"Regenerative Braking System": A Major Project Report ON
"Regenerative Braking System": A Major Project Report ON
"Regenerative Braking System": A Major Project Report ON
Bachelor of Technology
(Rajasthan Technical University, Kota)
Submitted By:Imran Khan Vikram Khan Shakeel Khan Nandkishore Sharma Vishal Kumar Gupta
This is to certify that Imran Khan, Vikram Khan, Shakeel Khan, Nandkishore Sharma, Vishal Kumar Gupta are student of B.Tech.(Mechanical Engineering) 8th semester, Final Year have submitted Their Project report entitled Fabrication of electricity speed braker under my guidance. generation by
SUBMITTED BY:Imran Khan Vikram Khan Shakeel Khan Nandkishore Sharma Vishal Kumar Gupta This dissertation is in partial fulfillment as prerequisite to the award of the degree BACHELOR of TECHNOLOGY in Mechanical Engineering from Rajasthan Technical University during the Academic session 2009-2013. Mr. Asgar khan Mr. Dinesh Jangid Designation of Project Guide
We hereby declare that the work presented in the report preparation submitted in fulfillment of the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering in an authentic record of our on work carried out under the able guidance of Mrs. Rajashree T.B. (H.O.D.) department of mechanical engineering.
Imran Khan Vikram Khan Shakeel Khan Nandkishore Sharma Vishal Kumar Gupta
We express our sincere thanks to all faculties, teaching & non teaching staffs of department of Mechanical Engineering for us kind help in completing our project. It was due to us kind cooperation, valuable suggestions and effective discussions. We would like acknowledge Mr. Rajashree T.B. (H.O.D. Mech. Engg.) for his constant encouragement for the completion of this project successfully.
(Name of the students) Imran Khan Vikram Khan Shakeel Khan Nandkishore Sharma Vishal Kumar Gupta
Regenerative Braking System is the way of slowing vehicle by using the motors as brakes. Instead of the surplus energy of the vehicle being wasted as unwanted heat, the motors act as generators and return some of it to the overhead wires as electricity. The vehicle is primarily powered from the electrical energy generated from the generator, which burns gasoline. This energy is stored in a large battery, and used by an electric motor that provides motive force to the wheels. The regenerative barking taking place on the vehicle is a way to obtain more efficiency; instead of converting kinetic energy to thermal energy through frictional braking, the vehicle can convert a good fraction of its kinetic energy back into charge in the battery, using the same principle as an alternator.
1. Introduction
1.1 Need for regenerative brakes
5. Applications 6. Comparisons
6.1 Advantages of regenerative braking over conventional braking 6.2 Comparison of Dynamic brakes and Regenerative brakes 6.3 Why Regenerative Brakes are assisted with the Frictional Brake??
7. Conclusion
Brake:A brake is a machine element and its principle object is to absorb energy during deceleration. In vehicle brakes are used to absorb kinetic energy whereas in hoists or elevators brakes are also used to absorb potential energy. By connecting the moving member to stationary frame, normally brake converts kinetic energy to heat energy. This causes wastage of energy and also wearing of frictional lining material. Regenerative Braking System:Regenerative Braking System is the way of slowing vehicle by using the motors as brakes. Instead of the surplus energy of the vehicle being wasted as unwanted heat, the motors act as generators and return some of it to the overhead wires as electricity. The vehicle is primarily powered from the electrical energy generated from the generator, which burns gasoline. This energy is stored in a large battery, and used by an electric motor that provides motive force to the wheels. The regenerative barking taking place on the vehicle is a way to obtain more efficiency; instead of converting kinetic energy to thermal energy through frictional braking, the vehicle can convert a good fraction of its kinetic energy back into charge in the battery, using the same principle as an alternator. Therefore, if you drive long distance without braking, youll be powering the vehicle entirely from gasoline. The regenerative braking Regenerative Braking System comes into its own when youre driving in the city, and spending a good deal of your time braking. You will still use more fuel in the city for each mile you drive than on the highway, though. (Thermodynamics tells us that all inefficiency comes from heat generation. For instance, when you brake, the brake pedals heat up and a quantity of heat, or energy, is lost to the outside world. Friction in the engine produces heat in the same way. Heat energy, also, has higher entropy than, say, electric, meaning that it is less ordered.)
Definition: Braking method in which the mechanical energy from the load is converted into electric energy and regenerated back into the line is known as Regenerative Braking. The Motor operates as generator.
Regenerative Braking For Hybrid Vehicle: In most electric and hybrid electric vehicles on the road today, this is accomplished by operating the traction motor as a generator, providing braking torque to the wheels and recharging the traction batteries. The energy provided by regenerative braking can then be used for propulsion or to power vehicle accessories.
deceleration is required; the regenerative braking system can provide the majority of the total braking force. This vastly improves fuel economy with a vehicle, and further
enhances the attractiveness of vehicles using regenerative braking for city driving. At higher speeds, too, regenerative braking has been shown to contribute to improved fuel economy by as much as 20%. Consider a heavy loaded truck having very few stops on the road. It is operated near maximum engine efficiency. The 80% of the energy produced is utilized to
overcome the rolling and aerodynamic road forces. The energy wasted in applying brake is about 2%. Also its brake specific fuel consumption is 5%. Now consider a vehicle, which is operated in the main city where traffic is a major problem here one has to apply brake frequently. For such vehicles the wastage of energy by application of brake is about 60% to 65%. And also it is inefficient as its brake specific fuel consumption is high.
Road 80%
Rake 65%
Other 18%
Brake 2%
In regenerative breaking system both these problems is solved i.e. Storage of energy and efficient brake specific fuel consumption. Some of the advantages of regenerative braking over conventional braking are as follows:
Energy Conservation: The flywheel absorbs energy when braking via a clutch system slowing the car down and speeding up the wheel. To accelerate, another clutch system connects the flywheel to the drive train, speeding up the car and slowing down the flywheel. Energy is therefore conserved rather than wasted as heat and light which is what normally happens in the contemporary shoe/disc system. Wear Reduction: An electric drive train also allows for regenerative breaking which increases Efficiency and reduces wear on the vehicle brakes. In regenerative raking, when the motor is not receiving power from the battery pack, it resists the turning of the wheels, capturing some of the energy of motion as if it were a generator and returning that energy to the battery pack. In mechanical brakes; lessening wear and extending brake life is not possible. This reduces the use of use the brake. Fuel Consumption: The fuel consumption of the conventional vehicles and regenerative braking system vehicles was evaluated over a course of various fixed urban driving schedules. The results are compared as shown in figure. Representing the significant cost saying to its owner, it has been proved the regenerative braking is very fuel-efficient. Braking is not total loss: Conventional brakes apply friction to convert a vehicles kinetic energy into heat. In energy terms, therefore, braking is a total loss: once heat is generated, it is very difficult to reuse. The regenerative braking system, however, slows a vehicle down in a different way.
When the brake pedal is depressed, the battery receives a higher charge, which slows the vehicle down faster. The further the brake pedal is depressed, the more the conventional friction brakes are employed.
In the Insight, the motor/generator produces AC, which is converted into DC, which is then used to charge the Battery Module. The Insight, as well as all other regenerative systems, must have an electric controller that regulates how much charge the battery receives and how much the friction brakes are used.
The URFC-powered car can also recoup hydrogen and oxygen when the driver brakes or descends a hill. This regenerative braking feature increases the vehicle's range by about 10% and could replenish a low-pressure (1.4-megapascal or 200-psi) oxygen tank about the size of a football. In the fuel-cell (discharge) mode, stored hydrogen is combined with air to generate electrical power. The URFC can also be supercharged by operating from an oxygen tank instead of atmospheric oxygen to accommodate peak power demands such as entering a freeway. Supercharging allows the driver to accelerate the vehicle at a rate comparable to that of a vehicle powered by an internal-combustion engine. on the market, it should solve many of the problems with hybrid vehicles that manufacturers are facing today when it becomes available.
3. Control System: An ON-OFF engine control system is used. That means that the engine is ON until the energy storage unit has been reached the desired charge capacity and then is decoupled and stopped until the energy storage unit charge fall below its minimum requirement.
In the HRB system, braking energy is converted to hydraulic pressure and stored in a highpressure hydraulic accumulator. When the vehicle accelerates, the stored hydraulic energy is applied to the transmission reducing the energy that the combustion engine has to provide. An electronic controller and a hydraulic valve manifold control the process. At present, these hydraulic regenerative brakes are noisy and prone to leaks; however, once all of the details are ironed out, such systems will probably be most useful in large trucks.
They save you energy by storing power you'd otherwise squander in brakes, but they also cost you energy because you have to carry them around all the time.The transfer of energy in both directions (captured from the driveline during coasting andbraking, and released to the driveline for boost) is managed through a CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) gear box. Packaged inside a single housing is a shaft mounted flywheel that is connected via a chain or belt/pulley drive to a series of discs and rollers (the CVT). During braking and coasting, the flywheel spools-up (accelerates as it spins) and absorbs a storehouse of otherwise wasted energy (heat from friction brakes). During power delivery, as the vehicle begins to accelerate, the pent-up energy in the flywheel is released and it turns the shaft. The rollers within the CVT can change position across the discs either retard or augment the torque of the spinning flywheel shaft much like a conventional step-up or step-down gear box.This gearing is necessary because unlike aircraft & to a certain extent watercraft, which travel at arelatively constant load and speed, earth-bound vehicles travel at regularly and greatly varying speeds and loads as they negotiate traffic and to pography. It is this variable output velocity that allows for smooth power transmission from the flywheel to the driveline as the vehicle travels over the roadway. Advanced transmissions that incorporate hi-tech flywheels are now being used as regenerative systems in such things as formula-1 cars, where they're typically referred to as Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems (KERS).
Lower cost -- Smaller size and weight and reduced complexity make these
arrangements about one quarter the cost of a battery-electric system.
Some of vehicles using regenerative brake:-
Advantages of regenerative braking over conventional braking
Energy Conservation: The flywheel absorbs energy when braking via a clutch system slowing the car down and speeding up the wheel. To accelerate, another clutch system connects the flywheel to the drive train, speeding up the car slowing down the flywheel. Energy is therefore conserved rather than wasted as heat and light which is what normally happens in the contemporary shoe/disc system. Wear Reduction: An electric drive train also allows for regenerative breaking which increases Efficiency and reduces wear on the vehicle brakes. In regenerative braking, when the motor is not receiving power from the battery pack, it resists the turning of the wheels, capturing some of the energy of motion as if it were a generator a returning that energy to the battery pack. In mechanical brakes; lessening wear and extending brake life is not possible. This reduces the use of use the brake. Fuel Consumption: The fuel consumption of the conventional vehicles & regenerative braking system vehicles was evaluated over a course of various fixed urban driving schedules. The results are compared as shown in figure. Representing the significant cost saying to its owner, it has been proved the regenerative braking is very fuel-efficient. The Delhi Metro saved around 90,000 tons of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere by regenerating 112,500 megawatt hours of electricity through the use of regenerative braking systems b/w 2004 and 2007. It is expected that the Delhi Metrowill save over 100,000 tons of CO2 from being emitted per year once its phase is complete through the use of regenerative braking. The energy efficiency of aconventional car is only about 20 percent, with the remaining 80 percent of its energy being converted to heat through friction. The miraculous thing about regenerative braking is that it may be able to capture as much as half of that wasted energy and put it back towork. This could reduce fuel consumption by 10 to 25 percent. Hydraulic regenerative braking systems could provide even more impressive gains, potentially reducing fuel use by 25 to 45 percent. Braking is not total loss: Conventional brakes apply friction to convert a vehicles kinetic energy into heat. In energy terms, therefore, braking is a total loss: once heat is generated, it is very difficult to reuse. The regenerative braking system, however slows a vehicle down in a different way.
Regenerative braking of Toyota Prius: Toyota realized that one way to achieve longer vehicle range was to conserve and reuse some of the energy that a vehicle normally loses as heat caused by braking friction. This idea led engineers to apply the principles of regenerative braking. In all Toyota vehicles that feature the regenerative braking system, the regenerative brake is only responsible for a part of the deceleration necessary to stop the vehicle. In an EV, this fraction is determined by the vehicles speed when braking is initiated. The remaining braking force is provided by the vehicles friction brakes. To maximize fuel economy, of course, the regenerative braking system is made to do as much of the braking work as possible.
Technology Used in Toyota Prius: The next phase of regenerative breaking technologys development came in its application to the Prius, the platform for the Toyota Hybrid System. Whit the Prius, too, the fraction of breaking torque supplied by the regenerative break is proportional to the vehicles speed when the breaks are applied. Because the Prius battery pack is less than a fifth the size of that of a pure EV, however, regenerative capacity is considerably lower. Squeezing the greatest energy savings out of the Prius regenerative breaking system meant devising a new way to control the interplay of the friction and regenerative breaking systems throughout the breaking action. The solution that Toyotas engineers found was to have the prius regenerative brake supply a continuously varying amount of braking torque as the vehicle decelerates. A pure EV, with its greater battery capacity, can achieve substantial energy saving without modifying the regenerative brakes contr4ibution throughout the braking action. This was not the case for the prius. So Toyota engineers developed a new type of control value to regulate the interplay between the two systems. These values allow continuous variation, so the maximum possible energy is extracted from the vehicles deceleration.
Demand curve (1) most of the gracing is regenerative. For fast & powerful braking Demand Curve (2). Friction brakes do most of the work.
Two Brake, One Natural Banking Experience: The final step was to make sure that the two brake systems worked smoothly together so that the driver would experience a natural braking feel when the brake pedal was depressed.
The hydraulic brakes and the regenerative brake are essentially two separate systems. Integrating them required the construction of two dedicated computer systems that keep the brakes coordinated at all times. They call these the electronic control units, or ECUs. They continuously control the braking forces being generated by the friction and regenerative systems, ensuring that the total force produced matches the force signaled by the driver. This design gives the brakes a very smooth feel as far as the driver is concerned the brakes work like conventional brakes. In the prius, the Toyota Hybrid System accounts for an 80% gain in fuel efficiency compared to vehicles equipped with conventional gasoline engines. The regenerative braking system adds and additional 20% to this, making the prius one of the worlds most fuel-efficient vehicles.
Component Used in Toyota Prius for Regenerative Braking System: Brake Pedal:
It is used to apply braking force by the driver.
Brake ECU:
The brake ECU senses the braking demand and sends a fraction of this demand to the THSECU for regenerative braking. It also calculates the force necessary to fulfill remaining braking demand and instruct the hydraulic pressure control unit to pass on a corresponding amount of hydraulic fluid
Regenerative braking technology is one more positive step forward in Toyotas quest to realize the ultimate ecocar. By working in concert with previously developed electric motor technologies, its application helps Toyotas electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles (including the recently released prius) to achieve extended ranges and to be friendlier to the environment than ever before. At the same time, this new technology remains unobtrusively in the background; drivers benefit from regenerative braking while enjoying the same firm braking feel found in conventionally equipped vehicles.
Theoretical investigations of a regenerative braking system show about 25% saving in fuel consumption. The lower operating and environment costs of a vehicle with regenerative braking system should make it more attractive than a conventional one. The traditional cost of the system could be recovered in the few years only. The exhaust emission of vehicle using the regenerative braking concept would be much less than equivalent conventional vehicles as less fuel are used for consumption. These systems are particularly suitable in developing countries such as India where buses are the preferred means of transportation within the cities.
1) Automotive Abstracts , ARAI Pune. 2) General Motors Website (www.gm.com). 3) www.sae.org