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Production of Ferroalloys

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Ferroalloys are used to improve the properties of iron and steel by changing their chemical composition, removing impurities, or changing how they solidify. Some common ferroalloys include ferrosilicon, ferromanganese, and ferrochromium.

Ferroalloys are commonly used to improve properties like tensile strength, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance in iron and steel. They achieve this through changing the chemical composition, removing impurities, or altering the solidification process.

Ferrosilicon and ferromanganese are commonly produced through carbothermic reduction in large submerged arc furnaces. Ferrosilicon contains little carbon while ferromanganese contains high concentrations of carbon. Low carbon varieties of these alloys can also be produced through silicothermic or aluminothermic reduction.

Production of Ferroalloys 1.

Ferroalloys are master alloys containin elements that are more less soluble in molten iron and that improve the properties of iron and steel.These alloys usually contain a significant amount of iron.Ferroalloys have been used for the last 100 years,principally in the production of the cast iron and steel.As additives,they give iron and steel improved properties,especially increased tensile strength,wear resistance,and corrosison resistance.These effects come about through one or more of the following: A change in the chemical composition of the steel The removal or the tying up of harmful impurities such as oxygen,nitrogen,sulfur,or hydrogen A change in the nature of the solidification,for example,upon inoculation

Ferroalloys are also used as starting materials in the preparation of chemicals and pure metal;as reducing agents ;as alloying elements in nonferrous alloys;as starting materials for special products such as amorphous metals.Table.1 lists some of commercial ferroalloys. Production.Generally,ferroalloys are prepared by direct reduction of oxidic ores or concentrates with carbon(carbothermic),silicon(silicothermic),or aluminum(aluminothermic).However,roasted ores(ferromolybdenum) and pure technical-grade oxides(ferroboron)are also used as starting materials. The large-volume ferroalloys-ferrosilicon,ferromangenese,ferrochromium-are prepared continuously by carbothermic reduction in large,submerged-arc furnaces.The carbon is provided by coke.Ferromanganese is also produced in blast furnaces.Both ferromanganese and ferrochromium,because of their affinity for carbon,contain high concentrations of carbon(7-8%).In contrast,ferrosilicon contains little carbon;in fact the carbon concentration decreases as the silison concentration is increased,e.g,ferrosilicon containing 25% Si contains 1%C ,while containing 75 % Si contains only 0.1% C. Low- carbon ferromanganese (0.1-2% C) or ferrochromium (0.02-2% C) is produced in the following way: a silicon containing alloy,ferrosiliconmanganese or ferrosilicochromium,is made by carbothermic reduction of an appropriate ore and quartzite in a submerged-arc furnace.Then this silicon alloy is used for the silicothermic reduction of an appropriate ore in an electric-arc refining furnace.Oxygen is seldom used to reduce the carbon content. Ferrophosphorus is a by-product of the carbothermic production of phosphorous.Ferrotungsten is produced carbothermically in small,high power electric furnaces.Ferroboron is produced from carbon,iron and boron oxide or boric acid in oneand three phase electiric furnaces.Zirconiumcontaining ferrosilicon is made carbothermically in electric furnaces from zircon(ZrSiO4) or baddeleyite(ZrO2);ferrosilicon,withe either 75 and 90 % Si is added.

Table.1 Silicothermic reduction,with the addition os some aluminum,is used to prepare ferromolybdenum in refractory-lines reaction vessels.The energy released in the reaction is adequate to melt both metal and slag,and the solidified block of ferromolybdenum can be recovered easily.ferronickel is also mainly produced by silicothermic reduction.Aluminothermic reduction is the method of choice for the production of ferrovanadium.The starting materials are vanadium(V)oxide,aluminum,and iron turnings,chips,stampings,or nasil bits.the reaction is carried out in refractory-lines reaction vessels.The reaction produces enough heat to melt both metal and slag.In fact ,inert materias must be added to keep the peak temperature lower.Ferrotitanium and ferroboron are also produced aluminothermically.

The production and use of titanium as a large-volume construction material yields enough scrap for ferrotitanium containing 70% Ti to be made by melting iron and titanium scrap together.Ferrozirconium containing 80-85% Zr is also made by melting metal scrap and iron together.Ferroselenium is produced by the exothermic reaction of iron and selenium powders. The production of ferroalloys is of great economic importance,especially in countries that have the raw materials and the energy supply.Alloy steel constitute an ever growing fraction of total steel production because of their superior properties. Enviromental Aspects.During the production of ferroalloys,the emission of undesirable substance into enviroment must be kept under control.

2.Carbothermic and Metallothermic Processes

Carbothermic processes are mainly used for the large scale production of ferrosilicon,ferromanganese,ferrochromium,ferronickel and ferrotungsten.Ferrophosphorus is a byproduct of elemental phosphorus production by the carbothermic reduction of phosphate rock.Carbothermic processes for the production of ferroboron,ferrotitanium,ferrovanadium,and ferromolybdenum have been largely replaced by metallothermic processes,mainly aluminothermic and silicothermic. 2.1 General Considerations 2.1.1 Introduction The usual method of reduction by carbon is inapplicable to the reduction of refractory oxides and ores.The products commonly covered under this title are usually required to be low in carbon and they are avid carbide formers.Also ,no conventional refractories would stand up to the long reduction times at the high temperatures required.For such products,advantage is taken of the high temperatures achieved and rapidity of metallothermic reactions using reactive metals,notably Al. Early examples of such reactions are BREZELIUSreduction of K2TaF7 by Na and WHLERs reduciton of AlCl3 by Na,n 1825 and 1828,respectively.However,the father of aluminothermic processes was undoubtedly GOLDSCHMIDT who ,in 1898,described the production of low-carbon ,high melting point metals,without extraneous heat ,by feeding an exothermic mix into an already ignited first portion. The term aluminothermic processescan cover a wide field.For the present purpose it is taken,as is genereally understood,to be the manufacture,by Al reduction of refractory oxides or ores ,of metals and alloys mainly used in the steel and superally are produced aluminosilicothermically. The main alloys under discussion are FeB,FeMo,FeNb,FeTi,FeV and FeW.There are many minor variations,such as CrC,where superior purity or the absence of Fe is required for alloys used in superalloy production,and FeNb from NB2O5 instead of ore,where extra purity is required,again for superalloys. Aluminothermic Mn,formerly of importance ,has been superseded by electrolytic Mn and aluminothermic production of FeTi has largelt given way to induction furnace melting of Fe and Ti scraps.The latter method also now substitutes for the former ,dangerous,highly exothermic production of 55-60% TiAl and 55-60% ZrAl.When possible,combined electroaluminothermic methods can be used.

Becaused most basic reactions require extra heat this is provided by Al and a vigorous oxidant.Aluminum is an expensive fuel.At an Al powder price of $1400/t and a small-scle electricity cos of 4.9C/kWh the heating effect of Al combustion costs about three times that of electricity. Although a minor proportion of production,some FeB,FeNb,FeTi,and FeV is produced in the arc furnace.In view of the small tonnages involved,such productions usually occur only where an arc furnace exists for other purposes. Apart from the necessity of metallothermic reduction advantages of the process as compared to conventional reduction processes are; Very rapid reaction with less heat loss by radiation and convection Mush less gas volume Easy accommodation of diverse productions Small plant investment

A disadvantage of metallothermic production is that no refining of the metal is possible.It is important to leave the slag in situ to allow metal drops to settle into the regulus,so that one is faced with a large depth of slag quickly crusting over.Alternatively,if the slag is tapped ,requiring subsquent ore dressing processes to recover included metal,the metal regulus quickly becomes sluggish.Therefore the composition of the miz must be regulated very carefully to pruduce the optimum combination of oxgen and reactant metal levels in the product,and all ingredients must be low in harmful impurities.Obvious ones are C,S and P.Other impurities in the various ores used for different products are As,Sn,Pb,Sb and Cu. 2.1.2 Basic Metallurgy A metallothermic reduction of a metal compound is possible when the reductant metal has a greater affinity for the nonmetal element of the compound than the desired metal.In various branches of metallurgy the nonmetal may be halogen,sulfur,or oxygen.Aluminothermic processes,as previously defined,depend upon the high affinity of Al for oxygen as compared to that of many other metals. Fundamental Reactions.

Figure.1:Change in free energy of oxide formation reactions Although Ca and Mg may be the most suitable reactants,they are not used in the reduction.Their basic costs are high compared to Al and Si and 16 parts by weight O require 40 parts Ca,24 parts Mg ,18 parts Al,or 14 parts Si. In silicothermic reactions,a proportion of Al is usually used to increase the exothermicity particularly,because the products,e.g,FeW and FeMo,have such high melting points.

The term ferrosilicon refers to iron-silicon alloys with Si contents of 8-95%. Table.2: lists the composition of commercial ferrosilicons.

FeSi 75 is commercially the most important,although FeSi45 is still produced in large quantities for the North American market. Physical Properties. The Fe-Si phase diagram shows the existence of four compounds;Fe2Si,Fe5Si3 and FeSi and FeSi2.Commerical alloys differ from the compounds shown in the phase diagream with redarded to theri stoichiometry. Raw Materials.Pure quartzes with SiO2 content >98% are used for the production of FeSi45 to FeSi90.Such quartzes occur naturally as pebbles or rock.Quartz sands are processed into briquettes,in which the reducing coal required for quasi-self-fluxing burden can be incorporated.For good gas flow through the furnace,the starting materials should be free of fine particles,which also requires that they remain dimensionally stable on heating and do not decrepitate too early.Depending on the location,high-quality iron ore or scrap iron is used as the iron source.In industrialized countries,washed and dried unalloyed steel turnings are generally used. Flaming coals with low ash content,metallurgical coke,high-temperature brown coal coke,petroleum coke,brown coal briquettes,or wood chips are employed as reducing agent,depending on availability. Production.Ferrosilicon is produced in three phase,submerged arc furnaces with power consumptions of 10-70MW,corresponding to annual capacity between 9x103 and 60x103 t per furnace.

Figure.2:Submerged arc furnace: a) furnace casing with lining,b)electrodes,c)transformers,d)secondary power supply,e)raw material bunker,f)charging pipes,g)stoker machine,h)burning out unit,i)tapping-off ladle

With few exceptions,production is carried out in open furnaces,which allow the burden surface to be poked with stoker machines to prevent crust formation and thus maintain uniform gas flow through the furnace.In the modern furnaces the furnace casing can be rotated to reduce encrustation in the lower areas. Closed furnaces must be built with a rotating furnace vessel to aviod sintering of the burden,since stoker machines can no longer be used.Closed furnaces operate more efficiently because the carbon monoxide gas formed can be used.However,this requires a more eleborate construction of the furnace:with rotatable herath and extensive dedusting of the hot off-gases.

Reactions in the furnace occur according to the simplified scheme: SiO2+2C Fe+Si Si+2CO FeSi

Side reactions also occur that result in a lower yield of the desired product,especially when insufficient carbon is used: SiO2+C SiO2+Si SiO+CO 2SiO

Gaseous SiO is oxidized by atmospheric oxygen at the burden surface to give SiO2 dust ,which is carried out of the furnace with off-gas. An excess carbon leads to the formation of SiC,which also lowers the yield. Heating the batch to the reaction temperature of up to 1800 C is achieved mainly by electrical energy.The energy uptake of the batch depends on the so-called hearth resistance,whereby the conductivity of the FeSi burden is provided mainly by the coal.Thus,changing the type of coal influences the resisrance.The grain size also plays a role : the smallet the grain,the higher isthe resistance.the hearth resistance automatically regulates the depth of the insertion of the Sderberg electrodes and thus the power consumption of the furnace.A uniformly high hearth resistance and low electrodes are desirable. The liquid alloy,that accumlates in the hearth is tapped off to pouring ladles at regular intervals and poured into shallow moulds. Ferrosilicon production is a slag-free process,which means that all the impurities present in the raw materials are transferred to the product.To obtain high purities the alloy must be purified by further treatment outside the furnace. Aluminum and calcium impurities are removed by oxidation:

By injection of gaseous oxygen through immersed lances or through nozzles or sparging blocks in the baseof the pouring ladle By treatment with oxidizing siliceous slag which can be stirred or blown in

Uses.Approximately 75 % of the FeSi produced is used in the steel industry,where a requirement of 3-3.5kg of FeSi75 per tonne of steel can be considered normal.For melting almost all grades of steel,silicon is added as deoxidizer and alloying agent.Silicon binds oxygen dissolved in the steel melts,leading to noncritical concentrations.To increase this effect,FeSi is generally added together with other deoxidizers such as aluminum,calcium and manganese. Silicon that is not consumed in deoxidation dissolves as an alloying element in the steel and increases its strenght and yield point.More highly alloyed grades include tool steels,in which silicon improves the hardenability and wear resistance;hot-work steels that contain silicon for better tempering properties.

Foundries consume almost 25%of the ferrosilicon produced worldwide.Normal cast iron contains 2-3% silicon for improved precipitation of graphite and increase strenght. Economic Aspects.CIS and China are important producers ,followed by Norway,the United States and Brazil.

A number of manganese-containing ferroalloys are manufactured which are used largely in the mild steel,foundry,and stainless steel industries.The names and typical compositions of these alloys are given in table.3:

Generally,high-carbon ferromanganese and silicomanganese are produced from a blend of manganese-containing ores,and in the case of silicomanganese,slags and silica are added.Ferromanganese can be produced in either electric submerged furnaces or blast furnaces,although only four blast furnace producers exist in the westren world,whereas silicomanganese is largely produced in submerged arc furnaces..High carbon ferromanganese can be converted to medium carbon manganese by an oxygen blowing process,and silicomanganese can be further refined into medium-or low-carbon ferromanganese as well as manganese metal(Figure.3)

4.1.High Carbon Ferromanganese

4.1.1 Production of Ferromanganese in Blast Furnaces Ferromanganese can be produced in blast furnaces in a manner similiar to pig iron;however ,in the western world only four producers employ this method.These are Thyssen Stahl(Germany),BSC Cleveland(United Kingdom),SFPO(France) and Mizushima(Japan).The choice of the use of blast furnaces over electric furnaces is based one the reletive price of coke and electricity.The product produced from blast furnaces generally contains 76%Mn and 16%Fe. Raw Material Selection and Pretreatment. The raw materials required for the production of high carbon ferromanganese are manganese ores,Fluxes such as limestone,dolomite,or silica ,and solid fuels and reductants such as coke. In order to produce ferromanganese of the required grade a single ore is seldom suitable because the desired Mn/Fe ratio of the charge determines the Mn content of the final product.Ores from various sources are therefore blended to achieve the ideal ratio and to limit the contents of the deleterious components silica,alumina,and,phosphorus in the raw material mix.The raw material is crushed and screened to 5-30mm.alternatively,sintered or pelletized fine ore can be used.Some deletetious components can be partially removed from the ore prior to melting by dense medium separation or flotation.Slaging components can be added to the sintered or pelletized ore,which results in cost savings in the blast furnaces. Blast Furnace Operation.In comparison to iron making ,high gas temperatures are required in ferromanganese production because of manganese(II)oxide takes place at a higher temperature than is required for the reduction of wustite.This is achieved by oxygen enrichment of the hot blast or ,in the case of SFPO,by heating the blast with nontransferred arc plasma torches.The plasma arc increases the flame temperature from 2200to2800C and considerably reduces the coke consumption,which usually ranges from 1270 to 2000kg/t. The recovery of manganese in the alloy is usually 75-85%.This is influenced by the MnO content ofthe slag ,the slag to metal ratio,and losses in the flue gases.The MnO content of the slag is highly dependent on the basicity ratio(CaO+MgO)/SiO2

Figure.4:Variation of equilibrium MnO content of slag for high-carbon ferromanganese and silicomanganese production

The Reduction Process in the Blast Furnace .The reduction of the higher manganese oxides to manganese (II) oxide takes place in the upper zone of the shaft .These generally occur below 900C
and are indirect.The reactions are exothermic,and the heat generated causes high top temperatures and necessitates water cooling of the furnace top. The reduction of manganese(II) oxide; MnO+C Mn+CO

is highly endothermic,in contrast to the weakly endothermic reduction of wustite.This requires higher temperatures and, consequently,higher coke rates are required for the smelting of ferromanganese in blast furnaces.

4.1.2.Production Of Ferromanganese in Electric Arc Furnaces

The majority of producers of ferromanganese in the Western world use submerged arc electric furnaces.Altough electric arc furnaces have lower capacities than blast furnaces they have the advantage that the heat requirement is provided by electricity,and coke and coal are added to the feed only as reductants.Consequently the coke consumption is lower in electric furnaces than in blast furnaces,which is a considerable advantage in the light of dramatically increasing coke prices.An addtional advantage is that the process is not entirely dependent on high strenght coke ,enlike blast furnaces,and a portion of the carbon requirement can be supplied in the form of coal. In modern electric arc furnaces the raw material is usually fed by gravity from bunkers above the furnace .Fresh burden therefore automatically enters the furnace as the raw materials ar melted and slag and metal are removed from the system.

As the raw material move down the furnace,the higher oxides of manganese are reduced to MnO by the gas leaving the furnace.The reduction of manganese(II)oxide occurs by the contanct of carbon with the molten oxide in the slag phace.The overall reaction is ; MnO+10/7 C


The heat required for this endothermic reaction,for heating the burden,and to compensate for heat losses is supplied by the electrical input to the furnace.Heating takes place by the flow of electricity from the tips of the electrodes,which are submerged in the burden,through the burden and slag to the metal,as well as through the flow of electicity between the electrodes.

Figure.5:Layout of an electric arc furnace:a)Charging bins,b)Charging tubes,c)Electrodes,d)Electodes,d)Electrode slipping device,e)Electrode positioning devices,f)Current transmission to electrodes,g)Electodes sealing,h)Furnace transformer,i)Current bus bar system,j)furnace cover,k)furnace shell,l)tap hole,m) furnace bottom cooling,n) refractory material

Raw Materials required for the Manufacture of High Carbon Ferromanganese Manganese ores from different sources vary widely in their contents of manganese,iron,silica,alumina,lime,magnesia,and phosphorus.To produce standard ferromanganese (78%Mn) and a slag containing 30% MnO,the manganese to iron ratio in the charge must be 6:5.Since a single manganese ore of this ratio is seldom available,blending of ores from different sources is common practice to reach the desired manganese to iron ratio and to control the level of deleterious elements,particularly phosphorus. Chemistry of the Process.

Figure.6:a)loosely sintered burden,b)loosely sintered material enriched in carbonaceous reducing agents,c)coke and slag region,d)coke bed,e)coke-enriched layer,f)MnO melt layer,g)ferromanganese alloy layer,h)graphitized and carbon rich layer,i)carbon lining,j)brick lining,k)slag taphole,l)metal tap hole level,m)pieces of electrode

The material descends rapidly down the side of the electrode (a) into the semi-active zone (b),where prereduction of higher manganese oxides to MnO takes place.Thereafter,the material moves into the active zones of the furnace (e,f),where reactions take place between the manganese(II) oxide in the melt and the coke particles in the coke bed: 7MnO+10C Mn7C3+7CO

Eqilibrium between the slag and metal was thought to exist under each electrode,and further from the electrode,layers of unreacted ore and coke were found to be peresent(h).This suggests that heat is concentrated under each electrode.The path of electrical transfer was deduced to be from the electrode tip through the coke bed and into the alloy layer(g) The efficient productin of high-carbon ferromanganese therefore depends on the degree of the reduction of MnO by carbon as well as the prereduction that occurs in the upper region of the furnace.The ratio of CO and CO2 in the off-gas is important and can be used to monitor the condition of the furnace.The higher the CO2 content of the off-gas,the higher is the energy efficiency of the process,because the reducing potential of the gas is being more full utilized.Good operation of the furnace is indicated by a CO2/(CO2+CO) ratio of 0.55.this ratio,as well as the MnO content of the slag,can be used to control the coke rate of the furnace.Undercoking of the furnace is indicated by high MnO Content of the slag and a low CO2 content in the off-gas.

4.2 Production of Medium Carbon Ferromanganese Medium-carbon ferromanganese contains 1-1.5% carbon and has a manganese content of 7585%.Medium-carbon ferromanganese can be produced either by refining high-carbon ferromanganese with oxygen(MOR) or by the silicothermic route,whereby the silicon in silicomanganese is used to reduce additional MnO added as ore slag.The Former process has considerable advantages annd is used by most producers.Figure.7

Figure.7:Process flow sheet comparison for silicothermic reduction and the MOR process Production of Medium-Carbon Ferromanganese by Oxygen Refining of High-Carbon Ferromanganese In the MOR process patented by Union Carbide,high-carbon ferromanganese is decarburized in a similar manner to the steelmaking process in thebasic oxygen furnace.However,several distinctive differences are encountered in the case of ferromanganese: A final temperature of 1750C compared to 1550C Refractory attack is more severe Difficult casting of the final alloy The higher vapor pressure of manganese The higher volume and temperature of the off-gas

In the MOR process ,oxygen is blown into the molten high-carbon ferromanganese and the temperature is increased from its tapping value of 1300 to 1750C.The heat required is supplied by the oxidation of manganese to manganese(II) oxide and carbon to carbon monoxide.In the early part of the blowing process,most of the oxygen is consumed by oxidation of manganese,and the temperature of the melt increases from 1300C to 1550C.Hereafter,carbon is rapidly oxidized and the temperature rises to 1650C.Above this temperature ,the rate of carbn removal decreases and manganese is one again oxidized.The process is stopped at 1750C ,which corresponds to a carbon content of 1,3%.Further

reductions in carbon content result in unacceptably high losses of manganese.In the MOR process ,the recovery of manganese is 80% and the distribution of manganese can be broken downs as follows; Alloy MC FeMn Fume formed by vaporization Slag formed by oxidation of Mn Other losses,splashing 80% 13% 5% 2%

The manganese lost in the fume recovered in the gas cleaning plant and is then pelletized and returned to the high-carbon ferromanganese furnace.The slag ,which contains about 65%MnO,is also returned to the high-carbon ferromanganese furnaces. The MOR process has many advantages over the silicothermic process : lower energy consumption ,lower capital investment ,lower production cost ,and greated flexibility. Silicothermic Production of Medium-Carbon Ferromanganese In the silicothermic production of medium-carbon ferromanganese, a high-grade slag or a melt containing manganese ore and lime is contacted with silicomanganese containing 1630.1% silicon.The silicon in the alloy acts as the reducing agent in the process,which reduces the manganese(II) oxide in the melt.Similarly to silicomanganese production,the equilibrum is determined by the reaction: Si+2MnO SiO2+2Mn

The purpose of the lime is to reduce the activity of the SiO2 in the melt,thus forcing the above reaciton as far to the right as possible.The ratio of CaO to SiO2 in the slag should be greater than 1.4 to ensure a sufficient reducing in the activity of SiO 2.The carbon entering in the process in the silicomanganese remains entirely in the metal phase and is therefore found in the product.Thus,to produce a medium-carbon ferromanganese containing 1%C,a silicomanganese containing 20% Si is necessary. The heat produced by the silicothermic reduction is not sufficient to sustain the process;hence it is usually carried out in an electric arc furnace. 4.3.Production of Low-Carbon Ferromanganese Low-carbon ferromanganese contains 76-92% Mn and 0.5-0.75% C.The productin of lowcarbo silicomanganese is not possible by the decarburizastion of high-carbon ferromanganese without incurring extremely high losses of manganese. Use must accordingly be made of a silicothermic reduction process. The process is similar to that used in the silicothermic production of medium-carbon ferromanganese.High purity ores are used and in particular ores containing iron and phosphorus should be avoided.An artifical manganese ore,produced as a high-grade slag,is

particularly suitable because of its low impurity level and because all the manganese is present as MnO.The reduction of the higher oxides of manganese istherefore unnecessary. The operating figures for 1 t of ferromanganese containing 85-92%Mn,0,1%C,and1%Si with a manganese recovery of 75% are: Calcined manganese ore :1250-1350 kg Silicomanganese(32-33%):800-850 kg Quicklime : 1000-1100 kg Electrodes :10-12 kg Electricity :1800-2500k Wh Since the required silicon content of the metal is low ,a slag high in MnO is necessary.The MnO content of the slag can,hoever ,be reduced by the use of a two stage refining operation.In the first stage ,an excess of silicomanganese is maintained and a slag containing 6-8%Mn is teemed and discarded.The second refining stage with manganese ore and lime results in a salg containing 10-14%Mn,which is returned to the silicomanganese furnace. 4.5 Recent Developments and Future Trends In regions with high electricity prices recent developments have concentrated on the saving of energy.This is of particular importance to Japanese producers of manganese alloys that use of the off-gas from the furnace to preheat and mildly prereduce the ore,either in a rotary kiln or in a shaft kiln above the furnace.

Ferrochromium is a master alloy of iron and chroimium,containing 45-95% Cr and various amounts of iron ,carbon,and,other elements.the ferrochromium alloys are classified by their carbon content; High-carbon ferrochromium with 4-10 % C Medium-carbon ferrochromium with 0,5-4%C Low-carbon ferrochromium with 0,01-0,5%C

The mechanical and chemical properties of steel can be improved by alloying it with ferrochroium.Chromium combined with nickel gives stainless steel excellent chemical resistance. 5.1 Raw Materials The only raw materials for the production of ferrochromium are chromite ores.The mineral chromite has spinel structure and its formula may be written as (Fe2+,Mg)O.(Cr,Al,Fe3+)2O3.A high Cr:Fe ratio is advantageous to produce an alloy with high chromium content. In the production of high-carbon ferrochromium,which is by far the alloy in greatest demand,generally a lumpy type of chromite ore is necessary.The submerged arc smelting of

high-carbon ferrochromium by the direct reduction of carbon in large low-shaft electric furnaces generally requires lumpy chromite ores to allow the reaction zone to the top the furnaces where the burden is continously charged. The reducing agent for chromite is usually carbon in the form of coke;its contents of S and P should be low.Silicon as a reducing agent is used in the fform of ferrosilicochromium or ferrosilicon to produce low-carbon ferrochromium.Fluxing agents,e.g.quartzite or alumina and lime,are charged with the burden for slag formation.In the carbothermic production of ferrosilicochromium,chromite and quartzite are used as the raw materials. 5.2.Production The oxides of iron and chromium present in the chromite can be readily reduced at high temperature with carbon.Because of the tendencey of chroimum to form carbides,a carbon containing alloy is obtained.The oxides can also be reduced with silicon,aluminum,or magnesium.However,only carbothermic and silicothermic reductions are used commercially.The reducibility of chormite depends on its composition.A chromite rich in iron(FeO.Cr2O3) can be reduced by carbon at lower temperature than ore rich in magnesium(MgO. Cr2O3) Carbides with higher carbon content formed initially at lower temperature react at higher teperature with Cr2O3 and form carbides with lower carbon content ; finally,reduction of SiO2 starts at higher temperature.Therefore,production of ferrosilico-chromium alloys requires high temperature. In practice the reactions are somewhat more complicated because iron-containing chromium carbides are formed.In high-carbon ferrochromium,the double carbide(Cr,Fe)7C3 is present.In this compound,two to four Cr atoms can be substituted by iron atoms. FeO.Cr2O3+C Fe+ Cr2O3+CO t=950C

For the Cr2O3 reduction: MgO.Cr2O3+13/3C


/3Cr2C3+MgO+3CO t=1200C

Because the difference in temperature between these two reactions is slight and because iron also facilitates reduction of chromium oxide ,selective reduction of iron is difficult. In carbothermic reduction process,unreduced oxides from the chromite (MgO,Al2O3) and from the gangue are collected in a slag,which generally contains 30 % SiO2, 30 % MgO and 30% Al2O3.The remaining 10% is composed of Cr2O3,CaO,MnO,And FeO.Control of lag composition is important with respect to melting temperature and fluidity. Low-carbon ferrochromium is produced by the silicothermic reduciton of chromite ore.Silicon is used in the form of ferrosilicochromium,which is produced in submerged arc furnaces by carbon reduction of chromite ore and quartzite.The solubility of carbon in the FeSiCr alloy depends on the silicon content;if the silicon content is higher,the carbon content is lower.The reduction of Cr2O3 by Si is enhanced by addition of lime (CaO),which reduces the activity of SiO2 in the slag.the reduciton may be written as follows:

FeO. Cr2O3+2Si+4CaO


5.3.High-Carbon Ferrochromium High-carbon ferrochromium is produced by direct reduction of chromite ores with carbon (coke,coal,charcoal) in large,three-phase submerged arc furnaces. Submerges arc furnaces work continously as a low-shaft electric furnace,where burden is charges around the self-burning Sderberg Electrodes.These electrodes are deeply immersed in the burden column and discharged to reduce liquid products. The silicon content in high-carbon ferrochromium is dependent on the reduction temperature.High-melting slags lead to higher silicon content in the alloy.A typcial slag composition is 30-33%SiO2,26-28% Al2O3,20-25% MgO,3-7%CaO,and 8-13% Cr2O3 for charge chrome containing 63-67%Cr,5-7 % C and 3-6% Si produced from Transvaal ore or charge chrome containing 63-67%Cr,5-7% C,and 3-6% Si produced from Zimbabwe ore. The lumpiness of the ore and the coke quality are important to maintain a proper submerged arc process.Because of the high coke rate,the coke properties(size,bulk density,volatile matter,and fixed carbon)are mainly responsible for the electrical resistance of the burden. Figure.8 shows the new process deceloped by Outokumpu Oy in Finland for the production of ferrochromium from their own chromite-containing deposit.

Figure.8:Outokumpu Oy high-carbon ferrochromium process. The chromite concentrate is pelletized ,using bentonite as a binder.After sintering in a in a shaft furnace ,the pellets are blended with fluxes and coke.This burden is then preheated in a rotary kiln at 100-1100C and charged to a fully closed 24MV. A submerged arc furnace producing 60 000 t/a of charge chrome (53.5%Cr,7%C,and2.5% Si) and slag (30,2% SiO2,249% MgO,6.8%Cao,25.9 Al2O3,6.8% Cr,and 1.8%Fe);Cr recovery is 84%.The off-gas from the furnace is used as a fuel for the shaft furnace and for heating the kiln.

A further improvement in specific energy consumption was achieved by the SRC process (solid-state reduction of chrome ores),developed by Showa K.K. in Japan.This process is shown in Figure.9

Figure.9:Show a Denko high-carbon ferrochromium The addition of carbon and flux during pelletizing resulted in a reduction of iron oxide and partial reduction of chromium oxide during sintering in a rotary kiln at 1350-1450C.Hot charging a burden containing 60% prereduced pellets in a closed 18MV.A submerged arc furnace required an energy consumption of 200-2100 kWh/t of alloy for an annual production of 50 000 t high-carbon ferrochromium (57-60%Cr,8% C,and 3%Si).This process was also adopted by Johannesburg Consolidated Investment in a 180 000t/a ferrochromium plant.

5.3.2 Medium-Carbon Ferrochromium Medium-carbon ferrochromium with 0.5-4% C can be produced by refining high-carbon ferrochromium or by silicothermic reduction of chromite ores.Batch refining of high-carbon ferrochromium with refractory chromite ores in an electric arc furnace is no longer used because of the high power consumption. Dercaburization of high-carbon ferrochromium in an oxygen-blown converter is more economical,especially on a large scale. Because demand for medium-carbon ferrochromium is small compared to demand for the high-carbon material,the decarburization processes are rarely used.Hoever,reduction of chromite ores with silicon in the form of silicochromium is used and is an economical production method for medium carbon ferrochromium because the low carbon grade can be produced as well. 5.3.3 Low-carbon Ferrochromium Low carbon ferrochromium is produced mainly by silicothermic reduction of chromite ores. In step one ,chromite ore was totally reduced with carbon in an electric arc furnace to an intermediate ferrochromium with 60-65%Cr,5-6%C,and5-7% Si ,and a discard slag.In step two,this intermediate ferrochromium was smelted with quartzite and coke in a slagless process to produced silicochromium.Finally,this silicochromium was used as a reductant in the third step;the crushed alloy was thrown onto the surface of a chrome ore-lime melt in an arc furnace.The tapped ferrochromium contained 70%Cr,1%Si,and 0.03-0.05%C.The slag,which contained 20-25% Cr2O3,was returned to the first step to improve Cr recovery. The direct silicochromium production by carbothermic coreduction of chromite ore and quartzite in large submerged arc furnaces in one step proved more economical than the slagless process.Furthermore,the silicothermic conversion was improved by adding more lime to form a highly basic slag.Thus,ferrochromium with < 1.5%Si was produced with a lean slag in one step.Residual elements,S and N ,were low and <0.02% respectively. Currently,the most important process for the production of LC ferrochromium is the perrin process,developed in 1937 by the Societe Ugine n france.This process combines the direct reduction of silicochromium in a submerged arc furnace with a countercurrent silicothermic reduction of a chrome ores-lime melt in a reaction ladle. Production of Silicochromium.Silicochromium is not only used as a reductant in the production of LC ferrochromium,but also as an alloying and deoxidizing agent in the steel indusrty. To produce an alloy composed of 45% Si,40% cr,and 0.02%C,a burden containing 100 parts of a refractory chromite.110 parts of quartzite,and 65 parts of coke is continously charged to the submerged arc furnace.Metal and slag are tapped every few hours.The slag contains 48-50 SiO2,25-27 MgO,19-21 Al2O3,and 1-3% Cr2O3.The Cr recovery is 93-95% .

Produciton of LC Ferrochromium by the Perrin Process. Single-stage silicochromium production is one portion of the Perrin process.This process requires two furnaces:a submerged arc furnace to produce silicochromium and an-open top electric arc furnace to melt a chromite ore-lime slag.A flow sheet of the entire process is shown in Figure.10

Figure.10:Low-carbon ferrochromium production by the Perrin process The silicochromium and slag from the submerged arc furnaces are tapped to a lined segregating ladle and are allowed to settle for 1-2h.Dissolved SiC floats to the top.The seperated alloy is removed through a taphole at the bottom of the ladle.The alloy is reacted with an intermediate alloy is allowed to solidfy and is seperaed from the slag.Because of its high basicity,the slag disintegrated to powder. The rich slag is tapped from the open-top electric arc furnace in weighed amounts to another basic-lined reaction ladle.Crushed intermediate alloy from the first reaction ladle is added to form the desired LC ferrochromium and an intermediate slag.this slag is reacted with silicochromium to lower the Cr2O3 content to <1% Low-carbon ferrochromium is tough and difficult to break.Therefore,it is poured into flat molds,sometimes filled with liquid slag to protect the mold.uenching the hot alloy in water facilitates breaking it into small lumps,which is performed with heavy pneumatic hammers.

Production of LC Ferrochromium by the Simplex Process.Simplex process,in which finely ground HC ferrochromium was decarburized in the solid state with oxidized ferrochromium by vacuum annealing.The flow sheet of the process is shown in figure.10

Figure.10:Production of low-carbon ferrochromium by the Simplex process

High-carbon ferrochromium is crushed pulverized in ball mills,and then oxidized in suspension in a vertical gas-or oil fired shaft furnace.the proper stoichiometric C/O ratio for decarburizing is attined by mixing the oxidized material with HC ferrochromium powder according to the following reactions: 3Cr7C3+ Cr2O3 Cr23C6+3Co

/2 Cr23C6+ Cr2O3



The mixture is either formed into briquettes or loosely packed in corrugated pasteboard boxes,placed on a refractory topped bogie hearth ,and rolled into the vacuum chamber,which is a horizontal steel cylinder. A complete reaction cycle requires 4-5 d; 100 t of material is produced.A typical analysis of LC ferrochromium from the Simplex process is 70% cr ,1% Si,and 0.008-0.010%C.Oxygen is higher than in Lc ferrochromium from the Perrin process. 5.5.Uses Ferrochromium is used principally as a master alloy to produce Cr-containing steel and cast iron.Chromium alloyed in steel imparts oxidation and corrosion resistance because of the formation of a thin,continous,imprevious chromium oxide film on the steel surface. Most ferrchromium is used to manufactre stainless steel.Martensitic grades with 13% Cr are used for applications such as knives,whereas ferrtic grades used as deep-drawing sheets.Austenitic CrNi steels exhibits especially good corrosion resistance and are used for equipment in the chemical industry as well as for food processing machinery.The most widely known type is AISI 302,which contains 18% Cr and 8% Ni.A small amount of molybdenum further improves the acid resistance.Heat-resistant steel is used in power station for steam boilers and heat exchanger;superalloys based one nickel or cobalt are used for gas turbine parts. Chromium addition to steel also improves its mechanical properties.Steel with0.5-2.0%Cr is widely used in the automotive industry as case hardening steeland heat treatable. Addition of up to30% chromium to cast iron improves hardness and heat resistance.Powdered ferrochromium is used for chromizing the surface of steel or cast iron parts. 5.6.Economic Aspects Ferrochromium is mainly consumed in highly industrialized countries producing a major amaount of high-grade (stainless) steel,e.g.the United States,Europe,and Japan.However,producing is shiftingfrom these consuming countries to those with large ore resources;93% of the known potential chromite reserves of the world are in Africa,mainly in South africa.

The rotary kiln electtric furnace smelting process is now used almost universally for the production of ferronickel from oxide ores. 6.1.Rotary Kiln-Electric Furnace Process In the electric furnace the calcined ore was smelted with reductant to form immiscible layers of slag and errnickel.The New Caledonian ores,with their high magnesia and silica

contents(2.5%Ni,10-15%Fe),require no additional flux for slag formation.Virtually all the nickel and 60-70%of the iron in the ore are reduced to metal to yield a ferronickel grading about 20%Ni;the slag contains only 0.1%Ni. The degree of reduction achieved in the kiln depends on the composition of the ore and on the reactivity of the reductant.Iron and nickel silicate minerals are generally less reactive than nickel oxide minerals.Usually lignites and charcoal are the most reactive reductants,and highvolatile coals are more reactive than low-volatile coals,anthracite,or coke.Typically,under optmium conditions,up to 40%of the nickel is reduced to metal in the kiln,while the iron oxides are reduced to iron(II)oxide(FeO) In the electric furnace the charge must be heated to 1400-1650C to permit the separation of distinct slag and metal phases. Operation of the electric furnace is simpliest when the slag melting temperature is higher than the metal melting temperature(1300-1400C).For such a system the furnace is operated with a covered bath.(Figure12.A)The hot ore charge is allowed to build up on top of the molten slag,and the electodes are not immersed in the slag layer.Under these conditions much of the reduction reaction occurs in the hot charge layer before it melts.

Figure.12-.A.Covered bath The high-iron limonite ores ,which produce slags with melting points well below the melting point of the metal phase,can be smelted if the distance between the electode tips and the slagmetal interface is reduced significantly.The electrodes must therefore penetrate deeply into the molten slag layer (Figure.12.B)

Figure.12.B.Open bath.-a)metal pool;b)Slag bath;c)Electrodes;d)Solid Charge;e)Slag tap hole;f)Metal tap


The most recently built plant is that of Cerro Matoso which treats an ore with the exceptionally high SiO2/MgO ratio 3:1.the resulting acid slags have proved to be highly corrosive to furnace refractories.The dried ore is ground,blended with coal,and pelletized prior to entering the rotary kiln(Figure.12) The kiln is operated at 900-950C with an oxidizing atmosphere and a reducing bed to achieve prereduction of 20% of the Nickel to metal,and up to 95% of the iron oxide to the divalent state.Smelting is carried out in a single 51MVA electric furnace.The ferronickel,grading over 40%ni,is tapped at 1420-1440C,while the slag,containing 0.2%Ni,is tapped at 1600-1630C.The ferrnickel is refined and up-graded to 43% Ni prior to being cast into 22 kg ingots.

Figure.13:Flow sheet of the Cerro Matoso ferronickel smelter:a)drying kiln,b)Screen,c)Batch bins,d)reduction

kiln,e)Electric furnace

6.2.Ugine Ferronickel Process In the rotary kiln-electric furnace process excess carbon is normally added to the furnace charge to ensure quantitative reduction of nickel oxide.As a result more iron oxide is reduced to metal than is desirable,decreasing he ferronickel grade and leaving a high residual carbon level,typcially 1-3%in the product. In the Ugine Process the ore is dried and calcined in a rotary kiln and melted in an electric furnace without addition of reductant to produced a melt of iron and nickel oxides.No slag separation occurs in the electric furnace.The molten ore is trasferred to a ladle furnace wwhere it is reduced by reaction with ferrosilicon at 1650C.The two phases are mixed by repeated pouring of the mixture from one ladle furnace to another.The nickel oxide and some of the iron oxide are reduced to metal.The balance of the iron is removed as slag. 2Fe2O3+FeSi 2NiO+FeSi 2FeO+FeSi 4FeO+SiO2+Fe 2Ni+SiO2+Fe 3Fe+SiO2

The reduced ferronickel contains 30-50% Ni and very low levels of carbon and sulfur.The majority impurity is phosphorus. 6.3.Falcondo Ferronickel Process The Ore is carefully blended to maintain a constant chemical composition,particle size,and moisture content ,so that it can be briquetted without a binder.The briquettes are calcined and reduced in twelve open-top shaft furnaces.The hot reducing gas at 1250C is first colled to 1150C before being supplied to the shaft furnace through the primary tuyeres.The gas flows upwards,countercurrent to the ore briquettes whic are fed to the open top of the furnace.The gas reduces the nickel oxides to metal and the iron oxides to FeO. The hot reduced briquettes are discharged from the bottom of the shaft furnace at 880C and are transferred to one of three electric furnaces.The crude ferronickel ,which is tapped at 1475-1500C,contains 32-40% Ni.The slag,containing about 0.15%Ni ,is tapped at 15001600C.The crude ferronickel ,which typically contains only 0.15%s,0.03%P,0.04%Si,and 0.02%C,is refined to remove sulfur and phosphorus. 6.4.Refining of Ferronickel Crude ferronickel produced by the conventional rotary kiln-electric furnace process usually contains high levels of carbon and sulfur. Sulfur is generally removed under reducing conditions by adding soda ash,lime ,or calcium carbide to the molten ferronickel.Sulfur reacts with the fluxes to form sodium or calcium sulfides,which are slagged off with the silicates formed by reaction of flux with silicon; 3Na2O+2S+Si CaC2+S 2Na2S+Na2SiO3


Removal of silicon ,carbon,and,phosphorus is normally conducted in an oxygen-blown converter or an oxygen lanced ladle.Phosphorus is oxidized either by blowing the melt with oxygen or by adding iron ore and fluxing the phosphorus(V)oxide with lime:



The slags are removed by skimming after each refining step.

7.1.Compositon Commercial ferrotungsten is a tungsten-iron alloy containing at least 75%W,and having a very fine grained structure and a steel-gray appearance. 7.2.Uses Ferrotungsten and tungsten melting base are mainly used as alloying materials in the steel industry as they dissolve more readily than pure tungsten in molten steel,owing to their lower melting points,and are also cheaper. Tungsten additions increase the hardness yield strength,and ultimate tensile strength of the steel without reducing the eleongation,area reduction on breaking,and notched bar fracture toughness. In steel ,tungsten forms stable carbides that increase hot strength and wear resistance.Tungsten containing alloys are therefore mainly used in the production of tool steels,especially high speed steels. 7.3.Production The raw materials used for ferrotungsten production are rich ores or concentrates containing the minerals wolframite,hbnerite,ferberite,and scheelite. Ferrotungsten can be produced by carbothermic reduction in an electric arc furnace or by metallothermic reduction aluminum. The carbothermic or silicocarbothermic method is preferred for cost reasons. 7.3.1.Carbothermic Production Because of the high melting point of ferrotungsten,the so-called solid block melting process is normally used,as tapping off is not possible at the furnace temperatures that are required. In this process,the ferrotungsten accumulates in the hearth of the furnace vessel,which is constructed in sections.After the desired weight has been produced,the furnace lining is removed and the metal ingot can be removed after cooling.The solid block is cleaned,crushed,and,sorted.Figure.14

Figure.14:Carbothermic production of ferrotungsten 7.3.2.Carbothermic and Silicothermic Production This process is carried out in three successive stages in a three-phase electric arc furnace lined with magnesite.Of the oxygen in the WO3,60% reacts with carbon and 40%with silicon.In the first stage,ferrotungsten is produced by substoichiometric carbon reduction.This ferrotungsten is formed in a pasty consistency under a WO3-rich slag,and can be scooped out with ladles.Details of the individual processes are as follows: Stage1:reduction of tungsten ore concentrates by carbon under a WO3-rich slag ,and scooping out the ferrotungsten Stage2:Reduction of the WO3-rich slag with FeSi75 and addition of scrap iron.Tapping off the low- WO3 slag.The metal,with reduced tungsten content remains in the furnace. Stage3:refining of the low-tungsten metal by adding tungsten concentrates.A WO3-rich refining slag is formed ,and the tungsten content of the metal increases. The advantages of the process is the continous method of operation;thus the furnace can be operated for considerably longer periods without interruption for relining than in the solid block process. 7.3.3.Metallothermic Production

Tungsten oxide can be reduced by silicon and/or aluminum.Compared with carbothermic reduction,metallothermic production of ferrotungsten requires purer raw materials,as the reactions proceed very rapidly,and the impuriti s are chemically reduced as well as the raw materials. The tungsten concentrates in finely divided form are mixed with coarsely powdered aluminum and silicon.Pure silicon or ferrosilicon cannot be used,as these would not give a self sustaining reaction,the heat evolved being insufficient to melt the ferrotungsten and slag formed.Aluminum and silicon in the ratio 70:30 are therefore used. The reaction mixture is charged into a refractory-lined furnace vessel and preheated to 400500C. The reaction is started at the top by igniting initiators,which are mixtures of,BaO2 and aluminum powder.a purely aluminothermic mixture burns completely in a few minutes,but silicothermic aluminothermic mixtures react more slowly.After cooling ,the furnace vessel is removed,and the blocks of metal and slag separated.This method produces ferrotungsten ingots of 700-2000 kg.The metal ingot is cleaned,crushed,andsorted.Pieces with adhering slag are sent back for remelting. The metallothermic production process has lost much of its importance in recent years,owing to the high costs ofthe aluminum and silicon reducing agents,and the necessity for using pure and therefore expensive raw materials. Advantages of the process include the simple,low-cost plant,and the minimal tying-up of materials resulting from the short processing time.The tungsten yield is 96%

Ferroboron is basically an iron-boron alloy containing 10-20%B.It is used mainly in the steel industry.Ferroboron was first produced in 1893,by HENRI MOISSAN,from boric acid,iron ,and carbon in a single phase electric-arc furnace lined with carbon.The introduction of the thermite reaction by GOLDSCHMIDT in 1898 led to the aluminothermic reduction of boric oxide to ferroboron,for years the main commercial method for producing ferroboron.Recently though the carbothermic process has again found use for the production of ferroboron. 8.1.Raw Materials The following boron minerals can be used for the manufacture of ferroboron:Colemanite(51%B2O3),pandermite(48% B2O3),priceite ( 51% B2O3),and boracite (62% B2O3).However,the raw materials most commonly used are boric oxide(=99% B2O3) and boric acid(=57% B2O3) 8.2.Production Boric oxide can be reduced by carbon,aluminum,or magnesium.Reduction by silicon is incomplete.Figure.15 shows the calculated free energies of the corresponding reactions as a function of temperature.For commercial production,either reduction by carbon (carbothermic

or endothermic) or reduction by aluminum,sometimes with some magnesium (aluminothermic or exothermic) is usual.

Figure.15:Free energies G0 of reactions reducing boric oxide as a function of temperature. 8.2.1.Carbothermic Production In order to produce a carbothermic ferroboron with a low content the boron content must be high,the higher the boron content the lower the carbon solubility and thus carbon pick up. The reduction of boric oxide by carbon requires high temperature;therefore,the process is carried out in an electric arc furnace . In a japanese patent ther carbothermic production of ferroboron from boric acid,iron powder,and charcoal in a Heroult-type electric-arc furnace with carbon lining is claimed.One example describes the production of an alloy with 10.3% B , 2% Si and 0.98% C in a three phase electric arc furnace.The mix is 100 parts boric acid,135.8 parts iron powder(92.9%Fe),and 57 parts charcoal powder.The boron recovery is 81.7% .

The production of ferroboron from pig iron and boric acid in an electric arc furnace with a final oxygen blow leads to an alloy with 16.3%B,0.03-0.06%Al,and 0.03-0.06%C.the boron recovery in small scale runs is said to be 60-65%. 8.2.2.Aluminothermic Production Ferroboron can be made batchwise in convenient way by the reduction of boric oxide and iron oxide with aluminum powder.Some magnesium in the aluminothermic mix is benificial; magnesium is the stronger reducing agent at the temperatures below its boiling point,whereas aluminum is more effective above the boiling point of magnesium,where such metallothermic reactions generally take place.The aluminothermic coreduction of boric oxide and iron oxide (Fe2O3) is highly exothermic,and only a little additional energy is necessary for a selfpropagating reaction.The thoroughly mixed compounds are charged into refractory-lined pot and ignited,either the whole mix or by igniting a starting mix,the rest then charged as the raction proceeds over a few minutes.The liquid metal slag separate on account of differing densities,and after cooling the metal button,up to 1500 kg ,is removed.After mechanical cleaning,the meral button is broken and crushed to the desired size.The companies of the Metallurg Group,who produce ferroboron from boric oxide ,iron oxide,and aluminum powder,obtain boron recoveries of 70-75% for the 18-20% B grade and 80-85 % for the 1518% B garede by optimizing process parameters. 8.3.Uses The main use of ferroboron is in steel.Very small amounts of boron improve the hardenability of both plain carbon and alloyed steels.Boron acts as a hardenability intensifier of other hardening elements,such as carbon,manganese ,chromium,molybdenum,etc.The boron should be present in the concentration range of 5-15 ppm.Thus the use of boron saves expense of more costly alloying elements.Because of the high affinity of boron for oxygen and nitrogen,also that dissolved in steel,boron has to be protected from these two elements.Therefore,good prooxidation by calcium,aluminum or silicon and denitrification by titanium or zirconium are necessary. In case-hardened steels,broron exhibits better hardenability and strength;in noaging steels,especially for the automotive industry,the sheet forming properties are improved.Boron also offers benefits in high-strength low-alloy (HSLA)steels,and it improves the cutting properties in high speed steels. In stainless steels of the chrome-nickel type,0.004-0.009% B significantly improves the ductility in the hot forming range(950-1250C).In very low concentration(0.002-0.005%) boron is benificial to creep properties in austenitic heat-resistant satinless steels,as well as in ferritic steels,then in combination with titanium,molybdenum,or niobium.Steels with boron content up to 2.5% are used for control rods in nuclear reactors because the thermal neutron cross section of boron is so high. Aluminum is treated with aluminum boron master alloy to increase the electrical conductivity. A new field of boron usage is the production of amorphous alloys or metallic glasses. 8.4. Economic Aspects

The consumption of ferroboron is relatively low due to the small concentraions necessary in steel. 9.Ferroniobium Approximately 85-90% of the total niobium production is used in the steel industry in the form of iron niobium alloy containing 40-70% niobium. 9.1.Production Ferroniobium is usually produced by alumnothermic reduction of niobium oxide ores with the addition of iron oxides ores,with the addition of iron oxides if the niobium ore used contains insufficient iron.The starting materials are mainly columbites and pyrochlore concentrates. The enthaply of the reaction between Nb2O5 and Al is -276.1kJ/mol Al,which is lower than the threshold value for self-sustaining aluminothermic reactions.The mixture must therefore either be preheated or mixed with oxygen releasing compounds such as BaO2,CaO2,etc. Concentrates with lower percentages of niobium can also be treated by the aluminothermic process in an electric arc furnace.Also,a two stage electroaluminothermic process for the production of ferroniobium from columbite has been developed. The method of operation is to charge the mixture of niobium concentrate with the additives to refractory lines raction vessels.Either the whole mixture is reacted,or a small amount is set aside,ignited with a special exothermic mixture ,and added to the bulk mixture.The molten reaction product is allowed to solidfy in the furnace ,and the block of metal separates from the slag.After cooling,it is broken into pieces of the required size. 9.2.Uses of Ferroniobium Niobium has marked carbide and nitride forming properties and is therefore mainly used in the production of steels and gray iron.The addition of niobium perevents intercrystalline corrosion in stainless austenitic chromium nickel steel and improves corrosion resistance,weldability,ductility,and toughness in ferritic chromium steels. Ferroniobium is also used as a trace additive in large quantities fot the production of highstrength low-alloy steels used in automobile body manufacture,structural steels,concrete reinforcing steel,and pipelines. 10.Ferrotitanium 10.1.Composition and Uses Ferrotitanium is described in DIN 17566 as a master alloy containing at least 28%Ti,obtained by reduction of the corresponding raw materials or their concentrates.The International Standar for ferrotitanium is ISO 5454-1980,which specifies a Ti content of at least 20% and allows greater variation in the Al content. Application in the Iron and Steel Industry

Compared with the pure titanium ,ferrotitanium has the advantages of better solubility and lower price.Titanium is useful mainly because of its ability to form carbide.However,as the affinity of titanium for oxygen is considerably higher than for carbon ,the steel must be effectively deoxidized before titanium is added. In the production of stainless austenitic chromium-nickel steels,titanium is added to combine with small amoun of carbon present to form TiC ,thereby preventing intergranular corrosion. Deoxidation of killed steel with titanium improves its quality by minimizing oxidic inclusions.Depending on the carbon content,it also reduces cracking tendency and increases yield strength. Addition of titanium to tool steels gives a finer grain and reduces the depth pf hardening and hence the cracking tendency. 10.2.Production The starting materials for the production of ferrotitanium are ilmenite,leucoxene,perovskite,and slag concentrates produced from ilmenite.Because of the increasing availability of titanium scrap,this is also is used to an increasing extent for the production of ferrotitanium. Reduction with Carbon.Carbothermic production in electric arc furnaces leads to high carbon contents in the ferrotitanium.However,as the main use of ferrotitanium is to combine with the carbon in steel,the presence of carbon in the ferrotitanium is undesirable,and this production method is therefore now hardly used. Metallothermic Production.Ferrotitanium containing 28-50% ti and 4.5-7%Al.These are mainly produced by the aluminothermic process.The reduction of TiO2 by Al proceeds via TiO. 3TiO2+2Al 3TiO+2Al 3TiO+Al2O3 3Ti+Al2O3

If there is too much TiO2 in the reaciton mixture ,TiO can be formed as a third phase besides the metal and slag.In the aluminothermic production of ferrotitanium there is a high consumption of aluminum,as it reacts both with the iron oxide in the ilmenite and with the oxygen producing substances added to increase the exothermicity. An aluminothermic mixture ,consisting,for example of 4320 kg Australian ilmenite(58.55% TiO2),480 kg rutile (96.7% TiO2),190 kg calcined limestone,107 kg potassium perchlorate,and 1693 kg Al powder,is placed in a refractory-lined combustion vessel and ignited to start the reaction.After cooling,a 2250 kg block of ferrotitanium is obtained containing 39.8%Ti,6.7%Al,3.4%Si,and 0.02%C,which separates well from the slag.The titanium yield is 50%,and the specific consumption of aluminum is 1.89kg Al/kg Ti. Production from Titanium Scrap and Sponge.

As the availability of titanium scrap is increasing with the growth in the consumption of titanium,it is being increasingly used for the production of ferrotitanium and ferrotitaniumsilicon.Because of its low melting point(1100C) the alloy containing 70% titanium melts comparatively readily when alloyed with iron in an induction furnace,in an arc furnace with consumable electrodes under vacuum or argon ,or in an electroslag melting furnace. 11.Ferrovanadium According to DIN 17563,ferrovanadium is a master alloy with vanadium content of at least 50% produced by reduction of the corresponding raw materials or their concentrates. 11.1.Production from Vanadium Oxides Reduction with Carbon.The affinity of vanadium for carbon leads to carbide formation,so that carbothermic reduction can only be used when there is no requirement for vanadium with low carbon content. Reduction with Silicon.Under todays condition for processing of V2O5 ,silicothermic reduction is no longer profitable. Reduction with Aluminum.The high vanadium grades of ferrovanadium,FeV 60,FeV80,and FeV 90,are now usually produced by aluminothermic process can readily be controlled on a large scale. After ignition,the reaction of V2O5 with aluminum is self-sustainin.Some of the mixture of V2O5 flakes,aluminum powder or granules,fine steel shot,and an initiating mixture is ignited,and further quantites ofthe mixture are then added.The combustion time for the usual batch size is only a few minutes.After cooling for 2-3d,the furnace is dismantled,and the block of metal at the bottom is cleaned and crushed or groung to the commercially desired particle size. 12.Ferromolybdenum In steel and foundry industry molybdenum is added to melts ,either as technical oxide or in the form of ferromolybdenum. Compared to pure molybdenum, ferromolybdenum dissolves much more easily in the steel melt and is cheaper to produce. 12.1 Submerged Arc Furnace Carbothermic Reduction The carbothermic reduction of MoO3 can proceed as follows: 2 MoO3+ 2C MoO2+2C 2 MoO2+2CO Mo+2CO

Or with formation of molybdenum carbide: MoO2+2.5C 0.5Mo2C+2Co

The reduction of MoO3 starts at fairly low temperatures then MoO2 would be formed becase it is more stable than molybdenum.However,since the process is run at 1700-2000C,any intermediately formed molybdenum carbide reacts to form molybdenum carbide reacts to form molybdenum metal: 2Mo2C+ MoO2 5Mo+2CO

Because of the commercial disadvantages of the process,detailed litrature describing the process is limited.The use of the single phase arc furnace seems to have been more successful because of its higher energy density within the furnace.A single system with a cylindrical magnesite or carbon based rammed furnace body and equipped with a bottom carbon electrode is shown is Figure.15

Figure.16:Single-phase submerged arc furnace-a)Furnace with rammed lining,b)bottom electrode power

supply,c)bottom electrode,d)top electrode,e)electrode clamp with power supply,f)electrode control,g)transformers

The top electrode is adjustable and the whole furnace arrangement runs on tracks so that it can easily be replaced with a new unit.The process is run batchwise,producing a semimolten metal block and a slag.The slag contains up to 10% molybdenum oxide and must be retreated by remelting.Melting of a 1.5-2 t metal block takes about 20-28 h.To separate metal and slag ,the furnace assembly must be stripped and later rebuilt for use. The reaction is started by melting slag from a previous reaction and adding the briquetted mixture to the slag to avoid molybdenum sublimation.Once initial reduction to MoO2 has taken palce,sublimation is avoided.The resulting slag consists of some unreduced MoO2 and FeO which has a higher Gibbs free energy than MoO2.

12.2.Metallothermic Reduction Metallothermic reduction in which silicon is used to reduce the MoO3 is the commonly used production process for ferromolybdenum today.Its advantages are that it is a single-step process which results in a saleable metal and a low-molybdenum slag that it requires only basic process equipment. Consideration of the specific heats of reaction shows that both aluminum and silicon can be used to reduce MoO3 in self-sustained reactions:

/3 MoO3+Si /2 MoO3+Al



/2Mo+1/2Al2O3 4689 kJ/kg

If aluminum is reacted with MoO3,the resulting heat of reaction is very high,leading to excessive evaporation of MoO3 and the danger of an explosion of the reaction mixture. To achieve reproducible reactions,a homogeneous mixture of the precisely weighed reaction ingredients is required.All ingredients must be dry ,well-calcined,and ideally their particle size should be < 1mm.A typical firing arragement is shown in Figure.16

Figure.17:Metallothermic firing arrangement:a)storage hopper for iron ore millscale,b)storage hopper for roasted Mo
concentrate:c)storage hopper for fluorspar,d) storage hopper for aluminum and ferrosilicon powder,e)mixing hopper,f)balance,g)air lift system,h)Firing hopper,i)reaction vessel,k)Electostatic precipitatior

The crucible unit consist of circular or square,sand-or brick-lined base section and a cylinderical refractory-lined,steel section that contains the reaction slag.the mix feeding arrangement allows part of the reaction mixture to be placed into the well-dried crucible unit.The reaction is started by adding a small amount of a mixture of barium peroxide and aluminum to a special starter mix which tends to be more exothermic than the main mix.Once the main mix has started to react,the bulk of the reaction mix is continously fed into the crucible arrangement.Total reaction times of 30-60 min for metal block weights of 1-4t can be expected.After completion of the reaction,metal and slag are allowed to segregate for another 30-60 min before the bulk of the slag istapped off.The red-hot metal block is then stripped off the furnace base and quenched in water to aid crushing.Jaw crushers are commonly used for

crushing the metal.Considerable care has to be taken when sampling the metal for molybdenum content because the molybdenum tends to segregate wtihin block. Recent developments have centered on improving process economics.automatic handling and weighing of the raw materils as well as finished metal and ferromolybdenum slag is one area of activity. 13.Ferroalloy Production and Consumption In Turkey LC and HCFeCr, SiCr and FeSi are produced by two different companies in Trkiye. Eti Holding Ltd., a state owned company was privatized in 2004. One of the companies produces HCFeCr in Elaz, while the other produces LCFeCr, SiCr and FeSi in Antalya. Table 1 lists these plants and their capacities. 161,500 t/y of ferroalloy production capacity belongs to ferrochrome productions and 7,300 t/y of ferrosilicochrome (SiCr) is used in LCFeCr production. HCFeCr production is carried out in two open-type submerged arc furnaces each with transformer rating of 17,000 kVA, having a total capacity of 50,000 t/y. In later addition, there are two closed type submerged arc furnaces each of 30,000 kVA having a total capacity of 100,000 t/y [4]. Since the furnaces are closed the heat of exhaust gases is utilized in a preheating furnace giving about 20 % savings in energy consumption.

The major consumed ferroalloys in Trkiye are manganese and silicon alloys, depending on the type of steel production. In 1998, about 14.2 million tons of steel was produced, while ferroalloy consumption was 212,000 tons, whereas, it was approximately 350,000 tons in 2005 as 20.9 million tons of steel was produced, a 65 % increase in seven years, in proportion to the increase in steel production. While, a 30.2 % of this consumption was FeSi, 13 % FeMn, and 53 % SiMn in 1998, 20.5 % of this consumption was FeSi, 15.5%. FeMn and 58.3 % SiMn in 2005. Demand for ferroalloys has been on the rise over the years, according to the development in steel production.

Figure.18: Ferroalloy imports & exports and the crude steel production of Turkey

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