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2GCS213014A0050 - RVT Communication Through Modbus, USB or TCPIP Protocol

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RVT communication through Modbus,

USB or TCP/IP protocol

Programmer’s manual
Table of contents
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Intended audience.................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Before you start ...................................................................................................... 4
1.3 How to use this manual .......................................................................................... 4
2 Modbus protocol overview ......................................................................................... 5
2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 RS485 Modbus Adapter ......................................................................................... 5
2.3 Transactions on Modbus Networks........................................................................ 7
2.4 Serial Transmission Mode ..................................................................................... 8
2.5 Modbus Message Framing .................................................................................... 8
3 Modbus function codes ............................................................................................ 10
3.1 Data Addresses in Modbus Messages ................................................................ 10
3.2 Supported function codes .................................................................................... 11
3.3 Master’s queries and Slave’s responses ............................................................. 11
3.4 Reads and writes to Modbus addresses (functions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, 16, 22, 23)
3.5 Fetch comm event counter (function 11) ............................................................. 13
3.6 Fetch comm event log (function 12)..................................................................... 13
3.7 Diagnostics function and subfunctions (function 8) ............................................. 14
3.8 Exception responses ............................................................................................ 16
3.9 CRC generation ................................................................................................... 16
4 TCP/IP – UART protocol specification ..................................................................... 18
4.1 General overview ................................................................................................. 18
4.2 Physical layer ....................................................................................................... 18
4.2.1 TCP/IP .......................................................................................................... 18
4.2.2 USB .............................................................................................................. 19
4.3 Framing layer & Command layer ......................................................................... 20
5 Data table .................................................................................................................... 22
5.1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 22
5.2 Parameter Types .................................................................................................. 22
5.3 Parameter Changes and access.......................................................................... 23
5.4 Parameter Groups................................................................................................ 23
5.4.1 Configuration ................................................................................................ 23
5.5 Parameter List ...................................................................................................... 25
5.5.1 Configuration (Universal) .............................................................................. 26
5.5.2 Configuration (Access Protected) ................................................................ 28
5.5.3 Configuration (RVT Specific) ........................................................................ 38
5.5.4 Measurement ............................................................................................... 45
5.5.5 Info – Universal ............................................................................................ 49
5.6 Source IDs ........................................................................................................... 50
6 Windows Communication DLL / Interface Specification ....................................... 51
6.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 51
6.2 Interface ............................................................................................................... 51
6.2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 51
6.2.2 Opening and Closing .................................................................................... 51
6.2.3 Authentication ............................................................................................... 52
6.2.4 Parameter access ........................................................................................ 53
6.2.5 Curve access ................................................................................................ 55
6.2.6 Miscellaneous ............................................................................................... 57

2 – Table of contents  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol

6.3 Important considerations ...................................................................................... 57
6.3.1 Visual Basic 6.0 support ............................................................................... 57
6.3.2 Multi-threading .............................................................................................. 57
6.3.3 Sequence of actions ..................................................................................... 58
6.4 Error codes ........................................................................................................... 58
6.5 Example codes ..................................................................................................... 59
6.5.1 Visual Basic 6.0 project ................................................................................ 59
7 Network / Internet connection principles ................................................................ 60
7.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 60
7.2 Network topology ................................................................................................. 60
7.3 Port forwarding ..................................................................................................... 61
7.3.1 Principle ........................................................................................................ 61
7.3.2 Speedtouch router example ......................................................................... 62
7.4 Accessing the RVT Touchscreen......................................................................... 63
7.4.1 Principle ........................................................................................................ 63
7.4.2 Example when using static public IP address .............................................. 64
7.4.3 Example when using dynamically assigned public IP address .................... 64
7.5 Dynamic DNS....................................................................................................... 64
7.5.1 Principle ........................................................................................................ 64
7.5.2 Creating a no-ip account .............................................................................. 65
7.5.3 Adding a host ............................................................................................... 66
7.5.4 Configuring the modem ................................................................................ 66
7.6 Notes .................................................................................................................... 67
7.6.1 Access from within the LAN ......................................................................... 67
7.6.2 Port forwarding names ................................................................................. 67
7.6.3 More complex network topologies ................................................................ 67
7.6.4 RVT static address vs DHCP ....................................................................... 67
8 Appendices................................................................................................................. 69
A1 List of abbreviations ............................................................................................... 69
A2 References ............................................................................................................. 72
Contact us ....................................................................................................................... 73

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Table of contents - 3

1 Introduction

1.1 Intended audience

This manual is intended for programmers, commissioning people, supervision people
who need to start communication, access data, and to develop supervision software
which will interact with the Power Power Factor Controller RVT.

1.2 Before you start

This manual describes the RVT data table. These data are accessible through Modbus,

All information available from the keyboard of the RVT will be available through the data
table. Addresses, access levels and protocol information are of concerns.
To be able to access data of the Power Power Factor Controller RVT consistently, a
basic knowledge of it is needed. Functionality of the RVT, meaning of various
measurements, logging of data are some particular aspects that should be familiar. Look
in the RVT operating manual to know more about it.

1.3 How to use this manual

Chapter 2 gives details concerning the Modbus protocol.

Chapter 3 describes Modbus functions and how Modbus is implemented in the controller.

Chapter 4 describes USB / TCP/IP protocol and how it is implemented in the controller.

Chapter 5 contains the table reference and formats to access measurements / settings

Chapter 6 describes the Windows DLL to handle USB / TCP/IP requests in a user
specific application.

Chapter 7 is dedicated to annexes.

4 – Introduction  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol

2 Modbus protocol overview

2.1 Overview
MODBUS RTU is a non-proprietary serial communications protocol that is widely used in
the process control industry. The protocol was developed by Modicon for PLC
communications and later released for public use.

This protocol is available in all major Human Machine Interface (HMI) software packages
and terminals. Many of the major controller and PLC manufacturers also offer MODBUS
protocol as a standard or optional protocol in their instrumentation.

The hardware over which MODBUS RTU communications are performed is not defined
by the protocol. MODBUS RTU is supported on RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, Ethernet and
other electrical standards. It should be noted that MODBUS RTU, MODBUS ASCII and
MODBUS Plus are unique communication formats, and are not compatible with each
other. This document will discuss MODBUS RTU only.

2.2 RS485 Modbus Adapter

The Modbus protocol communicates with the instrumentation by means of an industry
standard serial interface. This interface may be RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485. Some
systems may also support the protocol over other busses or networks, such as Ethernet.
An RS-232 interface allows only two devices to be connected together. RS-422 supports
1 driver and up to 10 receivers on a single network. For bi-directional communications,
special tri-state circuitry is provided. RS-485 supports up to 32 driver/receiver pairs. With
special hardware, the RS-422 and RS-485 limits can be expanded to allow as many as
248 devices on a single network. Each device on a network must have a unique address,
which may be soft configured. Address zero is reserved for broadcast messages from the
host to all slaves.

The RS485 Modbus Adapter is an option to the RVT. It enables the connection of the
RVT controller to an RS485 Modbus network.

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Modbus protocol overview - 5
CAUTION: Be careful that the RS485 MODBUS ADAPTER is the one with a GREEN text
colour (3.3V power supply). The one with a WHITE text colour is reserved for the old
model (5V power supply).

6 – Modbus protocol overview  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol
2.3 Transactions on Modbus Networks
Modbus protocol uses a master–slave technique, in which only one device (the master)
can initiate transactions (called ‘queries’). The other devices (the slaves) respond by
supplying the requested data to the master, or by taking the action requested in the
query. Typical master devices include host processors and programming panels. Typical
slaves include programmable controllers.

The master can address individual slaves, or can initiate a broadcast message to all

Slaves return a message (called a ‘response’) to queries that are addressed to them
individually. Responses are not returned to broadcast queries from the master.

The Modbus protocol establishes the format for the master’s query by placing into it the
device (or broadcast) address, a function code defining the requested action, any data to
be sent, and an error–checking field. The slave’s response message is also constructed
using Modbus protocol. It contains fields confirming the action taken, any data to be
returned, and an error–checking field. If an error occurred in receipt of the message, or if
the slave is unable to perform the requested action, the slave will construct an error
message and send it as its response.

The Query:

The function code in the query tells the addressed slave device what kind of action to
perform. The data bytes contain any additional information that the slave will need to
perform the function.

The data field must contain the information telling the slave which register to start at and
how many registers to read.

The error check field provides a method for the slave to validate the integrity of the
message contents.

The Response:

If the slave makes a normal response, the function code in the response is an echo of the
function code in the query. The data bytes contain the data collected by the slave, such
as register values or status. If an error occurs, the function code is modified to indicate

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Modbus protocol overview - 7
that the response is an error response, and the data bytes contain a code that describes
the error.

The error check field allows the master to confirm that the message contents are valid.

2.4 Serial Transmission Mode

The transmission mode defines the bit contents of message fields transmitted serially on
the networks. It determines how information will be packed into the message fields and

Modbus defines two transmission modes: ASCII or RTU.

Only RTU mode will be used here. The mode and serial parameters must be the same for
all devices on a Modbus network.

RTU Mode

The main advantage of this mode is that its greater character density allows better data
throughput than ASCII for the same baud rate.

Each message must be transmitted in a continuous stream.

The format for each byte in RTU mode is:

Bits per Byte:

1 start bit

8 data bits, least significant bit sent first

1 bit for even/odd parity; no bit for no parity

1 stop bit if parity is used; 2 bits if no parity

Error Check Field: Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC)

The messages are transmitted in the network from left to right, i.e. the Least

Significant Bit (LSB) first and the Most Significant Bit (MSB) last.

2.5 Modbus Message Framing

A Modbus message is placed by the transmitting device into a frame that has a known
beginning and ending point. This allows receiving devices to begin at the start of the
message, read the address portion and determine which device is, and to know when the
message is completed.

Partial messages can be detected and errors can be set as a result.

RTU Framing

In RTU mode, messages start with a silent interval of at least 3.5 character times.

8 – Modbus protocol overview  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol
This is most easily implemented as a multiple of character times at the baud rate that is
being used on the network (shown as T1–T2–T3–T4 in the figure below).

Another factor to consider is that each device has its own response time. This response
time can be anywhere from a few milliseconds to a few hundred milliseconds. The Host
must be configured to allow adequate time for the slowest device to respond.

The first field then transmitted is the device address.

Networked devices monitor the network bus continuously, including during the ‘silent’
intervals. When the first field (the address field) is received, each device decodes it to find
out if it is the addressed device.

Following the last transmitted character, a similar interval of at least 3.5 character times
marks the end of the message. A new message can begin after this interval.

The entire message frame must be transmitted as a continuous stream. If a silent interval
of more than 1.5 character times occurs before completion of the frame, the receiving
device flushes the incomplete message and assumes that the next byte will be the
address field of a new message.

Similarly, if a new message begins earlier than 3.5 character times following a previous
message, the receiving device will consider it is a continuation of the previous message.
This will set an error, as the value in the final CRC field will not be valid for the combined
messages. A typical message frame is shown below.

For a complete description of the Modbus protocol, please look at the Modicon

Modbus Protocol Reference Guide (PI–MBUS–300 Rev. J).

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Modbus protocol overview - 9
3 Modbus function codes

3.1 Data Addresses in Modbus Messages

Modbus defines 4 address spaces: 2 address spaces for bit addressable data and 2
address spaces for 16 bits addressable data.

Address space Data Readable/writable Modbus name

OXXXX Output bit Read & write Coil status
1XXXX Input bit Read Input status
3XXXX Input word Read Input register
4XXXX Output word Read & write Holding register

Input register address space will be mainly used for measurements.

Holding register address space will contain settings.

All data addresses in Modbus messages are referenced to zero.

For example:

The coil known as ‘coil 1’ in a programmable controller is addressed as coil 0000 in the
data address field of a Modbus message.

Coil 127 decimal is addressed as coil 007E hex (126 decimal).

Holding register 40001 is addressed as register 0000 in the data address field of the

The function code field already specifies a ‘holding register’ operation. Therefore the
‘4XXXX’ reference is implicit.

Holding register 40108 is addressed as register 006B hex (107 decimal).

10 – Modbus function codes  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol
3.2 Supported function codes
The following table gives the Modbus functions which are implemented and supported.

The code is the one used in function field of the Modbus message.

The address space concerned and the purpose of the function are given below.

Code Function Address range/remark

1 Read coil status 0XXXX reads the on/off status of discrete outputs
2 Read input status 1XXXX reads the on/off status of discrete inputs
3 Read holding registers 4XXXX reads contents of output registers
4 Read input registers 3XXXX reads contents of input registers
5 Force single coil 0XXXX sets the status of a discrete output
6 Preset single register 4XXXX sets the value of a holding register
7 Read exception status Device specific
8 Diagnostics Checks the communication system between the master and the slave
11 Fetch comm. event ctr. Returns the amount of successful read/write operations on data points
12 Fetch comm. event log Returns log registers of communication events
15 Force multiple coils 0XXXX sets the status of multiple discrete outputs
16 Preset multiple registers 4XXXX sets the value of multiple holding registers
17 Report slave ID Device specific
22 Mask write 4X registers 4XXXX and/or write of a holding register
4XXXX reads a set of holding registers and writes a set of holding registers in
23 Read/write 4X registers
one query

Remark: please note that for security reasons broadcast is not supported by the RVT.

3.3 Master’s queries and Slave’s responses

When a master device sends a query to a slave device it expects a normal response.
One of four possible events can occur from the master’s query:

 If the slave device receives the query without a communication error, and can
handle the query normally, it returns a normal response.

 If the slave does not receive the query due to a communication error, no
response is returned. The master program will eventually process a timeout
condition for the query.

 If the slave receives the query, but detects a communication error (parity or
CRC), no response is returned. The master program will eventually process a
timeout condition for the query.

 If the slave receives the query without a communication error, but cannot handle
it (for example, if the request is to read a non–existent coil or register), the slave
will return an exception response informing the master of the nature of the error.

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Modbus function codes - 11
3.4 Reads and writes to Modbus addresses (functions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, 16, 22, 23)
The format of a read function (read coil status (01), read input status (02), read input
registers (04), read holding registers (03)) is as follows:

Slave address 1 byte Slave address 1 byte (echo of master's query)
Function 1 byte Function 1 byte (echo of master's query)
Starting data address 2 bytes Byte count 1 byte
Quantity of points 2 bytes Data values N bytes
Error check field CRC 2 bytes Error check field CRC 2 bytes

The format of a force single coil (05) or a preset single register (06) function is as follows:

Slave address 1 byte Slave address 1 byte (echo of master's query)
Function 1 byte Function 1 byte (echo of master's query)
Data address 2 bytes Data address 2 bytes
Data value 2 bytes Data value 2 bytes
Error check field CRC 2 bytes Error check field CRC 2 bytes

The format of a force multiple coil (15) or a preset multiple registers (16) function is as

Slave address 1 byte Slave address 1 byte (echo of master's query)
Function 1 byte Function 1 byte (echo of master's query)
Data address 2 bytes Data address 2 bytes
Quantity of points 2 bytes Quantity of points 2 bytes
Byte count 1 byte Error check field CRC 2 bytes
Data values N bytes
Error check field CRC 2 bytes

The format of a read/write multiple registers (23) function is as follows:

Slave address 1 byte Slave address 1 byte (echo of master's query)
Function 1 byte Function 1 byte (echo of master's query)
Read data address 2 bytes Byte count 1 byte
Read quantity of points 2 bytes Data values N bytes
Write data address 2 bytes Error check field CRC 2 bytes
Write quantity of points 2 bytes
Byte count 1 byte
Write data values N bytes
Error check field CRC 2 bytes

The format of a Mask/write register (22) function is as follows:

Slave address 1 byte Slave address 1 byte (echo of master's query)
Function 1 byte Function 1 byte (echo of master's query)
Data address 2 bytes Data address 2 bytes
And mask 2 bytes And mask 2 bytes
Or mask 2 bytes Or mask 2 bytes
Error check field CRC 2 bytes Error check field CRC 2 bytes

12 – Modbus function codes  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol
3.5 Fetch comm event counter (function 11)
The controller’s event counter is incremented once for each successful message
completion. It is not incremented for exception responses, poll commands, or fetch event
counter commands. It returns amount of successful read/write operations on data points.

The format of a Fetch comm event counter (11) function query is as follows:

Slave address 1 byte Slave address 1 byte (echo of master's query)
Function 1 byte Function 1 byte (echo of master's query)
Error check field CRC 2 bytes Status word 2 bytes (0)
Event counter 2 bytes
Error check field CRC 2 bytes

3.6 Fetch comm event log (function 12)

Returns a status word, the comm event counter (see function 11) , the bus message
counter (see function 08 subfunction 11), and a field of event bytes from the slave.

The format of a Fetch comm event log (12) function query is as follows:

Slave address 1 byte Slave address 1 byte (echo of master's query)
Function 1 byte Function 1 byte (echo of master's query)
Error check field CRC 2 bytes Byte count 1 byte
Status word 2 bytes (0)
Event counter 2 bytes
Bus message counter 2 bytes
Event log buffer N bytes
Error check field CRC 2 bytes

The 64 bytes wide Event log buffer is filled with communication events. The most recent
communications event is shown in the Event 0 byte.

Event bytes are stored in the Even log buffer for 4 different reasons.

The bit will be set to logic ‘1’ if the corresponding condition is TRUE.

Slave Modbus Receive Event

This type of event byte is stored by the slave when a query message is received.

It is stored before the slave processes the message.

Bit Contents

0 Not Used

1 Communications Error

2 Not Used

3 Not Used

4 Character Overrun

5 Currently in Listen Only Mode

6 Broadcast Received

7 1

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Modbus function codes - 13
Slave Modbus Send Event

This type of event byte is stored by the slave when it finishes processing a query

It is stored if the slave returned a normal or exception response, or no response.

Bit Contents

0 Read Exception Sent (Exception Codes 1-3)

1 Slave Abort Exception Sent (Exception Code 4)

2 Not used

3 Not used

4 Write Timeout Error Occurred

5 Currently in Listen Only Mode

6 1

7 0

Slave Entered Listen Only Mode

This type of event byte is stored by the slave when it enters the Listen Only Mode.

The event is defined by a content of ‘04’ hex.

Slave Initiated Communication Restart

This type of event byte is stored by the slave when its communications port is restarted.
The slave can be restarted by the Diagnostics function (code 08), with subfunction
Restart Communications Option (code 01).

The event is defined by a contents of ‘00’ hex.

3.7 Diagnostics function and subfunctions (function 8)

The format of a diagnostics (08) function query is as follows:

Slave address 1 byte
Function 1 byte
Subfunction 2 bytes
Data field 2 bytes
Error check field CRC 2 bytes

The format of a response to a diagnostics function query is an echo of the query itself.

If the request is directed to a counter, however, the slave returns the counter’s value in
the data field.

00 Return Query Data

The data in the query data field is to be returned (looped back) in the response. The
entire response should be identical to the query.

01 Restart Communication Option

The slave’s peripheral port is to be initialized and restarted, and all of its communication
event counters are to be cleared. If the port is currently in the Listen Only Mode, no
response will be sent. If the port is not currently in the Listen Only Mode, a normal
response will be sent. This occurs before the restart is executed.

14 – Modbus function codes  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol
02 Return Diagnostic Register (Not supported)

03 (Not supported)

04 Force Listen Only Mode

Forces the addressed slave to enter the Listen Only Mode for Modbus communications.

10 Clear Counters and Diagnostic Register

Clears all counters and the diagnostic register.

11 Return Bus Message Count

The response data field returns the total quantity of messages that the slave has detected
in the communications system since its last restart, clear counters operation, or power-up.

12 Return Bus Communication Error Count

The response data field returns the quantity of CRC errors encountered by the slave
since its last restart, clear counters operation, or power-up.

13 Return Bus Exception Error Count

The response data field returns the quantity of Modbus exception responses returned by
the slave since its last restart, clear counters operation, or power-up.

14 Return Slave Message Count

The response data field returns the quantity of messages addressed to the slave, or
broadcast that the slave has processed since its last restart, clear counters operation, or

15 Return Slave No Response Count

The response data field returns the quantity of messages addressed to the slave for
which it sent no response (neither a normal response nor an exception response) since
its last restart, clear counters operation, or power-up.

16 Return Slave NACK Response Count (Not supported)

17 Return Slave Busy Response Count (Not supported)

18 Return Bus Character Overrun Count

The response data field returns the quantity of messages addressed to the slave that it
could not handle due to a character overrun condition since its last restart, clear counters
operation, or power-up

19 (Not supported)

20 (Not supported)

21 (Not supported)

Diagnostic counters

Bus Message Counter The total number of messages that the slave device
has detected in the communications system since its
last restart, clear counters operation, or power-up.

Bus Communication Error Counter The number of CRC or LRC errors encountered by
the slave device since its last restart, clear counters
operation, or power-up.

Bus Exception Error Counter The number of Modbus exception responses sent by
the slave device since its last restart, clear counters
operation, or power-up.
RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Modbus function codes - 15
Slave Message Counter The number of messages addressed to the slave
device or broadcast that the slave device has
processed since its last restart, clear counters
operation, or power-up.

Slave No Response Counter The number of messages addressed to the slave

device for which it sent no response (neither a
normal response nor an exception response) since
its last restart, clear counters operation, or power-up.

Bus Character Overrun Counter The number of messages addressed to the slave
device that it could not handle due to a character
overrun condition since its last restart, clear counters
operation, or power-up .

3.8 Exception responses

Exception responses are sent when the slave device cannot handle the query. The
format of an exception response to a master's query is as follows:

01 ILLEGAL FUNCTION The function code received in the query is not an

allowable action for the slave device (see paragraph

02 ILLEGAL DATA ADDRESS The data address or number of items received in the
query is not allowable or correct for the slave device.
The slave device will send this exception response if
an attempt to read or write part of a multiple register
database object is detected. Possible objects are
time, strings and counters

03 ILLEGAL DATA VALUE A value contained in the query data field is out of
range. The contents of the register or the status of
the coil has not changed (see paragraph 4.3).

04 SLAVE DEVICE ABORT An unrecoverable error occurred while the slave was
attempting to perform the requested action. This
may happen when the access level for changing a
parameter is not reached (see paragraph 4.2).

05 ACKNOWLEDGE Not supported

06 SLAVE DEVICE BUSY Not supported


08 MEMORY PARITY ERROR Not supported

An application program in the master is responsible for handling exception responses.

Typical processes include successive attempts to send a query, sending diagnostic
messages to the slave, and notifying the operators.

3.9 CRC generation

The Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC) field is two bytes, containing a 16–bit binary
value. The CRC value is calculated by the transmitting device, which appends the CRC to
the message. The receiving device recalculates a CRC during receipt of the message,
and compares the calculated value to the actual value it received in the CRC field. If the
two values are not equal, an error results.

Placing the CRC into the Message:

16 – Modbus function codes  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol
When the 16–bit CRC (two 8–bit bytes) is transmitted in the message, the low-order byte
will be transmitted first, followed by the high-order byte.

Example: here is an example of calculating directly the CRC.

FUNCTION : This routine calculates the crc high and low byte of a
INPUT PARAMETERS : buf -> Array containing message to be sent to
start -> Start of loop in crc counter, usually 0.
cnt -> Amount of bytes in message being sent
to controller
OUTPUT : temp -> Returns crc byte for message.
word crc(byte *buf,word start,word cnt)
word i,j;
word temp,temp2,flag;
for (i=start; i<cnt; i++)
temp=temp ^ buf[i];
for (j=1; j<=8; j++)
flag=temp & 0x0001;
temp=temp >> 1;
if (flag) temp=temp ^ 0xA001;
/* Reverse byte order. */
temp2=temp >> 8;
temp=(temp << 8) | temp2;
temp &= 0xFFFF;

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Modbus function codes - 17
4 TCP/IP – UART protocol specification

4.1 General overview

The Data of the RVT can be accessed by different means:

TCP/IP connection from a local client or from a remote client

USB seen as a USB UART interface

The server will allow local and distant access to the RVT. Different access levels will be
implemented to restrict certain functionality to given users. A login and password will
therefore be required.

The format of the messages transferred via those two medium will be the same.

4.2 Physical layer

4.2.1 TCP/IP
TCP/IP connections can be indifferently initiated locally or remotely. As the local
connection is used by the UI, it will have extended access rights to parameters compared
to a remote connection.

The TCP port used by default is 4250.

The maximum number of TCP/IP clients to the RVT is 2.

The connection to the RVT is an RJ45 Cat5e Ethernet cable

18 – TCP/IP – UART protocol specification  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol
The RVT can be connected directly to a LAN or through Internet

4.2.2 USB
The USB interface is used to present the RVT as a serial interface on its USB port.

The computer is connected through a USB-A male to USB-Mini B male.

Caution: The USB connection to the RVT is not isolated. It is mandatory to

connect the protective EARTH connection when using the USB.

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  TCP/IP – UART protocol specification - 19
4.3 Framing layer & Command layer
The data can be accessed by different means:

• TCP/IP connection from a local client or from a remote client

• USB seen as a USB UART interface

The server will allow local and distant access to the RVT. Different access levels will be
implemented to restrict certain functionality to given users. A login and password will
therefore be required.

The format of the messages transferred via those two medium will be the same.

Two layers will be put on top of them:

This layer is taking care of receiving the frames. The byte stream is
Framing Layer
decoded and frames generated are passed to the layers above.
This is the upper layer taking care of the commands.
Command Layer It will also take care of the authentication of the client during the
connection via some specific commands.

Command &



20 – TCP/IP – UART protocol specification  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol
Those two layers will use the same format regardless of the actual “transmission medium”

The data is arranged in packets with integrated error checking.

The Windows DLL (chapter 6) incorporates all framing and command issues needed to
communicate with the RVT.

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  TCP/IP – UART protocol specification - 21
5 Data table

5.1 Overview
There’s quite an extensive set of parameters available in the RVT.

The individual parameters have been put together in groups to ease manipulation and
transfers between the different layers of the application.

The parameters won’t be individually accessible to the application. Only groups of

parameters will be exchanged between the application and the lower layers.

This will allow the lower layer to be quite independent from the parameters contained
within the group.

The parameter groups will be split in two types:

 Groups that are needed by the lower layers. They will have known and fixed
group IDs in all different applications.

 Groups which are specific to an application. Their IDs will be known by the
applicative layer. The lower-layers won’t know the internals of these parameter

5.2 Parameter Types

There are three basic types of parameter groups:

 Configuration parameters are defining the behavior of the system.

 Measurement parameters are generated as data.

 Info parameters are kind of internal information.

The parameters IDs allowed are set as follows:

Allowed IDs
Type Sub-type Access type
Lower Upper
Universal R/W 0x0000 0x0FF
Configuration Access protected R/W 0x0100 0x07FF
Application Specific R/W 0x0800 0x0FFF
Measurement Application Specific R 0x1000 0x1FFF
Universal R 0x2000 0x20FF
Application Specific R 0x2100 0x2FFF

The access type is given from the perspective of the local or distant user interface.

The “Configuration – Universal” parameters are considered as system parameters. As

such, they are only modifiable by users that have at least “Administrator” rights.

The “Configuration – Access Protected” parameters can be modified by users that have
at least “Configurator” rights so that their value can be reset or modified.

The “Configuration – Application Specific” parameters can be modified by users that have
at least “Configurator” rights.

The other read-only parameters are accessible by any kind of user.

Values of single parameters within a group can be of different types. Here is a list of
these types and the associated memory usage:

22 – Data table  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol

Type Size in bytes Remarks
Byte 1 Unsigned
Signed char 1 Signed
Word 2 Unsigned
Dword 4 Unsigned
64-bits 8 Unsigned
Time 6 Same format as used in the RTC parameter
Float 4 IEEE-754 floating-point number
String Variable NULL-terminated ASCII string

5.3 Parameter Changes and access

Please note that the RVT is fitted with some locking function , independently than the
administrator rights.

• MODE: the RVT must be in SET Mode to allow parameters settings


• LOCK SWITCH: the lock switch have to be released

• BANK SETTINGS: the parameter Bank Settings must be set to Unlocked.

• The parameter COMMUNICATION LOCK is used to add an access level to

users. When locked, all parameter settings modifications (except the
Communication lock item setting) from the RVT touchscreen are forbidden.
Parameters may meanwhile be modified by the communication access only
(provided all others access levels are fulfilled).

Variable Group ID locked Unlocked

Mode 0x0802 0 : AUTO 2 : SET
1 : MAN
Lock switch status 0x0014 0 : Lock switch pushed 1 : Lock switch released
Bank Settings 0x0802 1 : Bank Settings are locked 0 : Bank Settings are unlocked
Communication Lock 0x0809 1 : Communication lock 0 : Communication unlocked

Note: The RVT returns automatically to AUTO mode when the touch screen is not
pressed for more than five minutes.

5.4 Parameter Groups

5.4.1 Configuration Universal
These are the different groups with their size, type and assigned group IDs:

Group ID Description Size (in bytes) Modbus Base address

0x0000 Real-time Clock 6 40000
0x0001 Modbus Data 5 40100
0x0002 Ethernet Data 21 31700
0x0004 Touch screen Calibration Data 17 40400
0x0013 Backlight Settings 1 41900

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Data table - 23

0x0014 Input Information 5 31400 Access Protected

These are the different groups with their size, type and assigned group IDs:

Group ID Description Size (in bytes) Modbus Base Address

0x0100 Event Logging L1-L2 88 30000
0x0101 Event Logging L2-L3 88 30100
0x0102 Event Logging L3-L1 88 30200
0x0103 Event Logging Total 158 30300
0x0104 Event Logging Temperature 160 30400
0x0105 Energy 80 42000
0x0106 Installation Settings 2 48 42100
0x0107 Status information 146 42200
0x0109 Alarm Logging 36 42300 RVT specific

These are the different groups with their size, type and assigned group IDs:

Group ID Description Size (in bytes) Modbus Base Address

0x0801 Bank Settings 25 42800
0x0802 I/O 5 42900
0x0803 Protection (Alarm Relay no 1) 62 43000
0x0804 Warning (Alarm Relay no 2) 61 43100
0x0805 Event Logging Settings 140 43200
0x0806 Installation Settings 1 12 43300
0x0807 User Settings 31 43400
0x0808 ID 57 43500
0x0809 Status information 9 32500

24 – Data table  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol Measurement
These are the different groups with their size, type and assigned group IDs:

Group ID Description Size (in bytes) Modbus Base Address

0x1000 Voltages 104 30500
0x1001 Line Currents 56 30600
0x1002 Temperature 36 30700
0x1003 Powers 88 30800
0x1005 PFC Control Data 24 30900
0x1006 Status information 32 31000 Universal
These are the different groups with their size, type and assigned group IDs:

Group ID Description Size (in bytes) Modbus Base Address

0x2001 Ethernet current settings 20 32600
0x2081 LED control 1 31100

5.5 Parameter List

The parameter list is organized in several group of parameter.

Each group of parameter is identified by a Group ID.

A few data specifies how and where the data is available or can be programmed.

Parameters settings values have a limited range. If a written value exceeds the minimum
and maximum allowable values, the written group of parameter will be omitted.

1/ Byte offset - Offset in bytes of the data into the Group of parameters

2/ Description - General description

3/ Units - Units depending of the type of data

4/ RVT - Applicable for the RVT 6 or 12. Some data are not available

for the basic standard RVT

5/ RVT3P - Applicable for the RVT 12 with 3 phase measurement. All

data are available into this full version of the RVT.

6/ Data type - Format

7/ Size in bytes - Depending on the data type

8/ Default value - Default value programmed as factory settings

9/ Min value - Minimum level allowed by this data

10/ Max value - Maximum level allowed by this data

11/ Modb @ - Base Modbus address where the data is located while

accessing through Modbus protocol

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Data table - 25

5.5.1 Configuration (Universal) Real Time Clock (GroupID = 0x0000)

Byte Data Size in Default Min
Description Units RVT RVT3P Max value Modb @
Offset type bytes value value
0 Hours Hour * Byte 1 0 0 23 40001
1 Minutes Minutes * Byte 1 0 0 59 40002
2 Seconds Seconds * Byte 1 0 0 59 40003
3 Year * Byte 1 109 0 255 40004
4 Month * Byte 1 1 1 12 40005
5 Day * Byte 1 1 1 31 40006

The Year 0 is defined as 1900 i.e. the year 2010 will be encoded as 110. Modbus Data (GroupID = 0x0001)

Byte Data Size in Default Min Max
Description Units RVT RVT3P Modb @
Offset type bytes value value value
0 Modbus address * * Byte 1 1 1 247 40101
1 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 40102
2 Modbus baud Bit/second
9 1 9 40103
rate * * Byte 1
3 parity * * Byte 1 0 0 2 40104
4 stop bits * * Byte 1 0 0 1 40105

The ‘Baud rate’ is defined as follows:

Value Description
1 300 bauds
2 600 bauds
3 1200 bauds
4 2400 bauds
5 4800 bauds
6 9600 bauds
7 19200 bauds
8 38400 bauds
9 57600 bauds

The ‘Parity’ is defined as follows:

Parity Signification
0 No parity
1 Even
2 Odd

The ‘Stop Bits’ are defined as follows:

Value Description
0 1 stop bit
1 2 stop bit

26 – Data table  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol Ethernet Data (GroupID = 0x0002)
Byte Data Min
Description Units RVT RVT3P in Default value Max value Modb @
Offset type value
0 Static IP * Dword 4 0 0xFFFFFFFF
4 Static IP mask * Dword 4 255.255.255. 0 0xFFFFFFFF
8 Static Gateway * Dword 4 0 0 0xFFFFFFFF
IP address
12 NOT USED * Dword 4 0
16 NOT USED * Dword 4 0
20 DHCP client * Byte 1 1 0 0X01

The ‘DHCP client enabled’ is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 DHCP disabled
1 DHCP enabled

The IP addresses are expected to be provided in network order (big endian). Touchscreen Calibration Data (GroupID = 0x0004)

Byte Data Default Min
Description Units RVT RVT3P in Max value Modb @
Offset type value value
0 X factor 0 * * Dword 4 3868 0 0xFFFFFFFF 40401
4 Y factor 0 * * Dword 4 3686 0 0xFFFFFFFF 40403
8 X factor 1 * * Dword 4 162 0 0xFFFFFFFF 40405
12 Y factor 1 * * Dword 4 334 0 0xFFFFFFFF 40407
16 Calibration
1 0 1 40409
Done * * Byte 1

The ‘Calibration Done’ is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 Undone
1 Done Backlight settings (GroupID = 0x0013)

Byte Data Default
Description Units RVT RVT3P in Min value Max value Modb @
Offset type value
0 Backlight %
100 10 100 41901
percentage * * Byte 1

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Data table - 27 Input information (GroupID = 0x0014)
Byte Offset Description Units RVT RVT3P Size in bytes Min value Max value Modb @
0 NOT USED * * Word 2 31401
2 NOT USED * * Word 2 31402
4 Lock switch status * * Byte 1 0 1 31403

The ‘Lock switch’ parameter is defined as follows:

Value Description
1 Unlocked
0 Locked

5.5.2 Configuration (Access Protected) Event Logging L1-L2 (GroupID = 0x0100)

Byte Size in Default Modb
Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type Min value Max value
Offset bytes value @
0 Urms peak V * Float 4 0 0 9e6 30001

4 Accumulated peak Urms s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30003

duration bytes

10 Urms Lowest V * Float 4 0 0 9e6 30006

14 Irms peak A * Float 4 0 0 9e6 30008

18 Accumulated peak Irms s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30010

duration bytes

24 Irms Lowest A * Float 4 0 0 9e6 30013

28 peak active power W * Float 4 0 -1e9 1e9 30015

32 Accumulated peak active s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30017

power duration bytes

38 peak reactive power var * Float 4 0 -1e9 1e9 30020

42 Accumulated peak s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30022

reactive power duration bytes

48 peak missing reactive var * Float 4 0 -1e9 1e9 30025


52 Accumulated peak s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30027

missing reactive power bytes

58 peak apparent power VA * Float 4 0 -1e9 1e9 30030

62 Accumulated peak s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30032

apparent power duration bytes

68 peak THDU % * Float 4 0 0 1000 30035

72 Accumulated peak THDU s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30037

duration bytes

78 peak THDI % * Float 4 0 0 1000 30040

82 Accumulated peak THDI s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30042

duration bytes

The communication from the user to the RVT is limited to the reset of data, it means that
all the Group ID is transmitted with some data set to 0 and 0:0:0:0:0:0.

28 – Data table  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol Event Logging L2-L3 (GroupID = 0x0101)
Byte Size in Default Modb
Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type Min value Max value
Offset bytes value @
0 Urms peak V * Float 4 0 0 9e6 30101

4 Accumulated peak Urms s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59

duration bytes 30103

10 Urms Lowest V * Float 4 0 0 9e6 30106

14 Irms peak A * Float 4 0 0 9e6 30108

18 Accumulated peak Irms s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59

duration bytes 30110

24 Irms Lowest A * Float 4 0 0 9e6 30113

28 peak active power W * Float 4 0 -1e9 1e9 30115

32 Accumulated peak active s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59

power duration bytes 30117

38 peak reactive power var * Float 4 0 -1e9 1e9 30120

42 Accumulated peak s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59

reactive power duration bytes 30122

48 peak missing reactive var * Float 4 0 -1e9 1e9

power 30125

52 Accumulated peak s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59

missing reactive power bytes
duration 30127

58 peak apparent power VA * Float 4 0 -1e9 1e9 30130

62 Accumulated peak s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59

apparent power duration bytes 30132

68 peak THDU % * Float 4 0 0 1000 30135

72 Accumulated peak THDU s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59

duration bytes 30137

78 peak THDI % * Float 4 0 0 1000 30140

82 Accumulated peak THDI s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59

duration bytes 30142

The communication from the user to the RVT is limited to the reset of data, it means that
all the Group ID is transmitted with some data set to 0 and 0:0:0:0:0:0.

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Data table - 29 Event Logging L3-L1 (GroupID = 0x0102)
Byte Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type Size in Default Min value Max value Modb
Offset bytes value @
0 Urms peak V * Float 4 0 0 9e6 30201

4 Accumulated peak Urms s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30203

duration bytes

10 Urms Lowest V * Float 4 0 0 9e6 30206

14 Irms peak A * Float 4 0 0 9e6 30208

18 Accumulated peak Irms s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30210

duration bytes

24 Irms Lowest A * Float 4 0 0 9e6 30213

28 peak active power W * Float 4 0 -1e9 1e9 30215

32 Accumulated peak active s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30217

power duration bytes

38 peak reactive power var * Float 4 0 -1e9 1e9 30220

42 Accumulated peak s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30222

reactive power duration bytes

48 peak missing reactive var * Float 4 0 -1e9 1e9 30225


52 Accumulated peak missing s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30227

reactive power duration bytes

58 peak apparent power VA * Float 4 0 -1e9 1e9 30230

62 Accumulated peak s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30232

apparent power duration bytes

68 peak THDU % * Float 4 0 0 1000 30235

72 Accumulated peak THDU s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30237

duration bytes

78 peak THDI % * Float 4 0 0 1000 30240

82 Accumulated peak THDI s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30242

duration bytes

The communication from the user to the RVT is limited to the reset of data, it means that
all the Group ID is transmitted with some data set to 0 and 0:0:0:0:0:0.

30 – Data table  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol Event Logging Total (GroupID = 0x0103)
Byte Size in Default Modb
Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type Min value Max value
Offset bytes value @
0 Urms L-L peak V * * Float 4 0 0 9e6 30301

4 Accumulated peak Urms L-L S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30303

duration bytes

10 Urms L-L Lowest V * * Float 4 0 0 9e6 30306

14 Irms peak A * * Float 4 0 0 9e6 30308

18 Accumulated peak Irms S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30310

duration bytes

24 Irms Lowest A * * Float 4 0 0 9e6 30313

28 peak active power W * * Float 4 0 -1e9 1e9 30315

32 Accumulated peak active S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30317

power duration bytes

38 peak reactive power var * * Float 4 0 -1e9 1e9 30320

42 Accumulated peak reactive S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30322

power duration bytes

48 peak missing reactive power var * * Float 4 0 -1e9 1e9 30325

52 Accumulated peak missing S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30327

reactive power duration bytes

58 peak apparent power VA * * Float 4 0 -1e9 1e9 30330

62 Accumulated peak apparent S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30332

power duration bytes

68 peak THDU % * * Float 4 0 0 1000 30335

72 Accumulated peak THDU S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30337

duration bytes

78 peak THDI % * * Float 4 0 0 1000 30340

82 Accumulated peak THDI S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30342

duration bytes

88 peak Supplied Active energy W * Float 4 0 0 1e9 30345

92 Accumulated peak Supplied S * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30347

Active energy duration bytes

98 peak Consumed Active W * Float 4 0 0 1e9 30350


102 Accumulated peak S * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30352

Consumed Active energy bytes

108 peak Inductive Reactive var * Float 4 0 0 1e9 30355


112 Accumulated peak Inductive S * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30357

Reactive energy duration bytes

118 peak Capacitive Reactive var * Float 4 0 0 1e9 30360


RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Data table - 31

122 Accumulated peak S * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30362
Capacitive Reactive energy bytes

128 peak Total Apparent energy VA * Float 4 0 0 1e9 30365

132 Accumulated peak Total S * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30367

Apparent energy duration bytes

138 peak frequency max Hz * * Float 4 40 40 70 30370

142 Accumulated peak frequency S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30372

max duration bytes

148 peak frequency min Hz * * Float 4 70 40 70 30375

152 Accumulated peak frequency S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30377

min duration bytes

The communication from the user to the RVT is limited to the reset of data, it means that
all the Group ID is transmitted with some data set to 0 and 0:0:0:0:0:0. Event Logging Temperature (GroupID = 0x0104)

Byte Size in Default Modb
Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type Min value Max value
Offset bytes value @
0 peak Temperature max T1 °C/°F * * Float 4 -40 -40 150 30401

4 Accumulated Temperature S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30403

max T1 duration bytes

10 peak Temperature min T1 °C/°F * * Float 4 150 -40 150 30406

14 Accumulated Temperature °C/°F * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30408

min T1 duration bytes

20 peak Temperature max T2 S * * Float 4 -40 -40 150 30411

24 Accumulated Temperature °C/°F * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30413

max T2 duration bytes

30 peak Temperature min T2 °C/°F * * Float 4 150 -40 150 30416

34 Accumulated Temperature S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30418

min T2 duration bytes

40 peak Temperature max T3 °C/°F * * Float 4 -40 -40 150 30421

44 Accumulated Temperature S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30423

max T3 duration bytes

50 peak Temperature min T3 °C/°F * * Float 4 150 -40 150 30426

54 Accumulated Temperature S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30428

min T3 duration bytes

60 peak Temperature max T4 °C/°F * * Float 4 -40 -40 150 30431

64 Accumulated Temperature S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30433

max T4 duration bytes

70 peak Temperature min T4 °C/°F * * Float 4 150 -40 150 30436

74 Accumulated Temperature S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30438

min T4 duration bytes

80 peak Temperature max T5 °C/°F * * Float 4 -40 -40 150 30441

84 Accumulated Temperature S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30443

max T5 duration bytes

90 peak Temperature min T5 °C/°F * * Float 4 150 -40 150 30446

94 Accumulated Temperature S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30448

min T5 duration bytes

100 peak Temperature max T6 °C/°F * * Float 4 -40 -40 150 30451

104 Accumulated Temperature S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30453

max T6 duration bytes

32 – Data table  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol

110 peak Temperature min T6 °C/°F * * Float 4 150 -40 150 30456

114 Accumulated Temperature S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30458

min T6 duration bytes

120 peak Temperature max T7 °C/°F * * Float 4 -40 -40 150 30461

124 Accumulated Temperature S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30463

max T7 duration bytes

130 peak Temperature min T7 °C/°F * * Float 4 150 -40 150 30466

134 Accumulated Temperature S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30468

min T7 duration bytes

140 peak Temperature max T8 °C/°F * * Float 4 -40 -40 150 30471

144 Accumulated Temperature S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30473

max T8 duration bytes

150 peak Temperature min T8 °C/°F * * Float 4 150 -40 150 30476

154 Accumulated Temperature S * * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 30478

min T8 duration bytes

The communication from the user to the RVT is limited to the reset of data, it means that
all the Group ID is transmitted with some data set to 0 and 0:0:0:0:0:0. Energy (GroupID = 0x0105)

Byte Data Size in
Description Units RVT RVT3P Min value Max value Modb @
Offset type bytes
0 Supplied Active energy L1 Wh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42001

4 Supplied Active energy L2 Wh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42003

8 Supplied Active energy L3 Wh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42005

12 Supplied Active energy Wh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42007

16 Consumed Active energy L1 Wh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42009

20 Consumed Active energy L2 Wh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42011

24 Consumed Active energy L3 Wh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42013

28 Consumed Active energy Wh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42015

32 Total Active energy Wh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42017

36 Inductive Reactive energy L1 varh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42019

40 Inductive Reactive energy L2 varh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42021

44 Inductive Reactive energy L3 varh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42023

48 Capacitive Reactive energy L1 varh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42025

52 Capacitive Reactive energy L2 varh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42027

56 Capacitive Reactive energy L3 varh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42029

60 Total Reactive energy varh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42031

64 Total Apparent energy L1 VAh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42033

68 Total Apparent energy L2 VAh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42035

72 Total Apparent energy L3 VAh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42037

76 Total Apparent energy VAh * Float 4 -1e12 1e12 42039

The communication from the user to the RVT is limited to the reset of data, it means that
all the Group ID is transmitted with some data set to 0 and 0:0:0:0:0:0.

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Data table - 33 Installation Settings 2 (GroupID = 0x0106)
Byte Size in Default Min Max Modb
Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type
Offset bytes value value value @
0 C/k 1Ph A * Float 4 1 0.01 5 42101

4 C/k 3Ph A * * Float 4 1 0.01 5 42103

8 Qstep 1Ph var * Float 4 50000 10 100e6 42105

12 Qstep 3Ph var * * Float 4 50000 10 100e6 42107

16 Phase Shift ° * * Float 4 90 -179 180 42109

20 size output 1 Step * * Byte 1 1 0 9 42111

21 size output 2 Step * * Byte 1 1 0 9 42112

22 size output 3 Step * * Byte 1 1 0 9 42113

23 size output 4 Step * * Byte 1 1 0 9 42114

24 size output 5 Step * * Byte 1 1 0 9 42115

25 size output 6 Step * * Byte 1 1 0 9 42116

26 size output 7 Step * * Byte 1 1 0 9 42117

27 size output 8 Step * * Byte 1 1 0 9 42118

28 size output 9 Step * * Byte 1 1 0 9 42119

29 size output 10 Step * * Byte 1 1 0 9 42120

30 size output 11 Step * * Byte 1 1 0 9 42121

31 size output 12 Step * * Byte 1 1 0 9 42122

32 Status output 1 * * Byte 1 1 0 5 42123

33 Status output 2 * * Byte 1 1 0 5 42124

34 Status output 3 * * Byte 1 1 0 5 42125

35 Status output 4 * * Byte 1 1 0 5 42126

36 Status output 5 * * Byte 1 1 0 5 42127

37 Status output 6 * * Byte 1 1 0 5 42128

38 Status output 7 * * Byte 1 1 0 5 42129

39 Status output 8 * * Byte 1 1 0 5 42130

40 Status output 9 * * Byte 1 1 0 5 42131

41 Status output 10 * * Byte 1 1 0 5 42132

42 Status output 11 * * Byte 1 1 0 5 42133

43 Status output 12 * * Byte 1 1 0 5 42134

44 RedirectCTInput L1 * * Byte 1 0 0 2 42135

45 RedirectCTInput L2 * Byte 1 1 0 2 42136

46 RedirectCTInput L3 * Byte 1 2 0 2 42137

47 Phase rotation * * Byte 1 0 0 1 42138

Bidirectional update is necessary to let the user set the data in manual mode and retrieve
calculated value after auto commissioning.

34 – Data table  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol

The ‘Output status’ parameter is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 Fixed OFF
1 1Ph L1
2 1Ph L2
3 1Ph L3
4 3Ph
5 Fixed ON Status information (GroupID = 0x0107)

Byte Size in Default Min Max Modb
Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type
Offset bytes value value value @
0 Add step status 1Ph L1 * Byte 1 0 0 1 42201

1 Add step status 1Ph L2 * Byte 1 0 0 1 42202

2 Add step status 1Ph L3 * Byte 1 0 0 1 42203

3 Add step status 3Ph * * Byte 1 0 0 1 42204

4 Remove step status 1Ph L1 * Byte 1 0 0 1 42205

5 Remove step status 1Ph L2 * Byte 1 0 0 1 42206

6 Remove step status 1Ph L3 * Byte 1 0 0 1 42207

7 Remove step status 3Ph * * Byte 1 0 0 1 42208

8 Next relay status * * Word 2 0 0 0x3FFF 42209

10 Step size in MAN mode 1Ph L1 Steps * * Word 2 0 0 500 42210

12 Step size in MAN mode 1Ph L2 Steps * * Word 2 0 0 500 42211

14 Step size in MAN mode 1Ph L3 Steps * * Word 2 0 0 500 42212

16 Step size in MAN mode 3Ph Steps * * Word 2 0 0 500 42213

18 Address Low External * * 64 bits 8 0 0 0xFFF… 42214

temperature probe 1

26 Address High External * * 64 bits 8 0 0 0xFFF… 42218

temperature probe 1

34 Address Low External * * 64 bits 8 0 0 0xFFF… 42222

temperature probe 2

42 Address High External * * 64 bits 8 0 0 0xFFF… 42226

temperature probe 2

50 Address Low External * * 64 bits 8 0 0 0xFFF… 42230

temperature probe 3

58 Address High External * * 64 bits 8 0 0 0xFFF… 42234

temperature probe 3

66 Address Low External * * 64 bits 8 0 0 0xFFF… 42238

temperature probe 4

74 Address High External * * 64 bits 8 0 0 0xFFF… 42242

temperature probe 4

82 Address Low External * * 64 bits 8 0 0 0xFFF… 42246

temperature probe 5

90 Address High External * * 64 bits 8 0 0 0xFFF… 42250

temperature probe 5

98 Address Low External * * 64 bits 8 0 0 0xFFF… 42254

temperature probe 6

106 Address High External * * 64 bits 8 0 0 0xFFF… 42258

temperature probe 6

114 Address Low External * * 64 bits 8 0 0 0xFFF… 42262

temperature probe 7

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Data table - 35

122 Address High External * * 64 bits 8 0 0 0xFFF… 42266
temperature probe 7

130 Address Low External * * 64 bits 8 0 0 0xFFF… 42270

temperature probe 8

138 Address High External * * 64 bits 8 0 0 0xFFF… 42274

temperature probe 8

The ‘Add step status’ parameter is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 No change
1 Ask for at least 1 more step

The ‘Remove step status’ parameter is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 No change
1 Ask for at least 1 more step

These step statuses are updated according to the Auto mode or Manual mode.

Value Description
0 Relay to open
1 Relay to close

The ‘Next relay Status’ parameter is defined as follows:

Bit used Output relay

Bit 0 1
Bit 1 2
Bit 2 3
Bit 3 4
Bit 4 5
Bit 5 6
Bit 6 7
Bit 7 8
Bit 8 9
Bit 9 10
Bit 10 11
Bit 11 12
Bit 12 Alarm
Bit 13 Fan
Bit 14 Not used
Bit 15 Not used

36 – Data table  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol Alarm Logging (GroupID = 0x0109)
Byte Data Size in Min
Description Units RVT RVT3P Default value Max value Modb @
Offset type bytes value
0 Buffer 0 Alarm Type * * Byte 1 0 0 9 42301

1 Time stamp of s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 42302

alarm in buffer 0 bytes

7 Buffer 1 Alarm Type * * Byte 1 0 0 9 42305

8 Time stamp of s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 42306

alarm in buffer 1 bytes

14 Buffer 2 Alarm Type * * Byte 1 0 0 9 42309

15 Time stamp of s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 42310

alarm in buffer 2 bytes

21 Buffer 3 Alarm Type * * Byte 1 0 0 9 42313

22 Time stamp of s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 42314

alarm in buffer 3 bytes

28 Buffer 4 Alarm Type * * Byte 1 0 0 9 42317

29 Time stamp of s * Time / 6 6 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0:0:0:0:0 255:12:30:23:59:59 42318

alarm in buffer 4 bytes

35 Buffer index * * Byte 1 0 0 5 42321

This table contains the alarm messages and the time stamp of their occurrences.

There is a circular buffer where both information are stored

 Kind of alarm logged.

 Time stamp.

This buffer may contain until 5 consecutive alarms.

A buffer index points to the eldest alarm logged.

When the buffer is full, the eldest alarm in the buffer is overwritten with the new one and
the index is incremented.

The alarm type is defined as follows:

Value Type Description

0 No alarm This alarm buffer is unused for now
1 Protection cos ϕ Insufficient available reactive power

2 Protection Temp Sensor Temperature sensor lost while monitoring

3 Protection U Max Overvoltage detection
4 Protection T Max Internal temperature threshold reached
5 Protection External T Max Temperature sensor threshold reached
6 Protection I Max Over current detection
7 Protection THDU THDU threshold reached
8 Protection External External input protection activated
9 Protection U Min Under voltage detection

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Data table - 37

5.5.3 Configuration (RVT Specific) Bank Settings (GroupID = 0x0801)

Byte Data Size in Min Modb
Description Units RVT RVT3P Default value Max value
Offset type bytes value @
0 V nominal V * * Float 4 400 10 9e6 42801

4 V scale * * Float 4 1.0 0.1 10000 42803

8 1Ph/3Ph/3Ph-N * * Byte 1 1 0 7 42805

9 Lin / Circ * * Byte 1 1 0 1 42806

10 Prog/direct * * Byte 1 1 0 1 42807

11 Normal / Integral * * Byte 1 1 0 1 42808

12 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 42809

13 delay ON Sec * * Dword 4 40 1 64800 42810

17 delay OFF Sec * * Dword 4 40 1 64800 42812

21 Delay reset Sec * * Dword 4 3 1 64800 42814

The ‘1Ph/3Ph/3Ph-N’ parameter is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 1Ph-1LL1
1 3Ph-1LL1
2 3Ph-1LN1
3 3Ph-3LL3
4 3Ph-3LL2
5 3Ph-3LN3
6 3Ph-1LL3
7 3Ph-1LN3

The ‘Linear/Circular’ parameter is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 Linear
1 Circular

The ‘Progressive/Direct’ parameter is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 Progressive
1 Direct

The ‘Normal/Integral’ parameter is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 Normal
1 Integral

38 – Data table  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol I/O (GroupID = 0x0802)
Byte Size in Default Min Max Modb
Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type
Offset bytes value value value @
0 Language * * Byte 1 0 0 4 42901

1 Temperature unit * * Byte 1 0 0 1 42902

2 Mode * * Byte 1 0 0 2 42903

3 Bank settings lock Unlocked/ * * Byte 1 0 0 1 42904


4 NOT USED * * Byte 1 100 42905

The ‘Language parameter’ is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 English
1 French
2 Deutsch
3 Spanish
4 Chinese

The ‘Temperature unit’ parameter is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 °C
1 °F

The ‘Mode’ parameter is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 Auto
1 Manual
2 Set

The ‘Bank Settings Lock’ parameter is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 Unlocked
1 Locked

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Data table - 39 Protection (alarm relay n°1) (GroupID = 0x0803)
Byte Size in Default Min Max
Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type Modb @
Offset bytes value value value
0 V min prot. V * * Float 4 90 5 9e6 43001

4 V max prot. V * * Float 4 480 5 9e6 43003

8 T1 max prot. °C or °F * * Float 4 40 -40 150 43005

12 T2 max prot. °C or °F * * Float 4 40 -40 150 43007

16 T3 max prot. °C or °F * * Float 4 40 -40 150 43009

20 T4 max prot. °C or °F * * Float 4 40 -40 150 43011

24 T5 max prot. °C or °F * * Float 4 40 -40 150 43013

28 T6 max prot. °C or °F * * Float 4 40 -40 150 43015

32 T7 max prot. °C or °F * * Float 4 40 -40 150 43017

36 T8 max prot. °C or °F * * Float 4 40 -40 150 43019

40 THDV max prot. % * * Float 4 10 0.5 1000 43021

44 Irms max prot. Ä * * Float 4 1 0.1 9e6 43023

48 Ext. prot. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43025

49 V min Enable * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43026

50 V max Enable * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43027

51 T1 max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43028

52 T2 max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43029

53 T3 max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43030

54 T4 max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43031

55 T5 max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43032

56 T6 max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43033

57 T7 max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43034

58 T8 max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43035

59 THDV max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43036

60 Irms max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43037

61 Ext. Prot. Alarm * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43038

The External protection parameter is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 Disabled
1 Enabled

The External protection Alarm parameter is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 Disconnection & alarm
1 Disconnection only

40 – Data table  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol Warning (auxiliary/fan relay) (GroupID = 0x0804)
Byte Size in Default Min
Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type Max value Modb @
Offset bytes value value
0 V min warning V * * Float 4 90 5 9e6 43101

4 V max warning V * * Float 4 480 5 9e6 43103

8 T1 max start fan °C or °F * * Float 4 40 -40 150 43105

12 T2 max start fan °C or °F * * Float 4 40 -40 150 43107

16 T3 max start fan °C or °F * * Float 4 40 -40 150 43109

20 T4 max start fan °C or °F * * Float 4 40 -40 150 43111

24 T5 max start fan °C or °F * * Float 4 40 -40 150 43113

28 T6 max start fan °C or °F * * Float 4 40 -40 150 43115

32 T7 max start fan °C or °F * * Float 4 40 -40 150 43117

36 T8 max start fan °C or °F * * Float 4 40 -40 150 43119

40 THDV max warning % * * Float 4 10 0.5 300 43121

44 Irms max warning A * * Float 4 1 0.1 9e6 43123

48 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 43125

49 V min Enable * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43126

50 V max Enable * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43127

51 T1 max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43128

52 T2 max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43129

53 T3 max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43130

54 T4 max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43131

55 T5 max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43132

56 T6 max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43133

57 T7 max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43134

58 T8 max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43135

59 THDV max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43136

60 Irms max Enable. * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43137 Event Logging Settings (GroupID = 0x0805)

Size in Default Min
Byte Offset Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type Max value Modb @
bytes value value
0 Vrms Threshold V * * Float 4 1000 10 9e6 43201

4 Irms Threshold A * * Float 4 1000 0 9e6 43203

8 Total active power W * * Float 4 1e6 0 1e9 43205


12 Line active power W * * Float 4 1e6 0 1e9 43207


16 Total reactive var * * Float 4 1e6 0 1e9 43209

power threshold

20 Line reactive var * * Float 4 1e6 0 1e9 43211

power threshold

24 Total missing var * * Float 4 1e6 0 1e9 43213

reactive power

28 Line missing var * * Float 4 1e6 0 1e9 43215

reactive power

32 Total apparent VA * * Float 4 1e6 0 1e9 43217

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Data table - 41

power threshold

36 Line apparent VA * * Float 4 1e6 0 1e9 43219

power threshold

40 THDV threshold % * * Float 4 30 0 1000 43221

44 THDI threshold % * * Float 4 100 0 1000 43223

48 Supplied Active Wh * Float 4 1e6 0 1e9 43225

energy threshold

52 Consumed Active Wh * Float 4 1e6 0 1e9 43227

energy threshold

56 Inductive reactive varh * Float 4 1e6 0 1e9 43229

energy threshold

60 Capacitive reactive varh * Float 4 1e6 0 1e9 43231

energy threshold

64 Apparent energy VAh * Float 4 1e6 0 1e9 43233


68 frequency max Hz * * Float 4 65 40 70 43235


72 frequency min Hz * * Float 4 45 40 70 43237


76 temperature T1 °C or °F * * Float 4 150 -40 150 43239

threshold max

80 temperature T1 °C or °F * * Float 4 -40 -40 150 43241

threshold min

84 temperature T2 °C or °F * * Float 4 150 -40 150 43243

threshold max

88 temperature T2 °C or °F * * Float 4 -40 -40 150 43245

threshold min

92 temperature T3 °C or °F * * Float 4 150 -40 150 43247

threshold max

96 temperature T3 °C or °F * * Float 4 -40 -40 150 43249

threshold min

100 temperature T4 °C or °F * * Float 4 150 -40 150 43251

threshold max

104 temperature T4 °C or °F * * Float 4 -40 -40 150 43253

threshold min

108 temperature T5 °C or °F * * Float 4 150 -40 150 43255

threshold max

112 temperature T5 °C or °F * * Float 4 -40 -40 150 43257

threshold min

116 temperature T6 °C or °F * * Float 4 150 -40 150 43259

threshold max

120 temperature T6 °C or °F * * Float 4 -40 -40 150 43261

threshold min

124 temperature T7 °C or °F * * Float 4 150 -40 150 43263

threshold max

128 temperature T7 °C or °F * * Float 4 -40 -40 150 43265

threshold min

132 temperature T8 °C or °F * * Float 4 150 -40 150 43267

threshold max

136 temperature T8 °C or °F * * Float 4 -40 -40 150 43269

threshold min

42 – Data table  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol Installation Settings 1 (GroupID = 0x0806)
Byte Default Max
Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type Size in bytes Min value Modb @
Offset value value
0 CT scaling * * Float 4 1 0.1 10000 43301

4 NOT USED * Float 4 1 43303

8 NOT USED * Float 4 1 43305 User Settings (GroupID = 0x0807)

Byte Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type Size in Default Min Max Modb @
Offset bytes value value value
0 Target cos ϕ * * Float 4 1 0.7 1.3 43401

4 Night cos ϕ * * Float 4 1 0.7 1.3 43403

8 Regenerative cos ϕ * * Float 4 -1 -1.3 -0.7 43405

12 Night Reg cos ϕ * * Float 4 -1 -1.3 -0.7 43407

16 alarm delay Sec * * Dword 4 360 1 64800 43409

20 alarm reset delay Sec * * Dword 4 1 1 64800 43411

24 alarm cos ϕ * * Float 4 1 0.7 1.3 43413

28 Night cos ϕ Enable * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43415

29 Regenerative cos ϕ * * Byte 1 0 0 1 43416

 nable

30 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 43417

The Power factor or cos ϕ format is defined as follows:

P >= 0: 0.0 to 0.5 to 1.0 inductive value = 0.0 …0.5… 1.0

1.0 to 0.5 to 0.0 capacitive value = 1.0 …1.5… 2.0

P < 0: -0.0 to -0.5 to -1.0 inductive value = -0.0 …-0.5… -1.0

-1.0 to -0.5 to -0.0 capacitive value = -1.0 …-1.5… -2.0

Positive values are for passive loads. Negative values represent regenerative mode.

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Data table - 43 ID (GroupID = 0x0808)
Byte Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type Size in Default Min value Max value Modb @
Offset bytes value
0 Serial number low * * Dword 4 0 0xFFFFFFFF 43501

4 Serial number high * * Dword 4 0 0xFFFFFFFF 43503

8 Article number * * Dword 4 0 0xFFFFFFFF 43505

12 RVT relay number * * Byte 1 6 12 43507

13 RVT model (RVT/RVT3P) * * Byte 1 0 1 43508

14 ABB IDnr1 * * Byte 1 0 0xFF 43509

15 ABB IDnr2 * * Word 2 0 0xFFFF 43510

17 ABB IDnr3 * * Dword 4 0 0xFFFFFFFF 43511

21 Soft Version * * Dword 4 0 0xFFFFFFFF 43513

25 Internal Temperature * * Float 4 85 0 120 43515


29 Product ID 0 * * Word 2 0 0xFFFF 43517

31 Product ID 1 * * Word 2 0 0xFFFF 43518

33 Product ID 2 * * Word 2 0 0xFFFF 43519

35 Product ID 3 * * Word 2 0 0xFFFF 43520

37 Product ID 4 * * Word 2 0 0xFFFF 43521

39 Product ID 5 * * Word 2 0 0xFFFF 43522

41 Product ID 6 * * Word 2 0 0xFFFF 43523

43 Product ID 7 * * Word 2 0 0xFFFF 43524

45 Product ID 8 * * Word 2 0 0xFFFF 43525

47 Product ID 9 * * Word 2 0 0xFFFF 43526

49 Product ID 10 * * Word 2 0 0xFFFF 43527

51 Product Type 0 * * Word 2 0 0xFFFF 43528

53 Product Type 1 * * Word 2 0 0xFFFF 43529

55 Product Type 2 * * Word 2 0 0xFFFF 43530

This group ID is a read-only group of parameters.

The ‘RVT model’ parameter is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 RVT version
1 RVT 3-phase version Status information (GroupID = 0x0809)

Byte Description Units RV RVT3 Data Size in Default Min value Max Modb
Offset T P type bytes value value @
0 Communication lock * * Byte 1 0 0 1 32501

1 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 32502

2 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 32503

3 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 32504

4 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 32505

5 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 32506

6 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 32507

7 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 32508

8 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 32509

44 – Data table  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol

The ‘Communication lock status’ parameter is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 Unlocked
1 Locked

5.5.4 Measurement Voltage (GroupID = 0x1000)

Byte Size in Min Max Modb
Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type
Offset bytes value value @
0 RMS voltage L1-L2 V * Float 4 10 9e6 30501

4 RMS voltage L2-L3 V * * Float 4 10 9e6 30503

8 RMS voltage L3-L1 V * Float 4 10 9e6 30505

12 Total RMS voltage L-L V * Float 4 10 9e6 30507

16 RMS voltage L1-N V * Float 4 10 9e6 30509

20 RMS voltage L2-N V * Float 4 10 9e6 30511

24 RMS voltage L3-N V * Float 4 10 9e6 30513

28 Total RMS voltage L-N V * Float 4 10 9e6 30515

32 Fundamental voltage L1-L2 V * Float 4 10 9e6 30517

36 Fundamental voltage L2-L3 V * * Float 4 10 9e6 30519

40 Fundamental voltage L3-L1 V * Float 4 10 9e6 30521

44 Total Fundamental voltage L-L V * Float 4 10 9e6 30523

48 Fundamental voltage L1-N V * Float 4 10 9e6 30525

52 Fundamental voltage L2-N V * Float 4 10 9e6 30527

56 Fundamental voltage L3-N V * Float 4 10 9e6 30529

60 Total Fundamental voltage L-N V * Float 4 10 9e6 30531

64 Voltage THD L1-L2 % * Float 4 0 1000 30533

68 Voltage THD L2-L3 % * * Float 4 0 1000 30535

72 Voltage THD L3-L1 % * Float 4 0 1000 30537

76 Total THD L-L % * Float 4 0 1000 30539

80 Voltage THD L1-N % * Float 4 0 1000 30541

84 Voltage THD L2-N % * Float 4 0 1000 30543

88 Voltage THD L3-N % * Float 4 0 1000 30545

92 Total THD L-N % * Float 4 0 1000 30547

96 Frequency Hz * * Float 4 45 75 30549

100 Voltage imbalance % * Float 4 0 300 30551

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Data table - 45 Line Currents (GroupID = 0x1001)
Byte Size in Min Max Modb
Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type
Offset bytes value value @
0 RMS line current L1 A * * Float 4 0 9e6 30601

4 RMS line current L2 A * Float 4 0 9e6 30603

8 RMS line current L3 A * Float 4 0 9e6 30605

12 Total RMS line current A * Float 4 0 9e6 30607

16 RMS neutral current A * Float 4 0 9e6 30609

20 Fundamental line current L1 A * * Float 4 0 9e6 30611

24 Fundamental line current L2 A * Float 4 0 9e6 30613

28 Fundamental line current L3 A * Float 4 0 9e6 30615

32 Total Fundamental line current A * Float 4 0 9e6 30617

36 Line current THD L1 % * * Float 4 0 1000 30619

40 Line current THD L2 % * Float 4 0 1000 30621

44 Line current THD L3 % * Float 4 0 1000 30623

48 Total Line current THD % * Float 4 0 1000 30625

52 Current imbalance % * Float 4 0 300 30627 Temperatures (GroupID = 0x1002)

Byte Size in Min Max Modb
Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type
Offset bytes value value @
0 Internal Temperature °C or °F * * Float 4 -40 150 30701

4 External temperature probe 1 °C or °F * * Float 4 -40 150 30703

8 External temperature probe 2 °C or °F * * Float 4 -40 150 30705

12 External temperature probe 3 °C or °F * * Float 4 -40 150 30707

16 External temperature probe 4 °C or °F * * Float 4 -40 150 30709

20 External temperature probe 5 °C or °F * * Float 4 -40 150 30711

24 External temperature probe 6 °C or °F * * Float 4 -40 150 30713

28 External temperature probe 7 °C or °F * * Float 4 -40 150 30715

32 External temperature probe 8 °C or °F * * Float 4 -40 150 30717

46 – Data table  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol Powers (GroupID = 0x1003)
Byte Size in Min Max Modb
Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type
Offset bytes value value @
0 Active power L1 W * Float 4 -1e9 1e9 30801

4 Active power L2 W * Float 4 -1e9 1e9 30803

8 Active power L2 W * Float 4 -1e9 1e9 30805

12 Total Active power W * * Float 4 -1e9 1e9 30807

16 Mean Active power over 15min W * Float 4 -1e9 1e9 30809

20 Reactive power L1 var * Float 4 -1e9 1e9 30811

24 Reactive power L2 var * Float 4 -1e9 1e9 30813

28 Reactive power L3 var * Float 4 -1e9 1e9 30815

32 Total Reactive power var * * Float 4 -1e9 1e9 30817

36 Apparent power L1 VA * Float 4 -1e9 1e9 30819

40 Apparent power L2 VA * Float 4 -1e9 1e9 30821

44 Apparent power L3 VA * Float 4 -1e9 1e9 30823

48 Total Apparent power VA * * Float 4 -1e9 1e9 30825

52 Power factor L1 * Float 4 -2 2 30827

56 Power factor L2 * Float 4 -2 2 30829

60 Power factor L3 * Float 4 -2 2 30831

64 Total Power factor * * Float 4 -2 2 30833

68 Displacement power factor (cos φ ) L1 * Float 4 -2 2 30835

72 Displacement power factor (cos φ ) L2 * Float 4 -2 2 30837

76 Displacement power factor (cos φ ) L3 * Float 4 -2 2 30839

80 Total displacement power factor (cos φ ) * * Float 4 -2 2 30841

84 NOT USED * Float 4 -2 2 30843

See above the Power factor or cos ϕ format (GroupId 0x0807) PFC Control Data (GroupID = 0x1005)

Byte Size in Min Max Modb
Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type
Offset bytes value value @
0 Missing reactive power L1 var * Float 4 0 1e9 30901

4 Missing reactive power L2 var * Float 4 0 1e9 30903

8 Missing reactive power L3 var * Float 4 0 1e9 30905

12 Missing reactive power var * * Float 4 0 1e9 30907

16 Missing steps L1 steps * Word 2 0 500 30909

18 Missing steps L2 steps * Word 2 0 500 30910

20 Missing steps L3 steps * Word 2 0 500 30911

22 Missing steps steps * * Word 2 0 500 30912

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Data table - 47 Status information (GroupID = 0x1006)
Byte Size in Modb
Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type Min value Max value
Offset bytes @
0 Relay status * * Word 2 0 0x3FFF 31001

2 External input status * * Byte 1 0 3 31002

3 Temperature status * * Byte 1 0 1 31003

4 Alarm status * * Byte 1 0 1 31004

5 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 0XFF 31005

6 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 0xFF 31006

7 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 0xFF 31007

8 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 0xFF 31008

9 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 0xFF 31009

10 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 0xFF 31010

11 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 0xFF 31011

12 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 0xFF 31012

13 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 0xFF 31013

14 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 0xFF 31014

15 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 0xFF 31015

16 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 0xFF 31016

17 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 0xFF 31017

18 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 0xFF 31018

19 NOT USED * * Byte 1 0 0xFF 31019

20 NOT USED * * Dword 4 0 0xFFFFFFFF 31020

24 NOT USED * * Dword 4 0 0xFFFFFFFF 31022

28 NOT USED * * Dword 4 0 0xFFFFFFFF 31024

The ‘Relay Status’ parameter is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 Relay open
1 Relay closed

Bit used Output relay

Bit 0 1
Bit 1 2
Bit 2 3
Bit 3 4
Bit 4 5
Bit 5 6
Bit 6 7
Bit 7 8
Bit 8 9
Bit 9 10
Bit 10 11
Bit 11 12

48 – Data table  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol

Bit 12 Alarm
Bit 13 Fan
Bit 14 Not used

The ‘External input status’ parameter is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 External input reset
1 External input set

Bit used External Input Number

Bit 0 1
Bit 1 2
Bit 2 Not used
Bit 3 Not used
Bit 4 Not used
Bit 5 Not used
Bit 6 Not used
Bit 7 Not used

The ‘Temperature status’ parameter is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 Reset
1 Set

The ‘Alarm status’ parameter is defined as follows:

Value Description
0 Reset
1 Set

5.5.5 Info – Universal Ethernet current configuration (GroupID = 0x2001)

Byte Data Size in Min Modb
Description Units RVT RVT3P Max value
Offset type bytes value @
0 Current IP address * Dword 4 0 0xFFFFFFFF 32601

4 Current IP mask * Dword 4 0 0xFFFFFFFF 32603

8 Current Gateway IP address * Dword 4 0 0xFFFFFFFF 32605

12 NOT USED * Dword 4 0 0xFFFFFFFF 32607

16 NOT USED * Dword 4 0 0xFFFFFFFF 32609

These variables are providing information about the current network configuration.

When DHCP is disabled, those values will be the same as the one from the Ethernet
Data parameter.

When DHCP is enabled, those values will be different than the static ones provided in the
Ethernet Data parameter.

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Data table - 49 LED control (GroupID = 0x2081)
Byte Size in Modb
Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type Min value Max value
Offset bytes @
0 Led frequency Status * * Byte 1 0 4 31101

The ‘LED frequency status’ parameter is defined as follows:

Value Blinking rate
0 Always Off
1 0.5 second
2 1 second
3 2 seconds
4 Always On

5.6 Source IDs

Here are the different curves available on the RVT and their associated ID:

Byte Size in
Description Units RVT RVT3P Data type # elts Min value Max value
Offset bytes
0 Voltage Spectrum L1-L2 V * Float 4 49 -9e6 9e6

1 Voltage Spectrum L2-L3 V * * Float 4 49 -9e6 9e6

2 Voltage Spectrum L3-L1 V * Float 4 49 -9e6 9e6

3 Current Spectrum L1 A * * Float 4 49 -9e6 9e6

4 Current Spectrum L2 A * Float 4 49 -9e6 9e6

5 Current Spectrum L3 A * Float 4 49 -9e6 9e6

6 Current Spectrum N A * Float 4 49 -9e6 9e6

7 Voltage Spectrum L1-L2 %V1 * Word 2 49 0 300

8 Voltage Spectrum L2-L3 %V1 * * Word 2 49 0 300

9 Voltage Spectrum L3-L1 %V1 * Word 2 49 0 300

10 Current Spectrum L1 %A1 * * Word 2 49 0 300

11 Current Spectrum L2 %A1 * Word 2 49 0 300

12 Current Spectrum L3 %A1 * Word 2 49 0 300

13 Current Spectrum Neutral %A1 * Word 2 49 0 300

14 Samples L1-L2 V * Float 4 128 -9e6 9e6

15 Samples L2-L3 V * * Float 4 128 -9e6 9e6

16 Samples L3-L1 V * Float 4 128 -9e6 9e6

17 Samples L1-N V * Float 4 128 -9e6 9e6

18 Samples L2-N V * Float 4 128 -9e6 9e6

19 Samples L3-N V * Float 4 128 -9e6 9e6

20 Samples I1 A * * Float 4 128 -9e6 9e6

21 Samples I2 A * Float 4 128 -9e6 9e6

22 Samples I3 A * Float 4 128 -9e6 9e6

23 Samples INeutral A * Float 4 128 -9e6 9e6

These IDs will have to be used in the TCP/IP server/client command requesting to gather
some curve information.

50 – Data table  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol

6 Windows Communication DLL / Interface Specification

6.1 Introduction
This document describes the interface of the Windows Communication DLL.

The interface is heavily based on the protocol described Chapter 4 of this document.

This document will focus on the differences with the protocol. Indeed, to ease the life of
DLL user, some code has been added to handle annoying parts of the protocol.

Moreover, to be compatible with Visual Basic 6.0, some types have had to be modified as
VB does not support certain types (unsigned 16-bits integer for example).

The DLL allows communicating with the RVT through:

 a TCP/IP network connection

 the RVT USB serial interface

6.2 Interface

6.2.1 Introduction
All exported library functions follow some similar syntax:
COMMANDCLIENTDLL_API int __stdcall CommandClient_Fct(…);

The first item is defined as follows:

#define COMMANDCLIENTDLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define COMMANDCLIENTDLL_API __declspec(dllimport)

The “COMMANDCLIENTDLL_EXPORTS” define is used within the DLL to make sure

that the functions get exported. When the DLL is used in an external program, it is not
defined and the functions are then imported from the DLL.

All functions return an integer providing an error code to the calling layer.

The “__stdcall” specifier is used to indicate that the calling convention to be used is the
standard one.

Special care has been taken so that the function names exported by the DLL are the
same as the ones defined above.

WARNING: in the rest of this chapter, “COMMANDCLIENTDLL_EXPORTS” and

“__stdcall” have been removed from the documentation to ease the reading. They are
naturally always present in the header file.

6.2.2 Opening and Closing CommandClient_Init
This function opens the connection to the RVT.

It has the following prototype:

int CommandClient_Init(char *RVTAddress,

int ConnectionType,
void ( __stdcall *Callback_ConnectionReset)(void));

The RVTAddress parameter is an IP address in the case of a TCP/IP connection e.g.

“” or a COM port in the case of a serial connection e.g. “COM11”.

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Windows Communication DLL / Interface Specification - 51
The ConnectionType can take two values:

 0 or CONNECTION_TYPE_TCPIP for a TCP/IP connection

 1 or CONNECTION_TYPE_SERIAL for a serial connection

The Callback_ConnectionReset is a pointer to a function that will be called if a loss of

connection with the RVT is detected.

If one does not wish to use the callback mechanism, this parameter can be set to NULL.
Unwanted disconnections can then be detected when any of the DLL function call returns

When a disconnection is happening, it is necessary to call the clean function to free the
PC resources used and try to connect to the RVT again. CommandClient_Clean
This function closes the connection to the RVT.

It has the following prototype:

int CommandClient_Clean();

The closing allows to free resources allocated both on the PC side and on the RVT side.

6.2.3 Authentication
Please note that the user account covered here are applicative user account handled by
the RVT.

Once the TCP/IP, USB or Modbus connection has been established to the server, the
client must authenticate itself.

As the system can be accessed remotely, some basic authentication is put in place. This
allows distinguishing users and granting them certain rights to do things.

This authentication is mentioned as the first point of the command layer for the very
important reason that no command will be accepted before an authentication is
performed. The only exception is for the local administrator user that is automatically
detected based on its local connection to the server. CommandClient_Authenticate
This function allows authenticating as a given user on the RVT.

It has the following prototype:

int CommandClient_Authenticate(char *Login,
char *Password,
unsigned char *AccessLevel);

The password is here given as a string and transformed by the DLL to be used in the

The Login and Password parameters are used to authenticate oneself and the
AccessLevel is returned to indicate the associated access level.

52 – Windows Communication DLL / Interface Specification  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol
 Access levels

The following access levels are defined:

Level Name Description

Very basic user allowing only reading measurements and curves
0x00 Monitor
from the device.
More advanced user allowed modifying measurement
0x10 Configurator
User allowed modifying any parameter of the device and to create
0x40 Administrator
and delete users.
Special user created for internal use only. It has the same rights
0x80 Local application
as an Administrator.
0xFF Reserved Reserved. CommandClient_CreateUser
This function allows creating a new user account on the RVT.

It has the following prototype:

int CommandClient_CreateUser(char *Login,

char *Password,
unsigned char AccessLevel);

The password is here given as a string and transformed by the DLL to be used in the

The AccessLevel parameter specifies what access level to associate with the new user
account. CommandClient_DeleteUser
This function allows deleting a user account on the RVT.

It has the following prototype:

int CommandClient_DeleteUser(char *Login);

6.2.4 Parameter access CommandClient_GetParameter
This function allows getting a parameter group from the RVT.

It is restricted to configuration, measurement and information parameters.

The parameter is read from the actual parameters memory.

Note that the parameters that have been set in the shadow memory but not yet applied
are not returned when a “Get Parameter” command is issued.

For a reason of transmission efficiency, it is only possible to transfer parameter by groups

of parameters; in other words, transmission of individual parameters is not foreseen.

One must have at least Monitor rights to perform this task.

It has the following prototype:

int CommandClient_GetParameter(int ParamGroupID,
unsigned char *Value,
int *Size);

The ParamGroupID is specifying which parameter group to get.

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Windows Communication DLL / Interface Specification - 53
The Value and Size parameters are pointers to the buffer where the parameter group
values will be stored and to the actual size of this parameter group. CommandClient_SetParameter
This function allows setting a parameter group in the RVT.

It is restricted to configuration parameters.

The modification of application specific parameters is applied in a shadow memory.

Parameter changes will only be copied to parameters memory after an “Apply Parameter
Changes” command is issued.

The modification of universal parameters is applied directly i.e. no “Apply Parameter

Changes” command is required.

For a reason of transmission efficiency, it is only possible to transfer parameter by groups

of parameters; in other words, transmission of individual parameters is not foreseen.

One must have at least Configurator rights to set application specific parameters and at
least administrator rights to set universal parameters.

It has the following prototype:

int CommandClient_SetParameter(int ParamGroupID,
unsigned char *Value,
int Size);

The ParamGroupID is specifying which parameter group to set.

The Value parameter is a pointer to the buffer where the data to write is stored and the
Size is specifying the amount of data to be written. CommandClient_ApplyParameterChanges
This function applies the shadowed parameter changes in the parameter memory of the

One must have at least Monitor rights to perform this task.

It has the following prototype:

int CommandClient_ApplyParameterChanges(); CommandClient_ConvertRVTtoVB
This helper function allows retrieving a single parameter value from a parameter group.

It has the following prototype:

int CommandClient_ConvertRVTtoVB(unsigned char *ParamGroupValue,
int Offset,
unsigned char ValueType,
char *OutputString,
int *OutputStringSize);

The ParamGroupValue are the parameter group value as returned by the

CommandClient_GetParameter command. This is a buffer of unsigned char values.

The Offset and ValueType are specifying where to find the wanted data and what is the
type of the wanted value.

The OutputString and OutputStringSize are specifying where the string should be placed
and what its size is.

One should make sure that there’s enough space in the output buffer for the string.
Currently, the biggest parameters defined for the RVT are 180 bytes big and are of the
string type. Numbers are converted to much smaller strings.
54 – Windows Communication DLL / Interface Specification  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol CommandClient_ConvertVBtoRVT
This helper function allows setting a single parameter value into a parameter group.

It has the following prototype:

int CommandClient_ConvertVBtoRVT(char *InputString,
unsigned char *ParamGroupValue,
int Offset,
unsigned char ValueType);

The InputString is the value to be converted and stored in the parameter group.

The ParamGroupValue is the parameter group value as returned by the

CommandClient_GetParameter command. This is a buffer of unsigned char values.

The Offset is specifying where to store the converted data and the ValueType is
specifying what type of data should be written to the parameter group.

One should make sure that the Offset and ValueType will not cause writing out of the
ParamGroupValue buffer.

6.2.5 Curve access CommandClient_RequestCurveEx (future use)

This function makes a request to get a curve available.

Wanted curve is identified by their Source ID.

One must have at least Monitor rights to perform this task.

The curves will be too big to be retrieved with a single command. As a consequence, the
data will be split in chunk. The server is specifying the size of those chunks and is
warning the client of how many of those chunks will need to be transferred to get the
complete curve.

It has the following prototype:

int CommandClient_RequestCurveEx(int SourceID,
unsigned char NumberOfPeriods,
unsigned char TriggerEnable,
int TriggerSource_ID,
int TriggerSource_Offset,
unsigned char TriggerComparator,
unsigned char TriggerValue_Type,
char *TriggerValue_ValueString,
int *CurveDescriptor);

The CurveDescriptor is made out of the NumberOfChunks and ChunkSize as defined in

the protocol.

The Trigger Value to be used is here provided as a string and is converted by the DLL to
the type specified by TriggerValue_Type.

It can take some time between the moment of the request and the time where the first
data gets available.


 Number of periods is “1” by default

 Trigger function is reserved for future use : “0” by default CommandClient_RequestCurve
This is a simplified version of the CommandClient_RequestCurveEx command where
triggering is disabled.

It has the following prototype:

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Windows Communication DLL / Interface Specification - 55
int CommandClient_RequestCurve(int SourceID,
unsigned char NumberOfPeriods,
int *CurveDescriptor); CommandClient_ReleaseCurve
This function is telling the RVT to stop getting data for the given curve.

If the curve was requested by a single client, the curve is not made available anymore for
the client and the slot is freed.

If the curve was requested by multiple clients, the freeing is only made when the last
client releases the curve.

Note that the effect of this command may not be immediate.

One must have at least Monitor rights to perform this task.

It has the following prototype:

int CommandClient_ReleaseCurve(int SourceID); CommandClient_GetCurve
This function is getting curve data from the RVT.

It has the following prototype:

int CommandClient_GetCurve(int SourceID,
int CurveDescriptor,
unsigned char *Value,
int *Size);

The SourceID and CurveDescriptor are identifying the curve.

The Value is a buffer where the curve will be stored and the Size is the actual size of the
curve returned. One should make sure that the buffer is big enough to contain the curve.

The curves are transferred by chunks.

This function is taking care of downloading the number of chunks required to get the
complete curve. It is also taking care that all chunks returned do belong to the same
curve set.

One must have at least Monitor rights to perform this task. CommandClient_GetCurveIDs
This function is getting all the SourceIDs currently in use by the DLL.

One must have at least Monitor rights to perform this task.

It has the following prototype:

int CommandClient_GetCurveIDs(int *SourceIDs,
int *Size);

The Size is specifying how many SourceIDs have been returned and copied to the
location pointed by the SourceIDs pointer. One must ensure that the location is big
enough to contain the maximum number of curves allowed by the system.

56 – Windows Communication DLL / Interface Specification  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol CommandClient_GetCurveCharacteristics
This function is getting the characteristics of a given curve.

It has the following prototype:

int CommandClient_GetCurveCharacteristics(int SourceID,
unsigned char *NumberOfPeriods,
unsigned char *TriggerEnable,
int *TriggerSource_ID,
int *TriggerSource_Offset,
unsigned char *TriggerComparator,
unsigned char *TriggerValue_Type,
char *TriggerValue_ValueString,
int *TriggerValue_ValueStringSize,
int *CurveDescriptor);

This function can be seen as a way to get back the parameters that were passed at the
moment of requesting the curve.

This function along with the GetCurveIDs function allow for an easy re-populating of the
user interface. The interface does not have to store the characteristics of all the curves it
currently manages; it can just ask it back to the RVT.

One must have at least Monitor rights to perform this task.

6.2.6 Miscellaneous
 Reset

This function allows to remotely restarting the RVT.

It has the following prototype:

int CommandClient_Reset();

After calling this command, the connection should be closed using the
CommandClient_Clean function and should be re-established again.

One needs at least Configurator rights to perform this task.

6.3 Important considerations

6.3.1 Visual Basic 6.0 support

This DLL has been built with support for VB6.0 in mind.

6.3.2 Multi-threading
The DLL is not coded for multi-threaded application.

The first consequence is that all calls to the DLL should be called from a single thread.
Calling from different thread could be possible but protection should then be implemented
outside of the DLL.

The second consequence is that all calls to the DLL are blocking. In usual cases it is not
a problem but when the connection gets lost for example, it could take a short amount of
time to return from a called function.

The only alternative is to go for non-blocking behaviour but then the programming of the
application will become more complex as a request issued would not have a direct
answer with data to process but the answer would come at a later asynchronous stage.

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Windows Communication DLL / Interface Specification - 57
6.3.3 Sequence of actions
The following sequence of action should be followed when using this DLL to
communicate with a RVT:

1. Connect to the RVT

2. Authenticate on the RVT

3. Perform wanted actions (Get / Set parameters , Get curves ,…)

4. Go back to step 3. while the connection should be active

5. Disconnect from the RVT

One should not forget the authentication phase otherwise no subsequent action will be
possible and the connection will be closed by the RVT. Moreover, the authentified user’s
access level will make it possible to perform certain actions or not.

Unwanted TCP/IP or serial disconnections with the RVT can be monitored through the
callback provided at initialization time or through the returning o of the
“RVT_SYS_SOCKET_DISCONNECTED” code. When that is happening, it is necessary
to call the clean function and try to connect to the RVT again.

6.4 Error codes

The following error codes can be returned by the DLL:

Error code define Value


58 – Windows Communication DLL / Interface Specification  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol

6.5 Example codes

6.5.1 Visual Basic 6.0 project

The project is built around a single form for the user interface and a module to define the
interface to the DLL.

The form code contains necessary initialization steps to make the DLL available from
another directory. It obviously also contain the code for the user interface and associated
calls to the DLL functions.

The module contains the necessary constant and function declarations. It also contains
some helper functions to be used when using helper functions to convert parameter;
these functions take care of memory allocation for the returned strings.

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Windows Communication DLL / Interface Specification - 59
7 Network / Internet connection principles

7.1 Introduction
This document gives some principles on how the RVT Touchscreen can be accessed on
a local network from the Internet.

The principles are put in practice using a given single hardware namely a Thomson
Speedtouch ADSL modem/router followed by a non-managed switch.

Even though certain terms will differ from one piece of hardware to another or certain
functions will be accessible in a different manner, all in all the principles will remain the

7.2 Network topology

Here is a probable network topology:

One can see the following in this diagram:

1. The RVT Touchscreen is connected on a local network with other machines.

2. They can access the Internet through a modem/router.

3. There could possibly be a switch or other routers between the RVT Touchscreen
and the modem.

4. A workstation also connected to the Internet would want to access the RVT
Touchscreen to get information.

In this topology, all the machines behind the modem belong to a private network.

They can access the Internet because the modem will remember who tried to access
what and send the response from the Internet to the correct device.

60 – Network / Internet connection principles  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol
At the same time, the devices cannot be accessed from the Internet because their IP
address is purely private; they do not have a public address and cannot be accessed
directly as a consequence.

This is the base of the “problem” (might be the required behavior, for security reasons).
The RVT Touchscreen cannot be accessed from the outside world because it has a
private address.

This can be solved in different ways:

1. Providing a public internet address to the RVT Touchscreen ( for

example in the diagram above).

a. Can be assigned by company internal IT service, if a range of assignable

public addresses is available.

b. Can be assigned by telecommunication service provider.

2. Configuring the modem/router to forward the requests to the RVT Touchscreen

using NAT (network address translation). A port forwarding rule must be
configured in the modem/router device so that the inbound connections aimed at
the RVT Touchscreen device can be redirected accordingly on the local LAN
network. In such a case :

a. If the modem internet public interface has a fixed IP address (assigned

by telecommunication service provider), the remote client can use this
public IP (or related DNS name) to connect to the RVT Touchscreen.

b. If the modem has a dynamically assigned public IP address, a third-party

service providing translation between the dynamic IP and a DNS name
should be used. The remote client can reach the RVT Touchscreen by
using the DNS which abstracts the always-changing public IP address.

7.3 Port forwarding

7.3.1 Principle
To communicate with a RVT Touchscreen, one must open a connection to the RVT on
the TCP port 4250.

Port forwarding allows redirecting requests aimed at an inbound public port to a device on
the local LAN network.

The forwarding mechanism should allow redirecting the requests to a port of the local
device that is different from the inbound public port.

In the example shown above, the router should be configured so that accesses on its
public address on the TCP port 4250 gets forwarded to the device on the
same port.

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Network / Internet connection principles - 61
7.3.2 Speedtouch router example
Note: the configuration will be different for another router.

In the Speedtouch, forwarding a port is done in two phases.

The first consist in creating a “Game or application” rule that specifies the port to be

62 – Network / Internet connection principles  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol
The second phase consists in applying the freshly created rule to a given network

When those two phases are done, the requests coming on the 4250 port on the modem’s
public address will get forwarded to the device having the address i.e. the
RVT Touchscreen.

7.4 Accessing the RVT Touchscreen

7.4.1 Principle
The RVT Touchscreen is now accessible from the outside world.

The public IP address of the modem is to be used when trying to connect to the RVT

If this address is fixed, the work is almost done.

If the address is assigned dynamically by the Internet Service Provider, some extra
configuration work is required.

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Network / Internet connection principles - 63
7.4.2 Example when using static public IP address
The IP address can be found from the modem interface:

The address can be used to access the RVT Touchscreen from the outside world.

Note that even when the ISP dynamically updates the address, the address can be used
to access the RVT Touchscreen.

The constraint in that case is that checking this page needs to be done for every refresh
of the address by the ISP.

7.4.3 Example when using dynamically assigned public IP address

In this case, it is convenient to use a dynamic DNS service.

This allows the public IP address to be linked to a DNS name (like which
can be used in place of the IP address.

This is described in more details in the next chapter.

7.5 Dynamic DNS

7.5.1 Principle
An account is created on a dynamic DNS service provider.

This links a DNS human internet name to a given user & host (our modem in this case).

A client must run on the local network to update the DNS information when the IP
address changes. This is sometimes embedded within the modem/router services or it
can be present in Network Access Storage devices services. It can be found as
applications running on servers & PCs of course.

There are several providers of such services, some of them are free.

Amongst the well known, there is <no-ip> and <dyndns>.

64 – Network / Internet connection principles  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol
7.5.2 Creating a no-ip account
One must go to and register for an account:

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Network / Internet connection principles - 65
7.5.3 Adding a host
Once the account is created, the RVT Touchscreen should be added as a host so that
no-ip knows its human name:

The RVT Touchscreen can now be accessed through the name.

This is however only valid until the next change of public IP address. That is why the
modem/router should now be configured to update automatically the new IP address to

7.5.4 Configuring the modem

After this configuration is done, the modem will send itself its public IP address to no-ip so
that the link gets updated as the address changes.

66 – Network / Internet connection principles  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol
The RVT Touchscreen can now be accessed through the name
regardless of the changes in the actual public IP address:

7.6 Notes

7.6.1 Access from within the LAN

It is possible that the RVT Touchscreen cannot be accessed with its internet name from
within the LAN.

This is due to some routers that do not allow such a routing (trying to connect to the
public address of the RVT Touchscreen from the same local LAN network than the RVT).

7.6.2 Port forwarding names

The port forwarding technique can have different names between different products of
modem/routers and/or different brands:

• Port forwarding

• Firewall (inbound rules)

• Game & Application sharing as in the Speedtouch used for the example

• …

• …

All these names finally come down to the same technique.

7.6.3 More complex network topologies

If more routers are present between the internet access point, they also need to be
configured to forward the request to the RVT Touchscreen. This requires the intervention
of an IT specialist.

7.6.4 RVT static address vs DHCP

Depending on the capabilities of the modem/router, It is possible to set the RVT IP
configuration to DHCP mode. In situations where the RVT Touchscreen is to be accessed
from the internet using the above techniques, it is preferred for the RVT Touchscreen to
use a static IP configuration so that the RVT IP address is fixed and known.

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Network / Internet connection principles - 67
Indeed, certain routers are capable of forwarding traffic to a device with a known MAC
address. In that case, the actual IP address of the device is of no interest and therefore
DHCP could be used.

If the router is only capable of forwarding to a given IP address then using a static
address on the RVT Touchscreen is mandatory. When doing so, one has to ensure that
the default gateway address is configured to match the one of the router so that the
outgoing traffic will be going to the right destination.

68 – Network / Internet connection principles  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol
8 Appendices

A1 List of abbreviations

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

Baud rate Unit for measuring transmission speed in bits/s;

Bit A binary digit, representing a one or zero

Bus An electrical circuit over which data is transmitted

Byte A whole number value represented by eight bits (0 to 255)

Chassis or Chassis Ground

A connection to an electrically conductive housing or frame of a device. It

may or may not be connected to Earth Ground.

Coil The telegram structure for Modbus transmission is implemented in registers

(WORD) or coils (BOOL). A coil may be either 8 or 16 bits in length.

Common The voltage reference point of a circuit. It may or may not be connected to
earth ground, though it is generally assumed to be at zero volts, unless
otherwise indicated. In floating circuits, the common is sometimes at a
relatively high potential. This term is sometimes used interchangeably with
the term “Ground” or GND

CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check. Complex error checking on a message block.

CTS ClearToSend hardware handshaking signal. Used with RequestToSend.

DHCP is an autoconfiguration protocol used on IP networks. Computers that are

connected to IP networks must be configured before they can communicate
with other computers on the network. DHCP allows a computer to be
configured automatically, eliminating the need for intervention by a network

DLL Dynamic-link library is Microsoft’s implementation of the shared library

concept in the Microsoft Windows and OS/2 operating systems. These
libraries usually have the file extension DLL, OCX (for libraries containing
ActiveX controls), or DRV (for legacy system drivers). The file formats for
DLLs are the same as for Windows EXE files — that is, Portable Executable
(PE) for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows. As with EXEs, DLLs can contain code,
data, and resources, in any combination.

Earth or Earth Ground

Global zero voltage reference point. Physical connection is made to the

earth through a grounding rod, water pipe or other reliable connection.

Ethernet is a family of frame-based computer networking technologies for local area

networks (LANs). It defines a number of wiring and signalling standards for
the Physical layer of the OSI networking model as well as a common
addressing format and Media Access Control at Data Link Layer.

Ground Voltage reference point of a circuit.

It may or may not be connected to earth ground, though it is generally

assumed to be at zero volts. Sometimes used interchangeably with the term

RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Appendices - 69

Handshaking method of data flow control for serial communications

Hexadecimal or HEX A number system using a decimal 16 as its base. A single digit number in
HEX ranges from 0 to 15, represented by 0 to 9 and A to F.

HMI Human-Machine Interface (formerly MMI)

Industrial Umbrella concept for ABB’s vision for enterprise automation.
Industrial Architecture

The architecture of the Industrial IT system. The architecture defines how the
system is built, in terms of basic concepts, underlying technologies, system
topology, modularity, and mechanisms for interaction between different parts
of the system. It also defines concepts, rules, and guidelines that a
component must comply with in order to fit in the Industrial IT system. A
central feature of the IIT architecture is that information and functions are
centred on Aspect Objects.
Industrial Enabled A product that is Industrial IT enabled has been verified according to the
process of Industrial IT certification. It has the right to use the “Industrial IT
enabled” symbol.

IP address An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a numerical label that is assigned to

devices participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol
for communication between its nodes. An IP address serves two principal
functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing.

Loopback A test used for checking functionality of a serial port, utilizing a test plug that
connects send, receive and handshaking signals

Long Integer Analog value consisting of two consecutive 16-bit registers

LRC Longitudinal Redundancy Check

MAC address In computer networking, a Media Access Control address (MAC address) is
a unique identifier assigned to most network adapters or network interface
cards (NICs) by the manufacturer for identification, and used in the Media
Access Control protocol sub-layer. If assigned by the manufacturer, a MAC
address usually encodes the manufacturer’s registered identification

Measurement A measurement is a value computed by the controller through its analog and
digital inputs. Measurements can be read from the RVT front plate, or
through the Modbus protocol.

Modbus adapter It is an optional small interface module through which the RVT is connected
to an external Modbus serial communication bus. It performs an optical to
RS485 conversion. The communication with the Modbus adapter is activated
with an RVT parameter.

OPC OLE™ for Process Control. OPC is Plug-n-Play in the field of Automation
and HMI. OLE™ for Process Control (OPC™) is the most standard way for
connecting hardware and data devices with HMI client applications.

OPC is a concept agreed upon by a committee of members from the OPC

foundation. Most automation companies in the market place including ABB
are members of this foundation. OPC uses state-of-the art technologies like
COM, DCOM, ActiveX of Microsoft and makes development and
programming easier.

70 – Appendices  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol

In the OPC world, there are two major types of applications: OPC Servers
and OPC Clients.

OPC Servers OPC Server applications are used to collect data from the data sources like
hardware devices. At the bottom level, the servers are mainly for reading
inputs and writing outputs of the data sources. At the upper level, the servers
make the data available in a standard way to the OPC client applications.

OPC Clients The OPC Client applications can communicate directly with the OPC servers
and get the data. This way OPC enhances the interface between client and
server applications by providing a standard mechanism to communicate data
from a data source to any client application.

Parameter A parameter is an operating data for the controller. Parameters can be read
and programmed with the RVT front plate, or through the Modbus protocol.

Parity Simple method of data error checking performed at the byte level. May be
user-specified as Odd, Even or None with most equipment and software.

PC Personal Computer
Power Power Factor Controller

Microprocessor based controller from the ABB industrial controller range.

The Power Power Factor Controller RVT is intended to switch capacitor in
order to compensate the power factor of the electrical network.

Receive Incoming communication signal. (Rx)

RTS RequestToSend hardware handshaking signal. Used with ClearToSend.

RVT see Power Power Factor Controller RVT

Rx See Receive

PLC Programmable Logic Controller

RTS Request To Send

RTU Remote Terminal Unit

Time-out Parameter specifying the max. wait time in ms. Waiting for a response in the
range 0..10000 ms.

Signed Integer Whole number value represented by 16 bits (-32768 to 32767)

SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is an Internet standard for electronic
mail (e-mail) transmission across Internet Protocol (IP) networks. SMTP is
specified for outgoing mail transport.

While electronic mail servers and other mail transfer agents use SMTP to
send and receive mail messages, user-level client mail applications typically
use only SMTP for sending messages to a mail server for relaying. For
receiving messages, client applications usually use either the Post Office
Protocol (POP) or the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) or a
proprietary system (such as Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Notes/Domino) to
access their mail box accounts on a mail server.

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a UDP-based network

protocol. It is used mostly in network management systems to monitor
network-attached devices for conditions that warrant administrative attention.
SNMP is a component of the Internet Protocol Suite. It consists of a set of
standards for network management, including an application layer protocol,
a database schema, and a set of data objects
RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol  Appendices - 71
TCP/IP The Internet Protocol Suite is the set of communications protocols used for
the Internet and other similar networks. It is commonly also known as
TCP/IP, named from two of the most important protocols in it: the
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP), which
were the first two networking protocols defined in this standard.

Transmit Outgoing communication signal. (Tx)

Tri-State The ability of a communications transmitter to turn its circuitry off, reducing
the load on the network

Tx see Transmit

Unsigned Integer Positive whole number value represented by 16 bits (0 to 65535)

USB Universal Serial Bus is a specification to establish communication between

devices and a host controller (usually personal computers).

Word A group of 16 bits

Xon/Xoff Software implementation of data flow control

A2 References
 RS485 Modbus adapter operating manual

 RVT Installation and Operation Instructions manual

 Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide (PI–MBUS–300 Rev. J).

72 – Appendices  RVT communication through Modbus, USB or TCP/IP protocol

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Zoning Industriel de Jumet
B-6040 Charleroi (Jumet), Belgium
Phone: +32(0) 71 250 811
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