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Social Media Networks Mas 203

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Social Media
MAS 203
WEEK 1 & 2

Students must demonstrate a capacity to:

• Identify the different social media platforms and their uses.
• Use social media platforms particularly to build a brand [theirs and to add value to an organisation]
• Design a proposal for new social media platforms based on observed gaps in existing platforms
• Develop a social media plan.
Overview of Key Concepts
What is Digital Marketing?
• It can be described as the any form of marketing strategy for a
product or service which exists on online platforms. Investopedia
describes it as the use of the internet, mobile devices, social media,
search engines, and other online channels to reach customers. It has
the advantage [thanks to artificial intelligence programs embedded in
digital platforms] of using data to identify the specific audiences that
would be a best fit for the product, service or information being
offered. One other advantage of digital marketing is that it is a
dynamic and interactive process that allows the client [individual,
company or not-for-profit] to have a conversation with the audiences
using the tools that the different platforms have to offer.
What is Social Media?
Social media refers to internet enabled [connected] platforms and
applications which allow users to create, share and disseminate information
in virtual communities or as a way of achieving a specific purpose or goal.

Merriam Webster describes it as platforms that enable users create online

communities for the purpose of interacting with and finding new friends to
share information ideas, and other content of shared interests with.
What are Social Networks?

• Investopedia describes SN as websites or applications that are

designed specifically to pull together people or individuals with
shared interests, ideas, and possibly activities.
• It enables people to build online relationships and networks
[connections], which may be based on interpersonal values or
attributes or even professional parameters.
Types of
Social Media
Social Media Etiquette
• Etiquette refers to the rules guiding
the attitude and behaviour expected
from individuals in any situation or
office. Social media etiquette then
extends these rules and principles to
the use of social media.

• As such, it can be described as the

guidelines and principles designed to
guide the attitude and online choices
of social media users in order to
ensure the good of all parties
Social Media
Etiquette: The

Class Discussion:
Let’s discuss others you may
know of.
Videos: Let’s Play
• The Virgin Story: How to Create an Irresistible Brand Using Social Media
• Social Media Etiquette
Why Do you
Need to be a

Let’s Talk
• Low-cost platform to build your personal brand
• You engage instantly and quickly with your colleagues and friends,
employees, customers, and the broader public.
• It provides an opportunity to learn from instant information and
unvarnished feedback.
Social Media and
Personal Branding
Developing a Brand
Class Discussion:
The Long-term Branding
- What do you want to be
known for?
- How do you want to be

Class Discussion:
What adjective best
qualifies you?
• Market Street Talent
• Digital School of Marketing
A Social
Social Media Content Strategy
The Content Marketing Institute describes content marketing as:
“a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and
distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract
and retain [keep] a clearly-defined audience —
and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

Social Media Content Strategy
Content Mapping
Read More:

Developing Copy & Visuals: The Idea Phase

Industry Standard – What is going on?

• Canva
• Powerpoint
• Paint
CD: What do you use Social Media For?

• Using Social Media for Global Growth: The Airbnb Story

CP: Designing with Canva
CP: Designing with PowerPoint
How to create a Social Media Plan
Being a Vlogger
Social Media Tools and Applications
What Each Social
Media Platform is
Used for
Social Media and Personal Branding
Designing your content strategy

• Content strategy is the approach or plan you have for

developing the kind of content or information that you know
will appeal to your audiences.
what Each
How to Develop Content for Social Media
How to Develop Content for Social Media 17/11/20

1. Create High-Quality Content. This seems like the most obvious point, and it is, but it's also forgotten too
often. It can be a message campaign around a theme e.g., “Taste the feeling” for Coca Cola or a sort of
abridged version of programmes but tailored for an internet audience e.g. The Umbrella Talks for an
Insurance Company[ here they engage with audiences, who can send in their questions in advance or type
as the live show is ongoing].
2. Use Smart Structures. The shorter the text, the better. Format your content intelligently by using numbered
lists, bullet points and headers to easily highlight key information points.
3. Add Value to Users' Lives: The things you say in addition to being simple must be easy for them to do.
Make sure your content is solving their problems or showing them how to win against it.
4. Keep Your Audience in Mind: They must be the main driver of the kind of content you put out there, Ask
if it’s the kind of content they would be interested in, and would share. You can even ask them from time
to time to decide what topics they would like to see.
5. Create Infographics. Picktochart is one of the available tools. PowerPoint and Canva would also work.
6. Trigger Emotions: Emotions like happiness, anger, or sorrow have the power to engage people and make
them share digital content. Use words, pictures and videos to drive the kind of reaction you want.
How to Develop Content for Social Media

7. Remember the good old times: Users often enjoy content that reminds them of old
memories, and if you analyze your audience well, you can get what will appeal to them.
8. Offer Incentives
9. Organize fun contests
10. Use video Content [multimedia content]
11. Try humour. But if its not your strong suit, please do not force it.
Impact of Social Media
Impact of Social Media on Individuals {Please think
of more ways that it has affected individuals]
It has had both positive and negative effects on individuals.
Some positive:
• Provided an easy way to find new and old friends
• Given some a voice. Physically, they would not talk, but via social media can air their views.
• It has become a way for them to showcase their skills – a branding platform to differentiate themselves from
people with the same skillset.

Some Negative:
• Affected interpersonal communication – Some don’t life face to face communication anymore, find it
difficult to make friends in person.
• Reduced physical activities – individuals are glued to their devices instead of going out to engage
• Low self esteem based on constant comparison to everyone on social media – focus on what they don’t have
instead of what they do have.
Impact of Social Media on Society [Please
think of more ways it has affected society]
• It has had both positive and negative effects on the larger society.
Some positive:
• Provided an easy way to communicate to large groups of people at the same time – live videos etc.
• There has been an increase in the number of people on social media globally.
• It has provided a platform for businesses to reach out to their customers directly and in more interesting and
diverse ways
• Provided a platform for people to do business – small and medium entrepreneurs are on the increase.

Some Negative:
• Cyberbullying – makes it easy for people to bully others while using fake names/profiles.
• Lack of privacy –
• Affects regular societal relationships – sometimes people mistake the followers on the platform for their
friends and this affects their ability to interact with others.
Social Media Engagement
What is Social Media Engagement?
• Social media engagement is the measure of how well an
individual or organisation interacts with their audience and
engages (involves) them in conversation.
• It is more than gathering followers on the social media
• It’s also a measurement of how many people are paying
attention to and interacting with your brand on a daily basis.
• This is usually measured using the number of comments, likes,
and shares of your content by the audience.
• The greatest measure of social media success is an engaged
audience, not just a big one.
Social Media Engagement

Note that each social media platform engages audiences

• LinkedIn is great for professional connections and talking about
industry and intellectual matters.
• Facebook is ideal for reaching a mass number of consumers
and can spark more informal discussions.
• Twitter is great for serious and light discussions of issues.
• Instagram requires the use of multimedia content to elicit
comments from audiences.
Importance of Audience Engagement 24/01/2021

• It helps the company build greater brand awareness that

makes it easier to attract new customers – When the EFCC
had a good social media engagement, people discussed
them more for their social media engagement than ever
• Consistent interaction with the company or individual’s
audience also helps to build the organization's profile.
Engaging your audience on social media: Some
• Highlight Your Team. Marketing is about forging connections. ...
• Create Hashtags #celebration #life #beauty
• Share your company/business culture. ...
• Use Instagram stories. ...
• Create images or graphics for certain content. ...
• Show off customer testimonials. ...
• Share articles/posts you find interesting.
Common Types of Social Media Engagements: Audience

• Comment on a post
• Like or share (retweeting) posts
• Leave reviews
• Participate in live discussions (live chats)
• Tag or mention someone in a post or photo
How Your Business Can Get Engaged: Company

• Respond to comments, such as thanking consumers,

answering a question or joking around with a follower.
• Participate in an industry live chat to set your business
apart and show your expertise.
• Reply to reviews, both negative and positive.
• Ask your followers questions, like what they like about your
business or what their weekend plans are.
• Show your community involvement by including other
local members in your posts, such as tagging a nonprofit in
your status.
Social Media Strategy Document

Heritage Foundation
December 1, 2020
Who we are?

• Heritage foundation is a non-governmental organisation, with

the vision of ensuring that all peoples live and have a sustainable
relationship with their environment.
What we do?
We promote a friendly and sustainable relationship with the
environment through a series of activities. They include:
• Nature walks
• Trainings
• Out of Home events
• At a location near you
• Using communication platforms and materials tailored to our
audiences needs.
• Organise challenges and competitions that inspire young people
to be environmentally friendly.
Who are our targets?

Everyone but more specifically:

• Young university graduates
• Primary school pupils [children of primary school age]
• Secondary school pupils [youth of secondary school age]
Who are our Fellow Travellers?
• Local and international NGOs like United Nations
Environmental Protection Agency.
What do we want to achieve?
In one year:
• 50% awareness of the organisations’ activities
• 75% participation pan-Nigeria in the organisations’ activities
• 40% change in participant’s attitude towards the environment
How do we intend to achieve this?
• In alignment with the organisations’ overall communication strategy,
we intend to use social media platforms.
• Our targets are young people:
• Our Character would be very friendly and fun
• Our Tone would be personal.
• Our language on the platforms would be as simple as possible.
• Our purpose is to Engage our audiences, Educate them on better
environmental practices, and Amplify those good attitude and
behaviour towards the environment.
Social Media Goals
• Awareness - Have 100, 000 young followers within 3 months.
- Get at least 50, 000 shares and re-shares.
• Engagement
– have at least 100, 000 comments on our content within
the space of 3 months
- Have 200, 000 likes for our content
- Have 1000 @mentions
• Conversions - Tags from activities of the young people
- Number of people signed up to our newsletter.
• Improve Agents Retention: - Number of testimonials
- Number of referrals
Social Media Content Strategy

Due to the nature of our target audience and the goal this
organisation intends to achieve, these are our plans:
* Platforms to use: Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, InstaTV,
Instagram Live status, Twitter.
• Tools: Videos, Pictures, Animation, Infographics, Charts…
• Content: Our content would be youth friendly, designed with
simple culturally [youth culture, photographs, stickers, music,
films, challenges], relevant language and visuals.
Social Media Risk Assessment and
Challenges of Social Media
[You can fill in the gap yourself]
More and more social media has become more than a platform for interaction and finding friends.
It comes with its own challenges or what we refer to as risks.
• The first challenge that comes with the platform is the issue of Privacy. Increasingly, it has
become difficult to keep ones’ private life private, as social media platforms have become the
place to upload the secret details of people’s lives even when they want to remain reclusive. E.g.
Beyonce and even Michael Jackson and some other celebrities have had to hide their children’s
faces from the public view for a long time.
• Anonymity: Social media does not have the configuration to input people’s actual details. As
such, people can lie about who they are on the platforms. They can use different people’s profiles
and commit a crime under those people’s names, and no one can tell they are not the one.
• Security issues with Hackers/ Thieving of Sensitive Data - It has become easy for people to take
over people’s accounts, and steal their data, especially when they do not activate the security
protocols for the platform.
Types of Social Media Risks Please find others

o Reputational Risk: People can lie against others using fabricated evidence on social media. People
can do the wrong things that before social media, no one would have known about what they did.
But with social media, people upload events and actions as they are happening.
o Business risk: Once the reputation of an organisation is affected, it affects their ability to do
business. Nowadays, consumers can register their displeasure with an organisation or its products
via social media platforms where everyone can read it. Like what people did to Access Bank after
they froze the accounts of #EndSars participants.
o Regulatory risk: It makes it easy for regulatory bodies to see activities and actions that go against
the rules and regulations of their industry. Makes it easy for regulatory bodies to provide evidence
and fine them.
o Legal risk: People can easily find evidence to support their claims when they decide to sue an
individual or organisation for trampling on their rights. Even government has found it easy to arrest
and arraign bloggers and journalists in court based on their online posts used as evidence.

The End

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