An Introduction To The Grounded Theory Approach in Social Research
An Introduction To The Grounded Theory Approach in Social Research
An Introduction To The Grounded Theory Approach in Social Research
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Abstract This paper discusses Grounded theory, which is subsequent interpretation of these data, findings provide
one of the newer methodologies becoming popular with considered answers to questions about human behavior,
social researchers since its evolution in the late 1960’s. The people, communities and societies. I believe that Grounded
paper discusses the principles and processes of Grounded Theory is a research method that seeks to develop theory that
theory and then explores the nature of codes, coding process is grounded in data, collected systematically and analyzed. It
and the concept of saturation. The paper then goes on to is imperative in the method that a continuous interplay
discuss the pros and cons, arguments for and against the use between data collection and analysis occurs throughout the
of Grounded theory methodology for social research and research process.
explores the applicability of this methodology in producing Despite being in vogue for the last fifty years or less,
sound theoretical basis for practice. Select narratives from Grounded Theory has become ‘the discovery of theory from
the author’s recent studies are utilised to explain the data – systematically obtained and analysed in social
processes of grounded theory methodology. research’ (Glaser & Strauss, 1967:1). The methodological
thrust of grounded theory is toward the development of
Keywords Grounded Theory, Qualitative Research, theory, without any particular commitment to specific kinds
Data Analysis, Inductive Research of data, lines of research, or theoretical interests. Rather, it is
a form of executing qualitative analysis that includes a
number of distinct features, and uses a coding paradigm to
ensure conceptual development and density (Strauss, 1987).
Introduction The first work in the new tradition of grounded theory was
carried out with dying patients and resulted in a publication
One of the key concerns of social research is to examine of Awareness of Dying (1965) by Glaser and Strauss.
humans and their behaviors alongside baffling philosophical Subsequently, they released a methodology book titled
questions in quest for truth, knowledge, values and being, Discovery of Grounded Theory (1967). Both these are
and how these features govern human behaviors and seminal works that have allowed for Grounded theory to
activities (Somekh, Burman, Delamont, Meyer, Payne and grow over the last five decades. Thus, a grounded theory is
Thorpe, 2011; Pulla, 2014a). In other words, central to social one which has developed from the use of Grounded Theory
research is to determine “who we are as people, why we act methodology, as was intended by the theory developers who
the way we do and what may be some of the outcomes of made clear delineation between the Grounded Theory
these actions and behaviours with regards to others in our Method and the resultant theory (Bryant and Charmaz, 2007),
society and environment and the systems surrounding all of although for the purpose of this paper, it is suggested that
us” (Pulla, 2014a: 15). Thus, “social researchers seek to Grounded Theory refers to both the process or methodology
identify order and regularity in the complexity of social life; and the resultant theory. This in turn allows to viewing
they try to make sense of it” (Ragin 1994: 31). Social Grounded Theory as a theory generating research
research includes variables such as time and space that our methodology, even beyond the context of this paper that
interactions occupy. Differing from the stringent methods of allows for the incorporation of scientific objectivity on one
scientific research with its clear parameters and hand and the meticulousness into traditional subjective
measurability, social research allows for interpretive analysis qualitative methodologies on the other to allow for both
subsuming the varied ways as to how people think, feel and credibility and validity in research outcomes (Hennink,
act. This is not to say that social scientists do not make Hutter and Bailey, 2011). With the use of Grounded Theory,
measurement, they do. With careful collection of data and one can see then, the importance of maintaining traditional
ISSN: 2332-6840 (Online) 2332-6832 (Print) Copyright © 2016 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains
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Venkat Pulla Horizon Research Publishing
scientific precision for validity coupled with considered data such as through ethnography of the Lhotsampas that
elucidation of perhaps not so readily measurable aspects of came through in the literature review. Our research, as a
human life, thoughts, feelings, behaviors and interactions, result of ‘intensive interviews’ allowed us as interviewers to
and the meanings that people place on their life experiences. Go beneath the surface of the described
It is expected that as a general rule, researchers that deploy experience(s)
grounded theory approach make sure that they have no Stop to explore a statement or topic
preconceived theoretical ideas before embarking on their Come back to an earlier point
research project. This does not mean that one should ignore Validate the participant’s humanity, perspective or
the review of literature. The intention clearly is to make sure action (Charmaz, 2009: 26)
that researchers are not constrained by literature when
Interviews are contextual and remain negotiated that allow
coding. Researchers clearly avail the opportunity not to
participants to recount their concerns without interruption.
impose concepts on the data, instead wait for the concepts to
‘That is interesting, tell me more about it’ is an approximate
emerge from the data. In other words, the research does not
sentence after a nod that creates an ambience for new
begin with a theory, the theory is the outcome. It is a set of
information to emerge from research participants- the result
grounded concepts integrated around a central theme to form
is a construction or a reconstruction of the reality (Charmaz,
a theoretical framework that explains how and why persons,
2009). Interview stories do not reproduce prior realities
organisations, communities or nations experience and
(Murphy & Dingwall, 2003; Silverman, 2000). There is a
respond to events, challenges or problematic situations
clear difference between an intensive interview process and
(Corbin and Holt, 2011).
an ordinary disclosure in everyday life. Even research
The structure of the article is as follows: It begins with
participants have clear opportunities to reflect, grow and
how to code in Grounded Theory research. It then discusses
receive their light bulb movements and feel rewarded.
the principles and processes of Grounded Theory. The final
section discusses its implications of using Grounded Theory. ‘Ram Rani Dahal narrated that her 18 years of refugee
camp life experiences had been painful not having
enough to purchase good food and clothing; fear of
Coding in Grounded Theory Research accidental fires, rain and flooding. The bamboo poles,
Coding is an important phase in Grounded Theory bamboo mat walls, bamboo made beds, plastic sheets
Research. ‘A code in qualitative inquiry is most often a word and thatched roofs had clumsily protected us from heat
or short phrase that symbolically assigns a summative, and rain. We made several attempts to repatriate to
salient, essence-capturing, and / or evocative attribute for a Bhutan our country of origin but failed’ but biggest of
portion of language-based or visual data’ ( Saldhana, 2012: all always haunted by the identity crisis- where do I
1-31). The following example is about a code generated from belong?’
the description given by a research participant What do we learn from the above narrative? Identity
‘The bamboo poles, bamboo mat questions were the research questions. Hence, logically main
walls, bamboo made beds, plastic codes in this research. But new melancholic information that
Descriptive code
sheets and thatched roofs had
Housing relates to 18 years of existence in the camps comes to surface.
clumsily protected us from heat Although, we had knowledge that the Lhotsampas have been
and rain’
living in camps, but were not significant to us in the original
The following illustrations will assist in better research questions around the question of their ‘identity’ and
understanding. In a recent study, the author and his colleague initially we almost ignored this research participants’ valid
were trying to understand the sense of ‘identity’ and or information. ‘A researcher has a topic to pursue. Research
‘belonging’ of the Lhotsampa people of Bhutan who faced participants have problems to solve, goals to pursue and
forced eviction from the land of Shangri-La (Pulla, 2016; actions to perform and they hold assumptions, ideas and
also, Bhattacharyya, 2016, forthcoming). The study was feelings’ (Charmaz, 2006: 33). Therefore, the research
researching intergenerational perceptions and the questions and mode of enquiry in grounded theory privilege
precipitating factors behind those perceptions about home a researcher to shape the subsequent data and analysis.
country and settlement in a third country. The journey for Moreover, it allows the researcher to reshape research
this research was in grounded theory and thereby, had no questions and focus or change the direction of the enquiry.
preconceived logically deduced hypothesis, but codes were Unlike other qualitative methodologies, Grounded Theory
constructed as we moved on. Indeed, the sampling was does not test questions with a theory; it analyses data to
aimed towards theory construction rather than population produce a theory that answers those questions. Of
representativeness. However, limited literature was reviewed importance and worthy of note, is that whilst Grounded
after developing our independent analysis (Charmaz, 2009). theory is a theory producing method, the antithesis of other
As we were learning from the data, our research participants methodologies which begin with a theoretical underpinning,
also made sense of their experiences. The data were coded on can incorporate general underlying beliefs or values system.
the basis of the bits of information that existed beyond the It is such underlying beliefs that influence the questions that
International Journal of Social Work and Human Services Practice 77
Vol.4. No.4 September, 2016, pp. 75-81
the researchers ask and the structure that the research takes. fine as long as it does not consummate the researcher and the
It is important then to acknowledge these beliefs and values researcher is sincerely open to the data to lead her/him into
at the beginning. new pastures for theory development. I also do not advocate
Here, the previous illustration from the Lhotsampa a grounded theory approach to a novice in social research,
research is revisited. The researchers were aware that the but certainly agree with Charmaz’s suggestion that delaying
children of the Bhutanese refugees, born in Nepal in the last the literature review can help ‘to avoid importing
two decades did not have any legal identities- neither they preconceived ideas and imposing them on your work’ (2006:
were Nepalese nor Bhutanese, which by itself is an issue for 165) rather encourages you to articulate your ideas.
them. The study was attempting to understand the
intergenerational perceptions around their identity but the
participants of research led us into the precipitating factors Principles and Processes of Grounded
behind their decisions to leave Nepal and allowed us to Theory
understand their perceptions about home country and
settlement in a third country. We learned about their Grounded theory in reality provides a process for
eagerness to a futuristic resettlement in a third country developing theory from research and is underpinned by the
possibly was closely linked to their perceived social status in following principles:
Nepal while they continue to languish in the camps in Data analysis is non- linear and revolves in a circular
Eastern Nepal. When we heard a young participant say the process, which may involve the researcher repeating
following, we began to realize that we have new codes to add or overlapping which allows for a depth in the
and new orientation in theory to explain: research data.
‘I know nothing of Bhutan and have nothing to be Interviews are transcribed verbatim, allowing for an
called as mine in Bhutan. The most influential factor for emic perception of the data, an understanding and
my decision regarding resettlement is the fact that I interpretation of the interviewees’ own perspective.
don’t want to live hard non-existent life like my parents Data collection and analysis are interlinked, thus
and grandparents here in Nepal camps. I want to be allowing for the circular process, which allows for
regarded and respected as ‘somebody’, I will build my not only analysis but also effectively, reanalysis and
identity in new place, a new identity’ reinterpretation ensuring valid end product.
Inductive analysis is used which does not make
The above illustration from our research confirms that as assumptions and allows the data to narrate the story.
researchers we were not focused on testing hypotheses Continuing comparison is used to interpret data and
taken from existing theoretical frameworks, rather open to evaluate concepts that arise, then further collect and
developing a new ‘theory’ grounded in empirical data interpret data, and so on in a circular motion.
collected from the field. As such, the data of the young Analytic memo writing is used to track the theory
participant above has deliberately privileged our theoretical development process.
orientations. Analysis involves more than description and
Social research quite logically focus on a certain amount involves explanation and eventually theory (Hennink,
of literature review even in all qualitative research designs Hutter and Bailey, 2011).
and often mentors suggest to us that it is through literature
review that we identify gaps and it is in those gaps there are With the above principles at the core of the methodology,
myriad opportunities for research. But early on, Glaser and we then must discuss the process of Grounded theory
Strauss (1967) explicitly advised against conducting a research. With a starting point and outcomes that differ from
literature review in the substantive area of research at an other methods of qualitative research, Grounded theory must
early stage of the research process: ‘[a]n effective strategy is, inevitably have process(es) that distinguish it from other
at first, literally to ignore the literature of theory and fact on qualitative research methodologies. As such, Grounded
the area under study’ (1967: 37). The idea I presume emerges theory has a set of tasks that are repeated throughout the
from the notion not to be stormed by extant theoretical research process to produce the cyclical nature of Grounded
constructs and hypotheses but to allow exposure to naturally theory with the result of producing data that is thoroughly
emerging categories from the data. The argument appears analyzed. Overall, while it presents guidelines for collecting
reasonable and as such sustained as ploughing early may be a and interpreting data for the production of theory, these
‘potentially stifling process’ (Dunne, 2011: 114). Unlike guidelines remain flexible and intended to be so to allow the
most strategies of inquiry, grounded theory demands that researcher to react to the data as it is collected and analyzed
data collection and analysis occur concurrently, rather than (Hennink, Hutter and Bailey, 2011). The set of original tools
in a linear sequence affording a ‘dynamic interplay of data intended by Glaser and Strauss for Grounded theory
collection and analysis’ Payne (2007: 68). Having said this, I methodology are the following:
do not advocate a puritanical approach to grounded theory Verbatim transcripts
based research. To me, a certain prior review of the area is Anonymity
Venkat Pulla Horizon Research Publishing
The logic of initial coding allows us to the questions: fluid, interactive and open-ended process while the
What are the data suggesting? Or ‘pronouncing” researcher sits through transcribing relentlessly written
(Charmaz, 2007: 47) memos, analyzed and coded, memos re-written and then
From whose point of view? coded and analyzed, and all until saturation is reached.
What theoretical categories are emerging from the Grounded theory perhaps does not lend itself to a quick
data under study? sampling of a small number of research participants.
However, it is within this criticism that benefit may also be
Thus initial coding sticks close to data and goes beyond seen. Grounded theory being a thorough exploration, whilst
any pre-existing categories in the data. The attempt is to code time consuming, may also be considered more meaningful
with words that reflect actions. This certainly is not to due to the lengthy process. For theory that is developed from
suggest an empty head but an open mind. its embedded place with the data, surely uncovering this
theory should involve a process that is comprehensive and
exhaustive and involves painstaking analysis of collected
Memo Writing data. To utilize an inductive process with interpretive and
revelatory analytical progressions to arrive at sound
Journey into research is expected to move on to the next theoretical concepts is surely of benefit more so than
stage of what is called memo writing. Memos are written detriment. Thus, it is from this criticism that we may indeed
throughout the research as a way to capture what the also come to view a major benefit. Grounded theory is
researcher is thinking about the data, to track concepts for inductive and begins with no preconceived ideas, it utilizes
further explanation and as a means of further analysis of the meticulous exploration of precisely transcribed data, coded
coded data (Hennink, Hutter and Bailey, 2011, Oliver, 2012). comprehensively to the point of saturation to arrive at sound
Eventually the memos can become data in and of themselves and valid conceptual ideas upon which theory can be
(Oliver, 2012). grounded. This must take time, it must inherently be a
From this data collection and concurrent analysis, a lengthy process but instead of framing this time consumption
process known as theoretical sampling is utilized to source as negative, perhaps it is the very essence of why Grounded
new data with which the emerging concepts can be further theory is so applicable for social research.
explored (Oliver, 2012). It is this cyclical motion of data The other critique of Grounded theory that bears some
collection, immediate analysis and further collection that exploration is that when compared to other methodologies
forms the very basis of Grounded theory. It is this process for empirical research, it may be that Grounded theory places
that makes Grounded theory unique in the vast array of too much emphasis on knowledge being based on what may
possible research methodologies for social research. Another be deemed social constructions (Oliver, 2012). Unlike
term used in Grounded Theory is called saturation by which research in the natural sciences, which used a rationalistic,
it is suggested that the research process has ceased to yield structured approach to determine how the natural world
no more new data (Morse, 2007). When the researcher feels works, social scientists seek to determine not only how
that no new information is to be gained regarding a particular people behave but also how they interact and think, and
concept from the collected data, analysis can move forward make meaning from their experiences and contexts (Oliver,
to the next step and sampling ceases. The researcher knows 2012). Once again then, we can see how a critique can be
when saturation has been reached when all the respective instead utilised to support an argument for Grounded theory
data has been analysed, the researcher understands all that rather than dissuade. People do indeed interact with their
has been identified and there is consistency across the many environments, and make individual meaning from their
forms (Morse, 2007). experiences, and perceive environmental stimuli in unique
interpretations, which inevitably affect reactions and then
ultimately behaviour. Therefore, to argue that Grounded
Pros and Cons of Grounded Theory theory places much emphasis on knowledge that is collected
from people and then analyzed to explore these individual
Inevitably, Grounded theory has both admirers and interpretations is in reality an argument against the concept
detractors. It is the stance of this paper that Grounded theory of social research in entirety. One could make counter
presents an appropriate methodology for social research as argument that the very purpose of social research is to gather
well as a valid and practicable means of developing theory knowledge from the interaction of people with their
but of course, as well it should be, it is the nature of the social contextual environs, and thus, the use of Grounded theory as
researcher to explore these arguments. To consider the a methodology for such is indeed appropriate.
detractors first it is necessary to explore the following In support of Grounded theory as a meaningful and
criticisms of Grounded theory—it is a lengthy, time purposeful methodology for social research are the
consuming and often ambiguous process and that it places arguments that Grounded theory meets the wide range of
too much emphasis on the source of knowledge resting in philosophical and ideological requirements of researchers
social constructions (Corbin and Holt, 2011). from a number of disciplines. Grounded theory can be used
It requires intensive interviews, textual analysis, remains a by researchers who hold any number of underlying beliefs
Venkat Pulla Horizon Research Publishing
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