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Application of Statistical Techniques in Food Science: Chemical Analysis Data

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Application of Statistical Techniques in Food Science:

Chemical Analysis Data

School of Industrial Sciences and Technology
Harare Institute of Technology, Ganges Rd, Belvedere
Box BE 277, Harare, Zimbabwe

Abstract— Food practitioners encounter data interpretation and product packs which are below statutory minimum net weight.
dissemination tasks on a daily basis. Data comes not only from Statistical methods can also be applied to evaluate the
laboratory experiments, but also via surveys on consumers, as the
users and receivers of the end products. Understanding such diverse trustworthiness of data obtained by any method of
information demands an ability to be, at least, aware of the process of measurement. This application has been used extensively in
analysing data and interpreting results. This knowledge and ability evaluation of chemical data generated by analytical
gives undeniable advantages in the increasingly numerate world of
laboratories. The statistical analysis provides an evaluation of
food science, but it requires that the practitioner have some
experience with statistical methods. Statistical methods can be how dependable the analytical results are. This can range from
applied to evaluate the trustworthiness of data obtained by any within-laboratory to between-laboratory comparisons,
method of measurement. This application has been used extensively globally. Enforcement agencies rely on such checks so that
in evaluation of chemical data generated by analytical laboratories.
This review paper discusses the application of statistical techniques they can monitor adherence to legal requirements with
in food science emphasizing on chemical analysis data. The paper confidence. Food research application brings in analysis of
also gives a study case on statistical technique application citing an differences and relationships. Here, hypotheses are put
example of “Precision Calculations for Chemical Analysis Data”
forward on the basis of previous work or new ideas and then
Keywords-chemical analysis, precision, accuracy, measurement magnitudes of effects in sample statistics can be assessed for
uncertainty, experimental error, repeatability significance, for instance, examination of the change in colour
pigment content during frozen storage of vegetables.
I. INTRODUCTION Examination of relationships requires that different
measurement systems are applied and then compared. There
There are many applications of statistics in the field of food are many examples of this in studies of food where data from
studies. One of the earliest was in agriculture where R. A. instrumental, sensory and consumer sources are analysed for
Fisher used experimental design to partition variation and to interrelationships. The process of sampling of items, including
enable more precise estimation of effects in crop plot food material and consumer respondents, can be controlled
experiments. There was even an early sensory experiment on using statistical methods and here a statistical appreciation of
tea tasting (Fisher 1966), and since then statistical applications variability is important. Experimental design takes this further,
have increased as food science emerged as a distinct applied where sources of such variation are partitioned to improve
science subject. Some examples of the form of statistical precision or controlled and minimised if extraneous. A
applications in food are given in Table 1. Preparation of data common example is the unwanted effect of order of samples
summaries is one general application of statistics that can be in the sensory assessment of foods – design procedures can
applied across the board. It is one of the simplest applications minimise this. In fact, all the above examples rely on design
and can be done manually if necessary, depending on the procedures if the result is to be valid and adequately
requirements. A variety of simple graphs and table methods interpreted.
are possible, which allow rapid illustration of results. These
summaries are taken further in statistical quality control where
measures such as the mean value are plotted ‘live’, as a
process is on-going. The graphs (control charts) used include
limit lines which are set by using other statistical methods,
which allow detection of out-of-limit material, e.g. food

Table 1. : Some applications of statistics in the food field would be no progress and they form the foundation of the
scientific approach in many food disciplines. Amore recent
Method Application approach is that of phenomenology where an inductive
Summaries of results Tables, graphs and descriptive approach can be used to examine phenomena on the basis that
statistics of instrumental, they are socially constructed. Theories and explanations are
sensory generated and built up from data gathered by methods and
and consumer measures of techniques such as interviews (Blumberg et al. 2005). These
methods are often described as qualitative, which again refers
food characteristics
to the data which are in the form of words rather than
Analysis of differences and Research applications on numbers. The modern food practitioner needs to be aware of
relationships differences in food properties such data as there are several qualitative methods (e.g.
due to processing and storage; interviews and focus groups) used in sensory and consumer
correlation studies of work. Analysis of data from qualitative methods can be
instrumental and sensory summarised by numerical techniques such as counting the
properties incidence of certain words and phrases, but usually statistical
Monitoring of results Statistical control of food analysis as such is not involved. Typical use of the scientific
quality and parameters such approach in food studies entails identifying a topic for
as net filled weight research or investigation then posing a research question(s).
Measurement system Uncertainty of estimates for Deductive reasoning from existing knowledge is examined to
integrity pesticides and additives levels develop a research hypothesis. A plan can then be drawn up
in food with an experimental design and specification of measurement
Experimental design Development and applications system, etc. Data are gathered and then statistical analysis is
of balanced order designs in used to test the hypothesis (quantitative). The scope of the
sensory research procedure can be from a simple investigation of the ‘fact-
finding’ type, e.g. determination of chemical content values, to
a complex experimental design, e.g. a study on the effect of
temperature, pressure and humidity levels on the drying
II. DESCRIPTION properties of a food. In this latter case, the objective would be
1.1. The approach to identify any significant differences or relationships.
Progress in food science and all its associated disciplines is Experimental control means that results can be verified and
underpinned by research activity. New information is gathered scrutinised for validity and other aspects. Simple experiments
by investigations and experiments, and in this way knowledge do not usually require stating of hypotheses, etc. In
is advanced. The scientific approach to research and circumstances where differences or relationships are being
exploration follows an established paradigm called the examined, e.g. ‘Does process temperature affect yield of
positivism method. This postulates that events and phenomena product’, a more formal procedure is used or, at least assumed
are objective and concrete, able to be measured and can be (Fig. 1.). The conclusion of one investigation is not the end of
explained in terms of chemical and physical reactions. All the process as each piece of work leads to new ideas and
scientists are familiar with this viewpoint, which is described further studies, etc.
as the scientific deductive approach (Collis and Hussey 2003).
It is largely based on empirical methods, i.e. observations Figure 1: The approach to investigation.
from experiments. The scientific style of approach can be used
any type of investigation in any subject. The procedure uses
deduction from theory based on current knowledge. To
advance knowledge, experiments can be designed to test
advances on existing or new theory, using a hypothesis
process. The findings can then be disseminated and knowledge
increased. Results are generalised and can be used to establish
new theories and to model processes and event reactions,
which in turn allows prediction in the formation of new
hypotheses. The term quantitative research is also used in
reference to the scientific approach. This strictly refers to the
nature of the data generated, but it implies the deductive
positivistic viewpoint. In this process, the researcher is
assumed to be objective and detached. Ultimately, the
deductive method searches for an explanation on the basis of
cause– effect relationships. Without such procedures, there

improvement, but not for all analytes and all laboratories. A
relatively simple check on performance for proficiency testing
schemes is based on calculation of a form of z-score

z = (Test result − reference value)/sigma

Sigma is a designated ‘target value’ for the standard deviation

of the method data, based on realistic estimates. The larger the
discrepancy (error) between the test and the reference, the
larger the z value. The calculation produces z in a standardised
form – values equal or less than 2 are required for the
laboratories’ result to be declared ‘satisfactory’.

Accuracy and bias in chemical analysis

As stated above, accuracy of a chemical method is a measure
of how close it is to the ‘true’ value. Variation from the true
can occur due to error in the form of bias (Kane 1997). This
circumstance can apply to a number of stages in the analysis
(Table 2).

Table2: Bias Sources

1.2. Chemical Analysis Preparation
The chemical analyst is interested in the end result, but also in Method
the uncertainty of the estimation; some researchers state that
unless a measure of uncertainty is included the results It is crucial that this source of error is quantified and removed,
themselves are useless (Mullins 2003). This view could well or at least accounted for in any analytical determination,
apply to all scientific measures, but there are still occurrences although this is not always done (O’Donnell and Hibbert
of it not being adopted for chemical data. Many investigations 2005). Bias can be calculated as the error of the mean , and by
have taken place to examine error components and to quantify the location of the range specified by a confidence interval.
their contribution to uncertainty. Also, cost considerations are The ‘true value’ is represented by reference samples or the
included in these studies as reducing uncertainty usually nearest equivalent.
means additional analyses and hence cost in terms of time,
resources and personnel. The interest here is in the balance
between gain in certainty, against the increased cost to the III. GENERAL ANALYSIS
laboratory (Lyn et al. 2002; FSA 2004a). Another unique Errors and measurement uncertainty
aspect of studies in this topic is that the uncertainty is The term, “experimental error” is used extensively in student
examined not only for location measures estimate such as the lab books to account for all manner of unexpected results.
mean, but also for that of the level of variability – thus the While this may be appropriate the error can be allocated to a
uncertainty of the standard deviation is also of interest. number of possible sources which can usually be identified as
Method proficiency testing is one aspect of this protocol that discussed below. Gross errors (e.g. a misread balance or
has been developed for some common standard methods with grossly incorrect additions /omissions of reagents) are usually
measures all focused on uncertainty in analytical chemistry. In accidental in nature and with care they can be avoided. In the
addition to analysis coming under this latter umbrella, where Kjeldahl analysis an obvious gross error would be seen if there
analytes such as pesticides are determined at very low level, was omission of the catalyst for one of the replicates.
there are many proximate analyses and ‘crude content’ Rejection of that value could be considered and there are
methods used for food. These may exhibit higher levels of statistical tests for such “outlier” values. Thus these errors
uncertainty, but their results and in fact, those from any may not affect all measurements in a set and often can be
instrumental measure can be subjected to some of the easily detected. Other types of error occur even when the
calculations detailed below. Food analysis methods have greatest care is taken. Systematic errors (e.g. a balance which
received special attention via The Food Analysis Performance requires servicing and calibration, unrecognized faulty
Assessment Scheme (FAPAS). Patey (1994) described the technique by the analyst, or a method related systematic error)
initial stages and progress of this initiative – there was some usually affect all the analyses in a similar manner. The

systematic error effect is also known as bias and affects Where:
accuracy. Note that even if a balance is calibrated (i.e. set to EM = error of the mean
weigh accurately using certified weights) it may still give an T = “true” or “actual” value
inaccurate reading if the balance model is unable to read M = mean value.
beyond a certain level. Thus the lack of calibration is a
determinate error, and can be changed, but the other is The true value may not be available for unknown samples,
constant. Calibration improves accuracy and reduces or unless an independent analysis has been performed giving a
removes any bias which instruments may have. A blank confident estimate. If an indication only is required then a
determination is another aid to detection of a systematic error. rough estimate can be given by “typical” values from text
Another source of error is detected if the test sample was books and/or food product labels. In the food production
analysed more than once. Even if gross and systematic errors situation (Table 3), the true expected value can be calculated
are absent, repeated measurements may show some variation. for quality control purposes from knowledge of the chemical
These are caused by random errors, e.g. small errors in composition of the specified ingredients. Alternatively a
weighing, use of volumetric devices and other analysis standard or control material of known composition can be
instrumentation. Even highly trained analysts using top of the analysed along with the unknown under the same analysis
range equipment may be unable to avoid random error. The conditions, thus enabling the above calculation. A suitable
random error effect in a series of measurements causes the crude test material can be made up by the analyst, formulated
individual results to fall on either side of the mean. They may from constituent chemicals or purified constituents. Another
be accidental in nature but are indeterminate as they are possibility used in some laboratories is use of a previously
difficult to remove entirely. Random errors affect the precision analysed material which is kept in stable storage and sampled
of the analysis method. These errors can occur at any stage of along with the new samples. For more critical circumstances a
the analysis and accumulate to produce the overall error. Some CRM (certified reference material) would be required. While
errors augment one another whereas others may cancel one many RMs are available, not all common constituents such as
another out. The replicate values in Table I are all different nitrogen are found in the certified lists and the matrix (i.e. the
and possible error sources could be deduced by examination of physical and chemical “makeup”) of the RM may be different
each stage of the Kjeldahl analysis. An estimate of error from the unknown food sample. There have been some
magnitude in the final results can now be calculated. developments to answer these food specific requirements, e.g.
the FAPAS (food analysis performance assessment scheme)
Table 3: Quality control laboratory data for percentage of initiative run by MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries,
crude protein analysis on food product and Food) which has food product test materials for proximate
analyses such as nitrogen protein. The use of a hierarchy of
reference standards from secondary RMs to certified RMs and
Replicate Percentage of protein (N2 x 6.25) ultimately primary RMs forms part of the traceability chain for
Number Analysis A Analysis B chemical composition instigated by VAM. The presence of
1 7.3 8.4 errors will affect the magnitude of the percentage REM
2 8.5 9.1 obtained. Assuming the absence of gross and systematic errors
3 - 8.7 then a percentage REM of zero is possible but unlikely due to
4 - 8.2 random errors. Usually negative or positive percentage REM
Mean 7.9 8.6 values are obtained representing results which are below or
above the true value respectively. These statistics can now be
Note: True/most probable value = 8.8 per cent calculated for the data of Table 3. As could be easily deduced
by inspection of the mean values, both analyses have
Accuracy and precision in measurement underestimated percentage protein, and the magnitude of this
Accuracy is the extent of agreement between the determined is shown (Table 4) by the negative percentage REMs. Analysis
value and the true or most probable value; and precision is the B has a greater agreement with the most probable value.
extent of agreement among a series of measurements of the
same quantity. It is important to note that with these terms the Measures of variability (precision)
presence of one does not automatically imply the other: a high The standard deviation (SD) and the mean absolute deviation
degree of precision does not imply accuracy and vice versa. (MD) introduced previously are measures of precision. These
can be standardized as the percentage coefficient of variation
Measures of accuracy (%CV; also known as the relative standard deviation) and the
The degree of concordance with the true value can be percentage relative mean deviation (% RMD) respectively:
calculated as the error of the mean which can also be
expressed as the relative error of the mean (REM):

where techniques, modern instruments and trained analysts, minimal
SD = standard deviation replication may be common, except where the technique is
M = mean very rapid and low in cost, e.g. as with modern nitrogen
MD = mean deviation. analysers based on the Dumas method (2.5 minutes per
sample). Thus duplicate determinations or even a single one
These measures are related (MD is approximately 0.8 times done along with a reference or standard analysis for the run
SD). Both are included here as MD is perhaps easier to may be typical. If a single determination is made there is no
understand and calculate. In the form above, erroneous reference point for error detection. Statistically, the greater the
comparisons between data sets possessing different number of determinations the more reliable or accurate the
measurement scales are avoided, e.g. an MD of ten for a mean result. Whether or not a low level of replication is acceptable
of 10,000 gives a very low percentage RMD (0.1 per cent), but depends on several factors: the experience of the analyst and
with the same MD for a mean of 100 the RMD is very high the laboratory itself; the method of analysis and its history
(10 per cent). Two other related measures are important. with respect to the food in question; and the importance of the
Repeatability is the precision obtained when a method of decisions which are to be based on the results. Certainly, low
analysis is repeated under the same conditions, i.e. by the levels of replication in isolation provide a weak basis for
same analyst using the same equipment, on the same sample making confident decisions regarding the data obtained, e.g. a
material, etc. (also referred to as “within laboratory” or standard deviation based on only two values is an extremely
“within run” precision). The analyses in Table 3 can be shaky foundation on which to base further inferences. The
assumed to have been done under repeatability conditions. difference in magnitude between the SD values (Table 5) for
Reproducibility is the precision obtained when the same two and four replicates, for data sets with similar ranges,
method of analysis is repeated on the same test material but illustrates this point. This does not, however, preclude the
under different conditions, i.e. a different analyst, different set routine use of duplicates. The final consideration is how to use
of equipment or a different laboratory or even a different the calculated measures (Tables 4 and 5) to answer questions
method (also known as “between run” or “between concerning the acceptability of the obtained levels of precision
laboratory” precision). It is usual to find that repeatability and accuracy
conditions result in greater precision than those of
reproducibility. In fact the poor reproducibility shown by Table 5: Accuracy measures for percentage of protein data
different laboratories when analysing the same samples was
one of the reasons for instigating the VAM project. The Analysis A Analysis B
magnitude of the percentage CV (or percentage MD) will Number of 2.0 4
range from zero upwards. “Perfect” precision would produce a replicates
CV percentage of zero and although this can occur, more Mean (%) 7.9 8.6
commonly small values are obtained, caused by random error. Range (%) 1.2 0.9
Large percentage CV values may point to gross errors. Note MD 0.6 0.3
that even if the method is perfectly precise, repeated values SD 0.85 0.39
could still vary owing to inherent variation within the food %RMD 0.6 3.9
material itself. Calculation of precision for the data of Table 3 %CV 10.74 4.55
shows that precision is relatively poor in set A (high %CV,
%RMD values). Pertinent to these measures is the number of Acceptance level for precision
repeated measurements. The deviation of a set of replicates around the mean depends
on the precision of the measurement system and on the degree
Table 4: Accuracy measures for percentage of protein data of variability of the population from which the samples
originate. If both are of a completely unknown nature then
Analysis A Analysis B whether or not to accept a set of replicates cannot be decided
Number of 2 4 easily. Some measure of variability must be established. This
replicates can be done by carrying out an initial set of a larger number of
Mean (%) 7.9 8.6 replicates than is envisaged for routine use, e.g. at least ten, or
% REM -10.2 -2.3 if appropriate, by proceeding with duplicate analyses without
Note: Most probable value = 8.8 per cent considering variability until a “data bank” of typical values
has been established from which an estimate of deviation in
the form of the standard deviation can be calculated, i.e. a
comment concerning the “expected variation” for a set of
Acceptable level of replication replicates cannot be made until some measure of variability
The level of replication is an important consideration as it has been established. Once this is available then an error
affects the statistical measures and the cost of the analysis in estimate, known as a confidence interval (CI) can be
terms of time and personnel. In practice the costs can limit the calculated for the population mean of the measurement. It
degree of replication. For routine analyses with established gives a region within which we are confident that the

population mean will be located, with a specified probability from such a population will approximate to normality. Thus
or “certainty” level. This statistic can be used as an estimate of this distribution will also possess the above properties and
bias (accuracy) and the width of the interval gives another provides the basis for determining the confidence interval for
perspective on precision, as it emphasizes the effect of sample the population mean based on the sample mean. Large sample
size. To understand a confidence interval we need to sizes provide adequate estimates
appreciate the nature of a population distribution. Put simply, of the population parameters to allow calculation of the
if we know how a population is “mapped out” then it can be confidence interval using the proportions described above. For
used to make estimations based on samples taken from that small samples of the order likely to be used in chemical
population. Imagine that the food product (Table 3) is analysis a more appropriate distribution “standard” for making
analysed a very large number of times for crude protein estimates is the t-distribution – it is similar in shape and
content and grouped values are plotted on a histogram – then it characteristics to the normal distribution but is wider and
is likely that a rough inverted cone shape would be obtained flatter, having more “spread” (especially for small numbers of
(see Figure 1) . Increasing the number of points would have a samples or replicates). Thus the interval will be wider,
smoothing effect on the shape and with a very large number a reflecting the increased uncertainty. A measure of the degree
bell shaped curve would be obtained. Ultimately with an of confidence must be specified and it is expressed on a
infinitely large number of values the curve would be smooth probability scale of zero to 100 per cent, with 100 per cent
representing absolute certainty. Unfortunately, choosing the
Figure 1: Frequency Distribution of 100 per cent Crude 100 per cent level of confidence would result in an interval of
Protein Content Determinations very large width, unusable in practical situations. Usually the
95 or 99 per cent limit is selected, representing high degrees of
confidence. The confidence interval limits are calculated using
the t-value from the t distribution based on the number of

n = number of replicates.

The value of t is obtained from statistical tables and its

magnitude depends on the confidence level and on the number
of samples analysed (more specifically on the degrees of
freedom, which is equal to the number of samples minus 1).
and would represent the population distribution for the Thus a high confidence level combined with low replication
measurement. Note that these measurements are all of the would maximize the t-value and the interval width and vice
same constituent on the same material, using the same versa. These calculations can now be done for the data of
technique, etc. The curve shape would be typical of a normal Table 3 and are summarized in Table 6. Thus, assuming no
distribution (see Figure 2) and similar distributions, “normal” systematic error for Analysis B, the analyst would be
in this case meaning ‘“standard”. The curve has certain confident that 95 per cent of the time, the population mean for
properties which allow powerful inferential statistics to be percentage of crude protein content would lie between 8.0 and
performed – the mean (μ), mode and median are centrally 9.2 per cent. The width of the interval can guide the
located; on either side of the centre the two “tails” are of such acceptability of precision. Whether or not it is acceptable
shape that more values are clustered towards the centre than at depends in turn on how confident the analyst is in the validity
the edges; in terms of variation the proportion of the curve at of the SD. In set A it is based on only two determinations and
one or more standard deviations(s) from the mean can be gives a confidence interval of 15.2 per cent owing to the large
marked and measured. It can be seen that when selecting a t-value and the large SD – in isolation such a wide interval
random sample from such a population, there is a higher would be unacceptable.
probability of obtaining a percentage protein value within ± 1
standard deviation of the population mean than further away,
as there is more area under that region of the curve. In fact
approximately 68 per cent of all the values lie in this region,
and approximately 95 per cent lie within ± 2 standard Figure 2: A normal distribution frequency curve
deviations. Most chemical and physical measurements on food
samples are likely to come from a normal population. Even if
the parent population deviates from normality, statistical
theory proves that the distribution of the means of samples

technique on a range of food products, the precision of
Analysis B (or better) is more typical and it is likely that a
gross error has occurred in Analysis A. Following the above
procedure now gives a more definite guide to accepting the
level of precision.

Acceptable level of accuracy

The magnitude of the percentage of REM or the EM will
decide this, but how large should it be before it is regarded as
unacceptable? If it is based on comparison with typical values
then these can vary by up to 10 per cent or more and this must
be borne in mind when gauging accuracy via crude methods.
Similarly “most probable” estimates are also approximations.
Analysis B (Table 5) is within 10 per cent of the estimated true
value whereas Analysis A exceeds this limit. The confidence
interval detailed above as a precision check can also be used
Table 6: Confidence intervals for percentage of protein for accuracy, provided that a confident measure of the SD was
data obtained – if the expected value lies within the interval then
this is acceptable. In the example (Table 5), both analyses
Analysis A Analysis B achieve this level of acceptance, but the Analysis A result is
Number of 2 4 rejected because of the very large interval. Determination of
replicates crude protein is a proximate technique, and accuracy much
Mean (%) 7.9 8.6 beyond that of Analysis B may be an unrealistic target. For a
Range (%) 1.2 0.9 certified RM a similar procedure can be applied – the
SD 0.85 0.39 determined interval should contain the certified analyte value.
CI (95%) 0.3-15.5 8.0-9.2 Additionally an interval will be quoted on the certificate – the
t-value (95% 12.71 3.18 mean value obtained by the analyst should lie within this
confidence) interval. This is a more stringent test as the certificate interval
is likely to be narrower. In either case, if the determined mean
Analysis B, using four replicates, cuts the interval to 1.2 per is out with the interval then the result can be viewed as
cent, obviously more acceptable. This fact seems to condemn inaccurate and this may indicate the presence of a systematic
low replication but if a confident SD is established initially by error. Depending on circumstances, there is some leeway in
a larger number of replicates, or on a series of a least six the decision-making process and individual analysts can
duplicate analyses, then this can be used to calculate a useful decide on acceptable proximity to the precision and accuracy
statistic, a form of repeatability for subsequent analysis with levels. Textbooks on analytical methods may not quote figures
two replicates: for acceptable accuracy and precision. Often it is left to the
experience and knowledge of the analyst.

Study Case: Statistical Technique Application Example -
Where Precision Calculations for Chemical Analysis Data;
r = estimated variability or repeatability which must Source: J.A. Bower 2009
not be exceeded;
t = value from table based on the larger original Data gathered during routine chemical analysis of moisture
number of initial analyses; content in foods were examined for the level of precision.
SD = standard deviation of original number of repeat Mean values were in the range 70– 72 g/100 g and based on
determinations under repeatability conditions. the data bank the population standard deviation was taken as
0.35 g/100 g. A duplicate measure was carried out under
Assuming such circumstances, an additional analysis based on repeatability conditions.
ten crude protein determinations is given below (Table 6)
along with the calculated r statistic. The t-value is smaller as it Table 4A: Repeatability Calculation Data (Excel).
is based on the original ten determinations. Thus we would
expect duplicate crude protein determinations to differ by less
than 1.1 per cent, so although Analysis A looks more
favourable now it could still be rejected on these grounds. Data Moisture Content (g/100g)
Indeed, in the author’s experience of the manual Kjeldahl Duplicate 1 71.5

Duplicate 2 70.9 laboratories, hence different technicians, reagents, times etc.
Mean 71.2 The definition is calculated in a similar manner to that for
sd(pop) 0.35 repeatability, with the inclusion of the ‘different laboratory
sd (unknown) 0.42 effect’: reproducibility is the magnitude of the interval for 2
t95%,ldf 12.71 determinations by any two laboratories. The calculation
repeatabilityz 0.97 reflects the wider source of variation by incorporating the
repeatabilityt 7.62 variance of both within- and between-laboratory sources:

Reproducibility 95% (population variance known): = z

Table 4A shows the result of the duplicate moisture content 95% × square root (2) × square root (variance within +
determination. Assuming repeatability conditions as defined variance between)
above, precision (repeatability) can be calculated in two ways.
As the population standard deviation (sigma (σ)) is known,
then: Reproducibility 95 %(variance estimated): = t 95%,1 ×
square root (2) × square root (estimated variance within +
Repeatability 95% = z95% × square root (2) × σ = 1.96 × estimated variance between)
square root (2) × σ
The estimates in the second formula are conveniently obtained
This is essentially the confidence interval for a duplicate by ANOVA, which provides a ‘pooled within variance’ as well
determination, i.e. n = 2. The z value is the confidence level as the ‘between variance’. This is shown for two laboratories –
factor based on a normal distribution. In the example, laboratory A compared with Laboratory B (Table 4B). The
repeatability has a value of 0.97%. Thus, duplicate variance of each laboratory is given and the average of this is
determinations of moisture by the particular method in the the ‘pooled within variance’ – also shown as the ‘within group
same laboratory, same technician, reagents, etc., should differ mean square’ (MS). The ‘between variance’ is the ‘between
by not more than 0.97%. The population sigma can be groups MS’. These were used to calculate the reproducibility
obtained from previous data as in the example, or by carrying of these two laboratories. As seen, the reproducibility figures
out an initial larger set of determinations to give an improved are higher than those of repeatability, especially when the
estimate. If sigma is estimated as the sample sd, then: variance estimates are based on two determinations (again,
this can be improved using a known or an established more
Repeatability 95% = t 95%,1d f × square root (2) × sd confident variance estimate). The above analysis is limited in
that it cannot provide any indication of interaction of
The confidence level factor is based on the t distribution. This laboratories with different concentrations or levels of a
results in a much higher value (>7%), but it is also possible to particular analyte, e.g. a food with a higher or lower level of
use a t value based on a larger earlier set to give more moisture. Inclusion of a second set of replicates from another
representative measure of repeatability, and a narrower food type allows interaction to be assessed (Table 4C). Here,
interval. In practice, duplicate moistures by oven drying give reproducibility is determined via estimates of within, between
%CVs of <1%, thus the former estimate of repeatability is not and interaction, which are adjusted to take into account the
usual. Some texts define repeatability as ‘within laboratory’ in number of determinations, etc. Reproducibility is still high
a broader way in that it includes different operators, which is when more than one concentration of the moisture content is
more realistic as it cannot be guaranteed that the same considered, but the differing concentration does not appear to
technician will analyse all incoming samples at one session, cause a significant effect. Such work is done in inter-
etc. Repeatability can also be obtained via the ‘within laboratory proficiency-testing schemes, and large precision
variance’ estimate in a two-way ANOVA (see below). studies can involve ten or more laboratories examining a
particular method at several levels of concentration.
Repeatability is a critically important measure for a laboratory,
but there are many analytical laboratories and there is concern Table 4B: Estimation of within- and between-laboratory
that results can vary depending on which laboratory is used. variance using ANOVA (Excel).
There are many examples of such discrepancies in the
literature (e.g. Thompson 1994), with z-scores (as above)
attaining values well above the ±2 limit for some laboratories
(±10 in some instances). This has given rise to a further
definition of precision. The term is expanded to cover
variation between different laboratories – reproducibility.
This is the variability where all aspects other than the material
being analysed are different, i.e. analysis in different

consequences. Quantification of toxins in food and nutrient
content determination rely on dependable methods of chemical
analysis. Statistical techniques play a part in monitoring and
reporting of such results. This gives confidence that results are
valid and consumers benefit in the knowledge that certain
foods are safe and that diet regimes can be planned with
surety. Other instrumental and sensory measures on food also
receive statistical scrutiny with regard to their trustworthiness.
These aspects are also important for food manufacturers who
require assurance that product characteristics lie within the
required limits for legal chemical content, microbiological
levels and consumer acceptability. Similarly, statistical quality
control methods monitor online production of food to ensure
that manufacturing conditions are maintained and that
consumer rights are protected in terms of net weights, etc.
Food research uses statistical experimental design to improve
the precision of experiments on food. Thus, manufactures and
consumers both benefit from the application of these statistical
methods. Generally, statistics provides higher levels of
confidence and uncertainty is reduced. Food practitioners
Table 4C: Reproducibility with interaction (Excel). apply statistical methods, but ultimately, the consumer


 Food manufacturers and producers should adhere
and comply with national standard bodies through
established analytical procedures, regulations and

 Research scientists should use statistical techniques

in experimental and research work and present
findings or results that are empirical, accurate and
precise. Update information on new statistical
software and packages should be adopted and
included in educational curriculums for study

 Application of statistical techniques in the following

areas should be promoted:

Instrumental measures - covering any

measurement system from chemical and
V. DISCUSSION physical analysis to specific food
It is possible to evaluate scientific data without involving instrumentation methods and process
statistical analysis. This can be done by experienced measures, e.g. protein content, Lovibond
practitioners who develop a ‘feel’ for what the data are ‘telling colour measures, air speed setting, etc.
them’, or when dealing with small amounts of data. Once data
accumulate and time is limited, such judgement can suffer Sensory measures – to include all sensory
from errors. In these cases, simple statistical summaries can tests used by trained assessors such as
reduce large data blocks to a single value. Now, both the discrimination tests and descriptive analysis
enlightened novice and the experienced analyst can judge methods.
what the statistics reveal. Consequent decisions and actions
will now proceed with improved confidence and commitment. Consumer tests – to include some sensory
Additionally, considerable savings in terms of time and methods, which are affective or hedonic in
finance are possible. In some instances, decision-making nature, e.g. preference ranking. Generally
based on the results of a statistical analysis may have serious

systems should cover mostly laboratory applications. Research scientists in the food field may be
measurements. cognizant with such publications and be able to keep abreast
of developments. The food scientist in industry may have a
Consumer measures- should refer to problem in this respect and would want to look for an easier
questionnaire measures in surveys, such as route, with a clear guide on the procedures and interpretation,
consumers’ views and opinions on irradiated etc. Students and pupils studying food-related science would
foods. This should cover consumer also be in this situation. Kravchuk et al. (2005) stress the
applications which are usually non- importance of application of statistical knowledge in the
laboratory in nature. teaching of food science disciplines, so as to ensure an on-
going familiarity by continual use. Some advantages of being
conversant with statistics are obvious. An appreciation of the
VII. CONCLUSION basis of statistical methods will aid making of conclusions and
Food issues are becoming increasingly important to decisions on future work. Other benefits include the increased
consumers, most of whom depend on the food industry and efficiency achieved by taking a statistical approach to
other food workers to provide safe, nutritious and palatable experimentation.
products. These people are the modern-day scientists and other
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