Analysis and Design of Advanced Bus Stand
Analysis and Design of Advanced Bus Stand
Analysis and Design of Advanced Bus Stand
A controversial issue in the seismic analysis and design of buildings with multiple underground stories lies in incorporating the
effects of these underground stories on the seismic response of these structures. Building codes lack recommendations concerning
this controversy; thus, the designers are basing their analysis on approximations, engineering judgment and experience. Some
model and analyze the building cropped at the ground floor level, others include a certain number of basement floors, while few
include all the underground floors.
Keywords: Seismic zone, Importance factor, Advance bus design, Reduction factor, Response Spectrum method
This has been an active area of research throughout the past decade (Dutta and Roy, 2002, Dutta et al., 2004, Shakib, 2004, Naim
et al., 2008, El Ganainy and El Naggar, 2009, Raychowdury 2010, Tabatabaeifar and Massumi, 2010). El Ganainy and El Naggar
investigated the seismic performance of moment-resisting frame steel buildings with multiple underground stories. Their study
was tailored for the governing site conditions in Vancouver, Canada, and the Beam-on-a-Nonlinear Winkler Foundation approach
was used to simulate the important aspects of the nonlinear behaviour of the foundation and side soil. Raychowdhury also used a
similar approach to study the response of low-rise steel moment resisting frame buildings. Tabatabaiefar and Matssumi (2010)
used a 3D finite element model to simulate the effects of soil structure interaction on reinforced concrete moment resisting frames.
Common managerial problems identified in the construction of deep basement:
1) Very expensive and time consuming in nature, often involved huge amount of work resources.
2) Inconsistent and sensitive to the quality of planning and management of individual projects.
3) Works are highly hazardous, both to human operatives working within and the life and properties of third parties that within
the vicinity.
4) Works involved a lot of managerial challenges. Such as, in the preparation of a highly efficient working programme,
monitoring and rectifying the progress of works in case problems arising, or in resources planning where materials, labours&
plant equipment are involved.
There are many methods to construct large-scaled and deep basement
1) Deep basement can be constructed using some traditional ways such as cut & fill or bottom up methods. These methods are
relatively economical and effective when dealing with certain jobs which are simpler in nature.
2) On the other hand where basement is going deeper and the surrounding environment getting more complex and sensitive, top-
down or combined method may be a more appropriate option to construct.
Design Issues:
This section examines the key issues and the components to be integrated while designing a BRT stop.
Passenger Amenities
a) Shelter
The BRT shelter is to be provided at every stop/station. They are to extend along the full length of the platform serving as a weather
protection to the passengers. The shelter should be of high quality, prefabricated and modular. The Shelter roofs should be such
that rain water is directed away for the vehicle side. The material for constructions should be readily available in the market, easily
maintained and durable.
b) Passenger Information
All the stops should be provided with a standard form for presenting passengers information such assignage’s, route details and
graphics. Specifically they comprise of bold identification signage, transit route maps, neighborhood maps placed at prominent
locations. Signage and graphics should readily distinguish the BRTS stations from the regular stops. The stops should also facilitate
advertising at specific locations that does not conflict with the other directional and information signage. IT Display could be
optionally placed at station entries and on platforms indicating the system wide schedule and delay at each platform.
c) Street Furniture
All the stops and stations should be accommodated with seating for at least 15 waiting passengers. Other necessities include rails
for leaning, trash receptacles.
Climatic Protection
Protection from weather is a major consideration in the BRT stations. Completely enclosed stops, although preferable due to high
concentration of RSPM in the city, would require the provision of air conditioning and ventilator fans. This however escalates the
cost involved in the maintenance of the station. Passive solar design and natural cooling techniques could be sought after solutions
to overcome climatic extremes.
Aesthetic Design
Aesthetics and passenger friendliness in addition to a modern appearance together formulate the essential architectural
considerations. The design should symbolize an image representing speed in hand with modernity. Over use of advertising displays
resulting in a visual clutter needs to be curtailed at bus stops. Locations for concentrated advertising displays need to be specified
within and on the external façade of the stop.
Fare Collection
Fare Collection also forms an important influence on the design of the passenger facilities within the BRT station. Off board fare
collection policy reduces the dwell time at bus stations and enables rapid boarding and lighting. The station can be divided into
paid areas and free areas. Entry into the paid area of the station can be controlled by introduction of turnstiles or other control
devices. Bogotá is one such example of a controlled access station. Since Ahmadabad does not have the high level of passenger
traffic that exists in cities like Curitiba, Jakarta and Bogotá, it is not necessary to provide costly infrastructure as ticket vending
machines, although provisions could be made for incorporating it while upgrading the system.
Central Bus Station (CBS), also called Thampanoor Bus Station, is a bus station in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. It is located
opposite, the Trivandrum Central Railway station at Thampanoor.It has an area of 7.41 acres serving the buses traveling on all
routes in Kerala and other inter-state destinations such as Nagercoil, Kanyakumari, Chennai, Bangalore etc.It is also the
headquarters of the Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC). The work for the new Central Bus Terminal at Thampanoor
started by March 2010 and was opened to public on February 3, 2014 by the Chief Minister of Kerala, Shri. Omen Chandy.
Seth L. Pearlman, P.E., Member, ASCE, Michael P. Walker, P.E.2, Member, ASCE, and Marco D. Boscardin, Ph.D. P.E.,
Member, Geo-Institute (2004)
Deep underground basements that are integrated into urban development projects early in the overall project design offer many
inherent improvements to the overall quality and value of the project and its surrounding community. Diaphragm walls combine
into a single foundation unit the functions of temporary shoring, permanent basement walls, hydraulic cutoff, and vertical support
elements/shear walls, and, because of this combination, have proven to be an economical alternative in many circumstances. This
paper examines the evolution of deep underground basement construction, identifies considerations associated with diaphragm
wall construction, and provides several case history examples to illustrate the resolution of key issues.
An earthquake can be measured in terms of magnitude and intensity. For that seismologists use two fundamentally different but
equally important types of scales. The original force or energy of an earthquake is measured on a magnitude scale. The Richter
scale is a well-known example of a magnitude scale. The second type of scale measures the intensity of shaking occurring at any
given point on the Earth's surface. These scales are referred to as intensity scales. The Mercalli intensity scale, which measures the
effects of the seismic waves, is an example of a commonly used intensity scale.
The main objective of this study is to carry out the analysis of g+4 and underground parking bus stand building against
earthquake as per Indian standard codes of practice IS 1893(Part 1):2002. The earthquake loads on the building are calculated
assuming the building to be located at Nagpur. The member forces are calculated with load combinations for Limit State Method
given in IS 456: 2000 and the members are optimized for the most critical member forces among them. The building is subjected
to self-weight, dead load, live load as per IS 875(Part 1, Part 2):1987.
Types of seismic analysis
a) Code based Procedure for Seismic Analysis (IS 1893:2002) Equivalent Lateral Force
Seismic analysis of most of the structures is still carried out on the basis of lateral force assumed to be equivalent to the actual
loading. The base shear which is the total horizontal force on the structure is calculated on the basis of structure mass and
fundamental period of vibration and corresponding mode shape. The base shear is distributed along the height of structures in
terms of lateral force according to code formula. This method is conservative for low to medium height buildings with regular
b) Response Spectrum Analysis
This method is applicable for those structures where modes other than the fundamental one affect significantly the response of the
structure. In this method the response of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom (MDOF) system is expressed as the superposition of modal
response, each modal response being determined from the spectral analysis of single -degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system, which
is then combined to compute total response. Modal analysis leads to the response history of the structure to a specified ground
motion; however, the method is usually used in conjunction with a response spectrum. The science of strong ground motion may
use some values from the ground response spectrum (calculated from recordings of surface ground motion from seismographs) for
correlation with seismic damage. If the input used in calculating a response spectrum is steady-state periodic, then the steady-state
result is recorded. Damping must be present, or else the response will be infinite. For transient input (such as seismic ground
motion),the peak response is reported. Some level of damping is generally assumed, but a value will be obtained even with no
damping. Response spectra can also be used in assessing the response of linear systems with multiple modes of oscillation (multi-
degree of freedom systems), although they are only accurate for low levels of damping. Atypical combination method is the square
root of the sum of the squares (SRSS) if the modal frequencies are not close. The result is typically different from that which would
be calculated directly from an input, since phase information is lost in the process of generating the response spectrum.
This building has been modeled as 3D Space frame model with six degree of freedom at each node using ETAB 2016 software for
stimulation of behavior under gravity and seismic loading. The isometric 3D view and plan of the building model is shown as
figure. The support condition is considered as fully fixed.
Table – 1
Load combination
Name Load Case/Combo Scale Factor Type
1.5 ( DL+LL) SWT 1.5 Linear Add
1.5 ( DL+LL) BW 1.5
1.5(DL+LL+LL2) SWT 1.5 Linear Add
1.5(DL+LL+LL2) LL 1.5
1.5(DL+LL+LL2) BW 1.5
1.5(DL+LL+LL2) BLL 1.5
1.2(DL+LL+EQX) SWT 1.2 Linear Add
1.2(DL+LL+EQX) LL 1.2
1.2(DL+LL+EQX) BW 1.2
1.2(DL+LL+EQX) BLL 1.2
1.2(DL+LL+EQX) EQX 1.2
1.2(DL+LL-EQX) SWT 1.2 Linear Add
1.2(DL+LL-EQX) LL 1.2
1.2(DL+LL-EQX) BW 1.2
1.2(DL+LL-EQX) BLL 1.2
1.2(DL+LL-EQX) EQX -1.2
1.2(DL+LL+EQY) SWT 1.2 Linear Add
1.2(DL+LL+EQY) LL 1.2
1.2(DL+LL+EQY) BW 1.2
1.2(DL+LL+EQY) BLL 1.2
1.2(DL+LL+EQY) EQY 1.2
1.2(DL+LL-EQY) SWT 1.2 Linear Add
1.2(DL+LL-EQY) LL 1.2
1.2(DL+LL-EQY) BW 1.2
1.2(DL+LL-EQY) BLL 1.2
1.2(DL+LL-EQY) EQY -1.2
1.5 (DL+EQX) SWT 1.5 Linear Add
1.5 (DL+EQX) BW 1.5
1.5 (DL+EQX) EQX 1.5
1.5 (DL- EQX) SWT 1.5 Linear Add
1.5 (DL- EQX) BW 1.5
1.5 (DL- EQX) EQX -1.5
1.5 (DL+EQY) SWT 1.5 Linear Add
1.5 (DL+EQY) BW 1.5
1.5 (DL+EQY) EQY 1.5
1.5 (DL-EQY) SWT 1.5 Linear Add
1.5 (DL-EQY) BW 1.5
Table – 3
Displacement Uy (mm)
circular cross
RL mm mm
ROOF 24 25.74 53.62
4th FLOOR 20 22.887 46.457
3rd FLOOR 16 16.693 33.518
2nd FLOOR 12 9.703 12.0187
1ST FLOOR 8 4.167 5.65539
GL 4 0.782 2.14406
Table - 4
Displacement Uz (mm)
circular cross
RL mm mm
ROOF 24 8.469 8.653
4th FLOOR 20 9.083 9.533
3rd FLOOR 16 6.191 7.33
2nd FLOOR 12 4.202 6.434
1ST FLOOR 8 3.097 5.808
GL 4 1.668 2.522
Beam Forces
Table - 6
Shear force -V2-(kN)
Story V2 V2
kN kN
ROOF 153.9394 210.0671
4th FLOOR 217.9063 194.977
3rd FLOOR 202.5853 190.1491
2nd FLOOR 243.1243 215.0776
1ST FLOOR 264.1248 231.4779
GL 147.4261 142.6728
Table - 7
Max. Moment -M3-SAGG (kNm)
Story M3 M3
kNm kNm
ROOF 134.6224 156.32
4th FLOOR 135.3749 145.36
3rd FLOOR 134.4837 117.8812
2nd FLOOR 176.7125 171.4165
1St FLOOR 199.2738 238.4126
GL 107.7131 92.9007
Table – 8
Max. Moment M3-Hogg (kNm)
Story M3 M3
kNm kNm
ROOF 267.9145 380.62
4th FLOOR 342.4857 360.86
3rd FLOOR 228.7456 177.3848
2nd FLOOR 255.0651 261.012
1ST FLOOR 262.153 306.8295
GL 151.7907 136.0906
Table - 9
Max. Axial force -P-(kN)
Story P P
kN kN
Table – 10
Max. Moment Mx-(kNm)
Story Mx Mx
kNm kNm
ROOF 337.8839 318.6261
4th FLOOR 212.0688 196.1775
3rd FLOOR 272.6879 176.683
2nd FLOOR 338.1155 250.8156
1ST FLOOR 369.9478 277.7302
GL 176.3326 106.0257
1) The beam bending moment (sagging) is found to be less in structure with circular column as compared to cross shaped column.
2) The beam bending moment (hogging) is found to be more in structure with circular column as compared to cross shaped
3) The column axial forces are found to be more in structure with circular column as compared to cross shaped column.
4) The column moment (major) is found to be more in structure with circular column as compared to cross shaped column.
5) The column moment (minor) is found to be more in structure with circular column as compared to cross shaped column.
6) The beam reinforcements (comp) are found to be less in structure with circular column as compared to cross shaped column.
7) The beam reinforcements (tensile) is found to be less in structure with circular column as compared to cross shaped column.
8) The beam reinforcement (torsion) is found to be less in structure with circular column as compared to cross shaped column.
9) The beam shear reinforcement (shear) is found to be nearly equal in structure with circular column as compared to cross shaped
10) The column reinforcements (long) is found to be less in structure with circular column as compared to cross shaped column
11) The column reinforcements (links) are found to be less in structure with circular column as compared to cross shaped column.
12) The volume of column concrete is found to be more in structure with circular column as compared to cross shaped column
13) The Final conclusion form this case study is that Structure with circular column is found more economical as compared to
cross shaped column irrespective of increase in volume of concrete in circular columns.
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