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Easa Concept Paper Guidance For Level 1and2 Machine Learning Applications Proposed Issue 02 Feb2023

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EASA Concept Paper: guidance for Level 1 & 2 machine learning applications

Proposed Issue 02

Table of Contents
A. Foreword ............................................................................................................................. 4
B. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 6
1. Statement of issue ...................................................................................................................... 6
2. AI trustworthiness framework overview .................................................................................... 8
3. Terminology and scope of the document ................................................................................. 10
4. Criticality of AI applications ...................................................................................................... 11
5. Classification of AI applications — overview ............................................................................ 12
6. Novel concepts developed for data-driven AI .......................................................................... 12
6.1. Learning assurance............................................................................................................ 13
6.2. AI explainability ................................................................................................................. 13
6.3. Operational domain (OD) and operational design domain (ODD).................................... 15
6.4. Human-AI Teaming ........................................................................................................... 16
C. AI trustworthiness guidelines .............................................................................................. 18
1. Purpose and applicability .......................................................................................................... 18
2. Trustworthiness analysis ........................................................................................................... 20
2.1. Characterisation of the AI application .............................................................................. 20
2.2. Safety assessment of ML applications .............................................................................. 27
2.3. Information security considerations for ML applications ................................................. 37
2.4. Ethics-based assessment................................................................................................... 40
3. AI assurance .............................................................................................................................. 46
3.1. Learning assurance............................................................................................................ 46
3.2. Development & post-ops AI explainability ....................................................................... 72
4. Human factors for AI ................................................................................................................. 78
4.1. AI operational explainability ............................................................................................. 79
4.2. Human-AI teaming ............................................................................................................ 88
4.3. Modality of interaction and style of interface .................................................................. 91
4.4. Error management ............................................................................................................ 95
4.5. Failure management ......................................................................................................... 97
4.6. Additional topics under development .............................................................................. 98
5. AI safety risk mitigation ............................................................................................................ 99
5.1. AI safety risk mitigation concept....................................................................................... 99
5.2. AI SRM top-level objectives ............................................................................................ 100
6. Organisations .......................................................................................................................... 101
6.1. High-level provisions and anticipated AMC .................................................................... 101

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6.2. Competence considerations ........................................................................................... 103

6.3. Design organisation case................................................................................................. 104
D. Proportionality of the guidance......................................................................................... 106
1. Concept for modulation of objectives .................................................................................... 106
2. Risk-based levelling of objectives ........................................................................................... 106
3. Additional risk-based levelling of information-security-related objectives............................ 117
E. Annex 1 — Anticipated impact on regulations and MOC for major domains ....................... 118
1. Product design and operations ............................................................................................... 118
1.1. Anticipated impact of the introduction of AI/ML on the current regulations ................ 118
1.2. Anticipated impact of AI/ML guidance on the current AMC/MoC framework .............. 119
2. ATM/ANS................................................................................................................................. 120
2.1. Current regulatory framework relevant to the introduction of AI/ML........................... 120
2.2. Anticipated impact of AI/ML guidance on the current AMC and GM ............................ 121
3. Aircraft production and maintenance .................................................................................... 122
3.1. Anticipated impact of the introduction of AI/ML on the current regulations ................ 122
3.2. Anticipated impact of AI/ML guidance on the current MoC framework........................ 123
4. Training / FSTD ........................................................................................................................ 123
4.1. Anticipated impact of the introduction of AI/ML on the current regulations ................ 123
4.2. Anticipated impact of AI/ML guidance on the current AMC/MOC framework .............. 124
5. Aerodromes ............................................................................................................................ 124
5.1. Current regulatory framework relevant to the introduction of AI/ML ........................... 124
5.2. Anticipated impact of AI/ML guidance on the current AMC and GM ............................ 125
5.3. Preliminary analysis ........................................................................................................ 125
5.4. Anticipated impact of AI/ML guidance on the current and future CSs for aerodrome
design and safety-related aerodrome equipment ...................................................................... 125
6. Environmental protection ....................................................................................................... 125
6.1. Current regulatory framework relevant to the introduction of AI/ML ........................... 125
6.2. Anticipated impact of AI/ML guidance on the current MOC framework ....................... 125
F. Annex 2 — Use cases for major aviation domains .............................................................. 126
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 126
2. Use cases — aircraft design and operations ........................................................................... 129
2.1. Visual landing guidance system (derived from the CoDANN report use case) ............... 129
2.2. Pilot assistance — radio frequency suggestion .............................................................. 143
2.3. Pilot AI teaming — Proxima virtual use case .................................................................. 144
3. Use cases — ATM/ANS ........................................................................................................... 148
3.1. AI-based augmented 4D trajectory prediction — climb and descent rates ................... 148

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3.2. Time-based separation (TBS) and optimised runway delivery (ORD) solutions ............. 173
4. Use cases — aircraft production and maintenance ................................................................ 187
4.1. Controlling corrosion by usage-driven inspections......................................................... 187
4.2. Damage detection in images (X-Ray, ultrasonic, thermography) ................................... 191
5. Use cases — training / FSTD ................................................................................................... 195
5.1. Assessment of training performance .............................................................................. 195
6. Use cases — aerodromes ........................................................................................................ 196
6.1. Detection of foreign object debris (FOD) on the runway ............................................... 196
6.2. Avian radars .................................................................................................................... 196
6.3. UAS detection systems.................................................................................................... 197
7. Use cases — environmental protection.................................................................................. 197
7.1. Engine thrust and flight emissions estimation................................................................ 197
8. Use cases — safety management ........................................................................................... 197
8.1. Quality management of the European Central Repository (ECR) ................................... 197
8.2. Support to automatic safety report data capture .......................................................... 197
8.3. Support to automatic risk classification .......................................................................... 197
G. Annex 3 — Definitions and acronyms ................................................................................ 198
1. Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 198
2. Acronyms ................................................................................................................................ 208
H. Annex 4 — References ...................................................................................................... 212
I. Annex 5 — Full list of questions from the ALTAI adapted to aviation .................................. 214
1. Gear #1 — Human agency and oversight ............................................................................... 214
2. Gear #2 — Technical robustness and safety ........................................................................... 218
3. Gear #3 — Privacy and data governance ................................................................................ 223
4. Gear #4 — Transparency......................................................................................................... 225
5. Gear #5 — Diversity, non-discrimination and fairness ........................................................... 227
6. Gear #6 — Societal and environmental well-being ................................................................ 235
7. Gear #7 — Accountability ....................................................................................................... 238

Author Guillaume Soudain — EASA AI Programme Manager

Reviewer Francois Triboulet — EASA ATM/ANS Expert-Coordinator (SNE)

Approver Alain Leroy — EASA Chief Engineer

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A. Foreword
In line with the two first major milestones of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Roadmap 1.0 Phase I (‘Exploration and first guidance development’), this
concept paper presents a first set of objectives for Level 1 Artificial Intelligence (‘assistance to
human’) and Level 2 Artificial Intelligence (‘human-machine collaboration’), in order to anticipate
future EASA guidance and requirements for safety-related machine learning (ML) applications.
It aims at guiding applicants when introducing AI/ML technologies into systems intended for use in
safety-related or environment-related applications in all domains covered by the EASA Basic
Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2018/1139).
It covers only an initial set of AI/ML techniques and will be enriched with more and more advanced
techniques, as the EASA AI Roadmap is implemented.
This document provides a first set of usable objectives; however, it does not constitute at this stage
definitive or detailed guidance. It will serve as a basis for the EASA AI Roadmap 1.0 Phase II (‘AI/ML
framework consolidation’) when formal regulatory development comes into force.
On a more general note, it is furthermore important to point out to the ongoing discussions regarding
the EU Commission’s regulatory package on AI, published on 21 April 20211. While, according to that
Commission proposal2, the EASA Basic Regulation will be considered as one among various specific,
sectorial frameworks, interdependencies between the final EU AI Regulation and the EASA Basic
Regulation and its delegated and implementing acts can be expected. Both the ´EASA Roadmap on AI´
as well as this present guidance document will thus have to continuously take this into account and
remain aligned.
After setting the scene in an introductory Chapter (Chapter B), reminding the reader of the four AI
trustworthiness ‘building blocks’, Chapter C develops the guidelines themselves, dealing with:
— trustworthiness analysis (Section C.0);
— AI assurance (Section C.3);
— human-factors for AI (Section C.4); and
— safety risk mitigation (Section C.5).
Chapter D introduces proportionality which is intended to allow the customisation of the objectives
to the specific AI applications.

1 EU Commission - Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down harmonised rules
on artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Act) and amending certain Union legislative acts, COM/2021/206 final,
2 The Commission stated that: ‘Faced with the rapid technological development of AI and a global policy context where
more and more countries are investing heavily in AI, the EU must act as one to harness the many opportunities and
address challenges of AI in a future-proof manner. To promote the development of AI and address the potential high
risks it poses to safety and fundamental rights equally, the Commission is presenting both a proposal for a regulatory
framework on AI and a revised coordinated plan on AI.’

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Chapter E aims at identifying the possible impacts of the introduction of AI in the different
implementing rules (IRs), certification specifications (CSs), acceptable means of compliance (AMC)
and guidance material (GM) in the domains covered by the EASA Basic Regulation.
Chapter F provides the reader with a set of use cases from different aviation domains where the
guidelines have been (partially) applied. These use cases serve as demonstrators to verify that the
objectives defined in this guidance document are achieved.
Until IRs or AMC are available, this guidance can be used as an enabler or an all-purpose instrument
facilitating the preparation of the approval or certification of products, parts and appliances
introducing AI/ML technologies. In this respect, this guidance should benefit all aviation stakeholders,
end users, applicants, certification or approval authorities.

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B. Introduction
Following the publication in December 2021 of the EASA concept paper ‘First usable guidance for Level
1 machine learning applications’, this guidance document represents the next step in the
implementation of the EASA AI Roadmap v1.0. It complements the first set of technical objectives and
organisation provisions that EASA anticipates as necessary for the approval of both Level 1 AI
applications (‘assistance to human’) and Level 2 AI applications (‘human-machine teaming’). Where
practicable, the document identifies anticipated means of compliance (MOC) and guidance material
which could be used to comply with those objectives.
Note: The anticipated MOC will be completed based on the outcome of research and innovation
projects, in particular the Horizon Europe ‘Machine Learning application approval’ (MLEAP)3, on the
discussions triggered within certification projects, as well as based on the progress of industrial
standards such as the one that is under work in the joint EUROCAE/SAE WG-114/G-34 or
EUROCAE/RTCA WG-72/SC-216. EASA also follows the progress of other working groups on AI, in
particular ISO/IEC SC42 and CEN CENELEC JTC21.
The goal of this document is therefore twofold:
— to allow applicants proposing to use AI/ML solutions in their projects to have an early visibility
on the possible expectations of EASA in view of an approval. This material may be referred to
by EASA through dedicated project means (e.g. a Certification Review Item (CRI) for certification
— to establish a baseline for Level 1 and Level 2 AI applications that will be further refined for
Level 3 AI applications (‘more autonomous machine’)4.
Disclaimer: To the best of EASA´s knowledge, the information contained in these guidelines is accurate
and reliable on the date of publication and reflects the state of the art in terms of approval/certification
of AI/ML solutions. EASA does, however, not assume any liability whatsoever for the accuracy and
completeness of these guidelines. Any information provided therein does not constitute in itself any
warranty of fitness to obtain a final EASA approval. These guidelines will evolve over the next 2 years
through publication of a document addressing Level 3 AI applications, while being updated based on
their application to Level 1 and Level 2 AI applications. They may evolve as well depending on the
research and technological development in the dynamic field of AI research.

1. Statement of issue
AI is a broad term, and its definition has evolved as technology has developed. EASA therefore chose
in the EASA AI Roadmap 1.0 a wide-spectrum definition that is ‘any technology that appears to
emulate the performance of a human’.
The EASA AI Roadmap has defined the following taxonomy for AI:

3 The status and reports of the MLEAP project are provided on the EASA website:
4 See Section B.5 for more information on the proposed classification of AI-based systems in 3 levels.

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Figure 1 — AI taxonomy in EASA AI Roadmap

The current breakthrough is linked with ML, which is the ability of computer systems to improve their
performance by exposure to data without the need to follow explicitly programmed instructions. Deep
learning (DL) is a subset of ML that emerged with deeper neural networks (NNs), leading to large
improvements in performance in the recent years. DL produced significant improvements for many
problems in computer vision and natural language processing (NLP), enabling new use cases and
accelerating AI adoption. This is the reason why EASA AI Roadmap 1.0 and this Level 1 & 2 AI guidance
are focusing on data-driven AI approaches. The initial scope is however limited to supervised learning
techniques. This limitation will be removed in the next release of this guidance document through a
planned extension to unsupervised and reinforcement learning.
Data-driven learning techniques are a major opportunity for the aviation industry but come also with
a significant number of challenges with respect to the trustworthiness of ML and DL solutions. Here
are some of the main challenges addressed through this first set of EASA guidelines:
— Adapting assurance frameworks to cover the specificities of identified AI techniques and
address development errors in AI-based systems and their constituents;
— Dealing with the particular sources of uncertainties associated with the use of AI/ML
— Creating a framework for data management, to address the correctness (bias mitigation) and
completeness/representativeness of data sets used for the ML items training and their
— Addressing model bias and variance trade-off in the various steps of ML processes;

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— Elaborating pertinent guarantees on robustness and on absence of ‘unintended function’ in

ML/DL applications;
— Coping with limits to human comprehension of the ML application behaviour, considering their
stochastic origin and ML model complexity;
— Managing shared operational authority in novel types of human-AI teaming (HAT);

— Managing the mitigation of residual risk in ‘AI black box’. The expression ‘black box’ is a typical
criticism oriented at AI/ML techniques, as the complexity and nature of ML models bring a level
of opaqueness that make them look like unverifiable black boxes (unlike rule-based software);
— Enabling trust by end users.
It is also important to note that the scope of the Roadmap will be extended to cover additional AI
techniques such as symbolic (rule-based) AI techniques in an updated EASA AI Roadmap 2.0, foreseen
to be published by mid-2023. This update will offer the opportunity to address approaches of
hybridisation between data-driven and rule-based AI, that are anticipated to take best advantage of
both techniques while mitigating their respective limitations.

2. AI trustworthiness framework overview

To address the challenges of data-driven learning approaches, EASA AI Roadmap 1.0 identifies four
‘building blocks’ that are considered essential in creating a framework for trustworthy AI and for
enabling readiness for use of AI/ML in aviation. Based on the novel concepts developed in this
document (see Section B.6), and in anticipation of EASA AI Roadmap 2.0, two of the original building
blocks require an extension in terms of scope. This is the reason why the ‘Learning Assurance’ block
has been promoted to ‘AI Assurance’ and the ‘AI Explainability’ now covers more broadly the notion
of ‘Human factors for AI’:

Figure 2 — EASA AI trustworthiness roadmap building blocks

The AI trustworthiness analysis building block, being one of those four building blocks, creates an
interface with the EU Ethical Guidelines developed by the EU Commission (EU High-Level Expert Group
on AI, 2019), and as such serves as a gate to the three other technical building blocks. The

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trustworthiness analysis starts with a characterisation of AI application, includes an ethics-based

assessment, and also encompasses the safety assessment and security assessment that are key
elements of the trustworthiness analysis concept. All three assessments (i.e. safety, security and
ethics-based) are important prerequisites in the development of any system developed with or
embedding AI/ML, and are not only preliminary steps but also integral processes towards approval of
such innovative solutions.
The AI assurance building block is intended to address the AI specific guidance pertaining to the AI-
based system. It encompasses two major topics. Firstly, learning assurance covers the paradigm shift
from programming to learning, as the existing development assurance methods are not adapted to
cover learning processes specific to AI/ML. Secondly, development (respectively post-ops)
explainability deals with the capability to provide human users with understandable, reliable and
relevant information with the appropriate level of details on how an AI/ML application produces
(respectively has produced) its results. This building block also includes the data recording capabilities,
addressing two specific operational and post-operational purposes: on the one hand the continuous
monitoring of the safety of the AI-based system and on the other hand the support to incident or
accident investigation.
The human factors for AI building block introduces the necessary guidance to account for the specific
human factors needs linked with the introduction of AI. Among other aspects, AI operational
explainability deals with the capability to provide the human end users with understandable, reliable
and relevant information with the appropriate level of details and with appropriate timing on how an
AI/ML application produces its results. This block also introduced the concept of human-AI teaming
to ensure adequate cooperation or collaboration between human end users and AI-based systems to
achieve certain goals.
The AI safety risk mitigation building block considers that we may not always be able to open the ‘AI
black box’ to the extent required and that the associated residual risk may need to be addressed to
deal with the inherent uncertainty of AI.
All four building blocks have an importance in gaining confidence in the trustworthiness of an AI/ML
The detailed content of each building block is further described in the chapters as indicated in the
following figure.

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Figure 3 — EASA AI trustworthiness building blocks

The trustworthiness analysis is always necessary and should be performed in its full spectrum for any
application. For the other three building blocks, the potentiometers represented in Figure 2 and Figure
3 indicate that the depth of guidance could be adapted depending on the application, as described in
Chapter D.

3. Terminology and scope of the document

In EASA AI Roadmap 1.0, the initial focus has been put on data-driven AI approaches. Those can be
further divided considering types of learning:
— Supervised learning — this strategy is used in cases where there is a labelled data set available
to learn from. The learning algorithm processes the input data set, and a cost function measures
the difference between the ML model output and the labelled data. The learning algorithm then
adjusts the parameters to increase the accuracy of the ML model.
— Unsupervised learning — this strategy is used in cases where there is no labelled data set
available to learn from. The learning algorithm processes the data set, and a cost function
indicates whether the ML model has converged to a stable solution. The learning algorithm then
adjusts the parameters to increase the accuracy of the ML model.
— Reinforcement learning — this strategy is used in cases where there is an environment available
for an agent to ‘practise’ in. The agent(s) is(are) rewarded positively or negatively based on the
effect of the actions on the environment. The ML model parameters are updated from this trial-
and-error sequence to optimise the outcome.

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There exist some other techniques, which have not been listed here. In particular, there are soft
boundaries between some of those categories; for instance, unsupervised and supervised learning
techniques could be used in conjunction with each other in a semi-supervised learning approach.
The scope of this document includes at this initial stage supervised learning approaches and will be
further expanded in the next update to cover other types of learning.
Considering this scope, the following figure details the decomposition of an AI-based system and
allows introducing the terminology that is used in the rest of the document when dealing with the
system or portions of it.

Figure 4 — Decomposition of the AI-based system

— an AI-based system is composed of several traditional subsystems, and at least one of them is
an AI-based subsystem;
— an AI-based subsystem embeds at least one AI/ML constituent;
— an AI/ML constituent is a collection of hardware and/or software items (including the necessary
pre- and post-processing elements), and at least one specialised hardware or software item
containing one (or several) ML model(s), further referred to as ‘AI/ML item’ in this document;
— the traditional hardware and software items do not include an ML inference model.

4. Criticality of AI applications
Depending on the safety criticality of the application, and on the aviation domain, an assurance level
is allocated to the AI-based (sub)system (e.g. development assurance level (DAL) for initial and
continuing airworthiness or air operations, or software assurance level (SWAL) for air traffic
management/air navigation services (ATM/ANS)).

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A modulation of the objectives of this document based on the assurance level has been introduced in
Chapter D ‘Proportionality of the guidance’.
With the current state of knowledge of AI and ML technology, EASA anticipates a limitation on the
validity of applications when AI/ML constituents include IDAL A or B / SWAL 1 or 2 / AL 1, 2 or 3 items.
Moreover, no assurance level reduction should be performed for items within AI/ML constituents.
This limitation will be revisited when experience with AI/ML techniques has been gained.

5. Classification of AI applications — overview

The EASA AI Roadmap identifies three general AI levels. This scheme has been proposed based on
prognostics from industry regarding the types of use cases foreseen by AI-based systems. Indeed,
these three levels can be related to the staged approach that most of the industrial stakeholders are
planning for the deployment of AI applications, starting with assisting functions (Level 1 AI), then
making a step towards more human-machine teaming (Level 2 AI) and at last seeking for more
autonomy of the machine (Level 3 AI).
An additional split for level 2 AI has been introduced in this document, based on the human factors
guidance developed in Section C.4. The resulting refinement of the three scenarios is considered in
the following figure:

Level 1 AI : assistance to Level 2 AI : human/machine Level 3 AI : more

human teaming autonomous machine
•Level 1A: Human •Level 2A: Human and AI- • Level 3A: The AI-based
augmentation based system cooperation system performs decisions
and actions, overridable by
•Level 1B: Human cognitive •Level 2B: Human and AI- the human.
assistance in decision and based system collaboration
action selection •Level 3B: The AI-based
system performs non-
overridable decisions and

Figure 5 — Classification of AI applications

Detailed guidance on how to classify an AI-based system is provided in Section C.2.1.

Chapter D ‘Proportionality of the guidance’ introduces the applicability of the objectives to each AI
level (i.e. Level 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B), and will be completed at a later stage with considerations for Level
3 AI.

6. Novel concepts developed for data-driven AI

The guidance contained in Chapter C of this document is building on the existing regulatory
framework, while ensuring that the challenges introduced in Section B.1 are addressed through the
new concepts that are highlighted in this Section B.6.
It is important to keep in mind that current AI and ML technology may not be at a level commensurate
with the perspective opened by some of the objectives that are introduced in the document. The
proposed guidance aims at paving the way for the future deployment of AI/ML as anticipated by the

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aviation industry; however, considering all necessary limitations (e.g. on level of criticality of the AI-
based system) to further ensure an adequate level of safety of innovative solutions.

6.1. Learning assurance

In the current regulatory framework, the associated risk-based approach for systems, equipment and
parts is mainly driven by a requirements-based ‘development assurance’ methodology during the
development of their constituents. Although the system-level assurance still requires a requirements-
based approach, it is admitted that the design-level layers that rely on learning processes cannot be
addressed with ‘development assurance’ methods.
Intuitively, the assurance process should be shifted on the correctness and
completeness/representativeness of the data (training/validation/test data sets) and on the learning
and its verification. Most importantly, the main challenge lies in providing guarantees that the training
performed on sampled data sets can generalise with an adequate performance on unseen operational
To this purpose, a new concept of ‘learning assurance’ is proposed to provide novel means of
compliance. The objective is to gain confidence at an appropriate level that an ML application supports
the intended functionality, thus opening the ‘AI black box’ as much as practicable.

Learning assurance: All of those planned and systematic actions used to

substantiate, at an adequate level of confidence, that errors in a data-driven
learning process have been identified and corrected such that the system satisfies
the applicable requirements at a specified level of performance, and provides
sufficient generalisation and robustness guarantees.

6.2. AI explainability
AI explainability — overview

Explainability is a key property that any safety-related AI-based system should possess. It was the
reason for including it as a dedicated building block in the first release of the EASA AI Roadmap. The
preparation of the first EASA concept paper for level 1 AI applications has allowed further refinement
of the explainability concept in two views: one pertaining to the end users (operational explainability)
and one pertaining to other stakeholders involved with the AI-based system at the development time
or in the post-operational phase (development explainability). As mentioned previously, the
development of specific objectives for level 2 AI has crystallised the need for extension of the AI
explainability building block to cover a wider range of human factors guidance aspects. It has also
helped to further refine the allocation of the two explainability views, bringing the development
explainability closer to the learning assurance within the renamed AI assurance building block, and
leaving the operational explainability as the first essential element of the extended human factors for

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AI explainability — definition
While industry works on developing more advanced computers which include decision-making
capabilities, questions arise as to how the end user will understand and interpret the results and
reasoning of AI-based systems. In other words, to use the system, the user should be in a position to
understand and trust it. The development of advanced and complex AI techniques, for example, deep
neural networks (DNNs), may lead to major transparency issues for the end user.
This guidance makes a clear distinction between two types of explainability driven by the profile of
the user and their needs:
— The information required to make a ML model understandable; and
— Understandable information for the user on how the system came to its results.
The target audience of the explanation drives the need for explainability. In particular, the level of
explainability is highly dependent on the expertise and domain of the user. Details on the intrinsic
functioning of an ML model could be very useful, for example, to a developer but not understandable
by an end user.
In the aviation domain, a number of stakeholders require explanations about the AI-based system
behaviour: the certification authority, the safety investigator, the engineers (developer or maintainer)
and the end user. Similarly, for each target audience, the qualities of the explainability will also be
affected. The nature of the explanations needed are influenced by different dimensions, such as the
time to get the explanation, which would depend on the stakeholders.
This guidance defines explainability as:


AI explainability: Capability to provide the human with understandable, reliable, and

relevant information with the appropriate level of details and with appropriate timing
on how an AI/ML application produces its results.

This definition might evolve over time as the AI research evolves.

Note: In this document, whereas ‘explainability’ refers to the capability, ‘explanation’ refers to the
information as an instantiation of the explainability.
AI explainability — motivations
There are three groups of roles that drive the scope and need for explainability:
— Those involved in developing AI applications: systems and software engineers, data scientists,
— Those involved in working operationally with AI applications: flight crew, air traffic controllers
(ATCOs), etc.;
— Those involved in analysing what an AI application has done during operations: maintenance
staff, safety investigators, etc.

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DEEL’s white paper (DEEL Certification Workgroup, 2021) explores the need for explainability based
on the categories of users/consumers.
The list of motivations shows that they are generally shared between the stakeholders involved in the
development and post-operational phases. Both development and post-operational users are all
interested in a very detailed level of transparency on the inner function of the AI-based system. This
contrasts with the motivations of the end users who are looking for explanations that are appropriate
to the operations.
The table below summarises the motivations of each group:
Development & Post-operation Operation
▪ Develop system trustworthiness ▪ Contribute to building trust for the end
▪ Establish causal relationships between
▪ Contribute to predicting AI behaviour
the input and the output of the model
▪ Contribute to understanding
▪ Catch the boundaries of the model and actions/decisions
help in its fixing
▪ Highlight undesirable bias (data sets
and model bias)
▪ Allow the relevant receivers to identify
errors in the model
▪ Support continuous analysis of the AI-
based system behaviour
▪ Support the safety investigation of
accidents and incidents where an AI-
based system was involved
Table 1 — Needs for AI explainability

Given the above split, the remainder of this document establishes the requirement for explainability
from two perspectives:
— Development & post-ops explainability (Section C.3.2);
— Operational explainability (Section C.4.1).

6.3. Operational domain (OD) and operational design domain (ODD)

As already depicted in the previous sections with the introduction of learning assurance, special
attention needs to be paid to the data that will be used by the ML models, either during the training
phase or when the AI-based system with its ML model infers in the operations.

In the context of ML, an OD at system level, and an ODD at AI/ML constituent level needs to be defined
in order to provide constraints and requirements on the data that will be used during the learning
process, the implementation, or even during inference in the operations.

Section G.1 proposes definitions of OD and ODD where the ODD at AI/ML constituent level constitutes
a refinement of the operating conditions of the OD at the AI-based system level.

— Note on the definition of OD: This one has been adapted from the ODD definition used in the
automotive industry which is based on the document SAE J3016 (Level of driving automation,
2021). The capture of operating conditions is already a practice in the aviation domain, which

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corresponds to the conditions under which a given AI-based system is specifically designed to
function as intended; however, this process is not as formal as required to deal with AI-based
systems. Therefore, the formalisation of this notion under the term OD.

— Note on the definition of ODD: In addition, the level of details captured at system level is not
commensurate with the level of details typically needed at AI/ML constituent level to serve the
purpose of the ML model design processes, in particular the data and learning management
steps. This is the reason why the additional notion of AI/ML constituent ODD is introduced.

The ODD provides a framework for the selection, collection, preparation of the data during the
learning phase, as well as the monitoring of the data in operations.

Special considerations are made with respect to the OD and ODD:

— Definition of the OD (Section C.2.1.2)

— Definition of the ODD (Section C.

6.4. Human-AI Teaming

The new concept of HAT refers to the cooperation and collaboration between the end user and the
AI-based system to achieve goals. This HAT concept, depending on the maturity of the AI-based
system, involves a shared understanding of goals, roles and processes (decision-making/problem
solving) between the members. It also implies the development of trust and an effective interaction.
With this evolution of the AI-based system towards Level 2 AI applications, there is a growing need for
guidance on how to effectively introduce and use this concept of HAT.

To this purpose, the guidance makes a clear distinction between the notions of cooperation and
collaboration to clarify the definition of the AI levelling as well as to provide novel means of
compliance (C.4.2):

— Human-AI cooperation (Level 2A AI): cooperation is a process in which the AI-based system
works to help the end user accomplish his or her own goal.

The AI-based system works according to a predefined task allocation pattern with informative
feedback to the end user on the decisions and/or actions implementation. The cooperation
process follows a directive approach. Cooperation does not imply a shared situational
awareness between the end user and the AI-based system. Communication is not a paramount
capability for cooperation.

— Human-AI collaboration (Level 2B AI): collaboration is a process in which the human end user
and the AI-based system work together and jointly to achieve a common goal (or work
individually on a defined goal) and solve a problem through co-constructive approach.
Collaboration implies the capability to share situational awareness and to readjust strategies
and task allocation in real time. Communication is paramount to share valuable information
needed to achieve the goal, to share ideas and expectations.

The expected AI-based system capabilities for cooperation and collaboration processes are
different, as they are designed to achieve different goals requiring different kind of interactions.

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Figure 6 — HAT concept overview

In this guidance, it is anticipated that for the AI-based systems to participate effectively in the HAT,
certain capabilities are needed such as the notion of communication (more specifically for Level 2B),
adaptability/flexibility, situational awareness and transparency.

The human factors guidance developed in Section C.4.2 provides detailed objectives and means of
compliance to the applicants to design an AI platform where the above capabilities originate.

Finally, the guidance should help reinforce that the AI-based system and its platform is designed to:

— take into account the needs and capabilities of the end user by following a human-centred
design approach;

— foster cooperation, collaboration and trust between the end user and the AI-based system by
ensuring clear interaction; and

— meet existing human factors/ergonomics requirements and guidance including those related to
design, usability knowledge and techniques.

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C. AI trustworthiness guidelines
1. Purpose and applicability
This chapter introduces a first set of objectives, in order to anticipate future EASA guidance and/or
requirements to be complied with by safety-related ML applications. Where practicable, a first set of
anticipated MOC has also been developed, in order to illustrate the nature and expectations behind
the objectives.
The aim is to provide applicants with a first framework to orient choices in the development strategy
for ML solutions. This first set of usable objectives does not however constitute either definitive or
detailed means of compliance.
These guidelines apply to any system incorporating one or more ML models (further referred to as AI-
based system), and are intended for use in safety-related applications or for applications related to
environmental protection covered by the Basic Regulation, in particular for the following domains:
— Initial and continuing airworthiness, applying to systems or equipment required for type
certification or by operating rules, or whose improper functioning would reduce safety (systems
or equipment contributing to failure conditions Catastrophic, Hazardous, Major or Minor);
— Air operations, applying to systems, equipment or functions intended to support, complement,
or replace tasks performed by aircrew or other operations personnel (examples may be
information acquisition, information analysis, decision-making, action implementation and
monitoring of outputs);
— ATM/ANS5, applying to equipment intended to support, complement or replace end-user tasks
(examples may be information acquisition, information analysis, decision-making and action
implementation) delivering ATS or non-ATS;
— Maintenance, applying to systems supporting scheduling and performance of tasks intended to
timely detect or prevent unsafe conditions (airworthiness limitation section (ALS) inspections,
certification maintenance requirements (CMRs), safety category tasks) or tasks which could
create unsafe conditions if improperly performed (‘critical maintenance tasks’);
— Training, applying to systems used for monitoring the training efficiency or for supporting the
organisational management system, in terms of both compliance and safety;

5 For the ATM/ANS domain, according to the currently applicable Regulation (EU) 2017/373, there is no separate approval
for the ATM/ANS equipment, and all the activities related to the changes to the functional system (hardware, software,
procedures and personnel) are managed under the change management procedures, as part of the air navigation service
provider change management process. Competent authority approval is obtained for the introduced complete change.
Furthermore, in this Regulation, only the air traffic service (ATS) providers are requested to perform a safety assessment
as part of the change management process whereas the non-ATS providers (e.g. CNS) are requested to perform a safety
support assessment, intended to assess and demonstrate that after the introduction of the change the associated
services will behave as specified and will continue to behave as specified. Finally the regulatory framework will soon be
amended with the introduction of new implementing and delegated regulations identified in Opinion No 01/2023 on
conformity assessment.

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— Aerodromes, applying to systems that automate key aspects of aerodrome operational services,
such as the identification of foreign object debris, the monitoring of bird activities, and the
detection of UAS around/at the aerodrome;
— Environmental protection, applying to systems or equipment affecting the environmental
characteristics of products. Note: While the use of AI/ML applications in such systems or
equipment may not be safety-critical, the present guidance may still be relevant to establish the
necessary level of confidence in the outputs of the applications.
The introduction of AI/ML in these different aviation domains may thus imply (or ‘require’) as well
adaptations in the respective organisational rules per domain (such as for design organisation
approval (DOA) holders, maintenance organisation approval (MOA) holders, continuing airworthiness
management organisations (CAMOs), air navigation service providers (ANSPs), approved training
organisations (ATOs), air operators, etc.). Each organisation would need to ensure compliance with
EU regulations (e.g. for initial airworthiness, continuing airworthiness, air operations, ATM/ANS,
occurrence reporting, etc.) as applicable to each domain. Furthermore, each organisation would need
to assess the impact on its internal processes in areas such as competence management, design
methodologies, change management, supplier management, occurrence reporting, information
security aspects or record-keeping.
The applicability of these guidelines is limited as follows:
— covering Level 1 and Level 2 AI applications, but not covering yet Level 3 AI applications;
— covering supervised learning, but not other types of learning such as unsupervised or
reinforcement learning;
— covering offline learning processes where the model is ‘frozen’ at the time of approval, but not
adaptive or online learning processes.

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2. Trustworthiness analysis
2.1. Characterisation of the AI application
2.1.1. High-level task(s) and AI-based system definition
In this section all objectives require to consider the system as a whole, as opposed to considering its
subsystems or AI/ML constituents.
When characterising an AI-based system, the first step for an applicant consists in identifying the list
of end users intended to interact with the AI-based system, the associated high-level tasks and the AI-
based system definition.

Objective CO-01: The applicant should identify the list of end users that are intended to interact
with the AI-based system, together with their roles, their responsibilities and their expected
expertise (including assumptions made on the level of training, qualification and skills).

Objective CO-02: For each end user, the applicant should identify which high-level tasks are
intended to be performed in interaction with the AI-based system.

Anticipated MOC CO-02: The level at which the high-level tasks are identified should be considered
at the level of the interaction between the human and the AI-based system, not at the level of each
single function performed by the AI-based subsystem or AI/ML constituent. The list of high-level
task(s) relevant to the end user(s), in interaction with the AI-based system, should be documented.

Objective CO-03: The applicant should determine the AI-based system taking into account domain-
specific definitions of ‘system’.

Anticipated MOC CO-03: When relevant, the system should be decomposed into subsystems, one
or several of them being an AI-based subsystem(s).
The definition of system varies between domains. For example:
— for airborne systems, ARP4761 defines a system as ‘combination of inter-related items
arranged to perform a specific function(s)’;
— for the ATM/ANS domain (ATS and non-ATS), Regulation (EU) 2017/373 defines a functional
system as ‘a combination of procedures, human resources and equipment, including
hardware and software, organised to perform a function within the context of ATM/ANS and
other ATM network functions’.

In a second step, once the AI-based system has been determined, two separate but correlated
activities should be executed:
— Definition of the concept of operations (ConOps), with a focus on the identified end users and
the task allocation pattern between the end user(s) and the AI-based system (see Section
C.2.1.2); and

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— A functional analysis of the AI-based system (see Section C.2.1.3).

These activities will provide the necessary inputs for the classification of the AI application, for safety,
security, and ethical assessment, as well as for the other building blocks of the AI trustworthiness

2.1.2. Concept of operations for the AI application

To support compliance with the objectives of the AI trustworthiness guidelines, a detailed ConOps
describing precisely how the system will be operated is expected to be established.

Objective CO-04: The applicant should define and document the ConOps for the AI-based system,
including the task allocation pattern between the end user(s) and the AI-based system. A focus
should be put on the definition of the OD and on the capture of specific operational limitations and

Anticipated MOC-CO-04: The ConOps should be described at the level of the AI-based system,
where the human is expected to achieve a set of high-level tasks.
The ConOps should consider:
— the list of potential end users identified per Objective CO-01;
— the list of high-level tasks for each end user per Objective CO-02;
— an end-user-centric description of the operational scenarios (with sufficient coverage of the
high-level tasks);
— a description of the task allocation pattern between the end user(s) and the AI-based system,
further dividing the high-level tasks identified under Objective CO-02 in as many sub-tasks as
necessary; a scenario is: in a given context/environment, a sequence of actions in response
to a triggering event that aims at fulfilling a (high-level) task;
— a description of how the end users will interact with the AI-based system, driven by the task
allocation pattern;
— the definition of the OD, including the specific operating limitations and conditions
appropriate to the proposed operation(s);
— some already identified risks, associated mitigations, limitations and conditions on the AI-
based system.

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Figure 7 shows the interrelationship between the operational scenarios for the ConOps and the
operating parameters for the OD:

Figure 7 — Interrelationship between ConOps and OD

— The OD is further refined during the learning process. This refinement is materialised via the
definition of an ODD at AI/ML constituent level (see Section C.;
— The OD also considers dependencies between operating parameters in order to define
correlated ranges between some parameters when appropriate; in other words, the range(s)
for one or several operating parameters could depend on the value or range of another
— ConOps limitations may be accounted for in activities related to the safety assessment or safety
support assessment, as described in Sections C. and C.;
— Due to the data-driven nature of ML applications, the precise definition of the ConOps is an
essential element to ensure that sufficient and representative data is collected for the data sets
that are used for training, validation and testing purposes.

Objective CO-05: The applicant should document how end users’ inputs are collected and
accounted for in the development of the AI-based system.

Anticipated MOC-CO-05: The applicant should engage the end user in planning, design, validation,
verification and certification/approval of an AI based system. The end users’ involvement should
be documented.

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2.1.3. Functional analysis of the AI-based system

Objective CO-06: The applicant should perform a functional analysis of the system.

The functional analysis consists in identifying a break-down of the high-level function(s) into sub-
function(s), allocating the sub-function(s) to the subsystem(s), AI/ML constituents and items in line
with the architecture choices. The delineation between AI/ML item and non-AI/ML item is performed
at this stage: at least one item is allocated with AI function(s) and is thus considered an AI/ML item.
— The functional analysis is an enabler to meet the objectives in Section C.3.1.2 ‘Requirements
and architecture management’ of the learning assurance.
— The functional analysis is a means supporting the functional hazard assessment (FHA) as per
Section C.2.2.3 ‘Initial safety (support) assessment’.

2.1.4. Classification of the AI application

This first usable guidance document focuses on Level 1 AI applications. It therefore provides
classification guidelines for this level, including boundaries between Levels 1A, 1B and 2, in order to
avoid confusion of the applicants on the classification of their proposed AI-based system.
To this purpose, EASA is taking advantage of the seminal ‘A model for Types of Human Interaction
with Automation’ research paper (Parasuraman-et-al, 2000). According to the authors, the four-stage
model of human information processing has its equivalent in system functions that can be automated.
The authors propose that automation can be applied to four classes of functions:
— Information acquisition involves sensing and registration of input data; these operations are
equivalent to the first human information processing stage, supporting human sensory
— Information analysis involves cognitive functions such as working memory and inferential
— Decision-making involves selection from among decision alternatives.
— Action implementation refers to the actual execution of the action choice.
The research paper foresees several levels of automation (from Low to High) for each function. In early
publications, the HARVIS research project (Javier Nuñez et al., 2019) made use of this scheme to
develop a Level of Automation (LOAT), further splitting this scheme by distinguishing between an
action performed to ‘automation support’ the human versus an action performed ‘automatically’ by
the system.
To further refine this scheme, when considering the anticipated distinction between the Level 2 AI
and Level 3 AI applications, a further decomposition is introduced for ‘automatic’ functions into
‘overseen and overridable’, ‘supervised’ or ‘non-supervised’ by the human.
— Overseen and overridable: capability of the human end user to closely monitor the tasks
allocated to the AI-based system, with the ability to intervene in every decision-making and/or
action implementation of the AI-based system.

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— Supervised: capability of the human end user to supervise the operations of the AI-based system
(some decisions and some action implementation), with the ability to override the authority of
the AI-based system (some decisions and some action implementation) when it is necessary to
ensure safety and security of the operations (e.g. upon alerting).
— Non-supervised: no human end user is involved in the operations and therefore there is no
capability to override the AI-based system’s operations.
Note: It is important to remind that the AI levels introduced in EASA AI Roadmap 1.0 are not meant
to be an automation scheme but a classification of AI-based systems with regard to their usage and
interaction with the human end users. Therefore, the detailed levels introduced in the Raja
Parasuraman paper (Low-High) or in the HARVIS deliverables (Levels A0 to D8) were not considered in
this document.
The development of Level 2 guidance has determined the need for a further split into two levels, 2A
and 2B, based on the notion of authority. For the purpose of this document, the notion of distribution
of authority between an AI-based system and an end user refers to the control and decision-making
that each member has in their interactions with one another. In this context, authority can be seen as
the ability to make decisions and take actions without the need for approval from the other member.
In the context of the AI-based systems, authority can be divided between the human and the AI-based
system in a variety of ways, ranging from full authority for the end-user (up to Level 2A AI), partial
authority for the end user (Level 2B AI), up to full authority for the AI-based system (Level 3 AI).
In some cases, the authority of the AI-based system may be limited to specific tasks and may vary
depending on the pre-definition of the expected automatic decision and action implementation from
the AI-based system. In other cases, the AI-based system makes decisions and take actions without
end-user monitoring and control. To support this classification, the following additional definitions are
— Full authority for the end user: refers to a situation where the full control is kept on the end-
user side. The end user performs an active monitoring with the ability to intervene and override
any decisions taken and/or actions made by the AI-based system. The AI-based system does not
have the capabilities to perform any oversight of the end-user activities.
— Partial authority for the end user: refers to a situation where the end user keeps an active
monitoring and some degree of control over the AI-based system. The AI-based system may
therefore be designed to make decisions and take specific actions, but the human can still
override these decisions/actions if needed. This authority distribution scheme allows for a more
collaborative relationship between the AI-based system and the end user.
— Authority for the end user upon alerting: refers to a situation where the full control is left to the
AI-based system to make decisions and take actions, without active monitoring/oversight from
the end user. However, a passive monitoring is foreseen to allow the end user to revert to ‘full’
or ‘partial’ authority depending on events occurring in the operations.

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The resulting classification scheme is as follows and provides a reference for the classification of the
AI-based system. In case of doubt, the applicant should assume the higher AI level.
AI level Function allocated to the system to contribute to Authority of the
the high-level task end user
Level 1A Automation support to information acquisition Full
Human Automation support to information analysis Full

Level 1B Automation support to decision-making Full


Level 2A Overseen and overridable automatic decision Full

Human-AI Overseen and overridable automatic action Full
cooperation implementation
Level 2B Overseen and overridable automatic decision Partial
Overseen and overridable automatic action Partial
Level 3A Supervised automatic decision Upon alerting
Supervised Supervised automatic action implementation Upon alerting

Level 3B Non-supervised automatic decision Not applicable

Autonomous Non-supervised automatic action implementation Not applicable

Table 2 — EASA AI levels

Objective CL-01: The applicant should classify the AI-based system, based on the levels presented
in Table 2, with adequate justifications.

Anticipated MOC-CL-01-1: When classifying the AI-based system, the following aspects should be
— Only the AI-based system incorporating one or more ML models is to be classified following
the classification scheme proposed in Table 1.
— When classifying, the applicant should consider the high-level task(s) that are allocated to
the end user(s), in interaction with the AI-based system, as identified per Objective CO-02. It
is important to avoid slicing the system into granular lower-level functions when performing
the classification, as this may lead to over-classifying the AI level, on the basis of some
functions that the human end user is not supposed to oversee or supervise. The classification
should also exclude the tasks that are performed solely by the human, as well as the ones
allocated to other (sub)systems not based on ML technology.

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— When several ‘AI levels’ apply to the AI-based system (either because it has several
constituents or is involved in several functions/tasks), the resulting ‘AI level’ is the highest
level met by the AI-based system considering its full capability.
Note: An illustration of this classification mechanism is available in Table 6 — Classification applied
to use cases, where the ‘AI level’ is determined by the highest AI level in the blue bounding box.
As a consequence, for a given AI-based system, the result of the classification is a static ‘AI level’.
This ‘AI level’ is an input to the development process and contributes to the modulation of the
objectives in this document that apply to this system.
Note: This is the point where the ‘AI level’ classification scheme differs from an ‘automation’
scheme, as with the latter, the classification can dynamically evolve in operations, considering
different phases of the operation or degraded modes for instance. On the contrary, the ‘AI level’ is
static and reflects the highest capability offered by the AI-based system, in terms of interaction with
the human end user or in terms of autonomy (when it comes to AI level 3B). The purpose of this
classification is merely to provide a generic and consistent reference to all aviation domains, this
classification being another important dimension to drive the modulation of AI trustworthiness
objectives (see Chapter D) beyond the one linked to the criticality of the AI-based system.

Anticipated MOC-CL-01-2: The following considerations support the delineation of boundaries

between ‘AI levels’.
The boundary between level 1A and level 1B is based on the notion of decision-making. 1A covers
the use of AI/ML for any augmentation of the information presented to the end user, ranging from
organisation of incoming information according to some criteria to prediction (interpolation or
extrapolation) or integration of the information for the purpose of augmenting human end-user
perception and cognition. 1B addresses the step of support to decision-making, therefore the
process by the human end user of selection of a course of actions among several possible
alternative options. The number of alternatives could be multiple and in some cases the AI-based
system could present only a subset of all possible alternatives, which would still be considered as
AI level 1B. The number of alternatives could also be limited to two (e.g. validating a radio-
frequency suggestion or amending the entry proposed by the AI-based system and this still consists
in decision-making. On the contrary, the implementation of an action or series of actions by the
human end user to perform a predefined task (such as following a predefined route or landing the
aircraft) is not considered as decision-making. Finally, the notion of support implies that the
decision is solely taken by the human end user and not by the AI-based system.
The boundary between level 1B and level 2A is based on the distinction between support to
decision-making and automatic decision-making (e.g. proceeding with the landing when reaching
decision height or going around). At level 2A it is important to remind that such automatic decisions
are fully overseen and overridable by the human end user (e.g. the pilot could decide to go around
despite the decision from the AI-based system to proceed with an autoland). Level 2A also
addresses the automatic implementation of a course of actions by the AI-based system even when

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the decision is taken by the human end user (e.g. assistant supporting automatic approach
configuration before landing).
While both levels 2A and 2B imply the capability of the AI-based system to undertake automatic
decisions or actions implementation, the boundary between those two levels lies in the capability
of level 2B AI-based systems to take over some authority on decision-making, to share situational
awareness and to readjust strategies and task allocation in real time (e.g. virtual co-pilot in a single-
pilot operation aircraft. The pilot and the virtual co-pilot share tasks and have a common set of
goals under a collaboration scheme. The virtual co-pilot has the capability to use natural language
for communication allowing an efficient bilateral communication between both members to
readjust strategies and decisions).
The boundary between level 2B and level 3A lies in the level of oversight that is performed by the
human end user on the operations of the AI-based system (e.g. a pilot in the cockpit). A strong
prerequisite for level 2 (both for 2A and 2B) is the ability for the human end user to intervene in
every decision-making and/or action implementation of the AI-based system, whereas in level 3A
applications, the ability of the end user to override the authority of the AI-based system is limited
to cases where it is necessary to ensure safety of the operations (e.g. an operator supervising a
fleet of UAS, terminating the operation of one given UAS upon alerting).
The boundary between level 3A and 3B will be refined when developing the level 3 AI guidelines. It
is for the time being solely driven by consideration of the presence or absence of capability for a
human end user to override the operations of the AI-based system, therefore on the level of
autonomy of the product embedding the AI-based system.

2.2. Safety assessment of ML applications

2.2.1. AI safety assessment concept Statement of issue
The objective of a safety assessment is to demonstrate an acceptable level of safety as defined in the
applicable regulations. A logical and acceptable inverse relationship must exist between the
occurrence probability of a failure condition and the severity of its effect. Depending on the domain
of applications in aviation, safety assessment methodologies may vary, but a common point is the
consideration that only hardware components are subject to a random failure. The reliability of a given
piece of software is not quantified per se. As an example, for airborne systems, it is usually considered
that when recognised development assurance methodologies are used throughout the development,
the risk of having an error resulting in a failure is minimised to an adequate level of confidence.
Development errors are considered as a possible common source type and are mitigated by system
architecture and analysed with other common mode errors and failures via dedicated techniques such
as common mode analysis. The probabilistic risk assessment then usually limits the contribution of
digital components to the reliability of the digital function input parameters and to the reliability of
the hardware platform executing the digital code.
Due to their statistical nature and to model complexity, ML applications come with new limitations in
terms of predictability and sources of uncertainties. Taking this into consideration, this guidance is

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intended to assist applicants in demonstrating that systems embedding AI/ML constituents operate
at least as safely as traditional systems developed using existing development assurance processes
and safety assessment methodologies6: AI technology introduction should be done at no higher risk
imposed to persons, personal properties (or critical infrastructure). Furthermore, the proposed
guidance is also aimed at following as closely as possible existing aviation safety assessment processes
to minimise the impact on those processes.
It is acknowledged by EASA that facing uncertainty on safety-critical applications is not a challenge
unique to AI/ML applications.
For embedded traditional systems, existing guidance material already recognises, for instance, that,
for various reasons, component failure rate data is not precise enough to enable accurate estimates
of the probabilities of failure conditions (see for example AMC 25.1309 11.e.4). This results in some
degree of uncertainty. Typically, when calculating the estimated probability of a given hazard,
applicable guidance, such as AMC 25.1309, requires that this uncertainty should be accounted for in
a way that does not compromise safety. The need for such a conservative approach to deal with
uncertainty is unchanged with AI/ML applications.
For the ATM/ANS domain, the safety assessment to be performed by ATS providers also needs to
account for uncertainties during the risk evaluation step. AMC1 ATS.OR.205(b)(4) of Regulation (EU)
2017/373 requests that risk evaluation includes a comparison of the risk analysis results against the
safety criteria taking the uncertainty of the risk assessment into account.
Furthermore, AI/ML applications may be able to estimate uncertainties associated with their outputs.
These estimations may then feed monitoring functions which in turn contribute to the safety case or
provide valuable data for the continuous safety assessment (see Section C.2.2.4). Safety assessment concept

An adequate safety level should be achieved and maintained throughout the whole product life cycle,
thanks to:
— initial safety assessment, during design phase by considering the contribution of an AI/ML
constituent to system failure and by having particular architectural considerations when AI is
introduced; followed by
— continuous safety assessment, with the implementation of a data-driven AI safety risk
assessment based on operational data and occurrences. This ‘continuous’ analysis of in-service
events may rely on processes already existing for domains considered in this guideline. The
processes will need to be adapted to the AI introduction.
It is recognised that, depending on the domains, the necessary activities to be performed and
documented in view of EASA approval vary significantly. The table below summarises per domain the
expected analysis to be performed in view of the approval by EASA of a system embedding an AI/ML

6 In the ATM/ANS domain, for non-ATS providers, the safety assessment is replaced by a safety support assessment.

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Aviation domains ‘Initial’ safety assessment ‘Continuous’ safety assessment

Initial and continuing As per Section C.2.2.2 below As per organisation section (DOA –
airworthiness Continuing airworthiness) and
Section C.2.2.4‘Instruction for
continuous safety assessment’ of
this guideline
Air operations To be defined As per organisation section
(Operators – SMS) and Section
C.2.2.4 ‘Instruction for continuous
safety assessment’ of this guideline
ATM/ANS As per Section C. for As per organisation section (ANSPs
ATS providers – SMS) and Section C.2.2.4
and Section C. for non- ‘Instruction for continuous safety
ATS providers – see note B assessment’ of this guideline – see
Note G
Maintenance None – see Notes A and D As per organisation section (CAMO
or MOA – SMS)
and Section C.2.2.4 ‘Instruction for
continuous safety assessment’ of
this guideline
Training None – see Notes A and E Managed from an organisation,
operations and negative training, as
per organisation section (ATO –
SMS) and Section C.2.2.4
‘Instruction for continuous safety
assessment’ of this guideline
Aerodromes To be defined To be defined

Environmental protection None – see Note F Currently not applicable

Table 3 — Safety assessment concept for the major aviation domains

Note A: For some domains, only a ‘continuous’ safety assessment is expected to be presented to EASA
at this stage. Applicants may however use the methodology described in Section C.2.2.2 to establish
their design processes.
Note B: Regulation (EU) 2017/373 that addresses ATS and non-ATS providers has introduced the need
of a ‘safety support assessment’ for non-ATS providers rather than a ‘safety assessment’. The objective
of the safety support assessment is to demonstrate that, after the implementation of the change, the
functional system will behave as specified and will continue to behave only as specified in the specified
context. For these reasons, a dedicated Section C. has been created for non-ATS providers.
Note C: The terminology used in safety assessment/safety support assessment between the various
domains varies. Footnotes have been used in the next paragraph to clarify the guideline intent with
regard to domain specificities and domain-specific definitions reminded in Chapter G.
Note D: For the maintenance domain, whenever new equipment is used, it should be qualified and

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Note E: For the training domain, whenever an AI-based system is adopted, the entry into service
period should foresee an overlapping time to enable validation of safe and appropriate performance.
Note F: For the environmental protection domain, the initial safety assessment is to be interpreted as
the demonstration of compliance with the applicable environmental protection requirements.
Note G: For ATS and non-ATS providers, the notion of ‘continuous safety assessment’ should be
understood as the ‘Safety performance monitoring and measurement’ for ATS providers, or simply
the ‘Performance monitoring and measurement’ for non-ATS providers.

2.2.2. Impact assessment of AI introduction

In the following sections, the steps highlighted in bold are novel or affected by AI introduction
compared to a classical safety assessment.
In Section C., safety assessment should be understood as safety assessment of the functional
system when it applies to ATS providers in the ATM/ANS domain, and should be understood as a
system safety assessment in the airworthiness domain. Safety support assessment of the functional
system applies to non-ATS providers and is addressed in Section C. Impact on safety assessment methodologies

The analyses below describe the typical safety assessment activities performed throughout the design
— Perform functional hazard assessment in the context of the ConOps
— Safety assessment activities supporting design and validation phases
• Define safety objectives7, proportionate with the hazard classification
• Define a preliminary system architecture to meet the safety objectives

• Allocate assurance level (e.g. DAL or SWAL)

• Define AI/ML constituent performance8 metrics

• Analyse and mitigate the effect of the AI-based (sub)system (respectively AI/ML
constituent) exposure to input data outside of the AI-based (sub)system OD
(respectively AI/ML constituent ODD)9

• Identify and classify sources of uncertainties. Analyse and mitigate their effects.
• Perform AI/ML item failure mode effect analysis (see note)

• Derive safety requirements including independence requirements to meet the safety

objective and support the architecture

7 In the ATM/ANS domain, for ATS providers, this activity corresponds to the definition of safety criteria.
8 The set of selected metrics should allow the estimation of the reliability of the AI/ML constituent: empirical probabilities
of each failure mode relevant for the safety assessment should be obtained from selected metrics.
9 The AI-based (sub)system OD is described according to Objective CO-04. The AI/ML constituent ODD is described
according to Objective DM-01.

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• Define and validate assumptions

— Verification phase

• Perform final safety assessment

• Consolidate the safety assessment to verify that the implementation satisfies the safety
An AI/ML item failure mode effect analysis should be performed to identify the various failure mode
and associated failure/error rates for the ML model. When a quantitative safety assessment is
required, the outputs of this analysis is then fed into the safety assessment quantitative analysis (e.g.
fault tree analysis, dependence diagram) to demonstrate that the quantitative safety objectives are
fulfilled. Impact on safety support assessment

The analyses below describe the typical safety support assessment activities performed during the
design phase. The steps highlighted in bold are expected to be affected by AI introduction compared
to the usual process:
— Evaluate impact on the service specification, including service performance
— Identify applicable service performance requirements
— Define a preliminary system architecture
— Analyse design:
• Perform AI/ML item failure mode effect analysis

• Define the AI/ML constituent performance11 metrics

• Analyse and mitigate the effect of the AI-based (sub)system (respectively AI/ML
constituent) exposure to input data outside of the AI-based (sub)system OD
(respectively AI/ML constituent ODD)12
• Identify and classify sources of uncertainties
• Analyse and mitigate their effects
• Allocate assurance level (e.g. SWAL)
— Define safety support requirements
— Verify that the implementation satisfies the safety support requirements

In the ATM/ANS domain, for ATS providers, these correspond to the safety criteria.
11 The ‘AI/ML Constituent performance’ is a possible contributor to service performance that is defined in Regulation (EU)
2017/373: ‘performance of the service refers to such properties of the service provided such as accuracy, reliability,
integrity, availability, timeliness, etc.’
12 The AI-based (sub)system OD is described according to Objective CO-04. The AI/ML constituent ODD is described
according to Objective DM-01.

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2.2.3. Initial safety (support) assessment

Based on the high-level impact assessment performed in C. and C., the following
objective is proposed for the initial safety assessment:

Objective SA-01: The applicant should perform a safety (support) assessment for all AI-based
(sub)systems, identifying and addressing specificities introduced by AI/ML usage.

The following means of compliance are proposed to address AI/ML-specific activities to be performed
during the initial safety assessment:
Anticipated MOC-SA-01-1: DAL/SWAL allocation and verification:
The following standards and implementing rules with adaptation may be used to perform
DAL/SWAL allocation
— For embedded systems:
• ED79A/ARP4754A and ARP4761
— For ATS providers in the ATM/ANS domain, the following implementing rule requirements
(and the associated AMC and GM) are applicable:
• ATS.OR.205 Safety assessment and assurance of changes to the functional system
• ATS.OR.210 Safety criteria
— For non-ATS providers in the ATM/ANS domain, the following implementing rule
requirements (and the associated AMC and GM) are applicable:
• ATM/ANS.OR.C.005 Safety support assessment and assurance of changes to the
functional system.

The following limitations are applicable when performing the DAL/SWAL allocation :
With the current state of knowledge of AI and ML technology, EASA anticipates a limitation on the
validity of applications when AI/ML constituents include IDAL A or B / SWAL 1 or 2 / AL 1, 2 or 3 items.
Moreover, no assurance level reduction should be performed for items within AI/ML constituents.
This limitation will be revisited when experience with AI/ML techniques has been gained.
Anticipated MOC-SA-01-2: Metrics
The applicant should define metrics to evaluate the AI/ML constituent performance.
Depending on the application under consideration, a large variety of metrics may be selected to
evaluate and optimise the performance of AI/ML constituents. The selected metrics should also
provide relevant information with regard to the actual AI/ML constituent reliability so as to
substantiate the safety assessment (or impact on services performance in the case of safety support
assessment). Indeed, as part of the safety assessment process, AI/ML item failure modes are
expected to be identified. Performance metrics should provide a conservative estimation of the
probability of occurrence of the AI/ML item failures modes.

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Performance evaluation is performed as part of the learning assurance per Objectives LM-09 (for
the trained model) and IMP-06 (for the inference model). The measured performance is fed back
to the safety assessment process.

When input data is within the ODD, the AI/ML constituent will make predictions with the expected
level of performance as per Anticipated MOC-SA-01-2 and other performance indicators requested
per the learning assurance. However, for various reasons (e.g. sensor failures, shift in OD), input data
outside the AI/ML constituent ODD, or even outside the AI-based (sub)system OD may be fed to the
AI/ML constituent. In such a situation, the AI-based (sub)system and/or the AI/ML constituent will
need to take over the function of the model to deliver an output that will ensure the continuity of the
Anticipated MOC-SA-01-3: Exposure to data outside the OD or ODD
Several steps are to take place:
— Establish the monitoring capabilities to detect that the input data is outside the AI/ML
constituent ODD, or the AI-based (sub)system OD;
— Put in place mechanisms for the AI/ML constituent to continue to deliver the intended
function when input data is outside ODD;
— Put in place mechanisms for the AI-based (sub)system to continue to deliver the intended
function when input data is outside OD.
For low-dimensional input space (e.g. categorical data, tabular data, etc.), monitoring the
boundaries of the ODD or OD could be a relatively simple task. However, monitoring the limits of
the ODD or OD could be much more complicated for high-dimensional input spaces (like in
computer vision with images or videos, or in NLP). In such use cases, techniques like the out of
distribution (OoD) discriminator could be envisaged.

To support anticipated MOC-SA-01-4 and MOC-SA-01-5, the following taxonomy for uncertainty based
on Der Kiureghian and Ditlevsen (Ditlevsen, 2009) is considered in this concept paper:
— Epistemic uncertainty refers to the situation where the model has not been exposed to the
relevant input domain area. In other words, the function’s parameters do not correctly fit the
input data.
— Aleatory uncertainty refers to the intrinsic randomness in the data. This can derive from data
collection errors, sensor noise, or noisy labels. In other words, the model has seen such data
during training
Note: The main difference is that epistemic uncertainty can be reduced by adding appropriate data to
the training set, while aleatory uncertainty will still be present to a certain extent. Epistemic
uncertainty is addressed in this concept paper thanks to the learning assurance objectives, whereas
aleatory uncertainties are addressed through the following objectives:

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Anticipated MOC-SA-01-4: Identification and classification of uncertainties

Sources of uncertainties affecting the learning algorithm should be listed. Each should be classified
to determine whether it is an aleatory or an epistemic source of uncertainties.

Anticipated MOC-SA-01-5: Assessment and mitigation of uncertainties

Aleatory uncertainties should be minimised to the practical extent. Effects of aleatory uncertainties
should be assessed at system level. In particular, when a quantitative assessment is required, the
aleatory uncertainties should be accounted for in a way that does not compromise safety.

Anticipated MOC-SA-01-6: Establishment of AI/ML item failure modes13:

— Establish a taxonomy of AI/ML item failures;
— Evaluate possible failure modes and associated detection means (see also MOC-SA-01-7 for
considerations on the generalisation guarantees).
As an example, the following approach may be used to establish AI/ML item failure modes and the
associated probability:
1. Describe precisely the desired inputs and outputs of the ML item and the pre-/post-processing
steps executed by a traditional SW/HW item.
2. Identify the right metrics to evaluate the model performance and how these allow to reach the
required system performance.
3. Understand and quantify generalisation guarantees either through the model complexity
approach or through the validation/evaluation approach. This leads to guarantees for almost all
data sets on average over all inputs.
Note: This step is done through Objective LM-04 in the learning assurance chapter. The output of
this objective may then be fed into the safety (support) assessment. There may be some iterations
between Objective LM-04 and Objective SA-01 below in case the generalisation guarantee does
not allow meeting the safety objective. In such a case, either a stronger guarantee may be achieved
by constraining further the learning process or changes to the system (e.g. system architecture
consideration) may be considered.
4. Identify how guarantees on average translate to performance guarantees on each input (with
respect to the chosen metrics), up to a controlled failure probability.
5. Analyse the post-processing system to show how it modifies the latter guarantees/failure
probabilities. Usually, the post-processing results in improved performance (with respect to the
chosen metrics) and/or reduction of model failures.

13 Based on the state of the art in AI/ML, it is acknowledged that relating the notion of probability in AI/ML with safety
analyses is challenging (e.g. as discussed in Section ‘Uncertainty and risk’ in (DEEL Certification Workgroup, 2021))
and subject to further investigation.

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6. Understand what performance guarantees (up to the chosen failure probability) follow from the
sizes of the chosen data sets, the models, and their in-sample errors (with respect to the chosen
7. Study the elevated values of the error metrics for the model on the training/validation
(eventually testing) data sets, and develop adequate external mitigations such as those discussed
in Section C.5. This will prevent errors from exponentially accumulating over time.

Anticipated MOC SA-01-7: Link between generalisation guarantees and safety assessment
Once the generalisation gap has been evaluated (per Objective LM-04), the applicant should assess
the impact on the safety (support) assessment.
When quantitative assessment is required to demonstrate that the safety requirements are met,
AI/ML constituent failure rates may be evaluated from the ‘out-of-sample error’ (𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 ). One
possible approach is to define the ‘in-sample error’ (𝐸𝑖𝑛 ) using a metric that reflects application-
specific quantities commensurate with the safety hazard. Then, provided that 𝐸𝑖𝑛 is defined in a
meaningful and practical way, 𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 , that reflects the safety performance in operations, can be
estimated from the 𝐸𝑖𝑛 and the generalisation gap. Such errors are however quantities on average,
and this should be taken into account.

The refinement of this anticipated MOC SA-01-7 or additional anticipated MOC is expected to benefit
from MLEAP project deliverables.
Anticipated MOC SA-01-8: Verification
Verify that the implementation satisfies the safety (support) assessment requirements including
the independence requirements.
When classical architectural mitigations such as duplicating a function in independent items to
improve reliability (i.e. ‘spatial redundancy’) are put in place, then particular care should be taken
to ensure that the expected improvements are achieved (e.g. by checking that items required to be
independent have uncorrelated errors).

Note: For non-AI/ML items, traditional safety assessment methodology should be used.
The following standards and implementing rules with adaptation may be used:
— For embedded systems:

• ED79A/ARP4754A and ARP4761

— For ATS providers: the following implementing rule requirements (and the associated AMC and
GM) are applicable:

• ATS.OR.205 Safety assessment and assurance of changes to the functional system

• ATS.OR.210 Safety criteria
Note: In Section C.5.1 the purpose of the safety risk mitigation (SRM) building block is defined. The
SRM may result in architectural changes to mitigate a partial coverage of the applicable explainability

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and learning assurance objectives. These architectural mitigations come in addition to the
architectural safety mitigations as SRM is not aimed at compensating partial coverage of objectives
belonging to the AI trustworthiness analysis building block (i.e. characterisation of AI, safety
assessment, information security, ethics-based assessment).

2.2.4. Instruction for continuous safety assessment

Depending on the aviation domains, different approaches exist to ensure that certified/approved
systems are in a condition for safe operation, at any time in their operating life.
In the airworthiness domain, activities to ensure continuing airworthiness of the type design are
required by Part 21. Such activities consist mainly in the following steps:
— Collection, investigation and analysis of data 21.A.3A(a);
— Reporting potential unsafe conditions 21.A.3A(b);
— Investigation of potential unsafe conditions 21.A.3A(c);
— Determination of an unsafe condition 21.A.3B(b);
— Determination of the required action(s) 21.A.3B(d)3;
— Determination of compliance time for the required action(s) 21.A.3B(d)4; and
— Issuance of an AD 21.A.3B(b).
In the ATM/ANS domain, requirements are set to ensure the safety performance monitoring and
measurement. ATS providers shall ensure that the safety assessment comprises the specification of
the monitoring criteria necessary to demonstrate that the service delivered by the changed functional
system will continue to meet the safety criteria (ATS.OR.205(b)(6)). Also, non-ATS providers shall
ensure that the safety support assessment comprises specification of the monitoring criteria
necessary to demonstrate that the service delivered by the changed functional system will continue
to behave only as specified in the specified context (ATM/ANS.OR.C.005(b)(2)). For both ATS providers
and non-ATS providers, these requirements are accompanied with AMC and GM. The monitoring
criteria are then used as means to monitor the safety performance in the operations (AMC2
ATM/ANS.OR.B.005(a)(3) with their associated GM like e.g. GM1 ATM/ANS.OR.B.005(a)(3)).
Note: In the rest of this section the notion of ‘continuous safety assessment’ should be understood
for the ATM/ANS domain as the ‘Safety performance monitoring and measurement’ for ATS providers,
or simply the ‘Performance monitoring and measurement’ for non-ATS providers.

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To ensure safe operation of AI-based systems during their operating life, the following objectives are
identified to address AI/ML specificities:

Objective ICSA-01: The applicant should identify which data needs to be recorded for the purpose
of supporting the continuous safety assessment.

Anticipated MOC ICSA-01

Data should be collected in support of:
— the monitoring of in-service events to detect potential issues or suboptimal performance
trends that might contribute to safety margin erosion, or, for non-ATS providers, to service
performance degradations; and
— the guarantee that design assumptions hold. This typically covers assumptions made on ODD,
(e.g. for further assessment of possible distribution shift).
Proper means should be put in place to ensure the integrity of collected data.

Objective ICSA-02: The applicant should use the collected data to perform a continuous safety
assessment. This includes:
— the definition of target values, thresholds and evaluation periods to guarantee that design
assumptions hold;
— the monitoring of in-service events to detect potential issues or suboptimal performance
trends that might contribute to safety margin erosion, or, for non-ATS providers, to service
performance degradations; and
— the resolution of identified shortcomings or issues.
An anticipated way to evaluate safety margin erosion is to update the analysis made during the initial
safety assessment with in-service data to ensure that the safety objectives are still met throughout
the product life.
More generally, it is expected that best practices and techniques will emerge from in-service
experience of continuous safety assessment of AI-based systems. These will enable additional
objectives or anticipated MOC to be developed.

2.3. Information security considerations for ML applications

When dealing with ML applications, regardless of the domain considered, the data-driven learning
process triggers specific considerations from an information security perspective.
Focusing on the initial and continuing airworthiness domains, with Decision 2020/006/R, EASA has
amended the Certification Specifications (CSs) for large aircraft and rotorcraft, as well as the relevant
AMC and GM introducing objectives aimed at assessing and controlling safety risks posed by
information security threats. Such threats could be the consequences of intentional unauthorised
electronic interaction (IUEI) with systems on the ground and on board of the aircraft.
For systems and equipment based on AI/ML applications, the above-mentioned modifications to the
products certification regulation will serve as a basis to orient the specific guidelines for information
security. To this extent, key aspects are:

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— the identification of security risks and vulnerabilities through a product information security risk
assessment (PISRA) or, more in general, an information security risk assessment;
— the implementation of the necessary mitigations to reduce the risks to an acceptable level
(acceptability is defined in the relevant CS for the product); and finally
— the verification of effectiveness of the implemented mitigations. Effectiveness verification
should entail a combination of analysis, security-oriented robustness testing and reviews.
For the initial and continuing airworthiness of airborne systems embedding AI/ML applications, the
guidance from AMC 20-42 ‘Airworthiness information security risk assessment’ is applicable,
although contextualised to take into account the peculiarities of the AI/ML techniques.
For other domains, as already stated in Section C. for the safety risk assessment, the necessary
activities to be performed and documented in view of EASA approval may be different. However, the
aforementioned key aspects remain applicable and before dedicated AMC are defined for those other
domains, the principles of AMC 20-42 could be used to deal with AI/ML applications information
security risk assessment and mitigation.
Moreover, Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1645 (applicable as of 16 October 2025) and
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/203 that have introduced a set of information
security requirements for approved organisations, should be also taken into account (see further
considerations in Section C.6).
Since security aspects of AI/ML applications are still an object of study, there are no commonly
recognised protection measures that have been proved to be effective in all cases. Therefore, we have
to consider that the initial level of protection of an AI/ML application may degrade more rapidly if
compared to a standard aviation technology. In light of this, systems embedding an AI/ML constituent
should be designed with the objective of being resilient and capable of failing safely and securely if
attacked by unforeseen and novel information security threats.
Figure 8 — Threats during the life cycle of the AI/ML constituent refers to a set of high-level threats
which are harmful to AI-based applications and positions them in the life cycle of the AI/ML
constituent. These threats are aligned with the taxonomy and definitions published with the ENISA
report (ENISA, December 2021) on SECURING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS and possible threats
identified in Table 3. As depicted on the figure, these attacks can be preliminary steps to more complex
attacks, like model extraction. This set is subject to change depending on application specificities and
threats evolutions.

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Figure 8 — Threats during the life cycle of the AI/ML constituent

2.3.1. Proposed objectives for the information security risks management

Based on the high-level considerations made in the previous section, and recognising that the
management of identified risks is an iterative process that requires assessment and implementation
of mitigation means until the residual risk is acceptable (acceptability criteria depend on the context
that is considered for the certification of the affected product or part), the following objectives are
considered in the guidelines:

Objective IS-01: For each AI-based (sub)system and its data sets, the applicant should identify those
information security risks with an impact on safety, identifying and addressing specific threats
introduced by AI/ML usage.

Anticipated MOC IS-01: In performing the system information security risk assessment and risk
treatment, while taking advantage of the ENISA report (ENISA, December 2021) on SECURING
MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS and possible threats identified in Table 3, the applicant could
address the following aspects:
— Consider ‘evasion’ attacks, in which the attacker works on the learning algorithm’s inputs to
find small perturbations leading to large modification of its outputs (e.g. decision errors).
— Consider the ‘oracle’ type of attack in which the attacker explores a model by providing a
series of carefully crafted inputs and observing outputs. These attacks can be predecessors
to more harmful types, evasion, poisoning, or even model extraction.

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Objective IS-02: The applicant should document a mitigation approach to address the identified
AI/ML-specific information security risk.

Anticipated MOC IS-02: Based on the identified threats, the applicant should apply security controls
that are specific to applications using ML. Some are listed in Table 5 -section ‘SPECIFIC ML’ of the
ENISA report (ENISA, December 2021) and appear to be in line with some of the learning assurance
objectives (see Section C.3).

Objective IS-03: The applicant should validate and verify the effectiveness of the security controls
introduced to mitigate the identified AI/ML-specific information security risks to an acceptable

2.4. Ethics-based assessment

As already mentioned above, the EU Commission’s AI High-Level Expert Group (HLEG), in 2019,
elaborated that, deriving from a fundamental-rights-based and domain-overarching list of 4 ethical
imperatives (i.e. respect to human autonomy, prevention of harm, fairness and explainability), the
trustworthiness of an AI-based system is built upon 3 main pillars or expectations, i.e. lawfulness14,
adherence to ethical principles, and technical robustness. The HLEG further refined these expectations
by means of a set of 7 gears and sub-gears (i.e. human agency and oversight; technical robustness and
safety; privacy and data governance; transparency; diversity, non-discrimination and fairness; societal
and environmental well-being; accountability). To ease self-evaluation and provide orientation to
applicants, the HLEG, in 2020, underpinned this set of gears by the so-called Assessment List for
Trustworthy AI (ALTAI)15, containing several questions and explanation.
Building on this 2019/2020 Commission approach, the present EASA guidelines further clarify and
tailor the (sub-)gears of the HLEG to the EASA remit and to the needs of the aviation sector and its
stakeholders. This is reflected in a slightly adapted wording of the ALTAI, as reflected in the mapping
tables provided in Annex 5 — Full list of questions from the ALTAI adapted to aviation.

Objective ET-01: The applicant should perform an ethics-based trustworthiness assessment for any
AI-based system developed using ML techniques or incorporating ML models.

Anticipated MOC ET-01: When performing this assessment, it is suggested to take into account the
seven gears from the Assessment List for Trustworthy AI (ALTAI), while considering the clarifications
and specific objectives developed by EASA in the following sections (one section per gear).

14 Note: With regard to the ‘lawfulness’ component, the HLEG-Ethics guidelines state (p. 6): ‘The Guidelines do not explicitly
deal with the first component of Trustworthy AI (lawful AI), but instead aim to offer guidance on fostering and securing
the second and third components (ethical and robust AI). While the two latter are to a certain extent often already
reflected in existing laws, their full realisation may go beyond existing legal obligations.’

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2.4.1. Gear #1 — Human agency and oversight

Most of the questions related to ‘Human agency and autonomy’ and ‘Human oversight’ are considered
by EASA to be addressed through compliance with the objectives of the AI trustworthiness framework
contained in Chapter C of this document.
The table for gear #1 contained in Annex 5 — Full list of questions from the ALTAI adapted to aviation
is intended to clarify the precise links to the EASA guidelines.
The following objective should be addressed in the ethics-based assessment that is requested through
Objective ET-01.

Objective ET-02: The applicant should ensure that the AI-based system bears no risk of creating
human attachment, stimulating addictive behaviour, or manipulating the end user’s behaviour.

Anticipated MOC ET-02: AI-based systems with the potential of creating human attachment,
stimulating addictive behaviour, or manipulating user behaviour are not considered acceptable for
the aviation domain. In the frame of these guidelines, the understanding of item G1.f requires some
precision on the definition of the terms ‘overreliance’ and ‘attachment’ which have been added in
Annex 3 - Definitions. A notable difference is that attachment is related to an emotional link
whereas overreliance is more pragmatically related to trust and dependence on support. Risks
related to ‘overreliance’ are considered to be addressed through the guidance on operational
explainability as reflected for item G1.c. The organisation processes and procedures shall ensure
that the risks associated with this item G1.f and its associated sub-items are strictly avoided. In
addition, it is important to clarify the differences between the terms ‘overreliance’ and ‘reliance’ in
order to better delineate the border between what is suitable (reliance) and what is not acceptable

2.4.2. Gear #2 — Technical robustness and safety

Most questions related to ‘Technical robustness and safety’ are considered by EASA to be addressed
through compliance with the objectives of the AI trustworthiness framework contained in Chapter C
of this document.
The table for gear #2 contained in the Annex 5 — Full list of questions from the ALTAI adapted to
aviation is intended to clarify the precise links to the EASA guidelines.
The following objective should be addressed in the ethics-based assessment that is requested through
Objective ET-01.

Objective ET-03: The applicant should ensure that the AI-based system presents no capability of
adaptive learning.

Note: Adaptive learning (also known as continual or online learning) is not addressed in the current
guidelines; therefore, such applications will not be accepted by EASA at this stage.

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2.4.3. Gear #3 — Privacy and data governance

All ALTAI questions related to ‘Privacy and data governance’ in terms of personal data are considered
to be addressed through compliance with the EU and national data protection regulations, including,
as applicable, involvement of the national DPO, consultation with the National Data Protection
Authority, etc.
The table for gear #3 contained in the Annex 5 — Full list of questions from the ALTAI adapted to
aviation is intended to clarify the precise links to the EASA guidelines.
The following objective should be addressed in the ethics-based assessment that is requested through
Objective ET-01.

Objective ET-04: The applicant should comply with national and EU data protection regulations
(e.g. GDPR), i.e. involve their Data Protection Officer (DPO), consult with their National Data
Protection Authority, etc.

Anticipated MOC ET-04: The applicant should thus ensure and provide a confirmation that a ‘data
protection’-compliant approach was taken, e.g. through a record or a data protection impact
assessment (DPIA).

2.4.4. Gear #4 — Transparency

All questions related to ‘Transparency’ are considered to be addressed through compliance with the
objectives of the AI trustworthiness framework contained in Chapter C of this document.
The table for gear #4 contained in the Annex 5 — Full list of questions from the ALTAI adapted to
aviation is intended to clarify the precise links to the EASA guidelines.

2.4.5. Gear #5 — Diversity, non-discrimination and fairness

This gear may not be applicable to all aviation use cases. Therefore, EASA encourages applicants in a
first analysis, to check whether the AI-based system could have any impact on diversity, non-
discrimination and fairness. Diversity, non-discrimination and fairness, in the context of Gear #5, have
to be interpreted as applying to individual persons or groups of people, not to data sources (which are
addressed through the Learning Assurance guidance).
If no impact exists, the outcome of this analysis should be recorded in the ethics-based assessment
In case of an impact, please consider the questions from the ALTAI related to Gear #5. The table for
gear #5 contained in the Annex 5 — Full list of questions from the ALTAI adapted to aviation is intended
to clarify the precise links to the EASA guidelines.
The following objective should be addressed in the ethics-based assessment that is requested through
Objective ET-01.

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Objective ET-05: The applicant should ensure that procedures are in place to avoid creating or
reinforcing unfair bias in the AI-based system, regarding both the data sets and the trained models.

Anticipated MOC ET-05: The applicant should establish means (e.g. an ethics-based policy,
procedures, guidance or controls) to raise the awareness of all people involved in the development
of the AI-based system in order to avoid the creation or reinforcement of unfair bias in the AI-based
system (regarding both input data and ML model design), as far as such unfair bias could have a
negative impact on safety.

2.4.6. Gear #6 — Societal and environmental well-being

Environmental well-being
The following objectives should be addressed in the ethics-based assessment that is requested
through Objective ET-01.

Objective ET-06: The applicant should perform an environmental impact analysis, identifying and
assessing potential negative impacts of the AI-based system on the environment and human health
throughout its life cycle (development, deployment, use, end of life).

Anticipated MOC ET-06: The environmental impact analysis should address at least the following
— Does the AI-based system require additional energy and/or generates additional carbon
emissions throughout its life cycle compared to other (non-AI-based) systems?

• While there is no agreed international guidance on how to assess the environmental

impact of software, various research initiatives have tried to identify criteria and
indicators that could be taken into account for such an assessment. In particular, the
German Environment Agency (UBA) has developed a list of software sustainability
criteria covering the domains of resource efficiency (system requirements, hardware
utilisation, energy efficiency), the potential useful life of hardware (backward
compatibility, platform independence and portability, hardware sufficiency), and user
— Does the AI-based system have adverse effects on the regulated aircraft/engine noise and
emissions or aircraft fuel venting?
— Does the AI-based system have adverse effects on the product’s environmental performance
in operation?
• If relevant, the applicant should consider at least adverse effects on aircraft fuel
consumption (CO2 emissions) and aircraft noise around airports.
— Could the use of the AI-based system have rebound effects, e.g. lead to an in increase in
traffic, which in turn could become harmful for the environment or human health?

16 Kern et al., Sustainable software products – Towards assessment criteria for resource and energy efficiency, Elsevier B.V.,

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— Could the use of the AI-based system have direct effects on the human health, including the
right to physical, mental and moral integrity?

Objective ET-07: The applicant should define measures to reduce or mitigate the impacts identified
under Objective ET-06.

Anticipated MOC ET-07: The applicant should follow standard practices in environmental
management as documented in the European Union’s Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)
or ISO 14001. In particular, the applicant should implement procedures in line with the principles
of the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle.
Impact on work and skills and on society at large or democracy
Except for topics related to Objective ET-08 and Objective ET-09, this sub-gear may not be applicable
to all aviation use cases. Therefore, EASA encourages applicants in a first analysis to check whether
the AI-based system could have any impact on work and skills.
If no impact exists, the outcome of this analysis should be recorded in the ethics-based assessment
In case of an impact, please consider the questions from the ALTAI related to Gear #6 ‘Work and skills’
and ‘Impact on society at large or democracy’. The original questions can be found in Annex 5 — Full
list of questions from the ALTAI adapted to aviation. The assessment of the answers to these questions
does not fall under the remit of EASA and would be performed by a competent authority, at European
level or at national level as applicable.
The following objectives should be addressed in the ethics-based assessment that is requested
through Objective ET-01.

Objective ET-08: The applicant should identify the need for new skills for users and end users to
interact with and operate the AI-based system, and mitigate possible training gaps (link to Provision
ORG-06, Provision ORG-07).

Objective ET-09: The applicant should perform an assessment of the risk of de-skilling of the users
and end users and mitigate the identified risk through a training needs analysis and a consequent
training activity (link to Provision ORG-06, Provision ORG-07).

2.4.7. Gear #7 — Accountability

Some of the ‘Accountability’ gear items may not be applicable to all aviation use cases. Therefore,
EASA encourages applicants in a first analysis to check whether the AI-based system could have any
impact on the monitoring of ethical concerns from an organisation’s perspective.
If no impact exists, the outcome of this analysis should be recorded in the ethics-based assessment
documentation (per Objective ET-01).
In case of an impact, please consider the respective questions from the ALTAI related to Gear #7
‘Accountability’ (see Annex 5).

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2.4.8. Link to the AI trustworthiness building blocks

The following figure provides an overview of the distribution of the ethical gears over the AI
trustworthiness building blocks:

Figure 9 — Mapping of the 7 gears to the AI trustworthiness bullding-blocks

The following figure provides an overview of the ALTAI items requiring additional oversight from
authorities other than EASA:

Figure 10 — Mapping of the 7 gears to the AI trustworthiness building-blocks

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3. AI assurance
The AI assurance building block proposes system-centric guidance to address the development of the
AI-based system. This system-centric view is then complemented with an end-user centric approach
which will put some focus on human factors aspects of AI (see Section C.4).
The AI assurance defines objectives to be fulfilled by the AI-based system, considering the novelties
inherent to ML techniques, as depicted in Section B.6.1.
Recognising the limitations of traditional development assurance for data-driven approaches, the
learning assurance concept is defined in Section C.3.1, and then associated objectives are developed,
with an emphasis on data management aspects and learning processes.
Another set of objectives address the perceived concerns regarding lack of transparency of the ML
models under the development explainability Section C.3.2.
Finally, the AI assurance continues during the operations of the AI-based system and with a set of
data-recording objectives in Section C.3.2.5 which will serve as an entry for many different aspects to
be addressed by the guidance. The data-recording capabilities of the AI-based system will indeed feed
the continuous safety assessment, the monitoring by the applicant of the performance of the system
during its actual operations, as well as the investigations by the safety investigators in case of an
incident or accident.

3.1. Learning assurance

The learning assurance concept aims at providing assurance on the intended function of the AI-based
system at an appropriate level of performance, and at ensuring that the resulting trained models
possess sufficient guarantees of generalisation and robustness.
To illustrate the anticipated learning assurance process steps, EASA proposes the following W-shaped
process outline.

Figure 11 — Learning assurance W-shaped process

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This cycle adapts the typical development assurance V-cycle to ML concepts and allows to structure
the learning assurance guidance.
The dotted line is here to make a distinction between the use of traditional development assurance
processes (above) and the need for processes adapted to the data-driven learning approaches
Note: The pure learning assurance processes start below the dotted line. It is however important to
note that this dotted line is not meant to split specific assurance domains (e.g. system / software).
This W-shaped process is concurrent with the traditional V-cycle that is required for development
assurance of non-AI/ML constituents.

Figure 12 — Global view of learning assurance W-shaped process, non-AI/ML constituent V-cycle process

This new learning assurance approach will have to account for the specific phases of learning
processes, as well as to account for the highly iterative nature of certain phases of the process (orange
and green arrows).

Figure 13 — Iterative nature of the learning assurance process

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As with traditional software development where DevOps methodologies or frameworks could be

deployed at the applicant organisational level, some applicants could implement MLOps principles
and frameworks for the development of the AI/ML constituent of an AI-based system.
MLOps is a set of practices and tools that helps organisations to improve the speed, reliability, and
security of the ML process. It aims to bridge the gap between data scientists, who are responsible for
developing ML models, and software engineers, who are responsible for deploying and maintaining
those models in production.
In the context of safety-related systems, MLOps is particularly important because it helps
organisations to ensure that their ML models continuously deliver accurate and reliable results. This
is especially important in the aviation domain.
Some key components of MLOps for safety-related systems include:
— Version control: ML models should be treated like any other software, with strict version control
to ensure that only tested and approved models are deployed to production;
— Continuous integration and delivery:
• Automated data pipelines: data pipelines can be automated using tools that can handle
tasks from the data management process17;
• Automated pipelines can be used to build and test the ML models quickly and reliably;
— Model drift detection on recorded data: over time, the data that an ML model is trained on may
change, leading to a phenomenon known as ‘model drift’. MLOps practices should include
methods for detecting and addressing model drift to ensure that the model remains accurate
and reliable.

3.1.1. Learning assurance process planning

Objective DA-01: The applicant should describe the proposed learning assurance process, taking
into account each of the steps described in Sections C.3.1.2 to C.3.1.12, as well as the interface and
compatibility with development assurance processes.

Anticipated MOC DA-01-1: The set of plans should include a plan for learning assurance (e.g. plan
for learning aspects of certification), addressing all objectives from Section C.3 and detailing the
proposed MOC.

3.1.2. Requirements and architecture management

The requirements management process covers the preparation of a complete set of requirements for
the design of the AI/ML constituent. This step may be divided in several successive refinement steps
and is preceded by a traditional flow-down of requirements (e.g. from aircraft to system for the initial
and continuing airworthiness or air operations domains).

17 While it is not possible to completely automate all the process steps (e.g. feature engineering) there are ways to make it
more efficient (e.g. automating the feature selection by ranking and scoring the features).

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This step is further divided in:

— requirements capture;
— AI-based (sub)system architecture development18;
— requirements validation. Capture of (sub)system requirements allocated to the AI/ML constituent

Based on the definition of the ConOps and OD (Objective CO-04), requirements capture consists in
the capture and unique identification of all requirements allocated to the AI/ML constituent, which
are necessary to design and implement the AI/ML constituent.

Objective DA-02: Documents should be prepared to encompass the capture of the following
minimum requirements:
— safety requirements allocated to the AI/ML constituent;
— information security requirements allocated to the AI/ML constituent;
— functional requirements allocated to the AI/ML constituent;
— operational requirements allocated to the AI/ML constituent, including ODD and
AI/ML constituent performance monitoring (to support related objectives in Section
C., detection of OoD input data and data-recording requirements (to support
objectives in Section C.3.2.5);
— non-functional requirements allocated to the AI/ML constituent (e.g. performance,
scalability, reliability, resilience, etc.); and
— interface requirements. AI-based (sub)system architecture development

AI-based (sub)system and constituents architecture development is not a novel step compared to
traditional systems development approaches; it is however an essential step in detailing the AI-based
system, subsystem (if applicable) and AI/ML constituents architecture.

Objective DA-03: The applicant should describe the system and subsystem architecture, to serve
as reference for related safety (support) assessment and learning assurance objectives. Requirements validation

Requirements validation is considered to be covered by traditional system development methods.
(e.g. ED-79A/ARP-4754A for product certification).

Objective DA-04: Each of the captured requirements should be validated. Management of derived requirements

The data management process, the learning process management, and the trained model
implementation process described in the following sections of the document produce requirements

18 This step is different from the model architecture described in Section C.3.1.4.

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which may not be always traceable to the higher-level requirements discussed above. These derived
requirements are a subpart of the requirements produced via Objective DM-01, Objective DM-02,
Objective DM-03, Objective LM-01, Objective LM-02, Objective LM-04, and Objective IMP-01, and
need special attention by the applicant.

Objective DA-05: The applicant should document evidence that all derived requirements generated
through the learning assurance processes have been provided to the (sub)system processes,
including the safety (support) assessment.

Note: In order to determine the effects of derived requirements on both the (sub)system
requirements and the safety (support) assessment, all derived requirements should be made available
to the (sub)system processes including the safety (support) assessment.

Objective DA-06: The applicant should document evidence of the validation of the derived
requirements, and of the determination of any impact on the safety (support) assessment and
(sub)system requirements.

— Derived requirements should be validated as other higher-level requirements produced at
(sub)system level.
— Derived requirements should be reviewed from a safety (support) perspective. They should be
examined to determine which function they support so that the appropriate Failure Condition
classification can be assigned to the requirements validated.

3.1.3. Data management

The data management process is the first step of the data life cycle management. Figure 14 below
depicts the main activities covered.

Figure 14 — Data management process

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The data management process covers:

— data management requirements capture;
— data collection;
— data labelling;
— data preparation (pre-processing, data transformation and feature engineering);
— identification of the various data sets used in the learning phase (typically the training,
validation and test data sets);
— data sets validation and verification (including accuracy, completeness and representativeness,
with respect to the ML requirements and the AI/ML constituent ODD);
— independence requirements between data sets;
— identification and elimination of unwanted bias inherent to the data sets.
The data generated by the data management process is verified at each step of the process against
the subset of data quality requirements (DQRs) pertaining to this step. Data management requirements

The data management process will encompass its own requirements.
The requirements capture will benefit from a precise definition of the AI/ML constituent ODD which
consists in a refinement of the defined OD (see Objective CO-04).

Objective DM-01: The applicant should define the set of parameters pertaining to the AI/ML
constituent ODD.

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Figure 15 — AI/ML constituent ODD shows the refinement of the OD into the AI/ML constituent ODD.

Figure 15 — AI/ML constituent ODD

— Additional parameters can be identified and defined for the AI/ML constituent ODD (e.g.
parameters linked to the sensors used for the input data of the ML model like brightness,
contrast characteristics of a camera, level of blur coming from vibrations at the level of a
camera, or characteristics like sensitivity, directionality of a microphone, etc.);
— Ranges for the parameters in the AI/ML constituent ODD can be a subset or superset of the
ranges at the level of the operation domain (OD) (see Figure 16 — Definition of ODD ranges
versus OD ranges below);
— Exceptionally, one or few ranges for the parameters in the AI/ML constituent ODD can be a
superset of the ranges for the corresponding parameters at the level of the OD (in order to
improve the performance of the model for these parameters) (see Figure 16 — Definition of
ODD ranges versus OD ranges below)

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Figure 16 — Definition of ODD ranges versus OD ranges

— As for the OD, the range(s) for one or several operating parameters could depend on the value
or range of another parameter as depicted in Figure 17 — Relations between operating
parameters in ODD:

Figure 17 — Relations between operating parameters in ODD

Anticipated MOC DM-01-1: The definition of the parameters pertaining to the AI/ML constituent
ODD should be the outcome of the ‘ML Constituent Operational Design Domain Process’ depicted
in Section 6.2 of ED-XXX/AS6983.
During the different iterations which will happen during the learning phase, particular attention
should be paid to:
— the definition of nominal data;
— the identification of edge cases, corner cases data in preparation of stability of the model;
— the definition of infeasible corner cases data;
— the detection and removal of inliers;

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— the detection and management of novelties;

— the definition of outliers for their detection and management.

In parallel with the definition of the AI/ML constituent ODD, a subset of these requirements will deal
with DQRs.

Objective DM-02: The applicant should capture the DQRs for all data pertaining to the data
management process, including but not limited to:
— the data needed to support the intended use;
— the ability to determine the origin of the data;
— the requirements related to the annotation process;
— the format, accuracy and resolution of the data;
— the traceability of the data from their origin to their final operation through the whole
pipeline of operations;
— the mechanisms ensuring that the data will not be corrupted while stored or processed,
— the completeness and representativeness of the data sets; and
— the level of independence between the training, validation and test data sets.

Anticipated MOC DM-02-1: Starting from ED-76A Section 2.3.2 and accounting for specificities of
data-driven learning processes, the DQRs should characterise, for each type of data representing
an operating parameter of the AI/ML constituent ODD:
— the accuracy of the data;
— the resolution of the data;
— the quality of the annotated data;
— the confidence that the data has not been corrupted while stored, processed or transmitted
over a communication network (e.g. during data collection);
— the ability to determine the origin of the data (traceability);
— the level of confidence that the data is applicable to the period of intended use (timeliness);
— the data needed to support the intended use (completeness and representativeness); and
— the format of the data, when needed.
Note: Where relevant for the AI/ML based system, the requirement on representativeness of the
data sets will consider the diversity among the end users (e.g. accents in NLP applications, etc.).

The MOC will need refinements based on progress in the standardisation (e.g. EUROCAE/SAE WG-
114/G-34) and other best practices (e.g. reference: (DEEL Certification Workgroup, 2021)).
The data management process will also capture the requirements to be transferred to the
implementation, regarding the pre-processing and feature engineering to be performed on the
inference model.

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Objective DM-03: The applicant should capture the requirements on data to be pre-processed and
engineered for the inference model in development and for the operations. ML constituent ODD validation

Objective DM-04: The applicant should ensure the validation to an adequate level of the
correctness and completeness of the ML constituent ODD.

Anticipated MOC DM-04: The correctness and completeness of the operating parameters of the
ML constituent ODD, as well as their ranges and interdependencies should be reviewed by
representatives from the business/system and the data science. Data management requirements validation

Objective DM-05: The applicant should ensure the validation of the correctness and completeness
of requirements on data to be pre-processed and engineered for the trained and inference model,
as well as of the DQRs on data.
These validated requirements are then used during the data management process and also
transferred to the implementation phase. Data collection

The collection of data can be of different nature depending on the project (i.e. database, text, image,
video, audio records); the applicant should always take into account that the data collected might fall
under the category of personal data or affect privacy. In this case, there is a need to take into account
Gear #3 of this Guidance since personal data requires special protection.
The data collection should identify the different sources of data of relevance to the training.

Objective DM-06: The applicant should identify data sources and collect data in accordance with
the defined ODD, while ensuring satisfaction of the defined DQRs, in order to drive the selection of
the training, validation and test data sets.

The sources of data are inherent to the AI/ML project. The sources can be internal or external to the
applicant. External sources can be open-source or sourced via a contract to be established between
the applicant and the data provider (e.g. weather data from a MET office, or databases shared
between aeronautical organisations).
Depending on data sources, data sampling could be applied (simple random sampling, clustered
sampling, stratified sampling, systematic sampling, multiphase sampling (reference: (DEEL
Certification Workgroup, 2021)). The applicant should ensure completeness and representativeness
of the sampling.
In order to address a lack of data completeness or representativeness, additional data may need to
be collected via data augmentation techniques (e.g. image rotation, flipping, cropping in computer
vision), or the existing data may be complemented with synthetic data (e.g. coming from models,
digital twins, virtual sensors).

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In the context of supervised learning techniques, the data set will need to be annotated or labelled.

Objective DM-07: Once data sources are collected and labelled, the applicant should ensure the
high quality of the annotated or labelled data in the data set.

All data items are annotated according to a specific set of annotation requirements, created, refined
and reviewed by the applicant. Annotation can be a manual or automated process. Depending on the
project, the annotation step can be effort-consuming (e.g. image annotations for detection purposes),
and the applicant could decide to keep the annotation step insourced or outsourced, depending on
its capabilities. In the case of outsourcing of the activity, the applicant should decide on the DQRs to
be achieved by the supplier. Data preparation

The data preparation is paramount as it will be a key success factor for the ability of the AI/ML
constituent to generalise. The data preparation is a multi-step process which involves a very
significant part of the effort needed to implement an AI/ML constituent.
All operations on the data during data preparation should be performed in a way that ensures that
the requirements on data are addressed properly, in line with the defined ODD.

Objective DM-08: The applicant should define the data preparation operations to properly address
the captured requirements (including DQRs).

The main steps of the data preparation consist of:

— the pre-processing of the data, which is the act of cleaning and preparing the data for training;
— the feature engineering, aiming at defining the most effective input parameters from the data
set to enable the training; and
— the data normalisation.
Note: Feature engineering does not apply to all ML techniques.

Data pre-processing
The data pre-processing should consist in a set of basic operations on the data, preparing them for
the feature engineering or the learning process.

Objective DM-09: The applicant should define and document pre-processing operations on the
collected data in preparation of the training.

Anticipated MOC DM-09: Depending on data sets, different aspects should be considered for
cleaning and formatting the data:
— fixing up formats, typically harmonising units for timestamp information, distances and
— binning data (e.g. in computer vision, combining a cluster of pixels into one single pixel);

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— filling in missing values (e.g. some radar plot missing between different points on a
trajectory); different strategies can apply in this case, either removing the corresponding row
in the data set, or filling missing data (in general by inputting the mean value for the data in
the data set);
— correcting erroneous values or standardising values (e.g. spelling mistakes, or language
differences in textual data, cropping to remove irrelevant information from an image);
— identification and management of outliers (e.g. keeping or capping outliers, or sometimes
removing them depending on their impact on the DQRs).
For all the above steps, a mechanism should be put in place to ensure sustained compliance with
the DQRs after any data transformation.

Feature engineering
Feature engineering is a discipline consisting in transforming the pre-processed data so that it better
represents the underlying structure of the data to be an input to the model training.
It is to be noted that feature engineering does not apply to all ML techniques. For example, many
applications in computer vision use the feature learning/extraction capabilities of a convolutional
neural network, and do not apply any feature engineering step.
When feature engineering is applied, it should identify the relevant functional and operational
parameters from the input space that are necessary to support the ML model training.

Objective DM-10: When applicable, the applicant should define and document the transformations
to the pre-processed data from the specified input space into features which are effective for the
performance of the selected learning algorithm.

Considering the objective, and depending on the data in the input space, different techniques could
apply including:
— breaking data into multiple parts (e.g. date in the year decomposed in week number and day of
the week);
— consolidating data into features that better represent some patterns for the ML model (e.g.
transforming positions and time into speed, or representing geospatial latitudes and longitudes
in 3 dimensions in order to facilitate normalisation).
Anticipated MOC DM-10-1: In relation with the objective, the applicant should manage the number
of input variables, applying a dimensionality reduction step on the candidate features. This step
aims at limiting the dimension of the feature space.

Anticipated MOC DM-10-2: In relation with the objective, the applicant should aim at removing
multicollinearity between candidate features.

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Data normalisation
It is to be noted that data normalisation does not apply to all ML techniques. In particular, data
normalisation is not needed if the learning algorithm used for training the model is not sensitive to
the scale of the input data (e.g. learning algorithms such as decision trees and random forests are not
sensitive to the scale of the input data and do not require normalisation). Also, depending on the
distribution of the data in the ODD, normalisation may distort the data and make it harder for the
model to learn.

Objective DM-11: If the learning algorithm is sensitive to the scale of the input data, the applicant
should ensure that the data is effective for the stability of the learning process.

Anticipated MOC DM-11-1: Data normalisation is one possible means of compliance with this
objective. Depending on the data and the characteristics of the ODD, data normalisation could be
achieved via different techniques such as:
— Min-Max normalisation: 𝑋 ′ = 𝑋𝑚𝑎𝑥 −𝑋𝑚𝑖𝑛

— Mean normalisation (𝑋𝑚𝑖𝑛 is replaced by the mean)

— Z normalisation (Standardisation): 𝑋 ′ =

𝑋𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑋𝑚𝑎𝑥 are the minimum and maximum values of the candidate feature respectively
μ is the mean of the candidate feature values and σ is the standard deviation of the candidate
feature values Data allocation

The data allocation corresponds to the last step of the data management process.

Objective DM-12: The applicant should distribute the data into three separate and independent
data sets which will meet the specified DQRs:
— the training data set and validation data set, used during the model training;
— the test data set used during the learning process verification, and the inference model

Particular attention should be paid to the independence of the data sets, in particular to that of the
test data set. Particular attention should also be paid to the completeness and representativeness of
each of the three data sets (as per Objectives DM-02 and DM-13).

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Figure 18 — Training, validation and test data sets usage in W-shaped cycle Data validation and verification

The data validation should be ensured all along the data management process, in order to provide
the training phase with data aligned with the DQRs and the other data management requirements.

Objective DM-13: The applicant should ensure validation and verification of the data, as
appropriate, all along the data management process so that the data management requirements
(including the DQRs) are addressed.

Focusing on the DQRs, the following represents a non-exhaustive list of anticipated MOC for a set of
quality attributes which are expected for the data in the data set:
Completeness and representativeness of the data sets are prerequisites to ensure performance on
unseen data and to derive generalisation guarantees for the trained model.
Anticipated MOC DM-13-1: Data completeness
The data sets should be reviewed to evaluate their completeness with respect to the set of
requirements and the defined ODD.
Various methods exist to assess the completeness of the data sets (training, validation or test). For
example, the input space can be subdivided into a union of hyper-cubes whose dimensions are
defined by the set of operating parameters, and the number of subdivisions for each dimension, by
the granularity required for the associated operating parameter.
The completeness can be analysed through the number of points contained in the hypercubes.

The scalability of such an approach may be an issue and alternatives can be considered.
It is expected that the MLEAP Horizon Europe research project will deliver additional means of
compliance on completeness of the data set(s).

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Anticipated MOC DM-13-2: Data representativeness

Representativeness of the data sets consists in the verification that the data they contain has been
uniformly (according to the right distribution) and independently sampled from the input space.
There exist multiple methods to verify the representativeness of data sets according to a known or
unknown distribution, stemming from the fields of statistics and ML.
To avoid the pitfalls of a posteriori justification or confirmation bias, it is important to first
determine requirements to select and verify the chosen technique(s).
For parameters derived from operating parameters (e.g. altitude, time of day) or low-dimensional
features from the data (e.g. image brightness), different statistical methods (e.g. Z-test, Chi-square
test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) may apply to assess the goodness of fit of distributions.
However, considering only such parameters for high-dimensional spaces such as images might be
too shallow, and techniques applying on images or other high-dimensional data might be necessary.
For example, it is impossible to codify all possible sets of backgrounds on images.
There exist multiple methods adapted to high-dimensional data, sometimes by reducing to low-
dimensional spaces. One of them is the distribution discriminator framework discussed in
(Daedalean, 2020). A generic representativeness/completeness verification method is viewed as
function D taking as input data sets, and returning a probability of them being in-distribution. Two
opposite requirements must then hold:
(1) The probability of D evaluated on in-distribution data sets is high.
(2) The probability of D evaluated on out-of-distribution data sets is low.
The exact verification setting is to be determined depending on the required statistical significance
and use case, but the framework remains method- and data-agnostic. Moreover, it is meant to
allow easy verification as only in- or out-of-distribution (unannotated) data is required.

It is expected that the MLEAP Horizon Europe research project will deliver additional means of
compliance on representativeness of the data set(s).
Anticipated MOC DM-13-3: Data accuracy, correctness
In order to achieve correctness of the data, different types of errors and bias should be identified
before unwanted bias in data sets is eliminated, and variance of data is controlled.
Errors and bias include:
— errors already present in the sourced data (e.g. data collected from databases or data lakes
with residual errors or missing data);
— errors introduced by sensors (e.g. bias introduced by different cameras for the design and
operational phases in the case of image recognition);
— errors introduced by collecting data from a single source;
— errors introduced by any sampling which could be applied during data collection from the
data source;

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— errors introduced by the human or tools when performing data cleaning or removal of
presupposed outliers;
— annotation errors, especially when such an activity is performed manually by an annotation

Anticipated MOC DM-13-4: Data traceability

The applicant should establish an unambiguous traceability from the data sets to the source data,
including intermediate data. Each operation should be shown to be reproducible.
Note: Traceability is of particular importance when data is cleaned during data pre-processing or
is transformed as per the feature engineering activities.

Anticipated MOC DM-13-5: Data sets independence

The applicant should ensure that the training, validation and test data sets are verified against the
independence requirements set in the DQRs.
Depending on the criticality of the AI application, more stringent requirements should be allocated
to the independence of the test data set.
For highly critical applications, the applicant should ensure that the test data set is allocated
independently from the training and validation data sets. That is to say, the test data set should
have no common data point with the training and validation data in the corresponding data sets.
The test data set should be ideally collected from real data, complemented by synthetic data where
appropriate (e.g. data at the limit or beyond flight envelope).

3.1.4. Learning process management

The learning process management considers the preparatory step of the formal training phase.

Objective LM-01: The applicant should describe the AI/ML constituents and the model architecture.

Anticipated MOC LM-01-1: The applicant should describe AI/ML constituents and model
(computational graph) architecture in the planning documentation, including the activation

Objective LM-02: The applicant should capture the requirements pertaining to the learning
management and training processes, including but not limited to:
— model family and model selection;
— learning algorithm(s) selection;
— cost/loss function selection describing the link to the performance metrics;
— model bias and variance metrics and acceptable levels;
— model robustness and stability metrics and acceptable levels;

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— training environment (hardware and software) identification;

— model parameters initialisation strategy;
— hyper-parameters and parameters identification and setting;
— expected performance with training, validation and test data sets.

Anticipated MOC LM-02-1: The applicant should describe the selection and validation of the
requirements for the learning management and training processes in the planning documentation.
The acceptable levels for the various metrics are to be defined and documented by the applicant
and generally depend on the use case. In particular for the model stability metrics, the level of the
perturbation should be representative of the ODD.

Objective LM-03: The applicant should document the credit sought from the training environment
and qualify the environment accordingly.

Objective LM-04: The applicant should provide quantifiable generalisation guarantees.

Anticipated MOC LM-04-1: The field of statistical learning theory (SLT) offers means to provide
guarantees on the capability of generalisation of ML models. As introduced in the CoDANN report
(Daedalean, 2020) Section 5.3.3, ensuring guarantees on the performance of a model on unseen
data is one of the key goals of the field statistical learning theory. This is often related to obtaining
‘generalisation bounds’ or ‘measuring the generalisation gap’, that is the difference between the
performance observed during development and the one that can be guaranteed during operations.
The seminal work of Vapnik and Chervonenkis (On the Uniform Convergence of Relative
Frequencies of Events to their Probabilities, 1971) established a relation of the generalisation
capability of a learning algorithm with its hypothesis space complexity. Various forms of such
bounds have been derived since then.
A good generalisation guarantee means that the ‘in-sample errors’ (i.e. the errors computed during
the design phase) should be a good approximation of the ‘out-of-sample errors’ (i.e. the errors
computed during the operations of the AI-based system). The generalisation gap of a model 𝑓̂ with
respect to an error metric m and a data set 𝐷𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 can be defined as:

𝐺(𝑓̂, 𝐷𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 ) = |𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 (𝑓̂, 𝑚) − 𝐸𝑖𝑛 (𝑓̂, 𝐷𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 , 𝑚)|

𝜒 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒,
𝐸𝑖𝑛 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑛 − 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 (𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙) ,
𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡 − 𝑜𝑓 − 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 (𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟),
𝐷𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑡 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝜒,
𝑓̂ 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐷𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 ,
𝑚 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟𝑠.
A generalisation bound is by nature a probabilistic statement with the probability taken over
possible data sets of a fixed size drawn from the input space χ. Because of this, such bounds usually
output a probability tolerance δ for some given generalisation gap tolerance Ɛ:

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𝑃𝐷𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 ~𝜒 (𝐺(𝑓̂, 𝐷𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 ) < 𝜀) > 1 − 𝛿

𝜀 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑔𝑎𝑝 𝑡𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒,
𝛿 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒.
Such bounds can be dependent on the properties of the data or on the learning algorithm, with the
amount of data typically tightening the generalisation gap and the model complexity loosening it.
For example, VC dimension-based bounds give (in the above setting):

2|𝐷𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 | 1
𝑑𝑣𝑐 ∙ log ( ) + log ( )
√ 𝑑𝑣𝑐 𝛿
𝐺 (𝑓̂̂, 𝐷𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 ) <
|𝐷𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 |
𝑑𝑣𝑐 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑉𝐶 − 𝑑𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 𝑓𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦
Other techniques like model compression can be used to reduce model complexity and also can
help in obtaining stronger generalisation bounds (refer to (Stronger generalization bounds for deep
nets via a compression approach., 2018)).

Based on the CoDANN report (Daedalean, 2020), it appears that, in the current state of knowledge,
the values of the generalisation upper bounds obtained for large models (such as neural networks)
are often too large without an unreasonable amount of training data. It is however not excluded that
applicants could rely on such approaches with sharper bounds in a foreseeable future.
In the meantime, generalisation bounds not depending on model complexity can be obtained during
the testing phase (refer to (Kenji Kawaguchi, 2018)). The drawback is that this requires the applicant
to have a large test data set in addition to the training data set.
The refinement of this anticipated MOC is expected to benefit from the MLEAP project deliverables.

3.1.5. Training and learning process validation

The training consists primarily in applying the learning algorithm in the conditions defined in the
previous step (typically an optimisation process for the weights of a defined architecture), using the
training data set originating from the data management process step. Once trained, the model
performance is evaluated, using the validation data set. Depending on the resulting performance, new
training iteration with a different set of model hyperparameters or even a different model type is
considered, as necessary. The training phase and its validation can be repeated iteratively until the
trained model reaches the expected performance.

Objective LM-05: The applicant should document the result of the model training.

Anticipated MOC LM-05-1: The records should include the training curves for the cost/loss
functions and for the error metrics.
The model performance with the validation data sets should also be recorded, linking this
evaluation to the metrics defined under Objective SA-01.

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Objective LM-06: The applicant should document any model optimisation that may affect the
model behaviour (e.g. pruning, quantisation) and assess their impact on the model behaviour or

Anticipated MOC LM-06-1: This step may need to be performed to anticipate the inference model
implementation step (e.g. embedded hardware limitations). Any optimisation that can impact the
behaviour of the model is to be addressed as part of the model training and validation step. This
objective only applies to optimisations performed after the model training is finished.

Objective LM-07: The applicant should account for the bias-variance trade-off in the model family
selection and should provide evidence of the reproducibility of the training process.

Anticipated MOC LM-07-1: The model family bias and variance should be evaluated. The selection
should aim for a model family whose complexity is high enough to minimise the bias, but not too
high to avoid high variance, in order to ensure reproducibility.
The applicant should identify methods to provide the best possible estimates of the bias and
variance of the selected model family; for instance, using random resampling methods (e.g.
‘Bootstrapping’ or ‘Jack-knife’).
Regularisation is a typical method to avoid overfitting (high variance) with complex models like
neural networks.

Objective LM-08: The applicant should ensure that the estimated bias and variance of the selected
model meet the associated learning process management requirements.

Anticipated MOC LM-08-1: For the selected model, bias is measured as the mean of the ‘in sample
error’ (𝐸𝑖𝑛 ), and variance is measured by the statistical variance of the ‘in sample error’ (𝐸𝑖𝑛 ).
The applicant should analyse the errors on the training data set to identify and mitigate systematic

3.1.6. Learning process verification

The learning process verification consists then in the evaluation of the trained model performance
using the test data set. Any shortcoming in the model quality can lead to the need to iterate again on
the data management process step or learning process management step, e.g. by correcting or
augmenting the data set, or updating learning process settings. It is important to note that such an
iteration may invalidate the test data set and lead to the need to create a new independent test data

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Objective LM-09: The applicant should perform an evaluation of the performance of the trained
model based on the test data set and document the result of the model verification.

Anticipated MOC LM-09-1: The final performance with the test data set should be measured and
fed back to the safety assessment process, linking this evaluation to the metrics defined under the
Objective SA-01 and explaining any divergence in the metrics compared to the ones used to fulfil
Objective LM-04.

Objective LM-10: The applicant should perform a requirements-based verification of the trained
model behaviour and document the coverage of the AI/ML constituent requirements by verification

Anticipated MOC LM-10-1: Requirements-based testing methods are recommended to reach this
objective, focusing on the learning management process requirements (per Objective LM-02) and
the subset of requirements allocated to the AI/ML constituent (per Objective DA-02) which can be
verified at the level of the trained model. In addition, an analysis should be conducted to confirm
the coverage of all requirements by test cases.

Objective LM-11: The applicant should provide an analysis on the stability of the learning

Anticipated MOC LM-11: As outlined in (Daedalean, 2020) Section 6.4.1, perturbations in the
design phase due to fluctuations in the training data set (e.g. replacement of data points, additive
noise or labelling errors) could be a source of instability. Other sources may also be considered such
as random initialisation of the model, optimisation methods or hyperparameter tuning. Managing
the effects of such perturbations will support the demonstration of the learning algorithm stability
and of the learning process repeatability.

Objective LM-12: The applicant should perform and document the verification of the stability of
the trained model.

Anticipated MOC LM-12-1: The notion of trained model stability is covered through verification
cases addressing anticipated perturbations in the operational phase due to fluctuations in the data
input (e.g. noise on sensors) and having a possible effect on the trained model output.
This activity should address the verification of the trained model stability throughout the ML
constituent ODD, including:
— nominal cases (for all equivalence classes);
— boundary cases (for all singular points).

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Objective LM-13: The applicant should perform and document the verification of the robustness of
the trained model in adverse conditions.

Anticipated MOC LM-13-1: The activity should be supported by test cases, including edge or corner
cases within the ODD (e.g. weather conditions like snow, fog for computer vision).
In addition, two additional sets of test cases should be considered:
— OoD test cases;
— ‘adversarial’ test cases consisting in defining cases that are not based on the requirements
but that may affect the AI/ML constituent expected behaviour.
The use of formal methods is anticipated to be a promising means of compliance with this objective,
although in the current state of research those methods appear to be limited to local evaluations.
Formal methods could, for example, be used for identifying ‘adversarial’ test cases. Recent tools
that are based on optimisation algorithms (e.g. MILP) could be used to mimic an adversary
searching for an input attacking the ML model. Once identified, these ‘adversarial’ inputs could be
added to the collected data set, so that the ML model is retrained on an augmented data set to
increase its robustness.
The refinement of this anticipated MOC is expected to benefit from the MLEAP project deliverables.

Objective LM-14: The applicant should verify the anticipated generalisation bounds using the test
data set.

Anticipated MOC LM-14-1: Evidence of the validity of the anticipated generalisation guarantees
proposed to fulfil Objective LM-04 should be recorded.
The refinement of this anticipated MOC is expected to benefit from the MLEAP project deliverables.

3.1.7. Model implementation

The implementation phase starts with the requirements capture.

Objective IMP-01: The applicant should capture the requirements pertaining to the
implementation process.

Anticipated MOC IMP-01: Those requirements include but are not limited to:
— AI/ML constituents requirements pertaining to the implementation process (C.;
— requirements originating from the learning requirements capture (C.3.1.4), such as the
expected performance of the inference model with the test data set;
— data processing requirements originating from the data management process (C.;
— requirements pertaining to the conversion of the model to be compatible with the target

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— requirements pertaining to the optimisation of the model to adapt to the target platform
— requirements pertaining to the development of the inference model into software and/or
hardware items, such as processing power, parallelisation, latency, WCET.

The implementation then consists in transforming the trained model into an executable model that
can run on certain target platform (including the compilation or synthesis/PAR steps). This
implementation follows different steps:
— Model conversion
— Model optimisation
— Inference model development

Objective IMP-02: Any post-training model transformation (conversion, optimisation) should be

identified and validated for its impact on the model behaviour and performance, and the
environment (i.e. software tools and hardware) necessary to perform model transformation should
be identified. Trained model conversion

One of the first activities after the learning process is the freezing of the model. The trained model is
represented in formats specific to the framework on which it is trained. This conversion needs to be
applied to the trained model in order to obtain a representation that is compatible with the target
platform. This step is the procedure of removing graph components that are not required during
inference, as well as making changes that reduce the graph size and complexity without impacting the
model behaviour and performance.
For example, since weights will not be updated any longer after training, gradients can be safely
removed, the weight variables turned into constants and any other metadata that is relevant for
training deleted. The result is a subset of the original training graph, where only the graph components
that are required by the inference environment are kept, as captured in the set of requirements
pertaining to implementation allocated to the AI/ML constituent.
Another conversion activity is the conversion of the model into an open format. The format in which
frozen models are saved and restored is likely to be different between the learning and inference
environment essentially due to the difference of framework.
Anticipated MOC IMP-02-1: Identification of the different conversion steps and confirmation that
no impact on the model behaviour is foreseen. In addition, the applicant should describe the
environment for each transformation step, and any associated assumptions or limitations should
be captured and validated.

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In the scope of the implementation, allowable optimisations are the ones that do not affect the
behaviour or performance of the trained model. Alternatively, those optimisations affecting the
behaviour or performance of the trained model, shall be fed back to the learning management process
(refer to Objective LM-06) to ensure that it is addressed through the learning process verification.
A list of possible optimisations allowable during the implementation phase includes:
— Choice of the arithmetic (e.g. fixed point format)

— Winograd algorithms for convolution: these algorithms are targeting high-performance

inference. Their efficiency comes from the reduction of the number of multiplication operations
due to linear and Fourier transforms.

Anticipated MOC IMP-02-2: Identification of the different optimisation steps performed during
implementation and confirmation that no impact on the model behaviour is foreseen. In addition,
the applicant should describe the environment for each transformation step, and any associated
assumptions or limitations should be captured and validated. Inference model development

Once confirmed that the transformations of the trained model had no impact, the last step that could
impact its behaviour or performance is the implementation of the inference model into software
and/or hardware items.

Objective IMP-03: The applicant should plan and execute appropriate development assurance
processes to develop the inference model into software and/or hardware items.

Anticipated MOC IMP-03-1:

— For software aspects, it is anticipated that the provisions of applicable software development
assurance guidance (e.g. AMC 20-115D for product certification projects) would provide the
necessary means to confirm that Objective IMP-03 is fulfilled. This guidance may need to be
complemented to address specific issues linked to the implementation of an ML model into
software, such as memory management issues.
— For hardware aspects, it is anticipated that the provisions of applicable hardware
development assurance guidance (e.g. AMC 20-152A for product certification projects)
would provide the necessary means to confirm that Objective IMP-03 is fulfilled. FPGAs,
ASICs and COTS architectures are covered by the existing guidance; however, other ML
architectures, such as graphics processing units (GPUs), have specificities that are not
accounted for in the existing guidance (e.g. very complex interference mechanisms or non-
deterministic pipelining).
— For multicore processor (MCP) aspects, it is anticipated that the provisions of applicable MCP
development assurance guidance (e.g. AMC 20-193 for product certification projects) would
provide the necessary means to confirm that Objective IMP-03 is fulfilled.

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3.1.8. Inference model verification and integration

The inference model verification aims at verifying that the inference model behaves adequately
compared to the trained model, in evaluating the model performance with the test data set, explaining
any difference in the evaluation metric compared to the one used in the training phase verification
(e.g. execution time metrics). This process step should also foresee verification that the model
properties have been preserved (e.g. based on the implementation analysis or through the use of
formal methods).
The inference model integration within the associated AI/ML constituent and (sub)system implies
several steps of integration, as many as considered necessary to support adequate verification; an
important one being the integration of the AI/ML constituent with the target platform, together with
the other AI-based subsystem items (in particular with the sensors). Verification of inference model properties preservation

Objective IMP-04: The applicant should verify that any transformation (conversion, optimisation,
inference model development) performed during the trained model implementation step has not
adversely altered the defined model properties.

Anticipated MOC IMP-04-1: First a set of model properties that are expected to be preserved
should be captured. In addition, the performance metrics for this verification and the associated
acceptable bounds of variation should be documented. The use of specific verification methods
(e.g. formal methods) is expected to be necessary to comply with this objective. Platform verification

Objective IMP-05: The differences between the software and hardware of the platform used for
training and those used for the inference model verification should be identified and assessed for
their possible impact on the inference model behaviour and performance.

Anticipated MOC IMP-05-1: The analysis of the differences, such as the ones induced by the choice
of mathematical libraries or ML framework, is an important means to reach this objective. This
objective does not apply when the complete verification of the ML model properties is performed
with the inference model on the target platform. Inference model verification

Objective IMP-06: The applicant should perform an evaluation of the performance of the inference
model based on the test data set and document the result of the model verification.

Anticipated MOC IMP-06-1: The final performance with the test data set should be measured and
fed back to the safety assessment process, linking this evaluation to the metrics defined under the
Objective SA-01 and explaining any divergence in the metrics compared to the ones used to fulfil
Objective LM-09.

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Objective IMP-07: The applicant should perform and document the verification of the stability of
the inference model.

Anticipated MOC IMP-07-1: The notion of inference model stability is covered through verification
cases addressing anticipated perturbations in the operational phase due to fluctuations in the data
input (e.g. noise on sensors) and having a possible effect on the inference model output.
This activity should address the verification of the inference model stability throughout the ML
constituent ODD, including:
— nominal cases (for all equivalence classes);
— boundary cases (for all singular points).

Objective IMP-08: The applicant should perform and document the verification of the robustness
of the inference model in adverse conditions.

Anticipated MOC IMP-08-1: The activity should be supported by test cases, including edge or
corner cases within the ODD (e.g. weather conditions like snow, fog for computer vision) and OoD
test cases.
The refinement of this anticipated MOC is expected to benefit from the MLEAP project deliverables. Inference model integration into the AI/ML constituent

Objective IMP-09: The applicant should perform a requirements-based verification of the inference
model behaviour when integrated into the AI/ML constituent and document the coverage of the
AI/ML constituent requirements by verification methods.

Anticipated MOC IMP-09-1: Requirements-based testing methods are necessary to reach this
objective, focusing on the requirements pertaining to the implementation (per Objective IMP-01)
as well as all requirements allocated to the AI/ML constituent (per Objective DA-02). In addition,
an analysis should be conducted to confirm the coverage of all requirements by verification cases.
The test environment should at least foresee:
— the AI/ML constituent integrated on the target platform (environment #1),
— the AI/ML constituent integrated in its subsystem, with representative interfaces to the other
subsystems, including to the directly interfacing sensors (environment #2).

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3.1.9. Data and learning verification

The data verification step is meant to close the data management life cycle, by verifying with
independence that data sets were adequately managed, considering that the verification of the data
sets can be achieved only once the inference model has been satisfactorily verified on the target
platform. It is important to mention however that this does not imply waiting for the end of the
process to initiate this step, considering the highly iterative nature of learning processes.

Objective DM-14: The applicant should perform a data and learning verification step to confirm
that the appropriate data sets have been used for the training, validation and verification of the
model and that the expected guarantees (generalisation, robustness) on the model have been

Anticipated MOC DM-14: The associated activities include:

— independent verification that the data sets (training, validation, test) comply with the data
management requirements;
— independent verification of the correct identification of the input space, including a
reassessment of the defined ODD;
— independent verification that the data sets (training, validation, test) are complete and
representative of the input space of the application;
— independent verification that the expected guarantees (generalisation, robustness) on the
model have been reached.
Note 1: The level of independence should be commensurate with the safety criticality of the
Note 2: This independent verification step may be requested only for higher-criticality levels.

3.1.10.Verification of (sub)system requirements allocated to the AI/ML constituent

The requirements verification is addressing the verification of the AI/ML constituent fully integrated
in the overall system. It is considered to be covered by traditional assurance methodologies (e.g. ED-

Objective DA-07: Each of the captured (sub)system requirements allocated to the AI/ML
constituent should be verified.

3.1.11.Configuration management
The configuration management is an integral process to the development of an AI/ML constituent.

Objective CM-01: The applicant should apply all configuration management principles to the AI/ML
constituent life-cycle data, including but not limited to:
— identification of configuration items;
— versioning;

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— baselining;
— change control;
— reproducibility;
— problem reporting;
— archiving and retrieval, and retention period.

Anticipated MOC CM-01-1: The collected data, the training, validation, and test data sets used for
the frozen model, as well as all the tooling used during the transformation of the data are to be
managed as configuration items.

3.1.12.Quality and process assurance

Quality and process assurance is an integral process that aims at ensuring that the life-cycle process
objectives are met, and the activities have been completed as outlined in plans (as per Objective DA-
01) or that deviations have been addressed.

Objective QA-01: The applicant should ensure that quality/process assurance principles are applied
to the development of the AI-based system, with the required independence level.

3.2. Development & post-ops AI explainability

Development & post-ops AI explainability is driven by the needs of stakeholders involved in the
development cycle and the post-operational phase. The figure below shows the scope of development
& post-ops AI explainability.

Figure 19 — Development & post-ops explainability view

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3.2.1. Target audience for development & post-ops AI explainability

The need for a deep insight into AI-based system explainability concerns a wide range of stakeholders.
These include at least the engineers (e.g. applicant, system designer, end-developers, users, etc.), the
certification authorities, and the safety investigators.

3.2.2. Need for development & post-ops AI explainability

In addition to the needs already addressed via the learning assurance or the trustworthiness analysis
(e.g. safety assessment), these stakeholders typically express needs for a deeper level of insight in the
design details of the AI-based system.

3.2.3. Anticipated development & post-ops AI explainability modulation

As anticipated in the introduction of this document (Chapter B), the proportionality of guidance can
be influenced from at least two different angles:
— the AI level as an outcome of Objective CL-01 with the classification of the AI-based system,
based on the levels presented in Table 2; and
— the criticality allocated to the AI-based system.
The development & post-ops explainability guidance is anticipated to be necessary for all AI levels (1
to 3); therefore, the modulation of objectives in Section C.3.2 is expected to be driven mainly by

3.2.4. Objectives for development & post-ops AI explainability

This section proposes a series of objectives related to AI explainability.
Learning assurance is a prerequisite to ensure confidence in the performance and intended function
of ML-based systems. Without this confidence, AI explainability is impractical. Learning assurance is
therefore considered as one of the fundamental elements for developing explainability.
The set of objectives developed in this section intend to clarify the link between learning assurance
and development/post-ops explainability, by providing a framework for reaching an adequate level of
transparency on the ML model. The associated explainability methods will support the objectives of
learning assurance from Section C.3, and the objectives of the operational explainability developed in
Section C.4.1 below.
It is acknowledged, however, that the learning assurance W-shaped process may not necessarily
provide sufficient level of transparency on the inner design of the ML model (in particular for complex
models such as NNs).
Identification of relevant stakeholders

Objective EXP-01: The applicant should identify the list of stakeholders, other than end users, that
need explainability of the AI-based system at any stage of its life cycle, together with their roles,
their responsibilities and their expected expertise (including assumptions made on the level of
training, qualification and skills).

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Note: This objective focuses on the list of stakeholders other than the end users, as these have been
identified already as per Objective CO-01.
Identification of need for explainability

Objective EXP-02: For each of these stakeholders (or groups of stakeholders), the applicant should
characterise the need for explainability to be provided, which is necessary to support the
development and learning assurance processes.

Anticipated MOC EXP-02: The need for explainability should at least support the following goals:
— Strengthening the input-output link;
— Detection of residual biases in the trained and/or inference model; and
— Absence of unintended functions.

Object of the explanation

When dealing with development & post-ops explainability, the object of the explanation could be
— the ML item itself (a priori/global explanation);
— an output of the ML item (post hoc/a posteriori/local explanation).
It must be made clear which item is being referred to and what the requirements of explainability are
for each of them. Explanations at ML item level will be focused on the stakeholders involved during
development & post operations, whereas explanations on the output of an ML item could be useful
for all stakeholders, including end users in the operations. Output-level explanations can be
simpler/more transparent and therefore accessible to non-AI/ML experts like end user communities.
The AI explainability methods necessary to fulfil the development explainability requirements can be
further grouped in two different objectives:
— item-level; and
— output-level explanations.
At this stage, this split is used to distinguish two anticipated MOC for item-level and output-level

Objective EXP-03: The applicant should identify and document the methods at AI/ML item and/or
output level satisfying the specified AI explainability needs.

Anticipated methods both for the item level and output level explainability can be found in the
Innovation Partnership Contract CODANN2 (Daedalean, 2021). Item-level explainability methods for
CNNs include filters visualisations, generative methods and maximally activating inputs. For output-
level explanations, methods include local approximation, activations visualisation and saliency maps.
This material is illustrative at this point in time, as it applies particularly to computer vision types of
applications using CNNs. These will evolve with the progress of research and standardisation efforts.

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Note: The methods pertaining to this Objective EXP-03 may be used also to support the objectives
related to operational explainability as developed in Section C.4.1.
Explainability at item level or output level is a key area for current research. It is therefore expected
that best practices and techniques will emerge, which will enable additional objectives or anticipated
MOC to be developed.

3.2.5. Specific objectives for AI data recording capability

To support the general development and post-ops explainability objectives, specific objectives related
to the collection of data are defined in this section.
With regard to the recording of data for the purpose of development and post-operation assessment,
at least two distinct types of use should be addressed:
— Data recording for the purpose of monitoring the safety of AI-based system operations (as part
of safety management and/or continued operation approval)
• This monitoring consists in recording and processing data from day-to-day operation to
detect and evaluate deviations from the expected behaviour of the AI-based system, as
well as issues affecting interactions with human users or other systems.
• This monitoring is usually performed by (or on behalf of) the organisation using the AI-
based system.
• The purpose of this monitoring is to support the continuous or frequent assessment of
the safety of the operations in which the AI-based system is used and to assess whether
mitigation actions are effective.

• This monitoring is meant to be part of the safety management system (SMS) of the
organisation using the AI-based system.
• This monitoring may also serve the purpose of continued operation approval, by
providing the designer team of the AI-based system with data to monitor the in-service
performance of the system.
— Data recording for the purpose of accident or incident investigation in line with ICAO Annex 13
and Regulation (EU) 996/2010
• This recording is meant for analysing an accident or incident for which the operation of
the AI-based system could have been a contributing factor.

• There are many kinds of accident or incident investigations (internal investigation, judicial
investigation, assurance investigation, etc.) but in this document, only the official safety
investigation (such as defined in ICAO Annex 13 and Regulation (EU) 996/2010) is
considered. An official safety investigation aims at preventing future incidents and
accidents, not at establishing responsibilities of individuals.
• The recorded data is used, together with other recordings, to accurately reconstruct the
sequence of events that resulted in the accident or serious incident.

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• It is not forbidden to address these two types of use with a single data recording solution.
• The recording of data does not need to be a capability of the AI-based system. It is often preferable
that the relevant data is output for recording to a dedicated recording system.

Objective EXP-04: The applicant should provide the means to record operational data that is
necessary to explain, post operations, the behaviour of the AI-based system and its interactions
with the end user. Start and stop logic for the data recording (applicable to both types of use)
Anticipated MOC EXP-04-1: The recording should automatically start before or when the AI-based
system is operating, and it should continue while the AI-based system is operating. The recording
should automatically stop when or after the AI-based system is no longer operating. Data recording for the purpose of monitoring the safety of AI-based system
Anticipated MOC EXP-04-2: The recorded data should contain sufficient information to detect
deviations from the expected behaviour of the AI-based system, whether it operated alone or
interacting with an end user. In addition, this information should be sufficient:
(a) to accurately determine the nature of each individual deviation, its time and the
amplitude/severity of that individual deviation (when applicable);
(b) to reconstruct the chronological sequence of inputs to and outputs from the AI-based system
before and during the deviation;
(c) for monitoring trends regarding deviations over longer periods of time.

Anticipated MOC EXP-04-3: The recorded data should be made available to those entitled to access
and use it in a way so that they can perform an effective monitoring of the safety of AI-based system
operations. This includes:
(a) timely and complete access to the data needed for that purpose;
(b) access to the tools and documentation necessary to convert the recorded data in a format
that is understandable and appropriate for human analysis;
(c) possibility to gather data over longer periods of time for trend analyses and statistical studies.
In any case, the data should be retained for a minimum of 30 days.

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Anticipated MOC EXP-04-4: The recorded data should contain sufficient information to accurately
reconstruct the operation of the AI-based system and its interactions with the end user before an
accident or incident. In particular, this information should be sufficient to:
(a) accurately reconstruct the chronological sequence of inputs to and outputs from the AI-
based system;
(b) identify when communication or cooperation/collaboration between the AI-based system
and the end user was degraded. This may require recording additional communications of
the end user with other team members or with other organisations (including voice
communications), or recording additional actions performed by the end user at their
workstation (for instance, by means of images), as necessary;
(c) identify any unexpected behaviour of the AI-based system that is relevant for explaining the
accident or incident.

Anticipated MOC EXP-04-5: The data should be recorded in a way so that it can be retrieved and
used after an accident or an incident. This includes:
(a) crashworthiness of the memory media if they could be exposed to severe environmental
conditions resulting from an accident;
(b) recording technology that is reliable and capable of retaining data for long periods of time
without electrical power supply;
(c) means to facilitate the retrieval of the data after an accident (e.g. means to locate the
accident scene and the memory media, tools to retrieve data from damaged memory media)
or an incident;
(d) provision of tools and documentation necessary to convert the recorded data in a format
that is understandable and appropriate for human analysis.

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4. Human factors for AI

The objectives developed in this section provide initial human factors guidance to applicants in order
to design an AI-based system and equipment for use by the end users.
Note on the status of human-factors-related guidance:
— For Level 1A, existing guidelines and requirements for interface design should be used.
— For Level 1B, an initial set of design principles are proposed for the concept of operational
For Level 2A and Level 2B, new objectives have been developed and others from existing human
factors certification requirements and associated guidance have been adapted to account for the
specific end-user needs linked to the introduction of AI-based systems.
Background on the existing human-factors-related regulatory framework and guidance for flight
deck design

CS 25 has contained certification specifications for flight deck design for large aeroplanes since
Amendment 3. CS 25.1302 requires applicants to design the flight deck considering a comprehensive
set of design principles that are very close to what is described in the literature under the concept of
usability. The ultimate intent of designing a usable flight deck is to prevent, as much as possible, the
occurrence of flight crew errors while operating the aircraft. It aims at preventing any kind of design-
related human performance issue.
On top of it, CS 25.1302 also requires that the operational environment (flight deck design, procedures
and training) allows efficient management of human errors, should they occur despite the compliance
of the flight deck with the usability principles. CS 25.1302 (a), (b) and (c) intend to reduce design
contribution to human error by improving general flight deck usability while CS 25.1302 (d) focuses
on the need to support human error management through design to avoid safety consequences. The
same requirement exists for rotorcrafts (CS 27 / 29.1302) and as a Special Condition for gas airships
(SC GAS) and for VTOL aircraft (SC VTOL).
AMC 25.1302 provides recommendations including design guidance and principles as well as human
factors methods to design flight deck for future certification. The requirements and guidance for flight
deck design were developed for aircraft equipped initially with automation systems. The design
guidance proposed in AMC 25.1302 (5) is a set of best practices agreed between EASA and industry.
This part includes four main topics: Controls (means of interactions) / Presentation of information
(Visual, tactile, auditory) / System Behaviour (conditions to provide information on what the system
is doing) / Flight Crew Error Management (impossible to predict the probabilities of error).
CS 25.1302 and its associated AMC are considered by EASA to be a valid initial framework for the
implementation of Level 1 AI-based system applications and can be used as the basis on which further
human factors requirements for AI could be set for Level 2 AI-based systems.

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Background on the existing human-factors-related regulatory framework and guidance for design
in the ATM domain
Regulation (EU) 2017/373 lays down the common requirements for air traffic management and air
navigation services. Yet, there are no requirements that specify the incorporation of human factors
within the scope of equipment design or the introduction of new technology. The Regulation does
contain requirements to address human factors subjects such as psychoactive substances, fatigue,
stress, rostering, but these are largely outside the consideration of AI systems and cannot be used as
the basis for the development of human factors AI requirements.
Further to point (1)(i) of point ATS.0R.205 ‘Safety assessment and assurance of changes to the
functional system’ of Regulation (EU 2017/373, the scope of the safety assessment for a system
change as includes the ‘equipment, procedural and human elements being changed’. By definition,
therefore, any change impacting the functional ATM system should include an assessment of the
impact on the human, but from a safety perspective, not necessarily from a human factors
perspective. There are therefore currently no existing requirements that cover the entire ATM domain
to which human factors requirements for AI could be attached.
In the absence of regulatory requirements on human factors in ATM/ANS, existing material should be
referred to, which includes but should not be limited to, Human Performance Assessment Process
(HPAP), SESAR and/or Eurocontrol - human factors case version 2.
For all of these domains, elements from the existing human factors requirements and guidance are
applicable for AI-based installed systems and equipment for use by the end users. However, this
guidance needs to be complemented and/or adapted to account for the specific needs linked with the
introduction of AI.
Section C.4 covers the following themes through dedicated objectives:
— AI operational explainability
— Human-AI teaming
— Modality of interaction and style of interface
— Error management
— Workload management
— Failure management and alerting system
— Integration
— Customisation of human-AI interface

4.1. AI operational explainability

A clear distinction is made in this document between the explainability needed to make ML models
understandable (development & post-ops AI explainability) and the need to provide end users with
‘understandable’ information on how the AI-based system came to its results (operational

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Explainability is a concept, which, to be measurable or practically assessed, has to be operationalised.

An initial set of attributes in the frame of future development and certification are proposed:
understandability, relevance, level of abstraction, timeliness, and reliability. All these attributes are
further developed in the objectives and anticipated MOC for the operational explainability in Section
Note: The term ‘operational’ in this section refers to any type of activity for which an AI-based system
is used, and is not limited to air operations.
The figure below illustrates the scope proposed for operational explainability.

Figure 20 — Operational explainability view

4.1.1. Target audience for operational explainability

The expected target audience for operational explainability includes, but is not limited to, the crew
members for airborne operations, the ATCO and the room supervisor (RSUP) for the ATM domain, and
the maintenance engineer for the maintenance domain. These stakeholders are expected to have
dedicated needs for explainability in order to be able to use the AI-based system, interact with it, and
influence their level of trust.

4.1.2. Need for operational explainability

In operation, the introduction of AI is expected to modify the paradigm of interaction between the
end user and the system. Specifically, it will affect the function allocation distribution[1] by
progressively giving more authority to the AI-based systems. This allocation will be made already at
the system development phase. This will lead to a reduction of end-user awareness of the logic behind
the automatic decisions or actions taken by the AI-based system. This decreasing awareness may limit
the efficiency of the interaction and lead to a failure in establishing trust or a potential reduction of

Function allocation distribution refers to strategies for distributing system functions and tasks across people and
technology. (Function Allocation Considerations in the Era of Human Autonomy Teaming, December 2019).

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trust from the end user. In order to ensure an adequate efficiency of the interactions, the AI-based
system will need to provide explanations with regard to its automatic decisions and actions.
Note on explainability and trust
Preliminary work examining the relationship between trust and explainability is made available below.
The main consideration is that explainability is one amongst a number of contributors that build or
increase the trust that the end user has in the system. It is actually a contributor to the perception
people have on the trustworthiness of the AI-based system.
Indeed, explanations given through explainability could be considered as one variable among others.
It is also clear that not all explanations will serve this purpose. As an example, if the explanation is
warning the end user about the malfunction of the AI based system, the explanation will not positively
influence the end user’s trust in the system. The efficiency of an explanation in eliciting trust and
improving the end user’s perception that a system is trustworthy depends highly on factors such as
the context, the situation, and the end user’s experience and training.
The following list illustrates other possible factors that may influence the trust of the end user:
— End user’s general experience, belief, mindset, and prior exposure to the system
— The maturity of the system
— The end user’s experience with the AI-based system, whether the experience is positive and
there is a repetition of a positive outcome
— The AI-based system knowledge on the end user’s positive experience regarding a specific
— The predictability of the AI-based system decision and whether the result expected is the
correct one
— The reinforcement of the reliability of the system through assurance processes
— The fidelity and reliability of the interaction:
• interaction will participate in end user’s positive belief over the AI-based system’s
• weak interaction capabilities, reliability, and experience can have a strong negative
impact on the belief an end user may have in the trustworthiness of the whole system. It
can even force him or her to turn off the system.

4.1.3. Anticipated operational explainability modulation

It is also important to consider the AI Level of the AI-based system. The need for explainability is
significantly dependent on the pattern of authority and functional allocation distribution between the
end user and the AI-based system. For example, the operation of a Level 1A AI-based system will not
be fundamentally different from the operation of existing systems. Therefore, there is no need to
develop specific explainability mechanisms on top of the existing human factors requirements and/or
guidance that are already in use (e.g. CS/AMC 25.1302 for flight deck design).
However, from Level 1B and above, there is a need to identify and characterise the importance of
explainability as well as its attributes.

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Expected level of evolution in Expected level of explainability Need for specific human
the human-AI interaction needed during operation factors certification guidance
(HAII) compared to existing linked with the introduction of
interactions AI-based systems

The implementation of an AI-based

system is not expected to have an
impact on the current operation of the
Human augmentation

end user. No change compared to existing No need for dedicated

e.g. Enhanced visual traffic systems as the implementation of guidance.
Level 1A

detection/indication system in flight- No change compared to an AI-based system at Level 1A is Existing guidelines and
deck. existing systems. impacting neither the operation, requirements for interface
e.g. The analysis of aircraft climb nor the interaction that the end design should be used.
profiles by an AI-enhanced conflict user has with the systems. e.g. CS/AMC 25.1302
probe when checking the
intermediate levels of an aircraft climb
The implementation of an AI-based
system is expected to impact the Specific guidance needed.
current operation of the end user with Explainability is there to support Need for operationalising the
Human assistance

Medium change: There is a

the introduction of, for example, a and facilitate end-user decisions. explainability concept in the
need for explainability so that
Level 1B

cognitive assistant. At this level, decision still requires frame of future design and
the end user is in a position to
e.g. Cognitive assistant that provides human judgement or some certification.
use the AI outcomes to take
the optimised diversion option or agreement on the solution → Definition of attributes of
optimised route selection. method. explainability with design
e.g. An enhanced final approach principles.
sequence within an AMAN
Level 2A corresponds to the
implementation of an AI-based system
capable of teaming with an end user.
The operation is expected to change
by moving from human-human teams Specific guidance needed
to human-AI-based system teams . Medium change: With the expected introduction of Existing human factors
Human-AI teaming: Cooperation

More specifically, Level 2A is Communication is not a new ways of working with an AI- certification requirement and
introducing the notion of cooperation paramount capability for based system, the end user will associated guidance will have
as a process in which the AI-based cooperation. However, require explanations in order to to be adapted for the specific
system works to help the end user informative feedback on the cooperate to help the end user needs linked with the
Level 2A

accomplish their own objective and decision and/or action accomplish their own goal. introduction of AI.
goal. implementation taken by the A trade-off is expected at design → Development of future
The operation evolves by taking into AI-based system is expected. level between the operational design criteria for novel
account the work from the AI-based HAII evolution is foreseen to needs, the level of detail given in modality of interaction and
system based on a predefined task account for the introduction of an explanation and the end-user style of interface as well as
allocation pattern. the cooperation process. cognitive cost to process the criteria for HAT, and criteria to
e.g. AI advanced assistant supporting information received. define roles and tasks
landing phases (automatic approach allocation at design level.
e.g. conflict detection and resolution
in ATM.

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Specific guidance needed

Level 2B corresponds to the High change: Existing human Existing human factors
With the expected introduction of
implementation of an AI-based system factors certification certification requirements and
new ways of working with an AI-
capable of collaboration. On top of requirements and associated associated guidance will have
based system, the end user will
the evolution linked to the notion of guidance are adapted to the to be adapted to the specific
HAT; Collaboration

require explanations in order to

HAT, the collaboration will make the specific needs linked with the needs linked with the
collaborate, negotiate or argument
Level 2B

operation evolve towards a more introduction of AI. introduction of AI.

towards a common goals. A trade-
flexible approach where the human → Development of design → Development of future
off is expected at design level
and the AI-based system will both criteria for novel modality of design criteria for novel
between the operational needs,
communicate and share interaction and style of modality of interaction and
the level of detail given in an
strategies/ideas to achieve a common interface as well as criteria for style of interface, criteria for
explanation and the end-user
goal. HAT, and criteria to define HAT, and criteria to define
cognitive cost to process the
e.g.: Virtual co-pilot in single-pilot roles and tasks allocation at roles and tasks allocation at
information received.
operations design level. design level.

The AI-based system is operating

Very high change: Expected
independently with the possibility
More autonomous AI

change in the job design with In order for the end user to
from the end user to override an Specific guidance needed.
evolution in HAII to support override the AI/ML systems’
action/decision only when needed. On top of the specific
Level 3A

the end user being in a decision, the appropriate level of

No permanent oversight from the end guidance needed for Level 2,
position to override the explanation or information is going
user. A significant modification in the EASA anticipates additional
decision and action of the AI- to be needed for the good
current operation is expected. guidance development.
based system when needed. operation of the system.
e.g. UAS ground end user managing
several aircraft
Fully autonomous AI

There is no more end user. N/A: The end user is effectively

The AI-based system is fully removed from the process. There is no need for explainability
Level 3B

autonomous. There is no requirement for at the level of the end user. N/A in operation.
e.g. Fully autonomous flights end-user interaction. There is no end user.
e.g. Fully autonomous sector control.

Table 4 — Anticipated human factors guidance modulation

4.1.4. Objectives for operational AI explainability Objectives related to the attributes of AI operational explainability
Given the importance that EASA attributes to AI explainability, the following objectives and
anticipated MOC can be used as design principles for operational explainability.
Note: The explainability methods used to meet Objective EXP-03 from the development/post-ops
explainability may be used to meet some of the objectives below.

Objective EXP-05: For each output of the AI-based system relevant to task(s) (per Objective CO-
02), the applicant should characterise the need for explainability.

Understandable and relevant explainability

Objective EXP-06: The applicant should present explanations to the end user in a clear and
unambiguous form.

Anticipated MOC EXP-06: The explanation provided should be presented in a way that is perceived
correctly, can be comprehended in the context of the end user’s task and supports the end user’s
ability to carry out the action intended to perform the tasks.

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Objective EXP-07: The applicant should define relevant explainability so that the receiver of the
information can use the explanation to assess the appropriateness of the decision / action as

Anticipated MOC EXP-07: The explanation should be relevant so that the receiver of the
information can use it to assess the appropriateness of the decision / action as expected.
As an example, a first set of arguments that could be contained in an explanation might be:
— Information about the goals: The underlying goal of an action or a decision taken by an AI-
based system should be contained in the explanation to the receiver. This increases the
usability and the utility of the explanation.
— Historical perspectives: To understand the relevance of the AI-based system proposal, it is
important for the receiver to get a clear overview on the assumptions and context used for
training of the AI-based system.
— Information on the ‘usual’ way of reasoning: This argument corresponds to the information
on the inference made by the AI-based system in a specific case, either by giving the logic
behind the reasoning (e.g. causal relationship) or by providing the information on the steps
and on the weight given to each factor used to build decisions.
— Information about contextual elements: It might be important for the end user to get precise
information on what contextual elements were selected and analysed by the AI-based
system when making decisions/ implementing actions. The knowledge of relevant contextual
elements will allow the end user to complement their understanding and form an opinion on
the decision.
— Information on strategic aspects: The AI-based system might be performing a potential trade-
off between operational needs / economical needs / risk analysis. These strategies could be
part of the explanation when needed.
— Sources used by the AI-based system for decision-making: This element is understood as the
type of explanation given regarding the source of the data used by the AI-based system to
build its decision. For example, the need in a multi-crew aeroplane for one pilot to
understand which source the other pilot used in order to assess the weather information as
data can come from different sources (ops/data/radar/etc.). As the values and their reliability
may vary, it is fundamental that both pilots are aligned using the same sources of data.

Level of abstraction

Objective EXP-08: The applicant should define the level of abstraction of the explanations, taking
into account the characteristics of the task, the situation, the level of expertise of the end user and
the general trust given to the system.

Anticipated MOC EXP-08: The level of abstraction corresponds to the degree of details provided
within the explanation. As mentioned before, there are different possible arguments to

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substantiate the explainability (ref. relevant explainability). The level of detail of these arguments
and the number of arguments provided in an explanation may vary depending on several factors.
— The level of expertise of the end user: An experienced end user will not have the same needs
in terms of rationale and details provided by the AI-based system to understand how the
system came to its results, as a novice end user who might need advice or/and detailed
information to be able to follow a proposition coming from the AI-based system.
— The characteristics of the situation: In a very time-critical situation, the end user might not
have the cognitive capacity to understand and follow explanations. Indeed, a lengthy
explanation will lose its efficiency in case the end user is not able to absorb it. During a non-
critical situation, with a low level of workload on the side of the end user, the explanation
can be enriched.
— The general trust given to the system: There is a link between the trust afforded to the system
and the need for detailed explanation. If the end user trusts the system, they might accept
an explanation with fewer details; however, an end user with low trust might request
additional information to reinforce or build trust in the AI-based system and accept the
There are advantages and disadvantages in delivering a detailed explanation. On one side, it may
ensure an optimal level of understanding of the end user. However, it may generate a significant
cognitive cost due to the high amount of information to process. Additionally, it may reduce the
interaction efficiency in the context of a critical situation. On the other side, a laconic explanation
may lead to a lack of understanding from the end user, resulting as well in a reduction of the
interaction efficiency. Therefore, a trade-off between the level of details given in an explanation
and the cognitive cost seems to be essential to maintain an efficient HAII.

Objective EXP-09: Where a customisation capability is available, the end user should be able to
customise the level of details provided by the system as part of the explainability.

Anticipated MOC EXP-09: The level of abstraction has an impact on the collaboration between the
AI-based system and the end users. In order to enhance this collaboration during operation, there
is a possible need to customise the level of details provided for the explanation. This can be tackled
in three ways:
— Firstly, the designer could set by default the level of abstraction depending on factors
identified during the development phase of the AI.
— Secondly, the end users could customise the level of abstraction. If the level is not tailored
to their needs or level of experience, the explainability can go against its objective.
— Thirdly, the level of abstraction could come from an adaptive explainability thanks to context-
sensitive mechanisms. The AI-based system will have the capabilities to adapt to its
environment by design or by learning (adaptive explainability).

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Timeliness of explainability

Objective EXP-10: The applicant should define the timing when the explainability will be available
to the end user taking into account the time criticality of the situation, the needs of the end user,
and the operational impact.

Objective EXP-11: The applicant should design the AI-based system so as to enable the end user to
get upon request explanation or additional details on the explanation when needed.

Anticipated MOC EXP-10 & EXP-11: The notion of timeliness depends on the end user’s need and
is imposed by the situation. This notion covers both the appropriate timing and the appropriate
sequencing of explanations. This guidance defines two temporalities: before the operation and
during the operation.
Before operation, or latent explainability
— It should be considered that the knowledge gained by the end user during training about the
way an AI-based system is working will contribute to the end user’s ability to decrypt the AI-
based system’s actions and decisions during operations. This can be considered as a latent
explainability. The end users retrieve this knowledge to build their awareness and compute
their own explanation and to interpret, on behalf of the AI-based system, the reason behind
the system’s decision and/or action/behaviour. In addition, information concerning the AI-
based system customisation made by the operators/airlines to answer specific operational
needs could also be provided to the end users before operation.
During operation — The following trade-offs should be considered by the applicant:
— Before the decision/action taken by the AI-based system: Information should be provided
before the decision or action in case the outcome of the decision/action has an impact on
the conduct of the operation. As an example for airborne operations, if an AI-based system
has the capability to lower the undercarriage, it would be necessary to provide the
information to the crew before the action is performed, as it will have an impact on the
aircraft performance. Another general reason could be to avoid any startle effect and provide
the end user with sufficient anticipation to react accordingly to the decision/action.
— During the decision/action: Explanation provided during the decision and action should
include information on strategic and tactical decisions. Strategic information with a long-
term impact on the operation should be provided to the end user during the decision/action.
Note: The more information relates to short-term tactical approach, the more it should be
provided before the decision/action. The end user will need to be aware of the steps
performed by the AI-based system that will have a short-term impact on the operation.
— After the decision/action
Here are four different examples for explainability to be provided after the decision/action
was identified:

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• When there is a time-critical situation, there will be no need or benefit for the end user
to get an explanation in real time.

• The explanation could come a posteriori as programmed by the applicant for any
justified reason.
• The explanation is requested on-demand by the end user, either to complement their
understanding, or because the end user put the AI on hold voluntarily prior to the
• The AI-based system by design is providing the explanation after the decision/action
in order to reinforce trust and update the situational awareness (SA) of the end users.

Figure 21 provides an illustration of the notion of timeliness that should be assessed when designing

Figure 21 — Timeliness of the explainability

Reliability of the information

Objective EXP-12: For each output relevant to the task(s), the applicant should ensure the validity
of the specified explanation, based on actual measurements (e.g. monitoring) or on a quantification
of the level of uncertainty.

Objective EXP-13: The AI-based system should be able to deliver an indication of the degree of
reliability of its output as part of the explanation based on actual measurements (e.g. monitoring)
or on a quantification of the level of uncertainty.

Anticipated MOC EXP-13: Assuming that the decisions, actions, or diagnoses provided by an AI-
based system may not always be fully reliable, the AI-based system should compute a degree of
reliability of its outputs. Such an indication should be part of the elements provided within the
explanations when needed.

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As mentioned in Section C.3, learning assurance guarantees are given in the frame of the defined ODD
and at a given level of performance. One important objective is therefore to monitor whether or not
the operational conditions remain within acceptable boundaries and the performance is aligned with
the expected level.
The feedback of this monitoring is another contributor to the operational AI explainability guidelines.
The following objectives are anticipated:

Objective EXP-14: The AI-based system inputs should be monitored to be within the operational
boundaries (both in terms of input parameter range and distribution) in which the AI/ML
constituent performance is guaranteed, and deviations should be indicated to the relevant users
and end users.

Objective EXP-15: The AI-based system outputs should be monitored to be within the specified
operational performance boundaries, and deviations should be indicated to the relevant users and
end users.

Objective EXP-16: The training and instructions available for the human end user should include
procedures for handling possible outputs of the ODD and performance monitoring.

Objective EXP-17: Information concerning unsafe AI-based system operating conditions should be
provided to the human end user to enable them to take appropriate corrective action in a timely

4.2. Human-AI teaming

Initially, AI-based systems were developed to improve team performance but, with the technological
advances in this area, AI-based systems will soon become teammates.
While moving from human-human teams to human-AI-based system teams (HAT), complexity is
arising at a level where we are not able to fully comprehend as of today. The concept of HAT
encompasses in this paper the notion of cooperation and collaboration.
Cooperation is a process in which the AI-based system works to help the end user accomplish their
own objective and goal. The AI-based system will work according to a predefined task allocation
pattern with informative feedback on the decision and/or action implementation. Cooperation does
not imply a shared vision between the end user and the AI-based system. Communication is not a
paramount capability for cooperation.
Collaboration is a process in which the human and the AI-based system work together and jointly to
achieve a common goal (or work individually on a defined goal) and solve a problem through co-
constructive approach. Collaboration implies the capability to share situational awareness and to
readjust strategies and task allocation in real time. Communication is paramount to share valuable
information needed to achieve the goal, to share ideas and expectations.

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The following design considerations are anticipated, focusing on the different capabilities that the AI-
based system should have to perform an efficient collaboration:
— Sharing of elements of situational awareness;
— Identification of abnormal situation and performance of diagnostics;
— Evaluation of the relevance of the solution proposed by the end user;
— Negotiation/argumentation;
— Adaptiveness.

Objective HF-01: The applicant should design the AI-based system with the ability to build its own
individual situational awareness.

Objective HF-02: The applicant should design the AI-based system with the ability to allow the end
user to ask questions and to answer questions from the end user, in order to reinforce the end-user
individual situational awareness.

Objective HF-03: The applicant should design the AI-based system with the ability to modify its
individual situational awareness on end-user request.

Objective HF-04: If a decision is taken by the AI-based system, the applicant should design the AI-
based system with the ability to request from the end user a cross-check validation.

Corollary objective HF-04: The applicant should design the AI-based system with the ability to
cross-check and validate a decision made by the end user automatically or on request.

Objective HF-05: For complex situations under normal operations, the applicant should design the
AI-based system with the ability to identify a suboptimal strategy and propose through
argumentation an optimised solution.

Corollary objective HF-05: The applicant should design the AI-based system with the ability to
accept a proposal rejection, upon request by the end user.

Objective HF-06: For complex situations under abnormal operations, the applicant should design
the AI-based system with the ability to identify the problem, share the diagnosis including the root
cause, the resolution strategy and the anticipated operational consequences.

Corollary objective HF-06: The applicant should design the AI-based system with the ability to
consider the arguments shared by the end user.

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Anticipated MOC for HF-01 to HF-06: [to be further developed]

The AI-based system should have the capability to gather information from its environment,
process it, and take decisions or actions based on that information without human intervention.
The AI-based system in order to build this SA will need to have the ability to sense, comprehend
the surroundings, navigate through complex environments and adapt to changing conditions.
The level of initiative will differ depending on the task and functions allocated to the AI-based
— The AI-based system could present the relevant information and request from the end user
to take the decision.
— The AI-based system could propose decisions and leave the choice to the end user.
— The AI-based system could pre-decide and request validation by the end user.

Objective HF-07: The applicant should design the AI-based system with the ability to detect poor
decision-making by the end user in a time-critical situation.

Objective HF-08: The applicant should design the AI-based system with the ability to take the
appropriate action outside of a collaboration scheme, in case of detection of poor decision-making
by the end user in a time-critical situation.

Objective HF-09: The applicant should design the AI-based system with the ability to negotiate,
argue, and support its positions.

Anticipated MOC HF-09: Several dimensions for collaboration have been identified:
— Human-AI work together on an agreement to achieve goals and solve a problem.
• Negotiation: There is a need to design an AI-based system that can exchange in case
of inconsistent goals to propose alternative solutions.
— Human-AI work individually on a defined goal and, when ready, share their respective
solution for agreement.
• Argumentation: In order for the AI to be able to negotiate, it should be designed to
support its positions: what can be argued and how to argue.

Objective HF-10: The applicant should design the AI-based system with the ability to accept the
modification of task allocation / task adjustments (instantaneous/short-term).

Anticipated MOC HF-10

As an example, role/task allocation between a pilot and co-pilot is defined by operation and airlines
policy through CRM under pilot flying / pilot monitoring roles. With the introduction of

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collaborative capabilities, the definition of the roles and tasks will be performed at development
level. Development of requirements on task sharing, adaptability and need for collaboration are
The following should be considered:
— Context-sensitive task allocation: ML models should be tailored to answer the needs imposed
or directed by the situation (time-critical / diversion selection).
— Customisation: capability given to the operators to tailor the AI-based system to answer
operational needs.
— Live task adjustments/distribution: capability of the AI-based system to adjust the task
allocation in real time to answer operational needs. The end user and the AI-based system
need to stay in the loop of decisions to be able to react to any adjustment in real time. Both
parties will need to have a mutual recognition and knowledge about the level of SA of each
other. These adjustments could be anticipated at different levels:
• Macro adjustment: e.g. The pilot could tell the AI-based system to take control of the
communication task for the rest of the flight.
• Micro adjustment: e.g. The pilot could request the AI-based system to perform a check
to lower its workload as he or she is busy performing the radio communication.

4.3. Modality of interaction and style of interface

The introduction of AI-based systems is changing the paradigm of end user/machine interactions. The
rise of AI is leading to a new mode of interaction through voice, gesture, or other natural interactions
by bringing emerging technologies to a level that allows the machine to better communicate with the
human and vice versa. The upcoming future flexible platforms (flight decks, controller working
positions, etc.) open the way to less restrictive means of communication.
The following objectives focus on the emergence of languages, including natural spoken language and
procedural spoken language, where voice is used as a new interface for communication. The
exploration of other methods has broadened the field to the use of gesture recognition where
movements and gestures are also used as a language to exchange. Design criteria for communication to address spoken natural language

‘Human-like’ natural language could be defined as the result of a voice and speech recognition system,
allowing the machine to understand human language and use the same language processes as the
ones used for human-human conversation.
Spoken natural language conversation can provide smooth communication with the AI-based system
and contribute to build trust, if the AI-based system outcome is relevant, efficient, non-ambiguous
and timely. In addition, the end user will not have to learn a specific syntax to interact properly with
the system. Spoken natural language is bringing flexibility in the interaction allowing clarifications on

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On the other hand, spoken natural language dialogue implies a bidirectional conversation. It increases
the chance of misleading comprehension or misinterpretation between the two parties and can lead
to a reduction in efficiency. In particular, it can create errors that could lead to operational
consequences. In addition, misinterpretation can increase the workload and create frustration,
especially if no other interface is available to share the expected information.

Objective HF-11: The applicant should design the AI-based system with the ability to understand
through the end-user responses or his or her action that there was a misinterpretation from the
end user.

Objective HF-12: The applicant should design the AI-based system with the ability to notify the end
user that he or she misunderstood the information provided through spoken natural language.

Objective HF-13: In case of misinterpretation, the applicant should design the AI-based system with
the ability to resolve the misunderstanding through repetition, modification of the modality of
interaction and/or with the provision of additional rationale on the initial information.

Note: In case of degradation of the interaction performance linked with the use of spoken natural
language, the end user may have to use other modalities (see Section C.

Objective HF-14: The applicant should design the AI-based system with the ability to make room
for dialogue turns by other participants, keeping silent when needed and not hindering the user
(while the user is engaged in a complex activity), sticking to information that answers a given
question by other participants, etc.)

Anticipated MOC HF-14

The natural language capabilities to be addressed include:
— Conversation
— Questions/answers
— Argumentation/negotiation
— Follow-up questions
— Acknowledgements

Objective HF-15: If spoken natural language is used, the applicant should design the AI-based
system with the ability to provide information regarding the associated AI-based system capabilities
and limitations.

Anticipated MOC HF-15

The end user might tend to have an erroneous expectation regarding the capabilities of the AI-
based system due to the nature of the ‘human-like’ interaction: erroneous optimistic confidence
and premature enthusiasm can be observed.

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Proposed Issue 02 Design criteria for communication to address spoken procedural language (SPL)
Moving away from natural language to a procedural language requires a significant restriction on the
lexicon available to the AI and end user. This style of language limits the use of vocabulary and imposes
a strict syntax on communication. Examples include the issuing of instructions and requests between
ground and air in radio telephone (RT) communication. Implementing a spoken procedural interface
provides the end user with a constant and homogeneous outcome.
Using spoken ‘procedure or programming style’ language presents the message sender and receiver
with a fixed syntax by which they communicate. This fixed syntax format is similar to that which
currently exists in flight deck through the crew resource management (CRM) methods and on the
ground through team resource management (TRM). The use of fixed syntax language provides a
structure to a communication so that it is clear:
— which parameter are being discussed;
— the value to be associated with the parameter;
— a qualifier, if required, for the value;
— a clear path for acknowledgment of the reception of the communication.

SPL provides the opportunity to reduce error in communications as they are less subject to
interpretation and the expectation of the fixed grammar ensures that potential errors can be more
easily identified.
The fixed syntax associated with procedural language does however lack the flexibility of natural
language and may affect the understanding of communication that is based on context. In addition, a
fixed syntax prevents smooth and natural conversation between the AI-based system and the end
user. While procedural languages are associated with reduced errors, they can be also associated with
increased cognitive costs due to the necessity of remembering the way to interact as well as the syntax
and totality of commands and qualifiers available. The end user will therefore be required to
continuously access to knowledge and memory.

Objective HF-16: The applicant should design the syntax of the spoken procedural language so that
it can be learned easily by the end user.

Objective HF-17: The applicant should design the AI-based system with the ability to transition from
verbal natural language to verbal procedural language depending on its own perception of the
performance of the dialogue, the context of the situation and the characteristics of the task. Design criteria for gesture non-verbal language

Gesture language is considered in this paper as a non-verbal, unidirectional communication tool where
the end user would have their body movements tracked and processed through dedicated technology.
Gesture language can also be combined with spoken languages as a resource to reinforce the
efficiency of the bidirectional communication.

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Objective HF-18: The applicant should design the gesture language syntax so that it is intuitively
associated with the command that it is supposed to trigger.

Objective HF-19: The applicant should design the AI-based system with the ability to filter the
intentional gesture used for language from non-intentional gesture, such as spontaneous gestures
that are made to complement verbal spoken language.

Objective HF-20: If gesture non-verbal language is used, the applicant should design the AI-based
system with the ability to recognise the end-user intention.

Objective HF-21: If non-verbal language is used, the applicant should design the AI-based system
with the ability to acknowledge the end-user intention with appropriate feedback Design criteria for management of multi-modal interaction

A combination of several interaction modalities such as voice (speech recognition), visual (e.g.
keyboard, mouse, display) and gesture can be foreseen.
As an example, a combination could be performed by the AI-based system to increase:
— usability;
— the understanding by confirmation;
— accessibility by providing the end user with back up/additional interface to compensate for
senses (sight, hearing, touch, vision) availabilities;
— efficiency by performing two distinct actions through two different means.

Objective HF-22: If spoken natural language is used, the applicant should design the AI-based
system so that it can be deactivated for the benefit of other modalities in case of degradation of
the interaction performance.

Objective HF-23: The applicant should design the AI-based system with the ability to combine or
adapt the interaction modalities depending on the characteristics of the task, the operational
event, and/or the operational environment.

Objective HF-24: The applicant should design the AI-based system with the ability to automatically
adapt the modality of interactions to the end-user states, the situation, the context and/or the
perceived end user’s preferences.

Anticipated MOC HF-22, HF-23 and HF-24

Adaptive interaction modality is the AI capacity to adapt the modality of interaction to
external/internal factors with the objective of optimising the HAII. The following attributes have

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been identified: context-sensitive criteria (e.g. if pilot is speaking with ATC, the AI will communicate
using other interfaces than natural language), task-sensitive criteria, pilot-state-sensitive criteria.
As an example, during ATC-pilot communication, the AI-based system should avoid using natural
language to interact with the pilot; it should instead display the information collected.
By inference, the following design possibilities have been identified:
— The modality of interaction can be predefined by the applicant in adaptation with the
characteristics of the task or the flight event.
— The modality of interaction should adapt to pilot’s state:
• from permanent state (crew personal setting);

• from instantaneous state (workload, stress, cognitive resources).

— The modality of interaction should automatically adapt to the situation, the task, and/or the
— The AI should propose modality of interaction according to the perception of pilot’s
preferences and expectations. As an example, during ATC-pilot communication, AI system
should avoid using natural language to interact with the pilot; it should instead display the
information collected.

4.4. Error management

4.4.1. Contribution of AI-based systems to a new typology of human errors Design-related human errors
CS 25.1302 states that ‘to the extent practicable, installed equipment must enable the flight crew to
manage errors resulting from the kinds of flight crew interactions with the equipment that can be
reasonably expected in service, assuming the flight crew is acting in good faith. This sub-paragraph (d)
does not apply to skill-related errors associated with manual control of the aeroplane.’ The
requirement stipulates that equipment shall be designed to be tolerant to human error.
The emergence of AI-based systems is likely to introduce new types of errors. One may expect that
these new types of errors will result from the end user or from the HAT. The errors resulting directly
from the AI-based system should also be considered.

Objective HF-25: The applicant should design the AI-based system to minimise the likelihood of
design-related errors made by the end user.

Note: The minimisation of the likelihood of errors made by the AI-based system is addressed through
the AI assurance Section C.3.

Objective HF-26: The applicant should design the AI-based system to minimise the likelihood of
design-related errors made by the human-AI teaming.

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In the aviation environment the use of two people in the flight deck, shared speech frequencies,
controllers working as pairs, and the use of ‘sign off’ in maintenance activities are all examples of
means to minimise the likelihood of operation- and organisation-related errors.
According to the SKYbrary website, ‘Crew Resource Management (CRM) is the effective use of all
available resources’ (equipment, procedures and people) ‘for flight crew personnel to assure a safe
and efficient operation, reducing error, avoiding stress and increasing efficiency. (…) CRM
encompasses a wide range of knowledge, skills and attitudes including communications, situational
awareness, problem solving, decision making, and teamwork.’ (SKYbrary)
By analogy, there is a need to define the notion of human-AI resource management (HAIRM),
considering that the introduction of AI is likely to bring some specific problematics, in particular,
regarding the communications, situational awareness, problem-solving, decision-making and

Objective HF-27: The applicant should design the AI-based system to minimise the likelihood of
HAIRM-related errors.

Anticipated MOC HF-27

The errors resulting from the HAIRM can take the form of:
— failure to respect the predefined task allocation pattern;
— Teamwork breakdown (team is not working properly, e.g. due to a communication issue, lack
of trust, poor definition of roles and tasks);
— incomplete or incorrect cross-checking process;
— HAI communication issues (for the errors resulting from the communication established
between the AI-based system and the end user, refer to the Objectives HF-11 to HF-13);
— mismatch in Human/AI-based system respective situational awareness;
— strategic or authority issues related to decision-making

4.4.2. How AI-based systems will affect the methods of errors management
Considering that errors will occur despite the implementation of the Objectives HF-25 to HF-28, the
introduction of AI will provide new opportunities and ways to manage errors.

Objective HF-28: The applicant should design the AI-based system to be tolerant to end-user errors.

Anticipated MOC HF-28

An AI-based system being tolerant to human errors means that the system is robust enough and
will continue performing its intended function despite human errors. On top of that, it should be
able to detect and potentially correct these errors so that it can continue to operate as intended.

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Objective HF-29: The applicant should design the AI-based system so that in case the end user
makes an error while interacting with the AI-based system, the opportunities exist to detect the

Objective HF-30: The applicant should design the AI-based system so that once an error is detected,
the AI-based system should provide efficient means to inform the end user and correct the error.

4.5. Failure management

Failure management under Failure management under Failure management under
end-user responsibility HAIRM AI-based system
Cooperation responsibility

Task/ Sub task/function End user AI-based End user AI-based End user AI-based
function system system system

Attention Emission Yes No Yes: In both directions No No

Acknowledgement Yes Yes under Yes Yes No No
Diagnostic Situation analysis Yes No Yes Yes No yes

Identification of the Yes No Yes Yes No yes

problematics The end AI
user proposes
proposes and the
and the Ais end user
confirms confirms

Potential solutions Yes No Yes Yes No yes

proposal The end AI
user proposes
proposes and the
and AI end user
confirms confirms

Action planning Yes No Yes Yes No yes

The end AI
user proposes
proposes and the
and AI end user
confirms confirms

Action Act on the systems Yes No except Yes: The Yes: The AI- No Yes
when end user based except if
requested will need a system will required
by the end means to interact by
user act on the without operatio
system any means n
on the

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Require a pre- Yes No Yes Yes No No

Perform the action Yes No Yes Yes No Yes

Monitoring No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, own

under monitoring
Verification No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, own
under verification
Post Need for Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
failure presentation of
managem status
ent Limitations Yes Monitor Yes Yes No Yes
management and recall
Deferred actions Yes No Yes Yes No Yes

Table 5 — Overview of failure management guidance

4.6. Additional topics under development

Some additional topics are currently under development with a focus on:
— workload management;
— customisation of human-AI interface.

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5. AI safety risk mitigation

5.1. AI safety risk mitigation concept
AI SRM is based on the anticipation that the ‘AI black box’ may not always be opened to a sufficient
extent. Indeed, for some applications, it could be unpractical to fully cover all the objectives defined
in the explainability and learning assurance building blocks of this guideline. This partial coverage of
some objectives could result in a residual risk that may be accommodated by implementing some
mitigations called hereafter SRM. The intent of such mitigations is to minimise as far as practicable
the probability of the AI/ML constituent producing unintended or unexplainable outputs.

Furthermore, it is also recognised that the use of AI in the aviation domain is quite novel and until field
service experience is gained, appropriate safety precautions should be implemented to reduce the
risk to occupants, third parties and critical infrastructure.

This could be achieved by several means, among others:

— real-time monitoring of the output of the AI/ML constituent and passivation of the AI-based
system with recovery through a traditional backup system (e.g. safety net);

— in a wider horizon, by considering the notion of ‘licensing’ for an AI-based agent, as anticipated
in (Javier Nuñez et al., 2019) and developed further in (ECATA Group, 2019).

Figure 22 — SRM block interfaces with other building blocks

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Note that SRM is solely meant to address a partial coverage of the applicable explainability and
learning assurance objectives. SRM is not aimed at compensating partial coverage of objectives
belonging to the trustworthiness analysis building blocks (e.g. safety assessment, information security,
ethics-based objectives).

5.2. AI SRM top-level objectives

Objective SRM-01: Once activities associated with all other building blocks are defined, the
applicant should determine whether the coverage of the objectives associated with the
explainability and learning assurance building blocks is sufficient or whether an additional
dedicated layer of protection, called hereafter safety risk mitigation (SRM), would be necessary to
mitigate the residual risks to an acceptable level.

Anticipated MOC SRM-01: In establishing whether AI SRM is necessary and to which extent, the
following considerations should be accounted for:
— coverage of the explainability building block;
— coverage of the learning assurance building block;
— relevant in-service experience, if any;
— AI-level: the higher the level, the more likely it is that SRM will be needed;
— criticality of the AI/ML constituent: the more the ML/AI constituent is involved in critical
functions, the more likely it is that SRM will be needed.
In particular, the qualitative nature of some building block mitigations/analysis should be reviewed
to establish the need for an SRM.
The SRM strategy should be commensurate with the residual risk/unknown.

Objective SRM-02: The applicant should establish SRM means as identified in Objective SRM-01.

Anticipated MOC SRM-02-1: The following means may be used to gain confidence that the residual
risk is properly mitigated:
— monitoring of the output of the AI/ML constituent and passivation of the AI-based system
with recovery through a traditional backup system (e.g. safety net);
— when relevant, the possibility may be given to the end user to switch off the AI/ML-based
function to avoid being distracted by erroneous outputs.
The SRM functions should be evaluated as part of the safety assessment19, and, if necessary,
appropriate safety requirements should be defined and verified. This may include independence
requirements to guarantee an appropriate level of independence of the SRM architectural
mitigations from the AI/ML constituent

19 In the ATM/ANS domain, for non-ATS providers, the safety assessment is replaced by a safety support assessment.

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6. Organisations
Prior to obtaining approval of AI applications in the field of civil aviation, organisations that are
required to be approved as per the Basic Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2018/1139) might need to
introduce adaptations in order to ensure the adequate capability to meet the objectives defined
within the AI trustworthiness building blocks (see Figure 2), and to maintain the compliance of the
organisation with the corresponding implementing rules.
The introduction of the necessary changes to the organisation would need to follow the process
established by the applicable regulations. For example, in the domain of initial airworthiness, the
holder of a DOA would need to apply to EASA for a significant change to its design assurance system
prior to the application for the certification project.
At this stage, it is worth mentioning that Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1645 and
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/203 (being respectively applicable from 2025 and
2026), on the management of information security risks with a potential impact on aviation safety,
require organisations adapt their processes to comply with their requirements. In the context of AI/ML
applications, compliance with these Regulations will require that information security aspects during
the design, production, and operation phases will be adequately managed and mitigated (e.g. data
poisoning in development).
This section introduces some high-level provisions and anticipated AMC with the aim of providing
guidance to organisations on the expected adaptations. It provides as well, as an example case, more
detailed guidance on the affected processes for holders of a DOA.

6.1. High-level provisions and anticipated AMC

Provision ORG-01: The organisation should review its processes and adapt them to the introduction
of AI technology.

Provision ORG-02: In preparation of the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1645 and
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/203 applicability, the organisation should assess
the information security risks related to the design, production and operation phases of an AI/ML

Anticipated AMC ORG-02:

Taking advantage of the ENISA report (ENISA, December 2021) on SECURING MACHINE LEARNING
ALGORITHMS and possible threats identified in Table 3, the organisation could consider threat
— related to unauthorised alterations of the training, validation, and test data sets commonly
referred to as ‘data set poisoning’;
— like ‘denial of service’ due to inconsistent data or a sponge example, while learning
algorithms usually consider input data in a defined format to make their predictions. A denial
of service could be caused by input data whose format is inappropriate. It may also happen
that a malicious user of the model constructs input data (a sponge example) specifically

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designed to increase the computation time of the model and thus potentially cause a denial
of service.

Provision ORG-03: Implement a data-driven ‘AI continuous safety assessment system’ based on
operational data and in-service events.

Anticipated AMC ORG-03:

The AI continuous safety assessment system should:
— ensure data gathering on safety-relevant areas for AI-based systems;
— perform analyses to support the identification of in-service risks, based on:
• the organisation scope;
• a set of safety-related metrics;

• available relevant data.

The system should be able to refine the identification of risks based on the results of previous
interactions with the AI-based systems and incorporating the human evaluation inputs.
When defining the metrics, the data set and gathering methodology should ensure:
— the acquisition of safety-relevant data related to accidents and incidents including near-miss
events; and
— the monitoring of in-service data to detect potential issues or suboptimal performance
trends that might contribute to safety margin erosion; and
— the definition of target values, thresholds and evaluation periods; and
— the possibility to analyse data to determine the possible root cause and trigger corrective
The following implementing rule requirements, associated AMC and GM may be considered with
appropriate adaptations:
For ATS providers:
— ATS.OR.200(2) and (3) Safety management system
— GM1 ATS.OR.200(3)(i) and GM1 ATS.OR.200(3)(iii)
— AMC1 ATS.OR.200(3)(iii)

Provision ORG-04: The organisation should ensure that the safety-related AI-based systems are
auditable by internal and external parties, including the approving authorities.

Provision ORG-05: The organisation should adapt the continuous risk management process to
accommodate the specificities of AI, including interaction with all relevant stakeholders.

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Anticipated AMC ORG-05:

In particular, the applicant should put in place:
— a process to discuss and continuously monitor and assess the AI-based system’s adherence
to the ethics-based assessment guidance;
— a process for third parties (e.g. suppliers, end users, subjects, distributors/vendors or
workers) to report potential vulnerabilities, risks or bias in the AI-based system.

Provision ORG-06: The organisation should adapt the training processes to accommodate the
specificities of AI, including interaction with all relevant stakeholders.

Anticipated AMC ORG-06:

In particular, the applicant should put in place:
— consider the competencies needed to deal with the AI-based systems;
— adaptations to training syllabus to take into account the specificities of AI.

Provision ORG-07: The organisations operating the AI-based systems should ensure that end
users’ licensing and certificates account for the specificities of AI, including interaction with all
relevant stakeholders.

Provision ORG-08: The organisation should establish means (e.g. processes) to continuously
assess ethics-based aspects for the trustworthiness of an AI-based system with the same scope as
for objective ET-01. This includes the consideration of establishing an AI ethics review board.

6.2. Competence considerations

The inclusion of AI/ML technology in aviation will determine new challenges at all levels from
designers to end users. Along with the advantages coming from the progress in technology, several
areas of threats will become active.
This section will give consideration to training as a means of mitigation to the threats related to the
lack of awareness on AI-based system features.
It is important that every actor in the chain of design, production and operation of aviation systems
using AI-based technology receives appropriate information on topics such as:
— Basic concepts of AI;
— AI-based system capability and levels;
— Human factors, including HAII and explainability;
— AI-AI interface;
— Ethics-based assessment;

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— Safety management;
— Information security management;
— any other relevant aspect of AI pertaining to the individual post.
At organisation level, each type of organisation should review the threats connected with the use of
AI pertaining to the scope activity and develop initial and recurrent programmes aimed to build
awareness of their personnel on such topics (refer to Provision ORG-06).
The awareness training shall be delivered to all levels of personnel, including top management, to
ensure the correct approach to the introduction of AI-based technology in the organisation.
At the individual level, the elements above shall be addressed in the initial training of each domain-
specific licence or certificate (refer to Provision ORG-07). Furthermore, device- or environment-
specific elements shall be considered for the final use cases.
It is equally important that awareness training is addressed to instructors and examiners, as well as to
the regulators and inspectors involved in the development or oversight of organisations and products.

6.3. Design organisation case

This section aims to provide an example, for the case of DOA holders by identifying those processes
that might need to be assessed and adapted.
The following figure illustrates the potentially affected DOA processes and the key activities in relation
to the implementation of AI/ML technologies:

DOA scope
ISMS • Products SMS
• Capabilities • Safety risk
system Certification
monitoring (ISM)
•AI trustworthiness

Occurrence reporting
•Events monitoring
•Tools for investigation
DOA Competencies
•Continuous safety

Design changes
Record keeping
Design suppliers
• Data
• Hardware • Methods
• Systems/tools • Integration
• Supervision

Figure 23 — DOA processes potentially affected by the introduction of AI/ML

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Although almost all DOA processes are affected, the nature of the adaptation would be different
depending on the interrelation of the process and the specificities of the AI technology.
The certification process would need to be deeply adapted to introduce new methodologies that will
ensure compliance with the AI trustworthiness objectives as introduced in the previous sections of
this guidance. Similarly, new methodologies might be required for the record-keeping of AI-related
data, for the independent system monitoring (ISM) process with regard to both compliance with and
adequacy of procedures, and for the continuous safety assessment of events when the root cause
might be driven by the AI-based system.
With regard to design changes, new classification criteria may be required when an approved type
design related to AI is intended to be changed.
Other processes such as competencies would need to be implemented considering the new AI
technologies and the related certification process.
Finally, the DOA scope would need to reflect the capabilities of the organisation in relation to product
certification and to privileges for the approval of related changes.

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D. Proportionality of the guidance

1. Concept for modulation of objectives
Two main criteria can be used to anticipate proportionality in the objectives from the guidance that is
proposed in Chapter C of this document: the AI Level (per Objective CL-01) and the criticality
(assurance level per Objective SA-01) of the item containing the ML model.
A modulation of the objectives of this document, based on these two criteria, has been introduced in
the next section.
— With the current state of knowledge of AI and ML technology, EASA anticipates a limitation on
the validity of applications when AI/ML constituents include IDAL A or B / SWAL 1 or 2 / AL 1, 2
or 3 items. Moreover, no assurance level reduction should be performed for items within AI/ML
constituents. This limitation will be revisited when experience with AI/ML techniques has been
— Future work on Level 3 is likely to increase the number of objectives.

2. Risk-based levelling of objectives

Applicability by Assurance Level
The objective should be satisfied with independence.

The objective should be satisfied.

The satisfaction of the objective is at the applicant’s discretion.

Applicability by AI Level
The objective should be satisfied for AI level 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B.

The objective should be satisfied for AI level 1B, 2A and 2B.

The objective should be satisfied for AI level 2A and 2B.

The objective should be satisfied for AI level 2B.

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Assurance Level

Objectives AL 1 AL 2 AL 3 AL 4 AL 5
CO-01: The applicant should identify the list of end users
that are intended to interact with the AI-based system,
together with their roles, their responsibilities and their
expected expertise (including assumptions made on the
level of training, qualification and skills).
CO-02: For each end user, the applicant should identify
which high-level task(s) are intended to be performed in
interaction with the AI-based system.
CO-03: The applicant should determine the AI-based
system taking into account domain-specific definitions of
CO-04: The applicant should define and document the
ConOps for the AI-based system, including the task
allocation pattern between the end user(s) and the AI-
based system. A focus should be put on the definition of
the OD and on the capture of specific operational
limitations and assumptions.
CO-05: The applicant should document how end users’
inputs are collected and accounted for in the
development of the AI-based system.
Trustworthiness analysis

CO-06: The applicant should perform a functional

analysis of the system.
CL-01: The applicant should classify the AI-based system,
based on the levels presented in Table 2, with adequate
SA-01: The applicant should perform a safety (support)
assessment for all AI-based (sub)systems, identifying and
addressing specificities introduced by AI/ML usage.
ICSA-01: The applicant should identify which data needs
to be recorded for the purpose of supporting the
continuous safety assessment .
ICSA-02: The applicant should use the collected data to
perform a continuous safety assessment. This includes:
— the definition of target values, thresholds and
evaluation periods to guarantee that design assumptions
— the monitoring of in-service events to detect potential
issues or suboptimal performance trends that might
contribute to safety margin erosion, or, for non-ATS
providers, to service performance degradations; and
— the resolution of identified shortcomings or issues.
IS-01: For each AI-based system and its data sets, the
applicant should identify those information security risks
with an impact on safety, identifying and addressing
specific threats introduced by AI/ML usage.
IS-02: The applicant should document a mitigation
approach to address the identified AI/ML-specific
security risk.
Note: Beyond the applicability defined here for any
domain, further levelling may be introduced in domains
defining specific security assurance levels (SALs). See
Section D.3.

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Assurance Level
Objectives AL 1 AL 2 AL 3 AL 4 AL 5
IS-03: The applicant should validate and verify the
effectiveness of the security controls introduced to
mitigate the identified AI/ML-specific security risks to an
acceptable level.
Note: Beyond the applicability defined here for any
domain, further levelling may be introduced in domains
defining specific security assurance levels (SALs). See
Section D.3.
ET-01: The applicant should perform an ethics-based
trustworthiness assessment for any AI-based system
developed using ML techniques or incorporating ML
ET-02: The applicant should ensure that the AI-based
system bears no risk of creating human attachment,
stimulating addictive behaviour, or manipulating the end
user’s behaviour.
ET-03: The applicant should ensure that the AI-based
system presents no capability of adaptive learning.
ET-04: The applicant should comply with national and EU
data protection regulations (e.g. GDPR), i.e. involve their
Data Protection Officer (DPO), consult with their National
Data Protection Authority, etc.
ET-05: The applicant should ensure that procedures are
in place to avoid creating or reinforcing unfair bias in the
AI-based system, regarding both the data sets and the
trained models.
ET-06: The applicant should perform an environmental
impact analysis, identifying and assessing potential
negative impacts of the AI-based system on the
environment and human health throughout its life cycle
(development, deployment, use, end of life).
ET-07: The applicant should define measures to reduce or
mitigate the impacts identified under Objective ET-06.
ET-08: The applicant should identify the need for new
competencies for users and end users to interact with and
operate the AI-based system, and mitigate possible
training gaps (link to Provision ORG-06, Provision ORG-
ET-09: The applicant should perform an assessment of
the risk of de-skilling of the users and end users and
mitigate the identified risk through a training needs
analysis and a consequent training activity (link to
Provision ORG-06, Provision ORG-07).

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Assurance Level
Objectives AL 1 AL 2 AL 3 AL 4 AL 5
DA-01: The applicant should describe the proposed
learning assurance process, taking into account each of
the steps described in Sections C.3.1.2 to C.3.1.12, as well
as the interface and compatibility with development
assurance processes.
DA-02: Documents should be prepared to encompass the
capture of the following minimum requirements:
— safety requirements allocated to the AI/ML
— information security requirements allocated to the
AI/ML constituent;
— functional requirements allocated to the AI/ML
— operational requirements allocated to the AI/ML
constituent, including ODD and AI/ML constituent
performance monitoring, detection of OoD input
data and data-recording requirements;
— non-functional requirements allocated to the AI/ML
constituent (e.g. performance, scalability, reliability,
resilience, etc.); and
— interface requirements.
DA-03: The applicant should describe the system and
subsystem architecture, to serve as reference for related
safety (support) assessment and learning assurance
AI assurance

DA-04: Each of the captured requirements should be

DA-05: The applicant should document evidence that all
derived requirements have been provided to the
(sub)system processes, including the safety (support)
DA-06: The applicant should document evidence of the
validation of the derived requirements, and of the
determination of any impact on the safety (support)
assessment and (sub)system requirements.
DA-07: Each of the captured (sub)system requirements
allocated to the AI/ML constituent should be verified.
DM-01: The applicant should define the set of parameters
pertaining to the AI/ML constituent ODD.
DM-02: The applicant should capture the DQRs for all
data pertaining to the data management process,
including but not limited to:
— the data needed to support the intended use;
— the ability to determine the origin of the data;
— the requirements related to the annotation process;
— the format, accuracy and resolution of the data;
— the traceability of the data from their origin to their
final operation through the whole pipeline of
— the mechanisms ensuring that the data will not be
corrupted while stored or processed,
— the completeness and representativeness of the data
sets; and
— the level of independence between the training,
validation and test data sets.
DM-03: The applicant should capture the requirements
on data to be pre-processed and engineered for the
inference model in development and for the operations.

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Assurance Level
Objectives AL 1 AL 2 AL 3 AL 4 AL 5
DM-04: The applicant should ensure the validation to an
adequate level of the correctness and completeness of
the ML constituent ODD.
DM-05: The applicant should ensure the validation of the
correctness and completeness of requirements on data
to be pre-processed and engineered for the trained and
inference model, as well as of the DQRs on data.
DM-06: The applicant should identify data sources and
collect data in accordance with the defined ODD, while
ensuring satisfaction of the defined DQRs, in order to
drive the selection of the training, validation and test data
DM-07: Once data sources are collected, the applicant
should ensure the high quality of the annotated or
labelled data in the data set.
DM-08: The applicant should define the data preparation
operations to properly address the captured
requirements (including DQRs).
DM-09: The applicant should define and document pre-
processing operations on the collected data in
preparation of the training.
AI assurance

DM-10: When applicable, the applicant should define and

document the transformations to the pre-processed data
from the specified input space into features which are
effective for the performance of the selected learning
DM-11: If the learning algorithm is sensitive to the scale
of the input data, the applicant should ensure that the
data is effective for the stability of the learning process.
DM-12: The applicant should distribute the data into
three separate and independent data sets which will
meet the specified DQRs:
— the training data set and validation data set, used
during the model training;
— the test data set used during the learning process
verification, and the inference model verification.
DM-13: The applicant should ensure validation and
verification of the data, as appropriate, all along the data
management process so that the data management
requirements (including the DQRs) are addressed.
DM-14: The applicant should perform a data and learning
verification step to confirm that the appropriate data sets
have been used for the training, validation and
verification of the model and that the expected
guarantees (generalisation, robustness) on the model
have been reached.
LM-01: The applicant should describe the AI/ML
constituents and the model architecture.

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Assurance Level
Objectives AL 1 AL 2 AL 3 AL 4 AL 5
LM-02: The applicant should capture the requirements
pertaining to the learning management and training
processes, including but not limited to:
— model family and model selection;
— learning algorithm(s) selection;
— cost/loss function selection describing the link to the
performance metrics;
— model bias and variance metrics and acceptable
— model robustness and stability metrics and
acceptable levels;
— training environment (hardware and software)
— model parameters initialisation strategy;
— hyper-parameters identification and setting;
— expected performance with training, validation and
test sets.
LM-03: The applicant should document the credit sought
from the training environment and qualify the
environment accordingly.
LM-04: The applicant should provide quantifiable
generalisation guarantees.
LM-05: The applicant should document the result of the
model training.
LM-06: The applicant should document any model
optimisation that may affect the model behaviour (e.g.
pruning, quantisation) and assess their impact on the
AI assurance

model behaviour or performance.

LM-07: The applicant should account for the bias-
variance trade-off in the model family selection and
should provide evidence of the reproducibility of the
training process.
LM-08: The applicant should ensure that the estimated
bias and variance of the selected model meet the
associated learning process management requirements.
LM-09: The applicant should perform an evaluation of the
performance of the trained model based on the test data
set and document the result of the model verification.
LM-10: The applicant should perform a requirements-
based verification of the trained model behaviour and
document the coverage of the AI/ML constituent
requirements by verification methods.
LM-11: The applicant should provide an analysis on the
stability of the learning algorithms.
LM-12: The applicant should perform and document the
verification of the stability of the trained model.
LM-13: The applicant should perform and document the
verification of the robustness of the trained model in
adverse conditions.
LM-14: The applicant should verify the anticipated
generalisation bounds using the test data set.
IMP-01: The applicant should capture the requirements
pertaining to the implementation process.
IMP-02: Any post-training model transformation
(conversion, optimisation) should be identified and
validated for its impact on the model behaviour and
performance, and the environment (i.e. software tools
and hardware) necessary to perform model
transformation should be identified.

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Assurance Level
Objectives AL 1 AL 2 AL 3 AL 4 AL 5
IMP-03: The applicant should plan and execute
appropriate development assurance processes to
develop the inference model into software and/or
hardware items.
IMP-04: The applicant should verify that any
transformation (conversion, optimisation, inference
model development) performed during the trained
model implementation step has not adversely altered the
defined model properties.
IMP-05: The differences between the software and
hardware of the platform used for training and the one
used for verification should be identified and assessed for
their possible impact on the inference model behaviour
and performance.
IMP-06: The applicant should perform an evaluation of
the performance of the inference model based on the
test data set and document the result of the model
IMP-07: The applicant should perform and document the
verification of the stability of the inference model.
IMP-08: The applicant should perform and document the
verification of the robustness of the inference model in
adverse conditions.
IMP-09: The applicant should perform a requirements-
based verification of the inference model behaviour
AI assurance

when integrated into the AI/ML constituent and

document the coverage of the ML constituent
requirements by verification methods.
CM-01: The applicant should apply all configuration
management principles to the AI/ML constituent life-
cycle data, including but not limited to:
— identification of configuration items; versioning;
— change control; reproducibility;
— problem reporting;
— archiving and retrieval, and retention period.
QA-01: The applicant should ensure that quality/process
assurance principles are applied to the development of
the AI-based system, with the required independence
EXP-01: The applicant should identify the list of
stakeholders, other than end users, that need
explainability of the AI-based system at any stage of its
life cycle, together with their roles, their responsibilities
and their expected expertise (including assumptions
made on the level of training, qualification and skills).
EXP-02: For each of these stakeholders (or groups of
stakeholders), the applicant should characterise the
need for explainability to be provided, which is necessary
to support the development and learning assurance
EXP-03: The applicant should identify and document the
methods at AI/ML item and/or output level satisfying the
specified AI explainability needs.
EXP-04: The applicant should provide the means to
record operational data that is necessary to explain, post
operations, the behaviour of the AI-based system and its
interactions with the end user.

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Assurance Level
Objectives AL 1 AL 2 AL 3 AL 4 AL 5
EXP-05: For each output of the AI-based system relevant
to task(s) (per Objective CO-02), the applicant should
characterise the need for explainability.
EXP-06: The applicant should present explanations to the
end user in a clear and unambiguous form.
EXP-07: The applicant should define relevant
explainability so that the receiver of the information can
use the explanation to assess the appropriateness of the
decision / action as expected.
EXP-08: The applicant should define the level of
abstraction of the explanations, taking into account the
characteristics of the task, the situation, the level of
expertise of the end user and the general trust given to
the system.
EXP-09: Where a customisation capability is available, the
end user should be able to customise the level of details
provided by the system as part of the explainability.
EXP-10: The applicant should define the timing when the
explainability will be available to the end user taking into
account the time criticality of the situation, the needs of
the end user, and the operational impact.
Human factors for AI

EXP-11: The applicant should design the AI-based system

so as to enable the end user to get upon request
explanation or additional details on the explanation when
EXP-12: For each output relevant to the task(s), the
applicant should ensure the validity of the specified
explanation, based on actual measurements (e.g.
monitoring) or on a quantification of the level of
EXP-13: The AI-based system should be able to deliver an
indication of the degree of reliability of its output as part
of the explanation based on actual measurements (e.g.
monitoring) or on a quantification of the level of
EXP-14: The AI-based system inputs should be monitored
to be within the operational boundaries (both in terms of
input parameter range and distribution) in which the
AI/ML constituent performance is guaranteed, and
deviations should be indicated to the relevant users and
end users.
EXP-15: The AI-based system outputs should be
monitored to be within the specified operational
performance boundaries, and deviations should be
indicated to the relevant users and end users.
EXP-16: The training and instructions available for the
human end user should include procedures for handling
possible outputs of the ODD and performance
EXP-17: Information concerning unsafe AI-based system
operating conditions should be provided to the human
end user to enable them to take appropriate corrective
action in a timely manner.

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Assurance Level
Objectives AL 1 AL 2 AL 3 AL 4 AL 5
HF-01: The applicant should design the AI-based system
with the ability to build its own individual situational
HF-02: The applicant should design the AI-based system
with the ability to allow the end user to ask questions and
to answer questions from the end user, in order to
reinforce the end-user individual situational awareness.
HF-03: The applicant should design the AI-based system
with the ability to modify its individual situational
awareness on end-user request.
HF-04: If a decision is taken by the AI-based system, the
applicant should design the AI-based system with the
ability to request from the end-user a cross-check
validation. Corollary objective: The applicant should
design the AI-based system with the ability to cross-check
and validate a decision made by the end user
automatically or on request
HF-05: For complex situations under normal operations,
the applicant should design the AI-based system with the
ability to identify suboptimal strategy and propose
through argumentation an optimised solution.
Corollary objective: The applicant should design the AI-
Human Factors for AI

based system with the ability to accept rejection required

by the end user on the proposal.
HF-06: For complex situations under abnormal
operations, the applicant should design the AI-based
system with the ability to identify the problem, share the
diagnosis including the root cause, the resolution strategy
and the anticipated operational consequences.
Corollary objective: The applicant should design the AI-
based system with the ability to consider the arguments
shared by the end user.
HF-07: The applicant should design the AI-based system
with the ability to detect poor decision-making by the end
user in a time-critical situation.
HF-08: The applicant should design the AI-based system
with the ability to take the appropriate action outside of
a collaboration scheme, in case of detection of poor
decision-making by the end user in a time-critical
HF-09: The applicant should design the AI-based system
with the ability to negotiate, argue, and support its
HF-10: The applicant should design the AI-based system
with the ability to accept the modification of task
allocation / task adjustments (instantaneous/short-
HF-11: The applicant should design the AI-based system
with the ability to understand through the end-user
responses or his or her action that there was a
misinterpretation from the end user.
HF-12: The applicant should design the AI-based system
with the ability to notify the end user that he or she
misunderstood the information provided through spoken
natural language.

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Assurance Level
Objectives AL 1 AL 2 AL 3 AL 4 AL 5
HF-13: In case of misinterpretation, the applicant should
design the AI-based system with the ability to resolve the
misunderstanding through repetition, modification of the
modality of interaction and/or with the provision of
additional rationale on the initial information.
HF-14: The applicant should design the AI-based system
with the ability to making room for dialogue turns by
other participants, keeping silent when needed and not
hindering the user (while user is engaged in a complex
activity), sticking to information that answers a given
question by other participants, etc.).
HF-15: In case spoken natural language is used, the
applicant should design the AI-based system with the
ability to provide information regarding the associated AI-
based system capabilities and limitations.
HF-16: The applicant should design the syntax of the
spoken procedural language so that it can be learned
easily by the end user.
HF-17: The applicant should design the AI-based system
with the ability to transition from verbal natural language
Human Factors for AI

to verbal procedural language depending on its own

perception of the performance of the dialogue, the
context of the situation and the characteristics of the
HF-18: The applicant should design the gesture language
syntax so that they are intuitively associated with the
command that they are supposed to trigger.
HF-19: The applicant should design the AI-based system
with the ability to filter the intentional gesture used for
language from non-intentional gesture, such as
spontaneous gestures that are made to complement
verbal spoken language.
HF-20: In case gesture non-verbal language is used, the
applicant should design the AI-based system with the
ability to recognise the end-user intention.
HF-21: In case gesture non-verbal language is used, the
applicant should design the AI-based system with the
ability to acknowledge the end-user intention with
appropriate feedback.
HF-22: In case spoken natural language is used, the
applicant should design the AI-based system so that it can
be deactivated for the benefit of other modalities in case
of degradation of the interaction performance.
HF-23: The applicant should design the AI-based system
with the ability to combine or adapt the interaction
modalities depending on the characteristics of the task,
the operational event, and/or the operational
HF-24: The applicant should design the AI-based system
with the ability to automatically adapt the modality of
interactions to the end-user states, the situation, the
context and/or the perceived end user’s preferences.
HF-25: The applicant should design the AI-based system
to minimise the likelihood of design related error made
by the end-user .
HF-26: The applicant should design the AI-based system
to minimise the likelihood of design related error made
by the Human-AI Teaming.

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Assurance Level
Objectives AL 1 AL 2 AL 3 AL 4 AL 5
HF-27: The applicant should design the AI-based system
Human Factors for

to minimise the likelihood of HAIRM related error.

HF-28: The applicant should design the AI-based system
to be tolerant to end-user error .
HF-29: The applicant should design the AI-based system

so that in case the end user make an error while

interacting with AI-based system, the opportunities exist
to detect the error .
HF-30: The applicant should design the AI-based system
so that once an error is detected, the AI-based system
should provide efficient means to inform the end-user
and correct the error .

SRM-01: Once activities associated with all other building

blocks are defined, the applicant should determine
Safety risk

whether the coverage of the objectives associated with


the explainability and learning assurance building blocks

is sufficient or if an additional dedicated layer of
protection, called hereafter safety risk mitigation (SRM),
would be necessary to mitigate the residual risks to an
acceptable level.
SRM-02: The applicant should establish SRM means as
identified in Objective SRM-01.

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3. Additional risk-based levelling of information-security-related objectives

The following applies to domains where information security measures may be assigned a security
assurance level (SAL) (e.g. for the product certification domain, see AMC 20-42).

Applicability by Security Assurance Level

The objective should be satisfied with independence.

The objective should be satisfied.

The satisfaction of the objective is to be negotiated between

the applicant and the competent authority.



IS-01: For each AI-based system and its data sets, the applicant
should identify those information security risks with an impact
on safety, identifying and addressing specific threats introduced
by AI/ML usage.
IS-02: The applicant should document a mitigation approach to
address the identified AI/ML-specific security risk.
IS-03: The applicant should validate and verify the effectiveness
of the security controls introduced to mitigate the identified
AI/ML-specific security risks to an acceptable level.

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E. Annex 1 — Anticipated impact on regulations and MOC for major

The EASA Basic Regulation, beyond its main objective to establish and maintain a high uniform level
of civil aviation safety in the Union, further aims to promote innovation, particularly by laying down
requirements and procedures that are performance-based.
Considering the potential application of AI/ML solution in all the domains under the remit of the
Agency, EASA intends to define a common policy that can be applied to the whole of the EU civil
aviation regulatory framework, rather than issue domain-specific guidance.
This Annex provides an analysis of the anticipated impact on aviation regulations and on the means of
compliance to the current regulations for the various impacted domains.

1. Product design and operations

1.1. Anticipated impact of the introduction of AI/ML on the current regulations
In the product design and certification domain, the current implementing rules (Part 21) and CSs
already offer an open framework for the introduction of AI/ML solutions.
In particular, requirements such as CS 25/27/29.1301, 1302, 1309, 1319 or SC-VTOL.2500, 2505, 2510
are considered to still be valid for evaluating the safety of AI-based systems, provided additional
means of compliance and standards are developed to answer the gap identified in the building blocks
of the AI Roadmap.
For AI Level 1A, 1B or 2A applications, no impact on the EU aviation regulatory framework in relation
to certification is deemed necessary. For higher AI Levels (2B and 3), this assumption will need to be
revisited when working on further updates to this document.
In the Air Operations domain, the current regulatory framework (Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (Air
OPS Regulation) in its general parts related to organisation requirements (Part-ORO) contains
provisions based on safety management principles that allow operators to identify risks, adopt
mitigating measures and assess the effectiveness of these measures in order to manage changes in
their organisation and their operations (ORO.GEN.200). This framework permits the introduction of
AI/ML solutions; however, certain existing AMC and GM will need to be revised and new AMC and GM
will need to be developed in relation to AI/ML applications.
More specific provisions in the Air OPS Regulation, related to specific type of operations and specific
categories of aircraft, may also need to be revised depending on the specific AI Level 1 or 2A
AI Level 2B is expected to have a more significant impact on the Air OPS Regulation, particularly for all
aspects related to HAT and task sharing. The specific rules on operational procedures and aircrew
along with the associated AMC and GM will need to be revised as a minimum.
AI Level 3A will require a deeper assessment on their regulatory impact on Air Operations particularly
on the requirements for air crew. This assumption will need to be revisited when working on further
updates to this document.

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1.2. Anticipated impact of AI/ML guidance on the current AMC/MoC framework

1.2.1 Summary
The objectives identified in this document are anticipated to provide a sufficient framework in view of
approving Level 1 AI applications (both for 1A and 1B) and Level 2A. For Level 2B a more significant
impact on the acceptable means of compliance framework is expected, including the creation of
specific industry standards to support the guidance on the novel concept of HAT.
For AI Level 3, additional means of compliance will need to be identified when working on further
updates to this document.
Although the technology available today may be sufficient to support Levels 1 and 2A AI applications,
the ramping up to AI of Level 2B and later on to levels 3 will likely require further breakthroughs in the
capability of communication and reasoning, in order to enable more autonomous AI.
The anticipated MOC will surely need to be completed based on the discussions triggered within
certification projects, as well as based on industrial standards such as the ones that are under
development in the working groups EUROCAE/SAE WG-114/G-34, ISO/IEC SC42 and CEN CENELEC
For the first applications, it will be necessary to establish the certification framework addressing the
installation and certification of AI-based systems for a given project. That could be achieved by the
preparation of Certification Review Items (CRI) using the guidelines from this document.

1.2.2 Detailed analysis

Trustworthiness analysis

From a safety and security assessment perspective, the current guidance (e.g. AMC25.1309, AC
27.1309, AC 29.1309 or MOC VTOL.2510) is fully applicable, as reflected in Sections C.2.2 and C.2.3.
The Ethical guidelines provided in Section C.2.4 are mostly novel and constitute one of the impacts of
considering AI/ML solutions compared to traditional product certification approaches.
Learning assurance

When dealing with development assurance, the current means of compliance for system, software
and hardware development assurance are not sufficient to address the specificities of learning
processes (i.e. data management + learning assurance), and need to be complemented through the
guidelines for AI assurance (Section C.3) when dealing with the development of the AI/ML-based
subsystem. For other (sub)systems not developed with or not embedding AI/ML solutions, the current
applicable system, software and hardware development assurance guidance still applies.

The need for development explainability is specific to the use of AI/ML solutions is a new MOC. It
builds however on some existing guidance; in particular, the applicable human factors guidance
already used in certification could provide a sufficient layer of MOC for Level 1A AI/ML applications.

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Human factors guidance

From Level 1B on, the concept of operational AI explainability is the cornerstone of the AI-specific
human factors. The concept of Human AI-teaming is then developed for Levels 2A and 2B.
Safety risk mitigation

The need for residual risk assessment is dependent on the capacity of the applicant to meet the
applicable objectives of the learning assurance and AI explainability building blocks. Even if the risk
mitigation foresees the use of traditional MOC (e.g. safety nets), the development of novel methods
of mitigation will need to be investigated.
Part 21 AMC/GM for design

The technical particularities of AI technology might require a need to adapt or introduce new AMC &
GM related to the following Part 21 points:
— 21.A.3A ‘Failures, malfunctions and defects’ with regard to potentially new methodologies
needed for the analysis of data required to identify deficiencies in the design of AI/ML
— 21.A.31 ‘Type design’ with regard to guidance in the identification of the AI-related data that
constitutes the type design;
— 21.A.33 ‘Inspections and tests’ and 21.A.615 ‘Inspection by the Agency’ with regard to guidance
to ensure adequate Agency review of data and information related to the demonstration of
— 21.A.55, 21.A.105 and 21.A.613 ‘Record-keeping’ with regard to guidance in the identification
of the AI-related design information that needs to be retained and accessible;
— 21.A.91 ‘Classification of changes to a type-certificate’ with regard to guidance in the
major/minor classification of changes to AI-related approved type design.

2.1. Current regulatory framework relevant to the introduction of AI/ML
In addition to the Basic Regulation, Regulation (EU) 2017/373, applying to providers of ATM/ANS and
other air traffic management network functions, lays down common requirements for:
(a) the provision of ATM/ANS for general air traffic, in particular for the legal or natural persons
providing those services and functions;
(b) the competent authorities and the qualified entities acting on their behalf, which perform
certification, oversight and enforcement tasks in respect of the services referred to in point (a);
(c) the rules and procedures for the design of airspace structures.

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Regulation (EU) 2017/373 was supplemented regarding interoperability with Regulation (EC) No
552/200420, that has been repealed with a transition period expiring on 12 September 2023. In this
context, it was necessary to introduce a new regulatory framework in relation to ATM/ANS systems
and ATM/ANS constituents (referred to as ‘ATM/ANS equipment’) that ensures the safe,
interoperable, and efficient provision of ATM/ANS services. The new regulatory framework proposed
with Opinion No 01/2023 will enable the conformity assessment of certain ATM/ANS equipment by
means of certification or declaration(s) as well as the approval of organisations involved in their design
and/or production.
These Regulations open the path to the use of Level 1 and Level 2 AI in ATM/ANS. For higher AI Level
3, this assumption will need to be revisited when working on further updates to this document.

2.2. Anticipated impact of AI/ML guidance on the current AMC and GM

2.2.1. Summary
EASA has issued a comprehensive set of AMC and GM to the ATM/ANS (Regulation (EU) 2017/373)
supporting ATM/ANS service providers in complying with the requirements of the Regulation.
The objectives identified in this document are anticipated to provide an initial framework in view of
approving Level 1 and Level 2 AI applications (i.e. Level 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B), to be used by applicants to
define their processes in order to achieve these objectives. For Level 3 AI, this assumption will also
need to be revisited when working on further updates to this document.
The current AMC will surely need to be completed based on the guidance material delivered, as well
as based on industrial standards such as the ones that are under development in the working groups
Looking at the set of regulations that are expected to be adopted based on Opinion No 01/2023 on
conformity assessment, it is too early at this stage to clearly identify how they will be impacted by the
certification or declaration of ‘ATM/ANS equipment’. However, it can be anticipated that some
impacts could be envisaged at the level of the detailed certification specifications or associated special

2.2.2. Detailed analysis

The following is an initial list of the Regulation (EU) 2017/373 AMC which could need adaptations:
ANNEX III — Part-ATM/ANS.OR – AMC6 ATM/ANS.OR.C.005(a)(2) Safety support assessment and
assurance of changes to the functional system, specifically on the software assurance processes
ANNEX III — Part-ATM/ANS.OR – AMC1 ATM/ANS.OR.C.005(b)(1) Safety support assessment and
assurance of changes to the functional system
ANNEX III — Part-ATM/ANS.OR – AMC1 ATM/ANS.OR.C.005(b)(2) Safety support assessment and
assurance of changes to the functional system on the monitoring aspects

20 Note: Regulation (EC) No 552/2004 was repealed by the Basic Regulation, but some provisions remain in force until 12
September 2023. To replace those provisions, a rulemaking task (RMT.0161) has been initiated.

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ANNEX IV — Part-ATS – AMC1 ATS.OR.205(b)(6) Safety assessment and assurance of changes to the
functional system on the monitoring of introduced changes
ANNEX IV — Part-ATS – AMC4 ATS.OR.205(a)(2) Safety assessment and assurance of changes to the
functional system, specifically on the software assurance processes
ANNEX XIII — Part-PERS – AMC1 ATSEP.OR.210(a) Qualification training
Of course, the associated GM could be impacted as well.

3. Aircraft production and maintenance

3.1. Anticipated impact of the introduction of AI/ML on the current regulations
Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014, covering continuing airworthiness and approval of related
organisations, is not very specific about technical details and generally contains higher-level
requirements. It already addresses the use of software or the use of test equipment and tools (e.g.
‘use of a software tool for the management of continuing airworthiness data’, ‘software that is part
of the critical maintenance task’). Software making use of AI and/or ML could be covered under those
requirements, including such software within test equipment.
However, the wording, being generic in many areas, still assumes a conventional way of planning and
performing maintenance, meaning a task-based approach. Maintenance is divided into manageable
portions of work (called ‘tasks’) which means human interference with the product at a defined point
in time as a closed action which is signed off by humans when finished, with the product being released
to service by explicit human action and signature.
Level 1 AI-based systems, with the human in command and in the specific case of maintenance closing
out any activity by human signature and explicit release to service by human action, do not contradict
this philosophy.
For Level 2 AI-based systems, this may require more attention, as humans still need to not only
oversee, but also to explicitly close off the work performed by the systems with their signature. This
may be possible within the frame of the current regulation but may limit the actions which can be
carried out by systems.
Level 3 AI-based systems are not in line with the current regulation and would definitely require major
changes, as the philosophy of explicit demonstration of airworthiness and release to service by
humans would basically change to a withdrawal from service by systems finding lack of airworthiness.
It should also be noted that maintenance is a much more international business with more than a
hundred states of registry being responsible compared to type certification with only about a dozen
of states of design of large aeroplanes being responsible. This includes states with completely different
regulations and hence will probably require a lot of international cooperation to harmonise the
applicable regulations, guidance and standards.

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3.2. Anticipated impact of AI/ML guidance on the current MoC framework

In the maintenance domain, there is no MoC framework comparable to the one used in certification.
Additionally, a significant part of the approval is done by the competent authorities (NCAs), and the
regulation makes specific reference to ‘officially recognised standards’ (industry standards, national
standards) so the complete overall framework of applicable guidance is not that clearly defined,
rendering thus the impact of AI/ML not that easy to be evaluated. Industry standards (e.g. SAE) may
be used to show compliance with certain requirements.
‘Officially recognised standards’ as mentioned in the AMC material ‘means those standards
established or published by an official body, being either a natural or legal person, and which are
widely recognised by the air transport sector as constituting good practice’. This allows the use of
future standards on AI/ML developed by recognised official bodies (like ASD-STAN, EUROCAE, RTCA,
SAE, ASTM, ISO) for demonstrating compliance with certain requirements to the approving authority.

4. Training / FSTD
4.1. Anticipated impact of the introduction of AI/ML on the current regulations
The regulatory requirements for aircrew training are to be found in different Annexes to Regulation
(EU) No 1178/2011 (the Aircrew Regulation).
In more detail, regulatory requirements are set in:
— Annex I (Part-FCL) in relation to licensing and training;
— Annex II (Part-ORA) in relation to organisational approvals.
Additional elements of flight crew training pertaining to the crew employed by operators are
contained in the Air OPS Regulation.
Those regulations are mainly based on former Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) regulatory requirements
that were drafted almost 2 decades ago. All the structure of licensing and organisation approval
therefore refers to traditional methodologies in which the technological contribution is limited to the
use of computer-based training (CBT) solutions for the delivery of theoretical elements and to aircraft
and flight simulation training devices (FSTDs) to deliver practical flight training elements. Additionally,
some reference to distance learning provisions are present allowing certain flexibility for remote
The field of support of AI/ML solutions in the training domain may range from organisational aspects
to monitoring functions up to more practical solutions in training delivery and performance
assessment. The main impact will be on:
— the definition section to include the AI/ML constituents;
— the description of training programme delivery methodologies to address new technologies for
administering the training courses;
— the crediting criteria for the use of AI/ML solutions; and
— organisation requirements in which the data management, analysis and correlation may play a

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In any case, it is advisable that the initial use of AI/ML solutions in Aircrew training should be targeted
to ground elements and simulator tasks.

4.2. Anticipated impact of AI/ML guidance on the current AMC/MOC framework

In support of the previous considerations, the AMC for the above-mentioned implementing rules shall
be reviewed and updated to foresee the new technological solutions and to address the specificities
of AI/ML solutions.
This review could run in parallel to the update of the regulatory framework which is already ongoing
to incorporate new technologies and to accommodate emerging needs stemming from:
— new training needs for emerging aircraft concepts and their operations (e.g. VTOL or UAS);
— new training devices (e.g. virtual or augmented reality).
The Aircrew Regulation is not intended to certify products and does not address the design process,
therefore all the elements of the ML model:
— trustworthiness analysis;
— learning assurance;
— explainability;
— safety risk mitigation
would need an effort to be created or tailored to the purpose.

5. Aerodromes
5.1. Current regulatory framework relevant to the introduction of AI/ML
In addition to the Basic Regulation, Regulation (EU) No 139/201421 lays down requirements and
administrative procedures related to:
(a) aerodrome design and safety-related aerodrome equipment;
(b) aerodrome operations, including apron management services and the provision of
groundhandling services;
(c) aerodrome operators and organisations involved in the provision of apron management and
groundhandling services22;
(d) competent authorities involved in the oversight of the above organisations, certification of
aerodromes and certification/acceptance of declarations of safety-related aerodrome

21 As subsequently amended by Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/401 regarding the classification of instrument runways,
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/469 as regards requirements for air traffic management/air navigation
services, Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/1234 as regards the conditions and procedures for the declaration
by organisations responsible for the provision of apron management services, and Commission Delegated Regulation
(EU) 2020/2148 as regards runway safety and aeronautical data.
22 For groundhandling services and providers of such services, there are at this stage no detailed implementing rules. These
are expected not earlier than 2024.
23 The oversight framework for safety-related aerodrome equipment will be developed in due course but is at the time of
writing not yet in place, neither are the European certification specifications for such equipment.

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This regulation, in its consolidated form, does not represent a hinderance to the use of Level 1 and 2
AI use cases. For AI Level 3, this statement might be revisited when the need would be brought to the
attention of EASA by industry and overseen organisations, as well as manufacturers of safety-relevant
aerodrome equipment.

5.2. Anticipated impact of AI/ML guidance on the current AMC and GM

The AMC and GM related to Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 support the implementation of the
implementing rule requirements by the organisations concerned.
Most of the AMC and GM do not refer to specific technologies, so they do not impede the approval of
Level 1 AI applications. For higher AI Levels (2 and 3), this statement might need to be revisited when
the need by industry and overseen organisations, as well as manufacturers of safety-relevant
equipment, would be brought to the attention of EASA.

5.3. Preliminary analysis

The following IRs and the related AMC and GM are relevant to the AI use cases further below:
— ADR.OPS.B.015 Monitoring and inspection of movement area and related facilities
— ADR.OPS.B.020 Wildlife strike hazard reduction
— ADR.OPS.B.075 Safeguarding of aerodromes

5.4. Anticipated impact of AI/ML guidance on the current and future CSs for
aerodrome design and safety-related aerodrome equipment
The current CSs and Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 provide a comprehensive set of requirements for
the design of aerodrome infrastructure and for some aerodrome equipment (as far as it exists
stemming from the transposition of Annex 14). Once the future framework for safety-related
aerodrome equipment exists, EASA will issue European certification specifications for such equipment.
This process will allow for the further introduction of AI/ML solutions at aerodromes, if they fulfil the
demands placed on them with respect to safety.

6. Environmental protection
6.1. Current regulatory framework relevant to the introduction of AI/ML
The essential environmental protection requirements for products are laid out in the Basic Regulation
Articles 9 and 55 for manned and unmanned aircraft respectively, and in its Annex III. These
requirements are further detailed in Part 21 (in particular point 21.B.85) as well as in CS-34 ‘Aircraft
engine emissions and fuel venting’, CS-36 ‘Aircraft noise’ and CS-CO2 ‘Aeroplane CO2 Emissions’. For
the majority of manned aircraft, the AMC and GM linked to these requirements are defined in the
appendices to ICAO Annex 16 and in Doc 9501 ‘Environmental Technical Manual’.

6.2. Anticipated impact of AI/ML guidance on the current MOC framework

The AI/ML guidance for Level 1 and 2 systems is anticipated to have no impact on the current MOC
framework for environmental protection. The impact of Level 3 AI/ML guidance will be assessed at a
later stage. The safety-related guidelines in Chapter C of this document are anticipated to help provide
adequate confidence in the functioning of AI/ML applications when demonstrating compliance with
environmental protection requirements.

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F. Annex 2 — Use cases for major aviation domains

1. Introduction
With the objective of ensuring that its guidelines will remain practical for the applicants, EASA has
engaged with the aviation industry and stakeholders, in order to support the elaboration of the
guidelines with actual use cases from the major aviation domains.
It is not the intention that each use case is complete and fulfils the full set of objectives described in
this guidance document, but rather to evaluate that the objectives and proposed anticipated MOC are
practical. This may result in a number of use cases not implementing all AI trustworthiness building
Before entering into the use cases, Table 6 below provides the audience with a description of how
each use case has been classified as per Table 2.

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Aircraft design and ATM/ANS Aircraft production

operations and maintenance
EASA AI Function allocated Visual landing Pilot AI-based Time-based Controlling Damage
Roadmap AI to the guidance assistance – augmented separation corrosion by detection in
Level (sub)systems system radio 4D + Optimum usage-driven images
(subsystem) (adapted HARVIS frequency trajectory runway inspections
LOAT terminology) suggestion prediction delivery
Level 1A Support to camera + pre- ATC radio Data Data Maintenance, infrared
Human information processing communication acquisition acquisition environment, camera
augmentation acquisition (FPL and (weather + operator /
updates, radar) manufacturer
radar + databases
Support to Runway object Voice 4D Information Predicted Damage
information classification + recognition trajectory preparation corrosion classification
analysis bounding box + calculation (pairs, level + Time
tracking/filtering – Curtain + applicable to inspect for
algorithm Climb and separation) corrosion
Level 1B Support to x Radio x x Support
Human decision/action frequency decision to
assistance selection suggestion for repair for
pilot validation inspector
Level 2A Cooperative x x x Trajectory x x
Human-AI overridable prediction +
cooperation automatic uncertainty
Cooperative x x x x x x
automatic action
Level 2B Collaborative
Human-AI overridable
collaboration automatic
Collaborative and
automatic action
Level 3A Overridable x x x x x x
Semi- automatic
autonomous AI decision/action
Overridable x x x x x x
automatic action
Level 3B Non-overridable x x x x x x
Fully automatic
autonomous AI decision/action
Non-overridable x x x x x x
automatic action
Table 6 — Classification applied to use cases

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represents the AI-based system or subsystem; and

The AI/ML constituent is in blue.

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2. Use cases — aircraft design and operations

2.1. Visual landing guidance system (derived from the CoDANN report use case)
This use case describes Daedalean’s Visual Landing System (VLS), analysed in [CODANN] (Daedalean,
2020) and [FAAVLS] (Federal Aviation Administration, May 2022) reports. The text below references
both reports.

2.1.1. Trustworthiness analysis — description of the system and ConOps Description of the system

Objective CO-01: The applicant should identify the list of end users that are intended to interact with
the AI-based system, together with their roles, their responsibilities and their expected expertise
(including assumptions made on the level of training, qualification and skills).
Objective CO-02: For each end user, the applicant should identify which high-level tasks are intended
to be performed in interaction with the AI-based system.
Objective CO-03: The applicant should determine the AI-based system taking into account domain-
specific definitions of ‘system’.

The VLS provides landing guidance for Part 91 (General Aviation) aircraft on hard-surface runways in
daytime visual meteorological conditions (VMC), using a forward-looking high-resolution camera as
the only external sensor.
During daytime VMC flight under visual flight rules (VFR), the system recognises and tracks hard-
surface runways present in the field of view, and allows the operator to select the one intended for
landing or use a pre-configured selection based on a flight plan. Once a runway has been selected and
once the aircraft begins its final descent towards it, the VLS provides the position of the aircraft in the
runway coordinate frame as well as horizontal and vertical deviations from a configured glide slope,
similar to a radio-based instrument landing system (ILS). Uncertainties and validity flags for all outputs
are also produced by the system.
See [FAAVLS; Section 1.2, Chapter 5] and [CODANN; Chapter 4] for details.

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Figure 24— Development view of the system.

The definition of ‘system’ from ED-79A/ARP-4754A is taken as reference for this airborne application
(i.e. a combination of inter-related items arranged to perform a specific function(s)). Concept of operations

Objective CO-04: The applicant should define and document the ConOps for the AI-based system,
including the task allocation pattern between the end user(s) and the AI-based system. Focus should
be put on the definition of the OD and on the capture of specific operational limitations and

See [CODANN; 4.1] and [FAAVLS; Chapter 3], containing detailed descriptions of possible ConOps.
Both reports consider foremost Level 1, limiting to the display of the guidance on a glass cockpit
display without involving flight computer guidance.
However, coupling to an onboard autopilot (Levels 2 or 3) is also discussed (but is not part of the flight
test campaign).

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Subsystem #1 Subsystem #2 Subsystem #3

Figure 25 — System breakdown in subsystems and components (source (Daedalean, 2020))

Objective CO-06: The applicant should perform a functional analysis of the system.

The system is composed of three subsystems:

1. Perception, based on a high-resolution camera.
2. Pre-processing (traditional software), image analysis (neural network) and post-processing
(traditional software; tracking and filtering).
3. Avionics display system supporting the system’s operations.
Subsystem #2 is an AI-based subsystem while subsystems #1 and #3 are traditional subsystems.

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Figure 26 — System overview (source (Daedalean, 2020)

Following [CODANN; 9.2.2] and [FAAVLS; 8.2], a possible functional decomposition of the system is
the following:
— F1: To detect a runway
This function is implemented through ML-based perception. At item level the following
functions contribute to this system level function:
• F1.1: Capture real-time imagery data of the external environment of the aircraft

• F1.2: To pre-process the image

• F1.3: To detect the runway position in a given image

• F1.4: To track the runway position in an image

• F1.5: To output a crop of an image with a runway inside
— F2: To provide guidance to land on a runway
This function is implemented through ML-based perception and estimation/filtering
components. It is the main function analysed in this report. At item level the following functions
contribute to this system level function:
• F2.1: To pre-process a cropped image assumed to contain a runway
• F2.2: To compute the runway geometry from a runway crop

• F2.3: To compute the pose with respect to the runway

• F2.4: To filter the pose

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• F2.5: To compute and output the lateral/vertical glidepath deviations from the runway
— F3: To monitor the system
At item level the following functions contribute to this system level function:

• F3.1: To monitor sensors

• F3.2: To monitor image characteristics

• F3.3: To continuously monitor internal system health

• F3.4: To test system components at power-up

• F3.5: To determine whether the system output should be enabled

• F3.6: To signal when a landing manoeuvre should be aborted
— F4: To interface with the aircraft systems

• F4.1: To receive the GPS data

• F4.2: To receive the digital terrain elevation data

• F4.3: To receive the phase of flight

• F4.4: To receive electrical power
• F4.5: To provide visual guidance to the pilot
• F4.6: To provide monitoring data to the display
The functional allocation to the subsystems and components can be done as follows:
Subsystem Constituents and items Allocated functions

#1 Optical sensor F1.1 F3.1 F4.4

#3 NN processing F1.3 F2.2

#4 Avionics display F4.5 F4.6

#2 Main processing unit All other functions

Table 1 — Functional allocation to the subsystems, constituents and items Expected benefits and justification for Level 1

The application is intended to provide additional information to the pilot in the form of a runway
image displayed in the cockpit from the moment the runway is detected (cruise phase/holding
pattern) until the decision to land is confirmed or a go-around is performed.

Objective CL-01: The applicant should classify the AI-based system, based on the levels presented in
Table 2, with adequate justifications.

The AI Level 1A ‘Human augmentation’ classification is justified by only providing additional/advisory

information (support to information analysis) to the pilot without any suggestion for action or

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2.1.2. Trustworthiness analysis Safety assessment

Objective SA-01: The applicant should perform a safety (support) assessment for all AI-based
(sub)systems, identifying and addressing specificities introduced by AI/ML usage.

Preliminary FHAs can be found in [CoDANN; 9.2.4] and [FAAVLS; Chapter 8].
For the purpose of this use case discussion, the system can contribute to failure conditions up to
Hazardous (as defined in the applicable CSs). More severe failure conditions should be considered in
the case of linking the system to an autopilot, but this would trigger another classification for this AI-
based system, probably up to Level 2.
Based on the discussions from the CoDANN report (Daedalean, 2020) Chapter 8, two types of metrics
are considered for this use case:
— For the evaluation of the binary classification of the runway object, the precision and recall
measures can be used to first select the best model and then to evaluate the operational performance.
— For the evaluation of the bounding box, the use of the Jaccard distance can be a useful metric
for model selection.

Objective ICSA-01: The applicant should identify which data needs to be recorded for the purpose of
supporting the continuous safety assessment.

Inputs (or quantities derived from them) can be used to ensure that input distribution assumptions
are verified.
Outputs can be compared against GPS and ILS (when available), to identify discrepancies not explained
by the precision level of these systems. This is how the system was evaluated in [FAAVLS; Section 4].
These discrepancies and the uncertainty estimates can be used to select which data to record. Information security

Provision ORG-02: In preparation of the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1645 and
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/203 applicability, the organisation should assess the
information security risks related to the design, production and operation phases of an AI/ML

As explained in [FAAVLS; Section 6.2], the data is collected and stored on the company’s own
infrastructure, along cryptographic checksum reducing information security risks.
Training might involve cloud computing, to access a large number of GPUs; the corresponding risks
are mitigated by ensuring data integrity throughout the training process and a verification strategy
that depends on the output of the training, but not the process. The same strategy is used to prevent
issues when moving from the implementation to the inference environment.

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2.1.3. Learning assurance

Objective DA-01: The applicant should describe the proposed learning assurance process, taking into
account each of the steps described in Sections C.3.1.2 to C.3.1.12, as well as the interface and
compatibility with development assurance processes.

The learning assurance process followed is the W-shaped process described in [CODANN]. See
[FAAVLS; Section 6] and [CODANN; Chapter 10].
Due to the scope of the projects and reports, complete system requirements and item requirements
capture and validation as requested via Objective DA-02, Objective DA-04, Objective DA-05 and
Objective DA-06 were not explicitly captured in [CODANN,FAAVLS], although this would naturally be
a central part of a real assessment.
They nevertheless appear implicitly throughout the reports, e.g. when the performance of the end
system is analysed from that of its components in [FAAVLS; Chapter 8].

Objective DA-03: The applicant should describe the system and subsystem architecture, to serve as
reference for related safety (support) assessment and learning assurance objectives.

The systems and subsystem architectures are carefully described in [FAAVLS; Chapter 5], which is then
used in the safety assessment in [FAAVLS; Chapter 8] and throughout the application of the W-shaped
process [FAAVLS; Chapter 6]. Data management

Objective DM-01: The applicant should define the set of parameters pertaining to the AI/ML
constituent ODD.

The input space for this use case is the space of 512 x 512 RGB images that can be captured from a
specific camera mounted on the nose of an aircraft, flying over a given region of the world under
specific conditions, as defined in the ConOps and in the requirements.
The relevant operating parameters include the following (on the frame level):
— Altitude
— Glide slope
— Lateral deviation
— Distance to runway
— Time of day
— Weather
See [FAAVLS; Section 6.2] for details and [FAAVLS; Section 8.2] for an analysis of the coverage of a data
set collected during the project.
With regard to the DQRs, their implementation (including the collection process) and verification are
discussed in [FAAVLS; Section 6.2].

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Objective DM-06: The applicant should identify data sources and collect data in accordance with the
defined ODD, while ensuring satisfaction of the defined DQRs, in order to drive the selection of the
training, validation and test data sets.

An analysis of the collected data is present in [FAAVLS; Section 8.2]. The set of operating parameters
are first reviewed with respect to the set of requirements and with the ODD, to make a first evaluation
of their intrinsic completeness in relation to the use case application. See also [CODANN; 6.2.8].

Objective DM-07: Once data sources are collected, the applicant should ensure the high quality of the
annotated or labelled data in the data set.

In the context of this use case, the annotation task consists of marking each of the four runway corners
in every image.
The review of the annotation is performed through a manual review and statistical analysis following
ISO-2859-1, and comparison with other data sources.
See [FAAVLS; Section 6.2.4].

Objective DM-10: When applicable, the applicant should define and document the transformations
to the pre-processed data from the specified input space into features which are effective for the
performance of the selected learning algorithm.

This objective is not relevant for this use case, as there is no explicit feature extraction/engineering
(use of convolutional neural networks).

Objective DM-11: The applicant should ensure that the data is effective for the stability of the learning

The adequacy of data for training is confirmed during the model training phase, described in [FAAVLS;
Section 6.4].

Objective DM-12: The applicant should distribute the data into three separate and independent data
sets which will meet the specified DQRs:

— the training data set and validation data set, used during the model training;

— the test data set used during the learning process verification, and the inference model

The data is split into training, validation and test sets, carefully taking into account runways and
landings (e.g. to prevent the validation or test set from containing only runways that have been trained
on, even from any other approach on a same runway).
See [FAAVLS; Section 6.2]

Objective DM-13: The applicant should ensure validation and verification of the data, as appropriate,
all along the data management process so that the data management requirements (including the
DQRs) are addressed.

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— Data completeness and representativeness

The set of operating parameters are first reviewed with respect to the set of requirements and with
the ODD, to make a first evaluation of their intrinsic completeness in relation to the use case
The approach is completed by the definition of a distribution discriminator D using the ODIN method
from the paper (Enhancing the reliability of out-of-distribution image detection in neural networks,
Refer to the CODANN Report (Daedalean, 2020), Section 6.2.8, for more information.
— Data accuracy
To demonstrate that the model was provided with correct data samples during the design phase,
several sources of errors need to be shown to be minimal and independent, or else to be mitigated.
First, the systematic errors in the data, also called data bias are identified using statistical testing and
In addition, specific attention is paid to single-source errors which could introduce bias in the resulting
data sets. This type of error has been avoided by using the same source for data collection in
operations as well.
Furthermore, labelling errors have been addressed by involving multiple independent actors in the
labelling activity and its validation.
— Data traceability
The data sets undergo a conversion from the raw images format to 8bit RGB, removal of irrelevant
information as necessary, and may be modified to enhance the colour, brightness and contrast. These
transformations are fully reproducible and a trace of the changes to the origin of each data pair is
recorded. This applies also to the annotations.
— Data sets independence
The training/validation and test data sets are created by independent groups. The test data set is not
accessible during the design phase. Learning process management

Objective LM-01: The applicant should describe the AI/ML constituents and the model architecture.

See [FAAVLS; Chapter 5], describing the convolutional deep neural network used for runway geometry
extraction, including aleatoric uncertainty estimation.
More generally, the full system architecture is described in [FAAVLS; Chapter 5].

Objective LM-02: The applicant should capture the requirements pertaining to the learning
management and training processes, including but not limited to:

— model family and model selection;

— learning algorithm(s) selection;

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— cost/loss function selection describing the link to the performance metrics;

— model bias and variance metrics, and acceptable levels;

— model robustness and stability metrics, and acceptable levels;
— training environment (hardware and software) identification;
— model parameters initialisation strategy;
— hyper-parameters and parameters identification and setting;
— expected performance with training, validation and test data sets.

The data indicated in Objectives LM-01 and LM-02 is documented, including substantiation for the
selection of the model architecture, learning algorithm selection as well as for the learning parameters
See [FAAVLS; Section 6.3].

Objective LM-03: The applicant should document the credit sought from the training environment
and qualify the environment accordingly.

The open-source software library TensorFlow is chosen, and the training is run on a compute cluster
equipped with NVIDIA GPUs, on Linux-based operating system. See [FAAVLS; Section 6.3] and [CO-
DANN2; Chapter 3]. Following the strategy of the latter, only minimal credit is taken from the training
environment, as the verification relies mostly on properties of the inference model in the inference

Objective LM-04: The applicant should provide quantifiable generalisation guarantees.

The approach to providing performance guarantees on the model is a combination of ‘evaluation-

based’ and ‘complexity-based’ approaches: the former is outlined in [FAAVLS; Section 8.3]. A broad
survey of different methods is provided in [CODANN; Section 5.3].
The integration with a classical system (pose filtering) allows to control the time dependency, and
prevent errors probabilities from accumulating exponentially; see [FAAVLS; Section 8.6].

Objective LM-05: The applicant should document the result of the model training.

The resulting training curves and performance on the training and validation sets are recorded in the
learning accomplishment summary (LAS).

Objective LM-06: The applicant should document any model optimisation that may affect the model
behaviour (e.g. pruning, quantisation) and assess their impact on the model behaviour or

No optimisation is performed at the level of the learning process. These optimisations would be
applied at the implementation level; see the comments there.

Objective LM-07: The applicant should account for the bias-variance trade-off in the model family
selection and should provide evidence of the reproducibility of the training process.

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Convolutional deep neural networks are used, which theoretically have low bias but higher variance
due to the number of parameters (model complexity); the latter is mitigated through the use of
sufficient data.
The Bootstrapping and Jack-knife methods have been used to estimate bias and variance and support
the model family selection.
To this purpose, the learning process is repeated several times with variations in the training data set
to show that:
— the models have similar performance scores on training and validation data sets;
— the selected model is not adversely impacted by a small change in the training data set.

Objective LM-08: The applicant should ensure that the estimated bias and variance of the selected
model meet the associated learning process management requirements.

The learning process is repeated multiple times on various subsets of the training data to show that
the models are not highly dependent on a small part of the training data.
The bias of the model is estimated in other objectives, as this represents the model performance.

Objective LM-09: The applicant should perform an evaluation of the performance of the trained model
based on the test data set and document the result of the model verification.

The resulting performance of the model on the test data set is recorded in a LAS.

Objective LM-10: The applicant should perform a requirements-based verification of the trained
model behaviour and document the coverage of the AI/ML constituent requirements by verification

A requirements-based verification of the model is outlined in [FAAVLS: Section 8.3]. The requirements
are expressed as conditions on the distribution of absolute errors on sequences of frames.

Objective LM-11: The applicant should provide an analysis on the stability of the learning algorithms.

The performance of the mode (loss, metrics) is analysed over its training via gradient descent, to rule
out behaviours that would be incompatible with good generalisation abilities (e.g. overfitting,
underfit-ting, large oscillations, etc.). See [FAAVLS; Section 6.4.1].

Objective LM-12: The applicant should perform and document the verification of the stability of the
trained model.
Objective LM-13: The applicant should perform and document the verification of the robustness of
the trained model in adverse conditions.

Aspects of the model robustness are analysed through saliency maps in [FAAVLS; Section 6.5.3].
It is crucial to understand how errors at the level of the model will propagate to other components; a
sensitivity analysis is carried out in [FAAVLS; Section 8.5.1], quantifying the effect of model errors on
the pose estimate.

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Objective LM-14: The applicant should verify the anticipated generalisation bounds using the test data

See [FAAVLS; Section 6.5.2, Section 8.3] for an analysis of the performance of the model on various
kinds of data (training, validation, test; seen or unseen runways). Trained model implementation

Objective IMP-01: The applicant should capture the requirements pertaining to the implementation
Objective IMP-02: Any post-training model transformation (conversion, optimisation) should be
identified and validated for its impact on the model behaviour and performance, and the environment
(i.e. software tools and hardware) necessary to perform model transformation should be identified.
Objective IMP-04: The applicant should verify that any transformation (conversion, optimisation,
inference model development) performed during the trained model implementation step has not
adversely altered the defined model properties.
Objective IMP-05: The differences between the software and hardware of the platform used for
training and the one used for verification should be identified and assessed for their possible impact
on the inference model behaviour and performance.

The transition between implementation and inference environment would follow the strategy
outlined in [CODANN2; Chapter 3], where most of the verification takes place directly on the inference
model, and minimal credit is needed from the implementation environment or transformations to the
inference environment.
Due to time constraints, the flight tests from [FAAVLS] did not run on production hardware, but on
uncertified COTS (e.g. GPUs) hardware, which is described in [FAAVLS; Section 6.6]. An actual system
would also follow the recommendations from [CODANN2; Chapter 3].
With regard to Objective IMP-06, Objective IMP-07, Objective IMP-08, and Objective IMP-09, a
similar strategy to the corresponding LM objectives would be adopted, on the inference model in the
inference environment. Data and learning verification

Objective DM-14: The applicant should perform a data and learning verification step to confirm that
the appropriate data sets have been used for the training, validation and verification of the model and
that the expected guarantees (generalisation, robustness) on the model have been reached.

An outline of the execution of this objective is present in [FAAVLS; Section 2.3.7].

In particular, it is verified that the test set has not been used during development (since it was not
annotated until the test phase) and that the operational space had been correctly identified from the
model’s behaviour.

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Proposed Issue 02 Configuration management

Objective CM-01: The applicant should apply all configuration management principles to the AI/ML
constituent life-cycle data, including but not limited to:
— identification of configuration items;
— versioning;
— baselining;
— change control;
— reproducibility;
— problem reporting;
— archiving and retrieval, and retention period.

All artifacts, from the original data to trained models, are carefully tracked, including: checksums,
sources, production process, etc. See [FAAVLS: Section 6.2.2].
This permits configuration management over the full life cycle of the pipeline, including
reproducibility, change control, baselining, etc. Quality assurance

Objective QA-01: The applicant should ensure that quality/process assurance principles are applied
to the development of the AI-based system, with the required independence level.

ISO-2859-1 is applied to carry out quality assurance of the manual annotations. See [FAAVLS: Section
The rest of the processes are automated, and the underlying tools are qualified at the required level.

2.1.4. Development & post-ops AI explainability

Objective EXP-03: The applicant should identify and document the methods at AI/ML item and/or
output level satisfying the specified AI explainability needs.

Image saliency analysis is used in [FAAVLS; Section 6.5.3] to analyse which parts of a given input image
are most important for the output of the neural network. This allows identifying potential undesired
behaviour or biases, or possible misidentifications of the input space (e.g. use of non-generic runway
markings or adjacent objects).

Objective EXP-04: The applicant should provide the means to record operational data that is necessary
to explain, post operations, the behaviour of the AI-based system and its interactions with the end

The system inputs and outputs are recorded in real time, including the output of dissimilar sensors for
comparison. See [FAAVLS; Section 4.1]. When limited storage space is available, the recording can be
limited to the outputs, or to situations where a difference with other sensors or high uncertainty are

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2.1.5. AI operational explainability

Objective EXP-06: The applicant should present explanations to the end user in a clear and
unambiguous form.

The prototype flight display shows a zoomed-in inlet of the runway and its corners,
as detected by the system. The design of the system implies that if the corners are
precisely positioned, then the guidance will be accurate. This provides the end user
with a powerful explanation of the quality of the output, in addition to the
provided measures of uncertainty. See [FAAVLS: Section 4.2.1].

Objective EXP-12: For each output relevant to the task(s), the applicant should ensure the validity of
the specified explanation, based on actual measurements (e.g. monitoring) or on a quantification of
the level of uncertainty.

The system includes an uncertainty estimation component, estimating both the aleatoric and
epistemic uncertainties.
See [FAAVLS; Chapter 5, Section 8.4].

Objective EXP-17: Information concerning unsafe AI-based system operating conditions should be
provided to the human end user to enable them to take appropriate corrective action in a timely

When OoD samples are detected or when the system estimates a high uncertainty, the system outputs
are disabled, and the system’s assistance cannot be used.

2.1.6. Safety risk mitigation

Objective SRM-01: Once activities associated with all other building blocks are defined, the applicant
should determine whether the coverage of the objectives associated with the explainability and
learning assurance building blocks is sufficient or if an additional dedicated layer of protection, called
hereafter safety risk mitigation (SRM), would be necessary to mitigate the residual risks to an
acceptable level.

In this use case, it is considered that all objectives related to the trustworthiness analysis, learning
assurance and explainability building blocks can be fully covered.

Objective SRM-02: The applicant should establish SRM means as identified in Objective SRM-01.

No SRM mitigations are identified in SRM-01.

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2.2. Pilot assistance — radio frequency suggestion

2.2.1. Trustworthiness analysis — description of the system and ConOps Description of the system

Objective CO-03: The applicant should determine the AI-based system taking into account domain-
specific definitions of ‘system’.

An example of an AI Level 1B application for pilot assistance may be voice recognition and suggestion
of radio frequencies.
The application recognises radio frequencies from ATC voice communications and suggests to the pilot
a frequency that has to be checked and validated by the pilot before tuning the radio accordingly (e.g.
tuning the standby VHF frequencies). Expected benefits and justification for Level 1

The application is expected to reduce workload or help the pilot to confirm the correct understanding
of a radio frequency in conditions of poor audio quality.

Objective CL-01: The applicant should classify the AI-based system, based on the levels presented in
Table 2, with adequate justifications.

The Level 1B classification is justified by providing support to the pilot in terms of gathering the
information and suggesting it to the pilot for validation before any action is taken, i.e. support to
decision-making. The frequency may be either displayed to the pilot who then will tune it manually or
may be pushed automatically into the avionics after acceptance of the pilot. The two cases will require
a different level of assessment.

2.2.2. Trustworthiness analysis — safety and security assessment

Objective SA-01: The applicant should perform a safety (support) assessment for all AI-based
(sub)systems, identifying and addressing specificities introduced by AI/ML usage.

A risk of complacency and over-reliance on the applications exists.

Objective IS-01: For each AI-based (sub)system and its data sets, the applicant should identify those
information security risks with an impact on safety, identifying and addressing specific threats
introduced by AI/ML usage.

If the application is integrated with the avionics with the possibility to exchange data, the check and
validation function, as well as data integrity and security aspects, will have to be further assessed.

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2.3. Pilot AI teaming — Proxima virtual use case

Most of the use cases proposed currently by industry target Level 1 AI applications. Beyond research,
there is to date no compelling example of a Level 2 AI use case that could be taken as reference to
illustrate the additional guidance developed in this Issue 02 of the EASA Concept Paper.
Consequently, as a first approach to Level 2 AI, it was decided to develop a virtual use case under the
AI task force of the EASA Scientific Committee.
Proxima is an example of a virtual co-pilot meant to support single-pilot operations of large transport
aeroplanes, by enabling human-AI teaming and crew resource management capabilities comparable
to those of multi-crew operations. What follows is a first description of the capabilities anticipated
when the maximum potential of level 2B AI-based systems will be reached.

2.3.1. Trustworthiness analysis — description of the system and ConOps High-level task(s) and AI-based system definition

Objective CO-01: The applicant should identify the list of end users that are intended to interact with
the AI-based system, together with their roles, their responsibilities and their expected expertise
(including assumptions made on the level of training, qualification and skills).

The main end user interacting with Proxima is the pilot-in-command (PIC). A second layer of end users
include the air traffic controller (ATCO).
The PIC role and responsibilities are anticipated to be similar to those allocated to the PIC in multi-
crew operations. However, level 2B AI is by definition capable of automating certain decisions, thus
reducing partially the ‘authority’ of the PIC for certain tasks. The expertise of the pilot shall be the
current one with additional training to deal with the AI-based system and the new type of operations.
The ATCO role, responsibilities and expertise remain strictly identical to current operations; however,
with the necessary awareness that he or she is also interacting with an AI-based system.

Objective CO-02: For each end user, the applicant should identify which high-level tasks are intended
to be performed in interaction with the AI-based system.

In single-pilot operation aircraft, Proxima and the pilot will share tasks and will have a common set of
goals. Through perception and analysis, Proxima will learn from the situations encountered and will
be able to continually adapt to the current situation to assist the crew in its decision-making process.
Proxima will also have the ability to respond appropriately to displayed information. In addition, it will
also identify any mismatch between the information that it has that is relevant to a pilot’s decision
and the information available to the pilot via displays and other means. It will then respond
Proxima can:
— follow pilot activities and displayed information and adjust its support level in view of those
activities and the displayed information;
— assess the mental and physical state of the human pilot through sensors and cameras to some

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— detect human pilot workload, incapacitation, and make correlation between the situation and
the human pilot states to adapt its level of support; and
— monitor human communications and data link with the ground and aircraft position to ensure
appropriate flight path management, and intervene where appropriate.
The high-level tasks performed by Proxima in interaction with the human end users can be supported
by several types of scenarios. The objective of the scenarios is to create situations where the pilot will
be busy flying manually. Such scenarios serve as a means to foster pilot’s mental representation of the
HAII with Proxima.
For the PIC, the high-level tasks are oriented by four main subparts: Fly, Navigate, Communicate,
Management of systems, as proposed here:
— Proxima capable of performing automatic configuration of the aircraft including gear extension.
— Proxima in charge of the Navigation (FMS inputs)
— Proxima in charge of the Communication
— Proxima in charge of identification and management of failure
For the ATCO, the high-level tasks will be limited to ‘communicate’ and report to the PIC in case of
doubt on the proper functioning of the AI-based system (based on its inputs). Concept of Operations (ConOps)

Objective CO-04: The applicant should define and document the ConOps for the AI-based system,
including the task allocation pattern between the end user(s) and the AI-based system. A focus should
be put on the definition of the OD and on the capture of specific operational limitations and

List of potential end users: See Objective CO-01 above.

List of high-level tasks for each end user: See Objective CO-02 above.
End user centric descriptions of the operational scenario(s):
For the purpose of the use case, the following detailed scenario is selected to exemplify the interaction
between Proxima and the PIC:
Aircraft SPO, automated flight control system failure and AP loss
The scenario takes place in a flight from Paris Charles De Gaulle to Frankfurt. Pilot will be flying a
commercial aircraft under SPO and acts as a PIC. The scenario starts in the air FL100 in descent. The
pilot is performing the approach UNOKO 25N arrival followed by an ILS APPR to RWY 25R in navigating
with the flight management system (FMS).
During the approach, the aircraft will experience a failure of the automated flight control system
leading to a disengagement and loss of autopilot (AP) that requires constant input of PIC flying
manually. The pilot will decide to continue the approach manually up to landing. Proxima will monitor
aircraft parameters, the still functioning AP, as well as pilot state and any deviation. Depending on

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what Proxima detects, it will perform a number of actions such as interpreting information, initiating
a conversation, acting on aircraft systems, communicating with the ATCO, fulfilling the high-
level tasks.

How the end users could interact with the AI-based system:
User HMI Proxima
Reception Output AI capabilities
Speech Speech input Language recognition Natural Language - Conversation
interface Speech recognition Procedural language - Questions/Answers
- Argumentation / Negotiation
- Follow-up questions
- Corrections
- Explanations
- Acknowledgements
Gesture Spatial hands gesture Cameras appropriate action Gesture recognition combined
interface Head movements Sensors with natural language
User behaviour understanding
(movement, posture)
Contact Keyboard Conventional hardware Haptic information Pilot state detection
interface CCD systems

Galvanic Skin contact with ‘Sweat’ rate – skin

Response aircraft controls conductivity
Haptic Control column, Monitoring of force, Aural warning Pilot state monitoring
throttle leavers, grip strength, speed
switches, etc. etc. used when
activating controls
Facial Emotions Cameras appropriate action Pilot State detection
expression Lips movements Eye-tracking Workload detection/fatigue
interface Pupil diameter
Blink rate/duration
Neural Brain activity signals Receptors Control actuations Workload detection
computer Heart activity signals

Aural Aural Voice comms – ground Voice comms air to aircraft state intervention
interface air, air ground ground
Eye tracking Gaze position – eye Eye fixation points Colocation of Interpretation of information
tracker displayed requirements
information –
Synoptic screens

Table 7 — Proxima user interface possibilities

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Proposed Issue 02 Expected benefits and justification for Level 2B

The application is expected to reduce workload or help the pilot to confirm the correct understanding
of a radio frequency in conditions of poor audio quality.

Objective CL-01: The applicant should classify the AI-based system, based on the levels presented in
Table 2, with adequate justifications.

The Level 2B classification is justified by the fact that:

— Proxima and the PIC have a set of common goals and share tasks;
— Proxima is capable of using natural language, of taking decisions and implement actions that
are overseen and overridable by the pilot; and
— Proxima is capable of having some authority in decision-making, to share situational awareness
and react in real time to changes by adjusting strategies and task allocation.

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3. Use cases — ATM/ANS

3.1. AI-based augmented 4D trajectory prediction — climb and descent rates
The objective of the use case is to improve the accuracy of a predicted 4D trajectory by better
estimating the climb and descent rates with the use of deep learning techniques. To this purpose, a
DNN is introduced to replace the software item in charge of the estimation of the climb and descent
Note: The objectives referred to in this use case are traceable (in numbering and text) to the ones
developed in the first issue of the EASA Concept Paper ‘First usable guidance for Level 1 ML
applications’ from December 2021 (and may not match certain of the updated objectives in the
present document).

3.1.1. Description of ConOps and systems involved in the use case

Objective CO-04: The applicant should define and document the ConOps for the AI-based system,
including the task allocation pattern between the end user(s) and the AI-based system. A focus should
be put on the definition of the OD and on the capture of specific operational limitations and
assumptions. Introduction
All information in this section has been derived from both the ATFCM Users Manual (EUROCONTROL,
2020) and the IFPS Users Manual (EUROCONTROL, 2020).
A 4D trajectory of a flight during pre-tactical phase, tactical phase, or when the flight is airborne is a
fundamental element for correct network impact assessment and potential measures to be taken on
congested airspace.
The 4D trajectory is (re)calculated in the context of many different services delivered by the Network
Manager. Many different roles are interested in the 4D trajectory. Many different triggering events
can generate the computation of a 4D trajectory.
Note: 4D trajectory and flight profile are to be considered as synonyms in this document. Roles
Four different categories of end users with the following roles are involved in the operations of the
4D trajectory:
— (Aircraft operator (AO)) flight dispatcher;
— ATCO, with the area or en-route (ATC in this document) and the aerodrome or tower (TWR in
this document);
— Flow management position (FMP); and
— Network Manager (NM) tactical team: The NM tactical team is under the leadership of the
Deputy Operations Manager in charge of managing the air traffic flow and capacity
management (ATFCM) daily plan during the day of operation. The tactical team is formed by

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the tactical Senior Network Operations Coordinator, the Network Operations Controllers, the
Network Operations Officer and the Aircraft Operator Liaison Officer on duty. 4D trajectory before flight departure

— Initial 4D trajectory based on flight plan (flight plan or filed flight plan (FPL))
A first version of the 4D trajectory is computed on the reception of a valid FPL by the AO.
The 4D trajectory is distributed to all ATCOs and TWR responsible for the ATC where the flight
takes place.
— Reception of a change message (CHG)
When an individual FPL has been filed but it is decided, before departure, to use an alternative
routing between the same aerodromes of departure and destination, the AO may decide to
send a CHG for any modification.
Reception of a CHG triggers the re-calculation of the 4D trajectory and distribution to all ATCOs
and TWRs responsible for the ATC where the flight takes place.
— Reception of a delay(ed) message (DLA)
On receipt of a DLA by the AO, the initial flight plan processing system (IFPS) shall re-calculate
the 4D trajectory of that flight based on the revised estimated off-block time (EOBT).
— ATFCM solutions to capacity shortfalls
Where overloads are detected and the collaborative decision-making (CDM) process is initiated,
different ATFCM solutions should be considered between the NM and the respective FMP(s).
This consists in:
• optimisation of the utilisation of available capacity, and/or utilisation of other available
capacities (rerouting flows or flights, flight Level (FL) management) or advancing traffic;

• regulation of the demand.

Most of the time, such ATFCM solutions will generate computation of 4D trajectories for the
flights impacted. 4D trajectory all along the life cycle of the flight

— Updating Central Airspace and Capacity Database (CACD) Data in Predict / Enhanced Tactical
Flow Management System (ETFMS)
Updates to a subset of the environmental data (i.e. taxi time, runway in use for departures and
arrivals, time to insert in the sequence (TIS), time to remove from the sequence (TRS), etc.) will
trigger the re-computation of the flight profile of the aircraft concerned.
Taxi time updates and actual SID used by aircraft originating from A-CDM (from EOBT-3h up to
target take-off time (TTOT)) are communicated to the ETFMS via departure planning
information (DPI) messages for each individual aircraft.

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The above parameters may be updated for each different (active) runway and the flight profiles
are re-computed using this information.
— Airport CDM
Most advanced airports have engaged with NM in a CDM process aiming at improving the
quality of information based on which decisions are made, then leading to enhanced
operational efficiency and facilitating optimum use of available capacity.
Some of the DPI messages received by the ETFMS will have as a consequence the re-
computation of the 4D trajectory for this specific flight (e.g. taxi time updates and actual SID
used by aircraft originating from A-CDM (from EOBT-3h up to TTOT)).
— ETFMS flight data message (EFD) / publish/subscribe flight data (PSFD)
The EFD is basically an extract of flight data that is available in the ETFMS of which the flight
profile is the most important part.
The EFD is sent by ETFMS to ANSPs of flight data processing areas (FDPAs) that request such
In the last years, EFDs have been complemented with PSFDs accessible via the NM B2B services. 4D trajectory after departure

— Flight data information
On departure, the AO should send a departure message (DEP). Some AOs are sending aircraft
(operator) position report (APR) messages to ETFMS. This data will then be used by the ETFMS
to update the 4D trajectory in the current flight model (current tactical flight model (CTFM)) of
the flight and also all other times (estimated times over (ETOs)) in the flight profile are updated
Upon the flight’s entry into the NM area, the flight’s profile is then updated by first system
activation (FSA) and correlated position report (CPR) messages where applicable.
For trans-Atlantic flights, flight notification message (FNM) from Gander and message from
Shanwick (MFS) are messages that are received which provide an estimate for the oceanic exit
point. MFS and FNM are processed first by integrated IFPS, that sends then the information to
ETFMS. IFPS also sends it to AOs.
These estimates are used by the ETFMS to update the corresponding flight profiles.
— Correlated position reports (CPRs)
A flight may deviate from its last computed profile triggering a profile recalculation. other usage of 4D trajectory

— Network simulations
The NM is responsible for the management of strategic ATFCM plans. Such plans rely on many
simulations running in parallel and involve FMPs and AOs. Some simulation can imply the 4D
trajectory calculations for flows under scrutiny.

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— Post OPS analysis and reporting

The NM regularly reports on its activities and deliveries.
Among these post-operations activities, some reports elaborate on alternative 4D trajectories
of the flown ones for further analysis in terms of flight efficiency (improved use of airspace, fuel
consumption, etc.). Measures
Considering a normal day of operations with:
— 30 000 flights;
— 5 000 000 CPR messages received;
— multiplicity of scenarios being launched in the context of ATFCM operations;
— new requests coming from A-CDM airports,
a rough estimation gives 300 000 000 of 4D trajectories computed every day.

3.1.2. Expected benefits and justification for Level 1

Objective CL-01: The applicant should classify the AI-based system, based on the levels presented in
Table 2, with adequate justifications.

The AI Level 1A ‘Human augmentation’ classification is justified by only augmentation of the precision
of the climb and descent phases, which participate to the computation of the 4D trajectory distributed
to the roles involved with the flight profile. All decisions based on the predicted 4D trajectory are
performed by a human or a machine with many indirections to the flight profile. It is then considered
that this augmentation (support to information analysis) does not suggest any action or decision-

3.1.3. Trustworthiness analysis Safety support assessment

Objective SA-04: The applicant should perform a safety support assessment for any change in the
functional (sub)systems embedding a constituent developed using AI/ML techniques or incorporating
learning algorithms, identifying and addressing specificities introduced by AI/ML usage.

The following describes the process that has been supporting the safety support assessment of the
use case. The execution of the process takes into account the existence of a baseline safety support
case (BSSC) for the NM services currently in the operations.
For reasons of conciseness, only the main outcomes of the process are presented in this document.
For more information, please refer to Section 4.1 of the full report available by EUROCONTROL.
— Safety support assessment process
The safety support assessment of the change has been carried out in compliance with the
requirements included in Regulation (EU) 2017/373 and its associated AMC and GM for service
providers other than ATS providers.

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The first step is the understanding and scoping of the change. It includes determination of the
changed/new components of the NM functional system (FS), impacted (directly and indirectly)
components of the NM FS, interfaces and interactions, and its operational context.
The second step of the safety support assessment used the failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA)
technique to identify functional system failures. These failures can cause the services to behave in a
non-specified manner, resulting in a different to the specified service output (e.g. lost, incorrect,
delayed). Failure modes are linked (traceable) to the degraded mode(s) that can be caused by the
failure. Where appropriate, internal (safety support requirements) and external mitigations
(assumptions) have been derived to reduce or prevent undesired failure effects.
The third step of the safety support assessment, the degraded mode causal analysis, has been
performed by means of facilitated structured brainstorming. It enabled the identification of the
potential contribution of the changed and impacted elements of the NM FS to the occurrence of the
degraded modes, as well as the establishment of safety support requirements to control the
occurrence of the degraded modes and hence the service behaviour.
The fourth step will be the provision of the needed arguments and justification to demonstrate
compliance with the safety support requirements.
— Safety support requirements
The table below contains the inventory of the safety support requirements, i.e. the necessary means
and measures derived by the safety support assessment to ensure that NM operational services will
behave as specified following the implementation of AI for the estimation of aircraft climb and descent
rates. This table provides traceability to the mitigated service degraded modes and to the service
No transition safety support requirements have been derived as the implementation of AI for the
aircraft climb and descent rate estimation does not require a transition period.

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ID Safety support requirement Mitigated Impacted

degraded mode service

R-01 Curtain shall implement alternative way of prediction DGM06 integrity

calculation (e.g. based on fallback BADA table). DGM10
R-02 The AI/ML constituent shall return an error code in case it DGM10 integrity
is able to detect an incorrect prediction.

R-03 Curtain shall implement means to detect incorrect DGM10 integrity

prediction provided by the AI/ML constituent.

R-04 Curtain shall perform validation check of the AI prediction DGM10 integrity
using a set of established criteria. DGM15
R-05 Rules for use of alternative prediction computation by DGM-10 integrity
curtain shall be implemented.

R-06 Learning assurance shall be applied to the AI module to DGM10 integrity

optimise the model generalisation.

R-07 Carry out adequate tests of the AI module. DGM10 integrity

R-08 Carry out focused TensorFlow tests.

R-09 Measure the time to obtain a prediction and trigger alarm DGM06 availability
in case a defined threshold has been reached. DGM11
R-10 Design and execute dedicated test to refine the prediction DGM10 integrity
validity threshold. DGM15
R-11 Carry out load tests (at development and verification level). DGM06 availability
R-12 Ensure resources (e.g. memory, disk space, CPU load)
monitoring in operations.

R-13 Comply with the SWAL4 requirement for IFPS/ETFMS. DGM10 integrity
Table 8 — Safety support requirements

— Behaviour in the absence of failures

To ensure the completeness of the change argument, there is a need to analyse the behaviour of
changed and impacted components of the NM FS in the absence of failures in order to prove that the
NM services continue to behave as specified in the respective service specifications.

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As a result of this analysis, the following safety support requirements have been placed on the
changed and impacted by the change FS elements:
• R-14. The AI/ML constituent shall use industry-recognised technology (e.g. deep neural
network) for training the prediction model. The use of TensorFlow shall be considered.
• R-15. The AI/ML constituent shall ensure correct generalisation capabilities which shall be
verified by means of pre-operational evaluation with real flight plan data and, if necessary,
• R-16. The AI/ML constituent shall expose an interface which shall be consumed by Curtain.
• R-17. The AI/ML constituent shall be able to process up to 100 requests per second. Curtain
shall send a prediction request to the AI/ML constituent upon identification of the need to build
a new or update an existing 4D trajectory.

• R-18. Curtain shall process the climb and descent rate predictions delivered by the AI/ML
— Assumptions
The table below contains the list of assumptions made during the safety support assessment that may
apply and impact on the effectiveness and/or availability of the mitigation means and measures. It
traces the assumptions and conditions to the associated degraded modes where they have been
raised. The table also provides justification why the assumptions are correct and valid.

ID Assumption/ Condition Justification

Exhaustion of system
DGM06 The AI module, Curtain and other critical
resources will not only affect
A-01 DGM11 system processes use the same computing
the AI module, but Curtain and
DGM17 resources (disk, memory and CPU).
other system processes, too.

Successive incorrect rate predictions due to

By design, consecutive DGM10 AI design issues will be identified during the
A-02 incorrect rate prediction for software development and integration
different flights cannot occur. DGM19 testing phase, and the AI predictive model
will be enhanced consequently.

Failure of Curtain to compute DGM10 This is a legacy function that has been proven
A-03 an alternative prediction
DGM19 in operation since years.
cannot occur for all flights.

Table 9 — Use-case assumptions

— Safety support requirements satisfaction

This section will provide the needed assurance that the safety support requirements listed above are
implemented as required in order to ensure that NM services (flight planning, ATFCM and centralised
code assignment and management system (CCAMS)) will continue to behave only as specified in the
respective service specifications.

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Proposed Issue 02 Information security considerations

Objective IS-01: For each AI-based (sub)system and its data sets, the applicant should identify those
information security risks with an impact on safety, identifying and addressing specific threats
introduced by AI/ML usage.

The following describes the process that has been supporting the security assessment conducted on
the use case.
For reasons of conciseness, only the main outcomes of the process are presented in this document.
For more information, please refer to Section 4.2 of the full report available by EUROCONTROL.
— Approach to security assessment
The high-level security assessment is based on the following works:

• Microsoft:
o AI/ML Pivots to the Security Development Lifecycle Bug Bar24
o Threat Modeling AI/ML Systems and Dependencies25
o Failure Modes in Machine Learning26
• A Survey on Security Threats and Defensive Techniques of Machine Learning: A Data Driven
View (Liu, 2018)

• MITRE Adversarial ML Threat Matrix27.

The objective is to establish different potential attack paths and identify possible shortcomings.
As illustrated in Figure 27, we are considering the following security threats to the ML life cycle:

• Poisoning attacks: Those aim at corrupting the training data so as to contaminate the
machine model generated in the training phase, aiming at altering predictions on new
• Evasion, impersonate & inversion attacks: Those aim at recovering the secret features
used in the model through careful queries or other means.

27 Source: Latest
commit: Oct 23, 2020.

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Figure 27 — Illustration of defensive techniques of ML

The ‘Threat Modeling AI/ML Systems and Dependencies’ questionnaires developed by

Microsoft were used to capture the various aspects of the project and facilitate the security
assessment. The ‘Adversarial ML Threat Matrix’ developed by MITRE was further used to focus
the exercise on ML-specific techniques.
— System model for security assessment
Figure 28 is a simplified modelisation of the interaction between the different elements of the
system. It represents the principal data exchanges taking place in the system.

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Figure 28 — Modelisation of the ‘climb and descent’ ML system

— Assumptions for security assessment

After an interview with the team in charge of the use case and considering the safety support
case, the following considerations apply:
• The system considered is limited to the development phase of the model. The transfer to
operations follows a dedicated workflow outside the scope.

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• All data processed is post operations (no data confidentiality requirements, traffic light
protocol (TLP):GREEN)

• The system is not considered as an operational system and does not present time-
sensitive information.
• Safety support requirements and mitigations are in place, including the non-regression

• All involved communication networks are considered private with no interactive access
to/from the internet.
Security and risks that are not inherent to the activities relating to the learning process are not
considered in this assessment. Therefore, the applicable ratings for confidentiality, integrity and
availability are:

• Confidentiality: Low
• Integrity: High

• Availability: Low
— Specific risks assessed
• Model poisoning: the threat was considered as mitigated by the assumptions: the
isolation of the ML system vis-a-vis any external component whether from network or
access permissions is considered sufficient mitigation.

• Data poisoning of training data: the threat was considered as mitigated by the
assumptions: the isolation of the ML system vis-a-vis any external component whether
from network or access permissions as well as the controlled source for all training data
is considered sufficient mitigation.
• Model stealing: the threat was considered as mitigated by risk management: while there
is no specific mitigation in place against the threat, it would not harm the organisation if
it was to occur (no value loss).
• Denial of service on any component: the threat was considered as mitigated by the
operational model: unavailability of the training data or ML environment has no
operational impact and only results in limited financial costs.
Other risks have been considered during the analysis but are not considered pertinent in view
of the operational model in place (for example, defacement, data exfiltration, model backdoor,

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3.1.4. Learning assurance (in particular data management considerations)

Objective DA-01: The applicant should describe the proposed learning assurance process, taking into
account each of the steps described in Sections C.3.1.2 to C.3.1.12, as well as the interface and
compatibility with development assurance processes.

Most of the activities expected to be performed as per the ‘learning assurance’ have been executed.
The following will make the demonstration of this statement. Data preparation

a. Data collection

Objective DM-03: The applicant should identify data sources and collect data in accordance with the
defined ODD, while ensuring satisfaction of the defined DQRs, in order to drive the selection of the
training, validation and test data sets.

— Data sources

Almost 3 years of data (from 01/01/2018 until 30/09/2020) was extracted from the NM Ops data
warehouse from the ARU28 schema. This contains basically all flights in the NM area for the last 3 years,
and these were taken into the data set.
Weather information was taken from the UK Met office Sadis source, stored in the operational FTP
server under the Met directory. EUROCONTROL has had a long-standing contract with the UK Met
office to provide this data.

Objective DM-04: Once data sources are collected, the applicant should ensure the high quality of the
annotated or labelled data in the data set.

— Data labelling

The data labels29 are also extracted from the ARU data set.

— Rates of climb and descent by performance slice

In a first step, the rate of climb between consecutive points of the point profile was calculated.
For a given flight phase, the time 𝑇 for which a flight arrives at the flight level 𝐹, if there is no point at
this flight level in the profile, can be approximated by linear interpolation:

28 Due to the mainframe phase-out, this system was converted to Unix under the heading of the ARU System (Archive
System on Unix). Once most functions were migrated to Unix, the system was renamed to Data Warehouse System
29 Data labelling is a key part of data preparation for machine learning because it specifies which parts of the data the
model will learn from.

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where prev and next stand for the point of the profile respectively before and after the flight level.
If there is a point at the requested flight level, we simply use its time over.

Figure 29 — Climb and descent rates by performance slice

— Managing aleatory uncertainty — removing high-frequency noise on CPR data

It was observed that the calculated climb rates appear to have a lot of high-frequency noise overlaid
on the signal and so we removed it by applying a low-pass filter to that in the form of a simple moving
average window function of width 5.
b. Data pre-processing

Objective DM-06: The applicant should define and document pre-processing operations on the
collected data in preparation of the training.

— Data cleaning
Several data cleaning operations were performed, including the removal of yo-yo flights30 (polluting
the quality of the model), and the removal of the data corresponding to the cruise phase of the flight.
— Outliers
All data samples with climb rates that were calculated to be greater than 1 000 ft/min (likely to be not
physically realistic and related to inaccuracy in the radar plots) were removed from the data set.
Around 0.1 % of the 400 million samples were removed during this operation.

Objective DM-08: The applicant should ensure that the data is effective for the stability of the model
and the convergence of the learning process.

— Data normalisation
All data was normalised by centring on zero by subtracting the mean and given similar ranges by
dividing by the standard deviation of that feature.

30 Yo-yo flight: flight with multiple climb and descent phases in the flight profile.

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c. Feature engineering

Objective DM-07: When applicable, the applicant should define and document the transformations
to the pre-processed data from the specified input space into features which are effective for the
performance of the selected learning algorithm.

Feature engineering was managed via a pipeline. The pipeline’s purpose is to enrich the data with
various calculated features required for the subsequent operation.
Firstly, the SID and STAR are extracted from the flown route and attached to separate fields to the
flight information so that they can be used as independent features.
The representations of coordinates in the database was string format rather than decimal format and
these were converted into decimal degrees.
Several operations were made on the weather forecast data source. For more information, please
refer to the full report available by EUROCONTROL.
Several additional calculated weather-forecast-related features were then produced, namely wind
speed and wind direction relative to the aircraft.
Some further features were then added. It was discovered that using the latitude and longitude of the
aerodrome of departure and destination as well as the first and last point of the climb and descent
was more effective than any other encoding of these values. For example, an embedding layer was
used to encode the categorical values e.g. the ICAO names for aerodromes of departure and
destination, but this was not nearly as effective as the vector encoding as latitude and longitude.
This resulted in a model with some 40 features which was saved in a parquet file which when loaded
was around 100 gigabytes in RAM.
The permutation importance (a similar method is described in Breiman, ‘Random Forests’, Machine
Learning, 45(1), 5-32, 2001) for these features was then calculated. This was a very heavy calculation
taking several days on a GPU to complete.
Permutation importance:
Climb Descent

Weight Feature Weight Feature

494468.7164 ± 269.1501 PERF_CAT_LOWER_FL 392129.5391 ± 248.7002 PERF_CAT_LOWER_FL

217568.8688 ± 138.2701 FTFM_CLIMB_RATE 211356.3405 ± 95.6282 FTFM_DESC_RATE

138494.9605 ± 44.0213 FTFM_MAX_FL 133131.4453 ± 68.8156 FTFM_DESC_FIRST_PT_LAT

114020.7645 ± 86.3738 FLT_DEP_AD 85637.1216 ± 64.1071 FTFM_DESC_LAST_PT_PT_LAT

109271.3590 ± 243.7783 FLT_DEP_AD_LAT 85262.9041 ± 138.5218 FLT_FTFM_ADES_LAT

105701.0231 ± 96.9098 FTFM_CLIMB_FIRST_PT_LAT 80916.0368 ± 71.9405 FLT_FTFM_ADES

95154.7142 ± 86.0832 ICAO_ACFT_TY_ID 72740.5408 ± 34.9251 FTFM_DESC_FIRST_PT_LNG

86846.6291 ± 88.8068 FTFM_CLIMB_FIRST_PT_LNG 70372.2655 ± 109.2796 FTFM_DESC_LAST_PT_LNG

86710.6489 ± 193.9731 FLT_DEP_AD_LNG 69247.5777 ± 83.0451 FLT_FTFM_ADES_LNG

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Climb Descent

Weight Feature Weight Feature

23296.1818 ± 26.1849 FTFM_CLIMB_DURATION 43342.9997 ± 56.8700 FTFM_MAX_FL

21731.4291 ± 59.1714 AO_ICAO_ID 37916.0572 ± 130.2117 FTFM_DESC_DURATION

20337.5237 ± 73.7881 FTFM_CLIMB_FIRST_PT 32727.9660 ± 55.2942 FTFM_DESC_LAST_PT

18971.2889 ± 22.4656 FLT_FTFM_ADES_LAT 12746.5049 ± 19.2558 ETA_DAYOFYEAR

18136.2638 ± 26.9874 FLT_FTFM_ADES_LNG 11355.1165 ± 65.0552 AIRAC_CYCL

18026.4043 ± 22.2186 FTFM_DESC_LAST_PT_PT_LAT 9524.1099 ± 37.4795 ICAO_ACFT_TY_ID

16417.4972 ± 20.0458 FTFM_DESC_LAST_PT_LNG 6437.3164 ± 30.2539 AO_ICAO_ID

15343.8757 ± 44.8245 ETA_DAYOFYEAR 5731.4322 ± 19.5940 FLT_REG_MARKING

15176.5899 ± 32.8208 FLT_REG_MARKING 5658.8823 ± 21.7385 FTFM_CLIMB_FIRST_PT_LAT

15034.2075 ± 24.5128 FTFM_CLIMB_LAST_PT_LNG 5400.5508 ± 40.4232 FTFM_CLIMB_LAST_PT_LNG

14964.0634 ± 29.0470 FTFM_CLIMB_LAST_PT_LAT 5119.9972 ± 15.9033 FTFM_CLIMB_FIRST_PT_LNG

Table 10 — Extract of candidate features by importance (20 out of 40)

When the permutation importance of a feature is low, this means the feature is not very decisive for
obtaining a result.
d. Hosting for data preparation and model training

Data preparation was hosted under Microsoft Azure. The model training was hosted in a Cloudera
Machine Learning (CML) environment. This is Cloudera’s cloud-native ML service, built for CDP. The
CML service provisions clusters, also known as ML workspaces, that run natively on Kubernetes.
ML workspaces support fully-containerised execution of Python, R, Scala, and Spark workloads
through flexible and extensible engines.
This facility allows automating analytics workloads with a job and pipeline scheduling system that
supports real-time monitoring, job history, and email alerts.

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Figure 30 — Cloudera machine learning environment

For more information, please refer to the full report available by EUROCONTROL, or contact the teams
at EUROCONTROL in charge of such an environment. Data validation

a. Data completeness

Objective DM-10: The applicant should ensure validation and verification of the data, as appropriate,
all along the data management process so that the data management requirements (including the
DQRs) are addressed.

The period which has been considered for the data in the data set (3 years of archived data from the
DWH), and the inherent quality of the DWH via its usage by thousands of stakeholders on a daily basis,
ensure the completeness of the data for the use case.
b. Data accuracy
Data accuracy has been established through the different activities performed during the data
management phase. In particular, incorrect or non-representative data has been removed from the
data set during data cleaning (e.g. removal of yo-yo flights), or when identifying outliers (flights with
unrealistic climb or descent rates).
c. Data traceability
All operations performed on the source data set extracted from the DWH were orchestrated via
scripting and pipelining in different python modules. All code is under configuration management,
ensuring full traceability and capability to reproduce featured input and labelled data for subsequent

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d. Data representativeness
The 4D trajectory applies to the ECAC area. The DWH archives all information which has been
processed by IFPS/ETFMS, then ensuring that the data set fully covers this geographical area.
e. Data allocation — data independence

Objective DM-09: The applicant should distribute the data into three separate and independent data
sets which will meet the specified DQRs:
— the training data set and validation data set, used during the model training;
— the test data set used during the learning process verification, and the inference model

There are roughly 370 million data samples in the data set. The test set was chosen at random and
had 5 % set-aside.
The validation set was a further 20 % of the remaining.
Considering the large amount of data samples, keeping 5 % of all data for the test set represents 25
million samples in the test data set, which is enough to provide a statistically valid result. The same
remark applies to the validation data set. Learning process management

Objective LM-01: The applicant should describe the AI/ML constituents and the model architecture.
Objective LM-02: The applicant should capture the requirements pertaining to the learning
management and training processes.

a. Model selection
A DNN was selected.

Figure 31 — DNN structure

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Multiple architectures were tested during hyper-parameter tuning. The most successful architecture
for the hidden layers was as follows.
Layer number number of neurons

1 512
2 512
3 256
4 256
5 128
6 64
Table 11 — Internal architecture of the DNN

The table below summarises the main decisions/configurations made/applied at the end of the
training process:
Title Information / Justification

Activation function The PReLU activation function was chosen for a number of its advantages
in DNNs; particularly, avoidance of the vanishing gradients problem as
was the case with standard ReLU, but in addition the avoidance of the
dying neuron problem.
Loss function Several loss function strategies were studied during the learning and
selection training process. Finally, it was decided to use ‘mean absolute error’
which appears to give the best results on the test set.
Initialisation strategy The Glorot initialisation technique was chosen for initialising the values of
the weights before training.
Hyper-parameter Hyper-parameter tuning was a recurrent activity all along the learning
tuning process management and the model training.
Table 12 — Key elements of the DNN

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b. Hosting the model predictor

Figure 32 — Tensorflow component model and dependencies

The above diagram represents the TensorFlow component model and dependencies. The predictive
models were developed using Keras Python interfaces to TensorFlow — see above on the left side.
The model training pipeline based on Python and Keras produces a saved model in protobuf format
and associated model weights files. This is done in the cloud as described above.

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a. Feature set

The following table represents the current list of features which were used for the training:
Feature Feature

AO_ICAO_ID float32


FLT_DEP_AD_LAT float32

FLT_DEP_AD_LNG float32






Table 13 — List of features as an input to model training

Objective LM-05: The applicant should document the result of the model training.

b. Learning curves

The figure below depicts a learning curve when using the feature set and the labelled data:

Figure 33 — Model training (mean absolute error)

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Proposed Issue 02 Learning process verification

Objective LM-09: The applicant should perform an evaluation of the performance of the trained model
based on the test data set and document the result of the model verification.

a. 3D histogram plot of the predicted values

The below figures show two plots for all of the test data of climb rate predictions against actually
observed climb rates.
The dispersion is greatly reduced with the trained ML model.

Figure 34 — Predicted climb rate (with BADA) v Figure 35 — Predicted climb rate (with ML) v actual
actual from CTFM from CTFM

b. Comparison of error rates between current (FTFM) and new ML calculation

Figure 36 — Mean square error on actual climb rates (with low-pass filter)

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Objective IMP-03: For each transformation step, the environment (i.e. software tools and hardware)
necessary to perform model transformation should be identified and any associated assumptions or
limitations captured and validated.

a. System architecture
Depending on the context where the 4D trajectory calculation is performed, the AI/ML library could
be called from different processes. The following is the logical architecture of ETFMS. The 4D trajectory
is calculated within the ‘profiler process’:


DNP Service shared
Query file
Remote CUA
Clients MMI system

Query Warning Tacot
ETFMS Query ...
Handlers Process
Adapter Handlers Process

Regulation Session
Process Supervision
IFPU2 IFPU2 Process

ANg1 Profiler
Profiler Counter
ANg1 Profiler
Profiler Counter
Receiver Process Process

Receiver Flight Environment
Data Process
AN1 Archive
Sender Process DWH

AN3 Transmit Environment City

AN3D Handler Pair
Sender Buffer

ESB Data

Figure 37 — ETFMS logical architecture

The ‘profiler process’ computes the flight profile or 4D trajectory. For performance reasons, several
processes can co-exist in ETFMS. An algorithm statically associates a flight with a ‘profiler process’ to
allow parallelism.
The ‘profiler process’ is mission-critical. Its failure induces an ETFMS failure.

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The flight load is distributed equally by a hashing algorithm amongst the number of ‘profiler
processes’. Once a flight has been associated with a given instance of a process, for the sake of data
consistency, this instance is the only one that manages the flight; all messages relating to the flight
are directed to it.
The ‘profiler process’ embeds the Curtain software package.
The Curtain software package has been adapted to use the AI/ML constituent.
b. AI/ML constituent as a library
— General information
A prediction is a numerical value provided by a TensorFlow model. The inputs are an ordered list of
fields and, usually, after transformation and normalisation, are passed to the model which returns a
value, the prediction. The library should be supported with additional information: the TensorFlow
model resulting from training, the statistics from the training data (mainly mean and standard
deviation) used by the normalisation, and the conversion from categorical value to numerical value
used to include categories in the prediction. The library is also configured with a description of the
fields, categories, eventual ways to validate the input and output, and, in the case of invalid input,
how to replace them by acceptable values.
A prediction is provided by a predictor. The API lets the user create and register one or more predictors
with a given name. It is possible to remove an existing predictor but also to swap two predictors (they
exchanged their names) as a shortcut to remove and re-create. Creation implies moving in memory
several lookup tables, so swapping can improve performance in some cases.
Each predictor is linked to one or more TensorFlow models, provided as TensorFlow .pb and
checkpoint files.
As a lot is triggered by configuration, there is a function in the API to print the global configuration
(input data and pre-computed lookup tables) from a predictor. Another function will try to analyse
the predictor in order to see if it is consistent (at least one model, at least one field, etc.).
The API is a C API and will provide different functions, structures to represent input data and
enumerations for code values.
— Workflow
The library implemented a workflow which is generic and can be reused for different AI/ML use cases.
The figure below depicts the workflow for prediction which was implemented:

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Figure 38 — Workflow for prediction delivered by the AI/ML library

The saved models were used in the ETFMS operational context via the C/C++ API.
This library was delivered to the ETFMS, and an Ada binding is produced so that the predictions could
be provided by a simple in-process call in the same address space.
The reason for this is the need for very low latency and high bandwidth to ML predictions as the
trajectory calculations in ETFMS are particularly performance-sensitive. It is not feasible or desirable
to use a traditional technique of providing an ML REST-based server to provide the predictions as the
latency of the network connection would make the predictions useless in this context.

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c. Executable model architecture

The following depicts part of the NM operational infrastructure running the ETFMS.
ETFMS is located on-premise. It is part of a mission-critical cluster (called RED). ETFMS operational
instance (ptacop1 or ptacop3) is part of the sub cluster RED_03, which contains four virtual machines
(red011 to red014).
These virtual machines are based on Linux Red Hat Enterprise Server Operating System.
All the virtual machines of the RED Cluster are spread over the 6 HP DL560 G10 Servers (rambo, rocky,
rufus, romeo, rusty, roger), all based on 36 CPS and 1,5 TB of RAM.
The hypervisor used to manage the virtual machines is VMWare ESXi.
Storage for this cluster is spread over NASes (rednas10 to 13). Inference model verification

Objective IMP-06: The applicant should perform an evaluation of the performance of the inference
model based on the test data set and document the result of the model verification.

a. Verification of improvements at network level

The most appropriate way to assess the performance of the AI/ML constituent was to analyse the
impact on the network situation. This analysis is possible based on some tools capable of replaying
specific situations which have occurred in the past (also known as PREQUAL). For more information,
please refer to the full report available by EUROCONTROL.
The table below demonstrates significant improvements on the network for two separate dates in
10/08/2020 14/02/2020 18/12/2020

Avg Max Avg Max Avg Max

BL 283 051 1 860 046 544 428 3 226 165 285 194 1 783 651

ML 265 889 1 655 747 514225 2 880 420 272 071 1 632 486

Improv. 6,06 % 10,98 % 5,54 % 10,71 % 4,60 % 8,48 %

Table 14 — Improvements on the network

Objective IMP-07: The applicant should perform a requirements-based verification of the inference
model behaviour and document the coverage of the ML constituent requirements by verification

In addition to verification of the improvement brought at network level, verification activities have
taken place from various perspectives, including system resilience.

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b. Robustness

Objective IMP-08: The applicant should perform and document the verification of the robustness of
the inference model.

At the date of this report, the robustness of the AI/ML constituent remains to be investigated. It will
be progressively assessed via additional testing at the limits (e.g. how will the model perform when
being faced to abnormal data like an unknown airport or unknown aircraft type).
c. Resilience
Based on the system requirements identified for Curtain, and the target architecture, should the
model face robustness limitations, then the legacy climb and descent computation would continue to
deliver the service even in a less performant mode of operation. All these measures ensure resilience
at system level.

3.2. Time-based separation (TBS) and optimised runway delivery (ORD) solutions
3.2.1. Trustworthiness analysis — description of the system and ConOps Description of the system

Objective CO-03: The applicant should determine the AI-based system taking into account domain-
specific definitions of ‘system’.

Headwind conditions on final approach cause a reduction of the aircraft ground speed which for
distance-based separation results in increased time separation for each aircraft pair, a reduction of
the landing rate, and a lack of stability of the runway throughput during arrival operations. This has a
negative impact not only on the achieved capacity, but also on the predictability of operations, time
and fuel efficiency, and environment (emissions). The impact on predictability for core hubs is
particularly important at the network level. The service disruption caused by the reduction in achieved
runway throughput compared to declared capacity in medium and strong headwinds on final
approach has a significant impact on the overall network performance. It is also particularly
exacerbated if this occurs on the first rotation of the day because of the impact on all the other
rotations throughout the day.
Time-based separation (TBS) on final approach is an operational solution, which uses time instead of
distance to safely separate aircraft on their final approach to a runway.
In order to apply this concept, approach and tower ATCOs need to be supported by a separation
delivery tool which:
— provides a distance indicator (final target distance (FTD)), enabling to visualise, on the
surveillance display, the distance corresponding to the applicable TBS minima, and taking into
account the prevailing wind conditions;
— integrates all applicable separation minima and spacing needs.
This separation delivery tool, providing separation indicators between arrival pairs on final approach,
also enables an increase in separation performance when providing a second indicator (initial target

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distance (ITD)): a spacing indicator to optimise the compression buffers ensuring optimum runway
delivery (ORD). Both indicators are shown in Figure 39.

Figure 39 — Representation of FTD and ITD in the ATCO’s separation delivery tool

The move from distance (DBS)- to time (TBS)-based rules allows efficient and safe separation
management requests to properly model/predict aircraft ground speed and behaviour in short final
approach and the associated uncertainty. A too conservative definition of buffer in the indicator
calculation can lead to a reduction of efficiency, whereas making use of advanced ML techniques for
flight behaviour prediction allows improvements of separation delivery compared to today while
maintaining or even reducing the associated ATCO workload.
The Calibration of Optimised Approach Spacing Tool (COAST) is a EUROCONTROL service to ANSPs for
safely optimising the calculation of TBS-ORD target distance indicators through the training and
validation of ML models and a methodology to use them. A description of COAST can be found in
Those models can then be integrated in the indicator calculation modules of a TBS-ORD ATC separation
tool. The inference model functional architecture in such a tool is depicted in Figure 40.

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Figure 40 — TBS-ORD system functional architecture

To build the different models, EUROCONTROL has developed a pipeline that creates the different
components defined in the architecture based on each airport’s historical data. The execution of the
ML toolbox pipeline can be summarised as follows: a set of flights and couples are read from the
database. The data set is split in three data subsets, called training, validation and test data sets, which
are given as an input to the ML toolbox. The toolbox computes ML time-to-fly, FTD and ITD buffer
models using the training set and calculates the coverage (defining when ML models can be used) on
the validation set. A conservative time-to-fly model is also developed and calibrated based on the
training set whereas conservative FTD and ITD buffer models are calibrated based on the validation
set. The whole process is then assessed on the independent test data set. For every execution of the
pipeline, ad hoc model performance reports are generated. They include information about:
— time-to-fly estimation quality;
— buffers estimation accuracies;
— coverage functions explanation; and
— FTD/ITD and resulting time separations.
The toolbox requires the following historical data as inputs:
— flight data: aircraft type, category (RECAT), airline, runway, landing time, time-to-fly profile and
optionally origin airport
— weather data: surface head-, cross- and total wind, vertical profile of head- and cross-wind,
temperature and pressure on the glide
— constraints information: wake distance- and time-based separation, runway occupancy time
(ROT) spacing and surveillance (MRS) minima
The models can also be trained without having access to some optional features (e.g. origin airport,

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Design criteria are defined for FTD and ITD:

— for FTD, to ensure compliance with applicable wake, surveillance and ROT separation/spacing
— for ITD, to prevent FTD infringement after leader deceleration to stabilised approach speed.
The ML toolbox creates a set of ML models and functions:
— Predictive time-to-fly models
— Predictive buffer models
— A set of coverage functions and the associated decision trees
— A set of conservative models:

• conservative models for time-to-fly

• conservative models for buffers Concept of operations

Objective CO-04: The applicant should define and document the ConOps for the AI-based system,
including the task allocation pattern between the end user(s) and the AI-based system. A focus should
be put on the definition of the OD and on the capture of specific operational limitations and

Operational design domain (ODD)

The TBS-ORD separation delivery tool supports and is used by the approach and tower controllers in
delivering the required separation or spacing on approach to the runway landing threshold. It
calculates the indicators and displays target distances on the approach and tower controller working
positions (CWPs).
The target distances indicators include:
— Final target distance (FTD): a separation indicator which displays the required separation /
spacing to be delivered to the required delivery point (DP). The separation indicator
corresponds to the minimum distance separation to be applied between the leader and the
follower when the leader is overflying the separation DP.
— Initial target distance (ITD): a spacing indicator which displays the required separation when
the leader aircraft is at a prescribed glide speed (e.g. 160 kt) before deceleration to final
approach speed such that the FTD will be obtained at the separation DP.

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Figure 41 shows a representation of the FTD and ITD indicators during final approach phase.

Figure 41 — Evolution of FTD and ITD indicators during final approach phase

Within COAST, a set of models are developed using advanced big data and ML techniques to predict
aircraft performance (in terms of trajectory / time to fly) on the final approach as well as the safety
buffers required to account for uncertainties relating to aircraft performance and wind. The COAST
output consists of a number of different models that are used by a TBS-ORD separation delivery tool
to calculate the FTD and ITD per aircraft pair. These ML models are used instead of using more
traditional analytical techniques.
The models calibrated through COAST consist of:
— Trajectory/time-to-fly ML model — predicting the trajectory/time-to-fly profile of a flight on
the final approach.
— FDT and ITD buffer ML models — predicting the buffer to be added in the FTD and ITD
calculation. The time-to-fly model indeed predicts an average expected profile for an aircraft.
Its predictions allow the computation of expected separation (FTD) and compression (ITD)
indicators. However, uncertainties exist on the time-to-fly predicted profiles of both the leader
and follower and also due to uncertainty on the aircraft airspeed profiles and on the wind
— Time-to-fly, FTD buffer and ITD buffer conservative models — For certain flight conditions,
where there is little data and the confidence in the quality of the ML models is limited,
conservative models are developed. When a flight or an aircraft pair is not considered covered
(identified by an independent performance evaluation of the predictability of the models using
an independent test data set), a fallback is needed. To do so, conservative models are defined
for both trajectory / time-to-fly and buffers. They are calibrated based on the training data set.
In the process, the ML models are thus only used if a sufficient amount of consistent data is available
to train the model and if it leads to ensuring that the FTD and ITD design criteria will be met. If this is
not the case, then the fallback is the use of the conservative models. This approach allows the
calculation of indicators to cover any aircraft in any situation, approaching the airport under safe

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Figure 42 and Figure 43 show the coverage decision tree for respectively the separation indicator (FTD)
and the compression spacing indicator (ITD).

Figure 42 — Separation indicator (FTD) coverage decision tree

Figure 43 — Spacing indicator (ITD) coverage decision tree

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OOD – out-of domain detection and solution

Conservative models
We have to ensure the reliability and safety of models. When a flight or a pair is not covered, a fallback
is needed. To do so, conservative models are defined for both time-to-fly and buffer models. The time-
to-fly conservative model is calibrated based on the training set whereas FTD and ITD buffer
conservative models are calibrated based on the validation set. They can also be used for previously
unseen cases. This conservative approach guarantees that safety is preserved with a limited
operational cost in terms of over-spacing. The uncovered pairs are by definition too rare to
dramatically affect the overall performance.
Regarding time-to-fly, two types of conservative models must be defined: conservatively slow time-
to-fly models for the leaders, and conservatively fast time-to-fly models for the followers.

Coverage functions
The coverage functions are intended to decide in which cases we can rely on the trained ML time-to-
fly and buffer models. This decision is taken comparing the obtained FTD and ITD separation
performance compared to the FTD and ITD design criteria based on the empirical validation data set. Description of the ML model data management process (inputs, outputs, functions)
The data ingestion in the ML pipeline is carried out following these steps:
1. Data loader: The data loader imports adequately the airport raw data files containing historical
flights and meteorological information into the structured database.
2. Pre-processing: Even if raw data files have been stored and organised in the database using the
data loaders, they are still not suited for feeding the ML toolbox. Indeed, several steps are
needed such as de-noising the data, filtering some unsuited data and creating new complex
features from raw data. The pre-processing procedure is made up of seven steps:
— Detect the landing time and the landing runway
— Compute the wind/temperature/pressure vertical profiles associated with every single
— Detect the glide measurements and threshold their speeds
— Associate the runway surface headwind and crosswind with all flights
— Filter out the flights according to their final true air speed
— Generate a time-to-fly profile for all flights
— Create leader-follower couples

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Once the data is ready for its management, the different ML models consider the cleaned data
as follows:
• Time-to-fly data management
Time-to-fly, FTD and ITD and buffer models are estimated on a training data set. For FTD
and ITD buffer model training, flight couples (i.e. pairs) are required. Those couples are
built assuming that arrivals taking place on the same runway in a certain time interval
could have been an aircraft pair. A classic random train/test split on the flight couples is
not suitable. The guarantee of independence between two subsets randomly drawn from
the input data set is not straightforward. Since a flight can be simultaneously a leader in
one or several couples and a follower in other couples, we need to ensure that couples
involving the same flight are not distributed among training and test sets simultaneously.
To solve this problem, the split of the input data set is made on a daily basis. All the
couples landing on the same day are assigned to the same set. The split between training,
validation and test sets follows the same rule as for time-to-fly, FTD and ITD buffer
models. If both leader and follower are in the time-to-fly training set, the couple is in the
buffers training set. If both are in the test set, the couple is assigned to the buffers test
• Time-to-fly data management
In order to check the quality of the output, and then to ensure confidence in the models,
the performance of the time-to-fly models is evaluated on an independent test data set.
This independence is fundamental to avoid introducing bias in the evaluation.

• FTD buffer data management

The features for a given couple are built by merging the flight and weather features of
the leader and the follower aircraft. Additionally, the time and distance separation rules
are concatenated to the resulting data vector.
The targets are defined using the time-to-fly prediction on each follower flight. For each
couple and each constraint, a predicted distance to fulfil a constraint is computed. It is
then compared to the actual distance (using ground truth data) to compute the leeway
(the maximal reduction to apply on the prediction without violating the constraints).
We use a script to produce features and targets for both predictive and fully conservative
FTD buffers. It is invoked twice:
o Once for the predictive FTD buffers, using the predictive time-to-fly model
o Once for the fully conservative FTD buffers, using the conservative follower time-
to-fly model

• ITD buffer data management

The features for a given couple are built by merging the flight and weather features of
both, the leader and the follower aircraft. Additionally, the time and distance separation
rules are concatenated to the resulting data vector.

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For each couple, the FTD must have been computed previously, since one of the
constraints is related to the respect of the FTD.
The targets are defined using the time-to-fly prediction on each leader and follower
flights. For each couple and each constraint, a predicted distance to fulfil a constraint is
computed. It is then compared to the actual distance (using ground truth data) to
compute the leeway (the maximal reduction to apply on the prediction without violating
the constraints). ML model design process (AI techniques)

Time-to-fly learning — description
Since a flight can be present in several couples, and in order to avoid having these couples split
between train and test (which will result in a loss of independence), we consider that all flights landing
on the same day must either be train flights or test flights. The data set is then split on the landing
day. Features and targets are stored separately.
Features and targets
The predictive model has the inputs and outputs described in Table 15.
Features Target

Per each flight: A vector containing 80 time-to-fly values, in seconds,

at points located on the glide, between 0 and 20 km
Flight data:
from the runway threshold. Those points are
• Aircraft type horizontally spaced by 250 metres.
• Category (RECAT)
• Airline
• Origin airport
• Runway
• Landing time (hour and day)
Weather data:
• Headwind at runway threshold
• Crosswind at runway threshold
• Total wind at runway threshold
• Altitude headwind profile on the glide
• Altitude crosswind profile on the glide
• Altitude temperature profile on the glide
• Altitude pressure profile on the glide
Table 15 — Features and targets of the time-to-fly AI/ML constituent

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FTD buffer learning — description

For buffer models, contrary to the time-to-fly case, the targets are not directly computed from raw
data. The targets are defined as the maximal distance which can be safely subtracted from the
conventional separation distance using the predictive time-to-fly model. Some processing is then
needed to create the training and test sets.
We will learn a different model for each time-based separation/spacing constraint, but they will be
serialised as a single .onnx file.
Features and targets
The predictive model has the inputs and outputs described in Table 16.
Features Target

Leader and follower flight data: Four additional distances, in kilometres, to be added
to the expected separation distance to meet the
• Aircraft type
considered separation/spacing constraints
• Category (RECAT)
• Airline
• Landing runway
• Landing time and day
Weather data:
• Headwind at runway
• Surface crosswind
• Surface total wind
• Down-sampled altitude headwind profile on
the glide
• Down-sampled crosswind profile on the
• Down-sampled temperature profile on the
• Down-sampled pressure profile on the glide
Separation constraints:
• Distance- and time-based wake separation
• Leader ROT
• Time-to-fly prediction for the follower
Table 16 — Features and targets of the FTD buffer ML constituent

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ITD buffer learning — description

For ITD buffer models, contrary to the time-to-fly case and analogously to the FTD buffer one, the
targets are not directly computed from raw data. The targets are defined as the maximal distance
which can be subtracted from the separation distance predicted using the predictive time-to-fly
model. Some processing is then needed to create the training and testing sets.
We will learn a different model for each separation/spacing constraint, but they will be serialised as a
single .onnx file.
Features and targets
The predictive model has the inputs and outputs described in Table 17.
Features Target

Leader and follower flight data: Two additional distances, in kilometres, to be added
to the expected separation distance to meet the
• Aircraft type
considered constraints
• Category (RECAT)
• Airline
• Landing runway
• Landing time and day
Weather data:
• Headwind at runway
• Surface crosswind
• Surface total wind
• Down-sampled altitude headwind profile on
the glide
• Down-sampled crosswind profile on the
• Down-sampled temperature profile on the
• Down-sampled pressure profile on the glide
Separation constraints:
• Distance- and time-based wake separation
• Leader ROT
TTF output for leader and follower aircraft.
• FTD output for the aircraft pair
Table 17 — Features and targets of the ITD buffer ML-constituent

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The use of ML models to calculate time-based separation and spacing indicators makes it possible to
use statistical behaviour in their computation and hence harmonise error rates and enhance
prediction accuracy, which results in improved operational efficiency.
The benefits related to the use of FTD and ITD are further illustrated by providing three scenarios:
1. Current situation with no optimisation: In this scenario, there is neither FTD (allowing dynamic
separation reduction) nor ITD (providing optimised spacing indication). A conservative spacing buffer
is thus applied before leader deceleration (starting at deceleration fix (DF)) in order to cope with
compression uncertainty resulting in a separation delivered at threshold showing some margin
compared to the minimum.

Figure 44 — Current ATCO support tool for separation and spacing

2. Use of ITD without change of separation minima mode: In this scenario, the use of the ITD allows
optimised spacing of the flight before leader deceleration (starting at DF) resulting in a DBS delivered
at threshold with higher accuracy.

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Figure 45 — DBS mode + ATC support tool for separation and spacing

3. Use of ITD with reduced separation minima: In this scenario, the use of FTD, allowing dynamic
separation reduction (e.g. applying TBS) combined with ITD, improving the separation delivery
accuracy, shows significant decrease in the delivered separation.

Figure 46 — TBS mode + ATC support tool for separation and spacing

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Objective CL-01: The applicant should classify the AI-based system, based on the levels presented in
Table 2, with adequate justifications.

Three applications were identified during use case development:

Distance-based separation — optimum runway delivery (DBS — ORD)
In this mode of application, the separation is based on distance as usual, but the tool provides an ITD
indicator to the ATCO allowing the optimal spacing of aircraft on final approach.
The system assists the human in this case. The decision is solely the task and responsibility of the
ATCO. Therefore, the AI-based system for this application is Level 1B.
Time-based separation (TBS)
In this mode of application, the separation is based on time. The separation minimum allowed to be
applied by the ATCO is indicated on the CWP by the FTD. The ATCO is asked to target the indicator and
is allowed to reduce the separation down to the FTD possibly below the current DBS. The ATCO has
no means to verify that the FTD between two aircraft on final approach is safe.
Time-based separation — optimum runway delivery (TBS — ORD)
In this mode of application, the separation is based on time, similarly as in the previous mode, but the
tool provides an ITD indicator to the ATCO allowing the optimal spacing of aircraft on final approach.
TBS application with or without ORD (cases b. and c.) provides the human with the information on the
applicable separation minimum, which is dynamic (depending on aircraft-specific behaviour and
prevailing wind). Because of the complexity of calculation, the decision logic is not provided to the
ATCO. This is intrinsically related to the nature of the TBS solution and would also be the case for
separation indicators calculated based on non-ML models. Strictly speaking, the responsibility to
separate aircraft according to FTD still lies with the ATCO (i.e. the ATCO could still apply larger
separation corresponding to DBS). However, the decision on applicable separation/spacing minima is
transferred from the current distance-based rules known by the ATCO to an ML-based decision which
the ATCO cannot override because of the lack of information. For that reason, these applications could
be classified up to Level 2.

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4. Use cases — aircraft production and maintenance

It should be noted that maintenance to assure continuing airworthiness of products is divided into
two fundamentally different levels of activity:
— Planning and scheduling of maintenance tasks: this is typically done in by CAMOs.
In the generic wording of GM M.A.708(b)(4) ‘the CAMO is responsible for determining what
maintenance is required, when it has to be performed, by whom and to what standard in order
to ensure the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft.’, to determine what and when is currently
decided based on fixed maintenance schedules and monitoring mainly simple usage parameters
of the aircraft (e.g. flights, flight hours, calendar time), also including a regular update of the
maintenance schedule taking into account in-service experience.
Modern aircraft providing an enormous amount of data in service and other information
available (e.g. environmental data) do now provide a data pool which would allow scheduling
maintenance much more appropriately and individually; however, to evaluate such big amount
of data, sophisticated ML models are required.
— Performance of maintenance: this is typically done by approved maintenance organisations
(often also referred to as Part-145 organisations, as they are covered in Part-145).
During performance of more complex maintenance tasks, it is normal to make use of special
test equipment, today often including software. The use of test equipment containing AI/ML
has a high potential to improve the quality of tests and inspections, while also improving
In both domains, AI-based systems could be used to augment, support or replace human action, hence
two examples are given.

4.1. Controlling corrosion by usage-driven inspections

4.1.1. Trustworthiness analysis Description of the system
Currently the so-called corrosion prevention and control programmes (CPCP) managed at fleet level
do control corrosion by scheduled inspections implemented at a fixed threshold and performed at
fixed intervals, which are from time to time adjusted depending on the severity of corrosion found
during previous inspections.
Today we have detailed data about where the aircraft has been at which point in time, which
temperature, rainfall, de-icing agents, corrosion-critical pollutants, etc. it has been exposed to, how it
has been utilised, which corrosion findings have been made on other aircraft, and a lot of other usage,
utilisation, maintenance, repair, events etc. it has experienced. From this huge data pool an ML model
could be trained to evaluate the individual corrosion risk of all relevant locations within each individual
aircraft, to allow the CAMO to schedule focused inspections for corrosion at the most appropriate
time (when airworthiness is not at risk, the probability of findings is high, and repair is still economic).

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Figure 47 — General philosophy of CPCP by utilisation of data and AI

Objective CO-03: The applicant should determine the AI-based system taking into account domain-
specific definitions of ‘system’.

A system at the CAMO would constantly receive operational data from the aircraft, either directly
through satellite data link (e.g. ACARS), or indirectly as download by the operator or a contracted
service provider. Additional data (e.g. weather data, whether de-icing has been performed,
occurrences, repairs) would be constantly acquired as well creating a database covering the full-
service history of all individual aircraft under the control of the CAMO.
This does already happen today, but to a lower extent and not specifically focusing on corrosion, but
is typically more related to system components (which do provide more specific data easily processed
by conventional deterministic algorithms).

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A special system would then analyse the data collected, making use of an ML model trained on similar
data of other aircraft in the past to predict the level of corrosion which is probably present at specific
areas within individual aircraft.

Figure 48 — Example of a possible system output: predicted corrosion in specific areas Description of the system(s) involved (inputs, outputs, functions)

Usage data of individual aircraft
Environmental data (covering the location at the time of operation)
Operational information (e.g. type of cargo loaded, seafood?)
Findings from inspections (in all of the fleet)

Corrosion risk level at individual locations of individual aircraft
(output could be in the form of an alert or regular status information)

Type of AI:
Pattern detection in large databases Expected benefits and justification for Level 1

The application is expected to improve corrosion control by identifying areas of specific aircraft which
have been exposed to increased corrosion risk and require an earlier inspection to limit the severity
of structural degradation, or to identify areas of specific aircraft which have not been exposed to high
corrosion justifying a later inspection reducing cost, downtime and the risk of access-induced damage.
This would allow the increase of safety while reducing cost at the same time.

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For the maintenance planning activity, it is not so easy to determine the role of humans. Whereas the
actual inspection at the aircraft is still performed by humans, the planning of such physical human
interference with the aircraft could be implemented at a high level of automation.
Maintenance planning is done today already using computers. Even if performed by humans, all
maintenance work at the aircraft is scheduled through computer tools. There is however also always
a certain level of human involvement; for example, humans decide which mechanic/inspector should
perform which of the scheduled tasks. As such all physical human interference with the aircraft
requested by the system can always be overridden by humans (they can always inspect an aircraft
although not requested, they can always reject the request to inspect).
In a first application, the system would only support the maintenance planning engineer in deciding
when to perform a corrosion inspection at a certain area of an individual aircraft, which would make
it a Level 1B system. As the decision to perform a specific maintenance task is always following several
considerations (e.g. aircraft availability at the place of the maintenance organisation, availability of
hangar space, access requirements and the possibility to perform several tasks at the same time), the
final decision is always complex, so the system may also be understood as being only Level 1A and
only supporting the maintenance engineer by providing and analysing information.
It could however be possible to upgrade the system up to Level 3A, if all those practical and economical
aspects of maintenance planning could be ignored, and the system could automatically schedule
inspections without any human interference at CAMO level.
The system could be set up with two types of fundamentally different output:
— Providing the maintenance engineer with regular (e.g. weekly) reports of the aircraft status
— Providing the maintenance engineer with a warning if an area reaches a selected alert threshold
This is similar to the concept of installing either an indication or a warning on the flight deck to either
allow monitoring by the flight crew or to alert them when required. There are advantages and
disadvantages for both concepts and a combination is also possible.
This will finally make the difference between a Level 1A or 1B system.

Objective CL-01: The applicant should classify the AI-based system, based on the levels presented in
Table 2, with adequate justifications.

The AI Level 1A ‘Human augmentation’ classification is justified by only providing additional/advisory

information (support to information analysis) to the maintenance engineer without any suggestion
for action or decision-making.

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4.2. Damage detection in images (X-Ray, ultrasonic, thermography)

4.2.1. Trustworthiness analysis — description of the system and ConOps
Visual inspections and non-destructive testing (NDT) are typical methods to detect damage of aircraft
Those tasks rely on specifically trained inspectors visually detecting damages either by directly
inspecting items or by evaluating pictures (e.g. X-Ray pictures). With today’s technology, as most
pictures are no longer produced physically but digitally, detection of damages is already typically
performed on computer screens, either ‘offline’ in offices after taking them at the aircraft or even
‘online’ directly at the aircraft using portable test equipment with displays.
This use case could be similarly applied to a variety of images, from optical pictures (photographs)
taken by humans, fixed cameras or programmed or potentially autonomously acting machines (such
as UAS that are already used successfully in maintenance to detect damages on structures), through
sophisticated imaging technology like X-ray or thermography (infrared) up to fully synthetic pictures
generated by scanning an area with ultrasonic or eddy current probes. All these inspection methods
finally produce digital images which have to be checked for showing damages or defects. Recognising
damage shown on digital pictures would be a typical application of AI, similar to some other
applications currently widely discussed (runway detection, ‘see-and-avoid’). The learning algorithm
and the training of the ML model of course would be individually different for the different types of
image to be evaluated.
To be able to address specific issues, the example chosen is the analysis of thermographic images, a
method when pictures of the aircraft are taken by digital optical means in the infrared range of the
light spectrum in combination with production of a temperature difference (typically heating up the
appropriate test item and then inspect it in a room colder than the item), allowing the detection of
several types of typical damage in composites structures by visualising the local thermal capacity and
conductivity of the item. Infrared cameras have advanced enormously in the last two decades and are
now as easy to use as any other optical camera.

Figure 49 — Thermographic images of a fighter aircraft rudder showing water ingress in honeycomb cells

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Figure 50 — Optical and thermographic image of a GFRP sandwich panel Description of the system

Objective CO-03: The applicant should determine the AI-based system taking into account domain-
specific definitions of ‘system’.

A system supporting thermographic inspections of aircraft could be integrated in portable test

equipment to be used at the aircraft.
Such a system would not only show, but also analyse the digital image produced with the infrared
camera and provide the inspector with additional information and classification of the details seen in
the picture by damage type and criticality. A data link to the operator/CAMO/manufacturer databases
could be envisaged in the future.

Figure 51 — Portable thermographic test equipment, potentially including an image evaluation system

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Figure 52 — Example of how the system could mark some areas in images to support inspection of honeycomb
sandwich Concept of operations

Objective CO-04: The applicant should define and document the ConOps for the AI-based system,
including the task allocation pattern between the end user(s) and the AI-based system. A focus should
be put on the definition of the OD and on the capture of specific operational limitations and

The terms ‘operation’ and ‘limitation’ are not typical in the maintenance domain.
The AI-based system is intended to be used for NDT to inspect aircraft structures. The system needs
to be trained on specific types of structures (e.g. monolithic composites, bonded metal), specific
materials (e.g. CFRP, aluminium) and specific failures/damages/defects (e.g. delaminations, disbond,
water ingress). Each specific system configuration is strictly limited to be used on the appropriate type
of structure.
This is comparable to the situation today with human inspectors, who are also just qualified to perform
certain NDT methods on certain types of structure. Training the ML model is comparable to the
requirements for human inspectors to be specifically trained for the NDT they perform.
Additionally M.A.608 requires that ‘Tools and equipment shall be controlled and calibrated to an
officially recognised standard.’ Specifically for NDT equipment, the individual tools and equipment
used have individual sensitivity and detection characteristics. It is therefore normal practice that those
are adjusted in line with equipment and aircraft manufacturer instructions in order to be calibrated.
To this purpose, defects (type, size) are predefined by the manufacturer by use of a ‘standard’ (i.e.
one or more test pieces with an artificial defect as defined by the aircraft manufacturer). This very
same philosophy is applicable for ML. The end user needs to train (calibrate) the ML model
(equipment) with a data set (standard) defined by the aircraft manufacturer. Then the end user needs
to demonstrate that the trained model is able to correctly classify all the standard samples.
M.A.608 also covers ‘verified equivalents as listed in the maintenance organisation manual’ to ‘the
equipment and tools specified in the maintenance data’, meaning it is allowed and normal practice
not to use the specific NDT method and/or equipment required by the manufacturer, but an

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alternative method/equipment verified to be equivalent. This implicitly allows the use of equipment
making use of AI/ML if it is verified to provide equivalent detection capability. This of course needs to
be demonstrated to the approving authority. Description of the system(s) involved (inputs, outputs, functions)

Digital image from an infrared camera
Digital picture with highlighted areas of interest
Information about the type and severity of damage found
Type of AI:
Image recognition Expected benefits and justification for Level 1

The application is expected to reduce workload and improve the quality of inspection. A major issue
of human performance is the change in attention over the day as a lot of maintenance is performed
at night either as line maintenance given that the aircraft flies during the day, or in a 24-hour activity
to keep the downtime short. The use of AI-based systems would allow for a more consistent quality
of inspections reducing the impact of human factors.
Additionally, the use of an image assessment based on a computer system allows the inspector to be
provided with additional information derived from databases, e.g. by recognising which exact location
of the aircraft is shown in the picture, to highlight the location of previous repairs or to show
modifications and to provide additional information such as the allowable damage size in that area,
information which today has to be manually produced by the inspector using the appropriate
In a first step, the system would be classified as a Level 1B, as the system would support the inspector
to take the decision whether:
— the inspected structure is free of defects;
— it only contains allowable damage; or
— a deeper inspection or a repair is required before the aircraft can return to service.
The final decision and the need to sign off the inspection would remain with the human; the system
would just support this.
In a later stage, higher levels would be technically possible but would require a change of the current
philosophy about how maintenance is performed, also requiring changes to regulatory requirements.

Objective CL-01: The applicant should classify the AI-based system, based on the levels presented in
Table 2, with adequate justifications.

The AI Level 1B ‘Human assistance’ classification is justified by providing information to support

decision/action selection to the maintenance engineer.

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A risk of complacency and over-reliance on the applications exists. Inspectors may be biased in their
final decision if the system would classify a detail in the image to not show a defect and they may not
check as thoroughly as today when being very confident in the performance of the system.
As many inspections are intended to prevent catastrophic failure by detecting damages or defects
before they grow to a critical size (damage tolerance concept), non-detection of existing damage can
have a safety impact. As long as the final decision is still with the human and the system just provides
support, these safety risks exist in combination with human factors, for which safety management
systems are already in place.

5. Use cases — training / FSTD

5.1. Assessment of training performance
This use case will be developed in a future revision of this document.

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6. Use cases — aerodromes

It needs to be made clear that the scope of the European rules for aerodrome safety address the
aviation activities and operational processes on the airside only; and that the so-called landside is not
covered by these rules. It is however inside the terminal and in relation to passenger services and
passenger management where AI has manifold application areas. For example, AI is integrated with
airport security systems such as screening, perimeter security and surveillance since these will enable
the aerodrome operator to improve the safety and security of the passengers. Furthermore, border
control and police forces use facial recognition and millimetre-wave technologies to scan people
walking through a portable security gate. ML techniques are used to automatically analyse data for
threats, including explosives and firearms, while ignoring non-dangerous items — for example, keys
and belt buckles — users may be carrying. In addition, ML techniques are used by customs to detect
prohibited or restricted items in luggage.
On the airside, there are by comparison fewer use cases of AI/ML in the service of aerodrome safety.
The most well-known ones are:

6.1. Detection of foreign object debris (FOD) on the runway

The presence of FOD on the runways can end up damaging aircraft, vehicle and equipment, and
ultimately can even cause accidents. FOD prevention and the inspection of movement area for the
presence of FOD is a core activity of aerodrome operators. Because physical inspections of runways
are time-consuming and reduce capacity and are also not free of human detection error, the use of
technological solutions for FOD detection has long been attempted. More recently the application of
ML by such systems has been included, as this way the detection of FOD and the related alerts would
be more reliable. Since there is a considerable market for FOD detection systems and not all systems
are of the desired reliability and maturity, it is not advised to single any of them out.
This use case may be further developed in a future revision of this document. EASA would welcome if
it could be alerted of any impediments to the evolution of such systems in today’s rules for aerodrome

6.2. Avian radars

At airports, the prevention of bird strikes to aircraft is an ongoing challenge. Avian radars can track
the exact flight paths of both flocks and individual birds up to 10 km. They automatically detect and
log hundreds of birds simultaneously, including their size, speed, direction, and flight path. Bird radar
tracks may be presented to tablets of the bird control vehicles in real time, thereby creating situational
awareness and allowing for better response by bird control staff. Collection of data related to bird
activities may be used to predict future problematic areas, identify specific patterns and support
decision-making. Since there is a considerable market for avian radar systems and as not all systems
are of the desired reliability and maturity, it is not advised to single any of them out.
This use case may be further developed in a future revision of this document. EASA would welcome if
it could be alerted of any impediments to the evolution of such systems in today’s rules for aerodrome

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6.3. UAS detection systems

Similar to the situation with birds, the surroundings of aerodromes may be affected by the unlawful
use of unmanned aircraft. This represents a hazard to aircraft landing and taking off from the runways.
UAS detection, tracking and classification, in conjunction with alert and even neutralisation functions
by reliable technological solutions will one day provide the desired safety and security for the airport
environment; however, as today’s technology-based C-UAS solutions are mostly multi-sensor-based,
no single technology can perform several functionalities satisfactorily. The improvement of such
technologies with ML appears to be the logical evolution.
Since there is a considerable market for such UAS detection systems and as not all systems are of the
desired reliability and maturity, it is not advised to single any of them out.
This use case may be further developed in a future revision of this document. EASA would welcome if
it could be alerted of any impediments to the evolution of such systems in today’s rules for aerodrome

7. Use cases — environmental protection

7.1. Engine thrust and flight emissions estimation
This use case will be developed in a future revision of this document.

8. Use cases — safety management

8.1. Quality management of the European Central Repository (ECR)
This use case will be developed in a future revision of this document.

8.2. Support to automatic safety report data capture

This use case will be developed in a future revision of this document.

8.3. Support to automatic risk classification

This use case will be developed in a future revision of this document.

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G. Annex 3 — Definitions and acronyms

1. Definitions
Accessibility — The extent to which products, systems, services, environments and facilities can be
used by people from a population with the widest range of user needs, characteristics and capabilities
to achieve identified goals in identified contexts of use (which includes direct use or use supported by
assistive technologies)31.
Accountability — This term refers to the idea that one is responsible for their action – and as a
corollary their consequences – and must be able to explain their aims, motivations, and reasons.
Accountability has several dimensions. Accountability is sometimes required by law. For example, the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires organisations that process personal data to
ensure that security measures are in place to prevent data breaches and report if these fail32.
Accuracy (of the data) — The degree of conformance between the estimated or measured value and
its true value.
Adaptivity (of the learning process) — The ability to improve performance by learning from
experience. [In the ML context,] adaptive learning refers to learning capability during the operations
(see also online learning).
Artificial intelligence (AI) — Technology that can, for a given set of human-defined objectives,
generate outputs such as content, predictions, recommendations, or decisions influencing the
environments they interact with33.
AI-based system — A system that is developed with one or more of the techniques and approaches
listed in Annex I to the EU AI Act and can, for a given set of human-defined objectives, generate
outputs such as content, predictions, recommendations, or decisions influencing the environments
they interact with34.
Artificial neural network (ANN) or neural network (NN) — A computational graph which consists of
connected nodes (‘neurons’) that define the order in which operations are performed on the input.
Neurons are connected by edges which are parameterised by weights (and biases). Neurons are
organised in layers, specifically an input layer, several intermediate layers, and an output layer. This
document refers to a specific type of neural network that is particularly suited to process image data:
convolutional neural networks (CNNs) which use parameterised convolution operations to compute
their outputs.
Commonly used types of neural networks are to be highlighted:
— Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) — A specific type of deep neural networks that are
particularly suited to process image data, based on convolution operators. (Daedalean, 2020)
— Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) — A type of neural network that involves directed cycles in

31 Source: adapted from (EU High-Level Expert Group on AI, 2020).

32 Source: adapted from (EU High-Level Expert Group on AI, 2020).
33 Source: adapted from (EU Commission, 2021).

34 Source: (EU Commission, 2021)

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Attachment — Is the state of strong emotional bond between the end user and the AI-based system35.
Auditability — Refers to the ability of an AI-based system to undergo the assessment of the system’s
learning algorithms, data and design processes. This does not necessarily imply that information about
business models and intellectual property related to the AI-based system must always be openly
available. Ensuring traceability and logging mechanisms from the early design phase of the AI-based
system can help enable the system’s auditability36.
Authority — The ability to make decisions and take actions without the need for approval from
another member involved in the operations.
Automation — The use of control systems and information technologies reducing the need for human
input, typically for repetitive tasks.
Autonomy — Characteristic of a system that is capable of modifying its intended domain of use or
goal without external intervention, control or oversight37.
Advanced automation — The use of a system that, under specified conditions, functions without
human intervention38.
Bias — Different definitions of bias have to be considered depending on the context:
— Bias (in the data) — The common definition of data bias is that the available data is not
representative of the population or phenomenon of study.
— Bias (in the ML model) — An error from erroneous assumptions in the learning [process]. High
bias can cause a learning algorithm to miss the relevant relations between attributes and target
outputs (= underfitting).
Big Data — A recent and fast evolving technology, which allows the analysis of a big amount of data
(more than terabytes), with a high velocity (high speed of data processing), from various sources
(sensors, images, texts, etc.), and which might be unstructured (not standardised format).
Completeness — A data set is complete if it sufficiently (i.e. as specified in the DQRs) covers the entire
space of the operational design domain for the intended application.
Compromise of AI/ML application components — Refers to the compromise of a component or
developing tool of the AI/ML application (ENISA, December 2021). Example: compromise of one of the
open-source libraries used by the developers to implement the learning algorithm39.
Concept of operations (ConOps) — A ConOps is a human-centric document that describes operational
scenarios for a proposed system from the users’ operational viewpoint.

35 Source: adapted from LLC

36 Source: adapted from (EU High-Level Expert Group on AI, 2020).
37 Source: adapted from ISO/IEC 22989:2022(en), 3.1.7.
38 Source: adapted from ISO/IEC 22989:2022(en), 3.1.7.
39 Source: adapted from (ENISA, December 2021).

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Corner case (see also edge case) — Relates to a situation that, considering at least two parameters of
the AI/ML constituent ODD, occurs rarely on all of these parameters (i.e. low representation of the
associated values in the distribution for those parameters).
Cost function — A function that measures the performance of an ML model/constituent for given data
and quantifies the error between predicted values and ground-truth values.
Critical maintenance task — A maintenance task that involves the assembly or any disturbance of a
system or any part on an aircraft, engine or propeller that, if an error occurred during its performance,
could directly endanger the flight safety.
Data-driven AI — An approach focusing on building a system that can learn a function based on having
trained on a large number of examples.
Data governance — A data management concept concerning the capability of an organisation to
ensure that high data quality exists throughout the complete life cycle of the data, and data controls
are implemented that support business objectives. The key focus areas of data governance include
data availability, usability, consistency, integrity, and sharing. It also regards establishing processes to
ensure effective data management throughout the enterprise such as accountability for the adverse
effects of poor data quality and ensuring that the data which an enterprise has can be used by the
entire organisation40.
Data life cycle management — Data life cycle management corresponds to the set of applicants’
procedures in place for managing the flow of data used during the life cycle of the AI/ML constituent,
from identification and collection of the data to the time when it becomes obsolete and is deleted.
Data protection impact assessment (DPIA) — Evaluation of the effects that the processing of personal
data might have on individuals to whom the data relates. A DPIA is necessary in all cases in which the
technology creates a high risk of violation of the rights and freedoms of individuals. The law requires
a DPIA in case of automated processing, including profiling (i), processing of personal data revealing
sensitive information like racial of ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs (ii),
processing of personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences (iii) and systematic
monitoring of a publicly accessible area on a large scale (iv)41.
Data Protection Officer (DPO) — This denotes an expert on data protection law. The function of a
DPO is to internally monitor a public or private organisation’s compliance with GDPR. Public or private
organisations must appoint DPOs in the following circumstances: (i) data processing activities are
carried out by a public authority or body, except for courts acting in their judicial capacity; (ii) the
processing of personal data requires regular and systematic monitoring of individuals on a large scale;
(iii) the processing of personal data reveals sensitive information like racial of ethnic origin, political
opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or refers to criminal convictions and offences. A DPO must
be independent of the appointing organisation42.

40 Source: adapted from (EU High-Level Expert Group on AI, 2020).

41 Source: adapted from (EU High-Level Expert Group on AI, 2020).
42 Source: adapted from (EU High-Level Expert Group on AI, 2020).

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Data set43 (in ML in general) — The sample of data used for various development phases of the model,
i.e. the model training, the learning process verification, and the inference model verification.
— Training data set — Data that is input to an ML model in order to establish its behaviour.
— Validation data set— Used to tune a subset of the hyper-parameters of a model (e.g. number
of hidden layers, learning rate, etc.).
— Test data set— Used to assess the performance of the model, independent of the training data
Data for safety (EASA) — Data4Safety (also known as D4S) is a data collection and analysis programme
that supports the goal of ensuring the highest common level of safety and environmental protection
for the European aviation system.
The programme aims at collecting and gathering all data that may support the management of safety
risks at European level. This includes safety reports (or occurrences), flight data (i.e. data collected
from the aircraft systems via a non-protected recording system, such as a quick-access recorder),
surveillance data (air traffic data), weather data — but those are only a few from a much longer list.
As for the analysis, the programme’s ultimate goal is to help to ‘know where to look’ and to ‘see it
coming’. In other words, it will support the performance-based environment and set up a more
predictive system.
More specifically, the programme will facilitate better knowledge of where the risks are (safety issue
identification), determine the nature of these risks (risk assessment) and verify whether the safety
actions are delivering the needed level of safety (performance measurement). It aims to develop the
capability to discover vulnerabilities in the system across terabytes of data [Source: EASA].
Decision — A conclusion or resolution reached after consideration44. A choice that is made about
something after thinking about several possibilities45.
Decision-making – The cognitive process resulting in the selection of a course of action among several
possible alternative options46. Automated or automatic decision-making is the process of making a
decision by automated means without any human involvement47.
Deep learning (DL) — A specific type of machine learning based on the use of large neural networks
to learn abstract representations of the input data by composing many layers.
Derived requirements — Requirements produced by the learning assurance processes which (a) are
not directly traceable to higher-level requirements, and/or (b) specify behaviour beyond that specified
by the requirements allocated to the AI/ML constituent.
Determinism — A system is deterministic if when given identical inputs produces identical outputs.

Source: adapted from (ER-022 - EUROCAE, 2021).
44 Source: OxfordLanguages.
45 Source: adapted from the Cambridge Dictionary.
46 Source: adapted from Wikipedia.
47 Source: adapted from

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Development assurance — All those planned and systematic actions used to substantiate, to an
adequate level of confidence, that errors in requirements, design, and implementation have been
identified and corrected such that the system satisfies the applicable certification basis.
Development error — A mistake in requirements, design, or implementation.
Domain — Operational area in which a system incorporating an ML subsystem could be
implemented/used. Examples of domains considered in the scope of this guideline are ATM/ANS, air
operations, flight crew training, environmental protection or aerodromes.
Edge case (see also corner case) — Relates to a situation that, considering a given parameter of the
AI/ML constituent ODD, occurs rarely (i.e. low representation of the associated value in the
distribution for that parameter).
End user — An end user is the person that ultimately uses or is intended to ultimately use the AI-based
system. This could either be a consumer or a professional within a public or private organisation. The
end user stands in contrast to users who support or maintain the product48.
Evasion (attack) — A type of attack in which the attacker alters the ML model’s inputs to find small
perturbations leading to large modification of its outputs (e.g. object detection errors, decision errors,
etc.). It is as if the attacker created an optical illusion for the ML model. Such modified inputs are often
called adversarial examples (ENISA, December 2021). Example: the projection of images on a runway
could lead the AI-based system of a visual landing guidance assistant to alert the pilot on an object on
this runway49.
Failure — An occurrence which affects the operation of a component, part, or element such that it
can no longer function as intended (this includes both loss of function and malfunction). Note: Errors
may cause failures, but are not considered to be failures.
Fairness — Refers to ensuring equal opportunities and non-discriminatory practices applied to
individuals or groups of users (or end users). Definition based on EU guidelines on non-
Feature (in computer science) — A feature is any piece of information which is relevant for solving the
computational task related to a certain application.
— Feature (in machine learning in general) — A feature is an individual measurable property or
characteristic of a phenomenon being observed.
— Feature (in computer vision) — A feature is a piece of information about the content of an
image; typically about whether a certain region of the image has certain properties.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) — EU’s data protection law, refer to for
more details.

48 Source: adapted from (EU High-Level Expert Group on AI, 2020).

Source: adapted from (ENISA, December 2021)
Article 21 ‘Non-discrimination’ | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (

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Human agency — Human agency is the capacity of human beings to make choices and to impose those
choices on the world.
Hyper-parameter — A parameter that is used to control the algorithm’s behaviour during the learning
process (e.g. for deep learning with neural networks, the learning rate, the batch size or the
initialisation strategy). Hyper-parameters affect the time and memory cost of running the learning
algorithm, or the quality of the model obtained at the end of the training process. By contrast, other
parameters, such as node weights or biases, are the result of the training process51.
Independence — in this document, depending on the context, this word has several possible
— Safety assessment context – A concept that minimises the likelihood of common mode errors
and cascade failures between aircraft/system functions or items.
— Assurance context – Separation of responsibilities that assures the accomplishment of objective
evaluation e.g. validation activities not performed solely by the developer of the requirement
of a system or item.
— Data management context – Two data sets are independent when they do not share common
data and have a certain level of statistical independence (also referred to as ‘i.i.d’52 in statistics).
Inference — The process of feeding the machine learning model an input and computing its output.
See also related definition of Training.
Information security — The preservation of confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and availability of
network and information systems.
Inlier — An inlier is a data value that incorrectly lies within the AI/ML constituent ODD following an
error during data management. A simple example of an inlier might be a value in a record reported in
the wrong units, say degrees Fahrenheit instead of degrees Celsius. Because inliers are difficult to
distinguish from good data values, they are sometimes difficult to find and correct53.
Input space — Given a set of training examples of the form {(x1,y1) … (xN,yN)} such that xi is the feature
vector of the i-th example and yi is its label (i.e. class), a learning algorithm seeks a function
g : X -> Y, where X is the input space and Y is the output space.
Integrity — An attribute of the system or an item indicating that it can be relied upon to work correctly
on demand.
— Integrity (of data) — A degree of assurance that the data and its value has not been lost or
altered since the data collection.
— Integrity (of a service) – A property of a service provided by a service provider indicating that it
can be relied upon to be delivered correctly on demand.

51 Source: adapted from (Goodfellow-et-al, 2016).

52 In probability theory and statistics, a collection of random variables is independent and identically distributed if each
random variable has the same probability distribution as the others and all are mutually independent. This property is
usually abbreviated as i.i.d. or iid or IID.
53 Glossary of statistical terms,

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In sample (data) — Data used during the development phase of the ML model. This data mainly
consists of the training, validation and test data sets.
Machine learning (ML) — The branch of AI concerned with the development of learning algorithms
that allow computers to evolve behaviours based on observing data and making inferences on this
ML strategies include three methods:
— Supervised learning — The process of learning in which the learning algorithm processes the
input data set, and a cost function measures the difference between the ML model output and
the labelled data. The learning algorithm then adjusts the parameters to increase the accuracy
of the ML model.
— Unsupervised learning (or self-learning) — The process of learning in which the learning
algorithm processes the data set, and a cost function indicates whether the ML model has
converged to a stable solution. The learning algorithm then adjusts the parameters to increase
the accuracy of the ML model.
— Reinforcement learning — The process of learning in which the agent(s) is (are) rewarded
positively or negatively based on the effect of the actions on the environment. The ML model
parameters are updated from this trial-and-error sequence to optimise the outcome.
ML processes can be further characterised as:
— Offline learning — The process of learning where the ML model is frozen at the end of the
development phase;
— Online learning — The process of learning where the ML model parameters can be updated
based on data acquired during operation (see also adaptivity).
ML model — A parameterised function that maps inputs to outputs. The parameters are determined
during the training process.
— Trained model — the ML model which is obtained at the end of the learning/training phase.
— Inference model — the ML model obtained after transformation of the trained model, so that
the model is adapted to the target platform.
Multicollinearity — Multicollinearity generally occurs when there are high correlations between two
or more predictor variables or candidate features.
Natural language processing (NLP) — Refers to the branch of computer science — and more
specifically, the branch of AI — concerned with giving computers the ability to understand text and
spoken words in much the same way as human beings can (IBM Cloud Education, 2020).
Operational domain (OD) — Operating conditions under which a given AI-based system is specifically
designed to function as intended, in line with the defined ConOps, including but not limited to
environmental, geographical, and/or time-of-day restrictions54.

Source: adapted from SAE J3016, Level of driving automation, 2021.

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Operational design domain (ODD) — The ODD defines the set of operating parameters, together with
the range and distribution within which the AI/ML constituent is designed to operate, and as such, will
only operate nominally when the parameters described within the ODD are satisfied. The ODD also
considers dependencies between operating parameters in order to refine the ranges between these
parameters when appropriate; in other words, the range(s) for one or several operating parameters
could depend on the value or range of another parameter.
Oracle (attack) — A type of attack in which the attacker explores a model by providing a series of
carefully crafted inputs and observing outputs. These attacks can be previous steps to more harmful
types, evasion or poisoning for example. It is as if the attacker made the model talk to then better
compromise it or to obtain information about it (e.g. model extraction) or its training data (e.g.
membership inferences attacks and inversion attacks). Example: an attacker studies the set of input-
output pairs and uses the results to retrieve training data55.
Outlier — Data which is outside the range of at least one AI/ML constituent ODD parameter.
Out of distribution (data) — Data which is sampled from a different distribution than the one of the
training data set. Data collected at a different time, and possibly under different conditions or in a
different environment, than the data collected to create the ML model are likely to be out of
Out of sample (data) — Data which is unseen during the development phase, and that is processed
by the ML model during inference in operation.
Overreliance — is the state when the end user is excessively relying on, depending on or trusting in
the AI-based system56.
Poisoning (attack) — A type of attack in which the attacker altered data or the model to modify the
learning algorithm’s behaviour in a chosen direction (e.g. to sabotage its results, to insert a backdoor).
It is as if the attacker conditioned the learning algorithm according to its motivations. Such attacks are
also called causative attacks (ENISA, December 2021). Example: massively indicating to an image
recognition algorithm that images of helicopters are indeed aircraft to lead it to interpret them this
Predictability — The degree to which a correct forecast of a system’s state can be made quantitatively.
Limitations on predictability could be caused by factors such as a lack of information or excessive
Redress by design — Redress by design relates to the idea of establishing, from the design phase,
mechanisms to ensure redundancy, alternative systems, alternative procedures, etc. in order to be
able to effectively detect, audit, rectify the wrong decisions taken by a perfectly functioning system
and, if possible, improve the system58.

Source: adapted from (ENISA, December 2021)
Source: adapted from Merriam-Webster Inc.
Source: adapted from (ENISA, December 2021).
58 Source: adapted from (EU High-Level Expert Group on AI, 2020).

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Reliability — The probability that an item will perform a required function under specified conditions,
without failure, for a specified period of time59.
Reliance — Is the state of the end user when choosing to depend on or to trust in the AI-based system;
this does not prevent the end user from exercising oversight60.
Representativeness (of a data set) — A data set is representative when the distribution of its key
characteristics is similar to the actual input state space for the intended application.
Residual risk — Risk remaining after protective measures have been taken61. In the context of this
guidance, residual risk designates the amount of risk remaining due to a partial coverage of some
objectives. Indeed, it may not be possible in some cases to fully cover the learning assurance building
block objectives or the explainability block objectives. In such cases, the applicant should design its
AI/ML system to first minimise the residual risk and then mitigate the remaining risk using the SRM
concept defined in this guidance.
Resilience — The ability of a system to continue to operate while an error or a fault has occurred (DEEL
Certification Workgroup, 2021).
Robustness — Ability of a system to maintain its level of performance under all foreseeable
conditions. At model level (trained or inference), the robustness objectives are further split into two
groups: the ones pertaining to ‘model stability’ and the ones pertaining to ‘robustness in adverse
Safety criteria — This term is specific to the ATM/ANS domain and is defined in point ATS.OR.210 of
Regulation (EU) 2017/373. This Regulation does not have the notion of safety objective for non-ATS
providers; it instead uses the notion of safety criteria. Although the two notions are not fully identical,
they are used in an equivalent manner in this document.
Safety objective — A qualitative and/or quantitative attribute necessary to achieve the required level
of safety for the identified failure condition, depending on its classification.
Safety requirement — A requirement that is necessary to achieve either a safety objective or satisfy
a constraint established by the safety process.
This term is used in various domains with domain-specific definitions. For the ATM/ANS domain,
according to GM1 to AMC2 ATS.OR.205(a)(2), safety requirements are design characteristics/items of
the functional system to ensure that the system operates as specified.
Safety science — A broad field that refers to the collective processes, theories, concepts, tools and
technologies that support safety management.
Safety support requirement — Safety support requirements are characteristics/items of the
functional system to ensure that the system operates as specified. This term is used in the ATM/ANS
domain for non-ATS providers and is defined in GM1 to AMC2 ATM/ANS.OR.C.005(a)(2).

59 Source: ARP 4761 Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems and
Equipment, 1996.
60 Source: Cambridge Dictionary.
61 Source: IEV ref 903-01-11 —

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Stability of the learning algorithm — Refers to ensuring that the produced model does not change a
lot under perturbations of the training data set.
Stability of the model — Refers to keeping input-output relations of the model under small
perturbations, i.e.:
‖𝑥 ′ − 𝑥‖ < 𝛿 ⇒ ‖𝑓̂(𝑥 ′ ) − 𝑓̂(𝑥)‖ < 𝜀, where 𝑥, 𝑥 ′ ∈ 𝑋 and 𝛿, 𝜀 ∈ 𝑅>0 .

Subject — A subject is a person, or a group of persons affected by the AI-based system62.

Surrogate model (or substitute model or emulation model) — is generally a mathematical model
that is used to approximate the behaviour of a complex system. In the aviation industry, surrogate
models are often used to represent the performance of aircraft, propulsion systems, structural
dynamics, flight dynamics, and other complex systems. They can be particularly useful when it is not
practical or cost-effective to use physical models or prototypes for testing or evaluation.
Synthetic data —Data that is generated by computer simulation or algorithm as an alternative to real-
world data.
System — A combination of inter-related items arranged to perform a specific function(s) [ED-
Traceability — The ability to track the journey of a data input through all stages of sampling, labelling,
processing and decision-making63.
Training — The process of optimising the parameters (weights) of an ML model given a data set and
a task to achieve on that data set. For example, in supervised learning the training data consists of
input (e.g. an image) / output (e.g. a class label) pairs and the ML model ‘learns’ the function that
maps the input to the output, by optimising its internal parameters. See also the related definition of
Unmanned aircraft system (UAS) — An unmanned aircraft and the equipment to control it remotely.
User — A user is a person that supports or maintains the product, such as system administrators,
database administrators, information technology experts, software professionals and computer
Variance — An error from sensitivity to small fluctuations in the training set. High variance can cause
a learning algorithm to model the random noise in the training data, rather than the intended outputs

62 Source: adapted from (EU High-Level Expert Group on AI, 2020).

63 Source: adapted from (EU High-Level Expert Group on AI, 2020).
64 Source: adapted from (EU High-Level Expert Group on AI, 2020).

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2. Acronyms
AI artificial intelligence

AL assurance level

ALTAI Assessment List for Trustworthy AI

ALS airworthiness limitation section

AMAN arrival manager

AMC acceptable means of compliance

AMO approved maintenance organisation

ANN artificial neural network

ANS air navigation services

ANSP air navigation service provider

ATC air traffic control service

ATFCM air traffic flow and capacity management

ATCO air traffic controller

ATM air traffic management

ATO approved training organisation

ATS air traffic service

CAMO continuing airworthiness management organisation

CBT computer-based training

CDM collaborative decision-making

CHG change message

CMRs certification maintenance requirements

CNN convolutional neural network

CNS communication navigation and surveillance systems

ConOps concept of operations

CRI certification review item

CS certification specification

D4S Data for Safety

DAL development assurance level

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DBS distance-based separation

DevOps development and operations

DF deceleration fix

DL deep learning

DLA delay(ed) message

DNN deep neural network

DOA design organisation approval

DPIA data protection impact assessment

DPO Data Protection Officer

DQRs data quality requirements

EASA European Union Aviation Safety Agency

ENISA European Union Agency for Cybersecurity

EOBT estimated off-block time

EU European Union

EUROCAE European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment

FL flight level

FPL flight plan

FMP flow management position

FSTD flight simulation training device

FTD final target distance

GDPR General Data Protection Regulation

GM guidance material

GPU graphics processing unit

HAI human-AI

HAII human-AI interaction

HAIRM human-AI resource management

HAT human-AI teaming

HIC human-in-command

HITL human-in-the loop

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HLEG AI High-Level Expert Group

HMI human-machine interface

HOTL human-on-the-loop

HOOTL human-out-of-the-loop

ICA instructions for continuing airworthiness

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization

IoU intersection over union

IDAL item development assurance level

IFPS initial flight plan processing system

IR implementing rule

ISM independent system monitoring

ISMS information security management system

ITD initial target distance

IUEI intentional unauthorised electronic interaction

JAA Joint Aviation Authorities

LAS learning accomplishment summary

LOAT level of automation

MCP multicore processor

ML machine learning

MLEAP machine learning application approval

MLOps machine learning operations

MOA maintenance organisation approval

MOC means of compliance

NDT non-destructive testing

NLP natural language processing

NN neural network

ODD operational design domain

OoD out of distribution

ORD optimum runway delivery

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PAR place and route

PISRA product information security risk assessment

PLAC plan for learning assurance

RNN recurrent neural network

RPAS remotely piloted aircraft system

RSUP room supervisor

RTCA Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics

SA situational awareness

SAL security assurance level

SLT statistical learning theory

SMS safety management system

SPO single-pilot operation

SRM safety risk mitigation

SAE Society of Automotive Engineering

SWAL software assurance level

TBS time-based separation

UAS unmanned aircraft system

VTOL vertical take-off and landing

WG working group

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H. Annex 4 — References
Daedalean. 2020. Concepts of Design Assurance for Neural Networks (CoDANN). Cologne : EASA,

—. 2021. Concepts of Design Assurance for Neural networks (CoDANN) II. Cologne : EASA, 2021.

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Toulouse : IRT StExupery, 2021.

Ditlevsen, Armen Der Kiureghian and Ove. 2009. Aleatory or epistemic? Does it matter? 2009, Vol.
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ECATA Group. 2019. ECATA Technical Report 2019 - The exploitation of Artificial Intelligence in future
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Enhancing the reliability of out-of-distribution image detection in neural networks. Liang-et-al, Shiyu.
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ENISA. December 2021. SECURING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS. s.l. : (accessible at, December 2021.

ER-022 - EUROCAE. 2021. Artificial Intelligence in aeronautical systems: Statement of concern. s.l. :
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EU Commission. 2018. Communication AI for Europe. 2018.

—. 2021. EU Commission - Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council
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certain Union legislative acts, COM/2021/206 final. 2021.

EU High Level Expert Group on AI. 2020. Assessment List for Trustworthy AI (ALTAI). s.l. : European
Commission, 2020.

—. 2019. Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI. s.l. : European Commission, 2019.

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48.pdf), May 2022.

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Function Allocation Considerations in the Era of Human Autonomy Teaming. Emilie M. Roth,
Christen Sushereba, Laura G. Militello, Julie Diiulio, Katie Ernst. December 2019. 4 page(s): 199-
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Liu, Qiang & Li, Pan & Zhao, Wentao & Cai, Wei & Yu, Shui. 2018. A Survey on Security Threats and
Defensive Techniques of Machine Learning: A Data Driven View. s.l. : IEEE Access. 6. 12103-12117.
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2805680, 2018.

On the Uniform Convergence of Relative Frequencies of Events to their Probabilities. Chervonenkis,

V.N. Vapnik and A.Ya. 1971. 2, 1971, Theory of Probability and its Applications, Vol. 16, pp. 264-280.

Parasuraman-et-al, Raja. 2000. A Model for Types and Levels of Human Interaction with
Automation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol
30, No. 3. May 2000, pp. 286-297.

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Stronger generalization bounds for deep nets via a compression approach. Sanjeev Arora, Rong Ge,
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Vol. 35th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), pp. pp. 390–418.

Thales. September 2022. ODDandHighLevelProperties_V0.8. September 2022.

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I. Annex 5 — Full list of questions from the ALTAI adapted to aviation

The following questions in this annex are taken from the document of the EU Commission published
in 2020 - High Level Expert Group on AI ‘Assessment List for Trustworthy AI (ALTAI)’ and have been
partially adapted and aligned for usage in this guideline document. The tables below contain in the
first column the ALTAI question, which, if modified is marked by using italic font. The second column
provides a link to AI trustworthiness objectives, including rationale and record of identified challenges.
In the aviation domain and in particular in the present document, the term ‘subjects’ refers to the
general public. Safety of the general public is ensured through the compliance of the aviation system
with EU regulations, and in particular for safety-related AI applications through the future compliance
with the concept paper guidelines by the applicants. Thus, the term ‘subjects’ has intentionally not
been kept in the ALTAI items, in order to focus the ethics-based assessment on the potential impact
on the safety of ‘users’ or ‘end users’, which in turn ensures the safety of the general public.

1. Gear #1 — Human agency and oversight

Quote from the ALTAI: ‘This subsection deals with the effect AI systems can have on human behaviour
in the broadest sense. It deals with the effect of AI systems that are aimed at guiding, influencing or
supporting humans in decision making processes, for example, algorithmic decision support systems,
risk analysis/prediction systems (recommender systems, predictive policing, financial risk analysis,
etc.). It also deals with the effect on human perception and expectation when confronted with AI
systems that ‘act’ like humans. Finally, it deals with the effect of AI systems on human affection, trust
and (in)dependence. […] This subsection helps to self-assess necessary oversight measures through
governance mechanisms.’
Human agency in aviation applications

ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G1.a. Is the AI-based system designed to Objective: Provision ORG-07.
interact with, guide or take decisions by Rationale: Rely on licensing/training to share
for end users, that could affect humans or the pertinent information about the AI-based
society? system. Slightly reworded for clarity. Impact on
society at large is considered to be managed
through the existing aviation system and

i. Could the AI-based system generate Objective: EXP-05 to EXP-11, Provision ORG-07.
confusion for some or all end users Rationale: The operational explainability
and/or subjects on whether a decision, guidance addresses the objectiveness of every
content, advice or outcome is the result output of the AI-based system that is relevant
of an algorithmic decision? to the operations. Rely on licensing/training to
share the pertinent information about the AI-
based system.
ii. Are end users and/or other subjects Objective: EXP-05 to EXP-11, Provision ORG-07.
adequately made aware that a decision, Rationale: The operational explainability
content, advice or outcome is the result guidance addresses the objectiveness of every

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ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
of an algorithmic decision? output of the AI-based system that is relevant
to the operations. Rely on licensing/training to
share the pertinent information about the AI-
based system.
G1.b. Could the AI-based system generate Objective: Provision ORG-07.
confusion for some or all end users or Rationale: Rely on licensing/training to share
subjects on whether they are interacting the pertinent information about the AI-based
with a human or AI-based system? system.

i. Are end users or subjects informed that Objective: See item G1.b.
they are interacting with an AI-based Rationale: See item G1.b.
G1.c. Could the AI-based system affect human Objective: ORG-04, Provision ORG-07.
autonomy by generating over-reliance by Rationale: Overreliance is a safety risk which
end users? may occur in operations and needs to be
monitored through continuous safety
assessment (ORG-04) and prevented by
effective training activities (Provision ORG-07)
with the end users.
i. Did you put in place procedures to avoid Objective: See item G1.c.
that end users over-rely on the AI-based Rationale: See item G1.c.
G1.d. Could the AI-based system affect human Objective: ORG-01, EXP-05 to EXP-11
autonomy by interfering with the end Rationale: The organisation should put in place
user’s decision-making process in any adequate processes and procedures linked with
other unintended and undesirable way? the introduction of the AI-based systems. The
end user should get enough and precise
explainability about the AI-based system’s
output to make an appropriate and correct
i. Did you put in place any procedure to Objective: See item G1.d.
avoid that the AI-based system Rationale: See item G1.d.
inadvertently affects human autonomy?
G1.e. Does the AI-based system simulate social Objective: Not addressed through the
interaction with or between end users or objectives of this Concept Paper (please
subjects? consider the rationale).
Rationale: Social interaction (a process of
reciprocal stimulation or response between two
people) of an AI-based system with an end user
is not considered as requiring additional
guidance compared to the objectives for
human-AI collaboration developed in the
objectives of this document.
G1.f. Does the AI-based system risk creating Objective: ET-02.
human attachment, stimulating addictive Rationale: In the current state of technology,
behaviour, or manipulating user AI-based systems with the potential of creating

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ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
behaviour? Depending on which risks are human attachment, stimulating addictive
possible or likely, please answer the behaviour, or manipulating user behaviour are
questions below: not considered acceptable for the aviation
domain. The organisations shall adapt their
processes and procedures to ensure that these
risks are strictly avoided.
i. Did you take measures to deal with Objective: See item G1.f.
possible negative consequences for end Rationale: See item G1.f.
users or subjects in case they develop a
disproportionate attachment to the AI-
based system?
ii. Did you take measures to minimise the Objective: See item G1.f.
risk of addiction? Rationale: See item G1.f.
iii. Did you take measures to mitigate the Objective: See item G1.f.
risk of manipulation? Rationale: See item G1.f.

Human oversight in aviation applications

G1.g. Please determine whether the AI-based Objective: Not addressed through the
system is overseen by a Human-in-the- objectives of this Concept Paper (please
Loop, Human-on-the-Loop, Human-in- consider the rationale).
Command, considering the definitions Rationale: The oversight mechanisms proposed
below. in the ALTAI are not used in the current version
of the EASA concept paper, and it was not
deemed necessary to provide a different set of
definitions at this stage. Applicants may find
necessary to answer the ALTAI item G1.g with
more details and characterise the
functions/tasks of the AI-based system(s) with
such oversight mechanisms. In such a case, the
applicant should clarify the definitions used.
The sub-item ‘Is a self-learning or autonomous
system’ is mixing unrelated concepts and is not
considered relevant as part of this item (see
G1.h. Have the humans overseeing the AI-based Objective: Provision ORG-07.
system (human-in-the-loop, human-on- Rationale: Rely on licensing to ensure adequate
the-loop, human-in-command) been training of the end users overseeing the AI-
given specific training on how to exercise based systems’ operations.
human oversight?
G1.i. Did you establish any detection and Objective: SA-01, ICSA-01 to ICSA-02, IS-01,
response mechanisms for undesirable EXP-14 to EXP-17, DA-01 to DA-04
adverse effects of the AI-based system for Rationale: The question is answered through
the end user or subject? the safety (SA-01), continuous safety (ICSA-01
to ICSA-02) and security assessment (IS-01) and
monitoring for the adherence of operational

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ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
boundaries (EXP-14 to EXP-17), which result is
finally fed back into the learning assurance
process requirements (DA-01 to DA-04).

G1.j. Did you ensure a ‘stop button’ or Objective: SA-01, ICSA-01 to ICSA-02, IS-01,
procedure to safely abort override an EXP-07, DA-01 to DA-04
operation by a human end-user when Rationale: The override-procedure should be
needed? assessed for compliance with safety objectives
(SA-01, ICSA-01 to ICSA-02) and security
objective (IS-01), safeguarded by the relevant
explainability (EXP-07) and specified through
the learning assurance process requirements
(DA-01 to DA-04).
The use of a ‘stop button’ to ‘abort’ an
operation is a prescriptive design choice which
may not be appropriate for all systems. EASA
prefers to focus on a the notion of ‘safely
override an operation’ which is more generic
and encompasses the use of a ‘stop button’
where appropriate.
G1.k. Did you take any specific oversight and Objective: Not addressed through the
control measures to reflect the self- objectives of this Concept Paper (please
learning or autonomous nature of the AI- consider the rationale).
based system? Rationale: The two notions of ‘self-learning’
and ‘autonomous nature’ are very distinct
considerations that should not be mixed. ‘Self-
learning’ AI/ML items refer to a particular
learning technique, unsupervised learning,
which is not covered in the scope of the current
document and will be addressed in a
subsequent version of this EASA concept paper.
It is anticipated that the adaptation of the
learning assurance building block to
unsupervised learning techniques, as well as
the development of operational explainability
guidance will fully address the question of
oversight and control measures for ‘self-
learning’ applications. More autonomous
systems are considered to be covered under
Level 3 AI applications and will be addressed in
a future revision of these guidelines.

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2. Gear #2 — Technical robustness and safety

Quote from the ALTAI: ‘A crucial requirement for achieving Trustworthy AI systems is their
dependability (the ability to deliver services that can justifiably be trusted) and resilience (robustness
when facing changes). Technical robustness requires that AI systems are developed with a
preventative approach to risks and that they behave reliably and as intended while minimising
unintentional and unexpected harm as well as preventing it where possible. This should also apply in
the event of potential changes in their operating environment or the presence of other agents (human
or artificial) that may interact with the AI system in an adversarial manner. The questions in this
section address four main issues: 1) security; 2) safety; 3) accuracy; and 4) reliability, fall-back plans
and reproducibility.’
Resilience to attack and security in aviation applications

ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G2.a. Could the AI-based system have Objective: SA-01, IS-01
adversarial, critical or damaging effects Rationale: The answer is ‘YES’ for any system
(e.g. to human or societal safety) in case falling within the scope of this EASA guidance
of risks or threats such as design or document. The associated risk is assessed
technical faults, defects, outages, attacks, through objective SA-01 (for safety) and IS-01
misuse, inappropriate or malicious use? (for security). The AI-based system should be
assessed for security vulnerabilities with impact
on safety and general safety risks.
G2.b. Is the AI-based system compliant with Objective: IS-01 to IS-02
certified for information security Rationale: Information security risks should be
requirements (e.g. the certification identified and a mitigation approach planned
scheme created by the Cybersecurity Act and implemented, in line with current
in Europe) or is it compliant and with information security risk assessment guidance
specific the applicable security standards? and, as of 16 October 2025 with Regulation (EU)
2022/1645 (Part-IS). The ALTAI question G2.b
was reformulated to reflect the EASA system.
G2.c. How exposed is the AI-based system to Objective: IS-01
cyberattacks? Rationale: Information security risks of the AI-
based system should be assessed for their
impact on safety
i. Did you assess potential forms of attacks Objective: See item G2.c.
to which the AI-based system could be Rationale: See item G2.c.
ii. Did you consider different types of Objective: IS-01, ORG-02
vulnerabilities and potential entry Rationale: The different types of threats and
points for attacks such as: their risks should be identified and assessed by
▪ data poisoning (i.e. manipulation of the organisations responsible for design,
training data), production and operation phases.
▪ model evasion (i.e. classifying the data
according to the attacker’s will),
▪ model inversion (i.e. infer the model

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ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G2.d. Did you put measures in place to ensure Objective: IS-02
the integrity, robustness and overall Rationale: The applicant is asked to implement
security of the AI-based system against procedures and processes to avoid or mitigate
potential attacks over its life cycle? the reduction of safety levels due to information
security risks of the AI-based system.
G2.e. Did you red-team/pentest the system? Objective: [to be developed]
Rationale: [to be developed]
G2.f. Did you inform end users of the duration Objective: AMC20-42 or Part-IS
of security coverage and updates? Rationale: The organisation (design or
operation) should monitor the evolution of
security risks as defined in e.g., AMC20-42 or
Part-IS and communicate the information
accordingly to e.g. a maintenance organisation.

i. What length is the expected time frame Objective: See item G2.f.
within which you provide security Rationale: See item G2.f.
updates for the AI-based system?

General safety in aviation applications

ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G2.g. Did you define risks, risk metrics and risk Objective: SA-01
levels of the AI-based system in each Rationale: Risks of the AI-based system should
specific use case? be identified (SA-01) and assessed.
i. Did you put in place a process to Objective: ICSA-01 to ICSA-02.
continuously measure and assess risks? Rationale: A process for continuous risk
monitoring, using defined metrics and levels
(ICSA-01 to ICSA-02) should be implemented
and the residual risk communicated to the end
user through training activities.
ii. Did you inform end users and/or Objective: Provision ORG-07.
subjects of existing or potential risks? Rationale: Rely on training to communicate on
the potential risks.

G2.h. Did you identify the possible threats to Objective: SA-01, IS-01
the AI-based system (design faults, Rationale: This question covers the assessment
technical faults, environmental threats) of the risk from the perspective of safety (SA-01)
and the possible consequences? and security (IS-01). The text ‘design faults,
technical faults, environmental threats’ was
removed as being too specific.
i. Did you assess the risk of possible Objective: SA-01, IS-01
malicious use, misuse or inappropriate Rationale: Safety and information security
use of the AI-based system? assessments address malicious use, misuse and
inappropriate use.

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ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
ii. Did you define safety-criticality levels Objective: SA-01
(e.g. related to human integrity) of the Rationale: The safety assessment includes the
possible consequences of faults or assignment of assurance levels to the AI-based
misuse of the AI-based system? system. Example removed as safety-criticality
levels are not defined for human integrity in the
aviation domain.
G2.i. Did you assess the dependency of a Objective: SA-01, LM-02
critical AI-based system’s decisions on its Rationale: The safety (support) assessment (SA-
stable and reliable behaviour? 01) should, amongst others, define safety
objectives on reliability metrics for the AI-based
system. The learning management
requirements (LM-02) should capture the
stability metrics for the AI-based system
i. Did you align the reliability/testing Objective: See item G2.i.
requirements with the appropriate Rationale: See item G2.i.
levels of stability and reliability?
G2.j. Did you plan fault tolerance via, e.g. a Objective: SA-01, DA-03
duplicated system or another parallel Rationale: The safety assessment should
system (AI-based or ‘conventional’)? account for necessary architectural mitigation
strategies to meet the safety requirements.
G2.k. Did you develop a mechanism to evaluate Objective: CM-01
when the AI-based system has been Rationale: The change management process
changed to merit a new review of its (CM-01) should trigger a change impact
technical robustness and safety? analysis, and on this basis define the need for
re-performing activities to maintain safety and
technical robustness.

Accuracy in aviation applications

ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G2.l. Could a low level of accuracy of the AI- Objective: SA-01, ICSA-02, EXP-15
based system result in critical, adversarial Rationale: The level of performance/accuracy of
or damaging consequences? the AI-based system is defined and assessed in
the safety assessment (SA-01) and continuously
monitored (EXP-15) and assessed (ICSA-02)
G2.m. Did you put in place measures to ensure Objective: DM-02 to DM-11
that the data (including training data) Rationale: All data management process
used to develop the AI-based system is up objectives are linked to ensure that the data
to date, of high quality, complete and used to plan, design and implement, train and
representative of the environment the operate the AI-based system is appropriate, i.e.
system will be deployed in? up to date, complete, representative and
verified to be compliant with the DQRs.

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ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G2.n. Did you put in place a series of steps to Objective: LM-09, IMP-06, DA-07, EXP-15, ICSA-
monitor, and document the AI-based 02
system’s accuracy? Rationale: During the development phase (LM-
09, IMP-06) the performance of the trained and
inference models should be evaluated and
documented. The accuracy of the system is
then verified and documented at system level
(DA-07). During the operational phase (EXP-15,
ICSA-02), continuous monitoring, recording and
accuracy assessment should be performed and
G2.o. Did you consider whether the AI-based Objective: ICSA-02
system’s operation can invalidate the Rationale: The continuous safety assessment
data or assumptions it was trained on, and (ICSA-02) aims at identifying invalid
how this might lead to adversarial effects? assumptions on the data used to train the
system and on the system’s operation, to
prevent possible adversarial effects.
G2.p. Did you put processes in place to ensure Objective: EXP-15
that the level of accuracy of the AI-based Rationale: Relevant information concerning
system to be expected by end users deviations of the AI-based system’s output
and/or subjects is properly from the specified performance need to be
communicated? indicated (EXP-15) to the end users.

Reliability, fallback plans and reproducibility in aviation applications

ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G2.q. Could the AI-based system cause critical, Objective: DA-07, LM-07
adversarial, or damaging consequences Rationale: The answer to this question is ‘Yes’
(e.g. pertaining to human safety) in case for the type of systems covered by this EASA
of low reliability and/or reproducibility? guidance document. The learning assurance
process should address both the verification of
intended function (DA-07) and the
reproducibility of the learning process (LM-07).

i. Did you put in place a well-defined Objective: DA-07

process to monitor if verify that the AI- Rationale: Objective DA-07 verifies that all
based system is meeting the intended system requirements are met.
ii. Did you test whether specific contexts Objective: LM-07
or conditions need to be taken into Rationale: The bias-variance trade-off should be
account to ensure reproducibility? accounted for in the model family selection in
order to provide evidence of the reproducibility
of the training process.

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ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G2.r. Did you put in place verification and Objective: SA-01, DA-04, DA-07
validation methods and documentation Rationale: The safety assessment (SA-01)
(e.g. logging) to evaluate and ensure should ensure different aspects of the AI-based
different aspects of the AI-based system’s system’s reliability in the requirements. All
reliability and reproducibility? requirements are being validated (DA-04) and
verified (DA-07). The reference to
reproducibility has been removed from the
ALTAI objective G2.r because reproducibility is
covered in the objective G2.q.
i. Did you clearly document and Objective: See item G2.r.
operationalise processes for the testing Rationale: See item G2.r.
and verification of the reliability and
reproducibility of the AI-based system?
G2.s. Did you define tested fail-safe fallback Objective: SA-01, SRM-01 to SRM-02
plans to address AI-based system errors of Rationale: The safety assessment (SA-01)
whatever origin and put governance should validate the safety architecture of the
procedures in place to trigger them? AI-based system including necessary fail-safe
fallback provisions. Additionally, fail-safe
fallback plans may be identified by safety risk
management (SRM-01 to SRM-02) processes
and adequate procedures defined. The word
‘governance’ is proposed to be removed to
avoid limiting the scope of procedures that are
G2.t. Did you put in place a proper procedure Objective: EXP-15 to EXP-16
for handling the cases where the AI-based Rationale: The AI-based system output
system yields results with a low performance should be monitored (EXP-15) and
confidence score? procedures put in place to act on the possible
output of the AI-based system’s monitoring
G2.u. Is your AI-based system using (online) Objective: ET-03.
continual learning? Rationale: Continuous/online learning is
outside the scope of this guidance document;
therefore, such applications will not be
accepted by EASA at this stage.
i. Did you consider potential negative Objective: See item G2.u.
consequences from the AI-based system Rationale: See item G2.u.
learning novel or unusual methods to
score well on its objective function?

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3. Gear #3 — Privacy and data governance

Quote from the ALTAI: ‘Closely linked to the principle of prevention of harm is privacy, a fundamental
right particularly affected by AI systems. Prevention of harm to privacy also necessitates adequate
data governance that covers the quality and integrity of the data used, its relevance in light of the
domain in which the AI systems will be deployed, its access protocols and the capability to process
data in a manner that protects privacy.’
Privacy in aviation applications

ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G3.a. Did you consider the impact of the AI- Objective: ET-04
based system on the right to privacy the Rationale: The AI-based system should comply
right to physical, mental and/or moral with applicable data protection requirements to
integrity and the right to data protect data and preserve the privacy of data.
protection? The phrase ‘the right to physical, mental and/or
moral integrity’ is proposed to be removed to
prevent distraction from the scope of this
document section ‘privacy’ of the use of data.
The struck-through text was relocated in the
MOC of G6.a to better highlight the possible
effects on human health.
G3.b. Depending on the use case, did you Objective: ET-04
establish mechanisms that allow flagging Rationale: See item G3.a.
issues related to data privacy concerning
the AI-based system?

Data governance in aviation applications

ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G3.c. Is your AI-based system being trained, or Objective: ET-04
was it developed, by using or processing Rationale: See item G3.a.
personal data (including special
categories of personal data)?
G3.d. Did you put in place any of the following
measures some of which are mandatory
under the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR), or a non-European
i. Data protection impact assessment

ii. Designate a Data Protection Officer

(DPO) and include them at an early
state in the development,

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Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
procurement or use phase of the AI-
based system;

iii. Oversight mechanisms for data

processing (including limiting access
to qualified personnel, mechanisms
for logging data access and making
iv. Measures to achieve privacy-by-
design and default (e.g. encryption,
pseudonymisation, aggregation,
v. Data minimisation, in particular
personal data (including special
categories of data).
G3.e. Did you implement the right to withdraw
consent, the right to object and the right
to be forgotten into the development of
the AI-based system?
G3.f. Did you consider the privacy and data
protection implications of data collected,
generated or processed over the course of
the AI-based system’s life cycle?
G3.g. Did you consider the privacy and data Objective: IS-01 to IS-02
protection implications of the AI-based Rationale: Non-personal data, which is
system’s non-personal training data or processed by an AI-based system should be
other processed non-personal data? protected for data security by assessing the
security risks and installing security controls.

G3.h. Did you align the AI-based system with Objective: [to be developed]
relevant standards (e.g. ISO, IEEE) or Rationale: [to be developed]
widely adopted protocols for (daily) data
management and governance?

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4. Gear #4 — Transparency
Quote from the ALTAI: ‘A crucial component of achieving Trustworthy AI is transparency which
encompasses three elements: 1) traceability, 2) explainability and 3) open communication about the
limitations of the AI system.’

ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G4.a. Did you put in place measures that Objective: QA-01, CM-01.
address the traceability of the AI-based Rationale: During the development and change
system during its entire life cycle? management process of the AI-based system, all
configuration items should be traceable to other
configuration items, from which they derive
(QA-01, CM-01).
G4.b. Did you put in place measures to Objective: ICSA-01, ICSA-02, EXP 04 and EXP-14
continuously assess the quality of the Rationale: A process for data recording (EXP-04,
input data to the AI-based system? ICSA-01) and continuous safety assessment
(ICSA-02) should be implemented and enable
the capability to continuously assess the quality
of the input data to the AI-based system. In
addition, the ODD monitoring (EXP-14) should
support analysis of the cases where the AI-based
system input did not match the expected ODD.
G4.c. Can you trace back which data was used Objective: ICSA-01, ICSA-02, EXP 04.
by the AI-based system to make a certain Rationale: A process for data recording (EXP-04,
decision(s) or recommendation(s)? ICSA-01) and continuous safety assessment
(ICSA-02) should be implemented and enable
the capability to trace back which data was
used by the AI-based system to make a certain
decision(s) or recommendation(s).
G4.d. Can you trace back which AI model or Objective: ICSA-01, ICSA-02, EXP 04.
rules led to the decision(s) or Rationale: A process for data recording (EXP-04,
recommendation(s) of the AI-based ICSA-01) and continuous safety assessment
system? (ICSA-02) should be implemented and enable
the capability to trace back which AI model led
to the decision(s) or recommendation(s) of the
AI-based system.
Reformulation of the question by removing the
misleading phrase ‘or rules’.
G4.e. Did you put in place measures to Objective: ICSA-01, ICSA-02, EXP 04 and EXP-15.
continuously assess the quality of the Rationale: A process for data recording (EXP-04,
output(s) of the AI-based system? ICSA-01) and continuous safety assessment
(ICSA-02) should be implemented and enable
the capability to continuously assess the quality
of the output(s) of the AI-based system. In
addition, the monitoring of the system
performance (EXP-15) supports the analysis of

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Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
events where the AI-based system performed
below the expected level of performance.

G4.f. Did you put adequate logging practices in Objective: ICSA-01, ICSA-02, EXP 04.
place to record the decision(s) or Rationale: A process for data recording (EXP-04,
recommendation(s) of the AI-based ICSA-01) should be implemented.

Explainability in aviation applications

ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G4.g. Did you explain the decision(s) of the AI- Objective: EXP-05 to EXP-11
based system to the end users? Rationale: The end user should get appropriately
detailed, timely delivered explanations in a clear
and unambiguous format, whose content meets
operational and end users’ needs.
G4.h. Do you continuously survey the end users Objective: <to be developed or removed>.
if they understand the decision(s) of the Rationale: There is currently no objective to
AI-based system? cover the surveying of the end user in the
operational phase.

Communication in aviation applications

ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G4.i. In cases of interactive AI-based systems, Objective: Same as for G1.b
do you communicate to users that they Rationale: Same as for G1.b
are interacting with an AI-based system
instead of a human?
G4.j. Did you establish mechanisms to inform Objective: EXP-01 to EXP-03, Provision ORG-06
users about the purpose, criteria and Rationale: Identified users should be provided
limitations of the decision(s) generated by
with explanations through training needed for
the AI-based system? the development and learning assurance
processes on methods used at AI/ML item or
output level (EXP-01 to EXP-03). Relying as well
on training put in place by the organisations to
address this topic.
i. Did you communicate the benefits of Objective: not applicable.
the AI-based system to users? Rationale: sub-item removed, as it is not safety-
ii. Did you communicate the technical Objective: See item G4.j.
limitations and potential risks of the Rationale: See item G4.j.
AI-based system to users, such as its

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Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
level of accuracy and/ or error

iii. Did you provide appropriate Objective: See item G4.j.

training material and disclaimers to Rationale: See item G4.j.
users on how to adequately use the
AI-based system?

5. Gear #5 — Diversity, non-discrimination and fairness

Quote from the ALTAI: ‘In order to achieve Trustworthy AI, we must enable inclusion and diversity
throughout the entire AI system’s life cycle. AI systems (both for training and operation) may suffer
from the inclusion of inadvertent historic bias, incompleteness, and bad governance models. The
continuation of such biases could lead to unintended (in)direct prejudice and discrimination against
certain groups or people, potentially exacerbating prejudice and marginalisation. Harm can also result
from the intentional exploitation of (consumer) biases or by engaging in unfair competition, such as
the homogenisation of prices by means of collusion or a non-transparent market. Identifiable and
discriminatory bias should be removed in the collection phase where possible. AI systems should be
user-centric and designed in a way that allows all people to use AI products or services, regardless of
their age, gender, abilities or characteristics. Accessibility to this technology for persons with
disabilities, which are present in all societal groups, is of particular importance.’
This gear may not be applicable to all aviation use cases. Therefore, in a first analysis, applicants should
check whether the AI-based system could have any impact on diversity, non-discrimination and
fairness. Diversity, non-discrimination and fairness, in the context of Gear #5, have to be interpreted
as applying to people or groups of humans, not to data sources (which are addressed through the
learning assurance guidance). These people are the users, meaning the ones designing, developing
implementing, monitoring and/or decommissioning (involved in any other part of the life cycle of the
AI-based system) plus the end users that will use directly the AI-based systems during their work
If no impact exists, the record of this analysis should be added to the ethical assessment
documentation, with a clear declaration of non-applicability.
In case of an impact, please consider the following questions from the ALTAI (EU High-Level Expert
Group on AI, 2020) related to Gear #5.
It is understood that some of the ALTAI Gear #5 questions should be analysed through the perspective
of the organisations (enterprise, company) that develop or use the AI-based system, and not so much
focused on the AI-based system itself.

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Avoidance of unfair bias

ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G5.a. Did you establish a strategy or a set of Objective: ET-05, MOC DM-13-2; MOC DM-13-
procedures to avoid creating or 3; EXP-02; LM-07 and LM-08.
reinforcing unfair bias in the AI-based Rationale:
system, both regarding the use of input The avoidance of potential unfair bias is
data as well as for the ML model addressed through the systematic mitigation of
algorithm design? any potential biases in all phases of the AI-based
system development and operations.
All objectives mentioned above contribute to
this goal:
• Learning assurance aims at detecting
potential biases in the data, through
data representativeness (MOC DM 13-2)
and data accuracy and correctness
(MOC DM 13-3).
• Objectives LM-07 and LM-08 contribute
to ensuring that biases have been
detected and mitigated in the trained
model as a result from the learning
• The development explainability
objectives (driven by EXP-02) support
detection of bias that may not have
been detected in previous W-shaped
process steps.
The Continuous Safety Assessment (ICSA-02)
aims at identifying bias or poor performance in
the systems operation.
G5.b. Did you consider diversity and Objective: Anticipated MOC DM-02
representativeness of end users and/or Rationale:
subjects in the data? The guidance on data representativeness of the
data sets covers the diversity of end users, when
they are included in the ConOps (objective CO-
i. Did you test for specific target Objective: Objective LM-13 and IMP-09
groups or problematic use cases? Rationale: robustness on adverse cases
covering specific target groups and problematic
use cases
ii. Did you research and use publicly Objective: Not applicable.
available technical tools, that are Rationale: Proposed to remove the ALTAI
state-of-the-art, to improve your question as enforcement of a selection in
understanding of the data, model publicly available and state-of-the-art tools is
and performance? considered as too prescriptive for the aviation
domain. Tools are selected by the applicants
and are managed through the learning
assurance process.

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ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
iii. Did you assess and put in place Objective: MOC DM-13-2; MOC DM-13-3; EXP-
processes to test and monitor for 02; LM-07 and LM-08, ICSA-02
potential bias during the entire life Rationale: The avoidance of potential unfair bias
cycle of the AI-based system (e.g. is addressed through the systematic mitigation
bias due to possible limitations of any potential biases in all phases of the AI-
stemming from the composition of based system development and operations is
the used data sets (lack of diversity,addressed through the systematic mitigation of
non-representativeness)? any potential biases in all phases of the AI-based
system development and operations.
All objectives mentioned above contribute to
this goal:
• Learning assurance aims at detecting
potential biases in the data, through
data representativeness (MOC DM 13-2)
and data accuracy and correctness
(MOC DM 13-3).
• Objectives LM-07 and LM-08 contribute
to ensuring that biases have been
detected and mitigated in the trained
model as a result from the learning
• The development explainability
objectives (driven by EXP-02) support
detection of bias that may not have
been detected in previous W-shaped
process steps.
The Continuous Safety Assessment (ICSA-02)
aims at identifying bias or poor performance in
the systems operation. Learning assurance in
particular related to ensure that data
representativeness (MOC DM 13-2) and data
accuracy and correctness (MOC DM 13-3) are
not bias impacted.
Also MOC EXP-02 ensuring the goals and in
particular LM-07 and LM-08 ensuring that the
learning management are not biased.
The continuous safety assessment (ICSA-02)
aims at identifying invalid assumptions on the
data used to train the system and on the
system’s operation, to prevent possible lack of
diversity and/or non-representativeness.
iv. Where relevant, did you consider Objective: See item G5.b.
diversity and representativeness of Rationale: See item G5.b.
end users and/or subjects in the
G5.c. Did you put in place educational and Objective: Provision ORG-06.
awareness initiatives to help AI designers Rationale: The organisation should put in place

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ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
and AI developers be more aware of the training initiatives that would support the
possible bias they can inject in designing development of bias awareness and other AI-
and developing the AI-based system? specific competencies for the users.
G5.d. Did you ensure a mechanism that allows Objective: MOC DM-13-2; MOC DM-13-3; EXP-
for the flagging of issues related to bias, 02 and EXP-15; LM-07 and LM-08, ICSA-02
discrimination or poor performance of the Rationale: In this item, the word ‘discrimination’
AI-based system that may cause has been shifted to the end of the sentence, to
discrimination? present it as a consequence of the issues related
to bias or poor performance.
The mitigation of potential for discrimination is
addressed through the monitoring of system
performance (EXP-15) and through the
systematic mitigation of any potential biases in
all phases of the AI-based system development
and operations. All other objectives mentioned
above contribute to the latter goal:
• Learning assurance aims at detecting
potential biases in the data, through
data representativeness (MOC DM 13-2)
and data accuracy and correctness
(MOC DM 13-3).
• Objectives LM-07 and LM-08 contribute
to ensuring that biases have been
detected and mitigated in the trained
model as a result from the learning
• The development explainability
objectives (driven by EXP-02) support
detection of bias that may not have
been detected in previous W-shaped
process steps.
The Continuous Safety Assessment (ICSA-02)
aims at identifying bias or poor performance in
the systems operation.
i. Did you establish clear steps and Objective: ORG-03
ways of communicating on how and Rationale: The data-driven AI continuous safety
to whom such issues can be raised? assessment system ensures that steps and ways
of communicating detected issues to the
applicant are put in place.
ii. Did you identify the subjects that Objective: Not addressed through the
could potentially be (in)directly objectives of this Concept Paper (please
affected by the AI-based system, in consider the rationale).
addition to the (end) users and/or Rationale: In the aviation domain and in
subjects? particular in the present document, the term
‘subjects’ refers to the general public. Safety of
the general public is ensured through the

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ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
compliance of the aviation system with EU
regulations, and in particular for safety-related
AI applications through the future compliance
with the concept paper guidelines by the
applicants. This explains why this item is not
required to be addressed by EASA applicants..

G5.e. Is your definition of fairness commonly Objective: MOC DM-13-2; MOC DM-13-3; EXP-
used and implemented in any phase of 02; LM-07 and LM-08, ICSA-02.
the process of setting up the AI-based Rationale: The applicable definition of fairness is
system? defined in the glossary of the present document.
Regarding the mitigation of potential unfairness,
the removal of potential for discrimination is
addressed through the systematic mitigation of
any potential biases in all phases of the AI-based
system development and operations.
All objectives mentioned above contribute to
this goal:
• Learning assurance aims at detecting
potential biases in the data, through
data representativeness (MOC DM 13-2)
and data accuracy and correctness
(MOC DM 13-3).
• Objectives LM-07 and LM-08 contribute
to ensuring that biases have been
detected and mitigated in the trained
model as a result from the learning
• The development explainability
objectives (driven by EXP-02) support
detection of bias that may not have
been detected in previous W-shaped
process steps.
The Continuous Safety Assessment (ICSA-02)
aims at identifying bias or poor performance in
the systems operation.
i. Did you consider other definitions of Objective: Not addressed through the
fairness before choosing this one? objectives of this Concept Paper (please
consider the rationale).
Rationale: Several sources of information
defining the concept of fairness were consulted
including the ALTAI. The definition of fairness in
this document is based on the EU non-
discrimination guidelines.

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ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
ii. Did you consult with the impacted Objective: Not addressed through the
communities about the correct objectives of this Concept Paper (please
definition of fairness, i.e. consider the rationale).
representatives of elderly persons Rationale:
or persons with disabilities? Having the definition based on the EU non-
discrimination guidelines, all the impacted
communities are understood as considered.
iii. Did you ensure a quantitative Objective: Not addressed through the
analysis or metrics to measure and objectives of this Concept Paper (please
test the applied definition of consider the rationale).
fairness? Rationale: If the EASA applicant uses the
definition based on the EU non-discrimination
guidelines, it is considered that there is no need
for quantitative analysis or metrics to go under
iv. Did you establish mechanisms to Objective: MOC DM-13-2; MOC DM-13-3; EXP-
ensure fairness in your AI-based 02; LM-07 and LM-08, ICSA-02
system? Rationale: The mitigation of potential unfairness
is addressed through the systematic mitigation
of any potential biases in all phases of the AI-
based system development and operations.
The objectives mentioned above all contribute
to this goal:
• Learning assurance aims at detecting
potential biases in the data, through
data representativeness (MOC DM 13-2)
and data accuracy and correctness
(MOC DM 13-3).
• Objectives LM-07 and LM-08 contribute
to ensuring that biases have been
detected and mitigated in the trained
model as a result from the learning
• The development explainability
objectives (driven by EXP-02) support
detection of bias that may not have
been detected in previous W-shaped
process steps.
The Continuous Safety Assessment (ICSA-02)
aims at identifying bias or poor performance in
the systems operation.

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Accessibility and universal design

ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G5.f. Did you ensure that the AI-based system Objective: Not addressed through the
corresponds to the variety of preferences objectives of this Concept Paper (please
and abilities in society? consider the rationale).
Rationale: Aviation products are typically
designed for end users with specific licensing
and skills. It is therefore expected that the
questions related to ‘Accessibility and universal
design’ do not impose additional requirements
to the applicant.
G5.g. Did you assess whether the AI-based Objective: See item G5.f
system’s user interface is usable by those Rationale: See item G5.f
with special needs or disabilities or those
at risk of exclusion?
i. Did you ensure that information Objective: See item G5.f
about the AI-based system is also Rationale: See item G5.f
accessible to users of assistive
technologies (such as screen
ii. Did you ensure that the user Objective: See item G5.f
interface of the AI-based system is Rationale: See item G5.f
also usable by users of assistive
technologies (such as screen
iii. Did you involve or consult with end Objective: See item G5.f
users and/or subjects in need for Rationale: See item G5.f
assistive technology during the
planning and development phase of
the AI-based system?
G5.h. Did you ensure that universal design Objective: See item G5.f
principles are taken into account during Rationale: See item G5.f
every step of the planning and
development process, if applicable?
G5.i. Did you take the impact of the AI-based Objective: CO-05.
system on the potential end users and/or Rationale: Through objective CO-05, the
subjects into account? applicant should take the impact on identified
end users into account by involving
representative members of end users in the
development lifecycle of the AI-based system.
i. Did you assess whether the team Objective: CO-05.
involved in building the AI-based Rationale: The consultation of end users is a
system engaged with the possible common practice/requirement in aviation
target end users and/or subjects? when developing, certifying and approving any
system, covered in this document in the
objective CO-05.

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ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
ii. Did you assess whether there could Objective: SA-01, ICSA-02
be groups who might be Rationale: The safety assessment (SA-01) should
disproportionately affected by the ensure by design that no disproportionate effect
outcomes of the AI-based system? is to be anticipated. Should any be identified in
operations, occurrence reporting as well as the
continuous safety assessment strategy
developed in this document (ICSA-02) support
removal of any potential remaining
disproportionate effect.
iii. Did you assess the risk of the Objective: MOC DM-13-2; MOC DM-13-3; EXP-
possible unfairness of the system 02; LM-07 and LM-08, ICSA-02
onto the end users’ and/or subjects’ Rationale:
communities? Regarding the mitigation of potential unfairness,
it is addressed through the systematic mitigation
of any potential biases in all phases of the AI-
based system development and operations.
The objectives mentioned above all contribute
to this goal:
• Learning assurance aims at detecting
potential biases in the data, through
data representativeness (MOC DM 13-2)
and data accuracy and correctness
(MOC DM 13-3).
• Objectives LM-07 and LM-08 contribute
to ensuring that biases have been
detected and mitigated in the trained
model as a result from the learning
• The development explainability
objectives (driven by EXP-02) support
detection of bias that may not have
been detected in previous W-shaped
process steps.
The Continuous Safety Assessment (ICSA-02)
aims at identifying bias or poor performance in
the systems operation.

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Stakeholder participation

ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G5.j. Did you consider a mechanism to include Objective: ORG-01
the participation of the widest range of Rationale: The deployment of organisation
possible stakeholders in the AI-based processes adapted to the introduction of AI
system’s design and development? should account for the participation and level of
involvement of stakeholders such as but not
limited to: data scientists, software experts,
system architects, safety experts, operational
experts, UX/UI experts, management decision-
makers, inside and outside the organisation.
Also, the linkage in particular with academic
organisations, innovation research centres, and
national and European authorities for aviation
regulation should be accounted for.

6. Gear #6 — Societal and environmental well-being

Environmental well-being

Quote from the ALTAI: ‘This subsection helps to self-assess the (potential) positive and negative
impacts of the AI system on the environment. AI systems, even if they promise to help tackle some of
the most pressing societal concerns, e.g. climate change, must work in the most environmentally
friendly way possible. The AI system’s development, deployment and use process, as well as its entire
supply chain, should be assessed in this regard (e.g. via a critical examination of the resource usage
and energy consumption during training, opting for less net negative choices). Measures to secure the
environmental friendliness of an AI system’s entire supply chain should be encouraged.’

ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G6.a. Did you identify and assess potential Objective: ET-06
negative impacts of the AI-based system Rationale: This ALTAI question has been
on the environment and on human health reworked:
throughout its life cycle (development, — to imply that the negative impact analysis
deployment, use, end of life)?. should be driven by an identification and
assessment step (this has the effect of
merging the sub-item that was under this
ALTAI question with the main question);
— so that the impact assessment also takes
into account the consequences on human
health, including the right to physical,
mental and moral integrity; and
— so that the analysis covers all of the
phases of the life cycle of a product.

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Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G6.b. Did you establish mechanisms to evaluate Objective: ET-06.
the environmental impact of the AI-based Rationale: This item is covered by the MOC ET-
system’s development, deployment 06.
and/or use (for example, the amount of
energy used and carbon emissions)?
G6.c. Did you define measures to reduce or Objective: ET-07.
mitigate these impacts? Rationale: The mitigation of identified impacts is
a key objective.

Work and skills, and impact on society at large or democracy

Quote from ALTAI: ‘AI systems may fundamentally alter the work sphere. They should support humans
in the working environment, and aim for the creation of meaningful work. This subsection helps self-
assess the impact of the AI system and its use in a working environment on workers, the relationship
between workers and employers, and on skills. This subsection [i.e. regarding society at large or
Democracy] helps to self-assess the impact of an AI system from a societal perspective, taking into
account its effect on institutions, democracy and society at large. The use of AI systems should be
given careful consideration, particularly in situations relating to the democratic processes, including
not only political decision-making but also electoral contexts (e.g. when AI systems amplify fake news,
segregate the electorate, facilitate totalitarian behaviour, etc.).’
Except for topics related to Objective ET-08 and Objective ET-09, this sub-gear may not be applicable
to all aviation use cases. Therefore, in a first analysis, applicants should check whether the AI-based
system could have any impact on work and skills.
If no impact exists, the record of this analysis should be added to the ethical assessment documentation
(per Objective ET-01).
In case of an impact, please consider the questions from the ALTAI related to Gear #6 ‘Work and skills’
and ‘Impact on society at large or democracy’. Those questions can be found in the table below.

ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G6.d. Does the AI-based system impact human Objective: Not addressed through the
work and work arrangements? objectives of this Concept Paper (please
consider the rationale).
Rationale: In case of an impact, the assessment
of the answer to these questions does not fall
under the remit of EASA and would be
performed by a competent authority for ‘Work
and skills’’ matters, at European level or at
national level as applicable.
G6.e. Did you pave the way for the introduction Objective: [to be developed].
of the AI-based system in your Rationale: [to be developed].
organisation by informing and consulting

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Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
with impacted workers and their
representatives (trade unions, (European)
work councils) in advance?
G6.f. Did you adopt measures to ensure that Objective: Not addressed through the
the impacts of the AI-based system on objectives of this Concept Paper (please
human work are well-understood? consider the rationale).
Rationale: In case of an impact, the assessment
of the answer to these questions does not fall
under the remit of EASA and would be
performed by a competent authority for ‘Work
and skills, and impact on society at large or
democracy’ matters, at European level or at
national level as applicable.

i. Did you ensure that workers Objective: See item G6.f.

understand how the AI-based Rationale: See item G6.f.
system operates, which capabilities
it has and which it does not have?
G6.g. Could the AI-based system create the risk Objective: ET-09.
of de-skilling of the workforce? Rationale: When introducing new working
practices, there is a risk of de-skilling meaning
that the staff will no longer make use of their
competence, they will no longer be ready for
performance, or not accurate in terms of timing
and effectiveness.
i. Did you take measures to Objective: ET-09.
counteract de-skilling risks? Rationale: This risk should be mitigated though
refresher training.
G6.h. Does the system promote or require new Objective: ET-08
(digital) skills? Rationale: As any innovation, new skills would
most probably be a need. Competence building
will be ensured through the provision of training
objectives identified through objective ET-08.
i. Did you provide training Objective: See item G6.h.
opportunities and materials for re- Rationale: See item G6.h.
and up-skilling?
G6.i. Could the AI-based system have a Objective: Not addressed through the
negative impact on society at large or objectives of this Concept Paper (please
democracy? consider the rationale).
Rationale: In case of an impact, the assessment
of the answer to these questions does not fall
under the remit of EASA and would be
performed by a competent authority, at
European level or at national level as applicable.

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ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
i. Did you assess the societal impact of Objective: Not addressed through the
the AI-based system’s use beyond objectives of this Concept Paper (please
the (end) user and/or subject, such consider the rationale).
as potentially indirectly affected Rationale: In case of an impact, the assessment
stakeholders or society at large? of the answer to these questions does not fall
under the remit of EASA and would be
performed by a competent authority, at
European level or at national level as applicable.

ii. Did you take action to minimise Objective: Not addressed through the
potential societal harm of the AI- objectives of this Concept Paper please
based system? consider the rationale).
Rationale: In case of an impact, the assessment
of the answer to these questions does not fall
under the remit of EASA and would be
performed by a competent authority, at
European level or at national level as applicable.

iii. Did you take measures that ensure Objective: Not addressed through the
that the AI-based system does not objectives of this Concept Paper (please
negatively impact democracy? consider the rationale).
Rationale: In case of an impact, the assessment
of the answer to these questions does not fall
under the remit of EASA and would be
performed by a competent authority, at
European level or at national level as applicable.

7. Gear #7 — Accountability
Quote from the ALTAI: ‘The principle of accountability necessitates that mechanisms be put in place
to ensure responsibility for the development, deployment and/or use of AI systems. This topic is
closely related to risk management, identifying and mitigating risks in a transparent way that can be
explained to and audited by third parties. When unjust or adverse impacts occur, accessible
mechanisms for accountability should be in place that ensure an adequate possibility of redress.’
Quote from the ALTAI: ‘This subsection helps to self-assess the existing or necessary level that would
be required for an evaluation of the AI system by internal and external auditors. The possibility to
conduct evaluations as well as to access records on said evaluations can contribute to Trustworthy AI.
In applications affecting fundamental rights, including safety-critical applications, AI systems should
be able to be independently audited. This does not necessarily imply that information about business
models and intellectual property related to the AI system must always be openly available.’
The AI system should be auditable by internal and external parties, including the approving authorities.

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Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G7.a. Did you establish mechanisms that Objective: DA-01, CM-01, DM-02, QA-01
facilitate the AI-based system’sRationale: All development processes are
auditability (e.g. traceability of the planned (DA-01), all life cycle data managed in
development process, the sourcing of configuration (CM-01). In particular, sourcing of
training data and the logging of the AI training data is performed as specified in the
system’s processes, outcomes, positive data management step (DM-02). The process
and negative impact)? monitoring, including negative and positive
outcome, is performed through process and
quality assurance (QA-01).
G7.b. Did you ensure that the AI-based system Objective: ORG-04.
can be audited by independent third Rationale: The AI-based system should be
parties? auditable by internal and external entities.

Risk management
Some of the accountability gear items may not be applicable to all aviation use cases. Therefore, in a
first analysis, applicants should check whether the AI-based system could have any impact on the
monitoring of ethical concerns from an organisation’s perspective.
If no impact exists, the record of this analysis should be added to the ethical assessment documentation
(per Objective ET-01).
In case of an impact, please consider the following questions from the ALTAI related to Gear #7

ALTAI items Link to EASA concept paper objectives

Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G7.c. Did you foresee any kind of external Objective: Not addressed through the
guidance or third-party auditing objectives of this Concept Paper (please
processes to oversee ethical concerns and consider the rationale).
accountability measures? Rationale: In case of an impact, the assessment
of the answer to these questions does not fall
under the remit of EASA and would be
performed by a competent authority, at
European level or at national level as applicable.

i. Does the involvement of these third Objective: See item G7.c.

parties go beyond the development Rationale: See item G7.c.
G7.d. Did you organise risk training and, if so, Objective: ET-08
does this also inform about the potential Rationale: The organisation’s training
legal framework applicable to the AI- requirements should cover the full scope of
based system? necessary skills and should also encompass the
ethics-based aspects related to the legal
framework, as far as safety is concerned.

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Objective(s)/Rationale for the link
G7.e. Did you consider establishing an AI ethics Objective: Provision ORG-08
review board or a similar mechanism to Rationale: The organisation should establish
discuss the overall accountability and means (e.g. processes) to continuously assess
ethics practices, including potential ethics-based aspects and in case of conflict
unclear grey areas? between different ethical principles, warrant an
explanation on the decision-making. This
includes the consideration of establishing an AI
ethics review board.
G7.f. Did you establish a process to discuss Objective: Provision ORG-08
and continuously monitor and assess the AI- Rationale: The organisation should establish
based system’s adherence to the ethics- means (e.g. processes) to continuously assess
based assessment guidance? ethics-based aspects and in case of conflict
between different ethical principles, warrant an
explanation on the decision-making.
i. Does this process include Objective: See item G7.f
identification and documentation of Rationale: See item G7.f.
conflicts between the six
aforementioned gears or between
different ethical principles and
explanation of the ‘trade-off’
decisions made?
ii. Did you provide appropriate Objective: ET-08
training to those involved in such a Rationale: The organisation’s training
process and does this also cover the requirements should cover the full scope of
legal framework applicable to the necessary skills and should also encompass the
AI-based system? ethics-based aspects related to the legal
framework, as far as safety is concerned.
G7.g. Did you establish a process for third Objective: Provisions ORG-02 to ORG-03,
parties (e.g. suppliers, end users, subjects, Provision ORG-05
distributors/vendors or workers) to report Rationale: The AI-based system should
potential vulnerabilities, risks or bias in the continuously be assessed for potential security
AI-based system? (ORG-02) and safety vulnerabilities (ORG-03),
bias, and the risk management process should
be implemented (ORG-05).
i. Does this process foster revision of Objective: See item G7.g
the risk management process? Rationale: See item G7.g

G7.h. For applications that can adversely Objective: SRM-02, ICSA-02

affect individuals, have redress-by-design Rationale: Continuously assess the safety in
mechanisms been put in place? operation (ICSA-02) and mitigate the risk by
architectural design, e.g. safety net (SRM-02).

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