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Circular For Paver Blocks IRC SP 63-2004

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EE (QC) (3)/DDA/Circular/2004/ f 1 CIRCULAR NO 151






It has been observed that paver blocks pavements are being provided in large number of works in DDA but no relevant specification/codes regarding the quality of paver blocks and laying of paver blocks are incorporated in the Agreements. Thus in the absence of any specification on paver blocks, the contractual disputes can't be ruled out. Technical Sanctioning Authority also do not have standard practice for design of such pavements, as, so far, no app.'oved guidelines/ codes were in vogue. Now, IRC Special Publication 63-2004 i.e. "Guidelines for the use of interlocking concrete block pavements"has been published by Indian Roads Congress which can be referred by the Field/Planning Units for reference and guidance. Further, in order to avoid contractual problems EM, DDA desired to compile specification for interlocking concrete block pavements and test procedure etc. for incorporating the same in future NITs and getting the work executed accordingly. The same have been drafted/compiled and sent herewith for incorporating in future NITs and quality control tests etc.may be followed meticulously.


- As above(Page

1 to 20)


DDA. Copy to:1 2 3


\r {)~

4 5

OSD to VC, DDA for kind information of the latter. PS to EM, DDA for information of the latter. All CEs/DDA, for information and for circulation SEs& EEs. Director (Hort.) North & South.

among their

Director (MM). PM/FOMC, Gr.-I


11 f5>~.







1.0 The interioclOng concrete blocks for the pavement shall be procured of the approved shape, size and colour from the reputed manufacturers having facilitiesof productionof design mix concrete, vibro-compactingmachineof required specification and well established laboratory for conducting the required tests. The approvalshall be obtained from the engineer-in-chargein writingwellbefore the procurementaction by the agency. 2.0 The engineer-in-chargereserves the right to inspect the manufacturingplant, manufacturingprocess and to collectthe samples at factory or work srte and get it tested in the Laboratoryof his choice to his entire satisfaction. The testing charges payable ifany shall be borne by the contractor.
3.0 Unless otherwise specified in the nomenclature of items or in the drawing the concrete paving block, shall conform to the grade(s) as specified in Table 1 hereunder for various uses.

4.0 All paver block, shall be sound and free of cracks or other visual defects which willinterfere with the proper paving of the unit or impairthe strength or performance of the pavement constructed with the paver blocks. Minor defects in the form of chippings, resulting from the customary methods of handling during delivery, not larger than 10 mm in not more than 5% of consignmentshall not be deemed grounds for rejection.


Sampling for Testing:

5.1 The paver blocks required for carrying out the tests laid down in this
standard shall be taken by one of the methods given in 5.2 and 5.3 In either case, a sample of 20 blocksshall be taken from every consignmentof 4000 blocksor part thereof of the same size, shape and thickness, and the same batch of manufacture. From these samples, the blocksshall be taken at random for conductingthe tests.


The required number of paver blocks shall be taken at regular intervals during the loadingof the vehicleor the unloadingof the vehicledepending on whether sample is to be taken before deliveryor after delivery.When this is not practicable, the sample shall be taken from the stack, in which case the required number of blocks shall be taken at random from across the top of the stacks, the sides accessibleand from the interiorof the stacks by opening trenches fromthe top.

~ ~




Each designated section or part thereof in a consignment of blocks shall be divided into ten real or imaginary, approximately equal, group. Two
blocks from

each group shall be randomly selected for testing.


The sample paver blocks shall be marked for future identificationof the consignment it represents. The blocks shall be kept under cover and protected from extreme conditions of temperature, relative humidity and wind till they are required for test. The test shall be undertaken as soon as practicable after the sample has been taken. All the 20 paver blocks shall be inspected for visual defects. Out of the 20 blocks, 10 blocks shall be subjected to the test for measurement of dimensions, chamfer, aspect ratio, plan area, wearing surface area and deviation from squareness and, in the case of two layer blocks, for measurement of the thickness of the wearing layer. Out of these 10 blocks, 5 blocks shall be subjected to tests for water absorption, block density and compressive strength, in that order. The remaining 5 blocks in this group of 10 shall be subjected to flexural strength test, and remaining if the blocks are used for road pavement carrying vehicular traffic.



AcceDtance Criteria
The lot shall be considered as conforming to the requirements of the

specification if the following conditions are satisfied:-


Dimensions &.tolerances:
The recommendeddimensionsand tolerancesfor Type A, Band C paver blocks, measure as per "Annexure B" are given in Table 2. Amongthe

sampled 20 blocks the number of blocks with visual defects outside the

tolerancelimitshall not be more than three.


Water absorption: Water absorption, being average of the five units, when determined in the
manner described in "Annexure C" shall not be more than 5% by mass.


Block density: The block density of concrete pavers, being average of five units, determined in the manner described in "Annexure.D", shall not be less than 2200 Kg/m3.


ComDressive strenath:
The concrete block when tested for compressive strength as per method specified in "Annexure.E" shall conform to the requirement and tolerances for different grades as given in Table3.

.:: !!




Flexural strenath: The flexural strength the block, shall not be less than 4.0 Mpa when tested as per method specifiedin "Annexure F"


Abrasion Resistance: The abrasion index of the paver blocks sample determined by method specifiedin "Appendix G" shall conformto the values given in Table 4.


Markina: Concrete paver blocks manufactured in accordance with laid down specification shall be marked permanently with the following information:

a) the identificationmarkof manufacturer; b) The grade of concrete used for manufacturingof paver blocks.


For detailed guidelines for the use of interlocking concrete block pavement IRC: SP: 63-2004 may be referred to.

Technical specificationsfor laying concrete paving blocks are available in Annexure 'ftA".

10.0 Payment

The finishedarea shall be measured nearest to 0.01 sqm. for the purpose of payment. The payment for edge restraint shall be made separately which shall be measured on per cum. basis.



Table 1: Recommended rade of concrete Concrete Grade Specified classifica Designation Characteristic tion Compressive Strength of 150mm cubes at 28 Days (Nfmm2) Standard Non-Traffic M-25- M-30 I 25-30 Concrete

BuildingPremises, onument M
Premises, Landscapes,Public


M-30- M-35



M-35- M-45

35 - 45


M-45- M-59

45 - 59


Gardensf Parks, Embankment Slopes, Sand Stabilisation etc. Pedestrian Plazas, Shopping Complexes, Ram::,s,Dairy Farms, Car Parks, Office Driveways, Housing Colonies, Office Complexes, RuralRoads ,Farm Houses, Beach Sites, Tourist Resorts etc. CityStreets, Small and Medium Market Roads, Low Volume Roads, Utility Cuts on Arterial Roads Service Stations etc. Bus Terminals, Industrial Complexes, Mandi Houses, Roads on Expansive Soils,

Factory Floors and Pavements High Strength Concrete

1. Non-traffic areas are defined as areas where no vehicular or pedestrian traffic occurs. 2. Ught traffic is defined as a daily traffic of up to 150 commercial vehicles exceeding30 KN laden weight, or an equivalent of up to 0.5 millionstandard axles (MSA)for a design life of 20 years (A standard axle is defined as a single axle load of 81.6 KN). 3. Medium traffic is defined as a daily traffic of 150 to 450 commercial vehicles exceeding 30 KNladen weights, or an equivalent of 0.5 to 2.0 MSAfor a design life of 20 years. 4. Heavy traffic is defined as a daily traffic of 450 to 1500 commercial vehicles exceeding 30 KNladen weights, or an equivalent of 2.0 to 5.0 MSAfor a design life of 20 years. 5. Very heavy traffic is defined as a daily traffic of more than 1500 commerdal vehicles exceeding 30 KNladen weights, or an equivalent of more than 5 million MSA for a design life of 20 years.

M-60 And Above

60 And Above

Very Heavy

etc. Container Terminals, Ports, Dock Yards, Mine Access Roads, Bulk Cargo Handling Areas, Airport, Pavements etc.



Table 2: Recommended dimensions and tolerances for tyoe A, Band C paver blocks. S.No. Dimension Measurement Recommended Values Method As per Annex B 80 to 115 mm As per Annex B (1.5 to 2.3) X W As per AnnexB 60 to 120 mm
-.. .... ..-. - -. ---

2 3
4 5 6 7 8

Width, W Length, L Thickness, T

.... ................

Tolerance Limit +2mm +2mm +3mm


Aspect Ratio (LfT) Chamfer Thickness of Wearinq Layer Plan Area, Asp. Wearing
Surface Area, Asw

As per Annex B Maximum: 4.4


+ 0.275 + 1 mm -2mm +0.001m2 +1%


As per Annex B Maximum: 5mm As per Annex B Minimum:15mm As per Annex B Maximum:0.03m2 As per Annex B 75% of plan Area


As per Annex B



Table -3 Compressive strel19th requirements of concrete Daver blocks.


Grade of Concrete
M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40 M-45 M-50 r-1-55 M-60

28-day Strength Compressive (Mpa) Chamfered Paver Blocks of Thickness 60mm 80mm 100mm 120mm
26.5 31.8 37.1 42.4 47.7 53.0 58.3 63.6 29.5 35.4 41.3 47.2 53.1 59.0 64.9 70.8 31.0 37.2 43.4 49.6 55.8 62.0 68.2 74.4 32.5 39.0 45.5 52.0 58.5 65.0 71.5 78.0


1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8

Note: A 10 percent lower tolerance limit in compressive strength shall be allowed.







1.1.1. The FInished surface.of the concrete base shall match the design profile of the concrete blocks within :1:10rom 1.1.2. Compaction shall be done with vibratory roller. In restricted areas where nonnal rollers cannot operate, hand-held or plate vilkators should t>eemployed. 1.2. Bedding Sand ~yer

1.2.1. The bedding sand layer shall be from either a single source or blended to achieve the following grading.
IS SieJ>t!Size

9.52 mm 4.75 mm 2.36 mm 1.18 mm . 600 micron 300 micron 150 micron 75 inicron

Per cent Passing 100 95-100 80-100 50-95 25-60 10-30 0-15 0-10

Single sized. gap-graded sands or those containing an excessive amount of fines will not be used. The sand particles should preferably be angular type.

The joint-filling Wld sh()(lldpass a 2.35 mm sieve and be wellgraded. The followinggradingis recommended:
Sieve Size 2.36 mm 1.18 m'11 600 ml..'Ton 300 mi:ron 150 rfu.:ron 75 mk::on Per cent Passing 100 90-100 60-90 30-60 15-30 0-10

The use of cemtilt in the joint-filling sand is not recommended as a general practice as the cemented sand is likely to crack into segments which are easily dislodged. 1.2.2. Averag~ thickness of this laying course shall be 20 to 40 mm. 1.2.3. The should be slightly moist, and the moisture content shall be about 4 per cent by weight.



1.204. should contain not more than 3 per cent by weight of clay and silt and the materials . It shall be free from deleterious salts at contaminates.
1.2.5. The finished surface of the bedding layer shall match exactly the design profile as indicated on the dra.wings. 1.2.6. Before placing the bedding layers, the surface of concrete should be cleared by sweeping. 1.2.7. Walking or driving on the finished surface of the bedding layer shall not be permitted. 1.3. Concrete Paving Blocks

1.3.1. Laying of the blocks shall be done, precisely at the indicated level and profile and in a way that a good surface draining to the gulley chambers is assured. 1.3.2. Around gulley chambers and inspection pits the pavement shall have a level of 5 mm higher than the above mentioned elements. 1.3.3. The blocks shall be laid to the pattern directed by the Engineer or the pattern recommended by the designer. The blocks shall be laid as tight as possible to each other. The maximum joint width shall be limited to 4 mm. 1.304. Laying of broken blocks is not allowed except along connections or edges. The maximum length of a purpose broken block is 1()()mID.Breaking of the blocks shall be done with a

"block splitter" or a mechanicalsaw.

1.3.5. Fine angular sand as per specification shatl be brushed into the joints, and thereafter compaction shall be done with a vibrating plate compactor on a clean surface. After compaction. again fine angular sand shall be brushed into the joints. 104. Surface Tolerances

104.1. Surface tolerance for finished surface shall be :t 10mm from the design level. 104.2. The surface tolerance for base course shall be in the range of 0 to + 10 mm from nominated level and 10 mm deviation from a 3 m straight edge. 104.3. The surface tolerance for sub-base shall be within 0 to -20 mm of nominated level. 2. FIELDILABORA TORY TESTS

Necessary field/laboratory tests shall be carried out by the contra.:-tor while executing the work at his own cost.
The field/laboratory tests may be conducted in an Engineering technical institution as directed by the Engineer. Collegd approved




B-1 B-1.1


The apparatus shall comprise:

a) Steel calipers; h) A steel rule capable of measuring up to 300 mm to an accuracy of 0.5 mm B-1.2 Specimens Ten paver block specimens, randomlyselected from the group of blocksof specified shape, size and thickness, as per the sampling procedure in 5, shall be tested.
B-1.3 Procedure

8-1.3.1 Length and Width: The length and width of a paver block(Rg.3) shall be measured across two opposite faces by using the steel calipers or steel rule. Two representative positions shall be used for measurement of length and three for measurement of width. The mean values of length and widthfor the blockshall be noted to the nearest 1 mm. B-1.3.2 Thickness: The thickness of a paver block (Fig. 3) shall be measured at four sensibly different representative positions. The mean value of the thicknessof the blockshall be noted to the nearest 1 mm.
B-1.3.3 Aspect Ratio: The Aspect Ratio of the specified block shall be calculated by dividing the mean length by the mean depth as determined by the procedures in B-1.3.1 and B-1.3.2 and shall be noted to the nearest 0.1

B-2.1 Apparatus The apparatus shall comprise of steel calipers.

B-2.2 Specimens
The ten paver block specimens, tested for dimensions as per B-1, shall be tested.


8-2.3 Procedure
The depth and width of chamfer of the paver block (Fig.3) shall be measured across two opposite faces, to the nearest 0.1 mm, by using the s~el calipers. Four representative positionsshall be used for measurement of depth and width. The mean values of depth and width of chamfer for the blockshall be noted to the nearest 0.1 mm

8-3.1 Apparatus
The apparatus shall comprise: (a) Balance capable of weighing 100 g to an accuracy of 0.01 g; (b) Sheets of thin cardboard of uniform thickness: (c) Sharp pencil; (d) Odd-leg marking gauge (Rg.4); (e) Sharp scissors; (f) Steel rule marked with graduations of 0.5 mm.

8-3.2 Specimens
The ten specimens, tested for dimensionsas per B-1,shall be used for the tests.

8-3.3 Procedure
8-3.3.1 Plan Area (Asp): The block shall be placed, wearing surface facing up, on the card board and its perimeter traced with the pendl. The shape shall be cut out accurately with the scissors and weighed to the nearest 0.01 g, and the result recorded as mass msp. A rectangle measuring 200 mm X 100 mm, accurately cut out from the same cardboard, shall also be weighted to the nearest 0.01 g, and the result recorded as mass mstd. The plan area for the block shall be calculated from the formula:
20,000 msp

As p-mstd

, mm

Alternatively,where possible, the plan area may also be calculated by multiplyingthe length by the width, as determined by the procedure in S1.3.1

I ~



8-3.3.2 Wearing Surface Area (Asw): The width of the chamfer of the blockshall be measured at four sensibly different locationsand their mean value determined. A ball-point pen refill shall be fixed to the odd-leg markinggauge and the gauge shall be set to the measured mean value of chWlfer width. The gauge so set shall be used to draw a line, indicating the widthof the chamfer, along the peripheryof the cardboard shape of the plan area of the blockwith mass msp , as obtained in B-3.3.1. The marked chamfer width on the cardboard shall be neatly cut away with the scissors, and the cardboard shall be weighed to the nearest 0.01 g and the result recorded as mass msw. The wearing surface area for the block shall be calculatedfrom the formula:
20,000 msw Asw = mstd , mm2


8-4.1 Apparatus The apparatus shall comprise: (a) Engineer's square or a profiled template (b) Feeler gauges 8-4.2 Specimens

The ten specimens, tested for dimensionsas per B.l, shall be used for the tests. 8-4.3 Procedure With the stock of the square of profiledtemplate in contact with the top or bottoms surface of the block, the blade shall be brought into contact with the vertical face of block. The clearance, if any, between the square of profiledtemplate and the verticalface of the blockshall be measured to the nearest 0.1 mm with the feeler gauge at points 10 mm insideeach top and bottom edge of the block. This measurement shall be repeated at six sensibly different locationsaround the block, and the average of the feeler gauge measurement noted as the deviation from squareness for the block, whichshall be noted to the nearest 0.1 mm.

The individual and average values of measured dimensions, chamfer, aspect, ratio, plan area, wearing surface area and deviation from squareness of specimens tested as per B-1, B-2, B-3 and B-4 shall be reported.


The balance used shall be sensitive to within 0.5 percent of the mass of the smallest specimen tested.


Five out of the ten test sped mens selected for test as per Annex B shall be for the tests.


C-3 PROCEDURE C-3.1 Saturation: The test specimens shall be completely immersed in water at

room temperature for 24.:t 2 hours. The specimens shall then be weighed, while suspended by a metal wire, and completely submerged in water, and the weight shall be recorded in kg to the nearest O.OOlkg.(Wa). They shall be removed from the water and allowed to drain for one minute by placing them on a 10mm or coarser wire mesh. Visible water on the specimens shall be removed with a damp cloth. The sped men shall then be immediately weighed and the weight for each sped men noted in kg to the nearest 0.001 kg. (Ww).

C-3.2 Drying:

Subsequent to saturation, the specimens shall be dried in a ventilated oven at (107+ 7)oCfor not less than 24 h. and until two successive weighingat intervals of 2 hours show an increment of loss not greater than 0.2
percent of the previouslydetermined mass of the specimen. The dry weight of each specimen(Wd) shall be recordedin kg to the nearestO.OOlkg. C-4 CALCULATION

C-4.1 Absolute Water Absorption (Wab): The absolute water absorption

shall be calculated as follows:

Ww - Wd Wab = Ww - Wa



C-4.2 Percent Water Absorption (W %): The percent water absorption

shall be calculated as follows:

Ww - Wd

W% = Wd

X 100

The individual and average values of measured water absorption of specimens tested as per C-l to C-4 shall be reported.


12 "ANNEX Dn

(a) Electric oven (b) Weights and Balance of adequate capacity and accuracy D-2 SPECIMENS Five specimens tested as per Annex C shall be used for the tests. D-3 PROCEDURE

D-3.1The five specimens shall be dried to constant mass in a suitable oven, heated to (110+5) C. The blocks shall then be taken out and allowedto cool to room temperature. Their dimensions shall be measured in accordance with Annex B and the overall volume completed in m3, nearest to 0.001 m3. The blocksshall then be weighed in kg to the nearest 0.001 kg. D-3.2 Alternatively,the volume of the specimens shall be calculated by making use of the data generated during the determination of water absorption (AnnexC), as follows:

Volume (Ww-Wa) 103 , m 3 =


The densi~ of each block shlJlIbe <!8lculatedas follows!


Mass of block in kg ----------------------------

X 10-3 (Mgjm3)

Volume of block in m3


The individualand average values of measured density of specimenstested

as per D-l to D-4 shall be reported.




E-l.l Testing Machine: The apparatus shall comprise a compression testing machine which shall be equipped with two steel bearing blocksfor holding the specimen. It is desirable that the blocks have a minimum hardness of 60 (HRC)and a minimumthickness of .25 mm. The blockon top through which load is transmitted to the specimen shall be spherically seated. The block below on which the specimen is placed shall be rigidly fitted. When the bearing area of the steel blocks is not sufficientto cover the bearing area of the paver block specimen, two steel bearing plates meeting the requirementsof E-1.2shall be placed between the steel platens fitted on the machineand the specimen.

E-l.2 Steel Bearing Blockand Plates: The surfacesof the steel bearing blocks and plates shall not depart from the plane by more than 0.025 mm in any 15 mm dimension. The centre of the sphere of the sphericallyseated upper bearing block shall coincidewith the centre of the bearing surface. If a bearing plate is used, the centre of the sphere of the upper bearing block shall be on a line passing verticallythrough the centroid of the specimen bearing face. The sphericallyseated blockshallbe held closelyin its seat, but shall be free turn in any direction. The diameter of the face of the bearing blocks shall be at least 150 mm. When steel plates are employed between the steel bearing blocks and the specimen, the plates shall have a thickness equal to at least one-third the distance from the edge of the bearing block to the most distant corner of the specimen. In no case shallthe plate thicknessbe less than 12mm.

The five specimenstested as per Annexes C and 0 shall be used for the tests.

E-3.1 The bearing surfacesof the specimensshallbe cappedbyone of the methods described in Clauses C-3.1 and C-3.2 of Appendix C of IS: 2185 (Partl)-1979, E-3.2 Alternatively, 4 mm thick plywood sheets of size larger than the specimens by a margin of at lea:st 5 mm from all edges of the specimen
shall be used for capping the specimens. E-3.3 When blocks with surface relief features have to be tested; their surfaces shall be ground to plainness before capping and testing.




E-4.1 The dimensions and plan areas of the blocks shall be determined as described in Annex B. The blocks shall be stored for 24 + 4 hours in water maintained at a temperature of (20 + 5)C. The bearing plates of the testing machine shall be wiped clean. The specimen shall be clamped between the plates in such a way that the axes of the specimen are aligned with those of the bearing plates.
E-4.2 The load shall be applied without shock and increased continuously at a rate of 15+3Nfmm2 f minute until no greater load can be sustained by the specimen or delamination occurs. The maximum load applied to the specimen shall be noted in N. E-S CALCULATION The apparent compressive strength of individual specimen shall be calculated by dividing the maximum load (in N) by the plan area (in mm2). The corrected compressive strength shall be calculated by multiplying the apparent compressive strength by the appropriate correction factor from Table below. The strength shall be expressed to the nearest 0.1 Nfmm2.

CoJTeCtion factors for thickness and chamfer of paver block for calculation of compressivestrength (ClauseE-5) Paver Block Thickness
(mm) 60 80 100 120 Correction factor for Plain Block Chamfered Block 1.00 1.12 1.18 1.24 1.06 1.18 1.24 1.30

For other thickness of paver blocks between 60 mm and 120 mm, linear extrapolation of correctionfactor shall be made.
E-6 REPORT The individual and average compressive strength of the specimenstested as per E-1 to E-5 shall be reported.





The apparatus used for test shall be the same as in Clause8 of IS 516 with the followingmodifications: (a) The distance from centre to centre of the two rollers on which the specimen is supported shall be 160 mm.
(b) The load shall be applied through a single roller mounted on top of the specimen at the centre of the supporting span, Le., the horizontal distance from the loading point to the centre of each of the supporting rollers shall be 80mm. F-2 SPECMENS

This test method can be appliedfor type A, Band C blockshavingminimum length of 180 mm. Rve paver blockspecimens, randomlyselected from the group of blocks of specifiedshape, size and thickness, as per the sampling procedure in 5.0, shall be tested.

F-3.1 The test specimens shall be capped by one of the methods described
in E-3 of Annex E.

F-3.2 Specimens with false joints and surface relief features which are likelyto interfere with the test results shall have their surface grounded to plainness before capping and testing.

The test procedure shall be the same as in Clause 8 of IS 516, with the followingmodifications:
(a) The load shall be applied along the vertical centre line of the supporting span (b)The load shall be applied without shock and increased continuously at a rate such that the extreme fiber stress increases at approximately 7 kg/cm2/min. (c) The load shall be increased until the specimen fails, and maximum load applied shall be recorded.



F-S CALCULATION Flexural strength of the specimen shall be calculated as follows:


=. .--------bd2

24 P

fu = Flexural strength (N/mm2) p = Maximum load (N) b = Width of the block (mm) d = Thickness of the block (mm) F-6 REPORT The individual and average flexural strength of block specimens tested as per F-l to F-4 shall be reported.




The followingapparatus is required

(a) Electricdrill(1000 watts minimum,I WOLF 3814' or equivalent), (b) Drillbracket, guide bar and guide-bar bracket CWOLF 0421' or equivalent), (d) Drillstand and paving-unitdamp weldedto base plate,

(d) Drillstand shaft, (e) Dial gauge (calibrated one fuUrevolution (f) Chuck and ball race ),

= lmm),

(g) Chuckcasing with water hose connection " and (h) Revolutioncounter (photoelectricor electronic)to measure total revolutionsor rpm of ball-race. The output of the shaft of the drillshall be set at a speed of between 1000 and 1050 revolutionsper minute. Whenthe test drillis rigged, the total slidingmass of the drilland attachments shall be 14.5 kg. with a tolerance of +0.25 kg. The test rig shall be maintainedin this condition. Beforetesting, the rig shall be checkedto ensure that there are no external factors affectingthe slidingmass. The drill-stand shaft and guide bare shall be lubricatedto ensure free slidingat all Times. G-2 SPECIMENS Five paver block specimens, randomly selected from the group of blocks of specifiedshape, size and thickness,as per the samplingprocedure in 5.0, shall be tested.

G-3.1 The mass of drill and fittings shall be checked for free slide on the drill stand shaft without any obstruction. The dry specimen shall be damped on the drill-standbase plate. The ball-raceshall be placedon the specimenand the chuck shall be loweredon the ball-rare. The drillshall be left undamped on the shaft. A constant rate of water supplyto the test surface of the specimen shall be started and maintainedto dear the debris formed duringabrasion. G-3.2 The drill shall be run for approximately3 seconds to seat the ball-race. The dial gauge plunger shall be loweredon the bearing surface of the drillbracket and chuck shall be rotated by hand through one revolutionin each direction. The dialgauge shall be set Zero to the mean of the needle reading. G-3.3 The drillshall be run, stopping it at approximatelyevery 1000 revolutions to measure the penetration. The test shall be continued until the ball-race has completed 5000 revolutionsor until the dial gauge has indicatedan indentation greater than 1.5mm,whicheveroccurs first. The indentation shall be measured by rotating the chuckby hand through one revolutionin each directionand noting the




. .- "

mean dial gauge reading. The number of revolutions of the ball-raceshall be noted. Note: If the drill and drill stand appear to wander from side to side causing the ball race to alter its path to the paver blocksurface, then either the drill has been set at the wrong speed or the guide mechanism is wom and needsreplacement.Resultsfrom the test are valid only if a clearlydefined circular impression has been made on the paver block surface upon

of the test.

6-4 CALCULATION The abrasion index of the specimen shall be calculated using the following formula:

Ia = -----di Where: Ia = AbrasionIndex (calculatedwhen the ball-race revolutionsequal 5000 or the penetrationequals 1.5mm,whicheveroccursfirst)
r = ball-race revolutions in thousands di = depth of indentation in mm


The minimum value of abrasion index obtained from the five specimens shall be reported as the abrasion index (Ia-min) of the sample.


The AbrasionIndex is defined in such a manner that it increases/decreases with

the increase/decrease in abrasion resistance. When the purchaser wants to spedfy

for Abrasion Index, the values given in Table 4 may be taken as interim


Table 4 Suggested values of Abrasion Index: (Clause G-6)

S.No Traffic (Ref. Table 1) Non-Traffic Ught Traffic MediumTraffic HeavyTraffic Very HeavvTraffic Minimum28 DaysAbrasion Index 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.5 2.0

c-12 3 4 5


... .
~OP edges chamferd




Fig. 3

Length( L), width (W), thickness(T (Clauses 8-1. 3.1 & B.-2.3.>

& chcmfer


. . D
pivot sc rew to be fitted with l::>ck nuts



I I 1 !

. -I ,



~ i

i I
I ~




(\\ ( \




Setscrew drilled to c!!ccommodote ball-point De n refill

gauge (components &assembly:


Odd- leg mark ing (Clause B-3.1)


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