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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 05 Issue: 06 | June-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Analysis and design of multistoreyed parking building proposed at

Jalahalli cross, Bangaluru
Pramod kr1, Venkatesh k2, Pawan r3, Praveen kumar m b4, Gajendra d r5
1Assistant prof, Civil department, SCE, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
2,3,4,5Under graduate student, Civil department, SCE, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Abstract - Now-a-day there is an increase in the (e.g. offices or shopping) within the same structure;
number of vehicles on road. For proper storage of vehicle however, the more expensive the land the greater the
when not in use “parking space” is needed. When the person likelihood of a parking facility being designed for multi-
has to stop on route for some purpose other than traffic usage purposes. The city of Bengaluru is seeking proposals
related, the vehicle needs some halting facility, without from professional designing teams to provide all labour,
disturbing traffic flow otherwise on the street Such a facility materials and provisions necessary to produce conceptual
is called parking. Due to increase in population there is designs, final design, construction documents and
increase in vehicle demand and we require more parking construction of a parking building at Jalahalli cross,
space thus in control by constructing multi-storeyed parking Bengaluru. The facility will provide a suitable parking
building. environment for citizens and visitors to the commercial area.

Where parking area is unplanned, there is a need to make an 2. LITERATURE REVIEW

improvement in the parking area by constructing multi-
1. Design And Analysis Of Multistorey Parking
storeyed parking building. Parking structures has been an
B Vamsi, Dr. Dumpa Venkateswarlu, Dr. D V Rama Murthy
important element in today’s urban and suburban
This project is aimed to design an efficient parking system
and helps to minimize the parking area in the city. In the
Key Words: analysis, design, shear wall.
modern world where the parking space has become a major
concern, in our city. The VISAKHAPATNAM city is
1. INTRODUCTION recommended for smart city, which includes all the facilities
like tourism, commercial complexes, institutions etc.
Parking is the act of stopping and disengaging a vehicle and The traffic scenario is changing from day to day. All these
leaving it unoccupied. Parking on one or both sides of a road facilities leads to the traffic congestion and efficient need for
is often permitted, though sometimes with restrictions. Some parking. To avoid this problem we suggest the design of
buildings have parking facilities for use of the buildings' “Multi-storey parking” at Dandubazar market near
users. Jagadamba center, which might be a shopping hub in future.
To control parking problems we suggest multi story parking
TYPES OF PARKING LOT system in this place. This multi storey parking enables the
parking of vehicles, floor after floor and thus reducing the
 On street parking wastage of space. Here, we provided parking for more than
It is having three types: 277 cars according to design. In order to determine the
a) Parallel parking requirements of such parking system, we designed the
b) Perpendicular parking building for G+3 floors.
c) Angle parking
2. A study of analysis and design of multi level parking
 Off street parking Upendra singh dandotia1 , Rakesh Gupta2 , Mukesh
Off street parking are having five types: Pandey3 (IJEDR )
a) Surface car parking Car parking has been a serious issue due to rapid
b) Multi story car parking increase in vehicles and to cater this problem we require
c) Roof parking parking slots in important markets. We have limited land
d) Mechanical car parking source so the construction of multilevel parking is very
e) Underground car parking important as it accommodates large no. of vehicles at one
place. In this project we have designed multi-level parking
Most multi-storey car parks are located where land costs are for capacity of 600 cars and 550 bikes. Multilevel parking is
so high, e.g. in or about the central areas of large towns, that of G+2+2 Basement having 13 shops on ground floor and its
it is more economical to build vertical facilities rather than design is based on framed structure. In this work we have
purchase additional land for surface parking. Multi-storey designed different components of the multi-level parking i.e.
facilities can be or multi-purpose, i.e. containing other uses raft foundation, retaining walls, beams, column and flat slab

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1019
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 06 | June-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

using STAAD-Pro, manual bases and AUTO-CAD software for  To reduce the parking area by providing multi-
making various structural drawings. For daily demand and storeyed parking building.
fire demand we have also designed overhead tank and tank  To provide the safety and secured environment for
resting on ground. the parked vehicles.
 To reduce the traffic congestion.
3. Analysis and design of commercial building using
Ragy Jose, Restina Mathew, Sandra Devan, Sankeerthana
Ven(IRJET) Investigate the area where parking congestion is high
Structural Analysis is a branch which involves in the
determination of behaviour of structures in order to predict
the responses of different structural components due to Selection of site for the project
effect of loads. Each and every structure will be subjected to
either one or the groups of loads, the various kinds of loads Determination of SBC of the soil
normally considered are dead load, live load, earth quake
load and wind load. ETABS (Extended Three Dimensional
Analysis of Building System) is a software which is Planning in AUTOCADD
incorporated with all the major analysis engines that is
static, dynamic, Linear and non-linear, etc. and especially Exterior Modeling in Revit
this Software is used to analyze and design the buildings. Our
project “Analysis and Design of Commercial building using
ETABS software” is an attempt to analyze and design a Import of plan to ETABS
commercial building using ETABS. A G+3 storey building is
considered for this study. Analysis is carried out by static
method and design is done as per IS 456:2000 guidelines. Defining the no of floors
Also an attempt has been made to design the structural
elements manually. Drawing and detailing are done using Defining and generating columns
Auto CAD as per SP 34.

4. Analysis and Design of a Commercial Building Defining and assigning beams

Harsitha M N1, Binod Kumar Das2,Rajiv Kumar

Chaudhary3,Saurabh Singh4,Shivam Shivhare5 (IRJET) Defining and assigning slabs

The primary objective of this project is to gain Assigning loads

sufficient knowledge in planning, analysis, and design of
building. Our project deals with the Analysis and design of a
commercial building was done in ETABS(2016). It is a
Analyzing except foundation
reinforced concrete framed structure consisting of G+4. And
also we provide a two wheeler & car parking facility in the
ground floor. IS 456:2000 codes is the basic code for general Correction of errors
construction in concrete structures, hence all the structural
members are designed using limit state method in
accordance with the IS 456:2000 code and design aids. The Design of foundation
planning of any building in India will be recognized by
National Building Code (NBC), hence the building is planned
in accordance with the National Building Code of India. The Estimation
commercial building has proper ventilation, it is provided
with sufficient Exits, Water supply and electrification are Generation of project report
also provided. The ceiling height is provided as 1m, for
assembly buildings as mentioned Building Code (NBC). This
project also enables in establishing in sufficient water
supply, electric power supply, proper sanitary system, and
rain water harvesting facility are given.


 To propose a multi storeyed building near Jalahalli

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1020
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 06 | June-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

5. Planning of Multi storeyed Parking Building

using AutoCAD.
The building consists of following amenities.

Basement Car Parking

Ground floor Commercial space, Car

First floor, Second floor Motorcycle Parking
Third floor, Fourth floor, Commercial complex
Fifth floor

Fig1.1. Plan of 3rd 4th and 5th floors (complex)


Fig1. Plan of first floor.

Fig2. 3D Modeling in revit.

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1021
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 06 | June-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072



Fig3. 3D view of beam column layout.

Fig5. Concrete frame design check.



Column: 400mm x 800mm

Footing: 2m x 1.75m
M30 concrete & Fe 415 steel

Fig4. Moment in X direction.

Fig5. Reinforcement details of column with footing.

Fig5. Moment in Y direction.


Sectional area: 750mm x 600mm

Grade of materials:
Concrete: M30, Steel: Fe415

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1022
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 06 | June-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Concrete grade: M30, Steel used: Fe415

Fig5. Reinforcement details of beam.


Slab dimension: 6m x 9.41m

Concrete grade: M30 Fig5. Reinforcement details of shear wall.
Steel used: Fe415

From our present parking studies

The traffic congestion problem can be regulated by

providing multi storey parking at JALAHALLI CROSS.
We hope this project will serve as a solution to various
traffic congestion problems and can be used as a model
in the development of multi-storey parking’s.

We have designed the multilevel parking building using

concept of framed structure which will survive the
purpose of traffic congestion. Multilevel parking is of
G+5. Basement and half of ground floor will be
accommodated by cars. Half of the ground floor will be
Fig5. Reinforcement details of slab.
accommodated by a commercial shops. 1st and 2nd floor
8.3. DESIGN OF STAIR CASE. will be accommodated by motor cycle parking. 3rd, 4th
and 5th floors will be accommodated by commercial
Concrete grade: M30 shops. This system can help in economy and security
Steel used: Fe415 based aspects for the society. It is a currently,
management information system Play an important
part in the life, however many of rules are poor and
need to be progress. This research have been focus on
improving the Bangalore parking system to be suitable
for the life style .


1. Design And Analysis Of Multistorey Parking

B Vamsi, Dr. Dumpa Venkateswarlu, Dr. D V Rama Murthy


2. A Study Of Analysis And Design Of Multi Level Parking

Upendra singh dandotia1 , Rakesh Gupta2 , Mukesh

Fig5. Reinforcement details of slab. Pandey3 (IJEDR )

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1023
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 06 | June-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

3. Analysis And Design Of Commercial Building Using E-


Ragy Jose, Restina Mathew, Sandra Devan, Sankeerthana


4. Structural Analysis Of A Multi-Storeyed Building

Using E-Tabs or Different Plan Configurations Abhay
Guleria (IJERT)

5. Analysis and Design OF G+5 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING


K. Naga Sai Gopal, N. Lingeshwaran IJCIET)

6. Analysis and Design of a Commercial Building

Harsitha M N1, Binod Kumar Das2,Rajiv Kumar

Chaudhary3,Saurabh Singh4,Shivam Shivhare5 (IRJET)

7. Analysis and Design of a Commercial Building

Prof. Alice T.V1, Cynthia Fernandez 2, Ihjaz Aslam K.E3,

Sreeshma P.U4, Unnikrishnan G5 (IRJET)

8. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management

Samaneh Zolfagharian and Javier Irizarry, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE

9. Code books referred:

[1] SP : 7 - National Building Code.

[2] IS 456:2000-Design of reinforced structures

[3] IS 875 Part 1: Dead load considerations,

[4] Part 2: Live load considerations,

[5] Part 3: Wind load consideration.

[6] IS 1893:2002- Earthquake effects

[7] SP: 16 - Design aid for reinforced concrete to IS 456.

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1024

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