied him; and not
him a n d only, but also m e , so t h a t n o t sorrow him only, but me also, so
28 that I might not have Sor-
67Ti Xviryv cr^co. ^Trovdaiorepoos ovv eirtfxtya row upon Sorrow.
o n sorrow I should have. More speedily therefore I sent
28* I "have sent him,
avrov, iva ifiovres avrov iraXiv, xaP7lT€i Kaya> therefore, the more speed-
him that seeing him again, y o u may rejoice, a n d I ily, that seeing him again
you may rejoice, and that
aXvirorepos (a. ^riporrSexecrOe ovv avrov ev IE may be the less sorrow-
less sorrowful m a y b e . Receive y o u therefore h i m in
Kvpup ficra rrao'rjs % a p a s , Kai rovs roiovrovs 29 Receive him, then,
Lord with all joy, and the such l i k e ones in the Lord, with All Joy,
and % hold SUCH LIKE per-
evrifxovs e ^ e r e * 3 0 on Sta ro epyov *\rov~\ sons in honor.
in honor h o l d y o u ; because o n a c c o u n t of t h e work [of t h e ]
30 Because on account
Xpiffrov ^XPl Bavarov rjyyKre, 7rapa[3oXevo~a- of the WORK of Christ he
Auoiated even t o death h e was near, having risked was near to Death, having

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—21. Christ Jesus. SO. of the—omit.

t 21. 1 Cor. x. 24, 33; xiii. 5; 2 Tim. iv. 10,16, i 22.1 Cor. iv. 17; 1 Tim. i. 5; S Tim.
S.2. t 24. Phil, i- 25; Philemon 22.
+ 25. Phil. iv. 18. X 25. 2 Cor. viii. 2&.
X 25, 2 Cor. xi. 9. % 26. Phil. i. 3.
t 29.1 Cor. xvi. 1811 ThesSr^. 12 * I Tim, v»2f.
Oiap. 3 J 1.] PHILIPPIANS. l&iap. 3 J 9.

fievos T]7 tyvxj), tva avair\7)pcoo"r) TO vpLQ)vvo~Te- hazarded Ms LIFE, that

the life, BO t h a t h e m i g h t fill u p t h e o f you defi- J he might fill up the re-
mainder Of YOUR MINIS-
prj/na TT]S irpos fie Aetrovpytas. KE4>. y'. 3 . TRATION to Me.
ciency of t h e towards m e public service.
To Xoiirov, adeX(poi fjiov xaiper€ €J/
The t h i n g r e m a i n i n g , brethren of me r e j o i c e y o u in Lord; 1 FINALLY, my Breth-
ren, % rejoice in the Lord.
ra avra ypacpeip vfxiv, Z/JLOI fiev ovKOKvrjpou, To write the SAME things
t h « things same t o writs t o y o u , t o m e indeed n o t tediou*, to you is not irksome to
hpi.iv 8e acrcpaXes. 2
BXeirere rovs Kvvas, j3A.e- Me, bat for you it is safe.
foryoubut safe. See you the dogs, see 2 $ Beware of the DOGS!
Beware of the % EVIL
TT€T6 rovs Kavovs *pyaras9 jSAeTrere rr}v tcara- Workers 1 Beware of the
you the evil workers, seeyou the esci- $ EXCISION !
3 3 For toe are J the CIR-
TO[A7]V* 'H J aeis yap ecffxey 7) Trepiro/ur), ol CUMCISION, X WE who are
sion. We for we are t h e circumcision, who
SERVING God in Spirit,
irvevpiari Beep Xarpevovres, Kai Kavxa>p.evoi cv and J boasting in Christ
inspirit God a r e serving, and boasting i n Jesus, but who have no
confidence in Flesh.
XpicrTcp Ir)(Tov9 Kai OVK ev capKt ireTroiBoreS' 4 Though indeed i 3£
Anointed Jesus, a n d n o t i n flesh having been trusting;
have had Confidence also
* Kanrep eyco ^x°° Tf^^oi6r]criy Kai ev crapKi. Ei in Flesh; if some other

though I having confidence also i n flesh. I f person think to have con-

fidence in Flesh, £ had
ris doKei aXXos ireiroiOevai ev tfapxi, eyco jxaX- more.
any thinks o t h e r t o have confidence i n flesh, I more; 5 With a Circumcision
Xov 5
Trepirofi-p oKrayj/uepos, e/e yevovs Io~par)X3 the eighth-day; from the
with a circumcision eighth-day, from race of Israel,
Race of Israel; from the
Tribe of Benjamin; a He-
(j)vAr]s 'Qeviaixw 'Efipaios e£ 'Efipaioov, Kara brew from Hebrews; ac-
of tribe ofBenjaaain a H«brew from Hebrews, according t o cording to Law, a Phari-
yofiov 4>apiaaios, 6 Kara C7)^-0V §ia>Kwv rt]v 6 with respect to zeal,
la>? a. Pharisee, according t o zeal persacuting the
J a persecutor of the CON-
€KKAr)<Tiav9 Kara o*iKaioo'vv7)v rrjuzv vo\xw GREGATION; as to THAT
congregation, according t o r i g h t e o u s n e s s law Righteousness which came
that, oy
by Law, I was irreproach-
yeyo/xevos ap-ep-irros. ? AXX3 ariva f\v fxoi able.
having c o m a blameless. B u t w h a t t h i n g s was t o m e 7 But whatever things
were Gain to me, These I
Kepfir), ravra riyrifxai <5ia rov Kpicrroi/ have, on account of the
gain, t h e s e t h i n g s I have esteemed on account of t h e Anointed ANOINTED one, esteemed
8 as a Loss.
fy)(Aiav. AXXa p.ev ovv Kai yyovpiai iravra 8 B u t then, indeed, I
loss. But indeed then even I esteem all things
even esteem all things to
£r)/j.iav ewai Sta TO virepexou rrjs ypwereoos be a Loss, on account of
a loss t o b e on a c c o u n t of t h e excellency of t h e knowledge the $ EXCELLENCY of the
KNOWLEDGE of * the
Xpio'rov Irjcrov rov Kvpiov p,ov, (Si
bv ra ANOINTED Jesus my
«f Anointed Jesus the Lord of m e , (on account of w h o m t h e LORD; (on whose account

Travra ^^ixiooQ^v, Kai T]yov{xat CKvfiaXa eipai, I suffered the loss of ALL
all t h i n g s I suffered loss, a n d I esteem worthless t h i n g s t o b e , things, and consider them
to be vile refuse, so that I
ha Xpicrou KepSrjtra), 9 Kai zvpeQos eu avrca, fxri may gain Christ,
so t h a t Anointed I may gain, and may be found i n h i m , not 9 and may be found in


t 30. 1 Cor. xvi. 17; Phil. iv. 10. J 1. 2 Cor. xiii. 11; Phil. iv. 4: 1 Thess. v. 16*
t 2 Isa. lvi. 10; Gal. v. 15. t 2. 2 Cor. xi. 13. t 2. Rom. li. 28; Gal. v. 2=
X 3 Rom. ii. 29; Col. ii-11. t 3. John iv. 23, 24; Rom. vii. 6. t 3. Gal. vi. 14.
1 4 2 Cor. xi, 18, 21. .£ 6. Aflts vjii. 3; ix. J. J 8. ,John xvii. 3 j I Cor. ii. %s
©oJLi*-^ '
Chap.Si 10.] \_Giap,S> . hs.
&XG0V €fjL7}P $LKCLIOO'VP71P Tf\V €K POfJLOV, <xXXa,T7]P him, not clinging to THAT
holding my righteousness that from of law, but that Righteousness of % Mine
own, which is from Law,
Sid TTKTTCOOS XpiO'TOV, Tf)P 6tf 6e0V dlKaLOCTVUrjP X but to THAT which is
hrough faith of Anointed, that from God a righteousness through the Faith of
€7ri rr\ 7Ti(TTef) rov ypcopai avrop, teat rrjp Christ,—the RIGHTEOUS-
on account of the faith;) of the to know him, and the NESS from God on account
of the FAITH ;)
8VP<X/J.LP rris avacrr do's cos a u r o u , /cat rt]v KOLPCO-
10 to KNOW him, ana
power of the resurrection of him, and the fellow,
the POWER of his RESUR-
viav roop Tradrj/iiarcov avrovy €rv/n/j.op<pov/jLepos RECTION, and the J FEL-
ship of the sufferings of him, being conformed LOWSHIP Of his SUFI?KR«
rep daparcp avrovy GITTCOS KaraPTrjcrco eis rf\p INGS, being conformed to
totha death of himself, if possibly I may attain to the his DEATH;
12 11 if possibly I may at-
e^apacrracip rcop ptupcop. Ou% on 77^77 eXa- tain tO the RESURRECTION
resurrection out of the dead ones. Not that already I re-
from among the DEAD.
/8OJ>, i) 77877 rereXeioofxar SIOOKOO Se, €i KOU tcara- 12 Not that I have al-
ceived, or already have been perfected; I pursue but, if indeed I may ready J received it, or have
been already perfected;
Aa/3co, €(/)' (p Kai Kar€Xr}<p67]p vira Xpiarrov. but I pursue, if indeed I
lay hold, in respectto which also I was laid hold of by Anointed.
may lay hold on that for
A5eA0oij eyco efiavrop ov XoyL^o/xai Kar^iXr]- which also I was laid hold
Brethren, I myself not reckon to have laid on by Christ.
13 Brethren, £ do not
<pevai' 14 e?>(5e, ra fiev o*yritrco eiriXapOapojue- reckoaJVlyself to have at-
hold; one but, the things even behind forgetting, tained, i t ; but one thing J
POS, rois §e efiirpoddeu sireKTsiPOjAePos, Kara do;—J even forgetting the
the things but before stretching out to, according to THINGS BEHIND, J and
&K0Tr/)p Sicafco) eiri ro rr]S avoo KXT}- stretching
fipa^siop forth towards
jtmark I pureue towards tha jf>ria> of the above call-
14 XL press along the
<reoos rov deov €7 XpiO'rcp Irjcrov, 1 5 'Otrot OUP Line, towards the PRIZE
ing of the God in Anointed Jesus. A» many as theu of the H I G H Calling of
c GOD by Christ Jesus.
•rT^ £Oi, rovro (f}popo)juL€P' Kai ei ri erepcos 15 Aa many, therefore,,
- » . u i ( ones, this should mind; and if in anything differently
as are J perfect, should be
(ppopeire, Kai rovro 6 6eos V/ULP airoKaXvxpet' of thi&imind; and if in
Vou think, even this thing the God to you will reveal; any thing you think differ-
16 ently, G O D will also reveal
irXrjp €is 6 e(p6ao'a,p.€pi rep avrcp <TTOLXSLP, This to you.
but to what we attained, by the same to walk in line.
1% But to what we have
* ^v/ufu/LcriTai fxov yipeo'de, aSeA^ot, Kai O~KO-attained, J let us walk by
Joint-imitators of me become you, brethren, and watch the SAME line.
17 Brethren, J become
Treire rovs ovrca irepnrarovpras, Ktxdcos e ^ e r e Joint-Imitators of me, and
you those thus walking, as you have watch THOSE who are thus
rvnxop j\\xas. 18
XioXXoi yap Trepiirarova'LP, ovs WALKING, as you have us
a pattern us. Many for walk, whom for a Pattern.
18 (For often I told you,
iroXXaKis eXeyop vfiiv, PVP de Kai KXaioop Aeyw, and now even weeping I
often I said to you, now and even weening I aay, say, many walk as J t h e
rovs ^xQpovs rov arravpov rov Xpio'rov COP ENEMIES of the CROSS of
the enemies of the cross of the Anointed; of whom ANOINTED o n e ;
19 % whose E N D will
TO rsXos aircoXeid, COP 6 6eos fj KoXia, uat 7] be DESTRUCTION, $ whose
the end destruction, of whom the God the belly, and the GOD is the STOMACH, and

+ 9. Eom. x. 3, 5. t 9. Rom. i. 17; iii. 21, 22; ix. SO; x. 3, 6; Gal. ii. 16. t 10.
Eom. vi.8—5 ; viii. 17; 2 Cor. iv. 10,11; 2 Tim. ii. 11,12 ; 1 Pet. iv. U. 1 12. 1 Tim.
vi. 12. % 12. Heb. xii. 23. t 13. Luke ix. 62. J U. I Cor. ix. 24> 26: Heb.
vi.l. + 14. 2tTim. iv. 7,8; Heb. xii. 1.
19. 2 Cor. xi. 15; 2 Pet. ii. 1. t 15. 1 Cor.
t 19- Rom.ii. 6:
18 j20.1 Tim, vi. t5.lft
Phil. i. 15,16.
Rom. xii. 16; xv. 5. J 17- Phil. iv. 9; 1 Thess. i. 6. I "J8. Gal. i. 7 ; ii. 21; ri. 12;
<2hapT$7 20% PHILIPPIANS. l&i&p. 4 : 8.

GLORY in their
do£a ep rrj aicrxwy avroov, oi ra eiriyeia <ppo- JS Htheir A M E : THEY who are en-
glory in t h e shame of them, who t h e things on earth are
20 grossed with EARTHLY
povpres. 'H/LLOOP yap ro TroXirev/xa ep ovpa- things.)
minding. Of u s for t h e c o m m o n w e a l t h i n heav-
20 For X O l u ' POLITY be-
POIS virapx^t, e£ ov Kai o~oorr)pa air eKdexofie da gins in the Heavens, J from
ens begins, o u t of which also a savior we l o o k for
whence also $we are ex*
Kvpiov Irjaovp Xpio'rop, 21 6s p.erao,x7)lJt'ario'ei pectiog a Savior, the Lord
Lord Jesus Anointed, who will transform Jesus Christ;
ro coo/ua rr]s rairetpooo'ecos -t]jj.oop o,vfxfiop(pop rep 21 J who will transform
the body of t h e humiliation of us of l i k e form with t h e the BODY of our H U M I L I A -
arco/xan rrjs do%7]s avrov, Kara rrjp epepyeiav TION into a conformity
body of t h e glory of h i m , according t o t h e operation with his GLORIOUS BODY,
rov SvpaaQai avrov Kai birora^ai eavrcp ra according to the ENERGY
of t h e t o be able him even to place under by which he is ABLE X even
himself t h e t h i n g s
l to subject ALL things to
iravra. KE3>, 8'. 4 . 'Here, adeXtyoi /aov himself.
all. Therefore, brethren of m e
ayairrjroi Kai eirLiro67]Toij X P a a KaL
crrecpapos CHAPTER IV.
beloved ones and ones longed for, joy and crown
1 So then, Brethren, my
/xov, ovrco o~rr]Kere ep Kvpicp, ayairrjroi. E v = beloved and much desired,
of me, thua stand you firm in Lord, O beloved ones. Ea©» X my Joy and Crown, stand
you thus firm in the Lord,
odiap irapaKaKoiy Kai ^vprvx^P irapaKaXcv, ro 0 my beloved!
dia I exhort, and Syntyche I exhort, the
3 2 1 exhort Euodia, and
avro (jypopeip ep Kvpicp' pai epoorca Kai ere, 1 exhort Syntyche, to be oi
same t h i n g t o m i n d in Lord; yes I ask also thee the SAME mind in the

crv^vye yprjo'ie, crvXXa/ufiapov avrais, airipes ep Lord-

yoke-fellow O t r u e , help t h o u these women, who in 3 And I entreat thee
rep evayyeXicp a'vprjdXrio'ap JXOI, juera Kai KXr)- also, * True Yoke-fellow,
the glad tidings co-operated earnestly with m e , with a n d Cle-
assist those women, J who
earnestly co-operated with
fiepros Kai rcop Xonrcav crvpepycop fiov, SOP ra me in the GLAD T I D I N G S ,
ment and t h e r e m a i n i n g fellow-workers of m e , of w h o m t h e and with Clement, and my

opo/xara ep fiifiXcp ^co-ns-, OTHER Co-laborers, Whose

names in book of life. NAMES are in J the Book
4 of Life.
Xaipere £PKvpi(pTraproT<s' iraXip epca, xalpere. 4 X Be j oyful in the Lord
Rejoice y o u i n L o r d always- again I say, r e j o i c e y o u .
at all times; I say again,
To 6TTieiK€S vfACiop ypccorOyjrco irao'ip avQpooirois.Be j oyful 1
The gentleness of yon l e t be known t o all men. 5 Let your GENTLENESS
O Kvpios eyyvs* 6firoBep /xepi/npare, aXX3 ep irap- be known to All Men.
The Lord near; n o t h i n g be y o u over-careful, b u t i n every- X The LORD is near.
6 % Be not anxious about
•~i rr) irpocevxy KM TJ) 8ery(Tci fiera
evxapicrrias Anything; but in every-
t h i n g by t h e prayer and by t h e supplication with thanksgiving
thing let your PETITIONS
ra airrjfxara v/xoov ypoopi^ecrQco irpos rop Qeov be made known to GOD, by
the requests of you l e t be made known to the God; PRAYER and SUPPLICA-
TION with Thanksgiving;
7 Kai 7} eiprjpr) rov Qeov r] vrrepexovcra napra POVP,
and t h e peace of t h e God t h a t surpassing allconception, 7 and X THAT PEACE oi
GOD which surpasses All
(ppovprjo'ei ras Kapfiias V/JLOOP Kai ra poTjfiaraConception, shall guard
will guard the hearts of you and t h e minds
your HEARTS and your
VJJLOOP ep Xpurrco Irjo'ov. T o Xonrop, a8eX<poi,MINDS by Christ Jesus.
of you in Anointed Jesus The remaining, brethren, 8 FINALLY, Brethren

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. True Yoke-fellow.

t 19. 2 Cor. xi. 12; Gal. vi. 13. t 20. Eph. ii. 6,19; Col. iii. 1, 3. J 20. Acts i„ 11
t 20. 1 Cor. i. 7; 1 Thes3. i. 10; Titus ii. 13. % 21. 1 Cor. xv. 43, 48, 49; Col. iii. 4; 1 Johr
iii. 2. " t 21. 1 Cor. xv. 26, 27. t 1. 2 Cor. i. 14 j 1 Thess. ii. 19, 20. I 3. Eon^
xvi. 3.- t 3. Exod. xxxii. S2 ; Psa. lxix. 28; Dan. xii. 1; Luke x. 20; Rev. iii. 5 ; xiii. 8
xx. 12 ; xxi. 27. t 4. Rom. xii. 12. J 5. Heb. x. 25; James v. 8, 9; 1 Pet. iv. 7
2 Pet. iii. 8, 9. See 2 Thess. ii. 2. J 6. Matt. vi. 25; Luke xii. 22. .$. 7. Johj
xiv. 27; Rom. v. 1 ; Col. iii. 15.
(Map. 4: 9.3 PHILIPPIANS. C^fP- 4 : 1*
6o"a €(TTtv aA.7707], 6 c a o'e/, bcra $u<aia, whatever
things are true>
things are hon-
what things is true, what things honorable, what things just,
orable, whatever things
baa aypa, 6<xa TvpoatyiXt), Sera eiK/>7]/xa, *i are just, whatever things
what things pure, what things amiable, what things of good ref>ort,if are pure, whatever things
are amiable, J whatever
TLS apery Kai ei ns eiraipos, ravra Aoyi^ecrOe' things are reputable, if
any virtue and if anj praise, theBethingsattentiveiyconsider; there be Any Virtue, and ii
a Kai e/jiaOtre Kai 7rapeAaj8eTe, Kai T\KOV- Any Praise, attentively
what things also you learned and you received, and you consider These t h i n g s ;
9 and % what you learned
(rare Kai eiSere ep €/xo:, ravra TrpaaatTS' and received, and heard
heard and you saw in me, these things perform you j and saw in me, these
Kai 6 Otos T7}S eip7)P7]s carat ^,e0' vfioop. things practise; and J the
GOB of PEACE will be with
and the God of the peace shall be with you.
Exaprjv 0€ €p Kvpicp jxeyaXcos, on 71877 nore 10 But I rejoiced in the
I rejoiced and in Lord greatly, because now at length Lord greatly, Because now
at length your REGARD
apedaXere TO u7T6p efxov (ppopzw c<p3 o5 Kai has revived on My behalf;
yourevived the on behalf of me to think; on which also for whom indeed you did
ctypopeiTe, TjKaipeKrOe §e. ll
Ou% bri have regard, but had no
vou were thinking, were without opportunity but. Not because opportunity.
11 N o t ' T h a t I speak
lead' varepriaip A e y w eyco yap sfxadop, ep concerning Want; for E
respecting want I speak-, I for learned, in have learned in whatever

ols €ijLtt, avrapK7]s eipai. 12 condition % I am to be con-

0 : 5 a Kai rairet- tented.
what things I am, contented to be. I know both to be
12 J I know both what
povadaiy otSa Kai Trspiaasvew ep irapri Kai it is to be abased, and I
brought low, I know and to abound; in everything and know what it is to abound;
in every place and in all
ep naffi jjLefJLvnfJLai, Kai x^p^^eaQai Kai irei-conditions, I have been
in all things I havebeen initiated, both to be well-fed and to be disciplined, both to be well-

paPy Kai urepiaaeveip KaivarepeiaOac 13

irapra fed and to suffer hunger,
hungry,both to abound and t o b e i n n e e d ; allthings both to abound and to be
i&Xv(a €P rep epovvafj.ovpn fie, 1 4 Tl\7)p KaXccs 13 I am strong to en-
1 am strong in the one strengthening rue. But well dure All things with J H I M
67roi7)(rar6, avyKoiPcaprjaapTes /JIOV TIJ 0AuJ/et. Who STRENGTHENS m e .
you did, having jointly sympathized with me in the affliction. 14 You did well, how-
15 ever, % in sympathizing
Oi5aT6 5e Kai vfxeis, QiXnrirriaioi, on ep ap- with My AFFLICTION.
You know and also you, O Philippians, that in a begin-
15 And gott know also,
XX! TOV evayyeXiov, bre e^rjXdop atro MarceSo- 0 Philippians, That in the
ningofthe glad tidings, when I went out from EBIcedo- Beginning of the GLAD
TIDIGNS, when I departed
pias., ovde/jua }xoi eKKXt]sria eKoiPWPrjaep eis from Macedonia, % No Con-
nia, no one with me congregation communicated in gregation communicated
Xoyop ooaevs Kai A ^ e w s , ei lit] vfxeis JJLOPOI' with Me in the Matter of
an account of giving and receiving, if not you only; Giving and Receiving, ex-
cept gou alone;
£ on Kai ep QeaaaXopiKT) Kai aira£ Kai dis ets 16 and that to Thessa-
that and in Thessalonica even once and again for lonica, you seat once, and

Tf}P XP*Lav i"-01 €7re/xxj/aT€\ ^ Ou% on eiri&i- aN Esecond

time also, for my
the need t o m e you sent. Not because I earnestly
17 not Because I ear-
TCO TO Sojita, aXXy eirifaroo TOP Kapirop TOP nestly seek the GIET, but
seek the gift, but I earnestly seek the fruit that 1 earnestly seek $ T H A T

t 8. 1 Thess. v. 22. % 9. Phil. iii. 17. X 9. Rom. xv. 33; xvi. 30; 1 Cor. xiv. 38;
"2 Cor. xiii. 1 1 ; 1 Thess. v. 23; Heb. xiii. 20. 111. 1 Tim. vi. 6, 8. % 12. 1 Cor. iv-
11: 2 Cor Vi. 10; xi. 27- t 13. John xv. 5 ; 2 Cor. xii. 9. xj: 14. Phil. i. 7
X 15. 2 Cor. xi. 8,9. % 17. Bom. xv. 28, Titus iii. 14.
(fhap.4: 18.] PHILXPPXANS. [Cftop.4: 33.
Tr\eova£ovTa sis Xoyov vfxoov, A7re%co 5V FRUIT Which ABOUNDS U
increasing - J>r an account of you. I hare in full but
your Account.
TravTa, Ken irepicro'evcv TreirXiqpoojxaif he^ajxevos 18 But I have in full all
all things, and abound; Iamiilled, having received things, and abound. I am
irapa Eiratppodirov ra Trap* V/JLGOV, oo'/nrju evcu-fully satisfied, having re-
from Epaphroditus the things from you, a smell of good ceived % from Epaphroditus
Sias, "Overlap 8eKT7]V,€vap*(TTov rep 0eaj„ 1 9 f O your PRESENTS,—J a Era.
odor, a sacrifice acceptable, well-pleasing to the God. The grant Odor, J an acceptable
Sacrifice, well-pleasing to
§e Qcos fiovTrX7]po$creiirao'av xPeiav vfX(*3i; Kara GOD.
md God ofme willfillup every want of you according to 19 And my GOD J will
TOV trXovrov avrov sv 5o£??, ev 'Xpio'rtp lycrov fully supply All your Need,
the wealth of himself in glory, in Anointed Jesus J according to his Glorious
WEALTH by Christ Jesus.
2°To> 5e 0ea> Kai irarpi 7]/accy r) So£a eis rovs
To thenow God and father of us the glory for the 20 :}: Now to our GOD and
21 Father be the GLORY for
aioovas TCOU aicopoov. Kp,f]Vc Ao'iraa'ao-Oe the AGES of the AGES.
ages of the ages. So be it. ) Salute you Amen!
travra ayiov ev Xpto'Tca lycrov. Acrira^o^rai 21 Salute Every Saint in
every holy one in Anointed Jesus. Salute
Christ Jesus. The BRETH-
vfias oi (Tvv efxoi afieXcpor ^ acrira^ovrai vfxas REN J who are with Me
you those with me brethren; Salute you salute you.
Travres oi ayioi, fxaXiffra de ol €K TT]S Kaicra- 22 All the SAINTS salute
all the holy ones, especially hut those fcom of the Cesar's you, b u t especially those
pos oiKias. 23 C
H xaPls T0V KV l0v
P ^\jhlxo>p~\ from CESAR'S Household.
household. The favor of the Lord [of us 23 J The FAVOR of the
ITJCTOV Xpicrrov fxera iravroov vfxeav. *[A / u?7j\J LORD Jesus Christ be with
Jesus Anointed with all of you. [So be it.] you all.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—23. ofus—omit. 23. So be it—omit. Subscription*"

Vo THE P H I L I P P I A W S . W B I T T B N FROM E o M E .
J 18. Phil. ii. 25, t 18. Heb. xiii. 16. % 18. 2 Cor. ix. 12. % 19. Psa. xxiii
1 • 2 Cor. ix. 8. J 19. E p h . i. 7; iii. 16. 20. Rom. xvi. 27 X 21. *al. i. %
X 23, Eom.xvi.24
[UATAOT E n i S T O A H ] I I P 0 2 K O A 0 2 2 A E I 2 .

KE<i>. a'. 1 . CHAPTER I.
1 1 Paul, % an Apostle of
n a u A o s , aTTocrroKos Irjcrov Xpio'Tov 5m * Christ Jesus, by the "Will
Panl, a n apostle of Jesus A n o i n t e d t h r o u g h of God, and Timothy, the
BeXj]ixa/ros 6eov, Kai TifxoOeos 6 ade\<pos, 2 TOIS B B O T H E E ,
will of God, a n d Timothy t h e brother, to those
2 to the $|HOLY and
ev KoAo(T(TaLs ayiois Kai TTIO'TOIS a$sK(p0LS <sv Faithful Brethren in Christ
in Colosse t o h o l y ones a n d t o faithful ones b r e t h r e n in
at Colosse; % Favor and
XpuTTcp' xaPLS vyuv Kai €ip7]V7) airo 6eov rrarpos Peace to you from God our
Anointed; favor t o y o u a n d peace from God a father Father.
TJ/XOOV. ~EvxapLCTOVjjev rep deep *[ft:a/] irarpi 3 J Having heard of your
of us. W e give t h a n k s to the God [ a n d ] father
FAITH in Christ Jesus,
rov Kvpiov rj/zocv Ir/trou * [ X p i c r r o u ] iravTOTe, and J THAT LOVE which
e f t h e Lord of us Jesus [Anointed] always,
you have for all the SAINTS,
Trepi vjxoov ,Kpo(Tevxofxevoh 4
ctKovcravTes TT\V 4 J we give thanks to
concerning y o u praying, having heard t h e GOD, the Father of our
TYKTTIV VpLCtiV €V XpiCTCt) IrjOTOV, KCLI T7]V ayaTTTJV LOED Jesus Christ, at all
faith of you i n A n o i n t e d Jesus,;-, v "^and the love times when we pray for
TTJV eis iravras TOVS ayiovs, 5 dia TT\V eAiri^a you;
that for all the h o l y ones, t h r o u g h the hope 5 on account of THAI
TTjV aiT0K€ipi€V7}V VfXlV €V TOIS OVpaVOlS, 7]V HOPE which is J B E I N G
that being laid u p for you in the haavena, which PEESEEVED for you in the
7rpo7]Kov<raT€ zv TO> Xoycp TTJS ahTjdtias TOV HE A YENS ; o„ which you
you before heard
in the word of the truth of the previously heard in t h e
zvayyekiov, TOV irapovTOS eis vpcas, Ka8oos KCU W O B D O f t h e T E U T H o f
glad tidings, of t h a t being present a m o n g you, as also t h o s e GLAD TIDINGS,
ev iravri rep Kocr/xcp, Kai errri Kapiro(popovjj.€vov 6 which are P E E S E N T
in all the world, and is among you, J as also in All
bringing forth fruit
Kai avi^avo/uevov, Kadoos Kai ev vpuv, a^ rjs the WOELD ; and are bring-
and growing, as also in y o u , from which ing forth fruit and increas-
rjfxepas 7)Kov(fare Kai GireyvcoTG TTJV XaPL!/ T0V ing; even as among you,
day y o u heard a n d acknowledged t h e favor of t h e from the Day you heard
and acknowledged the
6eov €.v aXriOeiq,' ? xaOoos ^'[Kai^ eftaderc airo FAVOE of GOD in Truth;
Gf i in truth; aa [even] y o u learned from
7 as you learned from
ETI \x<ppa TOV ayaTrrjTov crvvdovXov rjfxcov, os e<r- JEpaphras, our BELOVED
Epaphraa the bslored fellow-servant ofus, w h o is
Fellow-servant, who is on
TL TTIO'TOS VTVep V/J.0OV diaKOVOS TOV XpiCTTOV your beha.\ a faithful Ser-
faithful o a behalf o f y o u a servant oftha Anointed; vant of the A N O I N T E D
6 Kai SyAoo&as Tjpt.iv TTJV vpicov ayainqv ev rrvev- one;
who also having related t o u s t h e ofyou love in spirit. 8 wllO also BELATED t o

fta-Ti. 9
TOVTO Kai 7} fie is, a^>' r)s ypiepas us YOUE % Love in Spirit.
Because of t h i s also wei9 Because of this also,
from which day
me, from the Day we
rjKovcafxeVf ov Tvavopi&Qa i/irep vfioov irpocrevxo- heard it, do not cease pray-
we heard, n o t we cease on behalf of you praying,
ing on your behalf, J that
p,evoi, *[Kai aiTovjxevoi,~\ Iva ir\7]pcadr]T€ TT)V you may be filled, J as to
[and asking,] t h a t y o u m a y be filled t h e t h e EXACT KNOWLEDGE o f
eiriyvcoo'iv TOV 6e\7)piaTos avTov ev irao"p cro<pia his WILL, with All Spirit-
e x a c t knowledge of t h e will of h i m i n all wisdom ual Wisdom and Under-
10 standing;
Kai crvvecrei TTvevfiaTiKr)* TrepnraTTjo'ai a^icas
and understanding spiritual; t o walk worthily 10 X to walk worthily of


and—omit. 3. Anointed—omit. 7- even—omit. 9. and asking—omit.
t l. Eph. i. 1. t 2. 1 Cor. iv. 17; Eph. vi. 21. t 2. GaUi. 3. t 3. Eph.
i. 15; Philemon 5. t 3. Heb. vi. 10. t i l Cor. i. 4; Eph. 1.16; Phil. i. 3; iv. 6.
+ 5 2 Tim. iv. 8; 1 Pet. i. 4. 1 6. Matt. xxiv. 14; Mark xvi. 15; Eom. x. 18; verse 23.
t 7. Col. iv.12; Philemon 23. t 8. Eom. xv. 20. X 9. Eom. xii. 2; Eph. v. 10,17.
% Q. Bpk. i. 8, X 10. Eph. Iv. 1; Phil. i. 27 •, 1 Thess.fl.12,
&Kap. l f l l . T >SS1ANS*, .[aflpviTid:
rov Kvpiov ets ircxGav apeffKeiap, cv TTCZPTI epyw the LORD, Pleasing him
of the Lord, to all pleasing, in every work in All things; J bringing
ayaOip Kapvroipopovpres Kat avfepoficpot rp forth fruit by Every good
good bringing forth fruit and growing In the Work, and increasing in
eTriyvto&et rov Oeotr ip ira&Ti SvPafxit
BvPd- OfG.OD; .-
ezact knowledge of the God; withbeingall 'strength
11 J being strengthened
uovfiipoi Kara ro Kparos rrjs SO^TJJ at/tou, with All Strength accord-
strengthened according to the . powtr ol the glory of him, ing to liis GLORIOUS row*
€is ttavap vtiopi.opi\p juxi fiakpoOvfAiap fjtera r,K, iot all Patience and
for all patience .4°^ endurance with Endurance with Joy; ;
13 t giving thanks *at
the same time to THAT
^ £vx&pio"rovp?€s 7ep Trarpi ry ttfapa&aPTt QUALIFIED
US for t h e
giviug thanks <to the father to that having fitted fORTION of t h e SAINTS'
^fxas f i j rt\p fjt,€pi$a rov KktipoV reap ayltop eP I INHERITANCE ill t h o
UB for the portion of the inheritance of the holy ones in L I G H T ; )••"-' >- •
rtp <i>a)Ti' 13 6s Gppvffaro rjfias etc rrjs e|ovcrms 13 who delivered ti3
the light; who delivered us" froiri the authority from J the DOMINION of
DARKNESS, and $ changed:
rov &KQTOVS) Kat pi.ireo'ry&eit as rt\p fia&i- its fcir (lie KINGDOM of Iho;
ofthe darkness, and cansed a change of aidea for the. 'king* SON of his LOVE;
\etap rov vlov rr}%, ayainqs avrov ^ ep (p « x ° " \4t $hy whom wc havd]
dom of the sun of the love ' of himself ^ in whom we the REDEMPTION, tlie EOR- !
flip rr\P avoXvrptD&tP, acpecrip ru>p hfxap- GIVEN F.SS Of SINS.'
have the redemption, ; 15 He is I ft Likeness of
,.•, the forgiyeneo* of the
] ls the INVISIBLE GQD,—
ri<fip' . 6i tffriv swoop rov Oeov rov aoparov^ X First-born of All Crdation;
who is a likeness of the God of that unseen,
10 t liccausd in him
vpwT&TOKOS vaffiis KrureoiS' 166rt iv avrtp « K - ivere created A/1X tilings,
fir*t-born of every creature; because in him were r-those in the HEAVENS,
n<r(h) ra trapra^ ra €p rots ovpapois nai Mnd those on the EARTH ;
created the things all, the things in the heavens and .the VISIBLE and the IN.-
^VISIBLE, whether Thrones,
ra «?n rys yys, rcC dparot Kat ra ao* or Lordships, or Govern-
the things on the earth, the things seen and the things un- ments, or Authorities; ALL
p a i d , €ife Bpovot$ e«rs Ki)piO?y)rts> <sir€ ap^ai, things have been created
seen, whether, or , lordships^ or governments,
through If im and for Him;
6tT€ e^ovffiav ra, rtavrfc oY avrov nai cis 17 and f}£ precedes a l l
or authorities; the things, ell on account of him and for things, and in him. all
avrop tKritrrar 17
Kat avras €<m trpo iravroop, things have been perma-
him have been created; and he is i» advance of all, nently placed.
Kat ra trapra, sv uvrcp trvpso-r^Ke- l3
icat of 18 J fi?e is" also the HEAD
tlie BODY of the CON-
and the things all in him has been placed together) and
GREGATION ; Who 19 tho
avTOS ecrriv f) aecpaXr) rov vrnparoS) rr)S€KK\rj* Beginning, % the First-
he .'is ihe Lead of the . body, of the congre- born from the Dead, that
aias* &$ eo~TtP &pXVi irptaroroKOS €K rwP pete- \)t might become Pre-emi-
g&tiofi; who is a beginning, first-born out of the dead nent among all.
poop, ha y*vY)Yai cv waartp avros Ttpwrevw 19 Because J i n him it
ones, sofchatkeblight become among all himself pre-eminent} was thought good that the
** dvt ep avros evSo/CTjtrc Trap ro irXr^pcapia Karot- Whole yEULNESS_ should
because in him it was thought good all the fulness-. to in- dwell j . "

* VATICAN MANUSCIIIPT.—12. at the same time to that PATH en whocALtED. a n d QUALi-.

Ohap.l: 20.3 COLOSSXANS, tChap. 1 : 27.
20 Kai 8i 5 avrov airoKaraXXa^ai 20 and through H i m to
habit, and by means of h i m t o reconcile reconcile % A LL things for
tile t h i n g s
iravTa sis avrov, eiprjpOTTO ir\ eras hia T O O aijxa- him, t h a v i n g made peace
all to him, having made peace by means of t h e blood by m e a n s of t h e B L O O D
TOS TOV ffravpov avrov, ~*\_hi avrov,] etTe of h i s CROSS, w h e t h e r t h e
of t h e cross of h i m , [by means of h i m , ] whether T H I N G S on t h e E A R T H , or
TCS €TTl TTJSyTJS, €IT€: Td €V TOLS OVpaVOlS. the T H I N G S in the HEAV-
the thing* o n t h e earth, o r t h e t h i n g s i n t h e heavens. ENS.
Kai vfxas, wore ovras aTrrjXXorpiwfjievovs Kai 21 And You, J formerly-
Ev«n you, once being aliens a nd being Aliens a n d Enemies
e^dpovs rp hiavoia ev TOIS epyois TOIS irovrjpois, in MIND by WICKED
enemies i n t h e mind by the works those wicked, WORKS, * h e h a s even now
vvvi be aTroKaryXXa^ev %2 €J/ T<^ aoofxari TTJS reconciled
now indeed he reconciled in the body of t h e 22 J i n t h e B O D Y of h i s
Q-apnos avrov Sia TOV davarov, irapao'TTjo'ai F L E S H , t h r o u g h D E A T H ,
flesh of himself by m e a n s of t h e death, t o present t to present you holy, a n d
v/xas ayiovs Kai afico/xovs Kai aveyKXrjrovs Kare- blameless, and irreproach-
y o * holy ones and blsmelesa ones a n d irreproachable ones i n p r e s - able before him -
vooiriov avrov 23
eiye crrifievere ry Trio~Tei rede- 23 if indeed you con-
encc of him; if indeed y o u c o n t i n u e i n t h e faith having tinue i n t h e F A I T H , found-
HeXioojxevoi Kai ehpaioi, Kai \i.f] fieraKivovjxevoi ed and established, a n d
been grounded a n d settled ones, a n d n o t b e i n g moved away not removed from t h e
H O P E of T H O S E G L A D T I D -
airo TT]S eXirtdos TOV evayyeXiov ov n^Kovaare,
from the hope of t h e glad tidings of w h i c h you heard,
I N G S , which y o u heard,
which were P R O C L A I M E D
TOV K7]pvx0epTos ev Trao"r] * [ T 7 ? ] Kricreirr) X t o EVERY Creature u n d e r
of t h a t having been published i n all [ t h e ] creation t h a t
HEAVEN, a n d of which
vivo TOV ovpavov ov eyevo/arjv eyoo
YlavXos % £ P a u l became a Servant-
under t h e heaven; of which became I Paul
24 11 am n o w rejoicing
SiaKovos. N u y X a l P f t ? €V T0LS Tra§v\\xaGiv in t h e S U F F E R I N G S on
a servant. N o w I rejoice in the sufferings your account, a n d I am
vTTtp vfMoov, Kai avThvairXrjpct) TO, vcrreprj/JiaTa,
filling up the REMAINDER
»n behalf of you, aac3 -1fillu p the wants of t h e A F F L I C T I O N S of t h e
A N O I N T E D one, i n my
TOOV 6Xt\pecov rov Xpicrrov ev ry orapKi jxov
oithn afflictions of t h e A n o i n t e d o n e i n the flesh of me F L E S H , on behalf of his
B O D Y , which is t h e CON-
virep TOV o'oo/j.aros avrov, 6 eorriv r) eKKXrj- GREGATION ;
on behalf of t h e body of h i m , w h i c h i s the congre-
25 of which I became
cria' T)S eyevo\xt]V eyoo SiaKovos Kara rrjv a Servant, according t o
Ration; of w h i c h became I a servant according t o t h e JTHAT STEWARDSHIP of
UKOVOfiiav TOV 8eov rrjv v/nas, G O D which was given to
doOet&av fxoi eis
stewardship of t h e God t h a t having been given to m e for y o u , me for you, fully to declare
'"Xrjpooo'ai TOV Xoyov rovOeov, ^ TO fxvo'r7)piov t h e WORD of d o D , —
to fully set forth t h e word of t h e God, the secret 26 J t h e S E C R E T which
was CONCEALED from
ro aTroKGKpvjifxevov airo TOOV aioovoov Kai airo roov A G E S a n d from G E N E R A -
that having been h i d from the ages a n d from the
T I O N S , % b u t now is mani-
yeveoov, vvvi 5 e ecpavepoodrj TOIS ayiois avrov fested t o h i s S A I N T S ;
generations, n o w b u t was manifested t o t h e holy o n e s of h i m ;
27 to whom G O D wished
ois r)6eXr)0~ev 6 6eos yvoopi&ai, TIS 6 vXovros to make known, what is
to whom wished t h e G o d t o make k n o w n , w h a t t h e wealth J the GLORIOUS WEALTH
TTJS 5o£i7$ -fov [xvo~T7)piov TOVTOV ev TOIS edve- of this S E C R E T among t h e
ofthe glory of t h e secret of t h i s among the na- N A T I O N S , which i s Christ
in you, the HOPE of
o~iv, 6s effri Xpicrros ev V/JLIV, 7] CXTTIS TTJS Sotys'
tions.who A Anointed in you, t h e hope of t h e glory; [

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—20. by means of him—omit. 21. hut now are you recon-
ciled, in the BODY of his FLESH througn death, that you should be presented holy. 23.
t 20 Eph. i. 10. t 20. Eph. ii. 14-16. J 21. Eph. ii, 1, 2,12,19: iv. 13.
2-2 Enh ii. 15,16. 1 22. Luke i. 75; Eph. i. 4 ; v. 27; 1 Thess. iv. 7; Titus ii. 14; Jude 24.
i '2-6 Rom. x. 18. t 23. 1 Tim. ii. 7- t 24. Rom. v. 3; 2 Cor. vii. 4. 1 25.
1 Cor ix. 17 ; Gal. ii. 7 ; Eph. iii. 2. I 26. Rom. xvi. 25; 1 Cor. ii. 7; Eph. m . 9. £ 26.
Matt.' xiU. 11; 8 Tim. i. 10. t 27- Rom. ix. 23; Eph. i. 7 ; iii. 8.
Map. 1: 28.] OOLOSSIANS. i a
28 28 whom foe announce,
OP 7]/JL€LS KaTayyeWojuep, yovOerovvresTravra
whom we announce, admonishing every admonishing Every Man,
apdpooirop, Kai didaaKOpres irapra apdpccrrop ep and teaching Every Man
man, and teaching every maa with with. All Wisdom, that we
Tcaar) cro(pia9 ha Trapaarrjo'co/jiep irapra avdpoo- may % present Every Man
all wisdom, so thr.t we may present every man perfect in Christ;
TTOP reXeiop ep Xpiarcp' 29
eis 6 Kai KOTTLCO, 29 for which I also la-
perfect in
Anointed; for which also I labor, bor, ardently contending,
aycvpifafiepos TTJP epepyeiap avrov TTJP according to J THAT E N E R -
ardently contendingaccording to the strong working ofhirn that GY of his which OPERAEB*!
epepyov/nepr)p ep ejxoi ep Svpa/xei. KE<£. ft . 2 . in. me with Power.
working strongly in me in power. CHAPTER I I .
@fAw yap vfias ei$€vai9 I)\IKOP ayoopa syja 1 For I wish you
I wish for you to know, how great a conflict I have
know how Great a $ Strug,.
irepi bfxcav Kai roup ev AaoSuceia, Kai orroi gle I have about you and
concerning you and those in Laodicea, andasmanyas THOSE in Laodicea, and a;:
ovx ewpaKacri TO irpoo"ooirop fiov ep capKi* Iva many as have not seen m~
not } .veseen the face of me in flesh;
so that EACE in the F L E S H ;
7rapan -qQaxriv at Kapfiiai avroop, GvfAftijSacrQzp- 2 so that their HEARTC
may be t aforted the hearts of them, being knit together may be comforted, bein-7
res ep ay airy Kai eis irapra, TTXOVTOP TTJS TTATJ- closely united in Love^
in love and for all wealth of the full and in All the Wealth of
ycxpopias TT)S (Tvpeorecos, eis eirlyvcoait? TOV t h e J U L L ASSURANCE o f
Eonviction of the understanding, in order to an exact knowledge of the t h e UNDERSTANDING, i n
y.v&rripiov TOV deov ep cp eicrt irapres ol 07)- order to au exact J Know-
secret of the God; in which are all the treas- ledge of *the SECRET of
wavpoi TT]S ao<pLas Kai * [ T T 7 S ] ypcocreco^ airoic- G O D ;
flres of the wisdom and [of the] knowledge stored 3 J i n which are Stored
pv<po*. TOI>TG * [ 5 e ] KeycCy Ipa jar) ris v/nas All the TREASURES Of WIS-
up. ''this [but] I say, DOM and Knowledge.
that not any one you
7rapa\oyi£y,Tat ev iriOapoKoyia, Ei yap Kai 4 And this I say, that
may deceive with plausible speech. If for even n o o n e j m a y deceive You
T]7 orapKi airei/ULi, aWa rep irpeufxari O~VP VJJLIPwith Persuasive speech;
i» the flesh I am absent, still in the spirit with you 5 for X though I am ab-
eifxt, yjaip&p Kai fikeircap V/JLOOP TT)P ra^ip^ Kaisent in the FLESH, yet I
am, rejoicing and beholding of yon the order, and am with you in the S P I R I T ,
TO (TrepeoofJia TTJS eis Xpicrrop iriarecos vfioop. rejoicing and beholding
•jhe stability of the i n Anointed faith of you. J Your ORDER, and the
' U s OVP Trape\a(3eT€ TOP "Xpurrov Iijffovp STABILITY Of yOUl* FAITH
A» therefore you received the Anointed Jesus in Christ.
TOP Kvpiop, ep avrca irepiirareiTe, % eppi^oofxepoi 6 J As therefore you re-
the Lord, in him walk you, ha.^ng been rooted ceived the ANOINTED Jr:
Kai eTToiKodo/nov/uiepoi ep avrcp9 Kai /SefiaiotKicpoi sua the LORD, walk yav.
and being built up- in him, and being est"?-liohod in Him;
*[ej>] rr\ TruTTei, KaBcas eSidaxOyre, irepio'crev- rooted and built up
[in] the faith, as you were taught, abounding in 'him, and J established
8 !>y the EAITH, even as you
opres ep avry ep evx^p^ria. BXeireref firj were taught, abounding; iu
in it with thanksgiving. See you, not it with Thanksgiving.
TIS vfxas ecrai 6 (TvXaycoyoop 5 m TTJS (pi\o- 8 Take care that no one
any one you shall be the making a prey by means of the philo- make a prey of You through
arocptas Kai Keprjs airar7]S, Kara TTJP irapadocrip PHILOSOPHY and Empty
sophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition Deceit, according to J the
TOOP apOpooircap, Kara ra (Troix^ia rov KOO'/XOV, TRADITION of MEN, ac-
of the men, according to the elements of the world, cording to the ELEMENTS

* VATICAN MANUSCEIPT.—2. the SECRET of the GOB Christ; in. whom are hid. 8. o.
the—omit. 4. but—omit. 7. in—omit.
t 28. 2 Cor. xi. 2; Eph. v. 27; verse 22. f. 29. Eph.i. 19 ; iii. 7, 20. t 1. Phil
i.30; lThess.ii. 2. t 2. Phil. iii. 8; Col. i. 9. t 3. 2Cor.ii.6, 7- t 4. Bom
xvi. 18; 2 Cor. y-i.13; Eph. iv. 14; v. 6. t 5. 1 Thess.ii.17. 1 5 . 1 Coi.xiv.40
t 6. 1 Thess. iv. 1. t 7- Eph. ii. 21, 22; iii. 17; Col. i. 23. I 8. Ma£±. JV. 2; GaL i. 14
Chap. 2 : 9.] GOLOSSIANS, [Chap. 2 : 18.

Kai ov Kara Ori ep avrcp KaroiKei of the WORLD, and not ac-
Xpicrrop. Qc

and not according to Anointed. him dwells cording to Christ.

Because in
9 Because J i n him
Trap TO TrXrjpcc/jia TT]S Oeorrjros crcojxariKcos, dwells All the FULNESS of
all the fulness ofthe Deity bodily, the DEITY bodily;
Kai e(TT€ €P aVTCp 7TeivX7]p0ifXeP0l J effTlP 7} 10 J and you are replen-
and you are by him having been filled; who is the ished by Him, J who is the
ll HEAD of All Government
KecpaXT] ira(rr}s ap-/y\s Kai e^overias' ep cp tcai and Authority;
head of all government and authority; in whom also
11 by whom also you
TrepierjurjOrjre Trepirojur] ax€LP07roL7)rcf) €J/
were X circumcised with a
you were circumcised with a circumcision not done by hand, in Circumcision not done by
TTJ aireKhvcrei rov crco/j.aros rrjs crapKos, ep rrj hand, in the PUTTING OFF
the pu;ttngoff ofthe body ofthe in the of the BODY of the FLESH,
12 by the CIRCUMCISION of
7T€plT0pL71 T0V XpiO"TOV, CTVPTa(f)€PT€S aVTCp CP the A N O I N T E D ;
circumcision ofthe Anointed, having been buried with him by
12 J having been buried
rep fiaiTTifffxari' ep cp Kai trvpr\pyepQr\re
dia with him by I M M E R S I O N ;
the dipping; in which also you were raised by means of in which also you were
rrjs TTicrrecos TTjs epepyeias rov 6eov rov eyei- raised with him, through
the faith of the strong working ofthe God of that oce I the B E L I E F of the ENER-
xo GY of THAT GOD whd
pavros avrop eK peKpccp' Kai vjuas, peKpovs HAISED him from the
having raised hirn out of dead ones; and you, dead DEAD.
OPT as * [ e v ] rois TrapaTTTWfjLao'i Kai rrj aKpofivcr- 13 $ And You, being"
being [in] the faults and by the uncircumci- dead by the TRESPASSES,
ria T7)S GapKos vp,cop, (Tvpe^oooTvoirjcre crvp avrcp, even by the UNCiiicuaici-
oion of the flesh of you, he made alive together with him, SION of your FLESH., he
made alive together with
Xapicrafiepos 7]pup nxavra ra Tvapairrcojiara' him, having freely par-
having freely forgiven us all the faults j doned A! 1 our OFFENCES;
e^aXeixpas ro rois 14 % having blotted out
KaO' TJJJLOJP xeipoypa<pop
having blotted out that against us written by hand in the what was WRITTEN BY
doy/uacrip, 6 T\V virevapriop TJIMP, Kai avro iqp- which was AGAINST us,
ordinauces, which was contrary to us, and it hehas re- and has removed it from
tted eK rov fieo'ov9 Trpoo'rjXcoa'as avro rcp the MIDST, having nailed
novedoutof the midst, having nailed it to the it to the CROSS;
rravpep" 15
aTreKdvcrajuepos ras apxas Kai ras 15 * having stripped the
cross; having stripped off the government* and \%e GOVERNMENTS and AU-
THORITIES, he made a
^ovcrias? edeiypiaricrep ep Tcapfirjcria, Opia/ufiev- public exhibition of them,
.uthorities, he made a show by publi;ly, having triumphed triumphing over them by
eras avrovs ep avrcp, M77 ovv ris vjxas it.
over tljern in it. Not therefore any one you 16 Let no one, therefore,
Kpipero) ep ftpoocrei 7] ep Trocrei, °j) ep juepei kop- X rule You in Food, or in
let judge in food or in drink, or in respect of a Drink, or in respect of a
17 Festival, or of a New-
TTJS, 7] povpur)Pias, 7] crafifiarcav a ecrri CKia moon, or of Sabbaths,
feast, or of anew moon, or ofsabbaths; which are a shadow 17 * J which are Shad-
reap fieXXovrcvp9 ro de a'co/naX.pKTTov. M?7- ows of the F UTURE things;
ofthetkings about coming, the but body of Anointed. No but the BODY is Christ's.
8eis vfias KaraftpafieveTto, QeXccp ep 18 J Let no one wishing
one yoa let deprive of the prize, wishing by humilityof it deprive You ofthe prize,
by Humility and a Wor-
poo~vprj Kat $p7jo'Keia reap ayyeXcop, a *[/u.7)~\ ship of the ANGELS, prying
mind and a religious worship of the messengers, whatthinga [not] into thing3 which he has

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—13. in—omit. 17. which is a Shadow. 18. not—omit.

1,9. Johni. 14; Col. i. 19. J 10. John i. 16. J 10. Eph.i. 20, 21; 1 Petiii. 22.
t 11. Deut.x.16; xxx.6; Jer.iv.4; Rom.ii.29; Phil.iii. 8. J 12. J 12.
Eph.i.19; iii.7. J IS. Eph.ii.1,5, 6,11. % 14. Eph.ii. 15,16. % 15. Psa,
liviii. 18; Eph. iv. 8. & 16. Rom. xiv. 3 ; x« 1§. J 17. Eel), "riii, g$ ix„ 9 J X. h
% 18. verse 4,
Map. %: 19.] OOLOSSIANS, [C&ap.S: 5.

€00paK€V € / A 0 a T €VCOP, CIK7) (pVO'lOVjlGPOS VTTO not seen, being without

he has Been prying into, without cause being puffed up by cause puffed up by the
19 MIND Of h i s TLESH ;
TOV POOS T7)S crapKos avrov, Kai ov
and not holding Kparoov 19
the mind of the fle«h of himself,
and not holding firmly firmly
% the HEAD, from
Tt]v K€<paXr}v, e£ ou irav TO O~CO{JL&„I Sm TOOP whom
the Whole BODY,
the head, from whom all the body, byrneansof t h e being
supplied and com-
acptov Kai ffvvdeCfJLcav eirixop^yovfievop Kai arvfA- pacted together by mean:;
joints and ligaments being served and being of the JOINTS and Liga-
fiifiafrjAepop, av£ei Tt]V av^rjo'tp TOV deov. ^ E : ments, grows with the I N -
compacted, grows the growth oft;he God. If CREASE of GOD.
1( >V TOV 20 if Jyou died with
awedavere O~VP Xpicrrcp uiro TOOP GTOIX* * Christ from the ELEMENTS
you died with Anointed from the -elements of the of the WORLD, {why, as
KOO~/J,OV, Tl COS £a>PT€S eV KOtTjJKf) Soj/JLaTL- living in the World, do you
world, why as living in world do you impose on your- subject yourselves to ordi-
£eo~Qe- fxr} «^?7» yev- nances;—•
selves ordinances; not thoushouldsthavetouched, nor thou shouldst 21 J O ' E a t n o t , " "taste
€0~TI not," "handle not;"
(H7, fxrjde diyrjs; a
have tasted, nor thoushouldst have handled? which things is 22 all which things are
consumed in the USING;)
iravTa eis (pdopav TT? aTroxpvo"'€i,) Kara ra X according to the COM-
all for corruption in the using,) according to the MANDMENTS and Teach-
ej/TaXficLTa Kai difiacncaXias TOOP avdpooTrcov ings of men?
commands and teachings of the men; 23 J which ordinances,
aTiva eo~Ti \oyov jiev exopra o~o<pias ev having a Wordy show of
which things is a wordy show indeed having of wisdom in Wisdom in Self-devised
edeKodp'qo'Ketq KaiTaireipocppocfvpy "^[/cou] a<pzi- worship and Humility, by
self-devised worship and humility [and]non-indul-
a Non-indulgence of the
Body, not in any Honor,
dia a'cofiaTos, OVK ep Tijuy TIPL, irpos ir\r]0'/J.0P7}P are only for a Gratification
gence of body, not in honor &ny» for afillingup of the ELESH.
TT)S crapicos. •
<jfthe flesh. CHAPTER I I I .
1 If, then, | you were
KE<i». y'. 3 . raised with the ANOINTED
1 one, seek the THINGS
Ei ovv ffvv7)p6r}Te TOO Xpicrro), ra avca above, where J the AN OINT-
If then you were raised with the Anointed, the things above ED one is sitting at t h e
QrjTeiTt, ov 6 Xpio~Tos eo'rip ep 5e£ia tov Qeov Right hand of GOD.
seeli you, where the Anointed is at right of the God 2 Mind the THINGS
Kadrifievos' Ta avoo typoveire, fir) r a eiri above, not the THINGS on
sitting; the things above mind you, not the things on the EARTH.
TTis yrjs. 3
ATTcdaveTG yap, Kai ?] far] v/uioop 3 J For you died, and
the earth. You died for, ;£ your LIEE has been hid-
and the life of you
den with the ANOINTED
KeitpviTTai cfvv TOO Xpio'Tqj sv Tea Oecf i OTav one by GOD.
has been hidden with the Anointed by the God; when
4 J When the ANOINT-
b Xpio"TOs (papepccdr), 7] £oor) 7]fj.oop,' TOTC Kai ED one, Jour LITE, shall
the Anointed may appear, the life of us, then also be manifested, then gou
v(A€is (TVP avTa) (papepooOrjcrecrOe ev SO£T?. 5 Ne/c- also will be manifested
you with him shall appear in glory. Put you J with Him in Glory.
poocraTe ovv Ta fxeXr] *~[i),ua>z>,] ra eiri TTJS yrjs, 5 % Put to death, there-
to death therefore the members [cl you,] those on the earth, fore, THOSE MEMBERS on
iroppeiap, aKadapo'iap, iradoos, eTridv/xiap KaK7]v, the EARTH ; "Fornication,
fornication, impurity, passion, desire evil, Impurity, Passion, evil De-

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—23. and—omit. 5. of you—omit.

- X 19. Eph. iv. 15,16. t 20. Rom. vi. 3, 5; vii. 4, 6; Gal. ii. 19; Eph. ii. 15. \ 20.
Gal. iv. 3, 9. % 21. 1 Tim. iv. 3. % 22. Isa. xxix. 13 ; Matt. xv. 9 ; Titus, i. 14.
X 23. 1 Tim. iv. 8. t 1. Rom. vi. 5; Eph. ii. 6; Col. ii. 12. % 1. Rom. viii. 24;
Eph. i. 20. t 3. Rom. vi. 2. J 3. 2 Cor. v. 7. 1 4 1 John iii. 3. t 4. John xi. 25;
xiv. 6. J 4. 1 Cor. xv. 43; Phil. iii. 21. ' J 5. Rom. viii, 13; Gal. v. 24.
cor,ossrANs: [CftapjSpWs

tcai rrju Trkeove^iap, TJTIS etrrip G&ookokaTpeia' sire," and INOHDINATR,

and the eoveteousness, which is idol-worship; LUST, which is IdoUwor*'
Si* & <spx*Tcii 7} opyrj TOU 0eov *[fTTi ship ; •<• * W^^^-^i
because of which t h i n g s c o m e s t h e wrath D f t h e God [on 6 % on account of vVhich'
/rous vlovs TT)S airetOeias'] 7 $p oh Kaivjxsts things the WBATH ofGpUj
the BOD» of t h e disobedience,] in which things also you is coming...
W€pi€TraT7)<raTe Trore, ore e ^ r e ti> avroii> 7 %\ti which also gou 1
rallied once, when you were living among them ; formerly walked, when
*vvvi de airoQeaQc- KCLI vfx€is ra 7rai>Ta> opyyv, you lived in these things \
now b u t p u t off nlso y o u t h e things all, anger, 8 J But now do gou put
OU/JLOP, KaxiaV) fikacrtyyixxaVv atcrxpokoyiap e« off also ALL these; An?
wrath, mnlice, evil-tpeakinj?, filthy words o u t of ger, Wrath, Malice, Evil
flf) t//5t/5eo"06 €ISspeaking, Vile words out
the • mouth of y o u ; n o t cpeak y o u falsely t o of your MOLTii.
oAA.77A.oys* aTrsKfivcra/jLepoi TOP iraAajov avOpco- 9 % Do not speak falsely',
{ each o t h e r ; having otripped off the old m a n to each other, having pitY
,7fW arvp rais Tcpa^taw avrov, *° KCLI avfivcra.fxsvoi, off the OLD Man with his
with the practices of h i m , and having p u t on PRACTICES;
TOP peop, TOP ayoMaivovfUvov eis stnypoxrip 10 and having put on;
] the new, thai being renewed by exact knowledge that.jvtw one, JBKINO RE-I
KdT* ziKova rou KTicrapi-os avrov ** STTOV
NEWED by Knowledge, ac-!
according t o an image of t h e o n e h a v i n g c r e a t e d h i m ; cording to a Likeness of
OVK evi 'Ekkrjp KCU lov§ztos' •7V€piT0lur) icat cutpo- HIM Who CRKATED him.
n,ot exists Greek and Jew; circumcision Bud u n r i r - 11 In which state there
(ivo'Tia' fizpftapos, ^cuOr}S' SouAos, eAeuOepos' are not % Greek and Jew,'
cumcision; barbarian", . Scythian; slave, : freeman; Circumcision and Uncir.1
aAAa T O Travja feat, ep Tracrs XpiffTos. 12
%p- cumcision; Barbarian, Scy.
i b u t t h e things ell a n d in' all Anointed. Be tliian, bondman, freeman,
duaravO* OVP, CJS sKksKrot TOV Oeov ayioi ibut Ch'rist is ALL thinga!
you clothed therefore, as chpten ones ' of t h e God holy ones and in all. ••< •..-('
12 Be clothed,therefore;
•*[KCH] Tjya-mjjxcpoi^ (yirhayxpa OlKTlpflOV) as Chosen ones of God, be \
[and] beloved ones, bqwela pfmercy,
loved Saints, with fBowels
XPVffTOTTjTa, rairsipo(ppo(rvP7)p9 7Tp<X0T7}Tat
of Mercy, Kindness, H u .
1 kindnesa, ,/ . •> • humility, meekness,
mility, Meekness, Patiem
fAtzKpodvfitap' ^ (apexo/J.tPOL' akk-qkiap- kai endurance;
pitient endurance; (bearingwitH each o t h e r , and
13 % bearing with each
Xapifr/xepoi eavrois, <sap ris vpos rtva. exy other, and freely forgiving
freely forgiving each o t h e r , if any o n e f o r s o m e t h i n g s s h o u l d h a v e
each other, if any one for
fio/jicpTjP' KaOcos /cat 6 Xpicrrqs CX^P^OLTO some things may have a
a cause of c o m p l a i n t ; as-. even t h e Anointed fneely forgave
Cause of complaint; eveii
VUIP9 OUT (a KCU vizis') •"* ewi irafft Se rovrois as the * LORD forgave you,
you, so also you,) besides all and these
so also do 2on forgive.
trjp ayairr)pt ritis SCTTI (Tuvtecr/xos TT]S rekeio-^ 14 And besides all these
the -love, which is aboiid .,i:;:: of t h e cbmplete- things, put oil % LOVE ; * it,
K is the BOND of the COM^;
rr)T05' (cat i] eiprjpf] rov Xpiffrdu /3paj3eu€T&>
nessj and,the peace of t h e A n o i n t e d o n e l e t preside P L E T E N K S S . •''
15 A h d j l e t the PKACR
GP rais KctpSiats vp-MP, eis 7)P KCLI eKkTjOrjrc CP
in the hearts of you, for which also y o u were calle<J jr\
pf the AiNOiNTKD preside
in your IIEARTS, for which
*[€Pi~\ <ra>/j.a,Tt* Kai $vx<x>p<o'Toi yipeaOe^ you) were also-called in.
[one] body; and t h a n k f u l ones become you, Ono Body; and be thankful.
'O Xoyos rov" XpiiTrov iPoifcciTca cp u/itp 16 Let the WORD of'tho
The ' word , of t h e Anointed dwell in you
. l e t dwell . in you ANOINTED
Trkovrritios' zv ira&f} Q'o<piq dida<rK0PT6S: \tg,i richly; teaching and ad-
richly; ' in. "all wisdom teaching, ; &nd
monishing each other in

,• VATICAN MANUSCIIIFT.^O, on the SONS of nisouEniENcis^witt,' 12, and—omi'fj]

IS. LORD. 14. it is the SONp.; lo, ohc-^omii, ~
t 6 Roiri.i.18-; Eph.v.6 • 7, Rom. vi. 19, 20; Titus iii.3, - t 8. Eph iv^
22; 1 Pet. ii. 1. I 0. Eph. |v. 35. t 1,0. ]lom. zii. 2. " " ' t l l . Gal. III. lh?• v P
1 12 Gal. v. 2-2: Phil, ii J, ..,, ,;; t 1». Eph. iv.?, 3^2.. * u, John xlii. 84: Kom llK
Chap. 3 : 17.] COLOSSIANS. iChap.4,: 1.

All Wisdom; J in Psalms,

admonishing each other in psalms [and]
in Hymns, in spiritua[
in hymn*
Songs, singing with * GRA-
* [ « : a i ] Cfdats 7rvevpLariKais, ev xaPlTL &$ovres TITUDE in your HEARTS to
[and] in songs spiritual, with favor singing GOD.
ev Tais Kapdiais vfxcov T<t> Beep' ^ Kai irav 6, 17 % And everything,
n the hearts of you to the God; and everything, whatever you may do, in
ri au 7roi?7r6, ev Xoyx> 7) ev epycp, iravra ev Word or in Work, do all
whatever you may do, in word or in work, all in in the Name of the Lord
ovofxari Kvpiov ITJCTOV, evxapLtfTovvres rep Beep Jesus, X giving thanks to
name of Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the God GOD the .Father through
"*[/ccu] ivarpi 5Y avrov. At yvvaiKes, VTTO- him-
[and] father through him. The wives, sub- 18 J WIVES, submit
racrtrecrOe rots avDpacrtv, cos avrjuev ev Kvpiep. yourselves to your HUS-
mit yourselves to the husbands, as it has been proper in Lord. BANDS, as is proper in the
Oi avdpes, ayairare Kai ju.77 Lord.
ras yvvaLKas,
The husbands, love you the wives,
and not 19 I HUSBANDS, love
iriKpaivecrde npos avras. ^ T a reKva, viraKov- your WIVES, and do not
be you embittered against them. The children, be you behave harshly to them.
20 J CHILDREN, obey
ere rou yovevcri Kara iravra' rovro yap ecrriv your PARENTsin all things;
subjectto the parent* in all things; this for is for this is well-pleasing in
evapecrrov ev Kvpiep. 2 1 O : irarepes? fxrf epeOi- the Lord.
well-pleasing in Lord. The fathers, not do you 21 J FATHERS, do not
£We ra^eKva vficov, iva fir) adv/ncccnv. Ol provoke your CIIILDRKN,
provokethe children of you, so that not they may be discouraged. The that they may not be dis-
SouAor, vnraKOvere Kara iravra rots Kara crapKa 22 i BOND-SERVANTS,
slaves, be you subject in all things to theaccording to flesh
obey in all things your
Kvpiois, fir] ev oepBaXfxodovXeiais, cos avOpeoira- MASTERS according to the
lords, not with service of eyes, as men-pleas- Mesh; not with Eye-ser-
pecKoi, aXX3 ev airXorrjri Kapdias, epofiovjjievoL vice as Men-pleasers, but
ers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing in. Sincerity of Heart, fear-
rov Kvpiov 23
*\_Kai irav 0 , ] rt eav iroirjre, ing the LORD.
the Lord; [and everything,] whatever you may do, 23 X Whatever you may
do, work it from the soul,
eK \pvxys epyaCetfOe, cos rep Kvpiep "^[«:ai] OVK as for the LORD, and not
from soul work you, as to the Lord [and] not for Men;
avOpooTTOis. 24 EtSpTes, on airo Kvpiov arroXr)- 24 £ knowing that from
to men. Knowing, that from Lord you will the Lord you will receive
•tyecrOe rrjv avrairohocriv rrjs KXrjpovopuas, rep the RECOMPENSE of the
receive the recompense of the inheritance, the I N H E R I T A N C E : for $ yOU
"*[-yap] Kvpicp Xpicrrcp SovXevere. 25 e
O de serve Christ the LORD.
[for] Lord Anointed you serve. He but 25 * 1'or H E who ACTS
c UNJUSTLY, will receive
afiiKcov Kopueirai
6 7]8iK7]o'e Kai OVK ecrri back for the injustice he
doing wrong will receive backwhat he did wrong;
juid not is committed ; J and without
7rpoa'coiroXTjipia. KE<£>. 8'. 4 . 1Ol Kvpioi, ro any Partiality.
respect of persons. The lords, the CHAPTER IV.
SiKaiov Kat rt]V icrorrjra rots SOVXOLS irape- 1 MASTERS, I render
just and the equal to the slaves render to your BOND-SERVANTS
Xecrde, eifiores, Sri Kai vfieis e x e r e Kvpiov ev THAIT which is ffusT and
you, knowing, that also you have a Lord in
THAT which is EQUAL;
knowing that gnu also
ovpavois. have a Master in the Heav-
heavens. ens.
* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—-16. and—omit twice. 16. GRATITUDE. 17. and—omit.
23. and every thing—omit. 23. and—omit. 24. for—omit. 25. For HE who.
t 16. Eph. v. 19. t 17. 1 Cor. x. 81. J 17. Rom. i. 8; Eph. v. 20; Col. i. 12; ii.
7 ; 1 Thess. v. 18; Heb. xiii. 15. J 18. Eph. v. 22; Titus ii. 5 ; 1 Pet. iii. 1. t 19. Eph. v<
25, 28; 1 Pet. iii. 7- t 20. Eph. vi. 1. + 21. Eph. vi. 4. % 22. Eph. vi. 5 ; 1 Tim. Vi. 1 ;
Titus ii. 9; 1 Pet. ii. 18. < 23. Eph. vi. 6, 7. 1 24. Eph. vi. 8. £ 24. 1 Cor. vii. 23'
fc 25. Bom. ii. 11; Eph. vi. 9; 1 Pet. i. 17. I 1. Eph. vi. 9.
Chap. 4 : 2.] OOLOSSIANS. {Chap. 4 : 1%
Ty irpotfevxy TrpocrKapTepeire, ypqyopovv- 2 % Attend constantly U
To the prayer attend you constantly, watching PRATER, watching in it
3 with Thankfulness;
res ev avrrj, ev evxapicrTia' irpocrevxofievoi 3 Spraying also at the
in it, with thankfulness; praying same time for us, that
afia KCLI irepi 7}fi(av> Iva 6 deos avoi^ri GOD may % open to u s a
at the same time also for us, that the God may open Door for the WORD, to
TjfXLV dvpav TOV Xoyov, XaXtjO~ai TO /xvo'Tijpiovspeak % the SECRET of the
to us a door for the word, to speak the secret ANOINTED one, onaccount
of * whom I have been
TOV Xpicrov, oY 6 KCLI defte/uai'
Iva bound;
of the Anointed, onaccount of whicheven I have been bound; sothat 4 that I may make it
(pavepGoo~oo avro, ws Sei fxe XaXrjcrai. E r manifest, as it behoves me
I may make manifest it, as it behoves me to speak. In to speak.
o~o(j)iq TrepnrareiTe irpos TOVS e£co, TOJ> Kaipov wards 5 % Walk in "Wisdom t o .
wisdom walk you towards those outside, the season
securing the SEASON for
e£ayopa£o/j,evoi. ' O \oyos
v/ueov iravTOTe ev yourselves.
buying for yourselves. The word of you always with 6 Let your WORDS be
XapiTi, aXaTi rjpTv/nevos, eiSevai iroos dei always with Affability,
favor, withsalt havingbeenseasoned,tohaveknown howitbehove* having been seasoned with
vfxas ivi 4/ca(TTOj airoKpiveo'Oai. ?Ta KaT* Salt, % knowing how it be-
hoves you to answer every
you one each to answer. The things concerning
€/J.€ ivavTa yveopicrei vjxtv TVXLKOS o ayaiT7]T0% 7 % Tychicus will make
me all will make known to you Tychicus the beloved known to you all THIN GS
a§t\(pos Kai TUO~TOS $L<XKOVOS Kai crvvfiovXos ev relating to me,—that B E -
brother and faithful servant and LOVED Brother, and faith-
fellow-slave in
8 ful Assistant, and Fellow-
Kvpicf bv eivep.i\ia irpos bfias sts avTO TOUTO, servant in the Lord;
Lord; whom I sent to you for it this thing
8 J whom I sent to you
Iva yvca Ta irepi vfxoov, Kai irapaKa- for this purpose, that * you
that lie may knowthe things concerning you, and maycom- might know our AFFAIRS,
Xecrri Tas Kapdias v/noov 9 crvv Ovrjcri/ncp TOI and that he might comfort
fort the hearts ofyou; with Onesimuo the your HEARTS ;
9 together with J the
iricrT<p Kai ayairy)T(p aBeXcpcp, os eo~Tiv e£ VJLLCOV FAITHFUL and Beloved
faithful and beloved brother, who is from youj
Brother Onesimus, who is
ivavTa vfiiv yvoopiovtri Ta code. 10 ACT- from you. They will tell
UM to you they will mate known the things here. Sa- You of all THINGS here.
7ra£ercu Apio~Tapx<>s 6 crvvatxi^aXcoTOS 10 J Aristarchus, my
lutes you Aristarchus the fellow-captive FELLA W-CAPTIVK, salutes
/nov, Kai MapKOS 6 avetyios Bapvafia, ov you; and % Mark, t h e
of me, and Mark the nephew of Barnabas, concerning whom NEPHEW of Barnabas ;
concerning whom you re-
eAafieTe evToXas° (eav eXdr) irpos vfxas, ceived Orders : (if he
you received commands; (if he should come to you, should come to you, receive
de^ao'de avTov) 11 Kai lrio~ovs b Xtyojxevos Ioucr him;)
receive him;) and Jesus he being called Jus 11 and THAT Jesvs who
TOS' 01 OVT€S €K ir€piTOflf]S' OVTOl JXOVOl 0~VV6p~
is CALLED Justus. These
tus; they being of circumcision; thesa alone felloW-
only are THEY who of the
Circumcision ARE my Fel-
yoi~ €is TT]V fiaaiXeiav TOV 6eov, OITIVCS eyevr}- low workmen for the KING-
ttorkersfor the kingdom of the God, who were DOM of GOD, who were a
6rjo~av fxoi iraprjyopia. 12 Acrira^eTai v/ l^iracp- Comfort to me.
to me a comfort. Salutes you Epaph 12 T H A T JEPAPHRAS,

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. whom. 8. you might know our AFFAIRS.

% 2. Luke xviii. 1; Eom. xii. 12 ; Eph. vi. 18. t 3. Eph. vi. 19; 2 Thess. iii. 1.
t 3. 1 Cor.xvi.9; 2 Cor. ii.12. I 3.; 1 Cor.iv.l; Eph. Vi.10; Col.i. 26;
ii. 2. J 5. Eph. v. 15; 1 Thess. iv. 12. J 6. 1 Pet. iii. 15. i 7. Eph. vi. 21.
X 8. t 9. Philemon 10. t 10. Acts xix. 29; xx.4; xxviL 2; Philemon24.
% 10. Acts XY. 37; 2 Tim. iv. 11. I 12. Col. i. 7 ; Philemon 23.
CViap 4 : 13-3 Tt\
OOLOSSTANS \~Chap.$% ffl
pas, 6 e£ vfXtidV OOVXOS Xpicrrovf Ttaurore who is from you, a Sfcrvaftt;
rns, be from y o u .:; a slave of Anointed, always of * CJinst Jesus, saluteg
aycvvi^o/ievos vTcep vfiajv $v rats irpdcrevxcuSy you; at all times t fervent-
fervently striving on behalf of you in the prayer*,' ly striving on your behalf
fn his PRAYERS, that you
tva. <TT7]re TtXttot Kai TreirKfipwiisvoi ev travri may * stand J perfect and
. I hat you may etand perfect even having been completed in all
complete in the Whole
OeArjfxaTi rou Qeov. ,lsMaprvpco yap avrw, Will of GOD.
«;U1 of the God. j 1 testify for to him, 13 For I testify for him,
on €%6j TTOXVV nxovov vTrcp vfzcoV) Kat rosy *v that he has a great Con-
t h a t he has great . concern on behalf o f you, ._ and for those in cern for you. and for THOSE
AaodiKeta, Kat roafi zv 'l6pa7roAet.x ! ^Acr7ra^e- in Laodicea, and for THOSE
Laotlicea, and for those in ^ Hierapulis. Salutes in Hieropolis.
14 } Luke, theBKLOVED
*rat Aoutcas 6 tarpos 6 ayairrjros,
Kat PHYSICIAN, salutes you,
you . Luke the physician the beloved,
and •,
T 15
and J l)ernas.
&T}fias. AcnracracrQs rovs ev AaoStKtia ade\- 15 Salute the BBETH*
\ Nomas. ' Salute you those ;n , Laodicea , breth. KEN in Laodicea, and
tpovst Kat NvfJL(pavt Kat riju /car' outov avrov Nymphas, and *the CON-
rea, and Nytnphas, and the ,. in ^ j house o f h i m GREGATION in* his House.
cKicKycriav. l 6 Kat brav avayvojaQri Trap' vfxtv TER 16 And when % this LET-
congregation. And- when may have been read among you
may have been read
among you, cause that i t
* f J? €7Ti(rro\?7,] 7rot7?(Tare, iva Kat iv rrj AaooV may also be read fn the*
[the letter,] ( make you, that also in t h e Juaodi- CONGREGATION of the
tzstav CKKAv}<rtq auayvtoo-Qy, Kat r"t]u €K AaoSt- LAOUICKANS ; and do g o a
csans congregation it may be read, and that frotq Laodi- also read THAT from Laod-
Kstas ha Kat y/xets avayvcars* l7
Kai knrare icea.
that also you may read. And say y o u 17 And say to JArchip-;
Apxiir7rV' BA67T6 rr\u diaicoi/iav r\v TcaptXafifs pas, " Attend on the % SEK-
t> Arehippus; ' _, See A the / " > service :y_ which thou did6treceive vtOE which thou didst r e -
ceive in the Lord, that
tv Kvpiy, iva avrrjv irAripoir.^ ls'0 aTiracrfxos thou niayest fulfil U."
in Lord, that her thou wayest fulfil.. The salutation
l L
rrj €(.L7) x* P Hav\ou. "_Mvrjfioi/GveT€ fiov rowof Paul, with MY OWN
in the my hand ofPauL ' , Remember you __ of me the Hand. X Remember My
decTfxav. *H xaPls fX€^ vfiay,: CHAINS I FAVOII be with
chains. The . faror with you. you!
* VATICAN MANuaCRirT.—12. Christ Jesus. 12. be established perfect. . 15.
her House. 10. the LETTER—omiL Subscriptiori.—To TUB COIOSSIANS. WBIT-
t 1-2. Rom. xv. SO. 1 12. Matfc. v . 4 8 ; 1 C o r . i i . 0 ; x i v . 2 0 ; P h i l . i i i . 1 5 ; HeV-'V. 1 4 .
| 14. 2 T i m . i v . l t . i 14. 2 Tim. iv. 10; Philemon 24.
1 17* Philemon 2.
J 15. Rom. xvi. 5; 1 Cor.
I 17. l T i m . i v . 6 ,
xvi. 19. J 16. 1 Thess. v. 27
S, 18. 1 Cor. xvi. 21; 2 Tbess. iii. 17.
friATAOY] ITPO^ 0E22AAONIKEL2 [ E n i S T O A H ] I l P n t H .


K E $ . a!. I . CHAPTER I.
l 1 Paul, and J Sylvanus,
UavXos Kai ^,iXovavos KCU TifioOeos, rrj and Timothy, to the CON-
Paul and Silvanus and Timothy. to the GREGATION of Thessaloni-
€KKh7}<TlCt ®€O~O'aXoPlKeO0P ZP 06OJ 'KOJTpl Kai cans in God the Fr.ther
congregation ofTheisalonicans in God a father and
and the Lord Jesus Christ;
Kvpico Irj&ov Xpicrrcf xaPLS
vf^w Kai €ipr}v/] Eavor to you and peace.
Lord Je»u» Anointed; favor to you and peace 2 J We give thanks to
*[airo deov irarpos Tjfioov, Kai Kvpiov Irjcrov GOD at all times respect-
[from God a father of us, and Lord Jesus ing you all, making a Re-
Xpurrov.] ^Evxapicrrov/xep rep Ozcp traprore membrance of you in our
Anointed.] We give thanks to the God always PitAYERS ;
irept Traprcop v/ncop, fxpeiap vjj.oopiroiovpi.epoi
concerning all of you, a remembrance of you making
3 J never forgetting in
the Presence of our GOD
eiri TOOV Trpoffevxoov 7)fxooP, 3 aOiaXenrrcos fiprj- and Father, Your J OPER-
in ths prayer3 of us, unceasingly recol-
(Aopevpopres vp.o>v rov epyov TTJS rrnrrecos, Kai BORIOUS LOVE, and P A -
ecting of you ttfthe work of the faith, and TIENT HOPE of our LORD
rov KOTTOV rr\s ayarrris, Kai TTJS VTVOJJLOPT]S rrjs Jesus Christ;
of the labor of the love, and of the patient endurance of the
eXiridos rov Kvpiov TJ/JLOOV Irjaov Xpio'rov, €/JL~ 4 knowi»g, Brethren
hope of the Lord of us Jeaus Anointed, in beloved by GOD, your
irpocdep rov 6eov Kai irarpos yjjioov 4 nhores^ X E L E C T I O N ;
presence of the God and father of us; knowing, 5 because Jour GLAD
a$eX(poi 7]yairrip.epoi VTTO Oeov, rrjp eKXoyrjp TIDINGS came to you not
brethren beloved by God, the election in Word only, but also in
b/AWP' 5 on TO evayyeXiop JJJXOOP OVK eyePTjdr] Power, even with the holy
of you; because the glad tidings of us not came Spirit, and abundant Con-
eis v/nas ep Xoyca fiopop, aXXa Kai ep Svpapiei, firmation; as you know
to you in word only, but also in power, what we were among you
Kai ep Trpevfxari ayup, Kai * [ e v ] irXqpocpopLa on your account.
even with ipirit holy, and [with] confirmation 6 And % gou became
TroXXy Kadcos oiBare oioi eyeprjOrj/xep ep v/aip Imitators of us, and of the
much; ag you know what we were amvig you LORD, having embraced
5Y vfias. 6
Kai v/neis jui/urjrai!, ^f'".>»'» e y e - thewoiiD
tion,. with
in much Afflic-
Joy of holy
on account of you. And you imitators of us be-
prjBrjre Kai rov Kvpiov, de^a/mepoi rov Xoyov ep
came and of the Lord, having received the word in 7 so that you became
OXityet rroXXr} /xera XaPas TTP^v/xaros ayiov * a Pattern to ALL the B E -
affliction much with joy of spirit holy; LIEVERS in MACEDONIA
^ dxrre yepecrdai vfxas rvirovs ivicrrev- and ACHAIA.
iracri rois
80 that to have become you patterns to all to those believ- 8 Indeed, not only h a s
8 5 the WORD ofthe LORD been
ovciv ep rr} MaKeSopia Kai rr) A%aia. A$>
mg in the Macedonia and in the Achaia. Prom sounded forth from you
bjAMP yap ^rnx^ral ° Xoyos rov Kvpiov ov through MACEDONIA and
you for hasbeen sounded forth the word ofthe Lotd not Achaia; but J i n Every
fj.opop €p rr) MaKedopiq Kai Axaiq, aXXa ~" [KCU] Place THAT FAITH of
only in the Macedonia and Achaia, but [also] yours towards GOD has
€p trapri rorrco 7} TTicrns VJXOW r) Trpos rop deov unnecessary gone forth, BO that it is
n every place the faith of you that towards the God
for us to say
e^eXr/XvOep' ooo~re JJ.7] XP€L<XJ/ VfJLas eX€lJ/ AaAeip
has gone forth; so that not necessary us to have to speak
our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ—omit. 5. with—omt*. 7- a Pattern.
8. also—omit.
+ 1.2 Cor. i. 19 ; 2 Thess. i. 1; 1 Pet. v. 12. J 2. Rom. i. 8; Eph. i. 16; Philemon 4.
t 3. 1 Thess. ii. 13. t 3. Gal. v. 6; James ii. 17. X 3. Rom. xvi. 6; Heb. vi. 10.
t 4. Col. iii. 12; 2 Thess. ii. 13. t 5. Mark xvi. 20; l.Cor. ii. 4. J 6. 1 Cor. iv.
16; xi. 1; Phil. iii. 17; 1 Thess. ii. 14; JLThess. iii. 9. £ 8. Rom. i. 8 i 2 Thess. i. 4
dap. 1: 9.] I. T H E S S A L O N I O A N 8 . t&hap.Si'f.
9 % For they themselves
TI. AVTOL yap irepi r\\xoiv airayyeXXov-
anything. Themselves for concerning us declare concerning *us,
crip, biroiav eicroSop eo~xo/^ep irpos, Kat to What Introduction we had
what kind introduction we had to you, and
you, % and how you
turned to the DEITY, from
TTOOS eirecTTpexpaTe irpos TOP deop airo TCOP ei8&)- IDOLS, to serve the living
how you turned to the God from. the idols, and true God;
XOOP, hovXeveip deep ^COPTL Kai aXrjdLpep, Kat 10 and % to wait for his
to serve God living and true, and SON from the HEAVENS,
whom he raised from the
apafxepeip TOV VIOP avTov etc TOP ovpapaop, OP DEAD, even THAT Jesus
to wait for the son of him from the heavens, whom
yjyeipep ex TCOP petcpoop, Irirfovp, TOP f>vojxepop from THAT WRATH which
he raised out of the dead ones, Jesus, the one delivering
r)fxas affio TT]S opyrjs TTJS epxo/u.eP7)s. KEji>. /3'. 2 .
us from the wrath ofthat coming. CHAPTER I I .
AVTOL yap o i S a r e , abeXcpoi, TIJP &>o~odop 1 :j:For you know,
Yourselves for you know, brethren, the introduction Brethren, THAT INTRO-
rjfioop T7)p irpos vfxas, OTI OV KCPT) yeyopep' DUCTION of ours which we
of us that to you, because not in vain had to you, That it was
it has been;
2 not in vain;
aXXa irpoiradopTes /cat v{ipio~6epTeS) 2 hut having previously
but having previously suffered and having been injuriously treated suffered, and been injuri-
KaQcos otdaTe, ep QiXiirivois, eirappr)mao'a/jie6a ously treated, as you know,
as you know, in Philippi, we were emboldened X at Philippi, we were em-
boldened by our GOD % to
iV Tcp deep TJ/JLOOP XaX^crai irpos vjxas TO evayye-speak to you the GLAD
by the God of us to speak to you the glad tid-
TIDINGS of GOD, with
Xiop TOV 6eov ep iroXXcp ayoopt. 3 f H yap irapa- Much Earnestness;
ings of the God with much striving. The for exhor- 3 % For our EXHORTA-
KXTJO'IS 7]fioop OVK eK irXaprjs, ovde
e£ a,Ka6ap- TION was not from Error,
tation ofus not from
error, nor from impurityj nor from Impurity, nor in
crtaSy OVT€ ep SoAar ^aXXa Kadoos dedoKifxacrjueOa Deceit;
nor in deceit; but as we have been approved 4 but as we have been
approved by GOD | t o be
tiro TOV Oeov irio'TevQ'qpai TO evayyeXiop, OVTOO entrusted with the GLAD
by the God to be entrusted with the glad tidings, so TIDINGS, so we speak;
XaXovfjLep, ovx &S apQpooirois apeo'KOPTes, aXXa % not as pleasing Men, but
we speak, not as men pleasing, but THAT God who TRIES our
*[TW] Qecp TCp doKLfia^OVTl TaS KapdiaS 7)fJLCCP. HEARTS.
[the] God that one trying the hearts ofus. 5 J For "we never came
Oure yap TTOT€ ep Xoycp icoXatceias eyeprjOrjiAep, with a Word of flattery,
Neither for any time with a wordof flattery did we come, as you know, nor with "a
KaQoos oicJaTC OVT€ ep irpo<pao~ei irXeope^ias, Pretext of Covetousness,
as you know; nor with a pretence of covetousness, (God is a Witness!)
0€OS (XapTVS' 6
OVT€ £T]TVVPT6S e £ apdpCOTTOOP 6 J nor did we seek
God a witness; nor seeking from men Honor from Men, neither
from you nor from others,
5o£a*>, ovTe a(p* bfxoop OVTG air* aXXcop' (8vpa- (though, as Apostles of
glory, neither from you nor from others; (being Christ, we are empowered
fxepoL ep fiapei eipai, a>s Xpio~TOv airoo'ToXor^ to have influence;)
able withaweight to be, as of Anointed apostles;) 7 but we were gentle i:r
^ aAA5 eyep7)(h)/JLep 7}irioi ep /xeo'cp VJLLCOP. Tls the midst of you; even as
but we were gentle in midst of you. As a Nursing-mother would
ap Tpo<p7]S daXirrj Ta eavT7]S Tetcpa, 8 OVTCOS^ cherish H E R OWN Chil-
would cherish a nursing-mother the of herself children, soj dren.

* V A T I C A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 9 . you. 4. the—omit*
. t 9. 1 Cor.xii. 2; Gal.iv.8. % 10. Acts i. 11; Phil.iii.20; 1 Thess.iv.lG-, 2 Thess.
i. 7; Titus ih 13. J 1. 1 Thess. i. 5, 9. t 2. Acts xvi. 22. f 2. Acts xvii. 2.
13.2 Cor. vii. 2. J 4. 1 Cor. ix. 17 ; Gal. ii. 7; Titus i. 3. t 4. Gal. i. 10. I 5.
Acts xx. S3; 2 Cor. ii. 17; iv. 2 ; vii. 2; xii. 17. J 6. John v. 41, 44'; xii. 43; 1 Tim. V. 1?
&aj>. U 8.3 i. THESSALONIOANS. [&«*>. »*: lb.-
6/jLeipofAevoi V/JLCVP, evfioKOVjuLep j^eradovvai VJXLP 8 Thus yearning ovei
being very desirous of you, we were well-pleased to have imparted to you you, we were content, not
ov fxovov TO evayyeXiop TOV Oeov, aXXa Kai TCLS only X to have imparted to
not only the glad tidings ofthe God, but also the you the GLAD TIDINGS of
eavrcov \pvxas, SIOTI ayairr]T0i r\p.iv y€yepr)0'd€. GOD, hut also $ OUR OWN
of yourselves lives, because beloved ones to us you have become. Lives, because you had. be-
MPT]fiop€vere yap, adeXcpoi, rov KOTTOP 7]/LLCOPcome endeared to us.
You remember for, brethren, the labor of us 9 Tor you remember,
Kai TOP fioxOov PVKTOS Kai TjjAtpas epya^ojxepoi Brethren, our LABOR and
and the toil; night and day working FATIGUE; J working Night
7TpOS TO JUT) €TTll3ap7)(rCU TlPa V/JLOOP, GK7)pv£a/il€P and Day, J so as not to
for the not to burden any one of you, we published BURDEN any one of you,
eis v/nas TO evayyeXiop TOV Oeov. lQe
T/uL£is we published to you the
to you the glad tidings ofthe God. You GLAD TIDINGS of G o d .
(xapTvpes Kai 6 0eos, oos dcioos Kai Zutaioos Kai 10 2 i o W a i 1 ^ GOD are
witnesses and the God, how piously and justly and Witnesses, $how piously,
and righteously, and
blamelessly with you the believers we were; blamelessly, we were with
KaQairep oiSaTe, ws kva eKao~Tov v/uoop, cos YOU. t h e BELIEYERS ;
as also you know, how one each of you, as
11 as you know how we
exhorted and comforted
iraTTjp T€KPa kavTov, irapaKaXovPTes v/uas Kai you, as a leather each One
a father children of himself, exhorting you and
of his own Children,—•
irapa/JLvdovfizpoL, 12 KCU /naprvpovfiepoi as TO
consoling, and testifying in order that 12 and warned you $ t °
7Tepnta.i7}a'ai vfias a^icos TOV Oeov, TOV KCLXOVP- WALK worthily of THAT
to walk you worthily of the God, ofthe one call- GOD J who is INVITING
you into H I S OWN Glori-
TOS u/xcts €is T7}P eavTOv fia&iXzia, KM 5o£cw. ous Kingdom.
ing you for the of himself, kingdom and glory.
3 a l 13 * And on this account
" Aia TOVTO Kai 7]/xeLs €vx P o'Tov/j.€P rq)
On account of this also we give thanks to the also, !ne give thanks to
deep adiaXetiTToos, on TrapaAafiopres Xoyop GOD unceasingly, Because
God unceasingly, because receiving a word receiving from us tins
UKOTJS irap rjfioop TOV deov, €8e£a<r0e, ov Xoyop DIVINE Message, you em-

of hearing from us ofthe God, you received, not a word braced J Dot Men's Wo£&
apdpccircoPf aXXa, Kadoos CCTTLP aXrjdoos, Xoyop but as it is truly, God's
of men, but, as i t is truly, a word Word, and which works
Oeovy 69 Kai cpepyeirai ep V/JLLP TOLS TTI&TSVOV- powerfully in YOU, the
of God, which also inworka in you the believing BELIEVERS.
O'IV. 'T|Liets yap \xi\xr\Tai eyeprjdrjTe, aSeA- 14 Fop gou, Brethren,
ones. You for imitators became, breth- became Imitators of THOSE
ren, ofthe congregations ofthe God ofthose being in the which ARE in J U D E A in
lovSaiq. ep XpicTTcp \f)Cov, on TO. avTa eira- Christ J e s u s ; Becaxise
Judea in Anointed Jesus, because the things same you Jgrjtt also suffered the
0 6 T 6 Kai VfJLClS VTTO TCOP iSlOOP CTVfXCpvX^TCOP^ Same things from your
suffered also you by the own countrymen, OWN Countrymen, % even
icaOeos Kai avToi vivo TOOP IovBaioop° 1 5 TCOP Kai as tfjejj did from THOSE
as also they by the Jews; ofthose also JEWS,
TOP Kvpiop airoKT€tvaPTO)p ITJO'OVP Kai TOVS icpo- 15 who also J KILLED
the Lord having killed Jesus and the proph- the LORD Jesus and the
<p7)Tas, Kai rjfjias sKfiioo^aPToop, icai Occp firj apecr-PROPHETS, and persecuted
ets, and us persecuted, an«l God not plea»- Us; and who please not
KopToop, Kai Tratfip apOpcairois epapricop* 16 KCO- God, and are hostile to All
ng, and to all men contrary; for. Men;

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—18. And on this account.

t 8. Rom. i. 11; xv. 29. t 8. 2 Cor. xii. 15. t 9. Acts xx.S4? 1 Cor.iv.12;
J 10. 2 Cor. vii. 2, 2 Thess. iii. 7-
2 Cor. xi. 9 •, 2 Thess. iii. 8. 1 9. 2 Cor. xii. 13,14. 'J 12. 1 Cor. i. 9; 1 Thess. v. 24;
1 12. Eph.iv.l; Phil. i. 27; Col. 1.10; 1 Thess. iv.l. .
2 Thess. ii. 14; 2 Tim. i. 9. J 13. Matt, x 40; Gal. iv, 14; 2 Pet. iii. 2.
xvii. 5» 13. t 14. Heb. x. 3&34. t 15. Acts ii. 23 j vii. 52.
/-CRe^TS, 16.3 I. T H E S S A L O N I C A N S . ta^.z-. 6.
Kvovroav fifias rots Xva. crwOco- 16 J hindering us from'
sQvsa'i haXrjffai
bidding ua to the Gentiles speaking to Uie GEHTIJ.ES
to speak- that they mfght
(Tiut (is TO avaTr\7)pooo~a.i avrocv "fd>.t afiapfias thut tliey may be saved;
be Saved, In order that to havcfilled up of themselves the - eins so as Jto FILL UP Thf?)r
irauioT€. E<pdao~€ 5e•• \eir* avrovs r) bpyr} as SINS always; but now tin
always. Has come but 6n. them ' the wrnth for the End, VKNGEAKCE has
TGXOS. *J 'Ufxeis Se, ade\<poi9 airop(pai/io-8evr4s conle anon them.
an end. We .buti brethren, having been bereaved 17 Bui trie, Brethren,
a<p' vuwu irpos ttaipov &pasy irpO(rco7rcpt ov nap- taying l)Ben berenved of
from yon for A season anhour, in face, rot n yoii tor a pnort 6easo'n, in
5iot, TrspKraoTepctis eo'irhvdao'aixip TO 7rpoo~cdirov•.Presence, not in Heart,
more earnestly endeavored
heart, more earnestly we endeavored the face
vfxcav tdetv €p iroWrj tiridvfxia. ?8 Aio rjOski}- t'to soe your PACE with
Much Desire.
ofyou to sec with much desire. Therefore we wished
aafjLtv tXQetv irpos i>fxast ( e y a [xtv YlavhoSy) have 18 We would therefore,
to come to you, (I indeed Paul,)
come to you, (even
£ Paul,) once and also a
teat aira£ KCU fits' Kat ev€Kotyzv rjixas 6 aaravas. second time, but J the AD-
even. onge. and twice; and. thwarted . tie the adversary.
l9 VERSARY thwarted us.
T \ s yap TjfAttiv skins 7] XaPa ^ o~T€(pavo§ ttav-
19 . For what *is Our
Wliat for of us hope or joy or crown of
Hope', or Joy, or Crown of
Xriascesy r) ouxi Kat u/xeis, zfxirpocrQev TOvKvptov Exultation ? Or $are not
boauia/. Or not also you, .,... in presence of the , Lord
gou also, before our LORD
TifAQW Irj«roy "^[XpicTTou] ev TT) UVTOV irdpovn~ta ;Jesus at JUS Appearing ?
ofus Jesus [Anointed] in *,hc ofhici ' coming? &U g o u are, indeed! our
and JOY. ;
^vjxets yap <Eo~Te*/\5o£c: 7]fxb>v Kat rj xaPGLORY a
you for are • the glory ,', pf-\r and the joy, CHAPTER l i t ;
KE<S>. "/'» 3 . Ato p.t]K€TL o*TcyovT€sf evfto- 1 When, therefore,-we
"Wherefore no longer holding put, T?e.
could no longer refrain,
Kr)crafi(i/ KaTa\Gi<p6r)i'at iv AOrjvais (xovoi, 2 k a t J we thought well to be
thoughtwell tobeleft in Athens alone, ,' and left in Athens alone;
eir€/j.$a/n€P TL/HOQGOV, TOV a$e\(pov rjfxcov teat 2 arid we 6cnt } Tim.
wesent Timothy ; ths brother ,ofus • anfl othy, ur BROTHER, an<f
ffttvepyov TOV 6eov tv T(p (vayytXicp rov Xpirr- God's Co-laoorer in tha
fellow-worker of the God iu the e;lad tidingc of the Anointed, GLAD TIDINGS of the
TOU, as To (TTfipi^at vjxas
Kat TTapasa\eo~ai FIRM you, and to exhort
; inorderthat to confirm you
and '
to exhort on behalf of your FAITH ;
*[6juas] virep TTJS in&t£oo$_ vfxeap, 3 Tip fxr}- 3 J that no one might
[you] In behalf of the ,,,.. faith. ofyo'u, that no be SHAKEN by these AF»
§eva aaivscrQat *v Tats 6\t^ia'i ravrais* (avroi FLICTIONS ; for you you?
one to be shaken by the afflictions these; ^ (yourselve^ selves know I fhat we are
yap d:5ctTe, dti €i$ TOVTO Ket/J.eda' 4 nai yap liable to this;
for you know, that for this 'e are-placed; indeed for 4 t and indeed, when wo
were with'you, weprevious*
6re irpos v^as juei>, 7rpot\(yb/jL€V vjatv, ott ^teA- ly nformed you That we
when with . you we were, we previously said to you, that we
were about to be afflicted;
\ofiev dXiPecOat) Kadoos Kai tytvcTo fiat oiSaT*') even as it also happened,
ere about to be afflicted, even as also it happened and you know;) and you know.
8m TOVTO Kdyca /JLTIKCTI crttycoVi iirsjitya 5 On this account also,
on account of this also I no longer holding out, I sen* being no longer able to en-
€is TO yvtovai Tr\v ITIO-TIU vfxtov, /j.r)iroos 67rei- dwe, IE sent to ASCERTAIN
in order that to know" the :y-; faith of you, lest perhaps terript- *Your FAITH, J lest per-
pacrev v/ias S 7t€tpa^ooi>f kat ets. KZVOV ysvrjTat haps the TEMPTER had
ed you the tempter, and in vain should oeconw tempted you, and our TOIL

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—19. Anointed—orntf. 2. you—omit. 5. Your FAITH.

• 16. Acts xvii.5, 13; xviii. 12 ; xix.9. 11 16. Matt, xxiii. 32.
xxiii.32. tt 16. Matt,
Matt. xxiv.'
6.14. I 17. 1 Thess.iii. 10. J 18. llom. i. 13; xv.22. t 19. 2 Cor. i. 14;
Phil. ii. 16; i v . l . t 1. Acts xvii. 15. t 2. Rom. xvi.2l; 1 Cor. xvi. 10; 2 Cor. i. 11.
1 3. Eph.iii.13. t <L Acts 1 3. x%, J 5.22;
Acta24is. 16; xiv. 1 Cor. vii. xxi.
xx. 23: 5; 211
; 1 xi.
Cor.5. iv. 9 ; 2 Tim. iii, 12:
IPof. \\ 11. * A Act* 1K.9.A t fv I P m v v i i . K . 9 P O P ^ i >i
Ohap. 3s 6.] I. T H E S S A L . O N I C A N S . - {Chap-ivK
6 tsoims TjjA&tf, * Apr'i Be, §A/fe&xos Tt/noQcov should^Jiavc become in
%he toil of us. Just now but, having corne Timothy
yain. \
wpos 7)fJ,as aft b$tfav, teat tvayy *Xio~ap.syov 6 } B a t just now, Timo-
to-.. us from you,' and having brought glad tidings
finy having come to ua
7}flip rrjp iriarrip Kai TT]V ayatrrjp bfj.cop, Kai on from you, and having
Sous the faith and the love of you, and because
€ brought us glad tidings of
X 6 T € fiPGiav rj/xcoy ayadqy iravroTe, emiro- your I'AI-TH and LOVE, and
you have remembrance of us good always, long
That you have always a
tioVPTCS 7}fJLaS _ l$€lf , aadaircff Kai TJIJIGIS vfias* kind Remembrance of us,
ing us t o see, even na also .;>• we C.* y o u -
longing to see Us, J even
T dia TOVTO irape/cA7?07j/x€j/, a§eA0o<, €(t>' vfitp as fee also You;
through this we were comforted, ; brethren, over yon
€7T( iracrr) ry OAnpet Kai avayur) 7]fxcop,/ bta 7 on this account, Breth-
in •« all the affliction And distress of us, on account ren, {wg were comforted
TTJS VJLICOP li-icrrecas' 6ri vuy fapey, cap v/j.eisovery<yu>i.n All our * D I S -
©ftheofyou faith; becausenow wclire, if you TRJ5SS arid Affliction, by
<rri]K7}r€ €P Kvpicp. 9
Twa yap ^vyjxpifmo.v means of youB Faith.
stand firm £n_ Lord. What {/• for. gratitude 8 Because we now live,
dvpay.c6a rep 8<scp aPTatroSovpat ir*pi bixwp^ e msince gau {stand firm i n ,
are we able t o the God to return :.*.- concerning you tof the Lord.
watrw TTf XaP% ?? xaiP°lx*t' ^l* 9 Tor*What Gratitude^
ell the •> ioy with which w ypioicc on account o f y o u can we return to Goo
<sfxn,poo"9sy TOV 6eov rifxtay; 1 0 v\.xros Kai ijfjapas concerning you, for All
i n presence of the God of u s ? night and . day the JOY with which we
tirepsKirGpurcrov Seo/xtvot ei' TO tftnty {/flap TO rejoice on your account in
snore exceedingly entreating for the ^o Bee cf-you the the presence of our G O D ;
trpocraiftoPt Kai Karapriaai rra, v&TepTjfJLaTa rys JO Night and Day most
face, and t o supply fbe things wanting o.fthe
ll abundantly X entreating to
^iffreas vfAwv. AVTOS 8e d Oeos kas traryp SEE Your FACE, and t to
faith of you. Hiinsell .but'the G*o& tv«n -father
4)fjici)pf Kai 6 K'vptos ijfiuy l^covs •^{Xpio'Tos'j of your F A I T H ?
o f us, and t h e Lord o f us Jesus A rAnoinftoii]
ecarsvOvpai rt]y otiov rifAooy wpos vj&ar ^ vfias 11 But may GOD Him-'
may direct the "W»y , o f u s to you} y o u , self, even our Father, and
$e h Kvpios irXsopaffai Kai irepto'creva'ai rp &ya-° our LOUD Jesus, direct oin?
t u t the Lord cause t o be full and t o overflow with t h e love WAY to you j
^rrs eis a\Kt}\ovs Kai as travras^ KaOairep Kai 12 and may the LOBD 1
• eaeh
• other
-• nnd- t• o ) nil, also f cause you to be full and
7)fl€i$ €IS VjJLaS' J 3 GIS TO CTYIpl^Ol V}XWy TfiCi to overflow withttovE to
we to you; i n order that to be established of you the each other, and to all, even
stapdias a/xe/nwroifs ey aytcoavprj Gfxirpoo'Oty TOV as me also to you'
hearts blameless ia holinesr ^ in presence of the 13 so as totestablish
€eov Kai irarpos Tjfiwy^ €P T?)irapovo'ia TOV your hearts blameless in
God even a father <ofu», at t h e corning of the holiness before GOD, even
itvptov i]fi(s>y I'qffov *£Xp£gToi/] fxera iraPTevp our Father, at the COMING
Lord of us Accrue ' f Anointed] with ell of our LOED Jesus, % with
Ttap aya&p avrovc All his SAINTS,
<of the holy ones of uimedf.
1 1 * FINALLY, Brethren,
Aqtiroy ^[ou^,] aSeA.^oi, sp&T&fxey iifias
Finally [therefore,] ' brethren, we entreat you
we entreat you, and we
€xhort in the Lord Jesus,
Hat 7rapaKa\ovjA€p ev Kvpicp Irjffov, KaOeos f?ape~ * that as you received from
and ' we exhort . in Lord- Jcsua, . a s you re-

• VATICAN MANUBCBIST.—7. BISTBE^S and Affliction. 11. Anointed—omit.

13. Anointed—omit. • 1. FINALLY. . 1. therefore—omit. /-• 1. that as you re-
ceive! from us uow it behoyes you to walk and please God, even as also you walk, you may,
abound more. fe
t 0. Acts xviii. 1, 5. £6. Phil. i. 8. f 7. 2 Cor.i.4; vii.6,7,13. J 8. PhiL
Sv.S. f 9. lThesp. i. 2. t 10. Rom.i.lO, 11; xv.32. t 10. 2 Cor.xiii.O 11;
Col. iv. 12. I 1SU1 Thess. iv. 10. t 15. 1 Thess. iv. 9 ; 2 Pet. i. 7- t IS. 1 Cor.
18; Phil. i. 10; 1 W s . f, f? j % $bess. »• 17$ 1 John »i« 204 21. 1,13. Zech. xiT. 5 j
tffap. *i »j I. T H E S S A L O N I O A N S . [<&ap.4: 12:
XafieTe irap3 TJ/XOOP TO TTCOS Sei vjxas TrepnraTetpus J HOW it behoves you to
Reived from us the how it behoves you to walk walk and + to please God, so
Kai apeo~K€ip 0ecp, tpa irepio'o~ev7}Te jxaXXop' that you may abound more.
and to please God, so that you may abound more; 2 For you know "What
otdare yap, rivas irapayyeAias e^ooKa^ep vfxip Commandments we gave
you know for, what command* we gave to you you by the Loan Jesus.
5ia TOV Kvpiou \i](Tov0 3 TOUTO yap effTi BeXy 3 For this is J God's
by the Lord Jesus. 'f!hia for ia wfll Will, your SANCTIFICA-
fia TOV 0eov, 6 ayiacr/nos V/JLOOP' a7rexeo~0ou itfiasTION ; X that you abstain
efthe God, the sanctification ofyou; to abstain you
ano TIJS noppeias' 4
eidepai enaarop vficop TO know 4 J that each of you
from the fornication; to have known each one ofyou the
how to possess HIS
OWN Vessel in Sanctifica«
kavTov sricevos KTaaQai ep ayiaajx^ Kai Tiny, tion and Honor;
of himself vessel to possess in sanctification and honor,
8 5 not in Passion of
fir) ep iraBei eiriOvjiias, KaBairep Kai r a CBPTJ Lust, i even as THOSE
not in passion of in ordinate desire, as even he Gentiles GENTILES who KNOW not
T a /JL7] eidoTa TOP 0€OP' TO f.L7] VTT€pfiaiP€lV
those not knowing the God; that not to ovarstep
6 t that none OVERSTEP
Kai TrXeopeicTeiP ep T<p irpayfian TOV adeXcpov the bounds and cheat his
and to cheat in the matter the brother
avTov SioTi CKSLKOS * [ O ] Kvpios wepi irapToop T I C E ; because the Lord
of himself; because an avenger [the] Lord concerning all is Jan Avenger for all
TOVTCOV, Ka6cos Kai TrpOenro/j.ep vfxip Kai die- these things, as we before
these things, as a!»o we before said to you and fully said to you, and fully tes-
fxaprvpa/jLcda. ? Ov yap eKaXeo'eu r;/Lic?v 6 Beostified.
testified. . Not for did call u* the God 7 For GOD did not call
eiri aKa0aptfiq, aXX ep ayLao'/mca. 8
Toiyapovp us for Impurity, J but in
for impurity, but in sanctification. Therefore
8 Therefore, J HE who
b a0€TO)p, OVK apBpccTrop aOeTei, aXXa TOP REJECTS, rejects not Man,
theone setting aside, not man set3 aside, but t h e but THAT GOD J who also
Oeop, TOP Kai doPTa TO 7rpeufxa avTov TO ayiov imparted his HOLT SPIRIT
God, that also having given the spirit of himself the holy for * you.
9 L
eis 7}fxas. Tlepi He TYJS <f)iXafieX(pias, ov xP* a>V 9 But concerning BRO-
to »». Concerning but the brotherly love, no need THERLY LOVE, *we have
no Need to write to you,
€%er€ ypa(peip v/xip' CLVTOI yap vjxeis OeodidaK- for gnu yourselves are di-
youhavc to writ* to you; yoirselvea for you God-taught
vinely instructed $ to LOVE
TOL eo"T€ eis TO ayaivqv aXXrjXovs' Kai yap each other;
are into the to love eachoth»rj also for
10 J for you also do it
KoieiTe avTO eis iraPTas TOVS afieXcpovs TOVS ep * even towards All THOSE
you do it to all the brethren those i a BRETHREN in All M A C E -
oXy Ty MaKedopia, TiapaKaXov{xep fie vfias, DONIA. But we exhort
whole the Macedonia. We exhort ut you, you, Brethren, | t o abound
aSeXcpoi, irepio'CevetP fxaXXop' n Kai <piXoTi- yet more,
brethren, to abound more; and to strive 11 and earnestly strive
/jLeccBat 7)crvxa£eip9 Kai trpacrcreip Ta iftia, Kai to be quiet, and to mind
earnestly to be quiet, aad t o do the things your ovrn,ansl your OWN affairs, and + to
epyaCeo~0ai Tcus*[«8taisl %ep$iv V/ACOU, KaBcos work with your HANDS, as
to work with the ow« hand? ofyou, as we commanded You;
vfxip vapfiyyeiXajxep' 12
ipa 7repiiraT7)T€ evarxv 12 J so that you m^v
to you we commanded, so that you may walk becom- walk becomingly towards

* TATICAM MANUSCRIPT.—6. the—omit. 8. you. 0. we have no Need t«

write to you. 10. even towards. 11. OWN—omit,
t 1. Phil. i. 27* Col. ii. 6. t 1. Eph. v. 27. J 3. Rom, xii. 2; Eph. v. 17-
I S. 1 Cor. vi. 1& 18; Eph.v.3; Col.iii. 5. t 4. Rom. vi.19; I Cor. vi. 15,18. J 5.
Eph. iv, fl. 6. 1 Cor- vi 8. X 6. 2 Thess. i. 8. t 7. 1 Cor. i, 2 ; Heb. xii.
14- 1 Pet i. -4, I i S 8. Luke x. 13. \ 8. 1 Cor. ii. 10; vii. 40; Uohniii. 24,
J 9. Johnxiii. 34; xv. 12; EnTi. v. 3; 1 Pet. iv. 8; 1 John iii. 11, ?,3; iv.21. % 10. 1 Thess.
X.7. J ,0. iTlit's... i;:.X3. J 11. Eph.iv.28; 2 Thess.iii. 7, 8,12. t 13. Bora,
feiU.13; 3 Cfitf. viii, )1* 1 Vet. ii, i*.
Ohap. 4: 13.] 1. T H E S S A L O N I O A N S . [Chap. 5: 8.
[IOPCCS irpos rovs e£a>, Kai pir]depos xpzuxv THOSE WITHOUT, and may
•ugly towards those outside, and have Need of nothing.
ofnothiug need
6 7 TS
X ? « 13 Ov 6eXo/u.ep $e v/uias ayvoeip, adeX- 13 And we do not wish
may have. Not we wish but you to be ignorant, breth- you to be ignorant, Breth-
<poit irepi ra>v K€Koi/j,r)/jiepoop, iva fxrj XviryaOe, ren, concerning THOSE
ren, concerning those having fallen asleei), so thatnot you may grieve, HAVING FALLEN ASLEEP,
KaOoos Kai ot Xoiiroi oi \xt] exopres eXirida. 14
Ei so that you may not grieve
as even the others thoBenot having a hope. If
HAVE not a Hope.
yap Tno~T€vofxev, on lr)o~ovs atreQape Kai apeo"- 14 F o r $ since we believe
for we believe, that JeBus died and arose,
That Jesus died and arose;
rrj, OVTCO Kai 6 deos rovs KQi/urjOepras fiia rov so also [we believe] that
so also the God those having slept through the GOD, through JESUS, % will
Irjo'dV) a£ei crvp avrcp. la Tovro yap vfxip Xeyo- lead forth with him THOSE
Jesus, will lead out with him. This for to yi. u we may who fell ASLEEP.
15 For this we affirm to
fiep ep Xoyq> Kvpiov, on rjfieis ot fapres oi you, by the Lord's Word,
«ay by word of Lord, that we the living ones those X That foe, the LIVING,
ireptXenrofjiepoi eis rrjp irapovo'iap rov Kvpiov> who are LEFT OVER to the
being left over to the coming of the Lord, COMING of the * L O R D , will
ov fjirj (pOaa'cofxep rovs Koifxt]Qepras. 16
'On by no means precede
aot not may precede those having slept. Because THOSE who fell ASLEEP.
16. Because J the LORD
avros 5 Kvpios ep KeXevarfxari, €P <poovrj apx^y- himself will come down
himselfthe Lord with a command, with avoice
of a chief
from Heaven with a Shout,
yeAov, Kai ep caXiriyyi 6eov Kara^7]crerai air with an Archangel's Voice,
messenger, and with a trumpet of God will come down from and with $ God's Trumpet;
ovpapov, Kai oi peKpoi ep Xpicrrcp apacrrrjcroprai and J the DEAD in Christ
heaven, and thedeadones in Anointed will be raised will be raised first;
irpcorop' ^ eireira rj/neis oi fapres oi irepiXeiiro- 17 then toe, the LIVING,
irst; afterwards we the living ones those beingleft J who are LEFTOVER, shall
at the same time with them,
/nepot, ajia Cvp avrois apTrayrjo'oiLieOa eppecpe- be caught away in Clouds,
over, at the same time with them shall be caught away in clouds foraMeeting of the LORD in
Xais eis cnraprrjo'ip eis aepa' Kai the Air; and % so we shall
rov Kvpiov
for a meeting of th« Lord inte air; and be always * with the Lord.
ovrco iraprore crvu Kvpicp ecro/ueOa. lSt Clare 18 Therefore, comfort
so always with Lord shall we be. Therefore each other with these
trapaKaXeire aXXrjXovs ep rois Xoyois rovrois, WORDS.
comfort you each other in t h e words these. CHAPTER Vc
KE«£. e'. 5 . 1 Tiept de reap x?ovu>v ,ial ruiv
1 But concerning % the
Concerning but the times and the TIMES and the SEASONS,
Kaipcop, adeX<f)oi, ov xp*tav e
vfxipypa(pea- Brethren, you do not need
saasons, brethren, no need you have to you tobewrit- to be written to ;
Oat' 2 avroi yap afej tr&'S oiSare, on * [ ^ ] 7}ixepa 2 for you yourselves
ten; yourselves for accurately you know, that [ t h e ] day know accurately, % That
the Lord's Day is coming
Kvptov, ws KXeirrrjs ep pvKn, ovrcos epx^Tat. like a Thief at Night.
of Lord, »B a thief in night, so cornea.
3 3 When they may say,
'Orap XeyooaiP' Eiprjpr) Kai aacpaXeia' rore " Peace and Safety," then
When they may say; Peace and safety; then
J sudden Destruction im-
atcppttiios avrois e<piararai oXeOpos, ooairep 7] pends over them, just as
suddtn to them is at hand destruction, just as the LABOR-PANGS on HER who
wtiiv rrj ep yacrrpi exovo-r}' Kat ov/xr] eK(pvyco- is pregnant, and they shall
birth-pang toherin womb having; and not n o t can they es- by no means escape.

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—15. J E S U S . 17. in the Lord. 2. the—omit.

% 13. Eph. ii. 12. t 14. 1 Cor. xv. 18. X 14. 1 Cor. xv. 23. 115. 1 Cor. xv. 51.
t i i . Matt. xxiv. 30, 31 ; Acts i. 11 j 2 Thess. i. 7. X 16- 1 Cor. xv. 52. X 16. 1 Cor.
xvo 23, 52. t 17- 1 Cor. xv. 51. I 17. John xii. 26; xiv. 3; xvii. 24. % 1. Hatfc
xviv. 3, 36; Acta I. 7. J 2. Matt, xxiv, 43, 44; xxv. IS; L u i e xii. S& 40. J §. Luke
svL\ tf—29; xxi. 34,85; 2 TheB».Ji8»
Ohap- 5 : 4 ] I. THESSALONIOANS. {.Chap. 5 : 15.
4e 4 | But gou, Brethren,
criv. T/xeiS Se, afieXcpoi, OVK eo~T€ ZV cftfOTei,
cape. You but, brethren, not are in darkness, are not in Darkness, that
\va 7] rj/xepa v/nas cos KXeirrys RaraXafSr)' the DAY should come upon
that the day you as a thief should come upon; You like a Thief;
Travres yap vfieis vloi (pccros c e r e Kai vloi 5 for gou are all % Sons
allfor you eons oflight are and sons of Light, and Sons of Day.
fjfiepas' OVK €(TU6v VVKTOS, ov$e GKOTOVS.
Apa We are not of Night, nor
of day; n<?t we are of night, nor of darkness. So
of Darkness.
ovv p,ri KaQtvoofiixeV) cos * [ K C U ] ol Xenroi, aXXa 6 % So then, we should
then n o t we may sleep, as [even] the other*, but
not sleep, as the OTHERS;
but we should Jbe vigilant
ypr}yopoop.€i/ KCU vrjcpojinep' ? ol yap Kadevdov- and temperate.
weshould watch and we should not drink; those for sleeping 7 For J THOSE who
SLEEP, sleep by Night;
of night they sleep; and those getting drunk,
8 and % t h e DEUNKAEDS
VVKTOS fxtQvovo'iv. 'H / U€is 5e, rjfiepas
ovres, Drink by Night.
of night they get drunk. We but, of day being,
8 Butfcie, being of the
V7](po0fJL€V, €pdvcra/j,€Uoi OwpaKa iricrrecos Kai aya~ Day, should be vigilant,
should riot drink, having put on a breastplate of faith and of
J having put on a Breast-
"K7]sy Kai irepiKecpaXaiav, eA7n5a a"oor7}pias' plate of .Faith and Love,
love, and a helmet, a hope of salvation; and for a Helmet, the
ori OVK eOero S 6eos eis opyr\vy aXX* Hope of Salvation;
because not did set us t h e God for wrath, but 9 Because $GOD did
€is Trepnroi7}o~ii' cccrrjpLas dia rov Kvptov 7]}ioov not set us apart for Wrath,
for attaining of salvation bymeansofthe Xord of us but | for attaining Salva-
Irjo'ov * [ X p i c r r o u , ] lfl rov aivoQavovros virep tion, through THAT LOED
Jesus ([Anointed,] of that haying died on behalf of ours, Jesus,
rjficow tva, eire yprjyopeofxev eiie KaOev^cojuej/, 10 J who D I E D on o u r
of u s ; so that, whether we may be awake or we may ber.sleep behalf, so that whether we
a,ua o~vv avrcp focreofjiev. u Aio irapatcaXeire may be watching or sleep-
together with him we may live. Wherefore comfort you ing, we may live together
with Him.
aXXrjXovs, Kai oiKoSojueire els rov tva, KaOccs
each other, and build you up one the other, as 11 J Therefore, console
12 each other, and edify one
Kai TTOI€IT€. 'EpooTcofJLej/ 8e vfjias, afieXcpoi,the OTHEE, as also you do.
even you do. We entreat but you, brethren,
12 But we entreat you,
t3evai rovs Kotricovras eu vfxivy Kai ^poiCTa/ue- Brethren, % to acknowledge
to know those toiling among you, and presiding THOSE who TOIL among
yovs vfMtiV ev Kvpioi, u/ias, you, both presiding over
Kai vovBtrovvras
ever you in Lord, and admonishing you, you in the Lord, and ad-
1? monishing you;
/cat rjyeicrdai avrovs vTrepeKTrepio'o'ov ep aya-
und to esteem them superabundantly in love, 13 and to esteem them
m?, dta TO epyov avrwv very
etprjvevere eu eav- account highly in Love, on
on account ofthe work of them; be youatpeaceamongyour-
of their WOEK.
14 Cultivate peace among
rois. YlapaKaXovfiev 5e v/j,ast adeX(poty vov- yourselves.
eelves. We exhort but you, brethren, ad-
14 And we exhort you,
Bereire rovs araKrovs, irapa/nvOeio'Oe rovs GXI- Brethren, % admonish the
monishyou the disorderly ones, encourage you t h e des- DISOEDERLY, % encourage
yotyvxovs, avrex^crde roov aaOcvoov, fjaKpodv the TIMID, J assist t h e
ponding ones, hold you on to the feeble ones, be % forbearing
beyoulong- FEEBLE,
l5t towards all.
fieire irpos wavras. Opar€y fir) ris KaKov
suffering towards all. See you, no one evil 15 J See that no one

* VATICAN MAKuscitirT.—6. even—omit. 9. iLnointed—omit.

t 4. Eom. xiii. 12, IS; 1 John i i . 8. t 5. Eph. v. 8. t 6. Matt. xxv. 5. t 6.
Matt. xxiv. 42; xxv. 13; Eom. xiii. 11—13; 1 Pet. v. 8. t 7. Luke xxi. 84, 36; Eom. xiii.
13; 1 Cor. xv. 34; Eph. v. 14. t 7-Acts ii. 15. t 8. Eph. vi. 14,16,17- t 8.
Eom. ix. 22; 1 Thess. i. 10; 1 Pet. ii. 8; Jude 4. J 9. 2 Thess. ii. 13,14. t 10. Rom.
xiv. 8,9; 2 Cor. v. 15. i 11. 1 Thess. iv. 18. i 12. 1 Cor. xvi. 18; PhU. ii. 29;
1 Tim. v. 17; Heb. xiii. 7,17. t 14. 2 Thess. iii. 11,12. J 14. Heb. xii. 12.
% 14. Eom. xiv. 1; xv. 1 ; Qal. vi. 1, 2. J 14. Gal. v. 22; Eph iv. 2; CoL iii. 12.1 t 15.
Lev. xix. 18s Prov. xx. 22 j xxiv. 29; Matt. v.89, 44 j Eom. xii. 17 ; 1 Car. vi. 711 P$fe»iiL &
Chap. 5; 16.] I. T H E S S A L O N I O A N S . [Chap, 5 s 28,

avri KOLKOV TLVL arrodcp r

aXXa iraurore TO render Evil for Evil i t
n place of evil t o a n y o n e shouldrender; but always the Any one • but always pur-
ayadov dicoKere KCLI eis aXXyjXovs K<XL eis icav- sue the GOOD, both towards
good pursue y o u b o t h towards each o t h e r a n d t o w a r d s all. each other and towards alL
'•as. 16
Uai'Tore xaiPere' l
^ A.dLakeLTTTcos TTpoor-' 16 % Rejoice always.
Always rejoice you. Unceasingly pray 17 t Pray unceasingly.
eu%ecr0e* e-v iravri evxccpio-reire' TOVTO yap 18 % I n everything give
you; i n everything give y o u t h a n k s ; this ;'o- thanks; for this is God's
JeXrf/Lia 9eov ey Xpiffrov Irjcrav ei,s v/uas. M
TK> Will, by Christ J ;sus, con-
will of God i n Anointed Jesus c o n c e r n i n g you. The cerning you.
svev/na JUT} (rfiepwre- 7rpoKpriT€ias JJLT} tqOvOr- 19 $ Quench not the
..pirit n o t quench y o u ; propheeie? not disregard S P I R I T .
yeire' 21
iravra 5e So/a/i-a^eTe* ro KaXov KUTG- 20 % Do not disregard
you; all t h i n g s b u t try you; t h e goodthing hold Prophecies;
^ • e r e . 22 a7T0 TrapTQs e i$ov s TT0V7]p0V aTT^X*0"?*'
21 but X examine all
ycu fast; from every form of evil d& y o u abstain.
things. + Hold fast the
AVTOS Se 6 Osos rr}s eip-qvys ayiacrai v/j,as
22 Abstain from Every
Himself but t h e G o d of t h e peace *nay sanctify ^orm of Evil.
dXoTeXeis" teat. 6\QK\7]pou bfxoov TO iryev/na Ka:. 23 And may the GOD of
entirely; and vrhol': of you t h e spirit . a d PEACE Himself sanctify
you entirely; and may
he life a n d t h e body blameless in the presence
Your Whole person.—tte
s p i s n , and this ?ouL; ana
rov Kvpiov 7}}X(av T.i} ov Xpiffrov rriprjBeLyj. *he BorY,—J be ^reserved
of t h e Lord oi us Jesus A n o i n t e d may be.presarved. ^»lameles3 nlheVRESENCB
ni<rTos 6 ttaXoov yixas, 6s Kai iroirjcrei. 2oABeX- Oi our LORD Jesus Christ.
Eaithful t h o onecalling y o u , w h o also will perform. Breth- 24 % Faithful s HE who
<f)Ol, TTp0(T€VXC-O'9 S l f
A'~pL 7]jXC0V, 2 8
Ktf^iXTaffQs CALLS you, who also wilj
ren, prayyoa 'or us. S a l . VJ y o u perform.
25 Brethren. J pray
TOVS afieXcpovs Travrm ef <piAriuaTb ayiq>. *alst,fbr us.
the brethren all with a J.iss liO-:»'»
26 $ Salute all the
'Optica) V/JLUS rov tcvpt,ov9 avayva Qrjvai rr}v ERETEKEN With % holy
I adjure you the Lord_, t o ho r e e d the
€TTi(TTo\7}y irao~i TOLS *\_ayiMs~\ adek.pois. 2 3 ' H 27 I adjure you by the
letter t o alJ the [iioly] brethren. T h e LORD, £to read the LEX-
XaPLS rov Kvpwv TJIAOOV Ir](rov XpLcrrou fitC* TJ£B to All t h e BRETHREN.
favor of t h e Lord ©fus Jesus Anointed witk 28 J The FAVOR of ouf
V/JLOOV. LORD Jesus Christ be with
you. you. * f

* YATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—25. also. 27. holy—omit. 28, Subscription—FIRST

t 28. Prom facts and circumstances related in the history of *ne Acts, it appears that
this First Epistle was written, not from Athens, as the interpolated postscript at the end
of the Epistle hears, hut from Corinth; and that not long'after the publication of Claudius's
edict against the Jews, which happened in the 12th year of his reign, answering- to A. D. 51.
t 16. 2 Cor. vi. 10; Phil. iv. 4. J 17. Luke xviii. 1; xxi. 35; Bom. xii. 12; Eph. vi,
,-8: Col. iv. 2; 1 Pet. iv. 7. t 18. Eph. v. 20; Col. iii. 17. t 19. Eph. iv. 30.
t 20. 1 Cor. xiv. 1, 39. t 21. 1 Cor. ii. 11,15; 1 John iv. 1. t 21. Phil. iv. 8. t 23.
I Cor. i. 8. J 24. 1 Cor. i. 9; x. 13 ; 2 Thess, iii. 1. f 25. Col. iv 3; 2 Thesa. iii. 1.
t 26. Rom. xvi. 5. t 27. Col. iv. 16; 2 Thess. itf. 4. $ 28. Rom. xvi. 20, 24:
8 Thess. iii 18-
[ n A T A O T ] X1P02 0 E 2 2 A A O N I K E L 2 [ E n i ^ T O A H ] AETTEPA,

KE$. a'. 1. CHAPTER I.
1 Paul, and X Sylvanus,
XlavXos icai IsiXovavos Kai TifxoOeos, TTJ e « - and Timothy, to the CON-
Paul and and Timothy, to the con- GREGATION of Thessaloni-
KXyjo'ia &ecrcraXoviKecov ev Bete irarpL rjfxcov Kai cans J i n God our Father
gregation of Thessalonicans in God a father of us and and the Lord Jesus Christ;
2 a LS 2 % Favor to you and
KVpiCp ll]<TOV X p i C T T ^ ' XP VjJLlV Kai €ip7]P7]
Lord Jesus Anointed; favor to you and peace Peace, from God the Fa-
ther and the Lord Jesus
ajxo Oeov irarpos *\r)fA<x)v,~\ KOU Kvpiov \r\(Tov Christ.
from God a father [of us,] and Lord Jesus 3 J We are hound to
Xpicrrov. 3 'SLvxaoio'Teiv ocpeiXojxev rep Oeco give thanks to GOD always
Anointed. To give thanks we are bound to the God concerning you, Brethren,
iravroTe irepi vficcv, adeXcpoi, KCLOOOS a^iov as it is proper, Because
always concerning you, brethren, as proper your F A I T H is growing ex-
ceedingly, and the LOVE of
eCTiv, oTi virepav^avei •qiri-o'TLS vfxeev, Kai irXeov- each One of you All is
it is, because is growing fast the fikith of you, and abounds ahounding towards each
a£ei 7] ayairy] kvos eKcccrrou iravToov vpacv eis other;
the love of one of each of all of you for 4 so that J we ourselves
aXXrjXovs' ~* oxrrc i}/j,as avrovs ev VJXIV Kavxao~ boast in You among the
4 <

each other; so thaSt uz ourselves in you to boast CONGREGATIONS o f GOD,

t o n account of your PA-
Bai ev rais eKKXyo'iais Oeov,
virep TTJS TIENCE and Faith, J i n All
among the congregations of the
God, on account of the
patience of you and of faith, in all the perse- you endure ;
jAOis vjJL(av Kai rais dXi^ecriv, ais av€x^o~de' 5 % a Token of the
cutions of you and the afflictions, which you endure; RIGHTEOUS Judgment of
5 GOD, for you to be DEEM-
evfteiyfia T7)S Si/cams tcpicreojs TOV Oeov, eis TO ED WORTHY of the KING-
a token of the righteous judgment of the God, for that
DOM of GOD, on account of
KCOTa£io>07?z>cu vfxas TTJS fiacriXeLas TOV Oeov, which also you suffer.
to be deemed worthy you of the kingdom of the God, 6 J If indeed it is just
U7rep 7)S Kai -n-arrxeTe. 6 Ei7rep diKaiov irapa •with God to repay Affiic
on behalf of which also you suffer. If indeed a just thing with. tion to THOSE who A F -
deep, avTairodovvai TOIS OXL^OVCIV vfias QXntyiv, FLICT you,
God, to give in return to those afflicting you affliction, 7 so also to YOU the A F -
7 FLICTED, %a Rest together
KOLI bfxiv TOIS QXifiofxevois avecriv /Lte0' rijxoov, ev with us, at % the REVELA-
and' to you to those being afflicted a relaxation with us, at TION of the LORD Jesus
TT) airoKaXvtyei TOV Kvpiov Irjo'ov a7T3 ovpavov, from Heaven with the
the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven, Angels of his Power,
/xer 5 ayyeXoov dvvafie&s avTOV, 8
ev irvpi <pXo- 8 J i n a Flame of Fire,
with messengers of power of himself, in afire of dispensing Retributive jus-
tice J to THOSE not AC-
yos, SLSOVTOS eKCjucrj&'ij' TOIS jx^q ei^oci Oeov,KNOWLEDGING God, and
flame, executing retributive justiceto those not knowing God, J to THOSE not BEING
Kzi TOIS p.7] viraicovovo'i Tcp evayyeXico TOV OBEDIENT to the GLAD
and to those not being obedient tothe glad tidings ofth e TIDINGS of our LORD J e -
Kvpiov 7}fxcav Tr/crof ^\j^pio~Tov~\ 9
oWives SIKTJV sus;
Lord of us Jesus [Anointed;] who a just penalty 9 X w n o shall pay a just


8. Anointed—omit.
1 1. 2 Cor. i. 19. J 1. 1 Thess, i. 1. J 2. ICor.i. 3. J 3. 1 Thess. i. %, 3 ;
iii. 6,9; 2 Thess. ii. 13. t 4 2 Cor. vii. 14; ix. 2; I Thess. ii. 19, 20. J 4. 1 Thes*.
i. S. X 4. 1 Thess. ii. 14. I 5. Phil. i. 28. % 6. Rev. vi. 10. t 7. Rev.
xvi. 13. t 7. 1 Thess. iv. 16; Jude 14. t 8. Heb. x. 27; xii. 29. i 8. 1 Thess
jy. 5. J 8. Rom. ii. 8. J 9. Phil. iii. 19; 2 Pet. iii. 7,
Chap. 1: 10.] II.THESSALONIOANS, [dap. *: 5.
ricrovariv, o\eBpov awo Trpoo'coirov rov penalty,—aionion Destruc-
shall pay, destruction age-lasting, face of the tion from the Face of the
Kvpiov Kai airo rrjs So^rjs rrjs I&XVOS avrov, LORD, and from the GLORY
Lord and from the glory of the strength O him, Of his STRENGTH;
'° brav eA^r; svdo^aodriven ep rois ayiois 10 % when he shall come
when he may come to be glorified in the Iioly ones t« be glorified in his
avrov Kai BavjxacrQ7}vai ev nxaffi rois iricrrevara- SAINTj, and Xto he ad-
of himself and to be admired in all those having believed, mired in All THOSE who
(Tip, (ort eirio~Tev6r) ro [xaprvptov r^ioov €(/>' BELIEVE, in that D A Y ;
(because was believed t h e testimony of us to Because our TESTIMONY
vfias,,) ev TT) 7]/j,cpa eKeivrj. ll E i s 6 Kai irpocr- to you was believed.
you,) in- the day that. l?or which also we
11 For which also we
evxofieda iravror^ rrepi vficcp, Iva v/ a^tco- pray always concerning
pray always concerning' you, that you may be you, that our G O D may
cry TT]S K\7]o-£toS 6 Oeos 7}/J,COPV Kai isteem You worthy of the
counted worthy oftho calling th« God of us, and CALLING, and may com-
Trkripooarj iraaav evdoKiap ayaBca&uprjs Jcat plete Every Desire of
may fill up every good intentior of goodness and Goodness, and % Work of
epyoviricrrecos ep dvva/j,ei' 1 hroos^vdo^affBr) ro Faith with Power;
work offaith in power; so that" may be glorified the
12 J go that the NAME
ouo/xa rov Kvpiov rjfxcop ITJOTOV *\X.pio~rov~\ ev of our LORD Jesus may he
name of the Lord of us Jesus [Anointed] in glorified in you, and gou
vfiip, Kai v/xets €J> avrcp, Kara rr]p %apiv rov in him, according to the
you, and you in him, according to the favor of the FAVOR of our GOD, and
Beov 7)JX(JOP icai Kvpiov lr\o~ov Xpicrrov, Lord Jesus Christ.
God ofua and Lord Jesna Anointed.
KE<S>. j8'. 2 . CHAPTER I I .
1 But we entreat you,
' 'Epcorcofjiep 5e v)xas, a$€\<j)oi, virep r7]s Brethren, concerning J the
We entreat and you, brethren, concerning t h e
COMING of the LORD Jesus
irapovrrias rov Kvpiov ^\J]fi(ap^ ITJOTOV Xpurrov, Christ, and Our $ Assem-
presence of the Lord [of us] Jesus Anointed, bling to him,
Kai rifxcop eTTicrvpayeoyys eir3 avrov, 2
eis ro fir]
and ofus assembling to him, in order that not 3 that you be not
quickly AGITATED in
rax^ccs (ra\€v6r)vai v/nas airo rov poos, /U7?T€ MIND, nor alarmed, neith-
quickly to be shaken you from the mind, nor
er by a Spirit, nor by a
BpoeicrBai firjre dia Trvevjuaros, fxrjre Sia Xoyov, Discourse nor by a Letter
to be alarmed neither by a spirit, noi by a word, as from us, as though the
/J.rjr€ Si' €TrLo-ro\7]s cos oY TJ/AOOP, &S ort DAY of the LORD was pres-
nor by a letter as by means ofus, sis that ent.
€P€crr7]K€P 7] rjfxepa rov Kvpiov. M77 rts o J Let no one delude
has come close the day of the Lord. No one you
You by any means, Be-
e^airarrjo-r) Kara firjdeva rpoirov on, zap /xrj cause % the APOSTACY
should delude by any turn; because, if not must come first, and there
eA0?7 7) airoo-rao-ia. irpoorov, icai airoKaXvcpBj] must be revealed % THAt
may come the falling away first, and may be revealed MAN Of STN, THAT SON o f
6 avdpooiros rrjs afxaprias, 6 vlos rr]s airooXeias, DESTRUCTION,
the man of the sin, the son of the destruction, 4 the OPPONENT, who
6 apriKeifievos Kai virepaipo/Jievos em iravra indeed J lifts himself above
he opposing and lifting up himself above all everything called Divinity
Xeyofxevov Beov 7} rfefiaar/ia, coare avrop eisrop or Majesty; so as
being called a god or an august object, so that him into the himself in the TEMPLE of
vaov rov Beov KaBio-ai, airo^eiKVvvra
eavrov, GOD, exhibiting himself
temple of the God to be seated, openly showing himself, That he is a God.
bri ecrri Beos. 5 Ou fivrj/jiovevere, on ert 5 Do you not remember*
that he is a god. Not remember you, that still

* YATICAN MANUSCBIFT.—12. Anointed—omit. 2. ofus—omit.

X 10. P s a . l x x x i x . 7. t 10. P s a . l x v i i i . 35. J 11. 1 T h e s s . i . 3. 1 12. 1 P e t .
i. 7 ; i v . 14. t 1. 1 T h e s s . i v . 16. % 1. M a t t . x x i v . 3 1 ; M a r k xiii. 27; 1 Thess. i v . 17
t 3. M a t t . xxiv. 4 ; E p h . v . 0 ; 1 . M a n i v . 1. t 3. 1 T i m . iv. 1. 1 3 . D a n . vii. 25^-
I Johnii.18; Eev.xiii.lJ *1 4. D a n . I'd. 25; x i . ^ 6 ; R e v . x i i i . 6 ,
Chap. %: 6.] II. THESSAtONIOANS. t&«J>- 3 : l b
wy 7rpos bfxaSy ravra eheyov vfxiv ; ° icai vvy Thr.t while I was wr.hyou,
being with you, these things I said to you? and now I said these things to you?
TO KCVT^XOV oidare, eis TO airoKaXvcpdrjj/ai 6 and now you know
the restraining tiling you know, in order that to be revealed WHAT RESTRAINS, in ei-
der tO his BEING REVEAL-
avrov ev rep eavrov Kaipcp. ^ T c yap
fivtrnqpiov ED in H I S OWN Season.
him in the of himself season. The for secret thing
7 For J.the SECRET of
07577 evepyeirai rrjs avojxias, }iovov o Karex^v LAWLESSNESS is already
already works of the lawlessness, only theonere3training
working, till only the ONE
apri eoos e/c fxeo-ov yevr\rai' 8 Kai T o r e airotca- RESTRAINING for the pres-
now till out of midst it may he; and then will be re- ent shall be out of the way;
Av(p07)o~erai 6 apofios' bv 6 icvpios ~K[1T]0'OVS'\ 8 and then will be re-
vealed the lawless one; whom the Lord [Jesus] vealed the LAWLESS ONE;
ava\ooo~ei rep irvevjxari rov crrojxaros aurov, (J whom the LORD Jesus
will consume with the breath of the mouth of himself, will consume with J the
Kai Karapy7)0"€i rr) eiricpaveiq rr\s irapovaias BREATH of his MOUTH,
and will make powerless by the appearing of the presence and annihilate by the A P -
avrov 9 ov eo~riv 7) irapovcia, Kar' evepyeiav PEARING of llis PRES-
of himself: of whom is the presence, according to an energy ENCE;)
TOV crarava, ev Tracrrj dwa/iie. Kai tfri/j.eiois Kai 9 Whose COMING is ac-
of the adversary, with all power and signs and cording to the Energy of
repacri ipevdovs, Kai ev iraay airarrj * [ T 7 7 S ] the ADVERSARY, witn All
wonders of falsehood, and with every deception [of the] Power, and J Signs, and
aBtKias, * [ € / / ] rois airoX'/vvjiievoiS' av6' cov rr\v Wonders of Falsehood,
iniquity, [in] those perishing; because as the 10 and with Every De-
ayaTrrjv rrjs aXrjdeias OVK efie^avro eis ro ception of Iniquity to
lore of the truth not they reserved in order that % THOSE who are P E R I S H -
cfooOrjvai avrovs. n
Kai 5ia rovro irefvtyei ING, because they admitted
to be saved them. And because of this will send not the LOVE of the TRUTH
avrois 6 deos evepyeiav iricrrev- in order that they might
TrXavrjs, eis ro
to believe be saved.
tothem the God a strong working ofdeceit, in order that
cfai avrovs rep xpevder * iva icpiBcao'i iravres 01 l i t And on ihjs account

them the falsehood; so thatmay be judged all those GOD * will send to them an
Energy of Delusion, % to
U7] iricrrevo'avres rj) a\r)Beiq, a\A.' en80/C77crav- their BELIEVING the
not having believed the truth, but having delighted FALSEHOOD;
res "*[ei/| rr) aftiKiq. HjUets 5e o<pei\o/nev 18 in order that All
[in] the iniquity. "We but are b o u n d THOSE may be judged who
€U%apiO"T6»/ rep Qetp iravrore ivepi vpLoov, BELIEVED n o t t h e TRUTH,
to give thanks to the God always concerning you, I but approved the INI-
a$e\<poi f]yairy]fxev01 viro Kvpiov, on eiKaro
brethren being beloved by Lofd, beeauge 13 But %foeare bound
€ls to give thanks to GOD al-
v/xas 6 Beos air' apyrjs (Tcorrjpiav ev ayi- ways for you, Brethren be-
you the God from a beginning for salvation in sancti- loved by the Lord, Because
arrfxep irvev^aros Kai iricrrei aXrjBeias' eis 6 % GOD * chose you a First-
fication of spirit and belief of truth; into which fruit for Salvation, J i n
eKaXeaev vpias dia rov evayyeXiov T]JJ.COV, eisSanctification of Spirit and
he called. you by means of the glad tidings of us, for Belief of Truth;
14 to which he called
irepiiroiTjo'iv Sotys rov Kvpiov TJ/JLODV Irjcrov you by our GLAD TIDINGS,
obtaining glory of the Lord of us Jesus for the obtaining of % the
Xpio'rov, Glory of our LORD Jesus
Anointed. Christ.
15 15 So then, Brethren,
A p a ovv, a$e\(poi, vn)Kere, Kai Kpareire
So then, brethren, stand you, and hold you fast J stand firm, and retain

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—8. Jesus—omit. 10. of the—omit. 10. In—omit.

11. sends them. 12. in—omit. 13. chose you a First-fruit.
17 1 John ii. 18; iv. 8. t 8. Dan. vii. 10,11. I 8. Isa. xi. 4; Rev. ii. IS.
* 9 Matt. xxiv. 24; Rev. xiii. 13 ; xix. 20. J 10. 2 Cor. ii. 15: iv. 3. t 11. Rom.
i 24 1 11. Watt. xxiv. 6,11; 1 Tim. iv. 1. X 12. Rom. 1. 32. % IS. 2 Thet»s
's t 13 1 Thess. i. 4. t 13. 1 Pet. i. 2. _ % 14. John xvii. 22; 1 Thess. a*
12 •" 1 Pet. v. 10. t 15- 1 - - '* P ] a i L iv * L
0or xvi 13
(Map. %: 16.] II. THESSALONIOANS. [Cfcap. 1: 8.
ras Trapafiocfeis, as eSiSax^re, eire
dia were taught, whether by
the traditions, which you were taught, whether through
our Word or Letter.
AoyOV €IT€ 5l' €TTL(TToX7}S 7]jJ.O0P. AvTOS 8e
16 B u t m a y our LORD,
a word or by a letter of us. Himself but
* Christ J e s u s himself, and
6 nvpios rj/mcop Irjcrovs Xpio'ros, Kai 6 deos T H A T G O D our FATHER,
the Lord ofus • Jesus Anointed, and the God
X who L O V E D u s , and gave
* [ « r a t ] naryp T)fxoop b ayairycras rjjxas Kai
fiovs us, by Favor, aionian Con-
[and] father ofus he having loved us andhaving given
solation, and J a good
TrapaK\7](Tiv aicopiav Kai eXmda ayaOrjP ep x°°~ Hope,
a consolition age-lasting and a hope good by fa-
17 console Your H E A R T S ,
piri, 17 7rapaKa\ecrai vfxoov ras KapSias, Kai crrrj- J and establish you i n
vor, may comfort of you the hearts, and may
Every good * Work and
pt£ai ^"[&/xas] eu Trapri Xoycp Kai epyy ayadcp. Word.
establish [you] in every word and work good.
KE3>. y'. 3 .
1 FINALLY, Brethren,
To Aonrov, 7rpo(T€VX€0'dej adeXcpoi, 7T£pl t p r a y for us, t h a t the
The remainder, P ra y vou > brethren, for WOED of t h e LORD may
Tjfxcap, iva 6 Xoyos $°£a~ r u n and be glorified, even
rov Kvpiov rp^xV Kai

ofus, that the word of the as among y o u ;

Lord may run and maybe
(rjrai, KaQtcs Kai rrpos bfxas, 2 Kai Iva pvaOco- 2 and $ that we m a y be
glorified, as eren among you, and that we may be ds- delivered from P E R V E R S E
p.€P arro rcop aroirccv Kai iropy)poov apdpcoTroop' ov and Vicious M e n ; for n o t
liveredfrom the outofplaee and evil men; not all have t h e F A I T H .
yap TTavnav 7] iriaris. 3
Tlicrros 5e scrriv 6 _ 3 B u t { Faithful is t h e
for of»ll the faith. Faithful but is the L O R D , who will establish
Kvpios, os (TT7?pi£ei vjxas Kai (pvXa^ei airo rov and % guard you from t h e
Lord, who will establish you and will guard from the E V I L one.
Trovrjpov. 4
HeiroiOa/JiiP 4 A n d J we have confi-
8e ep Kvpicp ecp* v/xas,
evil ons. We have confidence but in dence in t h e Lord concern-
Lord concerning you,
ori a TrapayyeXAo/jLGV ^ [ u / ^ j ] KM TTOI-ing you, Because t h e
because the things we announce [to you,] both you things we command, * y o u
eire Kai Troir)(T€re.
' O §e Kvpios KarevOvvai both are doing, and will
do and will do. The but Lord may direct do.
5 And may the LORD
vjAwv ras Kapfiias eis rrjp ayairyp rov deov, Kai eis
ofyou the hearts into the love of the God, and into direct Your H E A R T S into
t h e LOVE of G O D , a n d i n t o
rr}p vTTo/nopTjp rov X.pio'rov. JJapayyeXXofnep §e t h e PATIENCE of the
the pati«nce of the Anointed. We give orders but A N O I N T E D one.
vpiip, a$eX(poi, ev opopari rov Kvpiov *[?7 / ucoz/] 6 Now we charge you,
Xt you, brethren, in name of the Lord [ofus] Brethren, in t h e Name of
Vrjcov Xpio'roVf o'reXXecrOai vfxas airo Travros the L O R D Jesus Christ,
of Jeisua Anointed, to withdraw you from every X to withdraw from Every
Brother who walks o u t of
afieXcpov araxrws irepnrarovvros, Kai p.r\ Kara order, and not according to
brother disorderly walking, and not according to
r7\v 7rapaSoo ipJ TJP TrapeXafiocap 'nap
rifxoov. * you received from u s .
the tradition, which they received from us. 7 For you yourselves
^ Avroi yap oidare, iroos Set fjiifAeio~6ai Texas' know % how you ought ta
Yourselves for know, how it behoves to imitate us; imitate u s ; Because we
8 were not disorderly among
on OVK 7]raKrr]cra/j.€P ev v/xiv, ovfie dcopeav you,
becaase not we wero disorderly among you, neither gratuitously
8 nor did we eat Bread
aprov €(f)ayo/j,ep irapa rivos, aXX' ep Koircp Kai for nothing from any o n e ,
bread did we eat from anyone, but in toil and b u t i n Toil and Weariness,

* VATICAN MANUSCBIFT.—16. Christ Jesus. 16. and—omit. Vj. you—omit.

17. Work and. Word. 4. to you—omit. 4. you both did, and are doing, and will
do. 6. ofxis—omit.. 6. you received.
\ 15. 1 Cor. xi. 2; 2 Thess. iii. 6. J 16. 1 John iv. 10; Rev. 1. 5. % 16. 1 Pet. i. S-
t 17. 1 Cor. i. 8; 1 Thess. iii. 13; 1 Pet. v. 10. t 1. Eph. vi. 19; Col. iv. 8; 1 Thess. v. 26.
1 2. Bom. xv. 31. t 8. 1 Cor. i. 9; 1 Thess. v. 24. J 3. John xvji. 15. J 4.
2 COT. vii. 16; Gal. v. 10. I 6. Eom. xvi. 17; 1 Tim. vi. 5 ; 2 John 10. J 7. 1 C G »
dv. 16; xi. 1; 1 Tcess. i. 6,3*
faap. 3: 9.] II. THESSALONIOANS. [&«?. 3= ^<
P0X®Vl VVKTCL Kai i]JjL€paV epy&^O/J.tVOL, TTpOS TO J working Night a n d Day,
nearinesi, night and day working, i n order t h a t so as not to BURDEN any
jj,7) tirifiaprjo'ai Tiva v/xoov. 9
Ovx °TL ofyou;OV
not t o burden any of you. N o t because n o t 9 % Not Because we have
cxo/u,ev e^ovcriav, aXX* iva eavrovs TVTTOV doo- no Authority, but t h a t we
wehave authority, b u t t h a t ourselves a p a t t e r n w e m i g h t might give Ourselves a
i0 P a t t e r n for you to I M I T A T E
(i€p vjiiv eis TO fit/neicrdat 7}uas. Kai yap,
give t o you for t h e to imitate us. Indeed for, ns.
ore 7]/J.ey Trpos vfxasy rovro TrapayyeXXo/nev 10 F o r also, when we
when we were with you, this we a n n o u n c e d were with you, This we
VJJ.IV, 6ri ei ris ov OeXei ^pya^eaBai, fuirjde commanded you, J That if
to you, t h a t i f any one n o t wishes t o work, neither any o n e i s n o t willing t o
ll work, n e i t h e r l e t h i m eat.
€(r9t€Tcc. AKOVOU&U yap rivas TrepnraTovvras
let h i m e a t . W e hear for some are walking 1 1 F o r w e h e a r of some
among you, J walking o u t
ev vfxiv CLTCUCTOOS, firj^ev epya^o/iievovs, aXXa of order, n o t working, b u t
*mongyou o u t of order, n o t h i n g working, but
l2 being-above work.
7repLepya£o/uL€Vovs. Tois 5 e roiovrois trapay-
being above w o r k . To t h e now suchlike we com-
12 Now S U C H we charge
and e x h o r t *.by t h e Lord
yeXXojxev Kai irapaKaXov/nev fiia rov nvpiov J e s u s Christ, J t h a t , work-
mand and we e x h o r t through the Lord
ing with Quietness, they
*[7^ua>j/| Irjtfov X.pio'Tov, Iva fiera TJO'VX^S may eat T H E I R OWN Bread.
fofns] Jesus Anointed, that with quietness
epyaCofievoi, TOP kavroov aprov sa'Qiooo'iv. 13 B u t g o u , Brethren,
working, the of themselves bread J should n o t be remiss i n
t h e y m a y eat.
'Tp.€LS § e , adeXcpoi, /LIT} eicKaK7](rr)Te KaXoiroi- doing well.
Tou but, brethren, n o t should b e remiss doing 14 B u t if any one obey
ovvres. E i 8 e TIS OVX viraKOvei T<£ Xoycp not o u r W O R D by t h i s
w«ll. If butanyone not h e a r k e n s t o t h e word L E T T E R , point ijfm o u t ,
7)/JL(t)V dia T7)S eiTLO-ToXrjS, TOVTOV 0"7J/LI€10U0'- and. i do hot associate with
ofut b y means of t h e letter, him p o i n t y o u him, so t h a t h e may be p u t
9e' * [ / c a ^ J JUT) o'vvava/j.iyvvo'Oe avrcp^ iva evrpa- to shame j
outj [and] n o t mix y o u t o g e t h e r w i t h him, so t h a t h e may 15 J and regard him n o t
7r?7* Kai JUT} oos ex^pov yyei&de, aXXa, vov- as a n E n e m y , J b u t ad-
be p u t t o s h a m e ; aDd n o t as a n e n e m y r e g a r d y o u , but ad- monish h i m as a Brother.
6eT6iT€ ebs adeX(pov. Avros 5 e 6 Kvpios TTJS 16 % N o w m a y t h e L O R D
monUhyouaa a brother. Himself b u t t h e L o r d of the of PEA.CE himself give y o u
€ip7]V7]S dcpr) vfxiv Tt]V eiprjvrjv Siairavros ev P E A C E always i n every
peace m a y give t o y o u the peace always in way. T h e L O R D be wit£
TTavri rpoiro)' 6 Kvpios pt,€TairavTwv v/uoov. ^ ' 0 you all.
every way; the Lord vc'-'rH all of y o u . The
atfirao-pios rrj ejxr) X€LPl
r i a ^ A o u , 6 ecrri arrjiueLov of Paul, w i t h M I O W N
salutation by t h e my hand of Paul, w h i c h i s a sign
Hand, which is a Sign in
ev iraarf €7ricrToXy ovrco ypa<poo' 1 8 ^ XaPLS r o v Every E p i s t l e ; t h u s I
in every letter; thus I write; t h e favor of t h e
Kvpiov 7)f/,eov IT]0~OV X p / c r r o u fiera iravroop vfxoov
Lord ofus Jesus Anointed with all ofyou. 18 { T h e F A V O R of our
*[A/J.7)V.~\ L O R D Jesus Christ be with
[So b e i t . ] you all. *

* VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.—12. ofus—omit. "'9, in the Lord Jesus Christ. 14.

and—omit. 18. So be it—omit. Subscription—SECOND I O THE THESSAIONIGAHS.
t 8. Acts xviiL 3 ; xx. 34; 2 Cor. xi. 9; 1 Thess. ii. 9. J 9. 1 Cor. ix. 6; 1 Thess. ii. 6
t 10. Gen. iii. 19 ; 1 Thess. iv. 11. t 11. 1 Tim. v. 13 ; 1 Pet. iv. 15. t 12. Eph. iv. 28.
J 13. Gal. vi.9. I 14. Matt.xviii.17; 1 Cor. v.9,11. % 15. Lev. xix. 17; 1 Thess.
v. 14 I 15. Titus iii. 10. 1 16. Rom. xv. 33; xvi. 20; 1 Cor. xiv. 33 ; 2 Cor. xiii.
11; 1 Thess. v. 23. I 17. 1 Cor. xvi. 21; Col. iv. 18. J 18. Rom. xvi. 24.


K E $ . a'. 1 . CHAPTER I.
1 1 Paul, an Apostle oS
UavKos, airorrroKos lr](Tov Xpiffrov, KCLT* Jesus Christ, J according
Paul, an apostle A n o i n t e d , according t o to an Appointment of God
sirirayriv deov, (ToorTjpos 7}jj.eov, KCU XpitTrov our Savior, and of Christ
an a p p o i n t m e n t of God, a savior of us, and Anointed Jesus our H O P E ,
l7](T0V, T7)S €\ind0S 7}}A(tiVj Tl/Jiode(p yP7)(Tt(p
2 to J Timothy, a Genu-
Jesus, of t h e hope of us, to Timothy a genuine
airo ine Child in Faith ;—Favor,
T€KV(f ev Tri(TT€L' ^apis, eAeos, £ipr)V7i Oeov Mercy, Peace, from God
child in faith; favor, mercy, peace from G o d
the Father, and Christ Je-
Trarpos "*[^,ucoi/,] /cat Hpicrrov ITJCTOU TOV Kvpiov sus our L O U D .
a father [of u s , ] and A n o i n t e d Jesus the Lord 3 Remain still in Ephe-
7)flO0V. sus, as I entreated thee,
OfuB. J when departing for Mace-
Ka6a>s ito.peKaXecra tfe Trpofffieivai evEcpecrcp, donia, so that thou mayest
As I entreated thee t o remain i n Ephesus, charge some not J to teach,
irop€vo[JL€POS eis MarceSo/^a;/, Iva TrapayyeiXrjsdifferently,
departing for Macedonia, t h a t t h o u mayest chai'ge 4 nor. to hold to Fable*
riari jxt) krepodi'Saa'KaXeip, 4
/x7j5e irpoaex^iv and interminable Genealo-
some not other t o teach, nor t o hold t o gies, % which occasion Bis
fxvdois KOLL yeveaXoyiais WTTzpavroiSy alrtves putes, rather than THAT
fables and genealogies endless, which * E D I F I C A T I O N of God by
^TjrrjcreLS Ttapexovcri fxaXXou t] oiKOVojiiav 6eov Faith.
disputes occasion r a t h e r t h a n an administration of God 5 (Now J the E N D of the
5 C O MMANDMENT i s Love,
T7]y €V iricrreL' ( T O §e rtXos TTJS irapayyeAias
t h a t by faith; (the now end of t h e commandment % from a Pure Heart, and
eGTW ayairr} eK tcaQapas Kapftias Kai crui'ei87j- a good Conscience, and an
Is love out of a pure heart and conscience undissembled Faith;
(Tecas aya07]S Kai iri(TTG<as avvwoKpirov 6
&j/ 6 which some having
good and faith unfeigned; which missed, turned aside to
rives ao'Tox'O-o'ot.VTes, G^eTpairrjcrav sis fiaraio- Foolish talking;
some having missed, t u r n e d aside to foolish 7 desiring to be Law-ex-
Xoyiau, 7 QeXovres eivai vojio'bihao'KaXoi, fii] positors, neither under-
talking, wishing t o be law-teachers, not
standing what they are
voovvres fxyre a Ae-yoixn ? [xi)Te irepi saying, nor certain things
about which they positive-
understanding n e i t h e r t h e t h i n g s t h e y say, n o r concerning
8 ly affirm.
rivcav diaj3e^aiovprai. Oidafiep 5e, o n
certain t h i n g s t h e y positively aflirm. W e know but, that
8 We know indeed That
KaAos 6 vofAos, zav ris avrcp VO;JUJ.IOOS xp-qrai, one use tthe LAW is excellent if
good t h e law, if one it lawfully may use,
it lawfully;
9 J knowing this, That
€ldo)S TOUTO, 071 dtKOUCp VO/J.OS OU K€LTai, a Law is not enacted for a
knowing this, t h a t for a j u s t o n e a l a w n o t is laid down,
Righteous man, but for the
avojxois $e Kai awiroraKTois, ao-e/3e<n Lawless and Unruly, for
for lawless ones b u t and for unruly ones, for ungodly ones the Ungodly and Sinners,
Kai a/jLaprcoKoLS, avoo'iois Kai fiefiriAois, for the Impious and Pro-
aijd sinners, for i m p i o u s ones a n d for profane ones, fane, for Smiters of fathers
and Smiters of mothers,
TrarpaXooais Kai jxrirpaXcoais^ avSpocpovois, for Assassins,
for siniters of fathers a n d for smiters of m o t h e r s , for man-killers,
10 for Fornicators, for
iropvoiS) apcnsvoKoiraAS) av^pairoBKTTens, Sodomites, for Man-steal-
for fornicators, for sodomites, for man-stealers, ers, for Liars, for Perju-
i|/eu<rra£S, eiuopKois, Kai ei ri erepov rr\ vyiai- rers, and if there be any
for liars, for oath-breakers, and if a n y t h i n g o t h e r t o t h e . being other thing that is opposed

* A L E X A N D R I A N M A N U S C R I P T . — T i t l e — T H E F I R S T OV T I M O T H Y . 2. of u s — o m i t .
t 1. A c t s i x . 1 5 ; Gal. i. 1,11. t 2. A c t s x v i . 1 ; 1 Cor. i v . 17; P h i l . i i . 1 7 ; 1 T h e s s . i i i . ».
X 3. A c t s x x . 1, 3 ; P h i l . i i . 24. t 3. Gal. i. 6, 7 ; 1 T i m . v i . 3,10. J 4. 1 T i m . vi. 4, 20.
t 5. B o m . x i i i . 8 - 1 0 ; Gal. v . 14. t 5. 2 T i m . i i . 22. J 8. R o m . v i i , 12, t «.
G a L i i i . 1 9 ; v< S3,
Ohap. 1: 11.] I. T I M O T H Y , iChap. 1: 19.

vovary didacrKaXiq avriKeirai, Ko/ra ro e u a 7 - J to the WHOLES ©ME Doc-

sound teaching is opposed, glad trine;
according t o t h e
yeXiov TT}S So^s rov [xa.Kapi.ov Oeov, 6 eirt(r- 11 according to the
tidings of t h e glory of t h e blessed God, which was en- GLAD TIDINGS of the
revdrjv eyco' ! 2 *[/<:ai] %apiv exw rep ev^vva^co- GLORY of the BLESSED
trustedwith I; [ a n d ] give t h a n k s I t o t h e one having GOD, % with which I was
ffavri JUL€ Xpicrrcp lycrov rep icvpiep 7]laoou, on 12 1 give thanks to him
empowered m e Anointed Jesus the Lord of us, because
who empowered me, Christ
TTICTTOV fie riyqeraro, de/nevos as diaKoviav, Jesus our LORD, Because
faithful me h e regarded, placing into service, he deemed Me faithful,
rov irporepov ovra ftXaerepriiAov Kai $ICOKTT]V J putting into Service
him formerly IVeing a defamer and a persecutor 13 him J who was PRE-
VIOUSLY a Defamer, and
Kai vfipiarr'qv' aXX* 7]Xer)07]v, on
ayvocov a Persecutor;, and a Violent
and a violent p e r s o n ; but I received mercy, because being ignorant
man; hut I received mer-
€Troir)0~a ev airio'ria, inrepeirXeovacre Se 7] cy, X Because being ignor-
I acted .n unbelief, superabounded but t h e ant I acted in Unbelief.
14 t But the EAVOR of
%apis rov Kvpiov Tffxeov fxera Trierreeos Kai aya- our LORD superabounded,
favor of t h e Lord of us with faith andlove
with THAT Faith and Love
TTTjs TTjs ev Xpierrep Irjerov. l o Hierros o Xoyos, which are in Christ Jesus.
of t'hat i n Anointed Jesus. True the word,
15 True is the WORD,
Kai iraerrjs anoSoxys ct&os, on Xpicrros Irjorovs and worthy of All Recep-
and of all reception , worthy, t h a t Anointed Jesug tion, That $ Christ Jesus
rjXdev eis rov KOO'/J.OV a/naprcoXovs o-oocrai, 6)V came into the WORLD to
came into the world sinners t o save, ofwhom save Sinners, of whom first
irpearos eifju eyev 16 aXXa 8ia rovro rjX^rjdyv, am £,
first am I; b u t t h r o u g h t h i s I received mercy, 16 But on this account
J I received mercy, that
Iva ev e/AOt icpoorep evdei^rjrai Irjcovs Xpicrros in me, first, * Christ Jesus
t h a t in me first m i g h t show forth Jesus Anointed
might exhibit ALL For-
rf]V iracrav fiaKpodv/xiav^ irpos virorvurcocriv rcov bearance for an Example
the all forbearance, for an example of t h o s e Of THOSE BEING ABOUT to
/xeXXovrcov Triareveip err5 avrep ets £ev7)v aicoviov believe on him in order to
being a b o u t t o believe on h i m for life age-lasting; aionian Life.
17 J Now to the KING of
•^ rep 5e fiacriXei re»v aieavevv, acpdaprq^ aoparcf, the AGES, the Incorrupti-
t o t h e now king of t h e ages, incorruptible, invisible,
ble, the Invisible, the Only
fxovep 0€M, rifiT] Kai fio^a eis rovs aieavas rcov God, be Honor and Glory
only God, honor and glory for the ages of t h e for the AGES of the AGES.
aioovoov afX7}V.) Amen.)
ages; so be i t . ) 18 This CHARGE J I
Tavrr)V rrjv irapayyeXiav commit to thee, 0 Child
TrapanQeixai o~oi> Timothy,
This the charge I commit to thee'
according to the
ireKVOv Ttfiodee, Kara ras irpoayovcras
tin (re concerning thee, that by
child O Timothy, according t o t h e precedingin r e s p e c t t o t h e e them thou mayest carry on
Trpocpyreias iva o'rparevrj ev avrais rt]V KaXrjv J the GOOD Contest;
prophecies t h a t t h o u mayest war by them the good 19 retaining Faith and a
(rrpareiav, 19 ^X°°v iriani/ Kai ayaOrjv arvvzihr} Good Conscience, which
warfare, holding faith and good some having thrust away,
civ, 7]V rives aTrcocra/jievoi, ivepi rr]v <irierriv concerning the FAITH
* suffered Shipwreck;
ence, which some having t h r u s t away, c o n c e r n i n g t h e faith

* ALEXANDRIA* MANUSCRIPT.—12. And—omit. 10. Christ Jesus. 19. suffered

t 10. 1 Tim. vi. S; 2 Tim. iv. 3; Titus i. 9; ii. 1. I 11. 1 Cor.ix. 17; Gal.ii.7; Col.
i. 25; 1 Thess. ii. 4; 1 Tim. ii. 7 ; 2 Tim. i. 11; Titus L 3
Col. i. 25. t 13. Acts viii. 3; ix. 1; 1 Cor. xv. 9 ; Phil. iii. 0. X 12. 2 Cor. iii. 5,0; iv. 1;
John ix. 39, 41; Acts iii. 17; xxvi. 9. £ 14. 1 Cor. xv. 10. X 13. Luke xxiii. 34;
ii. 17: Luke v. 32; xix. 10; Rom. v. 8 ; U o n iii. 5. J 10, % 15. Matt. ix. 13; Mark
1 Tim. vi. 15,10. t 18. 1 Tim. vi. 13,14, 20; 2 Tim. ii. 2. 2 Cor. iv. 1. + 17.
% jim, ii, 3 : iv. 7f X 18. 1 Tim. vi. 12j
Chap. 1 : 20.] I. T I M O T H Y . [Okap.8 : 10.

20 20 of whom are J Hyme-

€vavayr\vav* cop eariv 'Yfizvaios Kai AAe£-
w ere shipwreck; of whom is Hymenius and Alex- nius and Alexander; whom
avdpos, ovs TrapedwKa rca (Taravq, Ipa iraidev- I % delivered up to the
ander, whom I delivered up to the adversary, so that they might ADVERSARY, that they may
6G0(TL fXT) /3\a,(T(p71/uL6lP. be taught not to blas-
be taught not to revile. pheme.
KE3>. £'. 2. CHAPTER I I .
1 1 I exhort, therefor,
YlapaKaXoo OVP irpoorov iravToop iroieiaQai first of all, to make Sup-
I exhort therefore first of ail to make plications, Prayers, Inter-
Serjereis, 7rpocreu^;as, evrev^zis, evxapi<rT*as cessions, and Thanksgiv-
supplications, prayers, intercessions, thanksgiving* ings in behalf of All Men;
VTrep TraPTOop apdpooireop' 2 birtp fiacriKtoop, Kai 2 t i n behalf of Kings,
inhehalf of all men; in behalf of kings, and and ALL who ARE in High
iraprcop TCOP ev virepoxy OPT coy lva r)pe^op station, so that we may
of all of those in high station being; so that a tranquil lead a Tranquil and Quie*-
KCLI yivvxt-op fiiop Smyco/xej/ ev Tracry eL»o~e/3€ia Life in All Piety and Seri-
and quiet life we may lead in all piety ousness.
KOLL 0,€jJ,P0T7}TL. 3
T0VT0 " ^ [ 7 ^ ] KOkOV KCLI CLTTO- 3 This is good and X ac-
and seriousness. This [for] good and ac- ceptable before God, our
ceptablc in presence of the preserver ofus God, who 4 X who
desires All Men
7raPTas apOpooirovs OeXeL croodypai, teat, eis eiriy- to be saved, J and to come
all men wishes to be saved, and into an exact to an accurate Knowledge
POOCTLP aXydeLixs eXOeLP. 5 Els yap Oeos, els Kaiof the Truth.
knowledge of truth to come. One for God, one and 5 J For God is One, and
[X£0"iT7}S deov /cat apOpoonrcop, apOpooiros 'Xpio'Tos there is X One Mediator of
mediator of God and of men, a man Anointed God and Men, that Man,
lytfovs, 0 dovs kavTOP aPTiXvTpop virzp irap- Christ Jesus,
Jesus, behaving given him self a ransom in behalf of 6 X who GAVE himself a
Tcov *[TO fjiapTvptop] naipois idiois, 7 eis 0 Ransom in behalf of all,—
all; [the testimony] for seasons own, forwhich the TESTIMONY in its own
€TG67)P eyco /n?pu£ Kai airoarToXos, {aXr}dsiap Seasons;—
was placed I a herald and an apostle, (truth 7 X f ° r which i was ap-
Xeyot), ov ipevdofxai,} SiSac/caAos eOpcop zv Tncr- pointed a Herald and an
I speak, not I speak falsely,) a teacher of nations i a faith Apostle, (I speak Truth, I
TGL Kai aXrjOeia. do not falsify,) a Teacher
and in truth. of Nations in * Faith and
RovXofxat OVP irpoa'evx^o'dai rovs apfipas <BP 8 1 appoint, therefore,
I direct therefore to pray the men in the MEN to pray in every
rraPTi Torccp, eiraipopTas ocriovs xeiPas X°°PLS place, lifting up Holy
every place, lifting up holy hands without Hands without Wrath and
opyqs Kai SiaXoyicrfAov. 'Clo-avToos ^ [ / c a i ras~\ Disputing.
wrath and disputing. In the same way [and the] 9 In like manner, the
yvpaitcas ep KaTaCToXy Kocr/HKp, p,eTa cufiovs WOMEN, also, in J becom-
women in apparel becoming, with modesty ing Attire, with Modesty
and soberness of mind, not
Kai o'ooeppoo'vp^s, Kocrfxeip eavTas, }xv} ZP TrAey- decorating themselves with
and soundness of mind, t o adorn themselves, not with wreaths, Wreaths, or Gold, oi
fiacrip, 7i xPV(Tcf» V y-ctpyapiTaLSf 7) lixaTitffMp Pearls, or expensive Cloth-
or gold, or pearls, or a garment ing,
iroAureAei, l0aXXy, (b irpeirei yvpai^iv GTray- 10 but with good Works,
expensive, but, (whichis becoming for women. under- which become Women un-

* ALEXANDRIA!* MANUSCRIPT.—3. for—Omit. X 6. th« TESTIMONY—omit.

Spirit and Truth. 9. arid the—omit.
X 20. 2 Tim. ii. 17,14. J 20. 1 Cor. v. 5. +2. Ezra vi. 10; Eom. xiil. 1
t 3. Rom. xii. 2 ; 1 Tim. v. 4. I i. Ezek. xviii. 23; John iii. 16,17; Titus ii. 12; 2 Pet
iii. 9. I 4. John xvii. 3; 2 Tim. ii. 25. X 5. Rom. iii. 29, 30; x. 12; Gal.iii. 20
t 5. Heb. viii.6: ix, 15. t 6. Matt. xx.28; Mark x. 45; Eph.i.7; Titus ii. 14. £ f.
Eph. iii. 7,8; g Tim. i. 11. t 9. 1 Pet. iii. 3,4.
Chap. 2 : 11.] I. T I M O T H Y . [C%>.3: 7.

yeXojxevais QeocrefSsiav,} 5Y epyooy aya- dertaking the worship of

taking worship of God,) by means of works good. God.
6cou. ll
TVVT] €V 7}(Tvx^ fiavOaveroo ei> Ttao~r\in 11 Let a Woman learn
Quietness with All Sub-
A woman in quietness let learn with all
virorayr}. ^TvvaiKi 5e 5i§ao"/cefj> OVK eirirpeTrot), 12 for J I do not permit
submission. A woman but to teach not I permit, a Woman to teach, % or to
ovfie avQevreiv avdpos, aAA.' zivai ev rjcrvxta- assume authority over a
nor to assume authority over a man, but to be in silence. Man, but to be quiet.;
A5afi yap irpccros eirXacrdr), etra ~Eva. 14 Kai 13 for J Adam was form-
Adam for first was formed, theia Eve. And ed first, and then Eve.
14 And J Adam was not
Ada/x OVK 7}ira77)Brj' i) Se yvvq airar^Qeicra, €v deceived; b u t the WOMAN
Adam not was deceived; the but woman having been deceived, in having been * deceived, be-
irapafiacrei yeyovem 15 (rcoOrjo'erai 5e dia rr}s came a Transgressor j
transgression became; she will be preserved but through the 15 but she shall be pre-
served throughout CHILD-
T€Kvoyovias, eav fieivcocnj/ €V rncrrei Kai ayairr) BEARING, if they abide in
child-bearing, if they abide in faith and love
Faith, and Love, and Holi-
Kai ayiacr/xcf /nera (ToocppocvyTj^. ness, with Sobriety of
and holiness with sobriety of mind. mind.
K E $ . y'. 3 . CHAPTER I I I .
Hurras 6 Xoyos' Ef ris eirio'KoirTjs opeyerai, 1 This SAYING is Trae>
True the word; If any one an oversight longs after,
If any one longs after an
2 J Overseer's office, he de-
KaXov epyov eirtdvuet. A e * ovv rov eirLcrtco- sires an Excellent Work.
excellent a work he desires. I t behoves then the overseer
2 X The OVKESKEB, then
Trow avtiriXyirrov eivai, juiias yvvaiKos avdpa, must be irreproachable, a
unblamable to be, of one wife ahusband, Husband of One Wife,
vrjcpaXioi/, crcocppova, KOO~/LLIOP9 (piXo^zvov, didaK- vigilant, sedate, orderly,
vigilant, sedate, orderly, hospitable, fit to hospitable, J fit to teach;
3 3 J not a wine-drinker,
riKov ixr\ irapoivov, p,r) irXrjicryv, aXX* eirtei-
feach; not a wine drinker, n o t astriker, but gen- no striker, but gentle, not
4 quarrelsome, Jnot a lover
/c?7, afiaxov, aduXapyvpov rov iBiou oitcov of money;
tie, not quarrelsome, uotalovenof money; of the owa house
4 presiding well over his
KaXoos irpoicrrajxevov^ reKva exo^ra zv virorayr} OWN Family, + having the
well presiding, children having in subjection Children in Subjection with
\iera irao"r]s o'e/x^orrjros' (ei 5e TLS rou tdiov All Dignity;
with all dignity; (if but any one of the own 5 (but if any one knows
GiKov irpocrryvai OVK. OLSC, ircas etcKXrjo'ias 6eov not how to preside over
house to preside not knows, bow a congregation of God his OWN Family, how ca~i
6 he take care of a Congrega
eirificX^arerai;) fir) j/eocpvrou, Iva /xrj rv<poo- tion of God ?)
will he take care of ?) not anew convert, so that not being
6 Not a New convert,
6eis eis Kpifxa e/Aireo-rj rov dta/3oXov ? 8e* 8e lest being puffed up, he
jiuffedupintoajudgmeHthemayfallofthe accuser; it behoves but may incur the Judgment

avrop Kai fiaprvpiau KaXt}v €X €lJ/ a7r0 rooi/

^ca~ Of the ENEMY.
him also a testimony good to have from those out- 7 And he must eresi
have a good Testimony
Oev, Iva fi7] €ts ov€io~LO~[ioi' efiireo'ri Kai irayifiatfrom THOSE WITHOUT,
Side, BO that not into reproach he may fall and a snare that he may not fall into
rov fiiafioXov. reproach and J a Snare of
nfthe accuser. the ENEMY.

* AIEXAHDBIAN MAWtrscKirT.—14. wholly deceived.

i 12. 1 Cor. xiv. 34. X 12. Eph. v. 24. J 13. Gen i. 27; ii. 18, 22; 1 Cor. xi. 8, 9.
i 14. Gen. iii. 6; 2 Cor. xi. 3. J 1. Acts xx. 28; Phil. i. 1. I 2. Ti+ns. i. 6, &c,
{ 2. 2 Tim.ii. 54. t 3. Titus i.7. $ 3. 1 Pet. v. 2. J 4. TItu* 0. ;7
icts xxii. 12 ; 1 Cor. v. 12; 1 Thess. iv. IS. t f. % Tim. ii. 20,
. «p. 3 : 8.3 I. TIMOTHY. [Chap.4*'. 1.

8 8 J Assistants i n like
AICLKOVOVS cbaavrcas crefAVovs, ju.77 S t A o y o u s ,
Servants in like manner dignified, not
maimer ought to be seri-
ous, not deceitful in speech,
fir] otvcf) iroWcp irpocrexopraSj ju.77 aLO'xpoK^p- } n o t being addicted to
not to wine much being addicted, not eager for base
9 much Wine, n o t eager for
Sets, zxovras r o
P-vo"rr}piov TT]S Trio'recos ep base g a i n ;
gain, holding the secret of the faith in 9 holding t h e S E C R E T of
KaOapq O'vpeifirjo'ei. Kcu ovroi
Se SoKt/xa^ecr- t h e F A I T H with a P u r e
a pure conscience. Also these but let be proved Conscience.
Qcaaav irpccrop, etra SiaKoveiTcvcrap, aveyKKrjroL 10 B u t let These also be
first, then let serve, unblamable proved first, then let them
ovTts. Tvpcunas cocravrcos (TejxvaSy p-f] 8 t a - serve, being unblamable.
being. Women in like manner serious, not ac- 11 J Let t h e Women in
ftoXovs^ i>7)(pa.\iovS) iricTTas ep irao'i. 12
Aiaxo- like manner be serious, not
cuser», vigilant, faithful in all things. Servants accusers, vigilant, faithful
in all things.
VOL eo'rcoo'ap jxias yvuaiicos apfipes, reicpcop
let be of one wife a husband, children
12 L e t Assistants be
H u s b a n d s of One Wife,
KaXoos TtpoiTrafxzvoi tcai TO>P LSIOOP OIKOOP. 1 3 O t presiding well over their
well presiding over and oftthe own houses. Those OWN Families.
yap Ka,Au>sSLaKOVT)(rai/T€S, fiaBfiov iavrois Ka- 13 For T H O S E H A V I N G
for well having served, a standing for themselves honor. S E R V E D well, acquire for
\ov irepnroiovpTai, K<XL TrokXyv ep themselves an honorable
able they acquire, and much in Station, a n d Much Confi-
14 dence i n T H A T Faith which
Trterret ry ep Xpitfrcp IrjO~ov. T a u r a crot ypa- is i n Christ Jesus.
faith in t h a t i n Anointed Jesus. These things*qjthee I
14 These things I write
(pa), eXirifav eXdeip irpos ere raxiop' eap 5 6 to Thee, hoping to come to
write, hoping to come to thee very soon; if bu.*- thee very s o o n ;
ftpaZvPoo, Ipa eidrjs, iroos Set ep oiKcp Oeov 15 b u t if I should delay,
I ahoulddelay.thatthouniayest know, how it behoves in a house of God so t h a t t h o u mayest know
apaGrrpecpzcrOai, TJTIS ea'rip efc/cA^crta Oeov QOOP- how to conduct thyself i n
to conduct thyself, which is a congregation of God liv- t God's House, which is- a
i6 Congregation of t h e living
TOS. ^$,Tv\os KCU edpaiccfxa TT]S aXyOeias Kat God.
iag. A pillar and basi8 of the truth and
16 f A Pillar and Foun-
bfioXoyoufiepcos fxeya £<TTI TO rr)s eu(re/3ems' dation of t h e T R U T H , a n d
confessedly great is the ofthe piety confessedly great, is t h e
(jt.v(rT7]piop' * e O s ecpapepcoOr] euo'apKi, efitKauadr] SECRET Of P I E T Y ; J * H e
secret; Who was manifested in flesh, was justified who w a s manifested i n
ep TTP€Vj^ari, axpOrj ayyeXois, eKTjpvxOrj ep Flesh, was justified i n
jn spirit, was seen by messengers, was>proclaimed among Spirit, w&s seen by Mes-
sengers, was proclaimed
edpeo'LP, eTrL(TT€v6ri ep Kocr/xcf, apeXrjcpdrj ep among Nations, was b e -
nations, was believed among a world, was taken up lieved o n i n t h e World,
doty. was taken u p i n Glory.
KE<?». l ' . 4 . CHAPTER I V .
1 1 .But t h e S P I R I T J ex-
T o 8e Trpev/xa purees Xeyei, on ep
vcrrepois pressly says, That i n subse-
The but spirit expressly says, that in subsequent
quent Seasons, some wil
Kaipois a?roo~T7]o'opTai. ripes TT]S irio'Teoos, 7rpocr- apostatize from t h e F A I T H ,
seasens will fall away some from the faith, ad- giving heed to J deceitful
zxovr*s TiPevjxacn itXapois KCLL S t S a c / m A t a t y Spirits, a n d £ to Teachings
tiering to spirits wandering and to teachings of D e m o n s ;
* ALEX. Ms.—It is doubtful whether this word was originally 0 2 who, or © 2 God.
t 16. This is according to the pointing of Griesbach. Nearly all the ancient MSS., and
all the versions have "He who," instead of " God," in this passage. This has been adopted.
The latter reading, however, is also according to the analogy of the faith, and well supported.
t 8. Acts vi. 3. t 8. Lev. x. 9. t 11. Titus ii. 3. J 15. Eph. ii. 21, 22;
2 Tim. ii. 20. I 16. John i. 14; 1 John i. 2. J 1. John xvi. 13; 2 Thess. ii. 3;
2 Tim. iii. 1; 2 Pet. iii. 3. . J 1. 2 Tim. iii. 13; 2 Pet. ii. 1. % 1. Dan. xi. 35, 37, 88{
Chap. 4: SJ I. TIMOTHY. tOhap.tx 12.
daifiopiwp, 2
ey viroKpio~€i xpevfioXoyoop, Ketcav- 2 [misled] by the J Hy-
of demons, by hypocrisy of false-speakers, having pocrisy of false teachers;
T7}piaoffi€j/Q)p TTJP idiap <rvv€idr](npi 3 KOOXVOVTOOP whose OWN J Conscience
been cauterized the own conscience, forbidding has been seared;
ya/neip, airex^crdai ^pcof^aTcop, a 6 Oeos ZKTI- 3 forbidding % marriage,
to marry, to abstain from foods, which the God created and X the use of Poods
<rev eis fxeTaXijipip fxera evx^p^CTias rois TTKT- which GOD created in or-
der to be partaken of with
for a partaking of with thanksgiving by the faithful
4t % Thanksgiving by the
rots Kai eireypcoKoo'i TTJP aXrjdeiap. Ori irap BELIEVERS, even by those
ones and they have known the truth. Because every
who have recognized this
KTicrfxa Oeov KaXop, Kai ovSep airo^Xrjrop, fxera T E U T H ; —
creature of God good, and nothing castaway, ruth 4 That % Everything
GvxapMTTias Xafxftapo/uiepop' ayia^erai yap dia Created by God f is good,
thanksgiving being received; it ia sanctified forthrough and nothing is to be re-
Xoyov dtov rcai eyrcv^ecos. 6
Tavra viroTi6e/j,€- jected, being received with
a word of God and of prayer. These things setting forth Thanksgiving;
5 since it is sanctified
vos TOLS a$eX(pois, KaXos ecrp diaKOPos Irjo'ov through the Command of
to the brethren, good thou wilt be a servant of Jesus God, and by Prayer.
XpKTToVj ePTpecpofxepos TOIS Xoyois TTJS irio'Teccs 6 Setting forth These
Anointed, being nourished with the words of the faith things before the BEETH-
Kai TTJS KaXrjs dib*ao~KaXias, rj iraprjKoXovOi]- EEN, thou wilt be a Good
and of the good teaching, which thou hast closely Servant of * Christ Jesus,
| imbued with the WOEDS
teas. 7 Tovs 5e flefirjXovs Kai ypaccdeis fxvOovs of the EAITH, and the
followed. The but profane and old women fables GOOD Teaching which thou
irapaiTov yv[xva& de creavrov irpos evcrefietav. hast closely followed.
do thou avoid; discipline but thyself for piety. 7 But J avoid PROPANE
'H yap aoo/uariKT] yvfxpao'ia irpos oXiyov eo'Tip and Silly Fables, and train
The for bodily discipline for alittle itis thyself for Piety;
'xfteXi/ios' 7] 5e ev&efieia irpos iravra cocpeXijUos 8 for BODILY Training
profitable; the but piety for all things profitable is profitable for a little;
J but PIETY is profitable
.:O~TIV, eirayyeXiav exovo'a £OOT)S TTJS VVP Kai for all things, % having a
I t IS, a promise having of life of the now and Promise of the PEESENT
TI}S jiieXXovaris. Uicrros 6 Xoyos Kai iracri}s Life, and of THAT which is
of that about coming. True the word and of all EUTUEE.
airoZoxys a^ios.
Eis rovro 9 This SAYING is True,
yap "*[«:ai]
acceptance worthy. In order to this and worthy of All Recep-
/or [also]
tcoirioofx^v Kai oP€i8iCoju.e$a, on rjXiriKa/uep eiri 10 For on this account,
we toil and are reproached, because we have hoped in
we toil and * are re-
0€cf favriy Ss eo~Ti creoTijp iravroov apdpcoircop, proached, Because we hope
God living, who is a preserver of all men, in the living God, % who is
/jiaXicrra TTIO'TOOP. u
TIapayyeXXe ravra Kai a Preserver of All Men, es-
especially of believers. Do thou enjoin these things and pecially of Believers.
12 11 These things enjoin
diSaa'Ke. Mrjfieis crov TTJS P€OTT)TOS Karacppo- and teach.
do thou teach. No one thee the youth let despise,
12 Let no one despise
veiTco, aXXa rviros yipov TCOP TTICTTCCV ev Xoycp,Thy YOUTH; but ^become
but a pattern become thou of the believers in word, a Pattern of the BELIEV-
ev avao~Tpo(pr), ep ayairp, sv irio"T€i, ep aypeia. ERS, in Word, in Conduct,
n eonduct, in love, in faith, in purity. in Love, in Faith, in Purity.

* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—6. Christ Jesus. 10. also—omit. 10. earn-

sstly strive.
+ 4. for this purpose, or for food, or for being partaken of—ver. 3.
J 2. Matt. vii. 15; Rom. xvi. 18; 2 Pet. ii. 3. J 2. Eph. iv. 19. $ 3. Heb. ztii. I.
f 8. Rom. xiv. 3. % 3. Rom. xiv. 6; 1 Cor. x. 30. I 4. Rom. xiv. 14, 20; 1 Cor. x. i5>
J 6. 2 Tim. iii. 14,15. t 1- 1 Tim. i. 4; vi.20; 2 Tim. ii. 16, 23; iv.4; Titus L 14,
t 8, 1 Tim. vi. 6. i 8. Psa. xxxvii. 4; Ixxxiv. 11; cxii. 2, 3; cxlv. 10; Matt. vi. £b; xix
29; Mark x. 30 • Rom. viii. 28. 110. Job vii. 20; Pea. xxxvi. ©. £ 12. Titus li. /"
Chap. 4: 13.] I. T I M O T H Y . {Chap.S : 8.
Ecos epxoftat, irpoo~€X€ T
V dvayvwrrti, TTJ 13 Till 1 come, attend
Till I come, attend thou to the reading, to the to the READING, to the
14 EXHORTING, t o t h e TEACH-
7rapaK\7}(T€Li ry Sidao'KaXiq. MT? a/xeXei ING.
exhorting, to the teaching. Not betbouneglectful
14 J Neglect not that
TOV ep <TOL xaPL(rfJiaT0Si ° tSoOvj &oi dta
irpo- ENDOWMENT in thee,
ofthein thee endowment, wuichwasgiven to thee through proph- which was imparted to
<prjT€iast /j.era eTnOetfews reap ^ipcop TOV irpea"- thee through Prophecy,
ecy, with laying on of the hands of the elder- with Imposition of the
ls HANDS Of t h e E L D E R S H I P .
jSurepfou. Taura fieXera, ep TOVTOIS
KTQL' 15 Make These things
ship. These things do thoucare for,in these thingsbethou; thy care; he occupied in
iva <rov 7] TrpoKcnry) (pavepa y ep iracriv. them; so that Thy PRO-
so that of thee the progress manifest maybe in all things. GRESS may he manifest in
16 m all things.
E7rexe (reairraj, Kai TTJ §idao~KaXiq eirifxeve
Attend thou to thyself, and to the teaching; continue t h o u 16 % Attend to thyself
and to the TEACHING;
avrois' TOVTO yap iroiooVy Kai creavrov o~ooo~eis continue in them; for by
in them; this for doing, both thyself thou wilt save doing this thou wilt save
Kai rovs aKovovras o"ov. both Thyself, and % THOSE
and those hearing thee. who HEAR thee.

KE<J>. e'. 5 . CHAPTER V.

1 Chide % not an Elderly
Tlpcfffivrepw lit] 67rt7rA7]^s, aXXa wapaKa- man, but exhort him as a
An elderly man not thou mayest chide, but exhort Father; Younger men, as
Xei ws irarspa' vecarepovs, ws afieXcpovs1 Brothers;
as a father; younger men, as' brothers; 2 Elderly women as
Mothers; Younger women
irpefffivrepas, as fx^repas' veoorepas, CDS a5eA~ as Sisters, in all Purity.
elderly women, as mothers; younger women, as sis- 3 Support THOSE "Wid-
<pas, ev 7ra<ry ayvsiq. 3
Xrjpas Tijjia, ras OVTWS ows who are really Wid-
ten, in all purity. Widows honor, those really
4 But if Any Widow has
Xnpo-s. Ei 8e TIS %y\pa reKva t\ cKyova $%€h Children or Grand-child-
widows. If but any widow children or grandchildren has, ren, let these be taught
fiav 6 av CTCC a av irpoorov TOP IZIOP OIKOPevcrefieiv, first to be dutiful to their
let them be taught first the own house to be dutiful, OWN Family, J and to ren-
der proper returns to their
Kai a/xoifias aTrofiifiovai TOIS rrpoyovois'
and arecompense to render acceptable in the sight of
t o the progenitors;
yap eo"Tip airofteKTou CPOOTTLOP TOV Seov. 5 CH GOD.
for is acceptable in presence of the God. She 5 % Now SHE who is
really a WIDOW, and hav-
a KaL
5e ovToos % ^ P ^iMovoo/jiepr} TQXTVIKZP €7rt TOP ing been left alone, hopes
but really a widow and having been left alone he hoped in t h e in GOD, and continues in
0eov, Kai Trpoor/uiepet Tais $€7io~€0~i KaiTais Trpoo-- ERS Night and Day;
God, and continues in the supplications and in the pray-
6 But J SHE, living in
eir^cus PVKTOS Kai rjfxepas' 6 i) Se criraTaXooo-a, SELE-INDULGENCE, is
c r» night and day; she but luxuriously, dead.
£a>cra T€0pr)K€. ? Kat TavTa irapayysXXey iva 7 t A n d enjoin these
liring has died. And these things enjoin, so that things, so that they may
8 be unblamable.
av^iriXy\'KT0i waiv. Et 5e TIS TOOP idtcav, Kai 8 But if any one provide
unblamable ones they may be. If butany oneforthoseof own, and
not for his OWN relatives,
•laXiffTa TUP oiKeitav, ov irpovozi, TT}P TTICTTIP t and especially for *his
especially of the household, n o t provides, the faith Family, he has denied the


t 14. 2 Tim. i. 6. t 16. Acts xx. 28. \ 16. James v. 20. t 1 Lev. xix. 82.
A. Gen. xlv. 10,11; Matt. xv. 4», Eph. vi. 1, 2. J 5. 1 Cor. vi. 32. X 6 James v. 8.
1.1 Tim. i. S siv.*l * vi. 17. t 8. Isa. lviii. 7; Gal. vi. 10.
(Map. 5 s 9.] I. T I M O T H Y {Chap. 5 : 18.


X.7}pa :FAITH, and is worse thaa
oas denied, and is an unbeliever worse. A widow an Unbeliever.
9 Let not a Widow be
KaraXeyeadoo fit) eXarrov erwv e^Kovra. ytyo- enrolled less than sixty
let be enrolled not less of years aix.ty having Years old, J having beei*
vvia, evos avdpos yvvr], 10 ev epyois fcaXois jxap- a Wife of One Husband,
beeoiue, of one husband a wife, by works good being 10 well reputed for goo?
TvpovfJievT)' ei GreKvorpo(f>T]Q~ej/9 €i e£evo5o%77- Works; whether she has
attested; if she reared a family, if she received
reared a family, or % en-
tertained strangers, or
cref, €i ayicov irofias evitytv, ci OXifio/mevois J washed the Saints' Feet,
strangers, if of holy ones feet she washed, if afflicted ones or relieved the Afflicted,
€Trr}pK€(T€V, €i ivavri epytf ayaOcp cjrrjKoXovdncre.or closely followed Every
she relieved, if every work good she closely followed. good Work.
11 11 But reject Younge?
Necyr6pas de^(7]pas irapairov dray yap Karacf- Widows, for when they
Younger but widows reject; when for they may become wanton against
rp7]viacroocri rov Xpurrov, ya/j,£iv QeXovffiv the ANOINTED one- they
be wanton towards the Anointed, to marry they wish; wish to marry;
exov&ai Kpijxa, Sri rt]V Trpcorrjv TTHTTIV 12 incurring Condemna-
having condemnation, because the first fidelity tion, Because they have
13 violated their EIEST Fideli-
Tjderrjo'ay a\xa 5e Kai apyai fiavdavovci
they violated; atthesametimeand also idle ones they learn ty-
13 J And at the same
Trepiepxofievoi ras oiKias' ov povov 5e apyai, time also, they learn to be
to go about the houses; not only but idleones, idlers, gadding about to
aXXa Kai (f)Xvapoi Kai irepizpyoi, XaXovcrai ra the HOUSES ; and not only
but also praters and busybodies, speaking the things idlers, b u t also Praters and
14 Busybodies, speaking IM-
fxr] Seovra. BovXo/ ovv veeorepas ya/ueiy, PROPER T H I N G S .
not proper, I wish therefore younger ones to marry, 14 J 1 desire, therefore,
reKvoyoveiv, oiKo8€o"7ror€ivf firfiejiiav acpopfX7]v the Younger Widows to
td bear children, to keep house, no opportunity marry to bear children, to
keep house, | t o give No
didovai rcc avTiKeijAsva) XoiSopias xaPlv- 15
W-dr) Opportunity to the OPPO-
to give to the opponent of reproach on account. Already NENT for reproach;
16 15 since some have al-
yap rives e^crpaTc^o'ay OTVKTOO rov crarava. E *ready turned aside after
for turned aside after the adversary If t h e ADVEESAEY.
TIS [irurros 77] iricrrT) e ^ e j x ^ p a s , eirapKeiroo16 If any believer of
any ^believingman or] believing woman has widows, let such support either sex have Widows,
let such support them, and
avrais, Kai fxrj fiapeurOca r) eK/cATjcria, Iva rais let not the CONGEEGATION
them, and not let burden the congregation, BO that those be burdened, so that it
may relieve J THOSE who
ovTcos xwpats €"7rapK€o"r]. 1/ O / tcaXoos Trpoecrrco- are EEALLY Widows.
really widows may be relieved. The well presid-
17 Let J the ELDEES
res irpeaftvrepoi SnrXys rifx'qs a^iovadoocav who P E E S I D E well J be es-
ng elders double honor let be esteemed worthy; teemed worthy of Double
Honor, especially THOSE
IxaXicrra 01 KOTrioovres ev Xoycp Kai didacrxaXia. who TOIL in Word and
especially those toiling in word and teaching. Teaching;
18 18 for the SCEIPTUEE
/ieyei yap r\ ypa(p7]' Bow aXooovra ov (pijuco-
Says for the writing} An ox treading not thou shalt says, £"Thou shalt not
"muzzle an Ox threshing;"
crzis' Kai' a^ios 6 epyarr]S rov fxiaOov avrov. and, }' c The LABOEEE is
muzzle; and; worthy the laborer of the hire of himself. worthy of his E E W A E D . "

* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—16. "believing man, or—omit.

X 9. 1 Tim. iii. 2. t 10. Acts xvi. 15; Heb. xiii. 2; 1 Pet. iv. 9. X 10. John xiii. 5,
U. X 13. 2 Thess. iii. 11. X 14. 1 Cor. vii. 9. X 14. 1 Tim. vi. 1; Titus ii. 8«
% 16. verses 3, 5. X 17. Rom. xii. 8; 1 Cor. ix. 10,14; Gal. vi. 6; Phil. ii. 29; 1 Thess. v.
12,13; Heb. xiii. 7,17. t 17- Acts xxviii. 10. | 18. Deut xxv. 4; 1 Cor. ix. 9.
X 18. Lev. xix. 13 j Dent. xxiv. 14,15; Matt. x. 10 ; Livke x. 7.
Oliap. 5 : 19.] I. TIMOTHY. [Cfeop.6:3.

KaTa Trptrffivrepov Karrjyopiav /J.7] irapaSe- 19 Against an Elder re-
Againat an elder an accusation not do thou ceive not an Accusation,
X0Vi GKT0S €1 /JL7) 67TJ dvO 7] TplWV {XapTVp&V.
in any case, without Two
receive, without if not by two or three witnesses. or Three Witnesses.
T o u s ajxapravovras? evamiov iravroov eXeyx*, 20 *But $ THOSE who
The sinning ones, in presence of all reprove thou, SIN reprove before all, so
Iva Kai ot Xonroi (pofiov expert. that the BEST also may
so that also the remainder fear may have.
Aia/n.apTupo/j,ai evcowiov rov deov Kai *[_KV- thee 21 J I solemnly enjoin
I solemnly enjoin in presence of the God and [Lord]
in the presence of
GOD and of * Christ Jesus,
pioyj lyjcrov Xpurrov Kai rcov cKXeKrcov ayye- and of the CHOSEN Mes-
Jesus Anointed and ofthe chosen mes-
ls sengers, that thou keep
Xccv, iva, ravra (pvXatys x°°P TrpoKpi/maros These things without pre-
eengers, that these tilings thou mayest keep without prejudice judice, doing Nothing by
jU^Sei/ TTOIOOV Kara. irpoo~KXicriv. XeLpas Partiality.
nothing doing by partiality. Hands 22 % Lay Hands hastily
Taxecus jLLr/Sevi cTriridei firjd^ KOivcoveia/jiapriais on no one, J and be not a
hastily to no one do thou put and notdo thou share in sins partaker in Others' Sins;
aXXorpiais* ^eavrov ayvov Tripe i. ^sMr}Ken keep Thyself pure.
with others. Thyself pure do thou keep. No longer
23 (Be no longer a
vSpoTTOTti, aAA.' oivcp oXiycp XP°° °^La Water-drinker, but use a
be thou a water-drinker, but wine a little do thouuseonacccountof little Wine on account of
rov GTOjxaxov *[<TQV~\ Kai ras irvKvas crov thy STOMACH, and thy
the . stomach [ofthee] and the frequent ofthee EEEQUENT Weaknesses.)
aadeveias. ^TIPOOV avdpcoircov at ajxapriai 24 J The SINS of some
weaknesses. Of some men the sins
Men are previously mani-
trpobrjXoi €L(fi, Trpoayovtfai eis KpiCtv ricri 5e fest, leading on to Judg-
previously manifest are, beforelencling to judgment; in sornebut
ment; but in some, in-
Kai €Tra.KoXov6ov(Tiv, 25 'Qcravroos Kai ra KaXa deed, they follow after.
indeed they follow after. In like manner also the good
25 * And so GOOD
€pya irpoSrjAa carrr Kai ra aXXws exoPTa>
DEEDS also are previously
Works previously manifest are; and the things otherwise being,
manifest, and THOSE which
Kpv^7]vai ov fivparai. cannot be ARE OTHERWISE
to be hidden not are able.
KE$. s'. 6. CHAPTER VI.
'Ocroi eio'iv VTTO £vyov fiovXoi, rovs iBiovs 1 Let as many $ Bond-
A» many as are under a yoke slaves, the own servants as are under a
$€0"troras iracTjs TL/ULTJS a£iovs r)y€ia'6'oocrap, Iva Yoke, esteem their OWN
masters of all honor worthy let them esteem, that Masters as worthy of All
(XT] TO ovop,a rov deov Kai r) dibaCKaXta /3Aacr- Honor; $ that the NAME
notthe name ofthe God and the teaching maybe of GOD and the TEACHING
(prjfirjrai. 2
O i 5 e iriffrovs exovres deenroras, may not be reviled.
reviled. Those and believing having masters, 2 And let not THOSE
ju.77 Kara<ppoveiroo(Tay, on adeXcpoi eio'iP' aXXa HAVING Believing Masters
riot let them disregard, beGause brethren they are; but disregard them, J Because
fiaXXov dovXevercoo'av, on irio'roi, ei&i Kai they are Brethren; but
rather let them serre, because believing ones they are and rather serve, Because they
ayairrjroi 01 TTJS ev€py€o*tas avriXafx^avofJievoi. are Believers and Beloved,
beloved o»es who ofthe well-doing are recipients. who are RECIPIENTS of
Tavra StSacffce, Kai irapaKaXci. 3
Et ris the BENEEIT. J These
These things do thou teach, and do thou exhort. If any Due things teach and exhort.
erepo8i$ao'KaXeii Kai JJLT) trpocrspxtTai byiai- 3 If any one $ teach dif-
teach differently, and not assents to being ferently, and assent not to

* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—20. But THOSE. 21. Lord—omit. 21. Christ

Jesus. 23. ofthee—omit. 25. And so GOOD DEEDS also.
t 20. Gal. ii. 11,14 ; Titus i. 13. t 21. 1 Tim. vi. 13; 2 Tim. ii. 14; iv. 1. J 22.
Acts vi. 6; xiii. 3 ; 1 Tim. iv. 14; -2 Tim. i. 6. J 22. 2 John 11. J 24. Gal. v. 19.
1 1. Eph. v i . 5 ; Col.iii. 22; Titus ii. 9; 1 Pet. ii. 18. { 1. Isa.lii. 5; Bom. ii.24; Titus
ft. 5, 8. I 2. Col. iv. 1. t 2. 1 Tim. iv. 11. t 3. 1 Tim. i. 8%.
Chap. 6 : 4.} I. TIMOTHY. tChap.6: 13.

vovffi Xoyois TOLS TOU Kvpiov IrjcrovTHOSE Sound "Words of

sound i n words in those of t h e Lord ••' our LOKD Jesus Christ, and
ofus Jesus
XpicrroUy Kai TT? Kars cvcrefiiav Sidao-fcaXtq' to that TEA CITING which is
Anointed, and t o t h a t according t o piety teaching; according to Piety,
rervcpcorai, {x^hsv e7^o"'Ta/u.e/>os•, aXXa voffoov 4 he is puffed up, being
h e is puffed u p , nothing being versed i n , ' b u t being sick master of Nothing, but is
Tvepi £r)T7](r€LS KCU Xoyofiaxias, e£ oov ycverai distracted about J Ques-
about questions a n d strifes of words, o u t o f w h i c b . arises tions and Verbal conten-
(pOoi/os, epts, £}Aa(T(f)7]/u.LaL, virovoiai Trovrjpai, tions, out of which arise
envy, strife, evil-speakings, suspicions wicked, Envy, Strife, Bevilings,
diairaparpifiai diecpQapfievcw avOpcoTrooy rov evil Suspicions,
wranglings having been corrupted of men the 5 Wranglings of Men
vow, Kai aire(TTepr}/JL€UO)U TT/S aXr\Beias^ vofxi^ov- corrupted in MIND, and
mind, and b a r i n g been devoid ofthe truth, destitute of the TRUTH,
roov TToptcr/aou eivai T7)v evcefieiav. ^iA<picr- Xsupposing PIETY to be
}ng gain t o be the piety. [Withdraw GAIN.

racro airo rccv roiovnavJ\ 6

E t r r i 5e ^jptcuos 6 But J PIETY with a
t h y s e l f from of t h e such ones.] I t is but jai? Competency is great Gain.
IJLGyas 7] evcrefieia fiera avrapKtias. "' GvS^y 7 For we brought Noth-
great the piety with a competency. Nothing ing into the WORLD, and it
yap ei(T7]V^yKafxev eis rov KOO-/HOV *[§??/\.OJ%] is evident that we are not
for we b r o u g h t into the world; [evident-]
able to carry anything out;
8 • § and J having supplies
bri ovfie e^eveyKeiv n dvua/meOa. Exovres fie
t h a t n e i t h e r t o carrry o u t a n y t h i n g are we able. Having and flf Food and Clothing, with
Siarpocpas Kai aKiirarr/j,aray rovrois apicecrOr}' These let us be satisfied.
foods and coverings, with these things we-shallbe 9 But J T H O S E WISHING
(To/JLe9a. Ql 8e fiovXofievoi irXovreiv, efiirnr- to be rich fall into a Tempt-
satisfied. Those b u t wishing t o be rich, fall ation, and a Snare, and in-
rovaiv eis ireipacrfiov Kai iraytSa, Kai eTriOujuias to many foolish and injuri-
into a temptation a n d a snare, and desires ous Desires, which sink
noXXas avor]TOvs Kai fiXafiepas? alrives fivOi- Men into Destruction and
many foolish and hurtful, which sink utter Ruin;
{overt, rov avQpooirovs eis oXaOpov Kai aircoXeiav. 10 J for a Boot of All
deep the men i n t o destruction a n d ruin. kinds of Evil is the LOVE
'Pi{a yap ivavroov roov naicoov eariv TJ (piXap- OP M O N E Y ; which some
A r o o t for of all of t h e evils is the love of longing after, wandered
yvpia' 7)S rives opeyofxevoi aTreirXavyjOrjcrav airo from the EAITH, and pierc-
m o n e y ; which some l o n g i n g after wandered from ed Themselves around with
T7]$ irio'recos, Kai eavrovs irepieirc-ipav odvvais many Sorrows.
the faith, and themselves pierced around w i t h s o r r o w s
ll 11 tButtfioti,OManof
iroXXats. ~2v 8e ? co avOpcoire * [ T O V ] 5eou, God! flee from ttiese things,
many. Thou but, O man [ofthe] God, and pursue Righteousness,
ravra <p€vye- SieoKe 8e ducaioo-vvrjv, evate- Piety, Faith, Patience,
these things flee; pursue t h o u and righteousness, piety, Love, Meekness.
(3eiav, TCKTTIV, ayairrji', inro/j.opr]V, irpaoryra' 12 J Maintain the GOOD
faith, love, patience, meekness;
aycovi^ov rov KaXov ayeeva rr\s TVMTTSOOS) eiri- Contest of the FAITH ;
% lay hold of AIONIAN Life,
contestthou the good contest o f t h e faith, do thou
for which thou wast called
Xafiov T7]S aiooviov (/o^s, eis r]V eKXrjOrjs, out, and didst confess the
lay hold o f t h e age-lasting life, for which t h o u wast called o u t ,
GOOD Confession in the
Kai oofxoXoyf]o~as rrjv KaXr]V bjxoXoyiav evooiriov presence of Many "Wit-
and t h o u didst confess the good confession i n presence
13 nesses.
•TTOXXOOV fxaprvpoov. TlapayyeXXeo o'oi evw-
of many witnesses. 'I charge thee in 13 I charge thee in t h e
presence of THAT GOD who
presenceofthe God, of t h a t m a k i n g alive thethings alL t makes alive ALL things,

* AiEXANDBiAN MANUSCKIPT.—5. Prom SUCH withdraw thyself—omif. 7. evident

—omit. 11. of the—omit.
t 4. 1 Tim. i. 4; 2 Tim. ii. 23; Titus iii. 9. t 5. Titus i. 11; 2 Pet. ii. 3. J 6.
Psa. xxxvii. 16 ; Prov. xv. 16. % 8. Heb. xiii. 5. X 9. Prov. xv. 27; Matt. xiii. 22;
James v. 1. J 10. Exod. xxiii. 8; Deut. xvi. 19. 111. 2 Tim. ii. 22. J 12. 1 Cor.
ix. 25, 26; 1 Tim. i. 18; 2 Tim. iv. 7- J 12. Phil. iii. 12,14; verse 19. t 13. John v. 21
Oap. 6:14.3 I. T I M O T H Y . [Chap, ft i 2 1 .

KCLI Xpitfrov Irjcrov, rov /j.aprvp7]crai/Tos ZTTI and T H A T Christ Jesus,

and Anointed Jesus, of that one testifying before J Who TESTIFIED to Poil-
IIOVTIOV UiXarov rj]v KCL\7)V d/xoXoyiap, l4
TTJ- tius Pilate t h e GOO© Con-
Pontius Pilate the good confession, to fession ;
prjcrcu (re TT]V evroAyv ao'Trihov, av^TviXf]Ttrov9 14 t h a t thou keep t h e
keep thee the commandment spotless, blameless, COMMANDMENT, being
ji^XP1 T7 5
J €iri(j>av€ias rov Kvpiov rj/ncop Irjo'ov spotless, blameless, J till
till the appearance of the Lord of us Jesrj the APPEARANCE Of OUT
Xpio'rov, 7]v KaipoLS LSLOLS ? L O R D j \ sus Christ;
Bei^ei 6 jxaKap
Anointed, which in seasons own he will show the blessea 15 w h i c h i n h i s own
Kai JJLOVOS dwacTTTis, 6 fiao'L\€vs roou jSacrtAeu- Season T H A T B L E S S E D a n d
and only Potentate, the iing of those being only Potentate will exhibit,
6 {X0V0S
kings and Lord of those being lords, and L O R D of LORDS,—•
the only
eX wv
a.Qavaa"iav, (poos OLKOOV airpoo'irov, bv €idev 16 % t h e only one P O S -
one havingdeathlessness, light dwelling in inaccessible, whom gavf SESSING Immortality, in-
ovfiets avdpooTTCov, ovde i^eu* dvvarai' cp rifxt] habiting Light inaccessi-
no one of men, nor to see is able; to whom honor ble; J whom n o one of
Men h a s seen, nor is able
KCU Kparos aiooviov afirjv.
and might age-lasting; so be it.
to s e e ; t o whom be Honor
and Might aionian. Amen.
*7 T o t s irXovcriois ev rep vvv aioovi, irapay- 17 Charge T H O S E R I C H
To those rich ones in the present age, do thou in t h e P R E S E N T Age, n o t to
yeXXe put) i)i\n)Xo<ppoi>£LV, fiySe yXiriKepai €TTI be high-minded, nor % to
charge not to be high-minded, nor to have confidence in confide in Wealth J so u n -
irXovrov aS^AoTT/Ti, aAA.' ev rap deep *[T<JJ> certain, b u t i n T H A T G O D
wealth uncertain, but in the God [the J who I M P A R T S t o u s A L L
£ W T J , ] rap irapexovri 7]pav iravra TTXOVCTICOS CLS things richly for Enjoy-
living,] in that offering to us all things richly for m e n t ;—
airoXavcnv ayaOoepyeiv, irXovreiv ev epyois
18 t o do good, $ t o be
enjoyment; to work good, toberich. in rich i n good Works, t o b e
KaXois, evfxeradorovs eivai, KOLVOOVIKOVS, 1 9 aivo- liberal, willing to bestow;
good, liberal ones to be, communicative ones, treas- 19 % treasuring u p for
drjcavpi^ovra.s iavrois defieXiov KaXov eis ro themselves a good Founda-
uringup for themselves* foundation good for the tion for t h e F U T U R E , that
/xeXXov, Iva eiriXafioovrcu rrjs ovrccs £co77S. they may lay hold of t h a t
future, so that they may lay hold of that really life. ,/ which is R E A L L Y Life.
i i Tifiodee, rt]V Trapa9r]K7}v cpvXa^op, <?«:- 20 O Timothy! J guard
O Timothy, the trust guard thou, avoid- T H A T I N T R U S T E D t o t h e e ,
$ t u r n i n g away from t h e
rpeirofievos ras fiefiTjXovs Ktwcpooi/ias /cat avri- P R O F A N E , E m p t y Sounds,
injf the profane empty sounds and oppo_ and Contradictions of t h a t
Qe&sis rr)S tyevdoovvpLov yvoocreoos' 7]V rives F A L S E L Y - N A M E D KNOW-
g ition» ofthe falsely-named know-ledge; which some LEDGE,
eirayyeXXopLevoi, irept rrjv mtfriv Tjcrrox'HO'ap. 21 which some, having
having professed, concerning the faith missed the mark. professed, % erred concern-
ing t h e F A I T H . FAVOR, be
' H xaPls i U 6 T c t GOV. with * thee.
The favor with. thee.

* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—17- the living—omit. 21. you. Subscription

t 18. Matt, xxvii. 1 1 ; John xviii. 37. J 14. Phil. i. 6,10; 1 Thess. iii. 13; v. 23.
t 15. Rev. xvii. 24; xix. 16. t 16. 1 Tim. i. 17. t 16. Exod. xxxiii. 20; John vi. 46.
X 17. Jobxxxi.28; Psa. l i i . 7 ; Ixii. 10; Mark x. £4; Luke xii. 21. t 17. Prov. xxiii. 5.
X 17. Acts xiv. 17; xvii. 25. t 18. Luke xii. 21; James ii. 5, J 19. Matt. vi. 20;
xix. 22 ; Luke xii. 33; xvi. 9. t 20. 2 Tim. i. 14; Titus i. 9 ; Rev. iii. 8. X 20. 1 Tim.*
\. 4,6; iv. 7 j 2 Tim. ii. 14,16,23; Titus i. 14; iii. 9. t 21.1 Tim. i. 6; 2 Tim. ii. 18.


KE#. a'. 1. - CHAPTER L
1 Paul, $ an Apostle of
^YlavXos^ a7ro(TToAos Irjcrov Xpiorrov 5ia Jesus Christ, by the Will
Paul, a n apostle of Jesus Anointed through of God, on account of the
6s\7)fxaTos Qtov, tear' eirayyeXiap CQJTJS rr]s ev t Promise of THAT Life
wil> of God according t o a promise Ciiife of t h a t by which is by Christ Jesus,
XptcTTo; Irjcrov, ^Tt/xodea} ayairr]Tcp reKPCf xa~ 2 X t 0 Timothy, a Be-
Anointed Jesus, t o Timothy beloved a child, fa- loved Child; favor, Mercy,
pis, eXeos* ztprjVTi airo OtovTrarpos, KaiXpiarov Peace, from God the fa-
vor- mercy, peace fiorn God afather, and Anointed ther, and from Christ Je-
lrjcrov rov ttvpiov 7]fxwp. sus our LOUD.
Jesus the Lord o-- na. 3 I am thankful to GOD,
3 03 rc (J whom from my Ances-
Xaptp iX P Q^Vt 4 ^ccrpevco airo izpo- tors I religiously serve
Gratjtu.d« I h a w t o t h e God-to whom I offer h o m a g e from an-
with, a Pure Conscience,)
yopcop (V KaOapq, o'vpei^rja^i, &>s abiaXenrrop as I have an unceasing
cestors w i t h pure conscience, as unceasingly
R E M E M B R A N C E of t h e e i n
e^w rrjp rrept crov fxpttap *v rats SeTjcrecn [xov my PRAYERS, Night and
1 have t h e concerning t h e e r e m e m b r a n c e i n t h e prayers ol m e
VVKTOS Kat 7]/j,epas< eirnrodoop c e iSap, pe/Livr)- 4 $ longing to see Thee,
night and day. longing thee t o see, remem- (being mindful of Thy
fievos Gov TODP battptveop, Ipa x P a as
TrXripcoOw* TEARS,) so that 1 may be
beri»» o f t h e » ttao tears, so t h a t joy 1 may be filled with, filled with Joy;
s 5 having a Recollection
vTTOfxvriO'iv Xafxfiavow TTJS ej> coi avv-KOKpirov also of i the UNEELGNED
a remembrance taking of t h e i n thee unfeigned
faith, which is in thee,
irio~T€u>s, 7}Tis eptpKycre jrpwrop cy TTJ /jLajxfxr, which first dwelt in thy
faith, which dwe>t first in the g r a n d m o t h e r GRANDMOTHER Lois, and

crov AooiSi, ttai ry fxrjrpt o~ov JLVPLKTJ' ireireio'iAai in +thy MOTHER lamice,
of Ui*e L o i s , a n d i n t h e m o t h e r of Vhee E u n i c e ; 1 have confidence and I am persuaded that
it dwells also in thee.
8c, ort Kai €P o~oi. 6 At 5 rfv airiav avafxifx- 6 for this reason I re-
and, t h a t aUo in tiiee. Through which cause 1 remind
mind thee % to kindle up
VT]0'K(a or* avoL^ayirvpnv ro x ^ p t 07*01 rov Qeov, 6 the EREE GIET of * G O D ,
thee t o kindle up the free gift ot t h e God, which which is m thee, through
the IMPOSITION of my
scrip iP cot 5 t a TT)S e7n0eoea>s roop xelP(CV
ja in thee through t h e p u t t i n g on of t h e hands HANDS.
7 f o r J GOD did not
fiow 1 oo yap edootcsp 7]}XLP 6 6tos §et-give to us a Cowardly
ofm«: n o t for ga*e t o u s t h e God of a spirit
Spirit, hut one of Power,
Xias, aAAa Svpafxews Kai ayairrjs KCCI aaxppopio'- and of Love, and of a
timidity, b u t of power and of l o r e and of a sound Sound mind.
fiov. M?? ovp tiraio'xvpQrjs ro fxaprvpiop 8 Therefore J be not
mind. N o t t h e r e f o r e t h o u m a y e s t b e a s h a m e d of t h e testimony ashamed of J the TESTI-
rov Kvpiov 7]fj.C0P, jU^Se e/xe TOP Sec/Atop avrov MONY of our L O R D , nor of
of t h e Lord of us, nor me the prisoner of h i m ; me J his PRISONER; but
aXXa o'vyKaKoiraOrjo'op rep evayyeXicp Kara jointly suffer evil for the
but p a r t i c i p a t e i n suffering evils for t h e glad tidings according t o GLAD TIDINGS, according
9 to the Power of THAT God,
^vpa/JLip Qeov, rov ccocapros rjfxas Kai KaXe- 9 J who SAVED us, and
power of God, of t h e one having saved us and having
X called us with a holy In-
capras KXTJCCI cVyia, ov Kara ra epya TJ/AOOP, vitation, i not according to
called w i t h a calling holy, n o t according t o t h e works of us, our WORKS, but according


1 1. 2 Cor. i. 1. t I- Eph. iii. 6; Titus i.2 ; Het>. ix. 15. X 2. 1 Tim. i. 2.

t 3. Acts xxii. 3; xxiii. 1; xxiv. 14; xxvii. 23; Rom. i. 9; Gal. i. 14. % 4. 2 Tim. iv. 9, 21.
1 5 1 Tim. i. 5- «I 5. Acts xvi. 1. 1 6. 1 Tim. iv. 14. £ 7. Rom. viii. 15,
t 8. Rom. i. 16.^ 1 8. 1 Tim. ii. 6; Rev. i.2. .18. Eph. iii. 1; Phil. i. 7. t fy
i Tii». i. 15 Titus iii. 4. t 9...1.Thess. iv. 7; Heb. iii. 1. £ 9. Titus iii. &
Chap. 1 : 10.] I I . T I M O T H Y . iChap. 1 : 1 8 .

aAAa tear' iftiav TrpoOeo-ip Kai %apip TTJP to h i s O w n Purpose, a n d

but according t o own purpose and favor that THAT FAVOK which WaS
doOetcraif r\p,iv e*> Xpiarq) ^povoov B E S T O W E D on u s i n Christ
l7]<rov rrrpo
having Tjeen given to ua in Anoiated Jesus before times Jesus, % before t h e aionian
aioovicop, *° <f>avepodd£i(rav de pvp Zia TT\Z €TTI~ T i m e s ;
age-lasting, having been manifested but now through, the ap- 10 b u t J is now mnnfest-
(paveias TOO sroorripos 7]fxooP Irjaov Xpicrrov, ed t h r o u g h t h e ARPKAE.-
pearance sf the savior of us Je3us Anointed, AJVCE of our SAVIOE,
liarapyrjO'o.vros fiep TOP daparop, fpooTicrapros * Christ J e s u s , J who h a s
having rendered powerleosimleed the death, having illuminated indeed r e n d e r e d D E A T H
Se ^O)TJU Kai OLyvapmav Bia TOV evayyeXiov,
powerless, and who has il-
but life and incc;- uptibility Jby meansof> the glad hidings,
lustrated Life a n d Incor-
11 ruptibility by t h e G L A D
eis 6 eredyjy ey&> Kripv^ Kai anroGToXos Kai
fonvhich wasappoiutea I a herald and £n apostle and
12 11 J for which £ was ap-
dfiao-KaAos *[e9pa>i>''] 5Y 7)P atrial* mat
a teacher [of nations;] through which cause also
pointed a Herald, a n d a n
Apostle, a n d a Teacher of
ravra iraffx®} «AA* OVK ziratcrxvvo/LLai' oida Nations;
these thing I suffer, but Dot I am ashamed; I know
12 J for Which Cause I
yap <$ Tr€TrL(TT€VKa9 Kai ireTrzio'fiai, OTI Svva-
for in whom I h a v ' " ' ' " v e d , and I have confided in, because povver-
also suffer These t h i n g s ;
but I am not ashamed;
TOS can TT]P '(,mpadr]K7]P fxov (pvXa^ai eis €K€iP7)P and I know i n whom. I
Jul he is the trust of me to guard to that
have believed and have
T7)p fjficpap, confided, For h e is able to
the day.
guard my ENTRUSTED
T7roTU7raxnz> &v C H A R G E till T h a t D A Y .
e%e vyiaivovrcov Xoycop,
An outline hold thou of sound words, of which 13 Rct;.'n i an Outline
trap* €fiov 7]icov(raS) ej> mcTrei Kai ayairy TT} tv of Wholesome Words,
from me thou didst hear, in faith and love in that in which thou didst hear
14L from m e , i n T H A T Faith
Xpicrrcp l7](Tov' TT\P KaXrjP TrapadyjKrjP <pvXa- and Love which are in
Anointed Jeausj the good trust do thou
Christ Jesus.
£oz> § m irpevfxaros ayiov, TOV CPOIKOVPTOS €P 14 J Guard t h e GOOD
guard through spirit holy, of that dwellling in E n t r u s t e d charge, through
TJ/MV. T H A T holy Spirit which
us. DWELLS i n n s .
15 15 Thou knowest this,
OiBas TOVTO, Sri aireo'TpacprjO'aj/ fie Traures
T h a t A l l THOSK i n A S I A
Thou knowest this, that turned away me all
t turned away from m e ; of
ol Gp Ty Aaiay wv effTi QvyeXXos Kai 'Ep/uo- whom a r e Phygellus a n d
thosein the Asia, of whom is Phygellus and Heruio_ Kerniogcnes.
yeprjs* A&n? eAeos- o Kvpios TQ> Ovrjtricpopov 16 May t h e L O R D grant
geneB. May grant mercy the Lord t o the of Onesiphoru3 Mercy J to t h e F A M I L Y of
oiKcp" on TroAAa/cJS /ue aP€\l/u^€9 aXvcrip O N E S I P H O R U S , •—Because
Kai rrjp
house; because often me herefreshed, and the chain he ofteL: refreshed Me,
v and % was n o t ashamed of
p.ou OVK £7r7}0'x vQ'>h *' « A A a yepo/x€pos ev my C H A I N ;
o/me not h s was ashamed, but having been in
17 b u t beinp; i n Kome
'PCO/J.7], o-KOvdaiorepop e^TTjcre fie, Kai cvpe- he searched for m e very
Rome, very diligently he sought me, and found. diligently, and found me-
(5o>77 avrcp 5 Kvpios evpzip eXeos Tvapa Kvpiov 18 ( M a y t h e L O R D g r a n t
may grant to h i m the Lord to find mercy from Lord to him X to find Mercy from
*P €K€IP7] Ty TjjULepq'^ Kai OCa €P "E(p€0~Cp the Lord i n That D A Y ! )
h\ that the day;) and what things in Ephesu* and how m a n y things h e
dLr}K0P7]CT€9 fieXTLOP (TV yLPGJO'K€lS. served m e i n Ephesua,
he served, very well thou knowest. tfjou knowest very well.

* ALEXANDBIAW MANUSCRIPT.—10. Christ Jesus. 11. of nations—omit.

t 9. Rom. xvi.25; E p h . i . 4; i i h l l ; Titus i. 2; l P e t . i . 20. t 10. Rom. xvi.26- Eph.
i.9. X 10. 1 Cor. xv. 54, 55; Heb. ii. 14. t 11. Acts i s . 15; Eph. iii. 7, 8 ; 1 Tim.ii. 7.
t 12. Eph. i i i . l ; 2 T i m . i i . 9. t 13. Rom. vi. 17. t 14. 1 Tim. vi.20. J 15.
2 Tim. iv. 10,16. \ 10. 2 Tim. iv. \% X 16. Acts xxviii. 20; Eph. vi. 20. ^ 18,
Matt. xxv. 84—40.
aiap. 2 : 1.] II. T I M O T H Y . [CM*- 2' 18-

KE$. /3'. 2. CHAPTER II.

1 1 &Lhflu, therefore, my
2t> ouy, TZKVOV f.wv, epfivptifiov ep ry Child, be Strong i n T H A T
T h o u therefore, child of me, be strong in the
FAVOR which is in Cirrist
X^piri rr\ €v Xpiarcp Irjffov Kai a TJKOV- Jesus.
favor in t h a t in Anointed Jesus; and t h e things t h o u didst 2 % And t h e things which
eras Trap3 e/xov 5 t a TTOXXCCP fxaprvpoop, ravra thou didst hear from me
hear from me through many witnesses, these things through Many "Witnesses,
These % e n t r u s t to Faithful
itapaQov Trtcrrots apQpooirois, o tripes ticavoi ecrop- Men, who will be $ compe-
e n t r u s t t h o u to faithful men, who competent shall
t e n t also to i n s t r u c t others.
rat KCLI erepovs 8t5a£cu. 2u ovp KaKoiraOr)- 3 Do t h o u , therefore,
be also others t o teach. Thou therefore endure evil * endure with m e hard-
crop cos KaXos arparioorrjs lycrov XpicrroVc ship, J as a Good Soldier of
as good a soldier of Jesus Anointed. Christ J e s u s .
4 % rlo one serving as a
OvSeis crrparevofxevos e/jarXeKerai rais TOV soldier embarresses him-
N o one serving as a soldier involves h i m s e l f with t h e of t h e self with t h e O C C U P A -
fiiov "n-pay/nareiais, Iva rep crrparoXoyrjcrapri T I O N S of L I F E , in order
life occupations, so t h a t t h e o n e having enlisted t h a t h e m a y please H I M
5 who E X I W S T E D him.
apecry. Eap Se "^[KCCI] aOXy ris, ov crre.- 6 And if any one con-
he m a y please. If but £ also] m a y contend any one, n o t is
tend i n t h e games, he is
cpapovrai, cap fir) po/ui/xoos aOXrio-t]. TOP KO- n o t crowned, unless h e
crowned, if not lawfully h e m a y h a v e contended. T h e tjoil- contend lawfully.
6 % T h e TOILING HUS-
rricvpra yeoopyop 5e* TTpoorov row Kapircop [i<sra-
ing h u s b a n d m a n itbehovea first of t h e fruits t o par-
BANDMAN ought first to
partake o f t h e F R U I T S -
Xa/xfiapeip. ^Noei, a Xeycv ficpr) yap 7 T h i n k of w h a t I s a y ;
take. Consider t h o u , t h e things 'I s a y ; may give for *for t h e L O R D w i l l give
t h e e U n d e r s t a n d i n g in all
croi 6 Kvpios crvpecrip ep rracri. ^Mivq/uopeve I77- things.
to thee t h e Lord understanding in all things, Do t h o u remember J e -
8 Eemember Jesus
(Tovp Xpicrrop eyr)yep/j.epop e/c pexpcop, €«; Christ of t h e J Seed of
BUS Anointed having been raised o u t of dead ones, from David, J lias been raised
from t h e 'Dead, according
crirepfiaros Aavid, Kara ro evayytXiov p,ow
tO m y GLAD T I D I N G S ;
seed of David, according t o t h e glad tidings ofme;
9 L
9 i n w h i c h I endure
ep co KaKoiraOoo ^XP Secr/xco, ws
tcaicovpyos' hardship, | even to Chains,
in which I suffer evil even t o chains, as an evil doerj as a Malefactor; J b u t t h e
aXX' 0 Xoyos rov Oeov ov S e S e T a i . Aia W O R D of G O D is not
but the word ofthe God n o t i s chained. O n a c e o u u t o f chained.
1 0 Therefore $ 1 under-
rovro iravra vTrofAsvoo 5 1a rovs eKXetcrovs, go All things on account of
this all t h i n g s I undergo on account of t h e chosen ones,
the C H O S E N people, so t h a t
pa Kai avrot crcorrjptas rv~)(,cocri rrjs ep Xpicrrcv tfjCB also m a y obtain T H A T
so t h a t also t h e y salvation may obtain of t h a t in Anointed Salvation which is in Christ
J e s u s w i t h Glory aionian.
Irjcrov, fxera do^rjs aiooviov. - Tlicrros 6 Xoyos' 11 T r u e is t h e W O R D ;
Jesus, with glory age-lasting. Truo t h e word; J F o r if we died with him,

el yap crvpaireOapo/xep, Kai crvfacrofxep' 12

et we shall also live with
if for we died with, also we shall live w i t h ; if h i m ;
12 f i f we endure pa-
VTro/j.ePO/j.GV, Kai crviJ.fiacriXevcroju.ep' ei appov- tiently, we shall also reign
we e n d u r e patiently, also w e shall reign with; if we with him, if w e disown

* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—3. endure with me hardship, as a Good Soldier of Christ

Jesus. 5, also—omit. 7- for the LORD will give thee.
X 2. 2 Tim. i. 13; iii. 10,14. t 2. 1 Tim. i. 18. t 2. 1 Tim. iii, 2; Titus i. 9.
t 3. 1 Tim. i. 18 X 4. 1 Cor. ix. 25. J 6. 1 Cor. ix. 10. J 8. E o m . i . 3, 4;
Acts ii- 30; xiii. 23. >„. , 8. 1 Cor. xv. 1, 4, 20.
X I 9. Phil. i. 7; Col. iv. 3, 18
J 9. Aetsxxviii.31; Eph. vi.19, 20; Phil. i. 13,14
t l l . a C o r . iv.8 |' - 12. Bom,
" "" " viii,
' " = ""*
17; 1 Pet.
' iv. 13, X 10. E p h . i i i . 1 3 ; Col.i.24.
J 12. Matt. x.38.
Chap. 2 : 13.] II. TIMOTHY. [Chap. 2: 21.

/xe0ct, Kqit€ivos apurjcreTai rj/nas' e i airio~Tov- him, fie also will disown

deny, also he will deny us; if faithless, u s ;

(lev, etteivos TTHTTOS fxevei' apvqo'ao'Qai eavrov 13 X if we are faithless,
he faithful remains; to deny himself be remains faithful; *for
ov Svj/arai. % he cannot deny Himself.
not he is able. 14 Remind them of
14 These things, } solemnly-
T a u r a vTTojxifXvria'Ke^ §iap.apTvpojj.€Vos ZPOO- charging them in the pres-
These things do thou put in mind, earnestly testifying in pres- ence ofthe LORD, % not to
•KIOV TOV Kvpiov, [XT] Xoyofiax^iv, eis ovSej' contend about words for
ence of the Lord, not to dispute about words, for nothing Nothing Useful, to the
Xpyo'i-fioVj em Karacrrpoirr} TOOV CLKOVOVTOOV. Subversion of the HEAR-
useful, to a subversion of those hearing. ERS.
^TTOVSCUTOJ/ aeavrop doKijuov irapao'Trjaai TCC 15 Be diligent to pre-
Be thou diligent thyself approved to present to the sent Thyself to * GOD, an
0eo>, epyaTTjv ave'waio'x^VTovi approved "Workman, irre-
opOoro/xowra proachable,
God, a workman unashamed, cutting straight
rightly treat-
ing the WORD Of TRUTH-
TOV Xoyov T7]s aXr]6eias. T a s 5e fiefirjXovs 16 % But PROFANE,
the word ofthe truth. The but profane Empty Declamations re-
Kevocfxcvias TTGpucrTaaro' eiri irXeiov yap irpoKO- sist ; for they will further
empty sounds do thou avoid; t© more for they will promote Impiety;
i\iovo~iv ao~e($€i,as, *' Kai o Xoyos avTcov oos ' y a y 17 and the WORD of
proceed impiety, and the word of them as a mor- those [men] will eat like a
Mortifying sore; of whom
ypaiva vo^rjv e | e r wv CCTTIV 'T/u^vaios Kat are % Hymenius and Phile-
tifying sore pasture will have; ©f whom is Hyroeueus and
$iXy)Tos, 1 8 olrtves wept TT)V aXrjOetav 7]G'TO- 18 who J missed the
Philetus, who concerning the tnuth missed mark with respect to the
Xyo~av, Xeyovrzs Tt]V avaaracnv 7]8)] yzyove- TRUTH, J saying that the
ihe mark, saying the resurrection already tohavehap- RESURRECTION has al-
icu, Kai avarpeirovo'i TTJV TIVOOV TTIO'TIV.
0 ready happened; and they
oened, and overturn the of some faith. The are perverting the FAITH
, of SOME.
nepToi ffrepeos 8c-/ueXios TOV Oeov ea Tr]K€j/i 19 However, the FIRM
nowever firm foundation ofthe God stands,
Foundation of GOD stands,
£X°°V T7 J/
) or<ppayi8a Tavrrjw Eyvco Kvpios TOVS having this f INSCRIPTION,
having the seal this; Knew Lord the "The LORD JknowsTHOSE
ovTas avTov fear KTVOO'T'^TOO airo afiitcias iras who ARE h i s ; " and, "Let
being of himself; and; Let depart from injustice every one EVERT ONE w h o NAMES
6 ovopiafav TO ovofxa Kvpiov. 20
E y jneyaAri de the NAME of the Lord de-
who is naming the name of Lord. In part from Iniquity."
great but
otKia OVK €CTTL fiovov O'KCVT) xpvera Kai apyvpa, 20 But in a Great House
ahouse not is only vessels golden and made of silver5
there are not only golden
and silver 'Vessels, but also
aXXa Kai £vXiva Kai ocrTpaKiva' Kai a. fxev €is wooden and earthen ones;
but also wooden and earthen; and some indeed for % some for Honor, and
ri/Jirju, a de eis ari/miav. Eav ovv TLS €KKa~ some for Dishonor.
honor, some and for dishonor. If thereforeany one should _ 21 If, then, any one en-
dapv havTov airo TOVTCOV, tcrrai CTKCVOS eis tirely purify himself from
well cleanse himself from these, he will be a vessel for these things, he will be a

* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—13. for he cannot. 15. the ANOINTED one.

t 19. Literally, a Seal, on which inscriptions were frequently engraved. Doddridge re-
marks, *' The expression is here used with peculiar propriety, in allusion to the custom ol
engraving upon some stones laid in the foundations of buildings the names of the persons hy
whom, and XA\Q purposes for which, the structure is raised: and nothing can have a greater
tendency to encourage t h e hope, and at the same time to engage the obedience of Christi-
ans, than this double inscription."
t 18. Bom. in. 3 ; ix. 6. £ 13.. Num. xxiii. 19. £ 14. 1 Tim. v. 21; vi. 13; 2 Tim.
iv. 1. t 14. 1 Tim. i. 4; vi. 4; Titus iii. 9,11. £ 16. 1 Tim. iv. 7; vi. 20; Titus i. 14.
18. 1 Cor. xv. 12. £ 19. John x-
* 17. l T i m . i. 20. t IS. 1 Tim. vi. 21. t
14, 27. See Num. xvi. 5. £ 20. Eom. ix« 21. ^
Chap. 2 : 22.] II. T I M O T H Y . [Chap. 3 : 6.

TLfX7]P, 7JJtaffflZVOV, * [ K C U ] €VXpyO~TOV TO) 8e(f- Vessel for Honor, sancti-

honor, having been cleansed, [and] of good use to the mas- fied, of good use to the
7roTr;, eis Trap epyop 7}ToifiacrpLtvov. MASTEE, J prepared for
ter, for every work good Every good Work.
having been prepared.
T a s de peoorepiKas eiridv/j.Las <p*vy€* dtcoKe 8e 22 Now flee from
The now youthful desires flee thou; pursue thoubut YOUTHFUL D E S I R E S ; but
bsiKaioo~vvr]pi TTUTTIV, ayanrrip, eiprjprjp /aera TOOV pursue Righteousness, Fi-
righteousness, faith, love, peace with those delity, Love, Peace, with
* A l l THOSE Wh.0 % INVOKE
eiriKaAovfjL€i>a>i> TOP Kvpiop ev tcadapas Kapfiias.
calling on the Lord out of pure a heart.
the L O E D from a Pure
33 Heart.
T a s Se [xcopas Kai cnraidevrovs ^rjTr](TGis ?ra- 23 $ Reject also FOOL-
The but foolish and uninstructive questions do
24 ISH and uninstructive
pairov, eiSoos, bri yeppooai /^a^as* dovXou J5e Questions, knowing That
thou avoid, knowing, that they beget contests; a bondman but they produce Contentions;
Kvpiov ou 5ei juaxevOcu, aXX3 TJTTIOP eipai itpos 24 and % a Servant of
of Lord notitbehoves to quarrel* but gentle to be to trie Lord must not be con-
TTaVTCLS) SlfiaKTlKOP, aVS^lKCLKOVy €P 1TpqOT7)Tl tentious, but be Gentle to-
all, tit to teach, enduring evil, in meekness
wards all, fit to teach, pa-
trcudtvovTa rovs aPTiBiariOe/jiepovs' /nrjTrore S^ tient under evil;
admonishing those being opposed; perhaps may give
25 J i n meekness cor-
avroLS 6 Oeos fxerapoiav eis GTriyvwffiv aX^Oeias, recting the OPPOSEES ;
to them the God a change of mind to a knowledge of truth, perhaps GOD may give
Kai avav7]^w(xiv CK rr]S TOV Sia&oXou Tvayi- them a change of mind in
and they may berecoveredfrom the of the accuser snare order * t o a Knowledge of
Sos e^cayprjixevoi VTT* avrov eis ro CKeiuou 0e~ the Truth;
having been taken alive by him for the of him will. 26 and that they may be
Xyjfjia. recovered % from the SN ARK
of the ENEMY, who have
been entrapped by him for
KE$. y. 3. HIS Pleasure.
Tovro Be yipaicKe, OTL tv ecrxarais 7)/i€pais CHAPTER I I I .
This but know thou, that in latter days 1 But *know This,
€vo~T7]o~oi>Tai Katpoi ^aXeiroi. ~E<Toprai yap ot% That in latter Days try-
will be present seasons trying. Will be for the ing Seasons will come;
avOpooTTQi (piXavTOi, (ptXapyvpoi, aXafopts, 2 for the MEN will be
men self-lovers, money-lover3, boasters, Self-lovers, Money-lovers,
Boasters, Haughty, Blas-
inr€p7j<pavoL, ftXafftyripLoi, yopevcrip aneideis, phemers, Disobedient to
haughty ones, revilers, to parents disobedient Parents, Ungrateful, Un-
aXapi&TOL, auoo'Loi, acrropyoi, acnropfioi, holy,
unthankful ones, unholy ones, void ofnaturalaffection, implacable, 3 Without natural affec
StajSoAoi, aKpartis, aprjfiepoi, acpiXayadoi, tion, Implacable, Accusers.
accusers, without self-control, fierce ones, without lore to good men, Without self-control, Fenv
7rpO$OT0U, TrpOTT€T€lS, T€TV(f)Ct)/jl€POl, CplX7]8oPOl
cious Haters of good men,
betrayers, rash onei, having been puffed up, pleasure-lovers
4 Treacherous, Rash,
5 Self-conceited, Lovers of
fxaXXop rj <pi\oQsoi' exovrzs fxopcpeocrip evcre- pleasure rather than Lov-
rather than God-lovers; having a form of ers of God;
ft-ias, TT]V de dvvajxiv avrrjs y\pvy]\x^voi. Kai 5 having a Eorm of
piety, the but power of her having denied. Also Piety, % out having denied
rovrovs aTroTp<E7rov. 6 E/c rovrcop yap sicrip oi its P O W E R ; J from These
these turn away from. Out of these for are those also turn away.
epdvuopres €is ras oiKias Kai aixi^aXcon^opres 6 For J of these are
entering into the houses and leading captive
I HOUSES, and leading cap.
* A L E X A N D R I A N M A N U S C R I P T . — 21. and- -omit. 25. t o c o m e t o a K n o w l e d g e .
1. k n o w y o u This.
t 21. 2 T i m . i i i . 1 7 ; T i t u s i i i . 1. J 22. A c t s i x . 14; 1 Cor. i. 2 X 23. T i t u s i i i . 9.
t 24. 1 T i m . i i i . 2, 3. t 25. Gal. v i . 1 ; 1 T i m . v i . l l ; 1 P e t . i i i . 15. : 26. 1 T i m . i i i . 7.
J 1. 1 T i m . i v . l ; 2 T i m . i v. 3 ; 2 P e t . iii. 3. t 5. 1 T i m . v T i t u s i. 16. % 5. 2 Thesa-
Mi. 6; 1 T i m . v i . 5. I 6. M a t t , xxiii. 14; T i t u s i, 11.
<fc«P. 3 : 7-3 II. TIMOTHY. i&iap. 3: 16.

yvvaiKapia. cr^croop^vfieva a/xapriais, ayofj,€va\ SIMPLE "WOMEN, laden

little women having been laden with sins, with Sins, being led away
being led away
by various * Inordinate de-
by inordinate desires various, always learning,
7 always learning, and
Kai yU^SeTrore €is eiriyvcacriv aXrjOeias e\9€iv never able % to come to a
and never int« a knowledge of truth to come Knowledge of Truth.
Svvafieva. 8<
Ov rpoirou 8e lavvrjs Kai lajufipTjs 8 Now in the manner
are able. Which way but Jannes and Jambres that X Jannes and Jambres
opposed Moses, so also are
avTe<TT7]<rav Mcavaei, ovrcc KCLI OVTOI avOicrrav-theseopposed to the TRUTH;
oppoged Moses, so also the»e are opposed Men corrupted in MIND,
rat rr] a\y]deia, avdpcoiroi Kare(f)Qap/u.€Voi TOV disapproved concerning the
to the truth, ruen having corrupted the FAITH.
vow, aboKijxoL irepi rr\v TTICTTIV. 9 But they shall not
mind, di»approved ones concerning the faith. proceed further; for their
But not
* FOOLISHNESS shall be
irpoKoipovcnv e?n irXeiov 7] yap avoia avrcov efc- very plain to all, J as
they shall proceed to more; the for folly oftiem very THEIRS also became.
BrjXos ecrrai nracriv, a>s Kai 7) efceivoov eyevero. 10 J But thou hast
plain shall be to all, as also that of those became. closely followed my TEACH-
]£v 5e 7rap7}KoAov6r]Kas /xou rr) difiacrKaXia, ING, my CONDUCT, my
Thou but hast closely followed of me the teaching, INTENTION, my FIDELITY,
rr) aycayrj^ rr) irpodecrei, ry Tvicrr^i, ry [xaKpoOv- LOVE, m y PATIENCE,
the conduct, the purpose, the fidelity, the forbear-
/nict, *[TT7 aya-Kri,~\ ry inro/novr}, roisdicay- my SUFFERINGS ; what
ance, [the love,] the patience, the perse- happened to me J i n Anti-
fioLs, r o i ? TraOyj/jLaCLVf ola jxoi eyevero ev och, J i n Iconium, Jin Lys-
cations, tho sufferings, ^hat things to me happened in tra; What Persecutions I
Avriox^ia, €V iKovitoy <sv Av(TTpois' olovs diooy- endured; and yet from all
% the LORD delivered Me.
Antioch, in Iconium, in Lystra; what perse-
12 And indeed JAIL
coifs' vTrrjveyica, Kai €K iravroov fxe eppveraro 6 who WTSH to live piously
cutions I endured, and out of all me delivered the in Christ Jesus will be
Kvpios. Kai 7ravT€S 5e oi OeAovres evcrefieos persecuted.
Lord. Indeed all but those wishing piously 13 % But Evil Men and
QTJV cv Xpurrcp Irjcrov, SicoxOTjcrovrat. 13
UOVT]- Imposters will make pro-
to live in Anointed Jesus, will be persecuted. Evil gress for the WORSE, de-
ceiving and being deceived.
pot 8e avdpocrroL Kai yorjrfs irpoKo-tyovcriv eiri ro
but men and jugglers will progress to the 14 But J do tfjou con-
14 tinue in the tilings which
Xeipov, 7rAavcovT€S Kai irkavcofxevoi. 2 u 5e thou didst learn, and wast
worse, deceiving and being deceived. Thou but convinced of, knowing by
fi€ve ev ols €fia6es icai eTTKrrcodrjs, eidcas, whom thou hast been in-
abide in the things thou didst learn and wast convinced of, knowing, structed ;
Trapa rivos e/xaOes, 15 fiat on airo flpecpovs 15 and That from a
from whom thou didst learn, and that from a babe Child thou hast known
J THOSE H®.LY Scriptures,
ra tepa ypa/afxara oiSas, ra Svifa/xeva ere cro<pi- which are ABLE to make
the holy writings thouknowest, those being able thee tomake
Thee wise for Salvationt
crai eis (Tcorrjpiav, $ia Triarrews TT}S ev Xpicrrcp through THAT Faith which
wise for salvation, through faith ofthat in Anointed is in Christ Jesus.
Irjcrov. 16 Uacra ypaepr] decnrvevcTTos Kai cocpeXi- 18 % All Scripture, di-
Jesus, All writing inspired of God and profit- vinely inspired, is indeed

* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—6. Inordinate desires and Pleasures.

STANDING. 10. iiOVB—omit. i
17.1 Tim. ii. 4. % 8. Exod. vii. 11. J 9. Exod. vii. 12; viii. 18; ix. 11.
t 10. Phil. ii. 22; 1 Tim. iv. 6. t 11. Acts xiii. 45, 50. X 11. Acts xiv. 2, 5.
t 11. Acts xiv. 19. t 11. Psa. xxxiv. 19; 2 Cor. i. 10. t 12. Acts xiv. 22.
J 13. 2 Thess. ii. 11; 1 Tim. iv. 1; 2 Tim. ii. 16. J 14. 2 Tim. i. 13; ii. 2. £ 15.
John v. 39. t 16. 2 Pet. i. 20, 21.
<&ap.Sx 17.] II. T I M O T H Y . tdhap. 4: 8.

/uos 7rpos SiSarr/caAiav, irpos irpos profitable for Teaching, for

able for teaching, for proof,
for Conviction, for Correction,
€rravop9ooo~iv, irpos iraideiav rv\v €V diKaLocrwrj' for THAT Discipline which
correction, for training up that in righteousness; is in Kighteousness;
Iva apnos 7] b rov deov avdpcoiros, rcpos irav 17 so that the MAN of
so that complete may be the of the God man, for every GOD may be complete,
epyov ayaOov e^rjprur/xevos. £ thoroughly fitted for Ev-
work good having been thoroughly fitted. ery good Work.
KE4>. 5'. 4 . CHAPTER IV.
1 1 I adjure thee before
Aiafiaprvpo/nai evcairiov rov 0eou, Kai Irjcrov THAT GOD and * Christ
I solemnly charge in presence of the God,
and Jesus Jesus Xwno is ABOUT to
Xpicrrov rov fieXXovros Kpiveiv ^covras Kai judge the Living and the
Anointed of that onebeingabout tojudge living ones and Dead, and by his APPEAL-
veKpovs, Kai rrjv etvKpaveiav avrov Kai rt\v ING and by his KINGDOM,
dead ones, and the appearing of himself and the 2 proclaim the WOSD,
fiacriXeiav avrov Krjpv^ov rov Xoyov, €7uo~rr)8i be urgent seasonably, un-
kingdom of himself; publish, thou the word, bethouurgent seasonably, confute, re-
evKatpcos aKaipoos, eXsy^ov, eTriTLfxrjo'ov, buke, exhort, with All
seasonably unseasonably, confute thou, rebuke thou, Long-suffering and Teach-
TrapaKa\eo~ov ev Tracrrj (xa.KpoQviJ.ia Kai SiSa^T?. ing.
exhort thou with all long-suffering and teaching. 3 JTor there will "be a
Earai yap Kaipos, ore rjjs vyiaivovarrjs 5i5acr- Time when they will not
Willbe for a season, when of the wholesome teach- endure WHOLESOME I n -
KaXias OVK ave^ovrai, aXXa Kara ras idias struction, but will accu-
ing not they will endure, but according to the own mulate Teachers for Them-
CTriOvfiias eavrots tnLacapevo'ovcri dtdacrKaXovs, selves, according to their
desireB of themselves they will heap up teachers, OWN Inordinate desires,
KV7]6ofji€Voi rrjV aKorjv 4
Kai awo fi€V rr]S aXrj- tickling their EAR,
tickling the ear; and from indeed of the truth 4 and they will indeed
Oeias rr)V aKorjv arrocrrps-tyovo-iv, eiri 5e rovs turn away from the HEAR-
the hearing they will turn away, to but the iNGoftheTRUTH,and Joe
fxvQovs €Krpa-K7]o~ovrai. 5
2£u 5e V7}<pe ev ira- turned aside to FABLES.
fables they will be turned aside. Thou but be sober in all 5 But be tfoou sober in
<ri, KaKOTva0i)O'ov% epyov TTOI^TOV €vayyeXio~- things; J suffer *bad
thingg, Buffer thou evil, work do thouof aproclaimer of glad treatment; perform J a n
6 Evangelist's Work; fullj
rov, rr\v hiaKoviav (Tov TrXypotyop-qaov. EYO> accomplish thy SERVICE.
tidings, the service of thee do thou fully perform. I
6 For % I am already be-
yap 77877 arirevBofiai, Kai 6 Kaipos rrjs Gfirjs ing poured out, and the
for already am being poured out, and the season of the of my
auaXvaeoos e<peo~ry]Ke' 'rov aycova rov
KaXov has come near.
dissolution has come near; the contest the good
7 X •"- have maintained
Tiyooviafxaiy rov fipojxov rereXeKa, rt\v iriariv *the GOOD CONTEST. I
I have contested, the race I hare finished, the faith have finished the RACE, I
r€rr)pr]Ka' 8 Xonrov aivoKurai /not 6 rrjs HiKato- have guarded the FAITH ;
I have guarded; remaining is laid up for me theof therighteous- 8 it remains that there
o"vvris o'recpavos, bv airodoorrei /xoi 5 Kvpios tv is laid up for me J the
ue»» crown, which will give to me the Lord in CROWN of RIGHTEOUSNESS
*K€iv7i rrj r)/LL€pa, 6 SiKaios Kpirrjs, ov /xovov ds which the LORD, the
that the day, the righteous judge, not only but RIGHTEOUS Judge, Will
give me J i n That DAY,
c/xot, aXXa Kai Tcacri rois rjyaTrrjKoo't rrjv eiri- and not only to me, but
to me, but also to all to those having loved the ap- also to All THOSE who
(pavsiav avrov. have LOVED his APPEAR,-
pearance ofhim. ANCE.

* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—1. Christ Jesus. 5. bad treatment, as a Good Sol

dier of Christ Jesus; perform. 6. my DISSOLUTION. 7-the GOOD Contest.
I 17. 2 Tim/, i. 21. t 1. Acts x. 42. J 3. 2 Tim. iii. 1. t 4. 1 Tim. i. 4; iT
7; Titus i. 14. t 5. 2Tim.i. 8; ii.8. t 5. Acts xxi. 8; Eph.iv. 11. t 6. Phil
ii. 17. t 7. 1 Cor. ix. 24, 25; Phil. iii. 14. J 8. James i. 12; 1 Pet. v. 4; Rev. ii. 15
t-8.2 Tim. i. 12.
<&aP. 4: 9 ] IT. TIMOTHY. [dhap.4: 29.

9 10 9 Do thy best to come

~2,Trov§a<ToveXQeiv irpos fie Tax^oos. Arj-
Eamestly endeavor to come to me soon. De- to me soon; yap fie eyKareXnrep, ayaTTTjcras TOP vvv 10 for $Demas forsook
mas for me forsook, having loved the present Me, $ having loved the
auava, Kai eiropevQr) eis &ecro'aXopiK7]P' Kprjcr- PRESENT Age, and went to
age, and went to Thessalonica; Cres- Thessalonica, Crescens to
K7}s eis VaXariav, Tiros eis AaXfiaTiav ll
Aov- Galatia, Titus to * Dalma-
cena to Galatia, Titus to Dahnatia; Luke tia.
Kas eCTi fxovos fier* e/nov MapKov avaXafioov 11 Luke alone is with
is alone with me; Mark having taken up me. Take up Mark, and
aye f.iera ceavTOV ecrri yap fioi evxprjcrros bring him with thee; for
do thou bring with thyself; he is for t o m e veryuseful
he is very useful to Me for
12 Service.
eis SiaKoviav. T U % I K O V de aireareiXa eisl&cpe- 12 But I sent Tychicus
for service. Tychicus but I sent to Ephe-
13 to Ephesus.
<Tov. T o r cpeXovrjp, bv aireXnrov ev Tpooadi 13 When thou comest,
sus. The cloak, which I left in Troaa bring the f BAG which I
Trapa Kapira), epxop-evos <pepe, Kai ra fiifiXia, left at Ti'oas with Carpus ;
with Carpus, coming bring thou, and the written rolls, also the BOOKS, and es-
fxaXiara ras fiep.fSpavas. AXe£av$pos b Xa^~ pecially the PARCHMENTS.
especially the parchments. Alexander thecopper- 14 $ Alexander the COP-
Kevs iroXXa fioi KaKa ev$Bei£aro' arrodcpy] avrcp PERSMITH, did many Evil
smith many to me evil thing' openly showed; may give to him things to M e ; J the LORD
b Kvptos Kara ra epya ~vrov bv Kai o~v * will reward him accord-
the Lord according to the worka of him; whom also bou ing to his WORKS;
<pvXa<T(T0V) Xiav yap avQe<TT7)Ke TOIS ^fierepois15 of whom do tfiou
beware, greatly for he has opposed the our also beware, for he has
Xoyois. EP TJ7 irpoorr} fiov airoXoyiq ovbeis r^ry much opposed OUR
words. In the €rst of me defence no one Words.
fjioi avfnrapeysveTo, aAAa irapres fie eyecareXi- 16 In my ETRST Defence
byme stood, but all me forsook, no one * came to Me, but
TTOV {fit) avrois Xoyicrdeir}') 6 §e Kvptos fxot all forsook me; (+may it
(not to themmayitbeimputed,) thebufe Lord by uu> not be imputed to them!)
7rapeo~T7], Kai epefivpa/juacre fiey iva dC efiov TO 17 J but the LORD * was
stood, and strengthened me, se thatthrough me -the present, and strengthened
K7]pvyfia irXrjpocpoprjOr], Kai aKovay iravra * r a me, J so that through me
proclamation might be fully established, and might hear all the the PROCLAMATION might
edvr)' Kai eppv(rQt\v €K crroXaros Xeovros' be fully established, and
nations; and I was delivered out of mouth of a Hon; All the NATIONS might
* [ K C U ] pvo~erai fie b Kvpios airo travros epyov hear; and 1 was delivered
[and] will deliver me the Lord from every work
X out of the Lion's Mouth.
irovqpov, Kai crcoirei eis TV)V fiaonXetap avrov 18 The LORD will de-
evil, and will save for the kingdom of himself liver me from Every evil
rr\v eirovpaviov <p 7] 5o£cc eis TOVS aieopas TCOV
Work, and preserve me for
the heavenly; to whom the glory for the ages of the
to *whom be the GLORY
aiccpcoy afirjp. for the AGES of the AGES.
ages; so be it. Amen.
19 19 Salute jPrisca and
Aairaffai UpicTKav Kai AKvXap, Kai TOP
Salute thou Prisca and Aquila, and the Aquila, and % the FAMILY
Ovr)cri(popov OIKOP. 20 EpacrTOS e/xeipep <p Kop- of ONESIPHORUS.
of Oneaiphorus house- Erastus remained in Cov- 20 $ Erasixis remained at

* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—10. Dermatia. 14. will reward. 16. came

to Me. 17- was present, and. 18. and—omit. 18. to him.
t 13. Pheloneen means either a hag or a cloak. According to the Syriac it is a bag or
wrapper in which books were kept.
t 10. Col. iv. 15; Philemon 24. t 10. 1 John ii. 15. X 14. Acts xix. 33 ; 1 Tim.
i. 20. J 14. 2 Sam. iii. 39; Psa. xxviii. 4; Eev. xviii. 6. 1 16. 2 Tim. i. 15; Acta
vii. 60. % 17- Matt. x. 19;; xxvii. 23. J 17- Actsix. 15; xxvi. 1%
18; Eph. iii. 8. I 17. Psa. xxii..21; 2Pet.ii. 9. t 19. Acts xviii. 2; Rom. xvi. S'
I 19. 2 Tim.L 16. t 20. Acfcs*l*.225 Bom. xvi. 23.
Ohap. 4: 21.] XL T I M O T H Y . [Oiap.i: S i

tJ)cp' Tpcxpifxov Se aireXnrov ev MiXrjrcp a<rde- Corinth, b u t I left % Tro-

i.nth; TropUiinus but I left in Miletus
being phinius sick at * Miletus.
>'dWTa. ^'ZirovdaToi/ irpo ^ifxcovos sXQeiv.
oiek. Earnestly endeavor before. winter to come. SI J Do t h y best to come
A<r7ra£erc» ere Eu/3ouAos, Kai Tlovfiris, KaiAtuo1;, before Winter. Eubuius,
Salutes thee Eubulus, and JPudeiis, and Linus, and P u d e n s , a n d Linus,
Kai K A a f S i d , K a i oi a5eA</>ot ivavres, O and Claudia, a n d all t h e
and Claudia, and the brethren all. 'She B B E T H E E N salute t h e e .
Kvpios \T)(TOVS * [ X p ( T r o s ] jx€Ta rov Tn/ev/xaros
Lord Jesua [Anointed] with, tha spirit 22 % The L O U D J e s u s b e
with t h y s i - I E I T . F A V C R
(TOV. ' H XUPlS Ai6^> V(xoov-
of thee. The favor with you. be with thee. *

* ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPT.—20. T/Tolotns. 22. Anointed—emit. Subscrip-

t 20. Acts xx. 4; xxi. 29 t Si. vers® 9. t 22. Gal. vi. 18: Philemoa 28.
[rrATAor EIII:2TOAH] rrpos TITOM,
KE<1\ a'. 1 . CHAPTER I. I
1 Paul, a Servant of
*UavXos dovXos deov, airoo'roXos 5e ITJ&OV God, and an Apostle of
Paul a bondman of God, an apostle but of Jesus * Christ Jesus, as to the
Xpurrov, ( t t a r a tncrriv cKXeKrooy Oeov nai Faith of God's Chosen
Anointed, accordingto faith ofehosonones of God and ones, and $ a Knowledge
eTTiyvaxTw aX7]6eiasrr)s tear3 eytre/Semv, 2 €iry of THAT Truth, whicli is
a knowledge of truth of that accordingto piety, in
according to Piety,
eX-iriSi Cca7ls aiooviov, rjv eTrrjyye iXaro b a\p€v- Life, 8 J i n Hope of aionian
hope of life age-lasting, which promised the not
which God, J who is
NEVER FALSE, announced
drjs deos irpo x?0V0}V aioovioov, 3
5e X before aionian Times,
false God before times age-lasting, manifested but
3 J hut manifested his
Kaipois idiois rov Xoyov avrov, ev K7jpuy/j,ari 6 WOED, at proper Seasons,
'n seasons own the word of himself, by aproclamationwhich by a Proclamation J with
€7TL(TT€v6T]t/ Cya> KCLT* €TTiray7)V TOV (TWTTjpOS which 5 was entrusted,
Was entrusted with I according to an appointment of the savior according to an Appoint-
7)fx<t)V 0eou,) ^Tircp yvqtricp reKvcp Kara KOIVTJVment of God our SA VIOE ;
ofua God,) to Titus a genuine child according to common 4 to Titus, my Genuine
TTHTTIV xapis, eAeos, eiprjvr} arro 0eov irarpos, Child J by a Common
faith; favor, mercy, peace from God a father, Faith; Favor, Mercy,
Peace, from God the Fa-
KCLl KVpiOS Ir)(TOV XpiVTOV TOV (TCOTTjpOS 7)^IC0V. ther, and from * Christ Je-
aad Lord Jesus Anointed the savior of us. sus our SAVTOE.
^Tovrov a lv
xP KareXiirov o~e €v Kpr)rr)j 5 "For this purpose I left
Ofthir. eause I left thee in thee * behind in Crete,
Crete, so that
that thou mightest J regu-
ra Xencovra eirifiiopdcao-r], KZI Karacrrr)- late TH INGS which are D E -
ihc things wanting thournightest rectify, and thoumightestcorsati-
FICIENT, and mightest
crrjs Kara TTOXIV 7rpe(TjSuTepoiis, &s €70? &m ^appoint ELDEKS in each
tute .n.achcity elders, as I t o i n 2 e City, as 2 directed thee;
^i^rac,aixt]V 6
e* ris eo~riv ayeyKXrjroSy fJL&us 6 % i f any one is irre-
gave orders; if any one is irreproachable, of one proachable, a Husband
v of One "Wife, having be-
yvvaixos avqpi reKva zx°° wiCTa, ^ ev lieving Children, notunde*
wife ahusbandj children having believiaf, noturader an Accusation of Profliga-
Karrjyopia ao~ccriasf 7} avviroraKra. ? Aei yap cy, or of insubordination.
an accusation of profligacy, or ofinsubordination. It b ^ c e a for 7 For i t is necessary
roy eiriGKoirov aveyKXrjrov sivai, oos deov OIKOV that the OVEESEEE be ir-
th« overseer irreproachable to be, as of God as'sw- reproachable, I as God's
Ofxov /xrj avOadr], /XT} opyiXov, /JLTJ irapoivov, fir) Steward; not self-indul-
*rdj not self-indulgent, not passionate, not a wine-drinker, not gent, not passionate, J not
a wine-drinker, not a
7rX7)Krr]vf fir] aio~xpofcep?)r), 8 aXXa (piXo^evov, Striker, J not eager for base
a striker, not eager for base gains, but a friend to strangers, gains?
piXayadov, orcoeppova, SiKaiov, bo~iov, eyKparr], 8 but Hospitable, a
afriend to goodness, prudent^ just, holy, ^elf-governed, Friend to goodness, pru-
9 dent, just, holy, self-gov-
avrexofievov rov Kara rt]V ditiaxrjv incrov erned;
holding fast of the according to the teaching true 9 % maintaining the TEUE
\oyov, iva dvvaros rj Kai irapattaXetv ev rj) Word in his TEACHING, SO
word, so that able he may be both to exhort by the that he may be able * both

* ALEXANDRIA* MANUSCRIPT.— Title—To TITUS. 1. Christ Jesus. 4. Christ

Jesus our SAVIOR. 5. behind in Crete. 9. both to comfort THOSE who are in
Any Affliction, and to eonfute the OPPOSERS.
t 1.2Tim.ii.25. t 2, 2 Tim. i. 1; iii. 7. t 2. Num.xxiii.19; 1 Tim. ii.13.
t 2. Eom.xvi.25; l T i m . i . 9 ; i P e t . i . 20. J S. 2 Tim. i. 10. J 3. 1 Tim. i. 11.
t 4. Rom.i. 12; 2Cor.iv, 13; 2 Pet.i. 1. t 5. 1 Cor. xi. 84. t 5. 2 Tim. ii. 2.
+ 6. 1 Tim. iii. 2. J 7. Matt, xxiv.45; .1 Cor.iv.l, 2. t 7. Lev.x.9; Eph.v.18;
'Sim.iii. 8,8. t 7. 1 Pet, v«i\, ^ 1 ^ 3 Thess. ii. 15; 2 Tim. i. 13.
dhdp. 1 : 10.] TlTUS. lOhap. 2 : 8.
to exhort J t by the SOUND
hi$a(TKa\iq TTJ vyiaipovarrj Kai TOVS
apriXeyop- INSTRUCTION, and to con-
teaching by that sound and those speaking against
fute the OPPOSERS.
TC6S 6A.67XetV. 10 For % there are Many
<- to confute. Unruly persons, Foolish
Et<n yap iroXXoi *[Kai~\ apviroraKroi, fia- talkers and % Deceivers,
Are for many [and] unruly ones, fool- especially THOSE of % the
raioXoyoi Kai (ppeparrarai, /xaXicTTa ol e/c vepi- Circumcision;
ish talkers and deceivers, especially those of circum- 11 whom it is necessary
T0fj,7]S) n ovs 5ei iTnaTOjAi^eLV SITIPGS to silence; who overturn
cision, whom it is necessary to muzzle; who Whole Families, teaching
dXovs OIKOVS avarptrcovcri) SiSaCKOPTes a fxt] X for Sordid Gain what is
whole houses overturn, teaching the things not not proper.
Set, aurxpov tcepSovs xaPlv- 12
Erne ris e£ 12 One of them, a
proper, of base gain on account. Said one from t Prophet of their OWN,
avraop idios avrccp Trpo(p7)T7]S* Kprjres aei said, " Cretans always
of them own of them aprophet; Cretans always " Liars are. Savage Beasts,
13 e
tyevcrrai, nana drjpia, yacrnpes apyai. H " with craving Maw."
liars, evil wild beasts, gluttons idle. The 13 This TESTIMONY is
fxaprvpia avTT) ecrrip aXrjOrjs' 8i' TJP ainap true; % therefore reprove
testimony this is true; for which cause them severely, so that they
eXeyx* avrovs airorofAwSi IVCL vyiaipoocrip ep rrj may be sound in the
reprove them severely, so that they may be sound in the FAITH,
fXT] 7rpO<T€XOPT€S lovdaiKOlS /JLVdoiS, 14 J not holding to Jew-
faith, not holding to Jewish fables, ish Fables, and J Precepts
tcai eproXais apOpcoircap aTroarpe^o/jiepcap TTJP of Men who turn away
and commandment* of men turning away from the from the TRUTH.
15 15 $A11 things, indeed,
a\7]d€iap. Uapra fxep icaOapa rois Kadapois'
truth. All things indeed pure to the are pure to those who are
pure ones;
rois 8e jxe/uLKxcrfxepoLS Kai aiuarois P U K E ; but to THOSE who
ovBep Kada-
to those but having been defiled and unfaithful ones nothing pure, are DEFILED and Unfaith-
pop, aXXa fA€/j.iaprcu avroop Kai 6 povs Kai rj ful, nothing is pure; but
but has been defiled of them both the mind and the both Their MIND and CON-
crvpeidrjo'is. 1C
&eop djxoXoyovo-iv etdepai, rois SCIENCE are defiled.
conscience. God they profess to have known, by the 16 They profess to have
5e epyois appovprai, fideXvKroi opres Kai airsi- known God, but % by their
but works • they deny, abominable ones being and diso- WORKS they renounce him,
deis, tcai irpos Trap epyop ayaOop aSoKifAOi. being abominable and dis-
badient ones, and as to every work good worthless ones. obedient, and as to Every
good Work worthless.
KE*. /3'. 2.
2v 5e XaXsi a irpeirei ry vyiaipovo"y 1 But do tfjrju inculcate
Thou but speak the thingsbecoming to the wholesome things proper for J WHOLE-
didacKaXia' Trpecrfivras prjcpaAeovs zipai, crsjA- SOME Instruction;—
teaching; aged men vigilant ones to be, serious 2 that Aged men be vi-
povs, (Tuxppopas, vyiaipopras ry iricrrei, ry aya- gilant, serious, prudent,
ones, prudent ones, sound ones in the faith, in the love, I sound in the EAITH, in
Try, ry viro/xopy 3 irpecrfivrifias ooaavrcos ep Ka- LOVE, in P A T I E N C E ;
in the patience; aged women in like manner in de- 3 X that Aged women, in
like manner, be in Deport-
ra<rrf]fxari tepoTrpeireis, [it] SiafioXovs, firj ment as becomes Sacred
portment becoming what is sacred, not accusers, not persons; not Accusers,
oipcp iroXXcp BedovXca/j.epas, KaXoSiSaCKaXovs, * not enslaved by much
to wine much

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