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Economic Power Dispatch of Distributed Generators in A Grid-Connected Microgrid

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9th International Conference on Power Electronics-ECCE Asia

June 1 - 5, 2015 / 63 Convention Center, Seoul, Korea

Economic Power Dispatch of Distributed

Generators in a Grid-Connected Microgrid
Adriana C. Luna∗ , Nelson L. Diaz∗† , Fabio Andrade‡ , Moisès Graells§ ,
Josep M. Guerrero∗ , and Juan C. Vasquez∗
∗ Dept. Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark,
† Dept. Electronic Engineering, Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, Bogota, Colombia
‡ Dept. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
§ Dept. Chemical Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain,,,,,

Abstract—Grid-connected microgrids with storage sys- [8]. For instance, the minimization of the energy cost
tems are reliable configurations for critical loads which can and maximization of batteries lifetime in a microgrid is
not tolerate interruptions of energy supply. In such cases, proposed in [9] and a battery management system of a
some of the energy resources should be scheduled in order microgrid for both grid-connected and autonomous modes
to coordinate optimally the power generation according to a is presented in [10]. Likewise, an energy management
defined objective function. This paper defines a generation-
strategy is proposed in [11] for operating PV power
side power scheduling and economic dispatch of a grid-
connected microgrid that supplies a fixed load and then, plants with ESS in order to endow them with a constant
the scheduling is enhanced by including penalties in order production that can be controlled. In that work, the ESS
to increase the use of the renewable energy sources and behaves like a system load, recharging the ESS from the
guarantee a high state of charge in the storage system for grid to achieve a desired state of charge (SoC) value
the next day. Linear models are proposed for the scheduling before starting operation the next day i.e. minimizing the
which are implemented in GAMS. The microgrid model SOC deviation with regard to a SOC reference value.
is obtained deploying MATLAB/Simulink toolbox and then Similar approach has been proposed in [12] where a
downloaded into dSPACE 1006 platform based on real-time constant power generation for PV systems is implemented
simulation to test the economic dispatch. A compromise and a certain percentage of the energy is cut off in a long-
between cost and use of renewable energy is achieved.
term operation when the output power reaches a certain
Keywords—Economic dispatch, generation-side schedul- level so, it is expected that the power reference for RES
ing, microgrids, energy management system. is defined by an optimal value in accordance with the
power capability of each RES.
Moreover, hierarchical control is structured to deal
A microgrid (MG) is composed of distributed gene- with the behavior of the microgrids at different band-
rators (DG), energy storage systems (ESS) and loads, width. Upper level controls deal with optimal operation
that can operate interconnected to the main grid or in is- and power flow management whereas lower levels are re-
landed mode [1]. Particularly, grid-connected microgrids sponsible of power quality control and regulation of local
are commonly used as reliable configurations for critical variables [13]. At the primary level of control, the RES
loads which must be uninterruptedly fed [2]. However, are regulated in order to follow a local maximum power
when there are several resources available to supply the point tracking (MPPT) algorithm or the power reference
demand, they should be scheduled to get an optimal given by an energy management system which schedules
dispatch regarding specific objectives such as economical, the operation of DG in accordance to an optimization
technical and environmental aspects [2], [3]. algorithm, then, DG work under constant current control
Regarding economical issues and from the point of inner loops. Meanwhile, ESS is charged or discharged
view of the owner of the microgrid, the main objective is based on the power unbalance between the generated and
to minimize the operating cost [3], and additional topics consumed power. Normally, when the ESS is completely
on the optimization process have been included refer to charged and the load requests less power than available,
the full use of renewable energy sources (RES) due to the control mode of the DG changes in order to share
their intermittent nature, as well as the prolongation of equally between DG the power that the load requests
the life time of the ESS [4], [5]. As illustration, [6] [14]. Apart from that, banks of lead-acid batteries are
and [7] present energy management systems performed commonly used in microgrids [2], [15]. In this sense, at
to maximize power generation of a hybrid active power least a two-stage charge procedure should be considered
generator for a grid-connected microgrid based on wind in order to ensure adequate life-time for batteries [15].
turbine (WT) generator (WT+ESS) and a photovoltaic
In this paper, some strategies of economic dispatch
(PV) generator (PV+ESS) respectively.
are considered minimizing the operating cost, which aim
In addition, when an ESS is included in the MG, its to reduce the energy consumption of the grid power, the
behavior should be taken into account in the scheduling SoC of the ESS and maximizing the use of the RES to

2015 KIPE
supply permanently a constant load. The MG consists in the AC grid assumes the responsibility of voltage bus
two RES (a wind turbine (WT) and a photovoltaic (PV) regulation, operating under VCM. In ligh of this, any
panel), a battery, and a critical load connected to the grid power unbalance between the generated and consumed
by means of a AC/AC converter (Fig. 1). power will be assumed by the AC grid, ensuring reliable
operation at the common bus of the microgrid.
Connecting the grid through a converter can be used to
mitigate harmonics and other disturbances as referenced
in [16]. The main grid will be assumed as a dispatchable III. P ROPOSED O PTIMIZATION M ODEL
unit and the ESS will support the fluctuations of gener- This problem has been developed as a linear program-
ation. To be more precise, different stages for charging ming (LP) problem where the data are considered as the
a bank of batteries are presented, as well as, how those mean value for each elementary interval of scheduling.
stages interact with the operation of the microgrid. The
paper is organized as follows: Section II describes the A. Parameters and variables
operation of the microgrid considered as study case,
Section III presents the proposed optimization model, The parameters used in this model are presented in
Section IV includes the simulation results and the Section table I while the variables are included in table II.
V concludes the paper. TABLE I. PARAMETERS OF THE MODEL

Name Description Value

T Time of scheduling 24 [h]
In a microgrid, RES are more likely to operate as Δt Duration of interval 1 [h]
constant power sources by flowing the power reference ng Number of power sources 3
nk Number of storage systems 1
given by a MPPT algorithm or the power reference
C(i, t) Generation elementary cost 0-8 [DKK/kWh]
derived from an optimization procedure (PControl in Fig. Pgmax (i, t) Power max for generators 0-5 [kW]
1). As consequence, DG composed by RES are controlled PL Critical Load 1.4 [kW]
at the primary level by current control mode (CCM) Plosses Power losses 100 [W]
inner loops [17]. The power reference provided by the SoCmax (k) State of Charge max 100 [%]
scheduling process should be, at any case, small or equal SoCmin (k) State of Charge min 50 [%]
SoC(k0 ) Initial Condition 75 [%]
to the power reference given by the MPPPT algorithm,
ϕbat (k) SOC coefficient 7.5503 [%/kWh]
consequently, RES will operate under Pcontrol (Fig. 1).
ξ(i) penalty costs for RES 0-8 [DKK/kWh]
Nevertheless, due to unpredicted variations on weather χ(k) reward costs for ESS 0-8 [DKK/kWh]
conditions the power reference will be given by the MPPT
algorithm when the scheduled power is bigger than the
On the contrary, ESS is charged or discharged based Related to Name Description
on the power unbalance between the generated and con- Decision var. Pg (i, t) Power of the generators
sumed power. For that reason, the ESS is responsible COST Cost
of voltage bus regulation and it operates under voltage Auxiliary var. Pbat (k, t) Power of the battery
control mode (VCM) inner loops (typically SoC ≤ 95%) SoC(t) State of charge
[17]. However, the most effective way of charging a
lead-acid battery is by means of a two-stage procedure The scheduling is performed for T hours in intervals
which involves two different control loops [15], [18], [19]. of Δt hours whereas the index t is the elementary unit
More precisely, VCM operation should be alternated by of time, t = 1, 2, 3. . . . T . The indexes (i = 1, 2. . . . ng )
a constant voltage charge stage. Once the voltage per cell and (k = 1, 2. . . . nk ) correspond to the subscripts related
reaches a threshold value (Vr ), known as the regulation to the power sources and the energy storage systems
voltage (typically 2.45 ± 0.05 V/cell), the battery voltage respectively. The number of energy resources of the
should be kept constant and the current at the battery will microgrid is set by means of ng and nk . In this study
approach to zero asymptotically, and once it falls below case, there is a storage system (nk = 1) and three power
a certain value, the battery may be considered as fully sources (ng = 3): a photovoltaic panel, a wind turbine
charged [15], [19]. At this point, the ESS takes as much and the main grid.
power as needed to keep its battery voltage at Vr [18].
Because of this, the ESS operates under CCM, and other The parameters C(i, t) and Pgmax (i, t) are set of real
distributed generator inside the microgrid should assume data that correspond to the cost of generation and the
the regulation of the common bus. maximum power that the i−th power source can provide.
PL (t) is the load profile of the critical load which in this
On top of that, in this microgrid the power requested particular case is set to be 1.5kW for all time intervals.
by the grid is conceived as a dispatchable power source Plosses represent the power losses in the inverters and are
providing the value defined by the scheduling process. defined experimentally by power load tests as 100 W.
In this case, the power grid is interconnected to the
microgrid by means a power converter and operates under Regarding the energy storage systems, the parameters
CCM by following the scheduled reference. However, for each k are SoCmax (k), SoCmin (k), SoC0 (k) and
when the battery array reaches the threshold voltage (Vr ) ϕbat (k). Specifically, the state of charge (SoC) in a

Power Scheduling

Grid Converter
RES Primary EES Primary Control
Primary Control RES Primary
Pgrid Control
Pw Control
PControl Ppv Constant Voltage
PControl AC DC Charger DC
(VCM) Control AC AC AC
MPPT (VCM) Control

AC AC common bus
Main Grid

Fig. 1. Scheme of the microgrid used as study case

storage system represents the relation between the cur- In the case of RES, Pgmax is a set of variable data defined
rent capacity (in [Ah]) and the nominal capacity and is by a 24-h-ahead power predictor for each t.
presented in percentage as a function of the current [18].
2) Energy Storage: The SoC(k, t) in the k − th
Assuming that the voltage of the storage system is con-
storage system of the microgrid can be represented in
stant (V batnom (k)) in Δt, the current can be represented

Pbat (k,t)
terms of its power as:
in terms of power Ibat (k, t) = V battk nom (k)
, and the
SoC(k, t) = SoC(k, t − 1) − (4)
SoC(k) can be defined as:
ϕbat (k) ∗ [Pbat (k, t)Δt] , ∀k, t
SoC(k, t) = SoC(k, t − 1) − (1)
1 considering that at t = 1, SoC(k, t − 1) is replaced by
Cbat (k)∗V batnom (k) ∗ [Pbat (k, t)Δt] , ∀k, t the given initial condition SoC(k, 0).
In this particular case, the considered system storage is
Apart from that, the SoC(k, t) at each t is bounded
an electric battery whose coefficient ϕbat (k) is obtained
in the range:
(out of the optimization model) assuming a nominal
voltage value V batnom (k) for the interval Δt. The ϕbatk SoCmin (k) ≤ SoC(k, t) ≤ SoCmax (k), ∀k, t (5)
coefficient is related to the energy capacity and the SoC The values of SoCmin (k) and SoCmax (k) are defined
as is shown in (1). following the recommendation of the IEEE1561-2007
1 standard [20].
ϕbat (k) = , ∀k (2)
Cbat (k) ∗ V batnom (k)
Additionally, the global balance of the SoC is assured
Likewise, SoCmax (k) is selected to allow the battery by establishing the condition:
to be fully charged without overcharging (SoCmax (k) = T
100%) and SoCmin is chosen to limit the depth of SoC(k, t + 1) − SoC(k, t) ≥ 0, ∀k (6)
discharge (DoD) accordingly with the recommendation of t=1
the IEEE1561-2007 standard [20] (SoCmin (k) = 50%).
3) Energy Balance: The demand must be supplied by
Regarding the proposed penalties, ceasing using the the sources and the storage system.
power available in the i − th RES is penalized the cost ng nk
ξ(i), and in the same way, having the k − th ESS fully Pg (i, t)Δt + Pbat (k, t)Δt = (7)
charged at t = T is rewarded with χ(k). i=1 k=1
where Pg (i, t) correspond to the estimated power PL (t)Δt + Plosses , ∀t, k, i
of the sources, COST is whole cost paid by the user Should be noted that, when Pbat is positive, the storage
(including penalties), and Pbat (k, t) and SOC(t) are the system gives energy to the load (it is being discharged)
power and the SoC of the ESS, respectively. and when is negative, it takes energy from the sources (it
is being charged).
B. Optimization Formulation
4) Objective Function: The objective is to minimize
The optimization problem to be solved is the LP operating costs that the user must pay for the energy
presented below: provided by the sources.
1) Energy Sources: As a general approach, Pg (i, t) is ng T
the power of the sources i = 1, 2, ..., ng at each t, and it COST = [Pg (i, t)Δt] ∗ C(i, t), ∀i, t (8)
is a positive variable delimited by the maximum power i=1 t=1
that can be provided, Pgmax (i, t).
The main grid (i = 1) has a cost C(1, t) that varies each t
0 ≤ Pg (i, t) ≤ Pgmax (i, t), ∀i, t (3) while production costs of the renewable sources are zero.

5) Proposed penalties: Two penalties are proposed to Power for PV by GAMS
be incorporated in the objective function and compare the

Power (W)
performance of the resources in the MG by combining the 2000

resulting cases: 1000

a) Penalty 1: This penalty takes into account 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
time (h)
14 16 18 20 22 23

the non-used power generated by renewable resources t Power for WT by GAMS

(Pg (i, t) < Pgmax (i, t)).

Power (W)


ξ(i)∗[Pgmax (i, t)Δt − Pg (i, t)Δt] , ∀t, i ∈ RES

i=1 t=1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 23
time (h)
(9) Day-ahead cost of the grid
The parameter ξ(i) corresponds to the penalization cost 7

and it is zero for the main grid.

Cost (DKK)

b) Penalty 2: Additionally, a reward for having
charged the ESS at the last t is set as a global condition. 4
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
time (h)

χ(k) ∗ [SoC(k, T ) − SoC(k, 1)] , ∀k (10)

Fig. 2. Input data for scheduling: (red line) PV forecast power, (blue
In this case, the constraint (6) is discarded. line) WT forecast power, (dark-blue line) cost of energy of grid

Given the above points, four strategies are scheduled 3000

Power for PV by GAMS

and simulated: the basic cost function and the ones that Strategy 3
Power (W)

Strategy 1
result for adding the previously defined penalties into Strategy 2
Strategy 4

the optimization process according to the combinations 1000

presented in Table III. 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
time (h)
Power for WT by GAMS
Strategy 2
Power (W)

Strategy 1
No penalty 1 With penalty 1 2000
Strategy 3
Strategy 4
No penalty 2 Strategy 1 Strategy 3
With penalty 2 Strategy 2 Strategy 4
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
time (h)
Power for the grid by GAM S
To compare the strategies, the function fitness is Strategy 2
Strategy 1
Power (W)

defined by adding the strategies: Strategy 3
Strategy 4
ng T
Fitness = [Pg (i, t)Δt] ∗ C(i, t)+ 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
time (h)
14 16 18 20 22

i=1 t=1
ng T
ξ(i) ∗ [Pgmax (i, t)Δt − Pg (i, t)Δt] + Fig. 3. Scheduled power for each strategy. Top down: PV scheduled
power, WT scheduled power and scheduled power for the grid.
i=1 t=1
χ(k) ∗ [SoC(k, T ) − SoC(k, 1)] (11) SoC by GAMS


In this case, ξ(i) is proportional to the day-ahead cost

of the grid and χ(k) is set as a constant.
State of Charge (%)





Strategy 4
The scheduling process is performed by using real 40 Strategy 1
Strategy 2
data of wind speed and solar irradiance of a winter day Strategy 3
and using proper models for the WT and PV 24-h-ahead
PV and WT power prediction. The input data of the 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
time (h)
obtained RES power and the elementary cost of using
the energy from the grid are presented in Fig. 2.
Fig. 4. Expected SoC by GAMS for each strategy.
Along with, a constant initial condition of SoC(k, 0)
(SoC(k, 0) = 75%) is set for performing the simulations.

A. Generation scheduling grid and the battery switch between CCM and VCM) is
simulated by using a Simulink model. The simulation of
The optimization problem is included in the algebraic
the SOC are presented in Fig. 5. In this case, the energy
model language GAMS and the solver CPLEX is used for
from the RES are not used to charge the storage system
obtained the scheduling data. The results are presented in
since it is not fully charged at any time during the day.
Fig. 3 whereas the SoC that is expected in this model is
shown in Fig. 4.
SoC without scheduling
It can be seen that all the strategies make the SoC of
the ESS stay in the boundaries and also be charged for
a while during the day. Moreover, the strategies 1 and 3
(which do not include the second penalty) use the power

SoC (%)
of the grid at the same times and in turn, for less time
than the strategies 2 and 4, as expected in order to charge
the ESS at the last interval of time.

In particular, the strategy 1 (cost function without 60

penalties) uses the grid for a short time but, it cuts off the 55
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
available power of the RES when the ESS is not charged Time (h)

(SoC(k, 10) = 50%) what is not optimal. The strategy 2,

which includes, the second penalty, has a similar behavior Fig. 5. SOC for predicted and perturbed input data
regarding to the cutting but taking more energy from the
The costs paid for using the scheduled power of the
Meanwhile, the strategy 3 takes energy from the grid grid as function of the time are presented in Fig 6 (dashed
for short time and cuts off the power of the RES when line) together with the forecast cost of the energy getting
the SoC of the ESS is high. Additionally, the strategy 4 from the grid (dark-blue solid line). It is noted that the
cuts the power of the RES when the SoC is the highest energy of the grid is required when the power of the RES
compared with the other strategies, however, the energy is less than the power requested for the load that, in this
that it takes from the grid is high. In qualitative terms, scenario, is for more than 12 hour of the day which means
the strategy 3 utilizes the energy from the grid, cuts off a higher operating cost for the user.
the RES power in a convenient time interval and hold
the ESS with a global balance since the inclusion of the
constraint (6). Grid cost without scheduling

Furthermore, by scheduling the strategies in GAMS, Without Scheduling

Grid Cost per kWh
the fitness function is calculated for each strategy and
presented in the Table IV
Cost (DKK)


Case Cost (DKK) 2

Strategy 1 11.6513
Strategy 2 21.6778 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time (h)
Strategy 3 2.3658
Strategy 4 21.6811
Fig. 6. Cost summary for the implemented strategies

In light of the above, the strategy 3 are certainly

In order to compare this behavior, the fitness function
the best one for using adequately the RES power and
is evaluated and it results to be 22.549. To get back to the
the power of the grid. On the contrary, the strategies
point and based on the given objectives, it is possible to
2 and 4 (which include penalization 2) have the worst
have similar behavior with the autonomous mode (without
performance regarding the defined objectives.
perfoming scheduling) than with the reward of the SoC
As an additional test, the same scenario is used with (penalty 2 that is strategies 2 and 4).
these two strategies for the next day (same input data) but
using SoC(k, 0) = 100% and the fitness functions are C. Hardware in the loop results
38.9427 and 49.7895 which means that the final value of
the SoC does not imply better results for the active power Real-time simulation are obtained in the Intelligent
of the resources at the next day. MicroGrid Laboratory at the Aalborg University [21] to
test the strategies previously presented in a microgrid
model established with MATLAB/Simulink toolbox. The
B. Simulation of MG without scheduling
power of the energy resources using the different strate-
The autonomous mode of the MG (i.e. without using gies are shown in Figs. 7, 10, 13 and 16 respectively. Each
scheduling set points, the RES are in MPPT mode and the figure shows the active power of the PV, the WT, the grid

3000 100
Power (W)

2000 90


State of Charge (%)

#1:1 #1:1

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 70
time (min)



2000 50
Power (W)

1000 #1:1 40 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
500 Time (min)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
time (min)
Fig. 8. SoC of the ESS using strategy 1.

2500 760 #1:1

Power (W)

1500 Vr

Voltage (V)
1000 740

#1:1 730
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 720
time (min)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
1000 time (min)
Power (W)

-1000 Fig. 9. Voltage of the battery using strategy 1.

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 3000
time (min)
Power (W)


Fig. 7. Power of the devices using strategy 1. Top down: Power of #1:1

PV, Power of WT, Power of the grid, Power of the ESS 00

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
time (min)

and the ESS. The power of the generators follows the ref-
erence defined by the scheduling and the ESS is charged 2000
or discharged in accordance to the generated/consumed
Power (W)

power unbalance. The process of charge and discharge is 1000 #1:1

more evident by means of the SoC in Figs. 8, 11, 14 and 500

17, for each strategy respectively. 00

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
time (min)
In addition, the changes at the two-stage procedure
for charging the battery can be seen through the battery
voltage behavior shown in Figs. 9, 12, 15 and 18. The SoC 2000
is similar to the expected by the scheduling but the DoD
Power (W)

is bigger because of the granularity of the optimization 1000
model. At this case, detailed model of the battery as 500

proposed in [18] is used for simulating the battery. 00

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
time (min)
Comparing the charging time exhibited by batteries
with different strategies, the worst performance is ob-
tained with the strategy 4 (Fig. 18) whereas with the 2000
strategy 3, the battery is at the charged mode for more
Power (W)

time (Fig. 15).

V. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
time (min)
The optimization problem of minimizing operating
costs has been established and it has been enhanced by
adding two penalties in order to improve the behavior Fig. 10. Power of the devices using strategy 2. Top down: Power of
of the system. From the economic dispatch results, it PV, Power of WT, Power of the grid, Power of the ESS

110 110

100 100

90 90

80 #1:1 80 #1:1
State of Charge (%)

State of Charge (%)

70 70

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

00 00
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (min) Time (min)

Fig. 11. SoC of the ESS using strategy 2. Fig. 14. SoC of the ESS using strategy 3.

760 #1:1 760 #1:1

750 750
Vr Vr

Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)

740 740
Vbat Vbat
730 730
#1:2 #1:2

720 720

710 710

700 700
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (min) Time (min)

Fig. 12. Voltage of the battery using strategy 2. Fig. 15. Voltage of the battery using strategy 3.

3000 3000
Power (W)
Power (W)

2000 2000

1000 1000
#1:1 #1:1

00 00
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
time (min) time (min)

2500 2500

2000 2000
Power (W)
Power (W)

1500 1500

1000 #1:1 1000 #1:1

500 500

00 00
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
time (min) time (min)

2500 2500

2000 2000
Power (W)
Power (W)

1500 1500

1000 1000

500 500
#1:1 #1:1

00 00
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
time (min) time (min)

2000 2000
#1:1 #1:1
1000 1000
Power (W)
Power (W)

0 0

-1000 -1000

-2000 -2000
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
time (min) time (min)

Fig. 13. Power of the devices using strategy 3. Top down: Power of Fig. 16. Power of the devices using strategy 4. Top down: Power of
PV, Power of WT, Power of the grid, Power of the ESS PV, Power of WT, Power of the grid, Power of the ESS

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