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Final Research Project ON "Customer Perception and Attitude Towards Selected Brands of Motor Cycles

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For the partial fulfillment of the degree of Master of Business Administration Of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar Session: 2010-2012

Under the Guidance of:

Submitted By:


1. Certificate

2. Acknowledgement

3. List of Abbreviations

4. Chapter 1- Industry Profile

5. Chapter 2- Review of Literature

6. Chapter 3- Research Methodology

Objective of study.

7. Chapter 4-MAIN TOPIC

8. Chapter 5-Suggestions

9. Bibliography

10. Annexure



Executive Summary
To know about the consumer buying behavior and factor which As the objectives of my study is analyses the customer perception Customer

HERO MOTO COP and BAJAJ Between the age group of 18-24 years

Consumer buyer behavior refers to the buying behavior of final consumers individuals and households who buys services and goods for personal consumption. Consumer behavior is influenced strongly by culture, social, personal and psychological factors. Culture factors include the set of basic values, perceptions, wants and behavior learned by a member of society from family and other important institutions. The social factors include consumers family, small group, social roles and status. The personal characteristics such as buyers age, life cycle stage, occupation, economic situations and life style influenced by four major psychological factors: Motivation, Perception, Learning, Belief and Attitudes. In this era of cut throat competition, no company can even survive in the market place without knowing its and its products strengths and weaknesses. It has to fortify itself against threats from the environment and exploit its strengths or increase profits. And in order to do so, the company has to conduct regular surveys to know the customers opinions, needs, and preferences. This helps the company to manufacture the product like wise for each customers expectations.

Everybody in this world is a consumer. We need a variety of goods and services right from our birth to death. All consumers are buyers and all buyers are not consumer. Then who are the consumer buyers and how they behave while purchasing a particular product is very important for marketers. Consumer buyer behavior refers to the buying behavior of final consumers individuals and households who buys services and goods for personal consumption. Consumer behavior is influenced strongly by culture, social , personal and psychological factors. Culture factors include the set of basic values, perceptions, wants and behavior learned by a member of society from family and other important institutions. The social factors include consumers family, small group, social roles and status. The personal characteristics such as buyers age, life cycle stage, occupation, economic situations and life style influenced by four major psychological factors: Motivation, Perception, Learning, Belief and Attitudes. By keeping in view the importance of consumer behavior, the present study deals with the consumer buyer behavior of two wheelers in Jalandhar city. Increasing urbanization, higher disposal incomes, falling interest rates and poor public transport lead to increase in the volume of two-wheelers, 10 percent increase year after year for the past one decade.

In this era of cut throat competition, no company can even survive in the market place without knowing its products strengths and weaknesses. It has to fortify itself against threats from the environment and exploit its strengths or increase profits. And in order to do so, the company has to conduct regular surveys to know the customers opinions, needs, and preferences. This helps the company to manufacture the product like wise for each customers expectations.

It has now become more important for the customer confidence and higher positioning of buyer perception. Thus, Surveys becomes genuine key to success.

Consumers Behavior

Consumers Behavior can be defined as

"The behavior that consumer display in searching for, punching, using, evaluating and disposing of products & service that they expect will satisfy their needs. The decision process & physical activity individuals engaging when evaluating, acquiring, using or disposing of goods and services. A consumer plays a no, of roles in purchase decision. The study, of consumers behavior would be incomplete if it treated only one consumer role. Some consumers Behavior role are

ROLE Initiator

DESCRIPTION The individual who determines that some or need or want is not being met & authorize to rectify the situation.


A person who by some intentional or unintentional word or action influences the purchase decision, the actual purchase and the use of the product or service.

Buyer transaction. User

The individual who actually makes the purchase

The person most directly involved in the consumption or use of purchase.

Thus, the importance of Consumer Behaviour lies in the fact that behavior can be understand & influenced to ensure a positive purchase decision. So, a round understanding of Consumer behaviour is essential to the long run success of any

marketing program. In fact, it is seen as a cornerstone of the marketing concept. That's why the marketing managers interest lies exactly to ensure that his marketing strategy result in purchase of the product.


The study of consumer behavior is quite complex, because of the many variable involved and their tendency to interact with and influence each other. So, the most relevant variables and their influence can be shown by a diagram, which is made up of three major sections.


External environment variable influencing behavior.


Individual determinants of behavior.


The consumer's decision process.


The external environment is made up various influences as culture, subculture, social class, social group, family and personal influences.


Culture: The study of culture encompasses all aspect of a society such as its religion knowledge, language, laws, customs, tradition, music, art, technology, work pattern, products etc. for the purpose of CB culture can be defined as the sum total of learned beliefs, value & custom that serve to guide and direct the consumer behavior of members of a particular society. Thus, the concept of culture offers many general & specific insights into the behavior of consumers. So, it is a starting point for the marketer who wishes to better understand a market.

a) Formal learning: In which parent an elders teach children the proper way to behave & this behavior influence his attitude towards the products.

b) Informal learning: In which learning takes place by imitating the behavior of the parents, friends or by watching TV & film actors in action.

c) Technical Learning: In which instruction are given about the specify method by which certain things have to be done such as painting, dancing etc.


Subculture: These groups posses beliefs, values and customs that set them apart from other members of the same society or culture. So, there are subculture of students, Professors, marketers, & other group. An individual may be member of more than one subculture at the same time, and based upon it consumers behavior like product purchase Patterns, Shopping behavior &: other Demographic & Psychographic characteristics may differ. Thus, it .is imperative that marketers understand who constitutes the most relevant subculture for their particular or service.


Social Class Influences: Social class is defined as the division of members of a society into a hierarchy of distinct status class, so that members of each class have relatively the same status class, so that members of each class have relatively the same status & members of all other classes have either more or status. In this complex society, in which financial wealth dictates status, one's possessions become a substitute indicator of the individual worth value, wealth & so forth. Members of specific social class differ in terms of what they consider good taste. So, social class is also an important variable in determining where a consumer shops. That's why marketers have always catered to give them an edge, whether real or imagined, over their pears.


Social Group Influences: It can be viewed as a collection of people who have a sense of relatedness resulting from some form of interaction with one another. There are different types of reference groups & each group has its own status, norms, role, socialization & power.

REFERENCE GROUPS: It refers to group that serve as trams of reference for individual in their judgment, beliefs, purpose & consumption behavior. These reference groups are highly relevant and potent influence in consumers decision-making. To attract consumers a no of promotional strategies are used & one of them is Reference group appeal. There are helpful in increasing: brand awareness & serve to reduce perceived & guide the individual value & behavior. V) Family: The family is a major influence on the consumption behavior of its members; it is also the prime target market for most product categories. Familiars can be defined as two or more person related by blood, marriage or adoption that reside together. The basic function of a family is the provision of economic & emotional support; childhood socialization & a suitable life style for its members of consumers related role of family members include influences, gatekeeper, deciders, buyers, users, maintainers & disposers. Thus, the family operates an economic unit, earning & spending money & the family functions directly in the role of ultimate consumption. Each family member influences the purchase decision. Family members have individual and collective consumption priorities. Thus, the marketers need to understand the nature, the family's influence on its members & the way in which the purchase decision are made by the members. The stages of a family's life cycle also influence the consumer behavior.


Personal factor/influence:


Demographic factor & life cycle stage: The first factor influence a buyer's decision is his age. There are certain physiological difference between men & women, which result in there having different consumption needs.

The consumption behavior is also influenced by the specific stage of the family life cycle, which are as follows Single stage (Young unmarried people living away from home) Young newly married (no children) Full nest I (Youngest child under 6) Full nest II (Youngest child over 6) Empty nest I; older (married couples, no children living at home, house hold head still working) Solitary Survivor - In (Labour Force) Solitary Survivor: Retired.


Education & Occupation: Education widens a person's horizon, refines his tastes and makes his outlook more cosmopolitan. An educated person as compared to somebody less educated is more likely to consume educational facilities, books, magazines and other knowledge oriented products and services. The occupation also shapes the consumption needs. Some people require specialized equipment for the purpose of their job.


Income: Income here means the income available for spending (i.e. income after tax, provident fund and other statuary deduction). The person's attitude towards spending versus saving and his borrowings power are also important influencing factors.


Personality: Personality is defined as those inner psychological characteristics that both determines and reflect how a person responses to his environmental stimuli. Personality is enduring and ensures that a persons responses are consistent over time.

e) Life Style: Life styles are the pattern in which people live, as expressed by the manner, in which they spend money and time on various activities and interests. It is a function of opinion, social class, demographic factors and personality etc.


Other Influences: This is the general category encompassing influences on consumers. The influence might be the effects of media i.e., whether consumer's behavior is more influenced by print media or the electronic media. Other influences including physical surroundings, the interpersonal setting, national events and other situational variables.


INDIVIDUAL DETERMINANTS OF BEHAVIOR: These variables influence how the consumer proceeds through a decision process regarding products and services. The various individual determinants are :


Consumer needs and motivation: Consumer has different needs and attitudes towards any good and services and they accept different goods or services with the expectation that they will satisfy their needs. Motives are the internal factors that energize behavior and provide guidance to direct the activated behavior. Involvement describes the personal relevance or importance that consumer perceives in a given purchase situation.


Perception: Perception can be defined as "how we see the world around us;" Perception helps to explain the phenomenon of why different individual responds definitely to the same stimulus under same conditions.


Learning and Memory: Learning can be viewed as very significant for marketer as it implies that consumers can be made to learn the desired behavior through an interplay of motives stimuli, cues, responses and reinforcements. Learning refers to the skill and knowledge gained from part experience, which one tends to apply to evaluate future decisions learning and memory processes can help to understand that war frequency is needed to repeat, advertising messages, how visual symbols and other techniques can facilitate consumers learning and memory regarding products and how consumer develop habitual purchase pattern for some goods.


Beliefs and Attitudes: A belief is a descriptive thought that a person has about something. The belief may be based on some real facts or it may merely be a notion or opinion that the person has. Attitude is a person's enduring facing evaluation and tendency towards a particular idea or object Attitudes strongly influence how consumers will act and react to products and services and how they will respond to communication that marketers develop to convince then to purchase their products.

Thus, there were the various factors, which influence the consumer behavior.


The motorcycle segment is dominated by 4 major players viz. HERO HONDA, BAJAJ, TVS, ROYAL ENFIELD. Besides there are players like:- HONDA(itself alone), LML,KINECTIC. The market share of each of the player is as given below.

Near 70% of the motorcycle sales is from Indi-Japanese motorcycles and rest coming from Indian motorcycle manufacturers. The Indo-Japanese segment is catered by 4 to 6 models from each of the players viz. . HERO HONDA, BAJAJ, TVS, ROYAL ENFIELD etc. But majority of sales is of 100cc to 125cc motorcycles. The Indo-Japanese motorcycles are costlier due to import content and royalty payments to their Japanese collaborations. But, These motorcycles are far ahead of Indian Manufacturers viz. Rajdoot from EYML, Yexzdi in terms of technology and fuel-efficiency.



40.8% 9.2% 3.4% 30.6% 5.8% 9.2% 1%

Sources:-- SIAM INDIA The expanding Indian market, the growing size of the middle class and the rise in aspirations of the youth along with opening up of the Indian economy have collectively influenced the steady growth of the two wheeler market in India. With leading foreign brands in collaborations with Indian manufacturers entering the Indian market, the customer could not have asked for more. In fact, the Indian bike market has grown immensely and the preference for variety, looks, design has brought in a number of models in the market. In the last 2 to 3 years, the craze for motorcycle over the scooters has picked up and one can find today even girls craving for a motorbike. Not only in the Metros but in small towns and cities also.

Trying to catch up with these, manufacturers are busy working out customer profiles. With the competition hotting up one can find a host of discounts including: cash rebates and free accessories to push sales of the commuter bikes. Certain changes are also visible as far as customer preferences are concerned. The basic 100cc bike market is suddenly experiencing a slow down in the growth. This Commuter bike was a favorite till the other day commanding up to 90% of the total bike sales. The shift towards 100cc plus bikes is suddenly discernable and the segment is expected to double in the next year itself.

Manufacturers are now rushing in to introduce bikes in this segment. Bajaj had recently launched a spruced up version of its Caliber and is also planning to upgrade the Pulsar-Dtsi higher on the power ladder. Hero is also upgrading its line-up to keep pace with the shift in demand.

But its not yet end of the road for the basic entry-level bike. We are witnessing segmentation in the bike market, like the Bike market. The entry level model will continue to be a high-interest segment for the aspirants.

Against this backdrop, the present project work has been undertaken. With the focus of the consumer shifting to brand and product features, the project is a study aiming at understanding what does a customer wants from Power segment bikes(150cc & plus). (In todays challenging & competitive world of fast changing technology, consumer tastes are also characterized by fast changes. So, to survive in the market, a firm has to be constantly innovating and understand the latest, consumer trends, tastes and preference. Consumer behavior provides invaluable dues and guidelines to market on new technological frontiers, which they should explore. It is realized by studying the buying behavior of consumers that many consumer products that they felt reflected their own special needs, personalities and lifestyles. To better meet the needs of specific groups of consumers, most marketers adopted a policy of market segmentation & successfully market to different segments the marketing manager needs appropriate marketing strategies, which he can design only when he can understand the factor, which account for these difference in consumers behavior.

The most important reason for studying consumer behavior is the significant role it plays in our lives. It plays a vital role in decision-making. As consumer significantly affected certain decision's behavior or expected actions. So, consumer behavior is said to be an applied discipline. Such applications can exit at two different levels of analysis. The Micro Perspective & Societal perspective.

The micro perspective involves understanding consumers for the purpose of helping a firm or organization accomplish its objectives. The societal perspective can provide insight into aggregate economic & social trends and can perhaps even predict such trends. It may suggest ways to increase the efficiency of the mkt system & improve the well being of people in society.


As India is very potential market for two-wheeler. There are a number of players competing with one another. In the mean time, there are 5 major players fighting for an approx. two wheelers market of 50.18 lakh two- wheelers annually. The structure of the industry has changed during the last decade with a number of small companies being taken over by major players. But, the competition has just begun to hot up with coming up of MNCs. The major players are as follows:


HERO MOTO COP Hero Moto Cop has a reputation of being the most fuel-efficient and the largest

selling Indian motorcycle. Its commitment of providing high value products at reasonable prices..

It was this affinity in working cultures of HONDA Motor Company of Japan and the HERO Group, that resulted in the setting up of the HERO HONDA MOTORS LTD.But Recently Honda took its share back amd hero was renamed as hero moto cop.

Its main models are:

Commuter Bikes:-- * CD 100 * Splendor * Passion * CD-Down Power Bikes:-- * Ambition 135 * CBZ X-TREME * Karizma ZMR



It is one of the Indians top 10 companies in terms of market capitalization and among the top 5 in terms of annual turnover. Established in 1945, it was

incorporated as a trading company. From 1948 till 1959, it imported scooters and three wheelers from Italy and sold them in India.

It then obtained a production license in 1959 and struck a technical collaboration with PIAGGIO of Italy in 1960. Now, it offers its offerings in all segment viz. mopeds, scooters, scooterettes, motorcycles, three wheelers etc.

Its main models are: Commuter Bikes:-- * Caliber * CT100 * Boxer Power Bikes:-- * Pulsar 135,150,180 And 220 ** Discover 135 * Eliminator 220


LML LML is one of the leading scooter manufacturers in the country; with a 30% market share in volume terms with its popular scooter brand Supremo. It plant to facilitate authorized dealers with a WAN(Wide area Network).

Now, as the trend is changing very fastly from scooters to bikes from 2000, LML also entered into the field of bikes manufacturing.

Its main models are: Commutor Bikes:-- * Adreno Power Bikes:-LML Beamer LML Adreno FX LML Energy FX LML Freedom LML Graptor


TVS TVS is also a leading two-wheeler company began under with the vision of the founder of the Sundaram Clayton Group the late Mr. T.S.Srinivasan to design, develop and produce an affordable moped for the Indian family.

Alongside the economy two wheeler range, it has constantly worked on innovations in its motorcycle segment also. TVS continues to keep one step ahead of its time by creating Indias first % speed gears bike.

Its major models are: Commutor bikes:-- * sling shot* sling shot plus Power Bikes:-- * GS 150R* Itruder* Bandit


ROYAL ENFIELD Established in 1955, Royal Enfield Motors is now a part of the Eicher Group of companies- a Rs.10 billion conglomerate. Royal Enfields corporate philosophy is built around quality and unflinching loyality to the customer. It too from time to time by its innovation introduced new bikes to maintain customer loyality. Its major models are: Power Bikes:-- * Bullet Electra Twinspark* Classic 500 *Classic 350 *Bullet 500
*Thunderbird Twinspark


KINETIC Kinetic engineering Ltd. Is founded in the year 1970, is the leading manufacturer and exporter of 2- wheelers. Born of the vision of late Mr. H.K. Firodia, Kinetic Engineering Ltd; has produced very useful bikes for over 2 decades. Its major models are: Commuter bikes:- * Challenger * Beamer


HONDA HONDA ,Japan is the worlds largest motorcycle manufacturer in the

world. It had already a collaboration with the HERO group,India to produce bikes in India. Now, It launches its own bikes in India on its own too. Honda group is the leading motor cycle company in terms of manufacturing and latest technology.

Its main model is Power Bike:-- * CBR 250 *CBF Stunner * CBF Unicorn

Once the problem is formulated, the researcher undertakes an extensive literature survey related to problem. The literature survey undertaken here includes books and different websites from the internet. The research project was to know the Customer Perception and Attitude towards selected brands of 100c.c. bikes (TVS,HONDA HONDA and BAJAJ), Between the age group of 18-24 years in Jalandhar on the basis of Price, Brand name and After sale services -A case study of Jalandhar Schiffman. G. Leon and kanuk lazare Leslie 1 - Study of the customer behaviour is the study of how individuals make decisions to spend their available resources (Time, Money and Efforts) on consumption related items. It includes the study what they buy, whey they buy it, when they buy it, where they buy it, how often they buy it and how often they use it. The primary purpose for the study consumer behavior as apart of marketing curriculum is to understand how and how customers make their purchase decisions. There insights enable marketers to design more effective marketing strategies. Gupta.C .B and Dr. Nair. N.Rajan 2 - A business is based on understanding the customer and providing the kind of products that the customer wants. Mamoria C.B. and Mamoria Satish

- Consumer behaviour is the process

where by individuals decide what, when, where, how and from whom to purchase goods and services. Buying behaviour may be viewed as an orderly process here by individual interacts with his environment for the purpose of making market decision on products and services.

Nair Suja. R.4 - The success of the firm will be determined by how effective it has been in meeting the diverse customer needs and wants by treating each customer as unique and offering products and services to suit his/her needs.

Bennett Peter.D. And Kassarjian Haroldh 5 - A great deal of research activity in marketing is design to shed light on the customer decision process.

Kothari C.R.6 For data analysis different statistical techniques are being used such as scaling techniques, correlation, and regression. Scaling technique helps in analyzing the qualitative data.

SAMPLING DESIGN CENSUS METHOD: - All the items in any field of inquiry constitute a Universe or Population. A complete enumeration of all the items in the Population is known as a Census inquiry. It can be presumed that in such an inquiry, when all items are covered, no element of chance is left and highest accuracy is obtained. But in practical it is not true in all cases. This type of inquiry involves a great deal of time, money and energy. Therefore, when the field of inquiry is large, this method becomes difficult to adopt because of the resources involved. SAMPLING METHOD:- When field studies are undertaken in practical life, consideration of time and cost almost invariably lead to a selection of respondents i.e. selection of only few items. The respondent selected should be as representative of total population. These respondents constitute what is technically called a Sample and the selection process is called Sampling Technique. The survey so conducted is known as Sample Survey. Implementation of Sample Design: - A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It refers to the technique or the procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting items for the sample. Sampling design may as well lay down the number of items to be included in the sample i.e. the size of sample. Sample design is determined before the data are colleted.

Steps In Sampling Design :- While developing a research design following items are taken into consideration:I. Type of universe: - First and the foremost step is to clearly define the universe to be studied. As I have taken the area of Shahabad (Markanda) Haryana

II. Sampling unit: - A decision has to be taken concerning a sampling unit before selecting sample. Here my sample unit includes the who use bike in Shahabad (Markanda)

III. Source list: - It is also known as Sampling frame from which is to be drawn. I got this list from the company. IV. Size of sample: - This refers to the number of items to be selected from the universe to constitute a sample. Here I have taken the sample of 150 respondent. V. Parameters of interest:- In determining the sample design, one must consider the question of the specific population parameters which are of interest. Here I had taken only those customer have bike. VI. Sampling procedure: - Finally the technique of selecting the sample is to be dealt with. That means which what method the sample has been collected. There are various types of selecting the sample. This includes probability sampling, random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, convenience sampling. Here I have used the stratified sampling method for data collection,

DATA COLLECTION The task of data collection begins after the research program has been defined and research design plan has been checked out. The data collected is important part of research.

DATA COLLECTION METHOD In the data collection method different methods are adopted for primary data collection and secondary data collection.

PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION Primary data is the data which is collected through observation or direct communication with the respondent in one form or another. These are several methods for primary data collection like Observation method, Interview method, through schedule, through questionnaires and so on. But as time was limited so, the relevant data was collected from the selected units by adopting and arranging personal interview with the customer with a pre structured questionnaire.

SECONDARY DATA COLLECTION The companys past database is taken into reference along with company brochures.


The data collection instruments used in the study is mentioned below: -

o QUESTIONNAIRE The method of data collection is quite popular. In the very first week of training I my self made a questionnaire after knowing the different objectives of the study and considering all the things that are required by the companys officials.

o SAMPLING Sampling may be defined as the selection of some parts of an agreement or totality for the purpose of study. All the items in any field of inquiry constitute a universe or population, a complete enumeration of all the items in the population is known as Census inquiry. But when the field of inquiry is large this method becomes difficult to adopt because of the limited no. of resources involved in the case sample survey method is chosen under which units are selected in such a way that they represent the entire universe.

Hypothesis test
By applying Chi-Square OBSERVED

HERO HONDA Mileage Price Brand Style Comfort F 72 29 5 21 5 12

BAJAJ 24 4 15 5 8

TVS 9 4 4 2 3 15

f 62 13 40 12 23




HERO HONDA Mileage Price 22.56 13.92

BAJAJ 17.54 10.82

TVS 6.89 4.25

TOTAL 62 13

Brand Style Comfort

18.72 5.76 11.04

14.56 4.48 8.58

5.72 1.76 3.37 15

40 12 23




Observed Value 23

Expected value 22.56 13.92 .1936 0.064

(O-E)2 .08 .0045


14 18 18.72 .518 .02











































2 Calculated = V =

2.91 (r-1) (c-1) = (5-1) = (4-1) 7.81 = 12 8 2 0.05 table value

for V = So, 2


table value greater than 2 calculated value so hypothesis is accepted

and there is positive relation between the various factors.

Limitations of Study
Resources for collection of data are less. Time period for data collection is short Difficult to get response from customer. Experience in field of research is difficult job. Shortage of time and money.

10 In your opinion, what role advertisement plays? Provides Important details Creates awareness Misleading

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0



Recommendation refers to the outcome of the research work and the suggestions for implementation which are outcome of the research done i.e. findings.

1) It is suggested that manufacturer should make all efforts to increase mileage. 2) New technology should be applied according to the requirement of the customer. 3) Provide various schemes which attract the customers. Insurance Free works shop

4) Spare parts of the bikes should be easily available in the market. 5) Bike should be fuel efficient. 6) Bike should be given more look and style.

1. Schiffman Leon G. and Kanuk Leslie Lazar Consumer Behaviour 6th

edition Published by: Prentice-hall of India Private Limited. ( page no. 2&6) 2. Gupta C.B. and Dr. Nair N. Rajan Marketing Management 5th edition Published by: Sultan chand & sons (page no. 1.69) 3. Mamoria C.B. and Mamoria Satish 4th edition Published by: Kitab Mahal (page no. 161) 4. Nair Suja R. Consumer Behaviour Indian Consumer Behaviour 8th prospective Ist edition Published by: Himalaya Publicating Home ( page no. 3) 5. Bennett Peter D. and Kassarjian Harold Marketing Management

edition Published by: Prentice-hall of India Private Limited.(page no. 5) 6. Kothari C.R Research Methodology Methods & Techniques 2nd edition Published by: Wishwa Publication (page no. 151, 94-95) 7. Indian journal of marketing April 2006 ( 1 march 2007 )

8. 9.

( 5 Jan 2007) ( 8 Feb. 2007)


( 10 Feb. 2007 )

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