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Smart Gid Training Course - Module PDF

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Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


Smart Grid Training Module
Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


Module-1: Introduction To Smart Grid

1.1 Course Background .......................................................................................... 13

1.2 Overview ............................................................................................................ 14

1.2.1 Relevance of Smart Grid to the Indian Power Sector ................................................................. 14

1.3 Concept of Smart Grid ...................................................................................... 16

1.3.1 Definition of Smart Grid ............................................................................................................... 16

1.3.2 Smart Grid Key Characteristics and Benefits .............................................................................. 17

1.4 Smart Grid Applications ................................................................................... 18

1.5 Smart Grid Scenario In India ............................................................................ 22

1.5.1 Institutional Framework ............................................................................................................... 22

1.5.2 Legal, Policy & Regulatory Framework ....................................................................................... 27

1.5.3 Smart Grid Activities .................................................................................................................... 30

1.6 References ......................................................................................................... 34

Module-2: Smart Grid Maturity Model

2.1 Introduction to Smart Grid Maturity Model (SGMM) ....................................... 36

2.1.1 Definition ..................................................................................................................................... 36

2.2 Concept of Smart Grid Maturity Model ............................................................ 37

2.2.1 Maturity levels ............................................................................................................................. 37

2.2.2 SGMM Domains .......................................................................................................................... 40

2.2.3 SGMM Expected and Informative Characteristics ...................................................................... 43

2.3 SGMM Navigation and Rating Process............................................................ 45

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

2.4 SGMM Status ..................................................................................................... 46

2.5 References ......................................................................................................... 52

Module-3: Smart Grid Building Blocks

3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 54

3.2 Advanced Metering Infrastructure ................................................................... 54

3.2.1 AMI Architecture .......................................................................................................................... 54

3.2.2 AMI Applications ......................................................................................................................... 57

3.2.3 Cost/Benefit Analysis .................................................................................................................. 58

3.2.4 AMI International Deployment Experiences ................................................................................ 59

3.3 Geographic Information System (GIS)............................................................. 63

3.3.1 Applications of GIS ...................................................................................................................... 63

3.4 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) ..................................... 65

3.4.1 SCADA Functions ....................................................................................................................... 65

3.5 Distribution Management System (DMS) ........................................................ 66

3.5.1 Integration of DMS with External Systems .................................................................................. 67

3.5.2 Advanced Distribution Applications ............................................................................................. 68

3.6 Smart Grid Enterprise Integration .................................................................... 72

3.6.1 IT & OT in Smart grid .................................................................................................................. 72

3.7 References ......................................................................................................... 76

Module-4: Peak Load Management and Demand Response

4.1 Peak Load Management.................................................................................... 79

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

4.2 Concept of Demand Response ........................................................................ 79

4.3 Types of Demand Response Programs ........................................................... 83

4.3.1 Price-based demand response ................................................................................................... 83

4.3.2 Incentive-based demand response ............................................................................................. 87

4.4 Demand Response: Key Design Elements ...................................................... 97

4.4.1 DR Triggers and Availability ........................................................................................................ 97

4.4.2 Preliminary Analysis and Customer Group Selection ................................................................. 98

4.4.3 DR Infrastructure Requirements ................................................................................................. 99

4.4.4 DR Cost Benefit Analysis ............................................................................................................ 99

4.4.5 DR Program Administration ...................................................................................................... 101

4.4.6 Incentives and Penalties ........................................................................................................... 102

4.4.7 Performance measurement and Feedback ............................................................................... 102

4.5 Demand Response Implementation Challenges ........................................... 106

4.6 References ....................................................................................................... 107

Module-5: Loss Reduction, Asset Monitoring & Optimization and Outage

Management System

5.1 Smart Grid for Loss Reduction ...................................................................... 109

5.1.1 Distribution Losses Overview .................................................................................................... 109

5.1.2 Role of Smart Grid in Loss Management .................................................................................. 109

5.2 Asset Management and Monitoring in Smart Grid ....................................... 115

5.2.1 Smart Sensors........................................................................................................................... 116

5.2.2 Condition Based Maintanence .................................................................................................. 118

5.3 Smart Grid for Outage Management .............................................................. 121

5.4 References ....................................................................................................... 128

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Module-6: RE Integration in Smart Grid [Pending]

Module-7: Smart Grid and Quality of Supply and Service (QoSS)

7.1 Role of Smart Grid In Managing Power Quality ............................................ 133

7.1.1 AMI for Power Quality Management ......................................................................................... 133

7.1.2 Volt-Var Optimization (VVO) in Smart Grid ............................................................................... 134

7.2 Quality of Service ............................................................................................ 138

7.2.1 Improvements in Restoration of Supply .................................................................................... 140

7.2.2 Improvements in Complaint Resolution and Service Handling ................................................. 144

7.3 References ....................................................................................................... 145

Module-8: Smart Grid Communication Systems

8.1 Role of Communications in Smart Grid......................................................... 147

8.2 Smart Grid Communication Architecture ...................................................... 148

8.2.1 Wide Area Network ................................................................................................................... 148

8.2.2 Backhaul.................................................................................................................................... 149

8.2.3 Utility Local Area Network (LAN)............................................................................................... 149

8.2.4 Last Mile .................................................................................................................................... 149

8.2.5 Home Area Network .................................................................................................................. 149

8.3 Smart Grid Communication Technologies .................................................... 150

8.3.1 Wireless Communication .......................................................................................................... 150

8.3.2 Wireline Communication ........................................................................................................... 152

8.3.3 Global Deployment of Communication Technologies ............................................................... 154

8.4 Smart Grid Communication Technologies .................................................... 156

8.4.1 Need for Interoperability ............................................................................................................ 156

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

8.4.2 Interoperability Developments................................................................................................... 157

8.5 Role of IP in Smart Grid .................................................................................. 161

8.5.1 IPv6 Roadmap in India .............................................................................................................. 163

8.6 Smart Grid Communication Considerations ................................................. 164

8.6.1 Security ..................................................................................................................................... 164

8.6.2 Network Latency ....................................................................................................................... 164

8.6.3 Data Delivery Criticality ............................................................................................................. 164

8.6.4 Reliability ................................................................................................................................... 164

8.6.5 Scalability .................................................................................................................................. 165

8.7 References ....................................................................................................... 166

Module-9: Cyber Security in Power System

9.1 Cyber Security Definition and Objective for Smart Grid .............................. 169

9.1.1 Definition ................................................................................................................................... 169

9.1.2 Cyber Security Objectives ......................................................................................................... 169

9.2 Cyber Security Threats for Smart Grid .......................................................... 171

9.2.1 Denial-Of-Service Attacks ......................................................................................................... 171

9.2.2 Attacks Targeting Integrity and Confidentiality.......................................................................... 172

9.2.3 List of Cyber Attacks ................................................................................................................. 173

9.3 Threat Detection And Mitigation Strategies .................................................. 174

9.3.1 Threats Targeting Smart Grid Availability ................................................................................. 174

9.3.2 Dos Attack Detection Methodology ........................................................................................... 175

9.3.3 Integrity and Confidentiality Attacks Mitigation ......................................................................... 176

9.3.4 Approach for Cyber Resilience ................................................................................................. 179

9.4 Case Studies .................................................................................................... 182

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

9.4.1 Case Study: United States ........................................................................................................ 182

9.4.2 Case Study: Japan .................................................................................................................... 183

9.4.3 Case Study: France .................................................................................................................. 184

9.5 Cyber Security Developments ........................................................................ 186

9.5.1 International Developments ...................................................................................................... 186

9.5.2 Developments in India ............................................................................................................... 187

9.6 References ....................................................................................................... 188

Annexure A: Security Vulnerabilities In Smart Grid ............................................... 190

Annexure B: Smart Grid Security Standards .......................................................... 196

Annexure C: Real Life Examples Of Cyber Attacks ............................................... 197

Module-10: Consumer Engagement and Participation

10.1 Role of Customers In Smart Grid ................................................................... 201

10.2 Understanding Customer Behaviour and Dynamics .................................... 204

10.3 Critical Dimensions For Customer Engagement .......................................... 208

10.3.1 Awareness................................................................................................................................. 208

10.3.2 Participation............................................................................................................................... 210

10.3.3 Protection .................................................................................................................................. 214

10.3.4 Redressal and feedback ........................................................................................................... 216

10.4 References ....................................................................................................... 217

Module-11: Regulatory Considerations in Smart Grid Projects

11.1 Need for Smart Grid Regulations ................................................................... 219

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

11.2 Key Regulatory Considerations for Smart Grid Projects ............................. 222

11.2.1 Smart Grid Investment Approval ............................................................................................... 222

11.2.2 Tariff design to support recovery of smart grid Investments (by promoting deployment) ......... 229

11.2.3 Customer Participation and Protection ..................................................................................... 232

11.2.4 Evaluation, Measurement and Verification (EM&V) .................................................................. 233

11.2.5 Safety and Standards related to Smart Grid ............................................................................. 234

11.3 Regulatory Development In India to Support Smart Grid Deployment ....... 238

11.3.1 Smart Grid Objectives ............................................................................................................... 239

11.3.2 Smart Grid Cell .......................................................................................................................... 239

11.3.3 Smart Grid Process ................................................................................................................... 240

11.3.4 Smart Grid Project Evaluation ................................................................................................... 241

11.4 References ....................................................................................................... 242

Module-12: Smart Grid Analytics

12.1 Data Analytics in Smart Grid .......................................................................... 244

12.2 Smart Grid Data Analytics Applications ........................................................ 250

12.2.1 Grid Analytics ............................................................................................................................ 251

12.2.2 Customer Analytics ................................................................................................................... 253

12.3 References ....................................................................................................... 258

Module-13: Smart Grid and Smart City

13.1 Defining Smart Cities ...................................................................................... 261

13.2 Smart City Architecture .................................................................................. 262

13.3 Synergies Between Smart Grid and Smart City ............................................ 265

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

13.3.1 Geographic Information System (GIS) ...................................................................................... 266

13.3.2 Metering and Billing ................................................................................................................... 267

13.3.3 Communication Backbone ........................................................................................................ 268

13.3.4 Control center ............................................................................................................................ 271

13.3.5 Citizens connect & Forum ......................................................................................................... 274

13.3.6 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)................................................................. 275

13.4 Developments in India to Promote Smart City-Smart Grid Integration....... 276

13.4.1 Smart Cities Mission Convergance with Smart Grid Initiatives ................................................. 276

13.5 References ....................................................................................................... 279

Table 1.1: Smart Grid Key Characteristics .................................................................................................. 17
Table 1.2: Smart Grid Applications ............................................................................................................. 18
Table 1.3: Smart Grid Key Stakeholder Benefits ........................................................................................ 21
Table 1.4: Key Schemes under R-APDRP ................................................................................................. 31
Table 3.1: AMI Cost-Benefit Analysis ......................................................................................................... 58
Table 3.2: AMI Global Case Study Result Summary .................................................................................. 60
Table 4.1: DR Curtailment Opportunities .................................................................................................... 80
Table 4.2: DR Stakeholder Benefits ............................................................................................................ 81
Table 4.3: Result Summary of three US Demand Response Pilot Studies ................................................ 86
Table 4.4: DR Consumer Cost-Benefit Analysis ....................................................................................... 100
Table 4.5: DR Utility Cost-Benefit Analysis ............................................................................................... 100
Table 4.6: DR Key Implementation Challenges ........................................................................................ 106
Table 5.1: Revenue Leakage in Smart Grid.............................................................................................. 112
Table 7.1: Standard of Performance Parameters and Role of Smart Grid ............................................... 138
Table 8.1: Wireless Communication Technologies ................................................................................... 150
Table 8.2: Wireline Communication Technologies ................................................................................... 153
Table 8.3: Coverage Range and Data Rate for Communication Technologies ........................................ 154
Table 8.4: Global Deployment of Communication Technologies .............................................................. 154
Table 8.5: Communication Considerations for Smart Grid Applications ................................................... 165
Table 9.1: Key developments in cyber security in Indian context ............................................................. 187
Table 9.2: Analysis of Issues in AMI Systems .......................................................................................... 190
Table 9.3: Security Vulnerabilities in Utility Operator Interface ................................................................. 193
Table 9.4: Security Vulnerabilities in DRAS Interface ............................................................................... 194
Table 10.1: Customer involvement in smart grid applications .................................................................. 202
Table 10.2: Case studies of utilities failing to engage customers ............................................................. 206
Table 11.1: Regulatory Approaches for approval of Smart Grid Investments .......................................... 223
Table 12.1: Smart Grid Analytics: Challenges and Solutions ................................................................... 248

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Figure 1.1: Smart Grid Concept .................................................................................................................. 17
Figure 1.2: NSGM Institutional Structure .................................................................................................... 24
Figure 1.3: Model Smart Grid Regulatory Framework ................................................................................ 29
Figure 1.4: Smart Grid Pilots in India .......................................................................................................... 33
Figure 2.1: SGMM Maturity Level ............................................................................................................... 37
Figure 2.2: SGMM Domains........................................................................................................................ 39
Figure 2.3: Smart Grid Maturity Model Matrix Snapshot ............................................................................. 44
Figure 2.4: SGMM Maturity Profile .............................................................................................................. 46
Figure 2.5: SGMM user breakup by region. ................................................................................................ 46
Figure 2.6: Average range of maturity scores for utilities completing the compass survey twice. ............. 48
Figure 3.1: AMI Architecture ....................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 3.2: DMS Architecture ...................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 3.3: IT-OT Applications in Smart grid ............................................................................................... 73
Figure 3.4: Smart Grid Architecture Integrating IT and OT Layer (as defined by CEN-CENELEC-ETSI
Smart Grid Coordination Group) ................................................................................................................. 74
Figure 3.5: EAM with IT-OT Integration ...................................................................................................... 75
Figure 3.6: FLISR Application ..................................................................................................................... 75
Figure 4.1: Effect of DSM on Load Curve ................................................................................................... 82
Figure 4.2: Effect of DR on Load Curve ...................................................................................................... 83
Figure 4.3: DR Price Based Tariffs ............................................................................................................. 84
Figure 4.4: Demand Response Models .................................................................................................... 101
Figure 5.1: AMI Deployment for Automatic Energy Audit ......................................................................... 110
Figure 5.2: Wireless RFID for Asset Tracking........................................................................................... 117
Figure 5.3: Distribution Transformer Monitoring ....................................................................................... 117
Figure 5.4: Advanced Outage Management System ................................................................................ 122
Figure 5.5: Fault Location and Service Restoration: Flow of Operations ................................................. 126
Figure 7.1: Typical VVO Configuration ..................................................................................................... 134
Figure 7.2: Fault Restoration Timeline with and without OMS .................................................................. 140
Figure 7.3: Fault Restoration Timeline with and without FLISR ................................................................ 141
Figure 8.1: Smart Grid Communication Applications ................................................................................ 147
Figure 8.2: Smart Grid Communication Architecture ................................................................................ 148
Figure 8.3: Representative SG Communication Standards ...................................................................... 161
Figure 10.1: Customer access points in smart grid environment.............................................................. 201
Figure 10.2: Customer behavior patterns affected by nature of customer engagement .......................... 204
Figure 10.3: Critical dimensions for customer engagement strategy........................................................ 208
Figure 10.4: Social Media Channels ......................................................................................................... 209
Figure 10.5: Various modes of digital communication .............................................................................. 211
Figure 10.6: Illustration of BGE’s customer side mobile application and website .................................... 212
Figure 10.7: Illustration of Green Button Initiative’s Customer Interface .................................................. 214
Figure 11.1: Need for Smart Grid Regulations.......................................................................................... 219
Figure 11.2: Dynamic Pricing Options ...................................................................................................... 230
Figure 11.3: Model Smart Grid Regulations - Framework ........................................................................ 239
Figure 12.1: Smart Grid ‘Big Data’ Sources .............................................................................................. 245
Figure 12.2: Smart Grid Analytics Applications......................................................................................... 251
Figure 13.1: Smart City Solution Framework (as defined by MoUD, Govt. of India) ................................ 263
Figure 13.2: Smart City Energy Management Solution ............................................................................ 277

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 2.1 Case Study: Defining the Pathway to the California Smart Grid of 2020 ...................................... 48
Box 2.2 Case Study: Tata Power Application of SGMM and Learning for Indian Utilities .......................... 52
Box 3.1 Case Study: Duke Energy – Ohio Smart Grid Project ................................................................... 70
Box 4.1 Case Study: OG&E Demand Response Program ......................................................................... 85
Box 4.2 Case Study: Home Depot Direct Load Control .............................................................................. 88
Box 4.3 Case Study: The Tata Power Company Ltd. Mumbai Distribution – Demand Response Program
(2012) .......................................................................................................................................................... 89
Box 4.4 Case Study: PJM Interconnection– Emergency Demand Response Program ............................. 91
Box 4.5 Case Study: PG&E–Demand Bidding Program ............................................................................. 93
Box 4.6 Case Study: The Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd. – Auto Demand Response Project ............. 95
Box 4.7 Case Study: Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited - Demand Response Pilot Project .................. 103
Box 4.8 Case Study: Baltimore Gas and Electric’s (BGE’s) Residential Smart Energy Rewards (SER)
Program..................................................................................................................................................... 105
Box 5.1 Case Study: AMI Analytics aids loss prevention for Caribbean utilities ...................................... 111
Box 5.2 US D.OE Distribution Automation Projects – VVO for Loss Reduction ....................................... 114
Box 5.3 Smart Grid Solutions Strengthen Electric Reliability and Customer Services in Florida ............. 120
Box 5.4 Vermont Electric Cooperative (VEC)– Outage Management System ......................................... 124
Box 5.5 Case Study: The Duke Energy Smart Grid Demonstration – Self Healing Network ................... 127
Box 7.1 Case Study: Avista Utilities, Washington, US, Smart Grid Smart Circuit Project ........................ 135
Box 7.2 Case Study: VVO- Southern California Edison’s Irvine Smart Grid Demonstration (ISGD) ........ 136
Box 7.3 Case Study: Smart Grid Investment Grant Program –Quality of Service Improvement through
FLISR Implementations ............................................................................................................................. 142
Box 10.1 Case Study: San Diego Gas and Electric Strategy for Engaging the Customers ..................... 205
Box 10.2 Case Study: Southern California Edison (SCE) Strategy for engaging the customers effectively
.................................................................................................................................................................. 210
Box 10.3 Case Study: Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE) Strategy for engaging the customers effectively
.................................................................................................................................................................. 212
Box 10.4 Oklahoma Gas & Electric (OG&E) Strategy for engaging the customers effectively ................ 213
Box 10.5 Case Study: Green Button Initiative........................................................................................... 214
Box 11.1 Defining new concepts emerging through use of Smart Grid .................................................... 220
Box 11.2 Cost Recovery through Higher Depreciation Periods ................................................................ 226
Box 11.3 Cost Recovery through Tariffs ................................................................................................... 226
Box 11.4 Specific Tariff Scheme: CPP ..................................................................................................... 227
Box 11.5 Specific Tariff Scheme: RTP...................................................................................................... 227
Box 11.6 EnerNoc Innovative Incentive Scheme for Cost Recovery ........................................................ 227
Box 11.7 Examples of Surcharges for Cost Recovery .............................................................................. 228
Box 11.8 Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission – System Improvement Charges ............................... 229
Box 11.9 Case examples of implementation of dynamic pricing regimes ................................................ 231
Box 11.10 Case of use of net metering for distributed generation............................................................ 232
Box 11.11 Key Standards Notified by CEA ............................................................................................... 235
Box 11.12 Network and Communication Standards ................................................................................. 236
Box 11.13 Consumer Data Protection Framework by DOE ...................................................................... 236
Box 12.1 DTE Energy, Detroit, USA: Sensors for a Predictive Grid in the Motor City.............................. 253
Box 12.2 Revenue Protection Software: Sacramento Municipal Utility District Smart Grid Demonstration
.................................................................................................................................................................. 254
Box 12.3 Utility Data Analytics Case Study: Oklahoma Gas & Electric (OGE) ........................................ 257
Box 13.1 City of Tallahassee Combined Smart Metering Project ............................................................ 267
Box 13.2 Oklahoma City, Pan-city Broadband Infrastructure .................................................................. 269
Box 13.3 Stratford, Canada Smart Meter Network for Citywide Wireless Broadband Connectivity ........ 270

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 13.4 Florida Power and Light, US Street Light Network for Extended City Application ................... 270
Box 13.5 Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT) City Command and Control centre ................. 272
Box 13.6 Rio, Brazil Citywide Operation Control Center .......................................................................... 273
Box 13.7 Boston City, USA Citizen Connect Application .......................................................................... 275
Box 13.8 Multi-Utility SCADA deployment in Germany ............................................................................ 276

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Module -1
Introduction to Smart Grid

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


Course Objective
The Government of India has approved establishment of the National Smart Grid Mission (NSGM)
– an institutional mechanism for planning, implementing and monitoring policies and programmes
pertaining to Smart Grid activities.
Under NSGM, training and capacity building has been identified as one of the key objectives and
focus areas and is proposed to be housed in the National Smart Grid Knowledge Centre.
Additionally, the National Smart Grid Vision and Roadmap specifies the following goal for capacity
building: "10% Utility technical personnel to be trained in smart grid technologies".
NSGM with support from USAID’s PACE-D TA program, along with guidance from Working Group
(Constituted by Ministry of Power on 25th August 2015) has designed this basic smart grid course
for utility personnel. The working group for the course comprised of industry experts,
academicians, key utility personnel and representatives from planning and regulatory bodies.
The course is intended to be delivered as part of a 3-day training workshop. Some of the key
objectives of this activity are as follows:
 Introduce the participant to basic concept and building blocks
 Understanding various models and other considerations in planning and designing smart grid
 Understanding various applications of smart grid
 Share frameworks for managing and monitoring smart grid projects

The overall course objective will be to provide a well-rounded exposure to the utility participants
on varied aspects of smart grid planning and deployment.
Course Structure
This basic level course is intended to be delivered in classroom style training, and includes case
studies highlighting deployment experience of smart grid technologies nationally and
internationally. The smart grid course includes the following topics:

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion



The Indian power sector has come a long way since the introduction of the Electricity Act of 2003
(EA 03). This gave a major boost to the power sector which resulted in increase in generation
capacity, investments in transmission and distribution, introduction of a power market and power
trading activities and enhanced private sector participation.
The power sector has expanded much since EA 03. Further, in order to meet the growing
challenges of the sector the Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2014 is under consideration1. The
Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2014 seeks to bring in further competition and efficiency in the
distribution sector by giving choice to the consumers, promotion of renewable energy,
maintenance of grid security, rationalisation of tariff determination and strengthening of the
Regulatory Commissions
Power Generation has gained the most due to the entry of private players. The magnitude of
capacity being added each year has increased manifold when compared to previous planning
periods. The generation capacity as on Nov 1, 2015 stands at 278,733 MW2. Also, with the use
of new and more advanced technologies, efficiency of thermal power plants has been improving
and emission levels falling. Operational requirements related to scheduling and dispatch are
driving the implementation of automation across the power system and for the Generators. All
new plants now have sophisticated operational IT systems and the existing generation fleet is
also slowly upgrading to match the same. Renewable Energy (RE) based electricity generation
has gained prominence over the years. Several fiscal and policy measures have been introduced
to promote RE and GoI has set up a target of generating 175,000 MW of Renewable energy by
Smart RE Control Centres which can forecast and monitor RE availability and potentially use
energy storage to manage dispatch the of power to match grid conditions are expected to become
critical to the future integration of RE in order to comply with the requirements laid down by the
Indian Electricity Grid Code
The total transmission capacity of India at various voltage levels stands at 329,158 ckm4 as on
September 2015 .The transmission sector in India is moving towards higher voltage levels of
1200kV (which has higher power transfer capacity of 6000-8000 MW) and is introducing a higher
level of automation and grid intelligence. Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL) is now
implementing the World’s largest WAMS as part of the Unified Real-Time Dynamic State

Bill introduced in Lok Sabha in Dec 2014: [Accessed: 03-12-2015]
CEA Report 1st Nov, 2015 : [Accessed: 03-12-2015]
Includes 100,000 MW grid connected Solar Power in the country, out of which 40,000 MW has to come from Solar Rooftop system
CEA Report- Executive Summary Power Sector – September 2015

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

scheme5. WAMS can be used as a means to address not just immediate reliability concerns but
also operations issues like enhancing transfer capability in real time, advanced automatic
corrective actions like adaptive islanding, blocking/de-blocking distance relay zones under power
swings, better visualization through state measurements, decision support tools etc. Significant
technological advancements such as increasing the capacity of transmission corridors through
the use of Static VAR compensation and re-conductoring of lines using High Temperature Low
Sag (HTLS) wires are also being taken up. Managing these systems requires real-time monitoring
and control, which is only possible with a robust state-of-the-art communication system.
POWERGRID has also evolved a comprehensive plan for integration of renewable capacity
addition envisaged in the 12th plan as part of “Green Energy Corridors” report6. The plan includes
Intra State as well as Inter-state transmission strengthening(s) and other related infrastructure
like dynamic reactive compensation, energy storage, smart grid applications, forecasting of
renewable generation, real time monitoring, establishment of renewable energy management
centre, electric vehicles, investment etc. The implementation of Green Energy Corridor is currently
under progress.
India has one of the largest distribution network in the World, yet it faces a number of challenges
- inadequate electricity access, poor quality and reliability of supply, rampant power theft, poor
efficiency through the electricity value chain, etc. There is therefore an urgent need to bring in
new technologies and systems to arrest these leaks.
The Restructured Accelerated Power Development Program (R - APDRP) introduced by the GoI
aimed at reducing the network losses to 15%. Part-A of the program aimed at creating IT
infrastructure and automation systems within utility operations, which until its introduction was
largely missing in most of the distribution utilities in the country and part B aimed at strengthening
the physical network.
On December 2014, the Ministry of Power launched the Integrated Power Development Scheme
(IPDS) with the sanction of President of India. The R-APDRP scheme has been subsumed in this
scheme as a separate component relating to IT enablement of the distribution sector (and
strengthening of the distribution network. IPDS aims at strengthening of sub-transmission and
distribution networks in urban areas, metering of distribution transformers / feeders / consumers
in urban areas and IT enablement of distribution sector.
Other government initiatives in the distribution sector include the 24x7 - Power for All7 (24x7 PFA)
program, Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) which aim of providing
uninterrupted power supply to rural households and agricultural customers and Ujwal DISCOM
Assurance Yojana (UDAY), which aims to enable financial turnaround and revival of DisComs
and envisages compulsory Smart metering of all consumers consuming above 200 units / month.8

Powergrid Annual Report FY15
Powergrid Annual Report FY15
(24x7 PFA) is a Joint Initiative of Government of India (GoI) and State Governments with the objective to provide 24x7 power
available to all households, industry, commercial businesses, public needs, any other electricity consuming entity and adequate power
to agriculture farm holdings by FY 19
MoP, [Accessed on: 03-12-2015]

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

All these schemes envisage an improvement in distribution sector through deployment of

advanced technologies and automation thus providing a strong foundation for evolution to Smart
grid in the power distribution segment.
The implementation of smart grid would act as an enabler to transform the existing distribution
grids to become more efficient, self-healing, reliable, safer and less constrained, thus benefiting
all stakeholders.



Smart Grid can be defined as “An electricity network that uses information and communication
technology to gather information and act intelligently in automated manner to improve the
efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of generation, transmission and distribution of
The idea of Smart Grid is to make the existing grid infrastructure as efficient as possible through
the use of intelligent, automated supply-side and demand-side devices and legislate business
practices that provide incentives for the efficient production, transmission, and consumption of
electricity across the entire supply/value chain. In simple terms, it can be defined as application
of wide array of technologies to make the electricity grid as smart/efficient as possible.
The technological innovations of the last decade and the increased penetration of
communications networks present a unique opportunity to coalesce advancements in power
engineering, IT and communications to our energy infrastructure to create a “smart grid” – an
energy grid with embedded sensing, control and automation, supported by two-way

As per the Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2014

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Figure 1.1: Smart Grid Concept10


The table below describes the key characteristics of smart grid in comparison to traditional grid.
Table 1.1: Smart Grid Key Characteristics

Characteristic Traditional Grid Smart Grid

Motivates and includes Consumers are uninformed and Consumers are well informed, and
the consumer do not participate in demand involved in the activities of the
side management. power system.
Accommodation of all Almost no penetration of storage Large number of storage options
generation and storage and decentralized generation are deployed and focus is given to
options options, which create obstacles integrate Renewable Energy in the
for interconnecting RE grid.
Provides quality power Main focus is on outage The main focus is on providing
problems rather than power quality power to the customers. –
quality. Slow response in rapid resolution of issues
resolving PQ issues.
Optimization of assets Minimal integration of limited Greatly expanded sensing and
operational data with Asset measurement of grid conditions.
Management processes and Grid technologies deeply integrated
technologies. Time based with asset management processes
maintenance. to most effectively manage assets
and costs. Condition based

Image Source:

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Characteristic Traditional Grid Smart Grid

Self- heals Needs human intervention to Automatically detects and
respond to outages and prevent responds to actual and emerging
further damage. transmission and distribution
Resist attack Current grid is vulnerable to Resilient to cyber-attack and
malicious acts and natural natural disasters; rapid restoration
disasters. capabilities


Some of the key applications enabled by Smart Grid includes:

 Loss Management
 Demand Response/ Peak Load Management
 Outage Management System
 Asset Management
 Renewable Energy Integration
 Power Quality Management
 Micro-Grid Asset Optimization/ Utilization
Each of these applications is briefly discussed below.
Table 1.2: Smart Grid Applications

Application Description

Peak Load Involves optimal utilization of energy resources by uniform

Management and distribution of load across the day, to save additional investment
Demand Response in capacity expansion, improved access of power to rural areas,
reduction in technical losses, enhanced consumer satisfaction by
load curtailment instead of load shedding.
Key features include:
 Load curtailment instead of load shedding
 Consumer sign-up processes
 DR program commencement
 Load pattern forecast
 Real time price computation
 Real time pricing
 Remote curtailment process
 Curtailment due to contract violation
 Special provision for defaulters

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Application Description

 Demand side management

 Load monitoring at demand side
 Provision of re-checking for automatically generated
disconnection or load limiting commands; on demand
disconnection / reconnection
 Initiation of direct load control event etc.
Further, when such applications are installed, real time demand
data is likely to be generated. Such demand data when combined
with portfolio optimization tools can provide opportunities for
power purchase optimization that is likely to provide a platform for
better power purchase and sale planning.

Loss Reduction Loss reduction has been dealt under several programs earlier,
especially the R-APDRP, new IPDS and UDAY program. Smart
Grid projects envisage deployment of Advanced Metering
Infrastructure (AMI).
AMI systems provide advanced energy monitoring and recording,
sophisticated tariff/rate program, data collection, and load
management command and control capabilities. Additionally,
these mechanisms will enable consumers to better manage their
energy usage, and allowing the grid to be run more efficiently from
both a cost and energy delivery perspective. These advanced
capabilities allow utilities to provision and configure the advanced
meters in the field, offering new rate programs, and energy
monitoring and control.
AMI enablement coupled with analytics can provide enough
information and alerts to the utilities to detect technical and
commercial losses and initiate corrective actions for loss

Renewable Energy Due to its variable and uncertain nature, incorporation and
Integration integration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) particularly wind
and solar into the grid is likely to present severe challenges for
generators, distribution utilities, system operators and planners.
Appropriate controls through smart grid can facilitate integration
of large scale RE into the grid. Smart grid offer significantly high
level of control and responsiveness to varying grid conditions, and
hence aid in rectifying grid disturbances, active power control and
frequency regulation, reactive power control and voltage

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Application Description

Outage Management Outage management is extremely important for the utilities and
the consumers they serve. The utilities can leverage existing
OMS (if it exists) and utilize the capabilities of AMI and grid
automation (SCADA, GIS, etc.) to improve grid reliability by self-
healing and more quickly and accurately identifying the location
and magnitude of an outage, resulting in faster restoration.

Power Quality and Managing voltage, frequency etc. within certain thresholds allows
Consumer electrical systems to function in their intended manner without
Management significant loss of performance or life. Power Quality
management applications cover aspects such as: (i) power
quality categories and metrics to be monitored; (ii) installation of
voltage / VAR Control; (iii) site selection and installation; (iv)
power quality event capture and transmittal; (v) data storage,
characterization and reporting; and (vi) real-time alerts.
The Electricity Act, 2003 requires power quality and consumer
service standards to be notified and deviations to be penalized11,
and even for licenses to be suspended12. However in the absence
of measurement and control systems, these provisions become
difficult to implement. Smart grid can help implement these
standards, to the benefit of consumers at large.

Micro-Grids Micro-grids are modern, localized small-scale versions of the

centralized electricity system. They achieve specific local goals,
such as reliability, carbon emission reduction, diversification of
energy sources, and cost reduction, established by the
community being served. Like the bulk power grid, smart micro-
grids generate, distribute, and regulate the flow of electricity to
consumers, but do so locally. Smart micro-grids are an ideal way
to integrate renewable resources on the community level and
allow for consumer participation in the electricity enterprise.
Micro-grids can be grid connected or off-grid depending on its
applicability like powering operations like military bases, mines,
remote villages, islands, campus environments, hospitals,
emergency services, communication towers, commercial
buildings and electric vehicles.

Asset Management Asset Monitoring and Management involves optimizing and

prioritizing investments in assets to maintain or improve

Section 57 of Electricity Act, 2003
Section 24 of Electricity Act, 2003

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Application Description
performance and life expectancy throughout the asset’s life cycle.
The use of smart grid technologies (Smart sensors, RTU,
SCADA, GIS, etc.) enables condition based maintenance by
allowing online monitoring of the vital parameters of the field
asset. The technologies also provide for system alarms for
abnormal asset health,
Smart grid data combined with analytics can allow for predictive
maintenance as well. Thus smart grid provides utility with a
company-wide view of asset information so as to make fact-based
decisions that decrease operating costs, improve regulatory
compliance, enhance safety, and maximize return on investment

These smart grid applications provide a number benefits to the key stakeholder. Some of these
benefits are described below.
Table 1.3: Smart Grid Key Stakeholder Benefits

Stakeholder Key Benefits

Utilities  Optimizing system asset utilization

 Reduction of T&D losses
 Peak load management
 Better asset management
 Increased grid visibility
 Self-healing of grid
 Renewable integration

Consumers  Higher accessibility to electricity

 Improved power reliability
 Backup power requirement minimized/eliminated
 Improved quality of supply
 Improved customer service
 User friendly and transparent interface with utilities
 Increased options such as ToU tariff, DR programs, net metering

Government  Satisfied customers

 Financially sound public utilities to avoid burden for revival packages
 Reduction in emission intensity to meet the nation’s environmental goals

The benefits and application of smart grid as detailed above are many, but the implementation
of smart grid is still in its initiation stages. It is thus imperative that strong institutional,
regulatory and policy structures be in place in order to promote large scale deployment of

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

smart grid systems. In this context, a number of measures have taken place across all three
fronts in India and these are briefly discussed in the section below.



Several developments have taken place in the smart grid space in the last few years. The initial
institutional setup for smart grid comprised the India Smart Grid Task Force (ISGTF) and the
India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF).
Indian Smart Grid Task Force (ISGTF)
The ISGTF is an inter-ministerial group which was formed to serve as the government focal
point for activities related to the Smart Grid. Members of ISGTF were selected from the
concerned ministries (power, home, defence, communications and IT, new and renewable
energy, environment and forest, and finance) and organizations (Planning Commission,
Department of Science and Technology, CEA, CPRI, BEE, NTPC, PGCIL, BIS, PFC, and
REC). The ISGTF has undertaken feasibility studies to understand the market environment for
Smart grid in India. Various white papers have also been published.
The main functions of the Smart Grid Task Force is to ensure awareness, coordination and
integration of the diverse activities related to smart Grid technologies, practices and services
for Smart Grid Research and Development; to co-ordinate and integrate other relevant inter-
governmental activities; to collaborate on interoperability frame work; to review and validate
the recommendations from India Smart Grid Forum etc.13
India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF)14
India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF) is a Public Private Partnership initiative of Ministry of Power
(MoP), Government of India for accelerated development of smart grid technologies in the
Indian power sector. Mandate of ISGF is to advise government on policies and programs for
promotion of Smart grid in India, work with national and international agencies in standards
development and to help utilities, regulators and the Industry in technology selection, training
and capacity building.
The main objectives of ISGF are:
 To help the Indian power sector deploy smart grid technologies in an efficient, cost
effective, innovative and scalable manner by bringing together all key stakeholders and
enabling technologies.
 To create a platform for public and private stakeholder members, research institutions
and power utilities to exchange ideas and information on smart grid and develop use

13, 'India Smart Grid Forum Website Launched', 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01- Dec- 2015].
14, 'ISGF', 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01- Dec- 2015].

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

case scenarios for India.

 To bring together experts from regulation, policy, and the corporate sector to build
support for smart grid policies.
 To conduct research on the capabilities of smart grid in the Indian context through case
studies, cost-benefit analysis, study of technical advancements in renewable energy
sources and other ancillary activities.
 To make recommendations to the Government, Regulators, Utilities and Consumers
through reports, white papers, technical seminars, etc.
National Smart Grid Mission (NSGM)
Government in 2015 approved the National Smart Grid Mission (NSGM), an institutional
mechanism for planning, monitoring and implementation of policies and programs related to
Smart Grid activities. NSGM will provide support for smart grid projects through assistance in
project formulation (pre-feasibility studies, cost-benefit analysis, financial modelling and so on);
partial funding of projects; training and capacity building; consumer engagement; and project
appraisal post implementation.
For smooth functioning of project activities under the NSGM, a three tiered departmental structure
has been formed15:
 At the apex level, NSGM has a Governing Council headed by the Minister of Power. Members
of the Governing Council are Secretary level officers of concerned Ministries and
departments. The Governing Council will have necessary functional and financial autonomy
within the overall budgetary allocation for meeting its objective of rolling out Smart Grid
operations in different parts of the country
 At the second level, the NSGM has an Empowered Committee headed by Secretary (Power).
Members of the Empowered Committee are Joint Secretary level officers of concerned
Ministries and departments. Role of Empowered Committee is to provide policy input to
Governing Council, approve specific Smart Grid projects and subsequent revisions/
modifications guidelines / procedures, approve procedures / guidelines for Smart Grid
projects etc.
 In a supportive role, NSGM has a Technical Committee headed by Chairperson (CEA).
Members of the Technical Committee are Director level officers of concerned Ministries &
departments, representatives from industries and academia. Role of Technical Committee is
to support the Empowered Committee on technical aspect, standards development,
technology selection guidelines etc.

MoP, 'National Smart Grid Mission, Office Memorandum', 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01- Dec- 2015].

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Figure 1.2: NSGM Institutional Structure1617

For day-to-day operations, NSGM has a NSGM Project Management Unit (NPMU) headed by the
Director NPMU. Director NPMU is a Member of the Governing Council and Empowered
Committee, and Member Secretary of Technical Committee. NPMU is the implementing agency
for operationalizing the Smart Grid activities in the country under the guidance of Governing
Council and Empowered Committee. NPMU will be housed at POWERGRID. The present ISGTF
secretariat will be merged with the NPMU.
The indicative components of smart grid in 12th plan under NSGM would include:
 Deployment of Smart Meter & AMI
 Substation renovation and modernization with deployment of GIS wherever economically
 Development of medium sized micro grids
 Development of Distributed Generation (Roof Top PVs)

MoP, 'National Smart Grid Mission, Office Memorandum', 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01- Dec- 2015].
MoP has issued guidelines for implementation of National Smart Grid Mission which provides guidelines on project formulation and
implementation, role of stakeholders, fund disbursement and program monitoring among others [Source: [Accessed: 06- Dec- 2015].

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Consumer engagements and training

 Real Time monitoring and Control of Distribution Transformers
 Provision of harmonic filters and other power quality improvement measures
 Creation of EV Charging Infrastructure for supporting proliferation of EV’s

As part of NSGM, POWERGRID is also developing a Smart Grid Knowledge Centre which will
act as a resource centre for providing technical support to the mission, including development of
technical manpower, capacity building, outreach, etc.
The total outlay for NSGM activities for 12th Plan estimated to be Rs 980 crore with a budgetary
support of Rs. 338 crore. In the 12th Plan, NSGM shall focus on coordinating development of
Smart Grid activities in 30 medium sized cities.
A number of entities in India are engaged in contributing towards development of different aspects
of Smart Grid technologies and standards, these include:

Bureau of Indian Standards

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the national standards body is one of the core members
of the ISGTF, and is also part of the working group on “Physical cyber security, Standards and
Spectrum”. Considering that IT architecture is an important constituent of power system control
and automation to facilitate Smart Grid deployment, a Panel on Digital Architecture has been
constituted by BIS under Power System Control and Associated Communications Sectional
Committee LITD 10 to formulate standards on IT architecture with a view to harmonize the
interface and integration of various IT solutions.

The draft reports after incorporating the comments from various members of other Panels of LITD
10 have been circulated18. The BIS in 2015 has also released standard for smart meter (IS 16444:
Static Direct Connected Watt-hour Smart Meter Class 1 and 2 – Specification)

Central Power Research Institute

The Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) serves as an independent authority for testing and
certification of power equipment. It has set up laboratories under its purview which carry out the
following activities:

 Metering Protocol Laboratory: This lab is involved with setting meter standards and
management of intelligent meters. CPRI advocated the use of open standards in meters.
It has also set up “Conformance Test Laboratory” for verifying if the provisions of Device
Language Message Specification (DLMS) protocol are implemented correctly in the
metering device.
 Substation Automation System Laboratory: The laboratory develops tests, and
certifies protocol-related substation communication as per the national and international
standards like IEC 61850, IEC 62056, and BIS Indian companion specification. This
national laboratory has played a very critical role in certifying the protocols for the
communication between different substations in Smart Grid pilot projects.

Available online at (Last accessed at 01-12-2015)

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

CPRI also conducts various workshops/ training programs for making personnel familiar with
Smart Grid technologies. These workshops cover the following aspects.

 Application of Information Technology to Power Systems

 International Electricity Metering Protocols (IEC 62056)
 Distribution Automation
 Cyber and System Security of Power sector

Under grant from USTDA, a Smart Grid test bed at CPRI Bangalore is proposed to be setup. The
test bed, which will consist of an integrated Interoperability Laboratory and Smart Grid Technology
Demonstration Centre, it will allow CPRI to research and perform controlled evaluations of
integrated Smart Grid Technologies.19

Central Electricity Authority (CEA)

CEA as an organization provides technical support for Smart Grid development in India. A
committee was constituted by the MoP during April 2011 under the Chairmanship of Chief
Engineer (DP&D), Central Electricity Authority (CEA), comprising 17 members, from utilities,
meters, and chip manufacturers, to finalize the functional requirement specifications for cost-
effective single-phase smart meters.

The key mandate provided to the Committee was as follows.

 Finalization of functional requirement/Specifications for cost-effective single-phase electricity

 Suggest changes in applicable Indian Standards (IS);
 Review of CEA regulations on installation and operation of meters.

The Committee finalized the functional requirement specifications for cost-effective single-phase
meters during March 2012.

Department of Electronics and Information Technology

DeitY was constituted under the Ministry of Communications and IT with a mission to promote e-
Governance for empowering citizens, promoting the inclusive and sustainable growth of the
Electronics, IT & ITeS industries, enhancing India’s role in Internet Governance, adopting a
multipronged approach that includes development of human resources, promoting R&D and
innovation, enhancing efficiency through digital services and ensuring a secure cyber space.
Deity looks into matters relating to Cyber Laws, administration of the Information Technology Act.
2000 (21 of 2000) and other IT related laws. A National Cyber Security Policy -2013 has been
released by the department.20

Smart Grid Bulletin, Volume 1, 7th ed. India Smart Grid Forum, 2014.
Department of Electronics and information technology (DeitY,

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Department of Telecommunications (DoT)

In May, 201521 the network of technologies cell of DoT released National Telecom M2M Roadmap
realizing the growing importance of M2M as the basis for automated information interchange
between machines and a control centre for various industry verticals like Smart City, Smart Grid,
Smart Water, Smart Transportation, Smart Health etc.
DoT has also released the ‘National IPv6 Deployment Roadmap’ to promote the adoption of IPv6
based innovative applications in areas like rural emergency healthcare, tele-education, smart
metering, smart grid, smart building, smart city etc. To complement the roadmap DoT also
released ‘Compendium on IPv6 Based Solutions/ Architecture/Case Studies for Different Industry
Verticals’ which among other use cases, enumerates the advantages of implementation of smart
grid on IPv6 based infrastructure in the power sector.

Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers' Association (IEEMA) 22

IEEMA, a national representative organization of manufacturers of electrical, industrial electronics
and allied equipment in India, established a smart grid cell in association with the Ministry of
Power in 2012. 17 member companies have opted for Smart Grid Division membership. Some of
the key motivations for setting up the cell include:

 To work with national and state govt. organizations with regulatory and policy setting powers
 To work closely with the IT companies and industry associations involved with the
development of the Smart Grid
 Occupy a thought leadership position in Smart Grid
 Create megawatts as a fifth fuel and monetize the potential of energy efficiency and demand
 Job Creation and Marketplace Innovation


The Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2014
The Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2014 was introduced in Lok Sabha on December, 2014. The bill
aims to promote competition, efficiency in operations and improvement in quality of supply of
electricity in the country resulting in capacity addition and ultimate benefit to the consumers.

With respect to smart grid context, the bill defines a smart grid and seeks to promote provision of
electricity through smart grid, net metering, ancillary services and decentralized distributed
generation. The bill also provides for installation of smart meters for proper accounting and
measurement of consumption of electricity.

Department of Telecommunications, 'Networks & Technologies (NT) Cell', 2015. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed: 03- Dec- 2015].
[Online] Available: [Last Accessed: 10-02-2016]

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

The proposed amendment regarding smart meter is reproduced below:

“Provided that smart meters, as specified by the Authority, shall be installed at each stage for
proper accounting and measurement for the purpose of metering and consumption from the point
of generation up to such consumers who consume more than the quantity of electricity in a month
as prescribed by the Central Government.”

The bill also provides for a number of other provisions that facilitate higher technology adoption
and automation in the distribution sector.

National Smart Grid Roadmap

The GoI has brought out the Smart Grid Vision and Roadmap for India. The vision formulated is
as follows: “Transform the Indian power sector into a secure, adaptive, sustainable and digitally
enabled ecosystem by 2027 that provides reliable and quality energy for all with active
participation of stakeholders”.

In line with the above, the following National Smart Grid Mission has been adopted -“Quality
Power on Demand for All by 2027”.

The roadmap aims at 24x7 power for all, reduction of T&D losses, greater RE integration,
reduction in power cuts, improved power quality, development of EV infrastructure, nationwide
SG roll-out and capacity building in SG technologies among others.23

Electric Vehicle (EV) Program by the Ministry Of Heavy Industries24

The GoI has set up a National Council for Electric Mobility (NCEM) to promote electric mobility
and manufacturing of electric vehicles in India. It will be aided by the National Board for Electric
Mobility (NBEM) formed by the Ministry of Heavy Industries.

Government of India has recognized the fact that at present barriers to greater adoption of EV are
immense. Given the importance of the initiative, the government launched the National Mission
for Electric Mobility (NMEM).

The NCEM formulated the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020 (NEMMP 2020), which is
the mission document for National Mission for Electric Mobility (NMEM). The NEMMP 2020 has
set a target of six-seven million units of new electric/hybrid vehicle sales year on year, along with
resultant savings of liquid fuel of 2.2 – 2.5 million tonnes that can be achieved by 2020.

The cumulative electric/hybrid vehicle is expected to reach 15-16 Million by 2020. It is expected
to save 9500 Million litres of crude oil equivalent to Rs. 62000 Cr. savings. Government has also
launched the scheme namely Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles
(FAME India) under NEMMP 2020 in the Union Budget for 2015-16 with an initial outlay of Rs. 75

Smart Grid Vision and Roadmap for India [Accessed: 03-12-2015]
National Electricity Mobility Mission Plan 2020, 1st ed. Department of Heavy Industries, Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public
Enterprises, GoI, 2015.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Cr. The scheme is expected to provide a major push for early adoption and market creation of
both hybrid and electric technologies vehicles in the country.25

Evolving Smart Grid Regulatory Framework (Electricity)

In order to provide regulatory impetus to smart grid investments, model smart grid regulations
have been approved by the Forum of Regulators (FoR) in 2015. These model regulations provide
a framework for State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) to adopt these regulations in
their respective states according to their need and priorities.

The overall framework consists of broadly four sections: Smart Grid Objectives; Smart Grid Cell;
Smart Grid Process; Smart Grid Program Evaluation. These are discussed in brief below.

Figure 1.3: Model Smart Grid Regulatory Framework

I. Smart Grid Objectives

The objectives of the regulations include:

 Efficiency improvement in generation, transmission and distribution licensee
 Manage T&D network effectively
 Enhance network security
 Integrate renewable and clean energy into the grid and micro-grids
 Enhance network visibility and access

25 [Accessed: 04-12-2015]

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Improve customer service level

 Promoting optimal asset utilization

II. Smart Grid Cell

The regulations call for constitution of a Smart Grid Cell by utilities whose responsibilities
 Baseline study and development of data
 Formulation of smart grid plans, programmes, projects
 Design and development of smart grid projects including cost benefit analysis, plans
for implementation, monitoring & reporting and for measurement & verification
 Implementation of smart grid programmes

III. Smart Grid Process

The smart grid process to be followed as per the regulation include:

 Baseline study to identify the targets and final outcomes for smart grid project
 Submission of an integrated Multi-Year Smart Grid Plan along-with Multi-Year Tariff
Petition or ARR Petition
 Adherence to relevant standards (systems standards, Network, communication,
products, interoperability and cyber security standards) and according of high level
priority to protection of consumer data and privacy
 Identification of net incremental costs and proposing a methodology for recovery of
net incremental costs

IV. Smart Grid Project Evaluation

For evaluation of the project the regulations list down the following key points

 Utility to prepare and submit a detailed Programme, Project Completion Report

 Utility to monitor and evaluate the smart grid programme based on appropriate
methodology including Key Performance Indicators

These draft Smart Grid Regulations have already been issued by State Electricity Regulatory
Commissions of Assam, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka.26


A number of schemes and projects have been introduced by the Government of India which would
provide a solid foundation for transforming our grid into a smart grid. Some of these key initiatives
are discussed below.

Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS)

Status as on 1st Nov, 2015

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

The Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS) has been launched by GoI with a focus on
improving power supply quality and availability in urban areas. The key components of this
scheme are:
 Strengthening of the sub-transmission and distribution network in the urban areas
 Metering of distribution transformers /feeders / consumers in the urban areas
 IT enablement of the distribution sector and strengthening of the distribution network
The fulfilment of these objectives will help in realizing the benefits such as reduction in AT&C
losses, establishment of IT enabled energy accounting / auditing system, improvement in billed
energy based on metered consumption and collection efficiency.
The scheme also envisages completion of optical fibre missing links to connect all the 33kV or
66kV grid sub-stations under National Optical Fibre Network. A National Power Data Hub at CEA
would also be established under the scheme.
All Discoms including private sector Discoms and State Power Departments will be eligible for
financial assistance under the scheme. In case of private sector Discoms where the distribution
of power supply in the urban areas is with them, the projects under the scheme will be
implemented through a State Government agency and the assets to be created under the scheme
will be owned by the State Government/ State owned companies.
The R-APDRP scheme, launched by Government of India during the Eleventh Five Year Plan
which focused on reduction of AT&C losses and overall strengthening of the sub-transmission
and distribution level has been subsumed in IPDS scheme as a separate component relating to
IT enablement of the distribution sector (and strengthening of the distribution network).
Under the R-APDRP program, the distribution companies are building a set of basic IT and
Automation systems to enable evaluation of performance improvements before and after
implementation. Automated systems would also enable sustained collection of accurate base line
data and processes for energy accounting and would lead to internal accountability of the state

Project execution under the scheme are taken up in Two Parts. Part-A includes the projects for
establishment of baseline data and IT applications for energy accounting/auditing & IT based
consumer service centres. Part-B includes regular distribution strengthening projects.

The key schemes under R-APDRP were as follows:

Table 1.4: Key Schemes under R-APDRP


 Establishment of the Base Line  Renovation, modernization and  Validation of Baseline

data System strengthening of 11 kV level Data
 Consumer Indexing, GIS  Capacity building and
transformers/transformer centers
Mapping, Metering of Distribution development of
Transformers and Feeders franchisees,

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


 Asset Mapping of the entire  Re-conductoring of lines at 11kv  Project Evaluation;

distribution network level and below
Consumer Attitude
 Automatic data logging for all  Load bifurcation, feeder Survey
distribution transformers and separation, load balancing
 Replacement of electromagnetic
 SCADA/DMS in towns/cities energy meters with tamper proof
electronics meters
 IT applications for meter reading,
billing & collection  Installation of capacitor banks and
mobile service centers etc.
 Energy accounting and auditing,
Management information system  Strengthening at 33 kV or 66 kV
(MIS) levels only in exceptional cases,
where sub-transmission system is
 Redressal of consumer
 Establishment of IT enabled
consumer service centers

Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY)

DDUGJY is a scheme launched by the GoI with the aim of providing uninterrupted power supply
to rural households and agricultural customers. To achieve this goal, several infrastructural
strengthening and renovation steps will be undertaken, among them: feeder separation;
strengthening of sub-transmission and distribution network; metering at all levels (input points,
feeders and distribution transformers); micro-grid and off grid distribution network & rural
electrification- completion of already sanctioned projects under RGGVY. The Rural Electrification
Corporation (REC) is the Nodal Agency. All Discoms including private Discoms and State Power
Departments are eligible for financial assistance under this scheme.
Smart Grid Pilot Projects
Various smart grid pilot projects have been initiated in India by the GoI. These pilots would help
in testing and selection of appropriate technologies and communication systems and would
provide inputs to policy and regulatory framework for further scale up of the program. A smart city
pilot has also been approved by Ministry of Power in IIT Kanpur. It is envisaged that lessons from
these smart grid pilots shall provide useful inputs to scale up smart grid deployments in the country
and plan new initiatives.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Figure 1.4: Smart Grid Pilots in India27

Status of Smart Grid Pilot Projects, November 2015: [Accessed: 03-12-2015]

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


[1] Context of Smart grid in India. FICCI; 2013.

[2] J. Momoh, Smart grid: Fundamentals of Design and Analysis. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley; 2012.

[3] MoP, Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana, Office Memorandum, 2014. [Online]. Available:[Accessed:
01- Dec- 2015].

[4] Smart Grid Vision and Roadmap for India. Ministry of Power, Government of India; ISGTF; ISGF,

[5] Model Smart Grid Regulations. Forum of Regulators, 2015.

[6] MoP, Integrated Power Development Scheme, Office Memorandum, 2014. [Online]. Available:[Accessed:
01- Dec- 2015].

[7] Accelerating Successful Smart Grid Pilots. World Economic Forum; 2010.

[8] MoP, National Smart Grid Mission, Office Memorandum, 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01- Dec-

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Module -2
Smart Grid Maturity Model

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


Smart Grid Maturity Model- Overview

This chapter has been reproduced from the Technical Report CMU/SEI-2011-TR-025 ESC-TR-
2011-025, Version 1.2 dated September 2011, titled "SGMM Model Definition: A framework for
smart grid transformation," Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon, 2011.
The purpose of this chapter is to introduce to the utility participants about the Smart Grid
Maturity Model (SGMM) to help them understand the purpose and use of the model. The SGMM
is a management tool developed under the stewardship of the Software Engineering Institute
at Carnegie Mellon University. The model provides a framework for understanding the current
state of smart grid deployment and capability within an electric utility and provides a context for
establishing future strategies and work plans as they pertain to smart grid implementations.
Towards the end of the chapter country case studies have also being provided for practical
understanding and use of the tool internationally.

The Smart Grid Maturity Model (SGMM) is a methodology that creates a road map of activities,
investments and best practices that leads to creating a smart grid. The Maturity Model can be
used to establish the smart grid journey, to communicate vision and strategy, and to assess
current opportunities, choices and future goals. The Smart Grid Maturity Model can be used as a
strategic framework to develop business cases and explicit plans to move forward. It uses
observable indicators to measure progress. Ultimately, the Maturity Model helps the utilities move
in an orderly fashion through the maze of challenges in a smart grid transformation, from
technological to regulatory to organizational.
The key uses of a SGMM include:

• To establish a shared picture of smart grid objectives

• To communicate smart grid vision both internally and externally
• To use as a strategic framework for identifying business and investment objectives
• To benchmark and learn from others
• To use as a guide to identify a specific roadmap or waypoints
• To assess and prioritize current opportunities and projects
• To use as a decision making framework for investment purposes
• To assess resource needs to move from one level to another in a domain
• To measure progress

The SGMM was initially developed by International Business Machines (IBM) and a group of
Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs) and Public Owned Utilities (POUs). The model is currently under

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

the stewardship of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU),
which continues to solicit input from electric utilities to guide its on‐going development.


Figure 2.1: SGMM Maturity Level


The Smart Grid Maturity Model, essentially a matrix of almost 200 outcomes, capabilities and
benefits, plotted and tracked in various work domain and progresses through six levels of maturity.
The levels of maturity represent defined stages, described in terms of organizational capabilities
and characteristics, of an organization’s progress toward achieving its smart grid vision in terms
of automation, efficiency, reliability, energy and cost savings, integration of alternative energy
sources, improved customer interaction, and access to new business opportunities and markets.
The lowest maturity level in the model is 0, which represents the default position or entry point in
the model. A utility that is operating a traditional, analog, non-modernized grid would likely be
characterized as performing at Level 0 across all eight domains in the model. As the utility begins
to implement and integrate the various changes that are consistent with a modernized grid, the
utility’s maturity rating would be elevated across one or more of the domains.
A utility can establish its current maturity level by completing the SGMM survey and having it
scored (discussed in later section). With this baseline, or starting point, in mind, the utility can
establish objectives for the timing and extent of its grid modernization efforts by setting maturity
level targets for each of the domains in the model for a particular time window. Additional
assessments can be completed to track progress toward the established objectives. While higher
levels of maturity in the model are consistent with an organization that is successfully adopting
and benefiting from its grid modernization efforts, it is important for each organization to establish

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

its own target maturity levels based on its own unique operating profile, strategy, and timeline.
Achieving Level 5 in any domain is not necessarily the goal for an organization and is unlikely to
be an appropriate goal for many organizations.
Level 0 – Default: Level 0 represents a maturity level that precedes an organization’s taking
significant initial steps toward the adoption of smart grid technology. Level 0 is not defined by
characteristics but rather is the default level for an organization that has not sufficiently
implemented the expected characteristics to achieve Level 1 for a given domain.
Level 1 – Initiating: Initiating conveys the notion that an organization is taking the first
implementation steps within a domain. Organizations achieving Level 1 for a domain have
decided to move toward a smart grid and are taking initial steps in that direction. At this level
 The organization has identified performance measures within a domain that smart grid
implementations should improve.
 The organization may have programs in place to actively track and measure these
performance measures.
 An initial motivation and vision for grid modernization is developing and may already be in
 Options for grid modernization are being explored and evaluated, which may include
conducting small-scale, proof-of-concept experiments.
 Business cases and strategies for smart grid implementations may be in development.
Level 2 – Enabling: Enabling is used for Level 2 because the focus of this level is on
implementing features that will enable an organization to achieve and sustain grid
modernization. At this level:

 Business cases and strategies are in place, and integrated modernization strategies are
 Additional management support is emerging; this support includes resource
 Internal and external dependencies are being explored, and relationships are being
 One or more pilots or proof-of-concept projects are underway to evaluate the impact of
potential changes.
 Pilots and projects are more likely to be compartmentalized than integrated across
functional units.
 Security, resiliency, and interoperability requirements are among the evaluation criteria
for the pilots and projects.
Level 3 – Integrating: Integrating is used for Level 3 because smart grid deployments at this
level are being integrated across the organization. At this level:

 There is an organization-wide commitment to an integrated grid modernization strategy

and plan.
 Grid modernization projects that are underway are integrated across the organization.
 Performance (with respect to a variety of quality attributes) is measurably improved, and
visibility into the integrated operations of the organizations and its external dependencies

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

is increased. For example, performance against security, resiliency, and interoperability

requirements shows measurable improvement.
Level 4 – Optimizing: Optimizing is used for Level 4 because smart grid implementations within
a given domain are being fine-tuned and used to further increase organizational performance.
At this level:

 Management and operational systems rely on, and take full advantage of, increased
visibility into and integrated control across the enterprise.
 Features such as prediction of problems and automated real-time correction are starting
to emerge.
 There is increased information sharing and collaboration both within the organization
and with its external stakeholders, including its customers.
 Security, resiliency, and interoperability requirements recognize dependencies beyond
organizational boundaries.
Level 5 – Pioneering: Pioneering is used for Level 5 because organizations at the highest level
within a given domain are breaking new ground and advancing the state of the practice. At this

 Organizations are providing industry-leading innovation and may be highly involved in

the development of smart grid standards and best practices by taking a leadership role
in industry consortia and public-private partnerships.
 Organizations are collaborating with other grid stakeholders to optimize overall grid
operation and health.
 Features such as increasingly integrated operations, novel collaborative strategies,
extensive external information sharing (e.g., sharing of grid health data), and leadership
in communitywide responses to security issues are appearing.
 Organizational strategies and vision are aligned with national, regional, and local

Figure 2.2: SGMM Domains

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Domains are logical groupings of smart-grid-related capabilities and characteristics for which the
SGMM defines a maturity progression. Each level of maturity within a domain builds upon the
previous one, so an organization must achieve Level 1 to achieve Level 2, and so forth. Each
level of maturity within a domain is fully described by a set of expected characteristics and a set
of informative characteristics.

The SGMM contains of the following domains:

1. Strategy, Management, and Regulatory domain: It represents the capabilities and
characteristics that enable an organization to successfully develop a smart grid vision and
strategy, establish internal governance and management processes, and promote
collaborative relationships with stakeholders to implement that strategy and vision. The
integration, communication, and management of the mission, vision, and strategy guides the
way through a successful smart grid transformation. As the organization matures, the
management processes across lines of business will increasingly reflect the smart grid vision
and strategy. Smart grid leadership will have sufficient explicit authority within the organization
and with external stakeholders, including regulators, to implement the vision. Smart grid
modernization will drive organizational strategy and direction, and new business opportunities
will emerge that capitalize on the smart grid as a platform for the introduction of new services
and product offerings.

2. Organization and Structure domain: This represents the organizational capabilities and
characteristics that enable an organization to align and operate as required to achieve its
desired smart grid transformation. The domain focuses on changes in communications,
culture, structure, training and education, and knowledge management within the
organization. For grid modernization efforts to be successful, the organizational structure must
promote and reward cross-functional planning, design, and operations. The organization must
align its structure to take advantage of opportunities that a smart grid will provide. Maturity
within this domain reflects an increasing capability for the organization to move beyond
reactive and compartmentalized decision making to planned, fact-based, and nimble decision
making to achieve its smart grid goals. It also reflects an organizational workforce whose
competencies and skill sets are aligned with achieving the organization’s smart grid vision.

3. Grid Operations domain: This represents the organizational capabilities and characteristics
that support the reliable, secure, safe, and efficient operation of the electrical grid. Increasing
maturity within this domain reflects an evolution from relatively inflexible, manually intensive
operations with limited visibility into the health of the grid to automated operations with
significant flexibility and a high degree of situational awareness at local, regional, and national
levels. Organizations that have achieved a high level of maturity within this domain have an
increased capability to utilize automation and information available from the deployment of
smart grid technologies. These organizations have the capability to manage power flows so
that power losses are minimized and the usage of lowest-cost generation resources are
maximized. They have increased levels of automation and the ability to see key aspects of
“the whole grid,” decreased response times for communications and control, and a reduced

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

likelihood of cascading system failures. These capabilities support not only the goals of
increasing grid reliability, security, efficiency, and safety but also broader grid modernization
objectives such as delivering high quality power, supporting multiple generation options,
optimizing usage of grid assets, and operating efficiently.

4. Work and Asset Management (WAM) domain: This represents the organizational
capabilities and characteristics that support the optimal management of assets and workforce
resources (i.e., people and equipment) that are central to meeting smart grid goals. Increasing
levels of maturity for this domain reflect an increasing capability of an organization to utilize
information made available from the deployment of smart grid technologies to

 Reduce unnecessary maintenance and downtime

 Track causes of failures
 Diagnose faults and recommend corrective actions
 Detect failure conditions in advance of actual failure
 Reduce time between problem identification and resolution
 More efficiently deploy workforce resources
 Improve capacity planning performance

For example, a utility that is mature in WAM bases its equipment operation and maintenance
decisions on up-to-date, fact-based performance data instead of on generic industry best
practices or broad, nonspecific, historical precedents. Increasing maturity within this domain
also reflects an evolution from preventative and reactive usage and deployment of resources
to predictive and planned management. This supports not only the goals of increasing grid
reliability, security, efficiency, and safety but also enhances the organization’s operational

5. Technology domain: This represents the organizational capabilities and characteristics that
enable effective strategic technology planning for smart grid capabilities and the
establishment of rigorous engineering and business processes for the evaluation, acquisition,
integration, and testing of new smart grid technology. The engineering and business
processes should be based on the quality attributes necessary for achieving success and
reducing risk (e.g., interoperability, upgradability, security, safety, cost, and performance).
Organizational capabilities and characteristics in the Technology domain also reflect
adherence to relevant industry and government standards, and integration throughout the
enterprise of optimized, data-rich smart grid applications and analytics (with extensive data
sharing across lines of business and among industry partners). Use of the organization’s
smart grid IT infrastructure as a platform for the creation and support of innovative business
services not only contributes to the success of the organization but can also open new markets
for the industry as a whole.

Achieving the organizational and national benefits of a smart grid transformation involves far
more than having vendors produce and utilities (and their customers) acquire advanced smart
grid technology. Technology can either contribute to or detract from an organization’s ability

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

to meet smart grid goals for itself and for society at large. Smart grid technology supports two-
way digital communications, wide-area situational awareness (based on advanced sensor
networks), and fine grained control (e.g., of customer load using smart meters and smart-grid-
aware appliances). Nonetheless a cohesive technology strategy, based on sound engineering
principles and judicious enterprise-wide business management, is necessary to connect and
support the innumerable data sources (including sensors), control elements, and users that
make up a smart grid, today and into the future.

6. Customer domain: This represents the organizational capabilities and characteristics that
enable customer participation toward achieving the benefits of the smart grid transformation.
Customer participation may be passive (e.g., allowing the utility to manage customer load and
the selection of energy sources) or active (e.g., giving customers the advanced visibility and
control needed to automatically manage their own load and choose among alternative energy
sources, in response to pricing signals and available market options). Utilities that
demonstrate high levels of maturity in the customer domain fully empower their customers to
make and execute their own choices regarding the use, source, and cost of energy, while
protecting the security of the grid and customer privacy. At the same time, a high level of
maturity in the customer domain demonstrates organizational capabilities and characteristics
that would help an organization to meet utility, regional, and national goals with respect to grid
stability and resiliency, energy efficiency, reduction of peak load, conservation, increased use
of green energy sources via distributed generation, and reduced reliance on foreign energy
sources (e.g., through innovative uses of the smart grid such as providing a customer
management infrastructure and interface for plug-in electric vehicles).

7. Value Chain Integration (VCI) domain: This represents the organizational capabilities and
characteristics that underlie an electric utility’s ability to achieve its smart grid goals by
successfully managing the utility’s organizational interdependencies with both the supply
chain for the production of electricity and the demand chain for its delivery. VCI enables
dynamic supply and demand management based on near real-time information. Traditionally,
electric utility companies were vertically integrated organizations typified by centralized
decision making and bounded by political geography. Market pressures and regulatory
changes transformed many utilities into new chains of organizations to produce and deliver
electricity whereas in the past, one company monopolized the local market. As a result of
environmental concerns and the need for increased efficiencies, market forces and regulatory
bodies will again force the industry to change, providing new opportunities for organizations
with smart grid competence and causing new value chains to emerge. Automation will extend
beyond traditional boundaries and across the entire value chain to provide opportunities for
innovation and efficiencies in load management, distributed generation, and market structure.
As a utility matures, the cooperative planning, implementation, and management of electricity
from sources of production to end-use consumption will optimize profitability and improve
performance of the utility’s value chain. Networked information technology and data sharing,
aligned with value chain business units’ requirements, are critical for success.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

8. Societal and Environmental (SE) domain: This represents the organizational capabilities
and characteristics that enable an organization to contribute to achieving societal goals
regarding the reliability, safety, and security of our electric power infrastructure, the quantity
and sources of the energy we use, and the impact of the infrastructure and our energy use on
the environment and our quality of life. Societal and environmental issues compose a major
focus of smart grid initiatives. A smarter grid can provide the ability for a utility and society to
make better informed choices and leverage energy alternatives while improving
environmental impacts. Utilities can promote conservation and green initiatives to mitigate
capacity needs while developing the ability to integrate alternative and distributed energy
sources. Effective implementation of these programs can enhance the organization’s
reputation and strengthen relationships with its customers, regulators, and the public at large.
Increased efficiencies in production and consumption made possible through a smarter grid
not only reduce environmental impacts but can also sustain profitability. Organizations
participating in smart grid deployments and operations can effectively address society’s
critical infrastructure protection concerns by incorporating security and resiliency solutions
early on. The prevention, mitigation, and remediation of security risks and events will be an
ongoing requirement for the utility and all participants of the smart grid.


Expected characteristics are the capabilities and characteristics that an organization must
implement or exhibit to achieve the corresponding maturity level within a domain. Each expected
characteristic is presented as a concise, declarative statement to support the consistent
evaluation of its implementation and its independence from other characteristics at the same level
within the model. While it is possible for an organization to exhibit expected characteristics
associated with several maturity levels within a domain, the model requires that for a given level
of maturity to be achieved, the expected characteristics for that level and all lower levels in that
domain must be sufficiently implemented. For an organization to achieve Level 2 in a given
domain, for example, it must sufficiently implement the expected characteristics for both Level 1
and Level 2 in that domain. Every expected characteristic in the SGMM corresponds to a single
question in the SGMM Compass, the instrument used for measuring an organization’s current
maturity profile.

Informative characteristics provide additional descriptive material that may provide some insight
into whether an organization has achieved a given level of maturity within a domain. These might
include examples, potential features, or additional explanatory information. These characteristics
are not used to evaluate whether an organization has achieved a specific level of maturity.
Informative characteristics are not a required feature, so within a given domain, at a given maturity
level, the model may have only expected characteristics and no informative characteristics.

The SGMM can be viewed in the summary form in a Matrix representation containing the level,
domains and a shortened version of expected characteristic. A representative view of the SGMM
Matrix is provided below.

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Figure 2.3: Smart Grid Maturity Model Matrix Snapshot

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The first phase in developing a smart grid maturity model is the preparation phase, wherein the
utilities would be made aware of the instructions required to complete the entire process. After
completing all of the steps in the Preparation phase with the organization, the utility would
complete the SGMM Compass survey with smart grid stakeholders from throughout the

An organization is rated in each domain of the model based on its answers to the questions in the
SGMM Compass survey. The SGMM Compass is composed of both domain-specific and
organizational attribute questions. The maturity rating for a specific domain is entirely based on
the domain-specific questions for that domain. The SGMM Compass contains domain specific
question for each expected characteristic in the model. An organization does not have to
completely exhibit all expected characteristics of a given level of a domain to be rated at that level.
Scoring criteria establish a level rating based on a composite of the responses to all domain-
specific questions in that domain level. Higher ratings in a domain reflect a growing extent of
smart grid implementation in an organization with respect to the subject of that domain. The result
of an SGMM assessment is a maturity profile that includes maturity ratings for each of the eight
SGMM domains. Because the answers collected in the Compass survey reflect the collective view
from people across the organization, the Survey Workshop produces a more accurate description
of the organization’s current smart grid status. In addition to their own performance and maturity
rating, each utility that completes the survey receives summary statistics on how all other
respondents have answered the questions and their resulting scores. This allows each utility to
see how it is performing in comparison to others in terms of, for example, being in the middle of
the pack or being an outlier. In this way, every user of SGMM contributes data that provides value
to every other user.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Figure 2.4: SGMM Maturity Profile28

Key smart grid stakeholders from the organization would then analyse the organization’s scored
SGMM data during the Analysis phase to provide findings that offer valuable insights. During the
Aspirations Workshop, the findings to the organization are presented, and based on those
findings, the business objectives, and an agreed upon time frame, the organization’s smart grid
stakeholders begin to lay the foundation for their SGMM aspirations.

Participants identify aspirations for where they want to be in two to three years. They also identify
motivations regarding future SGMM improvement targets, actions to take, and obstacles to
overcome. All of this information supports strategic and tactical planning.


More than 150 utilities are using the model or have taken the first steps towards using it. The
breakup of SGMM users by region is shown below.

Figure 2.5: SGMM user breakup by region.29

Source: Smart Grid Maturity Model Update, Volume 3. Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon, 2011.
Source: [Accessed 07-12-2015]

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

A list of some of the utilities that have employed SGMM is presented below.

Exelon/PECO AEP Power

Manitoba Hydro PHI Integrys
BC Hydro Exelon Tokyo Electric
Bonneville Pwr. Duke Energy CELPE
Portland Gen. SCANA Corp. Enexis
East Miss EPA East Miss EPA Integral Energy
ERDF Ameren Illinois Tata Power
Union Fenosa Ameren Missouri CFE (3 divisions)
NDPL NB Power PGN Carolina
Zhejiang Energy Salt River Proj. PGN Florida
CLP Sempra AMP (22 public
Energy Australia Austin Energy power utilities)
Country Energy CoServ PG&E
CPFL Centerpoint Toronto Hydro
EDP Entergy Tucson Electric
AusNet Glendale W & P Power
Dominion Power Detroit Edison Xcel Energy
First Energy Burbank Water & Energy

A growing number of utilities have now taken the SGMM Compass survey more than once. The
figure below summarizes the first and second maturity profiles of these organizations. The
average maturity ratings across all eight SGMM domains show an increase in the second use,
which suggests that utilities are making progress in their grid modernization efforts.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Figure 2.6: Average range of maturity scores for utilities completing the compass survey

Box 2.1 Case Study: Defining the Pathway to the California Smart Grid of 2020

Defining the Pathway to the California Smart Grid of 202031

Project Objectives:
Local utilities of California managed a myriad of complex challenges to meet the State’s policy
objectives including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the use of renewable
energy, and relying first on energy efficiency, conservation and demand response to meet
increases in energy demand. The evolution of smart grid technologies was identified as a tool
to help local utilities to address these issues while meeting their commitments to being low‐
cost, reliable, safe, and environmentally sound service providers. For this a research was
undertaken to identify the Smart Grid vision of 13 POUs in California for 2020 by using the
Smart Grid Maturity Model.
SGMM Application

Source: Smart Grid Maturity Model Update, Volume 3. Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon, 2011.
Science Applications International Corporation, 2011. Defining the Pathway to the 2020 Smart Grid for California’s Publicly Owned
Utilities. California Energy Commission. Publication number: CEC‐500‐2013‐009.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

As a result of the SGMM process, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)

identified seven use cases to illustrate ways in which Smart Grid is widely expected to benefit
utilities and energy users in California and elsewhere in 2020. These use cases provide a
detailed description of the function and application of smart grid technologies in categories that
were originally established by the National Institute of Standards and Testing.

In addition to total maturity scores, close examination of the data gathered by the SGMM
process found that each of the utilities could be divided into three categories, each containing
a unique set of characteristics. Understanding these characteristics was essential to identifying
ways to enhance Smart Grid adoption and thereby promote the accomplishment of the Energy
Commission’s overarching objectives. Interviews with POUs for each categories discovered
that their primary areas of concern are generally focused on cost, service offerings, grid
efficiency, reflections of local constituent’s financial and societal concerns and clean energy job
creation. The following figure summarizes such findings. As an example, Leaders implement
Smart Grid programs that increase short‐term costs with the objective of promoting new
services or capturing qualitative benefits.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Finally the participating utilities used the Smart Grid Maturity Model to establish their expected
year 2020 smart grid maturity levels. Through the aspirations setting process of the model,
participants identified their motivations for achieving their future visions and identified the
actions to be taken and challenges that they may face along the way. Motivations were
indicators as to why utilities intend to advance their smart grid maturity, actions represent the
steps they will take to achieve their future aspirations and challenges reflect the obstacles that
they expect to face along the way.

SAIC created a roadmap from the content of the SGMM. By summarizing and converting the
stated characteristics at each level into action statements, a roadmap to achieving that level
was readily constructed. The following shows a snapshot of the roadmap developed:

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

SGMM Benefits to Public Owned Utilities (POUs)

Applying the SGMM process yielded numerous benefits to POUs. Some of the key benefits
 Developing an Enterprise‐wide Vision and Mission: Within California, there have been
instances where application of the SGMM process directly resulted in a POU conducting its
initial enterprise‐wide facilitation and coordination of a Smart Grid assessment of its mission,
vision or objectives. In practice, bringing widely diverse utility departments together to jointly
review such attributes can be a daunting task. The Smart Grid related needs and objectives
of different departments can, in some instances, appear to be in conflict. The SGMM process
overcomes such obstacles by focusing the POU on matters of overarching importance
(mission and vision) and specific ways (strategies) to achieving such ends.
 Active Participation and Coordination: Smart Grid affects the day‐to‐day business
operations of numerous POU departments (such as information technology, operations,
customer service, and so forth). Moreover, successful implementation of Smart Grid
(regardless of degree or nature of each POU’s Smart Grid) demands active participation in
the process. SGMM enhances the participation and coordination of affected POU

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Objective and Quantifiable Measurements: The SGMM process objectively measures the
status of Smart Grid implementation within numerous individual functional areas, as well as
the overall POU.
 Planning & Execution: In several instances, SGMM Navigation provided the first
opportunity for utilities to have a comprehensive discussion about smart grid among
regulators, managers and staff. Utilities are now aligning smart grid initiatives into their
strategic plans using SGMM language.
Utilities are using SGMM to evaluate progress and success of current initiatives with the
result from SGMM process also used for broadcasting impact of smart grid program to gain
interest and attention in these initiatives
The SGMM framework thus comprehensively addressed organizational and business
information technology (IT) matters related to smart grid implementation.

Box 2.2 Case Study: Tata Power Application of SGMM and Learning for Indian Utilities


[1] Smart Grid Maturity Model: Creating a Clear Path to the Smart Grid 1st ed. IBM, 2009: EUB03005-

[2] Science Applications International Corporation, 2011. Defining the Pathway to the 2020 Smart Grid
for California’s Publicly Owned Utilities. California Energy Commission. Publication number: CEC‐

[3] Smart Grid Maturity Model Update, Volume 3. Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon, 2011.

[4] SGMM Team. Smart Grid Maturity Model: Model Definition. Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie
Mellon University; 2011:CMU/SEI-2011-TR-025.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Module -3
Smart Grid Building Blocks

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


This chapter outlines the basic building blocks for smart grid.

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Geographic Information System (GIS), Supervisory

Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Distribution Management System (DMS) are
essential/key components that are needed to achieve the business objectives of smart grid
implementation. Each of these components are discussed in detail in sections below.


AMI can be defined as “the infrastructure required to enable the Distribution Licensee to
accurately collect, monitor and analyse real-time consumption data from consumers,
communicate price signals to consumers and where permitted control load; communications
hardware and software”32.


AMI is thus an integrated system comprising of smart meter, two way communication networks
and data management systems that provide the backbone for enabling much of the smart grid
functionalities like remote meter reading, connect-disconnection, theft-tamper detection, outage
management and distributed generation management among others.

Key components of AMI are:

 Smart meter.
 A communication Infrastructure which provides the backbone for transmitting meter data
from customer premises to the utility control centers
 A meter data acquisition systems (MDAS) which stores the data for future use
 A Meter data management system (MDMS) which is a software package specifically
designed to receive and analyze reads and other information sent by the meter (alarms,

Model Smart Grid Regulations. Forum of Regulators, 2015

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Figure 3.1: AMI Architecture

The key components are described below.

Smart Meters
Smart meter is an AC static watt-hour meter with Time of use registers, internal
connect & disconnect switches with two way communication capability. It is
designed to measure flow of energy, store and communicate the same along
with other parameters defined in this standard. It can be remotely accessed for
data; programming and load switch there by enabling rollout of Advanced
Metering Infrastructure.33 Smart meters not only can measure instantaneous power and the
amount of energy consumed over time but also other parameters such as power factor, reactive
power, voltage and frequency, with high accuracy

Communication Technologies
A smart grid consists of several basic networks:
• Home area network (HAN)—Communications between a building’s interior and a smart
• Field area network (NAN)—Communications between the user’s smart meter and a
concentrator (or aggregator), and
• Wide area network (WAN)—a high-bandwidth backhaul communications link between the
concentrator and the utility.

BIS Standard, IS 16444:2015 A.C static direct connected watt-hour smart meter class 1 and 2 – specification .[Accessed: 01- Dec- 2015].

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


HAN is at the customer end of the network architecture. It supports communications

among household appliances from a smart meter, in-home displays (IHDs) and/or home
energy management (HEM) systems. HAN applications include home automation, optimal
thermostat set points for thermal zones, optimal water tank temperature set-point,
controlling and managing loads and providing total electricity costs.

A premises network is connected to other smart grid actors, e.g., an electric utility or a
third-party energy service provider, via a smart meter or an Internet gateway. This enables
an electric utility to perform NAN applications in residential, commercial and industrial
premises, e.g., prepaid services, user information messaging, real-time pricing and
control, load management, and demand response.


A Neighborhood Area Network (NAN) or Field Area Network (FAN) supports information
data flow between WAN and a premises area network.

NAN allows electricity usage information to be transmitted from energy meters to a utility
or a third-party system, and allows field devices to be controlled remotely, e.g., in
distribution automation applications. NAN is connected to WAN via a backhaul network,
where data from many NAN’s are aggregated and transported between NAN and WAN.


Wide Area Network (WAN) supports real-time monitoring control and protection
applications, which can help prevent cascading outages with real-time information related
to the state of the power grid. It also provides communication links for smart grid
backbones; and covers long-haul distances from NAN to a control center. Media used for
WAN communications typically use longer-range, high-power radios or Ethernet IP-based

MDAS is an important interface to the field devices such as smart meters, data connector unit,
distribution transformers and feeders at substations with centralized monitoring system. Its
primary functions are to acquire data from the field devices, store it, analyze it and report it. It
automates the meter reading thus avoiding any human intervention. It has the ability to process
huge amount of data with high performance and efficiency for ensuring system-wide monitoring
and decision support.

Meter Data Acquisition System is the core application for interface to the smart meter. The MDAS
can perform following functions:
 Acquisition of meter data on demand & at user selectable periodicity
 Two way communication with smart meter/ DCU
 Connect & disconnect for Load Control and Pricing signal

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Audit trail and Event & Alarm Logging

 Encryption of data for secure communication with smart meter ,DCU & MDM
 Maintain time sync with DCU / smart meter
 Handling of Control signals / event messages on priority
 Setting of smart meter configurable parameters

A MDMS is a database with analytical tools that enable interaction with other information systems
such as the following:

 Consumer Information System (CIS), billing systems, and the utility website
 Outage Management System (OMS)
 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) power quality management and load forecasting
 Mobile Workforce Management (MWM)
 Geographic Information System (GIS)
 Transformer Load Management (TLM)

The Meter Data Management System supports storage, archiving, retrieval & analysis of meter
data and various other MIS along with validation & verification algorithms. One of the primary
functions of an MDMS is to perform validation, editing and estimation (VEE) on the AMI data to
ensure that despite disruptions in the communications network or at customer premises, the data
flowing to the systems is complete and accurate.


Key AMI applications include:

 Time-based pricing : A smart meter is capable of recording consumption that incorporates

dynamic pricing mechanism (TOU, CPP) to provide options for the consumer to limit use of
power during peak period (high price) and maximize use during off-peak (low price). Also, by
establishing bi-directional communication to consumer devices over the Home Area Network
(HAN) interface and WAN interface, it enables real-time demand response and as a
consequence more dynamic pricing schemes.

 Real time display of consumption data: AMI can transmit or communicate information of
the load and energy consumed in minutes (or seconds) to both the utility and consumer. This
feature enables to consumers to understand their load patterns and undertake suitable
demand side management measures. The data from AMI maintains integrity and accuracy
by automatically resuming functionality after loss of power and retaining all information held
in its storage prior to power failure.

 Net metering: It is capable of recording exported and imported power (bi-directional flow) of
consumers for application like rooftop solar PV.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Faster restoration of services: It can detect, record and transmit loss and restoration of
power notice to both utility and consumer. This feature enables Outage Management System
(OMS) and improves system reliability through real-time outage information.

 Remote turn on / turn off operations: A smart meter can be remotely turned on and turned
off. This feature enables, among others, demand response mechanisms on voluntary load
shedding during emergency plans. It can determine when power supply usage exceeds
predetermined value such as contracted load, record it, send alerts and automatically
disconnect supply till load goes below contracted amount.

 Energy prepayment: It can provide prepaid service options which allow users to better
manage their energy consumption and benefit utility in optimizing its collection efficiency
since utility gains from advance payment for future consumption and simplified billing and
collection operation

 Power quality monitoring: It can detect, record and communicate notices on abnormal
power quality beyond acceptable standards.

 Tamper and energy theft detection: It has security features that can detect any attempt of
unauthorized physical meter tampering. It can provide evidence of such an attempt through
the use of tamper evident seals. It can also send an alert notice of unauthorized usage via its
available interface and disable the supply.

 Enabling PEVs: AMI combined with smart charging technologies will allow PEV owners to
charge their vehicles at non-peak times when electricity rates are cheapest. This will lower
the PEV cost per mile driven and encourage additional consumers to switch to PEVs

 Customer Convenience: With the rollout of AMI, utilities will be able to provide better
customer service, especially around customer directed shut-off and reconnection dates.
These improvements in service result in increased levels of customer satisfaction.


A guide to key costs and benefits for the utilities is provided below:
Table 3.1: AMI Cost-Benefit Analysis

Costs Benefits

 AMI Metering Equipment and  Reduction in Meter Reading Costs

Communications Infrastructure  Reduction in Field & Meter Services
Implementation (Manual Disconnect / Reconnect of
 AMI Meters & Installation Meters, Manual Off-Cycle / Special Meter
 AMI Communications Network Reads)
Hardware & Installation  Theft / Tamper Detection & Reduction
 Efficiency Improvement in Billing and
Customer Management

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Costs Benefits
 IT Systems and Integration: MDAS,MDM,  Improved Capital Spend Efficiency
storage system, data integration platform,  Distribution System Management
analytics software  Asset Management Planning
 Program Management  Avoided Meter Purchases
 AMI Operational Costs  Improved Outage Management
 Metering Operations (Maintenance, Efficiency
field servicing, inventory management)
 Communications Operations
 Consumer Education

Apart from these utility benefits, many consumer/societal benefits emerging from AMI
implementation also need to be considered. Examples include demand response program which
enables reduction in peak demand, avoided economic cost for customer due to shorter restoration
times and increased level of customer service leading to higher customer satisfaction levels.


Globally grid modernization programs have been initiated and national roll-outs of AMI across
continents is in progress. To study the AMI deployments world over and generate insights into
the best practices, the International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) has come out with a set
of case studies on AMI across 10 countries. An analysis of a few of these case studies on various
key parameters identified is presented in the table below.

AMI Case Book Version 2.0. International Smart Grid Action Network; 2014.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Table 3.2: AMI Global Case Study Result Summary

Canada Ireland Netherland Italy
Key Ontario Smart Meter Deployment Project Smart Meter Pilot - Customer Behavior National Smart Meter deployment Telegestore Automated Meter
Parameter (2004-2012) Trial using “Opt-in” Model project Management Project by Enel (Private
(2009-2012) (Phase-1 2012-2014) DisCom)
Mandatory adoption of smart meter -  Initial 6000 smart meter  A 2 year small-scale AMI rollout Full deployment of AMI meter- 32
4.8 million smart meters installed and deployment for a national pilot for regular replacements, new million smart meter vs 37 million
Project 4.5 million customers on time of use  To proceed for national smart houses and on customer request total customers
Highlights (TOU) rates. meter roll-out from 2015-2019 to gain deployment experience
 Large scale roll-out for all
consumers as phase-2 of the plan
 Reduction in energy consumption  Shift peak electricity demand and  Easy switching for consumers  Greater reliability and power
and lower cost of electricity supply reduce overall electricity between suppliers quality
consumption  Improve operational efficiency  Creating more customer choice
 Support energy savings for end
use consumers
 Yes- To communicate changes to  Yes- Emphasizing the opportunity  No- Mandatory rollout announced  Yes-To inform customers about
customers and help set their for the consumers to reduce their without consumer interaction the replacement campaign, and
expectations for future smart grid bill spread awareness of benefits
initiatives  Faced opposition from national
Engagement  DR participant received association of consumers for  Communication plan included
Undertaken  A central TOU roll-out working supporting information in form of privacy and security concerns brochure & documents,
group formed to develop consumer stickers and consumer bill which resulted in policy change to congresses, promotional
engagement material contained detailed usage and voluntary rollout billboards, press releases and
supplied tips on energy reduction dedicated trade papers.

 Single centralized  Consumer behavior trials The rollout (phase-2) will partly be Remote curtailment functionality
MDM/R integrated with AMI of all conducted to determine smart funded from the current meter tariff. ensures minimum social supply to
DisComs to provide aggregated meter potential for reduction in This tariff will be stable in the first all for a limited period of time,
Other Key consumption for future policy and energy consumption years of the roll out and could instead of outright cut-offs (power
Project program planning remain unchanged or even drop limited to 10% of their contract value
Aspects  Participants who had an In-home in case of load violation)
 Created robust guidelines for display were able to reduce their
managing meter data - consumption more than others

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion
Canada Ireland Netherland Italy
Key Ontario Smart Meter Deployment Project Smart Meter Pilot - Customer Behavior National Smart Meter deployment Telegestore Automated Meter
Parameter (2004-2012) Trial using “Opt-in” Model project Management Project by Enel (Private
(2009-2012) (Phase-1 2012-2014) DisCom)
incorporated privacy by design as a

 Off peak time of 10 PM faced

opposition because of
impracticality of waiting to switch on
heavy load devices and hence was
shifted to 7 PM

 Reduces the number of crew visits  TOU tariffs were effective in both  Energy saving  Replacement of worn-out meters,
to read and service meters reducing and shifting  Savings on call centre costs which measured lower
 Savings in avoided/deferred consumption consumption
 Lower cost level as a result of the
Key capacity investments in new market mechanism (increased  Correction of database records
Benefits generation and transmission switching)  Detection of tampered
 Savings in meter reading costs installations from fraud and theft
 Elimination of consumption
estimation with real time data
 Completed in 2012 with $1 Billion  Opt-in model - achieved 30%  Small scale pilot in final stages  Completed in 2006 with a cost of
CDN response rate  Cost-benefit-analysis shows a 2.1 Billion Euros
Results and  3% shift from peak to off-peak  Overall 2.5% consumption positive NPV of approximately  500 Million yearly savings
Current  Benefit value: $1.6 Billion CDN reduction and 8.8% peak demand EUR 770 million  1.5 TWh energy recovered in
Status reduction from TOU Tariffs 2005
 NPV: Euro 174 Million if  30,000 tons CO2 emissions
implemented reduced in 2010
Aggregate MDM/R data provides a National smart meter rollout by early Start of a large scale role out of  Design & development of 2nd
valuable resource to create 2019 to enable real time monitoring smart grid expected in 2015/2016 generation smart meters to
innovative projects and services for of the LV network level & allow replace the current smart meters
customers. increase of distributed generation at their end of life (expected
and virtual power plants lifetime 15 years) is underway
Way Forward
To enable this innovation, Ontario is
conducting a Green Button pilot to  Proposal to exploit synergies
determine best practices for granting between electricity metering and
customers and third parties safe other utilities metering systems,
access to customer data. (gas and water.)

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Some of the key learnings from these deployments that can be considered while designing AMI
programs in India are presented below.

Phased Approach for AMI Deployment

A phased approach to AMI deployment is preferable over a complete system upgrade.

Undertaking pilot projects at initial stages enables the utilities to understand the challenges and
benefits from these deployments and incorporate these learnings to undertake a smooth large
scale roll-out.

Customer Engagement and Inclusivity

Consumers are an integral part of the smart grid ecosystem. Experience from the case studies
indicates that the utilities that involved customers from the start of the project have been able to
execute the program hassle free without any major consumer opposition. It is therefore important
to educate the consumers about SG benefits prior to roll-out to obtain their support.

A number of utilities also undertook consumer behavior studies in the pilot stages to understand
the potential effect of smart grid technologies on consumers. These studies would enable utilities
to apply the learnings to deliver a smooth large scale roll-out.

Mandatory versus Voluntary Smart Meter Roll-Outs Policy

It is important to choose a right policy among the options based on the regulatory environment
and market context of individual countries. Italy employed a gradual approach to deployment and
used a mixed strategy between mandatory and voluntary policies. When applying only mandatory
policy, there might be strong customer resistance as was the case of Netherlands, which changed
to a voluntary policy. A voluntary policy provides the consumers with a flexibility of either the opt-
in or opt-out model and therefore a few cases of opposition would not lead to stalling of the entire

Experience from these case studies show that initially a balanced approach may be required
wherein consumers with a certain minimum load may be eligible for smart metering plan whereas
others can be put in on an opt-in or opt-out model.

Privacy and cyber security

Privacy and security are one of the major concerns voiced by various NGO’s and consumer
groups across all regions. It is thus important to address these concerns through proper
institutional, regulatory and policy measures. Privacy and security issues should be tackled by
utilities at the time of smart grid planning and should not be an after-thought during

As an example in the case presented above Ontario’s Privacy Commissioner worked with
distribution companies to develop the Privacy by Design principles and which were incorporated
into a guideline of best practices for smart grid companies to follow when designing their systems.

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Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are applications which allow the user to map, model,
query and analyze large amount of spatial information within a single database. GIS tools enable
creation of maps, integration of information, visualization of scenarios, and development of
effective solutions. GIS applications such as the creation of a customer database and indexing;
mapping of the sub-transmission and electrical distribution network and so on, can provide a
number of advantages, such as efficiency improvement, loss reduction, downtime reduction and
costs. GIS mapping of the distribution network (33KV substation down to consumer level) allows
proper identification, location mapping and documentation of electrical network assets. In addition
to the above advantages, the existing connection and consumer details can be graphically
displayed on the GIS map linked to the database.

GIS enables the proper operation of smart grid components, such as OMS (Outage Management
System) and DMS (Distribution Management System) for real-time system management, as well
as informs other applications for system planning and engineering.

Some key characteristic/ aspects of GIS solution is presented below.

 The GIS software has a dynamic, flexible, and user friendly interface where required -
functions can be quickly developed, efficiently operated and maintained;
 It provides a comprehensive inventory of the electrical distribution network components
and their spatial locations;
 The application has the capability for storing all information (both attribute and spatial) in
a centralized Relational Database Management which allows real-time analysis of the
network, determines the current state and condition of the system;
 The software can support, capture and store schematic diagrams for different type of
 The GIS supports easy web enabling of the application and also helps in understanding
the relationship of networks with surroundings because it is an essential tool for
restoration, storm tracking and security monitoring.


Some of the applications enabled by GIS in smart grid are discussed below.

Application Description

AMI Loss Reduction  GIS mapping enables positioning of consumers on digitalized

map and their source of supply (MV/LV substation) and hence
allows for feeder and DT wise energy auditing
 GIS consumer mapping combined with other customer data can
help identify billing patterns and when combined with analytics, it

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Application Description
can help identify sudden change of load patterns to determine
cases of theft

Load Forecasting  Combining GIS spatial data of network with consumer load data,
current land use, urban centers, etc. can enable forecasting the
future load growth for every small area. The future system can
then be planned from these load forecasts.
Demand Response  GIS with integration with systems like Customer Information
System (CIS) and Energy Data Management Systems (EDMS)
can be used for targeted demand response programs. Spatial
analysis of this data can enable utilities to quickly identify areas
where load relief is required.
AMI Roll Out  GIS can be used to determine optimal locations for smart grid
components. The optimum location for placing a smart meter unit
can be obtained through spatial analysis and similarly the
optimum location of communication devices can also be
Outage Management  Real-time weather data integrated in GIS increases the
operator’s situational awareness and enables operators to
quickly determine facilities with increased risks of outage. GIS
maps can also be combined with real time line loading information
to identify lines with increased risk of flashovers and faults.
 With precise network layout GIS combine with AMI data can help
identify the exact locations affected by outages

Workforce  GIS combined with GPS can enable automatic vehicle location to
Management allow the electronic map to track the crew in real-time and help in
workforce scheduling
Asset Management  GIS allows utilities to visualize the entire network asset in a single
platform and helps them in understanding the physical and spatial
relationships among all network components. GIS thus provides
the means for real time monitoring and displaying the health of

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


At the core of smart grid decision making is SCADA i.e. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition.
SCADA is a centralized system for real-time data acquisition (and its analysis), monitoring and
control of remote equipment. This equipment in a power network means sensors and other
devices installed along the length of the network for assessing its state of health. Major
components of SCADA includes Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) or Intelligent Electronic Devices
(IEDs), a communication interface, a master interface/ control station and a human machine


The basic SCADA functions include data acquisition, remote control, human-machine interface,
historical data analysis, and report writing, which are common to generation, transmission, and
distribution systems.

Data acquisition is the function by which all kinds of data—analog, digital, and pulse—are
acquired from the power system. This is accomplished by the use of sensors, transducers, and
status point information acquired from the field.

Remote control involves the control of all the required variables by the operator from the control
room. In power systems, the control is mostly of switch positions; hence, digital control output
points are abundant, such as circuit breaker and isolator positions and equipment on and off

Historical data analysis is an important function performed by the power system SCADA, where
the post-event analysis is done using the data available after the event has happened. An
example is the post-outage analysis where the data acquired by the SCADA system can provide
insights into such information as the sequence of events during the outage, malfunctioning of any
device in the system, and the action taken by the operator. This could be a powerful tool for future
planning and is extensively used by power engineering personnel.

Some of the advanced distribution application functions enabled by SCADA in smart grid are
detailed below.

Application Function Description

Power quality (PQ) monitoring  PQM devices connected to the network can be
monitored centrally through SCADA network to
monitor harmonics, voltage sags, swells, and

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Application Function Description

 Corrective measures such as switching of capacitor
banks and voltage regulators can be implemented to
improve the power quality via SCADA interface

System Planning  Sequence of events (SOE) recording by SCADA

systems which time-stamp crucial events in the
system provides crucial data about the system
loading patterns.
 This historical sequential data helps planners in
designing new feeders, and networks for the future.
Load Balancing  With a real-time view of loading on various
substations., feeders, transformers and other
equipment, and the ability to control from a central
location, utilities can achieve proper load balancing on
the system, avoiding unnecessary overloading of
equipment and ensuring a longer service life for the
Equipment condition  By automatically tracking vital equipment parameters
monitoring abnormalities can be detected and with proper
maintenance the life of costly equipment can be
 SCADA interface enables transition from time-based
to condition-based maintenance with continuous
Fault identification, isolation,  FLISR systems use SCADA-enabled switches and
and service restoration sensors to locate the faulted area, isolate the fault, and
restore service to unfaulted areas
 Some switching operations can also be performed
automatically using SCADA to control action to field


DMS is a collection of applications designed to monitor and control the entire distribution side in
a power network. It includes a number of applications such as SCADA, OMS, GIS, Customer
Information System (CIS), and Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) and so on. Key
outcomes of DMS include power quality, minimizing outages and improving reliability of the
system. The use of DMS enables some of the important functionalities in smart grid such as
network connectivity analysis, state estimation, volt-var control, fault management & system
restoration and so on.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

The smart grid system requires management by a system that has a holistic view of power system
conditions which is what the distribution management system (DMS) provides. The DMS
integrates monitoring (“sensorization”), grid analytics, and control applications into an effective
decision support system that will enable distribution dispatchers to effectively manage a
distribution system of growing complexity during normal and emergency conditions.

A representative DMS architecture is presented below.

Figure 3.2: DMS Architecture

The foundation on which DMS is based is the Distribution Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (DSCADA) system .The DSCADA system provides the field-facing interface that
enables the DMS to monitor the distribution field equipment in real-time. DSCADA also enables
the DMS to initiate and execute remote control actions for controllable field devices in response
to operator commands or application function control actions. Examples of control actions include
opening/closing a medium voltage line switch, raising/lowering a voltage regulator tap-setting,
and switching a capacitor bank on or off. To perform these actions DMS also requires integration
with other smart grid applications to get the required inputs which are discussed in the following


GIS: This interface enables the DMS to obtain information from the Geographic Information
System (GIS) for building the static network connectivity model, displays, and electrical model

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

used by the distribution application functions. This interface streamlines the initial static network
connectivity model and display building process and simplify the creation of the electrical model
used by the DMS applications. The GIS would provide up-to-date information about distribution
assets that is needed to build and maintain the feeder model used by the advanced DMS
distribution applications.

Advanced Metering Infrastructure: Voltage measurements acquired via the AMI system from
selected AMI meters installed at customer premises near feeder extremities provide feedback to
the VVO application to ensure that voltage at the customer locations are within specified limits.

Outage Management System: The interface to OMS is used for real time data capture of partial
restorations, device status changes, and temporary device additions and deletions (jumpers and
line cuts).

The information acquired from DSCADA and integration with other applications is used by DMS
to enable a number of advanced distribution application which are discussed in the section below.


The addition of advanced distribution applications in DMS provides a clear distinction between
DMS and DSCADA. Some of the advanced distribution applications that are often included in
DMS are listed below.

On-Line Power Flow

An On-Line Power Flow (OLPF) program is used to determine the electrical conditions on the
utility’s distribution feeders in near real-time. The OLPF provides the control center personnel with
calculated current and voltage values in place of actual measurements and can alert the operators
to abnormal conditions out on the feeders, such as low voltage at the feeder extremities and
overloaded line sections. In addition, other DMS application functions, such as Switch Order
Management (SOM), Volt-VAR Optimization (VVO), and Fault Detection, Isolation, and
Restoration (FLISR), can use the OLPF results to accomplish their specified functionality.

Short Circuit Analysis

A Short-Circuit Analysis (SCA) function enables utilities to calculate the three-phase voltages and
currents on the distribution system due to postulated fault conditions with due consideration of
pre-fault loading conditions. The SCA function can also enable users to identify estimated fault
location using measured fault magnitude, pre-fault loading, and other information available at the
time of the fault. The results of SCA can be used for other applications like FLISR, Relay
protection and coordination.

Switch Order Management

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

A Switch Order Management (SOM) function assists the Dispatcher in preparing and executing
switching procedures for various elements of the power system, including both substation and
field devices (outside the substation fence). The DMS SOM function assists the user in generating
switching orders that comply with applicable safety policies and work practices. The SOM function
also supports the creation, execution, display, modification, maintenance, and printing of
switching orders containing lists of actions that are needed to perform the switching, such as
opening/closing various types of switches, implementing cuts and jumpers, blocking, grounding,
and tagging.

Volt/VAR Control
A Volt-VAR Optimization (VVO) function automatically determines optimal control actions to
achieve specified operating objectives while maintaining acceptable voltage and loading at all
feeder locations.

VVO could include the following utility-selectable operating objectives:

• Reduce electric demand

• Reduce energy consumption
• Improve feeder voltage profile
• Maximize revenue
• Energy loss minimization/power factor improvement
• Weighted combination of the above
The VVO function operates either in closed loop or advisory (open-loop) mode. In advisory mode,
the VVO function generates advisory control actions that may then be implemented by the
dispatcher. In closed loop mode, the VVO program automatically executes the optimal control
actions without operator verification. The VVO is executed periodically at a user-adjustable
interval, upon occurrence of a specified event, (significant change in the distribution system such
as significant load transfer, topology change and so forth), or manually by user.

Fault Location, Isolation, and Service Restoration

A Fault Location, Isolation, and Service Restoration (FLISR) function is used to improve the
System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI). FLISR provides SAIDI improvement benefits
for a wide variety of feeder configurations with various levels of protection and automation,
ranging from feeders in which the substation circuit breaker is the only controllable device and
source of information to feeders that are equipped with automated line switches, ties switches,
fault detectors, and other facilities for monitoring and control.

The FLISR main logic automatically detect faults and approximate fault location and then restores
service automatically to as many customers as possible.

The DMS will analyze all available real-time information acquired from field devices, including
fault detector outputs, fault magnitude at various locations on the feeder, feeder segment and
customer meter energization status, and protective relay targets, to detect faults and other circuit
conditions for which service restoration actions are required. All control actions identified by
centralized FLISR is executed by issuing supervisory control commands to substation circuit

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

breakers and reclosers and various feeder-switching devices (reclosers, load break switches, and
sectionalizers that are equipped with supervisory control capabilities).

Optimal Network Reconfiguration

An Optimal Network Reconfiguration function identifies ways in which the utility can reconfigure
a user-selected interconnected set of distribution feeders to accomplish a user-specified objective
function without violating any loading or voltage constraints on the feeder. The DMS ONR function
enables the following objective functions

 Minimize total electrical losses on the selected group of feeders over a specified time period.
 Minimize the largest peak demand among the selected group of feeders over a specified time
 Balance the load between the selected groups of feeders (that is, transfer load from heavily
loaded feeders to lightly loaded feeders).

Short Term Load Forecasting

A Short Term Load Forecast (STLF) function uses historical load and weather data to forecast
the system load automatically. Weather data is used to support the short-term load forecast
function. The STLF results are available for viewing and outage planning and should be used by
other DMS application functions that require an estimate of expected peak loading in the near
term, such as FLISR, Switch Order Management (SOM), Network Reconfiguration, and Large
area restoration.
Box 3.1 Case Study: Duke Energy – Ohio Smart Grid Project3536

Duke Energy – Ohio Smart Grid Project: Benefits Assessment

Project Highlight: A total investment of USD 100 million was allotted for Ohio grid
modernization project in AMI and Distribution Automation (DA) application under which
~140,000 new smart grid meters have been installed since 2008 in Ohio impacting 700,000

Project Objectives: The project objectives included:

• To implement distribution automation to help prevent and shorten outages

• To enable AMI and reduce the need for estimated bills
• To enable remote service connections and disconnections for faster customer
• To capture and post daily energy usage data online so customers can make wiser
energy decisions
• To incorporate more renewable, distributed generation into the grid

Duke Energy Ohio Smart Grid Audit and Assessment, 2011

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Project Benefits: Following the audit and assessment of the project a set of 25 operational
benefits from employing AMI and DA. A few of the benefits post smart grid operations are
compared with the baseline grid operations pre deployment and presented below.

Figure: Operational Benefits from AMI Deployment

Figure: Operational Benefits from DA Deployment

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Project Results:

The estimated 20-year net present value of the individual benefit was derived and the aggregate
20 year NPV was estimated to be USD 383 million. The result breakup is presented in the chart

Thus, a number of operational benefits were unlocked as a result of AMI implementation which
generated positive NPV for the project. The analysis also helps in allaying fears of utilities of
unpractical high initial costs of smart grid implementation.



Information Technology (IT) is associated with back-office information systems relating to
accounting, billing and revenue, workforce records and time-keeping, customer records, and other
transactions. IT are mostly software applications that involve commercial decision making,
planning, business processes management and resource allocation.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Operation Technologies (OT) on the other hand include software applications that provide
operational control of assets in the electric network in real time (or near real time). Most OT
systems involve device-to device, or device-to computer communications, with relatively little
human interaction.

Some of the applications that come under IT and OT are summarized in the figure below.

Figure 3.3: IT-OT Applications in Smart grid

Historically, OT and IT for distribution operations have been used in silos. However, with
emergence of smart grid need for IT-OT integration becomes necessary in a utility organization.

Business drivers for IT-OT integration

As utilities incorporate more smart devices into their operational environment on a continuous
basis, the case for integration of IT-OT grows stronger to get the maximum benefits from these
system upgrades. Key business drivers for integration are discussed below.

 With manifold increase volume of data generated across multiple OT and IT applications
and keeping disparate IT and OT systems to manage various business processes would
lead to inaccuracies in asset status data and a lack of a synchronized view of asset
information across enterprise and operational systems.
 With increasing array of sensors in the infrastructure of utilities, it becomes increasingly
imperative for utilities to leverage software to interpret the numerous streams of data
flowing from these sensors.
 The need for IT-OT integration is all the more important considering that most of the
market offers separate solutions for these two domains, resulting in duplication of systems
and processes. Another consequence of such an arrangement is that split responsibilities
between IT and OT for organizational security lead to higher risks.
 The need to integrate new types of assets/agents to the electric network and realize their
full operational benefit is another driver for integration of IT-OT. These assets can be
electric vehicles, demand response programs, home area networks (HAN) and distributed
An integrated approach that shares standards and platforms across IT and OT can enable utilities
to reduce costs across the software management landscape, including enterprise architecture
and information and process integration. Integration of IT and OT will bring together real time

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

systems such as SCADA, EMS and DMS with corporate applications such as EAM, EOM, CIS,
MWFM and DRMS and this can be a significant driver in helping utilities cut operational expenses
by improving their asset management capabilities.

Benefits of IT and OT Integration

Some of the benefits included:

 Lowering of operational and capital costs across the value chain through faster response
to real time conditions
 Accuracy and consistency in data across different application for operational and
informed business decision making
 Preventive and predictive maintenance techniques leads to reduced maintenance and
renewable costs

Figure 3.4: Smart Grid Architecture Integrating IT and OT Layer (as defined by
CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Smart Grid Coordination Group)37

CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Smart Grid Coordination Group

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

A couple of applications enabled by IT-OT integration are discussed below

Use-Case 1 Asset Health Monitoring

Traditionally, Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) would store and manage asset data and work-
related tasks such as maintenance for that particular asset, based on standard manufacturer
specifications and without taking into consideration actual working or loading conditions,
operational parameters, etc.

Figure 3.5: EAM with IT-OT Integration

When near real time data from OT system like SCADA can be retrieved for the asset, advanced
IT applications can be implemented to perform predictive maintenance, trending and forecasting
of equipment performance. This analysis can determine not only the impact of asset’s health on
the overall system (technical and economic), but also remedial actions that can need to be taken
to improve the asset’s performance.

Use-Case 2: Self-Healing Networks

FLISR (fault location, isolation, and service restoration) IT is an example of IT-OT convergence
is use of GIS (geographic information system) network models by DMS.

Figure 3.6: FLISR Application

The FLISR IT application uses inputs such as fault current, faulted circuit indicator status, and
breaker/ switch status (From OT device like SCADA), along with the electrical network model
(from GIS), to determine the optimal switching plan to isolate a fault and restore service quickly
to as many customers as possible.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Unbalanced load flow calculations using the network model can then be performed to determine
if any thermal or voltage violations will be produced for the possible switching plans. Once the
optimal switching plan has been chosen, the appropriate control actions can be transmitted to the
field devices through SCADA (OT) communications. Benefits for the distribution organization
include improved reliability performance and higher customer satisfaction.

Integration Framework for IT & OT

Technologies available for system integration have evolved over time. Real-time messaging
middleware has made it possible to apply some of the principles of enterprise application
integration (EAI) to distribution operations.

Data modeling and integration Interoperability standards, which are developed by numerous
bodies including IEC and IEEE, are starting to be employed. This includes IEC 61968, the
Common Information Model (CIM) for distribution management. CIM will cover various aspects of
distribution operations, AMI, distributed energy resources, and demand response. The maturation
of such standards is crucial to facilitate further IT/OT convergence.38

At a broader level, while implementing IT-OT integration, the architecture design must be flexible
and adaptive enough to meet future needs while providing the scale and security required for
mission-critical aspects of the system. Some other considerations for integration architecture can
be assigning of tags to assets that ensures that any asset can be correlated across the
organization's operational systems for different requirements. Also, an optimal framework for IT-
OT integration should provide key stakeholders with easy access to asset information. Top
decision makers should not need not log into multiple systems, rather, they should be enabled
with customized dashboards containing specific functionalities, key performance indicators (KPIs)
and reports.


[1] Ericsson, "Making the Metering Smart - A Transformation towards Smarter Cities".

[2] National Energy Technology Laboratory ,U.S, "Advanced Metering Infrastructure," U.S
DOE, 2008.

[3] ISGF, "Smart Metering Scenario in India," 2014.

[4] World Alliance for Thai Decentralized Energy Association (WADE THAI), "Smart/Intelligent
Grid Systems Development and Deployment," European Union, 2013.

ABB, "IT/OT Convergence: How their coming together increases distribution system performance," 2012.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

[5] Ameren ,Illinois , US, "AMI Cost/Benefit Analysis," 2012.

[6] International Smart Grid Action Network, "AMI Case Book 2.0," 2014.

[7] A. Datta, "Enterprise GIS and Smart Electric Grid”," TERI, 2013.

[8] J. Sinha, "GIS application in Power Distribution Utility," UPCL , Dehradun.

[9] N. Rezaee, M. Nayeripour, A. Roosta and T. Nikam, "Role of GIS in Distribution Power
Systems," World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2009.

[10] D.-I. A. C. Adams, "Using Geographic Information Systems to provide better E-services,"

[11] M. S. Thomas and J. D. McDonald, "Power System SCADA and Smart grid," CRC Press,

[12] J. Abawajy and R. J. Robles, "Secured Communication Scheme for SCADA in Smart Grid
Environment," Journal of Security Engineering.

[13] M. Madrigal and R. Uluski, Practical Guidance for Defining a Smart Grid Modernization
Strategy, World Bank.

[14] "Distribution Management Systems Planning Guide," EPRI, 2013.

[15] A. Dehariya and J. Mohammed, 'Role of Geographic Planning in Smart Grid Deployment',
Infosys, 2015.

[16] A. Sekhar, K. Rajan and A. Jain, 'Application of Geographical Information System and
Spatial Informatics to Electric Power Systems', IIIT/TR/2009/41, 2008.

[17] B. Meehan, 'Enterprise GIS and Smart Electric Grid', ESRI, 2008.

[18] Jeff Meyers, P.E , "How the Convergence of IT and OT Enables Smart Grid Development,"
Schneider Electric, 2013.

[19] ABB, "Convergence of Information and Operation Technologies (IT & OT) to Build a
Successful Smart Grid".

[20] TCS, "A process approach to Smart Grid deployment," 2013.

[21] R. Karnad and M. Chandrahasan, 'Building the Future Smart Utility through IT OT
integration: Leveraging an Asset Information Management Framework', TCS, 2015.

[22] ABB, "IT/OT Convergence : How their coming together increases distribution system
performance," 2012.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Module -4
Peak Load Management and
Demand Response

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


Load management is the process of balancing the supply of electricity on the network with the
electrical load by adjusting or controlling the load rather than the power station output. This can
be achieved by direct intervention of the utility in real time, by the use of frequency sensitive relays
triggering the circuit breakers (ripple control), by time clocks, or by using special tariffs to influence
consumer behaviour.

As India focuses on increasing power generation, development of renewables and scaling up

energy conservation and efficiency, Load Management needs be included as a potential option
to bridge the gap between demand and supply during various time blocks. Load management
 Optimal utilization of energy resources by uniform distribution of load across the day (which
can, in turn, reduce costs by eliminating the need for peaking power)
 To save additional investment in capacity addition
 Reduction in technical losses and enhanced customer satisfaction by load curtailment in
place of load shedding
 Better utilization of variable renewable energy generation in the state as load management
in specific time slots could provide valuable demand/supply balancing resources.

For e.g. in case of sudden reduction in the generation of renewable energy, grid operator requires
immediate flexible generating resources for balancing power in the grid. Variation/reduction in
demand through effective load management mechanism can thus play an important role in
balancing power in the grid and promoting RE in the country.

The following sections of this chapter thus focus on the role of smart grid in peak load
management through demand response mechanism.


Demand Response (DR) is a consumer’s ability to alter electricity consumption at their location
when prices are high or the reliability of the grid is threatened. DR is dependent upon the ability
of the consumer to change consumption patterns, without economic impact or loss of revenue,
such that the electricity consumption can be reduced or increased during time of need as required
by the system operator or DisCom to balance supply and demand. In all instances non-essential
load can be curtailed and specific examples could include:

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Table 4.1: DR Curtailment Opportunities

Customer Type Curtailment Opportunity

Slowing down or stopping production or specific processes in the

Industrial Customers
production line. Alternatively, ramping up consumption if required
Reducing / increasing or staggering the use of lighting, chillers,
Commercial Customers
lifts, escalators, etc. during specific time blocks
Domestic Customers Raising the temperature of AC thermostats; altering lighting loads

In the present scenario, for managing the peak load utilities either resort to building of new
capacity which prove to be quite expensive or go for involuntary load shedding activities which
have high economic impact for the customer. Also most utilities do not have real time data on
demand usage and hence peak load management becomes more reactionary step than a
proactive one due to the lack of predicative ability.

Smart grid enabled DR can provide the scale to make peak load management cost effective and
convenient. Smart grid technology provide the advantages of a real time information system, two-
way network communication and integration of utility information system to enable an effective
PLM implementation.

DR programs can provide benefit to both the utility and the consumer. From a long term
perspective, DR programs can help utilities avoid or delay the need for capacity addition. In the
short term, DR is a viable solution for utilities to avoid load shedding and over drawl of power to
manage real time imbalances of power. Additionally this could also enable integration of variable
renewable energy generation by providing demand/supply balancing. The consumer on the other
hand would be assured of reliable power and could also gain in terms of financial incentives for
participation in a load management program.

DR does not include the reduction of electricity consumption based on normal operating practice
or behaviour. For example, the reduction of electricity due to closure or scaled-back operation of
a company due to a holiday is not considered a demand response activity.

By implementing DR a number of needs of the distribution sector can be realized. A stakeholder

view of the benefits of DR program is summarized in the below table.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Table 4.2: DR Stakeholder Benefits

Stakeholder Benefit

 Financial incentive for participating in schemes

 Provides focus on energy efficiency
Consumers  Improved Supply Reliability (in the long term)
 Reduced cost of power (in the long term)

 Provides focus on load patterns and energy efficiency

 Low cost/fast to deploy mechanism to balance supply and demand
 Avoided cost in purchasing expensive power from wholesale
market/short term contracts required to meet supply deficit
 Deferral of asset investment for infrastructure required only to meet
peak demand
 Improved revenue due to avoidance of load shedding through better
load management
 Increased integration of RE resources into the grid

System Operators  Low cost/fast to deploy mechanism to provide ancillary services

 Provides an additional resource to help address power shortages

 Demonstrates a move towards energy efficiency and greener
solutions for meeting load requirements
 Positive impact on cost of power to consumers as DisComs and
system operators rely less on purchasing expensive power

 Positive impact on cost of power to consumers as DisComs and

system operators rely less on purchasing expensive power
Economy  Low cost/fast to deploy additional resource to help address power

 Less dependence on thermal power required to manage balancing

and regulation issues.
 Deferral of asset investment for infrastructure required only to meet
peak demand.
 Increased RE penetration

With these benefits, Demand Response can act as a reliable tool for managing demand as well
efficiently utilizing the variable renewable energy potential.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Another tool for peak load management is demand-side management, and although it is
sometimes used interchangeably with demand response, these are two different methodologies
as explained below.
DSM39 essentially refers to the actions of a Distribution Licensee to facilitate change in the pattern
of end-use i.e., the demand side of electricity, and includes any increase/decrease in the demand,
shifting the demand between high and low peak periods, managing the intermittent load demands,
etc., with the objective of reducing the power purchase and/or Discom’s costs.

DSM broadly includes:

 Energy efficiency –technical/operational changes that reduce the amount of energy

required to provide a particular service. E.g. building retrofits, switching to compact
fluorescent light (CFL) or LED bulbs.
 Conservation – behavioural changes that reduce overall energy consumption, e.g. turning
down thermostats, turning off lights and equipment over night.

In brief, Demand-side management (DSM) are actions (often incentive driven) which result in
sustained reductions in energy use for a given energy service, thereby reducing long-term energy
and/or capacity needs, whereas demand response (DR) are actions (often market driven) that
result in short-term reductions in peak energy demand.

Following graphs illustrate the difference in effect of DSM and DR on load curve. With DSM
initiatives the entire load curve of the consumer can be brought down, whereas with DR the peak
load is reduced for the duration the DR event is called for.

Figure 4.1: Effect of DSM on Load Curve

Draft Demand Side Management Regulations issued by FoR

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Figure 4.2: Effect of DR on Load Curve

The graph above shows the effect of DR on load. During overdrawal from grid and dip in wind
energy generation, A DR event call helps to lower the energy demand till the system stabilizes.


Demand response programs are established to motivate changes in electricity use by end-use
customers in response to changes in the price of electricity over time, or to give incentive
payments designed to induce lower electricity use at times of high-market prices or when grid
reliability is jeopardized. Thus, DR programs can be categorized into two types: (i) Price Base DR
and (ii) Incentive based DR. These are discussed in detail below.


Includes programs such as real-time pricing (RTP), critical peak pricing (CPP), Variable Peak
Pricing (VPP) and time-of-use (TOU) tariffs which charge customers time-varying rates that reflect
the value and cost of electricity in different time periods. Customers who have access to the
electricity rates they are paying, will tend to use less electricity when electricity prices are high.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Figure 4.3: DR Price Based Tariffs

Time of Use Pricing

In ToU (time-of-use) tariffs, different tariffs are charged based on the time at which electricity is
consumed, that is, higher tariffs are charged for energy consumed during peak hours than during
off-peak or normal hours.
Critical Peak Pricing (CPP)
In CPP, TOU prices are in effect except for certain critical peak days, when prices may reflect the
exceptionally high costs of generating and/or purchasing electricity at the wholesale level. CPP
events may be triggered by system contingencies or high prices faced by the utility in procuring
power in the wholesale market. Unlike TOU slabs, which are typically in place for 6–10 hours
during every day of the year or season, the days in which critical peaks occur are not designated
in the tariff, but dispatched on relatively short notice as needed, for a limited number of days
during the year.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Real-time Pricing (RTP)

Electricity prices may change hourly, or even sub-hourly, with price signals provided to the user
shortly in advance, reflecting the utility's cost of generating and/or purchasing electricity at the
wholesale level.

Variable peak pricing (VPP)

VPP is a hybrid of time‐of‐use and real‐time pricing where the different periods for pricing are
defined in advance (e.g., on‐peak = 6 hours for summer weekday afternoon; off‐peak = all other
hours in the summer months), but the various price levels established for the on‐peak period
varies according to the costs of delivering electricity. VPP rates have a dual purpose: to change
the timing of a customer’s consumption of electricity (i.e., shifting from peak hours to off‐peak
hours) and to reduce a customer’s consumption of electricity over a certain number of hours on a
limited number of days when certain system conditions occur (e.g., extremely high costs or system
emergencies) by making it much more costly to purchase during on‐peak periods on these limited
Box 4.1 Case Study: OG&E Demand Response Program 40

Oklahoma Gas and Electric Demand Response Program

Project Objective: The primary goal of OG&E was to assess the demand response achieved
through various technologies and dynamic rate plans. The program is designed to test, and
gain knowledge about customer acceptance of time-based rate designs and enabling

Project Description: Customers were randomly assigned to either a Time-of-Use – Critical

Pricing (TOU-CP) option or a Variable Peak Pricing (VPP-CP) option or a control group.
Customers in the control group were left on their existing standard rates. The Critical Price
component in each rate plan was to raise the price level to the critical price when a Critical Price
event was issued with a minimum of two hours’ notice. The VPP-CP was designed by replacing
the on-peak price (from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM on weekdays) in the TOU rate with one of four
variable prices shown in the chart below. Four defined price levels – Low, Standard, High,
and Critical – simplify communications of price level. The day-ahead on-peak prices for
VPP-CP are communicated to the customer by 5:00 PM on the previous day via email,
text message, and/or voicemail.

OG&E Smart Study Together Impact Results 1299-02, 1st ed. Global Energy Partners, 2012.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Project Results: Approximately 35,144 residential customers were participating in the

SmartHours pricing program, and 61.5% percent of those customers also accepted a free
Programmable Communicating Thermostat (PCT) and are referred to as SmartHours Plus
participants. Study results show that the overall maximum impact of the program was 51.4
MW, which occurred during a Critical Price event day on the day of the system peak (August
1, 2012). Across the three system peak Critical Price event days held, SmartHours Plus
customers averaged a reduction of 1.82 kW per customer, and SmartHours VPP customers
averaged a reduction of 0.73 kW per customer.
Project Learnings: The most effective rate/technology combination for residential
customers is the VPP-CP with PCT. The VPP rate provided the highest load reduction on the
hottest days, and also provides a full range of prices for OG&E to work with. On days when
capacity is plentiful, there is no need for customers to reduce on peak energy, so the low rate
can be set. When capacity is short, a High or Critical price can be set, and the Load reductions
will be greater. The VPP-CP allows OG&E to tailor the price to the capacity. Combining the
PCT with the rate automates the load reduction, giving the customer the ability to choose
between the relative importance of cost and comfort, and to vary that choice across the
different prices.

A number of demand response pilots have been undertaken as part of the Smart Grid Investments
Grant (SGIG) program of Department of Energy (DOE), US. An analysis of results of three such
SGIG demand‐side project studies conducted through the summer of 2011 is presented below.41

Table 4.3: Result Summary of three US Demand Response Pilot Studies

Oklahoma Gas and Electric Marblehead Municipal Sioux Valley Energy (SVE)
(OG&E) Lighting Department (MMLD)

To assesses whether To evaluate customer To analyze customer

Program Objective customers make use of responses to CPP and access acceptance and the reasons for
enabling technologies to to web portals

'Demand Reductions from the Application of Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Pricing Programs and

Customer-Based Systems - Initial Results', U.S Department of Energy, 2012.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Oklahoma Gas and Electric Marblehead Municipal Sioux Valley Energy (SVE)
(OG&E) Lighting Department (MMLD)

actively manage their different peak demand impacts

consumption and costs of the program

5,000 residential and 1,200 500 residential customers and 900 residential and rural
Consumers Sample for small commercial customers a two‐year test period during residential/ farm customers and
Study and one year testing period the summers a two‐year test period during
the summers

VPP (5-hour peak period) and CPP tariff (six‐hour period for CPP tariff (two groups: one
TOU critical peak events) "opt-out" and other "opt-in"42 ) ,
Tariff Structure
Third group no CPP tariff but
use of IHD for monitoring

Trial design strategy Randomized control trial design Randomized control trial design Randomized control trial design

Enabling Technologies Web portal, IHD and PCT Web portal Web portal, IHD
Trialed employed
 The largest reductions were  Customers on CPP  0.85 kW avg. peak demand
observed for the customers reduced peak demand by reduction per customer
with PCTs (about 30%) about 40% on average over during events
especially with VPP tariff the peak period, with a  Customers in opt-in model
 Customer acceptance was maximum reduction of appear to provide greater
Program Results and favorable and customer about 1.1 kW per customer peak demand reductions
Observations complaint and drop‐out  86% consumers had an than those placed on opt-
levels were relatively low overall positive experience out
 Average bill reduction over  Customer surveys show
the summer periods was high levels of satisfaction
over $150 and interest in continuing


These programs pay participating customers to reduce their loads at times requested by the
program sponsor, triggered either by a grid reliability problem or high electricity rates. An overview
of the most commonly deployed incentive-based demand response programs is provided below:
Direct Load Control (DLC)
In DLC a utility or system operator remotely shuts down or cycles a customer’s electrical
equipment on short notice to address system or local reliability contingencies in exchange for an
incentive payment or bill credit. Operation of DLC typically occurs during the times of system peak

An opt-in policy requires a potential customer to self-select the services they wish to subscribe to whereas in opt-out policy consumer
are presumed to be consulting to the project unless they register their unwillingness to subscribe to the service

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

The most common form of DLC is a program that cycles the operation of heavy usage appliances
such as air conditioners. Typically, a remote switch or digital control receiver is connected to the
air conditioning unit. By remotely switching off the load at the appliance, peak loads can be
reduced. In addition, remote control of individual appliances is being supplanted by remote control
of smart, communicating thermostats.

Box 4.2 Case Study: Home Depot Direct Load Control

Home Depot Direct Load Control43

Home Depot (An American retailer of home improvement and construction products and
service company) implemented a sophisticated direct load control system. They started by
installing interval meters at each location. In addition to verifying curtailments to the New York
Independent System Operator’s (NYISO), interval meters also provided valuable time sensitive
usage data that can be used to better operate buildings. Next, an energy management
system was installed. This allowed for two-way communications, sending metered data
back to corporate and accepting communications from corporate. Home Depot allowed
communication through their Local Area Network (LAN). This enabled home depot to receive
data from, and send commands to each of Home Depot’s store’s energy management system.
Next, it programmed a command to shut off every other overhead light and all display lighting.

These measures resulted in a load reduction of about 130 kW per store. A total of 36
stores of home depot have been enabled by this program. This has positioned Home Depot to
reliably reduce New York’s peak demand by approximately 4.7 MW when called on by the
NYISO’s Demand Response Program. The effectiveness of direct load control is highlighted by
the fact that the corporate energy manager was not working on the day of the event. He
received notification of the NYISO event at home and was able to curtail load at each
store from a laptop computer in his living room. New York State Energy Research and
Development Authority (NYSERDA) provided incentives of approximately $250,000 (for this
store location) to offset the capital cost of the equipment, and additional performance
revenue was earned from the NYISO.

Interruptible/Curtailable (I/C) Rates

Customers on interruptible/Curtailable tariffs receive a rate discount or bill credit in exchange for
agreeing to reduce load during system contingencies. If customers do not curtail, they can be
penalized. Interruptible programs are not designed for all category of customers. In particular,
customers with 24 hour-a-day, seven-days-a-week operations or continuous processes (e.g.,
hospitals) are not good candidates.

43, 'Demand Response Enabling Technologies and Case Studies from the NYSERDA Peak Load
Reduction Program', 2015. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed: 01- Dec- 2015].

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 4.3 Case Study: The Tata Power Company Ltd. Mumbai Distribution – Demand Response
Program (2012)

Case-1: The Tata Power Company Ltd. Mumbai Distribution – Demand Response
Program Objective: The objective of the DR program is to manage short time peak. There are
several occasions, when the cost of power to utility becomes very high for a short time. But
utility has to supply at the same predetermined tariff. The power purchase cost goes above Rs
10/KWh whereas the average cost of power sale is Rs 4/KWh.
Program Structure:
 Tata Power Company enrolls customers above 500 KW; Advises and educates
regarding curtailment options
 MOU is done with the consumer
 Load dispatch at TPC decides the event call based on Ex-ante price / transmission
 Aggregator gives call to all consumers and coordinates the curtailment.
 Event is of max : 2 Hrs. each ; 50 events per year
 Meter data is down loaded from AMR/ Hand held meters.
 Tata Power pays incentive to aggregator & the aggregator pays to the consumers as
per their curtailment
The figure below shows the DR in action at the facility level.

Program Benefits:
12 MW DR Capacity was enrolled. 10 Events of 2 Hours each called in 6 months. Following
graph shows the load curtailed in one such event :

BEE, 'Tata Power Demand Response Program'. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01- Dec- 2015].

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

The following table lists the customer wise breakup of DR enabled.

The benefits included:

For Participating Consumer:
 A participating consumer gets Rs 2.25/KWh saved.
 Consumer gets his hourly load curves, guidance and advice from Utility.
 No capital investment required.
For DISCOM supplying power :

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Saves on high cost power purchase of Rs 8 to10/KWh by paying Rs. 2.25/KWh

 Develops Curtailable Demand Side asset similar to power plant.
 Helps to manage system emergency.
 More engagement with consumers and more consumer satisfaction.

Program Learnings:
 Significant DR capacity can be developed but it can be used for very short periods and
only few times a year.
 DR is not a solution for daily peak power shortage. DR has to be used judiciously.
 Aggregator based DR is very cost effective and gets wide acceptance.
 Managing air conditioning is the most effective way of achieving DR curtailment. Hence
controls on room ACs must be promoted.
 The consumers remain interested for long time only if attractive incentives are offered.

Emergency Demand Response

Emergency demand response programs provide incentive payments to customers for reducing
their loads during reliability-triggered events, but curtailment is voluntary i.e., customers can
choose to forgo the payment and not curtail when notified without penalty. If customers do not
curtail consumption, they are not penalized. The level of the payment is typically specified
beforehand. The disadvantage of emergency demand response to utilities and system operators
is that they cannot accurately forecast how much load curtailment will occur when an event
Box 4.4 Case Study: PJM Interconnection– Emergency Demand Response Program

PJM Interconnection, US – EDR Program45

In this program DR consumer agrees to be interrupted up to ten times per delivery year by PJM.
The interruptions may be up to six consecutive hours in duration on non-holiday weekdays from
noon until 8 PM EPT in the months from May through September. The interruptions must be
implemented within two hours of notification by PJM. Those resources that can be fully
implemented within one hour of notification are considered Short Lead Time Resources, while
those that require more than one hour but not more than two hours of notification are considered
Long Lead Time Resources. This agreement by Emergency DR (Load Management) resources
to allow PJM to provide notice of the interruptions enables PJM to procure less generation
capacity while maintaining the same level of reliability according to the current reliability
criteria and practices within the PJM market.

The Emergency DR (Load Management) commitments for 3 years averaged just under
13,000 MW each year and up to 14,800 MW by 2015/2016. The overall performance of EDR
is depicted for two events called in 2012.

45, 2015. [Online]. Available:
report-2012-2013.ashx. [Accessed: 01- Dec- 2015].

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

A DR aggregator’s performance is measured for each event by zone for all resources
that were dispatched by PJM. The DR reductions made in a zone are compared to each
aggregator’s reduction commitment. Under performance is penalized and over
performance is be rewarded.

Capacity Market Programs

In these programs, customers commit to providing pre specified load reductions when an event
occurs, and are subject to penalties if they do not curtail when directed. Eligibility of customers
for the program is based on a demonstration that the reductions are sustainable and achievable.
For example, the requirements to receive capacity payments in New York Independent System
Operator’s (NYISO’s) Special Case Resources program are: minimum load reductions of 100 kW,
minimum four-hour reduction, two-hour notification, and to be subject to one test or audit per
capability period. These requirements are designed to ensure that the reductions can be counted
upon when they are called.
Many customers prefer these programs because they provide guaranteed payments, instead of
the prospect of uncertain payments. For grid operators this represents a secure resource that can
be implemented quickly.

Demand Bidding/Buyback Program

These programs encourage large customers to offer to provide load reductions at a price at which
they are willing to be curtailed, or to identify how much load they would be willing to curtail at
posted prices. These demand-bidding programs provide a means to elicit price responsiveness
when prices begin to increase. If customer bids are cheaper than alternative supply options or
bids, the load curtailments are dispatched and customers are obligated to curtail their

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

consumption. These programs are attractive to many customers because they allow the customer
to stay on fixed rates, but receive higher payments for their load reductions when wholesale prices
are high. Customers, who are not on time-based rates, can use the demand-bidding programs to
receive value for their reductions. Otherwise, these customers are on fixed retail rates.

As example, in programs such as NYISO’s Day-Ahead Demand Response Program (DADRP),

customers typically bid a price at which they would be willing to curtail their load and the level of
curtailment in MW on a day-ahead basis. If these bids are selected for operation during the
security constrained dispatch process, then customers must execute the curtailment the next day.
If they do not reduce their load, they are subject to a penalty. In another form of demand bidding,
the customer acts as price-taker. When participants in this program reduce consumption when
notified, they receive the market-clearing price, whatever it may be, as payment.
Box 4.5 Case Study: PG&E–Demand Bidding Program

PG&E’s Demand Bidding Program46

DBP is a voluntary demand response bidding program that provides enrolled customers with
the opportunity to receive financial incentives for providing load reduction on event days.
Credits are based on the difference between the customers’ actual metered load during
an event to a baseline load that is calculated from each customer’s usage data prior to
the event. For the most part, customers are notified of events by 12:00 noon on the previous

PG&E called six events, with an hour-ending 13:00 to 20:00 event window. All DBP customers
were called for three of the events, while the remaining three were dispatched for a sub-set of
locations. Enrolment in PG&E’s DBP averaged 952 service accounts across the three event
days during which all customers were called. The sum of enrolled customers’ coincident
maximum demands was 856 MW. The total program load impact for PG&E’s three full-
dispatch events averaged 36 MW, or 4.3 percent of enrolled load. Event-specific load
impacts ranged from a low of 31.0 MW to a high of 43.6 MW.

In order for all the DR programs detailed above to be effective, participation in DR events is
crucial. One of the liabilities of DR programs is that most processes are manual or semi-manual,
therefore, running the risk of participant taking no action for a DR event. Additionally, manual
participation requires DR participant to make decisions and implement the actions to reduce the
demand within the necessary timeframe. To overcome these challenges and risks, fully
automated demand response can be implemented.

Automated Demand Response

Automated Demand Response (AutoDR) involves complete automation of the entire demand
response process. No human intervention is required in case of AutoDR and it allows participants
the choice to override or opt out of DR events.

[, 2015. [Online]. Available:


9EC8-BA9002AF4E54/0/DemandBiddingProgramHandout.docx. [Accessed: 01- Dec- 2015].

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

The primary building blocks of AutoDR includes a two way communication channel between the
building and the utility or the demand response aggregator, a building/home automation system
to receive signals and automatically control loads based on the signals and a smart meter to
measure and verify the load reductions. AutoDR helps maximize participation and reliability of the
program and also reduces the response time significantly for DR events from days/hours to
seconds/minutes but it can be overall expensive to implement. To implement AutoDR, OpenADR
standards can be applied.

The Demand Response Research Centre (DRRC) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has
led the development of an open communications specification to automate DR, known as Open
Automated Demand Response, or OpenADR. OpenADR is intended to facilitate reliable and cost-
effective automation of both electricity price and system grid reliability signals for DR. The
OpenADR specification, known as OpenADR v1.0, was published in April 2009. In May 2010
OpenADR became one of the first 16 Smart Grid Standards supported by the U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE), the National Institute of Standards (NIST), and Technology Smart Grid
Interoperability Standards effort.
Open Automated Demand Response (OpenADR) provides a non-proprietary, open standardized
DR interface that allows electricity providers to communicate DR signals directly to customers
using a common language and existing communications such as the Internet. Open standards
lower the cost of technology and allow control companies to embed the communication protocols
in their controls at a low cost. Lower cost automation enables innovation and development of
products that are compatible within multiple utilities or ISOs without having to develop customized
products in different regions of the country or world. A more ubiquitous energy and DR event
messaging standard will support a more effective means to match energy supply and demand
providing benefits to consumers, utilities, system operators, and society at large. OpenADR
provides the communication of DR signals that enable consumer choice and interoperability
among control equipment and emerging energy markets.
OpenADR architecture consists of a Demand Response Automation Server (DRAS) and a DRAS
Client. A server provides signals corresponding to DR events to notify customers and a client at
the customer’s site listens to the signals and automates signals to preprogramed control systems

Information flow in the OpenADR architecture is in five steps, as follows:

1. The utility or ISO defines DR event and price signals that are sent to DRAS.
2. DR event and price services published on a DRAS.
3. DRAS clients, that can be a client and logic with integrated relay (CLIR) for a legacy control
system or web service software for a sophisticated control system, request event
information from DRAS every minute.
4. Pre‐programmed DR strategies determine action based on event and price.

Ghansah, Isaac, 2009. Smart Grid Cyber Security Potential Threats, Vulnerabilities and Risks California Energy Commission,
PIER Energy‐Related Environmental Research Program. CEC‐500‐2012‐047.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

5. Energy Management & Control System carries out load shed based on DR events and

Box 4.6 Case Study: The Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd. – Auto Demand Response Project

Case-3: The Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd. – Auto Demand Response Project

Program Objective:
The objective of the DR program was to manage peak demand and to manage Grid Stress
Program Description:
The project components included:

 Automated Demand Response infrastructure including DR server and site controllers

 Smart Meters
 RF Mesh based Communication
 MDMS and its integration with other OT & IT systems like OMS, SAP and ADR.
The figure below shows the ADR architecture employed:

BEE, 'TPDDL ADR & AMI Project'. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01- Dec- 2015].

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

The program targeted load reduction of 34 MW with about 250 consumers to be enrolled (only
Commercial & Industrial). Industrial Category included: Flour Mills, Plastic & Footwear, Printing,
Food & Cold Storage industries etc. A snapshot of an event day is provided below.

Project Challenges
Major challenges faced by the project included:
 Design of ADR architecture with Smart meter : Integration with existing IT-OT systems
and IT security
 Setting-up communication network : Change in network design due to consumer back-
out or to accommodate new consumers and weak RF signal strength as meters were

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

in metallic enclosure, basement or in interior of premises. They had to use external

antenna/ repeaters to enhance signal strength
 Integration: The project required integration between different systems through a single
platform and integration of applications designed on different protocols. Integration of
cloud based application (DRAS) with TPDDL SMS server and capturing consumer
response for OPT-OUT through SMS were other major challenges of the project
Program Learnings:
 Increased Reliability – Consumers ready to forego some consumption if it ensures
increased reliability at all times.
 For industries non continuous processes with buffers in between can be shed for couple
of hours without hampering productions
 Consumers value information which helps them optimize energy consumption – Alerts
wrt to low pf , load limit violation are seen as value added services
 With correct advance intimation, consumers are ready to even shut down complete load.
 Early adopters of technology can be used as ambassadors for encouraging more
participation in such programs
 As the financial incentives to participate are introduced consumer flexibility to manage
load increases

As discussed above, a number of demand response options are available to utilities. Selecting
the right option among these programs and designing a successful DR strategy would require a
balancing act among several key parameters so that the objectives of the utility/ system as well
as the needs and concerns of end-use customers are met. Some of the key design parameters
for designing a DR program are discussed in the subsequent section.


A successful DR program design will maximize the number of utility customers that are receptive
to the program while meeting the objectives of system operators. The following are the key
program design elements to be balanced when creating a DR program.


Utilities and system operators must decide when the DR resources will be available to respond to
dispatch. Variations are by:

1. Season
2. Days of the week
3. Hours of the day and
4. Length of the event.
The selected periods of availability and operation can have significant implications for the overall
cost and amount of DR resources available to the program.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

To determine the time periods when a demand response event can be implemented would involve
identifying the level and periods of overdrawal by the state utility, and defining the time of need
during which a demand response event needs to be triggered. The key factors that needs to be
considered are:

A) Overdrawal at state level: Periods of overdrawal where frequency is below 50 Hz make

the grid unstable. These time periods are basically the hours of need for the utility i.e. DR
needs to be triggered during these time periods in order to (i) maintain stability in the grid
and (ii) reduce level of overdrawal.
B) Renewable generation: DR can support the grid during the time when there is a sudden
loss of renewable energy generation. Thus, RE variability should be factored in the
analysis while determining the hours of need.
C) Power exchange prices: The short term power exchange prices are also considered in
tandem with the frequency levels. These prices are used to reflect the level of monetary
benefit that the utility can achieve during a DR event. Additionally, the level of incentives
to be distributed to DR partners for compliance will be decided based partially on the
monetary gain achieved through the DR event.
D) Balancing resources available: To derive net variability that needs to be balanced
through demand response.

In addition to the above factors, the rules and amendments related to the grid code should also
be considered. The grid code governs the grid discipline required to be followed by grid connected
entities. The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and
related matters) Regulations, 2014 (DSM) is the commercial mechanism that is implemented to
ensure that the schedule submitted to the State Load Dispatch Centres (SLDC) and the Regional
Load Dispatch Centres (RLDC) is maintained.

The DSM attempts to tighten the frequency band even further than the earlier implemented UI
mechanism in order to maintain system stability. Because of these changes there are heavy
penalties on deviations beyond 150 MW from the schedule irrespective of grid frequency i.e. even
when the grid frequency is close to 50 Hz and the grid connected entity deviates more than 150
MW from the schedule, the deviation charge increases exponentially. Therefore, even if exchange
based prices may have declined, the deviation penalty due to high generation of renewable
energy would still be very high. The Demand Response events would therefore, no longer be
related to prices on the exchange (if they are low) but will be related to overdrawal / underdrawal
from the ISTS network, because the deviation prices.


Site Selection depends on the following key parameters:
a) Target Customer- Before implementing DR program, the utility must decide on the
customer category where it wants to implement the DR program i.e. residential,

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

commercial or industrial category. Selection of target customers depends on the potential

savings, ease of managing the program and the load profile of customers
b) Assessment of load profile of different utility area- This includes assessment of load
contribution by target Customer category and local balancing needs of the selected area.
A key requirement for most demand response programs and time-based rates is the availability
of enabling technology.
Examples of Demand Response enabling smart grid technologies include, but are not limited to:

 AMI (Interval meters with two-way communications capability) that allow customer utility bills
to reflect their actual usage pattern and record consumption on a frequent basis, preferably
between 15 -60 minutes.
 Multiple, user-friendly communication pathways to notify customers of load curtailment events
 Load controllers and building energy management control systems that are optimized for
demand response and which facilitate automation of load curtailment strategies at the end use
 Servers which includes functionalities like generating reports based on the load profile of each
consumer, billing profile, deviation of declared v/s actual demand, trend comparing utility
schedule v/s actual demand, creating schedules, pricing structures, DR potential at a given
period of time, M&V etc.
 Modification of internal circuit of consumer to segregate essential and non-essential loads
 For AutoDR Demand Response Automation Server (DRAS)49, which is based on a client‐
server infrastructure is required. The automation server distributes and receives information
among its entities, such as utilities. The purpose of the DRAS is to automate dynamic pricing
and reliably communicate related messages and information received from utilities to optimize
the consumption of electricity during peak hours. The DRAS is an integrator between a Utility
and DR participants. The major roles of DRAS are to notify the participants regarding real‐
time prices (RTP), DR events and DR related messages including dynamic pricing.


While there would be some Capex and Opex associated to the project there would also be some
financial benefits as well as tangible socio-economic benefits. An indicative financial cost/benefit
is presented below.

Ghansah, Isaac, 2009. Smart Grid Cyber Security Potential Threats, Vulnerabilities and Risks California Energy Commission, PIER
Energy‐Related Environmental Research Program. CEC‐500‐2012‐047.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Table 4.4: DR Consumer Cost-Benefit Analysis


Cost (Rs/Unit) Benefit (Rs/Unit)

 Joining fee  Rs’x’/unit *’x’hrs/yr earned due to financial

 Increased tariff ( Alternatively utilities can incentive to for participating in scheme.
recover cost by adjusting in the benefits  Rs’x’/unit *’x’hrs/yr saved due to non-utilisation of
payment accrued to the consumer) energy during events.
 Impact on productivity (there should be  Improved Supply Reliability (in the long term)
none if done properly) Rs’x’/unit for DG backup.
 Modification of internal circuit for  Reduced cost of power (in the long term) due to
segregating essential and non-essential reduced cost of power to utility.
load if required

Table 4.5: DR Utility Cost-Benefit Analysis


Cost (Rs/Unit) Benefit (Rs/Unit)

 Cost of metering infrastructure (should be  Provides focus on load patterns and energy
covered through R-APDRP, sampling efficiency. Therefore enabling better load
frequency may need to change) forecasting. Rs’x’year through optimized use of
 Cost of developing MDAS, MDM, CBL, assets and resources.
Event Management, M&V process.  Rs’x’unit avoided cost in purchasing expensive
 Incentive to consumer. power from wholesale market/short term contracts
 Administration cost to DRA should one be required to meet supply deficit
employed.  Rs’x’/yr*’x’yrs in deferral of asset investment for
infrastructure (lines, Substations. etc.) required
In general costs can be socialized however only to meet peak demand.
threshold on impact on tariff would need to  Rs’x’/additional units supplied due to avoidance of
be agreed with SERC50 load shedding through better load management.

To take an example of saving benefits for the utilities, TPDDL implemented DR in 2014. It is
estimated that during the top 5% peak hours for TPDDL, it would have resulted in an average
savings of INR 4.5 per kWh from avoided purchases in the wholesale Day-ahead Market. While
these avoided costs are approximately equal to TPDDL’s weighted average cost of generation

Cost socialization refers to methodology where the cost of new technologies is spread evenly across the end users and is not
restricted to only direct beneficiaries of the benefits. Raising consumer tariff to recover utility SG upgradation cost is one such example.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

from the marginal generation units of INR 4.2 per kWh, additional savings are also estimated
resulting from avoided transmission charges and losses.51


Demand Response Programs are usually voluntary but a customer is contractually bound once
the decision to be a part of the DR program is taken.
i. Voluntary Demand Response
Participants are notified of the need for load curtailment through signal and can decide
whether or not to participate without providing any advanced commitment.
ii. Contractual Demand Response
Once participants have qualified for the DR Programme they are obligated to curtail their
demand on execution of the trigger signal. They are paid an incentive for delivery.
DR can be administered either by interacting directly with consumers to curtail load according to
a program design or through a third-party service providers such as a Demand Response
Aggregator (DRA) or by purchasing demand side resources from the power exchange, commonly
known as demand Bidding. The diagram below shows the different models available to Discoms
to implement Demand Response (DR) programs.
Figure 4.4: Demand Response Models

DR programs, while can be managed by utilities as well, make use of demand response
aggregators in several regimes. DR Aggregators act as intermediaries between the licensee and

Deshmukh, R., Ghatikar, G., Yin, R., Das, G. G., & Saha, S. K. (2015). Estimation of potential and value of demand response for
industrial and commercial consumers in Delhi. Presented at the India Smart Grid Week (ISGW).

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

the individual users/ consumer. In such a model, the licensee seeks to minimize its operational
cost and offers incentives/fixed fee to the aggregators to achieve certain goals and provide
specific services. The aggregators in order to maximize their profits work towards promoting
deployment, creating awareness and encouraging users to adopt the demand response scheme.


Incentives are designed based on the power purchase behaviour of the utility in wholesale
markets / balancing markets (or mechanisms) and on the basis of consumption patterns of
participating consumers. In general, higher payments will elicit increased and more frequent
customer demand reductions. Compensation can include capacity payments (Rs/kW-month),
availability/reservations payments (Rs/kW-hour), and/or energy payments (Rs/kW-hour).

Penalties are decided based on the incentive structure. Substantial non-performance penalties
can provide strong incentives for reliable DR program performance. Penalties that are set
excessively high can result in poor DR penetration, except in the cases where third-party DR
providers shield participating customers from this risk by absorbing penalties.


This involves calling of DR event and recording its performance. This performance analysis aids
in determining the effectiveness of the DR event when called and ensure transparent transaction.
This will essentially depend on load profiles of industries.
Establishing an accurate and fair measurement and verification of performance for DR programs
is critical for the success of DR as a trusted resource. Ensuring that a customer is able to
understand how their performance is being measured and receive feedback (and payment) on
performance in a timely manner can contribute to the success of a DR program.

Calculation of

Validation of
Delivery vs. DR Event

Calculation of Customer Baseline (CBL) is an estimate of the electricity that would have been
consumed by the consumer in the absence of a DR event.

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Box 4.7 Case Study: Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited - Demand Response Pilot Project

Case-2: Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited - Demand Response Pilot Project52
Program Objective:
The objective of the DR program was to establish a case for Demand Response programme
through a pilot DR project in Rajasthan and showcase the benefits as a proof of concept for
scaling up such projects across the country.
Program Description:
The project duration was one year from Jul’13 to Mar’14 with a DR Target of 20 MW. 4 DR
events were triggered in three Industrial areas of Bagru, Jhotwara and VKIA in Jaipur. A total
of 17 participants were enrolled in the program

Program Implementation:
Pre-DR Events

 Industry survey: Assessed the DR Potential of various industries.

 Customer enrollment: Educate consumers about DR program to help them
understand the concept and its benefits well.
 Baseline Methodology: Adopted Internationally accepted methodology for
calculation of baseline. i.e. High 5 of 10 days

BEE, 'Demand Response Pilot Project for JVVNL Discom, Jaipur, India'. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01- Dec- 2015].

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 DR Event Decision: DR response lead time of 4 hours , 4 Number of DR Events

to be conducted of 1 hour duration and incentive to be given as per the bids
submitted by consumers at Rs. 2.25/KWH.
 Infrastructure development: GPRS enabled modems at all consumers’ ABT
meters, DR Server-cum-Operations Centre set up to receive the meter data in
real time. DR portal for data access by consumers & utilities/
During-DR Events

 DR Bidding: Aggregator submitted DR bids for the interested consumers to

Indian Energy Exchange (IEX) based on DR participation form and after seeking
verbal consent from consumers
 DR Trigger: Rajasthan Discoms Power Procurement Centre (RDPPC) gives
trigger to Aggregator 4 hours prior to the event which d in turn given trigger to
the consumers by phone call followed by SMS and Email. Consumer then
acknowledge the trigger and confirm the load curtailment as per the bids.
Post-DR Events

 Load curtailment by all participant’s measured and verified by DR software

 Incentive calculated based on the pre-defined mechanism and the incentive
cheque delivered to the participants.
Program Result:
On an average over the 4 events called a DR of 21.96 MW was achieved. A snapshot of one
such event day is provided below.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 4.8 Case Study: Baltimore Gas and Electric’s (BGE’s) Residential Smart Energy Rewards
(SER) Program

Baltimore Gas and Electric’s (BGE’s) Residential Smart Energy Rewards (SER)
Project Objective: The BGE Smart Energy Rewards program was designed to encourage
customers to use less electricity when energy demand is high. Managing summer peak demand
would help BGE reduce the need for power generation plants and therefore keeping down the
overall cost of electricity and easing the burden on electricity systems.

Program Description: Peak Time Rebate program was introduced for all residential
customers who had smart meters installed in 2013. Default tariff is applicable to all residential
customers with a smart meter but customers can earn bill credits for reducing electric
consumption on approximately 5-10 peak event days each summer called Energy Savings
Days. Reducing consumption during these days can enable consumers to get a bill credit of
$1.25 for every kilowatt-hour saved compared to typical usage.

Project Results: A total of four energy savings days were initiated with around 315,000
residential customers eligible. Customer rebates ranging from $8.00 to $11.00 per event. The
percentage of customers who earned a rebate ranged from 75% to 93%.


Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


Key challenges that can hamper the implementation of a DR program are listed below:
Table 4.6: DR Key Implementation Challenges

Stakeholder Key Challenges

 Resistance in participating in DR program particularly direct load control

Consumer  Inadequate/ Misaligned incentive
 Lack of Flexibility/ Absence of opt-out provisions
 Lack of awareness
 Financial constraints vis-à-vis cost of implementation
 Inter-operability issues with legacy systems
 Institutional and manpower constraints including familiarity with
Information and Communication Technologies
 Challenges associated with integrating DR with resource planning
 Perception of loss of revenue
 Challenges in DR design – No. of events, customer response and
program payments, assumed value of lost load, structuring of incentives
and penalties
 Conflicting objectives - Least cost/ Least risk
 Challenges in estimating net benefits
 M&V framework – Challenges in measuring DR impact

The challenges associated with DR are also not insurmountable. To a great extent the success
of the program lies in obtaining the customer buy in and the incentive framework proposed to
attract the consumers. These challenges can therefore be addressed through a positive
communication strategy to make sure stakeholders are aware of the benefits and to assure them
that they will not lose anything.
Also, most of the 14 smart grid pilots being implemented by GoI have envisaged implementation
of peak load management functionally. The experience of these Smart Grid pilot projects can
enable utilities to suitably design their DR programs and overcome any implementation
challenges faced.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


[1] D. Kulkarni, Smart grid: An Approach to Dynamic Pricing in India. USAID India,
Partnership to Advance Clean Energy - Deployment (PACE - D) Technical Assistance
Program, 2015.

[2] Benefits Of Demand Response In Electricity Markets And Recommendations For

Achieving Them. U.S. Department of Energy; 2006.

[3] Automated Demand Response Today. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI); 2012.

[4] EnerNOC, Inc. Designing A Successful Demand Response Program. ACEEE; 2008.

[5] Ghansah, Isaac. Smart Grid Cyber Security Potential Threats, Vulnerabilities and Risks
California Energy Commission, PIER Energy‐Related Environmental Research Program,
2009. CEC‐500‐2012‐047.

[6] Retail Electricity Consumer Opportunities for Demand Response in PJM’s
Wholesale Markets. 2015. Available at:
ops/dsr/end-use-customer-fact-sheet.ashx. Accessed December 1, 2015.

[7] Assessment Of Demand Response And Advance Metering. Federal Electricity

Regulatory Commission; 2008. Docket No: AD-06-2-00

[8] A Primer On Demand Response. Thomas Weisel Partners; 2007.

[9] Demand Response For India. USAID India, Partnership to Advance Clean Energy -
Deployment (PACE - D) Technical Assistance Program; 2013.

[10] Implementation Of Demand Response Program In Tamil Nadu. Shakti Sustainable

Energy Foundation; 2014.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Module -5
Loss Reduction, Asset
Monitoring & Optimization
and Outage Management

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion



Transmission and Distribution (T&D) losses is the percentage of energy lost in the power grid in
the process of transporting from generating station to point of consumption. The concept of
Aggregate Technical & Commercial (AT&C) losses was introduced in India in past decade. The
advantage of the parameter is that it provides a realistic picture of energy & revenue loss situation
at distribution level. While almost all transmission losses are technical, the AT&C Losses
comprise of two elements namely:

 Technical Losses
 Commercial Losses

Technical losses are physical losses that include load losses (copper or Joule effect) and no
load losses (Corona losses, iron losses in transformers).

Commercial losses consist of delivered and consumed energy that cannot be invoiced to an end
user. This category of losses can be split into fraudulent losses such as theft, or non-metered
public lightning and hidden losses such as the in-house consumption of equipment in the
distribution network (e.g., the power needed to cool transformers and to run control systems).

While all-India AT&C losses have declined from 26.6% in FY10 to 22.7% in FY1454, the reduction
has only been marginal. Also a number of states and circles/zones within the state have losses
above 30%. The recently launched ‘UDAY’55 scheme of the GoI envisages reduction of losses to
15% in a phased manner.

Smart Grid through AMI enablement provides an excellent base to achieve and maintain such
level of losses. The focus of this module is to detail out how smart grid can enable utilities to:

i) Effectively track, reduce and maintain

ii) Better manage their assets; and
iii) Effectively identify, isolate and rectify outages


Non-Technical Loss Identification:
Locating the sources of commercial losses within the distribution network has been traditionally
challenging for the utilities. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) presents a solution for
monitoring LV networks for losses by supplying data regarding the energy performance of the

PFC Report on the Performance of the State Power Utilities FY 11 and FY 14
Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojna also targets smart metering of all customers above 200 units/month by 2019 to
reduce theft

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

network. As part of this, the first step is to install smart metering equipment at each measurement
point, this includes:

 Smart Meter along with Data Concentrator Unit (DCU) at the local feeder level
 Smart Meter along with DCU at each distribution transformer (DT) connected to the feeder
 Smart Meter at all consumers connected to the DT’s

An MDAS56 and MDMS57 solution installed at the central utility level would then enable real time
energy audit of the distribution system and guide utilities to identify the exact point at which losses
are occurring and take corrective action based on this. The AMI system thus enables the following
functionalities for the utility:

Figure 5.1: AMI Deployment for Automatic Energy Audit

Hourly/Daily Scheduled Meter Readings from Consumer Meters to Central Server. Utilities can
read instantaneous parameters on an hourly/daily basis and on demand. The hourly/daily
readings as scheduled remotely along with power quality information are automatically sent to the
central server and stored.

Hourly Readings of the DT Meters: The hourly readings and the reports to understand peak
loads at DT level during the day are made available as well as the daily consumption pattern
during the week and month.

Acquires data from the field devices, stores it, analyzes it and reports it. The MDAS can perform following functions:
• Acquisition of meter data on demand & at user selectable periodicity
• Connect & disconnect for Load Control and Pricing signal
• Audit trail and Event & Alarm Logging
• Maintain time sync with DCU / smart meter

A MDMS is a database with analytical tools that enable interaction with other information system such as the following CIS, OMS,
ERP, GIS & Mobile Workforce

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Daily Automatic Feeder Loss Report: The system time synchronises the feeder meter and all
the DT meters. At zero hours the feeder meter reading would be automatically compared with the
summation of all DT (all DTs connected under this feeder) and the feeder energy loss pertaining
to that day will be computed. This information would be automatically sent by e-mail/SMS to
registered e-mail address/mobile number of concerned utility officials

Daily Automatic LT Energy Loss Report: The system time synchronises the DT meter and
consumer meters. At zero hours the DT meter reading would automatically be compared with
summation of all consumer (All consumers connected under this DT) to ensure that daily
automatic LT energy loss report is reported by SMS and Email.
Theft Detection: The data generated and obtained from the AMI deployment above, combined
with data analytics, can also be used for theft monitoring. AMI system using analytics can record
and automatically send alerts by E-mail/SMS for various theft indicators. Some if these conditions/
exceeding thresholds include:
a. Disconnect of meter
b. Unchanged meter reading for a significant period
c. Low consumption from monthly average
d. Low reading compared to the last meter read
e. Illegal prepayment/prepayment low balance
f. Open meter cover/ meter terminal cover
g. Phase Reverse
h. Comparison consumption with neighbouring connections (system used to detect & track
theft suspects)58
Box 5.1 Case Study: AMI Analytics aids loss prevention for Caribbean utilities

AMI Analytics aids loss prevention for Caribbean utilities59

Government-owned utilities in the Caribbean Islands were grappling with system losses in the
range of 33 percent, with some 25 percent of that coming from non-technical losses. With a
problem that extensive, utility managers needed a way to precisely pinpoint illegal taps on the
system. Loss prevention crews didn’t have time or resources to patrol and inspect all the
feeders as closely as this situation required.
Solution Implemented: To tackle the problem, two of the public utilities implemented an AMI
system with a theft detection software. The software leveraged the data from the meters at
premises and transformers to catch 14 different types of meter tampering and illegal taps.

Another method of managing non-technical losses would be installation of prepaid meters. A number of countries have implemented
prepaid meters in their markets. Prepaid meters allow customers to purchase in advance the monetary equivalent of the amount of
energy to be consumed. The meters inform consumers when most of the credit energy has been consumed, and the consumer then
purchases additional energy. The international experience has shown that prepaid meters are a good alternative for reducing non-
technical losses due to billing and commercial irregularities.

"Software thwarts theft", Elster, 2015.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

To date, several types of theft have been uncovered. In one case, a supermarket installed an
electronic switch to turn the meter on and off remotely. When data from the transformer meter
was compared to data from premises connected to the transformer, large discrepancies in load
showed up, leading engineers to look more closely at the supermarket. Analysis indicated that
the shutoff activity was taking place consistently during the same hours and days of the week.
That information allowed EES to notify police and catch the culprits in the act of stealing, a key
requirement for a successful prosecution.
Engineers also have found resistors in on premise meters, a form of tampering that alters the
sensing circuitry. Comparing virtual meter reads with onsite ones showed which premises had
small consumption when the transformer devices showed peaks. With this information,
engineers can then find the meter tampering sites.
Theft of service losses dropped from 25 percent of generation to 5 percent within a year
and a half after the solution was deployed. While putting a damper on non-technical losses
was the original intent of the service offering, the utilities are also leveraging the data for other
applications. For instance, at one utility, the engineers found that 20 percent of transformers
were carrying only 10 percent of their load capacity. Such findings allowed the utility to trade
underutilized transformers for ones more appropriately sized.

Addressing Other Revenue Leakages60

Apart from theft various other areas of utilities commercial activities can contribute to loss of
revenue. Some of these areas include faulty metering, inadequate billing process, deficiencies in
credit handling, etc. A generic list of some common revenue leakage areas is presented below:
Table 5.1: Revenue Leakage in Smart Grid

Reason for Revenue

Process Key Activity

Customer Switching  Credit Scoring Delay in entering customer

(especially important once  Customer Consumption records in CIS system/ Lack
carriage and content Assessment (before and of customer information
segregation is introduced in after switching)

New/ Replaced Meter  Customer Load Delay in entering customer

Assessment records in CIS system
 Meter Calibration and
Database update
 Faulty Meter
Metering  Energy Audit
 Estimate for non-metered
 Estimation for faulty

"Software thwarts theft", Elster, 2015.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Reason for Revenue

Process Key Activity
 Wrong meter reading
 Inaccurate transfer of
meter reading to CIS
 Data entry error
Billing  Usage Calculation/
Revised Billing  Application of wrong tariff
 Invoice preparation and
delivery  Delay in bill delivery
 Exception Reporting  Non delivery of bill/ invoice

Collection and Credit Control  Reconciliation  Reconciliation issues

 Deposit Management  Delay in processing
 Payment extension remittances
 Disconnections  Idle consumption
 Integrating multi-modal  Inadequate customer
payment options rating system
 Customer payment

Studies have shown that revenue leakage in developing countries can account for as high as 20%
of their revenues whereas it is around 1 to 5% for developed countries.

An IT based customer analytics solution on top of a CIS/ billing system can be utilized as a tool
to acquire new customers, better serve the customers and minimize revenue leakages. By
analysing the customer and billing data exception reports can be generated based on pre-defined
parameters like drop in customer consumption compared to historical average consumption for
the same time period, history of irregularity in customer load violation, default payment, etc.

The analytics solution can thus flag customer for suspect behaviour post which checks could be
carried out at customer premises to identify if there is a possibility of revenue leakage.

Technical Loss Identification:

Load Imbalance Management
By utilizing the monitoring and control units of smart grid, utilities can reduce their technical loss
levels. One such solution is to equip LV feeders with smart energy meters connected to the RTU
in the sub-station. The system can then calculate imbalances on LV feeders in real time and
locate each LV consumer on the network, feeder, and phase. Based on the imbalance data, the
rebalancing of loads can performed by repartition units installed along the network that switch a
targeted customer from one phase to another. This particular architecture allows the network to

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

accommodate more distributed energy resources since it addresses the issues of load imbalance
and helps to reduce technical loss by reduced joule losses in cables.61

Volt/Var Optimization

Volt/VAR Optimization (VVO) can also play a major role in reducing the technical electrical losses
that occur on the electric power delivery system. Technical losses primarily consist of electric
power that is consumed by the power delivery facilities themselves (conductors, transformers,
and so on) in the form of heat. This is energy that must be produced by central and distributed
generators, but does not perform any useful work for the end-user or result in any revenue for the
electric distribution utility. Many electric utilities in developing countries experience a high level of
technical losses, so rescuing these losses is often a key business objective for these utilities. VVO
can reduce electrical losses by switching capacitor banks on or off to compensate for reactive
power drawn by the distribution feeders. Switching in a capacitor bank reduces the amount of
reactive power that would otherwise be supplied by the central generators via the transmission
system. This reduces the current flow on both the transmission and distribution systems and, as
a result, reduces the nontechnical losses given by the formula I2R.62

Box 5.2 US D.OE Distribution Automation Projects – VVO for Loss Reduction

US D.OE Distribution Automation Projects- VVO for Loss Reduction63

Under the US D.O.E American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Smart Grid Project 26
utilities are implementing advanced voltage and volt-ampere reactive (VAR) optimization (VVO)
technologies to improve electric distribution system operations. Advanced VVO is made
possible through recent improvements in sensors, communications, control algorithms, and
information processing technologies that for monitor voltage levels throughout the distribution
system. This information is sent to devices that can adjust voltage regulating equipment and
capacitor banks on distribution feeders in near‐real time enabling quick adjustments in
response to constantly changing load and voltage conditions. Adjustments to individual devices
and systems can also be coordinated so that voltage levels can be optimized along feeder lines.
As of March 31, 2012, 8 of the 25 SGIG VVO projects have reported initial results on 59
switched capacitor banks involving 31 feeders.
Figure below provides an example of capacitor bank control for a nine day period in July, 2011.
The capacitor bank in this example switched on and off four times, as shown by the shaded
areas in the chart. Switching intervals of several hours were common for the equipment
deployed on this feeder. The chart shows that one of the results was an improvement in the
power factor of the feeder of about 0.05 due to reactive power compensation by the capacitor

M. Clemence, R. Coccioni and A. Glatigny, 'How Utility Electrical Distribution Networks can Save Energy in the Smart Grid Era',
Schneider Electric, 2013
M. Madrigal and R. Uluski, 'Practical Guidance for Defining a Smart Grid Modernization Strategy: The Case of Distribution', World
Bank CC BY 3.0 IGO, Washington, DC, 2015.
"Reliability Improvements from the Application of Distribution Automation Technologies", U.S Department of Energy, 2012.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

banks. Improvement in the power factor reduces the amount of current flowing on the feeder
and results in line loss reductions of about 4%.

Apart from these direct measures for reducing AT&C losses, smart grid also enables reduction in
losses through improved visibility, control and maintenance of distribution network assets. The
role of smart grid technologies in asset management and monitoring is explained in the section


The profitability of Discoms is affected by frequent breakdown of lines, transformers and feeders
and therefore requires proper asset and maintenance management for improving the power
reliability and for prolonging the life of equipment.

Some of the major concerns for a typical power utility related to transmission and distribution
assets are related to its reliability and performance optimization. To resolve these concerns, there
is an immediate need to increase visibility of all asset classes across the utility network powered
by real-time tracking and performance management. This visibility can be facilitated by asset
management, which can be defined as optimizing and prioritizing investments in the utility’s
assets in order to improve their performance and life expectancy.

In smart grid, Asset and Maintenance Management can be enhanced to include condition-based
monitoring so that preventive action can be initiated and optimal operational levels can be
maintained. This can, furthermore, include real-time work management i.e. work allocation and
follow-up with O&M crew, real-time feedback of abnormal field conditions, complete
documentation of all tasks, restoration of works and so on.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Additionally, with online-monitoring of field device, predictive analytics software can be employed
in smart grid. Predictive analytics is a process of using statistical and data mining techniques to
analyse historic and current data sets, create rules and predictive models and predict future
events. Predictive analytics can detect subtle operational variances for each piece of equipment,
which often warn of impending problems that might have gone unnoticed otherwise. Utilities can
create automated alarm notifications and use the software to diagnose the source of equipment
and system anomalies, in addition to prioritizing issues based on severity.

In smart grid, smart sensor with advanced communication systems, information collection and
control devices, and analytics provide the basic element for network asset monitoring.


The advancement of sensor and sensor technologies have enabled distribution network
automation in smart grid. Sensors with advanced telemetry systems have made it possible to
monitor the electrical grid with much more accuracy and to process sensor data at remote
locations for intelligent information gathering and decision making for a host of applications of a
smarter grid. The use of sensor technologies can not only lead to better operational efficiency,
but can also contribute significantly to energy efficiency, from the intelligence gathered from
sensor data from key locations of electrical distribution network.

Spread over the grid, sensors and sensor networks monitor the functioning and the health of grid
devices, monitor temperature, provide outage detection and detect power quality disturbances.
Equipment health sensors monitor conditions and measure parameters, such as power
transformer insulation oil temperatures, that can reveal possibilities for premature failures. These
devices can be configured to measure different parameters on many types of devices. Typically,
these devices are applied on substation and other equipment whose failure would result in
significant consequences for utilities and customers. When coupled with data analysis tools,
equipment health sensors can provide grid operators and maintenance crews with alerts and
actionable information. Actions may include taking equipment offline, transferring load or repairing

Some of the key application where sensor based technologies can be applied by the utilities for
improving operations, revenues and energy efficiency are discussed below:

Asset Management System: Distribution utilities can track their network assets throughout the
life cycle using the "wireless" tracking devices. Tiny wireless RFID (radio frequency identification)
tags can be placed on a network asset such as distribution transformer or smart meter. These
RFID devices communicate with the asset management system to log the real-time location of
the tagged assets and the complete history of an asset or its movement through the use of active
asset tags. This data can then enable the utilities in asset planning, deployment, tracking and

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Figure 5.2: Wireless RFID for Asset Tracking

Transformer Monitoring System: Distribution transformer is the heart of the LV distribution

networks. The health of the Distribution transformer has to be monitored at all times to ensure
continuous and reliable supply of electricity services. Introduction of sensors for on-line monitoring
of key operating parameters reduces the risk of transformer failure and cuts maintenance costs.
The parameters which can be monitored on a distribution transformer are:

1. Surface temperature
2. Winding temperature
3. Transformer oil level
4. Oil temperature
5. Gas and moisture in transformer oil

Figure 5.3: Distribution Transformer Monitoring

Online monitoring of transformer parameters can be used to generate system alarm for abnormal
health parameters of the asset (e.g. load crossing threshold, temperature crossing threshold,
unbalance etc.) thus reducing risk of transformer failures.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Fault Monitoring: Fault64 passage current sensors on LV distribution systems can measure the
current flow in real time and help in the early detection of overloading, short circuit or earth fault.
The current signals can be graphically displayed on a remote Digital Fault Recorder (DFR) and
the information could be utilized to validate the location of possible fault occurrence.

Early detection of an impending fault can provide operators with a better understanding of the
vulnerable sections of the network and the maintenance crew can be dispatched to reinforce
those sections before a catastrophic fault may occur. The sensor data help in optimal design of
the switching plans of LV networks, considering all network constraints, system interlocks,
protective devices and safety issues, and facilitate early restoration of services to a large part of
the network and customers, without overloading. The Fault Location and Service Restoration
(FLISR) application enabled by these sensors is detailed in subsequent section.

Real Time Network Analysis: Substation SCADA receive regular data from sensors via remote
terminal units (RTUs)65 in real time, which is analysed to know the state of the networks. With
real time analysis, it is possible to detect sudden sags or swells in feeder voltages and current,
any abnormal load variations or physical conditions.
Sensor-based technologies have also made predictive analysis possible on the electrical
networks, which helps in network fault prevention, optimization and enables condition based
maintenance. This is discussed in detail below.


Another application of remote sensor devices is to enable utilities to proactively monitor
equipment in the field to make maintenance decisions based on the current conditions of those
assets. This is referred to as condition-based maintenance, and stands in contrast to “reactive”
or traditional “preventive” maintenance strategies.

Traditional approaches to maintaining electrical grid infrastructure are based on “preventive” or,
in some cases, “reactive” methods. Under a preventive maintenance approach, assets are
generally inspected using a calendar-based schedule. Under a reactive maintenance approach,
assets are inspected and repaired only after they fail. Neither approach fully mitigates the risk that
critical assets will fail while in service, in some cases resulting in disastrous consequences.
Condition-based maintenance (CBM) reduces the risk of asset failure by performing maintenance
activities on an “as needed” basis, prior to asset failure. Under this approach field assets are fitted
with remote sensors that monitor, record and share data relevant to the condition of the assets.

A fault condition occurs when one or more electrical conductors contact ground and/or each other. Types of faults include phase to
ground, double-phase to ground, three-phase to ground, phase-to-phase, and three-phase. A Fault Current is several times larger in
magnitude than the current that normally flows through a circuit
An RTU collects data from the field devices, processes the data, and sends the data to the master station through the communication
system to assist the monitoring of the power system. At the same time, the RTU receives control commands from the master station
and transmits these commands to the field devices
'System Operator uses monitoring data for condition-based maintenance programs', Edison SmartConnect ARCH_D19_Use
Case_v2_090506, 2009.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

The CBM strategy involves the following67:

1. On a periodic basis, or upon the occurrence of an event, the remote devices transmit this
sensor data to back office systems for monitoring and analysis. The asset management
system thus includes a mix of operational (transmitted via existing SCADA) and non-
operational data which are archived in the data historian.

2. Typically an analytics engine within the asset management system would retrieve the
sensor data from the ‘historian’ and analyse it using Asset Health Rules (AHR) and other
asset-specific configuration data. Asset Health Rules consist of a set of rules, formulas
and algorithms used to calculate a series metrics related to asset condition. The frequency
of this analysis depends upon the asset and type of analysis.

3. After calculating a series of asset health metrics using the AHRs, analytics engine would
the runs these metrics against a set of notification rules. These notification rules would
determine the appropriate personnel to notify as well as any recommended actions.

4. Recommended actions might include clearing the capacitor bank, reduce load, alert the
asset management engineer to any asset abnormalities requiring maintenance work or
other any other defined action.

The benefits of using condition-based monitoring data to determine asset maintenance needs
include the following:

 Improved System Reliability: Sensor devices alert utility to impending asset failures,
allowing the equipment to be repaired or replaced prior to failure. These assets can be
repaired or replaced prior to failure, increasing grid reliability.
 Reduced Costs: Use of remote sensors allows utilities to increase equipment capacity
utilization and extend operating life of equipment thus increasing the return on the initial
capital investment in that equipment
 Operations Improvements: Frequent monitoring of transformers improves diagnostic
capabilities and, thus, the appropriateness of maintenance activities for these assets.
Utilities can use historical data to more accurately forecast equipment needs. For
example, utilities could more accurately estimate the remaining useful lives of assets, and
incorporate this into asset replacement planning.
 Workforce Effectiveness: Condition-based monitoring data could be made available to
field personnel via a handheld device, equipping them with more relevant and timely
information, and improving their effectiveness.
 Increased Customer Benefits: A reduction in catastrophic failures reduces potential
customer interruption and economic loss, loss of capital assets and loss of revenue. And
as a result would lead to increased customer satisfaction.

'System Operator uses monitoring data for condition-based maintenance programs', Edison SmartConnect ARCH_D19_Use
Case_v2_090506, 2009.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Apart from smart asset management and maintenance strategies, utilities can also leverage smart
grid systems to significantly improve their outage management system and thus improve the
overall system reliability. The section below outlines how smart grid enables an advanced outage
management system.
Box 5.3 Smart Grid Solutions Strengthen Electric Reliability and Customer Services in Florida

Smart Grid Solutions Strengthen Electric Reliability and Customer Services in Florida 68

Project Highlights: As of April 2012, Florida Power & Light, a utility company operating in
state of Florida, USA, had installed more than 5,000 intelligent monitors, sensors, and
controls on their transmission and distribution grid, to predict and prevent outages,
transformer failure and enhance service reliability to customers. This installation effort
included replacing about 50 electro-mechanical protective relay systems with state-of-the-art
computer-based systems, and installing feeder breaker and regulator intelligent electronic
devices at nearly 100 substations and more than 200 automatic feeder switches.

One of the new Smart Grid enabled FPL capabilities involves “enhanced diagnostic systems,”
which collect and interpret data from substation devices such as battery banks and
transformers and transmit that information to FPL diagnostic centers (Transmission
Performance and Diagnostic Center (TPDC) ) for problem detection and outage prevention.
Project Benefits:
A number of use cases discussed below provide an overview of the benefits realized from the
 Use Case-1: New bushing monitors – monitors that can detect and diagnose
problems before they occur – have been installed on some of those transformers to


Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

evaluate the health of both the high and low voltage bushings, including capacitance,
power factor, and the extent of current imbalance.
In January 2012, a newly installed monitor detected an out-of tolerance high voltage
bushing. Customers served by this transformer were temporarily switched to another
one, and the affected transformer was removed from service. Meanwhile, the faulty
bushing was replaced, preventing an outage that would have affected several
thousand customer.
 Use Case-2: The TPDC is also monitoring the battery banks that provide power to
500 FPL substations. The battery banks are monitored for both high and low voltage
levels, and high impedance. In February 2011, a TPDC monitor received an alarm
signal indicating a battery problem at a substation located in a remote section of FPL’s
service territory. A local field engineer was dispatched to the site and found the alarm
was caused by a loose interconnection strap. The repair was made and prevented a
battery malfunction which might have resulted in an extended outage for the hundreds
of customers served by that substation.
 Use Case-3: The TPDC is also monitoring capacitance voltage transformers (CVTs)
and is measuring voltage levels and other power flow variables. TPDC engineers
implemented an algorithm that uses these data to detect early CVT degradation so
preventative maintenance measures can be taken. In September 2011, the TPDC
received an alarm signal indicating potential problems with a degraded phase on a
CVT. Local field engineers were dispatched, located the damaged CVT, removed the
affected transmission line section from service, and replaced the defective CVT, thus
preventing a failure that could have resulted in an extended outage and affected
several thousand customers.


Advanced Outage Management System69

An outage management system is network management software that is capable of restoring the
network model after an outage. Outage management systems are integrated tightly with other
smart grid systems, resulting in timely and accurate actions along with supervisory control.
Outage management systems are not only capable of performing restoration activities related to
service, but also capable of tracking, displaying and grouping outages. The OMS analyses the
location and extent of an outage and has outage prediction capabilities enabled by a detailed
representation of the distribution network. This helps dispatchers and crews determine trouble

"Appendix G - Outage Management Systems (OMS)", New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission, 2008.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

locations. The objective of the outage management is thus to improve availability and reliability,
customer satisfaction and enable proactive maintenance to avoid failure.

Figure 5.4: Advanced Outage Management System

The modern OMS requires an accurate customer-to-electrical system model to provide accurate
predictions of outage locations. It must gather, compile, and display information from a variety of
sources which may include the following:

 Customer Information Systems (CIS): It is a computerized system used to track

customer information
 Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems: Interactive computer system which can
answer telephone calls, route information, compile data, return calls, and call back
customers as programmed. It can be linked to record customers' locations and link these
with locations in the distribution system
 SCADA status information: System to gather data from field devices to monitor their status
and control them remotely
 Distribution Automation (DA) systems: System for controlling distribution devices.
Includes monitoring and controlling breakers, reclosers, and distributed generators.
 Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) systems
 Geographic Information Systems (GIS): To collect, record, and display geographically
referenced or spatially oriented information
 Automatic Vehicle Locator (AVL) systems: Uses global positioning system information
to monitor in near real time the location of vehicles in a utility’s fleet.

OMS, if integrated with all available systems, can be of great value during both large and small
outages. It can provide call based and independently derived data, and in turn, display this data
in useful forms to aide operators in making the proper decisions as to where resources can best
be allocated. A properly used OMS can also track the restoration efforts by monitoring how many
crews are allocated to each outage and where those crews are located. It can also record the
time it takes to complete restoration, which can then help project restoration times for all
customers as the restoration process progresses.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

The Advanced OMS system integrated with other smart grid modules as described above system
may function in the following way during an outage scenario:

1 Outage Identification:
 Customers call the call center to notify the utility their power is disconnected.
 The AMI system detects the outages and transmits outage messages to AMI head end
 The customer call is logged into the OMS system.
 The AMI network also sends its outage data to the OMS.

2 Outage Verification:
 OMS orders AMI to periodically “ping” all the meters to real time verify the connection
 OMS integration with GIS provides a graphical display to show operators where outages
 OMS also provides a graphical display of the status of breakers and switches.
 SCADA system detects which breakers and relays have operated and transmits this
information to the OMS.

3 System Restoration
 Operators remotely close breakers/switches and reconfigure the system to restore power
where possible using the SCADA and DA systems (explained in the section below)
 Available field crews are dispatched to the location of fault detected using the workforce
management system
 Crew locations are tracked with the AVL system and their status is relayed to the OMS
 AMI reports restored meters to the OMS.
 OMS graphically displays meters as they are restored.
 OMS system records restoration time for each meter. This information helps operators
calculate estimated restoration times for meters still not restored.
 OMS sends graphical data to the web-based customer information system that indicates
the size of the outage, the number of crews working in each area, and the estimated time
for restoration for each customer. This helps customer service personnel respond with
accurate information to outage affected customers

4 Restoration Verification
 AMI detects sustained voltage and transmits message to OMS.
 IVR call-back system calls customer to notify that power is restored and confirm the
customer’s power is back on.

5 Event analysis and recording

 Any outage event will be analyzed and the information kept as a historical record to
record the cause, number of customers affected and duration.
 Such information is used for calculating performance statistics, for example, Customer
Interruptions (CI) and Customer Minutes Lost (CML) as well as for planning/budgeting
maintenance activities, for example, condition-based maintenance.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Integration of DMS applications in OMS further improves outage performance and enables
automatic supply restoration to un-faulted area by using the FLISR application of DMS. This is
explained below.
Box 5.4 Vermont Electric Cooperative (VEC) – Outage Management System

Vermont Electric Cooperative (VEC)– Outage Management System70

Project Highlights: VEC has provided about 80 percent of customers with smart meters
before receiving SGIG funding. VEC also installed an outage management system for
pinpointing locations when dispatching repair crews.

Project Results and Benefits: Since 2008, when VEC’s outage management system was
completed, two key reliability indicators have demonstrated improved performance: the System
Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) decreased 50 percent, and the Customer
Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI) decreased 40 percent. VEC’s results from its
smart grid investments, including improved reliability, are being studied and replicated by other
Vermont utilities in the Vermont SGIG project.

The benefits of investing in outage management were highlighted after the 2011 tropical storm
Irene resulted in flooding throughout VEC’s service territory. The storm caused $1.1 million in
damages to VEC’s grid and about 12,000 customers experienced power outages of varying
lengths. One initial result of the company’s smart grid investments in outage management at
work is highlighted below:

During one afternoon of initial stages of the storm, the lights went out for 1103 customers in
one district. But there was no requirement of customer calls as VEC personnel could see
immediately from the OMS about the outage including the exact number of customers affected.

At night time. with the wind still raging, the lights came back on for most of the customers but
immediately the OMS showed that 199 customers were still without power and this information
was also available to the customers on the utility website;

"Vermont Pursues a State wide Smart Grid Strategy", U.S Department of Energy, 2012.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Without smart meters, the crews wouldn't have known about the second break for quite a while
since the people who were cut off by it would have just assumed that the original problem
hadn't been fixed yet and wouldn't have called in again until they lost patience or saw their
neighbors’ lights on.

Following an outage last winter as well, VEC CEO David Hall Quist said that the utility received
“…more than 150 thank you notes from customers for the job we did, and we credit that to the
smart grid.”

Fault Location Identification and System Restoration

Fault Location, Isolation, and Service Restoration (FLISR) includes automatic sectionalizing and
restoration, and automatic circuit reconfiguration. These applications accomplish DA operations
by coordinating operation of field devices, software, and dedicated communication networks to
automatically determine the location of a fault, and rapidly reconfigure the flow of electricity so
that some or all of the customers can avoid experiencing outages. Because FLISR operations
rely on rerouting power, they typically require feeder configurations that contain multiple paths to
single or multiple other substations.

Figure below represents simplified examples to show how FLISR operations typically work.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Figure 5.5: Fault Location and Service Restoration: Flow of Operations71

Image Source: 'Fault Location, Isolation, and Service Restoration Technologies Reduce Outage Impact and Duration', U.S
Department of Energy, 2014.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

In Stage-1, the FLISR system locates the fault passage indicators that monitor the flow of
electricity and measures the magnitudes of fault currents, and communicates conditions to other
devices and grid operators.

In Stage-2 and 3, once fault is located the FLISR systems opens switches on both sides of the
fault: one immediately upstream and closer to the source of power supply (Stage-2), and one
downstream and further away (Stage-3). The fault is now successfully isolated from the rest of
the feeder.

In Stage-4, with the faulted portion of the feeder isolated, FLISR system closes the normally-open
tie switches to neighbouring feeder(s). This re-energizes un-faulted portion(s) of the feeder and
restores services to all customers served by these un-faulted feeder sections from another
substation/feeder .The fault isolation feature of the technology can help crews locate the trouble
spots more quickly, resulting in shorter outage durations for the customers impacted by the faulted

To evaluate the benefits of FLISR and OMS the avoided CAIDI and CAIFI can be used as a
measure. It is important to note also that FLISR does not avoid outages but works to minimize
their impacts on customers when they do occur.
Box 5.5 Case Study: The Duke Energy Smart Grid Demonstration – Self Healing Network

The Duke Energy Smart Grid Demonstration – Self Healing Network72

Program Objective

Duke Energy has deployed self-healing networks as part of its smart grid efforts. Two systems
are deployed, one using a decentralized control approach and the other employing centralized
control. These networks are part of Duke Energy’s on-going field demonstration and testing of
the auto restoration schemes in approximately 100 deployed self-healing networks across
Duke Energy service regions as of mid-2014.

Project Approach

The decentralized network uses the Smart Grid (SG) Restoration System to reconfigure the
network when a fault occurs within the network. Each of the three automatic circuit reclosers in
the decentralized scheme is programmed to know its normal role in the network, and other
local settings, such as its maximum current carrying capacity and normal source. Each of the
three reclosers monitors its real-time voltage and currents via embedded sensors. The
telemetry data is shared by direct communications between the three reclosers. When a fault
occurs within the network, the SG Restoration System determines the location of the fault and
opens the appropriate reclosers to isolate the fault.

'EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Initiative - Final update', Electric Power Research Institute, 2014.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

The centralized approach uses the Substation Automation Platform with unique distribution
automation (DA) logic software to perform the self-healing functions for each network. The
software allows the DA controller to act as a master controller of the utility defined network.
The DA controller polls each intelligent electronic device (IED) in the network via SCADA to
determine the state of the network devices. When a fault occurs, the DA controller analyses
the IED information to determine where the fault is located. Based on the utility-defined system
reconfiguration parameters, the DA controller initiates trip and close commands to
automatically restore service to as much of the network as possible.

As of the end of 2013, the deployed self-healing networks had seen 91 successful operations.
These operations prevented a sustained outage for approximately 124,000 customers. As
a result, it is estimated that Duke Energy saved roughly 13 million customer interruption
minutes via the automatic restoration schemes. Building on this achievement, Duke Energy
plans to add 52 self-healing networks to its distribution system in 2014.

Lessons Learned & Key Recommendations

• The majority of failures associated with self-healing networks are due to
communication issues. As a result, the utility must make repairing sustained communications
failures a priority for field technicians.
• Due to the complexity of the schemes, the installation of and the settings for the devices must
be performed correctly for the self-healing network to function properly. Source and load
instrument transformers must be identified and wired correctly for accurate sensing. Thermal
ratings of equipment and conductors of all circuits involved must be factored into the logic of
the scheme


[1] 'India Energy Security Scenarios 2047', India Smart Grid Forum, 2013.

[2] M. Clemence, R. Coccioni and A. Glatigny, 'How Utility Electrical Distribution Networks
can Save Energy in the Smart Grid Era', Schneider Electric, 2013.

[3] National Energy Technology Laboratory, 'Electric Power System Asset Optimization', U.S
Department of Energy DOE/NETL-430/061110, 2015.

[4] M. Madrigal and R. Uluski, 'Practical Guidance for Defining a Smart Grid Modernization
Strategy : The Case of Distribution', World Bank CC BY 3.0 IGO, Washington, DC, 2015.

[5] Enzen Global Ltd., 'Automating LV Distribution networks using sensor technologies', India
Smart Grid Week, 2015.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

[6] Cognizant, 'Using Predictive Analytics to Optimize Asset Maintenance in the Utilities
Indust', 2014.

[7] New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission, 'Outage Management Systems (OMS)
Overview', 2008.

[8] 'System Operator uses monitoring data for condition-based maintenance programs',
Edison SmartConnect ARCH_D19_Use Case_v2_090506, 2009.

[9] M. Kezunovic, Y. Dong, W. Jewell, V. Aravinthan and P. Dongale, 'Integration of Asset

and Outage Management Tasks for Distribution Application', Power Systems Engineering
Research Center, 2009.

[10] 'Fault Location, Isolation, and Service Restoration Technologies Reduce Outage Impact
and Duration', U.S Department of Energy, 2014.

[11] 'EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Initiative - Final update', Electric Power Research
Institute, 2014.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Module -6
RE Integration in Smart Grid


Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Module -7
Smart Grid and Quality of
Supply and Service (QoSS)

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion



Smart meter roll-out presents a unique opportunity for improvement in the low voltage network
visibility. The smart meter installed at consumer end, and at distribution transformers and feeders
can be used for monitoring the supply voltage and generate overvoltage, under voltage, sag and
swell notifications to alert the utilities when the set thresholds are exceeded. In addition to simple
interruption reporting, smart meters can also be used to detect important events such as harmonic
and flicker measurements as well. Poor power quality results in high O&M costs and by identifying
and analysing the cause of power disturbance, power interruptions can be avoided.

IT system integrated with Meter Data Management System (MDMS) stores various power quality
records and calculates Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) like System Average Interruption
Frequency Index (SAIFI) and System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) in the utility
and consumer categories considering parameters like power factor, total harmonic distortion,
spikes, impulses, flicker, sag (momentary under voltage), swell (momentary over voltage), power
on/off, over voltage and under voltage. This information could then be utilized by OMS/Workforce
Management System for predictive maintenance or installation of fast power factor correction
equipment by the utility.

Without smart meters, utilities usually base their equipment settings on voltage readings at an
electric substation and then use engineering estimate based on the substation data to determine
voltage level at each customer’s home within that substation. This estimation could result in
utilities setting line voltages unnecessarily high to ensure that the last home on a line doesn’t
receive voltage below the standard/regulated limit. But with smart meters, utilities can look at
actual information on voltage, utilities can use Smart Grid technology to optimize the voltage for
every customer they serve—settings would be based on actual customer voltages rather than
engineering estimates, which would enable a more efficient and accurate supply of power.

Information from smart meter voltage measurement can provide utility with simple visual
representation on the voltage margins left in the grid. This can be used by utilities not only to
check compliance with standards and/or regulations, but also as an input parameter to grid
planning. If the utility wants to verify the voltage margins for planning of future asset upgradation
needs, it will be possible with the smart meter data to view the voltage conditions for each
transformer in near time. Only for transformers where the voltage margins have gone beyond the
limit will it be necessary to spend more resources to evaluate the conditions.

With smart grid deployments like AMI and Voltage-Var Control, utility can have real time visibility
to power quality data at both substation and consumer end point. This would allow utilities to
resolve power quality issues in the network in a precise and quick manner and avoid unnecessary
visit to the field to verify the problem.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


Voltage regulating devices are usually installed at the substation and on the feeders. The
substation transformers can have tap changers, which are devices that can adjust the feeder
voltage at the substation, depending on the loading condition of the feeders. Special transformers
with tap changers called voltage regulators are also installed at various locations on the feeders,
providing fine-tuning capability for voltage at specific points on the feeders.
Reactive compensation devices (i.e., capacitor banks) are used to reduce the reactive power
flows throughout the distribution network. The capacitor banks may be located in the substation
or on the feeders. Capacitor banks can be fixed or switched.

To utilize these regulating devices efficiently, information needs to be shared among all voltage
and VAR control devices so that the consequences of possible actions of an individual device is
consistent with optimized control objectives of the entire system. This was not possible in the
traditional grid system, but with smart grid this could be done centrally using a substation
automation system or a distribution management system. This approach is referred to as
integrated VVO.

Figure 7.1: Typical VVO Configuration73

VVO is an advanced application that runs periodically or in response to operator demand, at the
control centre for distribution systems or in substation automation systems. Combined with two-
way communication infrastructure and remote control capability for capacitor banks and voltage
regulating transformers, VVO makes it possible to optimize the energy delivery efficiency on
distribution systems using real-time information. VVO attempts to minimize power loss or demand
without causing voltage/current violations. The control variables available to VVO are the control
settings for switchable capacitors and tap changers of voltage regulating transformers.

The VVO operations provide utilities with enhanced capabilities compared to traditional
approaches. Expected benefits include:

Improved Voltage Control: VVO systems enables utilities to control voltage and reactive power
levels more precisely in real-time/near real-time basis. VVO provides operators with alerts for
conditions such as over/under voltage, voltage unbalance, etc. so that necessary corrective action

Image Source: “Applications of Automated Controls for Voltage and Reactive Power Management- Initial Results", U.S Department
of Energy, 2012.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

can be taken. Also as customer loads change constantly, utilities can take advantage of VVO to
respond quickly and adjust voltages to keep them closer to optimum levels, including flattening
voltage profiles along feeders, when it is advantageous to do so.

Peak Demand Reduction: Conservation voltage reduction (CVR) is an operational strategy

designed to reduce the energy used by customer appliances and equipment by reducing
distribution feeder voltages. Traditionally, the inability to observe voltage levels along the length
of distribution feeders has made the implementation of CVR strategy difficult.

But using VVO, utilities can apply CVR for short periods of time to reduce peak demand. This can
be valuable for deferring capacity additions and distribution upgrades. One utility attempting to
reduce peak demand with a distribution energy efficiency project estimated a potential demand
reduction of 200 MW if implemented on its over 560 distribution feeders74. Another example is a
utility implementing capacitor controls and an integrated VVO model aimed at reducing both line
losses and peak demand. Deployment of advanced VVO on 400 circuits is anticipated to reduce
peak demand by about 75 MW. Pilot testing on four circuits has produced peak demand
reductions between 0.8% and 2.4%75. Reductions on this scale represent a significant opportunity
to distribution utilities.

Improved VAR Control: VVO can compensate for reactive power from inductive loads using
switched capacitors to improve power factor and reduce line losses. This saves energy and the
fuel required to produce electricity to serve customers.

Improved Operations and Maintenance: Adding automation to capacitor banks, Load Tap
Changers (LTCs) and voltage regulators can reduce operations and maintenance costs by
enabling condition based maintenance as opposed to the traditional scenario where a service
worker must travel to a capacitor bank to physically operate the switch or check on the health of
a voltage regulator.
Box 7.1 Case Study: Avista Utilities, Washington, US, Smart Grid Smart Circuit Project

Case Study: Avista Utilities, Washington, US, Smart Grid Smart Circuit Project76

Project Scope: Avista Utilities’ (Avista’s) Smart Circuit project upgraded and automated
targeted sections of Avista’s distribution system. New switches, capacitors, and sensors were
installed in substations and on distribution circuits across the project area. This equipment
provides automated regulation of power quality, rapid response to grid disturbances, and
improvements to grid reliability. A radio and fiber optic communications system integrates real-
time data from grid sensors with the grid operator’s distribution management software platform.

Volt-Var Optimization Project Description:

"Can a Grid be Smart without Communications? A look at an Integrated Volt VAR Control (IVVC) Implementation," Barry Stephens,
Georgia Power, Bob McFetridge, Beckwith Electric, April 25, 2012.
"Ventyx Launches Network Manager DMS v5.3 With Model-Based Volt/VAR Optimization," Ventyx, December 5, 2011.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

The Avista Distribution Management System (DMS) implemented included an Integrated

Voltage and VAR Control (IVVC) algorithm that automatically monitored and controlled
individual capacitor banks to minimize feeder losses while maintaining voltages and power
factor within specified limits. The DMS estimated the feeder loads to calculate voltage, branch
flows, and power factor. The capacitor banks were sorted according to the reactive load they
detected, and the capacitor seeing the highest reactive load became the switching candidate.
The DMS checked the capacitor banks on each feeder and prioritized the “OFF” capacitors
according to the reactive loads they detected. If switching could be done without violating a
voltage limit, the capacitor was switched “ON”. If the capacitor could not be switched the DMS
selected the next capacitor down the list. The DMS used a dead-band to prevent excessive
switching. Failures of the capacitor bank switches were reported through alarms.

Project Results: Voltage controls reduced Avista's distribution system voltage by 2.1 percent,
which is expected to translate into about 7.8 Gigawatt-hours of annual energy savings and
$500,000 in reduced annual costs for its feeder distribution power lines.77

Box 7.2 Case Study: VVO- Southern California Edison’s Irvine Smart Grid Demonstration (ISGD)

Southern California Edison’s Irvine Smart Grid Demonstration (ISGD)78

Program Objective

The project had two overall goals. The primary goal of the project was to reduce average
consumer voltage in order to decrease associated energy use. The second goal was to utilize
the system to optimize VAR flow at the substation transformer bank.

Project Approach
The following steps were undertaken to achieve project goals and objectives:

• A distribution volt-var control (DVVC) algorithm was designed to optimize the voltage
and VARS on each circuit by dynamically controlling substation and field capacitors.
• Implemented the DVVC algorithm as part of their distribution management system (DMS).
• Utilized existing capacitor controls through use of the radio communication system.
• Tested the DVVC on 7 circuits connected to the same substation.

The DVVC algorithm solves for the optimal system capacitor switching combination that will
satisfy user-defined constraints for minimum and maximum voltage and reactive power flow. It
calculates the optimal solution based on expected capacitor voltage changes derived from
detailed circuit models

'EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Initiative - Final update', Electric Power Research Institute, 2014.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Tests have been conducted resulting in a system average voltage reduction of 2V at the
customer service entrances. Additionally, tests have been conducted that cause the
distribution system to provide reactive power to the substation transformer.

The graph below demonstrates voltage reduction at the substation bus on alternating weeks in
February and March 2014 when DVVC was running. This reduction translates to approximately
a 2 volt system average reduction at the 120V services of customers on the 7 circuits at the

The graph below illustrates the ability of DVVC to regulate reactive power flow (var) at the
sub transformer secondary. The algorithm was set to provide leading reactive power, such
as from the distribution network to the substation transformer. The result is indicated on the
graph below by the decreasing negative values for MVARs.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


The electricity quality of service standards address issues such as time frames for provision of
customer services requests such as quotations and supply, faults’ handling, electricity account
queries and complaints amongst others. The standard details measures the licensees have to
take to ensure that customers get quality service. In this regard Model standard of performance
regulations for distribution licensees has been released by the Forum of Regulators (this has also
been issued by various State Electricity Regulatory Commissions). The parameters defined in the
regulations along with role of smart grid in improving the performance of these parameters is
presented in the table below.

Table 7.1: Standard of Performance Parameters and Role of Smart Grid

S. No. SOP Parameters Role of Smart Grid

Operation of Call centre
1. First response against
a Consumer Call
2. Registration of No direct impact of Smart Grid
Consumer Call and
issue of docket number

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

S. No. SOP Parameters Role of Smart Grid

Restoration of supply
3. Normal fuse off With Application of Advanced Outage Management
4. Overhead Line / Cable System and Fault Location Interruption and Supply
breakdowns Restoration, utilities can significantly lower the duration of
Underground cable outage as well as number of customers affected by outage.
break down
Distribution Field level automation combined with AMI data can
6. pinpoint the location and cause of outage thus minimizing
Transformer Failure
7(a). Maximum duration of the troubleshooting time.
scheduled outage
7(b). Using condition based and predictive maintenance
strategies through smart grid, utilities can predict
Number of scheduled equipment deterioration and thus take corrective action
outages in a year before any outages are caused by failure of
Quality of Supply
8. Voltage fluctuations in
case no
As discussed in previous section, smart grid technologies
on of network required
like AMI and Volt-Var Optimization enables improved
9. Voltage fluctuations in
voltage control in the grid and enables protection against
events like harmonic distortion, spikes, impulses, flicker,
Sag (momentary under voltage), swell (momentary over
on of network required
voltage), Power on/off, over voltage and under voltage
10. Voltage fluctuations in
case erection of
substation required
Meter complaints
11. Meter reading Meter complaints can be significantly be reduced through
12. Meter inspection and AMI implementation and utilities can in real-time get status
replacement of meter and integration with CIS and WFM systems can
Replacement of burnt then lead to reduction in time taken to take necessary
13. actions.
Shifting of meters/ service lines
Shifting of meter/
14. No direct impact of smart grid
service lines
New connection/ additional load/ temporary connection for consumers
15. New connection/
additional load where No direct impact of smart grid
supply can be provided
from existing network

Some of the above improvements through use of smart grid technologies are discussed in some
detail below.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


Customer Supply Interruption Improvements: With implementation of Advanced Outage
Management System (OMS), Fault Location Interruption and Service Restoration (FLISR)
application and through demand response mechanism, utilities can significantly improve the
customer interruption statistics.
 With Advanced OMS integrating systems like AMI, Distribution Management System
(DMS), Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS), Geographic Information System
(GIS), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Workforce Management,
utilities would be able to detect outage location instantaneously and often before any
consumer complaints. This means the workforce can be dispatch immediately to the
troubled location and therefore significantly reducing the time to respond to outages.

Figure 7.2: Fault Restoration Timeline with and without OMS79

79, "GE Digital Energy: Industry Solutions: Distribution Automation", 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 13- Dec- 2015].

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Further with integration of FLISR, the number of consumer affected by outages can be
significantly reduced as automatic switching action is performed to restore supply to
healthy feeders in near real time

Figure 7.3: Fault Restoration Timeline with and without FLISR

 Another aspect of smart grid is the enablement of condition based maintenance, which
allows utility to detect system abnormalities and take necessary corrective actions well
before failure. This allows utility to reduce/ eliminate blackouts and scheduled outages.

 Load curtailment/Demand Response is another application that can be utilized to reduce/

eliminate any consumer blackouts.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 7.3 Case Study: Smart Grid Investment Grant Program –Quality of Service Improvement
through FLISR Implementations

Smart Grid Investment Grant Program –Quality of Service Improvement through FLISR

Project Description: Under SGIG program of United States, 5 utilities undertook their smart
grid project with implementation of FLISR system. Table below shows the main features of
the FLISR activities operated by these utilities and their projects. The projects use different
types of field devices, apply manually-validated or fully-automated modes of operation, and
accomplish operations with distributed servers or a centralized distribution management
system (DMS).

Overview of FLISR Project Activities

Features CenterPoint Duke NSTAR PHI Southern
Name of Self-Healing Grid
Self-Healing Auto Restoration Sectionalizing Self-Healing
FLISR Teams Loops and Networks
Intelligent Grid
Switching Electronic Telemetry Substation Automated
Field Devices (IGSD) reclosers, communications, breakers, field switches/
Devices act as switching circuit line sensors, switches, reclosers,
Involved devices and breaker and and “smart” reclosers, and and fault
monitoring line sensors switches “smart” relays indicators
Transitioned to
Mode of
Manual validation Fully full automation Fully Fully
required automated during the automated automated
Location of Dedicated server; Dedicated Dedicated Dedicated
FLISR to be transitioned self-healing DMS server in the server on
Operation to DMS application substation DMS

Result Analysis : Between April 2013 and March 2014, the utilities collectively implemented
266 FLISR operating events that resulted in:

 Reduced number of customers interrupted: About 270,000 fewer customers suffered

interruptions (of >5 minutes) compared to estimated outcomes without FLISR.
 Reduced outage impact: Customers experienced about 38 million fewer customer
minutes of interruption compared to estimated outcomes without FLISR.

FLISR operations were applied to: (1) full-feeder outages where the fault is upstream of a
sectionalizing switch (and thus interrupts service to all customers on a feeder), or (2) partial-

'Fault Location, Isolation, and Service Restoration Technologies Reduce Outage Impact and Duration', U.S Department of Energy,

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

feeder outages where the fault is downstream of a sectionalizing switch (and thus interrupts
service to a portion of customers on a feeder).
Table below provides results for FLISR operations for both full-feeder and partial-feeder
outages and shows substantial reductions in the number of customers interrupted (CI) and
customer minutes of interruption (CMI).

Effects of FLISR Operation on Customers Interrupted by Type of Outage

Total Estimated CMI Total Actual CMI
% Reduction as a result
Type of Outage without SGIG without SGIG
of SGIG technologies
technologies technologies
Full Feeder Outage 255,424 160,792 37%
206,763 92,726 55%
Partial Feeder

Effects of FLISR Operation on Customers Minutes Interrupted by Type of Outage

Total Estimated CI Total Actual CI
% Reduction as a result
Type of Outage without SGIG without SGIG
of SGIG technologies
technologies technologies
Full Feeder Outage 18,301,994 9,016,784 51%
Partial Feeder 17,470,615 8,676,751 50%

The effectiveness of FLISR operations varied by the type of operating scheme employed by
the utility. Graph below shows the number of customers interrupted and the customer minutes
of interruption by type of FLISR operating scheme: (1) remotely controlled with manual
validations, or (2) fully automated control and validation.

Remote switching operations that are manually validated by control room operators typically
suffer from time lags that do not occur with fully automated switching. Also as sustained
outages are defined as service interruptions that last five minutes or longer, manually

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

validated FLISR operations typically have less impact on CI than automated FLISR

Apart from improving restoration time and number of customers affected by outages and hence
improving the reliability parameters (SAIFI/ SAIDI/ CAIFI/ CAIDI81), the smart grid systems like
AMI and VVO can enable utilities to accurately record these parameters and keep track of them.
Without existing infrastructure, it has been difficult for utilities to accurately keep track of these
important reliability parameters particularly with lack of feeder and DT wise consumer indexing
and also due to lack of visibility on the accurate number of customers affected and duration of
outage. Further, important information such as consumer category-wise, region-wise (urban/rural)
distribution of interruptions is not available, which makes it difficult to do any meaningful analysis
based on these numbers and therefore utilities are not able to gauge their current performance
accurately and understand how overall system reliability could be improved


Handling of customer complaints in a quick and efficient manner and with access transparent
access to complaint information to both utilities and customers is a current pain point among
utilities, but implementation of smart grid can help improve the entire customer resolution process.
Some of these smart grid measures to improve complaint resolution are discussed below.

Auto Disconnection/Re-connection: With smart meter installed at consumer end, supply can
be disconnected or re-connected automatically instantaneously from remote utility location either
due to load violation, theft, late bill payment or due to consumer request. This means that the time
to service a request for disconnection/re-connection which takes days can be accomplished in a
matter of minutes.

Transparency of Information: The current practice of manual meter reads performed with
typically once a month, leads to a number of doubts and queries raised by consumers on the
accuracy of the data. With smart meter data integrated with utility billing process, consumers can
now get a transparent and detailed analysis on their consumption on a daily/hourly basis. By use
of smart web based applications, utilities can provide consumers with a real time tracking of their
energy usage. All these measures thus help significantly reduce any queries that consumers have
on their billing and any query resolution time is also decreased due to availability of detailed
information by utilities.

Faster Query Resolution: The time to resolve consumer queries is significantly resolved in a
smart grid environment as the IT-enabled customer care centres have access to detailed
consumer information through effective integration of various systems (OMS, AMI, GIS, CIS, etc.).

During outages for example, by integration of IVS and OMS, utilities can instantaneously inform
consumer about the outage and the expected restoration time. This can be sent through SMS or

81CAIDI: Customer Average Interruption Duration Index

CAIFI: Customer Average Interruption Frequency Index

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

E-mail to registered consumers as well. Similar messages can be sent on successful restoration.
Another example would be resolution in case of faulty meter. Real time tracking of meter data can
now alert utilities of a meter fault well before it is detected by consumer and hence corrective
action can be taken without any trouble/ damage to consumer.

Apart from these, development of customer portals to provide energy data, outage information,
bill payment services, etc. would provide high quality experience for the customers and will make
it easy for them to communicate with utility through the web instead of direct phone calls or visits.
This in turn will improve customer satisfaction and reduce work load on the employee.


[1] "Model standard of performance regulations for distribution licensees", Forum of

Regulators, 2009.

[2] E. Pratibha and A. Manjunath, "An Overview of Power Quality Issues in Smart
Grid",International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE), vol.
1, no. 10, pp. 294-298, 2015.

[3] H. Seljeseth, H. Kirkeby and H. Taxt, "Benefits of Voltage Measurements with Smart
Meters", 23rd International Conference on Electricity Distribution, 2015.

[4] “Smart Grid and Power Quality", Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative, 2014.

[5] "A smart grid is an optimized grid", ABB.

[6] “Applications of Automated Controls for Voltage and Reactive Power Management- Initial
Results", U.S Department of Energy, 2012.

[7] "Using wireless broadband for power grid network transformation", Alcatel-Lucent, 2010.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Module -8
Smart Grid Communication

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


One of the most important requirements of a Smart Grid is a fast, reliable and secure
communication network. Communication technology can be thought of as the backbone of the
Smart Grid. The efficiency and reliability of a Smart Grid immensely depends upon the choice of
the underlying Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Operational Technologies
(OTs) adopted for various applications. Irrespective of the functionality adopted, the transfer of
information from one point to another is a common feature across all Smart Grid applications.

Defining communications as the backbone of Smart Grid becomes apparent when looking at a
range of Smart Grid functions:

Figure 8.1: Smart Grid Communication Applications

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


The communication infrastructure in smart grid must support the expected smart grid
functionalities and meet the performance requirements. As the infrastructure connects an
enormous number of devices, it is constructed in a hierarchical architecture with interconnected
individual sub-networks with each responsible for separate geographical regions. The
communication networks architecture can be categorized into the following building blocks: wide
area networks, last mile networks, home area networks, backhaul and utility local area network.
A brief summary of these building blocks is provided below.

Figure 8.2: Smart Grid Communication Architecture82


Wide area networks form the communication backbone to connect the smaller area networks that
serve the power systems at different locations. WAN transports the real-time measurements taken
at the electric devices to the far away control centres and, in the reverse direction as well to
transport instruction communications from control centres to the electric devices. This part
includes a mix of networks including fibre optics, PLC (Power Line Carrier) systems, copper wire
line, and several wireless technologies. WAN is needed to support utility applications for safe and

source: NIST PAP 01, "The Role of the Internet Protocol (IP) in AMI Networks for Smart Grid," National Institute of Standards and
Technology, 2009

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

reliable operation of the electric utility infrastructure including SCADA/EMS, protective relays,
distribution feeder automation, etc.

It is the branch that connects the WAN to the last mile network. It aggregates and transport
customers’ smart grid telemetry data, substations automation critical parameter data, IED’s field
information data, mobile workforce information from/to the utility head end to/from the last mile


Enterprise LANs are used to manage operations, control and enterprise processes and services
such as billing and automation, meter reading, outage management, demand response, load
control, etc. LAN interconnects to the WAN through secure wired or wireless communications. It
also interconnects to the Internet to exchange customer data to third party providers


The last mile is a two-way wireless or wired communications network overlaid on top of the power
distribution system. It is usually named as Neighbourhood Area Network (NAN) or Field Area
Network (FAN). The last mile could be an integrated and multipurpose network technology
alternative for AMI (smart meters, Demand Response, etc.) services, Distribution Automation
(IEDs in the field) and substation automation.

The power system applications operating in the distribution domain utilize last mile networks to
share and exchange information. These applications can be categorized as either field based
(related to sensors, voltage regulators, etc.) or customer based (related to end customers, like
houses, buildings, industrial users, etc.). Field based applications include OMS, SCADA
applications, DER monitoring and control, etc. Customer based applications include AMI, DR,
LMS, MDMS, etc.


Home area networks are needed in the customer domain to implement monitoring and control of
smart devices in customer premises and to implement functionalities like Demand Response.
Within the customer premises, a secure two-way communication interface called Energy Services
Interface (ESI) acts as an interface between the utility and the customer. The ESI may be linked
to a smart meter capable of sending metering information. This information is communicated to
the utility. The ESI also receives real time pricing information from the utility over the AMI
infrastructure and sends it to the customers. The customers may use a display panel (called In-
home devices) linked to the ESI or a web-based customer Energy Management System (residing
in the smart meter, an independent gateway, or some third party) and respond to pricing signals
from the utility.

For each of these communication building blocks, different communication technologies can be
deployed based on their technical requirements. Some of these communication technologies
available for smart grid systems are discussed in the following section.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


Communication technologies can be broadly classified into two types: Wireless and Wired. The
difference being that Wired requires a physical medium like cable to transmit information whilst
wireless uses micro-waves or radio-waves.

Many network technologies can be used for communications in the transmission, distribution and
customer domains in the smart grid, but none of them suits all the applications and there is always
a best fit of a technology or a subset of technologies that may be chosen for a group of power
system applications, either operating in the same domain or having similar communication
requirements. Before a communication technology is chosen for a particular power system
application, a thorough analysis is required to match the application requirements with the
technology properties. The available network technologies are discussed below along with their
advantages and disadvantages.


The following list provides the various wireless technologies available along with their
Table 8.1: Wireless Communication Technologies83

Technology Advantage Disadvantage Smart Grid Existing

Application Practical
Areas Applications

 Very low cost -  Very short range HANs for energy Smoke and intruder
inexpensive consumer  Does not penetrate management warning, Industrial
devices structures well and monitoring , equipment control
 Low power consumption  Low data rates V2G
- years of battery life  Small memory size
 Self- organizing, secure,
and reliable mesh
 Network can support a
large number of users;

V. C. Gungor, D. Sahin, T. Kocak, S. Ergüt, C. Buccella, C. Cecati and G. P. Hancke, "Smart grid technologies: communication
technologies and standards," Industrial informatics, IEEE transactions , pp. 529-539, 7 April 2011. and S. Elyengui, R. Bouhouch and
T. Ezzedine, "The Enhancement of Communication Technologies and Networks for Smart Grid Applications," International Journal of
Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS), pp. 107-115, 2013.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Technology Advantage Disadvantage Smart Grid Existing

Application Practical
Areas Applications

 Low-cost chip sets -  Does not penetrate Could be used Internet access,
inexpensive consumer cement buildings or for HANs, FANs Device to Device
devices basements ,V2G communication,
 Widespread use and  Small coverage and
expertise short distances limit
Wi-Fi  Low-cost application wide spread use
development  Security issues with
 Stable and mature multiple networks
standards operating in same

 Expensive infrastructure  Utility must rent the AMI Backhaul, Voice telephony,
already widely deployed, infrastructure from a Field Area Internet access,
stable and mature cellular carrier for a Network (FAN) , Video
 Well standardized monthly access fee V2G conferencing, GPS,
 Cellular chipset very  Utility does not own Telemedicine
inexpensive infrastructure
 Large selection of  Technology is in the
vendors and service transition phase to LTE
3G Cellular providers deployment
 Public cellular networks
not sufficiently
stable/secure for
mission critical/utility
 Not well-suited for large
data/high bandwidth

 Low latency, high  Utility must rent the AMI Backhaul, Voice telephony,
capacity infrastructure from a SCADA Internet access,
 Fully integrated with cellular carrier for a Backhaul, Video
LTE (Long 3GGP, compatible with monthly access fee Demand conferencing, GPS,
Term earlier 3GPP releases  Utility does not own Response, FAN, Telemedicine, IP
Evolution)  Full mobility for infrastructure Video telephony, 3D
enhanced multimedia  Not readily available in Surveillance television, cloud
services many markets computing,
 Low power consumption  Equipment cost high Telemetry

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Technology Advantage Disadvantage Smart Grid Existing

Application Practical
Areas Applications

 Efficient backhaul of data  Tradeoff between AMI Backhaul, Internet access,

– aggregating 100’s higher bit rates over SCADA Middle-mile
access points longer distances Backhaul, backhaul for
 QoS supports service  Asymmetrical up and Demand cellular networks
assurance down link speeds Response, FAN,
 Battery-backup improves  User shared bandwidth Video
WiMAX reliability and security  Competing against Surveillance ,
 Simple, scalable network future 4G cellular WAN
rollout and customer-
premises equipment
(CPE) attachment
 Faster speeds than 3G
 Cost effective solution  Network capacity HANs for energy Battlefield
 Dynamic self- issues management , surveillance, real-
organization, self-  Network fading and AMI time racing-car
healing, self- interference problem telemetry, VoIP
Wireless configuration
Mesh  Manageable and secure
connectivity (IPSec is
 Can be used in the sub-
GHz range


The following list provides the various wireless technologies available along with their

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Table 8.2: Wireline Communication Technologies84

Technology Advantage Disadvantage Application Existing

Areas Practical

 Widespread availability,  Reliability and potential

AMI , FAN Broadband
Infrastructure already down time of DSL
established technology may not be
 Low cost acceptable for mission
 High bandwidth data critical applications
transmissions  The wired DSL- require
communications cables
DSL to be installed and
regularly maintained,
and thus, cannot be
implemented in rural
areas due to the high
cost of installing fixed
infrastructure for low-
density areas.

 Communication  Non-interoperable
HAN/AMI , broadband over
infrastructure for Smart Grid  High signal attenuation
FAN power lines, in-
is already established  Channel distortion
vehicle network
 Low costs  Interference with
 Separation from other
communication of
PLC electric appliances and
communication networks. electromagnetic data
 High bit rates difficulties
 Complex Routing

 Very Long-distance  High costs

WAN Telephone
 Ultra-high bandwidth  Difficult to upgrade
signals, Internet
 Robustness against  Not suitable for
Fiber communication,
interference metering applications
Cable television

V. C. Gungor, D. Sahin, T. Kocak, S. Ergüt, C. Buccella, C. Cecati and G. P. Hancke, "Smart grid technologies: communication
technologies and standards," Industrial informatics, IEEE transactions , pp. 529-539, 7 April 2011. and S. Elyengui, R. Bouhouch and
T. Ezzedine, "The Enhancement of Communication Technologies and Networks for Smart Grid Applications," International Journal of
Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS), pp. 107-115, 2013.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

The technical specifications of the various technologies discussed above in terms of coverage
range and data rate are provided in the table below:
Table 8.3: Coverage Range and Data Rate for Communication Technologies 85

Technology Standard/Protocol Coverage Range Data Rate

Zigbee Zigbee Up to 100 m 250 Kbps
Wi-Fi 802.11x Up to 300 m 2-600 Mbps
3G Cellular 3G Up to 50 km 2 Mbps
4G/LTE 4G Up to 50 km 100 Mbps
WiMAX 802.16 Up to 50 km 75 Mbps
DSL ADSL Up to 5 km 1-8 Mbps
VDSL Up to 1.5 km 15-100 Mbps
PLC Home Plug Up to 200 m 14-200 Mbps
Narrowband Up to 3 km 10-500 Kbps
Wireless Various (e.g., RF mesh, Depending on Depending on
Mesh 802.11, 802.15, 802.16) selected protocols deployment
Fiber PON (Passive Optical Network) Up to 60 km 155 Mbps - 2.5 Gbps
WDM (Wavelength-Division Up to 100 km 40 Gbps
SONET/SDH (Synchronous Up to 100 km 10 Gbps
Optical Networking/
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy)


Following is a list of various smart grid projects around the globe and the communication
technologies deployed.
Table 8.4: Global Deployment of Communication Technologies86

Organization Region Application Technologies Description

UGVCL Gujrat, India  AMI PLC , RF Mesh  PLC has Excellent performance in
(Proof of  Meter Reading and GPRS underground and secure electrical
Concept) network
 RF Mesh provides healthy
communication in specific range of
area; Metal, concrete structure will
reduce the penetration of signals;

M. Kuzlu, M. Pipattanasomporn and S. Rahman, "Communication network requirements for major smart grid applications in HAN,
NAN and WAN," Computer Networls, pp. 74-88, 2013. And V. C. Gungor, D. Sahin, T. Kocak, S. Ergüt, C. Buccella, C. Cecati and
G. P. Hancke, "Smart grid technologies: communication technologies and standards," Industrial informatics, IEEE transactions , pp.
529-539, 7 April 2011.
M. Kuzlu, M. Pipattanasomporn and S. Rahman, "Communication network requirements for major smart grid
applications in HAN, NAN and WAN", Computer Networks, vol. 67, pp. 74-88, 2014.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Organization Region Application Technologies Description

Meter addition/ replacement is auto
 GPRS is used for point to point
communication; more dependency
on signal strength in the area

TPDDL Delhi, India  Automatic DR RF Mesh and 

Optical fiber backbone with capacity
 SCADA Optical Fiber of 2.4 Gbps in core ring and 644
 GIS Mbps in sub rings. The
Communication backbone is used
for both operational SCADA and GIS
 Last mile connectivity to all zones is
extended through radio frequency
and optical fiber with min. bandwidth
of 2 Mbps.
Austin Texas ,USA  AMI Optical fiber Smart grid project with 410,000 smart
Energy  Metering reading and RF meters, 86,000 smart thermostats,
(2012)  Pricing mesh network 2500 sensors, 3000 computers and
 Distribution network elements
 Demand
Baltimore Maryland,  AMI Optical fiber, Smart grid project with 1,272,911 smart
Gas and USA  Metering reading RF mesh meters, AMI communication systems,
Electric  Pricing network MDMS, customer web portal access for
Company  Customer residential/small commercial
(2010) information and customers, and 400,000 direct load
 messaging control devices
 Demand
response (DLC)
Eandis and Flanders,  Advanced PLC, DSL, Pilot project, two-way communication
Infrax (2011) Belgium Metering Cellular between central systems and electricity
Management (GPRS) and gas meters
 (AMM)
 Meter reading
Acea Rome, Italy  AMM PLC, Cellular One of Europe’s largest smart metering
Distribuzione  Meter reading (GPRS) projects, gas and water meters, serving
(2004) 1.5 million households

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Organization Region Application Technologies Description

China Southern  AMI Cellular (2G Large-scale AMR project, monitor end-
Southern China  Meter reading and 3G) users’ electricity usage in real-time, to
Power Grid  Pricing both prepare accurate bills and
 Demand estimate ongoing demand
Public Power Larissa,  Demand Wi-Fi, BPL A large-scale pilot project, remote
Corporation Greece Response monitoring and control of irrigation
(2009) pumps during peak hours

Because a variety of communication protocols, devices and message formats would be used in
an end-to-end smart grid system, it is important that a set of common interoperable standards are
in place to facilitate seamless interaction and data exchange between different smart grid
systems. The next section discusses in brief the interoperability requirements and developments
that have taken place in the smart grid space.



The Indian power sector consists of diverse participants including generation, transmission, and
distribution utilities, and system and market operators. For efficient functioning of the sector,
effective communication between these entities is of vital importance. The power sector can be
seen as a logical information network where nodes, representing information sources and sinks,
are interconnected with information links. Information travels from source nodes to destination
nodes over information links across devices belonging to different systems, organizations, people,
information representation formats, and communication protocols87. To facilitate seamless
communication between these nodes, a set of Interoperability Standards88 are required.

The general meaning of Interoperability is to ensure that new products and services can operate
in a multi-vendor and multi-operator environment, defining a strong possibility to interact. The
different steps from no interoperability at all to the highest grade of interchangeability are often
described according to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) TC65:

Partnership to Advance Clean Energy - Deployment (PACE - D) Technical Assistance Program, "Smart Grids: A Roadmap for
Communication and Application Interoperability in India", 2013.

The Open Knowledge Initiative defines interoperability as “the measure of ease of integration between two systems or software
components to achieve a functional goal. A highly interoperable integration is one that can be easily achieved by the individual who
requires the result.”

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Incompatibility ➔ Coexistence ➔ Interconnectability ➔ Interworkability ➔ Interoperability ➔


 Incompatibility – the inability of two or more devices to work together

 Coexistence – the ability of two or more devices, regardless of manufacturer, to operate
independently of one another at the same communications network, or to operate together
using some or all of the same communications protocols, without interfering with the
functioning of other devices on the network.
 Interconnectability – the ability of two or more devices, regardless of manufacturer, to
operate with one another using the same communication protocols, communication interface.
 Interworkability – the ability of two or more devices, regardless of manufacturer, to support
transfer of device parameters between devices having the same communication interface and
data types of the application data.
 Interoperability – the ability of two or more devices, regardless of manufacturer, to work
together in one or more distributed applications. The application data, the semantic and
application related functionality of each device is so defined that, should any device be
replaced with a similar one of a different manufacture, all distributed applications involving the
replaced device will continue to operate as before.
 Interchangeability – the ability of two or more devices, regardless of manufacturer, to work
together in one or more distributed applications using the same communications protocol and
interface, with the data and functionality of each device so defined that, if any device is
replaced, any distributed applications involving the replaced device will continue to operate
as before the replacement, including identical dynamic responses of the distributed

Interoperability is thus crucial to ensure a return on investment and prevent vendor lock-in of any
distributed system consisting of different entities or applications that need to work together to
achieve a common objective. Interoperability is even more important in the context of smart grids,
where the sheer number of entities that need to work together can be enormous.

The level of interoperability achieved will largely enable the level of functionality and
commensurate benefits delivered by the future smart grid. Architecting the methodologies to
establishing standards is essential to achieving high interoperability. Successful outcomes from
standards development and selection can accelerate technology adoption by reducing costs and
investment risk. On the other hand, lack of interoperability would hinder investment, restrict
synergies, cause expensive redesigns and thus limit the eventual benefits of the smart grid.


In many parts of the World there are already existing standards and on-going smart grid
interoperability work and these are discussed below:

"Smart Grid Interoperability Report", Global Smart Grid Federation, 2014.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is an agency of the U.S. Department
of Commerce. NIST recently finished reviewing and incorporating public comments into the NIST
Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, Release 3.0.

The Framework lays out a plan for transforming the nation’s aging electric power system into an
interoperable smart grid—a network that will integrate information and communication
technologies with the power-delivery infrastructure, enabling two-way flows of energy and
communications. The final version reflects input from a wide range of stakeholder groups,
including representatives from trade associations, standards organizations, utilities, and
industries associated with the power grid. The Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) was
created by NIST in November 2009 to provide an open forum for members to collaborate on
standards development. Through the SGIP, NIST collaborates with the private sector in
coordinating smart grid standards

NIST’s effort is aimed at creating a self-sustaining, on-going standards process to support

continuous innovation as grid modernization continues to evolve. Grid modernization would need
to ensure backward compatibility to the greatest extent practical and NIST envisions that the
processes being put in place by the SGIP will provide the mechanism to evolve the smart grid
standards framework as new requirements and technologies emerge.

The European Commission has issued a mandate (M/490) and requested the European
Standards Organizations CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, to develop a framework and perform
continuous standard enhancement and development in the field of smart grids, while maintaining
consistency and promoting continuous innovation. The CEN/CENELEC-ETSI work, presented in
January 2013, includes a first set of standards, smart grid reference architecture, and definitions
of sustainable processes and smart grid information security. In December 2013, an intermediate
report on interoperability – “Methodologies to achieve smart grid system interoperability through
standardization, system design and testing” – from the smart grid Coordination Group/Mandate
M/490 was published. In December 2014, the group published their report on smart grid
interoperability. This report provides a methodology to reach the requisite level of interoperability
for particular Smart Grid projects. It does so by focusing on three different aspects:

 Use case creation and system design.

 Creating interoperability profiles based on use cases, standards and specifications.
 Compliance, conformance and interoperability testing.

IEEE Smart Grid Standards

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is collaborating with other global
standards bodies to effectively facilitate standards coordination and to ensure the intensifying

90, "Smart grids - CEN-CENELEC", 2016. [Online]. Available:
s/Sectors/SustainableEnergy/SmartGrids/Pages/default.aspx. [Accessed: 02- Jan- 2016].

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

smart grid movement’s success. IEEE has more than 100 existing standards and standards in
development relevant to smart grid.91

National Smart Grid Standardization Promotion Group (China)

In December 2010, the National Smart Grid Standardization Promotion Group was established
under the joint leadership of the National Energy Administration (NEA) and the Standardization
Administration of China (SAC) with the aim of speeding up the standardization process. The focus
of the Smart Grid Standardization Promotion Group is to draft strategic plans, formulate standard
frameworks, and guide development of national and industrial standards. This group was further
divided into three subgroups:

 Smart grid standardization group

 Smart grid equipment standardization group
 Smart grid standardization international cooperation group

SGCC has developed a hierarchical system for strong smart grid standards which is expected to
give guidance and instruction for research and development of smart grid standards. It consists
of a number of layers, as described below:

 The first layer is domain. There are eight domains, including general and planning,
generation, transmission, substation, distribution, utilization, dispatching, as well as ICT.
 The second layer is technical fields. There are a total of 26 technical fields, focusing on
the overall direction of smart grid study and key areas of project construction. The division
of different technical fields follows a series of SGCC’s guidelines, including Planning of
Smart State Grid, Smart Grid Key Technology Research and Study, Key Smart Grid
Equipment (System) Development Planning.
 The third layer is standard series. There are a total of 92 series, covering “general”,
“engineering construction” (including design, refurbishment, acceptance and test),
“operation and maintenance”, and “equipment and material”.
 The fourth layer is specific standards. This includes the actual specification of the
standards which are to be implemented.

India – Bureau of Indian Standards92

The Bureau of Indian Standards’ (BIS) Sectional Committee LITD10 had established seven
panels for smart grid standards development for India. One among these is the interoperability
working group (WG1) which aims to develop interoperability standards for power sector in India,
covering the traditional value-chain, such as generation, transmission, distribution and newer
elements of value-chain, such as availability based tariff, power exchange, renewable generation,
risk management, home/office area networks, and system operations.

91, "IEEE focus on Smart Grid", 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 02-
Jan- 2016].
"Draft Indian Standards- Guidelines on standards for interoperability in power system communications", BIS) 2014.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

In 2014, the panel released draft guidelines on standards for interoperability in power system
communications. The levels of interoperability covered are broadly classified as communication
technology, information technology and operation technology. An interoperability context setting
framework suitable for addressing the unique requirements of India is also developed, and used
for advancing the standardisation process. The report provides a mapping of the relevant
standards across two areas, one the Application Domain being addressed and the other the
appropriate Area of Interoperability.

The draft selection of areas covered for interoperable communication standards in the report

A. Intra Substation Communication: Communication happening within the boundary of a

substation. Includes station bus and process bus communications.
B. Inter Substation Communication: Sending protection, samples, Phasor measurements,
and process control information between substations in real-time
C. Field Equipment Communication: Represents communications that take place
originating from/ destined to devices outside control centers like a data concentrator
gathering primary equipment monitoring data.
D. Substation - Central System Communication: Includes monitoring and control of
substations, pole-top devices, generation plants or distributed energy resources.
Exchange of critical and non-critical information to be considered.
E. Inter Central System Communication: Includes exchanging fault information for
contingency analysis and emergency operations between Control Centers/ Data centers.
Exchanging metering information from territorial boundaries to initialize state estimation or
load distribution applications is another example. Communication may take place between
levels of control centers within a utility, or between RTOs.
F. Central System – DER Communication: This includes communication between utility
control centers and Energy Service Providers (ESPs) and Energy Market Participants like
real-time pricing negotiations, aggregated customer metering and settlements. This
environment also encompasses the communications between distributed energy
resources and the organizations that must monitor and operate them.
G. Central System - Enterprise System Communication: Gathering weather data,
communicating with regulators, auditors and vendors. May include passing historical data,
specifications, network topologies, configuration files, debug traces. Enterprise
applications like Billing systems, ERPs are also considered here.
H. Central System - Consumer Communication: This environment encompasses the
communications between central system and devices in the consumer premises.
I. Intra Consumer Premises Communication: This Includes communication within the
consumer premises between the smart meter, In Home Display, smart appliances etc.

The relevant standards selected in the report have been mapped across the areas of
interoperability selected above for each application domain. The application domain include:

 Advanced Metering Infrastructure

 Distribution Grid Management

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Network Communications
 Wide-Area Situational Awareness
 Demand Response, DER and Consumer Energy Efficiency
 Cyber Security
 Electric Transportation

A snapshot of the various global standards used for smart grids is provided below:

Figure 8.3: Representative SG Communication Standards93

To achieve interoperability, Internet Protocol (IP) based system offer a viable solution. This is
discussed in detail in the section below.


The Internet Protocol (IP) is the principal communications protocol in the Internet protocol suite
for relaying datagrams across network boundaries. Its routing function enables internetworking,
and essentially establishes the Internet. IP has the task of delivering packets from the source host
to the destination host solely based on the IP addresses in the packet headers. For this purpose,
IP defines packet structures that encapsulate the data to be delivered. It also defines addressing
methods that are used to label the datagram with source and destination information.

M. Obaidat, A. Anpalagan and I. Woungang, Handbook of green information and communication systems. Oxford: Academic Press
Inc., 2012.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

IP is a communications foundation that was developed for helping data networks talk to each
other, and it helps to answer some of the issues faced by the smart grid. It has been proven in
some of the largest networks in the world and provides practically unlimited scalability. Its original
purpose was to help unrelated network systems communicate, so it was designed with flexibility
in terms of protocols as well as the underlying physical connections, whether wired or wireless.

Today IP allows multiple types of physical equipment to operate transparently from end to end
over a wide variety of communication media without adding the burden of conversion of protocols.

Because of the inherent design of the Internet Protocol, the Internet architecture addresses many
of the goals set for the smart grid.94

 Transmitting data over multiple media: IP can run over any link layer network, including
Ethernet, wireless radio networks, and serial lines, providing a common and flexible way to
use and manage a network composed of disparate parts.
 Changing and growing with the industry: One of the principal benefits of IP is its ability to
add a capability such as a new application without having to change IP itself. That is why IP
can run applications it was not originally designed to support, such as secure Internet
commerce, voice, collaboration, and Web 2.0 applications.
 Connecting large numbers of devices: One of the main challenges with connecting large
numbers of devices is providing a unique identifier, or address, for each device. Unlike a lot
of other architectures, IPv6 offers straightforward addressing and routing for a huge network
such as the smart grid.
 Maintaining reliability: IP already has more tools and applications to help manage the
network and maintain reliability than any other communication protocol.
 Connecting multiple types of systems: IP is device independent. This means that it can
identify any type of system to which data is addressed and deliver it to its destination. IP can
also identify the system from which the data came, so it enables the receiving device to
respond back to the sending device to let it know the data has arrived.
 Ensuring security: Although IP was designed to be open and flexible, over the years more
and more tools have been built to provide security in the communications that travel over an
IP network. In fact, of all communications protocols, IP has the most tools for securing and
managing the transport of data. Therefore, while all the communications systems in the smart
grid will be able to utilize IP as a communications pipeline, IP has state-of-the-art tools to
ensure the information travels as privately as needed, sending the information to the right
destination while ensuring that it is not intercepted or accessed by unauthorized users.
 Providing smooth migration: IP provides a way to migrate in phases from multiple
monitoring and control networks to a single converged network without disrupting service.
This enables utilities to receive all the benefits of IP without having to undergo a massive
“forklift” implementation.

Cisco Systems Inc., "Why IP is the Right Foundation for the Smart Grid," 2010.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Because of all these benefits that IP provides, it is prudent choice for interoperable End-to-End
Smart Grid Networks.


Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the most recent version of the Internet Protocol (IP), the
communications protocol that provides an identification and location system for computers on
networks and routes traffic across the Internet. IPv6 was developed by the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF) to deal with the long-anticipated problem of IPv4 address exhaustion. IPv6 is
intended to replace IPv4.

The Indian government released an IPv6 Roadmap Ver-1 in 2010 that laid out some policies to
help both the government and the private sector gear up for the transition. Institutional support
was extended from the Indian Registry for Internet Names and Numbers and a new Centre for
Innovation for IPv6.

Important objectives from the policy included:

 All major Service providers (having at least 10,000 internet customers or STM-1 bandwidth)
will target to handle IPv6 traffic and offer IPv6 services by 2011
 All central and State government ministries and departments, including its PSUs, shall start
using IPv6 services by March-2012
 Achieve substantial transition to new Internet Protocol (IPv6) in the country in a phased and
time bound manner by 2020 and encourage an ecosystem for provision of a significantly large
bouquet of services on IP platform

A roadmap version-2 was released by the government in 2013 which was written on the
foundation laid down by the National IPv6 Deployment Roadmap-I. Some key recommendations

 Enable IPv6 services at all new enterprise customers (connecting to the Internet after Jan
 Enable IPv6 services at all new retail wire line customers (connecting to the Internet after July
 Enable IPv6 services for LTE customers (connecting to the Internet after June 2013)
 All content and application providers to adopt iPv6 for new contents and applications by June
 All new .in domain to be compulsorily on dual stack from Jan 2014
 All governments complete transition to IPv6 by Dec 2017
 The Government organizations should go for IPv6 based innovative applications in their
respective areas like smart metering, smart grid, smart building, smart city etc.

To complement the roadmap DoT also released ‘Compendium on IPv6 Based Solutions/
Architecture/Case Studies for Different Industry Verticals’ which among other use cases,
enumerates the advantages of implementation of smart grid on IPv6 based infrastructure in the
power sector.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


The communication infrastructure in smart grid requires two-way communications, inter-

operability between advanced applications and end-to-end reliable and secure communications
with low-latencies and sufficient bandwidth; Moreover, the system security should be robust
enough to prevent cyber-attacks and provide system stability and reliability with advanced
controls. In the following, major smart grid communication requirements are presented.

Secure information storage and transportation are vital for utilities, especially for billing purposes
and grid control. To avoid cyber-attacks, efficient security mechanisms should be developed and
standardization efforts regarding the security of the power grid should be made.


Network latency defines the maximum time in which a particular message should reach its
destination through a communication network. The messages communicated between various
points within the smart grid, may have different latency requirements. For example, the
information and commands exchanged between intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) will require
a lower network latency than the SCADA information messages exchanged between electrical
sensors and control centres. The network communication medium must therefore support the
varied requirements. Similarly, the data rates supported by the communication medium also
decide how quickly a device can communicate an event observed.


The communication protocol used for a particular smart grid system application must provide
different levels of data delivery criticality depending on the needs of the application. The following
levels of data delivery criticality may be used:
(a) High is used where the confirmation of end-to-end data delivery is a must and absence of
confirmation is followed by a retry
(b) Medium is used where end-to-end confirmation is not required but the receiver is able to detect
data loss, e.g., measured current and voltage values and disturbance recorder data;
(c) Non-critical is used where data loss is acceptable to the receiver.

In smart grid, it is extremely important for the communication backbone to be reliable for
successful and timely exchange of messages. The communication backbone reliability can be

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

affected by a number of possible failures, including time-out failures95, network failures96, and
resource failures97.

A smart grid should be scalable enough to facilitate the operation of the power grid. Many smart
meters, smart sensor nodes, smart data collectors, and renewable energy resources are joining
the communications network. Hence, smart grid should handle the scalability with the integration
of advanced web services, reliable protocols with advanced functionalities, such as self-
configuration, security aspects.

A representative view of the typical communication requirement for the various smart grid
application is provided in the table below98.

Table 8.5: Communication Considerations for Smart Grid Applications 99

Application Security Bandwidth Reliability Latency

Advanced Metering High 14-100 kbps per 99.0-99.99% 2000 ms
Infrastructure node
AMI Network Management High 56-100 kbps 99.00% 1000-2000 ms
Automated Feeder Switching High 9.6-56 kbps 99.0-99.99% 300-2000 ms
Capacitor Bank Control Medium 9.6-100 kbps 96.0-99.00% 500-2000 ms
Charging Plug-In Electric Medium 9.6-56 kbps 99.0-99.90% 2000 ms - 5
Vehicles min.
Demand Response High 56 kbps 99.00% 2000 ms
Direct Load Control High 14-100 kbps per 99.0-99.99% 2000 ms
Distributed Generation High 9.6-56 kbps 99.0-99.99% 300-2000 ms
Distribution Asset High 56 kbps 99.00% 2000 ms
Emergency Response Medium 45-250 kbps 99.99% 500 ms
Fault Current Indicator Medium 9.6 kbps 99.00-99.999% 500-2000 ms
In-home Displays High 9.6-56 kbps 99.0-99.99% 300 -2000 ms
Meter Data Management High 56 kbps 99.00% 2000 ms
Network Protection Monitoring Medium - 56-100 kbps 99.00-99.999% 2000-5000 ms

A time-out failure occurs if the time spent in detecting, assembling, delivering and taking action in response to a control message
exceeds the timing requirements.
A network failure occurs when there is a failure in one of the layers of the protocol suite used for communication
A resource failure implies failure of the end node which initiates communications or receives messages
98, "US D.O.E: NBP RFI: communications requirements- Comments of Utilities Telecom Council", 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 02- Jan- 2016].
M. Kuzlu, M. Pipattanasomporn and S. Rahman, "Communication network requirements for major smart grid
applications in HAN, NAN and WAN", Computer Networks, vol. 67, pp. 74-88, 2014.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Outage Management High 56 kbps 99.00% 2000 ms

Price Signaling Medium 9.6-56 kbps 99.0-99.90% 2000 ms - 5
Real-time Pricing High 14-100 kbps per 99.0-99.99% 2000 ms
Remote Connect/Disconnect High 56-100 kbps 99.00% 2000-5000 ms
Routine Dispatch Medium 9.6-64 kbps 99.99% 500 ms
Transformer Monitoring Medium 56 kbps 99.00-99.999% 500-2000 ms
Voltage and Current Medium 56-100 kbps 99.00-99.999% 2000-5000 ms
Workforce Automation Medium 256-300 kbps 99.90% 500 ms


[1] Maurice Martin;Rick A. Schmidt, "Communications: The Smart Grid’s Enabling

Technology," National Rural Electric Cooperative Association & DOE, 2014.

[2] W. Wang, Y. Xu and M. Khanna, "A survey on the communication architectures in smart
grid," Computer Networks, pp. 55(15), 3604-3629, 2011.

[3] V. C. Gungor, D. Sahin, T. Kocak, S. Ergüt, C. Buccella, C. Cecati and G. P. Hancke,

"Smart grid technologies: communication technologies and standards," Industrial
informatics, IEEE transactions , pp. 529-539, 7 April 2011.

[4] NIST PAP 01, "The Role of the Internet Protocol (IP) in AMI Networks for Smart Grid,"
National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2009.

[5] US ,Department of Energy , "Communication Requirements of Smart Grid Technology,"


[6] M. Kuzlu, M. Pipattanasomporn and S. Rahman, "Communication network requirements

for major smart grid applications in HAN, NAN and WAN," Computer Networls, pp. 74-88,

[7] S. Elyengui, R. Bouhouch and T. Ezzedine, "The Enhancement of Communication

Technologies and Networks for Smart Grid Applications," International Journal of Emerging
Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS), pp. 107-115, 2013.

[8] Cisco Systems Inc., "Why IP is the Right Foundation for the Smart Grid," 2010.

[9] NIST, "NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards,Release
3.0," 2014.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

[10] Partnership to Advance Clean Energy - Deployment (PACE - D) Technical Assistance

Program, "Smart Grids: A Roadmap for Communication and Application Interoperability in
India," 2013.

[11] Department of Telecommunications (India), "National IPv6 Deployment Roadmap Version-

II," 2013. [Online]. Available:

[12] "Smart Grid Interoperability Report", Global Smart Grid Federation, 2014.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Module -9
Cyber Security in Power

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


Cyber-security is the ability to protect or defend the use of from cyber-attacks.

Cyber-attacks are attacks, via cyberspace, targeting an enterprise’s use of cyberspace for the
purpose of disrupting, disabling, destroying, or maliciously controlling a computing
environment/infrastructure; or destroying the integrity of the data or stealing controlled
information. 100

Traditionally, cyber-security for Information Technology (IT) focuses on the protection of

information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption,
modification, or destruction in order to provide confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Cyber-
security for the Smart Grid requires an expansion of this focus to address the combined power
system, IT, and communication systems in order to maintain the reliability and the security of the
Smart Grid to reduce the impact of coordinated cyber-physical attacks, and to protect the privacy
of consumers.

Cyber security is a relatively new concept for the electrical utilities. Compared with legacy power
systems, the transition to Smart Grid is envisioned to fully integrate high-speed and two-way
communication technologies into millions of power equipment. This integration will establish a
dynamic and interactive infrastructure with new energy management capabilities, such as
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and demand response. However, such a heavy
dependence on information networking inevitably surrenders the Smart Grid to potential
vulnerabilities associated with communications and networking systems. This in fact increases
the risk of compromising reliable and secure power system operation under Smart Grid. As a
result, cyber security issues in the Smart Grids become of critical importance to the design of
information networks and has to be considered as one of the highest priorities for the Smart Grid


The Smart Grid communication network thus becomes a mission critical network for information
exchange in power infrastructure. To ensure secure and reliable operation, it is essential to
understand what are the security objectives and requirements before providing a comprehensive
treatment of cyber security in the context of energy delivery and management.

In this context National Institute of Standards and Technology for United States (NIST) has
released a comprehensive Smart Grid security objectives which is summarized below:

As per Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS), USA
W. Wenye and L. Zhuo, "Cyber security in the Smart Grid: Survey and challenges," Computer Networks, 2013; Pages 1344-11371.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Availability: Ensuring timely and reliable access to and use of information is most
important in a Smart Grid. The disruption of access to or use of information that is loss of
availability may undermine the power delivery and related response.
 Integrity: Improper information modification or destruction is to ensure information
nonrepudiation and authenticity. A loss of integrity is the unauthorized modification or
destruction of information. To protect information integrity is to ensure non-rejection of
information and its authenticity. Loss of integrity can lead to serious consequences such
as induce incorrect decision making in power management tasks.
 Confidentiality: A loss of confidentiality is the unauthorized disclosure of information that
is not open for public viewing. Authorized restrictions on information access and disclosure
is required to protect personal privacy and proprietary information.

At a high level in order to meet the security objectives the following features are desirable102:

 Attack detection and resilience operations: Compared with legacy power systems, the
Smart Grid features a relatively open communication network over large geographical
areas. Accordingly, it is almost impossible to ensure every part or node in the Smart Grid
to be invulnerable to network attacks. Therefore, the communication network needs to
consistently perform profiling, testing and comparison to monitor network traffic status.
The aim of this monitoring is to detect and identify abnormal incidents due to attacks.
Moreover, the network must also have the self-healing ability to continue network
operations in the presence of attacks.
 Identification, authentication and access control: The Smart Grid network
infrastructure incorporates millions of electronic devices and users. Identification and
authentication is the key process of verifying the identity of a device or user. The focus of
access control is to ensure that resources are accessed only after successful
authentication of personnel. Strict access control must be enforced to prevent
unauthorized users from accessing sensitive information and controlling critical
 Secure and efficient communication protocols: Differing from conventional networks,
message delivery requires both time-criticality and security in the Smart Grid. The two
objectives, however, usually contradict with each other. Networks in the Smart Grid cannot
always use secure, physically-protected and high-bandwidth communication channels.
Thus, optimal tradeoffs are required to balance communication efficiency and information
security in the design of communications protocols and architectures for the Smart Grid.
The following sub-sections describes in detail the nature and type of cyber security threats that
smart grid system can experience and mitigation strategies that are possible.

From the above discussion it can be concluded that cyber security in smart grid is highly important
as the grid reliability, data privacy and security are at stake. Before strategizing for protection of

W. Wenye and L. Zhuo, "Cyber security in the Smart Grid: Survey and challenges," Computer Networks, 2013; Pages 1344-11371.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

grid against threats it is required to assess the possible types of cyber-attacks and security threats
that are possible in detail.


As security challenges mainly come from malicious cyber-attacks via communication networks, it
is essential to understand potential vulnerabilities in the Smart Grid under network attacks. The
cyber-attacks can be generally be classified into three broad categories:

 Availability attacks: Attacks targeting availability, also called denial-of-service (DoS)

attacks. They attempt to delay, block or corrupt the communication in the Smart Grid.
 Integrity attacks: Attacks targeting integrity aim at deliberately and illegally modifying or
disrupting data exchange in the Smart Grid.
 Confidentiality attacks: Attacks targeting confidentiality intend to acquire unauthorized
information from network resources in the Smart Grid.
These are discussed in more detail below103:


In general, existing DoS attacks can happen at a variety of communication layers in the Smart
Grid. The strategy of attacks and their implication will differ in each layer which are summarized

 Physical layer: This is bottom layer which is concerned with transmission and reception
of data stream. In the Smart Grid, as wireless technologies will be widely used in local-
area systems, wireless jamming becomes the primary physical-layer attack in such
networks. Channel jamming is a type of attack that attempts to interfere with the reception
of broadcast communications. Jamming attacks can lead to a wide range of damages to
the network performance of power substation systems, from delayed delivery of time-
critical messages to complete denial-of-service.
 Media Access Control (MAC) Layer: MAC layer is responsible for reliable point-to- point
communication. An attacker may modify its MAC parameters to gain unauthorized access
to the network. This type of attack will lead to performance degradation. In terms of
severity of attack, it is a weaker version of DoS attack. Another harmful type of attack is
spoofing which is the creation of TCP/IP packets using somebody else's IP address and
targets both availability and integrity of the network. A spoofing attacker, by taking
advantage of the openness of the address fields in a MAC frame, can present itself as one
of the device to send fake information to other connected devices. For example, in a power
substation network, a malicious node can broadcast forged address resolution protocol
(ARP) packets to shut down connections of all IEDs to the substation gateway node.
 Network and transport layers: According to the TCP/IP protocol model, these two layers
need to provide reliability control for information delivery over multi-hop communication

W. Wenye and L. Zhuo, "Cyber security in the Smart Grid: Survey and challenges," Computer Networks, 2013; Pages 1344-11371.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

networks. In computer networking, a hop is one portion of the path between source and
destination. Data packets pass through bridges, routers and gateways on the way. Each
time packets are passed to the next device, a hop occurs. DoS attacks at both layers can
severely degrade the end-to-end communication performance, type of such attacks are
distributed traffic flooding and worm propagation attacks on the Internet. A recent study
investigated the impact of a buffer-flooding attack. It is a method of overloading a
predefined amount of space in a buffer, which can potentially overwrite and corrupt data
in memory. Its impact was assessed on the DNP3-based SCADA network with real
SCADA system hardware and software. The results concluded that current SCADA
system is quite vulnerable to the DoS attack.105
 Application layer: Lower layer attacks focus mainly on transmission bandwidth in
communication channels. Application-layer DoS attacks, however, intend to exhaust
resources of a computer, such as CPU or I/O bandwidth. Application layer attacks can
easily overwhelm a computer with limited computing resources by flooding
computationally intensive requests. As millions of computing and communication devices
in the Smart Grid are equipped with limited computational abilities, they can be potential
victims of application-layer DoS attacks.


Attacks targeting integrity and confidentiality in general occur at the application layer, since they
attempt to acquire or manipulate data information in the Smart Grid.

Attacks targeting data integrity can be considered less brute-force yet more sophisticated than
DoS attacks. Such attacks attempt to secretly modify data in order to corrupt critical information
pertaining to Smart Grid. The target can be either customers’ information (e.g., pricing information
and account balance) or power systems data (e.g., voltage readings and device running status).
Because such information in power systems is valuable to both end users and utility companies,
integrity-check methods are deployed in power systems to protect data integrity. Following are
some of the attacks targeting data integrity of power systems:

 False data injection attack: It was initially designed to impact the state estimation for the
SCADA system. Based on the assumption that an attacker has already compromised one
or several meters, a research106 has pointed out that the attacker can successfully inject
falsified data to the SCADA center, and at the same time pass the data integrity check
used in current state estimation process.
 Load redistribution attack: It is another special type of false data injection attacks, in
which only load bus injection measurements and line power flow measurements are

D. Jin, D.M.Nicol, G. Yan, An event buffer flooding attack in DNP3 controlled SCADA systems, in: Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference,
Y. Liu, P. Ning, M. Reiter, False data injection attacks against state estimation in electric power grids, in: Proc. of ACM Computer and Communication Security
(CCS), 2009.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Compared with attackers targeting integrity, attackers targeting confidentiality have no intent to
modify information transmitted over power networks. They eavesdrop on communication
channels in power networks to acquire desired information, such as a customer’s account number
and electricity usage. Typical examples include wire tappers and traffic analyzers. Such attacks
can be considered to have negligible effects on the functionality of communication networks in
the Smart Grid. However, with the increasing awareness and importance of customer privacy, the
social impacts due to confidentiality attacks have received more and more attentions in recent

It is worthy of noting that the premise to launch attacks against integrity and confidentiality is that
attackers can be authenticated to the communication networks or the grid, and have the access
to sensitive information. Hence, authentication and access control are essential to preventing the
Smart Grid from such attacks.


In smart grid, the communication networks and Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) are
susceptible to a variety of cyber-attacks. These attacks aim to gain control of the device or corrupt
data integrity or steal important information. Since smart grid networking architecture resemble
that of internet, most of the documented threats and attacks are also applicable to smart grids.
Following is a list107 of cyber-attacks that will endanger the safety of smart grids.

 Direct-access Attack – A direct-access attack simply means gaining physical access to

the computer or its part and performing various functions or installing various types of
devices to compromise security. The attacker can install software loaded with malware or
download important data, using portable devices.
 Eavesdropping – As the name suggests, eavesdropping means secretly listening to a
conversation between the hosts on a network.
 Spoofing – Spoofing is a cyber-attack where a person or a program impersonate another
by creating false data in order to gain illegal access to a system.
 Tampering – Tampering is a web based attack where certain parameters in the URL are
changed without the customer’s knowledge; and when the customer keys in that URL, it
looks and appears exactly the same. Tampering is basically done by hackers and
criminals to steal the identity and obtain illegal access to information.
 Repudiation Attack – A repudiation attack occurs when the user denies the fact that he
or she has performed a certain action or has initiated a transaction. A user can simply
deny having knowledge of the transaction or communication and later claim that such
transaction or communication never took place.
 Exploits – An exploit attack is basically a software designed to take advantage of a flaw
in the system. The attacker plans to gain easy access to a computer system and gain
control, allows privilege escalation or creates a DOS attack.
 Malware – Malware refers to malicious software that are being designed to damage or
perform unwanted actions into the system. Malware is of many types like viruses, worms,
Trojan horses, etc., which can cause havoc on a computer’s hard drive. They can either


Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

delete some files or a directory or simply gather data without the actual knowledge of the
 Bots – Bots is a software application that runs automated tasks which are simple and
repetitive in nature. Bots may or may not be malicious, but they are usually found to initiate
a DoS attack or a click fraud while using the internet.
 Rootkits – A rootkit is a malicious software designed in such a way that hides certain
process or programs from normal anti-virus scan detection and continues to enjoy a
privilege access to your system. It is that software which runs and gets activated each
time you boot your system and are difficult to detect and can install various files and
processes in the system.
 Spyware – Spyware, as the name suggests, is a software which typically spies and
gathers information from the system through a user’s internet connection without the
user’s knowledge. A spyware software is majorly a hidden component of a freeware
program which can be downloaded from the internet.
 Phishing – Phishing is a cyber-threat which makes an attempt to gain sensitive
information like passwords, usernames and other details for malicious reasons. It is
basically an email fraud where the perpetrator sends a legitimate looking email and
attempts to gain personal information.
 Identity Theft – Identity theft is a crime wherein your personal details are stolen and these
details are used to commit a fraud. An identity theft is committed when a criminal
impersonates individuals and use the information for some financial gain.
 Password Attacks – Password attack is a form of a threat to your system security where
attackers usually try ways to gain access to your system password. They either simply
guess the password or use an automated program to find the correct password and gain
an entry into the system.
 Key logger – A key logger is a spyware that has the capability to spy on the happenings
on the computer system. It has the capability to record every stroke on the keyboard, web
sites visited and every information available on the system. This recorded log is then sent
to a specified receiver.
The above discussion highlights the broad categories of security threats which are possible in a
smart grid environment. A detailed assessment of component wise security risks is provided in
Annexure A. Subsequent section discusses the strategies that can be adopted for threat
detection and there mitigation.


This section discusses the detection and mitigation strategies of threats targeting smart grid
availability, integrity and confidentiality. Lastly approach for cyber resilience has been discussed.


Denial of service (DoS) is major type of attack which targets the availability objective of smart grid
security. Even a weak DoS which disrupts the timing of critical signals is sufficient to create havoc.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Thus timely identification and mitigation of DoS threats are important for seamless functioning of
Smart Grid.


Primary objective of keeping a smart grid infrastructure cyber-secure is ensuring system
availability. Cyber-attacks like DoS attack which have an immediate impact on the availability of
communication systems and control systems become the primary network security threats in the
Smart Grid. Thus, it is essential to providing effective network approaches against DoS attacks.
The strategies DoS attack mitigation are summarized below:

 Signal-based selection: At the physical layer level, a DoS attack detector can measure
the received signal strength information (RSSI) to detect an attacker. If the received signal
information is greater than the threshold but the packet decoder outputs error, the detector
can raise an alarm about a potential DoS attacker.
 Packet based selection: Under this detection strategy, the packets transmission
results are analyzed by the detector. If there are significant number of transmission failures
then it can be attributed to the presence of an attacker. This detection strategy can be
implemented at each layer of the network and it is found to be effective in DoS attacks
which degrade the network performance due to packet loss.
The above two strategies are passive strategies because they continuously monitor the network
for any anomaly, and as it is detected an alarm is raised for subsequent action. These detection
methodologies can be directly applied to communication networks in smart grids. For example,
signal-based detectors can be easily deployed in wireless Smart Grid applications (e.g., wireless
monitoring for transformers and packet-based methods are suitable for general DoS attack
detection in AMI networks and substations.

Other strategies for DoS attack detection include proactive and hybrid method.

 Proactive method: In this a probe or test packet is sent to test or determine the status
of potential attacker. Thus the network takes an initiative to root out potential attackers as
soon as possible. Since the involvement of a probe packet creates communication
overhead for the network, the application of proactive methods are limited to non-time
critical networks.
 Hybrid method: It is also possible to adopt a hybrid method which involves the positives
of other methods to improve the detection accuracy. Research work in regard has
proposed to use both signal-based and packet-based detection to effectively identify
jamming attacks in wireless networks.

Dos Attack Mitigation Strategies

Attack mitigation strategies can be deployed in addition to attack detection strategies. DoS attack
mitigation schemes mainly include two lines of work: (1) physical-layer mitigation for jamming
attacks with the intent to disrupt any wireless communications and (2) network-layer mitigation for

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

DDoS attacks with the intent to exhaust a target’s resources and. Following is the description of
each of the mitigation strategies in smart grid.

Physical layer mitigation of DoS: Widely used DoS attack at physical layer in wireless networks
is wireless jamming. Thus, smart grid networks are required to be strengthened with anti-jamming
strategies so that continuity of information delivery is ensured. The jamming-resilient schemes
can be designed either in a coordinated or uncoordinated manner.

 Coordinated methods are conventional anti-jamming transmission schemes. They can

be categorized as frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS), direct sequence spread
spectrum (DSSS), and chirp spread spectrum (CSS). In this strategy, it is assumed that a
pre-known secret key is known only to the communication parties and not the attackers.
However, in open communication standards, this strategy can be easily compromised if
the attacker finds the secret key.
 Uncoordinated protocols are promising for secure wireless communications in a
distributed environment. They do not need sharing of a pre-known secret with
communicating parties. A secret key is randomly generated before the actual
communication thus preventing attackers from acquiring sufficient knowledge to disrupt
the communication. This resilience is achieved at the cost of delay in communication on
account of sharing of key just before initiating the communication.
Network layer mitigation of DoS: The commonly used mitigation strategies against DoS attacks
in network layer are summarized below

 Rate-limiting. In the scenarios, where detection strategies are unable to accurately

identify malicious packets injected by attackers and the false positives rate is high, rate
limiting mitigation strategy is applicable. Under this strategy, a rate limit is imposed on a
set of packets that have been characterized as possibly malicious by the detection
mechanism. Thus, an attacker will be identified and blocked if threshold limit of its
malicious packets is met.
 Filtering. The attackers are identified and blocked for further communication if their
source address is found in the blacklist provided by attack detectors. Upon detection,
packets from attackers will not be further forwarded or routed to victims.
 Reconfiguration. In order to mitigate the impact of DoS attacks, one solution is to
reconfigure network architecture, such as changing the topology of the victim or the
intermediate network to either add more resources to the victim or to isolate the attack
For applying the above strategies in the context of smart grid it is important to first understand the
network topology used in smart grids. The major information flow directions in smart grids are top-
down and bottom up. Considering these informational flows, it is easy to implement filtering and
rate limiting policies by network operators to prevent DoS attacks in smart grid.


Type of attacks which threaten the integrity and confidentiality of smart grid, attempt to take control
of the devices in smart grid system. The strategy used for gaining unauthorized access have been

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discussed in the previous sections. In order to safeguard smart grid, cryptographic approach
becomes a robust counter-measure. Three major cryptographic counter-measures for managing
data integrity and confidentiality in power systems are encryption, authentication and key


Encryption is one of the most effective way to ensure data security. A file or a data is called an
encrypted data if we require a secret key or a passcode for reading it. To read an encrypted data
using a secret key or a passcode is called decryption. Unencrypted data is called plain text while
encrypted data is called cypher text. In a smart grid the devices that are used are expected to
have least basic cryptographic capabilities including the ability to support symmetric cyphers. The
design of the encryption scheme are one of the most important ways of protecting data
confidentiality and integrity in smart grid. Majorly the encryption scheme can be broadly divided
into two types:

 Symmetric key cryptography: This type of encryption uses same key for encryption as
well as decryption of the message at the senders and receivers end respectively.
 Asymmetric key cryptography: This type of encryption requires different keys for
encryption as well as decryption of data message at the senders and receivers end
respectively. Asymmetric key cryptography requires more computational resources than
symmetric key cryptography.

Authentication protocol for Smart Grid must ensure full security to protect data integrity. In
addition, it should meet the following requirements from the communication network

 High efficiency. Efficiency is crucial to achieve the high availability requirement in real-
time Smart Grid applications. The indication of high efficiency is twofold. First, the
authentication schemes should not incur too much redundancy for security. However, for
an authentication protocol, redundancy is directly proportional to degree of security.
Hence, it is always desirable to balance a good tradeoff between redundancy and security.
Second, computation involved in authentication (e.g., digital signature and verification)
must be fast enough to meet timing requirements of messages in the Smart Grid.
 Tolerance to faults and attacks. Authentication schemes can offer strong protection
against attacks targeting data integrity, but cannot by themselves provide all the necessary
security in an operational environment, especially under the circumstance of DoS attacks.
Hence, authentication schemes are required to detect malicious attacks, collaborate with
attack detection and response systems.

W. Wenye and L. Zhuo, "Cyber security in the Smart Grid: Survey and challenges," Computer Networks, 2013; Pages 1344-11371.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Support of multicast. Multicast has wide applications in the Smart Grid, including
monitoring, protection, and information dissemination. Time critical messages such as
tripping circuit breakers can be sent efficiently in a short span of time if multicasting is
Public key based authentication protocols are communication efficient but lack computational
efficiency. In contrast, symmetric key based protocols are computationally efficient but security is
uncertain because an attacker can easily obtain shared key from any of the compromised node.
Therefore some evolved forms of protocol designs which uses asymmetric keys and provide fast
and efficient multicast authentication are required. Following are some of these protocols

 Secret-information asymmetry. Each receiver is associated with a unique key. While

transmitting the message, sender appends authentication information belonging to each
receiver. Upon receiving the message, each receiver uses its own secret to verify the
authenticity of the message and access information.
 Time asymmetry. Each receiver has the same secret key but it is valid for a limited time
interval only. The sender discloses a key to all receivers after they have received and
buffered the message. The sender and receivers are needed to be synchronized with each
other for this protocol to work.
 Hybrid asymmetry. Secret-information asymmetry can verify packets as soon as they
are received but needs to balance a tradeoff between security and scalability. Time
asymmetry has low overhead and is robust to attacks since a single key is used in a short
time period, but has the problem of packet buffering. The main idea of hybrid asymmetry
is to combine these two asymmetry mechanisms together to achieve time efficiency,
scalability, and security at the same time.

Key Management 109

The Smart Grid consists of heterogeneous communication networks, including time-critical (e.g.
for protection) and non-real-time (e.g., for maintenance) networks, small-scale (e.g., a substation
system) and large-scale (e.g., the AMI system) networks, wireless and wire-line networks. It is not
practical to design a single key management infrastructure to generate and distribute keys for all
networks in the Smart Grid. Therefore, key management schemes should be carefully chosen to
meet the network and security requirements of various systems in the Smart Grid. In the following,
we summarize existing key management frameworks for power systems.

 Single symmetric key can be shared among all users, which is the most efficient yet the
least secure way to provide secure communication. If an attacker obtains the key by
compromising a device, it can easily inject falsified information to the entire network.
Unfortunately, it is indeed used in existing metering systems, where the same symmetric
key is shared across all meters and even in different states. If tamper-proof devices are
deployed, the single symmetric key scheme can be very efficient to exchange information

W. Wenye and L. Zhuo, "Cyber security in the Smart Grid: Survey and challenges," Computer Networks, 2013; Pages 1344-11371.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 SKE: It divides SCADA communication into two categories: master–slave and peer-to-
peer, which use symmetric key and public key schemes, respectively. SKE is an
elementary key management scheme for the SCADA system with low-cost security. It
neither includes a full-fledged key management infrastructure, nor supports efficient
multicast and broadcast that are essential in power systems.
 SKMA: A key distribution center (KDC) is used to maintain a long term key for each node.
In SKMA, a node must maintain two types of long terms keys: node-to-KDC and node-to-
node. The former is manually installed on a node; and the latter is obtained from the KDC.
A session key is generated using the node-to-node key when two nodes communicate
with each other. However, SKMA still does not support multicast. Key update and
revocation are also issues of SKMA.
 ASKMA: It uses a logical key hierarchy (LKH) to achieve efficient key management among
all nodes. ASKMA has two major advantages compared with SKE and SKMA: (1) it
supports multicast and broadcast and (2) it is computationally efficient for node-to-node
communication. However, it is less efficient during the multicast communication process.
 ASKMA+: In this method the key structure is divided into two classes applying the Iolus
framework and constructed each class as a LKH structure. ASKMA+ was shown both
multicast-efficient and storage-efficient compared with ASKMA.
 SMOCK: It is a scalable method of cryptographic key management It was designed to
achieve light-weight key management for mission-critical wireless networks with
application to electric grids. It entails almost zero communication overhead for
authentication, offers high service availability and good scalability. Whereas, SMOCK is
not fully designed with multicast and is more computationally cumbersome, thereby
increasing the burden of embedded devices in power systems.


Smart grid is a complex ecosystem of interconnected power systems and convergence of various
technologies like IT and communication with electrical grid. For such a complex techno-system,
the utility should engage all stakeholders to develop a comprehensive cyber security framework
that is all encompassing, interoperable, and robust in nature. Organization such as the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), European Network and Information Security
Agency (ENISA) have developed guidelines to deal with smart grid cyber security and provide a
cohesive cyber strategy. According to the NIST, the smart grid cyber strategy should be designed
such a way that it addresses prevention, detection, response, and recovery processes to counter
any existing and potential threats. Some of the key points that a utility needs to consider while
developing an approach to cyber resilience are:

Risk Assessment

For calculating risk, utilities have traditionally used the following formula:

Risk = Threat x Vulnerability x Impact110

Best practices for cyber security in the electric power sector, IBM, white paper, Energy and Utilities

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

This same formula can be used for measuring the risks posed by cyber threats with the following
explanations for the variables:

 Threat: The spread of cyber-attacks is expected to continue to increase across all sectors
of the digitally connected economy. The more electric power systems become
interconnected with each other and with other domains, the greater the exposure to
potential attack.
 Vulnerability: With the advent of smart grid and other ICT improvements, attackers no
longer need to bypass physical security protections or risk personal injury. Highly
networked systems provide new digital pathways for hackers to reach critical operational
systems. Thus, vulnerability is no longer specific to locations and equipment used by the
utility, and attacks can be launched from anywhere in the world with just an Internet
 Impact: For electrical utilities the potential impact from any kind of security threat has
always been quite high. In the past, cyber threats were not much of a concern, but today,
the impact to critical systems from a cyber-security breach increases exponentially as
electrical system operations become more automated and interconnected.
While performing risk assessment it is recommended that all utilities take a realistic view of the
threats and work with national authorities as needed to assemble the required information. It is
anticipated that no single utility or stakeholder would be able to analyze this information on its
own. In the Risk Assessment practice, the utilities should include the following processes with the
overall objective to determine the risks that are applicable to their assets:

 Asset Identification: Utilities need to identify the assets that need to be protected. Assets
include everything from energy resources, power generators, transmission towers,
distribution channels, transformers, voltage regulators, circuit breakers, and smart meters.
Utilities need to create a detailed network diagram identifying all the above assets and
their locations.
 Categorize Assets: The assets defined above should be categorized by risk of attack.
The categorization should correlate to the level of impact on the grid: low, medium, and
high. The impact levels are decided based on their impact on organizational operations,
organizational assets and individuals. In addition, the potential effects of asset attacks or
failures on the grid should be documented in detail.

The NIST model for categorizing asset risk is provided below:

 Asset Risk Identification: Assets risks should be categorized into physical or logical
o Physical Risks: Physical attacks, including natural disasters and sabotage. In the
past, most terrorist attacks have been physical, not logical.
o Logical: Types of cyber and computer system attacks. Logical risks should be
identified at every point of access to the system, whether external or internal.
Logical risk identification can prevent a hacker who gains access to the internal
network of the power utility from causing disastrous effects to the grid.

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 Asset Risk Analysis: Risk analysis involves determining the probability of occurrence of
a particular risk. Every possible risk should be evaluated with respect to the systems
involved. The data extracted from risk analysis should be used to identify potential issues
that could have any negative impact on the electric grid.
 Asset Risk Management- It includes the following
o Avoidance: The focus of risk management is to proceed with caution when
determining if any upgrades or new systems are required. Assuming that new
upgrades are required, they can increase risk by creating more access points in
the system that is points which could be breached.
o Transference: Risk transference attempts to shift the consequences of a risk to a
third party along with the responsibility of responding to the risk. For example,
utilities can purchase insurance to cover the cost of the risk However, risk
transference does not eliminate the risk completely.
o Mitigation: Mitigation seeks to reduce the probability and consequences of an
adverse risk to an acceptable threshold by taking actions ahead of time. If done
correctly, mitigation can decrease the likelihood of occurrence of a problem.
o Acceptance: The final technique for dealing with risk is to respond to the risk item
with a contingency plan, should a problem occur. For example, if a task is at risk
of being delayed, in the case of transformer repair, then the plan should be to add
additional resources to the task. Contingency plans should include any work that
must be done ahead of time to enable a successful contingency plan response.

Cyber Security Policy

Utilities need to develop a cyber-security policy for securing critical assets. It must be available to
all personnel who are required to comply with its requirements and must be reviewed periodically.
As a reference, cyber security policy should ideally address the following:

 Purpose
 Scope and applicability
 Roles and responsibilities
 Topics addressed
 Compliance and exceptions
 Training and awareness
 Points of contact
Policy should also include details on information protection. Protection of information associated
with critical cyber assets is a foundational security practice. Proper information protection of such
information must be defined in the context of organizational security policy and include provisions
for identifying, classifying, and protecting such information. Critical cyber asset information to be
protected, at a minimum and regardless of media type, includes:

 Operational procedures
 Network topology or similar diagrams
 Floor plans of computing centers that contain critical cyber assets

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 Equipment layouts of critical cyber assets

 Disaster recovery plans
 Incident response plans
 Security configuration information
 Authentication and authorization information
 Private data
In addition, utilities should ensure that they meet the required security standards from the existing
reference security standards for Smart Grids (Refer Annexure B).

From the above discussion, it is clear that several detection and mitigation strategies can be
adopted by utilities to thwart off cyber-attacks. Simultaneously, initiatives towards cyber resiliency
will make the electric grids less susceptible to cyber-attacks. In the following section, case studies
of initiatives and policies undertaken by countries across the globe are provided.


Several countries have formulated robust policy structures and response protocols in order to
avoid damages from cyber-attacks. Following policy initiatives in USA, Japan and France provide
a brief account of measures undertaken for cyber-security in respective countries. Case studies
of cyber-attacks targeting industrial processes and data system of various companies are given
in Annexure C.


Cyber security policies of United States are based on preserving the best of cyber space and
adhering to the principles viz. fundamental freedoms, privacy, and the free flow of information.
The United States will work internationally to promote an open, interoperable, secure, and reliable
information and communications infrastructure that supports international trade and commerce,
strengthens international security, and fosters free expression and innovation. For realizing this
goal, United States has developed policies to guide state’s action and support rule of law in
cyberspace. Following are the basis of norms or polices:

 Upholding Fundamental Freedoms: States must respect fundamental freedoms of

expression and association, online as well as off.
 Respect for Property: States should in their undertakings and through domestic laws
respect intellectual property rights, including patents, trade secrets, trademarks, and
 Valuing Privacy: Individuals should be protected from arbitrary or unlawful state
interference with their privacy when they use the Internet.

International Strategy For Cyberspace, 2011

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Protection from Crime: States must identify and prosecute cybercriminals, to ensure laws
and practices deny criminals safe havens, and cooperate with international criminal
investigations in a timely manner.
 Right of Self-Defense: Consistent with the United Nations Charter, states have an inherent
right to self-defense that may be triggered by certain aggressive acts in cyberspace.

Following are the policy priorities as set by United States by making the cyber space secure and

 Promoting cyberspace cooperation, particularly on norms of behavior for states and cyber
security, bilaterally and in a range of multilateral organizations and multinational
 Ensuring robust incident management, resiliency, and recovery capabilities for information
 Encouraging international cooperation for effective commercial data privacy protections.
 Developing relationships with policymakers to enhance technical capacity building,
providing regular and ongoing contact with experts and their United States Government
 Developing and regularly share international cyber security best practices.
 Providing assistance to other countries looking to build technical and cyber security
 Strengthening current military alliances and building new ones to confront potential threats
in cyber space.


In Japan, the National Information Security Center (NISC) has been established in April 2005
within the Cabinet Secretariat as the command post for information security policy, to carry out
the planning, proposal and general coordination related to planning of basic strategy and other
centralized/cross-cutting promotion of information security measures for the public and private
sectors. In addition, the Information Security Policy Council (ISCP) has been established in the
Strategic Headquarters for the Promotion of an Advanced Information and Telecommunications
Network Society in May of the same year for centralized/cross-cutting promotion of information
security measures for the public and private sectors, and works towards improving the level of
information security and strengthening ability to deal with cyber-attacks for government
institutions and critical infrastructure providers.

In order to construct a resilient cyberspace, and realize a cyber-secure nation, the Japanese
government is undertaking the following efforts:

 Measures in government institutions: The level of information security related to

information and information systems will be improved by adopting preventive measures.
At first risk profiling of the government institutions will be done and appropriate security

Cyber security strategy, Information security policy council, June 2013

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

measures will be suggested which will be integrated with diverse working arrangements
of the employees
 Strengthening and enhancement of preparations to cope with cyber-attacks: For
sustaining cyber-attacks it is necessary that a strong defensive system is built which can
assure information security. Such assurance system will require intensified cooperation
with foreign institutions while greatly promoting measures for gathering, analysis and
sharing of counter-intelligence related information in cyberspace with each government
institution working closely.
 Measures in critical infrastructure providers: Protection of critical infrastructures is
essential for stability in people's lives, socioeconomic activities, government activities etc.
Collation of potential risks across industries and their analysis will help in developing
security standards in each field or domain. In this context, policy measures are promoting
information sharing and cyber exercises between critical infrastructure providers,
cyberspace-related operators and other private organizations.
 Human resource development: Due to the expanding cyberspace of Japan, it is necessary
to employ skilled workforce of security professionals. The deficiency of trained
professionals is increasing with increasing size of cyberspace to be managed. Moreover,
it is required to raise the skill level of cyber security professionals within Japan, and to
discover and cultivate exceptional personnel in the field, a framework is necessary for
practical application of training throughout all of society.


An initial cyber security strategy was developed in early 2010 and published in early 2011 shortly
after the discovery of a cyber-attack. The intention of this attack was to spy on finance and
economic ministries. Other types of attacks include disabling information in demand of ransom,
intruding in computer systems with the aim of stealing information. The degree of risk which was
identified 2010 has intensified by the increase in the capabilities of attackers, the proliferation of
techniques of attack and the development of organized crime in cyberspace. As a means of
counteracting these risks a national agency was created as of 2009 to address cyber-attack and
to protect the State information systems and critical infrastructures. The current cyber security
approach of France is based on fulfillment of 5 strategic objectives. Following are the objectives:

 Fundamental interests, defense and security of State information systems and critical
infrastructures, major cyber security crisis
o An Expert Panel for Digital Trust will be created, under the aegis of the State
Secretariat for Digital Technology and the National Authority for the Security of
Information Systems. This panel will regularly conduct meetings of administrators
from government and private sectors as well as academicians. This mission of this
panel is to identify the key technologies for which in-depth knowledge is required
for cyber security professions and in general for the development of a trustworthy
digital environment.

French national data security strategy, 2015

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

o The National Authority Information Systems Security will actively monitor the
emerging technologies and their potential risks, and inform government
institutions, private enterprises and citizens regarding them.
o To raise the level of security of state information systems, a State Information
Systems Security Policy (PSSIE) was developed. Its effectiveness is evaluated
 Digital trust, privacy, personal data, cyber malevolence.
o Ensuring individual’s right of freedom of speech in offline as well as online medium
o It has been proposed to establish a national system as of 2016 to provide
assistance for victims of cyber malevolence.
o Ministry of Interior will implement new instruments to monitor the development of
cybercrime in order to guide public action. Such action will make available statistics
on cyber-crimes which will help in implementation of adequate measures.
o An identification system will established by 2016 which will inform the French
people on the use made of their data entrusted to digital services
 Awareness raising, initial training, continuing education
o Government will undertake awareness campaigns for all French people in digital
 Environment of digital technology businesses, industrial policy, export and
o With the launch of new industrial France cyber security plan in 2013, support was
provided to sector and businesses developing trustworthy cyber security products
and services.
o For supporting economic developing cyber security industrial sector, France will
endeavor to facilitate better visibility, competitiveness and access to international
markets for SMEs and startups companies
o Ensuring that the digital products and services or those that involve digital
technology, which are designed, developed and produced in France, are among
the safest in the world
 Europe, digital strategic autonomy, cyberspace stability
o France will assist other countries which are keen to increase the resilience and
security of their information systems, notably in terms of the protection of critical
infrastructures and the combat against cybercrime.
o France will play an active role in establishing a road-map that will determine the
key factors of success of the short-term implementation of the policies that are
adequate for the emergence of a European digital strategic autonomy. This
autonomy will be in terms of regulations, standardization and certification, research
and development, trust in digital technology. The important elements that will be
taken consideration while establishing this road-map is respect of Member States’
sovereignty and protection of privacy as well as personal data.

It can be concluded from the above discussion that development of policy norms by countries in
the area of cyber security are motivated by incidents of cyber-attacks and hacking attempts. The

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

formulated policies recommend preventive measures for future cyber-attacks and improving
resiliency of cyber ecosystem. In the following section, key Indian and international developments
in cyber security are discussed.



The countries that are in advanced stages of smart grid development have also progressed
rapidly in areas related to cyber security. Following are some of the key international
 Intel Security and Wind River, a company that provides end-to-end IoT (Internet of Things)
solutions, recently announced their new technology platform, Intel Security Critical
Infrastructure Protection (CIP), for securing both legacy and new capabilities of the smart
grid. A key feature of this solution is that it works by separating the security management
functions of the platform from the operational applications, allowing the operational layer
to be secured.
 Dell Security recently reported that attacks on SCADA systems increased by 100% in
2014 as compared to 2013. The majority of these attacks happened in Finland, UK and
USA and the likely factor could be connectivity to the internet. Buffer overflows continue
to be the most common attack vector, accounting for 25% of the attacks. Lack of
information sharing and ageing industrial infrastructure are the major challenges in today’s
 President Obama Administration released the first installation of a Quadrennial Energy
Review, which includes initiatives to promote grid modernization. The Department of
Energy (DoE) has put a request in the 2016 budget for US$3.5 billion over the next 10
years for investment in smart grid foundational technology development, enhanced
security capabilities, and greater institutional support and stakeholder engagement.
 Leading IT companies including Kaspersky Lab, IO Active, Bastille, and the Cloud Security
Alliance have partnered and created a not-for-profit global initiative called ‘Securing Smart
Cities’. The objective of this initiative is to create awareness among smart city planners
regarding importance and cost benefits of cyber security and its integration at the project
planning stage itself.
 The Online Trust Alliance (OTA), a non-profit organization and think-tank, recently
released a draft framework for addressing the cyber security of the IoT initiative. The
framework contains best practices and recommendations focusing on home automation
and wearable technologies. In addition, OTA is developing testing tools and
methodologies to formalize this framework with scoring criteria.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


Government of India has taken significant steps in deployment of smart grids in India through
smart grid pilot projects and smart cities. Realizing due importance of cyber security in smart grid,
there has been some major developments around cyber security in India, some of which are

Table 9.1: Key developments in cyber security in Indian context

Chief Information SecurityGOI has appointed CISO114 (Chief Information Security
Officer Officer) of India.
Cyber security disclosure GOI is planning to bring a legislation that would ensure strict
norms cyber security disclosure norms115. If a company faced
cyber-attack or cracking incidence, the company would be
required to disclose to its clients and government the impact
of such an incident on the safety of their data and
Sectional Committee LITD- Guidelines for cyber security frame work, issues and
10 standards are being prepared by Bureau of Indian Standards
(BIS) in association with Central Power Research Institute
(CPRI) under Sectional Committee LITD-10. LITD 10 (Power
System Control and Associated Communications) will
prepare Indian Standards relating to:
 Power system control equipment and systems including
EMS (Energy Management System)
 DMS (Distribution Management System)
 SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)
 Distribution automation, Smart Grid, tele-protection and
associated communications used in planning, operation
and maintenance of power systems.
Crisis Management Plan Cyber security is also being included in the Crisis
Management Plan of Power Sector being revised by CEA.
ISGTF, Working Group 5 As part of the working groups constituted under the ISGTF,
Working Group 5 i.e. “Physical cyber security, standards and
spectrum” covers the following activities:
 Creation and finalization of cyber security standards for
Smart Grid deployment;
 Suggest modifications in the Electricity Act 2003 to
address cyber security issues;
 Capacity building on issues related to cyber security.


Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

National Critical Information

The national nodal agency for protection of critical
Infrastructure Protection
information infrastructure, has released a framework for
Center (NCIIPC) evaluating cyber security in critical information infrastructure.
ISGF working group ISGF working along with the ISGTF also has a working group
on cyber security with the objective of developing Smart Grid
cyber security requirement in India context, and to propose
a risk assessment framework to evaluate risk of each Smart
Grid element through its lifecycle.
Computer Emergency A Computer Emergency Response Team –India (CERT-In)
Response Team –India has been set up and is operational as the national agency
for dealing with cyber security threats. It operates a 24x7
Incident Response Help Desk to help users in responding to
cyber security incidents.
Department of Electronics Department of Electronics and Information Technology
and Information Technology (DeitY) was constituted under the Ministry of
(DeitY) Communications and IT with a mission to promote e-
Governance for empowering citizens, promoting the
inclusive and sustainable growth of the Electronics, IT &
ITeS industries, enhancing India’s role in Internet
Governance, and ensuring a secure cyber space. Some of
the key functions of DeitY include:
 Policy matters relating to Information Technology,
Electronics and Internet.
 Matters relating to Cyber Laws, administration of the
Information Technology Act. 2000 (21 of 2000) and other
IT related laws. A National Cyber Security Policy -2013
has also been released by the department.
 Promotion of Standardization, Testing and Quality in IT
and standardization of procedure for IT application and


[1] Bureau of Indian Standards, "Technical Committee: LITD 10, Draft Standards," 2013.
[2] W. Wenye and L. Zhuo, "Cyber security in the Smart Grid: Survey and challenges,"
Computer Networks, 2013; Pages 1344-11371
[3] World Economic Forum, "Accelerating Successful Smart Grid Pilots," 2010.
[4] IBM, Best practices for cyber security in the electric power sector, August 2012
[5] NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, Release 2.0,
February 2012
[6] NISTIR 7628 Revision 1, Guidelines for Smart Grid Cyber-security, September 2014

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

[7] NISTIR 7298, "Glossary of Key Information Security Terms," National Institute of Standards
and Technology, 2013.
[8] I. Ghansah, "Smart Grid Cyber Security Potential Threats, Vulnerabilities and Risks,"
California State University Sacramento , PIER Energy‐Related Environmental Research
Program., 2009.
[9] IBM, "Best practices for cyber security in the electric power sector," 2012.
[10] "Department of Electronics and Information Technology," [Online]. Available:

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


To facilitate research on the Smart Grid security, NIST recommends a series of key use cases for
security consideration. This section details potential security threat use cases for (1) AMI and (2)
Demand Response which would serve as a reference for identifying security issues in other smart
grid assets.

1 Ami Security Issues

The AMI system is an essential system in the Smart Grid because it deploys communication
networks to connect each customer’s home-area network with utility companies, and consistently
interacts with smart meters in home-area networks for scheduled energy management or
demand/request response in customers’ homes. This interaction presents a number of
vulnerabilities in the AMI system and some of these issues are discussed in Table 1.

Table 9.2: Analysis of Issues in AMI Systems

Security Description Security goal
Issue compromised
(Threat Level)
Listening Unauthorized people listening to the AMI communication. Confidentiality
 Eavesdropping: It is unauthorized real‐time
interception of a private communication.
 Traffic Analysis: It is the process of intercepting
and examining messages in order to deduce
information from patterns in communication
 EM/RF Interception: Electro ‐Magnetic/ Radio
Frequency interception to perform unauthorized
interception of private communication.
 Indiscretions by Personnel: Lack of discretion of
personnel could lead to unauthorized interception
of private communication.
Modification Unauthorized modification of the AMI data. Integrity
 Intercept/ Alter: Unauthorized people may
intercept and alter the AMI data.
 Repudiation: People, including public authorities,
may modify the AMI data and thus refuse to
acknowledge an action that took place.
Interactions Interactions of AMI components with the environment Confidentiality
could lead to unauthorized access to AMI communication Availability
information, modification of AMI data, denial of service to Integrity
authorized users, and non-repudiation. Accountability

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Masquerade: It is a type of attack where the attacker
pretends to be an authorized user of a system in order
to gain access to it or to gain greater privileges than they
are authorized for.
 Bypassing Controls: People may bypass security
controls to get access to the confidential data and make
unauthorized modifications
 Authorization Violation: People may violate the
authorization of AMI system to perform unauthorized
 Physical Intrusion: People may physically intrude into
AMI system components like Smart Meter to perform
unauthorized actions
 Man-in-the-Middle: It is a form of active eavesdropping
in which the attacker makes independent connections
with the victims and relays messages between them,
making them believe that they are talking directly to
each other over a private connection when in fact the
entire conversation is controlled by the attacker.
 Theft: Physical theft of the AMI components could lead
to unauthorized actions being performed.
Planted in Malicious code/components planted in the system could Confidentiality
Systems lead to unauthorized access to AMI communication Availability
information, modification of AMI data, denial of service to Integrity
authorized users, and non-repudiation. Accountability
 Virus/Worms: A computer virus is a computer program
that can copy itself and infect a computer. A computer
worm is a self‐replicating computer program. It uses a
network to send copies of itself to other nodes
(computers on the network) and it may do so without any
user intervention.
 Trojan Horse: It is a term used to describe malware that
appears, to the user, to perform a desirable function but,
in fact, facilitates unauthorized access to the user’s
computer system
 Trapdoor: An undocumented entry point into a
computer program, which is generally inserted by a
programmer to allow discreet access to the program.
 Service Spoofing: It is a situation in which one person
or program successfully masquerades as another by
falsifying data and thereby gaining an illegitimate

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Denial of It is an attempt to make AMI system resources Availability

Service unavailable to its intended users.
 Resource Exhaustion: Hackers may use up all
available facilities so no real work can be accomplished
and thus AMI system resources become unavailable to
the intended users.
 Integrity Violations: Integrity is violated when
someone accidentally or with malicious intent modifies
the AMI data and thus prevents intended users from
using the AMI system resources.
Insider The insider attack would take advantage of access to Confidentiality
Attack systems at the opposite end of the AMI system from the Availability
customer endpoint. Integrity
(Low to High)
Unauthorized There is a potential for AMI to allow access to the bulk Confidentiality
Access from electric grid from the residential or small business Availability
Customer customer endpoint. The adversary can take control of the Integrity
Endpoint customer endpoint, crack wireless communications Accountability
between the AMI meter and other endpoint equipment, or (High)
crack wireless communications from the AMI meter to the
local concentrator. These attacks will expose the head
end equipment and systems to which the head end are
Cheating The customer at an endpoint would attack to achieve the Confidentiality
Customer goal of reduced cost of electric and/or natural gas use. Availability
They would use information freely available from the AMI Integrity
meter vendor or a standard associated with AMI meters Accountability
to reset the meter and reprogram it to report false (Low to High)
information. If the information is not freely available, the
attacker would reverse‐engineer a meter to develop a
way to modify it.

2 Demand Response Security Issues

In Demand Response (DR), customers are provided with pricing information so that the customers
or the energy‐management and control system (EMCS) at the customer’s sites may respond
based on electricity prices or demand during some period of time. Since the DR pricing
information could be transmitted electronically or fixed for long period and could be accessed by
the participants of the DR program, the customer’s security and privacy should be addressed.
Also, the integrity of the pricing signal is critical because if it can be manipulated, it could lead to
financial impacts on the organization or customers. Thus, most of the DR functions in the smart
grid, such as load shedding, time‐of‐use pricing (ToU), dynamic pricing, etc. require data integrity

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

and/or confidentiality to maintain the reliability of the grid and prevent adversaries to manipulate
the information in the system. Failure to provide integrity and/or confidentiality could result in the
exposure of customer’s information, unauthorized modification and manipulation of the
In this context the use cases for security vulnerabilities focusing on information transmitted
between the utility and DRAS (Demand Response Automation Server) client are discussed in
Table 2 and Table 3:

Table 9.3: Security Vulnerabilities in Utility Operator Interface

Utility Operator Interface
Purpose Information Security Concern
To initiate or Program type, date & Confidentiality (L):
update time of the event, date & Eavesdropping on this formation is not
DR event time issued, geographic of concern since the information may
information in location, customer list not be sent regularly. However, the
DRAS (account numbers) and information needs to be protected from
load shed event unauthorized access.
information. Integrity (H):
Attacker modifies configuration data in
the DRAS, such as DR program data,
customer list and shed event
information, affecting the DR program
behavior. Attacker issues false or
malicious DR events in DRAS, causing
blackouts and instability of the grid.
Also, this may lead to the financial
impacts on customers.
Availability (L):
Failure in communication between utility
and DRAS
To initiate bid Program type, date & Confidentiality (H):
request in DRAS time of the event, date & Eavesdropping on this formation could
time result in the leaking of bidding and also
issued, geographic pricing information to the attacker.
location, Integrity (H):
customer list (account Unauthorized manipulation on this
numbers), request for a information could affect the bidding
bid program behavior.
(RFB) issue date & time, Attacker issues false bidding
RFB close time, price information, causing the false behavior
offered for load reduction of the bidding program and the financial
per time block. impacts on customer.
Availability (L):
Failure in communication between utility
and DRAS.
To set accepted Participant list (account Confidentiality (H):
bids numbers), accept or
in DRAS reject,

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Utility Operator Interface

Purpose Information Security Concern
load reduction bids per Eavesdropping on this formation could
time lead to the invasion of participant’s
block (for verification) privacy.
Integrity (H):
Attacker modifies participant list or load
reduction per time block, accepted or
rejected bid, causing instability of the
grid and having financial impacts on
Attacker issues accepted/rejected bids
to DRAS clients which may make an
inappropriate response, such as
increase the loads, according to the
false accepted or rejected bids received.
Availability (L):
Failure in communication between utility
and DRAS

Table 9.4: Security Vulnerabilities in DRAS Interface

DRAS Client Interface
Purpose Information Transmitted Security Concern
To send shed or Utility event information for Confidentiality (H):
event information to smart DRAS clients, such Attacker intercepts information sent
trigger the event as date & time of the event, between DRAS and DRAS client to gain
client to shed or shift date & time issued mode knowledge of DR events, pricing
loads at participant and pending signals. information, customer information. Loss of
sites, facilities or Mode and pending signals confidentiality on this information can lead to
aggregator sites for simple clients. the exposure of customer data,
Event pending signals for unauthorized modification of information,
simple clients. manipulation of information, malicious
attacks, etc. causing the instability of grid
and financial impacts on customers.
Integrity (H):
Attacker issues false/malicious DR events.
Attacker may be able to turn on air
conditioning or heater units in a large
commercial building which can cause
excessive loads to the gird and blackouts
may take place, resulting in the instability of
the grid and financial impacts on customers.
Attacker may be able to shut down all air
conditioning units which can cause
annoyance and possible health concerns in
some customers.
Attacker issues false time synchronization,
causing events to occur sooner or later than
they normally would have.
The signals need to be authenticated that
they actually came from the DRAS. Inability

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

DRAS Client Interface

Purpose Information Transmitted Security Concern
to authenticate DRAS, DRAS client and UIS
can lead to a number of attacks, such as
authentication sniffing, denial of service
(DoS), man-in-the-middle attack, etc.
Attacker captures an authentic signal,
prevents the required reduction in load
forcing utilities to take other measures such
as buying energy at higher costs, and
blackouts could occur.
Availability (H):
Attacker prevents the reduction of the load
by disabling DRAS clients from receiving the
incoming DR signals using denial of service
Attacker floods the DRAS communications
channel with non-DR related Internet traffic.
Failure in communication between DRAS
and DRAS clients.
Accountability (M):
Participant denies receiving DR events.
Participant denies receiving bidding
To send request for This information comes in Integrity (L):
bid to participant or the form of an email, phone An adversary may manually send an email,
facility manager or call or page. make a phone call or submit a page to the
aggregator. participant or facility manager so that the
manager may respond to the adversary
instead of to DRAS or the manager may
take a wrong action in response to the bid
To notify the This information comes in Integrity (L):
acceptance or the form of an email, phone An adversary may manually send an email,
rejection notification call or page. make a phone call or submit a page to the
to the participant or participant or facility manager so that the
facility manager or manager may respond to the adversary
aggregator instead of to DRAS or the manager may
take a wrong action in response to the

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


Some of the standards that have been developed internationally for cyber security in smart grid
are given below:

 ASAP-SG Security Profiles for: – Third Party Data Access – Advanced Metering
Infrastructure (AMI) – Distribution Management – Wide-Area Monitoring, Protection, and
Control (WAMPAC) – Substation Automation (under development)
 CIGRE B5/D2.46 Application and management of cyber security measures for Protection
& Control systems
 CIGRE D2.31 Security architecture principles for digital systems in Electric Power Utilities
 DHS Catalog of Control Systems Security
 DHS Cyber Security Procurement Language for Control Systems
 DOE / DHS Cyber security Capability Maturity Model for the Electricity Subsector
 DOE/NIST/NERC Electricity Subsector Cyber security Risk Management Process
 DOE / DHS Electric Sector Cyber security Risk Management Maturity Initiative
 DOE Roadmap to Achieve Energy Delivery Systems Cyber security
 IEC 62351 Parts 1-11 Power systems management and associated information exchange
– Data and communications security (Parts 9, 10, & 11 still under development)
 IEC 62443 series on Security for industrial process measurement and control (work in
 IEEE 1686 Substation Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) Cyber Security Capabilities
(being updated)
 IEEE 802 series – IEEE 802.11i Wireless security – IEEE 802.1X Port Based Network
Access Control – IEEE 802.1AE MAC security
 IEEE 802.1AR Secure Device Identity IETF Cyber security RFCs, including: – RFC 5246
Transport Layer Security (TLS) – RFC 6407 Group Domain of Interpretation (GDOI) –
RFC 4101, RFC 4102, RFC 4103 Base standards for IP Security (IPSec) – RFC 6347
Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) – RFC 3711 Secure Real-time Transport
Protocol (SRTP) – RFC 4962 Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting – RFC 5247
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Key Management Framework – RFC 5746
Transport Layer Security (TLS) Renegotiation Indication Extension
 IETF RFC 6272 Internet Protocols for the Smart Grid (identifies RFCs used in the Smart
 ISA SP99 Cyber security mitigation for industrial and bulk power generation stations (work
in process)
 ISO 27000 Information Security Standards (many standards)
 NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) 002-009 (multiple versions)
 NIST FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Security
 NIST SP 500-267 Security Profile for IPv6

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 NIST SP 800-131A Transitions: Recommendation for Transitioning the Use of

Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths (draft)
 NIST SP 800-53 Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and
Organizations (rev 4 as draft)
 NIST SP 800-82 Guide to Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Security
 NIST Special Publication 1108: NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid
Interoperability Standards
 NIST Special Publication 800-39: Managing Information Security Risk: Organization,
Mission, and Information System View
 NIST Special Publication 800-53: Recommended Security Controls for Federal
Information Systems
 NISTIR 7628 Vol. 1 thru 3 Guidelines for Smart Grid Cyber Security
 NISTIR 7823: Advanced Metering Infrastructure Smart Meter Upgradeability Test
Framework (draft)


Cyber-attacks targeting the industrial processes and data integrity of reputed companies across
the globe have been documented in detail. These attacks are highly relevant in smart grid
because these attacks can be modified to target the smart grid components. Following are three
of the documented attacks which have been widely analyzed for their sophisticated methodology
and impact on the target organization.
Shamoon also known as W32.Disttrack, is a modular computer virus which was discovered by
Seculert in 2012. It targets recent NT kernel-based versions of Microsoft Windows. The affected
parties were energy companies in middle-east namely Saudi Aramco, Qatar’s RasGas etc. The
motive behind the virus was to overwrite and remove the information on hard drives of
workstations in the previously mentioned companies. The affected workstations ranged from
30000 to 55000116 in number in Saudi Aramco itself and it could be more considering workstations
numbers from other companies. The motive of Shamoon is in complete contrast of its
predecessors which had similar destructive capabilities but aimed at disrupting industrial process
(Stuxnet) or secretly stealing information (Flame, Duqu).
As suggested by Kaspersky Labs and Seculert, the virus was introduced by a previous employee
(having full system access) of the company Saudi Aramco. It took control of an Internet connected
computer and used that computer to communicate back to an external Command and Control
server. It also infected other computers running Microsoft Windows that were not Internet
The virus has three major components117:


Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Dropper—the main component and source of the original infection. It drops a number of
other modules.
 Wiper—this module is responsible for the destructive functionality of the threat.
 Reporter—this module is responsible for reporting infection information back to the
As indicated by the studies on Shamoon, there was no impact on SCADA or ICS systems of the
affected parties. But the analysis of motives of recent cyber-attacks suggest that energy
companies or utilities are under threat from these attacks. It is required on the part of utilities and
companies is to perform a comprehensive risk assessment and adopt mitigation strategies to
thwart attack attempts.

2 Aurora Generator Test

Aurora Generator test was conducted in 2007 by Idaho National Laboratory. The purpose of this
test was to show capability of a cyber-attack to destroy physical components of an electric grid.
Under the test, a computer program was used to rapidly open and close a diesel generator's
circuit breakers out of phase from the rest of the grid and explode. This kind of vulnerability in
which complete control can be taken of a grid’s component by an external entity in order to
malfunction, disrupt or destroy the services; is referred to as Aurora Vulnerability.
This vulnerability has become a big concern for electrical utility as they rely on publicly available
equipment and common communication protocols (DNP, Modbus, IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 61850,
Telnet, QUIC4/QUIN, and Cooper 2179)118 to handle links between different parts their systems.
Usage of these protocols makes maintenance process easier but it comes at a cost of increased
vulnerability. These protocols are devoid of authentication, confidentiality, or replay protection
which allows a malicious attacker to take control of the component. Even a single compromised
component in the network can have a cascading effect which might lead to breakdown of more
components or even complete blackouts. Moreover, if the single component takeover during an
attack isn’t able to cause outages, it may lead to second attack or complete failure of component.
The Aurora vulnerability is caused by the out-of-sync closing of the protective relays. As such,
any mechanism that prevents the out-of-sync closing would mitigate the vulnerability. One
mitigation technique is to add a synchronism-check function to all protective relays that potentially
connect two systems together. To implement this, the function must prevent the relay from closing
unless the voltage and frequency are within a pre-set range. Additionally, the synchronism-check
could monitor the rate of change of the frequency and prevent closing above a set rate119

Struxnet is a computer malware program which was designed to sabotage industrial controls and
real-time systems. Stuxnet specifically targets PLCs, which allow the automation of
electromechanical processes. Its design and architecture are not domain-specific and it could be


Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

tailored as a platform for attacking modern SCADA and PLC systems. It has three modules: a
worm that executes all routines related to the main payload of the attack; a link file that
automatically executes the propagated copies of the worm; and a rootkit component responsible
for hiding all malicious files and processes, preventing detection of the presence of Stuxnet. It is
typically introduced to the target environment via an infected USB flash drive. Upon meeting the
necessary conditions, it launches itself and creates havoc in the system while reporting normal
operating parameters to the user. In other case, the malware lies dormant in the computing
system. This example of Struxnet shows that the ultimate aim of a control system attack is to
manipulate or control a critical edge device, i.e. the device sitting at the edge of the network
interfacing with the real-world such as a programmable logic controller.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Module -10
Consumer Engagement and

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


Customer Engagement is key for successful deployment of smart grid technologies. With the
advent of two way communication enabled by Smart Grid, it now becomes possible to engage
customers more actively.

Smart grid technologies and applications have direct impact on customers, enabling them to
become active participants in the electrical ecosystem. The aim of these applications is to make
customers more informed, aware of energy usage and participate in utility programs for mutual
benefits. According to the Department of Energy, United States,

In the smart grid, consumers will be an integral part of the electric power system. They will help
balance supply and demand and ensure reliability by modifying the way they use and purchase
electricity. These modifications will come as a result of consumers having choices that will
motivate different purchasing patterns and behaviour. These choices will involve new
technologies, new information about their electricity use, and new forms of electricity pricing and

Figure 10.1: Customer access points in smart grid environment

Remote Power
Connect or
Disconnect Automated
Energy Billing Demand
System Response

Customer Care Home Area

Center, Network
Customer Power
Portal Quality

Interval Prepaid
Meter Data Metering
Recording Distributed

In a smart grid scenario, there are various customer access points which go way beyond those
available in a traditional utility. Error! Reference source not found. summarizes the customer
access points available in smart grid environment. Customer involvement with respect to each of
the smart grid applications has been detailed in Table 10.1: Customer involvement in smart grid

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Table 10.1: Customer involvement in smart grid applications

Smart Grid Description Customer involvement and

Application benefit
Energy Billing System This application concerns with Smart grid enables convenient
with electronic spot payment of energy bills. payment options for customers
billing such as cash, cheque, demand
draft, online, e-SEVA etc.
Remote Power AMI infrastructure will enable Customers can choose energy
connect/disconnect utility to remotely packages according to their
connect/disconnect the user’s needs and utility can manage
power connection. the connection remotely.

Demand Response Enables peak load management

 Customers will have
(DR) /Automated for the utility when the wholesale
Demand Response prices are high or grid reliability is convenient and multiple
(ADR) System threatened. options to register for such
 Customers receive benefits
for their participation.
Home area network HAN provides the required Customers can receive
communication network for linking information on TOU tariff rates,
smart appliances, in-home incentives, penalties, energy
displays (IHD)120 etc. to utility consumption etc.
Power Quality Smart grid technologies help in
 Customers do not require
taking corrective as well as
preventive actions by monitoring investment on voltage
power quality parameters. stabilizing equipment.
 Customers receive grid
outage and restoration
information from utility.
Prepaid metering121 Smart grid systems will enable Customers gain control over
prepaid metering where their energy consumption
customers can switch from post
payment of bills to pre -payment.
Distributed generation Customers can avail benefits of
 Smart grid facilitate integration
gross or net metering
of renewable energy in the grid.
 Smart metering infrastructure is
capable of recording energy
flows in both directions.

SmartSacramento, Customer Applications, Lupe Strickland, SMUD, May 2012
Smart Grid Customer Education Symposium Eric Lightner Director, Federal Smart Grid Task Force May 16, 2012

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Smart Grid Description Customer involvement and

Application benefit
Interval meter data Smart meters possess the All types of customers whether
recording capability of recording interval residential/commercial/industrial
meter data for different durations receive benefits from this data.
i.e. 1hr/30min/15min as required. Customers can avail the
facilities of energy management
tools which import usage data
to analyze and provide
actionable insights. These
insights include usage
optimization and energy saving
tips leading to a value for
money scenario for customers.
Customer portal Customers can avail the benefit
 A web based information access
of online profile management
system. and alternate mode of
 Customers can view energy communication with utility.
consumption, usage patterns,
payment history, billing history,
tariff plan details etc.
Centralized customer Customers can telephonically
 One stop solutions for complaint
care center (CCC) / register their complaint, ask
customer relationship registration and their resolution. query and provide feedbacks.
management (CRM) /  These systems maintain
interactive voice customer records for faster
response system customer request/complaint
(IVRS) / customer processing.
information system
 Trained utility’s staff is available
at these centers for complaint

From Table 10.1: Customer involvement in smart grid applications

, it can be observed that customers’ interaction with smart grid technology is much more evolved
and intense than traditional electrical grids. Also the benefits realized from smart grid technologies
by customers are unprecedented. The following section discusses customer behaviour and
dynamics and how its understanding can help in successful smart grid technology deployment.

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Smart Grid deployment requires huge investment and it is important to garner customer
acceptability at every stage of technology deployment. Smart Grid represents an essential
change in the relationship between the utility and its customer, and therefore, necessitates
a new level of customer commitment.

Figure 10.2: Customer behavior patterns affected by nature of customer engagement

Positive Customer Engagement Negative Customer Engagement

Ownership Awareness

Acceptance Doubt

Interest Resistance

Understanding Opposition

Awareness Discard

This commitment needs deep understanding of customer behaviour. Any action or inaction of
utility to engage with customer can either positively or negatively impact consumer behaviour
(Refer Error! Reference source not found..)

Whenever a new service or a product is launched it leads to awareness among the customer.
The awareness may lead to either understanding or doubt about the product depending on
positive or negative influence.

The understanding lead to customer interest in the product or service followed by acceptance.
Once it is accepted, it leads to an inclination to own the product/service by the customer.

Similarly, creation of doubt among the customers about the product/.service at the initial stage
leads to resistance followed by opposition by the customer. This ultimately leads to discard of
such product/service in the market.

Therefore, it is important to understand that a highly positive, customer centric approach will
ensure successful execution while a negative, lacklustre, one-size-fits-all approach will create
undue resistance in customers ultimately leading to discarding of smart grid project. A Case study
is presented below detailing on the strategy adopted by San Diego Gas and Electric Strategy for
effectively engaging the customers.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 10.1 Case Study: San Diego Gas and Electric Strategy for Engaging the Customers

San Diego Gas and Electric (SDGE) [2] [4] is a regulated public utility which serves in the region of San Diego
and Orange counties. The customer base is around 3.4 Million and service area spans 4100 sq. miles.

Starting from 2009, the Stakeholder Education Group at SDG&E is responsible for customer engagement
activities. SDG&E began installation of smart meters as part of its smart grid efforts. It employed a 90-60-30
day implementation protocol for engaging customers in the smart meters installation process. The strategy was
highly successful as out of 2.3 million meter installations, it received complaints from only about 1,200 or 0.16%.
The field visits helped in building trust among customers. Approximately 15% of customers provided feedbacks
and concerns during these visits which were captured and addressed. Following is the brief overview of
implementation protocol deployed by SDG&E

 90 days prior to install: Presentations were given to community leaders and elected officials by
Stakeholder Education Group members.
 60 days prior to install: Utility representatives participated in community events and discussed about
smart meters could help in better understanding the cost of the energy usage.
 15-30 days prior to install: Letters were mailed to customers providing the information on timeframe of
smart meters installation at their residence.
 2 days prior: A phone call was made, announcing the installation as well as communicating the timings
when the installer would be on site.
 On Installation Day, Installers interacted with customers to make a personal connection prior to
installation and survey their experience.
 2 weeks after install: Field representatives consisting of recent retirees conducted a personal visit to
answer questions
Other notable initiatives in customer engagement deployed by SDG&E are:

 Reduce your use: In the summer’s peak season, SDGE launched this reward based program where
consumers were notified in advance about forthcoming event days. On these specific days and during
specific hours, consumers will earn bill credits for using less electricity. This program witnessed huge
participation from approx. 50,000 customers and more than 40% of eligible ones received bill credits on
each of the event days.
 Engaging contests: SDG&E launched Biggest Energy Saver in 2011 followed by San Diego Energy
Challenge in 2012. Both of these contests were highly successful and created awareness among
consumers regarding significant amount of energy and money.
 Power usage monitoring devices: Since 2013, customers have been able to install home area network
devices (approved by SDG&E) which enables customers to monitor their overall power usage as well
as appliance wise usage. In addition to HANs, SDG&E has also enabled web and mobile based
application such as Power-Tools. These advanced tools interprets Green Button data and transforms it
into action-able insights for consumers. These insights help customers identify ways to make smarter
choices in their energy use habits and decisions, improve efficiency, and lower costs.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

It may be noted that lack of customer involvement may lead to low participation or decreasing
participation over time leading to failure of smart grid project. Further, non-involvement may
generate misconceptions and concerns about the smart grid project related to safety, health,
privacy, cost etc. Though these concerns can be easily alleviated through proper education and
guidance, ignorance on part of utility will lead to increased unrest among customers. This is
corroborated from the international experiences (Error! Reference source not found.) on the
above subject.
Table 10.2: Case studies of utilities failing to engage customers

Description of Challenges faced in engaging Corrective actions taken by

project customers utility
In 2006, Pacific Gas  In cases where meters
 Throughout 2009 and into early
and electric began were not connected
2010, PG&E received approx.
installing smart meters properly and calibrated as
1,378 customer complaints
in northern and central required, PG&E issued
regarding electrical bills and
California for its nearly apology to customers and
meter accuracy
5 million electric corrected the billing
 Customers expressed concerns
customers. [1] [2] information.
regarding severe lack of
Impact122  After media reports of
communication on part of utility.
The project got negative customer
Moreover, the utility treated
delayed till 2013 and reaction, PG&E beefed up
smart meter replacement as an
exceeded its initial its customer outreach
infrastructure overhaul initiative.
budget. efforts. Utility staff provide
 Concerns were raised regarding
maximum information
PG&E Customer service and
about smart meters at the
complaint resolution process.
installation point and make
Customers were not adequately
extra efforts in making
informed about reasons of billing
customers understand
inaccuracies leading to their
smart meter’s benefits in
decreased confidence.
case of refusal.
 As per utility’s 2011, two prime
 Utilities decided to use
issues were identified for delay
multiple communication
project. Firstly, increasing
channels to educate
number of customers refused to
grant access to PG&E for meter
 Meter defect affected
customers were given full
 Secondly, around 1600
refunds of over-billed
residential customers were
amounts, plus interest, a
impacted by a meter defect
$25 inconvenience


Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Description of Challenges faced in engaging Corrective actions taken by

project customers utility
which created a bad publicity for payment and an offer of a
the project free in-home energy audit
Central Maine Before PUC, CMP presented
 There was widespread negative
Power123 began its case stating that due to the
feedback from customers
installing smart meters opt-out policy it will face
regarding smart meter
in 2010 in the state of financial losses. Thus, PUC
deployment since customer buy-
Maine. Assuming high approved opt-out fees which
in wasn’t the priority of CMP.
satisfaction levels of will be levied on customers.
 In early 2011, customers
its customers, CMP As a result, CMP
appealed before Maine PUC
didn’t launch any implemented a tiered opt-out
regarding smart meter program,
customer outreach fee structure for customers
claiming that their property
program. refusing to install smart
ownership rights were violated.
Impact meters.
However, PUC ruled in favor of
Due to this negligence
CMP but directed CMP to
delays in project
provide an opt-out choice for
implementation were
faced. [1]
 Unsatisfied with the PUC ruling,
customers appealed in the
Supreme Court stating that the
opt-out fee violated the
customers’ rights under the
Fourth and Fifth Amendments of
the U.S. Constitution. However,
Supreme Court ruled in favor of
 Finally, customers again
appealed against smart meters
installation on ground of health
impact due to exposure of radio
frequency waves.


Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


This section describes four key dimensions (Error! Reference source not found.) that should
be considered by the utilities while preparing their customer engagement strategy. These are
discussed in detail below:
Figure 10.3: Critical dimensions for customer engagement strategy

Awareness implies providing the right information to consumers at the right time and developing
programs and services that provide value to consumers. From the utility’s perspective, it means
investing time and resources in marketing and education, to ensure that consumers understand
and take advantage of the opportunities to participate in the smart grid. Some of the key
tools/awareness medium that can be adopted by the utilities are presented below:

 Dissemination of educational material in print: Utility should distribute visually

appealing brochure/pamphlet/leaflets for information dissemination. These material
should be concise and engaging from the consumer’s perspective. The contents of these
material can range from policy descriptions, rewards, contest announcements and
customer reviews, industry expert’s comments and much more [3].
 Computerized calls: Automated calls could be made to these consumers regarding
current progress, detailing different schemes and future events in smart grid
implementations. At the end of these calls, feedback from the consumers could also be
collected helping in gauging the effectiveness of this initiative.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Social media: With daily increasing user base of social media channels (Error!
Reference source not found.) such as Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn etc., they provide
enhanced reach to the utility for creating awareness regarding smart grids [3].

Figure 10.4: Social Media Channels

 Publications of white papers and newsletter124: Utility can utilize the in-house experts
as well as collaborate with other experts to publish white papers on smart grid technology
deployment experience, learnings, and best practices. The project team should release e-
newsletter detailing achievements, work in progress, challenges, expert’s views on a
monthly basis. Utility should promote customer subscription of these material for igniting
interest among customers.

124 Smart Grid Customer Education Symposium Eric Lightner Director, Federal Smart Grid Task Force May 16, 2012

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 10.2 Case Study: Southern California Edison (SCE) Strategy for engaging the customers
Southern California Edison (SCE) [4] is one USA’s largest electric utilities with a customer base
of more than 14 million people. Its service territory includes central, coastal and Southern
California, excluding the City of Los Angeles and some other cities. Its service area spans about
50,000 sq. miles.

During the period of 2009-2012, SCE began replacing traditional electric meters with smart meters
as part of Edison Smart-Connect program. This program was highly successful as SCE installed
more than 5 million smart meters in its service area. Moreover, several customer engagement
initiatives of SCE witnessed huge number of participation making them a success. Following are
some of the SCE most notable customer engagement initiatives.

 My account program: SCE provides its customer the facility of My Account which enables
online tracking of energy usage with custom usage reports. It helps customer in electricity
bill management, online billing and payment of bills. This program saw registration of more
than 350,000 customers.
 Budget Assistant: this free and smart-meter enabled tool was provided by SCE to help
customers better manage their monthly bills. Through this tool, customers can set monthly
spending goals, track their progress and get automated alerts to stay within monthly
budget. By the end of 2012, nearly 349,000 customers signed up and started using this
 Save Power Days: This is an incentive based load reduction program for residential
customers initiated by SCE. The success of this program can be measured by nearly
820,000 customer registration as of December 2012. Moreover, SCE paid approx. $4.4
million in incentives to its enrolled customers during November 2012.
 YouTube Channels: SCE developed a variety of informatory video playlists for targeting
its customer group. These YouTube videos educate customers about latest service
offerings as well as technology, reliability and safety measures. Also included in these
videos are customer stories.
 Other activities of SCE’s customer engagement model includes community events,
targeted media relations announcements, print and television ads, radio spots, and just-
in-time letters.

Full potential of the smart grid technologies can only be realised if customers effectively
participate in programs designed for such purposes.

Utility can incorporate activities in their customer engagement program to increase customer
participation. Following are some of the activities:

 Revamping of utility website [5]: An updated and user-friendly version of utility website
could be launched. This website should act as a one-stop solution for all the online
activities such as payment of bills, bill history, form submission etc.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Smart grid project specific website125: Smart grid project specific website could be
launched which will contain conceptual as well as technical knowledge about the smart
grid project, frequently asked questions, common myths and the reality. The aim would be
to create awareness in a user-friendly way without use of any technical jargon.
 Organizing energy saving contests126: Several contest can be organized such as
awards for homes with highest reduction in their monthly bills, best performance in
demand response programs etc. The winners’ profile should be showcased on utility
website which will serve as inspiration for other customers.
 Online customer account management127: Utility should notify customers regarding
upcoming DR/DSM events through email/sms/phone depending on the customer’s
preferences. Afterwards, customers need to commit their participation by logging-in to
their online account and complete the necessary documentation. Only registered
customers would be eligible for participation in the program. This online customer account
management facility makes the registration process quick and user-friendly.
 Digital Communication128: Digital communication channels (Error! Reference source
not found.) encompass email, internet, and social media platforms. Now-a-days,
advanced mobile technology has made it possible for customers to remain connected to
internet/email/social media round the clock. Creating access points on these channels will
help customers participate in utility programs anytime/anywhere. These channels can be
used for one-on-one, group or mass communication.

Figure 10.5: Various modes of digital communication

125 The Smart Meter Deployment Handbook, NV Energy, March 2013

126 Smart Meters, Risa Baron, SDG&E
127 Smart Grid Symposium 11 October 2011
128 Transforming the Customer Experience, Chris Schein Senior Director, Communications, May 2012

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 10.3 Case Study: Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE) Strategy for engaging the customers

Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE) [6] is Maryland’s largest utility which serves around 1.2 million
electricity customers. Its service encompasses 2,300 sq. miles area of Baltimore City and all or
part of 10 Central Maryland counties.

Some of the highlights of customer engagement initiatives by BGE are proper communication and
feedback on savings. Each of the customer group received a customized welcome brochure
containing all the necessary information. Also, after completion of every saving initiative by BGE,
a savings report was sent to the customer with-in days. Due to these measures and several
others, high customer satisfaction and participation levels was achieved.
Figure 10.6: Illustration of BGE’s customer side mobile application and website

Few of the flagship/successful programs from BGE which deployed innovative customer
engagement are highlighted below:

 Smart Energy Manager: this application helps AMI meters installed customers to view
their energy consumption on BGE website (Error! Reference source not found.) and
provide energy savings tips. It was launched in October 2012 and accessible once the
meter is certified. Additional features of this manager include estimated bills, unusual
usage alerts, printed and electronic home energy reports, access to interval usage data
 Smart Energy Rewards (SER): this peak time rebate program was launched in July 2013
and it is available to all BGE’s customers with smart meter installed. Results from four
summers of pilot programs show that peak demand was reduced by 15-25% and
customers saved over $100 each year on an average. The customer engagement strategy
for this initiative was divided into 3 phases are explained below
o Create awareness: Educational mails and program overview video, educational E-
mail and community meetings were some measures adopted for creating customer
o Generate engagement: Opportunity for customers to learn about SER and ask
questions was created by initiating programs such as ‘Preview’ Postcard and E-
mail, ‘What to do’ video and outbound telemarketing campaign.
o Encourage action: To encourage action among customers, program information
was disseminated with the help of welcome kit direct mail (SER and SER/PR

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

versions), Move-in and Move-out Direct Mail (SER and SER/PR versions), and
Event notifications: Phone, Email and/or Text.
Box 10.4 Oklahoma Gas & Electric (OG&E) Strategy for engaging the customers effectively

Oklahoma Gas & Electric (OG&E) [4] is regulated electric utility which has a customer base of
more than 801,000 in Oklahoma and western Arkansas region. The service area of OG&E spans
around 30,000 sq. miles.

In 2008, OG&E began rolling smart meters in phases and presently it has installed more than
823,000 smart meters in its service area. Also, in 2010, it launched “Smart Hours” program in
Norman, Oklahoma. Due to the diligent efforts of OG&E, more than 44,000 customers enrolled in
the Smart Hours program by the end of 2012 summer cooling season. This huge participation
resulted in 70 MW of load reduction.

OG&E complemented the AMI deployment and load reduction programs with strong customer
engagement strategy. Following is the brief overview of strategies adopted for effective customer

 Web Portal: “myOGEpower” is the utility’s website were tools are available for customers
use which help in analysis of energy bill, power consumption and its costs, dynamic pricing
and best-suited rate plan. In order to quickly resolve customer’s queries, a set of
Frequently Asked Questions have also been provided on the website.
 Best Bill Guarantee: Prices per unit of electricity increases from standard rates in high
peak and critical peak hours of Smart Hours program. Thus, some of the OG&E customers
were skeptical in enrolling for Smart Hours. In order to reduce this perceived risk, OG&E
provides best bill guarantee for the first 12 months to the enrolled customers. Under this
guarantee, customers will not pay more than the bill amount based on standard rates of
per unit of electricity. Any extra amount paid by the customer at the end of 12 months will
be credit back to the customer’s account.
 Smart Hours Plus: Under this program OG&E offers its customers a technologically
advanced thermostat. This thermostat is synchronized with time-based rates of Smart
Hours programs and can help customers take better advantage of time-based pricing.
 Other remarkable efforts for customer engagement includes Email advertisements of
OG&E’s web portal and video tutorials to supplement printed material.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 10.5 Case Study: Green Button Initiative

Green button initiative129 is based on the concept that customers should be able to
view/download their past energy usage data in a standard consumer-friendly and computer-
friendly format. In order to ensure consumer privacy, this data can only be downloaded from
utility’s website after authentication. This initiative is in accordance to policy objectives in the

Figure 10.7: Illustration of Green Button Initiative’s Customer Interface

Obama Administration's Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future and Policy Framework for the 21st
Century Grid.

As far as progress of this initiative is concerned, utilities and electricity suppliers in 34 states and
DC have committed to this initiative while 48 have already implemented the same.

Under Green Button, there are two options for consumers to access power usage data for

 Download My Data: In this option, past energy data can be downloaded by the consumer
in a single file of XML format which can be shared with third party application developers
for availing enhanced functionalities.
 Connect My Data: This option enables consumers to voluntary share their usage data
with third party applications on a recurring basis. Although, an initial setup process is
required but after that no further action on consumer’s part is required for data sharing.
Among the foremost advantage of Green Button data from consumers’ perspective is availability
of insights which can lead to cost savings. After understanding their consumption pattern and
energy efficiency of home appliances, consumers can reduce their monthly electricity bills.
Because of the consumer centric approach of Green Button initiative, it plays an important role in
engaging customers.

10.3.3 PROTECTION130
The basic infrastructure and architecture of smart grid technologies poses significant privacy
issues as the smart grid relies on advanced metering infrastructure, two-way communication

130 Voluntary Code of Conduct (VCC) final concepts and principles, DOE, January 12, 2015

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

network and data management that enables active information exchange between the utilities
and the consumer. As an example the personal energy consumption data could reveal personal
details about the lives of consumers, such as their daily schedules, whether their homes are
equipped with alarm systems or whether they own expensive electronic equipment, etc. The
proprietary business information of non-residential customers could also be revealed through the
release of energy consumption data, resulting in competitive harm.

Therefore, data privacy becomes a key issue in the context of smart grids. The key for protecting
privacy of information stored on computers or exchanged on communication networks is
determining whether data is or is not “personally identifiable information,” (PII). Classification of
consumer data can be done at two levels i.e.

1. Personally Identifiable Information (PII), which consists of consumer names,

addresses, numbers, and other information that specifically identifies the person or entity
to which it applies; and
2. Consumer-Specific Energy Usage Data (CEUD), which, in most cases, does not identify
an individual consumer but includes detailed information about the utility service provided
to the consumer.

Based on the classification the utilities can set guidelines that can protect PII. A number of such
smart grid privacy guidelines have been developed around the globe as well. In its October 2010
report on data access and privacy issues related to smart grid technologies the Department of
Energy (DOE, USA) identified privacy issues related to third-party access as one of the most
critical—and difficult—issues in smart grid technologies. Similar to the lines prescribed by DOE
based on the Federal Trade Commission (FTC, USA) report on protecting consumer privacy,
utilities could incorporate the following principles for data privacy protection131:

 Privacy by Design: Utilities should incorporate substantive privacy protections into their
practices, such as data security, reasonable collection limits, sound retention and disposal
practices, and data accuracy.
 Data Minimization and Limited Retention: Utilities should limit data collection to that
which is consistent with the context of a particular transaction or the consumer’s
relationship with the business, or as required or specifically authorized by law. In addition,
personal information should be kept only as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes for
which it was collected. When no longer necessary, consistent with data retention and
destruction requirements, the data and information should be irreversibly destroyed
 Data Security: Utilities should maintain comprehensive data management procedures
throughout the life cycle of their products and services.
 Simplified Choice: For practices requiring choice, companies should offer the choice at
a time and in a context in which the consumer is making a decision about his or her data.
Companies should obtain affirmative express consent before using consumer data in a
materially different manner than claimed when the data was collected; or collecting
sensitive data for certain purposes.

131"Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Era of Rapid Change", Federal Trade Commission (FTC), USA, 2012.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Transparency (Notice and Access): Privacy notices should be clearer, shorter, and
more standardized to enable better comprehension and comparison of privacy practices.
The notice should provide a detailed description of all purposes for which consumer data
will be used, including any purposes for which affiliates and third parties will use the data,
and how long the data will be maintained.
Smart grid deployment and operation may involve situations like customers dissent to smart
meter installation, unsatisfactory service, concerns on privacy and information access,
poor complaint resolution and response. It is important to resolve customer concerns
especially during the early stages of project, as this could negatively affect the credibility of smart
grid efforts.

 Anticipation of problems and their countermeasures: Utilities should invest time in

pre-deployment anticipation of likely customer concerns [1]. Pre-deployment education
programs to alleviate customer concerns could be one of the options. Consumers may be
unable to understand the nuances of smart grid– but they can surely develop an
appreciation of these through education.
 Trained customer service representative (CSR) workforce: CSRs (Error! Reference
source not found.) are the first point contact for customers in case of any concerns [1].
The staff should thus be trained to provide a positive customer experience, and to address
concerns to the maximum extent possible. CSRs should be receptive to all feedback, and
treat all customer complaints as important.

 Personalized attention to dissented customers groups: Even after persistent efforts

of the utility, it might be the case that a minority group of people still remain deeply
concerned. A personalized awareness program should be adopted by utility to avoid the
transition of these groups into more vocal concerned customers [7].
 Existing legislative and regulatory framework for complaint redressal: The existing
Legislative and Regulatory Framework is permissive enough to provide for consumer
complaint redressal. At first, attempt is made by utility to resolve the issue at the first point
of contact through Internal Grievance Redressal Cell. If not satisfied, customer can submit
the grievance to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) within 2 months. As
per the Electricity Act, every licensee has to establish one CGRF having jurisdiction over
its area of supply. Again if the customer is not satisfied, grievance can be filed before the
 Opt-out policy132: the consumer engagement in advanced metering can also be based
on Opt-out policy wherein the customers who have objection to installation of smart meters
may be given an option to opt out of the smart grid program. However, it becomes the
responsibility of utilities to make sure that smart meters’ benefits and risks of opting-out
are properly communicated to the consumer.

132 Smart Grid Customer Education Symposium Eric Lightner Director, Federal Smart Grid Task Force May 16, 2012

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

In conclusion, customer engagement is about working openly and collaboratively with customers
and providing opportunities for their views and preferences to be heard. The received feedback
could then be analyzed to derive actionable insights influencing utilities' decisions. Also, effective
consumer engagement requires commitment from both utilities and consumers. Collaboration of
utilities and customers drive smart grid success to new heights.


[1] I. S. Consulting, “Smart Grid Consumer Engagement: lessons for North American Utilities,” National
Resoruces Canada, 2013.

[2] SAIC, “Smart Grid Legislative and Regulatory Policies and Case Studies,” U. S. Department of Energy,
Washington D. C., 2011.

[3] F. B. LLC, “Smart Grid Consumer Education Program Report,” 2013.

[4] S. G. C. COLLABORATIVE, “Smart Grid Customer Engagement Success Stories,” 2013.

[5] N. R. E. Laboratory, “Voices of Experience: Insights on Smart Grid Customer Engagement,” U. S.

Department of Energy.

[6] BGE, “BGE Smart Grid and Demand Side Management,” 2014.

[7] “Consumer Engagement Workshop,” Ronald Reagan Building, Washington, D.C., 2013.

[8] “Model Smart Grid Regulations,” Forum of Regulators, [Online]. Available:

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Module -11
Regulatory Considerations in
Smart Grid Projects

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


Regulatory decisions drive the overall smart grid business through approval of smart grid
investments, recovery of these investments through different modes, provision of incentives and
penalties to promote adoption of such solutions by the utilities, and deployment at the consumer
end, and protection of consumer interest and ensuring value delivery. Smart grids hence cannot
evolve without dynamic and flexible regulation.

Specifically, regulatory framework for smart grid is necessitated on account of the following

Figure 11.1: Need for Smart Grid Regulations

Cyber Security &

New Resources &
• Distributed
• Consumers
• Demand-side
Changing • Consumer owned • 3rd party service
Investment providers
• 3rd Party Providers New
• Bigger Values
• Technology
• Riskier Technologies
• Interoperability New
• Longer lead-times for
realization of full New Products
benefits Technology • Tariffs (Dynamic, pay
• AMI for what you use etc.)
• Electric Vehicles • Incentives to participate
• Energy Storage • Penalties for non or
poor performance

Each of the above aspect is explained below:

 Changing Investment Scenario - Smart Grid Technologies are evolving and hence riskier in
nature. The utilities on one hand need to be motivated to adopt such investment, and on the
other hand need to be protected from risk of obsolescence. In addition, certain investment
may have much longer lead time than conventional investments. For instance, creation of
backbone infrastructure may result in upfront capital investment, wherein the full benefits are
phased out over longer period of time. AMI, communication backbone etc. are common
examples that come under such categorization.
 New Resources and Players- Smart Grid will involve an integrated system comprising
consumers, distributed generation, aggregators and other third parties, energy storage
devices/systems, storage banks etc. functioning together. Several of these entities are new in
nature which will necessitate clear principles that will govern such interaction and

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

transactions. This will be particularly true for new market entrants and 3rd party service
providers such as demand response or electric vehicle charging aggregators, energy
efficiency service providers, micro-grid owners and operators etc.

Box 11.1 Defining new concepts emerging through use of Smart Grid

Design of specific smart grid application may require the licensees to transact with large number of
users. Dealing with such large number of consumers besides being an expensive activity also makes
limited operational rationale for the licensee, since an individual user is unlikely to impact the licensee
operations. In such cases, aggregators are introduced who act as intermediaries between the
licensee and the individual users/ consumer. In such a model, the licensee seeks to minimize its
operational cost and offers incentives/fixed fee to the aggregators to achieve certain goals and
provide specific services. The aggregators in order to maximize their profits work towards promoting
deployment, creating awareness and encouraging users to adopt the scheme.
The concept of aggregators is common in applications like Demand Response, provisions of grid
based storage services.

Prosumer is an emerging concept in the electricity market that applies to a consumer that also
produces energy. In a Smart Grid, a prosumer can be characterized by distributed generation
technologies, energy storing equipment, smart meters and equipment to monitor, control and
operate. Advanced metering and communication technologies enable consumers to become more
actively involved in the whole energy system and have higher footprint in the system as 'prosumers'.
Enablement and advanced usage/deployment of this requires the utilities and the regulators to define
new rules that govern such interaction of prosumer with the grid. From a structural perspective,
adding prosumers to the value chain significantly changes its whole structure and underlying

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Transition of roles and actors in prosumer based power system

Grid Operator Wholesale

Consumer Supplier

 Energy Consumption  Energy Supplier  Grid capacity  Energy Trade

 End-user customer forecasting and  Wholesale
care and billing planning settlement
 Energy forecasting  Energy transport
and planning  Balance Management
 Bulk energy  Allocation
generation  Reconciliation
 Energy Trade  Asset Management
 Balance Management
 Wholesale settlement


Prosumer Grid Wholesale

Community Operator Market

 Energy  Intra end-user  End-user  Asset  Grid capacity  Energy

Consumption settlement customer care Management forecasting Trade
 Energy  Energy and billing  Aggregator and planning  Wholesale
Production forecasting  Energy  Operation  Energy
 Energy and planning forecasting parameters transport
Storage  Energy and planning  Energy
 Energy buy/sell  Aggregator storage
Management  Community  Energy Trade  Balance
 Prosumer energy  Balance Management
Asset management Management  Allocation
Management  Wholesale  Wholesale  Asset
settlement settlement Management

Source: A Prosumer Oriented Energy Market - Developments and future outlooks for Smart Grid oriented energy
markets, IMPROSUME Publication Series #3, NCE Smart Energy Markets, Halden, 2012

Legend: CVPP - Commercial Virtual Power Plant (commercial aggregator); TVPP - Technical Virtual
Power Plant; ESCO - Energy Service Company
The structural transition above also leads to change in the business characterstics and ways
transactions happen in the electricity markets.

 New Technology - Smart Grid applications also involve dealing with new technologies such
as AMI, advance metering and communication equipment, EVs and storage devices etc.
which may have a different life and recovery period. Such equipment might also run risk of
obsolescence due to rapidly evolving technology.
 New Standards - Smart Grid applications will involve communication across multiple entities
that need to follow new protocols, network and communication standards. Standards are
required at both the Application level and Communication Level to ensure seamless

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

communication among large number of entities involved, prevent vendor lock-in and ensure
scalability systems. Regulatory framework must interface with the existing and evolving
standards for smart grid applications.
 Cyber Security and Consumer Protection - Rules for consumer data privacy and protection
will also need to be laid out since consumers will be interacting directly with the grid. The
change will also pave way for new market entrants and 3rd party service providers such as
demand response or electric vehicle charging aggregators, energy efficiency service
providers, micro-grid owners and operators etc.
 New products - Smart Grid deployment will also result in newer products such as dynamic
tariff mechanism, incentive and penalty framework governing transaction of consumers,
utilities and involved third parties.
A regulatory framework that clearly spells out the above aspects is thus necessary for promoting
smart grid deployment. The model smart grid regulations issued by the Forum of Regulators in
India recently, provides an enabling framework for introducing several of the above aspects, as
smart grid development progresses in the country.



While formulating smart grid projects, following key parameters should be taken into


Traditionally, capital investments by utilities are considered by SERCs through submission of an
ARR and tariff revision proposal by the utility. The SERCs decide whether the investment has
been prudently incurred and whether to add the investment amount to rate base. While some
smart grid investments may be handled in this traditional manner, there are several reasons to
rely on alternative methods. For instance, several smart grid projects aim at creating foundation
infrastructure such as AMI or communication backbone that will require approval of capex upfront,
however the benefits may be realized later. Such plans may require special treatment. Another
reason is that number of investments may lead to indirect benefits, not quantifiable directly. For
instance, improved data regimes, monitoring and alerts system results in initiating actions for loss
reduction which benefit the utilities immensely. However, the direct benefit from smart grid
investment is improved information and system visibility, while loss reduction is a consequential

Globally there have been different approaches to approval of smart grids projects. Uptil now the
majority of projects have been in the demonstration phase and a portion of the funding has been
provided centrally or through specific ‘green’ or efficiency related initiatives. For example in the
US, $4bn was awarded to smart grids projects that were selected on the basis that they would

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

help to foster homegrown technology development, provide new employment and assist in the
recovery of the economy. In Europe, projects of strategic regional or national interest that would
help to achieve the EU2020 energy policy targets and in line with the EU’s SET-Plan or strategic
energy targets achieved approval and funding. However, innovative approaches are now being
adopted by the Regulators worldwide to deal with smart grid investments. In some cases, smart
grids have been dealt altogether differently, while in other cases, a differentiated approach within
the same regulatory process has been adopted. In all the cases, the standards of review have
been atleast the following three components: (i) reliability impacts: (ii) cost-effectiveness of the
investment (relative to alternatives); and (iii) impacts on consumers.
Table below maps out the regulatory approaches adopted across European countries.

Table 11.1: Regulatory Approaches for approval of Smart Grid Investments

Country Action by Description of Action

Implicitly treated within incentive regulation model, TOTEX

Austria NRA (E-Control) benchmarking and resulting individual and also general productivity
offsets guarantee cost-efficient solutions.

The regulator monitors and controls the work of the network

Cyprus NRA (CERA) operators and obliges them to operate in the most economical and
efficient way and to process with the most cost-effective solutions.

A lot of activities related to smart grids are going on and have been
going on recent years. Grid companies are generally well aware of
advantages and economics of various incentives within the umbrella.
Denmark Several parties
Grid companies are well consolidated and will be able to invest.
Whether investments/decisions will be taken depends primarily on
each company's strategy.

Incentive for (smart) grid investments. All network investments

(standard network components) are accepted in network valuation
(regulated asset base) by using standard unit prices so it also
Finland NRA (EMV) encourages smart grid investments (e.g. smart metering,
automation, protection, systems). When we are saying standard unit
prices, the network operators have an incentive to make investments
in the most cost-effective way.

The fundamental structure of the price control mechanisms is

designed to achieve this objective. The new RIIO (Regulation,
Great Britain NRA (OFGEM)
Innovation, Incentive leading to Outputs) mechanism is now being

While this has not been identified as a barrier, the existing revenue
Ireland NRA (CER)
controls cover this for all investments.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Country Action by Description of Action

The revenue controls for the system operators include a 5-year

retention of efficiency gains by the system operators. This would
serve as an incentive to choose investment solutions that offer a cost
effective solution.

For the transmission operator: An incentive was set by Regulatory

Order 87/10, which refers to an indicator B/C, therefore promoting
higher benefits and/or lower costs. For the distribution operators:
NRA (AEEG), the The legislative decree of 3 March 2011 introduces an economic
Italy Italian incentive (WACC extra-remuneration) for modernizing distribution
Government networks “by the smart grid concept”. The prioritized solutions are
control, regulation and management of load and generating units,
including recharging systems for electric vehicles. The NRA is
mandated to define the characteristics of the solutions above.

The applied price cap principle requires the effective use of financial
resources, which are defined by the X-factor. In addition, the cost of
Lithuania NRA (PUC)
unreasonable investment plans is not included in the network price
according to the Rules of Investment Approval Procedure.

To that extent, for regulatory evaluation of proposed smart grid investments, utilities should
quantify of the benefits and costs of proposed project(s) to the extent reasonably possible. Any
qualitative benefits and costs used in the analysis and decision-making should also be identified
and articulated to the extent reasonably possible.

Some of the regulatory good practices that could be adopted by utility for submitting smart grid
investments for approval and review by state commissions in India:
 Include clear cost benefit analysis covering all stakeholders including consumers and
prosumers in the DPRs
 Aligning of Smart Grid investment approval process with the current existing capex approval
project through development of a Multi-year smart grid plan. These plans could then be
evaluated on the basis of the objective that the national and state level roadmaps have set to
achieve for themselves
 Taking into cognizance that smart grid is at early stages of development, incentives and
allowances need to be included to promote smart grid investments. These could include
approval for higher levels of contingent expenditure, returns, depreciation for tariff
determination purposes etc.
 Need for adequate visualization and analytics has often been stressed as an activity of
immense importance. Deployment of AMI and intelligent SCADA system is aimed at improving
the amount (frequency and granularity) and quality of data that utilities maintain. Huge amount
of data generated will need smart analytics to analyze such data and derive meaningful

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

actions out of it. Therefore such analytics can be considered to be a required part of any
project proposals that are submitted for approval.
 Training to ensure that employees and consumers alike are empowered with the right
knowledge is an important consideration in order to sustain the success of the project.
Therefore, allocation of cost for such activities should also be considered as part of the project

It is worthwhile to mention that smart grid investments can also be encouraged through
new business models that encourage vendors to bring in upfront capital investments and
be paid through the benefits achieved through deployment. Several models like build
operate transfer (BOO), pay for service, pay from savings etc. can be structured to achieve

Investment Cost Recovery

Many of the technologies that are part of the Smart Grid are presently immature and need to climb
significant learning curves. There is therefore a risk of stranded costs, due to high cost
investments being made in an immature technology at a too early stage.

For many decades, once a utility plant was constructed or equipment installed, it could be reliably
expected to remain in service for its estimated useful life. Many of these ranged from 10 to 40
years. Meters, for example, had useful lives of 10 to 15 years. However, advanced meters and
metering systems employ computing technology. The technological and cost curves for
computers may be very different from the equipment historically used in the electric utility industry.
If advanced metering systems exhibit technological and cost behaviors that are similar to those
of computers, then their useful lives may turn out to be shorter than estimated. Smart grid
technology is classified among the high-technology systems and hence requires faster
depreciation than traditional meters.

In view of these challenges a new approach to cost recovery is required to address these
challenges. The various approaches through which the utilities can provide for recovery of smart
grid investments are discussed below:

Modes of Cost Recovery

Through ARR process Specific Tariff Pricing of new

Design of Surcharges
(Socialization) schemes & designs services

A. Through the ARR process (Socialization)

This process involves recovery of investments through the regular ARR process. Such
recovery model leads to socialization of expenses wherein the incremental expenditure is

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

spread over a wider consumer base. One benefit of this method is that the impact of large
investment is minimized with entire consumer base sharing the burden of investments.
Both utilities and regulators are more familiar investing in equipment and plants with operation
life of 20 to 30 years. Smart grid investments however involve software and hardware which
have faster life cycle and are changing rapidly. Hence, applying long regulatory depreciation
lives to short lived equipment may face the risk of stranded investment.
Box 11.2 Cost Recovery through Higher Depreciation Periods

Higher Depreciation Periods

For example, the Illinois Commission approved a 10-year amortization for smart meters in a
Commonwealth Edison case. The Texas PUC approved a seven-year depreciation period for both
Oncor Electric Delivery and CenterPoint Energy. 133
Further, the US smart grid tax provisions have reduced the depreciation rate for smart grid
technologies from 20 years to 10 years, bringing smart grid tax treatment in line with other high-
technology systems. Accelerated depreciation allows utilities to take larger tax deductions on
investments in smart grid technology each year, creating incentives for increased spending on
smart meters and related equipment as well as reducing the risk of future stranded assets due to
technology advancement.

Box 11.3 Cost Recovery through Tariffs

Recovery from Tariffs

To promote demonstration projects, the regulatory model in Finland (applies from 2012 to 2015)
includes an innovation incentive allowing a proportion of research and development (R&D) costs
(that covers pilot schemes) to be passed through to consumers. This is currently the position in
Great Britain where up to 90% of the cost of certain projects can be funded from network tariffs.
However, the network company still has to consider the balance between costs, benefits and risks
before initiating a project. The situation is similar in Italy where there is a regulatory scheme for
the promotion of demonstration projects, which are assessed by the National Regulatory Authority
also on the basis of their starting date/time planning.

B. Specific Tariff Schemes and Designs

This recovery method involves introduction of specific schemes to incentivize users for
promoting a particular application that is likely to benefit the stakeholders. Some examples
include CPP, RTP and incentives for interruptible load.

133 "State Regulatory Update: Smart Grid Cost Recovery", Edison Electric Institute, 2016.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 11.4 Specific Tariff Scheme: CPP

Specific Tariff Scheme: CPP

System operators such as PJM Interconnector publish Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) rates, (normally
during times of stress for a period of 2 weeks and related to summer cooling load) that encourage
downstream connected entities to reduce consumption during this time.

Box 11.5 Specific Tariff Scheme: RTP

Specific Tariff Scheme: RTP

RTP programs are offered by Ameren Illinois and ComEd in Illinois, USA where consumers pay
electricity supply rates that vary by the hour. The fixed-priced electric supply rate is reflected in
the Price to Compare table and in addition the utilities also charge for the costs of purchasing the
electric supply without any mark-up or profit. Unlike the utilities' fixed-priced electric supply rate,
the utilities' charge residential consumers real-time pricing for the electricity they consume each
hour based on the corresponding wholesale hourly market price of electricity.
With Ameren's residential real-time pricing program, hourly prices for the next day are set the night
before and can be communicated to consumers so they can determine the best time of day to
use major appliances.

Box 11.6 EnerNoc Innovative Incentive Scheme for Cost Recovery 134

EnerNoc Incentive Scheme for Cost Recovery

Though a 3rd party service provider (EnerNoc), Midwest Energy in the US targets consumers with
peak summer demand > 30kW, which includes more than 2,000 accounts. For accounts having
40hp motors at pumping sites there is no charge for participation and sites with a 25hp motor can
participate by paying a $500 installation fee. For participation, Midwest Energy pays $20 per kW
of interrupted capacity, with that rate escalating higher in subsequent years of participation. In this
case EnerNoc is paid a fee by Midwest Energy relative the service they provide and the savings
Midwest makes.

C. Design of Surcharges

System improvement surcharges are designed to provide consumers with improved service
quality; greater rate stability; fewer service interruptions; increased safety; and lower levels
of unaccounted for energy. In light of today’s difficult financial markets, system improvement
charges are one of the few types of innovative regulatory policies that are expected to provide
access to capital markets at reasonable terms.

agricultural-demand-response [Last Accessed Online: 10-Feb-2016]

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

A system improvement charge would normally appear as a surcharge on consumers’ bills.

The surcharge amount is expressed as a percentage and applied to the total amount billed
to consumers under normal rates and charges.
The system improvement charges enable utilities to:
 Accelerate investment in new plant to replace aging infrastructure.
 Recover fixed costs (depreciation and pre-tax return) of certain non-revenue producing,
non-expense reducing infrastructure improvement costs placed into service between
control periods
 Better absorb increases in other costs for a longer period of time, particularly during
times of relatively low interest rates;
 Facilitate compliance with evolving regulatory requirements

Projects are limited to revenue neutral projects, consisting principally of infrastructure

replacement. The costs of additional infrastructure required to serve new consumers is
generally not be recoverable through this method.

Box 11.7 Examples of Surcharges for Cost Recovery

Examples of Surcharges for Cost Recovery

In Germany all domestic consumers pay a green surcharge to cover the costs of investing and
integrating renewable energy including the balancing costs.
In the US, based on experience in the water industry, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
(PUC) recently approved the use of system improvement charges to allow electric companies to
use a surcharge on consumers’ bills to accelerate the replacement of aging infrastructure that
could normally only be replaced at the end of its recovery period.
Instances of application of surcharges do exist in the Indian context as well. The Maharashtra
Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) introduced reliability surcharge for withdrawal of load
shedding for specific Instances of application of surcharges do exist in the Indian context as well.
The Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) introduced reliability surcharge for
withdrawal of load shedding for specific consumer categories in specific areas. Similarly, surplus
power from captive power generating plants was supplied to consumers in Pune for payment of
additional charges clubbed along with the tariffs.

D. Pricing of New Services

Similar to surcharges, new services provided through smart grids can be recovered through
specific pricing of such services. For instance, regular alerts to consumers for load
management may come as specific service provided through utility designated third parties.
In such cases, the SERCs may permit recovery of charges through different modes.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 11.8 Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission – System Improvement Charges135

Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission – System Improvement Charges

Based on experience in the water industry, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC)
urges the use of system improvement charges to allow electric companies (distribution system
improvement charge – DSIC) to use a surcharge on consumers’ bills to accelerate the
replacement of existing aging facilities that otherwise will occur if the utility waits until the
completion of a rate case to begin receiving a return on its investment. System improvement
charges reduce the frequency and the associated costs of base rate cases while maintaining a
high level of consumer protection through better reliability and service.


A common practice across several Indian states has been to encourage consumers to shift their
consumption from peak to off-peak times through adoption of Time of Day (ToD) tariffs. However,
in the emerging scenario, the pricing design has to be differentiated from conventional ToD pricing
since the peaks are much more volatile than in the past and the prices can vary radically between
days of the month and between seasons.

The conventional tariff regimes will need to change with deployment of smart grid technologies
that redefine the way the consumers and other related stakeholders interact, understand and
manage energy consumption. Technology enabled and consumer driven demand response will
not take place unless the two key regulatory issues are addressed:

 Provide consumers economic incentives to reduce peak demand through dynamic

pricing programs. Increasing price volatility and high costs of peak power makes it
necessary to communicate the price signals to consumers who are otherwise inured
from them. Such signals through dynamic pricing are likely to create benefits in the form
of avoided generation, transmission and distribution costs.

 Readable, simple and understandable consumption and pricing information which is

accessible in real time to consumers and other third parties

Dynamic pricing framework as and when notified would in effect complement the utility programs
on Demand Response. The key difference between Demand Response and Dynamic pricing is
that while Demand Response targets relatively fewer but large consumption consumers, the
target of dynamic pricing would be a larger body of consumers with lesser consumption. There
are spectrums of dynamic pricing strategies like Time of Use (TOU), Critical Peak Pricing (CPP),
Critical Peak Rebate (CPR) and Real Time Pricing (RTP) which can be explored in India.

135 [Last Accessed Online: 10-02-2016]

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

These are explained below:

Figure 11.2: Dynamic Pricing Options

 TOU: Prices vary by rate period and day of week, but do not change based on system
conditions (technically, not a dynamic rate option). TOU prices and time periods are generally
fixed at least a year in advance. TOU offers consumers the least potential reward at the lowest
 RTP: Prices change on an hourly or sub-hourly basis to reflect the true cost of supply in the
wholesale market. The volatile nature of RTP can harm consumers and may discourage
participation in voluntary dynamic pricing programs although RTP offers consumers
potentially the highest reward compared to traditional flat-rate pricing, but at the highest risk.
 CPP: CPP captures the true cost of power generation during the period when the demand
reaches its peak (i.e., top 100 to 200 hours a year). In exchange for paying very high prices
during those peak hours, consumers receive a discounted rate for all remaining hours of the
year. The actual times in which the CPP will be in effect are identified on a day-ahead (and
sometimes day-of) basis, depending on the demand–supply balance.
 CPR: CPR is similar to CPP, but instead of higher prices during peak periods on selected
days, consumers are paid to reduce load (technically, not a rate, but a pay-for-performance
program). CPR allows consumers to remain on their current flat rate while receiving a cash
rebate for each kilowatt hour (kWh) of energy usage they reduce from their baseline usage
during the peak hours. Thus, CPR provides an opportunity to consumers to save money on
their monthly bill.
Internationally, several countries have experimented and benefitted from dynamic pricing
regimes. Box below provide case examples of use of dynamic pricing in South Dakota and

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 11.9 Case examples of implementation of dynamic pricing regimes 136

Sioux Valley Energy (SVE) is an electric cooperative serving approximately 21,000 consumers in
seven counties in South Dakota and Minnesota. During the summer of 2011, SVE offered critical
peak pricing (CPP) to about 600 consumers to participate in a pilot program to reduce their electricity
consumption on those days and times when hot weather and air conditioner use would normally
push SVE into buying more expensive power from suppliers.
Of the consumers participating in the CPP pilot, some volunteered (opt-in), while a larger number of
others were included in the program but were allowed to leave (opt-out) if they were not interested
in participating. Those consumers who chose to opt-out were placed back on the standard rate. A
third group of program participants consisted of consumers who were not placed on the CCP rate
but were encouraged to monitor their consumption through a web portal or an in-home display. As
part of the program, SVE wanted to learn whether giving consumers access to information on their
consumption and costs alone would have an effect on peak demand.
The CPP rate went into effect on days identified by SVE when system electricity demand would
reach peak levels and result in higher wholesale power costs. Participating consumers were notified
of the critical peak event one day in advance using phone calls, email, text messages, or in-home
displays. SVE could have announced up to 35 critical peak events over the summer, but chose to
be cautious and called only 13 critical peak events. When called, the critical peak events covered a
four-hour period between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
When the rate was in effect, CPP participants paid fifty cents per kilowatt-hour, compared to less
than seven cents during all other times. SVE consumers on standard rates paid more than nine cents
per kilowatt-hour, so the CPP participants could save money (about two cents per kilowatt-hour),
particularly if they were able to reduce electricity use during critical peak events. The critical peak
price of fifty cents per kilowatt-hour provided a financial incentive for participants to shift optional
activities, such as clothes washing and drying and dish washing, to times other than critical peak
Impacts varied by type of SVE CPP pilot participant class and whether they were placed on CPP or
just had access to a web portal or in-home display.
Results from SVE’s pilot program demonstrated that the CPP strategy was successful in
lowering peak demand. Residential consumers in the pilot reduced their consumption during peak
periods by about 5 to 25 percent, depending on whether they were in opt-in, opt-out, or technology-
only groups. Findings for farms and other rural residential consumers in these same groups were
tallied separately; they also reduced their consumption during peak periods, but by somewhat lower

In addition to the above, it is critical to harness all local generation or distributed generation
resources, especially renewable energy through supportive tariff regimes. Therefore consumers
owning generation or ‘prosumers’ need to be incentivized to provide their resources to the grid.
In most cases Net-Metering or Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) models have been introduced.

136 [Last Accessed Online: 6-Feb-16]

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 11.10 Case of use of net metering for distributed generation 137

A recent study of net metering in California using actual data from 10,000 solar systems and analytic
models from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) found that when California reaches its
current net metering cap of 5% of non-coincident peak load (at about 5.2 GW of solar), the benefits of
net-metered projects will exceed the costs by about $92 million annually, across the three large
investor-owned utility territories in the state. With the introduction of smart meters it is now possible for
Licensees to push price signal to consumers and allocate costs according to the time of use and state
of the grid or true cost of supply during that time. Smart meters also have the facility to calculate net
units in and out from the consumer to enable any net metering programmes.

Therefore it is important that the utilities seek to incorporate incentives for consumers owning
generation to supply excess capacity to the grid.
Further, utilities may choose to implement Demand Response (DR) programs, under which
incentive is paid to the consumers to curtail their consumption as part of an agreed arrangement
(which pays an incentive for number of units curtailed over a period of time and number of events
over a given period). Whereas dynamic tariff programmes encourage consumers to adjust their
consumption behavior in response to price signals pushed by the utility to smart meters, DR
programmes may pay incentives for interruptible load, curtailment services provided by 3rd part
service providers such as EnerNoc and Viridity Energy in the US, Kiwi power in the UK and
VTrium Energy in Singapore.


Traditionally energy efficiency programs have focused on improving the end uses like aggregating
savings from installation of compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) or installation of building
management systems etc. Such schemes are generally simple to evaluate, monitor and verify,
with clear and tangible benefits. Implementation of smart grid enables utilities and the consumers
to achieve much more that traditional static demand management programs, by bringing in
behavioral changes that do not lend themselves to simple measurement and monitoring.

Smart grid technologies and tools can enable consumers to understand their electricity use,
manage their electricity bills, and sell power back to the grid. Adequate consumer awareness and
involvement is critical for successful deployment of smart grid programs and applications.

In line with the above, the Model Smart Grid regulations also provide for creation of adequate
awareness, and hence promote consumer participation and involvement in smart grid
initiatives/programs. It also should emphasize the need for each smart grid program proposal to
have a clear strategy for consumer involvement.

final.pdf [Last Accessed Online: 6-Feb-16]

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Further, prosumer is an emerging concept in the power market that applies to consumers of
energy that can also be producers. In a Smart Grid, a prosumer can be a new and active
participant in balancing the electricity system. A prosumer can be characterized by distributed
generation technologies, energy storing equipment, smart meters and equipment to monitor,
control and operate. The Smart Grid creates the basis for intelligent integration of user-actions in
securing a continuing high supply security while integrating more fluctuating renewable energy
into the electricity supply system. An important requirement is acceptance and active adoption of
the new possibilities by the prosumer. Thus, with prosumers becoming an integral part of electric
system, new set of directives will be needed to resolve any dispute that may arise under such

It is thus important in case of smart grid to have new set of directives to resolve any dispute that
may arise for the emerging prosumer.
Having mentioned this, it is also important to maintain alignment with the existing grievance
redressal mechanism already present across different states. In view of this, the standard practice
that can be applied by the regulatory framework can be to allow the utility to attempt to resolve
the issue at the first point of contact before it reaches the grievance redressal mechanism. An
Internal Grievance Redressal Cell to deal with such issues should be maintained by the utilities.
In the event that a consumer or prosumer is not satisfied with the remedy provided by the internal
cell the consumer could have the option to submit the grievance to the Consumer Grievance
Redressal Forum (CGRF). As per the Electricity Act, every licensee has to establish one CGRF
having jurisdiction over its area of supply. If the consumer is still not satisfied by the order of the
forum, then he may file representation before the Ombudsman.
While such provisions are required, the systems may also need further strengthening to deal with
new kinds of issues that may emerge with smart grid applications such as prosumer issues, issues
to deal with third parties etc.


EM&V will become increasingly important as the utilities, third parties and consumers move
towards advance level of deployment of smart grid applications. EM&V will be necessary for
baselining, goal setting, introducing focused initiatives and assessing cost-effectiveness of

The EM&V Planning should be intended to address the following key issues:
 The proper allocation of EM&V costs;
 The proper attribution of savings, when results from multiple evaluations have to be
credibly tabulated into a collective total by following common rules and processes
 The details of desired/permitted stakeholder input into the various aspects of the overall
EM&V and reporting process
 Procedures to identify and prevent duplication of evaluation efforts and prevent both
the duplication of research towards the development of ex-ante measures and what
happens when measures are not yet researched, but needed, must be clearly defined

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 The realization of economies of scale by evaluating similar initiatives and efficiency
projects together; such that fewer individual and potentially inconsistent sets of results
emerge at the end of a program cycle
Smart Grid will enable vibrant platform for implementing new business models and applications.
Analyzing different market model scenarios will be crucial in order to demonstrate the benefits of
smart grid. The output parameters of the various applications will need to be measured by
baseline metrics or indicators known as Key Performance Indicators (KPI).


The power sector can be seen as a logical information network where nodes, representing
information sources and sinks, are interconnected with information links. Information travels from
source nodes to destination nodes over information links across devices belonging to different
systems, organizations, people, information representation formats, and communication
protocols. To facilitate seamless communication between these nodes, a set of Interoperability
Standards are required. A highly interoperable integration is one that can be easily achieved by
the individual who requires the result.138

Adherence to relevant standards is critical from multiple dimensions:

 To ensure an interoperable system that involves seamless communication across
multiple entities involved
 To prevent vendor lock-in and proliferation of proprietary standards
 To ensure scalability of the systems installed

Considering that smart grid encompasses a wide variety of network participants, standards are
required at various levels:

Product Standards

The introduction of new technologies such as smart meters and AMI leads to the
requirement for new product standards to ensure that the best fit technology, with safety
in mind is introduced in India. In India, the responsibility for development of product
standards lies with the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). For example, BIS in 2015 has
also released standard for smart meter (IS 16444: Static Direct Connected Watt-hour
Smart Meter Class 1 and 2 – Specification)
System Standards

Similar to the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) in the United States,

Partnership to Advance Clean Energy - Deployment (PACE - D) Technical Assistance Program, "Smart Grids: A Roadmap for
Communication and Application Interoperability in India", 2013.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

the Central Electricity Authority (CEA)139 among other things is responsible for prescribing
standards on matters such as construction of electrical plants, electric lines and
connectivity to the grid, installation and operation of meters and safety and grid standards
in India.
Box 11.11 Key Standards Notified by CEA

Some of the key standards already notified by the CEA are as follows:
Connectivity Standards
Technical standard for Connectivity to the Grid (Amendment) Regulation, 2013
Technical Standards for Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources
Technical standard for Connectivity to the Grid Regulation, 2007
Operation Standards
Central Electricity Authority (Grid Standards) Regulations, 2010
Metering Regulations
Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of meters) (Amendment)
Regulations, 2010
Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of meters) Regulations, 2006

Similarly, at the Central level, the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC)
specifies the Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC). The IEGC also lays down the rules,
guidelines and standards to be followed by various persons and participants in the system
to plan, develop, maintain and operate the power system, in the most secure, reliable,
economic and efficient manner, while facilitating healthy competition in the generation and
supply of electricity.
The State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) are also mandated to notify the
State Grid Code consistent with the provisions of the IECG.
All of the above regulations are critical to ensure reliable and safe grid operation, both at
the transmission and the distribution level and should be interfaced within the smart grid
regulatory framework.
Network and Communication Standards
As stated earlier, the Smart Grid business opportunity is substantial and the business
model is expansive. There are several challenges in integrating technologies and
industries, and ensuring seamless communication and information flow across multiple
entities. Need for uniform and harmonized set of standards is hence inevitable

139The Central Electricity Authority of India (CEA) is a statutory organization constituted under section 3(1) of
Electricity Supply Act 1948, which has been superseded by section 70(1) of the Electricity Act 2003.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 11.12 Network and Communication Standards

Within India, a Panel on Digital Architecture was been constituted by BIS under Power
System Control and Associated Communications Sectional Committee LITD 10 to
formulate Guidelines on Standards for Interoperability in Power System
Communications. The Panel has released draft guidelines in 2014140.

For matters relating to cyber security, Department of Electronics and Information

Technology (DeitY) has specified the National Cyber Security Policy.

Performance Standards
Currently, several SERCs in India have specified the Standards of Performance (SOP)
regulations. These regulations specify the minimum and overall standards for several
parameters that reflect a utility’s performance as a whole including the interface with
consumers. The regulations also specify penalties for under or non-performance.

In several cases, the utilities lack proper systems to accurately measure these parameters,
as a result the compliance levels have been low. Smart Grid aims to provide foundation
infrastructure that enable accurate measurement of such parameters; and coupled with
adequate analytics facilitate introduction of focused measures to improve performance.

Consumer Data Protection Standards

The basic infrastructure and architecture of smart grid technologies poses significant
privacy issues as the smart grid relies on advanced metering infrastructure, two-way
communication network and data management that enables active information exchange
between the utilities and the consumer.

In the US, a Regulator’s Privacy Guide to Third-Party Data Access for Energy Efficiency141
was developed as a product of the State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network (SEE
Action), facilitated by the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency.

Similar to the lines prescribed by DOE, following regulatory practices can be adopted for
an effective regulatory framework on consumer data protection:
Box 11.13 Consumer Data Protection Framework by DOE

 Privacy by Design- Utilities should incorporate substantive privacy protections

into their practices, such as data security, reasonable collection limits, sound

Can be accessed online at [Last Accessed on 6-Feb-2016]
141 [Last
Accessed Online: 10-Feb-2016]

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

retention and disposal practices, and data accuracy

 Data Minimization and Limited Retention- Utilities should limit data collection to
that which is consistent with the context of a particular transaction or the
consumer’s relationship with the business, or as required or specifically authorized
by law
 Data Security- Utilities should maintain comprehensive data management
procedures throughout the life cycle of their products and services
 Simplified Choice- For practices requiring choice, utilities should offer the choice
at a time and in a context in which the consumer is making a decision about his or
her data. Utilities should obtain affirmative express consent before-
 Using consumer data in a materially different manner than claimed when
the data was collected, or
 Collecting sensitive data for certain purposes
 Transparency (Notice and Access) - Privacy notices should be clearer, shorter,
and more standardized to enable better comprehension and comparison of privacy
Basis the above principles, classification of consumer data can be done to set clear
regulatory rules on data access with third parties. There can be broadly two categories:
1. Personally Identifiable Information (PII), which consists of consumer names,
addresses, numbers, and other information that specifically identifies the person
or entity to which it applies;
2. Consumer-Specific Energy Usage Data (CEUD), which, in most cases, does not
identify an individual consumer but includes detailed information about the utility
service provided to the consumer.

The lack of protocols and standards currently for the new “smart” components means that there
is a risk that investments may be made in equipment that is unable to interact with other critical
components. Secure and safe IT communication and advanced software is essential for the
current power system and will be significantly more important in Smart Grids. Using public
networks for data transfer will lower investment costs, but will also significantly increase the
vulnerability of power grids to cyber-attacks. The public risk picture is also important and highly
To mitigate these risks it is required that the regulations put into place interoperability standards,
appropriate incentive/penalty mechanisms and data protection standards for utilities. Some of the
regulatory approaches are discussed below in terms of relevant examples:
 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST initiated the Smart Grid Interoperability
Panel (SGIP) to coordinate standards development for the Smart Grid. NIST has already
released, NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, Release

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

3.0. The documents describe the reference model, standards, gaps, and action plans for
developing a secure and interoperable Smart Grid. It also states that Smart Grid will
continually evolve as new requirements and technologies emerge. The processes established
by the SGIP, engaging the diverse community of Smart Grid stakeholders, provide a robust
ongoing mechanism to develop requirements to guide the standardization efforts now
spanning more than 20 standards-setting organizations.

 In Europe and the US, regulators have demanded accurate performance data from utilities
related to service to consumers. Hence, a lot of effort has been accorded to integration of
business processes and analytics of applications such as workforce and asset management
which record outage information to automatically provide information on levels of service to

 The UK Energy watchdog monitors performance of all of the UK utilities and issues fines to
utilities according to the inconvenience to the consumer. This compensation mechanism
provides an incentive for utilities to ensure power to consumers. If the power cut is caused by
a fault on the network, consumers may be entitled to a compensation payment. The amount
compensated is exponential and is according to the duration of the outage.



In order to provide regulatory impetus to smart grid investments, model smart grid regulations
have been approved by the Forum of Regulators (FoR) in 2015. These model regulations provide
a framework for State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) to adopt these regulations in
their respective states according to their need and priorities.
The overall framework consists of broadly four sections: Smart Grid Objectives; Smart Grid Cell;
Smart Grid Process; Smart Grid Program Evaluation. These are described briefly below.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Figure 11.3: Model Smart Grid Regulations - Framework


The model smart grid regulations specify that the objectives of the smart grid project may be:

 Efficiency improvement in licensee operations

 Manage T&D network effectively
 Enhance network security
 Integrate renewable and clean energy into the grid
 Enhance network visibility and access
 Improve customer / prosumer service level
 Promoting optimal asset utilization


Since the smart grid activities cut across different functions in the utility, ensuring successful
implementation and operation could require creation of Smart Grid cell within the Utility. The
responsibilities may include:

 Baseline study and development of data

 Formulation of smart grid plans, programmes, projects
 Design and development of smart grid projects including cost benefit analysis, plans for
implementation, monitoring & reporting and for measurement & verification
 Implementation of smart grid programmes

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

In order to staff the Smart Grid Cell, the utilities would need to undertake capacity building
initiatives to provide its engineers and managers with basic knowledge of smart grid technologies
and various aspects of planning and deployment for undertaking a smart grid project.


Baseline Study
Smart Grid will enable vibrant platform for implementing new business models and applications.
Analyzing different market model scenarios will be crucial in order to demonstrate the benefits of
smart grid. In order to gauge the metrics it would be crucial to develop baseline metrics for the
required parameters or key performance indicators. In this regard the model regulations call for
utilities to undertake:
 Baseline study to identify the targets and final outcomes for smart grid project programmes –
build necessary database
 Study to estimate potential for employment of specific efficiency technologies and
applications, establish key performance indicators, and determine existing baseline technical

Formulation of Smart Grid Plan

The regulations call for utilities to submit an integrated Multi-Year Smart Grid Plan along-with
Multi-Year Tariff Petition or ARR Petition. The proposal for Smart Grid Projects should include:

 Detailed Project Report (DPR)

 Customer engagement and participation plan
 Training and capacity building plan

The DPR would include inter alia description of:

Detailed cost Proposed

Project Technical Target benefit – all mechanism
objective feasibility study stakeholders costs qualitative for recovery
& quantitative of costs

Plan for
Delivery Implementation Implementation Monitoring and
strategy mechanism schedule evaluation plan
among the

Project Approval
In the matter of approval, the regulations call for:

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Projects to be in line with the objectives stated in the regulations

 Provision of incentive / dis-incentive mechanism linked to the execution, implementation and
performance during the life of the project by the commission.

Cost Recovery
For cost recovery, the regulations specify that:
 Utility need to identify the net incremental costs, if any, associated with planning, design
and implementation of programmes
 Utilities should propose methodology for recovery of net incremental costs through tariff
or any other mechanism

Project Execution
In order to address the key challenge of standards, the regulation mentions the following key

 Utilities to normally adopt System standards as per regulations notified by CEA

 Network, communication, products, interoperability and cyber security standards as provided
by BIS
 Standards of Performance as notified by commission will apply. Assessment of performance
of projects would be carried out for incentivizing/ penalizing of utilities
 Utilities need to ensure that protection of consumer data and privacy is accorded highest level
of priority

A broad philosophy that has been adopted while framing these regulations is to interface the
standards already published by designated authorities and wherever, relevant standards are not
available alignment with the international standards by the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) is considered.


Evaluation, Monitoring and Valuation
In the context of EM&V, the model smart grid regulations specify the following:
 Smart Grid program to be monitored and evaluated based on appropriate methodology
including Key Performance Indicators as decided by the Commission
 Utility to submit an evaluation report to the Commission, which inter alia will include outcomes,
benefits, lessons learnt and way forward

Smart Grid Project Completion

For completion of the smart grid project undertaken, the regulations specify the following:

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Utilities to prepare and submit a detailed program, Project Completion Report within one
month of completion of such program.
 The report should cover the program, project expenses, physical achievements, constraints
and difficulties faced, and deviations, if any.
 Utilities to place the completion report in public domain through its website.

In summary, a facilitative framework has been specified to promote and enable smart grids in
India. Specific and more prescription regulations will evolve once results of the initial deployments
and pilots are available. Several states have already taken note of this and have either notified or
in process of notifying regulation for their respective states.


[1] "CEER Status Review of Regulatory Approaches to Smart Electricity Grids," CEER,
Council of European Energy Regulators, C11-EQS-45-04, 6 Jul 2011

[2] "Model Smart Grid Regulations", Forum of Regulators, 2015.

[3] I. Shandurkova, B. Bremdal, R. Bacher, S. Ottesen and A. Nilsen, "A Prosumer Oriented
Energy Market", IMPROSUME Publication Series #3, NCE Smart Energy Markets, Halden,

[4] World Alliance for Thai Decentralized Energy Association (WADE THAI), "Smart/Intelligent
Grid Systems Development and Deployment," European Union, 2013.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Module -12
Smart Grid Analytics

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


With the adoption of smart grid, a number of new data sources are being added into the system
that have the potential to provide distinct opportunities to drive increased operational efficiency
and reliability, improved customer service, and greatly enhanced customer relationships for the
utilities. It also offers distinct opportunities to drive better and more efficient operations and
maintenance spending, including predictive maintenance rather than run-to-failure operations,
load forecasting and balancing, asset optimization and failure analysis, better economies of scale,
and more.

Without smart grid, the data that a utility usually collects from its customers mainly constitutes a
monthly meter reading, i.e., one data point a month per customer. But with the implementation of
AMI, the level of data collection would grow manifold with readings being taken at frequent
intervals (ex. 10-15 minutes). And AMI is just one of the many elements of smart grid that would
lead to generation of what is termed as ‘Big data’142. Some of the sources of big data for utilities
in a smart grid environment are represented below143:

Industry Analyst firm Gartner defines Big Data as : “Big Data is high volume, high velocity and high variety information assets that
demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing for enhanced insight and decision making”.

Source: EPRI Intelligrid Via Lockheed Martin Presentation, “Solving Big Data Challenges US Electric Utility Industry”, July 2014

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Figure 12.1: Smart Grid ‘Big Data’ Sources144

As detailed above even the most basic of smart grid infrastructure, i.e., AMI produces data in few
Terabytes and as we move towards advanced smart grid implementation over time, the amount
of data would grow by exponential amounts and thus a shift towards analytics becomes essential
for utilities.

Analytics Definition
Analytics can be defined as a process of transforming raw data into meaningful information which
assist in deriving conclusions and facilitate decision making. This transformation includes four key

 Collecting, managing, cleaning and storing data: Data is collected from a variety of
sources, e.g., grid sensors, AMI, SCADA, ERP, market database, etc. Data initially is obtained
in a raw form which must be processed or organized for analysis ,as an example, the data
may first be organised into a specific table format for further analysis. Once processed and
organized, the data may be incomplete, contain duplicates, or contain errors. This lead to the
need for data cleaning. Data cleaning is the process of preventing and correcting these errors.
 Extracting and analysing data: Once the data is cleaned, it can be used for analysis. Variety
of techniques/ statistical algorithms can be applied to analyse data and understand the
messages contained in the data. Statistical models (algorithms) may also be applied to the
data to identify relationships among the variables, such as correlation or causation.
 Reporting analysis results: Once the data is analysed, it may be reported in many user
friendly formats to the users. . To communicate the results, data visualization techniques can
be employed to help clearly and efficiently communicate the message to the audience. Data
visualization uses information displays such as tables and charts in form of dashboards to
help communicate key messages contained in the data.
 Making decisions and taking action

Source: EPRI Intelligrid Via Lockheed Martin Presentation, “Solving Big Data Challenges US Electric Utility Industry”, July 2014

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Analysing big data thus enables the business users to make better and faster decisions using
data that was previously inaccessible or unusable. .

For the purposes of smart grid data analytics, four analytical model categories can be used:
descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive.
Analytics Model Description
Descriptive What happened or what is happening now?
Diagnostic Why did it happen or why is it happening now?
What will happen next? What will happen under
various conditions?
What are the options to create the most optimal
or high-value outcome?

While currently most utilities can analyze data, mostly historical, on an ad hoc basis through
manual entries, spreadsheets and business intelligence (BI) reports, Smart Grid data analytics
enables utilities to move to a more pro-active analysis (both descriptive and diagnostic) by
incorporating a much higher volume of historical data along with real time data, with more
complexity, and analyzing it much more quickly. Also, with historical and real-time data at hand,
utilities can look to predictive and prescriptive analytics for building real value to mitigate potential
problems before they arise. By using analytics, utilities can now better improve customer
satisfaction through segmentation and personalization; improve operational reliability through
predictive maintenance; and increase operational efficiencies through improved forecasting and

Key Drivers of Data Analytics for Utilities

Some key drivers of smart analytics capabilities include145:

 Improved customer satisfaction through segmentation and personalization: Customer

data analytics, encompassing both meter data and other customer data (such as social media
and customer relationship data), will provide the utility with a means to provide its customers
with information about their usage patterns and target them with more effective demand
response and demand-side management programs that enable energy cost savings for the

Customer rating and segmentation analysis can enable utilities to develop personalized
services and marketing campaigns for consumers as well as analyze credit history of
consumers to improve collections.

 Improved revenue optimization and operational efficiency: Use of Analytics improves

utility revenues and operational efficiency through information on thefts, reduction in billing

Oracle Utilities, "Utilities and Big Data: A Seismic Shift is Beginning", Orac006Ce, 2013.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

errors, accurate energy accounting timely detection of faults and control, better system-wide
resource planning etc.
 Improved grid reliability and load management: Use of smart grid technologies will provide
geo-spatial intelligence to visualize grid operations which improves grid resilience. Data
analytics insights (including predictive analytics) lead to better grid operations management
in extreme weather, including reduced outages and reduced faster recovery from grid outages
 Asset Management (Repair, maintenance and replacement): Power distribution being an
asset-intensive industry, proper asset management is a top priority. With smart grid, the grid
assets would increasingly be monitored and provide significant data for analysis. Advanced
analytics can then be employed to improve uptimes, performance and availability of crucial
assets while reducing the amount of unscheduled maintenance to minimize maintenance-
related costs and disruptions of the operation.
 Integration of renewable and distributed generation: Renewable sources of energy
generation have inherent uncertainty regarding their availability which adversely affect the grid
operations. Usage of data analytics in a distributed generation environment enables improved
forecasting and consequent impact on the grid thereby enabling better RE integration with grid

Barriers for Implementing Data Analytics for Utilities

In spite of the benefits of Data Analytics, there are significant barriers to data management.

‘Smart Grid Update’, which is a research-driven news, market analysis, online networking portal
and conference producer in UK, conducted an industrial survey among 40 plus professionals
from utilities and suppliers ranging from engineers to CEOs146 to find out what they felt were the
three most pressing challenges they faced regarding data management. The survey results
were as follows:

Available online at [Last
Accessed Online: 20-Feb-2016]

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Number of People Agreeing (Total Surveyed 40)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
What data is relevant?

Organizational silos

Regulatory constraints

Aging workforce and finding talent

Standards and interoperability

Deploying data management analytics

Lack of hardware capacity

IT security issues

Cultural interia/reluctance to change

Asset management

As per the survey results, most crucial concerns are regarding data and its acquisition,
aggregation and processing. Other important concerns are integration, skilled workforce and
budgetary constraints. In order to institutionalize data analytics in the utility operations, it is
essential to understand some of these barriers and understand implications and possible
solutions to overcome them, some of these aspects are discussed below:

Table 12.1: Smart Grid Analytics: Challenges and Solutions

Challenges Implications and


What type of Data to be Real value of smart grid

collected? can only be realized once
these concerns are
Whether it is relevant for the
Data concerns resolved and utility
purpose of analysis?
understands how different
How it can be used for analysis? data points can be used to
resolve practical issues at
their end.

Lack of clear cost benefit analysis Quantification of Benefits are

Budget and funding
hampers investment decisions in must to drive investments.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Challenges Implications and

such tools. Without clear Important to parameterize
understanding of the benefits (both benefits related to fault
qualitative and quantitative) prediction, theft reduction,
obtaining regulatory approvals might improved billing services etc.
be difficult. to quantify benefits vis-à-vis

With a multitude of hardware and A solution capable of

software, utilities have concerns recognizing various smart grid
ranging from ability of technology to data classes and their
effectively communicate, software characteristics to develop
discrepancies and standards formats comprehensive smart grid
for data exchange. data management and
governance capabilities.

A comprehensive
interoperability guideline is an
urgent requirement for
advancing the standardization
process in smart grid

Aging workforce in the operational Instead of costly in-house data

department are needed to be analytics capabilities utilities
replaced, talented IT experts are can outsource the application
Skilled workforce required as many utilities lack a software to third party
dedicated analytics center. companies or can hire
specialized agencies to
support to train existing

Current data management strategies Convergence of IT and OT

use multiple data formats stored in processes is required.
multiple databases, moreover
IT, OT convergence can
operational teams are working in
enable utilities to reduce costs
groups/silos. This makes
Silo based across the software
communication among groups and
operations management landscape,
sharing of data difficult.
including enterprise
architecture and information
and process integration and
can be a significant driver in
helping utilities cut operational
expenses by improving their

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Challenges Implications and

asset management

Business operations in the utilities Change management coupled

were established 30-40 years ago with adequate capacity
and in order to bring utility-wide data building key to such
management changes, the rewards transformation. Further, to
Reluctance to must exceed the inherent risks. give utilities more confidence
change over the analytical
investments, an analytics
solutions provider with years
of experience in utility
operational working should be

Learning for utilities to apply new Selecting a data analytics

analytics tools, open standards for specialist partner will help
Technological interoperability, and architectures to utility in mitigating the
complexity manage grid data at scale is an uphill technological risks. With due
task. time capacity building
programs for the employees
can be organized.

Future homes will be interconnected Privacy laws have to be

to intelligent smart grid which will established in order to prevent
Security and privacy make it a high potential target for exploitation consumer profiles,
hackers. energy usage data etc.


Smart Grid Analytics facilitates utilities to gain tremendous business value from the huge volume
of data generated through smart grid. The business value of analytics can be derived from both
the grid side and consumer side. Both grid and consumer side analytics are explained in detail

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Figure 12.2: Smart Grid Analytics Applications147


Grid analytics enables utilities to ensure better planning, design, construction, operation and
maintenance of utility distribution networks. Grid analytics can be segmented into two key areas:

 Asset optimization: Analytics that assist with optimizing the performance and reliability of
grid assets. This area includes categories such as, substation equipment management,
network troubleshooting and overall distribution network planning.

Image Source: M. Smith, "Utility Analytics: The Road from Data to an Intelligence Revolution", UtilityAnalytics Institute, 2012.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Grid optimization: Analytics that assist with optimizing the operation of the grid to minimize
power losses and maximize efficiency and quality. This area includes categories such as
outage management, power quality optimization and advance distribution management

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 12.1 DTE Energy, Detroit, USA: Sensors for a Predictive Grid in the Motor City148

DTE Energy: Sensors for a Predictive Grid in the Motor City

Project Objective:
DTE Energy wanted to move away from traditional Fault Current Indicators (FCIs) and instead
bring back real-time fault data with waveform capture that could be analyzed to predict grid
outages, provide notifications of momentaries and alert crews to line disturbances.

Project Description:
DTE Energy deployed Smart Grid Sensors and Predictive Grid Analytics platform at key
substations and feeders within its extensive distribution network. This solution offered real-time
data to be gathered from the sensors to the analytics software which could be used to predict
faults, respond to outages and monitor assets to more strategically plan their capital

Data from the Smart Grid Sensors is sent to Sensor Management System (SMS) software for
analysis and then pushed to DTE Energy’s Data Historian, Geographical Information System
(GIS) and Distribution Management System (DMS) to provide crews with live, situational
awareness about grid conditions.

With this data, crews can get real-time diagnostics about what caused the faults. They can also
get ahead of outages by investigating equipment failures, momentaries and line disturbances
(e.g. trees brushing against power lines) before they cause a power failure. All of this data is
captured, classified and analyzed by the SMS software first and this gives DTE Energy
information to avoid future outages.

DTE has seen tremendous cost savings from this deployment, not only in reduced drive times
and crew overtime, but in other unexpected ways as well. For example, instead of long lead
time and costly substation upgrade, now with the analytics solution it takes only a couple of
thousand dollars to monitor a substation remotely. Additionally, by using the Predictive Grid
Analytics capabilities of the solution, they can begin to avoid outages, saving an estimated
$10,000 per event.


Customer analytics are the hardware, software, professional services, business processes and people
that enable utilities to analyze data in order to better serve the utility and its customers. Customer
analytics has been segmented into two key areas:

"DTE Energy: Sensors for a Predictive Grid in the Motor City", Institute for Electric Innovation, 2014.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Customer operations: Analytics that focus internally on improving the efficiency and
effectiveness of a utility’s customer operations. This area includes meter data analytics, credit
and collections, fraud detection, campaign management, customer segmentation, rate
planning operation, and other customer operations.

Box 12.2 Revenue Protection Software: Sacramento Municipal Utility District Smart Grid

Revenue Protection Software: Sacramento Municipal Utility District Smart Grid

Project Objective
The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) implemented data analytics software to identify
instances when a meter had been tampered with, by-passed, or had simply malfunctioned.
Traditionally, SMUD meter readers would identify such issues while reading the meters each
month. In order to meet or exceed the standard set by this manual inspection process, SMUD
installed revenue protection software. This software generates leads for on-site investigation
based on results from theft detection algorithms that process numerous datasets from different
utility systems as well as external sources. The primary purpose of this project is to replace
physical inspections with data analytics in order to achieve numerous objectives, including:

 Protect the customer and SMUD employees from potentially unsafe conditions due to
someone tampering with the meter.

EPRI, "A Case Study on the Revenue Protection Software: Sacramento Municipal Utility District Smart Grid Demonstration," 2014.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Reduce annual revenue loss from theft.

Project Description
The utility data used by the software includes datasets from the advanced metering infrastructure
(kWh, voltage, register, alarm, event, and other alert data), the customer information system
(customer, premises, billing, and service notifications) and from the GIS (geospatial information
system). External or third party datasets, such as county assessor property information, weather
data, and demographic data, are also utilized. Almost all of the datasets are updated daily with
the exception of the GIS and county assessor datasets which are updated weekly and quarterly,

The software identifies and prioritizes the most likely theft cases. The rich datasets enable
SMUD’s revenue protection analysts to generate leads for investigation, using 20+ theft detection
algorithms. Simple leads, such as a “zero usage” that match disconnection orders, are usually
viewed and closed without a field inspection. The leads requiring field inspection are prioritized
based on weighting criteria defined by the analysts.
The revenue protection software processes the data to rank probable tamper and theft cases.
The ranking relies on a combination of algorithms. The weight given to each algorithm result can
be configured. This permits refinement of the total weighted score used to rank each case. Some
of the algorithms utilized in the software are listed below.

 Consumption drop score – looks for decrease in consumption over past two years.
 Drop on tamper flag – looks for consumption drop immediately following a tamper or power
down event.
 Frequent tamper alert – looks for a pattern of multiple tamper flags and a repeatable pattern.
 Load factor score – targets businesses with low consumption relative to their demand, a
possible indication of intermittent tampering.
 Local chain business comparison – compares usage of customer to usage of similar
 Max monthly usage – records the highest monthly energy consumption for comparison.
 Meter set score – compares the seasonal interval consumption before and after the meter
 Minimum consumption score – assigns a score to the minimum energy use by the customer.
 Neighbor score – measures deviation from expected consumption based on nearby
 Reverse power alert – records when power flow through the meter is from the customer to
the utility.
 Slope percent – slope component of the linear regression over past 2 years.
 Total score – combines resultant scores of other algorithms to determine the likelihood of
 Unauthorized use alert – records and flags energy consumption on an idle meter.
 YP score – identifies location of the customer based on phone number of customer.
 Zero use alert – registers zero energy consumption.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

The revenue protection software permitted SMUD to move from a reactive response, relying on
tips from the public and from SMUD employees, to a proactive response, using statistical
analyses to make inferences of the data and identify possible theft. SMUD has benefited from
the technology and reduced revenue loss. SMUD does assign the following benefits to the
detection software, and is starting to see trends, such as increases in the kWh billed and
dollars collected, as shown in the table below.

Summary of the Billed vs Collected Amounts with and without the Revenue Protection

2011 2012 2013 12 Months prior 12 Months after

to detectent detectent

$ Billed $1,752,820 $1,120,860 $2,953,334 $1.36M $3.11M

KWh Billed 9,912,680 5,009,350 13,738,497 - -

$ Collected $138,020 $337,030 $653,418 $334k $723k

Benefits to the customer:

 Improves customer safety by better identifying meter tampering.
 Reduces revenue loss that would negatively impact customers by contributing to future rate

Benefits to the utility:

 Improves employee safety.
 Prioritizes leads based on ones with the highest probability of theft.
 Provides efficient use of SMUD resources (labor, fuel, investigation costs, and software).

 Customer engagement: Analytics that support utility interactions with customers and improve
their relationship with the utility through improved service, lower costs and better customer
experiences. This area includes categories such as demand response, energy efficiency,
distributed generation management, and other customer engagement.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 12.3 Utility Data Analytics Case Study: Oklahoma Gas & Electric (OGE)150

Utility Data Analytics Case Study: Oklahoma Gas & Electric (OGE), 2012
Project Background
OG&E's “2020 Initiative” prohibits it from building any new fossil-based generation plants until
the year 2020. OG&E was looking to fill the gaps via targeted residential and small commercial
demand response programs, and in this respect started to use dynamic customer segmentation
analytics to target best bets. The utility’s chief challenge was to leverage greater value and
energy savings out of the 800,000 control points (i.e., smart meters) which were recently rolled
out. OG&E project also emphasized on “break down departmental silos” by implementing a
comprehensive and holistic data strategy that would provide the utility with actionable
intelligence about its consumers and grid operations.

OG&E’s Project Goal

The utility forecasts daily system demand of 5,864 megawatts in 2020, a reduction of more than
500 megawatts. A reduction of 70 megawatts was slated to take place over the course of 2012,
with 60 megawatts being saved via demand response and 10 megawatts via integrated

Project Description:
Analytics that OGE was implementing included:

 Consumer analytics and customer segmentation

 Peak load management/load shed (via demand-side management analytics)

150, "Utility Case Study: OGE’s Data Analytics Deployment", 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 25- Jan- 2016].

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Grid optimization (voltage control and conservation)

 Geospatial and visual analytics for centralized view of multiple systems

OGE was to receive data from 52 million meter reads per day, a figure that was expected to
double in the years ahead. To deal with the influx of data, OGE was implementing integrated
operations center which the utility expects will receive approximately two million event
messages per day from advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), data networks, meter alarms
and outage management systems. Other areas in which OGE is driving big-data adoption
include the planned deployment of a new distribution management system (DMS), as well as
an OMS and an integrated volt/VAR control program.

OGE’s 2020 Initiative will require the utility to shed substantial load. To achieve this goal, the
utility has developed a strategy that relies on segmentation analytics, which will allow it to gain
visibility into individual customers’ responses to price signals, and as well as to identify the best
customers to target with specific marketing campaigns. It will also allow the utility to perform
the measurement and verification tasks necessary to develop and offer the most optimal rate
structures. The utility’s smart grid investments in both smart meters and ZigBee-controlled
thermostats have facilitated this dynamic segmentation capability.
OGE believes that it is important to break down organizational silos because correlations of
time-synched data from multiple inputs (MDM, CRM, billing/CIS, asset management and
outage management) all provide valuable data that can contribute to the process of developing
effective demand response programs and rate structures.

The Analytics platform used by OGE provides the backbone for smart meter data, and also
helps the utility gain a clearer understanding of customer behaviors and preferences from an
enterprise perspective.

All these smart analytics applications thus highlight the huge value that can be extracted from
smart grid data by utilities. While the data can be used to derive financial value, it is also important
to note that some of the data generated can reveal personal information of consumers and hence
may lead to privacy issues. Therefore, data privacy considerations and policies should be an
important part of planning while using smart grid data.


[1] SAS, "Innovate and Optimize: The Power of Analytics in Today’s Utility," 2011.

[2] Oracle Utilities, "Utilities and Big Data: A Seismic Shift is Beginning", Oracle, 2013.

[3] UtilityAnalytics Institute, "Annual Grid Analytics Report" 2012.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

[4] UtilityAnalytics Institute, "Annual Customer Analytics Report" 2012.

[5] EPRI, "A Case Study on the Revenue Protection Software: Sacramento Municipal Utility
District Smart Grid Demonstration," 2014.

[6] "DTE Energy: Sensors for a Predictive Grid in the Motor City", Institute for Electric
Innovation, 2014.

[7], "Utility Case Study: OGE’s Data Analytics Deployment", 2016.
[Online]. Available:
data-analytics-deployment. [Accessed: 25- Jan- 2016].

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Module -13
Smart Grid and Smart City

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


The rise of cities has grown over millennia, and have evolved over time as places where the
entirety of human activities and services concentrate, spanning multiple modes of transportation,
water supply, electricity, telecommunication and internet, schools and colleges, hospitals,
markets and businesses, other resources and services across people with varied skills. As cities
evolved with more and more facilities and services, they became more and more attractive to
people from rural areas leading to even faster urbanization. Rapid growth of cities has led to the
creation of metropolitan regions - clusters of cities in a region.

As cities around the world experience this exploding growth, the need to ensure that they can
expand sustainably, operate efficiently and maintain high quality of life for residents becomes
even greater today. Smart Cities is part of the strategic response by the Governments to
challenges and opportunities of increasing urbanization, and rise of cities as a nexus of societal

There is no universally accepted definition of a smart city. It means different things to different
countries depending on the priorities, the current and future (desired) state. The conceptualisation
of Smart City, therefore, varies from city to city and country to country, depending on the level of
development, willingness to change and reform, resources and aspirations of the city residents.
A smart city would have a different connotation in India than, say, Europe.

Some of the definitions being employed globally are as follows:

“A city well performing in a forward-looking way in economy, people, governance, mobility,

environment, and living, built on the smart combination of endowments and activities of self-
decisive independent and aware citizens” -- Giffinger et all, 2007

“A city that monitors and integrates conditions of all of its critical infrastructures including roads,
bridges, tunnels, rail, sea-ports, subways, airways, water, power, even major buildings, can better
optimize its resources, plan its preventive maintenance activities, and monitor security aspects
while maximizing services to its citizens” -- R Hall, 2000

“The effective integration of physical, digital and human systems in the built environment to deliver
sustainable, prosperous and inclusive future of its citizen” – British Standards Institute

“One that makes optimum us of all interconnected information available today to better
understand and control its operations and optimize the use of internal resources” - IBM

In the approach to the Smart Cities Mission, the Government of India defines the objective as to
promote cities that provide core infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to its citizens, a
clean and sustainable environment and application of ‘Smart’ Solutions. The focus is on

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

sustainable and inclusive development and the idea is to look at compact areas, create a
replicable model which will act like a light house to other aspiring cities.

Fundamentally across all definitions, in smart city initiatives ICT becomes an enabler for
improvements, which spans better measurements, better analysis, and better action leading to
better quality of life for its citizen.


Some of the core infrastructure elements in a Smart City include:

i. Adequate water supply

ii. Assured electricity supply
iii. Sanitation, including solid waste management
iv. Efficient urban mobility and public transport
v. Affordable housing, especially for the poor
vi. Robust it connectivity and digitalization
vii. Good governance, especially e-governance and citizen participation
viii. Sustainable environment
ix. Safety and security of citizens, particularly women, children and the elderly, and
x. Health and education.

Reliable, adequate and high quality utility services are thus critical in a Smart City. Whether it is
electricity, telephony or ICT services, they need to be very reliable, and adequate. 24x7 services
are necessary. It should be the right of every citizen to get these facilities on demand. Similarly,
municipal services such as water supply, drainage, solid waste management need to deliver high
quality and be 24*7 available. To achieve this, smart cities would require the implementation of
smart solutions across the utilities. Some of these solutions are discussed below:

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Figure 13.1: Smart City Solution Framework (as defined by MoUD, Govt. of India)151

 Water Supply: Safe and adequate water supply is a public good as it has positive
externalities. Access to water supply improves the productive working hours of urban poor
by 1.5 to 2 hours. Smart Cities should therefore have adequate availability of piped water
supply that meets the quality standards across the city. Adoption of new methodology,
especially smart metering and sensor networks for reducing loss and energy consumption
and identifying leaks in water networks would thus be needed.

 Sanitation: Sanitation is important for all the residents. Lack of sanitation causes
epidemics, health disorders keep the mortality rates high in general. It is essential that
cities should have area wide sanitation plans for all parts of the city. It may be based on
Decentralized Sewage and Solid Waste Management System. Each and every citizen
should have access to toilets. There should be 100% recycling in the sanitation system.

"Smart City: Mission Statement and Guidlines", Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2015.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Waste Management forms an essential part of sanitation system. Most of the cities are
facing many issues with regards to waste management. A smart city solution would thus
incorporate segregation of recyclable and non-recyclable waste, technology for waste
management, collection and disposal system and promote use of products based on
recycle solid waste (e.g. power, compost, etc.).

 Communication: a high level of telephone and internet penetration will be essential in a

smart city which requires a highly reliable network. This would need collaboration among
various departments and Municipal authorities.

 Urban Mobility: rapid urbanization of cities has resulted in unplanned development. Most
of the cities are marred by congestion and deteriorating city core. It is therefore essential
that while planning for the smart cities, emphasis must be given to planned developed and
decongestion. Adaptive & synchronized traffic signals for traffic management and smart
parking are some solutions that smart cities would incorporate

 Health: The aim of smart cities would be to provide world class medical infrastructure &
high quality of healthcare service at affordable cost which is accessible to each & every
section of society. Provision like Electronic Health Record for all the citizen visiting
hospitals, telemedicine and online (Video based) medical consultation will be encouraged
in smart cities

 Electricity: Smart Cities need to have universal access to electricity 24*7 and increased
renewable energy generation. This requires investments and shift towards smart metering,
establishment of smart grids, its integration with renewable energy sources, to meet the
demand. For the same existing transmission and distribution system would need to be
strengthened and energy storage needs to be established. Further, the focus would be on
optimization of electricity consumption and green initiatives.

Smart Grid as an enabler for Smart Cities

The energy infrastructure is one of the most important feature in any city. Almost all city functions
depend upon reliable supply of electricity.

A smart grid thus forms the backbone of any smart city initiative. Smart Grid modernizes power
systems through self-healing designs, automation, remote monitoring and control, and
establishment of microgrids. It makes the consumer an active stakeholder in energy management
by informing and educating them about their energy usage, costs and alternative options, to
enable them to make decisions autonomously about how and when to use electricity and fuels. It
also provides safe, secure and reliable integration of distributed and renewable energy resources.
All these promote an energy infrastructure that is more reliable, more sustainable and more
resilient. Thus, a smart grid is at the heart of the smart city, which cannot exist without it.

Smart cities thus depend on a smart grid to ensure resilient delivery of energy to supply their
many functions and improve system efficiencies.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Smart grid brings with it significant levels of automation, communications and information
technology on the electrical distribution systems. Some of the key smart grid infrastructure also
find applications across the city utilities. These include:

Geographic Information System (GIS): GIS in city context is an invaluable tool for strategic
planning of land use and for development of transportation plan to ensure that there will be
sufficient land to meet the anticipated population and economic growth, and provide a good living

GIS finds applications across services from checking inflow and infiltration of rainwater and
groundwater into sewer systems to improving emergency responses to leaks, breaks and downed
utility networks. GIS also supports Asset Management by storing, managing and maintaining
accurate asset records that can be shared utility wide. GIS can help track the performance of one
or multiple infrastructure projects, identification of bus routes, road capacity and condition, landfill
and recycling sites and many other such applications

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA): Distribution utilities are already
implementing SCADA systems for monitoring and controlling the real-time power flows, this
infrastructure and bandwidth can be leveraged to monitor and control other areas of city like water
and gas networks using smart field sensors for these utilities.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT): ICT forms the backbone of most smart
utility applications from intelligent waste containers that detect level of load and allow for an
optimization of the collector trucks route, mobile application driven citizen services like bill
payments for utilities, monitoring of energy consumption and emissions across sectors, use of
driverless trains, improved video surveillance, connected personal health monitoring devices, etc.

Therefore, a wide variety of infrastructure being deployed for smart electricity grid is common
across sectors and city services, which puts distribution utilities at the forefront of leveraging
synergies with smart city initiatives. The following section discusses in detail the various synergies
that exist between smart grid and smart cities.


The implementation of smart grid offers smart cities the basic ICT and sensor based
infrastructures that is common across services like water, gas, transport, waste management, etc.
Thus, utilities developing smart grid projects provide a platform for both the city administrators
and Discom to provide expanded city wide services that span beyond the traditional distribution
utility boundaries.

These synergies (in terms of GIS, SCADA, Communication Network, etc.) point towards an
opportunity for utilities to partner with the municipalities in which they operate for mutually
beneficial sharing of infrastructure that are either already in place or quickly being deployed for
smart assets that they own and operate.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Some of these physical infrastructures which offer synergies between smart grid and smart city
are discussed below.


In electrical grids, many utilities have employed GIS to map consumers and electrical assets as
a means to visualization of the entire electrical network. While GIS is an important infrastructure
for electrical utilities, location and hence GIS is a common denominator in every aspect of smart
city development and thus provides a strong synergistic opportunity for an integrated GIS
approach to city planning.

Smart cities are rather complex landscape supported by infrastructure backbone for power, roads,
water, drainage and sewage among others. To enable integration, coordination and synergistic
functioning of different participants of the smart city ecosystem, a centralized information system
based on GIS (Geographical Information System) provides an IT framework which integrates not
only every stakeholder but also every aspect of smart city process – starting from
conceptualization, planning, and development to maintenance.

The integrated city wide GIS system can map all the city assets including the roads, traffic lights,
communication network, sewerage lines, water supply, electric supply infrastructure, education
institutes, police stations, hospitals etc. This centralized GIS would then enable maintaining and
deploying data and applications throughout every aspect of the city development life cycle, which

Acquiring: GIS can help find the right areas for city development, view legal boundaries, and
arrive at right valuation of existing / new sites

Planning & Design: Integrated GIS with most design tools, brings greater analytics and cost-
estimation capabilities to city infrastructure design process

Selling: Analyse demographics and market conditions to provide a more accurate picture of a
property’s suitability to needs

Maintenance: Easily manage disparate assets. Integrate city asset inventory with inspection
history and work order management to maintain critical investments in a cost-effective manner

GIS mapping which is already employed by distribution utilities as part of R-APDRP initiative can
thus be effectively used by other infrastructure services providers for planning as well as operation
and maintenance of their systems. This would require regular updation as well as mechanism of
cost sharing for use of such infrastructure by multiple sectors.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion


While Smart Metering has been promoted in the context of electrical grid in India, a smart city
would require implementation of smart meter and AMI for other utilities like water and gas as well.

A Common ICT infrastructure for Internet of Meters is thus an innovative way of creating common
information highway of machines-sensors-meters to connect to the web and get integrated
services to consumers. An integrated solution of smart meters (electricity, water and gas) for
automated collection of meter data can provide operational and cost efficiencies for utilities
through integrated metering of electric, water and gas in its service territory. Customers will also
benefit by having access to more data about their energy consumption and resources to help
them better manage their usage.

The integrated metering infrastructure can also employ a centralized MDMS and billing and CIS
system to generate common platform for bill payment across utilities. This has to significantly
bring down the overall collection costs and existing IT based billing system already implemented
by various electrical utilities can be synergized for this effect.

Box 13.1 City of Tallahassee Combined Smart Metering Project

City of Tallahassee, USA Combined Smart Metering Project

Project Background: Tallahassee, USA has a population of 182,000. Its municipal utility
services 87,000 residential customers and 14,000 commercial customers with electric service.
The city also serves 26,800 gas customers and 75,600 water customers with some overlap
among the three utilities.

The city is completing its smart metering project to roll out a single smart grid platform for its
electric, water and gas utilities to create real-time communications that can enable a number
of programs that encourage conservation and off-peak usage of resources.

Project Highlights:

There are two main parts of the system: Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and the Meter
Data Management System (MDMS).

1. AMI: The AMI includes utility smart meters, a backhaul network to transmit the meter
data and a central head-end system that collects the data.
The program involves installing some 213,000 new meters. Each home or business
were installed with separate water, gas and electric meters. The gas and water meters
communicated wirelessly to the electric meters. Each water and gas meter is identified

152, "Combining Utility Efforts for a Single Smart Grid Platform", 2016. [Online]. Available:
platform.html. [Accessed: 24- Feb- 2016].

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

with a unique serial number that prevents customers from being accidentally charged
for a neighbour’s usage.

The electric meters track electric usage and act as repeaters that accept the data
from the water and gas meters and transmit all the data through the network to the head
end. They can transmit data on a regular schedule or on demand. Some enable the city
to connect or disconnect service remotely. The meters also can link to central
thermostats or other home automation systems and provide digital information displays
that customers can read.

Benefits: There is a significant direct cost savings that comes with replacing
independent repeaters with the electric smart meters. Each independent repeater costs
$1,100 and another $3,500 for installation.

2. MDMS is a separate computer system responsible for maintaining the metering data,
analysing it and reporting on the data. It integrates with other computer systems and a
centralized billing system.

It is the key point for connection to the Web portal. It also will include advanced meter
theft analytics. The Web portal is called e+ Online, which is where customers can view
their current and historical bills and usage for all three utility services plus sewer, solid
waste, fire and storm water services. From this portal, customers also can pay their
bills, use a rate comparison tool to choose the best rate for their lifestyles and look at
weather data and consumption. Meter data is available in 30-minute increments. Gas
and water data are available in hourly increments.


The Smart city uses digital technologies to enhance performance and wellbeing, to reduce costs
and resource consumption, and to engage more effectively and actively with its citizens. A solution
where in information is effectively processed for establishing a two way communication between
the infrastructure and public systems will be required.

Smart cities will require high speed and high-bandwidth communication networks for
transportation, security and energy, making well-established telecom infrastructure a vital aspect
in their development. Applications and technologies like location-based services, analytics,
internet of things (IoT) and machine-to-machine (M2M) communications will also be essential
tools for setting up an interconnected smart city. Some of the applications employing
communications as the backbone include:

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Municipal utility (water/gas/electric): distribution automation, advanced metering

infrastructure and SCADA
 Intelligent transportation systems: traffic signal management, and red light enforcement
 Video surveillance: safety as well as crime prevention and prosecution

City communication backbone will thus be an essential ingredient of smart cities or enabling
services such as Smart E-Governance for citizen, public surveillance systems, Transport
Management, Smart Utility/Energy, Smart Education, and Smart Health.

A common communication network (also referred as communication canopy infrastructure)

employed across utilities can be utilized to provide public internet access, offering a valued
amenity to the community and its visitors as well as fostering economic development.

In this aspect, a common wireless/fibre-optic communications networks can deliver broadband

for all of these city services on the same platform. It offers a fast, secure, reliable and easily
scalable platform, securely partitioned to enable differentiated quality of service standards for
different users. As a result, communications for vital services such as fire, police and ambulance
can reliably run on the same network as smart metering monitoring and data backhaul, public
lighting and a host of other services. This makes the communications infrastructure more cost
efficient and easier to manage. Additionally, new revenue streams such as the provision of public
wireless internet and variable rate parking metering can be delivered. Some case example of
integrated communication infrastructure are discussed below.

Box 13.2 Oklahoma City, Pan-city Broadband Infrastructure

The wireless broadband network in Oklahoma City, USA had been designed as an extension
of the City’s IT infrastructure with the initial goal to improve the City’s public safety information
system, enable new applications, reduce costs and improve services to the community.
With time it is now being used by mobile workers including police, fire, building inspectors and
public works personnel. Additional city services and high-value applications are gradually being
added. The network covers 555 square miles of the City making it the world’s largest
contiguous metro-scale Wi-Fi deployment in the world and operates more than 200 municipal

"ABB Power and Automation: Solid Foundations for Smart Cities", ABB.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 13.3 Stratford, Canada Smart Meter Network for Citywide Wireless Broadband Connectivity

Background: Early in 2010, the Province of Ontario enacted its Green Energy and Green
Economy Act, setting specific goals for energy conservation in municipalities like Stratford. The
city itself had its own goal of providing broadband access for its residents and business
communities, and stimulating economic development through its Smart City initiative. Stratford
officials sought a safe, secure, cost-effective, high-performance network that would support a
smart metering program and at the same time help enhance community-wide communications.

Solution: To meet this dual objective the city utility opted for a citywide wireless network using
the latest broadband technology. The system consisted of wireless mesh infrastructure using
802.11n outdoor mesh access points and a system to transmit encrypted smart meter data and
backhaul it to the city fibre optic network. The system also made the entire city a high-speed
wireless broadband hot spot, enabling residents, businesses and visitors to enjoy instant
Internet access from virtually anywhere in Stratford.

Result: With deployment completed in 2010, Stratford is reaping the benefits of its dual-
purpose network strategy. Its smart metering initiative is in full swing, helping the city and its
customers reduce both electricity consumption and utility bills. At the same time, the network
offers ultra-high-speed Internet access to every resident and business. Stratford has adopted
a managed service model that offers access via local carriers that rent capacity on the wireless
network, providing the city with an additional revenue stream. Stratford is also using the mesh
infrastructure to provide mobile access for public works and municipal employees.

Box 13.4 Florida Power and Light, US Street Light Network for Extended City Application

Florida Power and Light, US Street Light Network for Extended City Application
Project Highlights: Florida Power and Light, a power distribution company is deploying North
America’s largest networked street lighting program to connect and control more than 500,000
street lights. Their approach include:

 An IPv6-Based Multi-Application Network – this leveraged the same network for

multiple applications, including advanced metering, distribution automation and smart
street lights
 A Streetlight Vision Software – this controlled and managed street lights with adaptive
lighting approaches that adjusted light levels based on motion or presence levels

[Online]. Available:
new/assets/web/Business/_Documents/Case%20studies/_Static%20files/Stratford%20CS%20FINAL.pdf [Accessed: 24- Feb-

"Opening the Door to the Smart City Key Priorities and Proven Best Practices from Major Cities Worldwide", Silver Spring Network,

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 Efficient Operations – by automation the load on call centre is reduced thus enabling
faster outage response and restoration, better asset management and network

Smart Grid-Smart City Synergies: While this project creates the largest smart Internet
Protocol (IP) networked street light deployment under contract in the United State it leverages
the same network that FPL was already using for its smart grid program.

This project also establishes a city-wide network canopy upon which additional smart city
services can quickly and cost-effectively be deployed in the future, allowing cities to recoup
their investment and speedily deliver additional value to citizens.

Significantly, these networks can extend to connecting other smart-city assets including smart
water networks, pollution and environmental sensors, EV chargers, parking meters, and traffic
lights, among many others. Intelligent traffic systems can now detect vehicle volume in all
directions and immediately adjust themselves to allow the most efficient flow. Some estimates
say 70 percent of all wasted fuel results from sitting at traffic lights in a city, so using this
intelligent, interconnected system could significantly cut pollution and waste.


With smart grid projects, centralized command and control centres are being setup to visualize
the electric network in real time and based on the system analysis/ event indications take quick
response actions like network switching, workforce dispatch, etc. all from a single centralized

This is a concept that can be extended to the smart city context where an integrated control
network with common data transmission infrastructure can monitor all the municipal and supply
networks of the service companies involved in the city. The goal of this centralized city control
centre would be thus to manage and find out about the ordinary consumption, incidents and
emergencies in these networks. In addition, the networks would have alert devices and monitor
consumptions, flows, intrusions, etc., making it possible to act in the event of system leaks in near
real time. The integrated control centre could include supply network, drainage network, rainwater
network, public lighting, CCTV, pneumatic waste collection, climatology, electrical network among

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 13.5 Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT) City Command and Control centre

Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT) City Command and Control centre
Background: Gujarat International Finance Tec-City GIFT City is being developed as a global
financial and IT / ITeS hub in the state of Gujarat, a first of its kind in India. GIFT has been
planned as a Smart city with next class infrastructure using latest Information and
Communication technologies.

Being a Smart City, GIFT City authorities are expected to proactively monitor and manage City’s
Infrastructure using Information and communications technology advances for ensuring better
services to the citizens .The infrastructure which need to be monitored consists of multiple
utilities which are Water management system , Electrical infrastructure , automatic waste
collection and recycling system , District cooling system, City occupiers safety , security and
surveillance , Traffic management etc. GIFT City is planning to carry out city infrastructure
monitoring and maintenance by integration of all these utilities on a single platform which is
called City Command and Control centre (C-4).

Project Highlights: The first part (platform) will connect all the Utilities and provide a complete
view of the City Infrastructure, the second part will host CCTV Surveillance, integration of
Building Management Systems (BMS) of various building and track critical parameters like fire
and safety, Intelligent traffic management system and PA system for handling law and order in
the City. By integrating various infrastructure and Utilities by connecting them on a single fiber
optic based ICT network spread across the city and by building Intelligence in every upcoming
Building and Utility , GIFT City is trying to achieve following :

1. Monitor and manage the city infrastructure proactively.

2. Water supply distribution and monitoring system by using Sensors and automation build at
various places across the water distribution system, all of these sensors and automation
will be connected to City Command and Control centre. This connected Water system will
ensure zero discharge for GIFT city
3. Ensuring zero water discharge city by effectively monitoring the water systems by
implementing sensors and integrating them with City wide ICT infrastructure.
4. Managing traffic across the city by using cameras, PA (Public addressing) system, Digital
Signage and touch panel based information kiosk.
5. Any disaster can be addressed by using the analytics placed on GIS based City
management system which is connected to every utility, building and infrastructure by City
wide Fiber optic network.
6. Better & advance healthcare facilities for citizens
7. Monitoring of electrical infrastructure will ensure zero theft and highest uptime required for
offices, business units and residents of the GIFT City

156, "Nominations received under 18th National Conference of e-Governance | 19th National conference on e-
Governance", 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 24- Feb- 2016].

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 13.6 Rio, Brazil Citywide Operation Control Center157

Rio, Brazil Citywide Operation Control Center

Background: Establishment of the Rio Operations Center grew out of catastrophic flooding
and landslides that occurred in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2010. The Center was formed to
integrate information from multiple government agencies and private sources to improve city
safety and incident response. Incidents that it manages range from public utility problems and
public transit issues to emergencies and disasters. It also acts as an operational hub for
coordinating safety and security at large events, such as Carnival, the 2014 World Cup, and
the upcoming 2016 Summer Olympics.

Operating Principle: Begun in 2010, the initiative is based on three pillars:

 Collection of information from sensors such as rain gauges, radar sensors, GPS systems,
images, social networks, and other sources;
 Analysis of information to make operational decisions; and
 Dissemination of information to the population, alerting citizens of disasters or other

The Operations Center collects layers of data from multiple sources to monitor events in the
city. Sources of incoming data include security cameras, water and rain gauges, private maps,
traffic signal data, the electricity grid, traffic controls, public transit vehicles, and social media
feeds such as Twitter and Waze. The Center employs more than 400 staff, and operates 24X7.

"IoE-Based Rio Operations Center Improves Safety, Traffic Flow, Emergency Response Capabilities", CISCO, 2014.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Event Communication: Connecting agencies and data sources centrally allows Rio to
coordinate communications and actions to events that affect the public. It uses social media,
news outlets, and sirens located throughout the city to give emergency instructions. It also
provides routine information services such as traffic flow and vehicle accident information, as
well as updated commuter wait times.

Radio stations transmit directly from the Center, and the Center has a Twitter handle to
disseminate pertinent incident information in real time. Citizens can also Tweet requests for
information from the Center. All final information is made publicly available. This media and
Operations Center outreach means that citizens of Rio de Janeiro can see the direct, day-to-
day impact of the Center on their own lives, both from an emergency response perspective and
as a tool to aid travel within the city

Project Impact: More than 50 city agencies are now connected with this system, and pertinent
data from the agencies integrated, due to the Operations Center. This allows more cooperative
and efficient relationships among city agencies. The Center has also connected the city to
commuters in new ways. Because of the center’s relationship with the press, traffic and transit
information can be disseminated quickly. Commuters can also access real-time updates via
social media, and the city can respond to metro train delays by alerting buses and taxis in
affected areas to converge on locations to pick up commuters.


To develop a successful smart city, citizens also need to be engaged and enlisted in various
aspects of city planning and design. The concept of smart cities envisages bidirectional
communication of city administration with its citizens via the medium of citizen’s forum.

A citizen’s forum can connect data, people and knowledge to create a participatory citizen
processes. The forum platform can be utilized for building productive new ideas, effectively
disseminating new procedures, promoting and discussing initiatives and creating consumer buy-
in and awareness. This can also cover specific threads to create opinions, obtain feedback and
create an overall culture of collaborative learning.

Consumer care centres and consumer portals are present across many Discoms which deal with
consumer issues in terms of billing, collection, complaint resolution on planned outages etc. A
number of consumers are using the consumer portals and this can be expanded for the scope of
smart cities citizen connect.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

Box 13.7 Boston City, USA Citizen Connect Application 158

Boston City, USA Citizen Connect Application

In 2009 the Boston Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics (MONUM) developed a
smartphone app called Citizens Connect that allows residents to quickly report public works
and service needs. Bostonians can inform officials of infrastructure and service problems such
as potholes, streetlight failures, or graffiti via their phones, allowing the city to be far more
responsive to its citizens’ needs and eliminating paperwork. As workers finish projects they
record the date and time of completion, allowing residents to verify the city’s responsiveness to
their requests.

The digital platform allows citizens to easily and swiftly tailor government resources to their
needs; it acts as a more convenient, responsive, and engaging form of the 311 system (the
traditional government information system) or physically traveling to City Hall. Citizens Connect
reduces barriers to interaction with government, allowing city residents to actively engage their
government for assistance rather than being reduced to passively waiting for services
eventually materialize. The program transforms what was once a drawn-out and discouraging
process into one that inspires active involvement, improving the value of government services
by encouraging citizen-produced input.

By December of 2012, over 35,000 problems had been reported and remedied and more than
20 percent of all “quality of life” notifications that the city receives pass through the app


SCADA systems facilitate remote monitoring and control of electrical networks. SCADA
applications also extend to other energy related networks, i.e., water and gas. To leverage

Data-Smart City Solutions, "Citizens, Connected | Data-Smart City Solutions", 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 24- Feb- 2016].

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

existing SCADA network in a city context, a multi-utility specific SCADA application can be
developed to access all process control information at an enterprise level.

Utility-specific applications, such as leak detection, pipeline simulation, outage and leakage
management can be easily integrated in a common SCADA network giving city municipalities a
single source of truth for its entire energy network.
Box 13.8 Multi-Utility SCADA deployment in Germany159

NVV Niederrheinische Versorgung und Verkehr Aktiengesellschaft in Mönchengladbach/West

Germany, supplies approximately 350,000 inhabitants in the city of Mönchengladbach and ist
surroundings with electricity, gas and water. A multi-utility SCADA system is used for the central
monitoring and control of the power grid (3,650 km), the natural gas network (1,150 km), the
drinking water network (950) and the sewer network (1,300 km).

The power, gas, drinking water and wastewater networks are controlled via the IDS HIGH-LEIT
control system. Apart from SCADA functions and a topology module, the system also features
a simulation module which enables the simulation of switching operations and their impact on
the power grid.

Separate grid calculations can be executed via an independent application server, including
the calculation of load flow, short-circuit current, compensation current and distance protection
for the power grid.




The Government of India has launched the Smart Cities Mission, which is an urban renewal
and retrofitting program with a mission to develop 100 cities all over the country making them
citizen friendly and sustainable. The Union Ministry of Urban Development is responsible for
implementing the mission in collaboration with the state governments of the respective cities and
the relevant line ministries.

For the smart cities mission, ₹480 billion funding has been approved by the Cabinet. The Smart
Cities mission provides for a common solution framework that binds key areas of city like

159, "NVV AG:", 2016. [Online]. Available: http://www.ids-schweiz- [Accessed: 24- Feb- 2016].

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

electricity, water, waste management, e-governance, mobility and health to work in unison to
achieve a common goal of making a city more liveable, sustainable and efficient for its residents.

Application of Smart solutions will enable cities to use technology, information and data to improve
infrastructure and services. Comprehensive development in this way will improve quality of life,
create employment and enhance income for all.

Smart cities is therefore a combined effort across Ministries, sectors and municipalities and for a
comprehensive development of cities, integration of the physical, institutional, social and
economic infrastructure is required. In this context, many of the sectoral schemes/ programs
across ministries of the Government converge in this goal of smart cities and need to be leveraged
at the planning stage of smart cities itself.

Specific to the energy goals/solutions for smart cities (refer figure below), there is a strong
complementarity between Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS), National Smart Grid
Mission (NSGM) and related schemes with the Smart Cities Mission for achieving urban
transformation. The synergies of these schemes with respect to some of the goals of smart city
are discussed below:

Figure 13.2: Smart City Energy Management Solution160

Smart Metering
Smart Metering is a common infrastructure requirement for smart cities across electricity, water
and gas. In India, the smart metering implementation is gaining momentum particularly in
electricity sector due to various initiatives undertaken by the Government of India.
A. The Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS) which has been launched by GoI with a
focus on improving power supply quality and availability in urban areas. The IPDS Scheme
Cost is Rs 32,612 crore including budgetary support of Rs 25,354 crore and provides for
numerous opportunities linked to the smart metering including:

 Installation of prepaid / smart meters in Govt. establishment

"Smart City: Mission Statement and Guidlines", Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2015.

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

 AMI, Smart meters in the towns where SCADA being established under R-APDRP.
 Completion of optical fibre missing links under the establishment of National Optical Fiber
Network (NOFN)
 Provisioning of Net-metering

B. With the recently launched Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY), the government is
looking at installation 35 Million smart meters across India in a bid to reduce utility losses.

C. Government in 2015 approved the National Smart Grid Mission (NSGM), an institutional
mechanism for planning, monitoring and implementation of policies and programs related to
Smart Grid activities. The mission estimates a planned outlay of Rs 890 Crore for the 12th Plan
period with a budgetary support of Rs 267 Crore for development of smart grid in smart cities.
One of the key components of smart grid activity under NSGM includes deployment of smart
meter and AMI.

Renewable Energy Integration

Smart city Mission requires greater integration of renewables into the electrical grid. One of the
objectives of the mission is of assured electricity supply with at least 10% of the Smart City’s
energy requirement coming from solar and development of green buildings. Some of the schemes
converging in this regard include:

A. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has recently launched a program on
“Development of Solar Cities”. The program assists Urban Local Governments in:

 Preparation of a master plan for increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy supply
in the city
 Setting-up institutional arrangements for the implementation of the master plan.
 Awareness generation and capacity building activities
The Solar City aims at minimum 10% reduction in projected demand of conventional energy at
the end of five years, through a combination of enhancing supply from renewable energy
sources in the city and energy efficiency measures. The basic aim is to motivate the local
Governments for adopting renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency measures. In
a Solar City all types of renewable energy based projects like solar, wind, biomass, small
hydro, waste to energy etc. may be installed along with possible energy efficiency measures
depending on the need and resource availability in the city.
B. IPDS scheme envisages outlay for provisioning of solar panels on Govt. buildings including

C. One of the activities envisaged by NSGM is development of medium sized microgrid (27 crore
outlay is estimated for the same), development of Distributed Generation in form of Roof top
PV’s and creation of EV charging infrastructure.

Convergence of Power Sector Schemes with Other Smart City Infrastructure:

Smart Grid Training Module- Draft for Discussion

A. Replacement of overhead wiring to underground wiring is required for smart cities as a

measure to provide visual aesthetics. As part of strengthening of sub-transmission and
distribution network, IPDS requires Laying of under-ground cables in densely populated
areas and areas of tourism and religious importance.

B. IPDS scheme provides for GPS based GIS survey of assets and a similar initiative is
present in NSGM which includes substation renovation and modernization with
deployment of GIS. These measures therefore provide a convergence opportunity for
implementing city-wide GIS implementation for asset mapping.

In conclusion the various digital assets that are being created under R-APDRP/IPDS, NSGM or
other smart grid initiatives can thus be extended to other city infrastructure domains at marginal
cost to the utility.


[1] K. Geisler, "The Relationship Between Smart Grids and Smart Cities", IEEE, 2013.

[2] "Smart City: Mission Statement and Guidlines", Ministry of Urban Department, Government
of India, 2015.

[3] "GIS for Smart Cities", esri India, 2015.

[4] "Integrated ICT and Geospatial Technologies: Framework for 100 Smart Cities Mission",
NASSCOM, 2015.

[5] "IPDS in Smart Cities", Ministry of Power, 2015.


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