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526 Walaski

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Session No.


Social Media and Safety Professionals:

Get in the Game
Pamela Walaski, CSP, CHMM
Regional Manager, EHS Services
Compliance Management International

SH&E professionals understand the need to change with the times. In the 100+ years that we have
been in the forefront of shaping the landscape of the workplace, our roles and responsibilities
have expanded beyond safety into environmental, industrial hygiene, security, and sustainability.
Weve had to rethink the importance of prevention through design and learn how to engage both
the workforce and upper management into a mutual effort to move the needle on the safety
culture of our organization. Weve had to learn how to talk the business side of our roles in order
to communicate with the C-Suite. So, along with all of the changes weve embraced, I suggest it
is now time for SH&E professionals to embrace a new way of communicating with our
audiencessocial media.
Social media is undoubtedly an integral part of business operations and is now in
common usage for essential product launches, developing consumer loyalty, and sharing
organizational news. Citizen journalists use social media to provide instantaneous information to
their followers and the general public, often hours ahead of traditional media.
SH&E professionals understand the power of communicating with their audiences, be it
the internal workforce, organizational management, vendors/suppliers, community members, or
any one of a myriad of groups that rely on fast, frequent, and accurate messages to relate to and
understand the organization they represent. Given that their audiences and the organizations they
work for are using social media at an increasing rate, it is critical for SH&E professionals to do
the same as they strive to continually add value.
A recent survey by the American Red Cross found that social media sites are the fourth most
popular places that adults go to obtain information during an emergency. 1 It follows that it is no
longer a matter of whether SH&E professionals should utilize social media to communicate
within their organizations and to their audiences, but how and with what platforms.

American Red Cross. 2012. More Americans Using Mobile Apps in Emergencies.

This paper and the conference presentation will make the case for advocate using social
media for numerous organizational activities, but most notably in crisis communications. It will
address how social media provides an accessible format for communicating in real time with the
types of messages audiences are seeking. It will provide a balanced overview of the pros and cons
of using social media along with discussion of a sensible social media policy that will help guide
organizational activities. And, it will take a look at some social media successes and failures to
discern the lessons learned. The quote below from Thad Allen, the Incident Commander for the
Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010, puts it very well when he says:
Social media and the 24-hour news cycle are part of a fundamental change in our sociological
structure. We all have to understand that there will never again be a major event in this country
that wont involve public participation. And the public participation will happen whether its
managed or not. Before the oil spill, I had already started blogging and tweeting.
Admiral Thad Allen, USCG, (Ret.) 2

Social Media and Its Benefits

Social media encompasses many different types of platforms, so before moving forward with this
discussion, it is helpful to articulate a classification methodology. Some of the more common and
familiar include the following:
1. Blogs: Blogs represent a method of communicating opinions in a shortened form that is webbased rather than appearing in more traditional forms of print publications. Examples include
Blogspot and Wordpress.
2. Microblogging: These sites allow for very, very short blogs, unlike typical blogs which are
much longer. The most familiar is Twitter, whose 140-character limit was based upon the use
of telecommunications to send messages via texts.
3. Social Networking Sites: The purpose of these sites is building relationships among people
with similar interests and activities. The most familiar one currently is Facebook, although for
years MySpace was the leader and Google+ is rapidly gaining dedicated users.
4. Professional Networks: The counterpart of social networks, these sites are intended to be
limited to professional networking, allowing interaction, sharing of information, and
discussion of issues relevant to work settings. LinkedIn leads the pack in this category; Plaxo
is another one that has a decent number of members.
5. Image Sharing: These sites allow users to upload graphic content, such as videos or photos.
YouTube is the most common of the video-sharing sites; Instagram is for photos. While both
started as venues for personal content, many organizations have discovered that they provide
a platform for sharing business-related content.
6. Content-driven Communities: These sites are less about interacting and more about sharing
content among users. The most common of these is Wikipedia, a site that allows for any user
to edit content by enhancing it or disputing content believed to be inaccurate. Google Maps
and Ushahidi are others that share graphic content rather than textual.
One of the concerns many SH&E professionals point to as a reason for not engaging in
social media is the highly personal content that often appears on the sites, making ones prolife

Harvard Business Review. 2010. You Have to Lead from Everywhere. Interview with Thad

look unprofessional and possibly even damaging a reputation. In order to solve this potential
problem, users should consider separating their personal social media use and sites from their
professional. For example, LinkedIn is a site geared to professional networking. By assuring that
all of ones connections are professional and not personal, a user can control who sees their
content and post or comment only on professional topics. On the other hand, using sites like
Facebook for personal networking allows more personal posts and comments. By carefully
moderating who are accepted as friends on this site, the content can be differentiated from
interactions on professional sites. For a site like Twitter, where control of who follows your
content doesnt exist except for a few setting choices, users can create a personal handle and a
professional one to separate the realms.
In this discussion, it is also important to note that there are some benefits to
organizational use of social media. 3 Sharing information, ideas and resources digitally increases a
professionals knowledge base, and creates opportunities for engagement that are not limited to
traditional face-to-face contact. Such increased exchanges ultimately create an increased level of
productivity among users because their learning and knowledge base expands and thus, their
ability to complete work tasks. In fact, a recent study published by Baylor University found that,
when an organization created an internal social media site to assist with onboarding its newest IT
employees, many of whom were new to the area, they developed meaningful relationships within
and outside of the organization. Further, they felt higher levels of job satisfaction, organizational
learning at all levels, and had an increased commitment to the organization. All of this led to
higher levels of morale, critical for creating and maintaining organizational loyalty. 4
While some organizations discount the value of social media in the workplace, no less
than the United Stated Army recognizes its importance in its Social Media Handbook,
encouraging soldiers to use the platforms to become its best messengers, to stay connected, and to
spread the Armys key themes and messages. 5 Further, CEOs going social was cited by the
Huffington Post in an article summarizing the key reputation trends for 2013. The article
suggested those CEOs who engage with both employees and customers will be the new corporate
leaders. The number of engaged CEOs is expected to rise from 16% to 57% in the next five
years. 6

Who Uses Social Media and Implications for SH&E Professionals

Recent studies confirm that, while the predominant users of social media are in the younger age
groups, usage in older age groups is growing, in part because the original users of social media
are aging and continuing to use it. The Pew Research Centers Internet & American Life Project
says, it took radio 38 years to reach 50 million listeners. Terrestrial TV took 13 years to reach 50

Gray, B. 2012. Dont Fear the Dragons: Why the Social Web Should Be Part of Your Work
Koch, H. E. Gonzalez, and D. Leidner. 2012. Bridging the Work/Social Divide: the Emotional
Response to Organizational Social Networking Sites. European Journal of Information Systems
21(6):699 DOI 10.1057/ehis/2012.18.
The United States Army Online and Social Media Division. 2012. The United States Army
Social Media Handbook. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: U.S. Army
Gaines-Ross, L. 2013. Reputation Trends for 2013 Now and Ahead. Retrieved from

million. But in four years after it became available to the general public, the Facebook social
networking site had over 500 million users. 7
According to recent reports from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 72% of
American adults use one or more social media platforms, an increase from 67% in 2012. The
increase since 2005 is even more telling when the number was just 8%. In the 55-64 age group,
social media usage has grown to 60%, and it is now up to 43% for those 65+. In a more narrow
look at Twitter, 8% of adults who are regularly online use it daily, up from 8% a little more than
one year prior. 8
What this shift in usage toward a broader range of ages means for SH&E professionals is
important to understand. Since so many more adults use social media for communicating, SH&E
professionals wishing to communicate with their audiences would do well to understand and
master the use of at least a few of the more common platforms, including Facebook, LinkedIn,
YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
Further, the American Red Cross has performed several studies on the informationseeking behaviors of people in an emergency. Their 2009 study found that social media sites are
the 4th most popular source for emergency information. Their 2010 survey found that roughly half
of the respondents said they would sign up for emails and text alerts or other types of emergency
information. In addition, the study found that younger people are more likely to ask for help via
social media and have high expectations that agencies will respond to their requests. 9 Both of
these studies provide a clear path to the use of social media by organizations to deliver their crisis
In 2011, the Congressional Research Service (CRS) published a report, Social Media
and Disasters: Current Uses, Future Options, and Policy Considerations, 10 identifying two
different paths for organizations to choose when dealing with social mediapassive and active.
Use as a passive outbound tool is the route most often chosen by emergency management
organizations (until recently), and involves disseminating information, and getting basic feedback
via messages, wall posts, and polls.
The CRS report advocates active use and listening, envisioning social media as a tool to
be used to conduct emergency communications, issue warnings, solicit victim requests for
assistance, establish situational awareness by monitoring users, and use of uploaded images to
create disasters estimates; in other words harvesting the chatter, and putting it to good use.
While not yet commonplace among some emergency managers, recent successful opportunities
have led to a rethinking of strategic uses, and numerous thought leaders in the field are promoting
the agenda.

Social Media Usage Toolkit.

Smith, A. and M. Duggan. 2013. Social Media Update 2013.
American Red Cross. 2012.
Lindsay, B. 2011. 7-5700, Social Media and Disasters: Current Uses, Future Options, and
Policy Considerations. Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service.

The CRS reports author argues that social media should be considered for use by
emergency managers and officials to develop situational awareness during an emergency, as the
real-time information it provides can help officials determine how to respond and how to deploy
It is also germane to point out that the hesitancy of many organizational managers to
engage in social media is based upon legitimate reasons and concerns. Most commonly noted is
the inability to control the message. Social media is founded on the ability of anyone to engage,
with limited restrictions regarding what they say. Since traditional messaging by organizations,
particularly in an emergency, attempts to be scripted, controlled, and one-way, social media
would appear to be at odds with this fundamental goal. However, as Thad Allen pointed out in his
quote at the beginning of this article, public participation in emergency communications is going
to happen whether its managed or not. A case in point was observed during the recent ice and
snowstorm that struck the Atlanta, Georgia, area in late January 2014, when a Facebook page
called SnowedOutAtlanta was spontaneously created by persons both stranded and able to help.
Within hours, the page grew to over 10,000 users, posting offers of help for food, shelter, and just
about anything else. The perception by people struggling to deal with this weather event of a lack
of ability to receive help from the public agencies generated a private response. In fact, this was
not the first major weather event Facebook page. The page Vermont Flooding was created in in
August of 2011, and is still going strong with over 24,000 likes.
In addition to the lack of control, the lack of privacy and security of some platforms is
another frequently noted concern by organizations. 11 Data collection, retention, and future use is
not as tightly coordinated or controlled; the adage that something posted on the internet is there
forever is essentially true. Errors can be recalled, but are not erased.
Inaccurate messages can also be problematic with social media, given the sheer number
of people disseminating information with virtually no limits. A study on the use of Twitter,
following the March 2011 Tohoku earthquake in Japan, found the existence of numerous
unreliable retweets (RTs), where users of the service repeated inaccurate information and that
this was one of the biggest information-related problems facing those involved.12 In other cases,
basic information was inaccurately reported, such as the location of the disaster and the number
of victims. 13
Other common concerns include an overreliance on technology, which can have
functional limitations, particularly during an emergency. During natural disasters, when power
outages are common and can last well beyond the battery life of a typical smartphone or tablet,
social media can be cut off, requiring a back-up system be developed. Numerous pictures of
hastily erected cell-phone charging stations proliferated during the recent Superstorm Sandy in
the fall of 2012. However, many community emergency response plans used this event to realize
that an important part of their planning effort needed to include the means for community
members to remain connected via smart devices.


Gray (2012) and Lindsay (2011).

Twitter and Natural Disasters. 2011. e! Science News.
Lindsay (2011).

Social Media and Crisis Communications

Despite all of the above, the enormous potential of social media use in risk and crisis
communications continues to be explored and utilized by many SH&E professionals in the field.
In many respects, the increasing use of social media is changing the business of risk and crisis
communications, in part because SH&E professionals are actively engaging in the use of it, but
also because the sheer volume of messages and widespread usage makes it happen without or
without them, as has been noted previously with regard to Thad Allens quote.
Commonly used risk and crisis communications definitions both share the overarching
purpose of providing information to audiences so that they can be informed. Crisis
communications are those messages delivered when the crisis is about to occur or is already
occurring. The messages are almost entirely one way, from the organization to the audience, and
are designed to achieve the purpose of helping the audience act in ways that provide for their
immediate safety or long-term welfare. 14
However, the current environment that makes use of social media platforms to deliver
crisis messages is fundamentally changing those definitions. Gerald Baron, a 30-year veteran of
public relations and crisis communications, argues that, in a time of hyper-engagement and
hyper-connectedness, crisis communications are changing in their volume, urgency, and
engagement levels are much higher because of intense external audience focus.15 In other words,
crisis communications are now becoming more like the traditional risk communications, which
are two-way events, focusing on audience participation.
Baron says that traditional media, such as newspapers and other forms of print media, as
well as televised newscasts that audiences passively watch without engagement, continue to
utilize the one-way messaging approach, but are not where many audiences are gathering to
obtain news and information. He encourages the use of social media for two-way crisis
communications. While he does not advocate dismissing a traditional approach entirely, he does
strongly support the ability of social media to facilitate direct engagement with audiences and
communicate in methods of their choosing, which is more likely to lead to productive ways of
connecting during a crisis event. Baron also reminds organizations that social media is where
traditional media go find out what is happening, and use those outlets to amplify to their
audiences. So if you are not there and communicating at hyper-network speed, you will likely be
out of the story. 16

Using Social Media for Crisis Communications

There are numerous resources available to any organization. A well-discussed and planned-out
social media strategy is the best first step. Although gifted consultants are numerous, creating a
social media strategy doesnt necessarily require external assistance.


Walaski, P. 2011. Risk and Crisis Communications: Methods and Messages. Hoboken, NJ:
William, T. 2012. Interview with Crisis Communications Expert Gerald Baron.
William (2012).

Sometimes, organization attempt to utilize social media to communicate for the first time in
the midst of a crisis and believe they can do so successfully. Unfortunately, disastrous
consequences are more often the result. Success is more likely to occur when an organization has
spent time finding out what platforms their audiences are utilizing, monitoring what they are
saying for a period of time, and then engaging the audiences to developing a relationship based
upon some measure of trust and credibility (see below for more on trust and credibility). All of
this must occur before the first attempt to use the chosen platforms in a real crisis.
Three core principles for successful utilization of social media during a crisis include the
message, the channel, and the frequency, says crisis management consultant Melissa Agnes. 17
The message includes the words that are delivered, but also assumes that different messages may
be needed for different audiences. Therefore, organizations need to know what channels their
targeted audience is using, which requires advance research in several channels to gauge what is
effective and what is not. There are numerous tools available for organization listening and
monitoring of both targeted audiences, as well as identifying trending messages by constituent
groups. These include Crowdsourcing, Radian6, Attensity, and Visible Technologies. 18 The tools
are free, and many of these will work well for smaller organizations. Those with larger audiences
will want to investigate fee-based ones.
However, more fundamental than simply locating and communicating with targeted
audiences is an organizations ability to establish trust and credibility with that audience. This has
always been the foundation of risk or crisis communications, long before the advent of social
media. 19 Baron says, The most important thing in crisis communications is not what we say, its
what we do. Trust is based upon character, the character of the leaders which are most clearly
demonstrated in what actions are being taken.20 It follows then that trust and credibility must be
achieved in social media channels as well, either because it was already in place prior to engaging
via social media or because it has been developed via the social media relationship. This trust and
credibility can be established through pre-crisis audience identification, finding the platforms they
are using, and engaging in those platforms to build relationships and rapport.
Once an organization knows and understands their audiences and has established a
relationship built on trust and credibility, the channels can be used much more effectively to
communicate in a crisis. The scripting of the message needs to be crafted based upon a select
audience and, at times, messages must be modified based upon the intended audience. Messages

Agnes, M. 2012. How to Use Social Media to Communicate Your Message in a Crisis. [
OMalley, G. 2012. Forester Rates Top Listening Platforms/Vendors.
Peters, R.G., V.T. Covello, and D.B. McCallum. 1997. The Determinants of Trust and
Credibility in Environmental Risk Communication: An Empirical Study. Risk Analysis 17(1):4354.
Sandman, P. 2005. Katrina: Hurricanes, Catastrophes, and Risk Communications.
Walaski (2011, 29-30); Peters, et al, (1997, 39), and Sandman (2005, 40)
William (2012).

to the internal workforce about a chemical spill might be different than those delivered to vendors
or the immediate community of businesses or residences.
This need for specialization of messages is one of the benefits of using social media.
Because the messages tend to be shorter, massaging the core message to suit a variety of channels
is easier and allows for the delivery of messages that are unique to the audiences who frequent
those channels. Different audiences have different expectations, in terms of both content and
frequency, and if an organization understands these expectations in advance and is prepared to
meet them, the messages not only provide information to the audience but also reinforce the
positive reputation.
Four of the most common channels include those listed below. It should be noted that all
of them, with the exception of You Tube, work best with advance engagement and development
of followers (Twitter) or likes (Facebook):
1. Twitter: If your crisis event is being followed by a specific hashtag (prefaced by the pound
sign, #), you will want to monitor it closely to see what is being said and respond regularly to
applicable posts. In addition, a follower who sends you a direct message (DM) or mentions
you (through the use of the at sign - @) expects direct replies. Fortunately, by applying the
relevant hashtag to your responses, those following the crisis will also see it, which will not
only give them the same information, but also provide answers to similar questions. It also
shows the organizations ongoing engagement with the audience (followers).
2. YouTube: This community can be highly critical in its comments, but more often than not,
users dont read the comments in great depth prior to sharing the video with their network. Of
the various social media platforms, YouTube is not known for its two-way interaction, but its
usage in a crisis is growing, as it allows for posting of critical press conference and other
informational briefings or messages from critical organizational personnel.
3. Facebook Fan Pages: Expectations of fan page users are high with regard to responding to
their comments quickly. This will require rapid and personal responses and frequent updates.
4. Facebook Groups: This platform is more of a forum with an interaction between members
rather than between a fan and the organization. Still, it requires monitoring, responding,
and reacting on a regular basis.

Developing a Social Media Policy

Social media policies are becoming more common in organizations of all sizes, but remains an
area where guidelines seem fluid, in part because the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
has been actively engaged in ruling on cases brought to their attention that define parameters. In a
recent survey conducted by BLR over 40 percent of the respondents indicated that developing a
social media policy posed the biggest challenge for their organizations; the next closest response
was a cell phone/distracted driving policy, coming in at slightly over 20 percent. 21 Also troubling
for many organizations are questions concerning just what types of behavior can be legally
addressed in such policies without affecting an employees free speech rights and the open forum
nature of most social media platforms.


What policy is the biggest challenge? Social media, according to survey. (2012, August 10).
[News Report] BLR - HR and Employment News.

Regardless of this confusion, organizations should not ignore the need to establish basic
guidelines for employees who engage in social media outside of their direct roles in crisis
messaging, and should seek to determine the current thinking on the content of such policies,
adapting and revising where necessary. They should also be prepared to remain aware of new
rulings, guidelines, and laws and alter their policy accordingly.
While the NLRB will continue to establish case law and will continue to set parameters
that answer these questions over time, they have recently weighed in regarding specific policies
they deem to be overly restrictive and broad, such as a 2010 case involved an employee who
posted disparaging remarks about a supervisor on her Facebook page. 22 The companys social
media policy prohibited employees from making defamatory remarks about the company, their
supervisor, coworkers, or competitors, and the posts were used as the basis for the employees
termination. The NLRB determined that the employer violated Section 7 of the National Labor
Rights Act, which protects activity by an employee that involves discussion of working
conditions; in this case, the supervisor. 23
Barons position is that changes to risk and crisis communications concepts due to the
influence of social media have also impacted how social media policies can be crafted. An
organization that attempts to mandate that the media receives its information from only one
spokesperson is not likely to be successful; reporters will interview anyone who will talk,
including the organizations employees. Restrictive social media policies can tempt employees to
exert their own control over their employer by speaking negatively. Baron argues that better
results are achieved by reminding employees that anything that negatively impacts the company
affects their own self-interest. He also argues that having good employee relations at the start is
ultimately the best defense.24
Templates and broad guidelines are available outlining social media policy content, and
each organization should assure that its policy is customized; however, numerous points appear
fairly consistently among those who recommended content: 25


Assure that the policy does not interfere with an employees ability to utilize various social
media platforms when off-duty.
Request that employees use common sense, good judgment, and personal responsibility when
posting on social media while off-duty.
Indicate that the company assumes employees are trusted to exercise personal responsibility
while participating in online activities if permitted while on-duty.

Acting General Counsel releases report on social media cases. (2011, August 18) [Government
news report]. Retrieved from
Would Your Social Media Policies Pass NLRB Scrutiny? (2012, July 30) [News Report] BLR HR and Employment News. Retrieved from
William (2012).
BLR (2012, August 12)
Nelson, A. (2102, August 21) What to leave out of your social media policy [Blog] Retrieved

Require that any permitted on-duty usage be done in such a way that does not interfere with
performance of work duties. The policy should also stipulate that on-duty use be directly
related to work, approved by their manager and be monitored.
Prohibit the sharing of privileged or confidential information or speculating about the
companys future activities if publicly held.
Ban the use of company trademarks and copyrights on a personal website or social media
Require that disclosures accompany any employee who uses personal sites to identify
themselves as an employee of the company, indicating that any positions are personal and not
the views of the company.

The Path Forward with Social Media

Getting in the game for SH&E professionals means being willing to move out of ones comfort
zone and approach social media with a curiosity. Starting with just one platform and mastering it
before moving on to others allows one to build up a sense of proficiency. While fewer and fewer
people are not engaged in Facebook, it is likely to be the simplest for those readers who have not
yet tried anything. If someone has a Facebook profile, groups, and liked pages are already in
place, LinkedIn might be the next place to engage. Many professionals have unused LinkedIn
profiles because they never knew how to use the site. Engaging in discussion groups can help
broaden their understanding of the power of online connections. Those who feel a basic comfort
level with social media should migrate to Twitter to practice online collaboration. While Twitter
requires a bit of a learning curve, many resources exist to provide a basic entry. Smartas Twitter
eBook is a great resource to learn how to Tweet and follow Twitterverse etiquette.26
Once proficiency with several platforms is achieved, SH&E professionals can help move
their organization forward in its understanding of the importance of participating in social media
(or joining the organizations current efforts) as a way to share knowledge and add value. From
there, engaging internal and external audiences in a variety of opportunities, including risk and
crisis communications, brings it all full circle. In addition, SH&E professionals can utilize their
social media knowledge and expertise to assure their organizations policy and procedural
frameworks are in place and functional, including the development of social media policies and
inclusion of a social media component into their crisis communications plans.
While SH&E professionals have kept protection of people, property, and the environment
at the forefront of our efforts, we have not shied away from realizing that we need to try different
strategies and techniques to achieve these goals. Social media represents nothing more than
another method to fine tune our efforts, and embracing it will expand our abilities and
opportunities to engage our audiences to achieve our fundamental goals.

Agnes, M. 2012. 6 Steps to Preparing Your Business for a Social Media

Twitter eBook. (n.d.) [E-book] Retrieved at

Agnes, M. 2012. How to Use Social Media to Communicate Your Message in a

American Red Cross. 2012. More Americans Using Mobile Apps in
BLR (Business and Legal Resources), HR and Employment News. 2012. What policy is the
biggest challenge? Social media, according to survey. 2012.
_____. 2012. Would Your Social Media Policies Pass NLRB Scrutiny?
e!Science News.Twitter and Natural Disasters. 2011.
Feeney, F. 2012. Social Media and #CorpGov. ICGN Rio Annual
Conference. http://risk4good/2012/06/social-media-and-corpgov-2012-icgm-rio-annualconference/
Gaines-Ross, L. 2013. Reputation Trends for 2013 Now and
Gray, B. 2012. Dont Fear the Dragons: Why the Social Web Should Be Part of Your Work
Harvard Business Review. 2010. You Have to Lead from Everywhere. Interview with Thad
Koch, H., E. Gonzalez, and D. Leidner. 2012. Bridging the Work/Social Divide: the Emotional
Response to Organizational Social Networking Sites. European Journal of Information
Systems, 21(6):699 DOI 10.1057/ehis/2012.18.
Lindsay, B. 2011. 7-5700, Social Media and Disasters: Current Uses, Future Options, and Policy
Considerations. Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service.
Lower North Fork Fire Integrated Social Media & Public Information Outreach Strategy. n.d.

Meerman, Scott, D. 2012. Penn State University Football: Social media and crisis management
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). 2011. Acting General Counsel releases report on
social media cases.
Nelson, A. 2102. What to leave out of your social media
Not Dead Just out of the Box. 2012.
OMalley, G. 2012. Forester Rates Top Listening
Peters, R.G., V.T. Covello, and D.B. McCallum. 1997. The Determinants of Trust and
Credibility in Environmental Risk Communication: An Empirical Study. Risk Analysis.
Sandman, P. 2005. Katrina: Hurricanes, Catastrophes, and Risk
Smith, A., and J. Brenner. 2012. Twitter Use
Smith, E. 2012. From triumph to scandal: Olympians in the social media
Social Media Usage Toolkit. n.d. Overview.
Syme, C. 2011. Using Social Media in Crisis: A Study From Penn
Twitter. n.d. Twitter eBook.
U.S. Army. 2012. The United States Army Social Media Handbook. Version
Walaski, P. 2011. Risk and Crisis Communications: Methods and Messages. Hoboken, NJ:

William, T. 2012. Interview with Crisis Communications Expert Gerald


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