Training Report Ktps Final
Training Report Ktps Final
Training Report Ktps Final
The rise in civilization is closely related to improvements in transportation and requirement of energy that is not readily available in large quantities but is also readily transportable. A very peculiar fact about electrical energy is that neither it is directly available in nature nor it is directly used finally in this form, yet it is so widely produced and is the most popular high grade energy. The purpose behind training is to understand the difficult concepts in a better way with gain of knowledge. Report starts with a brief introduction of KSTPS followed by Generator, Turbine, switch gear, switch yard etc. While writing the report and while I was on my training I was wondering that science is as ever expanding field and the engineers working hard day and night and make the life a gift for us.
It is a matter of great pleasure and privilege for me to present this report of 30 days on the basis of practical knowledge gained by me during practical training at KOTA SUPER THERMAL POWER STATION (KSTPS), KOTA (Raj.) during June-July-2009. I use this opportunity to express gratitude and debtness to Er. Vinod Yadav sir, Training Incharge (Electrical Engg.), CTAE, UDAIPUR. I want to express my thanks to Chief engineers of KSTPS to give their valuable time and kind co-operation, other staff members for their further co-operation to gain the better knowledge about the Power Plant.
The KOTA SUPER THERMAL POWER STATION is ideally located on the left bank of Chambal River at the upstream of KOTA BARRAGE. Thermal power station to produce electrical power for supply undertakings K.S.T.P.S. is designed for ultimate capacity of 1045 MW. First two units of 110MW each, another three units of 210MW each and further the sixth unit of 195MW have been completed. The state Rajasthan is predominantly rural and agricultural .While Rajasthan mineral sources are immense, its sources for power generation werent commensurable with its requirements. The large expense of water, stored by the barrage provides, as efficient direct circulation cooling system for the power station thus avoiding installation of cooling towers. For bringing in coal for power station and machinery and equipment etc. a 15Km long private siding from the Gurla Railway Station on Delhi-Bombay broad gauge line has been laid-up to the power station.
INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF UNITS:The units in K.S.T.P.S. are as: Stage I - (Two units each of 110 MW) Stage II- (Two units each of 210 MW) Stage III- (one unit of 210 MW) Stage IV- (one unit of 195 MW)
Generator is the main part of thermal power station or any power plant. A generator is a machine which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. The generator has gas cooling construction enclosing the stator winding, core and hydrogen coolers .The cooling medium hydrogen is contained within the frame and circulation by fans mounted on either ends of the rotor .The generator is driven by directly coupled steam turbine at a speed of 3000 rpm. Provision has been made for circulating the cooling water in order to maintain a constant temperature of the coolant i.e. H2 as measured at the fan section side which is in touch with the temperature of the winding, core and other parts as per load. Each of the 2 units under stage-1 have been provided with BHEL make 3-phase turbo generator rated 137.5 MVA, 11KV, 0.8 pf, 7220 Amp, 3000 rpm and 50 cycles/sec .The generator has closed loop of hydrogen gas system for cooling of the stator and rotor at a pressure of 2.0 atm. is filled in a gas tight outer casing of the generator. H2 gas circulates inside the casing by two single stage rotor mounted fans on either side of the rotor .The heated H2 is in turn cooled by six surface type water coolers axially mounted inside the generator casing .The cooling water is supplied to H2 coolers from the BCW over head tank. Each generator has terminal led out of its casing and a star point is formed by sorting the neutral side terminals by a sorting bar. The neutral is grounded by a 1-phase 11000/220V, 37.5 KVA. Neutral grounding transformer, whose secondary coil is laminated by laminated strip with mechanical ventilating holes, is connected across a 650V, class 0.4 ohm, 50 kW neutral grounding resistors and relays for protection of generator against stator earth faults and stator in turn faults (rating 1 amp). The H2 gas inside the generator casing is prevented from leaking in between the rotor and shields, by a continuous oil film maintained between the rotor and sealing rings .The shaft sealing system have two independent oil sources associated pumps, regulators, coolers filters, electrical controls and alarm system. Two independent oil sources are provided for air side and H2 side sealing rings. The oil circuit of the H2 side of the shaft seal is closed and the oil is vacuum treated.
Make Manufacture Rated Capacity Rated Output Rated Current Rated Terminal Voltage Rated Speed Power Factor Excitation Voltage Phase Sequence Insulation Class No. of Turns per Phase/Pole Short Circuit Ratio KWVC Craftworks, Germany BHEL 247 MVA 210 MW 9050 Amp. 15.75 KV 3000 Rpm 0.8 Lagging 310 V Double Star B 10 0.49
DESCRIPTION OF THE GENERATOR PARTS:1. STATOR BODY:Armature of a generator formed of laminations having slots on its inner periphery to accommodate armature conductors and is known as stator .The stator body is a totally enclosed gas tight fabricated structure suitably internally to rigidity . The function of stator frame is to contain and support the stator core winding , hydrogen coolers and also path for distribution of cooling hydrogen through the generator . 2. STATOR CORE:The rotating magnetic field flow with the core .In order to reduce the magnetizing (eddy) current losses in the active portion of the stator core due to rotation of field structure in between the stator the entire core is built up of thin laminations .The segments are stamped out from CRGO .The core contain several pockets separated by steel spaces for radial cooling of the core by hydrogen. 3. STATOR WINDING:The stator has 3 phase double layer, short pitched and bar type of winding having two parallel paths .Each slot accommodates two bars .The lower and upper bars are displaced from each other by one winding pitch and connected at their ends so as to form coil
groups .Each bar consists of solid as well as hollow conductors with cooling water passing through the later alternator 4. DISTILLATE HEADER:Ring type header, made up of copper are provided separately for distillated inlet and outlet min the stator of turbine side .The headers are support on insulator and insulated from stator body .At turbine side each individual bar is connected with inlet/outlet header .The vent pipe connection are at the top of the both inlet and outlet header .The vent pipes are connected to gas trap desire to measure the extent of hydrogen leakage into water circuit. 5. TERMINAL BUSHING:Three phases and six neutral terminals are brought out from the stator through bushings which are capable of withstanding high voltage and provided with gas tight joints .The bushing is assembled and tested for flow, leakage to ensure tightness and continuous flow of water. 6. END SHIELD:To make the stator body air tight the end shield are fitted .Gas tightness is achieved by putting a rubber sealing cord .The end shields are made3 in two halves convenience during erection and installation. 7. ROTOR:The field structure is the largest & heaviest component of generator and is called the rotor. The rotor houses the static excitation winding and the exciting current is supplied to the rotor through the slip rings & brushes. The rotor shaft is a single piece forging the longitudinal slot for inserting the field winding. The slots are distributed over the circumference so that two field solid poles are obtained . 8. BEARINGS:The generator bearings are of pedestal type with spherical seating. It allows self alignment and is supported on a separate pedestal on slip ring side. The bearing has a provision of hydraulic shaft lifting during start up and turning gear operation to eliminate shaft current. Shaft bearing and its pipes are insulated from earth. 9. BRUSH GEAR:The current carrying gear assembly is rigidly fixed on the extent part of the bearing pedestal on the exciter side. There are two brushes gear stand for (+) ive and (-) ive
supply. The field to stator wdg. Provide the brush gear. The designs of brushes during normal operation condition have low coefficient of friction and are self lubricating.
Transformer is made up of following parts:1. Core 2. Winding 3. On load tap changer 4. Tank 5. Bushing 6. Auxiliary equipment 7. Insulating Oil 8. Cooling system In KSTPS there are various transformers for various purposes. They are:1. Generating Transformer 2. Unit auxiliary Transformer 3. Station Transformer 4. Capacitor voltage Transformer 1. GENERATING TRANSFORMER:In KSTPS, there is one generating transformer for each unit of it. There rating are different depend upon capacity of each unit. The generated electricity from main generator is being feed into transformer, so it is known as generating transformer. It is three phase power transformer. It is also known as main transformer. There is a provision of movement of transformer on rail in the power station during erection and for repair and maintenance.
SPECIFICATIONS:Unit 1 & 2:Manufacture No. /unit Type of construction No. of phases Type of connections No. of Taps Rating Type of winding BHEL One Core type 3 HV star, LV delta 9 125 MVA, 11/240 KV HV Shielded multilayer
Type of cooling On load losses Maximum efficiency Oil Temp. Rise Core lamination material Core to LV wdg. HV to LV wdg. Insulation Vol. of Air for initial
ON/OB/OFB 78KW 99.72 40oC Cargo sheet steel Insulation Bakelite Paper, press board 5750 Lt.
Unit 3,4,5 &6:Manufacture No. /unit Rating Bushing voltage Transformer Ratio Type of cooling Rating Percentage impedance Winding Temp. Rise Line Current UNIT AUXILLIARY TRANSFORMER:BHEL One 250 MVA 240KV 15.75/220KV ON/OF/AF OF Cooling 250MVA ON Cooling 125MVA 14% 50oC HV 602.12A/ LV 9175.15A
Power required for all units auxiliary are met by UAT, one for each unit and there are five units, so five UATs are for five units. This transformer normally needs the power requirement for all units auxiliary when the unit is synchronies with the grid and has become stable. It works when load is 40% or more. SPECIFICATIONS:Unit 1 & 2:Manufacture Type Type of cooling Rating BHEL Oil filled natural cooled step down xmer ON/AN 15 MVA
Rated Primary Voltage Rated Secondary voltage Phases Rated Current Frequency Impedance ratio Oil Temp. Rise Winding Temp. Rise Core & Winding weight Weight of Oil Oil quantity
Unit 3 & 4:Manufacture Type Type of cooling Turns Ratio Oil Temp. Rise Winding Temp. Rise Phases Rated Current Frequency Connection symbol Customer 2. BHEL Oil filled natural cooled step down Xmer ON/AN 15.75 KV/ 7 KV 40oC 50oC 3 HV-550.51A, LV-1238.65A 50 Hz Dd R.S.E.B
STATION TRANSFORMER:The station transformer is rated for 50 /25/ 25MVA, 220/7/7MVA, Yd1d1 and is provided with an on load tap changer on HV winding. This permits a voltage variation of up to 10% in 16 equal steps of 1.25% each.
SPECIFICATIONS:Manufactured Total no. provided Type of construction Type of cooling Crompton Greaves Ltd, Bombay 2 Core type with three limbs ON/AN,ON/AF
Rated output Rated voltage at no load frequencycy Oil Temp. Rise Winding Temp. Rise Type of HV winding Type of LV winding
ON/AF 50/25/25 MVA HV side 220 KV LV side 7KV 50 Hz 40oC 50oC Disc Helical
INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMER:In KSTPS instrument transformer have wide range in application such as measurement of voltage, current, power & energy power factor, frequency. It is also used for protection circuit of the power system for operation of over current, under voltage, earth fault and other type of relays, The instrument transformer can be classified as (a). Current Transformer (b). Potential Transformer (a). Current Transformer:Current transformer is used for monitoring the current for the purpose of measuring and protection. They can be classified as Dead tank & Inverter type. The dead tank current transformer accommodate the secondary cores inside the tank which is at ground potential. The insulated primary passes through the porcelains and the tank and the terminals into the top chamber. The primary used in such type of construction is of U type. (b). Potential Transformer:The function of P.T. is to step down the voltage so that it can be measured by standard measurement. In three phases P.T. there is 3&5 limbs core construction. The P.T. may be dry or oil field. The P.T. above 66KV is essentially sealed with inert gas cushion provided in the top chamber to take care of expansion & construction. The transformer is generally core type and form Y-Y group and having the insulation as oil and paper
Maximum 245KV No. of phases Rated primary voltage Rated secondary voltage 1 220/sqrt 3 KV 110/sqrt 3 KV
The 220KV switch yard has conventional two buses arrangement with a bus coupled breaker. Both the generator transformer and line feeder taking off from switch yard can be taken to any of the two buses, similarly two station transformer con be fed from any two buses. Each of these line feeders has been provided with by pass isolators connected across line isolators and breaker isolators to facilitate the maintenance of line breaker. Each 220KV line has provision of local break up protection. In event of breaker which corresponding to bus bar differential protection scheme and trips out all the breakers and connected zone bus bars differential protection scheme for bus I & II. All the breaker of the connected zone and bus coupler, breaker will trip in event of fault in that zone. Each of the two bus bars has one P.T. one for each phase connected to it. Potential Transformer are make in BHEL oil filled, nitrogen sealed have two core rated for 220KV /110KV. One cores each for metering & protection. Each time line feeders has three nos. Core for each phase capacitor voltage Trans. for metering and protection are multicored single phase, oil filled, nitrogen sealed and are provided at rate of one per phase. A described of electrical equipment at 220KV system are as follows: 1. Circuit Breaker(MOCB & SF6) 2. Isolators 3. Current Transformers(C.T.) 4. Potential Transformers(P.T.) 5. Lighting Arresters 6. Earthing Arresters 7. Capacitor Voltage Transformers(C.V.T.)
CIRCUIT BREAKER:A circuit Breaker is a piece of Equipment which can:1. 2. Make or break a circuit either manually or by remote control under normal conditions. Break a circuit automatically under fault condition.
MOCB provided for each stage are BHEL made and rated for 245KV, 2500A , 134MVA. Each pole has three interrupters which are oil filled with nitrogen gas at 7.5 Kg/sq. cm. The three pole of MOCB are designed for single phase individual operation of any pole. Breaker operate can be done only from respective pole operating mechanism by putting selector switch on local. And now a days SF6 Circuit Breakers are also used. Interlock Scheme of Circuit Breaker: 1. Generator Breaker 2. Station Transformer Breaker 3. Line Feeder Breaker 4. Bus Coupler Breaker
ISOLATERS:It is essentially a knife switch and is designed to open a circuit under no load. Its main purpose is to isolate one portion of the circuit from the other and is not intended to be opened while current is flowing in the line. Such switches are generally used on both sides of circuit breakers in order that repairs and replacement of circuit breakers can be made without any danger. They should never be opened until the circuit breaker in the same circuit has been opened and should always be closed before the circuit breaker is closed.
LIGHTENING ARRESTER:An electric discharge between cloud and earth, between clouds or between the charge of the same cloud is known is as Lightening. A Lightening Arrester or a surge diverter is a protective device which conducts the high voltage surges on the power system to the ground. SPECIFICATIONS OF LIGHTENING ARRESTER:Type Maximum Voltage Maximum Current No. of Units CPC-II 198 KV / unit 10KA 6
EARTHING ISOLATORS:The term Earthing means connecting of the non-current carrying parts of the electrical equipment or the neutral point of the supply system to the general mass of earth in
such a manner that all times an immediate discharge of electrical energy takes place without danger. An Earthing isolator is a large value of capacitance. This can be charged up to line voltage. Earthing isolator is used to discharge the line capacitance and work on it.
The apparatus used for switching, controlling and protecting the electrical circuits and equipment is known as switchgear. A switch gear is one which makes or breaks electric circuit. Numerous problems arise in erection, testing and commissioning of switch gear and various precautions are to be made in operating and maintenance of switch gear.
Essential Features of Switch Gear:1. Complete Reliability 2. Absolutely certain discrimination 3. Quick operation 4. Provision for manual control 5. provision for instruments The Switch Gears used at KSTPS are indoor types. The main components of indoor switchgear are given below:1. Bus-Bars 3. Current Transformers 5. Circuit Breaker 7. Relays 2. Isolating Switches 4. Potential Transformers 6. Earthing arrangement 8. Inter-Locking arrangements
BUS-BARS:Bus bars are defined as the conductors to which several incoming and outgoing lines are connected. They are essential component of Switchgear. They are made up of Cu. and Al. The type and designers of Switchgear depends upon rated normal current and short circuit capacity. The Bus bars are enclosed in bus bar chamber. The bus bar of neighboring link units is connected by Al links. The incoming and outgoing cables are provided for metering purposes. The C.T. normally of ring type is fitted on insulated primary. The insulation is provided by cast resin fittings. In KTPS there are two types of indoor type switch gear: 1. 6.6 KV or High tension 2. 415 KV or Low tension
ISOLATING SWITCHING:1. They are capable ofa. Interrupting the Transformer Magnetizing Current. b. Interrupting line charging Current. c. Interrupting load Transformer Switching. 2. The main application is in connection with feed or bank Transformer feeders & there units make it possible to switch out one Transformer while the other is still on load.
CIRCUIT BREAKER:They are capable of breaking the circuit on faults. It is heavy duty equipment mainly utilized for protection of various circuit and separation of loads. The Circuit Breaker uses on a relay or by manual signal. The Circuit Breakers which are used in Switchgear are MOCB type.
EARTHED SWITCHES:Earthed switch is connected between line conductor and earth. Normally it is open when line is disconnected. The Earthing switched is closed so as to discharge the voltage trapped on line for high voltage and so the capacitor between line and earth is charged to high voltage. For maintenance work their voltage are discharged to earth by closing the earth switch.
INTER-LOCKING:The following type of inter- locking are provided 1. position. 2. 3. 4. provided. The Circuit Breaker can be closed only raising the final plug in position. The Circuit Breaker can be closed before raising plug in position. Inter-locking between isolators, Earthing switches and Circuit Breakers are The Circuit Breaker must be in open position before it is lowered in this
A Protective Relay is a device that detects the fault and initiates the operation of the circuit breaker to isolate the defective element from the rest of the system.
The fault, which may occur in stator winding are1. Phase to phase fault. 2. Phase to ground fault. 3. Short circuit between lines. 4. Over heating. These faults are due to1. Over voltage is because of system transients, lightening switching surges or sudden loss of load. 2. Insulation deterioration due to any matter, moisture, corona discharge, Hardening of solid and vibration. It is very necessary to minimize the tripping time during any fault so that the lamination is not damaged. The repairing being affected by replacing the faulty stator bar. A delayed clearance may damage the lamination, so fire may be caused and partial re-insulation of core may be necessary.
GENERATOR PROTECTION:The Generator is required to be tripped or isolated on following types of fault: 1. Failure of generating insulation. 2. Failure of prime mover turbine or boiler. 3. Failure of generating auxiliaries such as hydrogen gas system, seal oil system, cooling system, and cooling water system. 4. Failure of grid. The tripping command to the GT breaker is given by master trip relay 866, 86GT, and 86GB. To make it feasible the master trip relay is connected to a common bus. All the protection relays are connected in between the position of 220V.
D.C. PROTECTION AND THIS COMMON BUS:Protection device are that detect abnormal condition in electrical circuit by measuring the electrical quantity which are different under normal and fault condition. The
basic electrical quantities are voltage, current, phase angle and frequency. The relay doesnt operate for normal voltage, normal current, normal phase angle and normal frequency. Different type of protection can be listed as: 1. Current operated protection. 2. Different protection. 3. Voltage operated protection. 4. Impedance type protection. 5. Frequency type protection. 1. CURRENT OPERATED PROTECTION:a. Generated differential protection. b. Generative negative sequence protection. c. Generator output current protection. d. Generator stator earth fault protection. e. Generator REF protection. f. Generator standby earth fault protection. g. UAT o/c protection. h. Generator o/c and short circuit protection. i. L.B.B. protection. 2. DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION:a. Generator overall differential protection. b. UAT differential protection. 3. VOLTAGE OPERATED PROTECTION:a. Generator over voltage protection. b. Generator stator E/F protection. c. GT over voltage protection. d. PTs voltage supervision protection. e. Generator inter-turn fault protection. 4. IMPEDANCE TYPE PROTECTION:a. Generator back up impedance protection.
b. Generator loss of exact protection. c. Generator pole slip protection. 5. FREQUENCY TYPE PROTECTION:a. Generator under protection Frequency.
Various measurements can be taken at the control room simultaneously. The second important part of the control room is relay part. Various relays are provided here. I.L. Kota provides the instruments for control rooms.
1. FAN CONTROL DESK: a. ID Fan (Induced draft fan, 3 nos.) at full load. b. FD Fan (Forced draft fan, 2nos.) at full load. c. PA Fan (Primary air fan, 3 nos.) at full load.
2. PRESSURE CONTROL DESK: a. Furnace pressure (5-10mm.) b. Primary air header pressure (750-800mm.) CP-II:1. FUEL CONTROL DESK:a. Coal oil flow. b. Oil pressure. c. Temperature of mill (inlet or outlet) d. Flow of air (54 tones per hour) CP-III:a. Drum level control, flow of steam water b. Pressure of steam and water. c. Temperature of steam and water. CP-IV:1. TURBINE DESK:a. Pressure control, load mode control. b. Speed control.
c. Ejector, control valves, stops valves and deviators. CP-V:1. GENERATOR CONTROL PANEL:a. Voltage, current, MVAR. b. Stator, rotor temperature. c. For stator cooling.
Electrical supply system is the most important part of the thermal power station. The failure of even comparatively small equipment could result in the losing of load or being put out of commission.
SOURCE OF SUPPLY: 1. URGENT AUXILLARY: Those are associated with running of units whose loss would cause an immediate reduction unit output. 2. SERVICE AUXILLARY: These are common auxiliaries associated with one or more units. There loss would not affect the output of the unit after considerable time of interval.
SELECTION OF SERVICE VOLTAGE: The selection of service voltage at which the large number of auxiliaries in a station to be supplied has to be made at very early stage in the design. Accordingly the rating of the unit service voltages is selected. These service voltages for different ratings are: (1)Above 210MW (2)Up to 210MW Three service voltage may be required 415V, 6.6KV & 11KV. Two auxiliary voltage of 415V & 6.6KV are required.
ELECTRICAL AUXILLARY SYSTEM: The KSTPS auxiliaries are operated at two voltages that are 6.6KV and 415V. In respect of 6.6KV system, auto change over facility is provided for change over of source of supply from unit station in the case of unit trip out. The station is having the following auxiliary system: -
415 V SYSTEMS: For driving ten 100W motors and other accessories, we need 415V supply. For this purpose various transformer are used to step down 6.6 KV to 415V at various places. Oil circuit breaker is provided between 6.6 KV bus and primary winding of transformer. This system is three phase, 4-wire solidly grounded system is made available for 1000 KVA, 6.6 KV/ 433V transformer. All 415 circuit breakers are Air Circuit Breaker.
240 V SYSTEMS: -Single - , 240 V, 50 HZ. System is provided for control circuits of
contactors modular of all 415 V switchgear or MCC space heating of various switchgears and space heating of all motor above 37.5 KW rating. Each of modules with power contactor in 415 V 24 V SYSTEMS: -Single - , 24 V, 50 HZ. Supply is used for winding heating of motors up to 37.5 KW. This is made available by one or more 1- 415 V/24 V, 4 KVA transformers. Three transformers are provided with 415 V switchgear/MCB.
220 KV SYSTEMS: -Two 220 KV buses have been provided in switchyard and are inter
connected through a bus coupler. Each of the 2X110 MW generators are connected to this system through a step up 125 MVA 240/11 KVYDI generator.
220 V A.C. SYSTEMS: -1- 24 V, 50 cycles supply is used for winding heating of
motors up to 37.5 MW. This is made available by 415V/24 V, 4KVA transformer provided for each 415 V switchgear /MCC. The control circuitry of the motors feeders up to 37.5 KW
ensures that the winding heating supply in switch head off before the main power supply to motor is switched on.
220 V D.C. SYSTEMS: The station 220V D.C. system is used for control, interlocks, and protection indication and annunciation circuit of various equipments. In addition some critical unit and station auxiliary also operate on 220 V D.C. e.g. D.C. emergency oil pump for turbine lubrication D.C. SOP D.C. lightning etc.
Turbine is an m/c in which a shaft is rotated steadily by the impact of reaction of steam of working substance upon blades of a wheel. It converts the potential energy or heat energy of the working substance into mechanical energy. When working substance is steam it is called Steam Turbine In the steam turbine the pressure of the steam is utilized to overcome external resistance and the dynamic action of the steam is negligibly small.
PRINICIPLE:Working of the steam turbine depends wholly upon the dynamic action of steam. the steam is caused to fall with pressure in a passage of nozzle, due to this fall in pressure, a whole amount of heat energy is converted into mechanical energy & steam is set moving with the reactor velocity. The rapidly moving particle of steam enter the moving part of turbine and here suffers a change in the direction of motion which gives rise to change of momentum and therefore to a force. This constitutes a driving force to a machine. The passage of the m/c through the moving part of the turbine commonly called the blade, may take place in such a manner that the pressure at the outlet sides of the blade is equal to that of the inlet side. Such a turbine is broadly termed as outlet turbine or Impulse Turbine. On the other hand, the pressure of the steam at outlet from the moving blade may be less than that at type inlet side of the blade. The drop of pressure suffered by the steam during its flow through the moving blades causes a further generation of kinetic energy within the blades and adds to the propelling force which is applied to the turbine rotor, such a turbine is broadly termed as Reaction Turbine.
TURBINE SPECIFICATION: Rated output Economic output Rated speed Direction of rotation viewing front pedestal Maximum pressure of steam before the stop valve Maximum temperature of steam before the stop valve Maximum pressure of steam before MP Casing 110 MW 95 MW 3000 rpm. Clockwise 145atm. 545oC 35atm.
A boiler is an enclosed that provides a means for combustion heat to be transfer into water until it becomes heated water or steam. Its volume increases 1600 times. The process of heating a liquid until reaches its gaseous states its called evaporation. The boiler system comprises of 1. feed water system 2. steam system 3. Fuel system
1. Feed Water system:It provides water to the boiler and regulate feed according to demand.
2. Steam system:It collects and controls the steam produced in the boiler steam are directed through a piping system to a point of use. Steam pressure is regulated using valves and checked with pressure gauges.
3. Fuel system:Fuel system includes all equipments used to provide fuel to generate the necessary heat for higher boiler efficiency feed water is preheated by economizer using the waste heat in the flue gases.
ECONOMIZER:The purpose of the economizer is to preheat the boiler feed water before it is introduced into the steam drum, and to recover some of the heat from the flue gases leaving the boiler. Economizer is located in the boiler near gas pass below the rear horizontal super heater. Each section is composed of a number of parallel tube circuits. All tube circuits originate from the inlet header & discharge into the outlet header & economizer header tubes.
1. Pendant Section 2. Platen Section 3. Rear Horizon Section 4. Steam Cooled Wall
5. Roof Section 1. Pendant Section:It is located directly behind the screen tubes. It absorbs heat by convection.
2. Platen Section:It is located directly above the furnace in front of the furnace or arcs. It absorbs heat mainly by radiation.
3. Rear Horizon Section:It is located in the rear vertical gas pass above the economizer. It is the primary super heater of the convulsive counter flow type.
4. Steam Cooled Wall Section:It is from the side front and rear walls and roof of the vertical gas pass.
REHEATER:It is composed of two stages or sections the front pendant vertical spaced and
the rear spaced. Rear pendant is located above the furnace arcs between the water cooled screen tubes and the rear water wall hanger tubes.
AIRPREHEATER:The function of an air preheater is similar to that of an economizer. It recovers some portion of heat of flue (exhaust) gases and transfers the same to the air before it passes into the furnaces for combination purposes. Air preheater is generally placed after the economizer, so that the flue first pass through the economizer and then to the air preheater. Air preheater is of two types, recuperative and regenerative type
TANGENTIAL FIRING SYSTEM:In the tangential firing system the furnace itself constitutes the burner. Fuel and air are introduced to the furnace through four windows assembly located in the furnace corners. The fuel and air steams from the wind boxs nozzles are directed to a firing circle in the centre of furnace.
1. Intake air fillers:- In take air filler is used to prevent dust from entering
2. Inter stage coders:-Reduce temp of air before it enters the next stage to reduce work
of compression and increase work efficiency. They are normally water Cooled.
3. Air Dryers:-The remaining moisture is removed by using air dryers as air forged
instrument & pneumatic equipments has to be relatively free from any moisture
CLARIFICATION AND FILTERATION OF WATER:River water contains different impurities i.e. Suspended impurities Biological impurities Soluble impurities Colloidal impurities
WORKING:The raw water enters through valve and than chemicals is added. Chlorine and alum are added. Chlorine is added to remove bacteria etc. Alums are added to make the impurities heavier, once the impurities become heavier than a no. of flocs are formed. By mixing the alums, heavy impurities are settle down due to gravity and later removed. The time required for the formation of floc is called retention time which is generally 3 hours but this cant be achieved as it require large tank. In order to cope up the limitation CLARRIFOCCULATION TANK is used. This flocculation tank is consist of 1. Clarification zone 2. flocculation zone After the addition of chemical the basic requirement arises is of mixing. Thus flash mixers are used. Normally the chemicals mix naturally but when the raw water contains much impurity than agitators are used to mix them. Clarrifocculation tank has a central pillar which has four windows at 90 degree. The outer circle is half of windows so that level of water is arise then it flows down
through these windows into overflow channel. After mixing from flash mixer, the water passes on to central pillar and follows the path as shown in fig. i.e. it moves to max. floc area and comes out from window at 3.5 m height. The downward flow is through perforated wall which sinks the raw water. Due to the long path a retention time of 4 hour is easily available. The capacity of water in this plant is 1000*1000 lt./hr. In flocculation zone max. floc is formed and after removing it, the clear water moves into clarifier. Some impurities are weightless and do not settle down so they are passed through filter beds. There are two types of filter beds. 1. 2. Gravity filter bed. Forced filter bed. In FORCED FILTER BEDS raisins are added to settle down the impurities. In GRAVITY FILTER BEDS graded gravels are arranged. At bottom gravels of big size are there and above other gravels are arranged according to size. Above it grit and most of the above is sand. The clarified water enters into sump. Sump is fully closed leaving one window to see the level. Since it is fully closed hence no foreign matter can enter into it.
Water is mainly used for cooling purpose of different parts like bearing winding etc. in KSTPS. For this water should be Demineralized (D.M. water). In this plant process water is freed from all dissolved salts. Equipments for demineralization cum softening plant is supplied and erected by M/S WANSON (India) Ltd. Pune. This plant consists of two streams, each stream with activated carbon filter, weak acid, carbon exchanger and mixed bed exchanger. The filter water goes to DM water plant through 250 dia header from where a header top off has been taken off to softening plant. Two filtered water booster pumps are provided on filtered water line for meeting the pressure requirement in DM plant. When pressure drop across filter exceeds a prescribed limit from the activated carbon filter enter works acid carbon unit. The dilation water enter the weak base anion exchanger unit water then enters degassifier unit where free CO2 is scrubbed out of water by upward counter flow of low pressure air flow through degassifier lower and degassed water is pumped to strong base exchanger(anion exchanger).
Arrangement for designing ammonia solution into dematerialized water after mixed bed unit has been provided for pH correction before water is taken into the condensate transfer pump the DM water to unit condenser as make up. The softening plant is a plant designed to produce 100 cubic m/hr. of softened water per stream. It is using for bearing cooling.
PH VALUE OF WATER:This is recommended to feed the water in the boiler at 25 degree centigrade and pH value is 8.2 to 9.2 up to 28 days and the pressure is 59 Kg \cm2.
COAL HANDLING PLANT INTRODUCTION:The term coal handling plant means to store and to handle the coal which is transported by the train and convey to the bunkers with the help of belt conveyers. Through the bunkers coal is transferred to the coal mill and drifted to the furnace. The coal handling plant includes wagon tippler, conveyer belt, crusher house, stacker & reclaimer, bunkers & coal mill.
Coal Supply in KSTPS:The coal for KSTPS is received from BHARAT COKING COAL,
Vibrating feeders:Type Capacity Method of operation Belt weightier type Magnetic separator type Electro magnet 350 T /hr Pulsating direct current Electromagnetic DC operated electromagnet
Crusher:Type Capacity Feed size to crusher Type of crusher cleaning Motor rating Drive ring granulator 550 T/hr 300 mm Water jet cleaning 500 HP
Vibrating screens:Type mechanical Location Capacity Stacker type Effective stack pile height Travel speed Location crusher house vibrating screens crusher house 675 T/Hr Reversible stacker 9m 7.5 to 15 m/min (a) at loading & discharge point (b) At vibrating ends (c) At ring granulator
2. STAGES OF COAL HANDLING PLANT: Wagon Tippler:The term Wagon Tippler contains two words WAGON & TIPPLER .Wagon means the compartment of train which is just like a container which is used to carry the coal from mines to generating stations & the word Tippler means a machine, which is used to unload the wagon into the hopper. Hopper is just like a vessel which is made of concrete & it is covered with a thick iron net on its top. Here big size coal pieces are hammered by the labors to dispose it into the hopper.
Convey of coal to crusher house:After unloaded the coal wagon into the concrete hopper, the supply of coal is control by Apron Feeder and Scrapper. Apron feeder is made of iron .After passing through the scrapper conveyor the coal is fed into the Roll Crusher where the crushing of coal takes place. In the roll crusher there are two shafts on which metal hammer are mounted, these two
rollers rotates in opposite direction to each other. When the coal comes in between these two rollers it gets crushed into small pieces and then convey to the separator through belt conveyor. In Pent house there is a belt weightier which is used to weight the belt which carry the coal and feed into the separator with the help of Flap Gate .
Primary Crusher house:Coal crusher house is a part of coal handling plant where the coal is crushed with the help of a crusher machines .In crusher machine there is pair of two shafts on which hammer are fixed. Both shafts rotates in opposite direction due to which when coal comes between the two shafts crushed into the small pieces and conveyed to the bunkers or open storage (stacker) according to the requirement through the belt conveyor.
Stacker & reclaimer:Stacker is a place where the open storage of a coal takes place. Reclaimer means the unloading of coal from the stacker.
Coal Mill:In coal mill, coal is pulverized or crushed properly into the powdered form. Hot air is mixed with powdered coal to remove the moisture from the coal, which increases the efficiency of plant. Pulverization is done to increase the surface area of coal. From coal mill coal is drift to the furnace with the help of air. There are four main equipment of coal mill, which are as follows:-
Bunkers:These are basically used to store crushed coil which comes from crusher house.
Feeders:These are used to control the supply of crushed coal to the mill depending upon load condition.
Feeder pipe:Feeder pipe are used to convey the crushed coal to the Tube mill or Bowl mill.
Tube mill:Tube mill is used to pulverize the crushed coal. In the tube mill there is a cylinder which continuously rotates with 17 to 20 rpm. Around the cylinder there are steel
balls which are around of 70 tones in weight and 50 mm in diameter. These balls are known as thicrome grinding media ball. Coal is pulverized when it comes between the stationary surface of the shell & the steel ball. Then this pulverized coal is drifted to classifier where filtration of coal takes place. In unit 3 to 6 Tube mill is used.
It is used to reject heat into the atmosphere. There are two types of the cooling tower. (1) Natural draft (2) Mechanical draft Natural draft tower used vary large concrete chimney to introduce air through the media. They are generally used for water flow rate about 45000 m3 /hour. It is used in utility power station. Mechanical draft tower utilize large fans to force or suck air through circulating water. The water falls downward over fills surface which helps in increase the contact time between the water and air. This held maximize heat transfer between two media. Cooling rates depend upon fan diameter and speed. This type of tower much wider used. Mechanical draft towers are available in a capacity from approximately 10 tones, 2.5 m3/hour flow to several thousands tones and m3/hour. Many towers are constructed so that they can be grouped to achieve the desired capacity. Fills may be horizontal. Water falls over successive layers, splash bars continuously breaking into smaller droplets. Plastic is better than wood splash filling. Circulating water pump house has pumps for condensing the steam for condenser. Five pumps are used for condensing unit no. 1 & 2 and after condensing this water are discharged back into river. Each pump has capacity of 8275vcubic m/hr. develop the pressure about 1.94 kgf/ Three seal water pumps are used sealing CW pumps shaft at pressure 4.5 kg/ Two pumps for unit 1 and 2 with one stand is used for supplying raw water to clarified chemical dosing is done in between and clarified water is taken through main line. From main line water passes through filter bed to filter the water. Clarified water is pumped to 42 m. elevation by two pump of capacity 270 cubic m/hour at the discharge pressure of 6.9 kg/ At 42 meter elevation the water is stored in tank and used for cooling the oil coolers and returned back to river. Oil coolers are situated at ground and are three in no. each unit.
DEAERATOR DEAREATION OF FEED WATER:In deareation dissolve gases such as oxygen & CO2 are expelled by preheating the feed water before it enters the boiler. All natural water contains dissolve gases in solution (i.e. oxygen + CO2) are released when water heated.
In condenser steam changes into water. The basic requirement is to remove latent heat from the steam which is removed by another water (clarified water) when it accepts the latent heat and becomes hot, than it is passed to cooling tower. In cooling tower the water is cooled and then mix with river water.
PUMPS The entire green colored instrument is pumps which are 18 in no. to further pass the water. 1. FILTER WATER TRANSFER PUMP:It is soft section consisting two types:-
BEARING COOLING WATER PUMP:All the bearing temperature is controlled through oil bath and filter water is
used. Oil is used to cool the supplied water. Here doesnt used raw water because at the time of puncture it enters in the machinery part and small impurity may stop the operation.
CONDENSATE WATER PUMP:This pump is coupled with blue colored motor. In order to couple it with
motor a little opening is left through which water leaks out when pumped
2. FILTER WATER TRANSFER PUMP:This pump transfers water to D.M. plant. These pumps are in D.M. section.
Hydrogen gas is used for cooling purpose for rotor of the generator. For cooling purpose we have to use 99.9% pure hydrogen. To avoid fire so we have to apply Hydrogen cooling. It is very difficult to generate and store the Hydrogen gas because it is very explosive. Hydrogen as a coolant has the following advantages over air: 1. More efficiency and less noise. 2. Better Cooling. 3. More life and less maintenance. 4. Less chance of fire hazard. 5. Better rating.
GENERATING PLANT:Hydrogen gas is produced by electrolytic dialysis by mixing KOH in D.M. water. This reaction is done in electrolyser where Anode and Cathode are applied. Anode plate is used for collecting H2 and Cathode plate is used for collecting O2. For electrolytic dialysis 3000 Ampere current is passed into electrolyser. O2 is released to atmosphere and H2 is sent to next machinery for further treatment.
COLLECTING PROCESS:H2 Gas from electrolyser Refrigerator for cooling Separator to separate the moisture Compressor Catalytic purifier Dryer (Al2O3) H2 cylinder. In compressor H2 is treating in three steps where pressure is raised up to 130 Kg/cm2. In dryer Alumina is used to absorb moisture.
CAPACITY:In KSTPS the full day capacity of H2 generating is 40 cylinders per day. But in plant per day utilization are of 15 cylinders. Per cylinder capacity is 200-250 kg and stored H2 is 99.8% pure.
PRECAUTION:H2 is very explosive gas so we have to take precautionary steps in order to avoid any accident these steps are as follows 1. To avoid any accident plant timing is fixed 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.
2. 3. 4.
In generating plant underground wiring is used and spark proof lamination bulbs are Siren:-H2 ppm is kept maintain if it has some variation than Siren will start. Special roof is made for H2 plant so if gas is leakage than it will escape out easily.
If suspended particles are not removed from the flue glass, and it is allowed to be released in environment, then it would cause a serious threat to the environment, so it becomes necessary to extract suspended particles from the flue glass and for this purpose ESP is widely used.
CONSTRUCTION:The main parts of ESP are as follows: Casing Hoppers Collecting system Emitting system Rapping mechanism for collecting system Rapping mechanism for emitting system Insulator housing
CASING:- It is designed for horizontal gas flow to provide for heat expansion, the
casing is supported by roller bearing support.
.Rapping frequency is very low to minimize the dust loss. The hammers are operated by motor, so that they strike the plate at fixed frequency.
Soot blowing is the process by which we clean the boiler tubes with the help of steam .A large number of tubes are present inside the boiler .Slowly the fine ash particles get collected on the tube surface and form a layer, this layer of ash particles is called soot. It reduces the thermal conductivity.Mainly three types of soot blowers are used in KSTPS. 1. Water wall 2. Super heater soot blower (S.H.S.B) 3. Airpreheater soot blower (A.P.S.B)
1. WATER WALL:-They are 40 in no. and have travel time of 1.5 minute
.Initially these are outside the boiler ,when soot blowing process start ,the glance of the soot blower enter inside the boiler and then rotate and come outside again .
3. AIR PREHEATER SOOT BLOWER:There are only 2 A.P.H.S.B and has 55 minute traveling time .It is like a disc ,and have only rotary motion and takes 55 minute for completing the cycle.
In KSTPS we convert potential energy or chemical energy of the fuel into heat by the process of combustion. The heat is given to the water and it converts its form into steam. The pressure of steam rotates the turbine, which is now in the form of kinetic energy. Generator producing electrical energy, which is sand to different localities for utilization, consumes this kinetic energy. Enthalpy is defined as the thermodynamic property of a system, is equal to the sum of the sum of its internal energy and the product of its pressure and volume. Enthalpy is an ancient Greek word meaning evolution and many eminent scholars have been attempted to define it. It is a mathematical concept of available energy in the steam. Efficiency in the case of electrical generator process can be expressed as the amount of heat energy librated in the boiler compared with the amount of electrical energy generated with it.
PLANT EFFICIENCY: We will divide whole plant efficiency in four-component efficiency: (1). Cycle efficiency (2). Turbo generator efficiency (3). Boiler efficiency (4). Auxiliary power efficiency Overall = Boiler x Turbine x Cycle x Generator
1. CYCLE EFFICIENCY: Cycle efficiency being the maximum possible heat energy that could be obtained from any particular set of steam conditions employed. The operation of heat reduction of condenser, which is almost 50% of the total available heat, makes ranking cycle relatively inefficient. Cycle = energy available for conversion in work Energy given in boiler as heat
It can be controlled by: (a). Condenser vacuum. (b). Steam conditions of CV and LV (c). Regenerative feed heating.
2. ALTERNATOR EFFICIENCY: The alternator is a efficient machine at about 98 % efficiency. The losses are: (a). Copper and iron loss (b). Wind age losses Operationally the plant is governed by the grid requirements. For voltage we use the set out from generator transformer.
3. BOILER EFFICIENCY: It depends upon: (a). Dry flue gas loss: Increase by excess air in boiler. (b). Wet flue gas loss: Moisture in coal. (c). Moisture in combustion loss: Hydrogen loss. (d). Radiator and in accounted loss.
4. TURBINE EFFICIENCY: It means the efficiency of steam turbine in converting the heat energy made available in the cycle into actual mechanical work. Turbine losses falls into one or two groups either losses external to the turbine or losses directly related to the expansion of the steam in the cylinder.
The first phase of Practical Training has proved to be quite fruitful. It provides an opportunity for encounter with such huge machines like wagon tippler, 110MW & 210MW Turbines and Generators. The architecture of the power plant, the way various units are linked and the way working of whole plant is controlled make the student realize that engineering is not just learning the structure description and working of various machine but the great part is of planning proper management. It also provides an opportunity to lean low technology used at proper place and time can cave a lot of labor e.g. Wagon tippler (CHP). But there are few factors that require special mention. Training is not carried to its true spirit. It is recommended that there should be some project specially meant for students where presence of authority should be ensured. There should be strict monitoring of the performance of students and system of grading be improved on basis of work done. However training has proved to be quite fruitful. It has allowed an opportunity to get an exposure of the practical implementation to theoretical fundamentals.