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Statistical Analysis of Experimental Designs Applied To Biological Assays

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VT 2010
Master thesis 15 ECTS

Department of Statistics

Statistical analysis of experimental

designs applied to biological assays

Student: Aldana Rosso

Supervisor: Peter Gustafsson


Bioassays are methods employed to estimate the effect of a given substance in living
matter, and therefore they are frequently used in the pharmaceutical industry.
The experimental design of bioassays has to take into account the intrinsic variability in
the biological test units and other factors as operators, day variation, batch variation, etc.
Thus, statistical models employed to analyse bioassays include both fixed and random
effects. The sample size estimation in mixed models is a complicated issue and no
general formulas can be applied. An alternative approach to estimate the sample size to
obtain a certain estimate with a confidence interval of a specific width is to perform
computer simulations.
In this thesis, simulations are performed to calculate the confidence interval of the
logarithm of the effect of the test relative to the standard as a function of the number of
replicates. The simulated data is compared with experimental data. The results obtained
with the simulations agree well with the experimental ones. Furthermore, the method
discussed here can also be used to analyse other experimental designs in which the size of
the main sources of data variability are known.

I want to thank to my supervisor Peter Gustafsson from the Department of Statistics at
the Lund University School of Economics and Management, for encourage and support.

I am also thankful to Novo Nordisk A/S for providing the data used in this work.

I am deeply grateful to Dr. Henrik Enqvist from MAX-lab, for his assistance with the
MATLAB program.

1 Introduction................................................................................................................. 5
2 Principles of biological assays .................................................................................... 7
2.1 Biological assays................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Types of biological assays .................................................................................. 7
2.3 The dose response relation.................................................................................. 8
2.4 Parallel line assays .............................................................................................. 9
3 Statistical analysis of bioassays ................................................................................ 11
3.1 Experimental design.......................................................................................... 11
4 Mixed models applied to bioassays .......................................................................... 13
4.1 Data ................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Experimental design.......................................................................................... 13
4.3 Statistical models .............................................................................................. 15
4.3.1 Model 1: Full model.................................................................................. 16
4.3.2 Model 2: Reduced model with two random factors.................................. 18
4.3.3 Model 3: Reduced model with one random factor.................................... 20
4.3.4 Investigation of non-constant variance ..................................................... 22
4.3.5 ANOVA F-test and the normality assumption.......................................... 24
4.3.6 General considerations about the experimental design............................. 24
5 Data simulations for bioassays.................................................................................. 26
5.1 Relative log-potency calculation of the experimental data............................... 26
5.1.1 Parallelism................................................................................................. 27
5.1.2 Relative log-potency calculations ............................................................. 27
5.2 Data simulation ................................................................................................. 28
5.2.1 Simulated relative log-potency ................................................................. 28
5.2.2 Results....................................................................................................... 33
6 Conclusions............................................................................................................... 35
7 References................................................................................................................. 37
8 Appendix................................................................................................................... 38
8.1 MATLAB code to calculate log-relative potency............................................. 38
8.1.1 Function to used to simulate data.............................................................. 38
8.1.2 Program to calculate the logarithm of the relative potency between two
substances ................................................................................................................. 38

1 Introduction
The design of products and manufacturing processes are very important activities in most
types of industries. The success of many companies relays on their capability to
efficiently develop new products to meet the market demands and to deliver existing ones
with the right level of quality. In this context quality means that the properties of the
product are within a certain range. Some properties are easily measured, while the
estimation of others requires sophisticated procedures. Experiments are used to confirm
or reject a hypothesis, to characterize a process, or to evaluate the performance of a
system. In general, the objective of an experiment is to determine how certain variables
affect a system. The way to measure this effect is to study a response to some stimulus.

In industrial applications, experiments are often performed to determine the most

influential variables in the manufacturing processes. If the most relevant variables are
known, the variability of the process can be controlled. The response is affected not only
by the input variables that the experimenter controls but also by other variables, for
example, small changes in temperature, difference in operators, etc. The experimental
design should take into account all the relevant variables that affect the response so they
are represented in the data. The statistical analysis of the data takes these variables into
account and therefore objective conclusions can be drawn from the data.

Statistical tools are widely used within the pharmaceutical industry. Statistical designed
experiments are used to determine the properties of the drugs, like for example content
and efficiency of the active ingredient. The concentration of a medicine can be
determined by the effect of the active ingredient on the body. One of the experiments
used to determine the effect of a drug relative to a known standard is the biological assay.
In biological assays, the variable is the amount of drug, the system is a cell, and a
response is a property of the cell that changes when the drug is given. The experimental
design employed in biological assays is different from those typical used in chemical and
physical experiments since the intrinsic variation in living matter increases the
complexity of the experiment and the data analysis. The experimental design has not only
to take into account the intrinsic variability in the biological test units but also other
factors as operators, day variation, batch variation, etc.

In this thesis a discussion about how experimental designs are used in biological assays is
presented. Furthermore, experimental data from a pharmaceutical company is presented
and analysed. The data consist on a coagulation study performed using batches with
different properties. The main objective of this study is to determine the biological
activity of these batches. As mentioned, the experimental results are affected by external
factors. Therefore, in order to assure that the correct value of response is obtained from
the analysis it is of fundamental importance to characterize the variability of the
experimental method.

One of the main objectives of the analysis presented here is to determine how the
variability of the data affects the uncertainty of the reported results. By knowing the

uncertainty of the estimate, it is possible to decide in advance how many experiments are
needed to estimate the response with certain precision. This is of fundamental practical
importance since biological experiments are expensive and time consuming. The first part
of the thesis presents an introduction to bioassays and the statistical methods used to
analyse the experimental data. An estimation of the uncertainty of the estimate is

In the case of complicated experiments like biological assays with several factors, there is
not a general formula to estimate how many experiments are needed in order to assure
that the confidence interval of the estimate has a certain size. An alternative approach to
estimate the how many experiments are needed is to perform computer simulations with
data that has the same variability as the experimental data. The second part of this work
shows the results from simulations based on the results of the analysis of the
experimental data. By using this method, the number of experiments can be estimated.
The procedures presented here are valid for other experiments in which the response is
deeply affected by several variables that cannot be controlled.

The structure of the thesis is as follows: a brief description of biological assays is

presented in Chapter 2 and a standard experimental design is described in Chapter 3. Data
from a biological assay taken from the pharmaceutical industry is analysed in Chapter 4.
Simulations based on the data analysis are discussed in Chapter 5. A summary of the
work is presented in Chapter 6.

2 Principles of biological assays

2.1 Biological assays

A biological assay or bioassay is employed to determine the effect of a substance on a

certain type of living matter [1, 2]. A biological test system, for example animals, tissue,
etc, is exposed to a particular stimulus like a drug, whose concentration (dose) is usually
varied. The magnitude of the response of the biological system depends on the dose. In
contrast with physical or chemical methods, detailed information of the drug activity as a
function of the dose is obtained.
A special characteristic of bioassays is that one of the largest sources of variation in the
outcome is the difference between the test units, and since the response is dependent on
living matter this introduces large variability between measurements obtained by
identical operations [1-3].

The response can be a characteristic like body weight of the test units, or a change in a
characteristic, change in body weight, or the occurrence of a certain phenomena, e.g.
death. For example, in toxicological assays several doses of a substance are given to rats
and the response variable is the survival of the rats [1].

Biological assays are usually comparative. The capacity of a substance to cause a specific
effect is estimated relative to a standard. The standard and the test preparations are
identical in their biological activity principle and differ only in extends to which they are
diluted by solvents. This type of bioassay is used in the pharmaceutical industry to
determine the potency of new batches relative to a standard sample [2, 4-5].

2.2 Types of biological assays

There are two types of quantitative biological assays: direct and indirect assays [1]. The
principle of a direct assay is to measure the doses of the standard and the test preparations
that produced a specified response. The potency of the test preparation relative to the
standard is defined as the amount of standard equivalent in effect to one unit of the test
[1]. In other words, the potency of the test is defined as how much standard it is needed to
produce the same effect as with one unit of the test substance. A direct assay is of limited
applicability since it requires measuring the exact dose needed, not merely one that is
large enough to produce a certain effect. The response must be easily recognized and the
dose must be administered in a manner that the exact amount needed to produce the
response is recorded [1].

In an indirect assay, several doses are given to different biological units. The response is
recorded for each dose (see Fig. 1). The relative potency of the test sample is determined
relative to that of the standard by statistical analysis of the dose-response relation.

Figure 1 Typical bioassay data. A standard and a test substance are given to biological units. A
response is recorded and the relative potency of the test substance can be determined relative to the
potency of the standard.

2.3 The dose response relation

In order to compare the biological response caused by a test sample relative to a standard
preparation, the test sample should contain the same active substances as the standard
preparation. Furthermore, the test sample should not contain any other chemical, like for
example impurities, which can affect the response variable. This implies that the test
substance behaves as a dilution or concentration of the standard preparation.

A random sample of several identical biological units receives a dose z of the standard
preparation, which produces a response of size Us. The dose-response function is FS(z),
which is a real single valued function in the dose range used in the assay. The same
procedure is repeated for the test preparation. The response function for the test
preparation is Ft(z). For a certain response U, the doses are Zs and Zt (see Fig. 2).

Since the test preparation behaves as a dilution of the standard preparation, the
mathematical form for the response is the same for both preparations. This condition is
known as similarity, and it is a prerequisite of all dilution assays. For all doses Z is
fulfilled that

Zt * = Zs

This expression in log-scale is log(Z t ) + log( ) = log(Z s ) . The logarithm of the relative
potency is the horizontal distance between the two responses (see Fig. 2).

Figure 2 Dose-response curve for a bioassay. The relative potency is defined as the difference in dose
between the standard and the test preparation that produces the same response.

2.4 Parallel line assays

In general, dose-response functions are not linear but they can be transformed to become
linear. One of the most frequently used transformations is the log-transformation [2]. In
the most widely used type of assay, the transformed response has a homoscedasic linear
regression on log-dose, that is the variance of the log-response is independent of the log-
dose. For such an assay the condition of similarity is equivalent to the condition that the
test and the sample transformed response curves are parallel.

An example is presented in Fig. 2. The dose-response curves of the test and the standard
preparation are

Yt = at + b * log(dose)

Ys = a s + b * log(dose)

The relative potency is defined as the amount of standard sample needed to produce the
same response as with the test preparation, therefore the relative log-potency is the
horizontal distance between the two responses:

a s + b * log(dose s ) = at + b * log(doset )


as at
log( ) = log(doset ) log(doses ) = .

The value of the relative potency is obtained by taking the exponential of log( ) .

3 Statistical analysis of bioassays

3.1 Experimental design

A typical experimental design used in bioassays is presented in Fig. 3. A sample of the

test and standard drug are taken randomly from a production batch. The samples are
diluted in different ways until reaching the final preparation. The final preparations are
given to a certain biological system in several doses, and a numerical response is
measured. Several response measurements are usually taken for each dose. The whole
procedure is repeated several times.

Figure 3 Schematic representation of the most common steps in a bioassay.

The relation between dose and response in biological systems is usually non-linear.
However, if a small range of doses is used, it is usually possible to find a transformation
that the response variable linear is this interval. The log-transformation is frequently
applied [2], and a linear model is used to describe the log-response. Additionally, the
dose axis is usually also log-transformed since it is easier to calculate the logarithm of the
relative log potency.

In addition to the intrinsic variability due to differences between the biological test units,
there is variability due to other experimental factors, due to variation in sample
preparations, technicians, equipment, batches, etc. A model that describes the response
variable as a function of the dose and sample type, must take into account all the factors
that affect the response. The factors like sample type (test and standard) and dose levels
are the specific levels of interest and they are denominated fixed factors. The conclusion
of the experiments is only valid for the levels measured during the experiments and
cannot be extended to other levels. It is desirable to extend the conclusions from the data
analysis, not only to a certain machine but all the machines, and for all the batches, etc.,
therefore several factors included in the experimental design will be modelled as random

factors. This implies that it is assumed that the levels of these factors are a random
sample of the entire population, and therefore the conclusions from the data analysis can
be extended to all levels in this population. Statistical models that include fixed and
random factors are denominated mixed models.

Since in the experimental set-up both random and fixed effects are included, the model
used to analyse the data is a mixed model. The observed variance can be partitioned into
components related to the experimental variables. This method is called analysis of
variance (ANOVA) [7] and it allows attributing the variance to different experimental
parameters. Therefore, it is used in this work to identify which parameters introduce the
largest variation.

The observations must fulfil the following assumptions [2]:

Constant variance of the responses
Normally distributed residuals with mean zero and constant variance.

During the sample preparation it is common to violate the independence assumption. For
example, if a multichannel pipette is used, the observations are not really independent.
Therefore it is important that the statistical model take into account blocks (e.g due to
serial dilution) [2]. If these factors are not considered in the model, the estimates will not
be as precise as they could be [2].

The ANOVA and linear regression methods are reasonably robust to mild departures
from assumptions regarding constant variance or normality [7]. In many cases, the data
can be transformed so the transformed response will be sufficiently close to constant
variance and normality.

4 Mixed models applied to bioassays
4.1 Data

The data analysed in this work correspond to a coagulation assay and it is provided by
Novo Nordisk A/S.

4.2 Experimental design

A bioassay is performed to compare the response of a biological system when exposed to

four batches of various nature and quality.

The factors expected to affect the response of the biological system to the drug are:

Biological unit
Sample preparation process
Other factors (temperature, day of the week, etc.)

In order to assure that all the variation sources are included in the experiment, the set-up
presented in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 is implemented. A sample is selected randomly from each
batch and treated in several steps to obtain five different concentrations. The final
preparations are given to randomly selected biological units. Two measurements are
taken for each unit. The experiment is replicated in 10 blocks during a period of one
week. Therefore, the block effect and the date effect are highly confounded.

Drug A

Dilution A Dilution A

Dose 1 Dose 2 Dose 3 Dose 4 Dose 5 Dose1 Dose 2 Dose 3 Dose 4 Dose 5

Biological unit 1 Biological unit 2 Biological unit 3 Biological unit 4 Biological unit 5 Biological unit 6 Biological unit 7 Biological unit 8 Biological unit 9 Biological unit 10

Measurement 1 Measurement 1 Measurement 1 Measurement 1 Measurement 1 Measurement 1 Measurement 1 Measurement 1 Measurement 1 Measurement 1

Measurement 2 Measurement 2 Measurement 2 Measurement 2 Measurement 2 Measurement 2 Measurement 2 Measurement 2 Measurement 2 Measurement 2

Figure 4: Experimental set-up used in a bioassay experiment. This procedure is performed for all
samples taken from four batches. The experiment is replicated using new preparations and new
biological units ten times during a week.



Block 1 Block 2

Block 3 Block 4

Block 5 Block 6

Block 7 Block 8

Block 9 Block 10

Figure 5 Experimental set-up used in the biological assay. Each operator was assigned to five
replicates (blocks)

Typical data from the experiment is shown in Fig. 6. There it is observed that the
dispersion in the data increase when increasing the dose 1 . A log-transformation is applied
to the data (see Fig. 7). The log-transformed data is linear in log-dose and an ANOVA
model will be used to analyse the transformed data.

Dose is defined as the inverse of the dilution.

Figure 6: Typical results obtained in the bioassay.

Figure 7 Log-transformed data from a bioassay.

4.3 Statistical models

In order to characterize the experimental set-up it is important to identify which are the
largest variation sources.

A mixed model is applied to estimate the different variance component. The fixed effect
of the model are: log(dose) and batch. The following factors are modelled as random:

Sample preparation process

These factors are considered random since the conclusions of the assay are to be valid for
all possible operators, sample processes and blocks. In other words, the levels of these
factors are randomly selected from a larger population of possible levels.

The log-transformed data is assumed to follow a normal distribution. Furthermore, it is

assumed that the variance is constant across the batches and log-doses levels. Several
models are fitted to the transformed data and these approximations and the results are
discussed in the next section.

4.3.1 Model 1: Full model

The model is

log(Yijkmls ) = + i + j + k + l + m + ijklms


is the overall mean

i is the batch effect with i levels: batch 1,2, 3 and 4.

j is the block effect with j: 1,2,3..,10.

k is the operator effect with k levels (T1 and T2).

l is the log-dose effect with five l levels: 0, -0.6, -1.3, -1.9 and -2.3

m is the sample preparation effect with m levels: 1, 2.

ijklms is the residual for each data point with s replicates (s:1,2)

The factors batch and dose are considered as fixed, therefore the inference from the
experiment is only valid for the levels studied here.

The random effects are considered to be independently and normally distributed with
mean zero and variance 2 , 2 and 2 . The error term is assumed to be independently
and normally distributed with mean zero and variance 2 . Furthermore, the random
factors and the residuals are independent.

The model was fitted in SAS JMP using the fit model routine. The results are shown in
Tabs. 1 and 2.

Table 1 ANOVA table for model 1. Both fixed effects are statistically significant at the 0.05
significance level. The degrees of freedom (DF) of the factors are indicated as well as the DF of
freedom of the denominator of the test.

Source DF DF Denominator F Ratio P-value

log(dose) 1 717.40 57416.21 0.00
Batch 3 58.70 3.54 0.02

Table 2 Variance components for model 1. The random effects with larger contribution to the total
variability are the residuals and the block effect.

Random Effect Var Std Error 95% 95% Pct of

Component Lower Upper Total
Block 0.0011451 0.0005909 -0.000013 0.0023033 52.97
Operator 0.0000979 0.0001534 -0.000203 0.0003986 4.53
Sample preparation 0.0000656 2.679e-5 0.0000131 0.0001181 3.04
Residual 0.0008531 4.5053e-5 0.0007713 0.0009488 39.47
Total 0.0021617 100.00

As expected, both log-dose and batch are statistically significant effects. For the random
effects, the block effect contributes most to the variability of the data after the residual
contribution. The standard error of the estimate of the variability due to the factor
operator is much larger than the estimate. This is due to the fact that only two levels of
operator are tested in the experiment. In order to get a somewhat good estimator of the
variability it is strongly recommended to include several levels of the random factor [7].

Different plots for the residual analysis of Model 1 are shown in Fig. 8. The normality
assumption of the residuals can be checked by using the histogram and the normal plot
(Fig. 8 (C)). Gross deviations from the normality assumptions are not observed. The plot
of the residuals against the date in which the measurements are performed is useful to
detect correlation between the residuals and violation of the constant variance
assumption. From Fig. 8 (A) it seems that the residuals increase with time. This is a
concern, because it indicates that some factor in the experiment changed overtime.
Figure 8 (B) also provides information about the violation of the constant variance
assumption. If the model is correct and the assumptions are satisfied, the residual should
be structureless, and they should be uncorrelated to any other variable.
It seems that the residuals for middle log-dose values are more negative than for the other
log-dose values. Additionally several potential outliers are observed.

Figure 8 Residual of Model 1. (A) The residuals are plotted by day to identify potential correlation
between the residuals. (B) The predicted values are plotted against the residuals to detect possible
violation of the constant variance across group assumption. (C) Histogram and normal probability
plot of the residuals are used to check the normality assumption.

4.3.2 Model 2: Reduced model with two random factors

It is seen in Tab. 2 that it is not possible to estimate the variation due to the factor
operator. Therefore, a simpler model without this factor (reduced model) is fitted to the
data. The model is

log(Yijlms ) = + i + j + l + m + ijms


is the overall mean

i is the batch effect with i levels: batch 1,2, 3 and 4.

j is the block effect with j: 1,2,3..,10.

l is the log-dose effect with five l levels: 0, -0.6, -1.3, -1.9 and -2.3

m is the sample preparation effect with 2 m levels

ijms is the residual for each data point with s replicates (s:1,2)

As in the full model, the only fixed factors are batch and log-dose.

The results are shown in Tabs. 3 and 4.

Table 3 ANOVA table for model 2. Both fixed effects are statistically significant at the 0.05
significance level. The degrees of freedom (DF) of the factors are indicated as well as the DF of
freedom of the denominator of the test.

Source DF DF Denominator F Ratio P-value

log(dose) 1 719.10 56538.15 0.00
Batch 3 58.66 3.54 0.02

Table 4 Variance components for model 2. The random effects with larger contribution to the total
variability are the residuals and the block effect.

Random Effect Var Std Error 95% 95% Pct of

Component Lower Upper Total
Block 0.0009054 0.0004622 -5.157e-7 0.0018113 49.31
Sample preparation 6.4381e-5 2.6786e-5 1.188e-5 0.0001169 3.51
Residual 0.0008664 0.0000457 0.0007833 0.0009634 47.18
Total 0.0018362 100.00

Likewise in Model 1, both log-dose and batch are statistically significant effects. For the
random effects, the block effect contributes most to the variability of the data after the
residual contribution.

Different plots for the residual analysis of Model 2 are shown in Fig. 9. Also in this case,
gross deviation from the normally assumptions are not observed. The assumption of non-
constant variance is not well fulfilled in this model either.

Figure 9 Residual of Model 2. (A) The residuals are plotted by day to identify potential correlation
between the residuals. (B) The predicted values are plotted against the residuals to detect possible
violation of the constant variance across group assumption. (C) Histogram and normal probability
plot of the residuals are used to check the normality assumption.

4.3.3 Model 3: Reduced model with one random factor

Since approximately 50 % of the variation in the data is due to the blocks (see Tab. 2 and
4), thus a random model with only this factor is considered.

The model is

log(Yiljs ) = + i + j + l + ijls


is the overall mean

i is the batch effect with i levels: batch 1,2, 3 and 4.

j is the block effect with j: 1,2,3..,10.

l is the log-dose effect with five l levels: 0, -0.6, -1.3, -1.9 and -2.3

ijls is the residual for each data point with s replicates (s:1,2)

Likewise in the full model, the only fixed factors are batch and log-dose.

The results are shown in Tabs. 5 and 6.

Table 5 ANOVA table for model 3. Both fixed effects are statistically significant at the 0.05
significance level. The degrees of freedom (DF) of the factors are indicated as well as the DF of
freedom of the denominator of the test.

Source DF DF F Ratio P-value

log(dose) 1 778 53228.35 0.00
Batch 3 778 6.68 0.00

Table 6 Variance components for model 3. The random effects with larger contribution to the total
variability are the residuals and the block effect.

Random Effect Var Component Std Error 95% Lower 95% Upper Pct of Total
Block 0.0009108 0.0004612 6.8898e-6 0.0018146 49.735
Residual 0.0009205 4.667e-5 0.0008354 0.0010192 50.265
Total 0.0018312 100.000

As in the other cases, both log-dose and batch are statistically significant effect. The
estimate for the variance component of block is similar to that of Model 2. In comparison
with Models 1 and 2, Model 3 has larger degrees of freedom to estimate the fixed effects,
since this model contains only one random effect.

Different plots for the residual analysis of Model 3 are shown in Fig. 10. Large deviations
from the normality assumptions are not observed. The assumption of non-constant
variance is not well fulfilled in this model either.

Figure 10: Residual of Model 3. (A) The residuals are plotted by day to identify potential correlation
between the residuals. (B) The predicted values are plotted against the residuals to detect possible
violation of the constant variance across group assumption. (C) Histogram and normal probability
plot of the residuals are used to check the normality assumption.

4.3.4 Investigation of non-constant variance

As observed in Figs. 8-10, there are indications that the error variance is not constant.
This is an important concern in models with random factors since the estimation of the
variances of the random effects can be affected. Figure 11 show the data plotted by batch,
block and by log-dose. The variability of the data is similar for all batch types, and for all
block levels. The variability increases with log-dose, meaning that the detection and/or
the sample preparation methods do not perform as well for large log-dose values.

A formal test of the equality of variance can also be performed. Bartletts test is
frequently used to test the equality of variance hypothesis [1, 7]. This test compares the
weighted arithmetic average of the sample variances to the weighted geometric average
of the sample variances [8]. Under the null hypothesis (the variances of all treatments are
equal), the geometric mean is less than or equal to the arithmetic mean. A difference
between the means indicates that the variances between treatments differ. The Bartletts
test is based on a function of these means that approximates a 2-distribution. A drawback
of this procedure is that it is very sensitive to the normality assumption.
The modified Levene test is robust to departure from normality [7]. This test calculates
the absolute deviation of the observations in each treatment from the treatment median.
Then it evaluates whether the means of these deviation are equal for all treatments. The
results of the Bartletts test and the modified Levene test are listed in Tabs. 7-9.

Figure 11 Log-response vs log-dose, batch and blocks. The variability seems to be constant across
batch and blocks levels. The variability of the response increases with log-dose indicating that the
measuring and/or the sample preparation procedures are not as efficient for large dose levels as for
lower levels.

Table 7 Results for the homogeneity of variance test for batch.

Test Statistics P-value
Levene 0.01 1.00
Bartlett 0.01 1.00

Table 8 Results for the homogeneity of variance test for block.

Test Statistics P-value
Levene 0.34 0.95
Bartlett 0.06 1.00

Table 9 Results for the homogeneity of variance test for log-dose.

Test Statistics P-value
Levene 11.65 0.00
Bartlett 11.93 0.00

The conclusions obtained from the plot analysis and the Levene and Bartletts tests are
similar, the variances for different blocks and batches can be assumed to be equal at the
0.05 significance level, but the variances for different doses are different. This

information is very valuable to evaluate the performance of the experimental method and
plan possible improvements.

It is expected that the departure from the constant variance assumption should not affect
the results considerable since ANOVA is a robust method. However in models with
random effects, unequal error variances would disturb inference on the variance
components [7].

4.3.5 ANOVA F-test and the normality assumption

The validity of the ANOVA F-test relays on the assumption that the random errors are
normally and independently distributed random variables [7]. An alternative approach
that does not relay on the normality assumption is to calculate the F randomization
distribution [7]. Briefly, the data is randomly sorted between the different treatments. For
example, if there is not difference between the blocks means, all data allocation is
equally likely. For each randomly selected data allocation, the F-values are calculated.
These values are called the randomization distribution. Then, the actual F-value is
compared to the randomization distribution.

The disadvantage of this approach is that for large amount of data is complicated to
calculate the exact randomization distribution. However, this distribution is well
approximated by the normal F distribution [7]. Therefore, even without the normality
assumption, the ANOVA F-test can be seen as an approximation to the randomization
test [7].

4.3.6 General considerations about the experimental design

There are several factors that must be considered when designing a bioassay. First of all
the intrinsic variation between the biological units largely affect the results. Since the
samples have to be manipulated before the measurements, factors like operator and
sample preparation also increase the variability. Furthermore, additional noise is
introduced by inhomogeneities in the drugs batches. Day-to-day variation also plays an
important role.

In order to determine which factors affect the most this bioassay, several mixed models
are fitted to the data. In all cases, it is observed that the larger contribution is the block-
to-block variation, which reflects the day-to-day variation (the block and day effects are
largely confounded in this design). It is also observed that the results obtained for larger
log-dose show more variability, indicating that the experimental method does not perform
as well for this log-dose range.

The objective of this study is to find an optimal set-up to obtain an estimate of the
relative potency with a certain confidence interval. From the analysis presented in this
chapter, it is concluded that the main variability factor are the blocks. In all cases the
block-to-block variation accounted for almost 50 % of the total variability. Therefore,
data simulations will be performed only considering a block-to-block variance of 0.001,

which is the rounded value corresponding to the blocks variance component presented in
Tab. 6. The results of the simulations are discussed in Chapter 5.

5 Data simulations for bioassays
5.1 Relative log-potency calculation of the experimental data

This chapter describes the calculations of the relative log-potency for four different
batches. In the first case, we consider the drug of batch 1 as reference and the others as
test. In the second case, we consider drug of batch 2 as reference and drug of batch 3 and
4 as test. Finally, drug of batch 3 is treated as a reference and drug of batch 4 as test.
With this procedure six different log-potencies are calculated.

For each pair of samples, the following regression model is applied in each block [1]

log(Yi ) = i * xi + * log(dose) (5.1)


xi is the batch type (i=1,2).

i is the intercept for each batch type.

is the slope of the line.

According to Ref. [1], the reportable value for the logarithm of relative potency ( log( ) )
is the average of the log( ) values obtained for each block. A confidence interval is
obtained by assuming that the distribution of the mean of log( ) is normal with mean
and variance

log( ) i
log( ) = b =1

(log( ) )
n ,l
ij log( ) i
b =1, j =1
log( ) 2 =

where n is the total number of blocks and l is the total number of observations in each

As an example, the data corresponding to measurements in one block of batch 1 and 2 is

shown in Fig. 12. This block contains 394 data points. Equation 5.1 is fitted to the data.
The fit seems adequate and the residuals are approximately normally distributed.

Figure 12 Linear model with residuals for batches 1 and 2 for block 1 (a) Data is plotted together
with the line fit. (b) Histogram of the residuals.

5.1.1 Parallelism

For each pair of batches, a linear fit is applied to all blocks. The adequacy of the linear fit
is used as a criterion to assess whether the parallelism approximation is fulfilled. No
deviations from parallelism of practical importance are observed for the samples studied

5.1.2 Relative log-potency calculations

The relative potency is defined as the difference in which both drugs have the same
response (see Fig. 2). Since the data is log-transformed the logarithm of the relative
response is calculated.

The log-response curve is modelled using Eq. 5.1, thus the logarithm of the relative log-
potency is calculated as

log( ) = log(relative potency ) =

The distribution of log( ) corresponds to the distribution of the ratio of two correlated
normally distributed variables [9]. This distribution has finite moments.

A value of log( ) is calculated for each block, and the final result is the average of
log( ) values. The outcome of each experiment is an estimate of the mean value of
log( ) . The log( ) ratios are independent from each other, equally distributed and
randomly selected. The central limit theorem [10] is applied to obtained ratios, thus the
distribution of the mean of log( ) is normal with the same mean as the original
distribution and a variance equal to the variance of the original distribution divided by the
number of blocks.

5.2 Data simulation

In order to estimate how the number of blocks affects the obtained results, data was
simulated in MATLAB. The simulated data reflects the block-to-block variation and the
error made in the linear fit.
The value used to estimate the block-to-block variation is obtained from the mixed model
analysis of the original data presented in Chapter 4 (see variance component
corresponding to block listed in Tab 6). The uncertainty contribution of the linear fit in
each block is estimated by fitting the original data and calculating the distribution of the
error term for each fit.

The formula used to simulate data is

Simulated log(data) = m + *log(dose) + Random Normalblock (0,0.001)+ Random

Normalpoint (0,0.009)

where Random Normal (a,b) is built-in function in MATLAB that randomly selects a
normally distributed number with mean a and variance b. Random Normalblock takes into
account the block-to-block variation, meaning that it is the same for all simulated points
that belongs to the same block. Random Normalpoint is the measurement error in each
point and it is therefore different for all points. These values are taken from the fit of the
original data. The constants k and m are the slope and the intercept.

5.2.1 Simulated relative log-potency

In order to calculate log( ) , a linear fit for each pair of samples is performed for each
block. In the original data, samples from four different batches are measured in ten
blocks. The obtained log( ) are shown in Fig. 14.
The logarithm of the relative potency is calculated as the mean of the obtained log( )
divided by the number of blocks. Figure 15 shows how log( ) changes with the number
of blocks. As expected, when several blocks are included a better estimate of log( ) is

Figure 13 Histogram of the logarithm of the relative potency for the original data. Each subplot
represents a different pair of batches.

Figure 14 Relative potency ( ) for the experimental data as a function of the number of blocks.
The colors indicate for different pairs of batches.

Simulations are performed to 10, 50, and 100 blocks. The results are shown in Figs. 16-
19. The estimated value of varies when a few blocks are included. However, for 50
blocks convergence is practically achieved.

The distribution of ln( ) becomes more normal as the number of blocks increases (see
Figs 19-21).

Figure 15 Relative potency for 10 simulated blocks as a function of the number of blocks. The colors
indicate for different pairs of batches.

Figure 16: Relative potency for 50 simulated blocks as a function of the number of blocks. The colors
indicate for different pairs of batches.

Figure 17 Relative potency ( ) for 100 simulated blocks as a function of the number of blocks. The
colors indicate for different pairs of batches.

Figure 18 Histogram of the logarithm of the relative potency for the 10 blocks. Each subplot
represents a different pair of batches.

Figure 19 Histogram of the logarithm of the relative potency for the 50 blocks. Each subplot
represents a different pair of batches.

Figure 20 Histogram of the logarithm of the relative potency for the 100 blocks. Each subplot
represents a different pair of batches.

5.2.2 Results

The results obtained for log( ) using the experimental and the simulated data are listed
in Tab. 10. The relative 95% confidence intervals 2 in percent are also listed to facilitate
the comparison between the different numbers of blocks. It is not possible to compare the
results for log( ) between the simulations and the experimental data since the values of
the slope and the intercept in the linear fit used in the simulations are arbitrary values. A
good agreement for the variances is found between the results obtained from the
experiment and from simulations.

The simulations can be used to analyse the applicability of the experimental set-up. For
example, in order to compare batches 1 and 2, it is expected to measure 10 blocks to
obtain a relative confidence interval of 99.24 - 100.76 %. However when comparing the
batches 4 and 2, 50 blocks are needed to obtain a relative confidence interval of 99.74-
100.26 %

The relative confindence interval is calculated by dividing the confindence interval by the estimate.

Table 10 log( ) and obtained from the simulations with their relative 95 % confidence intervals.
The results obtained with the experimental data are also listed. is the variance of log( ) .

Data type Number of blocks Batch log( ) 2 95 % Relative 95 % Relative

lower CI for upper CI for

Experimental 10 2 relative to 1 0.017 98.89 101.12
3 relative to 1 0.021 98.45 101.57
4 relative to 1 0.030 97.91 102.13
3 relative to 2 0.007 99.51 100.49
4 relative to 2 0.025 98.19 101.85
4 relative to 3 0.023 98.02 102.02
Simulation 10 2 relative to 1 -0.002 0.012 0.99800 99.24 100.76
3 relative to 1 -0.006 0.016 0.99402 98.90 101.12
4 relative to 1 -0.002 0.016 0.99800 98.62 101.40
3 relative to 2 -0.004 0.015 0.99601 98.97 101.04
4 relative to 2 0.001 0.011 1.00100 98.64 101.38
4 relative to 3 0.005 0.021 1.00501 98.40 101.63
50 2 relative to 1 -0.001 0.012 0.99900 99.77 100.23
3 relative to 1 -0.008 0.012 0.99203 99.64 100.36
4 relative to 1 -0.004 0.012 0.99601 99.65 100.35
3 relative to 2 -0.006 0.011 0.99402 99.70 100.30
4 relative to 2 -0.002 0.011 0.99800 99.74 100.26
4 relative to 3 0.004 0.010 1.00401 99.71 100.30
100 2 relative to 1 -0.005 0.012 0.99501 99.76 100.24
3 relative to 1 -0.011 0.012 0.98906 99.76 100.24
4 relative to 1 -0.006 0.013 0.99402 99.73 100.27
3 relative to 2 -0.006 0.012 0.99402 99.77 100.23
4 relative to 2 -0.001 0.013 0.99900 99.72 100.28
4 relative to 3 0.006 0.013 1.00602 99.72 100.28

6 Conclusions
In this thesis, a description of parallel bioassays is presented. Additionally, the main
statistical tools used to analyse them, in particular mixed models are discussed. These
concepts are applied to an example taken from a pharmaceutical company.

In the example presented here, the main sources of experimental variation are:

Block (day)
Sample preparation process

The data is analysed within the ANOVA framework. Since the conclusions of the
experiment, meaning the effect of the batches, have to be valid for all blocks, operators
and sample preparations, these effects are considered as random.
By reducing the model, it is concluded that approximately 50 % of the variation in the
data is due to the day to day variation. The variance component associated with this is
estimated to be 0.001.

In order to estimate how many experiments are needed to obtain a confidence interval for
the batches potency (biological effect), simulations are performed. The simulated data
should have the same noise as the experimental data. Therefore, the simulated data has a
normally distributed random component with a variance equal to the block variance.
Additionally, the simulated data has also a normally distributed random component that
takes into account the uncertainty in the measurement at each data point. Simulations are
performed for several blocks. For each case, the potency and its relative confidence
interval are calculated. The results from the simulations agree well with those obtained in
the experiments.

The simulations show that different numbers of replicates are needed to obtain the same
width in the confidence interval for the relative potency, depending on which type of
batches are compared. For applications within the pharmaceutical industry, it is usually
desired to report an estimate for potency with a relative confidence interval of 99 101
%. The simulation shows that when 10 blocks are used, only one comparison of batches
has a confidence interval with this width. The simulations also indicate that when 50
measurements are performed, all batches are within this confidence interval.

The method presented in this work can be used to save time and experimental resources,
since only the exact amount of needed data is collected. Furthermore, the analysis of
variance provides valuable information about the performance of the experimental set-up.
This information can be further used to improve the set-up by for example, response
surface analysis.

The approach presented here can also be applied to other experiments. In industrial
applications, historical data is usually available. This data can be used to estimate the size
of the main sources of variation by an ANOVA analysis. The obtained variances are then
used to simulate data that is analysed using the same procedures as the experimental data.
The result of this analysis can be used to determine the sample size, and the accuracy of
the simulation can be checked by comparison with the experimental data.

7 References
1. D. Finney, Statistical method in biological assay, Charles Griffin & Company
LTD, 1978.
2. USP General Chapter, Design and Analysis of Biological Assays <111>, Pharm.
Forum. 34 (3), 685, 2008.
3. D.M. Rocke, Design and analysis of experiments with high throughput biological
assay data, Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 15, 703, 2004.
4. F. Tarding, P. Nielsen, B Keiser-Nielsen, and Aa. V. Nielsen, Biological Assay of
Glucagon in Rabbits, Diabetologia 5, 146, 1969.
5. M. Pingel, Aa. Vlund, E. Srensen, J.E. Collins and C.T. Dieter, Biological
potency of porcine, bovine and human insulins in the rabbit bioassay system,
Diabetologia 28, 862, 1985.
6. R. Buridik, C.M. Borrow, and D.C. Montogomery, A Review of Methods for
Measurement Systems Capability Analysis, J. Quality Tech. 35, 342, 2003.
7. D.C. Montgomery, Design and Analysis of Experiments, John Willey & Sons
INC., 2005.
8. NC Cary, JMP 8 Statistics and Graphics Guide, SAS Institute Inc., 2009.
9. D.V. Hinckley, Inference about the interception in two-phase regression,
Biometrika 56, 495, 1969.
10. R. Hogg and E.Tanis, Probability and statistical inference, Pearson Education
International, 2006.

8 Appendix
8.1 MATLAB code to calculate log-relative potency

8.1.1 Function to used to simulate data

function [data] = simdata(nbrseries,repetition)

logdose=[0.00 -0.64 -1.29 -1.90 -2.30];


m=[3.318 3.316 3.310 3.314];

for series=1:nbrseries
for sample=1:4
for rep=1:repetition
for dose=1:length(logdose)


8.1.2 Program to calculate the logarithm of the relative potency

between two substances
%Program to calculate the relative potency between 2 drugs;
%Load the Excel file is data stored elsewhere
clear all
close all

f=0;%Index used to count combinations of A and B levels of X1;

s=0; %Index used to count number of series used in each calculations;

%Define total number of repetition (series);


total_number_repetitions= 4;


%Create vector for betas and ratio;

Total_Ratio= zeros(6,total_number_series); %6 is the number of
independent combinations of levels X1;


for A=1:1:4; %For each level of X1 combination:

for B=(A+1):1:4;


%Code X2 to -1 and 1;
a_X2=(-b_X2)*(X2_max+ X2_min)/2;
coded_X2= a_X2+ (b_X2)*X2;

%Code X1 to -1 and 1;
X1 = data_A_B(:,2);
coded_X1 = X1;
coded_X1(coded_X1==B)= -1;

%New matrix with coded variables;

coded_data= data_A_B;
for number_series=1:1:total_number_series;
%Do fitting for each series separately;

for i=1:1:number_series

X=[X0 X1 X2];
%Sum of squares;

SSE= Error'*Error; %Sum squares residuals;
of squares regression;
MSR= SSR/3; %total number of regresion
coefficients length Beta;
F_null=MSR/MSE;%To be used in test for beta;
Ratio_B_A(i)= betas(2)/betas(3);%X2-X1;

%Take mean value for ratio for all series included in

the calculations;



Total_Ratio(f,:)= Final_ratio;
Total_SingleRatio(f,:) = SingleSerie_ratio;
%Clear variables;


%Calculate relative log relative potency

Rel_log_pot_1_2= Total_Ratio(1,:);
Rel_log_pot_1_3= Total_Ratio(2,:);
Rel_log_pot_1_4= Total_Ratio(3,:);
Rel_log_pot_2_3= Total_Ratio(4,:);
Rel_log_pot_2_4= Total_Ratio(5,:);
Rel_log_pot_3_4= Total_Ratio(6,:);

%Calculate relative log relative potency, singles series

RelSingle_log_pot_1_2= Total_SingleRatio(1,:);
RelSingle_log_pot_1_3= Total_SingleRatio(2,:);
RelSingle_log_pot_1_4= Total_SingleRatio(3,:);
RelSingle_log_pot_2_3= Total_SingleRatio(4,:);
RelSingle_log_pot_2_4= Total_SingleRatio(5,:);
RelSingle_log_pot_3_4= Total_SingleRatio(6,:);

%Plot histogram

xlabel('Log relative potency');

xlabel('Log relative potency');

xlabel('Log relative potency');

xlabel('Log relative potency');

xlabel('Log relative potency');

xlabel('Log relative potency');

[rel_pot_1_2,var_1_2, CI_rel_pot_1_2,CI_var_1_2]=
[rel_pot_1_3,var_1_3, CI_rel_pot_1_3,CI_var_1_3]=
[rel_pot_1_4,var_1_4, CI_rel_pot_1_4,CI_var_1_4]=
[rel_pot_2_3,var_2_3, CI_rel_pot_2_3,CI_var_2_3]=
[rel_pot_2_4,var_2_4, CI_rel_pot_2_4,CI_var_2_4]=
[rel_pot_3_4,var_3_4, CI_rel_pot_3_4,CI_var_3_4]=

Mean_log_rel_pot_all_samples= [rel_pot_1_2 rel_pot_1_3 rel_pot_1_4

rel_pot_2_3 rel_pot_2_4 rel_pot_3_4 ]

Var_log_rel_pot_all_samples= [var_1_2 var_1_3 var_1_4 var_2_3 var_2_4

var_3_4 ]

Pct_CI_rel_log_pot_1_2= 100.*CI_rel_pot_1_2./rel_pot_1_2;
Pct_CI_rel_log_pot_1_3= 100.*CI_rel_pot_1_3./rel_pot_1_3;
Pct_CI_rel_log_pot_1_4= 100.*CI_rel_pot_1_4./rel_pot_1_4;
Pct_CI_rel_log_pot_2_3= 100.*CI_rel_pot_2_3./rel_pot_2_3;
Pct_CI_rel_log_pot_2_4= 100.*CI_rel_pot_2_4./rel_pot_2_4;
Pct_CI_rel_log_pot_3_4= 100.*CI_rel_pot_3_4./rel_pot_3_4;

Pct_CI_log_rel_pot_all_samples=[ Pct_CI_rel_log_pot_1_2
Pct_CI_rel_log_pot_1_3 Pct_CI_rel_log_pot_1_4 Pct_CI_rel_log_pot_2_3
Pct_CI_rel_log_pot_2_4 Pct_CI_rel_log_pot_3_4]


xlabel('Number of blocks included in the simulation');
ylabel('Relative potency');





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