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My Kalimah and Dua Book 1 & 2 Together Dec 10 2019 Typos

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The book discusses various duas for different occasions like before/after meals, entering/leaving home etc. It also mentions duas of salah and everyday duas. It aims to teach children important Islamic concepts.

Some of the duas mentioned include duas of salah like before/after wudhu, ruku, sajdah etc. Everyday duas like before sleeping, eating are also listed.

The book mentions that dhikr brings peace to the heart according to a Quranic verse. It also states a hadith that says the one who remembers Allah is like a living person compared to a dead one.

Allah Ta'ala says:

So remember Me, I will remember you. (2:152)

Call on Me, I shall respond to you. (40:60)





Tel:............................ Year:.........................

No. MY KALIMAHS/BELIEFS Page Date Teacher’s

Learnt Initials

1. First Kalimah 6
2. Second Kalimah 6
3. Third Kalimah 7
4. Fourth Kalimah 7
5. Fifth Kalimah 8
6. Imaan-e-Mujmal 9
7. Imaan-e-Mufassal 9
MY DUAS OF SALAAH Page Date Teacher’s
Learnt Initials

1. Takbir-e-Tahrimah 10
2. Thanaa 10
3. Ta'awwuz 10
4. Tasmiyah 11
5. Dua of Ruku’ 11
6. Tasmee 11
7. Hamdalah 11
8. Dua of Sajdah 12
9. Dua between the two Sajdahs 12
10. Tashahhud 12
11. Durood Shareef 13
12. Dua after Durood Shareef 14
13. Qunoot of Witr 14
14. Dua of Janaazah (Adult) 15
15. Dua of Janaazah (Boy) 16
16. Dua of Janaazah (Girl) 16
17. Duas after Salah (a,b c and d) 17
18. Adhaan 18
19. Iqaamah 19
20. Dua after Adhaan 19

No. MY EVERYDAY DUAS Page Date Teacher’s

Learnt Initials
1. Before going to sleep 20

2. Upon Awakening 20

3. Before entering the toilet 20

4. After exiting the toilet 21

5. Before Wudhu 21

6. During Wudhu 21

7. After Wudhu 22

8. After Wudhu (second Dua) 22

9. For protection 22

10. Seeking Allah's pleasure 23

11. Before eating 23

12. When Bismillah is forgotten 23

13. After meals 24

14. Before drinking 24

15. After every sip 24

16. After drinking milk 24

17. Before undressing 25

18. When putting on clothing 25

19. When looking into a mirror 25

20. Upon sneezing 26


21. Reply to a male sneezer 26

22. Reply to a female sneezer 26

23. On leaving one's home 27

24. On entering one's home 27

25. When sitting in/on a vehicle 28

26. On meeting a Muslim 28

27. In reply to Salaam 28

28. In reply to "How are you?" 29

29. On seeing a Muslim laughing 29

30. On receiving a gift or favour 29

31. On seeing pleasant things 30

32. When surprised 30

33. When in difficulty 30

34. On seeing unpleasant things 30

35. When in grief 31

36. When angry 31

37. Before entering a Masjid 31

38. When exiting a Masjid 31

39. On hearing a dog bark at night 32

40. When a sin is committed 32


‫بسم للا الرحمن الرحیم‬

.‫امحلد هلل اذلي هداان لهذا وما كنا لهنتدي لوال أن هداان هللا والصالة والسالم عىل رسوهل الكرمي وعىل اهل وحصبته أمجعي‬
When this weak servant was entrusted with teaching a maktab class of seven-year-old
children, he identified numerous errors in the dua books used--whether with respect to vowels
or the authenticity of the wordings. Where one book was immune from error, another was not,
and vice versa.
Thus, with the help of Allah Ta’ala, we referred to the original hadith books and
corrected the mistakes found in those dua books. If a dua had different versions narrated in the
hadith, we chose the shortest variant and did not combine the different narrations--as was the
case with Dua-Qunoot.
Thereafter, this booklet was presented to the Muhaddith, Hazrat Shaikhul Hadith,
Maulana Fadhlur Rahman A’zami (May Allah preserve him), who reviewed and approved it.
May Allah reward our respected Shaikh for investing his precious time therein.
The book is divided into three sections. The first comprises of the six Kalimaat of
Islamic creed that the late grand mufti of India, Hazrat Mufti Kifayatullah (‫ )رمحه هللا‬placed in his
book ‘Taleemul Islam’. These should not simply be memorised, but the teacher should explain
the meanings of each kalimah to the student--since they pertain to the fundamental creed which
is essential for every Muslim. The second section deals with the duas of Salah. It is imperative
that the teacher evaluate students' retention of these duas in each year of a maktab program, due
to their lifetime importance. The third section deals with everyday duas. There is also a second
part to this book, which comprises other valuable duas in the life of a Muslim.
Dua without concentration is not answered. Therefore, the translations must also
be memorised to ensure devotion when asking from Allah.
This weak individual was assisted by many brothers and sisters in preparing this
booklet. May Allah Ta’ala shower His mercy upon them in both worlds. May He accept it and
make it a means of our salvation in the Hereafter. Ameen.
Muhammad ibn Suleman
3/15/1437 12/26/2015

‫بسم هللا الرمحن الرحی‬


1. First Kalimah Taiyibah:

(The Purest Words)
‫ا ٰ ا َ ہُ ُ ا َ ٌ َ ُ ْ ُ ہ‬
.‫اّٰلل‬ ‫َل إله إَل اّٰلل محمد رسول‬
)25 ‫(البخاري‬

Laa-ilaa-ha illal-laa-hu Muhammadur Rasoo-lullah.

There is no god besides Allah; Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is the messenger
of Allah.

2. Second Kalimah Shahaadah:

(My declaration of Faith)
ٗ ُ ُ ً َ ُ ْ ُ ‫أ ْش اھ ُد أ ْن ََل إ ٰل اه إ ََل ہ‬
.‫ اوأش اھد أن ُم اح َمدا اع ْبد ٗہ او ار ُس ْوله‬، ‫اّٰلل‬
)386 ‫ مسمل‬25 ‫(البخاري‬

Ash-hadu al laa ilaa-ha illal-laa-hu

wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan a’b-duhu wa rasoo-luh.

I bear witness that there is no god besides Allah, and I bear

witness that Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is His servant and messenger.

3. Third Kalimah Tamjeed:

(Glorification of Allah)
ْ ُ‫ُ ْ ا ا ہ ا ْ ا ْ ُ ہ اا ٰ ا َ ہُ ا ہ‬
.‫اّٰلل أك َا ُب‬‫ و‬،‫ وَل إله إَل اّٰلل‬،‫ والحمد ّٰلل‬،‫سبحان اّٰلل‬
ْ ْ ‫ا ُ ا َ ہ‬ ‫ا‬
.‫اوَل اح ْو ال اوَلق َوۃ إَل باّٰلل ال َع ِل ِ ِّی ال اعظ ْیم‬
)3878 ‫ و ابن ماجه‬6384 ‫ و البخاري‬832 ‫ و أبو داود‬3471 ‫(الرتمذي‬
Sub-haa-nallahi, wal-hamdu lil-laahi,
walaa ilaa-ha illal laahu, wal-lahu akbar. wa laa hawla wa
laa quw-wata il-laa bil-laa-hil ‘ali-yil a'dheem.

Perfect is Allah, and all praise is due to Allah. There is no god

besides Allah, and Allah is the greatest. There is no power and
no strength except with Allah, the Most High, the All Mighty.

4. Fourth Kalimah Tawheed:

(Oneness of Allah)
ُ ْ ٗ ُ ْ ْ ٗ ٗ ‫ا ٰ ا َ ہ ُ ا ْ ا ٗ ا َا ْ ا‬
، ‫ له ال ُملك اوله ال اح ْمد‬، ‫شیك له‬ ِ ‫َل إله إَل اّٰلل وحدہ َل‬
‫ا‬ ْ ُ ‫ا‬ ٌّ ‫ او ُه او ا‬، ‫ت‬
ُ ْ ُ ‫ُ ْ ْ ا‬
، ‫ ب اید ٖہ الخ ْ ُب‬، ‫ح َل اي ُم ْوت‬ ‫ي‬ ‫یح يی و یمی‬
‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ُ ‫ا ُا ا‬
.‫ش ٍء قد ْی ٌر‬
ْ َ ‫ل‬
‫وهو عٰل ک ِ ِّ ي‬
)1051 ‫(الزبار‬
Laa ilaa-ha illal laa-hu wah-dahu laa shari-ka lahu, lahul
mulku walahul hamdu, yuh-yi wa yu-mitu, wa huwa haiy-yun
laa yamut, biya-di-hil khair, wa huwa a'laa kul-li shai-in

There is no god besides Allah, He is one. He has no partner. For

Him is the Kingdom and for Him is all praise. He gives life and
causes death. He is Alive and never dies. In His hands is all good
and He has power over everything.

5. Fifth Kalimah Raddul Kufr:

(Rejecting disbelief)

‫ا‬ ‫اْ ا‬ ‫ہ ُ َ ْ ُ ْ ُ ا ْ ُ َْ ا ا ا‬
‫ اوأ ْستغف ُرك ل اما َل‬،‫شك بك اوأنا أ ْعل ُم‬ ِ ‫اللھم ِِّإ ِِّن ِّي أعوذ بك أن أ‬
ُ ْ ‫ ُْ ُ ا ْ ُ ا ااَْ ُ ا ْ ُ ْ َ ْ ا ْ ا ا‬.ُ ْ
، ‫اص ک ِل َھا‬ ‫ك والمع ي‬ ِّ ِ ‫لشر‬ِ ‫أعلم تبت عنه وت َبأت من الکف ِر وِّا‬
‫ہ‬ ٌ ُ ‫ اوأ ُق ْو ُل اَل إ ٰل اه إ ََل ہ‬، ‫ت‬
.‫اّٰلل ُم اح َمد َر ُس ْو ُل اّٰلل‬
ُ ْ‫ْ ْ ُ اٰا‬
‫أسلمت وامن‬
)‫ ومسأةل الرباءة يف سورة الاكفرون‬716 ‫(البخاري يف الدب املفرد‬

Allahumma inni a'oodhu bika an ush-rika bika wa ana a'lamu,

wa as-tagh-firuka limaa laa a'lamu, tubtu a'nhu wa tabar-ratu
minal kufri wash-shirki wal-ma-a'si kulli-haa, aslamtu wa
aa-mantu, wa aqoolu laa-ilaaha illal-laahu Muhammadur

O Allah, I seek protection in You from joining any partner with

You knowingly. I seek Your forgiveness from that which I do
not know. I repent from it.
I free myself from disbelief and from joining partners with You
and I free myself from all sins. I submit to Your will. I believe
and I declare:
There is no god besides Allah; Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is the messenger
of Allah.

6. Imaan Mujmal:
(My Imaan in brief)
ُ ْ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ُ ‫ٰ ْ ُ ہ‬
.‫ اوقبلت اجم ْی اع أ ْحکام ٖه‬، ‫ا امنت باّٰلل ک اما ه او بأ ْس امائ ٖه اوصفات ٖه‬
)213‫ ومسائل يف طلب العمل للحافظ اذلهيب ص‬49/1 ‫(اجملموع لالمام النووي‬

Aa-mantu bil-laa-hi kamaa huwa bi-asmaa-i-hi wa sifaa-tihi,

wa-qabiltu jamia' ah-kaamih.

I believe in Allah as He is with His names and His attributes,

and I accept all His orders.

7. Imaan Mufassal:
(My Imaan in details/Articles of Faith)
‫ْا‬ ْ ُُ ‫ا‬ ‫ٰ ْ ُ ہ‬
، ‫ا امنت باّٰلل او امَلئكت ٖه اوکتب ٖه او ُر ُسل ٖه اوال ای ْوم الخ ِر‬
. ‫ اوال اب ْعث اب ْعد ال ام ْوت‬، ‫اوالقد ِر خ ْ ِبٖہ َوش ِرہِّ م ان اّٰلل ت اعاٰل‬
ْ ‫ا‬ ْ ٰ ‫ہ ا‬ ‫ْا ْ ا‬
)‫ مع الرواايت املذكورة يف فتح الباري‬50 ‫(من حديث جربئيل يف حصيح البخاري‬

Aa-mantu bil-laa-hi wa malaa-ikatihi wa kutu-bihi wa rusu-lihi

wal-yaw-mil aakhiri, wal-qadri khai-rihi wa shar-rihi minal
laahi ta'aa-laa, wal-ba'thi ba'dal maut.

I believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, the

Last Day, Divine Decree: that all good and bad is from Allah,
the Most High, and I believe in the resurrection after death.


َ ْ ‫ا‬
1. Takbirut Tahrimah: ‫تکب ْ ُب الت ْح ِر ْی امة‬

)390 ‫(مسمل‬ .‫ّٰلل أ ْک َا ُب‬


Allahu Akbar.
Allah is the greatest.

2. Thanaa: ‫الثناء‬
‫ا‬ ‫ا ا ا‬ ‫ا ا ہ‬
، ‫ُس ْب احانك الل ُھ َم اوب اح ْمدك اوت اب اارك ْاس ُمك‬
‫ا ا ا ٰ ا ا اا ٰ ا اُْ ا‬
)776 ‫ (أبو داود‬.‫ وَل إله غبك‬، ‫وتعاٰل جدك‬
Sub-haana-kal-laa-humma wa bihum-dika wa tabaa-ra-kas
muka, wa ta'aa-laa jad-duka, wa laa ilaa-ha ghai-ruk.

Glory be to You, O Allah, praise be to You and blessed is Your

name. Lofty is Your greatness and there is no god besides You.

3. Ta'awwuz: ‫الت اعوذ‬
َ ‫ُْ ُ ہ ا‬
َ ‫الش ْی اطان‬
.‫الرج ْیم‬
]98: ‫[النحل‬ ‫أعوذ باّٰلل من‬
A'oodhu bil-laa-hi minash shai-taa-nir rajeem.

I seek protection in Allah from satan, the rejected.


4. Tasmiyah: ‫الت ْسم ایة‬
َ ‫الر ْح امن‬ ‫ہ‬
)399 ‫(مسمل‬ .‫الرح ْیم‬ ِ
َ ‫اّٰلل‬ ‫ب ْسم‬
Bismil-laa-hir rah-maa-nir raheem.

In the name of Allah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful.

5. Dua of Ruku’:
)776 ‫(مسمل‬ .‫ان َرِِّب َ ِّي ال اعظ ْیم‬
‫ُ ْ ا ا‬
Sub-haa-na rab-biyal a’dheem.

Glory be to my Sustainer, the Great.

6. Dua when coming up from Ruku’: ‫الت ْسم ْیع‬

)772 ‫(مسمل‬ .‫اّٰلل ل ام ْن احم اد ٗہ‬

ُ ‫اسم اع ہ‬
Sami'al-lahu li-man hami-dah.

Allah heard the one who praised Him.

‫ْ ا‬
7. Dua while standing after Ruku’: ‫ال اح ْمدلة‬
)772 ‫(مسمل‬ .‫ا َرب انا ل اك ال اح ْم ُد‬
Rab-ba-naa la-kal hamd.

O our Sustainer, unto You belongs all praise.


8. Dua of Sajdah:
ٰ ‫ْا‬
)772 ‫(مسمل‬ .‫ان َرِِّب َ ِّي ال ْعٰل‬
‫ُ ْ ا ا‬
Sub-haa-na rab-biyal a'laa.
Glory be to my Sustainer, the Most High.

9. Dua between the two Sajdahs:

ْ ‫ہ‬
)284 ‫(الرتمذي‬ .‫الل ُھ َم اغف ْر ي ْٰل‬
Allahum-magh fir-lee.

O Allah, forgive me.

‫َ ا‬
10. Tashahhud: ‫التشھد‬
َ ‫َ ا ا ا‬
‫لسَل ُم عل ْیك أی اھا الن َ يی‬ ِّ ُ ‫ات َِّوالط ِی َب‬
‫ ا‬، ‫ات‬
ُ ‫َ َ ُ ہ ا َ ا‬
‫التحیات ّٰلل والصلو‬
‫ہ‬ ٰ ‫ا‬ ‫َ ا‬ ٗ ُ ‫ُ ہ‬
‫لسَل ُم اعل ْینا او اعٰل ع اباد اّٰلل‬ ‫ ا‬، ‫او ار ْح امة اّٰلل او اب ارکاته‬
ً َ ُ ْ ُ ‫ْ نا ْ ا ُ ْ َ ٰ ا َ ہ‬
‫اّٰلل اوأش اھد أن ُم اح َمدا‬ ‫ أشھد أن َل إله إَل‬،‫الصالحی‬ َ
.‫اع ْب ُد ٗہ او ار ُس ْول ٗه‬
)831 ‫(البخاري‬
At-ta-hi-yaa-tu lil-laahi was-sala-waa-tu wat-tay-yi-baatu,
assa-laa-mu a'laika ay-yu-han na-biy-yu wa rah-matul-laahi
wa-bara-kaa-tuh assa-laa-mu a'lai-naa wa a'laa
i’baa-dil-laa-his saa-liheen, ash-hadu al-laa ilaa-ha illal
laa-hu wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ‘ab-duhu
wa rasooluh.

All devotions offered through words, bodily actions, and wealth

are due to Allah. Peace be upon you, O Prophet, and the mercy
of Allah and His blessings. Peace be upon us and on the pious
servants of Allah. I bear witness that there is no god besides
Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is His servant and

‫َ ا ُ ا َ ا‬
11. Salaat was Salaam (Durood Shareef) ‫السَل ُم‬‫الصَلة و‬:
ٰ ٰ ٰ
، ‫ل اعٰل ُم اح َم ٍد َو اعٰل ال ُم اح َم ٍد‬ َ ‫ا ہلل ُھ َم‬
ِّ ِ ‫ص‬
ٌ ٌ ‫َ ا‬ ٰ ٰ ٰ ‫ا‬
‫ إنك احم ْید َمج ْید۔‬، ‫ک اما اصل ْیت اعٰل إ ْب اراه ْی ام او اعٰل ال إ ْب اراه ْی ام‬
ٰ ٰ ٰ ْ ‫ہ‬
، ‫الل ُھ َم اب ِارك اعٰل ُم اح َم ٍد َو اعٰل ال ُم اح َم ٍد‬
ٌ ٌ ‫َ ا‬ ٰ ٰ ٰ ‫ْ ا‬
‫ إنك احم ْید َمج ْید۔‬، ‫ک اما اب اارکت اعٰل إ ْب اراه ْی ام او اعٰل ال إ ْب اراه ْی ام‬
(3370 ‫)البخاري‬

Allahum-ma salli ‘alaa Muhammad wa ‘alaa aa-li Muhammad,

kamaa sal-laita ‘alaa ibra-heema wa ‘alaa aa-li ibra-heema,
in-naka ha-mee-dum majeed.
Allahum-ma baa-rik ‘alaa Muhammad wa ‘alaa aa-li
Muhammad, kamaa baa-rakta ‘alaa ibra-heema wa ‘alaa
aa-li ibra-heema, innaka ha-mee-dum majeed.

O Allah, have mercy on Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and his family as You

had mercy on Ibrahim and his family. Surely, You are
praiseworthy and Most High.
O Allah, bless Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and his family as You have blessed
Ibrahim and his family. Surely, You are praiseworthy and Most

12. Dua after Salaat was Salaam (Durood Shareef):

ْ ُ ْ ْ‫ْ ُ ا‬ ْ ‫ا ہلل ُھ َم ِّإ ِِّن‬
، ‫س ظل ًما کث ْ ًبا‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ت‬‫م‬ ‫ل‬‫ظ‬ ِّ
‫ي‬ ِ
‫ْ ً ْ ْ ا‬ ْ ‫َ ْ ا ا‬ ُ ْ ‫ا‬
، ‫ فاغف ْر ي ْٰل امغف ارۃ ِمنِّعندك‬، ‫َوَل ایغف ُر الذن ْو اب إَل أنت‬
ُ ْ َ ُ ْ ُ ‫او ْار اح ْم ن ْ َ ا ْ ا ْ ا‬
)834 ‫ (البخاري‬.‫ی إنك أنت الغفور الرحیم‬
Allahum-ma inni dha-lam-tu naf-see dhul-man kathee-raa, wa
laa yagh-fi-rudh dhu-nu-ba il-laa anta fagh-firli magh-fi-
ratam min ‘in-dika war-hamni in-naka antal gha-foo-rur
O Allah, I have wronged myself greatly and nobody forgives
sins except You. Grant me complete forgiveness and have
mercy on me. Surely, You are the Forgiver and the Merciful.

13. Qunoot of Witr:

ٗ ُ ‫ا ْ ا‬ ْ ‫ او ُن ْث ن‬،‫ا ہلل ُھ َم إ َنا ان ْس اتع ْی ُن اك او ان ْس ات ْغف ُر اك‬
،‫ی اعل ْیك الخ ْ اب کله‬ ‫ي‬
‫ْ ا‬ ُ ْ‫ا‬ ْ ‫ا ْ ُ ا ا ا ُْ ا ا‬
،‫ اونخل ُع اون ُبك ام ْن َیف ُج ُرك‬،‫اونشک ُرك اوَل نکف ُرك‬
‫ا ا‬ ُ ‫ا‬ َ ‫ا ہلل ُھ َم إ َی ااك ان ْع ُب ُد اول اك ُن‬
،‫ اوإل ْیك ن ْس اع اون ْحفد‬،‫ص ِل ِّْيِّ اون ْس ُجد‬
ُ ‫ا‬
ْ َُ ْ ‫َ ا‬ ‫ا‬ ْ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬
.‫ إن اعذ ااب اك بالکف ِار ُملح ٌق‬،‫ن ْر ُج ْو ار ْح ام ات اك اونخ َاس اعذ ااب اك‬
)1438 ‫(الطحاوي يف رشح معاين الااثر‬
Allahum-ma in-naa nasta-‘ee-nuka wa nas-tagh-firuk,
wa nuth-nee a'lai-kal khaira kullah, wa nash kuruka wa-laa
nak-furuk, wa nakh-la'u wa nat-ruku mainy yaf juruk.
Allahumma ee-yaa-ka na'budu wa laka nusal-li wa nas-jud,
wa ilaika nas'a wa nah-fid, narju rah-mataka wa nakh-shaa
a'dhaa-bak, In-na ‘adhaa-baka bil kuf-faari mul-hiq.

O Allah, we seek help from You and we seek Your forgiveness.

We praise You in the best manner. We thank You and we are
not ungrateful to You. We leave and cast off the one who
disobeys You. O Allah, You alone do we worship and to You
alone we pray and prostrate. To You alone we flee and we are
quick (in serving You). We hope for Your mercy and fear Your
punishment. Verily Your punishment falls on the disbelievers.

14. Janazah Dua for an adult:

‫ا‬ ‫ا ا ا‬ ‫ا‬ َ َ
‫ او اصغ ْ ِبنا‬،‫ اوشاهدنا اوغائبنا‬،‫الل ُھ َم اغف ْر ِل َح ِین ِّا َو َِّم ِی ِتنا‬
ْ ‫ہ‬
‫اٗ َ ا‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ا ا ا ُْ ا ا‬
‫ الل ُھ َم ام ْن أ ْح ای ْیته منا فأ ْحی ٖه‬، ‫ اوذک ِرنا اوأنثانا‬،‫اوکب ْ ِبنا‬
ْ َ ‫ا‬ َ ‫ا‬ ‫ْ ا‬
.‫ او ام ْن ت اوف ْی ات ٗه م َنا ف ات اوف ٗه اعٰل ال ْی امان‬، ‫اعٰل ال ْسَلم‬
)1024 ‫(الرتمذي‬
Allahum-magh-fir li-hai-yinaa wa mai-yi-ti-naa,
wa shaa-hidi-naa wa ghaa-ibi-naa, wa saghee-ri-naa
wa kabee-ri-naa, wa dha-ka-ri-naa wa un-thaa-naa.
Allahum-ma man ah-yay ta-hu min-naa, fa ah-yee-hi
'alal islaam, wa man ta-waf-fai-tahu min-naa,
fata-waf-fahu ‘alal imaan.

O Allah, forgive those of us who are alive and those who are
dead, those of us who are present and those who are absent, our
young and old, our men and women. O Allah, whom You keep
alive from amongst us, keep them alive upon Islam and whom
You cause to die, cause them to die upon Iman.

15. Janazah Dua for a boy:

ْ ُ ‫ہُ َ ْ اْ ُ ا اا ً َ ْ ْ ُ ا‬
،‫اج اعله لنا أ ْج ًرا َوذخ ًرا‬‫اللھم اجعله لنا فرطا و‬
ًَ ‫َ ْ ا ْ ُ ا ا ً َ ُ ا‬
.‫واجعله لنا شافعا ومشفعا‬
(10-9/4 ‫ وبعضه يف السنن الکربی موقوفا عىل أيب هریرة رض هللا عنه‬128‫)نور االيضاح ص‬

Allahum-maj ‘alhu la-naa fara-tawn,

waj ‘alhu la-naa aj-rawn wa dhukh-raa,
waj ‘alhu la-naa shaa-fi-awn wa mushaf-fa'a.

O Allah, make him our fore-runner, a source of reward and

treasure, and make him a pleader for us and one whose plea is

16. Janazah Dua for a girl:

ْ ُ ‫ہُ َ ْ اْا ا اا ً َ ْ ْ ا‬
،‫اج اعل اھا لنا أ ْج ًرا َوذخ ًرا‬‫اللھم اجعلھا لنا فرطا و‬
ً ‫َ ْ اْا ا ا ا ً َ ُ ا َ ا‬
.‫واجعلھا لنا شافعة ومشفعة‬
(10-9/4 ‫ وبعضه يف السنن الکربی موقوفا عىل أيب هریرة رض هللا عنه‬128‫)نور االيضاح ص‬

Allahum-maj ‘alhaa la-naa fara-tawn,

waj ‘alhaa la-naa aj-rawn wa dhukh-raa,
waj ‘alhaa la-naa shaa-fi-awn wa mushaf-fa'ah.
O Allah, make her our fore-runner, a source of reward and
treasure, and make her a pleader for us and one whose plea is

17. Duas after every Fardh Salah:

‫ أ ْس ات ْغف ُر ہ ا‬، ‫اّٰلل‬
.‫اّٰلل‬ ‫ أ ْس ات ْغف ُر ہ ا‬، ‫اّٰلل‬
‫أ ْس ات ْغف ُر ہ ا‬
As-tagh-fi-rullah, As-tagh-fi-rullah, As-tagh-fi-rullah.

I seek Allah's forgiveness, I seek Allah's forgiveness, I seek

Allah's forgiveness.
‫ہُ َ ْ ا َ ا ُ ا ْ ا َ ا‬
(b) ،‫السَل ُم‬ ‫اللھم أنت السَلم ومنك‬
ْ‫ا ا ا ْ ا ا ا ْ ا ا ا ْ ا‬
.‫تبارکت یا ذا الجَلل والکرام‬
)592 ‫ و‬5۹۱ ‫(مسمل‬

Allahum-ma an-tas salaam wa min-kas salaam,

ta-baa-rak-ta yaa dhal ja-laa-li wal-ik-raam.

O Allah, You are Peace and from You comes peace. You are
praiseworthy, O Owner of majesty and honor.
ْ ُ ْ ٰ َ ‫ہ‬
(c) .‫الل ُھ َم ِّأ ِع ِ ِّن ِّْي اعٰل ذک ِر اك اوشک ِر اك او ُح ْس ِن ع اب اادت اك‬
Allahum-ma a-'in-ni ‘alaa dhik-rika wa shuk-rika
wa hus-nee ‘ibaa-datik.

O Allah, help me in remembering You, being thankful to You,

and worshipping You in the best manner. )1522 ‫(أبو داود‬

(d) Say 7 times after Fajr and Magrib Salah:

َ ‫ہ‬
)5079 ‫(أبو داؤد‬ .‫الل ُھ َم أج ْر ن ي ْن م ان الن ِار‬
Allahum-ma a-jir-nee mi-nan naar.

O Allah, save me from the Fire.


18. Adhaan:
ْ ُ ‫ہ ُ ْاْ ہ‬ ْ ُ ‫ہ ُ ْاْ ہ‬
.‫ّٰلل أك َا ْب‬ ‫اّٰلل أک َب ا‬ ‫ّٰلل أك َا ْب‬ ‫اّٰلل أك َب ا‬
ْ ‫أ ْش اھ ُد أ ْن ََل إل اه إَل ہ‬
َ ْ ‫أ ْش اھ ُد أ ْن ََل إ ٰل اه إَل ہ‬
. ‫اّٰلل‬ ‫اّٰلل‬
ْ ‫أ ْش اھ ُد أ َن ُم اح َم ًدا َر ُس ْو ُل ہ‬
.‫اّٰلل‬ ْ ‫أ ْش اھ ُد أ َن ُم اح َم ًدا َر ُس ْو ُل ہ‬
ْ ‫َ ا‬ ْ ‫َ ا‬
.‫الصَلۃ‬ ‫ح اعٰل‬ َ ‫ا‬
‫ي‬ ‫الصَلۃ‬ ‫ح اعٰل‬ َ ‫ا‬
ْ.‫ح اعٰل ْال اف اَلح‬ َ ‫ا‬ ْ‫ح اعٰل ْال اف اَلح‬ َ ‫ا‬
ْ ‫ہ‬ َ ‫ا يٰ ا‬ ْ‫ّٰلل أ ْک َاب‬
ُ ‫ّٰلل أ ْک ا ْب ا ہ‬ ُ‫اہ‬
)379 ‫(مسمل‬. ‫َل إله إَل اّٰلل‬ َ
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar,
Ash-hadu al laa-ilaa-ha illal-laah. Ash-hadu al laa-ilaa-ha
Ash-hadu anna Muhammadar rasoolullah.
Ash-hadu anna Muhammadar rasoolullah.
Hai-yaa ‘alas salaah. Hai-yaa ‘alas salaah.
Hai-yaa ‘alal falaah. Hai-yaa ‘alal falaah.
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar.
Laa ilaa-ha il-lal-laah.

Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.

I bear witness that there is no god besides Allah.
I bear witness that there is no god besides Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is the Messenger of Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is the Messenger of Allah.
Come to Salah; come to Salah.
Come to success; come to success.
Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
There is no god besides Allah.

َ َ ٌْ ‫َ ا ُ ا‬
In Fajr Adhaan add: ‫ن الن ْو ْم‬
ِّ ‫" الصَلۃ خب ِم‬Assalatu khai-rum
ْ ‫" ا َ ا ْ ا ا‬Hai-
minan nawm" 'Salah is better than sleep' after ‫ح عٰل الفَلح‬‫ي‬
yaa ‘alal falaah" 'Come to success'.

ْ ‫َ ا‬ ‫اْ ا‬
19. In Iqaamah add: ‫الصَلة‬ ‫قد ق اامت‬ "Qad qaa-matis salaah"
ْ ‫ْاا‬ ‫ا َ ا‬
'Salah has begun' after ‫ح عٰل الفَلح‬ "Hai-yaa ‘alal fa-laah"
'Come to success'.

20. Dua after Adhaan:

َّ ‫اّٰلل اعٰل‬
.‫الن ِب ِِّي‬ ُ ‫اصٰل ہ‬
‫َ ْا َ َ ا َ ا ْا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ہ‬
،‫الصَلۃ القائ امة‬ ‫ و‬،‫الل ُھ َم ار َب هذ ٖہ الدعوۃ التامة‬
‫ا‬ ‫ا ْا‬ ْ ً ٰ
،‫ات ُم اح َمدان ال اوس ْیلة اوالفض ْیلة‬
ٗ َ ‫ْ ا ا‬ ً ْ ُ ْ َ ً ‫ا ْاْ ُ ا ا‬
)614 ‫ (البخاري‬.‫وابعثه مقاما محمودان الذي وعدته‬

Sal-lal-lahu ‘alan nabi.

Allahum-ma rab-ba haa-dhi-hid da'wa-tit taam-mah,
was-salaa-til qaa-imah, aati Muhammada-nil wa-see-lata
wal fadhi-lata, wab-‘ath-hu ma-qaa-mam mah-moo-da
nil-ladhi wa-‘attah.

May Allah shower His mercy on the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.

O Allah, Lord of this perfect call and everlasting prayer, grant
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬the waseelah and the highest status and raise him
to that praised station which You have promised him.
(Waseelah: The highest place in Jannah. ‫)معدة القاري‬


1. Before I go to sleep I say:

)6314 ‫(البخاري‬
ْ ‫ا ہلل ُھ َم ب‬
.‫اسم اك أ ُم ْو ُت او أ ْح ای‬
Allahum-ma bis-mika amoo-tu wa ah-yaa.

O Allah, with Your name do I die and live.

2. When I wake up I say:

‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ْ
.‫ال اح ْم ُد ہّٰلل الذ ْي أ ْح ایانا اب ْع اد اما أ امات انا اوإل ْیه الن ُش ْو ُر‬
)6312 ‫(البخاري‬

Alhumdu lil-laa-hil ladhi ah-yaa-naa ba'da maa

amaa tanaa wa ilai-hin nu-shoor.

All praise is due to Allah who has given us life after death and
to Him is the return (after death).

3. Before entering the toilet I say:

‫ْ ا‬ ُ ْ ‫ُ ُ ا‬ ‫ہ‬
.‫ الل ُھ َم ِِّإ ِِّن ْ ِّي أع ْوذ بك م ان الخ ُبث اوالخ ابائث‬، ‫ب ْسم اّٰلل‬
)5 ‫ و‬606 ‫(الرتمذي‬

Bismil-laah, Allahum-ma inni a'oodhu bika minal

khu-bu-thi wal kha-baa-ith.

In the name of Allah.

O Allah, I seek Your protection from the male and female devils.

4. After leaving the toilet I say:

‫ُْ ا‬
.‫غف اران اك‬
ْ ‫ی او اع ااف ن‬
َْ َ ‫ْ ْ ا ا‬ ‫ْ ا ْ ُ ہ‬
. ‫ان‬‫ي‬ ِّ ‫ذ‬
ِّ ‫ال‬
ِّ ِّ‫ي‬ ِّ
‫ن‬ ِ ‫ع‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ذ‬‫أ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ذ‬‫ال‬ ‫ّٰلل‬ ‫الحمد‬
(301 ‫ و‬300 ‫)ابن ماجه‬

Alhumdu lil-laahil-ladhi adh-haba ‘an-nil a-dhaa
wa 'aa-faa-ni.
I seek Your pardon.
Praise be to Allah who removed from me discomfort and gave me

5. Before making Wudhu I say:

ْ ‫ہ‬
)73/1 ‫(الطرباين يف الصغری‬ .‫اّٰلل اوال اح ْم ُد ہّٰلل‬ ‫ہ‬
‫ ب ْسم‬or )101 ‫ (أبو داود‬.‫ب ْسم اّٰلل‬
Bismil-laah or Bismil-laahi wal humdu-lil-laah.

I begin in the name of Allah.

I begin in the name of Allah and all praise is due to Allah.

6. During Wudhu I say:

‫ہ ُ َ ْ ْ ْ ا ْ ْ َ َو ْ ْ ن ْ ا‬
، ‫ف د ِار ْي‬ ‫ و ِسعِّ يٰل ي‬، ‫اللھم اغفر يٰل ذن َ يی‬
ْ ْ ‫ف ر ْز‬
)28 ‫ (ابن الس ين‬.‫ف‬ ْ‫اا ْ ْ ن‬
‫وب ِارك يٰل ي ِ ي‬
Allahum-magh-fir li dham-bi, wa-was-si'-li fi daa-ri,
wa baa-rik li fi rizqi.
O Allah, forgive my sins, grant me comfort in my home and bless me
in my livelihood.

7. After completing Wudhu I say:

ٗ ‫ْ ا ُ ْ َ ٰ ا َ ہ ُ ا ْ ا ٗ ا َا ْ ا‬
،‫شیك له‬ ِ ُ ‫أشھد أن َل إله إَل اّٰلل وحدہ َل‬
ٗ ْ ُ ‫ا ْ ا ُ َ ُ ا َ ً اُْ ٗ اا‬
)234 ‫ (مسمل‬.‫وأشھد أن محمدا عبدہ ورسوله‬
Ash-hadu al-laa ilaa-ha il-lal laa-hu wah-dahu laa shareeka
lahu, wa ash-hadu an-na Muhammadan ‘ab-duhu wa rasooluh.

I bear witness that there is no god besides Allah, who is alone

and without any partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
is His servant and messenger.

8. And I also say:

َ ُْ
ِّ َ ‫الت َواب ْ نای او ْاج اعل ن ي ْی م ان اْل َتط ِھ ِرْی‬
ْ َ ‫ہُ َ ْ اْنْ ا‬
(55 ‫(الرتمذي‬ .‫ن‬ ‫اللھم اجعل يی من‬
Allahum-maj ‘alni minat taw-waa-beena wa'j ‘alni
minal muta-tah-hireen.

O Allah, make me amongst those who always repent and those

who purify themselves.

9. For protection from all calamities I read this Dua

3 times in the morning and 3 times in the evening:
ْ ‫َا ْ ٌ ن ْ ا‬ ْ ‫اّٰلل الذ ْي اَل ای نُض ام اع‬
ِ ‫ر‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ء‬
‫ْ ي ي‬‫ش‬ ‫ه‬
ٖ ‫م‬‫اس‬ ‫ب ْسم‬
ُْ ‫اا ن َ ا ا ُ ا َ ْ ُ ا‬
)5088 ‫ (أبو داود‬.‫وَل ف السماء وهو السمیع العلیم‬
Bismil-laa-hil la-dhi laa ya-dhur-ru ma'as-mihi shai-un fil ar-
dhi wa laa fis-sa-maai wahu-was sami-'ul ‘aleem.

In the name of Allah with whose name nothing on Earth and in the
Heavens can cause harm. He is the All-Hearing, All Knowing.

10. To attain Allah Ta’ala's pleasure, I read this

dua every morning and evening:
ً ‫ْ ا‬ ‫ا ْا ہ‬
)5072 ‫(أبو داود‬ .‫اّٰلل ا ًّربا َو بال ْسَلم د ْی ًنا َو ب ُم اح َم ٍد َر ُس ْوَل‬‫رضینا ب‬
Radhi-naa bil-laahi rab-baw wabil islaami dee-naw
wa bi Muhammadir rasoolaa.

We are pleased with Allah as (our) Lord, Islam as (our) religion

and Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬as (our) Messenger.

11. Before eating I say:

َ ‫الر ْح امن‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ہ‬
ْ ‫ ب‬or .‫اّٰلل‬
.‫الرح ْیم‬ ِ
َ ‫اّٰلل‬ ‫م‬ ‫س‬ ‫ب ْسم‬
‫ہ‬ ‫ہ‬
.‫اّٰلل‬ ‫ ب ْسم اّٰلل او اب ارکة‬or
)107/4 ‫ و املس تدرك‬339‫ و الذاكر ص‬5376 ‫(البخاري‬
Bismil-laah. or Bismil-laa-hir rah-maa-nir raheem. or
Bismil-laahi wa bara-ka-til-laah.
I begin in the name of Allah.
I begin in the name of Allah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful.
I begin in the name of Allah and with the blessings of Allah.

12. If I forgot to read Bismillah I say:

ٰ ‫ہ‬
)3767 ‫(أبو داود‬ .‫اّٰلل أ َول ٗه اواخ ار ٗہ‬ ‫ب ْسم‬
Bismil-laahi aw-wala-hu wa aa-khi-rahu.
In the name of Allah, in the beginning and the end.

13. After I complete my meal I say:

)3850 ‫(أبو داود‬

‫ا ْل اح ْم ُد ہّٰلل الذ ْي أ ْط اع ام انا او اس اق اانا او اج اعل انا ُم ْسلم ْ نا‬
Alham-du lil-laa-hil lad-hi at-‘ama-naa wa sa-qaa-naa
wa ja-'ala-naa muslimeen.

All praises are due to Allah Who has fed us, given us drink, and
made us Muslims.

14. Before drinking I say:

َ ‫الر ْح امن‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ہ‬
ْ ‫ ب‬or .‫اّٰلل‬
)339‫ و الذاكر ص‬1885 ‫(الرتمذي‬ .‫الرح ْیم‬ ِ
َ ‫اّٰلل‬ ‫م‬‫س‬ ‫ب ْسم‬
Bismil-laah. or Bismil-laa-hir rah-maa-nir raheem.
I begin in the name of Allah.
I begin in the name of Allah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful.

15. After every sip I say:

ُ ْ
)2734 ‫(مسمل‬ .‫ال اح ْمد ہّٰلل‬

All praises are due to Allah.

16. After drinking milk I say:

‫ا‬ ‫ہ‬
)3730 ‫(أبو داود‬ .‫الل ُھ َم اب ِار ْك ل انا ف ْیه او ِز ْدنا م ْن ُه‬
Allahum-ma baa-rik la-naa fihee wa zid-naa minhu.

O Allah, bless us in it and grant us more of it.


17. Before I undress I say:

َ ٰ ‫ا‬ ‫ہ‬
)274 ‫(ابن الس ين‬ .‫اّٰلل الذ ْي َل إل اه إَل ُه او‬ ‫ب ْسم‬
Bismil-laa-hil la-dhi laa ilaa-ha il-laa huw.

I begin in the name of Allah, besides whom there is no god.

18. While dressing I say:

َ ‫ْ ا نْ ا ا‬ ‫ْ ا ْ ُ ہ‬
، ‫ان هذا الث ْو اب‬ ‫ي‬ ‫س‬ ‫ک‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ذ‬‫ال‬ ‫ّٰلل‬ ‫الحمد‬
َُ ‫ْ ا ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫اا‬
. ‫او ارزقن ْیه م ْن غ ْ ِب اح ْو ٍل ِم ِن ِّيِّوَل قو ٍۃ‬
(272 ‫)ابن الس ين‬
Alhamdu lil-laa-hil la-dhi kasaa-ni haa-dhath thaw-ba,
wa ra-za-qa-nee-hi min ghai-ri haw-lim min-ni
wa laa quw-wah.
All Praises are due to Allah who has clothed me with this
garment and provided me with it, with no power nor might from

19. When I look into the mirror I say:

ْ ْ ‫ق َف َح ِس ْنِّ ُخ ُل‬
.‫ق‬ ْ ْ ‫ت اخ ْل‬
‫ہُ َ ا ا َ ْ ا‬
‫ن‬‫س‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ا‬‫م‬‫ک‬ ‫م‬‫ھ‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ،
‫ْ ا ْ ُ ہ‬
‫ّٰلل‬ ‫الحمد‬
)163 ‫(ابن الس ين‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
Alhamdu-lil-laah, Allahum-ma ka-maa has-san-ta khal-qi
fa-has-sin khu-lu-qi.

All praises are due to Allah. O Allah, just as you have made my
external features beautiful, make my character beautiful as well.

20. When I sneeze I say:

)6224 ‫(البخاري‬ .‫ال اح ْم ُد ہّٰلل‬
All praises are due to Allah.

21. (a) If a Muslim brother sneezes and says

‫ْ ا ُ ہ‬
‘‫ الح ْمد ّٰلل‬Alhamdulillaah’, I say to him:

)6224 ‫(البخاري‬
ُ ‫ای ْر اح ُم اك ہ‬
Yar-hamu kal-laah
May Allah have mercy on you.

21. (b) If a Muslim sister sneezes and says

‫ْ ا ُ ہ‬
‘‫ الح ْمد ّٰلل‬Alhamdulillaah’, I say to her:

)6224 ‫(البخاري‬
ُ ‫ای ْر اح ُمك ہ‬
Yar-hamu kil-laah.
May Allah have mercy on you.

22. If someone says to me ‘‫ی ْرح ُمك اّٰلل‬

ُ‫ہ‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا ا‬
Yarhamukallah’ after I sneeze, I reply by saying:
ُ ُ ‫ای ْھد ْی ُک ُم ہ‬
)6224 ‫(البخاري‬ .‫اّٰلل او ُی ْصل ُح ابالک ْم‬
Yah-dee kumul-lahu wa-yus-li-hu baa la-kum.

May Allah guide you and rectify your affairs.


23. When I leave my home I say:

‫ہ‬ َ ‫ا ُ ا‬ ‫ہ ا‬ ُ ْ ‫ہ ا‬
. ‫ َل اح ْو ال اوَل ق َوۃ إَل باّٰلل‬، ‫ ت اوکلت اعٰل اّٰلل‬، ‫ب ْسم اّٰلل‬
)5095 ‫(أبو داود‬

Bismil-laa-hi tawak-kal-tu ‘alal laa-hi, laa hawla

wa laa quw-wata il-laa bil-laah.

(I leave) with the name of Allah. I place my trust in Allah. There

is no power and no strength except with Allah.

24. When I enter my home, I make Salaam and

ْ ْ ‫ا‬
ِّْ ‫الل ُھ َم ِِّإ ِِّن‬
ْ ‫ُ ا ا‬ ‫ہ‬
، ‫ي أ ْسالك خ ْ اب ال ام ْول ِج اوخ ْ اب ال امخ ار ِج‬
‫ہ ا ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ہ‬
، ‫ اوب ْسم اّٰلل خ ار ْجنا‬، ‫ب ْسم اّٰلل اول ْجنا‬
.‫اّٰلل َرِب َنا ت اوکل انا‬
ْ ‫ا‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ا‬
)5096 ‫(أبو داود‬ ‫اوعٰل‬
Allahum-ma in-ni as-aluka khai-ral maw-laji wa khai-ral
makh-raji, bismil-laa-hi walaj-naa, wa bismil-laa-hi kharaj-
naa, wa ‘alal laa-hi rabbi-naa ta-wak-kal-naa.

O Allah, I ask you for a good entrance and a good exit. With the
name of Allah we enter and with the name of Allah we exit, and
upon our Lord we place our trust.

25. When I sit in/on a vehicle I say:

َُ ‫َ ا ا ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ْ ُ ہ‬ ‫ہ‬
‫ ُس ْب احان الذ ْي اسخ ار لنا ھذا او اما کنا‬، ‫ ال اح ْمد ّٰلل‬، ‫ب ْسم اّٰلل‬
‫ٗ ُ ْ ْ نا َ ٰ َ ْ ا ا ْ ُ ہ ْ ُ ہ‬
،‫ ال اح ْمد ّٰلل‬،‫ ال اح ْمد ّٰلل‬.‫ اوإنا إٰل َرِبنا ل ُمنقل ُب ْون‬،‫ی‬ ‫له مق ِرن‬
ُ‫ہ ُ ْا‬ ُ‫ہ ُ ْا‬ ُ‫ہ ُ ْا‬ ‫ْ ا ْ ُ ہ‬
)2602 ‫ (أبو داود‬.‫ اّٰلل أک َب‬، ‫ اّٰلل أک َب‬، ‫ اّٰلل أک َب‬،‫الحمد ّٰلل‬
Bismil-laahi, Alhamdu-lil-lahi, Subhaa-nal la-dhi sakh-khara
la-naa haa-dhaa wa maa kun-naa lahu muq-ri-neen, wa in-naa
ilaa rab-bi-naa lamun qa-li-boon.
Alhamdu-lil-laah, Alhamdu-lil-laah, Alhamdu-lil-laah,
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
In the name of Allah. All praises are due to Allah. Perfect is He
who has placed this (vehicle) in our control, and we could not
have (otherwise) controlled it (on our own). Verily we will
return to our Lord. All praises are due to Allah, all praises are
due to Allah, all praises are due to Allah. Allah is the greatest,
Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.

26. When I meet a fellow Muslim I say:

ُ ‫َ ا ُ ا ُْْ اا ْ ا ُ ہ‬
.‫اّٰلل او اب ارکات ٗه‬
)5195 ‫(أبو داود‬ ‫السَلم علیکم ورحمة‬
As-salaa-mu ‘alai-kum wa-rah-matul-laa-hi wa bara-kaa-tuh.
Peace be unto you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

27. When a fellow Muslim greets me with Salaam,

I reply:
ُ ‫ا ا ُُْ َ ا ُ اا ْ ا ُ ہ‬
.‫اّٰلل او اب ارکات ٗه‬
)5195 ‫(أبو داود‬ ‫وعلیکم السَلم ورحمة‬
Wa-‘alai-ku-mus salaam wa rah-matul-laa-hi wa bara-kaa-tuh.

And peace be unto you also and the mercy of Allah and His

28. When someone ask me "how are you?" I reply:

)6266 ‫(البخاري‬ .‫ال اح ْم ُد ہّٰلل‬

All praises are due to Allah.

29. When I see a fellow Muslim smiling I say:

)6085 ‫(البخاري‬
ُ ‫أ ْض اح اك ہ‬
.‫اّٰلل س َن اك‬
Adh hakal laa-hu sin-nak.

May Allah always keep you smiling.

30. (a) When I receive a gift or favour from a

Muslim male I say to him:
‫ا ا ا ہُ ا‬
)2035 ‫(الرتمذي‬ .‫اّٰلل خ ْ ًبا‬ ‫جزاك‬
Jazaa-kal-lahu khai-raa.

May Allah reward you well.

30. (b) When I receive a gift or favour from a

Muslim female I say to her:
‫ہُ ا‬
)2035 ‫(الرتمذي‬ .‫اّٰلل خ ْ ًبا‬ ‫اج ازاك‬
Jazaa-kil-lahu khai-raa.

May Allah reward you well.


31. When I see or hear a pleasant thing I say:

‫ہ‬ َ ‫ا ا ا ہُ ا ُ ا‬
)207 ‫(ابن الس ين‬ .‫اّٰلل‬‫ َلق َوۃ إَل ب‬،‫اّٰلل‬ ‫ما شاء‬
Maa shaa Allah, laa quw-wata il-laa bil-laah.

What Allah willed (has occurred); there is no power except

with Allah.

32. When I am surprised at a matter I say:

‫ ُ ْ ا ا ہ‬.ُ ‫ہ ُ ْ ا‬
)6218 ‫(البخاري‬ ‫ سبحان‬or ‫اّٰلل أک َب‬
Allahu akbar or Subhaa-nallah.

Allah is the greatest OR Perfect is Allah.

33. When I am in difficulty I say:

ْ ُ‫ی ہ‬
)3627 ‫(أبو داود‬ .‫اّٰلل اون ْع ام ال اوک ْی ُل‬ ‫اح ْس َ ا‬
Has-bi-yal-laa-hu wa ne’mal wa-keel.

Allah is sufficient for me and He is the best disposer of


34. When I see or hear displeasing things I say:

‫ل ا‬ ُ ٰ‫ْ ا ُْ ہ ا‬
)3803 ‫(ابن ماجه‬ .‫ال‬
ٍ ‫ح‬ ِّ ‫ک‬
ِ ‫الحمد ّٰلل عٰل‬
Alhamdu-lil-laa-hi 'alaa kul-li haal.

All praise is due to Allah in all conditions.


35. When I am in grief or sorrow I say:

.‫ش ُك ب ٖه ش ْی ًئا‬
َْ ُ ‫ا‬
‫ب‬ َ ‫ّٰلل‬
‫ر‬ ُ ‫ّٰلل ا ہ‬
)1525 ‫(أبو داود‬ ِ ‫أ‬ ‫َل‬ ، ِ
Allahu Allahu rab-bi, laa ush-riku bihi shai-aa.

Allah, Allah, is my Lord. I do not associate any partners with


36. When I get angry, to calm myself, I say:

َ ‫ُْ ُ ہ ا‬
َ ‫الش ْی اطان‬
.‫الرج ْیم‬
)3282 ‫(البخاري‬ ‫أعوذ باّٰلل من‬
A'oodhu bil-lahi mi-nash shai-taunir-rajeem.

I seek refuge in Allah from satan, the accursed.

37. Before entering the Masjid I say:

‫ا ہلل ُھ َم ْاف ات ْح ْٰل أ ْب او ا‬
.‫اب ار ْح امت اك‬
)713 ‫( مسمل‬
Allahum-maf-tah-li ab-waa-ba rah-ma-tik.

O Allah, open the doors of Your mercy for me.

38. When I exit the Masjid I say:

‫ا‬ ُ ‫ہ‬
)713 ‫( مسمل‬ .‫الل ُـه َم ِِّإ ِِّن ْيِّأ ْسال اك م ْن ف ْضل اك‬
Allahum-ma in-ni as-alu-ka min fadh-lik.

O Allah I ask you for Your favour.


39. When I hear a dog bark at night I say:

َ ‫ُْ ُ ہ ا‬
َ ‫الش ْی اطان‬
.‫الرج ْیم‬
)5103 ‫(أبو داود‬ ‫أعوذ باّٰلل من‬
A'oo-dhu bil-laa-hi mi-nash shai-tau-nir-ra-jeem.

I seek refuge in Allah from satan, the accursed.

40. If I commit a sin I beg Allah Ta’ala for

forgiveness by saying:

)2748 ‫(مسمل‬
‫أ ْس ات ْغف ُر ہ ا‬

I seek forgiveness from Allah.

‫ربنا تقبل منا انك أنت السمیع العلیم‬

‫وتب علینا انك أنت التواب الرحیم‬
Allah Ta'ala says:
So remember Me, I will remember you. (2:152)
Call on Me, I shall respond to you. (40:60)

No. DUAS Page Date Teacher’s

Learnt Initials

1. In the morning 37
2a. In the morning 37
2b. In the evening 38
3. When hearing the Adhaan 38
4. When hearing the Maghrib Adhaan 39
5. Dhikr after every Fardh Salah 39
6. Dua after every Fardh Salah 40
7a. Another Dhikr after every Fardh Salah 40
7b. Surahs for after every Fardh Salah 41
8. After Witr Salah 41
9. After drinking water 41
10. At the time of drinking Zamzam water 42
11. After eating at someone’s home 42
12. Another dua for the host 42
13. At the time of Iftaar 43
14. After eating the Iftaar dinner 43
15. After eating Iftaar at someone’s home 43
16. When eating the first fruit of the season 44
17. Dua before sleeping 44
18. Aayah before sleeping 45
19. Surahs before sleeping 45
20. Dhikr before sleeping 45
21. Final Surah before sleeping 46
22. When having trouble falling asleep 46
23. On having a good dream 46
24. On having a bad dream 47
25. When consoling a sick person 47
26. Prayer for the sick 48

No. DUAS Page Date Teacher’s

Learnt Initials
27. Dua for cure from any ailment 48
28. When seeing anyone with an affliction 49
29. When entering the graveyard 49
30. When undertaking a journey 50
31. When undertaking a journey on a boat 51
32. On seeing the city one is travelling to 51
33. Another Dua on seeing the city 52
34. When returning from a journey 52
35. When in fear of an enemy 52
36a. On seeing dark clouds 53
36b. When the skies clear up 53
36c. When it rains 53
37. When high winds blow 54
38. On hearing thunder and seeing lightning 54
39. When in need of rain 55
40. To divert the harm of heavy rains 55
41. When entering the market 56
42. When transacting 56
43. When wearing new clothing 57
44. Dua for assistance in repaying debts 57
45. A second Dua for repaying debts 58
46. Dua on seeing the new moon 58
47. Dua of Salatul Haajah 59
48. Dua of Istikhaarah 60
49. Talbiyah during Hajj 61
50. A comprehensive Dua of Rasulullah ‫ﷺ‬ 62

‫بسم للا الرحمن الرحیم‬

‫امحلد هلل اذلي هداان لهذا وما كنا لهنتدي لوال أن هداان هللا‬
.‫والصالة والسالم عىل رسوهل الكرمي وعىل اهل وحصبته أمجعي‬
When this weak servant was entrusted with teaching a maktab class of seven-year-old
children, he identified numerous errors in the dua books used--whether with respect to vowels
or the authenticity of the wordings. Where one book was immune from error, another was not,
and vice versa.
Thus, with the help of Allah Ta’ala, we referred to the original hadith books and
corrected the mistakes found in those dua books. If a dua had different versions narrated in the
hadith, we chose the shortest variant and did not combine the different narrations.
This is the second part of this series and with it, all the duas found in the usual
maktab dua books, plus a few more have been collected.
Dua without concentration is not answered. Therefore, the translations must also
be memorised to ensure devotion when asking from Allah Ta’ala.
This weak individual was assisted by many brothers and sisters in preparing this
booklet. May Allah Ta’ala shower His mercy upon them in both worlds. May He accept it and
make it a means of our salvation in the Hereafter. Ameen.
Muhammad ibn Suleman
10/06/1438 09/03/2017

‫بسم هللا الرمحن الرحی‬

1. In the morning I thank Allah Ta’ala for His many

blessings by saying:
‫ْ ا ْ ا‬
ِّ ‫ أ ْو بأ اح ٍد ِم‬،ِّ‫الل ُھ َم اما أ ْص اب اح َ ي ْن م ْن ِن ْع َمة‬
،‫ن خلقك‬
ْ ْ ‫ا‬
.‫ فل اك ال اح ْم ُد اول اك الشك ُر‬،‫شی اك ل اك‬ ْ ‫ اَل َا‬،‫افم ْن اك او ْح اد اك‬
)41 ‫(ابن الس ين‬

Allahum-ma maa as-ba-ha bi min ni’ma-tin, aw bi-aha-dim min

khal-qika, fa-min-ka wah-daka laa sha-ri-ka la-ka, fa-la-kal
ham-du wa la-kash-shuk-ru.
O Allah, whatever blessing, which I or any of Your creatures
receives is from You alone. You have no partner. For You is all
the praise and all thanks.

2. a) I also say in the morning:

ُ ‫ا ا‬ ‫ا ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ہ‬
،‫ او بك ن ْح ایا اوبك ن ُم ْوت‬،‫الل ُھ َم بك أ ْص اب ْحنا اوبك أ ْم اس ْینا‬
ُْ ‫ا ْ ا ْ ا‬
)3391 ‫ (الرتمذي‬.‫وإلیك المصب‬

Allahum-ma bi-ka as-bah-naa wa-bi-ka am-sai-naa, wa-bi-ka

nah-yaa wa-bi-ka na-mu-tu, wa-ilai-kal ma-seer.
O Allah, by Your assistance do we reach the morning, by Your
assistance do we reach the evening, by You do we live and by
You do we die, and to You is the place of return.

b) While in the evening I say:

ُ ‫ا ا‬ ‫ا ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ہ‬
،‫ او بك ن ْح ایا اوبك ن ُم ْوت‬،‫الل ُھ َم بك أ ْم اس ْینا اوبك أ ْص اب ْحنا‬
ُْ ُ ‫ا ْ ا‬
)3391 ‫ (الرتمذي‬.‫وإلیك النشور‬

Allahum-ma bi-ka am-sai-naa wa-bi-ka as-bah-naa,

wa-bi-ka nah-yaa wa-bi-ka na-mu-tu,wa-ilai-kan nu-shoor.
O Allah, by Your assistance do we reach the evening, by Your
assistance do we reach the morning, by You do we live and by
You do we die and to You is the gathering.

3. When I hear the Adhaan I would say:

ٗ ‫ْ ا ُ ْ َ ٰ ا َ ہ ُ ا ْ ا ٗ ا َا ْ ا‬
،‫شیك له‬ ِ ُ ‫أشھد أن َل إله إَل اّٰلل وحدہ َل‬
ٗ ُ ً َ
،‫او أن ُم اح َمدا اع ْبد ٗہ او ار ُس ْوله‬
ً ‫ْ ا‬ ً ُ ْ ‫ا‬
.‫ َوبال ْسَلم د ْینا‬،‫ َو ب ُم اح َم ٍد َر ُس ْوَل‬، ‫ت باهلل ا ًّربا‬ ‫رضی‬
)386 ‫(مسمل‬

Ash-ha-du al-laa ilaa-ha il-lal laa-hu wah-da-hu laa-sha-ri-ka

la-hu, wa an-na muham-ma-dan ‘ab-du-hu wa ra-su-luh,
ra-dhee-tu bil-laa-hi rab-baa, wa bi muham-ma-dir ra-soo-laa,
wa bil-islaa-mi di-naa.
I testify that there is no god besides Allah, who is Alone, without
any partner, and that Muhammad is indeed His slave and His
messenger. I am pleased with Allah as the Lord, with
Muhammad as the Messenger and with Islam as the religion.

4. At the time of hearing the Maghrib Adhaan I

would say:
‫ا‬ ُ ُ ‫ْ ا ا‬ ‫ا‬ ُ ‫ا ہلل ُھ َم اه اذا إ ْق اب‬
،‫ او أ ْص اوات د اعاتك‬،‫ او إد اب ُار ن اھ ِارك‬،‫ال ل ْیلك‬
ْ ْ ْ ‫ا‬
)530 ‫ (أبو داود‬.‫فاغفرٰل‬
Allahum-ma haa-dha iq-baa-lu lai-li-ka wa id-baa-ru na-haa-
ri-ka wa as-waa-tu du-’a-ti-ka fagh-fir-li.
O Allah, this is the coming of Your night, the leaving of Your
day, and the voices of those who call upon You, so forgive me.

5. I read this Dhikr after every Fardh Salah:

ُ ْ ٗ ُ ْ ْ ٗ ٗ ‫ا ٰ ا َ ہ ُ ا ْ ا ٗ ا َا ْ ا‬
،‫ له ال ُملك اوله ال اح ْمد‬،‫شیك له‬ ِ ‫َل إله إَل اّٰلل وحدہ َل‬
‫ا ا‬ ‫ہ ا‬ ‫ا ُ ا ا ٰ ُ َا ْ ا‬
،‫ الل ُھ َم َل امان اع ل اما أ ْعط ْیت‬.‫ش ٍء قد ْی ٌر‬
‫ل ي‬ ِّ ِ ‫وهو عٰل ک‬
ْ ‫ا ا ا‬
ِِّ ‫ اوَل ای ْنف ُع ذا ال َج‬،‫ط ل اما ام ان ْع ات‬‫او اَل ُم ْع ا‬
ْ ‫ْ ا‬
. ‫ منك ال اجد‬،‫د‬ ‫ي‬
)844 ‫(البخاري‬
Laa ilaa-ha il-lal laa-hu wah-dahu laa sha-ri-ka la-hu, la-hul
mul-ku wa-la-hul ham-du, wa hu-wa ‘a-laa kul-li shai-in
qa-deer. Allahumma laa maa-ni’a limaa a’taita, wa laa
mu’tiya limaa mana’ta wa laa yanfa’u dhal jad-di min-kal jad.
There is no god except Allah, who is Alone, without any partner. All
sovereignty belongs to Him, all praise is for Him and He has control
over all things. O Allah, none can withhold that which You have chosen
to give and none can give what You have chosen to withhold, and no
wealthy person's wealth can save him from Your punishment.

6. And I make this Dua after every Fardh Salah:

ُ ‫ہُ َ ْ ْ ْ ا ا َ ْ ُ ا ا َ ْ ُ ا ا ْ ا‬
‫ش ْرت او اما‬ ‫ وما أ‬،‫اللھم اغفر يٰل ما قدمت وما أخرت‬
َُْ ْ
‫ أن ات اْلق ِد ُِّم‬،‫ او اما أن ات أ ْعل ُم ب ٖه ِم ِن ِّْي‬،‫شف ُت‬
ْ ْ‫ْ ْ ُ ا ا ْ ا‬
‫ وما أ‬،‫أعلنت‬
‫ا ْ ا َُْ ُ ا ٰ ا َ ْ ا‬
)202 ‫ (مسمل‬.‫ َل إله إَل أنت‬،‫ر‬ ِ ِّ ‫وأنت اْلؤخ‬
Allahum-magh fir-li maa qad-dam-tu wa maa akh-khar-tu, wa
maa as-rar tu wa maa a’lantu, wa maa asraftu, wa maa anta
a’-la-mu bi-hi min-ni, an-tal muqad-dimu wa antal mu-akh
khi-ru, laa ilaa-ha il-laa anta.

O Allah, forgive me what I did earlier and what I did later; what
I did secretly and what I did publicly; what I did excessively and
whatever You know more than I. You are the One who brings
close and the One who banishes. There is no god except You.

7. I also read the following after every Fardh


a) ‫ا ہ‬
33 times ‫ُس ْب احان اّٰلل‬
‫ْ ُ ہ‬
33 times ‫ال اح ْمد ّٰلل‬
ْ ُ‫ہ‬
34 times ‫ّٰلل اک َا ُب‬‫ا‬
)596 ‫(مسمل‬

Sub-haa-nal-lah. Glory be to Allah.

Alhum-du-lil-lah. All praise for Allah.
Allah-hu ak-bar. Allah is the greatest

b) The following Surahs and verse as well:

1 Ikhlaas ْ ‫ْال ْخ اَل‬
2 Falaq ‫الفل ْق‬
3 Naas ‫اس‬ْ ‫ا َلن‬
4 Ayaatul ْ ‫اآی ُة ْال ُک ْر‬
Kursi. ‫ي‬
)100 ‫) (النسايئ يف معل اليوم والليةل‬1523 ‫(أبو داود‬

8. After Witr Salah I say the following thrice:

.‫س‬ ‫و‬ْ ‫ان ْال املك ْال ُقد‬

‫ُ ْ ا ا‬
Sub-haa-nal mali-kil qud-doos
Glory be to the Pure King.

The third time, I would read it audibly and stretch the

madd of ‫ال ُقد ْو ِس‬. (1741 ،1732 ‫)النسايئ‬

9. After drinking water I thank Allah Ta’ala by

ً ُ ْ‫ا ا ا‬ ‫ْ ُ ہ‬
،‫ال اح ْمد ّٰلل الذ ْي اسقانا عذ ًبا ف اراتا ب ار ْح امت ٖه‬
‫ا ْ ا ْ اْ ٗ ْ ً ُا ً ُ ُْ ا‬
)899 ‫ (ادلعاء للطرباين‬.‫ولم یجعله ملحا أجاجا بذنوبنا‬
Alhum-du lil-laa-hil la-dhi sa-qaa-naa ‘adh-ban fu-raa-tan
bi-rah-ma-ti-hi, wa lam yaj-’al-hu mil-han oo-jaa-jan
bi dhu-nu-bi-naa.
All praise to Allah, the One who quenched our thirst with sweet,
delicious water by His mercy and did not make it salty and bitter
due to our sins.

10. At the time of drinking Zamzam water I

supplicate with the Dua of Ibn Abbas ‫رض ٰاّلل عهنام‬:

ًْ َ ْ ‫ُ ا‬ ‫ہ‬
،‫ َو ِرزقا َواس ًعا‬،‫الل ُھ َم ِِّإ ِن ْ ِّي أ ْسألك عل ًما ناف ًعا‬
ِّ ِ ‫َوشف ًاء ِم ْنِّک‬
)2738 ‫(سنن ادلارقطين‬ .‫ل اد ٍاء‬
Allahum-ma in-ni as-alu-ka ‘il-man naa-fi’aa, wa riz-qan
waa-si-’aa wa shi-faa-‘an min kul-li daa-in.
O Allah, I beg of You beneficial knowledge, ample provisions
and cure from every illness.

11. When I eat or drink at someone else's place I

ْ ‫ا ہلل ُھ َم أ ْطع ْم ام ْن أ ْط اع ام ن‬
ْ ‫ او ْاسق ام ْن اس اق ن‬،‫ی‬
)2 :6 ‫(أمحد‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
Allahum-ma at-’im man at-‘a-ma-ni was-qi man sa-qaa-ni.
O Allah, feed those who have fed me and quench the thirst of
those who have quenched mine.

12. Then I say audibly to the host:

ُ ‫ُ ْ ا‬ ْ ‫ُ ْا‬ ‫ا‬
،‫ او اصلت اعل ْیک ُم ال امَلئکة‬،‫أک ال ط اع اامک ُم ال ْب ار ُار‬
‫ا ْ ا ا ْا ُُ َ ُ ْ ا‬
)138 :3 ‫ (أمحد‬.‫وأفطر عندکم الصائمون‬

Akala ta-’aa-ma-ku-mul ab-raa-ru, wa sal-lat ‘a-lai-ku-mul

ma-laa-ika-tu, wa af-tara ‘in-da-ku-mus saa-i-moon.
May the righteous partake of your food, may the angels
supplicate for you and may those who are fasting break their
fast with you.

13. At the time of Iftar I would say:

ُ ‫ٰ ْ ا ْ ا‬ ُ ‫ا‬ ‫ہ‬
.‫ او اعٰل ِرزقك أفط ْرت‬،‫الل ُھ َم لك ُص ْمت‬
)2358 ‫(أبو داود‬

Allahum-ma la-ka sum-tu, wa ‘a-laa riz-qi-ka af-tar-tu.

O Allah, for You I fasted and with Your provisions I break my

14. After eating my Iftaar dinner I say:

‫ْ ُ ُ ْ ُ ااا ا ْا‬
ُ ‫ إ ْن اش ااء ہ‬،‫ال ْج ُر‬ ‫ا‬ ُ ‫اذ اه ا‬
.‫اّٰلل‬ ‫ وثبت‬،‫ او ْابتلت العروق‬،‫ب الظ امأ‬
)2357 ‫(أبو داود‬

Dha-ha-badh dha-ma-u, wab-tal-la-til ‘uroo-qu, wa tha-ba-tal

aj-ru in shaa Allah.
The thirst is gone, the veins are quenched, and the reward is
assured, if Allah wills.

15. After eating my Iftaar dinner at someone

else's home I say to the host:
‫ُ ْا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ َ ‫أ ْف اط ار ع ْن اد ُک ُم‬
،‫ اوأک ال ط اع اامک ُم ال ْب ار ُار‬،‫الصائ ُم ْون‬
ُ ‫ا ا ْ ا ُُْ ْاا‬
)1747 ‫ (ابن ماجة‬.‫وصلت علیکم المَلئکة‬

Af-tara ‘in-da-ku-mus saa-i-moon, wa akala ta-’aa-ma-ku-

mul ab-raa-ru, wa sal-lat ‘a-lai-ku-mul ma-laa-ika-tu.
May those who are fasting break their fast with you, may the
righteous eat your food, and may the angels supplicate for you.

16. When I eat the first fruit of the season I ask

Allah Ta’ala to bless it by saying:
‫ا ا‬ ْ ‫ او ابار ْك ل انا ن‬،‫ف اث امرانا‬
،‫ف امد ْینتنا‬ ْ ‫ا ہلل ُھ َم ابار ْك ل انا ن‬
‫ي‬ ِ ِ ‫ي‬ ِ
.‫ف ُم ِدنا‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ا‬ ْ
ْ ‫ او ابارك لنا‬،‫ف اصاعنا‬‫ا‬ ‫ا‬
ْ ‫او ابار ْك لنا‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ِ
)1372 )472( ‫(مسمل‬

Allahum-ma baa-rik la-naa fee tha-ma-ri-naa, wa baa-rik

la-na fee ma-di-na-ti-naa, wa baa-rik la-naa fee saa-‘i-naa,
wa baa-rik la-na fee mud-di-naa

O Allah, bless us in our fruits, bless us in our city, bless us in

our saa’ (measuring cup) and bless us in our mudd (smaller
measuring cup).

17. When I lay on bed to go to sleep I say:

ْ ‫ت ان ْف‬‫ْ ا َ ْ ا ا ْ ُ ا ْ ْ ا ا ْاُ ٗ ْ ْ ا ْ ا‬
‫س‬‫ي‬ ‫ إن أمسك‬،‫باسمك رِب ِّي وضعت جن َ يی و بك أرفعه‬
‫ا ا‬ ُ ‫ا ا‬ ْ ‫ا ْ ا ْا ا ْ ْ ا ْاا ا ْ ا‬
‫احفظ اھا ب اما ت ْحفظ ب ٖه ع ابادك‬ ‫ وإن أرسلتھا ف‬،‫فارحمھا‬
.‫ی‬ ‫الصالح ْ نا‬َ
)6320 ‫(البخاري‬
Bis-mika rab-bi wa dha’-tu janm-bi wa bi-ka ar-fa-’u-hu, in
am-sak-ta naf-si far-ham-haa, wa in ar-sal ta-haa fah-fadh-
haa bi-maa tah-fa-dhu bi-hi ‘ibaa-da-kas saa-li-heen.
With Your Name, my Lord, do I lie down on my side, and by
You will I raise it. If You retain my soul then have mercy on it,
and if You send it back, then protect it with that which You
protect Your pious slaves.

18. I also recite the complete:

ْ ‫اآی ُة ْال ُک ْر‬
)2311 ‫(البخاري‬
Ayaatul Kursi

19. I also recite the following 3 surahs, blow in my

hands with a little spit and rub them all over
my body starting from my head, I repeat this
3 times:

1 Surah ْ ‫ْال ْخ اَل‬

2 Surah ‫الفل ْق‬
3 Surah ْ ‫ا َلن‬
)5017 ‫(البخاري‬

20. I also read the following:

‫ا ہ‬
33 times ‫ُس ْب احان اّٰلل‬
‫ْ ُ ہ‬
33 times ‫ال اح ْمد ّٰلل‬
ْ ُ‫ہ‬
34 times ‫ّٰلل اک َا ُب‬‫ا‬
)5361 ‫(البخاري‬

Sub-haa-nal-lah. Glory be to Allah.

Alhum-du-lil-lah. All praise for Allah.
Allah-hu ak-bar. Allah is the greatest.

21. Finally before I go to sleep I recite the

following Surah once:
)5055 ‫(أبو داود‬ .‫الکاف ُر ْو ان‬
Surah Kaafiroon

22. If I am having trouble falling asleep I pray to

Allah Ta’ala by saying:
‫ْ ُ ُ ْ ُ ا ْ ا ا ٌّ ا‬ ‫ُ ْ ُ ا ا ا‬ ‫ا ہلل ُھ َم اغ ا‬
،‫ح قی ْو ٌم‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫أ‬ ‫و‬ ، ‫ن‬ ‫و‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ت‬ ‫أ‬‫د‬ ‫ه‬ ‫و‬ ،‫م‬‫و‬‫ج‬ ‫الن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ار‬
،‫ح ایا قی ْو ُم‬ ‫ ایا ا‬،‫اَل ات ْأ ُخ ُذ اك س ان ٌة َو اَل ان ْو ٌم‬
ْ ‫ٰل اوأن ْم اع ْی ن‬ ْ ‫ئ ل ْی‬ ْ ْ
.‫ی‬‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫أهد‬
)749 ‫(ابن الس ين‬
Allahum-ma ghaa-ra-tin nu-joom, wa ha-da-a-til ‘u-yoon, wa
an-ta hay-yun qay-yoom, laa ta-khu-dhu-ka si-na-tuwn wa laa
nawm, yaa hay-yu yaa qay-yoom, ah-d’ laiy-li wa anim ‘ay-ni.
O Allah, the stars have gone and the eyes (of people) have
sunken (into deep slumber). Verily You are Everlasting and
Eternal, neither drowsiness, nor sleep can seize You. O
Everlasting and Eternal, bless my night with peace and my
eyes with sleep.

‫ْ ُ ہ‬
23. If I had a good dream I would say ‫ال اح ْمد ّٰلل‬
Alhum-du-lil-lah (All praise to Allah) and only tell it to
those who love me.
(7045 ‫)البخاري‬

24. If I had a bad dream, I would simulate spitting

on my left side 3 times and I would ask Allah
Ta’ala to protect me by saying:
ْ ‫َ ا‬ َ ‫ُْ ُ ہ ا‬
َ ‫الش ْی اطان‬
.‫ او م ْن ش ِرِّهذہ الرؤ ایا‬،‫الرج ْیم‬ ‫أعوذ باّٰلل من‬
A’udhu bil-laahi mi-nash shai-tau-nir ra-jeem,
wa min shar-ri haa-dhi-hir ru'yaa.
I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the accursed and from the
evil of this dream.

Then I would turn around and go back to sleep, and

I would not tell anyone about it because it cannot
harm me. (2:2261 ، 4:2261 ‫)مسمل‬

25. When I visit a sick person I console him/her

by saying:

. ُ ‫ا اْ ا ا ُ ٌْ ْ ا ا ہ‬
)5656 ‫َل بأس طھور إن شاء اّٰلل (البخاري‬

Laa ba’sa ta-hoo-run in-shaa-Allah.

No need to worry. [This illness is] a purification [from sins],
Allah willing.

26. I also pray for the sick person by saying:

ْ ‫الش ن‬ َ ‫ْ ا‬ ْ ‫ا‬ َ َ ‫ْاْ ا ا‬ ْ

،‫اف‬‫ْ ي‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬‫أ‬ ‫ف‬ ‫اش‬ ‫و‬ ، ‫اس‬
ِ ‫الن‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ر‬ ‫س‬ ‫أ‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ب‬‫ه‬ ‫ذ‬ ‫أ‬
َ ‫ا‬ ُ ‫ا‬ َ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬
.‫ شف ًاء َل ُی اغاد ُر ُسق ًما‬،‫َل شف ااء إَل شفاؤ اك‬
)5750 ‫(البخاري‬
Adh-hi-bil ba’sa rab-ban naas, wash-fi an-tash shaa-fee,
laa shi-faa-a il-laa shi-faa-uka, shi-faa-al-laa yu-ghaa-
di-ru suq-maa.
Remove all harm, Lord of mankind, and cure, as You are the
one who cures. There is no cure but Your cure: a cure that
leaves no illness.

27. When I make the following Dua 7 times he/she

will be certainly cured if his/her time has not
ْ ْ ‫ ار َب ْال اع‬،‫اّٰلل ْال اعظ ْی ام‬
.‫ أ ْن َی ْشف ای اك‬،‫ش ال اعظ ْیم‬
ِ ‫ر‬ ‫أ ْسأ ُل ہ ا‬
)3106 ‫(أبو داود‬
As-a-lul laa-hal ‘a-dheem, rab-bal ‘ar-shil ’a-dheem,
ain yash-fi-ya-ka.
I ask Allah, the Majestic, Lord of the majestic Throne, to
cure you.

28. When I see anyone with an affliction I ask

Allah Ta’ala to protect me from it by saying:
‫ا ا‬ ْ ‫ا ْل اح ْم ُد ہّٰلل الذ ْي اع ااف ن‬
،‫ان م َما ْابتَلك ب ٖه‬ ‫ي‬
ً ْ‫ا‬ ‫ْ َّ ْ ا‬ ٰ ‫ا‬
.‫ن خل اق تفض ْیَل‬ ِّ ‫اوف َضل ن ي ْی اعٰل کث ٍب ِمم‬
)3431 ‫(الرتمذي‬

Alhumdu-lil-laa-hil-la-dhi ‘aa-faa-ni mim-mab ta-laa-ka

bi-hi,wa fadh-dha-la-nee ‘a-laa ka-thee-rim mim-man kha-
la-qa taf-dhee-laa.
All praise is due to Allah, who saved me from that which He
has afflicted you with, and blessed me greatly over many of
those whom He has created.

29. On entering the graveyard I say:

‫ی او ْال ُم ْسلم ْ نا‬
،‫ی‬ ِِّ ‫الد َی‬
‫ار م ان ْال ُم ْؤمن ْ نا‬ ْ ُ ‫ا ُ ا‬
ِ ‫ا َلسَلم عل ْیک ْم أه ال‬
ُ ‫ا َ ْ ا ا ہُ ُْ ا ُ ْ ا ا ْ ُ ہا ا‬
‫اّٰلل لنا اولک ُم‬ ‫ نسأل‬،‫و إنا إن شاء اّٰلل بكم َلحقون‬
‫ا‬ ْ
.‫ال اعاف ایة‬
)975 ‫ و مسمل‬1547 ‫(ابن ماجه‬

As-sa-laa-mu ‘a-lai-kum ah-lad di-yaa-ri mi-nal mu’-mi-nee-

na wal mus-li-meen, wa in-naa inshaa-Allah-hu bi-kum laa-
hi-qoon, nas-a-lul laa-hu lanaa wa la-ku-mul ‘aa-fiyah.

Peace be upon you, O dwellers of this abode–Believers and

Muslims. Surely, when Allah wills, we will join you. We ask
Allah for our safety and yours.

30. At the time of undertaking a journey I seek

Allah Ta’ala's help and protection by saying:
ْ َْ ْ ‫ہُ َ َ ا ْ ُ ا نْ ا ا ا ا‬
‫ اوم ان ال اع امل‬،‫ف اسف ِرنا هذا ال َ َب اوالتق اوی‬ ‫اللھم إنا نسألك ي‬
ِّ ‫ الل ُھ َم َه ِو‬،‫اما ت ْر ناص‬
‫َ ا‬ ْ ‫ا ا ا ا ا‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ا‬
،‫ اواط ِو اعنا ُب ْعد ٗہ‬،‫ن اعل ْینا اسف ارنا هذا‬
ْ ‫ْا‬ ُ ‫ْ ا ا‬ ‫ُ ن َ ا‬ ‫ہُ َ ْ ا‬
،‫ اوالخل ْیفة ن يف الهل‬،‫السف ِر‬ ‫الصاحب يف‬ َ ‫ت‬ ‫اللھم أن‬
ْ ْ ‫ُ ا‬ ‫ہ‬
‫الل ُھ َم ِا ِن ْ ِّي أ ُع ْوذ بك م ْن َو ْعثاء‬
‫َ ا‬ ‫ا‬
،‫ اوک اآبة ال امنظ ِر‬،‫السف ِر‬
‫ْا‬ ْ ‫ْ ا‬
.‫او ُس ْوء ال ُم ْنقلب ن يف ال امال اوال ْهل‬
)1342 ‫(مسمل‬

Allahum-ma in-naa nas-a-lu-ka fee sa-fa-ri-naa haa-dhal

bir-ra wat-taq-waa, wa mi-nal ‘a-mali maa tar-dhaa,
Allah-hum-ma haw-win ‘a-lai-naa sa-fa-ra-naa haa-dhaa,
wat-wi’an-naa bu’dah, Allah-hum-ma an-tas saa-hi-bu
fis-sa-fa-ri, wal kha-li-fa-tu fil ah-li, Allah-hum-ma in-ni
a-’oo-dhu-bika miw wa’-thaa-is-sa-fa-ri, wa-ka-aa-ba-til
man-dha-ri, wa soo-il mun-qa-la-bi, fil maa-li wal-ahl.

O Allah, on this journey of ours, we ask of You virtue, piety,

and actions that please You. O Allah, make easy for us the
passage and fold up for us its expanse. O Allah, You are the
companion in travel, and the guardian of the family. O Allah,
I seek refuge in You from the hardships of travel, from the
grief of ill scenes, and from an evil return in my wealth and

31. When undertaking a journey on a boat or ship

I say:

.‫اّٰلل ام ْج ٖریـ اـھا او ُم ْر اس اھا ط ا َن َرِب ْ ِّي ل اغف ْو ٌر َرح ْی ٌم‬

ُ ‫ہ‬
]41:‫[هود‬ ‫ب ْسم‬
ٗ ُ ‫ا ا‬ ‫ا ْا‬ ْ‫ا‬ ‫او اما اق اد ُر ْوا ہ ا‬
‫ض اجم ْی ًعا ق ْبضته ای ْو ام‬ ُ ‫ال ْر‬ ‫اّٰلل اح َق قد ِرٖہ ق و‬
ٰ ‫اٗ ا‬ ٌ ْ ُ
‫الس ام اوت امط ِو ّٰیت ب ایم ْین ٖه ط ُس ْب احنه اوت اعٰل اع َما‬ َ ‫ْالق ای امة او‬
‫ُ َْ ُ ْ ا‬
)804 ‫ والطرباين يف ادلعاء‬،)6781(‫۔‬10 ‫] (أبو يعىل يف املس ند‬67:‫ [الزمر‬.‫کون‬ ‫ش‬ِ ‫ی‬
Bismil-laa-hi maj-re-haa wa mur-saa-haa, in-na rab-bi
la gha-foo-rur Ra-heem.
Wa maa qa-da-rul-laa-ha haq-qa qad-ri-hi, wal ar-dhu
ja-mi-‘an qab-dha-tu-hu yau-mal qi-yaa-ma-ti
was-sa-maa waa-tu mat-wiy-yaa-tum bi-ya-mi-nih,
sub-haa-na-hu wa ta’aa-laa ‘am-maa yush-ri-koon.

In the name of Allah is its sailing and its anchoring. Indeed, my

Sustainer is Forgiving and Merciful. And they have not
understood Allah as He really is. The entire earth is a [mere]
handful of His on the day of Resurrection, and the heavens will
be rolled up in His right Hand. He is Pure and far above all they
ascribe to Him.

32. When I see the village or city I am travelling

to I say 3 times:

.‫ا ہلل ُھ َم اب ِار ْك ل انا ف ْی اھا‬

Allahum-ma baa-rik la-naa fee-haa.
O Allah bless us in it.

33. Then I say:

ْ ٰ َْ
،‫ َو َح ِببناِّإٰل أهل اھا‬،‫الل ُھ َم ْارزقنا اجناها‬
‫ُْا ا ا‬ ‫ہ‬
‫ْ ْ ا ْا‬ ‫ِّ َو َحب ْبِّ ا‬
)4755 ‫(الطرباين يف الوسط‬.‫ح أهلھا إلینا‬
‫ي‬ ‫ال‬‫ص‬ ِ
Allahum-mar-zuq-naa ja-naa-haa, wa hab-bib-naa i-laa ah-
li-haa, wa hab-bib saa-li-hee ah-li-haa ilay-naa.
O Allah, grant us its fruits, make us beloved to its inhabitants,
and make its pious inhabitants beloved to us.

34. When returning from the journey I would

recite Dua No. 30 and add:

.‫آی ُب ْو ان تائ ُب ْو ان اعاب ُد ْو ان ِل َرِب َناِّ احام ُد ْو ان‬

)1342 ‫(مسمل‬

Aa-yi-boo-na taa-i-boo-na ‘aa-bi-doo-na li-rab-bi-naa

We now return [from our journey] repenting [to Allah],
worshipping [Him], and praising our Sustainer [Allah].

35. When in fear of an enemy I ask Allah Ta’ala

for protection by saying:
ُ َُ ‫ او ان ُع ْو ُذ ب اك م ْن‬،‫ف ُن ُح ْوره ْم‬
.‫ش ْو ِره ْم‬ ْ ‫ا ہلل ُھ َم إ َنا ان ْج اع ُل اك ن‬
ِ ‫ي‬
)1537 ‫(أبو داود‬

Allahum-ma in-naa naj-’a-lu-ka fi nu-hoo-ri-him, wa na-’u-

dhu-bi-ka min shu-roo-ri-him.
O Allah, we place You at their throats, and we seek Your
protection against their evil.

36. a) When I see dark clouds on the horizon I

)191 :6 ‫(أمحد‬ .‫ا ہلل ُھ َم ِِّإ ِن ْيِّأ ُع ْو ُذ ب اك م ْن َش ِرِّ اما ف ْیه‬
Allahum-ma in-ni a-’oo-dhu-bi-ka min shar-ri maa fihi.
O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evil [present] in it.

b) If the skies clear up I thank Allah Ta’ala by

)191 :6 ‫(أمحد‬ .‫ال اح ْم ُد ہّٰلل‬
All praise is for Allah.

c) But if it rains I ask Allah Ta’ala to make it

beneficial by saying:
َ َ َ ُ‫ہ‬
)191 :6 ‫(أمحد‬ .‫ص ِی ًباِّناف ًعا‬ ِّ‫اللھم‬
Allahum-ma sai-yi-ban naa-fi-‘aa.
O Allah, make it beneficial rain.

37. When high winds blow, I ask Allah Ta’ala for

its benefit and seek His protection from its
harm by saying:
ُ ‫ُ ا ا ا‬ ‫ہ‬
،‫ اوخ ْ اب اما أ ْرسلت ب ٖه‬،‫ اوخ ْ اب اما ف ْی اھا‬،‫الل ُھ َم ِِّإ ِن ْيِّأ ْسألك خ ْ ابها‬
ْ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬
َ َ َ َ
.‫ َوِّش ِرِّ اما أ ْرسلت ب ٖه‬،‫ َوش ِِّر اما ف ْی اھا‬،‫اوأ ُع ْوذ بك م ْن ش ِرها‬
ْ ُ ‫ُ ا‬
)899‫۔‬15 ‫(مسمل‬
Allahum-ma in-ni as-a-lu-ka khai-ra-haa, wa khai-ra maa fee-
haa, wa khai-ra maa ur-si-lat bih, wa a-’oo-dhu-bi-ka min
shar-ri haa, wa shar-ri maa fee-haa, wa shar-ri maa
ur-si-lat bih.
O Allah, I ask You for its good, the good of what is in it, and
the good of what it has been sent with. I seek refuge in You
from its evil, the evil of what is in it, and the evil of what it has
been sent with.

38. When I hear thunder and see lightning I ask

Allah Ta’ala to protect me by saying:
‫ہ ا ا ْ ُْا ا ا ا ا ُ ْ ا ا ا‬
،‫ اوَل ت ْھلکنا ب اعذابك‬،‫الل ُھ َم َل تقتلنا بغضبك‬
.‫او اعاف انا ق ْب ال ذ ا ل اك‬
)3450 ‫(الرتمذي‬

Allahum-ma laa taq-tul-naa bi gha-dha-bik, wa laa tuh-

lik-naa bi ‘a-dhaa-bik, wa ‘aa-fi-naa qab-la dhaa-lik.
O Allah, do not kill us with Your wrath, and do not destroy us
with Your punishment, and pardon us before that.

39. When in need of rain we beg Allah Ta’ala by

ً ً ً ‫ا ا‬ ‫ہ‬
،‫ َم ِر ْيئا َم ِر ْی ًعا‬،‫الل ُھ َم ْاسقنا غ ْیثا مغ ْیثا‬
‫ً ا‬
.‫ اعاجَل غ ْ اب آج ٍل‬،‫ضار‬ َ ‫َناف ًعا اغ ْ اب‬
)1169 ‫(أبو داود‬

Allahum-mas qi-naa ghai-than mu-ghee-thaa, ma-ri-am

ma-ree-’aa, naa-fi-’an ghai-ra dhaar, ‘aa-ji-lan ghai-ra
O Allah, grant us rain - a rain that is helpful, blessed and
fruitful; (a rain that is) beneficial and not harmful, immediate
and not delayed.

40. If we fear harm from the heavy rains we ask

Allah Ta’ala to divert it by saying:

‫ا ا ا ا‬ ‫ہ‬
،‫الل ُھ َم اح اوال ْینا اوَل عل ْینا‬
‫ر‬ َ ‫الظ‬‫و‬َ ‫ او ْاْل اجام‬،‫ا ہلل ُھ َم اعٰل ْاْلکام او ْالج ابال‬
ِ ِ
َ ‫ْا‬
.‫اوال ْود ایة او ام انابت الش اج ِر‬
)1013 ‫(البخاري‬
Allahum-ma ha-waa-lai-naa wa laa ‘a-lai-naa, Allahum-ma
‘a-lal aa-kaa-mi wal ji-baa-li, wal aa-jaa-mi wad-dhi-raa-bi,
wal aw-di-ya-ti wa ma-naa-bi-tish-sha-ja-ri.
O Allah, [send the rains] around us and not on us. O Allah [send
the rains] on the plains, the mountains, the forest, the hills, in
the valleys and over the pastures.

41. When I enter the market a million rewards are

written for me, a million of my sins are wiped out
and I am elevated a million stages by saying:

‫ی او‬ ْ ‫ ُی ْح‬،‫ ل ٗه ْال ُم ْل ُك اول ٗه ْال اح ْم ُد‬،‫شی اك ل ٗه‬ ْ ‫اّٰلل او ْح اد ٗہ اَل َا‬
ُ ‫اَل إ ٰل اه إ َل ہ‬
‫ي‬ ِ
ْ ‫ او ُه او اع ٰٰلِِّّ ُکلِِّّ َا‬،‫ ب ایدہ ْال اخ ْ ُب‬،‫ح اَل ای ُم ْو ُت‬
ٌ.‫ش ٍء اقد ْیر‬ ٌّ ‫ او ُه او ا‬،‫ت‬
ُ ْ ُ
‫ِ ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫یمی‬
)3428 ‫(الرتمذي‬

Laa ilaa-ha il-lal laa-hu wah-da-hu laa sha-ri-ka la-hu, la-hul

mul-ku wa-la-hul ham-du, yuh-yi wa yu-mi-tu, wa hu-wa haiy-yun
laa ya-moot, bi-ya-di-hil khair, wa hu-wa a'-laa kul-li shai-in
There is no god besides Allah, who is one, without any partner. For
Him is the kingdom and for Him is all praise. He gives life and
causes death. He is alive and never dies. In His hands is all good and
He has power over everything.

42. I also ask Allah Ta’ala to assist me in my

transactions by saying:
‫ُ ا‬ ‫ہ‬
،‫ الل ُھ َم ِِّإ ِن ْ ِّي أ ْسألك م ْن خ ْ ِب هذہ الس ْوق اوخ ْ ِب اما ف ْی اھا‬،‫ب ْسم اّٰلل‬
‫ا‬ ‫ا ا‬ ‫ہ‬
َ ‫َ ا‬
،‫اوأ ُع ْوذ بك م ْن ش ِِّر هذہ الس ْوق َوش ِرِّ اما ف ْی اھا‬
‫ُ ا‬
ً‫ا ُ ْ ُ ا ْ ُ ْ ا ْا ا ًْ ا ا ً ْ ا ْ ا ً ا ا‬
.‫اشۃ‬ ‫وأعوذ بك أن أصیب فیھا یمینا فاجرۃ أو صفقة خ‬
)539 :1 ‫ و املس تدرك‬181 ‫(ابن الس ين‬

Bis-mil-lah, Allahum-ma in-ni as-a-lu-ka min khai-ri haa-dhi-his

soo-qi wa khai-ri maa fee-haa, wa a-’oo-dhu-bi-ka min shar-ri haa-
dhi-his soo-qi wa shar-ri maa fee-haa, wa a’oo-dhu-bi-ka an oo-
see-ba fee-haa ya-mee-nan faa-ji-ra-tan aw saf-qa-tan khaa-si-rah.

In the name of Allah. O Allah, I beg of You the good of this

market and what it contains, and I seek Your protection from
the evil of this market and what it contains. O Allah, I seek
Your protection from falling for a false oath or becoming
involved in a poor deal.
43. When I wear new clothing, I am grateful to
Allah Ta’ala and say:
ُ ْ‫ْ ا ن‬ ‫ْ ا ْ ُ ہ‬
،‫ان اما أ او ِار ْي ب ٖه اع ْو ار ْ ي ْن‬ ‫ي‬ ‫س‬ ‫ک‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ذ‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ّٰلل‬ ‫الحمد‬
ْ ْ ‫ف اح ای‬
.‫ان‬ ْ ‫اوأ ات اج َم ُل ب ٖه ن‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
)3560 ‫(الرتمذي‬

Alhum-du-lil-laa-hil-la-dhi ka-saa-ni maa oo-waa-ri bi-hi

‘aw-ra-ti, wa ata-jam-ma-lu bi-hi fee ha-yaa-tee.
Praise be to Allah who clothed me with what covers my
nakedness, and with that by which I adorn myself in life.

Then I give away the old ones in charity.

44. Allah Ta'ala helps the person who says the

following two duas to pay off his/her debts:
‫ا‬ ‫ا ا ا‬ ْ ‫ا ہلل ُھ َم ْاکف ن‬
،‫ی ب احَللك ع ْن اح ارامك‬
‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ْ َ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ْ ‫ا ْ نْ ي ا‬
.‫وأغن يی بفضلك عمن سواك‬
)3563 ‫(الرتمذي‬
Allahum-mak fi-nee bi ha-laa-li-ka ‘an ha-raa-mik, wa agh-
ni-nee bi fadh-li-ka ‘am-man si-waak.
O Allah, suffice me with what You have made lawful in place
of what You have made unlawful, and by Your grace make me
independent of all those besides You.

45. I read the following one every morning and

ِّ ِ ‫الل ُھ َم ِِّإ ِن ِّْي أ ُع ْوذ ب اك م ان ال َھ‬
ْ ُ ‫ہ‬
،‫م اوال ُح ْزن‬
ْ ْ ‫ُ ا‬
،‫اوأ ُع ْوذ بك م ان ال اع ْج ِز اوالک اسل‬
ْ ْ ‫ا ُْ ُ ا ا ْ ُ ْن‬
،‫ی اوال ُبخل‬ ِ َ ‫وأعوذ بك من الج‬
.ِّ‫الر َج ِال‬
ِ ِ ‫ر‬ ‫ھ‬ْ ‫الد ْین او اق‬
َ ‫ا ُْ ُ ا ْ ا ا‬
‫وأعوذ بك من غلبة‬
)1555 ‫(أبو داود‬

Allahum-ma in-ni a-’oo-dhu-bi-ka mi-nal ham-mi wal huz-ni,

wa a-‘oo-dhu-bi-ka mi-nal ‘aj-zi wal kas-li, wa a-’oo-dhu-bi-
ka mi-nal jub-ni wal bukh-li, wa a’oo-dhu-bi-ka min
gha-la-ba-tid-dai-ni wa qah-rir-ri-jaal.
O Allah, I seek refuge in You from griefs and anxieties. I seek
refuge in You from helplessness and laziness. I seek refuge in
You from cowardice and miserliness. I seek refuge in You
from the burden of debts, and the overpowering of men.

46. On seeing the new moon I say:

‫ْ ا‬ ‫ا َ ا‬ ْ ‫ٗ ا ا ْا‬ ‫ہ‬
،‫السَل امة اوال ْسَلم‬ ‫ و‬،‫الل ُھ َم أهله عل ْینا بال ْم ِن اوال ْی امان‬
ُ ‫ ارب انا او ارب اك ہ‬،‫الت ْوف ْیق ل اما ُتحب او ات ْر ناص‬
.‫اّٰلل‬ َ ‫ا‬
)888 ‫(حصيح ابن حبان‬
Allahum-ma a-hil-la-hu ‘a-lai-naa bil am-ni wal eeman,
was-sa-laa-ma-ti wal islaam, wat-taw-fee-qi li-maa tu-hib-bu
wa tar-dhaa, rab-bu-naa wa rab-bu-kal-lah.
O Allah, let the crescent loom above us in safety, faith, peace,
and Islam, and in agreement with all that You love and pleases
You. Our Lord and your (the crescent’s) Lord is Allah.

47. Whenever in need of anything, I make a

complete Wudhu, perform two Rakaat Salatul
Haajah, and then I ask Allah Ta’ala for help by
،‫ش ال اعظ ْیم‬ ْ ‫ب ْال اع‬
ِّ ُ ‫اَل إ ٰل اه إ ََل ہ‬
َ ‫ ُس ْب اح اان ہاّٰلل‬،‫اّٰلل ْال احل ْی ُم ْالکر ْی ُم‬
ِ ‫ر‬ ِ ‫ر‬ ِ
‫ُ ا‬ ‫ب ْال اعالم ْ نا‬ ْ
،‫ أ ْسألك ُم ْوج ابات ار ْح امتك‬،‫ی‬ ِّ ‫ال اح ْم ُد ہّٰلل َر‬
ْ ُ ْ ‫َ َ ا ا ا‬ ُ ‫ا‬ ْ
ِّ ِ ‫ والسَلمة من ک‬،‫ اوال اغن ْی امة م ْن ک ِل ِِّبر‬،‫او اع ازائ ام ام ْغف ارت اك‬
،‫ل إث ٍم‬
ٗ ‫اْ َ ا ا ا ٗ ا ا َ ا ا‬ ْ ‫ا اا‬
،‫ اوَل ه ًّما إَل ف َر ْجته‬،‫َل تدع ي ْٰل ذن ًبا إَل غف ْرته‬
.‫ی‬ ‫اج ًة ا‬
َ ‫ ایا أ ْر اح ام‬،‫ه ل اك ر ًضا إ ََل اق اض ْی ات اھا‬
‫الراحم ْ نا‬ ‫او اَل اح ا‬
ِ ‫ي‬
)479 ‫(الرتمذي‬
Laa ilaa ha il-lal laa-hul ha-lee-mul ka-reem, sub-haa-nal laa-hi
rab-bil ‘ar-shil ‘a-dheem, al-hum-du-lil-laahi rab-bil ‘aa-la-meen,
as-a-lu-ka moo-ji-baa-ti rah-ma-tik, wa ‘a-zaa-i-ma magh-fi-ra-
tik, wal gha-nee-ma-ta min kul-li bir, was-sa-laa-ma-ta min kul-li
ithm, laa ta-da’-li dham-ban il-laa gha-far-tah, wa laa ham-man
il-laa far-raj-tah, wa laa haa-ja-tan he-ya la-ka ri-dhan il-laa
qa-dhai-ta-haa, ya ar-ha-mar raa-he-meen.

There is no god but Allah, the Most Forbearing, the Most Generous.
Exalted is Allah the Lord of the Great Throne. Praise be to Allah,
the Lord of the worlds. I ask of You those things which will bring
Your mercy, and Your immense forgiveness, a full share of virtuous
deeds, and complete safety from every sin. Do not let any sin of
mine be left unforgiven, nor any worry unrelieved, nor any need
which is a source of pleasure for You unfulfilled, O Most Merciful
of those who show mercy.

48. Before undertaking any major decisions or

choosing between two or more options, I perform
two Rakaat Nafl Salah and then ask Allah Ta'ala
to guide me by saying:
‫ا ْ ا‬ ‫ہ‬
،‫ اوأ ْستقد ُرك بقد ارتك‬،‫الل ُھ َم ِِّإ ِن ْ ِّي أ ْستخ ْ ُبك بعلمك‬
‫اْ ا ُ ْ ا‬ ‫ا‬
ْ ‫ا ْ ا‬ ‫ُ ا‬
،‫اوأ ْسألك م ْن فضلك ال اعظ ْیم‬
ْ َ ‫ا َ ا اْ ُ اا ْ ُ ااْ ُ اا ْ ُ ا ْ ا‬
.‫ت اعَل ُم ال ُغ ُی ْوب‬ ‫ وأن‬،‫ وتعلم وَل أعلم‬،‫فإنك تقدر وَل أقدر‬
ْ َ ‫ی او ام اع‬ ْ ‫ف د ْی ن‬ ْ ‫ال ْم ار اخ ْ ٌب ل ِّْي ن‬ ‫ہُ َ ْ ُ ْ ا ا ْ ُ َ ا ا ْا‬
‫اش‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ِ ي‬ ‫اللھم إن کنت تعلم أن هذا‬
.‫ فاقد ْر ُہ ي ْٰل َو َی ِس ْر ُہِّ ي ْٰل ث َم اب ِار ْك ي ْٰل ف ْیه‬،‫او اعاق ابة أ ْم ِر ْي‬
ُ ْ ‫ا‬

ْ ‫ش ل ِّْي ن‬ ‫ا ْ ُْ ا اْ ُ َ ا ا ْا‬
ٌّ ‫ال ْم ار َا‬
‫اش او اعاق ابة‬ْ َ ‫ی او ام اع‬
ْ ‫ف د ْی ن‬
‫ي‬ ‫ِ ي‬ ‫و إن کنت تعلم أن هذا‬
‫ُ ا‬ ‫ْ ا‬ ْ ُ ْ ْ‫ْ ْ ا ْ ْ ُ َ ْ ا ْ ْن‬
،‫ اواقد ْر ي اٰل الخ ْ اب اح ْیث کان‬،‫ی اعنه‬ ِ ‫اْصفه ع ِن ِّي و‬
‫اْصف ي‬ ِ ‫ ف‬،‫أم ِري‬
ْ ‫ُث َم أ ْرض ن‬
.‫ی ب ٖه‬‫ي‬
I think about my need both times when I say the
‫ا ا ْا‬
words: ‫هذا ال ْم ار‬
)1162 ‫(البخاري‬
Allahum-ma in-ni as-ta-khee-ruka bi ‘il-mi-ka, wa as-taq-di-ru-ka
bi qud-ra-ti-ka, wa as a-lu-ka min fadh-li-kal ‘a-dheem, fa in-naka
taq-di-ru wa laa aq-di-ru, wa ta’-la-mu wa laa a’-la-mu, wa an-ta
‘al-laa-mul ghu-yoob.
Allahum-ma in kun-ta ta’-la-mu an-na haa-dhal am-ra khai-rul-lee
fee dee-ni wa ma-’aa-shee wa ‘aa-qi-ba-ti am-ree, faq-dir-hu lee
wa yas-sir-hu lee thum-ma baa-rik lee fee-hi.

Wa in kunta ta’-la-mu an-na haa-dhal am-ra shar-rul-lee fee dee-ni

wa ma-’aa-shee wa ‘aa-qi-bati am-ree, fas-rif-hu ‘an-nee was rif-
nee ‘an-hu, waq-dir li-yal khai-ra hai-thu kaa-na, thum-ma
ar-dhi-nee bih.
O Allah, I ask of You the good through Your knowledge and I ask
You to grant me ability through Your power and I beg You of your
infinite grace, for surely, You have power and I have none, You
know all and I know nothing, and You are the Knower of all that is
hidden. O Allah if, in Your knowledge, this matter is good for my
faith, my livelihood and the outcome of my affairs [in the world and
the hereafter], then ordain it for me, make it easy for me and grant
me blessing in it. But, if in Your knowledge this matter is bad for
my faith, my livelihood and the outcome of my affairs [in the world
and the hereafter], then turn it away from me, turn me away from it,
ordain for me the good wherever it be, and cause me to be pleased
with it.

49. When I go for Hajj I will recite this Talbiyah

abundantly, in sha Allah:

‫ا‬ ‫َ ْ ا ہ ُ َ َ ْ ا َ ْ ا ا َا ْ ا ا‬
،‫شیك لك ل َب ْیك‬ِ ‫ لبیك َل‬،‫لبیك اللھم لبیك‬
‫َ ْ ا ْ ا َ ْ َ َ ا ا ْ ُ ْ ا ا َا ْ ا ا‬
. ‫شیك لك‬ ِ ‫ َل‬،‫إن الحمد وال ِنعم ِّة لك والملك‬
)1549 ‫(البخاري‬

Lab-baik Allah-hum-ma lab-baik, lab-bai-ka laa sha-ree-ka la-ka

lab-baik, in-nal ham-da wan-ni’-ma-ta la-ka wal mulk,
laa sha-ri-ka lak.
Here I am O Allah (in response to Your call), here I am. Here I am,
You have no partner, here I am. Verily, all praise, blessings and
sovereignty belong to You. You have no partner.

50. I often recite this comprehensive Dua of the

Rasulullah ‫ﷺ‬:
ٌ ‫ا ُْ ا ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫َ ا ُ ا‬ ‫ہ‬
،‫الل ُھ َم إنا ن ْسألك م ْن خ ْ ِب اما اسألك منه نبیك ُم اح َمد ﷺ‬
ٌ ‫ا ا ْ ُ ا ا‬ َ ‫ا ُ ا‬
،‫او ن ُع ْوذ بك م ْن ش ِرِّ اما ْاست اعاذ منه نبیك ُم اح َمد ﷺ‬
ُ ‫ا ْ ا‬ ُ ‫ْ ا ْ ا‬
،‫ او اعل ْیك ال ابَلغ‬،‫اوأنت ال ُم ْست اعان‬
‫ہ‬ َ ‫ا ُ ا‬ ‫ا‬
.‫اوَل اح ْو ال اوَل ق َوۃ إَل باّٰلل‬
)3521 ‫(الرتمذي‬
Allahum-ma in-naa nas-a-lu-ka min khai-ri maa sa-a-la-ka
min-hu na-biy-yu-ka Mu-ham-ma-dun ‫ﷺ‬,
wa na-‘oo-dhu-bi-ka min shar-ri mas-ta-’aa-dha min-hu
na-biy-yu-ka Mu-ham-ma-dun ‫ ﷺ‬,
wa an-tal mus-ta-’aan, wa ‘a-lai-kal ba-laagh,
wa laa haw-la wa laa quw-wa-ta il-laa bil-laah.

O Allah, We ask You for all the good which Your messenger,
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬asked for, and we seek refuge from all the evil
from which Your messenger, Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬sought refuge.
You are the only Being whose help is sought and supplications
reach You alone. There is no might nor power except with

‫ربنا تقبل منا انك أنت السمیع العلیم‬

‫وتب علینا انك أنت التواب الرحیم‬

Virtues of Dhikr
Allah Ta'ala says in the Quran Majid [13:28]:
“Verily! Only in the remembrance of Allah will your hearts find

‫ ي‬reported: The Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said:

Abu Musa Ash`ari ‫رص ہاّٰلل عنه‬

“The one who remembers his Rabb compared to one who

does not, is like a living person compared to a dead one.”
(Bukhari #6407)

Virtues of Salutations on the Prophet ‫( ﷺ‬Durood)

Allah Ta'ala says in the Quran Majid [33:56]:

“Surely, Allah sends His Mercy on His Prophet. And His angels
ask Allah to bless him. O you who believe! Ask Allah to bless
him, and greet him with a beautiful greeting.”
Anas ‫رص ہاّٰلل عنه‬‫ ن‬narrates that the Noble Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said:

“Whoever sends blessing upon me, Allah confers ten blessings

upon him, forgives ten of his sins and elevates his status
tenfold.” (Nasaee #1297)

Virtues of Dua
Allah Ta'ala says in the Quran Majid [2:186]:
“When my servants ask you concerning Me, I am indeed close
(to them). I listen to the prayer of every supplicant when he
calls upon Me.”
Abu Hurairah ‫رص ہاّٰلل عنه‬‫ ن‬narrated the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said:
“There is nothing that is nobler in the sight of Allah than du'a.”
(Tirmidhi #3370)

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