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(Tương đương B1 theo CEFR)

TRUNG TÂM NGOẠI NGỮ-TIN Mã đề: 01 Ban hành

Thời gian làm bài: 160 phút
624 Âu Cơ, Phường 10, quận Tân Bình
Tổng số trang:12
Điện thoại: 08. 3832 0333 - 214



PART 1: Questions 1-7: Listen and choose the correct picture. Tick the correct answer
Example: Where did the woman leave the hat?



1. What is the weather like in Sydney?

2. How did the woman learn about the accident?


3. What will they eat at the restaurant?


4. What did the man buy from the supermarket?


5. How are tourists advised to travel?

6. On what date is the birthday party?


7. Which instrument can Ben play?


PART 2: Questions 8-19

Conversation 1: You will hear a man, David, being interviewed about his life as a professional
footballer. Chooose the best answer for each question.
8. How long has David been a professional football player?
A. One match
B. Two years
C. Four years
9. What is in a normal day for David?
A. Fitness training and a full match
B. Fitness training tactics and a full match
C. Fitness training and tactics
10. What do the team not watch videos about?
A. Warming up
B. The opposition
C. Their own performance

11. What does David say about the diet of a footballer?

A. It is often unpleasant and bad
B. Footballers have to be careful about what they eat
C. It has lots of rice, meat and pasta.
12. What is true about David’s free time?
A. He has very little free time, except in the summer.
B. He spends most of his free time with his friends.
C. He usually does not manage to see his family
13. What does David say about his future ambitions?
A. He wants to play for a European team in the next two years.
B. He never thinks about playing in the World Cup
C. He firsly wants to secure a regular place in the team.
Conversation 2: You will hear someone reviewing some local arts and internationl events.
Chooose the best answer for each question.
14. The art exhibition
A. is boring
B. has a mixture of amateur and and professional artists
C. is shocking
15. “Raisin in the Sun” is
A. about life decisions
B. a comedy
C. about religion
16. What is said about the film?
A. Parents will be bored
B. The whole family may enjoy it
C. It would only apppeal to Americans
17. What is special about Friday night at the “Med Food Restaurant”?
A. The chefs are related
B. The food will be free
C. Customers can have a free drink
18. The government is trying to
A. force children to do sport
B. encourage people to be healthier
C. stop children from being too competitive
19. The speaker suggests that
A. the market is fun for all the family
B. supermarkets don’t sell healthy food
C. the market is good for a night out
PART 3: Questions 20-25
You will hear someone talking on the radio about taxis and private hire vehicles in London. For
each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space


Taxis Services
 Taxi & private hire 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
 Pay in (20) ___________ or with credit & debit cards.
 Not all black
 Stopped in the (21) _________ or at cab ranks.
 Can be booked in advance
Taxi Costs
 Depends on time of day, distance travelled and time taken
Tariff 1: Monday – Friday 6 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Tariff 2: Monday – Friday 8 p.m. – 10 p.m., (22) ____________ and Sunday 6 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Tariff 3: Every night 10 p.m. – 6 a.m. & on (23) ___________
Tests to become a Taxi Driver
 Criminal record check.
 (24) ____________ examination.
 Knowledge of London’s streets
Private Hire Vehicles
 Limousine
 Chauffer services, often known as (25) __________
 Journeys always booked in advance by visiting office or by phone.

PART 4: Questions 26-35

Conversation 1: You will hear a conversation between a boy, Simon and a girl, Tina about some
problems Tina is having at school. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect (A: Correct –
B: Incorrect)
26. Simon agrees that the teacher are unfair.
27. Tina is ill
28. Simon thinks Tina should talk about her problems
29. Tina doesn’t concentrate in class.
30. Tina realised her mistakes.
Conversation 2: You will hear a conversation between a man, Simon, and a woman, Samantha,
about London. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect (A: Correct – B: Incorrect)
31. Simon thought the Chinese food was value for money
32. Samantha thought the art in Tate Modern was impressive
33. The popular theatre shows are always expensive
34. Samantha felt uncomfortable on public transport
35. Simon didn’t want to go on the London Eye


Watch repairs
1A.This shop will sell customers' watches within twelve months.
Warning to
B.This shop will keep customers'watches for up to twelve months. customers
C.This shop will look after customers' watches for more than twelve months.
All uncollected
items will be sold
2A. Philippe and Stefano missed each other at the stadium. after 12 months
B. Stefano had to leave without Philippe to get to work. Phillipe, couldn’t wait any longer,
C. Stefano has given up waiting for Philippe to arrive. didn’t want to miss the start of the
match, problem at work? Here’s is
your ticket – see you at the stadium.

3A.Parents must return forms this week if their child is going on Friday's trip.
B.Parents cannot go on next month's trip unless they return their forms by Friday.
C.The last day for returning completed forms for the trip is Friday.


Complete and return your child’s

form for next month school’s trip by

4A. You must not open the window. Do not not lean out of
B. The windows do not open. the train window
C. You must not put your head out of the window.

5A. The store will open later than normal onWednesday. CUSTOMER NOTICE
B. The store usually closes at 4 p.m. The store will close at 4 p.m. on
C. On Wednesday the store will close an hour earlier than usual. Wesnesday for a stock check. Normal
opening hours of 9-5 will resume on
Questions 6-10
These people (6-10) all want to go to a restaurant. Look at the eight reviews (A-H). Decide which
restaurant would be the most suitable for each person. For questions 6-10, choose the correct
letter (A-H)
6. Carolina and Greta enjoy eating Italian food but they don’t have much money. On Sunday
lunchtime they want to walk from the city centre to a restaurant with a nice view. 6

7. Dennis and Jenninfer want to drive to a quiet restaurant on Tuesday evening. They both love
fish. The don’t mind how much they spend but they hate waiting for their food. 7

8. Rena has three young children and she wants to take them out for lunch on Thursday. She needs
to park her car at the restaurant. The children enjoy playing outside when they get 8
9. Chloe often has lunch with her mother on Fridays in the city centre. They like eating outside
and the cost isn’t important. They walk or take a taxi. 9
10. Michael wants to go out with twenty friends in the city centre on Saturday evening. They don’t
want to spend too much. Some of his friends never eat meat. They’ll drive to the
restaurant. 10

Places to eat
A. The Olive Tree E. O’Brady’s
The Olive Tree is an Italian restaurant with a O’Brady’s is just outside the city centre by the
beautiful view across the valley but it’s fairly river with a car park at the front and a large
expensive. It has a car park and a large room back garden with tables and swings. It’s well
for groups but no garden. known for its traditional British dishes which
Open lunchtimes Thursday – Sunday and are good value. The service is sometimes slow
every evening except Mondays and Tuesdays. at weekends. Open lunchtimes and evenings
except Tuesdays.
B. Peppers
Peppers is in a country park just two F. Gabrielle’s
kilometres from the city centre and looks over Gabrielle’s is in the city centre and has a large
a lovely lake. It’s usually popular with car park. Both the food and service are
families as there’s play equipment in the excellent. There aren’t many tables so everyone
garden. The nearest car park is 20 minutes’ is served quickly. The menu includes many
walk away. It serves mainly French and Italian vegetarian and fish dishes. It’s expensive
dishes and isn’t expensive. Open at weekends however. Open every evening and lunchtimes
(lunchtimes and evenings) at weekends.

C. The Dragon
The Dragon is just off the city’s Market G. Waltons
Square so it is usually difficult to park. There’s Waltons is by the canal just outside the city so
a sunny area at the back with tables. The food is especially popular with walkers in summer.
is excellent but expensive. It offers a wide It serves mainly inexpensive Italian dishes.
range of Chinese dishes including meat, fish There’s a small garden at the back for children
and vegetarian choices and the menu is never to play in but no car park. Open from five till
the same. Open lunchtimes Monday-Friday midnight every day.
and evenings at weekends.
H. The Atrium
D. The Paprika The Atrium is a restaurant which is rarely quiet
The Paprika in the city centre serves even in the middle of the afternoon. It’s beside
wonderful Indian food but is small so there the city’s main car park. There’s a large room
isn’t space for large groups. It’s often busy but upstairs which can be booked by groups. The
the food always tastes delicious and it isn’t menu has a range of dishes including meat, fish
expensive. There are a few tables outside and and vegetarian and none are expensive. Open
a small car park. Open every evening. from midday to midnight every day.

Part 2: Questions 11-20

Look at the sentences below about Berlin. Read the text to decide if each sentence is correct or
incorrect. If it is correct, mark A. if it is not correct, mark B.

11. The Hamburger Bahnhof Museum contains modern art. 11

12. You can catch a train from the Bahnhof Museum.
13. You don’t have to to rich to shop at KaDeWe. 13
14. Berlin has plenty of nightlife in the Mitte area. 13
15. KaDeWe is the best place to but a second-hand book. 14
16. The museum is impressive by day and night. 15
17. You will be bored in the Turkish coffee shops if you don’t take 16
a book with
18. KaDeWe is the biggest shopping centre in the world. 17
19. Young people would probably avoid the Kreuzberg neighbourhood.
20. The Mitte area is a cultural area. 18
“Exploring Berlin” 20
With its fascinating history and its currently in-vogue urban scene, Berlin really is a city of
contrasts, and after all those scenic strolls it’s time for some art. Berlin’s “museum for the
present” Hamburger Bahnhof has a variety of work from contemporary European artists as well
as a large collection of works by Andy Warhol. Housed in an impressive 18th-century railway
terminal, the museum is a sleek, clever refit of a classical building. If you think it’s impressive
by day, be sure to stroll by at night when it’s bathed in a striking blue light.

For fantastic shopping, KaDeWe is Europe’s largest shopping centre. It’s also suitably glam
with a Reichstag style glass dome and an entire top floor devoted to gourmet foods, including
over 100 varieties of wurst-sausage heaven! From Dior to Diesel, KaDeWe has a good mix of
the affordable and the sky high.

But if shopping centres leave you cold, the Mitte area might be more your scene. The new face
of the former east, this area hosts the highest density of clubs in the city and is packed with art
galleries, cool shops and bars. The Kreuzberg neighbourhood is especially well-known for
alternative culture blending a hip, too-cool-for-school scene with a cosmopolitan vibe. Head to
the Turkish coffee shops for some serious people watching and don’t forget to take a classic
European novel with you – there are plenty of great second-hand bookstores around if you left
yours at home. Whoever wants to seriously go out in Berlin also does so in Mitte in relaxed and
loungy clubs like “Delicious Donuts” or “Mr Wonka’s”.

PART 3: Questions 21-30

Read the text and questions below. For each question, mark the letter next to the correct answer -
A, B, C or D - on your answer sheet.

Text 1:

Cycling in the countryside

By Chris Jones, aged 14

Have you ever been cycling? This spring my older brother and I left the busy city and spent a long
weekend cycling in the countryside. Our average speed was only around 14 kph, but that didn’t
matter. We hadn’t come to break any speed records, or to get fit and healthy. All we wanted was
some fresh air and a break from schoolwork. My bike only once went more than 30 kph, and that
was when I raced my brother down the only hill on our route.

We really enjoyed cycling along flat, traffic-free country paths. There was plenty of spring
sunshine, but it was quite cold, especially in the mornings. We didn’t mind, though - and we soon
warmed up as we rode along. Our only problem was when my brakes started making a terrible
noise. But I didn’t mind as it gave us an excuse to visit a café while a helpful bike mechanic had a
look at it.

That was one of the best things about our route: every few kilometres there was a village where
we could find everything we needed. All the local people were really friendly, too. However, most
places we stopped at served chips with all the meals, which soon got fairly boring.

One night we were woken at 4 a.m. by a group of rugby fans singing loudly in the hotel corridor.
We were tired and bad-tempered when we set off the next morning and very nearly got lost, but
soon felt more cheerful when the sun came out. That’s what I like about cycling - it’s simple and
it’s fun. If you’re looking for a short break that’s active and cheap, then cycling is a great choice!

21. What is Chris Jones doing in this text?

A. describing the different places he saw while cycling

B. comparing cycling to other forms of exercise

C. suggesting places to stay on a cycling holiday

D. recommending cycling as a good type of holiday

22. What do we find out about Chris’s bike?

A. It wasn’t as good as his brother’s.

B. It was too old to go fast.

C. It needed attention at one point.

D. It had trouble going up hills.

23. Chris was pleased because

A. he and his brother had chosen a good route.

B. he felt much healthier than before he began his trip.

C. he met other people who were keen on cycling.

D. he went away at the best time of year for cycling.

24. What did Chris dislike about his trip?

A. breaking down

B. the food

C. the weather

D. getting lost

25. What might Chris say in a postcard to a friend?

Text 2:

Tom Cruise
Over the years, Tom Cruise has become one things all the time. I want to challenge
of the most popular and successful actors in myseft to be better and always try new
the world. Tom is now an international star, things. I know I’ve made a lot of progress in
who gets paid millions of dollars for every my career, but I still have ambitions for the
film he makes. “I’m lucky,” say Tom. “I’m future.”
doing what I love, and I’m having a great
time. Lots of people would love to do this After interviewing him, I understood that the
job, but they didn’t get the lucky breaks or real Tom Cruise is a man with a very
chances that I did.” For many of us interesting and aggreeable personality. He
however, Tom was more than just lucky or has a mind of his own and he’s not like the
good-looking, as acting ability and great characters in his movies, even though they
determination were needed for him to may reflect Tom’s personal style in the way
become one of Hollywood’s biggest names. he plays them.

Is Tom happy with his success so far? He The amazing success of Tom’s career has
has a different outlook on his career than been due to his talent as an actor and his
you might expect, “I’ve always looked to personal strength and single-mindedness.
the future,” says Tom. “I feel I’m always Tom knew what he wanted to do with his life
developing as an actor. I’m looking for new and gave his best to succeed.

26. The purpose of this text is to

A. promote Tom Cruise’s latest film.
B. discuss Tom Cruise’s success in acting.
C. tell the story of Tom Cruise’s childhood.
D. negatively criticise Tom Cruise.

27. What does Tom say about other people who try to become actors?
A. They are not as hard-working as successful actors.
B. He took more risks to achieve success.
C. They did not love the job as much as he did.
D. He was more fortunate at certain points in his career.

28. How does Tom describe his attitude to his work?

A. He looks forward and wants to improve and develop.
B. He is only interested in making millions of dollars as an international star.
C. He is unlucky and has had many breaks in his career.
D. He is determined to become famous one day, whatever the cost.

29. The writer says that Tom Cruise

A. hides his real personality.
B. has a personality similar to the characters he plays.
C. is very likeable as a person.
D. has no personal style when acting.

30. How might the author describe Tom Cruise’s success?

A.“A combination of luck and connections.”
B. “Something everyone can achieve.”
C. “A result of hard work and willpower.”
D. “Unfinished and incomplete.”

PART 4: Questions 31-40

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, mark the
letter next to the correct word - A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.


Hypatia was born in Alexandria, in Egypt, in 370 A. D. For many centuries she was
(31)............... only woman scientist to have a place in history books. Hypatia's father was
director of Alexandria University, and he (32).............. sure his daughter had the best education
available. This was unusual, as most women then had few (33) …………. to study. After
studying in Athens and Rome, Hypatia returned to Alexandria (34) …………. she began
teaching mathematics. She soon became famous (35)................ her knowledge of new ideas. We
have no copies of her books, (36)................. we know that she wrote several important
mathematical works. Hypatia was also interested in technology and (37).................. several
scientific tools to help with her work. At the (38)................ many rulers were afraid of science,
and (39)............... connected with it was in danger. One day in March 415, Hypatia (40)..........
attacked in the street and killed.

31 A one B the Ca D an

32 A could B made C said D put

33 A classes B customs C opportunities D teachers

34 A where B how C there D which

35 A from B by C for D in

36 A because B but C or D as

37 A did B experimented C invented D learnt

38 A day B period C year D time

39 A anyone B nobody C all D something

40 A was B had C has D is



You have invited your English friend Jo to stay with you next month, but you now need to delay
this visit.

Write a card to send to Jo. In your card, you should apologize to Jo and explain why the visit has
to be delayed, suggest when it would be convenient for Jo to come.

Write 35-45 words on your answer sheet.

PART 2 Answer one of the following questions (1 or 2)

Question 1 Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Your story must begin with this
sentence: Carla looked at the car in surprise. Write your story in about 100 words on your
answer sheet.

Question 2 This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend.

I know you often go to the cinema. Now tell me the last film you saw and
whether you enjoyed it

Now write a letter to your friend. Write your letter in about 100 words on your answer sheet.
Lưu ý: - Thí sinh không sử dụng tài liệu.
- Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm.

` Tp. Hồ Chí Minh, ngày tháng năm 2017


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