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Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics Civil Engineering - PRACTICE PROBLEMS - 2017 INSTRUCTION: Select The Correct Answer For Each of The Following

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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following 14. Which of the following most nearly gives the gage pressure at the
questions. Mark ONLY ONE ANSWER for each item by shading the box interface of the olive oil and the mercury?
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. A. 37.6213 kPa B. 76.6336 kPa
STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 2 only. C. 138.9213 kPa D. 177.9336 kPa
15. Which of the following most nearly gives the absolute pressure at the
1. Determine the weight of a 5 kg mass in a place where the interface of the olive oil and the mercury?
acceleration due to gravity is 8.75 m/s 2. A. 177.9336 kPa B. 138.9213 kPa
A. 24.57 N B. 43.75 N
C. 76.6336 kPa D. 37.6213 kPa
C. 45.34 N D. 34.89 N
2. An oil sample weighs 38612.16 N and has a volume of 4.8 m 3. 16. A vertical plate is an equilateral triangle whose edge is 3.5 m long. If
Calculate the specific gravity of the oil sample. one edge is level with the water surface, determine the total pressure
A. 0.57 B. 0.71 acting on the plate.
C. 0.82 D. 1.19 A. 52.58 kN B. 63.59 kN
3. A certain liquid has an absolute viscosity of 0.005 Pa-sec and a C. 75.12 kN D. 92.13 kN
kinematic viscosity of 3.5 mm2/s. Determine the density of the liquid. 17. A vertical gate 1.4 m wide and 2.2 m high is hinged at the upper edge
A. 1845.72 kg/m3 B. 1752.84 kg/m3 is kept closed by the pressure of water standing 2.5 m deep over its
C. 1428.57 kg/m3 D. 1287.45 kg/m3 top edge. Determine the minimum force applied normally at the
4. If the kinematic viscosity of a certain liquid is 800 centistokes and its bottom of the gate to open it.
specific gravity is 1.13, determine its absolute viscosity. A. 154.39 kN B. 48.85 kN
A. 0.409 Pa-sec B. 0.904 Pa-sec C. 59.93 kN D. 108.77 kN
C. 0.049 Pa-sec D. 0.940 Pa-sec
SITUATION I. A wooden storage vat full of oil (s = 0.80) is in the shape of a frustum of a
A tank of glycerin has a mass of 1500 kg and a volume of 1.19 m 3. cone 2 m in diameter at the top, 4 m in diameter at the bottom, and 3 m
5. Which of the following most nearly gives the weight of glycerin? high. The vat is provided with two steel hoops one at the top and one at the
A. 14.715 kN B. 12.435 kN bottom.
C. 9,791 kN D. 17.145 kN 18. Which of the following most nearly gives the hydrostatic force on the
6. Which of the following most nearly gives the unit weight of glycerin? side of the vat?
A. 14.41 kN/m3 B. 12.37 kN/m3 A. 117.72 kN B. 108.24 kN
C. 8.23 kN/m 3
D. 10.45 kN/m3 C. 94.18 kN D. 70.63 kN
7. Which of the following most nearly gives the specific gravity of 19. Which of the following most nearly gives the distance of the
glycerin? hydrostatic force from the bottom of the vat?
A. 0.84 B. 1.07 A. 0.75 m B. 0.80 m
C. 1.26 D. 1.47 C. 0.90 m D. 1.00 m
20. Which of the following most nearly gives the force in the bottom
A right conical tank has a bottom radius of 0.30 m and a height of 0.65 m. A. 41.20 kN B. 44.58 kN
8. Which of the following most nearly gives the total volume of the tank? C. 17.66 kN D. 35.16 kN
A. 0.0680 m3 B. 0.0613 m3
C. 0.0559 m3 D. 0.0429 m3 SITUATION V.
9. 3
If the tank initially contains 0.022 m of water, which of the following The gate AB shown in Figure FM-HFS-101 is hinged at A and kept closed
most nearly gives the amount of water required to fill the tank? by a force P at B. P AIR = −18.46 KPa vacuum
A. 0.0209 m3 B. 0.0393 m3
C. 0.0339 m3 D. 0.0460 m3
10. If the tank contains 0.022 m of water, which of the following most
nearly gives the depth of water in the tank?
A. 0.1962 m B. 0.1161 m
C. 0.0896 m D. 0.0591 m

11. On one side of a tank containing a certain liquid, a pressure gage was
attached at elevation 9 m and reads 65 kN/m2. Another gage located
at elevation 4.5 m reads 106 kN/m2. Compute the mass density of the
A. 985.67 kg/m3 B. 928.76 kg/m3
C. 743.28 kg/m3 D. 623.33 kg/m3
12. A tank contains oil with specific gravity of 0.80, gasoline with specific
gravity of 0.90, and sea water with specific gravity of 1.05. What is the
21. Which of the following most nearly gives the total force exerted by oil
pressure at a depth of 1.20 m if the depths of the liquids are 0.50 m,
on the gate?
0.60 m, and 0.80 m, respectively?
A. 145.2 KN B. 155.18 KN
A. 942 kg/m2 B. 1045 kg/m2
2 C. 165.3 KN D. 135.15 KN
C. 1318 kg/m D. 1812 kg/m2
22. Which of the following most nearly gives the value of the location of
this total force from A?
A. 4.82 m B. 5.23 m
The atmospheric pressure is 101.3 kPa and the absolute pressure at the
bottom of the open tank shown in Figure FM-HP-233 is 231.3 kPa. C. 3.15 m D. 2.46 m
23. Which of the following most nearly gives the value of the force P
needed to keep the gate closed?
A. 124.68 KN B. 142.86 KN
C. 114.68 KN D. 162.48 KN

The gate shown in Figure FM-HFS-235 is 1.5 m wide, hinged at A, and
rests against a smooth wall at B. Neglect the weight of the gate.
24. Which of the following most nearly gives the total force acting on the
gate due to seawater?
A. 218.59 KN B. 211.90 KN
C. 228.45 KN D. 205.60 KN
25. Which of the following most nearly gives the reaction at B?
A. 150.13 KN B. 160.50 KN
C. 170.85 KN D. 180.61 KN
26. Which of the following most nearly gives the reaction at hinge A?
A. 182.56 KN B. 191.32KN
13. Which of the following most nearly gives the specific gravity of the C. 215.43 KN D. 163.11 KN
olive oil?
A. 1.1358 B. 1.3713
C. 1.5667 D. 1.7331

UNIVERSITY OF NUEVA CACERES Engr. Mark Dennis S. Domingo ☺


36. An object with specific gravity of 0.70 floats in a liquid with specific
gravity of 0.80. Determine the percentage of volume of the object
protruding above the liquid surface?
A. 87.5% B. 12.5%
C. 75% D. 25%
37. An iceberg having a specific gravity of 0.92 floats in seawater having
a specific gravity of 1.10. If the volume of ice above the water surface
is 320 m3, what is the total volume of the iceberg?
A. 2229.16 m3 B. 1382.61 m3
C. 1572.95 m3 D. 1955.56 m3

A rock weighs 500 N in air and 350 N in a liquid having a specific gravity of
38. Which of the following most nearly gives the volume of the rock?
A. 0.0155 m3 B. 0.0161 m3
C. 0.0178 m3 D. 0.0183 m3
SITUATION VII. 39. Which of the following most nearly gives the unit weight of the rock?
The radial gate AB shown in Figure FM-HFS-305 used as a control of a A. 25.33 kN/m3 B. 28.12 kN/m3
spillway is 3 m long. C. 30.26 kN/m D. 33.67 kN/m3
40. Which of the following most nearly gives the specific gravity of the
A. 2.58 B. 2.87
C. 3.08 D. 3.43

An object weighs 7 N in water and 8 N in an alcohol with specific gravity of
41. Which of the following most nearly gives the volume of the object?
A. 7.84810−4 m3 B. 5.09710−4 m3
C. 2.39610 m 3
D. 1.95810−4 m3
42. Which of the following most nearly gives the weight of the object?
A. 14.7 N B. 12.0 N
C. 9.4 N D. 8.0 N
27. Which of the following most nearly gives the horizontal component of 43. Which of the following most nearly gives the density of the object?
the hydrostatic force on the gate?
A. 4644 kg/m3 B. 2400 kg/m3
A. 73.41kN B. 60.90 kN
C. 1900 kg/m3 D. 4000 kg/m3
C. 52.01 kN D. 41.00 kN
28. Which of the following most nearly gives the vertical component of the
hydrostatic force on the gate? A vertical cylindrical tank 1 m in diameter and 3 m tall weighs 3.86 kN.
A. 60.90 kN B. 52.01 kN 44. Which of the following most nearly gives the weight of the lead ( =
C. 41.00 kN D. 73.41 kN 110 kN/m3) must be fastened to the outside bottom of the tank to
29. Which of the following most nearly gives the distance of the horizontal make the tank float vertically with 2.50 m submerged in water?
component of the hydrostatic force from the hinge? A. 21.14 kN B. 19.25 kN
A. 3.65 m B. 2.03 m C. 16.91 kN D. 15.40 kN
C. 4.36 m D. 2.46 m 45. Which of the following most nearly gives the weight of the lead ( =
110 kN/m3) that must be placed inside the tank to make the tank float
SITUATION VIII. vertically with 2.50 m submerged in water?
A dam is triangular in cross-section with the upstream face vertical. Water A. 21.14 kN B. 19.25 kN
is flushed with the top. The dam is 8 m high and 6 m wide at the base and
C. 16.91 kN D. 15.40 kN
weighs 2.4 tons per cubic meter. The coefficient of friction between the
46. Which of the following most nearly gives the weight of the lead ( =
base and the foundation is 0.8.
30. Which of the following most nearly gives the soil pressure at the toe?
110 kN/m3) that must be placed inside the tank to make the top of the
tank flushed with the water surface?
A. 48.83 KPa B. 139.52 KPa
A. 21.14 kN B. 19.25 kN
C. 313.91 KPa D. 565.16 KPa
C. 16.91 kN D. 15.40 kN
31. Which of the following gives the factor of safety against overturning?
A. 1.44 B. 0.45
C. 2.70 D. 3.55 A child playing in the pool is using a cylindrical can as a boat for his toy
32. Which of the following gives the factor of safety against sliding? soldiers. The can weighs 778.5 N with a height of 1.5 m and a diameter of
A. 1.44 B. 0.45 (0.5)0.5 m.
C. 2.70 D. 3.55 47. Which of the following most nearly gives the height of the can
submerged in the water?
SITUATION IX. A. 0.1818 m B. 0.2112 m
The vertical face of a trapezoidal concrete dam with specific gravity of 2.40 C. 0.3210 m D. 0.2021 m
supports water to a depth of 16 m. Uplift pressure at the base of the dam 48. Which of the following most nearly gives the length of the can above
varies uniformly from full hydrostatic pressure at the heel to zero at the toe. the water if the child puts three toy soldiers 1 kN each inside the can?
The total height of the dam is 18 m, upper base width is 1.50 m, and the A. 0.981 m B. 0.519 m
bottom base width is not known.
C. 0.588 m D. 1.298 m
33. If the factor of safety against overturning is 1.60, which of the
49. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum number of toy
following most nearly gives the minimum safe bottom base width of
the dam? soldiers, each weighing 1 kN, that the can could carry without
A. 13.15 m B. 12.03 m
A. 5 B. 6
C. 11.06 m D. 10.40 m
C. 8 D. 9
34. If the coefficient of friction between the soil and the base of the dam is
0.75 and using the computed base width in the previous requirement,
which of the following most nearly gives the factor of safety against
sliding? A rectangular barge weighing 200,000 kg is 8 m wide, 14 m long and 4.5 m
deep. It is used to transport to Manila 20 mm diameter, 6 m long reinforcing
A. 1.00 B. 1.05
steel bars having a density of 7850 kg/m3. Assume density of sea water to
C. 1.15 D. 1.25 be 1026 kg/m3.
35. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum stress that is 50. Which of the following most nearly gives the draft of the barge in sea
likely to occur at the toe of the dam? water before the steel bars were loaded?
A. 284.60 kPa B. 159.90 kPa A. 2.73 m B. 1.52 m
C. 65.20 kPa D. 34.38 kPa C. 1.74 m D. 2.43 m

UNIVERSITY OF NUEVA CACERES Engr. Mark Dennis S. Domingo ☺


51. If a draft of 3 m is to be maintained in sea water, which of the SITUATION XIX.

following most nearly gives the number of steel bars the barge can A 48-inch diameter steel pipe 1/4 inch thick, carries oil (s = 0.822) under a
carry? head of 400 ft of oil.
A. 9191 bars B. 9518 bars 67. Which of the following most nearly gives the pressure in the pipe?
C. 9781 bars D. 10129 bars A. 122.2 psi B. 142.5 psi
52. Which of the following most nearly gives the draft of the barge when C. 136.4 psi D. 155.5 psi
one half of its cargo is unloaded in fresh water? 68. Which of the following most nearly gives the tangential stress in the
A. 2.73 m B. 1.52 m pipe?
C. 1.74 m D. 2.43 m A. 12330 psi B. 10440 psi
C. 13680 psi D. 14450 psi
69. Which of the following most nearly gives the thickness of the steel
53. An open can of water is subjected to an upward acceleration of 4.50
required to carry a pressure of 250 psi with an allowable stress of
m/s2. What is the pressure at a depth of 1.50 m?
18000 psi?
A. 21.47 kPa B. 24.61 kPa
A. 0.333 in B. 0.455 in
C. 25.03 kPa D. 26.39 kPa
C. 0.231 in D. 0.534 in
54. A container 10 m wide and 10 m long contains water 2 m high and is
accelerating to the right at a rate of 2.45 m/s 2. Find the minimum
pressure at the base.
Water flows through a 75 mm diameter pipe at a velocity of 3 m/sec.
A. 5.65 kPa B. 8.45 kPa 70. Which of the following most nearly gives the volume flow rate?
C. 7.37 kPa D. 9.14 kPa A. 10 lit/s B. 11 lit/s
C. 12 lit/s D. 13 lit/s
71. Which of the following most nearly gives the mass flow rate?
An open trapezoidal tank having a bottom width of 3 m is 2 m high, 1.5 m
wide, and has its sides inclined 60° with the horizontal. It is filled with water A. 10 kg/s B. 11 kg/s
to a depth of 1.5 m. C. 12 kg/s D. 13 kg/s
55. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum horizontal 72. Which of the following most nearly gives the weight flow rate?
acceleration without spilling water? A. 127 N/s B. 145 N/s
A. 0.94 m/s2 B. 1.95 m/s2 C. 87 N/s D. 102 N/s
C. 3.45 m/s2 D. 4.50 m/s2
56. If the horizontal acceleration is 4.5 m/s , which of the following most SITUATION XXI.
nearly gives the volume of water spilled? Water flows at the rate of 0.8 m3/s in a 900-m long pipe with total head loss
A. 3.9 m3 B. 5.7 m3 of 4 m.
73. Which of the following most nearly gives the pipe diameter by Darcy-
C. 1.2 m3 D. 8.4 m3
Weisbach formula using f = 0.018?
57. Which of the following most nearly gives the horizontal acceleration to
empty the tank? A. 734.77 mm B. 861.33 mm
A. 12.99 m/s2 B. 16.99 m/s2 C. 793.14 mm D. 579.44 mm
74. Which of the following most nearly gives the pipe diameter by
C. 8.99 m/s2 D. 21.99 m/s2
Manning’s formula using n = 0.014?
A. 681.26 mm B. 734.77 mm
An open cylinder 20 cm in diameter and 90 cm high containing water is C. 861,33 mm D. 793.14 mm
rotated about its vertical axis at a speed of 240 rpm without spilling water. 75. Which of the following most nearly gives the pipe diameter by Hazen-
58. Which of the following most nearly gives the height of the paraboloid William’s formula using C=130?
formed? A. 579.44 mm B. 681.26 mm
A. 34.52 cm B. 32.19 cm C. 793.14 mm D. 714.93 mm
C. 20.50 cm D. 25.76 cm
59. Which of the following most nearly gives the pressure intensity at the SITUATION XXII.
center of the base of the cylinder? Crude oil having density of 856 kg/m3 and absolute viscosity of 72 x 10-4
A. 5.67 kPa B. 4.34 kPa Pa-sec flows in a 75 mm diameter pipe 1250 m long at the rate of 0.12
C. 6.67 kPa D. 7.23 kPa m/sec.
76. Which of the following most nearly gives the Reynold’s Number of
60. If the cylinder is brought to rest, which of the following most nearly
gives the depth of the water?
A. 1700 B. 1070
A. 0.853 m B. 0.739 m
C. 2070 D. 700
C. 0.944 m D. 0.578 m
77. Which of the following most nearly gives the friction factor?
A. 0.0598 B. 0.0958
A cylindrical tank 4 m  and 6 m high is filled with water. C. 0.0859 D. 0.0684
61. Which of the following most nearly gives the volume remained in the 78. Which of the following most nearly gives the head lost?
tank at tilted position if the water at the bottom will only occupy half of A. 0.371 m B. 0.173 m
the base? C. 0.732 m D. 0.417 m
A. 16 m3 B. 24 m3
C. 18 m 3
62. Which of the following most nearly gives the height of remaining water An oil with  = 900 kg/m3 and  = 0.0002 m2/s flows upward through a 10
in an upright position? m long pipe segment inclined at 40° with the horizontal. The pressures at
A. 1.27 m B. 2.51 m the upstream and downstream end of the pipe are 350 kPa and 250 kPa,
C. 3.15 m D. 4.14 m respectively. The diameter of the pipe is 60 mm. Assume the flow is
63. If the tank will be rotated about its vertical axis, which of the following
79. Which of the following most nearly gives the head loss along the pipe
most nearly gives the angular velocity so that the axial depth is zero?
A. 33.75 rpm B. 22.14 rpm
A. 3.77 m B. 4.90 m
C. 15.62 rpm D. 10.15 rpm
C. 5.35 m D. 6.10 m
80. Which of the following most nearly gives the velocity of flow?
A closed cylindrical tank having a radius of 0.60 m and a height of 4 m is A. 2.08 m/s B. 2.70 m/s
full of water under a pressure of 196.20 kPa. The wall of the tank is 5 mm C. 2.95 m/s D. 3.37 m/s
thick. The tank is rotated about its axis at 200 rpm. 81. Which of the following most nearly gives the Reynold’s Number?
64. Which of the following most nearly gives the total pressure on the top A. 1010 B. 885
of the tank? C. 811 D. 624
A. 221.90 kN B. 257.61 KN
C. 249.58 kN D. 266.55 kN SITUATION XXIV.
65. Which of the following most nearly gives the total pressure on the wall The design of a city water supply system is shown in Figure FM-TRP-008.
of the tank? Reservoir A needs to supply 0.0938 m3/s to lower reservoirs B and C. The
A. 1726.32 kN B. 1630.94 kN roughness coefficient for all pipes is 0.011.
C. 1414.93 kN D. 1525.27 kN Pipe Length (m) Diameter (mm)
66. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum hoop stress on
1 900 300
the wall of the tank?
A. 37.73 MPa B. 38.46 MPa 2 387 200
C. 35.91 MPa D. 40.74 MPa 3 700 200

UNIVERSITY OF NUEVA CACERES Engr. Mark Dennis S. Domingo ☺


90. Which of the following most nearly gives the pressure head at point
A. 246.67 m B. 252.33 m
C. 262.86 m D. 264.63 m

Three pipes 1, 2, 3 are connected in parallel. The properties of each pipe
are given in the table. The combined discharge of the three pipes is 0.61
m3/s. Use Hazen-Williams coefficient of 100 for all pipes.
Pipe Diameter (mm) Length (m)
1 150 600
2 200 480
3 100 750
91. Which of the following most nearly gives the head loss?
A. 210 m B. 349 m
C. 461 m D. 583 m
82. Which of the following most nearly gives the flow rate in pipe 2?
92. Which of the following most nearly gives the rate of flow in pipe 1?
A. 0.0684 m3/s B. 0.0566 m3/s
A. 0.1645 m3/s B. 0.1856 m3/s
C. 0.0500 m3/s D. 0.0391 m3/s
C. 0.1404 m3/s D. 0.1502 m3/s
83. Which of the following most nearly gives the flow rate in pipe 3?
93. Which of the following most nearly gives the rate of flow in pipe 2?
A. 0.0254 m3/s B. 0.0372 m3/s
A. 0.4096 m3/s B. 0.3869 m3/s
C. 0.0438 m /s D. 0.0547 m3/s 3
C. 0.3955 m /s D. 0.3675 m3/s
84. Which of the following most nearly gives the elevation of water
surface in reservoir A to supply the required flow rate?
A. 145.50 m B. 147.00 m From the steel pipe network shown in Figure FM-PN-045, the supply of
C. 155.90 m D. 160.00 m water is 350 lit/sec.

SITUATION XXV. Pipe Length (m) Diameter (mm) Friction Factor

Water is being discharged (Q = 280 lit/sec) from a reservoir through a 1 300 202.7 0.015
turbine as shown in Figure FM-T-223. Assume C = 120 for all pipes. 2 150 202.7 0.015
3 75 202.7 0.015
4 300 381 0.015
5 450 303.2 0.014

85. Which of the following most nearly gives the total headloss due to 94. Which of the following most nearly gives the rate of flow of water in
friction? pipe 2?
A. 2.25 m B. 0.04 m A. 151.7 lit/s B. 175.1 lit/s
C. 2.56 m D. 4.39 m C. 711.5 lit/s D. 511.7 lit/s
86. Which of the following most nearly gives the energy exerted by the 95. Which of the following most nearly gives the rate of flow of water in
turbine to generate 56 kilowatts of power? pipe 4?
A. 20.39 m B. 98.10 m A. 981.3 lit/s B. 198.3 lit/s
C. 72.95 m D. 2.56 m C. 167.2 lit/s D. 813.9 lit/s
87. Which of the following most nearly gives the elevation of the water 96. Which of the following most nearly gives the energy loss per unit
surface in the reservoir that would be required for the turbine to mass between the inlet and outlet pipes?
generate 56 kilowatts of power? A. 2.617 KJ/kg B. 1.672 KJ/kg
A. 20.39 m B. 98.10 m C. 6.712 KJ/kg D. 7.621 KJ/kg
C. 72.95 m D. 2.56 m
SITUATION XXVI. Water from a reservoir flowing through a pipe with a diameter of 600 mm at
A pump draws water at 20 liters per second from reservoir A and lifts it to 1.75 m/s is completely stopped by a closure of a valve situated 200 m from
reservoir B as shown in Figure FM-P-113. The head loss from A to 1 is the reservoir. The pipe has a thickness of 20 mm. The modulus of elasticity
three times the velocity head in the 150-mm diameter pipe and the head of the pipe is 1.401011 Pa. The bulk modulus of water is 2.20109 Pa.
loss from 2 to B is fifteen times the velocity head in the 100-mm diameter Assume that the pressure increases at a uniform rate and there is no
pipe. damping of the pressure wave.
97. Which of the following most nearly gives the celerity of the pressure
A. 1180.25 m/s B. 1222.76 m/s
C. 1275.29 m/s D. 1386.29 m/s
98. Which of the following most nearly gives the composite bulk modulus
of elasticity of the pipe and water?
A. 1.92109 Pa B. 1.63109 Pa
C. 1.50109 Pa D. 1.39109 Pa
99. Which of the following most nearly gives the water hammer pressure
assuming instantaneous closure?
A. 2.07 MPa B. 2.23 MPa
88. Which of the following most nearly gives the power delivered by the C. 2.43 MPa D. 2.14 MPa
A. 57.84 kW B. 54.67 kW SITUATION XXX.
A 600 mm diameter rigid pipe, 720 m long carries water at a mean velocity
C. 51.33 kW D. 48.10 kW
of 2.5 m/s from a reservoir. The bulk modulus of water is 2.2109 Pa and
89. Which of the following most nearly gives the pressure head at point
the unit mass of water is 1000 kg/m3.
100. Which of the following most nearly gives the water hammer pressure
A. 19.74 m B. 17.48 m
due to instantaneous closure of a gate valve near the exit?
C. 14.99 m D. 12.69 m A. 3505.70 kPa B. 3708.10 kPa
C. 3893.30 kPa D. 3926.80 kPa

UNIVERSITY OF NUEVA CACERES Engr. Mark Dennis S. Domingo ☺


101. Which of the following most nearly gives the time for pressure wave to 116. An open cylindrical tank 4 m in diameter and 10 m high contains 4 m
travel round trip along the pipe? of oil (s = 0.80) and 6 m of water. An orifice 100 mm in diameter is
A. 1.14 s B. 0.97 s located at the bottom of the tank with C c = 0.90 and Cv = 0.98. Find
C. 0.85 s D. 0.67 s the time to discharge all the contents.
102. Which of the following most nearly gives the water hammer pressure A. 43.17 min B. 40.92 min
if the gate valve is closed in 1.2 seconds? C. 39.79 min D. 44.29 min
A. 3000 kPa B. 3100 kPa 117. Two vertical cylindrical tanks of diameters 1 m and 2 m are connected
C. 3200 kPa D. 3300 kPa by a short tube 100 mm at the lower portion having a coefficient of
discharge (C = 0.62). At the time the tube is closed, the water levels
SITUATION XXXI. of the two tanks are 5 m and 3 m respectively above the centerline of
A 600-mm diameter non-rigid pipe conveys water from a reservoir with a the tube. How long will it take for the water surfaces to reach same
velocity of 2.50 m/s. The flow is suddenly stopped by the closure of a valve level after opening the tube?
situated 200 m from the reservoir. Assume that the pressure increases at a A. 91.34 sec B. 82.36 sec
uniform rate and that there is no damping of the pressure wave. The pipe C. 56.34 sec D. 35.56 sec
has a thickness of 20 mm and a modulus of elasticity of 1.401011 Pa. The 118. Two vertical cylindrical tanks 1 and 2 having diameters 2 m and 3 m,
bulk modulus of elasticity of water is 2.20109 Pa. respectively. are connected with a 200 mm diameter tube at its lower
103. Which of the following most nearly gives the celerity of the pressure portion, with C = 0.60. When the tube is closed, the water surface in
wave? tank 1 is 5 m above the water surface in tank 2. How long will it take
A. 1222.76 m/s B. 1367.69 m/s after opening the tube, for the water surface in tank 2 to rise by 1 m?
C. 1484.32 m/s D. 1660.14 m/s A. 47.58 s B. 68.47 s
104. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum time of closure C. 86.74 s D. 76.48 s
that can be considered as instantaneous closure??
A. 0.702 s B. 0.541 s SITUATION XXXIV.
C. 0.489 s D. 0.327 s A channel is carrying 0.6 m3/s of water. Assuming an error of 0.018 m is
105. Which of the following most nearly gives the water hammer pressure
made in measuring the head.
119. If a 90° triangular weir is used, which of the following most nearly
developed in the pipe due to instantaneous valve closure?
gives the percentage error in the discharge?
A. 3056.90 kPa B. 3459.21 kPa
A. 6.44% B. 7.33%
C. 3817.02 kPa D. 4104.10 kPa
C. 8.28% D. 9.61%
120. If a Cipolletti weir is used with L = 4.6 m, which of the following most
106. A 1.25 cm diameter orifice in a vertical wall of a tank under a constant
head of 5.50 m discharges 0.45 m3 in 9.50 minutes. Find the nearly gives the percentage error in the discharge?
coefficient of discharge. A. 11.58% B. 20.05%
A. 0.485 B. 0.567 C. 16.28% D. 30.77%
C. 0.619 D. 0.681 121. If a suppressed rectangular weir is used with L =4.2 m, which of the
107. A vertical cylindrical tank contains 4 m high of water. If the centerline
following most nearly gives the percentage error in the discharge?
of a standard orifice is 3.5 m below the liquid level and 3.2 m above A. 35.96% B. 20.89%
the ground, compute the horizontal distance reached by the jet of C. 15.20% D. 11.77%
water from the orifice. Assume Cv = 1.0.
A. 7.35 m B. 6.69 m SITUATION XXXV.
C. 5.45 m D. 4.97 m A V-notch weir is located at one end of a prismatic tank having a horizontal
108. A closed conical tank is filled with water to a depth of 4.5 m. It has 30 square section 12 m  12 m. The initial head of the water is 1.80 m and it
kPa of air at the top. If its sides are sloping at 15° from the vertical takes 77 seconds to discharge 144 m3 of water. Use coefficient of
and a 50 mm diameter orifice is drilled on the sloping side 4.0 m discharge of 0.60.
vertically below the water surface, compute the horizontal component 122. Which of the following most nearly gives the vertex angle of the weir?
of the theoretical velocity. A. 72.39° B. 77.04°
A. 10.23 m/s B. 11.37 m/s C. 81.72° D. 87.88°
C. 8.34 m/s D. 3.04 m/s 123. Which of the following most nearly gives the initial discharge over the
109. Oil flows through a standard 25 mm orifice under a 5.5 m head at
the rate of 3 lit/s. The jet strikes a wall 1.52 m away and 0.20 m below A. 5.84 m3/s B. 5.33 m3/s
the centerline of the contracted section of the jet. Calculate the C. 4.91 m3/s D. 4.47 m3/s
coefficient of contraction. 124. Which of the following most nearly gives the instantaneous discharge
A. 0.53 B. 0.63 after 77 seconds?
C. 0.72 D. 0.81 A. 0.591 m3/s B. 0.642 m3/s
C. 0.702 m3/s D. 0.776 m3/s
An orifice of area 30 cm2 in a vertical plate has a head of 1.1 m of oil (s = 125. Triangular channel carries 4.0 m3/s of water. If the side is sloping at
0.91). It discharges 6790 N of oil in 79.3 secs. Trajectory measurements 60° from the horizontal, find the depth of flow. Use n = 0.012 and S =
yield x = 2.25 m and y = 1.23 m. 0.0008.
110. Which of the following most nearly gives the coefficient of A. 1.41 m B. 1.64 m
contraction? C. 1.93 m D. 2.12 m
A. 0.871 B. 0.712 126. A trapezoidal canal has a base width equal to the depth of flow and a
C. 0.953 D. 0.902 discharge of 0.83 m3/s. If n = 0.02, sides sloped at 1:1, and S =
111. Which of the following most nearly gives the coefficient of velocity? 0.0008, compute the depth of flow.
A. 0.918 B. 0.821 A. 0.45 m B. 0.74 m
C. 0.966 D. 0.709 C. 0.98 m D. 1.12 m
112. Which of the following most nearly gives the coefficient of discharge? 127. A rectangular concrete channel 3 m wide is designed to carry water
A. 0.688 B. 0.907 flowing at 8.74 m3/s. Compute the depth of flow using S = 0.00025
C. 0.891 D. 0.985 and n = 0.013.
A. 2.5 m B. 2.9 m
SITUATION XXXIII. C. 3.2 m D. 4.2 m
An orifice having an area of 0.0003 m2 is located on the vertical side of a 128. What are the most economical dimensions for a rectangular brick
tank. The tank has a constant cross-sectional area of 0.40 m2. It takes 312 channel designed to carry 10 m3/s of water with a uniform flow? Use n
seconds to lower the head from 1.20 m to 0.60 m. = 0.015 and S = 0.001.
113. Which of the following most nearly gives the value of the coefficient of A. b = 4.32 m, d = 2.15 m B. b = 3.28 m, d = 1.64 m
discharge? C. b = 2.92 m, d = 1.47 m D. b = 3.86 m, d = 1.91 m
A. 0.6258 B. 0.6191 129. Water flows in a trapezoidal channel and running full. If the channel
C. 0.5894 D. 0.6017 has a discharge of 8.0 m3/s, find the base width for a most efficient
114. Using CD = 0.60, which of the following most nearly gives the time to section. Use n = 0.012 and S = 0.0008.
lower the head from 1.20 m to 0.80 m? A. 2.66 m B. 2.33 m
A. 256.77 s B. 232.50 s C. 1.77 m D. 1.53 m
C. 201.70 s D. 188.05 s 130. A triangular channel with most efficient proportion discharges water at
115. Using CD = 0.60, which of the following most nearly gives the head the rate of 1 m3/sec. Assuming n = 0.018 and S = 0.0021, calculate
after 240 seconds from an initial head of 1.20 m? the depth of flow.
A. 0.61 m B. 0.73 m A. 0.19 m B. 0.39 m
C. 0.84 m D. 0.98 m C. 0.91 m D. 0.47 m

UNIVERSITY OF NUEVA CACERES Engr. Mark Dennis S. Domingo ☺


SITUATION XXXVI. 147. Which of the following most nearly gives the direction of the resultant
A rectangular channel 5.50 m wide and 1.30 m deep is laid on a uniform force?
slope of 0.002. The roughness coefficient of the channel is 0.013. A. N45°E B. N45°W
131. Which of the following most nearly gives the rate of flow in the C. S45°W D. S45°E
A. 16.28 m3/s B. 19.27 m3/s SITUATION XLI.
C. 21.04 m /s D. 22.63 m3/s A jet of water having a velocity of 10 m/sec and a flow rate of 0.06 m 3/sec
132. Which of the following most nearly gives the savings in lining per is being deflected by an angle chute as shown in Figure FM-V-105. Neglect
meter length of channel that could have been offered by using the friction.
most efficient rectangular section but adhering to the same flow
capacity and slope?
A. 0.67 m2/m B. 0.87 m2/m
C. 1.10 m2/m D. 1.53 m2/m
133. Which of the following most nearly gives the savings in earth
excavation per meter length of channel that could have been offered
by using the most efficient rectangular section but adhering to the
same flow capacity and slope?
A. 0.24 m3/m B. 0.61 m3/m
C. 1.03 m /m D. 1.75 m3/m

A 4 m wide rectangular open channel is designed to carry a flow rate of 20
m3/s. Use roughness coefficient of 0.025. 148. Which of the following most nearly gives the x-component of the
134. Which of the following most nearly gives the critical depth of flow? dynamic force?
A. 1.22 m B. 1.37 m A. 219.6 N B. 916.2 N
C. 1.44 m D. 1.59 m C. 169.2 N D. 345.7 N
135. Which of the following most nearly gives the critical velocity? 149. Which of the following most nearly gives the y-component of the
A. 3.66 m/s B. 3.14 m/s dynamic force?
C. 3.44 m/s D. 4.10 m/s A. 819.6 N B. 619.8 N
136. Which of the following most nearly gives the critical slope? C. 369.2 N D. 745.1 N
A. 0.01051 B. 0.01333 150. Which of the following most nearly gives the reaction on the chute?
C. 0.01267 D. 0.01106 A. 848.5 N B. 485.8 N
C. 538.9 N D. 133.3 N
A 90º triangular channel is to carry a flow rate of 12 m3/sec.Use n = 0.014.
137. Which of the following most nearly gives the critical depth?
A. 2.669 m B. 3.116 m
C. 1.966 m D. 1.669 m
138. Which of the following most nearly gives the critical velocity?
A. 3.501 m/s B. 3.105 m/s
C. 5.103 m/s D. 5.301 m/s
139. Which of the following most nearly gives the critical slope?
A. 0.006039 B. 0.009063
C. 0.004057 D. 0.003069

140. A rectangular canal has a width of 2.50 m. The flow passing through
the canal is 2.96 m3/s with a velocity of 3.59 m/s. How high is the
A. 73.03 cm B. 75.02 cm
C. 76.08 cm D. 78.05 cm
141. Water is moving in a 5 m wide rectangular channel at a depth of 1 m
and a Froude Number of 10 . If the water undergoes a jump,
determine the Froude Number after the jump.
A. 0.935 B. 0.593
C. 0.395 D. 0.695

A spillway 1.5 m deep goes over a dam 30 m high. Use a discharge of 3.53
m3/sec per meter width and neglect head loss on the spillway.
142. Which of the following most nearly gives the depth of flow at the foot
of the spillway (depth before the jump)?
A. 2.731 m B. 0.142 m
C. 4.159 m D. 1.876 m
143. Which of the following most nearly gives the velocity of flow after the
A. 0.85 m/sec B. 4.19 m/sec
C. 7.31 m/sec D. 1.42 m/sec
144. Which of the following most nearly gives the specific energy after the
A. 7.3 m B. 2.7 m
C. 4.2 m D. 0.8 m

Water is under the pressure of 450 kPa absolute, flows with a velocity of 3
m/s through a right angle bend having a uniform diameter of 300 mm. The
bend lies in a horizontal plane. Water enters from west and leaves towards
north. Assume no drop in pressure.
145. Which of the following most nearly gives the magnitude of the
dynamic force?
A. 636 N B. 899 N
C. 363 N D. 989 N
146. Which of the following most nearly gives the magnitude of the
resultant force required to hold the bend in place?
A. 53.67 kN B. 25.29 kN
C. 35.76 kN D. 76.35 kN

UNIVERSITY OF NUEVA CACERES Engr. Mark Dennis S. Domingo ☺


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark ONLY ONE 12. A rectangular barge weighing 40000 kg when empty is 6 m wide, 15 m long and 6 m high. It
ANSWER for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the is used to transport along a river (fresh water), 3000 bags of cement, each weighing 40 kg.
answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 2 only. Floating upright, determine the draft of the barge in the river when loaded.
1. A certain liquid has an absolute viscosity of 0.005 Pa-sec and a kinematic viscosity of 3.5 A. 1.67 m B. 1.78 m
mm /s. Determine the density of the liquid. C. 1.46 m D. 2.04 m
3 3 2
A. 1845.72 kg/m B. 1752.84 kg/m 13. An open can of water is subjected to an upward acceleration of 4.50 m/s . What is the
3 3 pressure at a depth of 1.50 m?
C. 1428.57 kg/m D. 1287.45 kg/m
2. On one side of a tank containing a certain liquid, a pressure gage was attached at elevation 9 A. 21.46 kPa B. 24.61 kPa
2 2
m and reads 65 kN/m . Another gage located at elevation 4.5 m reads 106 kN/m . Compute C. 25.03 kPa D. 26.39 kPa
the mass density of the liquid. 14. A vessel partly filled with water is accelerated horizontally at a constant rate causing a 30°
3 3
A. 985.67 kg/m B. 928.76 kg/m inclination of the water surface. What is the acceleration of the vessel?
3 3 2 2
C. 743.28 kg/m D. 623.33 kg/m A. 5.66 m/s B. 6.87 m/s
2 2
3. A cylindrical vertical tank contains water 3.05 m deep and 0.41 m of oil having a specific C. 7.98 m/s D. 8.90 m/s
gravity of 0.8. What is the absolute pressure at the bottom of the tank? 15. A container 10 m wide and 10 m long contains water 2 m high and is accelerating to the right
A. 116.67 kPa B. 129.89 kPa at a rate of 2.45 m/s . Find the minimum pressure at the base.
C. 134.46 kPa D. 148.78 kPa A. 5.65 kPa B. 8.45 kPa
4. Assuming specific weight of air to be constant at 12 N/m , what is the approximate height of C. 7.37 kPa D. 9.14 kPa
Mt. Banahaw if a mercury barometer at the base of the mountain reads 654 mm and at the 16. What is the rate of flow of water passing through a pipe with a diameter of 20 mm and
same time another mercury barometer at the top of the mountain reads 480 mm? velocity of 0.50 m/s?
-4 3 -4 3
A. 1934. 53 m B. 1835.62 m A. 1.57x10 m /s B. 7.85x10 m /s
-4 3
C. 1748.03 m D. 1602.19 m C. 6.28x10 m /s D. none of these
5. Determine the absolute pressure at 250 cm below the free surface of oil (s = 0.80) if the 17. Water flows in a 2 cm  4 cm rectangular duct at 15 m/s. The duct undergoes a transition to a
atmospheric pressure is 101.325 kPa. 6 cm diameter pipe. Calculate the velocity in the pipe.
A. 99.363 kPa B. 81.705 kPa A. 2.87 m/s B. 3.56 m/s
C. 103.287 kPa D. 120.945 kPa C. 4.24 m/s D. 5.33 m/s
6. A vertical plate is an equilateral triangle whose edge is 3.5 m long. If one edge is level with 18. Oil whose specific gravity is 0.81 flows through a 150 mm diameter pipe at a mean velocity of
the water surface, determine the total pressure acting on the plate. 8 m/s. Compute the weight flow rate.
A. 52.58 kN B. 63.59 kN A. 1123.35 N/s B. 1234.51 N/s
C. 75.12 kN D. 92.13 kN C. 1368.86 N/s D. 1469.14 N/s
7. A dam 4 m wide at the top, 10 m at the bottom, and 20 m high has water 15 m deep on its 19. If the velocity head at one point of a pipeline is 5 m, determine the velocity head at another
vertical side. What is the factor of safety against sliding? Assume coefficient of friction of 0.80 point of the pipeline when the velocity is increased three times.
and neglect uplift. A. 15 m B. 20 m
A. 2.02 B. 2.39 C. 30 m D. 45 m
C. 3.36 D. 5.76 20. Water flows at the rate of 0.16 L/s through a 200 mm diameter pipe. If its viscosity is
8. 1.15107 m /s, what is the type of flow?
A dam 4 m wide at the top, 16 m at the bottom, and 24 m high, has water 18 m deep on its 2

vertical side. Neglecting hydrostatic uplift, determine the soil pressure at the heel. Assume A. Subcritical B. Supercritical
unit weight of concrete to be 23.50 kN/m .
C. Laminar D. Turbulent
A. 705.00 kPa B. 446.26 kPa
21. A vertical cylindrical tank contains 4 m high of water. If the centerline of a standard orifice is
C. 352.50 kPa D. 258.74 kPa 3.5 m below the liquid level and 3.2 m above the ground, compute the horizontal distance
9. An object with specific gravity of 0.70 floats in a liquid with specific gravity of 0.80. Determine reached by the jet of water from the orifice. Assume C v = 1.0.
the percentage of volume of the object protruding above the liquid surface? A. 7.35 m B. 6.69 m
A. 87.5% B. 12.5% C. 5.45 m D. 4.97 m
C. 75% D. 25% 22. Oil flows through a standard 25 mm orifice under a 5.5 m head at the rate of 3 lit/s. The jet
10. An iceberg having a specific gravity of 0.92 floats in seawater having a specific gravity of strikes a wall 1.52 m away and 0.20 m below the centerline of the contracted section of the
1.10. If the volume of ice above the water surface is 320 m , what is the total volume of the jet. Calculate the coefficient of contraction.
iceberg? A. 0.53 B. 0.63
3 3
A. 2229.16 m B. 1382.61 m
3 3
C. 0.72 D. 0.81
C. 1572.95 m D. 1955.56 m 23. A cylindrical tank stands vertically on top of a platform. An orifice placed on the vertical side
3 3
11. A balloon is filled with 3000 m of hydrogen having a specific weight of 1.1 N/m . If the of the tank is 3.2 m above the ground. If the head of water inside the tank is 3.5 m above the
balloon weighs 1400 N and the specific weight of air is 12.01 N/m , determine the lift that the center of the orifice, determine the time elapsed for the jet of water to reach the ground.
balloon exerts at the earth’s surface upon take off. A. 0.505 s B. 0.808 s
A. 34130 N B. 37930 N
C. 1.101 s D. 1.303 s
C. 40730 N D. 31330 N



24. A cylindrical tank 7.5 m high contains two layers of liquid. The 4.5 m top layer is a liquid 35. Water is moving in a 5 m wide rectangular channel at a depth of 1 m and a Froude Number of
whose specific gravity is not known while the bottom layer is water that is 3 m deep. A 60 mm 10 . If the water undergoes a jump, determine the Froude Number after the jump.
diameter orifice is drilled 1.2 m above the bottom whose coefficient of velocity is 0.97. The
A. 0.935 B. 0.593
bottom of the tank is level with the ground The jet of water from the orifice hits the ground 5 m
horizontally from the vena contracta. Compute the specific gravity of the liquid. C. 0.395 D. 0.695
A. 0.85 B. 0.92 36. A jet of water that comes out from a nozzle supports a vertical load of 825 N at its tip. The
diameter of the nozzle is 60 mm. Compute the velocity of the jet of water. (MAY 2001)
C. 1.15 D. 0.58
A. 10.87 m/s B. 17.08 m/s
25. A 125 mm orifice is installed on the vertical side of a tank 2 m and has a constant head of
5.5 m. If it discharges water at 45 m in 9.5 minutes, compute the coefficient of discharge. C. 18.70 m/s D. 20.78 m/s
A. 0.89 B. 0.71
C. 0.62 D. 0.45 3
Glycerin having a volume of 0.452 m weighs 6651 Newtons.
26. A 50 mm orifice is placed on one side of a 3 m diameter tank. The tank is 8 m high and is 37. Which of the following most nearly gives the unit weight of glycerin?
filled with water. How long will it take to drop the water surface from 8 m to 4 m above the A. 17.514 kN/m
B. 15.147 kN/m

center of the orifice? Use C = 0.65. 3 3

C. 14.715 kN/m D. 11.475 kN/m
A. 29.43 min B. 34.58 min
38. Which of the following most nearly gives the mass density of glycerin?
C. 38.67 min D. 45.23 min 3 3
A. 1400 kg/m B. 1500 kg/m
27. Two vertical cylindrical tanks 1 and 2 having diameters 2 m and 3 m, respectively. are 3 3
C. 1600 kg/m D. 1700 kg/m
connected with a 200 mm diameter tube at its lower portion, with C = 0.60. When the tube is
39. Which of the following most nearly gives the specific gravity of glycerin?
closed, the water surface in tank 1 is 5 m above the water surface in tank 2. How long will it
take after opening the tube, for the water surface in tank 2 to rise by 1 m? A. 1.70 B. 1.60
A. 47.58 s B. 68.47 s C. 1.50 D. 1.40
C. 86.74 s D. 76.48 s
28. Water flows at a mean velocity of 2 meters per second through a rectangular irrigation canal
with a base width of 1 m at a depth of 500 mm. Determine the rate of flow. The pressure 28 m below a liquid surface is 631.764 KPa.
40. Which of the following most nearly gives the unit weight of the liquid?
A. 40 m/min B. 50 m/min 3 3
A. 22.56 KN/m B. 14.71 KN/m
C. 60 m/min D. 70 m/min 3 3
3 C. 12.36 KN/m D. 33.84 KN/m
29. Triangular channel carries 4.0 m /s of water. If the side is sloping at 60° from the horizontal,
41. Which of the following most nearly gives the mass density of the liquid?
find the depth of flow. Use n = 0.012 and S = 0.0008. 3 3
A. 1.41 m B. 1.64 m A. 1500 kg/m B. 1260 kg/m
3 3
C. 1.93 m D. 2.12 m C. 2300 kg/m D. 1236 kg/m
3 42. Which of the following most nearly gives the specific gravity of the liquid?
30. A trapezoidal canal has a base width equal to the depth of flow and a discharge of 0.83 m /s.
If n = 0.02, sides sloped at 1:1, and S = 0.0008, compute the depth of flow. A. 1.50 B. 1.26
A. 0.45 m B. 0.74 m C. 2.30 D. 3.38
C. 0.98 m D. 1.12 m
31. A trapezoidal channel discharging 30 m /s at a depth of 1.2 m and a base width of 4 m. The
side slope is 2H:1V and use n = 0.015. Determine the slope of the energy grade line? The atmospheric pressure is 101.3 kPa and the absolute pressure at the bottom of the open tank
shown in Figure FM-HP-233 is 231.3 kPa.
A. 0.001567 B. 0.009445
C. 0.004474 D. 0.002213
32. A 300 mm diameter sewer pipe is laid on a grade/slope of 3m/km. Find the discharge when
the depth is 40% full. Use roughness coefficient n = 0.013.
3 3
A. 0.0178 m /s B. 0.0567 m /s
3 3
C. 0.0911 m /s D. 0.2345 m /s
33. The Froude Number of flow in a rectangular open channel is 0.85 at depth of flow of 1.3 m.
Determine the critical depth.
A. 0.59 m B. 0.98 m
C. 1.17 m D. 1.26 m
34. A rectangular canal has a width of 2.50 m. The flow passing through the canal is 2.96 m /s
with a velocity of 3.59 m/s. How high is the jump?
A. 73.03 cm B. 75.02 cm
C. 76.48 cm D. 78.05 cm



43. Which of the following most nearly gives the specific gravity of the olive oil? 51. Which of the following most nearly gives the magnitude of the hydrostatic force acting on the
A. 1.1358 B. 1.3713 plate?
C. 1.5667 D. 1.7331 A. 4568. 7 kN B. 2645.6 kN
44. Which of the following most nearly gives the gage pressure at the interface of the olive oil and C. 1345.9 kN D. 2345.6 kN
the mercury?
A. 37.6213 kPa B. 76.6336 kPa SITUATION VI.
C. 138.9213 kPa D. 177.9336 kPa The gate shown in Figure FM-HFS-235 is 1.5 m wide, hinged at A, and rests against a smooth wall
45. Which of the following most nearly gives the absolute pressure at the interface of the olive oil at B. Neglect the weight of the gate.
and the mercury?
A. 177.9336 kPa B. 138.9213 kPa
C. 76.6336 kPa D. 37.6213 kPa

A square plate having one of its sides equal to 3.50 m is immersed in water in a vertical position
such that the two edges of the square would be horizontal. The center of pressure in the plate is
12 cm from the center of gravity.
46. Which of the following most nearly gives the distance of the upper surface of the plate from
the water surface?
A. 6.76 m B. 8.51 m
C. 10.26 m D. 13.25 m
47. Which of the following most nearly gives the distance of the center of pressure from the water
A. 5.64 m B. 6.88 m
C. 8.63 m D. 10.14 m 52. Which of the following most nearly gives the total force acting on the gate due to seawater?
48. Which of the following most nearly gives the hydrostatic force acting on one side of the plate? A. 218.59 KN B. 211.90 KN
A. 812.37 kN B. 1022.30 kN C. 228.45 KN D. 205.60 KN
C. 1232.97 kN D. 1592.29 kN 53. Which of the following most nearly gives the reaction at B?
A. 150.13 KN B. 160.50 KN
SITUATION V. C. 170.85 KN D. 180.61 KN
The vertical plate shown in Figure FM-HFS-065 is submerged in vinegar having a specific gravity 54. Which of the following most nearly gives the reaction at hinge A?
of 0.8. A. 182.56 KN B. 191.32KN
C. 215.43 KN D. 163.11 KN

A storage vat full of paint (s = 0.80) is 8 m long and 4 m deep and has a trapezoidal cross-section
3 m wide at the bottom and 5 m wide at the top.
55. Which of the following most nearly gives the weight of the paint?
A. 1004.54 kN B. 1255.68 kN
C. 2009.09 kN D. 2511.36 kN
56. Which of the following most nearly gives the force on the bottom of the vat?
A. 1255.68 kN B. 941.76 kN
C. 753.41 kN D. 251.14 kN
57. Which of the following most nearly gives the force on the trapezoidal end?
A. 231.21 kN B. 287.76 kN
C. 272.04 kN D. 340.08 kN
49. Which of the following most nearly gives the location of the center of pressure on A 1 from the
surface of the vinegar? SITUATION VIII.
A. 6.78 m B. 6.24 m A tank open at the top has a height of 5.4 m and a width of 2 m. It contains 2.4 m of oil (s = 0.80),
C. 5.34 m D. 5.5 m 1.8 m of water, and 1.2 m of mercury (s = 13.6).
50. Which of the following most nearly gives the depth to the center of pressure on A 2 from the 58. Which of the following most nearly gives the hydrostatic force acting on a side of the tank due
vinegar surface? to oil only?
A. 8.23 m B. 7.11 m A. 45.204 kN B. 99.591 kN
C. 7.19 m D. 6.89 m C. 144.796 kN D. 279.703 kN



59. Which of the following most nearly gives the hydrostatic force acting on a side of the tank due SITUATION XI.
to oil and water? A wooden block having a cross-section of 0.6 m x 0.6 m floats in water with 0.18 m projecting
A. 45.204 kN B. 99.591 kN above the surface. When placed in oil with specific gravity of 0.90, the block projects 0.14 m above
C. 144.796 kN D. 424.498 kN the surface.
60. Which of the following most nearly gives the total hydrostatic force acting on a side of the 67. Which of the following most nearly gives the height of the block?
tank? A. 0.54 m B. 0.68 m
A. 99.591 kN B. 144.796 kN C. 0.71 m D. 0.96 m
C. 279.703 kN D. 424.498 kN 68. Which of the following most nearly gives the specific gravity of the block?
A. 0.81 B. 0.45
SITUATION IX. C. 0.51 D. 0.67
A sluice gate is in the form of a circular arc whose radius is 6 m and width is 1 m as shown in 69. Which of the following most nearly gives the weight of the block?
Figure FM-HFS-360. A. 1543.1 N B. 1271.4 N
C. 1821.4 N D. 1345.2 N

A cylindrical tank 1 m in diameter and 3 m tall is open at the top.
70. If the tank floats in water with a draft of 2.30 m, which of the following most nearly gives the
weight of the tank?
A. 15.30 kN B. 17.72 kN
C. 19.58 kN D. 21.11 kN
71. Which of the following most nearly gives the weight of a lead ( lead = 110 kN/m ) that must be
fastened to the outside bottom of the tank to make the top of the tank flushed with the water
A. 3.19 kN B. 5.92 kN
C. 8.76 kN D. 9.33 kN
72. Which of the following most nearly gives the weight of the lead (lead = 110 kN/m ) that must
61. Which of the following most nearly gives the horizontal force acting on the gate? be placed inside the tank to make the top of the tank flushed with the water surface?
A. 31.99 kN B. 81.86 kN A. 8.88 kN B. 7.06 kN
C. 115.67 kN D. 176.58 kN C. 5.39 kN D. 3.26 kN
62. Which of the following most nearly gives the vertical force acting on the gate?
A. 31.99 kN B. 81.86 kN SITUATION XIII.
C. 115.67 kN D. 176.58 kN A rock weighs 500 N in air and 350 N in a liquid having a specific gravity of 0.86.
73. Which of the following most nearly gives the volume of the rock?
63. Which of the following most nearly gives the magnitude of the resultant hydrostatic force 3 3
acting on the gate? A. 0.0155 m B. 0.0161 m
3 3
A. 179.45 kN B. 87.89 kN C. 0.0178 m D. 0.0183 m
74. Which of the following most nearly gives the unit weight of the rock?
C. 120.01 kN D. 194.63 kN 3 3
A. 25.33 kN/m B. 28.12 kN/m
3 3
SITUATION X. C. 30.26 kN/m D. 33.67 kN/m
A dam is triangular in cross-section with the upstream face vertical. Water is flushed with the top. 75. Which of the following most nearly gives the specific gravity of the rock?
The dam is 8 m high and 6 m wide at the base and weighs 2.4 tons per cubic meter. The A. 2.58 B. 2.87
coefficient of friction between the base and the foundation is 0.8. C. 3.08 D. 3.43
64. Which of the following most nearly gives the soil pressure at the toe?
A. 48.83 KPa B. 139.52 KPa SITUATION XIV.
C. 313.91 KPa D. 565.16 KPa An object weighs 75 N when submerged in oil (s = 0.80) and a force of 100 N is required to hold it
65. Which of the following gives the factor of safety against overturning? submerged in mercury (s = 13.6).
A. 1.44 B. 0.45 76. Which of the following most nearly gives the weight of the object?
C. 2.70 D. 3.55 A. 95.06 N B. 85.94 N
66. Which of the following gives the factor of safety against sliding? C. 72.13 N D. 64.79 N
A. 1.44 B. 0.45 77. Which of the following most nearly gives the volume of the object?
3 3
C. 2.70 D. 3.55 A. 0.00096 m B. 0.00125 m
3 3
C. 0.00139 m D. 0.00214 m



78. Which of the following most nearly gives the specific gravity of the object? 89. Which of the following most nearly gives the angular speed so that the depth of water at the
A. 5.21 B. 6.30 center is zero?
C. 7.16 D. 8.95 A. 102.72 rpm B. 114.24 rpm
C. 139.15 rpm D. 153.33 rpm
SITUATION XV. 90. Which of the following most nearly gives the angular speed so that there is no water at the
A 20 cm  20 cm  40 cm block weighs 50 N when fully submerged in water. bottom within 1 ft from the vertical axis?
79. Which of the following most nearly gives the weight of the block in air? A. 102.33 rpm B. 114.52 rpm
A. 206.96 N B. 106.96 N C. 139.19 rpm D. 153.27 rpm
C. 256.16 N D. 50.16 N
80. Which of the following most nearly gives the specific gravity of the block? SITUATION XIX.
A. 1.3186 B. 0.6814 An open cylindrical tank 1 m in diameter contains water at a depth of 3.56 m.
C. 1.6320 D. 0.3196 91. If the tank is rotated about its vertical axis at a speed of 80 rpm, which of the following most
81. Which of the following most nearly gives the unit weight of the block?
nearly gives the least depth of the tank so that no water will be spilled out?
A. 12.935 kN/m
B. 6.685 kN/m
3 A. 3.89 m B. 4.01 m
C. 16.010 kN/m
D. 3.135 kN/m
3 C. 4.45 m D. 5.12 m
92. Using the least depth of the tank obtained in the previous problem and if it is rotated about its
vertical axis at a speed of 120 rpm, which of the following most nearly gives the volume of
A ship traveling from sea water (s = 1.03) to fresh water (s = 1) sinks 7.62 cm and after burning water spilled out?
3 3
72730 kg of coal rises 15.24 cm. A. 1.209 m B. 1.587 m
3 3
82. Which of the following most nearly gives the draft of the ship in sea water? C. 0.439 m D. 0.770 m
A. 2.39 m B. 2.54 m 93. If the tank is rotated about its vertical axis at a speed of 140 rpm, which of the following most
C. 3.61 m D. 3.82 m nearly gives the minimum pressure at the bottom of the tank?
83. Which of the following most nearly gives the draft of the ship in fresh water? A. 39.31 kPa B. 23.16 kPa
A. 2.61 m B. 2.82 m C. 12.44 kPa D. 8.04 kPa
C. 3.39 m D. 3.54 m
84. Which of the following most nearly gives the original displacement of the ship in sea water?
A closed cylindrical vessel with a base diameter of 1.8 m and a height of 2.75 m is completely filled
A. 14102.80 kN B. 17730.50 kN
with glycerin whose specific gravity is 1.60. It has a pressure of 242.704 kPa at the top. The steel
C. 12248.10 kN D. 10477.20 kN plates that form the cylinder are 13 mm thick. It is rotated about its vertical axis at a constant
angular velocity of 36 rad/s.
SITUATION XVII. 94. Which of the following most nearly gives the increase in pressure due to rotation?
It is desired to float in fresh water a wooden cone, 18 cm in diameter and 25 cm in height with its A. 524.889 kPa B. 629.866 kPa
vertex downward. The specific gravity of the wood is 0.60.
C. 682.241 kPa D. 839.808 kPa
85. Which of the following most nearly gives the submerged depth?
95. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum pressure at the bottom of the
A. 21.09 cm B. 22.51 cm
C. 16.95 cm D. 18.33 cm A. 1149.179 kPa B. 1125.676 kPa
86. Which of the following most nearly gives the distance between the center of buoyancy and
C. 968.113 kPa D. 810.757 kPa
the metacenter?
96. Which of the following most nearly gives the tangential stress due to the maximum pressure
A. 3.59 cm B. 2.05 cm
developed in the cylinder?
C. 4.86 cm D. 1.24 cm A. 92.133 MPa B. 82.798 MPa
87. Which of the following most nearly gives the distance between the metacenter and the center
C. 77.931 MPa D. 67.021 MPa
of gravity?
A. 1.93 cm B. 0.89 cm
C. 0.56 cm D. 2.35 cm A discharge of 600 lit/s flows through a pipe having a diameter of 400 mm and a length of 40 m.
97. Which of the following most nearly gives the head loss using Manning’s formula with n =
An open cylindrical tank 3 ft in diameter and 5 ft high is three fifths full of water. If the tank is A. 1.24 m B. 2.33 m
rotated about its vertical axis,
C. 3.32 m D. 4.12 m
88. Which of the following most nearly gives the angular speed so that the water would just reach
98. Which of the following most nearly gives the head loss using Darcy-Weisbach formula with f =
the rim of the tank?
A. 10.70 rad/sec B. 11.96 rad/sec
A. 1.39 m B. 3.19 m
C. 14.56 rad/sec D. 16.05 rad/sec
C. 4.27 m D. 2.74 m



99. Which of the following most nearly gives the head loss using Hazen-Williams formula with C
= 100?
A. 2.86 m B. 6.82 m
C. 3.19 m D. 1.93 m

Crude oil having a density of 856 kg/m and a dynamic viscosity of 0.0072 Pa-sec flows through a
60-mm diameter pipe at a velocity of 0.24 m/s.
100. Which of the following most nearly gives the Reynold’s number?
A. 1712 B. 1271
C. 1217 D. 1172
101. Which of the following most nearly gives the friction factor?
A. 0.0526 B. 0.0305
C. 0.0504 D. 0.0374
102. Which of the following most nearly gives the head lost if the pipe is 1500 m long?
A. 2.74 m B. 2.23 m
C. 3.70 m D. 4.12 m


An oil with  = 900 kg/m and  = 0.0002 m /s flows upward through a 10 m long pipe segment
3 2 A pump draws water at 25 liters per second from reservoir A and lifts it to reservoir B as shown in
inclined at 40° with the horizontal. The pressures at the upstream and downstream end of the pipe the Figure FM-P-113. The head loss from A to 1 is three times the velocity head in the 150-mm
are 350 kPa and 250 kPa, respectively. The diameter of the pipe is 60 mm. Assume the flow is diameter pipe and the head loss from 2 to B is twenty five times the velocity head in the 100-mm
laminar. diameter pipe.
103. Which of the following most nearly gives the head loss along the pipe segment?
A. 3.77 m B. 4.90 m
C. 5.35 m D. 6.10 m
104. Which of the following most nearly gives the velocity of flow?
A. 2.08 m/s B. 2.70 m/s
C. 2.95 m/s D. 3.37 m/s
105. Which of the following most nearly gives the Reynold’s Number?
A. 1010 B. 885
C. 811 D. 624

The design of a city water supply system is shown in Figure FM-TRP-008. Reservoir A needs to 109. Which of the following most nearly gives the power delivered by the pump?
supply 0.0938 m /s to lower reservoirs B and C. The roughness coefficient for all pipes is 0.011. A. 54.87 kW B. 57.84 kW
C. 60.20 kW D. 62.10 kW
Pipe Length (m) Diameter (mm)
110. Which of the following most nearly gives the pressure head at point 1?
1 900 300
A. 19.59 m B. 18.74 m
2 387 200
3 700 200 C. 15.99 m D. 14.78 m
111. Which of the following most nearly gives the pressure head at point 2?
106. Which of the following most nearly gives the flow rate in pipe 2? A. 236.33 m B. 255.67 m
3 3
A. 0.0684 m /s B. 0.0566 m /s C. 263.86 m D. 272.39 m
3 3
C. 0.0500 m /s D. 0.0391 m /s
107. Which of the following most nearly gives the flow rate in pipe 3? SITUATION XXVI.
3 3
A. 0.0254 m /s B. 0.0372 m /s Water is being discharged (Q = 280 lit/sec) from a reservoir through a turbine as shown in Figure
3 3
C. 0.0438 m /s D. 0.0547 m /s FM-T-223. Assume C = 120 for all pipes.
108. Which of the following most nearly gives the elevation of water surface in reservoir A to 112. Which of the following most nearly gives the total headloss due to friction?
supply the required flow rate? A. 2.25 m B. 0.04 m
A. 145.50 m B. 147.00 m
C. 2.56 m D. 4.39 m
C. 155.90 m D. 160.00 m



119. Which of the following most nearly gives the flow rate in pipeline 3?
A. 23.1 lit/sec B. 76.9 lit/sec
C. 16.8 lit/sec D. 83.2 lit/sec
120. Which of the following most nearly gives the total head lost from A to D?
A. 45 m B. 170 m
C. 295 m D. 332 m

Three pipes of different lengths and diameters connected in series discharges 160 liters per
Pipelines Length (m) Diameter (mm)
1 1,800 450
2 1,500 300
113. Which of the following most nearly gives the energy exerted by the turbine to generate 56 3 800 250
kilowatts of power? Use roughness coefficient n = 0.012.
A. 20.39 m B. 98.10 m 121. Which of the following most nearly gives the head loss in pipe 2?
C. 72.95 m D. 2.56 m A. 4.83 m B. 34.98 m
114. Which of the following most nearly gives the elevation of the water surface in the reservoir C. 49.33 m D. 89.14 m
that would be required for the turbine to generate 56 kilowatts of power? 122. Which of the following most nearly gives the total head loss?
A. 20.39 m B. 98.10 m A. 4.83 m B. 34.98 m
C. 72.95 m D. 2.56 m C. 49.33 m D. 89.14 m
123. Which of the following most nearly gives the diameter of an equivalent single pipe that could
SITUATION XXVII. replace all three pipes that could carry the same flow rate?
There is a leak in a horizontal 20 cm  pipeline (f = 0.02). Upstream from the leak two gages 500 A. 304 mm B. 262 mm
m apart on the line show a pressure difference of 145 kPa. Downstream from the leak two gages
C. 455 mm D. 123 mm
500 m apart shows a pressure difference of 130 kPa.
115. Which of the following most nearly gives the discharge at the upstream side?
A. 75.6 lit/sec B. 71.6 lit/sec
A pipeline splits into parallel pipes 1, 2 and 3 at junction A and merges again at junction B.
C. 97.2 lit/sec D. 94.2 lit/sec Pressure heads at A and B are 70 m and 45 m, respectively.
116. Which of the following most nearly gives the discharge at the downstream side?
A. 75.6 lit/sec B. 71.6 lit/sec Pipe 1 Pipe 2 Pipe 3
C. 97.2 lit/sec D. 94.2 lit/sec C 120 120 120
117. Which of the following most nearly gives the amount of water being lost from the pipe? Length 3000 m 1600 m 1500 m
A. 5 lit/sec B. 4 lit/sec Diameter 300 mm 250 mm 200 mm
C. 3 lit/sec D. 2 lit/sec
124. Which of the following most nearly gives the rate of flow in pipe 1, Q 1 ?
SITUATION XXVIII. A. 106.0 lit/s B. 92.1 lit/s
A pipe network consists of pipeline 1 from A to B, then at B it is connected to pipelines 2 and 3, C. 25.4 lit/s D. 53.1 lit/s
where it merges again at joint C to form a single pipeline 4 up to D. Pipelines 1, 2 and 4 are in 125. Which of the following most nearly gives the rate of flow in pipe 2, Q 2 ?
series connection whereas pipelines 2 and 3 are parallel to each other. The rate of flow from A to A. 106.0 lit/s B. 92.1 lit/s
B is 100 lit/sec and use f = 0.02 for all pipes. C. 25.4 lit/s D. 53.1 lit/s
126. Which of the following most nearly gives the rate of flow in pipe 3, Q 3 ?
Pipelines Length (m) Diameter (mm)
A. 106.0 lit/s B. 92.1 lit/s
1 3,000 200
C. 25.4 lit/s D. 53.1 lit/s
2 2,200 300
3 3,200 200
4 2,800 400
118. Which of the following most nearly gives the the flow rate in pipeline 2?
A. 23.1 lit/sec B. 76.9 lit/sec
C. 16.8 lit/sec D. 83.2 lit/sec




3 2
A liquid having a density of 800 kg/m flows along a pipe with a velocity of 1.75 m/s. A certain An orifice of area 30 cm in a vertical plate has a head of 1.1 m of oil (s = 0.91). It discharges 6790
amount of liquid is known to decrease in volume by 0.13% due to an increase in pressure of 2500 N of oil in 79.3 secs. Trajectory measurements yield x = 2.25 m and y = 1.23 m.
kPa. The pipe has a diameter of 600 mm, thickness of 20 mm, and a modulus of elasticity of 136. Which of the following most nearly gives the coefficient of contraction?
1.410 Pa. A. 0.871 B. 0.712
127. Which of the following most nearly gives the bulk modulus of elasticity of the liquid? C. 0.953 D. 0.902
A. 2.4667 GPa B. 2.2222 GPa 137. Which of the following most nearly gives the coefficient of velocity?
C. 1.9231 GPa D. 1.8050 GPa A. 0.918 B. 0.821
128. Which of the following most nearly gives the celerity of the pressure wave? C. 0.966 D. 0.709
A. 1419.91 m/s B. 1371.42 m/s 138. Which of the following most nearly gives the coefficient of discharge?
C. 1304.74 m/s D. 1272.46 m/s A. 0.688 B. 0.907
129. Which of the following most nearly gives the water hammer pressure developed in the pipe C. 0.891 D. 0.985
due to instantaneous valve closure?
A. 1987.87 kPa B. 1919.99 kPa SITUATION XXXV.
C. 1826.63 kPa D. 1781.44 kPa An orifice having an area of 0.0003 m is located on the vertical side of a tank. The tank has a
constant cross-sectional area of 0.40 m . It takes 312 seconds to lower the head from 1.20 m to
A 600-mm diameter non-rigid pipe conveys water from a reservoir with a velocity of 2.50 m/s. The 139. Which of the following most nearly gives the value of the coefficient of discharge?
flow is suddenly stopped by the closure of a valve situated 400 m from the reservoir. Assume that A. 0.6258 B. 0.6191
the pressure increases at a uniform rate and that there is no damping of the pressure wave. The C. 0.5894 D. 0.6017
pipe has a thickness of 20 mm and a modulus of elasticity of 1.4010 Pa. The bulk modulus of 140. Using C = 0.60, which of the following most nearly gives the time to lower the head from 1.20
elasticity of water is 2.2010 Pa. m to 0.80 m?
130. Which of the following most nearly gives the celerity of the pressure wave? A. 256.77 s B. 232.50 s
A. 1222.76 m/s B. 1367.69 m/s C. 201.70 s D. 188.05 s
C. 1484.32 m/s D. 1660.14 m/s 141. Using C = 0.60, which of the following most nearly gives the head after 240 seconds from an
131. Which of the following most nearly gives the time for pressure wave to travel round trip along initial head of 1.20 m?
the pipe? A. 0.61 m B. 0.73 m
A. 0.50 s B. 0.54 s C. 0.84 m D. 0.98 m
C. 0.58 s D. 0.65 s
132. Which of the following most nearly gives the water hammer pressure developed in the pipe SITUATION XXXVI.
due to instantaneous valve closure? Two vertical cylindrical tanks A and B are connected near at the bottom by a short orifice with
A. 3056.90 kPa B. 3459.21 kPa cross-sectional area of 0.004 m . The diameter of tanks A and B are 8 m and 5 m, respectively.
C. 3817.02 kPa D. 4104.10 kPa Water level in tank A is initially 10 m higher than that of tank B. Use coefficient of discharge of
SITUATION XXXIII. 142. Which of the following most nearly gives the discharge immediately after opening the orifice?
A 600-mm diameter non-rigid pipe conveys water from a reservoir with a velocity of 2.50 m/s. The A. 33.62 lit/s B. 23.36 lit/s
flow is suddenly stopped by the closure of a valve situated 200 m from the reservoir. Assume that C. 36.32 lit/s D. 26.33 lit/s
the pressure increases at a uniform rate and that there is no damping of the pressure wave. The 143. Which of the following most nearly gives the time elapsed after opening the orifice for the
pipe has a thickness of 20 mm and a modulus of elasticity of 1.4010 Pa. The bulk modulus of water surfaces of the two tanks to be at the same level?
elasticity of water is 2.2010 Pa. A. 8040 sec B. 4800 sec
133. Which of the following most nearly gives the celerity of the pressure wave? C. 8400 sec D. 4080 sec
A. 1222.76 m/s B. 1367.69 m/s 144. Which of the following most nearly gives the time elapsed when the water surfaces of the two
C. 1484.32 m/s D. 1660.14 m/s tanks are 4 m apart?
134. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum time of closure that can be considered A. 41.65 min B. 45.16 min
as instantaneous closure?? C. 51.46 min D. 56.14 min
A. 0.702 s B. 0.541 s
C. 0.489 s D. 0.327 s SITUATION XXXVII.
135. Which of the following most nearly gives the water hammer pressure developed in the pipe Water flows at the rate of 12 m /sec, at a depth of 1.5 m, and in a 10 m wide irrigation canal.
due to instantaneous valve closure? Assume uniform flow and use n = 0.035.
A. 3056.90 kPa B. 3459.21 kPa 145. Which of the following most nearly gives the value of the specific energy?
C. 3817.02 kPa D. 4104.10 kPa A. 1.74 J/N B. 1.65 J/N
C. 1.53 J/N D. 1.81 J/N



146. Which of the following most nearly gives the slope of the channel bed in meter per km? SITUATION XLI.
A. 0.6479 B. 0.4796 A 4 m wide rectangular open channel is designed to carry a flow rate of 20 m /s. Use roughness
C. 0.7964 D. 0.5978 coefficient of 0.025.
147. Which of the following most nearly gives the boundary shearing stress at the walls in Pa? 157. Which of the following most nearly gives the critical depth of flow?
A. 3.77 Pa B. 7.33 Pa A. 1.22 m B. 1.37 m
C. 4.66 Pa D. 5.11 Pa C. 1.44 m D. 1.59 m
158. Which of the following most nearly gives the critical velocity?
SITUATION XXXVIII. A. 3.66 m/s B. 3.14 m/s
A trapezoidal canal with sides slope of 1H:2V discharges 20 m /sec. The velocity of flow is 2 C. 3.44 m/s D. 4.10 m/s
m/sec. Consider the bottom width is twice its depth. (Use n = 0.0142) 159. Which of the following most nearly gives the critical slope?
148. Which of the following most nearly gives the hydraulic radius? A. 0.01051 B. 0.01333
A. 1.18 m B. 6.47 m C. 0.01267 D. 0.01106
C. 7.49 m D. 10.23 m
149. Which of the following most nearly gives the slope of the canal? SITUATION XLII.
A. 0.00647 B. 0.0647 A triangular channel (n = 0.012), with sides sloped 1 vertical to 3 horizontal, is to carry water at a
C. 0.0000647 D. 0.000647 flow rate of 10 m /sec.
150. Determine the average shearing stress on the boundary surface. 160. Which of the following most nearly gives the critical depth?
A. 1.18 Pa B. 6.47 Pa A. 0.434 m B. 0.849 m
C. 7.49 Pa D. 10.23 Pa C. 1.178 m D. 2.402 m
161. Which of the following most nearly gives the critical velocity?
SITUATION XXXIX. A. 2.402 m/s B. 1.614 m/s
A rectangular channel 5.50 m wide and 1.30 m deep is laid on a uniform slope of 0.002. The C. 3.251 m/s D. 2.957 m/s
roughness coefficient of the channel is 0.013. 162. Which of the following most nearly gives the critical slope?
151. Which of the following most nearly gives the rate of flow in the channel, in m /s? A. 0.0065 B. 0.0091
A. 22.63 B. 21.40 C. 0.0018 D. 0.0002
C. 18.72 D. 16.25
152. Which of the following most nearly gives the savings in lining per meter length of channel that SITUATION XLIII.
could have been offered by using the most efficient rectangular section but adhering to the A spillway 1.5 m deep goes over a dam 30 m high. Use a discharge of 3.53 m /sec per meter
same flow capacity and slope, in m /m? width and neglect head loss on the spillway.
A. 1.53 B. 1.20 163. Which of the following most nearly gives the depth of flow at the foot of the spillway (depth
C. 0.88 D. 0.67 before the jump)?
153. Which of the following most nearly gives the savings in earth excavation per meter length of A. 2.731 m B. 0.142 m
channel that could have been offered by using the most efficient rectangular section but C. 4.159 m D. 1.876 m
adhering to the same flow capacity and slope, in m /m? 164. Which of the following most nearly gives the velocity of flow after the jump?
A. 0.24 B. 0.51 A. 0.85 m/sec B. 4.19 m/sec
C. 1.14 D. 1.67 C. 7.31 m/sec D. 1.42 m/sec
165. Which of the following most nearly gives the specific energy after the jump?
SITUATION XL. A. 7.3 m B. 2.7 m
The water flowing along a 6-m wide open channel has a minimum specific energy of 2.20 m. The C. 4.2 m D. 0.8 m
roughness coefficient of the channel is 0.013.
154. Which of the following most nearly gives the critical depth?
A. 1.89 m B. 1.70 m
C. 1.58 m D. 1.47 m
155. Which of the following most nearly gives the critical velocity?
A. 2.46 m/s B. 3.14 m/s
C. 3.79 m/s D. 4.38 m/s
156. Which of the following most nearly gives the critical slope?
“Th e greatest reward of passi ng the Boar d E xam
A. 0.0025 B. 0.0018 is not just th e licens e yo u get from P RC
C. 0.0013 D. 0.0007 nor the prestige yo u gai n...
But rath er the Excellent Perso n Yo u B ecom e
in the process of striv ing toward yo ur s ucces s
and exerting s elf -dis cipline ev ery time it is required!!!”



INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following SITUATION V.
questions. Mark ONLY ONE ANSWER for each item by shading the box A soil sample taken from the field has a mass of 1.85 kg and a volume of
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. 0.001 m3. The soil contains 17.50% water by weight. The specific gravity of
STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 2 only. the soil particles is 2.62.
16. Which of the following most nearly gives the dry unit weight of the
1. For a moist soil, the following properties are given: Vol = 0.25 ft 3, W = soil?
30.75 lbs,  = 9.8%, Gs = 2.66. Determine its porosity. A. 16.75 kN/m3 B. 16.57 kN/m3
A. 0.4817 B. 0.3683 C. 15.54 kN/m D. 15.45 kN/m3
C. 0.3251 D. 0.3196 17. Which of the following most nearly gives the void ratio of the soil?
2. A sample of saturated clay has a water content of 400%. Compute the A. 0.664 B. 0.709
porosity if specific gravity of the soil solids is 2.40. C. 0.825 D. 1.131
A. 64.89% B. 87.15% 18. Which of the following most nearly gives the degree of saturation of
C. 76.41% D. 90.57% the soil?
3. If a soil sample has a unit weight of 19.15 kN/m3 when it is saturated A. 47.27% B. 49.33%
and 16.22 kN/m3 when it is dry, determine its unit weight when it is C. 55.34% D. 69.05%
25% saturated.
A. 1757.25 kg/m3 B. 1772.67 kg/m3 SITUATION VI.
C. 1713.98 kg/m D. 1728.08 kg/m3 A specimen of moist soil weighing 122 g has an apparent specific gravity of
1.82. The specific gravity of the solid particles is 2.53. After the specimen is
SITUATION I. oven-dried, the weight is 104 g.
A soil sample having a mass of 1850 grams and a volume of 0.001 m 3 was 19. Which of the following most nearly gives the void ratio of the original
taken from the field. It has a moisture content of 12%. The density of the mass?
solid particles was found to be 2620 kg/m3. A. 0.7868 B. 0.6307
4. Which of the following most nearly gives the dry density of the soil C. 0.5204 D. 0.6852
sample? 20. Which of the following most nearly gives the porosity of the original
A. 1516.79 kg/m3 B. 1561.79 kg/m3 mass?
C. 1615.79 kg/m3 D. 1651.79 kg/m3 A. 0.4403 B. 0.4066
5. Which of the following most nearly gives the void ratio of the soil C. 0.3868 D. 0.3423
sample? 21. Which of the following most nearly gives the dry density of the soil
A. 0.6215 B. 0.7273 mass?
C. 0.5862 D. 0.6776 A. 1.66 g/cc B. 1.42 g/cc
6. Which of the following most nearly gives the degree of saturation of C. 1.50 g/cc D. 1.55 g/cc
the soil sample?
A. 46.40% B. 43.23% SITUATION VII.
C. 53.64% D. 50.59% Dry sand is placed in a container having a volume of 0.3 ft3. The dry weight
of the sample is 31 lbs. Water is carefully added to the container so as not
SITUATION II. to disturb the condition of the sand. When the container is filled, the
Dry soil is mixed with 16.50% by mass with water and then compacted. combined weight of soil and water is 38.2 lbs.
The moist soil has a volume of 0.001m3 and a mass of 1.80 kg. The 22. Which of the following most nearly gives the void ratio of the sand?
specific gravity of soil solids is 2.70. A. 0.533 B. 0.625
7. Which of the following most nearly gives the dry unit weight of the C. 0.711 D. 0.867
soil? 23. Which of the following most nearly gives the specific gravity of sand
A. 1513.49 kg/m3 B. 1531.49 kg/m3 particles?
C. 1545.06 kg/m D. 1554.06 kg/m3 A. 2.833 B. 2.691
8. Which of the following most nearly gives the void ratio of the soil? C. 2.567 D. 2.745
A. 0.7475 B. 0.7629 24. Which of the following most nearly gives the submerged unit weight of
C. 0.7840 D. 0.7374 the sand?
9. Which of the following most nearly gives the degree of saturation? A. 64.93 lb/ft3 B. 45.56 lb/ft3
A. 0.5960 B. 0.5839 C. 57.12 lb/ft D. 71.11 lb/ft3
C. 0.5682 D. 0.6041
SITUATION III. The critical hydraulic gradient for a soil sample is equal to 1.02. The
A 100 cc proctor mold was used to collect a wet soil sample. Its weight was specific gravity of soil particles is 2.67 and the water content is 14%.
found to be 200 g. Its oven dried weight was recorded as 189 g. Use G s = 25. Which of the following most nearly gives the void ratio of the soil
2.70. sample?
10. Which of the following most nearly gives the wet unit weight of the soil A. 2.1987 B. 1.5376
in g/cc? C. 0.9128 D. 0.6373
A. 3.6 B. 2.4 26. Which of the following most nearly gives the degree of saturation of
C. 2.2 D. 2.0 the soil sample?
11. Which of the following most nearly gives the moisture content of the A. 17.01% B. 24.32%
soil? C. 40.99% D. 58.66%
A. 0.058201 B. 0.064021 27. Which of the following most nearly gives the dry unit weight of the soil
C. 0.069841 D. 0.046561 sample?
12. Which of the following most nearly gives the degree of saturation of A. 16.00 kN/m3 B. 17.50 kN/m3
the soil? C. 15.00 kN/m 3
D. 18.00 kN/m3
A. 33.33% B. 34.44%
C. 36.67% D. 38.89% SITUATION IX.
A soil sample has the following properties:
Porosity = 0.398
Determine the formula for each item given below.
13. Saturated unit weight of soil. Specific Gravity of Solid Particles = 2.75
1  n  Gs  n  w 1  n  Gs  n  w 28. Which of the following most nearly gives the void ratio of the soil
A.   B.   sample?
1  n  Gs  n  w 1  n  Gs  n  w A. 0.1166 B. 0.2847
C.   D.   C. 0.6611 D. 0.7428
14. Unit weight of soil. 29. Which of the following most nearly gives the saturated unit weight of
A. 1  n1   Gs w B. 1  n1   Gs w the soil sample?
A. 18.19 kN/m3 B. 19.66 kN/m3
C. 1  n1   Gs w D. 1  n1   Gs w C. 20.14 kN/m 3
D. 23.17 kN/m3
15. Moisture content of a saturated soil. 30. Which of the following most nearly gives the critical hydraulic gradient
of the soil sample?
e e
A. 1.053 B. 1.567
Gs 1  e  Gs 1  e 
A. B.
C. 1.004 D. 1.362
n n
Gs 1  n Gs 1  n 
C. D.

UNIVERSITY OF NUEVA CACERES Engr. Mark Dennis S. Domingo ☺


SITUATION X. 44. Which of the following requires the least of hauling material?
A sandy soil has a natural water content of 27.50% and bulk unit weight of A. Pit A B. Pit B
19.20 kN/m3. The void ratios corresponding to the densest and loosest C. Pit C D. I don’t know
state are 0.51 and 0.87, respectively. Assume G s = 2.70. 45. Which of the following is the most economical?
31. Which of the following most nearly gives the in situ void ratio of the
A. Pit A B. Pit B
C. Pit C D. I have no idea
A. 0.8321 B. 0.8119
C. 0.7765 D. 0.7589
32. Which of the following most nearly gives the degree of saturation of The in-situ (field) moisture content of a soil is 18% and its moist unit weight
the soil? is 105 pcf. The specific gravity of soil solids is 2.75. This soil is to be
A. 97.84% B. 95.72% excavated and transported to a construction site, and then compacted to a
C. 91.60% D. 89.23% minimum dry unit weight of 103.5 pcf at a moisture content of 20%. (Hint: 1
33. Which of the following most nearly gives the relative density of the ton = 2000 lbs and 1 yd3 = 27 ft3)
soil? 46. Which of the following most nearly gives the in-situ dry unit weight?
A. 30.86% B. 26.11% A. 74 pcf B. 78 pcf
C. 16.39% D. 10.56% C. 89 pcf D. 97 pcf
47. Which of the following most nearly gives the volume of excavated soil
SITUATION XI. needed to produce 10,000 yd3 of compacted fill?
The relative compaction of a sand in the field is 94%. The maximum and A. 8600 yd3 B. 11600 yd3
minimum dry unit weights of the sand are  d(max) = 16.2 kN/m3 and d(min) = C. 9900 yd 3
D. 12500 yd3
14.9 kN/m3. 48. Which of the following most nearly gives the number of truckloads
34. Which of the following most nearly gives the dry unit weight? needed to transport the excavated soil if each truck can carry 20 tons
A. 15.23 kN/m3 B. 15.94 kN/m3 of soil?
C. 10.12 kN/m3 D. 14.49 kN/m3 A. 824 B. 610
35. Which of the following most nearly gives the relative density of C. 702 D. 886
A. 26.84% B. 23.33% SITUATION XVI.
C. 31.11% D. 19.67% A 6000 m3 of soil is excavated from a borrow pit that has a void ratio e1 =
36. Which of the following most nearly gives the moist unit weight at a 1.2. The soil excavated will be placed in an embankment that requires a
moisture content of 8%? void ratio e2 = 0.80. Specific gravity of soil solids is 2.67.
A. 14.86 kN/m3 B. 18.27 kN/m3 49. Which of the following most nearly gives the volume of the
C. 16.45 kN/m3 D. 17.55 kN/m3 embankment?
A. 2727.27 m3 B. 7272.72 m3
SITUATION XII. C. 9409.09 m D. 4909.09 m3
For a sand sample, the maximum and minimum possible void ratios were 50. If the moisture content when excavated is 15% and must be 18%
determined in the laboratory to be 0.94 and 0.33, respectively. The relative when placed in the embankment, which of the following most nearly
density of the sand is 60% and the moisture content is 10%. The specific gives the weight of water added?
gravity is Gs = 2.65. A. 2143.04 kN B. 1324.07 kN
37. Which of the following most nearly gives the moist unit weight of the C. 4312.01 kN D. 3421.06 kN
sand compacted in the field? 51. Which of the following most nearly gives the volume of water added?
A. 19.61 kN/m3 B. 18.17 kN/m3 A. 1834.97m3 B. 439.55 m3
C. 17.83 kN/m3 D. 16.52 kN/m3 C. 218.45 m 3
D. 348.73 m3
38. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum possible dry
unit weight that the sand can have? SITUATION XVII.
A. 13.40 kN/m3 B. 15.46 kN/m3 The following results were obtained from a liquid limit test on clay using the
C. 19.55 kN/m3 D. 20.08 kN/m3 Casagrande cup device. The natural content of this clay is 38% and the
39. Which of the following most nearly gives the minimum possible dry plastic limit is 21%.
unit weight that the sand can have?
Number of blows 6 12 20 28 32
A. 13.40 kN/m3 B. 15.46 kN/m3
Water content (%) 52.5 47.1 42.3 38.6 37.5
C. 19.55 kN/m3 D. 20.08 kN/m3

The laboratory compaction test has a maximum dry unit weight of 19 kN/m3
with an optimum moisture content of 11%. Following are the results of a
filed unit weight determination test performed on the same soil by means of
sand cone method.
Volume of soil excavated from the hole = 0.00144 m3
Weight of wet soil from the hole = 3007 g
Weight of dry soil = 2640 g
40. Which of the following most nearly gives the field water content of the
A. 12.20 % B. 12.95 %
C. 13.90 % D. 14.85 %
41. Which of the following most nearly gives the compacted dry unit
weight of the soil?
A. 17.985 kN/m3 B. 15.681 kN/m3 52. Which of the following gives the liquid limit of the clay?
C. 18.367 kN/m 3
D. 17.533 kN/m3 A. 38% B. 40%
42. Which of the following most nearly gives the percentage of C. 42% D. 44%
compaction of the tested soil? 53. Which of the following gives the plasticity index of the clay?
A. 96.63 % B. 92.26 % A. 23% B. 21%
C. 82.53 % D. 94.66 % C. 19% D. 17%
54. Which of the following most nearly gives the liquidity index?
SITUATION XIV. A. 0.895 B. 0.998
A proposed embankment fill requires 5000 m3 of compacted soil. The void C. 0.739 D. 0.810
ratio of the compacted fill is 0.70. Three borrow pits are available as shown
in the table: SITUATION XVIII.
Borrow Pit Void Ratio Cost per m3 The plastic limit and liquid limit of a soil sample are 20.1% and 40%,
Pit A 0.85 ₱830 respectively.
55. Which of the following most nearly gives the plasticity index?
Pit B 0.95 ₱760
Pit C 1.10 ₱720 A. 28.1% B. 19.9%
C. 60.1% D. 15.6%
43. Which of the following most nearly gives the cost of acquiring soil 56. If the in-situ water content is 30%, which of the following most nearly
from Pit C? gives the liquidity index?
A. ₱4.36 million B. ₱4.45 million A. 36.51% B. 32.19%
C. ₱4.52 million D. ₱4.60 million C. 49.75% D. 56.31%

UNIVERSITY OF NUEVA CACERES Engr. Mark Dennis S. Domingo ☺


57. Which of the following gives the condition of the soil? 61. Which of the following most nearly gives the effective diameter of the
A. liquid B. plastic soil sample?
C. dense D. brittle solid A. 0.135 mm B. 0.100 mm
C. 0.080 mm D. 0.065 mm
SITUATION XIX. 62. Which of the following most nearly gives the uniformity coefficient of
The following table shows the results of liquid and plastic limit tests: the soil sample?
A. Liquid Limit Test A. 4.40 B. 5.21
C. 6.48 D. 6.97
Test No. 1 2 3 4 63. Which of the following most nearly gives the coefficient of curvature of
Number of blows 35 21 16 11 the soil sample?
Weight of wet soil and container (g) 22.46 21.33 21.29 26.12 A. 0.53 B. 0.61
Weight of dry soil and container (g) 19.44 18.75 18.78 22.10 C. 0.80 D. 1.10
Weight of container (g) 12.76 13.06 13.26 13.27
B. Plastic Limit Test The sieve analysis of three soils and the liquid and plastic limits of the
fraction passing No. 40 sieve are given in the table below. Use AASHTO
Test No. 1 2 Classification System.
Weight of wet soil and container (g) 22.10 21.77
Percent Finer (%)
Weight of dry soil and container (g) 20.42 20.19 Sieve No.
Weight of container (g) 13.07 13.18
10 98 100 83
C. Natural Water Content Test 40 80 92 48
Test No. 1 2 200 50 80 20
LL 38 56 20
Weight of wet soil and container (g) 17.94 17.39
PL 29 23 15
Weight of dry soil and container (g) 14.84 14.36
Weight of container (g) 7.84 7.50 Classification of Highway Subgrade Materials
for Granular Materials (AASHTO)
General Granular Materials
Classification (35% or less of total sample passing No. 200)
Group A-1 A-2
classification A-1-a A-1-b A-3 A-2-4 A-2-5 A-2-6 A-2-7
Sieve analysis
No. 10
No. 40 50 max 51 min
No. 200 25 max 10 max 35 max 35 max 35 max 35 max
Characteristics of
58. Which of the following most nearly gives the liquid limit of the soil? fraction passing
A. 45.22% B. 45.30% No. 40
C. 45.25% D. 45.33% Liquid Limit 40 max 41 min 40 max 41 min
59. Which of the following most nearly gives the plasticity index of the Plasticity Index 6 max NP 10 max 10 max 11 min 11 min
soil? Usual types of Stone
A. 22.20% B. 22.55% significant fragments, Fine
Silty or clayey gravel and sand
C. 22.60% D. 22.88% constituent gravel, and sand
60. Which of the following most nearly gives the liquidity index of the soil? materials sand
A. 0.47 B. 0.76 General
Excellent to good
subgrade rating
C. 0.95 D. 1.03
Classification of Highway Subgrade Materials
SITUATION XX. for Silt-Clay Materials (AASHTO)
A sample of dry coarse-grained material was shaken through a nest of
sieves and the following results were obtained: Silt-Clay Materials
General classification (more than 35% of total sample
Sieve No. Diameter (mm) Mass Retained (grams) passing No. 200)
4 4.750 0 A-7
10 2.000 14.80 Group classification A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7-5a
20 0.850 98.00
Sieve analysis (percentage
40 0.425 90.10 passing)
100 0.150 181.90 No. 10
200 0.075 108.80 No. 40
Pan 6.10 No. 200 36 min 36 min 36 min 36 min
Characteristics of fraction
passing No. 40
Liquid Limit 40 max 41 min 40 max 41 min
Plasticity Index 10 max 10 max 11 min 11 min
Usual types of significant
Silty soils Clayey soils
constituent materials
General subgrade rating Fair to poor
For A-7-5, PI  LL – 30
For A-7-6, PI > LL – 30
64. Which of the following most nearly gives the classification of soil A
with its group index?
A. A-4 (3) B. A-4 (10)
C. A-6 (3) D. A-6 (10)
65. Which of the following most nearly gives the classification of soil B
with its group index?
A. A-7-5 (16) B. A-7-5 (19)
C. A-7-6 (16) D. A-7-6 (19)
66. Which of the following most nearly gives the classification of soil C
with its group index?
A. A-3 (10) B. A-1-b (0)
C. A-2-4 (10) D. A-1-a (0)

UNIVERSITY OF NUEVA CACERES Engr. Mark Dennis S. Domingo ☺


SITUATION XXII. 77. Which of the following most nearly gives the elevation of water in the
A thick layer of clay underlies a sand formation having a thickness of 4.50 piezometer placed at point A?
m. The groundwater table is located 2.00 m below the ground (sand) A. 7.28 m B. 7.60 m
surface. The sand has a void ratio of 0.52. The degree of saturation above C. 7.85 m D. 8.03 m
the water table is 37%. The clay has a moisture content of 42%. The 78. Which of the following most nearly gives the elevation of water in the
specific gravity of solids for both sand and clay is 2.65. piezometer placed at point B if the elevation of point B is 1 m?
67. Which of the following most nearly gives the unit weight of the sand
A. 6.43 m B. 6.54 m
above the water table?
C. 6.88 m D. 6.97 m
A. 16.39 kN/m3 B. 17.47 kN/m3
C. 18.34 kN/m3 D. 20.46 kN/m3
68. Which of the following most nearly gives the total stress at a depth of A dense silt layer has the following properties:
12 m below the ground surface?
A. 181.00 kPa B. 192.87 kPa Void ratio, e = 0.30
C. 205.97 kPa D. 218.87 kPa Effective diameter, D10 = 10 m
69. Which of the following most nearly gives the effective stress at a Capillary constant, C = 0.20 cm2
depth of 12 m below the ground surface? Unit weight of soil solids, s = 26.50 kN/m3
A. 103.22 kPa B. 107.67 kPa
C. 120.77 kPa D. 129.55 kPa Free ground water level is 8 m below the ground surface.
79. Which of the following most nearly gives the height of capillary rise?
SITUATION XXIII. A. 2.56 m B. 3.33 m
A saturated clay layer 30 m thick has a moisture content of 59%. The C. 6.67 m D. 7.89 m
specific gravity of the soil solids is 2.71. Water table is located at the 80. Which of the following most nearly gives the vertical effective stress at
ground surface. 5 m depth? Assume that the soil above the capillary zone is partially
70. Which of the following most nearly gives the saturated density of the saturated at 50%.
clay? A. 141.16 kPa B. 131.33 kPa
A. 1597.67 kg/m3 B. 1657.97 kg/m3 C. 111.71 kPa D. 82.28 kPa
C. 1775.96 kg/m3 D. 1967.56 kg/m3 81. Which of the following most nearly gives the vertical effective stress at
71. Which of the following most nearly gives the total stress at the bottom 10 m depth? Assume that the soil above the capillary zone is partially
of the clay layer? saturated at 50%.
A. 798.44 kPa B. 744.89 kPa A. 224.91 kPa B. 149.86 kPa
C. 487.94 kPa D. 448.79 kPa C. 244.53 kPa D. 205.36 kPa
72. Which of the following most nearly gives the effective stress at the
bottom of the clay layer? SITUATION XXVII.
A. 154.49 kPa B. 193.64 kPa A 2.60 m of dry fill (Gs = 2.62) has a relative density of 22% and 86%
C. 450.59 kPa D. 504.14 kPa before and after compaction, respectively. The void ratios corresponding to
the loosest and densest condition are 0.89 and 0.51, respectively.
82. Which of the following most nearly gives the decrease in height of the
A clay layer 25 ft thick is overlain with 50 ft thick of sand The water table is soil after compaction?
20 ft below the ground (sand) surface. The saturated unit weight of clay is A. 300 mm B. 350 mm
141 pcf. The sand below the water table has a unit weight of 128 pcf. The C. 400 mm D. 450 mm
sand above the water table has a moisture content of 20% and specific 83. If 0.204 m3 of water is added per cubic meter of soil after compaction,
gravity of 2.71. After drying, the sand was found to have a dry unit weight which of the following most nearly gives the degree of saturation at
of 92 pcf. this condition?
73. Which of the following most nearly gives the void ratio of the sand? A. 56.62% B. 58.35%
A. 1.3808 B. 1.0883 C. 60.04% D. 69.80%
C. 0.8381 D. 0.3188 84. Which of the following most nearly gives the amount of water required
74. Which of the following most nearly gives the wet unit weight of the per cubic meter of soil to fully saturate the compacted soil?
sand? A. 0.21 m3 B. 0.36 m3
A. 97.17 pcf B. 153.87 pcf C. 0.44 m 3
D. 0.49 m3
C. 85.23 pcf D. 110.40 pcf
75. Which of the following most nearly gives the effective stress at the SITUATION XXVIII.
midheight of the clay layer? A square footing 3.20 m  3.20 m carries a column load of 3500 kN resting
A. 5158.5 psf B. 4893.9 psf on the sand layer as shown in Figure GE-PCS-203. Unit weight of sand
C. 4655.1 psf D. 3641.3 psf above the water table is 17.31 kN/m3 and saturated unit weight of sand
below the water table is 18.10 kN/m3. The sand overlies a clay layer 1.2 m
SITUATION XXV. thick having a saturated unit weight of 18.50 kNm3 and a void ratio of 1.70.
Figure GE-ESS-011 shows a layer of granular soil in a tank where upward
seepage of water is caused by opening the valve located below the tank.
The rate of water supply is kept constant. Assume the soil has reached
boiling (zero effective stress).

Compression Index:
Recompression index, Cs = 0.07
Primary compression index, Cc = 0.35
76. Which of the following most nearly gives the critical hydraulic
gradient? Assume a vertical stress distribution of 2 vertical to 1 horizontal.
A. 1.15 B. 1.52
85. If the over-consolidation ratio OCR = 2.0, which of the following most
C. 1.96 D. 2.15 nearly gives the pre-consolidation pressure?
A. 87.618 kPa B. 71.868 kPa
C. 78.861 kPa D. 81.688 kPa

UNIVERSITY OF NUEVA CACERES Engr. Mark Dennis S. Domingo ☺


86. Which of the following most nearly gives the total effective stress at D1 = 57 m D2 = 40 m
the midheight of the clay layer? H1 = 42 m H2 = 33 m
A. 138.695 kPa B. 144.752 kPa
k1 = 35 m/day k2 = 25 m/day
C. 147.541 kPa D. 153.867 kPa
L = 2000 m
87. Which of the following most nearly gives the settlement due to primary
consolidation? 94. Which of the following most nearly gives the equivalent coefficient of
A. 57.96 mm B. 49.15 mm permeability for flow in the horizontal direction?
C. 41.34 mm D. 35.20 mm A. 36.00 m/day B. 27.32 m/day
C. 28.20 m/day D. 29.76 m/day
SITUATION XXIX. 95. Which of the following most nearly gives the hydraulic gradient?
In a constant head permeability test in the laboratory, the following are A. 0.0060 B. 0.0067
given: C. 0.0085 D. 0.0075
Length of specimen = 25 cm 96. Which of the following most nearly gives the rate of flow of water per
Cross-sectional area of soil specimen = 105 cm2 meter width from one stream to another?
A. 12.16 m3/day B. 11.62 m3/day
The value of the hydraulic conductivity is 0.014 cm/sec and a flow rate of C. 3
11.26 m /day D. 12.27 m3/day
120 cm3/min must be maintained constant through the soil.
88. Which of the following most nearly gives the head difference across SITUATION XXXII.
the specimen? A test is set-up as shown inFigure GE-FWS-401. A cylindrical mold 4” in
A. 25.78 cm B. 34.01 cm diameter is filled with silt to a height of H 1 = 0.20 ft whose coefficient of
C. 47.58 cm D. 50.82 cm permeability is 3.6x10-4 ft/min.
89. Which of the following most nearly gives the discharge velocity under A second coaxial mold, placed on top of the silt inside the first mold, has an
the test condition? inside diameter of 1.50” and height H 2 = 0.30 ft. Its thickness is negligible.
A. 0.019 cm/s B. 0.025 cm/s The inside of this second mold is filled with sand whose coefficient of
C. 0.038 cm/s D. 0.054 cm/s permeability is 2.70x10-3 ft/min.
90. Which of the following most nearly gives the seepage velocity if the
The test set-up is a permeameter of constant head. Water is placed in the
porosity of the soil is 0.20? mold and maintained at a level h = 1.25 ft above the level of the outlet. It
may be considered that the system consists of a fictitious soil of thickness
A. 0.052 cm/s B. 0.075 cm/s
H = H1 + H2 and coefficient of permeability kf.
C. 0.086 cm/s D. 0.095 cm/s

A confined aquifer is shown in Figure GE-FWS-202. The aquifer has a
hydraulic conductivity of 40 m/day and a porosity of 0.25. The piezometric
heads in the two observation wells 1200 m apart are 65 m and 60 m from a
common datum. The aquifer has an average width of 4 km.

97. Which of the following most nearly gives the total amount of flow of
water through the soil?
A. 1.6667x10-4 ft3/min B. 1.5661x10-4 ft3/min
C. 1.3333x10-4 ft3/min D. 1.5993x10-4 ft3/min
98. Which of the following most nearly gives the equivalent coefficient of
91. Which of the following most nearly gives the rate of flow of water? permeability of the system?
A. 17666.67 m3/day B. 17333.33 m3/day A. 7.3304x10-4 ft/min B. 6.1569x10-4 ft/min
C. 3
16666.67 m /day D. 16333.33 m3/day C. 8.6607x10-4 ft/min D. 6.5196x10-4 ft/min
92. Which of the following most nearly gives the seepage velocity? 99. Which of the following most nearly gives the total amount of flow that
A. 0.6667 m/day B. 0.7333 m/day percolated after 55 minutes?
C. 0.7667 m/day D. 0.8333 m/day A. 263.991 cm3 B. 242.333 cm3
93. Which of the following most nearly gives the time of travel from the C. 249.072 cm3 D. 254.148 cm3
head of the aquifer to a point 3.30 km downstream?
A. 3960 days B. 4304 days SITUATION XXXIII.
C. 4950 days D. 4500 days The results of a consolidated-drained triaxial test conducted on a normally
consolidated clay are as follows:
SITUATION XXXI. Chamber confining pressure = 300 kPa
An unconfined aquifer underlies a confined aquifer as shown in Figure GE- Deviator stress at failure = 400 kPa
100. Which of the following most nearly gives the angle of friction of the
soil sample?
A. 24.21° B. 25.83°
C. 23.58° D. 22.14°
101. Which of the following most nearly gives the shear stress on the
failure plane?
A. 175.74 kPa B. 183.30 kPa
C. 189.25 kPa D. 182.41 kPa
102. Which of the following most nearly gives the normal stress on the
plane of maximum shear?
A. 500 kPa B. 525 kPa
C. 475 kPa D. 455 kPa

UNIVERSITY OF NUEVA CACERES Engr. Mark Dennis S. Domingo ☺



In a tri-axial compression test of a silty sand sample, it was found out that A vertical retaining wall retains soil at a depth of 26 ft. The soil has a dry
the sample failed at deviator stress of 256 kPa when the chamber confining unit weight of 110 lb/ft3 above the water table and a unit weight of 120 lb/ft 3
pressure is 137 kPa. below the water table. The soil also has an angle of internal friction of 35°.
103. Which of the following most nearly gives the angle of shear The ground water table is located 10 ft below the ground surface. Consider
resistance? 1 ft length of wall.
A. 28.88° B. 23.12° 118. Which of the following most nearly gives the total active pressure
C. 31.13° D. 32.35° acting on the wall?
104. Which of the following most nearly gives the shearing stress on the A. 16245.03 lbs B. 17444.80 lbs
failure plane at failure? C. 13934.03 lbs D. 14754.58 lbs
A. 112.08 kPa B. 109.57 kPa 119. Which of the following most nearly gives the location of the total active
C. 108.13 kPa D. 117.72 kPa pressure from the ground surface?
105. Which of the following most nearly gives the normal stress on the A. 15.80 ft B. 17.92 ft
failure plane at failure? C. 18.60 ft D. 19.72 ft
A. 203.18 kPa B. 198.83 kPa 120. Which of the following most nearly gives the overturning moment
C. 196.51 kPa D. 214. 74 kPa developed by the active forces?
A. 165699.31 lb-ft B. 120224.84 lb-ft
SITUATION XXXV. C. 150496.72 lb-ft D. 140953.98 lb-ft
In a tri-axial test for a soil sample, when the principal stresses are 40 kPa
and 270 kPa, the soil fails along the plane making an angle of 68° with the SITUATION XL.
horizontal. A retaining wall 6.4 m high supports a cohesionless soil having a dry unit
106. Which of the following most nearly gives the angle of friction of the weight of 16.30 kN/m3, an angle of shearing resistance of 31, and a void
soil sample? ratio of 0.65. The surface of the soil is horizontal and level with the top of
A. 55° B. 46° the wall. Neglect wall friction and use Rankine’s Theory for active soil
C. 43° D. 38° pressure.
107. Which of the following most nearly gives the cohesion of the soil 121. Which of the following most nearly gives the total active thrust on the
sample? wall per meter width?
A. 12.70 kPa B. 7.44 kPa A. 94.78 kN B. 106.86 kN
C. 6.63 kPa D. 5.04 kPa C. 117.20 kN D. 122.64 kN
108. Which of the following most nearly gives the normal stress on the 122. If owing to inadequate drainage, it is waterlogged to a level 1.9 m
failure plane at failure? below the ground surface, which of the following most nearly gives the
A. 84.20 kPa B. 76.57 kPa total active thrust on the wall per meter width?
A. 175.49 kN B. 186.91 kN
C. 72.28 kPa D. 60.80 kPa
C. 199.63 kN D. 206.47 kN
SITUATION XXXVI. 123. Which of the following most nearly gives the distance of the total
The maximum axial stress that causes failure of a cohesive soil sample is active thrust from the bottom of the wall during the waterlogged
220 kPa. The deviator stress is 140 kPa. The angle of friction is 25°. condition?
109. Which of the following most nearly gives the chamber confining A. 1.71 m B. 1.86 m
pressure? C. 2.03 m D. 2.17 m
A. 60 kPa B. 80 kPa
C. 110 kPa D. 150 kPa SITUATION XLI.
110. Which of the following most nearly gives the cohesion of the soil? Sheet piling is to function as a cantilever retaining wall 1.50 m high. The
A. 4.58 kPa B. 5.84 kPa soil weighs 17.28 kN/m3 and its angle of friction is 32°. The backfill has a
horizontal surface. Use Rankine’s theory.
C. 7.29 kPa D. 9.72 kPa
124. Which of the following most nearly gives the required depth of
111. Which of the following most nearly gives the shear stress on the penetration of the bulkhead?
failure plane?
A. 0.912 m B. 1.045 m
A. 63.44 kPa B. 65.33 kPa
C. 1.167 m D. 1.254 m
C. 62.69 kPa D. 66.92 kPa
125. Which of the following most nearly gives the total active force on the
A. 15.41 kN B. 17.11 kN
Two results of tri-axial drained test that was conducted on saturated clay
are as follows: C. 18.66 kN D. 20.13 kN
126. Which of the following most nearly gives the reaction at the bottom of
Trial Cell Pressure Deviator Stress the wall?
1 85 kPa 203 kPa A. 24.08 kN B. 25.71 kN
2 130 kPa 262 kPa C. 26.83 kN D. 28.35 kN
112. Which of the following most nearly gives the angle of internal friction
of the soil? SITUATION XLII.
A. 23.33° B. 18.45° An anchored sheet pile 10.50 m high is to retain 7.30 m deep of soil. The
soil has an angle of friction of 31° with a unit weight of 17.5 kN/m 3. The
C. 24.26° D. 16.67°
sheet pile is anchored at a depth of 1.20 m below the ground surface with
113. Which of the following most nearly gives the cohesion of the soil?
center to center spacing of 3 m.
A. 36.66 kPa B. 33.55 kPa 127. Which of the following most nearly gives the total active force on the
C. 30.11 kPa D. 28.44 kPa sheet pile per meter width?
114. If a third test is made with a cell pressure of 185 kPa, which of the A. 430.16 kN/m B. 389.47 kN/m
following most nearly gives the value of the maximum principal stress C. 333.25 kN/m D. 308.80 kN/m
to be expected?
128. Which of the following most nearly gives the percentage of the total
A. 352.05 kPa B. 467.55 kPa passive resistance utilized by the wall?
C. 519.11 kPa D. 553.33 kPa A. 72.84% B. 77.71%
C. 86.12% D. 94.50%
129. Which of the following most nearly gives the tension in the anchor?
A sample of saturated sand was consolidated under a chamber confining
A. 273.79 kN B. 299.44 kN
pressure of 250 kPa. The axial stress was then increased without
permitting drainage. The sample failed when the axial deviator stress C. 306.68 kN D. 323.09 kN
reached 350 kPa. The pore water pressure at failure was 41.35 kPa.
115. Which of the following most nearly gives the consolidated-drained SITUATION XLIII.
angle of friction? The foundation of a building is 1.2 m x 1.2 m and is placed at a depth of
A. 83.36° B. 27.14° 0.9 m from the ground surface. The soil has unit weight of 18 kN/m 3 and
cohesion of 9.6 kPa. Use soil bearing capacity factors: Nc = 16, Nq = 7,
C. 97.05° D. 33.29°
and N = 4.5 for general shear failure; Nc’ = 11.5, Nq’ = 3.5, and N’ = 1.6
116. Which of the following most nearly gives the shear stress at failure
for local shear failure. Assume factor of safety of 3.
considering undrained condition?
The ultimate bearing stress for general shear can be obtained using the
A. 195.48 kPa B. 519.48 kPa
C. 159.48 kPa D. 915.48 kPa
qu  1.3cNc  Df Nq  0.4 BN
117. Which of the following most nearly gives the normal stress at failure
considering drained condition? qu  Df
A. 330.82 kPa B. 151.46 kPa
qanet  
C. 303.82 kPa D. 115.46 kPa

UNIVERSITY OF NUEVA CACERES Engr. Mark Dennis S. Domingo ☺


The ultimate bearing stress for local shear can be obtained using the 134. Which of the following most nearly gives the ultimate bearing capacity
equation: of the soil?
qu  1.3cN'c  Df N'q  0.4 BN'  A. 1005 kPa B. 750 kPa
C. 1800 kPa D. 1445 kPa
c c 135. Which of the following most nearly gives the factor of safety?
3 A. 4.59 B. 1.88
130. Which of the following most nearly gives the gross allowable load that C. 2.80 D. 3.62
the footing can carry assuming general shear failure?
A. 168.94 kN B. 186.49 kN SITUATION XLV.
C. 149.86 kN D. 194.68 kN A 0.36 m square prestressed concrete pile is to be driven in a clayey soil
131. Which of the following most nearly gives the net allowable load that as shown in Figure GE-LCSP-005. The design capacity of the pile is 360
the footing can carry assuming general shear failure? kN, with a factor of safety of 2.00. The unconfined compression strength of
A. 116.61 kN B. 161.16 kN clay is 115 kPa. Unit weight of clayey soil is 18.00 kN/m3.
C. 111.66 kN D. 166.11 kN
132. Which of the following most nearly gives the gross allowable load that
the footing can carry assuming local shear failure?
A. 79.78 kN B. 77.89 kN
C. 87.97 kN D. 89.77 kN

A 6 m square footing carries an axial load of 10 MN. It is supported by a 27
m thick layer of soil with the following properties:
Total Unit Weight = 19.83 kN/m3
Cohesion = 0 kPa
Angle of Friction = 25°
The depth of base of footing is 3 m below the ground surface. Use
Terzaghi’s Formula:
qu  1.3cNc  Df Nq  0.4BN

136. Which of the following most nearly gives the end bearing capacity of
the pile if Nc = 9?
A. 53.05 kN B. 67.07 kN
C. 70.10 kN D. 76.40 kN
137. Which of the following most nearly gives the skin friction expected to
develop along the shaft of the pile?
A. 652.93 kN B. 634.60 kN
C. 603.40 kN D. 595.85 kN
138. Which of the following most nearly gives the minimum length of the
pile if the frictional constant  = 0.76?
A. 11.50 m B. 10.95 m
C. 10.68 m D. 10.38 m

A 0.30 m square prestressed concrete pile that is 10 m long is to be driven
in a clayey soil whose unconfined compressive strength is 115 kN/m 3. Unit
weight of clayey soil is 18 kN/m3.
139. Which of the following most nearly gives the end bearing capacity of
pile if Nc = 9?
A. 46.58 kN B. 41.55 kN
C. 25.63 kN D. 18.65 kN
140. Which of the following most nearly gives the skin friction capacity of
pile if  = 0.76?
A. 501.6kN B. 605.2kN
C. 524.4kN D. 583.9 kN
141. Which of the following most nearly gives the pile capacity if factor of
safety is 2.0?
A. 186.6 kN B. 420.5 kN
C. 260.5 kN D. 285.49kN

The pile group shown in Figure GE-LCPG-025 consists of 9 piles, each
0.30 m in diameter, arranged in a 33 matrix at a spacing, s = 0.75 m. The
pile penetrates a soft clay (L1 = 3 m, c1 = 60 kPa, 1 = 1), a medium dense
clay (L2 = 5 m, c2 = 78 kPa, 2 = 1), and a stiff clay (L3 = 4 m, c3 = 95 kPa,
3 = 0.8). Assume Nc = 9 and FS = 3.

133. Which of the following most nearly gives the gross soil pressure?
A. 535,41 kPa B. 360.37 kPa
C. 277.78 kPa D. 185.19 kPa

UNIVERSITY OF NUEVA CACERES Engr. Mark Dennis S. Domingo ☺


142. Which of the following most nearly gives the capacity of pile group 148. Which of the following most nearly gives the effective overburden
based on single pile failure mode? pressure at midheight of the consolidating clay layer?
A. 3226.50 kN B. 3544.34 kN A. 106.66 kPa B. 121.33 kPa
C. 2455.56 kN D. 2652.49 kN C. 135.55 kPa D. 147.61 kPa
143. Which of the following most nearly gives the capacity of pile group 149. Which of the following most nearly gives the compression index of the
based on block failure mode? clay layer?
A. 2512.50 kN B. 2632.00 kN A. 0.2877 B. 0.3667
C. 3021.00 kN D. 3891.26 kN C. 0.4333 D. 0.2222
144. Which of the following most nearly gives the minimum center to center 150. Which of the following most nearly gives the settlement of the pile
spacing of piles to achieve 100% efficiency? foundation?
A. 1.09 m B. 0.73 m A. 105.95 mm B. 119.67 mm
C. 0.66 m D. 0.18 m C. 138.29 mm D. 151.88 mm

A pile group consisting of 9 piles, each 0.40 m in diameter, is arranged in a
3  3 matrix at a spacing of 1.20 m. The piles penetrate a soft clay (c = 20
kPa,  = 30°,  = 17 kN/m3) of thickness 8 m and are embedded 2 m in a
stiff clay (c = 90 kPa,  = 28°,  = 17.5 kN/m3). Use  = 1 for soft clay and 
= 0.5 for stiff clay. Nc = 9.

145. Which of the following most nearly gives the capacity of the pile group
based on single pile failure mode?
A. 3432.24 kN B. 3646.98 kN
C. 3743.52kN D. 3826.17 kN
146. Which of the following most nearly gives the capacity of the pile group
based on block failure mode?
A. 10167.49 kN B. 9733.10 kN
C. 9150.40 kN D. 8732.91 kN
147. Which of the following most nearly gives the center-to-center spacing
of the piles for an efficiency factor of 1?
A. 0.61 m B. 0.73 m
C. 1.09 m D. 1.31 m

A group of friction piles is shown in Figure GE-SPG-125. The total load on
the piles less the weight of the soil displaced by the foundation is 1800 kN.
The silt is 2 m thick and the clay is 16 m thick.

UNIVERSITY OF NUEVA CACERES Engr. Mark Dennis S. Domingo ☺


INSTRUCTION:Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark ONLY ONE 9. Which of the following most nearly gives the porosity of the soil?
ANSWER for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the A. 0.528 B. 0.471
answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 2 only. C. 0.503 D. 0.404
A 50 cm sample of moist clay was obtained by pressing a sharpened hollow cylinder into the 10. Which of the following most nearly gives the degree of saturation of the soil?
wall of a test pit. The extruded sample has an initial weight of 85 grams and after oven-drying A. 86.31% B. 72.92%
a final weight of 60 grams. Compute the degree of saturation. Assume G s = 2.70 C. 67.42% D. 52.08%
A. 65% B. 75% 11. Which of the following most nearly gives the bulk specific gravity of the soil?
C. 85% D. 90% A. 1.70 B. 1.64
For a moist soil, the following properties are given: Vol = 0.25 ft , W = 30.75 lbs,  = 9.8%, Gs
2. C. 1.83 D. 1.90
= 2.66. Determine its porosity.
A. 0.4817 B. 0.3683 SITUATION III.
C. 0.3251 D. 0.3196 The moist unit weights and degrees of saturation of a soil sample are given as follows:
3. A sample of saturated clay has a water content of 400%. Compute the porosity if specific Moist Unit Weight (pcf) Degree of Saturation (%)
gravity of the soil solids is 2.40.
105.73 50
A. 64.89% B. 87.15%
C. 76.41% D. 90.57% 112.67 75
4. Given the following data for a falling head permeability test of a soil: 12. Which of the following most nearly gives the specific gravity of the soil solids?
Diameter of sample = 80 mm Length of sample = 150 mm A. 2.73 B. 2.65
2 C. 2.58 D. 2.52
Area of stand pipe = 0.018 cm Time of observation = 65 seconds
Initial head = 70 cm Final head = 40 cm 13. Which of the following most nearly gives the percent soil solids?
A. 33.88% B. 43.56%
 14 = 0.01167 poise  20 = 0.01003 poise
C. 55.51% D. 62.17%
Temperature = 14C
14. Which of the following most nearly gives the dry unit weight of the soil?
  A. 80.34 pcf B. 86.45 pcf
Use the formula, k 20  kT  T  , where kT and  T are the coefficient of permeability and
 20  C. 91.85 pcf D. 94.07 pcf
absolute viscosity at temperature T, k20 and  20 are the coefficient of permeability and
absolute viscosity at 20C. Determine the coefficient of permeability at 20C. A 100 cc proctor mold was used to collect a wet soil sample. Its weight was found to be 200 g. Its
A. 43.25106 cm/s B. 46.58106 cm/s oven dried weight was recorded as 189 g. Use G s = 2.70.
C. 50.63106 cm/s D. 53.81106 cm/s 15. Which of the following most nearly gives the moisture content of the soil?
5. An unconfined compression test was conducted on a clay sample having a diameter of 50 A. 0.058201 B. 0.064021
mm. The load at failure was recorded at 240 N. Determine the cohesion of the clay. C. 0.069841 D. 0.046561
A. 123.23 kPa B. 61.12 kPa 16. Which of the following most nearly gives the degree of saturation of the soil?
C. 96.55 kPa D. 130.56 kPa A. 33.33% B. 34.44%
C. 36.67% D. 38.89%
SITUATION I. 17. Which of the following most nearly gives the wet unit weight of the soil in g/cc?
A soil sample having a mass of 1850 grams and a volume of 0.001 m was taken from the field. It A. 3.6 B. 2.4
has a moisture content of 12%. The density of the solid particles was found to be 2620 kg/m .
6. Which of the following most nearly gives the dry density of the soil sample? C. 2.2 D. 2.0
3 3
A. 1516.79 kg/m B. 1561.79 kg/m
C. 1615.79 kg/m D. 1651.79 kg/m The hydraulic gradient for quicksand condition is equal to 1.13 with a void ratio of 0.50. The moist
7. Which of the following most nearly gives the void ratio of the soil sample? 3
unit weight of soil is 19.04 kN/m .
A. 0.6215 B. 0.7273 18. Which of the following most nearly gives the specific gravity of soil particles?
C. 0.5862 D. 0.6776 A. 2.45 B. 2.58
8. Which of the following most nearly gives the degree of saturation of the soil sample? C. 2.70 D. 2.82
A. 46.40% B. 43.23% 19. Which of the following most nearly gives the dry unit weight of soil?
C. 53.64% D. 50.59% 3 3
A. 18.44 kN/m B. 17.63 kN/m
3 3
C. 16.87 kN/m D. 16.02 kN/m
SITUATION II. 20. Which of the following most nearly gives the water content of soil?
A soil sample is known to have a moisture content of 22.50%. The soil solids have a specific A. 3.25% B. 8.03%
gravity of 2.60. To determine the moist density of the soil, a portion of it weighing 224 g is placed
3 3
in a 500 cm container, and 382 cm of water is required to fill the container. C. 12.86% D. 18.85%



SITUATION VI. 31. Which of the following most nearly gives the void ratio of the soil sample?
A hand-carved sample of soft saturated clay weighs 350 grams and has a volume of 200 cc. After A. 0.5570 B. 0.5330
oven drying, it weighs 240 grams. C. 0.5811 D. 0.5971
21. Which of the following most nearly gives the moisture content? 32. Which of the following most nearly gives the relative density of the soil sample?
A. 31.42% B. 45.83% A. 12.05% B. 33.16%
C. 57.14% D. 68.57% C. 45.80% D. 20.47%
22. Which of the following most nearly gives the specific gravity of solids?
A. 1.33 B. 1.67 SITUATION X.
C. 2.33 D. 2.67 A sample of soil weighing 2.62 kN is removed from a test pit with a volume of 0.136 m . A sample
23. Which of the following most nearly gives the porosity? of the soil weighing 112.4 g is dried in the oven and its weight after drying is 103.6 g. Assume the
A. 33% B. 44% specific gravity of solid particles is 2.67 and maximum and minimum attainable dry unit weight of
3 3
C. 55% D. 66% the soil are 18.47 kN/m and 16.35 kN/m , respectively.
33. Which of the following most nearly gives the moist unit weight of the soil?
3 3
SITUATION VII. A. 18.74 kN/m B. 19.26 kN/m
3 3
A soil sample has the following properties: C. 17.84 kN/m D. 19.62 kN/m
34. Which of the following most nearly gives the dry unit weight of the soil?
Porosity = 0.398 3 3
A. 16.59 kN/m B. 17.04 kN/m
Specific Gravity of Solid Particles = 2.75 C. 17.76 kN/m
D. 18.21 kN/m

24. Which of the following most nearly gives the void ratio of the soil sample? 35. Which of the following most nearly gives the relative density of the soil?
A. 0.1166 B. 0.2847 A. 69.17% B. 12.60 %
C. 0.6611 D. 0.7428 C. 88.99 % D. 35.28 %
25. Which of the following most nearly gives the saturated unit weight of the soil sample?
A. 18.19 kN/m
B. 19.66 kN/m
C. 20.14 kN/m
D. 23.17 kN/m
3 The field compaction of an earthwork was checked by an inspection engineer. In the laboratory
test, the soil gives a maximum dry density of 1.523 g/cc at an optimum water content of 23.4%.
26. Which of the following most nearly gives the critical hydraulic gradient of the soil sample?
Construction specification requires that the soil compacted dry density must be at least 95% of the
A. 1.053 B. 1.567 maximum dry density obtained from laboratory and within ±2% of the optimum water content. The
C. 1.004 D. 1.362 following data were obtained in the field using the sand cone test:
SITUATION VIII. Volume of soil excavated = 1425 cm
A soil sample has a dry unit weight of 19.5 kN/m , moisture content of 8% and specific gravity of Weight of soil excavated = 2542 g
soil solids of 2.67. Dry weight of soil = 2068 g
27. Which of the following most nearly gives the void ratio? 36. Which of the following most nearly gives the field unit weight of the soil?
A. 0.343 B. 0.214 A. 1451.23 kg/m
B. 1783.86 kg/m

C. 0.696 D. 0.451 C. 1493.50 kg/m

D. 1617.54 kg/m

28. Which of the following most nearly gives the mass of water to be added to a cubic meter of 37. Which of the following most nearly gives the in situ water content of the soil?
soil to reach 80% saturation?
A. 17.25% B. 29.17%
A. 20.44 kg B. 34.52 kg
C. 18.64% D. 22.92%
C. 45.39 kg D. 62.48 kg
38. Which of the following most nearly gives the relative compaction of the soil?
29. If the mass of water is 25 g for saturation of the soil, which of the following most nearly gives
A. 95.29% adequate B. 95.29% not adequate
the volume of soil solids? (Hint: void ratio and specific gravity of soil solids are held constant)
3 3 C. 98.06% not adequate D. 98.06% adequate
A. 45.49 m B. 60.33 m
3 3
C. 72.84 m D. 84.25 m
A proposed embankment fill requires 5000 m of compacted soil. The void ratio of the compacted
SITUATION IX. fill is 0.70. Three borrow pits are available as shown in the table:
A soil sample taken from the field has a density of 1880 kg/m . In the laboratory, it was found that 3
the same sample has a moisture content of 10%, and the void ratios at its densest and loosest Borrow Pit Void Ratio Cost per m
states were 0.43 and 0.62, respectively. Also, the solid particles were found to have a density of Pit A 0.85 ₱830
2620 kg/m . Pit B 0.95 ₱760
30. Which of the following most nearly gives the dry density of the soil sample? Pit C 1.10 ₱720
3 3
A. 1709.09 kg/m B. 1640.43 kg/m 39. Which of the following most nearly gives the cost of acquiring soil from Pit C?
3 3
C. 1657.04 kg/m D. 1682.74 kg/m A. ₱4.36 million B. ₱4.45 million
C. ₱4.52 million D. ₱4.60 million



40. Which of the following requires the least of hauling material? B. Plastic Limit Test
A. Pit A B. Pit B Test No. 1 2
C. Pit C D. I don’t know Weight of wet soil and container (g) 22.12 21.84
41. Which of the following is the most economical? Weight of dry soil and container (g) 20.42 20.19
A. Pit A B. Pit B Weight of container (g) 13.07 13.18
C. Pit C D. I have no idea C. Natural Water Content Test
Test No. 1 2
SITUATION XIII. Weight of wet soil and container (g) 17.53 16.97
The in-situ (field) moisture content of a soil is 18% and it’s moist unit weight is 105 pcf. The Weight of dry soil and container (g) 14.84 14.36
specific gravity of soil solids is 2.75. This soil is to be excavated and transported to a construction Weight of container (g) 7.84 7.50
site, and then compacted to a minimum dry unit weight of 103.5 pcf at a moisture content of 20%.
3 3
(Hint: 1 ton = 2000 lbs and 1 yd = 27 ft )
42. Which of the following most nearly gives the in-situ dry unit weight?
A. 74 pcf B. 78 pcf
C. 89 pcf D. 97 pcf
43. Which of the following most nearly gives the volume of excavated soil needed to produce
10,000 yd of compacted fill?
3 3
A. 8600 yd B. 11600 yd
3 3
C. 9900 yd D. 12500 yd
44. Which of the following most nearly gives the number of truckloads needed to transport the
excavated soil if each truck can carry 20 tons of soil?
A. 824 B. 610
C. 702 D. 886

The result of plastic limit determination of a soil sample is given in the table below.
Mass of container Mass of container Moisture 48. Which of the following most nearly gives the liquid limit of the soil?
with wet soil (grams) with dry soil (grams) content (%) A. 43% B. 46%
1 33.43 29.81 C. 38% D. 34%
2 32.16 28.52 21.05 49. Which of the following most nearly gives the plasticity index of the soil?
3 34.80 20.17
A. 19.66% B. 10.66%
4 35.47 31.29
C. 22.66% D. 14.66%
45. Which of the following most nearly gives the mass of the container used in all the trials? 50. Which of the following most nearly gives the liquidity index of the soil?
A. 11.23 g B. 10.52 g A. 0.66 B. 0.76
C. 11.10 g D. 12.82 g C. 1.02 D. 1.40
46. Which of the following most nearly gives the mass of the dry soil in the third trial?
A. 18.29 g B. 19.62 g SITUATION XVI.
C. 19.82 g D. 20.10 g The sieve analysis of three soils and the liquid and plastic limits of the fraction passing No. 40
47. Which of the following most nearly gives the plastic limit of the soil? sieve are given in the table below. Use AASHTO Classification System.
A. 19.33% B. 19.87% Percent Finer (%)
C. 20.38% D. 20.86% Sieve No.
10 98 100 83
40 80 92 48
The following table shows the results of liquid and plastic limit tests:
200 50 80 20
A. Liquid Limit Test LL 38 56 20
Test No. 1 2 3 4 PL 29 23 15
Number of blows 39 23 20 13
Weight of wet soil and container (g) 22.24 21.19 21.27 26.12 51. Which of the following most nearly gives the classification of soil A with its group index?
Weight of dry soil and container (g) 19.44 18.78 18.75 22.10 A. A-4 (3) B. A-4 (10)
Weight of container (g) 12.74 13.24 13.06 13.27 C. A-6 (3) D. A-6 (10)



52. Which of the following most nearly gives the classification of soil B with its group index? SITUATION XVII.
A. A-7-5 (16) B. A-7-5 (19) The table below shows the laboratory results of the sieve analysis of a soil sample:
C. A-7-6 (16) D. A-7-6 (19) Sieve No. Diameter (mm) Percent Passing, %
53. Which of the following most nearly gives the classification of soil C with its group index? 4 4.750 94
A. A-3 (10) B. A-1-b (0)
10 2.000 88
C. A-2-4 (10) D. A-1-a (0)
20 0.850 75
Classification of Highway Subgrade Materials for Granular Materials (AASHTO) 40 0.425 52
60 0.250 24
Granular Materials
General Classification 100 0.150 10
(35% or less of total sample passing No. 200)
A-1 A-2 200 0.075 4
Group classification
A-1-a A-1-b A-3 A-2-4 A-2-5 A-2-6 A-2-7
Sieve analysis
(percentage passing)
No. 10 50 max
No. 40 30 max 50 max 51 min
No. 200 15 max 25 max 10 max 35 max 35 max 35 max 35 max
Characteristics of
fraction passing No. 40
Liquid Limit 40 max 41 min 40 max 41 min
Plasticity Index 6 max NP 10 max 10 max 11 min 11 min
Usual types of
Stone fragments,
significant constituent Fine sand Silty or clayey gravel and sand
gravel, and sand
General subgrade
Excellent to good

Classification of Highway Subgrade Materials for Silt-Clay Materials (AASHTO)

Silt-Clay Materials
General classification
(more than 35% of total sample passing No. 200)
Group classification A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7-5
Sieve analysis (percentage passing)
No. 10
No. 40
No. 200 36 min 36 min 36 min 36 min 54. Which of the following most nearly gives the effective size of the soil?
Characteristics of fraction passing No. A. 0.425 mm B. 0.250 mm
40 C. 0.150 mm D. 0.075 mm
Liquid Limit 40 max 41 min 40 max 41 min 55. Which of the following most nearly gives the coefficient of gradation of the soil?
Plasticity Index 10 max 10 max 11 min 11 min A. 0.97 B. 1.11
Usual types of significant constituent C. 1.22 D. 1.67
Silty soils Clayey soils
materials 56. Classify the soil according to the Unified Soil Classification System.
General subgrade rating Fair to poor A. GW (well-graded gravel) B. GP (poorly-graded gravel)
For A-7-5, PI  LL – 30
C. SP (poorly-graded sand) D. SW (well-graded sand)
For A-7-6, PI > LL – 30



Unified Soil Classification System 59. Which of the following most nearly gives the effective stress at the bottom of the clay layer?
A. 48.60 kPa B. 51.11 kPa
C. 56.18 kPa D. 58.45 kPa

A thick layer of clay underlies a sand formation having a thickness of 4.50 m. The groundwater
table is located 2.00 m below the ground (sand) surface. The sand has a void ratio of 0.52. The
degree of saturation above the water table is 37%. The clay has a moisture content of 42%. The
specific gravity of solids for both sand and clay is 2.65.
60. Which of the following most nearly gives the unit weight of the sand above the water table?
3 3
A. 16.39 kN/m B. 17.47 kN/m
3 3
C. 18.34 kN/m D. 20.46 kN/m
61. Which of the following most nearly gives the total stress at a depth of 12 m below the ground
A. 181.00 kPa B. 192.87 kPa
C. 205.97 kPa D. 218.87 kPa
62. Which of the following most nearly gives the effective stress at a depth of 12 m below the
ground surface?
A. 103.22 kPa B. 107.67 kPa
C. 120.77 kPa D. 129.55 kPa

The water table in a saturated soil layer is 1.50 m below the ground surface. The saturated unit
weight of the soil is 20.30 kN/m .
63. Which of the following most nearly gives the total stress at a depth of 4 m below the ground
A. 81.20 kPa B. 83.80 kPa
C. 86.40 kPa D. 89.50 kPa
64. Which of the following most nearly gives the pore water pressure at a depth of 4 m below the
ground surface?
A. 14.715 kPa B. 24.525 kPa
C. 29.430 kPa D. 39.240 kPa
65. Which of the following most nearly gives the effective stress at a depth of 4 m below the
ground surface?
A. 69.085 kPa B. 50.260 kPa
C. 66.480 kPa D. 56.675 kPa

A dense silt layer has the following properties:
Void ratio, e = 0.40
Effective diameter, D10 = 10 m
Capillary constant, C = 0.20 cm
Unit weight of soil solids, s
= 26.50 kN/m
A submerged clay layer has a thickness of 8 m. The water content of the soil is 50%. The specific Free ground water level is 8 m below the ground surface.
gravity of the soil particles is 2.78. 66. Which of the following gives the height of capillary rise? Capillary rise is given by the formula:
57. Which of the following most nearly gives the saturated unit weight of the clay?
A. 15.88 kN/m
B. 16.20 kN/m
Hc 
C. 16.83 kN/m
D. 17.12 kN/m
3 eD10
58. Which of the following most nearly gives the total stress at the bottom of the clay layer? A. 2m B. 3m
A. 136.93 kPa B. 134.66 kPa C. 4m D. 5m
C. 129.59 kPa D. 127.08 kPa



67. Which of the following most nearly gives the vertical effective stress at 5 m depth? Assume
that the soil above the capillary zone is partially saturated at 50%.
A. 133.88 kPa B. 84.83 kPa
C. 156.92 kPa D. 195.03 kPa
68. Which of the following most nearly gives the vertical effective stress at 10 m depth? Assume
that the soil above the capillary zone is partially saturated at 50%.
A. 144.44 kPa B. 133.83 kPa
C. 180.76 kPa D. 193.49 kPa

Figure GE-ESS-011 shows a layer of granular soil in a tank where upward seepage of water is
caused by opening the valve located below the tank. The rate of water supply is kept constant.
Assume the soil has reached boiling (zero effective stress).

Compression Index:
Recompression index, Cs = 0.04
Primary compression index, Cc = 0.35
Assume a vertical stress distribution of 2 vertical to 1 horizontal.
72. Which of the following most nearly gives the pre-consolidation pressure if the over-
consolidation ratio is 2?
A. 65.55 kPa B. 70.67 kPa
C. 76.48 kPa D. 79.09 kPa
73. Which of the following most nearly gives the total effective stress at the midheight of the clay
A. 150.95 kPa B. 153.09 kPa
69. Which of the following most nearly gives the critical hydraulic gradient? C. 155.36 kPa D. 159.67 kPa
A. 1.15 B. 1.52 74. Which of the following most nearly gives the settlement due to primary consolidation?
C. 1.96 D. 2.15 A. 58.57 mm B. 53.20 mm
70. Which of the following most nearly gives the elevation of water in the piezometer placed at C. 51.43 mm D. 49.70 mm
point A?
A. 7.28 m B. 7.60 m SITUATION XXIV.
C. 7.85 m D. 8.03 m A soil profile is shown in Figure GE-PCS-151. A uniformly distributed load, ΔP= 50 kPa, is applied
71. Which of the following most nearly gives the elevation of water in the piezometer placed at 1
point B if the elevation of point B is 1 m? at the ground surface. Assume Cs  Cc .
A. 6.43 m B. 6.54 m
C. 6.88 m D. 6.97 m 75. Which of the following most nearly gives the settlement of the clay layer caused by primary
consolidation if it is normally consolidated?
SITUATION XXIII. A. 166.99 mm B. 199.69 mm
A square footing 3 m  3 m carries a column load of 3500 kN resting on the sand layer as shown C. 234.41 mm D. 259.66 mm
in Figure GE-PCS-202. Unit weight of sand above the water table is 17.31 kN/m and saturated 76. Which of the following most nearly gives the settlement of the clay layer caused by primary
unit weight of sand below the water table is 18.10 kN/m . The sand overlies a clay layer 1.2 m consolidation if the preconsolidation pressure is 210 kPa?
thick having a saturated unit weight of 17.50 kNm and a void ratio of 1.70. A. 51.93 mm B. 33.40 mm
C. 39.94 mm D. 46.88 mm



77. Which of the following most nearly gives the settlement of the clay layer caused by primary
consolidation if the preconsolidation pressure is 150 kPa?
83. Which of the following most nearly gives the time of travel from the head of the aquifer to a
A. 180.25 mm B. 152.80 mm point 3.30 km downstream?
C. 128.50 mm D. 108.52 mm A. 3960 days B. 4304 days
C. 4950 days D. 4500 days
For a constant head laboratory permeability test on fine sand, the following values are obtained:
Length of specimen = 10 inches The soil under a dam has four layers with different coefficients of permeability:
Diameter of specimen = 2.5 inches
Layer Depth Coefficient of Permeability
Head difference = 18 inches
Water collected in 2 minutes = 0.031 cubic inches 1 4m 5 cm/hr
Void ratio of soil sample = 0.46 2 8m 3 cm/hr
3 12 m 2 cm/hr
78. Which of the following most nearly gives the hydraulic conductivity, k, of the soil in in/min?
A. 1.75x10
B. 1.67x10
-3 4 3m 1 cm/hr
-3 -3
C. 1.86x10 D. 1.58x10 84. Which of the following most nearly gives the equivalent vertical coefficient of permeability?
79. Which of the following most nearly gives the discharge velocity? A. 0.4723 m/day B. 0.5198 m/day
-3 -3
A. 3.16x10 B. 2.12x10 C. 0.6172 m/day D. 0.6884 m/day
-3 -3
C. 3.35x10 D. 2.85x10 85. Which of the following most nearly gives the transmissibility of the soil when the water table is
80. Which of the following most nearly gives the seepage velocity? at the ground surface?
2 2
A. 0.01 B. 0.02 A. 18.587 m /day B. 16.664 m /day
2 2
C. 0.03 D. 0.04 C. 14.034 m /day D. 12.752 m /day
86. If the void ratio is 0.60 and hydraulic gradient is 0.0018, which of the following most nearly
SITUATION XXVI. gives the interstitial velocity of water moving through the soil?
A confined aquifer is shown in Figure GE-FWS-202. The aquifer has a hydraulic conductivity of 40 A. 0.0104 cm/hr B. 0.0217 cm/hr
m/day and a porosity of 0.25. The piezometric heads in the two observation wells 1200 m apart C. 0.0374 cm/hr D. 0.0520 cm/hr
are 65 m and 60 m from a common datum. The aquifer has an average width of 4 km.
81. Which of the following most nearly gives the rate of flow of water? SITUATION XXVIII.
17666.67 m /day B.
17333.33 m /day A test is set-up as shown in Figure GE-FWS-401. A cylindrical mold 4” in diameter is filled with silt
16666.67 m /day D.
16333.33 m /day to a height of H1 = 0.20 ft whose coefficient of permeability is 2.36x10 ft/min.
A second coaxial mold, placed on top of the silt inside the first mold, has an inside diameter of
82. Which of the following most nearly gives the seepage velocity?
1.50” and height H2 = 0.30 ft. Its thickness is negligible. The inside of this second mold is filled with
A. 0.6667 m/day B. 0.7333 m/day −3
sand whose coefficient of permeability is 2.70x10 ft/min.
C. 0.7667 m/day D. 0.8333 m/day



The test set-up is a permeameter of constant head. Water is placed in the mold and maintained at
a level h = 1.25 ft above the level of the outlet. It may be considered that the system consists of a
fictitious soil of thickness H = H1 + H2 and coefficient of permeability k f.

91. If H = 1.20 m, which of the following most nearly gives the rate of flow?
3 3
A. 0.3558 m /hr B. 0.3643 m /hr
3 3
C. 0.3359 m /hr D. 0.3184 m /hr
92. If H = 1.50 m, which of the following most nearly gives the rate of flow?
3 3
A. 0.3980 m /hr B. 0.4198 m /hr
3 3
87. Which of the following most nearly gives the total amount of flow of water through the soil? C. 0.4359 m /hr D. 0.4447 m /hr
-4 3 -4 3
A. 1.85x10 ft /min B. 1.05x10 ft /min
-4 3 -4 3
C. 1.53x10 ft /min D. 1.21x10 ft /min SITUATION XXX.
88. Which of the following most nearly gives the equivalent coefficient of permeability of the An unconfined aquifer underlies a confined aquifer as shown in Figure GE-FWS-305.
-4 -4
A. 5.31x10 ft/min B. 6.99x10 ft/min
-4 -4
C. 8.49x10 ft/min D. 4.81x10 ft/min
89. Which of the following most nearly gives the total amount of flow that percolated after 55
3 3
A. 163.58 cm B. 237.54 cm
3 3
C. 147.26 cm D. 288.39 cm

Figure GE-FWS-570 shows the layers of soil in a tube 100 mm  100 mm in cross section. Water
is supplied to maintain a constant head difference of H across the sample. Hydraulic conductivities
of each soil are tabulated below. All values in the figure are in millimeters.
Soil k (m/s)
A 0.005
B 0.0025
D1 = 55 m D2 = 47 m
C 0.00625
H1 = 44 m H2 = 36 m
D 0.004
k1 = 40 m/day k2 = 35 m/day
E 0.002
L = 2000 m
90. Which of the following most nearly gives the equivalent hydraulic conductivity of the system in
93. Which of the following most nearly gives the equivalent coefficient of permeability for flow in
the direction of flow?
the horizontal direction?
A. 0.003317 m/s B. 0.003499 m/s
A. 38.60 m/day B. 39.75 m/day
C. 0.003850 m/s D. 0.003706 m/s
C. 36.47 m/day D. 35.42 m/day



94. Which of the following most nearly gives the hydraulic gradient? SITUATION XXXIV.
A. 0.0030 B. 0.0040 The results of a consolidated-drained triaxial test conducted on a normally consolidated clay are
C. 0.0050 D. 0.0060 as follows:
95. Which of the following most nearly gives the rate of flow of water per meter width from one Chamber confining pressure = 300 kPa
stream to another?
3 3 Deviator stress at failure = 400 kPa
A. 12.08 m /day B. 11.67 m /day
3 3
C. 8.70 m /day D. 7.44 m /day 105. Which of the following most nearly gives the angle of friction of the soil sample?
A. 24.21° B. 25.83°
SITUATION XXXI. C. 23.58° D. 22.14°
A test well was drilled down until it reached the impermeable layer which is 37 m below the water 106. Which of the following most nearly gives the shear stress on the failure plane?
table. Water is then pumped from it at a uniform rate of 74 liters per second for 24 hours. Two A. 175.74 kPa B. 183.30 kPa
observation wells located at 70 m and 100 m from the said well show drawdown of 1.1 m and 0.5 C. 189.25 kPa D. 182.41 kPa
m, respectively.
107. Which of the following most nearly gives the normal stress on the plane of maximum shear?
96. Which of the following most nearly gives the flow rate in Million Liters per Day?
A. 500 kPa B. 525 kPa
A. 6.26 B. 6.39
C. 475 kPa D. 455 kPa
C. 7.23 D. 7.25
97. Which of the following most nearly gives the coefficient of permeability in meters per day?
A. 16.71 B. 18.67 A triaxial test was conducted on a clay sample. The normal and shear stresses on the failure plane
C. 15.18 D. 17.58 at failure were determined to be 159 kPa and 76 kPa, respectively. The angle of shear resistance
98. Which of the following most nearly gives the transmissivity of the aquifer in m /day? of the soil is 12°.
A. 634.10 B. 618.27 108. Which of the following most nearly gives the cohesion of the clay?
C. 651.74 D. 604.90 A. 49.42 kPa B. 42.20 kPa
C. 45.17 kPa D. 40.62 kPa
SITUATION XXXII. 109. Which of the following most nearly gives the chamber confining pressure?
A pumping test was carried out in a confined aquifer 20 m thick overlain by an impermeable layer A. 90.44 kPa B. 110.60 kPa
30 m thick. Rate of pumping was 0.10 m /s; drawdowns in observation wells located at 10 m and C. 86.38 kPa D. 97.46 kPa
60 m from the center of the pumping well were 4.0 m and 3.0 m, respectively, from the initial
110. Which of the following most nearly gives the plunger stress?
groundwater level. The diameter of the pumping well is 0.50 m.
A. 148.59 kPa B. 155.40 kPa
99. Which of the following most nearly gives the hydraulic conductivity?
A. −3
1.076110 m/s B. −3
2.851710 m/s C. 163.33 kPa D. 141.16 kPa
−3 −3
C. 2.390310 m/s D. 1.425810 m/s
100. Which of the following most nearly gives the drawdown in the test well?
A clayey soil has a drained angle of friction of 28° and a cohesion of 30 kPa. In the triaxial test of
A. 6.06 m B. 5.03 m the same sample, the maximum shear stress is 70 kPa.
C. 6.83 m D. 5.38 m 111. Which of the following most nearly gives the all-around pressure for failure to occur?
101. Which of the following most nearly gives the time of travel of groundwater from the A. 25.62 kPa B. 28.62 kPa
observation well at 60 m to the pumping well if the porosity of the aquifer is 0.30? C. 20.51 kPa D. 22.68 kPa
A. 5.87 days B. 8.76 days 112. Which of the following most nearly gives the normal stress at maximum shear stress?
C. 7.85 days D. 6.78 days A. 86.51 kPa B. 96.52 kPa
C. 46.51 kPa D. 92.68 kPa
113. Which of the following most nearly gives the major principal stress at failure?
After conducting a tri-axial test on a sand sample, the normal and shearing stresses on the failure
A. 186.41 kPa B. 136.52 kPa
plane at failure were found to be 475 kPa and 350 kPa respectively.
102. Which of the following most nearly gives the angle of shearing resistance? C. 158.70 kPa D. 162.68 kPa
A. 48.64° B. 41.36°
C. 36.38° D. 53.62°
A sample of soil was subjected to a series of tri-axial tests. The results were as follows:
103. Which of the following most nearly gives the angle that the failure plane makes with the
horizontal? Test No. 3 (kPa) 1 (kPa)
A. 65.68° B. 71.81° 1 60 177
C. 69.32° D. 63.19° 2 125 296
104. Which of the following most nearly gives the plunger stress?
114. Which of the following most nearly gives the angle of friction of the soil?
A. 11180.16 kPa B. 1059.34 kPa
A. 19.38° B. 17.07°
C. 932.62 kPa D. 869.46 kPa
C. 14.32° D. 10.61°



115. Which of the following most nearly gives the cohesion of the soil?
A. 37.32 kPa B. 30.13 kPa
C. 24.81 kPa D. 20.33 kPa
116. If a third test is made with a cell pressure of 240 kPa, which of the following most nearly gives
the value of the maximum principal stress to be expected?
A. 535.78 kPa B. 506.58 kPa
C. 475.30 kPa D. 438.24 kPa

A normally consolidated coarse-grained soil was subjected to a tri-axial test under a chamber
confining pressure of 300 kPa. The drained angle of friction of the soil is 36°.
117. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum principal stress at failure?
A. 1270.82 kPa B. 1155.55 kPa
C. 1097.06 kPa D. 727.78 kPa
118. Which of the following most nearly gives the plunger stress?
A. 427.78 kPa B. 855.55 kPa
C. 398.53 kPa D. 635.41 kPa
119. Which of the following most nearly gives the shear stress on the failure plane? SITUATION XLI.
A. 251.44 kPa B. 310.80 kPa A cantilever sheet pile 8.20 m long is embedded to a depth of 3.20 m. It supports dry sand with dry
C. 346.08 kPa D. 476.34 kPa unit weight of 15.72 kN/m and an angle of shearing resistance of 34°. The water table is located
at the bottom of the sheet pile.
SITUATION XXXIX. 126. Which of the following most nearly gives the total active pressure acting on the sheet pile per
A wall of 7 m height retains sand having a dry density of 1570 kg/m . Angle of internal friction is meter width?
34° and void ratio is 0.68. Use Rankine Earth Pressure Theory. A. 149.41 kN/m B. 156.71 kN/m
120. Which of the following most nearly gives the total active thrust on the wall when the soil is C. 120.67 kN/m D. 133.07 kN/m
dry? 127. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum total passive pressure that the passive
A. 171.95 kN B. 160.86 kN soil can offer?
C. 119.57 kN D. 106.68 kN A. 250.39 kN/m B. 269.11 kN/m
121. Which of the following most nearly gives the total active thrust on the wall if there is water 3 m C. 284.69 kN/m D. 212.54 kN/m
below the horizontal ground surface? 128. Which of the following most nearly gives the required total passive pressure to ensure
A. 171.95 kN B. 152.36 kN stability?
C. 93.47 kN D. 19.59 kN A. 401.57 kN/m B. 340.99 kN/m
122. Which of the following most nearly gives the location of the resultant active thrust on the wall C. 309.22 kN/m D. 382.86 kN/m
from the bottom if there is water 3 m below the horizontal ground surface?
A. 1.32 m B. 1.61 m SITUATION XLII.
C. 1.95 m D. 2.13 m An anchored sheet pile 10.50 m high is to retain 7.30 m deep of soil. The soil has an angle of
friction of 31° with a unit weight of 17.5 kN/m . The sheet pile is anchored at a depth of 1.20 m
SITUATION XL. below the ground surface with center to center spacing of 3 m.
A frictionless retaining wall is shown in Figure GE-RWRT-041. Consider 1 m length of wall. 129. Which of the following most nearly gives the total active force on the sheet pile per meter
123. Which of the following most nearly gives the total horizontal passive pressure on the backfill A. 430.16 kN/m B. 389.47 kN/m
at the bottom of the wall?
C. 333.25 kN/m D. 308.80 kN/m
A. 51.20 kPa B. 153.66 kPa
130. Which of the following most nearly gives the percentage of the total passive resistance
C. 204.88 kPa D. 307.33 kPa utilized by the wall?
124. Which of the following most nearly gives the total passive force on the backfill? A. 72.84% B. 77.71%
A. 512.19 kN B. 307.33 kN C. 86.12% D. 94.50%
C. 204.88 kN D. 166.35 kN 131. Which of the following most nearly gives the tension in the anchor?
125. Which of the following most nearly gives the location of the total passive force from the A. 273.79 kN B. 299.44 kN
bottom of the wall?
C. 306.68 kN D. 323.09 kN
A. 0.95 m B. 1.28 m
C. 1.40 m D. 1.60 m



SITUATION XLIII. 136. Which of the following most nearly gives the net allowable load that the footing can carry
A 9 m deep braced cut in sand is shown in Figure GE-BE-105. On plan, the struts are placed at a assuming general shear failure?
spacing of 3 m center to center. Use Peck’s empirical pressure diagram and neglect soil reaction A. 116.61 kN B. 161.16 kN
at the bottom of the cut. C. 111.66 kN D. 166.11 kN
137. Which of the following most nearly gives the gross allowable load that the footing can carry
assuming local shear failure?
A. 79.78 kN B. 77.89 kN
C. 87.97 kN D. 89.77 kN

A clayey soil having a cohesion of 24 kPa has a bearing capacity factor N q = 14.72
Bearing Capacity Factors:
 ø
Nq  tan2  45   e tanø (Ressner Formula)
 2
 
Nc  Nq  1 cot ø (Prandtl Formula)

N  2 Nq  1 tanø (Vesic Formula)

138. Which of the following most nearly gives the angle of internal friction of the soil?
A. 36 B. 14
C. 18 D. 28
139. Which of the following most nearly gives the value of the bearing capacity factor N c?
132. Which of the following most nearly gives the strut load at A? A. 16.72 B. 7.30
A. 128.21 kN B. 224.37 kN C. 25.80 D. 14.59
C. 189.25 kN D. 288.47 kN 140. Which of the following most nearly gives the value of the bearing capacity factor N  ?
133. Which of the following most nearly gives the strut load at B? A. 25.80 B. 14.59
A. 128.21 kN B. 224.37 kN C. 16.72 D. 7.30
C. 189.25 kN D. 288.47 kN
134. Which of the following most nearly gives the strut load at C? SITUATION XLVI.
A. 128.21 kN B. 224.37 kN An 18 m prestressed concrete pile is 0.30 m x 0.30 m in cross-section is to be driven to a clayey
soil with unconfined compression strength of 110 kPa. Assume a factor of safety of 2. Use N c = 9.
C. 189.25 kN D. 288.47 kN
141. Which of the following most nearly gives the end bearing capacity of the pile?
A. 62.06 kN B. 44.55 kN
The foundation of a building is 1.2 m x 1.2 m and is placed at a depth of 0.9 m from the ground C. 53.85 kN D. 36.17 kN
surface. The soil has unit weight of 18 kN/m and cohesion of 9.6 kPa. Use soil bearing capacity 142. Which of the following most nearly gives the skin friction along the shaft of the pile if frictional
factors: Nc = 16, Nq = 7, and N = 4.5 for general shear failure; Nc’ = 11.5, Nq’ = 3.5, and N’ = 1.6 constant  = 0.76?
for local shear failure. Assume factor of safety of 3. A. 884.89 kN B. 902.88 kN
The ultimate bearing stress for general shear can be obtained using the equation: C. 976.50 kN D. 931.48 kN
qu  1.3cNc  Df Nq  0.4 BN 143. Which of the following most nearly gives the design capacity of the pile?
A. 519.23 kN B. 492.67 kN
qu  Df
qanet   C. 460.53 kN D. 473.72 kN
The ultimate bearing stress for local shear can be obtained using the equation: SITUATION XLVII.
qu  1.3cN'c  Df N'q  0.4 BN'  A 0.30 m square prestressed concrete pile 20 m long is to be driven in a clayey soil as shown in
Figure GE-LCSP-005. The unconfined compression strength of clay is 110 kPa. Unit weight of
2 clayey soil is 18.00 kN/m .
c c
3 144. Which of the following most nearly gives the end bearing capacity of the pile if the bearing
135. Which of the following most nearly gives the gross allowable load that the footing can carry capacity factor Nc = 9?
assuming general shear failure? A. 53.44 kN B. 44.55 kN
A. 168.94 kN B. 186.49 kN C. 37.66 kN D. 29.33 kN
C. 149.86 kN D. 194.68 kN



148. Which of the following most nearly gives the capacity of pile group based on block failure
A. 3074.12 kN B. 2832.00 kN
C. 4474.74 kN D. 4891.26 kN
149. Which of the following most nearly gives the minimum center to center spacing of piles to
achieve 100% efficiency?
A. 1.21 m B. 1.35 m
C. 1.81 m D. 0.66 m

The pile group shown in Figure GE-LCPG-005 consists of 12 piles, each 0.30 m in diameter,
arranged in a 3 x 4 matrix at a spacing of 1.20 m. The piles penetrate a soft clay (c = 20 kPa),
medium dense clay (c = 56 kPa) and stiff clay (c = 95 kPa). Use  = 1 for soft and medium dense
clay and  = 0.50 for stiff clay. Use Nc = 9.

145. Which of the following most nearly gives the skin friction of the pile if the frictional constant 
= 0.76?
A. 1003.20 kN B. 972.60 kN
C. 878.50 kN D. 750.90 kN
146. Which of the following most nearly gives the design capacity of the pile if the factor of safety
is 2.00?
A. 431.54 kN B. 457.16 kN
C. 489.23 kN D. 523.88 kN

The pile group shown in Figure GE-LCPG-020 consists of 12 piles, each 0.36 m in diameter,
arranged in a 34 matrix at a spacing of 0.8 m. The pile penetrates a soft clay (L 1 = 3 m, c1 = 56
kPa, 1 = 1), a medium dense clay (L2 = 5 m, c2 = 78 kPa, 2 = 1), and a stiff clay (L3 = 4 m, c3 =
95 kPa, 3 = 0.9). Assume Nc = 9 and FS = 3.0.
150. Which of the following most nearly gives the capacity of the pile group based on a single pile
failure mode?
A. 10190.58 kN B. 8761.32 kN
C. 7598.53 kN D. 6408.38 kN
151. Which of the following most nearly gives the capacity of the pile group based on block failure
A. 9408.71 kN B. 12599.05 kN
C. 13567.28 kN D. 15636.15 kN
152. Which of the following most nearly gives the minimum center to center spacing of piles to
achieve 100% efficiency?
A. 0.78 m B. 1.10 m
C. 0.61 m D. 0.86 m

147. Which of the following most nearly gives the capacity of pile group based on single pile failure
A. 4071.50 kN B. 4544.34 kN
C. 4256.67 kN D. 4419.62 kN




A group of friction piles is shown in Figure GE-SPG-125. The total load on the piles less the weight A group of friction piles is shown in Figure GE-SPG-120. The total load on the piles less the weight
of the soil displaced by the foundation is 1800 kN. The silt is 2 m thick and the clay is 16 m thick. of the soil displaced by the foundation is 1600 kN. The silt is 2 m thick and the clay is 17 m thick.

153. Which of the following most nearly gives the effective overburden pressure at midheight of
156. Which of the following most nearly gives the effective overburden pressure at midheight of
the consolidating clay layer?
the consolidating clay layer?
A. 106.66 kPa B. 121.33 kPa
A. 206.67 kPa B. 181.33 kPa
C. 135.55 kPa D. 147.61 kPa
C. 165.50 kPa D. 152.06 kPa
154. Which of the following most nearly gives the compression index of the clay layer?
157. Which of the following most nearly gives the compression index of the clay layer?
A. 0.2877 B. 0.3667
A. 0.2787 B. 0.3116
C. 0.4333 D. 0.2222
C. 0.3833 D. 0.4242
155. Which of the following most nearly gives the settlement of the pile foundation?
158. Which of the following most nearly gives the settlement of the pile foundation?
A. 105.95 mm B. 119.67 mm
A. 115.55 mm B. 127.774 mm
C. 138.29 mm D. 151.88 mm
C. 138.92 mm D. 152.889 mm


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