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Eng9 1 Tasks

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Областной этап РО, 2022, английский язык, 9 класс, 1 тур

9 Grade
1 Tour
Maximum score for the 1st tour = 100 points
Total time for the 1st tour = 120 minutes (2 hours)
I. Listening
Maximum score for Listening section = 20 points / Time for Listening section – 20 minutes

Task 1. Listen and choose the correct answer A, B or C. Eg. 0 - A

0. What kind of party is it?
A. birthday party B. wedding party C. Chrismas party
1. How many people were supposed to come?
A. 8 B. 11 C. 18
2. How many people confirmed that they would come to the party?
A. 8 B. 11 C. 18
3. What food is Amanda going to have?
A. fish and chips B. fish and lemon sauce - C. lemon with ice
4. Which ice cream will they have at the party?
A. coffee B. lemon C. apple
5. What is broken?
A. the CD player B. the cassette recorder C. the guitar
6. Whose birthday is it?
A. Emma’s B. Joan’s C. Amanda’s sister’s
7. What present has Amanda bought?
A. a camera B. a video C. a football
8. What time should people arrive at the party?
A. 8 p.m. B. 8.30 p.m. C. 9.30 p.m.
9. Why didn’t Amanda buy a present a birthday girl wanted?
A. She couldn’t afford it B. She has a better idea C. She didn’t like the choice
10. What doesn’t Joan’s sister do?
A. plays football B. studies at college C. plays the guitar

Task 2. Listen and complete the information. Eg. 0 – a job

Looking for 0 …
At: Jones Department store
To sell: 11) …
Begin work at: 12) … a.m.
Days: 13) Tuesday to …
Pay: 14) £ … per hour
Write to: 15) Mrs …

Task 3. Listen and complete the table. Eg. 0 – 3 (three)

Tourists stop here for 0)… hours
Town Hall
See the: 16) …
Cost of ticket: 17) … pence
Langley Park
Cafe is near 18) …
Tour of town
Meet guide in: 19) … street
Leave Langley at: 20) … p.m

1 point for each correct answer

Total maximum score for this section – 20
Областной этап РО, 2022, английский язык, 9 класс, 1 тур
II. Reading
Maximum score for Reading section = 20 points / Time for Reading section = 30 minutes

Task 1. Read the signs. What do they say. Choose the correct answer A, B or C. Eg. 0-A
0. Nothing of value is left in this van at night A. Valuable objects are removed at night
B. Valuables should not be left in the van
C. This van is locked at night
1. Please think about other users of the gym when A. The members of the gym think the music system is
playing the music system very useful
B. When using the music system in the gym, please
remember to switch it off.
C. If you put on some music, consider the other people in
the gym.
2. Hello! Having a great time. Some of the group The writer is going
have returned home, but the rest of us are having A. home with the rest of the group tomorrow.
a boat trip tomorrow. See you next week B. on a boat with members of the group tomorrow
C. out with the whole group tomorrow
3. English Library A. You should return your books to the assistant in the
All books are arranged in A-Z order. Please put correct order
them back correctly B The books are easy to find because they are all
arranged by level.
C. You should replace books in the order that you found
4. If entrance door is locked, please press the A. Use this button to call hotel staff if you cannot get in
button to contact hotel reception. B. If you cannot lock the door, please contact hotel
C. Press this button to unlock the entrance door.
5. David A. He should remind Carla that someone is picking her up
I’ll be back late. Don’t forget Caria needs a lift to for band practice.
band practice at school- please make sure she’s in B. He should check Carla is dressed properly and take her
uniform. Marta to band practice.
C. He should make Carla practise before she goes to her
school band meeting
6. This car park has 24-hour security cameras in A. The cameras are not operating at the moment
operation B. There is security in this car park day and night
C. This car park is only safe during the day
7. Please show your staff discount card before you A. Some people can have a discount in this shop
pay for your goods B. Staff are not allowed any discounts
C. Staff will always ask you for your discount card
8. If the ticket office is closed, please use the A. You can't always get a ticket from the machines
machines on the platform B. Tickets are available when the office isn’t open
C. There are two ticket offices at this station
9. Jaques What does Marco want Jaques to do?
Can you tell Louisa I can’t go out tonight? I’ve A. tell him Louisa's phone number
lost her phone number and I don’t know her B. give somebody a message
address! Thanks. C. visit Louisa at home
10 Message Jaime's English teacher is going to
to: Jaime A. cancel next week's lesson
From: Your English Teacher B. increase the time of next week’s lesson
Jaime- The bus didn't arrive and there isn't C. arrive late for next week's lesson
another one for thirty minutes, We’ll add an extra
hour to next week’s lesson instead
Областной этап РО, 2022, английский язык, 9 класс, 1 тур
Task 2. Read the text and mark the statements below as TRUE, FALSE or NOT GIVEN. Eg. 0 - NG
Rob Stone and the school play
Last week, Rob Stone, the famous British actor and star of many Hollywood films, had a party for his 53rd
birthday. Rob invited a lot of other actors to his beautiful home for his party. After dinner, he stood up and
spoke to everyone there. He told them about something that happened when he was at school 40 years ago. As a
schoolboy, Rob loved the theatre and he was very happy when he had his first part in a play. It was a very sad
play by Shakespeare, the sixteenth-century English writer.
Rob played the part of an old man who had to die on stage. He practised and practised to become good at the
part. He had to lie on a bed, say a few sad words of goodbye to his sons and then shout in pain and die.
Like all the other parents, Mr and Mrs Stone came to watch their son in the play. Rob told his guests, ‘I shall
never forget that evening. It was terrible. As I died, I could hear my father laughing! I still remember now how
bad I felt and I have not asked my father to one of my plays since.’
0. Rob Stone got many film awards in the US and in the UK.
11. Rob Stone comes from America
12. Rob Stone went to a restaurant for his birthday.
13. Rob talked to a few of his guests about his time at school
14. Rob preferred Shakespeare’s plays to those of any other writer.
15. Rob tried very hard to act well in the school play.
16. The old man that Rob played died at the end of the play.
17. Rob’s father made his son unhappy at the play.
18. Rob never invited his father to watch him act again
19 Rob’s first school play was a medieval drama.
20 His father laughed because Rob’s death sounds were excessive.

1 point for each correct answer

Total maximum score for this section – 20
Областной этап РО, 2022, английский язык, 9 класс, 1 тур
III. Use of English
Maximum score for Use of English section = 20 points
Time for Use of English section =30 minutes

Task 1. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Eg. 0 – interesting
0. It was a really boring film. - It wasn't a very … film.
1. It’s too cold to go for a walk. - It isn't warm … to go for a walk.
2. There are three screens in the cinema – That cinema … three screens.
3. You must turn off your phones during the performance - You are not … to have your phones turned on
during the performance.
4. Only students can get discounts. - You can’t get a discount … you are a student.
5. Mr Winters told the class they were going to visit the museum. - Mr Winters said to the class, ‘… to visit the
6. I became a policeman five years ago. – I … a policeman for five years.
7. It cost £3 to visit the museum. - They had to … £3 to visit the museum.
8. Each lesson lasts forty minutes. - Each lesson … 40 minutes long.
9. My father said, ‘Come home at 10’ - My father told … home at 10.
10. Mary said, ‘Let’s order a pizza’. - Mary … that we order a pizza.
11. That man’s dog chased me yesterday. - That’s the man … chased me yesterday
12. The programme wasn’t interesting so I turned off the TV. - I wouldn‟t have turned off the TV if the
programme … interesting
13. Who broke the window? - Who was responsible … the window?
14. What did you say to the headmaster. – I’d like to know … to the headmaster.
15. People send billions of emails every day. - Billions of emails … every day
16. Why didn’t you go to school today. - You should … to school today
17. I didn’t recognize him until he removed his sunglasses. - I didn’t recognize him until he … off his
18. I didn’t know it was illegal to smoke in the restaurant.. - I didn’t know it was against … to smoke in a
19. Sam can swim well. - Sam is … swimming.
20. Car fumes pollute our cities. - Our cities … car fumes.

1 point for each correct answer

Total maximum score for this section - 20
Областной этап РО, 2022, английский язык, 9 класс, 1 тур
IV. Writing
Maximum score for Writing section = 40 points
Time for Writing section = 40 minutes

Write an answer to ONE of questions A-G. Write 120 – 150 words.

A. Write about a leasure-time activity you really enjoy: A great way to spend your free time!
-how did you get started
-why do you enjoy it so much?

B. Write about a sporting activity or form of exersice you enjoy, how you started and why you would
recommend it to other people: A great way to keep fit.

C. Write an essay ‘My ideal home’. If you could choose the type of house you would like to live in and its
location, where would you live, what sort of house would it be and what features would it have?

D. Write an assey about an unusual object. Have you or members of your family, ever owned an unusual
object? Write about it – describe an object and explain why it is so unusual.

E. You received an email from a pen-friend:

I’m doing a project on teenager’s part-time jobs. Can yoy help me by describing a part-time job you’ve done (or
the job of someone you know well), what you (they) learned from it and any problems you (they) had with it?
Write your email.

F. You received an email from a pen-friend:

From: Alex
Subject: I need your advice
I play the guitar in a band with 3 friends. We play for fun after school. Now my friends would like our band to
play in a music competition on TV, but I’m not sure if I want to. Do you think it’s a good idea? If I say ‘no’, it
will upset my friends.
What should I do?
Write your email.

G. Write an essay about housework: Teenagers and young people should share housework equally with their
parents. Do you agreee?

Total maximum score for this section – 40

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