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Preboard Examination – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center

c. 47.445 m/s d. 45.641 m/s The abscissa of the point on the curve x in 5 mins. If they work together, how
– y2 = 1 nearest to point (3, 0) is: long will they finish 110 items?
SUBJECT CODE: FPBM PROBLEM 27: a. 2 b. 1 a. 130 mins b. 140 mins
A pot with a circular base tapered to top c. 3 d. 4 c. 150 mins d. 160 mins
SET A with a radius half of the base. If the mid
height of the pot indicates two cups. PROBLEM 45:
PROBLEM 1: have lengths of 540 m and 760 m. a. 321 b. 241
Where should be the 3 cups sign? It takes a plane only 1.5 hours to travel
With the use of an engineer’s level, the respectively. The width of roadbed is 10 c. 120 d. 412
a. 2% of the way up from the top 500 km with the wind which it can travel
reading on a rod 85 m away was m for both cut and fill. The profile areas PROBLEM 36:
between the grade line and the ground PROBLEM 18: b. 2% of the way down from the top in 1.6 hours against the wind. Find the
observed to be 1.78 m. The bubble was Find the area of the given cross –
line are 4800 m2 and 5892 m2 A simple curve is to be designed for a c. 5% of the way down from the top velocity of said plane in calm air.
leveled through 6 spaces on the level section if the width of roadway is 10 m.
respectively. Find the difference in maximum speed of 90 kph. The a. 257.96 kph b. 322.92 kph
tube and the rod reading increased to d. 15% of the way down from the top Left Center Right
volume of cut and fill if side’s slopes are coefficient of friction between the tires c. 397.33 kph d. 243.56 kph
1.792 m. Determine the radius of 9.8 0 11.2
1.5: 1 for cut and 2:1 for fill. and pavement is 0.40. If the super PROBLEM 28:
curvature of the level tube if one space 3.2 2.8 4.21 PROBLEM 46:
a. 35 342 m3 b. 38 173 m3 elevation is limited to 12%, determine Given the closed traverse:
on the tube is 0.50 mm long. From the top of tower A the angle of
c. 32 745 m3 d. 41 352 m3 the degree of curvature? Use arc basis. Line Bearing Distance a. 47.925 sq.units b. 23.154 sq.units
a. 21.25 m b. 24.25 m elevation of the top of tower B is 28 and
a. 10.31 b. 7.65 A–B N30E 500 m c. 35.614 sq.units d. 56.415 sq.units
c. 18.25 m d. 16.25 m SITUATION 1: the angle of elevation of the top of tower
c. 9.35 d. 8.45 B–C N45W 450 m
PROBLEM 37: A from the foot of tower B is 46. The
PROBLEM 2: The frustum of a sphere (i.e spherical C-D S27E 350 m
segment with two bases) has an altitude PROBLEM 19: Which is better to buy, a 16 inch pizza two towers lie on the same level ground.
A compound curve has a common D-A S11.66W 448.62 m
for $15 or 8 inch pizza for $7.5?
of 3.6m. The upper base is 12 m A company purchase an equipment for If the height of tower B is 120 m., find
tangent equal to 520 m. The first Find the total cost of the land if the cost
diameter while the lower base is 20m. Php 600 000 and plans to keep it for 5 a. $14 – 12” b. $15 – 16” the height of tower A.
curve has a radius equal to 300 m per hectares is 3.1 M. c. $12 – 16” d. $13 – 14”
years. If the salvage value is Php 60 000 a. 89.5 m b. 45.6 m
and has subtended angle equal to 9. Find its volume a. Php 17.48375 M
at the end of 5th year, what is the c. 79.3 m d. 35.7 m
50 while the second curve has a. 624.34 m3 b. 837.20 m3 b. Php 18.48375 M SITUATION 2:
depreciation in the third year using c. Php 20.48375 M PROBLEM 47:
c. 925.92 m3 d. 793.49 m3 The natural grade line at Station 2 + 220
central angle of 35. What is the special accelerated method? d. Php 19.48375 M is with center height of 4.5 m. in cut, Find the area of the trapezoid with base
10. Find the radius of the sphere a. 66400 b. 86400
length of the second curve? while that at Sta 2+300 is 2.6 m in fill. 1 equal to 10 m and base 2 equal to 15
a. 842.78 m b. 629.41 m
a. 12.26 b. 18.44 c. 68400 d. 54400 PROBLEM 29:
38. Find the extent of fill measured from m with a height of 0.9 m.
c. 14.36 d. 16.62 Three marksmen shoot at a spinning
c. 736.22 m d. 948.16 m PROBLEM 20: sta 2+300 a. 12.35 b. 9.25
11. Find the area of the spherical zone circular object that is equidistant from a. 29.3 b. 39.2
A circle has a central angle of 50 and c. 11.25 d. 10.35
PROBLEM 3: a. 119.38 b. 424.15
them. The marksmen shoot together,
c. 50.7 d. 30.15
An amount of P50,000 is deposited an area of 502 m2. Find the radius of the what is the probability that they shoot in PROBLEM 48:
c. 277.31 d. 316.72 small segment? the same face of the circle. 39. Find the stationing of the transition
every end of the year. How many years What is the total length of ball dropped
are required so that the sum of these PROBLEM 12: a. 31.75 m2 b. 32.14 m2 a. 1/2 b. 2/3 point. from 10 m height and bounced half the
deposits will be equal to P1,000,000 if A grade from A to the vertex V is -6% c. 34.56 m2 d. 33.92 m2 c. 3/4 d. 3/8 a. 2+270.7 b. 2+330.15 height.
rate of interest is 6% compounded and from V to B is 2%. It is required to c. 2+350.7 d. 2+339.20 a. 10 b. 20
connect these grade lines with a vertical PROBLEM 21: PROBLEM 30:
continuously? 40. Find the slope of the finished grade c. 30 d. 40
parabolic curve that shall pass 0.80 m Find P, when P(x) = x3 – 2x2 – 24, x = 3. A spherical ball having a diameter of 30
a. 16.32 b. 14.86 line.
c. 15.50 d. 13.42 directly above the vertex. Determine the a. -15 b. -25 cm is immersed in oil contain in the PROBLEM 49:
c. -10 d. -20 a. 1.125 % b. 4.275 %
length of the curve. cylinder making a 10 cm rise of the oil. Find the space mean speed in kph for 5
c. 2:335% d. 3:875%
PROBLEM 4: a. 80 m b. 90 m Find the diameter of the cylinder. cars that took the following time in
PROBLEM 22: a. 42.43 cm b. 65.34 cm
Eight years ago, A is four times as old as c. 100 m d. 70 m PROBLEM 41: minutes to traverse 3 km distance.
The surface area S of a sphere varies c. 25.67 cm d. 30.58 cm
B. Eight years hence A is twice as old as A population of a certain cell has a A 1.6
B. How old is B. PROBLEM 13: according to the radius r. At what value
probability of dying before 36 hrs of B 1.1
The correct area of a rectangular lot of r is the time rates of change in S and r PROBLEM 31:
a. 24 yrs. old b. 30 yrs. old 94.583% with a given standard deviation C 1.2
measured by 50 m length tape which is numerically equal? The corrected area of a square lot is 1
c. 28 yrs. old d. 32 yrs. old of 5. Find the mean value. D 1.1
0.02 m too long is 2 hectares. If its 1 1 hectare and the total error in the
a. b. a. 25.22 hrs b. 21.32 hrs E 1.2
PROBLEM 5: length is thrice its width, compute the computed area is 4.004 m 2. If a 100 m
6 4 tape is used in the measurement,
c. 32.11 hrs d. 27.97 hrs a. 145.16 kph b. 154.23 kph
Mr Sy purchased a piece of residential error in area.
1 1 compute the error in length of tape, c. 125.45 kph d. 135.23 kph
lot for Php 2M pesos. But when he a. 13.286 m2 b. 14.5286 m2
c. d. 2 PROBLEM 42:
received the original title, some of its c. 12.782 m2 d. 15.8286 m2 8 8 which is found to be too short. In a 1 km heat run, two runners, namely: PROBLEM 50:
descriptions are missing. From a. 0.04 b. 0.05 A and B have rates of 3 m/s and 5 m/s
PROBLEM 14: Given: (x + yi) (1 - 2i) = (7 – 4i). Find x +
Traverse point A 24.22 S1536’W to PROBLEM 23: c. 0.02 d. 0.016 respectively. B decided that A would y.
traverse point B; From Traverse point B A parabolic curve AB has tangent Determine the next three terms of the take a lead start of 12 seconds. When
PROBLEM 32: a. 5 b. 8
grades of +3.5% and -2.5%. The change sequence 12, 1, 1, 1…. will B overtake A?
15.92 m S6911’E to traverse point C; The radius of a sphere is increasing at a c. 6 d. 4
in grade is limited to 0.4% per 20 meter. a. 1, 2, 1 b. 1, 2, 2 a. 30 secs b. 25 secs
From Traverse point C UNREADABLE rate proportional to its radius. If the
Find the length of curve. c. 1, 1, 2 d. 2, 2, 2 c. 35 secs d. 40 secs PROBLEM 51:
DISTANCE N5758’E to traverse point a. 300 m b. 500 m radius is 4 initially, and the radius is 10
D; and From Traverse point D Two flies from the same point is flying
c. 400 m d. 600 m PROBLEM 24: after two second, what will be the radius
away from each other in different
UNREADABLE DISTANCE S. 8043’W In a satellite, given an apogee of 2400 after three seconds. V = 3 m/s direction and the angle between them is
to traverse point A; Find the distance DA PROBLEM 15: and perigee equals to 410. What is the a. 13.63 m b. 14.23 m Time = t 84.1. Fly 1 is moving at a speed of 12.2
in meters. A frustum of a sphere is 6.6 cm thick. eccentricity of the ellipse? c. 17.48 m d. 15.81 m
a. 60 b. 80 The diameter of its upper and lower m/min while the other was flying at 17.4
a. 0.708 b. 0.326 S1
c. 75 d. 45 bases are 18.5 and 32.9 cm, PROBLEM 33: m/min. How many meters are they apart
c. 0.801 d. 0.607 after 2.4 minutes.
respectively. What is the lateral area of A certain circle O has a diameter AOB. A
PROBLEM 6: the frustum in cm2? PROBLEM 25: certain chord CD is parallel to AOB with V = 5 m/s a. 68.68 m b. 48.48 m
Given a triangular lot with sides, 22 m a. 913.85 cm2 b. 827.17 cm2 C nearer to A and D nearer to B. Arc AC Time = t -12 c. 58.58 m d. 38.38m
A grade descending at the rate of 6% is
and 15 m with an included angle of 115. c. 617.32 cm2 d. 521.54 cm2 to be connected with a grade ascending is given as 30. What is arc CD?
How many triangles can be formed? at the rate of 3.5% by a 250 m vertical a. 120 b. 130 S2 In a truck, 39 boxes weighing 100 kg/
a. 1 b. 0 PROBLEM 16: parabolic curve. At what point of the c. 110 d. 140 boxes. If a truck has a capacity of 5 tons
c. 2 d. 3 The departure of course AB is +245.2. curve is a sewer located? Assume the PROBLEM 43: and that 1 ton is 10 000 kg. How many
The error in departure of the traverse is elevation of the vertex equal to 93.5 m PROBLEM 34:
PROBLEM 7: -23.4 meters. The sum of absolute The coordinates of the center C and
A cannon ball was thrown vertically boxes can be added weighing 150
and its stationing equal to 10 + 100. upward with initial velocity of 200 fps kg/box?
From station 0 + 210 with center height value of departures is 1543.2. Find the radius R of the circle defined by the
a. 10+133.9 b. 10+132.9 and 5 s later a second ball was thrown, a. 307 b. 507
of 1.4 m in fill, the ground lines makes a adjusted departure of course AB using equation (x – 3)^2 + (y + 3)^2 = 36
uniform slope of 5% to station 0 + 270 c. 10+122.9 d. 10+124.9 what initial velocity of the second ball so c. 407 d. 607
transit rule. are respectively:
whose center height is 2.8 m in cut . that they will meet 300 ft above the
a. 263.33 m b. 234.56 m PROBLEM 26: a. C = (-3, 3), r = 6 ground. PROBLEM 53:
Find the grade of the finish roadway. c. 248.92 m d. 254.93 m The super elevation of a highway curve b. C = (3, -3), r = a. 124.45 ft/s b. 144.24 ft/s Find the area bounded by the curve
a. 1% b. 2% 6
is 6, at what maximum speed can a car x = y3 – 2y and x = 3y.
c. -2% d. -3% PROBLEM 17: c. C = (3, -3), r = 36
c. 157.15 ft/s d. 162.23 ft/s
ran on it such that there is no lateral a. 12.5 b. 10.8
From 1992, what will be the cost of book PROBLEM 44:
PROBLEM 8: in 2005 given the equation f(c) = 2x 2 –
pressure on the wheels. The radius of d. C = (-3, -3), r = 36 c. 16.4 d. 15.3
The longitudinal ground profile and the curve is 150 m. In a test, student A can finish 2 items in
9x + 20.
a. 44.784 m/s b. 42.154 m/s PROBLEM 35: 6 mins while student B can finish 2 items PROBLEM 54:
grade line shows that a cut and a fill
Preboard Examination – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center Preboard Examination – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center

Find the volume of segment if a plane c. 1.93 units d. 2.71 units while the distance of point C to point D Talk It Over 15.92 m S6911’E to traverse point C;
pass through 3 cm from the center and is 30cm. Find the diameter of the circle if  What is a change you’ve been From Traverse point C UNREADABLE
centroid to the bottom of a sphere PROBLEM 65: CD is perpendicular to AB? wanting to make in your life but have I
DISTANCE N5758’E to traverse point
having a diameter of 11 cm. In a spherical triangle: A = 11619’, a. 16.32 m b. 16.25 m been waiting on God to do for you?
T1 D; and From Traverse point D
a. 605.28 b. 405.73 B = 80 30’ and C = 5537’ c. 18.12 m d. 15.63 m  How do you think God wants you to T21
c. 505.42 d. 695.62 Find side a. move forward with that change? to traverse point A; Find the distance DA
a. 11528’ b. 13412’ What practical steps do you need to in meters.
c. 11345’ d. 12356’ take? a. 60 b. 80
There are 3 concentric circles having  How do you want your life to be 25
radii of 1, 3, and 5 respectively. A man is c. 75 d. 45
PROBLEM 66: different one year from now? What
playing darts having an accuracy 50 SOLUTION 5:
between the area of radius 5. What is
How many ounces of pure nickel must will it take to accomplish that goal? 300 p O
be added to 150 ounces of alloy, 70% m
the probability of his next shots if the pure to make an alloy 85% pure? p p O p AB S1536’W 24.22
desired area is between the radii 1 and a. 225 b. 125
3 respectively. p BC S6911’E 15.92
c. 175 d. 150 PROBLEM 1: Nov 2015 CE Brd Exam
a. 8/25 b. 10/25 CD N5758’E x
c. 7/25 d. 17/27 SITUATION 4:
Change Requires You to With the use of an engineer’s level, the DA S8043’W y
A certain company makes it the policy Make a Choice reading on a rod 85 m away was
PROBLEM 56: By Rick Warren — Jan 2, 2017 observed to be 1.78 m. The bubble was
that for any new piece of equipment the
A steel pipe 4 m long is circumscribed annual depreciation cost should not leveled through 6 spaces on the level D
“Throw off your old sinful nature and y
about a square 7.4 cm side length and exceed 10% of the original cost at any tube and the rod reading increased to A 80o43’
your former way of life, which is
has a square inscribed in it with side time with no salvage or scrap value. 1.792 m. Determine the radius of 
corrupted by lust and deception” 24.22
length of 5 cm. Find the volume of steel Determine the length of the service life curvature of the level tube if one space 57o58’
(Ephesians 4:22 NLT, second edition).
needed to produce the pipe. necessary if the depreciation method on the tube is 0.50 mm long. 15o36’ z
B  x
a. 18698.76cm3 a. 21.25 m b. 24.25 m
b. 16698.76cm3
used is Change requires making choices. It’s not
c. 18.25 m d. 16.25 m
SOLUTION 2: 69o11’

67. straight -line method. enough to dream of changing. It’s not T1 + T2 = 520 15.92
c. 19953.45cm3 a. 19 yrs b. 10 yrs o
enough to desire change. In order for T1 = R1tan(I1/2) C 127.15
d. 17423.21cm3 c. 15 yrs d. 8 yrs you to change, you will need to make a SOLUTION 1:  = 180 – 6911’ – 1536’ = 95.217
T1 = 300tan(25o)
SITUATION 3: 68. sinking fund formula. decision. You must choose to change.
T1 = 140 m  = 8043’ – 5758’ = 22.75
There are 24 Japanese, 10 Chinese and a. 19 yrs b. 10 yrs Change is intentional: Are you going to
be any different in six months? Are you S 140 + T2 = 520
37 Filipino students in a classroom. c. 15 yrs d. 8 yrs  Using cosine law: ABC
going to be better a year from now? Are T2 = 380 m
57. Find the probability of selecting 3 D z2 = 24.222 + 15.922 – 2(24.22) (15.92)
Chinese. 69. SYD method. you going to be healthier, stronger, and
a. 19 yrs b. 10 yrs T2 = R2tan(I2/2) cos95.217
a. 0.00122 b. 0.00209 more mature? Are you going to be
c. 15 yrs d. 8 yrs
1.792 m z = 30.17 m
c. 0.01235 d. 0.03322 happier? Are you going to be less in 380 = R2tan17.5o
debt? Are you going to be more like God  R 1.78 m
58. Find the probability of selecting 3 PROBLEM 70: R2 = 1205.21 m Using sine law:
wants you to be?
Japanese. How many numbers of years will the I can tell you the answer right now: It will sin  sin 95.217 
a. 0.03500 b. 0.00290 P500, 000 to become P5, 000,000 if 85 m S2 = I2R2 
only happen if you choose to change, 24.22 30.17
c. 0.01290 d. 0.03624 accumulated 5% compounded because it isn’t going to happen 736.22 m (answer)  = 53.078
quarterly? accidentally. I want you to be better in 10
59. Find the probability of selecting 3 a. 53 years b. 43 years  = 127.15 – 53.078
Filipino years than you are now, but you won’t D = 6(0.5) = 3 mm PROBLEM 3: CE Brd Exam-May 2006
c. 47 years d. 66 years  = 74.07
a. 0.123 b. 0.136 be unless you choose to be. An amount of P50,000 is deposited
By ratio and proportion:
c. 0.290 d. 0.324 PROBLEM 71: It requires a choice. every end of the year. How many years
A lot of times we think we’re waiting on are required so that the sum of these Using sine law: ABC
The recorded distance of a line is S D
PROBLEM 60: God to change us. No. You are not  deposits will be equal to P1,000,000 if sin  sin 
1350m using 150m tape which is L R 
PRC purchased a new car worth P1 985 waiting on God. God is waiting on you! rate of interest is 6% compounded y z
0.005m too long. Determine the
000. If the car is depreciated over a 10- corrected distance?
He’s waiting on you to say, “Yes, Lord, 1.792  1.78 continuously?
year period with a salvage value of P535 I’m willing to make these changes.” = a. 16.32 b. 14.86 sin 74.07  sin 22.75 
a. 1350.04mtrs b. 1317.59mtrs 85 
000, determine the worth of the car after We have to make intentional choices in c. 15.50 d. 13.42 y 30.17
c. 1317.59mtrs d. 1330.06mtrs
8 years using Sum of Years Digit order to grow. There is no growth R = 21.25 m (answer) y = 75.02 m (distance DA)
Method. PROBLEM 72: without change, there is no change
a. Php 79090.91 A spiral easement curve has a length of without loss, and there is no loss without  e in  1 PROBLEM 6: Dec 2014 CE Brd Exam
b. Php 84530.63 60 m with central curve having a radius pain. If you are going to grow, you will PROBLEM 2: Nov 2015 CE Brd Exam F = A 
i Given a triangular lot with sides, 22 m
c. Php 54300.78 of 400 m. The design speed of the car have to change, and change means A compound curve has a common  e  1  and 15 m with an included angle of 115.
d. Php 62430.52 on this curve is 100 kph. Compute for letting go of some old things in order to tangent equal to 520 m. The first  e 0.06n  1 How many triangles can be formed?
the rate of centripetal acceleration. grab hold of some new things. 1 000 000 = 50000   
PROBLEM 61: It’s like swinging on a trapeze: The
curve has a radius equal to 300 m 0.06 a. 1 b. 0
a. 1. 21 m/sec2/sec and has subtended angle equal to  e  1  c. 2 d. 3
Find the area bounded by the curve y = b. 0.321 m/sec2/sec trapeze artist swings out on one bar, and
3x and 0 = 3x – y2 then he has to reach out and grab the 50 while the second curve has solve n --------------------------------------------------

c. 4.21 m/sec2/sec n = 13.42 years SOLUTION 6:

a. 0.0555 b. 0.1424 other one. At some point, he has to let central angle of 35. What is the
d. 5.214 m/sec2/sec Apply cosine Law
c. 0.1137 d. 0.1222 go of one to grab the other, or he’s not length of the second curve? PROBLEM 4: Nov 2015 CE Brd Exam
PROBLEM 73: going to make it to the other side. If he b2 = c2 + a2 – 2ac cos B
PROBLEM 62: a. 842.78 m b. 629.41 m Eight years ago, A is four times as old as b2=222+152 – 2(15)(22) cos 115
USC has a population of 96 000 five thinks he can hold on to both, what B. Eight years hence A is twice as old as
What is the area of the circle having a c. 736.22 m d. 948.16 m b = 31.43 m
years ago and 100 000 today. With the happens? He gets stuck in the middle, B. How old is B.
chord with length 7.43 m and is 4.3 m and he’s going down. Therefore, there is
same growth rate, what would be its a. 24 yrs. old b. 30 yrs. old
from its center. Some of you are stuck in the middle, only one triangle with this
population 20 years from now? c. 28 yrs. old d. 32 yrs. old
a. 101.45 cm2 b. 110.85 cm2 and you’re going down because you given data
a. 187 738 b. 112359
c. 200.55 cm2 d. 301.65cm2 haven’t let go of the old patterns, the old SOLUTION 4: B
c. 117 738 d. 115646
PROBLEM 63: habits, and the old ways of thinking. (A-8) = 4(B-8) → Eqn. 1 a=15
PROBLEM 74: You have to let go of your old ways. (A+8) = 2(B+8) → Eqn. 2 c=22 115
The distances of one focus of an ellipse 
Which is not true of two lines that The Bible says, “Throw off your old Solve the two equations simultaneously
to its vertices are 4 cm and 16 cm. Find A C
are perpendicular in the same sinful nature and your former way of life,
the second eccentricity. B =24 years old (answer) b
plane are. which is corrupted by lust and
a. 0.55 b. 0.65
a. coplanar b. collinear deception” (Ephesians 4:22 NLT, second
c. 0.75 d. 0.85 PROBLEM 5: CE Brd Exam-Nov 1995
c. concurrent d. orthogonal edition). In other words, let it go. Those PROBLEM 7: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2001
Mr Sy purchased a piece of residential
PROBLEM 64: old habits, those old hurts, those old From station 0 + 210 with center height
PROBLEM 75: patterns, those old sins in your life — let
lot for Php 2M pesos. But when he
Determine the length of latus rectum of received the original title, some of its of 1.4 m in fill, the ground lines makes a
AB is the diameter of the circle with them go. The Bible says to throw them
the curve having an equation descriptions are missing. From uniform slope of 5% to station 0 + 270
center at point O. Point C and D lies at off and trust that God is working in you
x2 + 2y2 + 2x – 8y + 7 = 0 Traverse point A 24.22 S1536’W to whose center height is 2.8 m in cut .
the circumference of the circle. The “to will and to act in order to fulfill his
a. 2.31 units b. 1.41 units traverse point B; From Traverse point B Find the grade of the finish roadway.
distance of point C to point A is 25 cm, good purpose” (Philippians 2:13b NIV).
Preboard Examination – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center Preboard Examination – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center

SITUATION 1: May 2015 CE Brd Exam SOLUTION 23:

2 2 2
a. 1% b. 2% The correct area of a rectangular lot R = 16.45 + y depreciation in the third year using
c. -2% d. -3% The frustum of a sphere (i.e spherical measured by 50 m length tape which is y = R 2  16.45 2 special accelerated method? of the four choices, letter d is most likely.
SOLUTION 7: segment with two bases) has an altitude 0.02 m too long is 2 hectares. If its a. 66400 b. 86400
length is thrice its width, compute the c. 68400 d. 54400 ANSWER: 2, 2, 2
finished ground of 3.6m. The upper base is 12 m  

gradeline diameter while the lower base is 20m. error in area. R2 = 9.252 +  R 2  16.45 2  6.8 
surface   ----------------------------------------------
a. 13.286 m2 b. 14.5286 m2 PROBLEM 24: CE May 2017 board exam
9. Find its volume R = 19.36 SOLUTION 19:
5% c. 12.782 m2 d. 15.8286 m2
2.8m 3m FIGURE HERE In a satellite, given an apogee of 2400
1.2m a. 624.34 m3 b. 837.20 m3
1.4m SOLUTION 13: A = 2Rh and perigee equals to 410. What is the
c. 925.92 m3 d. 793.49 m3
2 hectares = 20 000 m2 L =3W A = 2 (19.36) (6.8) Dn = FC – SV eccentricity of the ellipse?
sta.0+210 sta.0+270 10. Find the radius of the sphere Dn = 600000 – 60000 a. 0.708 b. 0.326
Ac = 2 ha. A = 827.17 cm2 (answer)
60 m a. 12.26 b. 18.44 2 W Dn = 540000 c. 0.801 d. 0.607
Ac = 20 000 m
c. 14.36 d. 16.62 PROBLEM 16: May 2015 CE Brd Exam ----------------------------------------------
LW = 20 000 m2 d3 = BV2 – BV3
11. Find the area of the spherical zone 3W(W) = 20000 The departure of course AB is +245.2.
2 3
Wc = 81.65 m  correct width The error in departure of the traverse is  2  2 FIGURE:
Elevation of the ground at sta.0 + 270 a. 119.38 b. 424.15 d3 = FC  1   - FC  1  
Lc = 3(81.65) = 244.95 m  correct length -23.4 meters. The sum of absolute
El @ 0 +270 = 0.05(60) c. 277.31 d. 316.72  n  n
value of departures is 1543.2. Find the 2a = 2400 + 410
El @ 0 +270 = 3 m SOLUTION 9:   2 
adjusted departure of course AB using 2 3
Measured distance on tape: 2  a = 1405
1.2 Scorrect = Staped + Etotal transit rule. d3 = 600000   1     1    c = 2400 – a
% grade of finished road = ×100   5  5  
60 B a=6 C Consider the width: a. 263.33 m b. 234.56 m  c = 2400 – 1405
% grade of finished road = -2.0% c. 248.92 m d. 254.93 m d3 = 86400 c = 995
b=10 D b=10 E 3.6 m  Wtaped 
81.65 = Wtaped + (+0.02)  
 SOLUTION 16: PROBLEM 20: CE May 2018 board exam
PROBLEM 8: CE Brd Exam-May 2001 R z  50 
R By Transit Rule: A circle has a central angle of 50 and c
The longitudinal ground profile and e=
A Wtaped = 81.61735 m D
an area of 502 m2. Find the radius of the a
grade line shows that a cut and a fill
Adj. Dep =D-ED small segment?
have lengths of 540 m and 760 m. D 995
Consider the Length: a. 31.75 m2 b. 32.14 m2 e=
respectively. The width of roadbed is 10
m for both cut and fill. The profile areas  L taped  245.2 c. 34.56 m2 d. 33.92 m2 1405
244.95 = Ltaped + (+0.02)   Adj. Dep =245.2 – (-23.4) =
between the grade line and the ground 50  1543 .2 SOLUTION 20: e = 0.708 (ANSWER)
line are 4800 m2 and 5892 m2 h 
V= [3a2 + 3b2 + h2] Ltaped = 244.852 m FIGURE HERE:
respectively. Find the difference in 6 248.92 m (answer)
volume of cut and fill if side’s slopes are PROBLEM 25: CE May 2017 board exam
1.5: 1 for cut and 2:1 for fill. (3.6) Ataped = 81.61735(244.852) PROBLEM 17: CE May 2018 board exam  2 A grade descending at the rate of 6% is
V= [3(6)2 + 3(10)2 + 3.62] Ataped = 19 984.1714 m2 A= R to be connected with a grade ascending
a. 35 342 m3 b. 38 173 m3 6 From 1992, what will be the cost of book 2
c. 32 745 m3 d. 41 352 m3 in 2005 given the equation f(c) = 2x 2 – at the rate of 3.5% by a 250 m vertical
V = 793.49 m3 (answer) Error in area = 20 000 – 19 984.1714 50    2 parabolic curve. At what point of the
9x + 20.   R
SOLUTION 8: 502 =
Error in area = 15.8286 m2 a. 321 b. 241 curve is a sewer located? Assume the
SOLUTION 10: 2  180 
c. 120 d. 412 elevation of the vertex equal to 93.5 m
ABC: PROBLEM 14: CE Nov 2016 board exam R = 33.92 m2 and its stationing equal to 10 + 100.
Acut = 4800 m2 c
(3.6 + z)2 + 62 = R2 → eqn. 1 A parabolic curve AB has tangent SOLUTION 17: a. 10+133.9 b. 10+132.9
Afill = 5892 m2 grades of +3.5% and -2.5%. The change x = number of years from 1992 to 2005
f ACE: PROBLEM 21: CE May 2018 board exam c. 10+122.9 d. 10+124.9
in grade is limited to 0.4% per 20 meter.
z= R2  10 2  substitute to eqn 1 Find the length of curve. Find P, when P(x) = x3 – 2x2 – 24, x = 3.
540 m 760 m x = 2005 – 1992 a. -15 b. -25 SOLUTION 25:
(3.6 + 2 2 2 a. 300 m b. 500 m x = 13 FIGURE:
FIGURE: Average Cut and Fill Profile R 2  10 2 ) + 6 = R c. -10 d. -20
c. 400 m d. 600 m
R = 12.26 m (answer) 2
f(c) = 2x – 9x + 20 SOLUTION 21:
B = 36.67 m -------------------------------------------------
SOLUTION 14: B = g1 – g2
1.5c 10m 1.5c substitute x = 13 P(x) = x3 – 2x2 - 24 B = -0.06 – 0.035
SOLUTION 11: B = 3.5%  ( 2.5%) f(c) = 2(13)2 – 9(13) – 120 when x = 3
Azone = 2Rh = 2(12.26)(3.6) B = 0.095
B = 6% f(c) = 241 P(3) = 33 – 2(3)2 - 24
c c Azone = 277.31 m2 (answer) 6% P(3) = -15 g2L 0.035(250 )
xm = =
L = 0.4% PROBLEM 18: CE May 2018 board exam B 0.095
10 m PROBLEM 12: May 2015 CE Brd Exam PROBLEM 22: CE May 2017 board exam
A simple curve is to be designed for a The surface area S of a sphere varies xm = 92.10
FIGURE: Average Cut section A grade from A to the vertex V is -6% 20
maximum speed of 90 kph. The according to the radius r. At what value
and from V to B is 2%. It is required to L = 300 m (answer) coefficient of friction between the tires of r is the time rates of change in S and r Sta M = 10+100 + (125 - xm)
connect these grade lines with a vertical
10 m and pavement is 0.40. If the super numerically equal? Sta M = 10+100 + (125 – 92.10)
parabolic curve that shall pass 0.80 m PROBLEM 15: CE Nov 2016 board exam elevation is limited to 12%, determine
f f directly above the vertex. Determine the A frustum of a sphere is 6.6 cm thick. the degree of curvature? Use arc basis. a.
1 Sta M = 10+132.9 (ANSWER)
length of the curve. The diameter of its upper and lower 6 4
a. 10.31 b. 7.65
2f 10m 2f
a. 80 m b. 90 m bases are 18.5 and 32.9 cm,
c. 100 m d. 70 m c. 9.35 d. 8.45 1 1 PROBLEM 26: CE May 2017 board exam
respectively. What is the lateral area of c. d. 2
FIGURE: Average Fill section 8 8 The super elevation of a highway curve
SOLUTION 12: the frustum in cm2? SOLUTION 18:
Profile Area of cut = Lcutc a. 913.85 cm2 b. 827.17 cm2 is 6, at what maximum speed can a car
5892 = 540c PC c. 617.32 cm2 d. 521.54 cm2 v2 1000m SOLUTION 22: ran on it such that there is no lateral
e+µ=  v = 90 = 25
c = 8.89 gR 3600 sec dS dR pressure on the wheels. The radius of
B = 3c + 10 = 3(8.89) + 10 = 36.67 SOLUTION 15: = the curve is 150 m.
m/s dt dt
Vcut = Acut Lcut = BaveH Lcut a. 44.784 m/s b. 42.154 m/s
9.25 9.25
Vcut = BaveHLcut 25 2 d dR c. 47.445 m/s d. 45.641 m/s
-6% 0.12 + 0.4 =
Vcut =
 36.67  10 8.89(540) H=0.8m +2% a
9.81R dt
(4R2) =
R = 122.52 m
2 6.6 m dR dR v2
Vcut = 112 022 m3 V b 8R = e = tan  =
S = R dt dt gR
Profile Area of fill = Lfill f B = |g1 – g2| = |-6% – 2%| = 0.08 R z
R  1
5892 = 760f
LB 20 = D (122.52) R= (ANSWER) v2
f = 7.7526 H= 180 8 tan 6 =
B = 4f + 10 = 4(7.7526) + 10 = 41 8 9.81(150 )
D = 9.35
Vfill = AfillLfill = BaveH Lfill L(0.08 ) v = 12.44 m/s
PROBLEM 23: CE May 2017 board exam
Vfill =
 41 10 7.7526(760)
0.8 =
8 PROBLEM 19: CE May 2018 board exam Determine the next three terms of the
16.45 16.45 m  3600s   1km 
2 L = 80 m (answer) A company purchase an equipment for sequence 12, 1, 1, 1…. v = 12.44    
Vfill =150 245.4 m3 Php 600 000 and plans to keep it for 5 a. 1, 2, 1 b. 1, 2, 2 s  1hr   1000m 
PROBLEM 13: CE Brd Exam-May 2004 A = 2Rh years. If the salvage value is Php 60 000 c. 1, 1, 2 d. 2, 2, 2
v = 44.784 m/s (ANSWER)
Vol. = 150245.4 –112022 = 38223.4m3 R2 = 9.252 + (y + 6.8)2 eq 1 at the end of 5th year, what is the
Preboard Examination – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center Preboard Examination – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center

Vtotal  2 what is the probability that they shoot in tape is used in the measurement, CD = 120 (answer)
  0.75 
3 90
the same face of the circle. compute the error in length of tape, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PROBLEM 27: CE Nov 2016 board exam Vtotal a. 1/2 b. 2/3 C which is found to be too short. PROBLEM 34: May 2014 CE Brd. Exam
A pot with a circular base tapered to top
Vtotal = 3.459459 c. 3/4 d. 3/8 a. 0.04 b. 0.05 The coordinates of the center C and
with a radius half of the base. If the mid B
spinning circle c. 0.02 d. 0.016 radius R of the circle defined by the
height of the pot indicates two cups. ------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------

Where should be the 3 cups sign? Consider the 3 cups mark. Substitute to eqn 2 equation (x – 3)^2 + (y + 3)^2 = 36
a. 2% of the way up from the top Volume of Upper Cone  y 
 z are respectively:
b. 2% of the way down from the top     Assumptions: B Scorrect = Staped + Etotal  eqn 1 a. C = (-3, 3), r = 6
Total Volume of Cone  h  R  1. That all three men have 100% probability of c ACorrect = 1 ha. = 10 000 m2
c. 5% of the way down from the top A 0
b. C = (3, -3), r = 6
d. 15% of the way down from the top 3 hitting the circle D
3.459459  3  y  S Correct 2 = 10000
   2. That the circle is spinning about a vertical c. C = (3, -3), r = 36
3.459459  h line c + 180 S Correct = 100 m
d. C = (-3, -3), r = 36
y Ataped = = 10 004.004 m2 -------------------------------------------
 0.51 Take the spinning circle target to be at the center
of a horizontal circle. The marksmen are at Staped2 = 10 004.004
y = 0.51h E Equation of circle is:
random positions on at the circumference of the
Thus, Staped = 100.02 m Subst to eqn 1 (x-h)2 + (y-k)2 = r2
latter. In order to hit the same face of the target 270
100 = 100.02 + E (x-3)2 + (y+3)2 = 36
h spinningcircle, all three of them must be at the
The shaded region are the positions of the Center (h,k)= (3,-3)
y same side of the target (i.e. they belong to the E = - 0.02m  (too short)
2  0.51h  0.5h  2.04% same semi-circle)
spinning circle. From C to D, the three Radius, r = 36 = 6
marksmen are on black face. While from E to Another Solution:
h/2 0.5h S

A, all three marksmen are on white face.

(ANSWER) 1. With marksman A as reference (i.e. located PROBLEM 35: May 2014 CE Brd. Exam
at 0 ) spinning circle The abscissa of the point on the curve x2
If B = 0 to 180, e = 0.02 m – y2 = 1 nearest to point (3, 0) is:
SOLUTION 27: PROBLEM 28: CE Nov 2016 board exam 360 S a. 2 b. 1
C could be anywhere between 0 and 180  and
Given the closed traverse: c. 3 d. 4
Line Bearing Distance the three falls on semi-circle ABD. -------------------------------------------
C could be anywhere between (180 + B) and
A–B N30E 500 m 270 SOLUTION 35:
B–C N45W 450 m 360 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equation of circle is:
C-D S27E 350 m PROBLEM 32: May 2014 CE Brd. Exam x2 – y2 = 1  circle with center C(0,0) and r =
h/2 D-A S11.66W 448.62 m The radius of a sphere is increasing at a 1
y 90
Find the total cost of the land if the cost rate proportional to its radius. If the y
per hectares is 3.1 M. C 90 radius is 4 initially, and the radius is 10
a. Php 17.48375 M 180+ B B C at the after two second, what will be the radius
h after three seconds.
b. Php 18.48375 M center
y - h/2 c. Php 20.48375 M C c a. 13.63 m b. 14.23 m (1,0) (3,0)
z c 0 90 180 x
3cups  d. Php 19.48375 M c. 17.48 m d. 15.81 m
B By symmetry, regardless on which marksman is -------------------------------------------
x 180 A 0 at the center, ½ of the all possibilities wil the
h/2 2 cups  three be on the same face of the spinning circle. dR
d. D  kR
3.0217 hectares dt
Thus, the chance that the spinning circle will be By Inspection, point on circle nearest to
dR (3,0) is (1,0). Abcissa = 1.
hit is:  kdt → integrate both sides
C R --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
P = 3/4 x 1/2 = 3/8 (ANSWER)
E R t
  dt → eqn 2 PROBLEM 36: CE May 2017 board exam
R 45 C PROBLEM 30: May 2015 CE Brd Exam R Find the area of the given cross –
270 A spherical ball having a diameter of 30 R 4 t 0
45 section if the width of roadway is 10 m.
27 R t
By Ratio and Proportion, cm is immersed in oil contain in the ln R 4  k( t ) 0 Left Center Right
R z D B C cylinder making a 10 cm rise of the oil.
lnR – ln4=k(t – 0) → eqn 2 9.8 0 11.2
 Find the diameter of the cylinder.
h y 0 a. 42.43 cm b. 65.34 cm When t = 2, R = 10 3.2 2.8 4.21
40 360 ln10 – ln4=k(2 – 0)
y z A at the C at the c. 25.67 cm d. 30.58 cm a. 47.925 sq.units b. 23.154 sq.units
 → eqn. 1 11.66
11.66 center center
k = 0.4581 → substitute to eqn 2 with t =3 c. 35.614 sq.units d. 56.415 sq.units
h R SOLUTION 30: lnR – ln4=0.4581 (3 – 0)
270 -90
R = 15.81 m SOLUTION 36:
1 2 30 B at the
z y 2R
Volume of Upper Cone 3 center PROBLEM 33: May 2014 CE Brd. Exam
 180 -180
A certain circle O has a diameter AOB. A 4.21
Total Volume of Cone 1 2 A B at the 3.2 
2.8 
R h center certain chord CD is parallel to AOB with  
3 90 10 cm C nearer to A and D nearer to B. Arc AC 4.8 5 5 6.2
AABCD = ABCD+ AABD is given as 30. What is arc CD?
1 C at the A at the
 y
Volume of Upper Cone 3  z   yA ABCD= 1 (BC)(CD)sin(45–27)
2 center center a. 120 b. 130
     B c. 110 d. 140
1  R  h 2 0 90 180 270 360
Total Volume of Cone  -90
30 cm  left center right
1 -180 0 -------------------------------------------
3 + (AB)(AD)sin(30–11.66)
Initial volume of water = final volume of water SOLUTION 33: x 9.8 0 11.2
2 By symmetry, If B = 0 to -180, desired
y z  CD y 3.2 2.8 4.21
positions of C will also be 3/4 of all possibilities 4 3
But 
(450)(350)sin(18) as shown above. R 2 y  R 2  y  10   r By coordinates method
2 3 1 5 11.2 0 - 9.8 - 5 5
Thus, C D A
Volume of Upper Cone  y 
 z
2. Now, if the three are in the same semi circle R 2 y  R 2  y  10   (15)3 2 0 4.21 2.8 3.2 0 0
    3 30 30 1
Total Volume of Cone  h  R
4 A B
A 5 4.21  11 .2 2.8  0  0  0
AABCD = 59 625.24 m2 = 5.9625 hectares 2
(15)3  R 2 (10 )
→ eqn. 2 -  0  0  2.8 - 9.8   3.2  5   0
Total Cost of lot = 3.1 (5.9625) 3
By Proportion, since x is between 0.5R and R, Total Cost = Php 18.48375 M R = 21.213 cm A = 47.925 sq.units
x = 0.75R
2R = 2(21.213)
x/R = 0.75
PROBLEM 29: CE Nov 2016 board exam Alternative solution :
Substitute to eqn 2 D = 2R = 42.43 cm
Three marksmen shoot at a spinning A = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4
by symmetry,
Volume of Upper Cone  y 
3 3
 z  circular
 x  object that is equidistant from PROBLEM 31: May 2015 CE Brd Exam A = 1/2 (5)(3.2) + 1/2 (2.8)(9.8)
      AC = BD = 30
Total Volume of Cone them. The marksmen shoot together, The corrected area of a square lot is 1 + 1/2 (2.8)(11.2) + 1/2 5(4.21)
 h  R  R AC + CD + DB = 180
hectare and the total error in the A = 47.925 sq.units
Let Vtotal = Total volume of cone computed area is 4.004 m 2. If a 100 m 30 + CD + 30 = 180
Preboard Examination – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center Preboard Examination – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center

A population of a certain cell has a c. 150 mins d. 160 mins x+y=3+2 y

probability of dying before 36 hrs of
PROBLEM 37: CE May 2017 board exam 94.583% with a given standard deviation SOLUTION 44: PROBLEM 48: CE May 2017 board exam x + y = 5 (ANSWER) xLine -xcurve
What is the total length of ball dropped
Which is better to buy, a 16 inch pizza of 5. Find the mean value. A = rate of student A = 2/6 = 1/3 items/min (,)
for $15 or 8 inch pizza for $7.5? from 10 m height and bounced half the PROBLEM 51: May 2014CE Brd Exam
a. 25.22 hrs b. 21.32 hrs B = rate of student B = 2/5 = 0.4 items/min dy
a. $14 – 12” b. $15 – 16” height. Two flies from the same point is flying (0,0)
c. 32.11 hrs d. 27.97 hrs If they work together for time “t”, x
c. $12 – 16” d. $13 – 14” a. 10 b. 20 away from each other in different
At + Bt = 110 items c. 30 d. 40
SOLUTION 41: direction and the angle between them is
---------------------------------------------- (1/3)t + 0.4t = 110 items (,-)
By interpolation SOLUTION 48: 84.1. Fly 1 is moving at a speed of 12.2
SOLUTION 37: z = 1.606
t = 150 mins
m/min while the other was flying at 17.4
 = unit price PROBLEM 45: CE Brd Exam-Nov. 2010 y 5
36  x

m/min. How many meters are they apart
1.606 = It takes a plane only 1.5 hours to travel FIGURE A= 2 dA
$15 5 after 2.4 minutes. y 0
500 km with the wind which it can travel Roundtrip distance from ground to a. 68.68 m b. 48.48 m
1 =  = 0.0746 y 5
16 2 in 1.6 hours against the wind. Find the ground equals 2h
4 ẍ = 27.97 velocity of said plane in calm air.
a. 257.96 kph b. 322.92 kph
STOTAL = 10 + 2(5) + 2(2.5) + 2(1.25)
c. 58.58 m
d. 38.38m A= 2
y 0
(x line  x curve )dy
+… y 5
PROBLEM 42: CE BRD NOV. 2012 c. 397.33 kph d. 243.56 kph

2 =
$ 7 .5
 2 = 0.1492
In a 1 km heat run, two runners, namely:
STOTAL = 10 + 10 + 5 + 2.5 +…..
STOTAL = 10 + (sum of terms in
A= 2
y 0
(3y  ( y 3  2y )dy

8 A and B have rates of 3 m/s and 5 m/s

Vplane + Vwind geometric progression with a1 = 10 & y 5

4 respectively. B decided that A would S = 500 km a (5y  y 3 )dy
r = 0.5 c A= 2
1  2 take a lead start of 12 seconds. When t 1=1.5 hrs y 0
will B overtake A? V1 = 12.2 m/min A = 12.5
Vwind 84.1
Thus a $15 – 16” pizza is a better buy. a. 30 secs b. 25 secs a1 b
c. 35 secs d. 40 secs STOTAL = 10 +
t 1=1.6 hrs 1 r V2 = 17.4 m/min PROBLEM 54:
SITUATION 2: CE Brd Exam-May 2009 Vplane – Vwind 10 Find the volume of segment if a plane
V = 3 m/s STOTAL = 10 + By cosine law: pass through 3 cm from the center and
The natural grade line at Station 2 + 220 1  0. 5
is with center height of 4.5 m. in cut, Time = t a2 = b2 + c2 – bccos centroid to the bottom of a sphere
With the wind:
while that at Sta 2+300 is 2.6 m in fill. S = Vt STOTAL = 30 m (ANSWER) b =S1 = V1t1= 17.4(2.4) = 41.76 having a diameter of 11 cm.
38. Find the extent of fill measured from S1 c = S2 = V2t2=12.2(2.4) = 29.28 a. 605.28 b. 405.73
500 = (Vplane + Vwind)1.5
sta 2+300 PROBLEM 49: CE May 2017 board exam a = (41.76)2 + (29.28)2 – 2(41.76)(29.28) cos
c. 505.42 d. 695.62
Vplane + Vwind = 333.33  Eqn 1
a. 29.3 b. 39.2 Find the space mean speed in kph for 5 84.1 SOLUTION 54:
V = 5 m/s Against the wind:
c. 50.7 d. 30.15 cars that took the following time in a = 48.48 m
Time = t -12 S = Vt 9.25
39. Find the stationing of the transition minutes to traverse 3 km distance.
500 = (Vplane – Vwind)1.6 PROBLEM 52: Dec 2014 CE Brd Exam
point. A 1.6
S2 Vplane – Vwind = 312.5  Eqn 2 In a truck, 39 boxes weighing 100 kg/ a
a. 2+270.7 b. 2+330.15 B 1.1
Solve the 2 eqns-2 Unknowns using your boxes. If a truck has a capacity of 5 tons
c. 2+350.7 d. 2+339.20 C 1.2 b
SOLUTION 42: calculator: and that 1 ton is 10 000 kg. How many 3
40. Find the slope of the finished grade D 1.1 5.5
S1 = S 2 Vplane = 322.92 kph boxes can be added weighing 150
line. E 1.2 5.5
a. 1.125 % b. 4.275 % V1 t 1 = V 2 t 2 kg/box?
PROBLEM 46: CE Brd Exam-Nov 1997 a. 307 b. 507
c. 2:335% d. 3:875% 3(t) = 5(t – 12) →solve t
From the top of tower A the angle of a. 145.16 kph b. 154.23 kph c. 407 d. 607
t = 30 seconds
SOLUTION 38: elevation of the top of tower B is 28 and c. 125.45 kph d. 135.23 kph 5.5
B will be able to catch up A, 30 seconds --------------------------------------------------

since A left. the angle of elevation of the top of tower ---------------------------------------------- SOLUTION 52:
Natural Gradeline slope, g=-5% A from the foot of tower B is 46. The
SOLUTION 49: 39 boxes 
 100 kg 
 + X boxes 
 150 kg 
 = 5
Finished gradeline two towers lie on the same level ground.
PROBLEM 43: If the height of tower B is 120 m., find S TOTAL  box   box 
A cannon ball was thrown vertically the height of tower A. VSMS =  10 000 kg 
upward with initial velocity of 200 fps
t TOTAL tons  
a. 89.5 m b. 45.6 m  1 ton  1
and 5 s later a second ball was thrown, c. 79.3 m d. 35.7 m VSMS = V= (3R  h)h 2 
4.5-z what initial velocity of the second ball so X = 307.33 boxes say 307 boxes 3
4.5 2.6
5(3 )
that they will meet 300 ft above the PROBLEM 53: Dec 2014 CE Brd Exam 1
z ground. D 1.6 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.2 V= (3 5.5   8.5 )8.5 2 
a. 124.45 ft/s b. 144.24 ft/s C     Find the area bounded by the curve 3
80 – x x 74o 28o 62o 60 60 60 60 60 x = y3 – 2y and x = 3y. V = 605.28
c. 157.15 ft/s d. 162.23 ft/s 46o 120
VSMS = 145.16 kph (ANSWER)
44o a. 12.5 b. 10.8
80m 46o PROBLEM 55:
SOLUTION 43: c. 16.4 d. 15.3
Sta 2+220 Sta 2+300 A B -------------------------------------------------- There are 3 concentric circles having
PROBLEM 50: CE May 2017 board exam SOLUTION 53: radii of 1, 3, and 5 respectively. A man is
Consider triangle CBD:
Given: (x + yi) (1 - 2i) = (7 – 4i). Find x + Solve for points of intersection playing darts having an accuracy
By ratio and Proportion: CB 120 x = y3 – 2y →eqn. 1 (curve) between the area of radius 5. What is
 y.
2 .6 4 .5 t sin 62 sin 74 a. 5 b. 8 x = 3y →eqn 2 (line). Substitute to the probability of his next shots if the
  Solve x
x 80  x tB = t-5 CB = 110.22 m c. 6 d. 4 eqn. 1 desired area is between the radii 1 and
300 ft 3y = y – 2y
3 respectively.
x = 29.3 m tB = 5.677s Consider triangle CBA:
SOLUTION 50: y3 – 5y = 0 a. 8/25 b. 10/25
VA = 200fps VB sin46o = h/CB
(x + yi) (1 - 2i) = (7 – 4i) y(y2 – 5) = 0 c. 7/25 d. 17/27
SOLUTION 39: h = 110.22sin46o
5s later x - 2xi + yi – 2yi2 = 7 -4i
h = 79.29 m y =0 and y2 – 5 = 0 or y=+ 5 and SOLUTION 55:
xV + x = 2300  2300 is from Sta 2+300 Consider motion of the first ball. x + (- 2x + y)i – 2y(-1) = 7 -4i
xV + 29.3 = 2300 S = VAt + at2/2 PROBLEM 47: CE May 2017 board exam (x + 2y) + (-2x + y)i = 7 -4i y=- 5
xV = 2270.7 m 300 = 200t + (-32.2)t2/2 Find the area of the trapezoid with base
Sta V = 2+270.7 t = 10.677s 1 equal to 10 m and base 2 equal to 15 Equate real terms When y =0, x = 3y=3(0) = 0 → (0,0) is a pt. Of 5
Consider motion of the second ball: m with a height of 0.9 m. x + 2y = 7 → eqn. 1 intersection
SOLUTION 40: tB = 5.667 s a. 12.35 b. 9.25 When y =+ 5 , x = 3y =3 5 → ( 3 5 ,
c. 11.25 d. 10.35 R
Slope of NGL = 5% = (4.5 – z)/80 S = VBtB + atB2/2 Equate coefficients of imaginary part
300 = VB(5.667) + (-32.2)(5.667)2/2 5 ) is a pt. of int.
5%(80) = 4.5 – z  Solve z
VB = 144.24 ft/s SOLUTION 47: -2x + y = -4 → eqn. 2
z = 0.5 When y =- 5 , x = 3y =-3 5 →(-3 5 ,-
PROBLEM 44: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2013 FIGURE Solve the 2 equations simultaneously 5 ) is a pt. of int.
Slope of FGL = (2.6+z)/80 Desired Area = Area of Shaded Region
In a test, student A can finish 2 items in x=3
Slope of FGL = (2.6+0.5)/80=3.875%
6 mins while student B can finish 2 items
10  15 y=2 Desired Area
in 5 mins. If they work together, how ( 0. 9 ) Probability =
PROBLEM 41: A= Total Area
long will they finish 110 items? 2
a. 130 mins b. 140 mins A = 11.25 Therefore:
Preboard Examination – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center Preboard Examination – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center

Probability =

 3 2  12  n 1r
dr = Dn x 1 2  3  4 ... n
g =
ac Area of APC = Area of sector AOC +
Area of Triangle OPC
5 2 10 1 8 alloy t
d8 = 1 450 000 x 1 2  3  4 ...10 4 cm 16 cm R 2 1
Probability = 8/25 %nickel 70% 100% 85% but L = Vt , t = L/V Area of APC = + x(8)
 2
3 nickel nickel nickel 2
x 110 10 1000 m
PROBLEM 56: d8 = 1 450 000 ea = c  e = eccentricity (or 1st eccentricity) Qty 150 oz+ x = 15+x V2 / R V 3 100 3600
2 =  = sec
A steel pipe 4 m long is circumscribed e’b = c  e’ = 2nd eccentricity Amount 0.7(15 x 0.85 L/V LR
d8 = Php 79090.91 (answer) 60( 400 )
about a square 7.4 cm side length and From the figure: of 0) (150+x)
has a square inscribed in it with side nickel  = 0.321 m/sec2/sec Change Requires You to
2a = 4 + 16
length of 5 cm. Find the volume of steel PROBLEM 61: a = 10 cm  Then solve “c” from the figure 0.75(150) + x = 0.85 (150+x) Make a Choice
needed to produce the pipe. PROBLEM 73: Dec 2014 CE Brd Exam
Find the area bounded by the curve y = a–c=4 112.5 +x = 127.5 + 0.85x By Rick Warren — Jan 2, 2017
a. 18698.76cm3 USC has a population of 96 000 five
3x and 0 = 3x – y2 10 – c = 4 x = 150 oz
b. 16698.76cm3 years ago and 100 000 today. With the “Throw off your old sinful nature and
a. 0.0555 b. 0.1424 c = 6 cm  Subst. a and c to a2 = b2 + c2
c. 19953.45cm3 c. 0.1137 d. 0.1222 SITUATION 4: same growth rate, what would be its your former way of life, which is
d. 17423.21cm3 (10)2 = (6)2 + b2 Solve “b” A certain company makes it the policy population 20 years from now? corrupted by lust and deception”
SOLUTION 61: b = 8 cm  Subst. to formula e’b = c that for any new piece of equipment the a. 187 738 b. 112359 (Ephesians 4:22 NLT, second edition).
SOLUTION 56: Solve for points of intersection by substituting e’(8) = 6 annual depreciation cost should not c. 117 738 d. 115646
eqn. 1 to eqn 2. e’ = 0.75 exceed 10% of the original cost at any --------------------------------------------------
Change requires making choices. It’s not
3.7 SOLUTION 73:
y = 3/x →substitute to eqn 2. time with no salvage or scrap value. enough to dream of changing. It’s not
x+y=3 PROBLEM 64: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2001 F = P(1+i)n enough to desire change. In order for
Determine the length of the service life
r=3.7 Determine the length of latus rectum of From 5 yrs ago to present, you
R r 2 necessary if the depreciation method
x+ =3 →multiply by x the curve having an equation used is 100 000 = 96 000(1+ i)5 to change, you will need to make a
7.4 x x2 + 2y2 + 2x – 8y + 7 = 0
R 67. straight -line method. i = 0.08198 decision. You must choose to change.
x2 + 2 = 3x a. 2.31 units b. 1.41 units a. 19 yrs b. 10 yrs Change is intentional: Are you going to
20 years from now,
x2 – 3x + 2 = 0 c. 1.93 units d. 2.71 units be any different in six months? Are you
c. 15 yrs d. 8 yrs F = 100 000(1+ 0.08198)20
Applying quadratic equation solver of calculator, SOLUTION 64: F = 117 737.57 or roughly 117 738 going to be better a year from now? Are
68. sinking fund formula. you going to be healthier, stronger, and
x=2 and x = 1 → subst to eqn 1.
By Pythagorean Theorem on ABC: When x = 2, y = 2/x = 2/2 = 1 2b2 a. 19 yrs b. 10 yrs Calculator Technique: more mature? Are you going to be
L.R = c. 15 yrs d. 8 yrs
R2 = 3.72 + 3.72 = 27.38 When x = 1, y = 2/x = 2/1 = 2 a MODE 3 6 happier? Are you going to be less in
By Pythagorean Theorem on CDE: The points of intersection are (2,1) and (1,2) Solving for a & b 69. SYD method. X Y debt? Are you going to be more like God
r2 = 2.52 + 2.52 = 12.5 y x2 + 2y2 + 2x –8y + 7 = 0 a. 19 yrs b. 10 yrs -5 = 96 000= wants you to be?
(1,2) By completing the square: c. 15 yrs d. 8 yrs 0= 10 000 = AC I can tell you the answer right now: It will
Aannulus = R2 – r2 = (27.38) – (12.5) dx 20 Shift 1 Reg y = only happen if you choose to change,
x2 + 2x + 1 + 2(y2 – 4y + 4) = -7 + 1 + 8
Aannulus = 46.75 PROBLEM 70: MAY 2016 CE The calculator now displays the population 20 because it isn’t going to happen
yLINE - yPARABOLA (x +1)2 + 2(y –2)2 = 2
Vpipe = Aannulus L = 46.75(400) Board years from now which is 117 737.57 accidentally. I want you to be better in 10
2 2
Vpipe = 18698.76 ( x  1) ( y  2) How many numbers of years will the years than you are now, but you won’t
(2,1) + =1
yLINE 2 1 P500, 000 to become P5, 000,000 if be unless you choose to be.
PROBLEM 74: Dec 2014 CE Brd Exam
SITUATION 3: 2 accumulated 5% compounded It requires a choice.
yPARABOLA a =2 Which is not true of two lines that
There are 24 Japanese, 10 Chinese and quarterly? A lot of times we think we’re waiting on
37 Filipino students in a classroom.
a= 2 a. 53 years b. 43 years are perpendicular in the same
God to change us. No. You are not
57. Find the probability of selecting 3 b2 = 1 c. 47 years d. 66 years plane are.
x waiting on God. God is waiting on you!
Chinese. b=1 a. coplanar b. collinear
He’s waiting on you to say, “Yes, Lord,
dA = (yLINE – yPARABOLA) dx Integrate both SOLUTION 70: c. concurrent d.
a. 0.00122 b. 0.00209 2(1) 2 orthogonal
I’m willing to make these changes.”
c. 0.01235 d. 0.03322 sides LR = F = P(1 + i)n We have to make intentional choices in
x 2 2 n( 4 ) --------------------------------------------------
order to grow. There is no growth
58. Find the probability of selecting 3  2  0.05  b. collinear
 5’000’000 = 500’000  1   ANSWER:
A=  (3  x )  x  dx LR = 1.41 units
 4  without change, there is no change
x 1   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

without loss, and there is no loss without

a. 0.03500 b. 0.00290 PROBLEM 65: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2002 PROBLEM 75: MAY 2016 CE
A = 0.1137 n = 46.34  47 years (ANSWER) pain. If you are going to grow, you will
c. 0.01290 d. 0.03624 In a spherical triangle: A = 11619’, Board
have to change, and change means
59. Find the probability of selecting 3 PROBLEM 62: B = 80 30’ and C = 5537’ AB is the diameter of the circle with
PROBLEM 71: MAY 2016 CE center at point O. Point C and D lies at
letting go of some old things in order to
Filipino What is the area of the circle having a Find side a. grab hold of some new things.
Board the circumference of the circle. The
a. 0.123 b. 0.136 chord with length 7.43 m and is 4.3 m a. 11528’ b. 13412’ The recorded distance of a line is It’s like swinging on a trapeze: The
c. 0.290 d. 0.324 from its center. distance of point C to point A is 25 cm,
c. 11345’ d. 12356’ 1350m using 150m tape which is trapeze artist swings out on one bar, and
a. 101.45 cm2 b. 110.85 cm2 while the distance of point C to point D
0.005m too long. Determine the then he has to reach out and grab the
SOLUTION 57-59: c. 200.55 cm2 d. 301.65cm2 SOLUTION 65: is 30cm. Find the diameter of the circle if
corrected distance? other one. At some point, he has to let
CD is perpendicular to AB?
D 10 C3 a. 1350.04mtrs b. 1317.59mtrs go of one to grab the other, or he’s not
Probability =   0.00209 SOLUTION 62: a. 16.32 m b. 16.25 m
going to make it to the other side. If he
T 71C3 7.43
c. 1317.59mtrs d. 1330.06mtrs c. 18.12 m d. 15.63 m
thinks he can hold on to both, what
D 24 C 3 SOLUTION 75: happens? He gets stuck in the middle,
Probability =   0.03500 /2
Scorrected = Stape + E and he’s going down.
T 71C3 C Some of you are stuck in the middle,
C S tape
Scorrected = Stape + e and you’re going down because you
D 37 C 3
R 25
Probability =   0.136 553 L haven’t let go of the old patterns, the old
T 71C3 7’ 1350  habits, and the old ways of thinking.
b Scorrected = 1350 + (+0.005) A B You have to let go of your old ways.
PROBLEM 60: May 2015 CE Brd Exam 150 O P
The Bible says, “Throw off your old
PRC purchased a new car worth P1 985 Scorrected = 1 350.045 meters (ANSWER) sinful nature and your former way of life,
By Pythagorean Theorem: By cosine law for angles:
000. If the car is depreciated over a 10- which is corrupted by lust and
R2 = 4.32 + (7.43/2)2 = 32.29 cosA = -cosBcosC + sinBsinCcosa D
year period with a salvage value of P535 1161 803 PROBLEM 72: Nov 2015 CE Brd Exam deception” (Ephesians 4:22 NLT, second
A = R2 = (32.29) = 101.45 cm2 cos11619’ = A
-cos8030’cos5537’ + B edition). In other words, let it go. Those
000, determine the worth of the car after 9’ 0’ A spiral easement curve has a length of
8 years using Sum of Years Digit sin8030’sin5537’cosa From Triangle ACP: old habits, those old hurts, those old
PROBLEM 63: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2001 c 60 m with central curve having a radius
 = invsin (15/25) = 36.87
Method. a = 11528’ of 400 m. The design speed of the car patterns, those old sins in your life — let
The distances of one focus of an ellipse AB = 25 / cos  = 25 / cos 36.87 =
a. Php 79090.91 on this curve is 100 kph. Compute for them go. The Bible says to throw them
to its vertices are 4 cm and 16 cm. Find
b. Php 84530.63 PROBLEM 66: the rate of centripetal acceleration. 31.25 meters off and trust that God is working in you
the second eccentricity.
c. Php 54300.78 a. 1. 21 m/sec2/sec Diameter = AB/2 = 31.25/2 “to will and to act in order to fulfill his
a. 0.55 b. 0.65 How many ounces of pure nickel must
d. Php 62430.52 c. 0.75 d. 0.85 be added to 150 ounces of alloy, 70% b. 0.321 m/sec2/sec Diameter = 15.63 meters (ANSWER) good purpose” (Philippians 2:13b NIV).
c. 4.21 m/sec2/sec Talk It Over
SOLUTION 60: pure to make an alloy 85% pure?
SOLUTION 63: d. 5.214 m/sec2/sec sin( - ) = 8/10  What is a change you’ve been
Dn = total depreciation a. 225 b. 125
c. 175 d. 150  = 2.214 radian wanting to make in your life but have
Dn = FC – SV been waiting on God to do for you?
Dn = 1 985 000 – 535 000 = Php 1 450 b
SOLUTION 66:  How do you think God wants you to
000.00 c c Rate of increase of centripetal acceleration .
V1 V2 move forward with that change?
Preboard Examination – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center
What practical steps do you need to
 How do you want your life to be
different one year from now? What
will it take to accomplish that goal? MATHEMATICS AND SURVEYING SET A
SITUATION 1: a. N1002‘52”E b. N110’ 52“E
There are 10 students in Zapatera National High School. Three c. S1202‘52“W d. N 8o15’21”E
girls of such have blue eyes. Two students are chosen randomly,
1. What is the probability that both girls have blue eyes?
4 2
a. b. PROBLEM 13:
15 15
1 3 sin 2 x  cos 2 x
c. d. Evaluate:
15 15 tan x
2. What is the probability that neither girl have blue eyes? a. cscx b. cot x
9 7 c. cos x d. sin x
a. b.
15 15 PROBLEM 14:
8 6 dy
c. d. Determine in the equation y = x x 2 .
15 15 dx
3. What is the probability that one of the two girls have blue a. 1 b. 2 x X
1 [1 + lnx2]
eyes? X X
c. 1 [1 2
+ lnx ] d. 1 lnx2
9 7 xX xX
a. b.
15 15 PROBLEM 15:
8 6 Nine less than eight times the number is equal to 39. Find the
c. d. number.
15 15
a. 5 b. 7
PROBLEM 4: c. 6 d. 8
Find the maximum life of an equipment if its salvage value is
zero. The depreciation charge during the first year is 18 percent. PROBLEM 16:
Use Sum of Years Digit Method. A compound curve has a common tangent equal to 520 m. The
a. 9 years b. 10 years first curve has a radius equal to 300 m and has subtended angle
c. 11 years d. 12 years equal to 50 while the second curve has central angle of 35.
PROBLEM 5: What is the length of the second curve?
Two observation points were set up at A and B, which is 290 m a. 842.78 m b. 629.41 m
closer to but 25 m lower in elevation than A. The angles of c. 736.22 m d. 948.16 m
elevations from both points are 24.45 and 40.3 respectively. If PROBLEM 17:
the elevation at A is 556m., find the elevation of the top of the Points A and B are 40 m apart while B and C are 10 m apart and
mountain. are of the same elevation as the foot of the building which is at C.
a. 959.48 m b. 869.15 m The angles of elevation at the top of the building from points A
c. 725.11 m d. 1042.73 m and B are  and 3 respectively. Find the value of ?
a. 53 b. 0
c. 44 d. 37
The diameters of a frustum of a sphere are 12.6 and 20.4 cm.
The frustum is 3.6 cm thick. PROBLEM 18:
6. Find its volume. Given a triangular lot with sides, 22 m and 15 m with an included
a. 523.15 b. 482.98 angle of 115. How many triangles can be formed?
c. 837.20 d. 842.98 a. 1 b. 0
7. Find the radius of the sphere. c. 2 d. 3
a. 16.48 b. 19.64 PROBLEM 19:
c. 24.16 d. 12.45 What quadrilateral could be formed if diagonals are
8. Find the area of the spherical zone. perpendicular to each other?
a. 714.45 b. 814.45 a. rhombus b. parallelogram
c. 281.61 d. 114.45 c. rectangle d. triangle
Chelsea and Joy before taking the first day of examination Romeo and Juliet invested in two funds, Bigger and Better funds.
decided to eat their breakfast in Pizza Hut. Chelsea ordered 3 They invested 4.02 % in Bigger funds while 4% in Better funds. If
slices of pizza and 2 regular softdrinks and paid Php 600.00, the total investment is 65 000 and total earnings is 2 610, what is
while Joy ordered 2 slices of pizza and 3 regular softdrinks and its investment in Better funds?
was charge of Php 525.00. How much is the cost of each slice of a. 15 000 b. 35 000
pizza? c. 50 000 d. 40 000
a. Php 200.00 /pc b. Php 370.50 /pc PROBLEM 21:
c. Php 150.00 /pc d. Php 400.00 /pc What should you invest to earn 20 000 in 3 years gaining 4%
effective interest?
SITUATION 3: a. Php 215 614.19 b. Php 112 578.42
Traverse ABCDE was surveyed years ago using Compass Rule. c. Php 160 174.27 d. Php 311 064.35
The blueprint of the survey was found and the description of PROBLEM 22:
boundaries are as follows: AB = 985 meters S70o29’E, BC = 315
A pair of dice is being tossed, what is the probability that it will
meters S26o28’E, CD = 875 meters S65o33’W, DE = 410 meters exceed 4?
N45o31’W, EA = 650 meters N 10oE. The description of line DA is
a. 5/6 b. 4/7
blurred and thus, cannot be read.
c. 1/4 d. 2/3
10. Find the corrected latitude.
a. 609.327 m b. 629.327 m SITUATION 4:
c. 649.327 m d. 669.327 m If a man is to select billiard balls in random that are numbered 1
to 15, what is the probability that:
11. Find the corrected departure.
23. less than 5.
a. 88.21 m b. 45.28 m
a. 2/15 b. 4/15
c. 30.27 m d. 92.62 m
c. 5/18 d. 6/19
12. Find the corrected bearing of line EA
24. less than 5 and even. 5 9.45 3.71 a. N51.2oE b. N71.5oW SITUATION 6:
a. 2/15 b. 4/15 6 12.32 2.02 c. S45.14oE d. S80.46W Find the total surface area of the pyramid
c. 5/18 d. 6/19 BM14 1.98 for the following conditions:
a. 235.95 m b. 245.92 m PROBLEM 44:
53. If the base is rectangle, 8 m x 6 m and
25. even or less than 5. c. 223.25 m d. 236.51 m If the perimeter of the fencing material is
the perpendicular height is 12 m.
a. 3/5 b. 4/7 800 m. find the largest rectangular area
c. 5/8 d. 6/9 PROBLEM 34: that can be fenced. a. 119.25 m2 b. 114.4 m2
A summit vertical parabolic curve has a sight distance of 100m. a. 4 hectares. b. 5 hectares. c. 222.86 m2 d. 110.34 m2
If slope of back tangent is +2.2% and slope of forward tangent is c. 8 hectares. d. 2 hectares.
-1.8%, find the length of curve. 54. If the base is a square with side 4.2 m
a. 94.15 m b. 108.6 m PROBLEM 45: and the slant height is 15 m.
PROBLEM 26: a. 143.64 m2 b. 125.15 m2
c. 93.51 m d. 112.2 m What is the area of the circle having a
PADILLA Review School has a population of 96 000 five years
PROBLEM 35: chord with length 7.43 m and is 4.3 m from c. 152.54 m2 d. 148.98 m2
ago and 100 000 today. With the same growth rate, what would
be its population 20 years from now? A spherical segment of one base has an altitude of 3 meters and its center.
radius of 4 m. Find the volume. 55. If the base is an octagon with side 5 m
a. 113668.54 b. 112359.12 a. 101.45 cm2 b. 110.85 cm2
a. 84.28 b. 88.24 and height 20 m.
c. 117736.39 d. 115646.79 c. 200.55 cm2 d. 301.65cm2
c. 82.84 d. 84.82 a. 232.74 m2 b. 538.54 m2
PROBLEM 36: PROBLEM 46: c. 496.77 m2 d. 486.98 m2
Engr. Alexander bought a machine costing P50 000 with an
A bag contains six balls all of different colors. Three balls are A stone is thrown into a body of still
expected salvage value of P20 000 after 20 years. Ten years PROBLEM 56:
from now, he plan to buy a new machine costing P120 000. How taken out of the bag, one at a time. What is the probability that water and created a ripples in the form of
the balls selected will be red, green, and blue in that order? The concentric circles, if the radius increases In triangle ABC, DE is drawn parallel to
much money is he needed to compensate the new machine?
a. P85 000 b. P45 000 three selected balls are returned to the bag and then a handful of at a rate of 2m/s, at what rate is the area AC. D is in AB while E in BC. DE=3, AD=5,
c. P66 000 d. P75 000 three balls is taken out. What is the probability that the three balls increasing when the radius is 2m? while DB = 2. Find AC
are red, green, and blue? a. 9.8 b. 11.3
PROBLEM 28: a. 6 b. 4
a. 1/34 b. 1/20 c. 10.5 d. 12.1
A salesman made a commission of 2000 pesos in his sales. If c. 1/12 d. 1/65 c. 5 d. 8
this sale increased his average commission to 900 which is 100 PROBLEM 57:
dollars more than his latest average. How many units did he sell SITUATION 5: A metallic tube has an outside diameter of
so far after the last sale? You are given an arithmetic progression that can be solved using
the formula an = 3n + s, n is the number of series (i.e., a 1, a2, a3…
Two hills A and C have an elevation of 680 8 cm and an inside diameter of 6 cm. It has
a. 4 units b. 5 units m and 620 m respectively. In between A and
an). a total length of 4m. What is the total
c. 6 units d. 12 units Find the common difference of the given series. C is another hill B of elevation 645 m and volume of the metal needed to make the
a. 1 b. 2 located 12 km from A and 15 km from C.
PROBLEM 29: tube?
c. 3 d. 4 Consider the effects of earth’s curvature a. 8797 cm3 b. 6841 cm3
Given the data shown:
LINE AZIMUTH DISTANCE and atmospheric refraction. c. 7452 cm3 d. 5428 cm3
PROBLEM 38: 47. Compute the elevation of the line of
AB 1536’ -
A steel tape was standardized at 20C and used to measure a
BC 29049’ - sight at B so that A and C are PROBLEM 58:
line at 3oC. The correct length of a line is 864.30m.Find the intervisible.
CD 23758’ 77.45 Money borrowed today is to be paid in 6
measured length if the coefficient of thermal expansion is
DA 8043’ 75.00 a. 641.18 m b. 604.81 m equal payments at the end of 6 quarters.
0.0000116 m/mC.
What is distance AB? c. 481.20 m d. 3412.1 m If the interest is 12% compounded
a. 867.40 m b. 864.47 m
a. 28.51 b. 19.25 c. 823.68 m d. 812.23 m quarterly. How much was initially borrowed
48. Find the equal height of towers
c. 24.21 d. 18.02 if quarterly payment is P 2,000.00
constructed at A and C so that the three
PROBLEM 39: a. P 10,834.38 b. P 10,332.90
PROBLEM 30: A vertical sag parabolic curve has tangent grades of -2% and
hills are intervisible.
c. P 10,586.99 d. P 10,200.56
The perimeter fence of a triangular lot is 400 meters long +3%. Compute the length of curve if the required sight distance is a. 5.817 m b. 4.817 m
including the gate. The front side is due east. The left side is 52 178m. c. 3.817 m d. 2.817 m PROBLEM 59:
degrees east of north while the right side is 58 degrees north of a. 218.15 m b. 212.66 m The common tangent BC of a reversed curve
west. Find the length of the right side. 49. Find the height of tower constructed at
c. 234.45 m d. 271.12 m is 280.5 m. and has a bearing of S4731’E.
A so that B and C are still intervisible.
PROBLEM 40: a. 5.87 m b. 6.87 m AB is the tangent of the first curve whose
(The perimeter of a triangle is 400 m. Angle A = 38 and angle B
A machine costing P45,000 is estimated to have a salvage value c. 4.85 m d. 8.71 m bearing is N 7245’E. CD is a tangent of
= 58. Find side a.) of P 4,350 when retired at the end of 6 years . Depreciation cost
a. 150 m b. 110 m is computed using a constant percentage of the declining book the second curve whose bearing is N3813’E.
c. 90 m d. 100 m value. What is the annual rate of depreciation is %? A is at the P.C. while D is at the P.T.
The transit is set up at a point where
a. 32.25 % b. 28.65% The radius of the first curve is 180 m. The
PROBLEM 31: stadia rod was placed 194.20 m horizontally
c. 42.50% d. 18.50% P.I.1 is at the station 16 + 523.37. Find
Four groups with different number of trials measured distance as away from it. The stadia intercept was
follows. the stationing of the P.T.
PROBLEM 41: recorded to be 1.94 m. and the stadia
Ave.distance No. of trials a. 16 + 878.16 b. 16 + 883.65
A compound curve has the following data : constant is 0.30, determine the stadia
A 352.514 6 c. 16 + 893.24 d. 16 + 889.54
1 = 28  D1 = 3 STA P.. 30 + 120.5 interval factor.
B 354.525 2 2 = 31 D2 = 4 a. 99.95 b. 98.56 PROBLEM 60:
C 352.345 1 Find the stationing of P.C.C. c. 95.60 d. 100.50 Find the corrected volume of cut between
D 352.111 8 Use P.. 30 + 120.5 stations 80 m. apart if the areas of
Find the weighted mean.
a. 30 + 186.8 b. 30 + 206.7 PROBLEM 51:
a. 335.923 m b. 352.551 m irregular sections in cut at stations are
c. 30 + 306.6 d. 30 + 106.97 Data on a traffic accident record on a
c. 341.512 m d. 368.425 m 26 sq. m. and 68 sq. m. respectively. Base
certain intersection for the past 5 years
PROBLEM 42: width = 8 m. and side slope is 1:1. Use the
PROBLEM 32: has an accident rate of 4160 per million
At 6 %, find the capitalized cost of a bridge whose cost is P250 M prismoidal correction formula.
When you divide a 3-digit number by the sum of the digits, the entering vehicles (MEV). Find the total
and life is 20 years, if the bridge must be partially rebuilt at a cost a. 3663.88 cum b.3844.17 cum
value is 26. If the digits are reversed, it will exceed the original number of accidents if the average daily
of P100 M at the end of each 20 years. c. 3971.45 cum d. 2993.77 cum
number by 198. Find the ten’s digit. traffic 504.
a. P185.1 M b. P314.7 M
a. 2 b. 4 c. P295.3 M d. P225.1 M
a. 4812 Accidents b. 3726 Accidents SITUATION 7:
c. 3 d. 5 c. 3826 Accidents d. 2415 Accidents The area of a swimming pool is formed by
PROBLEM 43: two overlapping identical circles with
From the given data of a closed traverse, compute the bearing of common radius of 9 cm.
Using the following notes, what is the elevation of BM14? line 3 – 4. What is the minimum equal height of the
STA. B.S F.S ELEV. 61. Find the area common to two circles.
Line Bearing Distance object and the observer from a sight
BM12 4.64 209.65 a. 51.8 cm2 b. 81.2 cm2
1-2 N58E 80 m distance of 120m? Length of curve is 180 m.
1 5.80 5.06 c. 125 cm2 d. 99.5 cm2
2-3 Due N 50 m Let g1 = +2% and g2 = -4%.
2 2.25 5.02
3-4 -- ---- a. 0.4 m b. 0.6 m 62. Find the perimeter of the swimming
BM13 6.02 5.85 pool.
3 8.96 4.34
4-1 S36.74E 89.8 c. 0.3 m d. 0.9 m
a. 75.4 cm b. 65.1 cm
4 8.06 3.22
11/2017 11/2017
c. 35.6 cm d. 95.4 cm Find the angle between 8x + 5y – z + 46 = 0 That’s maturity — and discipline, particularly for a 15-year-old. Use Sum of Years Digit Method.
and 6x + 5y – 5z = 0. When we’re disciplined and obedient and following God’s will, we a. 9 years b. 10 years
63. Find the area of the swimming pool. will be successful in God’s eyes. c. 11 years d. 12 years
a. 409.4 cm2 b. 509.5 cm2 a. 27.56 b. 34.51
c. 615.8 cm2 d. 350.5 cm2 c. 19.28 d. 46.32 Talk It Over d1 = 0.18FC (dep. charge during 1st year)
 How have you seen someone’s lack of discipline hurt other Dn = F.C –S.V ,S.V = 0
people? Dn = F.C
The deflection angles of points A and B A hemispherical tank of radius 1.2 m  Where in your life do you struggle most with discipline? n  r 1
from the tangent through P.C of a simple contains a liquid with unit weight of 54.5 Why? dr =  Dn 
kN/m3 to the brim. Compute the value of the Sum of digits
curve are 35’ and 815’ respectively. If  What are some ways you can grow in your discipline?
work done by pumping the liquid to a point n
the chord distance from A to B is 40m,
0.8 m from the top.
Sum of digits =  n  1
compute the length of chord from PC to A. 2
a. 34.69 m b. 23.89 m a. 88.76 kNm b. 95.52 kNm n  1 1
c. 62.52 kNm d. 72.52 kNm 0.18F.C = n
c. 35.61 m d. 16.85 m  n  1
PROBLEM 74: 0.18n(n+1) = 2n
Two circles are tangent internally. How n2 + n =11.11n
many tangent lines formed? n = 10.11 say
a. 1 b. 2 n = 10 years
c. 4 d. 3
A parallelogram has sides of lengths of 60
and 140 cm. If one of the angles is 70, PROBLEM 5: May 2013 CE Brd Exam
find the length of one of the diagonals. PROBLEM 75: Two observation points were set up at A and B, which is 290 m
a. 168.3 b. 185.3 A machine has an initial cost of P50 000 closer to but 25 m lower in elevation than A. The angles of
and a salvage value of P10 000 after 10 elevations from both points are 24.45 and 40.3 respectively. If
c. 170.2 d. 156.2
years. What is the total depreciation after the elevation at A is 556m., find the elevation of the top of the
SITUATION 1: Dec 2014 CE Brd Exam
PROBLEM 66: 3 years? mountain.
There are 10 students in Zapatera National High School. Three
Compute the area of a regular octagon with a. Php 13 000 b. Php 11 000 a. 959.48 m b. 869.15 m
girls of such have blue eyes. Two students are chosen randomly,
sides equal to 200 cm. c. Php 12 000 d. Php 13 500 c. 725.11 m d. 1042.73 m
1. What is the probability that both girls have blue eyes?
a. 199 494 cm2 b. 193 136cm2 4 2 SOLUTION 5:
c. 134 682 cm2 d. 154 907cm2 a. b.
15 15 Elevation 556m + z
Godly Discipline Leads to Success
PROBLEM 67: By Rick Warren — Sep 28, 2017 1 3
c. d.
A solid plane has nine vertices and “Do not let any part of your body become a tool of 15 15 Elevation 556m
composed of triangles, where four triangles wickedness, to be used for sinning. Instead, give yourself 2. What is the probability that neither girl have blue eyes? z
meet on each of its six vertices and six completely to God . . . as a tool to do what is right for the 9 7
triangles on each of its remaining glory of God” (Romans 6:13 NLT). a. b. 24.45
15 15
vertices. How many faces does the plane 40.3 25m
have? Daniel had a choice. Eat the king’s food, or control his ego and 8 6
c. d.
a. 14 b. 17 his appetite. 15 15
c. 16 d. 15 3. What is the probability that one of the two girls have blue 290 m x
Daniel chose the latter. eyes?
PROBLEM 68: From rt. ADE:
Many teenagers wouldn’t have made that choice.
9 7 z
In a certain commodity, 90% drinks tea, 80% a. b. tan 24.45 = → eq. 1
drinks coffee, 70% drinks whiskey, 60% Think about it. You’re 15 years old, and you’ve been taken by 15 15 290  x

drinks gin. 40% drinks both whiskey and force from your home country. 8 6
You’re never going to see your parents again. You’re in a foreign c. d. From rt. BDC:
gin. What percentage of the community 15 15
country with no parental supervision. Then the most powerful z  25
drinks liquor?  tan 40.3° =
man in that country offers you all kinds of perks and pleasure. x
a. 70% b. 80% You’ll get the best of everything.” SOLUTION 1:
c. 90% d. 40%
z  25
Combination of 2 girls with blue eyes x= → Subst. to eqn 1
Could you turn that down? P= tan 40.3o
PROBLEM 69: Combination of two girls with any eye color
In a circle, x2 + y2 = 25 find the sub- z
normal at (3,4).
Just consider what we see sometimes in sports. A kid can shoot 2 C3 3 C2 1 tan 24.45 = z  25 → Solve z
a basketball, throw a football, or swing a bat. They’re drafted into P= = ???? P = = 290 
a. 4 b. 5 the professional leagues and receive tons of money. They’re 2 C10 10 C2 15
tan 40.3o
c. 3 d. 6 given all kinds of perks, but they can’t handle that kind of z = 313.15
success. Good kids can be ruined by too much success, too  Thus:
PROBLEM 70: early. SOLUTION 2: Elevation of D = 556m + z
On a highway, it is a slightly raised strip Elevation of D = 556m + 313.15
of asphalt, plastic, etc. across the lane That could have easily been Daniel’s story, but it wasn’t. He was
Combination of 2 girls without blue eyes
P= Elevation of D = 869.15
of traffic to warn the commuters that it is incredibly disciplined for a 15-year-old kid isolated from his Combination of two girls with any eye color
approaching a hazard parents. Daniel reflected what Paul wrote hundreds of years SITUATION 2: CE Brd Exam-Nov. 2013
later, when he said in Romans 6:13: “Do not let any part of your 2 C7 7 C2 7 The diameters of a frustum of a sphere are 12.6 and 20.4 cm.
a. Chevron marking P= = ??? P = =
b. diagonal marking body become a tool of wickedness, to be used for sinning. 2 C10 10 C2 15 The frustum is 3.6 cm thick.
Instead, give yourself completely to God . . . as a tool to do what 6. Find its volume.
c. thermoplastic marking
is right for the glory of God” (NLT). a. 523.15 b. 482.98
d. Rumble strip 
c. 837.20 d. 842.98
For Daniel, a lack of discipline would mean forfeiting God’s SOLUTION 3: 7. Find the radius of the sphere.
unique plan for his life. Daniel wouldn’t do that. a. 16.48 b. 19.64
PRC purchased a new car worth P1 950 000. Combination of 2 girls,1 with blue eyes and the other not blue
c. 24.16 d. 12.45
If the car is depreciated over a 10-year So he tells the most powerful man in the world, Combination of two girls with any eye color 8. Find the area of the spherical zone.
period with a salvage value of P575 000,
  
“Nebuchadnezzar, I’m going to serve you because God put me
  
a. 714.45 b. 814.45
determine the number of years to which the here. I’m not here without his permission, so I’ll serve you. You 1C3 1C7 3 C1 7 C1 7 c. 281.61 d. 114.45
book value reaches P950 000 using Sum of are a pagan king. But I’m not going to be indebted to you or P= = ??? P = =
Years Digit Method. conformed by you. You can give me all these kind of perks, but 2 C10 10 C2 15 SOLUTION 6:
a. 7 yrs b. 4 yrs I’m never going to forget that I’m not you. I’m not one of you. I’m
c. 6 yrs d. 5 yrs Jewish. I’m not Babylonian.” PROBLEM 4:
PROBLEM 72: Find the maximum life of an equipment if its salvage value is
zero. The depreciation charge during the first year is 18 percent.

11/2017 11/2017
6.3 6.3  Dis tan ce  dy D
  Dis tan ce  = y [x + 2x ln x]
CL = -EL   dx
a  Dis tan ce  dy
  Dis tan ce  = x x 2 x[1 + 2 lnx]
3.6 cm dx
CD = -ED  
dy Y
R z
Line Dist. Bearing Lat. Dep. = x X 1 [1 + lnx2]
(m) 

AB 985 S70o29’E -329.07 +928.4
1 PROBLEM 15: Nov. 2016 CE Board Exam A B C
BC 315 S26 28’E
-281.99 +140.3 Nine less than eight times the number is equal to 39. Find the 40 m 10
9 number.
10.2 10.2 CD 875 S65 33’W
-362.16 - a. 5 b. 7 y = (tan )(50) = (tan3)(10) → Solve 
DE 410 N45o31’W +287.2 -292.52
c. 6 d. 8  = 0 (answer)
h 9 -------------------------------------------------
PROBLEM 18: December 2014 CE Brd Exam
V= (3a2  3b2  h2 ) EA 650 N 10oE +640.1 +112.8 SOLUTION 15: Given a triangular lot with sides, 22 m and 15 m with an included
6 2 7 Let x = the number angle of 115. How many triangles can be formed?
(3.6) Distance = 3235 m
V= (3(6.3) 2  3(10.2) 2  (3.6) 2 ) 8x – 9 = 39 a. 1 b. 0
6 For latitude: x = 6 (answer) c. 2 d. 3
V = 837.20 positive Latitude = +927.4127 m --------------------------------------------------

SOLUTION 7: negative Latitude = -973.22 m PROBLEM 16: November 2015 CE Brd Exam
Apply cosine Law
(3.6+z)2 + a2 = R2 EL = 927.4127 – 973.22 A compound curve has a common tangent equal to 520 m. The b2 = c2 + a2 – 2ac cos B B
(3.6+z)2 + 6.32 = R2  eqn 1 EL = -45.807 m first curve has a radius equal to 300 m and has subtended angle
b2=222+152 – 2(15)(22) cos 115 a=15
equal to 50 while the second curve has central angle of 35. c=22 115
z + b = R  solve z
2 2 2  650  b = 31.43 m
 3235  What is the length of the second curve? Therefore, there is 
z= R 2  b2 Correction = -(-45.807)   a. 842.78 m b. 629.41 m only one triangle with this A C
c. 736.22 m d. 948.16 m b
Correction = 9.204 m given data
z= R 2  10.2 2  substitute to eqn 1 Corrected latitude = 640.125+9.204
(3.6+ R 2  10.2 2 )2 + 6.32 = R2 Corrected latitude = 649.327 m
I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Solve R: SOLUTION 11: PROBLEM 19: December 2014 CE Brd Exam

R = 12.45 For departure: T1 T21
What quadrilateral could be formed if diagonals are
+D = 1181.67 perpendicular to each other?
SOLUTION 8: a. rhombus b. parallelogram
Azone = 2Rh = 2(12.45)(3.6) = 281.61 -D = -1089.05
c. rectangle d. triangle
ED =1181.67 – 1089.05

PROBLEM 9: ED = +92.62 m SOLUTION 19:

Chelsea and Joy before taking the first day of examination  650  17.5 Figure is a rhombus
decided to eat their breakfast in Pizza Hut. Chelsea ordered 3  3235  300 p 50 O
slices of pizza and 2 regular softdrinks and paid Php 600.00, Correction = -(+92.62)   O
35 p R2
Correction = -18.61 m
while Joy ordered 2 slices of pizza and 3 regular softdrinks and p O p
was charge of Php 525.00. How much is the cost of each slice of Corrected departure =112.87+ -18.61
pizza? Corrected departure = 94.26 m
a. Php 200.00 /pc b. Php 370.50 /pc SOLUTION 12: PROBLEM 20: December 2014 CE Brd Exam
c. Php 150.00 /pc d. Php 400.00 /pc Corrected bearing: Romeo and Juliet invested in two funds, Bigger and Better funds.
departure 94.26 They invested 4.02 % in Bigger funds while 4% in Better funds. If
SOLUTION 9: tan = 
latitude 649.327 the total investment is 65 000 and total earnings is 2 610, what is
Let  = N8 15’21”E
o its investment in Better funds?
P = unit cost of pizza a. 15 000 b. 35 000
S = unit cost of softdrinks PROBLEM 13: Nov. 2016 CE Board Exam c. 50 000 d. 40 000
Consider Devie’s order: --------------------------------------------------

P(3) + S(2) = 600 → eqn 1 sin 2 x  cos 2 x SOLUTION 20:

Evaluate: --------------------------------------------------

Consider Joy’s order: tan x SOLUTION 16: Let:

P(2) + S(3) = 525 → eqn 2 a. cscx b. cot x T1 + T2 = 520 G = Amount invested in Bigger Fund
Solve eqns 1 and 2 simultaneously using quadratic equation solver of c. cos x d. sin x T = Amount invested in Better Fund
T1 = R1tan(I1/2)
calculator. ------------------------------------------------- Key equations:
P = Php150/pc T1 = 300tan(25o) G + T = 65 000 → eqn 1
S = Php 75/pc SOLUTION 13:
T1 = 140 m 4.02%G + 4%T = 2 610 → eqn 2
2 1 2
sin x  cos x Solve equations 1 and 2 simultaneously
SITUATION 3: May 1997 CE Board Exam = = cot x (answer) 140 + T2 = 520
tan x tan x G = Php 50 000
Traverse ABCDE was surveyed years ago using Compass Rule. T = Php 15 000
The blueprint of the survey was found and the description of T2 = 380 m
boundaries are as follows: AB = 985 meters S70o29’E, BC = 315 PROBLEM 21: December 2014 CE Brd Exam
PROBLEM 14: Nov. 2016 CE Board Exam T2 = R2tan(I2/2)
What should you invest to earn 20 000 in 3 years gaining 4%
meters S26o28’E, CD = 875 meters S65o33’W, DE = 410 meters
N45o31’W, EA = 650 meters N 10oE. The description of line DA is dy 380 = R2tan17.5o effective interest?
Determine in the equation y = x x 2 . a. Php 215 614.19 b. Php 112 578.42
blurred and thus, cannot be read. dx R2 = 1205.21 m
10. Find the corrected latitude. X
c. Php 160 174.27 d. Php 311 064.35
a. 1 b. 2 x X 1 [1 + lnx2]
a. 609.327 m b. 629.327 m --------------------------------------------------

c. 649.327 m d. 669.327 m
2 X
1 lnx2 S 2 = I 2 R2 SOLUTION 21:
c. xX 1 [1 + lnx2] d. xX
736.22 m (answer) I=F-P
11. Find the corrected departure. -------------------------------------------------
_______________________________________________________________________________________ I = P(1+i)n – P
a. 88.21 m b. 45.28 m 20 000 = P[(1+0.04)3 – 1] → Solve P
SOLUTION 14: PROBLEM 17: November 2015 CE Brd Exam
c. 30.27 m d. 92.62 m P = Php 160 174.27
y = x x 2 → Take the natural logarithm of both sides Points A and B are 40 m apart while B and C are 10 m apart and
12. Find the corrected bearing of line EA are of the same elevation as the foot of the building which is at C. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

a. N1002‘52”E b. N110’ 52“E ln y = ln x x 2 The angles of elevation at the top of the building from points A PROBLEM 22: December 2014 CE Brd Exam
c. S1202‘52“W d. N 8o15’21”E and B are  and 3 respectively. Find the value of ? A pair of dice is being tossed, what is the probability that it will
ln y = ( x2 )(ln x) → take the d/dx of both sides:
a. 53 b. 0 exceed 4?
SOLUTION 10: a. 5/6 b. 4/7
1  dy  1 c. 44 d. 37 c. 1/4 d. 2/3
Using compass rule:    x 2  (ln x )(2x )
y  dx 


11/2017 11/2017
A salesman made a commission of 2000 pesos in his sales. If c. 341.512 m d. 368.425 m BM14 1.98 235.95
P= 1 2 3 4 5 6 this sale increased his average commission to 900 which is 100 B.S F.S
P= dollars more than his latest average. How many units did he sell SOLUTION 31:
= 57.5 = 31.2
P== so far after the last sale? W = weight of measurement = Number of measurement
El. BM14 – El. BM12 = B.S – F.S
a. 4 units b. 5 units El. BM14 = 209.65 + 57.5 – 31.2
c. 6 units d. 12 units Average Number
distance of trials El. B.B14 = 235.95 m
5 SOLUTION 28: (x) (W) Wx PROBLEM 34:
6 Sn = naave (n)  eqn 1 A 352.514 6 2115.084 A summit vertical parabolic curve has a sight distance of 100m.
Where: B 354.525 2 709.05 If slope of back tangent is +2.2% and slope of forward tangent is
Sn = commission for n units sold C 352.345 1 352.345 -1.8%, find the length of curve.
SITUATION 4: December 2014 CE Brd Exam n = number of units sold a. 94.15 m b. 108.6 m
If a man is to select billiard balls in random that are numbered 1 D 352.111 8 2816.888
aave (n) = average commission on n units sold c. 93.51 m d. 112.2 m
to 15, what is the probability that: let n = total units sold after the last sale TOTAL 17 5993.367 SOLUTION 34:
23. less than 5. Sn = naave (n) Using AASHTO standards:
a. 2/15 b. 4/15 Sn = n(900) → eqn 1 Xave = Wx / W = 5993.367/17 = 352.551 m (answer) h1 = 1.14 m (height of driver’s eye above road surface)
c. 5/18 d. 6/19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- h2 = 0.15 m (height of obstruction above road surface)
Before the last sale:
24. less than 5 and even. PROBLEM 32: May 2015 CE Brd Exam
Sn-1 = (n-1)aave (n-1) Assume S < L
a. 2/15 b. 4/15 When you divide a 3-digit number by the sum of the digits, the
Sn – 2000 = (n-1) (900-100) S 2B
c. 5/18 d. 6/19 value is 26. If the digits are reversed, it will exceed the original
 
Subst. value of Sn from eqn 1 number by 198. Find the ten’s digit. L= 2
25. even or less than 5. n(900) – 2000 = (n-1)  800 →solve n a. 2 b. 4 2h1  2h 2
a. 3/5 b. 4/7 n = 12 units c. 3 d. 5 B = [g1-g2]
c. 5/8 d. 6/9 B = [2.2-(-1.8)] = 4% = 0.04

-------------------------------------------------- Given the data shown: SOLUTION 32: 100  2  0.04 

Number of Desired Outcomes 1, 2,3, and 4 4
Let x, y, and z be the hundred’s, ten’s, and unit’s digits respectively
Condition 1:
 21.14   2 0.15  

P= = = BC 29049’ - x(100 )  y(10 )  z L = 94.47 m < S = 100m  not ok!

Total Number of Outcomes 15 15 = 26
CD 23758’ 77.45
-------------------------------------------------- xyz
DA 8043’ 75.00 Assume S > L
 
100x+10y+z = 26x + 26y +26z
What is distance AB? 2
Number of Desired Outcomes 2 and 4 2 74x -16y - 25z = 0 2h1  2h 2
P= = = a. 28.51 b. 19.25 L = 2S 
Total Number of Outcomes 15 15 c. 24.21 d. 18.02 74 x  25z
y= → eqn. 1 B

L = 2(100) -  
SOLUTION 25: PROBLEM 30: CE Brd Exam-May 2007 2
21.14   2 0.15 
Number of Desired Outcomes The perimeter fence of a triangular lot is 400 meters long Condition 2:
P= including the gate. The front side is due east. The left side is 52 100z+10y+x =100x+10y+z + 198 0.04
Total Number of Outcomes
1, 2,3,4,6,8,10,12,14 9 3
degrees east of north while the right side is 58 degrees north of 99x -99z = -198  divide by 99 L = 94.15 m < S ok!
P= = = west. Find the length of the right side. x -z = -2 PROBLEM 35:
15 15 5
x = z -2 → eqn. 2 A spherical segment of one base has an altitude of 3 meters and
PROBLEM 26: (The perimeter of a triangle is 400 m. Angle A = 38 and angle B Tabulate possible values using equations 1 and 2 radius of 4 m. Find the volume.
PADILLA Review School has a population of 96 000 five years = 58. Find side a.) a. 84.28 b. 88.24
ago and 100 000 today. With the same growth rate, what would a. 150 m b. 110 m z x y c. 82.84 d. 84.82
be its population 20 years from now? c. 90 m d. 100 m 0 -2 -9.25 SOLUTION 35:
a. 113668.54 b. 112359.12
SOLUTION 30: 1 -1 -6.1875 I
c. 117736.39 d. 115646.79 V=  3R - h h2 
 2 0 -3.125 3
SOLUTION 26: 3 1 -0.0625
A = Cekt → b a 4 2 3 V=  3 4  33 2 
When t = 0 (5 yrs ago), A = 96 000 5 3 6.0625
96 000 = Ce0 38° 58° 6 4 9.125 V = 84.82
C = 96 000 c
When t = 5 (present), A = 100 000 Since x, y and z must all be whole numbers,
 C = 180 – 38 – 58 = 84
o o o PROBLEM 36:
100 000 = 96 000 ek(5) Therefore, y = 3 (answer)
a + b + c = 400 A bag contains six balls all of different colors. Three balls are
k = 0.008164
When t = 25 (5 yrs from now), PROBLEM 33: taken out of the bag, one at a time. What is the probability that
by sine law: the balls selected will be red, green, and blue in that order? The
A = 96 000e0.008164(25) Using the following notes, what is the elevation of BM14?
a b c three selected balls are returned to the bag and then a handful of
A = 117736.39   STA. B.S F.S ELEV.
sin 38  sin 58  sin 84  BM12 4.64 209.65 three balls is taken out. What is the probability that the three balls
PROBLEM 27: are red, green, and blue?
Engr. Alexander bought a machine costing P50 000 with an sin 58 0 1 5.80 5.06
b=a = 1.377a 2 2.25 5.02 a. 1/34 b. 1/20
expected salvage value of P20 000 after 20 years. Ten years sin 38 0 c. 1/12 d. 1/65
from now, he plan to buy a new machine costing P120 000. How BM13 6.02 5.85
sin 84 0 3 8.96 4.34 SOLUTION 36:
much money is he needed to compensate the new machine? c=a = 1.615a
sin 38 0 4 8.06 3.22 Number of ways of selecting three balls, taking the
a. P85 000 b. P45 000
c. P66 000 d. P75 000 a + 1.377a + 1.615a = 400 5 9.45 3.71 order into account, is 6×5×4 = 120. One of those
SOLUTION 27: 3.992a = 400 6 12.32 2.02 ways is red, green, and blue, in that order, so the
Assuming a straight line depreciation. a = 100 m BM14 1.98 probability is 1/120 . Ways of selecting three balls
50000  20000 a. 235.95 m b. 245.92 m without regard to order is
Annual dep. (d) = c. 223.25 m d. 236.51 m 6C3 = 6!/3!3!= 20.
20 One of those non-ordered selections is
PROBLEM 31: May 2015 CE Brd Exam SOLUTION 33:
d = P1500/year red+green+blue so the probability of picking that
Four groups with different number of trials measured distance as STA. B.S F.S ELEV.
For 10 years:
D10 = 10(1500)
follows. BM12 4.64 209.65 is 1/20 = 0.05.
D10 = P 15 000 (total dep. After 10 years) Ave.distance No. of trials 1 5.80 5.06 209.23 PROBLEM 37: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2013
BV10 = 50000 – 15000 A 352.514 6 2 2.25 5.02 210.01 You are given an arithmetic progression that can be solved using
BV10 = P35 000 B 354.525 2 BM13 6.02 5.85 206.41 the formula an = 3n + s, n is the number of series (i.e., a 1, a2, a3…
Addt’l cost needed = 120000 – 35 000 C 352.345 1 3 8.96 4.34 208.09 an).
Addt’l cost needed = P85 000 (answer) D 352.111 8 4 8.06 3.22 213.83 Find the common difference of the given series.
PROBLEM 28: NOV. 2012 CE Board Exam Find the weighted mean. 5 9.45 3.71 218.18 a. 1 b. 2
a. 335.923 m b. 352.551 m c. 3 d. 4
6 12.32 2.02 225.61
11/2017 11/2017
SOLUTION 37: -71.96 + 42.39 + 50 + L = 0 49. Find the height of tower constructed at A so that B and C are
d = an – an-1 L = -20.43(south latitude) still intervisible.
d = (3n + s) – [3(n-1) + s] a. 5.87 m b. 6.87 m
d=3 D = 0 c. 4.85 m d. 8.71 m
PROBLEM 38: May 1998 CE Board Exam +53.72 + 67.84 + 0 + D = 0
A steel tape was standardized at 20C and used to measure a D = - 121.56 (west departure) SOLUTION 47:
line at 3oC. The correct length of a line is 864.30m.Find the  = inv tan D/L
El.680 m
measured length if the coefficient of thermal expansion is  = in tan 121.56/20.43 A
0.0000116 m/mC.  = S80.46W
a. 867.40 m b. 864.47 m El.645 m
c. 823.68 m d. 812.23 m PROBLEM 44:
If the perimeter of the fencing material is 800 m. find the largest y
SOLUTION 38: rectangular area that can be fenced. El.620 C
Scorrected = Stape + E a. 4 hectares. b. 5 hectares. hcr1 m
e/tape = L(t2 – t1) c. 8 hectares. d. 2 hectares.
Sta.P.C.C = sta.P.C + L1 hcr2
e/tape = 0.0000116L(3 – 20) SOLUTION 44: 12 km
Solving R by arc basis: 15km
e/tape = -0.0001972L
S = DR Sea level
S tape
864.30 = Stape + -0.0001972L 20 m = 3(/180o)R1 y Amax y
R1 = 381.97 m
Stape = 864.47 m T1 = R1 tan(I1/2) x x=y
y – 604.8125
680 –hcr1 m
PROBLEM 39: May 1999 CE Board Exam T1 = 381.97 tan(28/2) 2x + 2y = 800 m = 670.28 m
A vertical sag parabolic curve has tangent grades of -2% and T1 = 95.236 m Largest rectangular area can be enclosed of a given perimeter is 620 –hcr2
= 604.8125
+3%. Compute the length of curve if the required sight distance is a square (i.e. x =y) m
178m. 20 m = 4o(/180o)R2 2x + 2x = 800 12 km 15km

a. 218.15 m b. 212.66 m R2 = 286.48 m x = 200 m Let y = elevation of line of sight at B so that A and C are inter-
c. 234.45 m d. 271.12 m T2 = R2tan(I2/2) Amax = x2 = 200(200) = 40 000 m2 visible
SOLUTION 39: T2 = 286.48tan(31o/2) 1 hectare = 10 000 m2 hcr1 = 0.0675(12)2 = 9.72 m
Using night time sight distance: T2 = 79.45 m Amax = 4 hectares hcr2= 0.0675(152 = 15.1875 m
When S<L
L1 = I1R1 By ratio and proportion:
L=  S & L are in m L1 = 28o( /180o)(381.97)
1.22  3.5%S What is the area of the circle having a chord with length 7.43 m 65.4675 y  604.8125
L1 = 186.66 m 
and is 4.3 m from its center. 27 15
When S>L a. 101.45 cm2 b. 110.85 cm2
By sine law: y = 641.18 m
1.22  3.5%S c. 200.55 cm2 d. 301.65cm2
L = 2S   S & L are in m Z 174.689
sin 31 sin 121 SOLUTION 48:
B = 0.03 – (-0.02) = 0.05 7.43
Z = 104.96 m Equal height of towers constructed at A and C
S = 178 m
Sta.P.C = sta P.I – Z – T1
Sta.P.C = 30 120.5 – 104.96 – 95.236 /2 El.680 m
Assume S < L y

178  2  0.05  Sta.P.C = 29 920.304
Sta.P.C.C = 29920.301 + 186.66
1.22  0.035178  Sta.P.C.C = 30 + 106.96
El.645 m

L = 212.6 > S  assumption is correct

PROBLEM 40: At 6 %, find the capitalized cost of a bridge whose cost is P250 M hcr1
El.620 y
m C
A machine costing P45,000 is estimated to have a salvage value and life is 20 years, if the bridge must be partially rebuilt at a cost By Pythagorean Theorem:
of P 4,350 when retired at the end of 6 years . Depreciation cost of P100 M at the end of each 20 years. R2 = 4.32 + (7.43/2)2 = 32.29 12 km hcr2
is computed using a constant percentage of the declining book a. P185.1 M b. P314.7 M A = R2 = (32.29) = 101.45 cm2 15km
value. What is the annual rate of depreciation is %? c. P295.3 M d. P225.1 M Sea level
a. 32.25 % b. 28.65% PROBLEM 46:
c. 42.50% d. 18.50% SOLUTION 42:
A stone is thrown into a body of still water and created a ripples
Capitalized cost :
in the form of concentric circles, if the radius increases at a rate 680 –hcr1+y 40.1875-y
SOLUTION 40: Cap. cost = sum of present worth of all future cost = 670.28+y
65.4675 m
of 2m/s, at what rate is the area increasing when the radius is
BVr = FC (l – id)r Capitalized cost = FC + A/i 2m?
BV6 = SV 645 620 –hcr2+y
 100  a. 6 b. 4
4350 = 45000 (l – id)6 Capitalized cost = 250 +  
= 604.8125 +y

id = 0.3225  1  0.06  20  1 c. 5 d. 8 12 km 15km

id = 32.25% SOLUTION 46: By ratio and proportion:
Capitalized cost = P 295.3 M
PROBLEM 41: PI @30+120.5 A = r 2
65.4675 40.1875  y
A compound curve has the following data : PROBLEM 43: dA dr 
I  2r 27 y 15 El.680 m
1 = 28  D1 = 3 STA P.. 30 + 120.5 From the given data of a closed traverse, compute the bearing of dt dt A
y = 3.817 m
2 = 31 D2 = 4 line 3 – 4. when r = 2 m B
Find the stationing of P.C.C. Line Bearing Distance dA
El.645 m
1-2 N58E 80 m  2 2 2  = 8 (answer) SOLUTION 49:
Use P.. 30 + 120.5 dt
a. 30 + 186.8 b. 30 + 206.7 2-3 Due N 50 m
c. 30 + 306.6 T1 PCC d. 30 +T2106.97 3-4 -- ---- hcr1
Two hills A and C have an elevation of 680 m and 620 m m C
T 4-1 S36.74E 89.8
L1 1 respectively. In between A and C is another hill B of elevation 645 hcr2
m and located 12 km from A and 15 km from C. Consider the 12 km
a. N51.2oE b. N71.5oW 15km
PT effects of earth’s curvature and atmospheric refraction. Sea level
c. S45.14oE d. S80.46W
1 47. Compute the elevation of the line of sight at B so that A and C
R1 p SOLUTION 43: are intervisible.
28 15.5 680 –hcr1+y
p O O
a. 641.18 m b. 604.81 m 40.1875
R2 Line Bearing Dist. Lat = 670.28+y 65.475 +y
p 31
p c. 481.20 m d. 3412.1 m
p 4 -1 S36.74E 89.8 -71.96 +53.72
645 620 –hcr2
p 1 -2 N58 E 80 +42.39 +67.84 48. Find the equal height of towers constructed at A and C so = 604.8125
180o –28o- 2 -3 Due N 50 +50 0 that the three hills are intervisible. 12 km 15km
31o 3 -4 - - L D a. 5.817 m b. 4.817 m
For closed traverse: c. 3.817 m d. 2.817 m
Z p
L = 0
11/2017 11/2017
I1 = I2
28 o =31o
T1+ T2 = 174.686
BG = 32  122 = 12.37
A metallic tube has an outside diameter of 8 cm and an inside T1 + T2 = 280.50
diameter of 6 cm. It has a total length of 4m. What is the total T1 = R1tanI1/2
Consider right triangle GOD: volume of the metal needed to make the tube? T1 = 180tan 5944’/2 = 103.365 m
By ratio and proportion: DG = 42  122 = 12.65 Subst to eqn 1 a. 8797 cm3 b. 6841 cm3 T2 = 280.50 – 103.365 = 177.135 m
65.4675  y 40.1875 c. 7452 cm3 d. 5428 cm3 177.135 = R2tan(94o16’/2)
 Atotal = 48 + 8 BG + 6 DG →eqn 1. R2 = 164.412 m
27 15 Atotal = 48 + 8(12.37) + 6(12.65) SOLUTION 57: 
y = 6.87 m Atotal = 222.86 LC1 = [(5944’)(180)]
V = Bh 180
The transit is set up at a point where stadia rod was placed SOLUTION 54: V= LC1 = 187.658 m
Atotal = Abase + Alateral 8cm 
194.20 m horizontally away from it. The stadia intercept was 6cm LC2 = [(9416’)(164.412)]
G V = 8796.5 cm2
recorded to be 1.94 m. and the stadia constant is 0.30, determine 15 180
the stadia interval factor. LC2 = 270.50 m
a. 99.95 b. 98.56 H
c. 95.60 d. 100.50 E Sta. PT = Sta. Pl1 – T1 + LC1 + LC2
2.1 Sta. Pl2 = 16 + 523.37 – 103.365
Cross section of tube
O that is 400 cm long + 187.65 + 270.50
H = kS + c 2.1
Sta. Pl2 = 16 + 878.16
194.20 = k(1.94) + 0.30 A 2.1 B 2.1 C
k = 99.95 Atotal m + 4A
= AACEF CEG PROBLEM 60: Nov 1997 CE Board Exam
PROBLEM 51: CE Brd Exam Nov 1998 1
Data on a traffic accident record on a certain intersection for the Atotal = 4.22 + 4 2 (4.2)(15) PROBLEM 58: Find the corrected volume of cut between stations 80 m. apart if
Money borrowed today is to be paid in 6 equal payments at the the areas of irregular sections in cut at stations are 26 sq. m. and
past 5 years has an accident rate of 4160 per million entering Atotal = 143.64 m2
end of 6 quarters. If the interest is 12% compounded quarterly. 68 sq. m. respectively. Base width = 8 m. and side slope is 1:1.
vehicles (MEV). Find the total number of accidents if the
SOLUTION 55: How much was initially borrowed if quarterly payment is P Use the prismoidal correction formula.
average daily traffic 504.
2,000.00 a. 3663.88 cum b.3844.17 cum
a. 4812 Accidents Atotal = Abase + Alateral
G a. P 10,834.38 b. P 10,332.90 c. 3971.45 cum d. 2993.77 cum
b. 3726 Accidents
c. 3826 Accidents c. P 10,586.99 d. P 10,200.56 SOLUTION 60:
d. 2415 Accidents 20m
SOLUTION 58: A2= 68m2
NOTE: Upward
let A be the number of accidents B
FP arrows represent

 5 yrs 365days 

4160 Acc 504 veh C
2.5 loan while downward
A=  2.5 m P arrows represent L= 80
6 1day 1yr A
1 10 veh   m amortization A1 = 26 m
1 2 3 4 5 6 quarters
A = 3826.37 Accidents m2
Atotal = 16ArtCOB + 8AABG 1 1 1 8
Atotal = 16 2 (2.5)( CO ) + 8 2 (5)( CG )
6 @ P 2000 H1 = 8 +
What is the minimum equal height of the object and the observer 2V1
from a sight distance of 120m? Length of curve is 180 m. Let g1 = Atotal = 20( CO ) + 20( CG ) →eqn 1. FA
1 A1 = 26 V1
+2% and g2 = -4%. Solve length of segments CO and CG 1 m2
a. 0.4 m b. 0.6 m Consider right triangle COB: i = 12% comp. Quarterly (understood 8
c. 0.3 m d. 0.9 m to be per year compounded quarterly) m
360o H2 = 8 +
COB = = 22.5 12% 2V2
B= g1-g2 =  0.02 –(-0.04) = 0.06 16 i= = 3% per quarter comp.quarterly
4 1
L = S2B 8h 2 .5 A2 = 68 V2
tan 22.5 = Fp  FA 1
180 = 1202(0.06) 8h CO m2
h = 0.6 meter  1  i  n  1 
CO = 6.036 P 1  i  n  A   m
26 = 1/2 [8 + 8 + 2V1] V1
Consider right triangle COG:  i 
SITUATION 6:   26 = 8V1 + V12
Find the total surface area of the pyramid for the following CG = CO  20 2
 1  0.03  6  1 V12 + 8V1 – 26 = 0
conditions: P1  0.03  6  2000   V1 = 2.48 m
CG = 6.036 2  20 2  0.03  H1 = 8 + 2(2.48)
53. If the base is rectangle, 8 m x 6 m and the perpendicular
height is 12 m. CG = 20.89 Subst to eqn 1 P = P 10,834.38 H1 = 12.96 m
a. 119.25 m2 b. 114.4 m2 Atotal = 20( CO ) + 20( CG ) →eqn 1. 68 = 1/2 [8 + 8 + 2V2] V2
PROBLEM 59: V22 + 8V2 – 68 = 0
c. 222.86 m2 d. 110.34 m2 Atotal = 20(6.036) + 20(20.89)
54. If the base is a square with side 4.2 m and the slant height is Atotal = 538.54 m2 The common tangent BC of a reversed curve is 280.5 m. and V2 =5.165 m
15 m. has a bearing of S4731’E. AB is the tangent of the first curve H2 = 8+ 2(5.165) = 18.33 m
a. 143.64 m2 b. 125.15 m2 PROBLEM 56: whose bearing is N 7245’E. CD is a tangent of the second curve Vcp = L/12 (V2 – V1)(H2 – H1)
c. 152.54 m2 d. 148.98 m2 In triangle ABC, DE is drawn parallel to AC. D is in AB while E in whose bearing is N3813’E. A is at the P.C. while D is at the P.T. Vcp = 80/12 (5.165 – 2.48)(18.33 – 12.96)
55. If the base is an octagon with side 5 m and height 20 m. BC. DE=3, AD=5, while DB = 2. Find AC The radius of the first curve is 180 m. The P.I. 1 is at the station 16 Vcp = 996.123 m3
a. 9.8 b. 11.3 + 523.37. Find the stationing of the P.T. VE = L/2 (A1 + A2)
a. 232.74 m2 b. 538.54 m2
c. 10.5 d. 12.1 a. 16 + 878.16 b. 16 + 883.65
c. 496.77 m2 d. 486.98 m2 VE = 80/2 (26 + 68)
SOLUTION 56: c. 16 + 893.24 d. 16 + 889.54
VE = 3760 m3
SOLUTION 53: By ratio and proportion:
Vcorrected = VE – Vcp
Atotal = Abase + Alateral SOLUTION 59:
Vcorrected = 3760 – 96.123 = 3663.88 m3
G  AC   DE 
 AB    DB 
   
SITUATION 7: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2004
 AC   3 N 7245’E The area of a swimming pool is formed by two overlapping
F E  7    2 S 4731’E
identical circles with common radius of 9 cm.
4m 3m     PI1
D 61. Find the area common to two circles.
O I1
3m B a. 51.8 cm2 b. 81.2 cm2
2 T1 B T1 I2
A 4m B 4m C
D 3 E PT c. 125 cm2 d. 99.5 cm2
Atotal = AACEF + 2AACG + 2ACEG 5 LC1 LC2 62. Find the perimeter of the swimming pool.
1 1
a. 75.4 cm b. 65.1 cm
Atotal = 8(6) + 2 2 (8)( BG ) + 2 2 (6)( DG ) A C T2 C
I1 I2 c. 35.6 cm d. 95.4 cm
Atotal = 48 + 8 BG + 6 DG →eqn 1. PI2
AC = 10.5 units I1 = 180o – 72o45’ – 47o31’ 63. Find the area of the swimming pool.
Solve length of segments BG and DG PROBLEM 57: I1 = 59o44’ N3813’E
a. 409.4 cm2 b. 509.5 cm2
Consider right triangle BOG: I2 = 180o – 47o31’-– 38o13’ c. 615.8 cm2 d. 350.5 cm2
I2 = 94o16’
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SOLUTION 61: C = 23.89 m  chord from PC to A SOLUTION 69: c. 19.28 d. 46.32
PROBLEM 65: x2 + y2 = 25 is a circle whose center is at (0,0) and radius =5 as --------------------------------------------------

A parallelogram has sides of lengths of 60 and 140 cm. If one of shown.

the angles is 70, find the length of one of the diagonals. y If the equation of plane is Ax +By + Cz = D, then then vector N that is
Tangent Line
a. 168.3 b. 185.3 perpendicular to said plane is: N = Ai +Bj + Ck.
Normal Line
c. 170.2 d. 156.2 Vector A = 8i +5j – k is  to plane 8x +5y – z +46 = 0
2 =120o A A
x x
360o-2 PROBLEM 66: Vector B = 6i +5j – 5k is  to plane 6x +5y – 5z = 0.
= 240o P(3,4)
9 Compute the area of a regular octagon with sides equal to 200
a. 199 494 cm2 b. 193 136cm2 8x +5y – z + 46 = 0
c. 134 682 cm2 d. 154 907cm2 Vct A
9  A

Aoctagon = 16ArtCOB N M T 
2x = 9
x = 4.5 100Ccm
100 cm
cos = x/9 B
Vct A
cos = 4.5/9
 = 60o
2 = 120o O
6x +5y – 5z = 0.
PN = length of Normal line
A = Asector - Atriangle Consider Dot Product
PT = length of Tangent line
R 2 2  1 MT = length of Sub-Tangent line Vct A  Vct B =  A B cos 
A=   R 2 sin 2
2 180  2 MN = length of Sub-Normal line  A = 82  52  ( 1) 2 = 9.487
 9 120    1  9 2 sin 120 
2 
1  B = 62  52  ( 5)2 = 9.274
A= Aoctagon = 16 2 (100)( CO ) By Inspection,
2 180  2
MN = 3 (ANSWER) [8i +5j – k]  [6i +5j – 5k] = 9.487(9.274) cos
A octagon= 800( CO ) →eqn 1.
A = 49.75 cm2 8(6) + 5(5) + (-1)(-5) = 87.982438 cos
Aoverlapping = 2A Consider right triangle COB:  = 27.56 (answer)
Aoverlapping = 2(49.75) On a highway, it is a slightly raised strip of asphalt, plastic, etc.
COB = = 22.5
Aoverlapping = 99.498 cm2 16 across the lane of traffic to warn the commuters that it is PROBLEM 73: May 2015 CE Brd Exam
approaching a hazard A hemispherical tank of radius 1.2 m contains a liquid with unit
100 weight of 54.5 kN/m3 to the brim. Compute the value of the work
SOLUTION 62: tan 22.5 =
P = 2[R(240o)] CO done by pumping the liquid to a point 0.8 m from the top.
a. Chevron marking
Subst to eqn 1 a. 88.76 kNm b. 95.52 kNm
P = 2 9240  
    CO = 241.42 b. diagonal marking
  c. 62.52 kNm d. 72.52 kNm
 180  c. thermoplastic marking
A octagon= 800(241.42) -----------------------------------------------

P = 75.39 cm d. Rumble strip

A octagon= 193 136 sq. cm. SOLUTION 73:
SOLUTION 63: PROBLEM 67: ANSWER: Rumble strip
Aswimming pool = 2Acircle-Aoverlapping A solid plane has nine vertices and composed of triangles, where
Aswimming pool = 2()(9)2 -99.498 four triangles meet on each of its six vertices and six triangles PROBLEM 71: May 2015 CE Brd Exam
Aswimming pool = 409.44 cm2 oneach of its remaining vertices. How many faces does the PRC purchased a new car worth P1 950 000. If the car is
PROBLEM 64: plane have? depreciated over a 10-year period with a salvage value of P575 r = 1.2 m
The deflection angles of points A and B from the tangent through a. 14 b. 17 000, determine the number of years to which the book value
c. 16 d. 15 F=W=wV z
P.C of a simple curve are 35’ and 815’ respectively. If the chord reaches P950 000 using Sum of Years Digit Method.
a. 7 yrs b. 4 yrs G 1.2 m
distance from A to B is 40m, compute the length of chord from
PC to A. SOLUTION 67: c. 6 yrs d. 5 yrs W=wV

a. 34.69 m b. 23.89 m Let n = number of triangular faces

c. 35.61 m d. 16.85 m n × 3 = total number of vertices of all triangles SOLUTION 71:
G=centroid of hemisphere
n × 3 = 4 × 6 + 6 × (9 – 6) Dn = total depreciation
Dn = FC – SV Work = Force  distance
SOLUTION 64: n = 14 faces (answer)
Dn = 1 950 000 – 575 000 = Php 1 375 000.00 Work = W  z z = 3/8 R = 3/8 (1.2) = 0.45 m
PROBLEM 68: Nov. 2016 Board Exam BVr = FC - Dr = 1 950 000 - 950 000 = Php 1 000 000.00
In a certain commodity, 90% drinks tea, 80% drinks coffee, 70% Work = wV  z
Tabulate values of annual deppreciation
B drinks whiskey, 60% drinks gin. 40% drinks both whiskey and gin. Work = 54.5 2/3 R3(0.45)
A 40m Year Disttribution
What percentage of the community drinks liquor?
a. 70% b. 80% (r) Factor (DF) Dr = Dn x DF Dr Work = 54.5 2/3 (1.2)3(0.45)
 8
3 c. 90% d. 40% 1 10/55 1 375 000(10/55) = 250000 250 000 Work = 88.76 kNm

SOLUTION 68: 2 9/55 1 375 000(9/55) = 225000 475 000

R PROBLEM 74: December 2014 CE Brd Exam
10o20’ 3 8/55 1 375 000(8/55) = 200000 675 000 Two circles are tangent internally. How many tangent
16o30’ 4 7/55 1 375 000(7/55) = 175000 850 000 lines formed?
R a. 1 b. 2
5 6/55 1 375 000(6/55) = 150000 1 000 000
c. 4 d. 3
6o10’ O 6 5/55 1 375 000(5/55) = 125000 1 125 000
70% - 40% 40% 60% - 40% --------------------------------------------------

40m E =30% = 20% 7 4/55 1 375 000(4/55) = 100000 1 225 000 SOLUTION 74:
D 8 3/55 1 375 000(3/55) = 75000 1 300 000 ANSWER: a 1
C/2 9 2/55 1 375 000(2/55) = 50000 1 350 000 Only one common tangents can be
10 1/55 1 375 000(1/55) = 25000 1 375 000
R R From the Venn diagram above, SYD
WD = total percentage of wine drinkers = 55 9 625 000
WD = 30% + 40% + 20% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 20’
WD = 90% (ANSWER) By inspection, accumulated deppreciation is Php 1 000 000.00 at 5th year. PROBLEM 75:
6o10’ A machine has an initial cost of P50 000 and a salvage value of
PROBLEM 69: P10 000 after 10 years. What is the total depreciation after 3
PROBLEM 72: May 2015 CE Brd Exam years?
In a circle, x2 + y2 = 25 find the sub-normal at (3,4). Find the angle between 8x + 5y – z + 46 = 0 and 6x + 5y – 5z =
Sin(10o20’/2) = 20/R a. 4 b. 5 a. Php 13 000 b. Php 11 000
R = 222.1 m 0. c. Php 12 000 d. Php 13 500
c. 3 d. 6 a. 27.56 b. 34.51
sin(6o10’/2) = C/2/R
C = 2(222.1)sin(6o10’/2) --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------

11/2017 11/2017
SOLUTION 75: give me all these kind of perks, but I’m never MATHEMATICS AND SURVEYING
FC= 50,000 going to forget that I’m not you. I’m not one of SUBJECT CODE: BAT2A
you. I’m Jewish. I’m not Babylonian.”
That’s maturity — and discipline, particularly
D3 for a 15-year-old. When we’re disciplined and MATHEMATICS AND SURVEYING SET A
obedient and following God’s will, we will be SITUATION 1: a. I & II b. I & IV 61 D61 28.35
Dn = 40 000 Traverse ABCDE was surveyed years c. II & IV d. II & III 18. Compute the DMD of 3-4
successful in God’s eyes.
ago using Compass Rule. The blueprint PROBLEM 10: a. 187.54 b. 185.19
Talk It Over
of the survey was found and the c. 198.03 d. 153.73
 How have you seen someone’s lack of Jane has probability of getting an A in an
SV = 10,000 description of boundaries are as follows: 19. Compute the distance of 6-1
exam of 0.1, B of 0.3 and C of 0.4. What
discipline hurt other people? AB = 985 meters S70o29’E, BC = 315
is the probability of getting at least C? a. 59.97 m b. 63.3 m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 meters S26o28’E, CD = 875 meters
 Where in your life do you struggle most a. 0.5 b. 0.8 c. 66.95 m d. 67.36 m
By Ratio and Proportion: S65o33’W, DE = 410 meters N45o31’W,
with discipline? Why? EA = 650 meters N10oE. The description
c. 0.7 d. 1 20. Compute the bearing of 6-1
D3 40000  What are some ways you can grow in your o
a. N 45.11 W b. N 65.11oW
= of line EA is blurred and thus, cannot be PROBLEM 11:
3 10 discipline? read.
What is the meaning of MLLW?
c. N 75.11oW d. N 55.11oW
D3 = Php 12 000 (answer)
1. Find the corrected latitude. SITUATION 3:
a. 609.327 m b. 629.327 m a. Mean Low Water Level
The natural grade line at Station 2 + 020
c. 649.327 m d. 669.327 m b. Mean Lower Low Water
is with center height of 4.5 m. in cut,
c. Mean Lower Level Water while that at Sta 2+300 is 2.6 m in fill.
2. Find the corrected departure.
d. Mean Low Level Water Natural grade line slope, 5%.
Godly Discipline Leads to a. 88.21 m
c. 30.27 m
b. 94.26 m
d. 92.62 m PROBLEM 12:
Success 3. Find the corrected bearing of line EA A ball is thrown downward from a
21. Find the extent of fill measured from
By Rick Warren — Sep 28, 2017 a. N1002‘52”E b. N110’ 52“E building 180 ft high. Determine the time it
a. 29.3 b. 23.9
hits the ground if initial velocity is 20 ft/s.
“Do not let any part of your body become c. S1202‘52“W d. N 8o15’21”E
a. 3.5 2 secs b. 2.78 secs
c. 39.2 d. 32.9
a tool of wickedness, to be used for PROBLEM 4: c. 1.75 secs d. 1.23 secs 22. Find the stationing of the transition
sinning. Instead, give yourself A compound curve has a common point.
completely to God . . . as a tool to do tangent equal to 520 m. The first curve 4
a. 2 + 270.7 b. 2 + 206.5
c. 2 + 320.8 d. 2 + 345.2
what is right for the glory of God”
 k! .
has a radius equal to 300 m and has 1
(Romans 6:13 NLT). subtended angle equal to 50 while the 23. Find the slope of the finished grade
k 0
Daniel had a choice. Eat the king’s food, or second curve has central angle of 35. line.
What is the length of the second curve? 24 70 a. 1.125% b. 4.275%
control his ego and his appetite. a. b.
a. 842.78 m b. 629.41 m 65 24 c. 2.335% d. 3.875%
Daniel chose the latter. c. 736.22 m d. 948.16 m 65 24 SITUATION 4:
Many teenagers wouldn’t have made that c. d.
PROBLEM 5: 24 70 Eqpt. A Eqpt B
A certain company decided to pay its First Cost 50,000 150,000
Think about it. You’re 15 years old, and you’ve loan by installment for 20 years. P1000 PROBLEM 14: Salvage Value 3,000 6,000
been taken by force from your home country. at the end of 5 years, P2000 at the end Find the integral of x cos 4xdx with its No. of yrs 5 yrs 15 yrs
You’re never going to see your parents again. of 10 years and P3000 at the end of 15 lower limit of 0 and upper limit of /4. Maintenance cost 6,000 3,000
You’re in a foreign country with no parental years. Determine the equivalent annual a. 0.541 b. 0.125 i 12% 12%
payment when i = 8%. c. 0.078 d. 0.654 Using Sinking Fund of method of
supervision. Then the most powerful man in a. 321.63 b. 371.63
PROBLEM 15: depreciation, find:
that country offers you all kinds of perks and c. 451.63 d. 417.63 24. Annual cost of A
pleasure. You’ll get the best of everything.” A Cebu Pacific airplane travels in a
PROBLEM 6: a. 13,398.26 b. 14,324.53
direction of N30W at an air speed of
Could you turn that down? What is the surface area of a sphere if c. 15,278.62 d. 12,231.71
600 kph. If the wind has a speed of 80
Just consider what we see sometimes in the volume is 36 m3? kph on a direction N40E. What is the 25. Present Cost of B
sports. A kid can shoot a basketball, throw a a. 52.71 m2 b. 45.71 m2 ground speed of the plane. a. 40,234.53 b. 46,740.85
football, or swing a bat. They’re drafted into c. 62.71 m2 d. 57.71 m2 a. 631.85 kph b. 640.20 kph c. 43,674.78 d. 48,891.37
the professional leagues and receive tons of PROBLEM 7: c. 531.85 kph d. 550 kph
26. Rate of return of additional
money. They’re given all kinds of perks, but Two angles are complimentary. One PROBLEM 16: investment on B.
they can’t handle that kind of success. Good angle is twice as the other one. Find the Find the two positive and two negative a. 4.36% b. 7.35%
angles. c. 6.54% d. 5.62%
kids can be ruined by too much success, too coterminal of 10.
a. 45 and 60 b. 30 and 45 a. 270, 760, -250, -720
early. c. 30 and 60 d. 45 and 45
That could have easily been Daniel’s story, but b. 370, 730, -350, -710 Given vector A and B as follows:
it wasn’t. He was incredibly disciplined for a PROBLEM 8: c. 340, 750, -450, -730 A = 6.7i + 8.35j
The ratio of wave height and wave d. 130, 630, -360, -710 B = -2.53i – 5.55j
15-year-old kid isolated from his parents. Find the following:
Daniel reflected what Paul wrote hundreds of a. steepness PROBLEM 17: 27. Horizontal and vertical components
years later, when he said in Romans 6:13: “Do b. wave period Find the volume of the parallepiped of the resultant vector.
not let any part of your body become a tool of c. slope given; a. -4.17i + 2.8j b. 4.17i - 2.8j
d. wave propagation A = 2i + 3j – k c. -4.17i - 2.8j d. 4.17i + 2.8j
wickedness, to be used for sinning. Instead, B=i+j–k
give yourself completely to God . . . as a tool PROBLEM 9: C = -6i + 3j + k 28. Magnitude of the resultant of vector.
to do what is right for the glory of God” (NLT). a. 4.230 b. 3.374
Which of the following describe the a. -15 cubic units b. -14 cubic units
c. 5.023 d. 6.421
For Daniel, a lack of discipline would mean principles of isosceles triangle and c. -12 cubic units d. -13 cubic units
forfeiting God’s unique plan for his life. Daniel equilateral triangle: 29. The angle that the vector makes with
I. If two angles are congruent; the sides SITUATION 2: the horizontal.
wouldn’t do that. opposite of those angles are also Given the following data of a closed a. 25.35 o b. 33.88 o
So he tells the most powerful man in the congruent. traverse: c. 45.35 o d. 35.35 o
world, “Nebuchadnezzar, I’m going to serve II. If two sides are congruent; the angles Line D L
opposite of those sides are also PROBLEM 30:
you because God put me here. I’m not here 12 29.00 50.23
congruent. A 1-meter strip is to be painted around
without his permission, so I’ll serve you. You III. Equilateral triangles are also 23 46.36 L23 the base of a hemispherical dome with
are a pagan king. But I’m not going to be equiangular 34 34.47 -6.08 two coats of enamel paint. Its base
indebted to you or conformed by you. You can IV. Equiangular triangles are also 45 -10.42 -59.09 diameter is 18m and has a scattered
equilateral. 56 -38.30 -32.14
capacity of 200 ft2 /gal. Find the number random without replacement. What is the PROBLEM 50: PROBLEM 59: c. 150 mins d. 160 mins
of gallons needed. probability that exactly one is defective? Eight years ago, A is four times as old as A 5.5m flag pole is placed at a top of the
a. 3.04 gallons b. 5.34 gallons a. 0.049 b. 0.024 PROBLEM 67:
B. Eight years hence A is twice as old as hill of height, h. The angle of depression
c. 6.07 gallons d. 8.25 gallons c. 0.502 d. 0.132 A machine cost 50 000 and have a 10%
B. How old is B. from the top of the flag pole to the point
salvage value from the first cost after 10
a. 24 yrs. old b. 30 yrs. old of observation is 47054’, while the angle
years. Find the capital recovery factor if it
c. 28 yrs. old d. 32 yrs. old of inclination from point of observation to
PROBLEM 31: is 8% compounded annually.
the top of hill is 39008’.Find the value of God Wants an Emotional
A bowl is in the form of a hemispherical PROBLEM 51: h?
a. 0.138 b. 0.182
segment with two bases is full of water. The probability that 16 persons will quit c. 0.069 d. 1.054 Relationship with You
SITUATION 8: a. 15.27 m b. 17.95 m By Rick Warren — Feb 9, 2018
The upper base is a great circle having smoking is 30 %. What is the probability c. 16.85 m d. 18.02 m
Find the angle between the tangent line PROBLEM 68:
a diameter of 18cm. Its height is 6cm. that 12 people will quit smoking? “The most important commandment
and the radius vector of the curves below PROBLEM 60: Two tangents having azimuths of 240 is this: . . .‘You must love the Lord
Find the volume of the bowl. a. 30.53% b. 40.53%
at each indicated point. and 282 are connected by an 80 m your God with all your heart, all your
a. 414 cm3 b. 72 cm3 c. 45.72% d. 47.83% Engr. Alexander bought a machine
41. r = a sec 2x at x = /8 spiral curve with a 6 circular curve. The soul, all your mind, and all your
c. 486 cm3 d. 372 cm3 PROBLEM 52: costing P50 000 with an expected
a. 16.48 o b. 18.92 o salvage value of P20 000 after 20 years. width of the roadway is 10 m. If the strength’” (Mark 12:29-30 NLT).
PROBLEM 32: c. 30.95 o d. 26.57 o sin 2 x  cos 2 x Ten years from now, he plan to buy a design velocity is 60 kph, determine the
A circle having an area of 1018 cm 2 is 42. r = a sin x at x = /2 tan x new machine costing P120 000. How superelevation at the first quarter point The Bible says in Mark 12:29-30, “The
cut by a chord 5cm from center. Find the a. cos x b. tan x much money is he needed to on the spiral. most important commandment is
a. 90 b. 30
area of the smaller segment. c. cot x d. sec x compensate the new machine? a. 0.408 m b. 0.334 m this: . . . ‘You must love the Lord your
c. 130 d. 140 c. 0.315 m d. 0.371 m God with all your heart, all your soul, all
a. 417.73 cm2 b. 86.45 cm2 a. P85 000 b. P45 000
c. 331.5 cm2 d. 531.8 cm2 PROBLEM 53: c. P66 000 d. P75 000 your mind, and all your strength’” (NLT).
43. r = x2 at x =  PROBLEM 69:
a. 122.48 o b. 118.95 o dy Do you hear the emotion in these words
SITUATION 6: Determine in the equation y = x x 2 . PROBLEM 61: A point O is inside of an equilateral from Jesus? He’s saying he doesn’t want
c. 130.91 o d. 130.31 o dx Given the data shown: triangle ABC. The distance from point O
A triangular lot was formed by three you to just kind of love him. He wants
straight lines AB, BC and AC with AB = PROBLEM 44: a. x X X [1 – lnx2] LINE AZIMUTH DISTANCE to a, b and c are 3, 4 and 5 respectively. you to love him passionately — with all
95m and AC = 88m. Bearing of line AB is AB 1536’ - Find the area of the triangle. your heart, all your soul, all your mind,
What is the surface area of a sphere b.
1 [1 + lnx]
N 45 degrees E while bearing of line AC having a volume of 1904 cu. m. xX BC 29049’ - a. 18.231 unit2 b. 17.782 unit2 and all your strength. God doesn’t want
is due east. Point D is located at side AB c. X X 1 [lnx2] CD 23758’ 77.45 c. 21.725 unit2 d. 19.825 unit2 your head knowledge; he wants an
a. 743 m2 b. 755 m2 x
which is 43m from A and is connected to c. 798 m2 d. 804 m2 DA 8043’ 75.00 emotional relationship with you.
1 [1 + lnx2] PROBLEM 70:
point E along side AC. Area of ADE is 1/7 xX What is distance AB?
On a highway, it is a slightly raised strip
There are some things you need to
area of ABC. PROBLEM 45: PROBLEM 54: a. 28.51 b. 19.25 understand about emotions.
33. Which of the following most nearly of asphalt, plastic, etc. across the lane of 1. First, God has emotions.
A compound curve given the following: A grade of -5% is followed by a grade of c. 24.21 d. 18.02
gives the bearing of side BC? traffic to warn the commuters that it is God is an emotional God. He feels joy,
I1 = 24 D1 = 6 +1%. The grade is intersecting at a PROBLEM 62: approaching a hazard grief, pain, and hatred toward sin. He
a. S17.22E b. S62.22E I2 = 18 D1 = 3 vertex (Sta 10 + 060). The change of
A vertical sag parabolic curve has a. pedestrian strip gets frustrated with people. The only
c. S32.22E d. S42.22E Sta. at P.C = 10 + 380 grade is restricted to 0.4% in 20 m. b. hazard strips
tangent grades of -2% and +3%. reason you have emotions is because
Find the stationing at P.C.C. Compute the length of the vertical c. Rumble strip
34. Which of the following most nearly Compute the length of curve if the you’re made in God’s image. If God
a. 10 + 460 b. 10 + 530 parabolic sag curve in meters. d. traffic strips
gives the length of side AE? required sight distance is 178m. wasn’t an emotional God, you wouldn’t
c. 10 + 230 d. 10 + 190 a. 450 b. 400
a. 24.85 m b. 27.77 m a. 218.15 m b. 212.66 m PROBLEM 71: have any emotions.
c. 32.62 m d. 20.11 m PROBLEM 46: c. 300 d. 350
c. 234.45 m d. 271.12 m
A raised structure including bridge and 2 Your ability to feel is a gift from God.
The top of the tower signal at B 2000 m
PROBLEM 55: building supports and walkways, over Emotions are what make you human. It
35. Which of the following most nearly away from A was sighted through a PROBLEM 63: is your emotional ability that allows you
gives the length of side DE? transit with recorded vertical angle of Given the following cross-section notes water, typically supported by widely
A machine costing P45,000 is estimated to love and create, to be faithful and loyal
a. 30.52 m b. 24.85 m for a road. spread piles or pillars?
230’. The height of the tower situated on to have a salvage value of P 4,350 when and kind and generous, and to express
c. 20. 11 m d. 32.62 m the top of B is 12 m. and the height of 9 .8 0 x2 retired at the end of 6 years . a. wharf b. pier
all of the emotions that are attached to
Depreciation cost is computed using a c. ports d. cargo
SITUATION 7: the transit above the point where it is set y1 y 1. 2 the good things in life. Your emotions
is 1.12 m. The elevation of the point constant percentage of the declining PROBLEM 72: may not always seem like a gift, but even
Two parallel tangents 20 m apart are The road has a width of 8 m and have a
under the transit at A is 133.33 m. book value. What is the annual rate of the negative ones have a purpose in
connected by a reverse curve. The long slope of 2:1. The area of the cross If the sum of the series is given by the
Compute the elevation of the base of the depreciation is %? your life.
chord connecting PC to PT is 140m. section is 34.6 m2. What is the value of y. equation S = 3n + b, what is the
signal B. a. 32.25 % b. 28.65% 3. There are two extremes to avoid.
36. Which of the following most nearly a. 3.43 b. 3.26 difference between the 9th and the 7th
a. 209.69 b. 309.64 c. 42.50% d. 18.50% Emotionalism is the extreme of saying
gives the radius of the curve if both c. 2.45 d. 2.90 term?
c. 245.46 d. 290.96 a. 14 756 b. 24 786 the only thing that matters in life is how
simple curves are identical? PROBLEM 64:
PROBLEM 56: c. 28 744 d. 20 315 you feel — not what you think or what’s
a. 124 m b. 480 m PROBLEM 47: The transit is set up at a point where
c. 245 m d. 375 m A certain compound has weight of 100 lb PROBLEM 73: right or wrong. Everything in life is based
A Cebu Pacific airplane has net velocity stadia rod was placed 194.20 m
consists of 20% copper and 15% bronze, Find the length of the conjugate axis of on your emotions, this view says, and
37. Which of the following most nearly of 150mph as it travels to its route horizontally away from it. The stadia
Pure copper and pure bronze are added an equilateral hyperbola with the they control your life.
gives the length of the chord from PC to against the wind blowing at 25mph. If it intercept was recorded to be 1.94 m. and
to it. How much of pure copper was equation xy = 9? On the other hand, stoicism says
PRC? travels back and forth for about 4hrs, find the stadia constant is 0.30, determine
added to the compound if the result was a. 8.495 b. 4. 495 feelings aren’t important at all, and the
a. 70 m b. 68 m the resultant velocity of said airplane to the stadia interval factor.
30% copper and 25% bronze? c. 5.495 d. 7. 495 only things that matter are your intellect
travel along the wind? a. 99.95 b. 98.56
c. 65 m d. 72 m a. 23.33 lbs b. 24.49 lbs and your will.
a. 230 mph b. 195 mph c. 95.60 d. 100.50
38. Determine the stationing of PT if PC
c. 24.47 lbs d. 23.03 lbs SITUATION 9: God gave you your emotions for a
c. 180 mph d. 200 mph
is at Sta 2 + 200. PROBLEM 65: A fixed capital investment of 10,000,000 reason, and he wants you to worship him
PROBLEM 57: with all your heart and all your mind.
a. 2 + 275.5 m b. 2 + 340.5 m PROBLEM 48: Data on a traffic accident record on a is required for a proposed manufacturing
The long chord from P.C to P.T of the certain intersection for the past 5 years plant and estimated to be 10% of the
c. 2 + 331.5 m d. 2 + 295.5 m An engineer is to design a bridge, to get
compound curve is 300m and the angle has an accident rate of 4160 per million fixed capital investment. Talk It Over
the length of the bridge she walks from A
PROBLEM 39: it makes with the back tangents and entering vehicles (MEV). Find the total 74. Determine the rate of return on the  Why do you think we sometimes
to B due north and from B she uses her
forward tangents is 150 and 250, number of accidents if the average daily total investment if annual revenue is worship God more with our head
Two planes travel at opposite direction transit and get an angle of 4050 to respectively.The long chord is parallel to traffic 504. 2.5M than our heart?
from same origin. One travels at 300 point C directly opposite A. The distance the common tangent. Determine the a. 4812 Accidents a. 10.50% b. 9.50%  Are you more of a “gusher” or a
mph and the other at 200 mph. After A to B is 50 m, find the length of the degree of the second curve. b. 3726 Accidents c. 12.50% d. 15.00% “stuffer” with your emotions?
what time will they be 1000 miles apart? bridge to be constructed.
An airplane travels 1.75 hrs when a. 2.574 b. 2.688 c. 3826 Accidents  What emotions do you think God
a. 43.21m b. 23.25m 75. Determine the minimum payout
against the wind and 1.15 hrs when in c. 2.688 d. 2.613 d. 2415 Accidents wants you to bring to your
c. 65.42m d. 54.32m period if the annual profit is P2,500,000.
the direction of the wind. The distance to relationship with him?
PROBLEM 49: PROBLEM 58: PROBLEM 66: a. 5 years b. 4 years
its destination is 500 mi. Compute the
A cyclic quadrilateral whose sides are Maranatha Christian Academy Inc. of c. 3 years d. 6 years
speed of the wind. Find the maximum life of an equipment if
a. 3 hrs b. 2 hrs x+10, 2x+15, 3x-10, and 2x-5. has an Cebu conducted their periodical
its salvage value is zero. The
c. 5 hrs d. 4 hrs depreciation charge during the first year area of 674.099 sq. units. Find which examination for their students. Francine
cannot be an interior angle of the said can finish 2 items in 6 mins while Jastine
is 18 percent. Use Sum of Years Digit
PROBLEM 40: Method. quadrilateral in degrees. can finish 2 items in 5 mins. If they work
A box contains 5 defectives and 195 a. 9 years b. 10 years a. 62.06 b. 70.52 together, how long will they finish 110
non-defective cellphones. A quality c. 11 years d. 12 years c. 117.94 d. 107.48 items?
control engineer selects 2 cellphones at a. 130 mins b. 140 mins

05/2018 05/2018
departure 94.26 (1  i) 20  1 c. II & IV d. II & III SOLUTION 14:
tan =  (-6, 3, 1)
latitude 649.327 A =P1(1+ i)15 + P2(1 +i)10 ANSWER 9: d. II & III /4
 = N8 15’21”E
+P3(1+i) 15

x cos 4x dx = - 0.125 
C(Bx A) Y
PROBLEM 4: Nov. 2015 CE Brd Exam (1  0.08 ) 20  1 Jane has probability of getting an A in an H = Altitude
A compound curve has a common A =P1(1+i)15+P2(1+i)10 exam of 0.1, B of 0.3 and C of 0.4. What
0.08 =|C| cos 
tangent equal to 520 m. The first curve is the probability of getting at least C? PROBLEM 15: C(Bx A)
+P3(1+i)15 A Cebu Pacific airplane travels in a
has a radius equal to 300 m and has
a. 0.5 b. 0.8 C
subtended angle equal to 50 while the (1  0.08 ) 1 c. 0.7 d. 1 direction of N30W at an air speed of
A =1000(1+0.08)15 600 kph. If the wind has a speed of 80
second curve has central angle of 35. 0.08 SOLUTION 10:
What is the length of the second curve? P = PA + P B + P C kph on a direction N40E. What is the
+2000(1+0.08)10 + 3000(1 + 0.08)15 Z
a. 842.78 m b. 629.41 m P = 0.1 + 0.3 + 0.4 ground speed of the plane.
A = 371.63 (answer)
c. 736.22 m d. 948.16 P = 0.8 ans a. 631.85 kph b. 640.20 kph
c. 531.85 kph d. 550 kph A (2,3,-1)
PROBLEM 6: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2016 PROBLEM 11: O
SITUATION 1: May 1997 CE Board Exam What is the surface area of a sphere if What is the meaning of MLLW? BA) B (1,1,-1)
Traverse ABCDE was surveyed years I the volume is 36 m3? a. Mean Low Water Level Insert figure here
ago using Compass Rule. The blueprint a. 52.71 m2 b. 45.71 m2 b. Mean Lower Low Water Using MODE CMPLX function of calculator B = area of
T1 T21 c. 62.71 m2 d. 57.71 m2 Vresultant = 8050 + 600(90 + 30) Base
of the survey was found and the c. Mean Lower Level Water =|A||B|sinBA
description of boundaries are as follows: SOLUTION 6: d. Mean Low Level Water
AB = 985 meters S70o29’E, BC = 315 Convert to polar form by pressing SHIFT 2 3
4 ANSWER 11: b. Mean Lower Low Volume = (Area of Base )(Altitude)
meters S26o28’E, CD = 875 meters Vsphere = R 3 = 36 Vresultant = 631.85113.17 Volume = ABsin AB x C cos  C(BxA)
S65o33’W, DE = 410 meters N45o31’W, 25 3 Water Therefore:
R = 2.048 It is the average of the lowest tide Volume =(B x A) (C(B x A) /B x A)
EA = 650 meters N10oE. The description O Ground speed = 631.85 kph
17.5 Volume = C(B x A)
of line EA is blurred and thus, cannot be 300 p 50 O recorded at a tide station each day
read. m
35 p R2 Asphere = 4R2 during a 19 year recording period PROBLEM 16: Using MODE VECTOR function of calculator,
1. Find the corrected latitude. O Asphere = 4(2.048)2 known as the National Tidal Datum solve
p p p Find the two positive and two negative
a. 609.327 m b. 629.327 m Asphere = 52.71 m2 (answer) Epoch coterminal of 10. MODE 8 1 1 ( 2 = 3 = − 1 = ) SHIFT STO A
c. 649.327 m d. 669.327 m SHIFT 5 2 1 ( 1 = 1 = − 1 = ) SHIFT STO B
PROBLEM 7: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2016 a. 270, 760, -250, -720
2. Find the corrected departure. Two angles are complimentary. One PROBLEM 12: b. 370, 730, -350, -710 SHIFT 5 3 1 (− 6 = 3 = 1 = ) SHIFT STO C
a. 88.21 m b. 94.26 m angle is twice as the other one. Find the A ball is thrown downward from a c. 340, 750, -450, -730 AC
c. 30.27 m d. 92.62 m angles. building 180 ft high. Determine the time it d. 130, 630, -360, -710
a. 45 and 60 b. 30 and 45 hits the ground if initial velocity is 20 ft/s.
3. Find the corrected bearing of line EA
a. 3.5 2 secs b. 2.78 secs SOLUTION 16: Volume = C  (B x A) = -14 cubic units
a. N1002‘52”E b. N110’ 52“E c. 30 and 60 d. 45 and 45 For positive co-terminal angles x
c. 1.75 secs d. 1.23 secs SHIFT 5 5 SHIFT 5 7 ( SHIFT 5 4
c. S1202‘52“W d. N 8o15’21”E ---------------------------------------------
y SHIFT 5 3 ) =
1 2 Volume = -14 cubic units
SOLUTION 1: 2x + x = 90 Side
SOLUTION 4: S = V 1t + at
Using compass rule: x = 30 2
T1 + T2 = 520 SITUATION 2: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2007
 Dis tan ce  2x = 60 1
  Dis tan ce  T1 = R1tan(I1/2) =10 Given the following data of a closed
The angles are 30 and 60 (answer) -180 = -20t + (-32.2) t2 →solve “t”
CL = -EL   T1 = 300tan(25o) 2 x traverse:
 Dis tan ce  T1 = 140 m t = 2.78 secs Initial Line D L
  Dis tan ce  140 + T2 = 520 PROBLEM 8: Side 12 29.00 50.23
CD = -ED  
T2 = 380 m The ratio of wave height and wave
PROBLEM 13: 23 46.36 L23
T2 = R2tan(I2/2) length.
Line Dist.(m) Bearing Lat. Dep. 380 = R2tan17.5o a. steepness b. wave period 4 2 =2(360)+10=730 2 =360+10=370 34 34.47 -6.08
 k! .
AB 985 S70 29’E
-329.07 +928.41 R2 = 1205.21 m c. slope d. wave Find 45 -10.42 -59.09
k (360) + 
S 2 = I 2 R2 propagation k 0 56 -38.30 -32.14
BC 315 S26o28’E -281.99 +140.39 a) 10 + 1(360) = 370
736.22 m (answer) ANSWER 8: a. steepness 24 70 61 D61 28.35
CD 875 S65o33’W -362.16 -796.53 a. b. b) 10 + 2(360) = 730
65 24 18. Compute the DMD of 3-4
DE 410 N45 31’W +287.29 -292.52 PROBLEM 5: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2016

65 24 For negative co-terminal angles a. 187.54 b. 185.19

Wave Height

EA 650 N 10oE +640.12 +112.87 A certain company decided to pay its c. d. y c. 198.03 d. 153.73
loan by installment for 20 years. P1000 24 70 Terminal 19. Compute the distance of 6-1
Distance = 3235 m  = Wavelength

at the end of 5 years, P2000 at the end SOLUTION 13: Side

a. 59.97 m b. 63.3 m
For latitude: of 10 years and P3000 at the end of 15 y 4
1 1 1 1
 k! =
years. Determine the equivalent annual 1 c. 66.95 m d. 67.36 m
positive Latitude = +927.4127 m + + + +
payment when i = 8%. =10 20. Compute the bearing of 6-1
negative Latitude = -973.22 m k 0 0! 1! 2! 3! o
a. 321.63 b. 371.63 x a. N 45.11 W b. N 65.11oW
EL = 927.4127 – 973.22 c. 451.63 d. 417.63 1 Initial c. N 75.11oW d. N 55.11oW
EL = -45.807 m SOLUTION 5: 4! Side SOLUTION 18:
 650  FA 4 DMD12 = D12 = 29
1 1 1 1 1
 k! =
 3235  1
+ + + +
Correction = -(-45.807)  
1 1 2 6 24 4 =10−2(360)=−710 3 = 10 −360=−350 DMD23 = DMD12 + D12 + D23
 = Wavelength k 0
Correction = 9.204 m A A AAA A AA AA A AA A A DMD23 = 29 + 29 + 46.36 = 104.36
T = Period
 - k (360)
Corrected latitude = 640.125+9.204 DMD34 = DMD23 + D23 + D34
Corrected latitude = 649.327 m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4 c) 10 - 1(360) = -350
65 DMD34 = 104.6 + 46.36 + 34.47 = 185.19
 k! =
PROBLEM 9: 1 d) 10 - 2(360) = -710
1000 2000 3000
SOLUTION 2: Which of the following describe the 24
k 0
For departure: F2 principles of isosceles triangle and SOLUTION 19:
+D = 1181.67 equilateral triangle:
F1 Or: using Summation function of calculator PROBLEM 17: D = 0
-D = -1089.05 I. If two angles are congruent; the sides SHIFT LOG
opposite of those angles are also Find the volume of the parallepiped 29 + 46.36 + 34.47 - 10.42 - 38.3 + D61 =
ED =1181.67 – 1089.05 By Theory of Equivalence, at the end of 4
65 0
 k! =
ED = +92.62 m congruent. 1 given;
20 years: D61 = - 61.11
II. If two sides are congruent; the angles A = 2i + 3j – k
 650  F4 = F 1 + F 2 + F 3 k 0 24
opposite of those sides are also B=i+j–k
 3235  Distance61 = D 612  L 612
Correction = -(+92.62)   (1  i) 20  1 congruent. C = -6i + 3j + k
A =P1(1 + i)15 + P2(1 +i)10
Correction = -18.61 m i III. Equilateral triangles are also PROBLEM 14: a. -15 cubic units b. -14 cubic units Distance61 = 61.112  28.35 2 =
Corrected departure =112.87+ -18.61 +P3(1+i)15 equiangular Find the integral of x cos 4xdx with its c. -12 cubic units d. -13 cubic units
Corrected departure = 94.26 m IV. Equiangular triangles are also lower limit of 0 and upper limit of /4. SOLUTION 17: 67.36
SOLUTION 3: equilateral. a. 0.541 b. 0.125
Corrected bearing: a. I & II b. I & IV c. 0.078 d. 0.654
05/2018 05/2018
SOLUTION 20: SOLUTION 24: A+ B = 4.17i + 2.8j = 5.023  33.88 o Vbowl = 414 cm3 1 Sta of PT = (2 + 200) + 140.5
Equipment A: AADE = 7 AABC Sta of PT = 2 + 340.5 m
D 61 PROBLEM 30: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2009 PROBLEM 32: CE Brd Exam- Nov 2009 1 1 1
tan 61 = Annual Cost of Equipment A:
L 61 A 1-meter strip is to be painted around A circle having an area of 1018 cm 2 is
2 (43)(r )sin
AE 45 = 7 2 (95)(88)sin PROBLEM 39: Nov. 2015 CE Brd Exam
Maintenance:= P6,000
the base of a hemispherical dome with cut by a chord 5cm from center. Find the 45 Two planes travel at opposite direction
61.11 two coats of enamel paint. Its base area of the smaller segment. rAE = 27.77 m from same origin. One travels at 300
61 = arctan = N 65.11oW
28.35 Annual Depreciation: diameter is 18m and has a scattered a. 417.73 cm 2
b. 86.45 cm 2 mph and the other at 200 mph. After
Apply Cosine law to ADE what time will they be 1000 miles apart?
SITUATION 3: CE Brd Exam-May 2008 capacity of 200 ft2 /gal. Find the number c. 331.5 cm2 d. 531.8 cm2
iDn of gallons needed. DE2 = 432 + 27.772 – 2(27.77)43cos45 An airplane travels 1.75 hrs when
The natural grade line at Station 2 + 020 d= SOLUTION 32:
is with center height of 4.5 m. in cut, (1  i)n  1 a. 3.04 gallons b. 5.34 gallons DE = 30.52 m against the wind and 1.15 hrs when in
c. 6.07 gallons d. 8.25 gallons the direction of the wind. The distance to
while that at Sta 2+300 is 2.6 m in fill. Dn = FC – SV or using vectors:
SOLUTION 30: its destination is 500 mi. Compute the
Natural grade line slope, 5%. Dn = 50,000 – 3,000 rDE = rDA + rAE = 43(180 + 45) +
A C B speed of the wind.
Dn = 47,000 27.770 a. 3 hrs b. 2 hrs
21. Find the extent of fill measured from 0.12( 47,000 )  rDE = 30.52 -94.95 c. 5 hrs d. 4 hrs
R 5
Sta.2+300. d= =
a. 29.3 b. 23.9 (1  0.12)5  1 O SITUATION 7: CE Brd Exam- Nov 2009
c. 39.2 d. 32.9 7,398.26 Two parallel tangents 20 m apart are SOLUTION 39:
ACA = Annual Cost of A = 13,398.26 h 1m connected by a reverse curve. The long 1000 mi
22. Find the stationing of the transition 
C chord connecting PC to PT is 140m.
point. SOLUTION 25: 9m D B 36. Which of the following most nearly
a. 2 + 270.7 b. 2 + 206.5 S1 S1
Annual Cost of Equipment B: gives the radius of the curve if both
c. 2 + 320.8 d. 2 + 345.2 Maintenance: = P3,000 simple curves are identical? t t
23. Find the slope of the finished grade Annual Depreciation: a. 124 m b. 480 m
line. iDn Ashaded = Asector – AAOB c. 245 m d. 375 m
d= V= 300 mph V= 200 mph
a. 1.125% b. 4.275% 1 1

c. 2.335% d. 3.875%
(1  i)n  1 Ashaded = 2 R2 – 2 R2sin → eqn 1 37. Which of the following most nearly S1 + S2 = 1000
A = Painted area gives the length of the chord from PC to
Dn = FC – SV Ac = R2 = 1018 → Solve R 300t + 200t = 1000
SOLUTION 21: A = 2R*h → eqn 1 PRC?
Dn = 150,000 – 6,000 R = 18 cm t = 2 hrs (answer)
Dn = 144,000 a. 70 m b. 68 m
Natural Finished S = R PROBLEM 40: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2016
gradeline gradeline OCB: c. 65 m d. 72 m
0.12(144,000 ) 1 = (9) → Solve  A box contains 5 defectives and 195

 
slope, g=-5% d= =  5 5 38. Determine the stationing of PT if PC
15 cos = = non-defective cellphones. A quality
(1  0.12) 1 = 1
rad 180  = 6.37
2 R 18
is at Sta 2 + 200.
9 rad 5
control engineer selects 2 cellphones at
3862.69  = 2 invcos 18
= 147.74o = 2.58 rad a. 2 + 275.5 m b. 2 + 340.5 m random without replacement. What is the
4.5-z ACB = Annual Cost of B = 6,862.69
4.5 2.6 ACD Subst. to eqn 1 c. 2 + 331.5 m d. 2 + 295.5 m probability that exactly one is defective?
z z FCB = FCB → future cost of B a. 0.049 b. 0.024
sin  = 9
Ashaded =
(2.58)(18)2 –
(18)2sin147.74 SOLUTION 36 - 37:
n 2 2 c. 0.502 d. 0.132
80 – x x (1  i)  1 Length of chord from PC to PRC =140/2 = 70 m
sin 6.37 = 9 → Solve h
h Ashaded = 331.5 cm2
80m i
PCB(1 + i)n = ACB D = probability that the item picked is
Sta 2+220 Sta 2+300 PCB(1 + 0.12)15 = 6,862.69 h = 0.999 → Substitute toeqn 1 SITUATION 6: CE Brd Exam- Nov 2009
A = 2(9)(0.999) defective
By ratio and Proportion: A triangular lot was formed by three
(1  0.12)15  1 A = 56.466 m2 → Convert to sq.ft. straight lines AB, BC and AC with AB =
N = probability that the item picked is no-
2 .6 4 .5 defective

80  x
 Solve x 0.12
PCB = 46,740.85
A = 56.466 m2  3.28 ft 2
 = 607.48 ft2
95m and AC = 88m. Bearing of line AB is
N 45 degrees E while bearing of line AC
P =C DN + ND
x = 29.3 m is due east. Point D is located at side AB PC
SOLUTION 26: P = Number of gals of paint required T1 5 195 195 5
 
which is 43m from A and is connected to P=   
SOLUTION 22: RORB = Rate of return on additional cost on B 1gal I/2
P = 607.48 sq.ft  2 coats point E along side AC. Area of ADE is 1/7 L1 T1
I2 200 199 200 199
xV + x = 2300  2300 is from Sta 2 + 300 RORB = Annual Savings on B / Addl Investment 200 sq.ft
area of ABC.
xV + 29.3 = 2300 P = 6.07 gallons B 39
on B 33. Which of the following most nearly
P= = 0.049 (answer)
xV = 2270.7 m
AC A  ACB gives the bearing of side BC? 796
Sta V = 2 + 270.7 PROBLEM 31: CE Brd Exam- Nov 2009 PRC
a. S17.22E b. S62.22E I1
FCB  FCA A bowl is in the form of a hemispherical
c. S32.22E d.
R1 T2
L2 SITUATION 8: CE Brd Exam-May 2008
SOLUTION 23: RORB = segment with two bases is full of water.
Slope of NGL = 5% = 4. 5  z 13,398.26  6,862.69 The upper base is a great circle having S42.22E A T2 PT the angle between the tangent line
80 a diameter of 18cm. Its height is 6cm.
ROR = 150,000  50,000 = 34. Which of the following most nearly and the radius vector of the curves below
5%(80) = 4.5 – z  Solve z Find the volume of the bowl.
gives the length of side AE? at each indicated point.
z = 0.5 6.54% a. 414 cm3 b. 72 cm3 a. 24.85 m b. 27.77 m 41. r = a sec 2x at x = /8
2.6  z 2.6  0.5 c. 486 cm3 d. 372 cm3
Slope of FGL = = = c. 32.62 m d. 20.11 m a. 16.48 o b. 18.92 o
80 80 SITUATION 5: CE Brd Exam-May 2008
3.875% c. 30.95 o d. 26.57 o
Given vector A and B as follows: SOLUTION 31: 35. Which of the following most nearly
A = 6.7i + 8.35j gives the length of side DE? 42. r = a sin x at x = /2
I1 = I2 = I
SITUATION 4: CE Brd Exam-May 2008 B = -2.53i – 5.55j a. 30.52 m b. 24.85 m a. 90 b. 30
Eqpt. A Eqpt B Find the following: c. 20. 11 m d. 32.62 m Sin I/2 = 140 c. 130 d. 140
First Cost 50,000 150,000 27. Horizontal and vertical components
SOLUTION 33 – 35:

Salvage Value 3,000 6,000 of the resultant vector. I = 16.43 → I/2 = 16.43 = 8.215 43. r = x2 at x = 
No. of yrs 5 yrs 15 yrs a. -4.17i + 2.8j b. 4.17i - 2.8j a. 122.48 o b. 118.95 o
c. -4.17i - 2.8j d. 4.17i + 2.8j By symmetry, It follows that the curves are
Maintenance cost 6,000 3,000 D 9cm c. 130.91 o d. 130.31 o
i 12% 12% 28. Magnitude of the resultant of vector. 52 B
L1= L2 =
140 SOLUTION 41:
Using Sinking Fund of method of a. 4.230 b. 3.374 95 BC=CB 2 = 70
6cm Note: by all indications, x in the given,
depreciation, find: c. 5.023 d. 6.421 ABPc
24. Annual cost of A 43 D represents. So that in the solution that follows, is
29. The angle that the vector makes with B C CB replaced by 
a. 13,398.26 b. 14,324.53 sin I/2 = 2
c. 15,278.62 d. 12,231.71 the horizontal. 3cm R dy dy / d
a. 25.35 o b. 33.88 o 45 CB Slope, m = tan x = =
25. Present Cost of B c. 45.35 o d. 35.35 o A 45 70
dx dx / d
A C sin 8.215 =
a. 40,234.53 b. 46,740.85 Vbowl = Vhemisphere – Vsph. segment 88 E R Where
c. 43,674.78 d. 48,891.37 SOLUTION 27 – 29: x = angle that the tangent line to the curve
Using complex numbers to represent Vectors A
R3 1 Using Complex Mode: R = 245 m
Vbowl = 3 – (3R – h)h2 rBC = rBA +rAC = 95(180 + 45) + 880 SOLUTION 38: makes with the x-axis
26. Rate of return of additional and B, 3
investment on B. 2 rBC = 70.33 -72.78 rad dy / d
A = 6.7i + 8.35j x = invtan
 9  S1 = I1R1 = 16.43 = 0.286 dx / d
a. 4.36% b. 7.35% 4 3
B = -2.53i – 5.55j 1 At point B: 180 
c. 6.54% d. 5.62% Using complex mode of calculator Vbowl = 3 – 3 [3(9) – 3](3)  2

2 BC = 90 – 72.78 = S17.22 E Lc = 245 x 0.286 x 2 = 140.5 m

A+ B = (6.7i + 8.35j) + (-2.53i – 5.55j)
05/2018 05/2018
d / d[ y ] Sta PCC. = 10380 + 80 = 10460
B 1 1 1 1 25o 114 .5 / 2
x = invtan Thus: Sta. PCC = 10 + 460 (answer) A= (4)( y1) + (y)(9.8) + (y)( x2)+ Sin =
d / d[ x ] PROBLEM 53: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2016 2 2 2 2 2 R
d / d[r sin ] 40 dy (4)(1.2) R = 438.61 meters
x = invtan  eqn 1 PROBLEM 46: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2016 Determine in the equation y = x x 2 .
d / d[r cos ] dx 1 1
The top of the tower signal at B 2000 m 34.6 = (4)(2.9) + (y)(9.8)
a. x X X [1 – lnx2] 2 2 20 20
Substitute r = a sec 2 to equation 1 and evaluate away from A was sighted through a 50 m D = = = 0.0456 rad
at = /8 . transit with recorded vertical angle of X X 1 [1 1 1 R 438.61
b. x + lnx] + (y)(6.4) + (4)(1.2)
Note: Be sure to set your calculator to radian 230’. The height of the tower situated on 180 o
2 2
the top of B is 12 m. and the height of c.
1 [lnx2] = 2.613 (ANSWER)
mode xX y = 3.26 (answer) 
the transit above the point where it is set BRIDGE
d d. xX
1 [1 + lnx2]
[a sec 2 sin ] is 1.12 m. The elevation of the point
d    / 8 under the transit at A is 133.33 m. A C
x = invtan Compute the elevation of the base of the SOLUTION 53:
d A certain compound has weight of 100 lb A cyclic quadrilateral whose sides are
[a sec 2 cos ] signal B. AC = 50 tan 4050’ = 43.21m (answer) 2
y = x x → Take the natural logarithm of both consists of 20% copper and 15% bronze, x+10, 2x+15, 3x-10, and 2x-5. has an
d    / 8 a. 209.69 b. 309.64 Pure copper and pure bronze are added area of 674.099 sq. units. Find which
c. 245.46 d. 290.96 sides to it. How much of pure copper was
d  1  PROBLEM 49: cannot be an interior angle of the said
a sin  ln y = ln x x 2 added to the compound if the result was
d    / 8  cos 2
Find the maximum life of an equipment if quadrilateral in degrees.
x = invtan
 SOLUTION 46: its salvage value is zero. The ln y = ( x2 )(ln x) → take the d/dx of both 30% copper and 25% bronze? a. 62.06 b. 70.52
a. 23.33 lbs b. 24.49 lbs
d  1  C depreciation charge during the first year sides: c. 117.94 d. 107.48
a cos  E c. 24.47 lbs d. 23.03 lbs
d    / 8  cos 2 
 inclined line of sight
is 18 percent. Use Sum of Years Digit SOLUTION 58:
Method. 1  dy  1
= 49.06o    x 2  (ln x )(2 x ) SOLUTION 56:
horizontal line 12 m
a. 9 years b. 10 years
y  dx  x
 180 o of sight (tangent c. 11 years d. 12 years Given Pure Pure Given
 = x –  = 49.06– = 26.57 o
B dy Mixture Copper Bronze Mixture
8  to level line at D)
(approx. 2000 = y [x + 2x ln x] 20% Copper 100% Copper 0% Copper 30% Copper
d1 = 0.18FC (dep. charge during 1st year) dx 15% bronze 0% bronze 100% bronze 25% bronze B
230 C Dn = F.C –S.V ,S.V = 0
dy 100 lbs + x + y = 100 +x+y a=X+10

Substitute r = a sin to  and evaluate at  = /2 hCR Dn = F.C = x x 2 x[1 + 2 lnx] A
T dx b=2X+15
d D dr =
n  r 1
 Dn  Consider Copper Content: 
[a sin  sin ] el. B Sum of digits dy Q
d    / 2 (answer)
133.33 m = x X 1 [1 + lnx2] 0.2(100) + x + 0 = 0.3(100 + x + y)
x = invtan =0 133.33 m n dx 0.7x – 0.3y = 10 → eqn. 1
d m m Sum of digits =  n  1 d=2X - 5

[a sin  cos ] 2

d    / 2 C
n  1 1 PROBLEM 54: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2016 Consider Bronze Content:
sea level
0.18F.C = n
F.C 0.15(100) + 0 + y = 0.25(100 + x + y) c=3X - 10
 =  – x =
 180 
– 0 = 90o  n  1 A grade of -5% is followed by a grade of
+1%. The grade is intersecting at a -0.25x + 0.75y = 10 → eqn. 2 D
2  2
0.18n(n+1) = 2n vertex (Sta 10 + 060). The change of
SOLUTION 43: n2 + n =11.11n grade is restricted to 0.4% in 20 m. Solve equation 1 and equation 2 simultaneously By Bramaguptha’s Formula (applicable to cyclic
n = 10.11 say Compute the length of the vertical
Substitute r =  2 to equation 1 and evaluate at  x = 23.33 lbs (ANSWER) quadrilaterals only) :
n = 10 years parabolic sag curve in meters. Area =
= y = 21.11 lbs
hCR = (0.26k)2 = [0.26(2)2] = 1.04 a. 450 b. 400
PROBLEM 50: Nov. 2015 CE Brd Exam ( s  a)(s  b)(s  c)( s  d)
d c. 300 d. 350
[2 sin ] Consider the right triangle TDC: Eight years ago, A is four times as old as PROBLEM 57: → eqn. 1
d    tan 230’ = (12 + z)/(2000) B. Eight years hence A is twice as old as
The long chord from P.C to P.T of the
x = invtan = 57.52 o
d z = 75.32 B. How old is B. compound curve is 300m and the angle abc d
[2 cos ] a. 24 yrs. old b. 30 yrs. old B =  g1 –g2  =  -5% – 1%  = 6%  total it makes with the back tangents and s=
d    change in grade forward tangents is 150 and 250, 2
El. B = 133.33 + hCR + z c. 28 yrs. old d. 32 yrs. old
180  El. B = 133.33 + 1.04 + 75.32 6% respectively.The long chord is parallel to s=
 =  – x =  – 57.52o = 122.48o
 El. B = 209.69 (answer) L= 0.4% = 300 m (answer) the common tangent. Determine the ( x  10 )  ( 2x  15 )  (3 x  10 )  (2x  5)
SOLUTION 50: degree of the second curve.
(A-8) = 4(B-8) → Eqn. 1 20 m 2
PROBLEM 44: CE Brd Exam- Nov 2009 PROBLEM 47:
a. 2.574 b. 2.688
(A+8) = 2(B+8) → Eqn. 2 s = 4x +5
What is the surface area of a sphere c. 2.688 d. 2.613
A Cebu Pacific airplane has net velocity Solve the two equations simultaneously s – a = (4x + 5) – (x + 10) = 3x + 15
having a volume of 1904 cu. m. of 150mph as it travels to its route PROBLEM 55: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2016 s – b = (4x + 5) – (2x + 15) = 2x – 10
a. 743 m2 b. 755 m2 B =24 years old (answer)
against the wind blowing at 25mph. If it Given the following cross-section notes SOLUTION 57: s – c = (4x + 5) – (3x – 10) = x +15
c. 798 m2 d. 804 m2 travels back and forth for about 4hrs, find for a road. s – d = (4x + 5) – (2x – 5) = 2x +10
the resultant velocity of said airplane to PROBLEM 51: Nov. 2015 CE Brd Exam 9 .8 x2
travel along the wind? The probability that 16 persons will quit C2
Substitute to eqn 1
V= 4
R3 = 1904 → Solve R a. 230 mph b. 195 mph smoking is 30 %. What is the probability y1 y 1. 2 I1=15O 674.099 =
R = 7.69 m c. 180 mph d. 200 mph that 12 people will quit smoking? The road has a width of 8 m and have a p (3 x  15)(2 x  10 )( x  15 )(2 x  10 )
a. 30.53% b. 40.53% slope of 2:1. The area of the cross I1/2  I2/2 I2=25O
Asurface = 4R2 = 4(7.69)2 = 743 m2 SOLUTION 47: p p x = 12.4 units
c. 45.72% d. 47.83% section is 34.6 m2. What is the value of y. p
I2/2 I2 a = x + 10 = 12.4 + 10 = 22.4
I1 I1/2=7.5
PROBLEM 45: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2016 Against the wind: a. 3.43 b. 3.26
p p p b = 2x + 15 = 2(12.4) + 15 = 39.8
Vnet = Vplane @ still air - Vwind c. 2.45 d. 2.90 PC 300 m PT
A compound curve given the following: SOLUTION 51: c = 3x – 10 = 3(12.4) – 10 = 27.2
150 = Vplane @ still air - 25
I1 = 24 D1 = 6 By binomial Probability: SOLUTION 55: d = 2x – 5 = 2(12.4) – 5 = 19.8
Vplane in still air = 175
I2 = 18 D1 = 3 With the wind: P = (30%)12/16 = 40.53% D
Sta. at P.C = 10 + 380 F 1 Apply Cosine Law to Triangle ABC and Triangle
Vresultant = Vplane @ still air + Vwind 2 Consider triangle PC-PCC-PT:
Find the stationing at P.C.C. y1 y ACD
Vresultant = 175 + 25 = 200 mph 1.2
a. 10 + 460 b. 10 + 530  = 180 – (I1/2) – (I2/2) Q2 = a2 + b2 - 2 ab cos  = c2 + d2 - 2 cd
5.8 4m 4m x’
c. 10 + 230 d. 10 + 190  = 180 – (15/2) – (25/2) cos α → eqn. 2
An engineer is to design a bridge, to get
SOLUTION 45: the length of the bridge she walks from A PROBLEM 52: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2016 9.8 x2
 = 160 But since  +  = 180,
s Then, cos  = - cos 
to B due north and from B she uses her sin 2 x  cos 2 x By ratio and proportion:
transit and get an angle of 4050 to Evaluate: By sine Law:
 tan x 1 Substitute to eqn 2
point C directly opposite A. The distance y1 = (5.8) = 2.9 meters 300 C2
20 A to B is 50 m, find the length of the a. cos x b. tan x 2 = 22.42+39.82 - 2 (22.4)(39.8)cos =
R1 = =     = 190.986 bridge to be constructed. c. cot x d. sec x x’ = 2(1.2) = 2.4 sin 160o sin 7.5o 27.22+19.82 - 2 (27.2)(19.8)(-cos )
D1 6   a. 43.21m b. 23.25m SOLUTION 52: x2 = x’ + 4 = 2.4 + 4 = 6.4 C2 = 114.5 meters Solve :
 180  ATOTAL = AADC + ACED + ACEF + ACBF = 70.52
c. 65.42m d. 54.32m sin 2 x  cos 2 x 1
   -----------------------------------------------
= = cot x
S1 = I1 R1 = 24   (190.986) = 80 tan x tan x I2 C2 / 2  = 180–  = 180 – 70.52 = 109.48
SOLUTION 48: Sin =
 180  (answer) 2 R
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Apply Cosine Law to Triangle DAB and Triangle CD 23758’ 77.45 PROBLEM 66: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2013 A
S9 - S8 = (a1 + a2 + … + a8 + a9) - (a1 + a2 74. Determine the rate of return on the
BCD DA 8043’ 75.00 Maranatha Christian Academy Inc. of + … + a 8) total investment if annual revenue is
Z2 = a2 + d2 - 2 ad cos  = c2 + b2 - 2 cb What is distance AB? Cebu conducted their periodical (39 + b) – (38 + b) = a9 2.5M
cos  → eqn. 3 a. 28.51 b. 19.25 examination for their students. Francine a9 = 39 + 38  eqn 1 a. 10.50% b. 9.50%
But since  +  = 180, c. 24.21 d. 18.02 can finish 2 items in 6 mins while Jastine 3 c. 12.50% d. 15.00%
can finish 2 items in 5 mins. If they work X X By projection:
Then, cos  = - cos  O
PROBLEM 62: May 1999 CE Board Exam together, how long will they finish 110 a7 = 37 – 36 75. Determine the minimum payout
Substitute to eqn 3
A vertical sag parabolic curve has items? a9 - a7 = 39 + 38 – (37 – 36) period if the annual profit is P2,500,000.
22.42+19.82 - 2 (22.4)(19.8)cos =
tangent grades of -2% and +3%. a. 130 mins b. 140 mins a9 - a7 = 24 786 (answer) a. 5 years b. 4 years
27.22+39.82 - 2 (27.2)(39.8)(-cos ) Compute the length of curve if the 4 5
c. 150 mins d. 160 mins  c. 3 years d. 6 years
Solve : required sight distance is 178m. SOLUTION 66: 60–  PROBLEM 73: Nov 2015 CE Brd Exam
= 117.94 a. 218.15 m b. 212.66 m
A = rate of student A = 2/6 = 1/3 items/min B C Find the length of the conjugate axis of
 = 180–  = 180 – 117.94 = 62.06 c. 234.45 m d. 271.12 m X SOLUTION 74:
B = rate of student B = 2/5 = 0.4 items/min an equilateral hyperbola with the
Answer is 107.48 . This is not one of the SOLUTION 62: Net annual profit
If they work together for time “t”, equation xy = 9? ROR 
interior angles Using night time sight distance: First cos t
When S<L At + Bt = 110 items a. 8. 495 b. 4. 495
(1/3)t + 0.4t = 110 items By cos law: b. 5. 495 c. 7. 495 2500000  0.1010000000 
L=  S & L are in m t = 150 mins 10000000
A 5.5m flag pole is placed at a top of the 1.22  3.5%S 52 =x2 +42 –2(4)(x) cos(60 –)  eqn 1 SOLUTION 73:
PROBLEM 67: Nov 2016 CE Brd Exam ROR = 15%
hill of height, h. The angle of depression ABO: Reduce to standard form by using rotation of axes
When S>L A machine cost 50 000 and have a 10%
from the top of the flag pole to the point 32 = x2 + 42 – 2(4)(x) cos   eqn 2
1.22  3.5%S salvage value from the first cost after 10
of observation is 47054’, while the angle L = 2S   S & L are in m 0 = x2 + 42 – 32 – 2(4)(x)
B years. Find the capital recovery factor if it x’
of inclination from point of observation to y’
is 8% compounded annually. 8x cos  = x2 + 7
the top of hill is 39 08’.Find the value of y y’ SOLUTION 75:
B = 0.03 – (-0.02) = 0.05 a. 0.138 b. 0.182
h? x2  7 Payout Period = Dn/AP
S = 178 m c. 0.069 d. 1.054 cos  = y’cos 
a. 15.27 m b. 17.95 m 8x x’ Dn = Total depreciation

c. 16.85 m d. 18.02 m Assume S < L SOLUTION 67: y AP = Annual profit
x2  7
178  2  0.05  iD n  = invcos  substitute to eqn 1 x’sin
Payout Period =
SOLUTION 59: 8x Payout Period = 4 years
1.22  0.035178  A=  x
L = 212.6 > S  assumption is correct
(1  i) n  1 x2  7 5m D
52 = x2 + 42 – 2(4)(x) cos (60 – invcos ) x y’sin
i 8x
PROBLEM 63: Capitol Recovery Factor = x’ cos 
A machine costing P45,000 is estimated (1  i) n  1 Solve x.
God Wants an Emotional
4754’ Capitol Recovery Factor =
to have a salvage value of P 4,350 when 5x2 = x2 + 42 – 2(4)(x) cos 60 Relationship with You
retired at the end of 6 years . 0.08 x = x’cos - y’sin → formula 1
5.5 m x =6.766 By Rick Warren — Feb 9, 2018
Depreciation cost is computed using a y = x’sin + y’cos → formula 2
constant percentage of the declining (1  0.08 )10  1 1 2
xy = (x’cos - y’sin)( x’sin + y’cos) “The most important commandment
Atriangle = (x) sin 60
book value. What is the annual rate of Capitol Recovery Factor = 0.069 (answer) 2 xy = (x’)2sincos + x’y’cos2 - x’y’sin2 - is this: . . .‘You must love the Lord
depreciation is %? 1 your God with all your heart, all your
a. 32.25 % b. 28.65% Atriangle = (6.766)2 sin 60 soul, all your mind, and all your
PROBLEM 68: Nov 2015 CE Brd Exam 2
c. 42.50% d. 18.50% strength’” (Mark 12:29-30 NLT).
4754’ h Two tangents having azimuths of 240 Note: The two middle terms are equal when  =
Atriangle = 19.825 unit2 (answer)
SOLUTION 63: and 282 are connected by an 80 m 45 The Bible says in Mark 12:29-30, “The
BVr = FC (l – id)r spiral curve with a 6 circular curve. The most important commandment is
BV6 = SV width of the roadway is 10 m. If the PROBLEM 70: Nov 2016 CE Brd Exam Substitute  = 45 this: . . . ‘You must love the Lord your
x 4350 = 45000 (l – id)6 design velocity is 60 kph, determine the On a highway, it is a slightly raised strip xy = (x’)2sin45cos45+ x’y’cos245 God with all your heart, all your soul, all
id = 0.3225 superelevation at the first quarter point of asphalt, plastic, etc. across the lane of your mind, and all your strength’” (NLT).
- x’y’sin245 - (y’)2 sin45cos45
id = 32.25% on the spiral. traffic to warn the commuters that it is Do you hear the emotion in these words
5.5  h h approaching a hazard
x=  PROBLEM 64: Nov 2016 CE Brd Exam
a. 0.408 m b. 0.334 m xy = (x’)2(0.5) + x’y’(0.5) - x’y’(0.5) - from Jesus? He’s saying he doesn’t want
tan 47 o 54' tan 39 o 08' c. 0.315 m d. 0.371 m a. pedestrian strip
(y’)2(0.5) you to just kind of love him. He wants
The transit is set up at a point where b. hazard strips you to love him passionately — with all
h = 15.27 meters (ANSWER) stadia rod was placed 194.20 m xy = (x’)2(0.5) - (y’)2(0.5)
c. Rumble strip your heart, all your soul, all your mind,
horizontally away from it. The stadia SOLUTION 68: d. traffic strips ( x ) 2 ( y ) 2 and all your strength. God doesn’t want
PROBLEM 60: intercept was recorded to be 1.94 m. and xy =   Substitute to given
V2 2 2 your head knowledge; he wants an
Engr. Alexander bought a machine the stadia constant is 0.30, determine e= emotional relationship with you.
costing P50 000 with an expected gR ANSWER: Rumble strip equation of curve
the stadia interval factor. There are some things you need to
salvage value of P20 000 after 20 years. a. 99.95 b. 98.56 xy = 9 → Given equation of line.
20 20 understand about emotions.
Ten years from now, he plan to buy a c. 95.60 d. 100.50 R= =  = 190.99m PROBLEM 71: Nov 2016 CE Brd Exam 1. First, God has emotions.
new machine costing P120 000. How D 6 180 A raised structure including bridge and
 ( x ) 2 ( y ) 2 God is an emotional God. He feels joy,
= 9  divide by 9
 1000 m 2
much money is he needed to building supports and walkways, over  grief, pain, and hatred toward sin. He
compensate the new machine? H = kS + c 60 water, typically supported by widely 2 2
194.20 = k(1.94) + 0.30 e= 3600 s = 0.148261 m/m gets frustrated with people. The only
a. P85 000 b. P45 000 spread piles or pillars?
k = 99.95 9.81(190.99 ) ( x ) 2 ( y ) 2 reason you have emotions is because
c. P66 000 d. P75 000 a. wharf b. pier  = 1  Equation of you’re made in God’s image. If God
SOLUTION 60: E = e(width of road) c. ports d. cargo 18 18
PROBLEM 65: CE Brd Exam Nov 1998 wasn’t an emotional God, you wouldn’t
Assuming a straight line depreciation. E = 0.148261 m/m (10m) hyperbola have any emotions.
Data on a traffic accident record on a ANSWER: pier
50000  20000 certain intersection for the past 5 years E = 1.483 m a = 18 , b = 18 2 Your ability to feel is a gift from God.
Annual dep. (d) = Emotions are what make you human. It
20 has an accident rate of 4160 per million 2b = 2 18 = 8.495  Length of conjugate
entering vehicles (MEV). Find the total At first quarte point PROBLEM 72: Nov 2016 CE Brd Exam is your emotional ability that allows you
d = P1500/year 1 1 If the sum of the series is given by the axis (answer) to love and create, to be faithful and loyal
For 10 years: number of accidents if the average daily
E1Q = E= (1.483) =0.371m and kind and generous, and to express
traffic 504. 4 4 equation S = 3n + b, what is the
D10 = 10(1500) Note: all of the emotions that are attached to
a. 4812 Accidents difference between the 9th and the 7th
D10 = P 15 000 (total dep. After 10 years) the good things in life. Your emotions
b. 3726 Accidents term? For the square hyperbola given by the equation
BV10 = 50000 – 15000 PROBLEM 69: Nov 2016 CE Brd Exam a. 14 756 b. 24 786 xy = k may not always seem like a gift, but even
BV10 = P35 000 c. 3826 Accidents
d. 2415 Accidents A point O is inside of an equilateral c. 28 744 d. 20 315 Length of major axis=Length of conjugate axis= the negative ones have a purpose in
Addt’l cost needed = 120000 – 35 000 triangle ABC. The distance from point O -------------------------------------------------
your life.
Addt’l cost needed = P85 000 (answer) 2k Formula 3
SOLUTION 65: to a, b and c are 3, 4 and 5 respectively. SOLUTION 72: 3. There are two extremes to avoid.
let A be the number of accidents Find the area of the triangle. Sn = 3 n + b Emotionalism is the extreme of saying
PROBLEM 61: A = a. 18.231 unit2 b. 17.782 unit2 SITUATION 9: the only thing that matters in life is how
S9 = 3 9 + b
Given the data shown:  365days  c. 21.725 unit2 d. 19.825 unit2 S8 = 3 8 + b A fixed capital investment of 10,000,000 you feel — not what you think or what’s
4160 Acc 504 veh
LINE AZIMUTH DISTANCE   5yrs   S7 = 3 7 + b is required for a proposed manufacturing right or wrong. Everything in life is based
1 10 6 veh 1day 1yr ---------------------------------------------
AB 1536’ -   plant and estimated to be 10% of the on your emotions, this view says, and
SOLUTION 69: S6 = 3 6 + b
BC 29049’ - A = 3826.37 Accidents fixed capital investment. they control your life.
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On the other hand, stoicism says MATHEMATICS AND
feelings aren’t important at all, and the SURVEYING
only things that matter are your intellect SUBJECT CODE: BAT1M
and your will.
God gave you your emotions for a
reason, and he wants you to worship him MATHEMATICS & SURVEYING
with all your heart and all your mind.
PROBLEM 1: a. 0.245 b. 0.542 PROBLEM 21:
Talk It Over A certain company decided to pay its loan by c. 0.452 d. 0.524 One pump can fill a tank in 16 hrs. Two
 Why do you think we sometimes installment for 20 years. P1000 at the end of pumps can fill the tank at 6 hrs. How long will
5 years, P2000 at the end of 10 years and PROBLEM 12: it take the second pump to fill the tank?
worship God more with our head P3000 at the end of 15 years. Determine the In a raffle, there is one winner of 3000, five a. 5.6 hrs b. 9.6 hrs
than our heart? equivalent annual payment when i = 8%. winners of 600 and twenty winners of 200. Of c. 8.5 hrs d. 10.2 hrs
 Are you more of a “gusher” or a a. 371.63 b. 591.83 the 10 000 tickets sold, what is the
expectation of a person who bought one PROBLEM 22:
“stuffer” with your emotions? c. 481.43 d. 261.67
ticket at 1.5? In a room 40 ft long, 20 ft wide and 10 ft high,
 What emotions do you think God PROBLEM 2: a bug sits on an end wall at a point one foot
a. 2/5 b. 3/4
wants you to bring to your A Cebu Pacific airplane travels in a direction c. 1/4 d. 2/3 from the other floor midway between the
relationship with him? of N30W at an air speed of 600 kph. If the sidewalls. The bug decided to go on a
wind has a speed of 80 kph on a direction PROBLEM 13: journey to the point on the other end which is
A Ford company has 40% small-sized one foot from the ceiling midway between the
N40E. What is the ground speed of the
engine, 35% medium-sized engine and 25% sidewalls. Having no wings, the bug must
large-sized. The small-sized engine failed make his trip by sticking to the surface of the
a. 631.85 kph b. 640.20 kph
15% in two years. The figures of failure of room. What is the shortest route that the bug
c. 531.85 kph d. 550 kph
medium-sized and large sized are 10% and can trip?
PROBLEM 3: 5% respectively in two years. What is the a. 54 b. 80
In centesimal system, 630 is how many in probability of failure of this Ford company in c. 63 d. 219
grads? two years time?
a. 800 grad b. 750 grad a. 15.56% b. 7.35% PROBLEM 23:
c. 700 grad d. 600 grad c. 10.75% d. 12.25% A fixed capital investment of Php10 000 000
is required for a proposed manufacturing
PROBLEM 4: PROBLEM 14: plant and an estimated working capital of
A swimmer can swim in still water at 0.4 m/s.
x  3 3x If he decides to swim directly across a 75 m
Php2 000 000. Annual depreciation is 10% of
Find the limit of as x approaches 8. fixed capital investment. If the annual profit is
2x  20 river which has a current of 0.45 m/s, how far Php2 500, what is the rate of return?
a. 0.0496 b. 0.0245 downstream opposite his standing point will a. 12.5% b. 11.6%
c. 0.0658 d. 0.0314 the swimmer be? c. 13.8% d. 10.5%
a. 84.39 mtrs b. 65.23 mtrs
PROBLEM 5: c. 95.45 mtrs d. 54.45 mtrs PROBLEM 24:
Find the volume of the parallepiped given; Talisay City is considering a new Php500 000
A = 2i + 3j – k PROBLEM 15: street cleaner. The new machine will operate
B=i+j–k A solid plane has nine vertices and at a savings of Php600 per day compared to
C = -6i + 3j + k composed of triangles, where four triangles the present equipment. Assume the MARR is
a. -13 cubic units b. -14 cubic units meet on each of its six vertices and six 12% and the machine life is 10 years with
c. -15 cubic units d. -16 cubic units triangles on each of its remaining vertices. zero resale value at the time. How many days
How many faces does the plane have? per year must the machine be used to justify
PROBLEM 6: a. 14 b. 17 the investment?
The common tangent of a compound curve c. 16 d. 15 a. 153.45 b. 147.49
makes an angle of 12 from the tangent
PROBLEM 16: c. 135.45 d. 165.49
passing thru the P.T and 18 from the tangent
In a certain commodity, 90% drinks tea, 80% PROBLEM 25:
passing thru the PC. If the radius of the
drinks coffee, 70% drinks whiskey, 60% Find two angles of ratio 3:2 and adjacent to
second curve is 180 m, find the radius of the
drinks gin. 40% drinks both whiskey and gin. 40.
first curve if the length of the common tangent
What percentage of the community drinks a. 24:16 b. 23:15
is 70 m long.
liquor? c. 30:20 d. 25:20
a. 322.51 b. 325.74
a. 70% b. 80%
c. 321.45 d. 329.45
c. 90% d. 40% PROBLEM 26:
PROBLEM 7: Find the time travels through the equation d(t)
PROBLEM 17: = -16t2 + 3t when d(t) = 15.
The scale on the map is 1:x. A lot having an
A quadrilateral is inscribed in a circle. Angle a. 0.35 sec b. 0.95 sec
area of 640 sq.m is represented by an area of
25.6 cm2 on the map. What is the value of x? AD is 25 while angle ACD is 45, arc AC is c. 0.88 sec d. 0.54 sec
a. 100 00 b. 250 000 one half of arc CD, what is the angle of ACB?
a. 84.39 mtrs b. 65.23 mtrs PROBLEM 27:
c. 10 000 d. 500 000
c. 95.45 mtrs d. 54.45 mtrs A ladder 7 m long leans against an 8 m high
PROBLEM 8: wall. The ladder moves down at a rate of -5
The volume of a right cylinder is equal to PROBLEM 18: m/s. How fast the ladder moves away from
1000 m3. The top and bottom of a cylinder is A new kind of atom smasher is to be the wall when the top of ladder is 4 m above
costing Php2.00 per m2 and the lateral composed of two tangents and circular arc the floor?
surface cover of the right cylinder costing which is concave toward the point of a. 5.45 m/sec b. 4.23 m/sec
intersection of the two tangents. Each tangent
Php2.50 per m2. Find the minimum cost. c. 2.48 m/sec d. 3.48 m/sec
a. Php 1352.45 b. Php 1428.65 and the arc of the circle is 1 mile long. What
c. Php 1824.75 d. Php 1284.75 is the radius of the circle? PROBLEM 28:
a. 31.26 ft b. 23.45 ft A line was measured as 500 m using a 30 m
PROBLEM 9: c. 25.61 ft d. 29.44 ft tape. It was found out later that the tape was
ABCD is a square with side equal to 10 cm. actually 29.9992. What was the correct
PQRS is another square inside ABCD. PROBLEM 19:
In an election, a politician state that if you
PQAB, QSBC, RSDC and PRAD are identical
elect him, he will deduct 10% of tax per year a. 487.999 mtrs b. 478.999 mtrs
trapezia with area equal to 16 cm 2. Find the c. 499.987 mtrs d. 489.799 mtrs
height of the trapezoid. for 3 years. What is the accuracy of his
a. 5 cm b. 7 cm speech? PROBLEM 29:
c. 6 cm d. 8 cm a. 12% b. 10% At constant temperature, pressure of gas
c. 15% d. 14% varies inversely to the volume. When P1 =
PROBLEM 10: 270 kPa absolute, V1 = 330 m3, find P2 if V2 =
An existing road is tangential to a circular PROBLEM 20:
A cone is projected vertically upward with its 600 m3.
lake 12 m along the existing road, an 8 meter
base on a hemispherical bowl. The base of a. 185.4 kPa absolute
new road is constructed at the periphery of
the lake. The new road is extended to cross the cone and the hemisphere are both equal b. 158.4 kPa absolute
the lake. What is the length of the bridge? to 12 cm. The volume of the hemisphere is ¾ c. 184.5 kPa absolute
a. 17 m b. 25 m of the volume of the cone. If the cone is cut d. 148.5 kPa absolute
c. 14 m d. 10 m into two such that the volume of the lower
part of the cone plus the volume of the PROBLEM 30:
PROBLEM 11: hemisphere equals the volume of the upper A mower has a mowing speed of 1 km/h. If he
A spiral 80 m long connects a tangent with a part of cone, what is the height of the upper mows a lot area of 110 m x 96 m, find his
6.5 circular curve. Determine the deflection part? mowing time. The width of the mower is 0.6
angle at the first quarter point. a. 15.3 m b. 16.4 m m.
c. 13.7 m d. 14.5 m a. 17.6 hrs b. 16.7 hrs
c. 15.2 hrs d. 18.5 hrs
Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center

PROBLEM 31: 42. Find the area of the circle PROBLEM 52: 62. Find the corrected length of the line. 73. Find the linear error of closure. willing to forgive and let go of resentment and
Given a spring, such that when P = 10 N, the a. 521.04 cm2 b. 221.67 cm2 Given the following: a. 3395.1514 b. 3143.0544 a. 29.40 m b. 55.17 m release the offender.
spring deforms 1 mm. Find the velocity of an c. 176.71 cm2 d. 321.45 cm2 Line Bearing Distance c. 2395.6269 d. 2395.4231 c. 69.32 m d. 11.15 m
object dropped on the spring from a height of A–B
N40E 3856.7 m PROBLEM 63: 74. Find the relative error. Talk About It
1.8 m at the instant when the spring deforms B–C
18 mm. Point A is in between point B and C, the N59W 300.58 m For an isosceles triangle with base 16” and a. 2.33% b. 2.85%  In grief, why is it easier to draw into
distances of B and C from point A are 1500 C–D S70W 2001.58 m height of 15”, the center of the inscribed circle c. 1.55% d. 1.87% ourselves rather than be with people who will
a. 4.659 m/s b. 6.549 m/s
m. and 2000 m. respectively. Measured from D–A S60E 5001.7 m is at the intersection of the angle bisectors. help us move forward?
c. 5.694 m/s d. 9.654 m/s PROBLEM 75:
Find the radius of the inscribed circle.
point A, the angle of elevation of point B is Solve for the area of the triangulation. A point O is inside of an equilateral triangle  How have you experienced or observed the
PROBLEM 32: 1530’ while that of C is  . The difference in a. 7 in b. 4 in
A rectangular waterfront lot has a perimeter
a. 9732278m2 b. 7732278m2
c. 5 in d. 6 in ABC. The distance from point O to a, b and c debilitating effects of bitterness?
the elevations of B and C is 46.2 m. c. 6732278m2 d. 8732278m2 are 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Find the area of  What do you want God to help you
of 1000 feet. To create a sense of privacy, Considering the effects of curvature and PROBLEM 64: the triangle. accomplish in the rest of your life? What do
the lot owner decided to fence along the three refraction, what is the value of ? PROBLEM 53:
Three marksmen shoot at a spinning circular a. 18.231 unit2 b. 17.782 unit2 you need to let go of so that he can work fully
sides, excluding the side that fronts the water. A sight is taken with an engineers level at rod
a. 815’ b. 6o24’ object that is equidistant from them. The c. 21.725 unit2 d. 19.825 unit2
An expensive fencing along the lot’s front c. 5o14’ d. 10o28’ held 100 meters away and an initial reading
marksmen shoot together, what is the
in and through you?
length cost Php25 per foot and an of 1.830 is observed. The bubble is then
PROBLEM 44: probability that they shoot in the same face of
inexpensive fencing along the two side widths leveled through six spaces on the level tube,
the circle.
lot cost Php5 per foot. The total cost of Compute the shortest distance from point (26, when the rod reading is 1.91 m. What is the
a. 1/2 b. 2/3
Don’t Give Up: Refuse to Be Bitter
fencing all the three sides is Php9500. What 4) to the curve x2 – 16x + y2 + 16y + 64 = 0. sensitiveness of the level tube in second of By RICK WARREN — May 24, 2018
c. 3/4 d. 3/8
is the lot’s dimension? a. 13.63 units b. 21.23 units arc?
a. 200 ft x 300 ft c. 31.56 units d. 18.51 units 27.5" 37.5" PROBLEM 65: “I came naked from my mother’s womb,’ [Job]
b. 250 ft x 300 ft a. b. The distance from the midpoint of the curve said, ‘and I shall have nothing when I die. The
PROBLEM 45: division division
c. 250 ft x 350 ft to the midpoint of the chord of a simple curve Lord gave
The cross section notes shown below are for
d. 300 ft x 350 ft a ground excavation for a 12 m width c.
47.5" is 8.12 m. If the central angle is 40o, find the me everything I had, and they were his to take
PROBLEM 33: roadway. division division radius. away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.’ In all
The deflection angle from PC of two points A 7.85L 0 8.45R
a. 134.64 m b. 124.63 m of this Job did not sin or revile God” (Job
PROBLEM 54: c. 186.41 m d. 115.52 m
and B on a simple curve are 5°15’ and Sta.25+100 1:21-22 TLB).
 1.90 + 3.20 + 2.30 If there are 38 members in a PICE Club, how
10°15’, respectively. The chord distance PROBLEM 66:
between A and B is 40 m. Find the length of 9.35L 0 10.7R many ways you can pick president, vice-
The deflection angles of points D and E from Grief is a part of life, but you can’t let a season of
Sta.25+150 president, secretary and treasurer? grief turn into a lifestyle of grief.
the curve from PC to A.  2.90 + 2.60 + 3.80 a. 2 761 520 b. 1 771 560 the tangent through P.C of a simple curve are
a. 25.03 m b. 59.62 m What is the volume of excavation in cu.m. 4 and 12 respectively. If the chord distance At some point you have to let it go!
c. 1 571 460 d. 1 173 521
c. 32.83 m d. 42.05 m between the two stations? Use Prismoidal of DE is 50 m, compute the length of chord There is a difference between mourning and
Formula. PROBLEM 55: from PC to E. moaning, between weeping and wallowing. A
PROBLEM 34: If the sum of the series is given by the
A square metal has an area of 52.35. Find a. 1994.26 cu.m b. 1794.41 cu.m a. 74.69 m b. 90.54 m loss can deepen me, but that doesn’t mean it can
equation S = 3n + b, what is the difference c. 35.61 m d. 46.85 m
the radius of the largest cylindrical shell that c. 2845.36 cu.m d. 2227.18 cu.m define me. A loss is a part of my maturity but not
between the 9th and the 7th term?
can be formed if the height is 1.5 times the PROBLEM 46: a. 14 756 b. 24 786 PROBLEM 67: my identity.
diameter. In a circle, x2 + y2 = 25 find the sub-normal at c. 28 744 d. 20 315 On a highway, it is a slightly raised strip of God gives you grace to get through what you’re
a. 2.13 units b. 1.15 units (3,4). asphalt, plastic, etc. across the lane of traffic going through. Other people may not have that
c. 1.06 units d. 2.46 units a. 4 b. 5 to warn the commuters that it is approaching same measure of grace, so they might give you
Point A is in between point B and C, the a hazard
c. 3 d. 6
distances of B and C from point A are 1500 bad advice!
a. pedestrian strip b. hazard strips
What is the time between 2 o’clock and 3 PROBLEM 47: m. and 2000 m. respectively. Measured from “[Job’s] wife said to him, ‘Are you still trying to
c. Rumble strip d. traffic strips
o’clock the hour hand and the minute hand is A grade of -5% is followed by a grade of point A, the angle of elevation of point B is maintain your integrity? Curse God and die.’ But
bisected by the centerline of 3 o’clock? +1%. The grade is intersecting at a vertex 1530’ while that of C is  . The difference in PROBLEM 68: Job replied, ‘You talk like a godless woman.
a. 2:18.46 b. 2:15.45 (Sta 10 + 060). The change of grade is the elevations of B and C is 46.2 m. A closed traverse has the following data: Should we accept only good things from the hand
c. 2:35.42 d. 2:20.40 restricted to 0.4% in 20 m. Compute the Considering the effects of curvature and Course Bearing Distance(m) of God and never anything bad?’ So in all this,
length of the vertical parabolic sag curve in refraction, what is the value of ? AB 165 Job said nothing wrong” (Job 2:9-10 NLT).
PROBLEM 36: meters.
Two chords are perpendicular to one another a. 815’ b. 6o24’ BC 35 Job refused to become bitter and resentful.
a. 450 b. 400 c. 5o14’ d. 10o28’
and both are at a distance 5 m from the c. 300 d. 350 CD S4030’W 125 Bitterness prolongs pain. It doesn’t relieve it; it
center of a 10-m radius circle. Find the PROBLEM 57: DE 110
only reinforces it. “Watch out that no bitterness
PROBLEM 48: N6515’W
smallest area in the circle bounded by the The cost of a machine is P160,000. It has a takes root among you . . . it causes deep trouble,
chords. The azimuth of the back tangent of a circular useful value of P15,000, find the depreciation EA N1245’ W 25 hurting many in their spiritual lives” (Hebrews
a. 31.01 cm2 b. 7.875 cm2 curve is 205o while the azimuth of the forward charge on the fourth year using double Compute the bearing of line AB. 12:15 TLB).
c. 8.211 cm2 d. 11.62 cm2 tangent is 262o.Find the length of the declining balance method where n is equal to a. N83.57oE b. N57.04oE
tangents if the middle ordinate is 5.8 m. 8. c. N73o57’E d. N45.67oW
PROBLEM 37: a. 20.83 m. b. 25.98 m. a. P 16 875.6 b. P 19 765.6 Job gives three steps in refocusing:
Shanel started walking from point O at c. 23.83 m. d. 1.83 m. c. P 10 762.6 d. P 14 765.6 PROBLEM 69: 1. Put your heart right. That means you forgive.
uniform speed of 3.5 kph. After 3 hours,
An engineer bought an equipment for P 800 “But I can’t forgive!” you say. That’s why you
Alfred started walking from the same point PROBLEM 58: 000. Other expenses, including installation, need Christ in your life; he’ll give you the power
and walked 3.5 km in the first hour, 4 km in A compound curve given the following: An equipment costing P450,000 has a amounted to P 50 000. At the end of its
I1 = 24 D1 = 6 salvage value of P60,000 at the end of 8
to forgive.
the second hour, and so on, increasing 0.5 estimated useful life of 10 years, the salvage
km per hour. How many hours after Shanel I2 = 18 D1 = 3 years. Using the Sum of the Year’s Digit value will be 10% of the first cost. Using the
left point O will she be caught by Alfred? Sta. at P.C = 10 + 380 Method, what is the depreciation charge Constant Percentage Method of Depreciation, 2. Reach out to God. Ask him to come into your
a. 12 hrs b. 8 hrs Find the stationing at P.C.C. after 1st year? what is the book value after 5 years? heart and heal those wounds and help you and
c. 10 hrs d. 16 hrs a. 10 + 400 b. 10 + 500 a. Php 86,666.67 b. Php 57 652.64 a. Php251482.41 b. Php253242.51 give you strength and power for tomorrow, next
c. 10 + 550 d. 10 + 460 c. Php 105 714.29 d. Php201451.29 c. Php252982.21 d. Php254682.31 week, next month.
The first curve of the reversed curve has a SITUATION 3:
central angle of 10o and a radius of 250 m. The top of the tower signal at B 2000 m In a spherical triangle, B =85o50’ Given the following traverse notes taken by a
3. Face the world again, firm and courageous.
Find the stationing of PRC(point of reversed away from A was sighted through a transit C = 92o60’, c = 90o. Find angle A. survey party, Many people, when they’re hurt, withdraw into a
curve) if PC is at 28 + 108.2. with recorded vertical angle of 230’. The a. 78o11’ b. 43o55’ LINE BEARING DISTANCE shell. They say, “I’ll never let anybody hurt me
height of the tower situated on the top of B is c. 48o11’ d. 68o11’ again!” They retire from life. Job says to do the
a. 28 + 151.83 b. 28+ 146.60 AB N 45°20’ E 450 m
c. 29 + 123.67 d. 27+ 231.45 12 m. and the height of the transit above the exact opposite: Resume your life; don’t retire
SITUATION 2: BC S 65°10’ E 615 m
point where it is set is 1.12 m. The elevation
PROBLEM 39: of the point under the transit at A is 133.33 m. A line was found to be 3142.56 m, when CD N 80°15’ W 620 m from it. Get back out there in the world.
In a circle, x2 + y2 = 25 find the sub-normal at Compute the elevation of the base of the
measured with a 30 m steel tape supported DA S 55°30’ W 260 m There’s a happy ending to Job’s life. “The Lord
(3,4). signal B.
throughout its length under a pull of 4 kg at a blessed the last part of Job’s life even more than
a. 4 b. 5 a. 209.69 b. 309.64 mean temperature of 35C. Tape was of 70. Find the adjusted latitude for side CD he had blessed the first” (Job 42:12 GNT). Job
c. 3 d. 6 c. 245.46 d. 290.96 standard length at 20C, under a pull of 5 kg using Compass rule went through all this hurt, but in spite of that,
(supported throughout its length). Tape cross a. 101.75 m b. 108.84 m
SITUATION 1: PROBLEM 51: God blessed the last part of Job’s life even more
sectional area is 0.03 sq. cm. Coefficient of
An angle of 115 is subtended by an arc of a Given the following cross-section notes for a c. 28.45 m d. 15.14 m than the first.
thermal expansion is 0.0000116/C. Modulus
circle of radius 7.5 cm. road. of elasticity of tape 71. Find the adjustment for departure of side Wouldn’t you like the same in your life? Say,
40. Length of minor arc 9 .8 0 x2 Material is 2 x 106 kg/cm2. CD using Compass rule “God, I don’t care whether I have five years or 50
a. 15.05 cm b. 16.22 cm 60. Find the error due to change in a. - 607.21 m b. - 602.11 m years left. Would you bless the last part of my life
y1 y 1 .2
c. 18.33 cm d. 17.54 cm temperature. c. - 597.21 m d. - 211.58 m more than the first part?”
The road has a width of 8 m and have a slope a. +0.6286 b. +0.4168 The lesson of Job’s life is this: It doesn’t matter
41. Length of major arc of 2:1. The area of the cross section is 34.6 72. Find the adjusted distance for side CD
a. 34.45 cm b. 32.07 cm m2. What is the value of y.
c. +0.5468 d. +0.4076
using Compass rule . who’s hurt you or how long you’ve been hurt or
c. 40.79 cm d. 25.12 cm a. 3.43 b. 3.26 61. Find the error due to pull. a. 603.11 m b. 607 m how deeply you’ve been hurt. God can make the
c. 2.45 d. 2.90 a. -0.0288 b. -0.0399 c. 605 m d. 213.48 m rest of your life the best of your life if you’re
c. -0.0524 d. -0.0314
Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center

 400  70 m1 20 2 n × 3 = total number of vertices of all

PROBLEM 1: CE Nov 2016 board exam 630   = 700 grad dC 5000 1 = triangles
 360  T1 T2 = 4(2R) + =0 176.3(80 ) n × 3 = 4 × 6 + 6 × (9 – 6)
A certain company decided to pay its dR R
loan by installment for 20 years. P1000 PROBLEM 4: CE Nov 2017 board exam 1
1 = 0.0284 n = 14 faces (answer)
at the end of 5 years, P2000 at the end x  3 3x I1 =18O Solve R:
of 10 years and P3000 at the end of 15 Find the limit of as x p 1 0.0284 PROBLEM 16: NOV. 2016 CE Board Exam
2x  20 I2 R = 5.84 → Substitute to eqn 2 1 = =
years. Determine the equivalent annual approaches 8. 3 3 In a certain commodity, 90% drinks tea,
payment when i = 8%. =12O C = 4(5.84)2 +
80% drinks coffee, 70% drinks whiskey,
a. 0.0496 b. 0.0245 9O p 5.84 180o
a. 371.63 b. 591.83 c. 0.0658 d. 0.0314 p 1 = 0.00945 radian 60% drinks gin. 40% drinks both
c. 481.43 d. 261.67 18 C = Php 1284.75  whiskey and gin. What percentage of
R1 O 6O 1 = 0.542 the community drinks liquor?
SOLUTION 1: 8  3 3(8) 12 p PROBLEM 9: CE Nov 2016 board exam
x  3 3x p p PROBLEM 12: CE Nov 2017 board exam a. 70% b. 80%
FA lim
x 8 2x  20
2(8)  20
= 0.0496 O R2 = 180 ABCD is a square with side equal to 10 In a raffle, there is one winner of 3000, c. 90% d. 40%
PROBLEM 5: CE Nov 2017 board exam
p m cm. PQRS is another square inside five winners of 600 and twenty winners
ABCD. PQAB, QSBC, RSDC and PRAD of 200. Of the 10 000 tickets sold, what SOLUTION 16:
A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Find the volume of the parallepiped are identical trapezia with area equal to
I T is the expectation of a person who
given; tan = 16 cm2. Find the height of the trapezoid. WHISKEY GIN
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 bought one ticket at 1.5?
A = 2i + 3j – k 2 R a. 5 cm b. 7 cm
1000 2000 3000 a. 2/5 b. 3/4
B=i+j–k o c. 6 cm d. 8 cm
12 T c. 1/4 d. 2/3
C = -6i + 3j + k tan = 2
F2 a. -13 cubic units b. -14 cubic units 2 180 SOLUTION 9: 70% - 40% 60% - 40%
SOLUTION 12: 40%
=30% = 20%
c. -15 cubic units d. -16 cubic units T2 = 18.92 10 Expectation =
h x
1(3000)  5(600)  20(200)
By Theory of Equivalence, at the end of SOLUTION 5: T1 = 70 – T2 A B
20 years: T1 = 70 – 18.92 10000(1.5)
h P x Q
F 4 = F 1 + F 2 + F3 (-6, 3, 1) T1 = 51.08 m Expectation = 2/3
From the Venn diagram above,
PROBLEM 13: CE Nov 2017 board exam
(1  i) 20  1 C(Bx A) Y 10 x A Ford company has 40% small-sized
WD = total percentage of wine drinkers
A = P1(1 + i)15 + P2(1 + i)10 + I T WD = 30% + 40% + 20%
i tan 1 = 1 engine, 35% medium-sized engine and
15 2 R1 WD = 90% (ANSWER)
P3(1 + i) H = Altitude R S 25% large-sized. The small-sized engine
(1  i) 20  1 =|C| cos C(Bx A) 18  51.08 D C
failed 15% in two years. The figures of
A = P1(1 + i)15 + P2(1 + i)10 + tan = failure of medium-sized and large sized
i C 2 R1 10  x A quadrilateral is inscribed in a circle.
Atrapezoid ABPQ = h = 16  eqn 1 are 10% and 5% respectively in two
P3(1 + i)15 R1 = 322.51 2 years. What is the probability of failure
Angle AD is 25 while angle ACD is 45,
(1  0.08) 20  1 but arc AC is one half of arc CD, what is the
of this Ford company in two years time?
A = P1(1 + i)15 + P2(1 + PROBLEM 7: CE Nov 2017 board exam x = 10 – 2h → Subst. to eq. 1 angle of ACB?
0.08 a. 15.56% b. 7.35%
i)10 + P3(1 + i)15
Z The scale on the map is 1:x. A lot having 10  10  2h c. 10.75% d. 12.25%
a. 84.39 mtrs b. 65.23 mtrs
an area of 640 sq.m is represented by h = 16 c. 95.45 mtrs d. 54.45 mtrs
(1  0.08) 20  1 A (2,3,-1) an area of 25.6 cm2 on the map. What is
A = 1000(1 + 0.08)15 O h = 8 cm (answer)
0.08 BA) B the value of x? P = 15%(40) + 10%(35) + 5%(25) = SOLUTION 17:
(1,1,-1) a. 100 00 b. 250 000 10.75%
+ 2000(1 + 0.08)10 + PROBLEM 10: CE Nov 2017 board exam
3000(1 + 0.08)15 c. 10 000 d. 500 000 C
B = area of An existing road is tangential to a B
SOLUTION 7: PROBLEM 14: CE Nov 2017 board exam
Base circular lake 12 m along the existing 
A = 371.63 (answer) 2 A swimmer can swim in still water at 0.4
=|A||B|sinBA 1 25.6(0.01m) road, an 8 meter new road is 45
 m/s. If he decides to swim directly
x 640m 2 constructed at the periphery of the lake. across a 75 m river which has a current
PROBLEM 2: CE Nov 2017 board exam Volume = (Area of Base )(Altitude) The new road is extended to cross the
A Cebu Pacific airplane travels in a Volume = ABsin AB x C cos  C(BxA) x = 250 000 of 0.45 m/s, how far downstream
PROBLEM 8: CE Nov 2017 board exam lake. What is the length of the bridge? opposite his standing point will the 25
direction of N30W at an air speed of Volume =(B x A) (C(B x A) /B x A) a. 17 m b. 25 m A
600 kph. If the wind has a speed of 80 Volume = C(B x A) The volume of a right cylinder is equal to swimmer be? D
1000 m3. The top and bottom of a c. 14 m d. 10 m a. 84.39 mtrs b. 65.23 mtrs
kph on a direction N40E. What is the
cylinder is costing Php2.00 per m2 and SOLUTION 10: c. 95.45 mtrs d. 54.45 mtrs
ground speed of the plane. Using MODE VECTOR function of calculator,
solve the lateral surface cover of the right T By Peripheral Angle Theorem,
a. 631.85 kph b. 640.20 kph 12 m
cylinder costing Php2.50 per m2. Find SOLUTION 14: Arc CD = 2(25) = 50
c. 531.85 kph d. 550 kph
MODE 8 1 1 ( 2 = 3 = − 1 = ) SHIFT
the minimum cost.
C A Arc AD = 2(45) = 90
a. Php 1352.45 b. Php 1428.65 x B 8m But Arc BC = ½ Arc CD
SOLUTION 2: STO A c. Php 1824.75 d. Php 1284.75
SHIFT 5 2 1 ( 1 = 1 = − 1 = ) SHIFT = ½ 50
STO B y = 25
Arc AB = 360 − Arc BC − Arc CD −

0.45 m/s
SHIFT 5 3 1 (− 6 = 3 = 1 = ) SHIFT
80 kph Php 2/sqm Arc AD
STO C 48.37
AC Arc AB = 360 − 25 − 50 − 90
(TA)(TA) = (BA)(CA) 0.4 m/s Arc AB = 195
30 40 H Php 2.5/sqm 122 = 8(8 + x) 75 meters
Volume = C  (B x A) = -14 cubic x = 10 m
80 kph Using MODE CMPLX function
units PROBLEM 18:
VR = 0.40 + 0.4590
SHIFT 5 5 SHIFT 5 7 ( SHIFT 5 4 x PROBLEM 11: CE Nov 2017 board exam A new kind of atom smasher is to be
Using MODE CMPLX function of calculator D=2R = SHIFT 2 3 = SD
SHIFT 5 3 ) = A spiral 80 m long connects a tangent composed of two tangents and circular
Vresultant = 80(90 - 40)+ 600(90 + VR = 0.648.37
Volume = -14 cubic units with a 6.5 circular curve. Determine the arc which is concave toward the point of
30) V = R2H deflection angle at the first quarter point.
y = 75 tan 48.37
intersection of the two tangents. Each
H = 1000/R2 → EQN. 1 y = 84.39 meters
PROBLEM 6: CE Nov 2017 board exam a. 0.245 b. 0.542 tangent and the arc of the circle is 1 mile
Convert to polar form by pressing SHIFT 2 3 The common tangent of a compound C = cost c. 0.452 d. 0.524 long. What is the radius of the circle?
Vresultant = 631.85113.17 C = (Php2/m2) Atop&bottom + (Php2.5/m2) PROBLEM 15: CE Nov 2016 board exam
curve makes an angle of 12 from the SOLUTION 11: a. 31.26 ft b. 23.45 ft
Therefore: Alateral A solid plane has nine vertices and
tangent passing thru the P.T and 18 c. 25.61 ft d. 29.44 ft
Ground speed = 631.85 kph C = 2(2R2) + 2.5(2RH) S = R composed of triangles, where four
from the tangent passing thru the PC. If
 triangles meet on each of its six vertices
the radius of the second curve is 180 m, 20 = 6.5  R
PROBLEM 3: CE Nov 2017 board exam Substitute eqn 1 180 and six triangles on each of its
find the radius of the first curve if the
In centesimal system, 630 is how many R = 176.3 m remaining vertices. How many faces
length of the common tangent is 70 m 1000
in grads? C = 4R2 + 5R does the plane have?
long. R 2
a. 800 grad b. 750 grad a. 14 b. 17
a. 322.51 b. 325.74 5000 L2 c. 16 d. 15
c. 700 grad d. 600 grad c. 321.45 d. 329.45 C= 4R2 + → EQN. 2 =
R RL s -------------------------------------------------

400 grads = 360 Take d/dr of both sides and set dC/dR to zero in SOLUTION 15:
order to minimize C. Let n = number of triangular faces
Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center

Vupper Cone z

3 NAP = AI - AC
dy/dt=-5 100 m  96 m m. Find the length of the curve from PC
=   NAP = 2 500 000 – 1 000 000 T= to A.
1 mile Vw hole cone h 600 m2
R NAP = 1 500 000 a. 25.03 m b. 59.62 m
hr c. 32.83 m d. 42.05 m
/2  z 
1 mile 0.875 =   1500000 T = 17.6 hrs -------------------------------------------------
= 5280 ft  16  ROR = PROBLEM 31:
10000000  2000000 SOLUTION 33:
z = 15.3 m (ANSWER) ROR = 12.5% 7m Given a spring, such that when P = 10
R 1 mile PROBLEM 21: N, the spring deforms 1 mm. Find the B
PROBLEM 24: velocity of an object dropped on the
One pump can fill a tank in 16 hrs. Two TL to PC 20m
Talisay City is considering a new spring from a height of 1.8 m at the
pumps can fill the tank at 6 hrs. How
 1 Php500 000 street cleaner. The new y instant when the spring deforms 18 mm. D
tan = long will it take the second pump to fill machine will operate at a savings of
2 R the tank? a. 4.659 m/s b. 6.549 m/s 20m
Php600 per day compared to the c. 5.694 m/s d. 9.654 m/s
1 a. 5.6 hrs b. 9.6 hrs present equipment. Assume the MARR A R
 = 2 arctan → EQN. 1 c. 8.5 hrs d. 10.2 hrs
R is 12% and the machine life is 10 years SOLUTION 31:
S = R with zero resale value at the time. How A
W 315’ 5
Let A and B the respective rates of two pumps. many days per year must the machine
 1 815’ =1630’
5280 =  2 arctan  R A(6) + B(6) = 1 be used to justify the investment? dx/dt 5
 R 1 x V1 = 0 315’
a. 153.45 b. 147.49 5
(6) + B(6) = 1 315’
R = 29.44 ft 16 c. 135.45 d. 165.49 1.8 m PC
PROBLEM 19: SOLUTION 24: x2 + y2 = 72 → EQN. 1 C
In an election, a politician state that if B= From Triangle CDE:
48 iDn 0.12(500000) Take the d/dt of equation 1
you elect him, he will deduct 10% of tax d= = x = 0.018 m Sin5o = 20/R
per year for 3 years. What is the tB =
= 9.6 hrs
1  in  1 1 0.1210  1 2x
+ 2y
= 0 → EQN. 2 V2 = ?
R = 229.47 m
accuracy of his speech? B 5 d = 28 492.10 dt dt
From Sector PC-A-C:
a. 12% b. 10%
c. 15% d. 14% PROBLEM 22: to Breakeven, Solve x when y = 4 in equation 1. SPC-A = R = 615’[ /180] x 229.47 =
SOLUTION 19: In a room 40 ft long, 20 ft wide and 10 ft d = 600/day  X days/yr x2 + = 42 72 25.03 m (answer)
Accuracy = change in tax/original tax high, a bug sits on an end wall at a point MRP + d = Php600/day  X x = 5.745 meters → Substitute to equation 2
Accuracy = 10%x/x = 10% one foot from the other floor midway PROBLEM 34:
PROBLEM 20: between the sidewalls. The bug decided MRP = Minimum Required Profit
+ 2(4)(-5) = 0
A square metal has an area of 52.35.
A cone is projected vertically upward to go on a journey to the point on the MRP = iFC dt Find the radius of the largest cylindrical
with its base on a hemispherical bowl. other end which is one foot from the MRP = 0.12(500 000) dx shell that can be formed if the height is
The base of the cone and the ceiling midway between the sidewalls. MRP = 60 000 = 3.48 m/sec 1.5 times the diameter.
dt By Work-Energy Equation:
hemisphere are both equal to 12 cm. Having no wings, the bug must make his a. 2.13 units b. 1.15 units
W(1.800 +0.018) – ½ kx2 = ½ m(V22 –
The volume of the hemisphere is ¾ of trip by sticking to the surface of the 60 000 + 28 492.10 = 600x c. 1.06 units d. 2.46 units
PROBLEM 28: V12)
the volume of the cone. If the cone is cut room. What is the shortest route that the x = 147.49
into two such that the volume of the bug can trip? A line was measured as 500 m using a K = F/x = 10 Newton / 0.001 m = 104 SOLUTION 34:
PROBLEM 25: 30 m tape. It was found out later that the N/m
lower part of the cone plus the volume of a. 54 b. 80 mg(1.818) – ½ (104)(0.018)2 = ½ m(V22 – X=D=3.1416D
Find two angles of ratio 3:2 and adjacent tape was actually 29.9992. What was
the hemisphere equals the volume of c. 63 d. 219 0 2)
to 40. the correct length.
the upper part of cone, what is the SOLUTION 22: (9.81)(1.818) – ½ (104)(0.018)2 = ½ (V22)
height of the upper part?
a. 24:16 b. 23:15 a. 487.999 meters
c. 30:20 d. 25:20 b. 478.999 meters V2 = 5.694 m/s
a. 15.3 m b. 16.4 m PROBLEM 32:
c. 13.7 m d. 14.5 m 1 10 SOLUTION 25: c. 499.987 meters
A C A rectangular waterfront lot has a 1.5D
SOLUTION 20: 1 1
2x + 3x = 40 d. 489.799 meters
B perimeter of 1000 feet. To create a
1 x=8 SOLUTION 28: sense of privacy, the lot owner decided
20 X
S correct = S taped + E to fence along the three sides, excluding
40 D 2x = 16 500
S correct = 500 + ( 0.0008) the side that fronts the water. An
3x = 3(8) = 24 expensive fencing along the lot’s front
The shortest route is a straight line. 30
z Angles are 24 and 16
Spread out the end walls to illustrate clearly the S correct = 499.987 meters length cost Php25 per foot and an
h Excess plate
straight path. inexpensive fencing along the two side
10 40 10 PROBLEM 29: widths lot cost Php5 per foot. The total
Find the time travels through the cost of fencing all the three sides is
At constant temperature, pressure of
equation d(t) = -16t2 + 3t when d(t) = 15. Php9500. What is the lot’s dimension?
gas varies inversely to the volume. Notice that the larger dimension is D. Thus:
1 a. 0.35 sec b. 0.95 sec a. 200 ft x 300 ft
When P1 = 270 kPa absolute, V1 = 330 D = x = 44.48
c. 0.88 sec d. 0.54 sec b. 250 ft x 300 ft
6 S m3, find P2 if V2 = 600 m3.
SOLUTION 26: a. 185.4 kPa absolute c. 250 ft x 350 ft D = 2.12
15 = 16t + 3t b. 158.4 kPa absolute d. 300 ft x 350 ft R = D/2 = 2.12/2 = 1.06 units (answer)
t = 0.88 sec c. 184.5 kPa absolute
1 9 40 1 d. 148.5 kPa absolute
12 A ladder 7 m long leans against an 8 m What is the time between 2 o’clock and
high wall. The ladder moves down at a 3 o’clock the hour hand and the minute
SOLUTION 29: hand is bisected by the centerline of 3
rate of -5 m/s. How fast the ladder y
Vhemi-phere = ¾ V whole cone P1 V1 = P2V2 o’clock?
S = 182  502 moves away from the wall when the top
½ 4/3  R3 = ¾ 1/3  R2 h of ladder is 4 m above the floor?
270(330) = P2(600) a. 2:18.46 b. 2:15.45
S = 53.85 ft P2 = 148.5 kPa absolute c. 2:35.42 d. 2:20.40
2/3  63 = ¾ 1/3  62h a. 5.45 m/sec b. 4.23 m/sec x
c. 2.48 m/sec d. 3.48 m/sec -------------------------------------------------
h = 16 cm PROBLEM 23: A mower has a mowing speed of 1 P = 2y + 2x = 1000
Vupper cone = V lower + V sphere A fixed capital investment of Php10 000 km/h. If he mows a lot area of 110 m x SOLUTION 35:
y + x = 500
Vupper cone = (V whole cone − 000 is required for a proposed 96 m, find his mowing time. The width of y = 500 – x → EQN. 1 12H
Vupper cone) manufacturing plant and an estimated the mower is 0.6 m. C = cost of fencing
11 12 1
+ V sphere working capital of Php2 000 000. Annual a. 17.6 hrs b. 16.7 hrs C = 25(x) + 5(2y) Substitute eqn 1 10 2 H
depreciation is 10% of fixed capital c. 15.2 hrs d. 18.5 hrs 9500 = 25x +10(500 – x) Solve x 
9 3
2Vupper cone = V whole cone + V
investment. If the annual profit is Php2 SOLUTION 30: x = 300 ft. Substitute to eqn 1 
8 4
500, what is the rate of return? 1000 m y = 500 – 300
sphere Rate of mower =  0.6 m 7 5
a. 12.5% b. 11.6% 6
2Vupper cone = V whole cone + ¾ c. 13.8% d. 10.5%
hr y = 200 ft
Vwhole cone 600 m 2 15 mins +  = M
SOLUTION 23: Rate of mower = PROBLEM 33:
2Vupper cone = 1.75V whole cone M
NAP hr The deflection angle from PC of two but,   = 5 mins
Vupper Cone 1.75 ROR = 12
= = 0.875 → EQN. 1 FC points A and B on a simple curve are
T = total mowing time 5°15’ and 10°15’, respectively. The M
Vw hole cone 2 =5-
By Castigllano’s Theorem: NAP = Net Annual Profit chord distance between A and B is 40 12
Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center

 M The first curve of the reversed curve has y Sta 10 + 380

15 +  5   =M Sminor Tangent Line
a central angle of 10o and a radius of
 12 
250 m. Find the stationing of PRC(point
Normal Line PCC
M = 18.46 of reversed curve) if PC is at 28 + 108.2. S1 S2
a. 28 + 151.83 b. 28+ 146.60 125 P(3,4)
The time is 2:M = 2:18.46 (answer) c. 29 + 123.67 d. 27+ 231.45
r = 8.4 R2
By distance formula: 5
Two chords are perpendicular to one d= 26  82  4   82 4
another and both are at a distance 5 m d = 21.63 units  R1

from the center of a 10-m radius circle. y
Shortest distance = d – 8 N 3 M T
Find the smallest area in the circle Shortest distance = 21.63 – 8 s
LC2 R=
bounded by the chords.
P LC1 PRC p Smajor Shortest distance = 13.63 units 
a.31.01 cm2 b. 7.875 cm2 p I2 PN = length of Normal line
c. 8.211 cm2 d. 11.62 cm2
C 220
Sminor = r 2
PROBLEM 45: PT = length of Tangent line R1 =
= 190.986
28 +108.2
p 8.4(125)() MT = length of Sub-Tangent line D1   
S1 = = 18.33 cm The cross section notes shown below 6  
SOLUTION 36: 10o 180 are for a ground excavation for a 12 m MN = length of Sub-Normal line  180 
Length of the major arc:
x width roadway.   
x-5 5 Sta. at PRC = Sta. PC + LC1 S2 = 2r – S1 7.85L 0 8.45R By Inspection, S1 = I1 R1 = 24   (190.986) = 80
B O Solving for LC1:  180 
S2 = 2(8.4) – 18.33 Sta.25+100 MN = 3 (ANSWER)
LC1 = I1R  1.90 + 3.20 + 2.30
S2 = 34.45 cm Sta PCC. =10+ + =10+460 (answer)
380 80
45 - /2 45 9.35L 0 10.7R
   Sta.25+150 PROBLEM 47: CE Nov 2016 board exam
5 R = 13 m LC1 = 10   (220) Area of the circle:  2.90 + 2.60 + 3.80 A grade of -5% is followed by a grade of PROBLEM 50: CE Nov 2016 board exam
/2  180  A = r2 = (8.4)2 = 221.67 cm2 What is the volume of excavation in +1%. The grade is intersecting at a The top of the tower signal at B 2000 m
/2 LC1= 38.40 m PROBLEM 43: cu.m. between the two stations? Use vertex (Sta 10 + 060). The change of away from A was sighted through a
A Sta. PRC = (28 +108.2) + 38.40 Point A is in between point B and C, the Prismoidal Formula. grade is restricted to 0.4% in 20 m. transit with recorded vertical angle of
Sta.PRC = 28 + 146.60 distances of B and C from point A are a. 1994.26 cu.m b. 1794.41 cu.m Compute the length of the vertical 230’. The height of the tower situated
PROBLEM 39: CE NOV 2016 BRD EXAM 1500 m. and 2000 m. respectively. c. 2845.36 cu.m d. 2227.18 cu.m parabolic sag curve in meters. on the top of B is 12 m. and the height of
In a circle, x2 + y2 = 25 find the sub- Measured from point A, the angle of a. 450 b. 400 the transit above the point where it is set
SOLUTION 45: c. 300 d. 350 is 1.12 m. The elevation of the point
normal at (3,4). elevation of point B is 1530’ while that
C a. 4 b. 5 of C is  . The difference in the ---------------------------------------------
under the transit at A is 133.33 m.
Compute the elevation of the base of the
c. 3 d. 6 elevations of B and C is 46.2 m. 3.2 SOLUTION 47:
Considering the effects of curvature and signal B.
Triangle ABO SOLUTION 39:
1.9 2.3 B = g1 –g2 = -5% – 1% = 6%  total
refraction, what is the value of ? a. 209.69 b. 309.64
(45- /2 ) = invsin 5/13 = 22.62 x2 + y2 = 25 is a circle whose center is 2.85 5 5 3.4
change in grade c. 245.46 d. 290.96
a. 815’ b. 6o24’ 6%
 = 44.76 = 0.78121 radian at (0,0) and radius =5 as shown. c. 5o14’ d. 10o28’ 5 L= = 300 m (answer) -------------------------------------------------------
A = 1/2 (5)(1.9) + 1/2 (3.2)(7.85) 0 .4 %
X = Rcos(45- /2 )=13cos 22.62 = 12 y SOLUTION 50:
Tangent Line + 1/2 (5)(2.3) + 1/2 (3.2)(8.45) 20 m
X - 5 = 12 – 5 = 7 Normal Line
A1 = 36.58 m2 PROBLEM 48:
AAOD = 1/2 7(5) = 17.5 The azimuth of the back tangent of a
44.4 inclined line of sight E
Ashaded = Asector AOC – 2AAOD = r /2 – P(3,4)
B circular curve is 205o while the azimuth
C of the forward tangent is 262o.Find the horizontal line 12 m
2(17.5) 2.6
y1 18 30’
of sight (tangent
 y2 3.8 length of the tangents if the middle
2 5 2.9
Ashaded = 0.78121(13) /2 – 35 = 31.01 cm2 ordinate is 5.8 m.
to level line at D)
4 hcr1 A hcr2 5 (approx. 2000 m) B
(answer) 4.35 5 5.7 a. 20.83 m. b. 25.98 m. 230 D
 1km 2km 1 1 c. 23.83 m. d. 1.83 m.
y A2 = /2 (5)(2.9) + /2 (2.6)(9.35)
N 3 M T
Shanel started walking from point O at hcr = 0.0675K2 + 1/2 (5)(3.8) + 1/2 (2.6)(10.7) SOLUTION 48: T
uniform speed of 3.5 kph. After 3 hours, hcr1 = 0.0675(1)2 A2 = 42.815 m2
Alfred started walking from the same PN = length of Normal line hcr1 = 0.0675 m I= 57o 262o D el. B
Solving Am: (average of section1 & 2) 133.33 m 133.33 m
point and walked 3.5 km in the first hour, PT = length of Tangent line hcr2 = 0.0675(2)2 m
4 km in the second hour, and so on, MT = length of Sub-Tangent line hcr2 = 0.27 m 205o T 5.8
increasing 0.5 km per hour. How many MN = length of Sub-Normal line tan18o30’ = y1/1000 2.9 3.05
hours after Shanel left point O will she y1 = 334.595 m 2.4 sea level
be caught by Alfred? By Inspection, y2 = 2000tan 3.6 4.57 5 5 R-5.8
a. 12 hrs b. 8 hrs MN = 3 (ANSWER) el.B – y1 – hcr1 + hcr2 + y2 = el. C 5
c. 10 hrs d. 16 hrs el.B-el.C = y1 + hcr1 - hcr2 - y2 28.5o
44.4 = 334.595 + 0.0675 – 0.27 - Am = ½ (5)(2.4) + ½ (2.9)(8.6) 28.5o
SITUATION 1: CE Brd Exam-May 2012 R
SOLUTION 37: An angle of 115 is subtended by an arc 2000tan + ½ (5)(3.05) + ½ (2.9)(9.575)
of a circle of radius 7.5 cm.  = 8o15’ Am = 39.9787 m2 R  5.8
cos28.5o =
40. Length of minor arc V = L/6 (A1 +4Am + A2) R
Shanel V = 3.5 kph a. 15.05 cm b. 16.22 cm PROBLEM 44: hCR = (0.26k)2 = [0.26(2)2] = 1.04
Time = n +3 Compute the shortest distance from V = 50/6 [36.58 + 4(39.9787) + 42.815] 0.8788R = R -58
c. 18.33 cm d. 17.54 cm 0.1212R = 5.8
point (26, 4) to the curve x2 – 16x + y2 + V = 1994.25 m3 Consider the right triangle TDC:
41. Length of major arc R = 47.85 m tan 230’ = (12 + z)/(2000)
S1 16y + 64 = 0. PROBLEM 46: CE Nov 2016 board exam
a. 34.45 cm b. 32.07 cm a. 13.63 units b. 21.23 units In a circle, x2 + y2 = 25 find the sub- tan 28.5 = /R o T z = 75.32
Alfred c. 40.79 cm d. 25.12 cm c. 31.56 units d. 18.51 units normal at (3,4). T = 47.85tan28.5o
Time = n hrs El. B = 133.33 + hCR + z
42. Find the area of the circle a. 4 b. 5 T = 25.98 m
a. 521.04 cm2 b. 221.67 cm2 SOLUTION 44: c. 3 d. 6 El. B = 133.33 + 1.04 + 75.32
PROBLEM 49: CE Nov 2016 board exam El. B = 209.69 (answer)
c. 176.71 cm2 d. 321.45 cm2 x2 - 16x + y2 + 16y + 64 = 0
3.5 4 4.5 5 --------------------------------------------- A compound curve given the following: PROBLEM 51: CE Nov 2016 board exam
By completing the square:
SOLUTION 46: I1 = 24 D1 = 6 Given the following cross-section notes
SOLUTION 40 – 42: x2 – 16x +64 +y2 +16y + 64 = -64 +64
Alfred’s distance is in Arithmetic
x2 + y2 = 25 is a circle whose center is I2 = 18 D1 = 3 for a road.
progression at (0,0) and radius =5 as shown. Sta. at P.C = 10 + 380 9 .8 0 x2
(x – 8)2 + (y + 8)2 = 82
2a1  (n  1)d Find the stationing at P.C.C.
SShanel = SAlfred = n Thus : y1 y 1 .2
2 Center is at ( 8 ,-8); R = 8 a. 10 + 400 b. 10 + 500
The road has a width of 8 m and have a
2(3.5)  (n  1)0.5 c. 10 + 550 d. 10 + 460
3.5(n + 3) = [ ]n y slope of 2:1. The area of the cross
2 section is 34.6 m2. What is the value of
n=7 (26,4) SOLUTION 49: y.
n + 3 = 7 + 3 = 10 hrs (answer)
a. 3.43 b. 3.26
PROBLEM 38: shortest c. 2.45 d. 2.90
R= 8 distance

Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center

--------------------------------------------- c. 48o11’ d. 68o11’ C

D  D Using cosine law for angles: 0
S 360
1 cosC = -cosAcosB + sinAsinBcosc A at the C at the
2 center center
y1 y 1.2 cos91o40’ = -cosAcos81o50’ r
tan   ; r  8 tan   eq.1
1.91 m R
+ sinAsin81o50’cos90o 8 270 -90
1.83 m  hcr = 0.0675K2
5.8 4m 4m x’ cos 91 40' 15 B at the
hcr1 = 0.0675(1)2 cosA =  tan 2  ; center
cos 8150' 8 180 -180
9.8 x2 100 m hcr1 = 0.0675 m
1 15 B at the
hcr2 = 0.0675(2)2 A = 78o18’ (answer)   arctan  eq.2
By ratio and proportion: S = 1.91 – 1.83 hcr2 = 0.27 m 2 8 center
SITUATION 2: 1 15  90
1 tan18o30’ = y1/1000 r  8 tan arctan 
y1 = (5.8) = 2.9 meters S = 0.08 A line was found to be 3142.56 m, when C at the A at the
2 y1 = 334.595 m
measured with a 30 m steel tape 2 8 
center center
x’ = 2(1.2) = 2.4 S 0.08 y2 = 2000tan r  4in B
tan  = = el.B – y1 – hcr1 + hcr2 + y2 = el. C
supported throughout its length under a
0 90 180 270 360
x2 = x’ + 4 = 2.4 + 4 = 6.4 L 100 pull of 4 kg at a mean temperature of
ATOTAL = AADC + ACED + ACEF + ACBF el.B-el.C = y1 + hcr1 - hcr2 - y2 PROBLEM 64: CE Nov 2016 board exam -180 -90 0
35C. Tape was of standard length at
1 1 1  = arc tan 0.0008 44.4 = 334.595 + 0.0675 – 0.27 - Three marksmen shoot at a spinning By symmetry, If B = 0 to -180, desired
A= (4)( y1) + (y)(9.8) + (y)( x2) + 20C, under a pull of 5 kg (supported
2000tan circular object that is equidistant from positions of C will also be 3/4 of all possibilities
2 2 2  3600"   = 8o15’
throughout its length). Tape cross
 = 0.0458366   sectional area is 0.03 sq. cm.
them. The marksmen shoot together, as shown above.
1  1  PROBLEM 57: CE Brd Exam-May 2003 what is the probability that they shoot in
(4)(1.2) Coefficient of thermal expansion is
2 The cost of a machine is P160,000. It the same face of the circle. 2. Now, if the three are in the same semi circle
1 1  = 165” has a useful value of P15,000, find the
0.0000116/C. Modulus of elasticity of
a. ½ b. 2/3
34.6 = (4)(2.9) + (y)(9.8) + tape
2 2 165" depreciation charge on the fourth year c. 3/4 d. 3/8 90
Sensitiveness = Material is 2 x 106 kg/cm2.
1 1 using double declining balance method
6 divisions 60. Find the error due to change in ------------------------------------------------- C
(y)(6.4) + (4)(1.2) where n is equal to 8.
2 2 temperature. SOLUTION 64: B
27.5" a. P 16 875.6 b. P 19 765.6
y = 3.26 (answer) Sensitiveness = (answer) c. P 10 762.6 d. P 14 765.6
a. +0.6286 b. +0.4168
Assumptions: spinning circle
PROBLEM 52: CE Nov 2016 board exam division c. +0.5468 d. +0.4076
SOLUTION 57: 1. That all three men have 100% probability of c
Given the following: 61. Find the error due to pull.
PROBLEM 54: CE Nov 2016 board exam Book values in double declining balance method hitting the circle
a. -0.0288 b. -0.0399 B
Line Bearing Distance If there are 38 members in a PICE Club, are in geometric progression whose common 2. That the circle is spinning about a vertical c
A–B 3856.7 m c. -0.0524 d. -0.0314 A 0
N40E how many ways you can pick president, ratio is line
B–C N59W 300.58 m 62. Find the corrected length of the line. D
vice-president, secretary and treasurer?  2 a. 3395.1514 b. 3143.0544
C-D S70W 2001.58 m a. 2 761 520 b. 1 771 560 1  Take the spinning circle target to be at the center c + 180
D-A S60E 5001.7 m  n c. 2395.6269 d. 2395.4231
of a horizontal circle. The marksmen are at
c. 1 571 460 d. 1 173 521 d. 2395.2468
Solve for the area of the triangulation.  2  2 random positions on at the circumference of the
------------------------------------------------- rGP = 1  = 1  = 0.75 SOLUTION 60: latter. In order to hit the same face of the target
a. 9732278m2 b. 7732278m2  n  8
c. 6732278m2 d. 8732278m2 SOLUTION 54: Error due to change in temp. spinningcircle, all three of them must be at the E
BV e = TL same side of the target (i.e. they belong to the
P = 38P4 = 1 771 560 (answer)
e = 11.6 x 10-6(35-20)(30) same semi-circle) 270
C d4 Dn =130,000
PROBLEM 55: CE Nov 2016 board exam FC=140,000 e = +0.00522 m The shaded region are the positions of the
If the sum of the series is given by the BV3 SV=10,000
Etotal = e(no. Of times the tape was 1. With marksman A as reference (i.e. located spinning circle. From C to D, the three
70 59 B equation S = 3n + b, what is the 3 year used) at 0) marksmen are on black face. While from E to
70 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  2395.25 
difference between the 9th and the 7th s
Etotal =  0.00522 If B = 0 to 180, A, all three marksmen are on white face.
BVm = FCr m

term? BV3 = 140 000 (0.75)3 = 59,062.50  30  C could be anywhere between 0 and 180 and spinning circle
A E a. 14 756 b. 24 786 BV4 = 140 000 (0.75)4 = 44,296.88 Etotal = +0.4168 m the three falls on semi-circle ABD.
60 c. 28 744 d. 20 315 C could be anywhere between (180 + B) and 360
d4 = BV3 - BV4
SOLUTION 61: 360
60 40 -------------------------------------------------
d4= 59,062.50 - 44,296.88
Error due to change in pull:
SOLUTION 55: d4 = 14,765.63 270
Sn = 3n + b PL 90
PROBLEM 58: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2003 e=
A S9 = 39 + b AE
An equipment costing P450,000 has a C 180
S8 = 38 + b PL
AABCD = ABCD+ AABD salvage value of P60,000 at the end of e= 180+ B B
S7 = 37 + b 8 years. Using the Sum of the Year’s AE
1 1
AABCD= (BC)(CD)sin(70+59)+ (AB)( S6 = 36 + b Digit Method, what is the depreciation 4  530 90
  c
2 2 e= C
charge after 1st year? 0.03 2  106 C at the
AD)sin(60+40) S9 - S8 = (a1 + a2 + … + a8 + a9) - (a1 + a. Php 86,666.67 B center
1 a 2 + … + a 8) e = -0.0005 m c c
AABCD = (300.58)( 2001.58)sin(129) b. Php 57 652.64 180 A 0
(39 + b) – (38 + b) = a9  2395.25  0 90 180
2 c. Php 105 714.29 Etotal =  0.0005  D
a9 = 39 + 38  eqn 1 d. Php 201 451.29 By symmetry, regardless on which marksman is
1  30 
+ (3856.7)( 5001.7)sin(100) SOLUTION 58: Etotal = -0.0399 m at the center, ½ of the all possibilities wil the
2 By projection:
Try Sum of the year’s digit method: three be on the same face of the spinning circle.
AABCD = 9 732 278 m2 a7 = 37 – 36
a9 - a7 = 39 + 38 – (37 – 36) dr =Dn DF SOLUTION 62: E
Dn = FC – SV = 420 000 – 50 000 Thus, the chance that the spinning circle will be
a9 - a7 = 24 786 (answer) Total error of the measurement: hit is:
PROBLEM 53: CE Nov 2016 board exam Dn = Php 370 000 E = 0.41677 - 0.04 C
Year' s.Digit .Comp lim ent 270 P = 3/4 x 1/2 = 3/8 (ANSWER)
A sight is taken with an engineers level PROBLEM 56: DF = E = +0.3767 m
at rod held 100 meters away and an Point A is in between point B and C, the  Year' sDigit Scorrected = Smeasured + Etotal PROBLEM 65: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2005
initial reading of 1.830 is observed. The distances of B and C from point A are For the 1st year: Scorrected = 2395.25 + (+0.3767) The distance from the midpoint of the
bubble is then leveled through six 1500 m. and 2000 m. respectively. 6 6 2 Scorrected = 2395.627 m curve to the midpoint of the chord of a
DF1 =  
spaces on the level tube, when the rod Measured from point A, the angle of 6  5  4  3  2  1 21 7 simple curve is 8.12 m. If the central
reading is 1.91 m. What is the elevation of point B is 1530’ while that Depreciation charge after 1st year: PROBLEM 63: angle is 40o, find the radius.
sensitiveness of the level tube in second of C is  . The difference in the d1 =Dn  DF1 For an isosceles triangle with base 16” a. 134.64 m b. 124.63 m
of arc? elevations of B and C is 46.2 m. 2 and height of 15”, the center of the c. 186.41 m d. 115.52 m
27.5" 37.5" d1 = 370 000  inscribed circle is at the intersection of
a. b. Considering the effects of curvature and 7
the angle bisectors. Find the radius of
division division refraction, what is the value of ? d1 = Php 105 714.29 SOLUTION 65:
the inscribed circle.
17.5" 47.5" a. 815’ b. 6o24’ thus: Sum of the year’s digit method was used.
c. d. a. 7 in b. 4 in
division division c. 5o14’ d. 10o28’
c. 5 in d. 6 in
SOLUTION 56: In a spherical triangle, B =85o50’
SOLUTION 53: C = 92o60’, c = 90o. Find angle A.
44.4 a. 78o11’ b. 43o55’
C r
18 30’
y1  y2
θ r
hcr1 A hcr2 θ
Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center

EA N1245’ W 25 52 = x2 + 42 – 2(4)(x) cos (60 – invcos God blessed the last part of Job’s life
CD Adjusted = 600  17015’ – (29.4  -
SITUATION 3: even more than the first.
Compute the bearing of line AB.
600 x2  7
8m a. N83.57oE b. N57.04oE Given the following traverse notes taken 50.91)( ) ) Wouldn’t you like the same in your life?
T by a survey party, 1895 8x Say, “God, I don’t care whether I have
T c. N73o57’E d. N45.67oW Solve x.
LINE BEARING DISTANCE five years or 50 years left. Would you
M=8.12 SOLUTION 68: AB N 45°20’ E 450 m
CD Adjusted = -597.21+ 108.84i = bless the last part of my life more than
607  169.66 5x2 = x2 + 42 – 2(4)(x) cos 60 the first part?”
Course Bearing Distance(m) BC S 65°10’ E 615 m
AB 165 CD N 80°15’ W 620 m CD adjusted = 169.66 - 90 = N79.66W x =6.766 The lesson of Job’s life is this: It doesn’t
Therefore 1 matter who’s hurt you or how long
R 20o R BC 35 DA S 55°30’ W 260 m Atriangle = (x)2 sin 60
Dcd adjusted = - 597.21 meters 2 you’ve been hurt or how deeply you’ve
CD S4030’W 125 Lcd adjusted = 108.84 meters
70. Find the adjusted latitude for side 1 been hurt. God can make the rest of
DE N6515’W 110 CD using Compass rule Atriangle = (6.766)2 sin 60 your life the best of your life if you’re
CD Adjusted = 607  169.66 2
EA N1245’ W 25 a. 101.75 m b. 108.84 m willing to forgive and let go of
Atriangle = 19.825 unit2 (answer)
Solving bearing & distance of temporary closing c. 28.45 m d. 15.14 m resentment and release the offender.
I RM line t: SOLUTION 73: Talk About It
cos  71. Find the adjustment for departure of Use Mode Complex of your Calculator. Convert
2 R Cours Bearing Dist( Lat Dep  In grief, why is it easier to draw into
R  8.12 e m) side CD using Compass rule the lines to polar form r  . Don’t Give Up: Refuse to Be ourselves rather than be with people
cos20o = AB 165 a. - 607.21 m b. - 602.11 m let Bitter who will help us move forward?
R c. - 597.21 m d. - 211.58 m
BC 35 AB = 420  (90- 4520’) = 420  4440’ By RICK WARREN — May 24, 2018  How have you experienced or
R = 134.64 m
72. Find the adjusted distance for side →SHIFT STO. A “I came naked from my mother’s observed the debilitating effects of
CD S4030’W 125 -95.05 -81.18
PROBLEM 66: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2005 CD using Compass rule . BC = 605  (270 + 65 10’) = 605  33510’ womb,’ [Job] said, ‘and I shall have bitterness?
DE N6515’W 110 +46.05 -99.89  What do you want God to help you
The deflection angles of points D and E a. 603.11 m b. 607 m →SHIFT STO. B nothing when I die. The Lord gave
EA N1245’ W 25 + 24.38 -5.52 c. 605 m d. 213.48 m CD = 600  (90+ 8015’) = accomplish in the rest of your life?
from the tangent through P.C of a simple me everything I had, and they were
AC - t L D 600  17015’→SHIFT STO. C his to take away. Blessed be the What do you need to let go of so that
curve are 4 and 12 respectively. If the 73. find the linear error of closure.
Lat = 0 DA = 280  (270+ 5530’) name of the Lord.’ In all of this Job he can work fully in and through
chord distance of DE is 50 m, compute a. 29.40 m b. 55.17 m
-95.05 + 46.05 + 24.38 + L = 0 =280  32530’→SHIFT STO. D did not sin or revile God” (Job 1:21- you?
the length of chord from PC to E. c. 69.32 m d. 11.15 m
a. 74.69 m b. 90.54 m L = +24.62 m  (north latitude) 22 TLB).
c. 35.61 m d. 46.85 m Dep = 0 74. find the relative error. LEC = linear error of closure
-81.18 – 99.89 – 5.52 + D = 0 a. 2.33% b. 2.85% LEC = A + B + C + D = 487.19 -15.82i Grief is a part of life, but you can’t let a
SOLUTION 66: c. 1.55% d. 1.87% → SHIFT STO. E season of grief turn into a lifestyle of
D = +186.59  (east departure)
t2 = L2 + D2 SOLUTION 70-72: SHIFT 2 3 = grief.
50 m t2 = (24.62)2 + (186.59)2 LEC = 29.4  -50.91 (answer) At some point you have to let it go!
Use Mode Complex of your Calculator. Convert
t = 188.21 m There is a difference between mourning
4 25 m the lines to polar form r  . ------------------------------------------------------
and moaning, between weeping and
12 let SOLUTION 74: wallowing. A loss can deepen me, but
B AB = 420  (90- 4520’) = 420  4440’ R.E. = relative error that doesn’t mean it can define me. A
→SHIFT STO. A LEC 29.4 loss is a part of my maturity but not my
165 BC = 605  (270 + 65 10’) = 605  33510’ R.E. = = = 0.0155 = identity.
 dis tan ce 1895
C →SHIFT STO. B God gives you grace to get through what
A t
CD = 600  (90+ 8015’) = 1.55% (answer)
PROBLEM 75: CE Nov 2016 board exam you’re going through. Other people may
12 8 R
600  17015’→SHIFT STO. C not have that same measure of grace,
A point O is inside of an equilateral
E DA = 280  (270+ 5530’) so they might give you bad advice!
R 16
triangle ABC. The distance from point O
8 D =280  32530’→SHIFT STO. D to a, b and c are 3, 4 and 5 respectively. “[Job’s] wife said to him, ‘Are you still
B trying to maintain your integrity? Curse
24 AB 165 35 Find the area of the triangle.
LINE r Calcula a. 18.231 unit2 b. 17.782 God and die.’ But Job replied, ‘You talk
 C tor unit2 like a godless woman. Should we accept
A t =188.21
D Vector c. 21.725 unit2 d. 19.825 only good things from the hand of God
AC =82.48o +Li Name and never anything bad?’ So in all this,
AB 420  44 291. 288. A unit2 Job said nothing wrong” (Job 2:9-10
Consider Triangle A-B-PT AC = tan-1(186.59/24.62) 40’ 60 22i ---------------------------------------------
AC = N82.48oE BC 605  33 - B SOLUTION 75: Job refused to become bitter and
Sin8o= 25/R
510’ 549. 254. resentful. Bitterness prolongs pain. It
R = 179.63 m
Considering CAB 06 09i A doesn’t relieve it; it only reinforces it.
Consider Triangle A-C-PC By cosine law: CD 600  17 - C “Watch out that no bitterness takes root
C/2 (35)2 = (165)2 + (188.21)2 – 2(165)(188.21)cos 015’ 591. 101. among you . . . it causes deep trouble,
Sin12o = hurting many in their spiritual lives”
R  = 8.525o 33 61i 3 (Hebrews 12:15 TLB).
C/2 AC =  + AB DA 280  32 - - D X X
Sin12o = 530’ 230. 158. O Job gives three steps in refocusing:
179.63 82.48o = AB + 8.525o 1. Put your heart right. That means
76 59i
C = 74.69 m  chord from P.C to point E AB = N73.955oE you forgive. “But I can’t forgive!” you
PROBLEM 67: AB = N73o57’E say. That’s why you need Christ in your
A+B+C -  4 5
On a highway, it is a slightly raised strip
+D 29.4  - E life; he’ll give you the power to forgive.
PROBLEM 69: 18.5 22.8
of asphalt, plastic, etc. across the lane 60–  2. Reach out to God. Ask him to come
An engineer bought an equipment for P 50.91 6 5i
of traffic to warn the commuters that it is B C
into your heart and heal those wounds
approaching a hazard 800 000. Other expenses, including Sum of distanc X and help you and give you strength and
a. pedestrian strip b. hazard installation, amounted to P 50 000. At absolut es= power for tomorrow, next week, next
strips the end of its estimated useful life of 10 e 410 + 605 + D L
= = By cos law: month.
c. Rumble strip d. traffic years, the salvage value will be 10% of Values 600 + 280
= 1895 1662.7 802. CBO: 3. Face the world again, firm and
strips the first cost. Using the Constant
Percentage Method of Depreciation, meters 4 51i 52 = x2 + 42 – 2(4)(x) cos (60 – )  courageous. Many people, when PROBLEM 15: CE Nov 2016 board exam
eqn 1 they’re hurt, withdraw into a shell. They A tree has an angle of elevation of 20
what is the book value after 5 years?
ANSWER: Rumble strip ABO: say, “I’ll never let anybody hurt me degrees. As the observer walks 75
a. Php 251482.41 b.Php253242.51 E = linear error of Closure
E = A + B + C + D = 18.56-22.85i → 32 = x2 + 42 – 2(4)(x) cos   eqn 2 again!” They retire from life. Job says to meters nearer to the tree, the angle of
c. Php 252982.21
PROBLEM 68: CE Brd Exam May 2000 SHIFT STO. E 0 = x2 + 42 – 32 – 2(4)(x) do the exact opposite: Resume your life; elevation becomes 40 degrees. Find the
A closed traverse has the following data d.Php254682.31 don’t retire from it. Get back out there in height of the tree.
SHIFT 2 3 = 8x cos  = x2 + 7
: the world. a. 48.16 b. 57.17
SOLUTION 69: E = 29.4  -50.91 (answer) x2  7
Course Bearing Distance(m) cos  = There’s a happy ending to Job’s life. c. 38.26 d. 40.07
10 distance CD
AB 165 r = n SV / FC = 10% = 10 0.10 CD Adjusted = CD – E( ) 8x “The Lord blessed the last part of Job’s
 dis tan ce life even more than he had blessed the SOLUTION 15:
BC 35 BV5 = FCxr5 x2  7
 = invcos  substitute to eqn 1 first” (Job 42:12 GNT). Job went through
CD S4030’W 125 BV5= 800,000 (10 0.10 )5 =Php 252 982.21 8x all this hurt, but in spite of that,
DE N6515’W 110 (answer)
Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center

D PROBLEM 21: CE Nov 2016 board exam From where he stands, one step toward d. Elmer doesn’t have a chance SOLUTION 35: x2
Two angles are complimentary. One the cliff would send the drunken man an = a1 + (n – 1) d c. d.
either way 2
angle is twice as the other one. Find the over the edge. He takes random steps, an = 40 000 + (n – 1) 1600 (answer)
angles. either toward or away from the cliff. At ---------------------------------------------
x  x 1 3 2

a. 35 and 90 b. 60 and any step his probability of taking a step SOLUTION 29: 2
90 away is 2/3, of a step toward the cliff is F = probability of winning against his PROBLEM 36: CE Nov 2016 board exam
y ---------------------------------------------

c. 30 and 60 d. 30 and 1/3. What is his chance of escaping the father On a highway, it is a slightly raised strip SOLUTION 40:
cliff? C = probability of winning against the of asphalt, plastic, etc. across the lane
20o 40
160 g( x )  f ( x )
a. 4/7 b. 3/7 champion of traffic to warn the commuters that it is Mean =
B C c. 3/5 d. 3/6 Not F  C 2
A approaching a hazard
75 m x ---------------------------------------------
SOLUTION 26: x2  2  x  1
Series 1: Father – Champion – Father Mean =
SOLUTION 21: Let the man stand on position “1” of the number
a. Chevron marking 2
y = (75 + x) tan 20 = x tan 40 2x + x = 90 series b. diagonal marking
line shown below. win – win - win: P = F × C × F x2  x  3
x = 30 c. thermoplastic marking Mean = (answer)
x = 57.45 Let: win – win – lose: P = F × C × (1 – F) 2
2x = 60 F = probability that he will step forward lose – win – win: P = (1 – F) × C × F
y = x tan 40 = 57.45 tan 40 = 48.16 m The angles are 30 and 60 (answer) B = probability that he will step backward = 1- F d. Rumble strip
(answer) P1 = F × C × F + F × C × (1 – F) + (1 – PROBLEM 41: CE Nov 2016 board exam
Note that he falls over the Cliff if he reach a
PROBLEM 22: CE Nov 2016 board exam coordinate of x = 0.
F) × C × F ANSWER: Rumble strip If the first hose can fill a goldfish pond
P1 = F × C + F × C – F2C within 45 minutes and the second hose
PROBLEM 16: CE Nov 2016 board exam The interior angles of a triangle were
Pwinning the prize = 2FC – CFF PROBLEM 37: CE Nov 2016 board exam can fill the same pond in 20 minutes.
Simplify the expression: 6(2x + 4y) + measured as follows:
Station Angle N = Number of If i = 14% compounded quarterly, find How many minutes can the second hose
10(4x + 3y). Series 2: Champion – Father – fill the tank without the first hose?
measurements the equivalent interest rate if
a. 2(26x + 27y) b. 2(26x+32y) Champion a. 13.85 b. 10.82
A 41o 2 compounded monthly?
c. 2(24x + 27y) d. 2(22x+24y) win – win - win: P = CFC c. 17.32 d. 21.54
B 77o 6 a. 10.24% b. 13.84%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 win – win – lose: P = CF (1 – C) c. 21.15% d. 11.90%
C 63o 2
SOLUTION 16: lose – win – win: P = (1 – C) FC SOLUTION 41:
Compute the most probable value of P2 = CFC + CF(1 – C) + (1 – C) FC
F = 6(2x + 4y) + 10(4x + 3y) --------------------------------------------- Let:
angle C. P2 = CF + CF – C2F
F = 12x + 24y + 40x + 30y 1ST STEP F B SOLUTION 37: A = rate of first hose = 1/45
F = 52x + 54y P2 = 2CF – CFC 4 12 B = rate of second hose = 1/20
a. 72o53’37.14’’ b.  0.14   i 
F = 2(26x + 27y) (answer) 86o34’18.14’’  1   = 1  
2FC – CFF 2CF – CFC  4   12  At + Bt = 1
c. 62o34’17.14’’ d. 
PROBLEM 17: CE Nov 2016 board exam i = 0.1384 or 13.84% (answer)  1   1 
Evaluate the equation 3x – 13 = x – 7; 65o24’17.32’’ F  C  more chances in series 2  t +  t = 1
 45   20 
when x = 3. 3RD STEP F2B FB2 B3 PROBLEM 38: CE Nov 2016 board exam
PROBLEM 32: CE Nov 2016 board exam t = 13.85 (answer)
----------------------------------------------------- Find the correct dimension of the largest
a. 4 b. 5 They inform and advise users of
SOLUTION 22: directions, distances, router, the location
rectangular lot if the required fence to be
PROBLEM 44: CE Nov 2016 board exam
c. 3 d. 6 4TH STEP F2B2 FB3 B4 used is 3000 ft.
Weight of measurement is inversely of services for road users and points of An equipment that cost P1 800 000 has
--------------------------------------------- proportional to number of a. 750 ft x 750 ft b. 1000ft x
interest. an estimated life of 5 years and the
SOLUTION 17: measurements. 500 ft
5TH STEP F3B2 F2B3 FB4 B5 c. 800 ft x 650 ft d. 850 ft x salvage value is 20% of the first cost.
3x – 13 = x – 7 S = 41 + 77 + 63 = 181
O O O 0
a. Warning sign b. Guide Compute the annual depreciation
650 ft
x = 3 (answer) Error = 1810 - 1800 AND SO ON… signs ---------------------------------------------
charge using straight line method. i =
Error = + 1o (to be subtracted ) c. Traffic signs d. Traffic SOLUTION 38: 8%.
PROBLEM 19: CE Nov 2016 board exam DFC = Distribution factor of angle C We can observe that x=0 on every “odd lights
By Padilla’s Corollary of equality, the largest
A box contains 5 defectives and 195 steps” rectangle with a known perimeter is a square. a. 514 756 b. 288
non-defective cellphones. A quality Note: Error is inversely proportional to the And each probability is given by the ANSWER: b. Guide signs 000
Perimeter = 4x = 3000 ft
control engineer selects 2 cellphones at number of measurements expression Fn+1Bn. c. 128 744 d. 209
X = 750 ft
random without replacement. What is Thus, correction is proportional to 1/n. where n is Thus, 315
PROBLEM 33: CE Nov 2016 board exam Therefore, the rectangle is 750 ft x 750
the probability that exactly one is the number of measurements. inf inity
ft (answer)

On a highway, it is a slightly raised strip
defective? 1 Probability of falling = F n1B n
of asphalt, plastic, etc. across the lane
a. 0.049 b. 0.024
DF = n
of traffic to warn the commuters that it is PROBLEM 39: CE Nov 2016 board exam SOLUTION 44:
c. 0.502 d. 0.132 1 But as n approaches infinity, the
n expression Fn+1Bn approaches zero. At n
approaching a hazard
a. pedestrian strip b. hazard
A machine cost 50 000 and have a 10%
salvage value from the first cost after 10
= 100, it is practically zero.

SOLUTION 19: 1 1 strips years. Find the capital recovery factor if d Dn = 80%FC
D = probability that the item picked is n 3 n 100
c. Rumble strip d. traffic it is 8% compounded annually. d
DFC = C = 2 
1 1 1 1 Probability of falling   F n1B n strips a. 0.138 b. 0.182
N = probability that the item picked is n 2  6  2 7 n 0 c. 0.069 d. 1.054
SV = 20%FC
no-defective n100 n1 n ANSWER: Rumble strip
Ccorrected = C – E(DF)  1 2
P = DN + ND 3
Probability of falling    
 

1 2 3 4 5
Ccorrected = 63o – 1o   n 0 PROBLEM 34: CE Nov 2016 board exam
Dn 80%(1800000)

195 195
 
5 7 Probability of falling  3/7 A raised structure including bridge and iD n d= =
A= n 5
200 199 200 199 Ccorrected = 62o34’17.14’’ (answer) Probability of Not falling  1 - 3/7 building supports and walkways, over (1  i) n  1
39 Probability of Not falling  4/7 (answer) water, typically supported by widely d = 288 000 (answer)
P= = 0.049 (answer) spread piles or pillars? Capitol Recovery Factor =
796 PROBLEM 24: CE Nov 2016 board exam a. wharf b. pier (1  i) n  1
PROBLEM 20: CE Nov 2016 board exam What are the amplitude of y = sin x and c. ports d. cargo
What is the surface area of a sphere if PROBLEM 29: CE Nov 2016 board exam Capitol Recovery Factor =
y = 2 sinx.
the volume is 36 m3? a. 1 and 2 b. x and y To encourage Elmer’s promising tennis ANSWER: pier 0.08
a. 52.71 b. 59.73 c. sin x and y d. 1 and 2 career, his father offers him a prize if he (1  0.08)10  1
c. 62.41 d. 72.71 wins (at least) two tennis sets in a row in PROBLEM 35: CE Nov 2016 board exam Capitol Recovery Factor = 0.069
sin x a three set series to be played with his A woman was offered for a job, starting
--------------------------------------------- (answer)
father and the club champion
SOLUTION 20: --------------------------------------------- salary was 40 000 and it will be increase
4 SOLUTION 24: alternately: father-champion-father or by 1600 each year for 5 years. What is PROBLEM 40: CE Nov 2016 board exam
Vsphere = R 3 = 36 y = A sin x champion-father-champion, according to the general equation in arithmetic Find the mean between g(x) = x2 + 2
3 Elmer’s choice. The champion is a progression?
A is the amplitude and f(x) = x + 1.
R = 2.048 For: y = sin x, A = 1 better player than Elmer’s father. Which a.40 000 + (2n – 1) 1600 x3
series should Elmer choose? b. 40 000 + (n – 1) 1600 a. b.
For: y = 2 sin x, A = 2 2 PROBLEM 46: CE Nov 2016 board exam
Asphere = 4R2 a. Father-Champion Father c. 40 000 + n – 1600
Therefore: Amplitudes are 1 and 2. A company has a cost estimates of Php
Asphere = 4(2.048)2 (answer) b. champion-father-champion n x2  x  3 10 000. In every estimate of Php 10 000
Asphere = 52.71 m2 (answer) c. both are just equal chance d. (40 000 + 1600)
2 2 and above they profit Php 25 000. If the
PROBLEM 26: CE Nov 2016 board exam --------------------------------------------- probability of the estimate being
Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center

approved is 0.7, what is the expected B = 2.5%  1% Note: SH = number of selections of 3 Find the total cost of the land if the cost
profit? The probability that M bankrupt N is: hydraulics books from 5 different per hectares is 3.1 M.
B = 3.5% B hits A
a. Php 32 756 b. Php = M2 + NM3 + N2M4 + N3M5 + … and so on B hydrulics books a. Php 17.48375 M b. Php
28 000 c. Php 19 744 A hits B
SH = 5C3 = 10 18.48375 M
d. Php 17 500 g 2L inf inity A C4s+3H = Number of selections of 4 c. Php 20.48375 M d. Php
xmin =
--------------------------------------------- B =  NnMn  2 X structural books and 19.48375 M
SOLUTION 46: 1%(180) n0 -1 0 1 3 Hyrdaulics books
E = Expected profit xmin = C4s+3H = (Ss  SH) = 126 (10) = 1 260
3 .5 %
E = Profit when approved*Probability of being Take n = 50. The value of NnMn+2 approaches “0” that 9 students can make
xmin = 51.43 m C
approved as n continue to increse 1ST fire (A’s turn) a A Note: All 7 books can be selected by either
+profit when disapproved*probability of being  1  2
50 n
only one student, or only two students, or only
Sta M = 0 +110 + (90 – xmin) =     
disapproved three students, and so on. That is: 45
Sta M = 0 +110 + (90 – 51.43) n0  3   3 
Sta M = 0 + 148.57 (answer) 2ND fire (B’s turn) aB ab Choice of 9 students for 45
E = Php 25000 * 0.7 + 0 * 0.3 = 4/7 (ANSWER) the first book
E = Php 17 500 (answer) Choice of 9 students for D B
PROBLEM 50: CE Nov 2016 board exam PROBLEM 52: CE Nov 2016 board exam
3rd fire (A’s turn) a2 b abA the second book
PROBLEM 47: CE Nov 2016 board exam Find : y = sin(ln x2) A company produce 600 000 units with
A Choice of 9 students for 40
Find the value of x in the function f(x) = dx a total income of 720 000. With costs the third book
3x + 2 and g(x) = x2 + 1 at (1,4). a. 2 cos (ln x2) b. 2 cos equal to 250 000 annual plus 0.7 per 11.66
(ln x2)/x unit. How much must be sold to 4th fire (B’s turn) a2 bB a2 b2 Choice of 9 students for
a. 5 and 2 b. 3 and 2
c. 2x cos (ln x2) d. 2 cos breakeven? the seventh book 30
c. 1 and 4 d. 5 and 1 a. 400 000 units b. 500 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 = 97
(ln x2)/x2
--------------------------------------------- 000 units 5th fire (A’s turn) a3 b2 a2 b2 A
SOLUTION 47: --------------------------------------------- c. 600 000 units d. 700 A Thus: A
f(x) = 3x + 2 SOLUTION 50: 000 units A C4s+3H of 9 students = 1260  (97)
y = sin(ln x2) AABCD = ABCD+ AABD
f(x) = 3(1) + 2 6th fire (B’s turn) a3 b2 B
C4s+3H of 9 students = 6 026 540 940
a3 b3
  
--------------------------------------------- (answer) 1
f(x) = 5 dy  1  AABCD= (BC)(CD)sin(45–27)
= cos ln x 2   (2x) SOLUTION 52: 2
dx  x2 
g(x) = + 1 x2 1
7th fire (A’s turn) a4 b3 a3 b3 A PROBLEM 56: CE Nov 2016 board exam + (AB)(AD)sin(30–11.66)
g(x) = 12 + 1 dy 2 cos(ln x 2 ) Income 2
= (answer) A Given the closed traverse:
g(x) = 2 dx x AND SO ON…
A Line Bearing Distance AABCD =
Cost 2
Thus: f(x) and g(x) are 5 and 2. (answer) PROBLEM 51: CE Nov 2016 board exam BEP Note: A–B N30E 500 m 1
Man M has Php 1 and Man N has Php The probability that A hits B is: + (500)(448.62)sin(18.34)
PROBLEM 48: CE Nov 2016 board exam B–C N45W 450 m 2
2. They play gamble. M is better than N. = A + abA + a2 b2 A + a3 b3 A … and so on
Find the value of x that passes through M has probability of 2/3 to win while N is
C-D S27E 350 m AABCD = 59 625.24 m2 = 5.9625 hectares
point (1,4) in the function f(x) = 3x + 1 Php 250,000 Income = Cost D-A 448.62 m
1/3 to win. What is the probability of M to inf inity S11.66W Total Cost of lot = 3.1 (5.9625)
and g(x) = x2 + 2. win until one of them will be bankrupt.
X (Number of
=  an bn A Find the area of the lot in hectares. Total Cost = Php 18.48375 M
a. 1.62 b. 3.32 a. 2/3 b. 4/9 n0 a. 5.9625 hectares b. 4.0276
units produced hectares
c. 2.62 d. 0.62 and sold c. 6.0285 hectares d. 3.0217 PROBLEM 58: CE Nov 2016 board exam
c. 2/9 d. 4/7 x Take n = 50. The value of an bn A approaches “0”
-------------------------------------------- as n continue to increse hectares An engineer is to design a bridge, to get
SOLUTION 48: n n the length of the bridge she walks from
SOLUTION 51: u = unit price inf inity 50
 1  1  1
Said point is the point of intersection of the two
curves Assume that 1 bet is an integer value of a peso. 720000 =  an bn A =        C A to B due north and from B she uses
u= = 1.2/pc n0 n0  2  2 2 her transit and get an angle of 4050 to
y = x2 + 2. → Eqn 2 (Parabola) Imagine both M and N are standing on x=1 of the 600000 = 2/3 (ANSWER) point C directly opposite A. The distance
y = 3x + 1 → Eqn 1 (line) number line. M wins if he got all Php 3 (i.e. x = 3). At break-even point: 45
PROBLEM 54: CE Nov 2016 board exam A to B is 50 m, find the length of the
Subtract equation 2 from equation 1 He loses when he got no money (i.e. x = 0) Cost = Income 45 bridge to be constructed.
You inherit a $16 000 and invested it 27
x2 - 3x + 1 = 0 Let : 250000 + 0.7x = 1.2x a. 43.21m b. 23.25m
into two different interest rate. One is
Solve using quadratic equation solver of your M = probability that M will win = 2/3 x = 500 000 units (answer) D B c. 65.42m d. 54.32m
6% and the other is 8%. In one year you
calculator N = probability that N will win = 1/3
have an income of Php 1186.00. How
x2 - 3x + 1 = 0 PROBLEM 53: CE Nov 2016 board exam much you invested in the different 40

x = 2.62 and 0.38 N wins a bet In a duel between two men, both 50% interest rate? SOLUTION 58:
N marksman, each take turns until one of 11.66 11.66
a. 11,000, 5,000 b. 12,000,
PROBLEM 49: CE Nov 2016 board exam them hits the other. What is the B
M wins a bet 5,000
Determine the lowest point of a curve M probability that A hits B if A takes the 30
c. 11,300, 4,700 d. 13,000,
having a vertical curve 180 m, sloping at X first turn? 40
0 1 2 3 a. 1/2 b. 1/4 4,000
-2.5 % and +1% if the stationing at P.I is
0 + 110. c. 1/8 d. 2/3 --------------------------------------------
a. 0 + 168.75 b. 0 + 50 m
148.57 SOLUTION 51: 1
Interest = 6% x + 8%(16 000 – x) = 1186
c. 0 + 324.27 d. 0 + Assume that 1 bet is an integer value of a peso. AABCD= (BC)(CD)sin(45–27)
x = 4 700 2
2ND bet MN Imagine both A and B are standing on x=0 of the
M2 16000 – x = 16000 – 4700 = 11 300 1 BRIDGE
number line. A wins if he reach. x = 1 A loses + (AB)(AD)sin(30–11.66)
when he was hit and forced to be at x = -1 2
SOLUTION 49: PROBLEM 55: CE Nov 2016 board exam A C
Let : 1
3RD bet In how many ways can 9 students select AABCD = (450)(350)sin(18)
A = probability that A will hit B = ½ 2
4 structural books and 3 hydraulics AC = 50 tan 4050’ = 43.21m (answer)
a= probability that A will not hit B = 1 – A = ½
Sta 0 +110 books from 9 structural books and 5 1
4TH bet N2M2 NM3 hydraulics books? + (500)(448.62)sin(18.34)
B = probability that B will hit A = ½ 2 PROBLEM 59: CE Nov 2016 board exam
a. 7 602 940 540 b. 6 640 450 AABCD = 59 625.24 m2 = 5.9625 hectares What do you call a structure not parallel
PC b = probability that B will not hit A = 1 – B = ½
490 to shore where ship may receive or
5TH bet N3M2 N2M3 c. 5 940 026 520 d. 6 026 540 PROBLEM 57: CE Nov 2016 board exam discharge cargo?
M PT 940 a. wharf b. pier
Given the closed traverse:
g1 = -2.5% Line Bearing Distance c. ports d. cargo
6TH bet N3M3 N2M4 SOLUTION 55:
g2 = 1%
V (answer): pier
AND SO ON… Assuming that all books are different A–B N30E 500 m
L/2 = 90 m L/2 = 90 m from each other. B–C N45W 450 m
Ss = number of selections of 4 structural PROBLEM 60: CE Nov 2016 board exam
C-D S27E 350 m It is a navigative depth.
books from 9 different structural books D-A 448.62 m
(2x+2)TH bet NxMx+2 S11.66W a. sounding b. fairway
g1  g2 Ss = 9C4 = 126
Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center

c. shoal d. shipway Pepys wrote Newton to ask which of the - 941 91 side river banks, canals or water ways
LEGEND: three events is more likely: that a person a. b. where vessels may lie alongside to
7869 6870
ES EFget 491 491
receive or discharge cargo or disembark
(answer): fairway D n (a) at least 1 six when 6 dice are rolled, c. d. passengers or lie at rest.
LS LF 86870 86870
0 6 6 10 Where: (b) at least 2 sixes when 12 dice are
PROBLEM 61: CE Nov 2016 board exam 6 4 ES = Early Start rolled, or (c) at least 3 sixes when 18 a. wharf b. pier
0 6 6 10 ---------------------------------------------

Which of the following is a characteristic

EF = Early finish =dice
ES + dare rolled. What is the answer? h/2 SOLUTION 71: c. ports d. cargo
of a shoulder of a road. LS = Late Start a. a b. just y
0 9 Accident rate =
i. Give integrity of the road B 9 LF = Late Finish = equal
LS + d chance
1 10 D = duration 0.5R 5892accidents answer: wharf
ii. Protection from skidding of the car E G c. b d. c
iii. low cost maintenance h 476vehicles  365days 
  6yrs  
0 5 10 10 10 17 PROBLEM 75: CE Nov 2016 board exam
iv. Beautification 5 0 7 SOLUTION 68: y - h/2 day  yr 
6 11 11 11 10 17 z A guy wire of length 108 meters runs
a. I only b. 1, II, IV Event 1: Probability of not getting a six. 3cups 
491 from the top of an antenna to the
only 10 16 6 6 Accident rate = (answer)
F 6 6!  5  5 86870 ground. If the angle of elevation of the
c. I, III only d. all of 11 17 P=     x top of the antenna sighting along the
6!  6  6 h/2 2 cups 
the above 6
guy wire is 42.3. What is the height of
Activities with zero float ( i.e ES = LS) are A, D, 5 the antenna?
P1 = 1 -   = 0.665102 PROBLEM 72: CE Nov 2016 board exam
and G. Thus, Critical Path is ADG (ANSWER) a. 62.856 m b. 82.568
PROBLEM 62: CE Nov 2016 board exam 6 A frustum of a sphere is 6.6 cm thick.
The diameter of its upper and lower m
A machine has an initial cost of P50 000 PROBLEM 65: CE Nov 2016 board exam
bases are 18.5 and 32.9 cm, c. 92.655 m d. 72.685
and a salvage value of P10 000 after 10 Factor x4 – y2 + y – x2 as possible. Event 2: P = Probability of having no – R-z
years. What is the total depreciation respectively. What is the lateral area of m
-------------------------------------------- six or only one – six.
after 3 years? R the frustum in cm2?
SOLUTION 65: 12 11 12
a. Php 13 000 b. Php 11 12!  5  12!  5   1  a. 913.85 cm2 b. 827.17
P =       
11!  612   6 
000 c. Php 12 000 x4 – y2 + y – x2 12!  6  By Ratio and Proportion, cm2
= x4 - x2 - y2 + y c. 617.32 cm2 SOLUTION 75:
d. Php 13 500 R z

d. 521.54
= x2(x2 – 1) – y(y + 1) P 1 = exactly 1 – six h y cm2
--------------------------------------------- = x2(x + 1)(x – 1) – y(y + 1)  512 12(511 ) 

SOLUTION 62: P2 = 1 - P = 1 -   
y z
 → eqn. 1 SOLUTION 72:
108 m
 6 612 
PROBLEM 66: November 2016 CE Brd h R
9.25 9.25 y
D3 Exam 12 11 11 1 2
Four groups with different number of 5 12!  5   1 z y
P2 = 1 -   -     Volume of Upper Cone 3
FC= 50,000

Dn = 40 000  a
trials measured distance as follows. 6 11!  6  6 Total Volume of Cone 1
Ave.distance No. of R2h 6.6 m 42.3
P2 = 0.618667 3 b
SV = 10,000 1 R z y = 108 sin 42.3
A 352.45 2 For 18 dice  2 R
Volume of Upper Cone 3  z   y  y = 72.685 m (answer)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
B 352.04 5 P3 = 1 - Pnosix - P1six - P2six     
Total Volume of Cone 1 R h
C 351.89 1 
By Ratio and Proportion: D 353.27 6 5
18 1
18!  1   5 
17 3
D3 40000 Find the weighted mean. P3 = 1 -   -     - y z
= 6 17!  6   6  But 
3 10 a. 363.412 m b. h R
352.615 m 18!  1   5 
2 16
Thus, 16.45 16.45
D3 = Php 12 000 (answer)    
c. 338.716 m d. 16!  6   6  3 3
Volume of Upper Cone  y  z
PROBLEM 63: CE Nov 2016 board exam 393.823 m     A = 2Rh
Total Volume of Cone h R
Find the derivative of 3cos2. ------------------------------------------------- P3 = 0.59734 (answer) R2 = 9.252 + (y + 6.8)2 eq 1
a. -6 sin 2 b. 3 sin 2 → eqn. 2 R2 = 16.452 + y2
SOLUTION 1: By Proportion, since x is between 0.5R and R,
c. 6 sin 2 d. -3 sin W = weight of measurement = Number of Thus: Event 1 has the best chance of
x = 0.75R y= R 2  16.45 2
2 measurement happening.
x/R = 0.75
Substitute to eqn 2 2
--------------------------------------------- PROBLEM 69: CE Nov 2016 board exam  
Average Number 3 3 R2 = 9.252 +  R 2  16.45 2  6.8 
SOLUTION 63: distance of trials In a laboratory, each of a handful of thin Volume of Upper Cone  y  z x  
     
y = 3 cos2  (x) (W) Wx 9-inch glass rods had one tip marked Total Volume of Cone h R  R R = 19.36
dy with a blue dot and the other with a red.
= 3(2cos)(-sin) A 352.45 2 704.9
d When the laboratory assistant tripped
B 352.04 5 Let Vtotal = Total volume of cone A = 2Rh
1760.2 and dropped them onto the concrete
Vtotal  2
 0.75 
dy floor, many broke into three pieces. For 3 A = 2 (19.36) (6.8)
= -3(2sin cos) C 351.89 1 351.89
d these, what was the average length of Vtotal A = 827.17 cm2 (answer)
D 353.27 6 2119.62
dy the fragment with the blue dot? Vtotal = 3.459459
= -3 sin 2 (answer) TOTAL 14 4936.61 a. 3 cm b. 4.5 cm
d PROBLEM 73: CE Nov 2016 board exam
Xave = Wx / W = 4936.61/14 = c. 2 cm d. 5 cm Consider the 3 cups mark. Substitute to eqn 2
352.615 m (answer) ---------------------------------------------
A parabolic curve AB has tangent
PROBLEM 64: CE Nov 2016 board exam Volume of Upper Cone  y  z
3 3

Given the activity and the duration of a SOLUTION 69:    

grades of +3.5% and -2.5%. The change
PROBLEM 67: November 2016 CE Brd By symmetry, the distribution of each of the three Total Volume of Cone h R in grade is limited to 0.4% per 20 meter.
project. Find the length of curve.
Exam segments are the same. And thus, the average 3
Activity Duration (Month) 3.459459  3  y  a. 300 m b. 500 m
What is the minimum equal height of the of the three are the same which is three (3) cm.   
0–1A 6 c. 400 m d. 600 m
object and the observer from a sight 3.459459 h
0–2B 9
distance of 100 m? Length of curve is PROBLEM 70: CE Nov 2016 board exam y
0–3C 5 140 m. Let g1 = +4% and g2 = -6%.  0.51 ----------------------------------------------
A pot with a circular base tapered to top
1–2D 4 a. 0.743 m b. 0.563 m
with a radius half of the base. If the mid y = 0.51h
2–3E 0 c. 0.893 m d. 0.983 m height of the pot indicates two cups. B = 3.5%  (2.5%)
3–4F 6 -----------------------------------------------------
Where should be the 3 cups sign? B = 6%
2–4G 7 SOLUTION 15: a. 2% of the way up from the top y
Find the critical path. B=g1-g2= 0.04 –(-0.06)= 0.10 b. 2% of the way down from the top 2  0.51h  0.5h  2.04% (ANSWER) L=
a. ADEF b. ADG h/2 0.5h 0 .4 %
L = S2B8h c. 5% of the way down from the
c. BEF d. CF 20
140 = 1002(0.10)8h top
h = 0.893 meter d. 15% of the way down from the PROBLEM 71: CE Nov 2016 board exam L = 300 m (answer)
top The number of accidents for 6 years
PROBLEM 68: CE Nov 2016 board exam recorded in a certain section of a
--------------------------------------------- highway is 5.892. If the average daily PROBLEM 74: CE Nov 2016 board exam
SOLUTION 70: traffic is 476, what is the accident rate A continuous structure built parallel to
per million entering vehicles. along the margin of the sea or along
Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center

SOLUTION 4: Determine the number of years at which (1  0.08) 20  1

B Pls refer to page 32 exercise #8 from
Reduce to standard form the Book Value of P21M. A = P1(1 + i)15 + P2(1 + TL to PC 20m
the book of Probability by Walpole
Hint: Dm  FC  SV  m2n  m  1 ;
6y2 – 4x2 = 46 → divide by 46
i)10 + P3(1 + i)15 D
PROBLEM 19: CE Brd Exam-Nov. 2010
6y2 4x2  2  Sum 
– =1 (1  0.08) 20  1 20m A metallic ball with 1500 m3 volume is
Sum  n  1
46 46 A = 1000(1 + 0.08)15
PROBLEM 1: 2 0.08 A R melted and formed into a hollow sphere.
Shanel started walking from point O at y2 4x 2 a. 7 yrs b. 8 yrs + 2000(1 + 0.08)10 + The inner diameter is the same as the
– =1 original diameter. What is the thickness
uniform speed of 3.5 kph. After 3 hours, 46 / 6 46 / 4 c. 9 yrs d. 6 yrs 3000(1 + 0.08)15 315’ 5 2(815’)
Alfred started walking from the same =1630’
1630’-630 of the hollow sphere?
point and walked 3.5 km in the first hour, y2 x2 SOLUTION 7: 815’ =10
a. 1.45 m b. 1.85 m
– =1 A = 371.63 (answer) 315’
4 km in the second hour, and so on, 7.67 11.5 BVm = FC - Dm 5 c. 2.15 m d. 2.75 m
increasing 0.5 km per hour. How many m(2n  m  1) PROBLEM 11: SOLUTION 19:
2 2 PC
y x BVm = FC -(FC– SV) C
hours after Shanel left point O will she – =1 n(n  1) A square metal has an area of 44.48. From Triangle CDE:
be caught by Alfred? 2.76952 3.3912
a. 12 hrs b. 8 hrs m(2(18)  m  1) Find the radius of the largest cylindrical Sin5o = 20/R
21 = 55 – (55 - 0.5) shell that can be formed if the height is R = 229.47 m
c. 10 hrs d. 16 hrs y 18(18  1) R
1.5 times the diameter.
m  7.15 yrs say 7 years (answer) a. 8.13 units b. 5.21 units From Sector PC-A-C: r r
c. 1.06 units d. 6.46 units SPC-A = R = 615’[ /180] x 229.47 =
What is the time between 2 o’clock and SOLUTION 11: 25.03 m (answer)
Shanel V = 3.5 kph a=2.7695 /2 3 o’clock the hour hand and the minute X=D=3.1416D
Time = n +3  x PROBLEM 14: CE Brd Exam-Nov. 2010
b=3.391 hand is bisected by the centerline of 3
Two circles are tangent to a third circle 4 3
o’clock? V1 = r
S1 a. 2:18.46 b. 2:15.45 internally and tangent to each other 3
c. 2:35.42 d. 2:20.40 externally. The distances between their 4
Alfred centers are 10 inches, 7 inches, and 5 1500 = r 3
Time = n hrs ------------------------------------------------- 3
1.5D inches respectively. Find the radius of
SOLUTION 8: r = 7.101 m
tan (/2) = 2.7695/3.391 the biggest circle.
X a. 5 in. b. 3.5 in.
3.5 4 4.5 5  = 78.48 (answer) 12H
c. 9 in. d. 11 in.
11 12 1 V2 = Vouter sphere – Vinner sphere
Alfred’s distance is in Arithmetic PROBLEM 5: 10 2 H SOLUTION 14: 4
A spherical ball having a diameter of 30  1500 = R 3 – 1500
progression 9 3 3
cm is immersed in oil contain in the  a
2a1  (n  1)d 8 4 Excess plate b
b R = 8.95
SShanel = SAlfred = n cylinder making a 10 cm rise of the oil. 7 5
2 6 t = thickness of sphere = R – r
Find the diameter of the cylinder. c
2(3.5)  (n  1)0.5 t = 8.95 – 7.101 = 1.849 m
3.5(n + 3) = [ ]n a. 42.43 cm b. 65.34 cm c-b
2 c. 25.67 cm d. 30.58 cm 15 mins +  = M c-a PROBLEM 20: CE Brd Exam-Nov. 2010
n=7 Notice that the larger dimension is D. Thus: c A triangle ABC with an obtuse angle A is
n + 3 = 7 + 3 = 10 hrs (answer) SOLUTION 5: but,   = 5 mins D = x = 44.48 inscribed in a circle. The altitude BD of
2R 12
D = 2.12 the triangle is tangent to the circle. Find
=5- R = D/2 = 2.12/2 = 1.06 units (answer) the altitude if the side AC = 48 cm, and
Given are three points A, B, and C 12 the segment AD = 12 cm.
acting on a circle where AB is the  M PROBLEM 12: NOV. 2016 CE BRD EXAM a. 23.4 cm b. 21.73 cm
diameter, and a pole standing at A. AB =
10 cm 15 +  5   =M c. 22.1 cm d. 26.83 cm
 12  How many years will it take to double c – a = 10
25, θPB = 20°, θPC = 30°. Find the area of c–b=7 SOLUTION 20:
y the amount of $2000 if it is 8%
triangle BAC. M = 18.46
compounded quarterly? Hint: F = a+b=5
a. 152.95 b. 164.38 Add the three equations
30 cm  The time is 2:M = 2:18.46 (answer) nm
c. 138.29 d. 149.74  r 
P 1   . c – a + c – b + a + b = 10 + 7 + 5
SOLUTION 2: Initial volume of water = final volume of water  m 2c = 22
a. 9 years b. 14 years c = 11
R 2 y  R 2 y  10  r 3
From result in problem # 33, 4 A certain company decided to pay its B
c. 16 years d. 11 years
A ABC = ½(AC)(BC) =½(15.76)(19.41) = 3 loan by installment for 20 years. P1000 PROBLEM 15:
152.95 (answer) at the end of 5 years, P2000 at the end ------------------------------------------------- y
R 2 y  R 2 y  10  (15)3
4 A die is loaded in such a way that an
PROBLEM 3: of 10 years and P3000 at the end of 15 SOLUTION 12: even number is twice as likely to occur A C
3 D
A quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in a years. Determine the equivalent annual F = P(1 + i)n × 4 as an odd number. If E is the event that
circle with diameter 25. The center is at (15)3  R 2 (10) payment when i = 8%. n 4 a number less than 4 occurs on a single x=12 48
O,  CAB = 30°. Find  BOC. 3 a. 371.63 b. 591.83  0.08 
2P = P 1   toss of the die, find P(E).
a. 40 b. 60 R = 21.213 cm c. 481.43 d. 261.67  4  a. 2/5 b. 5/6
z = 60

c. 50 d. 70 2R = 2(21.213) c. 4/9 d. 7/6

SOLUTION 9: 2 = (1.02) n × 4
D = 2R = 42.43 cm SOLUTION 15: By Tangent-Secant Theorem:
SOLUTION 3: FA y2 = xz
PROBLEM 6: n = 8.75 yrs (say 9 years) (answer) Pls refer to page 26 example #2.23 from
C the book of Probability by Walpole y2 = 12(60)
B A tourist bus has 71 passengers, 10 of
y = 26.83
which are Chinese, 24 are Japanese, A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A PROBLEM 13:
and 37 are Filipinos. Three passengers The deflection angle from PC of two SITUATION 1: SITUATION 2:
are randomly asked to get out of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 points A and B on a simple curve are If a permutation of the word WHITE is Problems on Sets
O D bus, one after the other. Find the 1000 2000 3000 3°15’ and 8°15’, respectively. The chord selected at random, GIVEN: Sets
probability that the three passengers are distance between A and B is 40 m. Find 16. Find the probability that permutation A= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
Chinese. F2 the length of the curve from PC to A. begins with a consonant. B= {x : x is positive odd integral;
a. 24/11431 b. 27/62531
a. 25.03 m b. 19.62 m a. 3/5 b. 1/10 x<7}
c. 21/23231 d. 25/18854 c. 32.83 m d. 29.04 m c. 2/5 d. 4/5 C= {2, 3, 4, 6, 10}
By Theory of Equivalence, at the end of 17. Find the probability that permutation U= {x : x is natural; x ≤ 15}
By Peripheral Angle Theorem, SOLUTION 6: 20 years:
ends with a vowel. 21. A ∩ B
 COB = Arc BC =2(  BAC)=2(30) = 10 9 8 SOLUTION 13:
P = x x = 24/11431 F 4 = F1 + F2 + F3 a. 3/5 b. 1/10 a. A ∩ B= { 1, 3, 5}
60(answer) 71 70 69 c. 2/5 d. 4/5 b. A ∩ B= { 2, 3, 5}
(1  i)  1 20
(answer) A = P1(1 + i)15 + P2(1 + i)10 + 18. Find the probability that permutation c. A ∩ B= { 1, 5, 7}
PROBLEM 4: i has the consonant and vowels d. A ∩ B= { 1, 2, 4}
A hyperbola has the equation 4x2 – 6y2 + PROBLEM 7: P3(1 + i)15 alternating.
22. B U C
46 = 0. What is the angle between the An equipment was bought for a price of (1  i) 20  1 a. 3/5 b. 1/10
asymptotes? P55 M with a salvage value of P0.5 M at A = P1(1 + i)15 + P2(1 + i)10 + c. 2/5 d. 4/5 a. B U C= { 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10}
i b. B U C= { 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10}
a. 83.52 b. 56.29 the end of its life after 18 years.
P3(1 + i) 15 SOLUTION 16-18:
c. B U C= { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10}
c. 78.48 d. 63.18
Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center

d. B U C= { 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10} D c. 27/125 d. 29/49

46. Find the adjusted latitude for side
23. A ∩ (B ∩ C) 36. three black balls are drawn in CD using Compass rule
a. A ∩ (B ∩ C) = 1 succession? 20o 8m
a. 101.84 m b. 108.84 m Key equation:
b. A ∩ (B ∩ C) = 2 a. 12/49 b. 29/140 T
c. 148.84 m d. 158.84 m Fdebt =Fpayment
c. A ∩ (B ∩ C) = 3
d. A ∩ (B ∩ C) = 4 y
c. 27/125 d. 29/49
37. three white balls are drawn in
47. Find the adjustment for departure of
side CD using Compass rule P(1 + i)n = A
1 i  1

1 0.08  1
24. A’ succession, with replacement? a. - 607.21 m b. - 602.21 m
20o 40
a. A’= {12, 13, 14, 15, 16} a. 12/49 b. 29/140 c. - 597.21 m d. - 577.21 m
R 10o 100 701.3(1+0.08) = A19
b. A’= {11, 12, 13, 14, 15} A B C c. 27/125 d. 29/49 R
c. A’= {10, 12, 14, 15, 16} 20o 48. Find the adjusted distance for side
75 m x PROBLEM 38: A = P30 000
d. A’= {11, 12, 12, 13, 15} CD using Compass rule .
The time required to accomplish a a. 603 m b. 607 m
25. (B ∩ C)’ y = (75 + x) tan 20 = x tan 40 vehicle maneuver. PROBLEM 50:
PROBLEM 42: c. 605 m d. 604 m
a. (B ∩ C)’= { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, x = 57.45 a. maneuver time b. perception time The corrected area of a square lot is 1 Find the area bounded by the curve y2 =
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15} c. overtaking time d. detection time hectare and the total error in the SOLUTION 46-48: 4x and the line y + 2x = 12
b. (B ∩ C)’= { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, y = x tan 40 = 57.45 tan 40 = 48.16 m Use Mode Complex of your Calculator. Convert a. 31.67 b. 21.67
PROBLEM 39: CE Brd Exam-May 2012 computed area is 4.004 m2. If a 100 m
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15} (answer) the lines to polar form r  . c. 51.67 d. 41.67
A backhoe component exhibits a tape is used in the measurement,
c. (B ∩ C)’= { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, compute the error in length of tape, let
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}
negative exponential failure distribution SOLUTION 50:
PROBLEM 31: NOV. 2016 CE BRD EXAM with a mean time to failure of 1000 which is found to be too short. AB = 420  (90- 4520’) = 420  4440’
d. (B ∩ C)’= { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Solve for the points of intersection
A box contains 5 defectives and 195 hours. The maximum operating time a. 0.04 b. 0.05 →SHIFT STO. A
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15} From equation of the line :
non-defective cellphones. A quality c. 0.02 d. 0.016 BC = 605  (270 + 65 10’) = 605  33510’
such that the reliability remains above y = 12 - 2x  substitute to equation of the
control engineer selects 2 cellphones at 99% is most probably _____. →SHIFT STO. B
PROBLEM 27: SOLUTION 42: CD = 600  (90+ 8015’) =
random without replacement. What is a. 16.18 hrs b. 10.05 hrs (12 - 2x)2 = 4x
A grade of -5% is followed by a grade of the probability that exactly one is c. 17.42 hrs d. 12.14 hrs Scorrect = Staped + Etotal  eqn 1 600  17015’→SHIFT STO. C
+1%. The grade is intersecting at a ACorrect = 1 ha. = 10 000 m2 144 - 48 x + 4x2 = 4x
defective? DA = 280  (270+ 5530’) 4x2 - 52x + 144 = 0  divide by 4
vertex (Sta 10 + 060). The change of a. 0.049 b. 0.024 SOLUTION 39: =280  32530’→SHIFT STO. D
grade is restricted to 0.4% in 20 m. S Correct 2 = 10000 x2 - 13x + 36 = 0 y
c. 0.502 d. 0.132 For exponential failure distribution:
Compute the length of the vertical S Correct = 100 m (x - 4) (x -9) = 0
T / T LINE r
parabolic sag curve in meters. --------------------------------------------- Probability = e x =Calculator
4 and x = 9 (4, 4)
SOLUTION 31: Ataped = = 10 004.004 m2 Vector xL - x P
0.99= e  T / 1000 solve T D
+Li y = 12
x = 4:
a. 450 b. 400 D = probability that the item picked is 2
Staped = 10 004.004 - 2(4) = 4
T = 10.05 hrs AB 420  4440’ 291.60 288.22i A x
c. 300 d. 350 defective
N = probability that the item picked is PROBLEM 40: CE Brd Exam-May 2012 Staped = 100.02 m Subst to eqn 1 BC 605  33510’ 549.06 -254.09i whenBx = 9:
--------------------------------------------- y = 12 - 2(9) = -6
no-defective If 3 < x < 7 and 6 > x > 2 which of the 100 = 100.02 + E CD 600  17015’ -591.33 101.61i C
SOLUTION 27: following best describes E = - 0.02m  (too short) DA 280  32530’ -230.76 -158.59i Thus,D points of (9, -6)
B = g1 –g2 = -5% – 1% = 6%  total a. 3 < x < 6 b. 3 < x < 7 intersection are
P = DN + ND Another Solution: =
change in grade c. 2 < x < 6 d. 2 < x < 7 (4,4) and (9,-6)
5 195 195 5 S A+B+C+
6% P=   
L= = 300 m (answer) 200 199 200 199 SOLUTION 40: Lm 2 L c 2 D 29.4  -50.91 18.56 -22.85i xL = xEof the line
0 .4 %  Sum of distances= xP = x of the parabola
39 In set theory, the word “AND” means intersection. Am Ac
20 m P= = 0.049 (answer) absolute 410 + 605 + 600 + 280 D= L= dA = (xL - xP)dy
By ploting the relation bet. 3 < x < 7 and 6 > x > 2
1002 
100  e2 S Values = 1895 meters 1662.74 802.51i In as much as we are dealing with ‘dy’ , solve for
PROBLEM 28: PROBLEM 32: Intersection or values 10004.004 10000 xL and xP in terms of y.
A man bought a lot worth P1M if paid in An area where two or more roads come common to them E = linear error of Closure
together. 3<x<6 e = 0.02 m
cash. On the installment basis, he paid a E = A + B + C + D = 18.56-22.85i → For the line :
downpayment of P200 000;P300 000 at a. intersection b. channel 2<x<6 3<x<7 SHIFT STO. E y
c. skyway d. freeway x 6
the end of one year;P400 000 at the end PROBLEM 43: SHIFT 2 3 = 2
of three years and final payment at the PROBLEM 33: In the design of auxiliary lanes, the E = 29.4  -50.91 (answer)
end of five years. What was the final number of cars that need to be stored For the parabola:
How many liters of a 50 % alcohol distance CD
payment if interest rate was 20% solution must be added to 60 liters of a during peak hours is known as: CD Adjusted = CD – E( ) y2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7  dis tan ce x
compounded annually? 10% alcohol solution to obtain a mixture a. capacity b. volume 4
a. P529 856 b. P695 480 which is 30% alcohol? All percents are VALUES OF “X” c. platoons d. traffic CD Adjusted = 600  17015’ – (29.4  -
c. P862 470 d. P792 576 Thus:
by volume. PROBLEM 41: PROBLEM 44: 600
50.91)( )  y y  2 
PROBLEM 29: a. 60 liters b. 50 liters A simple curve has a central angle of The number of vehicles that pass a point 1895 dA =    6 - dy
c. 15 liters d. 40 liters  2 4 
The length of spiral easement curve is 20. If the offset distance from the on a highway during a specified time
CD Adjusted = -597.21+ 108.84i = y4
100 m with a central curve of radius 300 SOLUTION 33: tangent passing through PC to the point interval.
y 2 

m. Compute the offset distance from a. platoon b.traffic volume 607  169.66  y
given given Resulting
of tangency (P.T) is 8 m, compute the A=   2  6 - 4  dy
tangent to the second quarter point of radius of the curve. c. fleet d. mobility CD adjusted = 169.66 - 90 = N79.66W  
solution solution solution y  6
spiral. a. 132.65 m b. 131.76 m Therefore
1 2 PROBLEM 45: 4
a. 0.923 m b. 0.345 m c. 138.43 m d. 156.26 m Dcd adjusted = - 597.21 meters  y2   3
Find the 6th term in the series whose
Lcd adjusted = 108.84 meters A     6y   y 
c. 0.694 m d. 0.423 m water water 2  4   12 
) ) ) SOLUTION 41: sum of n terms is given by (n -1)/3.     6
PROBLEM 30: NOV. 2016 CE BRD EXAM + = From triangle 0-PI-PT: CD Adjusted = 607  169.66
A tree has an angle of elevation of 20 Amount alcohol= alcohol= alcohol= a. 11/3 b. 8/5  42 43 
of 30%(60+x T = R tan10  eqn 1 A    6(4)  -
degrees. As the observer walks 75 10%(60) 50%x
From right triangle A-PI-PT: c. 5/4 d. 15/7 PROBLEM 49:  4 12 
meters nearer to the tree, the angle of alcohol
Qty. of )
60 lit x 60+x 8 A debt of P100 701.30 is to be paid by
 (6)2
elevation becomes 40 degrees. Find the solution Sin 20 = SOLUTION 45: (6)3 
10-end of the year payments. The first   6(6)  
2 4 12 
height of the tree. key equation: S6 = sum of 6 terms = (6 -1)/3 = 35/3 payment begins at the end of the 10 th 
a. 48.16 b. 57.17 T = 23.39 m
Consider alcohol content : 2 year. Find the yearly payment if rate of
c. 38.26 d. 40.07 Substitute T to eqn 1 S5 = sum of 5 terms = (5 -1)/
3 = 24/3 interest is 8% compounded yearly.
A = 41.67 square units (answer)
0.10(60) + 0.50x = 0.30(60 + x)
SOLUTION 30: x = 60 liters.
23.39 = R tan10 a6 = S6 - S5 = 35/3 - 24/3 = 11/3 a. P 30 000 b. P 32 150 PROBLEM 51: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2005
R = 132.65 m c. P 41 501 d. P 28 614
(answer) A vertical parabolic curve has tangent
SOLUTION 49: grades of -3.2% and 4.6% meeting at
An urn contains 30 black balls and 20
SITUATION 4: point station 73+180 whose elevation is
white balls. What is the probability that
Given the following traverse notes taken Fdebt 998 m. If the length of curve is 440 m,
34. a white ball and a black ball are
by a survey party, find the stationing of P.T.
drawn in succession?
LINE BEARING DISTANCE a. 73 + 200 b. 73 + 400
a. 12/49 b. 29/140 P = P100701.3

c. 27/125 d. 29/49 AB N 45°20’ E 410 m c. 73 + 220 d. 73 + 420

BC S 65°10’ E 605 m 0 1 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
19 19 0 0
35. a black ball and a white ball are CD N 80°15’ W 600 m debt 0 0 SOLUTION 51:
drawn in succession? DA S 55°30’ W 280 m A A A A A A A A A A
a. 12/49 b. 29/140 payments

Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center

L = 440 m c. 35.5 d. 40.8 c. 3 d. 6 From where he stands, one step toward

L/2 = 220 m the cliff would send the drunken man C
SOLUTION 61: 59
P.C P.T SOLUTION 57: over the edge. He takes random steps,
logx 625 = 4 either toward or away from the cliff. At
g1=3.2% g2 = 4.6% V2 x4 = 625 70 59 B
tan = any step his probability of taking a step 70
gR x=5 away is 2/3, of a step toward the cliff is
73+180 V2
PROBLEM 62: 1/3. What is his chance of escaping the D 40
tan6o = A E
9.81150 The following notes were taken during a cliff?
 is practically 90 (i.e. horizontal at point C is
differential leveling. What is the a. 4/7 b. 3/7 60
m 3.
28 ft
s  perpendicular to vertical at point B.)
Sta. of P.T = sta.PI + L/2 V = 12.44 s  

 
  difference in elevations between BM1 c. 3/5 d. 3/6
1 m 
5280 
ft1hr  60 40 12  y
Sta. of P.T = (73+180) + 220 and BM2? tan 2 o 30' 
Sta. of P.T = 73 +400 V = 27.81 mph SOLUTION 65: 2000
Sta B.S F.S Elev. Let the man stand on position “1” of the number
BM1 7.11 571.05 y = 75.32 m.
PROBLEM 58: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2005 line shown below. A
SITUATION 5: 8.83 1.24 hcr = 0.0675k2
A line was found to be 2395.25 m, when
The volume of sphere is 2060 cm . Find Let: hcr = 0.0675(2)2
11.72 1.11 AABCD = ABCD+ AABD
measured with a 30 m steel tape the surface area. F = probability that he will step forward hcr = 0.27 m
BM2 10.21 1 1
supported throughout its length under a a. 861.42 cm2 b. 648.71 cm2 B = probability that he will step backward = 1- F AABCD= (BC)(CD)sin(70+59)+ (AB)(
c. 546.21 cm 2
d. 782.28 cm 2 a. 15.1 m b. 16.2 m Note that he falls over the Cliff if he reach a 2 2 Elev. B = elev.A + 1.1 + hcr + y
pull of 4 kg at a mean temperature of
c. 13.5 m d. 16.5 m coordinate of x = 0. AD)sin(60+40) Elev B = 133.33 + 1.1 + 0.27 + 75.32
35C. Tape was of standard length at Elev B = 210.02 m
20C, under a pull of 5 kg (supported SOLUTION 58: SOLUTION 62: X
(300.58)( 2001.58)sin(129)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
throughout its length). Tape cross 4 3 BS = 7.11 + 8.83 + 11.72 2 PROBLEM 70:
sectional area is 0.03 sq. cm. V = r FS = 1.24 + 1.11 + 10.21 1 A triangle is inscribed in a circle with
3 1ST STEP F B + (3856.7)( 5001.7)sin(100)
Coefficient of thermal expansion is Difference in elevation = BS - FS 2 one-side lies on the diameter of circle.
4 3
0.0000116/C. Modulus of elasticity of 2060 = r Difference in elevation = 15.1 m AABCD = 9 732 278 m2
One angle of the triangle is 60 and its
tape 3 2ND STEP FB B2 opposite side is 15 cm. Find the area of
Material is 2 x 106 kg/cm2. r = 7.89 cm PROBLEM 63: the circle.
A 3 – degree curve has an external PROBLEM 67:
52. Find the error due to change in a. 235.6 cm2 b. 214.3 cm2
3RD STEP F2B FB2 B3 A steel tape is 100 m. long at a standard
temperature. Surface Area, A = 4r2 distance of 8.53 m. What is the central c. 314.4 cm2 d. 134.5 cm2
pull of 65 N. Compute the pull correction
a. +0.3286 b. +0.4168 A = 4(7.89)2 angle? Use chord basis.
in mm if during measurement the SOLUTION 70:
A = 782.28 cm2 a. 28 b. 24 4TH STEP F2B2 FB3 B4
c. +0.3192 d. +0.4076 applied pull is 40 N. The tape has a By Pythagorean:
53. Find the error due to pull. c. 18 d. 14 15
cross sectional area of 3.18 mm2 and a
a. -0.0288 b. -0.0399 PROBLEM 59: CE Brd Exam-May 2001 5TH STEP F3B2 F2B3 FB4 B5 sin 60 = 15
The sum of the first “n” terms of a series SOLUTION 63: modulus of elasticity E = 200 GPa. D
c. -0.0146 d. -0.0314 a. 2 mm b. 3 mm
54. Find the corrected length of the line. is 3(n+2) – 6. Compute the 5th term of the For chord basis, degree of curve is the angle AND SO ON… D = 17.32 cm 60 30
series. subtended by 20 m chord. c. 5 mm d. 4 mm  2 D
a. 2395.1514 b. 2395.5426 A= D
c. 2395.6269 d. 2395.4231 a. 3456 b. 2181 We can observe that x=0 on every “odd SOLUTION 67: 4
c. 1458d. d. 1895 10 10
2395.2468 steps” Standard condition: 
A= (17.32)2
SOLUTION 52: SOLUTION 59: 1.50 1.50 And each probability is given by the L = 100 m 4
R P1 = 65N
Error due to change in temp. expression Fn+1Bn. A = 235.6 cm2
Sn = 3(n+2) – 6
e = TL Thus, Actual condition:
e = 11.6 x 10-6(35-20)(30) S5 = a1+ a2+ a3+ a4+ a5 = 3(5+2) – 6  sin 1.5 = 10/R inf inity
e = +0.00522 m S4 = a1+ a2+ a3+ a4 = 3(4+2) – 6   R = 382.02 m Probability of falling =  F n1B n P2 = 40N
P = 40 – 65 = -25N A price tag of P1000 will have a 3%
Etotal = e(no. Of times the tape was Subtract eqn 2 from eqn 1 discount if paid within 30 days. Find the
But as n approaches infinity, the PL
used) a5 = 3(5+2) – 3(4+2) = 1458 (answer) ep  simple interest.
expression Fn+1Bn approaches zero. At n AE
 2395.25  a. 37.1% b. 26.5%
PROBLEM 60:  25100
Etotal =  0.00522  = 100, it is practically zero. c. 18.4% d. 42.5%
 30  ep 
Using the following notes, what is the Thus,
elevation of BM14? I/2 I/2 n 100
Etotal = +0.4168 m R
 F n1B n
STA. B.S F.S ELEV. Probability of falling  ep = -0.004 m I = 3%(1000)
n 0 ep = - 4 mm I = P30
SOLUTION 53: BM12 4.64 209.65
ep = 4 mm (too short)
1 5.80 5.06 n100 n1 n 1000 = P + 30
Error due to change in pull:  1 2
PL 2 2.25 5.02 Probability of falling    
 
P = P970
I = Pin
e= n 0
BM13 6.02 5.85 Find the value of k so that 2k + 2, 5k –
Probability of falling  3/7 30 = 970i(30/360)
3 8.96 4.34 11, and 7k – 13 will form a geometric
PL Probability of Not falling  1 - 3/7 progression.
i = 0.371
e= 4 8.06 3.22 I R
 i = 37.1%
AE 5 9.45 3.71 cos Probability of Not falling  4/7 (answer) a. 5 b. 8
2 RE PROBLEM 72: CE Brd Exam May 2000
4  530 6 12.32 2.02 c. 7 d. 6

0.03 2  106 BM14 1.98 I
cos 
2 382.02  8.53
Given the following: SOLUTION 68:
A closed cylindrical tank is to be made
from 381.7 m2 material. What should be
e = -0.0005 m a. 235.95 m b. 245.92 m the height for maximum volume?
c. 223.25 m d. 236.51 m I = 24 Line Bearing Distance 5k  11 7k  13
 2395.25   a. 9 m b. 10 m.
Etotal =  0.0005  2k  2 5k  11 c. 13 m. d. 14 m.
 30  SOLUTION 60: PROBLEM 64: A–B N40E 3856.7 m 5k  112  2k  27k  13
Etotal = -0.0399 m STA. B.S F.S ELEV. At 6 %, find the capitalized cost of a B–C N59W 300.58 m 11k  98k  147  0
BM12 4.64 209.65 bridge whose cost is P250 M and life is C-D S70W 2001.58 m k7 D
SOLUTION 54: 1 5.80 5.06 209.23 20 years, if the bridge must be partially D-A S60E 5001.7 m
Total error of the measurement: 2 2.25 5.02 210.01 rebuilt at a cost of P100 M at the end of Solve for the area of the triangulation. PROBLEM 69:
E = 0.41677 - 0.04 BM13 6.02 5.85 206.41 each 20 years. a. 9732278 m2 b. 7732278 m2 The top of the tower signal at B 2000 m
E = +0.3767 m 3 8.96 4.34 208.09 a. P185.1 M b. P314.7 M c. 6732278 m2 d. 8732278 m2 away from A was sighted through a
Scorrected = Smeasured + Etotal 4 8.06 3.22 213.83 c. P295.3 M d. P225.1 M transit with recorded vertical angle of H
Scorrected = 2395.25 + (+0.3767) 5 9.45 3.71 218.18 230’. The height of the tower situated
Scorrected = 2395.627 m 6 12.32 2.02 225.61 on the top of the tower is 12 m. and the
Capitalized cost :
BM14 1.98 235.95 height of the transit above the point
Cap. cost = sum of present worth of all future
PROBLEM 57: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2005 B.S F.S where it is set is 1.10 m. The elevation
The angle of embankment of a circular = 57.5 = 31.2 of the point under the transit at A is
Capitalized cost = FC + A/i A = 381.7 m2
curve road is 6. The radius of the El. BM14 – El. BM12 = B.S – F.S 133.33 m. Compute the elevation of the
Capitalized cost = 250 + A = 2R2 + 2RH
simple curve is 150 m. Find the El. BM14 = 209.65 + 57.5 – 31.2 base of the signal B.
maximum velocity of a car that can El. B.B14 = 235.95 m  100  a. 255 m b. 180 m 381.7= 2R2 + 2RH
 
 1  0.06  1
travel through the curve in mph such
20 c. 230 m d. 210 m 60.75  R2
that there will no friction between the H=
tires and the pavement. What is the value of x in logx625 = 4? Capitalized cost = P 295.3 M SOLUTION 69: R
a. 27.8 b. 30.5 a. 5 b. 4
 y
o ’
C 2 30
1.1m hcr
Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center

 60.75  R2  you’ve got to keep going until you come From where he stands, one step toward F2 = P2(2)(6)
V = R2H = R2   = (60.75R – out on the other side into the light. the cliff would send the drunken man F2 = 8.24(2)(6) = 98.88 kN
 R 
  Instead of getting discouraged, be over the edge. He takes random steps, F3 =1/2P3(2)(6)
R3) persistent and pray. either toward or away from the cliff. At F3 = 0.5(49.44)(2)(6) = 296.64 kN

  60.75  3R2  Galatians 6:9 says, “Let us not become
weary in doing good, for at the proper
any step his probability of taking a step
away is 2/3, of a step toward the cliff is
Ftotal = F3 + F2 – F1
Ftotal = 296.64 + 98.88 – 225
time we will reap a harvest if we do not 1/3. What is his chance of escaping the Ftotal = 170.52 kN
For maximum volume,Set dV/dR = 0 give up” (NIV). cliff?
0 = 60.75 – 3R2 This is the law of the harvest: There is a. 4/7 b. 3/7 SOLUTION 49:
R = 4.5 m always a delay between sowing and c. 3/5 d. 3/6 By Varignon’s theorem:
60.75  4.52 reaping. You plant in one season, and Ftotal(y) = F3(2/3)(6) + F2(3) –F1(3)
H= =9m
you reap in another. God wants to see if SOLUTION 65:
4.5 170.52y = 296.64(4) + 98.88(3) -225(3)
you’re going to keep cultivating, Let the man stand on position “1” of the number
y= 4.74 m
ANOTHER SOLUTION: planting, and sowing. If he sees line shown below.
consistency in your life, then the harvest Let:
D = H = 2R F = probability that he will step forward SOLUTION 50:
will come. It will not come immediately,
B = probability that he will step backward = 1- F Mhinge = 0
because it proves nothing if he does it
Note that he falls over the Cliff if he reach a Ftotal(y) = P(6)
immediately — no character
coordinate of x = 0. 6P = 170.52(4.74)
development or stretching your faith.
P = 134.71 kN
Luke 18:1 tells us that we “must always X
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
H pray and never lose heart” (Phillips).
Those are the two options you have in
life: Pray continually, or lose heart. You 1ST STEP F B

will always be doing one or the other. If

you pray continually, you will not be SITUATION 2: DESIGN
discouraged. If you don’t pray SOLUTION 4 – 5:
For a closed cylindrical tank of maximum volume, continually, you will lose heart. You will Loading for Max +Vc P = 116 kN
H = 2R = D get discouraged by the problems you’re 9.35 kN/m 9.35 kN/m
A = 2R2 + 2RH facing in your life — whether it’s at work kN/m
381.7= 2R2 + 2RH or at school or in your family. You’ve got 4TH STEP F2B2 FB3 B4
to keep on praying! 2m 5m 5m
381.7 = 2R2 + 2R(2R)
381.7 = 6R2 What do you pray during the delay 5TH STEP F3B2 F2B3 FB4 B5
R = 4.5 phases of life? Pray, “Help me hold on
H =2R = 2(4.5) = 9 m and not give up.” God will hear you, and y3
PROBLEM 74: he will help. You are not alone, so you y1
They inform and advise users of don’t have to get discouraged, even We can observe that x=0 on every “odd y2
directions, distances, router, the location when you are delayed. steps”
of services for road users and points of Talk It Over And each probability is given by the By ratio and proportion,
interest.  What lesson have you learned in expression Fn+1Bn. 1 y1 y 2 y 3
your delay? How can you apply that   
Thus, 10 2 5 5
a. Warning sign b. Guide lesson to the pursuit of your dream? inf inity
y1 = 0.2
signs  What does it mean to pray
continually or “always pray”? How is
Probability of falling =  F n1B n y2 = 0.5
c. Traffic signs d. Traffic n0
y3 = 0.5
lights that possible? But as n approaches infinity, the
 How has God shown you in the past expression Fn+1Bn approaches zero. At n Max +Vc = Py3 + w×(Aab+ Acd)
that he is faithful? Remind yourself = 100, it is practically zero. Max +Vc = 116(0.5) + 9.35 [( 21 (0.2) + 1
ANSWER: b. Guide signs of those experiences when you start 2
to doubt his faithfulness in your n 100
Max +Vc = 71.5575
delay. Probability of falling   F n1B n Loading for Max -Vc P = 116 kN
Don’t Settle for Less Than n 0
9.35 kN/m
God’s Best n100
 1
n kN/m
By Rick Warren — Sep 18, 2017 Probability of falling    
 
n 0 2m 5m 5m
“Let us not become weary in doing Probability of falling  3/7
good, for at the proper time we will Probability of Not falling  1 - 3/7 Max – Vc = Py2 + w × Abc
reap a harvest if we do not give up” Max – Vc = 116(-0.5) + 9.35 ( 1
Probability of Not falling  4/7 (answer) 2
(Galatians 6:9 NIV).
When you go through the delays in life, Max – Vc = -69.6875 kN
don’t get discouraged. Don’t lose heart. SITUATION 10: HYDRO
Don’t give up!
Loading for Max +Vc with P at free end:
The Israelites did, and it kept them out
P = 116 kN 9.35 kN/m
of the Promised Land. Numbers 14:2-4 Pg = -18.75 kPa kN/m
says, “All the Israelites grumbled against 9.35 kN/m
Moses . . . ‘If only we had died in Egypt!
. . . We should choose a leader and go 2m 5m 5m
back to Egypt” (NIV). They gave up on Oil hinge
S = 0.84
their dream. They had been rescued Max + Vc = Py1 + w × (Aab+ Acd)
after 400 years of slavery but then F2 F1 1
Max + Vc = 116(0.2) + 9.35 [( 2(0.2) +
wanted to go back because they were y 2
F3 1
being delayed. 2
Like the Israelites, some people would Ftotal
Max + Vc = 36.7575 kN
rather live in slavery than face the fear
of freedom. P SITUATION 6: DESIGN
They are not willing to push through and P3 P2 P1 SOLUTION 17:
work on the problem until they get it Forces acting on Solve for the effective ultimate soil reaction
right. They want to give up. They settle the gate
for mediocrity in life. wULT = 1.4D + 1.7L
Don’t settle for less than God’s best for P1 = -18.75 kPa (vacuum) wULT = 1.4 (30) + 1.7(80)
your life. If that means going through a P2 = oil(1) = 0.84(9.81)(1) = 8.24 kPa
tunnel of conflict, take the tunnel. In the P3 = 0.84(9.81)(6) = 49.44 kPa wULT = 178 kN/m
middle of the tunnel, it will be dark, and F1 = P1(2)(6) Consider 1 meter strip:
you will want to run back to the light. But F1 = 18.75(2)(6) = 225 kN PULT = 178 kN/m (1m) = 178 kN
Battery Test 1A – Mathematics PADILLA-GIG Review Center
Spacing = 1000 mm/
qULT = = 101.7143 kPa 3.102253124 pcs
1 1.75
Round down the value of Spacing to
Xm = (1750 – 150)/2 = 800 mm MATHEMATICS AND SURVEYING SET A
nearest 10mm
Spacing = 320 mm on center PROBLEM 1:
10 mm  temperature. bars (ANSWER) Find the derivative of 2 cos(2+x3).
a. - 6x2sin(2 + x3) b. - 6x2cos(2 + x3)
16 mm  main bars
SOLUTION 18: c. 6x2sin(2 + x3) d. 6x2cos(2 + x3)
Critical section for Moment
10 mm  temperature. bars PROBLEM 2: PROBLEM 11:
Xm = 800 mm 150 mm
16 mm  main bars
Nine less than eight times the number is equal to 39. Find the All seven-digit telephone numbers begin with 350. How many
number. telephone numbers maybe assigned if the last four digits should
Critical section for Shear a. 5 b. 7 not begin or end in zero?
d 800 mm c. 6 d. 8
250 mm a. 8100 b. 7500
8 mm Xv = d = PROBLEM 3: c. 8520 d. 6100
75 mm 633 167 A certain company decided to pay its loan by installment for 20
qult = years. P1000 at the end of 5 years, P2000 at the end of 10 years Given the following traverse notes taken by a survey party,
101.7143 kPa and P3000 at the end of 15 years. Determine the equivalent LINE BEARING DISTANCE
d annual payment when i = 8%.
250 mm AB N 45°20’ E 450 m
L=1.75 meters a. 370 b. 590
8 mm BC S 65°10’ E 615 m
75 mm
c. 480 d. 260
CD N 80°15’ W 620 m
d = 250 – 75 – 8 = 167 mm (min) PROBLEM 4: DA S 55°30’ W 260 m
qult =
101.7143 kPa How many years will it take to double the amount of $2000 if it is 12. Find the adjusted latitude for side CD using Compass rule
qULT ( X m )2
Mu = nm a. 99.97 m b. 100.84 m
2  r  c. 988.45 m d. 99.14 m
8% compounded quarterly? Hint: F = P  1   .
101.7143 ( 0.800 )2 Vud = qu(Xv)(1m)  m 
Mu = Xv = Xm – d 13. Find the adjustment for departure of side CD using Compass
2 a. 9 years b. 14 years rule
Xv = 800 – 167 c. 16 years d. 11 years
Mu = 32.549 kNm Xv = 633 mm = 0.633 m a. - 627.89 m b. - 622.11 m
To be safe in flexure, Vud = 101.7143(0.633)(1) PROBLEM 5: c. - 625.21 m d. - 526.58 m

Mu(actual)  Mu (allow) Vud = 101.7143(0.633)(1m) Chelsea and Joy before taking the first day of examination 14. Find the adjusted distance for side CD using Compass rule .
Vud = 64.38515 kN decided to eat their breakfast in Pizza Hut. Chelsea ordered 3 a. 635.82 m b. 637.48 m
Mu(actual) < bd2fc’(q - 0.59q2) slices of pizza and 2 regular softdrinks and paid Php 600.00, c. 636.82 m d. 633.48 m
while Joy ordered 2 slices of pizza and 3 regular softdrinks and
32.549 × 106 < fv = Vud /Av was charge of Php 525.00. How much is the cost of each slice of 15. Find the linear error of closure.
0.9(1000)(167)2(20.7)(q - 0.59q2) fv = 64.38515 /1(0.167) pizza? a. 29.40 m b. 55.17 m
c. 69.32 m d. 11.15 m
fv = 385.54 kPa (ANSWER) a. Php 200.00 /pc b. Php 370.50 /pc
0.062645 < q - 0.59q2
c. Php 150.00 /pc d. Php 400.00 /pc 16. Find the relative error.
0.59q2 – q + 0.062645 < 0 a. 2.33% b. 2.84%
By quadratic equation solver, c. 1.55% d. 1.87%
WF = Weight of footing How many minutes after 3 o’clock will the hour and minute hand
q = 1.63 and 0.06515 WF = concreteVfooting will be perpendicular? PROBLEM 17:
WF = 24(0.250)(B)(1) a. 3:32.73 b. 3:23.45 A closed traverse has the following data:
Take q = 0.06515 WF = 6B LINE BEARING DISTANCE
c. 3:36.36 d. 3:40.15
qfc' 0.06515(20.7) AB ? 44.43
=  WTOTAL = W D + W L + WF PROBLEM 7: BC ? 136.54
fy 415 WTOTAL = 30(1) + 80(1) + 6B Find the ratio of the volume of water and volume of cone if the CD N145’E 12.58
 = 0.00325 WTOTAL = 110 + 6B height of water is 2/3 the height of the cone? DA N7210’E 62.86
Check minimum and maximum required  7 8 EA S4813’E 107.72
a. b. Find the bearing of line BC.
For soil to be safe in bearing, 28 27
1.4 f ' a. S87.76W b. N88.2E
min  bigger of or c actual ≤ allowable 8 5
fy 4 fy c. d. c. N87.76W d. S87.76E
Wtotal 28 27
fc ' 20.7
 90 PROBLEM 18:
 = 0.00274 A PROBLEM 8: An existing road is tangential to a circular lake 12 m along the
4f y 4( 415) Find y’ if x = 2 arc cos 2t and y = 4 arc cos 2t.
110  6B existing road, an 8 meter new road is constructed at the
 90 a. 4 b. -4 periphery of the lake. The new road is extended to cross the lake.
 = 1.4  1.4 = 0.003735 1(B)
fy 415 c. -2 d. 2 What is the length of the bridge?
Therefore: 1.31 meters ≤ B (ANSWER) a. 17 m b. 25 m
PROBLEM 9: c. 14 m d. 10 m
min = 0.003735
Three circle tangent externally with 3, 5 and 9 radius respectively.
Find the area of the triangle formed by connecting the centers of PROBLEM 19:
Use  = min = 0.003735 the three circles. ABCD is a square with side equal to 10 cm. PQRS is another
As = bd a. 49.71 unit2 b. 41.24 unit2 square inside ABCD. PQAB, QSBC, RSDC and PRAD are
As = 0.003735(1000)(167) = c. 47.91 unit2 d. 56.14 unit2 identical trapezia with area equal to 16 cm2. Find the height of the
623.745 mm2 PROBLEM 10: a. 2 cm b. 3 cm
n16 = number of 16 mm diameter An existing highway with a bearing of N20E is to be connected c. 1 cm d. 4 cm
to another highway with bearing N80E, by a 4 degree simple
bars required curve. Find the length of the curve? PROBLEM 20:
a. 400 m b. 300 m In a circle, x2 + y2 = 25 find the sub-normal at (3,4).
A s( total)
n16 = c. 200 m d. 250 m a. 4 b. 5
A s(per bar) c. 3 d. 6

623.745 PROBLEM 21:

n16 = = 3.102253124 If the sum of the series is given by the equation S = 3 n + b, what
 2
16 is the difference between the 9th and the 7th term?
a. 11 644 b. 22 644
pcs/1000 mm ftng c. 11 664 d. 22664

In a spherical triangle, a =50 100(2.7)-0.1t. Estimate the expected percent of radioactive PROBLEM 45: A machine has an initial cost of P50 000 and a salvage value of
C = 90, c = 80o. Find the value of side b. material in the milk after 30 days. What is the surface area of a sphere if the volume is 36 m3? P10 000 after 10 years. What is the total depreciation after 3
a. 77.64 b. 74.33 a. 4.24% b. 5.08% a. 52.71 b. 59.73 years?
c. 5.56% d. 8.23% c. 62.41 d. 72.71 a. Php 13 000 b. Php 11 000
c. 102.36 d. 105.78
c. Php 12 000 d. Php 13 500
If a stick is broken in two at random, what is the average length If i = 14% compounded quarterly, find the equivalent interest rate PROBLEM 57:
PROBLEM 23: of the smaller piece? What is the average ratio of the smaller if compounded monthly? Find the maximum life of an equipment if its salvage value is
An inverted conical container has a diameter of 42 in and a depth length to the larger? a. 10.24% b. 13.84% zero. The depreciation charge during the first year is 18 percent.
of 15 in. If water is flowing out of the vertex of the container at a a. 1/2 b. 3/4 c. 21.15% d. 11.90% Use Sum of Years Digit Method.
rate of 35pi in3/s, how fast is the depth of the water dropping c. 1/4 d. 1/3 a. 9 years b. 10 years
when the height is 5 inches? PROBLEM 47: c. 11 years d. 12 years
a. 4/7 b. 5/21 PROBLEM 36:
An equipment that cost P1 800 000 has an estimated life of 5
c. 5/8 d. 7/8 On a railroad, a +0.8% meets a 0.4% grade at station 2 + 700 years and the salvage value is 20% of the first cost. Compute the SITUATION 3:
and at elevation 30 m. The maximum allowable change in grade annual depreciation charge using straight line method. i = 8%. Traverse ABCDE was surveyed years ago using Compass Rule.
PROBLEM 24: per station is 0.2%. Determine the length of the curve. a. 514 756 b. 288 000 The blueprint of the survey was found and the description of
A famous store is having a sale. After 30% discount, a man a. 150 m b. 120 m c. 128 744 d. 209 315 boundaries are as follows: AB = 985 meters S70o29’E, BC = 315
purchase a gadget for $980. What was the original price before c. 130 m d. 140 m meters S26o28’E, CD = 875 meters S65o33’W, DE = 410 meters
the discount? PROBLEM 48: N45o31’W, EA = 650 meters N 10oE. The description of line DA is
a. $1200 b. $1500 PROBLEM 37: blurred and thus, cannot be read.
Find the correct dimension of the largest rectangular lot if the
c. $1400 d. $1300 A land has the following dimensions: 58. Find the corrected latitude.
required fence to be used is 3000 ft.
Line Bearing Distance a. 609.327 m b. 629.327 m
a. 750 ft x 750 ft b. 1000ft x 500 ft
PROBLEM 25: 1–2 N5739W 145.16m c. 649.327 m d. 669.327 m
c. 800 ft x 650 ft d. 850 ft x 650 ft
An isosceles triangle is cut at the edge of a square with sides of 2–3 ???? ????
59. Find the corrected departure.
10 cm. By cutting 4 equal isosceles triangle, an octagon is 3-4 S4445’E 62.10m PROBLEM 49:
formed. Find the measure of the equal sides of the octagon. a. 88.21 m b. 45.28 m
4-1 N3116’E 300 m They inform and advise users of directions, distances, router, the
a. 6.12 b. 4.14 c. 30.27 m d. 94.62 m
Find the total cost of the land if the cost per hectare is 3.1 M. location of services for road users and points of interest.
c. 3.45 d. 5.15 a. Php 6.2389 M b. Php 7.2389 M a. Warning sign b. Guide signs 60. Find the corrected bearing of line EA
c. Php 8.2389 M d. Php 9.2389 M c. Traffic signs d. Traffic lights a. N1002‘52”E b. N110’ 52“E
American West Airlines has 3 models of Boeing aircraft in their c. S1202‘52“W d. N 8o15’21”E
fleet. The 737-300 contains 21 more seats than the 737-200. The
A sector has a central angle of 50 and an area of 502 m2. Find A raised structure including bridge and building supports and PROBLEM 61:
737-500 contains less 36 less seats than twice the number of walkways, over water, typically supported by widely spread piles
the radius of the circle? A compound curve has a common tangent equal to 520 m. The
seats in 737-200. The total number of seats for the 3 models is or pillars?
a. 35.92 m2 b. 33.92 m2 first curve has a radius equal to 300 m and has subtended angle
437. a. wharf b. pier
26. Find the number of seats for 737-200 aircraft. c. 23.92 m2 d. 45.92 m2 equal to 50 while the second curve has central angle of 35.
c. ports d. cargo What is the length of the second curve?
a. 113 b. 134 PROBLEM 39:
c. 190 d. 152 PROBLEM 51: a. 842.78 m b. 629.41 m
Find P, when P(x) = x3 – 2x2 – 24, x = 3. c. 736.22 m d. 948.16 m
27. Find the number of seats for 737-300 aircraft. a. -23 b. -15 Find the value of x that passes through point (1,4) in the function
a. 113 b. 134 c. -12 d. -20 f(x) = 3x + 1 and g(x) = x2 + 2. PROBLEM 62:
c. 190 d. 152 a. 1.62 b. 3.32 Points A and B are 40 m apart while B and C are 10 m apart and
PROBLEM 40: c. 2.62 d. 0.62 are of the same elevation as the foot of the building which is at C.
28. Find the number of seats for 737-500 aircraft. There are 11 books in the book shelves consists of 5 The angles of elevation at the top of the building from points A
a. 113 b. 134 Mathematics, 4 English and 2 Science. Find the probability that PROBLEM 52:
and B are  and 3 respectively. Find the value of ?
c. 190 d. 152 they are arranged together? A company has a cost estimates of Php 10 000. In every estimate
of Php 10 000 and above they profit Php 25 000. If the probability a. 53 b. 0
PROBLEM 29: 4 1 c. 44 d. 37
a. b. of the estimate being approved is 0.7, what is the expected
If a chord is selected at random on a fixed circle, what is the 1155 1155 profit?
probability that its length exceeds the radius of the circle? a. Php 32 756 b. Php 28 000 PROBLEM 63:
3 2
Assume that the midpoint of the chord is evenly distributed over c. d. c. Php 19 744 d. Php 17 500 Four groups with different number of trials measured distance as
the interior of the circle. 1155 1155 follows.
a. 0.866 b. 0.952 PROBLEM 53: Ave.distance No. of trials
c. 0.75 d. 0.333 PROBLEM 41:
In how many ways can 9 students select 4 structural books and 3 A 352.45 2
A company purchase an equipment for Php 600 000 and plans to hydraulics books from 9 structural books and 5 hydraulics B 352.04 5
PROBLEM 30: keep it for 5 years. If the salvage value is Php 60 000 at the end
books? C 351.89 1
Find two angles of ratio 3:2 and adjacent to 40. of 5th year, what is the depreciation in the third year using special a. 7 602 940 540 b. 6 640 450 490 D 353.27 6
a. 24:16 b. 23:15 accelerated method?
c. 5 940 026 520 d. 6 026 540 940 Find the weighted mean.
c. 30:20 d. 25:20 a. 86400 b. 84400
c. 84600 d. 86600 a. 363.412 m b. 352.615 m
PROBLEM 54: c. 338.716 m d. 393.823 m
PROBLEM 31: Given the closed traverse:
Find the number of species if it follows the equation, P = PROBLEM 42:
Line Bearing Distance PROBLEM 64:
25.67A, where A is 8 sq.miles. The number of vehicles passing a reference point per unit time
and is measured in vehicles per hour. A frustum of a sphere is 6.6 cm thick. The diameter of its upper
a. 25.67 b. 72.60 A–B N30E 500 m and lower bases are 18.5 and 32.9 cm, respectively. What is the
c. 85.12 d. 42.32 a. capacity b. volume
B–C N45W 450 m lateral area of the frustum in cm2?
c. traffic density d. flow
C-D S27E 350 m a. 913.85cm2 b. 827.17 cm2
PROBLEM 43: D-A S11.66W 448.62 m c. 617.32cm2 d. 521.54 cm2
A simple curve has a central angle of 30 and radius of 240 m.
CORNER ANGLE NO.OF MEASUREMENT Find the area of the lot in hectares.
What is the deflection per foot length of curve?
A 85 4 a. 5.9625 hectares b. 4.0276 hectares PROBLEM 67:
a. 0.0728 b. 0.0654 A parabolic curve AB has tangent grades of +3.5% and -2.5%.
B 102 3 c. 6.0285 hectares d. 3.0217 hectares
c. 0.119 d. 0.036 The change in grade is limited to 0.4% per 20 meter. Find the
C 72 2
PROBLEM 55: length of curve.
PROBLEM 33: D 98 3 Given the closed traverse: a. 300 m b. 500 m
Maximum number of vehicles, passenger, or the like, which can Find the correct angle of C. Line Bearing Distance c. 400 m d. 600 m
be accommodated by a given facility or system under given a. 73.06 b. 72.53
condition at a given level of service. c. 71.05 d. 74.53 A–B N30E 500 m PROBLEM 68:
a. capacity b. volume B–C N45W 450 m A continuous structure built parallel to along the margin of the
c. traffic density d. flow rate PROBLEM 44: C-D S27E 350 m sea or along side river banks, canals or water ways where
A simple curve is to be designed for a maximum speed of 90 kph. vessels may lie alongside to receive or discharge cargo or
PROBLEM 34: D-A S11.66W 448.62 m
disembark passengers or lie at rest.
The coefficient of friction between the tires and pavement is 0.40. Find the total cost of the land if the cost per hectares is 3.1 M.
As a result of Chernobyl accident, radioactive debris was carried a. wharf b. pier
If the super elevation is limited to 12%, determine the degree of a. Php 17.48375 M b. Php 18.48375 M
through the atmosphere. On immediate concern was the impact c. ports d. cargo
curve? Use arc basis. c. Php 20.48375 M d. Php 19.48375 M
that the debris had on the milk supply. The percent y of the
a. 9.35 b. 8.35 PROBLEM 69:
radioactive material in raw milk after t days is estimated by y =
c. 7.35 d. 6.35 PROBLEM 56:

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A spherical ball having a diameter of 30 cm is immersed in oil is credible and that the person has enough money in the bank to FA
contain in the cylinder making a 10 cm rise of the oil. Find the cover that amount.
diameter of the cylinder.
a. 42.43 cm b. 65.34 cm Faith is like that. It is thanking God in advance. A A AAA A AA AA A AA A A
c. 25.67 cm d. 30.58 cm What I’m saying is this: If God tells you to go after Moby Dick in a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
rowboat, take the tartar sauce with you. You’re going to have a
PROBLEM 70: fish fry tonight! 1000 2000 3000
A tourist bus has 71 passengers, 10 of which are Chinese, 24 are
Japanese, and 37 are Filipinos. Three passengers are randomly F2
Jesus said, “Because of your faith, it will happen” (Matthew 9:29
asked to get out of the bus, one after the other. Find the NLT). F1
probability that the three passengers are Chinese.
a. 24/11431 b. 27/62531 Talk It Over By Theory of Equivalence, at the end of 20 years:
c. 21/23231 d. 25/18854  Think about some of the common phrases you use in prayer. F4 = F 1 + F 2 + F 3
PROBLEM 71: Do they reflect faith in God? (1  i) 20  1
 How would your perspective and attitude change if you truly A = P1(1 + i)15 + P2(1 + i)10 + P3(1 + i)15
A quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in a circle with diameter 25. i
believed God would provide everything you asked for?
The center is at O,  CAB = 30°. Find  BOC.
 What kind of prayer would capture your desire to grow in your (1  i) 20  1
a. 40 b. 60 A = P1(1 + i)15 + P2(1 + i)10 + P3(1 + i)15
faithfulness to God? i
c. 50 d. 70
(1  0.08 ) 20  1
PROBLEM 72: A = P1(1 + i)15 + P2(1 + i)10 + P3(1 + i)15
A hyperbola has the equation 4x2 – 6y2 + 46 = 0. What is the 0.08
angle between the asymptotes? (1  0.08 ) 20  1
a. 83.52 b. 56.29 A = 1000(1 + 0.08)15
c. 78.48 d. 63.18
+ 2000(1 + 0.08)10 + 3000(1 + 0.08)15
An equipment was bought for a price of P55 M with a salvage A = 371.63 (answer)
value of P0.5 M at the end of its life after 18 years. Determine the
number of years at which the Book Value of P21M. PROBLEM 4: CE Nov 2016 board exam
m 2n  m  1 
How many years will it take to double the amount of $2000 if it is

Hint: Dm  FC  SV  ;
2  Sum 
  r 
8% compounded quarterly? Hint: F = P  1   .
n  m 
Sum   n  1 a. 9 years b. 14 years
2 c. 16 years d. 11 years
a. 7 yrs b. 8 yrs
c. 9 yrs d. 6 yrs
PROBLEM 74: F = P(1 + i)n × 4
What is the time between 2 o’clock and 3 o’clock the hour hand n 4
and the minute hand is bisected by the centerline of 3 o’clock?  0.08 
2P = P  1  
a. 2:18.46 b. 2:15.45  4 
PROBLEM 1: CE Nov 2016 board exam
c. 2:35.42 d. 2:20.40 2 = (1.02) n × 4
Find the derivative of 2 cos(2+x3).
PROBLEM 75: a. - 6x2sin(2 + x3) b. - 6x2cos(2 + x3)
Given are three points A, B, and C acting on a circle where AB is c. 6x2sin(2 + x3) d. 6x2cos(2 + x3) n = 8.75 yrs (say 9 years) (answer)
the diameter, and a pole standing at A. AB = 25, θPB = 20°, θPC = -------------------------------------------------

30°. Find the area of triangle BAC. SOLUTION 1:

a. 152.95 b. 164.38 Let:
c. 138.29 d. 149.74 y = 2 cos (2 + x3) → take the d/dx of both sides
= 2 [-sin(2 + x3)] [0 + 3x2] Chelsea and Joy before taking the first day of examination
decided to eat their breakfast in Pizza Hut. Chelsea ordered 3
Faith Is Thanking God in Advance dy slices of pizza and 2 regular softdrinks and paid Php 600.00,
By Rick Warren — Jan 4, 2018 = - 6x2sin(2 + x3) (answer)
dx while Joy ordered 2 slices of pizza and 3 regular softdrinks and
“When you pray and you ask for something, believe that you was charge of Php 525.00. How much is the cost of each slice of
have received it and you will be given what you asked for” pizza?
(Mark 11:24 GNT). PROBLEM 2: CE Nov 2016 board exam a. Php 200.00 /pc b. Php 370.50 /pc
Nine less than eight times the number is equal to 39. Find the c. Php 150.00 /pc d. Php 400.00 /pc
Faith is not believing God can do something. Faith is not hoping number.
he will do something. Faith is thanking God in advance. a. 5 b. 7 SOLUTION 5:
c. 6 d. 8 Let
Jesus said, “When you pray and you ask for something, believe ------------------------------------------------- P = unit cost of pizza
that you have received it and you will be given what you asked SOLUTION 2: S = unit cost of softdrinks
for” (Mark 11:24 GNT). Let x = the number Consider Devie’s order:
8x – 9 = 39 P(3) + S(2) = 600 → eqn 1
You say, “Wait a minute! I’ve got to thank God in advance before Consider Joy’s order:
I get it in order to get it?” Yes. x = 6 (answer) P(2) + S(3) = 525 → eqn 2
Solve eqns 1 and 2 simultaneously using quadratic equation solver of
If you thank God after you’ve got it, that’s gratitude. When you PROBLEM 3: CE Nov 2016 board exam calculator.
thank him in advance, that’s called faith. A certain company decided to pay its loan by installment for 20 P = Php150/pc
years. P1000 at the end of 5 years, P2000 at the end of 10 years S = Php 75/pc
I used this illustration a few weeks ago, but I mention it again and P3000 at the end of 15 years. Determine the equivalent
because it really helps explain the idea of thanking God in PROBLEM 6: CE May 2018 board exam
annual payment when i = 8%.
advance: If someone handed you a check right now for a How many minutes after 3 o’clock will the hour and minute hand
a. 371.63 b. 591.83
thousand dollars, would you wait until you cashed it to say “thank will be perpendicular?
c. 481.43 d. 261.67
you”? No! You’d thank that person right away. Yet the thousand a. 3:32.73 b. 3:23.45
dollars wouldn’t really be yours until you actually cashed it, SOLUTION 3: c. 3:36.36 d. 3:40.15
because that check is simply a promise. When you are given the ----------------------------------------------
check, you can genuinely say thanks, believing that the promise SOLUTION 6:

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By Padilla’s formula An existing highway with a bearing of N20E is to be connected = 1895 meters T
to another highway with bearing N80E, by a 4 degree simple 12 m
2 E = linear error of Closure
M= (H(30) ± required time)
curve. Find the length of the curve? C A
a. 400 m b. 300 m E = A + B + C + D = 18.56-22.85i → SHIFT STO. E
11 x B 8m
c. 200 m d. 250 m SHIFT 2 3 =
(3(30) ± 90) E = 29.4  -50.91 (answer)
11 SOLUTION 10: distance CD
M = 32.73 minutes after 3 o’clock CD Adjusted = CD – E( )
FIGURE HERE:  dis tan ce
S = IR → eqn. 1 600
PROBLEM 7: CE May 2018 board exam if S = 20 m CD Adjusted = 600  17015’ – (29.4  -50.91)( )
(TA)(TA) = (BA)(CA)
Find the ratio of the volume of water and volume of cone if the 1895 122 = 8(8 + x)
 
 x = 10 m
height of water is 2/3 the height of the cone? 20 = 4   R CD Adjusted = -597.21+ 108.84i = 607  169.66
7 8  180  CD adjusted = 169.66 - 90 = N79.66W PROBLEM 19: CE Nov 2016 board exam
a. b. R = 286.48
28 27 Therefore ABCD is a square with side equal to 10 cm. PQRS is another
8 5 Dcd adjusted = - 597.21 meters square inside ABCD. PQAB, QSBC, RSDC and PRAD are
c. d. Substitute to eqn. 1 Lcd adjusted = 108.84 meters identical trapezia with area equal to 16 cm2. Find the height of the
28 27    CD Adjusted = 607  169.66 trapezoid.
S = 60   (286.48) a. 2 cm b. 1 cm
----------------------------------------------  180 
SOLUTION 7: SOLUTION 15: c. 3 cm d. 4 cm
S = 300 m
By Castigllano’s theorem Use Mode Complex of your Calculator. Convert the lines to polar form r  . SOLUTION 19:
PROBLEM 11: CE May 2018 board exam let 10
VH2O 3 All seven-digit telephone numbers begin with 350. How many AB = 420  (90- 4520’) = 420  4440’ →SHIFT STO. A h x
 2 / 3h  8
=   = telephone numbers maybe assigned if the last four digits should BC = 605  (270+ 6510’) = 605  33510’ →SHIFT STO. B A B
Vcone  h  27 not begin or end in zero?
a. 8100 b. 7500 CD = 600  (90+ 8015’) = 600  17015’→SHIFT STO. C h P x Q

c. 8520 d. 6100 DA = 280  (270+ 5530’) =280  32530’→SHIFT STO. D

PROBLEM 8: CE May 2018 board exam 10 x
Find y’ if x = 2 arc cos 2t and y = 4 arc cos 2t. LEC = linear error of closure
a. 4 b. -4 SOLUTION 11:
LEC = A + B + C + D = 487.19 -15.82i → SHIFT STO. E h R S
c. -2 d. 2 P = three five zero 9 10 10 9
SHIFT 2 3 = D C
P = 8100
---------------------------------------------- LEC = 29.4  -50.91 (answer) 10  x
SOLUTION 8: SITUATION 1: SOLUTION 16: Atrapezoid ABPQ = h = 16  eqn 1
y = 4 arc cos 2t Given the following traverse notes taken by a survey party, 2
R.E. = relative error
cos = 2t LEC 29.4 x = 10 – 2h → Subst. to eq. 1
AB N 45°20’ E 450 m R.E. = = = 0.0155 = 1.55% (answer)
BC S 65°10’ E 615 m  dis tan ce 1895 10  10  2h
 y dy h = 16
CD N 80°15’ W 620 m 2
  sin  = 2dt → eqn. 1
 4  4 DA S 55°30’ W 260 m PROBLEM 17: CE May 2018 board exam
h = 8 cm (answer)
12. Find the adjusted latitude for side CD using Compass rule A closed traverse has the following data:
x = 2 arc cos 2t LINE BEARING DISTANCE
a. 99.97 m b. 108.84 m
x AB ? 44.43 PROBLEM 20: CE NOV 2016 BRD EXAM
cos = 2t c. 28.45 m d. 15.14 m
BC ? 136.54 In a circle, x2 + y2 = 25 find the sub-normal at (3,4).
2 13. Find the adjustment for departure of side CD using Compass CD 12.58 a. 4 b. 5
x dx rule DA N7210’E 62.86 c. 3 d. 6
 sin = 2dt → eqn. 2 a. - 627.89 m b. - 602.11 m
2 2 EA S4813’E 107.72
c. - 597.21 m d. - 211.58 m SOLUTION 20:
Find the bearing of line BC. x2 + y2 = 25 is a circle whose center is at (0,0) and radius =5 as
y dy 14. Find the adjusted distance for side CD using Compass rule . a. S87.76W b. N88.20E
 sin shown.
4 4 = 2dt a. 635.82 m b. 607 m c. N87.76W d. S87.76E y
x dx 2dt c. 605 m d. 213.48 m Tangent Line
 sin Normal Line
2 2t 15. Find the linear error of closure. SOLUTION 17:
a. 29.40 m b. 55.17 m CA = CD + DE + EA
dy c. 69.32 m d. 11.15 m P(3,4)
=2 CA = 12.58(90 - 145’) + 69.86(90 - 7210’) + 107.72(270
dx + 4813’)
16. Find the relative error. 5
PROBLEM 9: CE May 2018 board exam a. 2.33% b. 2.84% CA = 152(-14.4)
Three circle tangent externally with 3, 5 and 9 radius respectively. c. 1.55% d. 1.87%
Find the area of the triangle formed by connecting the centers of SOLUTION 12-14: y
the three circles. 3
Use Mode Complex of your Calculator. Convert the lines to polar form r  . N M T
a. 49.71 unit2 b. 41.24 unit2
c. 47.91 unit2 d. 56.14 unit2 let By cosine law:
AB = 420  (90- 4520’) = 420  4440’ →SHIFT STO. A 44.432 = 136.542 + 1522 – 2 (136.54) (152) cos
BC = 605  (270+ 6510’) = 605  33510’ →SHIFT STO. B  = 16.624
FIGURE HERE: CD = 600  (90+ 8015’) = 600  17015’→SHIFT STO. C
CB = 90 + 14.4 - 
a=3+5=8 DA = 280  (270+ 5530’) =280  32530’→SHIFT STO. D PN = length of Normal line
CB = 104.4 – 16.624
b = 5 + 9 = 14 PT = length of Tangent line
CB = 87.76
c = 3 + 9 = 12 LINE r D
Calculator Vector
Name Therefore; bearing of BC is S87.76W
MT = length of Sub-Tangent line
MN = length of Sub-Normal line
a  b  c 8  14  12 AB 420  4440’ 291.60 288.22i
PROBLEM 18: CE Nov 2017 board exam By Inspection,
s= = = 17 BC 605  33510’ B
2 2 549.06 -254.09i An existing road is tangential to a circular lake 12 m along the MN = 3 (ANSWER)
s – a = 17 – 8 = 9 CD 600  17015’ -591.33 101.61i C existing road, an 8 meter new road is constructed at the
s – b = 17 – 14 = 3 DA 280  32530’ D periphery of the lake. The new road is extended to cross the lake. PROBLEM 21: CE Nov 2016 board exam
-230.76 -158.59i
s – c = 17 – 12 = 5 What is the length of the bridge? If the sum of the series is given by the equation S = 3 n + b, what
a. 17 m b. 25 m is the difference between the 9th and the 7th term?
A = s( s  a )( s  b)( s  c ) A+B+C+D
c. 14 m d. 10 m
A = 17(9 )(3)(5)
29.4  -50.91 18.56 -22.85i E a. 11 644
c. 11 664
b. 22 644
d. 22 664
Sum of  distances =  D =  L = SOLUTION 18:
A = 47.91 unit2 absolute 410 + 605 + 600 + 1662.74 802.51i SOLUTION 21:
Values 280
PROBLEM 10: CE May 2018 board exam Sn = 3 n + b
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S9 = 3 9 + b c. 3.45 d. 5.15 SOLUTION 31: 1. 2%
S8 = 3 8 + b P = 25.67 A
S7 = 3 7 + b
---------------------------------------------- L = 0.2%
SOLUTION 25: P = 25.67
S6 = 3 6 + b 8 20m
FIGURE HERE: P = 72.6 L = 120 m
S9 - S8 = (a1 + a2 + … + a8 + a9) - (a1 + a2 + … + a8)
(39 + b) – (38 + b) = a9 2z sin 45 + z = 10 PROBLEM 32: CE May 2018 board exam
a9 = 39 + 38  eqn 1 z = 4.14 PROBLEM 37: CE May 2018 board exam
A simple curve has a central angle of 30 and radius of 240 m. A land has the following dimensions:
By projection: What is the deflection per foot length of curve?
SITUATION 2: CE May 2018 board exam Line Bearing Distance
a7 = 37 – 36 a. 0.028 b. 0.065
a9 - a7 = 39 + 38 – (37 – 36) American West Airlines has 3 models of Boeing aircraft in their 1–2 N5739W 145.16m
c. 0.199 d. 0.036
a9 - a7 = 24 786 (answer) fleet. The 737-300 contains 21 more seats than the 737-200. The 2–3 ???? ????
737-500 contains less 36 less seats than twice the number of ---------------------------------------------- 3-4 S4445’E 62.10m
PROBLEM 22: CE May 2018 board exam seats in 737-200. The total number of seats for the 3 models is SOLUTION 32: 4-1 N3116’E 300 m
In a spherical triangle, a =50 437. S = IR Find the total cost of the land if the cost per hectare is 3.1 M.
26. Find the number of seats for 737-200 aircraft.  
 a. Php 6.2389 M b. Php 7.2389 M
C = 90, c = 80o. Find the value of side b.
a. 113 b. 134 S = 30   (240) c. Php 8.2389 M d. Php 9.2389 M
a. 77.64 b. 74.33 c. 190 d. 152  180 
c. 102.36 d. 105.78 ----------------------------------------------
S = 125.664
27. Find the number of seats for 737-300 aircraft. SOLUTION 37:
a. 113 b. 134 S = 125.664 (3.28ft/m)
S = 412.18 ft 23 = - ( 34 + 41 + 12 )
SOLUTION 22: c. 190 d. 152
By cosine law for sides, I 30 23 = - [62.1(270 + 4445’)
Cos C = cos a cos b + sin b sin a cos C 28. Find the number of seats for 737-500 aircraft. = = 0.0728 per ft length of curve + 300(90 - 3116’)
a. 113 b. 134 S 412.18
cos 80 = cos50 cosb + sinb sin50 cos90 + 145.16(90 + 5739’)]
c. 190 d. 152
b = 1.806 rad 23 = 300(-104.83)
PROBLEM 33: CE May 2018 board exam
b = 103.47 ----------------------------------------------
Maximum number of vehicles, passenger, or the like, which can
SOLUTION 26-28: be accommodated by a given facility or system under given FIGURE HERE
PROBLEM 23: CE May 2018 board exam
x = capacity of 737-300 condition at a given level of service.
An inverted conical container has a diameter of 42 in and a depth ATOTAL = A123 + A341
y = capacity of 737-200 a. capacity b. volume
of 15 in. If water is flowing out of the vertex of the container at a 1 1
z = capacity of 737-500 c. traffic density d. flow rate ATOTAL = (145.16)(300)sin(14.83+ 5739’) +
rate of 35pi in3/s, how fast is the depth of the water dropping
when the height is 5 inches? ----------------------------------------------
2 2
x = y + 21→ eqn. 1 (62.1)(300) sin(4445’ + 3116’)
a. 4/7 b. 5/21
x – y = 21 SOLUTION 33:
c. 5/16 d. 7/8 ATOTAL = 29802 m2
z = 2y – 36 → eqn. 2 Answer: capacity
-2y + z = -36  1ha 
ATOTAL = 29802 m2   
SOLUTION 23: x + y + z = 437 → eqn. 3 PROBLEM 34: CE May 2018 board exam  10000m 2 
FIGURE HERE: As a result of Chernobyl accident, radioactive debris was carried ATOTAL = 2.98029 ha
Solve 3 eqns – 3 unknowns through the atmosphere. On immediate concern was the impact
x = 134  capacity of 737-300 that the debris had on the milk supply. The percent y of the
1 2
V= x h → eqn. 1 y = 113  capacity of 737-200 radioactive material in raw milk after t days is estimated by y =
3 z = 190  capacity of 737-500 100(2.7)-0.1t. Estimate the expected percent of radioactive TC = Total cost
By ratio and proportion material in the milk after 30 days. Php3.1M
TC =  2.98029 ha
x 21 PROBLEM 29: CE May 2018 board exam a. 4.24% b. 5.08% hectare
= c. 2.13% d. 8.03%
h 15 If a chord is selected at random on a fixed circle, what is the TC = Php 9.2389 M
21 probability that its length exceeds the radius of the circle? ----------------------------------------------
x= h → to eqn. 1 Assume that the midpoint of the chord is evenly distributed over SOLUTION 34: PROBLEM 38: CE May 2018 board exam
15 the interior of the circle. y = 100(2.7)-0.1t A sector has a central angle of 50 and an area of 502 m2. Find
  21 
2 a. 0.866 b. 0.952 y = 100(2.7)-0.1(30) the radius of the circle?
V=  h h c. 0.75 d. 0.333 y = 74.24%
3  15  a. 35.92 m2 b. 33.92 m2
---------------------------------------------- c. 23.92 m2 d. 45.92 m2
49 3 SOLUTION 29: PROBLEM 35: CE May 2018 board exam
V= h → take d/dt of both sides ----------------------------------------------
75 FIGURE HERE: If a stick is broken in two at random, what is the average length
of the smaller piece? What is the average ratio of the smaller
= (3h2) length to the larger?
dt 75 dt y= 12  0.5 2 = 0.866
a. 1/2 b. 3/4
Substitute given values, 2y 2(0.866 ) c. 1/4 d. 1/3  2
P= = = 0.866 A= R
49 dh 2R 2(1) ----------------------------------------------
35 = (3 × 52) 2
75 dt P = 86.6%
50    2
dh 5 SOLUTION 35: 502 =   R
= in/sec PROBLEM 30: yave = 0.25 = 25% 2  180 
dt 7 Find two angles of ratio 3:2 and adjacent to 40.
y ave 25% 1 R = 33.92 m2
a. 24:16 b. 23:15
PROBLEM 24: CE May 2018 board exam = =
c. 30:20 d. 25:20 x ave 75% 3
A famous store is having a sale. After 30% discount, a man PROBLEM 39:
purchase a gadget for $980. What was the original price before SOLUTION 30: Find P, when P(x) = x3 – 2x2 – 24, x = 3.
PROBLEM 36: CE May 2018 board exam
the discount? 2x + 3x = 40 a. -23 b. -15
a. $1200 b. $1500 On a railroad, a +0.8% meets a -0.4% grade at station 2 + 700
x=8 and at elevation 30 m. The maximum allowable change in grade c. -12 d. -20
c. $1400 d. $1300
per station is 0.2%. Determine the length of the curve. ----------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------- 2x = 16 a. 150 m b. 120 m SOLUTION 39:
SOLUTION 24: 3x = 3(8) = 24 c. 130 m d. 140 m P(x) = x3 – 2x2 - 24
Discounted Price = (100% - D) Poriginal Angles are 24 and 16 ---------------------------------------------- when x = 3
980 = (100% - 30%) Poriginal P(3) = 33 – 2(3)2 - 24
Poriginal = $1400 PROBLEM 31: CE May 2018 board exam P(3) = -15
Find the number of species if it follows the equation, P = FIGURE HERE
PROBLEM 25: CE May 2018 board exam 25.67A, where A is 8 sq.miles.
PROBLEM 40: CE May 2018 board exam
An isosceles triangle is cut at the edge of a square with sides of a. 25.67 b. 72.60 B = 0.8% - (-0.4%)
There are 11 books in the book shelves consists of 5
10 cm. By cutting 4 equal isosceles triangle, an octagon is c. 85.12 d. 42.32 B = 1.2 %
Mathematics, 4 English and 2 Science. Find the probability that
formed. Find the measure of the equal sides. ---------------------------------------------- they are arranged together?
a. 6.12 b. 4.14
11/2018 11/2018
4 1 N E = Php 17 500 (answer)

a. b. Cc = -E *
1155 1155 N
3 2 where N = number of measurement
c. d. d
1155 1155 2 PROBLEM 53: CE Nov 2016 board exam
Cc = - (-3) * d
---------------------------------------------- 4323 d Dn = 80%FC
In how many ways can 9 students select 4 structural books and 3
hydraulics books from 9 structural books and 5 hydraulics
SOLUTION 40: Cc = 0.5 d
Ccorrect = Corrected angle C books?
D a. 7 602 940 540 b. 6 640 450 490
P=  eqn 1 Ccorrect = 72 + Cc SV = 20%FC
T Ccorrect = 72 + 0.5
c. 5 940 026 520 d. 6 026 540 940
P = desired probability 1 2 3 4 5
Ccorrect = 72.5
D = permutation of 11 books wherein books of the same kind are SOLUTION 53:
side by side (i.e together) Dn 80%(1800000 ) Assuming that all books are different from each other.
PROBLEM 44: CE May 2018 board exam d= = Ss = number of selections of 4 structural books from 9 different
n 5
D = Permute by group  permute by individuals per group A simple curve is to be designed for a maximum speed of 90 kph. structural books
D = 3!  5!  4!  2! The coefficient of friction between the tires and pavement is 0.40. d = 288 000 (answer) Ss = 9C4 = 126
D = 34 560 If the super elevation is limited to 12%, determine the degree of SH = number of selections of 3 hydraulics books from 5 different
curve? Use arc basis. hydrulics books
T = Permutation of 11 books in any order PROBLEM 48: CE Nov 2016 board exam
T = 11! = 3 628 800 a. 9.35 b. 8.35 SH = 5C3 = 10
Find the correct dimension of the largest rectangular lot if the
c. 7.35 d. 6.35 C4s+3H = Number of selections of 4 structural books and
required fence to be used is 3000 ft.
Substitute to eqn 1 3 Hyrdaulics books
---------------------------------------------- a. 750 ft x 750 ft b. 1000ft x 500 ft
C4s+3H = (Ss  SH) = 126 (10) = 1 260
3 ! (5 ! )( 4 ! )(2 ! ) SOLUTION 44: c. 800 ft x 650 ft d. 850 ft x 650 ft
P= that 9 students can make
11 !

v2 1000m SOLUTION 48: Note: All 7 books can be selected by either only one student, or only two
e+µ=  v = 90 = 25 m/s students, or only three students, and so on. That is:
1 gR 3600 sec By Padilla’s Corollary of equality, the largest rectangle with a known perimeter
P= Choice of 9 students for
1155 is a square.
25 2 Perimeter = 4x = 3000 ft the first book
0.12 + 0.4 =
9.81R X = 750 ft Choice of 9 students for
PROBLEM 41: CE May 2018 board exam the second book
A company purchase an equipment for Php 600 000 and plans to R = 122.52 m Therefore, the rectangle is 750 ft x 750 ft (answer)
Choice of 9 students for
keep it for 5 years. If the salvage value is Php 60 000 at the end the third book
of 5th year, what is the depreciation in the third year using special S = R PROBLEM 49: CE Nov 2016 board exam
accelerated method?  They inform and advise users of directions, distances, router, the Choice of 9 students for
a. 86400 b. 84400 20 = D (122.52) location of services for road users and points of interest. the seventh book
180 9 9 9
c. 84600 d. 86600 9 9 9 9 = 97
D = 9.35 a. Warning sign b. Guide signs
c. Traffic signs d. Traffic lights Thus:
SOLUTION 41: C4s+3H of 9 students = 1260  (97)
PROBLEM 45: CE Nov 2016 board exam
What is the surface area of a sphere if the volume is 36 m3? ANSWER: b. Guide signs C4s+3H of 9 students = 6 026 540 940 (answer)
Dn = FC – SV a. 52.71 b. 59.73
c. 62.41 d. 72.71 PROBLEM 54: CE Nov 2016 board exam
Dn = 600000 – 60000 PROBLEM 50: CE Nov 2016 board exam
Dn = 540000 Given the closed traverse:
A raised structure including bridge and building supports and Line Bearing Distance
SOLUTION 45: walkways, over water, typically supported by widely spread piles
d3 = BV2 – BV3 4 or pillars?
2 3 Vsphere = R 3 = 36 a. wharf b. pier
A–B N30E 500 m
 2  2 3 B–C N45W 450 m
d3 = FC  1   - FC  1   c. ports d. cargo
 n  n R = 2.048 C-D S27E 350 m
ANSWER: pier D-A S11.66W 448.62 m
2  
 2 
d3 = 600000   1     1    Asphere = 4R2 Find the area of the lot in hectares.
  5  5  Asphere = 4(2.048)2 a. 5.9625 hectares b. 4.0276 hectares
  PROBLEM 51: CE Nov 2016 board exam c. 6.0285 hectares d. 3.0217 hectares
d3 = 86400 Asphere = 52.71 m2 (answer) Find the value of x that passes through point (1,4) in the function
PROBLEM 42: CE May 2018 board exam f(x) = 3x + 1 and g(x) = x2 + 2. SOLUTION 54:
The number of vehicles passing a reference point per unit time PROBLEM 46: CE Nov 2016 board exam b. 1.62 b. 3.32
and is measured in vehicles per hour. If i = 14% compounded quarterly, find the equivalent interest rate c. 2.62 d. 0.62
a. capacity b. volume if compounded monthly? ---------------------------------------------

c. traffic density d. flow a. 10.24% b. 13.84% SOLUTION 51: C

Ans. Flow c. 21.15% d. 11.90% Said point is the point of intersection of the two curves
--------------------------------------------- y = x2 + 2. → Eqn 2 (Parabola)
SOLUTION 46: 45
PROBLEM 43: y = 3x + 1 → Eqn 1 (line)
CORNER ANGLE NO.OF MEASUREMENT 4 12 Subtract equation 2 from equation 1 27
 0.14   i 
A 85 4  1  =  1  x2 - 3x + 1 = 0 B
 4   12  D
B 102 3 Solve using quadratic equation solver of your calculator
C 72 2 i = 0.1384 or 13.84% (answer) x2 - 3x + 1 = 0
x = 2.62 and 0.38
D 98 3 11.66
Find the correct angle of C. PROBLEM 47: CE Nov 2016 board exam 11.66
PROBLEM 52: CE Nov 2016 board exam
a. 73.06 b. 72.5 An equipment that cost P1 800 000 has an estimated life of 5 30
years and the salvage value is 20% of the first cost. Compute the A company has a cost estimates of Php 10 000. In every estimate
c. 71.05 d. 74.5 of Php 10 000 and above they profit Php 25 000. If the probability
annual depreciation charge using straight line method. i = 8%.
a. 514 756 b. 288 000 of the estimate being approved is 0.7, what is the expected
profit? A
SOLUTION 43: c. 128 744 d. 209 315
A + B + C + D = 85 + 102 + 72 + 98 a. Php 32 756 b. Php 28 000
c. Php 19 744 d. Php 17 500 AABCD = ABCD+ AABD
A + B + C + D = 357 SOLUTION 47: ---------------------------------------------
SOLUTION 52: AABCD= (BC)(CD)sin(45–27)
E = total error in corner angle E = Expected profit 2
E = 357 - (n – 2)180 E = Profit when approved*Probability of being approved 1
E = 357 - (4 – 2)180 +profit when disapproved*probability of being disapproved + (AB)(AD)sin(30–11.66)
E = -3 2
Cc = Correction for angle C E = Php 25000 * 0.7 + 0 * 0.3
Cc = -E * Distribution factor
11/2018 11/2018
1 EL = 927.4127 – 973.22 c. 4.4 d. 3.7
AABCD = (450)(350)sin(18) EL = -45.807 m -------------------------------------------

FC= 50,000
 650 
1  3235 
+ (500)(448.62)sin(18.34) Correction = -(-45.807)   D
2 D3
Correction = 9.204 m
AABCD = 59 625.24 m2 = 5.9625 hectares Corrected latitude = 640.125+9.204
Dn = 40 000
Corrected latitude = 649.327 m
SV = 10,000 For departure:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 +D = 1181.67  
PROBLEM 55: CE Nov 2016 board exam -D = -1089.05
Given the closed traverse: By Ratio and Proportion: ED =1181.67 – 1089.05 A B C
Line Bearing Distance D3 40000 ED = +92.62 m 40 m 10
3 10  650  y = (tan )(50) = (tan3)(10) → Solve 
A–B N30E 500 m  3235 
B–C N45W 450 m D3 = Php 12 000 (answer) Correction = -(+92.62)    = 0 (answer)
C-D S27E 350 m Correction = -18.61 m
D-A S11.66W 448.62 m PROBLEM 57: Corrected departure =112.87+ -18.61 PROBLEM 63: Nov 2016 CE Brd Exam
Find the total cost of the land if the cost per hectares is 3.1 M. Find the maximum life of an equipment if its salvage value is Corrected departure = 94.26 m Four groups with different number of trials measured distance as
a. Php 17.48375 M b. Php 18.48375 M zero. The depreciation charge during the first year is 18 percent. SOLUTION 60: follows.
c. Php 20.48375 M d. Php 19.48375 M Use Sum of Years Digit Method. Corrected bearing: Ave.distance No. of trials
a. 9 years b. 10 years A 352.45 2
SOLUTION 55: departure 94.26
c. 11 years d. 12 years tan =  B 352.04 5
d. latitude 649.327
SOLUTION 57: C 351.89 1
3.0217 hectares  = N8 15’21”E

d1 = 0.18FC (dep. charge during 1st year) D 353.27 6

Dn = F.C –S.V ,S.V = 0 Find the weighted mean.
C Dn = F.C a. 363.412 m b. 352.615 m
PROBLEM 61: November 2015 CE Brd Exam c. 338.716 m d. 393.823 m
n  r 1
dr =  Dn  A compound curve has a common tangent equal to 520 m. The -------------------------------------------------

45 Sum of digits first curve has a radius equal to 300 m and has subtended angle
45 n equal to 50 while the second curve has central angle of 35.
27 Sum of digits =  n  1 What is the length of the second curve?
W = weight of measurement = Number of measurement
D B a. 842.78 m b. 629.41 m
n  1 1
0.18F.C = n
F.C c. 736.22 m d. 948.16 m Average
of trials
40  n  1 (x) (W) Wx
11.66 0.18n(n+1) = 2n I A 352.45
704.9 2
n2 + n =11.11n B 352.04
1760.2 5
30 n = 10.11 say T1 T21 C 351.89
351.89 1
n = 10 years
D 353.27
2119.62 6
A SITUATION 3: May 1997 CE Board Exam TOTAL 14 4936.61
Traverse ABCDE was surveyed years ago using Compass Rule. 25 Xave = Wx / W = 4936.61/14 = 352.615 m (answer)
The blueprint of the survey was found and the description of O
boundaries are as follows: AB = 985 meters S70o29’E, BC = 315
1 meters S26o28’E, CD = 875 meters S65o33’W, DE = 410 meters 300 p 50 O PROBLEM 64: CE Nov 2016 board exam
AABCD= (BC)(CD)sin(45–27)
35 p R2 A frustum of a sphere is 6.6 cm thick. The diameter of its upper
2 N45o31’W, EA = 650 meters N 10oE.
p O p
58. Find the corrected latitude of EA using compass rule. p and lower bases are 18.5 and 32.9 cm, respectively. What is the
1 p lateral area of the frustum in cm2?
+ (AB)(AD)sin(30–11.66) a. 609.327 m b. 629.327 m
2 c. 649.327 m d. 669.327 m a. 814.19cm2 b. 827.17 cm2
1 c. 817.32cm2 d. 821.54 cm2
AABCD = (450)(350)sin(18) 59. Find the corrected departure of EA using compass rule. ----------------------------------------------

2 a. 88.21 m b. 45.28 m SOLUTION 64:

1 c. 30.27 m d. 84.62 m
+ (500)(448.62)sin(18.34) 9.25 9.25
2 60. Find the corrected bearing of line EA
AABCD = 59 625.24 m = 5.9625 hectares 2 a. N1002‘52”E b. N110’ 52“E
Total Cost of lot = 3.1 (5.9625) c. S1202‘52“W d. N 8o15’21”E
b 6.6 m
Total Cost = Php 18.48375 M
SOLUTION 58: --------------------------------------------------

Using compass rule: SOLUTION 61: R z

PROBLEM 56: CE Nov 2016 board exam T1 + T2 = 520
 Dis tan ce 
A machine has an initial cost of P50 000 and a salvage value of   Dis tan ce  T1 = R1tan(I1/2)
P10 000 after 10 years. What is the total depreciation after 3 CL = -EL   T1 = 300tan(25o)
years?  Dis tan ce  T1 = 140 m
a. Php 13 000 b. Php 11 000   Dis tan ce  140 + T2 = 520
c. Php 12 000 d. Php 13 500 CD = -ED   T2 = 380 m 16.45 16.45
T2 = R2tan(I2/2)
--------------------------------------------- Line Dist.(m) Bearing Lat. Dep. 380 = R2tan17.5o
SOLUTION 56: AB 985 S70o29’E -329.07 +928.41
R2 = 1205.21 m A = 2Rh
R2 = 9.252 + (y + 6.8)2 eq 1
BC 315 S26o28’E -281.99 +140.39
S 2 = I 2 R2 R2 = 16.452 + y2
CD 875 S65o33’W -362.16 -796.53
736.22 m (answer) y = R 2  16.45 2
DE 410 N45 31’W
+287.29 -292.52
EA 650 N 10oE +640.12 +112.87 2
PROBLEM 62: November 2015 CE Brd Exam R2 = 9.252 + 

R 2  16.45 2  6.8 

Distance = 3235 m Points A and B are 40 m apart while B and C are 10 m apart and R = 19.36
are of the same elevation as the foot of the building which is at C.
For latitude:
The angles of elevation at the top of the building from points A A = 2Rh
positive Latitude = +927.4127 m
and B are  and 3 respectively. Find the value of ?
negative Latitude = -973.22 m A = 2 (19.36) (6.8)
a. 5.3 b. 6.6
11/2018 11/2018
A = 827.17 cm2 (answer) B C SOLUTION 74:

11 12 1
PROBLEM 67: CE Nov 2016 board exam 10 2 H
O D 
A parabolic curve AB has tangent grades of +3.5% and -2.5%. 9 3

The change in grade is limited to 0.4% per 20 meter. Find the 8 4
length of curve. A 7 5
a. 300 m b. 500 m E
c. 400 m d. 600 m
By Peripheral Angle Theorem,
SOLUTION 67: 15 mins +  = M
 COB = Arc BC =2(  BAC)=2(30) = 60(answer)
B = 3.5%  ( 2.5%) M
but,   = 5 mins
B = 6%
6% A hyperbola has the equation 4x2 – 6y2 + 46 = 0. What is the M
L = 0.4% angle between the asymptotes? 12
20 a. 83.52 b. 56.29
 M
L = 300 m (answer)
c. 78.48 d. 63.18 15 +  5   =M
 12 
SOLUTION 72: M = 18.46
PROBLEM 68: CE Nov 2016 board exam Reduce to standard form
A continuous structure built parallel to along the margin of the 6y2 – 4x2 = 46 → divide by 46
The time is 2:M = 2:18.46 (answer)
sea or along side river banks, canals or water ways where 6y 2 4x 2
vessels may lie alongside to receive or discharge cargo or – =1
disembark passengers or lie at rest. 46 46 PROBLEM 75:
a. wharf b. pier y2 4x2 Given are three points A, B, and C acting on a circle where AB is
c. ports d. cargo – =1 the diameter, and a pole standing at A. AB = 25, θPB = 20°, θPC =
46 / 6 46 / 4 30°. Find the area of triangle BAC.
answer: wharf
y2 x2 a. 152.95 b. 164.38
– =1 c. 138.29 d. 149.74
7.67 11 .5
A spherical ball having a diameter of 30 cm is immersed in oil y2 x2 SOLUTION 75:
contain in the cylinder making a 10 cm rise of the oil. Find the – =1 From result in problem # 33,
diameter of the cylinder. 2.7695 2 3.3912 A ABC = ½(AC)(BC) =½(15.76)(19.41) = 152.95 (answer)
a. 42.43 cm b. 65.34 cm
c. 25.67 cm d. 30.58 cm y


a=2.7695 /2
 x
10 cm b=3.391
Faith Is Thanking God in Advance SITUATION 1: Dec 2014 CE Brd Exam
By Rick Warren — Jan 4, 2018 There are 10 students in Zapatera National High School. Three
“When you pray and you ask for something, believe that you girls of such have blue eyes. Two students are chosen randomly,
have received it and you will be given what you asked for” 1. What is the probability that both girls have blue eyes?
30 cm 
(Mark 11:24 GNT). 4 2
tan (/2) = 2.7695/3.391 a. b.
Initial volume of water = final volume of water 15 15
 = 78.48 (answer) Faith is not believing God can do something. Faith is not hoping
4 3 1 3
R 2 y  R 2  y  10   r he will do something. Faith is thanking God in advance. c. d.
3 Jesus said, “When you pray and you ask for something, believe 15 15
4 PROBLEM 73: that you have received it and you will be given what you asked 2. What is the probability that neither girl have blue eyes?
R 2 y  R 2  y  10   (15)3 An equipment was bought for a price of P55 M with a salvage for” (Mark 11:24 GNT). 9 7
3 value of P0.5 M at the end of its life after 18 years. Determine the You say, “Wait a minute! I’ve got to thank God in advance before a. b.
4 number of years at which the Book Value of P21M. I get it in order to get it?” Yes. 15 15
(15 )3  R 2 (10 )
m 2n  m  1  If you thank God after you’ve got it, that’s gratitude. When you 8 6
Hint: Dm  FC  SV    ; thank him in advance, that’s called faith. c. d.
R = 21.213 cm  2  Sum  I used this illustration a few weeks ago, but I mention it again
15 15
2R = 2(21.213) because it really helps explain the idea of thanking God in 3. What is the probability that one of the two girls have blue
D = 2R = 42.43 cm
Sum   n  1 advance: If someone handed you a check right now for a eyes?
PROBLEM 70: 2 thousand dollars, would you wait until you cashed it to say “thank 9 7
a. b.
A tourist bus has 71 passengers, 10 of which are Chinese, 24 are a. 7 yrs b. 8 yrs you”? No! You’d thank that person right away. Yet the thousand 15 15
Japanese, and 37 are Filipinos. Three passengers are randomly c. 9 yrs d. 6 yrs dollars wouldn’t really be yours until you actually cashed it,
because that check is simply a promise. When you are given the 8 6
asked to get out of the bus, one after the other. Find the SOLUTION 73: c. d.
probability that the three passengers are Chinese. check, you can genuinely say thanks, believing that the promise 15 15
BVm = FC - Dm is credible and that the person has enough money in the bank to
a. 24/11431 b. 27/62531 
c. 21/23231 d. 25/18854 m( 2n  m  1) cover that amount. SOLUTION 1:
BVm = FC -(FC– SV) Faith is like that. It is thanking God in advance.
n(n  1) Combination of 2 girls with blue eyes
SOLUTION 70: What I’m saying is this: If God tells you to go after Moby Dick in a P=
10 9 8 m(2(18)  m  1) rowboat, take the tartar sauce with you. You’re going to have a Combination of two girls with any eye color
P= x x = 24/11431 (answer) 21 = 55 – (55 - 0.5) fish fry tonight!
71 70 69 18(18  1) 2 C3 3 C2 1
Jesus said, “Because of your faith, it will happen” (Matthew 9:29 P= = ???? P = =
m  7.15 yrs say 7 years (answer) NLT). 2 C10 10 C2 15
PROBLEM 71: Talk It Over
A quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in a circle with diameter 25. PROBLEM 74: NOV. 2016 CE BRD EXAM  Think about some of the common phrases you use in prayer.
The center is at O,  CAB = 30°. Find  BOC. What is the time between 2 o’clock and 3 o’clock the hour hand Do they reflect faith in God?
 How would your perspective and attitude change if you truly SOLUTION 2:
a. 40 b. 60 and the minute hand is bisected by the centerline of 3 o’clock?
believed God would provide everything you asked for? Combination of 2 girls without blue eyes
c. 50 d. 70 a. 2:18.46 b. 2:15.45 P=
c. 2:35.42 d. 2:20.40  What kind of prayer would capture your desire to grow in your Combination of two girls with any eye color
SOLUTION 71: -------------------------------------------------
faithfulness to God?

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2 C7 7 C2 7 6.3 6.3
1 2 3 4 5 6
P= = ??? P = = P=
2 C10 10 C2 15 1
Let x = the number P==
a 8x – 9 = 39 2
 b 3.6 cm x = 6 (answer)
R R 5
P= _______________________________________________________________________________________
Combination of 2 girls,1 with blue eyes and the other not blue PROBLEM 18: December 2014 CE Brd Exam
Combination of two girls with any eye color Given a triangular lot with sides, 22 m and 15 m with an included --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

angle of 115. How many triangles can be formed? SITUATION 4: December 2014 CE Brd Exam
 1C3  1C7   3 C1 7 C1 7 a. 1 b. 0 If a man is to select billiard balls in random that are numbered 1
P= = ??? P = = c. 2 d. 3 to 15, what is the probability that:
2 C10 10 C2 15 10.2 10.2
23. less than 5.

a. 2/15 b. 4/15
PROBLEM 5: May 2013 CE Brd Exam h Apply cosine Law
V= (3a2  3b2  h2 ) b2 = c2 + a2 – 2ac cos B B
c. 5/18 d. 6/19
Two observation points were set up at A and B, which is 290 m 6
closer to but 25 m lower in elevation than A. The angles of b2=222+152 – 2(15)(22) cos 115 a=15 24. less than 5 and even.
(3.6) c=22 115
elevations from both points are 24.45 and 40.3 respectively. If V= (3(6.3) 2  3(10.2) 2  (3.6) 2 ) b = 31.43 m

a. 2/15 b. 4/15
the elevation at A is 556m., find the elevation of the top of the 6 Therefore, there is c. 5/18 d. 6/19
only one triangle with this A C
mountain. V = 837.20 b
a. 959.48 m b. 869.15 m given data 25. even or less than 5.
SOLUTION 7: a. 3/5 b. 4/7
c. 725.11 m d. 1042.73 m
(3.6+z)2 + a2 = R2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c. 5/8 d. 6/9
SOLUTION 5: (3.6+z)2 + 6.32 = R2  eqn 1 PROBLEM 19: December 2014 CE Brd Exam
What quadrilateral could be formed if diagonals are
Elevation 556m + z z2 + b2 = R2  solve z SOLUTION 23:
perpendicular to each other?
z= R 2  b2 a. rhombus b. parallelogram Number of Desired Outcomes 1, 2,3, and 4 4
P= = =
c. rectangle d. triangle Total Number of Outcomes 15 15
Elevation 556m z= R 2  10.2 2  substitute to eqn 1 -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------


(3.6+ R 2  10.2 2 )2 + 6.32 = R2
24.45 Solve R: Figure is a rhombus Number of Desired Outcomes 2 and 4 2
P= = =
R = 12.45 Total Number of Outcomes 15 15
40.3 25m


Azone = 2Rh = 2(12.45)(3.6) = 281.61 Number of Desired Outcomes
290 m x
PROBLEM 13: Nov. 2016 CE Board Exam PROBLEM 20: December 2014 CE Brd Exam Total Number of Outcomes
From rt. ADE:
Romeo and Juliet invested in two funds, Bigger and Better funds. 1, 2,3,4,6,8,10,12,14 9 3
tan 24.45 =
→ eq. 1 sin 2 x  cos 2 x They invested 4.02 % in Bigger funds while 4% in Better funds. If P= = =
290  x Evaluate: 15 15 5
tan x the total investment is 65 000 and total earnings is 2 610, what is
its investment in Better funds? PROBLEM 26:
From rt. BDC: a. cscx b. cot x
c. cos x d. sin x a. 15 000 b. 35 000 PADILLA Review School has a population of 96 000 five years
z  25 c. 50 000 d. 40 000 ago and 100 000 today. With the same growth rate, what would
tan 40.3° = -------------------------------------------------
x -------------------------------------------------- be its population 20 years from now?
z  25 SOLUTION 13: SOLUTION 20: a. 113668.54 b. 112359.12
x= → Subst. to eqn 1 2 1 2 c. 117736.39 d. 115646.79
tan 40.3 o sin x  cos x Let:
= = cot x (answer) G = Amount invested in Bigger Fund 
z tan x tan x
T = Amount invested in Better Fund SOLUTION 26:
tan 24.45 = z  25 → Solve z Key equations: A = Cekt →
290  PROBLEM 14: Nov. 2016 CE Board Exam G + T = 65 000 → eqn 1 When t = 0 (5 yrs ago), A = 96 000
tan 40.3o dy 4.02%G + 4%T = 2 610 → eqn 2 96 000 = Ce0
z = 313.15 Determine in the equation y = x x 2 . Solve equations 1 and 2 simultaneously C = 96 000
Thus: dx G = Php 50 000 When t = 5 (present), A = 100 000
Elevation of D = 556m + z a. 1 b. 2 x X
1 [1 + lnx2] T = Php 15 000 100 000 = 96 000 ek(5)
Elevation of D = 556m + 313.15 2 PROBLEM 21: December 2014 CE Brd Exam k = 0.008164
Elevation of D = 869.15 c. X 1 [1 + lnx2] d. X X 1 lnx2
x x What should you invest to earn 20 000 in 3 years gaining 4% When t = 25 (5 yrs from now),
effective interest? A = 96 000e0.008164(25)
SITUATION 2: CE Brd Exam-Nov. 2013 -------------------------------------------------

a. Php 215 614.19 b. Php 112 578.42 A = 117736.39

The diameters of a frustum of a sphere are 12.6 and 20.4 cm. SOLUTION 14:
The frustum is 3.6 cm thick. c. Php 160 174.27 d. Php 311 064.35 PROBLEM 27:
y = x x 2 → Take the natural logarithm of both sides Engr. Alexander bought a machine costing P50 000 with an
6. Find its volume. --------------------------------------------------

a. 523.15 b. 482.98 ln y = ln x x 2 SOLUTION 21: expected salvage value of P20 000 after 20 years. Ten years
c. 837.20 d. 842.98 I=F-P from now, he plan to buy a new machine costing P120 000. How
ln y = ( x2 )(ln x) → take the d/dx of both sides: I = P(1+i)n – P much money is he needed to compensate the new machine?
7. Find the radius of the sphere.
a. 16.48 b. 19.64 20 000 = P[(1+0.04)3 – 1] → Solve P a. P85 000 b. P45 000
1  dy  1 P = Php 160 174.27 c. P66 000 d. P75 000
c. 24.16 d. 12.45    x 2  (ln x )(2x )
8. Find the area of the spherical zone. y  dx  x -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOLUTION 27:
a. 714.45 b. 814.45 PROBLEM 22: December 2014 CE Brd Exam Assuming a straight line depreciation.
dy A pair of dice is being tossed, what is the probability that it will
c. 281.61 d. 114.45 = y [x + 2x ln x] 50000  20000
dx exceed 4? Annual dep. (d) =
SOLUTION 6: a. 5/6 b. 4/7 20
dy d = P1500/year
= x 2 x[1 + 2 lnx] c. 1/4 d. 2/3
dx x -------------------------------------------------- For 10 years:
dy SOLUTION 22: D10 = 10(1500)
= x X 1 [1 + lnx2] (answer)
D10 = P 15 000 (total dep. After 10 years)
dx BV10 = 50000 – 15000
BV10 = P35 000
PROBLEM 15: Nov. 2016 CE Board Exam Addt’l cost needed = 120000 – 35 000
Nine less than eight times the number is equal to 39. Find the Addt’l cost needed = P85 000 (answer)
number. PROBLEM 28: NOV. 2012 CE Board Exam
a. 5 b. 7 A salesman made a commission of 2000 pesos in his sales. If
c. 6 d. 8 this sale increased his average commission to 900 which is 100
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dollars more than his latest average. How many units did he sell SOLUTION 31: B.S F.S SOLUTION 37:
so far after the last sale? W = weight of measurement = Number of measurement = 57.5 = 31.2 d = an – an-1
a. 4 units b. 5 units El. BM14 – El. BM12 = B.S – F.S d = (3n + s) – [3(n-1) + s]
c. 6 units d. 12 units Average Number El. BM14 = 209.65 + 57.5 – 31.2 d=3
distance of trials El. B.B14 = 235.95 m PROBLEM 38: May 1998 CE Board Exam
SOLUTION 28: (x) (W) Wx A steel tape was standardized at 20C and used to measure a
Sn = naave (n)  eqn 1 A 352.514 6 PROBLEM 34:
2115.084 line at 3oC. The correct length of a line is 864.30m.Find the
Where: A summit vertical parabolic curve has a sight distance of 100m.
B 354.525 2 709.05 measured length if the coefficient of thermal expansion is
Sn = commission for n units sold If slope of back tangent is +2.2% and slope of forward tangent is
C 352.345 1 352.345 0.0000116 m/mC.
n = number of units sold -1.8%, find the length of curve.
aave (n) = average commission on n units sold D 352.111 8 a. 94.15 m b. 108.6 m a. 867.40 m b. 864.47 m
let n = total units sold after the last sale c. 93.51 m d. 112.2 m c. 823.68 m d. 812.23 m
TOTAL 17 5993.367
Sn = naave (n) SOLUTION 34: SOLUTION 38:
Sn = n(900) → eqn 1 Xave = Wx / W = 5993.367/17 = 352.551 m (answer) Using AASHTO standards: Scorrected = Stape + E
h1 = 1.14 m (height of driver’s eye above road surface) e/tape = L(t2 – t1)
Before the last sale: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
h2 = 0.15 m (height of obstruction above road surface) e/tape = 0.0000116L(3 – 20)
Sn-1 = (n-1)aave (n-1) PROBLEM 32: May 2015 CE Brd Exam e/tape = -0.0001972L
Sn – 2000 = (n-1) (900-100) When you divide a 3-digit number by the sum of the digits, the Assume S < L S tape
Subst. value of Sn from eqn 1 value is 26. If the digits are reversed, it will exceed the original S 2B 864.30 = Stape + -0.0001972L
 
n(900) – 2000 = (n-1)  800 →solve n number by 198. Find the ten’s digit. L= 2
a. 2 b. 4 2h1  2h 2 Stape = 864.47 m
n = 12 units
c. 3 d. 5 PROBLEM 39: May 1999 CE Board Exam
B = [g1-g2]
PROBLEM 29: -------------------------------------------------
B = [2.2-(-1.8)] = 4% = 0.04 A vertical sag parabolic curve has tangent grades of -2% and
Given the data shown: SOLUTION 32:
Let x, y, and z be the hundred’s, ten’s, and unit’s digits respectively
100  2  0.04  +3%. Compute the length of curve if the required sight distance is
Condition 1:
x(100 )  y(10 )  z
 21.14   2 0.15  
a. 218.15 m
c. 234.45 m
b. 212.66 m
d. 271.12 m
CD 23758’ 77.45 = 26 L = 94.47 m < S = 100m  not ok! SOLUTION 39:
DA 8043’ 75.00 xyz
Using night time sight distance:
What is distance AB? 100x+10y+z = 26x + 26y +26z Assume S > L When S<L
a. 28.51
c. 24.21
b. 19.25
d. 18.02
74x -16y - 25z = 0
74 x  25 z L = 2S 
 2h1  2h 2  2
S 2B
 S & L are in m
y= → eqn. 1 B 1.22  3.5%S
PROBLEM 30: CE Brd Exam-May 2007 16
L = 2(100) -   2 When S>L
The perimeter fence of a triangular lot is 400 meters long
Condition 2: 21.14   2 0.15  1.22  3.5%S
including the gate. The front side is due east. The left side is 52 L = 2S   S & L are in m
100z+10y+x =100x+10y+z + 198 0.04
degrees east of north while the right side is 58 degrees north of B
99x -99z = -198  divide by 99 L = 94.15 m < S ok!
west. Find the length of the right side.
x -z = -2 B = 0.03 – (-0.02) = 0.05
(The perimeter of a triangle is 400 m. Angle A = 38 and angle B x = z -2 → eqn. 2 S = 178 m
A spherical segment of one base has an altitude of 3 meters and
Tabulate possible values using equations 1 and 2 Assume S < L
= 58. Find side a.) radius of 4 m. Find the volume.
a. 150 m b. 110 m
z x y
a. 84.28 b. 88.24
178  2  0.05 
c. 90 m d. 100 m c. 82.84 d. 84.82
0 -2 -9.25 1.22  0.035 178 
1 -1 -6.1875 L = 212.6 > S  assumption is correct
2 0 -3.125 V=  3R - h h2 
3 1 -0.0625 A machine costing P45,000 is estimated to have a salvage value
b a I
4 2 3 V=  3 4  33 2  of P 4,350 when retired at the end of 6 years . Depreciation cost
38° 58° 5 3 6.0625 3 is computed using a constant percentage of the declining book
6 4 9.125 value. What is the annual rate of depreciation is %?
c V = 84.82 a. 32.25 % b. 28.65%
 C = 180 – 38o – 58o = 84o Since x, y and z must all be whole numbers, c. 42.50% d. 18.50%
a + b + c = 400 PROBLEM 36:
Therefore, y = 3 (answer) SOLUTION 40:
A bag contains six balls all of different colors. Three balls are
by sine law: PROBLEM 33: taken out of the bag, one at a time. What is the probability that BVr = FC (l – id)r
a b c Using the following notes, what is the elevation of BM14? the balls selected will be red, green, and blue in that order? The BV6 = SV
  STA. B.S F.S ELEV. 4350 = 45000 (l – id)6
sin 38  sin 58  sin 84  three selected balls are returned to the bag and then a handful of
BM12 4.64 209.65 three balls is taken out. What is the probability that the three balls id = 0.3225
sin 58 0 1 5.80 5.06 are red, green, and blue? id = 32.25%
b=a = 1.377a
sin 38 0 2 2.25 5.02 a. 1/34 b. 1/20 PROBLEM 41: PI @30+120.5
sin 84 0 BM13 6.02 5.85 c. 1/12 d. 1/65 A compound curve has the following
I data :
c=a = 1.615a 3 8.96 4.34 SOLUTION 36: 1 = 28  D1 = 3 STA P.. 30 + 120.5
sin 38 0
4 8.06 3.22 Number of ways of selecting three balls, taking the 2 = 31 D2 = 4
a + 1.377a + 1.615a = 400
5 9.45 3.71 order into account, is 6×5×4 = 120. One of those Find the stationing of P.C.C.
3.992a = 400
6 12.32 2.02 ways is red, green, and blue, in that order, so the Use P.. 30 + 120.5
a = 100 m
BM14 1.98 probability is 1/120 . Ways of selecting three balls a. 30 + 186.8 b. 30 + 206.7
a. 235.95 m b. 245.92 m c. 30 + 306.6 T1 PCC d. 30 +T2106.97
without regard to order is
c. 223.25 m d. 236.51 m T
PROBLEM 31: May 2015 CE Brd Exam 6C3 = 6!/3!3!= 20. SOLUTION 41:
L1 1
Four groups with different number of trials measured distance as SOLUTION 33: One of those non-ordered selections is
follows. red+green+blue so the probability of picking that 1
Ave.distance No. of trials BM12 4.64 209.65 is 1/20 = 0.05. 1

1 5.80 5.06 209.23 R1 p

A 352.514 6 PROBLEM 37: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2013 28 15.5
B 354.525 2 2 2.25 5.02 210.01 You are given an arithmetic progression that can be solved using p O O
C 352.345 1 BM13 6.02 5.85 206.41 p p
the formula an = 3n + s, n is the number of series (i.e., a 1, a2, a3… O
D 352.111 8 3 8.96 4.34 208.09 an). p
Find the weighted mean. 4 8.06 3.22 213.83 Find the common difference of the given series. 180o –28o-
a. 335.923 m b. 352.551 m 5 9.45 3.71 218.18 a. 1 b. 2 31o
c. 341.512 m d. 368.425 m 6 12.32 2.02 225.61 c. 3 d. 4 =121o
BM14 1.98 235.95 Z p
11/2018 11/2018
I1 = I2
28o =31o
T1+ T2 = 174.686
-71.96 + 42.39 + 50 + L = 0 49. Find the height of tower constructed at A so that B and C are
L = -20.43(south latitude) still intervisible.
a. 5.87 m b. 6.87 m
D = 0 c. 4.85 m d. 8.71 m By ratio and proportion:
+53.72 + 67.84 + 0 + D = 0 65.4675  y 40.1875
D = - 121.56 (west departure) SOLUTION 47: 
27 15
 = inv tan D/L y = 6.87 m
El.680 m
 = in tan 121.56/20.43 A
 = S80.46W The transit is set up at a point where stadia rod was placed
El.645 m 194.20 m horizontally away from it. The stadia intercept was
recorded to be 1.94 m. and the stadia constant is 0.30, determine
If the perimeter of the fencing material is 800 m. find the largest y the stadia interval factor.
rectangular area that can be fenced. El.620 C a. 99.95 b. 98.56
a. 4 hectares. b. 5 hectares. hcr1 m c. 95.60 d. 100.50
Sta.P.C.C = sta.P.C + L1 c. 8 hectares. d. 2 hectares.
Solving R by arc basis: 15km
H = kS + c
S = DR Sea level
194.20 = k(1.94) + 0.30
20 m = 3(/180o)R1 y Amax y k = 99.95
R1 = 381.97 m PROBLEM 51: CE Brd Exam Nov 1998
y – 604.8125
T1 = R1 tan(I1/2) x x=y 65.4675
680 –hcr1 m Data on a traffic accident record on a certain intersection for the
T1 = 381.97 tan(28/2) 2x + 2y = 800 m = 670.28 m past 5 years has an accident rate of 4160 per million entering
T1 = 95.236 m Largest rectangular area can be enclosed of a given perimeter is 620 –hcr2 vehicles (MEV). Find the total number of accidents if the
= 604.8125
a square (i.e. x =y) m average daily traffic 504.
20 m = 4o(/180o)R2 2x + 2x = 800 12 km 15km a. 4812 Accidents
R2 = 286.48 m x = 200 m Let y = elevation of line of sight at B so that A and C are inter- b. 3726 Accidents
T2 = R2tan(I2/2) Amax = x2 = 200(200) = 40 000 m2 visible c. 3826 Accidents
T2 = 286.48tan(31o/2) 1 hectare = 10 000 m2 hcr1 = 0.0675(12)2 = 9.72 m d. 2415 Accidents
T2 = 79.45 m Amax = 4 hectares hcr2= 0.0675(152 = 15.1875 m SOLUTION 51:
L1 = I1R1 let A be the number of accidents
PROBLEM 45: By ratio and proportion:
L1 = 28o( /180o)(381.97)
L1 = 186.66 m What is the area of the circle having a chord with length 7.43 m 65.4675

y  604.8125 A=
4160 Acc

504 veh
 5 yrs  365days 
and is 4.3 m from its center. 27 15 1 10 6 veh 1day  1yr 
By sine law: a. 101.45 cm2 b. 110.85 cm2 y = 641.18 m A = 3826.37 Accidents
c. 200.55 cm2 d. 301.65cm2
Z 174.689 PROBLEM 52:
sin 31 sin 121 SOLUTION 48: What is the minimum equal height of the object and the observer
Z = 104.96 m Equal height of towers constructed at A and C from a sight distance of 120m? Length of curve is 180 m. Let g1 =
Sta.P.C = sta P.I – Z – T1 +2% and g2 = -4%.
Sta.P.C = 30 120.5 – 104.96 – 95.236 /2 y
El.680 m a. 0.4 m b. 0.6 m
Sta.P.C = 29 920.304 4.3
A c. 0.3 m d. 0.9 m
Sta.P.C.C = 29920.301 + 186.66 R B SOLUTION 52:
El.645 m
Sta.P.C.C = 30 + 106.96 B= g1-g2 =  0.02 –(-0.04) = 0.06
L = S2B 8h
El.620 180 = 1202(0.06) 8h
At 6 %, find the capitalized cost of a bridge whose cost is P250 M hcr1 y
and life is 20 years, if the bridge must be partially rebuilt at a cost m C h = 0.6 meter
By Pythagorean Theorem:
of P100 M at the end of each 20 years. R2 = 4.32 + (7.43/2)2 = 32.29 hcr2
a. P185.1 M b. P314.7 M
12 km
A = R2 = (32.29) = 101.45 cm2
c. P295.3 M d. P225.1 M Sea level Find the total surface area of the pyramid for the following
PROBLEM 46: conditions:
SOLUTION 42: 53. If the base is rectangle, 8 m x 6 m and the perpendicular
A stone is thrown into a body of still water and created a ripples
Capitalized cost : height is 12 m.
in the form of concentric circles, if the radius increases at a rate 680 –hcr1+y 40.1875-y 65.4675 m
Cap. cost = sum of present worth of all future cost = 670.28+y a. 119.25 m2 b. 114.4 m2
of 2m/s, at what rate is the area increasing when the radius is
Capitalized cost = FC + A/i 2m? c. 222.86 m2 d. 110.34 m2
645 620 –hcr2+y
  a. 6 b. 4 54. If the base is a square with side 4.2 m and the slant height is
100 = 604.8125 +y
Capitalized cost = 250 +   15 m.
 1  0.06  20  1 c. 5 d. 8 12 km 15km
a. 143.64 m2 b. 125.15 m2
SOLUTION 46: By ratio and proportion:
Capitalized cost = P 295.3 M c. 152.54 m2 d. 148.98 m2
A = r 2
65.4675 40.1875  y 55. If the base is an octagon with side 5 m and height 20 m.
PROBLEM 43: dA dr 
 2r 27 y 15 El.680 m a. 232.74 m2 b. 538.54 m2
From the given data of a closed traverse, compute the bearing of dt dt A
c. 496.77 m2 d. 486.98 m2
y = 3.817 m
line 3 – 4. when r = 2 m B
Line Bearing Distance dA
El.645 m SOLUTION 53:
1-2 N58E 80 m  2 2 2  = 8 (answer) SOLUTION 49:
Atotal = Abase + Alateral
dt G
2-3 Due N 50 m
3-4 -- ---- hcr1
Two hills A and C have an elevation of 680 m and 620 m m C
4-1 S36.74E 89.8 12cm
respectively. In between A and C is another hill B of elevation 645 hcr2
m and located 12 km from A and 15 km from C. Consider the 12 km F E
a. N51.2oE b. N71.5oW 15km
effects of earth’s curvature and atmospheric refraction. Sea level
4m D
c. S45.14oE d. S80.46W
47. Compute the elevation of the line of sight at B so that A and C O
SOLUTION 43: are intervisible. 680 –hcr1+y A 4m B 4m C

a. 641.18 m b. 604.81 m 40.1875
Line Bearing Dist. Lat = 670.28+y 65.475 +y
Atotal = AACEF + 2AACG + 2ACEG
c. 481.20 m d. 3412.1 m
4 -1 S36.74E 89.8 -71.96 +53.72 1 1
645 620 –hcr2 Atotal = 8(6) + 2 2 (8)( BG ) + 2 2 (6)( DG )
1 -2 N58 E 80 +42.39 +67.84 48. Find the equal height of towers constructed at A and C so = 604.8125
2 -3 Due N 50 +50 0 that the three hills are intervisible. 12 km 15km Atotal = 48 + 8 BG + 6 DG →eqn 1.
3 -4 - - L D a. 5.817 m b. 4.817 m Solve length of segments BG and DG
For closed traverse: c. 3.817 m d. 2.817 m Consider right triangle BOG:
L = 0
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BG = 32  122 = 12.37 A metallic tube has an outside diameter of 8 cm and an inside T1 + T2 = 280.50 SOLUTION 61:
diameter of 6 cm. It has a total length of 4m. What is the total T1 = R1tanI1/2
Consider right triangle GOD: volume of the metal needed to make the tube? T1 = 180tan 5944’/2 = 103.365 m
DG = 42  122 = 12.65 Subst to eqn 1 a. 8797 cm3 b. 6841 cm3 T2 = 280.50 – 103.365 = 177.135 m
c. 7452 cm3 d. 5428 cm3 177.135 = R2tan(94o16’/2)
Atotal = 48 + 8 BG + 6 DG →eqn 1. R2 = 164.412 m 9
Atotal = 48 + 8(12.37) + 6(12.65) SOLUTION 57:  2 =120o A A 360o-2
Atotal = 222.86 V = Bh LC1 = [(5944’)(180)] x x
180 9 = 240o
SOLUTION 54: V= LC1 = 187.658 m
Atotal = Abase + Alateral 8cm 
G V = 8796.5 cm2 6cm LC2 = [(9416’)(164.412)]
15 180
LC2 = 270.50 m 9
F E Sta. PT = Sta. Pl1 – T1 + LC1 + LC2 2x = 9
2.1 Cross section of tube Sta. Pl2 = 16 + 523.37 – 103.365 x = 4.5
O that is 400 cm long + 187.65 + 270.50 cos = x/9
Sta. Pl2 = 16 + 878.16 cos = 4.5/9
A 2.1 B 2.1 C
m + 4A  = 60o
Atotal = AACEF CEG PROBLEM 60: Nov 1997 CE Board Exam 2 = 120o
Atotal = 4.22 + 4 2 (4.2)(15) PROBLEM 58: Find the corrected volume of cut between stations 80 m. apart if A = Asector - Atriangle
Money borrowed today is to be paid in 6 equal payments at the the areas of irregular sections in cut at stations are 26 sq. m. and
Atotal = 143.64 m2 R 2 2  1
end of 6 quarters. If the interest is 12% compounded quarterly. 68 sq. m. respectively. Base width = 8 m. and side slope is 1:1. A=   R 2 sin 2
SOLUTION 55: How much was initially borrowed if quarterly payment is P Use the prismoidal correction formula. 2 180  2
2,000.00 a. 3663.88 cum b.3844.17 cum  9 120    1  9 2 sin 120 
2 
Atotal = Abase + Alateral A=
G a. P 10,834.38 b. P 10,332.90 c. 3971.45 cum d. 2993.77 cum 2 2
180 
c. P 10,586.99 d. P 10,200.56 SOLUTION 60:
20m A = 49.75 cm2
SOLUTION 58: A2= 68m2 Aoverlapping = 2A
NOTE: Upward
Aoverlapping = 2(49.75)
FP arrows represent Aoverlapping = 99.498 cm2
O 2.5
C loan while downward
2.5 m P arrows represent L= 80
m amortization A1 = 26 m SOLUTION 62:
1 2 3 4 5 6 quarters P = 2[R(240o)]
Atotal = 16ArtCOB + 8AABG 1 1 1
P = 2 9240  
8   

1 1 m 
Atotal = 16 2 (2.5)( CO ) + 8 2 (5)( CG ) 6 @ P 2000 H1 = 8 +  180  
2V1 P = 75.39 cm
Atotal = 20( CO ) + 20( CG ) →eqn 1. FA
1 A1 = 26 V1
Solve length of segments CO and CG 1 m2 SOLUTION 63:
Consider right triangle COB: i = 12% comp. Quarterly (understood 8 Aswimming pool = 2Acircle-Aoverlapping
to be per year compounded quarterly) m
360o H2 = 8 + Aswimming pool = 2()(9)2 -99.498
COB = = 22.5 12% 2V2 Aswimming pool = 409.44 cm2
16 i= = 3% per quarter comp.quarterly
4 1 PROBLEM 64:
2.5 A2 = 68 V2
tan 22.5 = Fp  FA 1 The deflection angles of points A and B from the tangent through
CO 8 P.C of a simple curve are 35’ and 815’ respectively. If the chord
 1  i  n  1 
CO = 6.036 P 1  i  n  A   m
26 = 1/2 [8 + 8 + 2V1] V1
distance from A to B is 40m, compute the length of chord from
Consider right triangle COG:  i  PC to A.
  26 = 8V1 + V12
a. 34.69 m b. 23.89 m
CG = CO  20 2
 1  0.03  6  1 V12 + 8V1 – 26 = 0
c. 35.61 m d. 16.85 m
P1  0.03  6  2000   V1 = 2.48 m
CG = 6.036 2  202  0.03  H1 = 8 + 2(2.48)
CG = 20.89 Subst to eqn 1 P = P 10,834.38 H1 = 12.96 m
Atotal = 20( CO ) + 20( CG ) →eqn 1. 68 = 1/2 [8 + 8 + 2V2] V2
Atotal = 20(6.036) + 20(20.89) PROBLEM 59: V22 + 8V2 – 68 = 0
Atotal = 538.54 m2 The common tangent BC of a reversed curve is 280.5 m. and V2 =5.165 m A 40m
has a bearing of S4731’E. AB is the tangent of the first curve H2 = 8+ 2(5.165) = 18.33 m
PROBLEM 56: whose bearing is N 7245’E. CD is a tangent of the second curve Vcp = L/12 (V2 – V1)(H2 – H1)  8
In triangle ABC, DE is drawn parallel to AC. D is in AB while E in whose bearing is N3813’E. A is at the P.C. while D is at the P.T. Vcp = 80/12 (5.165 – 2.48)(18.33 – 12.96)
BC. DE=3, AD=5, while DB = 2. Find AC The radius of the first curve is 180 m. The P.I. 1 is at the station 16 Vcp = 996.123 m3 R
a. 9.8 b. 11.3 + 523.37. Find the stationing of the P.T. VE = L/2 (A1 + A2) PC R
c. 10.5 d. 12.1 a. 16 + 878.16 b. 16 + 883.65 VE = 80/2 (26 + 68) 16o30’
SOLUTION 56: c. 16 + 893.24 d. 16 + 889.54 R
VE = 3760 m3
By ratio and proportion:
SOLUTION 59: Vcorrected = VE – Vcp
6o10’ O
Vcorrected = 3760 – 96.123 = 3663.88 m3
 AC   DE 
 AB    DB  40m E
    D
SITUATION 7: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2004 20m
 AC   3 N 7245’E The area of a swimming pool is formed by two overlapping
 7    2 S 4731’E
identical circles with common radius of 9 cm.
    PI1 C/2 R
61. Find the area common to two circles. R
B a. 51.8 cm2 b. 81.2 cm2
2 T1 B T1 I2
D 3 E PT c. 125 cm2 d. 99.5 cm2
5 LC1 LC2 62. Find the perimeter of the swimming pool.
A D 6o10’
a. 75.4 cm b. 65.1 cm
A C T2 C
I1 I2 c. 35.6 cm d. 95.4 cm
AC = 10.5 units I1 = 180o – 72o45’ – 47o31’ 63. Find the area of the swimming pool. Sin(10o20’/2) = 20/R
PROBLEM 57: I1 = 59o44’ N3813’E
a. 409.4 cm2 b. 509.5 cm2 R = 222.1 m
I2 = 180o – 47o31’-– 38o13’ c. 615.8 cm2 d. 350.5 cm2 sin(6o10’/2) = C/2/R
I2 = 94o16’ C = 2(222.1)sin(6o10’/2)
11/2018 11/2018
C = 23.89 m  chord from PC to A SOLUTION 69: c. 19.28 d. 46.32 SOLUTION 75:
2 2
x + y = 25 is a circle whose center is at (0,0) and radius =5 as --------------------------------------------------

A parallelogram has sides of lengths of 60 and 140 cm. If one of shown.

FC= 50,000
the angles is 70, find the length of one of the diagonals. y If the equation of plane is Ax +By + Cz = D, then then vector N that is
Tangent Line
a. 168.3 b. 185.3 perpendicular to said plane is: N = Ai +Bj + Ck.
Normal Line D3
c. 170.2 d. 156.2 Vector A = 8i +5j – k is  to plane 8x +5y – z +46 = 0
PROBLEM 66: Vector B = 6i +5j – 5k is  to plane 6x +5y – 5z = 0. Dn = 40 000
Compute the area of a regular octagon with sides equal to 200 P(3,4)
a. 199 494 cm2 b. 193 136cm2 8x +5y – z + 46 = 0
4 SV = 10,000
c. 134 682 cm2 d. 154 907cm2 Vct A
 A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Aoctagon = 16ArtCOB N M T 
By Ratio and Proportion:
100Ccm D3 40000
100 cm =
Vct A 3 10
D3 = Php 12 000 (answer)

6x +5y – 5z = 0.
PN = length of Normal line
PT = length of Tangent line Consider Dot Product
MT = length of Sub-Tangent line Vct A  Vct B =  A B cos  Godly Discipline Leads to
MN = length of Sub-Normal line  A = 82  52  ( 1)2 = 9.487
Aoctagon = 16 2 (100)( CO )
By Inspection,  B = 62  52  ( 5) 2 = 9.274 By Rick Warren — Sep 28, 2017
A octagon= 800( CO ) →eqn 1. MN = 3 (ANSWER) [8i +5j – k]  [6i +5j – 5k] = 9.487(9.274) cos “Do not let any part of your body become
8(6) + 5(5) + (-1)(-5) = 87.982438 cos a tool of wickedness, to be used for
Consider right triangle COB:  = 27.56 (answer)
PROBLEM 70: sinning. Instead, give yourself

COB = = 22.5 On a highway, it is a slightly raised strip of asphalt, plastic, etc. completely to God . . . as a tool to do
16 across the lane of traffic to warn the commuters that it is PROBLEM 73: May 2015 CE Brd Exam
A hemispherical tank of radius 1.2 m contains a liquid with unit
what is right for the glory of God”
100 approaching a hazard
weight of 54.5 kN/m3 to the brim. Compute the value of the work (Romans 6:13 NLT).
tan 22.5 =
CO done by pumping the liquid to a point 0.8 m from the top. Daniel had a choice. Eat the king’s food, or
a. Chevron marking
CO = 241.42 Subst to eqn 1 a. 88.76 kNm b. 95.52 kNm control his ego and his appetite.
b. diagonal marking
c. 62.52 kNm d. 72.52 kNm Daniel chose the latter.
c. thermoplastic marking
A octagon= 800(241.42) -----------------------------------------------

A octagon= 193 136 sq. cm.

d. Rumble strip
SOLUTION 73: Many teenagers wouldn’t have made that
PROBLEM 67: ANSWER: Rumble strip
Think about it. You’re 15 years old, and you’ve
A solid plane has nine vertices and composed of triangles, where
been taken by force from your home country.
four triangles meet on each of its six vertices and six triangles PROBLEM 71: May 2015 CE Brd Exam
oneach of its remaining vertices. How many faces does the PRC purchased a new car worth P1 950 000. If the car is You’re never going to see your parents again.
plane have? depreciated over a 10-year period with a salvage value of P575 r = 1.2 m You’re in a foreign country with no parental
a. 14 b. 17 000, determine the number of years to which the book value supervision. Then the most powerful man in
c. 16 d. 15 F=W=wV z
reaches P950 000 using Sum of Years Digit Method. that country offers you all kinds of perks and
a. 7 yrs b. 4 yrs G 1.2 m
c. 6 yrs d. 5 yrs
pleasure. You’ll get the best of everything.”
Let n = number of triangular faces
Could you turn that down?
n × 3 = total number of vertices of all triangles SOLUTION 71: Just consider what we see sometimes in
G=centroid of hemisphere
n × 3 = 4 × 6 + 6 × (9 – 6) Dn = total depreciation sports. A kid can shoot a basketball, throw a
Dn = FC – SV Work = Force  distance
n = 14 faces (answer) football, or swing a bat. They’re drafted into
Dn = 1 950 000 – 575 000 = Php 1 375 000.00 Work = W  z z = 3/8 R = 3/8 (1.2) = 0.45 m
PROBLEM 68: Nov. 2016 Board Exam BVr = FC - Dr = 1 950 000 - 950 000 = Php 1 000 000.00 the professional leagues and receive tons of
In a certain commodity, 90% drinks tea, 80% drinks coffee, 70% Work = wV  z money. They’re given all kinds of perks, but
Tabulate values of annual deppreciation
drinks whiskey, 60% drinks gin. 40% drinks both whiskey and gin. Work = 54.5 2/3 R3(0.45) they can’t handle that kind of success. Good
What percentage of the community drinks liquor? Year Disttribution
a. 70% b. 80% (r) Factor (DF) Dr = Dn x DF Dr Work = 54.5 2/3 (1.2)3(0.45) kids can be ruined by too much success, too
c. 90% d. 40% 1 10/55 1 375 000(10/55) = 250000 250 000 Work = 88.76 kNm early.
2 9/55 1 375 000(9/55) = 225000 475 000
That could have easily been Daniel’s story, but
SOLUTION 68: PROBLEM 74: December 2014 CE Brd Exam
3 8/55 1 375 000(8/55) = 200000 675 000
it wasn’t. He was incredibly disciplined for a
Two circles are tangent internally. How many tangent 15-year-old kid isolated from his parents.
4 7/55 1 375 000(7/55) = 175000 850 000 lines formed?
a. 1 b. 2 Daniel reflected what Paul wrote hundreds of
5 6/55 1 375 000(6/55) = 150000 1 000 000
c. 4 d. 3 years later, when he said in Romans 6:13: “Do
6 5/55 1 375 000(5/55) = 125000 1 125 000
70% - 40% 40% 60% - 40% --------------------------------------------------
not let any part of your body become a tool of
=30% = 20% 7 4/55 1 375 000(4/55) = 100000 1 225 000 SOLUTION 74: wickedness, to be used for sinning. Instead,
8 3/55 1 375 000(3/55) = 75000 1 300 000 ANSWER: a 1 give yourself completely to God . . . as a tool
9 2/55 1 375 000(2/55) = 50000 1 350 000 Only one common tangents can be
to do what is right for the glory of God” (NLT).
10 1/55 1 375 000(1/55) = 25000 1 375 000 For Daniel, a lack of discipline would mean
From the Venn diagram above, SYD
WD = total percentage of wine drinkers = 55 9 625 000
forfeiting God’s unique plan for his life. Daniel
WD = 30% + 40% + 20% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wouldn’t do that.
WD = 90% (ANSWER) By inspection, accumulated deppreciation is Php 1 000 000.00 at 5th year. PROBLEM 75: So he tells the most powerful man in the
A machine has an initial cost of P50 000 and a salvage value of world, “Nebuchadnezzar, I’m going to serve
PROBLEM 69: P10 000 after 10 years. What is the total depreciation after 3
PROBLEM 72: May 2015 CE Brd Exam years? you because God put me here. I’m not here
In a circle, x2 + y2 = 25 find the sub-normal at (3,4). Find the angle between 8x + 5y – z + 46 = 0 and 6x + 5y – 5z = without his permission, so I’ll serve you. You
a. 4 b. 5 a. Php 13 000 b. Php 11 000
0. c. Php 12 000 d. Php 13 500 are a pagan king. But I’m not going to be
c. 3 d. 6 a. 27.56 b. 34.51
indebted to you or conformed by you. You can

11/2018 11/2018
give me all these kind of perks, but I’m never BATTERY TEST 3
going to forget that I’m not you. I’m not one of MATHEMATICS AND SURVEYING
you. I’m Jewish. I’m not Babylonian.” SUBJECT CODE: BAT3M
That’s maturity — and discipline, particularly
for a 15-year-old. When we’re disciplined and
obedient and following God’s will, we will be PROBLEM 1: c. 31.56 units d. 30.22 units piece? What is the average length of the
A certain company decided to pay its smaller piece?
successful in God’s eyes. PROBLEM 10:
loan by installment for 20 years. P1000
Talk It Over at the end of 5 years, P2000 at the end
If the sum of the series is given by the a. 1/2 b. 3/4
equation S = 3n + b, what is the 9th? c. 1/4 d. 1/3
 How have you seen someone’s lack of of 10 years and P3000 at the end of 15
a. 24 786 b. 13 786
discipline hurt other people? years. Determine the equivalent annual PROBLEM 21:
c. 28 744 d. 10 315
payment when i = 8%.
 Where in your life do you struggle most a. 260 b. 591
In how many ways can 9 students select
SITUATION 1: 4 structural books and 3 hydraulics
with discipline? Why? c. 281 d. 240 Given the following traverse notes taken books from 9 structural books and 5
 What are some ways you can grow in your by a survey party,
PROBLEM 2: hydraulics books if a student cannot
discipline? ABCD is a square with side equal to 10 LINE BEARING DISTANCE select more than one book?
cm. PQRS is another square inside AB N 40° E 250 m a. 202 940 540 b. 140 450 490
ABCD. PQAB, QSBC, RSDC and PRAD BC S 50° E 300 m c. 228 614 400 d. 326 540 940
are identical trapezia with area equal to CD S 20° W 400 m
9 cm2. Find the height of the trapezoid. DA N 30° W 450 m
11. Find the adjusted latitude for side CD Find the maximum life of an equipment if
a. 1 cm b. 2 cm
using Compass rule its salvage value is zero. The
c. 3 cm d. 4 cm
a. -145.01 m b. -379.45 m depreciation charge during the third year
PROBLEM 3: c. 406.22 m d. -201.50 m is 3/35 of the first cost. Use Sum of
A solid plane has nine vertices and Years Digit Method.
composed of triangles, where four 12. Find the adjustment for departure of a. 5 years b. 10 years
triangles meet on each of its six vertices side CD using Compass rule c. 15 years d. 20 years
and six triangles on each of its a. -145.01 m b. -379.45 m
c. 406.22 m d. -201.50 m PROBLEM 23:
remaining vertices. How many faces
A frustum of a sphere is 6.6 cm thick.
does the plane have? 13. Find the adjusted distance for side The diameter of its upper and lower
a. 14 b. 17 CD using Compass rule . bases are 18.5 and 32.9 cm,
c. 16 d. 15 a. -145.01 m b. -379.45 m respectively. What is the volume of the
c. 406.22 m d. -201.50 m
PROBLEM 4: frustum in cm3?
In a certain commodity, 90% drinks tea, 14. Find the linear error of closure. a. 3814.19 cm3 b. 3827.17 cm3
80% drinks coffee, 70% drinks whiskey, a. 29.40 m b. 55.17 m c. 3842.99 cm3 d. 3821.54 cm3
60% drinks gin. 40% drinks both c. 31.31 m d. 11.15 m
whiskey and gin. What percentage of
15. Find the relative error. What is the time between 2 o’clock and
the community drinks liquor?
a. 2.24% b. 2.85% 3 o’clock the hour hand and the minute
a. 70% b. 80%
c. 1.55% d. 1.87% hand is bisected by the centerline of 3
c. 90% d. 40%
PROBLEM 5: a. 2:18.46 b. 2:15.45
A point O is inside square ABCD. The c. 2:35.42 d. 2:20.40
A new kind of atom smasher is to be
distance from point O to a, b and c are
composed of two tangents and circular
3, 4 and 5 respectively. Find the area of PROBLEM 25:
arc which is concave toward the point of
the square. Nine less than eight times the number is
intersection of the two tangents. Each
a. 58.21 unit2 b. 77.82 unit2 equal to 39. Find the number.
tangent and the arc of the circle is 1 mile
c. 61.75 unit2 d. 70.28 unit2 a. 5 b. 7
long. What is the radius of the circle?
c. 6 d. 8
a. 31.26 ft b. 23.45 ft PROBLEM 17:
c. 25.61 ft d. 29.44 ft A closed traverse has the following data: SITUATION 1:
LINE BEARING DISTANCE The first cost of a machine is P1 800
AB ? 44.43 000 with a salvage value of P 300 000 at
Talisay City is considering a new BC ? 136.54
Php500 000 street cleaner. The new the end of its life of 5 years. Determine
CD N145’E 12.58 the book value after 3 years using:
machine will operate at a savings of DA N7210’E 62.86
Php600 per day compared to the 26. Straight Line Method
EA S4813’E 107.72 a. P900 000 b. P800 000
present equipment. Assume the MARR
Find the bearing of line BC. c. P759 200 d. P940 000
is 12% and the machine life is 10 years
with zero resale value at the time. How a. S87.30W b. N88.20E
27. Sum of the Years Digit Method.
many days per year must the machine c. N89.76W d. S86.25E a. P790 500 b. P480 300
be used to justify the investment? c. P600 000 d. P850 000
a. 153.45 b. 147.49 PROBLEM 18:
c. 135.45 d. 165.49 An existing road is tangential to a 28. Double Declining Balance Method
circular lake 12 m along the existing a. P483 040 b. P388 800
PROBLEM 7: road, an 8 meter new road is c. P589 560 d. P520 000
Find one of two angles of ratio 3:2 and constructed at the periphery of the lake.
The new road is extended to cross the SITUATION 2:
are supplementary.
lake. What is the length of the bridge? A roadway has a base of 7 m and side
a. 72 b. 24
a. 17 m b. 25 m slopes of 2:1. The height of fill at the
c. 16 d. 60 center is 2.5 m. Assume that the slope
c. 14 m d. 10 m
PROBLEM 8: of the original ground surface is 8%.
PROBLEM 19: 29. Compute the area of fill.
In a circle, x2 + y2 = 25 find the tangent
A simple curve has a central angle of a. 32.658 m2 b. 34.124 m2
at (4,3).
30 and radius of 240 m. What is the c. 30.952 m2 d. 28.247 M2
a. 4.25 b. 5.5
c. 3.75 d. 6.75 deflection per foot length of curve? 30. Compute the distance of the right
a. 0.028 b. 0.065 slope stake from the centerline.
PROBLEM 9: c. 0.199 d. 0.036 a. 13.12 m b. 12.12 m
Compute the tangent distance from c. 11.12 m d. 10.12 m
point (26, 16) to the curve x2 – 16x + y2 PROBLEM 20:
+ 16y + 64 = 0. If a stick is broken in two at random, 31. Compute the distance of the left
a. 28.91 units b. 21.23 units what is the average length of the smaller slope stake from the centerline.
a. 9.328 m b. 8.328 m
c. 7.328 m d. 6.328 m 40. Compute the elevation of the line of Line Bearing Distance c. 101.98 m2 d. 103.56 m2 c. 28.39 d. 32.42 You’re never going to get to the edge of
sight at B so that A and C are his hands. Every aspect of your life is in
intervisible. A–B N40E 3856.7 m PROBLEM 61: SITUATION 9: his hands.
a. 641.18 m b. 604.81 m B–C N87.137W 4935.18 m From station 0 + 210 with center height For an ordinary annuity for 8 years, if i= When my kids were little, I used to stand
c. 481.20 m d. 3412.1 m C-D S70W 2001.58 m of 2 m in fill, the ground lines makes a 6% compounded semi-quarterly, find the at the edge of the pool in the water and
PROBLEM 32: D-A 5001.7 m uniform slope of 4.8% to station 0 + 260 following: say, “Trust me. Jump to me.” They were
The sum of the first “n” terms of a series 41. Find the equal height of towers whose center height is 1.2 m in cut . 72. Sinking fund factor. always afraid. Is he strong enough to
Solve for the area of the triangulation.
is 3(n+2) – 6. Compute the 5 th term of the constructed at A and C so that the three Find the distance from station 0 + 260 a. 0.01223 b. 0.00013242 catch me? Are his hands slippery? What
series. hills are intervisible. where the excavation be extended. c. 0.00014021 d. 0.00018452 happens if he doesn’t catch me? But
a. 9732.28 ha b. 1241.74 ha
a. 3456 b. 2181 a. 5.817 m b. 4.817 m a. 43.75 m b. 18.75 m finally they would get up enough faith to
c. 1673.23 ha d. 1141.75 ha 73. Present worth factor.
c. 1458 d. 1895 c. 3.817 m d. 2.817 m c. 20.75 m d. 34.85 m jump into my arms, and of course I
PROBLEM 52: a. 39.42463 b. 42.31648
would catch them. Then they’d want to
PROBLEM 33: 42. Find the height of tower constructed A truck travels from point A north ward PROBLEM 62: c. 48.32064 d. 50.68098
do it a hundred more times!
The base of a truncated prism is a at A so that B and C are still intervisible. for 30 min., then eastward for one hour, At sta. A 1 + 120 the center height of cut 74. Capital recovery factor. Your Father is waiting for you to jump
triangle with sides 8cm , 12 cm and 10 a. 5.87 m b. 6.87 m then shifted N30W. how far directly is 4.5 m and at sta. 1 + 200 has a center a. 0.023631 b. 0.020695 today. He’s saying, “Trust me. I can be
cm. If the heights are 20 cm, 18 cm and c. 4.85 m d. 8.71 m from A will it be after 2 hours if the height of 2.6 m in fill. The ground c. 0.025500 d. 0.01973 trusted. I’m working behind the scenes.
12 cm respectively, compute the volume constant speed is 40 kph, sloping at -6 % uniformly from sta. 1 +
in cc. SITUATION 5: 120 to sta. 1 + 200. Find the slope of PROBLEM 75:
And I can handle anything oyu give me.”
a. 52.41 km b. 36.51 km Don’t you want God’s hand to be on
a. 341.23 b. 531.13 Find the total surface area of the c. 47.88 km d. 43.25 km the finished roadway. An engineer is to design a bridge, to get
pyramid for the following conditions: your life? Don’t you want your life to be
c. 661.43 d. 361.63 a. 2.415% b. 1.985% the length of the bridge she walks from A
43. If the base is rectangle, 8 m x 6 m PROBLEM 53: in God’s hands? You can trust him with
c. 2.875% d. 3.235% to B due north and from B she uses her
PROBLEM 34: and the perpendicular height is 12 m. your life and your future.
A vertical sag parabolic curve has transit and get an angle of 4050 to
The rate of flow of traffic on south a. 119.25 m2 b. 114.4 m2 SITUATION 6: Talk It Over
tangent grades of -2% and +3%. point C directly opposite A. The distance
expressway is 1200 vehicles in one Given the technical description of a  What big problem or circumstance in
c. 222.86 m2 d. 110.34 m2 Compute the length of curve if the A to B is 50 m, find the length of the
hour.Find the space mean speed if the required sight distance is 178m. triangular lot. your life have you been reluctant to
44. If the base is a square with side 4.2 bridge to be constructed. hand over to God?
traffic density is 25 vehicles kilometer. a. 218.15 m b. 212.66 m Lines Bearings Distances a. 43.21m b. 23.25m
a. 36 kph b. 48 kph m and the slant height is 15 m. c. 234.45 m d. 271.12 m  How have you seen God provide for
c. 65.42m d. 54.32m
c. 54 kph d. 60 kph a. 143.64 m2 b. 125.15 m2 AB N 40W ? you and take care of you in the past?
c. 152.54 m2 d. 148.98 m2 PROBLEM 54:  Is it comforting or frustrating to you
SITUATION 3: BC N 60E 810 m
ABC is a right triangle with AB as the that God works “behind the scenes”?
45. If the base is an octagon with side 5 CA Due South ?
The natural grade line at Station 2 + 220
m and height 20 m.
hypothenuse. If CD is altitutde to side How Big Are God’s Hands? Why?
is with center height of 4.5 m. in cut, AB. If AD=2 and DB = 4.5, what is CD By Rick Warren — Mar 14, 2017
while that at Sta 2+300 is 2.6 m in fill. a. 232.74 m2 b. 538.54 m2 a. 3.5 b. 2.5 We are to cut a 190 000 m2 along the
35. Find the extent of fill measured from c. 496.77 m2 d. 486.98 m2 side BC starting from B to point D on “I give them eternal life, and they
c. 3 d. 3.2
sta 2+300 side CA. shall never perish .... My Father, who
a. 29.3 b. 39.2 PROBLEM 46: PROBLEM 55: 63. Find the length of CD has given them to me, is greater than
c. 50.7 d. 30.15 Two concentric circles that is the cross ABC is a right triangle with AB as the a. 621.42 b. 690.42 all; no one can snatch them out of
sectional area of the pipe, the big circle hypothenuse. If CD is altitutde to side c. 490.09 d. 541.71 my Father’s hand” (John 10:28-29
36. Find the stationing of the transition circumscribed a regular hexagon with AB. If AD=2 and DB = 4.5, what is angle NIV).
point. 64. Find the length of the dividing line
side length of 9.4m and the small circle B
a. 2+270.7 b. 2+259.20 BD. When I was growing up, one of the
is inscribed in the same hexagon. What a. 43.5 b. 32.5
c. 2+249.3 d. 2+250.15 a. 825.42 b. 714.68 things that impressed me about my dad
is the cross sectional area of the pipe? c. 33.7 d. 43.2 c. 695.14 d. 794.24 was his big hands. I have big hands
37. Find the slope of the finished grade a. 48.1 m2 b. 62.7 m2
line if the natural gradeline slopes at c. 53.2 m2 d. 69.4 m2 PROBLEM 56: 65. Find the bearing of the dividing line now, but my dad had huge hands! When
-5%, What should you invest to earn 20 000 from B. he would do carpentry, the hammer just
PROBLEM 47: a. N 8312’E b. S 7858’E looked so small in his hands.
a. 1.125 % b. 4.275 % in 3 years gaining 4% effective interest?
If i = 14% compounded quarterly, find c. S 6942’E d. N 8210’E My heavenly Father has really big
c. 2:335% d. 3:875% a. Php 215 614.19
the equivalent interest rate if hands. He’s got the whole world in his
b. Php 112 578.42
PROBLEM 38: compounded monthly? SITUATION 7: hands!
a. 10.24% b. 13.84% c. Php 160 174.27 How big are God’s hands?
The deflection angles of points A and B Find the interest on Php 200, 000 for 8
from the tangent through P.C of a simple c. 21.15% d. 11.90% d. Php 311 064.35 years. God’s hands are big enough to bless
curve are 305’ and 815’ respectively. If 66. at 16% simple interest you. Jesus often touched people in
the chord distance from A to B is 40m, a. P184, 360 b. P256, 000 order to bless them. He would lay his
The following may consist barrier lines A point P is inside a square ABCD of hands on people and bless them. He
compute the length of chord from PC to side 5 m. Triangle PCD formed is an c. P149, 200 d. P242, 400
except does the same for you. Isaiah 62:3 says,
A. equilateral triangle. What is the measure
a. two unbroken yellow lines; 67. at 16% compounded bi-monthly “The Lord will hold you in his hand for all
a. 34.69 m b. 23.89 m of angle ABP?
b. single unbroken yellow line; or, interest . to see — a splendid crown in the hand
c. 35.61 m d. 16.85 m a. 15 b. 18
c. single yellow line with a broken a. P684186.30 b. P494312.42 of God” (NLT, second edition).
PROBLEM 39: white line. c. 25 d. 10 c. P298316.42 d. P507365.93 God’s hands are scarred to never
The common tangent BC of a reversed d. Solid white line forget you. In Heaven, the only scars
68. at 16% compounded continuously
curve is 280.5 m. and has a bearing of PROBLEM 58: will be on Jesus. Do you think God can
PROBLEM 49: interest .
S4731’E. AB is the tangent of the first The angle of elevation on top of the forget you? He has a constant reminder
These are signs that inform road users a. P492348.62 b. P664941.60
tower in the same horizontal plane in his nail-scarred hands. The Bible
curve whose bearing is N 7245’E. CD is of traffic laws and regulations which, if c. P519327.95 d. P298498.62
observed from point A is 300. 25 m says, “Can a mother forget the baby at
a tangent of the second curve whose disregarded, will constitute an offense. closer to the tower, the angle of SITUATION 8: her breast and have no compassion for
bearing is N3813’E. A is at the P.C. a. Traffic Signs elevation it makes is 400. Find the height The vertical angle of the top of a flag the child she has borne? Though she
while D is at the P.T. The radius of the b. Regulatory Signs of the tower. pole as observed from point A is 60, may forget, I will not forget you! See, I
first curve is 180 m. The P.I. 1 is at the c. Warning Signs a. 24.56 m b. 46.27 m
while that of its bottom is 52. Said pole have engraved you on the palms of my
station 16 + 523.37. Find the stationing d. Guide Signs c. 77.67 m d. 82.45 m
stands on top of a pedestal whose base hands” (Isaiah 49:15-16a NIV).
of the P.T.
PROBLEM 50: PROBLEM 59: is 14.20 m from point A God’s hands are strong enough to
a. 16 + 878.16 b. 16 + 883.65
They warn road users of condition on or 69. Find the height of the pedestal. keep you eternally secure. John
c. 16 + 893.24 d. 16 + 889.54 In triangle ABC, BC = 36 cm, AC = 57
adjacent to the a. 21.42 b. 16.25 10:28-29 says, “I give them eternal life,
cm and B = 102.7o .Compute the length
SITUATION 4: road that may be unexpected or of side AB. c. 18.18 d. 14.32 and they shall never perish .... My
Two hills A and C have an elevation of hazardous. Father, who has given them to me, is
a. 48 cm b. 30 cm 70. Find the height of the flag pole on
680 m and 620 m respectively. In a. Special Instruction Signs greater than all; no one can snatch them
c. 42 cm d. 37 cm top of the pedestal.
between A and C is another hill B of b. Regulatory Signs out of my Father’s hand” (NIV).
a. 6.42 b. 4.92
elevation 645 m and located 12 km from c. Guide Signs PROBLEM 60: Once you put your life in God’s hands,
c. 5.48 d. 7.89 nobody can snatch you out. You may
A and 15 km from C. Consider the d. Warning Signs The area of a circle circumscribed about
effects of earth’s curvature and an equilateral triangle is 254.47 sq.m. 71. Find the distance from A to the top of wonder, “Can’t you just jump out?” How
atmospheric refraction. PROBLEM 51: What is the area of the triangle in sq.m? the flag pole. big do you think God’s hands are?
Given the following: a. 105.22 m2 b. 110.45 m2 a. 25.61 b. 19.48

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are identical trapezia with area equal to y SITUATION 1: CD Adjusted = -597.21+ 108.84i = 607
9 cm2. Find the height of the trapezoid. Tangent LineGiven the following traverse notes taken
a. 1 cm b. 2 cm R
1 mile Normal Line by a survey party,
 169.66
c. 3 cm d. 4 cm CD adjusted = 169.66 - 90 = N79.66W
1 mile Therefore
SOLUTION 2: P(3,4) AB N 40° E 250 m Dcd adjusted = - 597.21 meters
= 5280 ft
10 BC S 50° E 300 m Lcd adjusted = 108.84 meters
5 CD S 20° W 400 m
CD Adjusted = 607  169.66
h x R 1 mile
4 DA N 30° W 450 m
 11. Find the adjusted latitude for side
h P x Q
CD usingy Compass rule SOLUTION 14:
 1 3 Use Mode Complex of your Calculator. Convert
tan = N M T a. -145.01 m b. -379.45 m
10 x 2 R c. 406.22 m d. -201.50 m the lines to polar form r  .
1 let
→ EQN. 1 12. Find the adjustment for departure of
h R S  = 2 arctan AB = 420  (90- 4520’) = 420 
R side CD using Compass rule
a. -145.01 m b. -379.45 m 4440’ →SHIFT STO. A
S = R
10  x c. 406.22 m d. -201.50 m BC = 605  (270+  6510’) = 605 
Atrapezoid ABPQ = h = 16  eqn 1  1 PN = length of Normal line
2 5280 =  2 arctan  R 13. Find the adjusted distance for side 33510’ →SHIFT STO. B
 R PT = length of Tangent line CD = 600  (90+ 8015’) = 600 
but CD using Compass rule .
MT = length of Sub-Tangent line
x = 10 – 2h → Subst. to eq. 1 R = 29.44 ft a. -145.01 m b. -379.45 m 17015’→SHIFT STO. C
MN = length of Sub-Normal line
10  10  2h PROBLEM 6:
c. 406.22 m d. -201.50 m DA = 280  (270+ 5530’) =280 
h = 16 By Inspection,
2 Talisay City is considering a new 14. find the linear error of closure. 32530’→SHIFT STO. D
Php500 000 street cleaner. The new a. 29.40 m b. 55.17 m
h = 8 cm (answer)
machine will operate at a savings of c. 31.31 m d. 11.15 m LEC = linear error of closure
Php600 per day compared to the LEC = A + B + C + D = 487.19 -15.82i
PROBLEM 3: CE Nov 2016 board exam Compute the tangent distance from 15. find the relative error.
present equipment. Assume the MARR → SHIFT STO. E
A solid plane has nine vertices and point (26, 16) to the curve x2 – 16x + y2 a. 2.24% b. 2.85%
is 12% and the machine life is 10 years SHIFT 2 3 =
composed of triangles, where four + 16y + 64 = 0. c. 1.55% d. 1.87%
triangles meet on each of its six vertices with zero resale value at the time. How
a. 28.91 units b. 21.23 units LEC = 29.4  -50.91 (answer)
COLOR LIGHT BLUE and six triangles on each of its many days per year must the machine
c. 31.56 units d. 30.22 units SOLUTION 11-13: ------------------------------------------------------

be used to justify the investment? Use Mode Complex of your Calculator. Convert SOLUTION 15:
SHADE MUST BE RECHECK remaining vertices. How many faces
does the plane have? a. 153.45 b. 147.49 SOLUTION 9: the lines to polar form r  . R.E. = relative error
c. 135.45 d. 165.49 x2 - 16x + y2 + 16y + 64 = 0
PROBLEM 1: CE Nov 2016 board exam
a. 14 b. 17 let LEC 29.4
c. 16 d. 15 By completing the square: AB = 420  (90- 4520’) = 420  R.E. = = =
A certain company decided to pay its x2 – 16x +64 +y2 +16y + 64 = -64 +64 +64  dis tan ce 1895
loan by installment for 20 years. P1000 SOLUTION 3: iDn 0.12(500000 ) (x – 8)2 + (y + 8)2 = 82 4440’ →SHIFT STO. A
0.0155 = 1.55% (answer)
d= = BC = 605  (270+  6510’) = 605 
at the end of 5 years, P2000 at the end
of 10 years and P3000 at the end of 15
Let n = number of triangular faces
n × 3 = total number of vertices of all
1  i n  1 1  0.12 10  1 Thus :
Center is at ( 8 ,-8); R = 8 33510’ →SHIFT STO. B PROBLEM 16: CE Nov 2016 board exam
d = 28 492.10 A point O is inside square ABCD. The
years. Determine the equivalent annual triangles y CD = 600  (90+ 8015’) = 600 
payment when i = 8%. n × 3 = 4 × 6 + 6 × (9 – 6) distance from point O to a, b and c are
to Breakeven, 17015’→SHIFT STO. C
(26,4) 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Find the area of
a. 260 b. 591 n = 14 faces (answer) d = 600/day  X days/yr
c. 281 d. 240 DA = 280  (270+ 5530’) =280  the square.
MRP + d = Php600/day  X a. 58.21 unit2 b. 77.82 unit2
PROBLEM 4: NOV. 2016 CE Board Exam x 32530’→SHIFT STO. D
SOLUTION 1: d c. 61.75 unit2 d. 70.28 unit2
In a certain commodity, 90% drinks tea, MRP = Minimum Required Profit shortest
FA 80% drinks coffee, 70% drinks whiskey, MRP = iFC
R= 8 distance LINE r  Calculat

60% drinks gin. 40% drinks both MRP = 0.12(500 000) SOLUTION 16:
D Vector
A A AAA A AA AA A AA A A whiskey and gin. What percentage of MRP = 60 000 (8,-8)
+Li Name
the community drinks liquor? A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 a. 70% b. 80%
AB 420 4 291.6 288.2
60 000 + 28 492.10 = 600x 440’ 0 2i
1000 2000 3000 c. 90% d. 40%
x = 147.49 By distance formula: BC 605 
3 - B
SOLUTION 4: 549.0 254.0
F2 PROBLEM 7: d=  26  8 2   4    8  2 3510’
6 9i X

F1 WHISKEY GIN Find one of two angles of ratio 3:2 and

are supplementary.
d = 21.63 units CD 600 
1 101.6
Shortest distance = d – 8 7015’ -591.33 1i
By Theory of Equivalence, at the end of a. 72 b. 24
20 years: c. 16 d. 60
Shortest distance = 21.63 – 8 DA 280 
3 -
 4 5
Shortest distance = 13.63 units 2530’
F4 = F 1 + F 2 + F 3 70% - 40% 40% 60% - 40% -230.76 9i 60– 
=30% = 20% SOLUTION 7: PROBLEM 10: CE Nov 2016 board exam
(1  i) 20  1 = B C
A = P1(1 + i)15 + P2(1 + 2x + 3x = 40 If the sum of the series is given by the A+B+C X
x=8 equation S = 3n + b, what is the 9th? +D 29.4  22.85
i) + P3(1 + i) a. 24 786 b. 13 786 -50.91 18.56 i
(1  i) 20  1 From the Venn diagram above, 2x = 16 c. 28 744 d. 10 315 Sum of  distance
A = P1(1 + i)15 + P2(1 + WD = total percentage of wine drinkers absolut s =  D
i 3x = 3(8) = 24 SOLUTION 10: e
WD = 30% + 40% + 20% 410 + 605 + =  L = By cos law:
i)10 + P3(1 + i)15 Angles are 24 and 16 Sn = 3 n + b Values 600 + 280 1662.7 802.5
WD = 90% (ANSWER) CBO:
(1  0.08 ) 20
1 S9 = 3 9 + b = 1895 meters 4 1i
A = P1(1 + i) 15
+ PROBLEM 8: CE NOV 2016 BRD EXAM S8 = 3 8 + b
52 = x2 + 42 – 2(4)(x) cos (60 – ) 
0.08 In a circle, x2 + y2 = 25 find the tangent eqn 1
PROBLEM 5: S7 = 3 7 + b E = linear error of Closure
P2(1 + i)10 + P3(1 + i)15 at (4,3). S6 = 3 6 + b E = A + B + C + D = 18.56-22.85i → ABO:
A new kind of atom smasher is to be
a. 4.25 b. 5.5 SHIFT STO. E 32 = x2 + 42 – 2(4)(x) cos   eqn 2
(1  0.08 ) 20  1 composed of two tangents and circular
c. 3.75 d. 6.75 S9 - S8 = (a1 + a2 + … + a8 + a9) - (a1 + a2
A = 1000(1 + 0.08)15 arc which is concave toward the point of SHIFT 2 3 = 0 = x2 + 42 – 32 – 2(4)(x)
0.08 + … + a 8)
intersection of the two tangents. Each SOLUTION 8: (39 + b) – (38 + b) = a9 E = 29.4  -50.91 (answer) 8x cos  = x2 + 7
+ 2000(1 + 0.08)10 + 3000(1 + 0.08)15 tangent and the arc of the circle is 1 mile x2 + y2 = 25 is a circle whose center is a9 = 39 + 38  eqn 1 distance CD x2  7
A = 371.63 (answer) long. What is the radius of the circle? at (0,0) and radius =5 as shown. CD Adjusted = CD – E( ) cos  =
a. 31.26 ft b. 23.45 ft By projection:  dis tan ce 8x
PROBLEM 2: CE Nov 2016 board exam c. 25.61 ft d. 29.44 ft a7 = 37 – 36
CD = 600  17015’ – (29.4 x2  7
ABCD is a square with side equal to 10 SOLUTION 5: a9 - a7 = 39 + 38 – (37 – 36)
 = invcos  substitute to eqn 1
cm. PQRS is another square inside 600 8x
a9 - a7 = 24 786 (answer)  -50.91)( 1895 )
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52 = x2 + 42 – 2(4)(x) cos (60 – invcos ---------------------------------------------- SOLUTION 22: M S4 =a1+ a2+ a3+ a4 = 3(4+2) – 6  
d1 = 0.18FC (dep. charge during 1st year) but,   = 5 mins D3 = P1.2 M Subtract eqn 2 from eqn 1
x2  7 SOLUTION 19: 12 BV3 = FC– D3
) Dn = F.C –S.V ,S.V = 0 a5 = 3(5+2) – 3(4+2) = 1458
8x S = IR M
Dn = F.C =5- BV3 = 1.8 – 1.2 PROBLEM 33: CE Brd Exam-May 2003
Solve x.    n  r 1 12
S = 30   (240)  Dn  BV3 = P 0.6 M
The base of a truncated prism is a
 180  dr = triangle with sides 8cm , 12 cm and 10
2 2 2
5x = x + 4 – 2(4)(x) cos 60 Sum of digits  M BV3 = P 600 000
x =6.766 S = 125.664 n 15 +  5   =M cm. If the heights are 20 cm, 18 cm and
S = 125.664 (3.28ft/m) Sum of digits =  n  1  12  12 cm respectively, compute the volume
1 2 2 M = 18.46 SOLUTION 28: in cc.
Atriangle = (x) sin 60 S = 412.18 ft
n  1 1 Using Double Declining Balance
2 I
= 0.0728 per ft length 0.18F.C = n
F.C a. 341.23
c. 661.43
b. 531.13
d. 361.63
1  n  1 The time is 2:M = 2:18.46 (answer) Method
Atriangle = (6.766)2 sin 60 S 412 .18 2
2 of curve 0.18n(n+1) = 2n
BVm = F.C (1-k )m SOLUTION 33:
PROBLEM 25: May 2017 CE Board Exam BV3 = F.C (1-k )3
Atriangle = 19.825 unit2 (answer) n2 + n =11.11n Nine less than eight times the number is where :
PROBLEM 20: CE May 2018 board exam n = 10.11 say equal to 39. Find the number.
If a stick is broken in two at random, n = 10 years 2 2
PROBLEM 17: CE May 2018 board exam a. 5 b. 7 k= =
what is the average length of the smaller
A closed traverse has the following data: PROBLEM 23: CE Nov 2016 board exam c. 6 d. 8 n 5
piece? What is the average length of the
LINE BEARING DISTANCE A frustum of a sphere is 6.6 cm thick. -------------------------------------------------
smaller piece? 3 20
AB ? 44.43
a. 1/2 b. 3/4 The diameter of its upper and lower SOLUTION 25:  2
BC ? 136.54 BV3 = 1.8  1  
c. 1/4 d. 1/3 bases are 18.5 and 32.9 cm, Let x = the number  5 18
CD N145’E 12.58
respectively. What is the volume of the 8x – 9 = 39
DA N7210’E 62.86 ----------------------------------------------
BV3 = P 0.3888 M 12
frustum in cm3? x = 6 (answer) 12
EA S4813’E 107.72 SOLUTION 20: a. 3814.19 cm3 b. 3827.17 BV3 = 388 800
Find the bearing of line BC. yave = 0.25 = 25% cm3 10
a. S87.30W b. N88.20E y ave 25% 1 c. 3842.99 cm 3
d. 3821.54 SITUATION 1: 8
c. N89.76W d. S86.25E cm3 The first cost of a machine is P1 800
x ave 75% 3 ---------------------------------------------- 000 with a salvage value of P 300 000 at
A roadway has a base of 7 m and side
---------------------------------------------- slopes of 2:1. The height of fill at the
SOLUTION 23: the end of its life of 5 years. Determine V = Bhave
SOLUTION 17: PROBLEM 21: CE Nov 2016 board exam the book value after 3 years using:
center is 2.5 m. Assume that the slope B =A=
CA = CD + DE + EA In how many ways can 9 students select 9.25 9.25 of the original ground surface is 8%.
26. Straight Line Method S(S  a )(S  b )(S  c )
CA = 12.58(90 - 145’) + 69.86(90 - 4 structural books and 3 hydraulics 29. Compute the area of fill.
a. P900 000 b. P800 000
7210’) + 107.72(270 + 4813’) books from 9 structural books and 5 a a. 32.658 m2 b. 34.124 m2  8  10  12 
c. P759 200 d. P940 000
hydraulics books if a student cannot c. 30.952 m2 d. 28.247 M2 S=   = 15
CA = 152(-14.4) b 6.6 m  2 
select more than one book? 30. Compute the distance of the right
27. Sum of the Years Digit Method.
a. 202 940 540 b. 140 450 490 z slope stake from the centerline. B =
FIGURE HERE: R R a. P790 500 b. P480 300
c. 228 614 400 d. 326 540 940 a. 13.12 m b. 12.12 m 15(15  8 )(15  10 )(15  12)
c. P600 000 d. P850 000
c. 11.12 m d. 10.12 m
B = 39.686 cm2
SOLUTION 21: 31. Compute the distance of the left
By cosine law: 28. Double Declining Balance Method  12  18  20 
slope stake from the centerline.
44.432 = 136.542 + 1522 – 2 (136.54) (152) Assuming that all books are different a. P483 040 b. P388 800 V = 39.686  
from each other. a. 9.328 m b. 8.328 m  3 
cos c. P589 560 d. P520 000
Ss = number of selections of 4 structural c. 7.328 m d. 6.328 m
 = 16.624 16.45 16.45 V = 661.43 cm3
books from 9 different structural books SOLUTION 29 – 31:
SOLUTION 26: PROBLEM 34: CE Brd Exam-May 2000
Ss = 9C4 = 126 Using straight line method: The rate of flow of traffic on south
CB = 90 + 14.4 - 
SH = number of selections of 3 A = 2Rh
CB = 104.4 – 16.624 expressway is 1200 vehicles in one
hydraulics books from 5 different R2 = 9.252 + (y + 6.8)2 eq 1

F.C=1.8 M
CB = 87.76 hour.Find the space mean speed if the
hydrulics books R2 = 16.452 + y2 traffic density is 25 vehicles kilometer.
Therefore; bearing of BC is S87.76W SH = 5C3 = 10 y = R 2  16.45 2 Dn =1.5 M a. 36 kph b. 48 kph
C4s+3H = Number of selections of 4 c. 54 kph d. 60 kph
PROBLEM 18: CE Nov 2017 board exam structural books and y  2 .5
An existing road is tangential to a 3 Hyrdaulics books  
2 BV3 0.08 = SOLUTION 34:
R2 = 9.252 + 

R 2  16 .45 2  6.8 
 SV=0.3 M 3 .5  2 y
circular lake 12 m along the existing C4s+3H = (Ss  SH) = 126 (10) = 1 260
R = 19.36 y = 3.31 m 1200 veh / hr
road, an 8 meter new road is that 9 students can make Space mean speed = = 48
constructed at the periphery of the lake. 1 2 3 4 5 yx 25 veh / km
Note: All 7 books can be selected by either 0.08 =
The new road is extended to cross the A = 2Rh 7  2x  2y
only one student, or only two students, or only By ratio and proportion: km/hr
lake. What is the length of the bridge? three students, and so on. That is: A = 2 (19.36) (6.8)
3.31  x
a. 17 m b. 25 m
Choice of 9 students for A = 827.17 cm
2 (answer) 1.5 D3 0.08 = SITUATION 3: CE Brd Exam-May 2009
c. 14 m d. 10 m
the first book 5

3 7  2x  2 3.31 The natural grade line at Station 2 + 220
SOLUTION 18: Choice of 9 students for PROBLEM 24: May 2017 CE Board Exam x = 1.914 m is with center height of 4.5 m. in cut,
D3 = 0.9 M while that at Sta 2+300 is 2.6 m in fill.
the second book Distance from the center to the stake at
T What is the time between 2 o’clock and 35. Find the extent of fill measured from
12 m Choice of 9 students for 3 o’clock the hour hand and the minute BV3 = 1.8 – D3 right = 3.5 + 2y = 3.5 +2(3.31) = 10.12
the third book m sta 2+300
A hand is bisected by the centerline of 3 BV3 = 1.8 – 0.9
C a. 29.3 b. 39.2
x B 8m Choice of 9 students for o’clock? Distance from the center to the stake at
BV3 = P 0.9 M c. 50.7 d. 30.15
the seventh book a. 2:18.46 b. 2:15.45 left = 3.5 + 2x = 3.5 +2(1.914) = 7.328 m
BV3 = P 900 000 36. Find the stationing of the transition
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 = 97
c. 2:35.42 d. 2:20.40 Area of the cross section: point.
A = 1/2 (3.5)(1.914) + 1/2 (2.5)(7.328) a. 2+270.7 b. 2+259.20
Thus: SOLUTION 24: Using SOYD Method + 1/2 (3.5)(3.31) + 1/2 (2.5)(10.12) c. 2+249.3 d. 2+250.15
C4s+3H of 9 students = 1260  (97) A = 30.952 m2
37. Find the slope of the finished grade
12H Year Reversed SOYD dep.charge line if the natural gradeline slopes at
(TA)(TA) = (BA)(CA) C4s+3H of 9 students = 6 026 540 940 (answer) PROBLEM 32:
122 = 8(8 + x) 11 12 1 factor(k) d =kDn -5%,
10 2 H The sum of the first “n” terms of a series
x = 10 m PROBLEM 22:  1 5 5/15 d1= 5/15(1.5) a. 1.125 % b. 4.275 %
9 3 is 3(n+2) – 6. Compute the 5 th term of the c. 2:335% d. 3:875%
Find the maximum life of an equipment if  2 4 4/15 d2= 4/15(1.5)
PROBLEM 19: CE May 2018 board exam its salvage value is zero. The 8 4 series.
7 5 3 3 3/15 d3= 3/15(1.5) a. 3456 b. 2181
A simple curve has a central angle of depreciation charge during the third year 6 4 2 2/15 d4= 2/15(1.5) c. 1458 d. 1895
30 and radius of 240 m. What is the is 3/35 of the first cost. Use Sum of 5 1 1/15 d5=1/15(1.5) SOLUTION 32:
deflection per foot length of curve? Years Digit Method.
15 mins +  = M Sum 15 1 d = P1.5M Sn = 3(n+2) – 6
a. 0.028 b. 0.065 a. 5 years b. 10 years
D 3 = d1 + d 2 + d 3
c. 0.199 d. 0.036 c. 15 years d. 20 years S5 =a1+ a2+a3+ a4+ a5 = 3(5+2) – 6 
D3 = 5/15(1.5) + 4/15(1.5) + 3/15(1.5)
11/2018 11/2018
S4731’E. AB is the tangent of the first SITUATION 5: Solve length of segments CO and CG d. Guide Signs
Natural Gradeline slope, g=-5%
curve whose bearing is N 7245’E. CD is hcr1
Find the total surface area of the Consider right triangle COB: PROBLEM 50:
Finished gradeline a tangent of the second curve whose pyramid for the following conditions: 360o They warn road users of condition on or
bearing is N3813’E. A is at the P.C. 12 km hcr2 43. If the base is rectangle, 8 m x 6 m COB = = 22.5 adjacent to the
15km 16
while D is at the P.T. The radius of the and the perpendicular height is 12 m. road that may be unexpected or
first curve is 180 m. The P.I. 1 is at the Sea level a. 119.25 m2 b. 114.4 m2 2.5 hazardous.
tan 22.5 =
4.5-z station 16 + 523.37. Find the stationing c. 222.86 m2 d. 110.34 m2 CO a. Special Instruction Signs
4.5 2.6 b. Regulatory Signs
of the P.T. 44. If the base is a square with side 4.2
y – 604.8125 CO = 6.036
z a. 16 + 878.16 b. 16 + 883.65 65.4675 m and the slant height is 15 m. c. Guide Signs
680 –hcr1 m Consider right triangle COG: d. Warning Signs
c. 16 + 893.24 d. 16 + 889.54 = 670.28 m a. 143.64 m2 b. 125.15 m2
80 – x x y CG = CO  20 2
PROBLEM 51: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2016
620 –hcr2 c. 152.54 m2 d. 148.98 m2
SOLUTION 39: = 604.8125 Given the following:
80m m
45. If the base is an octagon with side 5 CG = 6.036 2  20 2
12 km 15km m and height 20 m. Line Bearing Distance
Sta 2+220 Sta 2+300 CG = 20.89 Subst to eqn 1
Let y = elevation of line of sight at B so a. 232.74 m2 b. 538.54 m2
c. 496.77 m2 d. 486.98 m2 Atotal = 20( CO ) + 20( CG ) →eqn 1. A–B N40E 3856.7 m
that A and C are inter-visible
By ratio and Proportion: N 7245’E Atotal = 20(6.036) + 20(20.89) B–C N87.137W 4935.18 m
S 4731’E hcr1 = 0.0675(12)2 = 9.72 m
2 .6 4 .5 hcr2= 0.0675(152 = 15.1875 m SOLUTION 43: Atotal = 538.54 m2 C-D S70W 2001.58 m
  Solve x PI1 G D-A S60E 5001.7 m
x 80  x I1
PROBLEM 46: CE Brd Exam-Nov. 2010 Solve for the area of the triangulation.
T1 B T1 I2 By ratio and proportion:
x = 29.3 m PT Two concentric circles that is the cross a. 9732.28 ha b. 1241.74 ha
65.4675 y  604.8125 12cm sectional area of the pipe, the big circle
 c. 1673.23 ha d. 1141.75 ha
SOLUTION 36: 27 15 F E circumscribed a regular hexagon with SOLUTION 51:
T2 C 3m side length of 9.4m and the small circle
xV + x = 2300  2300 is from Sta 2+300 I1 I2 y = 641.18 m 4m D
3m is inscribed in the same hexagon. What C
xV + 29.3 = 2300
I1 = 180o – 72o45’ – 47o31’ 2
is the cross sectional area of the pipe? 59
xV = 2270.7 m
I1 = 59o44’ N3813’E SOLUTION 41: A 4m B 4m C
a. 48.1 m2 b. 62.7 m2
Sta V = 2+270.7 Equal height of towers constructed at A
I2 = 180o – 47o31’-– 38o13’ c. 53.2 m2 d. 69.4 m2 70 59 B
o and C Atotal = Abase + Alateral 70
I2 = 94 16’ SOLUTION 46:
SOLUTION 37: T1 + T2 = 280.50 El.680 m Atotal = AACEF + 2AACG + 2ACEG
A 1 1 D 40
Slope of NGL = 5% = (4.5 – z)/80 T1 = R1tanI1/2 Atotal = 8(6) + 2 2 (8)( BG ) + 2 2 (6)( A E
5%(80) = 4.5 – z  Solve z B
T1 = 180tan 5944’/2 = 103.365 m El.645 m 60
z = 0.5 T2 = 280.50 – 103.365 = 177.135 m DG )
177.135 = R2tan(94o16’/2) Atotal = 48 + 8 BG + 6 DG →eqn 1. x=4.7  r 60 40
Slope of FGL = (2.6+z)/80 R2 = 164.412 m 9.4
El.620 Solve length of segments BG and DG r R
Slope of FGL = (2.6+0.5)/80=3.875%  hcr1 y
m C Consider right triangle BOG:
PROBLEM 38: LC1 = [(5944’)(180)] A
180 hcr2 BG = 32  122 = 12.37
The deflection angles of points A and B 12 km
LC1 = 187.658 m 15km AABCD = ABCD+ AABD
from the tangent through P.C of a simple Consider right triangle GOD:
 Sea level 1 1
curve are 305’ and 815’ respectively. If LC2 = [(9416’)(164.412)] DG = 42  122 = 12.65 Subst to  = 360/12 = 30 AABCD= (BC)(CD)sin(70+59)+
the chord distance from A to B is 40m, 180 2 2
LC2 = 270.50 m eqn 1
4 .7
compute the length of chord from PC to sin 30 = → Solve R (AB)(AD)sin(60+40)
680 –hcr1+y 40.1875-y 65.4675 m R
Sta. PT = Sta. Pl1 – T1 + LC1 + LC2 = 670.28+y Atotal = 48 + 8 BG + 6 DG →eqn 1. 1
a. 34.69 m b. 23.89 m R = 9.4 AABCD = (300.58)( 2001.58)sin(129)
Sta. Pl2 = 16 + 523.37 – 103.365 Atotal = 48 + 8(12.37) + 6(12.65) 2
c. 35.61 m d. 16.85 m 645 620 –hcr2+y
Atotal = 222.86
4 .7
+ 187.65 + 270.50 = 604.8125 +y tan30 = → Solve r 1
Sta. Pl2 = 16 + 878.16 r + (3856.7)( 5001.7)sin(100)
SOLUTION 38: 12 km 15km SOLUTION 44: r = 8.14 2
Apipe = Aannulus = R2 - r2 AABCD = 9 732 278 m2
By ratio and proportion:
Two hills A and C have an elevation of Apipe = 9.42 - 8.142 = 69.4 m2
B 65.4675 40.1875  y
A 40m 680 m and 620 m respectively. In  H PROBLEM 52: Nov 1998 CE Board Exam
between A and C is another hill B of 27 15 F E PROBLEM 47: CE Brd Exam-Nov 2016 A truck travels from point A north ward
 8 
elevation 645 m and located 12 km from y = 3.817 m 2.1 If i = 14% compounded quarterly, find for 30 min., then eastward for one hour,
3 D
A and 15 km from C. Consider the O the equivalent interest rate if then shifted N30W. how far directly
effects of earth’s curvature and SOLUTION 42: A B C
compounded monthly? from A will it be after 2 hours if the
R 2.1 2.1
PC R atmospheric refraction. a. 10.24% b. 13.84% constant speed is 40 kph,
10o20’ m
40. Compute the elevation of the line of y El.680 m c. 21.15% d. 11.90% a. 52.41 km b. 36.51 km
16o30’ sight at B so that A and C are A Atotal = Abase + Alateral
R c. 47.88 km d. 43.25 km
intervisible. B Atotal = AACEF + 4ACEG ---------------------------------------------

6o10’ O a. 641.18 m b. 604.81 m El.645 m 1

Atotal = 4.22 + 4 2 (4.2)(15) SOLUTION 47: SOLUTION 52:
c. 481.20 m d. 3412.1 m 4 12 40 -20sin30o
Atotal = 143.64 m2  0.14   i  = 30 km
40m E  1  =  1  B
D 41. Find the equal height of towers El.620  4   12  300
20m hcr1 m C SOLUTION 45: 20cos30o
C/2 constructed at A and C so that the three G i = 0.1384 or 13.84% (answer) S3 =17.32 km
hills are intervisible. hcr2
C/2 a. 5.817 m b. 4.817 m
12 km PROBLEM 48: 37.32 km S2
R R 15km
c. 3.817 m d. 2.817 m Sea level 20m The following may consist barrier lines time = 1 hr
time = 0.5
except 0.5hr
S1 hr
10o20’ 42. Find the height of tower constructed a. two unbroken yellow lines;
680 –hcr1+y B
o at A so that B and C are still intervisible. = 670.28+y
65.475 +y
b. single unbroken yellow line; or,
6 10’ O
2.5 c. single yellow line with a broken A
a. 5.87 m b. 6.87 m C
2.5 m white line.
c. 4.85 m d. 8.71 m 645 620 –hcr2 A
o = 604.8125 d. Solid white line S1 = 40(.05) = 20 km
Sin(10 20’/2) = 20/R
12 km 15km PROBLEM 49: S2 = 40(1) = 40 km
R = 222.1 m Atotal = Abase + Alateral
sin(6o10’/2) = C/2/R By ratio and proportion: These are signs that inform road users S3 = 40(0.5) = 20 km
Atotal = 16ArtCOB + 8AABG of traffic laws and regulations which, if (AB)2 = (30)2 + (37.32)2
C = 2(222.1)sin(6o10’/2) A El.680 m 65.4675  y 40.1875
C = 23.89 m  chord from PC to A
 1
Atotal = 16 2 (2.5)( CO ) + 8 2 (5)(
1 disregarded, will constitute an offense. AB = 47.88 km
27 15 a. Traffic Signs
El.645 m y = 6.87 m CG ) b. Regulatory Signs PROBLEM 53: May 1999 CE Board Exam
The common tangent BC of a reversed Atotal = 20( CO ) + 20( CG ) →eqn 1. c. Warning Signs A vertical sag parabolic curve has
curve is 280.5 m. and has a bearing of y tangent grades of -2% and +3%.
11/2018 11/2018
Compute the length of curve if the I = 200 000(0.16)8 i My heavenly Father has really big
required sight distance is 178m. Thus,  BCP is isosceles, and therefore: I = P256 000 sinking fund factor = A/F = hands. He’s got the whole world in his
1  i  n  1
a. 218.15 m b. 212.66 m  BPC =  PBC =  Slope of finished roadway = 2.3/80  100% hands!
c. 234.45 m d. 271.12 m Slope of finished roadway = 2.875% For compounded interest: How big are God’s hands?
i = 0.06/8 = 0.0075 per quarter
SOLUTION 53: 2 + 30 = 180 F = P(1 + j/m)nm God’s hands are big enough to bless
m = 6 ( bi-monthly) n = 8(8) = 64 semi - quarters you. Jesus often touched people in
Using night time sight distance:  = 75 SITUATION 6: CE Brd Exam-May 2005
When S<L 0.0075 order to bless them. He would lay his
Given the technical description of a sinking fund factor =
S 2B  ABP = 90 –  = 90 – 75 = 15 triangular lot.
F = 200000(1+0.16/6)8(6) 1  0.0075  64  1 hands on people and bless them. He
L=  S & L are in m F = P707 365.67 = 0.01223 does the same for you. Isaiah 62:3 says,
1.22  3.5%S (answer) Lines Bearings Distances
F=P+I “The Lord will hold you in his hand for all
PROBLEM 58: 707 365.67 = 200 000 + I to see — a splendid crown in the hand
When S>L
The angle of elevation on top of the
AB N 40W ? I = P507 365.97 1  i  n  1 of God” (NLT, second edition).
1.22  3.5%S Present worth factor = P/A =
L = 2S   S & L are in m tower in the same horizontal plane BC N 60E 810 m i 1  i  n God’s hands are scarred to never
B CA Due South ? For compounded continuously: forget you. In Heaven, the only scars
observed from point A is 300. 25 m
B = 0.03 – (-0.02) = 0.05 closer to the tower, the angle of F = Per n Present worth factor = will be on Jesus. Do you think God can
S = 178 m elevation it makes is 400. Find the height We are to cut a 190 000 m2 along the F = 200 000e0.16(8) forget you? He has a constant reminder
of the tower. side BC starting from B to point D on F = P719 327.95 1  0.0075  64  1 in his nail-scarred hands. The Bible
Assume S < L a. 24.56 m b. 46.27 m side CA. F=P+I 0.00751  0.0075  64 says, “Can a mother forget the baby at

178  2  0.05  c. 77.67 m d. 82.45 m 63. Find the length of CD 719327.95 = 200 000 + I her breast and have no compassion for
a. 621.42 b. 690.42 I = P519327.95 the child she has borne? Though she
1.22  0.035178  PROBLEM 59:
Present worth factor = 50.68
c. 490.09 d. 541.71 may forget, I will not forget you! See, I
L = 212.6 > S  assumption is correct In triangle ABC, BC = 36 cm, AC = 57 64. Find the length of the dividing line have engraved you on the palms of my
SITUATION 8: CE Brd Exam-May 2005 Capital recovery factor = A/P =
cm and B = 102.7o .Compute the length BD. hands” (Isaiah 49:15-16a NIV).
PROBLEM 54: of side AB.
The vertical angle of the top of a flag i 1  i  n
a. 825.42 b. 714.68 God’s hands are strong enough to
ABC is a right triangle with AB as the pole as observed from point A is 60,
hypothenuse. If CD is altitutde to side
a. 48 cm b. 30 cm c. 695.14 d. 794.24
while that of its bottom is 52. Said pole
1  i  n  1 keep you eternally secure. John
c. 42 cm d. 37 cm 65. Find the bearing of the dividing line Capital recovery factor = 10:28-29 says, “I give them eternal life,
AB. If AD=2 and DB = 4.5, what is CD from B. stands on top of a pedestal whose base and they shall never perish .... My
a. 3.5 b. 2.5 PROBLEM 60: a. N 8312’E b. S 7858’E is 14.20 m from point A 0.0075 1  0.0075  64 Father, who has given them to me, is
c. 3 d. 3.2 The area of a circle circumscribed about
c. S 6942’E d. N 8210’E 69. Find the height of the pedestal. 1 0.0075  64  1 greater than all; no one can snatch them
PROBLEM 55: an equilateral triangle is 254.47 sq.m. a. 21.42 b. 16.25 out of my Father’s hand” (NIV).
What is the area of the triangle in sq.m? c. 18.18 d. 14.32 Capital recovery factor = 0.02
ABC is a right triangle with AB as the Once you put your life in God’s hands,
hypothenuse. If CD is altitutde to side a. 105.22 m2 b. 110.45 m2 SOLUTION (63-65): 70. Find the height of the flag pole on nobody can snatch you out. You may
AB. If AD=2 and DB = 4.5, what is angle c. 101.98 m2 d. 103.56 m2 top of the pedestal. wonder, “Can’t you just jump out?” How
B a. 6.42 b. 4.92 PROBLEM 75: big do you think God’s hands are?
PROBLEM 61: May 2000 CE Board Exam 810 m c. 5.48 d. 7.89
a. 43.5 b. 32.5 An engineer is to design a bridge, to get You’re never going to get to the edge of
From station 0 + 210 with center height 60o 60o
c. 33.7 d. 43.2 71. Find the distance from A to the top of the length of the bridge she walks from A his hands. Every aspect of your life is in
of 2 m in fill, the ground lines makes a  the flag pole.
PROBLEM 56: x to B due north and from B she uses her his hands.
uniform slope of 4.8% to station 0 + 260 z a. 25.61 b. 19.48 transit and get an angle of 4050 to When my kids were little, I used to stand
What should you invest to earn 20 000 whose center height is 1.2 m in cut . c. 28.39 d. 32.42
BD point C directly opposite A. The distance at the edge of the pool in the water and
in 3 years gaining 4% effective interest? Find the distance from station 0 + 260
A to B is 50 m, find the length of the say, “Trust me. Jump to me.” They were
a. Php 215 614.19 where the excavation be extended. 40o
SOLUTION 69-71: bridge to be constructed. always afraid. Is he strong enough to
b. Php 112 578.42 a. 43.75 m b. 18.75 m
a. 43.21m b. 23.25m catch me? Are his hands slippery? What
c. Php 160 174.27 c. 20.75 m d. 34.85 m
c. 65.42m d. 54.32m happens if he doesn’t catch me? But
d. Php 311 064.35 SOLUTION 61: h finally they would get up enough faith to
 Consider triangle BCD
jump into my arms, and of course I
finished ground z
 gradeline surface 1 SOLUTION 58: would catch them. Then they’d want to
SOLUTION 56: ABCD = (BC) x sin60o do it a hundred more times!
2 B
I=F-P 4.8% y Your Father is waiting for you to jump
1.2 1 60o today. He’s saying, “Trust me. I can be
I = P(1+i)n – P 2m 190 000= (810) (x) sin60o 52o
20 000 = P[(1+0.04)3 – 1] → Solve P 2 40 trusted. I’m working behind the scenes.
x = 541.71 m (distance of the other end of And I can handle anything oyu give me.”
P = Php 160 174.27 sta.0+210 sta.0+260
14.2 m
50-x x dividing line measured from C) Don’t you want God’s hand to be on
50 m 50 m your life? Don’t you want your life to be
PROBLEM 57: Nov 2015 CE Brd Exam in God’s hands? You can trust him with
Length of dividing line:
A point P is inside a square ABCD of Using Polar expression: y = 14.2 tan52o = 18.18 m your life and your future.
side 5 m. Triangle PCD formed is an By ratio and proportion:
1.2 2 Talk It Over
equilateral triangle. What is the measure  BD = BC + CD (x + h) = 14.2 tan60o BRIDGE  What big problem or circumstance in
of angle ABP? x 50  x o o
BD = 81030 + 541.71270 18.18 + h = 14.2 tan60o your life have you been reluctant to
a. 15 b. 18 2x = 60 -1.2x o h = 6.42 m A C hand over to God?
c. 25 d. 10 3.2x = 60 BD = 714.68-11
 How have you seen God provide for
x = 18.75 m (from sta. 0 + 260) BD = 90o – 11 o 14.2 AC = 50 tan 4050’ = 43.21m (answer) you and take care of you in the past?
BD = S79oE Cos60o =
PROBLEM 62: Nov 2000 CE Board Exam z  Is it comforting or frustrating to you
At sta. A 1 + 120 the center height of cut z = 28.4 m that God works “behind the scenes”?
B 5m C SITUATION 7: CE Brd Exam-May 2005 Why?
is 4.5 m and at sta. 1 + 200 has a center
Find the interest on Php 200, 000 for 8
How Big Are God’s Hands?

height of 2.6 m in fill. The ground SITUATION 9: CE Brd Exam-May 2005 By Rick Warren — Mar 14, 2017
60 sloping at -6 % uniformly from sta. 1 + years.
 66. at 16% simple interest For an ordinary annuity for 8 years, if i= “I give them eternal life, and they
120 to sta. 1 + 200. Find the slope of
a. P184, 360 b. P256, 000 6% compounded semi-quarterly, find the shall never perish .... My Father, who
60 the finished roadway.
5m P 5m c. P149, 200 d. P242, 400 following: has given them to me, is greater than
a. 2.415% b. 1.985%
67. at 16% compounded bi-monthly 72. Sinking fund factor. all; no one can snatch them out of
c. 2.875% d. 3.235%
interest . a. 0.01223 b. 0.00013242 my Father’s hand” (John 10:28-29
SOLUTION 62: a. P684186.30 b. P494312.42 c. 0.00014021 d. 0.00018452 NIV).
c. P298316.42 d. P507365.93 73. Present worth factor.
A 5m D ground
surface 68. at 16% compounded continuously a. 39.42463 b. 42.31648 When I was growing up, one of the
Since  DCP is equilateral, CP = CD = PD = gradeline interest . c. 48.32064 d. 50.68098 things that impressed me about my dad
a. P492348.62 b. P664941.60 74. Capital recovery factor. was his big hands. I have big hands
5m 6%
4.5 c. P519327.95 d. P298498.62 a. 0.023631 b. 0.020695 now, but my dad had huge hands! When
4.8 2.3 2.6m c. 0.025500 d. 0.01973
Consider  BCP: SOLUTION (66-68): he would do carpentry, the hammer just
For simple interest rate: SOLUTION (72-74): looked so small in his hands.
CP = 5 meters (from  DCP)
BC = 5 meters (given) sta.1+120 sta.1+200 I = Pin
11/2018 80 m 11/2018

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