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Developing An Effective Internal Social Media Strategy: @traceysen In/traceysen

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Developing an effective internal social media strategy

@traceysen in/traceysen

Build a case for social media

Identify barriers to engagement

Loss of control Brand reputation Staff performance Security Poor understanding ROI

Conversations are happening with or without us

Staff are accessing social media sites via mobile devices

Internal microblogs may already exist

Boundaries are blurred between internal | external

e.g. #NSWDEC or #yam

Educate the Executive

Theres lots of stats


Key business problems

75% of a companys intellectual capital is locked away in emails and attachments not accessible to the company at large. (Source: Enterprise Study Group) Up to 30% of an average knowledge workers time is spent searching for information (at a cost per employee of $18K per year). (Source: IDC) 67% of workers believe there are colleagues who can help them do their job better. (Source: Harris Interactive) 40% of employees have difficulty locating the right people to answer their questions. (Source: Harris Interactive)

3 good business reasons

Employees with the most extensive digital networks are 7% more productive than their colleagues. (Source: MIT) Deloitte attributes a10% increase in productivity to its internal social network, D Street. (Source: Deloitte)

Engagement and Retention

Companies using Web 2.0 tools achieved 18% increase in engagement. (Source: Aberdeen Group) Deloitte attributes an 8.2% increase in retention to its internal social network, D Street. (Source: Deloitte)

Preserving Institutional Knowledge

Automatic capture of employee conversations by the platform will feed a searchable archive of employee knowledge, otherwise lost when they leave the organisation.

Social media is not a fad. It is a fundamental shift in how we communicate and relate to friends, colleagues, government, business and our communities around the world.

These behavioural shifts have

ultimately affected the way we form opinions and influence one another.
Source: Communication Executive Council

Get executive buy-in

mitigate the risks

Governance is the next step

No governance is a major risk

policy + monitoring + training

More than 65% of private and public sector organisations have no specific social media policies or guidelines for employee use 23% have no social media policy or guidelines for employees at all

Source: Social Media Strategy and Governance, Australian Centre for Public Communication, Sept 2011 Jim MacNamara (UTS)

Policy development
Collaborative approach Staff contributed to its development via Yammer Unions and key professional groups involved Management involvement

Educate staff

Digital Citizenship

Accredited training courses

Videos including: basics of online listening principles of community management how to manage negative or controversial online conversations

Establish a listening post

What are people saying about your agency? Where are they having the conversations? Are your key audiences online? Who are the key influences?

Monitoring tools
Radian6 (paid) Sprinkler (paid) Google Reader Google news and alert Social mention Collecta BlogPulse Alltop Backtype

Cross functional team

Provides direction and guidance on a range of matters concerning staff and student use of social media to support and promote effective digital citizenship across the department

Integrating social media

connect collaborate share create

Bridges the geographical divide Captures conversations Allows communities to flourish Encourages collaboration and sharing Improves knowledge flow Exposes employees to relevant content Enable employees to find and use relevant content

1.Understand the business problem 2.What do you want your employees to DO, THINK, REMEMBER and/or TELL OTHERS?

3. What are employees trying to achieve that could be supported through social media? Is there a behavior among your employees that you want to change?

Tactics/channel plan
Discussion boards Comment and ranking features on stories Polls Microblogs or communities Internal blogs RSS feeds Videos Desktop alerts for new content Mobile access

Source: Ogilvy PR Worldwide 2008 creative commons

Internal | external
Website Facebook YouTube Mobile iTunes Twitter + #nswdec + @newsatdec Internal microblog Intranet

DEC insight social media features

Maang company feed in news area Group feed portlet 'My conversation' portlet Links to Maang web application User can create a page and add multiple Maang portlets to create a 'Maang' deck

5cs of community management



. .

Context 5Cs of community


Compelling Authentic Timely Content

Keep it social
Create content for social experiences Keep interactions on the stakeholders' terms - where, when, and how they want to engage Make messages that "flow" among networks vs. merely be received Engage through video high end to iPad

Understand how participants want to engage and the tools they use

Connect members in mutually beneficial ways

Sustain efforts overtime

Participants share, co-create and edit each others efforts

Be honest and transparent Be authentic Show a human face Own up to a mistake (quickly) Contribute to the conversation Be inclusive Be relevant, timely and useful!

Dealing with criticism

Dont delete or censor (makes it worse and theyll just take the conversation elsewhere) Listen Respond appropriately Work on solutions collaboratively

Responding to posts
1. Assess 2. Evaluate 3. Respond
Google: US Air Force Response Chart

Considerations Transparency | sourcing | timeliness | tone | influence

Back to strategy what were your measurable objectives? Sentiment Conversations Volume Frequency Good reference KD Paine

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