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Optimization of Energy Management of A Microgrid Based On Solar-Diesel-Battery Hybrid System

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MATEC Web of Conferences 171, 01006 (2018)
E3PE 2017

Optimization of Energy Management of a

Microgrid Based on Solar-Diesel-Battery Hybrid
Hussein Ibrahim Mazen Ghandour
Institut Technologique de Maintenance Industrielle Faculty of engineering III, Lebanese University, Hadath-
(ITMI), Cégep de Sept-Îles, 175 rue de la Vérendrye Sept- Beirut, Lebanon
Îles (Québec) G4R 5B7, Canada

Abstract— Hybrid systems, which are composed of loads, electricity storage, and the conventional source (diesel
combinations of diesel generators, battery energy storage system genset) [5]. In addition, integrating a battery energy storage
and renewable energy resources such as photovoltaic, are system with the hybrid plant provides significant dynamic
outlined as a recommended approach for off grid power supply operation benefits such as higher stability and reliability of
options for remote areas applications. Since these systems are not
power supply.
connected to an infinite source of energy, they must be well
designed and controlled to satisfy the demand load. This study More recently, hybrid renewable energy systems (HRESs)
presents an efficient battery management strategy for the are gaining popularity for their environmental friendliness and
charging and discharging of the batteries in a hybrid renewable potential economic benefit. However, HRESs have not yet
energy systems by controlling the energy flow between different dominated in the market due mainly to their high price. One of
components of the system. In order to simulate the developed the major factors leading for this high price is the high battery
battery management strategy, the components of the hybrid cost. Thus, manufacturers have been focusing on the reduction
system are studied and modeled using mathematical models. of battery cost to increase their market share. An effective
During modeling of the battery storage system, the effects of battery management strategy (BMS) can reduce the required
aging and capacity degradation were taken into consideration.
number of battery cells and extend the replacement period,
The simulation of the strategy was based on a case study, where
it is validated to be functional. Finally, the optimization of the hence reducing the battery cost. As part of our objective of
strategy has been done by working on its critical parameters. designing such a BMS, we will in this study focus on
extending batteries’ life with respect to the whole investment
Keywords— Hybrid renewable energy systems; energy life which has significant impact on the battery cost.
storage; battery; PV; energy management strategy; optimization. Battery life is defined as the duration (measured in the
number of cycles or elapsed time) of a rechargeable battery
I. INTRODUCTION until it degrades irreversibly and cannot hold a useful capacity
Public interconnected power grids are composed of of the underlying applications [5]. That is, the battery capacity
complex combinations of generation plants, substations, monotonically decreases with time, and will never be
transformers and transmission lines, which supply electricity recovered. Among the various reasons for battery capacity
to cities, businesses and industry. In addition, there are smaller degradation, the discharge/charge rate is reported to be the
independent power grids that provide power to islands or most critical. For example, a continuous exposure to high
remote areas, which have limited or no access to public discharge current leads to fast capacity degradation thus
interconnected grids. Traditionally, small stand-alone grids are shortens the battery’s life, which is unavoidable due to sudden
electrified by diesel generators. However, the renewable changes in the power requirement, such as motor start-up. To
energy resources are attractive sources of power, since they extend the battery life, researchers focused on management
can provide sustainable and clean power. Hybrid plants can be strategies that use more than one charging/discharging modes.
an integration of diesel generators with renewable energy In this study we will elaborate an advanced battery
resources such as photovoltaic. Because of its intermittent and management strategy that best saves battery life-time
irregular nature, PV generation makes hybrid system respecting some constrains and system conditions. We will
management harder. Consequently, for some authors [1-2], PV take a case study and size the hybrid system, so we can take it
production into the grid is considered to be limited [3]. One of as a reference to simulate our strategy.
the major challenges for PV systems remains in the matching II. TOPOLOGY OF THE HYBRID SYSTEM
of the intermittent energy production with the dynamic power
demand. A solution is to add a storage element to these Before focusing on each component in the system, the
nonconventional and intermittent power sources [4-5]. In this overall topology must be defined in order to specify these
case, the hybrid system is composed of a PV generator, local components and define their role. A scheme of the studied

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MATEC Web of Conferences 171, 01006 (2018)
E3PE 2017

system is presented in Figure 1. The different power directions

are represented. The sign convention in Figure 1 is used as a
reference throughout the whole paper. The main components Where Imp is the operating current at maximum power point
of the hybrid system are the PV generator, the batteries’ and is given in the datasheet of the PV panel. Also the output
energy storage, the user loads and dump load, the diesel voltage of the panel with MPPT controller is:
generator, and the electronics power converters. The (3)
parameters and, respectively, the values of the state of charge
and state of health of the batteries, with calculations are Where µV,OV is the temperature coefficient of VOC [%/ºC].
detailed in following sections. According to the sign Therefore, the resulting output power of the PV system with
convention, the laws of physics require the power balance in MPPT is:
the system described by: (4)
PDIESEL(t) = PLOAD(t) +PDUMP LOAD(t) – PPV(t) – PBAT(t) (1) B. Diesel generator
With PDIESEL, PPV and PBAT are the power supplied by the In this study we are studying the efficient power flow
diesel and photovoltaic solar power plants and battery energy control and management to realize the best strategy that
storage, respectively. PLOAD and PDUMP LOAD are the power reduces the operational costs of the hybrid system. Since the
absorbed by the main load and the dump load respectively. diesel generator is an automated complete system that gives
the demanded output power with stable voltage and frequency
values, the internal function and composition of the system
may not be our major interest. The most important issue that
we must consider is the fuel consumption of the power
generator and its relation with the demand load.
Figure 2 shows the diesel fuel consumption of a 15 KVA –
single phase generating set as per manufacturer datasheet [7].
The relation between the hourly fuel consumption and the
percentage of nominal load on the generator is nearly linear.
Using linear interpolation methods, this graph could be used to
Figure 1: Power direction and sign convention in the studied system [3] model the generator and calculate its fuel consumption over
the hours of operation.
The main concept of this system is to generate electric
energy from all possible sources and in any form (AC or DC
and in any frequency) and transform them into appropriate
voltage by using converters in order to supply storage system
or loads. Many other sources could be added (Wind, hydro…)
in the same concept to increase the quantity of collected
renewable energy, but this would increase the system
complexity and makes its study harder.
The battery bank will insure the autonomy of the system. It
is equipped with a special DC/DC converter that controls the
charging and discharging of the battery. The bidirectional
inverter may control other components in the system in order
to apply the best battery management strategy. Figure 2. Diesel generator fuel consumption

C. Battery
a) Modeling of the battery
A. PV system The model chosen to be used in this study is a model that
The method selected to model the PV array, in this study, takes into account the state of charge of the battery. It is a
involves simply using mathematical equations to calculate the dynamic model that adopts the simple model where the battery
current and voltage generated at the specified temperature and is represented by an open circuit ideal voltage source and a
irradiance from the power generated at Standard Temperature fixed resistance (Figure 3), but with variable voltage source
Conditions (STC) by analyzing the factors concerned and that depends on the SOC and constant internal resistance.
determining how they would affect the power generated. STC
is defined as 1000W/m2 irradiance, temperature of 25C and
air mass of 1.5 (corresponds to 48.2 incidence angle). If the
charge controller includes a MPPT system, the PV panels
always work at the maximum power point of the I = f (V)
curve, so the output current of the PV generator is as follows
Figure 3: Simple Circuit Model [8]

ISBN: 978-1-5090-5173-1 ©2017 IEEE 98

MATEC Web of Conferences 171, 01006 (2018)
E3PE 2017

The relation between the state of charge (SOC) and the (9)
open circuit voltage (Voc) is supposed to be linear as in the
following equation [8]: Where Idisch is the absolute value of the discharge current. CN is
the nominal battery full capacity. The end of life of the battery
is reached when the degradation of the battery capacity
Where Umax is open circuit voltage at full battery and U min is reaches 80% of its nominal capacity. This capacity loss by
the open circuit voltage at empty battery, these values are degradation can be calculated from the Schiffer equation [8]:
taken from the battery manufacturer datasheet.
The charging current of the battery can be controlled by
the charging voltage on the battery terminals. This current can Where ZIEC is the total number of cycles estimated by the
be calculated as in the following equation [9]: manufacturer according the IEC standards. Therefore, the
(6) remaining battery capacity is difference between the initial
Where a is the coefficient that allows the adjustment of the nominal capacity and the capacity loss by degradation:
equation, it can be calculated by substituting experimental (11)
values of current and state of charge.
The state of charge must also be modeled so our battery
model is complete. The state of charge is changed in two
cases, charging and discharging [10]. In order to elaborate, simulate and validate the
management strategy, a data base is necessary. For this reason,
 During charging:
we recovered the data of solar irradiance, ambient
(7) temperature, and of electrical load of the diesel engine on the
Where ηbat is the round-trip efficiency of the battery, it reflects experimental site situated at Canada (Latitude: +48.83,
the charging efficiency of the battery, since not all energy Longitude: -64.48) [10-11]. These data will be used to sizing
injected in the battery can be stored, certainly there will be the hybrid renewable energy system in order put a strategy
losses. This factor has values between 0.7 and 0.85 during compatible with it.
charging and is equal to 1 during discharging process. t is the
charging time and Cb is the full battery capacity [10].
 During discharging:
b) Cycling and Capacity Degradation
Modeling lifetime of batteries is a very important aspect of
hybrid power system simulation because the uncertainty
associated with the expected lifetime of the batteries makes
the estimates of cost of energy of the projects very uncertain.
Since the life cycle cost of the batteries is one of the
significant power system expenses it is a major source of
uncertainty for potential power system investors.
Many factors affect the life of the batteries, including the
depth of the charge – discharge cycles, the current, the cell
voltage, the performance of the charge controller (e.g., voltage
and state of charge limits and regulation), the length of time
that the batteries are in a low state of charge, the time since the
last full charge, the temperature, etc.
Many studies have been published about the simulation
and optimization of renewable stand-alone systems including
batteries. However, the battery lifetime has always been
estimated in fixed values based on the experience of many
researchers or it has been estimated by calculating the number
of equivalent full cycles. In the best cases, it may be estimated
using the cycle counting method (CCM).
Figure 4: Energy management strategy flow chart
The CCM assumes that a complete cycle is reached the
Ah-throughput is equal to the nominal battery capacity. The Taking into consideration the previously discussed
estimation of the lifetime consists of adding the charge (Ah constraints and priorities, and starting from the studied models
throughput) cycled by the battery and calculating the number of the system components, and taking the data of the case
of full cycles (ZN) as follows [8]: study as a reference, we elaborated the control and

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E3PE 2017

management strategy of the PV-Diesel-Battery hybrid system. As we see in the Figures 5 and 6, load varies too much
The flow chart in Figure 4 shows the strategy as an infinite with time. The strategy must handle this variation well and
loop that reads inputs from an external source each period of satisfy the load. The following is the PV power produced; it
time and gives the outputs during this period. After the system seems to be very similar to the solar irradiation. This
parameters are initialized, the inputs must be read, which are convergence is due to the absence of the effect of temperature,
the solar irradiation G, the demanded power by load P load and since this effect is very slight at temperature near 20°C.
the ambient temperature Ta. This data is taken from the case
study profile table that gives a sample every 10 minutes.
According to the mathematical model of the PV system, the
temperature of the panel and the PV system output current and
voltage are calculated. Losses in the converters are also taken
into consideration. Based on these information, the power
flows are correctly dispatched between the different sources
(PV, diesel), loads (principal and dump loads) and battery
energy storage in order to ensure the minimum cost per
kilowatt-hour produced from the hybrid system and a long
cycle-life of the batteries.


A. Validation of the energy management strategy
The input data of the load power consumption, the solar Figure 7: Variation of power charged into the batteries
irradiation and the ambient temperature used to simulate and
validate the management energy strategy, are given in a form
of 10 minutes samples. The time samples are reduced to 10
minutes instead of 1 hour to have more accurate results. The
strategy was validated on a two days input profile. Figure 5 to
Figure 11 illustrate the obtained results.

Figure 8: Variation of state of charge (SOC)

Figure 5: Variation of load power consumption

Figure 9: Variation of battery used cycles

Figure 7 shows the variation of the power charged into the

batteries over the two days of simulation. As it is clear, the
batteries are charging at times high solar irradiation, and the
charging current (since the charging is done at constant
voltage) decreases after the charging process starts, which is a
Figure 6: Variation of PV power produced

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E3PE 2017

true character of batteries and agrees with the charging hour of operation and maintenance of the system. The
characteristic given by the manufacturer [12]. operating costs include the price of fuel consumed, the costs
Figure 8 shows the variation of the state of charge of the of generator maintenance and cost battery storage system over
batteries. During the charging times, the SOC increases and the total life time of batteries [13-19]. In order to fair compare
during the discharging times it decreases. Also it is clear that strategies we will calculate the hourly operating cost of the
there is a limitation of the SOC decrease to 0.3 or 30% of system as an average of total life time.
battery capacity. The cost of diesel fuel in Canada is 1.3 USD per liter [13].
Figure 9 shows the evolution of the consumed battery The generator oil must be changed every 250 operating hours
cycles. As the battery model previously described, the cycle [13]. The oil capacity of the generator is 10.6 liters; the
counting is done during the discharge of the batteries, and this average price of the liter is 7 US dollars [13], so the oil cost
is clear in the graph. As we see also in Figure 18, the capacity will be 10.6*7/250 = 0.29 USD per operating hours. The other
of the battery is slightly decreasing, and this is a result of maintenance works can be estimated to be 0.13 USD/hr. Thus,
degradation due to cycling. Figure 10 and Figure 11 show the the oil changing and maintenance cost can be totally
generator output power and the fuel consumed. They seem to calculated as 0.29 + 0.13 = 0.42 USD per operating hours.
be proportional, and this result was expected from the The batteries have limited life time and must be replaced
characteristic given by the manufacturer [7]. As it is clear the periodically, so we must include the price of batteries divided
generator only turns on at the time where the state of charge on the working hours to calculate the hourly operational costs.
reached 0.3 (between 1500 and 2000 minute), which is when The cost of a 200Ah Yuasa lead acid battery is 300 USD [13].
the batteries are almost empty and there is no solar irradiation. The system contains 56 batteries; their total cost is 16’800
The following formula lets us evaluate the operating costs
of the system under the management strategy:

Where is the total cost of batteries, is

the cost of fuel per liter, is the consumed volume of
diesel, is the cost of generator maintenance per
operating hours, is the generator operating hours and
is the total operating hours of the system until batteries
failure (Battery life time). In this way we can calculate the
operating costs of the system per one hour.
Figure 10: Variation of diesel generator output power The parameter we will work on optimizing is the minimum
value of the state of charge reached by the battery storage
system . As it is expected, when the minimum
allowed state of charge value is increased, this means that the
dependence on the batteries decreases and the batteries life
time will be extended. On the other hand the dependence on
the diesel generators will increase, so the costs of diesel fuel
and generator maintenance will increase also. This is shown in
the Figure 12 and Figure 13.
The increase of battery life reduces the operation costs per
hour, because the price of batteries will be divided on more
working hours. The Figure 14 shows the results of simulation.

Figure 11: Variation of fuel consumed by diesel generator

All the preceding results are very logical and reasonable

and this gives a validation of the work. It confirms that the
strategy is working well and can be used to control any similar
hybrid renewable energy system.
B. Optimization
During the optimization process we will add a new
parameter that is to be calculated to evaluate the management
Figure 12: Battery Life as function of SOC_min
strategy well and study it financially, which is the cost per

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E3PE 2017

charge upon charging or discharging of the battery, counts the

consumed life time cycles of the battery and consider the
evolution of the battery capacity after degradation with time.
The diesel generator model has focused on counting the
quantity of consumed diesel fuel during the operation of the
system. Before developing the battery management strategy,
we have determined the necessary and recommended
conditions and constraints that must be respected in the
strategy. A case study has been taken and its hybrid system
has been sized, thus the management strategy can be simulated
on a real base.
Figure 13: Annual fuel consumption as function of SOC_min We have validated that the developed battery management
strategy can control the power flow in a hybrid renewable
energy system to charge and discharge the battery in the right
way and the right time, taking into consideration the battery
protection, life time and capacity degradation. As to optimize
the strategy, we worked on optimizing some parameters. A
good indication to evaluate the management strategy is the
operational cost per hour of the system; this value was used in
our comparative optimization. The first parameter that was
optimized was the minimal allowed value of state of charge of
the batteries. We run our system in same conditions and
varied ; the minimal operating cost was
at . Another parameter can be studied and
presented in another works such as the number of batteries in
the system and the number of the diesel generator.
As a final conclusion, we can say that using an efficient
Figure 14: System operational costs as function of SOC_min
battery management strategy in a hybrid renewable energy
system can increase the performance of the system and make
it more reliable, it can decrease the operational cost of the
Figure 14 shows the operational costs of the system per system by extending the life time of the batteries and can
hour as compared with the reference case, which is using only decrease the investment costs by decreasing the number of
the diesel generator to run the system. It is obviously clear that needed batteries for the same reliability and efficiency.
all cases are less than the reference case, which confirms and
validates more the strategy. Another result that we can see
from this comparison is that at = 0.8 we have REFERENCES
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