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Schema Subiect Literatura

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Schema subiect literatura (pe care se pot construi mini-eseurile de la punctual a si b)

a. Contextualize the text from a historical and cultural point of view:

…………….(aici bagi current literar) has its origin in the …………………..(late xth /early xth/beginning
of the xth century etc. – aici bagi perioada curentului literar).

Among the factors that shaped……………………(aici bagi current literar) were the
…….(aici bagi factorii care au influentat curentul – context istoric/ cultural) followed then by reaction
of horror (daca nu-s reactii de oroare/ teroare bagi altceva – o reactie sa fie) to WWI / WWII (dacă
nu-s cele 2 războaie mondiale bagi altceva – in functie de opera).

A central preoccupation of …………….(aici bagi current literar) is……………(aici bagi

caracteristicile/ temele principale ale curentului literar).

Through its novels/ plays/ poetry, the writer ………….. (bagi numele scriitorului) belongs to the
……………….(bagi numele curentului).

Notă: te lungești cât să ai 15-20 de rânduri

b. Discuss the relevance of the text, in terms of content and style, with reference to its
author’s literary canon. (30-40 lines):

……………(aici bagi numele autorului) uses in his/ her novel/ play/ poem different stylistic and
structural innovative (daca nu-s “innovative” nu spui asta) techniques:…………….(aici bagi
caracteristicile romanului/ piesei de teatru sau poeziei respective ).

The story is narrated from an……………(aici bagi ce fel de “point of view” este) point of view.

The main themes of the novel are………………………(aici bagi temele principale sau poti sa
spui asa – the novel/ play/ poem features………………….aici bagi temele principale).

Motifs of ……………(aici bagi “motifs” ) occupy a prominent place in X's novel/ play/ poetry.

Among the most important symbols of the novel/ play/ poem are the
following:……………………..(aici bagi simboluri)

X’s distinctive literary style relies on a combination of………………….(aici bagi literary


Notă: te lungești cât să ai 30-40 de rânduri

PS: hai că nu-i dracu’ chiar atât de negru ))

Cum ar spune Nicolaescu – un fleac, i-am ciuruit.

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