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MK0017 - Marketing Assignments Feb 11

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February 2011

Master of BusinessAdministration – MBASemester 4

MK0017 –E-Marketing - 4Credits

Assignment Set–1
60 Marks
Note: Eachquestioncarries10Marks.Answerallthequestions.
Q.1 What doyoumeanbye-marketing?Discuss its featuresandscope [10marks]

For SMU Assignment @ 600 Rs Per Semester

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Q.2 Discussthevariouse-businessmodelswith examples.[10marks]

Q.3. Explainthemonitoringandevaluationofe-marketingactivities.[10 marks]

Q.4 Youare amarketingmanagerinABCfirm.Youhave takensome initiativesin e-

marketingthatwillhelpyour firmtocompete in globalmarkets.Howwill yougo
about it? [10marks]

Q.5 In whichways or formse-marketingaredone? Explain briefly.[10marks]

Q.6.As an e-marketer,doyouthink itisnecessaryto track customer behaviour and

responses inthee-markets?Give suitablereasonsand examples.[10 marks]
February 2011

Master of BusinessAdministration-MBA Semester 4

MK0017–E-Marketing - 4Credits

Assignment Set–2
60 Marks

Note: Eachquestioncarries10Marks.Answerallthequestions.

Q.1Give a detailnote on searchengineoptimisation. [10marks]

Q.2 Identifytheservicefacilitators ine-marketing.Howwilltheyhelp in e-marketing

of services andto resolve problemsencountered if any?[10marks]

Q.3 a.For asuccessfule-CRM,whatbuildingblocks arerequired?[5marks]

b. Isit beneficialifCRM shiftstowardse-CRM? Whyor whynot? [5marks]

Q.4. Explainthepositioninganddifferentiation strategiesmeantfore-markets.[10


Q.5 Amba Ltd.isa smallcompanythat helps ITcompaniesto resolve issues

concerned with cyber crimes.Ayoungmarketingstudent wantstoprepare a
reportonhowthecompanyhandlesdifferenttypes ofcyber crimes.But before
that,shewants tomakea note ofcyber crimes, itsnatureandlaws pertainingto
it.Youare requestedtohelpher.[10 marks]

Q.6 Whatarethemajor challengesine-marketing?[10marks]

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