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Things To Take/gather Before Departure

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Things to take/gather before departure

1. Vaccination card, passport & tickets. (Make 2 copies of all your documents)
2. Ihraam clothes, safety pins and slippers (sandals with back strap are ok too) – store in hand luggage
if going to Makkah first
3. Travelers checks, some cash, a credit card
4. Name, address and phone number of hotel in Makkah and Madinah
5. Phone numbers of your travel agent (in the US as well as in Saudi Arabia)
6. Salaat times for the cities on your itinerary.
7. Prescription medication and other basic medication for Cough, Diarrhea or Sore Throat.
8. Luggage – Hard luggage with heavy duty wheels
9. Travel prayer rug
10. Copy of the Quran to read during flight and travel delays
11. Small MP3 player with Quran and your favorite lectures uploaded
12. Hajj guide, book of du‟a and your notes
13. Digital wrist watch with alarm facility
14. Toiletries – unscented soap, unscented Vaseline, earplugs, nail clipper, small scissors, comb. Mobile
phone to keep in touch with home or if accompanied by relatives (spouse, etc.). Phone has to be a
GSM tri-band and Unlocked
16. Before departure, do a general cleanup: clip nails, shave private areas and trim mustache

Things to Avoid:
1. Cigarettes or Tobacco
2. Jewelry, expensive watches or other valuables
3. Overloading yourself with items you may not need

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Note: if you travel to Madinah first, you do your Ihraam when going from Madinah to Makkah at the
Meeqat of Dhu- l Hulaifah.

 Ensure that you have Ihraam clothes in your carry-on baggage
 Hajj travelers should assume Ihraam on reaching or before passing the Meeqat
 There are 5 Meeqat entry points specified by the Prophet ( ).
 Ihraam is not required if you are going to Madinah first.
 After entering Ihraam it is prohibited for the male pilgrims to wear sewn clothes or cover their
heads. It is prohibited for all pilgrims to remove or pluck hairs, clip nails, use perfume, hunt,
enter into marriage contracts, have sexual intercourse, or cut the trees of the Sacred Precinct.

1. Do general clean up before getting into Ihraam - clip nails, shave private areas and trim mustache –
if you haven‟t done so at home before departure.
2. Take a shower and wash your body (ghusl) the same way you do your ghusl of Jumu‟a. This is a
sunnah even for women in their menses. If shower is not possible make wudu.
3. If you are traveling by air, it is strongly recommended to put on Ihraam towels in the airport before
boarding your flight to Jeddah. It‟s extremely difficult to put on Ihraam towels in the airplane.
4. When approaching the Meeqat (most flights announce the Meeqat), make intention for Umra, say
“labbayka allahumma „umra”, and then start Talbiyah. Now you are in a state of Ihraam. Watch for
the restrictions.
5. Continue Talbiyah until you see the Kaaba.


‫لبيك اللهن لبيك لبيك ال شسيك لك لبيك إى احلود والٌعوت لك وامللك ال شسيك لك‬
“Labbayka-Allahumma-Labbayk. Labbayka Laa Sharika Laka Labbayk. Inna Al-Hamda Wan-
Ni`mata Laka Wal-Mulk. Laa Sharika Lak.”
“Here I am O Allah, (in response to Your call), here I am. Here I am, You have no partner, here I
am. Verily all praise, grace and sovereignty belong to You. You have no partner. ”

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Arrive at Al-Masjid Al-Haram

1. Take a bath (ghusl) before entering Makkah, if possible.

2. When you enter the masjid do not forget to enter by the right foot, and say:

‫ اللهن افتح يل أبىاة زمحتك‬،‫* اللهن صل على حمود و سلن‬

‫* أعىذ ببهلل العظين و بىجهَ الكسمي و سلطبًَ القدمي هي الشيطبى السجين‬
* Allaahumma salli `alaa Muhammadin wa sallim, Allaahumma aftah lee abwaaba rahmatika.
* A'oodhu billaahi-l `adheem wa bi wajhihi-l kareem wa sultaanihi-l qadeem min ash-shaitaani ar-rajeem.
* O Allah, send prayers and peace upon Muhammad ( ), O Allah open the doors of Your mercy for me
* I take refuge with Allah, the Supreme, and with His Noble Face, and His eternal authority from the
accursed devil.

3. When you see the Ka'bah raise your hands if you want to.
4. And there is no du'a established from the Prophet ( ) at this point. So you may make du'a with whatever you
5. Du‟a established from `Umar:

‫اللهن أًت السالم و هٌك السالم فحيٌب زبٌب ببلسالم‬

“Allaahumma anta-s salaam wa minka-s salaam fa Hayyinaa rabbanaa bis salaam”
“O Allah! You are the Peace, from You is the Peace. O Allah! Greet us with the Peace ”

 You should not believe that you have to enter the Masjid from a particular gate. You can enter the Masjid
from any gate.
 Women in their menses should not enter the Masjid; it is not permissible.
 If you intend to do Tawaf, then you don‟t have to pray two rak'at of "taHiyyat al- masjid".

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Tawaf al-qudoom (Arrival Tawaf)

1. Go the Black Stone and start your Tawaf from there by kissing and/or touching it or pointing at it and saying
“Allahu akbar”
2. Keep the Ka‟bah to your left; go around the Black Stone 7 times while making dhikr and du‟a.
3. Men should uncover their right shoulder during all 7 rounds of Tawaf (Qudoom ONLY).
4. Rub the Yemani Corner with right hand every time you pass by it if possible, but neither kiss nor point at it.
5. Passing between the two corners say:

‫زبٌب آتٌب يف الدًيب حسٌت و يف اآلخسة حسٌت و قٌب عراة الٌبز‬

“Rabbanaa aatinaa fi ad-Dunyaa hasanatan wa fi-l aakhirati hasanatan wa qinaa „adhaaba an-Naar”
“O Lord! Give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter and save us from the torment of the Fire”
6. Tawaf ends after you have finished 7 rounds of the Ka‟bah,
7. Try moving outwards from the 5th round onwards, so you can exit more easily by the 7 th round.

Notes: (Tawaf al qudoom)

 You do not have to say your intention out loud to begin Tawaf. Saying intentions out loud is something the
Prophet ( ) never did except after Ihraam for Hajj and Umra.
 A state of wudu‟ is required for all kinds of Tawaf.
 A menstruating woman does not make Tawaf until she becomes clean.
 All kinds of Tawaf, including optional Tawaf, consist of seven circuits around the Ka'bah.
 Continue Tawaf without interrupting the rounds, unless it is necessary, otherwise it will be void.
 The Ka‟bah should be to your left at all times during Tawaf.
 Tawaf shall be performed within the boundaries of Al-Masjid Al- Haram.
 You do not have to touch the Black Stone for your Tawaf to be accepted. If it is crowded you may face
your right hand toward the Stone and say “Allahu Akbar.”
 Do not hurt anyone to kiss the Black Stone.
 Do not stand at the Black Stone line for a long time. Make a sign towards it with your right hand, say
Allahu Akbar and move on.
 You do not touch or point at the Shami and the 'Iraqi Corners at all.
 Do not kiss the Yemeni corner. You may only touch it.
 Do not face your hand to the Yemeni corner and say “Allahu Akbar.” This is only for the Black Stone.
 There is no particular dhikr for Tawaf, so you may read Qur'an or say any dhikr you like.
 Do not follow those du‟a books that make up du‟a for each circ uit around the Ka‟bah. Read Quran and
make du‟a from your heart and glorify Allah.
 Make du‟a by yourself, do not do it in a shouting group.
 Do not wipe the walls of the Ka‟bah during Tawaf. The Messenger of Allah ( ) did not touch anything
other than the Black Stone and the Yemeni Corner.

Maqam Ibraheem, Zamzam:

1. After Tawaf, offer 2 rakah behind Maqam Ibraheem - whether near or far depends on your ability. If crowded
pray anywhere in the Masjid. Recite Surat Al-Kafiroon in the first rak‟ah and Surat Al-Ikhlas in the second.
After praying you go to Zamzam and drink from it, and pour some of the water on your head.
2. Then you return to the Black Stone, say takbeer and touch it, as before, if possible.
3. Go to Safa to do your Sa‟y.

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Sa’y between Safa and Marwah
1. Go to Safa and starting from Safa make 7 rounds between safa and Marwah, your last round should end at
2. Each one way circuit between Safa and Marwah or vice versa is counted as one round
3. When starting at Safa recite Ayah (2:158):

Transliteration: Inna-s Safa wal marwata min sha'aa'iri-l llaahi faman hajja-l baita aw i`tamara falaa
junaaha 'alaihi an yattawwafa bihimaa wa man tatawwa'a khairan fa inna-l llaaha shaakirun 'aleem.
Translation: “Surely the Safa and the Marwa are among the Symbols of Allah; so whoever makes a
pilgrimage to the House or pays a visit (to it), there is no sin if he goes round them both; and whoever
does good of his own accord, then surely Allah is Grateful, Knowing”

4. Then Say as the Prophet ( ) said:

" َ‫"ًبدأ مبب بدأ اهلل ب‬

Transliteration: Nabda'u bimaa bada'a Allaahu bih
Translation: We begin with that which Allah began with (i.e. the Safa).

5. Face the Ka`bah and raise your hands for supplication while saying the following 3 times:
Allahu Akbaru, Allahu Akbaru, Allahu Akbar
‫ اهلل أكرب‬،‫ اهلل أكرب‬،‫اهلل أكرب‬
Allah is great, Allah is great, Allah is great
Laa ilaaha illaa Allahu waHdahu laa shareeka lahu,
lahu-l mulk wa lahu-l Hamd, yuHyee wa yumeetu, wa َ‫ لَ امللك ول‬،َ‫ال إلَ إال اهلل وحدٍ ال شسيك ل‬
huwa „alaa kulli shay‟in qadeer
‫ و ُى على كل شيء‬،‫ حييي و مييت‬،‫احلود‬
None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, alone,
without partner. To Him belongs all sovereignty and ‫قديس‬
praise, and He is over all things omnipotent.
Laa ilaaha illaa Allahu waHdahu laa shareeka lahu -
anjaza wa'dahu wa nasara 'abdahu wa hazama-l
ahzaaba wahdahu. ‫ أجنز وعدٍ و‬،َ‫ال إلَ إال اهلل وحدٍ ال شسيك ل‬
None has the right to be worshipped except Allah ٍ‫ًصس عبدٍ وُزم األحزاة وحد‬
alone. He fulfilled His promise, gave victory to His
Servant and single- handedly defeated the allies.
Make du'a to Allah with whatever you wish ‫أدع اهلل مبب شئت‬
6. Walk between Safa and Marwah; when you reach a green signpost then hasten your walk till you reach the
next green signpost, slow down to a walk again.

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7. Keep on remembering Allah, supplicating to him and reciting the Our'an while going between Safa and
Marwah, because there is no specific supplication to be said while making Sa`y except those recited on
ascending Safa and Marwah.

Halq or Taqseer (Shaving or Shortening of hair)

1. When you finish the seventh lap at Marwah you shorten the hair of your head thus ending the 'Umrah.
2. Women shorten their hair the length of a finger joint.
3. Everything that became forbidden to you upon entering Ihraam now becomes permissible again.
4. You remain in the state of “Hill” (being out of the state of Ihraam) until the day of Tarwiyah (8 th Dhul- Hijjah).

Um ra Summary
2 - Tawaaf
• Arrive at Al-Masjid Al-Haraam
• Stop Talbiyah when you see the Ka‟bah & make
• Go to the Black Stone and kiss and/or touch it if
possible, or point to it with right hand and say “Allahu
• Start Tawaaf from the Black Stone line
• Make 7 circuits around the Ka‟bah & make du‟a
• Touch the Yamani Corner if possible
• After the kast circuit go to the Black Stone if
• Pray 2 rak‟at behind Maqam Ibraheem or anywhere
3 – Sa’y Between Safa & Marwa in the Masjid
• Start with Safa • Drink Zamzam
• When you reach Safa recite the Ayah “Inna as- • Proceed to Safa for Sa‟y
• Climb on Safa and recite dhikr and du‟a
• Walk to Marwa and jog between the 2 green
signposts 4 – Hair Cut
• Do the same thing upon Marwa • Start with right side
• You finish the 7 laps on Marwa • Shave your head (this is better unless this the which
• Exit from Marwa Umra precedes Hajj)
• Or cut your hair short from all over your head
• Umra is complete, and all Ihraam restrictions lifted.

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Hajj Step by Step

1. Ihraam
2. Mina (8 Dhul-Hijjah)
3. Arafah (9 Dhul- Hijjah)
4. Muzdalifah (9 Dhul-Hijjah – night)
5. Mina (10 Dhul-Hijjah) - Ramy (throw pebbles at Jamrat Al-‟Aqabah)
6. Mina (10 Dhul-Hijjah) - NaHr (sacrifice)
7. Mina (10 Dhul-Hijjah) - Halq (shave hair of the head)
8. Makkah (10 Dhul- Hijjah) - Tawaf Al-IfaDah
9. Makkah (10 Dhul- Hijjah) - Sa‟y between Safa and Marwa
10. Mina (11, 12 and 13 Dhul-Hijjah) - Ramy (throw pebbles at the 3 Jamarat)
11. Makkah (last day) - Tawaf Al-Wada‟ (Farewell tawaf)

Hajj Sites - Distances

From To Distance
Al-Masjid Al- Haraam (Makkah) Jamarat (Mina) 2.8 mi / 4.5 km
Jamarat (Mina) Mina / Muzdalifah Border 2 mi / 3.2 km
Mina / Muzdalifah Border Al-Mash‟ar Al- Haraam (Muzdalifah) 1.4 mi / 2.25 km
Mina / Muzdalifah Border End of Muzdalifah 2.2 mi / 3.5 km
Al-Mash‟ar Al- Haraam (Muzdalifah) Masjid Namira (Arafah) 4 mi / 6.4 km
Masjid Namira (Arafah) Mount of Mercy (Arafah) 1.35 mi / 2.15 km

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Hajj Step 1 – Ihraam for Hajj
1. If you are in Makkah, then you make Ihraam from your place of residence.
2. If you are in Madinah, then you make Ihraam from Dhu- l Hulayfah (Abyar Ali).
3. You do the same things that you did in your Ihraam for the „Umra.
4. You continue the talbiyah until you throw the pebbles at Jamrat Al-‟Aqabah on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah.

Hajj Step 2 – Mina - 8 Dhul-Hijjah

1. Go to Mina in the morning of Yaum at-Tarwiyah (8th of Dhul- Hijjah).
2. Pray Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, „Isha and Fajr in their times with qasr.
3. Use your time to gather your thoughts and prepare for the next day: the day of Arafah.
4. Pray in Masjid Al-khaif. It is reported that 70 prophets prayed in that masjid.
5. Stay overnight at Mina

Hajj Step 3 – The day of Arafah - 9 Dhul-Hijjah

1. After sunrise of the day of Arafah, depart Mina for Arafah while making talbiyah or takbeer.
2. Pray Dhuhr and Asr at Masjid Namirah, two rak‟as each, combined at the time of Dhuhr.
3. Namira is not part of Arafah, but part of the Masjid is within the limits of Arafah.
4. After Salaat move to your place inside the limits of Arafah, stand facing the Qiblah, raising your hands making
du'a and reciting talbiyah
5. The Prophet ( ) said: “The best thing that I and the Prophets have said on the evening of Arafah is:
‫ال ٍالَ ٍاال اهلل وحدٍ ال شسيك لَ لَ امللك و لَ احلود وُى على كل شيء قديس‬
Transliteration: "Laa ilaha illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu lahul mulk wa lahul hamdu wa huwa
'alaa kulli shay'in qadeer.”
Translation: “None has the right to be worshiped except Allah, alone, without partner. To Him belongs
all sovereignty and praise, and He is over all things omnipotent.”
6. The Prophet ( ) said: "There is no day on which Allah frees more of His slaves from Fire than the Day of
'Arafah, and He draws near, then praises them before the angles, saying :'What do they seek?' "
7. So when the sun has set, leave Arafah for Muzdalifah without offering Maghrib prayer, going with calmness
and tranquility, not jostling or pushing people; rather whenever you find room then go faster.

Hajj Step 4 – Muzdalifah (10 Dhul-Hijjah – night)

1. When reaching Muzdalifah pray Maghrib, then 'Isha, shortening it (qasr), 3 Rak`at for Maghrib and 2 for
2. If you fear that you may miss these prayers due to throng of people at Muzdalifah, then you may perform
prayer on your way to it.
3. You do not pray anything between them or after 'Isha.
4. In Muzdalifah you sleep overnight, Pray Fajr at the beginning of its time.
5. It is permissible for weak persons and women to leave after half of the night has p assed for fear of the crush of
6. You may collect pebbles here. (7 for the first day, 21 each for 11 th , 12th and 13th of Dhul-Hijjah = 70 in all)
7. Then you come to the Mash'ar al-Haraam (in Muzdalifah) and face the Qiblah - then recite takbeer, tahleel, and
make du'a until the sky becomes very bright.
8. Then you leave for Mina before the sun rises, calmly while reciting Talbiyah.
9. When you come to the river valley of MuHassir you hurry if possible - and it is a part of Mina.

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Hajj Step 5 – Mina (10 Dhul-Hijjah) - Ramy (throw pebbles at Jamrat Al-’Aqabah)
1. You stone Jamrat al-'Aqabah only on this day, with seven small stones - slightly bigger than chick-pea.
2. You recite takbeer while throwing each stone.
3. You cease reciting talbiyah when throwing the last sto ne.
4. You cannot perform this stoning until after sunrise. And you may delay it after noon, even up to the night, if
you find difficulty in doing it before noon.
5. When you have stoned the Jamrah everything becomes lawful for you again except sexual intercourse, even if
you have not sacrificed or shaved your head - so you may wear your clothes and use perfume.
6. However you should perform Tawaf al-Ifaada on the same day (before Maghrib) if you wish to continue in
your state of having left Ihraam - otherwise, if you have not made Tawaf before the evening (before Maghrib)
then you return to the state of Ihraam as you were before the stoning.

Hajj Step 6 – Mina (10 Dhul-Hijjah) - NaHr (sacrifice)

1. Skip this step if you made "tawkeel" for animal sacrifice (you bought a coupon)
2. Slaughter your animal in any part of Mina or Makkah.
3. The time for slaughter is the four days of 'Eid.
4. Seven people may share in one camel or cow.
5. And he who cannot afford a sacrificial animal should fast three days in Hajj (even the 3 days of tashreeq) and
seven when he returns to his family.

Hajj Step 7 – Mina (10 Dhul-Hijjah) - Halq (shave hair of the head)
1. Then you shave all of your hair off or shorten it. And shaving is better.
2. Start with the right side of the head.
3. The woman shortens her hair the length of a finger joint.

Hajj Step 8 – Makkah (10 Dhul-Hijjah) - Tawaf Al-IfaDah (Tawaf of Hajj)

1. Then you go off that day to Makkah and make Tawaf al-IfaDah in the same way as in the Tawaf of arrival,
except that there is no idtiba‟(wearing the Ihraam under your right armpit and over the left shoulder) or
ramal(hastening your walk in the first 3 rounds) in this Tawaf.
2. Pray two rak'ahs behind Maqam Ibraheem.

Hajj Step 9 – Makkah (10 Dhul-Hijjah): - Sa’y between Safa and Marwa
1. Do sa‟y between Safa and Marwah as before
2. And after this Tawaf you are in a state of complete taHallul (released from restrictions of Ihraam)
3. Drink from Zamzam.
4. Return to Mina.

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Hajj Step 10 – Mina (11, 12 and 13 Dhul-Hijjah) - (throw pebbles at the 3 Jamarat)
1. Stay in Mina for the days of tashreeq and their nights.
2. And stone the three Jamarat each with seven pebbles in each of those days, after noon.
3. After the first and the second Jamarat, move forward and stand facing the Qiblah for a long while making du'aa
while raising your hands.

Note: You may leave Mina after you throw the pebbles on the 12 th of Dhul-Hijjah, but you have to leave before
sunset. If you stay until sunset of the the 12 th then you have to stay for one more day, the 13 th of Dhul- Hijjah, and
throw the three Jamarat in the same manner.

Hajj Step 11 – Makkah (last day) - Tawaf Al-Wada’ (Farewell tawaf)

1. The Prophet ( ) said: "None of you should depart until he makes his last act Tawaf of the House."
2. The prophet ( ) used to carry Zamzam water with him in water skins and containers, and he used to pour it
upon the sick and give it to them to drink.
3. When you finish the Tawaf you leave the mosque like the rest of the people - not walking backwards.

Additional Information:
Pillars of Hajj – (a) Ihraam (b) Standing in Arafat (c) Tawaf al-IfaDah (d) Sa‟y between Safa and Marwa

Pillars of Umra - (a) Ihraam (b) Tawaf (c) Sa‟y between Safa and Marwa

Obligations of Hajj – (a) Ihraam from the meeqat (b) Standing in Arafat until after sunset (c) Spending one night
in Muzdalifah (after Arafah) (d) Staying overnight in Mina during the days of Tashreeq (e) Stoning the Jamarat
,and in order (f) Shaving head or cutting hair short (Halq orTaqseer) (g) Tawaf al-Wadaa‟ (farewell)

Obligations of Umra – (a) Ihraam from outside the Haram (b) Halq or Taqseer

Rukn (Pillar): A necessary act of Hajj, such as the standing in Arafah, the lack of which invalidates the Hajj.

Wajib (Obligation): An obligatory act of Hajj, such as stoning of the Jamarat, which if missed for any reason,
then a Hady (sacrifice of an animal) becomes incumbent for compensation.

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Hajj Summary
1 - Ihraam
• Assume Ihraam from a Meeqat or your residence if 2 - Mina - 8th 3 - Day of Arafah - 9th
you are in Makkah • Arrive in Mina in the morning • Arrive in Arafah before or around
• Clean yourself and take a shower • Spend the day and night there Duhr on the 9th
• Put on two Ihraam garments & slippers/sandals • Pray Duhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha and Fajr in • Pray Duhr and Asr combined with
• Pray two rak'at or a prescribed salaat their time with Qasr Qasr early in the time of Duhr
• Make intention and say "labbayk Allahumma Hajjaa" • Leave Mina for Arafah after sunrise (9th ) • Spend the day in supplication and
• Recite Talbiyah remembrence of Allah
• Go to Mina • Leave Arafah for Muzdalifah after
2 sunset
1 7

Mina Muzdalifah Arafah

1 4 3

4 - Muzdalifah - 10th
6 • Arrive in Muzdalifah at night
• Pray Maghrib and Isha combined with Qasr
• Sleep the night until Fajr
8 - Makkah – Last Day • Pray Fajr early in its time & then make dhikr
• Perform Tawaf al-Wadaa' (farewell Tawaf) • Leave Muzdalifah for Mina shortly before sunrise
• Make it the last thing you do in Makkah

5 - Mina - 10th
7 - Mina - 11th, 12th & 13th • Arrive in Mina in the morning
6 - Makkah - 10th • Go to Jamrat al-Aqabah and stone it with 7 pebbles
• Spend the days of Tashreeq and their
• Proceed to al-Masjid al- Haraam • Slaughter your animal
nights in Mina
• Stone the 3 Jamarat every day • Perform Tawaf al- Ifaadah • Shave or trim off your hair
between Duhr and Maghrib • Perform Sa'y • First taHallul: Take off Ihraam towels. All
• Full taHallul: All restrictions lifted restrictions lifted except sexual intercourse
• You may leave on the 12th after Page 11 of 11
• Go back to Mina • Take a shower and put on normal clothes.
stoning and before sunrise if you wish
• Go to Makkah for Tawaf al-Ifaadah

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