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Some Antecedents and Effects of Trust in Virtual Communities

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Some Antecedents and Effects of Trust in Virtual


Article  in  The Journal of Strategic Information Systems · December 2002

DOI: 10.1016/S0963-8687(02)00021-5


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3 authors, including:

Catherine M. Ridings David Gefen

Lehigh University Drexel University


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Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295

Some antecedents and effects of trust

in virtual communities
Catherine M. Ridingsa,*, David Gefenb,1, Bay Arinzec,2
Business Information Systems, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA
Drexel University, 32nd and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2875, USA
Drexel University, 32nd and Chestnut Streets,
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA

This study explores several downstream effects of trust in virtual communities and the antecedents
of trust in this unique type of environment. The data, applying an existing scale to measure two
dimensions of trust (ability and benevolence/integrity), show that trust had a downstream effect on
members’ intentions to both give information and get information through the virtual community.
Both these apparent dimensions of trust were increased through perceived responsive relationships in
the virtual community, by a general disposition to trust, and by the belief that others confide personal
q 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Trust; Virtual communities; Perceived responsiveness

1. Introduction

The rapid growth of virtual communities on the Internet (Gross, 1999; Petersen, 1999)
and accompanying surge in interest by researchers (Fernback, 1999; Hill and Terveen,
1996; Hiltz and Wellman, 1997; O’Day et al., 1996; Wellman and Gulia, 1999b) raises the
question of what encourages members to interact and make virtual communities more
vibrant. This study suggests that trust is a key element in fostering the voluntary online
cooperation between strangers seen in virtual communities.
Virtual communities are typically emergent, that is, they arise as a natural consequence
of people coming together to discuss a common hobby, medical affliction, personal

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 1-610-758-5667.

E-mail addresses: (C.M. Ridings), (D. Gefen),
(B. Arinze).
Tel.: þ1-215-895-2148.
Tel.: þ1-215-895-1798.

0963-8687/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 6 3 - 8 6 8 7 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 2 1 - 5
272 C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295

experience, or even develop relationships. They are usually not formed by a specific
organization to perform a work task. The literature on virtual communities calls for the
traditional meaning of community to be expanded beyond the notion of physical space,
and to think of communities in terms of social networks or social relationships (Hiltz and
Wellman, 1997; Van House et al., 1998). The members of communities are typically
strangers to one another. Additionally, the nature of online interaction, without the cues
that face-to-face contact affords, may require trust for successful communication, or, on
the other hand, may inhibit the development of trust. This study seeks to examine the
emergence of trust in this environment, the factors that lead to its development, and its
importance to information exchange.
Despite the fact that virtual communities have existed in some fashion for almost
30 years, little is known about what motivations prompt people to use virtual
communities. The scholarly literature in this area is usually anecdotal and without a
systematic and empirically validated framework for determining why people use
virtual communities. Indeed, Wellman, a prolific researcher who has been studying
non-local social networks for over 30 years laments that few detailed studies of
virtual communities exist (Wellman and Gulia, 1999b). Further Wellman and Gulia
(1999b) argue that no studies exist regarding who is connected to whom, what people
are communicating about, and for how long. A related stream of literature regarding
virtual teams, virtual organizations, virtual classrooms, virtual offices, virtual
enterprises, and virtual teamwork has emerged in the MIS literature. Past MIS
research that dealt with information technology enabling group processes primarily
focused on group support systems (GSS), computer-mediated communication (CMC),
and electronic meeting systems (EMS) (Chidambaram and Jones, 1993; Constant et al.,
1996; Horton and Biolsi, 1993; Jain and Ross, 1998; Sproull and Kiesler, 1991).
However, these studies looked at the information technology in a business
environment and how it impacted group communication, information sharing, and
performance. Theories about trust (Gefen, 1997; Jarvenpaa et al., 1998; Mayer et al.,
1995; McAllister, 1995) also set forth notions on how information sharing and
communication operate, and again, these have been applied to online communication
but typically in organizational settings. These theories now need to be extended to
virtual communities. This research seeks to address this literature gap by applying
theories of trust to understand motivations to use virtual communities.
Understanding virtual communities can provide valuable information about the
digital economy. Virtual communities are places where people with common interests
share knowledge. Both the knowledge base of the community and the members
themselves can be extremely valuable to companies. The knowledge base, which is
usually publicly available in the form of the community’s conversation, provides
insight into the members likes, dislikes, demographics, behaviors, and concerns.
Members often critique products and services and thus organizations can glean market
research by reading the conversation. In addition, since the members have a narrow
interest, they can be a perfect target markets for advertising or even online selling
efforts. Indeed, the World Wide Web has grown from a place of static web pages to
one where interaction is touted, and companies are strongly encouraged to provide
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customer-to-customer (C2C) capabilities in the form of virtual communities (Hagel

and Armstrong, 1997).
However, such communities will not exist without conversation. Extrapolating from
research on virtual human interaction (Jarvenpaa et al., 1998) and economic activity
on the Internet (Gefen, 2000a) this study hypothesized that a virtual community
member’s trust in other members enables knowledge sharing within the community.
How important is this trust and what builds this trust? Examining these questions is
the objective of this study.

2. Literature review

2.1. What are virtual communities?

The Internet is a medium where people access not only information, but also other
people in order to chat, discuss, argue and confide in Sproull and Faraj (1997). More
specifically, people come to get information from and give information to other people. On
the Internet, people come together to do this in what are commonly termed ‘virtual
communities’. Virtual communities can be defined as groups of people with common
interests and practices that communicate regularly and for some duration in an organized
way over the Internet through a common location or mechanism. The location of the
virtual community, although not physical, is important because it establishes the virtual
‘place’ where the members meet. This location or mechanism may be a chat room, bulletin
board, or listserv email program. The people in a virtual community have a notion of
membership, whether formal or informal, and form personal relationships with others in
the community (Sproull and Faraj, 1997), and communities often develop strong norms
and expectations for behavior (Sproull and Kiesler, 1991). People typically form
attachments to the communities and visit them often (Hiltz and Wellman, 1997),
sometimes becoming so dependent upon the community that the user can be described as
addicted (Hiltz, 1984). Although the literature does not specify a particular frequency, a
virtual community is generally understood to consist of persistently interacting members
(Smith, 1999).
Virtual communities can be implemented technically in one of several ways (Lazar
and Preece, 1998). Listservs are one type of community, where the members
communicate through a common email program. Chat rooms are another place where
members interact. Multiuser domains (MUDs) are similar to chat rooms, but attempt
to model physical places as well as face-to-face interaction by using text-based virtual
realities that maintain a sense of space by providing ‘rooms’, ‘exits’, and other
objects. Finally, bulletin boards or newsgroups are places where members interact
asynchronously. Communities that use bulletin boards or newsgroups offer a unique
characteristic in that one can observe the community interaction without explicitly
joining the community. Even if one could observe a chat room or MUD without
joining first, the interaction between members typically only exists for the duration of
the conversation (Erickson, 1997). In bulletin boards, the conversation is preserved.
Some virtual communities keep the conversations for weeks or months, others
274 C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295

indefinitely, allowing potential members to observe the norms of the community

before jumping into the conversation (Erickson, 1997). This condition affords the
researcher an opportunity to observe a community before deciding to include it in a
study. In addition, bulletin board communities have the potential of having more
members than synchronous communities. Only a finite number of people can exist in
a chat room before it becomes too crowded and the conversation unmanageable.
However, hundreds of people can easily participate in the different threads of a
bulletin board community.
Sproull and Faraj (1997) note three differences between electronic communities and
face-to-face communities: (1) physical location is irrelevant to participation in
electronic communities, (2) most participants in electronic communities are relatively
invisible (i.e. if an individual only reads messages and does not post, other members
may not be aware of his/her presence at all), and (3) logistical and social costs to
participate in electronic communities are lower. Compared to communities offline,
virtual communities tend to be larger, more dispersed in space and time, more densely
knit, and to have members with more heterogeneous social characteristics, such as
lifecycle stage, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, but with more
homogeneous attitudes (Hiltz and Wellman, 1997). At the present time, the
interaction in virtual communities is based mostly upon written communication.
Face-to-face group interaction is fundamentally different from written communication
in that it allows an exchange of a variety of verbal and non-verbal information
(Chidambaram and Jones, 1993; Hiltz, 1984). The additional meaning found in voice
and face-to-face communication that is carried by inflections in the voice, gestures,
dress, tone, posture, and other indicators is missing (Sproull and Kiesler, 1991), so
that the medium remains open to multiple interpretations (Korenman and Wyatt,
1996). Another key characteristic of virtual communities is that there is no turn-taking
in communication, as there is in face-to-face or phone communication (Sproull and
Kiesler, 1991). This gives the users greater equality in participation (Hiltz and
Wellman, 1997). These differences between online and offline communication are
important because member trust in electronic communities must accordingly be made
on the basis of written communication only.
Knowledge exchange has been found to be a motivation for using emergent virtual
communities (Wasko and Faraj, 2000). There are two basic modes in which individuals
can use a virtual community—they can either get information or give information. Getting
information is simply reading the ongoing conversation in the community, as well as
actively soliciting information by posting questions and comments. Giving information,
on the other hand, is done by posting conversation, either in direct response to another
member’s post or simply starting a new topic in the community by posting commentary.
Overall then, giving information thus involves a greater measure of active participation
and exposure. This study accordingly differentiates between the two modes on account of
this difference.
Information sharing has been found to be influenced by prosocial attitudes and
organizational norms (Constant et al., 1996). This study examines information
exchange in virtual communities and the effect of trust and other social aspects on
this exchange. Section 2.2 proposes that a virtual community member’s trust in
C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295 275

the other members of the community should be a significant predictor of his/her

intentions to take part in the information exchange—i.e. getting or giving information.
The research model and hypotheses are then presented to suggest some possible
antecedents of this trust. This model is then empirically examined in the context of
bulletin board-based communities.

2.2. The concept of trust

Trust is an implicit set of beliefs that the other party will refrain from opportunistic
behavior and will not take advantage of the situation (Gefen, 2002b; Hosmer, 1995;
Moorman et al., 1992). When rules do not provide sufficient guarantees that others will
behave as they are expected to, as is often the case with virtual communities, trust serves as
a subjective substitute to such rules, creating the necessary atmosphere that makes
engagement with others more open (Butler and Cantrell, 1994). Consequently, trust rules
out undesirable, yet possible, opportunistic behavior on the part of others (Luhmann,
1979). Such behavior may be rife in a virtual community where unscrupulous members
might flame or ridicule posts or provide member email addresses to external organizations
without permission. Trust is important in virtual communities where the absence of
workable rules makes a reliance on the socially acceptable behavior of others, i.e. trust,
essential for the continuity of the community. This is especially noteworthy in the case of
virtual communities because research has shown that people in traditional communities
work better with others they trust, while actively avoiding contact with those they do not
trust (Blau, 1964).
Yet, the importance of trust in co-located workgroups may be somewhat different
from trust in virtual organizations and societies where people may never actually meet
in person. Contributing to this complexity is the observation that the very definition of
trust is problematic in the literature (Barber, 1983; Crosby et al., 1990; Hosmer, 1995;
Rousseau et al., 1998), and is dependent upon the situation in which it is being
considered (Lewis and Weigert, 1985; Luhmann, 1979). Trust in virtual communities
can be understood in the context of interpersonal relationships, i.e. trust between
people (Rotter, 1971)—what Luhmann (1988) terms personal trust. Because in the
virtual community one converses not only with one or two other individuals, and
because one is typically posting to a general audience, trust is at the generalized,
collective level. Notions of interpersonal trust have been applied to collective entities
such as groups (Jarvenpaa et al., 1998). In the virtual community, trust develops
between an individual and the group of strangers that is community, eventually
providing a positive outcome for the community as a whole.
Some characteristics of virtual communities may hinder trust development, such as the
lack of face-to-face contact and visual cues. In addition, identities of fellow community
members may be suspect since it is easy to mask one’s gender, age, etc. online. On the
other hand, the closeness in the community developed because of the strong mutual
interest in the community’s topic, especially in the cases of health concerns or life events
such as the birth of a baby or death of a parent, may foster the development of trust.
Repeated interaction with others and the open public reply and debate of messages may
also help trust evolve.
276 C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295

Scholarly research on trust has supported the assertion that trust is multidimensional,
consisting of three distinct beliefs or factors: ability, benevolence, and integrity (Blau,
1964; Butler, 1991; Giffin, 1967; Mayer et al., 1995), although often these beliefs are
intertwined (Crosby et al., 1990; Ganesan, 1994; Gefen, 1997). Each dimension has been
shown previously to be relevant in the case of online communication (Jarvenpaa et al.,
1998), and each dimension is, as noted below, especially salient due to the nature of virtual
Ability is skills or competencies that enable an individual to have influence in a
certain area. This is applicable in the context of virtual communities because they are
almost always centered around a specific mutual interest, hobby, life event, or
occupation, and concerns about the abilities of others with respect to this mutual
concern are important when conversing. Benevolence is the expectation that others
(i.e. trusted parties) will have a positive orientation or a desire to do good to the
trustee. In this case, the trustee reciprocates with appropriate advice, help, discussion,
and so on, such as contributing to the ongoing discussion with the intent to help,
support, and care for others. Benevolence is important in virtual communities because
without positive reciprocation the community would not exist. Contributing to a
virtual community for prosocial reasons and out of a sense of moral duty has been
found empirically (Wasko and Faraj, 2000). Integrity is the expectation that another
will act in accordance with socially accepted standards of honesty or a set of
principles that the trustor accepts, such as not telling a lie and providing reasonably
verified information. Integrity applies in the virtual community context because it is
the existence of norms of reciprocity, closely linked with benevolence, that allow the
community to properly function.
Although prior research has developed three separate dimensions of trust, in the virtual
community context it appears that two dimensions seem to apply: ability, on the one hand,
and a combined benevolence and integrity dimension, on the other. Certainly the notion of
trust in the accuracy, soundness, and reliability of information, as embodied by trust in
abilities, is important. The other two dimensions both lead to the same behavior,
reciprocity in the form of maintaining the communities conversation, and therefore are
combined for this research. Benevolent good citizenship behaviors expected in the
community seem closely aligned with the notions of integrity. The desire to do good by
reciprocating in the community (responding to others as well as eliciting responses to
oneself) is, while benevolent behavior, adhering to the norms of the virtual community,
and therefore exhibiting the quality of integrity, as found also by previous research (Gefen,
1997). Integrity and benevolence may be united in the virtual community context because
the expected mode of behavior (i.e. integrity) in many of the virtual communities is one of
benevolence. Simply put, integrity and benevolence may mean the same thing online.

3. Research model and hypotheses

Fig. 1 presents the research model for this study. Each construct and the associated
hypotheses are discussed in the following sections. Trust is positioned as a mediating
variable. Given that trust could be essential in the information exchange of virtual
C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295 277

Fig. 1. Research model.

communities, as it is in other communications (Butler and Cantrell, 1994), it is valuable to

understand what might build trust and how trust, in turn, is related to the outcome variables
of giving and getting information. First, the antecedents of trust are presented and each is,
in turn, linked to the two dimensions of trust. Then the relationship that the trust
dimensions have with the outcome variables is discussed.

3.1. Perceived responsiveness

Given this centrality of trust, what behaviors on behalf of other community members is
it associated with? Rousseau et al. (1998) offer several different forms of trust, including
relational trust that comes from repeated interactions over time. Reliability and
dependability can be ascertained over time and are usually needed for trust relationships
to develop (Blau, 1964; McAllister, 1995; Rousseau et al., 1998). Various studies have
shown that reciprocity in exchange relationships builds trust (Kramer, 1999). An
individual who posts messages on a community most often expects some type of response.
If an individual posts a message and there are no responses, trust in others will not develop.
If others respond quickly and often, it may be that they have the skills and competencies
to be able to exchange accurate and helpful information, thereby building belief in their
ability. Someone who has competency in an area would be able to be more responsive.
Likewise, greater responsiveness from others would indicate a willingness to help other
community members and also increases the reciprocal nature of the community itself,
showing adherence to norms. Finally, responsiveness can indicate integrity/benevolence
by behaving according to the accepted social rules. Responsiveness has been associated
with, for example, increased perception of cooperative intentions (Gefen and Ridings,
2002), an indication of benevolence and integrity.
A responsive individual is adhering to the most basic of socially accepted principles in
the virtual community—sustenance of the community by the creation of its conversation.
The whole existence of a virtual community is based on postings and their responses, and
therefore contributing to that existence by being responsive shows integrity/benevolence.
Previous research has shown that perceived responsiveness affects trust but does not
directly affect the outcome variable. For example, responsiveness creates an atmosphere
that increases IT usage and a cooperative environment, but does not directly increase IT
use (Gefen, 2000a,b; Gefen and Keil, 1998). In addition, responsiveness builds trust and
trust determines loyalty to web sites, but, responsiveness directly is an insignificant
predictor of loyalty (Gefen, 2002a,b). Thus, it is hypothesized that perceived
278 C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295

responsiveness would increase trust just as it does with in other scenarios (Gefen and
Govindarajulu, 2001).

H1.1: Users’ perceptions of other members’ responsiveness will be positively related to

their trust in other members’ ability.
H1.2: Users’ perceptions of other members’ responsiveness will be positively related to
their trust in other members’ benevolence and integrity.

3.2. Confiding personal information

Another hypothesized antecedent of trust in other community members is the degree to

which they confide personal information. People have been found to be very comfortable
disclosing personal information via computer interaction (Sproull and Kiesler, 1991). If
others post personal information about themselves, they are making themselves appear to
be more than just a stranger, and are showing that they trust others with sensitive
information. The principle here being that, by behaving in a trusting manner, in this case
by posting sensitive information, people can encourage others to trust them. Additionally,
the decision to trust others should thus be based also on knowledge of the other people as
derived from their confiding personal information (McAllister, 1995). By disclosing their
gender, age, or perhaps a personal problem, other people in the virtual community become
less of a stranger and more of an acquaintance or friend. Related research on social
behavior also indicates that by confiding, and making oneself more vulnerable in the
process, people can induce others to trust them more (Blau, 1964; Crosby et al., 1990).
Additionally, since many communities are built around a common interest or topic,
confiding personal information about oneself usually reveals some connection to the topic
of interest and may increase trust in ability. For example, in a virtual community of
mothers discussing health issues of children, revealing that one is the mother of six
children or a practicing pediatrician helps build trust in one’s ability to converse on the
topic at hand. Likewise, the development of integrity/benevolence is also influenced by
personal information. Knowing more about a person makes it easier to shape beliefs
regarding their standards and principles, which should also contribute to increased trust
because trust is built when the trusted party behaves as it is expected to (Luhmann, 1979;
Blau, 1964). Thus, it is hypothesized:

H2.1: Users’ perceptions of the degree to which others confide personal information
will be positively related to their trust in other members’ abilities.
H2.2: Users’ perceptions of the degree to which others confide personal information
will be positively related to their trust in other members’ benevolence and integrity.

3.3. Disposition to trust

Another antecedent of trust is disposition to trust. Disposition to trust is defined as a

general willingness based on extended socialization to depend on others (Kramer, 1999;
McKnight et al., 1998), and has been found to related to trust (Gefen, 2000a; Mayer et al.,
1995). If one is willing to trust others in general, then this same willingness should apply to
C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295 279

the abilities and benevolence/integrity of others in the virtual community. Disposition to

trust may be especially effective when the parties are still unfamiliar with one another
(Mayer et al., 1995; Rotter, 1971), as might be the case in a virtual community where
almost anyone at all can reply to a post in a conversation. Therefore, it is hypothesized

H3.1: Users’ disposition to trust will be positively related to their trust in other
members’ ability.
H3.2: Users’ disposition to trust will be positively related to their trust in other
members’ benevolence and integrity.

3.4. Desire to exchange information

Trust enables and determines the nature of interpersonal relationships (Blau, 1964;
Gefen, 2000a; Jarvenpaa et al., 1998). In a trusting environment, people are more inclined
to help others and to request others’ help, while in a less trusting environment, people tend
to shun away from providing help (Blau, 1964; Luhmann, 1979). When trust exists
between individuals, they are more willing to partake in shared activity (Fukuyama, 1995;
Gambetta, 1988; Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998). In the virtual community environment, this
shared activity is in the form of cooperative information exchange. One would expect that
increased trust would result in increased information sharing and acceptance between
members in the virtual community. It is important to note that information sharing occurs
in both directions, notably giving information and getting information. These two are
distinctly different behaviors, as getting information is the act of querying the members of
the community or searching the community’s conversation for items of interest, while
giving information involves answering others’ queries or volunteering comments or
observations to the community. Additionally, giving information generally involves
exposing oneself to a greater degree than just inquiring.
Trust in the benevolence and integrity of other members should increase the desire to
get information because the value of such information depends on the honesty of the
person providing it and their willingness to help. This trust should, it is hypothesized,
make an individual more inclined to ask for information in the community because they
know the provision of information is likely to be governed by these principles. In the same
manner, members should only desire to give information when they trust in others’
benevolence and integrity, because otherwise they are exposing themselves to possible
opportunistic behavior. Many virtual communities have unwritten rules on the behaviors
that reflect the commonly accepted standards in the community, and members are often
quick to jump on violators of these standards. Yet, there is no real regulatory agency here,
rather it is in the hands of each member to live up to these ‘standards’. Belief in the
benevolence and integrity of others will also influence information exchange because of
the reciprocal nature of communication it implies. The community will not survive if
reciprocity does not exist—all must contribute reciprocal rewards and have a desire to do
good to others. Individuals will be less inclined to share knowledge in the community if
they feel this adherence to benevolence norms is lacking. There are many indications in
the literature highlighting the centrality of the reciprocal nature of communication in
280 C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295

virtual communities (Sproull and Faraj, 1997; Wellman, 1996; Wellman and Gulia,
Ability should have equivalent effects. In the particular environment of the virtual
community, participants will be more willing to share knowledge when they trust in
others’ ability. It is only natural that they would want to converse with others who have
the knowledge and skills regarding the topic at hand since virtual communities almost
always center around a common theme.
It is thus hypothesized that when participants trust in these two dimensions, that they
will be more inclined to provide and request information:

H4.1: Participants’ trust in the ability of others in the virtual community will be
positively related to their willingness to give information to others.
H4.2: Participants’ trust in the benevolence and integrity of others in the virtual
community will be positively related to their willingness to give information to others.
H4.3: Participants’ trust in the ability of others in the virtual community will be
positively related to their willingness to get information from others.
H4.4: Participants’ trust in the benevolence and integrity of others in the virtual
community will be positively related to their willingness to get information from

4. Methodology

The methodology used to test the research model was a cross-sectional survey of virtual
community members. Much of the past scholarly research in CMC has conducted
experiments in laboratory settings (Sudweeks and Simoff, 1999). However, external
validity in these cases is problematic since participants are a captive audience, sample size
is small, and researchers usually contrast CMC with face-to-face interaction (Sudweeks
and Simoff, 1999). In addition, creating a virtual community in a laboratory setting for the
present research would be difficult. Experiments to study trust also have limitations due to
the difficulty in manipulating the experimental conditions (Rotter, 1971). To maximize
external validity, this research used field survey methodology as the most appropriate to
test actual membership perception regarding trust in real virtual communities.
The population of interest in this research was members of virtual communities on the
Internet. It was highly desirable to use the technology of the Internet to both contact a
subset of this population and to collect the data from the survey instrument. Therefore, the
survey was posted on the Internet and the request to participate in the survey was posted
directly on the virtual communities.

4.1. Measures

To construct the survey instrument, existing scales from the literature were reviewed
and items were carefully adapted or developed for each construct. Then a pretest was
conducted in which four individuals who frequent virtual communities reviewed the
survey. Minor revisions were made to the survey as a result of the pretest. Following
C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295 281

the pretest, a pilot study was conducted in order to further test the feasibility of this
research. The results of the pilot study ðn ¼ 70Þ were reviewed and minor changes were
made to the survey instrument. All of the items, except where noted, were measured with
seven point Likert-type scales ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree.

4.2. Trust

Trust is considered in this study as a belief with two dimensions: ability and
benevolence/integrity. The measurement of the components of trust was adapted from
Jarvenpaa et al. (1998). Jarvenpaa et al. (1998) used the scales to measure trust in the
context of teams and, as such, the scales reflect the multiple interdependencies that exist in
a group versus measuring trust in a dyad. The notion of trust in a virtual community is trust
in the collective entity of others, so the scales were altered slightly to fit the virtual
community environment. Since many of the items to measure benevolence correlated
more with the notions of socially accepted standards and principles, those items were used
together with Jarvenpaa et al.’s integrity items in one scale. The items are presented in
Appendix A.

4.3. Responsiveness of others

No existing scale could be found to measure the responsiveness of others in a CMC

environment such as a virtual community. Gefen and Keil (1998) developed a scale to
measure the responsiveness of developers in the context of expert systems implemen-
tation. While not directly applicable to this study, the notion of being responsive to
requests (Gefen, 2000b; Lewis and Weigert, 1985) was incorporated into the scale used in
this study. A three-item scale was developed to measure this construct. The items in this
scale referred to the timeliness and quantity of responses to posts (see Appendix A).
It is important to note that responsiveness is not necessarily time dependent, and it is
used in this study as a measure of an individual’s perception that he or she is getting
responses to their postings in the community. Notions of quickness and quantity of
responses are assessed as individual perceptions. In addition, while the outcome variables
(desire to give and get information) may indicate some notion of the individual user’s
responsiveness, this study is concerned with the perceptions of others’ responsiveness
rather than the responsiveness of the individual user themselves.

4.4. Degree to which others confide personal information

No existing scale could be found to measure the degree to which people confide
personal information in a CMC environment such as a virtual community. Thus, a three-
item scale was developed specifically for this study. Consistent with the literature
reviewed above, the items in the scale ask about the willingness of others to share personal
information (see Appendix A). This scale was pretested, as discussed earlier.
282 C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295

4.5. Disposition to trust

The scale to measure disposition to trust was adapted from Gefen (2000a). Gefen used
the scale to measure disposition to trust in the environment of the Internet, which is the
same environment in the present research (see Appendix A).

4.6. Desire to exchange information

The most often cited reason for joining a virtual community is to exchange information
(Hagel and Armstrong, 1997; Wellman and Gulia, 1999b). As noted earlier, this exchange
is composed of two distinct desires—the desire to get information and the desire to give
information. A scale to measure this desire was created specifically for this study (see
Appendix A). Drawing on the reasons from the literature, the items in the scale ask about
coming to the community for information, facts, advice on carrying out tasks, and to share
their knowledge.

4.7. Sampling procedure

Researchers have developed criteria in order to include or exclude communities, based

on minimal traffic volume and number of users posting (Witmer et al., 1999). This is
necessary in order to exclude inactive communities and bulletin boards that, while active,
do not have the true interaction between people that constitutes a community. Therefore,
the following criteria were used to generate a list of possible communities to be sampled:

(1) The bulletin board must have at least 10 postings per day for each of three days
chosen at random.
(2) The bulletin board must have at least 15 different individuals posting over a randomly
selected 3-day period.
(3) At least 80% of postings must have at least one reply for each of three days chosen at

These criteria were chosen to make sure that the bulletin board represented a large
group of people who were actively communicating with one another.
In order to collect data from a wide variety of communities and to maintain some
randomness in the sample selection, a rigorous procedure was adopted in order to select
communities for the study. First, popular Web search engines, such as Yahoo, Excite, and
Lycos were used to identify bulletin boards. Generic search terms, such as ‘boards’,
‘communities’, ‘discussions’, and ‘forums’ were used in the search engines. Very often the
search results pointed to a listing of bulletin boards on a host site. For example, the site has a bulletin board listing of over 500 boards. When such a listing
was encountered, a random number generator was used in order to pick one or more boards
from the listing. When a board was located via the search results, it was compared to the
three criteria listed above. If the board met all criteria, it was added to the list of possible
boards for the study. Using this method, a list of 79 bulletin boards was established. Again
C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295 283

using random number generation, 40 of these boards were selected for this study, and the
message requesting participation was posted on each.

4.8. Data collection and response rate

For each of the 40 boards, responses submitted by the end of the 10th day after the
survey request were used for this study. A total of 696 responses were received. On four of
the communities, the survey request posting was deemed commercial solicitation by the
board administrator and removed. Since this did not afford those communities equal time
to respond, the 12 responses from these four communities were dropped. In addition, 21
surveys were missing significant amounts of data, and were also dropped. This resulted in
663 usable responses from 36 communities (see Appendix B).
Self-selection is a limitation of this research, which can be addressed by matching the
demographics of the sample with the demographics of known population data of Internet
users, a procedure which has been used in similar Web-based survey research (Bellman
et al., 1999). The present sample seems to be fairly similar to other surveys of Internet
users (see Table 1). The differences may be peculiar to virtual community members.
Although self-selection bias may compromise the study’s validity, the broad solicitation
from real-world virtual communities counters this risk and gives the study external
Response rate calculation is difficult since it is impossible to know how many people
viewed the post requesting participation. In addition, people could have seen the title
and not opened the post to read the contents. One possible measure of response rate is
the number of completed surveys per the number of unique visits to the survey page.
The rate of completions per visit was 60.7%, and the rate of usable surveys per visit
was 57.7%.

Table 1
Comparison of sample demographics

Present study PEW research centera GVU 10th WWW user


Gender 62% male 51% male 66.4% male

38% female 49% female 33.6% female
Age 78% 18– 49 years 89% 18–54 years 80.6% 16–50 years
Education 67% some college þ 79% some college þ 70.8% some college þ
Race 91% Caucasian N/A 89.7% Caucasian
Location 93% in US N/A 95.4% in US
Sample size 663 1426 5022
Sample population Virtual community members Virtual community members Internet users
Study by the PEW research center, available at: ¼ 47.
Study by the Graphic, Visualization & Usability Center at the Georgia Institute of Technology, available at:
284 C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295

4.9. Sample characteristics

Thirty-six respondents (5.4%) did not select a community on the drop down list, and
therefore the community that they came from is unknown. The largest response from a
single community was 90, which made up 13.6% of the usable sample. There were 14
communities from which there were fewer than 10 respondents. The responses from these
14 communities together made up 11.8% ðn ¼ 78Þ of the usable sample.
The majority (62%) of the respondents were male, and 78% were between 18 and 49
years of age. The vast majority (91%) was Caucasian, and most (67%) had an educational
background of at least some college. Most respondents were from the US (93%) and were
employed full time (70%). These demographics are consistent with most surveys of
Internet users (see Table 1) and expected since the survey was in English and posted on
communities using English to converse. The average response for the number of hours a
week a respondent spends on the boards was between the 3– 4 and 5 –6 h a week
categories. For the number of months using the board, the average was about 9 –12
months. The respondents indicated on average they posted a little over three new threads
per month (posts that are new topics, not responses to others), and posted about 8 –9
responses to others.
For the 627 respondents who selected a community, the average time of response to the
survey was 30.55 h with a standard deviation of 41.43 h. 393 responses (62.7%) were
received in the first 24 h of the posting, and an additional 119 responses (19.0%) in the
second 24 h for a total of 512 responses (81.7%) within the first 48 h.

5. Data analysis

5.1. Measurement of the variables

A factor analysis using the Principal Components method with Varimax rotation was
initially performed as a preliminary analysis to the subsequent PLS analysis. This was
accompanied with a calculation of the internal consistency reliabilities (ICR) of the scales.
Results suggested that several items be dropped from the scales in order to achieve a high
level of reliability and validity. Specifically, an item was dropped if (a) it did not meet the
threshold loading of 0.40 on any factor, (b) its highest loading on an expected factor was
not above 0.60, or (c) it showed a significant variance across multiple factors (Hair et al.,
Descriptive statistics and correlations between the constructs are given in Table 3. Of
interest is the low correlation between giving information and getting information (0.369).
This may occur because those who seek information do not feel knowledgeable enough to
give information. Likewise, those who come to the community to share their knowledge as
experts may not be as interesting in getting information from others. Perceived
responsiveness, desire to give information, and desire to get information loaded exactly
as expected in the factor analysis. Each had acceptable ICR (Gefen et al., 2000; Hair et al.,
1998; Segars, 1997): 0.90 for desire to get information, 0.94 for desire to give information,
and 0.95 for responsiveness (see Table 2). Confiding personal information and disposition
Table 2
Results of confirmatory factor analysis in PLS

C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295

Ability Perceived Confiding Disposition Benevolence Desire to Desire
responsiveness information to trust and integrity give information to get information

Trust-ability1 0.7360 0.2478 0.1875 0.1748 0.3977 0.2244 0.3213

Trust-ability2 0.8835 0.3122 0.1975 0.2092 0.5107 0.1877 0.3984
Trust-ability3 0.8374 0.3326 0.2353 0.2176 0.5168 0.1945 0.3495
Trust-ability4 0.8617 0.2926 0.2127 0.1990 0.4638 0.2054 0.3054
Trust-ability5 0.7665 0.2916 0.2291 0.2503 0.5351 0.2602 0.3848
Trust-ability6 0.8334 0.2750 0.2279 0.2347 0.4846 0.2197 0.3913
Responsiveness1 0.3349 0.9097 0.1281 0.1804 0.3670 0.3237 0.2407
Responsiveness2 0.3728 0.8989 0.1661 0.2053 0.4141 0.3311 0.3228
Responsiveness3 0.3728 0.9167 0.1551 0.1943 0.4296 0.3726 0.3185
Confide1 0.2381 0.1443 0.9384 0.1656 0.2057 0.1155 0.1493
Confide2 0.2557 0.1589 0.9492 0.1525 0.2356 0.1328 0.1687
Dispos-trust1 0.1783 0.1827 0.1643 0.8784 0.2346 0.0602 0.1503
Dispos-trust2 0.2129 0.1925 0.1150 0.8386 0.2097 0.0888 0.1419
Dispos-trust3 0.2926 0.2391 0.1444 0.9264 0.3037 0.1113 0.2000
Benevol1 0.4124 0.3081 0.1538 0.2285 0.8261 0.2494 0.3270
Benevol2 0.4856 0.2564 0.2339 0.2270 0.7707 0.2301 0.3042
Benevol3 0.5683 0.4132 0.2728 0.2746 0.8545 0.3137 0.4786
Benevol4 0.5240 0.3719 0.2804 0.2947 0.8724 0.2815 0.4243
Integrity1 0.5318 0.3470 0.2019 0.2403 0.8661 0.2502 0.4170
Integirty2 0.2196 0.1295 0.0695 0.0589 0.4937 0.0863 0.1822
Give-info1 0.2356 0.3700 0.1821 0.0760 0.2679 0.9456 0.2750
Give-info2 0.2886 0.3602 0.1307 0.0849 0.3069 0.9381 0.3188
Get-info1 0.4318 0.3187 0.1679 0.1791 0.4375 0.3346 0.8892
Get-info2 0.4385 0.3055 0.1748 0.1430 0.4405 0.3175 0.9081
Get-info3 0.2949 0.2291 0.1074 0.1702 0.3206 0.1759 0.7962
ICR 0.92 0.95 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.94 0.90

286 C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295

Table 3
Correlations and square root of the AVE (in diagonal)



Responsiveness (RE) 5.23 1.29 0.925

Confiding in other (CF) 4.50 1.63 0.177 0.945
Disposition to trust (DIS) 5.08 1.17 0.222 0.198 0.889
Trust-abilities (AB) 5.44 1.04 0.21 0.386 0.271 0.253 0.815
Trust-benevolence/integrity (BNIN) 5.10 1.27 0.22 0.397 0.254 0.287 0.596 0.779
Desire to give info (RpGiv) 5.29 1.56 0.11 0.461 0.188 0.139 0.287 0.315 0.944
Desire to get info (RpGet) 5.40 1.55 0.26 0.346 0.214 0.231 0.455 0.459 0.369 0.867

Note: item responses from 1 ¼ strongly disagree to 7 ¼ strongly agree; square root of the AVE (in diagonal).

to trust also loaded on separate factors as expected after dropping the items, with resulting
ICRs of 0.94 and 0.92, respectively.
The trust items loaded on two distinct factors as expected. One factor emerged as the
trust in abilities dimension (ICR ¼ 0.92), while the other was trust in integrity/benevo-
lence (ICR ¼ 0.90). The data were then analyzed with PLS-graph. PLS is especially suited
for exploratory research (Chin, 1998; Gefen et al., 2000). The PLS analysis confirms the
convergent and discriminant validity of the scales. The AVE of each construct is larger
than its correlation with the other constructs, and each item loads much higher on its
respective construct than on the other constructs, see Tables 2 and 3.

5.2. Testing the hypotheses

The research model with the PLS path coefficients is presented in Fig. 2. The t-values
were generated with the bootstrap method. The PLS analysis shows that the perception of
others’ responsiveness significantly increased ability (b ¼ 0:32; t-value ¼ 7.54) and the
combined benevolence and integrity (b ¼ 0:33; t-value ¼ 8.22), supporting H1.1 and
H1.2. Others’ confiding information increased both ability (b ¼ 0:19; t-value ¼ 4.91) and
benevolence and integrity (b ¼ 0:16; t-value ¼ 3.93), supporting H2.1 and H2.2.
Disposition to trust increased ability (b ¼ 0:15; t-value ¼ 2.97) and benevolence and
integrity (b ¼ 0:18; t-value ¼ 4.85), supporting both H3.1 and H3.2. Ability increased

Fig. 2. Research model with PLS coefficients.

C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295 287

both desire to give information (b ¼ 0:15; t-value ¼ 2.66) and to get information
(b ¼ 0:28; t-value ¼ 6.21), as did benevolence and integrity increased the desire to get
information (b ¼ 0:29; t-value ¼ 7.53) and desire to give information (b ¼ 0:22; t-
value ¼ 4.66), supporting H4.1 –H4.4. In all, 21% of the variance of ability, 22% of
benevolence and integrity, 11% of desire to give information, and 26% of desire to get
information were explained.
As an alternative analysis, the standard test for mediation (Baron and Kenny, 1986) was
conducted. For perception of responsiveness on giving information, the beta changed from
0.337 ðp , 0:001Þ to 0.256 ðp , 0:001Þ; and on getting information from 0.301 ðp ,
0:001Þ to 0.132 ðp , 0:01Þ: For confiding information the betas for giving information
(b ¼ 0:095; p , 0:05) and getting information (b ¼ 0:098; p , 0:01) became insignif-
icant in the mediation model. Disposition to trust was not significant in the unmediated
model for giving information, but was for getting information (b ¼ 0:086; p , 0:05), and
became insignificant in the mediated model ðb ¼ 0:007Þ: The results show that all
necessary conditions for mediation hold with the exception of disposition to trust in the
case of giving information. Perfect mediation is occurring for both confiding personal
information and disposition to trust for getting information. Likewise, perfect mediation is
occurring for confiding personal information for giving information. Therefore, trust in
abilities and benevolence/integrity mediates the effect of responsiveness, confiding
personal information, and disposition to trust on the desires of getting information, and the
effect of responsiveness and confiding personal information on the desires of giving
information according to Baron and Kenny (1986) standard.

6. Discussion

6.1. Summary of results

The data show that as expected, trust is a significant predictor of virtual community
member’s desire to exchange information, and especially to get information. This effect
was hypothesized based on the need to depend upon other community members given that
no enforceable rules exist to guarantee the behavior of other community members. Perhaps
not surprisingly, this effect was stronger with regard to getting information than with
regard to giving information, presumably because of the increase dependence upon other
community members in the former case. This trust, the data suggest, is composed of two
dimensions, ability and a combined integrity/benevolence dimension. These beliefs were
in turn significantly predicted, as hypothesized, by the behavior of the other community
members, in this case, by their responsiveness and confiding behavior. Trust was also
increased, as hypothesized, by a general disposition to trust, as also found in other research
(Gefen, 2000a).
In applying trust to virtual settings, this study built on Jarvenpaa et al. (1998) who
applied the same trust scales in a virtual team setting. In their application, the team
members were dispersed by space and time, did not know each other, and did not
meet face-to-face—conditions very similar to that of the emergent virtual communities
studied here. However, in the Jarvenpaa et al. study, the teams were composed of
288 C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295

students working on a class project for a short period of time. This situation is
distinctly different from the case of virtual communities where participants are drawn
by a common interest, and from organizational work situations that are more long
term. In this study, too, trust was a significant predictor of virtual community activity
lending further support to the conclusion that trust is a central aspect also in virtual
Moreover, this study extends Jarvenpaa et al.’s study by proposing several
antecedents of trust in virtual communities. As expected, when others confide personal
information, trust in others is higher. This is significant because it shows that even
though participants may come to talk about a particular topic (Honda motorcycles or
real estate appraisal), they will trust others more if they know something personal
about them. Perceived responsiveness also builds trust. When others reply quickly and
often to messages, members in the community will have higher levels of trust.
Disposition to trust is also positively related to trust in others, indicating that people
who are generally trusting exhibit more trust in others.

6.2. Limitations

The results of this study have limitations. There are thousands of virtual communities
on the Internet, and identification of the population of interest (virtual community users) is
difficult at best. The data was self-reported and thus subject to personal memory, varying
scale use among respondents, and social desirability bias. Response rate was virtually
impossible to calculate. Finally, the cross-sectional design does not afford the opportunity
to infer causality among the constructs and may introduce common method bias. A
longitudinal or experimental study could verify, complement, and extend the findings in
this research. However, there is reason to believe that while same time correlation may be
true, nonetheless theory indicates that, for example, confiding information builds trust
(Crosby et al., 1990; Gefen, 1997) while hiding information ruins it (Fukuyama, 1995).
This study focused on the behaviors of others in the community and the internal
disposition to trust construct and purposefully did not explore other factors which could
affect trust, such as those related to the organization that sponsors the virtual community or
technical security concerns. Aspects of the responses from others that were not measured
in this study, such as their quality, could impact trust and its relationship with the proposed
antecedents. For example, others could be very responsive but with poor quality responses
or argumentative, negative responses, which may adversely affect trust. In addition, there
may be additional factors, such as the need to solve problems or learn more about an issue,
that affect one’s desire to get or give information.

6.3. Implications of the study

People come to virtual communities to exchange information—either by providing it to

others or by soliciting it from others. This exchange is based upon the trust the members
have in each other, and without this trust the virtual community there is no exchange and
the virtual community will cease to exist. This research shows elements, which build this
C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295 289

trust—responsiveness, confiding personal information, and a general disposition to trust,

as well as its multidimensionality.
Past MIS research has found that people seek advice and exchange useful
information from strangers (Constant et al., 1996; Sproull and Faraj, 1997). In another
approach, the present research examined this phenomenon, suggesting that trust is
important aspect in this information exchange. In this environment, the understanding
of trust as a mechanism to guard against opportunistic behavior (Butler and Cantrell,
1994; Luhmann, 1979) is validated in the context of online strangers. Further, this
trust was examined in a community where it develops between an individual and a
group of strangers, a distinct view of Luhmann’s (1988) personal trust. Finally, trust
appears to be different in the online setting than in the organizational settings in past
research (Blau, 1964; Butler, 1991; Giffin, 1967; Jarvenpaa et al., 1998; Mayer et al.,
1995), where trust was composed of three dimensions. Trust here was found to have
two dimensions—ability and combined benevolence/integrity.
Within the context of knowledge management, virtual communities provide a place
for knowledge exchange (Wasko and Faraj, 2000), and the results of this study can
aid in understanding and facilitating this exchange. The generation of knowledge, in
this case the generation of conversation in the community, is enhanced by the
presence of trust in abilities and benevolence/integrity. Knowledge management
researchers can use the results of this study to understand knowledge generation and
The new digital economy is resulting in many more virtual communities, and
businesses are encouraged to establish communities in order to foster relationships
with their customers (Barber, 1983). For the communities to be successful trust must
be present. Also, new virtual communities using peer-to-peer technologies will
increasingly be looking to build in trust mechanisms for greater adoption. Businesses
that incorporate enabling trust mechanisms will likely be more successful than those
who do not. This translates into improved virtual community site design approaches.
Organizational researchers can use the results of this study to understand behavior of
employees in virtual community-type environments. In fact, in some communities,
where participants include employees of the hosting company, these organizations
may be able to build trust more directly than using ‘passive’ trust-engendering
features. Other implications are that companies will increasingly seek to select virtual
community sites that elicit greater trust from their participants for advertising

6.4. Future research

There is a plethora of future research directions that can be investigated in relation

to trust and online behavior in virtual communities. Although a commonly accepted
categorization scheme for virtual communities does not exist, it may be that trust
develops differently in different kinds of communities. Antecedents and effects of trust
in sports-oriented communities may be different than in medical communities. Posting
behavior for respondents with high trust versus low trust could be studied to
investigate the relationship between trust and use of the community. The structure and
290 C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295

length of threads (an initial message in the community and all associated replies) and
its relationship to posting behavior and trust could yield more information on the
development of trust. Several variables can be examined more in the context of
disposition to trust, especially race, ethnicity, and culture. Does one’s country
location, as a surrogate for culture, have an effect on disposition to trust? Given the
many types of information exchanged in virtual communities, the effect of trust on
desire to give and get this information may vary by information type. There may be
certain types of information for which trust is more important. Finally, a
complementary framework in addition to trust could be valuable in explaining
motivations to use virtual communities.

Appendix A. Survey items

Directions: each response in the following sections is a seven-point scale ranging from
1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). Choose the option that reflects your level of
agreement with each statement (Table A1).

Table A1

Trust: ability component

I feel very confident about the skills that the other participants on this bulletin board have in relation to the topics
we discuss
The other participants on this bulletin board have much knowledge about the subject we discuss
The other participants on this bulletin board have specialized capabilities that can add to the conversation on this
bulletin board
The other participants on this bulletin board are well qualified in the topics we discuss
The other participants on this bulletin board are very capable of performing tasks in the topics we discuss
The other participants on this bulletin board seem to be successful in the activities they undertake
Trust: integrity/benevolence component
The other participants on this bulletin board are very concerned about the ability of people to get along
The other participants on this bulletin board would not knowingly do anything to disrupt the conversation
The participants on this bulletin board are concerned about what is important to others
The participants on this bulletin board will do everything within their capacity to help others
The participants on this bulletin board try hard to be fair in dealing with one another
The other participants on this bulletin board do not behave in a consistent manner (reverse coded)
Responsiveness of others
The people on this bulletin board are very responsive to my posts
I can always count on getting a lot of responses to my posts
I can always count on getting responses to my posts fairly quickly
Confiding personal information
The posts on this bulletin board often contain personal information
People seem very willing to divulge private information about themselves to other participants
C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295 291

Disposition to trust
I generally have faith in humanity
I feel that people are generally reliable
I generally trust other people unless they give me reason not to

Desire to get information

I come to this bulletin board to get information on a particular topic
I use this bulletin board when I want advice on how to carry out some task
I come to this bulletin board when I need facts about a particular subject
Desire to give information
I come to this bulletin board to give other participants information I know about a particular subject
I come to this bulletin board to share my skills and abilities with other participants

Appendix B. Number of responses from each community

See Table B1.

Table B1

Community Frequency Percent Cumulative

code percent

SHADOW Discussion forum for owners, riders, and admirers of 90 13.57 13.57
the various
models of the Honda shadow motorcycle
PICKUP Discussion among pickup truck enthusiasts 57 8.60 22.17
Tacoma Discussion forum for Toyota Tacoma enthusiasts 51 7.69 29.86
UNKNOWN (Note: respondent did not pick a community) 36 5.43 35.29
FISH Discussion about Steelhead and Salmon fishing 35 5.28 40.57
GUITAR For any discussion by musicians who play or like the 32 4.83 45.40
BRONX For people who used to live in the Bronx (New York) 30 4.52 49.92
to communicate about any topics
APPRAISE Discussion of any aspect of real estate appraisal 25 3.77 53.70
BREAST For debate about formula feeding or breastfeeding babies 24 3.62 57.32
TEACH Discussion among teachers 22 3.32 60.63
CAT To talk about cat health issues 21 3.17 63.80
GUNS To discuss gun control efforts 18 2.71 66.52
EXPECT For discussion about expecting a baby that is not your 17 2.56 69.08
first child
Mets To talk about the Mets baseball team 17 2.56 71.64
CATHELP Discussion about anything to do with cats 15 2.26 73.91
HIGHTEC For discussion of high tech methods for getting pregnant 15 2.26 76.17
CYCLE For women who got pregnant at the same time as other 13 1.96 78.13
women (on the same cycle)—called ‘cycle buddies’ to
share experiences and keep in touch
ENTMOOT Discussion among fans of the author J.R.R. Tolkien 13 1.96 80.09
VEGAS General talk about Las Vegas 13 1.96 82.05
DOGHSE Anyone who wants to talk about dogs 11 1.66 83.71
AUSWINE Talk about Australian wines 10 1.51 85.22
NURSE General discussion for anything related to nursing 10 1.51 86.73
(continued on next page)
292 C.M. Ridings et al. / Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (2002) 271–295

Table B1 (continued)
Community Frequency Percent Cumulative
code percent

SPRTCAR Discussion among coupe, convertible, and sports 10 1.51 88.24

car enthusiasts
MUSIC For discussion about music, from the viewpoint of 9 1.36 89.59
the listener as well as the performer
CRUISE Discussion on vacation cruises through the world 8 1.21 90.80
HOMESCH Practical advice, scholastic/academic discussions 8 1.21 92.01
and support for home educators of children
Sopranos To discuss the television show ‘Sopranos’ 8 1.21 93.21
SPACE For news and discussion about space and the 8 1.21 94.42
AIRTRAN Discussion about investing in AAIR (AirTran 7 1.06 95.48
Holdings, Inc.)
ALLERGY Discussion about children’s allergies 7 1.06 96.53
Catholic Debate and talk about Catholicism 7 1.06 97.59
Abortion To discuss opinions on abortion and the tactics 5 0.75 98.34
being used by both sides of the issue to promote
their stance
HSBB To discuss high school girls basketball in New Jersey 3 0.45 98.79
NBA Discussions on NBA basketball 3 0.45 99.25
ESPN To discuss fantasy baseball strategy 2 0.30 99.55
SPANK For debate on whether or not children should be spanked 2 0.30 99.85
MILIT For discussion of any topics related to the US Military 1 0.15 100.00
Total 663 100.00


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