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Matrix school of management studies

Vision To create an ambience for acadmic excellence


Leveraging knowledge to expand your horizon


Masteof business administration of university of pune is two year duration , consisting of four semesters .at the end of second semester ,as per the requirement of second semester , as per the requirement of university of pune ,all the students are required to undergo summer internship program or summer internship training . The research techniques can be learnt and adopted for the summer internship projects.this monograph contains the guidelines to facilitate the research students to work on the project report in scientific manner . As the summer internship program requires the understanding and use of research methodology,the main focus of monograph is the research methods and techniques to be used for project.the research student will be in the better position to work on the research project successfully if the provided guidelines are used systematically. In this monograph a step by step approach to execute the research project is given . it is a practical way of conducting and compailing research project .


We take this opportunity as a privilege to express our deep sense of gratitude to prof. M.N. Navale, honorable founder president,Dr. (Mrs.)shilpa Kulkarni,founder secretary and Mr.Rajesh Kulkarni ,Vice president for their invaluable support and encouragement for completing monograph. We also wish to express special thanks to all teaching and non teaching staff members of matrix school of management studies ,pune for continuous support . we would also like to acknowledge all well wishers for their help and encouragement. We hope that this monograph benefits the students as well as instructors for the summer projects.

Contents Items Introduction Research project formate:initial items Body of report Terminal items Guidelines for reviewing draft and making final report Annexure I to X Monograph reference Page no. 1 7 11 28 31 38 47

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Summer internship program

The summer internship program aims to widen the student s perspective by providing an exposure to real life organizational and environmental situations. The student can become a part of the organization s functional activities and can be exposed to the challenges of actual working. Summer projects are interdisciplinary and involve assigning independent responsibility to the involve assigning independent responsibility to the summer interns,under the guidance of the senior executive. Sometimes the project assignment is strategically important and so can be confidential in nature ,which reflects the confidence imposed in the intern by the organization.the work done by students has been greatly appreciated by many organizations and a significant number of their recommendations have been implemented successfully . Project can be undertaken in the areas of strategy formulation ,business process reengineering,MIS,ERP/SAP implementation,retail/investment banking ,industry analysis ,new product launches,sales and distribution,market research and effect of advertising etc. An additional benefit that organization have come to realize is the unique opportunity to evaluate the student from a long-term perspective .this is reflected in the increasing number of pre-placement offers(PPos)made to summer learns by highly satisfied organizations. Master of business administration course of university of pune is of two years duration , consisting of four semesters. At the end of second semester , as per the requirement of University of Pune , all the students are required to undergo Summer Internship Program or Summer Internship Training . They Can do it in their chosen field of specialization .The duration of this program is of 50 to 60 days . This monograph contains the guidelines to facilitate the research students to work on the project report in a scientific manner . The research students will be in a better position to work on the research project successfully if the provided guidelines are used systematically .

Objective of the monograph

1. To develop the skills of doing research project successfully . 2. To develop the skills of writing project report scientifically. 3. To facilitate the analytical way of solving any problem. The objectives of the Summer Internship Program 1. To expose the students to the current business environment and to understand functioning of a business enterprise. 2. To establish link between theory and practice. 3. To apply management tools and techniques and concepts to understand and solve organizational problems using research methodology .

The student are required to submit the project report based on the collected data and the application of research . What is research ? Research is a process of collecting ,analyzing and interpreting information to answer questions. It is a way of thinking and examining critically the various aspects of the professional work . It is a habit of questioning what is done , and a systematic examination of the observed information to find answers with a view toinstituting appropriate for a more effective professional service.

The summer internship researcher should aim of the understanding the business scenario of the organization. The aims of summer internship program are : 1. To understand the functioning of the department of the project is to be conducted . 2. To understand the problem area of the organization in the particular function . 3. Apply research methodology , through collection of data ,and to find causes of problem. After analysis of the data give suggestions which can facilitate to take care of the problem . Features of Good Report Write-up The research report written in scientific manner should have the following principles characteristics feactures: 1. Consistency 2. Connectivity

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Indentation continuity Highlighting Openness Asserting Congruence Ordering Compatibility Necessary jargons Elaboration Self-sufficiency Enrichment Synthesis-analysis-synthesis

Types of research projects What type of research project can be undertaken for study at the organizations ? They are : y y Comprehensive case study : covering a single organization with problem formulation , analysis and recommendations. Empirical research : empirical research is the research that bases its finding on direct and indirect observations as its test of reality . This research is usually conducted to answer a specific question or to test a hypothesis .

Research project theme/area The research project can be conducted in the area of General management Finance and accounting Organizational Behavior Human resource management Marketing management Management information system Operation management Material and logistics management

y y y y y y y y

Research Project Format: Initial Items

The research report has to be formulated in specific way. The initial pages , where the title of the project , the required certificate , declaration, acknowledgements ,executive summary are presented , page number is not to be given . The way these pages should be formatted is given below .

Page 1 Title/cover page : the following points are to be taken care of for the title page : -The title of the project : It should be in capital letters ,should have clarity,should be in inverted comma ,and should be in minimum words. The name of the company where the project is done should also be given . -Project report submitted to :Name of the university -For the partial fulfillment of requirement of degree -Followed by the name of the student in the capital letters and qualifications of the guide -Name of the institute : Name of the institute in capital letters and the address of institute .

Page 2 If you want to dedicate your project to any one ,you can do that on this page .

Page 3 Declaration On this page the researcher has to give declaration that this is his original work and the conclusions drawn therein are based on the material collected by him . It is not submitted anywhere else .

Page 4 The certificate by the college guide declaring that it is the original work of the student and has not been submitted anywhere else , has to be placed here .

Page 5 The certificate of the company where he has done the work has to be placed over here . The certificate should be on the company letterhead and it has to be signed by the company authority . Page 6 Acknowledgement The student has to acknowledge the help extended by everyone involved for research project from the institute as well as from the organization where he/she has done the work . Page 7 This page will have table of content Page 8 This page will have the list of table of the project. Page 9 This page will have the list of figures if any in the research work . Page 10 List of abbreviations used in the research . After these pages the numbering of pages of the project will start with Executive Summary being number one . At the end of the project the annexure are to be attachd. Annexure 1 : Bibliography Annexure 2:Questionnaire

Body of the Report

Executive summary

Executive summary: It is the given page number 1 One page summary which contain gist of all the chapters has to be written here . It should be contain the essence of all the chapters on the single page from the introduction to topic,company profile , main objective of the study , scope and limitations of the study , research methodology adopted , data analysis and interpretations , main findings and suggestions and conclusions.

Chapter I : Introduction This is the first chapter of the project , which should cover the following points : 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Basic theoretical concepts and contexts of the Topic. Literature Review . Need for the study . Statement of the problem. Objective of the problem. Research Hypotheses Scope and Study. The detail descriptions of these points are as under : 1.1 Basic theoretical concepts and context of the Topic: This point should be cover the following: y y Basic concept related to the topic.For example :if the work is related to labor welfare then basic concepts of the subject should be covered. The theoretical context of the concerned discipline of the problem should be specified .

1.2 Literature Review :

The following points are expected in literature review. The text books and web sites can be used for reference with the reference given in footnotes and in the bibliography. y y y A brief note of overview of work already done in the area of the selected research topic. Minimum ten projects /articles should be reviewed . Review write up should be in the scientific manner covering . i. Name of the author whose paper is under review . ii. Title and objective in summary form . iii. Methodology adopted to study the objectives. iv. Summarizing the major findings . v. Highlighting research gaps if any .

Foot note reference should be given .

1.3 Need for the study : y y Why this study should be undertaken . The selected problem in the theoretical context of the concerned discipline should be specified .

1.4 Statement of the Problem: This point should cover the following : y The problem to be investigated should be presented clearly and briefly . y Statement should emerge from the need for the study . y It should be object oriented . y It should be written in inverted commas . 1.5 Objectives of the project: There can be major and minor objectives. This point should cover the following : y y y The objectives of the project should be made in clear,specific and precise terms. The objectives of the project should be put in serial points . They should be related to the title of the research project.

y y y

They should be in minimum words . They should indicate scope of the study . They should be in minimum number.

1.6 Research Hypotheses : This point should cover the following : What is a hypothesis is a tentative generalization the validity of which remain to be y y y y y y y Specify research hypothesis that you want to investigate in this study . They should be clear , specific and precise . They should state the relationship of variables . They should be simple . They should be limited in scope. They should be testable statements. They should be in minimum number.

1.7 Scope of the Study :

This point should cover the following: Specific mention should be made of the rational scope of the research problem of the project,such as :

y y y y

Geographical scope of the study. The topical scope of the study. Analytical scope of the study. The function scope of the study.

Chapter No II: profile of the Organization In this chapter the following points are expected : 2.1 Name, Address and Location of the chapter. 2.2 Vision and Mission of the organization.

2.3 organizational chart of the Company. 2.4 Different Departments of the organization. 2.5 Different product profile of the organization. 2.6 Current status of the Company. 2.7 Future Plans and any other Relevant Information of the organization. 2.8 Any special Achievements of the organization. The detail descriptions of these points are as under : 2.1 Name, Address and Location of the company: These points should cover the following: y y Name of the Company. Address and location of the company.

2.2 Vision and Mission of the organization: y y Vision and Mission statement(s) of the company should be written as it is given. If the Vision and Mission statements of the company do not exist, the student should indicate importance of these, and help the company to develop Vision and Mission statements or give in the suggestions that Vision and Mission statements for the company have to be develop and communicated to the employees as well as the customers. This contribution can be put in the project .

2.3 Historical Background of the Organization: y y Growth path of the company should be written in points with years giving the progress of the organization. Right from the foundation to current day,progress of the organization should be mentioned. 2.4 Organizational Chart of the Organization: Organizational chart of the company. 2.5 Different Departments of the organization: y y List of all the different departments. The different departments should be listed by sequence. 2.6 Different Product Profile of the organization: This point should cover the following:

y y y

If sample study unit is manufacturing company,all the products should be listed. If possible, add picture photocopy of each product. Product list should have technical details of the product. 2.7 Current status of the Company: y Current market position of company should be given. y Current financial position of company should be given. y Reasons for profit/loss should be discussed. y Marketing strategies also should be listed. 2.8 Future plans and any other relevant Information of the organization: y y Any other relevant information regarding the company should be given. Any special information and awards received by the company should be mentioned.

Chapter III: Research Design and Methodology

A good research design ensure optimal utilization of time,money and energy. Thus, this chapter should contain information on the following points: 3.1 Sample Design. 3.2 sources and Methods of Data Collection. 3.3 Methods of Data Analysis and statistical techniques. 3.4 Key Concepts and definations. 3.5 Scheme of the Study. 3.6 Limitations and Assumptions of the Study. The detail descriptions of these points are as under: This point should cover the following: y y y y y y Sampling should be specified. Sampling frame should be defined. Sample size should be defined. Sampling procedure statically/judgments should be defined. Know the budgetary constraints. Understand sampling errors.

y y

An explanation of the determination of size and type of sample will also be necessary. Proposals not requiring a sample selection should specify their strategy appropriately and describe the rationale.

3.2 Source and Methods of Data Collection: In this point the following information should be covered. The different types of data that are required to be gathered and to be used should be specifically mentioned. Data collection methods may be as : primary and secondary 1. Sources of primary data collection: y Observations. y Interview Schedule. y Questionnaire. y Discussion with some concerned peoples. 2. Sources of secondary data Collection: y Bibliography database. y Abstract Database. y Filed information or data. y Full text database. y Online database. y Unpublished database.

The sources for each type of data and the tools and techniques that will used for collecting different types of data should be specified.

3.3 Methods of Data Analysis and statistical Techniques:

This points should cover the following: y Different types of data analysis techniques used in the research project should be specifically mentioned. Such as:

-Basic analytical tools, such as Tabular Analysis, Graphical Analysis, Percentage Analysis or ratio Analysis etc.

- Project students can use some advanced techniques in the project for data analysis, which can include regression Analysis, Multivariate Analysis, ANOVA etc when necessary. The utilization of the specific tool for the analysis can be specifically explained by the researcher.

3.4 Key Concepts and Definitions: If some special technical terms used in the research project, those terms should be defined clearly. 3.5 Scheme of the Study: This point should cover the following: y Outline of all chapters should be given here. For example: Chapter I Introduction -Chapter II -Chapter III -Chapter IV -Chapter V 3.6 Limitations and Assumptions of the study: This point should cover the following: Major limitations of the study should be specified. The assumption if any should be mentioned. Chapter IV: Data presentation, Analysis and Interpretation This chapter should contain information on the following points: 4.1 Getting Data Ready for Analysis 4.2 Data Analysis 4.3 Interpretation of results. 4.4 Discussion on Result Derived. 4.5 Research Question Answered. The detail descriptions of these points are as under: 4.1 Getting Data Ready for Analysis: Collection of adequate data is fundamental requirement. y Editing data y Handling blank responses. y Coding data. y Categorizing data.

y y

Creating data file. 4.2 Data Analysis: A. Present data in tabular forms: The analytical tool will require a specific table. Depending on the tool the required table can be used for analysis. y y y y y y y Frequency tables. Responses tables. Contingency tables. Univariate tables. Bivariate tables. Statistical tables. Time Series tables. B. All tables should have technical feature ,such as: i. Table number. ii. Title of the table. iii. Captions(Columns Heading) iv. Stubs(Row Heading) v.Table Body vi. Head note vii.Foot Note C. Use of the data: Use basic of statistics such as i. Frequencies ii. Mean iii. Standard Deviation iv. Coefficient of Variation v.Correlation vi. ANOVA by using the required statistical techniques you will get the basic finding/interferences. Use advance research tools for more meaningful interference if required. D. Goodness of Data 1. Reliability 2. Validity

E. Hypotheses Testing y Choose the appropriate statistical test depending on the data.

Parametric tests: When population distribution is known: i. ii. iii. Z test-when sample I 30 J test when sample J 30 & F test when ANOVA is used y Non-Parametric test: When population distribution is not known then non parametric tests can be used. If the project requires then the non parametric tests can be undertaken.

4.3 Interpretation of Results: y y y Understand what findings/results are. Mean what findings say. Read, think and present the interference.

4.4 Discussion on Results Derived: y y y Link the objectives with results of the data. Implication of findings. Personal perspective of the student on derived results.

4.5 Research Questions Answered: y y y Find that research questions are answered. After data analysis, develop conclusions or generations. Connect the findings with the hypothesis and objectives

Chapter V: Findings and suggestions

This chapter should cover the following: 5.1 Main findings

5.2 Policy Suggestions 5.3 Scope for Further Research

5.1 Main Findings: y y y Findings are statements of factual information based upon the data analysis. List all major findings of the project serially. Put the findings in sequence of the study.

5.2 Policy Suggestion: y y y y Policy Suggestion or recommendations should flow from the findings. They should be very rational and practical. They should be specific. They should be indicative.

5.3 Scope for Further Research: y Project study should indicate scope for further research on the topic so that further understanding of the topic becomes possible. Terminal Items This is third part of the study where references, the questionnaires used and if there is any specific technical note regarding the study it is to be attached. At the end of the report in the annexure the terminal items to be attached are: 1. Bibliography. 2. Appendices/Annexure. Questionnaires or Interviews schedules used for the research. Technical note if any

y y


A bibliography is the listing of the work that is relevant to the main topic of the research interest arranged in the alphabetical order of the last names of the author(s). A reference list is a subset of the bibliography, which includes details of the all the citations used in the literature survey and elsewhere in the report, arranged again, in the alphabetical order of the last names of the author(s). At least three modes of referencing are followed in the business research. These are based on the format provided in the publication manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), (2001), the Chicago Manual Style(1993), and the Turabian style(1996). How books, journals, newspapers, dissertations and other documentation materials are to be referenced in your report is given below with examples:

Books by single author:

1.Aswathapa K (2008), Human Resource Management-Text and Cases fifth Edition. The Tata McGraw Hill education Private limited New Delhi.

Books by more than author: 1. Krishnaswamy, K.N.Appa, Iyer, Sivakumar, &Mathirajan. M.,(2006)Management Research Methodology: Integartion of Principles, Methods and Techniques, Person Education, New Delhi.

More than one book by the same author:

1. Roy. A, (1998a) Chaos theory, McMillan Publishing Enterprise, New York. 2. Roy. A.,(1998) Classic Chaos , McMillan Publishing Enterprise, New York. Reports, Periodicals and Journals y y y y Business India, April-May 1998 Dance F.E.X, The concept of Communication Journal of communication, June 1970. Report of the ILO, Asian Regional Conference, 1950 Report of the Royal Commission on labor,1931

Guidelines for reviewing Draft and Making Final Report

The entire draft of the summer internship program has to be reviewed before giving for typing. If any adjustment is required that has to be done.

Typing Instructions:

After thoroughly checking the draft of the research report, it should be given for final typing. While typing the report, typist should take care of the following:

1. Font: The report of the text body should be typed in the font style of times New Roman. Prefatory items of the reports may be printed according to the choices of the student. 2. Size: The size of font for the text body of report should be 13 Font size for prefatory items of the reports may be of choice of the student. 3. Line spacing: The entire report should be typed with doubled spacing except intendedparagraph, tables and footnotes. The tables and footnotes are to be typed with single spacing. 4. Paragraph spacing: the entire report should be typed with six(06) points before and after paragraph spacing. 5. Indentation: The first line of the paragraph should be typed with 0.5 indentations. 6. Margins: The entire report should be typed with the Left marging-1.5 ,right marging-1 ,Top margin-1 and Bottom margin-1 7. Alignment: The entire report should be typed with justified alignment except tables. The tables are to be typed with center alignment. 8. Tables and Graphs: Tables and Graphs should be placed as near possible to the text. Possibly do not break the tables in to pages. 9. Headings/Titles: Heading and Titles of the text paragraph and text paragraph and text materials should be in the same page. 10. Quotations: quotations should be quoted in inverted comma. 11. Citing reference Number: While citing the reference number in the text subscript number style should be used. 12. Pagination: The main part of the text body should be numbered continuously in Arabic numbers. Page number may be inserted in the header right most top or at center of bottom in the footer, Prefatory materials should be numbered continuously in roman numbers. Proofreading of the final draft

Before printing the draft it is required that word by word search for any misspelling, mispunctuation or grammar errors or typing error is made. The final draft should have no errors.

Along with language the methodology sequence check also should be done. Whether work done answer the research question should also be checked.

Printing the final Report: After careful proofreading, all the errors should be corrected before the final print. Check the page break-ups. Feel the project is complete in all respects and sense. Then get it approved by the guide for the final print. While taking the final print of the project, the following points are to be considered:

1. Paper Type: y Pare: EXECUTIVE BOND papers. y Size: A4,Paper Color :White y Variety :Plain Finish 2. Ink color: Black color for text and may be multicolor ink for diagrams and charts. 3. Only one side of the sheet of the paper should be printed.

Binding of the report:

Candidate is supposed to check and confirm the sequence of report. Then project report is to be given for binding. After the final print four copies of the report are to be made. In the process of binding, the following things are to be carefully monitored:

1. Do careful proofreading of the cover page. 2. Give the cover page for Golden Embossing. 3. Clearly indicate the color for the front page, normally Navy Blue or Black. 4. Give proper instructions to the binder regarding insertion of extra blank pages and butter or plastic pages. 5. Hardbound copies of the project are to be made.(Plastic/spiral bound are not allowed for submission.) 6. Binding should be neat and attractive.

7. Clearly indicate the time and date to complete the binding task. 8. Get fully dried project from binder. Submission of the report: The copies of the report should be duly signed by the research guide and candidate along with the seal. The two copies of the research project should be submitted to the office. One is for the library one for university, one for the company where he has worked one he can retain himself/herself. Benefits from Good Research Project: 1. 2. 3. 4. Nature of work and quality of the project may help in getting final placement. Sometimes the company may offer placement due to excellent project work by the student. Due to project work, self-esteem status of the candidate can become better. Due to successful project work, the candidate s level of confidence will be good.

Tips for Viva-voce:

The research project student has to attend the viva-voce examination. There will be set experts who will be asking clarifications from the project student. The research student is expected explain and defend his/her research report in the viva-voce. In order to make this more effective, research student should adopt the following tips:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Know the date and time of viva-voce. Prepare thoroughly for viva-voce. Read your project report thoroughly two to three times. Prepare by guessing questions which can be asked and try to answers. Viva voce may be for 20-30 minutes. Remain present at place scheduled for viva-voce at least before twenty minutes. Come in formal institute dress code. Be neat, cool and in presentable form. Carry your personal copy of research project. Have separate copy of executive summary of the research project for quick reference. Seek-permission, greet the examiners. Answer the questions asked only, don t talk unnecessary. Do not argue with example. Choose good presentable words to answer the questions.

15. Listen and take note of the suggestions of the examiners. 16. After completion of viva-voce, say thanks before living the chair.

Annexure I to X Page 1 A PROJECT REPORT ON LABOR WELFARE FACILITIES At XYZ COMPANY LIMITED Submitted to University of Pune, For partial fulfillment of requirements For the award of degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 2010-2012 SUBMITTED BY

PARAG MARNE B.E IT Under guidance of prof. Vrinda Deshmukh Matrix School of Management Studies Ambegaon(Bk),Pune-41

Page 2 This Project is dedicated to My parents/my family Who has/have always motivated me to do the best in life.

Page 3 DECLARATION I, the undersigned hereby declare that the Project Report entitled written and submitted by me to the university of Pune, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the awards of degree of Masters of Business Administration under guidance of .. .this is my original work and the conclusions drawn there in are based on the material collected by me. Place: Date: (Name) Research Student

Page 4 CERTIFICATE (by the project guide) This is certificate that the Project Report entitled . Which is being submitted herewith for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration of University of Pune, Is the result of the original research work completed by Mr. .under my supervision and guidance and to the best of my knowledge and belief the work embodied in this project Report has not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or similar title of this or any other University or examining body. (Name)

Director Place: Date:

Research Guide place: Date:

Page 5 TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify that Ms/Mr.______________________________has worked in the______________ ________________department in our organization. During this period, She/he successfully completed the work assigned to her/him. She/He has been sincere, hardworking and punctual in her/his work. I wish good and prosperous career for her/his future. Signature Name of the guide from organization

Designation with Office Seal

Note: The above-cited content certificate is to be obtained on original letterhead of the company by the project student where he/she has carried out project work.

Page 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to Mr._________________General manager Finance/Human Resource/Marketing of _________________organization for this continuous encouragement ,invaluable guidance and help for completing present research work. He has been a source of inspiration to me and I am indebted to him for initiating me in field of research. I would also like to express my gratitude to the executive Mr._________________Mr/Ms_________________of the department for the support and encouragement extended by them.

I take this opportunity as privilege to articulate my deep sense of gratefulness to the Director of our institute , Mr /Ms__________________for the help and positive encouragement .

I am deeply indebted to proof_________________ my research guide, without his/her help completion of the project was highly impossible.

I wish to express a special thanks to all teaching and non-teaching staff members, of my institute_____ _________________ for the support. Their encouragement and valuable guidance are gratefully acknowledged.

I would like to acknowledge all my family members, relatives and friends for their help and encouragement. Name of the researcher Place: Date:


Page 8 LIST OF TABLES LIST OF TABLES Title of the Table

Table No. Table No.1.1 Table No.1.2 Table No.2.1 Table No.2.2 Table No.3.1 Table No.3.2 Table No.4.1 Table No.4.2 Table No.5.1 Table No.5.2

Page No.

Table numbers will depend upon the tables in each chapter

Page 9 LIST OF FIGURES (Table of the figures used in the project )

LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. Figure No. 1.1 Figure No. 1.2 Figure No. 2.1 Figure No. 2.2 Figure No. 3.1 Figure No. 3.2 Title of the Figure Page No.

Table will depend upon the number of figures in each chapter.

Page 10 ABBREVIATIONS All the abbreviations used in the research project should be listed alphabetically here. For example:

AMUL: Anand Milk union Limited. DSO: District statistical Office. EEC: European Economic Community FYPs: Five Year Plans.

GATT: General Agreement on Trade and Tariff GOI: Government of India KPD: Kilograms Per Day LLPD: Lakh Liters per Day MMT: Metric Million Tonnes MT: Million Tonnes SWOT: Strengths weakness Opportunities & Threats WTO: World Trade Organization.

MONOGRAPH REFERENCE 1. Gupta, S.C (2006), Fundamental of statistics, Himalaya Publishing Houses, Mumbai. 2. Kothari C. R., Research Methodology Methods & Techniques, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi. 3. Uma Sekaran, (2003), Research Method for Skill Building Approach, John Wiley & Sons, ASIA, Pvt. Ltd., Singapore. 4. University Grants commission, (2005), Research Handbook Towards Nurturing Culture in Higher Education Institutes in India, UGC, New Delhi. 5. Web site:

Written by : Parag Marne

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