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Auto Transformer

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The key takeaways are that an autotransformer can provide savings in material usage compared to a two winding transformer by using a common winding for both the primary and secondary sides. However, it loses electrical isolation between the primary and secondary.

The advantages of an autotransformer are that it requires less material, has lower losses resulting in higher efficiency, has a reduced reactance giving better regulation, and can provide an increased power rating when used as a variable transformer.

The savings in copper quantity is calculated as the ratio of the turns between the primary and secondary sides. This ratio represents the fraction of copper needed in an autotransformer compared to a two winding transformer.

Electrical Machines I Prof. Krishna Vasudevan, Prof. G. Sridhara Rao, Prof. P.

Sasidhara Rao

11 Auto Transformer


T1 I2

T2 V2 ZL


Figure 28: Autotransformer - Physical Arrangement

The primary and secondary windings of a two winding transformer have

induced emf in them due to a common mutual flux and hence are in phase. The currents
drawn by these two windings are out of phase by 180◦ . This prompted the use of a part
of the primary as secondary. This is equivalent to fusing the secondary turns into primary
turns. The fused section need to have a cross sectional area of the conductor to carry (I2 −I1 )
ampere! This ingenious thought led to the invention of an auto transformer. Fig. 28 shows
the physical arrangement of an auto transformer. Total number of turns between A and C
are T1 . At point B a connection is taken. Section AB has T2 turns. As the volts per turn,
which is proportional to the flux in the machine, is the same for the whole winding,

V1 : V2 = T1 : T2 (76)

For simplifying analysis, the magnetizing current of the transformer is neglected.


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Electrical Machines I Prof. Krishna Vasudevan, Prof. G. Sridhara Rao, Prof. P. Sasidhara Rao

When the secondary winding delivers a load current of I2 ampere the demagnetizing ampere
turns is I2 T2 . This will be countered by a current I1 flowing from the source through the
T1 turns such that,
I1 T1 = I2 T2 (77)

A current of I1 ampere flows through the winding between B and C . The current
in the winding between A and B is (I2 − I1 ) ampere. The cross section of the wire to be
selected for AB is proportional to this current assuming a constant current density for the
whole winding. Thus some amount of material saving can be achieved compared to a two
winding transformer. The magnetic circuit is assumed to be identical and hence there is
no saving in the same. To quantify the saving the total quantity of copper used in an auto
transformer is expressed as a fraction of that used in a two winding transformer as,

copper in auto transf ormer (T1 − T2 )I1 + T2 (I2 − I1 )

= (78)
copper in two winding transf ormer T1 I1 + T2 I2
2T2 I1
= 1−
T1 I1 + T2 I2
But T1 I1 = T2 I2 (79)
2T2 I1 T2
∴ The Ratio = 1− =1− (80)
2T1 I1 T1

This means that an auto transformer requires the use of lesser quantity of copper
given by the ratio of turns. This ratio therefore denotes the savings in copper. As the
space for the second winding need not be there, the window space can be less for an auto
transformer, giving some saving in the lamination weight also. The larger the ratio of the
voltages, smaller is the savings. As T2 approaches T1 the savings become significant. Thus
auto transformers become ideal choice for close ratio transformations. The savings in mate-
rial is obtained, however, at a price. The electrical isolation between primary and secondary


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Electrical Machines I Prof. Krishna Vasudevan, Prof. G. Sridhara Rao, Prof. P. Sasidhara Rao

I1+I2 I1 I2

I2 V2

V1+V2 ZL

I1+I2 I1


Figure 29: Two Winding Transformer used as auto transformer

has to be sacrificed.

If we are not looking at the savings in the material, even then going in for the auto
transformer type of connection can be used with advantage, to obtain higher output. This
can be illustrated as follows. Fig. 29 shows a regular two winding transformer of a voltage
ratio V1 : V2 , the volt ampere rating being V1 I1 = V2 I2 = S. If now the primary is connected
across a supply of V1 volt and the secondary is connected in series addition manner with the
primary winding, the output voltage becomes (V1 + V2 ) volt. The new output of this auto
transformer will now be
V1 V1
I2 (V1 + V2 ) = I2 V2 (1 + ) = S(1 + ) (81)
V2 V2
= V1 (I1 + I2 ) = S(1 + ) (82)


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Electrical Machines I Prof. Krishna Vasudevan, Prof. G. Sridhara Rao, Prof. P. Sasidhara Rao

Thus an increased rating can be obtained compared to a two winding transformer

with the same material content. The windings can be connected in series opposition fashion
also. Then the new output rating will be

V1 V1
I2 (V1 − V2 ) = I2 V2 ( − 1) = S( − 1) (83)
V2 V2

The differential connection is not used as it is not advantageous as the cumulative


11.1 Equivalent circuit


r1,xl1 I1 I2


r2,xl2 V2
(I2 -I1)

I1 I2

Figure 30: Kirchoff’s Law Application to auto transformer

As mentioned earlier the magnetizing current can be neglected, for simplicity. Writing


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Electrical Machines I Prof. Krishna Vasudevan, Prof. G. Sridhara Rao, Prof. P. Sasidhara Rao

the Kirchoff’s equation to the primary and secondary of Fig. 30 we have

V1 = E1 + I1 (r1 + jxl1 ) − (I2 − I1 )(r2 + jxl2 ) (84)

Note that the resistance r1 and leakage reactance xl1 refer to that part of the winding where
only the primary current flows. Similarly on the load side we have,

E2 = V2 + (I2 − I1 )(r2 + jxl2 ) (85)

The voltage ratio V1 : V2 = E1 : E2 = T1 : T2 = a where T1 is the total turns of the

Then E1 = aE2 and I2 = aI1
multiplying equation(84) by ’a’ and substituting in (83) we have

V1 = aV2 + a(I2 − I1 )(r2 + jxl2 ) + I1 (r1 + jxl1 ) − (I2 − I1 )(r2 + jxl2 )

= aV2 + I1 (r1 + jxl1 + r2 + jxl2 − ar2 − ajxl 2) + I2 (ar2 + jaxl2 − r2 − jxl2 )

= aV2 + I1 (r1 + jxl1 + r2 + jxl2 + a2 r2 + ja2 xl2 − ar2 − ajxl2 − ar2 − jaxl2 )

= aV2 + I1 (r1 + r2 (1 + a2 − 2a) + jxl1 + xl2 (1 + a2 − 2a))

= aV2 + I1 (r1 + (a − 1)2 r2 + jxl1 + (a − 1)2 xl2 ) (86)

Equation (85) yields the equivalent circuit of Fig. 31 where Re = r1 + (a − 1)2 r2 and
Xe = xl1 + (a − 1)2 xl2 .

The magnetization branch can now be hung across the mains for completeness. The
above equivalent circuit can now be compared with the approximate equivalent circuit of
a two winding case Re = r1 + a2 r2 and Xe = xl1 + a2 xl2 . Thus in the case of an auto
transformer total value of the short circuit impedance is lower and so also the percentage
resistance and reactance. Thus the full load regulation is lower. Having a smaller value
of short circuit impedance is sometimes considered to be a disadvantage. That is because


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Electrical Machines I Prof. Krishna Vasudevan, Prof. G. Sridhara Rao, Prof. P. Sasidhara Rao

Re jXe Xl=xl1+(a-1)2xl2

Ic Im
V1 Rc jXm V’2=aV1

Figure 31: Equivalent Circuit of auto transformers

the short circuit currents become very large in those cases. The efficiency is higher in auto
transformers compared to their two winding counter part at the same load. The phasor
diagram of operation for the auto transformer drawing a load current at a lagging power
factor angle of θ2 is shown in Fig. 32. The magnetizing current is omitted here again for

From the foregoing study it is seen that there are several advantages in going in for the
autotransformer type of arrangement. The voltage/current transformation and impedance
conversion aspects of a two winding transformer are retained but with lesser material (and
hence lesser weight) used. The losses are reduced increasing the efficiency. Reactance is
reduced resulting in better regulation characteristics. All these benefits are enhanced as
the voltage ratio approaches unity. The price that is required to be paid is loss of electri-
cal isolation and a larger short circuit current (and larger short circuit forces on the winding).


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Electrical Machines I Prof. Krishna Vasudevan, Prof. G. Sridhara Rao, Prof. P. Sasidhara Rao

I1x1 (I2-I1)r2

E2 (I2-I1)x2



Figure 32: Phasor Diagram of Operation of an autotransformer


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Electrical Machines I Prof. Krishna Vasudevan, Prof. G. Sridhara Rao, Prof. P. Sasidhara Rao

Auto transformers are used in applications where electrical isolation is not a critical
requirement. When the ratio V2 : V1 is 0.3 or more they are used with advantage. The
normal applications are motor starters, boosters or static balancers.


a.c output

V in

M oving contact

Figure 33: Variable Secondary Voltage Arrangement

Another wide spread application of auto transformer type of arrangement is in ob-

taining a variable a.c. voltage from a fixed a.c. voltage supply. Here only one winding is used
as in the auto transformer. The secondary voltage is tapped by a brush whose position and
hence the output voltage is variable. The primary conductor is bared to facilitate electrical
contact Fig. 33. Such arrangement cannot exploit the savings in the copper as the output
voltage is required right from zero volts upwards.

The conductor is selected based on the maximum secondary current that could be
drawn as the output voltage varies in practically continuous manner. These are used in


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Electrical Machines I Prof. Krishna Vasudevan, Prof. G. Sridhara Rao, Prof. P. Sasidhara Rao

voltage stabilizers, variable d.c. arrangements (with a diode bridge) in laboratories, motor
starters, dimmers etc.


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

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