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Ultrasonic Gas Flowmeter

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Ultrasonic Gas Flowmeter

MPU 200 Series B

Issue/Rev. 0.0 (10/06) Bulletin SSKS004

The MPU 200 Series B Ultrasonic Gas Flow meter

is a single path ultrasonic meter with non-intrusive and
flush mounted transducers providing undisturbed and
accurate measurement of gas flow in numerous applica-
tions. The MPU 200 is an excellent choice as a backup
meter to more accurate instruments, as check meters or
in applications where reliability is of highest priority.

Optimum path placement – Single path meters
naturally have higher uncertainties than multi-path
meters due to the influence of different flow profiles
and Reynolds number. The MPU 200 however has
a unique lateral position of the path which minimizes
the effect of changing Reynolds number on the ac- MPU 200 Ultrasonic Gas Flowmeter
curacy of the meter.
Wet gas and contaminants – In addition to the variations due to pressure and temperature changes
minimum influence of Reynolds number, the path are compensated to ensure accurate, continuous
placement on the MPU 200 also makes it ideal for measurement.
applications containing wet gas or other types of con- WinScreen Software - Provides real-time logs,
taminants in the gas. The path is straight to avoid any trends, signal performance and parameter reports for
difficulties often experience with reflective designs operational, diagnostics and maintenance purposes.
in “dirty” applications. It is located above the center The user-friendly, Windows-based program displays
of the pipe to avoid any issues if liquids etc. gather meter information, including visualization of flow
in the bottom the pipe, and the design around the regime, on one screen.
transducer port is optimized for self drainage.
Digital Ultrasonic Signal Processing - The MPU Principle of Operation
200 is able to tolerate substantially higher ultrasonic The MPU 200 function is based on the well-established
noise levels than most other ultrasonic meters - up to acoustic transit time principle. The measurement prin-
20 times less sensitive to outside interference. ciple utilizes the fact that the direction and propagation
In-line Transducer Removal - Utilizing a transducer velocity of an ultrasonic pulse will be modified by the
retraction tool with isolation valves, transducers can flowing medium. An ultrasonic pulse propagating with
be easily and safely removed, if required, without the the flow will experience an increase in velocity while
need for process shut down and meter recalibration an ultrasonic pulse propagating against the flow will
after transducer reinsertion or replacement. experience a decrease in velocity. Turbulence and noise
Advanced Electronics - Extensive interface capabili- generated frequencies are filtered.
ties and high data speed allow for faster diagnostics MPU 200 measures the transit time of the ultrasonic
and the ability to operate and communicate from signal that is transmitted. The start of the transmis-
remote locations or over the Internet. sion and arrival of the correct signal is detected by the
Density Calculated from Sound Velocity - The software.
sound velocity is measured by the MPU 200 and is MPU 200 transducers are non-intrusive and flush
used for the following: comparison to a gas chromato- mounted ensuring minimum risk for clogging up by resi-
graph for meter health check; density calculations for dues in the flow. The transducer is fully encapsulated,
condition checking; and mass flow rate calculations. manufactured in titanium and is replaceable during
Pressure and Temperature Compensation - Meter operation and without the need for process shutdown
volume, signal path length and signal path angle and recalibration after replacement.

The Most Trusted Name In Measurement

Applications Electrical Inputs
Digital Inputs
Dry and wet high pressure gas applications. 2 digital inputs
Operating Specifications Type: High speed, optically isolated digital input. The
input pulse must rise above V (high. min) for a period
Flow Range of time and then fall below V (low) to be recognized
Size Meter/Second Feet/Second as a pulse.
4-30 in. 0.4-30 and higher 1.3-98 and higher V (high): 5 VDC minimum to 28 VDC maximum.
V (low): 1 VDC maximum.
Operating Pressure range
Input impedance: 1.8 kΩ.
0-200 bar / 0 to 2,900 psi
Frequency range: 0 to 10.0 kHz.
Nominal Accuracy
Mode: Single, dual, dual with power sensing, density.
+/-1,5 - 2,5% depending on the application
Duty Cycle: 35/65 to 65/35 (on/off).
Temperature Analog Input (4-20mA)
Operating flow temperature: -20°C to 70°C/-4°F to 158 °F. Up to 2 analog inputs (maximum number of analog
inputs and outputs are 2).
Operating ambient temperature: -25°C to 60°C/ -13°F
to 140°F. Type: Two-wire, 4-20mA current loop receiver, iso-
lated from ground, programmable as to function.
Storage temperature: -20°C to 70°C/-4°F to 158°F.
Span Adjustment: Program adjustable.
Humidity Input Burden: 50Ω.
Up to 95%, non-condensing. Resolution: One part in 65,536.
Standard Flange Connections Voltage Drop: 2 Volts maximum.
Typically ANSI B16.5 RF or RTJ face flanges. Other Sampling rate: Software selectable
types flange connections available on request. Analog Input (1-5 VDC)
Up to 2 analog inputs (maximum number of analog
Spool Piece inputs and outputs are 2).
Carbon steel or stainless steel according to relevant Type: Two-wire, 1-5 VDC voltage loop receiver, iso-
regulations and customer’s process conditions. Other lated from ground, programmable as to function.
material on request. Span Adjustment: Program adjustable.
Transducer Input Burden: 1 mΩ.
Piezoelectric element, fully encapsulated in titanium Resolution: One part in 65,536.
housing - special solution for H2S and C6+ applications. Sampling rate: One sample/ 300 mSec minimum.
Instrument Power Electrical Outputs
DC Instrument Input Power to Field Mounted Communications
Electronics Ethernet
24 VDC +15% / -10%, 0.5A. ANSI/IEEE 802.3 Ethernet channel operating at
Power inrush: 8 Amps for < 20mS at 24 VDC. 10/100 Mbps.
The DC power input circuitry is reverse current pro- Optical fiber (100Base-FL) or
tected and fused. Twisted pair (10Base-T/ 100Base-T)
Tested to 20 milliseconds power drop without shut Serial
down. Meter will always restart orderly after power Configuration: Multi-drop network.
Data Rate: Selectable asynchronous data (Baud)
AC Instrument Input Power to Field Mounted rates of 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200 bps.
120/240 VAC continuous, +/- 10%, 12 Watts, Data Format: One start bit, One stop bit, eight data
48 to 63 Hz. bits - no parity.
Power inrush: 6 Amps for <20mS at 120 VAC. Line Protocol: Half duplex, full duplex.
Power inrush: 3 Amps for <20mS at 240 VAC. Protocol: MODBUS (RTU)
The AC circuitry is fuse-protected. Ports
Two ports: Selectable from RS-485 and RS-232.
Power Interruption Tolerance: Interruption of power
greater than 100 milliseconds (typical) will cause an EIA-232 Port
orderly shutdown. Tested to 20 milliseconds power RS-232 data communication.
drop without shut down. Meter will always restart
orderly after power loss.

Page  • SSKS004 Issue/Rev. 0.0 (10/06)

EIA-485 Port Span Adjustment: Program adjustable.
Operating Half-Duplex (2-wire) or Full Duplex (4-wire). Accuracy: +/-0.025% of range.
Multi-drop network for RS-485 data communication. Resolution: One part in 65,536.
Up to 16 Ultrasonic Gas Flow meters can be con-
nected onto the same Bus/ twisted pair. Voltage Burden: 4 volts maximum.
Pulse Output Maximum Load Resistance: 250Ω.
4 pulse outputs. Analog Output (1-5 VDC)
Type: Open collector type output. User- selectable Up to 2 analog outputs (maximum number of analog
pulse units, pulse rates and pulse width/duty cycle. inputs and outputs are 2).
Volume output selectable for rate and incremental Type: Two-wire, 1-5 VDC voltage loop transmitter,
volume. isolated from ground, programmable as to function.
Single or Dual Quadrature (outputs 90 electrical Span Adjustment: Program adjustable.
degrees out of phase). Accuracy: +/-0.025% of range.
Polarity: Selectable (Normally Open or Normally Resolution: One part in 65,536.
Switch Blocking Voltage (Switch Off): 30VDC maximum. Approvals
Load Current (Switch On): 10mA with 0.6 volts drop.
Frequency Range: 0 to 5kHz. Hazardous Classification
Duty Cycle: 50/50 (on/off). European type:
Ex Classification: EEx d IIB T5
Digital Outputs
2 digital outputs. ATEX Certification: Cert. no. Nemko 02ATEX355
Type: Optically-isolated solid state output. User-pro- CENELEC Certification: Nemko No. Ex 02E487
grammable as to function. North American type:
Polarity: Programmable (Normally Open or Normally Ex Classification: Explosion proof, Class 1, Division
Closed)*. I, Group C&D
Switch Blocking Voltage: 30 VDC maximum. CSA-US Certification: 1112186
Load Current: 150mA maximum with 0.6 volt drop.
Note: *Power-down normally open.
Analog Output (4-20mA) Typically 10D upstream straight pipe, 3D downstream
Up to 2 analog outputs (maximum number of analog straight pipe. For bi-directional measurement, 10D at
inputs and outputs are 2). both ends.
Type: Two-wire, 4-20mA current loop transmitter,
isolated from ground, programmable as to function.

Issue/Rev. 0.0 (10/06) SSKS004 • Page 

Catalog Code
The following guide defines the correct ultrasonic flow meter for a given application and the respective catalog code.
This code is part of the ordering information and should be included on the purchase order.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Description
Model 1 2 1200
1, 2
0 6 600
1, 2
0 2 200
Certification U US Model - Explosion Proof Certification
A European Model - ATEX Certification
C European Model - CENELEC Certification
Diameter Diameter in Inches (eg. 06 = 6", 12 = 12")
Flanges 1 150
2 300
3 400
4 600
5 900
6 1500
7 2500
Transducer S Standard
R Retractable Under Pressure
Optional Interfaces 0 Not Required
F Fiber Optic Ethernet (100Base-FL)
Local Display 0 Not Required
D With Local Display
Analog Input 0 Not Required
1 1 Analog Input (4-20 mA)
2 2 Analog Inputs (4-20 mA)
3 1 Analog Input (1-5VDC)
4 2 Analog Inputs (1-5VDC)
Analog Output 0 Not Required
1 1 Analog Input (4-20 mA)
2 2 Analog Inputs (4-20 mA)
3 1 Analog Input (1-5VDC)
4 2 Analog Inputs (1-5VDC)
Additional Communication Board 0 Not Required
C With Additional Communication Board
Standard Configuration:
Instrument Input Power: 24 VDC or 120/240VAC
2 digital inputs High-speed, optically isolated
2 digital outputs Optically-isolated solid-state output
4 Pulse outputs Optically-isolated solid-state output (0 - 5kHz), user-programmable pulse units, pulse
rates and pulse width/duty cycle, single or dual quadrature.
Ethernet: Twisted pair (10Base-T / 100Base-T)
Serial: Two programmable ports, selected from: RS-485 or RS-232
1 Not available with NMi approval
2 Not available with PTB approval
3 Required with PTB and NMi approval
4 Maximum no. of analog I/O ports: 2
5 Not commercially available yet

Page  • SSKS004 Issue/Rev. 0.0 (10/06)

Issue/Rev. 0.0 (10/06) SSKS004 • Page 
The specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice and any user of said specifications should verify from the manufacturer that the specifications are currently
in effect. Otherwise, the manufacturer assumes no responsibility for the use of specifications which may have been changed and are no longer in effect.
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Printed in U.S.A. © 4/00 FMC Technologies Measurement Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. SSKS004 Issue/Rev. 0.0 (10/06)

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