Solar Powered Refrigeration
Solar Powered Refrigeration
Solar Powered Refrigeration
We hereby declare that the work which is being presented in the report on Minor Project
ABSORPTION REFRIGERATION SYSTEM” and submitted for completion of course
curriculum of 6th semester of B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) degree program in the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Beant College of Engineering and Technology,
Gurdaspur has been carried out under the guidance of Dr. Jagdev Singh, Associate
Professor during January-April 2014.
B.C.E.T. Gurdaspur
First of all we would like to thank our project guide Dr. Jagdev Singh, Associate Professor, Mechanical
Engineering Department, BCET Gurdaspur who has given valuable support during the course of our
project by clarifying our doubts and guiding us with his novel ideas.
We would like to thank Dr. Dilbag Singh, Head of Department, Mechanical Engineering, Beant College of
Engineering & Technology and Dr. O.P. Singh, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, for giving us this
We extend our sincere thanks to all teaching staff of Mechanical Engineering department, who helped
We also thank the people who directly or indirectly gave encouragement and support throughout the
At last we would like to thanks the Almighty God for his blessing and grace in every stage in our life.
Vapour absorption refrigeration system is an attractive method for utilization low grade energy directly
for cooling. This is an important advantage as against the conventional vapour compression refrigeration
system which operates on high grade energy. Another important feature of this system is that it does
not use any moving component except a very small liquid pump. Vapour absorption refrigeration system
comprises of four basic components viz, an evaporator, an absorber, a generator and a condenser. A
refrigerant flows from the condenser to the evaporator, then via absorber to the generator and back to
condenser, and while the absorbent passes from the absorber to the generator back to the absorber.
For maximum efficiency, the pressure difference between the low pressure side and the high pressure
side is maintained as small as possible. Although the initial cost of these system is presently higher but
there operating cost are often low, which can further reduced if efficient absorption and distillation can
be achieved. Since the efficiency of these processes is determined largely by thermodynamic properties
of the refrigerants – absorbent combination, an extensive study of these properties is important in the
using solar energy as heating source is a system that produces cooling effect rather than electrical input
as in the most familiar vapour compression refrigeration cycle. In this system, the work of compressor as
done in vapour compression system is replaced by absorber and generator. Power required by this
system is less than the power required by vapour compression refrigeration system.
1.1 Refrigeration 1
1.1 Refrigeration
with surroundings, is brought below atmospheric temperature .The work of heat transport is
magnetism, electricity, laser, or other means. Refrigeration has many applications, including, but
not limited to house hold refrigerators, industrial freezers, cryogenics, and air conditioning. Heat
pumps may use the heat output of the refrigeration process, and also may be designed to be
Refrigeration has had a large impact on industry, lifestyle, agriculture and settlement patterns,
resources. In most developed countries, cities are heavily dependent upon refrigeration in
supermarkets, in order to obtain their food for daily consumption. The increase in food sources
has led to a larger concentration of agricultural sales coming from a smaller percentage of
existing farm .This has resulted in new food sources available to entire populations, which has
had a large impact on the nutrition of society. Refrigeration of medicines at remote areas has
1.2 Vapour compression refrigeration system
This system uses a circulating liquid refrigerant as the medium which absorbs and removes heat
from the space to be cooled and subsequently rejects that heat elsewhere. It has four components:
a compressor, a condenser, a thermal expansion valve, and an evaporator. The hot compressed
temperature and pressure at which it can be condensed with either cooling water or cooling air.
That hot vapour is routed through a condenser where it is cooled and condensed into a liquid by
flowing through coil or tubes with cool water or cool air flowing across the coil or tubes. The
condensed liquid refrigerant, in the thermodynamic state known as saturated liquid, is next
routed through an expansion valve where it undergoes an abrupt reduction in pressure. That
pressure reduction results in the adiabatic flash evaporation of a part of the liquid refrigerant.
The auto-refrigeration effect of adiabatic flash evaporation lowers the temperature of liquid and
vapour refrigerant mixture to where it is colder than the temperature of the enclosed space to be
refrigerated. The cool mixture is routed through the coil or tubes in the evaporator. A fan
circulates the warm air in the enclosed space across the coil or tubes carrying cold refrigerant
liquid a vapour mixture. That warm air evaporates the liquid part of the cold refrigerant mixture.
At the same time circulating air is cooled and thus lowers the temp of the enclosed space to the
desire temperature. The evaporator is where the circulating refrigerant absorbs and removes heat
which is subsequently rejected in the condenser and transferred elsewhere by the water or air
used in condenser. To complete the refrigeration cycle, the refrigerant vapour from the
evaporator is again a saturated vapour and is routed back into the compressor.
1.3 Vapour Absorption Refrigeration system
The vapour absorption refrigeration system comprises of all the processes in the vapour
the vapour absorption refrigeration system, refrigerant used is ammonia, water or lithium
bromide. The refrigerant gets condensed in the condenser and it gets evaporated in the
evaporator. The refrigerant produces cooling effect in the evaporator and releases the heat to the
The major difference between the two systems is the method of the suction and compression of
the refrigerant in the refrigeration cycle. In the vapour compression refrigeration system, the
compressor sucks the refrigerant from evaporator and compresses it to the high pressure. The
compressor also enables the flow of the refrigerant through the whole refrigeration cycle. In the
vapour absorption cycle, the process of suction and compression are carried out by two different
devices called as the absorber and the generator. Thus the absorber and the generator replace the
compressor in the vapour absorption cycle. The absorbent enables the flow of the refrigerant
from the absorber to the generator by absorbing it. Another major difference between the vapour
compression and vapour absorption cycle is the method in which the energy input is given to the
system. In the vapour compression refrigeration system the energy input is given in the form of
the mechanical work from the electric motor run by the electricity. In the vapour absorption
system the energy input is given in the form of the heat. This heat can be from the excess steam
from the process or the hot water. The heat can also be created by other sources like natural gas,
kerosene, and heater etc. though these sources are used only in the small systems.
Fig 1.1 Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System
The initial flow of the refrigerant from the evaporator to the absorber occurs because the vapour
pressure of the refrigerant-absorbent in the absorber is lower than the vapour pressure of the
refrigerant in the evaporator. The vapour pressure of the refrigerant-absorbent inside the
absorbent determines the pressure on low-pressure side of the system and also the vaporizing
temperature of the refrigerant inside the evaporator. The vapour pressure of the refrigerant-
absorbent solution depends on the nature of the absorbent, its temperature and concentration.
When the refrigerant entering in the absorber is absorbed by the absorbent its volume decreases,
thus the compression of the refrigerant occurs. Thus absorber acts as the suction part of the
compressor. The heat of absorption is also released in the absorber, which is removed by the
external coolant.
When the vaporized refrigerant leaves the generator weak solution is left in it. This solution
enters the pressure reducing valve and then back to the absorber, where it is ready to absorb fresh
refrigerant. In this way, the refrigerant keeps on repeating the cycle. The pressure of the
Solar energy is a very large, inexhaustible source of energy. The power from the sun intercepted
by the earth is approximately 1.8 ×1011 MW which is much larger than the present consumption
rate on the earth of all commercial energy sources. Thus, in principle, solar energy could supply
all the present and future energy needs of the world on the continuing basis. This makes it one of
the most promising of the unconventional energy sources. In addition to its size, solar energy has
two other factors in its favour. First unlike fossil fuels and nuclear power, it is an environmental
clean source of energy. Second, it is free and available in adequate quantities in almost all parts
of the world where people live. However, there are many problems associated with its use. The
Even in the hottest regions on earth, the solar radiation flux rarely exceeds 1kWh/m2 and the total
radiation over a day is best about 6 kWh/m2.These are low values from the point of view of
technological utilization. Consequently, large collecting areas are required in many applications
A second problem associated with the use of solar energy is that its availability varies widely
with time. The variation in availability occurs daily because of the day-night cycle sun. In
Consequently, the energy collected when the sun is shining must be stored for use during periods
when it is not available. The need for storage significantly adds to the cost of the system. Thus,
the real challenge in utilizing solar energy as an energy alternative is to address these challenges.
thermodynamics properties of the working fluid which is aqua ammonia in this case. Ammonia
is refrigerant and water is absorbent. Solution of water and ammonia in liquid phase has a margin
of miscibility within the operating temperature range of cycle. The mixture is also chemically
stable, non-toxic and non-explosive. In addition to these requirements, the following are
The elevation of boiling (the difference in boiling point between the pure refrigerant and
Refrigerant should have high heat of vaporization and high concentration within the
absorbent in order to maintain low circulation rate between the generator and the
absorption systems. This technique uses solar energy to produce cold air and does not pollute the
Satish Raghuvanshi & Govind Maheshwari (2011) - studied empirical relations for evaluating
the characteristics and performance of a single stage Ammonia water (NH3-H2O) vapour
absorption system. The necessary heat and mass transfer equations and appropriate equations
describing the thermodynamic properties of the working fluid at all thermodynamic states are
evaluated. An energy analysis of each component has been carried out and numerical results for
the cycle are tabulated. Finally the variations of various thermodynamic parameters are
K. Balaji and R. Senthil Kumar (2012)-dealt with hypothetical design of lithium bromide
water absorption refrigeration system using waste heat from sugar industry steam turbine
exhaust. The hypothetical design is based on the cooling effect required for DC thrust motor in a
sugar industry.
V.D. Patel , A.J. Chaudhari and R.D. Jilte (2012)- worked upon theoretical calculations of
different components of the systems like evaporator, absorber, condenser and pump of vapour
absorption refrigeration system for a capacity of 0.25TR and experimentally developed and run
T.K. Chandrashekarand Manu.S (2012)- carried study on designing the absorber for miniature
Tarik Shaikh, Prof. Yogesh J. Morabiya (2013)-worked upon simple absorption refrigeration
system using Li-Br / H2O as a working pair. The simulation of the system was carried out using
Engineering Equations Solver. Results of simulated performance of this system and the effects of
the refrigeration load inlet temperature on the coefficient of performance, COP of the system are
given. The performance of the system increased with increasing initial temperature of the
cooling load. The effects of changing refrigeration load inlet temperature were investigated and
Prashant Tile and S. S. Barve (2013)- studied about Vapour absorption machine working on
the principle of absorption refrigeration cycle. Vapour absorption machine consists of two
rectangular pressure vessel shells. Both shells operate under vacuum. As these pressure vessels
are subjected to vacuum, there is a chance of external pressure failure. Therefore, design of
components of vapour absorption machine is carried out using ASME and TEMA code. Design
Christy V Vazhappilly and Trijo Tharayil (2013)-carried out the detailed study about a
prototype of an absorption system for refrigeration using heat from the exhaust gases. The
heating coil generator system was replaced by the frame plate type heat exchanger. The exhaust
gases from the IC engine were utilized to vaporize the ammonia refrigerant. The available heat in
the exhaust gases was estimated based on actual I.C-Engine driving cycles. The frame plate type
heat exchanger was modeled and flow analysis inside the heat exchanger was analyzed.
Nimai Mukhopadhyay & Someshwar Choudhury (2013) -studied the theoretical modeling of
solar-assisted cascade refrigeration system in cold storage. The system consists of electricity-
driven vapour compression refrigeration system and solar-driven vapour absorption refrigeration
system. The vapour compression refrigeration system was connected in series with vapour
absorption refrigeration system. The results showed higher COP as compared with the
conventional vapour compression refrigeration system. COP of this type refrigeration system
K.V. Rao & B.J.M. Rao (2013)- studied on obtaining the energy from one single flat plate
collector, with the help of vapour absorption refrigeration technique. In this way a commercial
single flat plate water heating system was used for heating purpose in winter and rainy seasons
Deepak Desai & J.B. Raol (2013)- carried out work on designing and developing energy
efficient solar based refrigeration system for milk cooling at village level society and for room
conditioning for cold stores and packaging rooms for milk and milk products, to reduce peak
load penalty. Use of solar energy made scope for its commercial use in the dairy processing
operations as well as to design and develop solar based refrigeration systems for dairy industry.
Vapour absorption refrigeration system had been a major area of interest in past and present era.
A lot efforts is being put to enhance the overall performance of the system by keeping in touch
with energy conservation. A solar vapour absorption refrigeration system produces cooling effect
using solar energy rather than electrical input as in a more familiar compression cycle. In this
system the heat source is solar energy, which reduces the power which is required by the
compressor. In this system, the work of compressor as done in vapour compression system is
replaced by absorber and generator. Power required by this system is less than the power
required by vapour compression system as it uses solar energy as its energy source. So that’s
why it has been decided to make a project on “DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF SOLAR
The main objective of the project is to design and fabricate solar powered vapour absorption
refrigeration system. As it consumes solar energy so it is very useful in this present era of energy
crisis. Also it is environment friendly as no harmful refrigerants like CFC’s are used which
After all the problem formulation and objectives been defined it has been decide to work upon
solar powered vapour absorption refrigeration system using the following components
will be used for pipe and generator. The hot water from solar water heater will be passed through
Rectifier- The rectification column makes evaporated water to condense and trickle back to the
Condenser- The type of condenser used will be a surface condenser. In these condensers, there
will be a shell and tube heat exchanger installed. The cooling water will be allowed to flow
through tube side and the vapour enters the shell side where the condensation occurs on the
Evaporator-The natural circulation evaporators are based on the natural circulation of the
product caused by the density differences that arise from heating. In an evaporator using tubing
after the liquid ammonia begins to boil bubbles will rise and cause circulation, facilitating the
Heat exchanger- Double pipe heat exchanger is a type of heat exchanger which will be used.
This heat exchanger is cheap for both design and maintenance. It is located between the absorber
and the generator to heat the cool solution from the absorber on its way to the generator and to
Pump-Pump is used to pump aqua ammonia solution at a pressure to the generator. The
displacement pump that uses combination of reciprocating action of rubber and suitable valves at
either side of diaphragm to pump a fluid. When the volume of a chamber of pump is increased
(the diaphragm moving up), the pressure decreases, and fluid is drawn into the chamber. When
the chamber pressure later increases from decreased volume (the diaphragm moving down), the
Heating water by solar energy
The heating of water supplied to generator will be done by thermosyphon solar water heater. In
this system, the heat from the collector will be transferred to water in two ways : directly where
water circulates through the collector, or indirectly where an anti-freeze solution carries the heat
from collector and transfers it to water in the tank via heat exchanger. Convection allows for the
movement of the heated liquid out of the solar collector to be replaced by colder liquid which is
in turn heated. Due to this principle, it is necessary for the water to be stored in a tank above the
Earlier vapour absorption refrigeration system used external heating coil as a heating source in
generator which consumed electrical power which was not so economical .So in this project, we
use the solar energy which is economical. A vapour absorption system using solar energy has
In this system heat source is solar energy which reduces the power which is required by the
generator and pump. Power required by this system is less than the power required by vapour
compression system.
As is with any project, this one has both advantages and disadvantages. On the down side, the
project relies on solar heat for refrigeration. This means that in absence of a source of heat, this
system get effected. Refrigerant ammonia is used here in this system which is ozone friendly.
Further, in the presence of abundant solar energy, the refrigeration system is cheap and practical.
With almost negligible operating costs operating costs, refrigeration is considered universal for
absorption refrigeration system with solar point collector, RJCS ,VOL. 1(7), pp. 51-56.
3. Balaji, K., Kumar Senthil, 2012, Study of vapour absorption system using waste heat
4. Patel, V.D., Chaudhary, A.J., 2012, Theoretical and experimental evaluation of vapour
6. Shaikh, Tarik, Morabiya, Yogesh, 2013, Review of Solar absorption refrigeration system
using LiBr-Water & simulate performance of system, IJAERS, VOL.2, pp. 57-60.
7. Tile, Prashant, Barve, S.S., 2013, Design and analysis of vapour absorbing machine,
10. Rao, K.V., Rao B.J.M., 2013, Low cost solar cooling system, IJEIT, VOL. 3, pp. 51-60.
11. Desai, Deepak, Raol, J.B., 2013, Application of solar energy for sustainable dairy
12. compression system