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Present Indian Steel Making Practice and Its Scenario: Introduction: WHAT IS STEEL?

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introduction: WHAT IS STEEL?
Steel belongs to iron carbon system. This system has a unique feature to alloy with
several elements of the periodic table to produce materials for diversified applications.
IronCarbon system is capable of creating any desired property by altering the
microstructure through surface hardening, heat treatment and deformation processing.
Steel is recyclable and hence is a green material.
The above attributes make steel to be the most important engineering
material. Around 2500 different grades are produced to cater the need of
several industries ranging from structural to aerospace
TYPES OF STEEL: Carbon imparts strength to iron. It reduces ductility and impact
strength. But presence of carbon allows heat treatment procedures.
Sulphur segregates during solidification (segregation coefficient is 0.02).
Sulphur causes hot shortness due to formation of FeS formed during
solidification of steel. Sulphide inclusions lower weldability and corrosion
resistance. Presence of sulphur may also lead to development of tear and
cracks on reheating the steel

Phosphorus segregates during solidification (segregation coefficient is 0.02).

Presence of phosphorus impairs plastic properties.
Silicon and manganese: Silicon reduces the drawing capacity of steel. Manganese is
beneficial; it increases strength without affecting ductility and sharply reduces hot
Gases: Nitrogen impairs plastic properties and increases embrittlement at lower
temperatures. Hydrogen causes defects such as flakes, fishscale fracture.
Inclusions: Presence of inclusions at the grain boundary weakens intragranular bonds.
Inclusions also act as stress concentrators. Some type of inclusions is brittle.
Tramp elements: Tramp elements like copper, zinc, tin, antimony etc create
problems during reheating of steels because their melting points are much
lower than steel reheat temperature.
Present Status of Steel Industry:
Plain carbon steels are produced principally by the following routes:
1) Blast furnace Basic oxygen furnace Ladle treatmentscontinuous
castingRolling flat or long products. Adopted by Integrated Steel Plants
2) Electric Arc Furnace Ladle treatmentsContinuous castingRolling Mostly long

products but occasionally flat products. Adopted by Mini Steel Plants

Alloy and special steels are produced by route 2. Some plants employ Argon
Oxygendecarburization process instead of Electric Arc Furnace
The first attempt to revive steel industry in India was made in 1874 when Bengal Iron
Works cam into being at Kulti near Asansol in west Bengal. In 1907 Tata Iron and Steel
Company was formed and produced steel in 19081909. In 1953 an integrated steel
plant in public sector in Rourkela was signed with German Company. Then more
integrated steel plants were added.
Indian steel industry is organised in three sectors as shown in the following:
Integrated steel plants
Public sector
Alloy steel plant Durgapur
Indian iron and steel company
Visvesyary a iron and steel
RINKL, Vishakhapatnam

Mini steel plants

Private sector



Converter steelmaking processes are also known as BOF (Basic oxygen

Furnace) steelmaking. These processes include top blown steelmaking and
combined blown steelmaking processes. These processes are based on hot
metal. Hot metal from Blast furnace is refined to steel. Blast furnace hot
Metal contains 3-4 % C, 0.8 to 1% Si, 0.6 to 0.8 % Mn and 0.15 - 0.2 % P. In All
BOF processes, oxygen is blown from top. In most of the steelmaking
practices hot metal is pretreated to remove Si, P and S from hot metal to the
extent it is possible.

Pretreatment of hot metal

In recent years pretreatment of hot metal prior to charging in converter has

become common practice. The objective is to reduce S, P and Si of hot metal
to produce steel with good surface finish, free from internal cracks.

Reagents for hot metal pretreatment

Soda ash


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It is effective reagent for both desulphurization and desiliconization. But

disposal of soda bearing slag is a problem. Also soda ash generates dense
fumes on addition to hot metal.
Calcium carbide and Magnesium granules
Both are highly efficient desulphurizing agents and can decrease sulphur
content to very low value. Calcium carbide along with lime is injected into the
bath. Magnesium granules help to reduce injection time and slag volume.
In some situations mill scale and sinter fines are used to desiliconize hot

Location of hot metal pretreatment:

Hot metal pretreatment can be carried out either at blast furnace runner, or
in transfer ladle or in torpedo.
Pretreatment in the blast furnace runner has certain advantages: such as
adequate mixing of the reagents due to flowing of hot metal. This practice
saves time and increases ladle availability compared with when treatment is
carried out in ladles.
(a) Blast furnace runner (b) Torpedo car
Lance:Oxygen gas is supplied through a water cooled lance, the tip of which
fitted with multi-hole Laval nozzles made of copper Lance is nearly 8-10m
long and its diameter varies between 20cm to 25cm depending on the
furnace capacity. Water requirements are around 5070 m3hr at a pressure
of 57 kgcm3. Lance movement is controlled by electrically operated gear
system. Lance life is determined by the life of the nozzles. Failures of the
lance may be due to faulty cooling, manufacturing defects and differential
expansion between copper tip and steel tube .

converter steel making practice & combined blowing:

Composition and temperature during the blow :The following
observations can be made:
Impurities like C, Si, Mn begin to oxidize simultaneously. Si and Mn oxidize
faster relative to C. Also Fe oxidizes to FeO. Rate of carbon removal is low in
the beginning.
Formation of slag begins with the oxidation of Si SiO2,Mn MnO and Fe
Dissolution of lime increases during the blow. In the initial periods FeO helps
lime dissolution.
Formation of basic and limy slag promotes removal of P. It may be noted
that once slag is formed both C and P removal occur simultaneously.
In the initial stages, carbon removal rate is kept lower than P removal since
P removal is favoured at lower temperatures. If carbon is removed at a faster
rate in the beginning bath temperature would increase which impedes
dephosphorization. Once phosphorus removal is complete, carbon removal
rate can be increased.
Note that Mn content of metal decreases initially but at later periods of
blow Mn content of bath increases. This is due to the onset of the following


+ [Fe] = [Mn] + (FeO)

In the later stages of the blow bath temperature increases due to decrease in
carbon content and at the sametime FeO content of slag decreases. Both
conditions are responsible for increase in Mn content of the bath. To
overcome, sometimes iron ore additions are made to increase the FeO
content of slag to adjust the Mn content of steel.
Temperature of the bath increases continuously.
Developments in Top blown steelmaking practice
The most important development in top blown steelmaking practice is the
simultaneous gas stirring of the bath form the bottom of the converter. This
has resulted in combination blowing processes. These processes differ in
terms of bottom gas rate, number and arrangement of bottom tuyeres and
type of bottom injection elements i.e. porous plugs or tuyeres and whether
inert gas or oxidizing gas is used.
All processes which use top blowing of oxygen and bottom stirring by inert
gas is known as bath stirred top blown processes. In another type, oxygen is
blown form top and bottom and is called top and bottom blowing processes.
Causes of high turnover rates of BOF
i) Energetic supply of oxygen: This method ensures.
Availability of oxygen where it is needed during refining
Faster mechanism of mass transfer by producing droplets and slag/metal
ii) Bottom stirring
iii) A basic and limy slag of required basicity is formed at the early stages of
the blow

Modern trends in BOF steelmaking :

Post Combustion
The oxidation of carbon to CO in BOF steelmaking is the principle reaction. In
converter steelmaking CO produced during refining exits the furnace in
exhaust system where it is combusted with the ambient air.
Higher melting rates can be achieved
Reduced green house gas emission /ton of steel because more scrap can be
Reduction in slopping. This is achieved by increase in slag temperature
which helps dissolution of lime in slag and decrease in slag viscosity.
Technology of post combustion :A technology is required which can inject
oxygen in the converter just above the slag so that CO can be combusted to
CO2 . The supply of oxygen for the post combustion must be well distributed
above the slag surface for an efficient combustion of CO. Transfer of the heat

to the slag and metal phase is also to be considered.

One possible way is to add several small orifices around the main supersonic
nozzle tip. Lance distance has to be adjusted so that oxygen through the
orifice is available for combustion of CO to CO2 above the slag surface.
Still another method could be a lance with double flow for oxygen. In the
main oxygen lance, a separate oxygen inlet and oxygen control system can
be provided which is solely dedicated to post combustion. This design may
provide better control of oxygen for post combustion without affecting the
oxygen flow through the main lance.
One of main requirement of oxygen flow for post combustion is that velocity
and angle of oxygen flow should be low to avoid the refractory wear. Nozzle
diameter, angle of oxygen flow and location of nozzle are the principle design
Slag splashing
Splashing of slag to coat the refractory lining has become a standard practice
to increase the lining life. Slag splashing is done as follows:
At the end of BOS process, steel is drained of and slag is retained in the
The O2 lance is lowered and high pressure N2 is used to splash molten slag
on the walls of BOS vessels for a period of 2 to 4 min.
Slag refractory provides a consumable refractory lining which protects the
furnace lining.
The excess slag is poured out
Benefits of slag splashing
I. Longer life of furnace lining (over 60000 heats).
II. More recycling of BOF slags.
III. Less CaO is needed in BOF process due to dissolution of basic slag coating.
IV. Decrease in sloping results in increase in yield.
V. Rapid formation of slag occurs due to melting of low temperature phase of
the coating.
Electric Arc Furnace:
Steelmaking in electric arc furnace has emerged as an important steelmaking
process in recent years. The flexibility and easy adoptability of EAF
steelmaking to accommodate the fluctuating market demand have evolved
into the concept of mini steel plants to produce different grades of finished
products (long or flat or mixed ) of plain carbon or alloy steels from scrap and
other metallic charge materials. Although scrap is the preferred raw material
but sponge iron and iron carbide are being used regularly in most plants
because of shortage of steel scrap and to dilute the concentration of tramp
elements. Several developments in the design and operation have made EAF
steelmaking to contribute significantly to the overall total production of steel
in the world. According to an estimate, the proportion of electric steel is
around 40 to 45% in the total world steel production. It must be noted that
EAF consumes lot of electric energy and hence the cost and availability of
electrical power are important issues in electric steel development.

Type of Electric furnaces:

In principle an electric arc is formed between the electrode and the metallic
charge and charge is heated from the arc radiation. Electric arc furnaces are
of two type (a) alternating current and (b) direct current. In alternating
current, furnace operates by means of electric current flowing from one
electrode of three to another through the metallic charge. In direct current,
the current flows from carbon electrode, which acts as cathode, to an anode
embedded in the bottom of the furnace.
Arc Furnaces Operation
It consists of charging, melt down period and refining. The large baskets
containing heavy and light scrap are preheated through the exit gas. Burnt
lime and spar are added to help early slag formation. Iron one or mill scale
may also be added if refining is required during melt- down period.
The roof is swung off the furnace, and the furnace is charged. Some furnaces
are equipped with continuous charging. Hot metal is also charged as per the
In the meltdown period, electrodes are lowered and bored into the scrap.
Lower voltages are selected in order to protect the roof and walls from
excessive heat and damage from the arcs. Once the arc is shielded by scrap,
voltage is increased to form molten metal pool to reduce the meltdown
period. During meltdown period, silicon, manganese and carbon oxidizes.
Also oxidizing and limy slag is produces which promotes dephosphorization as
well. Melt- down time depends on
Arc conditions: larger arc requires lower current and lower heat losses
Deep or shallow bath: deep bath shortens the meltdown period.
Refining continues even during melting. Removal of phosphorus must be
complete before the rise in temperature and carbon boil.
The single oxidizing slag practice is employed when removal of sulphur is not
required. When
Arc Furnaces Operation
It consists of charging, melt down period and refining. The large baskets
containing heavy and light scrap are preheated through the exit gas. Burnt
lime and spar are added to help early slag formation. Iron one or mill scale
may also be added if refining is required during melt- down period.
The roof is swung off the furnace, and the furnace is charged. Some furnaces
are equipped with continuous charging. Hot metal is also charged as per the
In the meltdown period, electrodes are lowered and bored into the scrap.
Lower voltages are selected in order to protect the roof and walls from
excessive heat and damage from the arcs. Once the arc is shielded by scrap,
voltage is increased to form molten metal pool to reduce the meltdown
period. During meltdown period, silicon, manganese and carbon oxidizes.
Also oxidizing and limy slag is produces which promotes dephosphorization as
well. Melt- down time depends on
Arc conditions: larger arc requires lower current and lower heat losses
Deep or shallow bath: deep bath shortens the meltdown period.
Refining continues even during melting. Removal of phosphorus must be
complete before the rise in temperature and carbon boil.
The single oxidizing slag practice is employed when removal of sulphur is not
required. When both P and S are required to be removed double slag practice
is used. In double slag practice, oxidizing slag is removed and reducing slag is
formed after deoxidation with ferrosilicon or ferromanganese or aluminum.

Reducing slag helps to avoid loss of alloying elements.

Once the bath chemistry and its temperature are attained, heat is deoxidized
and finished for tapping.
Future of EAF steelmaking
The EAF needs a metallurgical reactor that has the largest growth potential
both in terms of production capacity and technology evolution. Future EAF will
be equipped with all modern technologies- like Ultra high power input (up
to1500 kVA/t), latest oxygen and carbon injection technology and design
features- like ultra high shell design, heavy mill type components.
This combination leads to an Electric Arc Furnace where the tap to tap times
can be extremely short and the corresponding productivity reaches the level
of larger furnace sizes or converter plants.
The two main reasons for this are:
The possibility of a higher electrical power input and
A far higher efficiency of chemical energy, decarburization and scrap
preheating compared to the same size (tap weight) standard furnace.

Stainless steel making:

Stainless steels contain typically 10-30 % chromium besides other elements
like C, Mn, Si, S etc. Chromium imparts corrosion resistance to steel. Varying
amounts of other alloying elements like Ni, Mo, V, Ti, Ni, etc may be added to
obtain certain specific property. There are different types of stainless steels
Austenitic stainless steels: which contain 18% Cr, 8% Ni, and C is in
between 0.03-0.15%
Ferritic stainless steels: which contain 12% to 30% Cr and 0.08% to
Martensitic stainless steels: which contain around 13% Cr and C varying
in between 0.15% to 0.25%. Certain grades contain C 0.6% to 0.95%.
Duplex stainless steels: in which Cr is around 25%.
Precipitation hardenable stainless steel: contain 18-20% Cr, 8 to 10 %
Ni and copper, Titanium, Aluminum.
It may be noted that all stainless steels contain chromium and carbon besides
other elements.
Production of stainless steels requires controlling chromium and carbon
Technology of stainless steel making
Electric arc furnace was used to produce stainless steel by melting scrap of
the desired composition. EAF was used only as a melting unit.
Typically, charge consists of carbon steel scrap + stainless steel scrap +lime.
The charge is melted in EAF and after melt- down period, the melt contains
around 10% Cr, all Nickel and carbon. Melt consists of Fe- Cr Ni C alloy
oxyzen is blown onto Fe-Cr-Ni-C melt and basic Cr2 O3 slag forms.initially

chromium oxidizes untill bath temperature rises to 1800 degree

c.Carbon oxidation occurs when the bath temperature rises to 1800
degree c.In the finishing stage, low carbon ferrochrome is added to make the
chromium content of steel to a desired value. The disadvantages with this
technology are
High temperature is required which cause damage to the refectory lining.
Low carbon ferrochrome is required which in expensive.


production reached 1527 MT in 2011 showing a 6.8 % growth over 2010. India has emerged as a
leading player in global steel industry contributing to about 4.7 % of global crude steel production
in 2011. Large scale infrastructure expansion plans for twelfth five year plan (FYP: 2012-17) and
raising per capita steel consumption in India promises unprecedented growth potential of Indian
steel Industry during next 10 years


India is the largest producer of sponge iron and fourth largest producer of crude steel in the world.
India registered a 5.7 % growth in crude steel production in 2011 against 2010. Japan was the
only nation among top ten crude steel producers in the world posting negative growth of minus
1.8 % for crude steel production in 2011 against 2010. Indian steel industry which is not
technologically as mature as steel industry of developed economies is implementing latest
technology, adapting backward integration and improving efficiency in steel production to reduce
cost, increase production and become competitive globally.


Indias per capita steel consumption is only 57 kg against global average of 215 kg. This shows a
broad scope for increase in per capita steel consumption in India and potential unprecedented
expansion of steel industry in India. Global crude steel consumption for 2011 reached about 1373

traced back to 400 BC. The foundation of modern steel industry in India was led down in 1874 by
establishment of steel making facility of Bengal Iron Works (BIW) in Kulti (West Bengal).
Beginning of large scale steel production started with establishment of Tata steel plant in 1907 in
Jamshedpur, which started production in 1912. Later large steel plants in India were established
in Bokaro, Durgapur, Bhilai, Burnpur and Bhadrawati. Except Tata Steel, steel production in India
was confined to public sector companies under control of SAIL till 1990s. Post liberalisation(1991)
large scale development in steel industry was witnessed due to participation of private players
and huge influx of foreign investment in steel industry of India.

STEEL PRODUCTION TREND IN INDIA Post independence steel production in India

showed a considerable growth in capacity. Finished steel production increased from 1.1 MT in
1951 to 14.33 MT in 1991-92. Post liberalisation the growth trend continued however at a higher
pace and finished steel production reached 73.7 MT(provisional) for 2011-12.


Steel making in India is concentrated along mineral rich belt of India, as vicinity to supply of raw
materials like iron ore and coal provides considerable economic advantage. Most of the large
scale steel making facilities are concentrated in state of Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal,
Chhattisgarh and Karnataka. Steel production in India is leaded by SAIL, Tata Steel, JSW and
others, while SAIL continues to be the largest steel producer in India.

STEEL IMPORT TREND AND FUTURE SCENARIO India has been a net importer of
steel, primarily of high grade steel and special steel products. Deregulation and reduction in
import duties on steel imports has favoured steel imports. Steel imports has increased during the
past decade due to surge in domestic demand and reduction in price differential between
imported steel and domestic steel. Import volumes have been fluctuating during the past five
years and as per working group estimates steel imports during 12th FYP is estimated to be in 5-6
MT range


accounts for about 30-50% of the total cost of steel production in India. Raw materials for steel
making includes iron ore, coke, lime, ferro-alloys and refractories etc. India has a huge iron ore
reserve of about 28.52 billion tons. About 60-70 % of the iron ore produced is consumed

domestically and remaining (mostly fines) is exported. India lags in coking coal reserves and have
only 5.3 billion tons of coking coal reserves. India meets more than 50 percent of coking coal
demand through imports and imports will grow in parallel with increasing steel production
RAW MATERIAL DEMAND BY STEEL INDUSTRY About 2.5 to 3.5 ton of raw materials
is required per ton of crude steel production in India. With increasing crude steel production
capacities demand for main raw materials like iron ore and coking coal by steel industry will
increase at faster pace.


heavily dependent on raw material and bulk movement. For every tonne of steel produced about
four tonnes of raw materials requires to be transported. Indian steel industry is facing difficulties
and delays caused due to inadequate infrastructure for transportation and handling bulk
materials. Most of the steel plant does not have proper connectivity through rail network to mines
and ports. Bulk handling facility at majority of the ports, mines and steel plants are of low capacity
causing delays in loading & unloading. In most cases road networks connecting steel plants to
mines and ports are congested leading to delays in supply and delivery of raw material and other


open trade policy for steel, Indian steel industry faces global competition, hence to remain
competitive and profitable it has to adapt latest and efficient technologies. Using latest
technologies can boost steel companies business with advantages of scale, quality, productivity,
safety and higher margins. As overall exposure of Indian steel industry to latest technology
remains low, so there is a huge potential for increase in production and process optimisation. Also
with development and use of technologies suitable for steel making using iron ore fines and low
grade Indian coal, Indian steel Industry can have advantage of raw material security and

Long term outlook

Developments over the past two years have significantly

altered the Indian market and industry scenario. What has
remained unchanged however, are the usual predictions for
ambitious growth in Indian steel demand and capacity.
The India Steel Vision 2020 report, unveiled during the World
Steel Associations annual conference in New Delhi this
October, forecasts domestic finished steel demand to more than
double this decade to reach 155 million mt/year by FY 2020-21
from an estimated 71 million mt/year in FY 2011-12 (assuming
the GDP growth rate averages 8% during this period). Demand
from the construction and infrastructure sectors is expected
to continue to account for more than 60% of domestic steel
demand, as it does today

Post liberalisation in 1991 Indian steel Industry has attained a substantial growth on domestic as
well as global platform. Growing in pace with the economy Indian steel industry has positioned
itself as the largest sponge iron producer and the fourth largest crude steel producer in the world.
Global crude steel production reached 1527 MT in 2011 in which India contributed a significant
4.7%. Though effect of global economic recession post 2008 was witnessed by steel sector

globally, but Indian steel industry showed resilience and growth due to robust domestic demand.
The credit of Indian steel industrys growth goes to policies of government and Indian public and
private sector steel producers. With present low per capita steel consumption at 57 kg in India
against global average of 215 kg there lies a huge potential for steel demand growth in India. Also
the estimated massive $ 1 trillion investment in Indias infrastructure sector during 12 th FYP will
boost demand of steel. Significant steel demand will also arise from rural markets and proactive
steel producers in India have started exploring untapped rural markets to get maximum share of
this market. Indian steel industry attained appreciable growth post liberalisation but it has suffered
due to issues of efficiency, quality, safety and productivity. Future growth and sustainability of
Indian steel industry lies in adapting latest technologies, improving efficiency and optimising

SARBAJIT MANNA(11302011030)

NA'BONETA DHAR(11302011021)
SANJIT PANDIT(11302011029)
ARSHAD ALI(11302011003)
RAHUL GOND(11302011025)



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